CLASSIFICATION AND SUBJECT INDEX FOR CATALOGUING AND ARRANGING THE BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS OF A LI13 RABYY. 1876. COPYRIGHTED 1 876. MELVIL DEWEY. PRINTED BY THE CASE, LOCKWOOD & BRIAINARD COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONN. PREFACE. The plan of the following Classification and Index was developed early in 1873. It was the result of several months' study of library economy as found in some hundreds of books and pamphlets, and in over fifty personal visits to various American libraries. In this study, the author became convinced that the usefulness of these libraries might be greatly increased without additional expenditure. Three years practical use of the system here explained, leads him to believe that it will accomplish this result; for with its aid, the catalogues, shelf lists, indexes, and cross-references essential to this increased usefulness, can be made more economically than by any other method which he has been able to find. The system was devised for cataloguing and indexing purposes, but it was found on trial to be equally valuable for numbering and arranging books and pamphlets on the shelves. The library is first divided into nine special libraries which are called Classes. These Classes are Philosophy, Theology, &c., and are numbered with the nine digits. Thus Class 9 is the Library of History; Class 7, the Library of Fine Art; Class 2, the Library of Theology. These special libraries or Classes are then considered independently, and each one is separated again into nine special Divisions of the main subject. These Divisions are numbered from 1 to 9 as were the Classes. Thus 59 is the 9th Division (Zoology) of the 5th Class (Natural Science). A final division is then made by separating each of these Divisions into nine Sections which are numbered in the same way, with the nine digits. Thus 513 is the 3d Section (Geometry) of the 1st Division (Mathematics) of the 5th Class (Natural Science). This number, giving Class, Division, and Section, is called the Classification or Class Number, and is applied to every book or pamphlet belonging to the library. All the Geometries are thus numbered 513, all the Mineralogies 549, and so throughout the library, all the books on any given subject bear the number of that subject in the scheme. Where a 0 occurs in a class number, it has its normal zero power. Thus, a book numbered 510, is Class 5, Division 1, but no Section. This signifies that the book treats of the Division 51 (Mathematics) in general, and is not limited to any one Section, as is the Geometry, marked 513. If marked 500, it would indicate a treatise on Science in general, limited to no Division. A zero occurring in the first place would in the same way show that the book is limited to no Class. The classification is mainly made by subjects or content regardless of form; but it is found practically useful to make an additional distinction in these general treatises, according to the form of treatment adopted. Thus, in Science we have a large number of books treating of Science in general, and so having a 0 for the Division number. These books are then divided into Sections, as are those of the other Classes according to the form they have taken on. We have the Philosophy and History of Science, Scientific Compends, Dictionaries, Essays, Periodicals, Societies, Education, and Travels, —all having the common subject, NATURAL SCIENCE, but treating it in these varied forms. These form distinctions are introduced here because the number of general works is large, and the numerals alloiv of this division, without extra labor for the numbers from 501 to 509 would otherwise be unused. They apply only to the general treatises, which, without them, would have a class number ending with two zeros. A Dictionary of Mathematics is 510, not 503, for every book is assigned to the most specific head that will contain it, so that 503 is limited to Dictionaries or Cyclopedias of Science in general. In the same way a General Cyclopedia or Periodical treats of no one class, and so is assigned to the Class 0. These books treating of no special class, but general in their character, are divided into Cyclopedias, Periodicals, etc. No difficulty is found in following the arithmetical law and omitting the initial zero, so these numbers are printed 31, 32, etc., instead of 031, 032, etc. The selection and arrangement of the thousand headings of the classification cannot be explained in detail for want of space. In all the work, philosophical theory and accuracy have been made to yield to practical usefulness. The impossibility of making a satisfactory classification of all knowledge as preserved in books, has been appreciated from the first, and nothing of the kind attempted. Theoretical harmony and exactness has been repeatedly sacrificed to the practical requirements of the library or to the convenience of the department in the college. As in every scheme, many minor subjects have been put under general heads to which they do not strictly belong. In some cases these headings have been printed in a distinctive type, e. g., 429 Anglo-Saxon, under ENGLISH PHILOLOGY. The rule has been to assign these subjects to the most nearly allied heads, or where it was thought they would be most useful. The only alternative was to omit them altogether. If any such omission occurs, it is unintentional and will be supplied as soon as discovered. Wherever practicable the heads have been so arranged that each subject is preceded and followed by the most nearly allied subjects and thus the greatest convenience is secured both in the catalogues and on the shelves. Theoretically, the division of every subject into just nine heads is absurd. Practically, it is desirable that the classification be as minute as possible without the use of additional figures, and the decimal principle on which our scheme hinges allows nine divisions as readily as a less number. This principle has proved wholly satisfactory in practice though it appears to destroy proper co-ordination in sonie places. It has seemed best ill our library to use uniformly three figures in the class number. This enables us to classify certain subjects very minutely, giving, for example, an entire section to Chess. But the History of England has only one section, as our scheme is developed, and thus the two might be said to be co-ordinated. The apparent difficulty in such cases is entirely obviated by the use of a fourth figure, giving nine sub-sections to any subject of sufficient importance to warrant closer classification. In history where the classification is made wholly by countries, a fourth figure is added to give a division into periods. As the addition of each figure gives a ten-fold division, any desired degree of minuteness may be secured in the classing of special subjects. The apparent lack of co-ordination arises from the fact that only the first three figures of these more important heads are as yet printed, the fourth figure and the sub-sections being supplied on the catalogues in manuscript. Should the growth of any of these sub-sections warrant it, a fifth figure will be added, for the scheme admits of expansion without limit. The arrangement of headings has been sometimes modified to secure a mnemonic aid in numbering and finding books without the Index. For instance, the scheme is so arranged that China has always the number 1. In Ancient History, it has the first section, 931: in Modern History, under Asia, it has 951: in Philology, the Chinese language appears as 491. After the same manner the Indian number is 2; Egyptian, 4; English, 2; German, 3; French, 4; Italian, 5; Spanish, 6; European, 4; Asian, 5; African, 6; North American, 7; South American, 8; and so for all the divisions by languages or countries. The Italian 5, for instance, will be noticed in 35, 55, 450, 755, 850, and 945. This mnemonic principle is specially prominent in Philology and Literature and their divisions, and in the form distinctions used in the first 9 sections of each class. Materials, Methods, or Theory occurring anywhere as a head, bears always the number 1. Dictionaries and Cyclopedias, 3; Essays, 4; Periodicals, 5; Associations, Institutions, and Societies, 6; Education, 7; Collections, 9. In the numerous cases where several minor heads have been grouped together under the head Other, it always bears the number 9. Wherever practicable, this principle is carried out in sub-dividing the sections. For instance, the Geology of North America, which bears the number 557 is sub-divided by adding the sections of 970 (History of North America). The Geology of Mexico then bears the number 5578: mnemonically, the first 5 is the Science number; the second 5, Geology; the 7, North America; and the 8, Mexico. Any library attendant or reader after using the scheme a short time will recognize at a glance, any catalogue or ledger entry, book or pamphlet, marked 5578 as something on the Geology of Mexico. Users of the scheme will notice this mnemonic principle in several hundred places in the classification, and will find it of great practical utility in numbering and finding books'without the aid of Catalogue or Index, and in determining the character of any book simply from its call number as recorded on the book, on all its catalogue and cross reference cards, on the ledger, and in the check box. In naming the headings. brevity has been secured in many cases at the sacrifice of exactness. It was thought more important to hlave short, familiar titles 6 for the headings than that the names given should express with fullness and exactness the character of all books catalogued under them. Many subjects, apparently omitted, will be found in the Index, assigned, with allied subjects, to a heading which bears the name of the most important only. Reference to this Subject Index will decide at once any doubtful points. In arranging books in the classification, as in filling out the scheme, practical usefulness has been esteemed the most important thing. The effort has been to put each book under the subject to the student of which it would be most useful. The content or the real subject of which a book treats, and not the form or the accidental wording of the title, determines its place. Following this rule, a Philosophy of Art is put with Art, not with Philosophy; a History of Mathematics, with Mathematics, not with History; for the philosophy and history are simply the Jbrm which these books have taken. The true content or subject is Art, and Mathematics, and to the student of these subjects they are most useful. The predominant tendency or obvious purpose of the book, usually decides its class number at once; still many books treat of two or more different subjects, and in such cases it is assigned to the place where it will be most useful, and underneath the class number are written the numbers of any other subjects on which it also treats. These Cross References are given both on the plate and the subject card as well as on the cross reference card. If a book treats of a -majorit.y of the sections of any division, it is given the Division number instead of the most important Section number with cross references. Collected works, libraries, etc., are either kept together and assigned like individual books to the most specific head that will contain them; or assigned to the most prominent of the various subjects on which they treat with cross references from the others; or are separated and the parts classed as independent works. Translations are classed with their originals. The Alphabetical Subject Index is designed to guide, both in numbering and in finding the books. In numbering, the most specific head that will contain the book having been determined, reference to that head in the Index will give the class number to which it should be assigned. In finding books on any given subject, reference to the Index will give the number under which they are to be sought on the shelves, in the Shelf Catalogue, or in the Subject Catalogue. The Index gives after each subject the number of the class to which it is assigned. Most names of countries, towns, animals, plants, minerals, diseases, &c., have been omitted, the aim being to furnish an Index of Subjects on which books are written, and not a Gazetteer or a Dictionary of all the nouns in the language. Such subjects will be found as special chapters or sections of books on the subjects given in the Index. The names of individual subjects of biographies will be found in the Class List of Biography. Omissions of any of the more general subjects will be supplied when brought to notice. In arranging the books on the shelves, the absolute location by shelf and book number is wholly abandoned, the relative location by class and book number being one of the most valuable features of the plan. The class number serves also as the location number and the shelf number in common use is entirely dispensed with. Accompanying the class number is the book number, which prevents confusion of different books on the same subject. Thus the first Geometry catalogued is marked 5131; the second 5132, and so on to any extent, the last number showing how many books the library has on that subject. The books of each section are all together, and arranged by book numbers, and these sections are also arranged in simple numerical order throughout the library. The call number 513.11 signifies not the 11th book on shelf 513; or alcove 5, range 1, shelf 3, as in most libraries, but signifies the 11th book in subject 513 or the 11th Geometry belonging to the library. In finding the book, the printed numbers on the backs are followed, the upper being the class and the lower the book number. The class is found in its numerical order among the classes as the shelf is found in the ordinary system: the book in its numerical order in the class. The shelves are not numbered, as the increase of different departments, the opening of new rooms, and any arrangement of classes to bring the books most circulated nearest to the delivery desk, will bring different class numbers on a given shelf. New books as received are numbered and put into place, in the same way that new titles are added to the card catalogue. The single digit occasionally prefixed to the book number, e. g. the 3 in 421-3 7 is the nearest height in decimeters of books too large to be put on the regular library shelves, which are only 21 decimeters apart. The great mass of the library consists of 2-decimeter books, the size numbers of which are omitted. Books from 21 to 31 decimeters in height have 3 prefixed to the book number, and are found on the bottom shelf of each range. The larger sizes are prefixed with 4, 5, &c., and are found on the special shelves provided, in order to avoid the great waste of space otherwise occasioned by the relative location. By this use of the size numbers a close economy of space is secured. Thus all the books on any given subject are found standing together, and no additions or changes ever separate them. Not only are all the books on the subject sought, found together, but the most nearly allied subjects precede and follow, they in turn being preceded and followed by other allied subjects as far as practicable. Readers not having access to the shelves find the short titles arranged in the same order on the Shelf Catalogue, and the full titles, imprints, cross references, notes; &c., on the Subject Catalogue. The uncatalogued pamphlets treating of any subject bear the same class number and are arranged on the shelves immediately after the books of each section. In both the Authors' Catalogue and the Subject Index, brevity has been studied because of the economy, but more because of the much greater ease of reference to -a short title catalogue. The custom of giving full titles, etc., under authors, and only references or very brief titles under subjects, has been reversed. A reader seeking a book of a known author, in the vast majority of cases, wants simply the number by which to call for it, and can find it much sooner in a brief 8 title catalogue. In the rare cases where more is needed the class number refers instantly to all these facts on the cards. On the other hand, a reader seeking books on a known subject, needs the full title, imprint, cross-references, and notes, to enable him to choose the book best suited to his wants. The Subject Catalogue is a full title Shelf List on cards and is for the use of the public. The Shelf List is a short title Subject Catalogue in book form, made of separate sheets laced into an Emerson binder, and is for official use. We thus have without extra labor, both full and short title Subject Catalogues and Shelf Lists. The public Authors' Catalogue is a printed volume; the official Authors' Catalogue or Index is on cards. As a result each of the public Catalogues is checked by an official Catalogue; each of the card Catalogues by a book Catalogue.; each of the brief title catalogues by a full title catalogue-an advantage that will be appreciated by all librarians desiring accuracy of administration and catalogues. The Arabic numerals can be written and found more quickly, and with less danger of confusion or mistake, than any other symbols whatever. Therefore the Roman numerals, capitals and small letters, and similar symbols usually found in systems of classification are entirely discarded and by the exclusive use of Arabic numerals in their regular order throughout the shelves, classifications, indexes, catalogues and records, there is secured the greatest accuracy, economy, and convenience. This advantage is specially prominent in comparison with systems where the name of the author or the title must be written in calling for or charging books and in making references. Throughout the catalogues the number of a book shows not only where it is but what it is. On the library accounts the character of each perison's reading is clearly indicated by the numbers charged, and the minutest statistics of circulation in any subject are -made by simply counting the call slips in the check box, and recording the number against the class number in the record. By the use of size numbers the greatest possible economy of space may be secured, for the size distinction may be made for every inch or even less if desired, and this without additional labor, as it will be seen that the size figure, when introduced, requires one less figure in the book number, and so does not increase the number of digits as would at first appear. Parts of sets, and books on the same or allied subjects, are never separated as they are sure to be, sooner or later, in every library arranged on the common plan, unless it be frequently re-arranged and re-catalogued. The great expense of this re-cataloguing makes it impracticable except for a few very wealthy libraries. In this system the catalogue and book numbers remain unchanged through all changes of shelving, buildings, or arrangement. In addition to its own peculiar merits, this plan has all the advantages of the card catalogue principle and of the relative location, which have been used and very strongly approved by prominent libraries. As in the card catalogue system, there is room for indefinite expansion without 9 devices or provisions. Space is the only requisite and if the shelf room is exhausted, the floor space is equally good, except for the inconvenience of stooping. Some prominent opponents of classed catalogues have admitted that the Subject Index, in deciding where to class a book at first, and where to look for it ever afterwards, has removed their strongest objections. Certainly it would be impossible to make an Index more cheaply or more easy of reference, it being a single alphabet, of single words, followed by single numbers. These class numbers applied to pamphlets have proved specially satisfactory. The number is written on the upper left corner and the pamphlets are arranged either in pamphlet cases with the books on the same subject or on special shelves divided every decimeter by perpendicular sections. As, each pamphlet is examined when received into the library, it is the work of a single moment to pencil on it its class number. There is no expense whatever incurred, and yet the entire pamphlet resources of the library on any subject can be produced almost instantly. The immense advantages of this plan over those in common use, both in economy and usefulness, will be appreciated by every librarian caring fori a pamphlet collection. A catalogue of authors may be made on slips if desired. The pamphlets themselves are the best Subject Catalogue. Though designed wholly for library use, the plan has proved of great service in preserving newspaper clippings in large envelopes arranged by class numbers; and more especially in taking the place of the common note-book and Inlex Rerum. Slips of uniform size are used with the class number of the subject written on the corner. Minute alphabetical headings are used under each class number, the slips being arranged in numerical order like the Subject Card Catalogue. Clippings and notes arranged in this way are at all times their own complete index, and have the same advantages over the common scrap and note-books that the Subject Catalogue has over the Accessions Book, in looking up the resources of the library on any given subject. Those who have tried this method are so enthusiastic in its praise that it seemed worthy of mention in this place. The plan was adopted in the Amherst College Library in 1873, and the work of transferring the entire library to the new catalogue at once commenced. It was found entirely practicable to make the change gradually, as means allowed, without interfering in any appreciable degree with the circulation of the books. The three years trial to which it has been there subjected has more than justified the claims of its friends, and it is now printed with the more confidence on this account. It has been kept in manuscript up to this time, in order that the many minor details might be subjected to actual trial and modified where improvement was possible. The labor involved in preparing the Classification and Index has been wholly beyond the appreciation of any who have never attempted a similar task. Much valuable aid has been rendered by specialists in many departments, and nearly every member of the Faculty has given advice from time to time. Among the many to whom thanks are due, special mention should be made of 2 10 Mr. C. A. Cutter, the librarian of the Boston Athenaeum, and Mr. John Fiske, of the Harvard University library, for valuable suggestions and appreciative criticism. While these friends are in no way responsible for any rcmaining imrnerfections in the scheme, they should have credit for many improvements which have been made during these three years of revision. The essential character of the plan has remained unchanged from the first. Doubtless other improvements are still possible, and it is hoped that users of the scheme will call attention to any proposed change in the naming or arrangement of the headings, or to any omission which should be supplied in the Subject Index. Before printing, the plan was submitted to quite a number of librarians for criticism. Among the hundreds of points raised as to its practical workings and usefulness there was only one in which it was not shown to be equal or superior to any other system known. This objection applied only to the arrangement on the shelves; not at all to the catalogues or indexes. It was, that in this relative location, a book which this year stands, e. g., at the end of a certain shelf, may not be on that shelf at all another year, because of the uneven growth of the parts of the library. This slight objection inheres in any system where the books are arranged by subjects rather than by windows, doors, shelves, and similar non-intellectual distinctions. In this hurriedly prepared account of his plan, the author has doubtless failed to meet many objections which may be raised and which he could easily answer. He would therefore ask the privilege of replying personally to any such objections, where they arise, believing that it will be possible to answer, if not all, at least a very large proportion. In his varied reading, correspondence, and conversation on the subject, the author doubtless received suggestions and gained ideas which it is now impossible for him to acknowledge. Perhaps the most fruitful source of ideas was the Nuovo Sisterma di Catalogo Bibliografico Generale of Natale Battezzati, of Milan. Certainly he is indebted to this system adopted by the Italian publishers in 1871, though he has copied nothing from it. The plan of the St. Louis Public School Library, and that of the Apprentices' Library of New York, which in some respects resemble his own, were not seen till all the essential features were decided upon, though not given to the public. In filling the nine classes of the scheme the inverted Baconian arrangement of the St. Louis Library has been followed. The author has no desire to claim original invention for any part of his system where another has been before him, and would most gladly make specific acknowledgment of every aid and suggestion were it in his power to do so. With these general explanations and acknowledgments he submits the scheme, hoping it may prove as useful to others as it has to himself. AMHERST COLLEGE LIBRARY, June 10th, 1876. Those interested will find fuller explanations and remarks in the Library volume now being *nrinted by the Bureau of Education at Washington. PHILOSOPHY, THEOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY, PHILOLOGY, NATURAL SCIENCE, USEFUL ARTS, FINE ARTS, LITERATURE, HISTORY. DIVISIONS. 0 500 Natural Science. 10 BIBLIOGRAPHY. 510 MATHEMATICS. 20 BOOK RARITIES. 520 ASTRONOMY. 30 GENERAL CYCLOPEDIAS. 530 PHYSICS. 40 POLYGRAPHY. 540 CHEMISTRY. 50 GENERAL PERIODICALS. 550 GEOLOGY. 60 GENERAL SOCIETIES. 560 PALEONTOLOGY. 70 570 BIOLOGY. 80 580 BOTAN Y. 90 590 ZOOLOGY. 100 Philosophy. 600 Useful Arts. 110 METAPHYSICS. 610 MEDICINE. 120 620 ENGINEERING. 130 ANTHROPOLOGY. 630 AGRICULTURE. 140 SCHOOLS OF PSYCHOLOGY. 640 DOMESTIC ECONOMY. 150 MENTAL FACULTIES. 650 COMMUNICATION AND COMMERCE. 160 LOGIC. 660 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY. 170 ETHICS. 670 MANUFACTURES. 180 ANCIENT PHILOSOPHIES. 680 MECHANIC TRADES. 190 MODERN PHILOSOPHIES. 690 BUILDING. 200 Theology. 700 Fine Arts. 210 NATURAL THEOLOGY. 710 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. 220 BIBLE. 720 ARCHITECTURE. 230 DOCTRINAL THEOLOGY. 730 SCULPTURE. 240 PRACTICAL AND DEVOTIONAL. 740 DRAWING AND DESIGN. 250 HOMILETICAL AND PASTORAL. 750 PAINTING. 260 INSTITUTIONS AND MISSIONS. 760 ENGRAVING. 270 ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 770 PHOTOGRAPIIY. 280 CHRISTIAN SECTS. 780 MUSIC. 290 NON-CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS. 790 AMUSEMENTS. 300 Sociology. S00 Literature. 310 STATISTICS. 810 TREATISES AND COLLECTIONS. 320 POLITICAL SCIENCE. 820 ENGLISH. 330 POLITICAL ECONOMY. 830 GERMAN. 340 LAW. 840 FRENCH. 350 ADMINISTRATION. 850 ITALIAN. 360 ASSOCIATIONS AND INSTITUTIONS. 860 SPANISH. 370 EDUCATION. 870 LATIN. 380 COMMERCE AND COMMUNICATION. 880 GREEIK. 390 CUSTOMS AND COSTUMES. 890 OTHER LANGUAGES. 400 Philology. 900 History. 410 COMPARATIVE. 910 GEOGRAPHY AND DESCRIPTION. 420 ENGLISH. 920 BIOGRAPHY. 430 GERMAN. 930 ANCIENT HISTORY. 440 FRENCH. 940 r EUROPE. 450 ITALIAN. 950. ASIA. 460 SPANISH. 960 AFRICA. 470 LATIN. 970 O NORTH AMERICA. 480 GREEK. 980 SOUTH AMERICA. 490 OTHER LANGUAGES. 990 OCEANICA AND POLAR REGIONS. 13 0 50 General Periodicals. 1 51 American. 2 52 English. 3 53 German. 4 54 French. 5 55 Italian. 6 56 Spanish. 7 57 Slavic. 8 58 Scandinavian. 9 59 Other. 10 Bibliography. 60 General Societies. 11 General Bibliographies. 61 American. 12 Special Forms. 62 English. 13 Manuscripts. 63 German. 14 Anonyms, Pseudonyms, Sc. 64 French. 15 Special Countries. 65 Italian. 16 " Subjects. 66 Spanish. 17 Subject Catalogues. 67 Slavic. 18 Authors' "' 68 Scandinavian. 19 Library Economy and Reports. 69 Other. 20 Book Rarities. 70 21 Manuscripts. 71 22 Block Books. 72 23 Early Printed. 73 24 Celebrated Printers. 74 25 " Binders. 75 26 Materials. 76 27 Ownership. 77 28 Prohibited. 78 29 Other. 79 30 General Cyclopedias. 80 31 American. 81 32 English. 82 33 German. 83 34 French. 84 35 Italian. 85 36 Spanish. 86 37 Slavic. 87 38 Scandinavian. 88 39 Other. 89 40 Polygraphy. 90 41 American. 91 42 English. 92 43 German. 93 44 French. 94 45 Italian. 95 46 Spanish. 96 47 Slavic. 97 48 Scandinavian. 98 49 Other. 99 14 PHII, OSOPHY. 100 Philosophy. 150 Mental Faculties. 101 151 Intellect. 102 Compends. 152 Sense. 103 Dictionaries. 153 Understanding. 104 Essays. 154 Memory. 105 Periodicals. 155 Reason. 106 Societies. 156 Imagination. 107 Education. 157 Susceptibility. 108 158 Instincts. 109 History. 159 Will. 110 Metaphysics. 160 Logic. 111 Ontology. 161 Inductive. 112 Methodology. 162 Deductive. 113 Cosmology. 163 Assent. 114 164 115 165 116 166 117 167 118 168 119 169 120 170 Ethics. 121 171 Theoretical. 122 172 State. 123 173 Family. 124 174 Business. 125 175 Amusements. 126 176 Sexual. 127 177 Social. 128 178 Temperance. 129 179 Other. 130 Anthropology. IS0 Ancient Philosophies. 131 Mental physiology and hygiene. 181 Oriental. 132 Mental derangements. 182 Early Greek. 133 Delusions, witchcraft, magic. 183 Sophistic and Socratic. 134 Mesmerism. 184 Platonic. 135 Sleep, dreams, somnambulism. 185 Aristotelian. 136 Sexes. 186 Pyrrhonist and New Platonist. 137 Temperaments. 187 Epicurean. 138 Physiognomy. 188 Stoic. 139 Phrenology. 189 Patristic. 140 Schools of Psychology. 190 Modern Philosophies. 141 Idealistic. 191 Scotch and American. 142 Critical. 192 English. 143 Intuitive. 193 German. 144 Empirical. 194 French. 145 Sensational. 195 Italian. 146 Materialistic. 196 Spanish. 147 Pantheistic. 197 Arabian. 148 Eclectic. 198 Scholastic. 149 Other. 199 Other. 15 THEOLOGY. 200 Theology. 250 Homiletical and Pastoral. 201 Philosophy. 251 Homiletics. 202 Compends. 252 Sermons. 203 Dictionaries. 253 Doctrinal. 204 Essays. 254 Practical. 205 Periodicals. 255 Religion and Science. 206 Societies. 256 Political. 207 Education. 257 Ordination. 208 258 Expository. 209 History. 259 Commnenlorative. 210 Natural Theology. 260 Institutions and Missions. 211 Theism and Atheism. 261 Church. 212 Pantheism. 262 Ecclesiastical polity. 213 Creation. 263 Sabbath. 214 Providence. 264 Baptism. 215 Religion and science. 265 Lord's Supper. 216 Evil. 266 Missions. 217 Prayer. 267 Foreigyn. 218 Future Life. 268 Sunday schools. 219 269 Revivals. 220 Bible. 270 Ecclesiastical History. 221 Old Testament. 271 Religious orders. 222 Historical books. 272 Persecutions. 223 Poetical " 273 Doctrines. 224 Prophetical " 274 Europe. 225 New Testament. 275 Asia. 226 Gospels and Acts. 276 Africa. 227 Epistles. 277 North America. 228 Apocalypse. 278 South America. 229 Apocrypha. 279 Oceanica. 230 Doctrinal. 280 Christian Sects. 231 God. 281 Oriental. 232 Christ. 282 Roman Catholic. 233 Man. 283 English and Protestant Episcopal. 234 Salvation. 284 Presbyterian. 235 Angels. 285 Congregational. 236 Death and resurrection. 286 Baptist. 237 Future state. 287 Methodist. 238 Inspiration. 288 Unitarian and Universalist. 239 Apologetics. 289 Other Christian sects. 240 Practical and Devotional. 290 Non-Christian Religions. 241 Didactic. 291 Comparative mythology. 242 Meditative. 292 Greek and Roman mythology. 243 Hortatory. 293 Norse mythology. 244 Ritual. 294 Brahmanism and Buddhism. 245 Hymnology. 295 Parseeism. 246 Public worship. 296 Judaism. 247 Social " 297 Mohammedanism. 248 Private " 298 Mormonism. 249 Religious fiction and anecdote. 299 Other. 16 SOCIOLOGY. 300 Sociology. 350 Administration. 301 Philosophy. 351 Civil Service. 302 Compends. 352 Treasury. 303 Dictionaries. 353 Interior. 304 Essays. 354 Police. 305 Periodicals. 355 Army. 306 Societies. 356 Infantry. 307 357 Cavalry. 308 358 Artillery. 309 History. 359 Navy. 310 Statistics. 360 Associations and Institutions. 311 Methods. 361 Charitable. 312 Progress of population. 362 Religious. 313 Progress of civilization. 363 Political. 314 Europe. 364 Reformatory and Sanitary. 315 Asia. 365 Prisons. 316 Africa. 366 Secret Societies. 317 North America. 367 Trades Unions. 318 South America. 368 Insurance. 319 Oceanica. 369 Other. 320 Political Science. 370 Education. 321 Patriarchal Institutions. 371 Teachers, methods, and discipline. 322 Feudal " 372 Elementary. 323 Monarchic " 373 Higher. 324 Republican " 374 Self-education. 325 Colonies and Emigration. 375 Classical and real. 326 Slavery. 376 Female. 327 Foreign and Domestic relations. 377 Religious and secular. 328 Legislative annals. 378 Schools and Colleges. 329 Political essays and speeches. 379 Reports. 330 Political Economy. 380 Commerce, Communication. 331 Capital and labor. 381 Domestic trade. 332 Banks and money. 382 Foreign trade. 333 Stocks, rents, and income. 383 Post office. 334 Credit and interest. 384 Telegraph. 335 Communism. 385 Railroad and express. 336 Public funds and taxation. 386 Canal transportation. 337 Protection and free trade. 387 River and ocean transportation. 338 Production. 388 City transit. 339 Pauperism. 389 Weights and measures. 3-10 Law. 390 Customs and Costumes. 341 International. 391 Ancient. 342 Constitutional and administrative. 392 Medieval. 343 Statute and common. 393 Modern. 344 Equity. 394 Europe. 345 Criminal. 395 Asia. 346 Maritime. 396 Africa. 347 Martial. 397 North America. 348 Civil and Canon. 398 South Anmerica. 349 Evidence and Forms of practice. 399 Oceatnica. 17 PHILOLOGY. 400 Philology. 450 Italian. 401 Philosophy. 451 Orthography. 402 Compends. 452 Etymology. 403 Dictionaries. 453 Dictionaries. 404 Essays. 454 Synonyms. 405 Periodicals. 455 Grammar. 406 Societies. 456 Prosody. 407 Education. 457 Dialects. 408 Universal Language. 458 Texts. 409 History. 459 Romansh and Wallachian. 410 Comparative. 460 Spanish. 411 Orthography. 461 Orthography. 412 Etymology. 462 Etymology. 413 Dictionaries. 463 Dictionaries. 414 Phonology. 464 Synonyms. 415 Grammar. 465 Grammar. 416 Prosody. 466 Prosody. 417 Inscriptions. 467 Dialects. 418 Texts. 468 Texts. 419 Hieroglyphics. 469 Portuguese. 420 English. 470 Latin. 421 Orthography. 471 Orthography. 422 Etymology. 472 Etymology. 423 Dictionaries. 473 Dictionaries. 424 Synonyms. 474 Synonyms. 425 Grammar. 475 Grammar. 426 Prosody. 476 Prosody. 427 Dialects. 477 Dialects. 428 Texts. 478 Texts. 429 Anglo-Saxon. 479 Medieval Latin. 430 German. 480 Greek. 431 Orthography. 481 Orthography. 432 Etymology. 482 Etymology. 433 Dictionaries. 483 Dictionaries. 434 Synonyms. 484 Synonyms. 435 Grammar. 485 Grammar. 436 Prosody. 486 Prosody. 437 Dialects. 487 Dialects. 438 Texts. 488 Texts. 439 Dutch and Low German. 489 Modern Greek. 440 French. 490 Other Languages. 441 Orthography. 491 Chinese. 442 Etymology. 492 Egyptian. 443 Dictionaries. 493 Semitic. 444 Synonyms. 494 Indian. 445 Grammar. 495 Iranian. 446 Prosody. 496 Keltic. 447 Dialects. 497 Slavic. 448 Texts. 498 Scandinavian. 449 Old French, Provengal. 499 Other. 3 18 NATURAL SCIENCE. 500 Natural Science. 550 Geology. 501 Philosophy. 551 Physical Geography, Meteorology. 502 Compends. 552 Lithology. 503 Dictionaries. 553 Dynamical geology. 504 Essays. 554 Europe. 505 Periodicals. 555 Asia. 506 Societies. 556 Africa. 507 Education. 557 North America. 508 Travels. 558 South America. 509 History. 559 Oceanica. 510 Matheml atics. 560 Paleontology. 511 Arithmetic. 561 Plants. 512 Algebra. 562 Invertebrates. 513 Geometry. 563 Protozoa and Radiates. 514 Trigonometry. 564 Mollusca. 515 Conic sections. 565 Articulates. 516 Analytical geometry. 566 Vertebrates. 517 Calculus. 567 Fishes. 518 Quaternions. 568 Reptiles and Birds. 519 Probabilities. 569 anIammals. 520 Astronomy. 570 Biology. 521 Theoretical. 571 Prehistoric Archeology. 522 Practical. 572 Ethnology. 523 Descriptive. 573 Natural History of Man. 524 Maps. 574 Homologies. 525 Observations. 575 Evolution. 526 Figure of the earth. 576 Embryology. 527 Navigation. 577 Spontaneous generation. 528 Almanacs. 578 Microscopy. 529 Chronology. 579 Collectors' Manuals. 530 Physics. 580 Botany. 531 Mechanics. 581 Physiological. 532 Hydrostatics. 582 Systematic. 533 Pneumatics. 583 Ornamental. 534 Acoustics. 584 Europe. 535 Optics. 585 Asia. 536 Heat. 586 Africa. 537 Electricity. 587 North America. 538 Magnetism. 588 South America. 539 Molecular physics.. 589 Oceanica. 540 Chemistry. 590 Zoology. 541 Theoretical. 591 Comparative Anatomy. 542 Experimental. 592 Invertebrates. 543 Analysis. 593 Protozoa and Radiates. 544 Qualitative. 594 Mollusca. 545 Quantitative. 595 Articulates. 546 Inorganic. 596 Vertebrates. 547 Organic. 597 Fishes. 548 Crystallography. 598 Reptiles and Birds. 549 Mineralogy. 599 Mammals. 19 USEFUL ARTS. 609 Useful Arts. 650 Communication, Commerce. 601 Philosophy. 651 Writing. 602 Compends. 652 Penmanship. 603 Dictionaries. 653 Short hand. 604 Essays. 654 Telegraphy. 60- Periodicals. 655 Printing. 606 Societies. 656 Navigation and transportation. 607 Education. 657 Book-keeping. 608 Patents. 658 Business manuals. 609 History. 659 Other. 610 Medicine. 660 Chemical Technology. 611 Anatomy. 661 Chemicals. 612 Physiology. 662 Pyrotechnics. 613 Hygiene. 663 Wines, liquors, and ales. 614 Public health. 664 Sugar, salt, starch, etc. 615 Materia medica and therapeutics. 665 Gas. 616 Pathology, theory and practice. 666 Glass. 617 Surgery and dentistry. 667 Dyeing and bleaching. 618 Obstetrics and sexual science. 668 Assaying. 619 Veterinary medicine. 669 Metallurgy. 620 Engineering. 670 Manuflactures. 621 Mechanical. 671 Metals. 622 Topographical. 672 Iron. 623 Military. 673 Marble, stone, and brick. 624 Bridge. 674 Wood. 625 Road and railroad. 675 Leather and rubber. 626 Canal. 676 Paper. 627 Harbor. 677 Textile fabrics. 628 Hydraulic and mining. 678 Cotton. 629 Instruments and field books. 679 Other. 630 Agriculture. 680 Mechanic Trades. 631 Soil and'preparation. 681 Watch and instrument-making. 632 Pests and hindrances. 682 Blacksmithing. 633 Productions of the soil. 683 Lock and gun-making. 634 Fruits. 684 Carriage and cabinet-making. 635 Garden. 685 Saddlery and shoe-making. 636 Domestic animals. 686 Book-binding. 637 Dairy. 687 Clothes-making. 638 Bees and silkworm. 688 639 Fishing, trapping. 689 Other. 640 Domestic Economy. 690 Building. 641 Cookery. 691 Materials. 642 Confectionery. 692 Plans and specifications. 643 Food and dining. 693 Masonry. 644 Fuel and lights. 694 Carpentry. 645 Furniture. 695 Slating and tiling. 646 Clothing and toilet. 696 Plumbing. 647 Servants. 697 Warming and ventilation. 648 Laundry. 698 Painting, glazing, and paper-hanging. 649 Nursery and sick-room. 699 Car and Ship-building. 20 FINE ARTS. 700 Fine Arts. 750 Painting. 701 Philosophy. 751 Materials and methods. 702 Compends. 752 Color. 703 Dictionaries. 153 Flemish and Dutch Schools. 704 Essays. 754 French. 705 Periodicals. 755 Italian. 706 Societies. 756 Other schools. 707 Education. 757 Portrait. 708 Galleries. 758 Landscape. 709 History. 759 Collections. 710 Landscape Gardening. 760 Engraving. 711 Parks. 761 Wood. 712 Private grounds. 762 Steel and Copper.' 713 Walks and drives. 763 Lithography. 714 Water. 764 Chromolithography. 715 Trees and hedges. 765 Line and Stipple. 716 Plants and flowers. 766 Mezzotint and Aquatint. 717 Arbors. 767 Etching. 718 Monuments. 768 Bank Note and Machine. 719 Cemeteries. 769 Collections. 720 Architecture. 770 Photography. 721 Architectural construction. 771 Materials. 722 Ancient and Oriental. 772 Ambrotype and Daguerreotype. 723 Medieval. 773 Photograph. 724 Modern. 774 Heliotype, Albertype, etc. 725 Public buildings. 775 Photolithography. 726 Church. 776 Stereoscopic. 727 School. 777 Portrait. 728 Domestic and rural. 778 Landscape. 729 Of special countries. 779 Collections. 730 Sculpture. 780 Music. 731 Materials and methods. 781 Theory. 732 Ancient. 782 Dramatic. 733 Greek and Roman. 783 Church. 734 Medieval. 784 Vocal. 735 Modern. 785 Instrumental. 736 Carving. 786 Piano and Organ. 737 Numismatics. 787 Stringed instruments. 738 Pottery and bronzes. 788 Wind " 739 Collections. 789 Associations and institutions. 740 Drawing and Design. 790 Amusements. 741 Free-hand. 791 Entertainments. 742 Perspective. 792 Theatre. 743 Art anatomy. 793 In-door amusements. 744 Mathematical drawing. 794 Chess. 745 Ornamental design. 795 Other games. 746 Ancient. 796 Out-door sports. 747 Medieval. 797 Boating and ball. 748 Modern. 798 Horsemanship and racing. 749 Collections. 799 Fishing, hunting, shooting. 21 LITERATURE. S00 Literature. 850 Italian Literature. 801 Philosophy. 851 " Poetry. 802 Compends. 852 " Drama. 803 Dictionaries. 853 " Romance. 804 Essays. 854 " Essays. 805 Periodicals. 855 " Oratory. 806 Societies. 856 " Letters. 807 857 " Satire. 808 858 " Humor. 809 History. 859 " Miscellany. 810 Treatises and Collections. 860 Spanish Literature. 811 Poetry. 861 " Poetry. 812 Drama. 862 " Drama. 813 Romance. 863 " Romance. 814 Essays. 864 " Essays. 815 Rhetoric and oratory. 865 " Oratory. 816 Letters. 866 " Letters. 817, Satire. 867 " Satire. 818 Humor. 868 " Humor. 819 Miscellany. 869 " Miscellany. S20 English Literature. 870 Latin Literature. 821 " Poetry. 871 " Poetry. 822 " Drama. 872 Dramatic. 823 " Romance. 873 Epic. 824 " Essays. 874 Lyric. 825 " Oratory. 875 " Oratory. 826 " Letters. 876 " Letters. 827 " Satire. 877 " Satire. 828 " Humor. 878 " Philosophy. 829 " Miscellany. 879 " History. S30 German Literature. SS0 Greek Literature. 831 " Poetry. 881 " Poetry. 832 " Drama. 882 Dramatic. 833 " Romance. 883 Epic. 834 " Essays. 884 Lyric. 835 " Oratory. 885 " Oratory. 836 " Letters. 886 " Letters. 837 " Satire. 887 " Humor. 838 " Humor. 888 " Philosophy. 839 " Miscellany. 889 " History. S40 French Literature. S90 Other Languages. 841 " Poetry. 891 Chinese. 842 " Drama. 892 Egyptian. 843 " Romance. 893 Semitic. 844 " Essays. 894 Indian. 845 " Oratory. 895 Iranian. 846 " Letters. 896 Keltic. 847 " Satire. 897 Slavic. 848 " Humor. 898 Scandinavian. 849 " Miscellany. 899 Other. 22 HISTORY. 900 History. 950 Asia. 901 Philosophy. 951 China. 902 Compends, chronology. 952 Japan. 903 Dictionaries. 953 Arabia. 904 Essays. 954 India. 905 Periodicals. 955 Persia. 906 Societies. 956 Turkey in Asia. 907 Education. 957 Siberia. 908 Charts. 958 Afghanistan. 909 Universal Histories. 959 Other. 910 Geography and Description. 960 Africa. 911 Historical. 961 North Africa. 912 Ancient. 962 Egypt and Nubia. 913 Modern. 963 Abyssinia. 914 Europe. 964 Morocco. 915 Asia. 965 Algeria. 916 Africa. 966 Central Africa. 917 North Anzrica. 967 Guinea. 918 South America. 968 South Africa. 919 Oceanica and Polar Regions. 969 Other. 920 Biography. 970 North America. 921 Of philosophy. 971 British America. 922 " theology. 972 Canada. 923 " sociology. 973 United States and Territories. 92t " philology. 974 Eastern. 925 " science. 975 Middle. 926' useful arts. 976 Southern. 927 " fine arts. 977 Western. 928 " literature. 978 Mexico. 929 Genealogy and Heraldry. 979 Other. 930 Ancient History. 980 South America. 931 Chinese. 981 Brazil. 932 Egyptian. 982 Argentine Republic. 933 Jewish. 983 Chili. 934 Indian. 984 Bolivia. 935 Persian. 985 Peru. 936 Keltic. 986 New Granada. 937 Roman. 987 Venezuela. 938 Greek. 988 Guiana. 939 Other. 989 Other. 940 Europe. 990 Oceanica and Polar Regions. 941 Scotland and Ireland. 991 Malaysia. 942 England. 992 Sunda. 943 Germany and Austria. 993 Australasia. 944 France. 994 Australia. 945 Italy. 995 New Guinea. 946 Spain and Portugal. 996 Polynesia. 947 Russia. 997 Isolated islands. 948 Scandinavia. 998 Arctic regions. 949 Other. 999 Antarctic regions. SU!BJECT INDEX. Find the subject in this Alphabetical INDEX. The number following it is its Class Number. The entire resources of the library on this subject will be found under this number either in the Subject Catalogue, the Shelf Catalogue, or on the shelves. Where a class number ends in a cipher, the subject will be found, on reference to the prefixed classification, to be subdivided. Abolition 326 Africa- America NorthAborigines North Am. 970 travels 9i6 geology 557 Abortion 6i8 Agricultural chemistry 63I history 970 Abyssinia 963 Agriculture 630 statistics 317 " language 493 Air 533 travels 917 Academies 378 Alabama 976 America South- 980 " of science 5o6 Alaska 977 botany 588 Accounts 657 Albania 949 customs and costumes 398 Acoustics 534 Albertypes 774 description 918 Acrostics 819, 829, 839, etc. Albigenses 272, 944 ecclesiastical history 278 Acts and Resolves 328 Alchemy 540 geography 918 Acts of the Apostles 226 Alcoholic liquors 178, 615, 663 geology 558 Addresses 815,825, 835, etc. Ales 663 history 980 Administration 35o Algae 582 statistics 318 Administrative law 342 Algebra 512 travels 918 Admiralty Law 346 Algeria 965 American languages 499 Adultery 176, 345 Aliens 343 " painting 756 Advent, second 236 Allegories 819, 829, 839, etc. " philosophy I9I Aeronautics 533 Almanacs 528 " revolution 973.Esthetics 701 I statistical 3I3 Americanisms 427.Ethiopia 966 Alphabets 4II, 421, 431, etc. Amherst College 378 Afghanistan 958 " ornamental 745-748 Amputation 617 Africa-botany 586 Ambassadors 34I Amusements 175, 790 customs and costumes 396 Ambrotype 772 Ana, anagrams 8Ig,829,839, etc. description 9I6 America North- 970 Analysis, chemical 543 ecclesiastical history 276 botany 587 " qualitative 544 geography 916 customs and costumes 397 " quantitative 545 geology 556 description 917 Analytical geometry 5t6 history 960 ecclesiastical' history 277 Anatomy, art 743 statistics 316 geography 917 " comparative 591 24 Anatomy, human 6 I Architecture 720 Astronomical observations 525 Ancient architecture 722 I" naval 699 Astronomy 520 " customs, costumes 39I Arctic regions 998 Atheism 2II " design 746 " " travels 9I9 Athletic sports 796 " geography 912 Argentine republic 982 Atlases 9Io " history 930 Arianism 28i, 232 Atmosphere 533 " philosophies I8o Aristotelian philosophy I85 Atonement 234 " sculpture 732 Arithmetic 5II Aurora 537, 55I Anecdote, Religious 249 Arizona 977 Australasia 993 Aneurism 6I7 Arkansas 976 Australia 994 Angels 235 Armenia 956 Austria 943 Anglican church 283 Armies 355 Authority 171 Angling 799 Arminianism 287, 234 Authors' lives 928 Anglo-Saxon history 942 Armor 355 Autobiography, see Biography. " language 429 Art anatomy 743 Azores 946 Animal magnetism 134 " biography 927 Babylon 935 " kingdom 590" education 707 Backgammon 795 Animals, domestic 636 " schools 753-756 Baconian philosophy I92 Animalcula 593 Artesian wells 628 Ball playing 797 Annuities 333 Articulates, paleontology 565 Ballads, see Poetry. Anonyms I4 " zoology 595 Ballooning 533 Antarctic regions 999 Artillery 358 Banditti 345, 366 " " travels 919 Artists' lives 927 Bank Note Engraving 768 Anthropology I3o0 Arts, fine 700oo Bankrupt laws 343 Anti-Masonry 366 " " biography of 927 Banks 332 Antinomianism 234 " useful 6oo Baptism 264 Antiquities, see subject or c'ntry. " " biography of 926 Baptists 286 Aphorisms 8I9, 829, 839, etc. Ashantee 967 Barbary States 96I Apocalypse 228 " geography 9I6 Barometer 533, 55I Apocrypha 229 Asia- 95o Bas-reliefs 73I Apologetics 239 botany 585 Base ball 797 Apoplexy 6i6 customs and costumes 395 Basque language 499 Apostles 922 ecclesiastical history 275 " provinces 946 Apostolic church 274-276 geography 9I5 Baths 6I3 " succession 262 geology 555 Bavaria 943 Apothegms 8I9, 829, 839, etc. history 95o Beauty 701 Apparitions I33 statistics 3I5 Beer 663 Apples 634 travels 915 Bees 638 Aquariums 59o Asia Minor 956 Beetles 595 Aquatint 766 Assassination 345 Beets 635 Aqueducts 628 Assault and battery 345 " sugar 664 Arabia, ancient history 939 Assaying 668 Belgium 949 " modern 953 Assent I63 Belles-lettres 8oo00 Arabian language 493 Associations 360 Bell-ringing 785 " philosophy 197 " musical 789 Bells 671 Arboriculture 715 Assurance 368 Bermudas 971 Arbors 7I7 Assyria 935 Bible 220 Archaeology, prehistoric 571 Assyrian language 493 " dictionaries, etc. 220 Archery 799 Asthma 6i6' in schools 377 Architects, lives 927 Astrology I33 " societies 362 Architectural drawing 744 Astronomical maps 524 Bibliographies II 25 Bibliographies- Building 69o Cavalry 357 Special countries I5 Burial 390, 614, 719 Caves 551 " forms I2 Burmah 954 Celibacy 136, 176 subjects i6 Business ethics I74ICeltic language 496 Bibliography Io " manuals 658 " literature 896 Billiards 795 Butter 637 Celts 936 Biography 920 Butterflies 595Cements 693 Biology 570 Byzantine Empire 949 Cemeteries 719 Birds 598 Cabinet making 684 Censuses 310 " paleontology 568 Calabria 945 Central Africa 966 Births 312 Calculators 511 America 979 Blacksmithing 682 Calculus 5I7 Ceramic art 673, 738 Bleaching 667 Caledonia 94I Cetacea 599 Blindness 6I6 California 977 Ceylon 954 Block books 22 Calisthenics 613 Chaldee language 493 Blowpipe 543 Caloric 536 Chances 519 Blue laws 343 Calvinism 234 Charades 795 Boating 797 Cambists 332 Charitable associations 36I Boats 797, 699 Cambria 942 Charts, history 908 Bokhara 959 Cameos 736 Chasing 736 Bolivia 984 Canada 972 Checkers 795 Bonds and stocks 333 Canal engineering 626 Cheese 637 Bones 6ii " transit 386 Chemical agriculture 63I Books Io, 20 Canary Isles 946 " analysis 543 Book binding o1, 25, 686 Cancer 6i6 " technology 66o collecting Io Canon law 348 Chemicals-manufacture 66i keeping 657 Capital and labor 331 Chemistry 540 " rarities 20 Capital punishment 345 Chess 794 Booksellers' catalogues I7, I8 Car-building 699 Childbirth 6i8 Boot-making 685, 675 Card-playing 795 Chili 983 Botany 580o Caribbee Islands 989 Chimneys 693 " fossil 56I Caricatures 74I China, ancient 931 " medical 615 Carpentry 694 " modern 951 Brahmanism 294 Carriage making 684 Chinese language 491 Brandy 615, 663 Carthage 939 " literature 89I Brazil 981 Carving 643 C religion 299 Breviaries 244 C" and chasing 736 Chivalry 322 Brewing 663 Cashmere 954 Chloroform 615, 617, 618 Bricks 673 Castille 946 Cholera 6i6 Bridge-building 624 Casts 730 Christ 232 Brigands 345, 366 Casuistry I7I1 Christian doctrines 230 British America 971 Catalogues-Authors I8 " fathers 270 " Columbia 972 " Books I2-I8 " institutions 260 " India 954 " Libraries 12-18 " sects 280 " Museum 369 " Subjects 17 Christianity, evidences 239 Britons 942, 941 Catarrh 6i6 "4 history 270-289 Bronchitis 6I6 Catechisms 241 Christmas customs 390 Bronzes 738 Cathedrals 726 Christology 232 Buccaneers 345, 366 Catholic Church 282 Chromolithography 764 Buddhism 294 Cattle 636 Chronologies 902 Buenos Ayres 982 Caucuses 324 Chronology 529 4 26 Church 261 Colors, painting 752'Conversation I77 " architecture 726 Coloring 667 Cookery 641 " of England 283 Comedy, see Drama. Co-operation 33I " fathers 270 Comets 523 Copper 67I, 54) history 270-289 Comic works, see Humor. Copper engraving 762 music 783 Commemorative sermons 259 Coptic language 492 polity 262 Commentaries, Bible 220 Copyright 343 " of Rome 282 " law 340 Corals 593 " and state 26I, I72, 329 Commerce 380 Corea 959 Circassia 947 Commercial law 343 Corn laws 347, 343 Circumnavigations 9Io Common law 343 Cornices 721 Citizenship 342 Common schools 372 Coroners 343 City transit 388 Communication 380, 650 Corporal punishment 371 Civil engineering 620 Communion 265 Corporations 360 law 348 Communism 335 Correction, houses of 364 service organs 35I Comparative anatomy 591 Correlation of forces 530 " " regulations 351 i" mythology 291 Correspondence 816 Civilization-progress 313 " philology 4I0 Corsica 944 Clairvoyance I34 Compass 629, 538, 527 Cosmetics 646 Classical education 375 Compends- Cosmogony I 13 Classics, Greek 488,88o fine arts 702 Cosmology 1I3 ".Latin 478, 870 history 902 Cossacks 947 Classification II2 literature 802 Costa Rica 979 Clergy, lives of 922 natural science 502 Costumes 390 Climatology 55I, 536 philology 402 Cottages 728 Clinics 6Io philosophy Io2 Cotton manufactures 678 Clock-making 68 science 502 " planting 633 Clothes-making 687 sociology 302 " trade 381, 382 Clothing 646 theology 202 Councils 262, 270 Clubs 369 useful arts 602 Courts martial 347 Coal 549, 644 Composition 8I5 Cousin's philosophy 194 Coast survey 622 " of music 78i Covenanters 274, 94I Coats of arms 929 Comte's philosophy I94, I45,Cows 636, 637 Cochin China 951 Conchology 594 Cranberries 634 Co-education 376 Concordances of Bible 220 Crayoning 74I Coffee 64I, 633 Confectionery 642 Creation 213 Coinage 332 Confessional 282 Credit 334 Coins 737 Congregationalism 285 Creeds 244, 280 Coleoptera 595 Conic sections 515 Cremation 614, 390 Collections, art 708 Connecticut 974 Crete 949 drawing and design 749 Conscience I70, 233 Cricket 796 engraving 769 Conservatories of music 789 Crimea 947 painting 759 Constitution, English 323 Crimes and punishments 345 photography 779 " United States 324 Criminal law 345 sculpture 739 Constitutional law 342 Critical psychology 142 Collectors' manuals 579 Construction, architectural 721 Criticism-literary, see Essays. Colleges 378 Consuls 327 Crocheting 793 Collieries 628 Consumption 6i6 Croquet 796 Colombia, S. A. 986 Contagion 614 Croup 616 Colonies 325 Contracts 343 Crusades 274, 940 Color 535 Convents 362, 271 Crustacea 595 27 Cryptogamia 582 Dialects- Domestic trade 381 Crystallography 548 Latin 477 " worship 248 Cuba 979 Spanish 467 Dominos 795 Currency 332 Diamonds 552 Drainage 63I, 6I4 Curvilinear motion 53I Dictionaries- Drama, general treatises 812 Customs and duties 337 comparative 413 " English 822 " " manners 390 English 423 " French 842 Cyclopaedias, general 30 fine art 703 " German 832 Daguerreotype 772 French 443 " Greek 882 Dairy 6371 German 433 " Italian 852 Dancing 793 Greek 483 " Latin 872 Danish 498 history 903 " Spanish 862 Darwinism 575 Italian 453 Dramatic amusements 792 Deaf and dumb institutions 36I Latin 473 " music 782 Deafness 6i6 literature 8031 Draughts 795 Death 612 natural science 503 Drawing 740 " and resurrection 236 philology 403 Drawing-books 741 " penalty 345 philosophy Io3 Dreams 135 Debates 8I 5 science 503 Dress 646 Decimal system 5II sociology 303 " making 646 " weights &measures 389 Spanish 463 Drives 713 Decorative art 745-748 theology 203 Driving 798 Deductive logic I62 useful arts 603 Drugs 6I5 Deism 2II Didactic theology 24I Druids 299 Delaware 975 Die-making 736 Duelling 177, 345, 392 Delusions I33 Diet 6I31Dutch language 439 Democracy 324 Differential calculus 517 " painting 753 Demonology I33 Digestion 612 " Reformed Church 289 Denmark 948 Digests 343 " Republic 949 Denominations, Christian 280 Dining 643 Duties 170 Dentistry 617 Diphtheria 6i6 " and customs 337 Depravity 233, 2I6 Diplomacy 327, 34I Dyeing 667 Derangement, mental 132 Diplomatics Io, 21 Dynamical electricity 537 Descarte's philosophy I94 Directories 9I0 " geology 553 Descriptive astronomy 523 Discipline, education 371 Dynamics 53I " geometry 744 Diseases 616 Dysentery 616 Design and drawing 740 Disinfection 614 Dyspepsia 616 " ornamental 745-8 Dispensatories 65 Ear diseases 66 Despotism 32i Dissection 6II Early Greek philosophy I82 Detectives 354 Dissenters 289, 283 Earth 55i Deuteronomy 222 Distillation 663 " figure of 526 Development theory 575 District of Columbia 976 Earthquakes 553 Devil 235 Divorce 343, 173 East Indies 954 Devotional theology 240 Doctrinal history 273 Easter 244 Dew 55I " sermons 253 Eastern church 281 Dialectics I60 " theology 230 " States 974 Dialects- Dogs 599, 636 Ecclesiastical history 270 English 427 Domestic animals 636[ " polity 262 French 447 " architecture 728 Echinoderms 593 German 437 " economy 64o0 Eclectic medicine 616 Greek 487 " and for'n relat'ns 327 " psychology 148 Italian 457 " medicine 6I5xEclipses 523 28 Economy, domestic 640o English sculpture 735 Etymologies, English 422 " political 33 " synonyms 424 " French 442 Ecuador 989 " texts 428 " German 432 Education 37o0 Engraving 760 " Greek 482 " fine arts 707 Enigmas 8I9, 829, 839, etc. " Italian 452 " history 9o7 Entertainments 791 " Latin 472 " natural sciences 507 Enthusiasm I37 " Spanish 462 " philology 407 Entomology 595 Eucharist 265 " philosophy Io7 Entozoa 595 Eulogies 920, 259 " science 507 Epics 8II, 82I, 83T, etc. Europe-botany 584 " theology 207 " Greek 883 customs and costumes 394 " useful arts 607 " Latin 873 ecclesiastical history 274 Educational institutions 378 Epicurean philosphy I87 geography 914 t" reports 379 Epidemics 614 geology 554 Egypt, ancient 9321Epigrams 819, 829, 839, etc. history 940 " modern 962 Episcopal church 283 statistics 31I4 Egyptian language 492 Epistles, Bible 227 travels 914 " literature 892 Epistolography 816, 826, etc. Evidence (law) 349 Election sermons 256 Epitaphs 929 Evidences of Christianity 239 Elections 324 Equador 989 Evil 216 Electricity 537 Equestrian exercise 798 Evolution 575 Electro-magnetism 538 Equipments of armies 355 Exchange 332 Eleemosynary institutions 36I " navies 359 Excise 336 Elementary education 372 Equity 344 Exegesis 220 Elgin marbles 733 Eschatology 236 Exhibitions, art 708 Elocution 8I5 Esquimaux 979, 998 Exodus 222 Emancipation 326 Essays, English literature 824 Experimental Chemistry 542 Embalming 390 " fine arts 704 Explorations 910 Embargo 346, 341 " French 844 Expository sermons 258 Emblems 2I9 " general treatises 814 Express companies 385 Embryology 576 " German 834 Eye, diseases 616 Emigration 325 " history 904 " functions 612 Empirical psychology I44 " Italian 854 Fables 819, 829, 839, etc. Enamel painting 75I literature 804 Facetiae 8I9, 829, 839, etc. Encaustic " 751 " natural science 504 Fairy tales 813, 823, 833 etc. Encyclopaedias, general 30 " philology 404 Faith 234, I63 Engineering 620 " philosophy I04 Family 173 " instruments 629 " political 329 " medicines 616 England, history 942 " science 5o4 " worship 247 English church 283 " sociology 304 Fanaticism I33 " dialects 427 " Spanish 864 Farces 828, 838, etc., 791 " dictionaries 423 " theology 204 Farming 630 " etymology 422 " useful arts 604 Farriery 682 " government 323 Etching 767 Fashion I77 " grammar 425 Etherization 617 Fasts 244 " language 420 Ethics 17o Fatalism 159 " literature 820 Ethiopia 966 Fathers of the church 270 " orthography 42I Ethnography 390 Fauna 590 " painting 756 Ethnology 572 Feasts 244 " philology 420 Etiquette I77 Federalism 324 " philosophy 192 Etruria 937 Female education 376 " prosody 426 Etymologies, comparative 412 " seminaries 378 29 Fencing 796 France 944' Geodesy 526 Ferns 582 Franchise 324 Geography 910 Fetichism 299 Franciscans 271 " Africa 916 Feudal institutions 322 Franconia 943 " ancient 912 Fevers 6i6 Franco-Prussian war 943, 944 " Asia 915 Fiction, see Romance. Free-hand drawing 741 " Europe 914 Field books, engineering 629 Freemasonry 366 " historical 9II Field sports 796-799 Free trade 337 " modern 913 Figure of the earth 526 Freewill I59 " N. America 917 Filibusters 363, 345, 978 French language 440 " physical 55I Final causes 113 " " old 449 " S. America 918 Finances 330 " literature 840 " travels 9I0 Fine arts 700 " painting 754 Geology 550 biography of 927 " philosophy 194 " dynamical 553 Finland 947 " revolution 944 Geometry 513 Finno-Hungarian language 499 " sculpture 735 " analytical 516 Fire arms 355, 683 Fresco painting 751 Georgia 959, 976 " departments 369 Friction 531 German language 430 " engines 621 Friends, Society of 289 " " low 439 " insurance 368 Friendship I57 " literature 830 " works 662 Fruit culture 634 " painting 753 Fishes 597 Fuel 644 I" philosophy 193 " palaeontology 567 Funds and funding 336 " Reformed Church 289 Fisheries 639 Funeral sermons 259 Germany 943 Fishing 799 Funerals 390 Ghosts 133 Flags 929 Furniture 645 Gipsies 949 Flanders 949 Future life 2i8 Girondists 363, 944 Flax 633, 677 Future state 237 Glaciers 553 Flemish painting 753 Galleries of art 708 Glass 666 Flies 595 drawing and design 749 " painting 75I Flora 584-589 engraving 769 Glazing 698 Florence 945 painting 759 Glees 784 Florida 976 photography 779 Globes, use of 522 Flower garden 716, 583 sculpture, etc. 739 Glossaries 4I3, 423, 433, etc. Flowers 580 Galvanism 537 Gloves 646, 675, 677 Fluxions 5I7 Gambling I75 Gnostics 28I Folk-lore 291-293 Game laws 345 God 23I Food 643 Games 793-7 Gold 549, 67I Foreign missions 267 Gardening 635 Goniometry 514 " relations 327 " Landscape 7Io Good-Friday 244 " trade 382 Gas-fitting 696 Gospels 226 Forgery 345 "lighting 665, 644 Gothic architecture 723 Form book 349 " making 665 Goths 943 Fortification 623 Gastronomy 641 Gout 616 Fortune-telling I33 Gauging 389 Government 320 Fossils 56o Gazetteers gio0 Grace 234 Founderies 67I Gem engraving 736 Grafting 634 Foundling hospitals 36I Gems 549 Grains 633 Fountains 7I4 Genealogy 929 Grammars, comparative 415 Fowling 799 Generation, Spontaneous 577 " English 425 Fowls 636 Genesis 222j " French 445 Fractures 617 Genoa 945; " German 435 30 Grammars, Greek 485 Health 613 Homceopathy 615 Is Italian 455 " public 6I4 Homologies 574 " Latin 475 Heart diseases 6I6 Honev 638 " Spanish 465 Heat 536 Horse 636, 599, 357, 6I9 Granada 946 Heathen religions 290 Horse-racing 798 Granges 363 Heating 697 " riding 798 Grape culture 634 Heaven 237 " shoeing 682 Grasses 633 Hebrew history 933 Horsemanship 798 " ornamental 7i6, 583 " language 493 Hortatory theology 243 Grave-stones 7I8 Hedges 715 Horticulture 635 " yards 719 Hegelian philosophy I93 Hospitals 36I Gravitation 53I Heliotypes 774 Hotels 390 Great Britain 941, 942 Hell 237 Hothouses 583, 635 Greece, ancient 938 Heraclitic philosophy I82 House-keeping 640 " modern 949 Heraldry 929 Housewifery 640 Greek architecture 722 Herbariums 582 Huguenots 289, 944 " church 281 Hermaphrodites 59o, 612 Human anatomy 6 I " commentaries 488 lIermeneutics 220 Humane societies 36I " language 480 Herpetology 598 Humor 818 " literature 88o Hieroglyphics 419 English 828 " modern 489 Higher education 373 French 848 " mythology 292 Highwaymen 345 German 838 " philosophy 80o, 888 Histology 6II Greek 887 " sculpture 733 Historical books of Bible 222 Italian 858 " texts with notes 488 " charts and tables 9o81 Spanish 868 i" " without notes 880 " geography 91I Hunting 799 " translations 880 " societies 9o6 Hurricanes 533 Greenhouses 583, 635 History- goo Husbandry 630 Greenland 998 ancient 930-939 Hybridism 590 Grounds, private 712 biography of 928 Hydraulic engineering 628 Groves 715 ecclesiastical 270 Hydraulics 532 Guatemala 979 fine arts 709 Hydrodynamics 532 Guiana 988 geography 9Io Hydrography 55I, 627, 527 Guide books 9Io in Greek 889 Hydromechanics 532 Guillotine 345 in Latin 879 Hydropathy 615 Guinea 967 literature 8o9 Hydrophobia 614, 616 Gun cotton 355, 662 modern 940-999 Hydrostatics 532 Gunnery 355 natural sciences 509 Hygiene 6I3 Gunpowder 355, 662 philology 409 " mental 131 Gunsmithery 683 philosophy io09 Hymnology 245 Gutta percha 679 philosophy of 90oI Hypochondria I32, 6i6 Gymnastics 6I3 science 509 Icebergs 553 Gypsies 949 sociology 309 Iceland 948 Habeas corpus 343 theology 209 Icelandic language 498 Hamiltonian philosophy 192 universal 909 Ichnology 56o Harbors 627 useful arts 609 Ichthyology 597 Harmony, music 781 Histrionics 792 Iconography 730 " of gospels 226 Holy Land 933, 956 Idealistic psychology 141 Harness-making 685 Home education 371, 374 Idiocy 132 Harpsichord 787 " missions 266 Idolatry 290 Hasheesh 6I5 Homicide 345 Illumination 745 Hats 646j Homiletics 251 Imagination 156 31 Immersion 264, 286 Interest 334 Jury 342 Immigration 325 " tables 658 Justification 234 Immortality 218, 237 Interior, administration 353 Kafirs 968 Imprisonment for debt 345 Intermarriage I36, 6i8 Kaleidoscope 536 Incarnation 232 Intermediate state 237 Kansas 977 Income 333 Interments 614, 390 Kant's philosophy 193, 142 Incunabula 23 International exhibitions 6oo Keltic, ancient history 936 India, ancient history 934 " law 34I " language 496 " modern " 954 Intolerance 272' literature 896 Indian language 494 Intuitive psychology I43 Kentucky 976 " literature 894 Inventions 6o8 Kindergarten 372 Indiana 977 Invertebrates 592 Kinematics 53 Indians, American 970 " paleontology 562 Kitchen 64I 44" " language 499 Ionian Islands 949 Knighthood 322 India-rubber 675 Ionic philosophy I82 Koran 297 Indoor amusements 793 Iowa 977 Labor 331 Induction I6i Iranian languages 495 Laboring classes 33I Inductive logic I6I " literature 895 Labrador 972 Industrial drawing 744 Ireland 94I Lace-making 677 " schools 607 Irish church 283 Lakes, artificial 714 Inebriate institutions 364 " language 496 Land surveying 622 Infanticide I73, 345 Iron, bridges 624 Landlord and tenant 333 Infantry 356 " manufacture 672 Landscape gardening 7Io Infidelity 211 " mineral 549, 669 " painting 758 Inoculation 614, 6I5 Iron-clad ships 359, 699 " pho'ographs 778 Inorganic chemistry 546 Irrigation 631 Language 400 Inquisition 272 Italian language 45o Lapland 947, 948 Insane Hospitals 36I " literature 85o Latin commentaries 488 Insanity I32 " painting 755 " language 4.70 Inscriptions 417 " philosophy I95 " literary history 470 Insects 595 " sculpture 734, 735 " literature 870 Inspiration 238 Italy 945 " medieval 479 Instincts I58 Jacobins 363, 944 " texts, with notes 488 Institute of France 64 Jamaica 979 " " without notes 870 Institutions 360 Jansenism 282 " translations 870 " educational 378 Japan 952 Laundry 648 " Feudal 322 Japanese language 499 Law 340 " Monarchic 323 Japanning 698 " of nations 341 " Musical 789 Java 992 Lawns 712 of religion 260 Jests 8I9, 829, 839, etc. Lawyers' lives 923 " Patriarchal 32I Jesuit missions 266, 282 Lead 549, 671' Republican 324 Jesuits 271, 282 Leather 675 Instruction 37I Jesus 232 Lectures 815, 825, 835, etc. Instrumental music 785 Jewelry 646, 671 Legends 291-293 Instruments, engineering 629 Jews, history 933 Legerdemain I33 I" making 68i John 226 Legislation 343, 328 Insurance companies 368 Joinery 694 Legislative annals 328 Integral calculus 5I7 Journalism 5o Legitimacy 343 Intellect I51 Judaism 296 Lent 244 Intellectual philosophy I40-I50 Judgment and future state 237 Lepidoptera 595 Intemperance I78 Junius letters 329 Letter writing 8i6 Intercommunication 380, 650 Jurisprudence 340 Letters 816 32 Letters- Longevity 312 Marriage, customs 390 English 826 Lord's Supper 265 " ethics I73 French 846 Lorraine 943, 944 Maritime law 346 German 8361 Lotteries I75 Mark 226 Greek 886 Louisiana 976 Martial law 347 Italian 856 Low countries 949 Martyrs 272 Latin 876 " Dutch 439 Maryland 976 Spanish 866 Luke 226 Mason & Dixon's line 326 Levant 956, 962 Lunacy I32 Masonry 693 Levelling 622 Lunatic asylums 36I Masonry, Free 366 Leviticus 222 Lung diseases 6I6 Massachusetts 974 Lexicons 413, 423, 433, etc. Lutherans 289 Materia medica 6I5 Libel 345 Lyric poetry 8ii, 821, 831, etc. Materialist 146 Liberty 324 " " Greek 884 Materials, building 69I " of press 324 " " Latin 874 Maternity I36, 6i8 Libraries I9 Macaronics 8Ig, 829, etc. Mathematical drawing 744 Library catalogues 17, I8 Machine engraving 768 " instruments 629 " economy I9 Machinery 62I " tables 514 " history and reports 19 Madagascar 969 Mathematics 510 Lichens 582 Madness 132 Matthew 226 Life, future 218, 237 Magazines 50, Io5, 205, etc. Mausoleums 718 Life insurance 368 Magic I33 Maxims 819, 829, 839, etc. Light 535 Magnetism 538 Measles 616 Light-houses 656, 627 " animal I34 Measures and weights 389 Lightning 537 Magyars 943 Mechanical drawing 744 Lights and fuel 644 Mahometanism 297 " engineering 621 Line engraving 765 Mails 383 " trades 680 Linguistics 4oo Maine 974 Mechanics 53I Liquors 663 Malaria 614 Mechanics' associations 6o6 Litany 244 Malayan language 499 Medals 737 Literary criticism 824, 834, 844, Malaysia 99I Medieval architecture 723 etc. Malt 663 " customs, costumes 392 miscellany 819 Malta 949 " design 747 English 829 Mamelukes 962 " history with modern French 849 Mammalia 599 " Latin 479 German 839 " palieontology 569 " sculpture 734 Italian 859 Man, doctrine of 233 Medical botany 6I5 Spanish 869 " ethnography 390 " jurisprudence 343 property 343 " natural history of 573 Medicine 6io Literature 800 Maniacs I32 " veterinary 6I9 " biography of 928 Manners and customs 390 Meditations, theology 242 " classical 870, 880, 488-498 Manuals, collectors' 579'Melodeons 786 " treatises 8Io Manufactures 670 Melody 78I Lithography 763 Manures 631 Memoirs 920 Lithology 552 Manuscripts I3, 2I Memory I54 Liturgies 4441 Maps go0 Mensuration 612 Locke 192, 145 " astronomical 524 Mental derangement 132 Locks and keys 683 Marble manufacture 673 " faculties I50 Locomotives 62I Marbles 731 " hygiene I31 Logarithms 514 Marine architecture 699 " philosophy I40-I50 " tables 514 " insurance 368 " physiology I31 Logic I6o " law 346 Mesmerism I34 33 Messiah 232 Modeling 731 Mythology, Norse 293 Metal manufactures 671 Modern architecture 724,Names 929 Metallurgy 669 " costumes, customs Narcotics 6I5 Metaphysics IIo 393-399 National costumes 390 Meteorology 551 " designs 748 " customs 390 Methodism 287 " geography 913-99 Natural history 550-590 Methodology I I2 " Greek 489 " philosophy 530 Methods of education 371 " history 940-9991 " science 500 Metric system 389 " philosophy I90o selection 575 Metrology 389 " sculpture 7351 " theology 210 Mexican war 973, 978 Mohammedanism 297 Naturalization 343, 325 Mexico 978 Molecular physics 539 Nature 500 Mezzotint 776 Mollusca 594!Naval architecture 699 Michigan 977 paleontology 564 Naval science 359 Microscopy 578 Monarchic institutions 323 Navies 359 Middle ages, history, see special Monasteries 27'Navigation 527, 656 countries. Monastic orders 271,c laws 346 Middle States 975 Money 332 Nebraska 977 Midwifery 6i8 Mongolian language 499 Necromancers I33 Military and naval arts 355-359 Monitors, iron-clads 359, 699 Needle-work 646, 793 engineering 623 Monograms 745-748 Negroes 573, 326 law 347 Monopolies 33I Nepotism 323 science 355 Montana 977 Nestorians 28r Militia 355 Monuments 7I8 Netherlands 949 Milk 637 Moon 523 Neuroptera 595 Millennium 236 Moral philosophy I70 Neutrals 341 Millinery 646 Moravians 289 Nevada 977 Mills, cot., woolen, etc. 677, 678 Moravian missions 266 New Brunswick 972 paper 676 Morea 949 " England 974 Mill-work 62I Mortar 693 " Granada 986 Mind I5o Mortality 3I2 " Guinea 995 Mineral waters 6I5 Mortgages 343 " Hampshire 974 Mineralogy 549 Mormonism 298' Jersey 975 Mines, mining, engineering 628 Morocco 964 " Mexico 977 Miniatures 757 Morphology 58I " Platonists, philosophy I86 Ministers 250 Mosaic painting 75I " Testament 225 " lives 922 Moslems 297 " York 975 Minnesota 977 Mosquitia 979 Newfoundland 971 Minstrelsy 8II, 82I, 831, etc. Mosses 582 Newspapers 50 Miracles 23I Mothers I73 Nicaragua 979 Miscellany, literary 8I9 Moths 595, 646 Nobility 322 English 829 Mouldings 721 Non-Christian religions 290 French 849 Municipal government 342 Normal schools 37I German 839 Mutual aid societies 36I Norman conquest 942-946 Italian 859 Music 780 Normandy 944 Spanish 869 Musical composition 78I Norse 498 Missions 266 Musicians 927 North Africa 96I " foreign 267 Mysteries I33 " America 970 Mississippi 976 Mysticism 289 " America botany 578 Missouri 977 Mythology, comparative 291 " customs&costumes 397 Mnemonics I54 " Greek & Roman 292 " ecclesiastical hist'y 277 5 34 North America, geography 917 Oratory- Parish law 343 t" geology 557 Italian 855 Parks, public 7II cc history 97o Latin 875 Parliament 324 cc statistics 317 political 329 Parliamentary law 348 t" travels 917 sacred 25I Parrots 598 North Carolina 976 Spanish 865 Parseeism 295 Northmen 948 Orchards 6341 Partnership 343 Norway 948 Orders of architecture 722-7241Parturition 618 Nosology 6I6 Ordination sermons 257 Passions I57 Nova Scotia 972 Ordnance 355, 683 Pastoral theology 250 Novels 813 Oregon 977 Patagonia 989 English 823 Organ 786 Patents 6o8 French 843 Organic chemistry 547 Pathology 616 German 833 " remains 562 Patriarchal institutions 32I Italian 853 Oriental architecture 722 Patriotism 172 Spanish 863 " church 28I Patristic philosophy I89 Nubia 962 " languages 490 Patronage 177 Numbers, book of 222 " philosophy I8I Pauperism 339 Numismatics 374 Origin of language 400 Pawnbroking 334 Nunneries 362 Ornamental botany 5831Peace and war I72 Nursery 649 " design 745 Pears 634 Object teaching 37I " work 745 Peat 644 Observations, astronomical 525 Ornithology 598 Pedobaptism 264 Obstetrics 6I8 Orphans 36I Peerage 322 Ocean transportation 387,656 Orthoepy 4I I, 42I, 431, etc. Peloponnesus 938, 949 Oceanica 990 Orthography, comparative 4II Penal law 345 botany 589 English 421 Penance 244 customs and costumes 399 French 44I Peninsular war 946 ecclesiastical history 279 German 43I Penitentiaries 365 geography 919 Greek 48I Penmanship 652 geology 559 Italian 451 Pennsylvania 975 history 990 Latin 47I Pentateuch 222 statistics 319 Spanish 46I Perception I52 travels 919 Ottoman empire 949, 956 Perfectionists 289 Odd Fellows 366 Out-door sports 796-799 Perfumery 660, 646 Odontology 6II, 617 Oxford University 378 Periodicals, see special subjects. Ohio 977 Oysters 594, 641 fine arts 705 Old French 449 Paganism 290 general 50 Old Testament 221 Painters' lives 927 history 905 Oil manufacture 664 Painting 750, 698 literature 805 " painting 75I Palkeontology 560 natural science 505 Ontology III Palestine 956 philology 405 Operas 782 Pantheism 212 philosophy I05 Opium 6I5 Pantheistic psychology 147 science 505 Optics 535 Papacy 282 sociology 305 Oracles I33 Paper-hanging 698 theology 205 Oratorios 783 Paper manufacture 676 useful arts 6o5 Oratoryj 8I5 Paper money 332 Perpetual motion 531 English 825 Papua 995 Persecutions 272 French 845 Paraguay 989 Persia, ancient history 935 German 835 Parchment I0 " modern " 955 Greek 885 Parent and child I73 Persian language 495 35 Personal liberty 342 " vegetable 58I Polynesia" property 342 Piano-forte 786 geography 919 " rights 342 Picture galleries 759 geology 559 Perspective 742 Piedmont 945 history 996 Peru 985 Pig 636 languages 499 Pests, agricultural 632 Piracy 345 statistics 319 Petrifaction 56o Pisciculture 639 travels 9I9 Petroleum 549, 665 Plague 6t6, 614 Polyps 593 Pharmacopceias 6I5 Planets 523 Polytheism 290 Pharmacy 6i 5 Plans for building 692 Pomology 634 Phi Beta Kappa 366 Plants 580o Ponds, artificial 714 Philology 400 landscape gardening 7I6 Poor 339 biography of 924 paleontology 56i " laws 343 Philosophy Ioo Platonic philosophy I84 Popery 282 " ancient I8o Platonists, new I86 Population 312 biography of 92I Playing cards 795 Porcelain 738 Greek I8o, 888 Plays, see Drama 812, 792 Portrait painting 757 Latin 878 Pleading 349 Portraits, photographs 777 mental I5o Plumbing 696 Portugal 946 modern I90 Plurality of worlds 521 Portuguese language 469 moral 170 Pneumatics 533 " literature 860 natural 530 Pneumatology 5o Positivism I46 of art 70I Poetical books of Bible 223 Postage-stamps 383 history 90r Poetry 8I I Post-offices 383 language 4o0 English 821 Potato 63 literature 8oi French 84I Pottery 73 science SoI German 831 " manufacture 673 sociology 30I Greek 88I Poultry 636 religion 201 Italian 85I Powder 662, 355 useful arts 6oi Latin 87I Practical astronomy 522 Phcenicia 939 Spanish 86i " theology 240 Phcenician language 493 Poets, lives 928 " sermons 25 Phonetic short-hand 653 Poisons 6i5 Practice of medicine 6I5 " spelling 421 IPoland 949 Prayer 217 Phonography 653 Polar Regions, geography 919 Prayer-meetings 247 Phonology 4I4 Polar seas 998, 999 Preaching and preachers 250 Photographic chemistry 771 Police 354 Precedents 343 Photographs 773 Polish language 497 Precious metals 549 Photography 770 Politeness I77 Predestination 231 Photo-lithography 775 Political associations 363 Pregnancy 618 Phrase-books, see Language. " economy 330 Pre-historic archeology 571 Phrenology I39 c" essays 329 Presbyterians 284 Phthisis 6I6 " institutions 363 Prescriptions 6I5 Physical education 613 " science 320 Press, liberty of 324 " geography 55I " sermons 256 Primeval man 571 Physics 530 " speeches 329 Primitive Christianity 270 " molecular 539 Polity, ecclesiastical 262 Primogeniture 322 Physiognomy 138 Polygamy 173, 345 Printing 655 Physiography 551 Polygraphy 4o Prints 769 Physiology 6I2 Polynesia, botany 589 Prison associations 365 " comparative 59I customs and costumes 399'Prisons 365 Physiology, mental 131 ecclesiastical history 279 Private grounds 712 36 Private worship 248 Public health 614 Regeneration 234 Privateers 341 " houses 39o0 Regimen 6I3 Probabilities 5'9 9" lands 353 Regulations of armies 355 Production 338 " meetings 360 " of navies 359 Productions of the soil 633 " schools 378 Religion and science 215 Progress of civilization 3I2 " speaking 815 " sermons 255 " of population 313 " worship 246 Religions, Non-Christian 290 Prohibited books 28 Pulpit oratory 250 Religious anecdotes 249 Prohibition 178 Pumps 532 " associations 362 Projectiles 358, 53' Punctuation, English 421 " biography 922 Projection 744 Punishment 345 " education 377 Promissory notes 343 Puritans 277, 289 " fiction 249 Pronunciation, 4I 1, 421, 431, etc. Puseyism 244, 283 " institutions 362 Property 33I Pygmies 599 " orders 271 Property law 342, 343 Pyramids 916, 932 Religious philosophy 20I " tax 336 Pyrites 549 Remains 560 Prophecy 23I Pyrotechnics 662 Rents 333 Prophetical books of Bible 224 Pyrrhonism I86 Repentance 234, 241 Prose composition, Greek 485 Pythagorean philosophy I82 Reptiles 598 is Ad Latin 475 Quadrumana 599 " paleontology 568 Prosody, comparative 416 Quadrupeds 599 Republican institutions 324 English 426 Quakers 289 Resistance of materials 69I French 446 Qualitative analysis 544 Resurrection 236'German 436 Quantitative " 545 Retribution 237 Greek 486 Quarantine 614 Revealed religion 231 Italian 456 Quaternions 518 Revelation 231 Latin 476 Quotations 819, 829, etc. Revenue 336 Spanish 466 Race-horse 798 Reviews, see Periodicals. Prostitution 6i8, I76 Races, history 572 Revivals 269 Protection 337 Racing 798 Revolution, American 973 Protestant episcopal 283 Radiates 593 " French 944 Protestantism 283-289 " paleontology 563 Rhetoric 815 " and Romanism 282 Railroad engineering 625 " sacred 251 Protoplasm 576 " locomotives 62I Rhode Island 974 Protozoa 593 Railroads 385 Rhododendon 582 paleontology 563 Railways, laws of 343 Riddles 819, 829, etc. Provencal language 449 Rain 55I Riding 798 Proverbs, and quotations 819 Rank 322 Right of search 341 " Bible 223 Rationalism 211, 155 Rights and liberties 342 Providence 214 Readers 418, 428, 438, etc. Riots 343 Provincialisms 427, 437, etc. Reading, art of 8I5 Ritualism 244 Pruning 634, 7I5 Reading courses I5, I6 River transportation 387 Prussia 943 " for self-education 374 Rivers 55I Psalms 223 Real estate law 343 Roads 625 Pseudonyms I4 Reason I55 Rocky mountains 557, 9I7 Psychology 14o0 Rebellion, Southern 973 Rodentia 599 Public accounts 336 Recipe books 640 Roman antiquities 937 " buildings 725 Recreation 790 " architecture 722 " charities 361 Reformation 274 " Catholics 282 " documents 328 Reformatory associations 364 " history, ancient 937 " education 370 " institutions 364 " " modern 945 " funds 336 Reformed church 289 " literature 870 37 Roman law 348 Satire- Sex in education 376 " mythology 292 Spanish 867 Sexual ethics I76 " sculpture 733 Savings banks 332 Sexual science 6i8 Romance 813 Saxon language 429 Sexes 136 English 823 Saxons 943 Shades and shadows 744 French 843 Scandinavia 948 Shakers 289 German 833 Scandinavian language 498 Shakesperiana 822 Italian 853 " literature 898 Sheep 636 Religious 249 Scepticism 2 I I Shells 594 Spanish 863 Scholastic philosophy I98 " fossil 564 Romanic languages 440-469 Schools 378 Shemitic languages 493 Romansh language 459 " Sunday 268 Ship-building 699 Rome, ancient 937 School architecture 727 " canals 626, 387 " modern 945 " houses 727 Shipping laws 346 Romish church 282 Schools of art 707 Shoemaking 685, 675 Rope-making 677 " painting 753-756 Shooting 799 Rowing 797 Schopenhauer's philosophy I93 Short-hand 653 Rubber manufactures 675 Schleswig-Holstein 943 Shrubbery 716 Ruminants 599 Science, Natural 5oo0 Siam 959 Rural architecture 728 biography of 925 Siberia 957 Rural sports 796 Scientific societies 506 Sicily 945 Russia 947 " travels 508 Sick-room 649 Russian America 977 Scotland 94I Sieges 355, 623 " language 497 Scotch language 496 Sight 536 Sabbatarlans 289 " philosophy 192 " hygiene 613 Sabbath 263 Scriptures 220 Signals 654 " reform 263 Scrofulous diseases 6I6 Sign painting 698 " schools 268 Sculpture 730 Silk culture 638 Sacrament of baptism 264 Sculptors' lives 927 " manufacture 677 1" Lord's Supper 265 Seamanship 656, 527 " worm 638, 595 Sacred biography 922 Secession 342 Silver metal 549 "' rhetoric 251 Second advent 236 " mines 628 Sacrifices 221 " sight 133 " money 332 Saddlery 685 Secret societies 366 Sin 233 Sailors 387 Sects, Christian 280 Singing 784 St. Domingo 979 Secular education 377 Sisters of Mercy 362 Sale catalogues of books I7,I8 Self-culture 374 Skating 796 Salt manufacture 664 " education 374 Skepticism 2II Salvation 234 Semitic languages 493 Skin diseases 616 Sandwich Islands 997 " literature 893 Skye 941 Sanitary commissions 364 Sensation I52 Slander I77, 345 s" 4" U. S. 36I Sensational psychology 145 Slang 427, 437, etc. " measures 614 Sense 152 Slating 695 Sanskrit language 494 Sepulchres 718 Slavery 326 Sardinia 945 Sepulture 614 Slavic language 497 Satan 235 Sermons 252-259 " literature 897 Satire 8I7 Serpents 598 Sleep I35 English 827 Servants 647 " walking I35 French 847 Servia 949 Small-pox 6i6, 614 German 837 Sewerage 614 Soap-making 664 Italian 857 Sewing 687 Social ethics I77 Latin 877 Sewing machine 687 Social science 300 38 Social worship 247 Speeches, see Oratory. Succession 323 Socialisms 335 Spherical astronomy 52I Suffrage 324 Societies, fine arts 706 " geometry 513 Sugar-cane 633 " general 60 " trigonometry 514 Sugar manufacture 664 " history 906 Spiders 595! " planting 633 " literature 8o6 Spinoza's philosophy I47 Suicide i3i " natural science 50 6Spiritualism I33 Sumatra 992 " philology 406 Spontaneous generation 577 Summer-houses 717 " philosophy Io6 Sports 796 Sun 523 " science 50o6 IStables 636 Sunda 992 " secret 366 Stage 792 Sunday-schools 268 " sociology 306 Stained glass 745 Supernaturalism I33 " theology 206 Stammering 6i6 Superstition I33 " useful arts 6o6 Stamps 383 Surgery 617 Society I77 Standing army 355 Surnames 929 Sociology 300 Starch manufacture 664 Surveying 622 " biography of 923 Stars 523 Susceptibility 157 Socratic philosophy I83 State 320 Sweden 948 Soils 63I " ethics I72 Swedenborgians 289 Solar system 523 " papers 328 Swimming 796 Soldiers 355 " rights 342 Swine 636 Somnambulism I35 " trials 345 Switzerland 949 Songs 784 Statesmen, lives 923 Syllogism I6o Sonnets 8ii, 82I, etc. Statics 531 Symbolism 219 Sophist philosophy I83 Statistical methods 31I Synonyms, English 424 Sorcery 133 Statistics 3I0 it French 444 Soul 233 Statuary 730 " German 434 Sound 534 Statute law 343 " Greek 484 South Africa 968 Steam-engine 62I " Italian 454 botany 586 " fitting 696 " Latin 474 geography 916 " navigation 527, 656 " Spanish 464 South America 980 " transportation 385, 656 Syphilis 6i6 botany 588 Steel 669 Syria 956 customs and costumes 398 " engraving 762 Syriac language 493 ecclesiastical history 278 Stenography 653 Syro-Chaldaic 493 geography 918 Stereotyping 655 Systematic botany 582 geology 558 Sterescopes and views 776 Tableaux 791 history 980 Stethoscope 6I6 Tables, dining 643 statistics 318 Stipple engraving 765 Tables, mathematical 514 travels 918 Stock, live 636 Tachygraphy 653 South Carolina 976 Stocks 333 Tactics 355 " seas 999 Stoic philosophy I88 Tailoring 687 Southern States 976 Stoneware 673 Takigrafy 653 Spain 946 Storms 55I Tales, see Romance. Spanish language 460 Stills 663 Talmud 296 " literature 86o0 Strategy 355 Tanning 675 " philosophy I96 Strawberries 634 Tariffs 337 Specie payment 332 Stringed instruments 787 Tartary 95I, 959 Specifications for building 692 Study, methods of 37I Taste and criticism 701 Specters I33 Stuttering 6I6 Taxation 336 Spectroscope 535 Sublime and beautiful 70I Taxidermy 579 Spectrum analysis 544 Submarine telegraph 384 Tea cultivation 633 39 Teachers and teaching 37I Throat diseases 6I6lTuscany 945 Technology, chemical 66o0 Thunder 537 Type founding 67I Teeth 6II, 617 Tides 521 Typography 655 Tehuantepec 978 Tiling 695 Tyrol 943 Telegraph 384 Timber 691 Understauding 153 Telegraphy 654 Tin manufacture 671 Uniforms 355 Telescope 535, 522 " mineral 549 Unitarians 288 Temperaments I37 Tithes 336 United States 324, 973 Temperance I78 Tobacco 615, I78, 633 botany 587 Temperature 55I, 536 Toilet 646 customs and costumes 397 Templars 366 Tolls 336 ecclesiastical history 277 Tennessee 976 Tombs 718 geography 917 Testacea 594 Topographical engineering 622 geology 557 Testament, New 225 Topography gro history 973 6" Old 221 Total abstinence 178 statistics 3I7 Testamentary law 349 Toxicology 615 travels 917 Testimony 349 Tractarianism 244, 283 Universal History 909 Texas 976 Tract society 362 " language 408 Textile fabrics 677 Trade 380,Universalism 288 Texts, comparative 4I8 Trade marks 6o08Universities 378 " English 428 Trades, mechanic 680 University education 373 " French 448 " unions 367, 606, 33I1Upholstering 645 " German 438 Tragedies, see Drama. Uruguay 989 I Greek, with notes 488 Transactions Io6, 206, 306, etc. Useful arts 6oo " " without notes 88o Transcendentalism I42 biography of 926 " Italian 458 Translation, Greek authors 880o Usury 334 L" atin, with notes 478 " Latin authors 870 Utah 977 " " without notes 870 Transportation 380, 656, 345 Vases 738 " Spanish 468 Transubstantiation 282 Vaudois 272, 949 Thanksgiving 244 Transylvania 943 Vegetable physiology 58I Theater, see Drama. Trapping 639 " practice 615 " ethics 75 Travels 9Io0 Vegetables 635 Theaters 792 id scientific 5o8 Vegetarianism 613 Theatricals 792 Treason 345 Venereal diseases 616 Theft 345 Treasury 352 Venezuela 987 Theism 2II Trees 580o Venice 945 Theodicy 231, 2I4 Trees, ornamental 7I5 Ventilation 697 Theological doctrine 230 Trespass 345 Ventriloquism I33 s" essays 204 Trials 340 Vermont 974 Theology 200 Trigonometry 514 Versification 81 I " biography of 922 Trilobites 565 Vertebrates 596 " devotional 240 Trinity 232 " paleontology 566 " natural 2I0 Troubadours 449, 84I Veterinary medicine 619 " practical 240 Trunk-making 685 Villas 728 Theoretical astronomy 52I Trusts and trustees 344 Violin 787 " chemistry 541 Tungusic language 499 Virginia 976 t" ethics I7 I Tunnels 625 Virtue I70 Therapeutics 615 Turkey 949 Vision 535 Thibet 951 " in Asia 956 Visions and dreams I35 Thirty-nine articles 283 Turkish baths 6I3 Vital principle 576, 612 Thomsonianism 6I5 " language 499 Vocal culture 784, 8I5 Thought I 53 Turning 674 " music 784 40 Voice 784 Wax flowers 745 Woman, education 376 Volcanoes 553 Wealth 331 " suffrage 324 Voyages 9Io Weather 55I Wood engraving 76I Wages 331 Weaving 677 " manufactures 674 Wakefulness I35 Weights and measures 389 Wool 636 Waldenses 272, 945 Welsh language 496 Wool manufactures 677 Wales 942 West Indies 979 Working classes 33I Walks 713 " Virginia 976 Worship 246-248 Wallachian language 459 Western States 977 Writing 651 War ethics I72 Whale 599 " short-hand 653 " science 355-359 Whale fisheries 639 Xylograpliy 655 Warehouses 380 Wheat 633 Yachting 797 Warming 697 Whigs 324 Year books 313 Washing 648 " English 323 Yellow fever 6r6 Washington territory 977 Whist 795 Young men's association 362 Watch-making 68i Will I59 Zend 295 Water, artificial ponds, etc. 714 Wills 343 Zend Avesta 295 " colors 751 Wind instruments 788 Zodiac 521 cure 6I 5 Wine 663 Zoology 590 wheels 53I, 621 Wisconsin 977 Zoiphytes 593 " works 628 Wit 819, 829, 839, etc. Zoroaster 295 Watering-places 613 Witchcraft I33 EXPLANATIONS. THE titles of the subject catalogue are exact transcriptions of the title page, neither amended, translated, or in any way altered, except that mottoes, titles of authors, repetitions, or matter of any kind not essential to a clear titular description, are omitted. Omissions of mottoes are indicated by three stars (* * a); of other matter by three dots (...). The phraseology, spelling, and punctuation of the title are exactly copied; but capitals are given only to proper names and adjectives, and initial words of sentences. Any additions needed to make the title clear are supplied and enclosed by brackets. After the titles, are given in order: the place of publication; the year; the year of copyright, if different, in brackets; the edition; the number of volumes, or of pages if in only one volume; the illustrations, maps, plates, or portraits; and the size nearest in the arbitrary scale, regardless of the fold of the sheet. This scale gives the heights in decimeters. Square and oblong books have the size prefixed by sq. or ob. Books 1 decimeter high are called 32~; 1.5 deci., 16~; 2 deci., 12~; 2.5 deci., 8~; 3 deci., 4~; and all others are marked simply by the nearest height, i. e. a book marked 4 is between 3.5 and 4.5 decimeters high. In books having more than one pagination the number of pages is indicated by giving the last number of each pagination connected by a +; an added -+ indicates additional matter unpaged. These imprint entries give the facts regardless of the title page, and are left blank only when they can be ascertained neither from the book itself or other sources. The contents of volumes are given when on title pages, or when necessary to properly identify the volume, but no analysis is attempted. Necessary notes are given at the bottom of the subject card after the imprint entries. Duplicates are simply marked copy 2, copy 3, etc., and bear the same class and book number, but editions of the same book distinct in character are catalogued separately. In all the catalogues, books are entered under the surnames of authors when known; under the initials of author's names, when these only appear, the last initial being put first; under the pseudonyms of the writers, when the real names are not ascertained; under the names of editors of collections; under the names of countries, cities, societies, or other bodies which are responsible for their publication; 6 42 under the first word not an article of the titles of periodicals and of anonymous books the names of whose authors are not ascertained. Commentaries with the text, and translations are entered under the heading of the original work, but commentaries without the text are entered under the name of the commentator. The Bible or any part of it in any language is entered under the word Bible. Books having more than one author are entered under the first named on the title. In the headings of titles, the names of authors are given in their vernacular form. In English and French surnames beginning with a prefix (except the French de and d') the name is recorded under the prefix. In other languages and in French names beginning with de and d', the name is recorded under the word following the prefix. Compound surnames are entered under the first part of the name. Noblemen and ecclesiastical dignitaries are entered under their family names, but sovereigns, princes, oriental writers, friars, persons canonized, and all other persons known only by their first name, are entered under this first name. The catalogue is not a biographical dictionary, so only gives the names. of authors with sufficient fullness to distinguish them from each other in practical use. Names in full face type are the ruling headings under which the books are entered in the various catalogues. Entries not beginning with this type are in addition to the first or main entry, and are made under the names of translathors, editors, commentators, continuators, etc., as participators in the authorship; also in the case of books having more than one author, or having both generic and specific titles, or published by societies or other bodies, and having also the name of the individual author. These additional entries are made in order to carry out the plan of the Authors' Catalogue, which aims. to give under each author's name all his works which the library contains. The works of an author known by more than one name are given all together, under the form of name chosen. Any other name or title by which he may be known, if it differs in the first three letters, is entered in its alphabetical place, followed by the word see and the name under which the books are entered. Such cross references have no titles given under them, but are simply guides to the name chosen. A single dash indicates the omission of the preceding heading; a subsequent dash indicates the omission of a subordinate heading or of a title. A dash connecting numbers signifies to and including; following a number it signifies continuation. A? following a word or entry signifies probably. Brackets enclose words added to titles or changed in form. The German diphthongs a, 6, ii are written, ae, oe, ue. Dates are all given in years of the common calendar, and Arabic numerals are niformly used for all numbers. SUBJECT CATALOGUE. THE SUBJECT CATALOGUE on large cards can be used to advantage only with the aid of the Classification or Index. To find what the library has on any given subject, get from the Index the class number of that subject. Under this number in the Subject Catalogue will be found the full titles of the books, with imprints, cross references, and notes. The class number, by which the cards are arranged, is given in the upper left corner and immediately under it is the book number. Any other class number given in the left hand margin refers to another subject of which the book also treats. When the class number at the top is followed by an additional figure in brackets, the subject as given in the printed scheme has been subdivided in arranging the cards. This subdivision will be found on the first card of the catalogue which bears this class number. These figures in brackets determine the arrangement of the titles in the Catalogue, but on the -slelves, in the Shelf Catalogue, and in calling for and charging books, they are entirely disregarded. Thus a book numbered 942(7)'14 would be in the Catalogue among the 942 cards arranged by the figure in brackets as though it were a decimal, but it would be called for as 942 14, the brackets indicating that the final classing was limited to the Catalogue and was not extended to the shelves. If a fourth figure is added without brackets, the final classing is extended to the shelves as well as to the catalogue, and all the figures must be used in calling for the book. In such cases the added figure is treated as a decimal in the arrangement, though the decimal point is not written. The last card which bears any class number, gives under that number, followed by the word SEE, the call numbers of other books which treat of the same subject, but are classed elsewhere. General cross references are also made in many cases without specifying individual books, as from Conmmerce as a question of SOCIAL SCIENCE (380) tO Cohmmerce as a USEFUL ART, Book-keeping Business Manuals, etc. (650). In such cases there is a card under 380 marked SEE 650, and under 650 there is a card marked SEE 380. From whatever stand-point a subject is approached, the cross references guide at once to the same subject treated in its other relations. These cross references both general and specific are often accompanied by brief notes, characterizing the books to which reference is made. There will be found at the beginning of many class numbers, a card noting the 44 most reliable books on that subject, and the best of the articles in periodicals, transactions, and collected works with the volume and page where they may be found. It is hoped to give special prominence to these notes for the guidance of readers, and they will be added as rapidly as other duties allow. Many subjects will have no sub-section cards at the beginning; some will have no reference cards at the end; and some may have no titles given under the number. The scheme provides a place for books on all subjects, whether the library has them or not, so where no titles are given under a class number it shows that the library has as yet no books on that subject. Articles in periodicals and transactions, separate volumes of sets and collections which are located together, if catalogued are put under their proper subject number, but no book number is given with it. The call number of the book, where they may be found, is always given in the margin preceded by the word IN. In the same way special chapters in books will sometimes be catalogued, e. g. a card marked 338 IN 331-27, would mean that in the 27 books on 331, Capital and Labor, there was a chapter on 338, Production.