OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDI1NGS OF THE CONVENTION REVISION AND AMENDMENT OF TH] CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. BY AUTHORITY. NEW ORLEANS: W. R. FISH, PRINTER TO THE CONVENTfON 1864. FOR THE w WI: 4 a JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION 0 REVISION AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. WVEDNEsnxY. April 6th, 1864. 28th of the same month of March, for the choice of delegates to a Constitutional Con The Convention met in Liberty Hall, New vention to be elected for the revision and Orleans, at 12 M., in pursuance of para- amendment of the Constitution of the State graph XI of General Orders No. 35, of of Louisiana, ajor General. P. Banks the command- The undersigned, did, this day, examine jor G e ne r a l.. ian, the returns received of the votes given at ing general of the department, as follows: ~ the elections of the 28th of March last, and XI. The delegates duly elected to the found the following named delegates obConvention shall meet at Liberty Hall. Ex- taied, in the following parishes, the greatecutive Building, in the city of New (*leans, est number of votes, so far as received up at 12 o'clock m., on Wednesday, the 6th dlay to this date, to-wit: of April, 1864. LEANS. ORLEANS. At fifteen minutes past 12' o'clock, T. B. First -Represeotative District-Joseph GorThorpe, a lnember of the Convention, called linski, R. B. Bell, Geo. F. Brott, W. T. it to order. Stocker, John Stumpf, J. B. Schroeder, E. J. R. Terry nominated Alfred Shaw as Murphy. president. Carried unanim Second Pepresentative District-Terrance temporary president. Carried unanimously. Cook. Joseph H.- Wilson, John Henderson, W. R. Fish nominated Alfred C. Hills as 1Jr. J. H. Stiner, M. W. Murphy, P. K. temporary secretary. Carried unanimously. O'Conner, Alfred C. Hills, T. B. Thorpe, J. In response to the unanimous invita J Healy, Geo. A. Fosdick, W. H. Hire. TIhird Representative District-John W. tion of the Convention, Rev. Dr. Newman Thomas, James Fuller, John Sullivan, J. R. offered prayer. Terry. O. W. Austin, John Foley, George The following communications firom S. Howes, H. W. Waters, P. Harnan. Wrotnowski, secretary of state, were then Fourth Representative District- Alfred Shaw, R. King Cutler, Judge E. H. Durell, rsacl: I ~~~~~E. J Wenck, Louis Gastinel. STATE OF LOUISIANA, i Ffth Representative District-Edmund Office of the Secretary of State. i Abell, John Buckley, Jr., Xavier Maurer, In conformity to General Orders No. 35, J. P. Montamat, A. MIendiverri. under (late of the 11th of March last, of Maj. Sixth Representative District-J. V. Bofill. Gen. N. P. Banks, commanding the Depart- F. M. Crozat, Dr. F. M. Bonzano, Adolphe nhent of the Gulf, and to the proclamation Bailey. of his excellency, Michael Hahn, governor Seventh Representative District-Judge R. of this State, bearing date of the 16th of K. Howell, J. G. Balpm, M.D. Kavanagh, said month, for an election to be held on the H. Millspaugh. 0. FOR THE 7 NTION FOR THE REVISION .ighm Representative District-J. A. Spel- 1864, and of the independence of the United licy, O. H. Poynot, J. K. Cook. States of America the eighty-eighth. Ninth Representative District-H. Maas, [Signed] S. WVROTNOWSKI, E. Goldman, Edward Hart. Secretary of State. Tenth Representative District-John Pur- O ICE SECRETARY OF STATE, cell, C. W. Stauffer, W. R. Fish, Benj. Camp- STATE OF LOUISTAE, bell, T. Barrett, Geo. W. Geier, R. S. Abbott, New Orleans, April 6th, 1864.) James Duane, Edmund Flood, J. L. Davies.' h the Right Bank of Mississippi (Algiers) —J. the honorable president of the Constita H. Flagg, W. H. Seymour. tional Convention of Louisiana: R. Flagg, W. H. Seymour. SiR —Permit me to send you and leave to ASCENSION. your disposition the two herewith accom Robert J. Duke, Emile Collin and J. E. panying books: Richard obtained, each, 61. Election con- "The Rules and Orders of the House of tested. Representatives," and "The Legislative ASSUMPTION. Guide," belonging to the State Library Joseph Dupaty, James Ennis, E. J. Pin- and believe me, very respectfully, your obe tado. dient servant, BATON ROUGE (EAST). [Signed] S. WROTNOWSKI. W. D. Mann, P. A. Kugler, H. J. Heard. Accompanying these communications Accompanying these communications Sid BATON ROUGE (wEST). were the manual referred to and the ori Sidney A. Lobdell. -CONCORD A. ~ ginal election returns. CONCOm)IA. Robert W. Taliaferro. The roll was then called by the secretary, Robert W. Taliaferro. FELICIANA (EAST). when the following delegates-eighty-two Jansin T. Paine, Martin Schnurr. in number-answered to their names: JEFFERSON. Joseph Gorlinski, John Stumpf, R. B. Bell, Robert Morris, Samuel Pursell, Christian J. B. Schroeder, Geo. F. Brott, E. Murphy, Roselius, John Payne. W. T. Stocker, Terrance Cook, Alfred C. LAFOURCHE. Hills, Joseph H. Wilson, T. B. Thorpe, J. B. Bromley, E. H. Knobloch, C. H. L. John Henderson, Jr., J J Healy, J. H. Gruneberg. Stiner, George A. Fosdick, M. W. Murphy, MADISON. W. H. Hire, P. K. O'Conner, John W R. V. Montague. Thomas, John Foley. James Fuller, George PLAQUEMNINES. Howes, John Sullivan, H. W. Waters, J. R. Lewis Lombard, Thos. J. Decker. Elec- Terry, P. Harnan, 0. W. Austin, Alfred tion contested. Votes supposed to be 246 Shaw, E. J. Wenck, R. King Cutler Louis Not entirely returned. Gastinel, E. H. Durell, Edmund Abell, J. P. ST. Benyrned Montamat, John Buckley, Jr., A. Mendi ST. BERNARD.I Thomas Ong. verri, Xavier Maurer, J. V. Bofill, Dr. M. F. ThomasAOng. Bonzano, F. M. Crozat, Adolphe Bailey. R. ST. BeJaMis. K. Howell, M. D, Kavanagh, J. G. Baium, H. H. Beauvais. T.ASMillspaugh, J. A. Spellicy, J. K. Cook, O. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST. H. Poynot, H. Maas, Edward Hart, E. Young Burke. Goldman, John Purcell, Geo. W. Geier, C. ST. MARY. W. Stauffer, W. R. Fish, James Duane, Charles Smith. Benjamin Campbell, Edmund Flood, J. L. TERREBONSN,E. Davies, J. T. Barrett, J. IH. Flagg, W. H. R. W. Bennie, Adolphe Gaidry. Seymour, Joseph Dupaty, James Ennis, H. Total number of Delegates-Orleans. 63 J. Heard, P. A. Kugler, Martin Schn'irr, Ro Country Parishes 27 bert Morris, Samuel Pursell, Christian Rose lius, John Payne, J. B. Bromley, E. H. 90 Knobloch, C. H. L. Gruneberg, Lewis Total number of votes as far as re- Lombard, Thomas J. Decker, Thomas Ong, ceived up to the 5th April, 1864, at R. Beauvais, Young Burke, Charles Smith ceived up to the 5th April, 1864, atR.WBeneAdlhGady 2 o'clock, P. M....................6184 H r. B-aennie, Adorphe Gaidry. And, therefore, the undersigned has the Mr Montamat moved to refer the comhonor to transmit herewith to the honora- munication of the secretary of state, conble the president and members of the Con- taining a list of the delegates elect, to a vention the following statement, together committee of five. Carried. with all the original returns from the par ishes of this State.. The chair named Messrs. Thomas, Samuel ishes of this State.~ Signed under his hand, at New Orleans, Pursell, R. W. Bennie, C. H. L. Gruneberg the 6th day of April, in the year of our Lord and George F. Brott, as said committee. Eighth Bepresentative District-J. A. Spellicy, 0. H. f'oynot, J. K. Cook. Niizth Bepresentative District-H. Afait,,,, E. Goldman, Edward Hart. Tenth Bepresm&tive, District-John-Piircell, C. W. Stauffer, W. R. Fish, Bej. Ca.pbell, T. Barrett, Geo. W. Geier, R. S. Abbott, James Duane, Edmund Flood, J. L. Davies. Bight Bank of Mississippi (Algiers) —J. R. Flagg, W. H. Seymour. I I AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. The chair subsequently stated that in appointing the committee he had overlooked the fact that Mr. Montamat had made the motion for the appointment of the committee. If there was no objection he would add the name of Mr. Montamat as chairman of the committee. No objection being made, the name of Mr. Montamat was accordingly added. c Mr. Fish moved that a committee of three be appointed to report rules and regulations for the government of the Convention, and also to report what officers are necessary to carry on the business of the Convention. The motion was put to vote and declared lost. A division of the House was then called for, pending which R. K. Howell called for a division on the question, whereupon Mr. Fish withdrew the last proposition contained in the motion. A division was then taken on the first part of the motion, namely, to appoint a committee to report rules and regulations, when it appeared that 30 voted for and 41 against the motion, when it was declared to be lost. Mr. Terry moved that the membel, bf the Convention proceed to draw for seats. Mr. Stocker moved to lay the motion on the table. Carried. Mr. Harnan offered the following: Resolved, That all motions and resolutions be put in writing. On motion, the resolution was laid on the table. On motion of Mr. Thomas, the Convention then adjourned until Thursday at 12 o'clock. Mr. Montamat, from the Committee on ]redentials, submitted the following report: 'o the honorable the chairman and members of the Constitutional Convention: The undersigned Committee on Credenials beg leave to submit the following re)ort. Having examined the returns of election rom the parishes hereinafter named, your 'ommittee find that the following named gentlemen were duly elected: ORLEANS. First Representative District-Joseph Gor tocker, John Stumpf, J. B. Schroeder, E. Murphy. Sevond Representative District-Terrance Cook, Joseph H. Wilson, John Henderson, Jr., J. H. Stiner, M. W. Murphy, P. K. O'Coner, Alfred C. H ll,. Hills T. B. Thorpe, J. J. Mtealy, Geo. A. Fosdick, W. H. Hire. Third Representative District-John W. thomas, James Fuller, John Sullivan, J. R. terry, 0. W. Austin, John Foley, George Howes. H. W. Waters, P. Harnan. Foourth Representative District-Alfred Shaw, R. King Cutler, Judge E. H. Durell, E. J. Wenck, Louis Gastinel. Fifth Representative District-Edmund Abel\, John Buckley, Jr., Xavier Maurer, J. P. Montamat, A. Mendiverri. Sixt h Representative District-J. V. Bofill, FM. Crozat. D. M. F. K eBonzano, Adolphe Bailey. Seventh Representative District —Judge R. Ke. aHowell, J. G. Baum, M.D. Kavanagh, H. Millspau g h. Eighth Representative District-J. A. Spellicy, O. H5. Poynot, J. K. Cook. Ninth Representative District-H. Maas, E. Goldman, Edward Hart. Tenth Representative District-John Purcell, C. W. Stauffer, W. R. Fish, Benj. Campbell, J. T. Barrett, Geo. W. Geier, R. S. Abbott, James Duane, Edmund Flood, J. L. Davies. Right Bank of Mississippi (Algiers)-J. H. Flagg, W. H. Seymour. ASSUMPTION. Joseph Dupaty, James Ennis, E. J. Pintado. AVOYELLES. L. P. Normand, H. C. Edwards. BATON ROUGE (EAST.) W. D. Mann, P. A. Kugler, H. J. Heard. BATON ROUGE (WEST.) Sidney A. Lobdell. CONCORDIA. Robert W. Taliaferro. FELICIANA (EAST.) Jansen T. Paine, Martin Schnurr. JEFFERSON. Robert Morris, Samuel Pursell, Christian Roselius, John Payne. THURSDAY, April 7th, 1864. The Convention met at 12 o'clock, M., Alfred Shaw, president pro tern., in the chair. The roll was called and a quorum was found to be present. Prayer was offered by Rev. J. W. Horton. The minutes of the first day's pro ceeding s were read and approved. 5 . ALFRED C. HiLis, Secreta,ry pro tem. 6 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION Mr. Cazabat moved to adjourn until Monday next at 12 o'clock. The yeas and nays were called for, when 7 voted for the motion and 76 against it, whereupon it was declared to be lost. The question recurring on motion to adopt the report, Mr. Terry offered the following amendment: LAFOURCHE. J. B. Bromley, E. H. Knobloch, C. H. L. Gruneberg. R. V. Montague. RAPIDES. M. R. Ariail, A. Cazabat, J. A. Newell Thos. M. Wells. ST. BERNARD. Thos. Ong. ST. JAMES. R. Beauvais. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST. Young Burke. ST. MARY. Charles Smith. TERREBONNE. R. W. Bennie, Adolphe Gaidry. Your committee find that in the parish of Ascension, Robert J. Duke received the highest number of votes, and was duly elected. That Emile Collin and J. E. Richard each received an equal number of votes and consequently neither of them was elected. Your committee have thought proper, un der such circumstances, to recommend that another election be ordered in said parish of one delegate. Upon investigating the returns from the parish of Plaquemines, it appears that the sheriff thereof was guilty of the following acts of negligence, which, in the opinion of your committee, renders the election in that parish null and void: First-He did not appoint dtputies, or cause the polls to be opened at all the various precincts in that parish. Second-He did not cause any return to be made of the result of the poll at Fort Jackson. Third —He has made no official return whatever of the election in that parish. Your committee would recommend that another election be ordered in that parish. All of which is respectfully submitted, JOHN MONTAMAT. Chairman. It was moved and seconded that the report be adopted, pending which motion Messrs. Lombard and Decker addressed the Convention relative to their respective claims. Mr. Terry moved as an amendment that a committee of five be appointed to investigate the claims of the delegates from Plaquemines. / It was moved to lay the amendment on the table, which was carried on a division of the House by a vote of 49 in the affirmative and 16 in the negative. Resolved, That the report of Committee on Credentials be adopted, with exception of that portion which refers to the disputed seats, be laid on the table, and the House proceed to business. On motion of Mr. Stocker the amendment was laid on the table. The report of the committee was then adopted. Mr. Bell moved to proceed to a permanent L organization of the Convention. Mr. Thomas moved as a substitute that a committee of five be appointed to report what officers are necessary to transact the business of the Convention. Lost. Mr. Montamat offered as a substitute a resolution that the Convention proceed to a permanent organization as to president, se cret ary, sergeant-at-arms, door-keeper and messenger. Mr. Montamat's substitute was adopted. Mr. Henderson moved to vote for presi dent by ballot. Mr. Montamat moved to lay the motion on the table. Carried by 65 against 24. Mr. Abell moved to admit Messrs. Balch and Dufresne as delegates from the parish of Iberville. Mr. Wilson moved as an amendment that the matter be referred to the Committee on Credentials. Lost. The motion to admit the gentlemen was then adopted, and Mes srs. Balch and Dllifresne were declared to be members of the Convention. The Convention then proceeded to an election for president, when the following gentlemen were nominated: R. K. Howell. E. H. Durell, M. F. Bonzano, Christian Roselius, T. B. Thorpe, J. R. Terry and Alfred Shaw. Messrs. Shaw and Terry declined to be candidates. The Convention then proceeded to vote MADISON. I AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. iana and the Federal Union dissolved;" you, gentlemen, have been chosen, the elect of the loyal people of Louisiana, to undof that work'of folly and of crime; to restore the State to its former legitimate position in the Union; to replace it under the protect ing folds of that flag which, everywhere, up on the land and upon the seas, has been ever hailed as the symbol of liberty and equal rights. Gentlemen-You are all familiar with the rise and progress of the grand drama which is being enacted in these dayspon this con tinent, and of which we also are a part. With this knowledge, you will accept the pro gress of ideas; you will accept the changes which great convulsions in the opinions and in the societies of men make a necessity; you will willingly exchange a dead past for a living future. Gentlemen The first, chief cause of the present rebellion is patent to you all; you M have been called together, invested with the plenary powers which, under our insti tutions, belong to an organic political body, not only for the purpose of restoring the State to the Union, but also for the equal purpose of removing that fatal cause of strife and rebellion from Louisiana forever. You will, I know, perform those and the many, other duties confided to your charge boldly, with decision; looking only to the prosper ity and happiness of your State, and of our common country. I Mr. Bell moved to elect a secretary by ballot. Mr. Montamat moved to lay the motion on the table. Carried. The Convention then proceeded to the election of a secretary, when the following gentlemen were nominated: Messrs. Neelis, McClellan, Girard, White, Reynolds, Holl a n d, Derickson and M ur phy. The vote being taken by roll-call, Neelis received 44, Derickson 10, McClellan 8, Holland 6, White 6, Girard 4, Murphy 2. Mr. Neelis having a majority of the votes was declared to be duly elected. Messrs. Henderson, Thorpe and Campbell were appointed a committee to escort Mr. N lis to his seat. A motion was made to ballot for sergeantat-arms. This was laid on the table, and the following gentlemen were nominated: T. F. McGuire, C. Baumlbach, Thos. K. Flanigan, M. DeCoursey.- The roll was called, but there was no choice. Mr. Flanigan then withdrew, and the roll was again called, but with the same result. The secretary by roll-call, when R. K. Howell received 25 votes, E. H. Durell 35 votes, M. F. Bonzano 15, Christian Roselius 7, a nd T. B. Thorp e 1. There b eing no election, the names of Messrs. Bonzano, Roselius and Th orpe were withdrawn, when the Convention proceeded to a sec ond v ote, which result ed as follows: For E. H. Durell 43, namely: Messrs. Gorlinski, Bell, Brott, Stumpf, M u rphy E., Cook, Murphy M. W., Stiner, O'C onner, Thorpe, He aly, Hire, Thomas, Fuller, Sullivan, Terry, Waters, Shaw, Bofill, Crozat i e, Ba iey, Howel, Maas, Goldman, Hart, John Purcell, Stauffer, Fish, Campb ell, Barrett, Geier, Duane, Davies, Flagg Seymour, Sc hnurr, Roselius, Payne, Knobloch, Gruneberg, Smith, Bennie, Gaidry-43. For R. K. Howell 41, namely: Messrs. Stocker, Schroeder, Wilson, Henderson, Fosdick, A ust in, Foley, Harnan, Cutler, Durello Gastinel, Wenok, Abell, Buckley, Maur e r, Montamat, Mendiverri, Bonzano, Baum, Millspaugh, Kavanagh, Spellicy, Poynot, Cook. Flood, Dupaty, Ennis, Kugler, Heard, Morris, Samuel Pursell, Ong, Beauvais, Burke, Normand, Edwards, Cazabat; Newell, Balch, Dufresne, Hills-41. Mr. Thorpe moved that the election of Mr. Durell be declared unanimous. Carried. On motion, Messrs' H owell, Roseliui and Bonzano were appointed a committee to escort Mr. Durell to the chair. On taking his seat, the president addressed the Convention as follows: Gentlemen of the Convention —I thank you heartily for the honor you have conferred upon me in making me your president; and I thank you still more heartily for this proof of your confidence in my abilities and my patriotism. When, in presiding over your deliberations, I may show weakness, I know that you will give me of your strength; and that I shall not be disappointed in my expectation of finding with you that courtesy which is the best aid to an efficient business in every legislative body. Gentlemen-In this time of great trouble, in this supreme hour of our country's battle for its life, you have been entrusted by your fellow-citizens with duties commensurate with those of the soldier in the field; you have been called upon to finish the labor which he, necessarily, leaves incomplete. Gentlemen —On the 26th day of January, 1861, a few ambitious and bad men assembled in Convention, and, representing a minority of the people of the State, declared " the connection between the State of Louis 7 8 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION read the names again, and the following vote The chair appointed Messrs. Wilson, Mor was cast: DeCoursey 41; Baumbach 36; ris and Roselius. A motion was mad&- to McGuire 1. Mr. DeCourseywas accordingly add the name of Col. T. B. Thorpe. Col. declared elected sergeant-at-arms. Thorpe begged to be excused, and the cornm It was moved by Mr. Brott that the corn- mittee stood as first appointed. mittee appointed to wait on the secretary, Mr. J. W. Thomas moved that the Con also wait upon the sergeant-at-arms, and in- vention proceed to take up the unfinished form him of his election. The motion was business of the previous day, and to complete carried unanimously. its organization by the election of a door On motion, the Convention adjourned un- keeper and messenger. til Friday at 12 o'clock M.i Mr. Cazabat moved as an amendment that ALFRED C. HILLS,' the officers not already elected be appointed Secretary pro tem. by the chair. Mr. Wilson offered a substitute, authoriz FRIDAY, April 8th. 1864. ing the sergeant-at-arms to appoint his as At a quarter past 12 o'clock, the president sistants, including a door-keeper and mes called the Convention to order, and stated senger. that the proceedings would be opened with Mr. Montamat obtained the floor, and prayer by the Rev. Mr. Bass. oee ltstated that he thought all these motions out Ater the prayer by the Rev. Mr. Bass. of order, and moved that the Convention After the prayer by the Rev. Mr. Bass, p(ce oeetado-epr the secretary proceeded to cal the roll, and proceed to elect a door-keeper. it appeared that 78 members were present. Another motion was made that the presi The chair announced a quorum present, and dent appoint a door-keeper. that the Convention was ready to proceed Nominations for door-keeper were de ~to business. d~~clared in order, and the following nomina Mr. Hills, the former secretary pro tern., tions were made: Mr. Cr6zat nominated Mr. stated that he had been requested to read A. Martin, Mr. Harnan nominated Mr. Mal the minutes of yesterday's proceedings; lory, Mr. Duane nominated Mr. McCarty, Mr. which were accordingly read and adopted. Healy nominated Mr. Coyle, Mr. Purcell Mr. Harnan offered the following pream- nominated Mr. Baumbach, Mr. Stauffer nomble and resolution: inated Mr. Piersell, Mr. Shaw nominated Whereas, We are informed, upon what Mr. Frieny, Dr. Gruneberg nominated F. X. appears to be good authority, that already Martin, Mr. Terry nominated Mr. Sullivan, two members of this Convention have been Mr. Cook nominated Mr. Miller, Mr. Maurer assaulted, one for performing his duties as a member of this Convention; therefore nominated Mr. Ernst. Resolved, That said persons be reported Upon calling the roll it appeared that to the proper authorities for proper punish- i Mr. Mallory received 3 votes, Mr. Piersell meat. Inofferingtheresoi. H received 4 votes, Mr. McCarty 4 votes, Mr. In oerg the resolution, Mr Harnan Coyle 15, Mr. Baumbach 29, Mr. Frieny 3, stated that himself and one other member of Mr Sullivan 6, M r. M ier 1, Mr. Ernst the Convention had been violently assaulted on account of their official action in the No candidate having received a majority Convention, and he thought the matter of all the votes cast, there was no election. should be taken up by the Convention. Mr. Baum moved that all except the three A motion was made to lay the resolution. highest candidates on the list be withdrawn. on the table, and lost. The motion was carried. Upon the sec Mr. Bell moved that a committee of three ond vote Mr. Baumbach received 45 votes, be appointed by the chair to investigate Mr. A. Martin 14, and Mr. Coyle 22. Mr. the matter complained of. Upon putting the Baumbach was elected. question to a vote the president declared Mr. Montamat moved that the election the motion carried. of Mr. Baumbach be declared unanimous. A division was called for, and the decision The motion was carried. of the chair sustained —-48 yeas, 30 nays. Nominations for messenger being next in CONSTITUTION OF LOtJISIANA. 9 c, ber of this Convention be-viz: That he be a legally qualified voter of the State, who ', has subscribed to the oath of the presir. dent's proclamation of the 8th of Decem- ber, 1863; that each and every member i- produce the same to the secretary by 12 m., on the 9th day of April, 1864, orbe required to take the same before the presidentof this r t Convention. r A motion was made to lay the resolution i, I on the table. o The ayes and nays were called and the o motion was lost: - AYvs —Messrs. Gorlinski, Brott, Stocker, e Stumpf, Thomas, Fuller, Sullivan, Austin, Waters, Cutler, Abell Bailey, Howell, Kav anagh, Spellicy, PoyAlot, Hart, Flagg, Sey mour, Mann, Heard, Roselius, Gaidry, v. Balch, Dufresne, Bonzano-26. NAYs-Messrs. Bell, Schroeder, Murphy E., Cook T., Henderson, Wilson, Stiner, Mur f phy, O'Conner, Hills, Thorpe, Healy, Fos f dick, Hire, Terry, Foley, Harnan, Shaw, - Buckley, Maurer, Montamat, Mendiverri, Bofill, Crozat, Baum, Millspaugh, Cook J. K., f Maas, Goldman, Stauffer, Fish, Campbell, Barrett, Geier, Duane, Flood, Davies, Du paty, Ennis, Normand, Edwards, Kugler, - Schnurr, Morris, Purcell, Cazabat, Payne, Bromley, Knobloch, Newell, Ong, Smith, Bennie-53. r Mr. Thomas moved, as an amendment, e that the president of the Convention admin ister tbe "iron-clad" oath to each and all the members of this Convention. A motion to lay this amendment'on the table was lost. s Mr. Cazabat offered as a substitute, that each and every member of the Convention - do now rise in his seat, raise his right hand, and in the presence of Almighty God and this Convention, while the president admint isters to them the oath prescribed by the president's proclamation of December 8th, 1863. Mr. Cazabat's motion was lost. A motion to lay Mr. Thomas's - amend ment on the table, was then made and car ried. A motion was again made to lay the origi nal motion of Mr. Terry on the table, and lost. . Another motion to adjourn was lost. A motion was made that the secretary etake down the dates of the "iron-clad" of each member and read them to the Conven tion. Lost, 'A motion to adjourn was lost. tion: Resolved,kThat the statius of every mem 2 10 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION The question then recurring upon the Resolved, That the clergy of this city and original resolution, the ayes and nays were environs be invited to meet together and called for and ie following vote was the firnish a list of those willing to act as chap called for, and'i e following vote was the lains to this Convention, one of them in rotaresult: tion each day. AYEs-Messrs. Gorlinski, Bell, Stocker, A motion was then made to adjourn until Buckley, Stumpf, Schroeder, Gastinel, Mur- 12'o'clock to-morrow. Carried. phy, Cook, Wilson, Stiner, Murphy, Abell, JOH1 c E. NEELS, O'Conner, Hills, Thorpe,' Healy, Fosdick, Hire, Thomas, Austin, Foley, Harnan, Secretary. Shaw, Cutler, Wenck, Maurer, Terry, Montamat, Mendiverri, Bofill, Crozat, Baum, SATUR.Y, April 9th, 1864. Kavanagh, Millspaugh, Poynot, Spellicy, The Convention met pursuant to adjournCook, Goldman, Hart, Purcell, Stauffer, ment at 12 o'clock M., Hon. E. H. Durell Fish, Campbell, Barrett, Geier, Duane, en., Flood, Davies, Dupaty, Ennis, Norman, Ed- presiding wards, Mann, Kugler, Schnurr, Morris, Pur- After prayer by the Rev. Mr. Strong, the sell, Paine, Bromley, Gruneberg, Cazabat, roll was called, and the following members Newell, Ong, Beauvais, Burke, Gaidry, answered to teir names, viz: Smith, Bennie, Dufresne. Mr. Thomas b egg ed to be excused from voting. The Abell, Austin, Bailey, Barrett, Baum, begged to be excus ed from voting. The CBell,Bennie, Bofill, Bromley, Brott, Buckley, c hair put the questio n to the Convention, Burke, Balch, Campbell, Cook J. K., Crozat, and Mr. Thomas withdrew his request and Davies, Dufresne, Edwards, Fish, Flagg, voted aye —70. NAYS-Messrs. Brott Henderson, Fuller, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Sullivan, Waters, Bonzano Bl Howell Geier, Goldman, Gruneberg, Gaidry, HeaMaas Flagg-1nWaesBono B aley, Hoel ly, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, ',Nfas F l agg-lo. Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Kugler, Mr. Austin offered the following resolu. Maas, Mann, Maurer, Millspaugh, Montamat, tion: Montague, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. Resolved, That every member of this Con- W., Newell, Normand, Ong, Payne of Jefvention of foreign birth be required to fur- ferson, Paine of Feliciana, Poynot, Purcell nish evidence of his citizenship to the presi- J, Pursell S., Schroeder, Seymour, Shaw, dent on or before Saturday, the 9th inst.. at Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Sumpf; Stiner, ~~12 o'clock HU~.' Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, 12 o'clocr v. Waters, Wenck, Wilson, and Mr. Presi Mr. Hills rose to a point of'order. He dent-75 thought that the substance of the resolu- It appearing that there were but seventytion was embodied in the resolution of Mr. five members present, the chair directed the Terry, already adopted. sergeant-at-arms to b])ring in a member to A motion to lay on the table was carried. make a quorum. Mr. Harnan thought not. Two members entering, the chair an Mr. Hire asserted that it was not. nounced that a quorum was present. On motion, the resolution was laid on the The minutes of the previous day's protable.'ceedings were read and adopted, and the Mr. Gorlinski offered the following reso- secretary proceeded to read several commulution - Resolued- ThthsCetionl nications, one from the secretary of state, Resolved, That this Convention complete its organization by the election of the fl- accompanying the returns of the election of lowing named officers, viz: A vice-presi- the parish of Iberville, announcing the dent, an assistant secretary, postmaster, election of Messrs. Balch and Dufresne; one printer and four reporters. from R. S. Abbott, tendering his resignation On motion, the resolution was laid on as a member of the Convention; and one the table. Mr. R. B. Bell offered the follow- from Mr. Roselius, tendering his resignation ing resolution:** mi~g resolution: ~as a member of the Convention. J?esolved, That the proceedings of this Mr Foley moved the acceptance of the Convention be published each day in the True Delta, Era and Times newspapers of resignations. this city. Mr. Hills moved, as an amendment, that On motion, this resolution was tabled. the resignation of Mr. Abbott be accepted, Mr. Samuel Pursell offered the following and that Mr. Roselius be requested to assign resolution:' reasons for his resignation. I AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. zano, Bromley, Brott, Buckley,Burke, Balch. Campbell, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Cook T., Cutler, Duane, Dupaty, Dufresne, Goldman, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maurer, Millspaugh, Montague. Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Wilson-65. NAYS-Flood, Gastinel, Howell, Mann, Montamat, Morris, O'Conner, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Wenck-10. The chair declared the resolution carried. Mr. Gastinel appealed from the decision of the chair on the ground that there was not a quorum voting. The question was put to the Convention, with the following result: YEAS-Abell, Austin, Bailey, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Bonzano, Bromley, Brott, Buckley, Burke, Balch Campbell, Cazabat, Cook T., Cutler, Davies Tle ane, Dufresne, Edwards, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Fuller, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills. Hire, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Mann, Maurer, Millspaugh, Montamat, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Paine J. T., roynot,- Purcell J. Pursell S., Schroeder. Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Spellicy, Stocker; Stumpf, Sullivan, Stiner, Stauffer, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Wilson-68. NAYs-Cook J. K., Foley, Fosdick, Howell, Montague, Morris, Smith-7. The chair announced that the decision was sustained; that if there was a quorum present, members must be considered as voting blank. Mr. Foley moved a call of the roll to ascertain whether a quorum wvas present. The chair remarked that that was the proper way to decide the question. The roll was called, and it was ascertain ed that there were 75 members present. A motion was made to adjourn until Mon day. Lost. A motion to take a recess of fifteen min utes was voted down. Mr. Thomas then moved to dispatch the sergeant-at-arms to bring in absent mem bers. Afterwvaiting a short time, the roll was again called. and 81 members being found present, the resolution was again put upon its passage and carried, two more members I having entered during the callingof the yeas |and nays. The vote wae 83. The motion was c arri ed on division, by ayes 44, nays 32. Mr. Hills then moved to reconsider the motion. Mr. Hills moved to lay the amendmelnt on the table. Upon putting the question to vote, the chair was unable to decide, and directed a division with the following result: ayes 44, nays 32. The amendment was tabled. , Mr. Balch called for the ayes and nays on the main resolution. Mr. Hills moved to lay the resolution on the table. Lost. The ayes and nays were then called oIL the resolution, with the following result: 47 ayes, 27 nays. The motion was adopted. Mr. Sullivan offered the following resolu tioll: Resolved, That no person shall be eligible to any office or employment whatsoever in, the gift of this Convention but duly qualified voters of this State and of the United States; also that they shall exhibit to the president of the Conve ntion that they have complied with the president's proclamat ion of the 8th of December, 1863. A motion was made to lay the resolution on the table. The ayes and nays were called, and the resolution was tabled b y the following vote: yeas 66, nays 13. Mr. Thomas moved t o s trike out that portoe tion refe rring to messengers. A m otion was made to lay the resolution on th e table. T he m otion was carrie d on a division, by a vote of d6 yeas to 13 nays. iMr. Thomas offered the following resolution:. b Resolv ed; That this Convention proceed to elect an officer, who shall be styled the official printer of the C onvention; whose duty it shall be to print and publish the proceedings, to perform all other necessary printing for the Convention, and to be responsible for the punctual and satisfactory execution of the work. A motion to lay on the table was lost. ']'he resolution was then put on its passages, and the result was as fbllows: YEA,s —Auistin, Bailey, Barrett, Baum, Beauvals, Bell, Bennie. Edwards, Fish Flagg, Foley. Fosdick, Fuller, Geier,Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, Payne Jno., Paine J. T., Purcell Jno., Bofill, Bon 11 12 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION A, the oath prescribed by the president's proc, lamation of December 8th, 1863, had been I' complied with. After waiting to examine , the oath, the list was read, and it was an- nounced that all the members, except , Messrs. Airial, Crozat, Ennis, Lobdell, - Wenck, Wells and Pintado, had complied with the terms of the resolution. , These members were not present, several ; of them not havinag reported since the open ing of the Convention. , Mr. Stauffer called up the following reso, lution, tabled on the 8th: , Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed to draft rules and regulations for the government of this Convention, and that they report on Monday next. The resolution was adopted. The chair appointed Messrs. Stauffer, Thomas, Shaw, Heard and Bennie. Mr. Montamat offered the following reso lution: Resolved, That the governor and State officers elected on the 22d February last, and Capt. Stephen Hoyt, acting mayor of the city of New Orleans, be and are hfiereby invited to occupy a seat within the room, whenever the Convention may not be in secret session. Upon putting the question to vote, the resolution was declared adopted. Mr. Cazabat sent up a motion to recon sider the action of the Convention in regard to the resignation of Messrs. Roselius and Abbott. u Th chair decided that members must offer resolutions from their seats. Col. Thorpe moved a reconsideration of the action of the Convention in regard to the acceptance of the resignations of Messrs. Abbott and Roselius, on the ground that there was not a quorum present when the vote was taken. Judge Howell offered the following reso lutions, and moved that they be read by the secretary and made the order of the day for Monday: BResolved, That a committee of-mem bers be appointed by the president of this Convention, to whom shall be referred the subject of the immediate and permanent abolition of slavery in the State of Lonisi ana, with instructions to report, as early as practicable, an ordinance or provisions in relation thereto, to be incorporated into the constitution of this State. AYrEs-Abell, Austin. Bailey, Barett Baum, Beauvais, Bennie, Bofill, Bonzano Bromley, Brott, Buckley, Burke, Balch Campbell, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Cook T. Cutler, Davies, Duane, Dufresne, Edwards Fish, Flagg, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gasti nel. Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Gruneberg Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Hen derson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kav anagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Manu rer, Mendiverri, Millspaugh, Montamat Montague, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong Payne Jno., Paine J. T., Poynot, Purcell Jno., Pursell Sam'l, Schroeder, Schnurr Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Wilson-82. NAYs-Flood-1. The resolution was adopted. Nominations having been declared in order: Mr. Thomas nominated Mr. Fish. Mr. Main nominated Mr. Hills. Mr. Brott nominated Mr. May. Mr. Gorlinski nominated Fish and Hills. The nominations were then closed. Mr. Campbell moved to vote by ballot. A motion to lay on the table was seconded and carried. The roll was called with the following result: FoR FISH, 65-Abbott, Abell, Austin, Bailey, Barrett, Baum, Beauvaig, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Bonzano, Buckley, Burke, Campbell. Cazabat, Cook J. K., Cook T., Cutler, Davies, Duane, Edwards, Flagg, Foley, Waters, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Goldman, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hire, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Maas, Maurer, Mendiverri, Millspaugh, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner,- Ong, Payne J., Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Seymour, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas. FoR HILLS, 12-Dupaty, Dufresne, Flood, Fosdick, Harnan, Howell, Kugler, Mann, Montague, Paine J. T., Schnurr, Smith. FOR MAY, 5-Bromley. Brott, Balch, Hills, Wilson. FoR FISH AND HILLS, 2-Gorlinski, Wenck. Blank 1. Mr. Hills moved that Mr. Fish be utnanimously declared printer. The motion was carried. fr. Foley asked for information if the resolutions adopted yesterday, requiring members to show evidence of having taken AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. be referred the subject of public education, as set forth in the eighth title of said constitition, with instructions to recommend changes, alterations and amaendments, if any r they may deem proper and expedient, and report thereon as soon as possible. 11. That a committee of members be appointed by the president, to whom shall be referred the subject of the mode of revis ing the con stit ution, as set forth in the ninth title of said constitution, with instruc - tions to recommend changes, alterations a nd amendments, if any they may deem proper and expedient, and report thereon as soon as possible. 12. That a committee of members be appointed by the president, to whom shall be referred the subject of the s chedule, as set forth in the tenth title of said constitution, with instructions to recommend changes, alterations and amendments, if any they may deem proper and expedient, and report thereon as soon as possible. 13. That a committee of members be appointed by the president, to whom shall be referred the subject of the ordinance as set forth in the eleventh title of said con sti - tution, wit h instruction s to reco mmend changes, alterations and amendments, if any they may deem proper and expedient, and report thereon as soon as possible. Mr. Montamat moved to have 300 copies printed for the use of the members. Carried. A motion to lay the resolution on the table was lost. A motion to adjourn till Monday at 12 o'clock was carried. 2. That a committee of members be appointed by the president, with instructions to recommend a preamble to the constitution of this State, and report as early as possible. 3. That a committee of members be appointed by the president, to whom shall be referred the subject of the distribution of the powers of the government of the State of Louisiana, as set forth in the first title of the constitution of the State adopted in 1852, with instructions to recommend changes, alterations and amendments if any they may deem proper and expedient, and report thereon as soon as possible. 4. That a committee of members be appointed by the president, to whom shall be referred the subject of the l egislative department, as set forth in the second title ofsaid constitution, with instructions to recommend changes, alterations and amendments, if any they may deem proper and expedient, an d report t hereon as soo n as possible. 5. That a committee of members be appointed by the president, to whom shall be referred the subject of the executive dea partment, as set forth in the th ird title of said constitution with instructions to rec om - mend changes, alterations and amendments, if any they may deem proper and expedient, and report thereon as soo n as possible. 6. That a committee of members be appointed by the president, to whom shall be referred the subject of the judiciary department, as set forth in the fourth title of said constitution, with instructions to recommend changes, alterations an d amendments, if any they may deem proper an d expedi - ent, and report thereon as soon as possible. 7. That a committee of members be appointed by the president, to whom shall be referred the subject of i mpeachments, as set forth in t he fif th title of said constitution, with instructions t o recomme nd ch anges, alterations and amendments, if any they may deem proper and expedient, and report thereon as soon as possible. 8. T hat a committee of memb ers be appointed by the president, to whom shall be referred the subject or general provisions, as set forth in the sixth title of said constitution, with instructions to recommend changes, alterations and amendments, if any they may deem proper and expedient, and report thereon as soon as possible. 9. That a committee of members be appointed by the president, to whom shall be referred the subject of internal improvements, as set forth in the seventh title of said constitution, with instructions to recommend changes, alterations and amendments if any they may deem proper and expedient, and report thereon as soon as possible. 10. That a committee of~ members be appointed by the president, to whom shall fMOmNDAY, April 11th, 1864. At 12 o' cl ock th e president called the Convention to order, and the proceedings were opened with prayer by the Rev. Mr. De Ossey of the Christian Commission. The secretary called the roll and the following gentlemen answered to their names, viz: Messrs. Abell, Bailey; Barrett, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Bonzano, Bromley, Brott. Buckley, Balch, Burke. Campbell, Crozat. Davies, Dufresne, Edwards, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Millspaugh, Montamat, Montague, Morris, Murphy E.,. Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand,O'Conner, Ong, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, fStumpf,, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan. Terry, Thomas, 13 JOH.N E. NEELIS, I Secretai-y. 14 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION the question shall rise from their seats, and afterwards those in the negative. The president shall then rise and state the decision of the Convention. :V. The president shall have the right to examine and correct the journal before it is read. He shall have a general direction of the hall. He shall have a right to name any member to perform the duties of the chair, but such substitution shall not extend beyond an adjournment VL In all cases of election by the Convention the president shall vote; in other cases he shall not vote, unless the Convention be equally divided, or unless his vote. if given to the minority, will make the division equal; and in caseof such equal division, the question shall Be lost. VII. All committees shall be appointed by the president, unless otherwise especially directed by the Convention, ill which case they shall be elected by the Convention; and, if upon suich vote, the number required shall not be elected by a majority of the votes given, the Convention shall proceed to a second ballot, in which a plurality shall prevail; and in case a greater nunber than are required to compose or comlplete a committee, shall have an equal number of votes, the Convention shall take another vote. VIII. All acts, addresses, and joint resolutions shall be signed by the president; and all writs, warrants and subpoenas, issued by order of the Convention, shall be under his hand, and attested by the secretary IX. In case of any disturbance or disorderly conduct in the gallery or lobby, the president (or chairman) shall have power to order the same to be cleared. RULES OF DECORUM AND DEBATE. X. When any member is about to speak in debate or deliver any matter to the Convention, he shkall rise from his seat and respectfully address himself to 5 Mr. President.?' XLI If any member, in speaking or otherwise, transgresses the rules of the Conviition, the presi den t shall, or any member l may, call to orde r; in which case the memnber so called to order shall immediately sit down, unless permitted to explain; and the Convention shall, if appealed to, decide,on the case, but without debate. If the decision beb in favor of the member called to order, he shall be at liberty to proceed; if the decision be against him and the case require it, he shall be liable'to the censure of the Convention. XII. When two or more members happen to rise at once, the president shall name the one who is first to speak. XIII. No member shall speak more than twice on the same question, nor more than Waters, Wenck, Wilson, and M r. President-65. No quoruin being p re sent, the chair directed the sergeant-at-arms to bring in absent members. After a few minutes delay the roll was again called, and the following gentlemen answered to their names, viz: Abell, Austin, Bailey, Barrett, Bell, Bofill, Bonzano, Bromley, Brott, Buckley, Burke, Balch, Campbell, Cazabat, Crozat, Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Dufresne, Edwards, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Ktiobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, Millspaugh, Montamat, Montague, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Poynot, Purcell J., Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy,Stocker,Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Wenck, Wilson, and Mr. President-78. Mr. Stauffer, chairman of the Committee on Rules and Regulations for the Government of the Convention, then submitted the following report: The committee appointed to draft Rules of Order for this Convention, beg le'ave to submit the following as their report: Rules and Regulations of the Convention of the People-of Lozisiana. I. He shall take the chair every day at the hour to which the Convention shall have adjourned on the preceding day, and immediately call the members to order. If a quorum should be in attendance, he shall cause the journal of the preceding day to be read. II. He shall preserve order and decorum; may speak to points of order in preference to members, rising from his seat for that purpose; he shall decide questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Convention made by any two members, on which ap-, peal no member shall speak more than once, unless by leave of the Convention. III. He shall rise to put a question, but may state it while sitting. IV. Questions shall Se distinctly put in this form, to-wit: " As many of you as are of opinion that (as the question may be) say aye,"' and, after the affirmative voice is expressed-" As many as are qf contrary opinion say no." If the president doubt, or if a division be called for, the Convention shall divide; those in the affirmative of I THE DUTIES AND RIGHTS OF THE - PRESIDE'-\'T AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. no motion shall be received but to adjourn; 2d, to lie on the table; 3d, for the previous question; 4th, to postpone to a certain day; 5th, to commit; 6th, to amend; or 7th, to postpone indefinitely-which several motions shall have precedence in the order in which they are arranged, and no motion to postpone to a day certain, to commit, or to p ost pone indefinitely being decided, shall be again allowed on the same day and at the same stage of the motion or proposition. A motion to strike out the enacting words of a motion shall have precedence of a motion to amend, and, if carried, shall be considered equivalent to its rejection. XXIII. The previous question shall be put in this form:" Shall the main question now be put?" It shall only be admitted when seconded by a majority of the members present, and, when carried, its effects shall be to put an end to all debate, and to bring the Convention to a direct vote-lst, upon the pending amendment, and so on, back to the first amendment offered; 2d, upon amendments, reported upon a committee, if any; and 3d, upon the main question. On a motion for the previous question, and prior to the seconding of the same, a call of the Convention shall be in order; but after a majority shall have seconded such motion, no call shall be in order prior to a decision of the main question. On a motion for a previous question there shall be no debate. All incidental questions of order arising after a motion is made for the previous question, snd pen din g such motion, shall be decided, whether on appeal or otherwise, without debate. After a call for the previous question has been sustained by the Convention, the question shall be put and determined in order as above, without debate on either amendments or the main question. XXIV. Any member may call for a division of a question, when the same will admit of it. XXV. No new motion or proposition on a subject different from that under consideration shall be admitted under color of amendment, or as a substitute for the motion or proposition under debate. XVI. When a motion has been once made and carried in the affirmative or negative, it shall be in order for any member of the majority to move for a reconsideration thereof; provided it is made on the same day or the next sitting day, before the order of the day is taken up, And a motion for immediate reconsideiation shall supercede a notice that a reconsideration will be moved. XXVII. When the reading of a paper is called for, and the same is objected to by any member~. the Conventionshall deter an hour o n each occ a sion, without leave of the Convention, nor more th an once until e very member c hoo s ing t o speak shall hav e spoken. But the m ove r of any proposition shall havee the r ight t o open and close the debate; and in case the proposition comes fro a many committee, then the member making the report from the committee shall h ave t he r igh t t o open an d close the debate in like manner. XIV. While the presiden t is putti ng any question, or a ddressing the Hous e, no member shall walk out of oor across, the house; nor shall any one, in such case, when a membe r is speaking, entertain private disc ou rse or cross t he h all between him and the s peaker. XV. No member shall vote on-any question in the result of w hich he'has a separate and distinct interest, nor in any case when he was not within the bar of the Convention when the question was put. And when an y m emb er shall ask leave to vote, th e pr esident shall propound to him the question: Were y ou within ithe bar wh en the question was put? But when the yeas and nays are taken, and any member ask leave to vote, the president shall inquire of him whether he was within the bar when his name wasec called? XVI. Upon a division and a count of the Convention upon any question, no member without the bar shall be counted. XVII. Every member who shall be in the Convention when a question is put, shall give his vote, unless the Convention,,for reasons assigned, shall excuse him. No member shall be allowed to make any explanation of a vote he is about to give, or asked to be excused from voting, after the secretary, under order — of the Convention, shall have commenced calling the yeas and nays. XVIII. When a motion is made and se-, conded, it shall be stated by the president; or, being in writing, it shall be handed to the chair, and read aloud by the secretary, before debated. XIX. Every motion should be reduced to writing, if the president or any member desire it. XX. No person, except the commanding general of the department, the governor of any State, the heads of departments of this State, the mayor of the city, and such other persons as the Convention may see proper, shall be admitted within the bar of the Convention. XXI. After a motion is stated by the president, or read by the secretary, it shall be deemed to be in possession of the Convention, but may be withdrawn by the mover with -the consent of the member who may have seconded the proposition. XXII. When a question ix under debate, I 15 0 16 JOIURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION mine whether said paper shall be read or tions, and the motion to lie on the table, not. a shall be decided without debate. XXVIII. If a pending question be not XXXVII. No member shall absent him disposed of, owing to an adjournment of the self firom the service of the Convention un Convention, and be revived on the succeed- less he have leave or be unable from sick ing day, no member, who has spoken twice ness to attend. on the day preceding, shall be allowed to XXXVIII. No committee shall have the speak again without leave. right to appoint a clerk *ithout the consent XXIX. When motions are made for the of the Convention being first obtained, ex reference of a subject to a select standing cept the Committee on Enrollment. committee, and a standing committee, the XXXIX. It shall be in order for the Com question for the reference to a standing mittee on Enrollment to report at any time. committee shall be first put. XL. All officers appointed or elected by ORDER OF BUSINESS FOR THE DAY. the Convention shall hold them during the XXX. As soon as the journal is read and pleasure of the Convention only. the names of the members called, the presi- XLI. All ordinances before the Conven dent shall ask if there are any petitions, tion shall be taken up and acted upon in memorials, or resolutions to be presented. the order in which they are numbered, and The petitions, memorials and resolutions it shall be the duty of the secretary to num having been presented and disposed of, re- ber every ordinance in its regular order ports, first from standing and then from se- upon its first reading. lect committees, shall be called for; after XLII. No standing rule or order of the which the president shall dispose of the Convention shall be rescinded or changed messages, communications, resolutions and without one day's notice being given of the ordinances on his table, and then proceed motion thereof. Nor shall any rule be sus to call the order of the day, which shall al- pended, except by a vote of two-thirds of ways be taken up at 12 o'clock Mx. the members present. Nor shall the order XXXI. The unfinished business in which of business, as established by the rules of the Convention was engaged at the time of the Convention, be postponed or changed. the last adjournment shall have the prefer- except by a vote of at least two-thirds of ence in the orders of the day; and no mo- the members present. tion, or any other business, shall have the XLIII. After a resolution shall have been preference in the orders of the day; and no adopted by the Convention it shall be en motion, or any other business, shall be re- grossed in a fair hand, and after examina ceived without special leave of the Conven- tion and report by the Committee on En tion until the former is dispowd of. The rollment, shall be signed by the president order of the day shall be as follows: and secretary. 1. The unfinished business in which the XLIV. The proceedings of the ConvenConvention was engaged at its last adjourn- tion shall be entered on the journal as conment. cisely as possible, care being taken to de 2. Special orders of the day. tail a true and accurate account of the pro 3. Ordinances and resolutions, in the or- ceedings. der in which they have been presented to XLV. Every vote of the Convention shall the Convention. be entered on the journal with a concise XXXII. Petitions, memorials and other statement of the question; and a briefstatepapers, addressed to the Convention, shall ment of the contents of each petition, mebe presented by the president or by a raem- morial or paper presented to the Convenber in his place; a brief statement of the tion, shall be also inserted on the journal. contents thereof shall be made verbally by XLVI. In case any secretary, sergeantthe member introducing the same. at-arms or doorkeeper of the Convention XXXIII. Any ten members, after organ- fail to perform his duty, the secretary shall ization of the Convention, are authorized to make a report thereof to the Convention compel the attendance of absent members. without delay. XXXIV. Upon calls for the Convention, XLVII. The secretary shall read the and in taking the yeas and nays on any journal daily from the sheet on which the question, the names of the members shall be minutes are written; and after being so call alphabetically. read and corrected, the said minutes shall XXXV. All questions relating to the pro- be recorded in the journal, and copies, aupriety of business shall be decided without thenticated by the signature of the secredebate. tary, shall be prepared for delivery at his XXXVI. A motion to adjourn, and a ino- desk to the printer by 10 o'clock on the tion to fix the day to which the Convention day following that on which it shall have shall adjourn, shall always be in order, ex- been read. cept when the yeas and nays are being call- XLVIII. The secretary shall be responed; and when the question has just previ- sible to the Convention for the accuracy of onsly been put and negatived, these mo- the journals and for the fidelity and prompt 0 AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. execution of all work ordered by the Con- 6. A. Committee on Impeachment, to convention; he shall keep the bill book in his sist of three members. own handwriting; he shall endorse all bills, 7. A Committee on General Provisions, joint resolutions, and all documents proper to consist of seven members. to be endorsed; he shall keep in his charge 8. A Committee on Internal Improveall bills and documents in the custody of ments, to consist of five members. the Convention, and keep them in proper 9. A Committee on Public Education, to order. consist of five members. XLIX. Theduties of the sergeant-at-arms 10. A Committee on Mode of Revising shall be to attend the Convention during its the Constitution, to consist of five members. sittings, to have the charge of the chamber 11. A Committee on Schedule, to consist of the Convention, and the committees of three members. rooms, and offices belonging thereto, to 12. A Committee on Ordinances, to conkeep the same in order, and execute the sist of five members. commands ofthe Convention from time to 13. A Committee on Enrollment, to con time, together with all such process, issued sist of five members. by authority thereof, as shall be directed 14. A Committee on Printing, to consist to him by the president. of three members. L. The secretary or assistant secretary 15. A Committee on Finance, to consist shall rise and remain standing whilst read- of three members. ing any document to the Convention. C. W. STAUFFER, LLI. The assistant secretary of the Con- ~haiTman. vention shall, in the event of the absence, Mr. Montamat moved to print 300 copies resignation or death of the secretary, take charge of and attend to all the duties of his for the use of the Convention, and that the office until his successor shall be elected. report be made the order of the day for the It shall also be his duty to write with his 12th inst., at 2 o'clock. own hand the journal of the Convention, Mr. Staufer moved to amend by striking M r tauffer moved to amend by striking when not acting as secretary. LII. The duties of the doorkeeper shall out 300, and inserting 200. be to keep the door of the lobby, announce The mover accepted the amendment, and messages and perform such other duties as the motion was put to vote and carried. the president may require. Mr. Wilson then moved that the chair ap LIII. No less than one-fifth of the members present shall be entitled to call for the point another member on the committee yeas and nays on any question., appointed to inquire into the circtmstances LIV. A quorum shall consist of a ]a- of assaults on two members of the Convenjority of the members elected and admitted tion, in accordance with a resolution offered to this Convention. ton, accordance with a resolution offered LV. The officers of this-Convention shall by Mr. Harnan on the second day of the consist of a president, secretary, two as- session, in place of Mr. Roselius, resigned. sistant secretaries, and as many clerks as The motion was carried. and the chair apmay be required, an official printer, four re- pointed Mr. Shaw. porters, a doorkeeper, two messengers. a postmaster, and such other officers has the! The hour for taking up the resolutions of Convention may deem necessary from time i Mr. HowelV offered the previous day, havto time. ing arrived, the chair announced that they LVI. On any question of order or parlia- iwould now be taken up. mentary practice, when these'rules are silent or inexplicit, Jefferson's Manual, or Mr. Thomas stated that they were in subCushing's work on Parliamentary Law, shall stance embodiled in the report of the Combe considered as authority. be considered as authority. mittee on Rules and Regulations, and he The following committees shall be p would therefore move to lay them on the pointed by the chair as standing commit poitedby he -har a stndig (mlt would therefore move to lay them on the tees of this Convention: table till the 12th inst. 1. A Committee on Elections, to be com- Mr. Brott moved to amend by striking posed of five members. 2. A Committee on Preambles and Dis out "till the 12th inst." and inserting " sub 2. A Committee on Preambles and Dis- ject to call.', tribution of Powers, to consist of five mem- et all bers. The amendment ws accepted by the 3. A Committee on the Legislative De- mover. partment, to consist of seven members. The question was then put to vote. The 4. A Committee on Executive Depart chair was unable to decide the vote, and dimeait, to consist of seven members. 5. A Committee on Judiciary Depart rected a division, upon which it appeared ment, to consist of seven members. that the motion was lost —ayes 29, nays 47. 3 17 18 JOURNAL OF ThlE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION nagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Mann, Mendiverri, Millspaugh, Montamat, Montague, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Payne of Jeffersbn, Poynot Purcell J., Schnurr, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters, Wenck, Wilson-58. NAYs-Messrs. Bailey, Baum, Beauvais, Bennie, Bonzano, Brott,'Cook J. K., Davies, Dufresne, Goldman, Heard, Maas, Maurer, Morris, Ong, Pursell S., Stauffer, Thomas — 18. A motion was made to proceed to the election of an assistant secretary. A member asked if a quorum was present. The chair directed the secretary to call the roll. when the following members answered to their names, viz: Messrs. Abell, Austin, Bailey, Barrett, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Bonzano, Bromley, Brott, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Cazabat, Cook T., Crozat, Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Edwards, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Millspaugh, Montague, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Payne J., Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry. Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Wenck, Wilson. Mr. Thomas moved an adjournment until 2 o'clock to-morrow. Upon putting the question to vote, the chair was unable to decide and directed a division, upon which it appeared that the question was carried-yeas 43, nays 32. Minutes adopted. Mr. Mann moved the adoption of the resolution, but withdrew his motion to permit Judge Howell t o present a motion to fill t he blanks. Mr. Abell offered a substitute, bu t was declared out of order. Judge Howell's motion was the n presented, to fill the blank in the first resolution with the number 5, in the second with 3, 3d with 3, 4th with 5, 5th with 7, 6th with 11, 7th with 5, 8th with 13, 9th with 3, 10th with 9, 11th with 5, 12th with 5, 13th with 5. Mr. Abell stat ed t hat he had a substitute to offer for the entire resolutions of Mr. Howell. T he chair decided him out of order. fir. Harnan moved to amend the motion of Mr. Howell respect ing the filling the blanks, by striking o ut the number 9, in regard to the 10th resolution, and inserting the words " one member from each Representative District in the Parish of Orleans. and one from each of the other parishes." Mr. Shaw made a motion to take up the resolutions to fill the blanks one at a time in their order. Mr. Harnan's motion was withdrawn, and Mr. Shaw.'s put to vote and carried. Mr. Stauffer asked that the-substitute of Mr. Abell be read to the Convention. The chair decided that the substitute was not in order. Mr. Abell attempted to offer his substitute, and the chair called him to order. Mr. Stauffer appealed from the decision of the chair. The chair stated that the motion before the Convention was to fill the blanks in the resolutions offered by Mr. Howell, and that until that motion was disposed. of a substitute for the resolutions was foreign to the subject-matter of the motion before the Convention, and was therefore out of order. The question was upon sustaining the decision of the chair. TUESDAY, Apri l 12th, 1864. At 2 o'clock the Convention was called to order and the roll called, when the following gentlemen answered to their names, Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Barrett, Baum, Bell, Bofil, Bonzano, Brott, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Davies, Duane, Dufresne, Dupaty, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Hart, Heard, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas. Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, Millspaugh, Montamat, Montagne, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., OICqnner, Ong, The yeas andtinays were called, and the chair was sustained by the following vote: YExs —-Messrs. Austin, Barrett, Bell, Buckley, Burke, Balch, Cazabat, Cook T., Crozat, Duane, Dupaty, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kava I JOH-,I E. NEELIS, See,retary. AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. hour,, " in the 2d line. Carried, and the section a as amended adopted. Section XIV was adopted. Section XV was adopted. Section XVI was adopted. Section XVII was adopted. Section XVIII was adopted. Section XIX was taken up. Mr. Hills moved to strike out the word "should'? and substitute "shall" in the first line. An amendment to the amendment was moved to strike out also the word" motion" and substitute " resolution." Mr. Hills accepted the amendment, and on putting the question it was carried. Mr. Goldman moved to amend by adding the words, " and notice shall be given by the president when it is about to be offered." A-motion was made to lay this amend ment on the table. Carried. The section as amended was then adopted. Section XX was adopted. Section XXI was adopted. Section XXII was taken up. Mr. Thorpe moved to amend by striking out the words "but to adjourn" in the sec ond line. Paine, Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Wenck, Wilson, and Mr. President-75. There being no quorum, the chair dispatched the sergeant-atarms to bring in a member, which being done-' The minutes of the previous day's proceedings were read and adopted. The chair then announced that the first business in order was the disposition of the report of the Committee on Rules and Regulations, and directed the secretary to ead the report. A motion was made t hat it be read by its t i t le. Carried. Mr. Hills moved to amend the title "Rules and Regulations of the Convention of the People of Louisiana'" by striking out the words " of the People of," and substituting "for the Amendment and Revision of the Constitution of." The amendment was carried, and the title, as amended, adopted. A motion was then made to take up the report section by section. Carried. Section I was taken up and adopted. Section II was adopted. Section III was adopted., Section IV was adopted. Section V was adopted. Section VI was adopted. Section VII was taken up. Mr. Foley moved to strike out the word hbal!ort' in the fifth line, and substitute the word "vote." Carried, and the section as amended adopted. Section VIII was taken up. Mr. Hills moved to strike out the words "joint resolutions" in the first line. Carried, and the section as amended adopted. Section IX was adopted. Section X was taken up. Mr. Bell moved to amend by adding the, words "and me mbers., A motion was made and carried to lay the amendment on the table, and the sectiorn was adopted. Section XI was taken up and adopted. Section XII'was taken up an* adopted. Section XIII was taken up. Mr. Foley moved to amend by inserting the word "half' before the words "an The amendment was tabled ant the section adopted. Section XXIII was adopted. Section XXIV was adopted. A motion was made to strike out the words" when the same will admit of it." A motion to lay the amendment on the table was made. Upon putting the question to vote, the chair was unable to decide, and directed a division. The amendment was tabled-ayes 44, nays 9. Section XXV was taken up. Mr. Cazabat moved to amend by inserting the word "resolution" after the word ' motion,"' in the first line. A motion to lay the amendment on the table was carried, and the section adopted. Section XXVI was taken up. Mr. Gorlinski moved to amend by striking out the words "same day," in the fourth line. On motion, tabled. Mr. Goldman moved to amend by strik i i I 19 I 20 JOURNAL OF THE CONVETION FOR THE REVISION ing out the words "provided it is made on the same day.' On motion, t abled. The section was adopted. Section XXVII was adopted. Section XXVIII was adopted. Section XXIX was taken up. A motion was made to strike out the word "stariding," the second word in the second line. Carried. A motion was made to strike out the word "and" in the second line and substitute "or." Carried, and the section as amended was adopted. Section XXX was taken up. Mr. Cazabat moved to amend by striking out "12 o'clock m.2 and insert "1 o'clock P. M.t Mr. Goldman moved to lay the amendment on the table. Lost. Mr. Hills moved to strike out "12 o'clock" and insert "blank o'clock." A motion to amend Mr. Hills's amendment by striking out "blank o'clock" and inserting" 3 o'clock," was lost. A motion to strike out the. eighth line and the three last words of the seventh was carried, and the section as amended adopted. a A motion was made to lay the amendment on the table. Carried. Mr. Cazabat moved to amend by striking out the word "theme' in the second line, and substituting s" their offices." The motion was carried, and the section, as amended, was adopted. Section XLI was adopted. Section XLII was adopted. Section XLIII was adopted. Section XLIV was adopted. Section XLV was adopted. Section XLVI was taken up. Mr. Wilson moved to amend "the secrtary shall make a report thereof to" and insert therefor "the president shall notify." A motion to lay the amendment on the table was lost. The amendment was adopted. The section, as amended, was adopted. Section XLVII was taken up. A motion was made to amend by striking out the words " 10 o'clock" in the fifth line. ing 11 3'clock," was lost. A motion to lay the amendment on the A motion to strike out the eighth line table was carried, and the section was and the three last words of the seventh was adopted. carried, * and the section as amended Section XLVIII was taken up. ~~~~~adopted. aMr. Cazabat moved to amend by striking Section XXXI was taken up. out the word "bills" and the word "joind" A motion to amend, by striking out of in the fourth line. the third and fourth lines the words "and The amendment was carried, and the sec11o motion, or any other business, shall have tion, as amended, adopted. the preference in the order of the day," Mr. Wilson moved a reconsideration. was made. Lost. A motion to table the amendment was Section XLIX was adopted. lost. Section L was adopted. The amendment was adopted, and the Section LI was adopted. .sction as amended was adopted. Section LII was adopted. Section XXXII was adopted. Section LIII was taken up. Section XXXIII was adopted. Mr. Montamat moved to amend by strik Section XXXIV was adopted. ing out the words "no less than one-fifth" Section XXXV was adopted. in the first line, and inserting "any two." Section XXXVI was adopted. A motion was made to lay the amend Section XXXVII was adopted. I ment on the table. Section XXXVIII was taken up. ULTpon taking the vote, the chair was un A motion was made to strike it out of the able to decide, and directed a division. report. Carried. The motion to table was carried. Ayes Section XXXIX was adopted. 39, noes 33. Section XL was taken up. Mr. Montamat moved to amend by strik Mr. Goldman moved to amend. by strik- ilng out the words "no less than one-fifth' ing out the word "them" in the first line and substitute aliy number." and inserting "their places." Mr. Shaw rose to a point of order. AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. The chair decided that the amendment was in order. A motion was made to lay the amendment on the table. Carried. The section was then put on its passage and adopted. Section LIV was then taken up. A motion was made to so amend that the section shall read: "A quorum shall consist of seventy-six members." A motion was made to lav the amendment on the table. The yeas and nays were called, when the following vote was read: YEAs - Messrs. Beauvais, Bell, Brott, Burke, Cook J. K., Cook Terrance, Fish, Flagg, Fuller, Goldman, Gaidry, Heard, Henderson, Hire, Maas, Murphy M. W., O'Conner, Purcell John, Seymour, Smith, Stauffer, Terry, Wilson-23. NAYS-Abell, Ariail, Austin, Bailey, Barrett, Baum, Bofill, Bonzano, Buckley, Campbell, Cazabat, Crozat, Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Dufresne, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Grineberg, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Hills, Howell, Howes, Knobloch, Kugler, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, Millspaugh. Montamat, Montague, Morris, Murphy E., Newell, Ong, Payne J., Poynot, Pursell Samuel, Schroeder, Schnurr, Shaw, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Sullivan, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Wenck-56. Mr. Hills moved to amend the amendment by adding the words, " and when any member shall absent himself from the hall for three successive roll calls without presenting a reasonable excuse, his seat shall be declared vacant, and an election shall be ordered to fill the vacancy." A motion to lay the amendment on the table was carried. The first amendment was carried, and the Section LVI was taken up. Mr. Henderson moved to amend by striking out the words "or Cushing's work on Parliamentary Law" in the second a n d third lines, and all subsequent to-the third line. lo st. The amendment was adopted. The section as amended was adopted. A motion was made to reconsider sec tion LI. The motion was carried. A motion to amend by inserting "sergeant-at-arms" in the second line was carried, and the section, as amended, adopted. Mr. moved to reconsider section XXI. Lost. Mr. WIilson moved the adoption of the report as amended as a w hole. The motion was carried. Mr. Shaw moved to take up the resolutions of Mr. Howell. Made the order of the day. The chair announced that the resolutions, having been made the order of the day, would be taken up. i Mr. Cazabat moved a recess of five minutes. Mr. Beauvais moved to adjourn till 4 o'clock P. m. to-morrow. A motion to amend by striking out " 4," and inserting " 12 o'clock" was carried, and the Convention adjourned. Minutes adopted. WEDNESDA.Y,.srit ~ e~ The first amendment was carried, and the At twenty minutes past 12 o'clock, the section, as amended, adopted. i chair called the Convention to order, and Section LV was taken up. the proceedings were opened with prayer Mr. Montamat moved to strike out the by the Rev. J. G. Bass. words "four reporters" in the third line. The roll was called and the following and insert "one official reporter and three members answered to their names, viz assistants." Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Bailey, Bar Mr. Cazabatmoved to amend by sutbstitut- rett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bonzano, Brott, ing" two" for " four.? in the third line. Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Cazabat, Cutler. Mr. Shaw moved to lay the amendment Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, . thae talae. Carend. Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, on the table. Carried. Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Mr. Howell moved to substitute the words Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Hen"one reporter" for " four reporters." demrson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kugler, Carried, and the section, as- amended Maas, Mann, Mendiverri, Montamat, Monadopted. tague, Morris, Murphy E., Newell, Normand, I 21 A motion to table the amendment was JoB,x E. NIEFLl,,', _ Secretary. WEDNESDxy, April 13,1864. At twenty minutes ast 12 oiclock, the p 0 22 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION the same effect as if this ordinance had not been passed."' Now we, the people of the State of Louis iana, loyal to the constitution of the gov ernment of the United States, do hereby an nounce, declare and ordain, that the said pretended ordinance of secession, so passed by disloyal traitors, without the authority of the people and in violation of the Fed eral constitution, together with all other ordinances, acts and proceedings of said secessionists in said Convention, and of the pretended State government instituted un der the said ordinance of secession, are utterly null and void. Resolved, That, representing the people of the State of Louisiana, this Convention hereby declares its adherence and the ad herence of the people of the State of Louis iana to the constitution of the United States, and that we will by all our efforts sustain and uphold the government of the United States in its efforts to suppress the present unjust and most wicked rebellion. Mr. Henderson moved to lay the resolu tion on the table. Carried. Ayes 42, nays 21. Mr. Montamat offered the following reso lution, viz: Resolved, That the members of this Con vention shall severally receive from the public treasury a compensation for their services, which shall be eight dollars per day, during their attendance on, going to and returning from the sessions of this Con vention. Be itfurther resolved, That a committee of five be appointed by the chair for the purpose of fixing the compensation of the sev eral officers and employes of this Conven tion, and what appropriation is necessary to defray the expenses, and to report as early as possible. Mr. Harnan moved to amend by striking out the words fixing the compensation at eight dollars a day, and making it read "members shall serve gratuitously.?; A motion was made and carried to lay the amendment on the ta b le. Mr. Cazabat moved to lay,the original motion on the table. The motion was lost. Mr. Montamat moved the adoption of the resolution. The yeas and nays were called and the result was as follows: YEAS-MeSSrS. Abell, Austin, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Buckley, Burke, Cook J. K., Crozat, Duane, Flagg, Foley, Gastinel, Geier, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Hender O'(Conner, Ong, Payne, Pintado, Purcell, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stockeri Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Wilson, and Mr. President-70. The chair directed the sergeant-at-arms to bring in members. After waiting some ten or fifteen minutes, Messrs. Murphy, Wenck, Millspaugh, Knobloch, Kavanagh. Mendiverri and Gastinel having entered the hall, a quorum was found to be present. The minutes of the previous day's proceedings were read and adopted. The chair announced that the first business in order was receiving of petitions. No petition being presented, resolutions being next in order. J. Randall Terry offered the following resolutions, viz: Whereas, At a convention of delegates assembled in this hall on the 26th day of January, 1861, and- purporting to represent the people of this State, it was ordained and declared in the words following-that is to say: "An Ordinance to dissolve the union be tween the State of Louisiana and other States, unite d with her under th e com pact entitled' The Constitution o f t he U n ited States of America.' " W ee he peopl e of t he StFate of Louisi ana, in Uonvention a ssembled, do declare and ordain, and it is hereby declared and ordained, That the'ordinance passed by us in Convention. on the 22d day of November, in the year 1811, whereby the const itution of the United States of America and the a mendment s of the said constitution were adopted; and all laws and ordinanc es by which the State of Louisiana became a member of the Federal Union, be and the same are h ere by r epealed and abrogated; a nd that the Union no w subs isting between Louisiana and other States, under the'name of' The United States of America,' is hereb y d issolved. a We dofurther declare and ordain, That the State of Louisiana hereby resumes all rights an d pow es ers heoretofre delegated t o the government of the United States of CAmerica; that h er citizens are absolved from all allegiance to said government; and'that she is in full possession and exercise of all those rights of sovereignty which appertain to a free and independent State. "We do further declare and ordain, That all rights acquired and vested under the constitution of the United States, or any act of Congress, or treaty, or under any law of this State, and not incompatible with this ordinance, shall remain in force, and have AND AMENDMENT OF TlE C1ONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. I forth in the words and figures following, to-wit: EDUCATION OF FREEDMEN. HEADQUARTERS.DEPARTMENT OF THE GULF, | * New Orleans, March 22, 1864. General Orders No. 38. In pursuance of the provisions of General Orders No. 23, current series, for the rudimental instruction of the freedmen of this department, placing within their reach the elements of knowledge which give intelligence and greater value to labor, and reducing the provisions necessary therefor to an economical and efficient school system; It is ordered that a Board of Education, consisting of three persons, be hereby constituted, with the following duties and powers: 1st. To establish one or more Common Schools in each and every school district that has been or- may be defined by the parish provost marshals under orders of the provost marshal general. 2d. To acquire by purchase, or otherwise, tracts of land, which shall be judged by the Board necessary and suitable for school sites, in plantation districts, to be not less than one-half acre in extent; to hold the same in trust to themselves until such schools shall have been established, when they shall transfer all the right and title thereto that may have vested in them to the superintendent of public institutions, or other competent State authority: 3d. To erect upon said plots of land such school-houses as they may judge necessary and proportioned to the wants of the population of the district, where there are no buildings available and proper for school purposes. And in this, as in all other duties, they shall exercise the strictest econ omy, 4th. To select and employ proper teachers for said schools, as far as practicable, from the loyal inhabitants of Louisiana, with power to require their attendance for the purpose of instruction in their duties, one week at least at a Normal School, to be conducted by the Board. 5th. To furnish and provide the neces sary books, stationery and apparatus for the use of such schools, and in addition thereto to purchase and furnish an outfit of a wellselected library, &c., for each freed person in the several school districts who is above the age of atte nding school duty, at a cost to each, including a case to contain the same, not exceeding two and a half dollars, which sum shall be included in the general tax hereinafter provided, but shall be de. ducted from the laborer's wages by his em ployer, when such books are furnished. 6th. To regulate the course of study, dis eipline and holls of instruction for children on week days, and adults on Sundays; to son, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Mendiverri, Montamat, Murphy M. W., Normand, O'Conner, Pintado, Poynot, Purcell John, Pursell Samuel, Schroeder, Seymour, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stiner, Sullivan, Terry-39. NAYs-Messrs. Ariail, Barrett, Bonzano, Brott, Campbell, Cazabat, Cook T., Cutl er, ,Dupaty, Ennis, Fosdick, Goldman, Gorlinski, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Fish, Flood, Hills, Hire, Howell, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Millspaugh, Montague, Morris, Murphy E., Newell, Ong, Payne John, Paine J. T., Schnurr, Shaw, Stumpf, Stauffer, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Wilson —39. There being a tie vote, th e c hai r gave the Casting vote in the negative, and the resolution was lost. Mr. Montamat offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the constitution which shall be framed by this Convention shall have no effect until the same shall have been ratified by the vote of the majority of the qualified voters of Louisiana at the ballot-box, at the various election precincts of the State, under the regulations and laws in regard to the election of State officers. Those voting for the constitution shall endorse on their ticket "Ratification," and those voting against it "No Ratification." The governor shall publish a proclamation duly notifying the people of this State of the holding of said election, and ordering the sheriffs of the several parishes of this State to cause an election to be held under the existing laws. Said election to take place twenty days after the adjournment of the Convention. On motion of Mr. Wilson the resolution was laid on the table. Mr. Pursell, of Jefferson, offered the fol ].owing resolution Resolved, That the clergy of this city and environs be and are hereby invited to meet together and furnish a list to the secretary of those willing to' act as chaplains to this Convention-one of the number, in rotas tion, each day. The resolution was tabled. Mr. Abell offered the following preamble and resolutions Whereas, General Order No. 38, dated Headquarters Department of the Gulf, New Orleans, March 22, 1864, the United States, through their proper officer, Major General Banks, has assumed to levy and collect taxes of the'people of this State without their consent, and appropriate the same for domestic purposes, as will appear by the following educational order, officially set, 23 24 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION Resolved, lst-That the rights asserted in r the order aforesaid are unconstitutional - and in derogation of the sovereignty, honor r and dignity of the State and the dearest rights of the people. 2d-That any legislation, or attempt to , legislate or any amendment or attempt to - amend the constitution of Louisiana, will e be a virtual admission of the right claimed and an abandonment of the just rights of the people of Louisiana. 3d-That this Convention ought to ad journ until all the powers belonging to the r people, supposed to be abridged by said - order, be restored to them by their reproe sentatives. - 4th-Be itfurther resolved, That the Con, vention do adjourn until, 1864, in or der to correspond with General Banks and * the authorities of the general government of the United States, before taking any L further aWtion, to ascertain the wish and puposes of the general government in the - premises; and s Be it further resolved, That the foregoing resolutions are not intended to impair or controvert in any manner the right of the general government to require the State of I Louisiana to contribute by taxes or other wise her just proportion of the expenses of t he w ar. .Mr. Brott moved to lay the resolution on the table. The ayes and nays were called: require such conformity to their regulations and such returns and reports from their teachers as they may deem necessary to secure uniformity, thoroughness and efficiency in said schools. 7th. To have generally the same authority and perform the sa me duties that assessors supervisors and trustees have in the Northern Sta tes, in t he matt er of establ ishing and conducting Common Schools. And forheul acopien the fll accomplishment of these purposes and the performance of the duties enjoined upon them, the Board shall have full powe r is and authority to assess, and levy a S chool Tax upon re al and personal property, includ ing crops of plantations, in each and every before mentioned School District. T he said taxes so levi ed shall be suffic ien t in amoun t to def ray the c ost and expense of establishing, f urnishing and conducting for the period of one year the school or schools so established in each and ev ery of the said districts; and said taxes shall be collected from the person or persons in t he occupa tion of the p roperty assessed. 8th. The taxes soassessed and levied in and for each district shall be collected and paid over to the Boar d by the pa rish provost marshal, within th irty d ays after the tax lis t a nd schedule shall h ave been placed in his hands; and he shall forthwith report to the B oard wheth er there ar e in the dis - tricts of this p arish any bu ilding s available and suitable for chool-houses, and sha ll oldat all times, when required, assist by his authority t he Board in carrying oet thewspirit of this orde r. The taxes, when collected, shall be forthwith deposited- in the First National Bank of New Orleans, s ubject only t o the order of the whole Board, which sha ll m ake a monthly exhibit of accounts and report of their doings to the commanding general. - 9th. In the performance of all their dutie s the Bo ar d shall co-op erate, as far as practicable, wit h the superintendent of Public Education, recently elected. 10th. The current school year shall be estimated from February lst, 1864, to February 1st, 1865. 11th. The following officers and citizens are appointed upon this Board, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly: Colonel H. N. Frisbie, Twenty-second Infantry, Corps d'Afrique. Lieutenant E. M. Wheelock, Fourth Infantry, Corps d'Afrique. Isaac G. Hubbs, New Orleans. By command of Major General Banks ]RICHARD B. IRwm. Wheres, Taxes imposed without the consent of the people are unconstitutional and injurious to their rights and liberties; be it - 0 AND EI'VISI()N OF TLE CONSTITUTITION OF LOJISIANA. MAr. Abell offered the following as a substitute: Whereas, Slavery having existed in this country by custom from its earliest settlement by sanction of the constitution and laws of the United States, and of the constitution and laws of this State; and Whereas, The owners of slaves have acquired property therein by virtue of said custom, constitution and laws, and under the protection and guarantee thereof; and Whereas, All that is good and truly great in individuals or States must have its foundation in good faith and justice; be it, therefore fResolved, That no proposition for the "abolition of slavery" be entertained by this Convention until ways and means are first provided for a full, fair and equitable compensation to all lawful owners, either by the future labor of the slave, or out of the treasury of this State, or of the United States, and for the removal of all emancipated slaves from the State. A motion was made to lay the substitute on the table. The motion was carried. Mr. Cazabat moved to amend the resolution by inserting the word " unconditional' after the word "immediate," in the second line. A motion was made and carried to lay the amendment on the table. A motion was made to lay the original resolution on the table. The motion was lost. Mr. Cutler moved to fill the blank with the number "5.," Carried. The resolution was then put on its passage and adopted. A motion to reconsider was made and carried. A motion to strike out "5 I? and insert "11." Carried. The question on the adoption of the resolution was then put, and the resolution as amended was adopted. Section II was taken up. A motion was made and carried to fill the blank with the number "7,?~ and the resolution was adopted. Section III was taken up. A motion to fill the blank with the number "7?" was made and carried, and the resolu The motion was lost. Mr. Purcell moved to fill the blank with the number " 9." The motion was carried, and the resolution, with the blank thus filled, was adopted. Sec tion V was taken up. Mr. Abell moved to fill the blank with the number " 7." The motion was carried, and the resolution adopted. Section VI was taken up. A motion was made to fill the blank with the number " 7." A motion to lay on the table was lost. The motion to fill with t he number "7 7' wa s carried. The resolution was adopted. Section VII was taken up. Mr. Hills mo ved to fill the blank with the number " 5." Mr. Baum moved t o fi ll the b lank with the number " 9." Mr. Goldman moved to lay the last motion on the ta ble. T he m otion w as carri ed. The motion of Mr. Hills to fill the b lank with " five m" was carried and the resolution was adopted. Section VIII was taken up. A motion to fill the blank with the number "11 " was carried, and the resolution was ad opted. Section IX was taken tip. A motion to fill the bla nk wit h the number "5 " was carrie d and th e resolution was adopted. Section X was taken up. A motion to fill the blank with the number s" 7 11 was carried and the resolution was adopted. Section XI was taken up. A motion to fill the blank with " 5' was carried and the resolution adopted. Section XII was taken up. A motion to fill the blank with the number "7 " was carried and the resolution was adopted. Section XIII was taken up. A motion to fill the blank with the number " 5" was carried and the resolution was adopted. Air. iMontamat offered the following, and moved that it be added to the resolutions of Mr. Howell, as section XIV, viz: ~ That the following standing committees be tioni was adopted. Section IV was taken up, Mr. Baum moved to fill the blank with the number " 13.w d A motion was made to fill the blank with the number ", 6." A motion to lay the last motion on the table was made and lost. A motion was then made to adopt the resolution with the blank filled with the number " h5. 4 25 2Si JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE AMENDMENT in order, the names of Messrs. Murphy,i Hamilton, Gannon, Winfree and Parkhurst were put in nomination. Upon the first vote, no candidate having received a majority of all the votes, there was no election. Upon the second vote Mr. Murphy received a majority of all the votes cast, and was declared elected. Messrs. Hamilton, Winfree, Gordon and Kruse were put in nomination for second assistant secretary. Upon the first vote neither candidate received a majority of all the votes cast, and there was no election. On the second vote no candidate received a majority of all the votes cast, and there was no election. On the third vote Mr. S. J. Hamilton received a majority of all the votes cast, and was declared elected. Mr. Henderson moved that the assistant secretaries be declared unanimously elected. The motion was carried. Mr. Brott offered the following resolution: Resolved, That Adjutant Gen. L. Thomas, U. S. A., be and he is hereby invited to a seat within the bar of the House. The names of Messrs. A. P. Bennett and H. A. Gallup were put in nomination for reporter. Upon the first vote Mr. Bennett received 50 votes and Mr. Gallup 24. Mr. Bennett was elected. Mr. Terry made a motion to proceed to elect a short-hand reporter. The motion was laid on the table. Mr. Thomas moved that the reporter be authorized to employ three assistants. Mr. Montamat mo ved to amend by striking out th e word "three", and inserting "two.m Mr. Cazabat moved to lay the amend me nt on the table. The motion was tabled. The motion of Mr. Thomas was adopted. Messrs. Toomeys, Davis, Miller, Gannon, Gordon, Smith and Koch were put in nomination for postmaster. Upon the first vote, no candidate having received a majority of all the votes cast, there was no election. Upon the second vote, Mr. Gannon received 47 votes, and Mr. Koch 30. Mr. Gannon having received a majority of all the votes cast, was elected. Mr. Brott moved that Charles Benedict be declared elected messenger by acclamation. -k.pointed by the chair, to wit: One on enrollment, to consist of five members; one on finances, to consist of five members; one on contingent expenses, to consist of five members, and one on printing, to consist of three members. The motion was carried. Mr. Montamat moved the adoption of the resolutions as a whole. The motion was carried and the resolutions adopted as a whole. Mr. Howell moved a reconsideration. A motion was made and carried to lay the motion for reconsideration on the table. Mr. Gorlinski offered the following resolution, viz: .esolved, That all applause in this hall, pendiig discussion, is out of order, and shall be disallowed. A motion was made to lay the resolution on the table. The motion was lost. The question upone the adloption of the resolotion was put, and the resolution was lost. Mr. Sullivan offered the following resolu tionI: Wh/etu,% It is currently reported that many memibers of this Convention are not citizens of the United States, but owe allegiancie to foreign I.()we-s; * and Wi'hereas, It becomes the duty of this Coniventiorn to have its mi-embers placed above stuspi(cion; be it therefoire Resolved, That the menmbers of this Co nvention of foreign birth be required to exhibit to the president of this Convention elidence of their naturalization, on or before Thursdav next, the 14th instant, at 12 o'clock m. Mr. Hire liov-ed to lay the resoluttion on the table. The motion to lay on table was lost. A motion was made to adopt. The yeas and nays were called, with the following result: YEAS-Messrs. Ariail, Austin, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Brott, Buckley, Balch, Campbell, Cook J. K., Cook T., Cutler, Duane, Dufresne, Edwards, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Gastinel, Gorlinski, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Hills, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Mann, Maurer, Montamat, Montague, Murphy M. W., Normand, Newell, O'Conner, Ong, Payne J., Panie J. T., Pintado, Pursell S., Seymour, Smith, Spellicy, Sullivan, Terry, Thomas, Wa- T ters-51. NAYS-Messrs. Bailey, Bonzano, Burke, Crozat, Dupaty, Ennis, Fish, Fosdick, Geier, Goldman, Gruneberg, Henderson, Hire, Howell, Kugler, Maas, Millspaugh, Murphy E., Purcell J., Schroeder, Shaw,ttocker, Stiner, Stauffer, Shaw, Thorpe, Wenck, Wilson-27. The resolution was adopted. A motion to adjourn was lost. Mr. Bell offered the following: Resolved, That we proceed to elect two assistant secretaries, one potstm aseter, one reporter, and one messenger. The resolution was adopted. Nominations for assistant secretary being AND REVISION OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. Mr. Henderson desired to know if there was a vacancy, and moved that the resignation of Messrs. Roselius and Abbott be accepted, and that the governor be requested to issue his writs of election to fill the vacancies. Mr. Cazabat moved to lay the resolution on the table. Lost. The motion of Mr. Henderson was then put and carried. Mr. Stocker offered a resolution directing the printer of the Convention to print 300 copies of the constitutions of 1812, 1845 and 1852. Mr. Montamat moved to ainend by striking out 300 and inserting 200. Carried. Judge Howell offered the following substitu te: Resolved, That the State librarian be requested to furnish each member with a copy of Phillips s Revised Statutes, during the sitting of this Convention. The substitute was adopted. Mr. Stleker offered the following resolu The motion was carried. Mr. Thomas moved that the sergeant-at arms be authorized to employ two assistants. Mr. Montamact move d to lay the motion on the table. Lost. The motion of Mr. Thomas was then put to vote and carried. A motion to adjourn till Friday, the 15th inst., at 12 o'clock, was made and carried, and the Convention adjourned accordingly. Approved. Jo.-HN E. NEETIS, Secretary. FRIDAY, April 15th, 1864. The chair called the Convention to order at 12 o'clock, and announced that the proceedings would be opened with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Mason, of the Catholic church. Mr. Mason offered up the prayer in the French language, and the secretary proceeded to call the roll. The roll was called and the following members answered to their names: Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Bailey, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bonzano, Brott, Buckley, Burke, Bennie, Bofill, Bromley, Campbell, Cazabat, Cutler, Cook J K., Cook T., Crozat, Davies. Duane, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski,. Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Ilarnan, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Harris, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Mendiverri, Montamat, Montague, Morris, Murphy E., Newell, Normand, O'Conqer, Ong, Payne, Pintado, Pursell S., Schnurr,Seymour,Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Wilson, and Mr. President-76. Mr. Heard rose to a question of privilege. He desired to ask a leave of absence for his colleague, Mr. Kugler, on account of illness of some members of his family. On putting the question the Convention granted the request. Mr. Fish offered the- fllowing resolution. tion: Resolved, That the rules and regulations be so amended as to require all ordinances and resolutions to lie over one day, unless referred to some committee, before being acted upon by the C onven tion. It was decided that the resolution must, under the rules, lie over one day before being acted on, and Mr. Stocker gave notice that he should offer the resolution the next day. Mr. Thomas, moved that the printer be instructed to furnish 200 copies of the resolutions of Judge Howell for the use of the House. Mr. Montainat moved to amend by adding the names of the various committees. Mr. Hills moved to amend by instructing the printer to print the titles of the several sections in the margin. The amendments were adopted, and the resolution, as amended, adopted.. Mr. Pursell offered the following: Resolved, That the consideration for a just appreciation of the former services in the cause of the Union, and the great respect entertained by the loyal people of the State of Louisiana for the Hon. C. Roselius, and the fact of his election by the spontaneous action of the truly loyal people of the parish where he has served so long and faithfully, Resolved,l That the Governor of the State be requested to issue his proclamation ordering an election, as early as possible, for one delegate from the Tenth Representative District, to fill a vacancy in the representation from said district and parish. I 27 viz: 28 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE AMENDMENT that he be invited to withdraw his resignation, and to resume his seat in this Convention. Mr. Hen derson moved to lay the resolution on the table. The resolution was tabled. Mr. M. W. Murphy offered the following resolutions: Resolved, That the members of this Convention shall receive from the public treasury a compensation for their services, which shall be ten dollars per day during their attendance, going to and returning from the sessions of this Convention. Be it.further resolved, That a committee of five be appointed by the chair to fix the compensation of the officers and emyloygs of this Convention, and also the mileage of members from the country parishes, and to report as early as possible. Mr. Brott moved a division of the resolu the ayes and nays were called, with the fol lowing result: YEAS- Messrs. Abell, Austin, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Buckley, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Duane, Dufresne, Foley, Gorlinski, Gaidry, Healy, Heard, Henderson, Howes, Mann, Maurer, Mendi verri, Montamat, Montague, Murphy M. W., O'Conner, Poynot, Pursell S., Schroeder, Smith, Spellicy, Stiner, Sullivan, Terry, Waters, Wilson-37. NAYs-Messrs. Barrett, Bonzano, Brom ley, Brott, Burke, Campbell, Cazabat, Da vies, Dupaty, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Fosdick, Gastinel, Geier, Goldman, Haman, Hart, Hills, Hire, Howell, Maas, Millspaugh, Morris, Murphy E., Ong, Payne John, Pin tado, Purcell John, Seymour, Shaw, Stocker, Stumpf, Stauffer, Thorpe, Thomas-37. There being a tie, the chair voted nay. Mr. Cazabat asked for the calling of the roll as a quorum was not voting. The roll was called and seventy-seven members found present. The chair directed the roll to be called again, and the vote was as follows: YEAS-Messrs. Abell, Austin,Baum, Beau vais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Buckley, Burke, Cook J. K., Cook Terrance, Crozat, Davies, Duane, Dufresne, Flagg, Foley, Geier, Gorlinski, Gaidry, Healy, Heard, Hender son, Hire, Howes, Maurer, Mendiverri, Millspaugh, Montamat, Montague, Murphy M. W., O'Conner, Poynot, Purcell J., Pur sell Sam., Schroeder, Seymour, Smith, Spel licy, Stiner, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters, Wilson-45. NAYS-Messrs. Ariail, Bailey, Barrett, Bromley, Bonzano, Brott, Campbell, Ca zabat, Dupaty, Ennis, Fish, Fosdick, Gastinel, Goldman, Harnan, Hart, Hills, Howell, Maas, Mann, Morris, Murphy E., Ong, Payne J., Pintado, Shaw, Stocker, Stumpf, Stauffer, Thomas-30. And the resolution was adopted. The following standing committees were announced, having been appointed by the chair, in pursuance of resolutions previously adopted: EMAXNcIPATION. -Bonzano chairman; Howell, Abell, Edwards, Goldman, Stocker, Cazabat, Bennie, Murphy E., Paine J. T., Schroeder-11. PREAMBLE-Heard, chairman; Montague, Sullivan, Cook T., O'Conner, Spellicy, Waters-7. DISTRIBUTION OF PowERs-Thomas, chairman; Kugler, Foley, Bofill, Stumpf, Ong, Bromley-7. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT - Fosdick, chairman; Thorpe, Stauffer, Cazabat, Hire, tions. Mr. Foley moved to lay the resolutions on the table, subject to call. A motion to lay on the table was lost, and the vote being taken on the resolution, it was adopted. The motion to divide was lost. The reso tion: Resolved, That a committee of members be appointed by the president, to whom all matters shall be referred, brought before this Convention, affecting our relations with the Federal government-the committee to be called the Committee on Federal Resolutions. Mr. Brott moved to amend by filling the blank with the number five. The amendment was accepted and the resolution adopted. Mr. Montamat offered the following resolution: Be it resolved, That the sum of one hundred thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated out of the general fund, for the purpose of paying the members, officers and employes of this Convention, the mileage and per diem to which they are respectively entitled; the same to be paid by the treasurer of the State, on the warrant of the President of the Convention. Mr. Cazabat moved to lay the resolution on the table. The motion was lost. i lution was -adopted. Col. Thorpe offered the following resolu A motion to adopt was made, upon which. AND REVISION OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. Knobloch, Schnurr, Taliaferro, Wells-9. EXECUTIRVE DEPARTMENT.-Fish, chairman, Austin, Gruneberg, Bromley, Crozat, Davies, Mann-7. JUDICIARY DEPARTMENT. —Ilowell, chairman; Heard, Beauvais, Fuller, Henderson, Cutler. Seymour-7. IMPEACHMENT-Wilson, chairman; Bailey, Gastinel, Morris, Paine J. T., Smith-6. GENERAL PROVISIONs-Mann, chairman; Cook J. K., Foley, Geier, Maas, Wenck, Buckley-7. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS - Gorlinski, chairman; Ariail, Campbell, Flood, Healy-5. PUBLIC EDUCATION - Hills., chairman; Howes, Lobdell, Burke. Hart, Murphy M. W., Terry, Wells, Gaidry, Balch, Edwards, Maurer-11. MODE OF REVISING THE CONSTITUTION. — Cutler, chairman; Knobloch, Baum, Stiner, Harnan-5. SCHEDULE-Gruneberg, chairman; Dupaty, Shaw, Dufresne, Ennis, Flagg, Gaidry-7. ORDINANCE —Shaw, chairman; Poynot, Kavanagh, Kugler, Mendiverri-5. ENROLLMENT-Thorpe, chairman; Brott, Millspaugh, Pintado, Crozat —5. FINAINCE-Brott, chairman Montamat, Normand, Schnurr, Sullivan —.) EXPEN-SE,S-Pursell S., chairman; Bell, Duane, Newell. Payne J., of Jefferson-5. PIINTIN,-Purcell J.. chairman; Fuller, Barrett-3. Mr. Stauffer submitted the followingsresolution, with the request that it be read and permitted to lie over till to-morrow: Resolved, That a committee of five members be appointed by the president to wait upon the proper State officers and ascertain if any and what amount of bonds have been issued, and what amount, if any, remain outstanding, which bonds have been issued for the purpose of arming and equipping the State militia against the lawfld authority of the United States, and in -violation of the constitution and laws of this State. Mr. Montamat offered the following resolution, the rules being suspended: Resolved, That the Committee on Enrollment be, and they are hereby authorized to appoint one chief clerk and as many enrolling clerks as may be necessary. On motion all the amendments were l ai d on the table. The motion of Mr. Hills was then carried. Mr. Stocker offered the following resolution: Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed by the president to inquire into the cause of the absence of Messrs. Wells, of Rapides, and Taliaferro, of Concordia; and also to inquire into the expediency of ordering an election to fill their places. Mr. Heard moved to amend by adding the name of Mr. Lobdell, of West Baton Rouge. Mr. Cazabat moved to lay it on the table, which was lost. The amendment was carried, and the resolution as amended adopted. The chair appointed Messrs. Stocker, Montague, Ariail, Man n an d Hea rd. Mr. Gastinel offered the following resolu Resolved, That a committee of five members of this body be appointed by the president to wait upon the governor and inform,him that the Convention is organized and prepared to receive any communication he may have to make to this body. The chair appointed Messrs. Gastinel, Shaw, Thomas, Goldman and Bofill. Col. Thorpe offered the following: Resolved, That section 54 of the rules of the Convention read as follows: "A quorum shall consist of two-thirds of the members elected and admitted to this Convention." Which was laid over. Mr.' Howell said that he had been requested by the president to ask the members to remain after the adjournment in order to perfect the organization of the committees. The Convention then adjourned till tomorrow at 5 o'clock P.M. Adopted. SATURDAY, -April 16, 1864. The Convention met pursuant to adjournInent. In the absence of the president the secretary took the chair and called the Convention to order. The resolution was adopted. Mr. Hills moved that when the Convention adjourn, it adjourn till 5 o'clock tomo rrow evening. Mr. Montamat amended till I o'clock, Mr. Stauffer till 12, and Mr. Harnan till 7. 29 tion, which was adopted: JOH-,- E. NFELIS. - Secretary. Mr. Hills moved that Judge Howell be Which resolution, after a motion had been appointed president pro tern., which motion made to refer to the Committee on General being unanimously carried, Provisions, was laid on the table. Judge Howell took the chair and intro- Mr. Montamat offered the following resoduced the Rev. Mr. Hopkins, who opened lution: the proceedings with prayer. Resolved, That Hon. A. A. Atocha, pro On a call of the roll the following mem- vost judge of the Department of the Gulf, bers answered to their names: be and is hereby invited to a seat within the bar of this Convention. Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Bailey, Bar- Mr. Goldman moved to lay it on the table. rett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Bonzano, Bromley, Brott, Buckley, Burke, Cazabat, r Montamat demanded the yeas and Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, nays, and the result was-yeas 9, nays 73. Duane, Dufresne, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, as follows: Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gas- YEAS-Messrs. Bailey, Bonzano, Bromley tinel, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Gai- -Y tine, Gier Golman Golinsi, al-Ennis, Flagg, Goldman, Hills, Maas, Milldry, Healy, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills Ennis. Flagg, Goldma, H, M, -ill Hire. Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knob- spaugh loch,' Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, loch, Mas Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri NAYs-Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Austin, BarMillspaugh, Motamat, Montague, Morris' rett, Baum, Beauvias, Bell, Bofill, Brott, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell Nor- Buckley, Burke, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Cook mand, O'Conner, Paine, Pintado, Poynot, Crozat, C avtsl, uoley, Dae, Dufresne, Purcell J., Putsell S., Schroeder, Sehnurrle,Gatnl'GirGolnk,Gady Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr Edwards, Fish, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, FulSeymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker Hlr, Gastinel, Geier, Gorliski, Gaidry, Stumpf, Stiner, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe Healy, Harnan, Hart. Heard, Henderson Thomas Weck Wilon-78.' Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Thomas, Wenek, Wilpon —78. Kugler, Lobdell, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, The secretary commenced reading the Montamat, Montague, Morris, Murphy E., minutes, when Mr. Montamat moved to dis- Murphy M. W., Newell. Normand, O'Conner, pense with the reading. Payne of Jefferson, Poynot, Purcell J.. Mr. Cazabat moved to lay the motion to Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Mr. Cazabat moved to lay the motion to Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, dispense with the reading on the table. Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Lost. Thomas, Waters, Wenck, Wilson. The vote was taken on the;notion to dis- Mr. Thorpe moved to amend by inviting pense with the reading of the journal, and it all the judicial officers in the city to seats was lost. within the bar. The journal was then read and adopted,. The amendment was accepted and the without correction. resolution was then put upon its passage, up Mr. Montamat offered the following reso- on which a division of the house was called lution: resulting in-ayes, 68; nays, 8. The resolu Resolved, That the sum of $100 be paid tion, as amended, was adopted. to the assistant'secretary pro ternm., for his r. Brott offered the following services before the Convention was organ - Rove fT the oreg ized. ized. I Resolved, That the attorney general of th;e The resolution was unanimously'adopted. State be and is hereby requested to give this Convention his legal opinion as to the Mr. Bell offered a resolution to authorize right of this body to exercise legislati-ve each committee to appoint as many clerks powers, to appropriate moneys from tihe as they may deem necessary, which was public treasury referred to the Committee on Enrollment. On motion of Mr. Henderson the resolu Mr. S. Pursell offered the following reso- tion was laid on the table. l~~~~~~~ution: ~Mr. Gastinel offered the following resolu Be it resolved, That article ninety-six of tion the constitution of the State of Louisiana be Resolved, That the journal and debates of' so altered and amended as to read thus: the Convention be printed by the printer of "All civil officers for the State at large shall this Convention in English and French sepbe voters of and reside in the State, and all arately, and that each member of the Condistrict or parish officers shall be voters in vention be furnished with three copies of and reside within their district or parish, the journals and debates for distribution and shall keep their offices in such places among his constituents, each member to therein as may be required by law." select copies in either language. 30 I AND REVISION OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. Mr. Hills moved to amend by striking out the sec tio n requ iring the publication in the French language. Mr. Healy moved to lay the amendment on the table. The ayes and nays being called for, the following gentlemen voted: AYEs-Messrs. Abell, Austin, Bailey, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Bonzano, Bromley, Brott, Buckley, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Dufresne, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Foley. Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Goldman, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Hart, Heard, Hire, Howes, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, Millspaugh, Montamat, Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, Pintado, Poynot, Purcell Jno., Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Wenck60. News —Messrs. Ariail, Barrett, Burke, Campbell, Davies, Duane, Flood, Geier, Henderson, Hills, Howell, Montague, Morris, Murphy E., O'Conner, Payne John, Pursell Samql, Schroeder,'Stauffer, Wilson20. Mr. Terry's motion was lost. A motion was made to strike out all ex cepting the English and French languages. Mr. Cazabat moved to lay the substitute on the table. Carried. The original resolution offered by Mr. Gastinel was then put and adopted. By Mr. Sullivan, Resolved, That the delegates of foreign birth, who have not produced their naturalization papers, showing to this Convention that they are citizens of the United States, agreeably to resolution passed on Wednesday last. shall produce their naturalization papers immediately, or their seats will be declared vacant in this body. Mr. Foley moved to amend by saying, "those members who have not produced their naturalization papers, should swear that they were naturalized citizens.' Mr. Healy stated that some of them from the country could not produce their papers, and moved to table the whole, which was carried. Mr. Bell moved that the secretary read the names of those members of foreign birth who had produced their certificates of naturalization to the president in obedience to the resolution, but after some remarks by several members, the resolution was laid on the table. Resolution by Mr. S. Pursell: Be it resolved, That the following be adopted as an article in the constitution of the State of Louisiana: No profession, occupation, business or ca lling, requiring a license from any authority within this State, shall be exercised or carried on by any other than citizens of the United States, and those having made their legal declaration of becoming citizens. The motion was seconded, when Mr. Cazabat moved to table it, and Mr. Thomas to refer it to the Committee on General Provisions, which were seconded. The president stated he considered these motions out of order, but would put them, if desired. No request to do so was moved. The following was presented: Resolved, That the sergeant-at-arms be instructed to procure for the members and secretary of this Convent ion, five copies of s uch daily papers as may be selected by them. iThe motion was seconded., IMr. Thomas moved to insert three' in Mr. Hills's amendment was laid on the table. Mr. Goldman then amended by adding the German, which was adopted. Mr. Stocker offered the following sub stitute: Resolved. That the official printer le, and he is hereby authorized to print for the use of the Convention 300 copies of the journal in each of the following languages: English, French, German and Spanish. Which resolution was lost. Mr. Terry moved to amend the substitute by add ing the word Irish, which was de claired b y the president to be adopted, when the yeas and nays were called with the fol lowing result. Yews-Messrs. Campbell, Crozat, Davies, Flagg, Flood, Geier, Healy, Terry and Wenck-9. NAYs —Messrs. Austin, Bailey, Barrett, Baum, Be auva is, Bell, Bofill, Bonzano, Brom ley, Brott. Buckley, Cazabat, Cook J. K., C oo k T., Cu tl er, Du fr e nse, Duane, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Gorlinski, Gaidrv, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverr, X/Millspaugh, Montague, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Normand, O'Conner. Payne Jno., Poynet, Purcell Jno., Pursell S., Schroder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker,.Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Thorpe, Thomas, Wilson-63. iI I i 31 00 3 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE AMENDMENT stead of "five," and was seconded. The amendment was then carried, and the original resolution adopted as amended. Mr. Montamat moved that the Committee on Finance be authorized to appoint a warrant clerk, which motion was carried. Mr. Seymour presented the following: Whereas, The resolution adopted on the - instant, requiring the members of this Convention to produce evidence of having taken the oath prescribed by the president in his proclamation of December 8th, 1863, was intended and should be so construed as to apply only to such members, if any, who had not, up to that date, taken the oath of allegiance to the United States, under the previous military orders in this department; be it Resolved, That the resignation of the Hon. Christian Roselius be set aside, and that he be invited to resume his seat as a member of this Convention. Resolution was tabled. Mr. Fosdick moved to adjourn until the 21st, at 12 o'clock, on account of sitting of committees. Resolution tabled. Mr. Healy moved to adjourn till Monday, 3 P. m. Seconded. Mr. Cazabat amended to Monday week at 5 o'clock, which was seconded. Mr. Sullivan moved to lay the motion and amendment on the table. Carried. Mr. Hills moved that when the Convention adjourn, they do so until Saturday, 4 o'clock, for reasons previously stated. Lost. Mr. Terry moved that when the Convention adjourn, it adjourns till Wednesday evening at 5 o'clock, which was carried by a vote of 46 to 26. The president appointed as the Standing Committee on Federal Relations, Messrs. Howell, Brott, Montague and Henderson. The chair appointed as the committee to fix the compensation of the officers and employds of the Convention, Messrs. M. W. Murphy, Terry, Mann, Fosdick and Ennis. Mr. Stocker called up the following, offered on Friday: Resolved, That the rules and regulations be so amended as to require all ordinances and resolutions to lie over one day (unless referred to some committee) before being acted upon by the Convention. The resolution was adopted. Mr. Thomas, chairman of the Committee on the Distribution of Powers, reported .that the committee, after due deliberation, had come to the unanimous conclusion that the constitution of 1852 should not be changed in any respect in the title which treats upon the subject of the distribution of powers, and submitted the same to the consideration of the Convention. Mr. Brott moved to refer the report back to the committee with instructions to incorporate the title reported on in their report. The motion was carried. A motion to adjourn was then made and carried, and the chair declared the Convention adjourned till Wednesday next, at 5 o'clock P. x. Minutes adopted. WEDNESDAY, April 20th, 1864. The Convention met pursuantto adjournment, and was called to order by the president at the hour of five P. m. The proceedings were opened with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Andrews. The roll was called by the secretary, and the following gentlemen answered to their names: Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Barrett, Bell, Bofill, Bonzano, Bromley, Burke, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Davies, Dufresne, Duane, Dupaty, Durell, Edwards, Ennis, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy,, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, Millspaugh, Montague, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Payne John, Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Wenck, Wilson-74. Thr en o urmpeen,tepe Th ere be ing no quorum present, the president directed the sergeant-at-arms to procure the attendance of absent members. The following gentlemen, Messrs. Balch, Bailey, Baum, Beauvais, Buckley, Brott, Campbell, Fish, Flood and Montamat, having entered the hall and taken their seats, the president announced. that a quorum was present. JOHN E. NEELIS, Secret,ary. AND REVISION OF THE CO The minutes of Saturday, being read and amended, werte approved. Mr. Foley movedd'a'reconsideration of t he resolution relative to the publication of the proceedings of this Convention in English and French. T he pr esiden t d eclar ed M r. Foley notinCorder. Resolutions now being in order, Mr. Howell off ered the following: Resolved, That hereafter this Convention shall meet at 11 o'clock A. Mf., and adjourn at 3 o'clock Pa. d-., daily, (Sundays excepted) and the order of the day shall be promptly taken up at t h e hour of 12 M., each day. Laid eover'unt il to-morrow. M r. Sm i th off ered the fo llowing Re solved, That t he Commit tee on General Provisions be instructed to emb od y in th eir re pt a ati ort an article or articles, making it obligatory on the fi rst Legisl ature to c onvene under the constitution to compel the several p aris hes, corpora tions, as well as private citizens, throu g hout the State, that have issued sight drafts, notes or- shinplast ers, payable in Confederate money, or otherwise, to provide for the redemption of the same in current funds. Mr. Mendiverri offered the following: Resolved, That- the State auditor furnish this Convention, as soon as practicable, with a statement showing the receipts and expenditures of the State treasury under the administration of General G. F. Shepiey, late military governor of the State, as far as the books and records in his possession may show, and expressing each item of receipt und expenditure in detail; also, if any balance was received from the late treasurer, and if so, the amount and the kind and description of funds. Mr. Wilson moved to lay it on the table, which motion was lost, and the original resolution was adopted. Mr. Stocker then called attention to his rule adopted at the last meeting, according to which every resolution was to lie over until the following day, unless referred to a special committee. Mr. Hills offered the following resolution, to lie over until to-morrow: Resolved, That the secretary be directed to obliterate from the records of this Convention the resolution inviting A. A. Atocha and the judicial officers of this parish to occupy a seat in this Convention. Mr. Wilson moved to lady on the table. Decided out of order. Mr. Sullivan offer'ed the following: 5 ,Resolved, That a committee consisting of five members be appointed by the president of this Convention for the purpose of cor responding with and requesting the authori ties in Washington City for the return, to the State of Louisiana, of Powers's grand statueiof Washington, taken from the Capitol building in Baton Rouge by the United States forces, on the occupation of that place by the Federal army, and sent by them as a trophy to adorn the Central Park, New York city, where it is now placed. The president was unable to determine upon a viva voce vote, and upon a rising vote the resolution was adopted by 49 yeas | to 23 nays. Mr. Wenck offered the following, which was seconded: I move a reconsideration of the vote adopting the resolution requiring the journal and debates of this Convention to be published in the English and French languages, and furnishing each member with three copies thereof. Mr. Montamat moved to lay it on the table. The vote was taken, resulting as follows: Ayes 42, nays 37. The question then recurred upon the adoption of Gir. Wenck's motion to reconsider, when the ayes and nays were called. Ayes 40, nays 44, as follows: YEAS-s-Messrs. Ariail, Barrett, Bonzano, Brott, Burke, Campbell, Cook J. K., Davies, Duane, Ennis l, Flood i, Fosd ick, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Harnan, Hieard, Henderson, Hills, Howlll, Howes, iavanagh, Kugler, Lobdell, Maas. Mann, Montague, Morris, Ong, Payne J., Pintado, Pursell S., Schroeder, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner: Stauffer, Sullivan, Wenck, Wilson-40. NAYS-Messrs. Abell, Austin, Ba lch, Bailey, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Buc kle y, Cazabat, Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Dufresne, Dupaty, Durell, Edwards, Fish, Flagg, Foley, Full er, Gastinel, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Hart, Hire, Knobloch, Lobdell, Maurer, Mendiverri, Millspaugh,;Montamat, Murphy,E., Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Pintado, Poynot, Seymour, Shaw, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas-44. Mr. Gorlinski Offered the following resolutions: Resolved, That the regular hour for the meeting of this Convention, during the remainder of its sittings, shall be 12 o'clock x., and any member not answering to his name when the roll is called, shall forfeit the sum of two dollars, to be deducted from his per diem, and any member who shall be absent from his seat an entire day, shall forfeit his per diem for each day he shall fail to attend, 33 34 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION unless absent by permission of the Convn- Whereas, This Convention is assembled tion, or for sickness, either in his own per- for the purpose only of revising and amend son or family, the proof of which shall be a ing the constitution of Louisiana, and for no certificate firom a regular physician. other purpose, Resolved further, That the secretary keep Be it Resolved, That no resolution on any a record of the names of all members not other subject but that above stated, shall be answering at roll call, and the names of all received or entertained by this Convention. members who shall be absent from their seats an entire day, and for each day so r Wenck offered the following absent, unless they have leave of absence. Resolved, That the resolution adopted from' the Convention; and to make a list of allowing each member of this Convention a said members at the end of every week, a compensation of ten dollars a day, be re copy of which shall be furnished the Com- pealed. mittee on Finance and a copy to the presi- M. Harnan called for the reading of Judge dent of the Convention, who will strictly Howell's resolution, which was as follows: enforce the penalties as prescribed in the foregoing resolution. Resolved, That the resolution adopted on The resolutions were seconded. Friday, 15th April, 1854, in the following words, to-wit: "Be it resolved, That the sum Mr. Austin moved the resolution be laid of one hundred thousand dollars be and the on the table, whereupon Mr. Stocker de- same is hereby appropriated out of the sired that his resolution of the last day's general fund, for the purpose of paying the should be red for the f t members, officers and employis of this Con meeting should be read for the information vention, the mileage and per diem to which of the Convention. they are respectively entitled; the same to The following was then read: be paid by the treasurer of the State, on the Resolved, That the Rules and Regulations warrant of the president ofthe Convention,, be so amended as to require all orders and be and the same is hereby rescinded. resolutions to lie over one day, unless re- Resolved, first, That the resolution, ferred to some committee, before bein — adopted on Friday, 15th April, 1864, in the acted upon by the Convention. following words, to-wit: "Resolved, That the members of this Convention shall re r. Sullivan's motion to lay it on te ceive from the public treasury a compensatable was decided to be out of order. tion for their services, which shall be ten Mr. Moitamat notified the House that he dollars per day during their attendance on, should, at the next sitting, introduce a re- going to and returning from the session of to amend Article f the Rules this Convention," be and the same is hereby solution to amend Article 52 of the srescinded. and Regulations. Resolved, second, That the compensation Mr. Gaidry offered the following: for the services of the members of this Con lVhereas, All the constitutions ever vention shall be the same as allowed to the, framed in this State have decreed that all members of the General Assembly by the judicial and legislative proceedings should constitution adopted in 1852. take place in the French and English lan- Mr. Goldman seconded. guages; And Whereas, Several members ofthis r., Montamat remarked that this had Convention, who are true republicans and already been voted down, and the president loyal to the core, but are not very familiar informed him it was to lie over till to-morwith the English language, have been del- row. egated to this convention by constituents i. istin reiterated r. who are also unacquainted with the said language-which right to choose delegates statement, to which the president made the as they please said constituents possessed, I same reply as before. as they are the sovereign people, and that Mr. Goldman offered the following to deny such supreme right would be tanta- esolved, That the amendment to pub mout t difrachie sid eope * I Resolved, That the amendment to pubmount to disfranchise said people; mounttodisfranchisesaidpeople; i lish an official report in the German lan Resolved, That all resolutions and motions guage is hereby embodied in the original to be presented in this Convention be trans- motion to publish in the English and French lated into the French language, so that the n to publish in the English and Frenchs. members from the several parishes, who are languages not familiar with the English language, be The president decided it was out of filly aware of what they are voting upon. order. Mr. Cazabat stated that in order to facili- Mfr. Cazabat asked to reconsider the resotate the progress of business he presented lution of Mr. Sullivan in relation to the the following: / - statue of Washington, when that gentleman AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. lying over till to-morrow. Committee on Executive Department, and Mr. Brott tendered his resignation as a also Mr. Howell, chairman of the Committee member of'the Committee on EnroUment, on Judicial Department. which was accepted by the Convention, Mr. WiLson, as chairman of the Committee ad the president appointed Mr. Mendiverri on Impeachment, submitted their report, to supply the vacancy.' which Mr. Hills moved be referred back to The president announced that the ro- the committee, which motion, i;eing second port of the committees would be presented ed by.Mr. Waters, was carried. in order. Mr. Mann, as chairman of the Committee Mr. Bonzano, as chairman of the Com- on General Provisions, reported progress, mittee on Emancipation, stated that they as did Mr. Gorliaski, chairman of the Com had not yet completed their labor. mittee on Internal Improvements, and also Mr. Heard, as chairman of the Committee Mr. Hills, chairman of the Committee on on Preamble, submitted the following: Public Edneahon. To the Honorable the President and Members Mr. Cutler, chairman f the Committee on of the ConstUutional Convenhon: Mode of Revising the Constitution, reported The committee appointed by the presi- progress, as did Mr. Gruneberg, chairman dent to prepare a preamble to the constitu- of the Committee on Scbedule, and Mr. tion which is to be fratned by this Conven tion, beg leave to make the following re- Shaw, chairman of the Committee on Or port: dinance. They have thought it bests so adopt the Mr. Thorpe, chairman of the Committee preamble to the constitutions of eighteen on Enrollment, stated that the report was hundred and forty-five and fifty4wo-which in the hands of the president. reads as follows: "We, the people of the State of Louisiana, do ordain and establish Mi'. Brott, chairman of the Committee on -. this constitution,'7 and recommend its adop- Finance, reported that the committee had Respeetfally submitted. no finances on hand, and had no occasion H. J. HEARD, Chairman. to draw any warrants. The report was adopted. Mr. S. Pursell, chairman o?(1. ~~~~Resolted, That this Conventionl meet at .Resolved,. That this Convention meet at I11 o clock A. Mf., instead of 12. ~ Mr. Bonzano presented the followving: VWhereas, The public interest requires that this Convention should not be inter rupted in its business without sufficient cause; Resolved, That no motion for an adjourn nme nt for a longer time than twenty-four hours shall be put to question unless it be seconded by a majority of the members pres en t, and if so seconded the yeas and shall be called. Judge Howell profferedl the following: Resol ved, That the secrtetary be instructed to collect and collate all motions and reso lutions heretofore adopted, as bearing upon , the mode of conducting the business, or amending the rules and regulations of this Convention, and report to-morrow. WEOXI) —E,St.Y, RMay 18, 1864. The Convention met pursuant to adIjournment. The roll was called, and the following gentlemen answered to their names: Messrs. Abell. Ariail, Balch, Barrett, Baum, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Bonzano, Burke, Campbell" Duane, iDufrense, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flood, Foley, Fosdi c ae. Geier, Goldman, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Henderson, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh. Mass, Mann, Mayer, Montague, Maurphy M. W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Pintado, Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Shaw, -Smith, Spellicy, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Taliaferro, Terry, Waters. Wells. I, ilson and Mir. Pres;ident-52. 79 Act o P,4, —- (I - J 0 H -\- E.'-\- E E L 1,S, C,)-ela) I,J. I 80 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION' The yeas and nays were ordered upon the question of the adoption of Mr. Montamat's amendment, resulting as follows: YE.s —Messrs. Abell, Austin, Balch, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Bromley, Brott, Buck ley, Campbell, Cook T., Crozat, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Foley, Fuller, Geier, Goldman, Gruneberg, Knobloch, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Montague, Morris, Murphy M. W., O'Conner, Orr Purcell J., Seymour, Shaw, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stauffer, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, Thomas, Waters, Wilson-43. NAYS-Messrs. Ariail, Barrett, Bennie, Bonzano, Burke, Cook J. K., Cutler, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, E dwards, Fl ood, Fosdick, Gastinel, Gorlinski, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Ha rt, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howe l l, Howes, Kavanagh, Kugler, Maas, isann, Millspaugh, Murphy E., Newell, Normand, Paine J. T., Pintado, Poynot, Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Smith, Stiner, Thorpe, Wells-42. Consequently the amendment was adopted. Mr. Campbell asked to be excused from vot in g on Mr. Montamatlumendment,which request was refused by the Con vention. Mr. Campbell offered the f ollowing amendment: Provided, The destitute widows and orphans of the soldiers who have lost their lives in battle, be included. Which amendment was rejected. On the adoption of the original resolutiou, as amended, the yeas and nays were called, and being ordered, Messrs. Barrett, Bell, Bofill, Bonzano, Buckley, Cook T., Crozat, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Geier, Gruneberg, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Henderson, Kavanagh. Montamat, Murphy M. W., O'Conner, Orr, Purcell J., Schroeder, Schnurr, Shaw, Spellicy,Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Waters, Wilson-38 voted yea. NAYs-Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Baum, Beauvais, Bennie, Bromley, Burke, Campbell, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Cutler, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fla-g, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Goldman, Gorlinski, Gaidry, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Mayer, Mendiverri. Millspaugh, Montague, Morris, Murphy E., Newell, Normand, Ong, Paine J. T., Pintado, Poynot, Pursell S., Seymour, Smith, Stauffer, Thomas, Wells-51. Consequently the resolution as amended was rejected. Mr. Foley called up his resolution of yesterday, relative to members of this Convention who are delegates to the Baltimore Convention. Mr. Cazabat moved to suspend the rules in order to take up Mr. Howell's resolution. which motion being lost, the resolution was laid over. There being no report from committees, the unfinished business was taken up. Mr. Henderson called up his resolution of yesterday, which was read by the secretary. Mr. Campbell offered the following amendment: Provided, A like sum of $20.000 be and is hereby appropriated for the relief of the destitute widows and orphans of the soldiers in the First and Second Louisiana Infantry, First and Second Louisiana Cavalry, and First and Second New Orleans Volunteers. On motion of Mr. Henderson Mr. Campbell's amendment was laid on the table. Mr. Montamat moved to lay Mr. Henderson's resolution on the table, whereupon the yeas and nays were called, with the following result: YEAS —Messrs. Abell, Austin, Baum, Beauvais, Bennie, Bromley, Brott, Burke, Campbell, Cazabat, Decker. Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Flagg, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Hills, Hire, Howell, Knobloch, Kugler,. Maas, Mann, Mayer, Mendiverri, Millspaugh, Montamat, Montague, Morris, Newell, Normand, Paine J. T., Pintado, Pursell S., Seymotlr, Stauffer, Thomas-38. NAYs- Messrs. Balch, BarrettL Bell, Bofill, Bonzano, Buckley, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Duane, Dufresne, Fish, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Healy, Harnan, Hart Henderson, Howes, Kavanagh, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., O'Conner, Orr, Poynot, Purcell J., Schroeder, Schnurr, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Taliaferro,Terry,Thorpe,Waters,Wilson —.7. Consequently the Convention refused to lay the resolution on the table. Mr. Hills offered a substitute for the resolution, which was ruled out of order. Mr. Bonzano offered the following amend. ment, to be included: Children's Home, Moreall street, 54 children, $500. Mr. Thorpe offered the following amendment: St. Vincent's Orphan Asylum, corner of Race and Magazine streets, $500. Both of which amendments were accepted. Mr. Montamat moved to further amend by adding the words: To the Firemen's Charitable Association, $5000. AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. On the motion to lay the resolution on YEAs-Messrs. Abell, Balch, Burke, Cook the table, a rising vote was taken, when the J. K., Dufresne, Dupaty, Gruneberg, Knob loch, Montamat, Murphy M. W., O'Conner, president decided the motion carried. Stumpf, Sullivan, Waters-14. Mr. Stiner moved a re-consideration ofI NAS:-Messrs. Ariail, Austin, Barrett, the foregoing vote, which was ordered by Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Bonzano, the Convention, and on the motion to lay Bromley, Cazabat, Cook T., Crozat, Cutler' , Decker, Duane, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, the resolution on the table the yeas and' Decker DuaneEdwards,En-s,Fish,Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gaidry, Gasnays were ordqred, and being taken resulted tinel, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Harnan, as follows Hart, Healy, Henderson, Hills, Hire, How YES-Messrs. Austin, Barrett Baum ell, Howes, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, YE.&s - Me,ssrs. Austin, Barrett, Baum, Beauis, Bennie, Bofill, Bromley Burke Mayer, Montague, Morris, Murphy E., New Beauais,Benie, ofil, Bomly, Brkeell, Normand, Ong, Orr,-Pintado, Purcell J., Cook J. K., Cutler, Decker, Duane, Dufresne el, Normand, Ong Orr,Pintado, Purcell J. Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish Flag Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Fullery, Edarsfn, Ennisr, Feish,. Goldan, Fuller Gastinel, Gaidry, Geier, Goldman, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stiner, Hart, Hire, Howell, Kavanagh, Kugler,Wel,Wlo 66 -Hart, Hire, Howell, Kavanagh, Kugler Stauffei, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Maas, Mann, Mendiverri, Millspaugh, M on- 6. tamat, Montague, Morris, Newell, Ong, Orr, Consequently the Convention refused to Paine J. T., Pintado, Purcell J., Pursell S.,' adjourn. Seymour, Shaw, Spellicy, Stauffer, Sullivan Mr homas moved to amend thereport Mr. Thomas moved to amend the-report Taliaferro, Terry, Thomas, Waters, Wells. Taison-, Terry' Tho, by striking out, in the apportionment of Wilson —53. NAYS-Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Bell Brom- representatives, as follows, viz: ley, Buckley, Campbell, Cazabat, Cook T., First DLItrict-Strike out five and insert Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Gorlinski, Grune- three. berg, Harnan, Healy, Hills, Howes, Knob- Second District-Strike out eight and inloch, Mayer, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., sert five. Normand, O'Conner, Schroeder, Schnurr, Third District-Strike out six and insert Smith, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Thorpe-30. seven. ORDER OF THE DAY. Fifth District-Strike out three and in sert four. The Convention then resumed the con- sert four. Sixth District-Strike out three and insideration of the report of the Committee on sert two. Legislative Department. Eighth District-Strike out two and in Mr. S. Pursell moved to strike out of the sert three. Tenth District-Strike out seven and ineighty-sixth and eighty-seventh lines tl| Tenth District-Strike ort seven and inwords "and able to read and write.'" Which amendments were accepted by the On this motion the yeas and nays were committee. ordered. Pending discussion on the foregoing YEAS-Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Bar- Pending discussion on the foregoing Yr~s —Mesrs. Abel, AriaI,Asi,Briamendments, the Convention adjourned. rett, Balch, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, aendments, the Convention adjourned Bonzano, Bromley, Burke, Cazabat, Cook Approved. J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Decker, Du- JOHN E. NEELIS, fresne, Duane, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Secretary. THURSDAY, May 19, 1864. The president called the Convention to order at 12 o'clock M., and, after prayer by the Rev. Mr. Strong, the roll was called and the following members answered to their names: Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Balch, Bailey, Baum, Bell, Bofill, Bonzano, Bromley, Burke, Campbell, Crozat, Davies, Decker, Duane, Dufresne. Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Geier, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Hart, Henderson, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Millspaugh, Montague, Murphy M. W.,Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Orr, Payne J.. Pintado, Poynot, Healy, Henderson, Howell, Howes Knob loch, Kugler, Mans, Mann, Mayer, Mills The president called the Convention to paugh, Montamat, Montague, oiris, Mur order at 12 o'clock H., and, after prayer by phy E., murphy M. W., Newell, Normand the Rev. Mr. Strong, the roll was called and O7Conner, Ong, Orr, Pintado, Puicell J Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Smith, Spel the following members answered to their -9. Consequently the motionl prevailed. Mr. Montamat moved to adjourn, on which motion the yeas and nays were ordered. C 11 81 .1 82 JOURNAL OFP THE CONVENTION POR THE REVISION Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, There being no other reports from comSmith, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Taliaferro, mnittees, the unfinished business of yesterday Terry, Waters, Wells,Wilson, and Mr. Pres came next in order. ident-62 members present. Mr. Hills called up his resolution of yes There being no quorum present the ser terday, relative to dilatory members. geant-at-arms was directed to procure the terday, relative to diltory membes attendance of absent members. A motion to lay on the table was lost by attendance of absent members. I1the following vote~ The following members having entered elloi n voe the hall and taken their seats, viz: Cook YzAS —Messrs. Abell, Austin, Bailey the hakBuckley, Campbell, Cutler, Dufresne, DupaJ. K., Cook T., Cutler, Dupaty, Flagg, Gas- ty, Flagg, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Henderson. tinel, Gorlinski, Harnan, Hills, Mendiverri, Hire, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Maurer, MendiSeymour, Shaw, Thorpe and Thomas-14, verri, Montamat, Paine J. T., Pursell S., iSchnurr, Waters —22. the president declared a quorum present. Scur Water NAYs-Messrs. Balch, Baum, Bell, Bofill, The minutes of yesterday were read, cor- Bonzano, Bromley, Burke, Cook J. K., Cook rected and adopted. T., Crozat, Davies, Decker, Duane, Edwards, Mr. Henderson moved to reconsider the Ennis, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Gastinel, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Healy, Harnan, Hart, vote by which his resolution of yesterday Gld, o s a, an, -ar Hills, Howell, Howes Maas, Mann, Mayer, relative to charitable institutions was lost, Millspaugh, Morris, Murphy M. W., Newell, but Mr. Henderson having voted with the Normand. O'Conner, Orr, Payne J., Pintado, 11 ~~~Poynot, Purcell J., Sc'hroeder, Seymour, minority on that resolution, the president Poynot, Purcell J., Schroeder, Seymour, minority Shaw, Smith, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sulliinformed him that he could not move the van, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, reconsideration, whereupon Mr. Gorlinski Wells, Wilson-56. renewed the motion. Mr. Hills moved the previous question, A motion to lay Mr. Gorlinski's motion which, being lost, the question recurred on the table being lost, the question re- upon the adoption of the resolution. curred upon the reconsideration, and upon Mr. Montamat moved to amend by inserta division resulted: ayes 40, nays 29; con- ing the word "not," so as to make the resolisequently the resolution was reconsidered. tion read "shall not forfeit." Lost. On motion of Mr. Cutler the resolution On the adoption of the resolution, the was referred to a select committee of five, to yeas and nays were called, resulting: be appointed by the president. YEAS-Messrs. Austin, Balch, Barrett, to Mr. Austin offered the following resolt- fill, Bonzano, Burke, Crozat, Davies, Duane. ~~tio ~n:-~ ~Ennis, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Geier, Goldtion: man Gorlinski, Harnan, Hart, Hills, How Resolved, That two-thirds of all the mem- ell, Kavanagh,Knobloch Maas, Mann, Millsbers of this Convention, as ascertained from paugh, Montague, Newell, Normand O0'Conthe rolls of those elected and qualified, shall ner, Orr, Payne J., Pintado. Pucell J hereafter constitute a quorum of this body. Schlioeder, Shaw, Smith, Stumpf Stiner Mr. Campbell offered the following:!Stauffer, Taliaferro, Terry, Wells Wilson 43. Whereas, The misfortunes of war has NAYs —Messrs. Abell, Bailey, Baum, Bell, thrown in upon us, many Union refugees, Bromley, Buckley, Campbell, Cook J. K., from different parts of our State and the Cook T., Cutler, Decker, Dufresne, Dupaty, neighboring States, who are now in a desti- Edwards, Flagg, Gastinel, Gruneberg, Gaitute condition and want and require imme- dry, Henderson, Hire, Howes, Kavanagh, diate relief; aitd whereas, this Convention Knobloch, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, does sympathize with those who have had Montamat, Murphy M. W., Ong, Paine J., to leave heir homes on account of their T., Poynot, Pursell S., Schnurr, Seynmour. Union sentiments; therefore Sullivan, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters-38. Resolved, That the sumn of.....dollars' Resolved, That the sum-a of dollars Mr. Wilson called up his resolution relbe and is hereby authorized to be placed at t do led i on I l the dispos!al of the governor to relieve the ative to adjourning sisn die on 1st day of distressed refugees in our city. June next. On motion of Mr. Hills the resolution was Mr. Sullivan moved to lay the resolution referred to the Select Committee oh Charity. on the table, which motion was carried. Mr. Austin, chairman of the Select Com- Mr. S. Pursell's resolution, relative to mittee on Auditor's Report, reported pro- meeting at 10 o'clock A. M., wias taken tip. gress. read, and laid on the table. AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. Mr. Bonzano's resolution providing that and 12th lines to strike out entirely the no adjournment for a longer period than words "the third in the year one thousand twenty-four hours shall be made, unless eight hundred and seventy-six." such motion to adjourn shall have been Mr. Terry's motion, allowing parties not seconded by a majority of the Convention citizens to vote in consideration of military and requiring the yeas and nays thereon, and other services, was lost. - Mr. Henderson moved to amend lines 3d, 5th 8th, 15th, 21st and 24th of article 6, by striking out the word "electors" and i inserting " total white population," which amendments were lost. Mr. Flagg moved to amend line 33 by striking out the word "Algiers' and in serting the words "Orleans, right bank." , Carried. Mr. Bromley moved to amend line 33 by * striking out " two" and inserting "three" opposite the word "Lafourche," and strike out "three"' and insert "two" opposite f the word " Claiborne.?' M Mr. Bell moved to amend article 6, line 33, by striking out the word "three and insert "four- opposite th e w ord "First -District." Lost. ,Mr. Montamat called for the previous question, which being carried, the main question was put and article 6, as amended, was adopted. Articles 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, were each read and adopted. Article 12th was then read. Mr. Stocker moved to strike out in the 5th line, the worts "At the discretion of the Legisla ture.!' ILost. The article was then adopted as r e was taken up. A motion to lay on the table was made and lost, and the resolution was adopted by a rising vote of 38 yeas to 29 nays. The order of the day was then taken up, to-wit: The report of the Committee on Legislative Department. Mr. S. Ilursell moved to strike out the 88th, 89th, 90th, and 91st lines of article 6. Mr. Goldman moved to lay the motion on the table. Lost. On the adoption of the motion to strike out, the yeas and nays were ordered. resulting as follows: YEAs —Messrs. Abell, Balch, Bailey, Bar- i rett, Baum, Bell, Bofili, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Edwards, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Gastinel, Geier, Gruneberg, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Main, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Millspaugh, Montamat, Murphy M. W., Newell, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, Payne J., Purcell J.. Pursell S., Schroeder, Seymour, Smith, Stumpf, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, Thomas, Waters, Wilson-53. N.~iYs-Messrs. Austin, Bonzano, Bromnley, Davies, Dupaty, Ennis, Fosdick, Goldmanl, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Maas, Montague, Normand, Paine J. T.. Pintado. Schnurr, Shaw. Stiner, Stauffer, Thorpe, Wells —23. Mr. Smith moved to strike out of article 6 the word one, opposite the words "Parish of St. Mary," and insert two. which motion was lost. Mr. Balch moved to strike out " one" opposite the words "Parish of Iberville" and insert "two." Lost. Th e remainder of the report was then read section by section and adopted as read. The Convention then adjourned until 12 o'clock M. to-morrow. Adopted., Jox E. NELiS, Secretary. M r. Bromley moved to re-commit that portion of article 6 of the report, between the 33d and 80th lines. inclusive. Lost. Mr. Shaw moved to amend the 16th line of article 6, by inserting after the word "informality " the words " omission or error.," which amendment was accepted by the committee. Msir. Mann moved to aiuernd by striking out of the 11th line the word "seventy" iand insert "seventy-five,"' and in the 11th FRIDAY. May 20th, 1864. The Convention was called to order by the president. pursuant to adjournment, and the roll being called the following members answered to their names: Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Balch, Bailey, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Bonzano, Bromley, Buckley, Burke, Camprbell, Collin, Cook J. K.. Cook T., Crozat. I 83 ported. 84 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION Cutler, Davies, Duane, Dufresne, Dupaty, I OP.DER OF THE DAY. Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Third reading of report of Committee on Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Goldman, Leislative Department was taken up, and Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Hart, Henderson, Hills, Howell, Howes, Kavan- finally passed as it had been amended on agh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Mall- its second reading. rer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Millspaugh, t onta- SECOND REA.DING. mat, Montague, Morris, Murphy E.' Mur phy M. W., Newell, Normand, O,'Conner, The Convention then took up the report phy M. W., Newell, Normand, 0?Conner, Ong, Orr, Payne J., Paine J. T., Pintado, of the Committee on Executive Department Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, on its second reading. Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw Smith, Spellicy, The first section of the report was adopt Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan. Ied without amaendmient. Taliaferro, Terry, Thomas, Waters, WAVenck ed o endM Wells, Wilson, and Mr. President —88. Wells, Wilson, and Mr. President-8S. The second section being read, Mi. Sulli A quorum being present the proceedings van moved to strike out in the second line the words "1twenty-eight," and insert in were opened with prayer by the,ev. Mr. the words "twety-eight" and insert in Gregg.! lieu thereof the word "thirty," and strike )out "1four,"' in the fourth line and insert The journal of yesterday was read, cor- out "four" in the fourth line and insert hejrected and approved. cr i " ten," so that the section will read as fol rected and approved. On motion of Mr. Abell, Mr. Duke, of lows: Ascension was excused for non-atteance ART. —. No person shall be eligible to Ascension, was excused for non-atteance the office of governor or lieutenant gov in consequence of illness in his family. ernor who shall not have attained the age Mr. Bofill moved a reconsideration of of thirty years, and been a citizen and res the vote by which Mr. Hills's resolution, ident within the State for the space of ten relative to absent members, was yesterday years next preceding his election. adopted. On the motion to lay the amendments on Mr. Stauffer moved to lay the motion of the table. The yeas and nays were called ,Mr.Staffe moed o ly te mtio ofand resulted as follows: Mr. Bofill on the table, on which motion the andA rsulted as fllows yeas and nays were demanded, and being YEAs-Messrs. Ariail, Bonzano, Bromley , Collin. Cazabat, Duane, Dupaty, Ennis, Fish ordered resulted as follows: Flood, Foley, Fosdick. Geier, Goldman YEAS-Messrs. Ariail Bonzaiio, Bromiley, Gorlinski, Gaidry, Hills, Hire, Maas, Morris Duane,/ Edwards, Ennis, Foley, Fosdick Murphy E., Payne J., Paine J. T., Pintado. Fuller, Goldman, Gorlinsli, Harnan, Hart, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr. Hills, Howell, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Mills- Shaw, Smith, Stiner, Stauffer, Wenck —33. paugh, Montague, Morris, Murphy M. W., NTYs-.Messrs Abell, Austin, Balch, BaiNewell, Normand, O'Coilner, Orr, Payne J. e, Barrett, Baum. Beauvais. Bell, BoPaine J. T., Pintado, Poynot, Schroeder, fill, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Cook J. Schnurr, Shaw, Spellicy, Stiner, Stauffer, K., Cook T., Crozat Cutler, Decker, DuTaliaferro, Terry, Wells-39. fresne, Edwards, Flags, Fuller, Gastinel. NAYs-Messrs. Abell, Austin, Balch. Bai- Gruneberg, Ilarnan, Hart. Howell, Howes, ley, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, I Kavanagh, Knobloch Kugler, Mann, MauBuckley, Burke, Campbell, Collin, Cook J. rer, Mayer, Millspauglh, Montamiat, MontaK., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Decker, gue, Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, Dufresne, Dnpatv, Fish, Flagg, Flood. Gas- O'Conner, Ong, Orr, Povnot Seymour, tinel, Geier, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Sullivan, TaliaHenderson, Hire, Howes, Kavanagh, Knob- ferro, Thomas, Waters. Wells, Wilson,-53. loch, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri. Monta- Consequently the motion to lay the amendmat, Murphy E., Ong, Purcell J., Pursell ents o the table w lost. ~nents on the table was lost. S., Seymour, Smith, Stocker, Stumpf, Sul- livan, Thomas, Waters, Wenck, Wilson On the adoption of the section as amend— 51. ed the yeas and nays were called for, with Consequently the Convention refused to the following result: table the motion to re-consider, and on the YEAs-Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Baireconsideration Mr. Hills's motion, was ta- ley, Balch, Barrett, Baum, Bofill, Buckley, Burke, Campbell. Cazabat, Cook T., bled. Crozat, Cutler, Decker. Dufresne, Ed Mr. Austin called up his resolution of wards, Flagg, Fuller, Gastinel, Gaidry, yesterday relative to quorum, and on Geier, Gruneberg, Harnan, Hart, Howes, motion, it was tabled. Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Mann, Mau rer, Mayer, Mii}spaugh, Montamat, Mon I AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. 85 tague, Murphy M. A, Newell, Normand, Geier, Henderson, Hire, Howes, Kugler, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, Seymour, Spellicy, Montamat, Morris, Ong, Payne J., Pursell Stocker, Stumpf, Stauffer, Sullivan, Talia- S., Schroeder, Seymour, Smith, Stocker, ferro, Waters, Wells, Wilson-52. Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thomas, Waters, NAYS —Messrs. Beauvais, Bell, Bouzano,. Wenck, Wells-40. Bromley, Collin, Duane, Dupaty, En- NAYS-Messrs. Abell, Ariall, Baum, Barnis, Fish, Flood, Foley Fosdick, Gold- rett, Bell, Buckley, Campbell, Cook J. K., man. Gorlinski, Hills, Hire, Howell. Mas: I Decker, Dufresne, Edwards, Flood, Foley, Morris, Payne J.,Paine J.T.,Pintado, Poynot, Fosdick, Gastinel, Goldman, GCorlinski, GruPurcell J., Pursell S.. Schroeder, Schnurr, neberg, HIlarnan, Hart, Healy, Hills, Howell, Shaw, Smith, Stiner. Thomas, Wenck Kavanagh, Knobloch, Maas, Mann, Maurer, — 32. Mayer, Montague, Murphy M. W., Newell The amendment was adopted. and the Normand, O'Conner, Orr, Paine J. T., Pinsection adopted as amended. tado, Poynot, Purcell J., Schnurr, Shaw, The third section being read, Mtr. Mann Spellicy, Stumpf. Stiner, Taliaferro, Wil son-46. moved to strike oult the word "6fourth " in moved to stke out the word fourth in The motion to table was therefore lost. the second line and insert "second," so that On the original motion to reconsider a the section, as amended,will read as follows: Art.-. The governor shall enter on the rising vote was taken, when 20 members discharge of his duties on the second Mon- voted yen and 52 voted nay. The motion to day of January next ensuing his election, reconsider was therefore lost. and shall continue in office until the Monday The 6th, 7th and 8th sections were adopted next succeeding the dlay that his successor without amendments. shall be declared duly elected, and shall The 9th ection being read, Mr. Beauvais have taken the oath or affirmation required oered a substitute, which was tabled, and by the constitution. offered a substitute, which was tabled, and The section was then adopted as amended.nt On motion of Mr. Sullivan, the fourth as was also the 10th section. section was stricken out. Mr. Thomas proposed the following sub - The fifth section was read. Mr. Wells stitute for the 11th section: moved to amend by adding after the word The governor shall receive for his services "Congress,'" in the first line, "ministerof a compensation of ten thousand dollars any religious denomination," so that the lwper annum, payable quarterly, on his own any eliiou deomiatio,'~so hatthewarrant. section will read as follows:' No member O1 motion of M. Smith, the substitute of Congress, minister of any religious de- was amended by inserting "eight " instead nomination, or any person holding office of "tenthousand," andthesubstituteadopt under the United States government, shall ed a amended. be eligible to the office of governor or The 12th section was read, and, on mo,The 12th section was read, and, on mlolieutenant governor."~ lieutenant governor." tion of Mr. Stauffer, the words "army and The amendment was adopted, and the navy" were stricken out and the word navy" were stricken out and the word Section adopted as amended. "militia" inserted in lieu thereof. The sec Mr. Abell moved a reconsideration of the tion-was adopted as amended. vote striking out the fourth section. Sections 13 14 15 16 17 18 19,20 and Mr. Bofill moved to table the motion to 21 wee adopted without amendments. 21. were adopted without amendments. reconsider. The motion to table wnsr put, On motion of Mr. Davies, the 22d section aLedd on a rising vote — 43 Xvoted yea and 29. a on a rising vote- 43 voted yea and 29 was adopted by inserting the word "four" voted nay.. in lieu of "two," and the section adopted No quorum voting, a c.all of the House as amended. being demanded, 87 members answered to s a en The secretary read the next section. their names. Sec. 25. The free white men of the State The yeas and nays were then demanded shall be armed and disciplined for its deon Mr. Bofill's motion, with the following fence: but those who belong to religious result: societies whose tenets forbid them to carry YEAs-Messrs. Austin, Bailey, Beauvais arms, shall not be compelled to do so, but Bofill, Burke, Cazabat, Collin, Cook T., Cr' shall pay an equivalant for personal serzat, Cutler, Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Ed- vices wards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Fuller, Gaidry, Mr. Stauffer's motion to strike out and in 86 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION sert "all able-bodied citizens of the State NAYS-Messrs. Ariall, Beauvais, Bell, Bon-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ shall be immediately armed and disciplined zano, Buck~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ey, Cazabat, Cutler, Davies'~~~~~~~~~~~~~ for the defence of the State, and those rerus- Decker, Edwards, Ennis, Goldman, Harnan.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ word "free" was lost. Mr. Orr's amendment. "All free white males between the ages of 18 and 45 shall be armed and disciplined for the defence of the State," and to strike out the remainder of the article was laid on the table, by a rising vote of ayes 33, nays 30, whereupon Mr. Stauffer asked to have every man's vote on the question, and the roll was called, resulting as follows: YEAS-Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Balch, Barrett, Beauvais, Bofill, Buckley, Burke, Cazabat, Crozat, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Ed- wards, Ennis, Flagg, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Harnan, Hart, Hire,, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Mann, Maurer, Montamat, Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Poynot, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stauffer, Sullivan, Taliferro, Terry, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-59. NAYS-Messrs. Baum, Bell, Bonzano, Campbell, Cook J. K., Cook T., Cutler, Davies, Fish, Flood, Goldman, Gaidry, Healy, Henderson, Hills, Kugler, Maas, Mayer, i Morris, Ong, Orr, Payne J., Pintado, Pursell S., Schroeder, Stumpf. Stiner, Thomas- - 28. The amendment was tabled. Mr. Smith moved to strike out the word m The presiden t announced that he ha d ap, pointed as the' Special CommitteeI on Charitable resolutions, the following members: Messrs. Henderson, chairman; Hills. Bonzano, Shaw and Thorpe. The Convention then adjourned. "white," first line of section 25. Amotion to lay the amendment on the ta-: ble was lost by a rising vote of 30 ayes, 40 nays. The amendment was adopted. Upon putting the section before the Convention as amended, it was lost by a rising vote of yeas 40; nays 30. The section was the adopted in its original form. Mr. Sullivan moved to adjourn. Upon motion the yeas and nays were ordered, which resulted as follows: YEAs-Messrs. Abell, Austin, Balch, Bailey, Barrett, Baum, Bofill, Buckley, Campbell, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Duane, Dufresne, Dupaty, Flagg. Flood, Foley, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Hart, Hills, Howes, Kavanagh, Kugler, Maurer, Mayer, Murphy E., O'Conner, Orr, Poynot, Pursell S., Schnurr, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Sullivan, Terry, —39. Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Bailey, Baum, Bell, Bonzano, Bromley, Burke, Collin, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Decker, Dufresne, Dupaty, Edwards. Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood,, Foley, Foqdickl. Gastinel, Gaidry, Geier, Gorlinski, GrunDeberg, Harnan, Hart, Henderson, Hills. I-loAell, Howes, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Manni. Maurer, Mendiverri, Millspaugh. Montague. Murphy M. W., Normand, O'Conner. Orl. Paine J. T., Pintado, Poynot, Purcell J.. Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymourl Spellicy, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Taliaferro. Terry, Wilson and Mr. President-64. There being no quorum present, the sergeant-at-arms was directed to procure the attendance of absent members, and after some delay the following gentlemen entered the hall and answered to their names: Messrs. Barrett, Beauvais, Duane, Smith, Waters, Murphy E., Bofill, Buickley. Healy. Fosdick, Goldman, Mojntalmat-12. I AND AMENDMENT OF TEle CONSTIttJION OF LOtJISIANA. The minutes of yesterday's proceedings Mann, Mendiverri, Millspaugh, Montague, were read, amended and adopted. Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, There being no reports of committees Normand, Orr, Paine J. T., Pintado, Poy not, Pursell S., Schnurr, Spellicy, Stumpf; submitted, the order of the day-to-wit: Stauffer, Taliaferro. Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, the third reading of the report of the Com- Wenck. Wilson-49. mnittee on Executive Department-was taken The report was then read and taken up up and read by the secretary. section by section, and the first and second Mr. Cutler offered the following riders: articles were adopted as reported, without acts as president of the Senate," so that the article sh1 read: receive for his services a scary of five thousand dollars per annum, be paid quarterly." The remainder of the article, as reported, to be stricken out. of office of the treasurer, strike out "two opposition. At this juncture, Mr. Abell insisted that there had been offered substitutes for the report which had not been acted upon, and moved that they be read; but, upon motion of Mr. Foley, the Convention adjourned until Monday, 23d instant. Adopted. th wor "raue." iner the words-,.. and auditor of public accounts." MONDAY, May 23, 1864. And also in art. 23, as reported, after the The president called the Convention to word "State,"' in the first line, strike out order at 12 o'clock M., and the roll being and;" afte second word State insert called the following members answered to "and;"' after second word "State,': insert their names~ - auditor of public accounts." their names After the word " State," in second line Messrs. Ariail, Austin, Balch, Bailey, Bar rett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bromley, Bucksame article, insert, " auditor shall receive a ley, Burke, Campbell, Collin, Crozat, Dasalary of five thousand dollai's; the state vies, Duane, Duke, Edwards, Ennis, Flood, treasurer shall receive a salary of five thou- Gaidry, Geier, Goldman, Haley, Henderson, the secretary of state shall Hills, Howell, Kavanagh, Kugler, Maas, sand dollars, and tesMendiverri, Morris, Murphy M. W., Newell, receive a salary of five thousand dollars." Normand, Payne J., Pintado, Purcell J., All of which riders were accepted, and Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, the report, as amended, was adopted. Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauf fer, Taliaferro, Terry, Thomas, Waters, The report of the Committee on thOJudi- Wenck. and Mr. President-54. ciary was next taken tip on its second There being no quorum, the sergeant-atreading. arms was directed to bring in absent mem Mr. Abell moved to defei the second bers; and the following members having reading of the report of the judiciary de- entered the hall and taken their seats, viz: partment until next Monday, which was, on Messrs. Abell, Bofill, Cazabat, Dufiesne, motion of Mr. Stauffer, laid on the table by Fish, Flagg, Foley, Fuller, Gastinel, Grunea rising vote of 36 yeas to 26 nays. berg, Hart, Howes. Knobloch, Maurer, Mr. Montamat moved to adjourn, and the Mayer, O'Conner, Ong, Poynot, Stocker. yeas and nays being ordered thereon, re- Orr, Thorpe and Wilson, (22,) the president sulted as follows: announced a quorum present. The two YEAs — Messrs. Abell, Bell, Burke, Collin, assistant secretaries being absent, the presiCook T., Decker, Dufresne, Dupaty, Flagg, dent requested Messrs. Winfree and Russ Foley, Fosdick, Gastinel, Gaidry, Grune- to act as secretaries pro tern. The president berg, Hart, Healy, Henderson, Knobloch, Mayer, Montamiat, Purcell J.. Schroeder called Mr. Hills to the chair,the minutes Seymour, Smith, Stocker, Stiner, Sullivan, i were read, and no objection being made, Waters, Wilson-29. they were declared approved. -N',.ys-Messrs. AVriail, Austin. Bailey, Bar NAY-Messs. ial, Austin Bailey, Bar- The Committee's on Schedule and Ordirett, Bauin, Beauvais, Bofill, Bonzano, Bromley, Collin, Cook J. K., Crozat, Cutler, nance reported progress. Davies, Duane, Ennis, Fish, Flood, Fuller The Committee on Finance submitted the Geier, Harnan, Hills, Howell, Kugler, Maas, following reports: JOHN. E. NEELIS, Secretary. 87 88 JOURNAL OF THE CONVEN REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. May 17-Balance on hand as per report No. 5........$55A,485 40 May 17 Paid warrant No. 35....$1,040 00 May 18-Paid warrant No. 36.... 644 00 May 19-Paid warrant No. 38.... 520 00 May 21-Paid warrant No. 39.... 1,240 00 May 21-Paid warrant No. 40.... 1.130 00 May 21-Paid warrant No. 41.... 860 00 t May 21-Paid warrant. No. 42.... 411 00 May 21 -Pad warrant No. 43.... 108 00 May 21 —Paid warrant No.44.... 470 00 May 21-Paid warrant No. 46.... 1,876 00 —- 8,299 00 dren..................... 1.500 00 For the Chirdrens' Home, of the Protestant Episcopal Church 500 00 For the Catholic Institute of Des titul e Orphans............ 751) (0 For the Catholic Benevolent As sociation, Baton Rouge...... 250 I)() For the Female Orphan Asylum, Baton Rouge............. 500.. 00( For the St.Vincent's Orphan Asy lum, Donaldsonville.........)1)500 0(0) For the Miln(e Asylum, New Or leain s..................... 500 00 For the St. Vincent's Orphan Asylum........................ 500 00) For the Moreau Street Orphan A-syluti.m....................... 500 00 $21,000 00 ()On motion. the foregoing report was taken up for action. Mr. Sullivan moved to amend by adding, To the Firemens' Charitable Association, $3000."' Mr.Montamat amended the amendment by increasing the almount to $5000, which was accepted )by Mr. Sullivan. Mr. Davies lnove(d to lay the amendment oil the table, oil which motion the yeas and navs were demanded and takeii. as follows: YEAs-Messrs. Burke, Campbell, Collin. Cazabat, Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fuller, Gaidry, Goldman, Gruneberg, HIlarnan, Hart, Henderson, Hills, Howell, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., New-ell, Normandl, Ong, Pintadl). Poynot, Schroeder, Schnurr, Smith, Stauffer, Thorpe, W('ll~....38. NAYS M essrs. AbIell, Ariail, Austin, Bar rett, Balch, Bailey, Bell, Bofill, Bromley, Buckley, Cook J. K., Crozat, Decker, Duke. Dufi'esne, Gastinel. Geier, HIlealy, Howes. Maiurer Mayer, Mendiverri, Morris. Monta mat, Orr, Payne J.. Purcell J., Pursell S., Seymour, Shaw, Spellicy, Stuminpf, Stiner. Sullivan, Terry, Waters, Wenck, Wilson -38. .$47,186 40 May 23-Balance on hand to date of the funds appropriated for the pay ment of per diem of members and salaries of office rs, forty seven thousand o n e hundred and eighty-six dollars and forty cents. REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF TIHE FUNDS APPROPRL1TED FOR CONTINGENT EX PENSES. May 17-Balance on hand as per report No. 5......... $9,585 48 May 20-Paid M. DeCoursey,war rant No. 45.......... 826 00 $8,759 48 May 23-Balance ol hand this day, eight thousand seven hundred and fifty nine dollars and forty-eight cents. May 18 —The sum of fifteen thousand dollars was paid to W. R. Fish for print ing and advertising, on warrant No. 37, out of the fiuds not other wise appropriated by the Con vention, as appears per voucher No. 5, on file. Mr. Henderson, on behalf of the Special Committee on Charitable Institutions, subrhitted a report recommending an appropriation of twenty-one thousand d(ollars, as follows: For the Orphans' Home, in New Orleans..................$ 1,500 00 For the St. Marks Catholic Asy lum..................... 4,000 00 For the Female Asylum, Camp street.................... 4.000 00 For the House of the Good Shep herd..................... 250 00 500 0( 1.500 O0 1.0oIo 0o 1.000 1,0)00 750 00 O0 O0 AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. NAYS - Messrs. Ariail, Austin, Barrett, Beauvais, Bromley, Cook J. K., Crozat, Cutler, Edwards, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Goldman, Harnan, Hart, Henderson, Hire, Howell, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Morris, Newell, Payne J., Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Seymour, Shaw, Spellicy, Stauffer, Sullivan, Wilson-33. No quorum voting, on a motion to adjourn the yeas and nays were demanded and taken, as follows: YEAS-V Messrs. Abell, Austin, Balch, Bailey, Bofill, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler,Decker, Duke, Duane, Dufresne, Edwards, Flood, Fuller, Gastinel, Goldman, Gruneberg, Hart, Knobloch, Maas, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., O'Conner, Ong, Orr, Poynot, Schnurr, Seymour, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Sullivan, Waters-43. NAYs-Messrs. Ariail, Barrett, Beauvais, Bell, Bromley, Collin, Dupaty, Ennis, Geier, Gaidry, Henderson, Hire, Howell, Kugler, Mann, Morris, Newell, Normand, Payne J., Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Stauffer, Stiner, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-30. Consequently the chairman (Mr. Shaw) declared that the Convention stands adjourned until 12 o'clock M. to-morrow. Adopted. The chairman (Mr. Hills) declared that as a majority did not vote in favor of the motion, it was lost. Mr. Henderson moved to lay the whole subject on the table, on which motion thq yeas and nays were demanded and taken, as follows: YEAs —Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Balch, Bromley, Burke, Collin, Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Decker, Edwards, Ennis, Flagg, Flood, Fuller, Goldman, Hart, Harnan, Henderson, Hills, Howell, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Mendiverri, Morris, Newell, Normand, Ong, Pintado, Poynot, Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Smith, Stauffer, Wenck-41. NAYS-.Messrs. Barrett, Beauvais, Bell. Bofill, Buckley, Campbell, Cook J. K., Dufresne. Duane, Dupaty, Duke, Foley, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Healy, Howes, Maurer, Mayer, Montamat, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., O'Conner, Orr, Payne J., Purcell J.,Shaw, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters, Wilson — 37. Consequently the motion prevailed, and the whole subject was laid on the table. ORDER OF THE DAY. The Convention then took up the order of the day, being the report of the Committee on the Judiciary. On motion of Mr. Howell, the vote of Saturday, by which the 1st and 2d sections were adopted, was reconsidered, and the 1st section having been read, was, on motion, adopted. The 2d section was read, together with the following amendment of Mr. Abell: It shall have a general superintending control over all inferior and other courts of law; shall have power to issue writs of errors and supersedeas, certiorari, habeas corpus and quo warranto and other remedial writs, and to hear and determine the same. Mr. Pursell moved to lay the amendment on the table, which, on a division of the House, was negatived by a vote of 28 yeas to 33 nays. On the motion to adopt the amendment the yeas and nays were demanded and taken, as follows: YEAs-Messrs. Abell, Balch, Bailey, Bell, Bofill, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Collin, Cook T., Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Dupaty, Duke, Ennis, Flood, Gaidry, Gruneberg, Knobloch, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Normand, Ong, Orr, Schroeder, Schnurr, Smith, Stiner, Stocker, Stumpf, Terry, Waters-37. 12 JOHN E. NEELIS, Secretary., TUESDAY, May 24, 1864. The Convention met and was called to order by the president at 12 o'clock M. The roll being called, the following members answered to their names: Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Bailey, Barrett, Beauvais. Bell, Bofill, Bromley, Burke, Campbell, Cazabat, Collin, Cook T., Cook J. K., Davies, Decker, Dufresne, Duke, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Geier. Goldman, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Healy, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Knobloch, Maas, Mann, Montamat, Morris, Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Payne J., Pintado, Poynot, Pursell S., Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stumpf, Stiner, Terry, Wenck, Wells, and Mr. President -58. There being no quorum, the sergeant-atarms was directed to bring in absent members, and after some' delay the following members entered the hall and took their seats: Messrs. Baum, Cutler, Duane, Dupaty, Fuller, Gastinel, Gaidry, Harnan, Hart, Howes, Kugler, Mayer, Mendiverri, Murphy 89 90 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION "True Delta," as full a report of the previous day's proceedings of the Convention as possible, including the votes on the call for yeas and nays, and so much of the debates as will give to members of the House a clear idea of each day's proceed ings. The foregoing resolutions were ordered to lie over until to-morrow, the Convention refusing to suspend the rules in order to consider them. Mr. Stocker offered the following, which lays over until to-morrow: Resolved, That the sum of twenty-two thousand five hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated out of any money now in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated, for charitable purposes. Be it further Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed by the chair to carry the above resolution into effect. Mr. Henderson informed the Convention that Mr. Hamilton, one of the assistant secretaries, being unwell, and asks leave of absence for a few days. On motion of Mr. Henderson, Mr. Hamilton was granted leave of absence. Mr. Henderson moved to reconsider the vote of yesterday, by which the report of the Special Committee on Charitable Ap propriations was tabled. Mr. Hills moved to lay the motion to re consider on the table. Carried. The Committee on Schedule reported progress. Mr. Austin, on behalf of the Committee on the Report of the Auditor, stated that one of the members of the committee was absent, and another (Mr. Wells) will be absent in a day or two, and asked that the president appoint two others, which was ordered, and the president appointed Mr. Cutler in place of Mr. Thomas, and Mr. Heard in place of Mr. Wells. The president laid before the Convention a communication from the secretary of state, relative to a portion of the State library, which, on motion of Mr. Hills, was referred to a special committee of three, upon which the president appointed Messrs. Hills, Howell and Campbell. E., Schroeder, Stocker, Stauffer, Sullivan, Thorpe,'Waters, Wilson-21. The president announced a quorum. When the minutes were read, Mr. Abell asked to have the words " no quorum voting" stricken out, as being incorrect, and appealed to the president for a decision. The president stated that he was not in the chair when the vote was taken on yesterday, but he would s ubmi t the question to the decision of the Convention. The minutes were declared correct by a rising vote of 43'yeas to 18 nays, and were adopted without alteration. RESOTIUTIONS. Mr. Montamat presented the following: Resolved, That Major Gen. N. P. Banks and staff be respectfully invited to visit this Convention, and that a committe eof five members be appointed by the chair to wait on Gen. Banks and communicate this resolution to him. On motion of Mr. Montamat the rules were suspended and the resolution, was unanimously adopted, and the president appointed on the committee under this resolution, Messrs. Montamat, Shaw, Cutler, Howell and Heard. Mr. Hills offered the following: Whereas, The'absence of a few members at the 12 o'clock roll-call results in a great delay of business, therefore, Resolved, That the members of the Convention who do not answer to their names within fifteen minutes after 12 o'clock m., shall forfei t their per diem allowance for ever y d ay of such absence. Mr. Montamat offered the following: Resolv ed, That the off ice of assistant secretary, occupied by Mr. T. H. Murphy, be declared vacant. Resolved te, Tfur ther, Th at the scretary be authorized to appoint a suitable person to fill said vacancy during the balance of the session. I Mr. Terry present ed the following: Resolved, That the sum of one hu ndred dollars is hereby allowed out of any funds in the State treasury, not otherwise appro priated, to defray the expenses necessary for the enrollment on parchment, framing, etc., of the act of emancipation, in English and French, adopted by this Convention on the 11th day of May, 1864. M r. Th orpe offered t he following: Resolved, That the official printer be requested to publish every morning, in the ORDER OF THE DAY. The second reading of the report of the Committee on the Judiciary was then called for, and being taken up. the 2d section was AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. 91 read; also, the amendments of Mr. Abell - Bofill, Bromley, Buckley, Burke, Cazabat, Camp bell, Collin, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Daves, And Mr. Henderson. Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Dupaty, Du ke, Ed Itbeingdeterminedwto take up' wrds, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fos dick, Fuller, Gastinel, Gaidry, Geier, Goldman, amendment first, the president decided it Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Harnan, Heard, Hender must be.teted on de novo. son, Hills, Hire, Howell, Kuobloch, Kugler, miiust be acted on deooMaas, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Monta Mr. Cazabat moved to amend by striking mat, Morris, Murphy M.W., Newell, Normand O'Conner, Payne J., Pintado, Poynot, Pursell S., out the words "'error and." Shaw, Schnurr, Smith, Spellicy, Stumpf, Stiner, MAr. Cutler moved to lay the amendment, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry,,Thorpe, Wenck, Wells, Wilson and Mr. President-72. and the amendment to the amendment. on No quorum being present the sergeant the table, upon which motion the yeas and a-arms was directed to brinn in absent nays were demanded, and being taken, re- members. suited as follows: YstMlted as follow s:Bt After some delay the following membels YEAs —Messrs. Ariail, Austin, Bailey, Barrett, Beauvais, Burke, Cazabat, Cook J. R., Crozat, appeared and took their seats: Cutler, Davies, Edwards, Fish, Fuller, Geier, Messrs. Baum, Hart, Healy, Kavanagh, MurGoldman, Hart, Henderson, Heard, Howell, phy E., Purcell J.-6. Howes, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Morris, Newell, Normand, Ong, Orr, Payne J., Pintado, Poynot, A quorum was announced by the presiPurcell J., PursellS,,Schroeder, Shaw, Stumpf, dent, and the journal of yesterday was Stauffer, Thorpe, Wenck, Wells-41. NAYs-Messrs. Abell, Bell, Bofill, Bromley, read and approved. Campbell, Collin, Cook T., Decker, Dufresne, Th Iresident laid before t Convention Duane, Duke, Dupaty, Ennis, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Gastinel, Gaidry, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, a bill of the city of New Orleans against the Harnan, Healy, Hills, Enobloch, Mayer, Montamat, Murphy e., MurphyM. -W., OConnaer, MState of Louisiana. amounting to $6139 13, mat., Murphy'E., Murphy M.' W., O'Conner, Smith, Stocker, Stiner, Sullivan, Terry, Waters, expenses paid for fitting up Liberty Hall Wilson-36. The amendments were therefore laid on for the use of the Convention, which was the table. rtre,rred to the Committee on Contingent Mr. Henderson's amendment being next Expenses. in order, was taken up and read. Mir. Iills called up his resolution of yes Mr. Pursell moved to lay the amendment terday, relativ e to absent members. on the table, upon which motion the yeas A motion of Mr. Waters to table the resoand nays were demanded, and being taken, lution iailed. resulted as follows: Mr. Stocker moved to amend by adding YEAs-Messrs. Ariail, Bailey, Barrett, Beauvais, the words, "without a good excuse,"' to come Bromley, Campbell, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Crozat,.s Edwards, Fuller, Gaidry, Hart, Harnan, Heard, li after the word "absence." This amendHowell, Howes, Knobloch, Kugler, Mann, May- sent was accepted. er, Morris, Newell, Normand, Payne J., Pintado, Poynot, Pursell S., Shaw, Stumpf, Terry, Thorpe, On the a'doption of th* resolution the yeas Wells —33. Wells~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~a.l iays4 were ta,ikeni, with!he following NAYS-Messrs.Abell, Austin, Bell, Bofill, Burke, d wee take, with he following Collin, Cook T., Cutler, Davies, Decker, Duane, result Duke. Dupaty. Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, YFsxs-leiessrs, Ariail, Austin, Barrett, Bell, Fosdick, Gastinel, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Bromley, Burke, Cazabat, Collin, Cook T., DaGruneberg, Henderson, Healy, Hills, Maas, Mon- vie D.tne, Dufresne Ennis, Fish, Flood, Fotamat, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., O'Conner, ly,Foscliek, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Harnan. Ong, Purcell J., Schroeder, Stocker, Stauffer, Healy, llills, Howell, Kugler, Mass, Mann, May Stiner, Sullivan, Wenck, Wlson1. r, fotamat, Morris, Newell, Normand, Pinta The motion was therefore dleclared lost. do, Pur(ell J., Schroeder, Sliaw, Smith, Stocker, Stumpf, 3tiner, Stauffer, Terry Thorpe, Wells. A call of the Hous(e wats demanded, and Wilson-5. A~~~~~~~~~~~ Wilson-45. being taken, 70 members answered to their NAYs-essrs.,Abell, Bailey, Beauvais, Bofill. Buckley. Campbell, Cook J. K., Crozat, Decker, namtes. There being no qnorlum. on motion. Dupaty, Duke, Edwards, Flagg, Fuller, Gastinel, the Conventioii adjourued aidry, Gruneberg, Hart, Heard, Henderson, *e C nio adHire. Howes Kavanagh, Knobloch. Maurer, A.dopted(l. Mendiverri, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., O'Con.~ott-\ E.' eea ier, Ong. Orr, Payne 3., Poynot, Pursell S.. E NL qge~ Scl-lrr, nSeymrour, Spellicy,Suilivan,Waters-39. WF.DNESA.Y, May 25, 1864 The resolution was therefore adopted. The presidtlent called the Convention to Mir. T'erry called up his resolution of yes order at 12 o'clock., and the roll being terday, appropriating one hundred dollars order at 12 o'clock., and the roll being to pay for enrolling, framing, etc., of the called the following members answered to ordinance of emancipation; and, on motion their names:' of Mr. Wilson, it was referred to the Com Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Barrett, Beauvais, Bell,. mittee on Contingent Expenses. 92 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR TlHE REVISION Art. 3d was read, and Mr. Sullivan offered a substitute. Mr. Cazabat mnoved to lay the substitute on the table. Lost. Pending the discussion on the 3d article and Mr. Sullivan's substitute, the Convention adjourned. Adopted. Mr. Stocker called up his resolution appropriating $22,500 for charitable purposes. Mr. Smith moved to lay the resolution on the table, which motion prevailed by a rising vote of 47 yeas to 27 nays. But as there was no quorum voting, Mr. Stocker moved a call of the House, which was ordered, and 84 members found to be present. Mr. Stocker insisting on every member voting, the vote was taken by yeas and nays, with the following result: YEAs —Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Balley, Baum, Beauvais, Bofill, Bromley, Burke, Cazabat, Collin, Crozat, Davies, Decker, Dupaty, Duane, Duke, Edwards, Ennis, Flagg, Fosdick, Fuller, Goldman, Henderson, Hills, ire, Howell, Howes, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Maure r, Mayer, Mendiverri, Morris, Montamat, Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, Ong,-Orr, Payne J., Pintado, Poynot, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stauffer, Sullivan, Waters, Wenck, Wells-53. NAYs-Messrs. Barrett, Bell, Buckley, Campbell, Cook J. K., Cook T., Dufresne, Fish, Flood, Foley, Gastinel, Gaidry, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Harnan, Hart, Healy, Heard, Kavanagh, Mann, Murphy E., O'Conner, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schnurr, Schroeder, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Terry, Thorpe, Wilson —33. The resolution was therefore tabled. ORDER OF TIlE DAY. The Converition resumed the consideration of the report of the Committee on Judiciary. The 2d article Was read, together with Mr. Henderson's amendment, when, with the consent of the Convention, Mr. Henderson withdrew his original amendment and offered a substitute. Mir. Pursell moved to lay th e substitute on the table. Lost by a rising vote of 32 yeas to 14 nays. On the motion to adopt Mr. Henderson's substitute, the yeas and nays were taken, with the following result: YEAS-Messrs. Abell, Bailey, Buckley, Collin, Cook T., Decker, Duane. Dufresne, Dupaty, Duke, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, laidry, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Henderson, Hills Kavanagh, Maurer, Maas, Mendiverri, Murphy M. W., -lqurphy E., O'Conner, Orr, Schroeder, Seymour, Smith, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters-39. NAYS —Messrs. Ariail, Austin, Baum, Barrett, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Bromley, Burke, Campbell, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Crozat, Davies, Edwards, Fuller, Geier, Goldman, Harnan, Har t, Healy, Heard, Hire, Howell, Howes, Knobloch, Kugler, Mann, Mayer, Montamat, Morris, Newell,Iormand, Ong, Payne J., Pintado, Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S. Schnurr, Shaw, Spellicy, Stocker, Wen ck, Wels, Wilson-47. The substitute was therefore not adopted. Art. 2d was then ado~pted as originaully reperted by the committee. JOHN E. NEELIS, Seretai'y. THURSD.Y,, May 26, 1864. The president called the Convention to order at 12 o'clock x. Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr.Gilbert. The roll being called, the following members answered to their names:. Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Bailey, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Bromley, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Coilin, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler,D)avies, Duane, Dufresne, Duke, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gaidry, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Harnan, Hart, Healy, Heard, Henderson, Hifls, Hire. Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, Payne J., Paine J. T., Pintado, Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters, Weuck, Wells, Wilson and Mr. President-86. A quorum being present, the journal of yesterday was read and approved. ,Nr; Thorpe presented the following resolutior., which lies over under the rules: R esolve, That the pen used by the president of this Convention iin signing the ordinance of emancipation, be presented, along with proper endorsements of its genuineness, to Maior Gen. N. P. Banks, commanding the Department of the Gulf. RE'PORTS oF' CO.NI~MrEES. The Committee on Schedule reported progress. The Committee on Finance, no report. The Committee on Expenses, no report. The Committee on Compensation, no re port. The Committee on Currenoy, no report. The Committee on Auditor reported progress. Mr. Montamat moved a reconsideration of the vote of yesterday on the adoption of Mr. Hills's resolution relative to members who fail to answer at roll call. Mr. Htills moved that Mr. Montamat's motion be laid on the table, upon which motion the yeas and nays were demanded, and being taken resulted as follows: YEAs-Messrs. Ariail, Barrett, Beauvais, Bell, Bromley, Burke, Collin, Cook T., Dufresne, Duane, Edwards, Ennis, Flood, Fosdick, Foley, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Harnan. Hills, How ell, K!gler, Mann, N ewell, Normand, Payne J., Purcell J., Pursell S.. Schroeder. Shaw, Smith, Stinher,. Stauffer, Terrv. Thorpe, Wells, Wilson-36. NAxYIs —eC,srs. A kbell, I.liley, Baum, Bennie. Beauvais, Bofill, Buckley, Campbell, Cook J. K., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Deckerl I i AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. Duke, Dupaty, Fish, Flagg, Fuller, Gaidry, Gruneberg, Hart, Healy, Heard, Henderson, Hire, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Maas, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., O'Conner, Ong, Orr, Paine J. T., Pintado, Poynot, Schnurr, Seymour, Spellicy, Stocker,- Stumpf, Sullivan, Waters, Wenck-49. The motion was therefore lost. On the motion to reconsider the yeas and nays were demanded, and being taken, resulted as follows: YEiS -Messrs. Abell, Austin, Bailey, Baum, Beauvais, Bennie, Bofill, Buckley, Campbell, Cook J. K., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Decker, Duke, Dupaty, Fish, Flagg, Fuller, Gaidry, Gruneberg, Hart, Healy, Heard, Henderson, Hire, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Maas, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Ong, O'Conner, Orr, Paine J. T., Pintado, Poynot, Schnurr, Seymour, Spellicy, Stocker, Sullivan, Waters, Wenck-49. NAYS-Messrs. Ariail, Barrett, Bell, Bromley, Burke, Collin, Cook T., Duane, Dufresne, Edwards, Ennis, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Geier, Goldman, Gorliuski, Harnan, Hills, Howell, Kugler, Mann, Newell, Normand, Payne J., Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Shaw, Smith, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Terr y, Thorpe, Wells, Wilson-37. The motion to reconsider prevailed, and, on motion of Mr. Montamat, the resolution of Mr. Hills was laid on the table. ORDER OF THE DAY. The Convention resumed the consideration of art. 3d of the report of the Judiciary Committee, together with Mr. Sullivan's substitute, which was taken up as the order of the day, being the unfinished business of yesterday. After ne an abl e and protracted discussion, the Convention adjourned. Adopted. derson, Howell, Howes, Knobloch, Maurer, Maas, Mann, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat. Morris, Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Orr, Payne J., Pintado, Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters, Wells, Wilson, and Mr. President78. The journal of yesterday was read and approved. RESOLUTIONS. The following resolutions were presented and laid over under the rules. By Mr. Bell: Reso lved, That the following be adopted as a standing rule of this Convention: When a question ha s be en onc e decided by the Convention, it shall not again be brought up for consideration, except by a m o recae hi otion to reconsider, which motion must be made on the same or succeeding day, or by a vote of two-thirds of the members present. By Mr. Waters: Be it Reselved, That from and after this date, the police force of the ceity of New Orle an s sh all receive fro m the city treasury the annual pay of one thousand dollars, payable monthly, and shall furnish bond in the sum of One thousand dollars for the faithful performance of theirSduties while acting in the capacity of policemen. Mr. Foley moved a suspension of the rules, in order to act on the foregoing resolution. Lost. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Mr. Cazabat, on behalf of the Special Committee on Compensation to loyal owners for emancipated slaves, stated that the committee will report on Monday. Mr. Montamat, on behalf of the Special Committee to wait on Gen. Banks and invite him and his staff to visit this Convention, reported that the committee had performed the duty assigned them, and that Gen. Banks would visit the Convention at 1 o'clock P. M. to-day. No other reports of committees. Mr. Thorpe called up his resolution of yesterday, relative to presenting to General Banks the pen with which the president of this Convention signed the ordinance of emancipation. The resolution was unanimously adopted. FRIDAY, May 27, 1864. The president called the Convention to order at 12 o'clock M. The roll was called and the following members answered to their names: Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Balch, Bailey, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Bromley, Brott, Buckley, Burke, Cazabat, Collin, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Davies, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Dupaty, Duke, Edwards, Ennis. Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley. Fuller, Gastinel, Gaidry, Geier, Goldman, Gruneberg, Hart, Healy, Heard, Hen 93 JOHN E. NEELIS. Secretary. ORDER OF THE DAY. The report of the Judiciary Committee was taken up as the order of the day. I 94 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION There being no quorum, the sergeant-atarms was directed to bring in absent members. After some delay the following members appeared and took their seats: Messrs. Baum, Collin, Fish, Mendiverri, Fosdick, Kugler, Cook T., Seymour, Fuller, Austin, Davies, Howell, Hire, Beauvais, Stocker, Thorpe-16. A quorum being announced, the journal of yesterday was read and approved. Mr. Cazabat presented a resolution to the effect that this Convention will adjourn sine die on the 6th day of June. Mr. Montamat moved a suspension of the rules in order to consider the foregoing resolution, but two-thirds not voting in favor of the motion, the resolution was laid over under the rules. Mr. Pursell, on behalf of the Commhittee on Contingent Expenses, reported favorably on the bill of the city of New Orleans for fitting up Liberty Hall for the use of the Convention, and accompanied the report with a resolution providing for the payment of said bill. The same member, on behalf of the same committee, report ed unfavorably on the resolution of Mr. Terry, to appropriate one hundred dollalr s f or enrolling on parchment, and framing, etc., of the ordinance of emancipation. On motion, the repor t was adopted. Mr. Austin, on behalf of the Committee on the Report of the Auditor of Public Accounts, stated that the committee will be ready to report on Monday. Mr. Bell called up his resolution to amend the rules, and on motion the same was lai d on the table. Mr. Waters called up his resolution relative to the city police. On a motion to table the resolution the yeas and nays were demanded, and being taken resulted as follows: YEAS-Messrs. Ariail, Balch, Bailey, Beaulvais, Collin, Cazabat, Crozat, Davies, Duke, Dufresne, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fosdick, Heard, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kugler, Mann, Mayer, Morris, Orr, Pintado, Pursell S., Shaw, Stauffer, Thorpe, Wells-30. NAYs-Messrs. Abell, Barrett, Bell, Bofill, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Cook T., Cook J. K., Duane, Fish, Flood, Foley, Fuller, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Harnan, Hart, On Mr. Hills's motion, the rule limiting members to half an hour in debate, was suspended during the discussion on the subject of the judiciary. The door-keeper announced Gen. Banks, when all the members rose, and Gen. Banks entered the hall, accompanied by his staff and his excellency, Gov. Hahn. The distinguished visitors were escorted to the president's stand by the committee, when Gen. Banks was welcomed by the president in a short and appropriate address, to which the general replied in a few eloquent and well-timed remarks. Expressing thanks to the president and the Convention, he announced his cordial approval of what the Convention has already done, and his confidence that the work which remains to be completed will be equally well done. At the conclusion of Gen. Banks's remarks, on motion of Mr. Stocker, the Convention took a recess of twenty minutes. On reassembling, Mr. Abell obtained a suspen sion of the rules and offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted: R esolv ed, T hat this Convention tenders to Major Gener al Banks its acknowledgments of his eminent public services, first, as a civilian; next, as a soldier; and in both capacities, as a man ready and willing to give up his all for his country. The discussion on the Judiciary Report was then resumed, pending which the Convention adjourned. Adopted. SATURDAY May 28, 1864., The president called the Convention to order at 12 o'clock x., and the roll being called the following members answered to their names: Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Balch, Bailey, Barrett, Bell, Bofill, Bromley, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Crozat, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Duke, Dupaty Edwards, Ennis, Flood, Foley, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Harnan, Hart, Healy, Henderson, Heard, Howes, Kavanagh, Maurer, Maas, Mann, Mayer, Montamat, Morris, Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Orr, Pintado, Poynot, Pursell S.,Schroeder, Schnurr, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stauffer Stiner, Stumpf, Sullivan, Terry, Waters, Wells, Wilson and Mr. President-61. JOH-N E. NFEIIS, Secretary. AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. Healy, Henderson, Howes, Maas, Maurer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Murphy M. W., Normand, O'Conner, Poynot, Purcell J., Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Sullivan, Terry, Waters, Wenck, Wilson-44. Mr. Sullivan offered a substitute for Mr. Waters's resolution. The substitute was accepted. Mr. Cazabat moved to table the substitute, upon which motion the yeas and nays were demanded, and being taken resulted as follows: YEAs-Messrs. Ariail, Austin, Balch, Bailey, Beauvais, Bromley, Burke, Campbell, Collin, Cazabat, Cutler, Davies, Dufresne, Duke, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fosdick, Gorlinski, Heard, Hills, Hire, Howell, Kugler, Mann, Mayer, Morris, Orr, Payne J., Paine J. T., Pintado, Pursell S., Shaw, Stumpf, Thorpe, Wells, Wilson-37. NAYs-Messrs. Abell, Barrett, Bell, Bofill, Buckley, Cook J.K., Cook T.. Duane, Fish, Flood, Foley. Fuller, Geier, Goldman. Harnan, Hart, Healy, Henderson, Howes, Maas, Maurer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Murphy M. W., Normand, O'Conner, Poynot, Purcell J., Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Waters, Wenck-40. Consequently the motion was lost, and on motion of Mr. Abell the substitute was ordered to be printed and made the order of the day for Monday, June 6th.' Mr. Bofill asked a call of the House, which was ordered, when 77 members answered. The order of the day being the report of the Judiciary Committee, together with Mr. Sullivan's substitute for the 3d article of said report, was-then taken up and discussed, pending which the Convention adjourned. Adopted. ance of absent members. The following members having entered and taken their seats, viz: Messrs. Barrett, Cazabat, Cook T., Cutler, Duane, Fuller, Henderson, Hire, Morris, Schroeder and Stocker, (11,) the president announced that there was a quorum present. Mr. Hills offered the following: Resolved, That members of this Convention who have not leave of absence, and who shall fail to answer to the roll-call within twenty minutes after 12 M., shall forfeit their per diem allowance for every day of such absence, unless able to give a satisfactory excuse to the Convention. Mr. Stocker moved to suspend the rules in order to take up Mr. Hills's resolution, but the Convention refusing to suspend the rules, the resolution was laid over. Mr. Montamat offered the following: Resolved, That a copy of the resolution adopted by this Convention, tendering thanks to Major General N. P. Banks, be sent to him, (the same to be written on parchment.) Mr. Orr offered the following: Resolved, That it shall be the duty of the Legislature, at its first session, to fix, by legislative enactments, the compensation to be paid to foremen, mechanics, cartmen and laborers employed on the public works under the government of the State of Louisiana and the city of New Orleans, at not less than the following rates: Foreman of mechanics......$4 00 per day. Foreman of carts.......... 3 00 " " Foremen of laborers....... 3 0 " " Mechanics................ 3 00 " " Laborers.................. 2 00 " Mr. Wells, on behalf of the Committe on Compensation of loyal owners of slaves, submitted a written report and memorial, and also reported the following resolutions: Resotved, That the Committee on the Compensation of loyal citizens for slaves emancipated, be directed to cause the accompanying memorial to be engrossed in duplicate, signed by themselves and attested by the president and secretary of this Convention, and that they also transmit one copy of the same to the Senate and the other 95 JOHN E. NEELTS, &cretary. 'NIONDA.Y, May 30. 1864. The Convention met pursuant to Adjournment, and after prayer by the Rev. Mr. Horton, the roll was called and the following members answered to their names: ,Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Balch, Bailey,. Beauvais, Bofill. Bromley, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Collin, Crozat, Davies, Dufresne, Duke, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Gastinel, Geier, Harnan, Hart, Healy, Heard, Hills, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, I 96 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION to the House of Representatives of the following report of the Finance Committee United States. of the State Convention, of the fiunds appro Resolved, That the committee be instructed priated for contingent expenses: to correspond, upon the subject of compen- sating loyal owners, with such members of May 23-Balance on hand as per Congress of the United States as they may report No. 6. $8759 48 think proper. | May 27-Paid M. DeCoursey for think proper. Icontingent expenses, as Mr. Abell offered the following amend- c ontingent expenses, as per voucher on file, war ment: rant No. 53............. 1830 85 That the payment be made to loyal May 30-Balance on hand this day.$6928 63 citizens before the final adoption of this Six thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight constitution. dollars and sixty-three cents. The question being put upon the adop- JOHN P. MONTAMAT, tion of Mr. Abell's amendment, the same Chairn pro te., Finace Committee. New Orleans, May 20, 1864. was rejected, and so announced by the president; Whereupon Messrs. Abell and Mr Cazabat's resolution relative to the final adjournment of the Convention on the Montamat appealed from the decision of the final adjournment of the Convention on the chair to the Convention, which sustained th dayof June,was taken up, and, on mo the decis ion of thMr. Buckley, was lchair. dTo of e C mi on the table. The report of the Committee on Compen- The report of the Committee on the Judi sat ion was then adopted, a nd on motion of ciary being the special order of the day was Mr. Montamat, two hundred copies was then taken up, and after a lengthy discus sion, the Convention adjourned until to ordered to be printed.. morrow at 12 o'clock m. Mr. Abell moved that two hundred copies morrow at 12 oedclock M. of his amendment be printed. Jo E. NEELI, * ~~~~~~~JoHN E. NEEL]S, A motion to lay on the table being lost, Secretary. Mr. Abell's motion was then carried. Mr Montamat, on behalf of the Committee on Finance, submitted the following TUESDAY, May 31,1864. report of the Finance Committee of the The Convention met pursuant to adjournState Convention, of the funds Appropriated ment, and was called to order by the presifor the payment of per diem of members dent. and salaries of officers: The proceedings were opened with prayer May 23-Balance on hand as by the Rev. Mr. Strong. per report No. 6.... $47,186 40 The roll was called, and the following May 1P a i d war- members answered to their names: rant No.4 7. $1349 00 Messrs. Abell, Balch, Bailey, Barrett, M ay 2 4-Pa 8.d war- Bofill, Bromley, Buckley, 3urke, Campbell, rantNo.48.416 00 M ay 25-PNai 4d war- Collin, Cook J. K., Crozat, Decker, Duke, ra nt No.49. 1730 00 Dufresne, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, M ay 28-PNaid war- 0Flood, Foley, Gorlinski, Harnan, Healy, ra nt No.50. 1630 00 Heard, Hills, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, M ay 28-P a i d war- Mass, Mann, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, ra nt No.21 2330 00 Morris, Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, M ay 28-P Na5id war 3 O'Conner, Ong, Orr, Payne J., Paine J. T., rant N6.52. 1828 00 Pintado, Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., May 28-Pa i d war- Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Spel rant No. 54. 860 00-$10,143 0 licy, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Ter ____' ry, Waters, Wells and Mr. President-60. May 30-Balance on hand this There being no quorum present, the ser day..................$37,043 40 geant-at-arms was directed to procure the Thirty-seven thousand and forty-three dol- attendance of absent members. lars and forty cents. JOHN P. MONTA._UT, JOHN P. MONTAHAT, After some delay, Messrs. Beauvais, Bell, Chairman pro tern., Finanee Comrnmtttee. Fosdick, Gastinel, Geier, Goldman, Hart, New Orleans, May 30, 1864. Henderson, Hire, Maurer, Murphy E., Smith, Mr. Montamat, as chairman pro tem. of the Stocker, Thorpe, Wenck and Wilson entered, Committee on Finance, also submitted the took their seats and answered to their names. AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. After a lengthy discussion the question was called for, but a call of the House having been demanded by Mr. Sullivan the roll; was called, when only seventy-three members answered to their names. There being no quorum, the sergeant-at arms was dispatched for absent members. Mr. Foley moved to adjourn. Lost. Several members having entered the hall and taken their seats, the roll was again called. when seventy-six members answered to their names, and a quorum was declared to be present. The question upon the adoption of Mr. Sullivan's amendment was then put, when the yeas and nays being ordered, the fol lowing vote was taken: YEAS-Messrs. Bell, Buckley, Campbell, Collin, Duke, Flood, Gastinel, Goldman, Gruneberg, Harnan,Howes, Maurer, Morris, Murphy M. W., O'Conner, Orr, Poynot, Pursell Sam., Schnurr, Smith2 Stocker, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Waters —25. NAYs —Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Bailey, Bar rett, Beauvais, Bofill, Bromrey, Brott, Burke, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Cook Terrance, Cro zat, Cutler, Decker, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gorlinski, Healy, Hart, Heard, Henderson,Hills, Hire Howell, Kavanagh, Maas, Mann, Mendi verri, Montamat, Murphy E., Newell, NorMmand,Ong, Payne J., Pintado, Purcell J., Schroeder,Seymour,Shaw, Spelicy Stumpf Stiner, Thorpe, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-52. Co nsequently the amendment was rejected. The question then recurred upon the adop tion of the 3d article of the report. The yeas and nays were ordered, with the following result; YEAs —Messrs. Ariail, Bailey, Beauvais, Bofill, Bromley, Brott, Burke, Cazabat, Crozat, Cutler, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Fuller, Gorlinski, Healy, Heard, Henderson, Hire, Howell, Mann, Newell, Pintado, Seymour, Shaw, Stumpf, Thorpe, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-30. NAYS-Messrs. Abell, Barrett, Bell, Buckley, Campbell, Collin, Cook J. K., Cook T., Decker, Duke, Edwards, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Gastinel, Goldman, Gruneberg, Hart, Harnan, Hills, Howes, Kavanagh, Maurer, Maas, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, Payne J., Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stineda St er, Sullivan, Terry, Waters —47.''. The president then announced a quorum p rese n t. The minutes o f yesterday wer e read and approved. The president having read the ord er of business, Mr. Stocker moved tha t the rules be susp ended, to a llow Mr. Thorpe to introduce a resolution, which motion was carried and the rules accordingly suspended. Mr. Thorpe then offered the following: Resolved, That after this date (May 31st, 1864) the order of-the day shall be taken up immediately after the minutes shall have been read by the clerk and accepted by the Convention, and that Saturday of each week shall be appropriated'to miscellaneous business. Mr. Wilson moved a suspension of the rules in order to take up the resolution, which was carried. The resolution was then read by the secretary, when Mr. Montamat moved to lay it on the table, which motion being lost, the resolution was taken up and adopted by a rising vote of 54 yeas and 18 nays. Mr. Sullivan demanded a'call of the House, when seventy-six members answered to their names. Mr. Hills called up his resolution of yesterday. Mr. Montamat offered the following amendment: That the honorable member of the Second Representative District (Mr. Hills) shall forfeit his per diem for every day he shall fail to answer to h is name within fifteen minutes after 12 o'clock M. On motion of Mr. Sullivan, the resolution and amendment were both laid on the table. Mr. Orr called up his resolution of yesterday. Mr. Hills moved to lay it on the table, which motion was carried by a rising vote of 40 yeas to 35 nays. Mr. Montamat called up his resolution relative to furnishing Major General Banks a copy of the resolution of thanks lately adopted by this Convention. The resolution was read and unanimously adopted. The Convention then resumed its action on the report of the Committee on the Judiciary, and the substitute offered therefor, being the special order of the day. 13 97 0 . 0 98 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION lating to salaries, so as to leave the fixing thereof to the-Legislature. Laid on the table. Mr. Hills moved to lay Mr, Montamuat's amendment on the table, upon which the yeas and nays were ordered with the following result: YEAS-Messrs. Abell, Balch, Baum, Bailey, Bromley, Brott, Collin, Cook J. K., Davies, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Duke, Edwards, Flood, Foley, Fosdiclk, Gorlinski, Healy, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Murphy M. W., Normand, O'Conner, Orr, Poynot, Schroeder, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Terry, Thorpe, Wenck, Wilson-36. NAYS --- Messrs. Arial, Austin, Barrett, Beauvais, Bofill, Buckley, Burke. Campbell, Cazabat, Crozat, Cutler, Fish, Flagg, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Goldman, Gruneberg, Hart, Heard, Maas, Mann, Mayer, Montamat, Morris, Newell, Ong, Pintado, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Waters, Wells —-39. Consequently Mr. Hills's motion was lost. Soon after a call of the House -being ordered the roll was called, and seventyseven mnembers responde d to their names. Mr. S. Pursell offered to amend by insert - ing after the word "sannually'* the words "until otherwise provided by law," which amendment was accepted by Mr. Montamat. The question was then put upon the adoption of the article as amended and was carried; consequently the article, as amended, was adopted. Articles 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 were then adopted without opposition. When article 9 was read, Mr. Campbell moved to amend by striking out in the 4th line the words " three-fourths" and inserting the word " majority." Mr. Cazabat moved to lay Mr. Campbell's amendment on the table. Lost. Mr. Campbell's amendment was then adopted. Mr. Stocker moved to amend by striking out in the 4th line the words " present in" and inserting the words " elected to," which amendment was carried. Article 9 was then adopted as amended. Article 10 was read, when Mr. Cazabat moved to.strike out after "salary-" the words "-which shall not, le dim inished during their continuance in office,' which amendment was laid on the table. Mr. S. Parsell offered aa aluendment, in On motion the Convention then adjourned til to-morrow at 12 o'clock M. A dopted.Lad o WEDNESEAY, June 1, 1864. The Conve ntion met pursuant to adjournment. The roll was called by the secretary, and the'following members answered to their names: Messrs. Ariail, Austin, B alch, B aum, B ar - rett, Buckley, Bur ke, C ampbell, C ook J. K., Collin, D eck er, Duf resne, Duke, uk Edwards, Flagg, Flood, Fuller, Geier, G ol dman, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, H ealy, Heard, Hills, Howell, Howes, Mann, Montamat, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Pintado, Poynot, Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Shaw, Spellicy, iStumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Wells and Mr. President-44. There being no qu orum present, the sergeant-at-arms was directed to procure the attendance of a bsent members. After some delay the f ollow ing g entlemen entered and took their seats: Messrs. Abell, Bailey, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Brott, Bromley Crozat, Cutler, Duan e, Fish, Fo ley, Fosdick, Gastinel, H art, H enderson, Hire, Kavanagh, Maas, Mrayer, Mendiverri, Morris, Murph y M. W., O ng, Orr, P urcell J., Smith, Stocker. Terry, Thorpe, Waters, Wenck, Wilson-33. The president ann ounce d that a quorum was present. T he minutes of yesterday were read, amen ded and adopted. oMr.s Montamat moved a reconsideration of the v o te by which articl e 3d of the report of the Judiciary Committee was rejected on yesterday, which motion was carried and the article reconsidered. Mr. Montamat then move d t o amen d by substituting "lseven thousand five hundred dollars " instead of " ten thousand dollars," as the salary of the chief justice, and "seven thousand dollars" instead of "nine thousand dollars," as the salary per annum of the associate judges. Mr. Stiner moved to stike out "seven thousand five hundred dollars', and insert "eight thousand dollars' instead, which motion was laid on the table. Mr. Thorpe offered to amend by striking out entirely.all:~that part of the article re Joii.,N E. N.EELIS, . Secreia-y. 0. AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. Fish, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gorlinski, Hart, Healy, Heard, Henderson,Hills, Hire, Howell, Maas, Mann, Mendiverri, Montamat, Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, Ong, Pintado, Purcell J., Pursell S., Shaw, Seymour, Spellicy, Stumpf, Stiner, Thorpe, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-53. Consequently the substitute was rejected. Mr. Sullivan's amendment was then taken up, and the yeas and nays being ordered thereon, resulted as follows: YEAs-Messrs. Bell, Buckley, Campbell. Collin, Cook J. K., Cook T., Decker, Duke, Flagg, Flood, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Howes, Mayer, O:Conner, Orr, Poynot, Pursell S., Smith, Spellicy, Stocker. Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry-26. Mr. Henderson moved to lay the amendment on the table. Carried. Consequently Mr. Pursell's amendment was lost. The amendments were then withdrawn and the article adopted as reported. Article 11 was then read, together with the substitute offered by Mr. Stauffer and the amendments of Messrs Montamat and Sullivan. Mr. Cazabat moved to lay both the substitute and amendments on the table, upon which question the yeas and navs were ordered, with the following result: t NAYS-Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Austin. Bar YEAS- Messrs. Arlail, Bailey, Baum, rett, Balch, Bailey, Baum, Beauvais, Bofill. Beauvais, Bofill, Burke, Cazabat, Crozat, Bromley, Brott, Burke, Cazabat, Crozat, Cutler, Duane, Fish, Flagg, Fuller, Geier, Cutler, Duane, Dufresne, Edwards, Fish, Heard, Hire, Howell, Mayer, Newell, Nor- Foley Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Hart mand, Ong, Poynot, Purcell J., Schnurr, Healy, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, HowSeymour, Stumpf, Thorpe, Waters, Wenck, ell, Maas, Mann, Mendiverri Montamat. Wells, Wilson-31. ~Morris, Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand NAYS-Messrs. Abell, Austin, Balch, Bell, Ong, Pintado, Purcell J., Schnurr, Shaw, Bromley, Brott, Buckley, Campbell, Collin O, Seymour, Stumpf, Thorpe, Water. IStiner, Seymour, Stumpf, Thorpe, W~ater-,. Cook J. K., Cook T., Decker,Dufresne, Duke, W k Wells Wilson-51. Edwards, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Gastinel, Goldman, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Hart, Hen- Consequently the amendment was rederson, Healy, Hills, Howes, Maas, Mann, jected. Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy M. W., O'Conner, Orr, Pintado, Pursell S. Mr. Shaw offered an amendment to the Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stauffer,. article as reported, by striking out all after Stiner, Sullivan, Terry-45. the word "Senate?" and inserting the words, Consequently the motion to lay on the "the judges of the Supreme Court shall table was lost. hold their offices during the term of six Mr. Montamat then withdrew his amend- years, and the judges of the inferior courts. ment. for the term of four years." The substitute offered by Mr. Stauffer was After a lengthy discussion, Mr. Sullivan then taken up. moved to adjourn, which was carried on a Mr. Gruneberg moved to strike out the division of ayes 54, noes 23. Consequently words "the court shall have power to ap- h e Convention adjourned until to-morrow point its own clerks," as superfluous, the at 12 o'clock M. same being previously provided for, which Adopted. amendment was accepted by Mr. Stauffer.. JON E. NEzLIS, Secretary. On the adoption of Mr. Stauffer's substi- tute the yeas and nays were ordered, result. ing as follows: YEsMessrs. Bell, Buckley, Campbell,sDAY Jne 2 1864. THURtSDAY, June 2, 1864. Cook T., Decker, Dufresne, Duke, Flagg, Gastinel, Geier, Goldman, Gruneberg, The Convention met pursuant to adjournHowes, Mayer, iorris, O'Conner, Orr, Poy- ment. not, Sullivan, Schnurr, Smith, Stocker, The roll was called and the following Stauffer,. Terry-24. members answered to their names: NAYS-Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Ba r- s answered to their names rett, Balch, Bailey, Baum, Beauvais, Bofill, Messrs. Ariail, Austin, Balch, Baum, BarBromley, Brott, Burke, Cazabat, Cook J. K., rett, Bell, Burke, Campbell, Cazabat, Collin, Collin, Crozat, Cutler, Duane, Edwards, Cook J.K., Crozat, Decker, Duane, Duke, I 11 99 serting after the word 11 be,." in the 2d line,' the words 11 increased.or.' J.OURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION Diifresne, Edwards, Flagg, Flood, Foley, On a motion to lay Mr. Hills's amendGastinel, Gaidry, Geier, Goldman, Grune- ment on the table the yeas and nays were berg, Harnan, Healy, Heard, Henderson, ordered, with the following result: Hills, Howell, Knobloch, MAfaas, MLann, Maurer, Mayer, Montamat, Morris, Newell, Nor- YEAS- Messrs. Bailey, Bell, Buckley, mand, O'Conner, Payne J., Pintado, Pursell Campbell, Collin, Cook J. K., Cook T.. S., Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Spellicy, Stauf- Decker, Flood, Geier, Goldman, Grineberg, fer, Stumpf, Sullivan, Terry, Wells, Wilson, Howell, Knobloch, Maas. Mann, Mayer, and Mr. President-55. Morris, Murphy M. W.' O'Conner, Orr, There being no quoru presnt te r Payne J., Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., sa irected to -in Schroeder. Schnurr, Shaw. Smith, Stauffer. geant-at-arms w-,as directed to bring ini ob Sullivan, Terry, Wenck-33. sent members. NAYs-Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Bar After so dela the llowin Imei rett, Balch, Baum, Beauvais, Bofill, Bromley, entered the hall ad nsel t their Burke, Cazabat, Crozat, Duane, Duke, Du entered ti all ad nsere to their fresne, Edwards, Fish, Flagg, Foley, Fosnames: dick, Fuller, Gaidry, Gorlinski, Harnan, Messrs. Abell. Bailey, Beauvais, Bofill, Hart, Healy, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Bromley, Fish, Fosdick, Fuller, Gorlinski, Howes, Maurer, Mendiverri, Montamat, NorHart, Hire. Howes, M)endiverri, Murphy Hart Hire. Howes, Mendiverri, Murpy and, Newell,, Og, Paine J. T., Pintado, M. W., Ong, Orr, Paine J. T., Purcell J., Seymour, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner. Smith, Stocker, Stiner, Waters-22. Torpe, Waters ells, ilson-48. he president anocd a quom Consequently the motion to lay on the Tepresient.anucdaqou ~~~~~~~present. itable was lost. The minutes of yesterday's proceedings After some discussion Mr. Austin moved were read and adopted. to adjourn, and the yeas and nays being ordered resulted as follows: Mr. Montamat moved a suspension of the rd reslted as follows rules in order to introduce a resolution, Y.RAS-Messrs. Abell, Austin, Baum, Bai which motion was carried, and the rles ley, Buckley, Campbell, Cook J. K., Crozat, Decker, Dufresne, Duke,Flagg,Flood, Foley. were accordingly suspended. Gaidry, Goldman, Gruneberg, Hart, Maurer, Mr. Montamat then offered the following: Mendiverri, Murphy M. W., Newell, Nor -4 I mand, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, Poynot, Purcell Resolved, That the office of assistant sec- J., Schroeder, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, retary, now filled by Mr. T. H. Murphy, be Sullivan, Waters-34. and is hereby declared vacant NAYs -Messrs. Ariail, Barrett, Beauvais, Resolved, further, That the secretary be Bell, Bofill, Bromley, Burke, Cazabat, Collin, authorized to employ a proper person to Cook T., Cutler, Duane, Edwards, Fish, Fosfill said vacancy during the balance of the dick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Harsession. ran, Healy, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Knobloch, Maas, Mann, Mr. Cazabat moved to rejcet the res1lu- dMayer, Montamat, Morris, Payne J., Paine tion. Lost. J. T., Pintado, Pursell S., Schnurr, Seymour, The resolution was adopted. Shaiiw, Smith, Stiner. Stauffer, Terry, Thorpe, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-48. The secretary thereupon appointed Mr. t t Philip Winfree to fill the vacancy occasioned onequently e Convention refised to adjourn. by the adoption of said resolution. adour. The question on the adoption of Mr. The Convention then resumed its action The question on the adoption of r. -on Mr. Shaw's amendment to art. ll of the Hills's amendment was then put, when the on Mr. Shawls amendment to art. 11 of the report of the Committ 011. the Judiciary. yeas and nays being ordered, the following ! ote was taken: Mr. Hills offered an amendment to Mr. v Shaw's amendment, substituting, the words YEAsMessrs. Bromley, Cazabat, Duane, ten years'' for the words Fish, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Goldman, Gor linski, Harnan, Healy, Henderson, Hills, the term of office of the judges of the Hire, Mayer, Normand, Paine J. T., Pintado. Supreme Court, and also substituting the Stumpf, Stiner, Thorpe, Waters-22. words " eight years " for the words " four NiYs-Mears Abell, Ariail, Austin, Bai yr" a,th te f office f the judasley, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, years, s the term of office of the judges Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Collin, Cook T.. of the inferior courts. Cook J. K., Crozat, Cutler, Decker, Duke, 100 AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. Dufresne, Edwards, Flagg, Flood, Gastinel, Gaidry, Geier, Gruneberg, Hart, Heard, Howell, Howes, Knobloch, Maas, Maurer. Mann, Mendiverri, Morris, Murphy M. W., Newell, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, Payne J., Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S. der, Stmeymour, Schuurr, Shaw,,Smnith, Spellicy, Stauffer, Stocker, Sullivan, Terry, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-59. Consequently Mr. Hills's amendment was arms was directed to bring in absent members, and after some delay the following membersttook their seats and answered to their names, viz: Messrs. Bailey, Bofill, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Duane, Duke, Edwards, Fish, Fosdick, Hart, Hire, Howes, Murphy M. W., Normand, Seymour, Stocker, Stumpf-17. The president announced a quorum present. The minutes of yesterday's proceedings were read, amended and adopted. Mr. Baum moved to reconsider the vote of yes t e rday on Mr. Shaw's amendme nt. On a motion to lay Mr. Baum's motion on lost. Mr. Shaw's amendment was then taken up, and on the question of its adoption the yeas and nays were ordered, with the following result: YEAs-Messrs. Barrett, Baum, Bell, Buckley, Campbell, Cook J. K., Cook T., Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Duke, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Fosdick, Gastinel, Gaidry, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Harnan, Hart, Hire, Howes, Knobloch, Maas, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Morris, Murphy M. W., Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, Payne J., Paine J. T.. Poynot, Purcell J., Purs' ll S., Shaw, Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Smith, Stiner, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry-53. NAYS-Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Bailey, Beauvais, Bofill, Bromley, Burke, Cazabat, Collin, Crozat, Cutler, Edwards, Foley, Fuller, Healy, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Howell, Mann, Newell, Pintado, Thorpe, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-28. Mr. Shaw's amendment was therefore adopted. On motion the Convention adjourned until Friday, 12 o'clock M. Adopted. th e table the yeas and nays were ordered, resulting as follows: YEAS - Messrs. Barrett, Bell, Buckley, Campbell, Cook J. K., Cook T., Davies, Dufresne, Dupaty, Flood, Gastinel, Gaidry, Geier, Gorlinski, Harnan, Howes, Hen derson, Knobloch, Maurer, Montamat, Morris, Mur phy M. W., Norman d, O'Conner, Orr, Payne J., Poynot, Pursell S., Schnurr, Spellicy, Smith, Stocker, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Waters-36. NAYs —Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Ba iley, Baum, Beauvais, Bofill, Bromley, Burke, Collin, Cazabat, Crozat, Cutler, Decker, Duane, Edwards, Fish, Flagg, Foley, Fosdick, Hart, Healy, Heard, Hills, Hire, Howell, K av anag h, Maas, Mann, Mayer, Murphy E., Newell, Ong, Pintado, Schroeder, Seymour Shaw, Stum pf, Stiner, Well s, Wilson-41. Consequently the motion to lay on the table was lost. The question was then put on Mr. Baum's motion to reconsider the vote on Mr. Shaw's amendment. and the yeas and nays being demanded the following was the result: YEAs —Messrs. Ariail, Austin, Baum, Bailey, Beauvais, Bofill, Bromley, Burke Cazabat ol n, Colin, Crozat, Cutler, Du ane, Dupaty, Edwards, Fish, Flagg, Foley, Fosdick, Gaudry, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hi lls, Hire, Howell, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Maas, Mann, Mayer, Mur ph y M. W., Newellig,Ong, Pintado, Seymour, Shaw, Stumpf, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-42. NAYs —Messrs. Abell, Barrett, Bell, Buckley, Campbell, Cook $?K., Cook- T., Davies, Decker, Dufresne, Flood, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Harnan, Healy, Howes, Maurer, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Normand, O'Conner, Orr, Payne J., I'oynot, Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Smith, Spellicy, Stiner, Stocker, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry-36. Mr. Shaw's amendment was therefore reconsidered. FRIDAY, June 3, 1864. The Conventi on met at 12 o'cloc k M. and was called to order by the pre sident. Th e roll was called and the following members answered to their names: Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Austin. Barrett, Baum, Bell, Bromley, Burke, Campbell, Collin, Cook T., Crozat, Davies. Decker, Dufresne, Dupaty, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Gaidry, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Harnan, Healy, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Howell, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Maas, Mann, Mayer, Matrer, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Newell, O'Conner, Ong, Payne J., Pintado, Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Waters, Wells, Wilson and Mr. President-59. There being no quorum the sergeant-at 101 JOHN E. NEFLIS, 8-ecretary. JOURNAL OF TIE CONVENTION FOR TIE REVISION Fuller, Gastinel, Gorlinski, Harnan, Hart, Healy, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howel l, Kavanagh, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, Ong, Pintado, Poynot, Schroeder, Schnurr, Shaw, Spelicy, Stiner. Stauffer, Thorpe, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-58. NAYS — Messrs. Barrett, Bell, Buckley, Campbell, Flagg, Flood, Gaidry, Geier. Howes, Knobloch, Morris, O'Conner, Orr, Payne J.. Pursell S., Seymour, Smith, Stocker, Stumpf, Sullivan, Terry —-21. Consequently Mr. Terry's substitute was laid on the table. Mr. Montamat moved a recess of ten. minutes. Lost. Mr. Hills then offered the fo1 owing substitute for article 11: The judges, both of the Supreme and Inferior Courts, shall be appointed by the governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. The.judges of the Supreme Court shall hold their offices for the term of twelve years, and the judges of the Inferior Courts (except justices of the peace) shall hold their offices during the term of ten years; but all appointments of judges, made by the present governor, shall expire with his term of office. On a motion to lay Mr. Hills's substitute on the tables the yeas and nays were ordered with the following result: YEAs Messrs. Abell. Ariail, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell. Bofili, Bromley, Buckley, Burke, Collin, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Dupaty, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Goldman, Gaidry, Haley, Hart, Heard, Hire, Howell, Howes, Knobloch, Maas, Maurer, Montamat, Morris, Murphy M. W., Mayer, Normand, O'Conner, Orr, Payne J., Pintado, Poynot, Pursell S., Seymour, Smith, Spellicy, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Wenck', Wilson —57. NAYS-Messrs. Austin, Bailey, Campbell, Cazabat, Edwards, Fish, Fosdick, Gorlinski, Harnan, Henderson, Hills, Kavanagh, Murphy E., Newell, Ong, Schroeder, Schnurr, Shaw, Stocker, Stumpf, Thorpe, Waters, Wells'-23. Mr. Hills's substitute was therefore laid on the table. Mr. Stiner offered the following substitute for article 11: The judges of the Supreme Court shall be appointed for the term of years, an d the judges of the Inferior Courts shall .be appointed for the-term of - years. When the first appointments are made under- this constitution, the chief justice shall be commissioned for years, one of the associate justices for ment. Mr. Montamat moved to lay Mr. Foley's m otion on the table, whereupon Mr. Foley withdrew his motion, when the same was renewed by M r. Mann. The yeas and nays were ordered on the motion to rejec t the a mendment, and the following vote was taken: YEAS-Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Bailey, Baum,,Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Bromley, Burke, Cazabat, Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Dupaty, Duane, Ed wards, F ish, Flag-, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gaidry, Gorlinski, H a rt, H e aly, Heard, Henderson, Hi lls, Hire, H owell, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Maas, Mann, Mayer, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., New ell, Ong, Pintado, Seymour, Stumpf, Stiner Thorpe, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-50. N sAYs —Messrs. Barrett, Buckley, Campbell, Collin, C ook J. K., Cook T., Decker, Dufresne, Gastinel, Geier, Harnan, How es, Maurer, Montamat, Morris, N ormand, Orr, O'jonn er, Payne J., Poynot, Pursell S., Schroeder, Sc hnurr, Shaw, Smi th, Spellicy, Stocker, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry —30. Consequently the amendment was r ejected. Mr. Terry offered the following substitute for article.11 of the report of the Oommittee on Judiciary Department,'viz: The judges, both of the Supreme and Inferior Courts, and justices of the peace, shall be elected by the qualified voters of the State; provided, that until two years after the present rebellious war is ended in this State, the proof of which shall be a proclamation from the President of the United States to that effect, the said judges and justices of the peace shall be appointed by the governor, by and with the advice and consent of the'Senate, and the tdrm of office as herein expressed and for which they shall have been so appointed, shall be stipulated in the commissions of the said judges and justices of the peace. After that period, the governor shall issue his proclamation ordering an election for :judg,es of the Supreme Court, Inferior Courts and justices of the peace, by the legal voters of'the State, in accordance with the enactment contained in this article. Mr. Wells moved to lay the substitute on the table, and the yeas and nays being demanded thereon the roll was called and the following vote taken: YEz, s —Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Bailey, Baum, Beauvais, Bofill, Bromley, Burke, Cazabat, Collin, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Decker, Duane, Dupaty Dufiresne, Edwards, Fish, Foley, Fosdick, 102 Mr. Foley moved to reject the affiend AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. years, one for years, one-for I- The judges both of the Supreme and In years and one for years. I ferior Courts shall be appointed by the The inferior judges shall be divided by governor by and with the advice and conlot into four classes, as nearly equal as can sent of the Senate. The judges of the Sube, and the judges of the first class shall be- preme Court shall hold their offices during commissioned for years, those of the a term of ten years and those of the Infesecond for years, those of the third rior Courts during a term of seven years. for years, and those of the fourth Their terms shall commence with the date for years. of their commission. Mr. Montamat offered the following Provided, That appointments made dur ~~~~~~amendment to the substitute: g the existence of the present rebellion shall not be construed as within the mean The judges, both of the Supreme and In- ing of this article. ferior Courts, except justices of the peace, f ts atis shall be appointed by the governor, with he first appointments and confirmations the consent of the Senate and House of under this article shall be made during the Representatives in joint session. The first session of the Legislature that may be judges of the Supreme Court shall hold held after the restoration of peace. their offices for a term of eight years, and Mr. Baum's substitute was laid on the those of the Inferior Courts, except justices table by the following vote: of the peace, for a term of six years. YE.AS - Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Barrett Both substitute and amendment were laid Bell, Buckley, Campbell, Cook J. K., Cook on the table. T., Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Dupaty, Fish, M Sith ffd th flowing substi Flagg, Flood, Gastinel, Geier, Goldman, Mr. Smith offered the following. subst- Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Harnan, tute for article 11. Howes, Knobloch, Maurer, Montamat, Mor The judges of the Supreme and Inferior ris, Murphy M. W., Mayer, Normand, 0'ConCourts shall be appointed by the governor ner, Orr, Payne, J, Poynot, Purcell J., ]urduring the existence of the present war, sell S., Seymour, Smith, Stmer, Staufer, and fo0 two years thereafter; at the expi- Sullivan, Terry, Waters, Wells and Wilration of that time the judges of the Su- son-45. preme Court shall be elected by the lower NAYs-Austin, Bailey, Baum, Beauvais, branch of the General Assembly, the judges Bofill, Bromley, Burke, Collin, Cazabat, Croof the Inferior Courts to be elected by the zat, Cutler, Davies, Edwards, Foley, Fosqualified voters of their respective districts, dick, Fuller, Healy, Hart, Heard, Hills, their term of office to be fixed by the Leg- Hire, Howell, Kavanagh Maas, Mann Murislature. phy E., Newell, Ong. Pintado, Schroeder, Schnurr, Shaw, Spellicy, Stoker, Stumpf, On a motion to lay Mr. Smith's substitute Thorpe and Wenck-37. on the table, the yeas and nays were called Mr. Baum moved to strike out all after with the following result: the first three lines of Mr. Smith's substi YEAS-Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Bai- tute. ley, Baum, Beauvais, Bofill, Bromley, Burke, Laid on the table. Collin, Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Dupaty, Ed- wards, Fosdick, Fuller, Heard, Hills, Hire, Mr. Baum then'moved to adjourn. Howel, Kvanah, Nwell Norand,Ong, Lost. Lost. Mr. Cazabat offered the following as a substitute for Mr. Smith's substitute: The judges both of the Supreme and Inferior Courts shall be elected by the qualified voters of their respective districts for the terms to be provided by the Legislature. But the yeas and nays having been ordered on the adoption of Mr. Smith's substitute previous to Mr. Cazabat's offering his substitute, no action was taken thereon. The vote was then taken, and Mr. Smith's substitute adopted, as follows: YEAS-Messrs. Barrett, Baum, Bell, Buckley, Campbell, Cook J. K., Cook T., Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Duke, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Gastinel, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Haman, Hart, 103 104 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION Howes, Knobloch, Maas, Maurer, Montamat, Morris, Murphy M. W., Mayer, O'Conner, Orr, Payne J., Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schnurr, Seymour, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan and Terry-47. NAYs-Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Bailey, Beauvais, Bofill, Bromley, Burke, Colin, Cazabat, Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Dupaty, Edwards, Fosdick, Fuller, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Kavanagh, Mann, Murphy E., Newell, Normand, Ong, Pintado, Shaw, Stumpf, Thorpe, Waters, Wenck, Wells and Wilson-36. On motion of Mr. Hills the Convention then adjourned. Adopted. Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Balch, Baum, Bell, Bromley, Brott, Burke, Campbell, Cook T., Cook J. K., Crozat, Davies, Edwards, Ennis, Flagg, Foley, Fuller, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry H r, H art, Heard Henderson, Howell, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Maas, Maurer, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Mayer, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Pintado, Poynot, Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr Smith, Spellicy, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Waters, Wilson-50. The r e being no quoruim, the sergeant-atarms was directed to bring in absent members. After some delay,-the following members appeared and took their seats: Messrs. Austin, Bailey, Barrett, Bofill, Dufresne, Dupaty, Fish, Flood, Fosdick, Gastinel, Harnan, Hills, Hire, Howes, Kugler, Mann, Montamat, Morris, Orr, Paine J. T., Purcell J., Seymour, Shaw, Stocker, Sullivan, Terry and Thorpe-27. SATURDAY, June 4th, 1864. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment. The roll was called and the following members answered to their names: Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Balch, Barrett, Baum, Bell, Bofill, Bromley, Buckley, Burke, Campbell,'.Cook J. K., Crozat, Davies, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Edwards, Flood, Foley, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Healy, Hart, Heard, Knobloch, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Normand, O'Conner, Orr, Pintado, Poynot, Purcell Jno., Pursell S., Schroeder, Smith, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Wenck, Wilson and Mr. President-53. There being no quorum, the sergeant-+.*/: arms was directed to bring in absent n:bers. Messrs. Cook T., Dupaty, Flagg, Hills, Hire, Morris, Ong, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Spellicy, Stocker and Waters entered and took their seats. The president having temporarily vacated the chair, on motion of Mr. Waters, the secretary was called to the chair, and on motion of Mr. Gorlinski, Mr. Hills was chosen to preside as president pro tern. The convention then adjourned until Monday next at 12 M. Adopted. were read and approved. oMr. Montamat on behalf of the Committee Finance submitted the followng report: REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE FUNDS APPROPRIATEDJ) FOR THE PAYMENT OF PER DIEM OF MEMBERS, MILEAGE AND SALA RIES OF OFFICERS. 1864. May 30, Balance on hand as per Report No. 7........ $37,043 40 May 30, Paid warrant No. 55.....$ 654 00 May 31, Paid warrant. No. 56..... 385 00 June 1, Paid warrant No. 57..... 952 00 June 4, Paid warrant No. 58..... 2230 00 June 4, Paid warrant No. 59...... 1412 00 June 4, Paid warrant No. 60...... 1450 00 June 4, Paid warrant No. 62..... 1080 00, - $8,163 00 June 6, 1864, balance on hand this day............$28,880 40 Twenty-eight thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars and forty cents. JOHN P. M1ONTAMAT, Chairman, pro temn., Finance Committee MONDAY. June, 6, 1864.. The Convention met and was called to order, pursuant to adjournment, Hon. E. H. Durell, president, in the. chair, and the following members present, viz: JOHN E. NFELIS, Secretary. The president announced a quoriim present. The minutes of Friday and Saturday JOHN E. NEEim, Secretary. AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. Stocker, Sullivan, Terry and Waters, (37,) voted against the decision. There being no quorum voting, Mr. Hen derson moved a call of the House, when 76 members was found- to be present. Mr. Cutler having entered after the vote was taken, was, on motion of Mr. Sullivan, allowed to vote, which he, did in favor of the appeal, whereupon the president de clared that his decision was not sustained, and directed the secretary to read Mr. Sullivan's resolution, which is in the following words: The city of New Oleans shall maintain a Police force, which shall be uniformed with distinction of grade, to consist of permanent resident citizens, of good character, to be selected by the mayor of the city, to hold office during good behavior, and removable only by a Police Commission, composed of five citizens, viz: one to be selected from each district of the city, the mayor to be president of the Board, the Commission to be appointed by the governor of the State, a majority of whom shall remove for delinquencies. Members of the Police, when removed, shall not again be eligible to any position on the Police for a term of one year. The chief of police shall give a penal bond in the sum of ten thousand dollars; lieutenants of police, each five thousand dollars; sergeants, clerks and corporals, each three thousand dollars, and privates one thousand dollars each, with good and solvent security as the law directs for the faithful performance of their duty whilst acting in the capacity of Policemen. The chief of police to receive per month...................... $275 The ileutenants....... 150 The sergeants ".... 100 The clerks....... 100 The corporals " "..... 90 The privates (day and night)...... 80 which pay shall not be reduced. Mr. Foley moved to strike out the number " 275" and insert " 200" as the salary per month of the chief of police. Mr. Orr proposed the following proviso as an amendment to the resolution, viz~ Provided, That the compensation of all foremen, mechanics, cartmen and laborers employed on public works under the governments of the State of Louisiana, city of New Orleans, and Police Juries of the various loyal parishes of the State, shall also be increased to not less than the following rates viz: All foremen not less than $3 50 per day. P All mechanics not lews than $3 00 per day TREPORT OF THE FINANCE COMM ITTEE OF THE FUNDS APPROPRIATED FOR CONTIGENT EXPENSES. 1864. May 30, Balance on hand as per per Report No. 7...... $6,928 63 June 3, Paid Warrant No. 61.... 2,276 10 June 6, Balance on hand this day $4,652 53 Four thousand six hundred and fifty-two dollars and fifty-three cents. JOHN P. MONTTAMTr, Chairman, pro tem... Finance Committee. Mr. Sullivan called up his resolution,. which had been made the speciel order for to-day. The president having decided that under the resolution heretofore ado pted, in the following words, viz: "Resolved, That after this date, May 31st, 1864, the order of the day shall be taken up immediately after the minutes have been re ad by h er nt the clerk and accepted by the Convention, and that Saturday of each week shall be appropriated to miscellaneous business," the report of the Judiciary Committee took precedence of Mr. Sullivan' s resolution, which he decided was of a miscellaneous character. and could only be called up on Saturday. Mr. Abell appealed from the decision of. the president, on the ground that Mr. Sullivan's resolution had been made the order of the day for this day, previous to the adoption of the resolution upon which the president's decision was based. The yeas and nays being taken _on the appeal, resulted as follows: Messrs. Ariail, Austin, Barrett, Bromley, Burke, Campbell, Crozat, Davies, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Fosdick, Fuller, Gaidry, Goldman, Gruneberg, Heard, Hills, Hire, Howell. Knobloch, Kugler, Mann, Morris. Newell, Paine J. T., Pintado, Pursell S., Schroeder, Seymour, Shaw. Stumpf, Stauffer. Thorpe and Wilson, (37,) voted in favor of sustaining the decision of the president; and Messrs. Abell, Balch, Bailey, Baum, Bell, Bofil, Buckley, Cook J. K., Cook T., Dufresne, Flood, Foley, Gastinel, Gorlinski, Harnan, Hart, Henderson, Howes, Kavanagh, Maas, Maurer, Mayer, Montamat, Murphy M.W., Normand, O'Conner, Orr, Poynot, Purcell J., Schnuirr, Smith, Spellicy, Stiner, 14 105 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION All cartmen not less than $3 00 per day. Mr. Abell first voted in the negative, and All laborers not less than $2 00 per day. afterwards changed his vote to the affirma Mr. S. Pursel moved to lay the the whole tive. matter, including the resolution and amend- Mr. Foley's amendment was then adopted. ments, on the table. On the adoption of Mr. Sullivan's resoli Mr. Abell raised the point of order. that tion as amended, the yeas and nays were a motion had heretofore been made to lay ordered, and being taken. resulted as folthe resolution on the table and was lost, lows: whereupon Mr. Pursell's motion was AYES Messrs. Abell, Barrett, Baum. changed, to lay the amendments on the table, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Buckley, Cook J. K., on which motion the yeas and nays Cook T., Cutler, Dufresne, Fish, Flood, Foon which motion the yeas and nays were ley, Fuller, Gastinel, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, taken with the ollowig result: Healy, Harnan, Hart, Henderson, Hire, YEAS —Messrs. Abell, Bailey, Barrett, Howes, Kavanagh, Kugler, Maas, Maurer, Baum, Bofill, Cutler, Gruneberg, Kavanagh Montamat, Murphy M. W., Normand, O"Cona and Normand-9. ner, Orr, Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S.. N.YS-Messrs. Ariail, Austin, Balch, Bell. i Schroeder, Schnurr, Smith, Spellicy, StockBromley, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Cook i er, Stumpf, Stiner, Sullivan. Terry, Waters J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Davies, Dufresne -46. Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, N; S -Messrs. Ariail, Austin, Balch, BaiFoley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Goldman, ley, Bennie, Bromley, Burke, Campbell, Gorlinski, Gaidry, Harnan. Hart, Heard, Cazabat, Crozat, Davies, Dupaty, Edwards, Henderson, Hills. Hire, Howell, Howes, Ennis. Flagg, Fosdick, Goldman, Gaidry, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Heard, Hills, Howell, Knobloch, Mann, Montamat, Morris, Murphy M. W., Mayer, Morris, Mayer, Newell, Paine J. T.. PintaNewell, O'Conner, Orr, Paine J. T., Pin- do, Seymour, Shaw, Thorpe-31. tado, Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroe- Consequently the resolution as amended der, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spel- was ad licy, Stocker, Stumpf. Stiner, Stauffer, Sul- opted. livan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters, WilsoIn -66. Messrs. Hire and S. Pursell first voted in Consequently the motion to lay on the the negative and subsequently changel table was lost. their votes to the affirmative. Messrs. ustin Burke ad Henderson On motion of Mr. Smith the Convention first voted in the affirmative and subse- then adjourned. quently changed their votes to the neg- Adopted. ative. JOIIN E. N:ELTS, S5ecretaryj. The question then recurred on the adop-,crry. tion of Mr. Orr's proviso, when the yeas TUESDAY, June 7, 1864. and nays were called with the following uant to adjournment theConventio ]'-ui-uant to adjournment the Convention result: me. and was called to order at 12 o'clock YEXS- Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Austin. EA - Barre s. bell,AaiBel, Btn, a The roll was called, and the following Balch, Barrett, Baum. Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bromley, Buckley, Burke, Campbell,members answered to their names: Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies,, Messrs. Abell, Bell, Bennie, Burke, BuckDufresne, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, ley, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Edwards, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gas- Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Foley, Geier, Gorlinski, tinel, Goldman, Gorlinski, Gaidry, Healy, Healy, Heard,.Henderson, Knobloch, Mann, Harnan, Hart. Henderson, Hills, Hire, Mayer, Montamat, Morris, Normand, O'CollnHowes, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, ner, Pintado, Poynot, Pursell S., Spellicy, Maurer, Montamat, Morris, Murphy M. W., Shaw, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan and Mlayer, Normand, O'Conner, Orr, Poynot, Mr. President —-35. Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, After some delay the following members Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, answered to their names: Stumpf,. Stiner, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe n, t Be Bu Waters-67. Messrs. Austin, Bailey Barrett. Baum, NA~s — Messrs. Bailey, Bofill, Cazabat Beauvais, Bofill, Bromley, Campbell, Collin, Gruneberg, Heard, Howell, Kavanaght~ Cutler Davies, Flood, Fosdick, Fuller, GasGruaeberg, Heard, Howell, Kavana, Newell, Paine J. T. Pintado —. 1 tinel, Gaidry, Gruneberg, Harnan, Hart, NwlPie..Po 1 Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kugler, Maas, Consequently Mr. Orr's proviso was Maurer, Mendiverri, Murphy M.W., Murphy adopted. E., Newell, Ong, Orr, Purcell J., Schroeder 106 , then adjourned. AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. 107 Seymour. Smith, Stocker, Terry, Thorpe, Mr. Montamat offered the following amendWaters, Wenck, Wilson —-42. nment to the substitute, which was accepted A quorum was then announced as being by Mr. Sullivan, viz: present. Art. 12. The clerks of the inferior courts The minutes of yesterday's proceedings shall be appointed by the governor during were read and adopted. the existing war, and two years thereafter; moved to reconsider then, to be elected by the qualified voters Mr. S. Pursell moved to reconsider tie for a term of four years. v ote by which Mr. Sullivan's resolution was adopted on yesterday. i On a motion to lay Mr. Montaniat's amendadopted on yesterday. Mr. Bofill moved to lay Mr. Pursell's IO- iment on the table the yeas and nays were cale,wtthfolwnreut tion on the table, which motion was carried called, with the following result -the folloing vote: YYAs - Messrs. Baum, Beauvais, Burke, by the following vote: bye~~~~~~ oo * -Campbell, Collin, Foley, Fosdick, Gastinel, YE~s —Messrs. Abell, Bailey, Baum, Bell, Gorlinski. Gruneberg, Hart, Hills, How I;eauvais, Bofill, Buckley, Cook J. K., Cook ell, Howes, Knobloch, Kugler, Mann, Mau1'.. Cutler, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Gasti- rer, Morris, Normand Orr, Pintado, Poynot, iel, Geier. Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Harnan, Pursell S., Schroeder, Stauffer, Waters, Tart. Healy, Henderson, Howes, Maurer, Wenck, Wilson-29. Maas, Mendiverri, Montsmat, Murphy M.W., Messr. Abel, Austin, Bach, Bar'NTAys —Messrs. Abell, Austin, Balch, BarMurphy E., O'Conner, Orr, Poynot, Smith, rett Bailey Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Bromley Schroeder, Seymour, Spellicy, Stocker, Sti- BiAley Cook J. K.B, Coo k T, ro,Cut Terr, Waers-42. Buckley, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutner, Stumpf. Sullivan, Terry, Waters —42. Y ner,Stnmpf,Sullivan,ler, D)avies, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, NAYS -Messrs. Austin, Balch, Bennie, Flood, Gaidry, Geier,' larnan, Healy Bromley, Burke, Campbell, Collin, Crozat, oad Hend er, Hirnaa, Maye Fosdic, Gaidy, HeHeaid, Henderson, Hire, Mans, Mayer, MenDavies, Ennis, Fosdick, Gaidry Heard Hire, iverri Montamat Murphy E. Murphy M Hills, Howell, Knobloch, Kugler, Mayer, d ie' MIOCon'r Ou Se Murph Pin N eweill 0:Conner, Ong, Seymour, Shaw, Mann, Morris, Newell, Normand, Ong mith Spellicy, Stocker Stumpfo Stinern tado, Pursell S.. Shaw, Stauffer Thorpe. Sullivan Tey, Thorpe —46. Wenck, Wilson —31. C'onisequently the motion to lay on the Mr. Baum moved a reconsideration of the motion to lay on the vote adopting Mr. Smith's substitute for art table was lost. 11 of the report of the Committee on the ill oion to adopt r. Sulivas ~~~Judiciary. ~~stbstitu te as amended. the ayes and navys Judiciary. were catlledt with the following result' This motioni was ruled out of order by tt li l wit the floing reslt president. as being too late. president.asbeing too late. At+c;.s —Messrs. Abell, Balch, Barrett, Bell prsieninie, Bofill. Buckley, Burke, Cook T.. Mr. Cutler appealed from the decision of (Crozat, Edwards, Ennis, Fish. Flagg, Flood the chair, when the decision was sustained (eie,Gaidrv, Healy, Harnan, Henderson, by a rising vote of 37 ayes to 35 nays. Nfaas, Mlendiverri. Montamat, Murphy E., AMurp~hy M. W.. Normand, 07Conner, Sey A call of the House being ordered, 7t mlT)hy hiw, rmaid, SConner, Sey 0mour Shaw Smith, Stocker, Stumpt Stiner members answered to their names. Stauffer, Sullivan. Terry, Thorpe-37. The order of the day was then taken up, NAYs-Messrs. Austin. Bailey, Baum, atd art. 12 of the report of the Committee Beauvais, Bromley, Campbell. Collin, Cook on the Judiciary was read, as follows:. K. Cutler Davies Foley, Fosdick, Gas titiel. Gorli~nski. Griineberg, Hlart, Heard, Art. 12. The clerks of the inferior courts tel olinki Grunebeg Hart eard Art. 12. The clerkil s,Hl Hire, Howell, Howes. Knobloch, shall be appointed by the judges thereof, ire H e ois ayr Kiigler, Mann. Maurer, Morris, Mayer, Newand they shall hold their offices during good i, In tad oyo M ei iell. O)ng, Orr. Pinta~do. Poynot, Pursell S.. behavior, subject to removal by the judges,? 1,Schroeder, Spellicy, Waters, Wenck. Wilrespectively, with the right of appeal in all hroee, pliv Wate eck il such cases to the Supreme Court. on —-3. Consequently Mr-. -Sillii ittu',s ubstitute The following substitutes and amend- onsqt entl I. iill' bstitut nients were also read, viz: s lost. r. Sullians substitte fr art 1 Mr. Stauffer then called for the reading of Mr. Suillivan''s substitute for -art. 12. 1 his suibstitute for Art. 12. which is in the The clerks in the inferior courts in this Sta te for Art. 2. which in the shall be elected for the term of four years following words and should a vacancy occur subsequent to Clerks of the inferior courts in this State an election, it shall be filled by the judge of shall be elected for the term of four years, the court in whici the vacancy exists, and and should a vacancy occur subsequent to the person so appointed shall hold his office an election it shall be filled by the Judge until the next general election. of the Court in which such vacancy exists. JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION and the person so appointed shall hold his office until the next general election. Mr. Terry moved to strike out the word " four " in the second line of the subsitite and insert the word "two." Laid on the table. Mfr. Stauffer's substitute was then adopted by the following vote: YEAS-Messrs. Abell, Balch, Bailey, Barrett, Baum, Bell, Bofill, Buckley, Campbell Collin, Cook J. K., Cook T., Davies, Ennis" Fish, Flagg, Flood, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruiineberg, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Henderson, Howes, Knobloch, Maas, Maurer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Mayer, Orr, Poynot, Pursell S., Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters-47. NNAYs-Messrs. Austin, Beauvais, Bennie, Bromley, Burke, Crozat, Cutler, Edwards, Foley, Fosdick, Gaidry, Heard, Hills, Hire, Howell, Kugler, Mainn, Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, Ong, Piintado, Schroeder, Seymour, Stumpf, Wenck, Wilson —27. Art. 13 was read and adopted as reported. Art. 14 was read, together with the following substitute offered by Mr. Sullivan: Art. 14. The jurisdiction of justices of the peace shall be limited in civil cases to cases where the matter in dispute does not exceed two hundred dollars exclusive of interest, subject to appeal in such cases as shall be provided for by law. They shall be elected by the qualified electors of each parish, district or ward, for the term of two years, in such manner, and shall have such criminal jurisdiction as shall be provided by law. .Mr. Flood offered an amendment to Mr. Sullivan's substitute, providing that all diffoirences and disputes under twenty-five dollars, shall be finally settled by arbitration. Laid on the table. Mr. Stiner offered an amendment to Mr. Sullivan's substitute, making the offices of, justice of the peace appointive until two years after the present war, which amendment was laid on the table. Mr. Flagg offered an amendment providing that justices of the peace shal l be ap - i pointed by the governor, an d shall hold t h e i r offices until two years after the proclamnation of peace, after which time they shall be elected by the people, and further providing that their jurisdiction shall not exceed o:.e hundred dollars. Mr. Flagg's amendment was laid on th h e t:'Lle by a rising vote of 45 ayes, 17 naysT, Mr. S. Pursell moved to amend Mr. Sulli van's substitute by striking out, in the fifth line, the word "two," and inserting the word "four," making the term of office four years. A motion to lay Mr. Pursell's amendment on the table was lost, on a division, ayes 26, nay.,s 47. Ai Mr. Pursell's amendment was then adopted. The question was then put on the adop tion of Mr. SullivanBs s ubstitute a s a mende d. when the same was a d opte d. Art. 15 was then read, together with the following substitute, offered by Mr. Sulli van: There shall be an attorney general, who shall be elected by the qualified voters of the State, and the distri ct a ttorne ys by the qualified voters of each district, on the day of the electionen of governor of the State. They shall hold their offices for a term of four years. Mr. Terry moved to amend by inserting between the words " State and " the words "who shall receive a salary of five thousand dollars,'! which amendment was accepted by Mr. Sullivan. On the question of the adoption of Mr. Sullivan's substitute, as amended, a division was ordered, resulting ayes 32, nays 40. The substitute was therefore lost. Mr. Montamat moved to reconsider the t vote by which Mr. Sullivan's substitute was rejected, which being carried, he then moved to strike out " five thousand dollars" and insert'four thousand dollars,,' as the salary of the attorney general. Lost on a division of ayes 30, nays 39. Mr. Sullivan's substitute as amended was then adopted on a division, ayes 42, nays 31. Art. 16 was then read, together with the following substitute offered by Mr. Sullivan: A sheriff and a coroner shall be elected in each parish by the qualified voters thereof, who shall hold their office for the term of two years, unless removed. The Legislature shall have the power to increase the number of sheriffs in any parish. Should a vacancy occur in either of these offices subsequent to an election, it shall be filled by the governor; and the person so appointed shall continue in office until his successor shall- be elected and qualified.. The Legislahur? ~ay de:termine the mode I 108 AND AMh'NDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. thirds of the members not voting in favor of the motion, the rules were not suspended. Mr. Bofill moved a reconsideration of the vote of yesterday, adopting as a whole the report of the Committee on the Judiciary, as it had been amended by the Convention. Mr. Smith moved to lay the motion to reconsider on the table, upon which motion the yeas and nays were demanded, and being taken, resulted as follows: Yrs — MessI-,. Austin, Buckley, Burke, Cook J. K., Flood. Harnan, Henderson, Howes, Maurer, Morris, Murphy M. W., Orr, Poynot, Purcel! J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stauffer. Sullivan, Terry, Waters-24. NAsS —- Messrs. Abell. Ariail, Bailey, Varrett, Beauvais. Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Bromley, Campbell. Collin, Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Dufresne, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Foley, Fosdick, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg. Gaidry, Healy, Hart, He ar d, Hills, Hire, Howell, Knobloch, Iigler, Maas, Mann, Montamat, Mendiverri, Murphy E., Mayer, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Pintado, Seymour, Shaw, Stumpf, Stiner, Thorpe, Wenck, Weils, Wilson-54. Consequently the motion was lost. The question recurring on the motion to reconsider, the yeas and nays were demanded. and being taken, resulted as follows: YE.ts -- Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Bailey Barrett, Beauvais, Bennie, Bofill, Bromley Burke,Campbell,Collin,Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Dufresne, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Foley, Fosdick,Gastinel, Gorlinski, Gaidry, Hart, Heard, Hills, Hire, Howell, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Mendiverri. Murphy E., Mayer, Newell. Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Pintado, Schroeder, Seymour, Shaw, Stumpf, Stiner, Thorpe, Waters, Wenck, Wells and Wilson-52. MNXYs —Messi s. Austin, Bell. Buckley Cook J. K., Flood Geier, Gruneberg, Healy Harnan, Henderson, Howes, Maurer, Montamat, Morris, Murphy M. W., Orr, Poynot, Purcell J.. Pursell S., Schnurr, Smith, Spellicy, Stauffer, Stocker, Sullivan, Terry --— 26. of filling vacancies in the offices of the inferior judges, attorney general, district attorneys, and all other officers not otherwise provided for in this constitution. Mr. Henderson moved to amend by striking out "two years ", in the second line, and inserting " four years.," Laid on the table. Mr. Montamat moved to amend by making the term of office of the coroner one year, and of the sheriff two years. Laid on the table. Mr. Sullivan's substitute was then adopted. The report of the committee on the Judiciary as amended was then adopted as a whole. On motion the Convention adjourned. Adopted. The Convention met and was called to order pursuant to adjournment, Hon. E. H. Durell, president, in the chair. Fifty members answered to their names at first roll call. After some delay, twenty-eight other,l members appeared and answered to their names, when a quorum was announced. Absent-the following members: Mesrs. Balh, Banm, Bonzano, Brott, Cazabat, Decker, Duane, Duke, Flagg, Fuller, Goldman, Kavanagh, Lobdell, Millspaugh, Montague, Payne J.. Paine J. T., Taliaferro and Thomas-19. The journal of yesterday was read and approved. Mr. Heard asked for a suspension of the rules, in order to allow him to present the following resolution: Resolved, That fromi and after to-day every member who fails to answer to his )ame at roll-call, or within fifteen minutes thereafter, shall forfeit his per diem, unless he be absent by leave, or can furnish some legitimate excuse for his absence. The reading of the resolution being called for, the secretary was directed to read it for the information of the Convention, which being done, Mr. Foley moved a suspension of the rules, in order to act upon the resolution; but objection being made, and twoi ConseqTee ntly the motion prevai led, and the vote was reconsidered. ~ On motion of Mr. Wilson, the whole report, with amendments, was recommitted to a special committee of nine members. The president appointed Messrs. Wilson, Bofill, Cutler, Abell, Poynot, Smith, Buckley, Purcell J.' and Murphy M. W., to compose said committee, i 100 JOHN E. NEEIIII,-, -,.Sec7-etai-!/. W-F,'DNE,SI)AY, JUUC', 8, 1864. I JOURNAL OF THE COiN\ENTION FOR THE REVISION of law alone, whenever the offence charged is punishable with death, or imprisonment at hard labor, or when a fine exceeding three hundred dollars is actually imposed. It shall also exercise a general superintending control over all inferior'and other courts of law, and shall have the power to issue the writs necessary for that purpose. The Legislature shall have power to restrict the jurisdiction of the supreme court in civil cases to questions of law only. Art. III. The supreme court shall' )e composed of one chief justice and four associate justices, a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum. The chief justice shall receive a salary of $7500 and each of the associate justices a salary of $7000 annually, until otherwise provided by law. The court shall appoint its own clerks. i Art. IV. The supreme court shall hold its sessions in New Orleans from the first Monday in the month of November to the end ofthe month of June inclusive. The Legislature shall have power to fix the sessions elsewhere during the rest of the year; until otherwise provided, the sessions shall be held as-heretofore. Art. V. The supreme court, and each of the judges thereof, shall have power to issue writs of habeas corpus at the instance of all persons in actual custody under process, in all cases in which they may have appellate jurisdiction. Art. VI. No judgment shall be rendered by the supreme court without the concurrence of a majority of the judges comprising the court. Whenever the majority cannot agree, in consequence of the recusation of any meme o m ber or members of the court, the judges not recused sha he e o all have power to call upon any judge or judges of the inferior court s, o t sree whose dty it s ha be, when so called upon, to sit in the place of the judge or judges so recused and to aid in deter mining the case. Art. VII. All judges, by virtue of their office, shall be conservators of the peace throughout the State. The style of all pro cess shall be,' the State of Louisiana.?' All prosecutions shall be carried on in the name and by'the authority of the' State of Louisiana,"? and conclude against the peace and dignity of the same. Art. VIII. The judges of all courts with in the State shall, as often as it may be possible so to do, in every definitive judg ment, refer to the particular law in virtue of which such judgment may be rendered. and in all cases adduce the reasons on which their judgment is founded. Art. IX. The judges of all courts shall be liable to impeachment; but for any rea sonable cause, which shall not be sufficient ground for impeachment, the governor shall remove any of them on the address of a majority of the members elected to each nMoeDAY, June 13, 1864. Th e Convention met and was called to order pursuant t o adjournment, Hon. E. H. Durell, pres ident, in the chair, and the following members present: Liessrs. Abell, Austin, Barrett, Bofill, I Campbell, Collin, Cook J. K., Crozat, Dufresne, Edwards, Enni s, Fish, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel e er, Geier Gorlinski, Healy, Heard, Hender son, Hire. Howe ll H.owes a, Maas, M aur er, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Newell, Normand, O'Connher, Payne J.., Pintado, Poynot, Seymour, Smith, Spellicy t o e, Stoke Stumpf Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Wells and Wilson-48. After some delay the following members appeared and answered to their names, whe n a quorum was announced as being present: Messrs. Baile y, Ba fu, Bell, Brom ley, Buckley, Cook T., C ut ler. Davies, Duanev Dtpaty, Flagg, Harnan, Hart, Hills, Kavanagh, Kugler, Mann. Murphy M. W., Paine J. T., Purcell J., Puirsell S., Schroeder, Schnurr. Shaw. Thorpe, Waters and Wenck -27. The jour nal oft the last session was read and approved. The special committee, to which had- bee i recomnmitted the report of th e Judiciary C omm itte e, submitt ed the following report: REPORT OF THE SPECIAL JUDICIARY COMMITTEE. The Special Judiciarv Cgmmittee respectfully submit the following report: Article I. The Judiciary power shall be vested in a supreme court, in such inferior. courts as the Legislature may, from time to time, orde r and establish, and in justice s of the peace. Art. II. The jurisdiction of the supreme court shall extend to all cases where the matter in dispute exceeds three hundred dollars, exclusive of interest; to all cases in which the constitutionality or legality of any tax, toll or impost whatsoever, or of any fine, forfeiture, or penalty imposed by a municipal corporation shall be in contestation; and to all criminal cases on questions 110 The repo - t of the Committee on Impeac iuent, being next in order, was taken it and read. When, on motion of Mr. Foley, the Co vention adjourned until 12 o'clock,v., o Ilonday, the 13tli.inst. Approved. J o HN E. N E F, L L,3, Secreta,t-y. AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. 111 House of the General Assembly. In every and consent of the Senate, for two years. such case the cause or causes for which After which term he shall be elected. The such removal may be required shall be General Assembly to fix his salary at it; stated in full in the address and inserted in first session. the journal of each House. Art. XVIII. The governor shall appoint, Art. X. The salaries of the judges of the by and with the advice and consent of the supreme and inferior courts shall not be Senate, sheriffs for the several parishes of changed during their term of office. the State. They shall hold office for two Art. XLI. The judges both ofthe supreme years. The Legislature shall have the and inferior courts and justices of the power to increase the number of the sheriffs peace shall be appointed by the governor, in any of the parishes whenever it may be by and with the advice and consent of the deemed necessary. They shall be all electSenate. The judges of the supreme court ed after the first term, which dates, as in to hold office for the term of six years, the every other case, in this report, from the judges of the inferior courts for four, justice ratification of this constitution by the legalof the peace for two-after which term the ly qualified voters of this State. judges of the supreme, inferior and justices Art. XIX. Grand and petit jurors shall courts shall be elected by the legally quali- be paid the sum of three dollars and a half fled voters. Appointments in every in- per day for each day of service during stance to date from the ratification of this term. constitution by the people. The Legisla- (Signed) J. IH. WrsoN, Chairman. ture to fix the day for election. CHARLES SMrrH, Art. XII. The clerks of the inferior courts JNO. PURCELL, shall be appointed by the governor, for the 0. H. POYXNOT, same term as the judges, but, on the commis- M. W. MURPHY, sion of any crime, may be moved, with the JOHN BUCKLEY, JR. power of an appeal to the supreme court i Mr. Hills moved a suspension of the rules After the service of this term they shall be in elected by the legally qualified voters for rder to put the report on ts second the same term as the judges. reading. Art. XIII. The Legislature shall have Mr. Sullivan moved to lay Mfr. Hills?s power to vest in clerks of courts authority motion on the table. Lost. to grant such orders and do such acts as T iThe question recurring on Mr. Hills,3s may be deemed necessary for the admini he question recurr-g on Mr. H s tration of justice; but in all such cases the motion, and two-thirds not voting in its powers thus granted shall be specified and favor, the rules were not suspended. determined. Mr. Sullivan moved that the report be Ar~t. XIV. Justices of the peace shall Aft.XIV Jutics ofthepeae sallprinted and made the order of the day for have jurisdiction in civil cases, the sum not printed and made the order of the day for to exceed one hundred dollars, exclusive of i Monday next. interest. They shall receive a salary of Mr. Hills amended the motion by making $2500 in the city, and the Legislature shall the report the order of the day for to-morfix the salaries in the country parishes. Irow. The amendment was adopted, atnd Returns shall be made by them quarterly to the auditor of public accounts under the motion prevailed as amended. oath, and all fees received over the above Mr. Thorpe asked for a suspension of the salary must be faithfully returned to said rules in order to allow him to introduce a auditor. Art. XV. There shall be an attorney resolution, which was read for information; general for the State. Be shall be appoint- but two-thirds not voting in favor of the ed by the governor, by and with the advice motion to suspend the rules, the request and consent of the Senate, and shall hold was not granted. his office for the term of four years, after i The Committee on Finance suibmitted which term he shall be elected by th e legal voters. He shall receive a salaryof $5000. i the following: Art. XVI. There shall be as many district REPORT OF TiHE FINANCE CO.MMITTEE OF THE attorneys appointed by the governor, by STATE CONVENTION OF THE rFUNDS APPROand with the advice and consent of the PRATED FOR THE PAYMEN-T OF PER D)EM'AND Senate, as may be hereafter found neces- SALARIES AND MLEAGSE. sary, their term of office to be two years 1864. from the date of the ratification of this con- June 6, Balance on hand as per' stitution. The Legislature to fix their sal- g Report No. 8........$28,888 40 aries, and declare office elective after first June 6, Paid warrant term. No. 63.....$1390 00 Art. XVII. A coroner shall be appointed June 7. Paid warrant by the governor, by and with the advice'No. 64.... 84 00 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION June 11, Paid warrant Bofill, Cutler, Dupaty, Fuller, Gastinel, No. 66.... 4180 00 Gaidry, Healy, Hart, Hills, Hire, Howell, June 11, Paid warrant No. 67 P.....2520 00 w Kugler, Mendiverri, Montamat, O'Conner, ' No. 67..... 2520 00 June 13, Paid warrant i Ong, Orr, Paine J. T., Pintado, Seymour, No. 68..... 2139 00 Shaw, Sullivan, Thorpe, Wenck, Wells-28. - $10,313 00 Absent-Messrs. Ariall, Baum, Bennie, June 13, 1864, balance on hand Bonzano, Brott, Duane, Edwards, Goldman, this day............. $18,567 40 Gruneberg, Heard, Henderson, Kavanagh, Eighteen thousand five hundred and sixty- Knobloch, Lobdell, Millspaugh, Montague, seven dollars and forty cents. Morris, Poynot, Schnurr, Spellicy, Talia June 8, 1864, the sum of six thousand ferrois Thomas-22. one hundred and thirty-nine dollars anderro om thirteen cents ($6,139 13) was paid per.quorum being present, on motion of warrant No. 65, to the city of New Orleans, Mr. Montamat, the reading of the minutes (out of the funds appropriated for that spe- was dispensed with. cial purpose.)' iRespectfully s ubmitted. Mr. Terry asked for a suspension of the JOHN P. MO.NTAMAT, rules, in order to present the following Chairman pro tem. Finance Committee. resolution: REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE |Resolved, That from and after the 14th STATE CONVENTION OF THE FUINDS APPRO- day of June all members absent fifteen PRIATED FOR CONTINGENT EXPENSES. minutes after the first roll-call, without a No warrant having been drawn since the good and sufficient excuse, shall forfeit their last report No. 8, the balance on hand still per dienm. remains, viz:........ $4,652 63 Remainspf vi te:$4,5253 The resolution having been read for in Respectfully submitted, RJOHeNtuP.l ONTAMbT formation, the rules were suspended and Chairmanpro tern. Finance Committe. the same was taken up for action. The report of the Committee on Impeach-I Mlr. Mann offered the following substitute: ment being next in order, was taken up Whereas, Members of this Convention, and read by the secretary.!elected by the people for the purpose of amending and revising the constitution of A call of the House was demanded, and the State of Louisiana, have absented thembeing taken 67 members answered to their selves without permission, or giving any names. reason therefor; therefore, be it On motion, the Convention adjourned Resolved, That from and after this date until 12oclock. o-moeach and every member of this body, who 12 o*cloc t. shall not have been granted leave of ab Approved. ~~Appr~oved.'ELS sence for cause that is satisfactory to this JOHN. NEELIS. Convention, who are not present to answer Secretatr. to his or their name, at 12 o'clock roll-call, they shall not be allowed their per diem, TUES)DAY, June 14, 1864. for each and every day that they are de The Convention met and was called to linquent; and the secretary is hereby re quired to furnish to the chairman of the order pursuant to adjournment, Hon. E. H. Finance Committee the names of delinDurell, president, in the chair, and the fol- quents, that the deductions from their per lowing members present: diem may be made, for each and every day of such delinquency. Messrs. Abell, Austin, Balch, Bell, Brom- of sch delinquency ley, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Collin, Caz- The substitute was accepted, and on moabat, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Davies, tion the same was adopted. Decker, Dufresne, Duke, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Geier, Gorlinski Mr. Abell asked leave of absence for Mr. Harnan, Howes, Maas, Mann, Maurer, May- Hlearid. The request was not granted. er, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, Nor. ORER oF THE DAY. mand, Payne J., Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Smith, -Stocker, Stumpf. Stine.i The president declared the report of the Stauffer, Terry, Waters, Wilson-48. special Committee on the Judiciary as the After considerable delay, the following order of the day, on its second reading, and members appeared and answered to their called Mr. Abell to the chair. names: Messrs. Bailey, Barrett, Beauvais. The report having been read by the sec — 112 AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. retary, Mr. Stocker offered the following sible so to do, in every definitive judgment ~~~~~substitute: ~refer to the particular law in virtue of which such judgment may be rendered, and in all MR. STOCKER:S SUBSTITUTE TO THE REPORT o cases adduce the reasons on which their THE SPECIAL JUDICIARY COMMITTEE. judgment is founded. Article I. The judiciary power shall. be Art. IX. The judges of all courts shall be vested in a supreme court, in such inferior liable to impeachment; but for any reasoncourts as the Legislature may, from time to able cause, which shall not be sufficient time, order and establish, and in justices of ground for impeachment, the governor shall the peace. remove any of them, on the address of a Art. II. The supreme court, except in majority of the members elected to each cases hereafter provided, shall have appel- House of the General Assembly. In every late jurisdiction only; which jurisdiction such case the cause or causes for which shall extend to all cases when the matter in such removal may be required shall be dispute shall exceed three hundred dollars; stated at length in the address, and inserted to all cases in which the constitutionality or in the journal of each House. legality of any tax, toll or impost whatso- Art. X. The judges both of the supreme ever, or of any fine, forfeiture or penalty and inferior courts shall, at stated times, imposed by a municipal corporation, shall receive a salary which shall be fixed by the be in contestation; and to all criminal Legislature; and they are prohibited from cases on questions of law alone whenever receiving any fees of office or other comthe offence charged is punishable with death pensation than their salaries for any civil or imprisonment at hard labor, or when a duties performed by them. fine exceeding three hundred dollars is ac- Art. XI. The chief justice of the supreme tually imposed. court shall be elected by the qualified Art. III. The supreme court shall be com- voters of the State, and the associate judges posed of one chief justice and four associate of the supreme court, together with the justices, a majority of whom shall constitute judges of the inferior courts, shall be elected a quorum. The court shall appoint its own by the qualified voters of their several disclerks: tricts, as determined by the Legislature, Art. IV. The supreme court shall hold its and they shall hold their several offices sessions in New Orleans from the first Mon- during such term or terms as shall be fixed day of the month of November to the end by the Legislature. of the month of June inclusive. The Le- Art. XII. The Clerks of the inferior courts gislature shall have power to fix the sessions shall be elected by the qualified voters of elsewhere during the rest of the year: until their several districts, and shall hold their otherwise provided, the sessions shall be- offices during such term or terms as shall held as heretofore. be fixed by the Legislature, subject to Art. V. The supreme court and each of removal by the judges respectively, with the judges thereof shall have power to is- the right of appeal in all such cases to the sue writs of habeas corpus, at the instance of supreme court. all persons in actual custody under process, Art. XIII. The Legislature shall have in all cases in which they may have ap- power to vest in clerks of courts authority to pellate jurisdiction. grant such orders and do such acts as may Art. VI. No judgment shall be rendered be deemed necessary for the furtherance of by the supreme court without the con- the administration of justice, and in all currence of a majority of the judges com- cases the powers thus granted shall be speprising the court. Whenever the majority cified and determined. cannot agree, in consequence of the re- Art. XIV. The jurisdiction of justices of cusation of any member or members of the the peace shall not exceed, in civil cases, court, the judges not recused shall have the sum of one hundred dollars, exclusive power to call upon any judge or judges of of interest, subject to appeal in such cases the inferior courts, whose duty it shall be, as shall be provided for by law. They when so called upon, to sit in the place of, shall be elected by the qualified voters of the judge or judges recused, and to aid in their several districts, and shall hold their determining the case. offices during such term or terms as shall Art. VII. All judges, by virtue of their of- be fixed by the Legislature. They shall fice. shall be conservators of the peace have such criminal jurisdiction as shall be throughout the State. The style of all pro- provided by law. cess shall be "the State of Louisiana." All Art. XV. There shall be an attorney geneprosecutions shall be carried on in the name ral for the State, and as many district attorand by the authority of the State of Louis- neys as may be hereafter found necessary. iana, and conclude against the peace and The attorney general shall be elected by dignity of the same. the qualified voters of the State; the dis Art. VIII. The judges of all courts within trict attorneys shall be elected by the qualithe State shall, as often as it may be pos- fled voters of their several districts. The 15 I 1!; N JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION attorney general and district attorneys shall severally hold their offices during such term or terms, and shall severally receive such salaries as shall be determined by the Legislature. Art. XVI. A sheriff and coroner shall be elected for each parish by the qualified voters of the same; and theydl hall seve - rally ho ld the ir offices for s uch term or terms, and shall receive such remuneration for their services as the Legislature may determine. -M r. Smith moved to reject the substitute, but subsequently withdrew his motion. A motion to adjourn was lost. Mr. Foley mo ved that t he substitute be taken up section by section, upon which motion Mr. Hills called the previous qules t i on, which w as seconded. The President resume d the chair, when s ections one and two of the substitute were severally read and adopted. Section three having been read, Mr. Montamat moved to adjourn, upon which motion the yeas and nays were demanded, and being taken, resulted as follows: YEAs-Messrs. Balch, Bailey, Barrett, Beauvais, Burke, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Decker, Duke, Gr tneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Knoblocfi' Maas, Mendiverri, Montamat, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Orr, O'Conner. Ong, Payne J., Schroeder, Seymour, Sullivan, and Watereb-28. NArs —Messrs. Abe'll, Austin, Bell, Bofill, Bromley, CamHpbell, C ollin, Cazabat, Cut ler, Davies, Dufresne, Dupaty, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Hart, Henderson, Hills, Hire., Howe ll, H owes, Kugler, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Newell, Norm and, Paine J. T., Pintado, Purcell J., Purse'l S., Shaw, Smith, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer Terry, Thorpe, Wells and Wilson —48. Consequently the Convention refused to adjourn. Th e qu estion recurring on the third article, Mr. Howell offer ed the following amendment: The chief justice shall receive a salary of $7500, and each of the associate justices a salary of $7000, annually, until otherwise provided by law. A viva voce vote having been taken, the amendment was declared lost. On motion the Convention adjourned until 12 o'clock M., to-morrow. Approved. WEDNESDAY, June 15, 1864. The Convention met and was called to order pursuant to adjournment. Present, Hon. E. H. Durell, president, in the chair, and the following members: Messrs. Abell, Austin, Bailey, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Bromley, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Collin, Cazabat,Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Duke, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Men diverri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, Payne J., Paine J. T., Pintado, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters, Wenck, Wells and Wilson —-83. " Absent: Messrs. Ariail, Balch, Bennie, Bonzano, Brott, Edwards, Goldman, Heard, Lobdell. Millspaugh, Montague, Poynot, Taliaferro and Thomas-15. On motion of Mr. Spellicy, Mr. Poynot's absence was excused on account of sickness. The journal of yesterday was read and approved. The president laid before the Convention the following communication from Mr. Goldman: NEW ORLEANS, June 7, 1864. To the president and members of the Consti tutional Convention. GENTLEMEN - The undersigned hereby tenders his resignation as a member of the " Louisiana State Convention." Having come into that honorable body with the intention to assist in accomplishing the work of statesmen, and not that of municipal politicians, I consider this course consiste nt a nd e ve n incumb ent upon me after yesterday's action in passing the police bill. I have the honor to remain respectfully yours, etc., EDMUND GOLDMAN. On motion, Mr. Goldman's resignation was accepted, by a rising vote of 40 yeas to 32 nays. Mr. Gruneberg presented the following, which was ordered to lay over under the rules: Resolved, That the setrgeant-at-arms, or his assistants, be sent instanter to summon before this Convention all the members ab I i t r 114 JOHN E. NEELIS, Se,-,retary. AND AMENDMENT OF TM CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. Seymour, Shaw, Stumpf, Thorpe, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-50. Consequently the motion to lay on the table was lost. Mr. Ong moved to amend the substitute by striking out the word "eight " and inserting the word "nine," and also by striking out the word "six" and inserting the word "seven" in lieu thereof, which amendment was laid on the table. Mr. Smith offered the following substitute: Art. 11. The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall be appointed by the governor. The judges of the supreme court to hold office for the term of six years, the judges of the inferior courts for four years, after which term the judges of the supreme and inferior courts shall be elected by the legally qualified voters. Appointments in every instance to date from the ratification of this constitution by the people. On motion, Mr. Smith's substitute was laid on the table. On the question of the adoption of Mr. Bofill's substitute, the yeas and nays were ordered, with the following result: YEAS-Messrs.Abell,Austin, Bailey,Baum, Beauvais, Bofill, Bromley, Burke, Cazabat, Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Duane, Dufresne, Ennis, Fish, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Healy, Hart, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Kavanagh, Kugler, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, Ong, Payne J., Paine J. T., Pintado, Schroeder, Seymour, Shaw, Spellicy, Stumpf, Thorpe, Waters, Wenck, Wells and Wilson-50. NAYS-Messrs. Barrett, Bell, Buckley, Campbell, Collin, Cook J. K., Cook T., Decker, Duke, Dupaty, Flagg, Flood, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Harnan, Howes, Knobloch, Maas, Mayer, Morris, O'Conner, Orr, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schnurr, Smith, Stocker, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan and Terry-33. sent, whether residing inside or outside of New Orleans, and compel their attendance. And resolved, That the traveling or other expenses incurred by the sergeant-at-arms, or his assistants, for the purposes aforesaid, shall be collected from the members so in default. ORDER OF THE DAY. The Convention resumed the consideration of Mr. Stocker's substitute for the report of the Special Committee on the Judiciary. The third article of said substttlte being u nder consid erati on, On the suggestion of Mr. Hills that the amendment of Mr. Howel l t o the th tird article of t he substitute had been rejected through a misunderstanding, a second vot e was taken thereon, when the same was adopted, by a rising vote of ayes 54, nays 12. The third articl e was the n adopted as amended. Articles 45,5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 were severally read and adopted. A rtic le 10 being re ad, on motion of Mr. Howell it was amended by striking out the words " f ixed by the Le gislature," and inserting in lieu thereof the words, " not be diminished during their continuance in office." The section was then adopted as amended.: Article 11 way read, when Mr. Bofill offered the following substitute: The judges of the Supreme Court shall be appointed bv the governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, for a term of eight years. The judges of the inferior courts for a term of six years. Mr. Stauffer moved to lay the substitute on the table, whereupon the yeas and nays were called, with the following result: YEAS -- Messrs. Bell, Buckley, Campbell, Collin, Cook J. K., Cook T., Decker, Duke, Dupaty, Flagg, Flood, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Harnan, Howes, Knobloch, Maas, Mayer, Morris, O'Conner, Orr, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schnurr, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry-33. NA~Ys-Messrs. Abell, Austin, Bailey, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bofill, Bromley, Burke, Cazabat, Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Dufresne, Duane, Ennis, Fish, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel,, Hart, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Kavanagh, Kugler, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, Ong, Payne J., Paine J. T., Pintado, Schroeder, Consequently Mr. Bofill's substitute was adopted. Mr. Montamat offered an amendment providing that clerks of the inferior courts shall be appointed for the same term as the respective judges, but for any crime may be removed by the Supreme Court. Laid on the table. Mr. Smith moved to strike out of Mr. Stocker's substitute for article 12 the words "and shall hold their offices during such term or terms as shall be fixed by the Legislature." I 115 116 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION and with the advice and consent of the Senate." Lost. Mr. Terry called for the previous question. Lost. Mr. Montamat moved to amend by making the term of office of justices of the peace two years, upon which a division was called re sulti ng-aye s 41, noes 32; consequently the amendment was adopted. Article 14 as amended was then adopted, and article 15 of the substitute was taken Laid on the table. On the adoption of article 12 of Mr. Stocker's substitute, a division was called, resulting-ayes 29, noes 50. Mr. Fosdick moved to reconsider the vote on the substitute for article 12. Carried. Mr. Hills moved io strike out the words, "by the judges respectively," and insert the words, "by the Legislature." Lost. Mr. S. Pursell moved to strike out all after the words "Legislature," in the third line. Mr. Hills moved to amend by striking out all after the word "offices," in the second line, and insert the words, " during a term of four years," which amendment was adopted. The substitute for article 12 was then adopted as amended. Article 13 of the substitute was then adopted, and article 14 was taken up. Mr. Sullivan moved to strike out the words " one hundred " add substitute there for the words " two hundred."' Laid on the table. Mr. Smith moved to strike out " one hun dred " and insert " seventy-five "' in lieu thereof. Laid on the table. Mr. Thorpe offered the following substi tute to article 14: l The jurisdiction of justices of the peace shall not exceed in civil cases the sum of one hundred dollars, exclusive of interest, subject to appeal in such cases as shall be provided for by law. They shall hold their offices during such term or terms as shall be fixed by the Legislature. They shall have such criminal jurisdiction as shall be provided by law. Returns shall be made by them, under oath, quarterly to the auditor of public accounts; and all fees received over the fixed salary must be faithfully returned to said auditor. A failure to make such returns as herein provided shall be cause of removal. They shall be appointed by the governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. On Mr. Sullivan's motion to lay Mr. Thorpe's substitute on the table, a division was called for, resulting-ayes 43, noes 32; consequently the substitute was laid on the table. Mr. Hills moved to amend by striking out of the 4th line the words "be elected by the qualified voters," and inserting the | words "be appointed by the governor, by | up. Mr. Bell offered the following substitute: There shall be an attorney general for the State and as many district attorneys as may hereafter be found necessary. The attorney general shall be elected every four years, by the qualified voters of the State. He shall receive a salary of $5000 per annum, payable on his own warrant quarterly. The district attorneys shall be elected by the qualified voters of their respective districts, for a term of four years. They shall receive such salaries as shall be provided by the Legislature. A motion to lay on the table being lost, Mr. Bell's substitute was adopted on a rising vote-ayes 58, noes 22. Article 16, of Mr. Stocker's substitute, being read, Mr. Sullivan offered the following substitute: A sheriff and a coroner shall be elected in each parishby the qualified voters thereof, who shall hold their offices for the term of two years, unless sooner removed. The Legislature shall have the power to increase the number of sheriffs in any parish. Should a vacancy occur in either of these offices subseqnent to an election, it shall be filled by the governor, and the person so appointed shall continue in office until his successor shall be elected and qualified. A mbtion to lay on the table being lost, Mr. Stocker moved to strike out the words "unless sooner removed." Carried. The substitute was then adopted. Mr. S. Pursell offered the following as an additional article: Art. 17. The governor shall fill, by appointment, all offices whose election are provided for in this title, who shall hold their various positions for the same terms as if elected, dating from the time of the ratification of this constitution, except in the parish of Orleans, in which elections shall be ordered by the first Legislature held under this constitution. AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISLIANA. Campbell, Collin, Cook T., Decker, Duke, Diipaty, Flood, Geier, Hendersol, Howes, Knobloch, Mayer, Orr, Pursell S., Seymour, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Wilson-25. Mr. Bofill moved a reconsideration of the vote by which the substitute was adopted on its third reading, which being lost, the Convention adjourned. Approved. On motion of Mr. Montamat, the additional article was laid on the table. The substitute, as amended, was then adopted, as a whole, by the following vote: YEAS-Abell, Austin, Bailey, Baum, Beauvais, Bofill, Bromley, Burke, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Crozat, Cutler, Davis, Decker, Duane, Dufresne. Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Kavanagh, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, O'Conner, Ong, Payne J., Paine J. T., Pintado, Purcell J., Schroeder, Schnurr, Shaw. Spellicy, Stumpf, Stiner, Thorpe, waters Wenck, Wilson-60 NAYs-Barrett, Bell, Buckley, Campbell, Collin, Cook T., Duke, Dupaty, Flood, Geier, Howes, Knobloch, Mayer, Normand, Orr, Pursell S., Seymour, Smith, Stocker, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Wilson-23. On motion of Mr. Stocker, the rules were suspended and the substitute as amended taken up on a third reading.' - Mr. Henderson offered the following rider: Art. 2. The supreme court, except in cases otherwise provided in this constitution, shall have appellate jurisdiction only, which jurisdiction shall extend to all cases when the matter in dispute shall exceed three hundred dollars exclusive of interest; to all cases in which the constitutionality orS legality of any tax, toll or impost whatsoever, or of any fine, forfeiture or penalty imposed by a municipal corporation shall be in contestation, and to all criminal cases, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions and under such regulations as the Legislature shall make. Mr. Montamat moved to lay on the table. Carried. The yeas and nays were ordered on the adoption of Mr. Stocker's substitute, as amended on its third reading, resulting as follows: YEA-sMessrs. Abell, Austin, Baum, Bailey, Beauvais, Bofill, Bromley, Burke, Cazabat,. Cook J. K., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Dufresne, Duane, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Gaidry, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Hills, Hire, Howell, Kavanagh, Kugler, Maurer, Maas, Mann, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Payne J., Paine J. T. Pintado, Purcell J., Schroeder, Schaurr, Shaw, Stumpf, Stiner, Thorpe,Wat ers,Wells, Wenck-A58. TtuRsDAY, June 16, 1864. The Convention was called to order pursuant to adjournment. Present, Hon. E. H. Durell, president, in the chair, and the following members: Messrs. Abell, Austin, Balch., Bailey, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Bromley, Buckley. Bur ke, Campbell, Collin, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Dupaty, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, Payne J., Paine J. T., Pintado, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-83. Absent-Messrs. Ariail, Bennie, Bonzano, Brott, Duke (excused,) Edwards (excused,) Heard, Lobdell, Millspaugh, Montague, Neweli, Poynot (excused,) Taliaferro and Thomas —-14. On motion of Mr. Smith, Mr. Balch was excused for his absence on yesterday. On motion of Mr. Knobloch, Mr. Duke was excused for non-attendance. On motion of Mr. Wells, Mr. Edwards was excused for non-attendance. The journal of yesterday was read and approved. On motion, Mr. Henderson was allowed to change his vote on the the third reading of the judiciary bill, from " no " to " yes." ORDER OF THE DAY. The report of the Committee on Impeachment, being the order of the day, was taken up on its second reading. The first section was read and adopted. The second section was read, when Mr. Harnan moved to amend by striking out 117 JOHN E. NEELIS, Secretary. JOURNAL OF TlE CONVENTION FOR TlE RE RSIONq throughout this State, and the Legislature shall make no laws recognizing the right of property in man. The president having taken the chair, decided the proposition out of order, inasmuch as the report of the Committee on Emancipation, containing a like provision, had passed its third reading, and become a part of the constitution, it cannot be inserted in another report, where it might be rejected. Mr. Cutler appealed from the decision of the chair, but subsequeiy withdrew his appeal, as well as the original proposition. Articles I and 2 were read and adopted. Article 3 being read, Mr. Stauffer moved to strike out all after the word "treason," in the second line, which motion was lost. Mr. Hills moved to strike out, in the second and third lines, the words "or forfeiture," which was tabled, on a rising vote of 43 ayes, 23'noes. Articles 3, 4 and 5 were then adopted, without amendment. Article 6 being read, Mr. Montamat moved to amend by inserting a proviso that "no negro be allowed to vote." The president ruled that the question of the qualification of voters had been disposed of under the title of "1 Legislative Department," and could not again be brought up. Mr. Mon tama t a ppealed from the decision of the chair, whereupon the ayes a nd nays were called, resulting as,follows: YEAs —Messrs. Austin, Bai ley, Baum, Be auvai s, Bell, Bromley, Burke, Collin, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, ae, Davies, Dy,DuaEne, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Mann, Mayer, Murphy E., Normand, Ong, Payne J., Paine J. T., Pintado, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Terry, Thorpe, Wenck —60. NAYS- Messrs. Abell, Balch, Bofill, Buckley, Campbell, Decker, Dufresne, Gastinel, Maas, Maurer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Murphy M. W., Orr, Sullivan, Waters, Wilson-17. Consequently the decision of the chair was sustained. The president here sttted to the' Convert the words " two-thirds " and inserting the word " majority." Lost. On motion of Mr. Hills, the second line was amended by inserting after the word " t reasurer " t he words " auditor of public accounts." On motion of Mr. Foley, lines eight and nin re we re am ended by striking out the words " two-thirds present," and inserting the words " a majority elected."' T he seco nd section was then adopted as amended. The th ird section was read and adopted. The fourth section was read. when, on motion of Mr. Wilson, the word " such" was s ubstituted fo r the word "each," in the third line, and the section was then adopted as amended. The fifth section was read and adopted. The rep ort was then adopted as a whole on its second reading. O n motion of M r. Hills, the rules were suspended for the purpose of putting the report on its third reading. On the adoption of the report on its third reading, th e yeas and nays were ordered, with the following result: YEtsS-Messrs. Abell, Austin, Balch, Bailey, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Bromley, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Collin, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Cook T.. Crozat, Cutler, D avies, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Ennis. F ish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Gaidry, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Hills, Hire, How ell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, Payne J., Paine J. T., Pintado, Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stoc ker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Wilson —76. NAYs-Messrs. Dupaty, Henderson, Wa ters, Wenck, Wells-5. Consequ ently the repor t passed its third read ing. Mr. Thorpe moved a re consideration of th e vot e just t ake n, which motion was l aid o n t he table. The report of the Committee on General Provisions was next taken up and read. Mr. Sullivan being in the chair, Mr. Cutler moved the following: Article 1. Slavery and involuntary servitude are forever abolished and prohibited 118 AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. 119 Articles 7 and 8 were read and adopted. Article 9 was read, together with the fbllowing substitute, offered by Mr. Samuel Pursell, viz: Art. 9. All civil officers for the State at large shall be voters of and reside within the State, and all district or parish officers shall be voters of and reside within their respective parish or district, and shall keep their offices at such places therein as may be required by law. The question being put on Mr. Pursell's substitute, the same was adopted. Upon article 10 being read, Mr. Smith moved to amend by striking out the words "and inferior courts," in the second line, which being lost, a rising vote was taken on the adoption of the article as reported, resulting in ayes 22 noes 35. Consequently the article was rejected. Article 11 was then taken up and read. Mr. Smith moved to amend by striking out, in the last line, the words "viva voce" and inserting "yeas and nays."' Mr. Samuel Pursell, with the consent of Mr. Smith, moved a reconsideration of the vote just taken on article 10. which being carried, Mr. Abell moved a reference of the article to a special committee of three. Laid on the table. Mr. Wilson moved to amend by striking out the words "two-thirds " and inserting the words " a majority," and also by strikin g out after "members," in the third line, the word "of" and inserting in lieu thereof the words "elected to," which motion h'ving prevailed, article 10 was then adopted as amended. The question then recurred on the adoption of Mr. Smith's amendment to article 11, striking out the words "viva voce," and substituting therefor the words "yeas and nays," which being carried, article 11 was ,Adopted as amended. Article 12 was read and adopted as reported. Article 13 being read, Mr. Stauffer moved to strike out in the second line the words "or be employed in the public works," and also all the article after the word "State" in the third line, which being carried, the article was adopted as am ended. Article 14 was adopted as relported. Article 15 was then read, when Mr. H~ow tion that the rules require a two-thirds vote to over-rule a decision of the chair, but that he had heretofore waived this rule in deference to the Convention. Mr. Sullivan offered the following: No negro shall be allowed to practice law or physic in this State, nor shall they be taught or instructed in the art or mystery of any trade or profession, under such penalties as may be fixed by the Legislature. Laid on the table by a rising vote of 48 ayes to 20 nays. Article 6 was then adopted as reported. Article 7 being read, Mr. Hills moved to amend by adding: "No negro shall be allowed to draw money from the State treasury." A motion to laythe amendment on the table being lo st theConve ntion adjourned, on a rising vote of ayes 35. nays 34-. A proved. FRIDAY, June 17, 1864. Pursuant to adjournment, the Convention met at 12 o'clock M., Hon. E. H. Durell, president, in the chair. The roll was called and the following members found to be present: Ma Messrs. Abell, Austin, Balch, Bailey, Barrett, Baum. Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Bromley, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Collin, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Duke, Dupaty, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, GorUlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann. Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M.W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, Payne J., Paine J. T., Pintado, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-85. Absent: Messrs. Ariail, Bennie, Bonzano, Brott, Edwards, (excused) Heard, Lobdell, Millspaugh, Montague, Poynot,'(excused) Taliaferro and Thomas-12. The minutes of yesterday were read and adopted. The report of the Committee on General Provisions being the order of the day, was taken up. be(,-Il e',ti-. JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION ell moved to strike out in the first line the word "that," and further to amend by inserting after the word "laws" in the first line, the words "' of this State," and after the word' by" in the second line, the words, the Legislature or by its," which amendments having prevailed, the article was adopted as amended. Article 16 was adopted as reported. Article 17 was read. Mr. Howell moved to strike out the entire article, and substitute therefor article 104 of the constitution of 1852, which motion prevailed and the substitue was adopted. Articles 18 and 19 were read and adopted as reported. Article 20 being read, Mr. Campbell moved to amend by adding, after the word "made" in the last line, the following words:' And no attorney shall give evidence in any case or suit, in which he or they may be employed," which amendment having been accepted by the Convention, the article as amended was adopted. Article 21 being taken up and read, Mr. Cutler moved to reject the entire article, which being lost, the article was adopted as reported. Article 22 was read, when Mr. Sullivan moved to strike out all after the words "subjects," in the second line, and insert "but the writer shall take the consequences of its abuse and malignity," which being laid on the table, the article was adopted or reported. Upon article 23 being taken up, Mr. Terry offered the following amendment: No monopoly shall be created by the Legislature, by the grant to joint stock companies or to individuals of exclusive rights to build and operate canals, railroads, plank or other roads in this State or through any portion thereof; neither shall exclusive rights for any kind of manufacture be granted. Mr. Smith offered the following amendment: The Legislature shall have no power to grant aid to companies or associations of individuals formed for any purpose. On moti o M on of Mr. Montamat, Mr. Smith's amendment was laid on the table. Mr. Terry's amendment was then taken up, and, on motion of Mr. Baum, was laid on the table by a rising vote of a yes 42, noes 34. Mr. Howell moved to amend by inserting betweeen the words " shall" and "have," the word "not,,' and between the words individuals " and " formed " the words "except to such as are." Mr. Howell's amendment was amended, on motion of Mr. Campbell, by inse rti ng, "and shall be," so as to make the article re ad: "The Legislature shall not have power to grant aid to companies or associations of individuals, except to such as are and shall be formed," etc. Mr. Cazabat offered a substitute for the article in the following words:" The Legis lature shall have no power to grant exclusive privileges or monopolies of any kind to individuals, companies or corporations whatsoever, except for charitable purposes,"' which was laid on the table by a rising vote of ayes 44, noes 15. The amendments of Mr. Howell, as amended by Mr. Campbell, were accepted, and the article adopted as amended. Articles 24, 25 and 26 were severally read, and adopted as reported. Article 27 was then read, together with Mr. Stiner's amendment, prohibiting the licensing of gambling houses. Mr. Howell, on behalf of the committee, accepted Mr. Stiner's amendment. Mr. Montamat moved, as a substitute for the article and the amendment, " lottery and gambling houses shall be licensed by the Legislature." Mr. Stocker offered the following as a substitute for the whole: The Legislature may grant licenses to gambling houses in this State, provided the tax shall not be less than ten thousand dollars per annum on each house so licensed. Mr. Montamat withdrew his substitute, and offered the following additional proviso to Mr. Stocker's substitute: Provided, That duly licensed gambling houses shall have the right to sell lottery tickets. The proviso was accepted by Mr. Stocker. Mr. Cutler offered the following as a substitute for the article, substitutes and amendments: The Legislature shall have the power to license the selling of lottery tickets and 120 AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. 121 the keeping of gambling houses; said Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Spellicy, Stumpf. houses in all cases shall be on the first floor Stiner, Sullivan, Waters and Wells-44. and kept with open doors; but in all cases NAYs —Messrs. Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, not less than ten thousand dollars per an- Bell, Bromley, Burke, Collin, Cazabat, Cook num shall be levied as a license or tax on J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Dueach vendor of lottery tickets and on each paty, Fish, Flood, Fosdick, Geier, Gorlinski, gambling house, and five hundred dollars Hills, Hire, Howell, Kugler, Mann, Monon each tombola. tamat, Morris, Ong, Payne J., Paine J. T.. Mir. Harnan offered the following, which Pursell S., Smith, Stocker, Stauffer, Terry. was laid on table:' Thorpe and Wilson —36. was laid on table: No lottery shall be authorized by this Consequently the motion prevailed an(I State, but every tombola shall be allowed the Convention adjourned. by paying to the State, for each and every Approved. tombola, the sum of five hundred dollars; iOHN E. NEELIS, the same to be divided pro rata to each inmate which are beholding to receive char-. ity in the orphan asylums within this State. , 23A~~S.TURD~Y, June 18, 1864. Mr. Howes moved to amend Mr. Cutler's SATURDY, June 18, 1864. a large sign shall The Convention met and was called to substitute by adding: " a large sign shall subsitut. aorder pursuant to adjournment, Hon. E. H. be placed over the door, with the words gambling hDurell, president, in the chair, and the folgambling house painted thereon." The,, p lowing members present: amendment-was tabled. Abell, Austin, Balch, Bailey, Barrett. Mr. Hills moved to lay the original arti-aum, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Bromley Baum, Beauvais','Bell,' Bofill, Bromley, cle and all the substitutes and amendments Buckley, Burke, Collin, Cazabat, Cook J. thereto on the table, which wa s lost. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Decker, The question then recurred upon the Duane DuresneDukeDupatyEnnisFish Flagg, Flood. Foley, Fosdick, Fuller Gas adoption of Mr. Cutler's substitute, where- tinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidrv, upon the yeas and nays were called, with Healy, Harnan. Hart, Henderson. Hills the following result:. Hire, Howell, Howes, Knobloch, Kugler. YEAS- Messrs. Abll, Bailey, B.rrett, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Btuekle, y Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy't. B Bl B y Newell Normand, O'Conner, Orr, Burke, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler,.NeJ, NeJl,.r. Davies, Decker, Dufresne, Duke, Ennis, a J Paine J. T., Pintado, oynot Pr Fish, Flood, Foley, GastineI, Geier, Grune- cell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Sey mour. Shaw, Smith, ~Spelllcy. ~ Stocker. berg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Hen- ur Sh ith, Spellicy, Stock derson, How -s, Kuobloch Kugle. Mais Stumpf; Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry. .derson, Howes, Knobloch, Kugler. Maas. i Thorpe, Waters, Wenck, Wil'son —82. Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Mur- Waters eck, Wilso-82. phy E., Murphy M. W eell 0 Con Absent- Messrs. Ariail, Bennie, Bonzano. phy E., Murphy M. W., iNewell, O'Conner,Brt,Cpbl.Ewrs(xue, Ong, Orr, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder,ds Schurr, Seymour Spellic Stocke Heard, Kavanagh, Lobdell, Millspaugh, Schnurr, Seymour, Spellicy, Stocker, M~onitaguie. Ong, Taliaferro, Thomas and Stumpf, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, ote Ong Taliaferro Thomas and Waters Wells-57. es NAYs —Messrs. Austin, Balch, Bromley, The minutes of yesterday were read, Campbell, Collin, Cazabat, )upaty, Flagg, amended and adopted. Fosdick, Gorlinski, Hills, Hire, Howell, n motion of Mr. Howell the voe o On m-otion of Mr. Howell, the vote on Kavanagh, Mann, Morris, Normand, Payne J., Paine J. Jr. Pintado, Seymour, Smith. article 23 was reconsidered, with a view of Stiner, Wilsoi —24. imending the same so as to exempt charita Consequentlv the substitute was adopted. ble institutions fronm the prohibitions conl Mr. Foley moved to adjourn. The yeas rained in said article. Further action thereand nays being demanded thereon. were on was then deferred until Monday next. taken with the following result: MIr. Thorpe offered the following: YeS-Messrs. Abell, Austi, Ba Bai Resolved, That a committee of five be YE s~s-M~essrs. Abell, Autstin, Balch. Bai,'appointed to wait on Mlaj. Gen. -Canby -and Icy, Bofill, Buckley, Campbell, Decker, Du- appointed to wait on Maj. Gen. Caby and fresne, Duke, Ennis, Flagg, Foley, Gastinel Maw en. Sicklesd and learn from them Gruneberg Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart' when it would be agreeable to them to reGruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan,~ Hart, Henderson, avanagh, Knobloch, Maa ceive an official visit from the members of Henderson, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Maas, the Convention. Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Murphy E the Coeton. Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, O'Con- The rules were suspended and the resoner, Orr, Pintado, Purcell J., Schroeder, lution adopted; whereupon the president 16 122 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION appointed Mesirs. Thorpe. Sullivan, Cutler,. Approved. Terry andi Campbell on the committee.OH. );. raised thereby. Secretari. Mr. Fosdick offered the tollowing, presatnm-. bhe and resolutions: Mo'NDAY, June 20. 1864. Whereas, In the opinion of this Conven- The Convention met, pursuant to adjourntion a large majority of the loyal people of inent the city of New Orleans are desirous of th~ ity f Ne orlans re dsiros of Present, the Hon. B. H.lDurell, president, having the civil government of the city re- Prent, te Hon. E.. )uell, president, e'tabli.shed:-. and the following rmembers~ Be it thcreor,~ Resolved, That his excel- Messr. Abell. Austin, Balch. Bailey, lency the governor of the State be and he Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Bromley, Buckis hereby requested to immediately issue ley, Burke. Campbell, Collin. Cazabat,Cook his order of election for mayor. recorders. J. K., Cook T.. Crozat, Cutler, Davies, street commissioner, aldermen and as- Duane, Dufresne, Duke. Dupaty, Ennis, Fish, sistant aldermen, in conf()rmity with the Flagg. Flood. Foley, Fosdick, Fuiler. Gascity charter. tinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Resolved, That the secretary of this Con- HIealv. Harnan. Hart, Henderson, Hills. vention be and:he is hereby instructed to Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloeb transmit a copy vof the forezoing resolution Kugler. Maas, Mann, Maulrer, Mayer, Mento his excellency the governor. diverri, Montamat, Murphy M. W.. Murphy After some dilscussion, Mr. Shaw move E.,Newell, Normand, OConner. Orr, Payne J., Paine J. T., Poynot, Purcell J., Purs'ell to pospone the further consideration of the J, PaSme J T. Poynot, Purcell J Pusell S., Schroeder, Schniirr, Seymour, Shaw. resolutions until Saturday next. Smith, Spellicy. Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner. A motion to adjourn having been made, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe. Waters. the yeas and nayis were ordered thereon, Wencek, Vells and Wilson —-81. resulting as follows: Absent-Messrs. Ariail, Barrett, Bennie, .-Bau BuckevBonzano. Brott Decker, Edwards, (ex YEA,-,Beauvais., Buckley,, Burke, Crozat, , B, Crozat, csed,) Heard. Lobdell, Millspaugh. MonDavies, Duane Dufresne. Duke, Ennis, tague, Morris, Ong. Taliaferro, Thomas and Flagg, Foley, Hire, Maas, MauLrer, Murphy Pintado (excused) E., Murphy M. W., O'Conner, Payne J.' .C The minutes of Saturday's proceedings Schroeder, Stiner, Wilson-21. NAYS-Messrs. Abell, Austin. Balch, Bai- were iad and adopted. ley, Barr,tt, Baum, Bell, Bromley, Bofil!, MIr. Terry asked for ai suspension of the Collin. Cazabat, Cook T.. Cook J. K-, Cut- rules for the purpose of presenting a memoler, Dupaty, Fish, Flood, Fosdick, Gastinel, ~GeierGoilmkiGriiibg arH ral, signed by a large number of citizens, Geier, Gorlinski. Griineberg, Gaidry, Harnan, Hills, Howes, Knobloch, Kugler relative to the hours for laborers to be emMann. Mayer, Montamat, Morris, Newell, liloved on public works. Normand, Orr, Paine J. T.. Pintado, Poy- lhe rules being suspended the memorial not, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schnurr, Sey- mour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Sulli wIs received, and on motion of Mr. Montavan, Stumpf, Stauffer, Terry, Thorpe Wa- Imt was referred to a select committee of ters-52. s even-consisting of the following mem Consequently the Convention refised to bers, viz: Messrs. Terry, Geier, Stiner. adjourn. O Conner, Balch, Burke and Orr.; MIr. Davies offeled the following amend. Mr. Fosdick moved a suspension of the I)ent: rlies for the purpose of taking up his reso Resolved, That the governor of the State lttion of Saturday last, relative to the be requested to order that elections be held electio of ocers the city government election of officers fo'- the city government in every incorporated city and town within the Union lines for all city and town officers; said elections to be held on the same A mnotion to lay on the table being lost, dtay as the elections of officers for the city the yeas and nays were ordered on the moo,f New Orleans,. ,~f New Orleans. |tion to suispend the rules-resdltiug as Mr. Shaw called for the question on his i ftollows: imotion to postpone the firther considera- YFAs-Messrs.Abell,Austin, Balch,Bailey, ion of the ubject until Saturday, 2th inst. Baum, Bell, Bofill, Buckley, Campbell, Cook Convention then adjourned. Gruneberg, Harnan, Hart, Hills, Howes, AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA 123 Knobloch, Maas, Maurer. Mayer, Montamat, for the payment of pec die?i, and salaries of Murphy E., O'Conner, Orr, Poynot, Pur- members and officers. cell J., Smith, Sullivan. Thorpe, Waters. JonH T. MONTATAT, Wilson 39. Acting Chairman Finance Committee. N.s-Mwessrs. Beauvais, Bromley, Burke, S. iAN Collin, Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Duane. Du- MAOIN SULLIVNU, paty, Ennis, Fish, Foley, Fuller, Gaidry. I - SCH,R. Healy, Henderson, Hire, Howell. Kugler, New Orleans. June 18, 1864. Mann, Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand. The report was received and the accomPavne J., Paine J. T., Pursell S., Schroe- paning resolution adopted. panying resolution adopted. der, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer. Terry, Wells- On motion of Mr. Hire. Mr. Pintado was 36. excused, on account of sickne. Consequently, the motion to suspend the o.R)FR OF TRR DAY-REPORT OF THE COrules was lost. MITTEE ON GENERAL PROVISIONS. Mr. Montamat then moved a suspension Mr. Howell moved to amend article 23, of the rules, for the purpose of submitting by adding the words: "Provided, this artia report of the Finance Committee, which cle shall not apply to charitable associabeing carried, he submitted the follow- tions." nlug:'Mr. Cazabat mioved to strike out all after REPORT OF TisE FLNANCE COMMITTEE, Ul' TO the word " improvement," in the third line, aJUNE 18. aud add thle words "and for charitable pur1864. ~~~~~~~1864. tposes." Lost. June 18-Amount paid out, as JMr. Howell's amendment was then ac per warrants up to date, for per diem of members, mileage cepted by the Convention. a(nd article 23 and salaries of officers......$94,485 60 i was adopted as amended. June 18-Balance on hand to r r 4 Article 28 being taken up and read, Mr. date................... 5,51 40 ~~date...,5~14 40 Smithl moved to amend by adding the $100,000 00 words. "nor shall any minor be emanciJune 18-Amount paid out for pated." Lost. contingent expenses, as per Mr. \Vilo ni oved to aiiiend( by inserting vouchers and warrants.......$18,02t 9b ' the w-,Aord. "not;' between the words'be"' June 18-Balance on hand, to date...................... 6,972 03 and grainted." Lost. Mi. Fosdick offered the tbllowi-ng substi $25.000 00 t June 18-Amount paid out for printing and Tlhe Ileg,istattre iiaiy enact general laws advertising, as pe- vouchers and war- i .re-guliat-ing tie adoption, of children, eman-u rants, $48,218 32. This sum was paid rlatig the adoption of children, eman cpal-ion of rmiors. chianging of' names, and out of flinds not otherwise appropriated cpaliin o minors chaging f ames, an t~he grtantinig, of divorces:, but no sipec~ial -:ith the exception of seven thousand the an iores, ut no specia dlars which wa paid from the fund s siall be enacted relating lo particular dt'.1ars. which was paid from the funds 1f appropriated for contingent expenses,'' ildividlal cases. and is to be reftinded to that ac- M1. f'olev ii-ovaed to strike oll-i the words, count.'i ch-agitg of namies.' which niotion being June 8-The sum of six thousand( one huln-ai oii the tie Mr. l'osilick's sistitiite dred and thirty-nine dollars and thirteen cents, ($6,139 13,) was paid to J. S was ad"opte'l Walton, treasurer of the city of New Articlet 2'9, 30 andI 31 were respectively Orleans, for fitting up Liberty Hall. read and adopted ias reported. Your committee respectfully report thlat t rtile a taen ip.nd read t When~i article 32 was taken tip a,nd read, it is necessary that an appropriation be Mr. HiowelIl. onl behatlf (it' the commliittiee, made for the payment of members, officer s and employ,s of this Convention, for the'ref)ited the fllowingo sub)titiite balance of the term; wherefore, your com- Ar'. 32. t'IoIportio1n shll not be crea mittee beg leave to recomnimend the follow- tedi i thi toe by sapt eiil laws except for ing resolution political or mtiicipal pullrposes but the Resolved, T'hat the sum of twenty thou- Legislature shall provide by general laws sand dollars be and the same is hereby ap fbr the orga nization of all othler corpora propriated out of the general funds of the tions, except corporations with banking or State treasury, not otherwise appropriated, discounting privileges, the creation, re 124 -JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REViSION newal or extension of which is hereby pro- Articles 37, 38, 39 and 40 were sever hibited. ally read and adopted. The substitute was adopted as reported. Mr. Howell offered the following addi Article 33 was read, when Mr. Smith tional articles to the report, viz. moved to amend by inserting the word Art. 41. No liability, either State, not' after shall in the first line, which parochial or municipal, shall exist for any motion was laid on the table and the article debts contracted for, or in the interest of adopted. the rebellion against the authority of the m ed United States government. Article 34 was read. M.r. Cazabatmoved jArt. 42. The seat of government shall to amend by striking out the works " ex- be and remain at New Orleans, and shall cept that of justice of the peace,"' which not be removed without the consent of motion was lost, and the article was then two-thirds of both Houses of the General Assemblv. adopted. Art. 43.. The Legislature may deter For article 35 Mr. Samuel Putrsell otterede mine the mode of filling vacancies in all the following substitute, which was read offices for which provision is not made in and adopted:!this constitution. a article 41 was read and adopted. Art. 35. Taxation shall be equal and Article 4 was e and ad uniform throughout the State. All proper rtle 42 was taken up and read. ty shall be taxed in proportion to its value,. Abell moved to amend by striking ot to be ascertained as directed by law. The the words " two-thirds' and substituting General Assembly shall have power to ex- the words "a majority,." which amendment empt from taxation property actually used as accepte by Mr. Howell for church, school oir charitable purposes. for ~~~~~~~~~~Mi Samuel Pursell offered the followiu~g The General Assembly shall levy an income tax upon all persons pursuing any substitute' occupation, trade or calling, and all such Art. 42. The seat of government shall persons shall obtain a license. as provided be at the city of New Orleans. The Genby law. All tax on income shall be pro eral Assembly shall have power to dispose rata on the amount of income or business of the present capitol property in Baton done. Rouse and provide, by purchase or other For article 36 Mr. Sullivan offered a sub- wise. suitable lands and buildings for a State capitol in New Orleans. stitute relative to city police. State capitol in New Orleans. On a motion to lay on the table the ys Laid on the table. and nays were ordered, resulting as follows: Mr Cazabat moved to amend by striking YEAS —Messrs. Austin, Bromley, Burke out the words "' New Orleans" and subCampbell, Collin, Cazabat, Cutler, Davies, stituting "parish of Jefferson.' Laid on DI)uke, Dupaty, Ennis, Flagg, Fosdick, Gor- the table. linski, Gaidry, Henderson, Hire, Howell, Mr. Stauffer called fbr the reading of his Knobloch, Kugler, Mann, Mayer, Newell stite, i Payne J., Paine J. T., Purcell J., Purseli substitutel S.. Schnurr, Seymour, Staufifer, Thorpe. No debt created by or under the so-called Wenck, Wells, Wilson —34. Confederate States, or under tho sanction s esss Abe1, Baich. Beauais,of any usurping power. shall be recog1,ailey, Bell, Bofill, Buckley, Cook J. K., nied orpaid. Cook T., Crozat, Dutresne, Flood, Foley, Mr. Stauffer's substitute was laid on the Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gruneberg, Harnan, table. when the question recurred on the H art. Hills, Howes, Maas, Maurer, Monta mat Murphy E Muphy M. W., Normand adoption of Mlr. Howell's additional article mat, Murphy E., Murphyv M. W., Normand, ()'Conner, Orr, Poynot, Schroeder, Smith, 42, upon which a division was called for. Stocker, Stumpf. Stiner, Sullivan, Terry, resulting ayes 44, nays 13. Waters-38.: Article 42 was therefore adopted as Consequently the motioii to lay on the amended. table was lost. Article 43 was read and adopted. Mr. Cutler moved a reference of the Mr. Thorpe, as chairman of the commitwhole matter to a committee of three, tee appointed to wait upon Maj. Gen. Canwhich motion was carried; whereupon the -by and Maj. Gen. Sickles. submitted the president appointed on said committee following report: Meissrs. Cutler, Abell and Sullivan. The committee wvould respectfully re I AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. 125 port that they waited upon Maj. Gen.,Mr. Fosdick moved a suspension of the Canby and Maj. Gen. Sickles andrepresent- rules to take up his resolution relative to ed the desire of the Convention to pa city go rnment. them a ceremonious visit. The distinguished soldiers replied, in sub- A motion to lay on the table having beeii A motion to lay on the table having beeti stance, that they felt deeply gratefuil for lost, the yeas and nays were ordered on the the compliment paid them by the members mnotion to suspend, resulting as follows: of the Louisiana Free State Convention, and instead of receiving a formal visit from Me Abell Balch. Bailey the members of the Convention, that they Baum Bell Bofill Buckley Campbell, Cook, Be. K. il, Cute.Dcker, ]Dufresel,Due would take an early opportunity of paying Cook J. K., Cutler Decker, Dufresne, Duke, their personal respects to the honorable Flagg, Flood, Fosdick, Gastinel, Gorlinski, members of this Convention. Gruneberg, Healey, Hills, Knobloch, Maas, member rpofrt s r.eceivd. an Maurer, Mendiverri, Murphy E., Newell. The report was'received and inaniiloiu.s- i 11 i OCouner, Orr, Poynot, Smith, Staufler. ly adopted. Sullivan, Thorpe Waters, Wenck, Wells, Mr. Wilson, with leave of the (Conven- Wilson-38. tion, offered the following resolution, which Beaua Bomley Buke o Cazabat. Crozat, Davies. Dupaty, Edwards, was unanimously adopted, viz: a Ennis, Fish, Foley, Fuller, Geier, Gaidrv. Resolved, That the president of this Coi G HIarnan, Hart, Henderson, Hire, Howell, vention be instructed to invite Maj Gen.- Howes, Kavanagh, Kugler, Mann, Mayer, Canby and Maj. Gen. Sickles to visit this Montamat, Moris Murphy M.., NorConvention. iand, Payne J., Painiie J. T., Purcell J., The Convention thein adjourned until to- Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, morrow at 12 o'clock M.',haw, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Approved. Terry-42. JOliN E. NE:,:is, Consequently the motion was lost. Secrtatry. Mr. Terry, as chairman of the select coiii inittee on the memorial of certain working TUEstoAY, Junie 21, 1864. men, submitted the following report: The Convention was called to order pur- Mr. President, your committee on memo rial, after carefuil deliberation. respectfully suant to adjournment. ipresent the following report: Present, Hon. E. H. Durell, presidt pres ent the llowing report. ad the followingmm Believing that our miechanics. artizans of and the llowing members every grade, and laboring men are the most Messrs. Abell, Austin, Balch, Bailey, Bar- afflicted portion of our race; working for rett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Bromley, th most part under the most depressing Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Cazabat, Collin,! circumstances, they live and have their beCook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Iig at a great disadvantage. Unless, capriDecker, Dufresne, Duke, Dupaty, Edwards, cious fortune seems to smile especially upEnnis, Fish. Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, on their efforts, laboring people in the Fuller, Gastinel, Geier Gorlinski, Grune- present social disorder, are most likely to berg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Hen- be kept down in the cesspool of poverty, derson, Hills, Hire, Howell. Howes, Kava- simply by the antagonism between labor liagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, and capital. It is unspeakably difficult for Maureri. Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, a laboring man to earn enough to meet the Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W.. Newell, current expenses of his family and at the Normand, O'Conner, Orr, Payne J. Paine same time void debt and dishonesty. If he J. T., Poynot. Purcell J., Pursell S.. Shaw, do, this in our city,. he must forego every Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Spellicy, species of comforting luxury and all cultiSmith, Stocker, Stumpt, Stinei, Stauffer, vated amusements. His disadvantages are Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters, Weck, very numerous. t lie be a mechanic, there Wells, Wilson-83. -re, probably. certain months in each year Absent- Messrs. Ariail, Bonzano Brott. w hen his sxrvices are not required. But Duane, Heard, Lobdell, Millspaugh, Mon- his house-reut and fatmily expenses go on tague, Ong, (excused) Pintado, (excused) just the same as when his laboris in deTalliaferro and Thomas. mand. The wealthy man can pay cash for TI'he minutes of yesterday were'read anal his dry goods and groceries and can purapproved. u chase them at wholesale prices, which gives motion of Mr. Cutler Mr. Ong was him the advantage. But the poor man On must buy in small quantities, must pay excused for his absence on account of sick- high interest for credit, and so lives at a ness. perpetual loss. When he goes to the mar JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION ket he pays the butchers and stall-keepers legislative body) are in favor of granting fifty per cent. more than the original cost of their humble request, in order to enable the articles. When he goes to the grocer, your petitioners to devote a part of their he must defray the accumulated and corm- time to domestic scenes and the cultivation bined profits upon tea, sugar, soap, mnolasses, of the mind, respectfully submit the followetc.; first. of the producer; second, of the ing article to be inserted in report of Geni wholesale merchant; third, of the retailer. eral Provisions: Here is a mass of profits which the con Article-. Nine hours shall constitute sumer must pay, and he must work hard a day's labor for all mechanics, artisans and live very economically to do it. and laboring men employed on public Again, when he wants muslin, cloth. and works of the State and city. calico for his family, he must pay sufficient J. RANDALL TERRY, Chairman, over ard above the actual cost and value of GEORGE GEIER these fabrics originally, to support the man- BENJAMLN H. OiRR. ufacturer, the various second-handers and I YOUNG BURKE, wholesale go-betweenis, and lastly the re- P. K. O'CoN,Er, taller of whom the goods are purchased. J. A. STINER,. Your committee believe this is all wuro? T and the laboring classes-who produce ali I The report of the committee was received the wealth there is in the State —are the and ordered tobe spread upon theminutes. constant and only real sufferers under this Mr. Schroeder offered a memorial, and system. To illustrate the injustice of this additional articles to the report of the Comsystem, the manufacturer, the wholesale merchant, and the flourishing retailer, can mttee on General Provisions, but previous live in $50,000 houses, environed with all to their being read, Mr. Montamat rose to a the comforts and privileges thereof, the point of order, and objected to the reading poor hard-working man and woman, of the memorial without a suspension of with a large family of children to teed, witha lage amil ofchilrento ted,the rules, which point was sustained by the clothe and educate. are compelled to occupy the rule hch point was sustained by the uncomfortable rooms for which they pay a chair, and the order of the day was then high rent and toil perpetually on, ofttimes taken up. without the least glimmering of a hope that Mr. Cutler, as chairman of the select their circumstances will ever improve. Your committee, knowing full well that all the committee on article 36 of the report of the multitudinous complications of the mercan- Committee on General Provizions, submittile world must be supported, desire to ted the following report: show that between the producer and the consumer there now exist in all kinds of in- REPoRT OF SPECIAL COMO:[TTEE ON ARTICLE 0'. 36 OF THE R~EPoRT oF THE coMRRIT dustry, numerous intermediates; these produce nothing, they add nothing valuable to TEE ON GENERAL PROVISIONS. the State, they serve as speculative go-be- The citizens of the city of New Orleans tweens. But they must all be fed. clothed shall have the right of appointing the sev and enriched, and the mechanic and labor- eral public officers necessary for the admining classes must do it all. These must isup- I istration of the police of said city, pursuant port all non-producers not bv direct taxbl- to the mode of elections which shall I-) tion, but in this wa-: produeNrs suplport prescribed by the Legislature. iion-producers by paying higher p1)ic(s fo)r Provided that the mayor and recorders everything they purchase. and by paviun shall be ineligible to a seat in the General rents to landlords, who. out of it, p'v the Assembly, and the mayor and recorders shdll taxes. This popular speculating, this tash- be commissioned by the governor as jis: ionable subsisting uponi the labor of the tices of the peace, and the Legislature ma mnechanics and workingmen is becomingi vest in them such criminal jurisdiction as well-nigh intolerable. The homage that may be necessary for the punishment of capital requires of labor is beginning to be minor offences, and as the police and good insupportable and detestable. Sonme effi- order of said city may require. cient plan must soon be instituted to relieve And that the city of New Orleans shall the poor man from his manifold. oppres- maintain a police force which shall be luni sive disadvantages; to give him a fair formed with distinction of grade, to consist and equal chance to enjoy his existence; of permanent citizens of the State of Louiiisi to emancipate him from the mountain- ana, to be selected by the mayor of the ois interests and antagonisms that now city, and to hold office during good be oppress and keel) him in bondage havior, and removable only by a police to povertv-therefore your committee, after commission composed of five citizens, viz carefully examiiining into the facts of your one to be selected from each district of the honorable petitioners, (though their request city, and the mayor, who shall be president being a subject more appropriate for a of the board. The commission to be ape 126 AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. 127 pointed by the governor of the State for under the government of the State of Louthe term of two years, at a salary of not isiana, city of New Orleans and the police less than one thousand dollars each per juries of the various parishes of the State, annum; a majority of whom shall remove shall not be less than as follows, viz: Forefor delinquencies. Members of the police men, $3 50 cents per day; mechanics, when removed shall not again be eligible $3 00 per day; cartmen, $X. 00 per day; to any position on the police for a term of laborers, $2 00. one year. Mr. Cazabat offered the following amend Interfering or meddling in elections in met any manner will be a sufficient cause for ment instant dismissal from the police bv the Provided, That laborers working on pubboard. lic works shall not be required to work The chief of police shall give a penal more than nine hours per day, and will rebond in the sum of ten thousand dollars; ceive one hundred dollars per month; and lieutenants of police, five thousand dollars; provided also, that the salaries of the police sergeants and clerks, each three thousand will be one hundred and twenty dollars per dollars; coporals, two thousand dollars, month for corporals and clerks, and one and privates one thousand dollars, with hundred dollars per month for (night and good and solvent security, as the law di- day) privates. rects, for the faithful performance of their Mr. Davies offered the following amendduties. met ment' The various officers shall receive a,,salary The tarios offcer shanll receive a taary That no li,ersoln shall be eligible to serve of not less than the following rates on the police of this city who has not been The chief of police....... $250 per mionthl. The chief of police... 20 pa re sident thereof at least two years pre "lieutenants of police. 150". a rfr seutenants of police.. 1500'vious to his appointment; and that prefer "s,ergeants of police... 100 ence shall be given in all cases to heads of "clerks of' police....... 100" clerks of police. 100 families to serve as policemen. "corporals of police.... 90 privates (day and night privates (da and night TAfter a lengthy discussio-n, the presildent each).........80' 8 having decided that Mr. Cutler, chairman The Legislature may establish the price of the select committee on the article under and pay of foremen, mechanics, laborers consideration who had obtained the floor and others employed on the public works and'claimed:: the right to close the debate, of the State or parochial or city govern- e ed th ri g a that ments. was entitled to that privilege, and that no R. KING CUTLER, Chairman. I further discussion from other members JrOHuxS SLTIv,-AN. could be heard, Mr. Stauffer appealed E. ABELL. from the decision, but previous to the ques After some discussion on the report, the tion being put, a call of the ayes and noes tion being put, a call of the ayes and noes previous question was called for. and lost was demanded-and there no quoru was demanded —and there being no quorum on th~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e floingvoe on the following vote:I present, the Convention adjourned uintil YEAS —Messrs. Abell, Austin, Bailey, 12 o'clock m. to-morrow. Baum, Bofill, Bromley, Burke, Collin, Crozat, Cutler, Duke, Dupaty, Fish, Flagg, Api rOve' - Fuller, Gaidry, Hart, Henderson, Kavanagh,.N V I.-. Purcell J., Schnuirr, Seymour, Thorpe, Wil-e-,' son —24. NAYS-Messrs. Bell, Buckley, Campbell WEDNESAY June 221864 WEDNErsDAY, June 22.~1864. Cazabat, Cook J. K., Cook T., Davies, Deck The Convention met,pursuant to adjourner, Dufresne, Edwards, Ennis, Flood, Foley Fosdick, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Healy ment, and was called to order by the presiHarnan, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Knob- dent.' loch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maiirer, Mayier, The roll was called and the following Montamat, Morris, Murphy E, Murphy M. Mon57ta llXmatd Moiriner Mr M embers answered to their names: W., Newell, Normand, OConner, Orr, Payne J., Paine J. T.. Poynot, Pursell S., Messrs. Abell, Austin, Balch, Bailey, BarSchroeder Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker rett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Bromley Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer. Sullivan. Terry Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Collin, Cook J. Waters, Wenck, Wells-54. K., (Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Decker, r. Or offered the following pr Duane, Dufresne, Duke. Dupaty, Edwards, M~r. Orr offered the following proviso,. as Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, ar amendment to the report:' Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Grune Provided, That the compensation to be berg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Henpaid to all foremen, mechanics, cartmen derson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavaand -laborers employed on the public worls nagh, Knobloch, Kugler. Maas. Mann, JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Mor- Mr. Wells moved to lay the whole sub ris, Mu rphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, Nor-~ ject, including all amendments, on the table. mand, O'Conner, Orr, Payne J., Paine J. T., Pintado, Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Lost Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw. Smith Mr. Thorpe moved to amend by adding Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, the words " and no one shall be appointed Sullivan. Terry, Thorpe, Waters- Wenck, on the police who shall have been mustered Wells, Wilson-85. into the rebel army." Absent —Messrs. Ariail, Bennie, Bonzano, rebel army" Brott, Cazabat, Heard, Lobdell, Millspaugh, On a motion to lay Mr. Thorpe's amend Montague, Ong, (excused,) Taliaferro and ment on the table, the yeas and nays were Thomas. p ordered with the following result The minutes of yesterday were read and esss. Abell, Austin, Bach,Bar YF,~s —Messrs-. Abell, Austin, Ba ciiar adopted. rett Baum, Bell, Bofill, Buckley, Gook:, The order of the day, being the report of Cutler, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Edw:~ the special committee on article 36 of the Fish, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel report of the Committee on General Pro- Geier, Gruneberg, Healy, Hart, Henderson. report of the Committee on ener Pro- Howell, Kavanagh, Knobloch,Kugler, Mann visions, was taken up. Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Murphy E. Mr. Davies's amendment of yesterday Murphy M. W., Normand, O'Conner, Orr was read. Mr. Howes moved to amend by Poynot, Purcell J., Schroeder, Schnurr, Sey mour, Shaw, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Sti striking out the word " two I' and inserting errlliaanA5lters iilce tmf ti striking out the word -1 two and inserting ner, Sullivan, Waters, Wilson-50. "five," making the time of residence re- NAYs —Messrs. Bailey, Beauvais, Brom quired five years. ley, Burke, Campbell, Collin, Cook J. K., Mr. Austin moved to- lay the motion oll Crozat, Davies Duke, Dupaty, Ennis, Flagg. Flood, Gorlinski. Gaidry, Harnan, Hills, the table, which being lost, the amendment I Howes, Maurer, Morris, Newell, Payne J. was adopted. Paine J. T., Pursell S., Smith, Stauffer. The question then recurring upon the Terry, Thorpe, Wenck, Wells-31. adoption of Mr. Davies's amendment, a The amendment was therefore laid on the division was demanded, resulting ayes 32, table. noes 18, consequently the amendment was The several amendments proposed by ~~adopted. ^ ~I~Messrs. Davies. Foley and Cazabat, were adopted. Mr. Orr moved a reconsideration of the all laid on the table. vote just taken, when the yeas and nays be- Mr. Onr's amendment was taken tip and ing ordered thereon, resulted as follows: read Y.EzAS-Messrs. Balch, Barrett, Buckley, A motion to lay on the table having been Bell, Cook J. K., Cook T., Decker, Duane made, the yeas and nays were taken thereDufresne, Edwards, Ennis, Flagg, Fish, on, as follows: Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Geier, Gorlinski, YAS-essrs. Abell, Austin, Bach, Bai er, Stauf'er, Terry, Thorpe, Waters, Wenck NAYs-Messrs. Barrett, Bauim, Bell, BuckGaidry- icy, HCart, Hil t, vHire, Maas, NAYS-Messrs. Abell, AuIstin. Beauvais, Deckceli Dulane,DufrKesCne, Dpty, Ennis, ley, Beauvais, Bofill, Bromley, Burke, Camp Dupaty, Gastinel, Gruneberg, Harnanl, Ha*rt Hd'ls,hire, Howes,Knobloch, Kugler. 'ors,bell, Crozat, Cutler, Duke, Edwards, Grutne-Murphy E., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, ~~~berg, Gaidry, Henderson, Howe ll, I K Maa Iann. Maurer, Iontamat, Morris Orr, Payne J., Poynot, Pursell S., Schroe- ng.Myr'edvri upyM. Knobloch, Kugler, M endiverri, Murphy M., Norand, O'Conner Orr, Payne der, Pur, Schaurr, Sumph, Pine Spellicy, Stock- N Ntiell, Shaw, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-iS-26. The vote was theref ery Thorpeconsid, Watersd., Wen Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Staufferl r. Foley moved to amend by addin, Cook J. K., Cook Terry, Wates6. N s-Messrs. All bell, a ciustizen ofn. Be auvais, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Dpaty, Enn. Mr.Bailev, BStaum, Bofill, Bromley, Burke, Col-. Fisheys Fla, Flood, Fquestioley, Fosdick, Fullt upon ther. motion on the tCabmpbell Crozat, Cutler, Daviesnt, Dukd the Cast'inel, Geier, Gorlins]ki, Healy, Harnan', Dupay, Gstinl, Gunebrg, arna, 1Hart, Hills, Hire, Howes, Knobloch, Kugler.~ Henderson. Howell, Howes, Kavahugh, 9,Maas. Mann. Maurer, M3ontamat, Morris, Knobloh, Kuler, endiverri,Murphy Nf fi~yE.,. Normand, O,'Conner, Orr, Payne W., Paine J. T., Purcell J., Schnurr, Stumpf, ~ieJ. ont ucl. usl. St~~~~~~~~~~~~J,PinerJT, Sont urclliva., Wrells WisS3.. Stinr, Sllian, ells Wison-34.Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Smith, Spel The vote.was therefore reconsidered. licy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer. Sul MNr. Foley moved to amend by adding, livan, Terry, Waters-5'6. 'after the word "1resident,', the words "~and Consequently the, motion to lay on the shall be a citizen of the United States.'!bewa ot 128 AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. 129 ernor for the first three years, and afterwards to be elected by the people; and also to strike out the clause relative to his salary, so as to leave the fixing of the same to the Legislature. Mr. called for a division of the question on the amendments, which was ordered, and, on motion of Mr. Wilson, the first amendment was laid on the table. P ending discussion on the second division of the amendment, the door-keeper announced Major Genls. Canby and Sickles, who were conducted to the platform by Mr. Thorpe, where they were duily received and welcomed by the Convention. After a recess of ten minutes, a call of the House was had, and there being no quorum, the Convention adjourned. Approved. yeas and nays being ordered, resulted as follows: YEAs -Messrs. Abell, Balch, Barrett, Baum, Bell, Bromley, Buckley, Collin, Cook J. K., Cook T., Davies, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Duke, Dupaty, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howes, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy! M. W., Normand, O'Conner, Orr, Payne J., Poynot, Purcell J.. Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner. Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Waters-62. NAYs-Messrs. Austin, Bailey, Beauvais, Bofill, Burke, Campbell, Crozat, Cutler, Edwards, Gruneberg, Howell, Kavanagh, Mayer, Mendiverri, Newell, Paine J. T., Shaw, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-20. Consequently the amendment was adopt ed. On the adoption of the report of the special committee as amended, the yeas and were ordered, resulting as follows:' YEAs-Messrs. Abell, Balch, Barrett, Bell, Baum, Buckley, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Fish, Flood, Foley, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howes, Kavanagh, Kugler, Maurer, Maas, Mendiverri, Montamat, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Normand, O'Conner, Orr, Poynot, Purcell J., Schroeder, Schnurr, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Sullivan, Terry, Waters-50. NAYs-Messrs. Bailey, Beauvais, Burke., Campbell. Collin, Cutler, Davies, Duke, Dupaty, Ennis, Flagg, Fosdick, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Howell, Knobloch. Mann, Mayer, Morris, Newell, Payne J., Paine J. T., Pursell S., Seymour, Shaw, Stauffer, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-31. The report was therefor e adopted as amended Mr. Hilis moved to suspend the rules to take up the report of the Committee on General Provisions for its third reading, which motion being lost, the report was ordered to be engrossed for its third reading on to-morrow. The report of the Committee on Internal Improvements, as also the minority report presented by Mr. Campbell, being next in order, were taken up and read. Mr. Terry offered a substitute for the whole. Mr. Smith moved to amend so as to make the State engineer appointive by the gov 17 THURSDAY, June 23, 1864. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment. Present-the Hon. E. H. Durell, president, in the chair, a nd the following members: Messrs. Abell, Austin, Balch, Bailey, Bar,rett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill. Bromley, Buckley, Burke, Collin, Co ok J. K., Cook T., Crozatu, a e, eCutler, Davies, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, e,Duke, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Fl ood, Foley, Fosdick, Gas tinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, IHarnan, Hart, H enderson, Hills Hire o, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann. Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., New e ll, Normand, O'Con - ner, Orr, Payne J., Paine J. T.. Pintado, Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr. Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf. Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry. Thorpe, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson —83. Absent-Messrs. Ariail, Bennie, Bonzano, Brott. Campbell, (excused,) Cazabat, Fuller, Heard, Lobdell, Millspaugh, Montague, Ong, (excused,) Taliaferro and Thomas. On motion of Mr. Abell, Mr. Campbell was excu sed fo r absence. The minutes of yesterday were read and adopted. Mr. S. Pursell moved a reconsideration of the vote of yesterday, on the adoption of the report of the Committee on General Pro I JOH.,N E. NEELIS, Secretary. I JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION visions, as amended on its second reading. Mr. Orr moved to lay the motion on the table, which being lost, the motion to reconsider was put and carried, on a rising vote of ayes 54, nays none. Mr. Pursell then offered the following additional article: Art. -. No profession, occupation, business or calling, requiring a license from any authority within this State. shall be carried on, exercised or followed by any other than citizens of the United States, or those having made legal declaration of becoming citizens. Mr. Harnan moved to lay the article on the table, which being lost, a lengthy discussion ensued, after which the article was rejected by the following vote, taken on a motion to adopt: YEAs-Messrs. Bofill, Bromley, Burke, Cook J. K., Decker, Ennis, Flagg, Flood, Geier, Gaidry, Kugler, Maas, O'Conner, Paine J. T., Poynot, Pursell S., Schroeder, Smith-18. NAYS —Messrs. Austin, Balch, Bailey, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell Buckley, Collin, Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Duane, Dufresne, Duke, Dupaty, Edwards, Fish, Foley, Fosdick, Gastinel, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Mann, Maurer. Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E.. Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, Orr, Payne J., Pintado, Purcell J., Schnurr. Seymour, Shaw, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf; Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-62. Mr. Pursell then offered the following as an additional article: Art. —. The General Assembly shall provide by law for the establishment of a poorhouse in each parish of the State, for the care of the destitute within their respective limits, and to be conducted as shall be provided by law. On motion of Mr. Harnan, it was laid on the table. Mr. Gorlinski offered the following additional article: Art. —. The Legislature shall have power to pass laws extending the right of suffrage to such persons, citizens of the United States, as by military service, by taxation to support the government, or by intellectual fitness, may be deemed entitled thereto. Mr. Sullivan moved to lay it on the table. and nays were demanded, with the following result: YEAS —Messrs. Austin, Barrett, Bell, Bromley, Collin, Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Geier, Gorlinski, Healy, Harnan. Henderson, Hills, Hire. Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Kugler, Mann, Murphy E., Newell, Normand, O'Connor, Paine J. T.. Pintado, Purcell J., Schroeder, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stumpf, Stiner, Staufler, Terry,. Thorpe, Wenck Wells-48. NAYS —Messrs. Balch, Bailey, Bau m, Beauvai s, Bofill, Buckley, Burke, Cook J. K., Decker, Dufresne, Duke, Edwards, Gastinel, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Hart, Knobloch, Maas, Ma ur er, May er, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy M. W., Orr, Payne J., Poynot, Pursell S, Schnurr, Stocker, Sullivan, Wilson-32. The additional article was therefore adopted. Mr. Terry offered the following additional article: Nine hours shall con stitute a day's labor for all m e chanics, artizans and laborers in the public works of the State. A motion to lay on the table was lost on a rising vote-ayes 33, nays 37. Mr. Thorpe moved to amend by striking out " nine," and inserting' seven " instead. Lost. On the question of the adoption of Mr. Terry's additional article, the yeas and nays were ordered, with the following result: YEAS-Messrs. Bailey,Barrett, Baum, Bell, Buckley, Burke, Collin, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Davies, Dua ne, Dufresne, Duke, Dupaty, Ennis, Fish, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Geier, Gorlinski, Gaidry, Harnan, Healy, Henderson, Hills. Hire, Howes, Knobloch, Maas, Maurer, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Orr, Payne J., Pintado, Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Stocker, Stumpf, Stauffer, Stiner, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe-56. NAYs-Messrs. Abell,Austin, Balch, Beautvais, Bofill, Bromley, Cutler, Decker, Edwards, Flagg, Gastinel, Gruneberg, Hart, Howell, Kavanagh, Kugler, Mann, Mayer, Mendiverri, Paine J. T., Schnurr, Spellicy, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-25. The article was therefore adopted. MIr. Foley offered the following as an additional article: The Legislature shall pass no laws requiring property qualification for office. On motion of Mr. Healy, the article was adopted. On the adoption of the article, the yeas. On the adoption of the article, the yeas 130 AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. 131 Article 4 was then taken up, and, with the consent of Mr. Terry, was amended by striking out the word "two-thirds" and substituting the word "majority."' The article as amended was then adopted. A motion to take up the substitute, as amended, for its third reading being lost, the Convention adjourned. Mr. Bromley offered the following as an additional article: No member of this Convention shall be eligible to any office under the municipal government of New Orleans during a term of three years from the adoption of the free State constitution. Laid on the table. The report of the Committee on General Provisions, as amended, was then adopted as a whole, on a rising vote of ayes 47, noes 24. Mr. Terry moved to suspend the rules to take up the report on its third reading. Lost. The Convention t hen resumed its action on Mr. Terry' s s ubstitute for the report of the Committee on Internal Improvements, toge the r with the amendments offered thereto. Mr. Wilson withdrew his amendment relative to term of office. Mr. Stocker moved to amend the first articl e of Mr. Terry' s substitute, by striking out all after the word " per annum" down to the word " State." Mr. Healy moved to lay the amendment on the table, which being lost, the amendment was adopted. A call of the House was demanded, when seventy-six members answered to their names. Mr. Gastinel m oved to strike out. the words'six thous and " and substitute "four thousand," m akingt o the salary o the chief engineer four thousand dollars. A motion to lay on the table being lost, the amendment was adopted, on a rising vote of yeas 32, nays 23. Mr. Stocker offered an amendment leaving the appointment and salary of the chief engineer's assistants to be regulated and provided for by the Legislature. Adopted. The second article of Mr. Terry's substitute was then taken up. Mr. Sullivan offered the following amendment: And that the municipal corporation of the city of New Orleans shall be prohibited from adjudicating, selling by sealed proposals, or in any manner contracting for the working or completing of any public works under their supervision and control. Adopted. Article 3 was read and adopted. JOHN E. NEELIS, Secretary. FRIDAY, June 24, 1864. The Convention met, pursuant to adjournment. Present, the Hon. E. H. Durell, pre sident, and the following members: Messrs. Abell, Austin, Balch, Bailey, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Bromley, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Collin, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Duke, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg. Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry. Healy, Harnan, Hart, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Orr, Payne J., Paine J. T., Pintado, Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, "Terry, Thorpe, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wil son-85. The minutes of yesterday's proceedings were read and adopted. Mr. Terry asked a suspension of the rules for the purpose of introducing a resolution relative to the celebration of the 4th of July, prox., but upon the question being put the suspension was refused. Mr. Bell moved to reconsider the vote by which article 1 of the report of the Com mittee on Internal Improvements was adopted, which motion was subsequently withdrawn. Mr. Gruneberg presented his report on behalf of the Committee on Schedule, which was partially read, but being signed by but two members of the committee, the same was declared by t he president to be no report. The substitute for the report of the Com mittee on Internal Improvements was then taken up for its third reading. Mr. Gorlinski moved to strike out the Adopted. JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION word "four" in the twelfth line and insert "five," so as to make the salary of the chief engineer five thousand dollars; and also to strike out all of the second article after the word "State" in the seventh line. Mr. Gorlinski's rider was rejected, and the report then passed its third reading and was adopted. The Convention then took a recess of fifteen minutes, at the expiration of which time the roll was called and seventy-seven answered to their names. The report of the Committee on General Provisions was then taken up on its third reading, and being read the following riders were offered: Mr. Davies moved to strike out all of article 36, after line 28. Lost. Mr. S. Pursell offered to strike out all of article 3, after the word "blood," in the second line. Lost. Mr. Foley moved to amend article 4, by adding the words, "or who have registered themselves enemies of the United States." Lost, on a division, ayes 12, noes 57. Mr. Cazabat moved to insert the words, "or retroactive,'" after the words "ex post fa(cto,"' in article 20, and to strike out all after the word "made,' in th fourth line of the same article. Adopted. Mr. Cazabat also offered the following rider, by way of amendment to article 5, viz: But capital punishment is forever abol ished and prohibited in this State. Mr. Henderson moved to amend Mr. Cazabat's rider, by adding the words, "unless the jury shall determine otherwise." Mr.' Cazabat accepted this amendment, and the rider, as' amended, was lost, on a rising vote of ayes 20, noes 50. Mr. S. Pursell offered the following amendment to article 44: SATURDAY, June 25, 1864. The Convention met pursua nt to adjournment. The roll was called and the following members answered to their names: Messrs. Abell, Austin, Balch, Bailey, Barrett., Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Bromley, Buckl ey, Burke, Campbell, Cazabat, Collin, Cook J. K., Co ok T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Decker, Duane. Dufresne, Duke, Dupaty,Edwards, Ennis, Fish. Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Orr, Payne J., Pintado, Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Shaw, Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Spellicy, Smith, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson —83. On motion, Mr. Stauffer was excused for non-attendance. The minutes of' yesterday were read and adopted. Mr. Sullivan offered the following: Resolved, That the sum of twenty-four thousand two hundred and fifty dollars be, and is he reby, a ppropria te d out o f the State treasury, to be distributed to the following charitable institutions of the city and State, as follows: For the Orphans' Home, New Or leans......................... $1,500 For the St. Mary's Catholic Asylum. 4,000 For the Female Asylum, Camp street......................... 4,000 For the House of the Good Shep herd.......................... 500 For the Jewish Widows? and Or phans' Home.................. 500 For the St. Joseph Catholic Orphan Asylum....................... 1,500 For the Firemen's Charitable Asso ciation, benefit of its widows and orphans....................... 3.000 For the Elizabeth House of Industry 1,000 For the Society for the Relief of Orphan Boys. Fourth District... 1,000 For the the Institution for Indigent Colored Boys, Third District.... 1,000 For the Ladies of Providence, Third District...................... 750 For the St. Ann's Asylum for Desti tute Widows and Children...... 1,500 For the Childrens' Home of the Pro testant Episcopal Church.... 500 For the Catholic I'stitute for Desti tuite Orphans.................. 750 For the Catholic Benevolent Associ ation of Baton Rouge........... 250 Provided the conditions herein contained shall only apply to white persons. A call of the House was ordered, and seventy-nine members found to be present. After a short discussion, the Convention adjourned. 132 Approved. JOHN E. NEELIS, Secreta,ry. AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. different charitable institutions and other purposes, to be expended under direction of a board of almoners, consisting of five citizens. to be appointed by the governor. Laid on the table. Mr. Davies moved to amend by appropriating $25,000 for the relief of all widows and orphans in this city, whose husbands and fathers have lost their lives in fighting to uphold the government of the United States. Laid on the table. Mr. Beauvais moved to amend by including the convent of the "Sacred Heart," i n the Parish of St. James, for the sum of five hundred dollars, which amendment was accepted by Mr. Sullivan. Mr. S. Pursell moved to amend by including the Female Asylum in the parish of Jefferson, for one thousand dollars. For the Female Orphan Asylum, Baton Rouge.................. For the Milne Asylum, New Orleans For the St. Vincent's Orphan Asy lum.......................... For the Moreau Street Orphan Asy lum........................... For the St. Vincent Orphan Asy lum, Donaldsonville............ On a motion to lay on the table, the yeas and nays were ordered, with the following result: YEAs —Messrs. Abell, Balch, Campbell, Collin, Cutler, Davies, Decker, Dufresne, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Flagg, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Howell, Kugler, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, Newell, Normand, Pintado, Seymour, Wenck, Wells —25. NAYS-Messrs. Austin, Bailey, Barrett, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Bromley, Buckley, Burke, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Duane, Duke, Fish, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier,- Gorlinski, Hart, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howes, Knobloch, Maas, Mayer, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., O'Conner, Payne J., Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters, Wilson-53. Mr. Foley moved to strike out the appropriation for the Firemen's Charitable Asso-, ciation. On a motion to lay on the table the yeas and nays were taken as follows: YEAs-Messrs. Abell,'Barrett, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Buckley, Burke, Collin, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Dupaty, Fish, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Henderson, Hire, Howes, Kugler, Maas, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat. O'Conner, Payne J., Pintado, Poynot. Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Sullivan, Terry, Waters, Wenck, Wilson-50. NAYs - Messrs. Austin, Balch, Bailey, Bromley, Campbell, Cazabat, Davies, Duke, Edwards, Ennis, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Gorlinski, Harnan, Hart, Hills, Howell, Knobloch, Mann, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, Smith, Thorpe, Wells —29. Consequently, Mr. Foley's motion was laid on the table. Mr. Gorlinski offered the following substitute: Resolved, That the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars be and is hereby appropriated out of the general fund for Accepted. Mr. Burke moved to amend by including the widows a nd or pha ns i n the parish of St. John the Baptist, who are in a destitute condition, for the sum of one thousand dollars, which a mendment was accepted. Mr. Cazabat offered to amend as follows: Provided, That all of said appropriations for charitable purposes be paid from the last amount of twenty thousand dollars already appropriated for the per diem pay of the members of this Convention. And, provided also, That the following be included, to-wit: For the relief of destitute Union refugees from Louisiana......... $3,000 Orphans' Asylum in Jefferson parish......................2,000 Pioneers' Fire Co. No. 1, city of Jefferson...................... 1,000 St. Vincent's Asylum, Donaldson ville.......................... 1,000 Orphans and widows of Union sol diers from Louisiana, who lost their lives in the United States service....................... 1,000 Which amendment was laid on the table. On the adoption of Mr. Sullivan's resolution as amended, the yeas and nays were ordered, with the following result: YEAS-Messrs. Austin, Barrett, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Buckley. Burke, Cook T., Crozat, Duane, Fish, Flood, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Harnan, Hart, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howes, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., O'Conner, Orr, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Shaw, Stocker, Stiner, Sullivan, Terry, Waters, Wilson-36. NAYs —Messrs. Abell, Balch, Bailey, 133 500 500 500 500 . 500 $24,250 134 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION military authorities, nor the civil powers in , this State, ever created a supreme court - since the arri-ival of the honorable gentle. , man in this State, nor was he eligible to a , seat on the bench of the one created previ- ous to his arrival, because he was not, and , is not, a citizen of the State of Louisiat a. , And, further. because he was, and is ajudge created by the president of the United States, to preside over a court created by the same authority, "the United States Provisional court for the State of Louisiana." That as judge of said court, he has been re ceiving a salary from the United States * government; and therefore, he has received the sum of $3541 66 from the treasury of the State of Louisiana, as salary, under the pretence of being chief justice of the State, without any authority, and in open viola tion of the constitution and laws of the State of Louisiana. Under these circumstances, your commit tee recommend that in consequence of these illegal acts of the said Charles A. Peabody, in obtaining said sum from the State as aforesaid, that the attorney general of the State be requested to institute such legal proceedings as may be necessary to recover said sum, with interest, damages and costs. Your committee further recommend, that inasmuch as the necessity for said U. S. Provisional Court has long since ceased to exist, and that the same is but a stumbling block in the way of the administration of justice, and to the loyalty of the good peo ple of Louisiana, that the commanding gen eral of this department, Maj. Gen. N. P. Banks, and his excellency, M. Hahn, gov ernor of the State of Louisiana, be re quested to petition the president of the United States to withdraw the commission from, and recall the said Charles A. Pea body, and thereby put an end to the fur ther existence of said court. As to Mr. Serpas, sheriff of the parish of St. Bernard, your committee are of opinion that as the Confederate notes in his posses sion were received for taxes collected by him during Confederate rule, he should be exonerated from all blame and released from all responsibility on handing over the same to the treasurer of the State. O. W. AUSTIN, Chairman. W. R. FISH, R. BEAUVAIS, R. KING CUTLER. Bromley, Campbell, Co llin, Cazabat, C ool J. K., Cutler, Davies. Decker, Dufresne Duke, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Flagg, Fo l ey, F osd ick, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Howell Knobloch. Kugler, Ma as, Mann, Maurer Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat,oorris, New ell, Normand, Payne J., Pintado, Poynot Schnurr, Seymour, Smit h, Spellicy, Stumpf Thorpe, Wenck, Wells-44. Consequently the resolution was lost. Mr. T erry offere d the following: Res olved, That the sum of one thousand dollars be and is hereby appropri ated our of the State funds, not otherwise appropri ated, for the celebration of the 4th of July and that a committee of five be appointed to c onsult with the city authorities regard ing its proper expenditure. Laid on the table. Mr. Abell offer ed the following: Resolved, That the sum of one hundre d dollars be allowed to each ot the reverend clergymen who have of ficiated in thi s Con - vention. Laid on the table. Mr. Austin, chairman of the special committe e on t he audi t eor's report, submitted the following report: To the president and members of the State Constitutional Convention of Louisiana: Your committee to whom was referred the report of the Auditor of Public Accounts, beg leave to make the following report, towit: Under all the surrounding circumstances, we find no serious objection to the manner and form in which the State auditor has seen proper to present his report. As to the Confederate notes, we look upon them as trash, and lost to the State. Your committee are of opinion that we should not interfere with the military powers, and therefore, are unanimous in saying that, inasmuch' as the late auditor of public accounts, the Hon. S. H. Torrey. has issued warrants only by authority of the military governor, Gen. Shepley, he is not only excusable, but justifiable. As to the Hon. R. K. Howell and the Hon. A. M. Buchanan, your committee are of opinion that they have drawn their salary according to the constitution and the laws of the State of Louisiana, and that the opinion of our auditor, the Hon. A. P. Dostie, " That rebellion had terminated the existence of the Supreme Court,." is unfounded and contrary to the prevailing opinion of all loyal citizens of Louisiana, "that the State has never been out of the Union." As to the Hon. Charles A. Peabody, your committee are of opinion that he never was Chief Justice of the State of Louisiana, for the irresistible rea soqs that neither t.he i i e t s s On motion of Alr. Terry, the report was ordered to be printed and made the order of the day for Saturday next. Mr. Schroeder submitted the following memorial and resolution: To the, Constitutional Convention of Louisi an,a: The mpmorial of. the undersigned Tespect AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. 135 fully begs leave to call your honorable body's attention to the defects ill the law relative to births and deaths, and the necessity of amending the same, as the law as it now stands is defective. By the acts of 1855, page 41, relative to births and deaths, it will be seen that i n cas e of a birth or death, the declaratio n of the party declaring the same, in the parish of Orleans, (persons residing in the country parishes ar e not requi red to r ec ord either,) is not supported by an af fidavit, thus leaving the door open to tfraud; as, for example: suppose a man is married to a woman who pos sesses in her own right property, both real and personal, an d that thei r marriap ee is barren of issue; and suppose the wife has relations in the ascendin g or collateral line, who are nonresidents of the S tate, and who are ign orant of her circumstances, and, may be, of her existence, an d, for argument's sake, say the latter; and suppose, too, this man, unknown to his wife, to go, unde r th e provi si on of the law rrfrred to, and declare before the recorder that a child had been born to him by his wif e; and suppose his wife to die intestate, an d in total ignorance of suc h a declaration, what w ould be the consequ ence? T he husband would, with the as - sistance a nd connivance of others, p roceed in his righ t as the natural tutor of his minor (fic t itious) child, to get the administration and possession of his deceased wife' s estate.' and by fictitious claims swallow up the movabl e prop erty, together, probably, th at of the r ealty, thus defrauding the legal h eirs. This, however, is but one way of committing a frau d to t he prejudice of the wife's l egal heir, for the wife herself could connive at the proceedings of her husband, for the pu rpose of cutting off her a sce nding heir s if she so desired. What may b e s aid of bi rths may be said of deaths, fo r instance: a person of th e next of kin to an heir of an estat e in Europe, residing in this country, to whom such inheritance is u nk nown, may dec lar e h er e, before the recorder of births and deaths, the death of the heir, and get a certificat e fr om him to that effect, and have the same certified to by the proper consul, go to Europe, and by the production of such proof obtain, as next of kin, the property bequeathed to or inherited by the heir represented as dead. These are a few of the defects of the law of 1855. There are others: It will be seen that in the parish of Orleans only is it compulsory for persons to record births and deaths. It is not so in the country. Why is this? If fraud can be practiced in this parish, what a greater latitude there is for its practice in the country parishes. We, your memorialists, therefore, pray that your honorable body will give this matter your consideration. and devise such means as will prevent the abuses to which, by the villainy of man, the law of 1855 is subject. CHARLES F. WAR.\IEY, JOHN SMITH, and others. Resolved, That the Legislature shall, at its first session after the adoption of this constitution, provide in each parish an officer for the registration of births, marriages and deaths throughout the State, whose duty shall be to keep for the purpose suitable books, and cause to be entered therein a registry of each birth, marriage and d(eath, giving the name of each parent and the sex of every child born within their parish as above provided; and they shall further enact a law providing for punishment, by suitable fine, all parents of children, born as above stated, who do not report within a reasonable time, to the register above named, the b irth an d sex of each chil d so borne; and, also, it shall be the duty of each register above named to keep a registry of the death and marriage of all persons, giving their sex, age and name, with sufficient proof of the same. The memorial was accepted. Mr. Hills offered the following: Resolved, Th a t a committee of five be appointed to report on Saturday next what appropriations are necessary for the various charitable institutions of this State. Adopted. The president appointed on the committee raised by said resolution, Messrs. Hills, Howell, Smith, Stocker and Sullivan. Mr. Wells offered the following: Whereas, There are many truly loyal ladies teaching the youth of our country and filling the various positions in our public schools with honor to themselves and the community generally, and who are dependent upon their daily labor for the support of themselves and their families: Therefore be it resolved, That the proper authorities be notified to raise their salaries twenty-five per cent. on the original sum. On a motion to lay on the table the yeas and nays were demanded with the following result: YE.ts - Messrs. Bell, Duke, Edwards, Hills, Howell, Knobloch, Mayer, Murphy M. W., Normand, Payne J-., Schnurr, Smith, Sullivan, Wenck-14. NAYs-Abell, Austin, Barrett, Beauvais, Bofill, Bromley, Bnckley, B]urke, Campbell, Colin, Cazabat, Cook J.'K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Duane, Dafresne, Dupaty, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick. Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Harnan, Hart, Henderson, Hire, Howes, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mendi JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION verri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Newell, O'Conner, Orr, Pintado, Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Seymour, Shaw, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Terry, Wells, Wilson-60. The motion to lay on the table was therefore lost. Mr. Howes moved to amend by adding the words "if compatible with the public interest." Lost. Mr. Wells's resolution was then adopted. Mr. Beauvais offered the following: Resolved, That this Convention will adjourn, sine die, on the 2d day of July, prox. Laid on the table. Mr. Fosdick's resolution, relative to election of officers of the city government of New Orleans, together with Mr. Davies's amendment thereto, were taken up. On motion of Mr. Foley, the amendment was laid on the table. Mr. Bofill moved to lay the original resolution on the table. Lost. Mr. Stocker moved to postpone the resolution indefinitely, but subsequently withdrew his motion, after a lengthy discussion. Mr. Cutler offered the following: Resolved, That the subject of calling a city election be referred to a committee of five, to be appointed by the chair, with instructions to examine whether any practical difficulties exist in the way of, or against putting in force the provisions of the charter of the city, and what provisions, if any, may be required to be passed on the subject by this Convention. On the question on the adoption of the resolution, the yeas and nays were ordered, and the vote resulted as follows: YEA.s-Messrs. Austin, Barrett, Bell, Bofill, Bromley,Burke, Campbell, Collin, Cazabat, Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fuller, Geier, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Henderson, Hire, Howes, Mann, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy M. W.,-Newell, Normand, Payne J., Pintado, Purcell J., Schroeder, Schnurr,Seymour, Shaw,Smith, Spellicy, Stocker,Stumpf, Stiner, Sullivan, Terry, Wenck, Wilson-53. NAYS-Messrs. Abell, Balch, Bailey, Buckley, Cook J. K., Cook T., Dufresne, Duke, Fish, Fosdick, Gastinel, Gorlinski, Hills, Knobloch, O'Conner, Orr, Poynot, Pursell S., Thorpe, Waters, Wells, Durell-22. Mr. Howell being in the chair, the president voted. MONDAY, June 27, 1864. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment. Present, the Hon. E. H. Durell, president, and the following members: Messrs. Abell, Austin, Balch, Bailey, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Bromley, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Collin, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Duane, Dufresne, Duke, Dupaty, Edwards, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Gaidry, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Hawes. Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, Payne J., Paine J. T., Piatado,. Poynot, Purcell J., Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Waters, Wells, Wilson —-80. On motion, the following gentlemen were excused for non-attendance, viz: Messrs. Knobloch, Baum, Kugler, Ennis, S. Pursell and Orr. The minutes of Saturday's proceedings were read and adopted. The president appoi nted on the ceommitte e raised by Mr. Cutler's resolu tion of Saturday last, re lative to the e lection of offi - cers of the city government, Messrs. Cutler, Fosdick, Hills, Orr and Henderson. The third reading of the report of the Committee on General Provisions being the order of the day, was next taken up. Mr. Itills moved the previous question, which being carried, the question was put and the report adopted on its third reading. The report of the Committee on Public Education being next in order, was taken up on its second reading and read section by section, together with the substitutes and amendments offered thereto. Mr. S. Pursell's substitute was laid on the table. Mr. Bonzano's amendment to article 3, and his substitutes for articles 5 and 7, were severally taken up and laid on the table. On the suggestion of Mr. Hills, the report was then taken up and considered section I 136 The resolution w The Convention Approved. JOHN E. NEELIS, Secretary. AND AMENDMIENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. 137 the table, upon which the yeas and nayv were demanded, and the following vote [ taken: c YEws-Messrs. Baum, Beauvais, Bofill, Bromley, Cazabat, Cutler, Davies, Duke, Dupaty, Edwards, Fish, Gaidry, Hire, How ell, Mann, Mayer, Montamat, Newell, Nor mand, Ong, Payne J., Paine J. T., Pintado, Shaw. Smlth, Stumpf, Taliaferro-27. NAYs-Messrs. Abell, Austin, Balch Bai ley, Barrett, Bell, Buckley, Burke, Camp bell, Collin, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat Duane, Dufiresne, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fos dick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Hender son, Hills, Howes, Maas, Maurer, Mendi verri, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., O'Conner, Orr, Poynot, Purcell J., Schnurr, Seymour, Spellicy, Stocker, Stiner, Sulli van, Terry, Thorpe, Waters, Wells, Wilsci -— 51. The motion to lay oil the table was there fore lost. Mr. Foley moved to amend, by adding in line 7 the words, "provided such schools shall be loyal.' Mr. Thorpe offered the following substi tute for the article: That the schools of the parish of Orleans under the immediate charge of the Roman Catholics receive fiom the State treasury such sunis of money for the support of edli cation as will be fairly equal to the appro priation made for the public school system adopted by the State. On motion of Mr. Foley, the substitute was laid on the table, by the following vote: YEAs —Messrs. Bailey, Baum, Bofill, Brom ley, Burke, Campbell, Collin, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Cutler, Duke, Dupaty, Edwards, Fish, Flagg. Foley, Gastinel, Geier, Gaidry, Hart, Hire, Howell, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Montamat, Morris, Newell, Normand, Ong, Payne J., Paine J. T., Pintado, Poynot, Purcell J., Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy. Stumpf, Taliabferro, and Wells —-43. Ny Ps t - As- lMessrs. Abell, Austin, Balch, Bar rett, Beauvais, Bell, Buckley, Cook T., Cro zat, Davies, Duane, Dufiesne, Flood, Fos dick, Fuller, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Healy, Harnan, Henderson, Hills, Howes, Mendi verri, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., O'Conner, Orr, Schnurr, Stocker, Stiner,Sullivan,Terry, Thorpe, Waters, Wilson-35. M E r. Cazabat offered the following substi', tute: No appropriation whatever shall be made A by the General Assembly for the support of private schools but encouragement may bo granted to public schools throughout the l State. by scetion, and the several substitutes and amendments, taken up in their regular order; as the sections to which they applied came up. Article I was then taken up anti read. Mr. Seymour moved to strike out of the first line the word " two " and insert 4" four,"' which being accepted, the article was atdopted as am ended. Art. 2 was read, as also ir. Sullivan4s substitute therefor. On a motion to lay -Mr. Sullivall's substitute on the table, the yeas and nays were taken, as follows: NYE,s —Messrs..bell, Austin, Bell, BromIcy, Burke, Collin, Cazabat, C ook J. K., Cook T., Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Gorlinski, Gaidry, Healy, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Mann, Maurer, Murphy E., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Paine J. T., Pintado, Poynot, Purcell J., Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smnith, Spellicy, Stumpf, Stiner, Taliaferro, Wells, Wilson-44. NAYs —Messrs. Balch, Bailey, Barrett, B3aum, Beauvais, Bofill, Buckley, Campbell, Crozat, Cutler, Dufresne, Duke, Edwards, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gruneberg, Hart, Howes, Maas,Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, MNorris, Murphy M. W., Ong, Orr, Payne J., Stocker, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters — 33. The substitute was therefore laid on the 138 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REYISION There having been a question raised as to the correctness of the vote on the substitute offered by Mr. Thorpe, as announced by the president, the vote, as taken by the secretary, was called out by the president, and found to be correct. O n a motion to lay Mr. Cazabat's substitute on the table, the following vote was taken: Ys. —Messrs. Abell, Austin, Balch, Barrett. Bell, Buckley, Burke, Cook T., Cutler, Duan e, Dufresn e, Fl agg, Flood, Foley, Fosdlick, Fuller, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Healy, Harnan, Henderso n, Hi lls, Howes, Mau r e r, Mayer, Mendiverri, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., O'Conner, Orr, Purc ell J., Schnurr, Spellicy, Stiner, Sullivan Terry, SWaters, Wells, Wilson —39. NAYs —Messrs. Bailey, Baum, Beauvais, Bofill, Bromley, Camp Tell, C ollin, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Crozat, Davies, Duke, Dupaty, Edwards, Fish, Gastinel, Geier, Gaidry, Hart, Hire, Howell, Maas, Mann, Montamat, Morris, Newell, Normand, Ong, Paine J. T., Payne J., Pintado, Poynot, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Stocker, Stumpf, Taliaferro, Thorpe — 39. Article 4 was then taken up. Mr. Hills offered a substitute, as follows: Art. 4. The general exercises in tlhe conm mon schools shall be conducted in the Eng lish language. Mr. Cazabat moved to amend by inserting the words "and French,'" so that the article would read, "the English and French languages.'! Lost. Mr. Mlontamat moved to amend by adding the words, "the English language shall be taught in the public schools of this State.': A motion to lay both subst itute and amendment on the table being lost, the question on the adoption of the amendment offered by Mr. Montamat was put and lost on a divisi on -- -ayes 31, noes 36. Mr. Hills's substitute was then adopted. Art. 5 was taken up. Mr. Gorlinski moved to strike out all after the word organization. Lost. Mr. Howell offered to substitute article 139 of the constitution of 1852. Lost. Mr. Smith moved to amend by striking out the word "New Orleans.`' Laidt on the table. Mr. Montamat moved to strike out the whole article. Tabled. The article was then adopted by a rising vote-yeas 43, nays 23. On motion of Yr. Sullivan, a call of the House was ordered, when 78 membern answered to their names. Art. 6 was taken up and read, when Mr. Cazabat moved to insert " public " between the words " of and schools.," Adopted. Milr. Harnan moved to strike outt the whole article. Lost. The article was then adopted, as amended. On the question of adopting the report as amended as a whole, the following vote was taken: YL.s —-Messrs.Austin, Barrett, Bell, Bromley, Burke, Cazabat, Collin, Cook J. K., Davies, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Fosdick, Fuller, Geier, Gorlinski, Gaidry, Hills, Hire, Howell, Mann, Morris, Murphy E., Normand, Payne J., Paine J. T., Pintado, Poynot. Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stumpf, Thorpe, Wells, Wilson —-36. NxYs —-Messrs. Abell, Balch, Baum, Bailey, Beauvais, Bofill, Buckley, Campbell, Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Duane. Dufresne Dulke, Edwards, Foley, Gastinel,Gruneberg' There being a tie, the president cast his vote in the negative. The motion to lay on the table was therefore lost. Mr. Cazabat having stricken out of his substitute the words, "but encouragement may be granted to public schools throughout the State,"' the substitute was laid on the table. Article 3 was then rejected, by the following vote: E A.s --— Messrs. Abell, Austin, Balch, Barrett, Bell, Buckley, Cook T., Duane, Dufresne, Flagg, Flood, Fosdick, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Healy, Harnan, Henderson Hills, Howes, Maurer, Mayer, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W.. O'Conner, Orr, Purcell J., Stocker, Stiner, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters, and Wilson —— 34. NAYs --— Messrs. Bailey, Baum, Beauvais, Bofill, Bromley, Burke, Campbell, Collin, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Duke, Dupaty, Edwards, Fish, Foley,Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gaidry, Hart, Hire, Howell, Maas, Mann, Mendiverri, Montamat, Newell, Normand, Ong, Payne J., Paine J. T., Pintado, Poyont, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stumpf, Taliaferro, and Wells —44. Mr. Fol ey moved a reconsideration, which motion was laid on the table. A motion to adjourn was made and lost,. AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. 139' Hire, Howell, Howes, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Mur phy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, NormandO'Conner, Ong, Payne J., Paine J. T., Pintado, Peynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-81. The minutes of Monday's proceedings were read and adopted. On motion of Mr. Campbell, Mr. Stauffer was excused for non-attendance, on account of sickness. Mr. Cazabat moved a suspension of the rules for the purpose of introducing a resolution relative to adjournment sine die. Lost. Mr. Beauvais moved a reconsideration of the vote rejecting the report of the Committee on Education; which motion being carried, he then moved to refer the report to a select committee of five, to report on to-morrow. Adopted. The president appointed on said committee Messrs. Beauvais, HIowell, Wells, Sullivan and Campbell. The report of the Committee on the mode of Revising the Constitution was then taken up on its third reading. . Mr. Montamat offered as a rider article 141 of the constitution of 1852, which reads as follows: "Art. 141. Any amendment or amendments to this constitution may be proposed in the Senate or House of Representatives, and if the same shall be agreed to by twothird.s of the members elected to each House, such proposed amendment or amendments shall be entered on their journals, with the yeas and nays taken thereon, and the secretary of state shall cause the same to be published three months before the next general election for representatives of the State Legislature in at least one newspaper in French and English, in every parish in the State in which a newspaper shall be published, and such proposed amendment or amendments shall be submitted to the people at said election; and if a majority of the voters at said election shall approve and ratify such amendment or amendments the same shall become a part of the constitution. " If more than one amendment be sub mitted at a time, they shall be submitted in such manner and form that the people may vote for or against each amendment separately." June 18-~~~~~~~Balaace cash on hand~~~~~~~~~~~ rant No. 79..... 2,141 00 —- $8,451 00 June 27 —-Ba1. on hand this day... $17,063 40 Seventeen thousand sixty-three dollars and forty cents. FUNDS iFOR CONTINGENT EXPENSES. June 18, Balance on hand as per last report........... $6,972 53 24, Paid warrant No. 80.... 1,660 25 27, Balance on hand....... $5,311 78 Frive thousa nd three hundred and eleven dollars and seventy-eight cents. Respectfuilly submitted, JOtIN P. MONT1A.T, ,tctin, Chairman Finance Committee. The Conventian then adjourned until tomorrow a,. 12 x. Approved. Thle Convention met pursuant to adjonrument. Present, the Hon. E. H. Durell, president, and the following members: Messrs. Abell, Austin, Balch, Bailey, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Bromley, Buckley, Burke, Campbell. Collin, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Davies, Decker, Duane, Dufresune, Duke, Dupaty, Edwards, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Henderson, Hills, ,J-ou. E. Nii-Ei,is, ,-5ecreta?-y. TUE','DAY, June 28, 1864. JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION O~~a motba of Mr. Cazabat, the rider was Murphy MW., Newefl, Normand, O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~onner,~~ two-thirds," and insert " a majority.' On motion of Mr. M3ontamat, Mr. Smith's riider was rejected by a rising vote-ayes 53, noes 31. The report was then adopted. On motion of Mr. Shaw, a recess of half ani hour was taken, at the expiration of which time the president called the Convention to order, and the roll being called, only sixty-seven members answered to their names. The sergeant-at-aims was sent for al)sent mlembers. After some delay, Mr. Harnan moved to adjourn, when the yeas and nays were ordered, with the following result: YEAs —Messrs. Abell, Balch, Bailey, Bofill, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Cook J. K., Crozat, Decker, Dufresne, Duke, Fosdick Fuller, Gastinel, Gruneberg, Harnan, Hart, Hills, Hire, Maas, Maurer, Mayer, Montamat, Murphy M. W., O'Conner, Payne J., Pintado, Poynot, Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Spellicy, Stumpf, Stiner, Sullivan, Waters -38. NAYs-Messrs. Austin, Barrett. Beauvais, lell, Bromley, Cazabat, Cook T., Davies, Edwards, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Geier, Gorlinski, Gaidry, Henderson, Iowes, How- ell, Mann, Morris, Murphy E., Newell, Normand, Ong, Purcell J., Pursell S., Smith, Stocker, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Wenck, Wells, Wilson —-35. Consequently the motion prevailed, and M the president declared the Convention ad- journed until to-morrow at 12 o'clock a\. Approved. cu o n Legislative Department. which being carried, WF,DINESD'iAY, Jitne 29, 1 864 1 rd WD:ESIA, une 29, 186)f.'Mr. Stocker offered the following amend The Convention met and was called toI ment to the third article of the report of' order, pursuant to adjournment. the Committee on Legislative Department. Present, Hon. E. H. Durell, president. in to wit, by adding the chair, and the following members' There shall so o of the e There shall,,also be at session of the Geii Messrs. Austin, Balch, Barrett, Baum, Bell, eral Assembly in the clty tf New Orleans ieauvais, Bofill, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, on the first Monday of October, 1864; and (Cazabat, Collin, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, it shall be the duty of the governor, as soon Davies, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Dupaty, as practicable, after the acceptance of this Duke, Edwards, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Folvey, constitution, to cause a special election to Fosdick Fuller Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski be held for members of the General AssemG(,'uneberg, Gaidrv, Heaily. Harnan. Hart, blv in all the pa ih:_. where the same mav ilencerson, Hills, Hire. Howell, Howe,. be held with saftiv to lthe electors, and In Kavanagh, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Maver, other parishes or districts he shall cause .Mlendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., elections to be held as soon as it may be 140 JOHN —,- E. NEELIS, Secretary. AND AMEFINDMIENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. 141 o: ine practicable, to fill the vacancies for J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Duke, such parishes or districts in the General Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Dupaty, Edwards, Assembly. Ennis, Fish. Flagg, Flood, Foley. Fosdick, The term of office of the first General Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gaidry, Assembly shall expire as though its mem- Gruneberg, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, bers had been elected on the first Monday hIenderson, Hills, Howell, Howes, Knobof November, 1863.. loch, Kavanagh, Maas, Mann, Mendiverri, Mr. Stocker's amendment was a bdoptyaurer, Mayer. Montamat, Morris, Murphy a. oti yeE., Murphy M. W., Normand, O'Conner, isng votefeas 46, nays 20. Ong, Orr, Payne J., Paine J. T., Pintado, Mr. Hills, with leave of the Convention,. Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, presented the following resignation of Mr. Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy. Bailey Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Waters, Wenck. To the p res'eat and me'mbeIrs of the (~bisti- |Wells, Wilson —86. t,tional Co7ventior:i Absent- Messrs. Ariail, Bonzano, Brott, GE'.NTLE~MIsI,My objections to the Lobdell, Millspaugh, Montague and Thomas. article of the report on general provisions relative to the extension of the elective Mr. Kuglerwas excused. franchise to all persons, without distinction The minutes of yesterday's proceedings of race or color, under certain specified were read and approved. were read and approved. conditions being such that I could not conscientiously sign the constitution of which On motion of Mr. Montamat, Mr. Heard that article was made a part by the vote was excused for his late absence, he having taken on yesterday, I hereby most respect- been engaged in the discharge of his official fully tender my resignation as a member of duties as district judge in the parish of East your honorable body. NwReaspectf hl. 3A,. BII.Baton Rouge. N ew Orleanspectfuy, June 29th. On motion of Mr. Wells, Messrs. Nevwell The resignation was accepted bya a rising and Normand were excused. vote-ayes 54, noes 14. The majority and minority reports of the MIr. Howell moved to suspend the rules., Special Committee on Education being the for the purpose of taking up the majority order of the day, were taken up. and minority reports of the Committee on Mr. Sullivan's minority report was read. Education. Lost. [ Mr. HIowell moved to amend article 1, by A motion to suspend the rules, tor the striking out the word "two "in the second purpose of taking up the reports of the line, and inserting "four." Adopted. -1 p,~~line, and inserting "1four." Adopted. Committee on Schedule was lost.,Mr. Terry moved to amend the same ar Mr. Foey then movedue to suspend th ticle, by striking out in the third and fourth Mr. Foley then moved to suspend theI es, for the purpose of taking up the lines the words, "such compensation as the rules, for the purpose of taking up the report of the Committee on Ordinanc Legislature may direct," and inserting the rLost. | teC mtteoOriac.words, "a salary of four thousand dollars L~ost. per annum."' Mr. Beauvais moved to reconsider the per annum. vote refusing to suspend the rules to take On motion of Mr. ontamat, Mr. Terry amendment was laid on the table. itp the reports of the Committee on Educa- M S sl o the Ile tion.'lost. f Ar. S. Pursell offered the following sul tion. Lost. stitute: The Convention then adjourned until to- stitute mheCorreiow at he 1i toi MArt.-. There shall be elected a supermnorrow at 12 o~clock:m. -orro at 1* intendent of public education, who shall Approved. hold his office for the term of four years. .JoHN E. N:EL>S His duties shall be prescribed and compen.icretaiq sation fixed by the General Assembly. ~-,~~~ M)r. Montamat moved to lay the substi Tnmso)AY. June 30 1864. tute on the table. Carried. The (Convention met pursuant to adjourn- Article 1 was then adopted as amended. ment. Present, the lion. E. H. Durell, |Article 2 was then taken up and read. president, and the following members: Mr. Davies moved its rejection. Mlr. Henderson offered th foloin Messrs. Abell, Austin, Balch, Barrett, Mr. Henderson offered the following Banum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Burke, amendment: Buckley, Campbell, Collin, Cazabat, Cook Providd, No religious or sectarian prin 142 J(URNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION ciples shall be taught in the public schools of this State. Mr. Smith moved to strike out after the word "appropriated"' in the eighth line. Mr. Austin offered the following amendment, to be added to the article: Provided, That the Legislature shall make no special appropriations for the support of such associations, after their recognition as public schools. The question then recurred on Mr. Davies's motion to reject, when the yeas and nays were ordered, and the following vote taken thereon: YE.sS-Messrs. Abell, Austin, Balch, Baum, Beauvais, Bofill, Buckley, Campbell, Collin, Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Decker, Dufresne,Duke,Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Flagg, Flood, Gastinel, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Hart, Howell, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Maas, Maurer, Mlayer, Mendiverri, Morris, Normand, Ong, Payne J., Pintado, Poynot, Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Shaw, Stumpf, Stauffer, Taliaferro, Wenck, Wells-46. NAYs - Messrs. Barrett, Bell, Bennie, Burke, Cook J. K., Cook T., Duane, Fish, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gorlinski, Healy, Harnan, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Howes, Mann, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., O'Conner, Orr, Paine J. T., Purcell J., Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stiner, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters, Wilson —-34. Article 2 of Mr. Sullivan's substitute was therefore rejected. Article 3 was then taken up and adopted. Article 4 was read. Mr. Smith moved to strike out the words "New Orleans," and insert instead the words "such place as may be fixed by the Legislature; " up on which motion no action was taken. Or. Stauffer offered the following substi A motion to lay on the table was lost ou a rising vote-ayes 32, noes 33. Mr. Cutler moved to amend Mr. Gorlinski's motion, by adding, after the word " organization," the words "and maintenance," which amendment was accepted by Mr. Gorlinski, and his motion as amended was adopted. Article 4 was then adopted as amended. Articles 5 and 6 were severally read and adopted. On motion of Mr. AWaters, the Convention then adjourned, on a rising vote-ayes 43, noes 33. Approve(l. FRIDAY, July 1, 1864. The President called the Conven tion to order at 12 o'clock x. The secretary called the roll and the follo win g members a nswered to their names: Messrs. Abe ll, Aus tin, BSlch, Barre tt, Baum, Beauvais, Bell. Be nnie, Bucklev. Burke, Campbell, Collin, Cazabat, Coiok J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies. Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Duke, Dupa'ty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel. Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Hart, Heardi Healy, Harnan, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montemat, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong. Orr, Payne J., Paine J. T., Pintado. Poynot, Pro'cell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Shaw, Seymour, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Teriry, Thorpe, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson —8(;. Absent, ten members. The minutes of yesterday were read antd adopted. On motion of Mr. Crozat, Mr. Bofill wi,s excused. The reports of the special Committee on tute: Art. 3. A university, composed of a law department, a medical department and a collegiate department, combining therewith the State seminary of learning, shall be es- tablished and maintained. Mr. Sullivan moved to lay the substitute on the table, upon which motion a rising Educationi being the order of the day. were vote was taken-ayes 37, noes 37, and there taken up. being a tie, the President voted in the Article 1 of Mr. Beauvaisis minority reaffirmative. port was read. Mr. Stauffer's substitute was therefore Mr. Sullivan offered the following amendtabled, and article 4 of Mr. Sullivan's ment: substitute again taken up. Insert the word white between the Mr. Gorlinaki moved to strike out all after words "all" and "children;" and add the word "organization" in the fourth line. the words "and private schools of every I JOHN E. NF,ELIS, Secreta?-y. AND AMIENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. 143 denomination, numbering over two hundred scholars, shall be considered public schools." Mir. Smith moved to strike out the word "white " in Mr. Sullivan's amendment; upon a motion to table Mr. Smiths motion the syeas and nays were ordered, with the following result: YEa s —,Messrs. Abell, Balch, Baum, Barrett, Buckley, Campbe ll, Collin, Cook J. K., Crozat, Decker, Dufresne, Duke, Edwards Gastinel, Gei er, Gruneberg, Hart, Heard, Kavanagh., Knobloch, Maas, Maurer, Mayer, MSendiverri,Montamat,Morris, Murphy M.W., O'Conner, Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Stocker, S ullivan, Waters, Wencck-35. NAYs-Messrs. Austin, Beauvais, Bennie, Bell, Burke, Cazabat, Cook T., Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Gaidry, Gorlinski, Healy, Harnan, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Mann, Murphy E., Newell, Nbrmand, Payne J., Paine J. T., Pintado, Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Taliaferro, Terry, Wells, Wilson-45. Motion to lay on the table was therefore establish free public schools throughout the State, for white children only, and shall provide for their support by general taxation, on property or otherwise; and all moneys so raised or provided shall be distributed in proportion to the number of children between such ages as shall be fixed by the General Assembly. On motion of Mr. Duane, the substitute was laid on the table by the following vote: YEAS-Messrs.Auistin, Bell, Bennie,Burke, Collin, Cazabat, Cook T., Duane, Dupaty, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Gorlinski, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Mann, Murphy E., Newell, Normand, Payne J., Paine J. T., Pintado, Poynot, Schroeder, Shaw, Smith, Sp,llicy, Stumpf, Stiner, Taliaferro, Terry, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-43. NAYY,-Messrs.Abell,Balch, Barrett,Baum Beauvais, Buckley, Campbell, Cook J. K., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, De cker, Dufresne, Duke, Edwards, Gastinel, Geier, Gruneberg, Hart, Heard, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Maas, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Monta mat, Morris, Murphy M. W., O'Conner, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schnurr, Seymour., Stocker, Stauffer, Sulli van, Waters-38. ' Mr. Terry offered the following substi tute: Art. 1. The Legislature shall establish free public schools throughout this State, and provide for their support by taxation on property or otherwise, of white persons, and all moneys so raised shall be distributed to each parish in proportion to the number of white children between certain fixed ages. Public schools shall also be organized throughout the State for colored children, and all colored persons shall be taxed for their support. Mr. Terry's substitute was adopted, with out opposition. The majority and minority reports of the Committee on Schedule were taken up on a second reading. Mr. Gruneberg's minority report was read, and, on motion of Mr. Hills, was laid on the table. The majority report was then read, when Mr. Gruneberg moved to lay it on the table. Lost. On the question on the adoption of the motion to strike out, the yeas and nays were ordered, with the following result: YEAxs —Messrs. Austin, Bell, Bennie, Burke, Collin, Cazabat, Cook T., Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Ennis, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Gorlinski, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Mann, Murphy E., Newell, Normand, Payne J., Paine J. T., Pintado, Schroeder, Shaw, Smith, Stumpf, Stiner. Stauffer, Taliaferro, Terry, Wenck, Wells, Wilson —-39. NAYs --- Messrs. Abell, Balch, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Buckley, Campbell, Cook J. K., Crozat, Cutler, Decker, Dufresne, Duke, Edwards, Fish, Gastinel, Geier, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Maas, Alaurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy M. W., O'Conner, Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schnurr, Seymour, Stocker, Sullivan, Waters —41. The motion to strike out was therefore lost. Mr. Henderson offered the following amendment: Provided, That no religious, nor any religious sectarian doctrine, shall be taught in the public schools. Mr. Montamat offered the following substitute: Art. 3. The General Assembly shall Article 1 was read and adopted. Article 2 was read, when Mr. Henderson offered the following amendment, which was laid on the table: _Provided, That all persons now on a charge of a criminal offence, or hereafter to be on such charge, any time before the lost. JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION adoption of this constitution by the people, The previous question called fnr by Mr. shall be bailable by sufficient securities, be- Montamat was lost. fore and after conviction, as soon as this Mr. Fodick oered the following Sll) Convention, by the signature of its mem- o te bers, shall prepare said constitution for stituteadoption as aforesaid. ODNNC Provided, That no bail shall be allowed Should this constitution be accepted by in capital cases, where the proof is evident i the people, it shall also be the duty of the or presumption great. governor forthwith to issue his proclama Article 2 was then adopted. tion directing the several officers of the State authorized by law to hold elections, Articles 3 and 4 were severally rea,d and Eor, in default thereof, such officers as he adopted. shall designate, to hold an election at the Mr. Howell then offered the following ad- places designated by law on the same day ditional article:on which the election for members of the ~d~onal articles:~ ~General Assembly is ordered by article 3, Art. 5. Appointments to office by the ex- of the report of the Committee on Legislaexcutive, under this constitution, shall be tive Department, for governor. lieutenant made by the governor to be elected under governor, secretary of state, attorney gerits authority. leral, treasurer, auditor, and all officers Art. 6. The term of service of all officers elected by the people under this constituchosen by the people, at the first election tion said election to be conducted and the under this constitution, shall terminate as returns thereof made as provided in the though the election had been holden on the second preceding article. first Monday of November, 1863, and they The governor and lieutenant-governor had entered on the discharge of their duties shall be installed in office during the first at the time designated therein. The first week of the session of the General Assemclass of senators, designated in article-, bly as ordered in the legislative depart. shall hold their seats until the day of the ment of this constitution, and all other closing of the general elections in Nover- officers so elected shall be immediately ber, 1865, and the second class until the commissioned by said governor, and hold general elections in November, 1867. their offices as provided for in this constitu Mr. Howell's additional articles being tion severally read and laid on the table, the On motion of Mr. Smith, Mr. Fosdick's report was then adopted as a whole, on its substitute was laid on the table. second reading. Mr. Shaw moved to strike out in the fifth The report of the Committee on Ordi- line the words "officers of the State," and nance was then taken up on its second insert " for governor, lieutenant governor, reading. secretary of state, auditor of public accounts, Articles 1 and 2 were severally read and treasurer, attorney general, and superinadopted. tendent of public education." Adopted. Article 3 being read, Mr. Thorpe offered Article 3, as amended, was then adoptedl the following substitute: by the following vote: The officers of the State elected on the YEAs-Messrs. Abell, Austin, Balch, Bar22d of February, 1864, shall hold their rett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Buckley, offices until the 2d Monday of January, Cazabat, Collin, Cook J. K., Cook T., Cro1866, and the election of their successors zat, Cutler, Davies, Decker, Dufresne, Dushall take place on the first Monday in ane, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, November, 1865, unless otherwise provided Foley, Fuller, Geier, Gorlinski, Gaidry, by law. Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Laid on the table. Hire, Howes, Maas, Maurer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., New Mr. Baum offered the following substi- ell, Normand, O'Conner, Payne J., Pintado, tute: Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, The officers of the State elected on the I Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, 22d of February, 1864, shall hold their Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, offices for the respective terms assigned to Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe,Wenck,Wells-66. said officers in this constitution; but the NsYS-Messrs. Burke, Campbell, Duke. said terms shall expire as though their in- Dupaty, Fosdiclk, Gastinel,Gruneberg, HIills, stallation into office had taken place on the Howell, Knobloch, Mann, Mayer, Morris. second Monday in January, 1864. Paine J. T., Waters-1S. Laid on the table. Article 4 ~as then taken up and retad. 144 AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. on the table, the yeas and nays were ordered, with the following result: YEAs-Messrs. Abell, Barrett, Bennie, Bell, Burke, Collin, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Cook T., Davies, Decker, Duane, Edwards, Ennis, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Geier, Gaidry, Gorlinski, Healy, Harnan, Henderson, Hire, Hills, Howes, Maas, Maurer, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Paine J. T., Payne J., Pintado, Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Wells —53. N.MYs-Messrs. Austin, Balch, Beauvais, Baum, Buckley, Campbell, Crozat, Cutler, Dufresne, Duke, Fish, Fosdick, Gastinel, Gruneberg Hart, Heard, Howell, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Mann, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Ong, Seymour, Sullivan, Wilson, Waters, Wenck-29. Mr. Howell's article was therefore laid on the table. The report, as amended, was then adopted on its second reading as a whole. The Convention then adjourned. AD!rove, Mr. Campbell moved to amend by including the word "German." Mr. Healy moved t o strike out te te w ord ,, French." Mr. Shaw moved to amend by inserting after el n, i the word "in," in the second line, the words "Dtwo newspapers, and in one newspaper published in the German language, th e p apers to be selected by the pres ident of the Convention." Mr. Healy' s motio n was then taken up and laid on the table. Mr. Austin moved to adjourn. Lost by the following vote: YExs —Messrs. Austin, Balch, Burke, Collin, D uk e, Dupaty, Edward, Fosdick. Gorlinskit y,Meal y, Ha rnan, Kavanag h. Normand, Purcell J., T erry, Waters, Wells- 17. NAys --- Messrs. Abell, Barrett, Baum, Beauvaisel, BePie, Bu nte, Campbell, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Decker, Dua ne, Du fresne, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Gastinel, Geier, Gruneberg. Gaidry, Har t, Hr, eard, H end erson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Knobloch, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, O'Conrer, Ong, Payne J., Paine J. T., Pintado, Poynot, Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Thorpe, Wenck, Wilson —-66. Mr. Montamat offered the following substitute: This constitution shall be published in English in the Era, and the official paper of this Convention, and in French in the New Orleans Bee. Laid on the table by a rising vote —ayes 42, noes 27. Mr. Shawls amendment was then adopted. Article 4, as amended, was then adopted. Mr. Howell offered the following additional article: The Convention met pursuant to adjourn. ment. Present, the Hon. E. H. Durell, president, and the following members: Messrs. Abell, Austin, Balch, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Bucklecy, Burke, Campbell, Collin, Cazabat, Cook J. K.. Cook T.,Crozat,Cutler, Davies, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Duke, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gri'neberg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, On-,, Orr, Payne J., Paine J. T., Pintado, Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder. Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf. Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-86. The minutes of yesterday were read and adopted. On motion of Mr. Wells, Mr. Gaidry was excused. Mr. Orr was excused for his absence on yesterday. Mr. Montamat presented the following Art. 5. At the election for the adoption or rejection of this constitution there shall be had at each poll an additional ballotbox, in which shall be deposited the vote of each qualified voter, on which shall be written: "The ordinance of emancipation accepted," or "The ordinance of emancipation rejected;" and if said ordinance be adopted, it shall be a part of the constitiution of the State, and be inserted as the first and second articles of the General Provisions. On motion to lay the additional article 19 145 Joti-,,- F. NEFLT, SATURI)AY, July 2, 1864. JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION petition, and offered the accompanying Ph. Hoffman, D. Constantine, resolution: F. Graeser, A. Herbee, John McVittie, W. Graff, To the honorable president and members of uston Newlove, W r, e stt:Ruston Newlove Wolf Shreber, the Constitutional Convention: Henry Gallew, Conrad Graff, GENTLEMEN —-The undersigned residents of Joseph Upulte, S. Lacost suburb Trdmd, in the Second District of the Heinriez Scheulte, Murtz Coners, city of New Orleans, most respectifully peti- Pinna Clemant, Barney Kelley, tion your honorable body to pass an ordi- Hugh Doherty, John Coner, nance making it the duty of the city authori- Thaddeus Oberyefell, James Butler, ties to cause to be constructed, as soon as pos- A. Beaise, Mrs. Filsgerlid. sible, on Galvez street, across Canal Caron- J. Baldwin, Ed. Blust, delet, a bridge exactly similar to the one Valentine Rothaty, A. Schamber, built across said Canal Carondelet, on S. Shmizer, G. Doll, Broad street. The advantages to result Jos. Muller, Patrick Burke, by its construction will be immense to the Burgar(l Torer. Raynal Auguste. large number of persons residing in that Daniel Sheply, Edward Moran, part of the city, enabling them to supply Chas. J. Lester, L. C. Preston, their families at the Trem4 Market, the Wm. Graham, James Fallon, improvement asked by your petitioners Frauk Goulemus, Alexander Lea. shortening the present distance almost one Wm. C. Harrison. John T. Ives mile, and opening also a direct communica- John Koepfer, John Fisher tion with the First and Third Districts. James Woulfe, JohnBuckley, Jr., The whole is most respectfully submitted Freedolin Hesty, Jas. A. Mourton. to your honorable body, and your petition- John Foley, Vor. Hebert, Jr., ers will ever pray. Jeremiah Ryan, M. O'Donnell, New Orleans, June 28, 1864. William Myhar, Louis Brevier, John Murphy, John P. Montamat, I Henry Steward, Conrad Murlsnur, John Fisher, George Merz, C. Vinketsmann, Ge Bilher-Barb, John Siegenthaler, George Eikz, Paul, B. Lanaberi, Antonie Ramusat, Michael Sehally, John Funk, Jacob Eichhorn. Nicholaris Frietsch, Adam Kurtmann, Peter Funk, J. B. Henry, Karl Steitz, B. Camet, M. Christoffel, Abrusir Storek, J. Neuhauser, T. Kiphaut, M. Halbritter, John Orth, F. Aufenkolk, Joseph Gros, J. Relin, Joseph Henry, Peter Leind. M. Bourlett, M. Conway, Louis Koch, S. Joseph, M. Fritz,. Hanry Jollissaint, T. F. Kavanagh, Ph. Shindler, L. Latto, N. Chenal, Ernest J. Wenck. E. Hacker, Klofot, Dennis Murphy, Henry Boeylin. Peter Freibert, Pour, Resolved, That the Legislature shall, at George Woerney, George P. Lombard, its first session, pass an act making it the P. Kerwann, D. Laborde, duty of the city authorities of the city of S. Kaller, K. Burkert, New Orleans to build, as soon as possible, Fr. Robert. John Schonhardt, Fr. Robert, John Schonhardt, on Galvez street, across Canal Carondelet, O. Noack, P. W. Sheridan, . Noack, P. W. Sheridan, a bridge exactly similar to the one built Adam Spies, C. Murphy, 1 Adam Spies, CHBJ. Murphy, across said Canal Carondelet on Broad Mrs. E. H. Behan, J. Rolling, street. Cassimer Glade, H. Rolling, J. W. Bailey, Ch. Rolling, On motion of Mr. Wells, the petition and John Henneberg, S. Oswald,l resolution were laid on the table by a Henry Leebis, Thomas Killea,r rising vote-ayes 46 noes 23. Hte.Dm,Mr. HiDemorelle, chaiP. Gran of the special comErnest Demoreulle, Morris Hiccey, Ernes Demreuie, MrrisHiecy. 0Mr. Hills, chairman of the special comJ. Demoruelle, F. A. Siener, mittee on charitable institutions, submitted D. Barker, Joney Poley, the following report: Pat. Killea, Mike Byrne, Pat. Killea,, Dan. Byrne, To the President and mneinbers of the ConstiFelix M. Jacobs, James Dunn, tutional Convention of Louisiana: Joseph Fisher, P. Mofit, GENTLEMEN-The undersigned members William Rourke, John Cavanagh, of your committee on public charities reGarret Kirwan, Jary Murphy, spectfully report: Francis Cullen, J. Warner, That in view of the widespread destituJames Cullen, Laurence Rinn(y, tion and suffering in this community, and P. Deverges, S. Roman, the inadequacy of means in the hands of James Lilly, A. Garrer, our various charitable institutions, they Chas. Lawson, Conrad Brand? are of opinion that relief honld be affqrd~ec 146 AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. 147 tamat, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W.. O'Conner, Orr, Payne J., Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnuiirr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauiffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters, Wilson-63. NAYS -Messrs. Burke, Collin, Cazabat, Davies, Duke, Dupaty, Ennis, Flagg, Howell, Knobloch, Newell, Normand, Paine J. T., Pintado, Taliaferro, Wells-16. The report and resolution were then adopted. Mr. austin called up the report of the special committee on the report of the au ditor of public accounts. Mr. Hills moved that the reading be dispensed with and the whole matter laid on the table. Lost. The report was then read. Messrs. Harnan and Thorpe moved to lay it on the table, which motion was lost on a division —ayes 15, noes 45. Mr. Abell moved to postpone the matter until this day two weeks hence. Mr. Terry moved to lay Mr. Abell's mo tion on the table, upon which a division was called for, resulting —ayes 32, noes 32. There being a tie, the president voted in the negative, and the motion to lay on the table was therefore lost. A rising vote was then taken on Mr. Abell's motion to postpone, resulting' yeas 33, nays 39. The motion was there fore lost. The report was then adopted by the fol lowing vote: YEAS-Messrs. Austin, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bennie, Bofill, Burke, Collin, Cazabat, Crozat, Cutler, Decker, Duane, Duke, Dupaty, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Foley, Gastinel, Geier, Healy, Hart, Heard, Hire, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Mann, Mau rer, Mendiverri, Morris, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Orr. Payne J., Paine J. T., Pintado, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Spellicy,Stocker, Stumpf; Stiner, Stauffer, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Wenck, and Wells-55. NAYs — Messrs. Abell, Bell, Buckley, Cook J. K., Cook T., Dufresne, Flood, Fos dick, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Harnan, Hen derson, Hills, Maas, Mayer, Montamat, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Poynot, Sulli van, Waters, and Wilson-22. Mr. Hills moved to adjourn until Tues day, 5th inst., at 12 o'clock, M. Lost on a division, ayes 28, nays 44. Mr. Burke moved to adjourn until the by this body, and they therefore recommend the adoption of the following: Resolwved, That the sum of thirty-five thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated from the State treasury for purposes of charity, the same to be distributed by a board of almoners to be appointed by the Governor, and to consist of five citizens, three of whom shall constitute a quorum for business. The Governor o the State shall be ex-officio president of the board, and the money shall be drawn on his warrant, countersigned by the secretary of the board. All of which is respectfully submitted. ALFRED C. HILTS, Chairman. JOHN SULLIIVAN, W. T. STOCKER, CHARLES SMTH. Mr. Beauvais moved to lay on the table, upon which motion the yeas and nays were ordered, with the following result: YEAS - Messrs. Burke, Collin, Cazabat. Davies, Decker, Duke, Dupaty, Ennis, Flagg, Howell, Knobloch, Normand, Paine J. T., Wenck, Wells-15. NAYS - Messrs. Abell, Austin, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Buckley, Cook J. K., Cook T., Cutler, Duane, Dufresne, Edwards, Fish, Flood, Foley. Fosdick, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howes, Kavanagh, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, O'Conner, Orr. Payne J., Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry,Thorpe,. Waters, Wilson-62. The motion to lay on the table was therefore lost. Mr. Cazabat offered the following amend ment: Pr ovided, T his appropriation fo r charitable purltoses will apply to the relief of destitete JUni on refugees from Lo uisi ana, a nd the widows and orphans of Union soldiers who have lost their lives in the service of the United States army. Laid on the table. Mr. Smith moved the adoption of the report and resolution, upon which the yeas and nays were ordered, resulting as follows: YEAS- Messrs. Abell, Austin, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Buckley, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Edwards,. Fish, Flood, Foley, Fosdick. Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Healy, Hamr an, H art, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howes, Kavanagh, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Mont 1. JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION 11th inst., at 12 o'clock, M. Lost on a division-ayes 35, noes 49. The Convention then adj ou r ned until Wednesday next, 6th inst., at 12 o'clock, M. Approved. Mr. Balch moved to adjourn. Lost on a division-yeas 25, nays 33. After some delay, there still being no quorum, on motion of Mr. Smith, the Convention adjourned until 12 o'clock, M., tomor row. Approved. JOHN E. NEELIS, Secretary. JOHN E. NEELIS, S,ecretary. WEDNEsDAY, July 6, 1864.,ecretary. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, and the president being absent, on THURSDAY, July 7, 1864. motion of Mr. Beauvais, Mr. Hills was called The Convention met, pursuant to adjournto the chair. ment. Present, the Hon. E. H. Durell, The secretary called the roll, and the fol- president, and the following members: lowing members answered to their names: Messrs. Abell, Austin, Balch, Barrett, Messrs. Austin, Balch, Barrett. Baum, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, BromBeauvais, Bell, Bofill, Bromley, Buck- ley, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Collin, ley, Burke, Campbell, Collin, Cook J. K., Cazabat, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, CutCook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Duane. ler, Davies, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, EdDufresne, Edwards, Ennis, Flood, Foley, wards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Hills, Howes, Kava- Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, nagh, Knobloch, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Mur- Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, phy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, Montamat, MorO'Conner, Payne J., Paine J. T., Pintado, ris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newel], Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, Paine J. T., Schnurr, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Pintado. Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Talia- Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, ferro, Terry, Wells, Wilson-67. Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, There being no quorum, the sergeant-at- Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Waters, arms was dispatched for absent members. Wenck, Wells, Wilson-84. The minutes of Saturday's and Wednes On motion of Mr. Shaw, a recess of fifteen The minutes of Saturday's and Wednes minutes was taken, at the expiration of day's proceedings were read and adopted. whichte was a n, a the r a in Mr Shaw moved that a Committee on fwollowging members answered to their Form and Arrangement be appointed by the names: chair, to consist of five members, with in Messrs. Austin, Balch, Barrett, Baum structions to re-arrange and number the ar Messrs. Austin, Balch, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Bromley, Buckley, tidces, correct mistakes, and make a printed Burke, Campbell, Collin, Cook J. K., Cook report to the Convention; which motion T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Duane, Dufres ne, the president appointed having been carried, the president appointed Edwards, Ennis, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, on said committee Messrs. Shaw,.Thorpe, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Hills, Henderson, Cazabat and Smith. On motion Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knob- of Mr. Thorpe, the President was added to loch, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Mendi- said committee. verri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Mr. Smith offered the following resoluPayne J., Paine J. T., Pintado, Poynot, tion, which was laid over: Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Whereas, during the present rebellion Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, individuals, as well as corporations and Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, parishes, have issued a worthless paper curWells, Wilson-72. rency, and forced its circulation on the Absent-Mr. President and Messrs. Abell, poorer and only loyal classes of the comAriail, Bennie, Bonzano, Brott, Cazabat, munity, therefore be it Decker, Duke, Dupaty, Fish, Flagg, Hen- Resolved, That a special committee of five derson, Lobdell, Millspaugh, Montague, be appointed to take into consideration the Ong, Orr, Seymour, Thorpe,Waters, Thomas propriety of forming an article or articles and Wenck-23. to prevent the recurrence of the same in No quorum. future, and to hold the property of what 148 AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. 149 ever character, whether belonging to husband or wife, parishes or corporations for the redemption of the same, and that the committee be also instructed to submit to this Convention, for its approval or rejection, the draft of a petition to be sent to the Congress of the United States, asking them to empower the parishes of the State of Louisiana to apply the proceeds of sales of property of disloyal citizens for the purpose of redeeming the paper currency issued by them. Mr. Abell moved a reconsideration of the vote of Friday last, on Mr. Howell's additional article, relative to submitting the emancipation ordinance to a vote of the people. Mr. Montamat, on behalf of the Committee on Finance, submitted the following: GENTLEMEN-Your Committee on Con five thousand dollars, and offer the follow dollars be and the same is hereby appropria as have not recorded their votes on that REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION OF THE FUNDS FOR THE PAYMENT PER DIEM OF MEMBERS,p SALARIES OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 1864. June 25 —-Balance o the State treasu July 2 —-Paid war rant No. 81..... July 2 —-Paid war rant No. 81.... July 2 —-Paid war rant No. 81..... July 2 —-Paid war rant No. 82..... July 2 —-Paid war rant No. 83..... 1,199 82 —- $10,240 82 July 6 —-Balance on hand....... $8,806 28 To which must be added the sum of......................... 1,199 82 paid for salaries of employds, which properly belongs to ex pense account. The sum of $2328 08, being the balance on hand of the appro priation for contingent ex penses, was paid out, that account fell short $1199 82, which was drawn from the appropriation for per diem and salaries, as stated above. Real balance................ $10,006 10 Mr. Montamat also submitted the following recommendation, on be behalf of said committee: The Convention being on the eve of adjourning, your committee respectfully recommend that a compensation be given to the following officers of this body: J. E. Neelis, secretary, $500; L. 0. Mau tion: Resolved, That the members of this Convention, who went to Baltimore as delegates, be entitled to their per diem pay. Laid over. Mr. Abell called for the reading of Mr. Howell's additional article, offered on Friday last, on his motion to reconsider, which being read, Mr. Smith moved to lay the motion to reconsider on the table, which was carried by a rising vote —ayes 46, noes 27. The Convention then resumed its action on the second reading of the minority report of the Special Conmimittee on Education, presented by Mr. Sullivan. The report, as heretofore amended, was read, when Mr. Terry offered the following substitute for article 2: $19,074 10 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION berg, Healy, Harnan, Henderson, Hills, Howes, Knobloch, Maurer, Montamat, Mur phy M. W., O'Conner, Orr, Poynot, Purce ll J., SchnDorr, Smith, Spelliey, Stoker, Stiner, Staunffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters, Wilson-43. The motion to lay on the table was there fore lost. A call for the previous question was made and lost. Mr. Cazabat offered the f ollowing substi tut e f or Mr. Hills' ar ticle, to-wit: N o appropria tio n shall be made by the Legislature f or th e supp ort of any private school or institution of learning whatever, but the highest encouragement shall be granted to public shools throughout the State. A motion to lay on the table was lost on a rising vote-yeas 36, nays 53. A motion to adjourn was made, and the yeas and nays ordered thereon, res ulting as follows: lYEAs-Messrs. Buckley, Burke, Edwards, Waters-4. NAYs —Messrs. Abell, Austin, Barrett, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Campbell, Coilin, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Montamat, Morris, Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, Paine J. T., Pintado, Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Staufler, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-71. The motion to adjourn was therefore lost Mr. Cazabat's substitute was then adopted by the following vote: YEAS —Messrs. Austin, Bennie, Boill, Bromley, Burke. Campbell, Collin, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Davies, Decker, Edwards. Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Gastinel, Gaidry, Hart, Heard, Hire, Howell, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Montamat, Morris, Newell, Normand, Ong, Paine J. T., Pintado, Poynot, Pursell S., Schroeder, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stumpf5 Stauiffer, Taliaferro, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-45. Nays —Messrs. Abell, Barrett, Bell, Buckley, Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Duane, Dufresne, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Healy, Harnan, Henderson, Hills, Howes, Knobloch, Murphy M. W., O'Conner, Orr. Purcell J., Schntirr Stocker, Stiner, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters-32. Art. 2. The Legislature shall establish free public schools throughout the State for the education of white children, and shall provide for their support by taxation laid upon property of white persons; and all moneys so raised shall be distributed to each parish in proportion to the number of white children contained therein, between such ages as shall be fixed by law. The Leg,islature shall also establish free public schools throughont the State, for the education of colored children, and shall provide for their support by taxation laid upon property of colored persons; and all moneys so raised shall be distributed to each parish in proportion to the number of colored children contained therein, between such ages as shall be fixed by law. Mr. Henderson offered the following substitute for Mr. Terry's, viz: Art. 2. The Legislature shall levy a special tax on the property of white persons owning property in the State, for the purpose of public schools for the education of white children, and money so arising shall not be otherwise appropriated. The Legislature shall levy a special tax on colored persons in the State and their property, for the purpose of public schools for the education of colored children, and money so arising shall not be otherwise appropriated. Mr. Davies offered as a substitute, the first article of the majority report of the committee. Rejected. se The question was then put on the adoption of Mr. Henderson's substitute, and a division being called for, the substitute was adopted by the following vote: yeas 50, nays 19. Mr. Hills offered the following additional article: All asylums for orphans, containing over two hundred scholars, shall be considered public schools of the State. On a motion to lay on the table, the yeas and nays were ordered and the following vote taken: YEAS-A-essrs. Baum, Beauvais, Burke, Campbell, Collin, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Davies, Decker, Edwards, Ennis, Flagg, Flood, Gastinel, Geier, Gaidry, Hart, Heard, Hire, Howell, Kavanagh, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Mendiverri, Morris, Newell, Normand, Ong, Paine J. T., Pintado, Pursell S., Schroeder, Seymour, Shaw, Stumpf, Taliaferro, Wenck, Wells-39. NAYS —Messrs. Abell, Austin, Balch, Barrett, Bell. Bennie, Bofill, Bromley, Buckley, Cook T., Crozat, Duane, Dufresne, Fish, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gorlinski, Grune 150 AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. 151 The report as amended was then adopted longing to the Canal and Banking Comas a whole on its second reading by the pan following vote: Laid over. YEAS-Messrs. Austin. Barrett. Bell Ben- Mr. Montamat offered the following nie, Bromley, Burke, Campbell, Cazabat, An ordinance authorizing the city corpoCook J. K.,Crozat, Davies, Edwards, Ennis. ration of New Orleans to build a bridge Fish, Flagg, Flood, Gastinel],Geier,Gorlinski over the Canal Carondelet, opposite Galvez Hart, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Ku- street, similar to the one now at Broad gler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Montamat. Mor- street. ris, Newell, Normand, Ong, Paine J. T., Be it ordained, That the city corporation Pursell S., Schroeber, Schnurr, Smith, of New Orleans be and is hereby authorized Stumpf, Stauffer, Taliaferro, Wenck, Wells, to build a bridge over the Canal Carondelet, Wilson —-44. opposite Galvez street, (similar to the one NAYS-Messrs. Abell, Bofill, Buckley, Col- now built at the foot of Broad street,) in lin, Cook T., Cutler, Decker, Duane, Du- such manner as not to prevent the free infresne, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gruneberg, gress and egress of vessels; this ordinance Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Heard, Howes, to take effect from and after its passage. Knobloch, Murphy M. W., O'Conner, Orr, Laid over. Pintado, Purcell J., Shaw, Spellicy, Stocker, T Stiner, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters-32. he report of the special committee on The Convention then adjourned until to education was taken up on its third reading. The Convention then adjourned until to morrow at 12 o'clock. Mr. Sullivan offered the following rider mnorrow at 12 o'clock. article 2: Approved. JOHN. E. NEELIS, Provided, That all institutions, of every Secretary denomination, comprising the mixed char Secr-etary. I acter of charity and asylums for orphans which educate children, shall be considered FRIDAY, July 8, 1864. public schools of the State, and shall re ceive their pro rata of the school fund. The Convention met, pursuant to adjourn- Mr. Staer moved to lay therideron iMr. Stauiffer moved to lay the rider on ment, and was called to order by the presion the yeas the table. upon which question the yeas dent. ~~~~~~dent. ~and nays were ordered, resulting as fol The secretary called the roll, and the fol lows - 1lows: lowing members answered to their names: YEAs-Messrs. Baum, Beauvais, Bennie, Messrs. Abell, Austin. Balch, Barreltt Bofill, Bromley, Burke, Campbell, Collin Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Brom- Cook J. K., Davies, Edwards, Ennis Flagg 'Cook J. K., Davies, Edwards, Ennis, Flagg, ley, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Collin. ley, Buckley, Burke, Campbell,'Colin. Flood, Gastinel, Geier, Gaidry, Hart Hire Cazabat, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cut- Howell, Kugler, Maas, Morris, Newell, Norler, Davies, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Ed- mand, Payne J., Paine J. T., Pintado Pirwards. Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley sell S., Schroeder, Seymour, Sh tw, Smith Fosdick. Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski Stumpf; Stauffer, Taliaferro, Wenck Wells Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Wilson-39. Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, NAYS-Messrs. Abell, Austin, Balch, BarHowes. Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, rett, Bell, Buckley, Cook T., Crozat, Decker, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, Mortamat. Mor-' Duane, Dufresne, Fish, Foley, Fosdick ris. Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, Fuller, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Healy, HarNormand, O'Conner, Orr, Payne J., Paine nan, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Howes, KavJ. T., Pintado, Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell anagh, Knobloch, Mann, Maurer, Montamat S., Schroeder, Schnurr. Seymour, Shaw Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Orr, Poynot, Murph.urph yl J.., Scnirr, SPoliy,tnot, Sli Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner Purcell J., Schnurr, Spellicy, Stiner, SulliStauffer, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, van, Terry, Thorpe, Waters-40. Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson, and Mr. The motion to lay on the table was President —84. therefore lost. The minutes of yesterday's proceedings On motion to adopt the rider, the yeas were read and adopted. were read and adopted. and nays were ordered, and the rider was re Mr. Davies offered the following reso- jected by the following vote: lution: YEAS-Melessrs. Abell, Austin, Balch, Bar Be it resolved, Thlat the Legislature of rett, Beauvais, Bell, Buckley, Cook T., this State, during its next session, be in- Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Fish, Foley, Fosstructed to order the authorities of this city dick, Fuller, Gorlinski, Healy, Harnan. to cause a bridge to be constructed on Heard, Henderson, Hills, Howes, Kavanagh, Claiborne street, across the new canal, be- Knobloch, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., 4-11 152 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION Orr, Purcell J., Schnurr, Spellicy, Stocker, tinel, Geier, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Hart Stiner, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters-36. Heard, Howell, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas NAYS-Baum, Bennie, Bofill, Bromley, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Mor Burke, Campbell, Collin, Cook J. K., Cro- ris, Newell, Normand, Payne J., Pintado, zat, Davies, Edwards, Ennis, Flagg, Flood Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Gastinel, Geier, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Hart' Seymour, Shaw, Spellicy, Stumpf, Stauffer, Hire, Howell, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Waters, Wenck, Wells Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Newell, -51 Normand, Payne J., Paine J. T., Pintado, Mr. Henderson's rider was therefore re Poynot, Pursell S., Schroeder, Shaw, Smith, *t Stumpf, Stauffer. Taliaferro, Wenck, Wells, jece ~~Wilson-~-44.' ~The report was then adopted on its third Mr. Smith rnoved the adoption of the re- reading. port on its third reading, whereupon the The report of the Committee on Ordinance yeas and nays were ordered, and the fol- was then taken up on its third reading. lowing vote taken: Mr. Shaw offered a rider, striking out in the YEAS-Messrs. stin, Barrett Beauvis fifth line of the first article, the word "third," YEA~s-Messrs. Austin, Barrett, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bromley, Burke, Campbell, and substituting the word "first," and in Collin, Cook J. K., Davies, Edwards, the sixth line striking out "July" and sub Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Gastinel, Geier, stituting September" and also in the first Gaidry Hart, Hender~~sontill,Hr,stuting "1September.," and also in the first Gatdry, Hart, Henderson, Hills, Hire, iHowel, Knobloch, KuHler, Maas, Mann, line of the second article striking out the Mendiverri, Morris, Murphy E., Newell, word "first" and inserting "third," and in Normand, Payne J., Paine J. T., Pintado, the second line of same article, striking out Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, the word August" and inserting "Sep Schnurr, Seymour,- Smith, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Taliaferro, Wenck, Wells, Wilson tember; and further nserng after the -50. word "office" in the eighth line of the NAYS-Abell, Balch, Baum, Bofill, Buck- third article, the words "and shall hold ley, Cook, T., Crozat, Decker, Duane, Du- their offices for the terms prescribed in this fresne, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gorlinski, Griineberg, Healy, Harnan, Heard, Howes, Gruneberg, Healy, Harnan, Heard, Howes, constitution, counting fiom the second MonKavanagh, Maurer, Montamat, Murphy M. day of January next, preceding their enW., O'Conner, Orr, Shaw, Spellicy, Stocker, tering into office, in case they do not enter Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters-32. into office on that date," and inserting after The motion was therefore carried and the word "constitution," in the twelfth line the report adopted on its third reading. of the same article, the words "and if not The report of the Committee on Schedule sooner held, the election of their successors was then taken up on its third reading. shall take place on the first Monday of No Mr. Henderson offered the following as a vember. 1867, in all parishes where the rider: same can be held, the officers elected on Common carriers, in all cases of conI- that date to enter into office on the second tracts and quasi-contracts, offences and Monday of January 1868; " and further quasi-offences, where by law there are par-...'' quiasi-offences, where by law there are par- inserting in the first line of the fourth article, ties, may be liable in vindictive damages where, under the American and English after the word "in," the words "three pajurisprudence regulating common carriers, pers to be selected by the president of the such damages are legitimate and proper. such damages are legitimate and proper Convention, whereof two shall publish the On a motion to adopt the rider the fol same in English and French, and one in lowing vote was taken: German;" and also inserting in the third YEAS-Messrs. Balch, Bell, Bennie, Btick line of the same article, after the word "adley, Campbell, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Duane, Flood, Foley, Gorlinski, Healy' Ijournment," the words "of the Convention" Harnan, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howes ~striking out in the same line the word Kavanagh, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., "third," and inserting "first," and in the O'Conner, Orr, Paine J. T., Poynot, Smitb, foirth line striking out the word "July" Stocker, Stiner, Terry, Thorpe, Wilson-31. and inserting "September." and inserting "1September/71 NAYs —Messrs. Abell, Austin. Barrett, I Baum Beasvris Abefll, Austin, Ban,ett iMr. Shaw's rider was accepted by the Baum, Beauvais, Bofill, Bromlev, Burke' Collin, Cutler, Davies, Decker, Dufi esne, Convention; and the report was then Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Fuller,- Gas- adopted on its third reading. I I AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. mittee on the State Library, submitted a verbal report and asked that the committee be discharged from further consideration of the subject. He also offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the thanks of this Convention be and are hereby tendered to Maj. Gen. Banks and to Michael Hahn, governor of the State, for their willingness to bring from Baton Roiige to this city various volumes belonging to the State Library, as set forth in the communication of the secretary of state an d of the stat e l ibrarian. The repor t an d resolution were adopted, and th e committee discharged. Mr. Bell offered the following resolution: Wheerea s, There exist s an indebtedness resulting from the inauguration on the 4th of' March, 1864, of the first free State officers of Louisiana, an d othe r e xpenses incurred for the furtherance of free St ate government in Lo uisiana, amounting to about $10,000; 1 herefore be it resolved, That t he sum of ten thousand dollars, be an d is h ereby ap propriated for the payment of the same, which may be approved by a committee of seven, con sistin g of state au di tor, state t reasurer, secretary of state, an d four members of t his Convention, to be appointed by the president. Mr. Henderson offered the following as a substitute, which was accepted by Mr. Bell: Whereas, A debt of ten thousa nd dolla rs has been cre ated in the form ation of the free State of Louisiana; Therefor e it is resolved, That said sum be paid out of the treas ury o f the State, upon the warrant of the governor of' said State. The resolution was put upon its passage, and the yeas and nays having been ordered, the following vote was taken: YEAS —Austin, Barrett, Beauvais, Bell, Buckley, Burke, Collin, Cook T., Cook J. K., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Duane, Edwards, Ennis, Fish. Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Healy, Harnan. Hart, Henderson. Hire, Howes, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri. Murphy E.. Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong. Orr, Pintado, Poynot, Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-58. NA~Ys - Messrs. Abell, Balch, Decker, Duhfesne, Heard, ttowell, Kugfler, Maas, Mayer, Montamat, Morris, Murphy M. W.. Payne J., Sullivan —14. There being no quorum voting, a call of the House was ordered, when only seventyfive members responded to their names. SATURDAY, July 9, 1864. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment. Present the Hon. E. H. Durell, president, and the following members:] Messrs. Abell, Austin, Balch, Barrett, Bell, Bennie, Buckley, Burke, Collin, Cook J. K., Crozat, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg. Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Henderson,Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Knobloch, Kugler, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Montamat, Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Pintado, Poynot, Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr,Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-65. After some delay a quorum being present the Convention adjourned until Thursday, 14th inst., at 12 o'clock M. [Approved.] THURSDAY, July 14, 1864. The Convention met, pursuant to qdjournment. Present, the Hon. E. H. Durell, president, and the following members: Messrs. Abell, Austin, Balch, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Collin. Cazabat. Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies. Decker, Duane. Dufresne, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Orr. Payne J., Pintado, Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S.. Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Wenck. Wells, Wilson —8'1. The minutes of Friday and Satuirday's proceedings were read and adopted. On motion of Mr. Abell, Mr. Stauffer was excused on account of illness. Mr. Hills, chairman of the Special Com 20 I 153 The Convention then adjourned until 12 o'clock m., to-morro Approved. JoH.-,, E. NEELIS, Secretay. JOHN E. NEELIS, Secretai-y. JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION and nays were ordered with the following result: YEAS --- Messrs. Abell, Balch, Barrett, Beauvais, Buckley, Crozat, Cutler, Decker, Dufresne, Edwards, Fish, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gruneberg, Heily, Heard, Howell, Knobloch, Maas, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, Ong, Purcell J., Schnurr, Seymour, Stitmp5 Sullivan, Thomas, Waters. Wenck, Wells, Wilson-38. NAs —-Messrs. Austin, Bell,Bennie, Burke, Collin, Cook J. K., Cook T., Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Ennis, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Gorlinski, Harnan, Hart, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howes, Kugler, Mann, Maurer, Murphy E., O'Conner, Orr, Payne J., Pintado, Poynot, Pursell S., Schroeder, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stiner, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe —-40. The motion to lay on the table was therefore l ost. After a lengthy discussion the Convention adjourned until 12 M. to-morrow. Approved. The sergeant-at-arms was sent for absent members. Some of the absent members having taken their seats, the vote was again taken upon the adoption of Mr. Hendersonl's substitute, resulting as follows: YEAS —Messrs. Austin, Barrett, Beauvais, Bell, Buckley, Burke, Collin, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Henderson, Hire, How es, Mann, Maur er, Mendiverri, Mu rphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, Pintado, Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf. Stiner, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Wells, Wilson-60. NYS~ —-Messrs. Abell, Balch, Decker, Dufresne, Heard, Howell, Kugler, Maas, Mayer, Montamat, Morris, Payne J., Sullivan, Wenck —-14. Mr. Henderson's substitute was therefore adopted. Mr. Hills was excused from voting on the foregoing question. Mr. Montamat submitted the following report as chairman of the Finance Committee: REPORT OF THE FINANCE C~OMMITTEE. Amount paid for per diem of members from 2d to July 9th, 1864........................ $7,800 00 Amount for salaries of officerst.. 1,981 00 Amount for contingent expenses. 2,411 25 $12,192 25 Balance on hand $1,124 03 belonging to contingent expense account. Your committee recommend that they be authorized to draw from the general funds out of the treasury of the State the amount necessary for the payment of members, officers, employcs and contingent expenses, until the end of th e session. Respec tfu lly submitted, JOHN T. MONTAM.T, Acting Chairman Finance Committee. New Orleans, July 8, 1864. On motion the report and recommendation were adopted. Mr. Thorpe offered the following resolution: Resolved, That all decisions of the courts of the State that declare slavery exists in the State, are contrary to the fundamental laws of the State, and is a contempt of the emancipation ordinance passed by this n aonventwion. Mr. Sullivan moved to.lay the resolution ~)n the table, upon which question the yeas FRIDAY, July 15, 1864. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment. Present, the Hon. E. H. Durell, and the following members: Messrs. Abell, Austin, Balch, Barrett, Baum, Beauvias, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Collin, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy MA. W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Payne J., Paine J. T., Pintado, Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Shroeder, Schnurr, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Wenck, Wells,Wilsom-83. The minutes of yesterday's proceedings were read and adopted. On motion of Mr. Flagg, Mr. Seymour was excused for non-attendance. Mr. Montamat, chairman of the Finance Committee, offered the following resolution, which was adopted, viz: Resolved, That the Finance Committee be, and is hereby authorized, to draw from the treasury of the State, (from all moneys 154 JOHX E. NEELIS, Secretai-y. AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. to be sent to the Congress of the United States, asking them to empower the parishes of the State of Louisiana to apply the pro ceeds of sales of property of disloyal citizens for the purpose of redeeming the paper cur rency issued by them. A motion to lay on the table being lost, the resolution was adopted by the following rising vote: ayes 39, nays 22. There. being an objection raised that no quorum voted, a call of the House was had, when seventy-eight members answered to their names, whereupon the President de clared the resolution adopted. The Convention then resumed its action on Mr. Thorpe's resolution of yesterday. After a lengthy discussion, the resolution was put upon its passage and adopted by the following vote: YEAS-Messrs. Austin, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Burke, Collin, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fuller, Geier, Gorlinski, Gaidry, HIealy, Harnan, Hart, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howes, Kavanagh, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Payne J., Paine J. T., Pintado, Poynot, Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stiner, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Wenck-58. NAxYs-Abell, Balch, Buckley, Campbell, Cutler, Decker, Dufresne, Edwards, Gasttinel, Gruneberg, Heard, Howell, Knobloch, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Sullivan, Waters, Wells, Wilson-21. The Convention then adjourned until 12 o'clock i., to-morrow. I Approved. tion: Resolved, That in view that this Conven tion has adopted an article separating tax ation, for the benefit of education, under two distinct heads-one for the education of the white and the other for the educa tion -of the colored children-it becomes necessary, in order to avoid difficulty in the future, that it should also define what degree of blood constitutes a colored person. Mr. Montamat moved to lay the resolution on the table. Lost on a rising voteayes 30, nays 33. The resolution was then put upon its passage and lost by a rising vote of ayes 23, nays 47. Mr. Montamat called up the following ordinance: An ordinance authorizing the- city corporation of New Orleans to build a bridge over the Canal Carondelet, opposite Galvez, street, similar to the one now at Broad street. Be it ordained, That the city corporation of New Orleans be, and is hereby authorized to build a bridge over the Canal Carondelet, opposite Galvez street, (similar to the one now built at the foot of Broad street) in such manner as not to prevent the free ingress and egress of vessels; this ordinance to take effect from and after its passage On a motion to lay on the table, a division was called for, resulting-yeas 32, nays 19. The ordinance was therefore laid on the table. Mr. Smith called up the following preamble and resolution: Whterea,s, during the present rebellion, individuals as well as corporations and parishes have issued a worthless paper currency and forced its circulation on the poorer and only loyal class of the community; - herefore be it Resolved, That a special committee of five be appointed to take into consideration the propriety of framing an article or articles to prevent the recurrence of the same in filture, and to hold the property, of whatever character, whether belonging to husband or wife, parishes or corporations, for the redemption of the same, and that the committee be also instructed to submit to this Convention, for its approval or rejection the draft of a petition SATURDAY, July 1L6, 1864. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment. Present, the Hon. E. H. Durell, p resident, and the following members: Messrs. Abell, Austin, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Collin, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, l)uipaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard. Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler. Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Montamat, Morris, Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Orr, Payne John. Pintado. Poynot, Purcell John, Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Sullivan. 155 not otherwise appropriated,) any amount necessary for the payment of members, officers, employ6s, and contingent expenses of this Convention. Mr. Smith offered the following resolu I JOHN E. NEELIS, &cretar.q. JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gruneberg, Healy, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Montamat, Morris, Murphy M. W., O'Conner, Orr, Pintado, Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schnurr, Shaw, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Sullivan, Terry, Waters, Wenck-50. The question was about to be put on the adoption of Mr. Harnan's motion to expel, when Mr. Henderson raised a point of order to the effect that Mr. Harnan's motion was out of order, since no charges had been preferred, and, under parliamentary law and the rules governing this Convention, Mr. Paine had a right to be heard, which point of order was sustained by the Presi dent, who refu sed t o e nterta in the motion. Mr. Sullivan was called to the c hair. Mr. Terry offered the following resolu tion: " Resolved, That the sum of one hundred dollars be appropriated out of the general fund of the State, not otherwise appropri ated, to each of the clergy who have offi ciated during the session of the convention. Previous to any action on Mr. Terry's regolution, a motion to adjourn was made and carried, whereupon the chair declared the Convention adjourned until 12 o'clock, M., on Monday, 18th inst Approved. Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters,, Wenck, W e lls. Wilson —79. The minb te, or yesterdty' s proceedings were read and adopted. The president annou nced that he had appointed on the spec ia l committee, raised by Mr. Smith's resol ution of yesterday relative t o w orthless currency, the following membe rs, viz: Messrs. Smith, O'Conner, Balch, T. Cook and Poynot. The president then laid before the (ion vention the r esignation of Mr. J. T. Paine, which reads as follows: NEW ORLEANS, July 16, 1864. To the Secretary State Convention, SMR: I hereby resign my seat in the State Constitutional Convention. It seems to me that the session is b eing uselessly prolonged at a great expense to the public. I do not countenance the proceed ings. Having received an appointm ent under the government. I wish to atteud to my proper duties. Respectfully, I am your obedient servant, . I, J. T. PANE.H. Mr. Thorpe moved that Mr. J. T. P a ine be expelled for the indignity offered the Convention in the languag e and address of his resignation. Mr. Hills moved as a substitute for Mr. Thorpe's motio n, th at the sergeant-at-arms be sent for Mr. Paine, and that he be b rought befo re t he Con vention. Lost. The question h aving recurred upon the adoption of Mr. Thorpe's motion, that gentle man, wit h the conen sent of his second, (Mr. Stock er,) wit hd rew hi s motion, w hen the same was. immediately renewed by Mr. Harnan. Mr. Wilson the n offered the following as at substitute: Resolved, Tha t J. T. P aine, of E ast Feliciana, is an u nfit person to receive any employment from the government, on account of the disrespect offered to this Convention. The substitute was lost on the following vote on the question of its adoption: YEA..,s - Messrs. Austin, Burke, Collin, Cook T., Davies, Dupaty, Ennis, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Gorlinski, Gaidry, Harnan, Newell, Normand, Schroeder, Seymour, Smith, Taliaferro, Thorpe, Thomas, WVells, Wilson —-23. NAYs-Messrs. Abell, Barrett, Beauvats Bell, Bennie, Buckley, Cook J. E., Crozat, Cutler, Duane, Dulfresne, Edwards, Fish} MONDAY, July I 8, 1864 The Con vention m et pu rsuant to adjournment. Present, the Hon. E. H. Durell, Pr esident. and the following me mbers: Messrs. Abell, Austin, Balch, Barrett, Baum, Be auv ais, Bell, Benni e, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Collin, Cazabat, Cook J. K. Cook T., Cutler, Davies, Decker, Duane, Dufresne. Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W.. Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, Payne J., Pintado, Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson —84. Messrs. Crozat and Bofill were excused. 156 J(,Iti-,- E. ,, 4!Il.. AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. 157 The minutes of yesterday's proceedings were read and adopted. Mr. Montamat was called to the chair. The president took the floor and made a personal explanation relative to his remarks of Friday last, on the decision of Hon. W. W. Handlin, late judge of the Third District Court of New Orleans, on the emancipation question. Mr. Abell rose to a question of privilege, and stated that he had received a communication of an extraordinary character, and believing it to be a breach of privilege, he wished to lay it before the Convention, and for that purpose asked that it might be read by the secretary, which was accordingly done as follows: [Confidential.] NEW OTLEANS, July 15th, 1864. E. ABELL, Esq., Dear sir: I entertain so strong an aversion to the incorporation into the' organic law" of the words "white," "black" and "color," that I am induced in this confidentiat note, (accompanied by a proposed "rider ") to ask you to consider the propriety of altering the language of certain portions of the new constitution, so as to harmonize with the principle contained in this proposed "rider."' Many members of the Convention have had the kindness to say to the governor and myself, that they f will do what they can to expunge the obnoxious words from the militia and educational bills, before the question of final adoption, as a whole, comes up. Very respectfully yours, A. P. DOSTIE. Art. —. The Legislature shall provide for the education of all children of the State, between the ages of six and eighteen years, by maintenance of free public schools. Art. -. A university, composed of a law school, a medical school and a collegiate school, combining therewith the State seminary of learning, shall be established and maintained. Art. —. All moneys arising from grants, donations, or other sources, for educational purposes, shall be and remain a perpetual fund, the interest of which, at seven per cent. per annum, shall be appropriated exclusively to sailI purposes. Mr. Thomas offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the adjutant general shall receive a salary at the rate of three thousand dollars per annum from the time of his entering into office and wantil otherwise provided by law. Adopted. The president laid before the Convention the following explanation from Mr. J. T. Paine: NEW OIRLEANS, LA., July 18th, 1864. To the president and members of the State Constitutional Convention: In explanation of my communication of July 10th, I have to say that it was designed to be presented to the Convention through the secretary, and not to the secretary for action. In apologizing for the inadvertency, allow me to say that I mean no disrespect to the Convention or any member of it. I again respectfully tender my resignation as a member of the Convention, and urge that it may be accepted. Respectfully, I am your obedient servant, J. T. PAINE. On motion to accept Mr. Paine's resignation, a division was had-ye as 17, nays 49. Therefore th e r esignation was rejec ted. Mr. Smith offered the following: In view of the different degrees of blood in that portion of the po pulat ion of Louisi ana, de nominate d " col ore d," co mpre hend - ing the pure Afri can to t hose a pparently white, it becomes imper ative on thi s Convention that it should define as clearly as possible, the status of a " colored " person. Therefore be it resolved, That a committee of five, of which the honorable president shall be chairman, be appointed by the chair, to take this matter into consideration, and to report by resolution or otherwise, at the earliest opportunity to this Convention, defining what degree of blood shall constitute a " person of color." A motion to adopt was lost, therefore the resolution was rejected. Mr. Balch offered the following: Resolved, That the sum of five hundred dollars is hereby appropriated to Judge J. N. Carrigan, State Librarian, for services rendered by him in furnishing books and documents to this Convention. Adopted by a rising vote —yeas 38, nays Mr. Terry offered the following: Whereas, It is desirable that the work of this Convention should be completed without unnecessary delay, be it Resolved, That all motions relating to the adoption of the constitution or any part thereof, shall be put to vote without debate. Lai d on the table. On motion of Mr. Austin, the following resolution was taken up and passed, viz: 22. 158 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION Resolved, That the members of this Con- Resolved, That owing to the existing revention, who went to Baltimore as delegates, bellion and the present condition of our be entitled to their per diem pay. national affairs, any change in the policy of Mr. Shaw, chairman ofthSpcaCos the Special Com- te executive department of the govern Mr.Shaw, chimnofment will embarrass and delay the vigorous mittee on Form and Arrangement, sub- prosecution of the war, and be productive mitted a written report, together with a of the most disastrous results. printed copy of the constitution as reported.. Be it further resolved, That we recognize Be it further resolved, That we recognize p1 ed top fi the ceortt of thep e in Abraham Lincoln a wise president, true Mr. Abell moved to fix the report of thepatriot and able statesman, who has been committee for Thursday next. tried in the scales and not found wanting, A motion to lay on the table being lost, whose past administration is a credit to the yeas and nays were demanded on the himself and an honor to the country, and ,. a n d. wrwhose policy for the suppression of the readoption of Mr. Abell's motion, resulting as bellion meets our entire approbation. That follows: we also recognize in Andrew Johnson a YEAS- Messrs. Abell, Austin, Barrett, wise statesman, endowed with wisdom, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Buckley, Burke, Col- patriotism, and integrity, and in every way lin, Cook J. K., Cutler, Decker, Dufresne, most worthy of the fuill confidence of the Dupaty, Edwards, Gastinel, Gruneberg, people; therefore, Healy, Harnan, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Maas, Be it further resolved, That we most corMaurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Mur- dially endorse the action of the National phy M. W., Normand, O'Conner, Orr, Pin- Convention lately held at Baltimore, and tado, Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, will give to the nominees thereof our Stumpf, Sullivan, Thomas, Waters, Wenck hearty support, and use every honorable -40. means to secure their election. NAYS-Messrs. Balch, Cazabat, Cook T., Upon the adoption of the foregoing preDavies, Duane, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, a-nble and resolutions, the yeas and nays Foley, Fuller, Geier, Gorlinski. Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howes were ordered and the following vote taken: Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howes, Mann, Morris, Murphy E., Newell, Ong, YEAS-Messrs. Austin, Barrett, Baum, Payne J., Poynot, Pursell S., Smith, Spel- Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Burke, Cazabat, licy, Stocker, Stiner, Stauffer, Taliaferro, Cook, J. K., Cook, T., Davies, Duane. DuTerry, Thorpe, Wells, Wilson-37. paty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, The motion was therefore adopted and Foley, Fuller, Geier, Gorlinski, Healy, Ilarnan, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howes, the report made the order of-the day for Mann, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Murnext Thursday, 21st inst. phy M. W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Mr. Bell offered a resolution relative to Orr, Payne J., Pintado, Poynot, Purcell J., extra compensation of certain officers of Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicey, Stocker, Stumpf, this Convention, which, on motion of Mr. Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, Healy, was laid on the table. Thorpe, Thomas, Wenck, Wells, Wilson —60. Mr. Austin introduced the following pre- NAYS-Messrs. Abell, Balch, Buckley, amble and resolutions: I Collin, Cutler, Decker, Dufresne, Gastinel, Gruneberg, Hart, Heard, Howell, Kav lWhereas, The perpetuity of our nation- anagh, Knobloch, Maas, Maurer, Mayer, al government is now imperiled by a stu- Mendiverri, Ong, Waters —20. pendous rebellion against the constitution Mr Thorpe offered the following and laws of our common country, origin- Mr. Thorpe offered the Ellowing ated, supported and carried on by wicked AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR AN ELECrION and designing men, for the purpose of es- TO FILL VACANCIES IN THE REPRESENTAtablishing a despotic oligarchy, based upon TION OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA IN THE human slavery, an institution reprobated XXXVIIITH CONGRESS. and abhorred by the civilized world and Section 1. Be it ordained by the people of common humanity: the State of Louisiana in Convention assem And whereas, The stability of republican bted, That an election shall be held by the institutions, as well as the liberties of the qualified electors of the State of Louisiana people, requires that the government of the on the first Monday of September, 1864, for United States should be preserved intact, Representatives in the Congress of the and its laws executed throughout the whole United States of America, to fill the vacandomain; cies now existing in the XXXVIIIth Con And whereas, The period of election for gress, and to serve until the end of the president and vice-president of the United term of the said Congress. States is now approaching andl near at t Sec. 2. Be it furother ordained, That until hand; therefore, be it I otherwise directed by law the State shall AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. b159 be divided into five Congressional Districts as follows, and the qualified electors of each District shall choose one representative: - The First Congressional',istrict shall comprise the parishes of St. Bernard and Plaquemines, the right bank of the parish of Orleans, the Ninth, Eighth, Seventh, Sixth, Fifth Representative Districts of the parish of Orleans, and that portion of the Fourth Representative District ofthe parish of Orleans which is included between St. Louis, Rampart and Canal streets, and the Lake Pontchartrain. The Second Congressional District shall comprise that portion of the Fourth Representative District of the parish of Orleans, which is included between St. Louis, Rampart and Canal streets and the Mississippi river; the Third, Second and First Representative Districts of the parish of Orleans,. and that portion of the Tenth Representative District of the parish of Orleans which is known and designated by existing statutes as the Tenth Ward of the city of New Orleans. The Third Congressional District shall comprise that part of the Tenth Representative Distict of the parish of Orleans which is known and - designated as the Eleventh Ward of the city of New Orleans; and the parishes of Jefferson, Washington, St. Tammany, St. Helena, Livingston, St. Charles, St. John the Baptist, St. James, Ascension, East Baton Rouge, East Feliciana, West Feliciana, Terrebonne and Lafourche. The Fourth Congressional District shall comprise the parishes of Natchitoches, Sabine, Rapides, Calcasieu, St. Landry, Vermillion, Avoyelles, Point Coupee, Lafayette. St. Martin, West Baton Rouge, Iberville, Assumiption and St. Mary. The Fifth,7 Congressional District shall comprise thb parishes of Bossier, Claiborne, Union, Morehouse, Carroll, Bienville, Jackson, Ouachita, Caldwell. Franklin, Madison, Tensas, Concordia, Catahoula, Winn, Caddo and DeSoto. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That the several officers of the State, authorized by law to hold elections, or in default thereof, such officers as the governor shall designate or authorize, shall open and hold polls in the several Congressional Districts of the State, to choose representatives as aforesaid. At the conclusion of the said election, the officers and commissioners presiding over the same shall carefully examine and count each ballot as deposited, and shall forthwith make due return thereof to the secretary of state in conformity to the provisions of law and usages in regard to elections. Sec. 4. Be itfurther ordabned,. That upon the receipt of said returns, or on the third Monday of September, if the returns be not sooner received, it shall be t he duty of the governor, jointly with the secretary of state and the judge of one of the district coiit'i of the State, in the presence of all such persons as may choose to attend, to proceed two ascertain from the said returns, the persons dtuly elected, a certificate of which shall be entered on record by the secretary of state. and signed bv the governor, and a copv thereof, subscribed as aforesaid, shall be delivered to the person so elected, and another copy transmitted to the House of Representatives of the Congress of the United States, directed to the speaker thereof. Sec. 5. Be it f}rther ordained, That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, and shall have the force and effect of a statute of the State. Done in Convention, at the city of New Orleans, on the day of July, 1864. Ordered to be printed and made the order of the day for Wednesday next. On motion of Mr. Abell, the Convention adjourned until Wednesday niext. at 12 o'clock M. Approved. WEDNESDAIY, July 20, 1864. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment. Present, the Hol. E. H. Durell, President, and the following members Messrs. Abell, - Austin, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Buckley, Burke, Collin, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Cook Terrence, Crozat, Cutler, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish. Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, ttealey. Harnan, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Ilowes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Manin, Maurer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, Payne John, Pintado, Poynot, Purcell John, Pursell Sam'l., Shroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-82. The minutes of last Monday's proceedings were read and adopted. Mr. Smith, chairman of the Special Committee on Worthless Paper Currency, submitted the following report: NEW ORLt,EANS, July 18, 1864. To the honorable president and members of the Constitutiotal Convention of Louisi ana: JOHN E. NEELIS, Secretary. JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION Mr. Montamat offered the following amendment: Be it further resolved, That the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars be and is hereby appropriated from the general funds in the State treasury not otherwise appropriated. to L. O. Maureau, warrant clerk, payable on his own warrant, as extra compensation for extra services rendered. Mr. Cutler having accepted the amendment, the resolution was adopted as amended. GENTLEME.N-The undersigned, a commit tee appointed by your honorable body for the purpose of taking into consideration the prop riety of provi ding for the redemption of a worthless paper currency, issued and fobrced u pon th e poor and only loyal class of the population of Loui siana sinc e the outbreak of the rebellion, by private individuals, as well as b y corporat ions and parochial authorities in the different section s a nd l ocalit ies of the S ta te, most respectfu lly beg leav e to report that we have duly weighed the subject matter contained in the resolu tion subm itted to our consideration, and being fully convinced that some action should be taken in the matter by this Convention, beg leave to offer the following article as the result of our deliberations, to be incorporated as one of the ordinances of the constitution: Art. -. That the property of all individuals, firms and companies, the taxabl e property situated in all villages, towns, cities and parishes, shall be liable and held responsible for the redemption in current funds of the United States, for all notes issued as a circulating medium during the present rebellion, to the extent of the amount issued by such individual, firm,. company, village, town, city or parish respectively, recoverable before any court of competent jurisdiction, in due process of law. Mr. Henderson moved to reconsider the vote of Monday last, fixing the report of the Committee on Form and Arrangement for Thursday. A motion to lay on the table was lost by a rising vote of 36 ayes to 42 nays. The question on the motion to reconsider was then put and lost. Mr. Thorpe's ordinance providing for an election to fill the vacancies in the representation of the State, in the thirty-eighth Congress of the United States, was then taken up. Mr. Henderson being temporarily in the chair, motions were made first to lay on the table and second to adopt. Amidst much confusion the temporary president declared the question carried; but many members enquiring what the question was. which the chair declared carried, and he failing to inform the Convention, the presi; dent resumed the chair. Mr. Abell moved to amend the second section, by striking out all after the word Orleans in the seventh line, and inserting in the sixth line the word " and fourth." after the word "fifth,' so as to include thIJ whole ofthe Four th Representative District of the parish of Orleans. Laid on the table by a rising vote-yeas 43, nays 32. CHARLES SMITH, Jos. H. BALCH, O. H. POYNOT, TERrNCE COOK, P. K. O'CONNER. Mr. Burke moved to reject the report, which motion was carried on a rising vote, ayes 40, nays 20. Mr. Cazabat moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of adopting the constitution as a whole without further debate. No action taken. A call of the House was ordered, when eighty members answered to their names. Mr. Cutler offered the following resolu Resolved, That the sum of one thousand dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the treasury of the State not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of paying the secretary of this Convention and his two assistants, for extra services rendered this Convention, and that the same be paid on their own warrants, as follows: To John E. Neelis. secretary, five hundred dollars; to S. G. Hamilton and Philip Winfree, assistant secretaries, two hundred and fifty dollars each. 160 tion: After a lengthy discussion, on i-notion ot Mr. Cutler, the question was postpont.-d until Saturday next. The Convention then adjourned until 12 o'clock m., tomorrow. Approved. Joii —,\, E. NFEI,I, —,, Secreta-'Y. AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. leagues of the coast, and do ordain and es tablish this constitution. A motion to reject the rider being made, after some discussion, Mr. Hills moved the previous question, which being ordered, the question was put, and Mr. Henderson's rider was rejected. The secretary then proceeded with the reading of the constitution, an i upon reading article seven, Mr. Cutler moved to strike out the words "with safety to the electors," in the eighth line on t he second page. Carried. Mr. Shaw moved to amend the twelfth article, by striking out t he wo rd "four" and substtituting the word "five," and also by striking out the word "three " in the third line from the bottom, and substitute therefor the word "four," in the second line from the bottom on page four, thereby giving to the city of New Orleans nine instead of seven senators. In article 14, Mr. Cutler moved to strike out the word " six " and substitute the word "three," making the parochial residence required of voters three instead of six months. Mr. Stauffer moved to reject, which motion being lost, on a rising vote of yeas 35, nays 42, Mr. Cutler's rider was then adopted. Mr. Shaw moved to amend article 22, by striking out' thirty-four,'" and substituting thirty-six," so as to make the number of senators thirty-six; and in the last line of said article, by striking out seven and substituting nine, so as to make the proviso read "that no parish be entitled to more than nine senators." Adopted. Mr. Shaw also moved to strike out in the second line of article 23, the words "thirtyfour,'" and substitute the words "thirtysix," so as to make said article correspond with the previous amendments. Carried. In article 44, Mr. Foley moved to strike out "ten " and insert "five.' so as to make the necessary residence inl the qiialiftcations for governor five years. Mr. Flood moved to suibstitu-te two years, which being lost, Mr. Foley's amendment was then adopted. Mr. Henderson moved to amend article 47, by striking out'in the fourth line, the THURSDAY, July 21, 1864. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by the president. The secretary called the roll and the following members answered to their names: Messrs. Abell, Austin, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Collin, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Grune berg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M W., Newell, Normand. O'Conner, Ong, Orr, Payne J., Pintado, Poynot, Purcell John, Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-86. The minutes of yesterday's proceedings were read and adopted. The order of the day being the report of the Special Committee on Form and Arrangement of the Constitution was taken up, and the reading of the constitution began, with a view to its adoption as a whole. The president suggested that the secretary, in reading the constitution, should pause at the close of each articles when members desiring to offer riders would have opportunity to do so. Mr. Cazabat moved to adopt the constitution as a whole, without further delay. No action. The preamble being read, Mr. Henderson offered the following substitute, as a rider: We, the representatives of the people of the State of Louisiana in Convention assembled, do define the boundaries of said State to be as follows: Beginning at the mouth of the river Sabine, thence by a line to be drawn along the middle of said river, including all its islands, to the thirty-second degree of latitude, thence due north to the northernmost part of the thirty-third degree of north latitude; thence along the said parallel of latitude to the river Mississippi; thence down the said river to the river Iberville and from thence along the middle of said river and Lakes Mauiirapas and Pontchartrain to the Gulf of Mexico; thence bounded by the said Gulf to the place of beginning including all islands within three 21 161 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION word "residue," and inserting the word "remainder," in lieu thereof. Rejected. In article 67, Mr. Cutler moved to strike out the words " free white men," and substitute therefor the words "all able-bodied men of the State." Adopted on a rising vote-yeas 51, nays Laid on the table. Upon article 117 being read, Mr. Stauffer moved to strike out all after the word " divorces.," Laid on the table. In article 122, Mr. Smith moved to insert after the word "be" in the second line, the word " not." Lost. Article 123 was read, and a motion to strike out the words "except that of Justice Of the Peace."' Lost. When article 130 was read, Mr. Hills moved to strike out the word "majority "' and insert the words "two-thirds," so as to require a two-thirds vote of the General Assembly to remove the seat of government. On motion of Mr. Wenck, Mr. Hills' amendment was laid on the table by a rising vote-yeas 40; nays 26. A motion to take a recess of fifteen minutes being lost, the reading of the constitution was resumed. Mr. Cazabat moved to amend article 133, by adding after the words "following rates" in the last line on page 20. the words "until otherwise provided by law." Lost. Messrs. Cutler and Cazabat moved to strike out all of said article after the word ", duties,_ After some discussion, Mr. Cutler with the. consent of his second, withdrew his mo tion. Mr. Sullivan moved to strike out the first, second and third lines of article 134. Laid 18. Mr. Smith offered the following rider: All able-bodied male'residents between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years, (except subjects or citizens of foreign powers who have never voted in the United States nor declared their intention to become citizens,) shall be enrolled in the nilitia, and subject to military service, according to law. Laid on the table. Mr. Cutler moved to strike out all that part of article 67 after the word " defence," in the second line; which motion was adopted on a rising vote of 58 yeas to 11 nays. When article 79 was read, Mr. Sullivan offered the following as a rider: And that the judges of the Supreme Court be elected by the people for a term of eight years. Also that the judges of the inferior courts be elected by the people of their several Districts for a term of six years, and that it shall be the duty of the Legislature to fix the time for holding-elections for all judges, at a time which shall be different from that fixed for all other elections. On a motion to adopt, the question was put, and Mr. Sullivan's rider was rejected. Mr. Henderson offered the following rider to article 106: I All persons shall be bailable, by sufficient sureties, except for capital offences, where the proof is evident or presumption great; and this right of bail shall take place on appeal to the Supreme Court. On motion the rider was rejected. Mr. Cazabat moved to strike out the whole of article 116. Mr. Davies moved to strike out all after the words "gambling houses," in the second line of said article. Laid on the table. Mr. Cazabat moved to strike out all of said article after the word "tickets." On motion of Mr. Sullivan the motion was laid on the table. M r. A us tin renewe d Mr. Cazabatk's motion to strike out the whole article. on the t able. Mr. Terry moved to strike out the word " may " and substitute " shall " in the first line of said article. A motion to lay on the table was made. Upon which motion the yeas and nays were order ed, resulting as follows: YEdts-oMessrs. Abell, A ustin, Barrett, Baum, Beaullvais, Bennie, Burke, Campbell, Cazabat, Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Decker, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Fuller, Gastinel, Gruneberg,. Heard, Henderson, Kavanag,h, Knobloch, Kugler, Mann, Mayer, Newell, Normand, Ong, Pintado, Pursell Samql., Schnirr, Seymour, Shaw, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauiffer, Taliaferro, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-42. NAYs- Bell, Bofill, Buckley, Collin, Cook J. K., Cook Terrance, Duane, Dufresne, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Geier, Gor 162 AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. 163 A motion to lay on the table being lost, Mr. Itills' rider was adopted. Mr. Stauffer moved as a rider to article 137, to strike out all that part of the article following the word "State." A motion to lay on the table being lost, Mr. Stauffer's rider was adopted. Mr. Campbell offered the following rider to article 137, viz: Provided, That the city of New Orleans shall comprise one internal improvement and drainage district, and appropriations made for that purpose shall be paid into the treasury of the city of New Orleans. Mr. Sullivan moved to lay on the table, which motion was carried on a rising vote, yeas 46, nays 21. Article 140 was read. Mr. Terry moved t o insert after th e word'receive," in the third line, the words "a compen sation of three thousa nd fi ve h un dre d dollars pe r annum."1 Laid on the table. Mr. Beauvais moved to amend by substituting five thousand dollars as the salary of the superintendent of public education. Lost. Mr. Fish moved to insert after the word receive, the words " a salary of four thousand dollars per annum." A motion to lay on the table being lost, Mr. Fish's rider was then adopted. On motion of Mr. Hills, the words " such compensation as the Legislature may direct," was stricken out in order to make said article harmonize with the foregoing linski, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Hills, Hire, Howes, Maas, Maurer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., O'Conner, Orr, Payne John, Poynot, Schroder, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters-40. Mr. Terry's rider was therefore laid on the table. Mr. Wells moved to strike out the whole of title 9; upon which motion the yeas and nays were ordered, and the following vote was taken: YEAs-Austin, Beauvais, Bennie, Crozat Cutler, Decker, Edwards, Fish, Flagg, Fuller, Heard,-Kavanagh, Kugler, Mann, Newell. Ong, Pursell S., Seymour, Shaw, Taliaferro, Thorpe, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-24. NAYS-Abell, Barrett, Baum, Bell, Bofill, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Collin, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Cook T., Davies, Duane, Dufresne, Duke, Dupaty, Ennis, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinsky, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howes, Knobloch, Maas, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Normand, O'Conner, Orr, Payne J. Pintado, Poynot, Schroeder, Schnurr, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thomas, Waters-60. Mr. Wells' motion was therefore lost. The previous question was ordered, and title 9 adopted. Upon a motion to adjourn, the yeas and' nays were ordered, and the following vote taken: YEw,s-Campbell, Collin, Cook J. K., Dufresne, Dupaty, Flagg, Gaidry, Harnaln, Knobloch, Mayer, MIendiverri, Murphy M. W., Newell. O'Conner, Orr, Pintado —16. N.:Ys-Abell, Austin, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Buckley, Burke, Cazabat, Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Decker, Duane, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Healy, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howes, Kavanagh, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Normand, Ong, Payne J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-66. Article 136 was read, when Mr. Hills moved to strike out " four" and insert "five," and also to add, "until otherwise provided by law," so as to make the article read: "His salary shall be five thousand dollars per annum, until otherwise provided by law." FRIDAY, July 22, 1864. The Convention met, pursuant to adjournment. Present, the Hon. E. H. Durell, pre sident, an d the following members: Messrs. Abell, Austin, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Collin. Cazabat, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, amendment. Carried. The Convention then adjourned until 12 m., to-morrow. Approved. JOH —I E. NEELIS, .,Secretary. JOURNAL' OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION body as published in the issue of July 22, 1864, or that he be otherwise dealt with as the Convention may deem proper and just. On motion, Mr. Cutler's substitute was adopted. On motion of Messrs. Cazabat and Smith, the order of the day was taken up and the final reading of the constitution resumed. Mr. Terry offered the following rider to article 141: The Legislature shall provide for the education of all children of the State between the ages of six and eighteen years, by maintenance of free public schaols by taxation or otherwise. Mr. Sullivan moved to lay the rider on the table, on which motion the yeas and nays were taken, as follows: YEAs —Messrs.Abell, Bofill, Buckley, Campbell, Crozat, Decker, Dufresne, Edwards, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gruneberg, Heard, Henderson, Knobloch, Maas, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, Ong, Orr, Pursell S., Sullivan, Thomas, Waters-29. NAYS-Messrs. Austin, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Burke, Collin, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Cook T., Cutler, Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Gorlinski, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Hills, Hire, Howes, Kavanagh, Kugler, Mann, Maurer, Murphy E., O'Conner, Payne J., Poynot, Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, St auffer, Terry, Thorpe, Wells, Wilson-50. Consequently the motion to table was lost. Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gaidry, Gruneberg, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills. I/ire, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, Payne J., Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroedor, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-84. The minutes of yesterday's proceedings were read and adopted. The President arose to a question of privilege, and called the attention of the Convention to a scurrilous article published in the newspaper called the New Orleans Times, of this date, which he declared to be a libel against himself and this Convention, whereupon Mr. Stauffer offered the following resolution: Resolved. That the sergeant-at-arms be ordered to take ijnmediate possession of the paper called the-New Orleans Times, and that the publication of the paper be susp ended until its responsib le editor, Thoma s P. May, Esq., appear before this Convent ion and purge hims elf of the libel he has published in the issue of this date regarding the proceedings of this Convention of the 21st of J uly, 1864. Mr. Hills moved to lay the resolution on the table, whereupon the yeas and nays we - rre ordered, w ith the fo llowing result: YEAS -BAbell. Baim, Bofill, Buckley, Campbell, Cazabat, Deck er, Dufr esne, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Fosdick, Gastinel, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Hart, Heard, Hills, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Mann, Maurer,Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Ong, Orr, Poynot, Shaw, Stumpf, Sullivan, Waters-32. Na tYs-Austin, Bar rett, Beauvais, Bell, Benni e, Burke, Collin, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Flagg, Flood, Foley? Fuller, Geier, Healy, Harnan, Henderson, Hire, Howes, Kugler, Maas, Mayer, Montamat, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Payne J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schunrr, Seymour, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stiner, Stauffer, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-47. The motion to lay on the table was therefore lost. Mr. Cutler offered the following substitute: Resolved, That Thomas P. May, editor of the New Orleans Times, be brought before this Convention forthwith by the sergeantat-arms, and that he be required to purge himself of the contempt and libel on this On the motion to adopt the rider it was carried by the following vote, the yeas and nays being ordered and taken: YEAs —Messrs. Austin, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Burke, Collin, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Geier, Gorlinski, Healey, Harnan, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howes, Kavanagh, Mann, Maurer, Murphy E., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Payne J.. Poynot, Purcell J., Schroeder, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Wells, Wilson —53. NAYS-Messrs. Abell. Bofill, Buckley. Campbell, Decker, Dufresne, Edwards, Fuller, Gastinel, Gruneberg, Hart, Heard, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy M. W., Ong, Orr, Pursell S., Schnurr, Seymour, Sullivan, Waters-27. Mr. Terry's rider was therefore adopted. 164 AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSXTITUTION OF LOUtJISIANA. 165 quested," which being accepted, Mr. Hills' motion was adopted. Mr. Newell presented the following written authorization from Mr. Taliaferro, which was read: NEW ORLEANS, July 22, 1864. I hereby authorize John A. Newell, of Rapides, to cast my vote in the affirmative on the adoption of the cornstitution as a whole. tUpon article 143 being read, Mr. Smith moved to strike out the words "in the city of New Orleans, and insert the words " by the Legislature." Laid on the table. Mr. Foley moved to strike out the whole of article 146. Mr. Smith moved to lay that motion on the table, upon which a rising vote was had, resulting in yeas 54, nays 12. The motion to lay on th e table w as therefore carrie:d. In article 147 Mr. Bofill moved to strike ou t in l ine third, the words " two-thirds" and insert the words " a majority.'" Adopted. In article 154, Mr. Shaw moved to strike out the words "without hostile molestationor interference." Adopted. The last read ing being at length concluded, e wt the question was put on the adoption of the constitution of the State of Louisiana as a wh ole, wh ereupon the yeas and nays were ordered, and the following vote taken: YEAs-Messrs. Austin, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Burke, C o l lin, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fuller, Geier, Gorlinski, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howes, Kavanagh"~ Kugler, Mann, Maurer, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong. Payne J., Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Shroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stiner, Stauffer, Taliaferro, Terry. Thorpe, Thomas, Wenck, Wells, Wilson and Mr. President-66. NAYs - Messrs. Abell, Bofill, Buckley, Decker, Dufresne, Gastinel, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Knobloch, Maas, Mayer, Mendiverri, Orr, Stumpf, Sullivan, Waters-16. Upon Mr. Mendiverri's name being called by the secretary, that gentleman submitted his reasons for voting as he did, in writing, which reasons were ordered to be published in the debates of this Convention. Previous to the vote being declared, Mr. Hills moved that the president be requested to cast his vote. Carried. Mr. Hills also moved that all members who were absent at the time of taking this vote be requested to record their votes. Mr. Thomas moved to amend by ins erting the word " required"a instead of *'re R. W. TALIA.FERRO. Mr. Newell then requested permission to record the vote of Mr. Taliaferro, which being granted, it was recorded in the affirmative. The President then declared the foregoing vote, after which he cast his own vote in the affirmative He then declared the constitution of the State of Louisiana adopted as a whole on its final reading. Mr. Montamat moved that the Committee on Enrollment be instructed to have the constitution duly enrolled by 12 o'clock M., to-morrow. Carried. The president announced that in accordance with the requirements of article 155 of the constitution just adopted, he had selected as the three papers in which the said constitution shall be published, the True Delta and The Era, to publish the same in English and French, and the German Gazette, to publish the same in the German languge. The Convention then adjourned until 12 o'clock M., to-morrow. Approved. SATURDAY, July 22, 1864. The Convention met, pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by the president. After prayer by the Rev. Mr. Strong, the secretary called the roll, and following members answered to their names: Messrs. Abell, Austin, Balch, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Collin, Cazabat, Cook J K., Cook T., Cutler, Davies, Decker, Duane Dufre sn e, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gas' tinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Healy JOHN E, NEFLis, Secreta,y. JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR TIHE REVISION Harnan, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE GULF, Hire, Howes, Kavanagh, Kugler, Maas, New Orleans, 23d July, 1864. Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Monta- The provost marshal general is directed, mat, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., upon receipt of this order, to take such mea Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, sures as may be necessary to enable Mr. De Payne J., Pintado, Poynot, Purcell J., Pur- Coursey, sergeant-at-arms of the Constitu sell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, tional Convention, to bring before that Con Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stitmpf; vention Thomas P. May, Esq., assistant trea Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, surer of the United States. and proprietor Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Wenck, Wells, and publisher of the New Orleans Times Wilson-82. newspaper, to answer to that body for an Messrs. Crozat, Bofill and.Knobloch infringement of its privileges as a repre. were excused for non-attendance. sentative assembly of the people of Louisi ana. In obedience to a resolution of yesterday, This order will be executed immediately. This order will be executed immediately. the sergeant-at-arms presented Thomas P. N. P. BANKS, May, Esq., at the bar of the Convention. Maj. Gen. Commanding. The president, having read the resolutions OFFIcIAL:.. E Major and A. A. A. Gen. passed on the day previous, asked Mr. May r a d t A e what reply he had to make. Thereupon Mr. Thomas offered the following prewhat reply he had to make. Thereupon abeadrsltos amble and resolutions: that gentleman read the following paper:.We resoton "I am here with the provost marshal to Whereas, Thos. P. May, Esq., editor and obey a military order issued by Major Gen. proprietor of the newspaper called the New Banksmi and notr in obedience to a resolu Orleans Times, published in the city of New Banks, and not in obedience to a resolu- Olas a,wti h atsxmnh tion of this Conventionl. At the proper Orleans, has, within the past six months timne inn the proper place, and in uruance published articles in said paper which, in time, in the proper place, and in pursuancethopnooftiCovninweeds of the forms of law, I will answer to any the opinion of ths Convention, were discharge made against me and my paper, the loyal in their sentiments to the government, and many of which were in contempt of this Times.".Convention, and Mr. Henderson moved that Mr. May's Whereas, In the issue of said paper of the answer be considered an additional con- 22d of July, a gross libel was published tempt. upon the president and members of this Mr. Abell moved an indefnite postpone Convention, and upon being brought to the Mr. Abell moved an ndete postpone- bar thereof has refused to purge himself in ment of the whole matter. any manner of said libel and contempt, Upon a motion to lay Mr. Abell's motion therefore be it on the table the yeas and nays were ordered Resolved, That Thos. P. May, Esq., for his and the f llo n vote y eand nsaid contempt, committed upon the presi and the following vote taken: dent and members of this Convention, in YEAS —Messrs. Austin, Barrett, Beauvais, publishing in said newspaper said libel, Bell, Bennie, Burke, Collin. Cook T., Cut- shall be imprisoned in the Parish Prison of ler, Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, the Parish of Orleans for the space of ten Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fuller, Healy, Har- days, unless this Convention sooner adnan, Hart, Henderson, Hire, Howes, Maas, journs; and that the sergeant-at-arms be Mann, Murphy E., Newell, Normand, O'Con- directed and authorized to carry this resoner, Payne J., Poynot, Pursell S., Schroeder, lution into effect. Schnurr, Seymour, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Be itfurther Resolved, That the military Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Taliaferro, Terry, authorities of this department be respectThomas, Wells, Wilson —47. fuilly requested by this Convention to sup NAYS-Messrs. Abell, Balch, Baum, Buck- press the publication of said newspaper. ley, Campbell, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Decker, Re itfurther Resolved, That the President Dufresne, Fish, Fosdick, Geier, Gorlinski, of the United States be respectfully reGruneberg, Heard, Hills, Maurer, Mayer, quested by this Convention to remove the Mendiverri; Montamat, Morris, Murphy said Thos. P. May, Esq., from the office of M. W., Ong, Orr, Pintado, Purcell J., Shaw, assistant treasurer of the United States in Sullivan, Thorpe, Waters, Wenck-31. New Orleans that he now holds. Mr. Abell's motion was therefore laid on Mr. Terry moved the previous question, the table. After some discussion the pre- upoD which the yeas and nays were called vious question was ordered, and Mr. Hen- and the resolution adopted by the following derson's motion adopted. vote: At the request of Mr. Abell the president YEAS-Messrs. Austin, Barrett, Baum, read the following order of Gen. Banks: Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Burke, Collin, Cook 166 AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. J.-K., Cook T., Cutler, Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fuller, Healey, Hart, Henderson, Hire, Howes, Maas, Maurer, Murphy E. Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Payne J., Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schnurr, Seymour, Smnith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stiner, Stauffer, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-49. NAYS-Messrs. Abell, Balch, Buckley, Campbell. Cazabat, Decker, Dufresne, Fish, Fosdick, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Harnan, Heard, Hills, Kavanagh, Mann, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy M. W., Ong, Orr, Pintado, Schroeder, Shaw, Stumpt, Sullivan, Waters-31. The president then directed the secretary to furnish the sergeant-at-arms with a copy of the resolution, who was asked to carry it into effect. Mr. Thorpe's ordinance for redistricting the State into congressional districts was taken up and passed. Mr. Thorpe also offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That until otherwise fixed by the Legislature, the salary of the private secretary of the governor shall be twentyfive hundred dollars per annum, and the salary of the chief clerk of the secretary of state shall be two thousand dollars per annum, payable by the auditor of public accounts, quarterly, on their own warrants, and to take effect from the 4th of March, 1864. Mr. Thomas offered the following resolu:tion, which was adopted: Resolved, That all bills, indebtedness and unsettled accounts of this Convention accruing at, or after its adjournment, shall be referred to a special auditing committee, to be composed of five members to be appointed by the president. No bills shall be paid without being examined, audited and approved by a majority of said committee; and bills so audited and approved shall be paid on the warrant of the president on the treasurer of the State, out of any moneys in the treasury of the State not otherwise appropriated. The president appointed on the commit tee, raised by Mr. Thomas's resolution, the following members, viz: Messrs. Thomas, Montamat, Barrett, Crozat and Buckley. Mr. Wells offered the following: Resolved, That the reporters of this Con vention each receive from the finds in the public treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of five hundred dollars as extra compensation for their arduous labor during this Convention, and for the necessary work to be performed after the adjourn ment of this body-said sums to be drawn upon their own warrants. Mr. Montamat offered the following saebstitute: Resolved, That the following e mployees of the Conve ntion shall receive the followcom pensa tion, to be paid out of the funds of contingent expenses of this Convention: Sergeant-at-arms................. $200 00 Chief of Enrolling Clerks,....... 100 00 Enrolling Clerks, (each).......... 100 to0 Postmaster,..................... 50 00 Doorkeeper,.................... 100 00 Messengers, (each).............. 25 00 Reporter and assistants, (each).... 200 00 Mr. Stiner offered the following ame nd - ment, which was accepted by Mr. Montamat: Resolved, That the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, each, be paid to Messrs. Matthew Whilldin and J. N. Russ, reporters, for services rendered to this Convention. The resolution as amended was then adopted. Mr. Abell offered the following: Whereas, During the absence of the official reporter the duty of reading and revising the manuscripts and proofs, the compilation of the debates and other duties of the position, have been performed under the direction of the president, by H. A. Gallup, Esq., assistant reporter, in addition to his duties as such Resolved, That for such services so rendered H. A.Gallup receive. in addition to his salary as assistant reporter, the same compensation as is provided for the official reporter for such time as may be found due by the president, to be paid on the warrant of the president out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Adopted by a rising vote of 45 yeas to 15 nays. Mr. Waters moved that each of the reporters of this Convention receive $500. Carried. Mr. Thorpe moved that each of the porters receive $100. Mr. Sullivan moved that the door-keeper and post-master, each, receive $150. The President remarked that these imo tions were somewhat out of order, as they were merely verbal and made no provision for the manner in which they should be paid. It would, therefore, be better to pre sent them in proper form, which being assented to. Mr. Waters reduced his to writing, as follows: 167 I Resolved, That the reporters of this Con JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISION , To the sergeant-at-arms........ 500 00 To each of the deputy sergeants-at arms........................ 100 00 To the post-master.............. 150 00 To the door-keeper......... 300 00 To the chief enrolling clerk..... 100 00 To each enrolling clerk......... 100 00 To each messenger.............. 50 00 To three porters, each........... 50 00 To four policemen, each......... 100 00 To J. N. Russ, of the State Ga zette, M. Whilldin and T. H. Draper, of the True Delta, (re porters,) each................ 250 00 The previous question being ordered, the resolution was adopted by the following rising vote: yeas 61, nays 7. Mr. Fish offered the following preamble and resolutions: Whereas, A Convention, claiming to act in the name of the State of Louisiana, did, on the 26th day of January, 1861, pass an ordinance entitled "An ordinance to dis solve the union between the State of Louisiana and other States united with her under the compact entitled' The Constitution of the United States of America,' " therein declaring and ordaining the repeal of' all laws and ordinances by which the State of Louisiana became a member of the Federal Union," and absolving "her citizens from all allegiance to said Government;' And whereas, Such ordinance of secession was based upon an unfounded assumption of State sovereignty, and a perverted theory of State rights, and bro ught about in the interest of slavery; therefore, be it Resolved, That we, the people of Lou isiana in Convention assembl ed, do solemnly denounce the doctrines of " State Rights," and State sovereignty (interpreted as they have been into a justification of secession) as utterly subversive of our form of government, and tending to confusion, anarchy and national destruction. Resolved, That we hold and maintain that our primary allegiance is due to the government of the United States; that the constitution and laws of the United States are the supreme law of the land, anything in the constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding; that no State convention, whether fairly representing the people or not, has any right, power or authority to absolve us from that allegiance, and that, consequently, the act commonly called the " Ordinance of Secession" is, and has always been, null and void. Resolved, That having legally abolished the institution of slavery in this State, as an evil in itself and a constant source of national disturbance and danger, and desiring for the same reasons to see it le vention receive five hundred d ollars each, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, payable on their own warrant. Adopted. Mr. Thorpe, chairman-of the Committee on Enrollment, reported that the Constitution, as enrolled, was in his hands, but not having had time to read and compare it, he would reserve until Monday's session, w hen submit the constitution for signature. The Convention then adjourned until Monday, 25th inst., at 12 o'clock, M. Approved, JOmN? E. NEELIS, Secretary. MONDAY, Jul y 25, 1864. The Convention met pursuant to adjourn m e n t, a nd was called to order by the president. The secretary called the roll, and the following member s answere d to their names: Messrs. Abe ll, Austin, Balch, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, B ell, Bofill, Buckley, Burke, Campb ell, Collin, Cazabat, Cook J. K., Cook T., Cro zat, Cutler, D a vi e s, D e cker, D uane, Dufresne, Duke, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, H owe s, Kava nagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Normand, O'Conner, Orr, Payne J., Pintado, Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schro eder, Sch nurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, S tauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Wat ers, Wenck, We lls, Wilson-80. The day's proceedings were then opened wi th prayer by the Rev. Mr. Strong. The minutes of yesterday's proceedings were read and adopted. Mr. Cutler offered the following resolution as a substitute for and in lieu of the appropriations and resolutions for extra compensation of officers and others of this Conve ntion, passed on Saturday last, viz Resolved, That the following named officers of this Convention, and others, receive as extra compensation the following sums from the treasury of the State, on the warrant of the president, from money not otherwise appropriated: To Hon. J. N. Carrigan, state librarian..................... $500 ~l To each of the reporters......... 500 00 168 AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. 169 Resolved, That the sum of $1000 be paid on the warrant of the president of this Convention out of any moneys in the State treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be by him distributed among the clergy who have officiated by prayer during the session of this Convention. Mr. Montamat moved to lay the resolution on the table, on which question the yeas and nays were ordered, resulting as follows: YEAS -- Messrs. Collin, Davies, Dupaty, Edwards, Gastinel, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Kugler, Montamat, Murphy M. W., Normand, Schnurr, Seymour, Stocker, Stumpf, Sullivan, Waters, Wenck —19. NAYS -- Messrs. Abell, Austin, Balch, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Cazabat, Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Duke, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howes, Kavanagh, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, Morris, Murphy E., O'Conner, Orr, Payne J., Pintado, Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy. Stiner, Stauffer, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Wells, Wilson-58. The motion to lay on the table being lost, Mr. Stauffer offered the following substitute for Mr. Fosdick's resolution: Resolved, That the thanks of this Convention are due, and hereby tendered,,to those ministers of the gospel who have officiated during its sessions. A motion to lay Mr. Stauffer's substitute on the table was made, and a rising vote being taken, resulted-yeas 29, nays 29, and there being a tie the president cast his vote in the affirmative, therefore Mr. Stauffer's substitute was laid on the table. Mr. Fosdick's resolution was then adopted on a rising vote-yeas 56, nays 20. Mr. Shaw offered the following resolution: Resolved, That such officers and employees of the Convention as may be necessary for the completion of its work shall, after adjournment, be under the direction of the chairman of the Committee of Enrollment and the president of the Convention, and the services of all officers and employees not required by said president or chairman, or either of them, shall have power to discharge any of said officers for want of promptness, or on account of the completion of their work. Resolved, That after adjournment any of the Standing Committees may perform such duties as may have been assigned them by gally abolished throughout the country, we are in favor of so amending the c onstitution of the United States as to secure this object. Adopted by the following vote: YEAs —Messrs. Austin,Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Collin, Cazabat, Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Duane, Duke, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Geier, Gorlinski, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howes, Kavanagh, Kugler, Mann, Maurer. Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Normand, O'Conner, Orr, Payne J., Pintado, Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stanffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson —68. NAYs-Messrs. Abell, Balch, Decker, Dufresne, Gruneberg, Maas, Mendiverri, Murphy M. W.-8. Mr. Thomas offered the following: AN ORDINANCE DEFLNING THE QUALIFICATIONS OF VOTERS. SECTION 1. Be it ordained by the people of the State of Louisiana in Convention assemnbled, That until otherwise provided by law, all commissioners, or other officers or persons presiding over elections held in this State, shall require that each voter shall possess the qualifications defined in the constitution as adopted and submitted by this Convention, and shall have declared his allegiance to the United States government according to the provisions of the president's proclamation of December the 8th, 1863. SEC. 2. Be it further ordained, That the executive officers of the State be charged with the execution of this ordinance, and the providing of such details and instructions as may be necessary to carry the same into effect. SEC. 3. Be it further ordained, That this ordinance shall have the force and effect of law from and after its passage until hereafter repealed or modified by the Legislature of the State. Adopted by a rising vote of yeas 60, ~nays 9. Mr. Fosdick offered the following: Whereas, The adoption of article 36 of the constitution, excluding ministers of every persuasion or calling from a seat in the Legislature of this State is liable to a misconstruction, be it therefore Resolwved, That the adoption of said article was intended solely to separate the holy calling of the ministry from the arena of politics, believing by such a course we are ie',rtheri n the true interests of the gospel. 22 JOURNAL OF THFE CONVENTION FOR THE REVISON the rules or resolutions of the Convention, and which may be necessary for winding up and perfecting the work of the Convention, and the president shall require any such duties to be performed by suchcommittees if deemed by him necessary in case of their neglect. Adopted. Mr. Cutler offered the following: Resolved, That the salary of the clerk of the treasurer and the chief clerk of the auditor of public accounts of the State of Louisiana, shall be three thousand dollars per annum, until otherwise provided by law. This resolution to take effect from its passage Laid on the table. Mr. Cutler offered the following resolution: tiesol ed. That when this Convention adjoiurns, it shall be at the call of the president, whose duty it shall be to reconvoke the Convention for any cause, or in case the Constitution should not be ratified, for the purpose of taking such measures as may be necessary for the formation of a civil government for the State of Louisiana. He shall also, in that case, call upon the proper officers of the State to cause elections to be held to fill any vacancies that may exist in the Convention, in parishes where the same may be practicable. Resolved, That in case of the ratification of the Constitution, it shall be hi the power of the Legislature of the State, at its first session, to reconvoke the Convention, in like manner in case it should be deemed expedient or necessary, for the purpose of I Mr. Thorpe, chairman of the Committee on Enrollment, presented the constitution of the Sta te of Louisiana duly enrolled, which was then signed by the President. T he following members signed the Coa stitutio n: Messrs. Austin, Barrett, Banum, Beauatis, Bell, Burke. Collin, Casabat, Cook T., Cro zat, Cutler, Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Ed w ard s, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Fl ood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Geier, Gorlinski, Healy, Hart, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howes, Kav anagh, Kugler, Mann, Maurer, Montamat, Morris, Murphy E., Mur phy M. W., Nor mand, OConner, Payne J., Pintado, Poy|not, Purcell J.., Pursell S., Schroe d e r, Schnurr, S eymour. Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, SStiner, Stauffer, Terry, Tho r pe, Thomas, Wenck, Wells, Wilson. The following members de clined to sign the same, viz. Messrs. Abell, Balch, Bofll, Buckley, Campbell, Decker, Dufresne, Duke, Gastinel, Gruneberg, Knobloch, Maas, Men diverri, Orr, Stumpf, Sullivan and Waters. The remaining members were absent or did not answer to their names when called. On declining to sign, Mr. Mendiveri submitted the following reasons therefor |" Under my honest convictions of what as politic, just and right. 1 cannot sign this constitution." Mr. Bofill also submitted his reasons for not signing, in writing, which were ordered I to be published in the journal of debates. On motion of Mr. Thorpe, the constitit, tion was ordered to be deposited in the office of the secretary of state, in order that members who were absent to-day, might affix their signatures thereto. Mr. Shaw being in the c hair. Mr. Fodick offered the following: Resolved, That the thanks of this Con vention are eminently due, and are hereby itendered to the Hon. E. H. Durell, for the courteous, just and dignified manner with X which he has presided over our deuibera tions. YEAs-Messrs. Austin, Balch, Barrett Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Burke, Collin, Cazabat, Cook T., Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Duane Dufresne. ID)uke, Dupaty, Edwards. Ennis, Fish. Flag,,. Floo)d. Foley. Fuller. Geier Gorlinski, Griineberg, Hart. 1enderson, Hire. Howel, Kavanagh, Kugler. Maas Mann. Maurer, Mlorris, Mftirpli- E.. Nolmand. O('Conner, Orr, lavne.. l'iniitado Poynot, Purc ell J., Putrsell S., Schroeder, Schuntrr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauiffr, Terry Thorpe. Thomas, Water, Wells, Wilson — 62. N.AYs. —Messrs. Abell, Bofill. Buckley, 170 AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTlTUTION OF' LOUISIANA. 1I1 The resolution was unanimously adopted. vention, after which the proceedings were The president having resumed the chair, closed with an appropriate prayer by the Mr. Shaw informed him of the will of the Rev. Dr. Newman. Convention, and read the resolution which The Convention then adjourned subject had been adopted with such unanimity, to to the call of the president, in puNrsuance which the President replied by returning of the resoluitions this day adopted his thanks to the Convention ill a most E H. uLL feeling and appropriate mannei-.! His Excellency Governor Hahn beingi present was called upon and delivered an i JoHx E. NsELIs. able and interesting address to the Con- ler. I CONSTITUTION OF TIIE STATE OF LOUISIANA. ADOPTED IN CONVENTION, JULY 23, 1864. the seat of government. There shall also be a session of the General Assembly in the city of New Orleans, beginning on the first Monday of October, eighteen hundred and sixty-four; and it shall be the duty of the governor to cause a special election to be held for members of the General Assembly, in all the parishes where the same may be held, on the day of the election for ratification or rejection of this Constitution-to be valid in case of ratification; and in other parishes or districts he shall cause elections to be held as soon as it may become practicable, to fill the vacancies for such parishes or districts in the General Assembly. The term of office of the first General Assembly shall expire as though its members had been elected on the first Monday of November, eighteen hundred and sixty-three. Art. 8. Every duly qualified elector tunder this constitution shall be eligible to a seat in the General Assembly: Provided, that no person shall be a representative or senator unless he be, at the time of his election, a duly qualified voter of the representative or senatorial district from which he is elected. Art. 9. Elections for the members of the General Assembly shall be held at the several election precincts established by law. Art. 10. Representation in the House of Representatives shall be equal and uniform, and shall be regulated and ascertained by the number of qualified electors. Each parish shall have at least one representative. No new parish shall be created with a territory less than six huindred and twentyfive square miles, nor with a number of electors less than the full number entitling it to a representative; nor when the creation of such new parish would leave any other parish without the said extent of territory and number of electors. The first enumelration by the State authorities, under this constitution shall be made in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-six, the second in the year eighteen hundred and seventy, the third in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-six; after which time the General Assembly shall direct in what manner the TITLE II. DISTRIBUTION OF POWERS. Art. 3. The powers of the government of the State of Louisiana shall be divided into th ree distin ct d epartments, and each of them shall be confined to a separate body of magistracy, to-wit* those which are legislative to one, those which are executive to another, and those which are judicial to another. Art. 4. No one of these departments, nor any person holding office in one of them, shall exercise power properly belonging to either of the others, except in the instances hereinafter expressly directed or permitted. TITLE IIll LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. Ar t. 5. The legislativ e p ower of the State shall be vested in two distinct branches the one to be styled, the House of Representatives," the other " the Senate," and both " the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana." Art. 6. The members of the House of Representatives shall continue in service fbr the term of two years from the day of the closing of the general elections. Art. 7. Representatives shall be chosen on the first Monday in November every two years, and the election shall be completed in one day. The General Assembly shall meet annually on the first Monday in Janiiary, unless a different day be appointed by law, and their sessions shall be held at 23 CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. census shall be taken, so that it be made at least once in every period of ten years for the purpose of ascertaining the total population, and the number of qualified electors in each parish and election district; and in case of informality, omission or error, in the census returns from any district, the the Legislature shall order a new census taken in such parish or election district. Art. 11. At the first session of the Legislature after the making of each enumeration, the Legislature shall apportion the representation amongst the several parishes and election districts on the basis of qualified electors as aforesaid. A representative number shall be fixed, and each parish and election district shall have as many representatives as the aggregate number of its electors will entitle it to, and an additional representative for any fraction exceeding one-half the representative number. The number of representatives shall not be more than one hundred and twenty, nor less than ninety. Art. 12. Until an apportionment shall be made, and elections held under the same, in accordance with the first enumeration to be made, as directed in article 10. the representation in the Senate and House of Representatives shall be as follows: For the parish of Orleans, forty-four representatives, to be elected as follows: First Representative District............3 e O a sa cp 3 Second do...........................5 Third do........................... 7 Fourth do.......................... 2.. 3 Fifth do........................... 4 Sixth do........................... 2 Seventh do........................... 3 Eighth do......................... 3 Ninth do......................... 4 Tenth do......................... 8 Orleans, Right Bank................... 2 For the parish of Livingston............ 1 do. St. Tammany.............l do. Pointe Coupe............1 do. St. Martin................2 do. Concordia................1 do. Madison.................1 do. Franklin................1 do. St. Mary.............l....I do. Jefferson.................3 do. Plaquemines..............1 do. St. Bernard...............1 do. St. Charles...............1 do. St. John the Baptist.......1 do. St. James................1 do. Ascension................l do. Assumption..............3 do. Lafourche................3 do. Terrebonne.............2 do. Iberville.................1 do. West Baton Rouge........ 1 do. East Baton Rouge.....2 do. West Feliciana......1 do. East Feliciana......1 For the Parish of Washington.............1 do. St. Helena................1 do. Vermillion............. 1 do. Lafayette................2 do. St. Landry.............. 4 do. Calcasieu................2 do. Avoyelles................2 do. Rapides................. 3 do. Natchitoches..............2 do. Sabine...................1 do. Caddo...................2 do. DeSoto..................2 do. Ouachita.................1 do. Union...................2 do. Morehouse...............1 do. Jackson..................2 do. Caldwell................. 1 do. ( atahoula................2 do. Claiborne................3 do. Bossier...................1 do. Bienville................. 2 do. Carroll...................l do. Tensas...................1 do. Winn....................2 Total...............118 t And the State shall be divided into the following senatorial districts: All that por tion of the parish of Orleans lying on the left bank of the Missssissippi river shall be divided into two s enator ial district s; the First and Fourth Districts of the city of New Orleans shall compose one district and shall elect fiv e sena tors; and the Second and TP1ird Districts o f said city shall compose the othehr district, an d s hall elect four senators. The parishes of Plaquemines, St. Bernard and all tha p a t part of the pari sh of Orleans on the right bank of the Mississippi river shall form one district, and shall elect one senator. The parish of Jeffers on shall form one district, and shall elect one senator. The parishes of St. C harles and Lafosirche shall form one d istrict, an d shall elect one senator. The parishes of St. John the Baptist and St. James shall form one district, and shall elect one senator. The parishes of Ascension, Assumption and Terrebonne shall form one district, and shall elect two senators. The parish of Iberville shall form one district, and shall elect one senator. The parish of East Baton Rouge shall form one district, and shall elect one senator. The parishes of West Baton Rouge, Point Couple and West Feliciana shall form one district, and shall elect two senators. The parish of East Feliciana shall form one district, and shall elect one senator. The parishes of Washington, St. Tammany, St. Ilelena and Livingston shall form one district, and shall elect one senator. The parishes of Concordia and Tensas shall form one district, and shall elect one senator. 174 CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. 175 The parishes of Madison and Carroll shall Senate, when assembled, shall have the form one district, and shall elect one senator. power to choose its own officers. The parishes of Morehouse, Ouachita, Art. 21. The Legislature, in every year in Union and Jackson shall form one district, which they apportion representation in the and shall elect two senators. House of Representatives, shall divide the The parishes of Catahoula, Caldwell and State into senatorial districts. Franklin, shall form one district, and shall Art. 22. No parish shall be divided in the elect one senator. formation of a senatorial district, the parish The parishes of Bossier, Bienville, Clai- of Orleans excepted. And whenever a new borne and Win shall form one district, and parish shall be created, it shall be attached shall elect two senators. to the senatorial district from which most The parishes of Natchitoches, Sabine, of its territory was taken, or to another conDeSoto and Caddo shall form one district, tiguous district, at the discretion of the and shall elect two senators. Legislature; but shall not be attached to The parishes of St. Landry, Lafayette more than one district. The number of and Calcasieu shall form one district, and senators shall be thirty-six; and they shall shall elect two senators. be apportioned among the senatorial dis The parishes of St. Martin and Vermillion tricts according to the electoral population shall form one district, and shall elect one contained in the several districts: Provided, senator. that no parish be entitled to more than The parish of St. Mary shall form one dis- nine senators. trict, and shall elect one senator. Art. 23. In all apportionments of the The parishes of Rapides and Avoyelles Senate, the electoral population of the shall form one district, and shall elect two whole State shall be divided by the numsenators. ber thirty-six, and the result produced by Art. 13. The House of Representatives this division shall be the senatorial ratio shall choose its speaker and other officers. entitli g a senatorial district to a senator. Art. 14. Every white male who has at- Single or contiguous parishes shall be tained the age of twenty-one years, and who formed into districts, having a population has been a resident of the State twelve the nearest possible to the number entimonths next preceding the election, and the tling a district to a senator; and if in the last three months thereof in the parish in apportionment to make a parish or district which he offers to vote, and who shall be a fall short of or exceed the ratio, then a discitizen of the United States, shall have the trict may be formed having not more than right of votirg. two senators, but not otherwise. No new Art. 15. The Legislature shall have apportionment shall have the effect of power to pass laws extending suffrage to, abridging the term of service of any senasuch other persons, citizens of the United tor already elected at the time of making States, as by military service, by taxation the apportionment. After an enumeration to support the government, or by intellec- has been made as directed in the 10th artitual fitness, may be deemed entitled thereto. cle, the Legislature shall not pass any law Art. 16. No voter, on removing from one until an apportionment of representation parish to another within the State, shall in both Houses of the General Assembly be lose the right of voting in the former until made. he shall have acquired it in the latter. Art. 24. At the first session of the GenElectors shall in all cases, except treason, eral Assembly, after this constitution takes felony or breach of the peace, be privileged effect, the senators shall be equally divided from arrest during their attendance at, by lot, into two classes; the seats of the going t6, or returning from elections. senators of the first class shall be vacated Art. 17. The Legislature shall provide by at the expiration of the term of the first law that the names and residence of all House of Representatives; of the second qualified electors shall be registered in class at the expiration of the term of the order to entitle them to vote; but the reg- second House of Representatives; so that istry shall be free of cost to the elector.! one-half shall be chosen every two years, Art. 18. No pauper, no person under in- and a rotation thereby kept up perpetually. terdiction. nor under conviction of any In case any district shall have elected two crime punishable with hard labor, shall be or more senators, said senators shall vacate entitled to vote at any election in this State. their seats respectively at the end of the Art. 19. No person shall be entitled to term aforesaid, and lots shall be drawn bevote at any election held in this State ex- tween them. cept in the parish of his residence, and, in Art. 25. The first election for senators cities and towns divided into election pre- shall be held at the same time that the eleccincts, in the election precinct in which he tion for representatives is held; and thereresides. after there shall be elections of senators at Art. 20. The members of the Senate shall the same time with each general election of be chosen for the term of four years. The representatives, to fill the places of those CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. shall, during the term for which he was elected, nor for one year thereafter, be appointed to any civil office of profit under this State, which shall have been created, or the emoluments of which shall have been increased during the time such senator or representative was in office, except to such offices as may be filled by the election of the people. Art. 35. No person, who at any time may have been a collector of taxes, whether State, parish or municipal, or who may have been otherwise entrusted with public money, shall be eligible to the General As. sembly, or to any office of profit or trust, under the State government, until he shall have obtained a discharge for the amount of such collections, and for all public moneys with which he may have been entrusted. Art. 36. No person, while he continues to exercise the functions of a clergyman of any religious denomination whatever, shall be eligible to the General Assembly. Art. 37. No bill shall have the force of a law until, on three several days, it be read over in each House of the General Assembly, and free discussion allowed thereon; unless in case of urgency, four-fifths of the House, where the bill shall be pending, may deem it expedient to dispense with this rule. Art. 38. All bills for raising revenue, shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose amendments, as in other bills: Provided, they shall not introduce any new matter, under the color of an amendment, which does not relate to raising revenue. Art. 39. The General Assembly shall regulate, by law, by whom, and in what manner, writs of election shall be issued to fill the vacancies which may happen in either branch thereof. Art. 40. The Senate shall vote on the confirmation or rejection of the officers, to be appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the Senate, by yeas and nays; and the names of the senators voting for and against the appointments, respectively, shall be entered on a journal to be kept for that purpose, and made public at the end of each session, or before. Art. 41. Returns of all elections for members of the General Assembly shall be made to the secretary of state. Art. 42. In the year in which a regular election for a senator of the United States is to take place, the members of the General Assembly shall meet in the hall of the House of Representatives on the second Monday following the meeting of the Legislature, and proceed to said election. senators whose term of service may have expired. Art. 26. Not less than a majority of the members of e ac h House of the General Assembly shall form a quorum to do b usiness; but a smaller number may adjourn from day t o day, and shall be authorized by law to com pel the attendance of absent members. A rt. 27. Ea ch House of the General Assembl y shall judge of the qualifications, elections and return of its members; but a contested election shall be determined in such a mann er as shall be directed by law. Art. 28. Each Hou se of the General Assembly may determine the rules of its proceed ing, puni sh a m em ber for dis orderly beh avior, and, with a concurrence of twothirds, expel a memb er; but not a second time fo r t he same offence. Art. 29. Eac h H ou s e of the General Assembly shal l k e ep and publish weekly a journal of its p roceedings; and the yeas and nays of the members on any question shal l, at the desire of any two of them, be entered on the journal. Art. 30. E a c h House may pun ish, by imprisonment, any person not a member, for dis respectful and disorderly behavior in its presence, or for obstructing any of its proceedings. Such imprisonment shall not exceed ten days for any on e offence. A rt. 31. N either House. during the sessions of the General Assembly, shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn tor mor e than three days, no r to any other place than that in which theyr may be sitting. Art. 32. The members of the General Assembly shall receive from the public treasury a compensation for their services, which shall be eight dollars per day, during their attendance, going to and returning from the sessions of their respective Houses. The compensation may be increased or diminished, by law, but no alteration shall take effect during the period of service of the members of the House of Representatives by whom such alteration shall have been made. No session shall extend to a period beyond sixty days, to date from its commencement, and any legislative action had after the expiration of the said sixty days, shall be null and void. This provision shall not apply to the first Legislature which is to convene after the adoption of this constitution. Art. 33. The members of the General Assembly shall in all cases, except treason, felony, breach of the peace, be privileged firom arrest during their attendance at the sessions of their respective Houses, and going to or returning from the same, and for any speech or debate in either House shall not be questioned in any other place. Art. 34. No senator or representative 176 CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. of the State shall be vested in a chief as governor, and such officer shall act acmagistrate, who shall be styled the gover- cordingly, until the disability be removed, nor of the State of Louisiana. He shall hold or for the remainder of the term. his office during the term of four years, and, Art. 48. The lieutenant governor or officer together with the lieutenant governor, discharging the duties of governor, shall, chosen for the same term, be elected as during his administration, receive the same follows: The qualified electors for repre- compensation to which the governor would sentatives shall vote for governor and lieu- have been entitled had he continued in office. tenant governor at the time and place of Art. 49. The lieutenant governor shall, by voting for representatives; the returns of virtue of his office, be president of the Senevery election shall be sealed up and trans- ate, but shall have only a casting vote mitted by the proper returning officer to therein. Whenever he shall administer the the secretary of state, who shall deliver government, or shall be unable to attend them to the speaker of the House of Repre- as president of the Senate, the senators sentatives on the second day of the session shall elect one of their own members as of the General Assembly then to be holden. president of the Senate for the time being. The members of the General Assembly Art. 50. The governor shall receive for shall meet in the House of Representatives his services a compensation of eight thouto examine and count the votes. The per- sand dallars per annum, payable quarterly, son having the greatest number of votes for on his own warrant. governor shall be declared duly elected; Art. 51. The lieutenant governor shall but if two or more persons shall be equal receive for his services a salary of five and the highest in the number of votes thousand dollars per annum, to be paid polled for governor, one of them shall im quarterly. mediately be chosen governor by joint vote Art. 52. The governor shall have power of the members of the General Assembly. to grant reprieves for all offences against The person having the greatest number of the State, and, except in cases of impeachvotes polled for lieutenant governor shall ment, shall, with the consent of the Senate, be lieutenant governor; but if two or more have power to grant pardons, remit fines persons shall be equal and highest in the and forfeitures, after conviction. In cases number of votes polled for lieutenant gov- of treason, he may grant reprieves until ernor, one of them shall be immediately the end of the next session of the General chosen lieutenant governor by joint vote Assembly, in which the power of pardonof the members of the General Assembly. ing shall be vested. Art. 44. No person shall be eligible to Art. 53. He shall be commander-in-chief the office of governor or lieutenant gover- of the militia of this State, except when nor who shall not have attained the age of they shall be called into the service of the thirty-five years, and been a citizen and resi- United States. dent within the State for the period of five Art. 54. He shall nominate, and, by and years next preceding his election. with the advice and consent of the Sen Art. 45. The governor shall enter on the ate, appoint all officers whose offices are discharge of his duties on the second Mon- established by the constitution, and whose day of January next ensuing his election, appointments are not herein otherwise proand shall continue in office until theMon- vided for: Provided, however, that the day next succeeding the day that his suc- Legislature shall have a right to prescribe cessor shall be declared duly elected, and the mode of appointment to all other ofshall have taken the oath or affirmation re- fices established by law. quired by the constitution. Art. 55. The governor shall have power Art. 46. No member of Congress, minis- to fill vacancies that may happen during ter of any religious denomination, or any the recess of the Senate, by granting comperson holding office under the United missions which shall expire at the end of States government, shall be eligible to the the next session thereof, unless otherwise office of governor or lieutenant governor. provided for in this constitution; but no Art. 47. In case of impeachment of the person who has been nominated for office governor, his removal from office, death, and rejected by the Senate, shall be aprefusal or inability to qualify, resignation pointed to the same office during the recess or absence from the State, the powers and of the Senate. duties of the office shall devolve upon the Art. 56. He may require information, in lieutenant governor for the residue of the writing, from the officers in the executive term, or until the governor, absent or im- department upon any subject relating to peached, shall return or be acquitted. The the duties of their respective offices. Legislature may provide by law for the Art. 57. He shall, from time to time, give case of removal, impeachment, death, re- to the General Assembly information re signation, disability or refusal to qualify, specting the situation ot the State, and of both the governor and the lieutenant recommend to their consideration such governor, declaring what officer shall act measures as he may deem expedient. 177 CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. the State; and in case of any vacancy caused by the resignation, death or absence of the secretary, treasurer or auditor, the governor shall order an election to fill said vacancy. Art. 65. The secretary of state, the treasurer and the auditor shall receive a salary of five thousand dollars per annum each. Art. 66. All commissions shall be in the name and by the authority of the State of Louisiana, and shall be sealed with the State seal and signed by the governor. Art. 67. All able-bodied men in the State shall be armed and disciplined for its defence. Art. 68. The militia of the State shall be organized in such manner as may be hereafter deemed most expedient by the Legislature. Art. 58. He may, on extraordinary oc casions, convene the General Assembly at the seat of government, or at a different place if that should have become dangerous from an enemy, or from epidemic; and, in case of disagreement between the two Houses as to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he may think proper, not exceeding four months. Art. 59. He shall take care that the laws are faithfully executed. Art. 60. Every bill which shall have passed both Houses shall be presented to the governor; if he approves, he shall sign it, if not, he shall return it with his objections to the House in which it originated, which shall enter the objections at large upon its journal, and proceed to consider it; if, after such consideration, two-thirds of all the members elected to that House shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, with the objections, to the other House, by which it sha ll be likewise considered, and if approved by two-thir ds of the member s elected to that House, it shall be a law; but in such cases the vote of both Houses shall be determined- by yeas and nays, and the names of the members voting for or against the bill shall be entered on the journal of ea ch House respe ctively. If any bill shall not be ret urned by the gove rnor within ten days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, it shall be a law in like manner as if he had signed it; unless the General Assembly, by adjournment, prevent its return. Art. 61. Every order, resolution or vote, to which the concurrence of both Houses may be necessary, except on a question of adjournment, shall be presented to the governor, and before it shall take effect, be approved by him, or, being disapproved, shall be repassed by two-thirds of the members elected to each House of the General Assembly. Art. 62. There shall be a secretary of state who shall hold his office during the term for which the governor shall have been elected. The records of the State shall be kept and preserved in the office of the secretary; he shall keep a fair register of the official acts and proceedings of the governor, and when necessary shall attest them; he shall, when required, lay the said register, and all papers, minutes and vouchers relative to his office, before either House of the General Assembly, and shall perform such other duties as may be enjoined on him by law. Art. 63. There shall be a treasurer of the State, and an auditor of public accounts, who shall hold their respective offices during the term of four years. Art. 64. The secretary of state, treasurer of stats and auditor of public accounts shall be elected by the qualified electors of JUDICIARY DEPARTMENT. Art. 69. The judiciary power shall be vested in a Supreme Court, in such inferior courts as the Legislature may, from time to time, order and establish, and in justices of the peace. Art. 70. The Supreme Court, except in cases hereafter provided, shall have appellate jurisdiction only; which jurisdiction shall extend to all cases when the matter in dispute shall exceed three hundred dollars; to all cases in which the constitutionality or legality of any tax, toll or impost whatsoever, or of any fine, forfeiture or penalty imposed by a municipal corporation, shall be in contestation; and to all criminal cases on questions of law alone whenever the offence charged is punishable with death or imprisonment at hard labor, or when a fine exceeding three hundred dollars is actually imposed. Art. 71. The Supreme Court shall be composed of one chief justice and four associate justices, a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum. The chief justice shall receive a salary ot seven thousand five hundred dollars, and each of the associate justices a salary of seven thousand dollars, annually, until otherwise provided by law. The court shall appoint its own clerks. Art. 72. The Supreme Court shall hold its sessions in New Orleans from the first Monday in the month of November to the end of the month of June, inclusive. The Legislature shall have the power to fix the sessions elsewhere during the rest of the year; until otherwise provided the sessions shall be held as heretofore. Art. 73. The Supreme Court, and each of the judges thereof, shall have power to issue writs of habeas corpus, at the instance of all persons in acutual custody under process, in all cases in which they may have appellate jurisdiction. Art. 74. No judgment shall be rendered 178 TITLE V. CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. by the Supreme Court without the concurrence of a majority of the judges comprising the court. Whenever the majority cannot agree, in consequence of the recusationl of any member of the court, the judges not recused shall have power to call upon any judge or judges of the inferior courts, whose duty it shall be, when so called upon, to sit in the place of the judge or judges recused, and to aid in determining the case. Art. 75. All judges, by virtue of their office, shall be conservators of the peace throughout the State. The style of all process shall be "the State of Louisiana." All prosecutions shall be carried on in the name and by the authority of the State of Louisiana, and conclude against the peace and dignity of the same. Art. 76. The judges of all courts within the State shall, as often as it may be advisable so to do, in every definitive judgment, refer to the particular law in virtue of which such judgment may be rendered, and in all cases adduce the reasons on which their judgment is founded. Art. 77. The judges of all courts shall be liable to impeachment; but for any reasonble cause, which shall not be sufficient ground for impeachment, the governor shall remove any of them, on the address of a majority of the members elected to each House of the General Assembly. In every such case the cause or causes for which such removal may be required shall be stated at length in the address, and inserted in the journal of each House. Art. 78. The judges both of the Supreme and inferior courts shall receive a salary which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office; and they are prohibited from receiving any Iees of office or other compensation than their salaries for any civil duties performed by them. Art. 79. The judges of the SupremeCourt shall be appointed by the governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, for a term of eight years; the judges of the inferior courts for a term of six years. Art. 80. The clerks of the inferior courts shall be elected by the qualified voters of their several districts, and shall hold their offices during a term of four years. Art. 81. The Legislature shall have power to vest in clerks of courts authority to grant such orders, and do such acts as may be deemed necessary for the furtherance of the administration of justice, and in all s cases the powers thus granted shall be t specified and determined. i Art. 82. The jurisdiction of justices of the a peace shall not exceed, in civil cases, the sum of one hundred dollars, exclusive of 1 interest, subject to appeal in such cases as shall be provided for by law. They shall be ] elected by the qualified voters of their sev- i eral districts, and shall hold their office 1 during a term of two year s. They shall have such criminal jurisdiction as shall be provided by law. Art. 83. There shall be an attorney general for the State, and as many district attorneys as the Legislature sh all find necessary. The a ttorney general shall be el ected every four years, by the qualified voters of the State. He shall receive a salary of five thousand dollars per annum, payable on his own warrant quarterly. The district attorneys shall be elected by the qualified voters of their respective districts, for a term of four years. They shall receive such salaries as shall be provided by the Legislature' Art. 84. A sheriff and a coroner shall be elected in each parish by the qualified voters thereof, who shall hold their offices for the term of two years. The Legislature shall have the power to increase the number of sheriffs in any parish. Should a vacancy occur in either of these offices subsequent to an election, it shall be filled by the governor, and the person so appointed shall continue in office until his successor shall be elected and qualified. 179 CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. TITLE VII. Art. 100. In all elections by the people, GENERAL PROVISIO0NS. the vote shall be taken by ballot; and in all elections by the Senate and House of Art. 90. Members of the General Assembly Representatives, jointly or separately, the and all officers, before they enter upon the vote shall be given viva voce. duties of their offices, shall take the fol- Art. 101. No member of Congress. nor lowing oath or affirmation: person holding or exercising any office of "I, (A B) do solemnly swear (or affirm) trust or profit under the United States or that I will support the constitution and laws under any foreign power, shall be eligible of the United States, and of this State, and as a member of the General Assembly, or that I will faithfully and impartially dis- hold or exercise any office of trust or profit charge and perform all the duties incum-. under the State. bent on me as —, according to the best Art. 102. None but citizens of the United of my abilities and understanding, so help States shall be appointed to any office of me God!" trust or profit in this State. Art. 91. Treason against the State shall Art. 103. The laws, public records, and consist only in levying war against it, or the judicial and legislative written proceed in adhering to its enemies, giving them aid ings of the State, shall be promulgated, and comfort. No person shall be convicted preserved, and conducted in the language of treason, unless on the testimony of two in which the constitution of the United witnesses to the same overt act, or his own States is written. confession in open court. Art. 104. No power of suspending the Art. 92. The Legislature shall have power laws of this State shall be exercised, unless to declare the punishment of treason; but by the Legislature or by its authority. no attainder of treason shall work corrup- Art. 105. Prosecutions shall be by in tion of blood or forfeiture, except during dictment or information. The accused shall the life of the person attainted. have a speedy public trial, by an impartial Art. 93. Every person shall be disqualified jury of the parish in which the offence shall from holding any office of trust or profit, in have been committed. He shall not be this State, and shall be excluded from the compelled to give evidence against himself; right of suffrage, who shall have been con- he shall have the right of being heard, by victed of treason, perjury, forgery, bribery himself or counsel; he shall have the or other high crimes or misdemeanors. right of meeting the witnesses face to face, Art. 94. All penalties shall be propor- and shall have compulsory process for obtioned to the nature of the offence. taining witnesses in his favor. He shall Art. 95. The privilege of free suffrage not be twice put in jeopardy for the same shall be supported by laws regulating elec- offence. tions, and prohibiting, under adequate pen- Art. 106. All persons shall be bailable alties, all undue influence thereon from by sufficient sureties, unless for capital power, bribery, tumult, or other improper offences, where the proof is evident or prepractice. sumption great; or, unless after conviction Art. 96. No money shall be drawn from for any offence or crime punishable with the treasury but in pursuance of specific death or imprisonment at hard labor. The appropriation made by law; nor shall any privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall appropriation of money be made for a not be suspended, unless, when in cases of longer term than two years. A regular rebellion or invasion. the public safety may statement and account of the receipts and require it. expenditures of all public moneys shall be Art. 107. Excessive bail shall not be republished annually, in such manner as shall quired; excessive fines shall not be imbe prescribed by law. posed, nor crtel and unusual punishments Art. 97. It shall be the duty of the Gen- inflicted. eral Assembly to pass such laws as may be Art. 108. The right of the people to be proper and necessary to decide differences secure in their persons, houses, papers and by arbitration. effects, against unreasonable searches and Art. 98. All civil officers for the State at seizures, shall not be violated; and no warlarge shall be voters of, and reside within rants shall issue but upon probable cause, the State; and all district or parish officers supported be oath or affirmation, and parshall be voters of, and reside within their ticularly describing the place to be searched respective districts or parishes, and shall and the person or thing to be seized. keep their offices at such places thereinii as Art. 109. No ex post facto or retroactive may be required by law. I law, nor any law impairing the obligations Art. 99. All civil officers shall be ie- ofl contracts, shall be passed, nor vested movable by an address of a majority of the rights be divested, unless for purposes of members elected to both Houses, except public utility, and fbr adequate comrensathose the removal of whom has been other tion previously made. wise provided by this constitution. | Art. 110. All courts shall be open; and 180 CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. every persoil, for any injury done him, in gambling house, and five hundred dollars his lands, goods. person, or reputation, on each tombola. shall have remedy by due course of law, Art. 117. The Legislatu'e may enact genand right and justice administered without eral laws regulating the adoption of childenial or unreasonable delay. dren, emancipation of minors, changing of Art. 111. The press shall be free; every names, and the granting of divorces; but citizen may freely speak, write and publish no special laws shall be enacted relating to his sentiments on all subjects-being re- particular or individual cases. sponsible for an abuse of this liberty. Art. 118. Every law enacted by the Legis Art. 112. The Legislature shall not have lature shall embrace but one object, and power to grant aid to companies or associ- that shall be expressed in the title. ations of individuals, except to charitable Art. 119. No law shall be revived or associations, and to such companies or as- amended by reference to its title; but in sociations as are and shall be formed for such case the act revived, or section the exclusive purpose of making works of amended, shall be re-enacted and published internal improvement, wholly or partially at length. within the State, to the extent only of one- Art. 120. The Legislature shall never fifth of the capital of such companies, by adopt any system or code of laws by genesubscription of stock or loan in money or ral reference to such system or code of public bonds; but any aid thus granted laws; but in all cases shall specify the sevshall be paid to the company only in the eral provisions of the laws it may enact. same proportion as the remainder of the Art. 121. Corporations shall not be crecapital shall be actually paid in by the ated in this State by special laws except for stockholders of the company; and, in case political or municipal' purposes; but the of loan, such adequate security shall be re- Legislature shall provide by general law quired, as to the Legislature may seem for the organization of all other corporaproper. No corporation or individual asso- tions, except corporations with banking elation, receiving the aid of the State as or discounting privileges, the creation, reherein provided, shall possess banking or newal or extension of which is hereby prodiscounting privileges. hibited. Art. 113. No liability shall be contracted Art. 122. In case of the insolvency of by the State as above mentioned, unless any bank or banking association, the bill the same be authorized by some law for holders thereof shall be entitled to prefersome single object or work, to be distinctly ence in payment over all other creditors of specified therein, which shall be passed by such bank or association. a majority of the members elected to both Art. 123. No person shall hold or exerHouses of the General Assembly; and the cise, at the saime time, more than one civil aggregate amount of debts and liabilities office o)f trust or profit, except that of justice incurred under this and the preceding arti- of the peace. cle shall never, at any time, exceed eight Art. 124. Taxation shall be equal and millions of dollars. uniform throughoutkhe State. All property Art. 114. Whenever the Legislature shall shall be taxed in proportion to its value, to contract a debt exceeding in amount the be ascertained as directed by law. The sum of one hundred thousand dollars, un- General Assembly shall have power to ex less in case of war, to repel invasion, or empt from taxation property actually used suppress insurrection, they shall, in the law for church, school or charitable purposes. creating the debt, provide adequate ways The General Assembly shall levy an in and means for the payment of the current come tax upon all persons pursuing any interest and of the principal when the same occupaltion. trade or calling, and all such shall become due. And the said law shall persons shall obtain a license, as provided be irrepealable until principal and interest by law. All tax on income shall be pro are fully paid and discharged, or unless the rata. on the amount of income or business repealing law contains some other adequate done. provision for the payment of the principal Art. 125. The Legislature may provide and interest of the debt. by law in what case officers shall continue Art. 115). The Legislature shall provide to pelforin the duties of their offices until by law fobr all change of venue in civil and their successors shall have been inducted criminal cases. into offict Art. 116. The Legislature shall have the Art. 12(;. The Lefgislaturle shall have power to license the selling of lottery tick- powler to extend this constitution and the ets and the keeping of gambling houses; juri sdiction of thlis State over any territory said houses in all cases shall be on the first acquired by compact, with any State. or floor and kept with open doors; but in all with the United States, the same being cases not less than ten thousand dollars per done by consent of the United States. annum shall be levied as a license or tax on Art. 127. None of the lands granted by each vendor of lottery tickets, and on each Congress to the State of Louisiana for aid 24 181 CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. lng in constructing the necessary levees and drains, to reclaim the swamp and overflowed lands of the State, shall be diverted from the purposes for which they were granted. Art. 128. The Legislature shall pass no law excluding citizens of this State f rom office for not being conversant with any language except that in which the constitution of the United States is written. Art. 129. No liability, either State, parochial or municipal, shall exist for any debts contracted for, or in the interest of the rebellion against the United States government. Art. 130. The seat of government shall be and remain at New Orleans, and shall not be removed without the consent of a majority of both Houses of the General Assembly. Art. 131. The Legislature may determine the mode of filling vacancies in all offices for which provision is not made in this constitution. Art. 132. The Legislature shall pass no law requiring a property qualification for office. bond in the sum of ten thousand dollars lieutenants of police, five thousand dollars sergeants and clerks, each three thousand dollars; corporals, two thousand dollars: and privates one thousand dollars; with good and solvent security, as the law directs, for the faithful performance of their duties. The various officers shall receive a salary of not less than the following rates: The chief of police........$250 per month. The lieutenants of police.. 150 do. do. The sergeants of police...rmn. 100 do. do. The clerks of police...... 100 do. do. The corporals of p olice. a. 90 do. do. The privates(day and night) each.................. 80 do. do. 'TITLE IX. ],.kBOR ON PUBLIC WORKS. Art. 134. The Legislature may establish the price and pay of foremen, mechanics, laborers and others employed on the public works of the State or parochial or city governments: Provided, That the compensation to be paid all foremen, mechanics, cartmen and laborers employed on the public works, under the government of the State of Lou isiana, city of New Orleans, and the police juries of the various parishes of the State, shall not be less than as follows, viz: Foremen, $3 50 per day; mechanics, $3 00 per day; cartmen, $3 50 per day; laborers, $2 00 per day. Art. 135. Nine hours shall constitute a day's labor for all mechanics, artizans and labo rers employed on p ublic works. TITLE X% INTER.NAL IMPROVEMENTS. Art. 136. There shall be appointed by the governor a state engineer, skilled in the theory and practice of his profession, who shall hold his office at the seat of government for the term of four years. He shall have the superintendence and direction of all public works in which the State may be interested, except those made by joint stock companies or such as may be under the parochial or city authorities exclusively and not in conflict with the general laws of the State. He shall communicate to the General Assembly, through the governor, annually, his views concerning the same, report upon the condition of the public works in progress, recommend such measures as in his opinion the public interest of the State may require, and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law. His salary shall be five thousand dollars per annum, until otherwise provided by law. The mode of appointment. number and salary of his assistants shall be fixed by law. The state engineer and assistants shall giv e bonds for the performance of their duties as shall be prescribed by law. TITLE VIII. ,CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NEW ORLEANS. Art. 133. The citizens of the city of New Orleans shall have the right of appointing the several public officers necessary for the .administration of the police of said city pursuant to the mode of elections which shall be prescribed by the Legislature; Provided, that the mayor and recorders shall be ineligible to a seat in the General Assembly; and the mayor and recorders shall be commissioned by the governor as justices of the peace, and the Legislature may vest in them such criminal jurisdiction as may be necessary for the punishment of minor offences, and as the police and good of said city may require. The city of New Orleans shall maintain a police which shall be uniformed with distinction of grade, to consist of permanent citizens of the State of Louisiana, to be selected by the mayor of the city, and to hold office during good behavior, and removable only by a police commission composed of five citizens and the mayor, who shall be president of the board. The commission to be appointed by the governor of the State for the term of two years, at a salary of not less than one thousand dollars per annum; a majority of whom shall remove for delinquencies. Members of the police when removed shall not again be eligible to any position on the police for a term of one year. Interfering or meddling in elections in any manner will be a sufficient cause for instant dismissal from the police bythe board. The chief of police shall give a penal 1.82 CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. 183 Art. 137. The General Assembly may cent., which interest together with the increate internal improvement districts, corn- terest of the trust funds, deposited with posed of one or more parishes, and may the State by the United States, under the grant a right to the citizens thereof to tax act of Congress, approved June 23, 1836, themselves for their improvements. Said and all the rents of the unsold lands shall internal improvement districts, when cre- be appropriated to the purpose of such ated, shall have the right to select com- schools and the appropriation shall remain missioners, shall have power to appoint inviolable. officers, fix their pay and regulate all mat- Art. 145. All moneys arising from the ters relative to the improvements of their sales which have been, or may hereafter be districts, provided such improvements will made of any lands heretofore granted by not conflict with the general laws of the the United States to this State for the use State. of a specific seminary of learning, or from Art. 138. The General Assembly may any kind of a donation that may hereafter grant aid to said districts out of the funds be made for that purpose, shall be and re, arising from the swamp and overflowed main a perpetual fund, the interest of which lands, granted to the State by the United at six per cent. per annum shall be approStates for that purpose or otherwise. priated to the promotion of literatuire and Art. 139. The General Assembly shall the arts and sciences, and no law shall have the right of abolishing the office of ever be made diverting said funds to any state engineer, by a majority vote of all other use than to the establishment and imthe members elected to each branch, and provement of said seminary of learning: of substituting a board of public works in and the General Assembly shall have power lieu thereof, should they deem it necessary. to raise funds for the organization and sup port of said seminary of learning in such TITLE XI. manner as it may deem proper. PUBLIC EDUCATION-. XArt. 146. No appropriation shall be made by the Legislature for the support of any Art. 1,40. There shall be elected a super- private school or institution of learning intendent of public education, who shall whatever, but the highest encouragement hold his office for the term of four years. shall be granted to public schools throughHis duties shall be prescribed by law, and out the State, he shall receive a salary of four thousand TITL XII. dollars per annum until otherwise provided by law: Provided, that the General Assem- ~MODE o)F REVISING TIlE CONSTITUTION. bly shall have power by a vote of a majority of the members elected to both Houses, Art. 147. Any amendment or amendto abolish the said office of superintendent ments to this constitution may be proposed of public education, whenever, in their in the Senate or House of Representatives, opinion, said office shall be no longer neces- and if the same shall be agreed to by a sary. majority of the members elected to each Art. 141. The Legislature shall provide House, such proposed amendment or amendfor the education of all children of the ments shall be entered on their journals, State, between the ages of six and eighteen with the yeas and nays taken thereon. years, by maintenance of free public schools Such proposed amendment or amendments by taxation or otherwise. shall be submitted to the people at an Art. 142. The general exercises in the election to be ordered by said Legislature, common schools shall be conducted in the and held within ninety days after the adEnglish language. journment of the same, and after thirty Art. 143. A university shall be estab- day-s publication according to law; and lished in the city of New Orleans. It shall if a majority of the voters at said election be composed of four faculties, to-wit: one shall approve and ratify such amendment of law, one of medicine, one of the natural or amendments, the same shall become a sciences, and one of letters; the Legisla- part of the constitution. If more than one ture shall provide by law for its organiza- amendment be submitted at a time, they tion and maintenance. shall be submitted in such manner and form, Art. 144. the proceeds of all lands here- that the people may vote for or against tofore granted by the United States to this each amendment separately. State for the use or purpose of the public TITLE Xii. schools, and of all lands which may hereacf! ter be granted or bequeathed for that pur- s c H E D U L E. pose, and the proceeds of the estates of Art. 148. The constitution adopted in deceased persons to which the State may 1852 is declared to be superceded by this become entitled by law, shall be and re- constitution; and in order to carry the main a perpetual fund on which the State same into effect, it is hereby declared and shall pay an annual interest of six per ordained as follows: CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. Art. 149. All rights, actions, prosecutions, it shall be the duty of the governor, the claims and contracts, as well of individu- secretary of state, the attorney general and als as of bodies corporate, and all laws in the state treasurer, in the presence of all force at the time of the adoption of this such persons as may choose to attend, to constitution, and not inconsistent there- compare the votes at the said election for with, shall continue as if the same had not the ratificatien or rejection of this constitu been adopted. tion, and if it shall appear at the close. Art. 150. In order that no inconvenience that a maiority of all the votes given is for may result to the public service from the ratifying this constitution, then it shall be taking effect of this constitution, no officer the duty of the governor to make proc shall be superceded thereby; but the laws lamation of the fact, and thenceforth this of this State relative to the duties of the constitution shall be ordained and estab several officers, executive, judicial and lished as tlie constitution of the State of military, except those made void by military Louisiana But whether this constitution authority, and by the ordinance of emanci- i be accepted or rejected it shall be the duty pation, shall remain in flill force, though of the governor to cause to be published the same be contrary to this constitution, the result of the polls, showing the num and the several duties shall be performed ber of votes cast in each parish for and by the respective officers of the State, ac- 1 against this constitution. cording to the existing laws, until the or- Art. 154. As soon as a general election ganization of the government undei this can be held under this constitution in constitution, and the entering into office of eey pa rish of the S tate, the governor the new officers to be appointed under said shall, by proclamation, or in case of his, government, and no longer. failure to act, the Legislature shall, by re Art. 151. The Legislature shall provide solution, declare the fact, and order an for the removal of all causes now pending election to be held on a day fixed in said in the Supreme Court or other courts of proclamation or resolution, and within the State under the constitution of 1852, to sixty dlays from the date thereof, for gover courts created by or under this constitin nor, lieutenant governor, secretary of ~TT1E Xion. state, auditor, treasurer, attorney general Ti)]~ x+-,and superintendent of education. The of 0 I', I1) I N A N c E. ficerss so chosen shall, on the fourth Monday Art. 152. Immediately after the adjourn after their election, be installed into office mnent of the Convention, the governor shall. and shall hold their offices for the terms issue his proclamation directing the several prescribed in this constitution, counting officers of this State, authorized by law to i tiom the second Monday in January next hold elections, or in default thereof such preceding their entering into office in case officers as he shall designate, to open and they do not enter into office on that date. hold polls in the several parishes of the The terms of office of the State officers State, at the places designated by law, on elected on the 22d day of February, 1864, the first Monday of September, 1864, for shall expire on the instalation of their sucthe purpose of taking the sense of the good cetsors as herein provided for; but under people of this State in regard to the adop- no state of circumstances shall their term tion or rejection of this constitution: and of office be construed as extending beyond it shall be the duty of said officers to receive iI length of the terms fixed for said of the suffrages of all qualified voters. Each fices in this constitution; and, if not sooner voter shall express his opinion by deposi- held, the election of their successors shall ing in the ballot-box a ticket whereon shall take place on the first Monday of Novembe written "The Constitution accepted" ber, 1867. in all parishes where the same or, "The Constitution rejected.' At the can be held, the officers elected on that conclusion of the said election, the officers date to enter into office on the second Monand commissioners appointed to preside day in Jamiary, 1868. over the same shall carefully examine and Art. 155. This constitution shall be pubcount each ballot as deposited, and shall lished in three papers to be selected by forthwith make due return thereof to the the president of the Convention, whereof secretary of state, in conformity to the pro- two shall publish the same in English and visions of law and usages in regard to French, and one in German, from the elections. period of the adjournment of the Conven Art. 153. Upon the receipt of said re- tion until the election for ratification or turns, or on the third Monday of Septem- rejection on the first Monday of September, if the returns be not sooner reeived, ber, 1864. I.84 INDEX. INDEX TO THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL. PAGE. Absent members..................... 29, 52, 54, 57, 79, 82, 84, 90, 91, 92, 95, 97, 109 Address of President Durell..................................................... 7 Adjournment, resolution relative to.............................79, 82, 83, 94, 96, 170 Adjutant general, salary of...................................................157 Appeals from the decision of the chair........................................11, 18 Appointment of Committee on Statue of Washington..............................38 Assaulted members............................................................8 Assaulted Members, report of Committee on...............................52, 68, 73 Assistant secretary, resolution relative to.................................. 90, 100 Assistant sergeant-at-arms..................................................27 Auditor public accounts, special report of........................................75 Auditor's report, report of Special Committee on............................134, ]47 Baltimore Convention, nominations of....................................l...158 Bailey A., resignation of.......................................................141 Banks MIaj. Gen., invitation to...................................................90 " "4 " pen presented to..........................................92, 93 . visit to the Convention.........................................94 ," " *'resolution of thanks to................................... 94, 95 97 Bill for fitting up Liberty Hall............................................. 91, 94 Bills,-indebtedness of Convention.............................................167 Bills of official printer.........................................................76 Bridges, etc.,.....................................................145, 151, 155 Brott, resignation of as member of committee....................................35 Canby and Sickles, Maj. Gens. visit from........................................129 Carrigan Judge, appropriation to...............................................157 Charitable institutions.........................76, 80, 82, 86, 88, 90, 92, 132, 135, 146 Chief reporter, election of.....................................................26 City currency, resolution relative to......................................... 68, 71 City officers, election of..........................................122, 125. 136 City police..................................................... 105,107,127,128 City of New Orleans, bill of.................................................91, 94 Clergy, resolution relative to..........................................134, 156. 169 Clerks of auditor and treasurer, salary of.......................................170 Compensation, report of Committee on.......................................37, 45 of officers of the Convention.......................48, 49, 50, 53, 54, 56 resolution -relative to.............................................47 Committee on Credentials, appointment of.................................... 4 ,," *' report of............................................ 5.. Committee on Rules and Regulations.................................5, 12, 19, 20, 21 ,; is........;report of.................................... 14 Committees, (standing)......................................................28,39 ..... PAOE. Committee on Federal Relations. 3"2. Committee on Statue of Washington............................................. Contingent Expenses, report of Committee on.................................... I49 Contingent expenses-money appropriated, ($25,000)............................. Contested seats-Lombard and Decker...........................................; Congress, ordinance to fill vacancy in..................................158,160,167 Currency, resolution relative to....................................... 148, 155, 159 Delegates to Baltimore Convention......................................77, 80, 157 Delinquent members.........................................................112 Distribution of Powers-report, etc........................................32, 35, 75 Education, report of Committee on...........................................59 61 action on report of Committee on...........136, 139, 140, 141, 142, 149, 151 Election of members, returns of................................................ 3, 4t returns, parish Iberville................................................10 of official printer..................................................2 of secretary......................................................... 7, 26 of chief reporter.......................................................26 of Benjamin H. Orr....................................................57 " of John A. Mlayer......................................................61 Emancipation, report of Committee on.....................................53, 63 " vote on........................................................65 amendment to section VI, minority report..........................6 action on minority report................................69, 71, 73, 7Executive Department, action on report of Committee..........................84, 87 Extra compensation..................................................160, 167, 169 Federal Relations, appointment of Committee on................................. -8 ~" " report of Committee on................................51, 53, 56 ..... — resolutions relative thereto................................ 54 "," minority report on...........................................5 Finance Committee, report of................... 77, 88, 96, 104, 116, 123, 139, 149, 151 ' " resolutions relative to......................................154Form and Arrangement...............................................148, 158, 161 Gambling houses, etc.................................. General Provisions, report of Committee on................................. 40, 56, 63 '- "4 action on report of....................118, 119, 123, 129, 132, 13;6 Goldmann-resignation of.....................................................114 Governor's private secretary, salary of.......................................... 67 " address to the Convention.......................................... 171 Guerrillas, resolution relative to.................................................(;7 Hour of meeting-resolution fixing the same..................................33.39 Howell-resolution relative to his absence.......................................; resignation of.....................................................65, (;8 Impeachment, report of Committee on.................................... 36, 45 " action on...................................................112,117 Inauguration-expenses relative thereto........................................15:; Industrial Arts, no tax on capital invested in...................................... Internal Improvements...................................................129, 131 Juidiciary Department, report of Conmmittee on....................................4 substitute for nine articles of.......................................... 5:, i second reading of report on.......................................5a action on report of Committee on I 87, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 94, 96, 97, 98, 100, 101 102, 107, 109, 110, 112, 115 ii INDEX. INDEX. iii PAGE. Ladies invited to visit the Convention...........................................68 Legislative Department, report of Committee on...............................62, 77 1" " action on report of................................77, 81, 83 Loyal owners of emancipated slaves...................................68, 71, 95, 96 Mechanics and laborers, pay of.............................. 95, 97, 105, 127, 128 Memorial of Prof. A. Vallas.................................................... 53 " "1 " " report on...........................................57 relative to banking corporations....................................55, 57 ~" " hours of labor.........................................122, 125 births and deaths.....................................126, 134 "'" bridge on Galvez street...........................145, 151, 155 Mode of Revising the Constitution, report of Committee on.................47, 54, 139 Meyer J. A., election of................................................. 61 Nomiuations of Baltimore Convention endorsed..................................158 Official printer, bills of.........................................................76 1" " resolution relative to............................................90 Officers and employes, exemption of.......................................... 62, 63 Order of business, resolution relative to.........................................97 Ordinance of secession-resolution relative to same...............................22 of emancipation, " " "........................................90, 91, 94 " relative to elections.............................................144, 152 Organization, temporary........................................................3 " permanent.................................................6, 7, 8, 9 Orr, election of................................................................57 Preamble, substitute for report of the Committee on..........................54, 75 report of Committee on........................................35, 75, 161 " and resolution relative to compensation to slave owners..................25 ,,s,',s " "members of foreign birth...................26, 31 is",'s~ " " "resignation of Hon. C. Roselius................32 ,, " " ""money in hands of F. S. G. Committee..........64 ,,,,,, " "office-holders, not citizens of the U. S..........91 ',* is" " " "presidential electors..........................59 ,,,d is"' " "reports of committees................... 54, 58, 61 *,,~ " is" " "granting bounty to 1st and 2d La. volunteers.. 36, 45 ,,s *, "s~ " "depredations of guerrillas................ 52, 67 ,, i"'. " "adjournment.................................52 ,,s~ "~ " " "ordinance of secession.......................168 Printer, election of...................................................... 12 bills of......................................................76 Petition of H. Copeland........................................................57 Paine J. T., resignation of...........................................156, 157 President, resolution of thanks t o................................. 170 Qualifications of state and municipal officers............................... 40, 48, 169 Quorum, resolution relative to............................................29, 82, 84 Resolution of Abell relative to general order number xxxviii.............. 23, 24, 25 , is " *'"'reports of committees........................ 40, 51 ,, i;,' ".. reading of reports (seriatimn)....................... 47 ,, Ad "; " "reporter.........................................167 ,'; " " " "official reporter..................................167 ,, " " *'" "Hon. R. K. Howell................................64 ........".*'Maj. Gen. N. P. Banks.............................94 . Austin.... members of foreign birth...........................10 25 SR~~~olution of Aus~~tin relative to quorumPOR...,82 Rostolutioni of Austin rel'ative'to quorum......................................... 82 .. il compensation.................................... 47 delegates to Baltimore Convention.................. 159 endorsing nominees of Baltimore Convention........ 158 "appropriation to Judge Carrigan.................... 157 publishing proceedings.........................10, 93 *'clerks................................30 thanks to Mayor Hoyt, etc......................... 64 inauguration expenses............................153 ' adjournment sine (lie...............................67 compensation and sessions..........................61 guerrillas......................................67 "report of Committee on Judiciary...................58 secretary of the Convention........................160 extra compensation...............................168 clerks of auditor and treasurer.....................170 city election.....................................136 final adjournment.................................170 " vote on emancipation.............................66 committee on assaulted members.................... 6 7 donation to distressed refugees......................82 ' bridge on Claiborne street......................... 151 elections, etc.....................................122 "election in Tenth Representative District............. 27 rescinding ordinance of secession...................168 city election.....................................1 2 2 clergy...........................................169 vote of thanks to President Durell..................170 '"" printing reports, etc............................... 47 delegates to Baltimore Convention..................77 "notice to be given of amendments proposed......47, 51 printing the journal and debates.....................30 organization......................................10 fixing the hour of meeting......................33, 39 statue of Washington...........................36, 45 "publication of debates in German language......34, 36 banking corporations..............................55 delinquent members..........................114 i assaulted members..................................8 absent members...................................57 " evening sessions..................................67 " Committee on Rules................................. 9 Absent members.................................109 H Judge A. A. Atocha................................33 vote on emancipation..............................66 amendment of rule XXXII.......................... 37 dispensing with reading of roll call.................47 absent members...... 52, 54, 79, 82, 84, 90, 91, 92, 95, 97 charitable institutions.............................135 H { appointment of standing committees relative to the abolition of slavery.............................12 state librarian...................................27 i N' INDEX. Balch Bell Brott Bromley Cutler Campbell ]Davies Fish Fosdick Foley Fuller Gastinel Gorlinski Goldmanii Gruneberg Harnan Hire Heard Hills Howell IbDlEX. PAGE.. Resolution of Howell relative to hour of meeting and order of the day........... 33, 3 I.'.'.. instruction to secretary of the Convention.............. ' pay of police on duty at Convention................; state auditor....................................33, is! election of delegates.......................... invitation to State officers........................... compensation of members........................2.: ratification of constitution........................ 2' appropriation of $100,000.......................28, 3( clerks............................................ 29 Judge A. A. Atocha................................ 30( Finance Committee............................26, 1.54 officers and employe4s..............................167 " Maj. Gen. Banks and staff........................... 9( " office of assistant secretary..................... 90, 104) " compensation................................... 52:, "b' ills of official printer............................ u clergy.........................................1 0, 2' Hon. C. Roselius...................................27 article 96 of the constitution......................... 3 persons not citizens of the United States.............:.l meeting at 11 A. l.................................,!1 "' shinplasters................................... 33,:)8 paper currency...............................148, 1.55 "status of colored persons..........................15.5 i officers and employes (retained).................... 169 unofficial reporters...............................167 iCommittee on Rules, etc......................... 9, 11 State bonds issued for rebel purposes................29 New Orleans Times...............................164 fixing compensation...........................4....4i ' rules and regulations........................27, 32, 34 appropriation foibr charitable purposes................ 90 absent members...................................29 printing journal in English, French, German and Spanish......................................... 31 Hon. C. Roselius................................. 32 a officers and employds...............................11 statue of Washington........................... 33, 38 members of foreign birth........................26 31 exemptions from jury duty..................... 62, 63 charitable institutions.............................132 order of the day..................................105 ' ordinance of secession............................ 22 status of members..............................8, 9 qualifications of State and municipal officers.. 40, 48, 60 celebration of 4th of July (1864)..................134 delinquent members............................. 112 " enrollment on parchment of emancipation ordinance... 90 clergy..........................................156 order of business.................................157 election of official printer....................... 11 v Kavanagh , Nfendiverri Montamat Murphy M. W. Purcell J. Piirsell S. Smith Shaw Stiner Statiffer Schroeder Stocker Seymour Sullivan Terrv Thomas i. li 11 1, . I I I I I., iI i i I i 11 i il ii il li li i 1. 11 ii li 1, 11 1. PArGE. Resolution of Thomas relative to salary of adjutant general......................157 ~" " "' " "unsettled accounts of the Convention...............167 " "'' "Thomas P. May...................................166 Thorpe " appointment of Committee on Federal Relations......28 " " "'" "quorum......................................... 29 " "'" " decisions of courts (slavery)..................154, 155 " " " " "salary of the governor's private secretary, etc.......167 ~" " " " " printing the journal, etc.........................65, 90 ~" " " " "order of the day...................................97 ..."."."." Maj. Gen. Canby and Maj. Gen. Sickles.............121 " "Waters official reporters............................... 167 " " " " "~city police........................................93 . Wells.... " teachers in the public schools......................135 " " " " "~official reporters............................... "167 ~" " " " "adjournment......................................52 ~~" " " " ".'compensation to loyal owners.......................95 " Wilson " adjournment sine die and evening sessions............79 1" "".. J. T. Paine......................................156 Schedule, report of Committee on.....................................131, 140, 152 Secession ordinance, preamble and resolution relative to..........................168 Shinplasters...............................................................33, 38 State officers, in relation to.................................................... 12 State bonds issued for rebel purposes............................................29 State Library, resolution relative to.............................................90 " " report of Committee on......................................153 " Librarian, resolution relative to............................................27 " Auditor.............................................................. 33, 39 Statue of Washington................................................33, 36, 38, 45 Status of members of the Contention.......................................... 8,9 " "1 colored person, etc...................................................155 Standing Committees.......................................................28, 39 Substitutes, resolution relative to..........................................47, 51 " for article 35, General Provisions....................................46 " for articles 1st and 2d report of Comimittee on Education........ 60, 61, 62 Teachers, resolution increasing salary of........................................135 Times N. O., action relative to............................................164, 166 Union refugees, resolution relative to............................................82 Vallas, memorial of....................................................... 53, 57 Voters, ordinance defining qualification of.......................................169 Warrant Clerk................................................................32 Yeas and nays on tabling Terry's resolution requiring members to exhibit their iron clad oaths.................................................... 9 " on adoption of Terry's resolution...................................10 on the adoption of Thomas's resolution to elect printer...............11 " on Gastinel's appeal from decision ofthe chair......................11 on second vote on adoption of Thomas's resolution to elect printer.....12 on Stauffer's appeal from decision of the chair.......................18 on the adoptionof Montamat's resolution on compensation of members.. 22 on tabling Abell's preamble and resolution in reference to general order No. 38..................................................24 on tabling Sullivan's preamble and resolution as relating to mem bers of foreign birth........................................... 26 vi INDEX. INDEX. Vii PAGE. Yeas and nays on the adoption of Montamat's resolution appropriating $100,000 to pay officers and members......................................28 on tabling Montamat's resolution inviting Judge Atocha to a seat within the bar.................................................. 30 on tabling Hills' amendment striking out the French language........31 " on adopting Terry's motion to publish proceedings in Irish...........31 " on the adoption of Wenck's motion to reconsider the vote to print in French and English............................................33 " on tabling Terry's resolution defining the qualification of State and municipal officers............................................... 48 on the adoption of said resolution..................................48 on tabling HIills' motion to strike out compensation of president.......48 " on the direct vote on Hills' motion to strike out......................49 " on the adoption of the report of the Committee on Compensation...... 50 on motion to table Hills' resolution relative to attendance of members.. 54 on adopting report of Committee on Federal Relations................. 56 " on tabling Goldman's resolution relative to banks and banking.......57 on adoption of Gastinel's motion to print the report of Committee on Printing......................................................5 9 on tabling Davies' amendment, striking out that portion of the report of Committeeon Education authorizing the Legislature to abolish the office of superintendent of public education...................59 " on the adoption of Terry's resolution relative to persons who are holding State and municipal offices..............................60 " on adopting Pursell's substitute for article 1st of report of Committee on Education................................................61 " on suspending the rules to take uip the report of CommitLee on Emancipation.................................................63 " on tabling minority report on emancipation..........................63 " on suspending the rules with a view to adjournment................64 on Mr. Hills' appeal from decision of the chair.......................66 " on rejection of minority report on emancipation.....................66 on suspending the rules with a view to rescinding the acceptance of Howell's resignation...........................................67 on rescinding the acceptance of Howell's resignation.................68 " on adjournment.................................................69 on tabling Wilson's amendment to emancipation ordinance............69 " on adjournment..................................................69 " on adoption of 1st section of ordinance of emancipation..............70 " on adjournment..................................................70 on adoption of 2d section of ordinance of emancipation............. 70 " on tabling Abell's proviso to 3d section of ordinance of emancipation..71 on adoption of 1st clause of Abell's proviso........................72 on tabling 2d clause of Abell's proviso.............................72 on tabling the motion to strike out entirely section 3d................73 on striking out the 3d, 4th, and 5th articles of the report of the Com mittee on Emancipation........................................73 on suspending the rules for third reading of the emancipation report.... 74 " on final vote on adoption of said report.............................74 "4 on the final adoption of the report of Committee on Preamble.........75 "4 on the final adoption of the report of Committee on Distribution of Powers...............................................7 5 PAGE. Yeas and nays on the adoption of article 1st of report of Committee on Legislative Department................................................... 7' ~on the adoption of article 2d of said report..........................78 on the adoption of article 3d of said report..........................78 on the adoption of article 4 of said report...........................78 on the adoption of article 5r) of said report........................... S on appropriation to Firemen's Charitable Association................ 80 on the adoption of resolution making charitable appropriations........,( on tabling Foley's resolution relative to members of Convention who are delegates to the Baltimore Convention........................1l on striking out the words "and able to read and write as a qualifica tion for voters "............................................... 81 on adjournment................................................. 81 on tabling Hills' resolution relative to absent members................ 82 " on the adoption of said resolution..................................82 on striking out 88, 89, 90, 91, lines of article 6, of the report of Com mittee on Legislative Department...............................8 onl tabling the motion to reconsider Mr. Hills' resolution relative to dilatory members............................................ 4 on tabling amendment to 2d section of report of Committee on Exec utive Department..............................................4 on the adoption of 2d section of said report.........................84 on tabling the motion to reconsider the vote. striking out the 4th sec tion of said report.............................................85 " on Mr. Orr's amendment to the 25th section of said report............86 on adjournment............................................6......8 on adjournment..................................................87 on tabling appropriation to Firemen's Charitable Association........88 on tabling resolution making appropriations to charitable institutions..89 on tabling Abell's amendment to 2d section of judiciary report.......89 on adjournment..................................................89 on tabling the amendments to 2d section of said report.........9...91 '- on the adoption of Hills' resolution relative to absent members....... 9] on tabling Stocker's resolution relative to charitable purposes....... 92 on the adoption of Henderson's substitute for 2d articlejudiciary report..92 on tabling the motion to reconsider Hills' resolution relative to ab sent members.................................................93 on the reconsideration of said resolution............................93 on tabling Waters' resolution relative to city police................ 94 ' on tabling Sullivan's substitute for said resolution....................95 on the adoption of Sullivan's substitute for the report of Committee on Judiciary.................................................97 on the adoption of 3d article of said report..........................97 on tabling amendment to 3d article of said report....................98 on tabling the substitute and amendment to 11th article of said report..99 " on the adoption of Stauffer's substitute for said article................99 on the adoption of Sullivan's amendment for same article........... 99 on tabling Hills' amendment for said article........................100 on the adoption of Hills' amendment to said article........I..........100 "i on adjournment...........................................100 " on the adoption of Shaw's amendment to article 11th judiciaryreport..101 i; on tabling the motion to reconsider said vote...................101 viii INDEX. INDEX. PAGIK. Yeas and nays on direct vote on reconsideration.................................. 101 on motion to reject Shaw's amendment.............................102 on tabling Terry's substitute for article 11, judiciary report........ 102) on tabling Hills' substitute for article 11, judiciary report.......... 02 on tabling Smith's substitute for article 11, judiciary report......... 103 on tabling Baum's substitute for Smithl's substitute................ 103 on the adoption of Smith's substitute..............................103 on tabling the amendments to the police bill........................ 106 on the adoption of Orr's proviso for police bill.....................106 on the adoption of police bill as amnended..........................106 on tabling motion to reconsider the foregoing vote..................107 on tabling Montamat's substitute to article 12, judiciary report...... 107 on the adoption of Sullivan's substitute for said article............. 107 on the adoption of Stauffer's substitute for said article............... 168 " on tabling the motion to reconsider the vote on adopting the report of Committee on Judiciary.....................................109 on the direct vote on motion to reconsider......................109 on adjournment.................................................114 " on tabling Bofill's substitute for artcle 11, report Judiciary Committee. 115 on the adoption of Bofill's substitute article 11......................115 on the adoption of Stocker's substitute.............................117 on the adoption of Stocker's substitute as amended on its third reading. 117 " on the adoption of report of Committee on Impeachment.......... 118 " on Montamat?s appeal from the decision of the chair.................118 on the adoption of Cutler's substitute relative to gambling houses....121 on adjournment.................................................122 on tabling Fosdick's motion to take up his resolution relative to election of city officers........................................122 on tabling Sullivan's substitute for article 36 of report of Committee on General Provisions........................................12 4 on Fosdick's motion to suspend the rules to take up his resolution relative to election of city officers..............................125 " on call for the previous question on report of Special Committee article 36 of General Provisions.................................127 on reconsideration of the vote on Davies' amendment to article 36 General Provisions..........................................128 on tabling Thorpe's amendment to article 36 General Provisions.....128 on tabling Orr's amendment to article 36 General Provisions........128 on adoption of Orr's amendment to General Provisions..............129 on adoption of report of Special Committee as amended.............129 on adoption of additional article authorizing the Legislature to extend the right of suffrage................................. 130 on adoption of additional article constituting nine hours a day's labor. 130 on tabling Sullivan's charity resolutions............................133 on motion to strike out appropriation to Fireman's Charitable Asso ciation......................................................133 on the adoption of Sullivan's charity resolution................... 133 on tabling Wells' resolution for increase of compensation to teachers.. 135 on referring the subject of city elections to Special Committee........ 13t6 on tabling Sullivan's substitute for article 2d report of Committee on Education.................................................... 137 11 INDEX. PAGE. Yeas and nays on adoption of article 2d of said report........................... 137 " on tabling article 3 of said report.................................137 on tabling Thorpe's substitute for article 3 (Education)..............137 on tabling Cazabat's substitute for article 3 (Education)..............138 on rejection of article 3 of said report.............................138 on the adoption of the report of Committee on Education as a whole.. 138 " on adjournment................................................. 140 on rejection of article 2d of Sullivan's substitute for report of Cornm mittee on Education......... 142 mittee on Education......................................142 " on tabling motion to strike out white in same report.................142 " on adoption of the motion to strike out........................143 on tabling substitute for article 3d of said report................... 143 on adoption of article 3d as amended..............................144 " on adjournment...............................................145 on tabling Howell's 5th additional article to said report.............145 " on adoption of report of Committee on Charitable Institutions........147 on adoption of report of Special Committee on Auditor's Report....147 " on tabling Hills' additional article on Education....................150 on adjournment.............................................. 1650 " on tabling Cazabat's substitute for Hills' additional article...........150 " on the adoption of Cazabat's substitute............................150 " on the adoption of report of Committee on Education as a whole second reading...............................................151 on tabling Sullivan's rider to article 2 report of Committee on Education........................................... 151 on adoption of said rider.........................................151 " on adoption of report of Committee on Education-third reading....152 " on adoption of Henderson's rider to report of Committee on Schedule. 152 on adoption of preamble and resolutions to pay expenses of inau guration....................................................15 3 " on second vote on same........................................ 154 on tabling resolution relative to decision of courts on slavery.......154 " on adoption of said resolution................................155 on adoption of resolution relative to resignation of J. T. Paine.....156 " on postponing action on the report of Committee on Form and Ar rangement...................................................158 " on adoption of preamble and resolutions endorsing the Baltimore nominations.................................................158 " on tabling Terry's rider to article 134 of constitution................ 162 " on striking out article 9 of constitution............................ 163 " on adjournment...............................................163 on tabling Stauffer's resolution relative to New Orleans Times........164 " on tabling Terry's rider to article 141 of constitution................164 on adoption of said rider.........................................164 on final adoption of constitution as a whole........................165 " on tabling motion to postpone action in relation to New Orleans Times.......................................................166 on adoption of preamble and resolutions relative to Thomas P. May, editor of New Orleans Times..................................166 on adoption of preamble and resolutions relative to States' rights....169 on tabling resolution relative to clergy.........................1(;9 on adoption of resolutions relative to adjournment................... i70 x JOURNAL OFFICIEL DES TRAVAUX CONVERNITION - REVISER ET AMENDER LA CONSTITUTION L'ETAT DE LA LOUISIANE. PAR AUTORITE. NOUVELLE ORLEANS: W R. FISH, IMPRIMEUR DE LA CONVENTION, 1864. DP 1,A RnEUlIE FOUIR I B)E JOURNAL OFFICIEL DES TRAVAUX DE LA CONVENTION REUNIE POUR AMENDER ET REVISER LA CONSTITUTION L'ETAT DE LA LOUISIANE. MERceEmi, 6 avril 1864. La Convenition s'assemble k la salle He ,a Libert6, a la Nlle-Orleans, k midi prtcis, en consequence du paragraphe XI, de 'ordre gdn~ral No. 35 du Major-G4ndral N. P. Banks, Commandant gindral duL D d- aitement du Golft,, et coneue ainsi qLui'il uit: I c 1 5 P d d, f~ I' 1; PAROISSE V ORIiEANS. PreCo tier Distvict Repriseintatij'- Joseph Gorlinski, R. B. Bell, Geo. B. 13rott. W. T. Stocker, John Stumpf, J. B1. Shroeder, FE Murphy-. Deuxieme DPstrict ]tepr seitatnij-Terrance Cook, Joseph IH. Wilsoi, John Henderson, Jr., J. I-I. Stiner, M. W. Mlrphy, P. K. c'Condener, Alfred C. ills T. B. Thorpe, J. J. H-Tealy, Geo. A. Fosdick W. 1t, I Hire. lT eoinsiidme M I District -epr setf JohnI Fn. Thomras, Tames Fuller John Sullivan -. R. Terry, O. W. Austin, John Foley, George IIowes, H. W. Waters, P. Ilarnan. Qutati edmne D)istrict Rep erseutehtif Alfred Show, R. King Cutler, Judge E. H. Durell, E. J. W enck, Louis Gastinel. C'irquiie'mne Distiict Repr eseitatif —Edmunnd Abell, John Buckley, Jr., Xavier Maurer, J. P. Montamat, A. Mendiverri. ixie'mne Distriet Reprse.nta3 tI. V. Bo En reponse k la demande de la (Conivention, le Rv74rend Dr. New man offre lI pri,re d'action de graces. LIectu r iie est donn te de la communication ci-desos du Secrotauire u d'Etat, S. Wrotnos DIK ki. 4 4 JOUIRNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION fill, F. M. Crozat, Dr. M. F. Bonzano, transmettre aux Honorables MM. le Prsi Adolphe Bailey. dent et les Membres de la Convention le dit Septie'me District Representatif - Judge Itat ainsi que tous les originaux des rap R. K. Howell, J. J. Baum, M.D. Kavanagh, ports des paroisses de la Louisiane. H. Millspaugh. Signe de sa main, k la Nlle-Orleans, le 6e Huitierne District 1epy'sentatif- J. A. jour d'avril de l'an de g'ace mil huit Spellicy, O. H. Poynot, J. K. Cook. cent soixante-quatre et de l'Indgpen XeuviemeDistrct Rep?esentatif-H. Maas, dance des Etats-Unis d'Amgrique le E. Goldman, Edward Hart. quatre-vingt-huitibme. Dixieme District Repr?sentctif-John Pur- (Sign4) S. WROTNOWSKI, cell, C. W. Stauffer, W. B. Fish, Benj. Camp- Secrdtaire d'Etat. bell, T. Barrett, Geo. W. Geier, R. S.! Abbott, James Duane, Edmund Flood, J. Etat de la Louisiane, L. Davies. (le)J HBureau du Secretaire d'Etat Rive Droile du Mississippi (Alger)-J. H. i Nlle-Orleans, 6 avril 1864. Flagg, W. H. Seymour. A l'binoroable Prlsident de la Convextion A.SCENSION. de la Louisiane e: Robert J. Duke, Emile Collin and J. E.! MONSIEUR,- Permettez-moi de voilus re Richard ont obtenu chacun 61 voix. Elec- mettre et de laisser k votre disposition les tion contestde. ouvrages suivants: ASSO.IPTION',. ~ASSOMPTION-!. Rlo glement et Ordres de la Chambre Joseph Dupaty, James Ennis, E. J. Pin- des Representants; 2o. le Guide L~gisla tado. tif, apartenant k la Bibliothbque de l'Etat, EST BATON ROUE. et veuillez me croire, Monsieur, votre trbs W. D. Mann, P. A. Kugler, H. J. Heard. humble servitenr, OUEST BATON ROUGE. [Signe] S. WROTNOWSKI. Sidney A. Lobdell. Secrltaire d'Etat. CONCORDIA. Les livres et rapports ci-dessus accuses, Robert W. Taliaferro. ET WEcAN. Talisont regus en mdme temps que les dites EST FELICIANA. Jansen T. Paine, Martin Schnurr. communications. Puis h l'appel du role fait par le secr6 JEFFERSON. Robert Morris, Samuel Pursell, Christian taire, les deleguds ci-dessous au nombre de Roselius, John Paine. quatre-vingt-deux, rdpondent h leurs noms: LAFOURCHE. JBBr LAFOev.RCHE. Knb' Joseph Gorlinski,John Stumpf, R. B. Bell, J. B. Br omle y, E. H. Knobloch, C. H L. J. J3. Schroeder, Geo F. Brott, E. Murphy, ~Gruneberg. ~ W. T. Stocker, Terrance Cook, Alfred C. MADISON. MA~DISON. ~ Hills, Joseph H. Wilson, T. B. Thorpe, R. V. Montague, John Henderson, Jr., J. J. Healy J. H. Sti PLAQUEMIXNES. ner, George A. Fosdick, M. W. Murphy Louis Lombard, Thos. J. Decker. Elec- W. H. Hire, P. K. OConner. John W. Thotion contestde. Le vote monte, k ce qu'on mas, John Foley, James Fuller, George suppose, k 246 voix. Non entibrement rap- Howes, John Sullivan, H. W. Waters, J. R. portd. Terry, P. Harnan, O. W. Austin, Alfred ST. BERNARD. Shaw, E. J. Wenck, R. King Cutler, Louis Thomas Ong. Gastinel, E. H. Durell, Edmund Abel, J. P. ST JACQUES. Montamat, John Buckley, Jr., A. Mendiver R. Beauvais. ri, Xavier Maurer, J. V. Bofill, Dr. M. E. ST. JEAN BAPTISTE., Bonzano, F. M. Crozat, Adolphe Bailey, R. Young Burke. K. Howell, M. D. Cavanagh, J. J. Baum, STE-MARIE. STE-MARIE. H. Mllspaugh, J. A. Spellicy, J. K. Cook, ~Charles Smith.~0. H. Poynot, H. Maas, Edward Hart, E. Goldman, John Purcell, Geo. W. Geier, C. TERRE1BOX.N. W. Stauffer, W. R. Fish, James Duane, R. W. Bennie, Adolphe Gaidry. Benjamin Campbell, Edmund Flood, J. I,. Nombre total des deleguds-Orleans....63 Davies, J. T. Barrett, J. H. Flagg, W. H. Paroisses des campagnes..............27 Seymour, Joseph Dupsty, James Ennis, H, - J. Heard, P. A. Kugler, Martin Schnurr, En somme.............90 Robert Morris, Sam'l Pursell, Christian Ro - selius, John Payne, J. B. Bromley, E. H. Nombre total des votes remus jusqu'au Knobloch, C. 11. L. Gruneberg, Lewis 5 avril 1864, k 2 heures de l'apres Lombard, Thomas J. Decker, Thomas Ong, midi........................6184 R. Beauvais. Young Burke, Chas. Smith, R. A ces causes, le soussign4 a l'honneur de W. Bennie, Adolphe Gaidry. a ET L'AMENDIEMENT DE LA (CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. M. Montamat pr;sente la motion de r~fd- vous soumet le rapport suivant: AprP rer la communication du secrdtaire d'Etat, examen des rapports d'llection dang les contenant une liste des d1elgu4s 4lus, a paroisses el-apres nommnes, il est arriv6 k un comit6 de cinq. AdoptS. la conclusion que les personnes dont les Le president nomine de ce comiti MM lOrnS suivent ont t dfiluent gltes Wm. Thomas, Samuel Pursell, R. W. Ben- PAR.OISSSE, D'ORISAN.S. nie, C. H. L. Gnineberg et George F. Brott; P Demie. District treprsentatif- Joseph et subs6quemment, stir l'obs,2rvation lu Gorlinski, R. B. Bell, (Geo. F. Brott, W'. T. prident, que, p inadertance it Stoctker John Stumpf, J. B. Schroeder, E. president, que, par inadvertance, il,-twtit MIurphv. omis de nommer dle ce comit4 M. Montaimiat, Deuxieme Distr-ict Re rnsentatif- TerI'au teur de la motion, et qu'il (1dsirerait l'v rarce Cook, Joseph H. VWilson, John Henporter, en qualit~ de president dn dit cu derson j- J. - Stiner, M-.. Murphy, P. derson, jr., J. 1t-. Stiner, M!I. W. Mfur-phv, P. K. 0'Connir. Alfred C. Hills, T. B. Thorpe, mit4, sous l'approbation de la Convention, J I le iv Geo A. Fosdick, W. Ii. Hlire. rdsolu que M. Montamat soit ainsi niomm4. Tro-sietr.C District Repr,seitactif John Motion de M. Fish l';effet dle nommer un W. Thlomnas James Fuller, John Sullivan, comit4 de cinq charg6 de faire nn rapport J R- T 0 W. Austin John Foley, George Howes, H. W. Waters, P. Harnain. sur les rdglements de la Couvention et sur iQuatrie1e D,stict ]1eprdsentatif — Alfred le nombre d'employes n4cessaires l?exp6- Shaw, R. hKing Culter, Judge E. H. Durell, dition des affaires de cette assemble-mise,i( E. J. Wenck, Louis Gastinel. 6iiqttiene District Re,pr~isentatiJ —Edmund aux voix et rejet~e. Stir la demande du vote quen Distict Rp esta Emund Abell, John Buckley, jr., Xavier M~aurer, J. nominal, M. Howell demande la division de P JohnBcl M ivri P. Montamat, A. Mendiverri, la question; et sur ce M. Fish retire la der- Siie'me District Representatif-J. V. nitre partie de sa motion. Bofill, F. M. Crozat, Dr. M. F. Bonzano. Lei vote sur la premiere partie de 1, mo- Adolph Bailey ,Septien'me District Repriseatatif-Judge It. tion accuse trente voix pour et quarante et K. Howe l, J. J. Baum, M. D. Kavanagh, une contre cette motion, qui en cons4quen- IH. Millspaugh. ce est rejetde. JHIuitienme District Representatif -J. A. cM. Terry propost e queS le membre (e - Spellicy, O. i. Poynot. J. K. Cook. M.Terilmel District Reprisentatif-H. Maas, Convention procbdent par vole du sort E. Goldman, Edward Hart. pour decider du siege qu'ils occuperont Disxienic District Repr~sentatif-John Purrespectivemenit. Icell, C. W1. Stauffer, W. R. Fish, Ben. Camp r demande de M. Soke cette l bell, J. T. Barrett, Geo. W. Geier, B. S. Suriola ea de teree Abbott. James Duane, Edmund Flood, J. tion est rejet~e. L. Davis. M. Harnan propose que tonte motion ou |Rive droite du Mississipi (Alger)-J. H. risolution soit prdsent(e par ecrit. D6pose4. lagg, W. H. Seymour. Stir motion de M. Thomas, la Convention ASSOMPTION. 'ajourne jusqu Jeudi, idi. Joseph Dupaty, James Ennis, E. J. Pins'~ajourne jusqu'kt Teudi, kt midi. C tado. ,ALFRED C. -IILS, AVOYELLES. Secr~taire pro teni. p I,. P. Normand, H. C. Edwards. FST-BATON ROUGE. JEUI)r, 7 Avril 1864. W. -). Mann, P. A. Kugler, H. J. Heard. Lal Convention s'assemble is midi, cec OUEST-BATON ROUGE. jour, jeudi le 7 avril 1864. Sidney A. Lobdell. CONCORDIA. M. Shaw est le prdsident pro triil. obW. iORrIA. Robert W.Talliaferro. LI'appel du r6le accuse uii quorumi. EST-FELCIAN'. M. l' rgverend J. Iorton fait la priire. Jausen T. Paine, Martin Schnurr. Le procs-verbal de Ia preminre s4ance i JEFFERSON. est In et approuv6. Robert Morris, Samuel Pursell, P. A. {Christian Roselius. John Payne. M. Montamat, du Comite( de vdrification Christian Roselius, John Payne. 1-4FOURCHE. des pouvoirs, soumet le rapport suivant J. B. B:LFOmRy E. J.B. Bromley, E. H. Knobloch, C. H. Aux Iloionoables le Presiden7it eterg. Gruneberg. les Memnbres de la Convention: t DnDO'. Votre comit6 de verification des pouvoi's R. V. M,Ontague. JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION t tion des pouvoirs soit adopte, sans y comNewell., prendre tout se qui s'y rapporte aux sieges h contest4s, soit ddpos6 sur le bureau et que ! la Chambre passe outre.: .Tho.. OgT. Sur motion de M. Stocker, l'amendement ST. JACQUES. R. Beauvais. est dEposE; puis le raport est adopt4. ST. JEAN BAPTIkST?. M. Bell propose de s'occuper de l'organi Young Burke. sation permanente de la Convention. ST. M_RIE. ~Chares Smith. j ~M. Thomas propose comme substitut Charles Smith. TERRE1BON.E. nla nomination d'un comit6 de cinq, char B. W. Beniie. Adolphe Gaidry. |g4 daviser au nombre d'employds ndces Votre comnite conclut que dans la pa- saires k la Convention, et k leurs attribaroisse d'Ascension, Robert J. Duke a obl)tenu tions. Rejet6 le plus grand nombre de votes, et est dd- M Montamat propose que la Convenment C'luE~~ oln.MotmtpooeqeiCnv Que nt i olnet J. E. Richa1rd! tion s'occupe de la nomination d'un prdsi Que E:iiiile Collins et J. E. Richard oar~t tous deux reqa un nombre (g-al dec vo- Ident, dun secrdtaire, d'un sergent d'armes, tes, et qu'en consequence aucun dleux a est d'un portier et d'un messager. Adopt4. l1u. La motion de M. Henderson de nommer Clest pourquoi votre comitd considbre a qu'il est convenable d'ordonner une non- au scrutin le president, sur motion de velle election dans cette paroisse, pour un M. Montamat, et apr/s appel, est ddposee delegud. par un vote de 65 voix contre 24. Apres enqu~te, votre coinite reconnait qu e le shrif de ina paroise Plaqaemniiacs M. Abell propose d?admettre MM. Balch qiue le sh~riff de la paroisse PlaquieminesetDfeecom lgusdlaprs,e est coupable d'actes de ndgligence qui ren- etDufresne cormme d4e4gus de la paroisse dent l'election de cette parois.e nulle et d'Iberville. non avenue, ainsi: La motion de M. Wilson d'en rdferer au lo. II n'a pOlllt nomm6 de ddput3,s et! lo. I na point fi nomraroE dep dpntc8 et comitd de verification est perdue et les n'a point fait ouvrir les polls dans tous les pr6cincts de cette paroisse. usdits Balch et Dufresne sont alors, sur 2o. I1 n'a fait faire aucun rapport du re- motion, reconnus membres de la Convensultat de l'Ulection au Fort Jackson. tion. 3. I1 n'a fait aucuin rapport officiel quel- La Chambre passe'ctio d'n prconque de l'election dans cette paroisse. Votre comitE recommande donc d'ordon- sident; sont candidats MM. R. K. Howell, ner une nouvelle 6lection dans cette pa- E. H. Durell, M. F. Bonzano, Christian roisse. Et c'est avec respect qulii vous Roselius, T. B. Thorpe, J. R. Terry et A1soumet le present rapport.' JOnmet eoNvrM~T p ero fred Shaw; ces deux derniers retireat lei Joisx-, MO-.N-rAMAT, President. candidature. M.otion secondde pour l'adoption de ce Sur appel nominal il appert que M. Howrapport; et sur ce MM. Lombard et Dec- eli obtient 25 voix; E. H. Durell 35; M. F. ker prennent la parole devant la Conven- Bonzano 15; Christian Roselius 7 et 13B. tion sur leurs droits respectifs k un siege. Thorpe 1I. L'amendemendeM. Trry pournommer Le rsultat dta.t nul, lea noms (de L'amndeieatdo M T~ry pur nmme MM. Bonzano, Rosolius et Thorpesal e un comit6 de cinq afin d'6tudier la question tirMM Bl onano, Ro seis et Thore sont re, irs et le second Louir de vote donne pouri des droits respectifs des d.l1gus de Pla rnsultat 43 voix a M. E. H. Durell, savoir quemines, est, sur motion, dl ost sur le bu MM. Gorlinski, Bell, Brott, Stitmpf, E. Murphy, Cook, M. W. Murphy, Stiner, O'Conner, Thorpe, Healy, Thomas, Falleri Sullivan, Terry, Waters, Shaw, Bofill Crozat, Bailey, Howell, Maas, Goldman, Hart, John Purcell, Stauffer, Fish, Campbell, Barrett, Geier, Duane, Davies, Flagg. Seymour, Schnurr, Roselius. Paine, K-tObloch, Gruneberg? Smith, Bennie, Gaidr. —.. 4,3. Et quarante et iine pour' R. K. How — ell, savoir: reau par un vote de 49 voix contre 16. MIotion de M. Cazabat pour ajourner jusqu'k lundi k midi. L'appel nominal accuse sept voix pour l'affirmative contre soixante-seize pour la negative. La question d'adoption du rapport s e pr-sentant de nouveau, M. Terry amende sa motion en ces termes: Que le rapport du comit6 do vdriftlca i I 6 RAPIDES. M. R. Arlail, A. Ca-zabat. I-. H. Thos. M. Wells. ST. BER;ND. Tlio.,i. Oug. ST. JACQUES. R. Bei-tuvais. ST. JEA'-N' likPVSTL'. Young Burke. -li T. X -A. R I Charles Smith. TERREBON.E. B. W. Beniiie, A(lolphe Gaidry. ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. MM.. Stocker, Schroeder, Wilson, Hender- I mais encore afin de faire disparattre a jason, Fosdick, Austin, Foley, Harnan, Cut- mi ais, de la Louisiane, cette cause fatale de ler, Durell,Gastinel, WNenck, Abell, Buckley, luttes et de rdbellion. Vous accomplirez, Maurer, Montamat, MIendiverri, Bonzano, je le sais, ces devoirs et d'autres nombreux Baitm, Millspaugh, Kavanagh, Spellicy, encore, qui vous incombent, avec courage Poynot, Cook,Flood, Dupaty, Ennis, Kugler, et fermet6, ne vous occupant que de la Heard, Morris, Samuel Purseil, Ong, Beau- prosp-ritd et du bonheur dle notre Etat et vais, Burke, Normand, Edwards, (azabat. de notre commune patrie. Newell, Balch, Dufresne, Hills41. Motion de M. Bell de nommer un secr6 Sur motion de AM. Thorpe t'4lection de taire par voie du scrutin sur motion de M. M. Durell est prononc(e faite k l'unanimit46 Meontamat est reiet(oe les candidats sont: Puis MM. Howell, Roselius et Bonzano sont MM. Ncelis, McClellan, G6rard, White, nommes d'un comit, chargd d installer Reynolds, Holland, Deri son ect Murphy, le pr6sident 61u, et atprAs avoir pris pos3es- et I-'appel nominal, donne pour rdsultat, sion de Ia presidence, M. Durell prononce lI;'!ection de Neelis par 44 voix, tandis que le discours suivant: M. Derickson n'obtient queac dix voix, M. J. 3[essieurs de la (3n-vettio,u, Jo ou re FE Holland 6, M. John McClellan 8, M. mercie chaudemnent de Ilholineiir que vou morcie chaudement de lhonneur quo vot usr White 6, I. G4rard 4, et M. Murphy 2. Sur m avez confers en me nommant votre pro sident, et plus chaudement uencore de ce MM. Henderson, et Thorpe sont nomcette preuve de confiance en mes capaci- mns du comit6 charg6 d'installer M. Neeli[ cit4s et en mon patriotisme. Lorsque dans i comme secrtaire le cours de ma presidence, je montrerai de la faiblesse, vous me prdterez votre force, Ia motion d4lire au ruti un sergnt je le sais. Et mon attento de trouver en d'armes, est d.posde, et les voix prises sur vous cette amdnit~j qui est la meilleure as- l'eoction des candidats suivants: MM. Mcsistance pour diriger tout corps lIgislatif, Guire, C. Baumbach, Thos. K. Flanagan, et ne sera point d69ue. Dans ce temps de troubles publics, a l'lleure suprmoe du j DeCoursey, mais sans resultat. Sur cc, combat de votre pays pour son existence, M. Flanagan retire sa candidature, et -os concitoyens vous ont confid des devoirs aprons un appel aussi infructuelx que le preogaux a ceux du soldat sur le champ d e 'omier, on precede k un troisi~me appel quii bataille. C est k vous quil appartient de, terminer la tAche que le soldat laisse nces- donne 41 voix pour M. DeCoursey, 36 pour sairement incomplbte. Le 26 Janvier 1861, Baumbach, et 1 pour McGuire: Ainsi un petit nombre d hommes ambitieux et M. DeCoursey est 4u; et M. Brett propose mdchants, se ri unirent en convention, eti reprdeentant iuen minorit(, (le la, Lonisiane I qe le comit6 d'installation du secr6taire ils declarbrent "rompli jamais, le lien soit chargc' de la meme mission aupris de qui attache la Lonisiane a 1lUnion F~dcra- M f. de Coursey. Adopt4. le;I et vous, messieurs, les elus du peuple Surmotion, la Convention sajourne't loyal de ce m6me pays, vous avez gtd choi sis pour ddfaire l'ceuve de la folie et, di. ALI-iRE D C. HL crime; pour rctablir l'Etat dans son an- AL C. H, cienne position lgitime au sein de l'Union rSecrtaire pro tent. et pour le remettre sous les plis protecters dle ce drapeau qfii, partout, et salu6 comme le symbole de la libertc ot de l'-ga- Aril 1864. lite.. Vous connaissez le grand drame qui A midi et iLm quart, Ie Pr ident appelle se ddroule sous nos yeux et auquel nous k l?ordre la Convention, et annonce quo participons aussi; cette connaissance vous. l rvrnd ass orir prir. 'O.u le rav~ren(I Bass offrira la pri/~re. fera accepter lcs ids nouvells qu'enfante e progros, les changements que los gran?5Sur l appel nominal du secrdtaire, 78 des revolutions dan? les maximes et dans i membres ayant rdpondu, le president dles sociotes humaines, rendent ndessaires; clare qi'i l y t, qiorim et? que la siance et et volontiers, vous abandonnerez un p rqassl y o m q mort pour in avenir rempli des pr omessc res d'une vie nouvello. La premi6re et la M. Hills, le secritaire ))'o icom. annonce principale cause de cette rbdl1lion est 6vi- qu'il est prie de lire et proc/s-verbal dente pour vous tous vous avez 4t6 appe de ia sdance d'hier. et sur re, lecture en est 1es k vous reunir. investis des pouvoirs ab-. solus, qui, d~apr~s nos institutions, appar- ordonnde et faire. tiennent ba un corps organique, non seulo- M. Harnan prdsente Ie pr~;ambule e la. meat afin de rdtablir l'Etat dans l'Union, resolution qui suivent: 8 JOURNiAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION Cos'idkrant, que nous sommes instruits, En consaquence, d'lection point, fute par ce qui parait etre bonne autorit4, que de majoritC. ddjk, deux membres -de cette Conventionidats ont dt( assaillis, et l'un d'eux, dans l'ac- Bam propose qte tous les cand complissement de ses devoirs de conven- saufles trois qui ort obtenu le plus grand tionnel, enconsequence, nombre de voix, soient retirds. Adopt4. B~solu, Les inculp,6s susdits seront d6 Rolu, Les inulps susdits seront d Au second tour, M. Bombach obtient 45 nonces aux autorites compdtentes pour 6tre traitos comme de droit. Mvoix,. A. Martill 14 et M. Coyle 22. En prdsentant cette resolution, M. liar- M otamat propose de delarer'nan dit que lui-meme et un autre niembre i,iite M. Bombach 6in. Adopto. Poua I,fi it. Bominbatio diinm eAdopt'. ont 6t, violemment assaillis ka (ause de r a nomination d'u messager Poiur ra nomnaione d,unf Lecl aerc A.TryniMe leurs actes officiels dans cette Convention,Maurer nome. Lecle,. Terr nomme et qu'h son avis, la Chambre doit s'oclcuper M. E. G. Maguire, M. Duane nomme M. Murde ces faits. rphy, jr., M. Gorlinski nomme M. Pio La motion de ddposer est perdue, et sur trowski, M. Thomas nomme M. Clark, la motion de M. Bell, un comit( de trois M. Healy nomme M. Coyle. chargd de procder a une enqnlte, aprbs Au prenier tour, 9 voixpour M. Leclerc, prononcd du prdsident, sur appel nominal, 17 pour M. McDonald, 2 pour M. Mcguire, est adopt(e par 48 voix contre 30. 3 pour M. MIurphy, et aucune pour M. Pio Le prdsident nomme de ce comritd.MM trowski. L'.(lection n'ayant pas eu lieu, Rosdlius, Wilson, et Morris. Sur motion M. Staiffer propose im second tour et que d'y adjoindre M. Thorpe, M. Thorpe deman- lon ne vote que pour les deuix candidats de k en 6tre dispense. Adopt('. qutii viennent d'obtenir le plus grand nom M J. W. Thomas propose que ia Con- bre de voix au premier tour. vention s'occupe des affaires non tiermindesi Adoptd, et M. Clark obtient -4 voix, du jour prdcddent, et complete son or- contre Coyle 36. ganisation par l'lec'tiou d'un portilr et Sur motion de M. Wilson, Clark est (1dd'un messager. clare dlu k lunanimiteo. M. Cazabat presente un amendement a M. Heard propose de procader h l'4 ecl'effet de remettre au president l1 nomina- tion d'un secr(' taire-adjoint. Repousse. tion des officiers non encore choisis. M. Stauffer propose qu'un comite' soit .M Wilson propose pour substitut de lais- nommd par le president afin de faire un ser au sergent d'armes Ie droit de choisir rapport siur les rdglements qui doivent rdsos aides, le portier etlemessager y compris. gir la Convention, ainsi que le surplus M. Montamat ayant obtenu la parole, d'emplovys necessaires au travail de l5asdit, qu'k son avis, toutes ces motions ne semblde et sur les capacites requises d'eux. sont pas I l'ordre, et il demande que la M5f. Heard. comme substitut, pr6sente las Convention procde a I'4leetion d'un 1po- r~solution suivante: tier.,Le president nommera un comito de sept Une autre motion propose de laisoser chargd de preparer des rdglements pour c-ette nomination au President. cotto nomination an Pre'sident. lJ cette Convention, et que jusqu'a ce que le le comite ait fait son rapport, les dobats se D(clar6 quoe la nomination d'un portier ront dirig.s sunivant les principes du Maest ia'ordre, et M. Crozat propose M. A. nuel de Jefferson, et par les rdglements du Martin; M. Harnan, Mallory; M. Duane S4nat et de la Chambre des Represen itant-s de IIE'cat de lk Louiisia~ne, adoptes en McCarty; M. Healy, Coyle; l.;Pircell, tants dEt d Loisian adopt 15.'Ddpos,6. Bombach; M. Stauffer, Piersell, M. Shaw, 1 Frieny; Dr. Grtimeberg, F. X. M.rtin;, M M. Staiff'r retire sa motion afi de perTerry, Sullivan; M. Cook. Miller; et ufin mettre a f. Montamat de presenter Ia !sienne. M. M3aurer propose Ernst. Siir le vote nominal, M. Mallory obtient 3 Reso!u: Le Gouverneur est invitd'a lanvoix, MPiorsoll 4, M. McCa ty 4, M. Coylo 15 unes proclamation, k l'effet d'ordonner M. Bombach 29, M. Frieny 3, M. Sollivan 6, |n t d ietlon, aussitot quoe faire se pourra, M. Bor h 1 9, M. Frieny 1M. S ullivan 6,d'un da1gunp do la paroisse Plaqnemine M. Miller 1, M. Ernst 1. Iet d'un a~utro pour ia paroisso Ascenmion ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISTANE. Nouvelle motion de deposer la motion originaire de M. Terry. Le dep6t est refils6. Une nouvelle motion d'ajournement est faite et rejetde. Un membre propose que le secretaire prenne note de la date du "serment blinde" de chaque membre, et en donne lecture Il'assemblce. Cette proposition est rejetee. Nouvelle motion d'ajournement. Rejet,e. La question revenant alors a la resolutioni originaire, le vote nominal sur cette resolution est demands et donne le rdsultat suivant: Pour la resolution MM. Gorlinski, Bell, Stocker, Buckley, Stumpf; Schroeder, Gastinel, E. Murphy, Cook, Wilson, Stiner, Murphy M. W., Abell, O'Conner, Hills, Thorpe, Healy, Fosdick, Hire, Thomas, Aiistin,Foley, Harnan, Shaw, Cutler, Wenck, Maurer, Terry, Montamat, BMenidiverri, Bofill, Crozat, Baum, Kavanagh, Millspaugh, Poynot, Spellicy, Cook, Goldman, Hart, Purcell, Stauffer, Fish, Campbell, Barrett, Geier, Duane, Flood, Davies, Dupaty, Ennis, Normand, Edwards, Mann, Kugler, Schnurr, Morris, Pursell. Paine, Bromley, Gruneherg, Cazabat, Neell, Ong, Beauvais, Burke, Gaidry, Smith, Bennie, Dufresne. M. Thomas demande a etre dispens4 de MaIessieurs Gorlinsky, Brott, Stocke r, Stumpf, Thomas, Fulle, Sulli van, Austin, Waters, Cutler, Abell, Bailey, Howell, Kavanagh, Spellicy, Poyno Hart, Flaggt, a Seymour, Plann, Heard, Roselius, Gaidry, Balch, Dufresne, Bonzano 26. Ont vote contre Messieurs Bell, Schroeder, Murphy E., Cook, Henderson, Wilson, Stiner, Murphy, O' Conner, Hills, Thorpe, Healy, Fosdick, Hire, Terry, Foley, Harnarn, Shaw, Buckley, Maurer, Montamat, Mdendiverri, Bofi ll, Crozat. Baum, Millspauttgh J. K., Cook, e - vaas, Goldmann, Stauffer, Fish, Campbell, Barrett, Geier, Duane, Flood, Davies, DuLpaty, Ennis, Norman, Edwards, Kugler, Schnurr, Morris, Purcell, Cazabat, Payne, Bromley, Knobloch, Newell, On,, Smith, Bennie — 53. M. Thomas propose, commne amendement, que le President de la Convention administre le "serment blinde'7 a chacun des membres de cette Convention. .,otion est faite de deposer cet amendement sur le buireau-. Cette motion est rejetee. vante: RMsolui, Que chaque membre de cette Convention, etant d'origine etrangere, sera ten u de fournir au prdsident la preuve de sa citoyennet6 avant samedi, 9 du courant, a midi. M. Hills se leve pour une question d'ordre. I1 pense que la substance de cette resolution se trouve comprise dans la risolution de M. Terry, qui deja a ete adoptee. IM. Harnan pense qu'il y a erreur et que la motion est rejetee. M. Hire affirm,- qu'elle est rejetde. Le vote est repris, et le ddp6t de la i rdsolution est prononc4. MN. Cazabat propose coinme substittit, que tons les membres de la Convention se l6vent a linstant meme, que chacun d'eux leve la main droite. et qu'en presence du Dieu Tout-Puissant et de cette Convention, le President leur administre a tous en meme temps le serment prescrit par la proclamation du President, du 8 decembre 1863. Le substitut est rejete. Motion est alors'faite de deposer l'amendement de M. Thomas sur le bureau. La motion est adoptee, et l'amendement depo 2 I 9 S4. I 10 JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION rLe proc,s-verbal de la session prec'dento est lu et adopte, et le secretaire precede a la lecture de diverses communicationsl'utne du secretaire d'Etat, accompagnant les retours de l'e'lection dans la paroisse dlIberville, annonqant l'election de MM. Balbch et Dufresne; une autre de M. R. S. Abbott, offrant sa demission comme membre de la Convention; et une troisieme de M. Roselius, aLi m6mnie efifet. M. Foley propose que ces demissions soient acceptees. siuvants, savoir: un vice-president, nil as lette resolution es egatlement depose e sur le bureau. M. Samuel Purcell offre la resolution suivante: Resolu, Que le clerge de cette ville et des environs est invite a se concerter et k a folurnir une liste de ceux de ses membres (ii ddsirent faire fonctions de chapelains a cette Convention,'a tour de r6ole et chacun pour un jour. On propose alors de soajourner jusqu'an lhndenmaiin a midi. Adopte. JouxN E. NEELIS, Secretaire. S.MEDI, 9 Avril 1864. La Convention se reunit conformement bal l'ajonrnement, a midi. L'Hon. E. H. Duirell. president. La pricre est dite par le Rev. M. St rong. Le role est ensuite appel4, et les miembres suivaints rdipondent a leurs noms' MM. Ahell,Austin, Bailey, Ba rrett, Baum,. Bell, Bennie. Bofill, Bromlev, Brott, Beuckley, Bulrke, Balch, Campbell Cook, J. K., (,rozat, DI)avies. DI)ufresnes, Edwards, Fish Flagg, Flood. Foley, Fosdick. Fuller, (-astinel, Geier, Goldman, Grunelerg, Gaidlry, Heaily, Hartnan, IHart, Heard,'lenderson Hills, Hire, Howell. Howes, Kavanagh, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Millspaugh, Montamat, Montague, Miiorris, Muvipy rphy E, Murphy. W. Newell, Nor mand, Ong, Payne, de Jefferson: Payne, de Feliciana. Poyinot, PIurcell J..P ursell S., Schroe derl, Seynmour. Shaw. Smithl, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Statlffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Wvaters, AVenck, Wilsoin, et le president-75.n Le elombre des membres 4tant de soixandte-quinze seulement, le pres ident or(lonne ani setgent dlarmes d'amener iun miembre, afin de faire un quorum. M BaTch domando ic veto nominal ser i solution sur le bureau. Le vote nominal est demandS, et la rmasolution est diposee sur le bureaut p)ar 6(; voix con tre 13. . M. Thomas propose de i-etrlncher It- ])s sage qui s'app!lique a,tux messager,. I e president annonce qi-tl y ae sa oa m a. I TDelx memlnreis entt',ent oni Ce (7t ElT L'AMENDEMENT I)E; CONTSTITUTI'ON )E IJ.A ],t:ISIANE. 1 1 tMotion est faite de dCeposier la riso- Stauffer, Terry, Thorp ThoThmias, WAaters. uttion sur le butreau. Wilson-68 Le vote par division est pris, et la itiotioil Contie cette rtitiiCtioii ost at~doptee par 66 voix contre 13 MM. J. K. Cook, Foley, Fosdick, Ilowell. Mfonitaguie, M-Norris, Simith —7. MI. Thomas offrle la resolution ci api otaue ors ith 5Oli, Qulil s~oitL prsoced par lI i Ile prCsI11ident ainnonce que la decision est I?~solq., Qii'il soit procgdd par la Coiivention k l'election d'un Imprimleur officiel sionteiue; (iIie s'il y avait qtorttiit, on doit de la dite Convention; lequel sera charge considedr( que plusiers membres se solt d impriner et de pnblier les travaux de alstenus de voter. cette Convention, et de faire touites les an-. tres impressions qui lpourront etre- ordon- Fole demande appe d rol pr nees par elle, et sera responsablc de l1exece- i erifier si eii effet il y avait qlorum. tion ponectiille et satisfaisante dnu travail.,e president soutient que c'est lk lec IUne mnotion pour le rejet de cette resoli- moynen convenable dle decider la qullestion. tioi est laite et rejete. l,e r6le est appele, et il est constate que La risoliitionii elle-mnime est alors m1isCe 75 membres seulement etaient presents. alex voix et le res-ltat dv vote cst comnie |Une motion P)olr l"a,joirnement k lundi suit ~ est taite et rejetee. Pour la rdsolitioni L,a Convention suspen( la s(~ance pour MM. iustin, Bailey, 3arre tt, iaUim, Beeau- 11n quart (Id'heure. vais. Bell, Bennie, Edwards, Fish, Flagg, M. Thomas dlemande qte le sergent Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Geier, Murphy E., dainies soit envov -It I; recherche des AMurphy M. W.. Newell, Normand, Jno. Piayne, Paine T. J., Putrcell Jno. Bofill membres alsents. Bonzano, Bromley, Brott, Buckley, Burke Apres un court espace de temps le rO61e Balch, Campbell, Cazabat, Cook J. K., T. ( est de nouveau appeld, et 81 membres se Cook, Cutler, Duane, Dupaty, ]Dufiesn(e. tronvant presents la rdsolution est de nouGoldman. Gruneberg, Gaidry, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howes Kavanagh, veait miisc aux oix et d(opte-deux Knobloch, Kunler, lMaurer, Millspaugh met ibres d(e plus dtant entres pendant Montagie, Seymourn, Shaw, Smith, Spellicv, l'appel des noms, le vote est de 83. Stocker, Stumpf Stiner, Staufficr Sullivan, Ont vrot pouir la rdsoliition ~ Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, W aters, Wilsron —65l.t ~Centre Ia resolution *M. AM)ell, Austin. Bailey, Barrett, Cointre la resolution' 13Baum. Beauvais, Bennie. Bofill Bonzano, AIMM.A.Flood, Gastinel, Howell, Mannla, Mon- Bromley, Brott, Buckley, Burke, Balch, tamla,,t, (,'Conner, Pursell S., Schroeder, Campbell, Cazabat, Cook J. K,. Cook T. Wenk-10. Cutler, Davies, Duane, Dufresne, Edward:, LT,e prdsident ddclare (I1Ue la resolution IF ish, Flagg, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gasest adoptec. tiael, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Grune la decision du,bei, Gaidry,.- Heaolv, Hainomi,Har, Heq~f4ard,r .l. Gastinel appelle de la decisioHn du president en se fondant sli ce qu'il n ay dr,,dit pas de quoruipm. La question est sonrmise k la Convention, et le vote donne lIc sultat suivant iiour ratifier la decision du pre,sident M. bell. Austin. Bailey. Barrett, Banim, Beauvtais. Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Bonzano, Bron1imley, Brott, Buckley, lBurk e, Balch, Campbell. Cazabat, Cook T. Cutler. D)avies. Duane, Dufresne, Edwards, Fish, FIlaog Flood, Fuller. Geier, Gorlinski, Griunteberog, (Gaidry, Hart, Heard, Henderson. Hills, H-ire, Howes, Kavanagh, Knoblch, Kulcier MAann, Mare, MillsIangii, MIontainat. Mipirph I y M M. W\., Newell, N\ormaud(. OConier, Paiiine J. T., Poynot. Purcell Jno., P ursell S. Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Sullivan, Stiner, ]-,a Convention siispen(I I-,-t,,aiice potiitin qitart (Ilheitre. .Nl. Thomq,s clema,nde qtte le sergent d'ai-iiies soit envov4'-It It; recherche des iiieiiibres,Al)sents. Aprs tin coitrt espace (le teiaps le r,61e (-st de noi-Lveatt appel6, et 81 ineiiibres sc,, trotivant, pr6sents, la r6soliition est de nouveait iiii.,e aitx -%,Oix et -,i,(Iopt6e-deux iiieiiibres (le plies 6tant eiitr6s pendant I'appel des nonis, le vote est de 83. Ont Nrot6 poiir la r4soliitioii: 12 JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION M. Campbell demande le vote au scrutin Le prdsident nomnme MM. Stauffer, Thosecret. mas, Heard et Bennie, membres de ce co Sur motion, cette demande est rejetde. mite. Le vote nominal est pris et donne le re- M. Montamat offre la resolution snisultat suivant vante Ont votd pour M. Fish les membres ci- tResolt, Que le gouverneur et les officiers aprds nommds: d'Etat 4lus le 22 fdvrier dernier, ainsi que le captaine Stephen Hoyt, faisant fonctions !M. Abell, Abbott, Austin, Bailey? Bar- de maire de la ville de la Nouvelle-Or itt Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, leans, sont, par la presente, invit4s a s'as Bonzano, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Caza- seoir dans l'enceinte reserve, toutes les bat, Cook J., K. Cook T., Cutler, Davies, fois que la Convention ne siegera pas a Duane, Edwards, Flagg, Foley, Fuller, huis-clos. Gastinel. Geier, Goldmail, Gruneberg, L La resolution est raise auix voix et adop) (laidry, Healy, Hart, Heard, Henderson, tire, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Maas, tee. Maurer, Mendiverri, Millspaugh, Montamat, M. Cazabat fait passer line motion tendant Morris, Murphv E., Murphy M. W., Newell, rconsidrer laction de la onvention 1k reconsiddrer I'action de la Convention Normand, O()onner, Ong, Payne J., Poy Ien ce qui touche la dridmission de MM. Ronot, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Sey- en c qul touche la d sson d MM. Ro mour, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, selius et Abbott. Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Le president ddcide que les membres Waters —65. *Watcrs~~6. idoivent presenter leurs projets de resolu Ont voted pour M. Hills: tions de leurs places. MM. Dupaty, Harnan, Montague, Dufres- Le Colonel Thorpe demande que l'on ne, Howell, J. T. Paine, Flood, Kugler, S hreconsidre 1action de la Convention en Schnurr, Fosdick, Mann, Smith —12.~ Ochnurrt Fosdip Man: ce qui regarde l'acceptation des ddmissions Ont vot6 pour M. May: MM. Bromley, Bach, Wlson, Brott, de MM. Abbott et Roselius, par le motif MM. Bromley, Balch, Wilson, Brott, IHills-5. Iqu'il n'y avait pas quorurn present quand Ont vot4 pour MM. Fish et Hills, les mem- le vote a 6t pris. ~~snu~~~ivants: SLe juge Howell offre les rdsolutions suisuiivants~ MM. Gorlinski, Wench-2. 1vantes, et demande qu'elles soieit lues par M. Hills propose que M. Fish soit ddclar6 le secrdtaire, et mises h l'ordre du jour pour lundi ~ elu imprimeur a l'unanimit. lundi: -R~solu, Qu'il soit noraro par le pr~si M. Foley demande si tout le monde s'est nomm par le pri dent de cette Convention, un comite de — conforms k la rdsolution adoptde bier, re- membres auquel sera rdfrder la la quesquerant tons les membres de la Conven- tion de l'abolition imn:cdiate et pertion de prouver qu'ils ont prete le serment manente de l'esclavage dans l'Etat de la Louisiane, et qui devr,, prdsenter, dans le exigd par la proclamation prdsidentielle L ouisiane, et qui devra presenter, dans lo .exig6~~~~~~~ plus bref delai possible, un projet d'ordondu 8 de'cembre 1863. Apres un certain nance ou un chapitre sur cette motion, temps pris pour la verification, la liste est propre I etre incorpords dans la constilue, et il est annonce que tons les mem- tution de l'Etat. brs se sont coformes a a resotio 2. Qu'il soit nommd par le president b~res se sont conformds,,k la resolution,k .un comite de membres, charge de pre1'exception de MM. Ariail, Crozat, Ennis, parer le prdambule de la nouvelle constituLobdell, Wenck, Wells et Pintado. tion et de faire son rapport a ce sujet dans Ces membres n'etaient pas prsents et le plus bref dd!ai possible. n'vaient ps en 3. Qu'il soit nomme par le prdsident plinsieurs d~entrleux nlavaient pas encore pui1 comitd de -— membres, devant lequel paru a la Convention depuis son ouvertnire sera renvoyde la question de la distribution M. Staiiffer appelle l'attention dle la Con- des pouvoirs du gouvernement de l'Etat de vention sur la resolution suivante, ddposde la Louisiane, tel qu'elle est 6tablie dans le titre premier de la constitution de l'Etat siur le bureau le 6~ sur, le. bureaudoptde en 1852, lequel comite sera charge Resolu, Quun comite de cinqsoit nonmre' de recommander les changements, modifipour preparer un projet de reglements cations ou amendements qu'il croira oppour la Convention, et que ce comite fasse portuns, et de faire un rapport a ce sujet son rapport lundi soir. nussi promptement que faire se pourra. La resolution est adoptee. i 4. Qn'il soit noinme' par le prdsident de ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 13 la Convention un comitd de -- membres, sion de la constitution, tel qul'il est dive devant lequel sera renvoyee la question du loppd sous le titre neuf de la dite consti departement l1gislatif, telle qu'elle est ex- tution, et qui sera charge de suggrer tels posee dans le titre second de lat dite consti- changements, modifications et amenldements tution, et quii sera charg~ de recommander qilil croira k propos, et de faire son rapport les changements, modifications et amende- t ce sujet dans le plus bref delai. ments, qu'il croira propres. et de faire son 12. Qu'il sera nommeo par le prosident rapport dans le plus bref delai. un comite de — membres, devant lequel 50. Qu'il sera nomme par le president sera renvoyee la question das dispositions un comit6 de..membres. devant qui trainsitoires (schedl6e), telle qu'elle est ex sera renvoyde la question du departement posee soes le titre dix de la dite consti executif, telle qu'on la trouve dans le titre tution, et qui sera charge de suggdrer tels troisiinme de la dite constitution, lequel co- changemeuts. modifications et amendements mit6 devra proposer tels changements, qu'il croi-a a propos, et de faire son rap modifications et aimendements, qu'il croira port k. ce sijet d(ans le plus bref delai. propres, et faiie son rapport ait ce siijet 13. Quiii sera nomm6 par le prdsident auiissit6t que possible. un comite de -— membres, devant lequel 6. Qu'il soit nomme par le president 1in sera renvoyee la question de la mise en ex comite de -- membres, devant lequel sera ecution de la constitution (ordinance), telle renvoyce la question du departement judi- qu'elle est regloe sous le titre onze de la ciaire, dont les bases sont etablies au titre dite constitution, et qui sera charge de pro quatriime de la dite constitution, et quii poser tels changements, modifications et proposera tels changements, modifications amendemenis qu'il croira opportuns, et de et amendemeiits qu'il jutgera convenables, faire son rapport i ce sujet le plusprompte et preseitera un rapport sur ce sujet dans ment possible. le plus bref delai possible. 7. Qulil soit norarod par le -prdsidenit 7. Qu'il soit nome par Te- president M. Montamat propose l'impression de un comite de- membres, devant lequel 300 exemplaires de ces resolutions pour sera renvoy(e la question de la mise en l'usage des membres.-Adopt6. accusation des officiers public (impeach- Un membre demande qu r -oltions ment), telle qu'on la trouve expose SOIS le en e sus treoton titre cinq de la dite constitution. et qui de- soient depose'es sur e bureau. Cette motion vra proposer tels changements, modifica- estrejet6e. tions et amendements qu'il croira i propos,! L'ajouriement ia lundi, a midi, est proet faire son rapport srll ce sijet dans le plus po et adopt. bref ddlai possible. pose et adopte 8. Qu'il sera nomme' par le president JOHax E. N:.E:IS, un comite de — membres, devant lequel Secretaire. sera renvoyee 1a question des dispositions I gene'rales, telle qu'elle est ddveloppde sous Luxci, 11 avril 1864 le titre six de la dite constitution, et quii sera charge de proposer tels cliangements. A midi e president appelle la Convenmodifications et amendenmeints qu,l croira tion h l'ordre, et la sdance commence par oliportuus, et de faire son rapport sur ce une pribre prononcee par le Rev. M. D'Ossuijet le plus promptement possiblv. sey, membre de la Commission Chretienne. 9. Qu il sera nomme par le president un cornitC~ de ---- membres, devaint lequiel un cemitt do -— mombres dovautTequ l A T1appel du r6oe, les membres suivants sera renveoye la question des ameliora- rdpondent a leurs noms: tions interieures, telle qiiu'elle est exposee MM. Abell, Bailey, Barrett, Beauvais, souils le titre sept de la dite constitution, Baley, Barrett, Beavais quii sera charge d e suggfrer tels change- d Bell, Bofil, Bonzano, Bromley, Brott, Buck m chaig setgir a LOI chang ley, Balch, Burke, Campbell, Crozat, Davies, mnents, modifications et amendemenits qiT Dufresne, Edwards, Flagg, Flood, Foley, jugera a propos, et de faire son rapport' ceugj ppet d oans pro iappreerlat psil!Fosdick, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Gruce sujet dans le plus bref delai possible. 10. Qu'lil sera nolmm par le prdsident neberg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan,. Heard, 10. (;u'iT sera nommeo par Te prdsid'eat n cmi do -membres? devant He nderson, Hills, Howell, IHowes, Kavaiin comitd1 de -— membres, devant lequel nagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas,, Manin, sera renvoyee la question de l1instruction Maur, inobltch, Knagler, Maas, Man, publique, telle qiiuelle est developpe sos u isp h Montamat, Montage Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W., Newell, le titre huit de la dite constitution, et qui Murphy E, Murphy M. W., Newell sera charg de proposer tels hnements S man i, OConner, Olng, Schnurr, Seymour, sera charge doeipiepeser tols ch'ngements, modifications ot amendoments qnii croira Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, iopportud.ns et doe faire son ri apporit c Stiner. Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thomas, opportuns, et de faire son rapport stir ce sujet Te plus tot possible. W aters, Wenck, Wilson, et M. le president 11. Qunil sera nomme par le president 6o un comito de- -membres, devant lequel I1 n'y a pas quorum, et le prdsident sera renvoyde la question du mode de rdvi- donne am sergent d'armes l'ordre d'al 14 JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA RIEVISION ler i la recherche des membres man- mais le reminplacemoent ainsifaitnes'etenldra quants; et l'appel nominal suivant, les pas au-delit de l1ajotrnement VI. Toutes les fois que la Convention memlbres ci-apr~,s id~nominas rdponidenit~ procedera t lne election, le prdsident vote MMI. Abell, Austin, Bailey, Barrett.. Bell, ra; iiais dlans les autres cas il ne r,otera,, Bofil, Bonzano, Bromley, 13Brott, Bickley, pas, a moins que la Chambre ne soit oaleBurke, Balch, Campbell, Cazabat, Crozat, ment divisde, ou a moins que sa voix donDI)avies, Duane, Dupaty, I)Dufresne, Edwards, nee it la minoite ne produise une divisio Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, egale, et dans ce dernier cas la question Gastinel, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Gru- era perdue. neberg, Gaidry, lIealy, liarnan, Hart, VII. Touslescomitdsseront romains lper Heard, Hend(lerson, Hills, Hire, Howell, le prTsidents il omils que Ia Convention Howes, Kavaiagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas ne; ordonnu autrement d'une maniore ML~an-n, Mlaurer, Mendiverri, Millspauigh, ~IMann, Mauici Mondl 0111 Milispaugh,sp/ciale, et d(lans ce cas ils seront,lus par MIontamiat, Montague, Morris, Murphy E., la Chambre; et si apres uin ballot, le noniMurphy MA. W., Newell, Norman, O'Conner, quis st pas e par la majote bre requiis n'est pas dlui par la ma,joritd Ong, Poynot, Purcell, J. Shroeder, Schnurr, des votes donnos. la Chambre procedera k Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, n second ballot dans leqel a plualit unii second'ballot, danis leqiiel la pliiralitd Stum)f, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, voi prvadra et sil aiv ql des voix prevaiudra; et sqil arrive qn'u Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Wenck, Wilson et ombre 6gal de voix ait ete donne a plus M. le President-78 ~de membres quiil n?en fiuit pour composer M:. Stauffer, president dt comite charg. ou compldter un comite6, la Chambre prode presenter les regles et reglements pour cddera a; un autre ballot. les seances de la Convention, soumet le rap- Vot l Tos lesactes,tontes les adreses et toutes les rdsolutions de la Convention port saluivant: seront signes par le prdsident; ect tous R~eglements'de la Convention. Regements de la C'onveuto les ordres, mandats on stltOa,nas seronit re vetus de sa signature, et devront &tre coni)U PRESIDENT-SES DEVOITRS ETr SES I).OT; tresignS. par le secretitire. ~~~ —. IX. En cas de troutble oil de conduite I. Le president prendra son sigetons les malseante dt'ns les galeries on dans le jours d l'heure pour laquelle la Chambr lobby l p idnt (on le chiiise ( sera ajourn~e le jour precedent, et il appel- Comito G(ne ral) aira (loit do losfa lera de suite les membres i 1lordre. Si 6vacuer une majorite est pre6sente, il fera lire le journal de la seance prdcc'dente. ) IitE NS S )EA''. II. Le president maintiendra lFordre et X. Lorsqu'un membre sera sur le point le decorum. Sur des questions d'ordre, il de parler dans une discussion, on da prepourra parler avant les membres, et si son senter un stijet quelconque it la Convetidesir es.t tel, il lui suffira de se lever de son tion, il devra se lever de son siege et S'ltsiege. I1 docidera les questions d'ordre, dresser respectueusemeot all president. mais il suffira de deux membres pour XI. Si un membre, en parlant ou aittreappeler a la Chambre de ses decisions; et ment, enfreint les reglements de la Consur l'appel ainsi fait, aucun membre ne vention, le president devra. et tout autre pourra parler plus d'une fois sans la per- membre pourra, l'appeler it l'ordre; et mission de la Convention. dans ce cas, le membre ainsi appele devia III. Le president se levera pour mettre s'asseoir immddiatement, k moins qu il iune question aux voix, mais il pourra l'ex- n'obtienne permission de s'expliquer; *t la pliquer en restant assis. Convention devra, si elle est appelee't Ic IV. Les questions devront etre mises aux failre, decidei la question, mais cela s'ins voix distinctement et dans la forme suivante: dbat. Si la decision est en ikveur du mnt Tons ceux qui sont d'opinion que (suivant bre appele a 1 ordire. il pourra conItinuer Si la question) diront oui," "tousceux qui bon l11i semble; mais 8i la docisioi est'v )sont d'une opinion contraire diront noon." tre lti, et sUivaant que le cas l1exioe, i sera Si le president reste dans le doute, 01o si la passible de la censure de la Convention. division est demandee, la Chambre se di- XII. Lorsque deux ou pihsieurs s e mvisera, et ceux qui ont vote dans'afifirmna- bires se leveront en meme temps, le plr(sitive se l1veront d'abord, puis ceux qui dent dosignera celui d'entr'eux quti alira se serontprononces dans le sens noggatif. le premier la parole. Le president se lovera alors et fera connal- XIII. Aucun membre ne parlera plus de tre la dccision de la Convention. deux fois suir le mme sijet, et plus d'ull(' V. Le president aura lo droit d'examinei heure chaque fois, sans la permission de ls et de corriger le journal avant quil ne soit Convention; il ne potirra prendie la parole lu. Il aura la direction gdndrale des tra- plus d'une fois qu'apres que tons ceox des vaux. Il pourra se faire remplacer au fan- membres qui la roclattieront auront pirlt. teuil par tout membre de la Chambre; Mais l'autour d'une proposition aura le ET L'AMENDIEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 15 (!roit d'ouvrir et de clore le ddbat. Et si lo. i'ajournement; 2o. le rejet; 3o. la la proposition emane d'un comite', le mem- question prealable; 40. l?a1ournement a un bre qui aura fait le rapport au nom du co- jour designe; 5o. le renvoi i un comite; mite pourra alors ouvrir et clore le debat 6o. 1la proposition daiiieinderI. ou 7o. le de la meme maniere. renvoi indefini; lesquelles diverses propo XIV. Tandis que l'on procede a l'appel sitions auront la priorit( daos l'ordre d'a nominal, on que l'on compte les voix, au- pros lequel elles sont classces; et aicune cun membre naura le droit de se rendre au proposition de renivoyer i un jour ddsigne. b)nreau du secretaire. de referer a un comite ou de renvoyer inde XV. Nul membre ne pourra voter siur au- finiment, ne pouiirra, apres quelle auran (te cune question dont le resnltat lui est d'un decidoe, etre adlmise de nouveau dans la inte'ret direct ou indirect, ni dans aucun meme seance et au meme degrc oi sera ar cas s'il se trouvait absent de l'enceinte de riv6 le bill ou la proposition. La motion la Convention lorsque la question a 6te sou- de bifer d'ci un bill les mots: " La Conlveii levee. Lorsqu'un membre demandera le tion decrete,' aura la priorit surcelle d'adroit de voter, le president lui posera la mender, et si elle est decid(e dans l affir question suivante: Vous trouwiez-vaousdans mative, elle equivaudra au rejet du bill. LIecceiiste de la Conientioi lorsque la qutes- XXIII. La question prialable serla pos0e tion a etc soulev,e? Mais lorsque l'appel d'apros la formuile suivante: "La question nominal aura ete fait, et qu'un membre de- principale sera-t-elle maintenant mise aux mandera la permission de voter, le prosi- voix?'? Elle ne sera admise quautaint dent lui demandera s'il se trouvait dans qu'elle aura ete appuyde par la majoritc l'enceinte de la Chambre loisque soit ilon? des membres prsents, et elle aura pouri 0 ete appel? effet de mettre un terme i tout d(-bat, et XVI. Sutir ItuIe division de Ja Conventioni, d'amener la Chliambre a un vote direct: lo. etlorsque l'on comptera lesvoix, il ne sera sur l'amendclement pendant et ainsi de pas tenu compte des membres qui se trou- suite en ritrogradant jusqu au premier veront hors de i'enceinte. amendement propose;'o. sur les amen XVII. Chaque membre present dans la dements, rapportos par iin comite, s'il cn Convention lorsqu'une question est mise existe aucun. et 30 s1r la question princia,1x voix devra voter, a moins que la pale. Chambre, pour des raisons all('guees, ne S r la motion de passer i,i 1h question le dispense de le faire. I ne sera permis pr alable, et avant qu?elle soit secondoe. auicun mnembre d'entrer en des explica- i'appel du rble de la Convention sera a tions sur lc vote qu?il est sur le point de F ordre; mais apres qu'elle auria et appudonner, oi de demander qu'on le dispense yce par une majorite, l'appel du r6le ne de voter, apre,s que le secretaire, silir l1 ordre sera l ordre qulautant que la question qn'il aura reel de la Convention. aura pri,alable ait ete decidee. La motion (le comimenc l'appel nominal. passer a la question prialable ne donnIera XVIII. Une motion ctant laitc ot secion- lieu it aiucun debat,. dce, elle devra i tre tiinooce par le pre- Toutesquestionsincidentesd ordre soulesident; oi. si elle est ecrite, elle sera re- vdes aprbs que la question 1rdealable aura mise F,i preisident, quiii la fera lire a haute etc demande, et tant que cette question voix par le secrotaire avant quielle ne soit sera devant la Convention. seront dcidoes. discutoe. soit sil appel oi autremeniont, mais sans XIX. Chaqute )proposition doit otre 1a)ise ddbat. Aprcs (ul'lunei motion depasser'a la en ecrit, si le pr(sidlent 0o1 tout aitre ieem question prdaalalie a dte appuyde par la )re le ddsire. Convention, les questions seront maises anux XX. Niul ne sc ca admLisdaiisl enceintede 1 oi x et decidoes, dans 1Fordre ci-dessus. la Convention, sauf le gendral commandant mais sains ddbats. soit sur les amiendemeints. le Dcpartecment du Golfe, Ile gouvernieur de soit sur 1la question principal(. tout Est,it les chefs des diffdrents departe- XXIV. Toot miembre a le droit de demients dle et Estat, le imaire de la lle- main-der la division de la question., lorsique ()rlcans, et toutes nitres personnes que le la, question sera divisible. I)rdsident ol les 7inembres jiigei onlt conIvc- XXV. Aucune motion on proposition nable (dinvitei k prendre place d(lans i nonvielle slir ni1 sujet different de celui qui ConvenItioI. est d(evant la Convention ne sera admise XXI. Apris qii line proposition atira ot6I soit commnoe amendeoment, soit en remplacenonc(e par le president, ou lue par le se- ment de la motion oit de la proposition crdtaire, elle sera considdrde en possession livrde iau dbat. dle la Convention, nmais, son autiteur pourra XXVI. Lorsqii ine motion a et6 faite e0 cependant la retirer, avec le consentement docicee dans l'affirmative ou la n6dgative, d*u membre qui l'aiira secondde. tout membre qui aura votc aveclamajorite XXII. Lorsqu'un sujet quelconque est aura le droit de demander la reconsiddralivro i la discussioni, aucume proposition tion de son vote; il est entendu que la dene sera admissible, excepti" les suivantes: mande devra en etre faite pendant lasoanee I 16 JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POtTRl LA RE VISION du jour ou'a la sdance suivante, avant que XXXV. Toutes les questions relatives h la Convention ne soit passee'a sesordresdu la propriete des affaires seront decidees jour. sans debat. XXVII. Lorsque la leecture diune piece XXXVI. La motion d'ljournement, et quelconque est demandee, et (que'on y celle fixant le jour iauquel la Convention objecte, la Convention decidera si la piece s'ajourne, seront touijoutirs a l'ordre; exsera lue on non. cepte lorsqite l'appel nominal a lieu, et XXVIII. Si l'ajournement de la Conven- lorsque la question a ete prdccdemment tion, laisse en suspens la question pendante, soulevye et rejetee; ces motions, et celle et si cette question est ravivee le jour sui du sujet se-ront dfciddes sans discusion. vant, tout membre qui aura parle deux fois XXXVII. Aucun membre ne sabsentera la veille, ne pourra prendre la parole de a moins qu?il n'ait obtenu un congo, ou nouveau sans la permission de la Conven- bien qu'il ne puisse pas assister aux seances tion. pour cause de maladie. XXIX. Lorsque des mniotious sont faites XXXVIII. Le Comite d'Enr6leniment pourde refdrer un sujet a un comite special, ra faire ses rapports entous temps. soit'a un comitea permanent, la question XXXIX. Tous les officiers nommes on de renvoi au comite' permanent aura la pri- di lus par la Convention nie seront en foncorit4 sur T'autre. tions que pour le temps qu'il plaira a la DE LO'ORDRE DES TRAVAUX JIU JOUlI. ConIvention. XL. Toutes los ordonnances soumaises k~ XXX. Des que le journal est l-a et queles XL- Ton tteonli ou olees soumises membnes ont dte appeles par letours noms, le la Conve tion seront appeles por tre vopresident demandera s'il y a des potitiois tes d'apris leurs numros d',ordre; le se mmoires ou resolutions prstr Ls crdtaire devlra nu-meroter chaque ordonrodmoires ou rosolution-s k presenter. Les acsti,titsnodergiir',sape petitions, mdmoires ot resolutions etant ui t so ordre rgulie sa prprdsentes,et la Convention en ay, ut dispose. miere lecture. les rapports des comites permanents d' XLI -uil rgleet permaet O oidrc d( cctte Convontioii no sera resbord, puis des comitds speciaux, seront d- o odr dcn cette Conve mtiot ne sera res Icind6 ou changd6 que stir motion'acet effet, mandes; ensuite viendront les notices dc c n su or acet t signi~fide aru inoins un joiur d'avan-ce. Et bills et les bills que les membres auront n n"L oid a mo sunp i'on t prdsenter; apres quoi lepresidentdiposera nul rdre ne sera sspendu qe vet des messages, des communications et ds d un ote s dex ters des membres bills qui seront slr son bureau et proced- presents et lordre des affaires, Otabli par ra alors a appler ls odes d jO les reglements de cette Convention, ne sera ra alors it appeler les ordres du jouir. I XXXI. L'affaire inachevee dont la Col- 1 interverti qute sur un vote d'au moins les veition s'occupait lors de' son dernier deix tiers des membres prrsents. ajournement, aura la priorite sur les ordres XLII. Sitot quine rdsolution aura Ote' du jour; et aucune motion, aucune antre adoptec par cette Convention elle sera affaire ne sera reeue sans la permission ecrite k la grosse en belle Ocriture; et apres speciale de la Chambre, qu'apres qu'on aura que le Comit( d'Enrolement l'aura examidispose de la premiere. L'ordre du jour nee et rapportde, le prdsident et le secrdsera comme suit taire la signeront. 1. Les affaires inachevees dont s'occupait XLIII. Les delibcrations de la Convenla Convention lors de son dernier ajourne- tion, lorsqunelle ne singera pas en comite ment. geneiiral, seront portees sur le journal 2. Les ordres speciaux du jour, s'il seien aussi som amairem(nt que possible, en ayant trouve. soin toutefois de rendre un compte exact et 3. Les ordonnances et resolutions, dans fidble des dciiberations. leur ordre d'introduction devant la Conven- XLIV. Chaque vote de la Convention setion. ra porte sur le journal et sera accompagn6 XXXII. Les pdtitions, mindoires et d'un exposed concis de la question; et un antres pieces adressds a la Convention court expose de chaque petition. seront prdsentes par le president ou par XLV. Toutesles fois que l'un des seerd — un minembre, de sa place. Le memblre qui taires, le sergent d'armes ou le portier de la les presentera fera verbalement un expose Convention inmanquera de remplir son de sommaire de leur contenu. voir, le secretaire devra en informer im XXXIIl. Dix membres, apres l1'orai- inediatemelt la Convention. sation de la Convention, auirot autorite, XLVI Le secretaire lira le journal tous pour forcer les miembres absents'a se rec- les jours sur les feuilles sur lesquelles il est dre t la seance.. crit; et apres qu'elles auront ete ainsi XXXIV. Sur les appels de It Conven-i lues et corrigees, ces minutes seront enre tion, et lorsque l'appel nominal aura lieu gistrees dans le journal, et une copie dans sur une question quelconque, les noms les deux langues, sous la signature duse des membres seront appelis par ordre al- cretaire, sera prdpareo pour etre ddlivrde a phabdtiqne. l'imprimceii' le lendemain dii jour o' elle ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. aura ted lue, a dix heures. 4. Un Comite sur l'Executif, compose de XLVII. Le secretaire est responsable de sept membres. l'exactitude de la redaction du proces-ver- 5. Un Comit' sur le Judiciaire, compose bal et de la fidelite et la prompte executioni de sept membres. de tout travail ordonn6 par la Convention. 6. Un Comite sur les Mises en AccusaI1 tiendra un journal des bills, ecrit de sa tion des officiers publics (impeachment) main; il endossera toutes les resolutions et compose de trois membres. tons les documents devant etre endosses. 7. Un Comite sur les Dispositions Gene;11 aura ki sa charge tons les bills et docu- rales, compose de sept membres. mentsa la garde de la Convention, et les 8. Un Comite sur les Ameliorations Intiendra en bon ordre. terieures, compose de cinq membres. XLVIII. Le sergent d'armes devra as- 9. Un Comite sur l'Education Publiquie, sister aux seances de la Convention; il compose de cinq membres. aura a sa charge la salle de la Convention, 10. Un Comite sur le Mode de revision celle des chambres des comites et celles des de la Constitution, compose de cinq memcommis, et les tiendra en bon ordre; et bres. ses devoirs seront de mettre en execution 11. UIn Comit' sur les Dispositions Trande temps a antres les ordres de la ConIven- sitoires, compose de trois membres. tion, ainsi que tons les mandats qui auront 12. Un Comite sur les Ordonnances, coinete lances par son autorite, et cela de la pose de cinq membres. maniere qui lui seraindiquee par le pre- 13. Un Comite d'Enr6lement, compose sident. de cinq membres. XLIV. Le secrotaire ou l'assistant se- 14. Un Comite d'Impressions, composd cretaire sera tenu de rester debout pendant de trois membres. la lecturedes documentsde la Convention. 15. Un Comite de Fiiances, compose L. L'assistant secretaire de la Conven- de trois mniembres. tion dans le cas d'absence, de resignation [Signe] W. STAUFFER, Prisident. ou de mort du secretaire en chef, prendra. Montaat propose d'imprimr 300 la charge do tons les devoirs de l'offlice jusqunka ce que son successeur soit nomme. I1 exemplaires de ce rapport pour l'usage de sera alors de son devoir d'ecrire de sa la Convention et que ce rapport soit a propre main, le journal de la Convention, l'ordre du jour pour le 12 a 2 liheures. si toutefois il n'agit pas comme secrotaire. Stafr propose d'amender en sub LI. Le portier devra garder les portes -sta e ppe d2 a nob de l'enceinte, annoncer les messages, et stituant le nombre "200 " au nombre remplir tons autres devoirs que le presi- " 300. " Lauteur de la motion acceptant dent lui assignera. le substitut, la motion est votee et accep LII. Un cinquieme des menmbres presents seul, aura le droit de demander l'appel te nominai sur toute question. Motion de MI. Wilson proposant que le LIII. La presence do soixante-sept mem- president nomme en remplacement de M. bres elus et admis a sieger dans cette Con- C. Rosdlius, deimissionnaire, un membre du vention, constituera un quorum. comi LIV. Cette Convention aura pour offi- coit doenqunte etabli pour faire un rapciers un president, un secretaire, deux se- port sur les voies de fait commises contre cretaires-adjoints, un sergent d'armes et deux Conventionnels, sur la demande de autant do commis qu'il sera eicessaire; M. Harnan. Adopt', t M. Shaw nomm un imprimeur officiel, un rapporteur, u n Harnan. Adopte, et. Shaw nomm portier, deux messagers, un maltre de poste en consequence. et tons antres employes que cette Conven- Les resolutions presenties a la seance tion jugera utile, au fur et a mesure des be- d'hier par MI. Howell 6tant a l'ordre du soins di service. LV. Lorsque les presents roglements se- jour, le president annonce que la Chamront muets ou obscurs sur toute question bre est appelee i s'en occuper. d'ordre ou d'usage parlementaire, le Manuel M. Thomas dit que ces resolutions sont ddja de Jefferson ou l'ouvrage de Cushing, sur incorporeos dans le rapport du Comit, la loi parlementaire, seront consideres'd es R dglements, il propose en consequence comme faisant autorite. d Le president nommera les Comites Per- qu'elles soient renvoyes au 12 courant. manents de la Convention, savoir: MA. Brott propose de substituer "au 12 1. Un Comite d'Elections, compose de cinq membres. courant,.' les mots: "sujet h appel." cinq membres. 2. Un Comite sur le Pre'ambule et la Dis- L'amendement est accepti par l'auteur tribution des Pouvoirs, compose' de cinq de la motion; et, surle vote, le prtsident membres. 3embres. Un Cmtsul eili mps dans l'impossibilite de prononcer, ordonne 3. Un Comit4 sar lo Le'gislatif, compose'po oia,qi orrnttd e de sept membres. ~~~l'appel nominal, qui a pour risultat de redo sept mombros. 3 17 I JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION jeter la motion par 47 voix pour la negative contre 29 pour l'adoptioin. MN. Mann propose i-adoption des resolutions, mais retire sa motion afin de permettre a M. Howell de remplir lui-meme les Duane, Dupaty, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier Gorlinski, Gruneherg, Guidry, Healy,Harnan, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes Kavanagh Knobloch, Kugler, Mann, Mendiverri. Millspaugh, Moittamat, Montague,. E. Murphy. 3f. W. Murphy, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Payne, de Jefferson; Poynot, J. PuIcel l, Schnurr, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Sullivan. Tearn. Thorpe, Waters, Wenck, Wilson —57. Contre, les 18 suivantes: MM. Bailey, Baum, Beauvais, Bennie, Bonzano, Brott, J. K. Cook, Davies, Dufresne, Goldman, Heard, Mfaas, Maurer, Morris, Ong, S. Pursell, Stauffer, Thomas18. blancs. Le substittit propose pal r. Alell est dde'clar6 n,etre pas'a l'ordre. Motion de MI. Howell proposant de remplir le blanc d(ans la premiere resolution par le nonmbre 5; d(ans la seconde par l e iombre 3; dans la troisieme par le nombre 3; dans la quatriinmc par le nombre 5; dans la cinquieme par le nombre 7; dans la sixibme par.le nombre 11; dans la septieme par le nombre 5; dans la huitieme par le nombre 13; dans la neitviime par le nombre 3; dans la dixieme par le nombre 9; dans la onzieme par le nombre .5; dans la douzime pa r le nombre 5. et dans la treiziom e par le eonbre 5. dI. Abell annonce qu'il est surl le point de presenter un substitiit a toutes les rdsolutions Howell. ILe prdsident ddcide qu'il n'est pas k lordre. M. Harnani propose d'amender la motion Howell en ce qui conceriie le remplissage des blancs, par la suppression du nombre 9 dans la resolution dixieme, et l'insertion des lllots: "U11 membre de chaque circonscription electorale de la Paroisse d'Or Motion de proceder a l'1election diun se cretaire-adjoint. Un membre demande s'il y a quorum. Sur l'appel, il appert que les 75 person nes dort les noms suivent sont seules prd sentes: MM. Abell, Austin, Bailey, Barrett, BeauiI vais, Bell. Bofill, Bonzano, Bromley, Brott Buckley Burke, Campbell, Cazabat,T. Cook Crozat, Davies, Duane. Dupaty, Edwards Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick. Fuller. Gastinel, Geier, Goldmain, Gorlinski, Gru neberg, Guidry, Healy Ilarinan, Hart, Heard, Henderson. Hills. Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Millspaugh, Montague, lIor ris, E. Murphy, -A. W. Murphv, N\ewell, Normand, O'Conner, On,, Payne, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnum'r, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Stocker, S'umpf Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivanii, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Weniek, Willson. r-. Thomas propose d'ajoiurner au lendemain, it 2 heures. Le president etant dans lqimpossibilitd de decider le vote, Tlappel nominal donne pour rssultat 43 voix affirmatives contre 32 negatives. La proposition est adoptde. JoixN E. NEELIS. Secrdtaire. Id,ans, et un membre de chacun-e des antres paroisses."T ,11. Shaw propose de s'occuper des rc-,solutions et de i'emplir les blancs. aui filr et ik resure. La motion Harnan etant retir~e, celle de -f. Shaw est adoptde. MI. Stauffer demande que le substitut de M. Abell soit lu. Le president declare qu'il n'est pas aJ !'ordre, non plus quei M. Abell qlui insistait sur ce point. Appel de M. Stauffer sur la decision duJ 1 prcsident; ce dernier etablit que les resolutions Howell sont actuellement k l'ord(re quant aux blancs, et que pour le moment, iout substitut n'y est pas. Sur ce, appel nominal, et la decision du president est approuvde par les 57 voix sBCiwg ostes: ,11. Austin, Barrett, Bell, Buckely, Burke. Balch, Cazabat, T. Cook, Crozat, vants repondent a leurs Inoms: MM. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Barrett, Baum, Bell, Bofill, Bonzano, Brott, Buckley. Burke. Campbell, Cazabat, J. h. (oolk, T. Cool.k, Crozat. Davies, Duane, Dufresne, Il)upaty, Fish. Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, I I 18 JEUDI, 12 Avril. La Convention se r6tinit conform6ment h I',-tjoiirnement. A deux heures le pr6sident appelle I,,t Convention h Ilordre, et les membres stii ET L?AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE lA LOUIJISIANE. 19 Gastinel, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Guidry, Healy, Hart, Heard, Hills, Hire, Howell, Hiowes, Knoblobch, Kuoler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri,Millspacrh, MIontamat, Montague, Morris, E. Miirphyv, a.U WA. Murphy, OC(,onner. Ong, Paine, PoyInot, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurr. Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpi; Stiner, Staufer, Sullivan. Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Wenck Wil son et M. le President-75 membres. - M. Hills accepte l'amendement, et le vote v de i'assemblee l'adopte. M. Goldman propose d'amender par l'ad jonction des mots "Avis' sera donne ati president de l"Intention de l'offrir.' Re jete4 sur motion a cet effet. La 20e section est adopt4e La 21e section est adoptde; La section XXII est adoptee, iinonobs tant liamendemuent de M. Thorpe a l'ef tfet de biffer les mots "mais pour s'ajour! nern a la seconde ligne, lequel est rejete. La 23e section est adoptee. La 24e section est adopt4e. La motion de biffer les mots "quanrd faire se pounrra" est rejetee par 44 voix contre 9. i Section 25. M. Cazabat propose de l'a mender en y inserant le mot "rssolution'" apres le mot "motion"' a la premiere ligne. Sur motion, l?amendement est rejete. Section 2c(. M. Gorlinski propose de ina mender en effacant les mots "le meme jour.,' i t ]a quatrieme ligne. Rejete. La motion de M. Goldman d?effacer les mo ts: "pourvit que cela soit fait le meme jour,' est rejetee. La 27e section est adoptie: La 28e section est adoptee; Sectioni 29. La motion de biffer le mot "permanent,"' la deuxieme ligne. second mot, est adoptee. La motion deffacer le mot "et" et d'y substitter le mot "ou." la deuxieme ligne. est adoptee ainsi que la section re'dige telle. trier lc iIot "vote.?? Adopte tel. Rans la section VIII, MI. Hills propose d',ffa,ce les mots "resolution conjointe" a la premiere ligne. Adopte tel. La section IX est adopt(,e. La section X est adopte( telle, nonobstain l'amendement propos4 par Al. Bell d'ajoeter les mots "etles memlbres,' lequel est re.jet. Les sections XI et X[l sonit a~dopt~es. A' sectioi XI-II;). Foley propose d'in Section 30. M. Cazabat p)roplose de subs tituer "unie heure" "mGidim'. Rcjete sur la motion de M. Goldman. rerf' le mot "lenie" avant le mot "heni e,". Adoptee. La 14e section est adoptee r c La 15e section est adoptee; * La 16e section est adopt~e; La 17e section est adoptee; M. Hills propose de Ilaisser eni blancii l heure. ),otion rejetde. Motion d'effacer la huiticIne ligne et les trois derniers mots de la septice'me ligne, est adoptee ainsi que la section avec cette nonvelle redaction. La 18e section est adopt6e; Section XIX. M. Hills propose de doilner a cette section un caract6re de ii6cessitt-,' absoliie. en siibstiti-i.ant au mot l,sliotil(l,'7 le mot Ishall,",''-,t la preini6re ligne. AlLtr( aiiieii(leinent propos6 k l,effet de stibstittier le mot'-resolution" au mot -'Imotion.' 20 JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION - Section 54. Motion de rediger cette sece tion ainsi: "-soixante-seize membres forme ront un quoruim.,' Proposition de la rejeter, et appel nomi nal demande', duquel il appert que les 23 membres suivants votent en faveur: MM. Beauvais, Bell, Brott, Burke, J. K. Cook, Terrance Cook, Fish, Flagg, Fuller, Goldman, Guidry, Heard, Henderson, Hire, Maas, M. W. Murphy, O'Conner, J. Purcell, Seymour, Smith, Stauffer, Terry, Wilson — 23. Et les 59 suivants contre, savoir: MM. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Bailey, Bar rett, Baum. Bofill, Bonzano, Buckley, Camp bell, Cazabat, Crozat, Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Dufresne, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Healy, Ilarnan, Hart, Hills, Howell, Howes, Knobloch, Kugler, Mann, Maurer, MIendi verri, Millspaugh, Montamat, Montague, Morris, E. Murphy, Newell, Ong, J. Payne, Poynot, Sam Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurr, Shaw, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Sullivan, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, WVenick -59. M. Hills propose d'amender en ajoutant les mots "tout membre qui s'absentera de l'assemblee pendant trois seances consecutives, sans offrir une excuse raisonnable, perdra son siege, et ordre sera donne de proceder a une nouvelle election afin de pour voir a son remplacement.~' Sur motion, cet amnendemient est rejete' et la section est adoptee avec la redaction du premier amendement. Section 55. M. Montamat propose d'effa,cer les mots "quatre rapporteurs,?" a la troisieme ligne ei d'y inserer a leur place "un rapporteur officiel et trois aides." NI. Cazabat propose d'amender en substituant le mot "deiix"' au mot "qua.fre" a la troisieme ligne. LM. Shaw propose de rejeter l'amendclement. Adopt6. M. Howell propose de substituer les mots "Ull rapportcur""'a ceux de "quatre rapporteurs." Adopte, ainsi que la section avec sa nouvelle redacetion. Section 56. MI. Henderson propose dlef: face les mots "ou l?ouivrage de Cushing sur la loi parlementaire,"'a la deuixibme et troisieme lignes, et tout ce qui suit cette derniere ligne. La motion de rcejeter l~'amendemenlt est Section 31. Motion d'amender en effa gant sur les lignes 3 et 4 les mots "et null motion ou aucune autre affaire, n'aura I priorite sur l'ordre du jour" est adopt4e. La 32e section est adopte'e; La 3p e s ection est adoptee; La 34e section est adoptee; La 35e section est adoptee; La 36e section est adopt4e La 37e section est adopt4e. Section 38. La motion de l'effacer du rapport a ete adopt4e. La 39e section est adoptee. La section 40 est amendee, sur la motion de M. Cazabat, en inserant les mots "leurs emplois" au lieu du pronom. La 41e section est adoptee; La 42e section est adoptee; La 43e section est adopt'e; La 44e section est adoptee; La 45e section est adoptee; Section 46. M. Wilson propose d'effacer les mots'"le secr,taire devra en faire un rapport" et d'y substitu-er "le president en informera.1" Adopte. Section 4:7. Miotion d'amender en biffant les mots "dix heures" a la cinquieme ligne. Stir motion cet amendement est rejet,6. Section 48. Al. Cazabat propose d'effacer les mots "bills" et "conjoints."' Adopte6. 3I. Wilson demande la reconsideration. Refuse. La 49e section est adoptee; La 50e section est adoptee; La 51e section est adoptee; La 52e section est adoptee; Section 53. M. Montamat propose de biffer les mots "pas moins d'un cinquieme" it la premiere ligne et d'y substituer "deux membres seuls." La motion de rejeter passe aux voix, et le president, dans l'impossibilito de decider le vote ordonne l'appel nominal, qui donne poutr resultat le rejet, par 39 voix contre M.. Montamat propose de substituer aux mots "'pas moins d'un cinquibme"' les mots '"tout nombre."f M. Shaw prend la parole pour une question d'ordre. Le president decide que la motion est a l'ordre; mais, sur motion, l'amendement est rejetd et la section est adoptee. I t I t I 33. epoiiss6e. ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 21 Le proces-verbal de la seance precddente est lu et adopte. Le president annonce que la premiere chose h l'ordre du jour est la reception des petitions. Aucune pe'tition n'4tant presentee, les resolutions viennnent a leur tour. M. J. Randall Terry presente la resolution suivante: Attendu, Qu'k unie Convention de de'legues reunis dans cette salle le 26 janvier 1861, pretendant representer le peuple de cet Etat, il a ete ordonne et declare ce quii suit: Ordonnance k l'effet de dissoudre l'union qui existe ertre l'Etat de la Louisiane et les autres Eta,ts, en vertu du pacte intitule: "La Constitution des Etats-Unis d'Amerique." Nous, le peuple de l'Etat de la Louisiane, a- ssemble en Convention, declarons et ordonnons, et il est par ces presentes declare et ordonni: Que l'ordonnance decretee par noils en Convention, le 22e jour de novembre de l'annee 1811, par laquelle la Constitution des Etat-Unis, ainsi que les amendements faits k la dite Constitution furent adopte4s, et aussi toutes les lois et ordonnances en vertui desquelles l'Etat de la Louisiane est devenu membre de l'Union federale sont et demeurent rappele4es et abroge4es, et que l'unioni qui existe maintenant entre la Louisiane et les autres Etats sous le nom de "Etats-Unis d'Amerique,' est par les pr4sentes dissoute. Nous declarons et ordonnons de plus que l'Etat de la Louisiane reprend, par ces pre4sentes, tous droits et pouvoirs autrefois de4le4gue4s au gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Ame4rique; que ses citoyens sont releves de toute allegeance au dit gouvernement, et qu'ilse remet en possession et dans le plein exercice de tous les droits de souverainete qui appartiennent k un Etat libre et independant. souns declaro?s et ordonnons de plus, Que tons les droits acquis en vertu de la Constitution des Etats-Unis ou d'actes du Congres, traites ou toutes lois de cet Etat, qui ne sont pas en contradiction avec cette ordonnance, resteront en force et anront le meme effet que si cette ordonnance n'avait point et4 adoptee. Nous le peuple de l'Etat de la Louisiane, fidele k la Constitution du gouvernement des Etats-Unis, faisons savoir, de4clarons et ordonnons, quie la dite pre4tendue ordonnance de secession, passee par des traitres e t deloyaux, sans aucune autoritd du peuple et en violation de la constitution f4de4ta le, ensemble avec tos anutres actes, ordonnances, et proce'dures des dits seces tds. La motion de reconsiderer la section 55 est adoptee. Une motion d'amender par l'insertion des mots "sergent d'armes" a la seconde ligne, est adoptee ainsi que la section. Un membre propose de reconsiderer la section 21. Refuse. M. Wilson propose d'adopter en totalite le rapport tel qu'amende. Adopte. mA. Shaw propose de s'occuper des resolutions de M. Howell. Cette motion est mise a Flordre du jour. Le president annonce qu'en consequence la Chambre aura;a s'en occuper. M. Cazabat propose un reces de cinq minutes. M. Beauvais propose d'ajourner aii lendemain a 4 heures de relev6e. La motion d'amender en substituant le mot'midi" i "4 heures" est adoptee, et la Convention s'ajourne. La minute est adoptee. JOHN E. NEFLI,S, Secr;taire. MERCREnI)I, 13 Avril 1864. A midi et vingt minutes, le prtsident appelle la Convention a llordre, et la seance s,ouivre par la priere du Rev. J. G. Bass. L'appel nominal est fait, et les membres suivants repondent i lappel de leurs inoms: MM. Abell. Ariail, Austin, Bailey, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais. Bell, Bonzano. Brott, Buckley, Burke, Campbell,Cazabat, Cutler, Davies, Duane, Dnpaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Geier, Goldman, Gort~nski, Gruneberg, Guidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Head, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Mendiverri, Montamat, Montague, Morris, Mutrphy E., Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Payne, Pintado, Puircell. Schnurr. Seymour, Shaw, Smith,Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Siullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Wilson et M. le prdsident —70. Le president ordonne au sergent d'armes d'amener les membres absents. Apres environ un quart d'heure d'attente, MM. Murphy, Wenck, Mlilspaugh, Knobloch, Kavanagh, Mendiverri et Gastinel etant entres dans la salle, il est constate qu'il y a in quorum. L'amendement et la section sont adop I JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION sioliistes dans la dite Convention, et du soi-disant gouvernement institue en vertu de la dite ordonnance de secession, soient entier-ement nuls et non avenus. Rgsoli, Que, repr4sentanit le peuple de l'Etat de la Louisiane, cette Convention declare adherer, et le peuple de l'Etat de la Louisiane adhere i la Constitution des Etats Unis, et que nons soutiendrons et maintiendrons par tons les moyens en notre pouvoir le gouvernement des Etats-Unis, dans tons les efforts qu'il fera pour supprimer cette injuste et detestable rebellion. M. Henderso n demande le d4p6t de la rdsolution sur le bureau. Cette motion est adoptee par 42 v,oix contre 21. M. Montamat presente la resolution qui ty, Ennis, Fosdick, Goldmail, Gorlinski. Harnan, Hart, Heard, Fish, Flood, Hills. Hire, Howell, Kugler,. Maas, Mann, Millspaugh, Montague, Morris, E. Murphv. Newe l l, Ong, John Payne, J. T. Paine. Schnurr, Shaw, Stumpf, Stauffer, Thorpe, Thomas,'Waters, Wenck, Wilson-39. Les voix 6tant egalement partagees, lI president vote contre la re rsolution, qui, ei consequence, est rejet4e. M. Montamat presente la resolution sldivante: Resoltt. Qte la Constitution que vt faire la prdsente Convention n'aura d'effet qu'autant qu'elle aura 6t4 ratifi4e par Il majorit4 des votants dtiment qualifils de la Louisiane, aL scrutin tenu dans la forme etablie pour l'election des officiers de l'Etat. Ceux qui voteront pour la Constitution inscriront sur leutr ticket, "Ratificttion.'" Le Gouvernieur lancera et puabliera fune proclamation dans le but de faire connaitre an peuple de l'Etat le jour ou le vote piLblic aura lieu, et dlordonner aux sherifs des diverses paroisses de l'Etat de faire prendre ce vote confbrmdment aux lois existantes. Ce vote public aura lieu vilgt jours aprbs l'ajournement de la Coniv(ntilon. Sur motion de M. Wilson, la resolution est deposee sur le bureau. M. Purcell, de Jefferson, offre la rgsolhl Resol u, Que les imembres de cette Convention auront droit a une indemnit6 de huit piastres par jour chacun, pendant toute la durde de leurs services comme membres de la dite Convention, laquelle indemnite leur sera payee stir les fonds du Trgsor public. Resolu en outre, Qit'il soit nomrae4 par le president un comite de cinq membres, charge de fixer les salaires des differents officiers et employes de cette Convention, ainsi que le chiffre de i'allocation qu'il croira necessaire pour faire face aux depenses, et de presenterun rapport sur ce sujet dans le plus bref d4lai possible. M. Harnan demande qu'on retranche le passage qui fixe l'indemnite a huit piastres par jour, et qu'on Iui substitue ces mots: "les membres ne receveront aucune indeumnit4 pour leurs services.", Sur motion, l'amendement est depose sur le bureau. M. Cazabat demande 4galelneint le depot de la resolution principale. La motion est rejetee. M. Montamat demande lFadoptioii de la re4solution. Le vote nominal est demand4, et donne le resultat suivant: Ont vote pour lFadoptioii de la resolution' MM. Abell. Austin, Batum Beauvais, Bell, Buckley, Burke, J. K. Cook, Crozat, Duane, Flagg, Foley, Gastinel, Gei er, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Henderson, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Mendiverri,. ontamat, M. W. Murphy, Normand, O'Conner, Pintado, Poynot, John Purcell, Sam. Pursell, Schroeder, Seymour, Smith, Spellivcy, Stocker, Stiner, Sullivan, Terry-39. Ont vot6 contre: MM. Ariail, Barrett, Bonzano, Brott, Campbell, Cazabat, T. Cook, Cutler, Dupa tioii suivante: Rlsolu, Qtte le cleirg4 de la ville e t des environs soit invite ki se concerter et a, fournir une liste de ceuix d'entre ses meinbres qui desirent remplir les fonctions (d chapelains de la Convention, lt tour de rOle e t chacun pouIr pin jour seiulen o 3't. D6pos4 suir le bureau. M. Abell lit le projet de pr(nambule et les resolutions qui suivent: Attendu, Que par l'Ol-dre G4neral No.:3~ data du Quartier G4n4ral du Dgparteiietli du Golfe, 22 Mars 1864, les Etats-Unis, li' l'entremise de leur representa,iit, le MlajoiirG~ndral Banks. i'ont pas craint d'imposer et d e perevoir des taxes at prejudice dii peuple de cet Etat sans son consentemient. et d'en approprier le montant k des int6rets doinestiqites, aiinsi qw'il appert de llotdre suivant concernant l1inistruction puiblique, publie officiellemenit dans les termeis suivants, savoir: EDUCATION DES AFFPANCHIS. QUXRTIEnt GEX-ERAI. DEPIlRTE-Eh-TI I)t- GOI,FE.' NToItvelle-Orl4ans 22 nmaris. 18 64. Ocdres Gd;en&aux 3A:o. 38. Conformdment a Flordre g4neral No. 23. 22 stilt: ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 2,1 pour l'instruction 41eementaire des affranchis ce qui constitue une bonne organisation. de ce Departement. d'apres lequel on doit 7. D'avoir en general la meme autoritg leur donner les moyens d'acquerir les e414- et de remplir les memes devoirs que les asments des connaissances qui penvent rendre sesseurs, inspecteurs et commissaires dans le travail plusintelligent et en aurgmenterla les Etats du Nord. pour ce qui concerne valeur, et quii reduit les clauses necessaires l'etablissement et la facon de diriger les pour cela a un systeme d'ecoles economi- 4coles communales. qie et efficace.! Et pour arriver a ces fins, et accomplir 11 est ordonne par le present qu'il soit les devoirs qui doivent luii incomber, le Buforme uLn bureau d'education compose de reau aura pleine autorite pour assitrer et troispersonnes, qui auront les devoirs et les lever les taxes d'4cole Snr les propri4ets pouivoirs suivants foncieres et personnelles, y compris les r4 1. D'ctablir une ou plilsieurs ecoles corn- coltes des plantations dans chaque district munes dans chacun des districts dc'cole qui d'ecole sus-m(entionne. Les dites taxes leont ete ot qui seront designes par les mna- v4ees de cctte fa,on devront ctre calcules rechaux prev6ts de paroisse, d'apres l'or- pour faire face aux d4penses que devront (Ire du marechal prev6t general. causer dans le conrant de l'annee, l1etablis 2. D'acque6rir par achat ou autrement les sement, les foliriitnitres et l entretien de ces portions de terre que le bureau jugera ne- ecoles ainsi organisees dans chacun des discessaires et convenablement situees pour tricts, et les ditestaxes seront collecte(es des ecoles, dans les districts des plantations, personnes occupant les propri tss asses(t ne devant point avoir moins d'un demi- sees. acre d'etendue; d'en etre eux-memes les de- 8. Les taxes ainsi levees dans chaque dispositaires juLsqu' ce que ces ecoles aient trict seront vers~es entre les mains du Bulete etablies, epoque a laquelle ils auiront a reau par le Marechal Prev6t de paroisse transfrere au surintendant des ecoles pu- dans les trente jours apres que la liste et bliques ou autres autoritds d'Etat compe- l16tat des taxes auront ete remis entre ses tentes tons les droits et titres dont ils pour- mains; et il fera de suite un rapport au rfont avoir etc inivestis. Bureau indiquant s'il y a danis les districts 3. D'elever s,ar les dites terres telles de sa paroisse quielque batisse qui puisse maisons d'ecoles ql uils jugeront necessaires servir de maison d'ecole et il assistera le e(t qui seront proportionnieas aux besoins Bureau de son autorite chaque fois qu il en de la population de ce district, quand il n'y sera requis, pour faire executer l'1esprit de aura point de bhatisses propres a etre conver- l'ordre. Les taxes, lorsqu'elles seront colties en ecoles, et en cela comme dans toutes lectees, seront immiediatement deposees leurs antres charies, ils agiront avec la plus dans la Premiere Banque Nationale de la stricte economie. Nouvelle-Orleans, sujettes seulement t l'or 4. De choisir et (l emiployer des profs- dre du Bureau entier qui pr,sentera chaque scurs convenables pour les dites ecoles. et miiois au Commandant General ses comptes pris, autant qunil sera possible, parmi les detailles et le raport de cc qu'il aura fait. habitants loyaux de la Louisiane, et qu ils 9. Danis l1accomplissement de tous ces pourront obliger a se prisenter au mooims devoirs, le Bureau cooperera autant que pendant ine semaine, pourl y tre( instruiits cela sera possible avec le Surintendant des le leurs devoirs. a Inue ecole iiorinal( diri- Ecoles Publiques, nouvellemeint elu. gee par le bureau. 10. L'annie. scolaire coiurante commen.;. D'acheter et de procurer ]es livres ni- cera k partir du ler fevrier 1864, pour finlir cessaires, le papier et autres articles a lu- le ler fevrier 1865. sage des ecoles, et outre cela, d'acheter et 11. ILes officiers et citoyecs siuivants sont de fournir des livres pour former une bibli- nommnes pour composer ce Bureau et on otheque bien choisie, etc., pour l'usage des leiur obeira eton les respectera en coInspersonnes libres qui, dans les differents dis- queice. tricts, auront passe la ge de suivre l'ecole, Le Col. H. N. Frisbie, 22e Corps d?Atrice qui coufitera' chacune d'elles une somme quo. qui n'excedera point deux piastres et demie, Lieut. E. M. Wheelock, 4e Corps d'Alaquelle somie sera comprise dans la taxe frique. gdn6rale stipulde ci-apres, et qui devra etre Isaac lIubbs, Nile-Orleans. de(duite des gages du travailleur par son Par ordre du Major-G4neral BANKS, patron, lorsque les livres en question au.ront RICH.uRD B. IRVIN. ete tournis. 4ltte)dt, que toute iniposition de taxes 6. De regler le coinrs des tudes, la disci- fitite sanIs le consenteme;it du peuple est inpline, les henures d'instruction pour les en- constitutionnelle et est In outrage fait a ses tants pendant la seinaine et pour les adultes droits et a ses liberte4s; il est le dimanche, de requsrir telle similitude RNsolu. lo.-Que les pouLvoirs qu'on pridans les reglements et tels rapports de la tend avoir et affirmer dans lordre qui prcpart des professeurs qn'ils jugeront nices- cbde sontattentatoires'a lhonneir de l'FEtat saires pour assurer luniformit~ et to)ut et aux plus chers droits du peuple; I 24 JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION 2o.-Que toute legislation, ou tentative de legislation, ainsi que tout amendement ou toute tentative d'amendement de la constitution de la Lonisiane, serait une ad mision partielle du droit que l'on reclame, et un abandon des droits les plus precieux du peuple de la Louislane; 3o.-Qu'il est du devoir de cette Conven tion de s'ajourner jusqu"k ce que tons les pouvoirs qui appartiennent an peuple, et qui sont nlenaces par l'ordre ci-desstis, lti soient rendus par ses representants. 4o.- Que cette Convention slajourne jusqu'au jour de —1864 afin de pouvoir correspondre avec le gnerail Banks ou avec les autorites du gouvernement gene ral des Etats-Unis, avant de rien faire, et qn'il soit pris jour pour s'assurer de la vo lonte et du dessein du gouvernement gep.6 ral sur le sujet dont il s'agit; 5o.-QQue les resolutions qui prdcdent n'ont pas pour objet de mettre en question le droi ddu Gouvernement genral dl'obliger l'Etat de la Loui siane a contribuier, dans une juste proportion, au moyen d e taxes ou autrement, aux dopenises de la guerre. ,M:. Brott demande le rejet (le cette resotlution. Le vote nominal est demands et donne le rossultat qui suit: Ont vot,e pour le rejet de la resolution: -AMlM. Ariail, Austin, Bailey, Barrett,. Beauvais, Bell, Bonzano, Brott, Burke, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Duane, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick. Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Guidry, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howses, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Mlann, lMaaurer,Mendiverri, Millspaugh, Montague, Morris,E. Murphy, M. W. MAurphy, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, John Payne, J. T. Paine, Poynot, John Purcell, Sam. Pttrsellp Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Wenck, Wilson-72. Votent contre le rejet: MM. Abell, Baum, Buckley, Campbell, Goldman, Grnneberg, Maaas, Montamat, Pintado —9. Le rejet de la resolution est prononce. L'heure fixe pour la dolib oration sur les resolutions de AI. Howell, comme etant specialement a l'ordre du jour etant arrivoe, la Convention passe k la discussion d e ces rcsoleltions: M. Hills demande a ce que chacune de ces resolutions soit disciitee se'paroment et a tour de role. I La motion est adoptde. t La lere section est lue. M. Abell offre le substitut suivant: Attendu, Que l'esclavage ayant exists dans ce pays par droit coutumier depuis les premiers temps de sa colonisation, avec la sanction de la constitution et des lois des Etats-llnis. et aussi avec la sanctio n de la constitution et des lois de cet Etat; et Atteu rdlt, Que les proprietaires d'esclaves ont acquis ce genre de propriete en vertu du dit droit coutumier, des 4ites constitution et lois, et soI1s la protection et garantie de ceesmoes droits coutumiers, constitution et lois; et Atteewlu,. Que tout ce qu~il y a de bon et de vdritablement grand dans les individus commne dans les Etats doit necessairemeit reposer sur la bonne foi et la justice; il est en consequence, Resolu, Quie cette Convention ne prendra en consideration aucune proposition ayant pour objet " l'abolition de l'esclavage " qu~'autant qu'on aura pris les mesures necessaires pour assurer k tous les legitimes proprietaires d'esclav-es une pleine, loyale et equitable indemnite, soit au- moyen du travail ftitur de l'esclave, soit au moyen d'un remblourseinent pris sur les fonds du tresor de cet Etat ou de celui des Etat-,Unis, et pour l'exportation'de tonis les esclaves emancipes hors du territoire de cet Etat. Un membre propose le rejet de ce subs tite Ut. La motion est adoptee. iM. Cazabat propose d'amender la resolution en insdrant k la seconde ligne les mots " sans conditions' au lieui et place du mot "immddiate." Sur motion, l'amendement de M. C-azabat est rejete'. Motion est faite de rejeter la proposition originaire. La motion est rejetee. M. Cutler propose de remplir le blanc de la Ire section par le mot "cinq". Adop t n. La resolution est ensuite mise aux voix et adoptde. La reconsideration du vote est demandde et acceptde. Un membre propose de reinplacer le mot "cinq" par le mot "onze."7 Adopt4. La section ainsi amendee est ensuite mise aux voix et adoptee. La discussion s'ouvre sur la section 2e. Un membr e propose de remplir le blanc par le iiot "sept,"' et la rdsoliition est adop t4e. I. ....., " 1. ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 25 La discussion s'ouvre sur la section troi- Le nombre "7" est propos6 et accept4 sibme. pour remplir le blanc, et la section est Le mot "sept" est propose pour remplir adoptge. le blanc. La discussion s'ouvre section lie. Cette section est adoptee, et la section est Le nombre "5" est propose et accepts votee. pour remplir le blanc, et la question est On passe a la section 4e. adoptee. M. Baum propose de remplir le blanc par On passe a la section 12e. le mot"treize." Le nombre "7" est propose et accepts Un autre membre propose le mot "cinq." pour remplir le blanc, et la section est Motion est faite de rejeter la derniire adoptee proposition. Cette motion est rejetee. On passe a la section 13e. Motion est faite d'adopter la resolution Le nombre "5" est propose et accepte en remplissant le blanc par le mot "cinq." pour remplir le blanc, et la section est Cette motion est rejetee. adoptee. M. Purcell propose de remplir le blanc! M. Montamat propose l'addition d'une avec le nombre "9.' section 14e, ainsi concue: Cette motion l'emporte, et la section avec Rlsolu, Que les comites suivants soient le mot "neuf" est adoptge. nommes par le president, savoir: un co La discussion s'ouvre sur la section 5e. mite d'Enr6lement, compos6 de cinq mem bres; un comit4 de Finances, compose de M. Abell propose de remplir le blanc cies un comit de Finances, compose de cinq membres; un comite des D~penses par le nombre "7." Eventuelles, compose de cinq membres, et La motion est accueillie et la section un comite d'Impressions, compos6 de trois adoptde. membres. La motion est adoptee. On pse'a la section 6e.M.onaadeadladpindlen M. Montamat demande l'adoption de l'en semble des resolutions. La motion est accueillie, et l'ensemble des resolutions est adopte. C M. Howell demande la reconsideration du vote. Cette motion est rejetee. M. Gorlinski offre la resolution qui suit: Resoltu, Que tous applaudissements dans la salle pendant les ddlib rations sont in terdits. par le nombre "7." La motion est rejetee. Motion est faite pour le rejet de cette r4solutton. M La resolution est eusuite mise aux voix proposition. et rejetee. La motion de M. Baum est rejetee. M. Sullivan offre la resolution suivante La motion de M. Hills proposant le nom- Attendu, Que le bruit s'est rdpandu qu'un bre "5" l'emnporte, et la section est adop- grand nombre des membres de cette Contde. vention ne sont pas citoyens des Etats-Ulnis, mais doivent alligeance kb des puissan La discussion s'ouvre sur la section 8e. mais doivent allegeance a des puissan Le ~~~~~~~~~ces e'trange'res; et Le nombre "11" est propose et adopte Atterndu, Qu'il est du devoir de la Conpour remplir le blanc, et la section est en- vention de placer les membres a-dessus d vention de placer les membres au-dessus du suite adopte. soupcon; il est en consequence On passe a la section 9e. R,7solu, Que les membres de cette Con Le nombre "5' est ensuite propose et ac- vention. qui sont d'origine 6trangere, sont cepte pour semplir le blanc, et la section requis de produire an prsident de cette Convention les preuves de leur naturalisaest ensulte adoptee. tion, d'ici a jeudi prochain, 11 du con On passe - la section 10e. rant, a midi. 4 I 26 JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION Mf. Hire propose le rejet de cette resolu- sistants secrdtaires soient ddclares el4uts a tion. l'unanimite Cette motion est rejetde. La motion est adoptee. Motion est faite d'adopter la rdsolution. M. Brott presente la resolution suivante Le vote nominal est pris, et donne le r- Riesolu, Que l'Adjudant-General L. Thosultat suivant: |mas, de lFarmde des Etats-Unis, est invite Ont vot6 pour la resolution: i t sasseoir dans l'nnceinte de la Conven tion. MM. Ariail, Austin, Barrett, Baum, B3eau- La resolution est adoptee. vais, Bell, Bennie, Brott, Buckley, Balch, MM. A. P. Bennett et I. A. Gallup sont Campbell, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Cutler, Duane, Dufresne, Edwards, Flagg, Flood, dsgnes comme canddats a la place de Foley, Gastinel, Gorlinski, Gaidry, Healy, rapportenr. Harnan, Hart, Heard, Hills, Howes, Kava- Au premier vote, M. Bennet re;oit 50 nagh, Knobloch, Mann, Maurer, Montamat, voix et M Gallu 24 Montague, M. W. Murphy, Normand, Ne- M et M a 4*. well, O'Conner, Ong, John Payne J. T. Paine, Pintado, Sam. Pursell, Seymour, M. Terry propose de nommer uin stenoSmith, Spellicy, Sullivan, Terry, Thomas, graphe. Waters-51. La motion est rejetee. Ont vote contre la resolution - M. Thomas demande que le rapporteur MM. Bailey, Bonzano, Burke, Crozat, soit autorise4 a employer trois assistants. Dupaty, Ennis, Fish, Fosdick, G eier, Gold-a proposition M. Mlontamat souitient la proposition ein man, Gruneberg, Henderson, Hire, Howell, Kugler, Maas, Millspaugh, E. Murphy, John substituant le mot'deux" an mot "trois.' Purcell, Schroeder, Shaw, Stocker, Stiner, M. Cazahat propose le rejet de l'amendeStauffer, Thorpe, Wenck, Wilson-27. ment. La resolution est adoptee. Cette motion est rejetee. Une motion pour l'ajournement est faite La motion de M. Thomas est adoptee. et rejetee. Sont designe's comme candidats a l'em M. Bell offre la resolution suivante: ploi de maitre de poste MM. Toomey, Risolu, Que nous procedions a l4election Davies, Miller, Gannon, Gordon, Smith et de deux assistants secretaires, d'un mal- Kock tre de poste, d'un rapporteur et d'un mes- Ao n sager. A u premier vote, aucun candidat n'ayant La resolution est adoptde. La resolultion est adoptee. obtenu la majorite des votes donnas, il n'y La nomination des assistants secretaires a pas d'election. etant a l'ordre, les candidats suivants sont Au second vote, M. Gannon re;oit 47 prdsents: MM. Murphy, Hamilton, Gan- votes et M. Kock 30. non, Winfrie et Parkhurst. AM. Gannon ayant obtenu la majorite des Au premier vote aucun candidat n'ayant votes donnas, est declare elu. obtenu la majorite de tons les votes, il n'y M. Brott propose que Charles Benedict a pas eu d'election. soit elu messager par acclamation. Au second vote M. Murphy ayant obtenu La motion est adoptee. la majorite4 de tons les votes donnes, est de- M. Thomas propose que le sergent d'arclare elu. mes soit autorise' a employer deux assis MM. Hamilton, Winfiie, Gordon et Kruse tants. sont designe4s comme candidats pour la Mr. Montamat demande le rejet de cette place de second assistant secretaire proposition. Cette motion est rejetde. Au premier vote aucun candidat n'ayant La motion de M. Thomas est ensuite mise obtenu la majorite4 de tousles votes donnes, aux voix et adoptee. il n'y a pas eu d'election. On propose d'ajourner jusqu"a vendre Le second vote donne le meme resultat. di 15 courant, a midi. Au troisiime vote, M. S. J. Hamilton Cette motion est adoptee. ,i ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~La Convcmtiou s'ajotiine,. 3yant regin la'majorite des votes donnes, La Convtio ajon( est ddclard el. Appronve JouN E. Ndzis M. Henderson propose que les deux as- S eretaire. ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 27 P v 1sol, Que le Bibliothecaire d'Etat soit invite d fournir a chaque membre un exeniplaire des Statuts Rivises de Phillips, pour I'usage des membres pendant la durde de la Convention. Le substitut est adopte. M. Stocker prdsente la resolution suiivante: Resoht, Que les rdglements sont amendes en ce sens, que desormais il devra s'dcouler all moins un jour entre la prdsentation de toutes ordonnances et resolutions, et toute action de la Convention a leur slljet. Elle pourront seulement etre renvoydes k- un comite. I1 est decide que d'apres les rdglements la resolution doit rester pendant un jour sur le bureau avant qu'elle soit soumise h l'action de la Convention, et M. Stocker donne avis qu'il presentera la resolution le lendemain. M. Thomas demande que l'imprimeur soit requis de fournir 200 exemplaires des resolutions du Juge Howell pour l'usage de l'Assemblee. M. MIontamat demande que la liste des diffdrents comites soit imprim4e en regard. M. Hills propose d'ordonner a l'imprimeur de mettre les titres des diffdrentes sectio ns en marge. Les amendements sont adoptdes, et la r. Le Prdsident appelle la Conivention l'ordre a midi, et annonce que la seance sloi'vrir par la priire que va f'aire le rdv rend M. Masson, de l'eglise catholique. M. Masson dit la pribre en frangais. Le secretaire appelle le r6le, et les m e bres suivants repondent a Elappel de l e noms: MM. Abellr, Ariail Austin, Bailey, Barre Baumas,BeCauvs, B ell, Bonzan o,Brott, Bu ley Burk, Bennier, Bofill, Bromley, Can bell, Cazabat, Cutler, JK.K. Cook, T. Co Crozate, Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Edwar Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdi Fuller, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Grw berg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Hea Henderson, Harris, Hyer, Howell, How Kugler, Mass, Mann, Mendiverri, Montam M ontague, Morris, E. Murphy, New Normand, O'Conner, Ong,. Paine, Pinta Purcell, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smi Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauf Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas,.. Wilson M. le president-76. M. Heard se lve pour une question privilege. I1 demade un conge d'absence pour coll6,ue, M. Kugler, a raison de la mala d,'un membre de sa famille. Le conge est accorcle. M. Fish propose la resolution suivant tfsolua, Que le Gouverneur de l'Etat invite a lancer une proclamation ordonn une 6lection dans le 10e district reprds tatif, pour remplir la vacance par la no nation d'un delegue a cette Convention M. Henderson desire savoir s'il n' pas qtuelqulauitre vacance a remplir, et E pose que les dcmissions de M. Roselius el Abott soient acceptees, et que le gouvern soit invit6 a ordonner une election p remplir ces vacances. M. Cazabat demande le rejet de la r1 solution ainsi amendde passe. iiM. Purcell offre la resolution suivante: liesole, Que en consideration des servi ces precedemment rendus par lui k la can se de l'Union, et aussi a raison du fait de son election spontanec par les citoyens vraiment loyaux de la paroisse out ses longs et loyaux services sont justement apprecis, l'Hon. C. Ros4lius est invitd a retirer sa demission et a reprendre son siege dans cette Convention. M. Henderson propose le rejet de cette resolution. La resolution est rejete. M. M. W. Murphy prdsente la resolution suivante: niesolu, Qu'il sera paye aux membres de cette Convention et sur les fonds du Tresor, une somme de dix piastres par jour, a titre d'indemnit6, pendant toute la durde de leurs services: Resolu de plus, Qute le Prdsident nom! mmera m un comite de cinq membres, lequel sera charge de doterminer le chiffre des sa laires a payer aux officiers et employds de cette Convention, ainsi que les frais de ddplacement des membres des paroisses de Ia lution. Sa motion est rejetee. La motion de M. Henderson est ensuite mise aux voix et adoptde. M. Stocker offre une resolution ordonnant i Ilimprimeur de la Convention d'imprimer 300 exemplaires des Constituitions de 1812, 1845 et 1852. MI. Montamat propose dIlen imiprimer seulement 200. Cette motion est adoptde. Le juge Howell offre le siltbti siuivant: JOURNAL DE LA CONVETION POUR LA REVISION campagne, et de faire son rapport sur ce do, J. Purcell, Seymour, Shaw, Stocker, sujet le plus promtement possible. Stumpf, Stauffer, Thorpe Thomas —37. M. Brott demande le vote divisionnel sur Les voix etant egalement partagees, le les resolutions. president vote pour le rejet. M. Foley demande le dep6t des dites r- M. Cazabat demande l'appel nominal, atsolutions sur le bureau, sujettes h appel. tendu que le chiffre des votes est an-dessous Un membre en propose le rejet absolu, du quorum. mais cette motion n'est pas accueillie, et Le vote est appele et 77 membres reponles rdsolutions etant mise aux voix, sont dent a leurs noms. adoptees. Le vote est recommence sur l'ordre du Le Col. Thorpe offre la resolution sui- president vante: ~~~~~~~~pr~sident. Rslvante: YQilsr o 6prlp - Votent pour l'adoption de la resolution: desolu, Quil scra nomme par lev presi- Messieurs Abell, Austin, Baum, Beauvais, dent un comite e mebres dBell, Bennie, Bofill, Buckley, Burke. J. K. quel seiont renvoyees toutes les questions Cook, T. Co Crozat, Davies, Duane .Cook, T. Cook. Crozat, Davies, Duane, et affaires soumises ia cette Convention, qul Dufresne, Flagg, Foley, Geier. Gorlinski, peuvent avoir trait a nos relations avec le Gaidry, Healy, Heard, Henderson, Hire Gouvernement F~d~ral. Ce comit6 porte — Guenement Federal. C comit porte- Howes, Maurer, Mendiverri, Millspaugh, ra le nom de "Comite des Relations Fe- Montamat, M.W. Murphy, O'Conner, Poycdrales." not, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Sey M. Brott propose que ce comite soit com- mour, Smith, Spellicy, Stiner, Sullivan, pose de cinq membres. Terry, Thorpe Montague, Wenck etWil L'amendement est accueilli et la resolu- son-45. tion adoptee. Votent pour le rejet: M1. M-ontamat presente la res,ation sul- AMessieurs Ariail, Bailey, Bairrett, Brom ~~~~vante: Qu'iley, Bonzano, Brott, Campbell, Cazabat, Dupaty, Ennis, Fish, Fosdick, Gastinel, Resolu, Qu'il soit par ces prdsentes fait Goldman, Harnan, Hart, Hills, Howell, une allocation de cent mille piastres, a Maas, Mann, Morris, E. Murphy, Ong, J. prendre sur les fonds duTresor Public, qui Paine, Pintado, Shaw, Stocker, Stumpf. sera employee a payer l'indemnitn ou per Stauffer, Thomas —30. diem et les frais de deplacement dufs aux En consequence la resolution est adopmembres de cette Convention, ainsi que les salaires de ses officiers et employes; ladite t somme sera payee par le Trdsorier de l'Et- Le secretaire donne lecture de la comtat sur le mandat du prdsident de la Con- position des differents comites nommes par vention. le prdsident, en execution de resolutions M. Cazabat demande le rejet de la reso- pr demment adoptes. luition. lueitnt motion est rejete. I1 son composeds comme suit: Cette motion est reJetee. EFman1cipaition. —Bonzano, chairman; Ho LIa resolution est mise aux voix, et voi- El nanbiponl?.EsBonzano, chairman; Ho well, Abell, Edwards, Goldman, Stocker, ci le rdsultat du vote nominal: Cazabat, Bennie, E. Murphy, J. T. Paine, On vote pour l'adoption de la rdsolit- Schroeder-11. tion: Pre'ambule.-Heard, chairman; Montague, Messieurs Abell, Austin, Baum, Beau -Sullivan, T. Cook, O'Conner, Spellicy, Wa Mtesrs-7. vais, Bell, Bennie. Bofill, Buckley, J. K. Distribution des Poioirs. —Thmas, chair,,. S * * ~~~~~Distribtion des Pouevoirs. —Thamas, chairCook, T. Cook, Crozat, Duane, Dufresne, man Kugler Foley Bofill Stump Ong Foley, Gorlinski, Gaidry, Healy, Heard;Kugler, Foley, Bofill, Stump Ong, Henderson, Howes, Mann, Maurer, Mendi- Bromley —7. verri, Montamat, Montague, M. W. Mur Departement Ligislatj'.-Fosdick, chair OConner, Poynot,S. Pursel, M Mr man; Thorpe, Stauffer, Cazabat, Hire, KnoO'Conner, Poynot, S. Pursell, Schroeder, bloch,Schnurr, Taliaferro, Wells-9. Smith, Spellicy, Stiner, Sullivan, Te rry, Dp artement de'i cutif.-Fish, chair Waters, Wilso-37. Terry; De'p'artement de l'Lex'cutif. —Fish, chair Waters, *ilson-. ~ man; Austin, Gruneberg, Bromley, Crozat, On vote pour le rejet: Davies, Mann —7. Messieurs Barrett, Bonzano, Bromley, Departement du Judiciaire. —Howell, chairBrott, Burke, Campbell, Cazabat, Davies, man; Heard, Beauvais Fuller, Henderson, Dupaty, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Fos- Cutler, Seymour. —7. dick, Gastinel, Geier, Goldman, Harnan, -Mise en Accusation des officiers de l'Etat.Hart, Hills, Hire, Howell, Maas, Millspaugh, j Wilson, chairman; Bailey, Gastinel, Morris, Morris, E. Murphy, Ong, Jon. Paine, Pinta- J. T. Paine, Smith —6. ,is do, J. Purcell, Seymour, Shaw, Stocl,-er, Stumpf, Stauffer, Thorpe Thomas —37. ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOiSIANE. Resolu, Qu'il sera nomm6 par le president un comitd de cinq membres, qui sera charge de s'informer des motifs de l'absende de messieurs Webbs, des Rapides, et Taliaferro de Concordia, et aussi de voir s'il ne serait pas opportun d'ordonner de nouvelles elections pour remplir les vacances. M. Heard demande d'amender, en ajottant le nom de M. Lobdell, de Ouest-BatonRouge. M. Cazabat propose le rejet de I'amendement. Sa motion est rejetee. L'amendemen t est accepte, et la r6solution adoptde avec l'amendement. Le prdsident nomme MM. Stocker, Montague, Ariail, Mann et Heard, membres du comite ci-dessus. M. Gastinel offre la resolution suivante, laquelle est adoptee. Res olu, Qu'il soit nomm4 par le president un comit4 de cinq membres, pris dans le sein de la Convention, lequel comite sera charg4 de se rendre aupres du Gouverneur et de lui annoncer que la Convention est organisee et est prete a recevoir toutes communications qu'il peut avoir a liii faire. Sont nommes membres du comite4 Messieurs Gastinel, Shaw, Thomas, Goldman, t Bofill. Le colonel Thorpe offre la resolution suivante: Re'solu, Que la section 54 des rdglements de la Convention soit amend4e de falon a lire comme suit: Le quorum sera des deux tiers des membres elus et admis a cette Convention. Rejet4. M. Howell annonce qu'il a et4 invit4 par le president i prier les membres de rester apres l'ajournement, afin de parfaire l'organisation des comites. La Convention s'ajourne ensuite jusqu'a demain, a 5 heures du soir. Adopt4. Dispositions Gnrales. —Milann, chairman; J. K. Cook, Foley, Geier, Maas, Wenck, Buckley-7. Ameliora tion s Inter ieures. - Gorlinski, chairman; Ariail, Campbell, Flood, Healy —5. Instruction Publique.-Hil ls, chairman; Howes, Lobdell, Burke, Hart, M. W. Murphy, Terry, Wells, Gaidry, Balch, Edward, Maurer-11. M ode de revision de la Constitution.-Cutler, chairman; Knobloch, Baum, Stiner, Harnan-5. Dispositions Transitoires. -- Gruneberg, chairman; Dupaty, Shaw, Dufresne, Ennis, Flagg, Gaidry —-7. Mise i exncution de laI Constituti on.Sh aw, chairman; Poynot, Kavanagh, Kugler, Mendiverri-5. Eglre ement. - Thor pe, chairman; Brott, MNillspaugh, Pintado, Crozat-5. Finances. —Brott, chadrman; Montamat Normand, Schnnrr, Sullivan-5. Depenses.- S. Puirsell, cha irman; B ell, Duane, Newell, J. Paine de Jefferson-5. Impressions.-J. Purcell, chairman; Fuller, Barret ---- 3. M. Stauffer pr4scnte la resolution suivante, dont il demande la lecture imm4diate et le d4pot sur le bureau jusqu'k demain: Resolu, Qu'il sera nomm4 par le pr4sidentun comite de cinq membres charge de 'informer aupres d es officiers d'Etat que cela peut regarder. de la quantitu et du montant des bons d'Etat qui ont ete 4mis pour luarmement et dquipement de l a milice de l'Etat contre l'autorite legitime des Etats-Unis, en violation de la Constitution ms axd et des lois de cet Etat, et pour quelle somme il y en a aujourd'hui dehors. M. Montamat propose la resolution suivante, avec dispense de l'application des reglements. Resolu, Que le comite d'enr6lement est autoris4 a nommer un commis en chef et la quantite de cominis enr6leurs qu'il croira necessaires. La resolution est adoptee. | M. Hills propose que lorsque la Convention s'ajournera, elle slajourne pour demain a 5 heures du soir. M. Montamat propose une heure de l'apres-midi; M. Stauffer, midi; et M. Harnan, 7 heures du soir. Sur motion, tous ces amendements sont rejetes. L'ajournement propose par M. Hills est mis aux voix et adopt4. M. Stocker presenlte la rdsolution suivante: SA.sMEDI, l e 16 avril, 1864. Conforminment a l'ajournement, la Convention s'assemble. En l'absence du president, le secretaire prend le fauteuil et appelle la Convention a l'ordre. M. Hills propose que M. Howell soit appele a prdsider provisiorement. 29 Joii.-; E. NEELIS, Seer6taire. 30 JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION Adopte -a l'unanimitd. Resolt, L'Honorable A. A. Atochlia, juge M. Howell, en prenant la presidence, prev6t du Departement du Golfe, est invited a prendre uii siege dans l'enceinte de cette prdsente le Rev. Hopkins, lequel prononce Convention la pribre. Sur la motion de M. Goldman de rejeter A l'appel nominal du r6le, les membres cette proposition,. Montamat emande b ~~~cette proposition, MW. Montamat demande suiivants r~pondent k leurs noms~: snlivants repondent a leurs noms: l'appel nominal, dont il appert qu'il y a MMf~. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Bailey, Bar- Iaplnmnl oti petqii MM. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Bailey, Bar- onze voix en faveur de la motion Goldman rett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Bonzano, Bromley, Brott, Buckley, Burke, Ca- et soixante-sept contre elle, savoir: zabat, J. K. Cook. T. Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Votent dans l'affirmative Davies, Duane, Dufresne, Edwards, Ennis, Messieurs Bailey, Bonzano, Bromley, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Ennis, Flagg, Goldman, Hills, Mann, MillsGastinel, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Gai- paugh. dry, Healy, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Votnt dans la ngative: Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri Messieurs Abell, Ariail, Austin, BarMilispaugh, Montamat, Montague Morris rett. Beauvais, Baum, Bell, Bofill, Brott, E. Mlurphy, Mo. W. Mturphy ewell. Norr- Buckley, Burke, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, T. Emand, O'Conner, PayneW, Pintado, Poynot, Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Duane, Dufres mand O'onnr, ayn, Pntao, oynt'ne, Edwards, Fish, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurr ne, Edwards, Fish, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker e Geier, Gastiel, Gorliski, Gaidry, Stumpf, Stiner, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Thomas wenck Wilson-78. Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Thomas, Wenck, Wilson —78. Le. n' a l i re la m Kugler, Lobdell, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, Le secretaire commen~ant a lire la ml- Montamat, Montague, Morris, E. Murphy, nute du proces-verbal, M. Montamat pro- M. W. Murphy, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, pose une dispense de cette lecture. pose une dispense de cette lecture. Payne, de Jefferson, Poynot, J. Purcell. S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurr. Seymour, M. Cazabat propose de rejeter cette motion. S. PurSoll, Schroeder, Schnnrr Seymou, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, On se prononce contre lui; mais a l'ap- Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, pel nominal il est decide que cette lecture Thomas, Waters, Wenck, Wilson. aura lieu, comme de fait; et le proces-ver- M. Thorpe propose, pour amendement, bal est adopte sans correction aucune. d'inviter tous les officiers judiciaires de M. Montamat prdsente la resolution suli- cette ville a prendre un siege dans l'envante: ceinte de cette Convention. Resolu, La somme de $100 sera payee a Accepte, et l'on met definitivement aux l'adjoint-secretaire provisoire, pour servi- sa ces par lui rendus avant llorganisation de volx resolntlon; apres quoi, on d adem la Convention. Adopt6 k Ilunanimit6. la Convention. Adopte''a l'nnanimite'. l'appel nominal, dont il resulte 68 voix af Motion de M. Bell autorisant chaque co- firmatives contre 8 negatives. mite k employer autant de commis qu'il le La redaction anendee de cette resolution juigera necessaire. est adoptee. Rte're6 au comite d'Enr6lement. AM. Brott prsesote cette resolution: M. S. Pursell prdsente la resolution sui- Resol, Le procureur-general de l'Etat ~~~~~~vante:~ ~ est invited a faire connaitre k cette Conven tion son opinion, comme jurisconsulte, sur La Conventioit de'crte, L'article quatre- le droit que cette Convention aurait d'exervingt-seize de la constitution de l'Etat de cer des pouvoirs legislatifs. et d'allouer des la Louisiane sera change et amende de ma- fonds du tresor public. niere k presenter le texte suivant: Tous les Stir motion de Al. Henderson, ce~tte r4soofficiers civils de l'Etat en general, devront posseder la qualite d?electeurs de cet Etat lution ost rejete. et y resider, et tous les officiers de district M. Gastinel preseinte la resolution suiivante: ou de paroisse devront y avoir le droit de Rjsola, Le procs-verbal et les ddbats de vote et y resider; ils devront tenir leur la Conventionl seront imnrimes sdpardment bureau en tel endroit designe par la loi. en Anglais et en Franvais par l'imprimeur Apres motion de la reTfrer au comite sur officiel; et chaque conventionnel recevra les Dispositions Generales, cette resolution trois exemlplaires de ces procos-verbaux et est rejetee. debats, pour les distribuer parmi leurs constituants, rOservant au dit conventionnel M. M{ontamat prosente la resolution sui- le droit de choisir ces exemplaires, en l'une vante: ~ on l'autre langue. ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. M. Hills propose d'amender par la suip- Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, pression de la langue Francaise, et sur ce, Sullivan, Thorpe, Thomas, Wilson —64. M. Healy conclut all reet de l'amende-^ La motion Terry est done rejetee. ment. Motion d'effacer le tout, sauf les languies A cet effet, on demande l'appel nominal Anglaise et Fran,aise. dont il resulte 60 voix pour le rejet, sa- M. Cazabat propose de rejeter le substi voir: tnt. Adopte. MM. Abell, Austin, Bailey, Bauim, Beau- La motion Gastinel est donc proposde et vais, Bell, Bofill, Bonzano, Bromley, Brott, adoptee. Buckley, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, M. Sullivanpropose: M. Sullivan propose: Crozat, Cutler, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennils, Fish, Flagg, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gas- gresolu, Les delues de nalssance etran tin.Goldman, Gorlinski, Gruneherg. Gai- gbre, qul n'ont pas encore justifie de leurs tinel. Goldman, Gorlinski, Griineberg, Gai- tinel, HeayHrtHead,irlettres de niaturalisation, montrant quils dry,'Healy, Hart Heard, Hire, HoeCs, dry,Heal, Hrt Hard,H i r, Hoes,sont citoyens des Etats-Unis d'Am4rique, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mendliverri, Mills sont citoyens des Etats-Unis d'Amerique, paugh, Montamat, M. W. Murphy, Newell, uformement a la reolution passee mer Normand, Pintado, J. PWurpcell, Poynot credi dernier, airont a le faire immediate Normnd, intao,.. Pucell Poyot,ment, sinoni leurs si6ges dans cette Conven Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, met, sno leurs sieges dans cette Conven Sto, ~~~~~~~~tioniseront d4clar~s vacants. Stocker, Stumpf; Stiner, Sullivan. Terry, tO seront declares vacants. Thorpe, Thomas, Wenck-60. M. Foley propose d'amender en ces termes: Et 20 voix contre, savoir: C( Ceux qui n'ont pas justifie de cette natu MM. Ariail, Barrett, Burke, Campbell, ralisation, devroat declarer sous serment ralisation, devront d,6clarer sous serment MM. riai, Barett B-Lrke,Campell,qulils ont I~t6 naturalists citoyens des Etats Davies, Duane, Flood, Geier, Henderson, qulsontetnaturalisescitoyensdesEtats Hills, Howell, Montague, Morris, E. Mur- Unis. phy, O'Conner, J. Payne, S. Pursell, M. Healy declare que certains d'entre Schroeder, Stauffer, Wilson-20. ces membres, habitant it la campagne, En consequence, rejet de l'amendement etaient dans l'impossibilite materielle de Hills. presenter leurs lettres de naturalit4, et Acceptation de l'amendement Goldman, propose de repousser la proposition tout proposant la publication en langue Alle- entiere. Adopt4. mande. M. Bell propose que le secretaire donne M. Stocker propose le substitut suivant: M. Stocker propose le substitut suivant lecture des noms des membres, de naissan Resolu, L'Imprimeur officiel devra, pour tra re, qi ot prset leurs lettres l'usage de la Convention, imprimer trois cents exemplaires du proces verbal dans de naturalite au president en execution de chacune des langues suivantes: Anglais, la dite resolution; mais sur les obserFrangais, Allemand et Espagnol. vations de plusieurs membres, cette propo Rejet4. sition est rejet4e. M. Terry propose d'amender le substitut Rsolution Purcell Resolution Purcell:~ par l'adjonction du mot "Irlandais;" le- sol, Ce q suit sera adopt comme tl Rsolu, Ce quil suit sera adopt4 comme quel le president declare etre adoptS, et article faisant partie de la constitution de l'appel nominal ayant lieu donne le r4sul- la Louisiane, savoir: Nul, sil n'est citoyen tat suivant: des Etats-Unis ou slil n'a declare son inten Pour l'affirmative: tion de le devenir, ne pourra exercer au Messieurs Campbell, Crozat, Davies cune profession, se livrer a aucune occu Messiers Campbell, Crozat, Davies, pation lucrative, faire aucun ndgoce ou Flagg, Flood, Geier, Healy, Terry et Flagg, Flood, Geler. Healy, Terry et suivre aucun metier qui necessite l'obten ~~~~~Wenck-9. ~tion d'une licence, soit des autorites de Pour la nugative: cet Etat, soit de toutes autres existantes Messieurs Austin, Bailey, Barrett, dans son sein. Baum,Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Bonzano, Brom- Motion second4e; M. Cazabat propose ley, Brott, Buckley, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, de la rejeter et M. Thomas de la refgrer au T. Cook, Cutler, Dufresne, Duane, Dupaty,, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Foley, Fosdick, Ful- comte sur les dspostions genales, et ler, Gastinel, Gorlinski, Gaidry, Hart, tous deux sont second4s. Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Le president declare qu'il considere que Howes, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, ces trois motions ne sont pas i l'ordre, Millspaugh, Montague, Morris, E. Murphy, mais qu'il les y mettra, si IIAssembl~e le M. W. Murphy, Normand, Newell, O'Conner, J. Payne, Poynot, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, desire. Aucune requite it cet effet n'a ~t4 Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith,' presentie. 31 JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION solutions, (a moins qu'elles ne soient rdf4rdes ba quelque comite) ne seront sujettes'h, l'action de la Convention qu'apres lintervalle d'liin jour, depuis leur date d'ordre. Adopt&. M. Thomas, president dii comit4 sur la Distribution des Pouvoirs, rapporte que ce comitg a ddcide a llunanimitA que la partie de la constitution de 1852, qui traite de la distribution des pouvoirs, n'a pas besoin d'aucun changement, et il soumet ce rapport. M. Brott propose de referer ce rapport au comite, avec instruction d'incorporer le titre de cette matiere dans son rapport. Adopt6. Une motion d'ajournement est adoptee, et le prdsident declare cette Convention ajournde' mercredi prochain k 5 heures du soir. La minute est adoptee. JOHN E. NEELIS, Secrdtaire. Motion nouvelle. Resolu, Le sergent-d'armes devra procurer a chaque membre et au secretaire de cette Convention, cinq exemplaires de tels journaux quotidiens qu'ils designeront. Seconde. M. Thomas propose de substituer troits cinq. Second6 et adopte avec l'amendement. Ma. Montamat propos e que le comitd des Finances soit autorise a nommer un cornmmis aux mandats. Adopte. M. Seymour presente ce qui suit: Attendu, Que la resolution adoptde lecourant, requerant les conventionels dejustifier de leur prestation de serment d'allegeance, prescrit par la proclamation du president, en date du 8 ddcembre 1863,. ne devait s'appliquer, et devait s'interpreter comme ne s'appliquant qu'aux membres seuls, (s'il en existe) qui, jusqu'l ce jour n'avaient pas prete le serment d'all4geance aux Etats-Unis, sous i'empire des ordres militaires, dans ce departement, en c onsdquence: La Convention d~crte, La ddmission de l'Hon. Ch. Roselius n'est pas acceptee, et il sera invit4 a reprendre sa place comme membre de cette Convention. La resolution a te4 rejetde. M. Fosdick propose l'ajournement jusqu'au 21 de ce mois k midi, en consideration des seances des comite4s. Rejeto. M. Healy propose l'ajournement k lundi a 3 heures de relev~e. Secondd. M. Cazabat propose a lundi en huit k 5 heures. Seconde. M. Sullivan propose de rejeter la motion et l'ajournement. Adopt&. M. Hills propose que, lorsque la Conven tion s'ajournera, elle le fasse jusquli samedi a 4 heures du soir, pour les raisons d KjM ex:osees. Rejete. M. Terry propose de fixer l'epoque de l'ajournement k mercredi k 5 heures du soir. Adopts par un vote de 46 voix contre 26. Le prdsident nomme du comit4 perma nent des Relations Feddrales, MM. Howell, Brott, Montague et Henderson. Le prdsident nomme membres du comi t6 de Retribution des officiers et employes de la Convention, MM. M. W. Murphy, Terry, Mann, Fosdick et Ennis. M. Stocker appelle la resolution sui vante prdsent~e vendredi: R solu, Le reglement esy amend a de mani~re, k ce que les ordonnances et r~ MERCREOI, 20 avril 1864. La Convention s'assemble conformdment a l'ajournement, et est appel,ee it lordre par le president, k 5 heures du soir. La s~ance s'ouvre par la pribre du Rev. M. Andrews. L'appel nominal est fait par le secrdtaire et les membres suivants r6pondent k l'appel de leurs noms: Messieurs Abell, Ariail, Austin, Barrett, Bell,Bofill,Bonzano, Bromley, Burke, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Crozat, Davies, Dufresne, Duane, Dupaty, Durell, Edwards, Ennis, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mendiver-i, Millspaugh, Montague, Morris, E. Murphy, M. W. Murphy, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, J. Payne, Poynot, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnuirr, Seymouli, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Wenck, et Wilsoni-71. Le nombre des membres presents etant insuffisant pour former un quorum, le president ordonne au sergent-d'armes d'amener les membres absents. MM. Balch, Bailey, Baum, Beauvais, Buckley, Brott, Campbell, Fish, Flood et Montamat etant entrds dans la salle et ay,int pris leurs si4ges, le president annonce qit'il y a quorum. 32 I premiere L4gislature qui se rlunira en ver- donne et donne le resultat suivant: tit de la nouvelle Constitution, k ordonner En faveiir de la rclsoluttion, 49 voix et autx diverses paroisses ou corporations, ainsi qu'aux partiguliers, qui, dans cet I contre, 23. Etat, ont emis des mandats k vile, des bons ]La resolution est adoptee. on des billets appeles shinplasters, payables M. Wenck offre la resolution suivante en billets confgddrds, d'avoir a prendre les laqitelle est second~e. mnesulres ncessaires pour en op~rer le r1e laq-melle esat secondee. chat en monnaie courante. Je demande la reconsideration du vote M. Mendiverri propose la resolution sti- adoptant la resolution qui ordonne la pu blication du procs-verbal des ddbats de la vante *.it Convention en anglais et en frangais, et la RAsolet, Que lAuditeur d'Etat presentera distribution de trois exemplaires des dites a cette Convention, aussitot que cela ser i publications a chaque membre. praticable, un 4tat des recettes et depenses (hi tr~sor de lEtat, pendant l'administra dl trdsor de l'Etat~~. pnatldmnsr- -Monltamat demande le re.,et 4,e cette tion du gdneral G. F. Shepley, ex-gouver- pioposition. neur militaire de l'Etat. autant du moins La motion est raise atix voix et adopte qu'il pourra lI'etablir (I'aprbs les livres et par 42 voix contre 37. archives qui sont en sa possessn a i motion, ave leM. detail de chaque item des recettes et i de p-l ses. Ce tableaui devra 6galement indiquter W eck de reconsideier le vote. s'il a 6te re(;u ulne balance du dernier trso-! Votent pour la reconsiderationrier. et, en cas d'affirmative, spdcifier le tI M. Ariail Barret, Bonzano, Brott, mn(ntant et la nature de ces fonds on va,- BuLirke, Campbell. J. K. Cook, Davies, leirs. Duanei. Ennis, Flood, Fosdick, Geier, Gold M. Wilson demarn 1de l e it de cette - man, Gorlinski, Hailnan, Heard, Hender solution. Laeotion ast esete r- on, Hills, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh. 1olutin. Laotionest,o Kugle, Lobd(lell, Maas. lMann, Montague. ution est atdoptee. t Mori is, Ong, J. Payne, 1intado, S. Pursell, M. Stocker rIappelle' ha Convention la Sceliroeder, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, '5gleqi'ellee a adoptea, sr' sa proposition Stiner, Stauiffei, Sullivan. Wenck, Wil'a sa dernie-e seance, laquelle ordonne quae e Votetit conitre It recotisi(d4gatioii toutett resolution doit rester d)osee sultr c MM. Abell, Austin, Balch, Bailey, bureau ao mioins in joiur, i moins qu'elle Batum, Beauvais, Bell, Bofil, Buckley, Cazane soit renvoyde (levant tin comite specia. )at T Cook, Crozat Cutler, Dufresne, M. llls offire i soition stivante, ql D aty, 1)urell, Edwards, Fish, Flagg, Fo M~. tills offre la roltion sivnte, qi iuller, Gastinel, Grunberg, Gaidry, i-estera str lei bureaul iltsqi'ati lendemain: - l t;al, Hart, Hire. Knoliloch, Lobdell, ManY ]-soli, qe l e secr6taire suit requis de rei', Mendiverri, Millspaugli, Montamat, retranchler du procbs-verbal de la Conven- E. Murphy, M. W. Murphy, Newell, Nortion 1a resolution invitant le juge A. A. mand, O'Conner. Pintado, Poynot, Sey 5 34 JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION tmoiir, Shaw, Terry, Thorpe et Thomas- dte d,1dguis' cette Convention par des 44. constituants qlti, eux-m6mes n'ont pas la M. Gorlinski prdsente la resolution sni- connaissance de cettelangue; attendu que ces constituants' etaient en droit de choisir Rsl,QllavaCovntine: leurs delguds b leur convenance, comme R~solu, Qu'a l'avenir la Convention se faisant partie du souveraini, et que leur reunira regulierement a midi, et tout mem- denier ce droit serait porter atteinte a leurs bre qui, lors de I'appel du r6le, ne rdpon- franchises; dra pas h l'appel de son nom, sera puni 1l est resolit. Que toutes les resolutions d'une amende de deux liastres, laquelle et motions qui seront presente'es a cette sera ddduite de son per diem; et que tout Convention seront traduites en Fran;ais, de inembre qui s'absentera de son siege pen- maniere a ce que les d1ldgues des paroisdlant une sdance entiere, perdra son ses de la ca,mpagne qui n'entendent pas la per diem par chaque jour d'absence, k moins langue anglaise, puissent savoir au juste qii'il n'ait prdalablement obtenu de la Con- ce sur qioi ils sont appeles a voter. vention un conga d'absence, ou qu'il ne soit M Cazabat annonce qie, pour facilite . 1.. x.. > ~~M. Cazabat annonce aue, pour thciliter malade, lui, ou quelque membre de, fa- m-ille, auquel cas ill devra en fouirnir- la mille, auquel cas ii devra en fournir i l'expedition des aftaires, il presente la repreuve par la prodnction d'in certificat de- solution suivante livr~ par un medecin dipl6me. livrg par un.~ei...........Attendu. Que cette Convention s(est Resolu en outre, Qle le secretaire tiendra not - ds. d. m e reunie dans le but iunique de reviser et note des non~ aes membres qui ne rdpon leur nos au mom des lp, d'amender la Constitution de la Louisiane. dront pas i leurs noms a moment e ap et non d'autres fins, pel du role, ainsi que des noms de ceux qui 11 est resolu Qulautne resolution aya,t se seront absentes tout un jour, et aussi du reol q ie.slti ar.ut s..,. v.,. un autre obje[ qule celui-lk ne sera re(;ue nombre des jours daabsence, a moins d'ab- u ute a l a neni. ... u v | ou ~coutde par la Convention. sence par conge; et qu'il en dressera, a la fin de chaque semaine, une liste dout il re- M. Wenck offre la resolution qui suit minettra une copie au President de la Con- Resolte, Que la resolution alloiant uline vention, qui devra faire executer rigoureu- indemnite de dixpiastres par jour'a chlaque sement les peines portges par la section pre- membre de la Convention. est et demeure cedente. rappelge. Les resolutions sonit secondees. M. Harnan demande la lecture de la re M. Austin en demande le rejet. ~~M. Ausinend e ejt.solution presentde par le juge Howell, et M. Stocker demande que la rdsolution ainsi cone adoptde la veille sur sa proposition, soit re- esol, Que a resoltion adopt Resolu, Que la resolution adoptde yelnlue' la Convention, pour memoire. dredi, 15 avril 1864, en les termes sii Lecture est donnee comime suit: vants R~solit. Qit'il est par, es prdsentes 14it Resolut, Que les reglements sont amendes Resol'il est par es prsentesait (Il ce sens, quat l'avenir tous les ordres allocation d'une soine le cent nille pias et resolutions devront rester un jour entier ties, a prendre sur le fond general, et desur le bureau, avant que la Convention tinee a payer l'indeinnite on per dien le puisse rien decider a leur dgard. Elles frais de ddplacement dtis aux membres de l etre envoyees devat la Convention et le salaire de ses officiers pourront seulement 6r rvoesdv et employes; laquelle somme sera payde tin comit6. par le trdsorier de l'Etat sur le mandat du M. Sullivan demande le rejet de la resoln- president de la Convention est, et demeure tion. rappelee. Le presidentdeclarequ'iln'est pas'a l'or- 11 est de plzts iesoli, Que la ilesolution dre. adoptde le 15 avril 1864, et ainsi concue: M. Montamat donne avis a la Convention "Tons les membres de cette Convention auqu'il prdsentera a la prochaine seance une ront.droit a ine indemnite de dix piastres resolqution pe lpar jour pendant toute la durde de leurs e'solution pour amender larticle 52 des services, laquelle somme leur sera payee R4glements. sur les fonds du Ftresor public," est egale M. Gaidry offre la resolutionI stivante ment rappelde. it est de plus 2-esole, Que l'indemnnite a Attendu, Que toutes les constitutions all- payer ax membres de nette Convention terieures de l'Etat ont decrdte que tons ples payer avc m re s, sera la m que ce llntieo actes judiciaires et legislatifs seraient p u- laquellleurs me mbre s de a msseme que Gcelleblids en Anglais et en Frangais; n r laquelle tiles membresn w t de l'Assembl consti Er attendu, Que plisieurs membres de nale nt droit (n vti de 1a consticette Convention, qui sont de vrais r6pu- tion e 1852 blicains et fideles k la cause, mais ne sont Cette proposition est secQn;dee par M. pas familiers avec la langue anglaise, ont Goldman. ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. M. Montamat fait remarquer que cette Ier et 2e de la constitution de 1862, ainsi proposition a deja (ote rejetoe, et le'prdsi- conc,us dent lui rpon qe la rsoltion restra Art. 1.-Les pouvoirs du gouvernement de l'Etat de la Louisiane seront divises en ddposde sur le bureau jlisqu'au lendemain. trois ddpartements distincts, et chacun de M. Austin parle dans le meme sens que ces departements sera confie' un corps M. Montamat, et re.oit la meme reponse du s~pare de magistrats, savoir: ~a l'n, le de presidentaa. e el m rn e partement du Legislatif, a l'autre le d; -pr~~sident.~~ ~partement de l'Exscutif, et au troisieme le M. Goldman prdsente la rdsolution sui- ddpartement du Judiciaire. vante Art. 2.-Aucun de ces ddpartements, ni Resolu, Que la motion originaire ordon- aucun officier attache a l'un d'eux ne pournant la publication des travaux de la Con- ra lgalement excercer aucune autoritoe vention en Anglais et en Frangais, est amen- dans aucun des deux autres, excepts dans dde de fagon a comprendre l'Allemand dans les cas ci-apres expressdment ordonn6 sou la meme resolution. permis. Respectueusement soumis, Le president declare que la motion n'est JOHN WV. THoM.s, Prdsident. ~~pas'a l'ordre~.!Le rapport est adopte. pas k IFordre. M~. Fosdick, pr(~sident du comit6 du L6 M. Cazabat demande la reconsiddration M. Fosdick, prsidnt du comit d Ldi vote sur la resolution de M. Sullivan, gislatif, annonce que le travail du comit6 est en voie d'acbe'vement. relative a la statue de Washington. M. est en voie dachvement. Sullivan rpond quail n'objecte pas h ce que - Fish, prsidet d comit de'Ex a rolution reste depos jusqa lende- cutif, et M. Howell, prdsident du comite la resolution reste d(~pos~e jusqi-'aui lendemiainrt. Judiciaire, font la meme declaration. M. Brott offre sa demission de membre M. Wilson president du comite de la du comite d,'Anr6lement. Cette d~mission Mise en Accusation des officiers de l'Etat est acceptde, et le president nomme M. Men- (Impeachment), soumet le rapport de ce codiverri en son lieu et place. mite. Mais M. Hills demande que ce rap Le president annonce que l'ordre est a port soit renvoy4 a ce comit4 pour etre rela presentation des rapports des comitds. manie; cette motion est adoptoe. M. Bonzano, prdsident du Comite de M. Mann, pre'sident du comit6 des Disl'Emancipation, declare que ce comit6 n'a positions Gene'rales, annonce que le travail pas encore acheve son travail. Idu comite est en bonne vole. M. Gorlinski, M. Heard, president du comit4 du Pre- au nom du comitd des Ameliorations Inteaminbule, soumet le rapport suivant: rienres, et M. Hills, au nom du comit6 de Aux Honorables Messieums les President et l'Instruction Publique, font la meme do' Membres de la Convention Constitutionnnelle: claration. Le comite nomm4 par le president pour M. Cutler, president du comit6 du Mode prdparer un projet de preambule a la noii- de Revision de la Constitution, annonce que velle constitution que doit faire cette Con- le travail du comito se poursuit. M. Grunevention, vous soumet le rapport suivant: er Le comite est d'avis qu'on ne saurait g, au nom d comt ds Dspostos mieux faire que de conserver le prgambule Transitoires (Schedule,) et M. Shaw, au des constitutions de 1845 et de 1852, ainsi nom du comited de la Mise'a Execution de concu: "iNous, le peuple de la Louisiane, la Constitution (Ordinance,) font la mime ordonnons et 6tablissons la prdsente constitution" —et le comit6 en propose l'adop- delaration. tion. M. Thorpe, president du comitS d'Enr6 Avec respect, lement, annonce que le rapport de ce corni H. J. HEAtRD,n Prdsident. te est entre les mains du president. Le rapport est adoptd. M. Brott, prdsident du comitd des Finan M. Thomas, president du comite6 de la ces, rapporte que le comite n'a aucuns Distribution des Pouvoirs, soumet le travail fonds en mains, et n'a pas eu lFoccasion de suivant: tirer aucun mandat. Votre comited de la Distribution des Pou- M. S. Pursell, prdsident du comite des voirs soumet respectueusement le rapport D'penses, et M. J. Purcell au nor du comici-aprbs: Le comito est d'avis qu'il ne faut en au- t4 des Impressions, rap)orte liue le travail cuano facon modifier ou alt.rer les articles dii comite se poursuit. 35 36 JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION M. Wilsoi propose (le s'aioourner k lundi pas.- l'ordre, quand l'amnendemenit lui-inCprochain, k cinq heures (dI soir., afin quie me avait ete adopte; il fait observer qu'il les comites aient le temls dle preparer leInis il'avait pas silr le moment entendu la dgcirapports. sion du pre'sidei4, car autrement il en La motion est secondee. aurait fait appel, et. en prdsence de ces M. Crozat propose l'ajournement a faits, il demande que la Convention luiii inidi pour le meime jour, et M. Montam,at confere le droit d'appel. a samedi, a midi. Ces motions sont reje- Le prdsident declare quappel aurait (in tees. etre forme ai monent de la ddcision. Sur motion de M. Bell, la Convention s'ajourne jusqula jeudi, 21 courant, ka midi. Le proces-verbal est adopteS. JOHN E. NEELIS, Secretaire. 'a l7ordre, et la Convention, par son vote, JEUDI, le 21 avril 1864. La Convention se reunit a midi, conformement ka l'ajournement, et le president l'appelle i l'ordre. Prinre par le rvfdrend Gilbert. A l'appel du r61e les membres suivants repondent' leur's noms: I Messieurs Abell, Ariail. Austin, Balch,. Bailey, Barrett, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Bon- l zano, Brott, Buckley, Campbell, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, Crozat, Davies, Dufresne, Duane, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Geier.: Goldman, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Henderson. Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, Millspaugh, Montamat, Montaglie, Murphy, Newell, Normand, O'Conner. Poynot, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Wenck et Wells. Le president declare at presence dui (quo Lecture par le seergfaire de s minutes deon Lecture parTe secretaeesmntesde etprotdges comme propridtes de l'Etatla seance prdcdente. en consequence, Sur motion de M. Stiner, dispense de la La Conive?ttiot decrete, Le major-general ~lecture des noms des membres. Butler et le colonel Payne ont droit aux re merciments de la Convention et du peuple Cette motion est adoptge. de la Louisiane, et il leur sont offerts pour Les minutes sont adopteces. avoir sauve ces propridt(.s d'Etat, qui sont M. Goldman prend la parole et dit qu'au d'un grand prix. Dcre'te de plus, Le gouiverneur est invimoment oit il a presente sa motion, statuant t6 k ouvrir une corrcspondance avec les auq(ue l'amendement qu'il ordonnait que la pu- toritds de Washington k ce sujet, et a prenblication en langue Allemande etait incor- dre les mesures convenables pour faire reporee dans la motion originelle ordonnant venir et recevoir la susdite statue de Wash por~ das~l moion oriinele rdonan ington et aviser ki Iusage qulil poiirra% en la publication en Anglais et en Frangais. ington et aviser a l'usage qu'i porr e 6tre fait dans cet Etat. Le prdsident ddcide que cette dite motion C -N. Campbell pr6,senite la i-,solltion suin'dtait pas a lFordre, et qil'il dsirait m ain vante: tenant savoil ~i le prdsident avait le droit A e, Que a pime paye a ~~~~~de de(~Aitcider q, qine pareille paymotion nait Etats-Unis ax soldats s'engageant ne de, dtcider qu'lm!aeile motion n'd,tait Etats-U~nis aiix soldats, slengageant dans rum. ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 37 I'armee. ne peut etre payoe aux homdmes entrant dans les Premier et Second R4giments de la Nlle-Orldans, que levent actuellement les colonels Kilborn et Browivn, par la raison que ces regiments s'organisent pour 11n objet special, la defense de la ville; et a l'effet d'aider a cette dit-e organisation, La Convention d,cr^te, La somme de — piastres est par le present allouee par l'Etat, a l'effet de payer une prime a chaqiue homme qui a l'avenir s'engagera dans le Premier et le Second regiments de volontaires de la Nlle-Orldans; et le Gouverneur est charg6 de la mise a execution du pr6sent ddcret. au mieux des intor6ts de'FEtat. M. Stocker dit, que dans son opinion, ectte resolution esttr/s-importante, etquaafin que tous les membres puissent donner leur vote en connaissance de cause, il propose d'en ordonner l'impression et la distribution pour le lendemain. La motion est secondde, mais perdue en apparence sur le vote viva voce. On demande un-appel nominal dont il resulte 36 voix negatives contre 34 affirmatives. La L4gislature polirvoira par loi spdciale aiui jugement de tous autres officiers d'Etat mis en accusation, a la peine qui leur sera appliqune et a leur renvoi, par vole d'accusation publique ou autrement. La motion de M. Foley ordonnant l'impression de deux cents exemplaires (le cc projet est rejete. lm MM. Mann, Gorliuski, Ilills, Cutler, Grmneberg et Shaw, president des differents comites sur les Dispositions G4ntrales, l'instru-ction Publique, le Mode de Revision de la Constitution, sutr les Dispositions Transitoires et la Mise a Execution de la Constitution, annoncent que leurs rapports sont en voie d'achbvement. mMM. Brott, S. Pursell et J. Purcell, presidents des comites des Finances, des D4penses et des Impression-s, annoncent qit'ils n'ont pas de rapport k prdsenter. M. Thorpe, du comit( des Relations F4dorales, annonce qu'il prdsentera son ralpport le lendemaici. M. Gastinel soumet le rapport suivant au noma du comit4.special: M. Hills prclsente la resolution suivante: 11 est decriti, L article XXXII des r4glements de cette Convention est amend4 de manibre a obliger les membres quii prdsentent des resolutions a les lire de leur place, ou a en donner in apergu. M. Stocker pr opose la suspension des r pglements afin d'adopter de suite cette motion. La motion est secondde. M. Stauffer dit, qu'a son avis, l'article 32 couvrait cette proposition, mais ka l'appel nominal, il a 6t6 decide en faveur de la suspension dii r6glement par 54 voix contre 5. La resolution est adoptoe -t l?unanimito. Les president~s des comites permanents d'Emancipation, des Pouvoirs Lggislatifs,du Judiciaire et de l'Executif ont d~clar6 qu e leurs rapports etaient en voie de progres. M. Wilson, president du comit6 sur la .Vise en Accusation des officiers publies (Impeachimet,) soumet ce qui suit: Votre comitt, voius soumet le rapport suivant: La Chambre des Represenitants sera investie du droit de mettre en accusation les officiers publics. Ld Linue en accusation dn Gouverteur, du Lieutenant GoIIvernetr. de l'voc-at,-G: Au nom dii comite nommd afin de se rendre auprss de Son Excellence le Gouverneur afin de lui annoncer que l'or anisation de la Conveution gtait complete, et de lIi demander s'il avait qiielque eommunication I JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION a lui faire. je vous soumets le rapport sui- M. Wilson, comme presidnt du dit covant: mlitd. annonce que le rapport de ce comite Le co m'est rcndu aupres de son serapresente incessamient. Excellence, et en a recueilli en sommne pour Le priit anonce que lodre d reponse que son Excellence ne considerait ni convenable ni comme liii appartenant, jour est aux resolutions deposees la veille, de transmettre a la Convention aucun mes- et invite les membres quii les ont prdsensage ou de lui faire aucune suggestion ou tees a les appeler suivant leur tour (le recommandation; mais qiu'elle se tenait en role. tout temps a la disposition de la Conven tion pour lui procurer tous les renseigne- la resolution de M,. Howell est l,e la ments ou commodites que l'exccutif serait premiere. Elle est ainsi coniue: appele a fournir. Resolut, Qu'a l'avenir la Convention se M. Murphy, president du comite4 special r~uinira a 11 heures du matin et s'ajournera pour ddterminer les appointements des ofli- t 3 heures de l'apres-midi, tons les joirs, ciers et employs de cette Convention, les dimanches exceptes, et que l'ordre du cers et employs de cette Conventon, sou- jour sera pris rigoureusement a midi. met le rapport suivant: IM1. Stauffer propose comme amendement, l. le Presidlent —Votre comite niiomme 10 heures du ain. pour determiner le salaire des officiers et, pour here de la riemployes de la Convention, fait le rapport nion, et la suppression des mots "3 liuei suivant: de l aprbs-midi.' John E. Neelis, secretaire....$14 par jour. La motion est secondde. Thomas W. Murphy, soIs-se Tos W. r lurhtaoiree M. Wilson offre comme substitut'"d(le se crdtaire................ 10. S. G. ~rHamilton..., regulieremnent a 5 heures du soir.' Michael DeCourcey, sergent- La moton est appuyee pais rejetde. d'armes...1............. 10 Apres une discussion de quelques insLes deux assistants sergents ,,s de,x assistat s tants, la resolution est amendcee par l'n (d'armes, chacun........... Les deux messagers, chacuin.,,.. isertion des mots "a midi," et l'heure pour Le maitre de poste.......... 5 la discussion des questions a l'ordre du Le portier................. jour ayant ete fixee k 1 heure de l'aprbsLe rapporteur et deux assis te rapportesur et deux asscns- midi la resolution est adoptde. ~tants, chacun............... 6i. Le commis aux mandats (cais- i La resolution suivante prdsentee par M. Le commis aux mandats (cais sier)................... Cazalat est lue et rejet: ~~~~~~~~~~Czbt,.. uee ejte Les commis enrSleurs.......6.. Attende, Que cette Convention s'est reu Pour ce qui regarde les sommes a payer nie dans le seul but de reviser et d'amender a l'imprimear de la Convention, le comite4 la constitution de la Louisiane, et non a demande qu'il liii soit accorde nn delai pour d'autres fins plus amples informations. 11 est resoltu, Qut'aucune resolution ou W. W. MuRPHu. President. aucune question autre que celles ayant trait GEORCE A. FOS)ICK, k l'objet ci-dessus, ne sera revue ou 4coiitte J. RAN)ALL, TERRY, par cette Coinvention. AVW. D. MIANN. Vient ensite la resolution de M. Sul Les frais de deplacement de tous les livan: membres des paroisses de la campagne sont Resolt, Qa'il sera nomme4 par le prdsifixes a 20 cents par mille pour l'aller et le dent un comite de cinq membres, qlii sera retour. Le salaire des officiers et employes charge de correspondre avec les aitorites commencera d jor de le (lection o militaires a Washington, et de leur deman der la restitution a l'Etat de la Louisiane, nomination de la statue de Washington par Powers, la Suir motion de Messieurs Wilson et Heard, quelle a 4te enlevee de l'edifice du Capitole, le rapport est renvoye de nouveau a ca - i Batn-Rotlge. par les troupes des Etats UI -nis lors de l'occupation de cette place par - -it. les armies feddrales. et par elles envoyde M. Stauffer prend la parole pour une au "Patent Office,"':t Washington, ohi elle question d'ordre, et demande le rapport du se tirouve en ce moment. comite spacial 41t an commencemenet de la 1 M. Gorlinski offre un substitut, mais ie session pour faire une enquete sur l'accusa- president decide qu'il n'est pas a l'ordre. tion d(assaut et batterie contre dles mem- La rdsolution est riise aux voix, et le vobres de la Convention. tc divisionnel 6tant demand4 et pris. 53 38 ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. menibres votent en faveur de la dite rdso- payer aux membres de la Conenvtionl pour lution, et 21 contre. lleurs services sera la meme que celle h la La reolution est dot e quelle les membres de l'Assemblee G4n6 La rdsolution est adoptde. .- op * ccrale avaient droit en vertu de la constittiu Le president nomme membres de ce co- tion de 1852. mitd MM. Sullivan, Stiner, Burke, Ennis et Sur motion de M. Sullivan, ces rosoliWaters. tions sont nmises aux voix et rejet4es. La resolution de M. Smith est appelie ia M|. Gorlinski demlande l'ordre du jour son tour. Elle est ainsi con;ue I pour ses resolutions ainsi conques Rlsolu, Que le comite des Disposition s Rj.solit, Qut'it l'avenir la Convention se Generales soit invite a introduire dans son reinira regulierement i midi, et que tolit rapport un ou plusieurs articles obligeant membre qui, lors de l'appel du rSle, ne r6la premiere Ldgislature qui se rdunira. en pondra pas i liappel de son nom, sera puni vertu de la nouvelle constitution, a ordon- d'nlne amende de deux piastres, laquelle ner, aux diverses paroisses et corporations, sera d-duite de son per diem; et que tout ainsi qu'aux particuliers qui, dans cet Etat, membre qui s'absentera de son sioge penont emis des mandats a vue, des bons ou dant une seance entiere perdra son pe' des billets appeles shlinplasters. payables diem pour chaque jour dabsence, a moins en billets conitddres, d'avoir a prendre les qu'il n'ait prealablement obtemni de la Conmesures ne6cessaires pour en opdrer le ra- vention un congo d'absence, ou qu'il ne chat en monnaie courante. soit malade, lui, ou quelque membre de sa M. Cazabat demande le rejet de la reso- famille —auquel cas il devra en fournir la lution. La motion est secondee, puis maise preuve par la production d'lmn certificat deaux voix et rejetee. livre par un mddecin dipi6me. Resolu en ottre, Que le secretaire tiendra M. Cutler demande le renvoi de la reso- note des noms des membres qui ne roponlution devant le comite des Dispositions dront pas a leurs noms au moment de l'apGenerales. pel du role, ainsi que des noms de ceux qui Avant que la question soit miise aux voix, se seront absentes tout un jour, et aussi du Avantocker ea quesi soiise lcur nombre des jours d'absence, a moins d'abM. Stocker, demande une seconde lecture sence par conge, et qu'il en dressera, h la de la resolution. fin de chaque semaine, une liste dont il re La motion de renvoi devant le comite mettra une copie au president de la Con ~~~est rejetee. ~vention, qui devra faire executer rigoureuest rejetde. La resolution est alors maise aux voix, et sement les peines portees par la section prele vote divisionnel etant pris, 48 membrs La rsotion est is aux voix et re p La resolr~tion est m~ise aux voix et revotent contre son adoption et 13 voix jete. pour. M. Cazabat appelle l'attention de la Con M'. Howell demande quoe ses rcsolutions vention sur ce fait que la rdsolution de M. solent mises en doliberation. Elles sont Mendiverri, ordonnant la production d'un ainsi concuQues: lreoui a ee tableau indiquant les recettes et dspenses Resolu, Que la resolution adoptoe le vendredi 15 avril 1864, en les termes suivants d trso de'Etat sous administration du "'Resolu qu'il est, par les presentes, fait allo- gcneral G. F. Shepley, ex-gouverneur milication d'une sommne de cent miile piastres, taire de l'Etat, a dt6 adopte en violation a prendre sur le fonds gendral et destinde des reglements, qui ordonnent que toutes a payer l'indemnite ou per diem et les frais ls rsotions doivt rester dposes ped(e ddplacement duis aux membres de la Convention et le salaire de ses officiers et dant un jour, avant quo la Conventioi employcs, laquelle somme sera payee par puisse prendre aucune decision a leur le Trdsorier de l'Etat sur le mandat du pr- egard. sident de la Convention.'" est et demeure I1 demande, en consdquence, que le vote rappel~e. r~~appec~ld~. ~par leqael cette resolution a et4 adoptge. 11 est de plus esoli. Que la resolution st soit reconsid~r6. adopt4e le 15 avril 1864, et ainsi conAques le ~ p "Tons les membres de la Convention au A un questio a i pos par prsiront droit ka une indemninte de dix piastres dent, M. Cazabat ayant rdpondu qu'il avait par jour pendant toute la durde de leurs vote contre Ia rdsolution, le president lui services, laquelle somme leur sera payde - sur les fonds du trdsor public," est egale- lare qul nest pas lordre. ment rappelce. Le prdsident dit ensuite qu'il croit que ia ll est de ples desol"t, Que lIindemnito' ki resolution a ste adoptdc suivant les rogles. 39 40 JOURINAL DE LA CONVBNTION POUR LA REVISION S,Ur motion de M. Shaw, la Convention La rsolution est second~e, et, lFapplica s'ajourne' vendredi, 22 avril, h midi. tion des rdglements ayant ete snspendue, Approuve. est immgdiatement adoptde. Jotx' E. NEsLis, MM. Bonzano et Fosdick, pr,stdents du Secr(taire. comite' de l'Emancipation et du comit4 du D4partement L4gislatif; ddclarent que le YENDREDI, 22 avril 1864. travail se poursuit. A midi la Convention est appelTe' l'or- M. Fish, president du comite de l'Exe' dre par le president. La priere est dite cutif; annonce qu'il n'y a pas eu de rap par le R4v. M. Jones, et le secreiaire fait port. ensuite l'appel du role. M. Howell, president du comite du Judi Sont presents: claire, rapporte que le travail s'avance(. MM. Abell, Ariail, Balch, BaTrrett, Baum, A la requite de M. Mann, president du Bell, Bofill, Bonzano, Buckley, Burke, comite des Dispositions Ge'ndrales, tM. Campbell, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, Crozat, donne lecture du travail sivant Cutler, Davies, Dufresne, Duane, Durell, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Y[. le Pr-esident-Yotre comite des D)is Fosdick, Fuller, Geier, Goldman, Gor- positions Generales demande h soumiettre linski, Gruneberg. Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, le rapport qui suit: Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, How- Art. 1. Les minembres de l'Assemble'e ell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Gne'rale et tois les officielrs publics, avant Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, Mills- d'entrer en fonctions, preteront le sermeint paugh, Montamat, Montague, Morris, E. suivanIt: Murphy, M. W. Murphy, Newell, Normand, Je (A B) jure solennellement (ou ofliIrme) O'Conner, J. Payne, Poynot. J. Purcellj que je soutiendrai la constitution et les S. Pursell, Schroeder, Seymour, Shaw, lois des Etats-Unis et d(e cet Etat, et que je Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner remplirai avec fidglite et impartialit6 tous Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Wenck. Wells: les devoirs qti me seront imposes par mes Wilson et M. le president-76. fonctions de au mieux de mes capa Un quorum etant pre'sent le proc>s- cites et de mon entendement. Dieui me soit en aide! verbal de la precedente s6ance est In et Art. 2. Le crime de haute trahisoil conadopte. siteria uniquement dans le fait de susciter M. Terry propose la resolutioil suivante, une guerre contre l'Etat. ou de pactiser pour tre deposee suvant e rglement avec ses ennemis, ou de leur donner aide et assistance. Personne ne pourra etre D/catE _u nu ne ser ( ~k ~ligile bu_1. rau cltu Que miT ne ser a lilgible a anl declari convaincii du crime de haute tracunes fonctions d'Etat od municipales, s i h''ison quie sur la d(eposition de deuix td,n-l e posside les qualitss requis es pou r et tre insembre d e coe nt t eise mols du meme fait dt e e trabison overt, osil Anembret de. cetteConvnsur saE propre confession j d'audience de la trouve en ce m omen t en fonction s un on cu I plusieurs officiers de ce genre, qui na ste e aura 1 posvoi sadent pa s les qualits susdites, il sera pour- dedetrminer la peine d cime le haute d~e dterie la parte du crurime de haute C1 vn de suite a leur remplacement. trahison; mats M. Gorlinski dpose la r4solution sui- Art. 4. Serai ncapable dexercer auiciiii(s vante fonctions publiqi es dans l:Etat, Tionorifi D, Queladipoitonsuvat ques ou autre; et sera priv6e du drolit, de D~crgtg, Que la disposition suivante sera sifaetuepron iiar insmre'endans Te re'giements det IaCon suffrage tonte personne qji aur a e'te' coiiiusr4 e dans le r glement de la Convent c l vaincue du crime de trahison, de piarjiire tion. Art. 55. Tout membre de la Convention c o ncusset qui aura pr~sente un p rojet de re'solution, Art. 5. Touites les peinei; scrotit pr-ol~oi — pourra ensuite proposer un amendement tionn~es it la nature de l'offense. ou un substitut k la resolution primitive, Art. 6. LIexercice du droit: de libre sul'sans qulil soit pour cela oblige d'en donner frage seia-piote'gcpardesloisr,gnlarisajit avis prealable-sans que pourtant cette les ele clause puisse venir en conflit avec l'article ctionb, et dete sns dec plucs 25 du r~~~glement. ~s(~veres,1 emnploi de toute influence ilidgi time de la part du pouvoir. de toute col' M. Abell pr(~senite la resolution si MIruption d'6lecteurs, tous dd,ordres oil aiiivante r tres men(-es ipe-n vfonwntnl,s. D~cr~t6, Qtte 11' rapport d a conute~ dc~ Art. i. ilne sera tit6- dui ire'sor aiiciiie Amendemenits soit imprimS et reste ensuite somme, si ce n~'est sur nue allocation sp(de'posd pendant mi moths deux jours. cifique faite par Ta loi' et aucune alloca ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUiSIANE. tion de fonds ne pouirra etre faite a I'avance pour plus de deux ans. Un 6tat et compte regulier des recettes et depenses du tresor sera publid annuellement dans la forme qui sera prescrite par la loi. Art. 8. L'Assemblee G4nerale devra faire les lois qu'elle jugera convenables et necessaires pour regler les affaires litigieuses et soumises a des arbitres. Art. 9. Tous les officiers civils de i'Etat en general, resideront dans l'Etat, et tous les officiers de district ou de paroisse resideront dans leurs paroisses ou districts respectifs, et tiendront leurs offices a tels endroits qui pourront etre requis par la loi. Art. 10. Tous les officiers civils, a l'exception du gouverneur et des juges de la Cour Supreme et des cours inferi eures, pourront etre revoques sur la demande des deux tiers des membres des deux Chambres. Ne sont pas compris dans cet article les officiers a la revocabilite desquels la presente constitution a autrement pourvu. Art. 11. Dans toutes les elections par le peuple, le vote se fera au scrutin secret, et (dans toutes les delections par le Se4nat et la Chambre des Representants, ensemble ou separement, le vote sera donne de vive voix. Art. 12. Ne pourront etre eligibles h l'Assemblee Generale, ni exercer aucunes fonctions publiques, honorifiques ou autres, dans i'Etat, les membres du Congres ni aucune personne exertant des fonctions publiques, honorifiques ou autres, pour le compte du gouvernelueut general des Etats-Unis, ou de l'un de ces Etats, ou d une puissance etrangere. Art. 13. Ne pourront etre nommes k aucunes fonctions publiques, honorifiques ou autres, ou employe4s aux travaux publics de l'Etat, quant ils seront exdcutes aux frais du tresor, que des citoyens des EtatsUnis, exceptd lorsque le salaire ser a de moins de neuf cents piastres par an. Art. 14. Les lois de l'Etat seront promulguees, les livres et archives publics tenus et conservds, et les procedures dcrites de la Legislature ou des cours de justice conduites en la langue en laquelle est dcrite la constitution des Etats-Unis. Art. 15. Les lois ne pourront etre suspendues que par la volonte de la Ldgislature. Art. 16. Toute poursuite en matiere crimrninelle, sera basee sur un acte d'accusation. L'accuse aura droit a etre juge promptement, et par un juri impartial d e la paroisse dans laquelle le crime aura 6te commis. I1 ne sera point obligd a s'accuser lhti-mome; il aura droit a etre entendu, soit par lui-meme, soit par un ddfenseur. I1 aura droit a voir les tdmoins face a face, et il lui sera fourni les moyens necessaires pour se procurer des temoins a decharge. I1 ne pourra Otre poursuivi deux fois pour la mime offense. 6 Art. 17. Tout accuse pourra toujours de mander a vtre mis en liberts en fournissant une caution suffisante, exceptv en cas d'accusation capitale, lorsque la preuve sera Avidente ou la pr4somption forte; et le privil4ge du droit d'Tabeas corpus ne sera point suspendu, excepte lorsque, dans les cas de rebellion ou d'in vasi on. la raison de salut public peut rendre cette mesure n6cessaire. Art. 18. II ne pourra etre exics n des cauitions exagerees, ni impose des amendes excessives, ni inflig6 des peines cruelles ou contraires aux usages. Art. 19. Le droit des particuliers a etre proteg4s dans leurs personnes, dans leurs domiciles, dans lenirs papiers et effets. contre toutes les visites domiciliaires ou saisies deraisonnables ne sera point viole et il ne sera accords aucun ordre de recherche, de saisie ou d'arrestatiou qtie sur des causes probables, appuyees d'un serment ou d'une affirmation; et ces ordres devront d4crire avec precision les lieuix ou qivent s'operer les recherches, les personnes qui doivent etre arretees ou les objets qui doivent etre saisis. Art. 20. I1 ne sera passe, aucune loi ayant un effet retroactif ou portant atteinte a la validite des contrats, ou aux droits acquis, si ce n'est pour cause d'utilite publique et apres indemnit4 prealable. Art. 21. Toutes les cours de justice seront tenues ouvertes, et tout particulier qui sera attaque dans sa personne, dans sa reputation ou dans ses biens, aura droit d'en demander la reparation dans les formes incliquees par la loi, et il lui sera fait droit sans qu'on putisse lui opposer un deni de justice out des lenteurs deraisonables. Art. 22. La presse sera libre. Tout citoyen peut parleo, ecrire et publier ses sentiments sur tous sujets; il sera seulement responsable de l'abus de cette libert'. Art. 23. La Legislature aura le pouvoir de venir ensaide aux compagnies ou associationis particulieres, formees dans le but exclusif de f-aire des travaux qui tourneront, en tout ou en partie, a llavantage de l'Etat, mais seulement jusqu'a concurrence de "un cinquieme" du capital entier de ces compagnies, et ce, soit au moyen de souscription dlactions. soit par pret d'argent, soit par emission de bonis puiblics. Mais toutes avances ainsi accorddes ne seront vers4es. la compagnie qufe dans la meme proportion que le reste du capital sera effectivement versa par les actionnaires de la compagnie; et, en cas d'emprunt, la compagnie fournira telles garanties que la Legislature jugera convenables. Les corporations ou associations individuelles recevant aide et assistance de I'Etat, corome il vient d,etre dit, ne pourront possieder aucune obligation de banque ou d'escompte. Art. 24. L'Etat ne pourra contracter au I 41 JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION cune obligation de la nature ci-dssus men- d'ine place civile, salaric'e ou honorifique. tionnee sans y etre autorise par une loi sauf celle de juge de paix. expresse et pour un objet ou un travail qui Art. 35. L'imp6t sera egal et uniforme y sera distinctement specifie4, laquelle loi dans tout l'Etat. Tous les biens sur lessera votee par la majorite4 des membres quels l'imp6t est preleve, seront taxes en elus aux deux Chambres de l'Assemblee proportion de leur valeur, laquelle sera deG4nerale; et le montant total des dettes et terminee de la maniere indiquee par la loi. obligations contract4es au nom de li'Etat, en Aucune classe de propriete ne sera gr4ve4e vertu de cet article et du precedent, ne d'un imp6t plus on4reux qu'une autr( pourront jamais, en aucun temps, exceder classe de proprietes d'egale valeur siur leshtit millions de piastres. quelles sera prelevee une taxe. La LeCgis Art. 25. Toutes les fois que la Legisla- lature aura le droit de percevoir une taxe ture contractera une dette dont le montant sur le revenu, et de frapper d'un impot excbdera cent mille piastres, a moins que toute personne exercant un metier, une ince ne soit en cas de guerre et pour repous- dusirie ou une profession quelconque. ser l invasion ou slipprimer I'insurrection, Art. 36. Les citoyens de la Nouvelle-Orelle devra, dans la loi quii creera cette 1eans ont le droit de nommer les divers ofdette, pourvoir aux moyens de payer lin- fficiers publics necessaires a l'administrateret courant et le principal a l4epoque de tion et k la police de la ville, conformsleurs echbances. Et cette loi ne pourra ment au mode d'e'lectionprescritpar la Leetre rappelee jnsquna ce que la dette prin- gislature. Noanmoins le maire et les recorcipale et ses intdrets aient ete acquittes, h ders sont ineligibles k l'Assemble Gfn("moins toutefois que la loi nouvelle qui la- rale. Le maire et les recorders recevront du brogera ne pourvoie par d'autres mesures gouverneur une commission comnie juges suffisantes aux moyens de payer la dite de paix, et la L~gislature pourra leur attridette en principal et intdrots. buer telle juridiction criminelle qu'elle ji Art. 26. La Legislature pourvoiera au gera necessaire, pour la repression des critransfert des affaires civiles et criminelles mes et dolits secondaires. d'une juridiction a une autre. Art. 37. La Legislature de'terminera par Art. 27. Aucune loterie nesera autorisee la loi dans quel cas les officiers continuedlans cet Etat, et la vente et l'achat de tous ront a exercer leurs fonctions jusqun' ce billets de loterie dans les limites de l'Etat, que leurs succeiseurs les remplacent rogiisera interdite. liirement. Art. 28. Aucun divorce ne pourra otre Art. 38. La Legislature, moyennant le accord4 par la L4gislature. consentement des Etats-Unis. aura le droit Art. 29. Toute loi passee par la Legisla- d'etendre i'autorite de cette constitution et ture n'embrassera qu'un seul'objet, et cet lajuridiction de cet Etat a tout territoire objet sera imprime dans son titre. acquis par un traite4 avec un autre Etat on Art. 30. Aucune loi ne pourra otre re- avec les Etats-Unis. mise en vigueur ou amendee sur le simple Art. 39. Aucune partie des terres couco,enonce de son titre; mais en pareil cas, la dues par le Congres a l'Etat de la Louisi,aloi remise en vigueur ou la section amen- ne pour lui faciliter la construction de ledee sera re-edicte4e. et publioe a nouveau vees et autres travaux nocessaires au destout an long. sechement des terrains inondes de l'Etat, Art. 31. La Legislature nladoptera ja- ne sera applique a un autre objet que cemiais un systome de droit ou un code de liii en vue duquel elles ont ete concdoes. loi en indiquant d'une maniere g4nerale le Art. 40. La Legislature ne pourra faire dit systome ou le dit code. Elle doit dans acne loi a leffet d'exclure un citoyen le tols les cas spdcifier les diverses disposi- l'Etat d'un emploi public, a raison de ce tions qu'elle veut decreter. qu'il ignorait une langue autre que celle Art. 32. Les corporations possodant le dans laquelle est 4crite la Constitution des Art.32. es crportion posddan le Etats-Unis. privilege de faire des operations de ban- Etats-Un-is que ou d'escompte peuvent otre crodes soit Rspct semnt sonmis, par des lois speciales, soit en vertu de lois W. D. MANd, President du Comito'. gdnerales. Mais aucune corporation ni au- ERNEST iENdCom, cun particulier n'anra le privilege de met-I JOHN FOLEY, tre en circulation des bons ou des billets, Ii J. K. COOK, l'exception de ceux qui en ont dej4 obtenu JoHN BUCKLEY, ti., l'autorisation par une charte. JOHN BUCKLE, JR GEo. GEIER, Art. 33. Dans le cas ou une banque ou H. MIS. une association, faisant les operations de M. Harnan propose que le rapport du cobanque, serait en faillite, les dotenteurs de leurs billets auront le droit d'6tre pays mt sot adopt, et qu discussion de avant les autres crdanciers. question soit mise a li'or(re special dii jou7 Art. 34. Nul n'occupera k la fois plus pour jeudi prochain. 42 ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 43 Li miotion est secondde et adoptde. Art. -. Le produit de touites les terres Lecture est ensuite donnee, pour la satis- concdees jusqu'a ce moment par le Con I action de la Convention d l ron gres des Etats-UTnis a cetEtat pour l'entreI'action de la Convention, de la resolutiontindsgoe ceii(etit,,lstre tieendes ~coles; celni de toutes les terres de M. Abell, par laquelle il demande le de- qui pourront dans I'aveniir etre concdddes p6t du rapport. ou leguees a li'Etat, sans destination ex '[. 1Hils, president du comite de l'Ins- presse, et dont l'Etat poitrra plus tard distUCtiOll Publique, lit dson rapport: dposer, ainsi que le produit des successions tructioni Publiquie, lit son rapport ~ clesklEa,cifrget4l o,rs echues a l'Etat, conformement a la loi, res:t Presidezt et aux Membres de la Cot- teront en la possession de l'Etat a titre de vention pour la revision et l'amendement pret et formeront une rente perpetuelle de la Constitution de ila Loitsiane: dont l'Etat acquittera annuellement l'inte Les soussigneas, membres du comite de ret a raison de six pour cent. Cet intdret, l'.nstruction Publique, ont l'honneur de joint a celui remis par les Etats-Unis a cet souLmettre le rapport snivant: Etat, a titre de dep6t, en vertu d'une loi du Congres du 23 juin 1836, sera affecte, ainsi ArtPOR'. ss d que la totality de la rente des terres non Art. -.11 sera elu un sui'ntendatlnt de vendues, k l'entretien des ecoles pr.bliques, l'instruction publique, qui exercera ses et cette allocation restera inviolable. f)nctions pendant une pnriode de deux an- Art. —. Le revenu provenant de la vennees. Ses devoirs seront prescrits par la te de toute terre accordee jusqu':a ce moloi, et il recevra un traitement que fixera ment ki cet Etat par le goivernement fedela LeCgislature. Neanmoins l'Assemblee Ge- ral, pour l'entretien d'une maison d'educaiigrale, pourra, par un vote de la majorite' tion, que la vente ait d4jk e i lieu ou qu'elle des membres elus aux deux Chambres, abo- s'accomplisse plus tard, ainsi que le revelir la place de surintendantde l'instruction nu provenant d'une donation quelconque publique, quand ellejugera que cette place faite a l'Etat dans le but ci-dessus indique, n'est plus necessaire. fbrmera un fonds perpetuel dont lqinteret, a Art.-. L'Assemblee Generale etablira raison de six pour cent par an, sera applides ecoles publiques gratuites pour tons qued a l'entretiei d'une institution destinee les enfants, dans tout 1' Etat, et devra pour- aux progres de la litterature, des arts et des voir'a leur entretien, au moyen d'une taxe sciences. La Legislature ne pourra voter generale sur les proprietes ou autrement. aucune loi pour appliquer les fonds ci-desLes sommes ainsi pergues ou obtemnies de sus nmentiones ka un autre but que la creatoute auitre fagon, seront distribues entre tion et l'ameilioration de l'institution susles differentes paroisses proportionnelle- dite, et l'A.ssemble'e Gcnerale aura le pouient au nombre des enfants qu'elles ren- voir de lever une somme pour l'organisaf'ermeront, de l'age indiqun par l'Assemblee tion et l'entretien de cette meme institution. Generale; mais toutes les ecoles pour les par les voles et moyens qunelle croira conenfants de couleur seront distinctes et se- vtenal)les. parees de celles pour les enfants blancs. AIJIIRi) C. Itiii,s, Art -. En vue de propager lenseigne- Prdsident du coin it'. ment et l'etude, l'Assemblee Generale fe- M. W. MURPv, ra une allocation annuelle pour l'encoura- X. MAURER. g,,emenit des ecoles privees dans l'Etat; mais R RANDALL TEITRY. l.Assemblge Gne'rale ne pourra etre re- T. M. WELLS quise de Iaire aucune allocation en faveur GEORGE HowEs. des ecoles privees etablies dans la paroisse E o M.I. Edward Hart signe ce rapport, se r~dd'Orleans, qui ne compteraient pas deux cents eves et a l'egard des atres pa- servant seulement de presenter in amenderoisses, la Legislature determinera qutelles ment it la troisieme clause. sont les ecoles assez considerables pour M. IH. C. Edwards le signe dgalement, mnriter une allocation de ce genre. Art.-. La langue Anglaise sera seule mais annonce qiiil est entierement oppose enseignee dans les ecoles publiques de l,E i la troisieme clause dudit rapport. tat. Je partage l'opinion de M. Edwards. Art. —. 11 sera cree uine Universite dans (Sign') JOiN BURKE. la ville de la Nouvelle-Orldans. Cette Uni- Montaat pr opose de faire de la disversite se composera de quatre facultes, sa- - voir: ine faculte de droit, une faculte de cullssion du rapport l'ordre special du jour medecine, une facultd des sciences naturel- pour mardi prochaia. les et une faculte des lettres. La Legisla- M. art d coit de l'Instrctiol P ture onrviera ar ue lol'a lur o. htart, dn comit6 de l'Instriiction Puture pourvoiera par une loi a leur organisa-.' tion, mais elle ne sera nullement tenue blique, d onne avis qu'il se propose d'offrir contribuer a l'etablissement ou ka l'entre- l'amendement suivant: tien de la dite Universite par allocation.. En vue de propager l'enseignement et Art. -. Le pro(Iiiit de toi.ites les terres coiic6d6es jusqiilk ce moment par le Congrs des Etats —LTnis h cetetat pour Ilentretien des gcoles; celiii (le toiite,-, les terres qui pourront dans Ilaveiiir 6tre conedd6es on 16gu6es it I'Etat, sans destination ex. presse, et dont lEtat poiirra plus tard disposer', ainsi qiie le produit des successions gchlies k l,Etat, coiiformgment it la loi, resteront en la possession de I'Etat h titre de pr6t et formeront une reiite perp6tuelle dont I'Etat acquittera annuellement llint6r6t h raison de six pour cent. Cet int4r6t, joint h celtii remis par les Etats-Unis h cet Etat, h titre de d6p6t, en vertu d'une loi du Congr6s du 23 juin 1836, sera affect6, ainsi qtie la totality de la rente des terres non vendiies, k Ilentretien des 6coles pi,.bliques, et cette allocation restera inviolable. Art. —. Le revenn proveiiant de la vente de toute terre accord6e jiisqul:-t ce moment'-.t cet Etat par le goitverneinent f6d6ral-, pour Ilentretien d7tine maison dl,6diication, qtie la vente ait dik ei"i lieu oii qtilelle slaccomplisse plus, tard, aitisi que le revenu provenant tlltine donation qiielconque finite h I'Etat dans le but el-dessiis indiqii6, formera un fonds perp6tuel dont l,int6r6t, k raison de six pour cent par an, sera appliqtid h Ileiitretieii d,une institution destine,e aux pi-ogr6s de la litt6rature, des,trts et des sciences. La Legislature ne pourra voter atict-inc,, loi pour appliqtier les fonds ci-dessti,-, incntion6s k un aiitre but qtie la creation et I'am6lioration de l'institution slisdite, et IA.ssembl(,e G6ne'ral( a-Lira le poitvoii, de lever tine somme pour Ilorganisation et Ilentreticii de cette m6me institution, par les voies et moyens qttlelle croira convenal.)Ies. 44 JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION Art. 2. La Cour Supreme, sauf les cas ci apres specifies, n'auiira qu'une juridiction d'appel, laquelle embrassera toutes les aftfaires oi la valeur de l'objet en litige ex cedera la somme de trois cents piastres, et toutes celles ou la constitutionnalite ou la legalite d'iine taxe, d'uiin peage, d'un imp6t quelconque, ou bien d'une amende, d'une confiscation ou d'une penalite infligee par une corporation mtinicipale sera mise en question. La juridiction de la Cour Supreme comprendra, en matiere criminelle, la solution des questions de droit seulement, lorsque le crime impute entraine la peine de mort ou les travauiix forces, ou encore lorsque l'amende qui est infiige ex cede trois cents piastres. t Art. 3. La Cour Supreme se composera d'un juge-president et de quatre juges-associes, dont la majorite constituera un quorum. Le juge-presideint recevra un salaire de dix mille piastres, et chliacun des juges-associes un salaire de neuf mille piastres par an, jusquia ce qu'il y soit autrement pourvu par la loi. La Cour Supreme nommera ses greffiers. Art. 4. La Cour Supr6ene siegera a la Nouvelle-Orleans depuis le premierlundi du mois de novembre jusqu'k la fin du mois de juin inclusivement; la L4gislature aura le pouvoir'd'indiquer les localite"s oif elle devra sieger pendant le reste de l'annceo. La Cour Supreme tiendra ses sessions comme par le passe, jusqu'l ce qu'il y soit autrement pourvu. Art. 5. La Cour Supreme, ainsi que chactcin des juges qui la composent, aura le pouvoii, dans les affaires qui sont du ressort de sa juridiction d'appel, (le lancer des ordres d'habeas corpus, a la requete de toute personne ddtenue en vertu d'un ordre judiciaire. Art. 6. Aucun jugement ne pourra itre rendu par la Cour Supreme, qu'a la majorite desjuges composant cette cour. Et lorsque par suite de la riecusation d'lin ou plusieurs des membres de la coIur, il sera impossible d'obtenir l'accord de la majorite pour une decision, les juges non recuses auront le droit d'appeler un ou plasieurs juges des cotirs inferieures; et il sera du devoir du juge ou des juges ainsi appeles, de prendre la place du juge ou des juges recuses et de prendre part L la decision de la cause. Art 7.7. Tous l es juiges sont, en vertu de leurs fonctions, conservateiirs de la paix dans tout l'Etat. Les ordres ou mandats judiciaires seront precdes de ce titre: "l'Etat de la Louisiane.'l Les poursuites criminelles seront dirigees "au nom et par l'autorite de l'Etat de la Louisiane," et seront terminees par cette formule: "en violation de la paix et de la dignite de lq'Etat." Art. 8. Les juges de toutes les cours de cet Etat, devront, aussi souvent que faire l'etude, l'Assembl1e Generale devra voter des allocations annuelles pour o lencouragemeint de toutes les ecoles privees dans toute 1'e tendue de'Etat, quii sont ou pourront 6tre incorporees par la Legislature. A. Balch donne avis a la Convention que, bien qu'etant membre du comite. il a ete, par suite d'indisposition, dans l'impossibilite d'assister ~ ses reunions, et demande que la discussion du r apport soit renvoyee d lundi, 30 du courant, attendu qu'il se propose d'en discuter plusieurs clauses. Adopte. M St ocker dit qumil croyait suvtre leve d temps pour obj ecter a l'adoption de'aiendement, attendui qncil pensait que les amrdendement s devaie nt 6tre pr7sentes en meme temps que le rapport; mais il reconnait que liamendement de M. Hart est, en re alite, un rapport de la minoritx. M. Cutler, president du comite du Mode de Rt vision d e l a Constit ution, an nonce que le tr avail se pousruit. Aucun rapport n'est presente au nom du comite des Dispositions Transitoires. M. Shaw, president du comite de l'Ordonnance (ou mise h execution de la Constitution), annonce que le travail se poursuit. Mieme rapport au nom du comite d'Enr6lement. Le comite des Finances nla aucun rapport a faire. I1 en est de mime du comite6 des Impressions. Le comite des l)penses, par 17organe de son president, M. S. Pursell, annonce que le travail se fait. Le comite des Relations Federales n'a pu s'entendre sur aucun rapport. il. Howell, comme president du comite dut Judiciaire, soumet le rapport suivant: Au President et aux ll~embres de la Conven tion, reunie pour la revision et l'ameide ment de la Constitution de l'Etat de la Louisiane: Le comite du Departement Judiciaire a l'honneur de presenter les articles suivants, *lont il recommande Iladoption et l'insertion dans la constitution de l:Etat, au chapitre du Judiciaire, savoir: TITRE IV. POUVOIR JUDTCT.&IRE. Art. 1. Le pouvoir judiciaire est confie h une Cour Supreme, h telles Cours inferiedor es que la Legislature jugera convenable de creer et aux justices de paix. ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE I LOUISIANE. se pourra, dans tout jugement definitif, citer Ila loi en vertu de laquelle le jugement est rendu; et dans tous les cas ils devront exposer les motifs sur lesquels est base' leur jugement. Art. 9. Les juges de toutes les cours peuvent 6tre mis en accusation par voie d'impeachment. Lorsque cependant leur faute ne sera pas assez grave pour motiver des poursuites aussi rigoureuses, le gouverneur pourra les destituer purement et simplement a la reque6te des trois-quarts des membres pr4sens dans chaque Chambre de l'Assemble Gdnerale. Dans ces cas, la cause qui a provoque la destitution seraO enoncee dans le memoire de l'Assembleea Ge'n'rales et inseree au proces-verbal de chacune des Chambres. Art. 10. Les juges de la Cour Supreme et ceux des cours infarieures recevront, a des epoques fixes, un traitement dont le chiffre ne pourra etre diminue tant que leur mandat ne sera pas expire. I1 leur est interdit de recevoir des honoraires ou aucune retribution autre que leur traitement, pour les devoirs qu'ils sont appeles k remplir. Art. 11. Les juges de la Cour Supreme et ceux des cours inf'rieures seront nommds par le gouverneur de l'avis et du consentement du Senat, et ils resteront en fonctions tant qu'ils n'auront pas demerite. Art. 12. Les greffliers de la Cour Supreme et des ccurs inferieures seront nommes par les juges de ces memes cours, et ils resteront en fonctions tant qu'ils naa-lront pas d~merite, auquel, cas ils pourront etre destitues par le juge ou les juges de la cour a laquelle ils appartiendront respectivement, sauf leur droit d'appel a la Cour Supreme, dans tous les cas. Art. 13. La Legislature pouirra autoriser les grefflers des cours a' lancer tels ordres et a accomplir tels actes qui pourront etre juges necessaires pour faciliter l'administration de la justice. N4anmoins, les pouvoirs ainsi accordes aux greffiers devront toujours etre specifids et clairement definis. Art. 14. Lajuridiction desjuges de paix en matiire civile, sera limitoe aux rdclalrations dont le montant n'excbdera pas cent piastres, non compris l'intre6t. Appel pourra -tre intergete dans les cas determines par la loi. Ils seront nommes par le gouverneur, dle l'avis et du consentement du Senat, et ils resteront en fonctions tant qu'ils n'auront pas demdrite. Ils exerceront, en matiere criminelle, telle juridiction que la loi doterminera. Art. 15. I1 y aura un avocat-ge'nral pour l'Etat et autant d'avocats de district qu'il pourra par la suite etre jugd necessaire. Ils seront nommes par le gouverneur, de l'avis et du consentement du Senat, et ils resteront en fonctions jusqu'a l'expiration dio terme d'office du gouverneur qui les aura nommes. Leurs fonctions seront determinees p ar l a loi. Art. 16. Il y aur a dans chaque paroisse un sherif et un c oroner qui seront nouves par le gouve rneur, de l'avis et du consentement du Senat, et ils resteront en fonctions jusqu'a la fin du terme d'office du gouverneur qui les aura nommes, a moins qu'ils ne soient deplaces plus tot. La Legislature aura le pouivoir d'augmenter le nombre des sherifs dans les paroisses ouf ellejugera convenable de 1e faire. Respectu,eusement soumis. R. K. HOWELL, Prdsident. H. J. HEARD, R. KING CUTLER, Jouii HENDERSON, Jft.. R. BEAU~VAIS. WMl. H. SEYMOUR, |JA,MES FULLER. Sur motion de M. Harnan la discussion de ce rapport est mise k l'ordre du jour pour vendredi 29 du courant. M. Sullivan prdsente un amneindement, m ais il lui est repondu qu'attendui qu'il n'est pas membre du comitY, il ne poiirra le faire que lorsque la discussion sera ouverte. MiM. Montamat et AWlilson, en leur quialite de presidents du comite' de la Verification des Pouvoirs et du comite Special nomme pour faire une enquete sur l'assaiut commis contre deux membres, rapportent que le travail' se poursuit. M. Stocker, comme president du comitd Relatif aux Membres Absents, declare que ce comit4 a fait les diligences ndcessaires pour tacher de se mettre a meme de fournir un rapport, mais que les renseignements qu'il nia pu recueillir ne sont pas suf fisants pour lui permettre d'en produire un. MI. M. W. M,furphy, president du comite des Salaires, presenite le travail suivant: M. le Presidevit Votre confit4 noiomm pour determiner le salaire des officiers et des employds de cette Convention, demande qu'il lui soit permis de soumettre le tableau suivant: President de la Convention.. $20 par jour. John E. Neelis, secretaire... 15.. S. G. Hamilton, secretaire-ad joint..................... 10.. Thomas H. Mlurphy, secre taire-adjoiiit............... 10.. M. DeCourcey,sergent-d'armes 15.. Deux sergents-d'armes adjoints 6.. Deux messagers............. 5.. Un maitre de poste........... 8.. Un portier............. 8.. ler Rraportecur stenographe.. 12.. Trois assistant rapporteurs 45 46 JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION du rapport sur le judiciaire. est (ldeclare n'etre pas k l'ordre. Lecture est donnde d'une communication du secretaire d'Etat, annon,ant leflection de deux nouveaux membres, MM. Duke e t Collin, deldguds de la paroisse Ascension. Sur motion de M. Gastinel, cette commiinication est renvoye4e devant le comite de la Verification des Pouvoirs. Les affaires non terminees sont mainte nant a l'ordre. Lecture est donne de la resolution pre4sentee par M. Gorlinski. Attendu, Que l'ors de l'e6vacuation de Baton-Rouge, apres la bataille a jamais memorable du 5 aoufit 1862, le colonel Payne, du Quatrieme Volontaire du Wisconsin, commandant alors la place de Baton-Rouge, a couronne ses hdroiques exploits de ce meme jour par un acte qui a conserve a cette Convention et a l'Etat l'usage d'une bibliotheque publique d'une grande valeuir, qu'il a sauve en meme temps le grand portrait en pied du ge4neral Zachary Taylor, par Thorpe, et autres peintures, qili maintenant ornent la salle oi se r4unit cette Convention, et aussi la grande statue de Washington, par Hiram Powers, laqelle est dit-on, en ce moment, dans le bureau dit "Patent Office" dans la capitale des Etats-Unis; que tous ces objets de prix auraient ete ou volds ou detruits par le feit qui a consume la Maison d'Etat, si le colonel Payne n'avait pas eu la precaution (le les envoyer en cette ville, lorsqne par ordre dugedne(ral Butler, ils furent proteges comme dtant la propriete de l'Etat; Par ces motifs, il est: L i ech nt, dQue la Convention est le peuple de la Louisiane offrent ici leurs remerciments au major-gendral B. F. Butler et au colonel Payne, pour avoir sauve les objets prdcieux ci-dessus mentionnes, appartenaut a l'Etat. Dgcrltg en outr-e, Que le gouverneuir soit invite a correspondre av~ec les autorites it Washin-,ton, et a, prendreles arrati e-,etltt necessaires pour obtenir la restitution et k renvoi en Louisiane de la statue dle W~ash. ington. La resolution est secondee. M. Sullivan en propose le rejet. Cette proposition est rejetde. chacuii................... 10 par jour. Un commis aitx mandats.....10.. l Commis enroleurs........... 6 Les frais de depenses (mileage) de chacunI des delegues des paroisses de la campagne, vingt cents par mille, pour l'aller et le retour. Le salaire des officiers et employes comnence a courir du jour de leur election ou nomination. Le tout respectueusemient soumis, I. W. MURPHYN, President. W. D. M,NN, JAMES E-xxIs. M. Fosdick presente le rapport suivant de la mi aorit: Au P?oesidert et aux em ebres de la Convention: ILe soussigne, faisant partie du comite niomme pour fixer le salaire des officiers et employds de la Couvention, demande k soumettre son rapport comme representant la minorite du comitg. Suivant ce rapport, les officiers et employes de la Convention recevraient le traitement suivant: Secretaire................. $15 par jour. Secrdtaire adjoint, chacun... 10.. Sergents-d'armes............ 10.. Deux sergents-dIarmes adjoints, chac un................... 6.. deux messagers, chacun..... 3.. s IJn maitre de poste......... 5.. IUn portier................. 5.. lUn stenographe rapporteur.. 8.. Trois stenographes adyoints, chacun................. 8.. l n commis aux mandats..... 6.. Commis enroleurs, chacun... 6.. Ttraclucteurs, chaciin........ 8.. Le milla,e de chacun d es d4legues des paroisses de la campagne, vingt cents r)ar mille, pour l'aller et le retour. Le salaire des officiers et employes commencera a courir du jour de leur election ou nomination. Respectueusement soumis, Decretg en outre, Que le gouverneur soit GEORGE A. FOSDICK. invite a correspondre avec les autorites A M. Hills propose de faire de la discus- Washinton, et a prendreles arranemt ne~cessaires pour obtenir ia restitution et ki sion de ce rapport l'ordre special du jour renvoi en Louisiane de la statue de Wash pour samdi, 23 du courant. Secondd ington. M. Bell se leve pour un point d'ordre, et La resolution est secondee. fait remarquer que les rapports doivent M Sullivan en propose le rejet. Cette rester deposes pendant deux jours avant proposition est rejetde. leur discussion. Le president lui repond M Goldman demande le vote nominal. que cette regle ne s'applique qu'aux rap- mais sa demande n'est pas appuyde. ports des comitgs permanents. I1 est ordonne4 que lecture de la resolution La motion de M. Hills est appude et de MI. Campbell soit donned par le presiadoptee, dent. Cette lecture est donnde comme suit: La resolution presentde par M. Edwards, Attendu, Que la prime ou gratification a l'effet de faire imprimer 200 exemplaires payde par les Etats-Unis aux soldats qui i ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 47 s'enrolent dans liarmde, ne peut pas Otre payde aux hommes qui s'enr6lent dans le ler et 2e regiments des volontaires de la Nouvelle-Orleans, que levent en ce moment les colonels Kilborn et Brown, par la raison que ces deux regiments sorganisent et se levent pour un but specifique, celui d e la defense de la ville seulement, et attendu que cette Convention desire aider a la forination de ces regiments; 11 est decrete, Que la somme de piastres est, par les prdsentes, alloue' sur le tr4sor de l'Etat, pour etre employee a payer, a titre de gratification ou de prime, d chaque homme qui a partir de ce jour s'enr6lera dans le ler ou le 2e re6giment des volontaires de la Nouvelle-Orleans, et que le gouverneur est autorise a faire executer cette resolution au mieux de son jugement. usti. Mon devanmat la prochaipos e de renvoyer cette uIiestion devant la prochaine Legislature. SAMEDI, le 23 avril 1864. La Convention se reunit k midi, conformo ment k l'ajournement; et apres la pribre offerte par le Rev. Thomas, le secretaire fait l'appel du r6le auquel ripondent les membres suiivants: Sur motion d'un autre membre, Ia resolution est rejetee.S M. Harnan propose li;ajournement. Reflls~. M. Schroeder offre le projet de resolution ci-apres, Iequel restera depose jusqu' dep- m main: h chrate, Que la resolution adoptee venlredli 1d5 avri l 18 64, et ainsi con que: "t rsolu, Que les membres de la Convention recevront, sur les fonds du tresor pu-te blic, et a titre d'indemnite, une somme d elate dix piastres par jour, pendant la dureo de leturs services," est et demeure rescinde. Decrete en outre, Que l'affaire sera renvoyee devant un comite5 special, lequel seraM charge de fixer le ehifre de l'indemnite de service l payer aux membres doe c cette Convention.s d ie M. Stocker remarque quion a d:jk presentec hier une resolution semblable sur laquelle la Convention s'est prononcee, et il dtsirevo savoir sl est convenabdl e de revenir sa n s c esse sur c sujet; a qu oi le president e r( p ond que ia Convention est maltress e de passer une resolution un jour et de la res-e cinder le lendemain; mais qu'a tout evenement, il est vraisemblable que la Convention rpondrait par un refuts significatif ul aux membres qui essaieraient de retarder inutilement l'expedition des affaires. d Sur motion de M. Kavanagh, la Convention s'ajourne jusqu'A samedi, 23 coura nt. midi. tionne an mna dunreenulo de af Appronve. Sur m~~~~otion deM. KvnaghI, l ovn Murphy, M. W. Murphy, Newell, Normand, rapports des comites consigne's au procesverbal, avant que ce proces-verbal n'ait ete annonce et adoptS. Mi. S. Pursell preisente la motion suivante, dans lespo i r qu'on ns en disposera point d'une maniere sommaire, mais qn'elle sera lobjet d'une t tude serieun se de la par t de la Conven ti on: Decrte, L'article suivant est offert comme substitut de l'art. 35 dans le rapport du comite sur les Dispositions Gengrales; il sera mis a l'ordre du jour et appele en meme temps que le dit rapport: Art. 35. Llimp6t sera 6gal et uniforlme dans tout i'Etat. L'impt sera reparti sur tous les biens proportionnellement r leur valeur, laquelle sera determinee de la maniere indiquee par la loi. L'Assemblee Generale pourra exempter d'imp6ts les biens consacrds a l'usage des eglises, des ecoles oni d'autres institutions de charite publique. L'Assemblee Generale imposera le revenu de toute personne de profession, de mdtier, d'art et d'autre emploi; et toute susdite personne devra prendre, comme la loi le prescrit, une patent/. Tout imp6t sur le reveni sera proportionnel au montant du revenu ou des affaires que le contribuable fait. Cette motion est (6dclar(e nletre pas a l'ord re. Jou, cre taire. NE S, Secr~taire. JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION le rapport suivant, et vous en recommande l'adoption en lieu et place de l'art. 141 de la constitution de 1852. Tout amendement a cette constitution peut etre propose au Senat ou a la Chambre des Representants. Si l'amendement est accepte par les deux tiers des membres elus dans chaque Chambre, il sera insere au proces-verbal avec le vote par outi et par non. L'amendement propose sera soumis au suffrage du peuple, au jour designe a cet effet, par la L4gislature; et ce jour sera pris dans les quatre-vingt-dix qui suivront l'ajournement de cette L4gislature, et apres les trente jours de publications voulues par la loi. Si une majorite des suffrages approuve et ratifie le dit amendement, il formera partie de la constitution. Si plusieurs amendements sont soumis a la fois au peuple, ils le seront de maniere a ce que le peuple puisse donner sa voix en faveur de chacun de ces amendements, on contre chacun d'eux, separement. Avee respect, R. KING CUTLER, president. E. A. KNOBLOCH, Jos. G. BAUM, J. H. STINER, PATRICK HARRNAN. La motion de recevoir ce rapport, d'en ordonner l'impression'a 200 exemplaires, et d e le mettre a l'ordre du jour de mardi le 3 mai, est amendee par M. Hills, proposant mardi prochain, et adoptee telle. MM. Gruneberg et Shaw, presidents des comites sur les:Dispositions Transitoires et sur la Mise'a Execution de la constitution, annoncent que leurs rapports sont en voie M. Austin propose que le rapport du-comite charg4 de determiner les appointements des officiers et des elmployes de cette Convention, soit amende, de maniere a ce que les copistes de l'enrolement soient payes huit piastres par jour, et que les officiers et employes resoivent leurs appointe-, ments a compter du jouir de louverture de la Conv ention. M. Hills propose une suspension des reglements, afin d'adopter la m otion suivante: Le secrdtaire, en faisant la lecture du proces-verbal, se dispensera de lire l'appel du role, n'en donnant que les resultats; les resolutions deposees; toutes celles qui sont rejetees et tO os les rapports imprimes, a moins que la Convent io n nren ordonne autrement. Motion de dispense du reglement a l'effe t d'adopter cette resolution immediatement. Adoptee. M. Abell propose: Tout rapport d'un comite permanent sera consider4 seriatim, c'est-a-dire section par section, et aucune section ne sera adoptee, h moins d'avoir subi trois lectures successives, a trois diff4rents jours. Motion de M. Fuller: Tout amendement ou substitut propose au rapport d'un comite permanent, le sera au moins un jour d'avance. Motion de M. Foley: Le secretaire devra faire imprimer tous les rapports des comit6s de cette Convention, soI1s une forme telle que l'on puisse inserer les amendements propos(es. Le secretaire devra faire imprimer ces rapports immediatement par l?imprimeur de la Convention. M. Foley propose une suspension des reglements afin d'adopter cette resolution sur le champ. Accorde, et la resolution est adoptde a l'unanimite. .APPEL DES RAPPORTS DES COMIT8S PERMAT NENTS. Comite d'Emancipation. Pas de rapport. Les comit4s sur le Legislatif et sur l'Executif annoncent que leurs rapports s'achivent. M. Cutler, president du comite sur le Mode de Revision de la Constitution, propose le rapport suivant: M. le President, M-1M. les Conveittionnels: Votre comit6 charge de s'occuper du Mode de Revision de la Constitultion, vous alemaude la permission de vous soumettre d,'achevement. Ni le comite d'Enr6lement ni le comit6 de Finances ne presentent de rapport. M. S. Pursell, du cqmite des Depenses, et M. J. Purcell, du comite des Impressions, annoncent que leurs rapports se preparent. Pas de rapport du comite des Relations Federales. Le comito sur les Voies de Fait sur la personne de certains membres, annonce que son rapport se prdpare. Point de rapport du comite Special ou du comite de Verification des Pouvoirs. M. Stocker, du comite sur I'Absence de certains Membres, annonce qu'il n'est pas encore pret'a presenter un rapport satisfaitsant. Le secrdtaire donne lecture d'un message 48 ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 49 du secretaire dFEtat, au sujet de M. T. J. berg, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hire, HowDecker, dEclarE dlu par la paroisse Pla- ell, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, quemines. Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, Millspaugh, Mon tamat. Montague, Morris. Newell. Normand, Sutr motion de M. Hills, refdrd au comitd O'Conner, Ong, J. Payne, J. T. Pintado, sur la Verification des Pouvoirs. Poynot, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Les affaires non terminees sont mnainte i Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, nant l'ordre du jour. Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Thomas, Wenck nant it llordre du jour. et Wells-68. M. Terry demande lecture de la propo- La rdsolution est donc rejetde. sition suivante: .itio.uivante: Une heure de l'apr/s-midi etant arrive, Nul ne sera eligible k une charge d Etat 1 ). Stocker demande IFordre du jour. ou de municipality, s'il ne possede les qua- lites requises de tout {lecteur pour etre M. Montamat demande lecture de la rdmembre de cette Convention, et toute per- solution de M. Gaidry. sonne qui aurait actuellement une charge M. Stocker s'en rdfbre au president afin municipale ou d'Etat, sans posseder les s de savoir i sa motion ne doit pas avoir ls dites qualites, en sera depouillee sur le champ. preferenee sur la prdcddente. La motion de rejeter est secondde, puis Le president ddcide que la resolution de elle est rejetde par 7 votes contre 37; sur M Gaidry etant class6e au rang des afce, demande d'appel nominal. d ou il r4- faires non terminees, elle a droit k la pre'sulte: feace. fdrence. Pour i'affirmative A la demande de M. Montamat, lecture Messieurs Ariail, Austin, Cutler de la rdsolution Gaidry est faite Flagg, Henderson, Maas, Manni, Newell, 4Attetdu, Que touites les constitutions jaJ. Payne, Seymour, Wells-11. mais faites en, cet Etat, ont decrtde que Pour la ndgative' toutes les procedures judiciaires et l1egisla Messies ell Bailey, Bam ar tives auraient lieu en Anglais et Franrett, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Burke, Campbell, is; Cazabat, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Crozat, Da- ted de ps, Que plusirs membre vies, Dufresne Duane, Dupaty, Edwad de cette Convention, qui sont de vdritables Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Gastinel, Geier, Gor- epublians et foncitrement loyaux, ne linski, Goldman, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, sont pas e mme temps trs-fmiiers avec laolngu panas e, et otep 6trs-fpiiers ave Harnan, Hart, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, ll ue aaise, et ot te dptes Kavanah nobioch ur Mauie Men cette Convention par des constituants qui, diverri,, Knillsauh, Kontama, Monagurer,Mn diverri Millspauh Montamat Montauc eux aussi, ignorent cette dite langue, el Moivrr-'Nilspa,E.Mrhy. M.W.mat Moutagy, Nr Morris E. Murphy M W urphy vertu du droit qui leur appartient, en leur mand, O'Conner, Ong, Pintado, Poynot capacit e peuple souverain, de choisir I eladpaitf/ que ppleti souvierai, det hoisir J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Shaw tels depiits qui liur convicaneat, et ler Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer. denie c droit qivadrait a dpouillr llivan Terry, Thope Thomas c ce peuple de toute franchise et liberte; en Suliva, Trry. Torp, To.-as,Weul~,consequence ~ Wilson, Collin, Duke-68.sequnc La Conve:ttion dgcrite, Toutes les resoli Aprds une longue discussion, k laquell onettion scte es e ea 11' tliols et motions prdsentdes k cette Convenplusiecurs membres prennent part, on pro- tion seront traduites en langue frannaise, pose l'adoption dte la resolution primitive afin que les membres des paroisses qui ne et sur dematude de l'appel nominal. il ap sont pas familiers avec la langue anglaise, soient parfaitement renseigngs sur le sujet pert que de lears deliberations. 18 votenit pour F7affirmative Sur motion de M. Henderson, la rdsolu Messieurs Bailey, Baum, Campbell, tion est re,et6e. Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Gastinel, Har- O S DJOR nan, Healy, Hills, Howes, E. Murphy, MI. W. O SPCIAL D JOUR. Murphy, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Wil- Appel du rapport du comite sur les apson-18. pointements des officiers et employds de la Et 68 pour la negative, savoir: Convention. Messieurs Abell, Ariail, Austin, Bar- M. Hills propose d'effacer du rapport la rett, Balch, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Buckley, clause determinant les appointemeats du Burke, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Collin, Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Dufresne, Duane, prsident. Dupaty, Duke, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Fuller, Second4 par M. Goldman. Gaidry, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Grune- Amendement de M. Montamat portant 7 50 JOURNAL DE LA CONYENTION POUR LA REVISION les emoluments du president a quinze dol- Adoptbe. lars par jour. Le rapport est adopt4. M. Goldman prolpose le rejet de cet SECRETAIRES-ADJOIN'S. amendement. L':mendement de M. Stocker portant M. Terry propose le dop6t sujet'a lap- leur traitement k douze dollar. et dem pel. est rejet4. Cette proposition est rejetee, et it mo- Le rapport primitif est adopt(. tion est adoptee. SERGENT D'ARIMES. M. Henderson propose de rejeter la mo- L'amendement de Fosdick portant dix tion Hills, et ce dernier demaude l'appel dollars, est rejet4 sur la motion de M. Hennominal, qui donne pour r4sultat: derson. Affirmative Le rapport primitif est adopts. Messieurs Abell, Austin, Barrett, ]Beau- AIi)E-,s(RENT DWAR.MES. -vais, Bell, Burke, Campbell, T. Cook, Crl- L'amendement de t. Healy portant dix zat, Cutler, Eninis, Fish' Fuller, Geier, Goldman, Heard. Henderson, Kugler Maas, piastres par jour, est rejete sur motion de Maurer, Mendiverri, Montamat Montamat, par.).1 voix contre 26. ainsi Murphy, O'Conner, J. Payne, J. Purcell, que l amendenient de Mf. Foley, portant Shaw, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Sullivan, huit piatres. 'Perry, Thorpe et Thomas —3G. Perry, Thorpe et;TomaL 1e rapport primitif est donc adopte. Negative: Messieurs Ariatil, Bailey, Bhauni, Balch}: E. Boill, Buckley, J. Cook, Collin, Davies, L'"mlendement dIe Mf. Fosdick portant D)uane, Dlupaty, )uke, Edwards. J lagg, trois piastres, sur motion de M. Henderson :Flood, Foley, Fosdlick, Gastipel, Gorlinski, est rejete', ainsi que l'amendement Ilealy Gruneb)erg, Gaidry, Healv, Hart Harnan IfillsI Howell.'fire. Howes. Kavanah portant six piastres. snr motioni de M. Knobloch, Morris, Millspaugh, Montague, Goldman. E. Murphy, Newell Normand Ong Pintado e rapport primitif est adopt. l'ovnot, Schroeder Seymour, Smith, Spelli- cv, Stauffer, Wenck. Wells-. t6. Amiiendemient Fosdick portan-t cin(I pias Cette dite motion est done rejetde. medeent Fodick portant Ci pia Str ]a question de supprimer la le il tre rjct Le rapport primitif est adol)td(. y a appel nominai.0 ainsi que suit:' Affirmat i.)?TIve' Msieur i ul Bia1 Bam ilevu. Bum B e- Le rap,port est adoptd. RAPPOtRT.EUR EN ClEF'. v tis, Blofill, Buckley, B3urket Campbeil, (C ookIitR ('. .I.K. Coluin, Duane, Du)rtiesne, Duke, Flagg, Ic'mendeiment dle M. Stocker portanrt Fosdick, Fol-ey. Gastinel, Gaidrv, Goldman, qminze piastrcs par jouir est adopts, et Ie Gruneberg, jtr tm, Iart, Hills, }ltowellaisi,a ineher IIaalart Hill nwell rapport aussi,'avec ce dit amendement. flowes, Kavanalg, lIaas, Maurer. Mendiverri, Millspaugh. E. Mor tis, Newelli NiiE-APPO],T-: mand, Ong, Pintadlo, Povnot, S. POrse1l, Sev- Le rapport est adopte. niour, Smith Stnmpf taffr Suliv an, t(OMeIs Aux MANpAf,,'r. IV enek, Wells —4(e.1 Messieuirs bell. Allustin, Barrett,e apport est adoptt'. Bell, Cazabat, T. Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Da- e rapport sur le traitemenjt des copiste.s ,ties, Dupaty, Elwards, lEiis, Fish, lflood, et stir le(s fuais (Ie route alloIou6s, est I ullerGcicr orliasi, TI(4y Ilcid Henadlopt~e. ad(optd. gM. Stocker propose qu'il soit d1cr4te que le traitement des officiers court dii 6 avril. Adopt6. Le rapport, imnsi aniendet, est alopt(trout entier. M. MMontamat propose d'employelr de traducteu,s avec traitement de dix pi-istre* par jour. L1 proposition.s-t, rcjet~;e. TRMTEMNIE\rT DI' SECRETAIYRE. M. M\ontaguie propose de le porter h' vin gt dollars. La proposition est secoindpre. AMotion de rejet par M. Montaemat. - -1 7 ~-~~~~ ---... o~ -~! ~ -~~~~~~~~~~ 0,' -':., - ~ ~~~~~~~ - ~4~ ~ -.p- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- A.,'r... A -" ~ s'- -,~~ -...?- - ~- - - - = ~~~~~~~~~o. -~ ~. —-- ~~ ~' ~ 0 ~ - -* - - -.- - -. JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION mite de Verification des Pouvoirs ayant examine les rapports sur les elections de la paroisse I'laquemines, pour l'election d'un de- e,guec' k' cette Convention, de cette pa roisse. vous annonce respectueusement que M. Tomas J. Decker est bien et dtiment M lu, et qii'ayant pris qualite, il a droit k sieger dans cette Convention. (Sign4) JoHx T. MON,TAM.AT. Iept parun ot(e4 oiPresident. tLIe Col. T. B. Thorpe, au nom du comite d'Enr6lement, annonce que les personnes suivantes sont dfiment nommees M. Fel4ix Lambert, commis en chefa l'enr6lemeint. tion. Le coinite sur le Lbgislatif annonce que son rapport est en voie de progrbs. M. Fish. du comite' sur 17Executif annonce que son comite est d'avis d'adopter le troisibme article tel qli'il existe, sans amendement aucun. M. Foley demande la, lecture de I arti cle. M. Goldlman demande ani president l'autorisation de se retirer d(e l'Assemblee, sous prdtexte que ce jour est un jour fe4ri. Le prdsident l'invite k sieger jusqu'apros la lecture du rapport. M.f. Fish lit donc l'article e i n ques tion. M. J. Purcell propose d accepter le rap MM. Ldon l~augrini et Elz(,ar Camiibray, traducteutrs. M. Wilson propose de porter ces noms suir la liste du comite des Rdmuunirations. M. Hills propose de les porter a la liste des employes de la Convention. Adopt4. M. Maurer propose que la question de rierouindration soit refer(e au comite' de Finances, et lFamendenment de VT. Hills, demandant que le rdfre4 s)it an comite4 des R4mnunlrations, est adopte. Le pr4sident du conmit4 des Deipenises annonce qtie son rapport sera bient6t pret. o Pas de rapport du comite( sur les impres port. M. Fosdick demanide que le comito prisente un rapport (crit. Adopte Le comite des Am4liorations Interieures, le comite sur les Dispositions Gne'nrales et I e comite sur les Dispositions Transitoi res annoncent que leurs rapports sont k l'etude. Le comite des Relations Feddrales pr6sente le rapport snivant~ sions. Z Le cornitr sur les Votes de Fait envers certains membres, annonce qu'il pr4sentera son rapport.a la s4anee prochainie. Le comit6 aur s-iujet de la Statue de Washingtoni ne pr4sente ancunii rapport. x.FF:i1mES OX TERUMLNEES. Elles sont d4clar4es i l'or dre. ,M. Thomas demande la lecture de la r4solution pr4sent4e par M. Fulller, samedi, et Jlessieurs les Conventionaels-bepresi- le Seretiie la lit dent du comite des Relations Feder-ales de inande la permission de vous soumettre le Decr,te. Tout anieodement ol substitut rapport suivant: que l1un des comites permanents propose La Constitution et les lois des Etats- niis ra devra (;tre iotifie' cette assemblhe au seront la loi supreme du pays, nonobstant tmoiins un joilr ki l'avance. toute Constisution ou loi d'Etat v-contrai- l]a motion de -M. Foley pour le rejet est re (Sign) T. B. ToCPE second4e et adopt4e, et str demande d'ap *Prvsd pt (1l nominal, il appert quielle est rejetee Pr~sideiit. ~ JOHiN HENDERuSON, par un vote de 49 voix contre 26. R. V. Mo NTAGU-E. Lecture de la resolution de M. Abell: Rapports des comites spdcialix: Lorsiqu'il y aura deliberation suir un rap,N. Montamat, presidendcoiesrl port de comit sur la port d c ite permanent, il sera pris en V4rification des Pouvoirs, presente le rap- consideration seriat?m seetion par section; 'p o r X et nulle section ne sera adoptee avant d'aport suivant: voir subi trois lectures successives k trois Messieurs les Cbtveiettioianes-Votre co- differents jours. 52 nel, Gaidry, Geier, Gol(mann, Gorlinski R.tP'ORT DES COMITES. Gruneberg, Harnan, Hart, I-Healy, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Kavanagh, Knob- i. Fish, president du comite str lEx4loch, Kugler, Maas, Maurer, Mendiverri, cutif, souniet n rapport. Millspaugh, Montamat, Montague, Murphy Sur motion de M. Austin. dispense de E., M. W. Murphy, Newell, Normand, Ong, la lecture de ce rapport est accordde, atO'Conner, J. Payne, Pintado, Poynot, P'ur cell J. S. Prsell Schroee. eyou, tendu que la Convention en a pris connaiscell J.. S. Putrsell, Schroedler. Seymouir, 1snei asac'ir Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauf- snce' sance d'hier. er. Sullivan. Thomas, Weick, Wells, Wil- Sur mot-on de M. Sullivan, le rapport est ~on-76 membres presents. accepte et mis k l'ordre du jour pour lundi, Le secretaire doune lectuLre du procebs- le 2 de mai 1864. verbal de la derniere s6ance. lequel. aprbs M,r. Wilson, Pre,sident du comite sur les amendement, est adopt6. Voies de Fait contre certains membres, M. Edwards presente in resolution suiti- soumet le rapport avec les preuves h l'apvante: pui. Attezdu, Que les miembres de ceite Con- M. Duanie propose la suppress on des vention ont appris de source certaine que ex des css. ejet. toutes sortes de ddpre6dations sont journel- I lemenit commises dans la paroisse des Avo- M. Monttanat propose de rejeter le rapyelles et dans d'autres parties de la Loui- port. Sa:notion est rejetde. siane comprises dans les lignes federales, M. Gastinel propose de remlettre l'exapar des guerillas et par des bande do te les hcoursmes non regulierement organises;, q iidi u m en de ce r appor t jusqun ce q ne n'v a ni sauvegarde ni protection pour la de jstie saisies e ces accusations aient vie et les biens des citoyens loyaux, qui jprononce. Rejete. sont chass6s de leurs demeures et du sein 1 M. Hills propose 1a nomination d'un de leurs families, h raison de leur d6voue- * ment h lia caiise sacrae de Inion ete deu la comite de trois membres charge de i'exameait It la cause sacree de i'Union et de la Liberte, et que ces bandes feroces ne res- men de cette affaire. Rejet. pectent ni le sexe, ni l'age, ni ia condition M. Brott propose de renvoyer ce rapport des personnes, en consequence: au comite primitif: cette proposition est La (!oizvea-tioi ddcre'te. L'adjudant-ge' accept~e. e y comprenant Ilamendement naral de l1Etat devra s'occuper de la de- eptee y comprenant l'amendement plorable position actuelle- des choses dans de M. Foley, demandant de porter M. la paroisse des Avoyelles. afin de mettre en Thorpe comme membre de ce comit4. euvre les mesures n~cessaires a la sauve- ORDRE D)U JOUR. garde et a la protection des cltoyens lo- L yaux contre les atteintes des gudrlillas, con- e rapport da comiti sur e Mode de tre les attaques ou les courses spoliatrices Revision de la Constitution, est appel~ et de l'ennemi. subit san premiere lecture. JOURNAL DE LA COVNWENTION POUR LA REVISION M. Hills en propose l'adoption. Sur motion de M. Hills, la Convention Le prdsident ddcide que la motion nuest s'ajourne h demain,'a midi. pas k l'ordre, attendu que, d'aprbs le rd- Journal adoptd. glement. ce rapport doit avoir deux autres TJOHN E. NEELIS, ~~~~~~~~~~~tours d'ordre. ~Secrdtaire. tours dlordre. M. Heard propose la suspenlsion du r- IMERCREDI, le 27 Avril 1864. glement afin de donner la seconde et la Le PrCsident appelle la Convention a troisime lecture de ce rapport pour en l'ordre, et apres la priere dite par le revddemander l'adoption. rend Deossy, membre de la Commission L'appel nominal sur cette questioln Chrdtiennle des Etats-Unis, le secrdtaire.iltitant demande, il en rdsulte 28 voix affir- pelle le role et les niembres suivants rdponmatives conlre 42 negatives, et la motion dent h leurs noms est rejetge. MM. Abell, Ariail, Balch, Barrett, Beil, M. Montamiat propose l'ajournemenert, Bofill, Bonzaiino, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, nlais retire sa proposition pour permettre. Cazabat, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Crozat, Collin M. Wells de prdsenter la rfSsolution sui- Davies, Dufresne, Decker, Dupaty, Edwards, sante' Ennis, Fish, Flag,, Foley, IFosdick, Geiei, vanite: 1 1 ~ a~~ Goldman, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, AtteIdet, Quil coinvieint qu un certain Healy, HIarnan, Hart. Heard, Hills, Kay(l1ai soit donne a lai Convention, suffisant anagh, Kugler, Maas, Maurer. Millspaugh, pour quelle puisse prendre en considera- E.'Murphy, M. W. IMurphy, Newell. Nortion les questions importantes et difficiles mand, O'Conner, Ong, J. Payine Pintado qui lui sont soumaises, et afin que les pa- Povnot, J. Purcell, Sevinour, Shaw, Smith, roisses de la campagne jouissent de plus Spellicy, Stumpf, Stiner. Sullivan. W ells. grandes facilite6s et d'un laps de temps plus et M. le Prdsident-59. etendu pour envoyer leurs ddldguds, de A raisoI de l'ahsence flIn quorlm, Il mnaniere k ce que lFEtat en gdndral soit plus amplement reprdsente et rnieux en- prdsident donniie au sergent d'armines loi'tendu; en consequence ~ dre d'aller a la recherche des miembres,ib La Coivention d~crete, Cette Convention sents. s'ajournera samedi prochain, le 30, jusqu'au Messieurs Austin, Bromley Brott Gastipremierjuin 1864, k midi, ou Jusqut' tel n jour pour lequel il plaira h son president ne, Hlre, Howell, Knobloch, Mendiverri, de la convoquer. Montamat, Montague, Morris, S. Pursell. La motion d'ajournement de M. Montiamat est rejetee, sur l'al)p)el nominal, par 42 voix contre 29. M. Cazabat propose la suspension diu reglement afint de s'occuper de la resolution de M. Wells. La proposition est rejetde. 5[1. M. W. Murphy prdsente la rdsolution M.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ M.....Murphy..p....nt..In, r......ion M..,, Boznop...e,nIeiore sLivante: L Itle Yalsaie rtenit et professeur de l'ecole scientifique (to la Ddgcrte. Le traitement du commis en Louiisian~e au su~jet (le l'iiistriiction i,lli chef an bureau de l'enr6lement sera de Losne, suet e liistrction plIdouze piastres par jour; celui des deux que. traducteurs employds sera de d(lix piastres Aprees lecture di" lniniiore, Mi. Bouzano par jour, pour chacun d'eux. ropose u'il it r'e' a omite de I propose (itill soit rdf'dr6 au comit6 de l'Iiis M. S. Pursell annonce quil desire pre- traction publique, et qu'il ooit imp-nlitt senter cinq substituts aux cinq premiers pour 1'usage de la Conventioi. articles du rapport du comited d'Instruction La motion est adoptde. Publique; il donne lecture des susdits M. Bonzano, en sa qualite te presidfnt substituts. du comite d'Emalicipation, presente Im raap M. Stocker propose de faire iraprim er port qui est accepte et mis a l'ordre dIi ces substituts pour l'usage de la Conven- jour pour mercredi, le. mai. tion. M. Abell, membre de ce meme cornlte. Adoptd. prdsente le rapport de la minoritd. 0 54 k, - ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 55 mottro k l'ordro special du jour pour lun- pouss. di prochain. Sur motion do M. Shaw, lo substitut ost M. Stauffer propose, par vole d'amendo- r6fiiro' au comite' des Relations Federales. mont, de le mettre k l"ordre du jir pour M. Cazabat presonto un substitut au rapmororedi, lo 4 mai. Adopte'. port du comite sur 10 Promhule. M. Sullivan prsente des substituts aux Sur motion, cc substitut est an di neuf articles dii rapport du comit judi I comit6. ciaire. M Hills demande appel do in rosoluijoit Sur motion do M. Wilson, los dits substi relative k in prsenco dos membres. tuts sont accepts et limpression en est or M Montamat propose do in rejeter, et donne., appel nomiuni, ainsi quo iit Sur motion do M. Stocker, los substituts Pour laffirmativo sont mis Ii 1'ordre du jir pour vondrodi. MM. Austin Balch Baum Beauvais, Ic 29 courant. Bofil Biomley Buckley Burke Campbell, M. Broit, president du comite dos F n i Crozat Cutbi Davies Dufiesne, Dupaty,, prsente un rapport qui est adopts Deckoi Edwards I ish Gastinel, Gruneberg, Hainan Honid Hue Kavanagh, Lo rapport du comlte' des Relations I Knobloch Kuglei Mendiverri Montamat, drales ost appol( ot subit Sn secondo lee Moiiis M W Murphy \owell Normand ture. 0 Conner ()n(r J Pair Pintado, J. Purcell Seymoui Stockei ul1i S. Pursoll M. Brott doniando In permission do pie Thorpe 41 sonter le rapport do in minorito, d Pour la negati e Accorde'. MM )l Arinil, Banett, Bell, BonzaM. Thorpe, president du comito' d Lnio noBrott Czabat J. K. Cook, T. Coolr, lenient, annonce quo los resolutions 51 Collins Enis Foley, Fosdick, Goldman, tes sont correctement enr6los. Goiliuski Gaidiy Healy, Hnrt,Hills, How 11 Mans Maui ci Milispaugh, Montague, E. "Re'solutioii albuant a M. II. A. Gahip Ia uiphy Poy not Schroeder, Shaw, Smith soinme do cent piastros en rninne'ration dc 5pollicy Stumpf Stiner, Stantler, Thomas. sos services coinmo secrtaire-adjoint n ant enk ilsoii 31 lorganisation do cotto Convention.'' I a resolution ost done rejeto. "Resolution requerant Ic bibliothcniio M M. W. Murphy demando appel do in dFtnt do fournir k chaque membre do Ia iosolution relative in rmnno'rntion des Convention un exomplairo (105 Statuts R tiaducteurs ot des copistes. visos.' Si motion, die est rfe're'o nit comito RCsoliitioit dtorminnnt in ro'tril)ution do imunrntions. ties convetitionnols ot nomniani; en inni0 Di1 SCECIaI I)U JOE. teitips un coi' (1~ cinq ucur etablli lo I c rapport sur le mode do reviser in 6moluments des officiors et de oniplovo (10 tonititution s)it gino socondo lecture. cette Cone ention M Ho eli propoo d'nuiender In troisic' 'Bsointion invitant Ic Goilvernelir lan m( lint (10 1 article, en offacant los mots cor sa pr lmation t leffet do convoquci deux tior ot do leur substituer los mols tine election pour in nomiuntion dun dlo ticis quart gn dans le I)iiemc District Representatif l no motion do iejeter cot nmendemeiii Sur motion dc M. Montainat, lo rappoit ii pousse iinr 11 voix contro 17. est accepte' et I prsidont est invit - Lue motion do prondre en reconsidrnguer los resolutions y mcntionnos. tion cc memo vote, est ndopte. 4'dderales, savoir: Le vote final suir la section relative kt la rdvision ou lamendemei-t de la constitu Les Etais-Unis d'.Amgrique fobrment un tion sera ajournD jusqu'n ce que tousles sieul gouvernement: les divers Etats de articles de cetteConstitution qui prdcident l'Union en sont les auxiliaires et u'ont dans leur ordre ]a section suiisdite, nient que des pouivoirs locaux.,td adopt6s. I pation, 4talt la plus importante de toutes, elle ex;gc le(s profrondes et longues deliber ations dIe e.tte Assemblde; ell cons qaeen ce Lre Cos, c(i:t:io:hcrlte, l~a Conveitl'oll s'occuipera d'abord des rapports de tons les comit4s pernmanents sur les arnendements it la constitution, leurs substituts et soIs amiendements (le rapport sur l'e4mancipaioIn cxcepte,) et ces rapports lie subiront quie leur secoiide lecture, et alors vicndra le rapport suir l'4mancipation, lequel pasera par les formalitds vouiilues y compris le vote finlal: aprbs quoi, viendronlt les rappol ts des coinites permanents, qui slubiront lcur troisime le cture et lec vote final. Dccirte de plus, La Convention ne s a jourinera que de jouiir en joi,r,jusqu'k ce que les rapports des comit4s permanents sur les amendemenlts k la constitution, (celui sutr liemancipation exceptc,) ai(nt snbi lel 2i secondle lecture. Ddpose'. dut AI'POR,''S lE;: CITE,S'lE5 P,iANEN~I. Le rapporteur dii comite' sur le Ligislatif annonce que son rapport progresse. Le comit6 sur l'Exdcutif ne pr6sente pas de rapport,uoni plus que ceux des Ameliorations Intdrieures, des Dispositions Transi toires et de la Misi.'e I, xex4cuetion de la Cons tittition. pmM. Milspatgh, aii noJm de M. Thorpe. president du comit6 d'Enr6lement, annonce comme coriectement enro6l4es les resoliu tions stiivantes 1. R1suolution invitant le gouverilelir e lancer sa proclamation pour'e4lection de ddleguds dans les paroisses Plaquemines et Ascension. pl Ite le nombre requis. ,Lecture du proces-verbal dI'hier et adloption d'icelui. 3,[. Goldman prlsente Ilun inmioire. Le president lu'informe que ce memoite n',tant sign4 que par son auteur, iL ne pouvait pas, en sa qualite (le con ven tionnel, le presenter lui-meme. 3I. Goldman pr,sente (,1i coi quce ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 57 loue pour couvrir les depenses casuelles. La resolution a ce sujet est lue. Motion de Mf. Brott, demandant que le comit6 des Depenses soit charg4 de dresser un etat estimatif d'icelles et de preparer un bill a cet dgard. M. Purcell, prdsident du comit6 des D6penses, explique que ce comit4 s'est content4 d'approuver les comptes. M. Byrott dit que sa motion est second~e par M. Beauvais. Le president declare qu'elle doit 6tre ddpos4e pendant un jour. 2, Resoluition relative a la statue de Washington. 3. Rvsolution relative h la Rdmun(iration des Membres. 4. Resolution relative a l'Auditeur des Comptes Publics, a l'effet de fournir un etat des depenses de l'administration de son Excellence Geo. F. Shepley, dernierement gouverneur militaire. Sur motion de M. Bell. le rapport et accept6 et le president est invite a signer ces dites resolutions. M. Balch demande lecture de la resolution relative a la proclamation du gouver- neur. Sur motion de M. Stiner. il y a dispense (le cette lecture. Le comite relatif aiix Voies de Fait neur. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Rppr ncmie u e Dsoiin Snr motion de M. Stiner. ii y a dispense nrls;lcuee s on',e u (le cette lecture. e Le comite relatif anx Voies de Fait contreles membres, annonce que son rap- port progresse. M. Sullivan, president du comitd relatif ka la statue de Washington, annonce que le comite a commenc4 a correspondre avec le ministre de la guerre au sujet de cette statue. Accepte. MI. M. W. Murphy prdsente le suivant: M. le Presidernt et MAL. les membres de la (boventiol: Le comrnite4 instituea a l'efifet de determiner la remuneration des officiers et employes de cette Convention, vous soumet le rap- port suivant sur les affaires non-terminees: La retribution du commis en chef de l'enr6lement sera de dix piastres par jour i celle de deux traducteurs sera de dix pias- I tres par jour pour chacun d'eux, a compier du 6 avril 1864. (SignS) M.W. MuAlURrPY, president. J. R. TERRY, JAMES ENNIS, GEo. A. FOSDICK. Pour l'affirmativee: Mlessieurs Abell, Balch, Davies, Henderson-4 voix. Plour la ndgative: MNI. Ariail,l. Austin, Bailey, Barrett, Bell, Beauvais. Bofill, Bonzano, Brott, Bromley, Burke, Campbell, T. Cook, J. K. Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Collin, Decker, Dufresne, Duane, Dupaty, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Gastin(l, Gaidry, Geier, Goldman, Gor linski. Iarnan, Hart, Healy, Heard, Hills, Hire, Kavanagh Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Ataurer, iMendiverri, Millspaugh, Montague, E. Murphy, M. W.Murphy, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, J. Payniie, Pintado, Poynot, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Seymour, Stumpt, Stine, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Wells, Wilson-70 voix. Sur mioti~on (le, i. Foley,. le rapport est adopte. MN. Brott, prdsident du comite des Finances dit, que dalis son opinion, l'allocation de $100,000 faite par la Convention, ne devait servir qu'au paiement du millage et du per diem des membres, et des employes de la Convention; c'est pourquoi M. Brott ddsire que le comite des D~penses prdsente son rapport, avant que celui des Finances ne fasse aucun autre rapport. Le rapport du comite n'est pas prat. M. Stocker dit que d'aprbs ses souvenirs,la susdite somme de $100,000 avait ntd al 8 En cons4queLnee,. la motion Balch est repoussde. LsM. Wilson propose que les deux rapports, celui de la majorite et celui de la minorit4, du comit6 des Relations F4ddra )S JOURNAL )DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION les, soient mis k l'ordre dli joUIr pour mardi agh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Maurer. le, 3 mai 1864. Adopt6. le? 3 mai 1864. AXdopte. M( endiverrn, Millspaugh. Montamat Mon tague, Morris, Murphy E., Murphy M. W.. Stir motion de -I. Alitsii, Flimlreission Newell,Normnda0, O'Conner, Ong Payne J.. d[i rapport de la minorite est ordoinde. Pintado, Poynot. Purcell J., Ptlirsell S. M. Balch demande liejou,rnement indg- Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shawv. ~~tini. Rejete'~. tSmith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner. Stauffer, Sullivan. Terry Thorpe, Thomas M. Staiiffer prend la parole sur une ques- I aters Wenck Wells and Wilson-Si tion de privilege, etdeminande qu'ordre soit memibres presents. donn6 au sergent-d'armes de faire sortir le Le proc(s-verbal de l. seance,le l membre d'Iberville et quo la Convention veille est li et appronv(e. lui inflige la censure. -t. Harnan presente ulne resolution rela M. Stocker dem-ande le rejet, et l'appel tive asix miembres absents. et aux moyens nominal montre 2.) voix affirmatives contre dle prevenir de sembilables absences. 48 negatives. M. 3 Moutamat demande que l'application Sur appel nominal, afin de s'assurer de lai du rcglement soit suspendlue en ce quli represence d'un quorumin, 76 memblres, ri- garde cette resolution.'[a motion cst pondent k leurs noms. adoptee. A la suggestion de M. Hills. M. Statifferi M. Monttamart Ide)inande ensuite I(, rejet de d6duit ses raisons pour presenter Ia rdsolu- la redolution. Le vote divisionnel est deton et la retire.' mand('. Le rejet est prononce' par 37 voix M. Balch explique ses raLisous )por ll't contre 26i. proposition d'ajournement indefini. -M. Bell (emanzidec a presentei nne pdti Lecture estfaite du substitut de M. Pnrcell, tionI. Accord4. aii rapport des Relations Fdderales, pri- 11 presente aliors unle petition de M. sente hier. Ienirv Copeland, deimandant une indemnite 5I. Hills propoise (le diffirer d agir stir de services poulr avoir rempli les fonctious ce rapport jusqui' Ce quo eelii de minori- de sergent-d'armes provisoire pendant lex i-e soit present6. Adopt6'. six premilires saices de la Convention. Ml. Hills. (111d comit6 de l'Instrucetion ll- Snur motion de M. Wilson, la petition e(st blique, somonet in rapport sur le m4moire renvoye devant le comite des Salaires es (le M. A. Vallas. Olfficiers et Employcs. Sur motion dle M. Wilson, l'impnression et M. S. Puirsell, pr6sideiit (diL comite des la mise a l'ordre polr' le jour oit ol s'oe- | D{penses, offre uie resolution'l l'effet d'alcupera du dit m6mioire, sont ordoinnes. lone:r vingt-cinq mille piastres pour d6pen Sur motion, la Convention s'a,joiirne a,j seo tveutielles de cette Convention. veindredi'a miidi, le 29.9 courant. [ application du r(,glement est suspen Jon E. NE:~I.. du, et in resolution est adoptee. $ecldte ii. Le sec 6taire donle lecture d'llle collln munication du secrgtaire d'Etat, relative ki V REtomii,'29 Avril 1864.'1election de Benjamin H. Orr, comme de Le president appelle la Convention a l6gue du l)ixienme District reprgsentatif, et I'ordre'a midi. La pribre est dite par le d i'un protot contie li ditr election par T. Rev. M. Gilbert, et le sc'c-etairo tait l'ap- F. MeGuire. pel nominal. M. Hills d icaude q(1e le tout soit renvoy6 Sont presents: (levant le comit6 de la Verification des Messrs. Abell, Ariail, Austin. 13aleh, louvoirs. Bailey. Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, M. Goldmain deimande qnu'on passe laI Bofill, Bonzano, Bromley, Buckley, Burke, discussion de sa resolution de la veille, reCazabat, Cook J. K., Cook T., Crozat, Col- lative aux banques et aux opeli'ations de lin, Dav ies, )ufresne, Decker, Dupaty, Edwards, ELnnis, Fish, Flagg, Flood Fos- banque. U~n iuembre de,mande le rejet (le cette dick, Fuller, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, n br dmade jet c tt Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Irdsolution; sur cuioi le vote nominal est Heard. THend(lerson., TIills. Howell, Kavan- demando et pris. HI. 12,'AiNE,NDE.MNE-NT DE' 1,A ('O-NSTITUTION DE I,A. [,OUISI-,k'-1~. 59 (rut ot pour Te i~jet pur et simple jusqu a que Tes rapports de tous les anMessicuis bcTT ilstin Bailev Bir tres comits peimnuents aient subi Teur iett, Banin Beaui ai BcTT BoflU iom onde 1ecure Sur motion de M. TlioIcy Buckley Burke, (1ook T Cro7at Di' impieiou de la resolution est orfresne, Ed aid is11 Tagg FTOO(t I UllI 1 Geler, III 41v II nan Ilendeison hire dOnliel et h discussion en St misc a ThorKavanagh Mane Mendiverri Moutninat dre du (liii pour lundi prochain, 2 mai. Murphv F Murphv M IIo( 11 llainn I ordre special du jour est, maintenant, I o no tockei' Speicv tnniiif I i (condc lecture di' rapport du comite du, iii iTou 9 \ otcn( contie Te i(J Tucicinire, ensemble avec les amendements M( ieiii iiaiT J))( 14 Ii C iz ibat dc MM. henderson et Sullivan. ( cok T K olini Dai ic Duc Decker M. Cazahat propose T'ijcuriiement. Reniii oley 1' osdick Goldman Goiliuski, jete. (3runebei Gaidi hut }Icard, ilill V'. Staufici. oflie liii substitut pour Tes [o(TI knobloch Kuglei Maiiici, MiU Ii et 12. 1 impression en est or1)tugh. Montague, Aloii is, () Conner ono an ides Ia ne I I intado IurcclT I., Pursell S i[onne chrceder cymour Smith. Stiner. .auffei M Montii cilve uii amendement aux uTTivai)'IhIli PC'1horna. aters. cuck sections 11 ci 1' Limpression en est orI eTl I? (Ton I moticii d(' iCJ( t nest pas adoutec Motion t faite ([C fixer Ta discussion dii ~ I homas deinande Te reuvoi de Ta re- rapport ct d 5 amendements k vendredi olutioii iT coinitI des T)ispositious (c'ue- j)rO(iU G inni 1864. Rejet. raTes. I tioisi( lecture est cusnite fixee an M. Staufler propos( (1 nineii(tei Ii iiiotioii i endredi, Ii inni. (le M. Thonias cii reni ci liii la i olntioc M. Cutler deniande que 1&s rapports des a liii omite (Te cinq, qii( coinmein Te TIre (OnIits soient discutes (Tans Teur ordre r( ident. et quT sappl( id coinii& des n oiilI(.r. siivaot Ia classification de Ia cons inedietest re. e t(-t Ct (~fl(i M,. Camipbel,l dlemauiie qtjU (ii Ce ICii el)Oi~ -Notion5 ii IC-t (Ic recoiisid~rer le vote, la i ti csin (un jouri (~ciiIC )C I'ixiiit'.- v(ii(dredi, f maT. la troisi~me lee etc illil ~~~~~~~~~~~(,ette miotioni est adlopte6e. -11 Stock-er dteiniuti('e. que,,,e Nf Henid(rsoni (emandle lat suispenisionott cit mire ~~ T~ordrc special -lii orph ciefiimen-t -.i-iti quie le rapport, les ainende jauv~~~~~~~~~~~~iiprl6.its et le.,,,b~t~ oient disciit~s (i~s -NI T),i-ics(~, dieiiia-nde Ic r-ejet iletcett i0)ipr 1)131) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~M. Cut Ite (,iti qtile.(I-'solIutioii niettrait ciote dliv-isloiimel estOd~i)I. ta'i i toi-t- 6Ibats et. pour- favor-iser la (ii, esti~ict rejete,e par vo)ixOi conitie 10. ciISSI(10tl il retire s,, resoliitioii. It. Ilills icuonvelle c-t, iloti (le veil- M.Ptirsell demian(Ie qtiloii disctite Tf,~ loe a i-6,,,oittioi4 ( 4elfai( ceiini't(" des,iii.lileinients de At. Suillivani. Di-spositionis~ Geui-rales -I., liaw dlemande quellj discutte le rap laqucesticiii est'c~,t( la'4 (ociveiiction port secticin par s-ecticii. A~donte'. it~ 14(1 i-iot,(ion e,i- a(-IoTpt M e.ipips daorer ]es de~bats .i. Foleyi Tcpropos quie c lentoi de MAl Tli~o"~ Iujt-qii)- a Tundi piochaini. 2 innii. lI (it joilte att tiuiois des inemibics (Iu1 Motion. tnst fu,tte (Te re-~jeter~ cette propco' conuite' (Te,- T)i, positioiis G~ti~rales,'a. iriisonl sitioli (le I,, iiiT,tidic (dii 1)1 c,sidenit de ecc comit6. Ia qtqucstioni (.,t linie atux v,oix. 417 meicii(-"ett~e pr-opo)sitioui esi, dc'pcisee- p-iovi-,or - bre,' citcnit conitie l e, iejt Ct ",) poitr le inent. ~~~~~~~~~~rejet. Iljectitre s C(oilinnec~ dle Ia i-e'soliitioii prle I-,a questioii ictouiruc'a la proposition. de se~ntee la ivcillc par M-N. Crunebcrg,'.- 1 effet M. ~Vilson. (T aj'ourn~er le dgbat jusquii~ d'ajotirnei- toute decisioni et touite fiction Tuindi TIlochain. lur Ic apport dii comit Te''incpto. L voteI,!oilonel est(ron' JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION Votent pour la proposition 31 membres; contre, 51. La proposition est rejetee. M. Cutler offre alors la resolution snivante: RIsolu, Que la troisieme lecture du rapport du comite du Judiciaire, et de tons les amendements et substituts, sera renvoyec jusqu'a ce que la Convention ait statiid sur tous les rapports qui, suivant l'ordre des 'latieres adopte4 par la constitution de 1852, sont les premiers en ranlg. Adopte. MI. Stauiffer propose d'adopter le premier article du rapport. Adopte. M. Abell presente un substitut au second article. Renu et lu. M. Henderson presente egalement unl substitut au meme article. Renu et lu. Sur motion de M. Sullivan, la Convention $'ajourne. Proces-verbal adopte. Ia JoN E. E.I'Sisa Secretaire. pter d'imp6t telies nutres industries SA.-IFI)T, le 30 avril 1864. blissement. . Le prdsident appelle la Convep.ti,;t: Mr. Stiner propose: l'ordre a midi. Art. -. Nuile maison de jell dans cet Apres la priere dite par le Rev. Gilbert, Etat ne recevra de licence. le secrdtaire fait Ilappel du r61e. Te secretnire fait l'appel dnl role. ~ Sur motion de M. Hills, les deux propo Sonut prdsuts: t sitions prdc6dentes sont refdrdes au comite Sont pr~~sents'i Messieurs Abel, Austi', Bailey, Barrett, s les dispositions generales. Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bofil,Brott, Buckley. I. G-orliuski annonce, au norm du coBurke, Collin, Cazabat, Cook J. I, Cook T., mlitd des Am4liorations Interieures, quil Crozat, Davies Decker, Dufresne, Edwaids, Ennis. Fish Flagg, Flood Foley, G,c. rsetera son rapport ltidi. (:oldman, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidy M Mllispaugh annorce que la resolution Healy, Harnan, Hart. Heard, Henderson, allouant $25,000 pour les ddpenses caHills. Hire, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, suelles de la Convention est correctement Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mlendiverri, Mill- enrolee. spaugh, M ontamat Montague. E. Murphy, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~M.Purel, a. ni- ucoi6dsIi M. W. Murphy.Newell, Normand, O'Conner. M.. Pucell, a no du comit des mlintado, Poynot, J. Purcell, Schroeder, pressions, pr4sente un rapport 4crit. Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Stumpf, M. Gastinel propose dimprimer le rapStiner, Staiffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thomas, Waters, Wilson, Wells-69 membres. port et de le mettre k l'ordre du jour de vendredi prochain le5 mai Le nombre de membres n'4tant pas suffi- di prochain, 5 mai. L'appel nominal est fait sur cette quessant pour former un quorum, le president Lappel nominal est fait si cette qe Itioii et il en r4sulte' donne ordre al sergent d'armes d'aller'a la o recherche des absents. 60 voix affirmatines. savoir Messieurs Ariail, Austin. Bailey, 13a,r L'entrde de MM. Bromley, Campbell, Austi Bailey, Br rett, Beauvais Bonlzano, Bromley, BurkeCutler, Duane, Howell et Weuck complb- ICampbell, T. Cook Cutler, Davies, Dufresne, te le nombre necessaire. Edwards, Ennis, Flagg, Foley, Fosdick, Gas Le president annonce que la Convention tinel, Gailr, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski est en quorum. Gruneberg, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Hender Lecture du procs-verbl dhier quel son, Hills, Hire, Howell, Knobloch, Kugler, Lecture du procs-verbal d'her, leql Maas, Mann, Maurer, Millspaugh,Montague, eit approuve. Morris, E. Murphy, M. W. Murphy, Newell, 4 60 ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOLTISIANE. 61 Normaud, O'Conner, Ong, Pintado, Purcell J., Pursell S., Schroeder, Schnuiirr, Seymour, Smith, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters -Wenck —6i0. 16 voix negatives, savoir: Messieurs Abell, Baum. 1e!l, Bofi ll, Buckley, Collin, J. K. Cook, Crozat, Decker, Duane, Flood, Montamat, Poynot, Stocker, Thomas, Wilson-16. En consequence la motion est adloptee. M. Wilson, membre du comite des Voles de Fait, annonce qu'il presenitera son raprapport jeudi prochain. Les autres comites ont annoince que leurs rapports etaient en vole de progres. M. Foley appelle'a l'ordre sa resolution relative'a la nomination de M. Howell, comme membre duii comitd des Dispositions rale determin(ia la nature de sea devoirs Generales. Adopte. Sur motion de M. Abell, la discussion sur le rapport du comite Judiciaire ainsi que sur les amenldements y-relatifs, est renvoy~e jusqt?'a ce que cc que!les rapports des comite's quii precedent le Judiciaire aient subi l'action de la Convention. Le rapport du comite de l'lnstritetioii Publique est'a l'ordre du jour; en consequence lecture en est ordonn4e, ainsi que des substitus Purcell et Hart. Messieurs Sullivan, Stauffer, DaI)avies, Gruneberg et Bonzano prdsentent des amendements k differentes sections du rapport, mais sur motion de M. Heard, le rapport est discutd section par section, et les amendements sont retires afin de'tre presentds a la section dont ils traitent. Apres lecture de l'article 1 du rapport, MI. Davies prdsente un amendement a l'ef- 'fet de supprimer toute la clause abolissant les functions de surintendant de l'instruc- tion publique. Sur motion de rejet, il y a appel nomi- nal, et il en resulte 41 voix affirmatives con 'Ere 39 negatives, savoir: Dans l'affirmative: Messieurs Baum, Austin, Balch, Bar- rett, Baum, Bell, Buckley, Campbell, Caza- I bat, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Cutler, Decker,. Duane, Dufiresne, Edwards. Fosdick, Gorlinski. Harnan, Hart, Healy, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Howell, Maurer, Montamat, Montague, M. W'. Murphy, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Poynot, Smith, Spellicy, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Wells, Wilson-41. Dans la negative: i)ans la n4gative: lMessieurs Ariail Austin, Buckley, Cazabat. Cook J. K., Cook T., Decker, Du, fresne, Dupaty, Flood, Fosdick, Gorlinski Gruneberg, Harnan. Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Howell, Kugler, Montamat, Montague, Miurphy M. W., Newell, O'Conner, Pintado, Poynot, Schnttrr. Sullivan, Waters. Wilson-31. Le voe nindiquant pas un quorumo, on procbde b un appel nominal, et il en r,sulte que le nombre de membres prdsents n'est pas suffisant, et en consequencce, suir motion, la Convention s'ajoirne k lundi prochain. h midi. r. lr~ ~ 62 JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION Schnurr, Seymour, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, La demande de reconsideration de ce Stumpf, Stiner. Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, vote faite par M. Henderson est refis*e. Thomas, Waters, Wells et Wilson- 66' Bromley prsente les rsolutios si membref~~f presents. ar. Bromley prdfsente lesf resfolutionsf sllimembres presents. vantes~ Le nombre n'etant pas suffisait pour i nl quorum, le sergent-d'armnies regoit l'ordre La (:oi-et'iion di:;rte, A lavenir, les se ances de cette Convention ne dureront pas. d'aller k la recherche des absents. moins de quatre heures. L'entree de MM-. Cutler, Baum, Mfendi- La Convention dlcrete. La retribution verri, Buckley, Collin, Cook, Thorpe, Beau- quoitidienne des conventionneas cessera d~'tre payde a dater du quaranti~nme jouir vais, Wenck et Cazabat complete le no-i d tre paye i dater di quarantime jor a tprbs l'organisation de cette Convention. b)re de membres presents pour un quorum. A1prils dispense du reglement, siur miio Le procs-v-erl)al, apres lecture, est ap I - ati tnode -A. Montamiart, les rdsoliitiions pleCeprouiv4. ~~~~~prouv6~~.; ~dentes sont rejetces. M. Terry propose la resolution suivante: N. Montaitat,au noin du coiuit4 de la Yde Attendui, Que plusieurs personnes qui ne rification des Pouvoir's,annonce que.L T. F jouissent point de la qualite de citoyen de MceGuire deiiandle la permission de retireicet Etat, ou qui n'en n'on pas rempli les sp resat l ecin d ie conditions, telles que la prestation du ser- sa piotestation coetre l'election d M. Orr. ment prescrit par la proclamation du 8 de- Accord(; et sur ce, Mt. -ontamat presenmi cembre 1863, occupent des offices, soit de le rapport siivanit: municipalit6 soit d'Etat. 3T. le 1'r7sident et,1~L les iizeiizb),es de la En coasequence ~ La Conventzion ciietle, Toute persone s s tcomtedela Vrificatio MNEssmiluRs -Votre comit6 de la V4rifica,tioii qui occupe des offices, soit de mnicipalit, s Pouvoir ips itrrogatoie de tou Ides PouLvoirs, aipres interrogatoire de tous~ soit d'Etat, sanls joilir de la qualit de ci- les tdmoins present par M. T. F. McGuile toyen de I'Etat oii sanis atvoir pr6t6 le ser toen de Etat o sans avoir pet le si contestant lIdlection d, M. Orr, coinmr e dtment prescrit par la proclamation du pr- lue d 1 itit l rsntatif ldguf-, du 10(, D~istrict lRelprdsentatif~ desident, en date du 8 decembre 1863, doit, mande la perision de voes innoncc (qil (tans 1lopinion de cette Convention etre raIe,, -..,... ^.. S;M. Orr a dt~ dfiment elu d416gfud poulr l'tLestenerdlEtitut le l i d e Diri temrlentpr qdie o0it de. Le gouverneur de 1'Etat et le maire e ville la \ouvelle-Orleans; qu il pos,e(lf: cette ville, sont invitds k tenir la main h toutes les qualit6s requiises et quiiil a drioit ltexecution de la pr tsente rdsolution t un siege lans ctte Convention. Apres dispense de r6glement, line motion I,,-i\ P. MONT-XMAT,: de rejet est repoussee. President. La question d'adopter cette r4solutioni se Ap)res acceptation de ce rapport, M. (o)r presentant de nouveau, il y at appel nomi- prend possession de son sidge. nal, ainsi que suit: -M. Henderson demande et obl)tiet ii Affirmative:,cong4, pour M. Mont,aglie. Messieurs Baily, Bell, Bofill, B,oniza- Le president porte It la coilnaissance de a no, Bromlev, Campbell, Cazabat, J. K. Conventionu inenissivedusecretaire d'Etat, Cook, T. Cook Crozat,Collin, Duke, Davies, renfermant les rapporits coInerniant 1I, d(irI)uane, Durfresne. Ennis, Fish, Flagg, i rois tFlood, Foley, Geier, Gorlinaskt, Gaidry, nire lectio enu ns laparoi ssv JellrHealy, Harnan, Hart, Henderson, Hills son, pour pourieit'aU renplacement d,' M. HIire, Kavanagh, Maas, Millspaughli, E. Mur- C. Roselius, derdmissionnairi,. phy, Newell, Normand, 0'Conner, J. Payne, Rdfri au comiite de \V4rificatioli. Poynot, J. Purceil, S. Pursell. Schroeder, Les resoelittions suivanites 6tant a leiord:'e Seymour Shaw Smith Spellicy Stocker Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sulliv an. T r', du iour'olli appelees: Thorpe, Waters, Wenck, Wells et Wilson iAtteilvi, Que la Convention constititioii— 56.! nelle a et6 convoqune principalement datis lI Ne gative* but de s'occuper de la question d('abolitioii de'esclavage en Louisiane; 4Attenid, quit Messieurs Abell, Austin, Barrett, ladoption de cette mesure, de quelque m,iBaum, Beauvais. Brott, Buckley, Burke,' nire et sous uelque fore qu ce soit Cutler, Fuller, Gastinel, Heard, Kugler, ncessitera e grandes l modifications dq lt, Mann, Mendiveri, Montamat, Montague, toutes les parties de la loi orianique de I'EM. W. Murphy, Ong, Schaurr and Thomas- tat; Attendu, qlie pour ces di-erses raisous. 21. cette Convention ne peot et ne devrait En consequence la rdsolution est adopt~e. en venir a ulne solution definitive des nl)p ET L'AMENDEMENT I)DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 63 ports daucun des comites permanents sur I licy, Sullivan, Thorpe, Waters, Wells. Willes amendements ka la constitution, avant on-22. le vote de la question d'6fnancipation;i Le substitutest onc adopte Le substitut est done adoptS6. Et Attendiu de plys. quo les points que So-i leve la d question d'eomancipation iont los M Sullivan propose le stibstitut suivant l1zve la question d'6mancipation wont les plus importants de tons, et exigent de cette k lat seconde section du rapport, savoir: Assemblee une longue et profonde disscus- LAssemblee Generale etablira des 6cosion; en consdquence, cett( Convention les publiques gratliites partout l'Etat, oupi'endra d'abord en consideration les rap- vertes aux enfants libres de race blanche ports de tous les comites permanents sur elle pourvoirta k leurs dcpenses par he les amendements a la constitution, y cornm- mode de contribution g,enrale ou par tout pr's les sous-amendements et substituts, autre; et les fonds serout repartis entre k l'exception du Rapport du comito dE- les differentes paroisses, proportiolnnellemancipation, et ne les poussera quejisqu a merit au hombre d'enfants de race blanche leur seconde lecture, et alors s'occuptera compris dans certaines li-nites d'age que du Rapport stn l'Eunancipation et le discu- prescrira 1A ssemblde Generale. tera en plein, j- sqn"a cloture parfaitte de La motion de relet est reftisoe; snlr ce toute action a son,inet; aprbs quoi tons s,('(,1ve tine longuie discussion, au milieu det les autres rapports des comitds permanent lve une longue discussio, au milieu subiront leur troisi/mc lecture et leur vote laquelle la Convention s'ajotrne. final de plus. ette Convention ne Jo.I, E. N:E.Is, s,journera que de jour a jour, ans inter- Secr'taire. valle, jusqulh ce que tons les rapports des comitos permanents, k lexception de celui du comito d'Emancipation, aient subi en MxItDI, 3 mai 1864. tolns points leur seconde lecture. La Coivention est appelee h l'ordre par Sur motion de M. WVilson. la proposition le prosidenit, a midi. La pribre est dite par ei-dessus est adoptec. le Ray. M. Horton, et le r6le est appel: La Convention repreud en considdration par le scr6.taire. les affaires non-termin4es quii l'ont occupee Sont presents: saminedi pa,sd, savoir: la seconde lecture du Messieurs Abell, Barrett, Bennie, Bofill, rapport du cmit e lIstrnctio Pui Bonzano, Bromlev, Buckley, Burke. Collin, J. K. Cook, Croza.t. Davies, Decker, Duane, t-110.ll-~. ~Dufresne. Duke, Edwards, Ennis, Foley. M. Purcell propo,e I adoption duii subsl)- Fosdick, Fuller, Geier, Goldman, Healy, titut suiivant au preimier article de ce rap- Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hlowes, Kavanagh, ~~~~porl~t:-Nlaas, -Mann, HIillspaugh, MI. WV. Murphy, N'ewell, Normand. O'Conner, J. Payine U'in siiriniteindant de l.'instri-ction Puibli 1, snittltdant do~ l Instrc!T. J. Paine, Pintado, Poynot,' S. Pursell, quie sera 6ln; il restera eni fonctions pell quo cra li ii estera i oncto pei Schroeder, Schnmirr, Stunmpf, Terry, Thomas d(Int quatre anndes; Itssembloe G~niraile W Wells Wilson et M. le President- O50 meodeterminera ses d(evoirs et le traitement at btrea., tache k ses fonctions. Atteudit quii n'y a pas quorum, lo ser L'appel ioinuial, sur cette qiuestion d a- r st eqis aener ls - gen-t-dIarmes est i-equiis d'amuener ]es mnem(loption, donne poiur r-dsulltat bnt b.-es absents. Affirttatie:, Messieurs Ariail, BaLch. Baumn, Beauvais. M~ess~ieurs Abell. Bailey, Barrestt, Beau-i -- seiir A ell Bailey, Ba*r et, Beal- n Bell, Campbell. T. Cook, Dupatv. Fish vais, Bell. Bennie. Bonzanoi, Bromley,'' ott Bcl Bniike? Campbl Collin I Flaggr Gastinel Gaidry, IHaran i. Hlart. Brott, Buickley,. Biirke. Cam-pbell, Collin, —,, (rozat. Cutler l)avies. Duane, Dufresne, Hire, Kugler. Mendiverri, Montamnat, E. Duke. Enni,, Fish, I' Flagg, Floodt FoleyI MNtrphv, On,, Orr, Smith, Stiner, Stauifer. FI ller, Gastinel, Gaidry, GCeier, Griuneberg, i Sullivan, Thorpe et Waters, ayant puis leurs Heard. Etire, hugler, Mlaas, MIann, Mlendi..'. Miilsangh Montague nrph sieges, le president d4clare quil y a quo\ormaind Ong, Orr. J. Payne, Pintado, J. rum. Purcell S. Pursell, Schroeder, Seymour, Le proces-verbal de la seance prec4Shaw, Stocker, Stittipt, Stine(1, Stauffer,I dente est lu et adopts. TIerry, Thlomaw, W\enck< l.>...I SS~ (~a~ttiV-e~ M. Sullivan offre la ri;solution suivante, Messieurs Ariail, Austin, Cazabat J. qii reste d.pos~e conforin4nent an regleK. Cook, T. Cook, Edwards, Gorlinski, ment Ilarnan, Hart, Healy, ilils, M. W. Murphy, Rlsolut, Que les greffiers, officiers et emNewell, O!Conner, Poynot, fhbnuirr, Spel- ployvs de cette Convention sont dispenses, 64 JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION pendant la duree des travaux de la Con- I rett, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Bonzano, Bromley, vention, de faire partie du juri dans les Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Collin, Cook J. diverses cours de cette paroisse. K., Cook T.,Crozat, Davies, Decker, Duane M. Montamat offre la resolution suivante: Dufresne, Duke, Dupaty Edwards, Ennis Resolu, Que la resolution adopt.,e p,ar Flood. Fosdick, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Gruneberg-, Gaidry,, Healy. Hart. Heard, la Convention, et fixant k midi!Theure le (runbg, Gaid Healy Hat Hard ses reunions. est et demeure rappelee. My Ml Kugler, Maas, Mlann, Maurer, Mlayer, MIills Resolu en'outre. Qu'k T'avenir Ia' Conven tion se reunira a 11 heures du matin paugh, Montamat, Murphy M. W., Newell, Norimand, Ong, Orr. Payne J., Pintado, M. Fosdick propose de sulspend(re l'appli- Ioynot, Purcell J., P'ursell S., Schroeder, cation du reglement apropos de cette reso- Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, lution. Rejete. Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, M. Fosdick, president du comite du- Le6 Thorpe, Waters, Wells, Wilson72. gislatif, soumet un rapport ecrit. L'entree (le MM. Fish, Flagg, Foley, MI. Hills propose que le rapport soit ac- Montamat et E. Murphy complete le nom breM t am t pu E. M urpimcepte,. et mis a l'ordre du jour pour mardi sfflst pour un quorm. de T,a semaine prochaine. Apres lecture, le proces-verbal des deli M. Stauffer demande que le rapport soit erations hi est approue. depose, pour prendre son tour rdgulier. ce M. Sta,ffer pr6sente les resolutionsi iqui est accepte, et la resolution de M. vantes Hills ainsi amendee, est adopte. ILa CoOiveiitiot d(eciete, Les articles suii vants seront impriins et inclus dans la M. Montamat, president du comite' de la motion a l'ffet d'amender le rapport du Verification des Pouvoirs, souniet un rap- comitd des D)ispositions Ge4nerales. port favorable an sujet de l'clection de M. Art. -—. Toute( personne qui actiielleJohn A. Meyer. Ce rapport est adopt(. et ineut occOT)(, oi t I aveiir occupera des . Meyer est e consequence invit fonctions civiles ouil militaires sois l'auto M. Meyer est, en consequence, invite — h,i i ite des Etats soi-disant Confeddreds ou prendre son sildge dans la Convention. oiis l1autotite de toute organisation oppo M. M. W. Murphy, president du comite se et hostile aux Etats-Unis, ne sera clides Salaires des Officiers et Empl)oyes de la gible' aucine fonction d honnei (le con efianice ou- de profit, dans cet Etat. Convention, rapporte qtue M. Copeland d c o poit dan cet tat Art.-. -Ne sera recontiue on pay4e au mande~~~~~~~~~ scmtre pa pyiton ur(,tdene mande a'retirer sa petition pitdcbdemmenet cune dette creee par les Etats S)i-disant renvoyce devant ce comite.. Coiifdefres o(-)I par tout pouvoi-r usuiirpa Le rapport est accueilli, et la dem:nde teur. faite par M. Copeland lui est octroyae. 1)6pos6. 'I1 est pass6'a kine seconde lecture diui rapport du comite de l'InstruLctiol Piublique, comme faisant partie des affaires nonterraindes, et ce rapport donne lieun de longs debats. M. Hire propose que la Convention s'ajournie a.t 6 heures, ce soir; mais la m-otioln estrejetde, et la Convention s'ajourne a lemain a midi. Proces-verbal adopte. JOI,N E. NE;.:LIS,-i rapporit dcoinite de 1 Istiucion I i M. Shaw, du coinit6 sur la Mise a Exdcu — que. comme, fisant partie des aff'aires noni' tionI de la constitution, annonce que son terininees, et ce rappoi t donne lieuii de longs debats. rapport s'achbve. M. Wilsoin Innonce qu'il presentera de M.Hire propose quie la Conlventionl s'a-' main son rapport sur les voles de fait snr la jouriie a.- 6 ht,ures, ce soir; iiai;'la i-notion * journe hpe,'sonne des conventionnels. estrejete et la Coventio'ajon a Aucun autre rapport ne se presentant, ilemain'-,A, midi~M. Stllivan demande la discussion de sa Prooces-verbal adopte. rdsolution de la veille, ka l'effet d'exeinpteri +JOIIN E. NE,,'ILin. les officiers et employds de cette- Conven Se(crctai. x tion de service coinme jures pendant la )session de cette Con-vention. Adopte. MzRC:Eit, le 4 mai 1864. M. Bonzan,o deiimande la discussion du La Convention est appelee A l'ordre par Rapport sur l'Emancipation. Ddclarg n'ele president. tre pas:a l'ordre. Le Rdv. Andrews dit la prierc. M. T'horpe demande dispense du rdgle A l'appel du r6le les membres suivants ment afin de passer T l'ordre du jour, repondent k leurs noms: clest-kt-dire auii Rapport sur l'Emancipa Messrs. Abell, Ariail,Austin, albch, Bar- tion. ,tl'I'El, It.4"'I'Oltl'S I)II'S ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 65 Sur cette motion, l'appel nominal donne paugh, Montamat, Murphy E., Murphy M. pour resultat 54 voix affirmatives contre 26 W., O'Conner, Ong, Orr, Purcll J., Po ngatives, ainsi qucuit: not, Seymour, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Sullivan. Thomas, Waters, Wenck, Dans l'affirmativee: Wells and Wilson-47. Mcessieirs Austin, Bell, Bennie, Boa- M. Hlenderson propose de rejeter le rap zano, Bromley, Brott, Buckley, Burke port de la minrit Collin, Cook J. K., Cook. T., Davies, Duane, po de ami Duke, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, M. Bonzano propose de renvoyer la Foley, Fosdick, Gastinel, Geire, Goldman, question k lundi. Gorlinski, Gaidry, Healy, Hart, Henderson, M. le president declare qu'il doit y avoir Hills, Hire, Howes, Kugler, Maas, Mann illspaugh, Murphy E., Newell, Normand, dispense du reglement avant que ette Pintadto, Poynot, Purcell J., Pursell S., question puisse &tre posee. Schroeder, Schnurr, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, M. Stocker propose, en consequence, la Stiner, Stauffer, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, dispense du releinent a cet effet. Wilson —5.l. \V~~i~alaon- 4ga~ 1L appel dtant fait fante de quorum prg Dans la negativ e' Messieui nel Ba|ch Ba B tendu, il en resulte 44 voix ndgatives con Messieurs bell, Balch, Bailey, Bar- affirmatives savoir rett, Bofill, Campbell, Crozat, Deckeri tre, Dufresne, Dupaty, Gruneberg, Heard, Kno- Dans l'affirmative bloch, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Monta- Messieurs Abell. Austin, Balch, Bai mat, Murphy M. W., O'Conner, Ong, Orri, lcy, Barrett, Bell, Bofill, Bonzano, Buckley, Seymour, Stumpf, Sullivan, Waters, Wells — Campbell, Cook T., Crozat,Decker, Dufresne, 26. Dluke, Edwards, Fosdick Gastinel, Healy, Sur quoi, le president d4clare dispense Heard, Maurer, Mendiverri,.villspaugh, du rrenlement et la discussion su r le Rap- Montamat, Murphy M. W., Murphy E., Nor mand, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, Poynot, port touchant l,Emancipation commence. mand, O'Conner, Ong, Orr Poynot Schroeder, Seymour, Spellicy,Smith, Stock MI. Abell demande qie cette discussion er, Stump;f, Stiner, Sullivan, Waters, soit mise h l'ordre du jour pour lundcli pro- Wenck-41. chain. Dans la n4gative: Rejetg. Messieurs Ariail, Beanvais, Bennie, M. Hills propose de terminer definitive- Bromley, Brott, Burke, Collin, Cazabat, rnent la discussion sir la questioii d'Eman- Cook J. K., Cutler, Davies, Duane, Ennis, Fish, Flagg. Flood, Foley, Geier, Goldman, cipation, avant de passer a toute autre Gorlinski, Gaidry, Hart, Henderson, Hills, question. Accepte. Hire, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, M. Bonzano deminande la lecture du rap- Maas, Mann, Mayer, Morris, Newell, Pinport, sur quoi M. Montaimat demande la tado Pmrcell J. Pursell S., Schnurr, Shaw, lecte du rapport de la minoe en vert Staiffer, Terry, Thorpe, Wells, Wilson —44. lecture duL rapport de la minorlit, en vertul La motion de dispense est rejetee. du reglement qui lui assure la pref~rence. Apres une longue discussion, la motion Le secrdtaire en donne lecture. * I ~~~d'ajournler efit rejetee. M. Foley propose de rejeter ce rapport d'ajoinr,t te. -11. H-lis ayant parle le dernier, le presisur quol l'appel nominal donne le rtsialtat stiivant: dent le rappelle a l'ordre a cause de l'ex Affirmative,'35 voix, savoir: piration du d4lai accorde a chaque ora MIessieurs Bell, Bennie, Bromley, Burke, Collin, Cook J. K., Davies, Duane, Dupaty, MA. Hills remercie l'Assembl)1ee de sa courFish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Geier, toisie, et annonce qu?il ne saurait continuer Goldman, Gorlinski, Gaidry, Healy, Hills, aujourd'hui la discussion. Hire, Knobloch, Maas, Morris, Newell, Normand, Pintado, Pursell S., Schroecder Sur motion de M. Austin, la Convention Schaurr, Shaw, Smith, Stauffer, Terry, snajourne jisqutk demain a midi. Thorpe-35. JOHnx E. NEELIS, Dans la n4gative: Secretaire. Messieurs Abell, Balch, Bailey, Barrett, Beauvais, Bofill, Bonzano, Brott, Buck- JEUDI, 5 mai, 1864. ley, Campbell, Cazabat, Cook T., Crozat, A midi, le president appelle la ConvenCutler, Decker, Dufresne, Duke, Edwards, midi, le prdsidont appello la ConveaEnnis, Gastinel, Heard, Henderson. Howes, tion B l'ordre. Kugler, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Mills, Le role est appel4. Sont presents: 9 66 JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION MM. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Bailey, Bar- M. Stauffer demande la discussion de la rett, Baum. Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Bonza- resolution d(le la veille, laquelle, sur motion no, Bromley, 13isckley, Burkze, Campi.' no, Bromley, 1iikley, Burke, Camp- de M. Hills, est renvoyce devaot le comit( bell, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, CrozAt, Davies 1'des -Dispositions G~Sn(rales. Decker, Duane, Dii+resne, Duke, Edwards, des Dispositions Generales. Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood. Foley, Fosdic~, M. Abell offre la resolution suivante Gastinel, Goldman, Geier, Gorlinski, Grti- Rsolit, Que le sergent d'arme, est requis neberg, Gaidry, Healy, vHarti le d, Hills, de s'assurer des motifs de l'absence de Howes, Kavaap;b, Kugler, Kaobloch, I'lHoln. R. K. towell. du Septicme l)istrict Maas, Mann. Maurer Maver, M endiverri. repr(_sentatif. Millspauiigh. Moutamat, E. murphy, -. W, Murphy, el \ormau O'ConueiOr -,I. Hills propose d'amender cette resolu,Murphy, Newell, Normand~, O'Conner, Orr. J. Payne, Pintado, Povnot, J. Purcell, tionI de facon a ce qu'elle ~applique'a tois S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, les miembres ab)sents. Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stumpf, Stiner, Le rC 1glement est suspeidu. et la resoluStocker Stauffecr, Sullivan: Terry, Thorpe, WVaters, Wells, Wilson-7. t passe as aede Le journal de la veille est lit et app oliv(, M. Campbell offre la resolution sivante: Pas de rapport des RO-i9 1? e'sole, Qu'il nie sera Dris aucun vote sir la question d'4emancipation, tant que 'N. T'e ry offre le pr;muet e,t r4solii tousles membres de la Convention ne setion qui suivent: rout pas presents. Attendet, Que dans le cours de l annie Cette resolution est deposce pour Iun dernicre, des dons colsiderables en arent Joll, sivant le rglemet. On passe au out ete faits a cet Etat, pour etre employs _ taffatires nioi termiin~es. d aider a la formation dlun gouverenent affirs teies. d'Etat libre en Louisiane, et qu'il est temps M. Brott offre un aminendement a la secaujourd'hui que cet argent soit employ tionI 6e du rapport de la minorit( du comiselon l'intention patriotique des donateuirs; t'eancipation. t,(, d'6i)anicipatioii. Et attendt, que cette Convention est infor- moe que les sommes dont il s'agit sont en- - iSlivan propose l'ajouiiuemotu ltRtre les mains du soi-disant "comite General jet-. pour la formation d uiii Etat libre,' du M..bell prend alors la parole et termiiqu,el Thos. J. IDurand est le prtesident, Ja: quel Tho J Duind est l picsi e son argumentation en concluant li l'ames Graham le secr(etaire, et Edward mesGiham le creaii et i ddoption du rapport de la minorite. Heath le trisorier; est resolu u Iuditi et le Treso M. Cazablat lui succede, et demande'a ]l1est r~soltt, Que, l?Auditeiir et le Tr~sorier de l'Etat sout invites k faire connaitr pmr ss vues sur le sujet, se reservant a cette Assemb)le si les dites sommes out le privilege de rteprenidre son arguinentaetc versees au Trt,sor de l'Etat, poni tion plus tard. &tre emiploves selon les vues des souscrip- m dans lc ~ ~ ~ ~ M Cazahat ayaut pare' pendaut le temps teurs: et qile dans l cas contraire, les ditsauditei et trisoliei( soent attodris'es'a re- i ccordc" par les reglements, la Convention clamer de Messieurs Thomas J. DI)urntd. Ja-!sajourne. mes Graham et Edward Heatli, et des offi- Procs-verbal adopti. ciers du comite plus haut mentionne, la re- NE JoIJN E. NEEI~,IS mise des dites soenes, o u imne note exacte Sco' i de l'emploi qu?ils en oiiut pu faire; et que !es dits auditeur et tresorier sont invites a faire telles euquotes et investigations qu'ils VEND-REDi; (i mai 1864. jugeroiit nBcessaires, et enl tf'iront lenir rap ugerout neesauceofoetloiia La Convention est appelce a lordre par port k la Convention. D~eo pendant lli jour. Kiivnt i - le president, confornmenmt l F'ajourne Do~pose' pendant iin.iour.sian er; merit. -lementt. M. Bell fe la resolution suante La pribre est dite par le Rdv. M. Strong, M. Bell. offre la rtesolution,iu~ivante: ie'solt, Q(ue la Conv entioii offir es r e e t il est procd6 a 1] appel nominal. niercieents anu Capitaine Stephen Hlovt, Sont present'' de larmec des Etats-Ulnis, faisant les tonc- Messieurs Ariail Balch, Bailey, Beauvais, tions de Maire de la ville et a G. W. R.P Bofil, Bromley, Burke, Campbell, Collin. Bailey, Voyer de la ville, pour l1attention J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Crozat, Decker, Duqu'ils out cue de proparer cette salle pour fiesne, Duke, l)upaty, Edwards, Ennis, la Convention, et qu'elle leur oflie en me- Fish, Flagg, Flood, Geier Goldman, me temps ses fe'licitations pourel'halilot6 Goiliuski, Griineberg, Gaidry, Healy, et le goftt dont ils ont fait preilve. hart, heard ilcderson. -lills. Uiro - - -. - I & -: - - -- . f - -- -- -J — * * J* - - - -- * - - * - 0 — O - f - 0 - 0 - -A 4 0 0 0 - 0 > - 0 - 0 - JI - 0 - 0 - 0. 0O 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -' - - 0 - - - -0 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 0 00< 0 0 -* 0. 7- M -' - i - ------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~E? -l~ ca ~ X - C 0 0 0; D 03,H x-/ -0Ro tC — i c+ 0 > 459t< 3_i,S S - t* P e C _ - 0 - < P 0 -. *;>5* - _ _ P~ 0 nr _ p w 0 - t 00 5. 0 - P 0 r. 7 0 0 JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION voy6 a la recherche des membres absents, SAMEOtr, le 7 MAlai 1864. lesquels seront requis de faire enregistrer La Convention se reunit a midi et le pr6 leurs votes. sident lIappelle h l'ordre. L'appel du role etait demande(, 76 miem- A l appel du rule, les mtl~,)res suivannits bres se trouvent pre6sents, ce qiti constitie rdpondent a leurs noms un quorum. Messieurs Ariail, Austin. Abell. Balch, Une motion d'aiourneinent est faite et Bailey, Barett, Bainum Bell, Bofill, Bonzano, rejetde sur un vote divisionnel, par 47 voix Bromley, Brott, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, contre 20. Collin, T. K. Cook. Crozat, Davies, Dec M. Hill,, demande l susp ension du r- ker, Duan, Dufresne, Duke, Dupaty, M. Hills eande suspension d - Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, glement pour l'examen de sa resolution. Fosdick, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Gru M. Henderson objecte et demande la neberg, Healy, Harnan, Hart. Heard, stricte observation de l'article du regle- Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howes Kavanagh, Knobloch. Kugler, Maas, Miann, Miaurer, inent qui veut un vote des d(Ieux ti ers p our bloch Kgl Maas an, Marer, Mayer, Men(diverri. Millspaugh, E. Murphy, suspendre le reglement. M. W. Murphy, Newell, Normand, O'Con Le vote divisionnel est demando sur la ner, Orr, J. Payne, J. T. Paine, Pinltado, question de suspension, et cette suspension J. Purcell Povuot, S. Pursell, Schroeder est accordee par 61 voix contre 2. Seymour, Shaw. Smith, Spellicy, Stumpf. es accore lpar quvte2. Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Taliaferro. Terry, Revient alors la question de l'adoption Themax Waters Wellset Wilson 79 mem OnThomas, Waters, Wells et Wilsoni —79 merem de la resolution de M. Hills, et le vote di- bres prcsents. visionnel etant demande et ordonne, la Ondonnelecture duprocbs-verbal d'hier, rdsolution est adoptde par 66 voix contre 1. et sur motion de M. Abell on en diff~re l'a Le president annonce alors qu'on va doption, afin de permnettre aux membres alvoter sur la motion de rejeter le rapport sents la dlernitre seance de voter nuttic de la minorit( du cornite d'Emancipation. pro tuee sur la motion de rejet du rapport Ce vote est recueilli et donne le rdsultat de la minorit6 du comit6 d'6mancipation; suivant: en consdquence M VI. Baum, Brott, Collin, Votent pour le rejet du rapport: Dupaty, Gorlinski, Harnan, E. Murphy et IMM. Ariail, Austin, Bailey. Barrett, Baum, J. T. Paine (huit voix,) out vote6 en faveur Brott, Beauvais. Bell, Bonzano, Bromley, di-i rejt; et M Balch Bofill Campbell Burke, Cazabat. Collin, J. k. Cook, T. Dufresne. Gruneber-g et Mendiverri (six Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Dupaty, Dufresue un g et Mndiveri (six Duane, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Fla,,r, Flood. voix,) conti e. Foley, Fosdick, Fuller. Geier, Goldman, Le proces-verbal est done ainende', sur la Gaidry, Gorlinski, Healy, Hart, Heard, motion de M. Abell, de manibre ki inclure Henderson, Hills, Hire, Harnan Howes, les noms des inecibres snsdits parmi cetx Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas. Mann, Mtomris, Millspaulgh, E. Mulrphy, N~ewell des votants d'hiei'; puis cc proc s-verbal Morris, Mi~llgpanugh, E. Muirphy, N~ewell, Normand, Orr, J. Payne, J. T. Paine, est adopt6 avec ce dit ainendement. Pintado, Poynot, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Sur la motion de M. Hills, ordre est doniiSchroeder, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, nd au sergent-d'armes de rechercher les Stocker, Stiner, Stauffer, Taliaferro, Terry, ~tekei Stnor Stnior,Talaforo,Teny,membres absents qul neuot pas vote sur Ia Thorpe, Thomas, Wells et Wilsoni-71. membres ahsents qui nlont pas vote SU1' la Thorpe Thomas Wells oquestion d'dimancipation, afin qu'ils vien Ce~ntre leo rejet:Inent enregistrer leurs votes. IM. Abell, Balch, Bofill. Buckley, Camp- bell, Decker, Dufresne, Duke, Gastinel M. Henderson propose dispense du iiegleGruneberg, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, ment. afin de rescinder la resolution accep Mlontamat, M. W. Murphy. O'Conner tnt la demission de M. Howell. Stumpf, Sullivan, Waters-19. Enmf'Sulliva nerpt Wlatcriiio. M. Hills propose d'amender par une re En consequence, le rapport de la mlino-i n cncuuolraptprise en consideration du vote sur la derite' ost rejetd. rite est rejet6. mission de M. Howell. Sur motion, la Convention sajonMrne. Stir la question de dispense du reglement, Proc~s-verbal adopte. Pil r6sailte 49 voix affirmatives, savoir JoHN' E. NEELTS, ~~JOHN E. NE, | Messieurs Ariail, Bailey, Barrett, Secretaire. Baum, Bell Bonzano, Bromley, Brott Burke, Collin, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Crozat, Duane, Duke, Dupaty, Ennis, Flagg, Flood, 68 A ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 69 Foley, Fosdick, Gastinel, Geier, Goldman, par ine loi, i l'~tablissement d'une maison Gorlinski. Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, de refiige dans chacune des paroisses de cet Howes, Kavanagh, Maas, Mayer, Mendiver- Etat, affect(e a I'entretienl des indigents ri, Millspaugh, Murphy E., Ori, Poynot, dans ses limiltes respectives, et ses maisons Seymour, Shaw. Smith, Sp(llicy, Stockei, de refilges seront dirigees conlform(ement Stumpf, Stiner, Stauiffer. l'aliafierro, Teirrv y anx dispositions prescrites par la loi. e' Wilson-49. Art..Tous les officiers civils de l'Etat en Contre 26 voix nngatives, savoir ge,ne ral (levront en etre residents et clec tenrs; tons les officiers (de paroisse ou de ,Messieurs Abell, Balch, Botill, Butck Messeis Abell Bnlch Bofill 1)itrict devront 6tre residents et electeurs ley, Campbell, Davies, Decker, D~ufresne,. iey, Campbell, Davies, Decker, Dufresn(, ireslpectivewent dans leur paroisse ou DisGruneberg, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Knobloch, tuict *t ilS tiendiont leur bureau ar s lious trier; et ils- tiendront I(eur bureau aux lieux Mann, Maurer, Montamat, M. W. Murphy, et places desirnes par la loi. Normand, O'Conner. Jno. Payne, Pa ne .IArt. —. La ville de la -N'ouvelle-Orl~Sanis J. T., Pintado, Purcell Jno, Sam. Pmirsell Ar I. l e nel rle iv sera le sicge (in gouvernement. L'AssemSullivan et Waters-26. l)lde Gcndrale pourra disposer de la pro Ainsi les deux tiers ne s(e trouivant point priet, du Capitole actuel a BatonI-Rouge eni faveur de la dispense. cette motion estt et procurer par acquisition ou autrement. rejetie. leterrain et les bhatisses necessaires uni Bromley presete i reslutioi Capitole d'Etat a la Nouvelle-Orleans. M1. Broinlev pr~senite la resalution sui vante, laquelle est rejetee, savoir M. Brott propose que cette Convention vante, laquelle est rejet4e, savoir ~ Is~aiotirne inddfliniimeit le 25 courant k-t Attendu,, Que les citov-ens de cet Etat ajo e idfiient 25 corant 2 habitant les paroisses de la campagne, sont heures apres-nidi. continuellement dans un etat d'alar- M. Hire propose ce qni suit mes et de panique, qui menlace d'une Resolt, Apres uindiprochain, cette Concessation entiere de tout travail,,- cause de vention aura une seance du soir, coinmenl'abandon simultaiic qntuils feront des, pa-?ant a 6 heures P. M., afin de laisser a touIS roisses non protgees dans la campagne, lesmembres I'occasion et le temps de parcontre les incursions de guerilla; en con ler, sans prolonger la session de la Convensequence tion pendant un temps inutile. Lca Cosleeltboe d~crete, Un1 comit~ de cinq LIct Co,~i-ce),ttio" d~cre a comite, deiinq M. Milispaugh, du comite' d'Enr6lement, sera nomm4, charg4 de se mettre en rapport avec le gouverneur et l'adjudant-gene- annonce colmme e,tant correctement enr6le ral de l?Etat, kl l'efet de prendre les mesu- la resolution relative a la publication de res n~cessaires, pour organiser la raiilice et res necessaires pour oignniscr in eilice t deux mnilles exemplaires du journal en Anprotfger convenablement notre existence, notre libert6 et notre recherche du bon- glais et en Fianais heur. M. Wilson, du comitd sur les Voies de M. Sam. Pursell presenite la resolution Fait sur la personne de certains convensuivante *tionnels, annonce que son rapport s'ach~ve. Art. -. L'imp6t sera egal et uniiforme M. Campbell propose que cc comite soit dans tout l'Etat. Tons les biens seront im- maintenant decharge('. pos,es proportionnellement a leur valeur, On passea l'ordre du jour, mais au prelaquelle sera d4termin4e de la manicre in- able, M. Abel propose ajourement diqee al a li. 7Asembee nerlealable, M- Abell propose l'ajournement diqu4e par la loi. L'Assembl4e G4n~rale. pourra exempter d'imp6t les biens actuel- usqu luni a idi. lement consacre4s aiu service des eglises, des Le vote divisionel sur cette question ecoles on d'institutions charitables. L7As- |donne pour rcssultat 51 voix affirmatives et semblee Generale devra imposer le revenu 3 de toute personne ayant une profession, un 1 vox ngaves; en consquence proemploi, un commerce on un metier, et position est accept~e et la Convention s'atoute personne devra obtenir uine licence journe. de la manibre indiquee par la loi. Approuve. Tout imp6t suir le revenu sera propor- JOaN E. NEEI, tionnel k la somme de revenus ou d asffaires faites. faites. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Secrdtaire. Art. -. Nul, excepte les citoyens des Etats-Unis on les personnes ayant declare Luxi, 9 mai 1864. formellement leur intention de le devenir, La Convention s'assemble a midi, et est ne pourra exercer la profession, 1lemploi appelee a l'ordre par le president le metier, ou faire le comnmerce, qui, d' a- pres les lois de cet Etat, n~cessite iune li- L7appel du role est fait par lesecrtaire. cence. Sont prdsents Art.~L'Assemblee G~ndralepourvoiera, Messieurs Abell, Ariail, Bell, Bonzano, 70 JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION Buckley, Burke, J. K. Cook, Crozat, Sur motion de M. Stocker, l'impressioii Dufresne, Duke, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, en estordonnee. Flagg, Geier, Goldman, Gruneberg, Healy, S. P oi stion viii Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills Howes, Maas Mann, Mayer, Millspaugh, A. W. Murphy te: Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Pintado, 1ltendu, Quil est entre danx le plan S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour d'installation de la salle de reunion de la Shaw, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Convention de disposer des sieges pour le Terry, Thorpe, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wil- public, et qiiune portion de ces sieges a son et M. le President-49 membires prdsents. 6t4 specialement roserve pour les dames ttodi qiil ny a pas quorum mais, attendii, que ces faits n'ont pas ete4 sidentodo li seront (1 qrm le d m portes ki la connaissance du public. Par sident ordonne a,it sergent-d'armeii(cs dlamii et ces motif,, il est ner les membres absents. Resol, Que les dames sont, par les pre Au bout de quelques instants les menre- sentes, invitees k assister aux sdances de la Convention. bres dont les nioms suivent viennent prendre leurs sieges, savoir: Le roglement est suspenniii et la resoli Messieurs Austin, Bailey, Barrett, Bofill, tion est adoptee. Brott, Campbell, Collin, T. Cook, Davies, M. Stumpt prdseiite.L son tour la rosoli Dupaty, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, tion suivante Gastinel, Gorlinski, Harnan, Hire, Maurer, Atte~ida, Qi~te- Fobjet de cette guerre fait(, MNendiverri, Montamat, E. Murphy, J. Payne, a l Etd cte e it J. Purcell, Smith, Stauffer. Taliaferro e t tsLis contre es so-disant Etats Confeddros, est avant tout de mainte ~Thomas-28 membres. inir lTUnion, d'assiurer lIexecution des lois Le president annonce qu'il a quorum. I et de souteiir la constitution de ces memo.s L e procebs-verbal de la ve ill, esit hi et Etats-Unis, ainsi que toilsi les actes du Conadopte. gris passds en (1ertui de la dite constitution; Ft atltencld, qu en conformant notre con itESOLUTIONS. (duite a ces ine,, nous ne devons pas ou blier ces ci oyens vraimenii loyaux dont, toIs M. S. Pursell prdsente la resolution qiii les intdrets et toute la fortune reposent unisuit: quement sur cette espece de proprietd que Atteitdu, Que les billets emis par la ville la guerre vient de detruire ou de rendre de la N,ouvelle-Orleans etant, a t lex- sans valeur en tant que proprioto. Par ces ceptioii des billets des Etats-Unis, la seul motifs, il est ionnaie courante, parmi celle en circula- Resoliu, Que tous les citoyens vraimeut tion dans cette Etat, qui ait droit a la pleine loyaux de la Louislane, qui, a l'heure qu'ii confiance du peuple; Et attendui, que des est. ont prete le serment d'amnistie preshommesmechants et mal intentionnes, trai- crit par la proclamation prosidentielle dli tres it leur pays, et sans re connaissance pour 8 d4cembre 1863, recevront du Gouverlela genereuse magnanimite qui leur permet ment des Etats IUnis lne indemnite raisoiide vivre paisiblement a l'abri et sous la pro- nable pour chiacin des esclaves assesss eii tection d'unbon gouvernement, ont recours leurs noms comme propriete. pour lTannne, a toutes sortes dle moyens pour deprdcier 1863. les dits billets de la ville de la Novelle-Or- Deposd slon le reglment. leans. I est en'consdquence M4. Thorpe, aui now. du comitg d'eniquttc Resolit, Que tout dtablissement oii toliute Thore, om d comie'c personne qui reflisera de recevoi: les dits sur Tassait cominis cotre certains nbillets de ville, soit en ddp6t, soit en paie- bres soutimet un rapport dcrit, lequtel es, ment, est indigne de ], confiance du pen- re(ou et mis a l'ordre du jour poulr moeiereli ple, et appelle la surveillance des aitoritecs proclain. 11 du courant a qui appartient la connaissance de ces c ma- ~~tie ~re~s:. ~M. Henderson dvoque sa resolution tenfibres; ti~solu,, Que cette Convention recommani Riesolu', Quo cette Convention rocommaii- }dant Tk rescinder lT'action de l'Assembleo ai de instamment et exprime le desir que les sujet de l'acceptatioin d(le la domission dc chefs de departements, soit civils, soit mill- M. Howell. litaires, ayant autorite et pouvoir pour ce Sur doptioi d resolution, e vot S.. ] ~~~~~~Sur 1 adoption dle la rdsolution, le vote faire, supprimeut toutes les banqies autorisees i fonctionner, qui manqueraient a t pi par asss t ls; 34 voi o leurs devoirs en refusant de se conformer l'adoption et 40 pour lT rejet. Matis attciiaux exigences des temps. du quil n'y a pas quorum de votants, le Deposd sur le bureau conformdment au vote nominal est ordonnd. lequel se traduit r eglement. comrne suit: ET LI'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 71 Votent pour l'adoption: M-. Wilson propose d'amender la premie MessieiLtrs Ariail, Bailey, Barrett, Bon- re section en ajoutari; k, la troisibme ligne zano, Brott, Campbell, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, les mots,et que lesproprietaires loyaux T. Cook, Cutler, Davies, Duane, Dufresne, recevront une indemnit.' Duke, Ennis, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Goldman Gorlinski, Harnan, Heard, Hen- -,AM. Goldman s'oppose'a cet amendement derson, Hills, Hire. Howes, Knobloch, et en demaude le rejet. Maas, Mann, Mendiverri, MIillspaugh, E. Sutr cette demandc de rejet le vote nomiMurphy, Normar.d, Ong, J. Payne, Seymour, l st ordonne 11 n,,t~~hl est ordonn4. Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner.Taliaferro, Thorpe; ates Wells et ilon4) Votent pour le rejet de l'amendement Thorpe, Waters, Wells et Wilson —45. ~~Pour le re~jet ~ ~messieurs Ariail, Austin. Bailey, Bon Pour le' zano, Burke. Collin, Cazabat, J. K. Cook Messieurs Abell, Bell. Bofill, Bucklecy. Cutler, Dav ies, Duane, Dupaty, Edwards Burke(. Collin. Crozat, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish. Flag, Flood, Foley, Fosdick Flagg, Flood, Geier, Gruneberg, Healy, Goldman, Gorlinski. Healy, Harnan, Hills hart, Maurer. Montamat, M. W. Murphy Hire, Howes, Maas, Mann,n Millspalih, MiMayer, Newell, O'Conner, Pintado, J. Pur-I phy E., Newell, Normand, J. Payne, Pintacell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurr. Stauf- do, S. Pursell, Schroeder. Schuirr. Shaw, fer, Sullivan ct Terry-29. Smith, Spellicy, Stauiffer. T'aliaferi o, Terrv En consequence, la resolution de MI. Hen- Thorpe, Wells-45. derson est adoptee, et le president ainnonce VoteLnt pour l'adoption de l'amendlele fait'a l'Assemblde. meit: M. Montamat constate quil n'y a pias eu Messieurs Aell Barrett, Bell, Bofill, quorum de votants, et propose lajourne- Brott, Buckley, T. Cook, Crozat, Dufiesne, mentosumr quil -t dx-IDuke, Fuller, Gruneberg, Hart, Heard. Henment, sur quoi le vote divisionnel est de- derson, Knobloch, Maurer, Mayer, Mendi'. I ~~~~~~~~dersoii, Knobloch, Nlaurer, M,Nayer, Wfendimande et pris. hverri, Montamat, M. W. Murphy, O'Conner, Pour l'ajournemnent, 34 voix,-contre, 38. Ong, Seymoir. Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Sul Attendu qu'il n'y a pas quorum de vo- livan, W aters, Wilson-30. tants, lappel du role est ordonne, et 75 En conseqnence. lamendement est remembres sont trouves presents, ce qni lie jet M.i MNorttaimat propose 1'a-jotirne.-ient, siur constitue pas encore un quorum. Mont t popos l'ajournent. M. Montamat renouvelle alors sa pOpO quoi le vote nomiinal est ordonnp. sition d ajournement, et le vote nominal otet p aonen (st ordonne sUir cette proposition. Meieus Abell Bofill, Buckley, Burke, Collin, J. K. Cook, Crozat, Duane, Votent ponur lajournement: Dufiesne, Duke, Dupaty. Fuller, Heard, Messieurs Abell, Ariail, Bailey. Hlenderson, Knobloch, Maas. Maurer, Mayer. Bofill, Brott, Buckley, Bu1r e. Collin. Cook Mendiverri, iMontamat, M. W. Muryhy, 07J. K.. Dufiesne, Duke, Dupaty, Flagg, Conner, Ong, Schnurr, Seymour, Stocker. Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gruneberg,. Har- Stumpf, Sullivan. Waters-29. nan, Hart, heard, Henderson, Howes, Votetcontelajo ne et: Knobloch, Maas. Maurer, MAlayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, M. W. Muirphy, OConneri Messiurs riail, Austin, Bailey ~.. Purcell Selnin,SeviourI S1cli(v S I Barrett, Bell, Bonzalno, Brott, Cazabat, .livanet W chaters evou. Spt)c Cook T.. Cutler, Davies,' Ennis, Flagg' Ilivan et W~aters —36... . coti.1 ounn Flood, Foley. Fosdick, Goldman, Gorlinski Votenl.t conitre~ I!-ajoirneiiieit~ Healy, Harnan, IHart. Hills, Hire, Howes M.essieuirs 1Barrer tt. Bell, Bonozt0 M annn, Millspaugh, E. Murphy, Newell, Cazabat. T. Coo. Cirozat, Cutler. avies Normand. J. Payne. Pintado S. Pursell Duane, Edwards, LEnnis, Flood. F osdickl. Schroedei, Sha w, Smith, Spellicy, Stineri Goldman. Gorlinski, Healy Hills, Hire, Stauiffer, Taliaiferiro, Teriv.'lThorpe. Wells Mann, Millspaugh, E. iMuirphy, Newell, N or- et Wilson-43. mand, Ong. J. Payne Pintado, S.iPursell, T,'a,joitrnemienit est r e t'si4 Schroeder, Shaw, Smpith, Stocker. Stumpe Stiner, Stauffer, Taliateriro,'errvy T hoipe Les membres ne se trouvant plus en Wells etWilson —39. mombre sutiffisant pour former un quorum. En consequence la jour nent est reftus6. ordre est dolnen de tferier les portes, et le La Convention reprend ses ddlibdrations sergent-d'armes est envoy4', la recherche sur le rapport de la majorit6 du comit6 d'e- des membres absents. mancipation, lequel est lu et ensuitse mis en Aprls quelques instants, le r61e est apdisctkssion section par section. pel~, et 7 membres sont trouves prtsents. 2 JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION T. Cook, Cutler, Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Edwards. Ennis, Fish, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Goldmnan, Gorlinski, Healy, Harnan, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howes, Mann, E. MIurphv, Newell, Norimand, O'Conner, J. Payne, Pintado, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, CSchroeder, Schnurr, Shaw. Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stiner, S.uffer, Taliaifrro. Terry, Thorpe, Thomas et Wells-49. Lecture est donnee de la seconde section, et le vote nominal est p)ris str motion de sonii adoption. VAlotent psour l'adoption: II est entendu en outre, Que toute ]4gisla tion qui pourra intervenir aui sujet de l'es clavag-e ne devra pas perdre de vue l ame lioration de la condition des esclaves, en vue de leur finale et compl e e mancipa tion pour le ler janvier d(e 1 l'an 1900, suIi vant l'offre faite par le gouverneimeit des Etats-Unis, par l'organe du pr4sident, offre que nous, le peuple de la Lou,isiane M r4uni en Convention, acceptons aujourd'huii. Sur motion d'adopter la pr?emiere sec tion, le vote nominal est pris. Votent pour l1adoption: Messieurs Ariail, Austini, ];ailey, Bar rett, Bell, Bonzano. Brott, 3urke, Caza bat, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Goldman, Gorlinski, Healy, Ilarnan, Hart, Henderson Hills, Hire, Ilowes, Maas Mann, M-illspaugh. E. Murphy, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ono, J. Payne, Pintado, J. Purcell, S. Purcell. Schroeder, Shnurr, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Taliaferro Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Wells et Wilson —)60r. Votent pollr le re(jet:' Messieurs Abell, Botll, Buckley, Collin, Campbell, Dufresnie. Duke, Gastinel, Heard, Knobloch Maurer, Mayer. MAIendiverri, Montamat, Muiphy M. W.. Sev.oiymi,ur Sullivan et Waters —18S. En consdquence, la prei-micre section est adoptee. M. Montamat propose l'ajouirnement, siur quloi le v-ote nominal e(st demando eot ordonne. Votelit pour l'ajoltrini(ienti: dInessieuBrs Abell, Buckley, Barrett, Botill, Campbell, Collin, J. K. Cook, Crozatd, Duti-esne, Duke, Flagg, Fuller, Gastin el, IHart, Heard, Knobloch. MAaas, M aurer, M,ayer, Mendiverri, M-illspaugh, Mauontamat, MIurphv M. W., On,, Seymour. Stuinptn, Sullivan, Waters, et Wilson —29. Votent contre l'ajournement: Messieurs Ariail, Austin, Bailey, Bell. Bonza,no, Brott, Burke. Cazabat, MNessieturs Ariail, Austin, Bailey, Barrett, B ell Bonzano, Brott, Burke, Collin Cazabat..r. K. Cook, T. Cook, Crozat, Cutler Davies, Duiane. Dlupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flag~g, Flood, Foiey, Fosdick, Fuller, Golclman, (orliuski, Healy, Harnan, Hlart, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howes, Mlaas, MAann, Millspatigh,. E. Murphy, M. W. Nlurphy, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Payne J. Pintado, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurl, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker Stulpl~f Stiner. Stauffer. Taliaferro, Terrs, Thorp,,'homas. W\'ells, Wl)son —(;2. MARitI. le 10 miai 1864. Coiroriiieniiie1it -,t l'ajoiirnemejit l]a Con vention se rduinit, et apres la priere dite par le ReN. Strong,. on procede ka l'appel nominal: Membres prdsents' Messieuir,s Abell, Ariail, Akustini, Barrett, Baum, Batuvais, Bell. B3einnie, Bofill, Bonzatno, BllrTe, Collin, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, Crozat. Decker. 1)uane. Dufiresne, Duke, Edward-(sI.; Eniiis, lislh, Flagg, Flood, Fosdick, Gastiinel. Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Itealy, I-lHarian, ltart, Heard, Hills., Hire Kavatmlgh. Knobloch, MNaas, Nann, imayer, Mendiverri, Millspaugh, U. W. Murphv, Newell, Normand, O'CoIiner, Ong, O r~. J. P'aynie, Poynot, S. Pursell. Schroeder Stauffer, Schnurr, Sevmour Spellicy, Stumptf Stiner, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, Thomas, Wells et Wilson —64. I Voteii-t coiitr( I'adoption: -Alessieiir.s ]3ofill, Bitekle, Caiiij) — bell, Dufresne, Diike, (astinel, Heard Knbloch, -Niaiirer, -Afayer, -Nteiidiverri, ,Alontamat, Sevmotir. Stillivan, AVaters — 16. Eii coii,,g(-Iiieiice,, la,iecondt section est, adopt4e. T,a Convetition s7ajouriie (iediain it 11 heur(!s. Pi —ocs.-vei-bal a.(Iol)t(-. E.'-\'EEIII.S. ,S'ecre'taire. ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 73 demnite equitable aux citoyens loyaux de la Louisiane, en compensation de la perte de leurs biens, a telles conditions que l'on jugera devoir imposer. M. Abell propose de substituer h la motion de M. Cazabat, une resolution ayant pour effet de declarer inoperative la clause d'emancipation, aussi longtemps qu'il n'y aura point d'indemnite ddcrt4e pour les esclaves 4mancipes en vertu de cette clause. L'amendement Abell est declare n'etre pas a l'ordre. F Le snbstitut de M. Cazabat est adopte. La resolution pre4sentde hier par M. S. Pursell est, sur motion de M. Stauffer, re f4rce a un comite de cinq. M. Thorpe pr4sente la resolution suivante: Le sergent-d'armes recoit l'ordre d'aller a la recherche d'autres membres, afin de completer le nombre requis ponr faire un quorum; et l'entree de MM. Bailey, Beauvais, Buckley, Cook, Davies, Dupaty, Foley, Henderson, Morris, Murphy, Montamat, Maurer, J. Purcell, Stocker et Thorpe formant le nombre requis, le president declare l'existence du qiuorum. Apres lecture, le proces-vertal d'hier est adopte. A la demande de M. Hills, appel est fait des nonms des membres qui n'ont pas vote au sujet du rapport de la minorite du comite d'Emancipation. Sur ce, M. Ong vote en faveur du rejet de ce rapport, et Mi. Schnurr contre. M. Hills propose T'appel des noms des membres absents aui vote sur la le et la 2e section du rapport de la majorite du comite d,'Emancipation: Sur la le section, MM. Baum, Beauvais, Geie r, Kavanagh, Morris, Orr, Poynot et Wenck, votent en faveur de son adoption; Et MM. Balch et Decker contre. Mlme vote sur la 2e section de ce rap Que le president du comite d'Enr6lement pourra ajouter le mot "d4bats' la resolution demandant l'impression de deux cents exemplaires du journal. La proposition de suspendre le rdglement, afin de passer aux voix cette dite r4solution, est rejet4e. M. Abell donne avis qu'il presentera des amendements aux sections du bill d'4mancipation qui suivent les deux premieres. Sur ce, le rapport du comit4 d'Emancipation 4tant a l'ordre du jour, M. Abell pr4sente, conrmme substitut d la section 3: Bien entendu, Que la Legislature n'adoptera jamais aucun acte permettant au negre affranchi de voter ou d'immigrer dans cet Etat, sous quelque pretexte que ce soit. M. Foley propose un vote divisionnel. Adopt4. La demande pr4alable de rejet de mise aux voix de la premiere partie de cette r6solution concernant le droit de vote de I'affranchi, est repouss-e, ainsi que suit: Affirmative: Messieurs Ariail, Austin, Bennie, Bonzano, Collin,, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, Davies, Dupaty, Ennis, Flagg, Flood, Fosdick, Goldman, Gorlinski, Hills, Hire, Maas, Newell, Pintado, Schroeder, Shaw, Stauiffer, Taliaferro, Thorpe et Wells-26 voix. Negative: Messieurs Abell, Bailey, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Buckley, Burke, T. Cook, Crozat, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Duke, Edwards, Fish, Foley, Gastinel, Gruneberg, Geier, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Millspuagh, port. M. Gorlinski, president du comite des Ameliorations Interieures, presente le rapport ecrit de la majorit6, et M. Campbell presente celui de la minorite. Sur motion de M. Hills, il est ordonne dimprimer ces deux rapports sujets a etre appel's a leur tour. M. Stocker, du comite relatif aux Membres absents, declare qu'il n'a pu constater l?absence que d'un setil membre, et qu'il n?est pas pret a presenter son rapport a son egard. Sur la demande de M. Stumpf, lectur e est faire de sa resolution presentee hier. M. Hills propose de la referer au comite d'Emancipation, mais la Convention decidant qu'elle nuest pas du ressort de ce comit4, on ne donne pas suite a la motion Hills. M. Cazabat presente, comme substitut a la resolution Stumpf, ce qui suit: Le president de cette Convention nommera un comite de cinq membres, k l'effet de rediger des resolutions pour reprdsenter et recommander au president et au Congres des Etats-Unis, les raisons de droit et d'4quite qui militent pour accorder une in 10 4* JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION - Le sergent-d'armes regoit l'ordre d'ame* ner d'autre membres absents, et l'entree de Messieurs Barret, Baum, Fish, Foley,Fuller, tiMendiverri, Montamat, Orr, Poynot, J. Pur cell, Schroeder, Stocker, Sullivwi', Thorpe, Thomas et Wells-16, constitue un quorum, ainsi que le president en donne avis. Lecture du proces-v'erbal d'hier est faite, etavant de l'approuver, certains membres sont autori'4s a enregistrer leur vote sur la premiere clause du substitut Abell a la 3eme section du rapport de la majorite du comite d'Emancipation; en conse quence, Messieurs Campbell, Bennie, Cut ler, Fuller, Paine et Waters votent pour l'affirmative et M. Kugler pour la nega tive. A l'egard de la seconde partie du dit substitut, Messieurs Paine et Campbell votent pour l'affirmative et M. Gruneberg pour la negative. En ce qui conserne l'adoption de la pre miere et de la seconde section du rapport de la majorite du comite d'Emancipation, MI. Kugler vote en faveur. M. Heard prend la paroles pour une ques tion de privilege, et donne lecture d'un article de l'Era dans son edition du matin, contenant des attaques contre les membres qui ont vote contrairement au rapport de la majorit4 du comite d'Emancipation. M. Heard proteste contre cette censure du journal, et lit quelques remarques exprimient son opinion que la Convention ne (loit etre le but des attaques de nulle per sionne. Le president nlommoe MM. Cazabat, Wells, Fosdick, Abell et Taliaferro, mem bres du comite d'Indemnites a accorder aux citoyens loyatux d(cpouilles de leurs biens. M. Thorpe demande la mise a lFordre de sa resolution d'hier, lui permettant d'amender sa resolution primitive au sujet de la publication de deux mille exemplaires des journaux en Anglais et en Franeais, en y inserant et "les debats." M. Abell propose d'amender en substituant les mots'"cinqimille" a "deux rnille."1 Mi. Edwards propose de rejeter l'amendement. Refuse. Alors l~amendemenlt de Mr. A1bell e~st adopt&. Montamat, Morris. E. Murphy, M. W. Murphy, Normand, O'Conner, On,,, Orr, J. Payne, Poynot, J. Purcell, S. Ptirsell, Seymour, Schnurr, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Sullivan, Terry, Thomas, Wenck et Wilson-55 voix. Sur la question d'adopter cette premiere partie de la resolution, l'appel nominal donne le resultat suivant: Affirmative: Messieurs Ariail, Bailey, Bennie, Blonzano, Brott, Burke, Collin, Cazabat, Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish,Flagg, Flood, Fosdick, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Hart, Hendersolf, Hills, Hire, Miaas,:, ann, Morris, E. Murphy, Normand, J. Payne, Pintado, Poynot, S. Pursell, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stiner, Stauiffer, Terry, Thorpe — 40 voix. Negative: Messieurs Abell, Austin, Baum, Barrett, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Buckley, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Crozat, Decker. Dufresne, Duke, Foley, Gastinel, Harnan, Healy, Kavanagh, Heard, Knobloch, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Millspaugh, M.W. Murphy, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, J. Purcell, Schnurr, Seymour, Stocker, Stumpf, Sullivan, Thomas, Waters, Wenck et Wilson-40. Le nombre de voix gtant e~gal (40) de part et d'autre, le pr4sident donne le vote prepond4rant en faveur du rejet, et cette proposition est done repoussee. Au milieu de la discussion'au sujet de l'adoption de la seconde partie de cette resolution, la Convention s'ajourne a demain a midi. Approuv4. JOScriN E. NEELIS, Secr~taire. MERCERDI. le 11 mai 1864. La Convention se reunit a midi et la s6ance s'ouvre par la pribre (lite par le Rev. Andrews. Sont presents k lfappel du role: Messieurs Abell, Ariail, Austin, Beauvais, Bell, Bennis, Bofill, Bonzano, Bromley, Buckley, Burke, Campbell. Collin, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Davies, Decker. Duane, Dufresne, Duke, Edwards, Flagg, Flood, Fosdick. Gastinel Goldman, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Healey, IIart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howes, Kavanagh, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Millspaugh, M. W. Murphy, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, J. Payne, Pintado, S. Pursell, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Taliaferro, Terry, Waters et Wenck-62. 14 ,4f P ' ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 75 La question se represente au sujet de l'adoption de la resolution avec son amende-' ment. Adopte, ainsi que la resolution. Le rapport du comitc d'Emancipation, etant au nombre des affaires non-terminees,H est appele. M. Stauffer propose de retrancher en- tierement la troisieme section. 3MM. Bonzano et Thomas proposent d'a-u mender la proposition de M. Stauffer en y ajoutant les sections quatre et cinq. Cet amendement est adopte M. Stocker appelle M. Stauffer k l'ordre, en se fondant sutr ce que - dans son opinion, la motion de ce dernier propose la suppres- sion diiiu article sur lequel, la Chambre, n'est pas appelee a dehliberer, en ce mo - ment, attendu, que la question actuelle concerne l'adoption du substitut Abell, a la troisibme section du rapport. Le president decide qme M. Stauiffer est a l'ordre. MI. Abell propose de rejeter la motion de suppression; et, sur ce. l'appel nominal donne le resulta suivant: Affirmative: Negative: Messieurs Abell, Barrett, Bofill, Buckely, Crozat, Decker, Dufresne, Duke, Edwards, Flagg, G astinel, Gruneberg, Heard, Kugler, Maurer, dayer. Mendiverri, Morntamat, M.W. Murphy, Normand, Ong, S. Pursell, Sullivan-23. La motion est donc adoptee et la seconde lecture terminkCe. Le rapport special du comite sur les nVoies de Fait, etant ensuite a lordre, sur motion de M. Thorpe, il est remis au 16 courant. MI. Bonzano propose la dispense du reglement, afin de faire subir au rapport du comit4 d'Emanci pation sa troisiem e lecture. Sur l e vote divisionnel, le quorum n'etant pas apparent, on procede a l'appel nominal, leqtiel accuse la presence de 85 membres. MU. Campbell propose de referer toute la question d'Emancipation k un comit4 compose6 de membres, que la Chambre designera elle-meme. Le prdsident declare que cette motion n'est pas a l'ordre. MM. Thorpe et Henderson renouvellent la proposition de M. Bonzano, a l effet d'accorder la dispense du reglement, dans le but de fiaire subir au rapport du comit6 d?Emlancipation sa tiroisibme lecture; sur quoi, on demande l'appel noainetl, et il donne poutr resiiltat: Affirmative: Messieurs Ariail, Austin, Bailey. Barrett, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Bonzano, Bromley, Burke, Collin, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Duanie, Dupaty, Edwards, Fish. Flagg, Flood, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel. Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Harnan, Hart, Healy, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howles, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Mayer, Millspaugh, Montamat, Morris, E. Murphy, M. W. Muirphy, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Orr, J. Payne, J. T. Paine, Pintado. Messieurs Abell, Barrett, Bofill Buckicy,Campbell, Crozat, Decker, Dufi'esne Duike, Edwards. Gastinel, Gruneberg. Ileard, Kugler, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Men, dliverri, Montamat, M. W. Murphy, Normand, J. Payne, Stocker, Stiimpf, Sullivan- 25. Messieurs Ariail, Austin, Bailey, Beau ivais. Bell, Bennie, Bonzano, Bromley, Burke, Collin, J. K.Cook, T. Cook, Cutle r, Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Flood, Foley, Fosdlick, Fuller, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski 1-ealy, Harnan, Hart, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howes, Maas, Millspaugh, E. Murphy, Newell, O?Conner, Orr, J. T. Paine, Pintado, Poynot, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder Schinurr. Shaw. Smith Spellicy, Stiner, Stauiffer, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas. AVWecek, Wells, Wilson-55 ILa question prealable est demande pa r U. Austin, et sur vote divisionnel est acceptee, et la question principale est posce en ces term s: Le s articles 3. 4 et 5 du rapport du comite d'Emancipation seront-ils supprimews N L'appel nominal donne le resultat suivant: Affirmative: I I 'N74,ative: 76 JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION Poynot, J. Pusell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurr, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Taliafero, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Wenck, Wells, Wilson72. Negative: MNessieurs Abell, Buckley, Campbell, Decker, Dufresne, Duke, Gruneberg, Heard, Maurer, Mendiverri, Ong, Sullivan -12 Le vote est ensuite appel4. *Sont presents: Messieurs Ariail, Bennie, Bonzano, Bofill, Burke, Collin, Crozat, Decker, Dufresne, Duke, Edwards, Ennis, Gorlinski, Heard, Howes. Kugler, Millspaugh, M. W. Murphy, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Pintado, S. Pursell, Shaw. Spellicy, StumpI, Stinier, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Thorpe, Thomas, Wells et Wilson-33. Puis, quelques instants apres, entrent les membres suivants: MMessieurs Abell, Austin, Bailey, Barrett, Bell, Br'mley, Beauvais, Buckley, Campbell, Cazabat. J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Cutler, Fish. Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Gastinel, Geier Goldman, Gruneberg, Healy, Ilarnan, Hart, Hills, Hire, Maas, MAann, Mlaurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, IMorris, Murphy E., Poynot, J. Purcell. Schroeder, Schnurr, Smith, Stauffer, Waters et Wenck-43. Le president annonce qutili y a quorum. Le journal de la veille est lu, et avant son adoption MM. Bofill et Sullivan, qui avaient vote' pour le rejet du rapport de la majori-. te4 du coinit' dl'emancipation, sont autorises a changer leurs votes de manicre a voter pour l'adoptio n. Le proeo s-verb al est amend4 eni cons4quence et ensuite adopt4. Les membres suivants, qui se trouvaient absents anS momen t du vote sur les deux premiere s sections du rapport de la manjorit4e du comite d'Emancipation, sont invites i faire enregistrer leurs votes a ce ssujet. Messieurs Cazabat et Ennis se prononcent pour l'adoption. Al. Bennie est invite a donner son vote sur la motion du rejet du rapport de la minorite de ce m6nie comite4 et vote pour le rejet. M. Wilson propose d'ajourner jusqu'i lundi prochain. Rejet4. M1. Abell demande k 6tre dispense de faire partie du comit4 nomme4 sur lFadoption de la r4solution de M. Cazablat, pour correspondre avee les autorites du Gouvernement de Washington, et expose a la Convention les motifs de sa demande. Sur motion de il. Bonzano, M. Abell est dispens4 de faire partie de ce comit4, et le president designe M. Ariail pour remplir la vacance. M. Heard, president du comit4 du Prdam La dispense du rdglement tant accordee, le secretaire donne lecture du rapport. MM. Abell et Campbell proposent des amendements k ce rapport, mais le pr4sident les declare n'tre pas a l'ordre. Sur demande de MI. Bonzano, on passe a la question prealable, et la Chambre estappellee a voter sur ce qui suit: Section 1. Llesclavage et la servitude involontaire. excepte dans le cas de punition pour un crime dont l'accus4 aura ete reconnu coupable, sont abolis ha tout jamais et de'fendus dans cet Etat. Section 2. La Legislature ne fera point de loi reconnaissant le droit de propriet6 sur l'homme. Et le vote saivant est donn6. Affirmative. Messieurs Ariail, Austin, Barrett; Beauvais, Bofill, Bell, Bennie, Bonzano, Bromley, Burke, Collin, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Crozat, Culter, Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Edwards, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley Fosdick, Fuller, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski Healy, Harnan, Hart, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howes, Kugler, Miaas, Mlann, Millspaugh, Montamat, Morris, E. Murphy, M. WV. Murphy, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, J. Payne, J. T. Paine. Pintado, Ploynot, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroede r, Schnurr, Sullivan, Spellicy, Shaw, Smith, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Wenck, Wells, Wilson et M. le president-72. Negative: Messieurs Abell, Buckley, Campbell, Decker, Dufresne, Duke, Gastinel, Gruneberg, Heard, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri. AVaters —13 Sur motion de.U. Thomas la Convention s?ajourne a demain k midi. La Convention se reunit conform pment h l'ajournement, et la priere est dite par le RPv. M. Andrews. ,Approuv6. JOHN E. NEELIS, Secr6taire. JEUDI, 12 mai 1864. - I4 ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. bule, soumet un rapport sur le substitut pr4sente a ce sujet par M. Cazabat. Sur motion de M. Hills, le rapport est accepte4 et le comitd est decharge. M. Thorpe, py4sident du comite4 d'Enr6lement, rapporte comme etant correctement enr6le4es: ~ lo: L'ordonnance a l'effet d'abolir l'esclavage et toute servitude involontaire. 2o. La resolution relative a l'impression de cinq mille exemplaires du Journal et des D~bats. M. Thomas appelle l'attention de la Convention sur l'omission des mots "dans l'anne de Notre Seigneur" et du mot "sidgeant," dans l'ordonnance a l'effet d'abolir l'esclavage, et propose de la retourner all comite d'Enr6lement. La motion est acceptee. Quant'a la rdsolution, elle est acceptee telle quelle et enr6lee, et le president est prie4 d'y apposer sa signature. Le pr4sident designe pour composer le comite charge de faire son rapport sur la resolution de M. Purcell, relative aux billets de circulation emis par la ville, Messieurs Purcell, Fosdick, Sauffer, Bonizano, et Brott. Le president soumet a la Convention une communication de l'Hon. A. P. Dostie, Auditeur d'Etat, renfermant un 4tat des recettes et ddpenses du Tresor pendant l'admi nistration du Brig. Gen. G. F'. Shepley, exgouverneur militaire de l'Etat. M. Austin propose de renvoyer l'affaire devant un comite special de cinq membres, a la nomination du President. Le pr4sident d4signe pour composer ce comite, MM. Austin, Thomas, Fish, Wells et Beauvais. Sur motion de M. Mendiverri, on ordonne l'impression de mille exemplaires. M. Hills demande si les rappoits du comitl surs le Preambule et sur la Division d e s Pouvoirs avaient 4te definitivement adoptes. En consultant le proces-verbal, on s?as sure que ces rapports n'avaient subi que leur seconde lecture: Si leur restait done S subir la troisieme lecture. Le rapport du comite sur le Preambule est done lu, apres dispense du reglement, sur motion de M. Mann. conde lecture. Sur motion de M. Henderson, il y a dispense du reglement, et le rapport subit sa troisieme lecture. M. Hills propose de lFadopter, et l'enr6lement du dit rapport sous la designation de titre 1, articles i et 2 de la constitution. La Convention vote sur l'adoption et l'accepte par une majoritc, de 76 voix, savoir: Messieurs Abell, Ariail, Balch, Barrett, Baum, Bell, Bofill, Bonzano, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Dufresne, Duane, Durell, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Gruneber, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, Millspaugh, Montamat, Montague, -Morris, E. Murphy, M. W. Murphy, Newell, No rmand, O'Conner, J. P ayne, Poynot, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Wenck, Wells et Wilson. Sur motion de M. Hills, la distribution et le numdrotage des diff~rentes parties de la 77 JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION constitution sont renvoyes jusqu'a ce que toutes les parties de la constitution aient ete adoptres. Sur motion de M. Abell, le rapport du comite sur l( Departement concernant le Legislatifdevra subir sa seconde lecture mardi, le 17 mai, a 1 heure P. M. Putis la Convention s'ajourne a mardi prochain, le 17 a midi. A prouve. Resolu, Que tous les bills de l'impri meur officiel de la Convention soient exa mines et approuves par le comite des Impressions, par le comite des Finances et par le comite des Depenses, en prenant pour base les prix fix,s par la Convention, avant qu'ils soient payes, et que tous les bills ainsi verifies et approuves seront payes sur le mandat du president par le tresorier de l'Etat sur tous fonds non autre ment approprigs. Le reglement est suspendu et la re4solution est adopt4e. M. Henderson presente le precambule et la resolution qii suivent: Atteudu, Que toutes les Legislatures de L'Etat ont te4 dans l'habitude invariable de faire des allocations liberales sur le fonds general pour venir en aide a toutes les institutions charitables incorporees, et que sous le rapport soit du nombre, soit de la variete oli de l'e4tendue de ces sortes d'institutions, la Louitisiane ne le cede, aucun autre Etat de l'Union; et attendu, que la Legislature de 1860 a fait les allocations suivantes, savoir: Pour l'Asile des orphelins de la Nouvelle Orl4ans..................... $1500. Pour l'Asie des Orphelins catholi ques de St. Jearie, a la N.-O....... 41000 Pour la Mais on du B on Pasteur..... 250 Pour 1Asile des veuves juives et orphelins juifs.......... 500 Pour l'Asile des Orphelins catho liques de S t. Joseph.............. 150() Pour la Maison de Ste. Elizabeth (House of Industry)............ 1000 Pour la Societ de Secouirs des or phelins m'les du quatrieme District........................ 1000 Pour l'Instituition des enfants de couleur indigents du 3e District. nfan. 1000 Pour les dames de la Providence du 3e District..................... 750 Pour l'Asile des veuves et enfants pauvres, dit Asile St. Anne......... 1500 Pour l"Asile des enfants de I'Egli se Potestante Episcopale........ 50t) Pour l'Institut catholique des Or phelins indients................ 75!} Pour la Soci4te catholique de Bienfziisance a BAton-Rouge..... 250 Pour l'Asile des Orphelins a Ba ton-Rouge.................... 500 Pour l'Asile des Orphelins de St. Vincent........................ 500 Pour l'Asile "Milne," k la Nou velle-Orl4ans.................. 500 JOHN' E. NEELIS, Secretaire. sIARDI, le 17 mai 1864. La Conve ntion se reunit a 11 heures conform4memn-t laaj ournement. Le r6le est app el4. Sont pr4sents: Messieurs Abell, Ariail, Balch, Barrett, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Bonzano, Burke, T. Cook, Crozat, Davies, Duane, Dufresne, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Fosdick, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Hart, Hend erson, Hi lls, H owes, Kugler, M aas, Mann, Ma y er, Millspaugh, Montaloue, M. W. Murph y Newell, Normand, Pintado, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Seymour, Shaw, S mith, Spellicy, Stumpf, Stiner, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Wenck, Wells, WilSon et M. le President-54. Pas de quorum. Le sergent-darme s est envoyv a la reeherche des membres absents. Messieurs Austin, Bailey, Baum, Bromley, Buckley, Campbell, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, Cutler, Dupaty, Fuller, IHealy, Howell, Maurer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, v'Conner, Ong, Orr, Poynot, Stocker, Stauffer, Sullivan et Thomas-25 membres etant ensuite entr4s dans la salle, le pr4sident annonce qu?il y a quorum. Le proces-verbal de jeudi, 12, est lu et approuve. MM. Montague, Seymour et Howell s'4tant trouv6 absents au moment du vote smir les rapports du comit4 d'Emancipation, demandent a deposer leurs votes. Sur la motion de rejeter le rapport de la miinorit4, chacun d'eux vote affirmativement. Sur la motion d'adoption, du rapport de la majorite, tel qu'il a ete, ils votent 4galement pour l'affimative. il. John Purcell offre la resolution suivante: Total......................... $20,000 Et attendti, Que par suite des calamites qui sont la consequeuce de la guerre actuelle, laquelle non-seulement a tari les sources de la charit4 priv~e et reduit jus 78 0 I IL ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 79 Mai 9, 1864, paye mandat No. 27 $2,930 00 a" 9b, ms" eno " sva u28 405 00 " 10, " " 29 696 00 10, " " 30 3,500 00 "14, " " " 31 2,520 00 "14, " " " 32 1,275 00 "15, " " " 34 1,420 00 $12,764 00 Mai 17 —Balance en mains ce jour................. $55,485 40 qu'k neant les revenus des institutions cha ritables, mais encore a servi a augmenter considrrablement leurs charges par le nom bare de s nouveaux orphelins, d e nouvelles uvuves et de nouveaux indigents que cette guerre a crtes, de telle faton quie les dignes setiurs et directrices de ces divines institutions sont reduites i la plus grande detresse et lim possibilit absolue o de fournir aux premiers besoins des milliers d'etres abandonnes qui sont tomb4s a leur charo e; Et attendu, que sans les soins bien veillants du goLuvernement- Fed4ra l et des officiers militaires d e ce dspartement,qui ont eu l'attention de faire distribiier k ces me dies institutions des rations quotidiennes de l'armee, un grand nombre d'entr'elles se serait vues forc4es de fermer leurs portes, il est en consequ ence, Resolu, Que la somme de $20,000 est et demeure allouee et appropriee sur le fonds gene,ral du tresor pour &tre employe a venir en aide aiix institutions charitables dtnommies dans le tableaun quiprocsde, et pour etre distribuie entr'elles dans les proportions lndiqudes au dit tableau, et etre payee, comme il est d'usage, par mandats de l'auditeur sur le tresorier, aux directeirs, directrices ou agents autorises des d ite s institutions. D4posn conform4ment a u reglement jusqu'h demain. M. Foley presente la resolution suivante: Atteoresct, Que plisieurs membres deC la Convention constitutionnelle de la Louisiane ont ete 1lus delegues a la Convention de Baltimore; Et attend?.t, Qu'il est d'iine importance vitale pour les interets de la Louisiane que la Convention termine son aeuvre sans ajournement; La Convention decrete, Que ceux des membres de cette Convention qui ont 4te elus t la Convention de Baltimore et qui ont dessein de s'y rendre, devront rdsigner sans delai leurs Ionctions de membres de cette Convention; et que le gouverneur est invit6 a pourvoir h de nouvelles elections pour remplir les vacances dans les diffdrentes paroisses et les (livers districts representatifs. Depose. '. Thomas propose lFadoptioni du rapport du comite des Impressions. Cette motion est appuyee, et le rapport est adopte. M. Montamat soumet le rapport suivant au nom du comite des Finances. lequel rapport est adopt4. mIrrPPORT DIu COMITE DES F'IN~A'CES de la Convention constitutionnelle au su jet du fonds destine au paiement de Fin demnite de service des membres et du salaire des officiers. document No. 4........$ 1,747 37 Mai 17, 1864, balance en mains k ce jour................ 9,585 48 $11,332 85 L'ordre du jour se trouve maintenant 6etre: le rapport du comite du Legislatif, lequel est lu section par section. Sur l'adoption du premier article, le vote nominal est demiiand4 et ordonne. Votent pour l'adoption: Messieurs Abell. Ariail, Austin, Bailey, Barrett, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bonzano, Bofill, Bromley, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Crozat, Cutler. Davies, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Edwards. Ennis. Fish, Flood, Foley, Fos dick. Fuller, Gastinel,. Geier. Goldman, Healy, Hart, Henderson, Hills, Howell, Hire, Howes. Kugler, Maas, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Millspaugh, Montamat. Montague, Morris, M. W., Murphy, Normand, Newell, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, J. Payne, J. T. Paine, Pintado, Poynot, J. Purcell. S. Pursell, Schroeder, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-78. Contre: 0. On passe i l'article deux. M. Howell demande la suspension du reglement, qui exige le vote nominal; inais la Chambre s'y refuse, et l'adoption du dit article est votee comme suit: Pour l'adoption: Messieurs Abell, Ariail, Austin, Balch, Bailey, Barrett, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Bonzano, Bromley, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Cutler, Davies, Deckei. Duane, Dufresne, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Goldman, Healy, Hart, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, Mayer, Millspaugh, Montamat, Montague, $68,231 40 80 JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION Morris, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, J. Payne, Pintado, Poynot, J. Purcell, S. Purcell, Schroeder, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stutmpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Taliaferro, Terry, Thomas, Thorpe, Wells, Wenck, Wilson —76. Contre: 0. Lecture est donnee de Plarticle trois. M. Montamat propose de rctrancher le mot "premier"'a la troisieme ligne, et de le remplacer par le mot "troisieme." M. -Mlontague demande qu'on retranche les mots "premier lundi de janvier" a la troisibme ligne, et qu'on les remplace par les mots "premier lundi de de4cembre." Cette motion est rejet4e sur un vote divisionnel, par 51 voix contre 23. Le vote divisionnel est ensuite pris sur l'amendement de M. Montamat. et cet amendement est a son tour rejete' par 51 voix contre 22. M. Stocker propose de supprimer, k la quatrieme ligne, les mots: "a moins qu'un autre jour ne soit designe par la loi." Cette motion est rejetee. M. Morris propose d'amender la premiere ligne en inserant les mots: "le mardi qui suivra." Rejete. La question retourne alors ia l'adoption du troisieme article, tel qu'il est au rapport, et le vote nominal est ordonne. Votent pour l'adoption: Messieurs Ariail, Austin, Bailey, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Bonzano, Bromley, Buckley,. Burke, Campbell, Cazabat, J. K. Cook,. T. Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Edwards, LEnnis, Flagg, Fish, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Gastinel, Ge ier, Gorlinski, Goldman, Hart, Healy Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Mayer, Mendiverri. Millspaugh, Montague, Morris, M. W. Murphy, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, .1. Payne, J. T. Paine, Pintado, Poynot. Schroeder, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf; Stiner, Stauffer, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-72. Votent contre: Messieurs Abell, Barrett, Maurer,'on-o d tlamat, J. Purcell, S. Purcell. M. Abell offre l'amendement suivant a, l'article 6(: Tout electeur qualifie qui aura atteint l'nge de vingt-quatre ans sera eligible aix fonctions de representant a l'Assemble Geunrale, et tout electeur qualifie, qu; aura M atteint l'age de vingt-huit ans pourra dtre m n Llu membr ddu Senat; mais nul He se ra reprdsentant ou senateur, qu'k la condition qu'il sera, au moment de son dlection, votant dfimenit qualifie du District Reprdsentatif out senatorial dans lequel il aupa et6 61u. Rejet6. L'adoption du 4me article, tel qu'il est au rapport, est alors mise aux voix. Votent pour l'adoption: messieurs Ariail, Austin, Bailey. Barrett. Bell, Bennnie, Bofil, Bonzano, Bromley, Buckley, Burke, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Decker, Duane Dufresne, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flag,, Flood. Foley, Fosdick, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Hart, Healy, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Knobloch, Kugler, Mnaas, Mann, MIaurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Millspaugh, N ontague, Morris, Niewell, Normand. Ong, Orr, J. Paine, Pintado, Poynot, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stiper. Stocker, Stumpf, Stauffer, Taliaterro, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-72. Votent contire: Messieurs Abell, Campbell, Gastinel,M ontamat,.M. AV.. Murphy, O'Conner, Sullivan, ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOtSIANE. 81 Geier, Goldman, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Hen derson, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Maas, Mann, Mayer, Montague, M. W. Mlurphy, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Pintado, S. Purcell, Schroeder, Schnurr, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Talia ferro, Terry, Waters, Wells, Wilson et AlM. le Pr4sident-52 membres. Le sergent-d'armes regoit l'ordre d'aller ak la recherche de membres afin de com pleter le quorum. Messieurs Austin, Bromley, Buckley, J. K. Cook, Crozat, Decker, Flagg, Fuller, Gas tinel, Healy, Hart, Hills. Hire, Knobloch, Kugler, Mendiverri, Millspaugh, Monta mat, Morris, Orr, J. T. Paine, Poynot, J. Purcell, Stocker, Sullivan, Thorpe et Tho mas-27 membres-etant entres, le presi dent ddclare qtuil y a quorum. Apres lecture et correction, le procsverbal de la derniere seance est adopte. M. Hills propose ce qui suit: Attendu, Que l'absence d'un petit nombre de membres a l'appel du r6le de presence interrompt serieusement et retarde les delib'rations de la Convention, pour une heure enticre quelquefois; en consequence, 11 est decrete, Que tout membre absent sans cong6 ou qui ne pourra excuser son absence d'une mani6re satisfaisante a l'appel de midi, perdra sa retribution quotidienne chaque jour d'absence. M. Foley propose la dispense du reglement, afin de s'occuper de cette susdite rdsolution. Refuse4. Al. Wilson propose ce qui suit: Co~si,iderant, Que la Convention a maintenant accompli la partie principale de la tache pour laquelle on l'avalt convoqu4e; 1l est decre't, Qu'elle s'ajournera le premier juin et qu'elle siegera tous les jours jusqu'a cette epoque, except4 les dimanches. M. S. Pursell presente ce qui suit: Consideraut, Que l'intdrot du public exige que les travaux de cette Convention ne soient pas interrompus sans cause suffisante; II est decrete, Qu'aucune motion d'ajournement pour plus de 24 heures ne sera mise aux voix, a moins que cette dite motion ne soit secondee par la majorite des membres prdsents; et, dans ce cas, on procedera a l'appel nominal. M. Howell propose que le secretaire soit charge de reunir et de collationner toutes les motions et resolutions jusqu'ici adopty es, en ce qui concerne la conduite des travaux de cette Chambre ou bien celles gne, et de les remplace r par les mots "population totale." Rejete. M. Abell offre le meme amendement p ou r la huitime ligne. Rejete. M. Abell propose de retrancher tout ce qui suit le mot "district," a la 16me ligne, juisqu'a la fin de la 18me ligne, comme etant superflu. Rejet6. M. Abell propose 4galement de retrancher les mots "1lecteurs qualifils" b. la vingt-unieme ligne et de les reinplacer par les mots "population totale." Rejet4. M. Abell propose aussi de retrancher les mots "l'article ddfini," a la 23me ligne, et de les reinplacer par le pronom possessif. Sur motion de M. Hills, cette proposition est rejetee. M. Abell propose de retrancher a la 24e ligne les mots "nombre des 6lecteurs," et Rejete. Enfin M. Abell propose de retrancher le chiffre'"3," en face des mots "Cinquieme District," fixant le nombre des repr4sen tants pour ce District, et de le remplacer par le chiffre "15, sur quoi une discussion s'616ve au siijet de la base de la r4prdsentation, pendant laquelle, sur motion de MM. Hills et S. Purcell, le secretaire est invite a se procurer les retours des derniires e1ections de l'Etat, de fa,on a pouLvoir les produire a la Convention, demain. M. Howell propose, dlajourner jusqu'a sept heures et demie du soir. Rejete. La Convention s'ajourne ensuite a demain,'a midi. Proces-verbal adopte. Jon Secrta. N re., Secr~taire. MERCREDI, le 18 Mai 1864. La Convention se r4unit conformdment k l'ajournement. A l'appel nominal les membres suivants rdpondent: - Messieurs Abel., Ariail, Balch, Barrett, Baum, Bell, Bennie, Bolil, Bonzano. Burke Campbell, Duane, Dufresne, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, 11 de les remplacer par les mots "population." JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION qui amendent le rgglement, et qu'il en fasse un rapport le lendemain. MI. Cazabat propose la dispeuse du rdglement afin de s'occuper de cette susdite motion. Refus6. On passe aux affaires non terminees. A la demande de M. Henderson, le secretaire donne lecture de sa rdsolution par lF Fi prGsentee hier. .1. Campbell propose l'amendement siln vant: * sebahesmm ephy, u ounnor, rr,.. Purell, Ieymuir, Pourvu qulune semblable somme d Shaw, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stauffer, .o'e Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, Thomas, Wa$20,000 soit allouee a l'effet de preter aide ters Wilson-43. et assistance aux indigents parmi les veu- ves et orphelins des soldats des regiments Negative: Louisianais connus comme le ler et le 2e Messieurs Ariail, Barret, Bennie, Bonzad'infanterie, le ler et le 2e de cavalerie, no, Burke, J. K. Cook, Cutler, Decker, et le ler et le 2e des Volontaires de la Duane, Dufresne, Edwards,Flood, Fosdick, Nlle-Orleans. Gastinel, Gorlinski, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Sur motion de M. Henderson, ce dit Hart, Henderson,Hills, Hire,Howell,Howes, Kavanagh, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Millspaugh, amendement est rejet6. amendement est rejonte. M ad E. Murphy, Newell, Normand, J. T. Paine, Sur la proposition de M. Montamat de Pintado, Poynot, S. Pursell, Schroeder, rejeter la resolution present~e par M. Hen- Schnurr, Smith, Stiner, Thorpe, Wells-42. derson, il y a appel nominal, ainsi que suit: L'amendement est done adopteS. Affirmative: M. Campbell demande a Otre dispense de Messieurs Abell, Austin, Baum, Beauvais, voter sur l'amendement ci-dessus. Refise. Bennie, Bromley, Brott, Burke, Campbell, M. Campbell propose ce qui suit: Cazabat, Decker, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Flagg, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Hills, Hire, Ho- or qu ls veuves et ls orphelins, well, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann aIayer dans l'indigence, des soldats morts au Mendiverri, Millspaugh, Montamat Mon- champ dhonneur, y soient compris. champ d,'honneur, y soient compris. tague, Atorris, Newell, NorAnand, J. T. Cet amendement est rejete. Paine, Pintado, S. Pursell, Seymour, Sur l'acceptation de la resolution primiStauffer, Thomas-39. tive avec l'amendement, l'appel nominal i)ans la negative: donne le resultat sutivant Messieurs Balch, Barrett, Bell, Bofill, Affirmative Bonzano,Buckley,J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Cro- Messieurs Barrett, Bell, Bofill, Bonzano, zat, Duane, Dufresne, Fish, Flood, Foley, BLckley, T. Cook, Crozat, Fish, Flagg. Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gold- Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Geier, Gruman, Gorlinski, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Hen- neberg, Hlealy, Harnan, Hart, Henderson, derson, Howes, Kavanagh, E. Murphy, Kavanagh, Montamat, M. W. Murphy, 0'M. W. Murphy, O'Conner, Orr, Poynot, Conner, Orr,J. Purcell, Schroeder, Schnurr, J. Purcell, Schroeder, Schnurr, Shaw,Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Sullivan, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Waters, Wilson — Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Waters, 35. Wilson-46. N4gative: La proposition de Mi. Montamat est donc Messieurs Abell, Ariail, Austin, Baum, repoussee. Beauvais, Bennie, Bromley, Burke, Camp Et le substitut propos6 par M. lills est bell, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, Cutler, Decker, Duane, D)ufresne. Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, delr n'etre pas a'ordre. Flagg, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Goldman, M. Bonzano propose de porter au rap- Gorlinski, Gaidry, Hills, Hire, Howell, port l'allocation suivante: Pour lAsile des Howes, Knobloch, Kugler, Lobdell, Maas, Enfants de la rue Moreau, comptant 54 MannMay Mendirri,Milspaugh, Mon enfants, $500. tague, Morris, E. Murphy, Newell, Nor mand. Ong, J. T. Paine, Pintado, Poynot, M. Thorpe propose pour I'Asile des Or- S. Puisell, Seymour, Smith, Stauffer, Thophelins St-Vincent, a l'angle des rues Race mas et Wells-51 voix. et Magazine, $500. La rdsolutitn et l'amendement sont (lone Ces deux amendements sont acceptes. rejetds. 82 ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 83 Hills, Hire, Seymour, Shaw, Thorpe, Wells -9 voix. La motion est donc acceptde. AM. Montamat demande l'ajournement; on le refuse par le vote suivant: Affirmative: Messieurs Abell, Balch, Burke, J. K. Cook, Dufresne, Dupaty, Gruineberg, Knobloch, Montamat, MI. W Mutrphy, O'Conner, Stumpf, Sullivan, Waters-14 voix. Ndgative: Messleurs Ariail, Austin, Barrett, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Bonzano, Bromley, Cazabat, T. Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Deceker, Duane, Edwards, Ennis, Fish,Food, Flaggg, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gaidry, Gastinel, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Harnan, Hart, Healy, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kugler, Maas, Mann, tMaurer, Mayer, Montague, Morris, E. Murphy, Newell, Normand, Ong, Orr, Pintado, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder,Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Stiner, Spellicy, Stocker, Stiner, Stauffer, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Wells, Wilson-66. M. Thominas propose de modifier le rapport en substituant dans la r4patition representative, pour le premier District, '"trois a cinq;" pour le second, "cinq a huit;'. pour le troisieme District, "sept ka six;" pour le cinquleme, "quatre h trois;" pour le sixieme, "deux k trois;" pour le huitieme, "trois'a deux;" pour le dixime, "huit k sept.?' . Le comite accepte ces amencdements, et la Convention s'ajourne pendant la discussion qu'ils soulevent. Approuve. M. Foley appelle sa resolution present~e hier relativement aux de4lgueis a la Convention de Baltimore, membres de cette Assemblee. Sur la motion de rejet de cette resolution, le president la declare acceptee I ar le vote; cependant MI. Stiner demande la reprise en consideration de ce dit vote, ce qui est accords, et sur la question de rejet l appel nominal donne: Affirmative: Messieurs Austin, Barrett, Baum, Beau-Nais, Bennie, Bofill, Bromley, Burke, J. K. Cook, Cutler, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Duke, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Fuller, Gastiniel, Gaidry, Geier, Goldman, Hart, Hire, Howell, Kavanagh, Kugler, Maas, MNann., Mendiverri, Millspaugh, Montamat, Montague, Morris, Newell, Ong, Orr, J. T. Paine, Pintado, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, ,eymour, Shaw, Spellicy, Stauffer, Sullivan, Taliaferro. Terry, Thomas, Waters, Wells, Wilson-54. N4gative: Messieurs Abell, Ariail, Bell, Buckley, Campbell, Cazabat, T. Cook, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Harnan, Healey, Hills, Howes,. Knobloch, Mayer, E. Murpby, M. W., Murphy, Normand, O'Conner, Schroeder, Schnurr, Simth, Stumpf, Stiner, Stocker, Thorpe-29. ORDRE DU J-OI, l'. La Convention passe au rapport sur l e L egislatif. M. Pursell propose de supprimer sur les lignes 86 et 87 les mots "sachant lire et ecrire." L'appel nominal k cet egard doinne potur resultat: Affirmative: MIessieurs Abell, Ariail, Austin, Barrett, Balch, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Bonzano, Bromley, Burke, Cazabat, J. K. Cook T. Cook, Crozat, Cuilter, Decker, Dufresne, Duane, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flood, Foley, Fuller, Gastinel. Gaidry, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Harnan, Hart, Healy, Henderson, Howell, Howes, Knobloch, Kugler. Maas. ilann, Mayer, Millspaigh, Montamat, Montague, Morris, E. Mur phy, W. M. Murphy, Newell, Normand, ()'Conier, Ong, Orr, Pintado, J. Purcell, S. Puirsell, Schroeder, Schnurr, Smith, Spellicy. Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, S ullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, Thomas, Waters, AWilson-71. Negative: Messieurs Flagg, Fosdick, Goldman JEUI)I, le 19 mai 1864. Le pr4side(nt appelle la Convention k Flordre, et apres la priere du Rev. Strong, on procede a i'appel nominal, duquel il appert que les 62 membres suivants sont presents: Messieurs Abell, Ariail, Austin, Balch, Bailey, Baum, Bell, Bofill, Bonzano, Bromley. Burke, Campbell, Crozat. Davies, Decker, Duane, Dnfresne, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Geier, Gruneberg, Gaidry. Healy, Hart, Henderson, Hire. Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, MIillspaugh, Montague, M. W. Murphy, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Orr, J. Payne, Pintado, Poynot, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, J'oi-i.N E. NEELIS, Secr6taire. JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION Schnurr, Smith, Stumpf, Stiner. Stauffer, Negative: Taliaferro, Terry, Waters, Wells, Wilson Messieurs Balch, Baum, Bell, Bofill, Bon et M. le president. zano, Bromley, Burke, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, En l'absence d'un quorum, le president Crozat, Davies, Decker, Duane, Edwards, donne au sergent d'armes l'ordre d'aller a Ennis,Flood.Foley, Fosdick, Gastinel,'Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Healy, HIlarnan, Hart, la recherche dzautres membres. Hills, Howell, Howes, Maas, Mann, Mayer, M M. J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Cutler, Dupaty, M,illspaugh, Morris, M. W. Murphy, Newell, Flagg, Gastinel, Gorlinski, Harnan, Hills, Normand, O'Conner, Orr, J. Payne, Poynot, Mfendiverri, Seymour, Shaw, Thorpe et Pintado, J. Purcell, Schroeder, Seymour, Thomas (14) se presentant, le quorum Shaw, Smith, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sulli van, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, existe. Wells, Wilson-56. Le proces-verbal d'hier est nlu, corrigd et M. Hills propose la question prealable, approuve. laquelle etant repoussee, la question Se M. Henderson propose de prendre en con- * ~~~~~~~~~prdsente de nouveau sur l7adoption de la sideration nouvelle le vote sur sa re-olu- su tion tion d'hier, concernant les institutions de oton M. Montamat propose d'amender par charite, par suite duquel cette dite rdsolu- linsertion dne ngative, de nnir c ' l'~~~~~~~~insertion d'une negative, de maniere a ce tion a ete' repoussee..' tion a ~t~ repouss~e~. que le sens soit "ne perdra point." Rejet6. Le president ddclarant qu'il n'a pas le Sr doptio de resolution on donne Sur F~adoption de la resolultion on donne droit d'en demander la reconsiddration, M. le vote suivant: Gorlinski renouvelle la motion. Affirmative: Affirmative' La motion de rejeter la proposition Gor- Messieurs Austin, Balch, Barrett, Bofill linski 6tant refuisec, la question e reconsi- Bonzano, Burke, Crozat, Davies, Duane, deration reparait, et elle est adoptde par Ennis, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Geier, Gold 40 voix contre 29. man, Gorlinski, Harnan, Hart, Hills, Sur la proposition de M. Cutler, e est Howell, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Maas, Mann, Millspaugh. Montague, Newell, Normand, rdfirde'a un comit~ de cinq, a la nomina- O'Conner, Orr. J. Payne, Pintado, J. Pur tion du president. cell. Schroeder, Shaw, Stumpf, Smith, Stiner, M. Austin prdsente la resolution suivante Stauffer.Taliaferro,Terry,Wlls,Wilson-43. Les deux tiers des membres de cette Negative Convention,' compter d'aprbs le role, for- MAessieurs Abell, Bailey, Baum, Bell, misc quorum. Bromley, Buckley, Campbell, J. K. Cook, T. moront desormais le qu.Cook, Cutler, Decker, Dufiresne, Dupaty, M. Campbell presente une resolution h Edwards, Flagg, Gastinel, Gruneberg, Gail'e ffet de venir en aide aux refugies politi- dry, HIenderson, Hire. H-ow(s, Kavanagh, ques, par suite de notre guerre civile. Knobloch, AMarer, Mayer, Men(iverri, Mon tamat, M. W. Murphy, Ong, J.'Paine, Poy Sur motion de M. Hills, cette rrsolution tamat M urphy, Ong,.Pin oy not, S. Pursell, Schnuirr, Seymour, Sullivan, est refurde au comit6 d'Assistance Publi- Thorpe, Thomas, Waters-38. que. que. M. Wilson appelle sa resolution concer M. Austin, president du comit6 charg6 d nant ljourmnt sine die- partir du r d ~~~~~~~nant l'ajournemnent sine die'a partir du ler l examen du rapport de l'Auditeur, annon- juin. ce que son rapport est en voie d'achve- M. Sullivan propose rjet. Adopt. M. Sullivan propose le rejet. Adoptd. ment. La motion de M. S. Pursell ordonnant M. Hills demande la mise a l'ordre du runion 10 heres du matin est ement reunionl k 1() heures du marin est egalement jour de sa resolution concernant les mew- rjte bres retardataires. M. Bonzano propose qu'il n'y nit point La motion de rejet est repousse par le ou no po ps d 2 oi d'ajournement pour plus de 24 heinres, vote suivant' Affirmao~te ivet moins que la majoritd ne seconde la mo Affirmative' tion d'ajournement. Messieurs Abell, Austin, Bailey, Buck- Sur appel nominal, adopte par 38 voix ley, Campbell, Cutler, Dufresne, Dupaty, contre 29 Flagg, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Henderson, o Hire, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Maurer, Mendi- RAPPORT U COMIT SU LE LEGISLATI. verri, Montamat, J. T. Paine, S. Pursell, M. S. Pursell propose le rejet des ligues Schnurr, Waters-22. 88, $9, 90 et 91 de P'article 6. 84 ET LA'MENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. mot "quatre," en regard des mots "premier District." Rejete. M. Montamat demande la question prealable, et, sur son adoption, la question principale au sujet de l'article 6 est mise aux voix, et cet article est adopte tel que l'amendement l e demand e. Sur lecture, les articles 7, 8, 9, 10 et 11 sont adoptes. A l'article 12, M. Stocker propose de supprimer h la ligne 5 les mots "solls le bon plaisir de la Legislature." Rejete. L'article est adopts suivant sa teneur primitive. Le reste du rapport, apris lecture de chaque section, est adopte. La Convention. s'ajourne au lendemain a midi. Proces-verbal adopts. JOiHN E. NEELIS, Secretaire. Rejet de la motion Goldman a l'effet de 1 repousser I'amendement. Sur motion de retrancher les susdites lignes, l'appel nominal donne pour resultat: Affirmative: Messieurs Abell, Balch, Bailey, Barrett, Baum, Bell, Bofill, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Edwards, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Gastinel, Geier, Gruneberg, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Kavanagh, I~nobloch, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Millspaugh, Montamat, M. W. Murphy, Newell, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, J. Payne, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Seymour, Smith, Stumpf, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, Thomas, Waters et Wilson —53. Negative: Messieurs Austin, Bonzano, Bromley, Davies, Dupaty, Ennis, Fosdick, Goldman, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Maas, Montague, Normand, J. T. Paine, Pintado, Shaw, Schnurr, Stiner, Stauffer, Thorpe et Wells -23. M. Smith propose de retrancher de l'article 6 le mot "un," en regard des mots "paroisse de Ste-Marie," et d'y substituer le mot "deux." Rejet.e. M. Balch propose de retrancher le mot "un" en regard des mots "'paroisse d'Iberville," et d'y substituer le mot "deux." Rejet6. M. Bromley propose la reconsideration de l'article 6 du rapport, de la ligne 33 a la ligne 80, inclusivement. Rejet e. M. Mann propose de substituer au mot "soixante-dix," a la ligne 11, le mot "soixante-quinze." La motion de M. Terry, permettant a des personnes ne jouissant pas de la qualitd de citoyen, de voter en recompense de certains services rendus, est rejetde. M. Flagg propose d'amender la ligne 33 substituant "Orleans, rive droite,7 au mot ',Alger."1 Accepte. M. Bromley propose de substituer a la ligne 33,'"trois" a "deux," en regard du mot "Lafourche," ainsi que de substituer "deux" a "trois" en regard du mot "Claiborne." M. Bell propose d'amender l'article six, ligns 33, en substituant au mot "trois" le VENDREDI, le 20 mai 1864. Conformement a l'ajournement, le president appelle la Convention a l'ordre. Membres presents: Messieurs Abell, Ariail, Austqn, Balch, Bailey, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Bonzano, Bromley, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Collin, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Crozat, Cutler. Davies, Dufi-esne, Duane, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Hart, Henderson, Hills, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Manin, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Millspaugh, Montamat, Montague, Morris, E. Murphy, M. W. Murphy, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, J. Payne, Pintado, Poynot, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Taliaferro, Thomas, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson et M. le President-88. Aprbs la priere dite par le Rev. Gregg, lecture est faite du proces-verbal de la derniere seance, lequel est corrige et ap prouv6. Sur motion de M. Abell, on excuse l'absence de M. Duke, de l'Ascension,- occasionnde par la maladie d'un membre de sa famille. M. Bofill propose de reconsiddrer le voto 85 JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION d one repoussee, et la section amendee passe aux voix, ainsi que suit: Affirmative: MAi. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Bailey, Balch, Barrett, Baum, Bofill, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Cazabat, T. Cook, J. K. Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Decker, Dufresne, Edwards, Flagg, Fuller, Gastinel, Gaidry, Geier, Gruneberg, Harnap, Hart, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Millspaugh, Mcntamat, Montague, M. W. Murphy, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, Seymour, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stauffer, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Waters, Wells, Wilson-52. Ndgative: MM. Beauvais, Bell. Bonzano, Bromley, Brott, Collin, Duane, Dupaty, Ennis, Fish, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Goldman, Gorlins ki, Hills, Hire, Howell, Maas, Morris, J. Payne, J. T. Paine, Pintado, Poynot, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurr,. Shaw, Smith, Stiner, Thorpe, Thomas, Wenck-34. La section et l'amendement sont adop par lequel la m otion de M. Hills concernant l'absence des membres a 4t6 adop I. Stauffer propose le rejet de la motion de M. Bofill; sur quoi on demande l'appel nominal, lequel donne pour rgsultat 39 voix affirmatives contre 51 n4gatives. Par cons4quent, la Convention refuse le rejet. *M. Austin appelle sa motion relative au quorum: elle est rejetee. ORDRE DU JOUR. La troisieme lecture du Rapport du co mite sur le Ldgislatif a lieu, et le dit rap port est adopte4 tel qu'il avait ete amende lors de sa seconde lecture. La Convention sloccupe du Rapport du comite sur i'Exdcutif, alors a sa seconde lecture. La premiere section du rapport est adoptde sans amendement. A la lecture de la seconde section, M. Sullivan propose d'en retrancher les mots "vingt-huit," et de les remplacer par "trente," ainsi que de substituer "dix" a u mot "quatre," i la quatriome ligne, de manibre a presenter le texte suivant: Art.-. Nul ne sera 6ligible aux fonctions de gouverneur ou de lieutenant-gonverneur s'il n'est ag4 de trente-'ans, et s'il n'a reside dans l'Etat pendant dix annees consgcutives avant son 1election. Sur la motion de rejet des amendements, I'appel nominal donne le resulitat suivant: Affirmative: Messieurs Ariail, Bonzano, Bromley, Collin, Cazabat, Duane, Dupaty, Ennis, Fish, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Gaidry, Hills, Hire, Maas, Morris. E. Murphy, J. Payne, J. T. Paine, Pintado, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurr, Shaw, Smith, Stiner, Stauffer, Wenck-33. Negative: Messieurs Abell, Austin, Balch, Bailey, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Burke, Campbell, J. K. Cook, Crozat, T. Cook, Cutler, Decker, Dufresne, Edwards, Flagg, Fuller, Gastinel, Gruneberg, Harnan, Hart, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Millspaugh, Montamat, Montague, M. W. Murphy, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, Poynot, Seymour, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Thomas, Waters, Wells, Wilson, Buckley et M. le President-53 membres. La motion du rejet des amendements est tAs. e A la lecture de la 3e section, M. Mann propose de retrancher le mot "quatrinm," a la seconde ligne, et d'y siibstituer le mot "deuxi6me," afin de hfii donner la teneur suivante: Art. —. Le gouverneur entrera dans l'exercice de ses fonCtions le deuxieme lIin di de janvier, immediatement apres son 4lection, et y demeurera jusqu'au li,n(li immediatement apres le jour ou son slic cessetir aura 4t6 declarg duiment elu et aura prete le serment ou l'affirmation requise par la constitution. Cette section est amendge et adoptde telle. Sur motion oil supprime la 4e section. M. Wells propose d amender la 5e section par l'adjonction du mot'"Congres," d la Ire ligne, et "ministre de toiute secte religieuse,' afin de lui donner la tenetir suiivante: Aucun membre du Congrbs ou ministre de toute secte religieuse, ou personnr acceptant une charge sous l'autorit6 des Etats-Unis, ne sera 4ligible aux fonctions de gouverneur et de lieutenant-gouverneur. L'amendement et la section sont adop tLs. M. Abell demande la reconsid4ration du vote rejetant la quatrieme'section. M. Bofill propose le rejet de la demande 86 t6e. ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 87 , des armes, ne seront point contraints k un service militaire, mais il paieront une som me equivalente pour jouir de cette immuni t4. L'amendement de Mf. Stauffer, proposant d'armer et discipliner immediatement tous Cles citoyens valides de I'Etat pour la d4 fense de l'Etat, et d'envoyer par de la les - lignes des Etats-Uniss daus la soi-disant Conf~deration, ceux qui refuseraient leurs services, est rejet4e. La motion de M. Thomas, de supprimer le mot "libres,'" est rejetde. L'amendement de M. Orr: "Tons les hom, mes libres et blancs ages de 18 k 45 ans seront armes et diciplines pour la d4fense de l'Etat;" et sa suite, demandant la sup pression entiere du reste de l'article, est re, jetd par un vote de 33 contre 30 voix, sur - quoi M. Stauffer demaude l'appel nominal i duquel il resulte Affirmative: Messieurs Abell, Ariail, Balch, Barrett, Beauvais, Bcfill, Buckley, Burke, Cazabat Crozat, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Edwards, Ennis, Flagg, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gor linski, Gruneberg, Harnan, Hart, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Mann, Maurer, Montamat, M. W. Murphy, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Poynot, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stauffer, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, Waters, Wells, Wilson-49. Negative: Messieurs Baum, Bell, Bonzano, Camp bell, J. K., Cook, T. Cook, Cutler, Davies, Fish, Flood, Goldman, Gaidry, Healy, Henderson, Hills, Kugler, Maas, Mayer, N Morris, Ong, Orr, J. Payne, Pintado, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Stumpi; Stiner, Thomas — 26. r M. Smith, propose de supprimer le mot "blancs" k la premiere ligne. Acceptd. Mais au vote de la section amendee, elle est rejetee par 40 voix contre 30. Puis la section est adoptee dans sa teneur primi tive. M. Sullivan demande l'ajournement et l'appel nominal le refuse par 41 voix con tre 39, savoir: Affirmative: Messieurs Abell, Austin, Balch, Bailey, Barrett, Baum, Bofill, Buckley, Campbell, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Crozat, Duane, Du fresne, Dupaty, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Gor linski, Gaidry, Grnneberg, Healy, Hart, Hills, Howes, Kavanagh, Kugler, Maurer, suivaLente. Section 25. Les hommes libres et blancs de l'Etat seroiit armis et diciplinds pour sa defense; mais ceux d'entre eux qui appartiendront a des societes religieuses dont les principes leur interdisent la profession 88 JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION Senat," de sorte que l'article 9 prdsente le texte suivant: Le lietienant-gouverneur recevra un traitement annuel de cinq mille piastres, payable par trimestre. Le reste de l'article au rapport est sup prime4, ainsi que le remplacement'a l'arti cle 22, au sujet de la durde des fonctions edu tresorier, du mot "deux" par "'quatre annees," et l'insertion apres "tresorier" des mots "l'auditeur des comptes publics." Apres le mot "Etat" a l'article 23, k la premiere ligne, supprimer "et;' insurer apres le second mot "Etat," auditeur des comptes publics. Apres le mot "Etat," a la seconde ligne, all meme article, insurer "l'auditeur recevra un traitement de dix mille piastres; le trdsorier d'Etat et le se cretaire d'Etat recevront chacun un traite meat de cinq mille piastres.I' Tous les changements ci-dessus proposes sont adopte's, ainsi que le rapport avec ses almendements. On passe au rapport du comite du judi ciaire. M. Abell propose de remettre la seconde lecture a lundi. Sur la propo sition de M. Stauffer, 36 voix contre 26 re jettent cette motion. M. Montamat propose l'ajournement, sur quoi l'appel nominal, ainsi que suit: Affirmative; 29 voix, savoir: Messieurs Abell, Belle, Burke, Collin, T. Co ok, cr Dufresner, DSi paty, upt Flagg, Foley, Fosdick. Gastinel, Gaidry, Gruneberg, Hart, Healy, Henderson, Knobloch, Mayer, Alontamat, J. Purcell, Schroeder, Seymour, Smith, Stocker, Stiner, Sullivan, Waters, Wilson —29. Negative: 'Messieurs Ariail, Austin, Bailey, Barrett, Baum. Beauvais, Bofill, Bonzano, Bromley, J. K. Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Duane, Ennis, Fish, Flood, Fuller, Geier, Harnan, Hills, Howell, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Mllendiverri. Millspaugh, Montague, Morris, E. Murphy. M. W. Murphy, Newell, Normand, Orr, J. T. Paine, Pintado, Poynot, S. Pursell, Schnui-r, Spellicy, Stumpf; Stauffer, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Wenck, Wilson-49. Sayer, E. Mur phy, O'Con ner, Orr, Poynot, S. Pursell, Schnirr, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Sullivan, Terry —39. Ndgative~ Messieurs Ariail, Beauvais, Bell, Bonzano, Bruckley, Cazabat, Cutler, Davies, Decker, Edwards, Ennis, Goldmgn, Harnan, Henderson, Hire, Howell, Maas, Mann, inontamat, Morris, MI. W. Murphy, Newell, Normand, Orr, J. Payne, J. T. Paine, Pintado, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Seymour, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Thomas. Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson —-4-1. ment. M. Bell propose la dispense du rgglement h sa troisieme lecture. Rejetd. Le president annonce qu'il a nomme du comit6 special au sujet des Institutions Charitables, MM. Henderson, president, Hills, Bonzano, Shaw et Thorpe. La Convention s'ajourne. Approuv6. JoIN- E. NEELIS, Secretaire. S.tMEsDI, le 21 Mai 1864. Conformdment k l'ajournement, la Con vention se reunit. 64 membres sont pr,sents, savoir: IMM. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Bailey, Baum, Bell, Bonzano, Bromley, Burke, Collin J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Decker, Dufresne, Dupaty, Edwards, Enni s, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Gas tinel, Gaidry, Geier, Gorlinsklii, Grune berg, Harnan, Hart, Henderson, Hills, Howell, Howes, Knobloch, Kugler, Maa.s, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, Millspaugh, Montague, M. W. Murphy, Normand, O'Conner, Ori, J. T. Paine, Pintado, Poynot, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Seymour, Schnurr, Spellicy, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Taliaferro, Terry, Wilson et M. le President-64. En l'absence d'un quorum, le sergentd'armes se met a la recherche d'autres membres. L'entr4e de MM. Barrett, Beatuvais, D uane, Smith, Waters, E. MAturphy, Bofill, Buckley, Heal y, Fosdick, Goldma n et Montamat complete le nombre. Lecture est faite du proc~s-verbal d'hier, lequel est approuv4. On passe h la troisieme lecture du Rapport du comite sur l'Ex4cntif. Ms. Cutler propo se de retrancher ce qui suit: "tandis qulqil agit comme president du Lecture du rapport, section par section; le p remie r et le second article sont, a l'unaniimit4, adoptds, dans les termes du rappo rt. 1\I. Abell interrompt la question, en pr4tendant qiie diffgrents substituts ont 6td La section 26 est adopt4e sans amende ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISAINE. offerts pour le rapport, et que la Convention ne s'en etant pas encore occup4, il en demande la lecture. Mais sur la motion de M. Foley, la Convention s'ajourne. Approuve. dat No. 38.. 21 mai-Paye le man dat No. 39.. 21 mai —Paye le man dat No. 40.. 21 mai-Payt le man dat No. 41.. 21 mai-Paye le man dat No. 42.. 21 mai-Paye le man dat No. 43.. 21 mai-Paye le man dat No. 44.. 21 mai-Paye le man dat No. 46.. LUNDI, le 23 mai 1864. Le president appelle la Convention a l'ordre a midi, et les membres suivants repondent h l'appel du r6le: MM. Ariail, Austin, Balch, Bailey, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Brombley, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Collin, Crozat, Davies, Duane, Duke, Edwards, Ennis, Flood, Gaidry, Geier, Goldman, Healy, Henderson, Hills, Howell, Kavanagh, Ku gler, Maas, Mendiverri, Morris, M. W. Murphy, Newell, Normand, J. Payne, Pintado, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Taliaferro, Terry, Thomas, Waters, Wenck et M. le president -54. Le nombre de membres n'etant pas suffisant pour former un quorum, le president donne l'ordre au sergent d'armes d'aller k la recherche des absents. Llentree de MM. Abell, Bofill, Cazabat, Dufresne, Fish, Flagg, Foley, Fuller, Gastinel, Gruneberg, Hart, Howes, Knobloch, Maurer, Mayer, O'Conner, Ong, Poynot, Stocker, Orr, Thorpe et Wilson (22 membres) compl1tant le nombre requis, le president annonce l'existence du quorum, et ic invite MM. Winfree et Russ k remplir par interim les fonctions des deux secretairesadjoints non presents. M. Hills est invite k presider la seance. Apres lecture, le proces-verbal est approuve. Le comite sur les Dispositions transitoires et sur la Mise k Execution, annonce que son rapport est en voie de progres. Le comite des Finances presente les rapports suivants: datNo. 46.. 1,876 00 8,299 00 $47,186 40 23 mai-Balance en caisse k cette date des fonds allou4s pour le paiement du pei diern des membres et de la remuineration des employes de la Convention, quarante-sept mille cent quatre-vingt-six piastres et quarante cents. RAPPPORT DU COMITE DES FINANCES SUR 1LES FONDS DES DEPENSES CASUELIES. 17 mai —Balance en caisse d'a pres le rapport No. 5.. $9,585 48 21 mai —Paye a DeCoursey, le mandat No. 45........ 826 00 $8,759,48 23 mai-Balance en caisse ce jour, huit mMille sept cent cinquante-neuf piastres et quarante-huit cents. 18 mai-Paye la somme de quinze mille piastres k W. R. Fish, pour im pressions et annonces, sur le man dat No. 37, des fonds non autre ment alloues par la Convention comnme il appert de la piece justi ficative No. 5, enregistree. M1. Henderson, au nom du comit6 spe~cial sur les Institutions d'assistance publique, presente un rapport recommandant une allocation de vingt-et-une mille piastres, distribuable ainsi que suit, savoir: Pour l'Asile des Orphelins, Nlle Orleans..................$ 1,500 00 Pour l'Asile Catholique de Ste Marie................... 4,000 00 Pour l'Asile des Femmes, rue du Camp................ 4,000 00 Pour la Maison du Bon Pasteur. 250 00 Pour l'Asile des Veuves et Or phelins Isra4lites............ 500 00 Pour IFAcile Catholique de St Joseph.................. 1,500 00 Pour la Maison de T ravail Ste Elizabeth................ 1,000 00 Pour la Socirte d'Assistance aux Orphelins, 4e District..... 1,000 00 Pour l'Institution des Gargons RAPPORT DU COMIITE DES FINANCES. 17 mail-En caisse d'apres le mandat No. 5....... $55,485 17 mai-Pay4 le man dat No. 35.. $1,040 00 18 mai-Paye le man dat No. 36.. 644 00 19 mai-Pay4 le man 12 I 89 520 00 1,240 00 1,130 00 860 00 411 00 108 00 470 00 1,876 00 JOIIN E. NEELIS, Secrgtaire. 40 90 JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION M. Henderson propose de rejeter, toute la question en entier; sur quoi, l'appel nominal donne le resultat suivant: Affirmative: Messielurs Abell, Ariail, Austin, Balch, Bromley, Burke, Collin, T. Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Decker, Edwards, Ennis, Flagg, Flood, Fuller, Goldman, Hart, Harnan, Henderson, Hills, Howell, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Mendiverri, Morris, Newell, Normard, Ong, Pintado, Poynot, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Smith, Stauffer, Wenck —41 voix. Negative: Messieurs Barrett, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Buckley, Campbell, J. K. Cook, Dufresne,, Duane, Dupaty,' Duke, Foley, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Healy, Howes, Maurer, Mayer, Montamat, E. Murphy, M. W. Murphy, O'Conner, Orr, J. Payne, J. Purcell, Shaw, Spellicy, Stocker, StumpfStiner, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters, Wilson-37 voix. La question en entier, est done rejetee. de Couleur Indigents, dans le 3e District............. Pour les Dames de la Providen ce. 3e District............ Pour l'Asile Ste-Anne pour les Veuves et Orphelins dans luindigence.............. Pour l'Asile des Enfants de 1'E glise Episcopale Protestan te....................... Pour l'Asile Catholique des Or phelins Indigents......... Pour l'Association Catholique de Bienfaisance, k Baton Rouge................... Pour l'Asile des Orphelines ' Baton-Rouge............ Pour l'Asile St-Vincent des Or phelins, a Donaldsonville.. Pour l'Asile Milne, a la Nlle Orleans................. Pour l'Asile St-Vincent des Or phelins.................. Pour l'Asile des Orphelins dans la rue Moreau............ ORDRE DU JOUR. On s'occupe du Rapport du comit6 sur le Judiciaire. Sur motion de M. Howell, le vote de samedi dernier, en vertu duquel les sections 1 et 2 furent adoptees, est repris en consideration; et, apres lecture, la premiere section est adoptee. Lecture est donnee de la deuxieme section, avec i'amendemeut de M. Abell, savoir: Elleaura un droit de contr6le general sur tous les tribunaux inferieurs ou sup6rieurs; elle pourra lancer des writs d'erreur, de supersedeas, de certiorari, d'zactbeas corpus, de quo-warranto et autres writs de secours et protection; en evoquer Glaudition et prononcer souverainement en ces causes. M. Pursell propose de rejeter l'amendement. Rufuse par 33 voix contre 28. Sur la question d'adopter, l'amendement, l'appel nominal donne le resultat suivant: Affirmative: Messieurs Abell, Balch, Bailey, Bell, Bofill, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Collin, T. Cook, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Dupaty, Duke, Ennis, Flood, Gaidry, Gruneberg, Knobloch, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, E. Murphy, M. W. Murphy, Normand, Ong, Orr, Schroeder, Schnurr, Smith, Stiner, Stocker, Stumpf, Terry, Waters —37 voix. Negative: jour. M. Sullivan propose d'y ajouter uine allocation de $3000, au profit de lAssociation. de Bienfaisance des Pompiers. M. Montamat propose de porter l'allocation a $5000. M. Sullivan y consent. M. Davies demande le rejet de ce sousamendement, et de l'appel nominal il resulte: Affirmative: Messieurs Burke, Campbell, Collin, Cazabat, Davies. Duane, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fiagg, Flood, Foley Fuller, Gaidry, Goldman, Gruneberg, Harnan, Hart Henderson, Hills, Howell, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, E. Murphy, M. W Murphy, Newell, Normand, Ong, Pintado, Poynot, Schroeder, Schnurr, Smith, Stauffer, Thorpe, Wells-38 voix. Negative: Messieurs Abell, Ariail, Austin, Barrett, Balch, Bailey, Bell, Bofill, Bromley, Buckley, J. K., Cook Crozat, Decker, Duke Dufresne, Gastinel, Geier, Healy, Howe s, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Morris, Montamat, Orr, J. Payne, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Seymour, Shaw, Spellicy. Stumpf, Stiner, Sullivan, Terry, Waters, Wenck, Wilson — 38 voix. Le president par interim declarequiune majorite n'ayant pas vote en faveur de la motion, elle est rejetee. 1,000 00 750 00 1,500 00 500 00 750 00 250 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 $21,000 00 Sur motion, ce rapport est k Ilordre du -4 ET LIAMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 91 IMM. Ariail, Austin, Barrett, Beauvais, Stocker, Sullivan, Thorpe, Waters, Wilson Bromley, J. K. Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Ed- — 21. wards, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Goldman, A la lecture du procbs-verbal, M. Abell Harnan, Hart, Henderson, Hire, Howell, propose de le corriger en biffant les mots Kugler, Maas, Mann, Morris, J. Newell. pas de quorum de votats., Le prsident J. Payne, Poynot, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Seymour, Shaw, Spellicy, Stauffer, Sullivan, remet la decision k I'Assemblde, laquelle Wilson-33. refuse la correction proposde, dgclarant qIue Dans l'absence d'im quorum, une motion le procbs-verbal est exact, par un vote de d'ajournement est portee, et de l'appel no10- 43 voix contre 18. minal il resulte ce qui suit: MI. Montamat propose ce qui suit: Affirmative: Le major gdniral N. P. Banks et soln MM. Abell. Austin, Balch, Bailey, etat-major seront respectueusement invite's Bofill, Bucklev, Burke, Campbell, J. K, k se pr:senter kL la Convention; un comity Cook. T. Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Decker, Duke, de cinq, nomme par le president, se rendra Duane, Dufresne, Edwards, Flood, Fuller, aupres du Gen. Banks, afin de lLi faire part Gastinel, Goldman, Grnneberg, Hart, Kno- de la presente resolution. bloch, Maas, 3Maurer. Mayer, MIendi- Sur motion de U. Montamat. oni se disverri, Montam~at, E. Mulrphy, M. W. Mturphy,i verri, MAlontainiat, E. Mirphy,NM. W. Murphy, pense du rooglement, et cette resolution est O'Conner. Ong, Orr, Poynot, Schnurr, Seymouir, Smith, Spellicy Stocker, Stumpf. adoptdea I unanimit:. Sullivan, Waters —43 voix. 1l,e pr(sident designe comiinoe meinbies Negative: de ce comite Mi. MM ontamat. Shaw. Cutler, MM. Ariail Barrett, Beauvais, Bell, 1Howell et Ieard. Bromley, Collin, Dnpatv, Ennis Geier, Gai Af. Hills propose ce qati suit' (Irv, Henderson, Hire, Howell, Kugler, 1 t. 1il piopose de (lii suit Mann, Morris, Newell, Normand, J. Payne, Que bec de q qes iJ. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Stauffer b res a 1 ppel du i-le d entree'a midi, Stiner, Terry, Thorpe Thomas Wenck cause ian grand retard dans les travaux de S~~~~~~~~~~~~~iltie, Cer,Tonven Tioma,Wn; Wells, Wilson —-30 voix. I Cneto E~n.ons ence l e. p 11 est iesolu, Que( les inembres qui man En coIIsequence e pidnt pn intm que ofit de repondre a leurs noms dans les declare que la Convention est bien dument quinze mimnites suivant l'heure de midi, perajournee au lendemain. midi. dront leiuir retribution quotidienne pour ~~~Approuve'~. tchaque jour d'absence. JOriN,- E. NELIis, Secretaire. M. MoItamat demande: Que la place de secretaire-adjoint, ac MARD, e 24 mai 1864. tuellement occup4e par M. F. H. Murphy, La. C se. soit declarde vacante, et que le secrdtaire La Conveto se reunit md. soit autorise ki y nommer une personne ca L'appel du r6le indique la presence de pable pour en remplir les devoirs pendant 58 membres, savoir: le reste de cette session. MM. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Bailey, Barrett, M. Terry propose: Beauvais, Bell, Bofill. Bromley, Burke Une somme de cent piastres sera payde Campbell, Cazabat, Collin, J. K. Cook, de tons fonds au tresor non autrement alT. Cook, Davies, Decker, Dufresne, Duke loues, k leffet de payer les frais d'enr6leEdwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagfg, Flood. Fcley ment de lacte d'emancipation, sur parcheFosdick, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Gr(i- mim, en langues anglaise et fran~aise, adopneberg, Healy, Heard, Hlenderson, Hills tee en cette Convention le 11 mai 1864. Hire, Howell, Knobloch, Maas, Mann I Par M. Thorpe: Montamat, Morris, M. W. Mllurphy, Newell, Resolution —-L'iuprimineur officiel de cette Normand, O'Conner, J. Payne, Pintado, Convention est invite it publier tols les Poynot, S. Pursell, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, matins, dans le rite Delta, un rapport aussi Stumpf, Stiner. Terry, Wenck, Wells et M. complet que possible des travaux de la le president-58.. seance de la veille, y comprenant un ta ILe nombre pour le quorum iIanqulant, le bleau des votes sur les appels, et une porsergent-d'armes reeoit l'ordre d?alle r'- late ide~e claire des travaux quotidiens. recherche dles absents: et les inembires sni- lde clare des travadq c quotidieios. l l~ estlcd4 (ju( cette resolution sera vants 4taut entrds.! le p~r~!sident annonlce que tl ^t(4+d lecet dolto 3r vants 6tant ontres,I lerisident onnonceqm d~posi e jnsqu'k nouvel ordre, la Convene quorum existe: ces inembres sont MM. 4p jsqu aum, Cutler Duane, paty. Fi sti tionII refutsant dispense du r4glement. nel, Gaidry, Harnan. Hart, Hlowes, Klgler, Resolution prdsentde par M. Stocker. Mayer, Mendiverri, E. Murphy, Schroeder. ddpos~e jusquiau lendemain: 9g JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION ,o Nugative: s MM. Abell, Bell. Bofill, Bromiley, Campl — bell, Collin, T. Cook, Decker, D)ufresn, - D uan(e, Duke, Dupaty, Ennis, Flood, Foley, I'Fosdick, Gastinel, Gaidry, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Harnan, Healy, Hills, Kno bloch, Mayer, Montamat, E. Murphy, M. W Murphy. O'Conner, Smith, Stocker, Stiier, u Sullivan, Terry, Waters, Wilson-36. L'amendement est (lonc rejete. L"'mendement de Henderson veonant cii Hsuite. M1. Pursell eii propose le rejet, liir l'appel noniinal, lequel donne pour rdsuliat: pAffirmative: MM.1. Ariail, Bailey, Barrett, Beauvais. Bromley, Campbell, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, Crozat, Edwards. Fuller, Gaidry, Hart, Harnan, Heard, Howell, Howes, Knobloch, Kugler, Mann, Mayer, Morris, Normanld. t Newell, J. Payne, Pintado, Poynot, S. Po-i sell, Shlaw, Stumlpf, Terry, Thorpe. Well. —,3. N('g ativ e: i IMM. Abell. Austin. Bell, Bofill, Burke, Collin. T. Cook, Cutl er, Davies, Decker. Duane. Duke, Dupaty, Ennis, Fish, Flagg Flood, Foley, Fosdick. (astinel, Geier Goldman Gorlinski. Griuneberg, Hender son, Healy, Hills, Maas, Montamat, E. Mur phy, M. W. Murphy, O'Conner, Ong. J. Pur cell. Schroeder, Stocker Staufferi. Stiner. Sullivan, Wenck, Wilson-41. La motion est donc repouss4e. On demande l'appel du role, et 70 inelilbres seulement repondant a leurs nomns, la Convention s,ajourne faute de quorum. JOnXH E. NEEL.S. Secr'taire. 5I}:RrCI~1)Te, l25 _Iiai 1864. La s6aice( s'oluvreV h itnidi, et l'appel nominal donne pour rdsultat: MM. Abell, Ariail, Barrett, Beauvais, Bell, lBofill, Bromlev, Buckley Burke, Cazabat, Canpbell, Collin, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Cr ozat, Davies. Decker, Dua ne, Dufisn, Dupaty Duke, E,-Iwards, Ennis Fish, Flaggi Flood Foley. Fo)dick Fuller, G astel, G C, Gee, Goldliin. Gorlioski, Gruneberg, Harnan, Heard HendesoII, Hills, Hire, Ho well. Knobloch; Kngler. Maas, Eann, Maurer, Mayer, 3iendiverri, Mioi tamat, Morris, H. W. Murphly, Newell, Noriiand. O'Conner, J. Pavne, Pintado, Povnot, S. Pursell. Shaw, Schnlrr, Sniith, Spellicv,'Stumpf, Stinei. Stiaufu-, Sullivan, Terry, Thoi p,e WeBlek, Well,s. Wilson, et M. Ie president-72. I,'entrde suibstqutente de Mt-l. Bansiji. ta~rt, Healy, Kavaniagi. E. NMirlphy,.I. Purcell coimplbte- lIt hiomb)rel3-i pour uIn qtuorumn. AprPns lectutre, le.joturnatl dte la d.ernet-i s6ance est approtivd. Le presidenlt soumxet;a la Conven8Ition- ttn compte portd par la ville de la Nouvelle Le president soumet i la Convention un rapport du secretaire d'Etat relatif u n ne partie de la Bibliothbque d'Etat. Sur motion de M. Hills, cette. affaire est refdrde i Ull comite de trois. et le president nomme MM.. Hills, Howell et Campbell. oRDIm -.UJOTR. la seconde lecture du rapport sur le Jiiudiciaire a lieu, en commencant par la seconde section. et les amendements d e MoIf. Abell et Henderson. Sur la ddcision de s'occuper d'abor(t de 1'amendement Abell. le president declare que la question est ouverte de nouveau. :[. Cazabat prol)ose de biffer les mots "erreur et.'' M. Cutlerpropos=e le reiet. de l'ameiideiiient et du sois-amenIdeineiit. snr quoi l'al)- pel nominal ainsi qu( suit: Affirmative: Mlessieurs Ariail. Austin. Bailevy BaX rr ett, ea uvais. Buirlke. Cazabat,. K. Cook. C(rozat, Citlcer, Davies- Edwards. Fish, Fuller, Geier Coldman Ilait, Henderson r Hleard. Howell. Howes. Kugler Maas l Mann, MIorrtis, Newell, Normand, Ong, Onrr J. Payne. lintado. T. liirell, S. Pirsell Poynot, Schroeder, Shaw, Stiimpf, Stauffer, Thorpe, Wenck. WeIlls-l, ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 93 levant'a $6,139, 13 pour frais de prpnratif5, Orr, J. Payne, Pintado, Poynot, Seymour, la salle de la Liberte' propre Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stauffer, Sullivan, afin de rendro Waters, Yenck, Wells —53. 'a l'usage de in Convention. Neative: M. Hills demande sa resollition concer- MM. Barrett, Bell, Buckley, Campbell, nant les membres absents. J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Dufresne, Fish, Flood, La motion de rejet par M. Waters est re- Foley, Gastinel, Gaidry, Geier, Gorlinski, poussee. Gruneberg,'Jarnan, Hart, Healey, Heard, M. Stoker, propose d'ajouter aprs ab- Kavanagh, Mann, E. Murphy, O'Connor, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schnurr, Schroeder, cette demande est repousse' par un vote Accepte. Sur l'adoption definitive, l'appel nominal donne pour resultat: Affimative: MM. Ariail, Austin, Barrett, Bell, Bromley, Burke, Cazabat, Collin, T. Cook, Davies, Duane, Dufresne, Ennis, Fish, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Geier, Golman, Gorlinski, Harnan, Healy, Hills, Howell, Kugler, Maa s, Mann, Mayer, Montamat, Morris, Newell, Normand, Pintado, J. Purcell, Schroeder, Shaw, Smith, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Terry, Thorpe, Wells, Wilson-45. Negative: MM. Abell, Bailey, Beauvais, Bofill, Buckley, Campbell, J. K. Cook, Crozat, Decker, Dupaty Duke, Edwards, Flagg, Fuller, Gastinel, Gaidry, Gruneberg, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hire, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Maurer Mendiverri, E. Murphy, M. W. Murphy, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, J. Payne, Poynot, S. Pursell, Schnurr, Seymour, Spellicy, Sullivan, Waters-39. MM. Abell, Bailey, Buckley, Collin, T. Cook, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Dupaty, Duke, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Gairdy, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Henderson, Hills, Kavanagh, Maurer, Maaq, Mendiverri, M. W. Murphy, E. Murphy, O'Conner, Orr, Schroeder, Seymour, Smith, m Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters —39. Negative: MM. Ariail, Austin, Baum, Barrett, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Bromley, Burke, Campbell, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, Crozat, Davies, Edwards, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Goldman, Harnan, Hart, Healy, Heard, Hire, Howell, Howes, Knobloch, Kugler, Mann, Mayer, Montamat, Morris, Newell, Normand, Ong, J. Payne, Pintado, Poynot, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schnurr, Shaw, Spellicy, Stocker, Wenck, Wells et Wilson-47. L'article 2 est donc adoptd tel que le comite l'avait r4dig6. Lecture de l'article 3, et M. Sullivan prdsente un substitut. M. Cazabat en propose le rejet. Refusd. Durant la discussion au sujet de l'article 3, la Convention s'ajourne. Approuve. La rg solution est doric adoptge. M. Foley demande sa resolution relative a l'allocation de $!00 pour l'enr6lement du decret d'emancipation du 11 mai 1864. Sur motion de M. Wilson. on en rdfbre au comite des Depenses Casuelles. ,M. Stocker demande sa resolution pour l'allocation des $22,500 pour objets de bienfaisance. M. Smith propose le rejet: accepte parun vote par assis et leve de 47 membres contre 27. Comme il n'y point de quorum, M. Stock,er demande un appel gdndral, insistant sur un vote obligatoire. Accorde, et il en rdsulte: Affirmative: MM. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Bailey, Baum, Beauvais, Bofill, Bromley, Burke, Cazabat, Collin, Crozat, Davies, Decker, Dupaty, Duane, Duke,Edwards, Ennis, Flagg, Fuller, Fosdick, Goldman, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Knoblock, Kugler, Maas, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri,! Montamat, Mor I JOHN E. {EELIrS. Secrdtaire. JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION JEUDI, le 26 mai 1864. La seance s'ouvre h midi. La pribre est dite par le Rev. Gilbert. L'appel du r8le montre la presence de MM. Abell, Ariail, Austin, Bailey, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Bromley, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Collin, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Duane, Dufresne, Duke, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gaidry Geier, Gorlinski, Goldman, Gruneberg, Hrrnan, Hart, Healy, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, E. Murphy, M. W. Murphy, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, J. Payne, J. T. Paine, Pintado, Poynot, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters, Wenck, Wells, et Wilson et M. le president-86. I1 y a quorum. Lecture et adoption du proces-verbal de la derniere seance. M. Thorpe presente la resolution suivante, qui est deposee, sujette aux reglements. "La plume dont le president de cette Convention s'est servi pour apposer sa signature a l'ordonnance d'emancipation, sera presentee au Major-Ggneral Banks, accompagne d'un certificat constatant son identitY." RAPPORT DES COMITES. Le comite sur les Dispositions Transitoires annonce que son rapport progresse; celui des Finances n'en presente point, non plus que ceux sur les D4penses, sur les Retributions et sur la Circulation. Le comite sur le rapport de l'Auditeur annonce que son rapport progresse. i M. Montamat propose la reprise en consideration de la resolution de M. Hills, adoptee bier, concernant les membres absents a l'appel du r6le d'ouverture. M. Hills propose le rejet de la motion de M. Montamat; et sur ce appel nominal, lequel donne le resultat suivant: Affirmative: MM. Ariail, Barrett, Beauvais, Bell, Bromley, Burke, Collin, T. Cook, Dufresne, Duane, Edwards, Ennis, Flood, Fosdick, Foley, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Harnan, Hills, Howell, Kugler, Mann, Newell, Normand, J. Payne, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Shaw, Smith, Stiner. Stauffer, Terry, Thorpe, Wells, Wilson-36. Ndgative: MM. Abell, Bailey, Baum, Bennie, Beauvais, Bofill, Buckley, Campbell, J. K. Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Decker, Duke, Dupaty, Fish, Flagg, Fuller, Gaidry, Gruneberg, Hart, Healy, Heard, Henderson, Hire, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Maas, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, E. Murphy, M. W. Murphy, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, J. T. Paine, Pintado, Poynot, Schnurr, Seymour, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Sullivan, Waters, Wenck-49. La motion est donc rejetee. Suir la reconsideration, lappel donne pour resulat, savoir: Affirmative: MM. Abell, Austin, Bailey, Baum, Beauvais, Bennie, Bofill, Buckley, Campbell, J. K. Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Decker, Duane, Dupaty, Fish, Fl agg, F uller, Gaidry, Graneberg, Hart, Healey, Heard, Henderson, Hire, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Mars, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, E. Murphy, M. W. Mur phy, Ong, O'Conner, Orr, J. T. Paine, Pintado, Poynot, Schnurr, Seymo ur, Spellicy, Stocker, Sulli - van, Waters, Wenck-49. N4gative: MM. Ariail, Barrett, Bell, Bromley, Buirke, Collin, T. Cook, Duane, Dufresne, Edwards, Ennis, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Harnan, Hills, Howell, Kugler, Mann, Newell, Normand, J. Payne, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Shaw, Smith, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Terry, Thorpe, Wells, Wilson-37. La motion de prise en consideration prevaut, et la motion Hills est repoussde. ORDRE DU JOUR. On reprend l'examen de la section 3 du judiciaire et du substitut de M. Sul livan. Apres une longue et habile discussion, la Convention s'ajourne. Approjvg: VENsDREDI, le 27 mai 1864. Le president appelle la Convention it l'ordre, et les membres suivants repondent a l'appel du r6le: Messieurs Abell, Ariail, Austin, Balch, Bailey, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Bromley, Brott, Buckley. Burke, Cazabat, Collin, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Crozat, Davies, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Dupaty. Duke, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg. Flood, Foley, Fuller, Gastinel, Gaidry, Geier, Goldman, Gruneberg, Hart, Healy, Heard, Henderson, Howell, 94 JOHN E. NEELIS, . Secr4taire. ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 95 Howes, Knobloch, Maurer, Maas, Mann, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, M. W. Murphy, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Orr, J. Payne, Pintado, Poynot, J. PuLrcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters, Wells, Wilson et le president-78. Le journal d hie r est lu et approuve. RESOLUTIONS. Les resolutious suivantes sont present4es et d6posdes pour attendre leur tour d'or ORDRE DU JOUR. Le rapport du comite Judiciaire est a l'ordre du jour. Sur motion de M. Hills, l'article du rgglement qui limite k une demi-heure le temps pendant lequel les membres peuvent parler sur une question, est suspendu pendant la duree de la discussion de la question du Judiciaire. Le portier annonce le Gen. Banks. Tons les membres se levent, et le Gen. Banks entre dans la salle, accompagne4 de son Ptat-major et de son Excellence le Gouverneur Hahn. Ces visiteurs de distinction sont escortes par le comite4 jusquka l'estrade ou siege le pr4sident. Le president lui souhaite la bienvenue dans une allocution courte et de circonstance, a laquelle le Gen. Banks repond par quelques mots 4loquents et bien sentis. Apres avoir exprime ses remerciements h la Convention et a son president, il declare qu'il approuve cordialement tout cc que la Convention a dgjk fait, et qu'il a la confiance que ce qui lui reste a faire sera aecompli par elle avec la meme sagesse. Le G4n. Banks ayant termine ses remarques, la Convention, sur motion de M. Stocker, suspend la seance pendant vingt minutes. A la reprise de la s4ance, M. Abell obtient la suspension du reglement et offle la resolution suivante, qui est unanimement adoptge r Resolu, Que cette Convention offre au general Banks l'expression de sa reconnaissance a raison des services qu'il a rendus au pays, d'abord comme citoyen, et en second lieu comme soldat; s'etant montr4, dans les deux cas, pre6t a tous les sacrifices pour le salut de la nation. La discussion sur le rapport du comite Judiciaire est ensuite reprise; et pendant cette discussion la Convention s'ajourne. Proces-verbal adopte. JOHuN E. NEELIS, Secretaire. dre, conformement au reglement. Par M. Bell: Re_solu, Que ce qui suit fera ddsormais partie du reglement de cette Convention: Lorsqu'une question aura ete une fois decid6e par la Convention,elle ne pourra plus lui etre soumise de nouveau, a moins que ce he soit sous forme de motion de reconsid4ration; et cette motion devra etre faite le jour meme ou le jour suivant, et appuyde par un vote des deux tiers des membres presents. Par M. Waters: Resolu, A partir de ce jour, les membres de la police de la Nouvelle-Orlans recevront du Tr4sor de l'Etat un salaire annuel de mrille piastres chacun, payable mensuellement, par douzieme; et ils fourniront leur obligation ou (bond) de la somme de mille piastres, pour garantie de l'accomplissement fidele de leurs devoirs pendant l'exercice de leurs fonctions. M. Foley demande la suspension du reglement pour statuer sur la resolution cidessus. Rejetg. RAPPORT DES COMITES. M. Cazabat, au nom du comite special des Indemnites i payer aux proprietaires loyaux d'esclaves 6mancipgs, d4clare que le comit6 fera son rapport lundi. M. Montamat, au nom du comite spdcial charge d'aller trou-er le Gen. Banks, et de linviter, lui et son 4tat-major, a faire visite k la Convention, rapporte que le comite s'est acquitte de son devoir, et quie le Gin. Banks se rendra au sein de la Convention aujourd'hui, a 1 heure de l'apres-midi. I1 n'est pas presente d'autres rapports. M. Thorpe demande l'ordre du jour pour sa resolution de la veille, par laquelle il propose que le president de cette Convention presente au Gendral Banks la plume avec laquelle il a signe l'ordonnance d'emancipation. La resolution est rnanimement adoptee. SAMEDT, le 28 mai 1864. Le president appelle la Convention a l'ordre. A l'appel du role sont presents: MM. Abell, Ariail, Balch, Baley, Barrett, Bell, Bofill, Bromley, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, Crozat, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Duke, Dupaty, 96 JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION Burke, Campbell, T. Cook, J. K. Cook, Duane, Fish, Flood, Foley, Fuller, Geier, Goldman, Gorlinski, Harnan, Hart, Healy, Henderson, Howes, Maas, Maurer, Mendiverri, Moltamat, M. W. Murphy, Normand, O'Conner. Poynot, J..Purcell, Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour. Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf. Stiner, Sullivan, Terry, Waters, Wenck, Wilson-44. M. Sullivan propose un substitut a la resolution de M. Waters, lequel est adopte. Sur la proposition de M. Cazabat de rejeter le substitut, l'appel nominal donne: Affirmative: MM. Ariail, Austin, Balch, Bailey, Beauvais, Bromley Burke, Campbell, Collin, Cazabat, Cutler, Davies, Dufresne, Duke, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fosdick, Gorlinski, Heard, Hills, Hire, Howell, Kugler, Mann, M.ayer, Morris, Orr, J. Payne, J. T. Paine, Pintado, S. Pursell, Shaw, Stumpf, Thorpe, Wells, Wilson —37. Negative: MM. Abell, Barrett, Bell, Bofill, Buckley, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Duane, Fish, Flood, Foley, Fuller, Geier, Goldman, Harnan, Hart, Healy, Henderson, Howes, Maas, Maurer, Mendiverri, Montamat, M. W. Murphy, Normand, O'Conner, Poynot, J. Purcell, Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Waters, Wenck- 40. La motion est donc rejetde, et siir demande de 3r. Abell on ordonne l'impression de ce substitut et sa mise k l'ordre du jour pour le 6 juin. M. Bofill demande l'appel du r6le; il en rdsulte la prdsence de 77 membres constatee. Au milieu de la discussion du rapport surle Judiciaire. au sujet du substitut de M. Sullivan pour la 3e section, la Convention s'ajourne. Edwards, Ennis, Flood, Foley,Geier, Gold man, Gorlinski, Harnan, Hart, Healy, Hen ders6n, Heard, Ho wes, K avanagh, Maurer, Maas, Mann, Mayer, Montamat, Morri s, W. M. Murphy, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Orr, Pintado, Poynot, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurr, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stauffer, Stiner, Stumpt, Sulliv an, Terry, Wa ters, Wells, Wilson et M. le president. Le quorum faisant faute, le sergent-d'ar moes redoit lordre de rechercher les ab sents. L'entrie d e M M. Baum, Collin, Fish, Men diverri, Fosdick, Kugler, T. Cook, Seymour, Fuller, Austin, Davies, Howel,l Hire, Beauvais, Stocker, Thorpe, au nombre de 16, constitue in quorum. Apres lect ure l e proces-verbal est approuve. M. Cazabat propose l'ajournement indefin i de la Convention pour le 6 juin. M. Montamat propose la dispense du reglement afin de prendre en consideration la susdite re solution, mais lappui des deux tiers faisant faute la resolution est remise conformdment au reglement. M. Pursell, au nom du comit4 des Depenses Casuelles, presente un rapportfavo rable au projet d'allocation pour indemniser la ville de la Nuovelle-Orleans, des depenses par elle faites pour rendre la salle de la Libert4 propre a la rdception de la Convention. I1 prdsente ensuite un rapport contraire k l'allocation demandde par M. Terry pour l,'enrolement du decret d'Emancipation. Sur motion, le rapport est adopt&. M. Austin annonce que son comite pourra prdsenter son rapport concernant le rapport de l'auditeur d'Etat, lundi prochain. M. Bell demande que sa motion a leffet d'amender le reglement soit a l'ordre, mais la Chambre le refuse. M. Waters appelle sa motion relative a la police urbaine. LND,l 0mi1(4 LU.ND, le 30 i-,i 1864. la police urbaine. ~La Convention se r,6unit, et apres la La proposition de rejeter cette motion est La Conveution so runit, t aprps in ropousee par lo v ote suivant: pribre dii Rev. Horton, l'appel nominal acrepous~e par le vote suivant ~ ~~Affirmative ~: cuse la presence des 66 inembres suivants Affirmative: MM. Abell, Ariail, Balch, eailey, Beau MM. Ariail, Balch, Bailey, Beauvais Col- M Abi, Ariail, Balch, Bailey, Beau - vais, Bofill, Buckley, Bromley, Burke, Col. lin, Cazabat,Crozat. Davies, Duke, Dufresne, ln C Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fosdick, Heard mpbl, Crozat, Davies, Dufsne, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kugler,Man' Dukle, Edwards. Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Mayer, Miorris, Orr, Pintado, S. Pursell, Foley, Fosdick, Gastinel, Geier, Harnan, Shaw, Stauffer, Thorpe, Wrells-30. Hart, Heard, Healy, Hills, Hlowell, Howes, Kavanagh, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Ngative: Mayer, Montamat, E. Murphy, M. W. Mur MM. Abell, Barrett, Bell, Bofill, Buckley, phy, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, I i t s t Joii,N E. Secr6taire. ET LA'MENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. Orr, J. T. Paine, Pintado, Poynot, J. Pur- Cet amendement est rejete, d'apris l'avis cell, S. Pursell, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, du pr4sident. Smith, Spellicy, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer,. Abel et ontamat en appellent Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson et M,. le President-66, la Convention, laquelle se prononce pour Nombre insuffisant, que complete l'entree lavis du president. de iMMf. Barrett, Cazabat, T. Cook, C(utler' Adoption du rappoet du comite d'indemDuane, Fuller, Henderson, Hire, Morris nite, et a la demande de M. Montamat on Schroeder et Stocker (11). Schroeder et Stocker (11). en ordonne l impression ~ 200 exemplaires. M-. iills presente ce qui suit: -M. Abell demande l'impression de 200 Tout memhre de la Convention, qai, exemplaires de son amendement. Refus6. Tout membre de la Convention, qui, n'ayant point de congO, manquera de re- M. Montamat, au nom du comite des Fipondre a l'appel d'ouverture dans les nances, presente le rapport suivant au sujet vingt minutes qui suivront midi, perdra sa de fonds alloes au paiement du per iem des fonds allouds au paiement du per d7iem retribution quotidienne chaque jour d'ab- des sence, a moins qu'il ne puisse justifier conventIonnels etdes employs. son absence. Mai 23-A caisse, d'a IM. Stocker propose la dispense du regle- pres le rapportNo.6. $471 40 Mai 4 —Payd ordre No. ment. afin de sxoccuper de ce susdit projet. 47.Py1349 00 ment, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~4..........$1349 00 Refuse. -Mai 24-Paye ordre No. Par M. Montamat: 48................. 416 00 P,esolu, Qu'un exemplaire de la resolu-i Mai 25 —Pay ordre No. Mai 28 —Pay4 ordre No. tion adoptde par cette Convention, l'effet 49.*.-. —.-.*.-.-.1730 00 de congratuler le gdneral Banks, lui soit Mai 28 —Pay ordre No. envoy4e inscrite sur parchemin. 0............1630 00 ~~Par )IM. Orr: Mai 28-Payd ordre No. 51................. 2330 00 Rdsolu, La Ldgislature, en sa premiere Mai 28-Pay4 ordre No. session, devra determiner par une loi le sa- 52................. 1828 00 laire alloue aux chefs d'atelier, artisans, Mai 28-Paye ordre No. charretiers et manceuvres employds aux 54................ 860 00 $10,143 00 travaux publics par l'Etat de la Louisiane et par la ville de la Nouvelle-Orl4ans; ce I Mai 30 - Balance en salaire ne sera pas infdrieur au taux ci- caisse ce jour............. $37,043 40 dessous: Nile-Orleans, le 30 mai 1864. Conducteurs d'artisans.... $4 00 par jour. J. P. MOxTA.MAT, Conducteurs de charretiers. 3 00 do lredsident par interim. Conducteurs de manceuvres. 3 00 do M. Montaat, n sa qalit de prsident A i 3 oi I: 3f~~~~. Montamlat. en sa qualit~ de president Artisans................. 3 00 (do -lanceuvres............... 2 00 do Manccuvrrs..............2 00 do par intdrim du comite des Finances prdsen M. Wells, au nom du comite pour I'in te aussi le rapI)port suivant au sujet des demnit4 h payer aux propri4taires loyaiux fonds alloits aux ddpenses casuelles pour leurs esclaves, prdsente dans son rap- Mai 23 —En caisse d~apr,s le rapport No. 6............... $8759 48 port la resolution suivante: Mai 27-Pay6 de Courcey, d'a Resolt, I.e comite4 pour l'indemnite a prs ordre No. 53............1830 85 accorder aux propridtaires loyaux pour leturs esclaves emancip4s, fera 4crire a la Mai 30 — Balance en caisse ce grosse le memoire ci-joint, par duplicata, jour........................ $6928 63 portant la signature de ses membres et l'at- Noiivelle-Orlcans, le 30 mai 1864. testation du president et du secretaire de J. P. M~NO-ITA-AT, cette Convention: il en fera parvenir un1 Pre-sidlent par interim. exemplaire au Sfnat et l'auitre a la Cham Prsident par ntim bre des Repr4sentants des Etats-Unis. La rsol'ition de M. Cazabat relative k Resolu de plus, Ce dit comit4 devra cor- l ajournement d6finitit; au 6 juin, sur motion respondre au sujet de lindemnit6., avec tels de M. Buckley est rejetfe. membres du Congrfs des Etats-Uniis qu'il Le rapport sur le Judiciaire 4tant a l'orjugera n~cessaire. M bell prsete l'anedment suivat die special du jour, la discussion s'engage M. Abell pr~sente 1;amendement suivaiit k ce sujet, et la Convention s',ajourne au Paiement en sera fait aux citoyens loyaux c sujet, et a Coention sajourn avant que la prdsente constitution n'ait e'te. ]endemain ha midi. adoptde. JoHN E. N~E:FS, Secritaire. 97 6 13 ~.JOUIRNAL DE LA C(ONVENTI()N POUR LA REVISION MARI). le 31 nai 1864. Stir motion de M. Sullivan, la resolution La Conlv(ntion se reunit: elle est appe- et l'amendement sont rejet4s. le a l'ordre par le president. I. Orr appelle sa resolution dllhier. l,e Rev. Strong dit la prir(,.. M. Hills propose de la rejeter: cette A lappel nominal, les membles stiivwnts proposition est accepte par 40 voix contre repondent it leltrs noms Messieurs Abell, Balch, Bailey, Barretl Ml ontamatal)1)el a resolutionrelative lBofill, Bromley, Buckley, Burke, Campbell. a la presentation all Gen. Banks d'un ex Collin, J. K. Cook, Crozat. Deckeri. )uke emplaire de la rdsolution de congratulation Dufresne. Edwards EnLniii., Fish. Flagg, derni~zreu-ent adoptoe parecette Conv%entioni. Flood, Foley, Gorlinski, larniian, I-eal r nt a(ot par cette Conentio. Heard, Hills, Howell, If-owes, Kavanagfh Lfecttire el est donnde et elle est adoptie Maas, Mann, Mayer, Mendiverri. Monta- li uinanimite. mat, Morris, M. A. nIurpvhy, Nell or-,. Convention soccuipe alors du rapport mand, O'Conner, Ong, Orr. J. Paynil f. T. ~aine Pintado, Poynot, urceii sur le Judiciaire et du substitiit propos6 Paine, Pintado, Poynot, J. Plurcell, S Purcell, Schroeder, SchnbTirr, Seymour. cette quezstiou 4tant It liordre spdcial do Shaw, Spellicv. Stumpf. Stinler, Stauffer, joni Su~illivan, Terry, Wa,terR. W'A s -t- I, lepr .lllvan, Tcrrvt \ter9 W otp M pi' r unle tongule discllussion. on (deman,;ident —60. Le quorum anqat le serget-ar e la question preailable. M. Sullivan ayalnt be qluorom mranqeanlt. Ic sergen~t-4 at^ s roit Ipo-dre de rechercher les ae I~'appel nominal. le secr~taire -N mle, re(,oit l,'ordlre de reehercher les ab-.. i. proc~~ele ot * 3 lglemprre.,; rc~pondlent, it leulrs sents et l entree de Messieurs Beauvais, prcde et 73 membr rpondnt leurs IBell, Fosdi,k, (Gastinel, Geier. Goldman, quorum manquant, sergnt-d'are a! t~~~~~~~ew quorum iiiatiquant, l se,rent-d~arnit89 Hart, Henderson, IHire, MIaurer. E. Muiurphv est nvo la cerhe des absents. ~~~~est envoys la ]recherche des abseiits. Smith, Stocker, Thorpe. Wenck et Wilol o popo l'ornemnt. Rei. IM. Foleyv propose l'a~joitrnement. Refiuse. (compli~te le h~om-bre requise. ~(~omplbte l nombre requis;Plusiletrs membres entrant, on fait nll no; Apr/s lecture, le proces-velrbal de li dtr- el appel di role et 76 membres rdpondant niiire seance est adoptde slea trs noms. Ie prtsident declare que le Le prdsident ayant designie l'ordie des quorum existe. travaux. M. Stocker demande la suspension O port alos questio u ladop Ol, porte atlors la question sur I'adopdu rdglement, afin de permettre a M. Thor-lamendement de. Slivan et tion de I'amendemenit de 3[. Sullivan, et pe de prdsenlter iun~e r~soltutioni. Adopt6, P~ de presenter me rsonon dopt l'appel nominal h ce sujet doinne le recsultat RsolutioIn (le M. Thorpe. it suliVaDt~ A dater dLi 31 imai l864, l'ordre du jour ffimtitive occupera les delibe'rations immddiatement a.i)rs la lecture du procis-verbal et son ii Bell, Jucke. ampbell olli -idolition, et totites le) a'ieD diuike, Foley, Gastinel. Goldman, Gruneatdop tioni, et touites. Ies aff-tkires diveirs'e,s se ont remises ab samedi do chiqe 1 b(rg, Harnan, Howes, Maurer, Morris, M. retremises ait samedi (le chaqtte semaine-. AW. IMurphy, O'Conner, Orr, Poynot. S. Pur M. Wilson) demande la suspension du rd- 11 hur Smith Stoc t fe l sl,Schnurr, Smith. Stockeir. Stauiffer,. Siilglement, afin (de s'eclper (le eette rsolt- livan, Terrv, Waters —5 li-l. Accepte. N\6gative' ,e secrdtair& ell donne lctctlr ft M. MM. A bll, triail Bailey, Barrett, Baiu ic ttat 1os 1rtisc, Bofill, Bromley, Brott, Burke, Caza 1ontnamat eni proposimainicett bat.. K. Cook. T. (Cook, Crozat, Cutler proposition est repoonss4c et Il rdsolutio ki D)ecker, Edwards. Ennis, Fish, Flagg. o-t adoptde par uin vote de ),i contre 18. Foley, Fosdick, FIiller, Gorlinski, Healy 'N. Sullivan demande l'ap)pel (,t 7(; mlem- Hiart, Hleard, Henderson. Hills, I-ire, Ho rpondet M. Sullivan propose l'amendemont si Pourrvu, Qu'aucune religion, ni aucune ~~~~~vanrl~t: ~doctrine de secte religieuose, no sera enseiIrnrer le mot "blanc"' entre les mots gnee dans les coles publiques. 143 ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 144 Murphy, M. W. Murphy, Normand, Orr, M. Austin offre l'amendement suivant O'Conner, Ong, J. Payne, J. T. Paine, Pin- pour etre ajoute audit article: tado, Poynot, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Shaw Potv, Qe la Lgislature ne sse at Schroeer, Shnnrr,Seymor,'~ Po~urviu, Que in Legislature no fasse anS chro eder, Schnum, Sr, Speir, Selyic cune allocation speciale pour le maintien Sumith, Stock er, er, Stumpfr, de tlles associatiner, Staprus Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry., Thorpe. Wa- Sullia, Talaferro, Ten Tqu'elles auront ete, reconnues comme ecoles ters, Wenck, Wells. Wilson —86. i publiques. Absents~ ~~~~~~Absents: iLa question revient alors sur la motion MM. Ariail, Bonzano, Brott, Lobdell, Milispariigh, Montague et Thomdas MlMid rejetde M. Davies, l'appel nominal est Millspaugh, Montague et Thomas; MM5 Newell et Kuger sont excuses. demande et donne le resultat suilivant: Affirmative~ Les minutes d'hier sont lues et adoptces. ffirmati MM. Abell, Austin, Balch, Baum, Beaut Sur motion de M. Montamat, l'absence do i Abell, Austin, Baich, Baum, Beau vais, Bofill, Buckley, Campbell, Crozat,. M. Heard est excus6e, etant engage a rem- Cutler, Coilin, Davies, Dufresne, Dupaty, plir ses fonctions comme juge de district Decker, Duke, Edwards, Ennis, Flood, dans paroisse d'Est Baton-Rouge Gastinel, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Hart, Howell dlans la paroisse d'Est B.hton-Roiige. KSur motion de M. Wells, messies or avanagh, Knobloch, Maas, Maurer, Men: Sur motion de M. Wells, messieurs Nor- dvri ae,Mri,Nrad n,J diverri, Mayer, Morris, Normand, Ong, J. mand et Newell sont egalement excuses. Payne, Pintado,Poynot, S. Pursell, Schnurr, Les rapports de la majorite et de la mino- Schroeder, Shaw, Stumpf. Stauffer, Talia nite du comite special sur l,Education tannt ferro, Wenck Wells —46. a i'ordre du jour ils sont mis aux debats. Negative Le rapport de la minorite presentd( par MM. Barrett, Bell, Bennie. Burke, J. K. M~. Sullivan est in.Cook, T. Cook, Duane, F is h, F oley, Fos5[I. Sullivan est Iu. dick, Fuller, Gorlinski, Healy, Harnan, M. Howell fait la motion d'amender l?ar- Heard, Henderson, Hills, Howes, Mann, ticle 1, en effapant le mot "deux' dans la E. Murphy, M. W. Murphy, O'Conner, Orr, econde ligne et inserant le mot "quatre. J T. Paine, J. Purcell, Smith, Spellicy. Adopt6. Stocker, Stiner, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe. Waters et Wilson-34. \Lf Terry ikit la motion d'amender le dit - . Terry fait l motion amender l e L'article 2 du substitut de Mt. Suiivan est article en effapant a la troisieme et quatri- en consquec rejete. en cons4qiience6 rejet6. me lignes les mots "'telles compensations Larticle 3 est adopte. que la Legislature pourrait fixer," et ils- L'article 4 est lu. rant les mots "un salaire de quatrc mill. Smith propose efacer ls mots -Ml. Smith propose d~'effacer les mots piastres par an.", piastrotodes par an."e' *Nouvelle-Orleans," et insbrer a leurs pla Srmotion do M. ontamat, i'nm ce s les mots "tels lieux qui pourront etre ment de M. Terry est depose sur la table. fixs par Legislature fi~xgs par la Ldgislature." M. S. Pursell offre le substitut suivant Aucune decision n'cst prise sur ce sujet. Art. —I1 sera 6lu un Surintendant de l,E Art-Ii sm un Surintendant doe' M. Stauffer offre le substitut suivant: ducation Publique, qui restera en fonctions r pendant quatre ans. Ses devoirs seront Art 3. Ue unverst sera able et prescrits et ses appointements fixes par maintenue, compose d troisdepatements I'Assembl~e Gencrale. k savoir: departement des lois, ddparte ment medical et departement du college. M. Montamat fait la motion de le deposer comprenant ainsi le Seminaire d'Instruc x,ir ia table.i tion de l'Etat. Adopte.' M. Sullivan fait la motion de ddposer le L'article I est alors afldopt tel qu'il est i substitut sur la table. amende. IUn vote par assis et lev6 est pris sur L'article 2 est la. cette motion et donne comme resultat 37 M. Davies propose qu'il soit rejet6. oui et 37 non. M. Henderson offre i'amendement sui- Les voix 4tant 6galement partag4es, le vant: ipresident vote dans l'affirmative. Pourvu qu'aucuns principes religieux ne Le substitut de M. St'tiffer est en conse soient enseignes dans les Ecoles Publiques quence d(pose sur la table, et l'article 4 du de 1'Etat. substitut de M. Sullivan est pris de non M. Smith fait la motion d(effacer apr les veau. mot "appropri"' dans la huitibme ligne. M. Gorlinski propose de tout effacer ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 145 I M. Henderson propose l'amendlement sui vant, lequel est d4pos6 sur le bureau: Pou?vzu, Que toutes les personnes qui seraient maintenant chargces d'ulne offense criminelle ou quii pourraient i'etre avant lFadoption de la constitution par le peuple, seront mises en liberte en fournissant des s,curitds solvables, avant et apres la conviction, aussit6t que cette Convention, par la signature de ses membres, aura prepare' la constitution pour son adoption comme il a 6t,6 dit ci-dessus. Pourvuu, Qul'aucune mise ell libertg sous caution n'ait lieu dans un cas capital, lorsquie la preuve est evidente ou la presomption grande. L'article 2 est alors adopt4. Les articles 3 et 4 sont lIs s~par6ment et adopt4s. M. Howell pr6sente alors les articles additionnels stuivants: Art. 5. Les nominations aux emplois par le Pouvoir Ex6cutif sous la constitution, seront faites par le gouverneur et les lections d'apres son autorit4. Art. 6. Le terme de service pour tons les officiers choisis par le peuple a la premiire Dlection sous cette constitution, se terminera comme si 1'41ection avait eu lieu le premier lhndi de novembre 1863, et comme si lenrs devoirs avaient commence a cette epoquie. La premiere classe des sdnateurs designee dans l'article, singera jusqunau jour de la cloture des 6lections gdnerales en novembre 1865, et la deuxieme classe jusqunau jour des elections generales en novembre 1867. M. Montamat offre le substitut suivant: Art. 3.-L'Assemblge Gendrale etablira des ecoles publiques dans tout l'Etat pour les enfants blancs seulement, et pourvoira au maintien de ces 4coles, par une taxe g4nerale sur les propri atrs o u de toute autre manibre, et l argent ainsi prelev6 sera distribue en proportion du nombre des enfants de tels ol tels a —es, ainsi qd'il sera fix6 par Sur la msotion de M. Duanae, le substitut a itm depose sur le o bur eau par suite dup vote suivant: Affirmative: Md1f. Austin, Bell, Bennie, Burke, Cazabat, T. Cook, Collin, Duane, Ennis Fish, Flood, Fol ey, Fosdick, Flagg, Gorlinski, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Mann, E. Murphy, Newell, Nor man d, J. Payne, J. T. Paine, Piutado, Poynot, Schroeder, Shaw, Smith, Sp ellicy, Stumpf, Stiner, Taliaferro. Terry, Wenck, Wells, Wilson- 42. -Ngative: MM. Abell, Balch, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Buckley, Campbell, J. K. Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Davi es, Dufresne, Decker, Duke, Edwards. Gastinel,Geier, Gruneberg, Hart, Heard, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Maas, Maurer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Mayer, M. W. Murphy,. O'Conner, J. Purcell, S. Pu rsell, Schnurr, S eymour, Stock er, Stauffer, Sullivan, Waters-38. bM. Terry offre le substitut suivant: Art. 1.-La Legislature pourvoira a 1'tablissement d'ecoles publiques dans tout l'Etat, et ces 4coles seront supportdes par des taxes sur les propridt4s ou aiitrement, imposees sur les personnes blanches; l'argent qui en proviendra sera distribue dans chaque paroisse en proportion du nombre des enfants blancs de tels ou tels ages. Des ecoles publiques seront aussi organisees dans tout l'Etat pour les enfants de couleur, et toutes les personnes de couleur seront tax4es pour leur support. Le substitut de M. Terry est adopt4 sans opposition. Le rapport de la majorite et de la minorite du comRt6 sur les C4dules est alors pris en consideration pour la deuxieme lecture. Le rapport de la minorite de M. Gruneberg est lu, et sur motion de M. Hills, le d4p6t sur le bureau a lieu. Le rapport de la majorit6 est alors lu, M. Gruneberg en propose le depot sur le bureau. Rejet4. L'article ler est lu et adopt4. L'article 2 est lu, 19 Les articles additioiinels de NM. Howell sont lus sdpar,ment et deposes sur le bureau. Le rapport est alors adopts dans son ensemble,t'dapres la deuxieme lecture. Le rapport du comite sur les Ordonnances est alors pris en mains pour la detixio me lecture. Les articles ler et 2e sont lus s4parement et adoptds. Apres lecture de l'article 3, M. Thorpe prDsente le substitut suivant: Les officiers de l'Etat 6lus le 22 fdvrier 1864, maintiendront leur ies siges jusqutau 2e lundi de janvier 1866, et l16ection de leurs successeurs aura lieu le ler lundi de novembre 1865, h moins qucil nten soit autremeiit decid4 par la loi. D4p6t sur le bureau. M. Baum presente le substitut suivant: Les officiers de l'Etat elus le 22 fevrier 1864, garderont leurs offices pour les termes assignes aux dits officiers dans cette constitution, mais ce terme expirera comme JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION si leur installation avait eu lieu le 2e lundi I MM. Burke, Campbell, Duke, Dupaty, de janvier 1864. Fosdick, Gastinel, Gruneberg, Hills, How La question premiere demandee par M ell, Knobloch, Mann, Mayer, Morris, J. T. Montamat est rejetee. Paine, Waters-15. L'article 4 est alors pris en mains et li. M. Fosdick presente le substitut suivant: M amel prs an enao M. Campbell propose d'amender en ajo Dans le cas ou cette constitution serait. acceptee par le peuple, il sera du devoir du tant le mot "'allemand."9 gouverneur de publier immediatement une M. Healy propose de retrancher le mot proclamation ordonnant aux divers officiers " frangais' de l'Etat, autorises par la loi, de tenir une M. Shaw propose d'amender en instrant election (ou h ddfaut de ceux-ci, tous autres aprs le mot dans" dans a deuxime iqu'il designera), aux lieux ddsignes par la ne le mot "d na ux e i loi, le meme jour ou l'election pour les gne, les mots "deux journaux, et dans un membres de l'Assemblee Generale, a ete journal publie dans la langue allemande, ordonnue par l'article 3 du rapport du co- les journaux choisis par le president de la mite du Departement Legislatif, pour les Convention." nominations du gouverneur, lieutenantgouverneur, le secretaire d'Etat, I'avocat- La motion de M. Foley est alors prise en general, le tresorier, l'auditeur, et tousles mains et le ddp6t en est fait sur le buofficiers elus par le peuple sons cette reau. constitution; ladite election dirigde et les La rapports fqit* comme il a gt6 pourvu dans La motion d'ajourner, par M. Austin, est le 2e article precedent. Le gouverneur et rejet~e par le vote suivant: le lieutenant-gouverneur prendront posses- Oui sion de leuirs offices pendant la premiere MM. Austin, Balch, Burke, Collin, Duke, semaine de la session de I'Assemblde-Geni- Dupaty, Edwards, Fosdick, Gorlinski, Hearale, ainsi qu'il a 6t4 ordonne par le de- ly, Harnan, Kavanagh, Normand, J. Purpartement 1egislatif de cette constitution et cell, Terry, Waters, Wells —17. tous les autres officiers ainsi 1lus, seront Non: immediatement commissionnes par le gouverneur, et tiendront leurs offices comme il MM. Abell, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, a 6td pourvu dans cette constitution. Bennie, Buckley, Campbell, Cazabat, J. K. Sur motion de M. Smith le sbstitut Cook, T. Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Davies, r l - m Dufresne, Duane, Decker, Ennis,Fish, Flagg, de M. Fosdick est rejete. Flood, Foley, Gastinel, Geier, Gruneberg, M. Shaw propose de retrancter dans laI Gaidry, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, 5e ligne les mots "les officiers de l'Etat" et Hire, Howell, Howes, Knobloch, Maas, dinserer "pour gouverneur lietenant Mann, Maurer. Mendiverri, Montamat, e pl e a Morris, E. Murphy, M. W. Murphy, Mayer, gouverneur, le secretaire d'Etat, l'auditeur Newell, O'Conner, Ong, J. Payne, J. T. des comptes publics, le trdsorier, l'avocat- Paine, Pintado, Poynot, S. Pursell, Schroegedneral et le surintendant des ecoles puibli der, Schnur, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spelli,,ues"~!cy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sulq~ues.11 quedopt~s. 11 livan, Taliaferro, Thorpe, Wenck, Wilson AdoptS. -66. L'article 3, ainsi amende, est alors adop- M. Montamat offre le substitut suivant: te4 par le vote suivant: Cette constitution sera publiee en anglais Affirmative: dans i'Era et dans le journal officiel de MM. Abell, Austin, Balch, Barrett cette Convention; et en fran5ais dans l'ABaum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Buckley, beille de la Nouvelle-Orldans. Collin, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, D~p6t sur le bureau par un vote par asCrozat, Cutler, Davies, Decker, Dufresne,sis et lev donnt ltt 42 Duane, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood,' pour rsua oui Foley, Fuller, Geier, Gorlinski, Gaidry non 27. Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Henderson, L'amendement de M. Shaw e,t alors Hire, Howes, Maas, Maurer, Mendiverri, adopte. Montamat, E. Murphy, M. W. Murphy, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, J. Payne, M Howell prsente larticle additionnel Pintado, Poynot, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, suivant: Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Art. 5. A l'lection pour i'adoption ou Spellicy, Stocker, Stiner, Stumpf, Stauffer, le rejet de cette constitution. il y aura dans Suillivan, Terry, Taliaferro, Thorpe, Wenck, chaque bureau d'election une bolte de balWells-66. lot additionnelle, dans laquelle sera depos4 Ndgative: le vote de chaque votant, et sur laquelle 146 ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 147 sera ecrit: "L'Ordonnance d'Emancipation Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Waters, acceptde" ou "L'Ordonnance d'Emancipa- Wenck, Wells, Wilson. tion rejet(e," et si ladite ordonnance est Les minutes~d'hier sont lues et adoptges. adoptde, elle fera partie de la constitution Sur la motion de M. Wells M. Gaidry est Stir la motion de M. Wells, M. Gaidry est de l'Etat, et sera inseree comme le ler et le 2e article des Mesures Gdnurales. excuse. Sur motion du ddpot sur le bureau de M. Orr est excus6 pour son absence Sur mtiondu d~,6t ur lebureu ded'hier. l'article additionnel, le oui et non est de- d hlermndd et donne le resultat suivant: AM. Montamat presente la petition sui Affirmative: l suttsiatvante, et l'accompagne de la resolution Attirmative: MM. Abell, Burke, Barrett, Bell, Bennie, suivante Cazabat, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Collin, Dec- A M4[. le President et Membres ker, Davies, Duane, Edwards, Ennis, Flagg, de la Convention constitutionnelle: Flood, Foley, Geier, Gorlinski, Gaidry, Messieurs-Les soussignds residant dans Healy, Harnan, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Ho- le faubourg Treme, second district de la wes, Maurer, Maas. Morris, E. Murphy, M. ville de la Nouvelle-Orldans, prient votre W. Murphy, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, J. honorable corps de passer une ordonnance Payne, J. T. Paine, Pintado, Poynot, J. obligeant les autorites de la ville a faire Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurr, construire aussit6t que possible, dans la rue Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Galvez, sur le canal Carondelet, un pont Stiner, Stauffer, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, exactement semblable k celuiquiexiste dWells-53. ja sur ledit canal, dans la rue Broad. Les Negative: avantages devant resulter de cette construc MM. Austin, Balch, Beauvais, Baum. tion seront immenses pour le grand nombre Buckley, Campbell, Crozat, Cutler, Dufres- de personnes qui resident dans cette partie ne, Duke, Fish, Fosdick, Gastinel, Grune- de la ville,en leur facilitant les moyens de berg, Hart, Heard, Howell, Kavanagh, suppleer aux besoins de leurs familles au Knobloch, Mann, Mayer, Mendiverri, Mon- marche Trem, - l'amlioration que de tamat, Ong, Seymour, Sullivan, Wilson mande vos petitionnaires abrdgeant la disWtat,OgSersulv, Wenck-29.'tance de pros d'un mille, et ouvrant aussi L'article de n M. Howell est consqem- une communication directe avec le premier Larticle de. Howell est consqem- et le troisieme districts. ment deposed sur le bureau. Le tout est soumis respectueusement k Le rapport ainsi amend4 est alors adop- votre honorable corps. t4 dans son ensemble apres sa 2e lecture. Nouvelle-Orleans, le 28 juin 1864. La Convention s,ajourne. John Murphy, Ruston Newlove, John Fisher, Henry Gallew, Approuve. John Siegenthaler, Joseph Upulte, JoHN E. NEEIIS, Antonie Ramusat, Heinriez Scheu tse, Secretaird. Nicholaris Frietsch, Pinna Clement' Karl Steitz, Hugh Doherty, JA 2 1864. ~ Neuhauser, Ths. Oberyefell, SAMEDI, le 2 juillet 1864 F. Aufenkolk, A. Beaise, La Convention se reunit conformement a Peter Leind, J. Baldwin l'ajournement. S. Joseph, Valentine Rothany Sont prdsents: l'Hon. E. H. Durell. prd- Ph. Schindler, S. Shmizer, E. Hlacker, Jos. Muller, sident, et les membres dont les noms suivent: Peter Freibert, Burgard Torer, MM. Abell. Austin, Balch, Barrett, Baum, George Woerney, Daniel Sheply, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Buckley, P. Kerwann, (-has. J. Lester, Burke, Campbell, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, T. S. Kaller, Wm. Graham, Cook,Crozat, Cutler, Collin.Davies,Dufresne, Fr. Robert, F. Goulemus, Decker, Duke, Duane, Dupaty, Edwards, O. Noack, Wm. C. Harrison, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Adam Spies, John Koepfer, Gastinel,Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gai- Mme E. H. Behan. James Woulfe, dry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Hender- Cassimer Glade, Freedolin Hesty, son, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes. Kava- J. W. Bailey,'John Foley, nagh, Knobloch, Maas, Mann. Maurer, John Henneberg, Jeremiah Ryan, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, E. Murphy, Herry Leebis, William Myhar, M. W. Murphy, Mayer, Newell, Normand, Hte. Demoreulle, Henry Stward, O'Conner, Orr, Ong, J. Payne, J. T. Paine, Ernest Demoreulle, C. Winketsmann, Pintado, Poynot, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, J.4Demoreulle, Paul, Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Show, Smith, D. Barker, John Funk, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Pat. Killea, Peter Funk, JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION A M.. le President et a MM. les Membres de la Conventon constitutionnelle de la Louii siane: Messieurs-Les membres soussignes de votre comit4 sur les institutions charitables vous soumettent respectueusement le rap port suivant: Que, en vle de la destitution immense qui existe dans cette communaut4, et du manque complet de ressources pour sub venir aux besoins dtes diverses institutions charitables, ils sont d'opinion que des secours doivent 6tre alloucs par votre ho norable corps, et en consequence recom mande l'adoption de ce qtii suit: M Resolu, Qu'une somme de 35.000 dollars sera, et est appropriee par le trdsor de l'Etat pour des mesures charitables; cette somme sera distribuee par un comite' dAu| moniers; nomme par le gouverneur, et comG pose de cinq citoyens dont trois constitue: ront le quorum pour transiger les affaires. Le gouverneur de l'Etat sera president ex ohqfcio du comite, les sommes seront pr4le vees par ses ordres, contresign,s par le secrdtaire du comite. Le tollt J espectueusement souimis, ALFRED C. HILLS, pr(~sident. JOHN SUl.LIVA.-' W. T. STOCKER, CHARLES SIIITH. Larins McDonell, M. Christotfell. Felix M. Jacobs, M. Halbritter, Joseph Fisher, J. Relin, William Rouke, M. Conway, Garret Kirwan, Henry Jollissaint. Francis Cullen, N. Chenal, James Cullen, Dennis Murphy,' P. Deverges, John P. Montamat. James Lilly, George Mterz, Charle s Laws on, George Eikz, Ph. Hofsmann. Michael SchalEly, E. Graeser, Adam Kirtmann. John McWittie, B. Camet, T. Kiphaut, Wolf Shreber, Joseph Gros, Conrad G ra ff. M. Bourlett, S. Lacost, Ja. Fritz, Murtz Coners, L. Latto, Barne y Kelley, Klofot, John Coner, Pour, James Butler, GP.Po a. FLombard. Mrs Filsgrliol, D. Laborde, Ed. Blust, K. Burkert, A. Schamber. John Schondardt, G. Doll, P. W. Sh erid an., P atrick B urke, C. M eIrphy, Raynol Auguste, J. Rolling, Edward Moran. H. Rolling, L. C. Prest on, Ch. Rolli ng, J am es Fallo n,. S. Oswald, Alexander Lea. Ths. Killea. John T. Ives, P. Grant, John F isher, M orris Hiccev. J ohn Buck ley, J r.. FA.A. Siener. Jas. A. Mourton, John Poley, Vor. Hebert, Jr., Mike Byrne, M. O'Donnell, Dane Byrne?, Louis Brevier, James Dunn, C onrad Murlsnur, P. Mofit, Ge. Bilher-Barb, John Cavanagh. B. Lanabere, Tary Murphy, Jacob Eichhorn. J. Warner, J. B. Henry, Laurence Rinney, Abrusir Storch, S. Roman, John Orth, A. Garrer, Joseph Henry, Conrad Brand, Louis Koch D. Constantine, T. F. Kavanagh, A. Herbee, Ernest J. Wen ck, W. Graff, Henry Boeylin. Rgsolu, Que la Ldgislature dans sa premiere session passera un acte, par lequel les autorit4s de la ville de la Nouvelle-Orlans s'engageront h faire batir, auLssitot que possible, dans la rue Galvez, sur le Canal Carondelet, un pont exactement semblable h celui qui existe sur le dit canal *lans la rue Broad. Sur la motion de M. Wells, la pdtition et la resolution sont ddposdes suir le bureau par suite d'un vote par assis et lev4, donnant pour resultat: oui, 46, non, 23. M. Hills, pr4sident du comite special sur ljes Institutions Charitables, soumet le rap-| port suivant: 148 ET L'A-MENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 14 9 l'Union qui ont perdu la vie au service de l'armee des Etats-Unis. Dep6t sur le bureau. M. Smith propose l'adoption du rapport et de la resolution; l'appel du oui et non a lieu et donne le resultat suivant: Affirmative: MM. Abell, Austin, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Buckley, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Crozat, Cutler. Decker, Dufresne, Duane, Edwards, Fish, Flood, Fosdick, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Hills, Hen- derson, Hire, Howes, Kavanagh, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Montamat, Morris, E. Murphy, M. W. Murphy, O'Conner, J. Payne, Poynot, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf; Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters et Wilson-62. Kavanagh, Knobloch, Mann, Meadiverri, O'Conner, J. Payne, J. T. Paine, Pintado, N;gative: ReJe t telt: tpla1rlU tn d Ulllso lJUdonn pou1r Nsgative o MM. Burke, Collin, Cazabat, Davies, Du- sultat oui 28, non 44. ke, Dupaty, Ennis, Flagg, Howell, Kno- M. Burke propose l'ajournement jusqu'au bloch, Newell, Normand, J. T. Paine, Pin- 11 a midi. tado, Taliaferro, Wells-16. Rejet6 sur un vote divisionnel: oui, 35 Le rapport et la r4solution sont alors non, 49. adoptes. La Convention s'ajourne alors au mer M. Austin demande le rapport du comit, credi snivant, 6 du courant, h midi. Spdcial sur le resultat des comptes de l'au- Approuv4. diteur public. Joux E. NEELIS, M. Hills propose d en retrancher la lec- Seraire. ture et de deposer le tout sur le bureau. Rejet6. ~~~Rejete. MEacREDI. le 6 juillet 1864. Lecture est donnie du rapport. La Convention se runit oformment MM. Harnan et Thorpe proposent le de- k'ajournement; et en l'absence du prdsip6t sur le bureau. dent, sur la motion de M. Beauvais,M. Hills Cette motion est rejetee par une division: est appel au fautelil. oui 15, non 45. Le secretaire fait l'appel du r6le. Les Abell propose d'ajourer l'ire membres suivants rdpondent a leurs noms d'nujourd'hui en quinze djours.n I i MM. Austin, Balch, Barrett, Baum, Beaudlaujourd'hui en qtiinze joiirs. M Terry propose le d t sur le bureau vais, Bell, Bofill, Bromley, Buckley, Burke, M. Terry propose le dIp6t sur le bureau Campbell, Collin, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Crode la motion de M. Abell.' zat, Cutler,Davies,Dufresne,Duane,Edwards Une division a lieu et donne pour resul- Ennis, Flood, Foley, Geier, Gorlinski,Grlne ~tat: oui 32, non 32. berg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, tat': oui 32, non 32. 'Hills, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Maas, Le vote 4rant partag4, le president vote Le vote tnt partage, le prsident vote Mlayer, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, Montapour la ndgative. mat, Morris, E. Murphy, M. W. Murphy, En consuquence, la motion du dp6t sur Newell, Normand, O'Conner, J. Payne, le bureau est rejete. J. T. Paine, Pintado, Poynot, J. Purcell, le bureau estrejetee.S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurr, Shaw, Un vote par assis et levd a lieu sur la Smith, Spellicy, Stocker Stumpf Stiner, motion de M. Abell, rsiultat. olii, 33; Stauffer, Sullivan, T:liaferro, Terry, non, 39. Wells, Wilson. La motion est rejetde. Le quorum naetant pas prdsent, le ser Le rapport est alors adopte par le vote gent-d'armes est envoys lai recherche des suivant: membres absents. Affirmative; Sur la motion de M. Shaw une suspension I JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION Les minutes de samedi et mercredi sort lues et adoptees. M. Shaw propose qu'un comit6 pour le3 formes et arrangements soit nommg par le prssident, consistant de cinq membres, avec instructions de classer et numdroter les articles, corriger les erreurs, et d'en faire un rapport imprim4 N la Convention. Cette motion est acceptde. Le pr6sident appointe pour le dit comit6 MM. Shaw, Thorpe, Henderson, Caz7abat et Smith. Sur la motion de M. Thorpe, M. le prdsident fait partie du dit comit4. M. Smith presente la resolution suivante qui est ddposee sur le bureau: Attendu, Que pendant la pr6sente rdbei: lion des individus, aiusi que diverses corporations des paroisses, ont cmis du papiermonnaie de nulle valeur et ont oblige la classe pauvre et loyale de cette communaut4 k le recevoir dans la circulation, il est Risolu, Qu'un comit6 compose6 de cinq personnes soit nomm6 pour prendre en consideration la ndcesslt6 de former un ou des articles pour pr6venir le retour de semblables abus, et de s'emparer des propridtes de n'importe quelle nature appartenant soit au marl, soit k la femme, soit aux paroisses ou aux corporations pour la redemption des dits billets, et que le comit, soit aussi autorise k soumettre k la Convention, pour etre approuvd ou rejet4, un projet de petition a envoyer an Congres des EtatsUnis, demandant les pouvoirs ndcessaires pour obliger les paroisses de l'Etat de la Louisiane k appliquer le produit de la vente des proprietds des citoyens ddloyanx h retirer de la circulation le dit papier. M. Abell propose la reconsideration di vote de vendredi dernier, sur l'article additionnel de M. Howell, concernant la soumission au vote du peuple (le 1'or(donnanc( d'Emancipation. M. Montamat, pour le comit6 des Finances, soumet le rapport suivant: Rcapport du comtit des FiT?ances de la Con veintiort constitutionnell e sur les fonds ser vant au paiement journalier des membres. salaii-e des officiers et employes: 1864. Juiin 25 —Balance en mains du trdsorier de I'Etat........,. $19,074 10 Juillet 2 - Pay4 le bill No. 81........$2,030 00 Juillet 2 -- Pay6 le bill No. 81..... 2,170 00 Juillet 2 — Pay4 le bill No. 8 1.....2,860 00 de quinze minutes a lieu; k l'expiration l'appel se fait a nouveau et donne le resultat suivant: MM. Austin, Balch, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Bromley, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Collin, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Dufresne, Duane, Edwards, Ennis, Flood, Foley. Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howe,, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, E. Murphy, M. W. Murphy, Mayer, Newel-, Normand, O'Conner, J. Payne, J. T. Paine, Pintado, Poynot, J. Purcell, S. Purs.ll, Schroeder Schnurr, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, Wells, Wilson-72. Absents: M. le prrsident et MM. Abell, Ariail, Bennie, Bonzano, Brott, Cazabat, Decker, Duke, Dupaty, Fish, Flagg, Henderson, Lobdell, Millspaiigh, Montague, Ong, Orr, Seymour, Thorpe, Waters, Thomas et Wenck —23. I1 n'y a pas de quorum. M. Balch propose d'ajourner. Rejetd par suite d'une division-oui 25, non 33. Apris un delai, le quorum n'ayant pu etre forme, sur la motion de M. Smith, la Convention s'ajourne k demain. h midi. Approuv6. JEUDI, le 7 juillet 1864. La Convention se reunit conformdment k l'ajournement. L'honorable E. H. Durell, prdsident, au fauteuil. A l'appel du role, les membres dont les noms suivent rdpondent a leurs noms: MM. Abell, Austin, Balch, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Bromley, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Coilin, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Decker, Davies, Dufresne, Duane, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Kugler, Knobloch, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, E. Murphy, M. W. Murphy, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, J. T. Paine,. Pintado, Poynot, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Spelicy, Smith, Stocker, Stumpf, S'iner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-84. 150 JOHN E'tNI',El 18. - -. I-' i 1. ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 151 Juillet 2 — Pay4 le bill No. 82........ 1,981 00 Juillet 2 - Payd le bill No. 83........ 1,199 8'-$10,240 82 la Conventior_ des membres qui n'ont pas vot6 sur cette.uestion. iM. Austin offre la r,solution suivante: Resolu, Que les membres de cette Couvention ayant 6t6 envoy4s k la Convention de Baltimore soient autoris,s a recevoir leur per diem. D,pot sur le bureau. M. Abell demande la lecture de l'article additionnel de M. Howell, offerte vendredi dernier. sur la motion de reconsiderer, apres la lecture. M. Smith propose le ddpbt sur le bureau de reconsiderer la motion. Adopte par un vote par assis et lev6, oui 46, non 27. La Convention alors resume la deuxibme lecture du rapp)ort de la minorite du comite sp6cial sur l'Education, presentd par M. Sullivan. Le rapport ainsi qu'il a gtd amenda est lu; alors M. Terry offre le substitat suivant h l'article 2: Art. 2. La Legislature 4tablira des Ecoles Publiques dans tout l'Etat pour l'ducation des enfants blancs et pourvoira au soutien des dites 4coles par une taxe levee sur les proprint,s des personnes blanches; et le montant quli en proviendra sera distribue dans chaque paroisse en proportion des enfants blancs qui y sont, et suivant l'age ainsi qu'il sera fixe par la loi. La Legislature pourvoira aussi a l'etablissement d'ecoles publiques dans toutl'Etat, pour l'education des enfants de couleur, et pourvoira au soutien des dites 4coles par une taxe levee sur les propridtds des personnes de coileur; et le montant en sera distribud dans chaque paroisse en proportion du nombre d'enfants de couleur, et suivant l'age ainsi qu'il sera fixe par la loi. M. Henderson presente le substitut suivant pour celui de M. Terry, savoir: Art. 2. La Legislature prelevera une taxe sur les propri4tes des personnes blanches possedant des proprintes dans l'Etat pour a l'education des enfants blancs dans les 4coles publiques, et l'argent qui proviendra de cette source, ne pourra avoir une autre destination. La Legislature levera une taxe speciale sur les personnes de couleur dans l'Etat et sur leurs propridtes, a l'cffet de subvenir 3 l'education des enfants de couleur dans les dcoles publiques. L'argent provenant de cette source, ne pourra etre autrement employe. M. Davies offre comme substitut le premier article du rapport du comit4 sur la majOrit&. Juillet 5-Balance en mains............. $8,806 28 A laquelle somme il est bon d'ajouter 1,199 82 payee pour le salaire des employcs, ce qui proprement appartient au compte de depenses. La somme de $2,328 08 etant la balance en mains pour les depenses casuelles, a et6 depensee,en consequence ce compte reste S decouvert de la somme de $1,199 82, laquelle somme a 6td employse comme il est dit ci-de,sus. Balance nette en mains, $10,006 10. M. Montamat soumet la recommandation s,tivante au nom dudit comitd: La Convention 4tant sur le point de s'ajourner, votre comite vous recommande respectueusement qu'une compensation soit donnee aux officiers de votre honorable corps dont les noms suivent: M. J. E. Neelis, $500 00; L. O. Moreau, caissier et secretaire du comite des Finances, $250 00. Soumis respectuesement. JOEN P. MC:T;1AMAT', President du comite des Finances. JOHN SULLIVAN. L P. NORMAND. M. S. Pur s ell soumet le rapport suivant dui comit4 sur les Depenses Casuelles: A l'honorable Presidlent et 3IM. les Membres de la Convention constiatttionnelle de la Louisiane: MESSIEERS-Votre comit4 sur les D6penses Casuelles, a l'honneur de vous faire connaitre que la somme de $25,000, qui avait 6td votee pour le contingent est e4puise. II deman p e de une somme en plus de $5,000, et offre la resolution suivante: Resol u, Qn'une somme de $5,000 sera et est appropriee des fonds gdneraux de l'Etat, pour subvenir aux depenses casuelles de cette Convention. S. PURSELL, prdsident. JOHN PAYNE, JOHN A. NEWELL, JAMES DUANE, ROBT. B. BELL. Les reglements sont suspendus et la r1solution adoptde. M. Stauffer se lve sur une question de privildge, et dit qu'il a appris que M. Kno-loch n'avait pas vot4 sur l'ordonnance d'En ancipation, en consequence, le secr~taire rc9oit l'ordre de faire demain un rapport m JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION Rejet6. Duane, Decker, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Fos La question est alors mise aux voix pour dick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, La uesiones alrs iseau vox purGruneberg, Gaidry, Healy. Harnan, Hart, l'doption du substitut de M. Henderson. Gruneberd, Henaidrson, Hills, Hire, Howaell. Sur la demande d'une divivion, le substi- Howes, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Manii, tlt est adopts par le vote suivant: oui 50 MAendiverri, Montamat, Morris, M. W. Mur ~~~non 19.l~ ~phy, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, J. T. Paine, Pintado, Poynot, J. Purcell, ,4. Hills offre 1'article additionne! sui ~~M~~~~~~S. Hlls offre lartle addtonnel u Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurr, Shaw, vant: Smith, Spellicy, Taliaferro, Terry, Wenck, Tous les etablissements sols le nom d'A- Wells, Wilson-71. sile pour orphelins, qui entretiendront plus La motion d'ajourner est par corsequent de 200 61ves, seront considdres comme jete. ecoles publiques de l'Etat. Le substitut de M. Cazabat, est alors Sutr la motion du ddp6t sur le bureau, adopt par le vote suivant adopts par le vote suivant' l'appel par oui et non a lieu, et donne le rd- ffirmave Affirmative:~ sultat siuivant* su*tat snivant MM. Austin, Bennie, Bofill, Bromley, Affirmative: Burke, Campbell, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, Col MM. Baum, Beauvais, Burke, Camp- lin, Davies, Decker, Edwards, Ennis, Fish. bell, Collin, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, Dec- Flagg, Flood, Gastinel, Gaidry, Hart, Hire. ker, Davies, Edwards, Ennis. Flagg, Flood, Heard, Howell, Kugler. Maas, Mann, MalGastinel, Geier, Gaidry, Hart, Heard, Hire, rer, Montamat, Morris, Newell, Normand, Howell, Kavanagh, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Ong, J. T. Paine, Pintado, Poynot, S. PurMendiverri, Morris, Newell, Normand, cell, Schroeder, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Ong, J. T. Paine, Pintado, S. Pursell IStumpf, Stauffer, Taliaferro, Wenck, Wells. Schroeder, Seymour, Shaw, Stumpf, Talia Wilson-41. terro, Wenck, Wells-39. Negative Negative: MM. Abell, Barrett, B'uckley,T.Cook,Cro MM. Abell, Austin, Balch, Barrett, Bell, zat, Cutler, Dufresne, Duane, Foley, FosBennie, Bofill, Bromley, Buckley, T. Cook, dick. Fuller, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Crozat, Duiresne, Duane, Fish, Foley, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Henderson, Hills. Fosdick, Fuller. Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Howes, Knobloch, M. W. Murphy, O'ConHealy, Harnan, Henderson, Hills, Howes, ner, Orr, J. Pursell, Schnurr, Stocker, StiKnobloch, Maurer, Montamat, M. W. Mur- ner, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters-32. phy, O'Conner, Poynot, J. Purcell, Schnurr, Le rapport, ainsi qu'il a 6t6 amend4, est Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stiner,Stanffer,Orr rppor, ansi quil a ete amend, est Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters. Wilson~ alors adopts dans son ensemble, a sa se43. conde lecture par le vote suivant: La motion du depot sur le bureau est en Affirmative consequence rejet~e. MM. Austin, Barrett,Bell,Bennie,Bromley. M. Cazabat presente le substitut suivant Burke, Campbell, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, Davies, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, suar Ilarticle de M. Hills, savoir' ur l*aril Flood, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Hart, Aucune appropriation ne pourra etre Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Kugler, tfaite par la Legislature pour le support de Maas, Mann, Maurer, Montamat, Morris, n'importe quelle ecole on institution parti- Newell, Normand, Ong, J. T. Paine, S. culieres. mais les plus grands encourage- Purcell, Schroeder, Schnurr, Smith, Stumpt. ments seront donnes aux 4coles publiques Stauffer, Taliaferro, Wenck, Wells, Wilson dans tout l'Etat. — 44. La motion du dep6t sur le bureau est re- Negative: jetee par un vote par assis et leve, donnant MM. Abell, Bofill, Buckley, T. Cook, Coljtoui 36, non pa3. usietlv,d a lin, Cutler, Dufresne, Duane, Decker, Fo Lamotiondajou rer 36t faite, 53t surlap- ley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gruneberg, Guidry, La motion dajourner est faite, etsr lap- Healy, Harnan, Heard, Howes, Knobloch, pel le rdsultat suivant est donn6: M. W. Murphy, O'Conner, Orr, Pintado, Affirmative: J. Purcell, Shaw, Spellicy, Stocker, Stiner, MM. Buckley, Burke, Edwards, Waters ullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters-32. -4. La Convention s'ajourne alors a demain Nggative: ~ midi. MM.Abell,Austin, Barrett,Bell,Bennie,Bo- ApprouLve fill, Campbell, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, JOHN E. NEELIS, Crozat, Cutler, Collin, Davies, Dufresne, Secrdtaire. 152 ET L'AMENDME DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANER 153 VAs-Dru)l, le 8 juillet 1864. h l'6ducation des orphelins, soient consld La Convention so rnt conformmnt comme 4coles pabliques de l'Etat, et La Convention se runit conformHment| resoivent leurs fonds au prorata. a l'ajournement. tMr. Stauffer propose le ddp6t sur le bu L~honorable E. H. Durell, president, au Lhnfau rbeteui Durell, prlsid.nt, ai reau du proviso-ssur quol la questlon du oui et non est ordonnde et d(lonne le rdsultat A l'appel du r6le, les membres suivants suivant suivant' rdpondent k leurs noms Affirmative: MM. Abell, Austin, Balch, Barrett,Baum, MM. Baim, Beauvais, letiuie, Bofill, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Bromley, Bromley, Burke, Campbell. J. K. Cook Buckley, Burke, Collin, Campbell, Cazabat, Collin, Davies Edwards, Ennis, Flagg. J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Flood Gastinel, Geier, Gaidry, Hart, Hire Dufresne, Duane, Decker, Edwards, Ennis, Howell, Kugler, Maas, Morris, Newell. Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Normand J. Payne, J. T. Paie, Pintado 11 ~~~~~~~Normand, J. Payne, J. T. Paine, Pintado, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gal- PursellchroederSeymorShawmith dry,Heal, Hrnan Hat, Hard Heier-S. Pursell, Schroeder, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, dry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Hender- Stumpf, Stauffer, Taliaferro, Wenck, Wells. son, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Wilson-39. Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, E. Murphy, Ngatv: M. W. Murphy, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, MM. Abell, Austin, Balch, Barrett, Bell, Orr, J. Payne, J. T. Paine, Pintado, Poynot, Buckley, T. Cook, Crozat, Dufresne, Decker, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurr, Duane, Fish, Foley, Fuller, Fosdick, GorSeymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, linski, Gruneberg, Healy, Harnan, Heard, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Taliafer- Henderson, Hills, Howes, Kavanagh, Knoro, Terry, Thorpe, Waters, Wenck, Wells, bloch, Mann, Maurer, Montamat, E. Murphy. Wilson-84. M. W. Murphy, Orr, Poynot, J. Purcell. Ls minutes d'ier sont lues et adoptes. Schnurr, Spellicy, Stiner, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters-40. M. Davies prosente la rsolution sui- La motion du ptsu le bureau et La motion du ddpbt su2' le bureau eat vante: vant-e: ~~~~~~~alors rejet~e. Qu'il soit rdsolu, Que la Lggislature de aorso l'Etat, dans sa premiere session, regoive les Sur la motion de l'adoption du proviso, instructions nocessaires des autorites de la l'appel par oui et non a lieui et le proviso ville pour la construction d'un pont dans rejet4 par Ie vote suivant: la rue Claiborne, sur le nouveau canal, ap- Affirmative: partenant au Canal and Baulking C0pan. a nt-ln i MM. Abell, Austin, Balch. Barrett, Beau D4pot sur le bureau. vais, Bell Buckley,T. Cook, Dutfresne,Duane. MA. Montamat prgsente la resolution suii- Decker, Fish, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gorvante: linski, Healy, Harnan, Heard,Henderson, Hills, Howes, Kavanagh. Kniobolch, i Une ordonnance autorisant la Corpora- Hill, Howes, Kavanagh. Knobch, tion d ville d a NouvllOrlns Murphy, M. W. Murphy, Orr. J. Purcell. tion de la ville de la Nouvelle-Or14ans kScnr,peiy,Sokrtn.Sllvn batir un pont sur le canal Carondelet, en TeSchnurr, Thorpe, llicaStockerStin- -3(ull;.van face la rue Galvez, semblable k celui qui Terry, horpe, Waters3 existe dans la rue Broad: Negative: Qu'il solt ordonn~, Que la Corporation de MM. Baum, Bennie, Bofill, Bromley. la ville de la Nouvelle-Orleans soit et est Burke, Campbell, J. K. Cook, Crozat, Collin? autorise ka batir un pont sur le canal Ca- Davies, Edwards, Ennis, Flagg. Flood, Gasrondelet, oppose a la rue Galvez, semblable tinel,Geier, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Hart, Hire ' celui qui existe deja au bas de la rue Howell, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Mendiverri. Broad, de maniere a ne pas porter obstacle Montamat, Morris, Newell, Normand, J. a la montge ou la descente des vaisseaux; Payne, J. T. Paine, PiutaIo, Poynot, S. cette ordonnance derant avoir force de loi Pursell, Schroeder. Shaw, Smith. Stumpf de suite apres son acceptation. Stauffer, Taliaferro,Wenck, Wecll.. Wilsor Depot sur le bureau. 44. Le rapport du comil' special sur l'ddu- M. Smith propose 1ladoptioin du rapport. cation est pris en mains pour la troisiime apris la troisiime lecture, l'appel par olli lecture. et non est ordonn( et donn le Ie rsultat sni M. Sullivan prdseute le proviso suivant k vant: l'article 2: Affirmative: Pourvu, Que toutes les institutions, quelle MM. Austin, Barrett, Beauivais, Bell, que soit la denomination, comprenant le Bennie, Bromley, Burke, Campbell, Collin. caractkre mixte de charitd et d'asile, servant J. K. Cook, Davies, Edwards, Ennis, Fish. 20 JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION Flagg, Flood, Gastinel, Geier, Gaidry, Hart, Henderson. Hills, Hire, Howell, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Mendiver ri, Morris, E. Murphy, Newell, Normand, J. Payne. J. T. Paine, Pintado, Poynot, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Smith, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Taliaferro, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-50. Negative: MM. Abell, Balch. Baum, Bofill,. Buck ley, T. Cook, Crozat, Dufresne, Duane, Decker, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Healy, Harnan, Heard, Howes, Kavanagh, Maurer, Montamat, M. W. Mur phy, O'Conner, Orr, Shaw, Spellicy, Stocker,lSullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Waters-32. La motion passe, en consdquence, i.t le rapport est adoptd apres sa troisieme lecture. Le rapport du comite sur les Cddules est alors pris en considedration pour la troisieme lecture. M. Henderson presente le proviso suivant: Les voituriers pa r terre et par eau, dans tous les cas de contrats et quasi-contrats, offenses ou quasi-offenses, lorsque d'aprbs la loi ils sont parties interessdes, peuvent Otre sujets k des dommages et interots, d'apros la jurisprudence anglaise et americaine qui concerne les voituriers par terre et par eau, de semblables dommages sont legitimes et justes. Sur la motion d'adopter Te proviso, le vote suivant a lieu: Affirmative: MM. Balch, Bell, Bennie, Buckley, Campbell, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Crozat, Duane, Flood, Foley, Gorlinski, He aly, Harnan, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howes, Kavanagh, E. Murphy, M. W. Murphy, O'Conner, Orr, J. T. Paine, Poynot, Smith, Stocker, Stiner, Terry, Thorpe, Wilson-31. Ndgativec MM. Abell, Austin, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bofill, Bromley, Burke, Cutler, Collin Davies, Dufresne, Decker, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Hart, Heard, Howell, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Newell, Normand, J. Payne, Pintado, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder. Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Spellicy, Stumpf, Stauffer, Sullivan Taliaferro, Waters, Wenck, Wells-51. En consequence, le proviso de M. Henderson est rejete. Le rapport est alors adoptd apres sa 3e lecture. Le rapport du comito d'Ordonnance est ure. M. Shaw propose comme proviso, de retrancher dans la 5e ligne du ler article le mot "trois" et d y siibstituer le mot "premier"; et dans la 6e ligne, de retrancher "juillet" et y substituer "septembre." Aussi, dans la lre ligne du 2e article, retrancher le mot "premier" et y insgrer "trois,' et dans la 2e ligne du meme article, retrancher le mot "aouft" et y insdrer "septembre"; de plus, insurer apres le mot "office' dans la 8e ligne du 3e article, les mots "et retiendront leurs offices pour le terme fixe par la constitution, a partir du second lundi de janvier prochain, dans le cas ou ils n'entreraient pas en fonctions { cette epoque," et inserer apres le mot "constitution", dans la 12e ligne du meme article, les mots l"et s'ils n'entrent pas en fonctions avant, 116lection de leurs successeurs aura lieu le ler lundi de novembre 1867; dans toutes les paroisses ou l1;lection pourra se faire les officiers elus h cette epoque entreront en fonction s le 2e emndi de janvier 1868," et de plus, inserer dans la Ire ligne du 4e article, apres le mot " en,'t les mots "trois journaux choisis par le president de la Convention, a savoir: deux publids en anglais et en frangais et un en allemand," et inserer aussi dans la 3e ligne du meme article, apres le mot "ajournement" les mots "de la Convention," retrancher de la meme ligne le mot "trois" et inserer "premier" et dans la 4e ligne, retrancher le mot "juillet'd et insdrer "septembre."1 Le proviso de M. Shaw est accepte par la Convention. et le rapport adopte apres sa' 3e lecture. La Convention s'ajourne alors a demain lundi. Approiiv4. 154 ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 155 est dit par la communication du secretaire de l'Etat, ainsi que par le gardien de Ia librairie. Le rapport et la resolution sont adoptes et le comite est decharge. M. Bell offre la resolution suivante: Attendu, Qu'il existe une dette resultant de l'inauguration du 4 mars 1864, pour la premiere election libre des officiers de l'Etat de la Louisiane et autres depenses encourues pour le meme motif, montant a une somme de $10,000; Qu'il soil en consequence rdsolu, Qu'une somme de $10,000 soit et est approprice pour lamortissement de la dite dette, approuve par un comite de sept membres compose de l'auditeur de l'Etat, du trbsorier et du secretaire de l'Etat, enfin de qua tre membres de cette Convention nommes par le president. M. Henderson offre le substitut suivant qui est accepte par M. Bell: Attendu, Qu'une dette de $10,000 a ete contractee pour la formation de l'Etat libre de la Louisiane; Qu'il soit resolu, Que la dite somme soit payee du tresor de l'Etat, sur le warrant du gouverneur du dit Etat. La resolution est mise aux voix, et sur l'appel par ouLi et non, le vote suivant est rendu: Affirmative: MM. Austin, Barrett, Beauvais, Bell, Buckley, Burke, Collin, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Duane, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Henderson, Hire, Howes, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, E. Murphy, Newell, Normand, Orr, O'Conner, Ong, Pintado, Poynot, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-58. Negative: MM. Abell, Balch, Decker, Dufresne, Heard, Howell, Kugler, Maas, Mayer, Montamat, Morris, M. W. Murphy, J. Payne, Sullivan-14. Par suite du manque de quorum pour voter, l'ordre pour l'appel nominal est donne; 75 membres seulement y repondent. Le sergent-d'armes est envoys k la recherche des membres absents; quelques-uns ayant repris leurs sieges, le vote sur l'adoption du substitut de M. Henderson a lieu de nouveau et donne le rgsultat suivant: Affirmative: MM. Austin,Barrett,Beauvais,Bell,Buckley, Burke, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Crozat, Collin, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Howell, Howes, Knobloch, Kugler, Mayer, Mann, Maurer, Montamat, M. W. Murphy, Newell. Normand, O'Conner, Pintado, Poynot, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, S t umpf, Stiner, Stauffer, S ulliva n, Taliaferro, Terry, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson -63. Apres un delai le quorum 4tant present, la Convention s'ajourne. jeudi prochain, 14 du courant, k midi. Approuv,. JLoIDI, le 14 juillet 1864. La Convention se retunit conformement A l'ajournement. L'honorable E. H. Durell, president, au fauteuil. A l'appel du r6le, les membres suivants rdpondent a leurs noms: MM. Abell, Austin, Balch, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Buckley, Burke, Collin, Campbell, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Decker, Davies, Dufresne, Duane, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knoblooh, Kugler, Mayer, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, E. Murphy, i. W. Murphy, Newell, Normand, Orr, O'Conner, Ong, J. P ay ne, Pintado, Poynot, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson.: Les minutes de vendredi et de samedi sont lues et adoptees. Sur la motion de M. Bell, M. Stauffer est excuse pour cause de maladie. M. Hills, president du comite special pour la Librairie de l'Etat, soumet un rapport verbal et demande que le comitd soit dechargg de ses devoirs en ce qui concerne cette charge; il offre egalement la rdsolution suivante: Resolu, Que les remerciments de cette Convention soient et sont ici offerts au g4ndral Banks et au gouverneur de l'Etat, Michael Hahn, pour les soins et la bonne volontg qu'ils ont mis a expddier de BatonRouge en cette ville les divers volumes appartenant h la librairie de l'Etat, aiusi quq'l Joii.x E. NEELIS, Seer6taire. 156 JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION Culter,Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Edwards, Buckley, Crozat, Cutler, Dufresne, Decker, Ennis,Fish, Flagg. Flood, Foley, Fuiller,Gas- Edwards, Fish, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, tinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Ilealy, Harnan, Hart, Gruneberg, Healy, Heard, Howell, KnoHenderson, Hire. Ilowes, Mann, Maurer, bloch, Maas, Mendiverri, Montamat, MorMendiverri, E. Murphy, M. W. Murphy, ris, Mayer, M. W. Murphy, Newell, NorNewell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, mand, Ong, J. Purcell, Schnurr, Seymour, Pintado. Poynot, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Stumpf. Sullivan, Thomas, Waters, Wenck. Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Wells,Wilson-38. Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Negative Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe. Thomas, Waters, MM. Austin,Bell,Birke,Bennie,J.K.Cook. Wells, Wilson —60. Wells,v!isn O T. Cook, Collin, Davies, Duane, Dupaty, ~~Ne~gative: I~ Ennis, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Gorlinski, Har MM. Abell, Balch, Decker, Dufresne, nan, Hart, Henderson, Hills, Hire, HowesHeard, Howell, Kugler, Maas, Mayer, Mon- Kugler, Mann, Maurer, E. Murphy, Orr, tamat. Morris, J. Payne, Sullivan. Wenck- O'Conner, J. Payne, Pintado, Poynot, S. 14. Pursell, Schroeder, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy. Le substitut de Mf. Hendeison est alors Stocker, Stiner, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe adopt4. M. Hills est exciius de voter sur la question prgcddente. M. Montamat, prdsident du comite des Finances, soumet le rapport suivant: RAPPORT DU COMITE DES —FINAN(Ap','S. Montant de la pale journalibre des membres du 2 au 3 juil let 1864................... $7,8(00 00 Pay4 pour le salaire des offi ciers...................... 1,981 00 Montant des ddpenses diverses 2,411. 25 $12,192 25 l'ajournement. Balance en mains...............$1,123 03 Prdsents l'honorable E. H. Durell, prsiquii appartiennent au compte des ddpenses dent et les membres suivants: div~~~~~~ ~~~~erses et les membres suivants: diverses. I Votre comite recommande.quil soit ai- MM. Abell, Austin, Balch, Barrett, tose tirer sur les fonds gneraux du tr Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Bucksoris dier sttirle Insom gn,cesareaux dualesor de l'Etat la somme ngcessaire aux paie- ley, Burke, Collin, Campbell, Cazabat, J. K. mets des membres, officiers, employ et Cook, T. Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Decker, Da mens ds mmbrs, ffcies, mply~setvies, -Dufresne, Duane. Diipaty, Edwards, d~penses diverses, jusqi'k la fin de la ses- vies, Dufrese, Duane, Dupaty, Edwards, sion. Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fuller. Soumis respectuieusement, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gai JOHN P. MONTAMAT, dry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Hen Assitant en qualit de prsident d co- derson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, KavamAitnte n t des nagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Mayer, Maas,Mann, mite des Finances. Nouvelle-Orlans le 8 juillet 1864 Maurer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, ~~' |E. Murphy, M. W. Murphy, Newell, Nor Sur motion faite, le rapport et la recom- mand, O'Conner,J. Payne, J. T. Paine, Pinmendation sont adoptds. tado, Poynot, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroe M. Thorpe offre la resolution suivate der, Schnurr, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stoc ker, Stumpf. Stiner, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Resolu, Que toutes les ddcisions des cours Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Wenck, de l'Etat qui declarent que l'esclavage Wells, Wilson-82. existe toujours dans la Louisiane, sont co es intes d'hie sont lues t adoptes R-I Les minutes d'hier sont lues et adoptdes. traires aux lois fondamentales de l'Etat. et Suar motion de Ml. Flagg, I'absence de M.Nf en contradiction avec l'ordonnance d'Emancipation passde par cette Convention. Seymour est exciiusde. M. Sullivan propose le ddp6t de la r6- M. Montamat, prsident du comit6 des solutio sur le bureau. Finances, prdsente la rsolutioi suivante, solution sur le bureau, Sur cette question, l'appel par o t n on qui et nadoptoe, sanoir a lieu et donne le r6sultat snivant Rsolu, Qe le comit6 des Finances soit et est autorisd 4 tirer sur le trdsor de l'Etat Affirmative: le montant des sommes ndeessaires pour le MM. Abell, Balch, Barrett, Beauvais. paiement des membres, officiers, employ~s Jou.N E. NFELIS, Seer6taire. VENDREDI, le 15 juillet 1864. La Convention se r6unit conforme,ment, k ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 157 et les depenses diverses de cette Conven- Etats-Unis, demandant les pouvoirs ndeestion. saires pour les paroisses de l'Etat de la Loui M. Smith presente la resolution suivante: siane, d'appliquer le produit de la vente Rolu, Que cette Convetion ayant des propridetds des citoyens ddloyaux, k re R~solu, Que cette Convention ayan't p i e delyiclto ei a~r adoptd un article separant les taxes pour le tirer de la circulation ledit papier bendfice de l'education sous deux formes La motion du dep6t sur le bureau ayant diff~rentes, l'une pour l'6ducation des en- et6 rejetee, la resolution est adoptde par un fants blancs et l'autre pour l'education des vote par assis et leve: oui 39, non 22. enfants de couleur, il devient indispensable dans le but d'eviter des difficultes'a lave- qur ojectr o faite quill n'y avult pas de nir, de ddfinir d'une manitre claire et pr- quorum pour voter, l'appel a lieu et 78 cise le degrd de sang qui constitue une per- membres repondant a leurs noms, le prdsisonne de couleur. dent declare la rdsolution adoptde. M. Montamat propose le ddp6t de la re- La Convention alors resume son travail, solution sur le bureau. sur la rdsolution de M. Thorpe. Rejete par un vote par a&-is et et leve: I Aprs une longue discussion, la rdsoluoni, 30; non, 33. tion est mise aux voix et adoptde par le La resolution est alors prise en considd- vote suivant: ration par un vote d'assis et leve donnant Affirmative: 23 ouii et 47 non. MM. Austin,Barrett,Baumi, Beauvais,Burke, La dite resolution est rejetee. Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, T. M. Montamat presente l'ordonnance sul- Cook,Crozat,Collin, Davies, Duane, Dupaty, vante: Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fuller, Une ordonnance autorisant -la Corpora- Geier,Gorlinski,Gaidry,Healy,Harnan,Hart, Htion de la ville de la Nouvelle-Orlas owes, Henderson, Hills, Hire. Kavanagh, tion de la ville de la Nouvelle-Orldans It Iulr as an Mue,E py b'tir un pont sur le canal Carondelet en Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, E. Murphy,' face la rue Galvez, semblable a celui qui. W Murphy, Newell, Normand, O'Conexiste k present dans la rue Broad: ner, J. Payne. Pintado, Poynot, S. Pursell. Qu'il soit ordonn6, Que la Corporation de J. T Paine, Schroeder, Schnurr, Smith,Spel licy, Stocker, Stiner, Taliaferro,,. Terry, la ville de la Nouvelle-Orleans est autori- y, Stocker, Stiner, Tiferro Terry, sde a batir un pont sur le canal Carondelet Thorpe, Wenck58. opposd la rue Galvez, semblable h celui Ndgative: qui existe en bas de la rue Broad, de ma- MM. Abell, Balch, Buckley, Campbell nitre k ne pas entraver la navigation, cette Cutler, Decker, Dufresne, Edwards, Gasordonnance devant avoir force de loi aussi- tinel, Gruneberg, Heard, Howell, Knobloch, t6t apres son acceptation. Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, Sul Sur motion du de'p6t sur le bureau, une livan, Waters, Wells, Wilson-21. division a lieu et donne pour rdstiltat 32 La Convention s'ajourne alors a demain -i oui et 19 non. midi. Approiiv6. L'ordonnance est en consequence dd po JOIN E. N.EELIS, see sur le bureau. ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Secrdtaire. M. Smith prdsente le prdambule et la re- Secraire. solution suivante: Attendu, Que pendant la prdsente rebel SAMEDI, le 16 juillet 184. lion des individus et corporations ainsi que La Convention se rdunit conformdment n des paroisses ont dmis du papier sans nulle 1 I'ajournement. valeur, et en ont forcd l'aceptation pa r la P. r(sents I'honorable E. H. Durell, prdsiclasse pauvre et loyale de la communautdE Qu'il soit resolu, Qu'un comit6 spd dent, et les membres suivants: cial de cinq membres soit nommao pour MM. Abell, Austin, Barrett, Baum; Beauprendre en consideration la ndcessit6 de vais, Bell, Bennie, Buckley,i Burke, Collin, faire un ou des articles, pour prevenir a Campbell, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Crozat, Cut l'avenir le retour de seniblables abus, de ler, Decker, Davies, Dufresne, Duane, Dus'emparer des propridtes de animporte paty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, quelle qualification, appartenant soit aux Foley. Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, maris, soit ka la femme, soit aux paroisses, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Hetily, Harnan, Hart, soit aux corporations, pour retirer de la Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, circulation le dit papier; et que le comit6 Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, soit autoris4 a soumettre k cette Conven- Mayer, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Moutamat, tion, pour ~tre approuv~ ou rejet~, un mo- Morris, M. W. Murphy, Newell, Normand, dele de lpdtition k envoyer au Congr/s des Orr, O'Conner, J. Payne, Pintado. Poynot, JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION J. Purcell, Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson. Les minutes d'hier sont lues et adoptees. Le president annonce qu'il a nomm6 un comitd spdcial, par suite de la resolution de M. Smith, concernant l"gmission de papier de nulle valeur. Ce comite est compose de MM. Smith, O'Conner, Balch, T. Cook et Poynot. Le president fait part alors a la Convention de la resignation de M. J. T. Paine qui est conque ainsi: NLLE-ORLEA.NS, le 16 juillet 1864. Au secrgtaire de la Conventio n de l'Etat: Mo.NsIEUR-Je vous offre ma resignation comme membre de la Convention constitutionnelle de l'Etat. I1 me semble que la session se prolonge inutilement et. grands frais pour le public: je n'approuve en aucune faton une semblable maniere de faire. Ayant regu un emploi du gouvernement, je desire remplir mes fonctions avec exactitude. Je suis respectueusement votre humble serviteur. J. T. PAINE. M. Thorpe propose l'expulsion de M. J. T. Paine, en raison de l'insulte qu'il offre a la Convention par suite de la teneur de sa resignation. M. Hills propose comrne substitut h la motion de M. Thorpe, que le sergent-d'armes soit envoye a la recherche de M. Paine, et qu'il soit traduit h la barre de la C onvention. Rejet6. La question gtant revenue sur l'adoption de la motion de M. Thorpe, ce membre, avec l'assentiment de M. Stocker, qui avait seconde la motion, la retire. La m6me motion est immediatement apres renouvelde par M. Harnan. M. Wilson prdsente alors la resolution suivante comme substitut: RFsolu, Que J. T. Paine, membre pour la paroisse de F1dliciana, n'est pas une personne convenable pour remplir un emploi du gouvernement, et ce, en raison du manque de respect dont il a fait preuve vis-k-vis de la Convention. Le substitut a 6t6 rejet4 sur la motion d'adoption, par suite du vote suivant: Ndgative~ MM. Abell, Barrett, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Buckley, J. K. Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Duane. Dufresne, Edwards. Fish. Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gruneberg, Healy, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Knoblech, Kugler, Mayer, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Montamat, Morris, M. W. Murphy, Orr, O'Conner, Pintado, Poynot, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schnurr, Shaw, Spelicy, Stocker. Stumpf, Stiner, Sullivan, Terry, Waters, Wenck-50. Affirmative - MM. Austin, Burke, Collin, T. Cook. Davies, Dupaty, Ennis, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Gorlinski, Gaidry, Harnan, Newell, Normand, Schroeder, Seymour, Smith, Taliaferro, Thorpe, Thomas, Wells, Wilson-23. La question de lFadoption de la motion de M. Harnan etait sur le point d'6tre mise aux voix lorsque M. Henderson a prdsentc' un point de droit prouvant que la motion de M. Henderson n'etait pas a l'ordre, attendu qu'aucune charge nlavait 6tg faite d'abord, et que d'aprbs les lois parlementaires et les rdglements de cette Convention, M. Paine avait le droit d'etre entendu. M. le president approuve le point de droit de M. Henderson et refuse de recevoir sa motion. M. Terry prdsente la rdsolution suivante: RTsolu, Qu'une somme de $100 soit appropride des fonds gcnoraux de l'Etat po ur chaque chapelain qui a officid a la Convention pendant la session. Avant que la resolution de M. Terry n'ait ete resolue, la motion d'ajourner avait 4te faite et acceptee. En consequence, le pr4sident d,clare que la Chambre s'ajourne k lundi, 18 courant, k midi. ADprouv6. LUNDI, le 18 juillet 1864. La Convention se rdunit conformdment . l'ajournement. Presents, l'Hon. E. H. Durell, prdsident, et les membres suivants: MM. Abell, Austin,Balch, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Buckley, Burke, Collin, Campbell, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Cutler Decker, Davies, Dufresne, Duane, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller. Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Hcard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas. Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, Mayer, Montamat, Morris, E. Murphy, Mi. W. Murphy, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong,. Orr, J. Payne, Pintado, Poynot, 158 JOHN E. NEELIS, I qecr6taire. ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 159 J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurr, M. Thomas offre la rIsolution suivante Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Risolu, Que l'adjudant-gendral recevra Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Taliafer- tn salaire de $3000 par an, h partir du jour ro, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Wenck, de son edtree en fonctions et jllsqu'. ce Wells et Wilson. qitu'il en soit autrement ordonne. MM. Crozat et Bofill sont exc,uses. Adopte. Les minutes d'hier sont lues et adop- Le pri side ant rsente la Convention tdes. M. Montamat est appele au fauteuil. Le president presente une explication personnelle relative aux remarques qu'il a faites vendredi dernier, sur la decision de l'honorable W. W. Handlin, ex-juge de l a Cour du Troisieme District de la NouvelieOrldans, sur la question de l,mancipation. M. Abell se leve pour une question de privilege, et observe quq'il a reeu une communication d'un caractere extraordinaire, la supposant une violation du droit reconnu; il desire la ddposer devant la Convention. A cot effet. il demande que lecture en soit faite par le secrdtaire, ce qui a lieu ainsi qu'il suit: Nouvelle-Orleans, le 18 juillet 1864. Au President et aux Membres de la Convet tion, reunie pour la revision et l'amende ment de la Constitution de l'Etat de la Louisiaie: Comme rectification a mna communication du 10 juillet, j'ai l'honneur de vous faire connaitre que mon intention etait d'adresser ma rdsignation a la Convention par l'ntermediaire du secretaire; loin de moi la pense de la lui avoir adressee personnellement. Je vous prie de vouloir bien accepter mes excuses et de croire que je n'ai pas voulu manquer de respect a la Convention Ili a aucun de ses membres. De nouveau et respectueusement je vous offre ma resignatiou comme membre de la Convention, en voIs priant de vouloir bien l'accepter. Respectueusement Votre tres-humble serviteur, J. T. PAI.-E. [Confidentiel.] Nlle-Orldans, 15 juillet 1864. E. ABELL, Esq. Cher MAonsieur-Je professe une aversion si profonde pour l'incorporation dans la Loi Organique des mots "blanc," "noir" et de "couleur," que je vous prie dans cette, note confidentielle (accompagnee de mno n proviso,) de vouloir bien prendre en consideration la necessite de changer le langage de certaines portions de la nouvelle constitution, de maniere a le faire agrder avec le principe contenu dans le proviso que je propose. Beaucoup de membres de la Convention ont eu la bonte de dire au gouverneur et a moi-meme qu'ils feraient t out au monde pour rayer ces mots des bills de la milice et de 1'6ducation, avant que la question finale d'adoption, dans son ensemble, vous soit prdsentde. Je silis respectueusement, etc., A. P. DOSTIE. Sur la motion d'accepter la resignation de M. Paine, une division a lieu, donnant comme resultat: oui 17, non 49. En consequence la resignation est rejetbe. M. Smith prdsente la resolution suivante: En vue des diffdrents degres de couleur dans cette portion de la population de la Louisiane, sous la denomination de "gens de couleur,"comprenant l'Africain pur sang et ceux comparativement blancs, il devient indispensable pour cette Convention de definir d'une maniere claire et precise ce qui constitue une personne de couleur; en consdquence: Il est resotu, Qu'un comite de cinq soit appointe par le prdsident, lui-meme dirigeant le comite pour prendre cette affaire en consideration, en faire un rapport h la Co n vention a la premiere opportunite et ddfinissant quel degre de sang constitueratune "personine de couleur." La motion d'adoption est refiusee; par consdquent, la resolution est rejetge. M. Balch presente ce qui suit: Resolu, Qu'une somme de cinq cents dollars est allouee au juge J. H. Carrigan, gardien de la Librairie de l'Etat, pour les ART. -. La Legislature pourvoira a l'sducation de tous les enfaints d e l'Etat, d epuis l'Age de six k dix-huit ans, au moyen d'ecoles publiques gratuites. ART. -. Une universit4 composde d'une ecole de droit, une ecole de medecine et un collage, combinant avee cela les diverses branches d'instruction dans l'Etat, sera etablie et maintenue. ART. -. Toutes les sommes provenant de donations eu autres sources, dans un but d'7ducation, seront et resteront comme fonds perpdtuel, portant intdret a 7 pour 100 par an. Ces sommes seront appropri,es exclusivement dans le but susdit. I Paine: JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION services qu'il a rendus k la Convention, en i AtteTidu, Que la perpdtuitd de notre goufournissant des livres et des documents. vernement national est en grand danger Adoptd par un vote assis et lev6, oui 38, par suite de l'dtonnante rebellion contre la n o n 2 2'.' ~~constitution et les lois de la patrie commiiu non 22. Trrc iune, prenant son origine et dirigde par quel M'. Terry offre ce qui suit: ~ ques hommes vicieux, dans le but avou4 Attendu, Qu'il est k ddsirer que les tra- d'dtablirune oligarchie despotique, basde vaux de cette Convention soient compldtds sur l'esclavage, institution rdprouvde et desans aucun ddlai: testee par le monde civilisd et l'humanitd Qt'il soit rdsolu, Que toutes les motions commune: relatives k l'adoption de la Constitution, ou El atteizdu, Que la stabilit6 des institiuaucune partie, soient mises aux voix sans tions republicaines aussi bien que les liberddbats.'tes du peuple, requierent que le gouverne Depot stiur le bureau. ment des Etats-Unis reste intact et que ses Sur la motion de M. Austin, la resolution lois soient respectdes sur toute la surface suivante est prise en consideration et passe, de ses possessions; Et attendu, Que la pdriode pour l'elecsavoir: tion d'un president et un vice-president des Reisolu, Que les membres de cette Con- Etats-Unisapprochevention, qni sont alles comme ddldguds a En consequence, quil soit rsoluz, Qu'attenBaltimore, recoivent leur per diem pay. du l'existence de la rebellion et la condi M. Shaw, president du comitd special sur tion presente de nos affaires nationales, aula forme et l'arrangement, soumet un rap- cun changement dans la politique du d4.~.6'.i. de partement executif du gouverneminent ne port ecrit, ainsi qu'une copie imprlmde de pourrait que retarder et embarrasser la la Constitution, comme il a 4t6 rapport6. poursuite vigoulreuse de la guerre et pro M. Abell propose de fixer jeudi prochain, duire les resultats les plus ddsastreux pour le rapport du comite. Quail soil deplus resolu, Que nous recon naissons dans Abraham Lincoln un sage La motion du depot sur le bureau ayant prdsident, un vrai patriote et un excellent at6 rejetde, l'appel par oui et non est de- homme d'Etat, qui est sorti pur de l'dtamande sur l'adoption de la motion de M. mine, un homme enfin auquel la derniere Abell resultantcom suit: administration fait le plus grand credit, Abell, resultant comme suit' aussi bien qu'elle fait honneur au pays, lti Affirmative: homme qui a notre entiere approbation MM. Abell, Austin, Bairrett, Baum, Beau- quant a sa politiqute pour la suppression de vais, Bell, Buckley, Burke, J. K. Cook, Cut- la rebellion. Que nous reconnaissons aussi ler, Collin, Dufresne, Dupaty, Decker, Ed- dans Andrew Johnson un excellent homme wards, Gastinel, Gruneberg, Healy, Harnan, d'Etat, pourvu de sagesse, de patriotisme Kavanagh, Knobloch, Maas, Maurer, Men- et d'intdgrit6; enfin sous tons les rapports diverri, Montamat, M. W. Murphy, Mayer, digne de la confiance du peuple; en conNormand, O'Conner, Orr, Pintado, Schroe- sdquence, der, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Stumpf, Sul- Qu'il soit de plus rdsolu, Que nous endoslivan, Thomas, Waters, Wenck-40. sons cordialement l'action de la Convention Negative: Nationale qui a sicgde dernierement k Bal MM. Bach Cazabat T. Cook, Davies timore; que nous donnons tout notre sup MM. Balch. Cazabat, T. Cook, Davies, Iport aux ddldguds, et quie nonis emploierons D)uane, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley port aux dlegu, et qu nos emploirons tons les moyens honorables pour obtettir Fuller, Geier, Gorlinski, Hart, Heard Hen' tous ls moyns honorabls pour obtir s,leur 6lection. derson, Hills, Hire, Howes, Mann, Morrion. E. Murphy, Newell, Ong, J. Payne, Poy- Sur l'adoption du prdambule et de,s rdsonot, S. Pursell, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, lutions ci-dessus, le vote par oui et no a Stiner, Stauffer, Taliaferro. Terry, Thorpe, l ieu et donne le rdsultat suivant: Wells, Wilson-37. La motion est en consequence adoptde et Affirmative: le rapport est mis a l'ordre du jour pour' MM. Austin, Barrett, Banu. Beauvais, jeudi prochain, 21 courant. Bell, Bennie, Burke, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, ~~M~~~~~~~T. Bell prsente une resolution T Cook, Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Edwards, lat Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fuller. une extra compensation pour de certains Geier, Gorlinski, Healy, Harnan, Henderofficiers de cette Convention. Sur la motion son, Hills, Hire, Howes, Mann, Montamat. de M. Healy, le ddpot en est fait sur le bu- i Morris, E. Murphy, M. W. Murphy Newell Normand, Orr, O'Conner, J. Payne, Pintado, Poynot, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroedei M. Austin prdsente le prdambule et les Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy. rdsolutions qai suivent:' Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, 160 ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 161 Jackson, Ouachita, Caldwell, Franklin, Madison, Tensas, Concordia, Catahoula, Winn, Caddo et De Soto. Sect. 3. Qu'il soit de plus ordonn~, Que les divers officiers de l'Etat, autoris6s par la loi pour tenir les elections, ou k defaut de ceux-ci, tels officiers que le gouverneur designera on autorisera, ouvriront et tiendront des polls dans les divers Districts Congressionnels de l'Etat, k l'effet de nommer des reprecsentants comme il est dit plus hauit. A la conclusion de la dite e1ection, les officiers et les dl14gii6es qui y auront pre4sidds feront le depouillement du scrutin avec la plus minutieuse exactitude, et en enverront le rdsultat au secrdtaire de l'Etat en conformite avec les lois en usage en ce qui concerne les 6lections. Sect. 4. Qu'il soit de plus ordonnz, Qu'k la reception des dits retours, ou le troisieme hmindi de septembre, si les retours ne sont pas remus plus t6t, il sera du devoir du gounerneur, conjointement avec le secr4taire de l'Etat. et le juge de l'une des cours de district de l'Etat, en presence de n'importe qui jugera convenable d'y assister, de s'assurer de la validite de l'election de la personne; Pei certificat de la dite election sera entre sur les registres par le secrdtaire de l'Etat et sign4 par le gouverneur; une copie en sera d41ivrde h la personne elue, et une autre copie envoyee h la Chambre des representants du Congres des EtatsUnis adressde au speaker. Sect. 5. Qu'il soit de plus ordonnt, Que telle ordonnance aura de force de loi et sera en vigueur apres son adoption, suivant les reglements de l'Etat. Fait a la Convention, dans la ville de la Nouivelle-Orleans, le jour de juillet 1864. L'ordre pour l'impression est donna, et la mise k l'ordre du jour fixee pour mercredi prochain. Sur la motion de M. Abell, la Convention s'ajourne k mercredi prochain, a midi. Approuvd. Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-60. Ndgative: MM. Ab ell, Balch, Buckley, Collili Cut ler, Decker, Dufresne, Gastinel., Grineberg, Hart, Heard, Howell, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Maas, Ma ur er, Mayer, Mendiverri, Ong, Waters-20. M. Thorpe prdsente ce qtii suit: Ucne ordonnantce pour pourvoir (I une nlection pour lemplie les vacances dans la rer- pr sentatiof de l'Etat de la eLo tis pan e ai 38e Congr~s. Se ction 1]re. Qu'uil soit odedonni par le peuple de 1 cEtat de l e d a Louisiane en Convef dtion assernbl a, Quune election soit tenue pa r les electeurs qiialifids de l'Etat de la Loui siane l e premier lundi (le semptembre 1864, col'effet d' envoy er des r eprdsentants au Csongrs des Etats-Unis d'Amnrique pour remplir les es vacances qui existent dans le 38e Congrs, e t y remplir leurs fonctions jusqu'k la fin du terme du dit Congris. Sect. 2. Qzl'il soit de plus ordonne, Que jusqu'k ce quDi l en soit autrement fixn par la loi,'Etat s era divise en Cinq Districts comme suit, et les gelecteurs qualifis de chaque District choi siront un reprosentant: Le Premier District Congressionnel comprendra les paroisses de St-Bernard et Plaquemines, la rive droite de la paroisse d'Orleans, le 9e, 8e, 7e, 6e et 5e Districts representatifs de la paroisse d'Orleans, et la partie du 4e District representatifde la paroisse d'Orllans compris entre les rues St-Louis, Remparts et Canal, et le lac Pontchartrain. Le Deuxime Di str ict Congressionnel comprendra la partie du 4e aDistric t representatif de la paroisse d'Orl,6ans, qui est inclus entre les rue s St-Louis, Remparts et Canal et la riviere Mississipi; les 3e, 2e et ler Districts representatifs de la paroisse d:Orleans, et la partie du 10e District representatif d e la paroisse d'Orloans, connue et designee sous le nom de 10e Ward de la ville d e la Nouvelle-Orl ians. Le Troisieme District Congressionnel comprendra la partie du 10e District representatif de la paroisse d'Orleans, connue et dgsignde soIs le nom de lle Ward de la ville de la Nouvelle-Orleans; et les paroisses de Jeflerson, Washington, St-Tammany, St-Hb1one, Livin gston, St-Charles, St-JeanBaptiste, St-Jacques, Ascension, Est-BatonRouge, Est-F41iciana, Ouest-Feiiciana, Terrebonne et Lafourche. Le Quatriime District Congressionnel comprendra les paroisses de Natchitoches, Sabine, Rapides, Calcasieu, St-Landry, Vermillion, Avoyelles, Pointe-Coupde. Lafayette, St-Martin, Ouest-Baton-Rouge. Iberville, Assomption et Ste-Marie. Le Cinquiime District Congressionnel comprendra les paroisses de Bossier, Claiborne, Union, Morehouse, Carroll, iBienville, 21 llajournement. Sont prdsents: L'Hon. E. H. Durell, president, et les membres suivants: M,I,. Abell.Aiustin, Barrett.Baum,.Beauvais, Bell. Benuie. Bolill, Buckley, Burke, Collin. Cazabat, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, JOHN E. NEELIS, Seer6taire. M.ERCREDI. le 20 juillet 1864. La Convention se, r,6unit conform4ment 4 JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION r~glements it l'effet d'adopter la constitution dans son ensemble et son ddbat. La proposition n'est pas prise en consideration. L'appel des membres a lieu et 80 r6pondent h leiirs noms. M. Cutler presente la resolution sulvante: Resolu, Qu'une somme de 1000 dollars soit, et est appropride des fonds du trdsor de l'Etat k l'effet de payer pour extra services le secrdtaire de la Convention et ses deux assistants, cette somme payde d'apres leurs propres regus et comme suit: a John E. Neelis, secretaire, 500 dollars a S. G. Hamilton et Philip Winfree, assistants-secr~taires, 250 dollars'a chaque. M. Montamat presente l'amendement suivant: Qu'il soit de plus r~solu, Qulune somme de 250 dollars soit, et est approprice des fonds generaux du tresor de 1'Etat;' L. 0. Maureau, tresorier de la Convention, payable sur son propre requ, pour extra services renduis. Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, E. Murphy, M. W. Murphy, Newell, Normand, Orr, O'Conner, Ong, J. Payne, Pintado, Poynot, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson. Nouvelle-Orldans, le 18juillet 1864. A llhonorable Pr~suent et MM. les Membres de la Co~zveittion constituationnelle de la Louisiane: Messieurs-Les soussign,s, comitp nomms par votre honorable corps, k lleffet de prendre en considira tion la justice de retirer de la circulation le papier de non valeur mis en circulation depuis le commencement d e la rebellion, et im posur k la population pauvre et loyale de la Louisiane, par des individus, aussi bien que par des co rporations et les autoritps de paroisses dans diffdrentes sections et localitos de p'Etat, avons lehonneur de voEas mai re co nnaitre respectueusement, que apris avoir pesm aven soin les causes qui avaient idti soumises m votre considerationl nous sommes do avis que cette Convention doit intervenir, d'une mani~re ou dlautre; en consequence, nous offrons, comme rdsultat de n os drtiberations, qlarticle suivant, pour 6tre incorporj comme uiun e des ordonnances de la constitution i Art. —. Que les propridtds de tous individus, maisons de commerce, ayant des propridtds sujettes aux taxes, situdes dans les villages, villes et paroisses, seront sujets et rendus responsables pour la redemption en argent ayant cours des Etats-Unis, pour tout le papier mis en circulation, comme mddium, pendant la prdsente rdbellion, et ce pour le montant mis en circulation par individus, maisons de commerce, village, ville ou paroisse, respectivement; les dites sommes k recouvrer devant nlimporte quelle cour de justice ayarnt juaridiction, et d'apr~s la loi. M. Cutler ayant accepts l'amendement, la rdesolution est adoptee ainsi quielle a et4 amend~e. M. Hendersoa propose de reconsidgrer le vote de lundi dernier, fixant le rapport du comite sur la forme et l'arrangement pour jeudi. La motion du dep6t sur le bureau est rejetee par suite d'un vote par assis et lev6, dormant 42 oiui contre 36 non. La question sur la motion de reconsiddrer est alors posse et rejet~e. L'ordonnance de M. Thorpe, pour pourvoir a une 4lection pour remplir les vacances dans la representation de l'Etat, pour le XXXVICIe CongrSs des Etats-Unis. est alors prise en consideration. M. Henderson stant tdemande idement au fauteuil, les motions sont faites d'abord du d,6p6t sur le bureau, puis pour I'adoption. Au milieu d'une grande confusion, le prgsident temporaire ddclare que la question est passde i mais sur la demande de beaucoup de membres, quelle efait celle des deux questions qui 6tait passee, M. Henderson ne peut en informer la Convention, alors le pr,6sident reprend son si6ge. M. Abell propose d'amender la seconde section, en retranchant le tout apres le mot "Orlgans dans la sep M. Burke propose le rejet du rapport. Cette motion est acceptde par un vote assis et lev6; oui 40, non 20. M. Cazabat propose de suspendro les 162 Les minutes de lundi dernier sont lues et adopt,6es. M. Smith, pr6sident du comit6 special sur le Papier de non Valeur, soumet le rapport suivant -. CIIARLES SMITIJ, Jos. H. BALCII, 0. H. POYNOT, TERRENCE COOK, C. K. 0"CONNER. ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 163 Nous, les Representants du peuple de l'Etat de la Louislane, en Convention assembles, definissons les limites dudit Etat ainsi qu'il suit: Commengant k l'embouchure de la riviere Sabine, de Ia par une ligne tiree au milieu de ladite riviere y compris toutes les ies jusqu'au 32e degre de latitude, de ik du nord a sa partie la plus nord du 33e degre de latitude nord; puis le long dudit parrallele de latitude k la rivi6re Mississipi; de ik, du bas de ladite rivi~re i la rivi~re Iberville, et de ik du milieu de landite riviere, et des lacs Maurepas et Pontchartrain jusqu'au Golfe du Mexique, puis borne par ledit golfe,' la place oii il commence, y compris toutes les ies dans un rayon de trois lieues de la c6te; et nous ordonnons et etablissons cette constitution Apres discussion, motion est faite de rejeter le proviso. M. Hills propose la question pr'cddente; elle est mise aux voix, et le proviso de M. Henderson est rejetd. Le secretaire procede alors' la lecture de la constitution, h la lecture de I'article 7, et M. Cutler propose de retrancher les mots "avec s~curitd pour les 6lecteurs," dans la 8me ligne de l a seconde page. Approuv6. M. Shaw propose dDamender le 12me article en retranchant le mo t "quatre," et y substituant le mot "cinq," et aussi retrancha nt le mot "trotso dan s la 3me ligne du basL et y substitder le mot "quatre" dans la seconde ligne dA e bas de la page quatre, donnant par s a la villd e p ela N ouvelleOrllans neuf Sinateurs au lieu de sept. Dans p'Art' 1 4 t M. Cutler propose de retr incher le mot "six" et y substituer le mot "troisun rend ant ob ligatoir e pour les votants la rtsidence dans les paroisses trots mops au li eu d e six. M. Stauffer propose le rejet, et cette motion antant pas adoptse par suite dnun vote par assis et levd; outi 35, non 42, le proviso de M. Cutler est adopts. M. Shaw propose dnamender r a rticle 22, en retranchant ltrente-ql' atre et y substituant "trente-six;',' et dans la dernitre ligne du m~me article, en retranchant "septl' et y substituant "neuf," de mani~re k ce que le proviso soit ainsi compris: "qdue nulle paroisse nlaura droit k plus de neuif s~nateurs."1 Adopt6. JLuDa le 21 d M He est 1864. La Convention se r~unit conform~ment llajournement. Prdsents, lhonorable E. H. Durell, prdsident, et les membres suivants' MM. Abell, Austin, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Cazabat, Collin, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Decker, Davies, Du-, fresne, Duane, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller., Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Galdry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howell, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Mayer, Maas,Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, E. Murpy,b M. W. Murphy, Newell, Normand, O6~Conner, Ong, Orr, J. Payne, Pintado, Poynot, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnjurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Siillivan, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson —86. Les minutes d'hier sont lues et adoptdes. Le rapport du comite spe6cial sur la Forme et I'Arrang,ement de la constitution 6tant k Ilordre du jour, est pris en consideration; la lecture de la constitution commence, avec ilintention de l'adopter dans son ensemble Le prdsident propose que le secrgtaire, en lisant la constitution, pose' la fin de chaque article, pour faciliter aux membres qui le d~sireraient, Iloccasion de pr~senter sans proviso. M. Cazabat propose d'adopter la constitution dans son ensemble sans auitre d41ai. Cette demande nla pas dleffet. Apres lecture du prdambule, M. Henderson propose le substitut suivant, cornre proviso: tibme ligne, et insgrant dans la sixime li-ne le mot'let quatrell apr6s le mot "cinq," de manire h introd(iire tout le Quatri6me District reprgseiltatif de la paroisse d'Orl6ans. Ddp6t sur le bureau par un vote par assis et levd: oui 43, non 32. Aprs une longue discussion, et sur motion de Nf. Cutler, la question est ajourn6e jusqulh samedi prochain. La Convention s,ajourne alors h demain h midi. Approiivd. J oti -N E. NEFLIS, Secr6taire. JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION somption grande; et le droit de caution aura lieu par un appel k la Cour Supreme. Sur motion, le proviso est rejete. M. Cazabat propose de retrancher tout l'article 116. M. Davies propose de tout retrancher apres les mots "maisons de jeu," dans la seconde ligne du dit article. Dep6t sur le bureau. M. Cazabat propose de retrancher tout le dit article apres le mot "billets.'" Sur motion de M. Sullivan, le ddp6t sur le bureau est ordonnd. M. Austin renouvelle la motion de M. Cazabat de retrancher tout l'article. Ddpot sur le bureau. Sur lecture de l'art. 117, M. Stauffer propose de retrancher le tout apres le mot "divorces." Ddpot sur le bureau. Dans i'article 122, M. Smith propose d'insirer apres le mot "soit" dans la seconde ligne, le mot "no." Rejete. L'article 123 est lu, et motion faite de retrancher les mots "excepts celle de juge de paix." Rejete. A la lecture de i'art. 130, M. Hills propose de retrancher le mot "majoritg" et inserer les mots "deux tiers," de maniere h ce que les deux tiers des votes de l'Assemblee Generale soient ndcessaires pour changer le siedge du gouvernement. Sur motion de M. Wenck, i'amendement de M. Hills est depose sur le bureau par un vote d'assis et levg: oui 40, non 26. La motion de prendre un repos de quinze minutes ayant ete rejetde, la lecture de la constitution est rdsumde. M. Cazabat propose d'amender i'article 133, en ajoutant apres les mots "les prix suivants,"t dans la derniare ligne de la page 20, les mots "jusqu'a ce qu'il soit autrement pourvu par la loi.?' Rejete. MM. Cutler et Cazabat proposent de retrancher tout le dit article apres le mot "droits." Apres discussion, M. Cutler, avec le consentement de son second, retire sa motion. M. Sullivan propose de retrancher la litre, 2e et 3e lignes de l'article 134. "trente-quatre," et v substituer les mots "trente-six," de maniire h ce que l'article corresponde avec l':mmendement precedent. Adopte. Dans l'article 44, M. Foley propose de retrancher "dix" et d'insdrer "cinq,', de maniere h rendre obligatoire la rdsidence de cinq ans pour la qualification de gouverneur. M. Flood propose de substituer deux ans. Cette motion est rejetde, et l'amendement de M. Foley est alors adopte. M. Henderson propose d'amender l'article 47, en retranchant de la quatriime ligne le mot "rdsidence," et y insgrant le mot "reste.",' Rejetd. Dans larticle 67, M. Cutler propose de retrancher les mots "homme blanc libre," et les remplacer par les mots "tons les hommes disponibles de l'Etat." Adopte par in vote d'assis et lev4; oui 51, non 18. M. Smith propose le proviso suivant: Tous les hommes disponibles rdsidents de I'Age de 18 a 45, (except4 les sujets ou citoyens des pouvoirs etrangers qui n'ont jamais vot4 dans les Etats-Unis ou qui n'ont pas declare leur intention de devenir citoyens,) seront enrSles dans la milice, et sujets au service militaire d'apre sla loi. Dep6t sur le b ureau. M. Cutler propose de retrancher toute la partie de l'article 67 apras le mot "defense' dans la seconde ligne. Cette motion est adoptu e par un vote dlassis et leve; oui 58, non 11. A la lecture de l'article 79, M. Sullivan propose le proviso suivant: Et que les juges des Cours Supremes soient elus par le peuple pour un terme de huit ans-dgalement que lesjuges des cours infdrieures soient elus par le peuple de leiirs divers districts pour un terme de six ans, et qu'il sera du devoir de la Ldgislature de fixer le temps pour 116lection de tous les jugies, k une 4poque diffdrente de celle fix4e pour toutes les autres elections. Sur la motion d'adoption. le proviso de M1. Sullivan est rejete. M. Henderson propose le proviso suivant pour l'Art. 106: Toutes personnes pourront etre mises sous caution en fournissant des sdcuritds solvables. excepts pour offense capitale, lorsque la preiive est 6vidente ou la prd 164 ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 165 D4p6t sur le bureau. M. Terry propose de retrancher le mot "pourra' et y substituer "sera," dans la lere ligne du dit article. Sur motion d u ddp et sur l e bu reau, Nlappel par oui et non a lieu et donne le r sul Affirmative: MM. Campbell, Collin, J, K. Cook, Dufresne, Dupaty, Flagg, Gaidry, Harnan, Knobloch, Mayer, Mendiverri, M. W. Murphy, Newell, O'Conner, Orr, Pintado-16. Negative: MM. Abell, Austin, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Buckley, Burke, Cazabat, T. Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Decker, Davies, Duane, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flood, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Healy, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howes, Kavanagh, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Montamat, Morris, E. Murphy, Normand, Ong, J. Payne, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-66. tat suivant: Affirmative: MM. Abell, Austin, Barrett, Baum, B eauvais, Bennie, Burke, Campbell, Cazabat, Crozat, Cutler, Decker, Davies, E dw ards, Enni s, F ish, F la gg, Fuller, Gastinel, Gruneberg, Heard, Henderson, K ava nagh, Knobloch, Kugler, Mayer, Mann, Normand, Newell, Ong, Pintado,S. Pursell, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Taliaferro, Wenck, We lls, Wilson-42. Negative: MM. B ell, Bofill, Buckley, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Dufresne, Duane, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Geier, Gorlinski, Gaidry, H ealy, Harnan, Hart, Hills, Hire, Howes, Maurer, Maa s, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, E. Murphy, M. W. Murphy, Orr, -O'Conner, J. Payne, Poynot, Schroeder, Sm ith, Spellicy, Stocker, Sullivan, T erry, Thorp e, Thom as, Waters, Collin-40. Le proviso de M. Terry est, en consequence, depose sur le bureau. M. Wells propose de retrancher tout le titre IX. Sur cette motion, l'appel nom inal est ordonne et donne le resultat suivant: Affirmative: .MM. Austin, Beauvais, Bennie, Crozat, Cutler. Decker, Edwards, Fish, Flagg, Fuller, Heard. Kavanagh, Kugler, Mann, Newell, Ong, S. Pursell, Seymour, Shaw, Taliaferro, Thorpe, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-24. N4gative: MM. Abell, Barrett, Baum, Bell, Bofill, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Collin, Duke, Davies, Dufresne, Duane, Dupaty, Ennis, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howes. Knobloch, Mayer, Maas, Miaurer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, E. Murphy, M. W. Murphy, Normand, Orr, O'Conner, J. Payne, Pintado, Poynot, Schroeder, Schnurr, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thomas, Waters-60. En consequence, la motion de M. Wells est rejetee. La question precedente est ordonnee et le titre IX adopte. Sur motion d'ajourner, l'appel a lieu et donne le vote suivant: L'article 136 est lu. M. Hills propose d'effacer "quatre " et d'inserer "cinq" k la place, et aussi d'ajouter ces mots: " A moins qu'il n'en soit autrement pourvu par la loi," afin de rendre l'article ainsi conqu: "son salaire sera de cinq mille piastres par an, a moins qu'il n'en soit autrement ordvnn6 par la loi." Motion du dep6t sur la table tant faite sans succes, le proviso de M. Hills est adopte. M. Stauffer propose,. comme proviso h l'article 137, d'effacer toute cette partie de l'article cui suit le mot " Etat." Motion du ddp6t sur la table 6tant faite sans succs. le proviso de M. Stauffer est adopte. M. Campbell offre alors la modification suivante k l'article 137, savoir: Pourvu, Que la ville de la Nouvelle-Orleans comprenne une amelioration int4rieure et nn district de dessechement, et que les appropriations faites k cet effet soient tirees du treso r de la ville de la NouvelleOrlgans. M. Sullivan propose le dep6t sur le bu reau. La motion est adoptee par un vote de 46 oui et 21 non. L'article 140 est lu. M. Terry propose d'inscrer, apres le mot "recevoir," dans la troisi me ligne, les mots "une compensation de trois mille cinq cents dollar s pa r an." D4p6t sur le bureau. M. Beauvais propose d'amender en y sub JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION stituant 5,000 dollars pour le salaire d u surintendant de l'cducation publique. Rejete. M. Fish propose d'inserer apres le mot "recevoir," les mots "un salaire de 4,000 dollars par annee." La motion du depot est rejetee et le proviso de M. Fish est adopte. I Sur motion de M. Hills, les mots "telle compensation que la Legislature pourra fixer" sont effaces, afin que l'article soit en harmonie avec l'am endement qui pricede. Adopte. La Convention s'ajourne alors it demain a midi. Approuve. editeur responsable, Thomas P. May, Esq., paraisse devant la Convention, et se disculpe de la diffamation publie dans son journal de ce jour en ce qui regarde les travaux de la Convention du 21 juillet 1864. M. Hills propose le ddpot sur ie bureau de la resolution. L'appel par oui et non a lieu et donne le rgsultat suivant: Affirmative: MM. Abell, Baum, Bofill, Buckley, Camp-. bell, Cazabat, Dufresne, Decker, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Fosdick, Gastinel, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Hart, Heard, Hills, Kavanagh, Knobloch, Mann, Maurer. Morris, E. Murphy, M. W. Murphy, Ong, Orr, Poynot, Shaw, Stumpf;, Sullivan, Waters-32. Nenative: MM. Austin, Barrett, Beauvais Bell, Bennie, Burke, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Collin, Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fuller, Geier, Healy, Harnan, Henderson, Hire, Howes, Kugler, Maas, Montamat, Mayer, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, J. Payne, S. Purcell, Schroeder, Schnurr, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stiner, Stauffer, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Wenck, Wells, Wilson-47. La motion du dep6t sur le bureau est en consequence rejetee. M. Cutler offre le substitut suivant: Resolut, Que Thomas May, editeur du Times de la Nouvelle-Orleans, soit amend immediatement devant cette Convention par le sergent-d'armes et qu'il soit comtraint a se disculper de la diffamation dont il s'est rendu coupable envers ce corps, ainsi prouve par son numero du 22 juillet 1864, ou alors qu'il soit dispos6 de lui de telle manitre que cette Convention jugera convenable. D'apres motion, le substitut de M. Cutler est adopte. Sur la motion de MM. Cazabat et Smith, l'ordre du jour est pris en consideration et .a lecture de la constitution continuee. M. Terry presente le proviso suivant ka l'article 141: La Legislature pourvoira k l1 ducation de tous les enfants de l'Etat de l'age de six a dix-huit ans, en soutenant des 4coles publiques gratis aui moyen de taxes ou autrement. M. Sullivan propose le dep6t du proviso sur le bureau. Sur cette motion, l'appel par oui et non donne le r4sultat qui suit: Affirmative: MM. Abell, Bofill, Buckley, Campbell, Crozat, Decker, D~ufresne, Edwards, Fuller, La Convention se reunit conform4ment h l'ajournement. Presents, l'Hon. E. H. Durell, president, et les membres suivants: MM. Abell, Austin, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Bofill, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Crozat, Cutl er, Collin, D avies, Dufresne, Duane, Dupatyus, De ck er, dwrds, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, F ole y, Fosdi ck, Fuller, Gastinel, Gei er, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Gaidr, ey, Healy, Harn an, H art, Hea rd, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howes, Kavanagh, Knobloch, K ugle r, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mendiverri, Montamat, M orris, E. Murphy, M. W. Murphy, Mayer, N ew ell, N ormand, O'ConnerOn, Ong, Orr, J. Payne, Poynot, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurr, Seym our, S a Sthaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sull ivan, Taliaferro, Te rry, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson. Les minutes d'hier sont lies et adoptees. Le president se lve pour une question de privil4ge; appelle tlattention de la Convention sur un sale article de ce jour, puiblid dans un journal nomme le Times de la Nouvelle-Orleans, lequel articl e M. le president le declare diffamation, et contre lui et contre la Convention; sur quoi M. Stauffer offre la resolution suivante: RBsolu, Que le sergent-d'armes regoive l'ordre de prendre irnmediatement possession du journal nomm4 le Times de la Nouvelle-Orlans, et que la publication de ce journal soit suspendue jusqu'k ce que son 166 JOHN E. NEELIS, Secr6taire. VENDREDI, le 22 juillet 1864. ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 167 "deux tiers" et d'y inserer les mots "a la majorite." Adopte. Dans l'article 154, M. Shaw propose de retrancher les mots "sans molestation hos tile ni interference." Adopte. La derniere lecture etant enfin terminee, la question est mise aix voix pour l'adop tion de la constitution de l'Etat de la Louisiane dans son ensemble; l'appel nomi nal est ordonne et le vote suivant en est le rdsultat: Affirmative: MM. Austin, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Burke, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Colin, Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Dua ne, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fuller, Geier, Gorlinski, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howes, Kavanagh, Kugler, Mann, Maurer, Montamat, Morris, E. Mur phy, M. W. Murphy, Newell, Normand. O'Conner, Ong, J. Payne, Poynot, J. Pur cell, S. Pursell, Shroeder, Schnurr, Sey mour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stiner. Stauffer, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Wenck, Wells, Wilson et M. le president.-66. Ndgative: MM. Abell, Bofill, Buckley, Decker, Du fresne, Gastinel, Gruneberg, Gaidry, Kno bloch, Maas, Mayer, Mendiverri, Orr, Stumpf, Sullivan, Waters-16. A l'appel du nom de M. Mendiverri par le secrgtaire, ce membre soumet ses rai sons par ecrit, pour voter comme il le fait, lesquelles raisons devront &tre publiees dans les debats de cette Convention avant que le vote ne soit declare. M. Hills propose que le president soit requis de voter. Adopt4. M. Hills demande egalement que tous les membres qui etaient absents au moment du vote soient requis de se faire connaitre. La motion de M. Hills est adoptge. M. Newell pr4sente l'autorisation sui vante, ecrite par M. Taliaferro, qui est lue: NOUVELLE-ORLEANS, le 22 juillet, 1864. Par la pre4sentej'autorise John A. Newell, de la paroisse des Rapides, k voter pour moi dans l'affirmative pour l'adoption de la consuttutio n dan s so n ensemble. R. W. TALIAFERRO. M. Newell demande alors la permission de recorder le vote de M. Taliaferro, ce qui Gastinel, Geier, Gruneberg, Heard, Henderson, Knobloch, Mayer, Maas, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, M. W. Murphy, Newell, Normand, Orr, Ong, S. Pursell, Sullivan, Thomas, Waters-29. Ndgative: MM. Austin, Barrett, Baum, Beauvais, Bell, Bennie, Burke, Collin, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Cutler, Davies, Duane, Du, paty, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Gorlinski, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Hills, Hire, Howes, Kavanagh, Kugler, Mann, Maurer, E. Murphy, O'Conner, J. Payne, Poynot, Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shrw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer,Terry, Thorpe,Wells et Wilson-50. En consequence, la motion du dep6t est perdue. Sur motion d'adopter le proviso, le vote qui suit par l'appel de oui et non donne pour resultat l'adoption du dit proviso: Affirmative: MM. Austin, Barrett, Baum, pBeauvai s, Bell, Bennie, Burke, Collin, Cazabat,J. K. Cook, T. Cook, Crozat. Cutler, Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Geier, Gorlinski, Healy, Harnan, Henderson. Hills, Hire, Howes, Kavanagh, Mann, Maurer. E. Murphy, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, J. Payne, Poynot, J. Purcell, Schroeder, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker. Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Wells et Wilson -53. Negative: MM. Abell, Bofill, Buckley, Campbell, Decker, Dufresne, Edwards, Fuller, Gastinel, Gruneberg, Hart, Heard, Knobloch, Kugler, Mayer, Maas, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, M. W. Murphy, Orr, Ong, S. Pursell, Schnurr, Seymour, Sullivan et Waters-27. Le proviso de M. Terry est en consequence adopte. A la lecture de l'article 143, M. Smith propose de retrancher les mots "dans la ville de la Nouvelle-Orl4ans" et dinserer les mots "par la L~gislature." i)ep6t sur le bureau. M. Foley propose de retrancher to ut ldarticle 146. M. Smith demande le dep6t sur la table de la motion resultant par un vote d'assis et lev4: Oui 54, non 12. La motion du dep6t sur la table est adop t~e. Dans larticle 147, M. Bofill propose de retrancher dans la troisirme ligne les mots JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION - hier, le sergent-d'armes presente M. Tho mas P. May a la barre de la Convention. - Le president, ayant fait la lecture des r4- solutions adoptees hier, demande h M. May ce qu'il a k repondre; sur quoi ce monsieur - lit le papier suivant: "Je suis ici avec le pre,v6t-mardchal pour obeir h un ordre militaire lance par le GeM neral Banks, et noi pour ob6ir'k l'ordre - de cette Convention. En temps et lieu, et conform4ment aux lois, je repondrai ka toutes accusations portges contre moi et ma gazette le Times." M. Henderson fait la motion de considerer - la rdponse de M. May, comme une insulte i additionnelle. t n M. Abell fait la motion de dgposer le tou sur la table indefiniment. Sur la motion de M. Abell, l'appel nomi nal est demande et donne le r6sultat suivant: Affirmative: MM. Austin, Barrett, Beauvais, Bell, Ben nie, Burke, Collin, T. Cook, Cutler, Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fuller, Healy Harnan, Hart, Henderson, Hire, Howes, Maas. Mann, E. Murphy, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, J. Payne, Poynot, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker. Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Taliaferro, Terry, Thomas, Wells, Wilson-47. Negative: MM. Abell, Balch. Baum, Buckley, Camp bell, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, Decker, Dufresne, Fish, Fosdick, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Heard, Hills, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, M. W. Murphy, Ong, Orr" Pintado, J. Purcell, Shaw, Sullivan, Thorpe, Waters, Wenck-31. En consequence, la motion de M. Abell est ddposee sur la table. Apres quelques disc u ssions, la question originale est prise et la motion de M. Henderson adoptee. A la requete de M. Abell, le president lit l'ordre suiiva nt du Gn. Banks: QUARTIER GENERTAL, DEPARTE3.ENT DU GOLFE, Nouvelle-Orl6ans, 23 juillet 1864. Le pr6vat-mar6chal general est requis, la reception de cet ordre, de prendre ]es mesures qu'il croira necessaires, dans le but d'aider M. De Coursey, sergent-d'armes de la Convention constitutionnelle,'a noener devant cette Convention M. Thomas P. May, assistant-tresorier des Etats-Unis,et propri'etaireet editeur dela gazette Le Times de la Nouvelle-Orl!ans, pour rdpondre'a l'accusation portee contre lui, pour infraction SAMEDI, 22 jffllet 1864. L a Convention se rMunit conformdment a l'ajournement, et est appelbe Ha l ordre par le prdsident. La priere est fairte par le Revrend Strong. Le secretaire fait l'appel du role et les membres suivants rdpondent k leurs noms: MM. Abe ll, Austin, Balch, Barrett, Baum. Beauvais, Bennie, Bell, Buckley, Burke, Campbelli, Collin, Cazabat, T. Cook, J. K' Cook, Cutler, Davies, Decker, Duane, Dufresne, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood. Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Healy. Harnan, Hart, Heard, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howes, Kavanagh, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, Mayer, Mendiverri. Montamat, Morris, E. Murphy. M. W. Murphy, Newell, Normand, O'Conner, Ong, Orr, J. Payne, Pintado, Poynot, J. Purcell, S. Pursell. Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Wenck, Wells, Wilson —82. MM. Crozat, Bofill et Knobloch sont exciis,s de leur absence. 168 BT L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANa. 169 aux privil6ges de cette Assemblde reprO- nan, Heard, Hills, Kavanagh, Mann, Mayer sentative du peuple de la Louisiane. Mendiverri, Montamat, Morris, M. W. Mur Cet ordre sera execut j immddiatement. phy, Ong, Orr, Pintado, Schroeder, Shaw. N." P. BANNKS, Stumpf, Sullivan et Waters —31. Major Gx,n~ral commandant. Majr neral commandat. Le prsident invite alors le secrdtaire k Ofiiciel. W. W. Ho.%,E ofcol et A. A. A. Gfournir ai sergent-d'armes une copie de la Major et A. A. A-,n~-l M. Thomas offre le priambule et lores r- rstolution afin de la mettre k execution. solutions qui suivent:. L'ordonnance offerte par M. Thorpe ayant Attedul, Que Thomas doP. May 5 diteu et' puir but de rediviser l'Etat en District proprintaire de la gazette nommde Le Congressionels est pris et adlopt4. Times, publide en la ville de la Nou- M. Thorpe offre auissi la resolutlon suivelle-Orldans, a, dutirant les derniers vante qli est adopte~ six mois, publi6 dans la dite gazette des articles qui, dans l'opinion de cette | soltu, Jusqu' ce qu'il en soit autreConvention, 6taient d6loyaux dans leurs ment ordonn6 par la Legislature, le salaire sentiments aui gouvernement, et pltsieurN du secr6taire privy du gouverneur sera de sentimentsangoveromntetdeux mille cinq cents piastres par an, et le dlentr'eux hostiles tt cette Convention; et salairo dn commis en chef du seertaired'E Attendu, Que dans 1'4mission de cette talatre de om misenchefdusecrtairenE gazette, le 22 juillet, un honteux libelle tat sera de deux mille piastres par an, contre le president et les membres de cette payables par l'auditeur des Comptes PuConvention a 6t6 publid, et qulayant dt blics, str leur propre warrant, trimestriel Convntio a 4~ puli4 et u~aynt 4~ l ment. Cet-te resolution pi-endra( son effet traduit k la barre de cette Convention, i let ent Ctte oltion prendra effet d lii 4 mnars I 864. refuise de s'excuser en aucune favon du dit d 4 als 864 libelle et m,pris de cette Convention. M Thomas offre la risolition suivante, Rdsolu, Thomas P. May, pour son mdpris qni est adopt~e du president et des membres de cette Con- RI Psoli, Que tons comptes, dettes et revention, en publiant dans sa gazette le dit clamations contre cette Convention contrac libelle, sera emprisonn4 dans la Prison de Ito pendant et apres son ajoninement, seParoisse de la paroisse d'Orl~ans durant ront sonmis a un comite spocial charge l'espace de dix jours, k moins que la Con- d-ailditer les dits comptes, dettes et rdclavention ne s'ajourne plus t6t et que le ser- mations. Ce coiit4 se composera de cinq gent-d'armes soit requis etautoris4 mettre memnbres noinm(s par ole president. Aucette resolution. exicution. cuns comptes ne seront payes avant d'avoir Risolu de plus, Les autorit mlilitaires ctn eo~atinps, anleit4s et approuvy s par une de ce ddpartement sont respectueuserment majoritn un dit comit4, et les comptes ainsi invitdes par cette Convention b supprimer ajdit.s et appronvis, seront payts sur le la publication de la dite gazette; mandat du president par le trgsorier de Resolu de plus, Le president des Etats- l'Etat, de tons fonds du trcsor de l'Etat non Unis est respectueusement sollicitd par autrement affectds. cette Convention de ddmettre de ses fonctions dlassistant-trsorier des Etats-Unis h Le prdsident nomme de ce comitd MM. la Nouvelle-Orl,ans le dit Thomas P. May, Thomias, Montamat. Barrett. Crozat et fonctions qn'il occupe en ce moment, Buckley. M. Terry fait la motion de prendre la M. Wells of're Il rsolution suivante: question originale; elle est mise aux voix Resoliu, Que les rapporteurs de cette est n doriginpare;e lle t: i Convention recevront chacun des fonds du et adopte par le vote svant trdsor public non autrement affectes, la Affirmative: somme de cinq cents piastres comme extra MM. Austin, Barrett, Baum, Beaunvais, compensation pour leaurs travaux pdnibles Bell, Bennie, Burke, Collin, J. K. Cook, T. et difficiles pendant la dtirde de cette ConCook, Cutler, Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Ed- vention, et pour achever l'ouvrage aprbs wards, Ennis, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fuller, l'ajournement de cette Assemblee. Les diHealy, Hart, Henderson, Hire, Howes, tes sommes swront payees sllr leurs propres Maas, Maurer, E. Murphy, Newell, Normand, mandats. O'Conner, J. Payne, Poynot, J. Purcell. M. Montamnat oflre lesubtitlt suivaniit: S. Pursell, Schnurr, Seymour, Smith, Spol- Resol, Ls mploy suivants d cette licy, Stocker, Stiner, Stauffer, Taliaferro C eo, Ceevo s gaticto Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Wenck, Wells egratifiation ~~~Wils~~on-9. ~suivantes, qui seront payces de tous fonds , des ddpenses contingentes de cette Conven Ndgative: tion: MM. Abell, Balch, Buckley, Campbell Sergent-d'armes................. $200 00 Cazabat, Decker, Dufresne, Fish, Fosdick, Commis en chef des enr6lements.. 100 00 Gairnel, Geier, Gorlinski, Gruneberg, Har- Commis aux enrolements, (chacun) 100 O0 22 JOURNAL, DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION pas eu le temps de la lire et de la comparer, li se reserve jusqu'3 lundi pour la soumettre alors ka la Convention et recevoir les signatuires. La Convention alors s'ajourne ka lundi le 25 juillet ka midi. Approuvg. Rapporteurs et assistants, (chacun) 200 00 quel est accepte par M. Montamat: dus cette Convention. JONa E. NEELIS, Secretaire. M. Abell oire ce qul suit: LUNDI, le 25 juillet 1864. Attendu, Que durant l'absence du rap- La Convetion se runit conformment porteur officiel, la lecture et la revision des aouent manuscrits et des 4preuves, la complication l'ajournement. des debats et autres devoirs de la place, La priere d'ouverture est dite par le R6ont et6 remplis et executes sous la direc- vdrend Strong. tion du president, par M. H. A. Gallup, as- Le role est appel et les membres suisistant-rapporteur, en outre de ses devoirs vants rpondent leurs noms comme tel * ~~~~~vants rdpondent a leurs noms~ comme tel: Resolu, Pour les services par lui rendus; MM. Abell, Austin, Balch, Barrett, Baum, M. H. A. Gallup recevra en sus de ses sa- Beauvais, Bell, Bofill, Buckley, Burke, 'aires comme assistant-rapporteur, la meme Campbell, Collin, Cazabat, J. K. Cook, T. compensation que re9oit le rapporteur offi- Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Decker, Duaciel, et ce, pour le temps que le president ne. Dufresne, Duke, Dupaty, Edwards, jugera juste et 4quitable; la dite somme Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, sera payee sur le mandat du president de Fuller, Gastinel, Geier, Gorlinski, Grunetous fonds du tresor non autrement affec- berg, Healy, Harnan, Hart, Heard, Hentds. derson, Hills, Hire, Howes, Kavanagh, Adopte par un vote par assis et lev6 de Knobloch, Kugler, Maas, Mann, Maurer, 45 oui contre 15 non. IMendiverri, Montamat, Morris, E. Murphy, oul, contre15nonM. W. Murphy, Normand, O'Conner, Orr, M. Waters fait la motion que chaque rap- J. Payne, Pintado, Poynot, J. Purcell, S. porteur de cette Convention reloive $500. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, AdoptS. Smith, Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, M. Thorpe propose que chacun des por Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, M. Thorpe pLopose que chacun des porWtes. tiers regoivent cent dollars.!'. o 11 ~~~~.. l 1; ~~Lesminutes d'her solt lies et adoptges. M. Sullivan propose que le portier et le maitre de poste resoivent chacun cent cinquante dollars. Le pr6sident remarque que ces motions ne sont pas prdsentdes d'une maniere convenable, attendu qu'elles sont faites verbalement, et qu'aucune disposition n'est prise relative k leur paiement. I serait. en consdquence, preferable de les presenter dans les formes l1gales. La Convention y donnant son adh,sion, M. Waters offre sa motion par 6crit, laquelle est ainsi conque: RBsolu, Les rapporteurs de cette Convention recevront cinq cent dollars chacun, de tous les fonds du tresor, non autrement affect4s, payables sur leurs propres mandats. AdoptS. M. Thorpe, pr,sident du comitg des Enrclements, rapporte que la constitution enrOlde est entre ses mains, mais que n'ayant M. Cutler propose la resolution suivante comme substitut aux appropriations et r,solutions pour extra compensation aux officiers et autres d e cette Convention, pass-es samedi dernier, savoir: Resolu, Que les officiers dont les noms suivent, et autres appartenant 3 cette Convention, recevront, comme extra compensa, tion du trsorier de l'Etat titre de compensation extra, (sur le warrant du prdsident), des fonds qui ne sont pas autrement approprids, savoir: A l'honorable T. N. Carrigan, gar dien de la Librairie d'Etat...... $500 00 A c hacmn des rapporteurs Apr.............. 500 00 Au sergent-d'armes.............. 500 00 A chacun des assistants sergents d'armes...................... 100 00 Au mattre de poste.............. 150 00 Au portier..................... 300 00 An chefdu ibureau d/enr6lement.. 100 00 A chacun des commis d'enrolement 100 00 A chaque messager.............. 50 0o 170 LUNDI, le 25 juillet 1864. AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF LOUISIANA. A trois portiers, chaque.......... 50 00 MM. Austin, Barrett, Beauvais, Baum, Bell, A quatre officiers de police, chaque 100 00 Bofill, Buckley, Burke, Campbell, Collin.Ca A MM. T. W. Russ, de la Gazette de zabat. T. Cook, Crozat, Cutler, Davies, l'Etat, Whildin et Q. H. Draper, Duane, Duke, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis, Fish, du T-ue Delta, rapporteurs, cha- Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, Fuller, Geier, qu e........................ 250 00 Gorlinski, Healy, Ilarnan, Hart, Henderson, La question precodente ayant ete ordon- Hills, Hire, Howes, Kavanagh, Kugler, Mann, Maurer, Montamat, Morris, E. Murnee, la resolution est adoptee par le vote phy, Normand, O'Conner, Orr, J. Payne, suivant par assis et leve': oui 61, non 7. Pintado, Poynot, J. Purcell, S. Pursell. M. Fish offre le preambule et les rsolu- Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour. Shaw, Smith, tions suivantes: Spellicy, Stocker, Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Sullivan, Terry, Thorpe, Thomas, Waters, Attendu, Qu'une Convention, reclamant Wenck, Wells, Wilson-68. le droit d'agir au nom de l'Etat de la Louisiane, a, le 26me jour du mois de janvier Negative 1861, passe une ordonnance nommge "Or- MM. Abell, Balch, Decker, Dufresne, donnance pour dissoudre l'Union existant Gruneberg. Maas, Mendiverri, M. W. Murentre l'Etat de la Louisiane, et les autres phy-8. Etats mis avec elle sous le titre de "La M. Thomas presente ce qui suit: Constitution des Etats-Unis d'Amerique," par lequel elle declare et ordonne le rappel N ONIDOACE DEIS VOTNISSANTS. LA UAFICA do "tutoslos lis e ordonancs parlos-TION DES VOTANTS. de "toutes les lois et ordonnances par les- tSection lre. Qu'il soit ordonn~ par le peaquelles l'Etat de la Louislane devient mem- ple de l'EtCat de la Louisiane en Convention bre de l'Union fd crale,"et dgchargeant tous assem1bl6, Que jusqu'a ce qu'il en soit autreles citoyens de tous leurs devoirs envers le- ment pourvu par la loi, tous les commisdit gouvernement; sionnaires ou autres officiers ou personnes Et attendu, Qu'une semblableordonnanco prsidant aux electlons tenues dans ct de secession 6tait basse sur une fausse as- Etat, devront exiger que chaque votant somption de la souverainete de l'Etat, et possede les qualifications dcfinies dans la une theorie pervertie des droits de l'Etat, constitution ainsi qu'elle a ote adoptde par et produite seulement dans l'interot de l'es- cette Convention, et qu'il aura declar4 son clavage; en consequence, allegiance au gouvernement des Etats-Unis. Qu'il soil resolu, Que nons, le peuple de d'apres la proclamation du president dn la Louisiane en Convention assemble, do- 8 decembre 1863. nongons solennellement les doctrines des Sect. 2 Qu'il soil de plus ordonne, Que "droits de l'Etat" et de la souverainet~ de le pouvoir executif de l'Etat soit charge de l'Etat, (interpretes comme ils l'ont 6td en l'exdcution de cette ordonnance, et de pourjustification de la secession) comme entiore- voir aux institutions et aux details nccesment subversives ka notre forme de gouver- saires l'effet d'obtenir le but vouli. nement, et tendant ka la confusion l'anar-n Sect. 3. Qu'il soit de plus ordond, Que chie et la destruction nationale. I cette ordonnance aura force de loi de suite Resolh, Que lnous soutenons ot mainte- apres son passage, et jusqun' ce qu'elle nons que notre premiere alldgdance est due soit on revoquoe on modifie' par la L~gisau gouvernement des Etats-Umnis; que la lature de l'Etat. constitution et les lois des Etats-Unis sont la loi supreme du pays, qu'il nly a rien Adopto par un vote d'assis et lov; oni dans la constitution ou les lois de l'Etat qui 60, non 9. y soit contraire; qu'aucune Convention M. Fosdick presente ce qui suit: d'Etat, i-epresentant avec sincerite le peu- Atteidu, Que l'adoption de l'article 36 de ple ou non, n'a aucun droit, pouvoir ou an- la constitution qui exclut tous les ministres torite de nous absoudre de cetoe allegeance, de n'importe qulelle religion de sidger k la et que, en consequence, l'acte communn- Legislature de cet Etatestsujet k misconsment nomme' "l'Ordonnance de secession" truction, qu'il soit est, et a toujours ete nulle et vide de sens. R'solu, Que l'adoption du dit article na Resolu, Qu'ayant 1egalement aboli l'ins- d'autre but que de s'parer et sauvegarde' titution de l'esclavage dans cet Etat comme de l'arene politique le caractore sacr6 du un mal et une source constante de troubles ministre, et par consequent proteger les et de danger pour la nation, et de6sirant voritables intdrets de 1'Evangile. pour les m6mes raisons de la voir l1galc- Rsolu, Qu'lne somme de 1000 dollars me~~~~~~~~~~Rs~,Q~ne sbomme den t out dlelays ment abolie dans tout le pays, 0nous som- soit payse sur le warrant du president de mes en faveur d'amender la constitution cette Convention, de l'argent du trdsor de des Etats-Unis de maniere a obtenir le r- l'Etat, non autrement approprid, pour 6tre sultat. distribuee parmi les ministres qui ont offi Adopt4 par le vote suivant: cRi pendant, la session de cette C vov Affirmative': tion. 171 JOURNAL DE LA CONVENTION POUR LA REVISION miner les travaux de la dite Convention, et e president, en cas de ndgligence, aura le droit de requerir des dits comites l'excu — tion de leurs devoirs. Adopt~e. M. Cutler propose ce qui suit: Rasolu, Que le salaire du commis du tresor et celui du commis principal de l'auditeur des comptes publics de l'Etat de la Louisiane, sera de trois milles dollars par annie, jusqu'a ce qu'il en soit autrement pourvu par la loi; cette resolution devant prendre effet imm6diatement aprs son passage. Ddposd sur la table. AM. Cutler offre la r4solution suivante: Rdsolu, Que lorsque cette Convention s'ajournera, il sera facultatif au prdsident de la reconvoquer pour n'importe quelle cause, ou dans le cas ou la constitution ne serait pas ratifiee, dans le but de prendre les mesures ndcessaires a la formation d'un gouvernement civil pour l'Etat de la Loui siane. Ii devra aussi, dans ce cas, faire appel aux propres officiers de l'Etat k l'effet de faire une dlection pour remplir les vacances qui pourraient exister dans la Convention, dans les paroisses oi il y aura possibilitd de le faire. Bdsolu, Que dans le cas oil la constitution serait ratifide, la Lggislature de l'Etat aura le droit ~ la premiere session, de re convoquer, la Convention de la meme ma nitre, dans le cas ou elle le jugerait nocessaire, k l'effet de taire des amendements on des additions k la constitution que, dans l opinien de la Ldgislature, elle croirait necessaire, ou encore dans le cas oft son action immediate serait requis par suite d'urgence. !on solu, Que pendant l'ajournement les iembres ne recevront pas leur per diem. Montamat, M. W. Murphy, Normand. Ennis, Fish, Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fosdick, fa question prdc.dente est ordonne,et * La resolution de M. Fosdick est alors a qestion prcdente est ordonne, et adoptde par un vote par assis et levd, oui le vote suivant pris sur l'adoption de la 56, non 20. resolution ,i Pour Iladoption~ M. Shaw offre lardsolution suivante Pour l'adoptio: Rsolu, Que les officiers et les employcs |MM. Austin, Balch, Barrett, Baum, Beaude la Convention qui seront n6dessaires vais, Bell, Burke, Collin, Cazabat, T. Cook, pour terminer les travaux aprbs l'ajourne- Crozat, Cutler, Davies, Duane, Dufresne, ment. soient placs sous la direction d Duke, Dupaty, Edwards, Ennis. Fish, mrot, soient dplacs sous a directione du Flagg, Flood, Foley, Fuller, Geier, Gorprdsident du Comitd d'Enro1ement ot du prsident du la Convention, quo le dit prd linski, Gruneberg, Hlart, Henderson, Hire, sident et le prsident du Comitd d'Elnr6le- Howes, Kavanagh, Kugler, Maas, Mann, sidentet le r~sidet du CMi6dErl-1aurer, Morris, E. Murphy, Normand, O0'mient auront le droit de renvoyer tous offi- Conaurer, Morri, E. Murphyne, PiNormand, Poynot, ciers ou employd par suite du manque Conner r, O. Payne, Pitado, Poynotu d'exactitnde ou pour la non-compldtion de J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurr, I ours travaux. Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Stocker -solu, Qi'apr6s llajournement les co- Stumpf, Stiner, Stauffer, Terry, Thorpe, it restants aurot contiuer le d- Thomas, Waters, Wells et Wilson-62. mit~s restants auront k continuer les devoirs qui leur sont assigns par les rdgle- Contre l'adoption: ments ou les resolutions de'cette Conven- MM. Abell, Bofill, Buckley, Campbell, ton, et qui seraient ndcessaires pour ter- Decker, Fosdick, Gastinel Healy, Hilla, I I i 172 ET L'AMENDEMENT DE LA CONSTITUTION DE LA LOUISIANE. 173 Mendiverri, Montamat, M. W. Murphy, MI. Bofill soumet aussi par 6crit les raiSullivan, Wenck-14. sons pour lesquelles il refuse de signer la En consequence la resolution est adoptee. constitution; l'ordre est donned pour la pu Sur la motion de M. Thorpe, le libraire )blication dans le journal des ddbats. de l'Etat regoit les ordres de fournir k cha- Sur la motion de M. Thorpe, l'ordre est que membre cinquante copies des minutes, donne de deposer la constitution dans le du journal des debats et de la constitution, bureau du secretaire de l'Etat, afin que les aussit6t que les travaux seront imprimes. membres qui sont absents aujourd'hii pids M. Thorpe, president du comite d'Enro- sent la signer un autre jour. lement, presente la constitution de 1'Etat de M. Shaw etant au fauteuil, Mf. Fosdick la Louisiane dufment enr61le, laquelle est propose ce qui suit signde par le president. Reisolu, Que les remerciments de cette Les membres suivants signent la consti- Convention sont legitimement dufis et sont tution offerts h l'Hon. E. H. Durell, pour la ma MM. Austin, Barrett Baum Beauvais nire juste et digne avec laquelle il a pr6 MMN A. Austin, Barrett, Bantu, Beauvais,sd o ~lbrtos Bell, Burke, Collin, Cazabat, T. Cook, Cro- sde nos dlibtons. zat, Cutler, Davies, Duane, Dupaty, Ed- La resolution est adoptde a l'unani wards, Ennis, Fish, Flagg Flood, Foley, mit. Fosdick, Fuller, Geier, Gorlinski, Healy, Le prasident ayant repris le fauteuil, Mt. Hart, Henderson, Hills, Hire, Howes, Ka- Le prsident ayant repris le fauteuil, M. vanagh, Kugler, Mann, Maurer, Montamat, Shaw lui fait connaltre le veiu de la ConMorris, E. Murphy, M. W. Murphy, Nor- vention, et donne lecture de la resolution mand, O'Conner, J. Payne, Pintado, Poy- adoptse avec une telle unanimite. not, J. Purcell, S. Pursell, Schroeder, Schnurr, Seymour, Shaw, Smith, Spellicy, Le prsident remercie la Convention par Stocker, Stiner, Stauffer, Terry, Thorpe, peu de paroles dignes et approprides la, Thomas, Wenck, Wells, Wilson. circonstance. Les membres dont les noms suivent re- Son Excellence le gouverneur Hahn tisent de signer, savoir:!tant present fait un discours 6loquent k la MM. Abell, Balch, Bofill, Buckley, Camp- Convention; apres quoi les travaux se terbell, Decker, Dufresne, Duke, Gastinel, minent par une priere du R4v. Dr. NewGruneberg, Knobloch, Maas, Mend(liverri, man appropriec k la circonstance. Orr, Stumupf, Sullivan et Waters'... Orr, Stuipf, Sullivan et Waters. La Convention s ajourne alors sujette a Le reste des membres etaient absents ou l1appel du president, en conformite aux n'ont pas rdpondu k leurs noms. resolutions adoptdes ce jour. En d4clarant qu'il refuse de signer, M. E. H. DURELL Mendiverri donne les raisons suivantes: President de la Convention. D'apris mes' convictions honndtes de ce qui est politique, juste et legal, je ne puis si-.JOHN E. NEELIS, gner cette constitution. Secrdtaire. 4 CONSTITUTION DE L'ETAT DE IA LOUISIANE. ADOPTEE EN CONVENTION, LE 23 J UILLET. 186f4. di d(otobre 1864, sitot que faire se pourra; apNtls l'adoption de la prdsente constitution, le Gouverneur devra ordonner une dlection spdciale pour les membres de l'Assemblde Generale dans toutes les paroisses, dans lesquelles cette election pourra avoir lieu; dans les autres paroisses ou districts, il fera faire des dlections aussit6t qu'il sera possible, afin de remplir les vacances pour les paroisse, ou districts non-reprdsentes k tl'.ssembld,e Gendrale. Les membres de cet' e premiire Assemblde Gendrale conserveriont leurs mandats pendant la mdme duree de temps que s'ils avaient ete 6lus le premier lundi de novembre 1863. ATRT. 8. Tout dlecteur reconnu comme tel par cette constitution, est dligible t l'Assemblde Gnedrale. Nul ne sera ReprdsentaAnt o4. SAd dnacteur si k l'epoque de son ilection, il nTest dlecteur. soit du Distric t Reprlsentat,if: soit du )istrict Senatorial qui l'd" nommd. AUT. 9. I, Olection des membres de l'Assem'ibl-e Gnellerale s era tenue dans les diverses circons,criptions dlectorales dtablies par la loi. ARir. 10. La reprdsentation (le la Chambre des Reprrsentants s era dgale et uniforme. Elle s era rigloe sur la base du nombre d'plecteurs d ment qualifids. Chaque paroisse aura aui moins tiun Reprdstentant. Aucune nrouvelle paroi,ntse ne sera crdre avec un teiri-itoire moindre de six cent vingt-cinq mille.s carrs. ni avec une population info rieuli ir ire au ch ire qu Ii donnerait droit k ul Reprosentant; il ne sera poi nt n on plus crer, de nouivellespaloisses quarid par lI, une alat-ri, p)alroisse doit 6tr(~ p-ivde de 1:4. tenduie du territoire et du ctiffre de population exige comne ci-dessus. Le prenieir (1nombrement que f(eront exdcuter les a:t,oritds de I Etat, en vertul de cette con)st'itution., aura lieu en mil huit cent soixane- six. Ie second en mil h bit ce nt soixant(e-(Iix, et lI troisibme en raiil huit cent soixantie-seize, et aprbs cette dternitre ann6d., I?Asseemblde Ggndrale indliqiuera de quellue iianiere doit dttre op~r6 le,ecensement. pourwtu qu'il ait lieu une fois art moins tous les dix ans, afin de constater la TITRE 11. DISTRIBUTION DES POUVOl1tS. ART. 3. Les pouvoirs du Gouvernement de l'Etat de la Louisiane seront rdpartis en trois ddpartements distincts, et chacun d'eux sera confie a un corps de magistrature sdpairi, savoir: le Legislatif a l'un d'eux, l'Executif 1 un antre, et le Judiciaire au troisleme. ART. 4. ALcun de ces dnpartements, ni aucune personne occupant une charge dans l'un de ces offices, ne pourra exercer de pouvoir en dehors de son departement, except4 dans les cas specifi6s plis loin. TITRE Ilf. DEI:ARATEEENT LEGISLAT.UJ. Aar. -5. Le Pouvoir Ldgislatifde 17Etat est confic a deux Chambres distinctes quni i s'appelleront Ilune: "Chambre des Reprdsentants," Ilautre "Sgna,t," et qui rdunies, porteront ce titre: "'Assemiiblde Ggndrale de l'Etat de la Louisiaiie.i' ART. 6. Les riembres de la Chaambre des Reprdsentants exerceront leurs fonctions pendant une periode de deux anndes, a it partir de la cl6ttire des elections gdnerales. A.nTRj. 7. L'6l1ecctioii des Reprdsentanits aura lieu tous les detix ars le premier hnli de novembre, et elle ne durera qu'lun .iour. L'Assembl.e Grndrale se rdu-nira annuelleiment, le premier lundi (le janvier, -. moins que cette 6poque ne soit changd par la loi. La session des (Chambres aura 23 ]'REAMBULE. ,Nous, le people de I'Etat de la Louisiane, ordoiinons et 6tablissons cette Constitiition. 'riTRE 1. EMA.NCIPATION. ART. 1. L,esclavage et la servitude involontaire, excepts dans le cas de punition pour un crime dont Ilaccusd aura 4t6 reconnu coupable, sont abolis h tout jamais et d6fendus dans cet Etat. AP.i. 2. La L6gislature ne fera point de loi reconnaissant le droit de propri6t4 sur Ilhomme. CONSTITUTION DE L'ETAT DE LA LOUISIANE. lieu au siege du gouvernement. 11 y aura do. Ouest-Feliciana............. 1 une session de l'Assemblde G4ndrale en la do. Est-F6liciana............... I ville de Nouvelle-Orl1ans, le premier hn- do. Ste-Hl41ne................. 1 population totale de chaque paroisse et de do. Washington................ chaque district lectoral, et dans le cas din- do. Vermillion................ 1 formalit4, domission ou d'erreur du re- do. Lafayette.................. 2 censement dans quelque paroisse ou dis- I do. St -La ndry.................. 4 trict, la Legislature ordonnera un recensi- do. Calcasieu.................... 2 anent dans tel district on paroisse. do. Avoyelles.................. 2 ART. 11. A la premiere session r,guliere do. Rapides.................... des Chambres qui suivra chaque denombre- do. Natchitoc hes............... 2 ment, la L4gislature rcpartira la reprO- do. Sabine..................... 1 sentation entre les diff6rentes paroisses et do. Ca ddo...................... les divers districts 6lectoraux, en prenant do. De Soto................... 2 pour base le nombre dl4lecteurs dfiment do. Ouachita.................. 1 qualifies. Un diviseur sera determin, et do. UnLion.................... 2 chaque paroisse et district 6lectoral aura do. Morehouse................. I le nombre de Reprdsentants auquel lui do. Jackson.................... 2 donnera droit son nombre di'lecteurs, et do. Caldw ell................... I en outre un Reprdsentant pour toute frac- do. Catahoula.................. tion qui excbdera la moiti4 du diviseur. Le do. Claiborne................. 3 nombre des Reprdsentants ne ddpassera do. Bossier..................... 1 pas cent vingt, et ne sera pas moindre de do. Bienville...................' quatre-vingt dix. do. Carroll....................1 ART. 12. Jusqu'? ce qti'an denombre do. Tensas..................... 1 ment ait et4 fait et qrie des 6lections aient no. Winn...................... eu lieu sons son empire, conformement au n premier denombremrnt qili sera fait, corn- Trotal...............118 il est prescrit dans larticle 10, la reprdsen- Et lIEtat sera divise en Districts Senatotition au Senat et k la Chambre des Reprd- riaux, ainsi que suit: Toute cette portion sentants sera ainsi que suit: de la paroisse d'Orlanus situe suir la rive Pour la paroisse d'Orldans, quarante-qia- gauche du Mississippi, sera divisee en deux tre Representants qui seront 4lus de lt nma- Districts Senatoriaux ~ les Premier et Quaniire suivante, savoir: trieme Districts de la ville de la NouvellePremier Distriet.................... i Orleans formerout uin district electoral et Second do.......................!liront cinq Soilateurs; et les Deuxinie Troisibme do....................... 7 et Troisibme Districts en formeront on Quatriime do............................ aussi et 6liront quatre Senateus. Cinquimme do..................... 4 Les paroisses de Plaquemines, de St-BerSixiime d o.................. 2 nard et toute cette partie de la paroisse Septiime do.................... | d'Orleans sir la rive droite du Mississippi, 11uitibme do...................... formeront oin district,ti eliront un S6naNeuviime do.................... 4 teur. Dixiime d o...................... 8 i La paroisse de Jefe2,o:e [oruera on disParoisse d'Orldans, (rive droite)....... 2 trict et 4lira un S4nateur. do. Livingston................. 1 I Les paroisses de St-Charles et Latourche do. St-Tammai y.............. 1 formeront tn district et 4liront lln S(na do. Pointe-Coupe.............. 1 teur. do. St-Martin.................. 2 Les paroisses de St-Jean Baptiste et de do. Concordia..................1 St-Jacques formeriont iii d'istrict et Oliront do. Madison................... iun Sdnateur. do. Franklin................... 1I Les paroisses Ascension, Assouiption et do. Ste-Mar ie.................. 1 Terrebonne formieront on district et liront do. Jefferso n........... ceux Sdepateurs. do. Plaquemines............... I La paroisse d Iberville foriera 11n dis do. St-Bernard.................. IJ trict et e1ira in Snatenir. do. St Charles.................. 1I La paroisse Est-Baton-Rouge forioera ton do. St-Jean-Baptiste............ 1 district, et dlira un Sdnateur. do. St-Jacques............... 1I Les paroisses Ouest-Baton-Rouge, Pointe do. Ascension.................. i Coupde et Ouest-F1iciana formeront un do. Assomption................ district et 41iront deux Sonatelrs. do. Lafourche..................; La paroisse LEst-F.liciana formera un dis do. Terrebonne................. trict et'lira un Senateur. do. Iberville.......I.....].I Les paroisses Washington, St-Tammaiiy, do OuestBaton-Rouge......... Ste-dllne et Livingston fbrmeront tn dis do. Est-Baton-Rouge........2 trict et ~liront un S~nateur. 1,76 CONSTITUTION DE L'ETAT DE LA LOUISIANE Les paroisses de Concordia et de Tensas ART. 19. Nul ne peut voter, h une 6lecformeront un district et 6liront un Sona- tion quelconque, en dehors de la paroisse d, teur. sa residence; et, dans les villes et villages Les paroisses de Mladisoil et de Carroll divises en circonscriptions flectorales, en tformeront un district et oliront iun Sdna dehors de la circonscription electorale d(e teur. sa residence. Les paroisses dI MNoreliouse, Ouachita, ART. 20. Les membres du Senat seront Union et de Jackson formeront un district, nommos pour une p.riode de quatre ans. et 4liront deux Senateurs. Le Senat. une fois rduni, aura le pouvoir L,s paroisses de Catahoula, Caldwell et de dosigner ses officiers. de Franklin formeront ln district, et eli- ART. 21. Chaque fois que la Lgg,slature root un Sonateur. irepartira la representation k la Chambre Les paroisses de Bossier, Bienville, des Representants, elle divisera lEtat en (Claiborne et de Winn formerontun district, Districts S4natoriaux. et 61iront deux Senateurs. ceL paroidexSenatciours..ill ART. 22. Aucune paroisse, la paroisse Les paroisses Natchitoches, Sabine, De dlOrl4ans exceptoe, ne pourra etre divisde Soto et de Caddo formeront un district, t f Oliront, deux Senateilr~et~lit m{t~rs.t' et pour la fbrmation d'un District S23iatorial. 41iront doux Senateus Qtiand une nouvelle paroisse sera cr66e, elle Les paroisses St-Landry, ljaIyette ea District Senatorial d Oil sera annex~e all District S~natorial d'oii (,adlecsieu formeiront un dieut ciSront!provient la plus grande partie de son terdeux S6natouir>s.tMlti t rmli ritoire, ou a un District contigu, all choix Les paroisses St-MNartin et Vermillion l de la Legislature; mais elle ne pourra formeront un district, et 4liront uon na-claaeranoc apeln diri tetr. | jamais 6tre annexse k plus d'1un district. tofla paroi~~~~Le nombre des s4nateurs sera de trente La par oisse Ste-Matie l'orinor:i,iii (1sfrict et elira po n Stenateu (-ry, i six, et ius seront rdpartis entre les diff, rentes Districts Sonatoriaux selon la popula Les paroisses Rapides et AvoyellfSfr ~tsDsles ielaorauseo ppl Les paroi,.es Rapidos et Avoyelles for- tion olectorale que renferme chaque dismeront un district, et gliront deux Se-na tuct N anmoins aqcune paroisse naitra teurs. | ~~~~~~trier. Ndanmnoins aucune parois~se n~aura tours. plus de neuf senateurs. ART. 13. La Cliambre des Representants ART. 2. Dans toute rpartition snaonommera son Orateur et ses autres offl | a o pati-on 6 dat ciers. ciers. l riale, la population 41ectorale de tout l'Etat ART. 14. Aura le droit de voter tout sera divise par le nombre trente-six. homme libre et blanc qui a atteint'Ae de ]Le rdsultat obtenu par ce moyen deviendra vingt-et-un ans, qui a rdsid4 dans lEfat le diviseui seatorial, lequeldonnera a Un le diviseur stenatorial, lequel donners k uii durant l-e douzo mois qaui onl;t procd im-t District Senatorial droit k un sonateur. Les mdiaementl'lction t ls trois qionp de,i'c irs i districts seront formes soit de simples pamdans la painisse on il #e pe rdone poilir oisses, soit de paroisses contigues, ayant voter, et qui sera citoyen des Etats-Unis. une population qu devra se rapprocher le ART. 15. La L~gislatuire- aura le pouvoir siatir i ai arpriin n a ART. 15. La Lgislatui anura, le pouvoii |plus possible du diviseur reprsentant un die passer des lois gtendant le droit de su- isatour; si, dais ia repartition, une pa frage a telles autres personnes, citoyends d es o xcde l EtatsLnis qni Iaiut mri soit pai diviseur, il sera permis alors, mais seule n e ilitnuiesn leur appui pcu It das ce cas, de former un district qui niaire pretf au gouverneuient, on par leurs ara pas plus d eux snaturs. Une fois c~pacifs infellectnlloIs. llti sdoateur dlu., la durde de ses fonctions caAciT.6. Lnte1ectuleu r q i s e seatnpr ART. 16. L'lectecur qul se sera transpor- n pourra jamais 6tre rdduite par suite t4 d'une paroisse dans une autre ne perdra' d'une rdpartition nouvelle. Lorsque le ddpas le droit qu il avait de voter dans la pre- nombroment de la population aura df6 nc h ombremerit de la population aura 6t6 acmilre, avant de l'avoir acquis dans la se- conpli conformdment I l'article 10, la conde. Les 6lecteurs ne pourront jamkis,1, 1 conde. Los Slocteurs ne pourronlt jamfis, Ldgislature ne pourra voter aucune loi sauf les cavs de trahison, de crime, on de avant d'avoir rdparti la reprdsentation violation de l'ordre public, 6tre arrdtds dans les doel Chambres de l'Assemble lorsqu'ils assistent I ute dlection, qun'ils se Gdndrale. rendent an lieu oui elle est tenue ou ql'ils ART. 24. A la premiere session de lAson reviennent. sembl1e Gendrale qui suivra la mise en vi ART. 17. La Ldgislature ordonnera par gueur de cette constitution, les Sdnateurs ine loi spdciale que les noms et les domi- seront divisds au sort et par dgales parties ciles de tous les 6lecteurs soient enregistris en deux classes: le mandat des Sdnateurs afin qu'ils aient le droit de voter; l'enre- de la premiere classe expirera I la fin de gistrement ne devra rien cofiter k I'dlecteur. la seconde annde, et celui des Sdnateurs de ART. 18. Les mendiants, les interdits et la seconde classe I la fin de la quatrieme les personnes convaincues d'un crime quel- annde, de sorte que la moitid du Sinat sera conque, entrainant la peine des travaux renonvelie tous les deux ans, et qu'une forcds, ne peuvent voter a aucimo eleetion succossion rdguihre Bera mmaintenue. Quand dns cet Etat~'n district d1ira deux S4nateonr ou plus, il1 177 CONSTITUTION DE L'ETAT DE LA LOUIJISIANE. tireront entre eux au sort et leur mandat duree des sessions legislatives sera born4e respectif expireira selon la classe qui leur k ine periode de soixante jours, k partir est 6chue, a lin 1tiie la seconde et de la de l'ouverture des Chambres toute mequatrinme anniu. sure votee apres cette periode sera nulle ART. 25. La premiere electionl des Sena- et de nul effet. Cette disposition nle s'ap teurs aura lieu en meme temps que l,6lec lique pas a la premiere Ldgislature qui se tion gendrale des Representants; et apres l'adoption de cette coilstitucette premiere 6lection, les elections de tion. S6nateurs auront lieu en meme temps que APRT.'3. Les menmbres de l'Assemble,e Gel'election gdndrale des Representants, pour n rale ne pourrontjamais. sauf'dans le cas de remplacer ceux des Sinitenrs dout les trahison, de crime ou de violation de lormandats seront expires. dre public, etre arretes pendant qu'ils sont ART. 26. Chaque Chambre de l'Assem- enl route soit pour se rendre au lieu des sesblee Generale devra dtre en quorum pour siois, soit pour en reienir. On ne pourra proceder a ses travaux- une majorite des pas. en dehors de la, Le,gislature, leur demembres de chaque Chamnbre constitiera mander compte des discours qu'ils auront le quorum. S'il n'y a qu'une minorite I prononces dans l'une ou l1autre Chambre. presente, elle pourra s5ajourner de jour en ART. 34. Les Senateurs et Representants jour, et sera autorisee par la loi ka con- ne peuvent, pendant la duree de leur mantraindre les absents a se rendre aux sean- dat, etre elus ou nommnds k aucune fonction ces. civile salaride dependant de l'Etat. laquelle ART. 27. Chaque Chambre de l'Assem- aurait te' crede ou dont la r6muneration blee Generale jugera si les conditions re- aurait ete augmentee pendant lexercice de quises pour l'election de ses membres ont leurs fonctions. Ils sont neanmoins eligibles 6t6 remplies. La loi ddterminera la ma- aux places soumises a l'election populaire. nitre de proceder, toutes les fois que, laI Ai'r. 35. Aucune personne chargee a validite d'une election sera conteste. I une dpoque quelconquie, de la perception ART. 28. Chaque Chambre (le l'Assem- des taxes, soit pour l'Etat, soit pour une pablue G~n6rale aura la I'aculte d'adopter un roisse ou une Dmunicipalite, ou a qui les reglement de punir les membres qui viole- deniers publics auront dt6, d'une fhcon ou ront l'ordre, et meme,'a la majorite des dl'une autre, confics, ne sera eligible a l'Asdeux tiers, d'en ordonner l'expulsion. Ce- semblde Ge'nerale, a une place salaride ott pendant la meme faate ne devrajamais etre a un poste honorifique dependant de l7Etat, frappbe d'un double chatiment. si elle nl'a prealablement obtenu une quit ART. 29. Chacune des Chambres de I As tance pour le montart des taxes qu'elle ausemblee Generale tiendra et publiera heb- ra per,ues ou pour les fonds publics qui domadairement un proces-veYbal de ses lui auraient 4te confies. travaux, et les oui et les non de leurs mem- ART. 36. Aucune personne engage(e dais bres sur chaque question, seront, a la re- l'exercice des fonctions de ministre de toute quete de deux d'ut,tre eux, inscrits au pro denomination religieus e sera.eligible cbs-verbal susdit. l'Assemblde Gdndrale. ART. 30. Chiaque Chambre aura la faculte Ar.T. 37. Aucun bill ne deviendra loi d'ordonner 1lemprisonnement de toute per- avant d'avoir ete lui a troios jours differents sonne ne faisant point partie de la dite dans chaque Chambre de l'Assemblde GeChambre qui violera l?ordre, ou bien qui ncrtle et d'avoir ete librement discut4. Cecherchera a entraver ses ddliberations. La p(,idant, en cas d'lurgence, la Chamnbre oiu duree de cet emprisonnement ne ddpassera le bill est pris en consideration peut, a la pas dixjours pour une seule et meme faute. majorite des quatre-cinquilmes des mem ART. 31. Aucnne Chambre ne pourra, bres, dcarter le reglement si elle le juge kt pendant la session de i'Assemblee G~nerale, propos. s'ajourner sans le consentement de l'autre ART. 38. La Chambre des nre'rsentants pour plus de trois jours, ni chaner sans ce, aura seule le droit de proposer les bills m6me conconrs, le lieu de ses seances. dont l'objet est la ierception du revenu; ART. 32. Les membres de lAssemblee mais le Senat aura la facult4 de proposer Gdnerale recevront du tiesor public une des amendements comme pour les bills orrcmuneration pour leurs services, laquelle dinaires, pourvu que sous pr4texte de mosera de huit piastres par jour pendant la dification il nintroduise aucune nouvelle durce de la session, y inclus le temps qu'ils disposition etrangbre k la perception du remettront pour se rendre au lieu du siege de venu. la Legislature. comme pour s'en retourner. ART. 39. L'Assembl4e Geine,rale indiqueLa rdmunie'ration pourra 6tre augmentde ou ra par ine loi la source dohi emlanerontles rdduite parla loi, mais aucun changement ordres d'dlection pour pourvoir aux vacann'aura lieu ka cet 6gard pendant la durce ces qui surviendront dans l'une et l'autre dn mandat des membres de la Chambre des Chambre, ainsi que la manibre dont ces orRepresentants qui auront ddcrt4 l'augmen- dres seront donnds. tation ou la diminution de traitement. La ART. 40. Le Sdnat statuera par oui et pal 178 CONSTITUTION DE LIETAT DE LA LOUISIANE. tions le second lundi de janvier suivant son election, et restera en fonctions jusqu'au lundi suivant le jour ou son successeur aurat ete dclared dfument lu, et apres quil aura pris le serment oil 1laffirmation requis par la constitution. ART. 46. Aucun membre du Congrbs ou ministre d'une religion quelconque, on au cune personne remplissant un emploi sous | le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis, ne sera eligible aux fonctions de Gouverneur ou de Lieutenant-Gouverne-ar. ART. 47. En eas de mise en accusation du Gouverneur, ou de sa destitution, de sa mort, de son refns ou de son inhabilito ka agir, de sa resignation ou de son absence de l'Etat, les pouvoirs et les devoirs de ses fonctions seront devolus an Lieutenant Gouverneur pour la balance du temps d courir, on jusqunk ce que le Gouverneur absent ou mis en accusation, revienne ou soit acquitte. La Legislature pourvoira d'apres la loi aux cas de destitution, mise en accusation, mort, resignation incapacitd, ou refuis d'agir, du Gouverneur et Lieute nant-Gouverneur, d6clarant quel offieier devra exercer les fonctions deGouverneur, lequel officier agira en consdquence, jusquna ce qu'il soit destitue4 pour son inca,pacit4, ou pour le reste du temps a courir. ART. 48. Le Lieutenant-Gouverneur ouil l'officier remplissant les fonctions de Gouverneur, recevra, pendant son administration, la meme retribution a laquelle le Gou' verneur aurait eu droit s'il avait continu6 ses fonctions. ART. 49. Le Lieutenant-Gouverneur, en vertu de son office, sera le Prdsident du Senat, mais il n'aura droit quna un seul vote. Soit qu'il prenne l'?administration du Gouvernement d'Etat, soit que, par toute autre cause, il ne puisse remplir les fonctions de President du Senat, les S6nateurs devront eire un de leurs propres membres com me President du Senat pour le temps present. ART. 50. Le Gouverneur recevra, pollr ses services, un traitement de huit mille piastres par an, payable par trimestre, sur son propre mandat. ART. 51. Le Lieotenant-Gouverneur recevra, pour ses services, un traitement de cinq mille piastres par an, payable par tri mestre. ART. 52. Le Gouverneur aura le pouvoir d'accorder des sursis pour toutes offenses commises contre l'Etat, et, excepts dans les cas de mise en accusation, il aura, avec le consentement du Senat, le pouvoir d'accor der des pardons, remettro des amendes et des forfeitures, apres coin,iction de culpabilite. Dans des cas de trahison, il pourra accorder des sursis jusqu'k la fin de la session suivante de l'Assembloe Gdndrale, laquelle sera invetie du pouvoir de pardon ner. non sur la confirmation ou le rejet des offlciers que le Gouverneur doit nomamer av(ec le concours du S4Ilat. Les noms des Sdnateurs qui voterout pour ou contre une nomination quelconque, seront inscrits dans un journal tenu a cet effet et qui sera publi4 k la fil de chaqiue session ou m6me avant cette 6poque. ART. 41. Les bulletins d'e ection des membres de l'Assembloe Gonoerale seront transmis au SecrL taire d'Etat. ART. 42. L'annee oiu l1lection reguliere d'un S4nateur au Congres des Etats-Unis doit avoir lieu, les membres de l'Assemblge G4ngrale se r,6uniront dans l'enceinte de la Chambre des Representants. le second lundi qui Suivra l'ouverture de la session 14gislative et procederont a l'(lection siisdite. TITRE IV. DIEPARTE.ENT EXECU,TIF. ART. 43. Le pouvoir Supreme de l,Exdcutif de l'Etat sera confie a un Chef Magistrat, qui sera d6sign6 sous le nora de Gouverneur de l'Etat de la Louisiane. II conserivera son office p end ant quatre annmes, et, ainsi que le Lieuten an t-Gouverne ur, nom m e pour l e mm e l aps d e t emps, ils seront lus de la maniere suivante: Les electeurs qualifies pour nommer les Representants voteront pour le Gouverneur et le LieutenantGouverneur a l'heure et au lieu oil ils voteront pour les reoresentants: les retours de chaque election seront cachetes et transmis, par la voie de l'officier 16gal, au Secrgtaire d'Etat, qui les delivrera h son tour a l'Orateur de la Chambre des Representants le second jour de la session de l'Assembl1e Generale qui sera reunie ensuite. Les membres de F7Assemblde Ggnsrale slassembleront dans la Chambre des Representants - l'effet dlexaminer et de compter les votes. La personne ayant obtenu le plus grand hombre de voix pour l'office de Gouverneur sera declaree dfument elue; mais si deux ou plinsieurs personnes obtiennent le meme nombre de voix,-et le plus grand nombre des votes donnes,-pour l'office de Gouverneur, l'une d'elles sera imm4diatement choisie par tn vote-conjoint des mem'bres de l Assemblde Generale. La personne ayant obtenu le plus grand nombre de voix pour Lieutenant-Gouverneur sera declarge elue Lieutenant-Gouverneur; mais si deux ou plusieurs personnes obtienient le meme nombre de voix,-et le plus grand nombre des votes donn4s,-pou.r l'offilce de Lieutetenant-Gouverneur, l'une d'elles sera imm4diatement choisie par un vote conjoint des membres de l'Assemblee Gudnrale. ART. 44. Ntul ne sera eligible a 17emploi de Gouverneur ou Lieutenant-Gouverneur s'il nlest kg6 de trentre-cinq ans, et siUl nlest citoyen et r,sident de cet Etat depuis cinq ann,es cons6cutives avant son dlection. ART. 45. Le gouverneur entrera en fbnc 179 CONSTITUTION DE L'ETAT DE LA LOUISIANF ART. 53. 11 sera le commandant-en-chef neur dans lFespace de dix jours, (excepts des milices de cet Etat, k moins qu'elles ne les dimanches,) apres qu'il lui aura gtd soient appelaes au service des Etats-Unis. presents, il deviendra loi de la meme ma ART. 54. I1 nommera, et avec l'avis et niere que s'il l'avait signe, k moins que d'aprbs le consentement du Senat, ddsigne- l?Assemblde G6ncrale,par son ajournement, ra tous les officiers dont les offices sont n'en prdvienne son retour. 6tablis par la Constitution, et dont les no-,PT. 61. (Chaque ordre, rdsolution, oi minations non pas 6ta autrement pourvues vote auquel le concours des deux Chamdans la prsente: Pourvu, toutefois, que la bres penit etre ii(cessaire, excepte sur la L4gislature aura le droit de prescrire le question d'ajournement, sera present6 au mode de nomination de tons les auitres offi- i Gouverneur, et approuvd par lui avant ces 6tablis par la loi. qu'il ne prenne force de loi: ou, s'il est ART. 55. Le Gouverneur aura le pouvori d6sapprouve,, il passera de nouveau par le de remplir les vacances quii surviendront vote des deux tiers des membres 6lus h pendant le recks du Sdnat, en accordant des chaque Chambre de lAssembide Generale. commissions qui expireront b la fin de la ART. 62. 11 sera nomme un Secataire d'Esession suivante, a moins qu'il n'en tat qui conservera ses fonctions pour la soit autrement pourvu dans cette Constitu- durce du temps pour lequel le Gouvertion; mais aucunepersonne qui a dte norm- neur aura te elui. Les archives de l'Etat me'a un emploi et rejetee par le Sanat, ne seront tnues et preservees dans le sera nommde au m6me emploi pendant le bureau du Secrataire; il tiendra un regisrecks du Senat. I tre en rbgle des actes officiels et des ordres ART. 56. I1 pent requ4rir des informa- du Gouverneur, et devra les attester quand tions, par derit, des diffTrents officiers du il sera n~cessaire; il devra, lorsqu'il en De'partement Ex4cutif, sur nimporte quel sera requis. doposer le dit registre et suijet ayant rapport aux devoirs de leurs tons les papiers, proc,s-verbaux et souches offices respectif;s. relatifts a son office, (derant l1une des Cham ART. 57. 11 devra comminuniquer a 1As- bres d(le Assemblee G4nrale, et remplir .omblae Gendrale, de temps a autre, des tels autrt es devoilrs qiii penvent liii incomrenseignements sur la situation de I'Etat et ber par la loi. recommander a sa considdration tcles 5me ART. 63. 1 sera nominm un Trosorier res qu'il jugera necessaires. d'Etat et un Auditeur des Comptes Publics, ART. 58. I1 pourra, dans des cas extraor- qui resteront en tonctions pendant quatre dinaires, convoquer l'Assemblce G6nerale anndes. au siege du gouvernement, ou a une autre Ai'r. t)4. le Secrataire d'Etat, le Trisoplace, si celle-ci est devetue dangereuse rier d'Etat et l'Auditeur des Comptes soit par la prasence de lennemi, soit par Publics, seront alus par les o1ecteurs quaapiddmie; et, en cas de desaccord entre lifids de lEtat; et au cas d'une vacance les deux Chambres en ce qui conc(rnera causde soit par la mort, la rdsignation ol. l'epoque de l'ajournemenet, il pourra les l'absence du Secrdtaire, Trgsorier ou Audiajourner au temps qu'il jugera convenable teur, le Gouvernenr devra ordonner une de le faire, sans toutefois que cea ne ilection pour remplir la dite vacance. soit au-ddl de quatre mois. ART. 65. Le Secrdtaire d,Etat, le Trdso ART. 59. I1 veillera a ce que les lois rier et l'Auiiditeur recevront chacun un soient scrupuleusement exdcutdes. traitement de cinq mille piastres par an. ART. 60. Chaque bill qui aura passa aux ART. 66. Toutes les commissions seront deux Chambres sera prdasentd au Gouver- ddlivrdes au nom et par l'autoritd de l'Etat neur; si il l'approuve, il le signora; dans de la Louisiane, et devront porter le sceau le cas contraire, il le renverra, avec ses de l'Etat et etre signues par le GoQverobjections, k la Chambre dans laquelle il neur. aura pris origine, qui les inscrira au long ART. 67. Tons les hommes valides de sur son journal, et les prendra en considd- cet Etat seront arm4s et disciplinds pour ration; si, apres considdration, les deux sa ddfense. tiers de tous les membres 6lus a cette ART. 68. La milice de lEtat sera orChambre adoptent le bill, il sera en- ganisle de telle manibre que la L6gislature voyd, avec les objections, l'au latre Cham- jigoera convenable de le faire. bre, par laquelle il sera de meme pris en TITRE V. considdration, et si il est approuvd par les deux tiers de tons les membres 6lus k DEP.RlTEMENT JUDICIAIRE. cette Chambre, il deviendra loi; mais dans IART. 69. Le pouvoir Judiciaire sera conde tels cas le vote des deux Cbambres sera fid k ia Cour Supreme et telles autres ddtermind par les oui et les non, et les Cours Infdrieures que la L~gislature jugera noms des membres votant pour ou contre devoir dtablir et aux tribunaux de paix. e bill seront enregistrd~ sur le journal rea- ART. 70. La Cour Supreme, except~ dans pectif de chaque Chambre. Si un bill quel- les cas ci-aprbs prdvus, aura une juridiction oonque n'est pas renvoy~ par le Gouver- de Cour d'Appel seulement; laquell Cout 180 CONSTITUTION DE L'ETAT DE LA LOUISIANE couvrira toute affaire oh la somme en litige membres 4lus a chacune des Chambres de ddpassera trois cents piastres: toute affaire 1'ASsemblde Gdndrale, pourra destit'ier tout oi la constitutionality ou la legalit6 d'une juge: et en pareille circonstance, les caullses taxe, d'un imp6t oi contribution quelcon- de aIn requ6te en destitution seront etablic.s que, d'une amende, peine oll forfaiture im en plein dans la requ6te et consigni6es it't posse par une municipalitd seront en litige;- procbs-verbal de chaque Chambre. et aussi toute affaire criminelle, sir la ques- ARItT. 78. Les juges do la. Cour Supre6me tion de droit seulement, lorsique'offense' et des Cours Intrieures recevront un traite allgude sera punissable de mort ou des, ment qui ne pourra 6tre diminue pendant travaux force4s, ou lorsque l?amende actel- quils resteiont en fonctions; et il leur est lement impos4e depassera trois cents dcfendu de recevoir aucun honoraire oii piastres. 6molument, autre que leur traitement pour ART. 71. La Cotr Supreme sc composet, tout devoir civilrempli par eux. d'un juge-president et de quatre juges-ad- Aur. 79. Les Juges de la Cour Supre,me joints, la majorit( desquels formera tn seront itornmds par le Gouverneur avec Inaquorum. Le juge-presidenit recevra on vis et le consentement du S6nat, pour un traitement annuel de sept mille cinq cents terme de huit annees; les JuLges des Cours piastres. et chacun dos jages-adjoints un Inf,rieures pour un terme de six anndes. traitement annuiel de sptpt mille piastres, ART. 80. Les Greffiers des Cours Intjusquln ce qn'il ell soit autrement pourvl rieures seront clus par les 1lecteurs dfiment p a r la loi. Cette oCor nommera ses gre-. qualifies de leors districts, et ils resteront f i e r s. en fton ctions pendant le terme de quatre an ART. 7". La Cour S,tpirnae tieIdrlt Ile nes audiences i la Nouvelle-Orlanrs du premnieri Ar. 81. La Ldgisiature aura le pouvoir lundi de novembre I la fin du mois de juin de conf4rer aux greffiers des cours, l'autoinclusivement. I La Lislature pourra s- rite daccorder tels ordres et de tfaire tels signer le lieu des audiences d(ans les antres actes, (uni pourront sembler ndcessaires a 1la parties de lEtat pour ie reste de l'anne bonne administration de la justice; et dans et jusqaat ce qu il en it icdi disp(os( autre- tons les cas les pouvoirs ainsi accord6s deinent, la Cour si,gera aitx lieox et places vront 8tre sp,cifids et d1termin,s. jusqiitl ce jour ddterminis. A, T. 82. La juridiction des juges de paix ART. 7,. L Coiir Suprelei, e, chiactiii ule dcpassera point cent piastres, en matibre des Juges la composniIt, poiirra nietire des. ci vile, non compris les intSrcts: il y aura mandats d ha{,beas cory.s, a l'instace de droit d'appel en la manireo prescrite par la toute personne detenue actuelle-nent ell n loi. Ils seroat emls par les electeurs dftivertu de procedures judicinires. dans toote ment qiialifi,s de leurs districts, et ils resteaffaire oi I'appel lui est d6volu. ront aen fnctions pendant le terme de deux ART. 74. La Cour Supreme ne rendra ann4es. [ils atiront telle juridiction crimipoint de jtlgeonent sans la participation iielle qui leur sera accordoe par la loi. d'une majorite des juges qui la composent. AR. 83. I1 y aura un Procureur G~n,l al Et lorsqu'il n~y aura point majorite en rai- pour l Etat, et autant d'Avocats de -)istrict son de la rdcusatiol de quelques membres que la Lcgislature le jugera n~cessaire. Le de cette Cour, les juges non recusds pour- Procureur Ggnural sera elu tons les quatre ront s'adjoindre quelque Juge des cours in- ars par les 1electeurs diment qualifids de ferieures, dont le devoir sera de siger en lFEtal. I recevra un traitement de cinq lieu et place du juge ricuse, et de conco0 - mille piastres par an, payable trimestrielle rir h la confection de l.'rr t de la Cou.i. meit sur son propre mandat. Les Avocats A'r. 7). Tons les juges seot. eni vertu de District seront Ilus par les olecteiirs dti(e leur charge, co servateurs (de I1 paix ment qualifies de leurs districts respectifs, publique dans tout l'Etat. fLe style de touteI pour n terme de quatre annes. Ils rece procddure sera "Etat de lt Loeisiane.' vroilt tel traitemient que la Lgislatture d4 Toute poursuite se feran ai nior et par l' au- terminera. toritd de l'Etat de la Louisiarine et conclue- ART. 84-. 11 y unra dans chaque paroisse ra contre la paix et la dignite dudit Etat. un Shgrif et un Coroner qui seront niomm6s ART. 76. Les juges de toutes les cours t pIr l lecteurs dameat qualifies de ces l'Etat devront, quand faire se pourra, dai proies et qi resterot en fonctios pen toutjugeeat ~naiif Ict~ii ILla' paroisses. et qal resteroat en fonctions pen tout jugement dfinitif, rdf6rer t la loi en dtiant deux n,o. La Logislature aura le pou vertui de laquelle leditjnugemeint a etd rendi voir d'augmenter le nombre des Shdrifs et dans tousles cas, donnei les motis ie dans telle paroisse qul'elle jiugera' propos. lear j *gement. S'l! survient une vacance dans l'une de ces ART. 77. Les juges (e toI n es s cours deux places, postdrieurement k l:lection, seront passibles de la aise ei-t accusation; il y sera pourvn par le Gouverneur; et la mais, pour toute cause tondee qui naentrati- personne a ninin Oe en remplacement aern point la maise en accusation, le Gouver- conservera ses fonctions jusqu'I c que son neur, sur la requtte dune majorit6 de, successeur ait t~ dlu et qualiftS. 181 a CONSTITUTION DE L'ETAT DE LA LOUISIANE. TITRE VI. I ART. 92. La L4gislature aura le pouvoir ISE EN ACUSATI(). de de dterminer la peine du crime de ha,,te MISE. E8N. ha O. ( dtrahison; mais aucune conviction de trahi ART. 85. La Chambre des Repredseutauts son nontrainora linfamio 0u la forfaitur, sera investie du droit de meti,re enl aciis,,- son n en~traiiiera l-infamie ou la forfaitl8-iif sera investie du droit do mottro en accusa- des droits civils et politiques, qu'exceptot tion les officiers publics. pendant la vie do ia perso ceuvaiud,o ART. 86. La mise en accusation du Go- penat v de la persone convin-e dI- e -ce crime. verneur, du Lieutenant-Gouverneur, de I'A- ART. 93. S era incapable d'exercer au vocat-Gongral, du Secretaire d'Etat, du cunes fonctions publiques dans l'Etat, ho Trdsorier d'Etat et des Juges des cours in- norifiques ou autres, et sera prive du droit f4rieures, sauf les Juges de Paix, appartion de siffrage toute personae qui aura et6 (dra anlu Snat. Le Grand-Juge de la Coir convaincue du crime de trahison, de parSupreme ou le doyen de cette cour, pre- juire de faux, de concussion, ou de tons ausidera au proces de mise en accusation. Le tres crimes et offenses. ~~~~~~re c ri^cmes etb off enses. Senat jugera loes juges de las Cour Saupreme ART. 94. Toutes les peines seront propormis en accusation. Quand les Sdnateurs si6- tionnaes h la nature de i'offense. gdront comme cour de mise en accusation, A 95. L'exorcico du droit de libro s diovroat pre6ter le serment on I'affirma- suffrage sera protag6 par des lois rgularition; et mfi110 sea cendamno sans ]o con- sant les e1ections, et defendant, sous des cours des deuix tiers des senateiirs prd- peines sev~res, l'emploi de toute influence sents.. illegitime de la part du pouvoir, de toute ART. 87. L'effet des jugements par suite corruption d'lecteurs, tous desordres o d'une mise en accusation n'entralnera que autres menes inconvenantes. la perte des fonctions ou la privation de ART. 96. 11 ne sera tire du trdsor aucune tout office d'honneur, de confiance ou de somme, si ce n'est sur une allocation speprofit relevant de l'Etat, sans touitefois cifique faite par la loi: et aucune allocaprejudi,ier au droit d'accusation publique, tion de fonds ne pourra etre faite h l'avance de poursuite et condamnation, d'apros les pour plus dedeux ans. Un 6tat et compte lois ordinaires, contre le coupable. r,gulier des rottes et d6penses du trgsor ART. 88. T out officier centre lequlp cil sera publie annuellement dans la forme qui y aura mise en accusation ser suspeudu de sera proscrito par la lol. l'exercice de ses fonctions pendant la dmir'e ART. 97. L'Assomble G~nralo devra de l'instance susdite, et I'autoritd de la faire les lois quelle jugera convenables et nomination de laquelle ces fonctions ro- nessai os pour r,gler los affaires liti-ietlevent, pourra nommer provisoirement un ses soumises n des arbitres. remplagant jusqu'l ce que ]'action de mise ART. 98. TOUS les officiers civils de I'-Een accusation soit decidee. t rsideront das ART. 89. La Legislature poulrvoira par la 1'Etat, et toes les officiers de district ot doe loi au jugement de tous~ auLtres officiers loi an jugoment de teus auintrs officiers paroisses voteront et rosideront dans leoirs d'Etat mis n accusation, pine qu paroissesoi districts respectifs, et tiendront leur sera appliquee et h leur renvoi. par leurs offices I tels endroits qui pourrout vole d'accusation oe au.trement. tr requis par lo. C~tre requis par la loi. TITRE VIT. ART. 99. Tous les officiers civils pour ~1)i SITIONS CE!t3i~., ~ront otre rgvoques de leurs fonctions, sur la demande de la majorite des membres 61lus AlRT. 90. Les membres de l7Asseombi.(,' dans les deux Chambres. Ne sont pas comGrindtale et tons le,- offici~ers publics, avaniit Gne t tes ls officiers publics t pris dans cet article les officiers a la revod'entrer en fonctions, preteroat le sermnent cabilite desquels la presente constitution a suivant:! autrement pourvu. Je (A B) jure solennelleinent (onl alirnme) ART. 100. Dains touites.]-es 61ectiois, partt (Iue je soutiendrai la constitution et les lois I- 10 l ote ea ctise rt des Etats-UJ'nis et do cot Etla~t, (3t quoe ~ iec peuple, le vote se fera au scrutin secret. des Etats-Unis et de cet Etat, et qi-e je e astiie e lcin a eSia, remplirai avec fiddlit6 et impartiality to et dans toes les elections par le Sea ot ls devoirs qi e seront ipos pa la Chamibre des Representants, ensemble les devoirs quii me seront impos6,s parI mes fenc~tions do mi miii do c ol i sdpar-ment, le vote sera donne de vive fonctions dle- au mieiix (le, moe-, cpacites et de mon entendement. Dtiet me. soit en aide! ArT. 101. iNe pourront etre eligibles k ART. 91. Le crime de haiiute;trahiso)l col- I'Assemblee Generale, ni exercer aucuneS sistera uniquemenit dans le fait de sitsciter fonctions publiques. honorifiques on1 autres. ulne g uoerre contre lEtIti, 0,1 dei pactiser d ans l'Etat. les membres du Gongres ni aniavec ses eniitemis,. oit ile our (ioinie(r aide cune personne xrcant dtes fonctions 1)uet assistance. FersotrIe e porr-,l t,tre bliques, honoritfiques (it aitres. pour I( declare coni,a;ncii du crime do haute ta- compte du gouvereiment goniral des hison que snr ia deposition de deot temoins E3tats-Units ot d'une puissance dtirangere. du meme fait de trahison ounert, ou sur sa ART. 102. Ne pourront etre nommes It propre confession I l'audience de la cour. aucunes fonctions publiques, honorifiques 182 CONSTITUTION DE L5ETAT DE LA LOUISIANE. 183 ou de profit, dans cet Etat, que des citoyens ART. 111. La presse seralibre. Tout ci des Etats-Unis. toyens peuit parler,,crire etpublier ses sen ART. 103. Les lois de Etat seronit pro timents sur tous sujets; il sera seulement mulgudes, les livres et archives publics responsable de l'abus de cette libertY. tenus et conserves, et les procgdures 6cri- ART. 112. La L4gislature n'auiira pas le tes de la L4gislature on des cours de jus- pouvoir de venir en aide aux compagnies tice conduites en la langue en laquelle est ou associations particulieres, excepts aiix ~crite la constitution des Etats-Unis. institutions charitables et ka telles compa ART. 104. Les lois ne pourront tre sts gnies ol associations particuliires form(es pendues que par la volont4 dle la Lgila dans le but exclusif de faire des travaux qui ture. tonrneront, en tout ou en partie, k l'avanta ART. 105. Toute poursuite eii inatire ci- ge de l'Etat. mais seulement jusqu'a con minelle, sera baste sur un acte d accusa- currence de iun cinquiimen' ndu capital en tion. L'accus4 aura droit a 6tre jug4 tier dle ces compagnies, et ce, soit au moyen promptement, et par iun juri impartial de de souscription d'actions, soit par pret d'ar la paroisse dans laquiielle le crime aura 6t6 gent, soit par emission de bons publics. commis. II ne sera point oblige k s'acc- Mai toutes avances ainsi accord,es ne se ser lii-mCm-i; il a-tra droit d o.tre entendn, iont versdes h la compagnie que dans la soit par lui-meme, soit par un d6fenseur. mdme proportion que le reste du capital Ii aura droit h voi] les t6moins face k face. sera effectivement vers6 par les actionnaires et il lui sera fourni les moyens necessairesI de la compagnie et, en cas d'emprunt, la pour se procurer des t( moins a d1charge. compagnie fournira telles garanties que I ne pourra 6tre poursuivi dle-x fois pour la Legislature jugera convenables. Les la meme offense. corporations ou associations individuelles ART. 106. Tout'tCCitsst, pourra toujours recevant aide et assistance de l'Etat, comme Ilernander it tre mis en libert4 en fournis- il vient d'6tre dit, ne pourront posseder sant une caution suffisante, excepte en cas i aucune obligation de banque oi d'escompte d'accusation capitale, lorsque la preuva ART. 113. L'Etat ne pourra contracter sera ovidente ou la presomption forte, ou I aucune obligation de la nature ci-dessus moins de conviction pour un crime oil line mentionnfe sanls y 6tre autoris4 par une loi offense entrainant la poine de mort o le expresso et pour un objet ou un travail qui travaux forcds. Le privilege dui droit i'ha- Y sera distinctement specifie, laquelle loi beas corpits ne sera point siispeidu, excep- sera votde parla majorite des membres cqus te lorsque, dans les cas de i,6bellion oi auix decx Chambres de l'Assembl6e G(n6d'invasion. la raison de salut public pelt rale; et It montant total des dettes et oblirendre cette mesure ndcessaire. gations noutractbes anll tio1 de l'Etat, en Aar. 107. I1 ne pourra etre exig4 de.s verti (l de et aiiticle et du precedent, ne cautions exagtrces, ni impose des amendes pourront jamais, en aucun temps, exc,der excessives, ni infiig4 des peines criielles onil hiuit millions de piastres. contraires aUx usages. ARtT. 114. Toutes les tois lque la Ldgisla ART. 108. L,e droit des particiiliers a etre ttre contractera une dette dont le montant prote'ges dans leurs personnes. d(ans leurs exce(era cent mille piastres. t moins que (lomiciles. dans leurs papiers et effets. con- ce ue soit en cas de guerre et pour repoustre toutes les visites domiciliaire,s ol saisies ser l'invasion ol supprimer l'insurrection, do4raisonnables ne sera point viol et il el le devra., dans la loi qui creera cette dette, ne sera accords aucuni ordrie de recherchle, poiurvoir aux moyens de payer l'intert coude saisie on d'arrestation qte sur des cases ranit et le principal h l'epoque de leurs probables appuyees d'un serment ou d'une 6ch6,tnces. Et cette loi ne pourra etre affirmation; et ces ordres devront ducrire rappelc,oe jusqu h ce que la dette principale avec precision ]es lieux oul doivent s'op,rer et t ses intercts aient ete acquittas, I moins les recherhes. les personues qui doivent dtre toiutefois que la loi nouvelle quli l'abrogera arret6es on les objets qlii doivenit dtre ne pourvoie par d'autresmesuressuffisantes saisis. i Ix mooyens de payer la (lite dette en prin ART. 109. ll te sera. 1)asse atucune loi cipal etintdrets. avant un effet i otroactif ou portant atieint i Ai. 11. La L4gislatm'e lourvoira an la, validite des contrats. ou aux drioits t rantsfert des affaires civiles et criminelles acquiis, si ce n'est pour cause d'iutilit4 pu- dune juridiction h une autre. bli(lue et apres indemnite prealable. Aur. 116. La Ldgislature aura le pouvoir Ant. 110. Toutes les cours de justice se- d(accorder des licences alix maisons de jeu ront tenues onvertes, et tout particulier qui et de vendre des billets de loterie. Lesdites sera attaqut dans sa personne, dans sa r- inmaisons de jen seront dans tous les cas teputation ou dans ses biens, aiira droit d'en nues an rez-de-chaussl e et les portes ouverdemander ia reparation dans les formes in- tes; mais dans aucun cas, non moins de dix diqnes par laloii et il lui sera fait droit mille piastres ne seront exigdes comme paile sans qu'on puisse lui opposer un ddni de ment de ladite licence sur chaque vendeur justice on des lenteurs dnraisonnables., de billets de loterie et sur chaque maison 24 CONSTITUTION DE L'ETAT DE LA LOUISIANE. e ART. 127. Aucune partie des terres conc4 dees par le Congres h i'Etat de la Louisiane s pour lui faciliter la construction de levdes et autres travaux nTcessaires au dessichei- ment des terrains inond3s de l'Etat, ne sera r appliquee h un autre objet que celu en vue e duquel elles ont ete conc~ddes. - ART. 128. La Legislature ne pourra faire aucune loi a i'effet d'exclure un citoyen de i-'Etat d'un emploi public, a raison de ce t quq'i ignorait une langue autre que celle dans laquelle est 6crite la Constitution des e Etats-Unis. I- ART. 129. I1 n'existera, dans l'Etat, les i paroisses ou les municipalitds, aucune rese ponsabilito' pour dettes contractes pour ou t dans l'interet de la rebellion, contre'auito rit4 du gouvernement des Etats-Unis. A- ART. 130. Le siege du gouvernemnent se,t ra et restera a la Nouvelle-Orldans, et ne t pourra etre change que par i'assentiment S t des deux tiers des deux Chambres de i'Ass semblde G,nnrale. ART. 131. La Legislature pourra detere miner la mdthode de remplir les vacances dans les divers emplois, pour obvier aux lacunes qui pourraient exister dans la Cons- titiition. - ART. 12'2. La Legislature ne passera aucune t loi requcrant des titres de proprietds d'aut cune personne ayant un emploi public ou qui pourrait en obtenir. I ~~~~TITRE VIrl. CORPORATION DE LA VILLE DE LA NOUVELLE ORLEANS. ART. 133. Les citoyens de la ville de la Nouvelle-Orlans auront le droit de nommer les divers officiers publics ndcessaires a l'a dministration de la police de la dite ville, - suivant le mode dl'e4lection qlii sera prescrit par la L~gislature; pourvu, qile le maire et les recorders ne soient pas eligibles . pour sieger a l'Assembloe Gdnerale, et que e maire et le recorder soient commission nes par le Gouverneur comme juges de paix e t la L~gislature pourra leur attribuer une certaine juridiction criminelle nucessaire pour la punition de lIgires offenses, ainsi que le uocessitera la police et le bon ordre de la ville. La ville de la Notivelle-Orleaus main tiendra une force de police qui portera l'uniforme, avec distinction de grades, con sistant de citoyens rdsidant dans l'Etat de la Louisiane, choisis par le Maire de la ville; qu'ils continueront leurs fonctions aussi longtemps que leur conduite sera bonne; qu'ils ne pourrout etre destitues que par une commission de police composee de cinq citoyens et le Maire, qui sera le pr4 sident de cette commission. La commis sion devra etre nomme par le Gouverneur de l'Etat pour le terme de deux annoes, a un salaire qui ne sera pas moths de $1000 par annde; une majorit4 de 1, d.ite comis-. de jeu, et cinq cents piastres sur chaqui tombola. ART. 117. La Legislature peut feirre de lois generales pour la rguldarisatioin de l't doption des enfants, l'emancipation d u s mi neurs, les changemenits de noms et accorde n ivoc aisaues divorces mas aucues lois spci.les n seront bmises concernant ou un cas particR lier ou individuel. ART. 118. Toute lo! passee par la 1Legis lature n'embrassera qu'un seul objet, et ce objet sera imprime dans ion titre. ART. 119. Aucune loi ne pourra 6tre remis en vigueur ou amendde sur le simple enon c4 de son titre; mais en pareil cas, la lo remise en vigueur ou la section amende sera r6-6dictge, et puiblide k nouveau tou au long. ART. 120. La L4gislature n'adoptera ja mais un systeme de droit ou un code de lo en indiquant d'une maniere generale ledi systeme ou ledit code. Elle doit, dans tou~ les cas, specifier les diverses disposition~ qu'elle veut decreter. ART. 121. Les lois speciales de I'Etat ie pourront crder des corporations, excepte dans un but politique ou municipal, mais lI L4gislature pourvoira par des lois genera les a llorganisation de toutes ces corpora tions, except4 toutes celles qui ont rapporl aux maisons de banque et d'escompte donl IY existence est, par le present, prohibee. ART. 122. Dans le cas ou une banque ou ine association, faisant les operations de banque, serait en faillite, les ddtenteurs de leurs billets auront le droit d'etre pay,s avant les autres creanciers. ART. 123. Nul nyoccupera a la fois p)lus d'une place civile, salariee ou honorifique, sauf celle du juge de paix. ART. 124. Les taxes seront egales et iiniformes dans tout l'Etat. Chaque propri,t4 sera taxee d'apres sa valeur, comme il sera decid6 d'apres la loi. L'Assemblee G4n6rale aura le pouvoir d'exempter des taxes toutes propridtds a Ilusage des eglises, ecoles ou institutions chaiitables. L'Assemblee Generale lvera une taxe sur les revenus de toutes les personnes poursuivant une occupation quelle qu'elle soit, marchands ou autres, at toutes ces personnes devront obtenir une licence, ainsi que la loi le prescrit. Toutes les taxes sur les revenus seront faites au pro rata d'un montant des revenus oI des affaires faites. ART. 125. La Legislature ddterminera par la loi dans quel cas les officiers continiueront a exercer leurs fonctions jusqu'a ce que leurs successeurs les remplacent rdguliirement. ART. 126. La Legislature, moyennant le consentement des Etats-Unis, aura le droit dl4tendre l'autorite de cette constitution et la juridiction de cet Etat a tout territoire acquis par un traite avec un autre Etat, ou avec les Etats-Unis. 184 CONSTITUTION DE L'ETAT DE LA LOUISIANE. reconmmandera telles mesures qu'il croira convenables dans l'interet public de l'Etat, et remplira tous autres devoirs qui pourront lui etrs imposes par la loi. 11 recevia un traitement de cinq mille piastres par an. Jusqu-'a ce qu'il en soit autrement ordonne par la loi. Le mode de nomination, le hrombre et le traitement de ses assistants seront deteriiiminds par la loi. L'Ingdnieur d'Etat et ses assistants devront fournir de bonnes et solvabl(s securites cormme garantie de la fidele execution de leIirs devoirs, ainsi qu'il est prescrit par la loi. ART. 137. L'Assemblee G~ngrale aura le pouvoir de crdei (des Ameliorations Interieures dans les Districts, composes de une ou plitsieurs Paroisses, et accordera aux citoyeiis y residant le -droit d'imposer des taxes erix-mc1mes pour subvenir a ces ameliorations. Lorsqiie les Ame'liorations Interieures de Districts auront ete' decretees, les districts auront le droit de choisir leurs commissaires, de nommer leurs officiers, de fixer leurs traitements, et de regulariser toutes mesures relatives aux amcliorations de leiirs districts; pourvu que les dites ameliorations ne viennent pas en conflit avec l(: s lois generales de l'Etat. ART. 138. L'Assemblce Generale pourra venir en aide aux dits Districts, en leur accordant des fonds provenant des marecages et des terrains inonrdes cecdcs h cette fin ou autrement a cet Etat par le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis. ART. 139. L'Assemblec Generale aura le droit de supprimer l'emploi d'Ingenieur d'Etat, pam la majorite du vote de tous les membres elus dans chacune des Chambres. et de substituer en son lieu et place, un Comite des Travaux Publics, si cette me su-re est juigee ndcessaire. TITRE X I. EDUCATION' PUBLIQUE. ART. 140. I1 sera elu un surintendant de l'instruction publique, qui exercera ses fonctions pendant une periode de deux annees. Ses devoirs seront prescrits par la loi, et il recevra un traitement de cinq mille piastres par an, jusqu'a ce qu'il en soit autrement ordonn, par la loi. N,anmoins l'Assemblde G4nrale pourra, par un vote de la majorite des membres l1us anx deux Chambres, abolir la place de surintendant de linstruction publique, quand elle jugera que cette place n'est plus necessaire. ART. 141. La Legislature pourvoira, soit au moyen de taxes ou autrement, ~ l'entre tien des ecoles publiques, pour l'intruction de tons les enfants de l'Etat entre les ages de six et dix-huit ans. ART. 142. La langue Anglaise sera seule enseignee dans les 4coles publiques de l'Etat. A~T. 143. I1 sera cre4/ une Universiie siolnt a siue pourra destituer cause de d1its. Lorsqu'un membre de la police aura ete destitue, il ne pourra plus &tre ligible avant un terme d'une annde. Intervenir en aucitne maniere dans lIs elections sera tine cause stiffisante pour immediate destitution. Le chef de police fournira un cautionnement de $10,000; les lieutenants de police, $5000;les sergents et commis, chaciin, $3000; les caporaux, $2000; et les simples oliiciers $1000, avec de bonnes et solvables securites, ainsi que la loi l'exige, pour l'accomplissement fidele de leurs devoirs. Ces divers offliciers recevront un traitement qui ne sera pas moins de: Le Chef de Police......... $250 par mois. Les Lieutenants de Police.. 150 do. Les Sergents............. 100 do. Les Commis............... 100 clo. Les Capora ux............. 90 1o. Les offilciers du jour et de la nuiit.................... 80 lo. TI:TRE, lX. TRAYW-.UX PUBLICS. ART. 134. La Legislature 6tablira le prix et la solde des contre-maitres, manceuvres a et auvres employ's dans les travaux public s du Goluvernement de l'Etat, des paroisses et de la ville. Pomtrvu, Que la compensation a payer aux contre-maitres, ouvriers, charretiers et manceuvres employe2s dans les trava0 x publics sous le Gouvernement de oEtat de la Louisiane, la ville de la Nouvelle-Orleans, et les juris de police des diverses paroisses de l'Etat ne soienit pas moians de, savoir: Contre-maitres........... $3 50 par jour. Artisans................. 3 00 do. Charretiers............... 3 00 do. Marieurres............... 2 00 do. ART. 135. Neuf heures constitueront une journee de travail pour les ouvriers, artisans et manceuvres employes anix travaiix publics. TITRE~ X. AMELIORlATIONS INTERIIEUIIES. ART. 136. Le Gouverneur nommera un Ingdnieur d'Etat, ayant des counaissances approfondies, theoriques et pratiques, de sa professioni, et qui tiendra son office pour la durde de quatre annees au siege du Gouvernement. I1 aura la surintendance et la direction gdndrale de tous les travaux publics dans lesquels l'Etat pourra etre interessr, excepte ceux entrepris par des companies d'actionnaires ou par les autorites de la ville ou des paroisses exclusivement, sans pour cela venir en conffit avec les lois g&nd rales de l'Etat. I1 communiquera annuellement a I'Assemble G4no rale, par l a volte du Gouverneur, ses vues au sujet de son emploi; il fera son rapport sur la condition des travaux publics en voie dlexdcution, I 185 cette allocation restera inviolable. de cette Constitution. ART. 145. Le revemni provenant de la en- AIrT. 150. Afin qu'il ine rgsulte aucufn inte de toute terre accordde jusqulh ce mo- convdnient dans la mnarche du service pument k cet Etat par le gouvernement fd6 blic par l'eflet de cette Constitution, aucun ral, pour l'entretien d'une maison d4'duca- officier public ne sera remplace en vertu de tion, que la vente ait ddjk ei lieu ou quellec cette ConstituItion; mais les lois de cet Etat, s'accomplisse plis tard, ainsi que le reve- relatives aunx devoirs des diff rents offciers nu provenant d'une donation quelconque des Departements de i'Exscutif; duii Judifaite a l'Etat dans le but ci-dessus indiqu6, ciaire et du Militaire- excepts celles retlformera utin fonds perpdtuel dont l'interit, dues nulles par l'autorit6 militaire et par b raison de six pour cent par an, sera apli- l'Ordonnance d'Emancipation seront qu6e a h l'entretien d'une institution destinee maintenuties dans toute leur force, lors mime aux progres de la litterature, des artfs et des qu'elles seraient en,, contradiction directe sciences. La L4gislature ne pou'ra voter avec cette Constitution; et les diff4rents deaucune loi pour appliquer les fonds ci-des- voirs seront remplis par les officiers re,pecsus mentionnes iiun atitre but qite la crda tifs de l'Etat d'apres les lois existantes. tion et l'amglioration de l'institution sus- seulementjusqu"a l'organisation du Gouverdite, et l'Assemblee Gengrale aura le poiU- nement sous cette Cotistitution et i'entr4e voir de lever une somme pour l'organisa-!i "lnctions des nouveaux officiers nomm4s tion et lFentretien de cette mdme institution, par ledit Gouvernement. par les voies et moyetis qu'elle croira con- ART. 151. La Ledgislature pourvoira an venables. tr;isfert de toutes les affaires actuellement ART. 146. Aucune appropriation ne sera peildantes dans la Cour Supreme ou dans faite par la L4gislature pour l'entretien les autres Cours de l'Etat sous la Constitud'une 4cole ou d'une maison d'dducation tion de 1852, aux Cours crdees en vertu de particulire quelconque,mais les plus grands cette Constitution. encouragements devront 6tre accordes aux dryo~~(~~lest publiques danl~s'TITRE Iutv. drylest publiques daiis tozit I'Etat. TR. 4cles publiques danis touit I'Etat. ORDO.NNA.NE. TITRE YTI. TtTRE YlIJ. tART. 152. Immdeiatement apres l'ajour MODE DEV REVISION D1E LA CONSTITrTION. nement de la Convcntion, le Gouverneur ART. 147. Tout amendement h cette Cons- Ilancera sa proclamation enjoignant aux di titution peut dtre propos6 aui Sgnat ou A la vers officiers lIgaux de cet Etat de tenir des Chambre des RepresentanLts. Si l'amende- elections; ou,a ddfaut de ceux-ci, tels officiers ment est accept' par la majority des qu'il dgsignera dans les diffdrentes paroismembres ilus dans chaque Chambre, il sera ses de l'Etat, aux lieux ddsignds par la loi insdrd au procds-verbal avec le vote par oui le premier lundi de Septembre 1864, afin de et par non. L'amendement proposd sera soumettre a la volontg du peuiple de cet sonmis au suffrage du peuple a une d1ection Etat l'adoption ou le rejet de cette Constiqui sera ordonnde par la Le6islature, et tution. I1 sera du devoir des officiers ainsi qui devra dtre tenue dans les quatre-vingt- nommds de recevoir les votes de tons les dix jours qui suivront son ajournement, et electeurs dtiment qualifids. Chaque votant aprs les trente joutrs de publication requis ddposera dans la botte du vote un bulletin CONSTITUTION DE LrETAT DE LA LOUISIANE. sur lequel sera ocrit: "Ratification de la solution une election au jour flxd dans la Constitution," ou: "Rejet de It Constitu- proclamation ou la resolution, dans les tion." A la cloture de ladite election, les soixante jours qui suivront la promulgation officiers et commissaires nommds a cet effet de l'ordre, pour les emplois de Gouverneur, devront examiner soigneusement et comp- Lieutenant-Gouverneur, Secrdtaire d'Etat ter les bulletins tels qu'ils auront 6tg ddpo- Tresorier, Procureur-G4ngral et Surintenses dans chaque boite par les votants; et dant des Ecoles Publiques. Les candidats ils en feront le retour legal au Secretaire ainsi 4lus entreront en fonctions le quad'Etat, d'apres les dispositions de la loi et trinme Lundi suivant leur lection, et conles usages 6tablis concernant les 1elections. serveront leurs offices pendant la periode ART. 153. Quand les retours d'lection de temps prescrite par cette Constitution, a auront ete requs-ou le troisime Lundi de compter du second Lundi de Janvier suiSeptembre si les retours ne sont pas re;us vant anterieurement a leur entree en foncplus tot-il sera du devoir du Gouverneur tions, au cas of ils n'entreraient bas en du Secretaire d'Etat, du Procureur-Gdnural fonctlons 4 cette 6poque. La durde des et du Trdsorier d'Etat, et en prdsence des fonctions des officiers d'Etat 6lus le 22 f4personnes qui auront gt6 designges pour vrier 1864, expirera a l'installation de assister au ddpouillement, de comparer le leurs successeurs, comme il vient d'etre nombre des votes de la dite e41ection pour pourvu ci-dessus; mais, dans aucun cas la ratification ou le rejet de cette Constitu- leur terme d'office ne pourra s'4tendre aution; et si, une fois l'opdration terminde, il delh des limites fixees dans cette Constituressort qu'une majorite des votes est en fa- tion; et, au cas ofu l4lection de leurs sucveur de la ratification de cette Constitution, cesseurs ne serait pas devancde, elle devra il sera du devoir du Gouverneur de lancer avoir lieu le premier Lundi de Novembre une proclamation faisant connaitre le fait h 1867, dans toutes les paroisses of faire se tous; et des lors, cette Constitution devien- pourra, et les officiers nlus a cette date dra la Constitution de l'Etat de la Louisiane. entreront en fonctions le second second MIais quoiqu'il advienne, que cette Consti- Lundi de Janvier 1868. tution soit ratiflde ou rejetee, il sera du ART. 158. Cette Constitution sera publice devoir du Gouverneur d'ordonner la publi dans trois journaux choisis par le President cation du resultat des 6lections, d4montrant de cette Convention, dont deux devront la le nombre de votes donnds dans chaque publier en Anglais et en Frangais, et un paroisse pour ou contre cette Constitution. autre en Allemand, h partir d l'ajourne ART. 154. Aussitot qu'une election g4n&- ment de la Convention jusqu'a i'l1ection rale pourra 6tre tenue dans chaque paroisse qui sera tenue pour la ratification ou le de l'Etat sous l1empire de cette Constitu- rejet, le premier Lundi de Septembre 1864. tion, le Gouverneur devra lancer unie procla, E. HI. DURELL, President. mation faisant connaitre le fait; on, k son d4- Joux- E. NEEIIS, Secretary. faut d'agir, la L6gislature ordonnera par r6 187 I INDEX DU JOURNAL OFFICIEL. ]'AGE. Adresse du president Dutrell......................................................7 Appels de la decision du president...........................................11, 18 Appointement du comite relatif h la statue de Washington.........................39 Assistant sorgent-d'armes.......................................................26 Appropriation au Juge Carrigan...........................................' 159, 160 Appointement du comite de la Verification des Pouvoirs............................5 Action sur le Rapport du comite sur l'Instriction..........145, 151, 152, 153, 157, 159 Amendement de la section 6 sur le rapport d'Emancipation de la minorite.......... 63 Action d'e4mancipation sur le rapport de la minorite....................67, 69, 71, 73 Action sur le rapport du comite du Departement Executif......................86, 87 Arts industriels exempts de taxes................................................ 60 Appointement du comite sur les Relations Federales...............................28 Action sur le rapport des Dispositions Generales..........119, 120, 121, 130, 133, 138 Adresse du Gouverneur h la Convention........................................173 Action sur la Mise en Accusation..........................................113, 118 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 94, 96, Action sur le rapport du comite du Departement Judiciaire 97, 98, 100, 101, 102, 107, .+~ ~ ~(109, 110, 112, 115, 117. Action sur le rapport du Ddpartement Legislatif..........................78, 82, 84 Auditeur d'Etat.................................................... 33, 39 Action relative au "New Orleans Times"........................................ 172 Ameliorations intdrieures................................................ 130, 132 Bill pour frais de decoration dans la Salle de la Liberte........................92, 95 Bills,-dette de la Convention..................................................168 Bills de l'Imprimenr officiel...................................................77 Bill de la police de la Nouvelle-Orleans.........................................106 Bills de l'Imprimeur officiel..................................................... 76 Bills de l'imprimeur.................................................... 77 Bons d'Etat rebelles.................................................... 29 Compensation des officiers de la Convention....................48, 49, 50, 53, 54, 56 Comite des Reglements Generaux..............................5, 12, 19, 20, 21 Comites permanents.......................................................28, 39 Comit6 des Relations Fdderales................................................28 Comite de la Statue de Washington.............................................38 Comites Permanents...........................................................28 Commis aux Mandats.........................................................170 Dldgu6es a la Convention de Baltimore..................................78, 81, 159 Dames invitees a visiter la Convention...........................................70 Depenses relatives a l'Inauguration.......................................154 Election de l'Imprimeur officiel.........................................11, 13 Election du secretaire.................................................7, 26 PAG,. G Election du rapporteur en chef................................................. 26 Election de Benjamin H. Orr...................................................62 Election de John A. Mayer.................................................... 66 Election des officiers de la ville.......................................123, 126, 137 Election du rapportenr en chef..................................................26 Election de J. A. Mayer.......................................................66 Extracompensation..................................................161, 168, 170 Election de Orr...............................................................62 Election de l'imprimeur.................................................1.......2 Exemption des officiers et employes.......................................... 62,;3 Forme et arrangement..............................................149, 159, 162 Invitation au Major-G4nnral Banks............................................ 91 Institutions charitables.................................................118 Mfembres absents...................29, 40, 52, 54, 57, 80, 83, 85, 91, 92, 93, 9(;, 98 MIembres assaillis............................................................. 8 Monnaie appropriee ($25,000) pour les ddpenses contingentes......................57 Membres delinquents......................................................... 113 Maisons de jeu...............................................................121 Mdmoire du Prof. A. Vallas.....................................................53 Mdmoire relatifaux corporations de banque................................)5,, 57 " " aux heures de travail....................................126, 127 . aux naissances et deccs................................127, 134, 135 . au pont de la rie Galvez...................................153, 157 MPmoire de Vailas.........................................................53, 57 Nomination de la Convention de Baltimore...................................... ]58 Nomination a la Convention de Baltimore endossee..............................l (;0 Ordonnance pour remplir une vacance all Congres.................... 160, 162, 169 Ordonnance relative aux el1ections....................................... 146, 154 Organisation temporaire...................................................... 3 Organisation permanente........................................ 6, 7,.8 9 Ordonnance definissant la qualification des votants.............................97. 171 Oui et non sur le dep6t de la resolution Terry, requirant les inembres dlexhiber leni' serment blinde...................................................... Sur l'adoption de la resolution Terry..................................10 Sur l'adoption de la resolution Thomas pour l'electionl e'lti iinprimeur.... I Surl'appel de Gastinel contre la decision du president.................. l Sur le second vote sur l'adoption de la resolution Thomas, pour' l'tlec tion d'un imprimeur..............................................12 Sur l'appel de Stauffer contre la decision du 1)president...................I - " Sur l'adoption de la resolution Montamat. relative' la compensation des membres........................................................ 2 Sur le dep6t du prdambule et de la resolution d'Ab l. en regard a l'or dre general No. 38..........................................2.......24 Sur le dep6t du preambule et de it ri'(solution Sullivan, concernant les membres de naissance etrangere....................................2 Sur I'adoption de la resolution Montamat approp)riant $100,000 poIl' payer les officiers et les membres...............................'... Sur le dep6t sur la resolution Montamat invitant le joge Atochla a siegel. dans l'enceinte de la Convention....................................;t " Sur le ddp6t de liamendement de Hills, retranchant la hl.'1gluc franlaise...;l "Sur l'adoption de la motion Terry de publier les deibats en langue irlan daise......................................................31 ii INDEX. INDEx. iii PAGE. Oui et noit sur l'adoption de la motion Wenck de reconsid6rer le vote d'impressions en " Anglais et Frangais................................................ 33 sur le dep6t de la resolution Terry definissant la qualification des officiers d'Etat et municipaux...............................................49 stisur l'adoption de la dite resolution....................................49 stir le dep6t de la motion Hills retranchant la compensation du president..50 stir le vote direct de la motion Hills de retrancher......................50 " sur l'adoption du rapport du comite des Compensations..................51 sur la motion de ddposer la resolution de Hills relative k la prdsence des membres.......................................................... 55 sur l'adoption du rapport du comnite des Relations Fdderales............. 57 " sur le ddp6t de la resolution Goldmann relative aux banques.............59 sur l'adoption de la motion Gastinel d'imprimer le rapport du comit6 des Im pressions......................................................60, 61 sur le dep6t de lamendement Davies, retranchant cette portion du rapport du comite( d'Education autorisant la Legislature d'abolir l'office de Surinten dant de l'Instruction Publique................................. 61 " sur l'adoption de la resolution Terry relative aux personnes qui occupent un emploi d'Etat ou municipal..........................................62 sur l'adoption du substitut Pursell pour l'article ler du rapport du comite de l'Instruction Publique..............................................63 sur la suspension des reglements pour prendre en mains le rapport du comite d'Emancipation....................................................65 " sur le dep6t du rapport de la minorite sur l'Emancipation................65 sur la suspension des reglements dans le but d'ajourner....................6 sur l'appel de M. Hills contre la decision du president...................67 sur le rejet du rapport de la minorite sur l'Emancipation..................68 sutir la suspension des re(glements dans le but de rescinder ];acceptation de la resignation de M. Howell.......................................... 68, 69 stisur la rescission de l'acceptation de la rdsignation de M. Howell..........71 snr l'ajournement.....................7........................71 sutir le dep6t de l'amendement Wilson h l'Ordonnance d'Emancipation..... 71 sur l'ajournement.................................................... 71 stir l'adoption de la lere sectiotn de l'Ordonnance d'Emancipation.......72 sur lajoiornement..........................72, 73 sur l'adoption de la 2e section de l'Ordonnance d'Emancipati on.........73 sur le de4p6t du proviso Abell a la troisibme section de l'Ordonnance d'Eman cipation...................................................75 sur l'adoption de la lere clause du proviso Abell.......................75 sur le ddp6t de la 2e clause du proviso Abell...........................76 sur le dep6t de la motion pour retrancher la section 3 en entier..........77 stisur la suppression des articles 3, 4 et 5 du rapport du comitd d'Emanci pation............................................................77 sutir la suspension des reglements pour la troisieme lecture diitl rapport d'E mancipation.......................................................76 stir le vote final sutir ladoption du dit rapport...........................76 '* suir l'adoption finale du rapport du comite du Preambule................ 77 stir l'ad(option finale du rapport dll comild (e la Di)istribution des Pouvoirs.77 - sti lFadoption de l'art. ler dii rapport.............................79 d du comite du Ddpartement Ldgislatif..............................79 "t sr l'adoption de l'art. 2 dul dit rapport.........................79, 80 i sir l'adoption de l1art. 3 du dit rapport............................ 80 tsur l'adoption de l'art. 4 du dit rappor t............................80 - sur l'adoption de l'art. 5 dti dit rapport............................80 2.5 PAGE Oui et non sur une appropriation a l'Association charitable des Pompiers............82 sur l'adoption d'une resolution faisant des appropriations charitables......82 sur le de4p6t de la resolution Foley relative aix mniembres de la Convention delegues a la Convention de Baltimore..............................83 sur la suppression des mots: "et capable de lire et ecrire pour etre votant qualifie"........................................................83 sur l'ajournement............................................. 83 sur le dep6t de la resolution Hills, relative aux membres absents..........84 suir l'adoption de la dite resolution....................................84 sur la suppression des lignes 88, 89, 90. 91 de l'article 6 du rapport du co mite du D4partement Legislatif.....................................85 sur le dep6t de l'amendement a la 2e sec',ion du rapport du comite du Depar tement Excutif....................................................86 sur l'adoption de la 2e section du dit rapport...........................86 sur le ddp6t de la motion de reconsiderer le vote retranchant la 4e section du dit rapport........................................................87 sur l'amendement de M. Orr h la 25e section du dit rapport...............87 sur l'ajournement....................................................87 sur l'ajournement....................................................88 sur le dep6t de l'appropriation a l'Association charitable des Pompiers... 90 sur le depot de la resolution faisant des appropriations aux institutions cha ritables...........................................................90 sur le dep6t de l'amendement Abell h la deuxieme section du rapport judi ciaire.............................................................86 sur l'ajournement....................................................88 sur le dep6t des amendements a la 2e section du dit rapport.............87 sur l'adoption de la resolution Hills relative aux membres absents........93 sur le ddp6t de la resolution Stocker relative aux appropriations charita bles..............................................................93 sur l'adoption du substitut Henderson pour le deuxieme article du rapport judiciaire..................................................93 sur le dep6t de la motion de reconsiderer la resoluition Hills relative aux membres absents................................................... 94 sur la reconsideration de la dite resolution.............................94 sur le de4p6t de la rdsolulion Waters relative h la police de la ville.....96 sur le dep6t du substitut Sullivan pour la dite resolution................96 sur l'adoption du substitut Sullivan pour le rapport du comit6 sur le judi ciaire.....................................................99 sur l'adoption du 3e article du dit rapport.............................99 sur le dep6t du substitut et de l'amendement auii onziime article du dit rap port............................................................ 100 sur l'adoption du substitut Stauffer pour le dit article................ 100 sur l'adoption de l'amendement Sullivan pour le m6me article......... 100 sur le dep6t de l'amendement Hills pour le dit article................ 101 sur l'ajournement............................................. 101 sur l'adoption de l'amendement Shaw a l1article 11 du rapport judi ciaire.................................................101, 102 sur le dep6t de la motion de reconsiderer le dit vote................. 102 sur le vote direct de la reconsideration...............................102 sur la motion de rejeter l'amendement de Shaw..................... 102 sur le dep6t du substitut Terry pour l'article 11 du rapport judiciaire....102 sur le ddp6t du substitut Hills pour l'article 11 du rapport judiciaire....103 sur le ddp6t du substitut Smith pour 1'article 11 du rapport judiciaire.103, 104 sur le dSpbt du substittt Baum pour le substitut Smith...............104 iv INDEX. I PA(GE. Oui et non sur l'adoption du substitut Smith....................................104 sur le dep6t des amendements an bill de la police.....................106 sur l'adoption du proviso Orr pour le bill de la police.................10t; sur l'adoption dii bill de la police ainsi amende..................106, 107 sur le dep6t de la motion de reconsiderer le vote precedent............. 107 sur le dep6t du substitut Montamat k l'article 12 du rapport judiciaire... 108 sur l'adoption du substitut Sullivan pour ledit article...................108 sur ladoption du substitut Stauffer pour ledit article...................108 sur le dep6t de la motion de reconsiderer le vote sur l'adoption du rap port-du comite sur le judiciaire....................................110 sur le vote direct sur la motion de reconsiderer...................... 110 sur l'ajournement............................................. 114 sur le dep6t du substitut Bofill, pour l'article 11 du rapport du comite ju diciaire..........................................................115 sur l'adoption de l'article 11 du substitut Bofill...................115, 116 sur l'adoption du substitut Stocker...........1.....................116 sur l'adoption du substitut Stocker ainsi amende ~ sa troisieme lecture... 117 sur l'adoption du rapport du comite de la Mise en Accusation..........118 sur l'appel Montamat contre la decision du president..................119 sur l'adoption du substitut Cutler relatif aux maisons de jeu.............121 sur l'ajonrnement.............................................121 sur le dep6t de la motion Fosdick pour prendre en mains la resolution relative a l'election des officiers de la ville.........................123 sur le dep6t du substitut Sullivan pour l article 36 du rapport du comite des Dispositions Generales........................................124 sur la motion Fosdick de suspendre les reglements pour prendte en mains la resolution relative a l'election des officiers de la ville..............126 sur l'appel pour la question precedente sur le rapport du comite special, article 36 des Dispositions Generales...............................1 2 7 " sur la reconsideration du vote sur l'amendement Davies a l'article 36 des Dispositions Generales........................................128 sur le dep6t de l'amendement Thorpe a l'article 36 des Dispositions G~ne rales...................................................... 129 sur le dep6t de lamendement Orr a l'article 36 des Dispositions G~ndra les.............................................................129 sur l'adoption de l'amendement Orr aux Dispositions Generales........129 sur l'adoption du rapport du comite special ainsi amende..............129 sur l'adoption de l'article additionnel autorisant la Legislature a etendre le droit de suffrage...........................................131 sur l'adoption de l'article additionnel fixant la journede de travail' neuf heures.......................................................... 131 sur le depot decs resolutions charitables de Sullivan................133, 134 sur la motion de retrancher l'appropriation de l'Association Charitable des Pompiers....................................................134 sur l'adoption de la resolution charitable de Sullivan................134 sur le dep6t de la resolution Wells, augmentant le salaire des profes seurs...................................................... 136, 137 re'ferant le sujet des elections de la ville i un comit~ special..........137 sur le dep6t du substitut Sullivan pour l'article 2 du rapport du comite d'Educat ion...............................................13 8 sur l'adoption do l'article 2 du dit rapport........................138 sur le ddp6t de l'article 3 du dit rapport..........................138 INDEX. v vi INDEX. PAGE. Oui et non sur le dcep6t du substitut Thorpe pour l'article 3 (Education)............139 sur le dep6t dii substitut Cazabat pour l'article 3 (Education)..........139 sur le rejet de l'article 3 du dit rapport...............................139 sur l'adoption du rapport du comite de l'Education dans son entier.....140 suir l'ajournement..................................................141 sur le rejet de l?article 2 dtt xubstitut Sullivan, pour le rapport du comite d'Education......................................................143 sur le dep6t de la motion de retrancher le mot "blancs" dans le mneme rapport...........................................................144 sur T'adoption de la motion de retrancher............................144 sur le dep6t du substitut pour l'article 3 du dit rapport.................145 " sur l'adoption de T'article 3 ainsi amende.............................146 sur l'ajournement..................................................146 sur le ddp6t de l'article 5 additionnel de M. Howell au dit rapport.....147 sur T'adoption du rapport du comite sur les Institutions charitables.....147 sur l'adoption di rapport du comite spacial sur le rapport de l'Audi teur.............................................................148 sur le dep6t de l'article additionnel de M. Hills sur T'Education..........149 " sur l'ajournement.................................................. 149 ' sur le dep6t du substitut Cazabat..................................... 149 pour l'article additionnel de Hills....................................152 " sur lFadoption du substitut Cazabat.................................. 152 " sur T'adoption du rapport du comite de T'education dans son entier-2me lecture..........................................................152 sur le dep6t du rider Sullivan 4 l'article 2 du rapport du comite4 d'Educa tion..............................................................153 sutr lFadoption du dit rider...........................................153 " sur ladoption du rapport du comit4 d'Education-3me lecture...... 153, 154 " sur l'adoption du rides Henderson...................................154 suir le rapport du comite des C4dules.............................. 154 sur l'adoption du preambule et des resolutions pour payer les depenses dlinatiguration.........155 d'inauguration........................................... 15G " sur cle second vote du m6me article..............................155, 156 sur le dep6t de la resolution relative ia la detcision des cours sur l'escla vage.......................................................156 vag...................15 sur T'adoption de ladite resolution....................................157 sur l'adoption de la resolution relative a la resignation de J. T. Paine..........................................................158 " sur l'ajournement de T'action du rapport du comite sur la Forme et T'Ar rangement.................................................... 160 sur l'adoption di preambule et des resolutions endlossant les nominations deBaltimore................................................160, 161 sur la suppression de l'article 9 de la constitution......................165 siisnr le depot de la resolution Stauffer relative au "New Orleans Times"..........................................................166 sur le dep6t du rider Terry a l'article 141 de la constitution........166, 167 " sur T'adoption du dit rider.............................................. 167 sur 1 adoption finale de la constitution dans son entier............... 167 ' sur le dep6t de la motion d'ajourner toute action relative au "New Orleans Times".............................................168 " sur T7adoption du preambule et des resolutions relatives a Thomas P. May, editeur du "New Orleans Times"...........................16 9 INDEX. Vii PAGE. Oui et non sur le dep6t du rider Terry a l'article 134 de la Constiution.............156 sur l1adoption du preambulle et des resolutions relatives aux droits des Etats........................................................... 171 sur le dep6t de la resolution relative au clerge.......................... 172 " sur l'adoptionl des resolutions relatives k l'ajournement,................. 172 Plume presentee au Maj.-Gen. Banks............................................94 Ponts, etc...........................................................147, 153, 157 Police de la ville...............................................107, 109, 129, 130 Proprietaires loyaux des esclaves e4man,ipes...........................69, 73, 97, 98 Preambule et resolution relative h la compensation des proprietaires d'esclaves......25 ~" " " " ~aux membres de naissance etrangere...........26, 31 " ".... "k la resignation de l'Hon. C. Roselius..............32 ,' "...'..". a l'argent entre les mains du comite de F.S. G.. 64, 65 ~~" " " "aux employes non citoyens des Etats-Unis.........93 ~~" " "....aux electeurs presidentiels........................60 ~" " " " ~aux rapports des comites.................54, 59, 62 ~" ~. " "'" accordant une prime aux volontaires des ler et 2e regiments de la Louisiane................ 46, 47 82 ~" " " " ~aux ddpredations des guerillas................52, 68 "^"' *'.... a l'ajournement................................52 ~" " " "'~a l'ordonnance de secession......................171 Petition de H. Copeland........................................................57 Prdambule et resolution relatif b l'ordonnance de secession.......................171 Qualification des officiers d'Etat et municipaux...........................40, 48, 171 Resolution relative a l'ajournement...........................80, 83, 84, 95, 97, 172 Rapport du comite sur les voies de fait...................................52, 69, 74 Resolution relative a 1lassistant-secre4taire...................................91, 101 Rapport special de l'Anditeur des comp,tes publics.................................. 76 Rapport du comite special sur le rapport de l'Auditeur...........................135 Rdsignation de A. Bailey......................................................143 Resolution de remerciements au Maj.-Gen. Banks..........................95, 96, 98 Resignation de M. Brott, comme membre d'un comite.............................. 35 Rdsolution relative au clerg4.................................................10, 22 Rapport du comite sur les compensations........................................34 Resolution relative aux compensations..................................37, 45 Rapport du comite de la V6rification des Pouvoirs.............................5, 62 Rapport du comite sur les reglements.............................. 5, 12, 19, 20, 21 '" " sur les ddpenses contingentes..................45, 46, 57, 58, 151 Resolution relative a la monnaie courante de la ville..........................69, 72 Rapport du comite4 sur la Distribution des Pouvoirs...............................35 "'-" sur l'Instruction Publique................................... 43 Retours de l'election des membres.............................................3, 4 Retours d'elections de la paroisse Iberville.......................................10 Rapport du comit4 sur l'Emancipation.......................................53, 64 ~" " sur les Relations Federales....................................52 R4solution relative au comite des Relations F4ddrales.............................54 Rapport de la minorite sur les Relations Fedd4rales................................52 Rapport du comit4 des Finances........ 79, 89, 90, 97, 105, 112, 123, 140, 150, 151, 156 Resolution relative au comite des Finances............................156, 157 Rapport du comite des Dispositions G4ndrales.....................40, 41, 42, 57 Resignation de Goldman................................................115 Rdsolution relative anx guerillas............................................68 PAGE. Resolution fixant l'heure des r6unions......................................33, 39 Resolution relative a l'absence de M. Howell.....................................65 Resignation de M. Howell...................................................66, 69 Rapport du comite de la Mise en Accusation....................................37 " "I du Departement Judiciaire..........44, 45, 100, 111, 112, 113, 114 Rapport du comite du D6partement Logislatif.................................84, 85 Rapport sur le m6moire du Prof. A. Vallas.......................................53 Rapport du comite sur le Mode de Revision de la Constitution..............48, 55, 141 Resolution relative a l'imprimeur officiel........................................91 " l'ordre des affaires.........................................98 ~" " ~ l'ordonnance de secession..................................22 ': " ~ l'ordonnance d'mancipation....91, 92, 95 Rapport du comite sur le Prdambule.............................................35 Resig,nation de J. T. Paine.................................................... 158 Resolution de remerciements au president.......................................173 " relative au quorum...........................................29, 84, 86 a l'ordre general No. 38.................22, 23, 24 aux rapports des comits......................40, 51 k la lecture des rapports (seriatim).............48, 52 au rapporteur..................................170 au rapporteur officiel............................17 0 a l'Hon. R. K. Howell............................65 au Maj.-Gen. N. P. Banks.........................95 aux membres de naissance etrangere...............71 au quorum......................................32 aux compensations...............................47 aux dle4guns de la Convention de Baltimore.......151 a l'endossement des membres 4lus do la convention de Baltimore.................................160 a une appropriation au juge Carrigan........ 159, 160 B la publication des debats........................95 aux greffiers.....................................30 aux remerciements adressgs au maire Hoyt, etc.....66 aux dopenses d'inauguration...................... 155 a l'ajournement sine die...........................68 aux compensations et aux sessions.................52 aux guerillas....................................69 au rapport dn comite sur le Judiciaire..............60 au secrotaire de la Convention....................162 a une extra compensation...............162, 170, 171 aux greffiers de l'auditeur et du trosorier..........172 aux elections de ville............................137 b l'ajournement final...........................172 a u vote sur l'Emancipation.................... 72 au comite sur les Voies de Fait.................... 99 aux secours a accorder aux refugi!s unionistes dans la detresse...................................85 au pont de la rue Claiborne......................155 aux olections, etc................................133 a k lection dans le Dixieme District Reprosenta tit...................................... 27 ka la rescission de l'Ordonnance de Secession.......171 viii INDEX. R6solution de Abell relative 41 11 11 11 I I I I i 9 I I 1 4 1 1 1 I I 11 I I 11 11 Austin 4 9 I I I I I I 11 14 11 11 11 11 I 11 11 11 11 1, 11 I., 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 14 1 1 11 I 1 41 Balch Belt 11 11 Brott Bromley 41 Ctitler 11 11 11 11 11 Campbell 11 I., 11 I I 11 41 11 11 41 4 I I I I I i I I I 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 11 11 11 Davies 11 Fish 11 11 11 INDEX. iX PAGE. Resolution de Fosdick relative aux elections de ville............................122 ~" " " ~au clerg4.................................... 173 ,'~" " au vote de remerciements au prdsident Durell......172 " Foley " aux rapports imprimes, etc........................47 1"'. aux d6l1gues k la Convention de Baltimore.......... 79 Fuller a l'avis donna des amendements proposes...........52 " Gastinel " a l'impression du journal et des debats.............30 " Gorlinski " al'organisation............................... 0, 40 "4~ "'; ~a l'heure des reunions.........................34, 39 "44~ " "*~' la statue de Washington..................36, 37, 46 " Goldman " a la publication des ddbats en langue allemande..34, 36 " " " aux corporations de banques.....................56 " Gruneberg " aux membres de1inquents.........................115 " Harnan " aux voles de fait..................................3 " " " aux membres absents.............................58 Hire " aux sessions du soir.............................69 " Heard " au comitd sur les reglements....................... 9 " " " aux membres absents.......................109, 110 Hills " au juge A. A. Atocha.............................. 33 "4~ " " ~au vote d'emancipation........................68, 69 " ";'" k l'amendement de l'art. 32 du reglement...........37 "4 " -" ah la dispense de lire l'appel du r6le................ 48 ~" " "aux membres absents......................81, 91, 97 "4~ " " ~aux institutions charitables.......................136 Howell h la nomination des comitds permanents relatifs h l'a bolition de l'esclavage...........................12 "~ " " ~au bibliothecaire d'Etat...........................27 '41 " ".l'heure des rdunions et a l'ordre du jour.......33, 38 "44 "~ " ~aux instructions du secretaire de la Convention.....80 " Kavanagh " au salaire de la police employee k la Convention.... 50 " Mendiverri " a l'Auditeur d'Etat...............................33 " Montamat " k l'e1ction des delegues...........................9 ~~~~1" " " a'invitation aux officiers d'Etat.................... 12 "~ " " k'a la compensation k accorder aux membres.........23 "4~ " " k~a la ratification de la constitution...................22 "~ "'"~ ka l'appropriation des $100,000.....................28 "44~" " ~aux greffiers......................................29 "~ " " ~au Juge A. A. Atocha.............................30 "4~ " " ~au comite des Finances.......................26, 158 ~~" " " ~aux officiers et employes....................169, 170 ....~ " "au major-general Banks et k son etat-major.....91, 97 "4~ " " ka l'office de l'assistant-secretaire...............91, 101 " M. W. Murphy " anx compensations........................27, 38, 54 " J. Purcell " aux bills de l'imprimeur officiel....................78 " S. Pursell " au clerge....................................10, 23 " " "'a'Hon. C. Roselius..............................27 "';"~ " ka l'article 96 de la Constitution....................30 *.. ~ " " aux personnes qui ne sont pas citoyens des Etats Unis..........................................31 ~" " "fixant l'heure des rdunions k 11 A.M................81 Smith " relative aux shinplasters..................... 33, 39 ~" " "a la monnaie courante.......................150, 157 ~" " "au status des personnes de couleur............157, 159 " Shaw " aux offeiers et employes retenus................... 172 Stiner " aux rapporteurs non officiels.....................170 Stauffer " au comitd des r6glements, etc.......... 14, 15, 16, 17 " "I aiux bons d'Etat emis pour des desseins rebelles...... 29 ~" " "au "New Orleans Times.'......................... 166 Schroeder " aux compensations ah fixer......................27, 32 " Stocker " aux reglements........................27, 32, 34 '- ^ " " aux membres absents.........................29 INDEX. PAGE. Resolution de Stocker relative aux appropriations charitables.....................92 ~ " " S~k l'impression du journal en Anglais, Frangais, Alle mand et Espagnol.............................. 31. Seymour " a l'lHon. C. Roselius............................... 32 Sullivan " aux officiers et employs..........................10 " " " a la statue de Washington..................33, 38, 57 ~~" " " ~aux membres de naissance etrangere...............25 " "... aux exemptions des devoirs comme jurds.......63, 64 ~~" " " ~aux institutions charitables......................133 "..... " " al'ordre du jour................................107 " Terry "A l'Ordonnance de Secession...................21, 22 1" " ".. au status des membres.........................9 "' " "aux qualifications des officiers d'Etat et minici paux................................. 40, 49, 62 " "..... "k la celebration du 4 Juillet (1864)................137 ~" " " ~aux membres ddlinqnents........................114 ~~~1" " " h l'encadrement sur parchemin de l'Ordonnance d'E mnancipation...................................91 ~" " " ~au clerg.......................................158 ~~~" " " k l'ordre des affaires.........................160 Thomas " k l'4ection de l'imprimeur officiel..................11 ~~" " " ~au salaire de l'adjudant-gdneral..................159 "4~ " " ~aux comptes non soldes de la Convention..........169 ~~" " " Thomas P. May...............................169 " Thorpe " la nomination du comite.......................161 ~~" " " ~sur les Relations Feddrales........................28 ~"' "au quorum......................................29 ~~" " " ~aux decisions des cours sur l'esclavage.............156 ~~" " " ~au salaire du secrdtaire particulier du gouverneur, etc..........................................169 " "'a limpression du journal, etc.....................73, 91 " " k l'ordre du jour..............................55, 98 I" " aux majors-gendraux Canby et Sickles........ 12. 125 " Waters " aux rapporteurs officiels.....................170 " " " - la police de la ville............................95 " Wells ",ux professeurs dans les dcoles publiques..........136 " * " aux rapporteurs officiels.........................69 ~~" " " k l'ajournement.................................. 54 " " a"k la compensation k accorder aux proprietaires lo yaux.........................................97 Wilson " k l'ajournement sine die et aux sessions du soir......81 " " " J. T. Paine..................................... 158 Rapport du comitd des Cedules.......................................133, 142, 154 Relatif auix officiers d'Etat..................................................... 12 Rdsolution relative' la Librairie d'Etat........................................155 Rapport da comite de la Librairie d'Etat.................................... 15 R6solution relative au bibliothecaire d'Etat..................................159. 160 " aux substituts...........................................4, 51 " augmentant le salaire des professeurs................................13, " relative aux r,fugids unionistes...................................... 83 Salaire de lladjadant-g,6n~ral....... I-! Salaire de l'ndjuldant-general............................................. 9 Salaire des greffiers de l'Auditeur et du Tresorier................................172 Sidges contestds,-Lombard et Decker............................................ 6 Salaire du secrdtaire particulier du Gouverneur.................................169 Substitut pour neuf articles du D4partement Judiciaire...........................53 Seconde lecture du rapport du D~partement Judiciaire........................59 Salaire des artisans et manceuvres.................................97, 106, 127. 128 Substitut pour le rapport du comite sur le Preambule..........................54, 76 Shinplasters...............................................................33, 39 Statue de Washington.................................................... 33, 38, 57 Status des membres de la Convention.......................................... s. ) Status des personnes de couleur, etc.................................... 157, 15!Substitut pour l'article 35 des Dispositions Generales..............................47 Substitut pour les articles ler et 2 du rapport du comite. d'Education....... 61, 62,';, Visite du major-gdneral Banks -a ia Convention. 9 Visite des majors-gendraux Canby et Sickles.................................31 Vote sur le rapport du comit4 d'Emanc ipation.... X