CATALOGUE OF TIlE MERCANTILE L I B RARY oF B STO N. BOSTON: PRINTED BY JOHN WILSON AND SON, 22, SCEOOL STREET. 1854. onmmtnl Wealtl of laassacuD etst. IN THE YEAR ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIVE. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: SECT. 1. -Alexander L. Stimson, Nathaniel B. Kemp, Elliot C. Cowdin, M. A. Herrick, Alonzo C. Haskell, G. Francis Thayer, their associates and successors, are hereby made a Corporation, by the name of the MERCANTLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, OF BOSTON, for the purpose of diffusing and promoting knowledge among young men now engaged in, or destined for, the mercantile profession, with all the powers and privileges, and subject to all the duties, restrictions, and liabilities set forth in the forty-fourth chapter of the Revised Statutes. SECT. 2.- The said Corporation may hold real and personal estate, to be used for the purposes aforesaid, not exceeding in all the value of fifty thousand dollars, the legal title of which shall be in five Trustees, to be appointed by a majority of the members of the Corporation; and all of the said Trustees shall be of adult age, but subject, in the care and management and disposal thereof, to the control and direction of a majority of a Joint Board, consisting of the said Trustees and of the Board of Directors for the time being, which Board of Directors shall not consist of more than thirteen members. SECT. 3.- Persons engaged in mercantile pursuits, or preparing themselves therefor, and above the age of fourteen years, shall be eligible as members of the Corporation, and entitled to vote and act as officers thereof; excepting that no person under twenty-one years of age shall be a Trustee. House of Representatives, March 17, 1845. Passed to be enacted. SAMUEL H. WALLEY, JUN., Speaker. In Senate, March 17, 1845. Passed to be enacted. LEVI LINCOLN, President. March 18, 1845. Approved: GEO. N. BRIGGS. A true copy. March 19, 1845. Attest: JOHN G. PALFREY, Secretary of the Commonwealth. OFFICERS OF THE MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, 1854-55. SEYMOUR LYMAN..... PRESIDENT. AUGUSTUS HAMMOND VICE-PRESIDENT. JOHN B. NORRIS..... CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. EDWIN J. SWETT..... RECORDING SECRETARY. JACOB H. BROWN.....TREASURER. WILLIAM F. POOLE.... LIBRARIAN. 313irectort, NATHANIEL APPLETON. WARREN F. GILBERT. HORACE A. WHITE. GEORGE NOYES. A. G. WYMAN, JUN. WM. H. WITHINGTON. JAMES D. WYMAN. WM. J. SEAVER, JUN. Srtubteen+ CHARLES G. CHASE. CHARLES H. ALLEN. JOHN STETSON. GEORGE S. BLANCHARD. JAMES A. WOOLSON. PREFACE. SINCE 1848, the date of our last printed Catalogue, the Library has increased from six thousand to sixteen thousand volumes; and, although a hastily prepared Supplement was printed in 1851, the titles of nearly six thousand volumes, the latest and most valuable additions to the Library, were not to be found on any printed Catalogue. For more than a year, the Catalogue of 1848 has been out of print; and, for several months, the entire edition of the Supplement of 1851 has been exhausted. Hence the preparation of a new and complete Catalogue seemed to be an imperative necessity; and this measure was strongly recommended in the Annual Report of the last Board of Government. At the monthly meeting of the present Board of Government in April last, a Committee was appointed with full powers to make the necessary arrangements for the preparation and printing of a new Catalogue. A plan proposed to the Committee by the Librarian was accepted, and to him was committed its execution. The plan of the work will be best understood by an examination of the Catalogue itself. It will be seen that short titles have been adopted; that each work has been catalogued under its author and under its subject, and works of fiction have been placed under their Vi PREFACE. titles as well as authors. The whole being arranged in one alphabetical series, a work can be easily found, if either its author, subject, or title is known. Whatever advantages other systems of cataloguing may have in particular instances, no other system appears to combine so many advantages for a popular circulating library like ours. The titles of such works as have been added to the Library since the printing of the Catalogue was commenced, and too late to admit of their appearing in the alphabetical series, have been placed in the ADDENDA. MERCANTILE LIBRARY ROOMS, BOSTON, NOV. 1854. HISTORICAL SKETCH. THE MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION originated at a meeting of merchants' clerks, and others, held at the Commercial Coffee House, corner of Batterymarch and Milk Streets, MIarch 11, 1820. The meeting was numerously attended; and MIr. Theodore Lyman, jun. (afterwards mayor of Boston), was called upon to preside. The better intellectual and moral condition of young men engaged as merchants' clerks, was the object which had called together these persons; and for this end a Committee, consisting of Messrs. John G. Gibson, Samuel A. Otis, Nathl. A. Barrett, Thomas Gorham, James T. Blanchard, Lynde M. Walter, Charles J. Johnson, Edward Codman, Henry A. Davis, and Samuel W. Pomeroy, jun., was appointed who subsequently reported a list of Rules and Regulations for an Institution to be named the Mercantile Library.* The government was vested in a Board of seven Directors, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. The original Rules required that "one of the Directors should be in the employment of a dry-goods' merchant;" and, at a later date, a vote authorizing the appointment of a Committee was passed with a similar proviso. The terms of subscription were two dollars annually; and each subscriber, on becoming such, was required to present to the Library " one or more volumes, either in biography, history, voyages, travels, * This name was retained until the adoption of a new Constitution in 1830. Viii HISTORICAL SKETCH. or works relative to mercantile subjects;" a condition which was afterwards abolished, the books given being generally of a worthless character. A room was soon after procured in Merchants' Hall, corner of Congress and Water Streets, where, on the 24th of April following, the Library was formally opened. Active exertions were now made to increase its available resources; and, before the close of a year, two hundred and twenty members were enrolled, many of the leading newspapers and magazines of the day were received, and the library numbered eleven hundred volumes. But these flattering prospects were of short duration. The history of the Institution for the next fifteen years is, with but few exceptions, a history of uninterrupted reverses. A Report, made in 1829, stated that there were then but eightyone members; that the funds were exhausted, and there were many unsettled demands. The Investigating Committee also stated that the financial aspect of the Treasurer's Report seemed " an emphatic earnest of a process of ejectment, and a writ of attachment on books and chattels." The following year, owing in part to donations of money from its friends among the merchants, but chiefly to an arrangement which had been entered into with the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, whereby the members were privileged to attend the lectures of that society at one-half the usual price, affairs wore a more cheerful aspect, and the Directors reported the Association out of debt, and with two hundred and thirty members. During the next two years, however, the number of members fell off slightly; and, in 1832, but one hundred and seventy retained their membership. Again, in 1834, there occurred a critical era; for, during that year, the number of subscribers had diminished to eightyeight, and so small was the income that only $20 had been appropriated during the year for the purchase of books. Truly, this was an unpromising state of affairs; but even more disheartening reports than these were yet to be submitted. In September of the same year, a Committee, appointed to investigate the affairs of the Institution, reported that the whole number of mem HISTORICAL SKETCH. ix bers was but seventy-six; and they presented an estimated statement of the finances, by which it appeared that there would be a deficit, on the first of October, 1835, of $246. Yet, during this period, the Institution was not wholly without assistance. Shortly after its formation, Messrs. Theodore Lyman, jun., Charles Williams, Israel Thorndike, Peter C. Brooks, and Andrew Brimmer, contributed to it $160; later in the year, Mr. Wm. Sturgis gave $30; and, in 1826, a period when but for timely pecuniary assistance the Institution must have been dissolved, about $400 were, upon the earnest solicitation of a Committee, subscribed, and added to the treasury. This sum, procured through the exertions of three active members, was given by " seventy-seven prominent individuals and firms, and in no one case exceeded the sum of $10." In 1832, an Address to the merchants of Boston for a second time was prepared and published, setting forth the objects of the Institution, its then reduced circumstances, and soliciting aid. As the result of this measure, small sums were given to the amount of about $150, though by far the most important was the generous donation of Mr. Amos Lawrence, from whom the Directors received, in June, a friendly letter enclosing $100. Encouraged by Mr. Lawrence's kindness, the Directors addressed him a lengthy letter of thanks in reply, in which they complained that the Society had suffered great neglect from the mercantile community. They stated, that, on the opening of their new Rooms, at No. 93, Washington Street (whither they had removed in December previous), invitations, personal and through the newspapers, were extended to the merchants to visit them on three evenings set apart for the purpose, but not a merchant appeared. Mr. Lawrence soon afterwards presented to the Library thirtynine volumes of valuable works, one of which, "Chalmers's Discourses on Christianity applied to the Commercial and Ordinary Affairs of Life," he especially recommended. Nor does the Association seem to have been without its drawbacks and annoyances from the members themselves. Instances were not of unfrequent occurrence where resolutions of censure upon individual x HISTORICAL SKETCH. members were read, adopted, and placed upon the Records; and, in many cases, fines of small amount imposed. A case occurred in January, 1832, where two members were fined one dollar each for c" improper conduct in the Library-Room, dishonorable to the Institution, and in violation of its By-Laws," which were afterwards reduced to twenty-five cents; " order, and not money," the minutes of the meeting say, "being the object of the fine." Indeed, these frequent fines formed no inconsiderable part of the income. In 1831, the number of Directors was increased to thirteen; * and, in 1834, the office of President was created. A Vice-President was first chosen in 1835, and a Corresponding Secretary in 1844. In October, 1833, the Association removed to 53, Washington Street; where, in 1836, the calamity of fire did great damage to the books and other property. Fortunately, however, insurance was recovered to the amount of $800; which sum was immediately applied to the replenishing of the Library. A removal was soon after made to more convenient rooms in Harding's Building, School Street. But the leading members, in these dark days, were zealous, efficient, and self-sacrificing. They signed pledges binding themselves to procure new members, or, from their own resources, pay into the treasury the amount of subscription; they made loans to the Association; they subscribed money for books; they made personal application for aid; and they not unfrequently made donations themselves. Where so many have labored, it were difficult certainly, and perhaps invidious, to particularize; yet Sampson and McCandish - both of whom have died beloved and respected - and Coates and Stearns and Atkins and Mather and Whipple and Cowdin and Haskell and Allen are names so inseparably connected with the very existence of the Society, that no historical account of it can be complete without them. In the year 1835, the affairs of the Institution assumed a more favorable aspect. The establishment of the nucleus of a reserved fund in July of that year, and the introduction of the weekly Literary Exercises in 1836, seem to have infused into it new life and spirit. * By the present Constitution, the number is eight. HISTORICAL SKETCH. xi The fund was started by a subscription from the Hon. Abbott Lawrence of $100, and amounted to $676. Small additions were made to it from year to year until 1845, when, immediately following the Act of Incorporation, Hon. Thomas H. Perkins made the Association the handsome donation of five shares in the Merchants' Exchange Company, equal to $2,500; and, in January following, Messrs. Abbott Lawrence, William Sturgis, Nathan Appleton, John Bryant, William Appleton, Amos Lawrence, John P. Cushing, and Samuel Appleton, gave $1,000 each, to be applied, at some future period, to the erection of a suitable building. These sums, together with other donations made at different times, and the excess of receipts over expenses, have been added to the fund, and the Association now holds certificates of stock to the amount of about $20,000. The subject of connecting Literary Exercises with the Institution was first brought forward in October, 1830; but they were not permanently established until January, 1836. It was proposed, when the matter was first agitated, to set apart the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month for this purpose; but the subject met with little favor. Many regarded them as an innovation upon the objects of the Library, and urged that if undertaken they would not succeed. In 1836, however, their foundation was laid by the embodiment into the Constitution of provisions for an Elocution Class. Such a class had been formed some time previous as a distinct organization; and, at its weekly meetings during the winter months, questions were discussed, original compositions read, and selections recited for improvement in declamation. Occasionally, the exercises were varied by the delivery, by some one of the members, of a written lecture. In the next year, they took the general form, which is embodied in the present By-Laws, consisting alternately of debate, composition, and declamation. Whatever may have been the misgivings of our predecessors a generation ago, the weight of evidence now proves conclusively, that no more judicious variation from the original plan has ever been adopted; and the Literary Exercises are justly regarded as a most interesting and valuable means of improvement. xii HISTORICAL SKETCH. In August, 1835, a Committee was appointed to inquire into the expediency of celebrating the Fifteenth Anniversary by an Address and a supper. They subsequently reported, that they deemed it expedient and proper that an Address should be delivered, but discountenanced the supper. One of their resolutions cannot but be commended for its good sense, and just views of the objects of the Institution: "Resolved, That to celebrate our annual meetings by public entertainments is contrary to the intention of the founders of the Association, and, aside from the bad effects which it may have on its individual members, - and more especially the younger portion, - will strike a blow on its future prosperity in the minds of the mercantile community (to whose assistance we look in hours of adversity), from which it may never recover." The recommendations of the Committee were approved of; but no member could be found willing to deliver the Address. The next year, however, Mr. G. W. Tyler, an honorary member, delivered an Address; and the Anniversaries have since been regularly celebrated. They have often been occasions of much interest. That in 1838when the Hon. Edward Everett, then Governor of Massachusetts, delivered a felicitous and appropriate Address; and Mr. James T. Fields, then an active and prominent member, a spirited Poemwas particularly brilliant. It was celebrated in the Odeon, which was filled with an intelligent and fashionable audience, the members occupying the body of the house. Among the distinguished orators who have at different times delivered these Anniversary Addresses, are Hon. Daniel Webster, Hon. Robert C. Winthrop, Hon. Rufus Choate, Hon. Geo. S. Hillard, Hon. Horace Mann, and others of eminence in letters and statesmanship; while the wit and pathos of Holmes and Saxe and Fields have never shone more brilliantly than as poets before the Mercantile Library Association. In 1835, also, the practicability of establishing a course of public lectures was first discussed, but decided to be inexpedient. In 1838, an arrangement was entered into with J. Silk Buckingham, Esq., of England, to deliver a course of eight Lectures on Egypt. HISTORICAL SKETCH. Xiii These proved quite successful, and were the means of adding one hundred and twenty-four new members; though, as Lectures, they were of no pecuniary income to the Association. In 1843, the present plan was adopted; and, in October of the same year, a course was delivered at the Odeon, which resulted in a profit of $325.83. The Annual Report of the Directors, prepared by Mr. Elliott C. Cowdin, the chief originator of the scheme, stated that "the enterprise had succeeded beyond the expectation of its most zealous advocates." These courses of Lectures have been continued from year to year, and have conduced, in an eminent degree, to the prosperity of the Institution. In 1851, their popularity had so increased, the number of members being about twenty-two hundred, that it was found necessary to establish a second course; an expedient which met with success, and has since been continued. In September, 1841, a fourth removal was made, - this time to the Amory Hall Building, corner of West and Washington Streets; and in January, 1848, the Rooms at present occupied were dedicated. On both these occasions, an Address was delivered by Mr. Daniel N. Haskell; and, on the latter one, a Poem was also pronounced by Mr. S. A. Dix. An incident from Mr. Haskell's interesting Address of 1848 illustrates the strength and beauty of many of the social ties here formed: "Ten years ago last October, one of our most active and beloved members died, leaving an interesting family of sisters, with their mother, in destitute circumstances. One hundred and eight of our members came forward and raised a fund, by contributing one or two dollars each year, till the sum of five hundred dollars was paid the mother of their friend Torrey, in quarterly payments of twentyfive dollars each, for the term of five years." The Association was incorporated in 1845. An attempt to procure a charter was first made in 1837, but was not then pressed forward with much zeal; and the petitioners had leave to withdraw. In 1845, by the advice of the Hon. William Sturgis, the subject was again taken up; and an Act of Incorporation, drafted by Chas. G. Loring, Esq., and presented by the venerable Edmund Dwight, received the signature of the Governor. The good offices, in this connection, xiv HISTORICAL SKETCH. of the Hon. Peleg W. Chandler, then Chairman of the Committee on Education, received a grateful acknowledgment. Ten years after its formation, the Library contained eighteen hundred and forty-six volumes; and, in 1833, the number was twentythree hundred and seventy-eight. In 1844, the Association became again indebted to its generous and wise patrons, Messrs. Wm. Sturgis, Abbott Lawrence, Nathan Appleton, William Appleton, John P. Cushing, John Bryant, David Sears, William Lawrence, Robert G. Shaw, and Amos Lawrence, who each subscribed $100, to be expended in the purchase of books. This was followed by the munificent donation of $500, from the late Hon. Daniel Webster, in behalf of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, of which he was President, to be invested in the same manner. These sums were judiciously expended, and in 1848 the Library contained about six thousand volumes. Since that time, by means of increased resources, the income from the fund, and the profits of the lectures, large additions have been made. The Library now contains sixteen thousand volumes; and the Association has about two thousand members. The circulation of books, especially within the last few years, has been larger probably than that of any similar library in the country. In 1853, it reached eighty-one thousand volumes. The design of making the Reading-Room an attractive place of resort, has been steadily kept in view. At its very commencement, it received, gratis, the leading Boston newspapers; and these generous contributions have been continued to the present time. Now the principal Reviews and Periodicals, and more than a hundred Newspapers, daily invite the perusal of its members. In December, 1850, the Rooms were opened from one to ten o'clock, P.M., instead of during the evening only, as had hitherto been the practice; and the services of a permanent Librarian were secured. In July, 1852, the Reading-Room was made accessible during the entire day and evening. The subject of a new building, owned by and devoted to the purposes of the Association, with ample accommodations for its various requirements, has for many years engaged the attention of its members. HISTORICAL SKETCH. XV Annual Reports, so far back as 1830, with scarce an exception, have not failed to allude to this growing necessity. The burden of complaint has been, and is, inconvenient and insufficient rooms. As already stated, in 1846 Hon. Thomas H. Perkins gave $2500, and eight other generous men gave $8000, for this purpose. In 1851, it was made the subject of a special meeting. Tihe result was the appointment of a Committee, to solicit further aid for this object. They reported, in March, 1853, that the sum of $9,050 had been subscribed through their solicitation, upon the condition, on the part of several of the donors, that $15,000 be raised; this sum, in addition to the already invested funds, being considered a necessary building capital. By the Annual Report for the year ending in April last, it appeared that the whole amount subscribed reached the sum of $9,600. The names of the gentlemen who have subscribed so liberally in aid of this project may be found by reference to the Annual Reports. The Committee acknowledged their indebtedness to Hon. Nathan Appleton, Hon. William Appleton, and Hon. Abbott Lawrence, " who are not only among the largest contributors of money, but have made personal application to gentlemen of their acquaintance in aid of the object." From the important influence which this Association is exerting on the future commercial character of our city, and from the proverbial liberality of Boston merchants, when they come to appreciate the merits of a noble object, it cannot be that the want of proper accommodations should much longer circumscribe the usefulness of our Institution. B Y-L A W S. ART. I.- MEMBERS. SECT. 1. - Any person eligible by the Charter can become a member of the Association by signing these By-Laws, and paying into the Treasury the sum of two dollars, payable in advance, which shall constitute his first year's assessment. SECT. 2. -Every member shall be subject to an annual assessment of two dollars, payable in advance. ART. II. -DIRECTORS. The Board of Directors of the Association shall consist of a President, VicePresident, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and eight Directors. They shall be elected with written ballot, by general ticket. ART. III. - PRESIDENT. SECT. 1. - The President, when present, shall preside at all meetings both of the Association and Board of Directors, and, in case of an equal division of the members on any question, shall give the casting vote. SECT. 2. - The President shall have power to call special meetings of the Board of Directors and Trustees, whenever he may deem it expedient. ART. IV.- VICE-PRESIDENT. The Vice-President shall preside in the absence of the President, and perform all the duties of that office. ART. V.- SECRETARIES. SECT. 1. - The Corresponding Secretary shall be the organ of the Association, in its conference with other societies and the public. He shall retain copies of all letters written by him, and record the same in a book kept for that purpose. SECT. 2. - The Recording Secretary shall affix his name to all the advertiseC Xviii BY-LAWS. ments and notices emanating from the Board of Directors, or from the Association (if not otherwise ordered); he shall attend all meetings, and, in the absence of the President and Vice-President, shall call the same to order; and shall, accurately and at large, record the proceedings in the Journal of the Institution, which shall be deposited in the rooms, subject to the inspection of the members. ART. VI. - TREASURER. SECT. 1. - The Treasurer shall hold all the funds of the Association, except the property invested in the name of the Trustees, subject to the order of a majority of the Joint Board of Trustees and Directors. SECT. 2. - The Treasurer shall pay no bill unless sanctioned by the Board of Directors and signed by the Chairman; he shall make a report semi-annually of all his receipts and disbursements; and, for the better security of these trusts, he shall assure to the Trustees the sum of two thousand dollars. SECT. 3. - The above sections shall not be construed to prevent Committees appointed for special purposes from holding funds accruing to them during the performance of their duties; they being at all times responsible for such funds. SECT. 4. - Notice shall be given to the members, by the Treasurer, of their assessments becoming due, at least one week before the expiration thereof. ART. VII.- DIRECTORS. SECT. 1. - The Board of Directors shall meet on the first Monday of every month for the transaction of business; they shall have control of the general affairs of the Association; they shall have power to make such regulations as may be found necessary for the better government of the Association, which shall be submitted to the members for their approval. They shall examine the Library, and make an annual report to the members on the state of the Association. SECT. 2. - At all meetings of the Board of Directors, seven members must be present to proceed to business. ART. VIII. - TRusT.s. SECT. 1. - The Board of Trustees shall be chosen for the term of three years, and may continue to hold office until their successors are elected. SECT. 2. - Should any vacancy occur in the Board, it shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term. SECT. 3. — The Joint Board of Trustees and Directors shall meet on the first Mondays of January, May, and September. SECT. 4. —At all meetings of the Joint Board, three Trustees and seven Directors shall constitute a quorum. ART. IX. - MEETINGS. SECT. 1. - At all meetings of the Association, twenty members must be present for the transaction of business, except when it is proposed to alter or amend these By-Laws, when fifty members must be present. BY-LAWS. Xix SECT. 2.- The Annual Meeting for the Election of Officers shall be holden on the third Wednesday in April. SECT. 3. - There shall be a meeting of the Association on the Friday evening succeeding the first Monday in every month, at such hour as the Directors may appoint, for the transaction of any business that may come before it. SECT. 4. - The Recording Secretary shall call meetings of the Association when deemed expedient by the Board of Directors, or whenever requested in writing by fifteen of the members; and he shall cause notices to be conspicuously placed in the room, at least one week previous, expressing the hour and probable business of such meeting. SECT. 5. - If, at any meeting of the Association, a member doubts the decision of a vote, he may call for a division; and the members voting on each side shall then be counted by tellers, appointed by the Chairman, and the result declared by him. SECT. 6. - When a motion has been made and seconded, it shall be put in writing if desired, and read by the Chairman before the same be open for discussion. SEcT. 7.- When a motion is under discussion, no other shall be received, except to adjourn, to lie on the table, to postpone indefinitely, or the call for the previous question; which several motions shall have precedence in the order in which they stand arranged. SECT. 8. - No member who did not vote with the majority on any question shall move the reconsideration of the vote. SECT. 9.- Voting by proxy shall not be allowed. SECT. 10. - If, at any meeting of the Association, questions should arise which are not treated upon in the before-mentioned By-Laws, they shall be decided by an appeal to " Jefferson's Manual." ART. X. - LITERARY EXERCISES. SECT. 1. - Regular meetings shall be held for improvement in Declamation, Debate, and Composition, on such evenings as the Directors may appoint, during the months of October, November, December, January, February, and March. SECT. 2. - Committees on Debate, Declamation, and Composition, shall be chosen, to consist of three each; the Chairman of each Committee to be chosen from the Board of Directors. SECT. 3. - It shall be the duty of the Committee on Debate to furnish questions for discussion, and to provide suitable persons to open and carry on the same. SECT. 4. - It shall be the duty of the Committee on Declamation to engage persons to declaim on evenings set apart for that purpose. SECT. 5. - The Committee on Compositions shall receive all pieces, and read such as meet their approval. SECT. 6. - Any member, whose compositions shall be rejected by the Committee, can appeal from their decision; and the matter shall be referred to a Committee consisting of the Chairmen of the Committees on Debate and Declamation, and the President, ex officio, who are empowered to take such action as they may deem expedient. XX BY-LAWS. SECT. 7. - At any meeting of the Association held for the purpose of Declamation, there shall be but one exercise on the same evening. On the evening appropriated to Debate, there shall be but one exercise; provided, however, that this By-Law shall not be so construed as to preclude the discussion of more than one subject on that evening. At the meetings for Composition, there may be a debate on such subjects as the members shall decide. These exercises shall take place in the following order, viz.: Declamation, Debate, Composition. ART. XI.- BooKs. SECT. 1. -A member, upon application to the Librarian, may take out one volume from the rooms, or he may remove both volumes of any work comprised in two volumes of duodecimo or smaller size, and retain the same two weeks (except those works specified in Section 2); at the expiration of which time, an extension of one week shall be given if desired; after which time, there shall be no extension, nor shall the same person retake either of the same volumes until they shall have remained upon the shelves of the Library one entire evening. SECT. 2. - The Directors shall have power to limit the time of retention for new books during the first six months after their purchase, which time shall be conspicuously marked on their covers; and they shall also have power to withhold from circulation such volumes and periodicals as may be injured thereby. SECT. 3. - If, at the expiration of the time specified in Sects. 1 and 2 for the retention of any book or books, the same are not returned, the sum of ten cents shall be imposed and demanded for every week so retained, and a retention of one day over the stipulated time shall incur the same penalty. SECT. 4. - If any member shall refuse to pay the amount of any fine or fines which may be assessed him, his right to remove books from the Library shall be suspended until he complies with the requirements. SECT. 5. - If any proprietor shall lose or deface a volume, he shall replace the same, or present an equivalent in money. If it be one of a set, he shall receive the odd volumes at a fair appraisal, or make an ample recompense. SECT. 6. - All books shall be returned one week previous to the annual examination. SECT. 7. —Members shall not take out books on another's page without a written order; and, if any books so taken are lost, the Librarian shall be held accountable therefor. SECT. 8. - No member shall have the liberty to transfer his right to take out books to a person not a member of the Association. ART. XII. If the Trustees or Directors, in their several official capacities, shall neglect the performance of their duties, or shall not administer the laws of the Association efficiently and equitably, on written complaint of fifteen members a meeting shall be called, and a Committee appointed, consisting of two members and one Director, who shall report and refer the subject to the members of the Association; and they shall censure the accused, remove from office, or fully exonerate, as the circumstances of the case may warrant. BY-LAWS. Xxi ART. XIII. The distinction of Honorary Member shall be conferred on any person, by a vote of a majority of the members present at any regular meeting. ART. XIV. - EXPULSION OF MEMBERS. If any member shall wantonly create a disturbance at any meeting of the Association, or misrepresent its character abroad, or devise or take part in any measure, designedly to injure the Association, or shall purposely deface the books, the room, or its appurtenances, on written complaint of fifteen members a meeting shall be called, and the matter referred to a Committee of two Directors and one member, who shall investigate the charges and report at a future meeting, when, if the same be made apparent, he shall be reproved, or deprived of his privileges of membership; always allowing the accused ample opportunity to excuse or extenuate his conduct. ART. XV. These By-Laws shall not be altered or amended, unless by the written votes of three-fourths of the members present at a meeting called exclusively for the purpose. REGULATIONS. ART. I. The Library shall be open every day (except Sunday) from one to ten o'clock, P.M., and the Reading-Room during the entire day and evening. ART. II. - LIBRARIAN. SECT. 1.- A Librarian shall be appointed by the Board of Directors, whose duty it shall be to attend to the Rooms every day on which they are opened. SECT. 2. - He shall keep a record of all books, magazines, maps, charts, papers, and all other property belonging to the Association, arrange them in proper order, and keep an accurate account of all books delivered to members. SECT. 3. - He shall keep a full and accurate catalogue of all books belonging to the Association, which shall be open to the inspection of members. SECT. 4. - He shall ascertain, once in two months, by an examination of the account of each member, all books not returned in due season, and shall cause the same to be procured of the members in default. SECT. 5.- He shall collect all fines and assessments, and pay the same over to the Treasurer; and shall submit to the Board of Directors a monthly report of the same, together with the names of all persons who have become members of the Association during the month. SECT. 6. - For the faithful discharge of his duties, he shall give bonds in the sum of five hundred dollars. ART. III. The Board of Directors shall, from time to time, appoint one of their number, who shall be styled the " Director for the Week," and whose duty shall be to have the general supervision of the internal affairs of the Association, to receive strangers who may visit the Rooms, and to repress any disorderly conduct on the part of the members. ART. IV. Members shall not remain covered in the Rooms. REGULATIONS. XXIIi ART. V. No loud conversation shall be permitted in the Reading-Room. ART. VI. A member shall not assume the liberty of arranging the books or periodicals, or of performing any of the minor duties which devolve upon the Librarian. ART. VII. SECT. 1.- No member or officer of the Association shall enter the Rooms at unseasonable hours (except on business), to remove books, pamphlets, newspapers, or any other property belonging to the Association. SECT. 2. - No member shall take from the Rooms any book belonging to the Institution, unless the same be recorded; or remove a newspaper from the file. SECT. 3. - Any member who shall deface any book belonging to the Association, by marking upon it with a pencil, or otherwise, shall be considered amenable to Article XIV. of By-Laws. ART. VIII. - MEETINGS. If different opinions shall be expressed regarding questions of order, or mode of debate, upon subjects before a meeting of the Association, such opinions shall be governed by the decision of the Presiding Officer, and, if such is objected to, then by an appeal to the members present; and, if any individual persists in opposition to such decision, his right of membership shall be suspended. ART. IX. A member shall not be permitted to interrupt another, unless it be to call him to order, or correct a mistake, nor be permitted to pass unnecessarily between the Presiding Officer and the person speaking. ART. X. Members shall have the liberty of introducing a friend, not a resident of the city, to the privileges of the Rooms, except that of removing books from the Library, for the term of one month. ART. XI. Should a member transgress any Article of these Regulations, he shall be reported to the Board of Directors, who may take such measures thereon as they may deem proper. CATALOGUE. A star (*) prefixed to a title denotes that the work may be found in the cases of Reference and Illustrated Works in the ante-room, and is not to be taken from the Library. When more than one number is annexed to a title, the first is the general number of an entire set; and the remaining numbers designate particular volumes of the set. A. Abauzit, F. Essays on Theology. Boston, 1823. 120...368, 1 Abbot. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1848. 2 v. 120..999, 19, 20 The same. Edinburgh, 1849. 2 v. 120... 4100, 20, 21 The same. Edinburgh, 1850. roy. 80... 4531, 5 Abbot, A. Letters from the Interior of Cuba. Boston, 1829. 8~0.. 1309 Abbot, A. & E. Genealogical Register of the Abbots. Boston, 1847. 80. 2846 Abbot, E.,jun. Catalogue of Cambridge High SchoolLib. Camb. 1853. 8~. 5986 Abbott, C. Law of Merchant Ships and Seamen. Philadelphia, 1802. 8~. 1365 Abbott, J. Corner Stone. New York, 1851. 120.... 6205 Franconia Stories. Malleville. New York, 1850. 120.. 4033 Wallace. NewYork, 1850. 120..3813 MaryErskine. NewYork, 1850. 120.. 3814 MaryBell. NewYork, 1850. 120.. 4154 Beechnut. New York, 1850. 120.. 4155 Rodolphus. NewYork, 1852. 120.. 5294 Stuyvesant. New York, 1854. 120.... 5295 Ellen Linn. New York, 1852. 12~..... 5296 Caroline. New York, 1855. 120..5297 Agnes. New York, 1855. 120.. 5298 History of Alexander the Great. New Yo.k, 1848. 12J.. 2465 History of Alfred the Great. New York, 1849. 12~.. 3451 History of Julius Caesar. New York, 1849. 120. 3381 History of Charles I. New York, 1848. 120.. 2463 History of Charles II. New York, 1849. 120... 3767 History of Cleopatra. New York, 1851. 120.... 4212 History of Cyrus. New York, 1852. 120... 6208 History of Darius. New York, 1850. 120.... 3765 History of Queen Elizabeth. New York, 1849. 120... 3766 B 2 CATALOGUE OF TIIE Abbott, J. History of Hannibal. New York, 1849. 120.... 2467 History of Mary, Queen of Scots. New York, 1848. 120~... 2461 History of Nero. New York, 1853. 120.. 6267 History of Pyrrhus. New York, 1854. 12.... 6171 History of Romulus. New York, 1852. 120... 5023 History of William the Conqueror. New York, 1850. 120.. 3575 History of Xerxes. New York, 1850. 120... 4490 IRollo on the Atlantic. Boston, 1854. 120~.... 5622 Rollo in Paris. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5782 Rollo in Switzerlanld. Boston, 1854. 120.. 6207 Summer in Scotland. New York, 1848. 120..... 3110 Way to do Good. New York, 1852. 120.. 6206 Young Christian. New York, 1851. 120. 633 Abbott, J. S. C. History of Marie Antoinette. New York, 1850. 120.. 3380 History of Josephine. New York, 1851. 120.. 4402 History of Madame Roland. New York, 1850. 120... 4-18 Kings and Queens. New York, 1848. 120... 3146 Abel Allnut. J. Morier. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 120... 984 Abel, F. A., & C. L. Bloxam. Handbook of Chemistry. Phil. 1854. 18~0. 5934 Abell, Mrs. E. Recollections of Napoleon at St. Helena. Lond. 1844. 120. 3074 Abell, Mrs. L. G. Gems by the Wayside. New York, 1850. 120.. 4088 Abercrombie, J. Intellectual Powers. Boston, 1839. 120.. 1572 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 120... 3683, 37 Philosophy of the Moral Feelings. Boston, 1843. 120.. 1570 Abelard and Helo'se, Romance of. O. W. Wight. N.Y. 1853. 12~.. 5367 Abolitionist; a Record of the N. E. Anti-Slavery Soc. Boston, 1833. 80~. 1442 4brantes, Duchess d'. Memoirs of Napoleon. New York, 1832. 8~.. 5150 Abyssinia, Life in. M. Parkyns. New York, 1854. 2 v. 12~.. 5859 Travels in Southern. C. Johnston. London, 1844. 2 v. 80.. 4691 Travels into. J. Bruce. Boston, 1798. 120... 319 Academical Speaker. B. D. Emerson. Philadelphia, 1835. 12~... 1807 Achille, G. Dealings with the Inquisition. New York, 1851. 120.. 4175 Acton; or, the Circle of Life. New York, 1849. 120... 3254 Actor and Manager, Life of an. F. C. Wemyss. N.Y. 1847. 2 v. 120.. 2968 Acts of the Apostles, Commentary on. H. B. Hackett. Boston, 1852. 80. 4724 Notes on. A. Barnes. New York, 1851. 120. 4731 tActs passed at the First Session of Congress, 1791. Philadelphia, n. d. 8~. 760 Adalbert, Prince. Travels in Europe and Brazil. London, 1849. 2 v. 80~. 5131 Adam, A. Ram. n Antiquities. New York, 1819. 8~0. 626 Adam Blair. J. Galt. Boston, 1822. 12~. 352 Adam Brown, the Merchant. Horace Smith. New York, 1843. 8~0.. 2762 Adams, Abigail. Journal and Correspondence. New York, 1841. 2 v. 120~. 3045 Adams, C. Boys at Home. New York, 1854. 120... 5778 Edgar Clifton; or, Right and Wrong. New York, 1853. 120.. 5344 Adams, C. F. (Editor.) Works of John Adams. Boston, 1850-54. 10 v. 80~. 4012 Adams, G. Massachusetts Register, 1852-54. Boston. 3 v. 80... 256 Adams, Hannah. History of the Jews. Boston, 1812. 2 v. 120.. 883 History of New England. DI)cdham, 1799. 80... 585 MIERCANTILE LIBItAR Y. 3 Adams, John. Novanglus; a Political Essay. Boston, 1819. 8~... 781 Defence of the Const. and Govt. of U. S. London, 1787. 3 v. 8~. 701 Letters to his Wife. Ed. by C. F. Adams. Boston, 1841. 2 v. 12~. 1663 Works, with Life. Ed. by C. F. Adams. Boston, 1850-54. 10 v. 80. 4012 Adams, Mrs. John. Letters, with Memoir. C.F. Adams. Bost. 1848. 120~. 1592 Adams, Rev. John. Flowers of Modern Travels. Boston, 1816. 2 v. 120. 1652 Adams, J. Q., Discourses and Eulogies on. Boston, 1848. 80... 3533 ]By D. Sharp, R. C. Waterston, W. P. Lunt, W. Hague, E. Everett. Letters on the Masonic Institution. Boston, 1847. 8~... 2857 Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory. Cambridge, 1810. 2 v. 80.. 1945 Letters to his Son on the Study of the Bible. Boston, 1848. 12~. 1592 Life and Public Services. W. H. Seward. Auburn, 1849. 12~.. 2908 Lives of Madison and Monroe. Boston, 1850. 12... 3934 Lives of Madison, Lafayette, and Monroe. New York, 1846. 80.. 2739 Report on Weights and Measures. Washington, 1821. 80... 1254 Speech on the Right of Petition. Washington, 1838. 80... 1441 Adams, N. Friends of Christ in the New Testament. Boston, 1853. 80. 5118 Addison, C. G. Damascus and Palmyra. Philadelphia, 1838. 2 v. 120~. 835 Addison, J. Life. Lucy Aiken. Philadelphia, 1846. 120.. 2936 Works. New York, 1842. 3 v. 80. 792 Vols. 1, 2. Spectator. 3. Tatler; Guardian; Freeholder; Dialogues on Medals; Remarks on Italy; Evidences of Christianity; Miscellaneous Poems. Works, edited by G. W. Greene. New York, 1853-54. 5 v. 120. 5562 Vol. 1. Macaulay's Essay on the Life and Writings of Addison; Translations; Poems; Dramas, &c. 2. Dialogues on Medals; Travels; Essay on Virgil's Gcorgics; Ancient and Modern Learning; Christian Religion; Letters; Political Writings. 3. Freeholder; Plebeian and Old Whig; Tatler; Guardian; Lover. 4. Spectator. (Vol. 5 not published.) and R. Steele. The Spectator. NewYork, 1854. 6 v. 80... 5898 The Tatler and Guardian. New York, 1852. Roy. 80.. 4840 The same. New York, 1853. 120.... 5562, 3 Addresses and Messages of the Presidents of the U. S. N.Y. 1842. 80.. 1782 Adelaide Lindsay. Mrs. Marsh. New York, 1850. 80.... 3976 Adler, G. F. German and English Dictionary. New York, 1849. 80.. 3525 Administrations of Washingtonand Adams. G. Gibbs. N.Y. 1846. 2 v. 80. 2728 Adolphe Renouard. J. Ward. London, 1852. 120..... 5641 Adolphus, J. History of Reign of George III. London, 1802. 3 v. 80.. 5908 Adopted Child, History of. G. E. Jewsbury. New York, 1853. 12~.. 5225 Adrian, or Clouds of the Mind. G. P. R. James & M. B. Field. N.Y. 1852. 120. 4599 Adsonville; or, Marrying Out. Albany, 1824. 12~. 1577 Adventure, American. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 2 v. 120~. 3683, 174-5 Adventures of an Atom. T. Smollett. Philadelphia, 1851. 80.. 801-2 in Fairy Land. R. H. Stoddard. Boston, 1853. 120..... 5234 of a French Sergeant. R. Guillemard. Philadelphia, 1826. 120.. 1068 of a Gentleman in Search of a Horse. Philadelphia, 1836. 120.. 3772 of a Medical Student. R. Douglas. New York, 1848. 2 v. 120.. 3153 of Mr. Ledbury. Albert Smith. London, 1853. 120... 5734 of the Rifle Brigade. J. Kincaid. Philadelphia, 1836. 80.. 2228, 1 4 CATALOGUE OF THE Adventures of a Younger Son. Capt. Trelawney. London, 1851. 12~.. 5664 Advice in the Pursuits of Literature. S. L. Knapp. New York, 1832. 120~. 326 Aeronautics, System of. J. Wise. Philadelphia, 1850. 80.... 4148 lEschylus. Tragedies, translated by T. Buckley. London, 1848. post 80. 4380 Tragedies, translated by R. Potter. New York, 1842. 120.. 1854, 13 The same. New York, 1848. 120. 3762 ZEsop's Fables; a New Version, and Illustrated. T. James. Lond. 1848. 80. 4536 Affinities of Foreigners; a Tale. London, 1850. 2 vols. 120... 4612 Afloat and Ashore; or, Miles Wallingford. J. F. Cooper. Phil. 1844. 4 v. 120. 1898 Africa, Adventures in. W. C. Harris. Philadelphia, 1850. 8~... 3946 and the American Flag. A. H. Foote. New York, 1854. 120.. 5826 Central, Journey in. B. Taylor. New York, 1854. 120... 6185 Discoveryand Advent. in. H. Murray and others. N.Y. 1840. 120. 107 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1843. 120... 3683, 16 Second Expedition into. H. Clapperton. Philadelphia, 1829. 80. 1335 South, Hunter's Life in. R. G. Cumming. N.Y. 1850. 2 v. 120. 3933 South, Narrative of Residence in. T. Pringle. London, 1840. 80. 2613 South, Travels in. J. Campbell. Andover, 1816. 80... 756 Travels in. R. & J. Lander. (H. F.L.) N.Y. 1846. 2 v. 120. 3683, 35, 36 Travels in Interior of. C.F. Damberger. Charlestown, 1801. 80. 215 Voyage to the Coast of. J. Hawkins. Philadelphia, 1797. 120.. 831 Voyage to the West Coast of. J. A. Carnes. Boston, 1852. 120. 4798 Western Travels in, 1845-46. J. Duncan. London, 1847. 2 v. 120. 4965 African Cruiser, Journal of. H. Bridge. New York, 1853. 120... 2398 African History, Lights and Shadows of. S. G. Goodrich. Bost. 1849. 120. 4900,10 African Repository. Vol. 19. Washington, 1843. 80.. 2837 African Slave Trade. T. F. Buxton. Philadelphia, 1839. 120.. 1527 Africans, Appeal in Favor of. L. M. Child. New York, 1836. 120. 322 Agassiz, L. Physical Character, &c., of Lake Superior. Boston, 1850. 80~. 3604 and A. A. Gould, Principles of Zoilogy. Boston, 1848. 120.. 3141 Agatha Beaufort; or, Family Pride. New York, 1854. 120... 6161 Agatha's Husband. Miss Muloch. New York, 1853. 80... 5968 Age of Gold, and other Poems. G. Lunt. Boston, 1843. 120.. 1730 Agincourt; a Romance. G. P. R. James. New York, 1844. 80.. 2217 Agnes Grey; an Autobiography. Caroline Bronte. Philadelphia, 1850. 80~. 3523 Agnes Morris; or, Heroine of Domestic Life. New York, 1847. 120.. 3353 Agnes Serle. Ellen Pickering. Philadelphia, 1846. 80... 2709 Agnes Sorel. G. P. R. James. New York, 1853. 80.. 5173 Agricultural Engineering. G. H. Andrews. London, 1852. 120.. 6078 Agricultural Societies of Massachusetts, 1850. Boston, 1851. 8~... 4360 1851. Boston, 1852. 80... 5126 Agriculture, andRural Economy, European. H. Colman. Bost. 1849.2 v. 80~. 3268 Chemistry applied to. J. A. Chaptal. Boston, 1835. 120.. 665 Farmer's Encyclopaedia. C. W. Johnson. Philadelphia, 1850. roy. 80~. 4358 Journal of. Edited by W. S. King. Vol. 1. Boston, 1851. 80.. 257 of Massachusetts. G. L. Flint. Boston, 1853. 80. 5955 Aguilar, Grace. Days. of Bruce. New York, 1852. 2 v. 120.. 4790 Home Influence. New York, 1848. 120. 3167 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 5 Aguilar, Grace. Home Scenes and Heart Studies. New York, 1853. 120. 5066 Josephine; or, the Edict. Philadelphia, 1850. 120.. 4025 Mother's Recompense. New York, 1851. 120.. 4093 Vale of Cedars. New York, 1850. 120.. 3871 Women of Israel. New York, 1851. 2 v. 120.. 4029 Woman's Friendship. New York, 1851. 120.. 3650 Aids to Reflection. S. T. Coleridge. Burlington, 1840, 80. 1992 The same. New York, 1853. 120. 5561, 1 Aiken, J. British Poets. Jonson to Beattie. Philadelphia, 1843. 3 v. 80~. 1962 and Mrs. Barbauld. Evenings at Home. New York, 1850. 120. 3445 Aiken, Lucy. Life of Joseph Addison. Philadelphia, 1846. 120... 2936 Memoirs of the Court of James I. Boston, 1822. 2 v. 80.. 1217 Aiken, S. Memoirs of Court of Queen Elizabeth. Philadelphia, 1823. 8~. 671 Aims and Obstacles; a Romance. G.P.R. James. New York, 1851. 80~. 4550 Ainsworth, N. Latin and English Dictionary. London, 1763. 2 v. 8~.. 1353 Ainsworth, W.H. Crichton. New York, 1846. 2 v. 120... 122 Guy Fawkes. Philadelphia, 1843. 80. 2064 Lancashire Witches. New York, 1849. 8~0. 3293 Rookwood. London, 1853. 120~........ 5712 Star Chamber. New York, 1854. 80. 5948 Tower of London. London, 1845. 80. 1977 Airs of Palestine, and other Poems. J. Pierpont. Boston, 1840. 120.. 1579 Akerman, J. Y. Spring-Tide; or, Angler, &c. London, 1850. 120.. 4278 Akenside, M. Pleasures of the Imagination. Baltimore, 1804. 120. 144 Poetical Works. London, 1806. 240... 1863 A l'Abri; or, The Tent Pitched. N. P. Willis. New York, 1839. 120~.. 987 Alban; a Tale of the New World. J. V. Huntington. N. Y. 1851. 120. 4448 Alcohol, and the Constitution of Man. E. L. Youmans. N. Y. 1854. 120. 6158 Alcoholic Drinks, Physiological Effects of. Boston, 1848. 120... 2450 Alcoholic Liquors, Use and Abuse of. W. B. Carpenter. Bost. 1851. 120. 4099 Alcoran of Mahomet.- See Koran. Alcott, W. A. House I Live in. Boston, 1842. 120.... 1027 Lectures on Life and Health. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5256 (Editor.) Library of Health. Boston, 1837. 2 v. 120.. 955 Young Wife. Boston, 1837. 120. 912 Alderbrook. Emily Chubbuck. Boston, 1848. 2 v. 120... 2941 Alexander A. Authenticity and Inspir. of Scriptures. Phil. 1850. 120. 4744 History of the Israelitish Nation. Philadelphia, 1853. 80.. 5155 Life. J. W. Alexander. New York, 1854. 80. 5947 Outlines of Moral Science. New York, 1852. 120... 4987 Thoughts on Religious Experience. Philadelphia, 1851, 120.. 4743 Alexander I., of Russia, Memoirs of. E. Gibbon. Baltimore, 1818. 120. 478 Alexander the Great, History of. J. Abbott. New York, 1848. 120.. 2465 History of his Successors. MI. Rollin. Hartford, 1823. 2 v. 120.. 454 Life. J. Williams. (H. F. L.) New York, 1843. 120.. 3683, 7 Alexander, J. A. Isaiah, Translated and Explained. N. Y. 1851. 2 v. 120~. 4742 Psalms, Translated and Explained. New York, 1851. 3 v. 120.. 4412 Alexander, J. H. Dictionary of Weights and Measures. Balt. 1850. 8~. 3978 6f CATALOGUE OF TIlE Alexander, J. W. Life of Archibald Alexander. New York, 1854. 80.. 5917 Alexander W. (Earl of Stirling). Life. W. A. Duer. N. Y. 1847. 8~. 2800 Alfieri, V. Autobiography, translated by C. E. Lester. N. Y. 1845. 120~. 2492 Alfred the Great, History of. J. Abbott. New York, 1849. 12~... 3451 Life. R. Pauli. London, 1853. Post 8~... 5364 Algebra, Treatise on. J. Haddon. London, 1850. 120.... 6097 Algic Researches. H. R. Schooleraft. New York, 1839. 2 v. 120... 240 Algiers, French in. C. Lamping and M. de France. N. Y. 1845. 12~.. 2365 Letters from. T. Campbell. Philadelphia, 1836. 120... 252 Alhambra. W. Irving. New York, 1851. 120. 532 Ali Bey. Travels in Morocco, Tripoli, &c. 1803-7. Phil. 1816. 2 v. 80. 1265 Alice (Sequel to Ernst Maltravers). E. L. Bulwer. New York, n. d. 80. 932 Alice Paulet (Sequel to Sydenham). Philadelphia, 1833. 2 v. 120.. 529 Alida; or, Town and Country. Mrs. Sedgwick. New York, 1844. 8~. 2086 Alison, Sir A. History of Europe. 1789-1815. N. Y. 1843. 4 v. 8~.. 1735 History of Europe from 1815 to 1852. New York, 1853. 8~.. 5156 Miscellaneous Essays. Philadelphia, 1848. 8~0... 3418, 2 All in the Wrong. T. E. Hook. London, 1852. 120.... 5679 Alldridge, W. J. Universal Merchant. Philadelphia, 1797. 80... 597 Alleghany Mountains, Letters from. C. Lanman. N. Y. 1849. 120.. 3405 Allen, C. B. Cottage Building. London, 1854. 120.... 6064 Allen, Ethan. Life. J. Sparks. Boston, 1838. 120. ~.. 1076, 1 Allen, John. Principles of Modern Riding for Ladies. Lond. 1825. 80~. 5956 Allen, John. Royal Prerogative Power in England. London, 1849. 8~. 5415 Allen, Jos. Battles of the British Navy. London, 1852. 2 v. post 8~.. 5015 Allen, Wilkes. History of Chelmsford. Haverhill, 1820. 8~0... 667 Allen, Win. Memoir of John Codman. Boston, 1853. 80... 5449 Decade of Addresses at Bowdoin College. Concord, 1830. 120. 506 Allen, Win., &T. R. H. Thomson. Niger Exped. London, 1848. 2 v. 80~. 4641 *Allen, Wm. Am. Biographical and Hist. Dictionary. Bost. 1832. 8~. 3995 The same. Cambridge, 1809. 8~. 723 Allen, Wmin. Life, and Selections from Correspondence. Phil. 1847. 80~. 3637 Memoir. J. Sherman. London, 1851. 120... 4284 Allen, Z. Philosophy of the Mechanics of Nature. N. York, 1852. 80~. 4538 Allen Prescott. Mrs. Sedgwick. New York, 1834. 2 v. 120... 466 Alliott, R. Lectures on the Children of Israel. London, 1849. 120.. 3395 xAllom, T. Character and Costume of Turkey and Italy. Lond. n. d. 40~. 2050 All's not Gold that Glitters. Alice B. Neal. New York, 1853. 120.. 5541 Allston, W. Lectures on Art and Poems. New York, 1850. 120.. 3669 Lectures on Works and Genius of. W. Ware. Boston, 1852. 120~. 4913 Monaldi; a Tale. Boston, 1841. 12~. 1655 Almacks. New York, 1827. 120....... 450 Almacks Revisited. New York, 1828. 2v. 120. 656 Almanac, Banker's, 1851, 1852. Boston. 80.. 4141 Illustrated, London, 1845-50. London. 40~...... 5102 Alnwick Castle, and other Poems. F. G. Halleck. N. York, 1845. 120. 2324 Alone; a Tale. Virginia Hawes. Richmond, 1854. 120.... 5832 Alp, Jungfrau, Pilgrim in the Shadow of. G. B. Cheever. N.Y. 1846. 12~. 2533 MEIRCANTILE LIBRARY. 7 Alps and the Rhine. J. T. Headley. New York, 1847. 120... 2529 *Illustrations of the Passes of. W. Brockedon. Lond. 1838. 2 v. 40~. 4829 of Savoy. Travelsin. J.D. Forbes. Edinburgh, 1845. Roy. 80~. 5470 Alton Locke, Tailor and Poet. C. Kingsley. New York, 1850. 120.. 4065 Alton Riots, and Death of E. P. Lovejoy. E. Beecher. Alton, 1838. 120~. 1532 Trials for. W. S. Lincoln. New York, 1838. 120.. 1545 Altowan; or, Adven. in Rocky Mount. J. W. Webb. N.Y. 1846. 2 v. 120~. 2924 Amabel; a Family History. Elizabeth Wormeley. N. Y. 1853. 120.. 5240 Amari, M. War of the Sicilian Vespers. London, 1850, 3 v. 120.. 4587..maury. A. Dumas. New York, 1845. 8~0.. 2634 Amazon, Scenes and Adventures on. J. E. Warren. N. Y. 1851. 120~. 4258 Valley of. W. L. Herndon. Washington, 1854. 80... 5462 Voyage up. W. H. Edwards. New York, 1847. 120.. 3003 Amber Witch. W. Meinhold. New York, 1845. 120.. 2329 Amelia. H. Fielding. Philadelphia, 1843. 80... 1232, 2 Amelia. [Amelia B. Welby.] Poems. New York, 1846. 120.,.. 2988 Amenities of Literature. I. D'Israeli. New York, 1841. 2 v. 120.. 1878 America, and the American People. F. von Raumer. N. York, 1846. 8~. 2633 and the American Revolution, History of. Philadelphia, 1790. 120~. 437 and the Americans. A. Murat. New York, 1849. 12... 2976 and the West Indies. London, 1845. 80. 3198 Annals of. A. Holmes. Cambridge, 1829. 2 v. 80.. 1403 as I Found it. Mrs. Duncan. New York, 1852. 12~.. 916 British, Voyages andTrav. through. A. Mackenzie. Phil. 1802. 80. 766 Democracy in. A. de Tocqueville. New York, 1839. 2 v. 80. 948 Diary in. F. Marryat. New York, 1839. 120. 193 Discoveriesof the North Coastof. T. Simpson. Lond. 1843. 8~. 4344 The same. P.F. Tytler. (H.F.L.) N.Y. 1848. 12~. 3683, 53 Discovery of, Indian Wars, &c. H. Trumbull. Boston, 1833. 8~. 1334 General Survey of. A.H.Everett. Philadelphia, 1827. 80.. 1354 History of. W. Robertson. London, 1803. 4 v. 80.. 1213 Men and Manners in. T. Hamilton. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 v. 12~. 1166 Parisian Pastor's Glance at. J. H. G. Pierre. Boston, 1854. 120~ 6159 Peter Schlemihl in. G. Wood. Philadelphia, 1848. 120... 4928 Pictorial History of. S. G. Goodrich. Philadelphia, 1846. 120.. 1362 *Progress of. J. Macgregor. London, 1847. 2 v. 8~... 4023 Recollections of. F. A. de Chateaubriand. Philadelphia, 1816.. 740 Rule and Misrule of English in. T. C. Haliburton. N.Y. 1851. 120~. 4467 Society and Manners in. New York, 1821. 80. 1276 Society in. H. Martineau. New York, 1837. 2 v. 120. 367 Spanish. R. H. Bonnycastle. Philadelphia, 1819. 80~... 764 Subaltern in. Philadelphia, 1833. 12~. 298 Travels in. Lord Morpeth. New York, 1851. 120.. 4183 American Adventure. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 2 v. 120. 3683, 174-5 American Almanac. Vols. 1-25 [continued]. Boston, 1830-54. 120.. 3078 American Anecdotes, Original and Selected. Boston, 1830. 2 v. 120.. 4075 American Annals. A. Holmes. Cambridge, 1805. 2 v. 8~0.... 1618 American Annual Register. New York, 1827-35. 8 v. 80... 5108 8 CATALOGUE OF THE American Antiquarian Soc. Trans. and Collec. Worces. 1820-36. 2 v. 80~. 1420 American Antiquities. J. Priest. Albany, 1833. 80. 2121 American Asso. for the Adv. of Science. 4th Meeting. Wash. 1851. 80. 4311 American Authors, Homes of. New York, 1853. 80. 5452 American Academy of Arts & Sciences. Memoirs, vol. 1. Bost. 1785. 40~. 2006 American Bible Society, History of. W. B. Strickland. N. Y. 1849. 80~. 3388 *American Biograph. & Hist. Dictionary. W. Allen. Boston, 1832. 80~. 3995 The same. Cambridge, 1809. 80. 723 American Biography. (No titlepage.)..1318 J. Belknap. Boston, 1794. 80. 643 The same. (H. F.L.) New York, 1848. 3v. 120. 3683, 161-63 American Clerk's Magazine. S. Freeman. Boston, 1814. 120... 327 American Coast Pilot. L. Furlong. Newburyport, 1798. 8~0... 1221 American Colonies, Book of. J. Frost. New York, 1846. 120... 2515 History of. J. Marshall. Philadelphia, 1824. 8~0.... 1987 History of the Revolt of. G. Chalmers. Boston, 1845. 2 v. 80.. 2264 American Common Place Book of Poetry. G. B. Cheever. Phil. 1843. 120. 1775 of Prose. Boston, 1833. 120. 104 American Criminal Trials. P. XV. Chandler. Boston, 1841-44. 2 v. 120~. 1921 American Cruiser. G. Little. New York, 1851. 120.. 2949 American Democrat. J. F. Cooper. Cooperstown, 1838. 120~.. 1009 American Elocutionist. W. Russell. Boston, 1844. 120.. 2142 American Ethnological Society, Transactions of. N. York, 1845. 2 v. 8~. 3384 American Facts. G. P. Putnam. London, 1845. 120.. 2695 American Farmer. Vols. 5, 7, 8. Baltimore, 1823-26. 4... 2011 American Female Poets. Caroline May. Philadelphia, 1848. 80... 3535 American First Class Book. J. Pierpont. Boston, 1834. 120... 1564 American Fruit Culturist. J. J. Thomas. Auburn, 1852. 120... 5078 American Gazetteer. J. Morse. Charlestown, 1844. 80. 628 *American Historical and Literary Curiosities. New York, 1850. 40~.. 2468 American History, Incidents in. J. W. Barber. New York, 1847. 120. 2987 Lights and Shadows of. S. G. Goodrich. Boston, 1849. 120. 4900, 7 American in England. A. S. Mackenzie. New York, 1835. 2 v. 120.. 1108 American Institutions, & their Influence. A.deTocqueville. N.A. 1851. 120~. 3829 American Journal of Education, 1830. Boston. 80. 666 of Science. Vols. 29-50; 2d s., 1-17. N. Haven, 1836-54. 80.. 921 American Lady, Memoirs of. Mrs. Grant. New York, 1846. 12~.. 2500 American Liberties and Am. Slavery. S. B. Treadwell. N. Y. 1838. 120~. 1555 American Literature and Manners. P. Chasles. New York, 1852. 12~. 4905 American Loyalists. L. Sabine. Boston, 1847. 80.. 2789 American Magazine of Useful and Entertaining Knowl. Bost. 1839. 80~. 1436 American Mechanics, Memoirs of Eminent. H. Howe. N. Y. 1847. 120~. 2990 American Missionary Memorial. H. WV. Pierson. New York, 1853. 80~. 5113 American Monthly Mag. (Ed. by N. P. Willis). Bost. 1829-30. 2 v. 80~. 600 and Critical Review. Vols. 1-4. New York, 1817-18. 8~. 1312 American Naval Biography. I. Bailey. Providence, 1815. 120.. 209 American Notes for General Circulation. C. Dickens. N. Y. 1842. 80~. 1689 American Orator. L. C. Munn. Boston, 1853. 120. 5026 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 9 American Orator's Own Book. Philadelphia, 1840. 240. 1669 American Oratory. Philadelphia, 1849. 80....... 4139 American Publications, Cat. of, 1820-52. O. A. Roorbach. N.Y. 1852. 8~. 5993 American Quarterly Reg. Vols. 2, 4-10. Andover & Bost. 1830-38. 9 v. 80. 1421 Stryker's. Vols. 1-6 [continued]. Phil. 1848-51. 80.. 3408 American Reviewof Hist. and Politics. (Walsh's.) Vols. 1, 2. Phil. 1811-12. 1262 American Revolution, Camp Fires of. H. C. Watson. Phil. 1850. 80.. 3828 Border Wars of. W.L. Stone. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1848.2 v. 120. 3683,167-8 Correspondence of. Ed. by J. Sparks. Boston, 1853. 4 v. 80.. 5389 Diplomatic Corres. of. Ed. by J. Sparks. Bost. 1829. 12 v. 80.. 3613 Domestic History of. Mrs. E. F. Ellet. New York, 1850. 120.. 3923 History of. G. Bancroft. Boston, 1852-54. 3 v. 8~.. 954, 4-6 History of. C. Botta. Philadelphia, 1821. 3 v. 8... 776 History of. W. Gordon. London, 1788. 4 v. 80... 578 History of. R. Hildreth. Boston, 1852. 80... 2851, 3 History of. D. Ramsay. Philadelphia, 1789. 80... 675 History of. C. Stedman. Dublin, 1794. 2 v. 80... 1917 in the Southern Department. H. Lee. Washington, 1827. 80.. 899 Lives of the Heroes of. Boston, 1847. 120.. 3010 Military Journal during. J. Thacher. Boston, 1823. 80.. 637 Military Journal during. J. G. Simcoe. New York, 1844. 8.. 1983 Pictorial Field Book of. B. J. Lossing. N.Y. 1852. 2 v. roy. 80. 4130 Principles and Acts of. H. Niles. Baltimore, 1822. Roy. 80.. 4000 Public Men of. W. Sullivan. Philadelphia, 1847. 80.. 2809 Relic of. C. Herbert. Boston, 1847. 120..3049 1776; or, the War of. B. J. Lossing. New York, 1847. 80.. 2818 Women of. Mrs. E. F. Ellet. New York, 1848. 2v. 120... 3170 Americanisms, Dictionary of. J. R. Bartlett. New York, 1848. 80.. 4956 Americans, The. F. J. Grund. Boston, 1837. 120. 445 Domestic Manners of. Mrs. Trollope. New York, 1832. 8~.. 2078 Notions of. J. F. Cooper. New York, 1850. 2 v. 120.. 3778 Ames, F. Works, with Life. Boston, 1809. 80. 649 Works, Speeches, and Corres. Ed. by S. Ames. Bos. 1854. 2 v. 80. 5994 Ames, N. Mariner's Sketches. Providence, 1830. 120.... 590 American Slavery as it Is; Testimony of 1000 Witnesses. N. Y. 1839. 80. 1443 American Society, Sketches of. F. & T. Pulszky. N. Y. 1853. 2 v. 120. 5245 American Speaker. J. Frost. Philadelphia, 1844. 120..... 1806 American Theatre, History of. W. Dunlap. New York, 1832. 80.. 1993 American Tract Society, Publications of. New York, n. d. 9 v. 120.. 388 American Whig Review. Vols. 1-16. New York, 1845-52. 80... 2732 Amos, A. Trial of the Earl of Somerset. London, 1846. 80... 4644 Amusement, Endless; a Collection of 400 Experiments. Phil. 1847. 120. 2440 Amusements, Plea for. F. W. Sawyer. New York, 1847. 120... 3060 Amy Harrington; or, a Sister's Love. New York, 1850. 120... 3882 Amy Herbert; a Tale. E. M. Sewell. New York, 1853. 120... 6225 Amy Lawrence; or, The Freemason's Daughter. J. F. Smith. N.Y. 1852. 80. 4695 Anacreon. Odes, translated by T. Bourne. New York, 1837. 120. 1854, 36 Select Odes, translated by H. Younge. London, 1802. 120.. 43 10 CATALOGUE OF THE Analectic Magazine. Philadelphia, 1831-17. 10 v. 80. 700 Analogy of Religion. J. Butler. New York, 1843. 120.. 1779 Criticism on. D. Wilson. Boston, 1834. 12~.... 1479 Analytical Reader. S. Putnam. Dover, 1830. 120.... 362 Sequel to. S. Putnam. Dover, 1832. 12~.. 363 Analytical Review (vol. 3 wanting). London, 1788-93. 16 v. 80.. 1277 Anastasius; or, Memoirs of a Greek. T. Hope. Paris, 1831. 2 v. 80.. 432 Anastasis; or, the Resurrection of the Body. G. Bush. N.Y. 1845. 120~. 2522 Anatomy and Physiology. T. S. Lambert. New York, 1850. 120.. 3625 Comparative, Lectures on. W. Lawrence. London, 1848. Post 80~. 4395 Anatomy of Melancholy. R. Burton. Philadelphia, 1836. 2 v. 80.. 1960 Ancient Britons; a Tale of Primeval Life. London, 1851. 120.. 4610 Ancient Geography and Ancient History. R. Mayo. Philadelphia, 1813. 80~. 739 Compendium of. M. D'Anville. New York, 1814. 2 v. 80.. 1344 Ancient History. C. Rollin. New York, 1845. 2 v. roy. 80.. 704 Ancient and Hon. Artillery Co., History of. Z. G. Whitman. Bost. 1820. 80~. 750 Ancient Moral Tales. New York, 1845. 12~. 2375 Ancient Mysteries and Miracle Plays described. W. Hone. Lound. 1823. 80. 2694 Ancient Regime; a Tale. G. P. R. James. New York, 1841. 2 v. 120. 1602 Ancient Spanish Ballads. J. G. Lockhart. New York, 1842. 80... 2349 Ancient World; or, Sketches of Creation. D. T. Ansted. Phil. 1847. 120~. 3054 Andersen, H. C. Improvisatore. London, 1853. 120. 5736 The same. New York, 1845. 8~. 2243 Only a Fiddler, and O. T. New York, 1846. 80. 2637 True Story of my Life. Boston, 1847. 120... 3022 Anderson, A. Origin and History of Commerce. London, 1764. 2 v. folio. 2025 Anderson, C. Annals of the English Bible. New York, 1849. 80.. 3406 Anderson, James. Ladies of the Covenant. New York, 1851. 120.. 4471 Anderson, John. Course of Creation. Cincinnati, 1851. 120... 4196 Anderson, Robert. Life of Samuel Johnson. London, 1795. 120.. 513 Anderson, Rufus. Peloponnesus and Greek Islands. Boston, 1830. 120. 544 Anderson, W. Popular Scottish Biography. Edinburgh, 1842. 120.. 3601 Practical Mercantile Correspondence. New York, 1851. 120.. 4032 Andrews, E. A. Latin-English Lexicon. New York, 1851. Roy. 8~.. 4350 Leisure Hours; Readings in Prose. Boston, 1844. 120... 2303 Andrews, G. H. Agricultural Engineering. London, 1852. 120... 6078 Andrews, I. D. Report on Colonial and Lake Trade. WVash. 1852. 80. 2747 Anecdotes, American, Original and Selected. Boston, 1830. 2 v. 120.. 4075 and Aphorisms, Kaleidoscope of. C. Sinclair. London, 1851. 120. 4400 Biographical, Literary, and Political. London, 1797. 3 v. 80~.. 685 Book of. J. Frost. New York, 1847. 120.. 2939 Cyclopudia of. K. Arvine. Boston, 1851, Roy. 80. 3379 Cyclopwdia of Moral and Religious. K. Arvine. N.Y. 1850. 80~. 4551 for the Railroad and Steamboat. New York, 1853. 120.. 5288 London; Electric Telegraph. London, n.d. 240... 5047 Pictures and Painters. London, n. d. 240. 5048 of the Animal Kingdom. S. G. Goodrich. Boston, 1849. 120~. 4900, 15 of Distinguished Persons. London, 1796. 4 v. 120.. 1554 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 11 Anecdotes of Painters, Engravers, &c. S. Spooner. N.Y. 1853. 3 v. 12~. 5750 Percy; with American. New York, 1847. 2 v. 8~. 1763 Angel World, and other Poems. P. J. Bailey. Boston, 1850. 120~.. 3898 Angela; a Novel. Mrs. Marsh. 1848. 12~.. 3145 Angela Wildon. G. W. M. Reynolds. New York, 1852. 8~. 645 Angell, J. K. Law of Assignments. Boston, 1835. 120.. 1164 Law of Carriers. Boston, 1849. 8~.. 4022 Angelo, Michael. Life. London, 1833. 80. 602 Anger; or, The Fire-brand. E. Sue. New York, 1849.... 3255 Angler, Complete. I. Walton and C. Cotton. London, 1835. 12~. 1869 Angler and his Friends. J. Y. Akerman. London, 1850. 120~.. 4278 Angler's Manual, British. T. C. Hofland. London, 1848. Post 8~.. 4972 Angling, Hints on. P. Hackle. London, 1846. 80... 5098 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. London, 1847. Post 80.. 4365 Anglo-Saxon Church, Antiquities of. J. Lingard. Philadelphia, n. d. 80. 2084 Anglo-Saxons, History of. S. Turner. Philadelphia, 1841. 2 v. 80~.. 1953 Animal Chemistry. J. Liebig. Cambridge, 1843. 120..1752 Animal Kingdom. Baron Cuvier. New York, 1831. 4 v. 80... 1990 Animal Magnetism. W. Newnham. New York, 1845. 120... 2342 Animal Mechanism and Phys. J.H.Griscom. (H.F.L.) N.Y. 1846. 12~. 3683, 85 Animals, Domesticated, of British Islands. D. Low. London, 1853. 80~. 5453 History, Habits, Instincts, &c. of. W. Kirby. Phil. 1836. 80.. 1422 Stories about. F. C. Woodworth. Boston, 1851. 12~.. 3937 The same. New York, 1850. 120..3311 Anne of Geierstein. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1848. 2 v. 120... 999, 43, 44 The same. Edinburgh, 1849. 2 v. 120.. 4100, 44; 45 The same. Edinburgh, 1850. Roy. 80... 4531, 11 Anley, Charlotte. Earlswood. New York, 1853. 120.. 4999 Annie Grayson; or, Life at Wash. Mrs. N. P. Lasselle. N.Y. 1853. 120. 5379 AnnualRetrospect of EnglishPublic Affairs, 1831. Boston, 1831. 2v. 120~. 1013 Annual Review and Hist. of Literature, 1802-8. Lond. 1803-9. 7 v. 80~. 1636 Annual of Scientific Discovery. Ed. byD. A. Wells. Bost. 1850-4. 5 v. 12~. 3570 Ansted, D. T. Ancient World; or, Sketches of Creation. Phil. 1847. 120~. 3054 Antediluvian Antiquities. Vol. 1. Boston, 1829. 120. 1278 Anthon, C. Ancient andMedieval Geography. NewYork, 1850. Roy. 80. 3514 *Classical Dictionary. New York, 1850. Roy. 8~.. 2840 The same. New York, 1847. Roy. 80. 1243 (Editor.) Smith's ClassicalDictionary. NewYork, 1851. Roy. 80~. 4347 Anthon, J. American Precedentsof Declarations. Brookfield, 1821. 80~. 1402 Law Student. New York, 1850. 80. 4307 Antifanaticism; a Tale of the South. Martha H. Butt. Phil. 1853. 120. 5338 Antiquarian Enthusiast. R. Bigsby. London, 1848. 3 v. 8~... 4820 Antiquary. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1848. 2 v. 12. 999, 5, 6 The same. Edinburgh, 1849. 2 v. 120.. 4100, 5, 6 The same. Edinburgh, 1850. roy. 80~. 4531, 2 Antiquities, American. J. Priest. Albany, 1833. 80.. 2121 and Marbles in the British Museum. London, 1848. 180... 4776 *Dictionary of Greek and Roman. W. Smith. London, 1849. 80. 3958 12 CATALOGUE OF THE Antiquities, Northern. M. Mallet. London, 1847. Post 80... 3561 of the Anglo-Saxon Church. J. Lingard. Philadelphia, n.d. 80~. 2084 of Great Britain, Popular. J. Brand. London, 1848. 3v. post8~. 4369 Peruvian. M. E. Rivero & J. J. von Tschadi. N. York, 1853. 80~. 5440 Roman. A. Adam. New York, 1819. 80. 626 Antisell, T. Handbook of Useful Arts. New York, 1852. 12~... 4603 Anti-Slavery and Colonization Schemes. W. Jay. N. York, 1838. 120~. 1526 Anti-Slavery Documents. 1837-39. 1444 Anti-Slavery Examiner. Vol. 1. New York, 1836. 80. 785 Anti-Slavery Manual. La Roy Sunderland. New York, 1839. 160.. 1506 Anti-Slavery Pamphlets, bound in 5 vols. 1639 Anti-Slavery Record. Vols. 1, 2, 3. New York, 1835-37. 120.. 1529 Anti-Slavery Riots. New York, 1835. 120. 1535 Antonina; or, the Fall of Rome. W. W. Collins. New York, 1850. 8~.. 3988 Appleton, J. Lectures, and Occasional Sermons. Brunswick, 1822. 80~. 1386 *Appleton's Dictionary of Mechanics. New York, 1851. 2 v. roy. 80. 4124 Appleton's Library Manual. New York, 1847. 8~... 2830 Appleton's Mechanics' Magazine. New York, 1851-52. 2 v. 80 & 40.. 5395 Appleton's Northern and Eastern Traveller's Guide. N.Y. 1853. 120. 5353 Apocalypse Revealed. E. Swedenborg. Boston, 1836. 3 v. 12~.. 903 Apocalyptic Sketches. J. Cumming. Philadelphia, 1854. 2 v. 120.. 5821 Apostolic Church. History of. P. Schaff. New York, 1853. 8~0... 5448 Apuleius. Works, translated. London, 1853. Post 8.... 5746 Arabella Stuart; a Romance. G. P. R. James. New York, 1847. 8~0.. 1761 Arabia, History of. A. Crichton. (H. F. L.) N. Y. 1848. 120. 3683, 68, 69 Arabian Night's Entertainments. New York, 1848. 3 v. 120.. 3336 The same. Philadelphia, 1848. 80. 24 Arabs in Spain. J. A. Conde. London, 1854-55. 3 v. post 8~... 5939 Ararat, Journey to. F. Parrot. Trans. by W. D. Cooley. N.Y. 1846. 120. 2558 Arbell; a Tale. Jane W. Hooper. New York, 1853. 120.... 5313 Arboretum et Fruticetum, Britannicum. - See Loudon, J. C., Trees. Arbouville, Countess d'. Three Tales. New York, 1853. 120... 5290 Archaeological Journal. Vols. 1-5. London, 1846-48. 8~0... 3633 *Archer, J. W. Vestiges of Old London. London, 1851. 40~... 5429 Archer, Maj. Upper India and Himalaya Mountains. Phil. 1833. 8~. 1357, 1 Archery, Book of. G. A. Hansard. London, 1841. 8~0.. 4135 Archibald Cameron; or, Heart Trials. New York, 1852. 120~.. 4932 Architecture, City. M. Field. New York, 1853. 80. 5438 Designs for Cottages and Villas. Walter & Smith. Phil. 1847. 40~. 2980 *Designs for Shop Fronts and Door Cases. London, n. d. 40.. 1580 Designs for Village. P. F. Robinson. London, 1837. 40... 5977 Dictionary of Terms in. J. Weale. London, 1849. 120.. 6061 Encyclopoedia of. J. Gwilt. London, 1851. 8.... 4528 Glossary of Terms in, with 1700 Woodcuts. Oxford,1852. 2 v 80~. 2052 Gothic, for Modern Residences. D. H. Arnot. N. Y. 1851. 40.. 3748 History and Rudiments of. Ed. by J. Bullock. N. Y. 1853. 120. 5507 of Country Houses. A. J. Downing. New York, 1850. 8~0.. 3968 of the Heavens. J. P. Nichol. New York, 1842. 120... 2309 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 13 Architecture, Orders of. WV. H. Leeds. London, 1854. 120... 6046 and Painting, Lectures on. J. Ruskin. Philadelphia, 1854. 120. 6170 Principles of Design in. E. L. Garbett. London, 1850. 120.. 6048 School. H. Barnard. New York, 1854. 80. 5959 Sculpture and Painting. J. S. Memes. Boston, 1834. 120~.. 1003 Seven Lamps of. J. Ruskin. New York, 1849. 120. 2910 Specimens of Gothic. A. Pugin. London, 1821. 2 v.4~... 5101 Styles of. T. T. Bury. London, 1854. 120.. 6047 Archy Moore, Memoirs of. R. Hildreth. Boston, 1839. 2 v. 120.. 1194 Arctic Journal. S. Osborn. New York, 1852. 120. 4886 *Arctic Regions, Second Voyage to. Sir J. Ross. London, 1835. 40.. 5895 and Sir John Franklin. P. L. Simmons. Buffalo, 1852. 120. 968 T. Simpson's Travels in. A. Simpson. London, 1845. 80... 4684 Arctic Sea Exploring Expedition. A. K. Kane. New York, 1854. 80. 5892 Arctic Searching Expedition. Sir J. Richardson. New York, 1852. 120~. 318 Ardent Troughton. F. Marryat. New York, 1846. 8~0.. 2812 Arethusa; a Naval Story. F. Chamier. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 120.. 276 Argentine Republic, Twenty-four Years in. J. A. King. N.Y. 1846. 120~. 2597 Ariosto, L. Orlando Furioso. Trans. by J. Hoole. Phil. 1816. 6 v. 180~. 138 Aristotle. Rhetoric. Trans. by T. Buckley. London, 1850. Post 8.. 4381 Ethics. Translated by R. W. Browne. London, 1850. Post 80.. 4388 Aristocrat, The; an American Tale. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 v. 120. 168 Arithmetic, and Key. J. R. Young. London, 1854. 2 v. 120.. 6095 Equational. W. Hipsley. London, 1852. 120. 6096 Arkansaw Doctor, Life and Adventures of. Philadelphia, 1851. 120.. 4475 Armenians; a Tale of Constantinople. C. MacFarlane. Phil. 1830. 2 v. 120. 1227 Arminius, J. Life. N. Bangs. New York, 1843. 120.... 2203 Armstrong, J. Art of Preserving Health. A Poem. Balt. 1804. 120. 144 Armstrong, J. History of the Island of Minorca. London, 1756. 80.. 2536 Armstrong, J. Life of Richard Montgomery. Boston, 1838. 120.. 1076, 1 Life of Anthony Wayne. Boston, 1840. 120.. 1076, 4 Armstrong, R. Treatise on Steam Boilers. London, 1850. 120.. 6075 Army, Book of the. J. Frost. New York, 1845. 120... 2180 of U. S., Dictionary of. C. K. Gardner. New York, 1853. 120. 5242 of the U. States, Organization of. F. Robinson. Phil. 1848. 2 v. 120. 3087 Arnold, B. Life. J. Sparks. Boston, 1838. 120~..... 1076, 3 Arnold, T. History of Rome. New York, 1851. 80. 5115 Lectures on Modern History. London, 1845. 80.... 2615 Life and Correspondence. A. P. Stanley. New York, 1845. 120. 2350 The same. New York, 1846. 80.. 3536 Miscellaneous Works. New York, 1845. 80.. 2624 Arnot, D. H. Gothic Architecture for Mod. Residences. N. Y. 1851. 40~. 3748 Arnot, N. Elements of Physic, or Nat. Philosophy. London, 1828. 80~. 1989 Arnot, W. Race for Riches. Six Lectures. Philadelphia, 1853. 120.. 5339 Arrah Neil; or, Times of Old. G. P. R. James. New York, 1848. 80~. 2172 Art and Industry at Crystal Palace. Ed. byH. Greeley. N. Y. 1854. 120~. 5643 Art, Criticisms on. W. Hazlitt. London, 1844. 120. 1870 Dictionary of Terms of. J. Weale. London, 1850. 120.. 6061 14 CATALOGUE OF THE Art, Essays on. J. W. von Goethe. Boston, 1845. 120.... 2367 Lectures on, and Poems. W. Allston. New York, 1850. 120.. 3669 Philosophy of. F. W. J. Schelling. London, 1845. 120.. 2394 Student at Munich. Anna M. Howitt. Boston, 1854. 120~.. 5805 Theory of Effect in. Philadelphia, 1851. 120.. 3816 Arthur Arundel; a Tale. H. Smith. New York, 1844. 12~... 2212 Arthur Conway; or, Scenes in the Tropics. E. H. Milman. N.Y. 1851. 80. 4508 Arthur O'Leary. C. Lever. Philadelphia, 1846. 80... 2215 Arthur, T. S. Advice to Young Ladies. Boston, 1848. 12~.. 3059 Advice to Young Men. Boston, 1847. 160... 2434 Banker's Wife. Philadelphia, 1851. 80.. 4126 Cecilia Howard. New York, 1844. 120. 2138 The same. Philadelphia, 1851. 80. 4537 Confessions of a Housekeeper. Philadelphia, 1851. 12~... 4460 Heart Histories and Life Pictures. New York, 1853. 12~... 5180 Keeping up Appearances. New York, 1847. 16~.. 2435 Old Man's Bride. New York, 1853. 120...... 5276 Prose Fictions. Philadelphia, 1844. 12~.. 2138 Riches have Wings. New York, 1847. 120.. 2441 Sketches of Life and Character. Philadelphia, 1850. 8~.. 3634 Sparing and to Spend. New York, 1853. 120.. 5539 Sweethearts and Wives. New York, 1844. 120. 2195 Ten Nights in a Bar Room. Philadelphia, 1854. 120.. 6169 Two Brides. Philadelphia, 1850. 80.. 672 Two Wives; or, Lost and Won. Philadelphia, 1851. 160... 4202 Young Artist; or, Dream of Italy. New York, 1850. 120... 3768 and W. H. Carpenter. History of Kentucky. Phil. 1852. 120.. 4864 History of Georgia. Philadelphia, 1852. 120... 4866 History of Virginia. Philadelphia, 1852. 120.... 4865 Arthur, W. Successful Merchant. New York, 1852. 120~. 1056 Artillery and Fortification, Treatise on. H. Straith. Lond. 1850. 2 v. 80~. 4823 and Infantry, Treatise on. C. P. Kingsbury. N. Y. 1849. 120.. 3412 ArtistLife; or, Sketches of Am. Painters. H. T. Tuckerman. N.Y. 1847. 120 3057 Artist, Merchant, and Statesman. C. E. Lester. N. York, 1845. 2 v. 120~. 2501 Artist Wife; and other Tales. Mary Howitt. New York, 1853. 120.. 5504 Artist's Chromatic Handbook. J. B. Ridner. New York, 1850. 120.. 4059 Artist's Married Life. L. Schefer. Boston, 1849. 120.... 3333 Artisan; a Jour. of Operative Arts. Vols. 4, 5, 7-9. Lond. 1846-51. 40~. 5103 Arts and Manufactures, Chem. applied to. F. Knapp. Lond. 1848. 2 v. 80~. 4137 Fine.- See Fine Arts. Handbook of Useful. T. Antisell. New York, 1852. 120~.. 4603 Manufactures, and Mines, Dictionary of. A. Ure. N.Y. 1849. 80. 1687 *The same. New York, 1853. 2 v. 80. ~.. 1687 *Pictorial Gallery of the Useful and Fine. London, 1847. 2 v. 40~. 4830 Register of. T. G. Fessenden. Philadelphia, 1808. 80... 738 Useful; their Birth and Development. S. Martin. Lond. 1851. 120. 4214 Useful, with Applications of Science. J. Bigelow. Bost. 1840. 120. 2923 Arvine, K. Cyclopwedia of Anecdotes. Boston, 1851. Roy. 80... 3379 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 15 Arvine, K. Cyclopmedia of MoralandReligious Anecdotes. N.Y. 1850. 80. 4551 As Good as a Comedy; a Tennesseean's Story. Philadelphia, 1852. 120~. 3470 Ascanio; or, the Sculptor's Apprentices. A. Dumas. N. Y. 1846. 80.. 2643 Ashton, W. T. Hatchie, the Guardian Slave. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5228 Asia, Travels in South Eastern. H. Malcom. Boston, 1839. 2 v. 120. 1250 Asia Minor, Egypt, &c., Sketches of. C. J. Monk. Lond. 1851. 2 v. 120. 4233 Asiatic History, Lights & Shadows of. S. G. Goodrich. Bost. 1849. 120. 4900, 9 Asiatic Researches. London, 1799. 5 v. 40. 2001 Asmodeus; or, Devil on Two Sticks. A. R. Le Sage. London, 1845. 120~. 2426 Asmodeus at Large. E. L. Bulwer. Philadelphia, 1833. 120.. 1208 Aspects of Nature in Different Lands. A. von Humboldt. Phil. 1849. 12~. 3469 Assayer's Guide. 0. M. Lieber. Philadelphia, 1852. 120.. 5006 Assignments, Law of. J. K. Angell. Boston, 1835. 120... 1164 Association, and Organization of Labor. M. Briancourt. N. Y. 1847. 120~. 2439 and Re-organization of Industry. A. Brisbane. Phil. 1840. 120~. 2136 Astoria; or, Advent. beyond RockyMiount. W. Irving. N. Y. 1849. 120~. 3361 The same. New York, 1851. 120.. 595 Astraea; a Poem. O. W. Holmes. Boston, 1850. 120... 4040 Astronomer, Practical. T. Dick. New York, 1846. 120.... 2532 Astronomy, Compendium of. D. Olmsted. New York, 1841. 12~.. 1695 Cycle of Celestial Objects. W. H. Smyth. London, 1844. 2 v. 8~. 5466 *Descriptive Atlas of. T. Milner. London, 1850. 40~.. 3965 Elements of. S. Vince. Philadelphia, 1811. 80. 616 Historical Account of. J. Narrien. London, 1850..80.. 1157 Introduction to. J. Ferguson. Philadelphia, 1805. 120... 337 Orbs of Heaven. O. M. Mitchel. London, 1851. 120.. 4274 Outlines of. J. F. W. Herschel. Philadelphia, 1849. 80.. 3471 Planetary and Stellar Worlds. O. M. Mitchel. N. Y. 1848. 120~. 3143 Practical. G. Jeans. London, n. d. 120. 5050 Progress in United States. E. Loomis. New York, 1851. 120.. 4027 Solar System. J. R. Hind. New York, 1852. 120. 4880 Solar System. J. P. Nichol. New York, 1843. 120. 2308 System of. J. Vose. Concord, 1827. 80. 634 Treatise on. R. Main. London, 1852. 120..... 6104 Atheism among the People. A. de Lamartine. Boston, 1850. 120. 3877 Athenaeum. Vols. 13,14; 2d s., 4, 7, 8; 3d s., 3. Bost. 1823-30. 6 v. 80~. 688 Athenaeus. Deipnosophists. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Lond. 1854. 3 v. post 8~. 5943 Athenian Oracle. London, 1738. 4 v. 80. 1561 Athens; its Rise and Fall. E. L. Bulwer. New York, 1852. 2v. 120.. 153 Atherton, and other Tales. Mary R. Mitford. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5885 Atlantic and Transatlantic. Capt. Mackinnon. New York, 1852. 120.. 5018 Atlantic Club-Book. Sketches in Prose and Verse. N.Y. 1847. 2 v. 120. 2971 Atlas and Gazetteer of the Bible. W. Jenks. Boston, 1847. 4~.. 3232 *Black's General. Edinburgh, 1851. 40. 1702 *Comprehensive. T. G. Bradford. Boston, 1835. 40~. 3741 *Morse's North American. New York, 1842. 40... 2049 *of the World, Appleton's Complete. New York, n. d. 40~... 5450 *Tallis's Illustrated. Ed. by R. M. Martin. London, 1851. 40.. 4948 16 CATALOGUE OF THE Atlas to Walker's Geography. London, 1806. 80.... 689 Attila; a Romance. G. P. R. James. New York, 1837. 2 v. 12~.. 202 Attorney, Confessions of an. S. Warren. New York, 1852. 120.. 4772 Attorneys and Solicitors, Moral Duties of. S. Warren. N.Y. 1849. 120~. 2464 Auber, P. Rise & Progress of British Power in India. Lond. 1837. 2 v. 80 4660 Aubin, Mrs. Noble Slaves. Boston, 1821. 160. 45 Aubrey. Mrs. Marsh. New York, 1854. 80. 5966 Auchindrane; or, the Ayrshire Tragedy. W. Scott. N. Y. 1839. 120~. 860, 6 Aunt Kitty's Tales. Maria J. McIntosh. New York, 1849. 120~... 3932 Aunt Phillis's Cabin. Mary H. Eastman. Philadelphia, 1852. 120.. 4853 Austen, Jane. Novels. Philadelphia, 1838. 2 v. 8~..1585 Vol. 1. Pride and Prejudice; Mansfield Park; Persuasion. 2. Sense and Sensibility; Emma; Northanger Abbey. Emma. London, 1853. 120.. 5692 Mansfield Park. London, 1853. 120..5693 Northanger Abbey. London, 1853. 2~.. 5694 Pride and Prejudice. London, 1853. 120.. 5691 Sense and Sensibility. London, 1853. 120... 5690 Persuasion. Philadelphia, 1832. 2v. 120. 531 Austin, J. M. Golden Steps for Youth. Auburn, 1850. 12~.. 3860 Austin, J. T. Life of Elbridge Gerry. Boston, 1828. 3 v. 80~... 1311 Austin, W. Letters from London, 1802-3. Boston, 1804. 80~... 733 Australia, History of. R. M. Martin. London, n. d. Roy. 80.. 4941 Nine Years in. Mrs. C. Meredith. New York, 1853. 120... 5275 Three Colonies of. S. Sidney. London, 1852. 80... 5153 Australia Felix, Impressions of. R. Howitt. London, 1845. 120~... 2392 Austria and the Austrians. London, 1837, 2 v. 120..... 4440 During its Revolutionary Crisis. W. Peake. Lond. 1851. 2 v. 120. 4617 History of House of. W. Coxe. London, 1847. 3 v. post 8~.. 3553 in 1848-49. W. H. Stiles. New York, 1852. 2 v. 8~.0. 4833 Vienna, and Prague. J. G. Kohl. Philadelphia, 1844. 80.. 2684 Authors, Homes of American. New York, 1853. 80. 5452 of England. Living. T. Powell. New York, 1849. 120... 3439 Quarrels of. I. D'Israeli. New York, 1814. 2 v. 120... 453 Autobiography of an Actress. Mrs. A. C. Mowatt. Boston, 1854. 120~. 5625 of a Dissenting Minister. Philadelphia, 1854. 120... 5827 of an English Soldier in the U. S. Army. New York, 1853. 120. 5274 Ava, Embassy to Court of. J. Crawfurd. London, 1834. 2 v. 80.. 4817 Ayrshire Legatees; or Prindle Family. J. Galt. New York, 1823. 120. 1906 Ayton, R. Essays and Sketches of Character. London, 1825. 120~.. 2387 Aytoun, W. E. Firmilian; a Spasmodic Tragedy. New York, 1854. 120. 6212 Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers. New York, 1853. 120... 6227 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 17 B. Babbage, C. Exposition of 1851. London, 1851. 80. 4345 Bachelor of the Albany. M. W. Savage. New York, 1848. 120... 2878 Bachelor of Salamanca. A. R. Le Sage. Philadelphia, 1854. 120~.. 6209 Back, G. Arctic Land Expedition, 1833-35. Philadelphia, 1836. 80.. 1423 Backus, J. Church Hist. of New England, 1602-1804. Bost. 1804. 120~. 5560 Bacon, F. (Lord). Essays, Moral, Economical, &c. Boston, 1807. 120.. 1041 The same. Philadelphia, 1818. 120. 889 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 120... 3683, 171 Works, with Life. B. Montague. Philadelphia, 1844. 3 v. roy. 80. 1996 Bacon, L. Life of Richard Baxter. New Haven, 1834. 80.. 2058, 1 Bacon, N. Life. W. Ware. Boston, 1844. 120..1076, 13 Bacon, W. T. Poems. Cambridge, 1848. 120.. 3331 Bailey, I. American Naval Biography. Providence, 1815. 120... 209 Bailey, P. J. Angel World, and other Poems. Boston, 1850. 120.. 3898 Festus, a Poem. Boston, 1849. 120. 2396 Bailey, S. Essays. Boston, 1854. 120..5855 * On the Formation and Publication of Opinions; On the Pursuit of Truth; On the Progress of Knowledge. Essays on the Formation and Pub. of Opinions. Phil. 1831. 120. 2160 Essays on the Pursuit of Truth. Philadelphia, 1831. 120... 2156 Baillie, Joanna. Complete Poetical Works. Philadelphia, 1832. 8~.. 2700 Dramas. Philadelphia, 1836. 80. 2228, 2 Bainbridge, W. (Com.). Life and Services. T. Harris. Phil. 1837. 80. 627 Baird, R. Christian Retrospect and Register. New York, 1851. 120~.. 4206 Impressions of West Indies and North America. Phil. 1850. 120~. 3873 Visit to Northern Europe. New York, 1841. 2 v. 120.. 2119 Baird, R. H. American Cotton Spinner. Philadelphia, 1851. 120.. 4263 Baker, T. Land and Engineering Surveying. London, 1850. 120.. 6076 Treatise on Mechanism. London, 1852. 120.... 6106 Treatise on Mensuration. London, 1850. 120. 6102 Treatise on Statics and Dynamics. London, 1851. 120... 6105 Baldwin, J. G. Flush Times of Alabama. New York, 1853. 120.. 5602 Baldwin, T. Universal Pronouncing Gazetteer. Philadelphia, 1847. 120. 2973 *and J. Thomas. Gazetteer of the United States. Phil. 1854. 80. 5494 Ballads, Book of. Edited by " Bon Gaultier." New York, 1852. 120.. 4399 Ballantyne, R. M. Hudson's Bay. Edinburgh, 1848. 12~... 5550 Balloons, History of, and Experience with. J. Wise. Phil. 1850. 80.. 4148 Ballou, M. M. Biography of Hosea Ballou. Boston, 1852. 120~.. 4994 History of Cuba. Boston, 1854. 120.... 6165 Baltic, Letters from the Shores of. London, 1845. 120.... 2393 Bancroft, E. Philosophy of Permanent Colors. Phil. 1814. 2 v. 80. 654 Bancroft, G. History of the United States. Boston, 1837-54. 6 v. 8~.. 954 Bangs, N. Life of James Arminius. New York, 1843. 120.... 2203 Banim, J. Bit o' Writin', and other Tales, Philadelphia, 1838. 2 v. 120. 1034 D 18 CATALOGUE OF THE Banim, J. Croppy; a Tale. Philadelphia, 1829. 120.. 1153 Denounced. New York, 1830. 2v. 12~. 543 Loaded Dice. New York, 1844. 8~. 2167, 3 Mayor of Wind-Gap. New York, 1835. 120. 1146 Smuggler. London, 1851. 120. 5. 656 The same. New York, 1832. 2 v. 12~. 403 Banker's Almanac, 1851-52. Boston. 80.. 4141 Banker's Common-Place Book. Boston, 1851. 120..... 3821 Banker's Magazine. Vols. 5-9 [continued]. Bost. & N.. 1850-54. 80~. 3733 Banker's Wife. T. S. Arthur. Philadelphia, 1851. 80.. 4126 Banking, Free. C. Duncombe. Cleveland, 1841. 120.. 992 History of. WV. J. Lawson. London, 1850. 80..... 4646 Practical Treatise on. J. W. Gilbart. London, 1849. 2 v. 80. 3802 Banks, History of, and Free Competition in Banking. Boston, 1837. 120~. 134 in Europe, Hist. of the Prominent. T. H. Goddard. N.Y. 1831. 80~. 749 Banner of the Constitution. Vols. 1-3. Wash. & Phil. 1830-33. 40.. 2023 Banque du France, L6gislation relative a. Paris, 1830. 40~... 2020 Banvard, J. Daniel Webster, the American Statesman. Bost. 1853. 120~. 5554 Novelties of the New World. Boston, 1852. 160... 4632 Plymouth and the Pilgrims. Boston, 1851. 120..... 4272 Priscilla; or, Trials for the Truth. Boston, 1854. 120... 5644 Romance of American History. Boston, 1852. 120.... 4924 Baptist Missions, History of American. W. Gammell. Bost. 1849. 120. 3504 Barba Tassi, the Greek Patriot; a Romance. London, 1850. 120... 4226 Barbary States, History of. M. Russell. (H. F. L.) N. Y. 1846. 120. 3683, 73 Lady's Diary in. London, 1850. 2 v. 120.. 4243 White Slavery in. C. Sumner. Boston, 1853. 120... 5249 Barber, J. W. Hist. Collections of Connecticut. N. Haven, 1836. 8~.. 652 Historical Collections of Massachusetts. Worcester, 1848. 80~.. 1964 Historical Collections of New York. New York, 1851. 80.. 2718 Hist. & Antiq. of NewEng., N. Y., N. J., & Penn. Hart. 1846. 80~. 2721 Incidents in American History. New York, 1847. 120... 2987 and H. Howe. Hist. Collections of New Jersey. N. Y. 1845. 80~. 2720 Barber, M. A. S. Du Bourg; or, The Mercuriale. London, 1851. 120~. 4608 Barclay, J. Complete English Dictionary. London, n. d. 40.. 2024 Barclay, R. Apology for Quakerism. Philadelphia, 1805. 80.. 1918 Barclays of Boston. Mrs. H. G. Otis. Boston, 1854. 120... 5777 Barham, R. H. D. Ingoldsby Legends, 1st series. NewYork, 1852. 120~. 4775 My Cousin Nicholas. London, 1852. 120.. 5681 Barker, W. B. Lares & Penates; or, Cilicia & its Governors. Lond. 1853. 80~. 5461 Barnaby Rudge. C. Dickens. Philadelphia, 1849. 80.. 1674 Barnard, H. National Education in Europe. New York, 1854. 8~.. 5960 School Architecture. New York, 1854. 80....... 5959 Barnes, A. Notes on Daniel. New York, 1853. 12~.. 5538 Notes on Isaiah. New York, 1851. 2 v. 120.. 4739 Notes on Job. New York, 1850. 2 v. 12~.. 4740 Notes on the Gospels. New York, 1851. 2 v. 120.. 4730 Notes on the Acts. New York, 1851. 120.. 4731 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 19 Barnes, A. Notes on Romans. New York, 1851. 120~..... 4732 Notes on 1st Corinthians. New York, 1851. 120. 4733 Notes on 2d Corinthians and Galatians. New York, 1851. 120~.. 4734 Notes on Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians. N.Y. 1851. 120~. 4735 Notes on Thes. Timothy, Titus, and Phil. New York, 1849. 120~. 4736 Notes on Hebrews. New York, 1851. 120~...... 4737 Notes on Epistles of James, Peter, John, & Jude. N. Y. 1851. 120. 4738 Practical Sermons. Philadelphia, 1851. 120.. 4741 Barnum, H. L. Spy Unmasked. New York, 1828. 80.. 1363 Barnwell, R. G. (Editor.) New Orleans Book. New Orleans, 1851. 120~. 3928 Baron, J. Life of Edward Jenner. London, 1818. 2v. 8~.. 4552 *Baronial Halls of England. London, n. d. 40.. 5451 Barony. Miss A. M. Porter. New York, 1830. 2 v. 120... 1192 Barrell, G., jun. Pedestrian in France and Switzerland. N. Y. 1853. 120. 5376 Barrett, Elizabeth B. Drama of Exile, &c. N.Y. 1845. 2 v. 120.. 2179 Seraphim, and other Poems. London, 1838. 120.. 2475 See also Browning, Mrs. E. B. Barrington, Sir J. Personal Sketches. New York, 1853. 120... 5422 Barrister, Experiences of a. S. Warren. New Yprk, 1852. 120... 4771 Barrow, I. Works, with Life. A. Hill. New York, 1845. 3 v. 8~.. 4719 Barrow, J. Life & Corres. of Sir W. Sidney Smith. Lond. 1848. 2 v. 80. 5146 Life of Peter the Great. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 12~. 3683, 65 Naval Worthies of Queen Elizabeth's Reign. London, 1845. 80. 2666 Pitcairn's Island, &c. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 120.. 3683, 31 Travels in China. Philadelphia, 1805. 80. 763 Barrows, E. P., jun. American Slavery Question. N. York, 1836. 160~. 1505 Barry, J., J. Opie, & H. Fuseli. Lectures on Painting. Lond. 1848. Post 80~. 4361 Barry, J. S. Genealogical Sketch of the Family of Stetson. Bost. 1847. 80~. 3046 Barry, P. Fruit Garden. New York, 1851. 12~. 4164 Barry, W. History of Framingham, Mass. Boston, 1847. 80... 2834 Barstow, G. History of New Hampshire. Concord, 1842. 80... 1975 Bartlett, D. W. What I Saw in London. Auburn, 1852. 120... 4782 Bartlett, J. R. Dictionary of Americanisms. New York, 1848. 80.. 4956 Explorations in Texas and New Mexico. N. York, 1854. 2 v. 80. 5950 Progress of Ethnology. New York, 1847. 80.... 2792 Bartlett, W. H. Nile Boat; or, Glimpses of Egypt. N.Y. 1851. Roy. 80~. 4516 *Ports and Harbors of Great Britain. London, 1842. 2 v. 40~. 3742 *Switzerland Illustrated. London, 1834. 40.. 3744 Bartol, C. A. Discourses on C,hristian Body and Form. Bost. 1853. 120. 5219 Discourses on Christian Spirit and Life. Boston, 1850. 12~.. 3844 Barton, B. Memoir, Letters, and Poems. Philadelphia, 1850. 12~.. 3649 Barton, K. Io; a Tale of Olden Fane. New York, 1851. 12~.. 4437 Barton, Wim. Biography. Mrs. C. R. Williams. Prov. 1839. 120.. 1571 Bartram, J., and H. Marshall. Memoir. W. Darlington. Phil. 1849. 80~. 2864 Basil; a Story of Modern Life. W. lW. Collins. New York, 1853. 120. 5058 Basire, I. Correspond., with Memoir. W. N. Darnell. Lond. 1831. 8~. 1490 Bass Rock, Geology of. H. Miller. New York, 1851. 120.... 4269 Bastile, History of, and its Captives. R. A. Davenport. Phil. 1846. 120. 2695 20 CATALOGUE OF TIlE Batavian Anthology; or, Spec. of Dutch Poets. J.Bowring. Lond. 1824. 120 2416 Battle of Lake Erie. T. Burges. Boston, 1839. 12~. 417 of Life; a Love Story. C. Dickens. New York, 1847. 120.. 2958 of Niagara. A Poem. Baltimore, 1818. 180.... 135 of Waterloo, Story of. G. R. Gleig. New York, 1847. 120.. 3023 Battle Summer. D. G. Mitchell. NewYork, 1850. 120... 3486 Battles of the British Navy. J. Allen. London, 1852. 2 v. post 8~. 5015 of the World, Fifteen Decisive. E. S. Creasy. Lond. 1851. 2 v. 120. 4442 Baucher, F. Method of Horsemanship. Philadelphia, 1852. 120... 5834 Bayard, Chevalier. Life. W. G. Simms. New York, 1847. 120.. 3098 Bayly, T. H. Songs and Ballads, with Mem. of Author. Phil. 1834. 120~. 2360 Baxter, R. Saints' Everlasting Rest. Boston, 1850. 120... 1017 Select Practical Writings, with Life. New Haven, 1835. 2 v. 8~. 2058 Beasley, H. Druggist's General Receipt Book. Philadelphia, 1853. 120. 5063 The same. Philadelphia, 1850. 12~. 3672 Beatrice; or, the Influence of Words. S. S. Jones. London, 1850. 120~. 4229 Beatrice; or, Unknown Relatives. Cath. Sinclair. N. York, 1853. 120. 5257 Beatson, R. Naval & Military Mem. of G. Britain. Lond. 1804. 6 v. 80. 5905 Beattie, J. Minstrel; or, Progress of Genius. Baltimore, 1804. 120. 144 Poetical Works. New York, 1844. 120. 12 Beattie, W. (Editor). Life & Letters of T. Campbell. N. Y. 1850. 2 v. 120. 3895 *Ports of G. Britain. Illustrated by Bartlett. Lond. 1842. 2 v. 40~. 3742 *Switzerland. Illus. by W. H. Bartlett. London, 1834. 40~.. 3744 *Waldenses. Illus. by Bartlett and Brockedon. London, 1836. 40~. 3746 Beauchamp; or, the Error. G. P. R. James. New York, 1847. 8~0.. 2766 Beauchampe; or, the Ky. Tragedy. W. G. Simms. Phil. 1842. 2 v. 120~. 1678 Beauclerk, Misses. Tales of Fashion and Reality. Phil. 1836. 12~. 236 Beaumont, G. de, & A.deTocqueville. Peni. Syst. in U. S. Phil. 1833. 8~. 1583 Beaumont, F., and J. Fletcher. Dramatic Works. Lond. 1840. 2 v. 8~. 1827 Beaumont, J. A.B. Travels in Buenos Ayres. London, 1828. 8~0.. 5010 Beauties of the Court of Charles II. Mrs. A. Jameson. Boston, 1834. 8~. 2083 of Nature. C. Bucke. (H. F.L.) New York, 1848. 120.. 3683, 145 of Shakspeare. Edited by W. Dodd. London, n. d. 120.. 2207 of the Spectator, Tatler, and Guardian. Boston, 1801. 2 v. 120.. 863 and Wonders of Nature and Art. P. Wakefield. Phil. 1819. 120~. 435 and Wonders of Nat. & Science. Ed. by L. Gilbert. Lond. n.d. 8~. 2839 Beautiful Bertha. Mrs. L. C. Tuthill. New York, 1854. 160.. 6216 Beauty in Woman. A. Walker. Hartford, 1848. 120.... 1753 Beawes, W. Merchant's Directory. London, 1783. Folio.. 2036 Bechstein, J. M. Cage and Chamber Birds. London, 1853. Post8~.. 5758 Becker, W. A. Charicles; or, Private Life of the Greeks. Lond. 1854. 120. 5831 Gallus; or, Roman Scenes. London, 1849. 120... 5646 Beckford, W. Italy, Spain, and Portugal. New York, 1845. 2 v. 120.. 2913 Monasteries of Alcoba~a and Batalha. Philadelphia, 1835. 120.. 1081 Vathek; an Arabian Tale. London, 1853. 120.... 5702 Beckmann, J. History of Inventions, Discov. &c. Lond. 1846. 2 v. post 8~. 3090 Bede (The Venerable). Ecclesiastical Hist. of Eng. Lond. 1847. Post 8~. 4365 Beechen Tree; a Tale in Rhyme. F. W. Thomas. New York, 1844. 120. 2097 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 21 Beecher, Cath. E. Remedy for the Wrongs of Woman. Bost. 1851. 120~. 4415 Slavery and Abolitionists. Philadelphia, 1837. 120.... 1509 Truth Stranger than Fiction. New York, 1850. 12'0.... 3881 Beecher, C. Incarnation; or, Pictures of the Virgin. N. Y. 1849. 120. 3306 Beecher, E. Conflict of Ages. Boston, 1853. 120.... 5528 Riots at Alton, and Death of E. P. Lovejoy. Alton, 1838. 120.. 1532 Beecher, H. W. Lectures to Young Men. Indianapolis, 1844. 120.. 2181 Beecher, L. Works. Boston, 1852-53. 3v. 120... 4593 Vol. 1. Lectures on Political Atheism; Six Lectures on Intemperance. 2. Sermons on Various Occasions. 8. Views of Theology; Trial before Presbytery; Remarks on the Princeton Review. Beechnut; a Franconia Story. J. Abbott. New York, 1850. 120.. 4155 Bees, Management of. London, n. d. Roy. 8~. 3635, 2 Natural History of. - Dunbar. Edinburgh, 1843. 120. 4901, 34 Beetles, Natural History of. J. Duncan. Edinburgh, 1843. 120~.. 4901, 33 Before and Behind the Curtain. W. K. Northall. N.Y. 1851. 120~.. 4110 Begbie, P. I. Supernatural Illusions. London, 1851. 2 v. 120... 4197 Behavior Book. Miss Leslie. Philadelphia, 1854. 120... 5880 Behind the Curtain; a Tale of Elville. Dansville, 1853. 120... 5283 Behind the Scenes. Lady Bulwer. New York, 1854. 120.. 5849 Belcher, Sir E. Voyage round the World, 1836-42. Lond. 1843. 2 v. 80. 2853 Belfast, Earl of. Two Generations; a Novel. London, 1851. 2 v. 12~.. 4237 Belford Regis. M. R. Mitford. Philadelphia, 1846. 80... 1637 Belfry of Bruges, & other Poems. H. W. Longfellow. Camb. 1846. 120. 2535 Belgian Traveller in 1804-5. Middletown, 1807. 80..734 Belgium. J. E. Tennent. London, 1841. 2 v. 120... 4572 Since the Revolution of 1830. W. Trollope. Lond. 1842. 120.. 4629 Belisarius, Life of. Lord Mahon. Philadelphia, 1832. 120. 216 Belknap, J. American Biography. Boston, 1794. 80.... 643 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1844. 3 v. 120. 3683, 161-3 History of New Hampshire. Philadelphia, 1784-92. 3 v. 8.. 583 The same. Dover, N. H. 1812. 3 v. 8~.. 1303 Bell, Currer. - See Bronte, Caroline. Bell, H. G. Life of Mary, Queen of Scots. New York, 1844. 2 v. 120.. 2401 Thesame. (H.F. L.) NewYork, 1847. 2v. 120. 3683, 21, 22 Bell, J. Observations on Italy. Boston, 1826. 120. 495 Bell, Mrs. M. Julia Howard; a Romance. London, 1850. 3 v. 120.. 4273 Bell, R. Life of George Canning. New York, 1846. 120.. 2904 Bellamy, J. Works. Boston, 1850. 2v. 80..... 4718 Belshazzar, a Poem. H. H. Milman. Boston, 1822. 120... 837 Belzoni, G. Discoveries in Egypt and Nubia. London, 1822. 2 v. 80.. 2655 Bemis, G. Report of Trial of J. W. Webster. Boston, 1850. 8~0.. 4315 Ben Brace. F. Chamier. London, 1852. 120.. 5671 Benecke, W. Indemnity in Marine Insurance, &c. Boston, 1833. 80.. 2060 Benedictions; or, the Blessed Life. J. Cumming. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5753 Bengalee; or, Sketches in India. Philadelphia, 1833. 80... 1357, 3 Benger, Elizabeth O. Memoirs of Anne Boleyn. Phil. 1850. 120.. 3918 Bennet, B. Memorial of the Reformation. Edinburgh, 1748. 80.. 476 22 CATALOGUE OF THE Bennett, E. Pioneer's Daughter. New York, 1851. 8.... 4336 Bennett, G. J. Pedestrian's Guide through N. Wales. Lond. 1840. 8~. 4665 Bennett, J. Letters to a Young Lady. Philadelphia, 1793. 2 v. 120.. 185 Bennett, J. C. Poultry Book. Boston, 1851. 120.. 3663 Bennett, W. C. Poems. London, 1850. 120.. 5299 Bensley, B. Henry VIII., and his Contemporaries. London, 1844. 120~. 2395 Bentham, J. Principles of Legislation. Boston, 1830. 80.... 786 Bentley's Library of Standard Novels. London, 1850-54. 100 v. 12~.:Ainsworth, W. H. Rookwood.. 5712 Hugo, V. Hunchback of Notre Dame.. 5658 Andersen, H. C. Improvisatore.. 5736 Hunt, L. Sir Ralph Esher... 5737 Austen, Jane. Emma.. 5692 Inchbald, Eliza. Simple Story.. 5655 Mansfield Park. 5693 James, G. P. R. Darnley.. 5707 Northanger Abbey.. 5694 De l'Orme. 5709 Pride and Prejudice.. 5691 Henry Masterton.. 5713 Seuse and Sensibility... 5690 Man-at-Arms. 5727 Banim, J. Smuggler.. 5656 Philip Augustus.. 5711 Barham, R. H. D. My Cousin Nicholas. 5681 Landon, Miss. Romance and Reality.. 5684 Beckford, W. Vathek... 5702 Lee, Misses. Canterbury Tales.. 5649 Brown, C. B. Edgar Huntley.. 5699 Lewis, M. G. Bravo of Venice.. 5702 Brunton, Mary. Discipline... 5651 Manzoni, A. Betrothed.. 5662 Self-Control... 5650 Marryat, F. Dog Fiend... 5733 Bulwer, E. L. Eugene Aram... 5701 Jacob Faithful.. 5715 Last Days of Pompeii.... 5721 Japhet in Search of a Father.. 5716 Paul Clifford.. 5706 King's Own... 5717 Chamier, F. Ben Brace.. 5671 Midshipman Easy.. 5718 Life of a Sailor. 5689 Newton Forster. 5719 Cooper, J. F. HEddenmauer... 5710 Pacha of Many Tales... 5720 Costellow, L. S. Catharine de Medicis. 5739 Percival Keene. 5735 Dacre, Lady. Tales of the Peerage, &c. 5687 Peter Simple. 5714 Recollections of a Chaperon.. 5685 Phantom Ship. 5732 Edgeworth, Maria. Helen... 5669 Poacher. 5731 Experiences of a Gaol Chaplain... 5686 Marsh, Mrs. Two Old Men's Tales.. 5728 Ferrier, Susan. Destiny.... 5676 Maxwell, W. H. Bivouac.. 5722 Inheritance. 5725 Capt. Blake. 5668 Marriage. 5724 Hector O'Halloran... 5683 Galt, John. Lawrie Todd... 5653 Stories of Waterloo... 5657 Gleig, G. R. Country Curate.. 5703 Morier, J. Hajji Baba. 5704 Godwin, Wm. Caleb Williams... 5695 Hajji Baba in England.. 5705 Fleetwood. 5654 Zorab. 5708 St. Leon. 5647 Murray, C. A. Prairie Bird... 5730 Grattan, T. C. Heiress of Bruges.. 5661 Peacock, G. Headlong Hall... 5665 Jacqueline of Holland.. 5726 Porter, Anna M. Hungarian Brothers.. 5648 Legends of the Rhine... 6738 Porter, Jane. Pastor's Fireside. 2 v.. 5652 Gore, Mrs. C. Hamiltons... 5688 Scottish Chiefs. 2 v... 5697 Mothers and Daughters.. 5660 Thaddeus of Warsaw... 5696 Soldier of Lyons.. 5675 Schiller, T. Ghost-Seer.. 5698, 5699 Hall, Mrs. S. (JC. Buccaneer... 5723 Shelley, Mrs. Frankenstein.. 5698 Outlaw... 5682 Smith, A. Adventures of Mr. Ledbury. 5734 Hood, T. Tylney Hall.. 5673 Marchioness of Brenvilliers.. 5680 Hook, T. E. All in the Wrong.. 5679 Stail, Mad. de. Corinne... 5700 Gilbert Gurney. 5677 Trelawney, Capt. Younger Son... 5664 Jack Brag.. 5670 Trevelyan. 5666 Maxwell.. 5659 Trollope, Mrs. F. Vicar of Wrexhill.. 5672 Parson's Daughter.. 5663 Widow Barnaby.. 5674 Widow and the Marquis.. 5678 Walpole, H. Castle of Otranto... 5702 Howard, E. Ratlin the Reefer.. 5667 Whitehead, C. Richard Savage.. 5729 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 23 Bentley's Miscellany. 7 imperfect vols. NewYork, 1839-42. 80... 1611 Benton, T. H. Thirty Years' View of U. S. Government. N. Y. 1854. 8~. 5931 Peranger, P. J. de. Lyrical Poems. Trans. by W. Young. N.Y. 1850. 12~. 4057 Berber; a Tale of Morocco. W. S. Mayo. New York, 1850. 120.. 3901 Berkeley E. World's Laconics. New York, 1853. 120.... 5029 Berkeley, G. (Bishop). Works, with Life. London, 1837. 80... 1979 Berkshire Jubilee, at Pittsfield, 1844. Albany, 1845. 80... 2220 Berlin, Ten Months' Residence in. Major Whittingham. Lond. 1846. 80. 1129 Berlyn, P. and C. Fowler, jun. Crystal Palace. London, 1851. 80.. 4310 Bernard, C. de. Lion's Skin and Lover Hunt. NewYork, 1853. 12~.. 5241 Bernhard (Duke of Saxe-Weimar). Travels in N. Am. Phil. 1828. 2 v. 80. 1398 Berridge, J. Christian World Unmasked. Boston, 1854. 120... 5606 Bertha and Lily. Elizabeth O. Smith. New York, 1854. 120... 6172 Bertha; a Rom. of the Dark Ages. W. B. MacCabe. Lond. 1851. 3 v. 120. 4246 Bethune, G.W. British Female Poets. Philadelphia, 1848. 80... 3191 Orations and Occasional Discourses. New York, 1850. 120.. 3449 Genius; True Glory; Leisure, its Uses and Abuses; Age of Pericles; Oration at University of Pennsylvania; Prospects of Art in the United States; Discourse on the Death of Wm. H. Harrison; Eloquence of the Pulpit; Duties of Educated Men; Duty of a Patriot; Plea for Study; Claims of our Country upon Literary Men. Sermons. Philadelphia, 1846. 80... 3607 Betrothed, The. A. Manzoni. New York, 1845. 2 v. 120.. 2496 The same. London, 1851. 120. 5662 Better Land; or, the Believer's Jour. A. C. Thompson. Bost. 1854. 120. 6193 Betterton, T. History of the English Stage. Boston, 1814. 8~... 2074 Beverly, Mass., History of. E. AM. Stone. Boston, 1843. 120... 3072 Bewick, T. History of British Birds. Newcastle, 1847. 2 v. 80... 4957 and J. Select Fables. Newcastle, 1820. 80.... 5899 Beza, T. Life of John Calvin. Philadelphia, 1836. 120.... 1935 Bible, The; containing the Old and New Testaments. N. York, 1819. 80. 1371 Annals of the English. C. Anderson. New York, 1849. 80.. 3406 Atlas, and Scripture Gazetteer. W. Jenks. Boston, 1847. 40.. 3232 Catholic History of. J. Reeve. Boston, 1849. 120... 3681 Dictionary of. A. Calmet. Boston, 1843. Roy. 80.... 1439 Family Pictures from. Mrs. E. F. Ellet. New York, 1849. 120. 3442 Four Gospels, with Dissertations. G. Campbell. And. 1837. 2 v. 80. 4703 Historical Geography of. L. Coleman. Philadelphia, 1849. 120.. 3428 History of. G. R. Gleig. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1843. 2 v. 120. 3683, 12, 13 Illustrations, Daily. J. Kitto. New York, 1850-53. 7 v. 120.. 4296 in the Counting House. H. A. Boardman. Phil. 1853. 120.. 5635 in the Family. H. A. Boardman. Philadelphia, 1851. 120.. 4485 in our Public Schools. G. B. Cheever. New York, 1854. 120.. 5749 in Spain. G. Borrow. Philadelphia, 1843. 80..1720 New Testament, and Psalms. New York, 1848. 80... 4077 Society. - See American Bible Society. See also Old Testament and New Testament. Biblical Archeology. J. Jahn. Trans. by T. C. Upham. N. Y. 1849. 80~. 3528 Biblical Criticism, Treatise on. S. Davidson. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 80.. 5119 24 CATALOGUE OF THE Biblical Literature, Cyclopeedia of. J. Kitto. N. Y. 1850. 2 v. roy. 80. 3526 The same, condensed. Boston, 1851. Roy. 80... 4332 Biblical Researches in Palestine. E. Robinson. Boston, 1841. 3 v. 8~.. 1985 Bibliotheca Americana. London, 1789. 40.. 2759 American Publications, 1820-52. 0. A. Roorbach. N.Y. 1852. 80~. 5993 Bibliotheca Sacra. Vols. 1-10 [continued]. N. Y. & And. 1844-53. 80~. 4839 Bickersteth's Treatise on the Lord's Supper. Phil. 1831. 160.. 822 Biddle, N. (Com.). Biography. S. P. Waldo. Hartford, 1823. 80. 651 Big Abel, and the Little Manhattan. C. Matthews. N. York, 1845. 120~. 2488 Bigelow, A. Rambles in N. Britain and Ireland, 1817. Bost. 1821. 120~. 444 Travels in Malta and Sicily, 1827. Boston, 1831. 80... 787 Bigelow, Jacob. Plants of Boston and Vicinity. Boston, 1840. 120. 1842 Useful Arts, with Applications of Science. Boston, 1840. 2 v. 120~. 2923 Bigelow, John. Jamaica in 1850. New York, 1851. 12~... 4072 Bigland, J. History of England. Boston, 1815. 2 v. 8~... 698 Letters on the Study and Use of History. Phil. 1806. 8~.. 648 Biglow Papers. J. R. Lowell. Cambridge, 1848. 120.. 3183 Bigsby, R. Visions of the Times of Old. London, 1848. 3 v. 8~... 4820 Bills of Exchange & Prom. Notes, Law of. S. Kyd. Albany, 1800. 120~ 884 Bills of Exchange, Checks, Notes, &c. J. Chitty. Portland, 1807. 80.. 1159 Law of. J. Story. Boston, 1847. 80... 3594 Binney, C. J. F. Gen. of Prentice or Prentiss Family. Bost. 1852. 80. 4813 Binney, T. Sketch of Sir T. F. Buxton. Boston, 1851. 120.. 3776 Biographia Americana. (No titlepage.). 1318 Biographia Literaria. S. T. Coleridge. New York, 1852. 120~.. 1032 The same. New York, 1853. 120. 5561, 3 Biographical Dictionary. New York, 1826. 120. 1062 R. A. Davenport. Boston, 1832. 80. 805 J. Gorton. London, 1847. 3 v. 80. 3597 *H. J. Rose. London, 1850. 12 v. 80. 5438 *American. W. Allen. Boston, 1832. 80... 3995 The same. Cambridge, 1809. 80. 723 of the First Settlers of New England. J. Eliot. Salem, 1809. 80. 1313 Biographical, Literary, and Political Anecdotes. London, 1797. 3 v. 80. 685 Biographical Sketches of Lawyers, Statesmen. S. L. Knapp. Bost. 1821. 80. 659 Biographical Treasury. S. Maunder. London, 1851. 120.... 4470 Biographies of American Naval Heroes. S. P. Waldo. Hart. 1823. 80. 651 of Distinguished New Eng. Men. A. Bradford. Bost. 1842. 120. 1696 of Officers of the Am. Navy. B. Folsom. Newburyport, 1814. 80. 758 Biography, American. J. ]Belknap. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1848. 3 v. 120. 3683, 161-3 The same. Boston, 1794. 2v. 80. 643 *and Mythology, Dict. of Ancient. W. Smith. Lond. 1849. 3 v. 80~. 3957 Chambers's Library of. Boston, 1849. 2 v. 120.. 3314 Female. S. L. Knapp. Philadelphia, 1836. 12~. 1840 Handbook of Universal. P. Godwin. New York, 1852. 120.. 4489 of Self-taught Men. B. B. Edwards. Boston, 1832. 120. 1803 Popular Scottish. W. Anderson. Edinburgh, 1842. 120... 3601 Sacred. H. Hunter. Philadelphia, 1832. 8~. 1288 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 25 Birch, H., Memoirs of. H. L. Barnum. New York, 1828. 80... 1363 Bird, R. M. Adventures of Robin Day. Philadelphia, 1839. 2 v. 12~.. 990 Calavar; or, Knight of the Conquest. New York, 1854. 120~.. 6136 Hawks of Hawk-Hollow. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 v. 120. 1096 Nick of the Woods. New York, 1853. 12~.....0. 501 Peter Pilgrim. Philadelphia, 1838. 2 v. 12.... 105 Bird-keeper's Manual. J. Mann. Boston, 1848. 120.. 3308 Birds, British. Sir W. Jardine. Edinburgh, 1843. 4 v. 120... 4901, 1-4 Cage and Chamber. J. M. Bechstein. London, 1853. Post 80~.. 5758 Fly-Catchers. W. Swainson. Edinburgh, 1843. 120.. 4901, 13 Game. Sir W. Jardine. Edinburgh, 1843. 120..... 4901, 8 History of British. T. Bewick. Newcastle, 1847. 2 v. 8~... 4957 History of British. W. Macgillivray. London, 1839. 2 v. 8~.. 3547 Humming. Sir W. Jardine. Edinburgh, 1843. 2 v. 120.. 4901, 6, 7 Natural History of. J. Rennie. (H. F. L.) N. Y. 1846. 120~. 3683, 98 of British Islands. R. Mudie. London, 1854. 2 v. post 8~.. 5940 of Massachusetts. W. B. 0. Peabody. Boston, 1839. 80... 722 of Western Africa. W. Swainson. Edin. 1843. 2 v. 120. 4901, 11, 12 Pigeons and Parrots. P. J. Selby. Edin. 1843. 2 v. 120. 4901, 9, 10 Stories about. F. C. Woodworth. Boston, 1851. 120... 3938 Sun. Sir W. Jardine. Edinburgh, 1843. 120... 4901, 5 Birthright, The. Emilie F. Carlen. London, 1851. 3 v. 120.. 4616 Births, Deaths, and Marriages. T. E. Hook. Phil. 1839. 2 v. 120~.. 989 Bisset, R. History of the Reign of George III. Albany, 1816. 2 v. 80~. 1264 Bit o' WVritin', and other Tales. J. Banim. Phil. 1838. 2 v. 120.. 1034 Bivouac. W. H. Maxwell. London, 1853. 120. 5722 Black Dwarf. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1848. 2 v. 120.... 999, 9 The same. Edinburgh, 1849. 2 v. 120... 4100, 9 The same. Edinburgh, 1850. Roy. 80... 4531, 2 *Black's General Atlas of the World. Edinburgh, 1851. 40~... 1702 Blackburne, F. Confessions of Faith. Boston, 1823. 12... 368, 1 Blackgown Papers. L. Mariotti. London, 1846. 2 v. 120.... 4970 Blackstone, Sir W. Commentaries on the Laws of Eng. N. Y. 1844. 2 v. 8~. 2218 The same. NewYork, 1849. 2v. 8~...... 3592 Blackwater Chronicle. New York, 1853. 120~.. 5564 Blackwell, Elizabeth. Laws of Life. New York, 1852. 120... 4885 *Blackwood's Edin. Magazine. Vols. 1-74 [con.]. Edin. 1817-53. 80~. 1360 The same. Vols. 59-74. New York, 1846-53. 8~.. 1360 Stories from. New York, 1852. 120..4929 Blair, D. Easy Grammar of Philosophy. Philadelphia, 1812. 120. 15 Blair, H. Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres. Phil. 1848. 80.. 635 Blake, L. Constitutional Text Book. New York, 1854. 120... 5780 Blake, J. L. Parlor Book; or, Family Encyclop. New York, 1837. 80.. 1884 Blake, R. (Admiral). Life. London, 1833. 8~. 602 Blanc, H. le. Art of Tying the Cravat. New York, 1829. 160... 64 Blanc, L. History of French Revolution of 1789. Phil. 1840. 2 v. 120. 3623 History of Ten Years, 1830-40. Philadelphia, 1848. 2 v. 80.. 2883 Blanc, Mont. - See Mont Blanc. E 26 CATALOGUE OF THE Blanchard, E. L. Heirs of Derwentwater. N. York, 1851. 8~. ~. 4127 Blanchard, L. Life and Remains of L. E. Landon. Phil. 1841. 2 v.. 1623 Sketches from Life, with Memoir by Bulwer. N. York, 1846. 120. 2548 Bland, W. Forms of Ships and Boats. London, 1853. 120.... 6094 Blasting and Quarrying Stone. Sir J. Burgoyne. London, 1852. 120~.. 6058 Bleak House. C. Dickens. Philadelphia, 1853. 80..5428 Blennerhassett, H. Life. WV. H. Safford. Cincinnati, 1853. 120... 5815 Blessington, Countess of. Idler in Italy. Philadelphia, 1839. 2 v. 120.. 486 Confessions of an Elderly Lady and Gentleman. Phil. 1838. 2 v. 456 Ella Strafford; or, the Orphan Child. Philadelphia, 1850. 80. 3460 Repealers. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 v. 120. 534 Marmaduke Herbert. New York, 1849. 80. 2820 Victims of Society. Philadelphia, 1846. 2 v. 120. 360 Blewitt, O. Handbook for Central Italy. London, 1850, 120... 74 Blind, Literature and Education of the. J. Gall. Edinburgh, 1834. 80~. 1156 Blithedale Romance. N. Hawthorne. Boston, 1852. 120.... 4881 Block House, Nights in. H. C. Watson. Philadelphia, 1852. 120.. 1198 Bloodstone, The. D. MacLeod. New York, 1854. 12~... 5616 Bloomfield, R. Farmer's Boy; a Rural Poem. New York, 1803. 120.. 2354 Poems. London, 1845. 120. 2554 Bloomfield, S. T. Greek Testament, with Notes. Phil. 1848. 2 v. 80.. 4705 Blunt, J. Shipmaster's Assistant. New York, 1848. 80.... 3242 Blunt, J. J. Coincidences of Old & New Testaments. N. Y. 1851. 80~. 4704 Blue-Stocking Hall. Mrs. Wilmot. New York, 1828. 2 v. 120.. 550 Boardman, H. A. Bible in the Counting House. Phil. 1853. 120.. 5635 Bible in the Family. Philadelphia, 1851. 120... 4485 Bodenstedt, F. Morning-Land; or, l1001DaysintheEast. Lon.1851. 2 v. 120. 4444 Body, The, in relation to Mind. G. Moore. New York, 1847. 120.. 2943 Bogart, W. H. Daniel Boone, and the Hunters of Ky. Aub. 1854. 120. 6175 Bogen, F. W. German in America. Boston, 1851. 180.... 4403 Bogue, D. Divine Authority of the New Testament. N. Y. n. d. 120.. 1022 Theological Lectures. New York, 1849. 80..... 4722 Bohn, H. G. (Editor.) Handbook of Games. London, 1850. Post 8~.. 4362 Boismont, A. B. de. Hallucinations, Apparitions, &c. Phil. 1853. 80. 5423 Bokhara, Narrative of a Mission to. J. Wolff. New York, 1845. 80.. 2626 Boleyn, Anne. Memoirs. Elizabeth O. Benger. Phil. 1850. 120~.. 3918 Bolingbroke, H. St. J. Study and Use of History. Paris, 1808. 8~.. 790 Bolivar, S., Memoirs of. H. L. V. D. Holstein. Boston, 1829. 80~.. 1390 Bombet, L. A. C. Lives of Haydn and Mozart. Boston, 1839. 120.. 471 Bonaparte Family, History of. New York, 1852. 80. 4846 Bonaparte, Lucien, Memoirs of. New York, 1836. 120... 277 Charlemagne; or,the Church Delivered: aPoem. Phil.1815. 2 v. 160~. 75 Bonaparte, Napoleon. - See Napoleon. Bonar, A. A. Commentary on Leviticus. New York, 1851. 80... 4715 Bond, J. W. Minnesota and its Resources. New York, 1853. 120.. 5580 Bond, T. E. Practical Treatise on Dental Medicine. Phil. 1852. 80.. 5106 Bonneville,Capt. Advent. inRockyMoun. Ed. byW.Irving. N.Y.1849. 120. 3366 The same. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 120... 510 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 27 Bonnet, C. Views of Christianity. London, 1787. 120... 187 Bonnycastle, Sir R. H. Newfoundland in 1842. London, 1842. 2 v. 80~. 4963 Spanish America. Philadelphia, 1819. 80.. 764 Boaden, J. Memoirs of Mrs. Eliza Inchbald. London, 1833. 2 v. 8~0.. 2293 Book of Anecdotes. J. Frost. New York, 1847. 120.. 2939 of Archery. G. A. Hansard. London, 1841. 80.... 4135 of the Army. J. Frost. New York, 1845. 120.. 2i80 of Ballads. Edited by "Bon Gaultier." New York, 1852. 120.. 4399 of Beauty. L. 1E. Landon. Philadelphia, 1847. 80.. 1343, 2 of the Boudoir. Lady S. Morgan. New York, 1829. 2 v. 120.. 530 of the Church. RI. Southey. Flemington, N. J., 1844. 80.. 2224 of Colonies comprising the United States. J. Frost. N. Y.1846. 120. 2515 of Commerce by Sea and Land. Philadelphia, 1836. 120... 2113 of Common Prayer. New York, 1854. 120.... 2449 of Common Prayer, Illustration of. C. Wheatley. Lon.1849. Post 80~. 4394 for a Corner. L. Hunt. New York, 1852. 2 v. 120... 1088 of the Indians. J. Frost. New York, 1845. 120... 2210 of Nature. J. M. Good. Boston, 1826. 2 v. 80... 1263 of Nature; an Introd. to the Sciences. F. Schoedler. Phil. 1853. 80. 5441 of the Navy. J. Frost. New York, 1845. 120.... 2208 of Oratory. E. C. Marshall. New York, 1851. 120.... 4198 of Snobs. W. M. Thackeray. New York, 1852. 120... 4884 Bookkeeping by Double Entry. J. C. Colt. Cincinnati, 1838. Roy. 80. 1995 G. N. Comer. Boston, 1850. 80.. 2731 J. Dando. Philadelphia, 1842. 40... 3850 C. C. Marsh. Philadelphia, 1843. 80.... 1645 The same. New York, 1851. 80.... 4078 and Single Entry. B. W. Foster. Boston, 1844. 80.. 1709 by Single Entry. C. C. Marsh. New York, 1843. 8~0.. 1614 Commercial. B. F. Foster. Boston, 1837. 120.. 1350 System of Practical. N. Harris. Hartford, 1838. 80~.. 1991 Treatise on. J. Haddon. London, 1851. 120.. 6091 Boone, D., and the Hunters of Kentucky. W. H. Bogart. Auburn, 1854. 120. 6175 Life. J. M. Peck. Boston, 1848. 120.... 1076, 23 Booth, J. C., and C. Morfit. Improvements in Chem. Arts. Wash. 1852. 8~0. 5163 Boots and Shoes, History of. J. S. Hall. New York, 1847. 120.. 4420 Border Beagles; a Tale of Mississippi. W. G. Simms. Phil. 1840. 2 v. 120. 1465 Border Warfare of New York. W. W. Campbell. New York, 1849. 120. 3292 Border Wars of the Revolution. W. L. Stone. N.Y. 1848. 2v. 120. 3683, 167-8 Borneo, Residence at. H. Low. London, 1848. 80.. 4671 Borrow, G. Bible in Spain. Philadelphia, 1843. 80.. 1720 Gypsies of Spain. Philadelphia, 1844. 8~0.. 2124 Lavengro; the Scholar, Gipsy, and Priest. New York, 1851. 12~. 3785 Bosphorus and 2Egean, Land and Sea in. W. Colton. N. Y. 1851. 120~. 4219 Bossu, M. Travels through Louisiana. London, 1771. 2 v. 80.. 1283 Boston Athenaeum, Catalogue of the Books in. Boston, 1827. 8~0.. 2907 History of. J. Quincy. Cambridge, 1851. 80.. 3803 Boston, Auditor's Report, 1847. Boston, 1847. 8~.... 2881 28 CATALOGUE OF THE Boston, Auditor's Reports, 1848-54. Boston, 1848-54. 80. 3951 Book. Ed. by B. B. Thatcher. Boston, 1836, 1837, 1841. 3 v. 120~. 248 Book. Specimens of Metropolitan Literature. Boston, 1851. 12~. 3455 By-Laws and Town Orders, 1785-86. Boston, 1786. 120... 539 Census Report, 1845. L. Shattuck. Boston, 1846. 8~... 2736 City Documents, 1852-53. Boston, 1852-53. 4 v. 80.... 5168 Directory, 1851-54. G. Adams. Boston, 1851-54. 80.. 5401 Female Anti-Slavery Society's Reports. Boston, 1835-37. 3 v. 16~. 1513 History and Antiquities of. S. G. Drake. Boston, 1854. Roy. 8~. 5929 History of. C. H. Snow. Boston, 1825. 80.. 197.1 History of the Siege of. R. Frothingham, jun. Boston, 1851. 80~. 3518 Journal of Natural History. Vols. 1, 2. Boston, 1837-45. 80.. 3619 List of Taxes, 1848. Boston, 1849. 80.. 3948 Local Loiterings in the Vicinity of. Boston, 1845. 120.. 2539 Massacre, Narrative of. New York, 1849. 80...3274 Miscellany. Edited by N. Hale, jun. Vol. 1. Boston, 1842. 80. 1829 Monthly Magazine. Vol. 1. Boston, 1825. 80.. 703 Municipal History of. J. Quincy. Boston, 1852. 80. 567 Municipal Register, 1848. Boston 1848. 120.. 3169 1850. Boston, 1850. 120. 3926 1851. Boston, 1851. 80... 4142 Notions, 1630-1847. N. Dearborn. Boston, 1848. 160~... 2453 Orations on the 5th March. Boston, 1785. 160. 825 Orators, Hundred. J. S. Loring. Boston, 1852. 80... 4832 Pearl and Literary Gazette. Vol. 4 [imperfect]. Boston, 1830. 40~. 2022 Picture of. A. Bowen. Boston, 1838. 160. 1512 Theatre. Prize Poems. Boston, 1824. 120... 490 Railroad Jubilee, Sept. 1851. Boston, 1852. 80... 778 Reminiscences of, and Guidethrough. N. Dearborn. Bos. 1851. 18~. 4209 Report on Cholera. Boston, 1849. 8~.. 3953 Sketches of, Past and Present. J. S. Homans. Boston, 1851. 160. 2725 Slave Riot, and Trial of Anthony Burns. Boston, 1854. 80.. 5958 Stage, Record of. W. W. Clapp, jun. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5523 Tea Party, &c. H. C. Watson. Philadelphia, 1852. 120.. 3256 Traits of. New York, 1835. 120.. 1471 Weekly Magazine. Vols. 1-4. Boston, 1802-5. 40~... 2017 Boswell, J. Life of Samuel Johnson. London, 1821. 5 v. 120... 1154 The same. Ed. by J. W. Croker. London, 1847. Roy. 8~. 1139 The same. New York, 1841. 2 v. roy. 80... 1253 Botanic Gardens, Cambridge (Eng.), Catalogue of. J. Donn. Lon.1845. 80~. 3545 Botany, Manual of. A. Eaton. Albany, 1824. 120. 458 Plants of Boston and Vicinity. J. Bigelow. Boston, 1840. 120.. 1842 Popular Exposition of.. J. Schleiden. Cincinnati, 1853. 120.. 5316 Botta, C. Historyofthe War of IndependenceofU. S. Phil. 1821. 3 v. 80~. 776 Bourdaloueinthe CourtofLouisXIV. L. Bungener. Boston, 1853. 120. 5247 Bourne, B.F. Captive in Patagonia. Boston, 1853. 120... 5215 Bourne, G. Picture of Slavery in the United States. Boston, 1838. 120. 1524 Bourne, W. O. Gems from Fable Land. New York, 1853. 12~.. 5022 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 29 Bourne, W. O. Goldenlink; or, Tales and Poems. New York, 1854. 120. 5572 Bourrienne, M. de. Life of Napoleon. Philadelphia, 1832. 80.. 1373 Bouvier, J. Law Dictionaryof the United States. Phil. 1848. 2 v. 80~. 3596 Bowditch, N., Discourse on. A. Young. Boston, 1838. 80.. 2225 Memoir. N. I. Bowditch. Boston, 1839. 40..... 2018 Practical Navigator. New York, 1846. 80... 2249 Bowditch, N. I. History of the Mass. General Hospital. Bos. 1851. 80~. 4535 Bowen, A. Picture of Boston. Boston, 1838. 160... 1512 Bowen, E. United States Post Office Guide. New York, 1851. 80.. 4507 Bowen, F. Critical Essays. Boston, 1842. 120..... 2093 Life of James Otis. Boston, 1844. 120... 1076, 12 Life of Sir William Phipps. Boston, 1840. 120~.. 1076, 7 Life of Baron Steuben. Boston, 1844. 120..'.. 1076, 9 Bower of Taste. Edited by Mrs. K. A. Ware. Boston, 1829-30. 3 v. 80. 658 Bowers, J., Sermons. Hallowell, 1820. 80. 1266 Bowring, J. Poetry of the Magyars. London, 1830. 12... 3092 Specimens of the Russian Poets. Boston, 1822. 120~. 1928 and H. S. Van Dyk. Batavian Anthology. London, 1824. 120. 2416 Boyne Water; a Tale. New York, 1826. 2 v. 120.. 448 Boy Hunters. M. Reid. Boston, 1853. 120...... 5082 Boyhood of Great Men. New York, 1853. 120.. 5355 Boy's Treasury of Sports, Pastimes, &c. Philadelphia, 1847. 120... 2442 Boys at Home. C. Adams. New York, 1854. 120.. 5778 Brace, C. L. Home Life in Germany. New York, 1853. 120.. 530S Hungary in 1851. New York, 1852. 120.. 980 Brace, J. P. Fawn of the Pale Faces. New York, 1853. 12~... 5380 Bracebridge Hall. W. Irving. New York, 1851. 120.. 369 The same. New York, 1851. 120. 3365 Brackenridge, H. H. Modern Chivalry. Pittsburgh, 1819. 2 v. 12~.. 1067 Brackenridge, H. M. Views of Louisiana. Pittsburgh, 1814. 80.. 609 Bradford, A. Distinguished Men in New England. Boston, 1842. 120. 1696 History of the Federal Government, 1789-1839. Boston, 1840. 80~. 1587 History of Massachusetts, 1620-1820. Boston, 1835. 80... 767 History of Massachusetts, 1764-1775. Boston, 1822. 80... 761 New England Chronology, 1497-1800. Boston, 1843. 120... 1838 *Bradford, T. G. Comprehensive Atlas. Boston, 1835. 40... 3741 Bradford, W. J. A. Notes on the North-west. New York, 1846. 12~.. 2931 Bragelonne, the Son of Athos. A. Dumas. New York, 1850. 80~.. 3806 Brainard, J. G. C. Poems, with Memoir. Hartford, 1842. 120... 1670 Brainerd, D. Life. J. Edwards. (Abridged.) Boston, 1821. 120.. 205 Life. W. B. O. Peabody. Boston, 1844. 120... 1076,8 Brande, W. T. Dictionary of Science, Literature, & Art. N.Y. 1848. 80. 2641 Brand, J. Popular Antiquities of Great Britain. Lon. 1848. 3 v. post. 80. 4369 Brant, J. Life. W. L. Stone. New York, 1838. 2 v. 80. 1946 Bravo, The. J. F. Cooper. Philadelphia, 1848. 2 v. 120. 332 Bravo of Venice. M. G. Lewis. London, 1853. 120.. 5702 Brazer, J. Sermons. Boston, 1849. 120. 3337 Brazil, Cape Colony, &c., Travels in. J. Holman. London, 1840. 80~. 1986, 2 30 CATALOGUE OF THE Brazil in 1828-29. R. Walsh. Boston, 1831. 2 v. 120.. 2106 Rambles in. A. R. M. Payne. New York, 1854. 120.. 5809 Residence and Travels in. D. P. Kidder. Phil. 1845. 2 v. 12~.. 2280 Travels in the Interior of. J. Mawe. Philadelphia, 1816. 80.. 1597 Breck, J. Flower Garden; or, Book of Flowers. Boston, 1851. 120.. 3822 Bremer, Fredrika. Brothers and Sisters. New York, 1848. 80.. 3208 Home. New York, 1844. 80.. 2087 Homes of the New World. New York, 1853. 2 v. 120~.. 5537 Neighbors. Boston, 1843. 2 v. 120. 1716 Parsonage of Mora. NewYork, 1845. 80... 2618 President's Daughters. Boston, 1843. 120.. 1725 Sketches of Every-day Life. New York, 1848. 8~0... 2072 Brenton, E. P. Naval History of Great Britain. London, 1823. 80.. 5904 Brewer, Complete Practical. M. L. Byrn. Philadelphia, 1852. 120~.. 5007 Brewer, J. Residence at Constantinople in 1827. N. Haven, 1830. 120. 341 Brewer, T. M. (Editor). Wilson's Am. Ornithology. N. Y. 1852. 8~.. 5924 Brewer, WV. A. Recreations of a Merchant. Boston, 1836. 120... 280 Brewster, Sir D. Life of Sir I. Newton. New York, 1831. 120... 1 Life of Sir Isaac Newton. (H. F. L.) N. York, 1846. 120. 3683, 26 Martyrs of Science. New York, 1841. 120..1627 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 120.. 3683, 130 Natural Magic. New York, 1845. 120..2433 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 120.. 3683, 50 Brian O'Linn. W. H. Maxwell. New York, 1848. 80.. 3204 Briancourt, M. Organization of Labor & Association. N. Y. 1847. 120. 2439 Bricks and Tiles, Treatise on. E. Dobson. London, 1850. 120... 6051 Bridal of Triermain, &c. Sir W. Scott. Edinburgh, 1848. 120.. 4102, 11 The same. Philadelphia, 1839. 120..860, 4 Bride of Lammermoor. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1848. 2 v. 120.. 999, 13, 14 The same. Edinburgh, 1849. 2 v. 120... 4100, 13, 14 The same. Edinburgh, 1850. Roy. 80. 4531, 4 Bride of Omberg. Emilie 1F. Carlen. New York, 1853. 120.. 5373 Bridge, H. Journal of an African Cruiser. New York, 1853. 120~.. 2398 *Bridges, Brit. & Conway Tubular. E. Clark. Lond. 1850. 2 v. 8~. v. fol. 1673 Tubular and Iron. G. D. Dempsey. London, 1850. 120... 6065 Bridgman, T. Epitaphs from Copp's Hill. Boston, 1851. 120.. 4466 Epitaphs in Grave Yards of Northampton. Northamp. 1850. 120~. 4215 Epitaphs in King's Chapel Burial Ground. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5596 Brigands of the Revolution. New York, 1852. 80... 629 Briggs, Caroline A. Utterance; a Collection of Poems. Bost. 1852. 120~. 4620 Brigham, A. Influence of Religion upon Health. Boston, 1835. 120.. 1773 Brisbane, A. Association, & Re-organization of Industry. Phil. 1840. 12~. 2136 Bristed, C. A. Five Years in an English University. N. Y. 1852. 2 v. 120~. 4763 Upper Ten Thousand. New York, 1852. 120.. 4852 Britain Redeemed and Canada Preserved. F. A. Wilson. Lond. 1850. 80. 5414 *Britannia & Conway Tub. Bridges. E. Clark. Lond.1850. 2 v. 8~. 1 v. fol. 1673 British America, History of. H. Murray, &c. N.Y. 1846. 2 v.120. 3683, 101-2 British Angler's Manual. T. C. Hofland. London, 1848. Post 80.. 4972 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 31 British Armies, Victories of. WV. H. Maxwell. London, 1847. 120.. 3133 British Cabinet in 1853. Philadelphia, 1853. 120. 5368 British Cicero; a Selection of Speeches. T. Browne. Phil. 1810. 3 v. 8~. 2175 British Colonies, History of. R. M. Martin. London, 1843. Roy. 8~.. 2843 British Drama.- See Drama. British Dramatists, Lives of. T. Campbell & others. Phil. 1846. 2 v. 120~. 2992 British Eloquence, Select. C. A. Goodrich. New York, 1852. Roy. 8~. 5083 British Empire, History of, 1792-93. F. Plowden. Dublin, 1794. 8~.. 742 British Encyclopadia. - See Encyclopadia. British Female Missionaries, Memoirs of. T. Timpson. Lond. 1841. 120~. 2446 British Female Poets. G. W. Bethune. Philadelphia, 1848. 8~.. 3191 British Gazetteer. B. Clarke. London, 1852. 3 v. roy. 80.. 5169 British History, &c., Illustrations of. E. Lodge. London, 1838. 3 v. 8~. 4676 The same. London, 1838. 3v. 8~. 5087 British India, Historical and Descriptive Account of. N. Y. 1842. 3 v. 12~. 1857 History of. J. Mill. London, 1830. 6 v.8~..... 2230 See also India. British Manly Exercises. D. Walker. Philadelphia, 1850. 120... 2200 British Museum, Antiquities and Marbles in. London, 1848. 18~.. 4776 British Poets, with Prefaces. J. Aiken and J. Frost. Phil. 1843. 3 v. 8~. 1962 Vol. 1. Chronological Series, Ben Jonson to Beattie. 2.,,,, Falconer to Scott. 3.,, Southey to Croly. British Plutarch; or, Lives of Eminent Statesmen. Lond. 1791. 8 v. 120~. 158 British Senate. R. Grant. Philadelphia, 1838. 2 v. 120... 971 British Spy. Letters of W. Wirt. New York, 1836. 120... 2133 British Statesmen, Lives of. J. Forster and others. Lond. 1831. 7 v. 120~. 1831 For Contents, see Lives. British Trade over Caspian Sea. J. Hanway. London, 1753. 3 v. 40.. 2002 Britons, Ancient; a Tale of Primeval Life. London, 1851. 120.. 4610 Brittany, Popular Legends of. Boston, 1854. 120.... 5617 Broad Pennant; or, Cruise of U. S. Flag Ship. F.W.Taylor. N.Y. 1848. 120~. 3082 *Brockedon, XV. Illust. of Passes of the Alps. Lond. 1838. 2 v. 4~.. 4829 Brocklesby, J. Views of the Microscopic World. New York, 1851. 120~. 4427 Broderip, W.J. Leaves from Note Book of a Naturalist. Bost. 1852. 80~. 4808 Zo6logical Recreations. Philadelphia, 1849. 120.. 4411 Broken Bracelet, & other Poems. Mrs. C. H. W. Esling. Phil. 1850. 120~. 4048 Bronchitis, and Kindred Diseases. W. W. Hall. New York, 1852. 120~. 4786 Bronson, C. P. Elocution. Louisville, 1845. 80... 4955 Bronte, Caroline. Jane Eyre; an Autobiography. New York, 1848. 80. 2876 Shirley; a Tale. New York, 1850. 80.. 2865 Villette. New York, 1853. 80. 5158 Bronte, Miss. (Sister to above.) Agnes Grey. Philadelphia, 1850. 8~. 3523 Tenant of Wildfell Hall. New York, 1848. 12~... 3155 Wuthering Heights. New York, 1848. 120..... 3106 Bronte, Misses. (Three Sisters.) Poems. Philadelphia, 1848. 120.. 3156 Brooks, C. Elements of Ornithology. Boston, 1847. 120... 3508 Brooks, C. T. Schiller's Homage of the Arts, &c. Boston, 1847. 120.. 2944 32 CATALOGUE OF THIE Brookes, R. General Gazetteer. London, 1821. 80. 769 Brothers; a Tale of the Fronde. H. W. Herbert. N. Y. 1835. 2 v. 120. 1073 Brothers and Sisters. Fredrika Bremer. New York, 1848. 8~.. 3208 Brougham, H. (Lord). Men of Letters and Science. Phil. 1845. 2v. 12~. 2524 Vol. 1. Voltaire; Rousseau; Hume; Robertson; Black; Watt; Priestley; Cavendish; Davy; Simson. 2. Johnson; Adam Smith; Lavoisier; Gibbon; Banks; D'Alembert. On Education. New York, 1839. 120. 1891 Opinions of. Philadelphia, 1839. 2v. 120. 1066 Political Philosophy. London, 1849. 3 v. 8~. 1239 Speeches. Edinburgh, 1838. 4v. 80. 3588 Speeches. Philadelphia, 1841. 2 v. 80. 1954 Statesmen of Time of George III. Philadelphia, 1854. 2 v. 120.. 6186 The same. 2d and 3d series. N. York, 1839-44. 3 v. 12~. 983 Brown, C. B. Edgar Huntley. London, 1853. 12..... 5699 Life. WV. H. Prescott. Boston, 1838. 120. 1076, 1 WVieland; or, the Transformation. New York, 1846. 80... 2715 Brown, G. Grammar of English Grammars. New York, 1851. 8~.. 4699 Brown, J. Discourses on First Epistle of Peter. New York, 1851. 8~. 4723 Brown, J.N. (Ed.) Encyclop. of Religious Knowl. Phil. 1850. Roy. 80. 4729 Brown, J. R. Etchings of a Whaling Cruise. New York, 1850. 8~.. 2753 Yusef; or, the Journey of the Frangi. New York, 1853. 12~.. 5292 Brown, S. R. Western Gazetteer. Auburn, 1817. 80... 757 Brown, T. W. Minnie Hermon. Auburn, 1854. 120..... 5793 Why am I a Temperance Man? Auburn, 1853. 120.... 5331 Browne, J. Hist. of the Highlands & Highland Clans. Lond. 1851, 4 v. 80. 5094 Browne, R. W. History of Greek Literature. Philadelphia, 1852. 120. 4562 Browne, Sir T., Selections from Works of. Cambridge, 1831. 120.. 383, 3 Works. Edited by S. Wilkin. London, 1852, 3 v. post 8~... 5014 Vol. 1. Johnson's Life of Author, and Memoir by Editor; Four books of Vulgar Errors. 2. Three last books of Vulgar Errors; Religio Medici; Garden of Cyrus. 3. Urn Burial; Christian Morals; Miscellanies; Correspondence, &c. Browne, T. British Cicero; a Selection of Speeches. Phil. 1810. 3 v. 80~. 2175 Browne, W. Britannia's Pastorals. London, 1845. 240.. 2411 Browning, C. A. Convict Ship. Philadelphia, 1850. 120.. 3576 Browning, Elizabeth B. Poems. New York, 1850. 2 v. 120.. 4498 Prometheus Bound, and other Poems. New York, 1851. 120~.. 4870 Browning, R. Poems. Boston, 1850. 2 vols. 120.... 3457 Browning, W. S. History of the Huguenots. Philadelphia, 1845. 8~0.. 3530 Brownson, O. A. Charles Elwood. Boston, 1840.... 1809 New Views of Christianity. Boston, 1836. 120... 1776 Spirit Rapper. Boston, 1854.. 6246 Bruce, J. Classic and Historic Portraits. New York, 1854. 120... 5776 Bruce, J. Life and Travels. Sir F. B. Head. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1846. 120. 3683, 128 Travels into Abyssinia. Boston, 1798. 120. 319 Brummell, G. Life. Capt. Jesse. Philadelphia, 1844. 80. 2757 13runton, Mary. Discipline. London, 1850. 120..... 5651 Self-Control. Boston, 1848. 120. 3128 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 33 Brunton, Mary.' Self-Control. London, 1850. 120.. 5650 Bryan, D. Appeal for Suffering Genius; a Poem. Wash. 1826. 80.. 3223 Lay of Gratitude. Philadelphia, 1826. 8... 1406 Bryant, E. What I Saw in California, 1846-47. New York, 1849. 120~. 3144 Bryant, W. C. Fountain, and other Poems. New York, 1842. 120.. 1722 Letters of a Traveller. New York, 1850. 120~... 3836 Poems. Philadelphia, 1848. 120.. 3327 The same. Philadelphia, 1848. 120..... 1538 (Editor.) Selec. from Am. Poets. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1846, 120~. 3683, 111 Brydone, P. Tour through Sicily and Malta. London, 1775. 2 v., 80.. 681 The same. London, 1773. 2 v. 80. 5907 Bryne, O. Metal Worker's Assistant. Philadelphia, 1851. 80. ~. 4542 Bubbles from the Brunnen of Nassau. Sir F. B. Head. N.Y. 1845. 120~. 2487 Bubbleton Parish, Records of. Boston, 1854. 120.. 6151 Buccaneer. Mrs. S. C. Hall. London, 1853. 120... 5723 Buccaneers, History of. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 120.. 3683, 30 of America, History of. Boston, 1853. 80. 5171 Buchanan, C., Memoir of. H. Pearson. New York, n. d. 120~... 100 Buchanan, W. Memoirs of Painting. London, 1824. 2 v. 80~... 4824 Bucke, C. Beauties, Harmonies, &c., of Nature. Phil. 1833. 80~.. 1357, 3 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 120... 3683, 145 Ruins of Ancient Cities. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1846. 2 v. 120. 3683, 134-5 Buckeye Abroad in Europe. S. S. Cox. New York, 1852. 120... 3754 Buckingham, H. A. Harry Burnham, the Young Continental. N.Y. 1851. 8. 4520 Buckingham, J. S. Claims on the East India Company. Lond. 1834. 80~. 1238 Buckingham, J. T. Memoirs of Editorial Life. Boston, 1852. 2 v. 120~. 4909 Annals of Mass. Char. Mechanic Association. Boston, 1853. 80~. 5493 (Editor.) New England Magazine. Boston, 1831-35. 9 v. 80~.. 1760 Specimens of Newspaper Literature. Boston, 1850. 2 v. 120~.. 3916 Buckminster, J. & J. S. Memoirs. Mrs. E. B. Lee. Boston, 1849. 120~. 3376 Budget of the Bubble Family. E. L. Bulwer, N.Y. 1840. 2 v. 120~.. 928 of Letters; or, Things I saw Abroad. Boston, 1847. 120... 3044 of Wit and Humor. Dr. W. Valentine. New York, 1849. 120~. 3282 Buenos Ayres, Travels in. J. A. B. Beaumont. London, 1828. 80~.. 5010 Buffum, E. G. Six Months in the Gold Mines. Phil. 1850. 120... 3859 Builder's Pocket Companion. A. C. Smeaton. Philadelphia, 1852. 12~. 5003 Building, Art of. E. Dobson. London, 1854. 120.. 6050 Rudiments of the Art of. E. Dobson. New York, 1853. 120.. 5530 Bulfinch, T. Hebrew Lyrical History. Boston, 1853. 120.... 5072 Bullard, Mrs. A. T. J. Sights and Scenes in Europe. St. Louis, 1852. 120~. 5189 BulgArin, T. Ivan Vejeeghen; or, Life in Russia. Phil. 1832. 2 v. 120. 1163 Bullock, J. American Cottage Builder. New York, 1854. 120... 6168 (Editor.) History and Rudiments of Architecture. N.Y. 1853. 120~. 5507 (Editor.) Rudiments of the Art of Building. N.Y. 1853. 120.. 5530 Bulwer, Sir E. L. Alice; Sequel to Ernest Maltravers. N.Y. n. d. 80.. 932 Asmodeus at Large. Philadelphia, 1833, 120~. 1208 Athens; its Rise and Fall. New York, 1852. 2 v. 120... 153 Budget of the Bubble Family. New York, 1840. 2 v. 120... 928 F 34 CATALOGUE OF THE Bulwer, Sir E. L. Caxtons. New York, 1850. 80.. 3459 Conversations with an Ambitious Student. New York, 1832. 120. 1046 Critical and Miscellaneous Writings. Philadelphia, 1841. 2 v. 120~. 1667 Devereux. New York, 1829. 2 v. 120. 1494 Disowned. New York, 1829. 2 v. 120. 1661 England and the English. New York, 1833. 2 v. 12~... 1150 Ernest Maltravers. New York, 1837. 2 v. 12~. 909 Eugene Aram. New York, n. d. 80.. 1488 The same. London, 1853. 12~.. 5701 Falkland. Philadelphia, 1843. 80. 1757 Godolphin. New York, 1840. 2 v. 120. 274 Harold. New York, 1848. 80.. 3199 Last Days of Pompeii. New York, 1847. 80.. 1257 The same. London, 1853. 120.. 5721 Last of the Barons. New York. 1843. 80. 1712 Leila; or, the Siege of Grenada. New York, 1838. 120~... 929 The same. London, 1850. 80. 5914 Lucretia; or, the Children of Night. New York, 1846. 8~.. 2763 My Novel; or, Varieties in English Life. New York, 1852. 8~.. 6152 New Timon. Philadelphia, 1849. 120. 5854 Night and Morning. New York, 1850. 8.. 1593 Paul Clifford. New York, 1830. 2 v. 12~. 1191 The same. London, 1853. 120..... 5706 Pelham. Boston, 1850. 8~0. 838 Pilgrims of the Rhine. Boston, 1837. 240..... 1562 Rebel, and other Tales. New York, 1835. 120.. 1147 Rienzi. New York, 1836. 2 v. 120~. 1119 The same. Philadelphia, 1836. 80...228, 1 Siamese Twins. New York, 1831. 120. 549 Zanoni. New York, 1842. 2 v. 120~. 1681 Bulwer, Lady Lytton. Behind the Scenes. New York, 1854. 12~.. 5849 Cheveley; or, Man of Honor. New York, 1839. 2 v. 120~... 492 Miriam Sedley. London, 1851. 3 v. 120.. 4241 Peer's Daughters. New York, 1850. 80.. 4314 Bunbury, C. J. F. Residence at Cape of Good Hope. London, 1848. 120. 4573 Bungay, G. W. Crayon Sketches. Boston, 1852. 120. 813 Off-Hand Takings. Boston, 1854. 120. 6245 Bungener, L. Julian; or, the End of the Era. Boston, 1855. 2 v. 120. 6219 Preacher and the King. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5247 Priest and the Huguenot. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 120.. 5574 Voltaire and his Times. Boston, 1855. 120... 6220 Bunker Hill Battle. R. Frothingham, jun. Boston, 1851. 80... 3518 S. Swett. Boston, 1818. 120. 190 Bunn, A. Old England and New England. Philadelphia, 1853. 120.. 5594 The Stage; Before and Behind the Curtain. Phil. 1840. 2 v. 120. 419 Bunner, E. History of Louisiana. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1848. 2 v. 120. 3683, 176 Bunyan, J. Pilgrim's Progress. Philadelphia, 1844. 120.. 148 Works. Philadelphia, 1836. 2 v. 8~. 1797 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 35 Burbury, Mrs. Florence Sackville. New York, 1852. 80.. 3983 Burdett, C. Elliott Family; or, Trials of N.Y. Seamstresses. N.Y.1860. 120~. 3675 Burges, T. Battle of Lake Erie. Boston, 1839. 12~. 417 Burgess, G. Last Enemy; Conquering and Conquered. Phil. 1850. 120. 4752 Burgoyne, Sir J. Blasting and Quarrying Stone. London, 1852. 120.. 6058 Burke, E. Memoir. J. Prior. Boston, 1854. 2 v. 120... 5542 Selection of Speeches. London, 1853. Roy. 80... 5482 On the Sublime and Beautiful. New York, 1846. 120~... 299 Works. Boston, 1839. 9 v. 8~. 1588 Works, with a Memoir. New York, 1835. 3 v. 80.. 446 Burke, P. Celebrated Trials of the Aristocracy. London, 1849. 80.. 4522 Burleigh, J. B. Legislative Guide. Philadelphia, 1852. 8~.. 4815 Burman Slave Girl. Mrs. D. B. L. Wade. Boston, n. d. 180. 1508 Burnap, G. W. Lectures on Christianity. Boston, 1848. 120~... 4920 Life of Leonard Calvert. Boston, 1848. 120.. 1076, 19 Miscellaneous Writings. Baltimore, 1845. 12~.... 2517 Burnet, G. (Bishop). History of his Own Time. London, 1850. Roy. 80. 5459 History of Reformation of the Church of Eng. N. Y. 1843. 3 v. 80. 2057 The same. London, 1841. 4 v. roy. 80. 3993 Burnett, C. M. Philosophy of Spirits. London, 1850. 80.. 5410 Burnett, J. Notes on Early Settlement of N. W. Territory. Cin.1847. 80~. 2795 Burney, C., Memoirs of. Mde. D'Arblay. Philadelphia, 1833. 180.. 1241 Burney, Frances. Camilla; or, a Picture of Youth. Bost.1797. 3 v. 120~. 2361 Evelina. New York, 1852. 2 v. 120. 4890 Burn, J. I. Treatise on Marine Insurance. London, 1801. 12~... 172 Burnell, G. R. Treatise on Hydraulic Engineering. London, 1852. 120. 6045 Treatise on Limes, Cements, &c. London, 1850. 120.. 6067 Burns, J. Mothers of the Wise and Good. Boston, 1850. 120... 3851 Burns, R., as a Poet, and as a Man. S. Tyler. New York, 1848. 120.. 31i77 Genius and Character of. J. Wilson. Philadelphia, 1854. 120.. 2484 *Life and Correspondence. (Illustrated.) London, 1840. 40~.. 4855 Life and Land of. A. Cunningham. New York, 1841. 12~.. 1754 Life and Works. Edited by R. Chambers. N. Y. 1852. 4 v. 12~. 4765 Life and Works. Ed. by A. Cunningham. Boston, 1834. 4 v. 120. 888 Burr, A. Memoirs. M. L. Davis. New York, 1836. 2 v. 80... 713 Burritt, E. Miscellaneous Writings. Part I. Worcester, 1850. 12~.. 3319 Thoughts and Things at Home and Abroad. Boston, 1854. 120.. 6143 Burton; or, the Sieges. J. H. Ingraham. New York, 1847. 2 v. 120.. 958 Burton, J. H. Life and Corres. of David Hume. Edin. 1846. 2 v. 80., 5149 Burton, R. Anatomy of Melancholy. Philadelphia, 1836. 2 v. 8~.. 1960 Burton, R. F. Goa and the Blue Mountains. London, 1851. 120~... 4577 Burton, W. Cheering Views of Man and Providence. Boston, 1832. 120. 1528 District School as it Was. Boston, 1850. 12~. 3775 The same, and other Writings. Boston, 1852. 120.. 1516 White Slavery. Worcester, 1839. 120. 1489 Bury, Lady B. de. Germania; its Courts, Camps, &c. Lon.1850. 2 v. 80~. 4302 Bury, Lady Charlotte. The Divorced. Philadelphia, n. d. 80... 961 Diary of the Times of George IV. London, 1839. 4 v. 80... 5144 36 CATALOGUE OF THE Bury, Lady Charlotte. Two Sisters. New York, 1849. 8~... 3463 Bury, T. T. Styles of Architecture. London, 1853. 120... 6047 Bush, Mrs. F. Memoirs of the Queens of France. Phil. 1851. 2 v. 12~. 2985 Bush, G. Anastasis; or, the Resurrection of the Body. N.Y. 1845. 120. 2522 Life of Mahomet. (H. F. L.) New York, 1843. 120~.. 3683, 10 The Soul; or, Scriptural Psychology. New York, 1845. 120.. 3610 Bushnell, H. Argument on Christian Nurture. Hartford, 1847. 80.. 3197 Christ in Theology. Hartford, 1851. 120.. 4166 Fathers of New England. An Oration. New York, 1850. 120.. 3926 God in Christ. Three Discourses. Hartford, 1849. 120... 3283 Views of Christian Nurture. Hartford, 1848. 120.... 3159 Bushnan, J. S. Fishes, their Structure and Uses. Edin. 1843. 120. 4901, 35 Business, Practical Treatise on. E. T. Freedley. Philadelphia, 1852. 120. 4898 Busy Moments of an Idle Woman. Mrs. King. New York, 1854. 120~. 5575 Butler, A. Lives of the Saints. New York, 1845. 80~..... 5996 Butler, C. Historical Outline. Boston, 1823. 120..... 368, 2 Life of Erasmus, and Literature in the Middle Ages. Lon. 1825. 8~. 2609 Life of F6nelon. Philadelphia, 1811. 120. 1834 Butler, Mrs. C. H. Life in Varied Phases. Boston, 1851. 120.. 4452 Butler, F. Compend of General History. Hartford, 1818. 160. 38 Universal History. Hartford, 1822. 120. 439 Butler, Frances Anna, Journal of. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 v. 120.. 225 Poems. Philadelphia, 1844. 120.. 2325 Year of Consolation. New York, 1847. 2 v. 120.... 3002 Butler, J. Analogy of Religion. New York, 1843. 120.... 1779 Criticism on. D. Wilson. Boston, 1834. 120.. 1479 Butler, S. Hudibras; with Notes and Memoir of Author. N.Y. 1847. 120. 2946 Butt, Martha H. Antifanaticism; a Tale of the South. Phil. 1853. 120~. 5338 Butterflies, British. J. Duncan. Edinburgh, 1843. 120.. 4901, 29 Foreign. J. Duncan. Edinburgh, 1843. 120~.. 4901, 31 Buxton, Sir T. F. African Slave Trade. Philadelphia, 1839. 120.. 1527 Memoirs. C. Buxton. Philadelphia, 1849. 80.... 3253 Sketch of. T. Binney. Boston, 1851. 120... 3776 Byrn, M. L. Complete Practical Brewer. Philadelphia, 1852. 120~.. 5007 Byron, Lord, and his Contemporaries. L. Hunt. London, 1828. 2 v. 8~. 2291 Conversations at Pisa, 1821-22. T. Medwin. N. Y. 1824. 120.. 548 Conversations with Lady Blessington. Philadelphia, 1836. 80. 2228, 2 Don Juan. Philadelphia, 1852. 120. 1624 Letters and Journals. T. Moore. New York, 1830. 2 v. 8~.. 743 Life. J. Galt. New York, 1830. 180~.... 125 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1843. 120.. 3683, 9 Works, in Verse and Prose. New York, 1840. Roy. 8~0.. 1434 Works. Philadelphia, 1839. 8 v. 120.. 2114 Vol. 1. Hours of Idleness; English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, &c. 2. Prophecy of Dante; Age of Bronze, &c. 3. Giaour; Bride of Abydos. 4. Manfred; Marino Faliero; Heaven and Earth; Sardanapalus. 5. Tvwo Foscari; Deformed Transformed; Cain; Werner. 6. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. 7, 8. Don Juan. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 37 C. Cabin and Parlor; or, Slaves & Masters. J. T. Randolph. Phil. 1852. 120. 5000 Cabin Book. C. Sealsfield. London, 1852. 12~..2088 Cabinet of Curiosities. London, n. d. 80.. 5096 Cabinet of Freedom. Cond. by W. Jay and others. N.Y. 1836. 3 v. 120~. 1548 Cabot, J. E. Narrative of Lake Superior Tour. Boston, 1850. 8~0.. 3604 Cabot, S. Life. C. Hayward, jun. Boston, 1844. 120... 1076, 9 Caesar, C. Julius. Commentaries. Literally trans. Lond. 1851. Post 80~. 4181 Commentaries. Trans. by W. Duncan. N.Y. 1842. 2 v. 120. 1854, 6, 7 History of. J. Abbott. New York, 1850. 120.. 3381 Cresars, The. T. De Quincey. Boston, 1851. 120..... 3817 Cairo, Jerusalem, &c., Excursion to. G. Jones. New York, 1836. 12~. 967 Cakes and Ale. D. Jerrold. London, 1851. 120. 6234, 4 Calabrella, Baroness de. Double Oath. London, 1850. 3 v. 120. 4249 Calavar; or, Knight of the Conquest. R. M. Bird. N. York, 1854. 12~. 6136 Calculus, Differential. W. S. B. Woolhouse. London, 1854. 120~.. 6108 Examples in. J. Haddon. London, 1851. 12~.. 6111 and Integral. Cambridge, 1824. 80.. 1366 Calculus, Integral. H. Cox. London, 1852. 120..6109 Examples in. J. Hann. London, 1850. 120... 6110 Calcutta, Three Years in. G. W. Johnson. London, 1843. 2v. 12~. 4966 Calderon de la Barca, Mde. Life in Mexico. London, 1843. 80.. 1713 Caldicott, T. F. Hannah Corcoran. Boston, 1853. 160... 5370 Caldwell, C. Discourse on H. Holley. Boston, 1828. 80... 1387 Caleb Field; a Tale of the Puritans. Mrs. Oliphant. N. Y. 1851. 12~. 4220 Caleb Williams. W. Godwin. New York, 1831. 2 v. 120.. 402 The same. London, 1853. 120.. 5695 Calhoun, J. C. Speeches. New York, 1843. 80..1950 Works. Edited by R. K. Cralle. New York, 1853-54. 4 v. 8~.. 5987 Vol. 1. Disquisition on Government; Discourse on the Constitution and Government of the United States. 2-4. Speeches in Congress. Calico Printing and Dyeing. New York, 1841. 8~0..... 2786 California, Adventures in. B. Taylor. New York, 1850. 2 v. 120.. 3835 and its Gold Regions. F. Robinson. New York, 1849. 120.. 3335 an; Oregon in 1848. J. Q. Thornton. N. York, 1849. 2 v. 120.. 3279 and Oregon, History of. R. Greenhow. Boston, 1845. 80.. 2270 and Oregon, with Maps. C. Wilkes. Philadelphia, 1849. 8~.0. 3296 and Oregon Trail. F. Parkman, jun. New York, 1849. 120~.. 3351 Debates in Constitutional Convention of. Washington, 1850. 80~. 2752 Excursion to. W. Kelly. London, 1851. 2 v. 120... 4618 History of. E. S. Capron. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5833 Life and Adventures in. T. J. Farnham. New York, 1849. 8~0.. 2756 Life in. A. Robinson. New York, 1846. 120. 2549 Sights in the Gold Region. T. T. Johnson. N. York, 1849. 12~. 3434 38 CATALOGUE OF THE California, Personal Adventures in. W. R. Ryan. Lond. 1850. 2 v. 120. 4232 Six Months in the Mines. E. G. Buffum. Phil. 1850. 120.. 3859 Sixteen Months in Gold Diggings. D. B. Woods. N. Y. 1851. 120. 4597 Three Years in. W. Colton. New York, 1850. 120.... 3903 Tour of Duty in. J. W. Revere. New York, 1849. 120... 3345 What I Saw in, 1846-47. E. Bryant. New York, 1849. 120..~ 3144 Callcott, J. IW. Musical Grammar. Boston, 1838. 120... 1473 Callery and Yvan. Insurrection in China. New York, 1853. 120.. 5565 Callicot, T. C. Handbook of Universal Geography. N. York, 1853. 120. 5232 Calmet, A. Dictionary of the Bible. Boston, 1843. Roy. 80... 1439 Phantom World, Philosophy of Spirit, &c. Phil. 1850. 120.. 3883 Calvert, G. H. Scenes and Thoughts in Europe. New York, 1846. 120. 2591 Calvert, L. Life. G. W. Burnap. Boston, 1848. 120.. 1076, 19 Calvin, J. Institutes of the Christian Religion. Phil. 1850. 2 v. 80.. 4707 Life. T. Beza. Philadelphia, 1836. 120. 1935 Life. T. H. Dyer. New York, 1850. 80. 3648 Life and Times of. Paul Henry. New York, 1851. 2 v. 80.. 4123 Calvinistic and Socinian Systems. A. Fuller. Boston, 1815. 120~.. 197 Cambridge (Eng.) Prize Poems. London, 1847. 120.. 3134 Cambridge, W. G. Henri; or, the Web and Woof of Life. Bost. 1853. 120. 5362 Camel Hunt. J. W. Fabens. New York, 1853. 120. 4621 Camilla; or, a Picture of Youth. Miss F. Burney. Bost. 1797. 3 v. 12~. 2361 Camoens, L. de. Poems. Trans. by Lord Strangford. Balt. 1808. 120. 2391 Camp, C. S. Democracy. (H. F. L.) New York, 1847. 120.. 3683, 138 Camp and March, Treatise on. H. D. Grafton. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5615 Camp-Fires of the Revolution. H. C. Watson. Philadelphia, 1850. 80~. 3828 Campan, Mde. Court of Marie Antoinette. London, 1850. 2 v. 12~.. 3834 Campbell, G. Philosophy of Rhetoric. N. York, 1844. 120.. 2304 Four Gospels, with Dissertations and Notes. And. 1837. 2 v. 80~. 4703 Campbell, J. Travels in South Africa. Andover, 1816. 80.. 756 Campbell, J. (Lord). Lives of Chief Justices of Eng. Lond. 1849. 2 v. 80~. 3519 Lives of Lord Chancellors of England. London, 1848. 7 v. 80.. 3590 Campbell, Jane C. Money Maker. New York, 1854. 120... 6142 Campbell, Maria. Life of Gen. Wm. Hull. New York, 1848. 80.. 2863 Campbell, T. Gertrude of Wyoming. New York, 1841. 120.. 2966 (Editor.) Frederick the Great and his Times. Lond. 1845. 2 v. 120~. 3187 Letters from the South. Philadelphia, 1836. 120... 252 Life and Letters. Edited by W. Beattie. N. York, 1850. 2 v. 120~. 3895 Life of Petrarch. Philadelphia, 1841. 80.. 2250 Life of Mrs. Siddons. New York, 1834. 120..1165 Poetical Works. Philadelphia, 1836. 80. 580 The same. New York, 1847. 120. 3477 The same. Edited by Epes Sargent. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5743 Specimens of British Poets. Philadelphia, 1853. Roy. 8~0.. 5443 Campbell, W. Old Forest Ranger. New York, 1853. 120.... 5319 Campbell, W. W. Border Warfare of New York. N.Y. 1849. 120.. 3292 Life and Writings of De Witt Clinton. New York, 1849. 80.. 3355 Robin Hood and Captain Kidd. New York, 1853. 120... 5284 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 39 Campaign with Zumalacarregui. C. T. Henningsen. Phil. 1836. 80. 2228, 2 in Northern Mexico in 1846-47. M. E. Curwen. N. Y. 1853. 120. 5803 in Russia. R. K. Porter. Baltimore, 1806. 8~. 690 Sketches of the Mexican War. W. S. Henry. N. Y. 1847. 120. 3091 Canada and United States, Travels in. F. Hall. Boston, 1818. 120.. 1190 Conquest of. Captain Warburton. New York, 1850. 2 v. 120.. 3839 Debates in House of Commons on, 1774. London, 1839. 80.. 3549 in 1837-38. E. A. Theller. Philadelphia, 1841. 2 v. 12~... 3130 Preserved, and Britain Redeemed. F. A. Wilson. Lond. 1850. 8~. 5414 Upper, Geographical View of. M. Smith. Phil. 1813. 12~.. 484 Canadas, Travels through. G. Heriot. Philadelphia, 1813. 485 Canning, G. Life. R. Bell. New York, 1846. 120. 2904 Select Speeches. Philadelphia, 1835. 120. 2248 Canot, T. Twenty Years of an African Slaver. New York, 1854. 120~. 6199 Canterbury Tales. Misses S. and H. Lee. London, 1850. 2 v. 120.. 5649 Cap Sheaf; a Fresh Bundle. G. C. Hill. New York, 1853. 12~... 5054 Cape of Good Hope, Residence at. C. J. F. Bunbury. Lond. 1848. 12~. 4573 Capital Punishment. C. Spear. Boston, 1844. 120. 1938 its Authority and Expediency. G. B. Cheever. N.Y. 1849. 120~. 2576 Capitalist; or, Fortune's Frolics. T. E. Hook. New York, 1844. 80. 2167, 2 Capper, S. Acknowledged Doctrines of Church of Rome. Lond. 1850. 80. 5412 Capron, E. S. History of California. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5833 Captain Blake. W. H. Maxwell. London, 1851. 120... 5668 Captain Kyd. J. H. Ingraham. New York, 1847. 2 v. 120~... 525 Captains of the Old World. H. W. Herbert. New York, 1851. 12~.. 4496 Captains of the Roman Republic. H. W. Herbert. N.Y. 1854. 12~.. 6215 Captive in Patagonia. B. F. Bourne. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5215 Cardinal's Daughter. R. M. Daniel. New York, 1850. 80.. 3461 Carey, Alice. Clovernook. New York, 1852. 120.. 4757 Clovernook Children. Boston, 1854. 120.... 6233 Hagar; a Story of To-day. New York, 1852. 120. 4910 Lyra, and other Poems. New York, 1852. 120.. 4783 and Phcebe. Poems. Philadelphia, 1850. 120. 1089 Carey, H. C. Past, Present, and Future. Philadelphia, 1848. 80.. 2882 Principles of Political Economy. Philadelphia, 1837. 3 v.8~.. 1787 Carey's Library of Choice Literature. - See Library. Carl Krinken. Anna Warner. New York, 1854. 120.. 5626 Carl6n, Emilie F. Birthright. London, 1851. 3 v. 120.. 4616 Bride of Omberg. New York, 1853. 120..... 5373 Gustavus Lindorm. New York, 1853. 12.. 5557 Home in the Valley. New York, 1854. 120. 6214 Ivar; the Skjuts-Boy. New York, 1852. 80.... 4809 John; a Novel. New York, 1854. 80.. 5496 Marie Louise; or, Opposite Neighbors. London, 1853. 120.. 5382 One Year; a Tale of Wedlock. New York, 1853. 120... 5311 Rose of Tistelon. New York, 1844. 80... ~.. 2743 Whimsical Woman. New York, 1854. 120. 5814 Carleton, W. Miser; or, Convicts of Lisnamona. Phil. 1840. 2 v. 120. 1660 40 CATALOGUE OF THE Carleton, WV. Squanders of Castle Squander. London, 1852. 2 v. 120. 5030 Valentine M'Clutchy, the Irish Agent. New York, 1846. 120.. 2927 Carlington Castle; a Tale of the Jesuits. New York, 1854. 120. 5. 779 Carlton, R. New Purchase. New York, 1843. 2 v. 120.. 1729 Carlyle, T. Chartism. Boston, 1840. 12~.. 6242 Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. Boston, 1838. 4 v. 120.. 1080 Vol. 1. Jean Paul Friedrich Richter; German Literature; Life and Writings of Werner; Goethe's Helena; Goethe; Burns; Life of Heyne; German Playwright. 2. Voltaire; Novalis; Signs of the Times; Jean Paul Friedrich Richter; History; Luther's Psalm; Schiller; Nibelungen Lied; German Literature of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries. 3. German Poetry; Characteristics; Goethe's Poetry; Biography; Boswell's Johnson; Death of Goethe; Goethe's Works; Corn Law Rhymes; Diderot; History. 4. Count Cagliostro; Edward Irving; Diamond Necklace; Mirabeau; French Revolution; Sir Walter Scott; Von Ense's Memoirs; Copyright Bill. The same. Philadelphia, 1848. 80. 3418, 5 Heroes and Hero-Worship. New York, 1849. 12... 1595 French Revolution of 1789. Boston, 1838. 2 v. 120... 944 Letters and Speeches of Oliver Cromwell. N.Y. 1845. 2 v. 120~. 2538 Life of F. Schiller. New York, 1846. 120... 2498 Life of John Sterling. Boston, 1851. 120... 4486 Past and Present. New York, 1844. 120.. 1743 Sartor Resartus. Boston, 1837. 120. 346 Specimens of German Romance. Boston, 1841. 2 v. 120... 2108 Carmichael, A. Life and Philosophy of J. G. Spurzheim. Bost. 1833. 120~. 564 Carmichael, Mrs. Domestic Manners at West Indies. Phil. 1833. 80. 1357, 2 Carnes, J. A. Voyage to the West Coast of Africa. Boston, 1852. 120~. 4798 Caroline; a Franconia Story. J. Abbott. New York, 1855. 120.. 5297 Carpenter, W. B. Use and Abuse of Alcoholic Liquors. Bost. 1851. 120~. 4099 Carpenter, W. H. History of Massachusetts. Philadelphia, 1853. 120~. 5320 Ruth Emsley, the Betrothed Maiden. Philadelphia, 1850. 120.. 3891 Carpenter, W. W. Travels and Adventures in Mexico. N.Y. 1851. 120~. 4432 Carpenter of Rouen. J. S. Jones. Boston, 1849. 120. 3124 Carr, J. Northern Summer round the Baltic. Hartford, 1806. 120.. 833 Stranger in France. Brattleboro', 1806. 120... 177 Carriers, Law of. J. K. Angell. Boston, 1848. 80.. 4022 Carthaginians, Hist. Researches on. A. H. L. Heeren. Ox. 1838. 2 v. 8~. 2657 Carver, J. Sketches of New England. New York, 1842. 120.. 1679 Case, W. Poems; Revolutionary Memorials. New York, 1852. 120.. 943 Cass, L. France; its King, Court, and Government. N.Y. 1848. 80. 3148 Caspar Hauser, Account of. P. J. A. Feuerbach. Boston, 1832. 160.. 821 Caspian, Sketches of the Shores of. W. R. Holmes. London, 1845. 8~. 4642 Castilian, The. New York, 1829. 120.... 1209 Castle Dangerous. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1848. 2 v. 120... 999, 47, 48 The same. Edinburgh, 1849. 2 v. 120. 4100, 47, 48 The same. Edinburgh, 1850. Roy. 80. 4531, 12 Castle of Ehrenstein. G. P. R. James. N.Y. 1847. 80.. 2784 Castle of Otranto. H. Walpole. London, 1853. 120.. 5702 Castles in tle Air; a Novel. Mrs. Gore. New York, 1848. 8~... 3237 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 41 Castlereagh, Viscount. Journey to Damascus. London, 1847. 2 v. 120~. 4580 Correspondence and Despatches. London, 1851. 4 v. 80.. 5408 Catacombs of Rome. W. I. Kip. New York, 1854. 120... 5819 Catalogue of Am. Publications, 1820-52. O. A. Roorback. N.Y. 1852. 8~. 5993 of Books on the Masonic Institution. Boston, 1852. 80.. 330 of the Boston Athenmeum. Boston, 1827. 80.. 2907 of the Boston Library Society. Boston, 1844. 8~.. 2276 of Cambridge High School Lib. E. Abbot, jun. Camb. 1853. 80~. 5986 of the Library of the Brothers in Unity. New Haven, 1851. 80.. 5983 of the Cincinnati Mercantile Library. Cincinnati, 1846. 80.. 5969 of the Hartford Young Men's Institute. Hartford, 1844. 80.. 2275 of Harvard College Library. Cambridge, 1830-34. 5 v. 8~0... 5998 of the Library of Young Men's Assoc. of Albany. Alb. 1848. 80~. 3140 of the Mercantile Library of Baltimore. Baltimore, 1851. 8~.. 4946 of the New York Mercantile Library. New York, 1837. 80~.. 1200 The same. New York, 1844. 80. 1200 The same. New York, 1850. 80. 1200 of the Mercantile Library Co. Philadelphia, 1850. 80... 4333 of the Providence Athenaeum. Providence, 1853. 80.... 5954 of the Public Library of Boston. Boston, 1854. 80... 5979 of the Richest Men of Massachusetts. Boston, 1851. 80... 4533 of the St. Louis Mercantile Library. St. Louis, 1850. 80... 4308 of the Society Library, New York. New York, 1852. 80... 5997 Catherine de Medicis. L. S. Costellow. London, 1853. 120... 5739 Catholic Church, Acknowledged Doctrines of. S. Capper. Lond. 1850. 80~. 5412 and Modern Society. E.Quinet. Tr. by C. E. Lester. N.Y.1845. 120. 2512 Faith and Morality of. J. Curr. Boston, 1850. 24.... 3756 Catholic Doctrine, Grounds of. Boston, 1847. 240..... 3758 Catholic History of the Bible. J. Reeve. Boston, 1849. 120... 3681 Catholic Inquisition, History of. Philadelphia, 1835. 12... 910 Catholicism, Trials of a Mind in Progress to. L. S. Ives. Bost. 1854. 120. 5839 Catlin, G. North American Indians. New York, 1844. 2v. 8~0.. 1780 Catteau, M. General View of Sweden. London, 1790. 8~0.... 653 Cattermole R. Book of Raphael's Cartoons. London, 1845. 80... 5095 Catullus and Tibullus. Poems, translated. London, 1854. Post 80.. 5876 Caucasus, Tour of the. G. L. Ditson. New York, 1850. 80... 3522 Caudle Lectures. D. Jerrold. London, 1851. 120.... 6234, 3 Caulfield, J. Remarkable Characters. London, 1819. 80... 5897 Caunter, R. Confessions and Crimes. Philadelphia, 1836. 8~.. 2228, 2 Cavaliers of England. H. W. Herbert. New York, 1852. 120... 1020 Cavendish; or, the Patrician at Sea. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 v. 120.. 293 Caxton, W. Life. London, 1833. 80..602 Caxtons; a Family Picture. E.L. Bulwer. New York, 1850. 80.. 3459 Ceba, A. Citizen of a Republic. New York, 1845. 120.... 2489 Cecil, J. Life and Works of John Newton. Philadelphia, 1839. 2 v. 80. 4706 Cecil; or, the Adventures of a Coxcomb. Mrs. Gore. N. Y. 1845. 80. 2240 Cecil, R. (Earl of Salisbury). Life. P. Courtenay. Lond. 1831. 120. 1831, 5 Cecil, W. (Lord Burleigh). Life. London, 1831. 12~0.. 1831, 1 G 42 CATALO GUE OF THE Cecil Hyde; a Novel. Philadelphia, 1834. 2 v. 120.. 1186 Cecilia Howard. T. S. Arthur. Philadelphia, 1851. 80.... 4537 Celebrated Trials of the Aristocracy. P. Burke. London, 1849. 80.. 4522 Celestial Scenery. T. Dick. Philadelphia, 1845. 120... 2357, 7 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 120... 3683, 83 Cellini, B., Memoirs of, by Himself. Tr. byT. Roscoe. N. Y. 1845. 2 v. 120. 2497 *Cemeteries, Designs for Monuments in. J. J. Smith. N. Y. 1846. 40~. 4857 Census of the United States, 1840, Compendium of. Wash. 1842. Folio. 2033 1850. Washington, 1853. 40. 5890 Central America, Travels in. J. L. Stephens. New York, 1848. 2 v. 80~. 1635 Central Society of Education. London, 1838. 2 v. 120.. 5040 Cervantes, M. de. Don Quixote. Boston, 1848. 2 v. 80.. 3094 The same. Philadelphia, 1846. 4v. 240... 30 Ceylon, Eleven Years in. Major Forbes. London, 1840. 2v. 8~... 4681 Recollections of. J. Selkirk. London, 1844. 80. 4650 Chadwick, E. Report on Interment in Towns. London, 1843. 80.. 3390 Chainbearer; or, Littlepage MSS. J. F. Cooper. N. York, 1845. 2 v. 80. 2509 Chairolas, Prince of Paida, and other Tales. Philadelphia, 1836. 120.. 972 Challenge of Barletta. M. D'Azeglio. New York, 1845. 120... 2483 Chalmers, A. Hist. and Biograph. Preface to Tatler. N. Y. 1809. 120. 894, 1 Chalmers, G. Revolt of the American Colonies. Boston, 1845. 2 v. 80. 2264 Chalmers, T. Application of Christianity to Affairs of Life. N.Y.1821. 80. 1305 Institutes of Theology. New York, 1849. 2 v. 120.... 3415 Memoirs of Life and Writings. New York, 1850. 3 v. 120~.. 3656 Political Economy. New York, 1832. 120..533 Posthumous Works. Edited by W. Hanna. N.Y. 1848. 5 v. 120. 3147 Select Works. New York, 1850. 4 v. 80. 3539 Vol. 1. Miscellanies. 2. Lectures on Romans. 3. Miscellaneous Sermons. 4. Sermons on Depravity of Human Nature; Application of Christianity to Commerce, &c.; Sermons at St. John's Church, Glasgow; Christian Revelation and Modern Astronomy; Evidences of Christianity. Chambers, R. Cyclopaedia of English Literature. Bost. 1851. 2 v. roy. 80. 2636 Select Writings. Edinburgh, 1847. 7 v. 120.. 4056 (Editor). Life and Works of Robert Burns. N. Y. 1852. 4 v. 120. 4765 Chambers's Edinburgh Journal. Edinburgh, 1844-53. 20 v. roy. 80~.. 709 Information for the People. Philadelphia, 1849. 2 v. roy. 8~.. 2787 Library of Biography. Boston, 1849. 2 v. 120.. 3314 Miscellany. Edited by R. Chambers. Boston, 1847. 10v. 120.. 2457 Papers for the People. Edinburgh, 1850-51. 12 v. 120... 4076 Vol. 1. Bonaparte Family; Sepulchres of Etruria; Valerie Dulcos; Education of the Citizen; The Myth; Sunken Rock, a. Tale of the Mediterranean; Popular Cultivation of Music; Ebenezer Elliott. 2. Sanitary Movement; Washington and his Contemporaries; Edmund Atherton, a Tale; Memorabilia of the Seventeenth Century; Ruined Cities of Central America; Ivory Mine, a Tale; Secret Societies of Modern Europe; Francis Jeffrey. 3. Arctic Explorations; Social Utopias; Speculator, a Tale of Mammonworship; Carthage and the Carthagenians; Recent Discoveries in Astronomy; White Swallow, an Indian Tale; Mechanics' Institutions; Thomas Campbell. 4. Bourbon Family; California; Black Pocket-book, a Tale; F6n6lon; Every-day Life of the Greeks; Lady Marjory St. Just; Science of the Sunbeam; Sir Robert Peel. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 43 Chambers's Papers for the People. - Continued. Vol. 5. Secret Societies of the Middle Ages; Rajah Brooke and Borneo; Last of the Ruthvens; Education Movement; Antarctic Explorations; Queen of Spades; Jewish Life in Central Europe; Wm. Wordsworth. 6. Microscope and its Marvels; Pre-Columbian Discovery of America; Hermann, a Tale; Public Libraries; Australia and Van Dieman's Land; Lone Star, a Tale; Religion of the Greeks; Heyne. 7. Water Supply of Towns; Ancient Scandinavia; Lost Letter, the Somnambule; Life in an Indiaman; Law of Storms; Santillian's Choice, a Tale; Isthmus of Panama; Daniel De Foe. S. Ocean Routes; Cromwell and Contemporaries; Life at Groefenburg; Black Gondola, a Tale; Ancient Philosophic Sects; Wonders of Human Folly; Mary Wortley Montagu. 9. Recent Decorative Art; Alchemy and the Alchemists; Lost Laird, a Tale of'45; German Poets and Poetry; Deserts of Africa; Sigismund Temple, a Tale; Electric Communications; Fichte, a Biography. 10. Ancient Rites and Mysteries; Siberia, and the Penal Settlements; Harriette, a Tale; Childhood of Experimental Philosophy; Confucius; The Temptation; Siam and the Siamese; Thomas Moore. 11. Isthmus of Suez; Animal Instincts and Intelligence; Realized Wishes, a Tale; Troubadours and Trouveres; New Zealand; Tower of Fontenay; Industrial Investments and Associations; Lord Brougham. 12. Railway Communications; Incas of Peru; Marfreda, or the Icelanders; What is Philosophy? European Intercourse with Japan; Half-caste, a Tale; Progress of America; Duke of Wellington. Pocket Miscellany. Boston, 1852. 9 v. 120. 864 Repository of Instruc. and Amusing Papers. Bost. 1854. 4 v. 120~. 5209 Chamier, F. Arethusa. Philadelphia, 1837. 2v. 120. 276 Ben Brace. London, 1852. 120.. 5671 Cruise of the Midge. New York, 1851. 80.. 1075 Green Hand; a Short Yarn. New York, 1851. 80. 4601 Life of a Sailor. London, 1852. 120... 5689 Review of the French Revolution. London, 1849. 2v. 80.. 4541 Tom Cringle's Log. New York, 1845. 80...... 1091 Unfortunate Man. New York, 1835. 2 v. 12~. 406 Young Muscovite. New York, 1834. 4v. 120. 1106 Chancellors of England. Lives. Lord Campbell. Lond. 1848. 7 v. 8~. 3590 Chandler, Eliz. M. Poetical Works, with Life. B. Lundy. Phil. 1836. 120. 1533 Chandler, Ellen L. This, That, and the Other. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5841 Chandler, Mary G. Elements of Character. Boston, 1854. 120... 6144 Chandler, P. W. American Criminal Trials. Boston, 1841-44. 2 v. 120. 1921 Channing, E. T. Life of William Ellery. Boston, 1840. 12~.. 1076, 6 Channing, W. E. Conversations in Rome. Boston, 1847. 12~.. 2437 Discourses, Reviews, and Miscellanies. Boston, 1837. 8~... 794 Memoirs. Boston, 1848. 3 v. 120.. 3113 Slavery. Boston, 1835. 120........1118 Works. Boston, 1847. 6 v. 120... 1798 Vol. 1. Milton; Napoleon; Fen6lon; Calvinism; National Literature; Association; The Union; Education. 2. Slavery; Abolitionists; Annexation of Texas; Catholicism; Creeds; Temperance; Self-culture. 3. Discourses; Duties of Children; Honor due all Men; Evidences of Christianity. 4. Character of Christ; Christianity a Rational Religion; Spiritual Freedom; Self-denial; Imitableness of Christ's Character; Evil of Sin; Immortality; Love to Christ; Future Life; War; Ministry for the Poor; Christian Worship; Sunday-school; N. Worcester. 5. Slavery Question; War; Elevation of the Laboring Community; C. Pollen; Charges at Orditnations; Miseellanies; Appendix. 6. Emancipation; J. Tuckerman; Present Age; The Church; Duty of the Free States; Address at lenox. 44 CATALOGUE OF THE Channing,WV.H. (Ed.) Life & Writings of J.H.Perkins. Bos.1851. 2 v. 120. 4094 Chanticleer; a Thanksgiving Story. Boston, 1850. 120.. 4071 Chapel of the Hermits, and other Poems. J. G. Whittier. Bos.1853. 120. 5207 Chapin, E. H. Characters in the Gospels. New York, 1852. 120~.. 36 Duties of Young Men. Boston, 1840. 120... 1463 Duties of Young Women. Boston, 1850. 120.. 2451 Chapman, J. Cotton and Commerce of India. London, 1850. 80.. 4328 Chapone, Hester. Works. Boston, 1809. 4 v. 160. 65 Letters on Improvement of the Mind. Boston, 1822. 16~.. 83 Chaptal, J. A. Chemistry applied to Agriculture. Boston, 1835. 120. ~ 665 Elements of Chemistry. Boston, 1806. 80. 774 Characteristics, after Rochefoucault's Maxims. WV. Hazlitt. Lond.1837. 120. 2368 of Women. Mrs. A. Jameson. Boston, 1846. 120... 266 Characters in the Gospels. E. H. Chapin. New York, 1852. 120. 36 Charcoal Sketches. J. C. Neal. New York, 1849. 2 v. 120... 2145 Charicles; or, Private Life of Greeks. W. A. Becker. Lond, 1854. 120~. 5831 Charities of London. S. Low. London, 1850. 120. 937 Charity and the Clergy; Review of Colwell's'New Themes.' Phil. 1853. 120. 5208 and its Fruits. J. Edwards. New York, 1852. 120... 4753 Charity Sister, and other Tales. Mrs. E. Norton. N. Y. 1840. 120.. 1566 Charlemagne, History of. G. P. R. James. (H. F. L.) N.Y.1848. 120. 3683, 60 or, Church Delivered; a Poem. L. Bonaparte. Phil. 1815. 2 v. 160~. 75 Charles I., History of. J. Abbott. New York, 1848. 120.... 2463 Reign of; Fairfax Corres. Ed. by G. W. Johnson. Lon.1848. 4 v. 80. 4690 Charles II., Beauties of the Court of. Mrs. A. Jameson. Bost. 1834. 80. 2083 Diary of the Times of. H. Sidney. London, 1843. 2 v. 8~0.. 4673 History of. J. Abbott. New York, 1849. 120... 3767 Memoirs of Court of. Count Grammont. London, 1846. Post 8~0. 2952 Charles V., Cloister Life of. W. Stirling. Boston, 1853. 120... 5359 History of the Reign of. W. Robertson. Phil. 1812. 3 v. 80.. 1294 The same. New York, 1829. 80. 1392 Charles VIII., History of. P. de Segur. Philadelphia, 1842. 2 v. 120.. 3081 Charles XII., History of. F. M. A. de Voltaire. New York, 1851. 160~. 5183 Charles Chesterfield. Mrs. F. Trollope. New York, 1851. 8~0.. 4524 Charles Elwood; or, Infidel Converted. O. A. Brownson. Bost. 1840. 120~. 1809 Charles John, of Sweden and Norway. W. G. Meredith. Lond. 1829. 80~. 1116 Memoirs and Campaigns. J. Philippart. London, 1814. 80. 589 Charles Observator, Life and Reflections of. E. R. Sabin. Bost.1816. 120~. 214 Charles O'Malley, the Irish Dragoon. C. Lever. Philadelphia, 1841. 80~. 1608 Charles Tyrrell. G. P. R. James. New York, 1839. 2 v. 120.. 976 Charles Vincent; or, the Two Clerks. New York, 1839. 2 v. 120.. 178 Charleston Book, a Miscellany. Charleston, 1845. 120.. 2319 Charlotte Elizabeth. - See Tonna, Mrs. C. E. Charlotte Temple. Mrs. Rowson. New York, 1814. 120... 1864 Charms and Counter Charms. Maria J. McIntosh. N. Y. 1850. 120.. 3150 Charnock, J. Memoirs of Lord Nelson. Boston, 1806. 80.... 664 Chase, L. B. History of the Polk Administration. N.Y. 1850. 8~0.. 3645 Chasles, P. Anglo-American Literature and Manners. N.Y. 1852. 120. 4906 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 45 Chasles, P. Notabilities in France and England. New York, 1853. 120~. 5340 Chastellux, Marquis de. Travels in North America. N. Y. 1828. 8~.. 1339 Children of Love. E. Sue. New York, 1850. 80. 3966 Chili, Geograph. Nat., & Civil Hist. of. J. I. Molina. Middlet. 1808. 2 v. 80. 744 Chateaubriand, F. A. de. Jerusalem & Holy Land. Lond. 1835. 2 v. 120. 4568 Recollections of Italy, England, and America. Phil. 1816. 80.. 740 Travels in Greece, Palestine, &c., 1806-7. Phil. 1813. 8~... 1320 Memoires d'Outre-Tombe. New York, 1848. 2 v. 80.. 5399 Chatferton, T. Works', with Life. G. Gregory. London, 1803. 3 v. 80. 2222 Chaucer, G. Poems, Modernized. London, 1841. 120... 2384 Poetical Works, with an Essay. T. Tyrwhitt. London, 1843. 80. 2611 Chauncy, C. Scriptural Account of the Fall. London, 1785. 80... 1225 Cheever, G. B. American Common-Place Book of Poetry. Phil.1843. 120. 1775 (Editor.) Journal of the Pilgrims, 1620. New York, 1848. 120.. 3325 Hill Difficulty, and other Miscellanies. New York, 1849. 120.. 3357 Pilgrim in the Shadow of the Jungfrau Alp. N. Y. 1846. 120.. 2533 Punishment by Death. New York, 1849. 120... 2576 Right of the Bible in our Public Schools. New York, 1854. 120. 5749 River of the Water of Life. New York, 1849. 120... 3432 Wanderings in the Shadow of Mont Blanc. N. Y. 1845. 120.. 2495 Cheever, N. Biography. H. T. Cheever. New York, 1851. 120.. 4494 Cheever, H. T. Island World of the Pacific. New York, 1851. 120.. 4095 Life and Trials of N. Cheever. 1851. 120..4494 Life in the Sandwich Islands. New York, 1851. 120.. 4453 Memoir of W. Colton. New York, 1851. 120.. 4439 Memorials of Captain O'Congar. New York, 1851. 120... 4156 (Editor.) Reel in a Bottle. New York, 1852. 120.. 3753 (Editor.) Voices of Nature to the Soul of Man. N. Y. 1852. 120~. 4918 Whale and his Captors. New York, 1850. 120..... 3317 Chelmsford, History of. W. Allen. Haverhill, 1820. 80... 667 Cherokee Nation, Case of, vs. Georgia. R. Peters. Phil. 1831. 80. 1260 ChemicalArts, Improvementsin. J. C. Boothe & C. Morfit. Wash. 1852. 80~. 5163 Chemical Technology. F. Knapp. London, 1848. 2 v. 80.. 4137 Chemistry, Animal. J. Liebig. Cambridge, 1843. 120.. 1752 Applied to Agriculture. J. A. Chaptal. Boston, 1835. 120~.. 665 AppliedtoArts and Manufactures. F. Knapp. Lond. 1848. 2 v. 80~. 4137 Applied to Dyeing. J. Napier. Philadelphia, 1853. 120. 5566 Conversations on. New Haven, 1813. 120..288 Elements of. J. A. Chaptal. Boston, 1806. 80..774 Elements of. J.L. Comstock. New York, 1841. 120... 1740 Elements of. T. Graham. Philadelphia, 1852. 80... 967 Elements of. E. Turner. Philadelphia, 1835. 12~.. 3507 FamiliarLectures on. J. Liebig. London, 1851. 120.. 4276 First Principles of. B. Silliman, jun. Philadelphia, 1849. 120.. 3015 Handbook of. F. A. Abel & C. L. Bloxam. Phil. 1854. 80.. 5934 Principles of. J.A. Stockhardt. Cambridge, 1850. 120... 3927 Treatise on. G. Fownes. London, 1853. 120..6036 Chemist's Assistant, Analytical. F. Woehler. Philadelphia, 1852. 120. 5024 46 CATALOGUE OF THE Cheney, Mrs. H. V. Peep at the Pilgrims in 1636. Bost. 1826. 2 v. 120. 2115 The same. Boston, 1850. 120. 4051 Chesebro', Caroline. Children of Light. New York, 1853. 120... 5064 Dream-Land by Day-Light. New York, 1851. 120... 4769 Isa; a Pilgrimage. New York, 1852. 120..950 Chesney, F. R. Russo-Turkish Campaigns. New York, 1854. 120~.. 5830 Chesnut Wood; a Tale. New York, 1854. 120. 6179 Chess-Player's Companion. H. Staunton. London, 1849. Post 80~.. 3567 Chess-Player's Handbook. H. Staunton. London, 1847. Post 80.. 3566 Chest, Diseases of. J. A. Swett. New York, 1852. 80... 4804 Chesterfield, Earl of. Life and Letters. New York, 1845.. 1690 Selections from Letters to his Son. Boston, 1801. 12~. 338 Chevalier, M. Society and Manners in United States. Boston, 1839. 80~. 691 Chevalier D'Harmental. A. Dumas. New York, 1846. 80.. 2697 Chevaliers of France. H. W. Herbert. New York, 1853. 120.. 5056 Cheveley; or, Man of Honor. Lady Bulwer. N.Y. 1839. 2 v. 120. 492 Cheverus, Cardinal de. Life. J. H. Doubourg. Phil. 1839. 120.. 1135 Chickering, Jesse. Immigration into the United States. Bost. 1848. 80~. 4035 Population of Massachusetts, 1765-1840. Boston, 1846. 8~.. 2816 Chickering, Jonas, Tribute to. R. G. Parker. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5802 Chief Justices of England, Lives of. Lord Campbell. Lond. 1849. 2 v. 80~. 3519 Child, L. Maria. Appeal in Favor of Africans. New York, 1836. 120~. 322 Biographies of Lady Russell and Mde. Guyon. Boston, 1832. 120~. 2376 Biographies of Mde. de Stal and Mde. Roland. Bost. 1832. 120~. 2153 Fact and Fiction; a Collection of Stories. New York, 1846. 120~. 2937 Good Wives. Boston, 1833. 120..1839 History of the Condition of Women. Boston, 1838. 2 v. 120.. 1880 Hobomok. Boston, 1824. 120. 870 Isaac T. Hopper; a True Life. New York, 1853. 120... 5381 Letters from New York. New York, 1843-45. 2 v. 12~.. 1732 Philothea; a Grecian Romance. New York, 1848. 120.. 2373 Rebels; or, Boston before the Revolution. 1850. 120.. 3869 Child of the Islands; a Poem. Mrs. C. E. S. Norton. N.Y. 1846. 12~. 2567 Child's First History of Rome. E. M. Sewell. New York, 1849. 120~. 3310 Child's History of England. C. Dickens. New York, 1854. 2 v. 120~. 5829 Children of the Abbey. R. M. Roche. Phil. n.d. 240... 25 Children of Light. Caroline Chesebro'. New York, 1853. 120.. 5064 Chillingworth, W. Works. Philadelphia, 1844. Roy. 80.. 2168 Chimes; a Goblin Story. C. Dickens. Philadelphia, 1845. 160.. 808 The same. New York, 1848. 120..2204 China, and the Chinese. H. C. Sirr. London, 1849. 2 v. 80... 4822 and the Chinese, Points and Pickings about. London, 1844. 120~. 5642 and the English. New York, 1843. 160.. 4602 Consular Cities of. G. Smith. London, 1847. 80.... 4960 Embassy to. H. Ellis. Philadelphia, 1818. 80.~... 2612 Embassy to. G. Staunton. Philadelphia, 1799. 2 v. 80... 1270 Embassy to the Emperor of. G. Staunton. London, 1799. 80.. 716 Insurrection in. Callery and Yvan. New York, 1853. 120.. 6565 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 47 China, New Zealand, &c., Travels in. J. Holman. London, 1840. 8~. 1986, 4 Pictorial, Descriptive, and Historical. London, 1853. Post 80.. 5503 Political, Commercial, and Social. R. M. Martin. Lond. 1847. 2 v. 80. 4341 Travels in. J. Barrow. Philadelphia, 1805. 80. ~. 763 Two Voyages to the Coast of. C. Gutzlaff. New York, 1833. 120. 2152 Visit to Consular Cities of. G. Smith. New York, 1847. 120.. 3083 Chinese History, Sketch of. C. Gutzlaff. New York, 1834. 2 v. 120.. 1916 Chinese Empire, and its Inhabitants. S. W. Williams. N.Y. 1848. 2 v. 120. 3102 Chinese Repository. Vols. 5, 7, 10-12. Canton, 1836-43. 5 v. 80. 1606 Chinese, The. J. F. Davis. New York, 1845. 2 v. 120... 2443 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 2 v. 120. 3683, 80, 81 Chitty, J. Law of Bills of Exchange, Checks, &c. Portland, 1807. 80. 1159 Chivalry, History of. G. P. R. James. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1847. 120. 3683, 20 History of. C. Mills. Philadelphia, 1826. 2 v. 80.. 1400 Romance, and the Drama. Sir W. Scott. Edin. 1834. 120~. 4101, 6 The same. Boston, 1829. 120. 399, 6 Cholera, Boston Report on. Boston, 1849. 80.. 3953 Chorley, H. F. Memorials of Mrs. F. Hemans. Philadelphia, 1836. 120. 973 Sketches of a Seaport-Town. Philadelphia, 1836. 2 v. 120~.. 436 Choules, J. O. Cruise of the North Star. Boston, 1854. 120~... 5770 Origin and History of Missions. Boston, 1838. 2 v. 40~... 1999 (Editor.) Young Americans Abroad. Boston, 1852. 120.. 4638 Christ before the Flood. J. Cumming. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5822 Character of. E. Smith. Boston, 1814. 120. 310 Glory of. G. Spring. New York, 1852. 2 v. 80... 1002 His Person and his Kingdom. R. Whately. London, 1845. 80~. 2653 History and Evidence of the Resurrec. of. G. West. Bost. 1834. 120~. 1478 in History. R. Turnbull. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5603 in Theology. H. Bushnell. Hartford, 1851. 120.. 4166 Life. A. Neander. New York, 1848. 80. 4716 Our Example. Caroline Fry. New York, 1852. 120... 930 Pathways & Abiding Places of. J. M. Wainwright. N.Y. 1851. 8~. 4008 Preciousness of. J. Thornton. Boston, 1834. 120.... 1480 Testimony of his Second Appearing. "Union Village (O.), 1823. 120. 3052 Christian Biography, Studies in. S. Osgood. New York, 1850. 120.. 3670 Christian Courtesy, Principles of. G. W. Hervey. New York, 1852. 120. 4781 Christian Examiner. Vols. 1-55 [continued]. Boston, 1824-53. 80.. 1289 Christian Duty, Pastoral Addresses on. J. A. James. N.Y. 1852. 160. 4754 Christian Faith, Essays on the Dangers to. R. Whately. Lond. 1839. 80. 2652 Christian Father's Present. J. A. James. New York, 1854. 120.. 5588 Christian Life and Spirit, Discourses on. C.A. Bartol. Bost. 1850. 120. 3844 Christian Morals. Hannah More. New York, 1818. 18... 126 Christian Nurture, Views of. H. Bushnell. Hartford, 1848. 120... 3159 Christian Philosopher. T. Dick. Brookfield, 1828. 120... 519 The same. Philadelphia, 1845. 120..... 2357, 2 Christian Purity, Nature and Blessedness of. R. S. Foster. N.Y. 1851. 120. 4158 Christian Religion. E. Swedenborg. Boston, 1833. 80.... 797 Evidence of the Truth of. A. Keith. Philadelphia, 1850. 120.. 4746 48 CATALOGUE OF THE Christian Religion, Institutes of. J. Calvin. Philadelphia, 1850. 2 v. 80. 4707 Evidences, Doctrines, and Dutiesof. O.Gregory. N.Y.1826. 2v. 120. 1550 Christian Retrospect and Register. R. Baird. New York, 1851. 120.. 4206 Christian Review. Vols. 1-18 [continued]. New York, 1836-53. 80. 3737 Christian Theology, Lectures on. G. C. Knapp. New York, 1850. 80. 4709 Christian World Unmasked. J. Berridge. Boston, 1854. 120... 5606 Christians, History of the Early. S. Eliot. Bost. 1853. 2v. 120. Part II. 5238 Christianity, Application of, to Affairs of Life. T. Chalmers. N.Y. 1821. 80. 1305 The same. New York, 1850. 80. 3539, 4 Contrasted with Infidelity. E. Neale. Philadelphia, 1850. 120. 4169 Defence of. E. Everett. Boston, 1814. 120... 2110 Early Conflicts of. W. I. Kip. New York, 1850. 120.. 3506 Evidences of. A. Alexander. Philadelphia, 1850. 120.. 4744 Evidences of. W. J. Bolton. Boston, 1854. 120... 5863 Evidences of. T. Chalmers. New York, 1850. 80.. 3539, 4 Evidences of. M. Hopkins. Boston, 1847. 80.. 2856 Evidences of. W. Paley. Boston, 1803. 120. 392 Evidences of. J. G. Palfrey. Boston, 1843. 2 v. 80... 2251 Evidences of. D. Wilson. Boston, 1845. 2 v. 120... 4745 Evidences of. Lectures at University of Virginia. N.Y. 1852. 80~. 4802 History of. A. Neander. Boston, 1849-54. 5 v. 80... 3527 History of. H. H. Milman. New York, 1842. 80... 1952 History of; for 325 Years, A.D. J. L. Mosheim. N.Y. 1852. 2 v. 80. 4841 Lectures on. G. W. Burnap. Boston, 1848. 120... 4920 Present State of. F. Shoberl. New York, 1828. 120.. 552 Revived in the East. H. G. O. Dwight. New York, 1850. 120~. 3936 Tracts concerning. A. Norton. Cambridge, 1852. 80.. 4847 True Theory of. W. S. Grayson. New York, 1853. 120... 5601 Truth of, Demonstrated. H. Newcomb. Boston, 1842. 120. 977 Views of. C. Bonnet. London, 1787. 120... 187 Christine Van Amberg, &c. Countess d'Arbouville. N.Y. 1853. 120~. 5290 Christmas, Book of; Customs, &c. T. K. Hervey. New York, 1845. 120~. 2590 Christmas, H. Echoes of the Universe. Philadelphia, 1850. 120... 3917 Cradle of Twin-Giants, Science and History. Lon. 1849. 2 v. 120~. 4579 Shores and Islands of the Mediterranean. London, 1851. 3 v. 120~. 4289 Christmas, Miss. (Editor.) Hist. of Papal Persecutions. Lond. 1851. 120~. 4613 Christmas Stories. C. Dickens. New York, 1848. 120... 2204 Christmas Carol; The Chimes; Cricket on the Hearth; Battle of Life. Christopher North. - See Wilson, Prof. John. Christopher under Canvass. J. Wilson. Philadelphia, 1850, 120... 3879 Christopher Tadpole, Adventures of. Albert Smith. N. York, 1848. 80. 2897 Chronicle, Anglo-Saxon. London, 1847. Post 80..... 4365 of Battel Abbey. Trans. by M. A. Lover. London, 1851. 80.. 4321 of the Cid. Translated by R. Southey. Lowell, 1846. 80... 2672 Chronicles of Canongate. 1st s. Sir WV. Scott. Bost. 1848. 2 v. 120. 999, 39, 40 The same. Edinburgh, 1849. 120. 4100, 41 The same. Edinburgh, 1850. Roy. 80. 4531, 10 2d series. Sir W. Scott. Bost. 1848. 2 v. 120~. 999, 41, 42 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 49 Chronicles of Canongate. 2ds. Sir W. Scott. Edin. 1849. 2 v. 12~. 4100, 42-3 The same. Edinburgh, 1850. Roy. 80. 4531, 11 The same. New York, 1827. 2 v. 12.... 365 of Clovernook. D. Jerrold. London, 1853. 120~.. 6234, 6 of Crime; or, Newgate Calendar. London, 1842. 2v. 80... 2769 of the Crusades. London, 1848. Post 8~.. 3564 of Europe. Sir J. Froissart. Trans. by T. Johnes. N. Y. 1845. 40~. 2027 of Monstrelct. Trans. by T. Johnes. Lond. 1849. 2 v. roy. 80.. 1219 Six Old English. Edited by J. A. Giles. London, 1848. Post 80. 4367 Ethelwerd's Chronicle; Asser's Life of Alfred; Geoffrey of MIonmouth's British History; Gildas; Nennius; Richard of Cirencester. Chronology and History, Handbook of. G. P. Putnam. N.Y. 1852. 8~. 2041 of History, Art, Literature, &c. London, 1854. 120.... 6124 Chrysostom, J. Life. F. M. Perthes. Boston, 1854. 12... 6240 Chubbuck, Emily. Alderbrook. Boston, 1848. 2 v. 120... 2941 Trippings in Author Land. New York, 1846. 120... 2506 See also Judson, Emily. Church, E. New System of Teaching French. Boston, 1845. 80... 1136 Church and State. S. T. Coleridge. New York, 1853. 120... 5561, 6 and State, Union of. B. W. Noel. New York, 1849. 120... 3275 before the Flood. J. Cumming. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5822 Book of the. R. Southey. Boston, 1825. 2 v. 80... 3612 Dictionary. W. F. Hook. Philadelphia, 1854. 80... 5430 Establishments, National. R. Wardlaw. London, 1839. 80.. 1419 History of the Apostolic. P. Schaff. New York, 1853. 80.. 5448 History of New England, 1602-1804. J. Backus. Bost. 1804. 120. 5560 Members, Advice to. W. Innes. Boston, 1833. 12.... 1475 of England. History of. T. V. Short. Philadelphia, 1843. 8~.. 3606 of England, Reformation of. G. Burnet. London, 1841. 4 v. 80. 3993 The same. New York, 1843. 3v. 8~0... 2057 Churchill, C. H. Mt. Lebanon; a Ten Years' Residence. Lond. 1853. 3 v. 8~. 5426 Cicero, M. T. Life. C. Middleton. Boston, 1818. 3 v. 8~0... 1345 Life and Letters. London, 1848. Roy. 80.. 5481 Lettres de. Paris, 1738. 6 v. 120. ~.. 389 Offices. Trans. by T. Cockman. New York, 1854. 120.. 1854, 10 Offices; Three Books. Tr. by C. R. Edmonds. Lond. 1850. Post 80. 4386 Orations. Trans. by W. Duncan. New York, 1844. 2 v. 120. 1854, 8,9 Oratory and Orators. London, 1808. 2 v. 80.. 5011 Cicilia Howard. T. S. Arthur. New York, 1844. 120.... 2138 *Cincinnati Directory, 1853. Cincinnati, 1853. 80.. 5888 Cinq-Mars; a Conspiracy under Louis XIII. A. de Vigny. N.Y. 1847. 80. 2773 Circassia; a Tour of the Caucasus. G. L. Ditson. New York, 1850. 80. 3522 Circumnavigation of the Globe. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 120. 3683, 82 Cities of the Western Continent. C. A. Goodrich. Hartford, 1848. 80. 3622 Ruins of Ancient. C. Bucke. (H.F.L.) N.Y. 1846. 2 v. 120. 3681, 134-5 Citizen of Prague. Mary Howitt. New York, 1846. 80.... 2661 Citizen of a Republic. A. Ceba. New York, 1845. 120.... 2489 City and Country Life. Mary I. Torrey. Boston, 1853. 12~... 5329 H 50 CATALOGUE OF THE City Architecture. N. Field. New York, 1853. 8~0.. 5438 City Merchant; or, Mysterious Failure. J. B. Jones. Phil. 1851. 120.. 3800 City of the Magyar. Miss Pardoe. 1840. 3 v. 120.. 3122 of the Sultan. Miss Pardoe. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 120.. 941 Civil Engineering, Encyclopaedia of. E. Cresy. London, 1847. 80.. 4529 Treatise on. H. Law. London, 1852. 120.... 6044 Civil Liberty and Self Government. F. Lieber. Philadelphia, 1853. 120~. 5552 Civil War in the Vend6e. Paris, 1802. 80. 574 Civilization in Europe, History of. M. Guizot. New York, 1838. 120.. 1035 Clap, R. Memoirs, 1630. Reprinted, Boston, 1844. 12~..4925 Clapp, W. W., jun. Record of the Boston Stage. Boston, 1853. 12~.. 5523 Clapperton, H. Second Expedition into Africa. Philadelphia, 1829. 80~. 1335 Clarence; a Tale of our own Times. C. M. Sedgwick. N. Y. 1849. 12~. 3423 Clarendon, E. H. (Earl of). History of the Rebellion. Oxford, 1826. 8 v. 80~. 2256 Claret and Olives. A. B. Reach. New York, 1852. 120.... 830 Claridge, R. T. Cold Water, Tepid Water, & Friction Cure. N.Y. 1849. 120~. 3404 Clarissa Harlowe. S. Richardson. London, 1764. 8 v. 120... 1832 Clark, D. A. Complete Works, with Life. G. Shepard. N.Y. 1848. 2 v. 8~. 4721 *Clark, E. Brit. & ConwayTub. Bridges. Lon. 1850. 2 v. 80. plates 1 v. fol. 1673 Clark, J. A. Glimpses of the Old World. Philadelphia, 1840. 2 v. 120~. 1319 Clark, L. G. Knick-Knacks from an Editor's Table. N. Y. 1852. 120~. 5028 Knickerbocker Sketch-Book. New York, 1845. 120... 2374 Clark, R. W. Lectures to Young Men. Boston, 1853. 120.... 5543 Memoir of John Edwards Emerson. Boston, 1852. 12~.. 4921 Clark, W. G. Literary Remains. Ed. by L. G. Clark, N.Y. 1844. 80~. 2077 Clarke, B. British Gazetteer. London, 1852. 3 v. roy. 80... 5169 Clarke, E. D. Life and Remains. W. Otter. London, 1825. 80.. 5485 Travels. London, 1816. 11 v. 80..5486 Vols. 1, 2. Russia, Tartary, and Turkey. 3-8. Greece, Egypt, and the Holy Land. 9-11. Scandinavia. Clarke, H. English Grammar. London, 1852. 120..... 6115 Clarke, F. L., & W. Dunlap. Life of Duke of Wellington. N.Y. 1814. 80~. 615 Clarke, J. F. Eleven Weeks in Europe. Boston, 1852. 120... 4773 Clarke, Mary C. *Concordance to Shakspeare. Boston, 1854. Roy. 80~. 5973 Girlhood of Shakspeare's Heroines. New York, 1852. 2 v. 120.. 4450 Iron Cousin; or, Mutual Influence. New York, 1853. 120.. 6141 Clarke, Sara J. Greenwood Leaves. Boston, 1850-52. 2 v. 120... 3456 Haps and Mishaps in Europe. Boston, 1854. 2 v. 120.. 5624 History of my Pets. Boston, 1851. 120. 4091 Poems. Boston, 1851. 120. 4067 See also Lippincott, Mrs. Sara J. Clarkson, T. History of Abolition of the Slave Trade. N.Y. 1836. 3 v. 120. 1548 Public and Private Life of Wm. Penn. Dover, 1827. 80~... 1410 Classic and Historic Portraits. J. Bruce. New York, 1854. 120... 5776 *Classical Dictionary. C. Anthon. New York, 1850. 80... 2840 The same. New York, 1847. Roy. 80. 1243 W. Smith. Edited by C. Anthon. New York, 1851. Roy. 8~.. 4347 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 51 Classical Gazetteer. W. Hazlitt. London, 1851. 12~... 4222 Classical Library, Harper's. (Translations.) N. Y. 1833-44. 36 v. 120. 1854 Vols. 1, 2. Xenophon. Vols. 18,19. Horace and Pheedrus. 3, 4. Demosthenes. 20,21. Ovid. 5. Sallust. 22,23. Thucydides. 6, 7. Casar. 24-28. Livy. 8-10. Cicero. 29-31. Herodotus. 11, 12. Virgil. 32-34. Homer. 13. &Eschylus. 35. Juvenal and Persius. 15-17. Euripides. 36. Pindar and Anacreon. 14. Sophocles. Classical Literature, History of. R. W. B3rowne. Phil. 1852. 80... 4562 Clausing, L., Life of. S. F. B. Morse. New York, 1836. 160... 42 Clay, C. M. Writings. New York, 1848. 80.... 3209 Clay, H. Biography. G. D. Prentice. Hartford, 1831. 120... 393 Life and Speeches. Ed. by D. Mallory. New York, 1844. 2 v. 8~. 1789 Life and Times of. C. Cotton. New York, 1846. 2 v. 8~... 2675 Clay Lands and Loamy Soils. Prof. Donaldson. London, 1852. 12~.. 6079 Cleaveland P. Mineralogy and Geology. Boston, 1816. 80.... 1380 Clement, J. (Editor.) Noble Deeds of Am. Women. Buffalo, 1851. 120~. 4217 Cleopatra, History of. J. Abbott. New York, 1851. 120.... 4212 Clerk's Guide; or, Commercial Correspon. B. F. Foster. Bos. 1837. 120. 1544 Cleveland, H. R. Life of Henry Hudson. Boston, 1844. 120.. 1076, 10 Cleveland, R. J. Voyages and Commer. Enterprises. Camb. 1842. 2 v. 120~. 897 Clifford Family; a Tale of the Old Dominion. New York, 1852. 120.. 4896 Climate in America. H. Williamson. New York, 1811. 80.... 662 Clinch, J. H. Captivity in Babylon, and other Poems. Bost. 1840. 120~. 167 Clinton; a Book for Boys. W. Simonds. Boston, 1854. 12~.. 5620 Clinton, De Witt. Discourse at New York, May 4f 1814. N.Y. 1815. 80~. 1824 Life. J. Renwick. NewYork, 1840. 120... 1470 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 120... 3683, 125 Life and Writings. W. W. Campbell. New York, 1849. 8~.. 3355 Tribute to the Memory of. Albany, 1828. 120. 210 Clinton Bradshaw. F. W. Thomas. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 v. 120~.. 1101 Clio; or, Discourse on Taste. Dublin, 1778. 120..145 Clock and Watch Making. E. B. Denison. London, 1850. 120... 6080 T. Reid. Philadelphia, 1832. Roy. 80. 1646 Clockmaker. T. C. Haliburton. Philadelphia, 1837. 120... 924 The same. Philadelphia, 1846. 120.. 3348 Cloister Life of Charles V. W. Stirling. Boston, 1853. 120. ~ ~ 5359 Closing Scene; or, Christianity and Infidelity. E. Neale. Phil. 1850. 120~. 4169 Cloudesley. W. Godwin. New York, 1830. 2v. 120. 1927 Clouds and Sunshine. New York, 1853. 120. 6326 Clovernook. Alice Carey. NewYork, 1852. 120..... 4757 Clovernook Children. Alice Carey. Boston, 1855. 120.... 6233 Club-Book; Tales by various Authors. New York, 1831. 2v. 120.. 3162 Coal, and Coal Pits, and the People in them. London, 1854. 120.. 5847 Statistics of. R. C. Taylor. Philadelphia, 1848. 80.. 3240 Coale, W. E. Hints on Health. Boston, 1862. 120.. 4764 Coast Survey Reports, 1851-52. Washington, 1852-53. 8~.. 2716 Cobb, J. B. Mississippi Scenes. Philadelphia, 1851. 120. 3782 52 CATALOGUE OF THE Cobbett, W. Advice to Young Men. New York, 1844. 120.. 26 Political Works. Ed. by J. M. & J. P. Cobbett. Lond. 1835. 6 v. 80. 5136 Reformation in England and Ireland. Philadelphia, n. d. 120.. 1777 Cobbold, H. Freston Tower. London, 1850. 3 v. 120.. 4275 Cobden, J. C. White Slaves of England. Auburn, 1853. 8~.. 5385 Cobden, R. Russia and the Eastern Question. Boston, 1854. 120. 5794 Cochin-China, Siam, & Muscat, Embassy to. E. Roberts. N. Y. 1837. 80~. 945 Cockburn, Lord. Life of F. Jeffrey. Philadelphia, 1852. 2v. 8~. 996 Cockburn, Sir G. Napoleon's Voyage to St. Helena. Boston, 1833. 120~. 1057 Cockton, H. George St. George Julian. Philadelphia, 1842. 8~.0.. 2771 Lady Felicia. New York, 1852. 80. 650 Love Match. New York, 1845. 80~. 2620 Sisters; or, the Fatal Marriages. New York, 1851. 80. 4151 Stanley Thorn. New York, 1852. 80. 1638 Steward; a Romance of Real Life. New York, 1852. 8~... 4549 Sylvester Sound, the Somnambulist. New York, 1849. 8... 2216 Valentine Vox, the Ventriloquist. Philadelphia, 1848. 80~... 1650 Codman, J. Memoir. W. Allen. Boston, 1853. 80. 5449 Ccelebs in Search of a Wife. Hannah More. London, 1852. 120~.. 374 Coffin, J. Hist. of Newbury, Newburyport, & W. Newbury. Bost. 1845. 80~. 2662 Coggeshall, G. Voyages from 1777 to 1844. New York, 1851. 8~.. 4303 Coincidences in Old and New Testaments. J. J. Blunt. N. Y. 1851. 80~. 4704 Coins, Money, & Exchange. Treatise on. J. Hewitt. Lond. 1755. 80~. 1223 New Gold & Silver. J. R. Eckfeldt& W. E. Dubois. N. Y. 1851. 8~. 4144 Coke, Sir E. Life. London, 1833. 80..602 Coke, E. T. Subaltern's Furlough. New York, 1833. 2 v. 120. 1195 Cold Water, Tepid Water, & Friction Cure. R. T. Claridge. N.Y. 1849. 120~. 3404 Cole, T. Course of Empire, &c. L. L. Noble. New York, 1853. 120~.. 5334 Coleridge, S. T. Aids to Reflection. Burlington, 1840. 8~0.. 1992 and R. Southey, Reminiscences of. J. Cottle. N.Y. 1847. 12~. 3016 Biographia Literaria. New York, 1852. 120..1032 Complete Works. New York, 1853. 7 v. 120... 6561 Vol. 1. Aids to Reflection; States- Vol. 4. Shakspeare and the Dramatists. man's Manual. 6. Literary Remains. 2. The Friend; Miscellaneous. 6. Church and State. 3. Biographia Literaria. 7. Poetical and Dramatic. The Friend; a Series of Essays. Burlington, 1831. 80~... 1948 Poetical Works. Philadelphia, 1844. 80~.. 581 Table-Talk. New York, 1835. 2 v. 120. 1249 Works, in Prose and Verse. Philadelphia, 1849. 80... 2339 Coles, L. B. Beauties and Deformities of Tobacco-Using. Bost. 1851. 120. 4477 Philosophy of Health. Boston, 1854. 12~.... 5881 Colin Clink. C. Hooton. Philadelphia, 1840. 2 v. 120. 1551 *Collection de Mammifers. Paris, 1808. 40.... 6980 Collections of the Mass. Historical Society. Boston, 1806. 10 v. 80.. 2631 The same. Second series. Boston, 1838. 10 v. 8~... 2631 The same. Third series. Boston, 1846. 10 v. 80... 2631 College Words and Customs, Collection of. Cambridge, 1851. 120~.. 4410 Collier, J. P. Notes and Emendations on Shakspeare. N.Y. 1853. 120. 5286 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 53 Collier, J. P. (Collector.) Shakspeare's Library. London, 1843. 2 v. 80. 4656 (Editor.) Works of Shakspeare. New York, 1853. Roy. 8~.. 5432 Collins, A. Maria. Mrs. Ben Darby. Cincinnati, 1854. 120.. 5604 Collins, L. Historical Sketches of Kentucky. Maysville, 1847. 80~.. 3246 Collins, S. Miscellanies. Philadelphia, 1842. 120.. 1698 Collins, W. Poetical Works. New York, 1844. 120. 12 Collins, W. W. Antonina; or, the Fall of Rome. New York, 1850. 80~. 3988 Basil; a Story of Modern Life. New York, 1853. 120... 5058 *Collot, A. G. French and English Dictionary. Philadelphia, 1852. 80. 1668 Colman Family, Memoirs of. R. B. Peake. London, 1841. 2 v. 8~.. 2605 Colman, H. European Agriculture & Rural Economy. Bos. 1849. 2 v. 80. 3268 European Life and Manners. Boston, 1849. 2 v. 120.... 3272 Third Mass. Report on Wheat and Silk. Boston, 1840. 8~.. 1607 Historical Geography of the Bible. Philadelphia, 1849. 120.. 3428 Colonial Magazine. Ed. by P. L. Simonds. Vols. 1-5. Lond. 1845-46. 80. 3218 Colonial Policy of Great Britain. Philadelphia, 1816. 120.. 477 Colonies, History of the American. J. Marshall. Philadelphia, 1824. 80. 1987 of the British Empire, Hist. of. R. M. Martin. Lon. 1843. Roy. 8~. 2843 Colonization and Anti-Slavery Societies. W. Jay. New York, 1838. 120. 1526 Colors, Philosophy of Permanent. E. Bancroft. Phil. 1814. 2 v. 80.. 654 Colquhoun, Lady Janet. Memoir. J. Hamilton. New York, 1850. 120. 3491 Colquhoun, P. Police of London. London, 1800. 80... 729 Colt, J. C. Bookkeeping, Double Entry. Cincinnati, 1838. Roy. 80.. 1995 Colton, C. Public Economy in the United States. New York, 1848. 8~. 3211 Four Years in Great Britain. New York, 1835. 2 v. 120... 1258 Life and Times of Henry Clay. New York, 1846. 2 v. 80.. 2675 Colton, C. C. Lacon; or, Many Things in Few Words. N.Y. 1836. 160. 1856 Colton, W. Deck and Port. New York, 1850. 120. 3659 Land and Lee in the Bosphorus and ZEgean. N. Y. 1851. 120~. 4219 Memoir. H. T. Cheever. New York, 1851. 120... 4439 Sea and the Sailor; Notes on France and Italy, &c. N.Y. 1851. 120~. 4439 Ship and Shore. New York, 1851. 120... 1084 Three Years in California. New York, 1850. 120... 3903 Columbia River, Adventures on. R. Cox. New York, 1832. 8~.. 3215 Columbus, C., Life and Voyages. New York, 1828. 3 v. 80.... 1347 The same (abridged). New York, 1829. 120.. 2141 and Companions, Life and Voyages. W. Irving. N.Y.1848. 3 v. 12~. 3360 The same. New York, 1849. 3 v. 120. 800 First Voyage to America. Boston, 1827. 8~0. 1332 Colville Family. F. Smedley. New York, 1853. 120. 5517 Colwell, S. New Themes for Protestant Clergy. Philadelphia, 1852. 120. 5025 Combe, A. Guide to Health. Buffalo, 1848. 120..... 3393 Life and Correspondence. G. Combe. Philadelphia, 1850. 120.. 3862 Physiology applied to Health, &c. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1846. 120. 3683, 71 The same. New York, 1851. 120. 2211 Combe, G. Constitution of Man. Boston, 1839. 120.. 555 Lectures on Phrenology. London, 1839. 120. 434 Life and Correspondence of Andrew Combe. Phil. 1850. 12~.. 3862 5 4 CCATALOGUE OF THE Combe, G. Moral Philosophy. New York, 1843. 120... 1460 The same. New York, 1848. 120.. 3771 Notes on the United States, 1838-40. Phil. 1841. 2 v. 12~.. 1603 System of Phrenology. New York, 1843. 120.. 1758 and R. Cox. Moral and Intellectual Science. New York, 1848. 80. 3264 Combustion. R. A. Coffin. Boston, 1836. 120. 898 Comedies, Italian. Trans. from Goldoni & others. New York, 1849. 120. 3378 Comer, G. N. Bookkeeping by Double Entry. Boston, 1850. 80.. 2731 Comets. J. Winthrop and A. Oliver, jun. Boston, 1811. 120.. 875 Comic Writers, Lectures on the English. W. Hazlitt. Lond. 1841. 120~. 1874 Coming of the Mammoth, and other Poems. H. B. Hirst. Bost. 1845. 120~. 2470 Commander of Malta. E. Sue. New York, 1849. 80... 3299 Commentaries on American Law. J. Kent. New York, 1844. 4 v. 80.. 2056 Commerce. J. R. M'Culloch. London, 1843. 80.... 2541 *Annuaire du. Paris, 1851. 40. 21 by Sea and Land, Book of. Philadelphia, 1836. 120.... 2113 Code of, translated from the French. Edinburgh, 1826. 120.. 2545 *Cyclopaedia of. W. Waterston. London, 1846. 80.. 3996 The same. London, 1846. 80. 3544 Dictionnaire de. Copenhagen, 1759. 4 v. folio.. 2019 Dictionnaire Universel de. Paris, 1805. 2 v. 40~.. 2029 European. C. W. R6rdansz. Boston, 1819. 8~. 639 European. J.J. Oddy. Philadelphia, 1807. 2 v. 8... 720 de la France, Tableau Gen6ral. Paris, 1844. 2 v. 40~... 2035 History of British. G. L. Craik. London, 1844. 3 v. 180.. 2413 of Greece. F. Beaujour. London, 1800. 80.. 715 of the Mediterranean. J. Jackson. New York, 1806. 120.. 1222 of the Prairies. J. Gregg. New York, 1844. 2 v. 120... 2098 Origin and History of. A. Anderson. London, 1764. 2 v. folio. 2025 Politics, and Finance, Lectures on. T. Mortimer. Lond. 1801. 8~. 575 Commercial Dictionary. J. R. M'Culloch. Phil. 1845. 2 v. roy. 80.. 1691 J. Montefiore. Philadelphia, 1804. 3 v. 80.... 1367 Commercial Law, Leading Cases in. J. P. Holcombe. N.Y. 1847. 80.. 4304 Principles and Administration of. L. Levi. Lond. 1851. 2 v. 40~. 4837 Commercial Regulations of Foreign Nations. Washington, 1824. 8~.. 789 Commercial Review of the South and West. Vols. 4, 5. N.O. 1847-48. 80. 2911 Commercial Statistics of all Nations. J. Macgregor. Lond. 1850. 5 v. roy. 80. 5469 For Contents, See Macgregor, J. *Commercial Tables. J. Hartshorn. Boston, 1852. Folio. 5394 Commissioner; or, De Lunatico Inquirando. G. P. R. James. N.Y. 1851. 80. 4116 Common Place Book. R. Southey. New York, 1849. 80... 3389 Companion of the Tour of France. Mde. Dudevant. N.Y. 1847. 120. 3036 Companions of my Solitude. A. Helps. Boston, 1852. 120.... 6204 Comparative Physiognomy. J. W. Redfield. New York, 1852. 80.. 4947 Comstock, J. L. Elements of Chemistry. New York, 1841. 120.. 1740 History of Precious Metals. Hartford, 1849. 120.... 3007 Comte, A. Philosophy of Mathematics. New York, 1851. 80... 4134 Philosophy of the Sciences. Ed. by G. H. Lewes. Lond. 1853. 80. 5936 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 55 Comte, M. le. Memoire sur les Etats-G6neraux. Paris, 1789. 120.. 1418 Con Cregan, Confessions of. C. Lever. New York, 1851. 8~... 4532 Conchologist's First Book. E. A. Poe. Philadelphia, 1839. 120.. 840 Concord, Mass., History of. L. Shattuck. Boston, 1835. 80... 2811 Concord & Merrimack Rivers, a Week on. H. D. Thoreau. Bost. 1849. 120. 3374 *Concordance to Shakspeare. Mary C. Clarke. Boston, 1854. Roy. 80. 5973 Cond6, J. A. Arabs in Spain. Tr. by Mrs. J. Foster. Lond. 1854-55. 3 v. 8~. 5939 Cond6, L. (Prince of). Life. Lord Mahon. New York, 1845. 2 v. 12~. 2513 Confessions of an Attorney. S. Warren. New York, 1852. 120... 4772 of Con Cregan. C. Lever. New York, 1851. 80.... 4532 of Cuthburt, and other Poems. S. Melmoth. Boston, 1827. 160~. 834 of an Elderly Lady.and Gent. Lady Blessington. Phil. 1838. 2v. 12~. 456 of Fitz-Boodle, &c. W.M. Thackeray. New York, 1852. 12~. 5060 of a Housekeeper. T. S. Arthur. Philadelphia, 1851. 12~.. 4460 of an Opium-Eater. T. de Quincey. Boston, 1850. 120.. 3911 Confidential Disclosures. A. Lamartine. NewYork, 1849. 12~... 3349 Confessor; an Historical Novel. New York, 1851. 8~. 4509 Conflict of Ages. E. Beecher. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5528 Congar, O., Autobiography & Memorials of. H. T. Cheever. N.Y. 1851. 120~. 4156 Congregational Year Book, 1854. New York, 1854. 80... 5491 Congregationalism, History of. G. Punchard. Salem, 1841. 12~.. 2118 Congress, Acts of the First Session of, 1791. Philadelphia, n. d. 8~.. 760 Debates and Proceedings in, 1789-1837. Wash. 1834-37. 29 v. 8~. 4903 History of. H. G. Wheeler. New York, 1848. 2 v. 80.. 3200 Journals of; from Jan. 1, 1776, to Jan. 1, 1777. Yorktown, 1778. 80~. 618 Reminiscences of. C. W. March. New York, 1850. 12~... 3919 Congressional Globe [incomplete]. Wash. 1844-53. 12 v. 40.. 3225 Congreve,W. Dramatic Works. Ed.byL. Hunt. Lond. 1851. Roy. 80~. 4527 Coningsby. B. Disraeli. New York, 1845. 80.. 2282 Conjugial Love. E. Swedenborg. Boston, 1833. 80. 798 Conkling, Margaret C. Mother and Wife of Washington. Aub. 1850. 120. 3849 Connecticut, Educational Documents of. Hartford, 1853. 80... 5971 Historical Collections of. J. W. Barber. N. Haven, 1836. 8~0.. 652 History of. Theo. Dwight, jun. (H.F. L.) N.Y. 1846. 120. 3683, 133 Conquest and Self-Conquest. Maria J. McIntosh. N.Y. 1846. 18~.. 2420 Conquest of Grenada. W. Irving. Philadelphia, 1829. 2 v. 12~.. 1182 The same. W. Irving. New York, 1850. 120... 3369 of Mexico, History of. W. H. Prescott. N.Y. 1850. 3 v. 80.. 1759 of Peru, History of. V. H. Prescott. New York, 1847. 2 v.80. 2793 Consolations of Travel. Sir H. Davy. London, 1831. 120.... 2546 Consolation, Sermons of. F. W. P. Greenwood. Boston, 1842. 120.. 1707 Conspiracy of Pontiac, History of. F. Parkman, jun. Boston, 1851. 80. 4519 of the Spaniards against Venice, 1618. Boston, 1838. 180... 1484 Conspirator, The. A. E. Dupuy. New York, 1850. 120... 4047 Constant, A. Last Incarnation. Trans. by F. G. Shaw. Bost. 1848. 120. 3131 Constant, B. Philosophical Miscellaneous. Boston, 1838. 120... 962, 2 Constantia de Valmont. H. Lee. Philadelphia, 1799. 120.. 152 Constantinople in 1836. Miss Pardoe. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 120.. 941 56 CATALOGUE OF THE Constantinoplein 1836. Miss Pardoe. (Select Cir. Lib.) Phil.1837. 40~. 2034, 1837 Month at. A. Smith. Boston, 1852. 12~. 391 Residence at, in 1827. J. Brewer. New Haven, 1830. 120~.. 341 Constitution of Man. G. Combe. Boston, 1839. 12~. 555 Constitution of the United States. Edited by W. Hickey. Phil. 1847. 120~. 3075 The same. Philadelphia, 1848. 120~...... 4098 and the several States. Charlestown, 1812. 12~.. 316 *The same. New York, 1852. 8.... 5902 Commentaries on. J. Story. Boston, 1833. 3 v. 80. 1796 The same. Boston, 1851. 2 v. roy. 80..4312 Writings on. J. Marshall. Boston, 1839. 80.. 2054 Constitutions, Generative Prin. of Political. J. deMaistre. Bost. 1847. 120. 3024 Constitutional Convention, 1787, Secret Debates in. Rich. 1839. 120.. 587 of Massachusetts. - See Massachusetts. Constitutional Jurisprudence of U. S. W. A. Duer. N.Y. 1848. 120~. 3683, 160 Constitutional Text Book. L. Blake. New York, 1854. 120.. 5780 Consulate and Empire, History of. A. Thiers. New York, 1852. 2 v. 80~. 2754 Consuelo. Mde. Dudevant. Trans. by F. G. Shaw. Bost. 1850. 3 v. 12~. 2603 Sequel to (Countess of Rudolstadt.) Boston, 1847. 2 v. 120.. 2956 Consumption, and Diseases of the Chest. J. A. Swett. N. Y. 1852. 80~. 4804 Forestalled and Prevented. W. M. Cornell. Bost. 1846. 12~.. 2418 Contarini Fleming. B. Disraeli. New York, 1832. 2 v. 120.. 409 The same. Philadelphia, 1845. 80... 2689 Contemporary Portraits. London, 1825. 120~....... 2288 Contentment better than Wealth. Alice B. Neal. New York, 1853. 120. 5009 Continental Adventures; a Novel. Boston, 1826. 3 v. 120~.. 1152 Contracts, Law of. D. Gibbons. London, 1850. 120. 6070 not under Seal, Law of. W. W. Story. Boston, 1844. 8~... 2219 Contributions of Q. Q. Jane Taylor. Boston, 1831. 2 v. 12~. 862 The same. New York, 1850. 2 v. 120. 3664 Convention at Philadelphia, 1787, Secret Debates in. Rich. 1839. 120.. 587 Convent; a Narrative. R. McCrindell. New York, 1850. 160.. 4401 Conversations in Rome. WV.E. Channing. Boston, 1847. 120.. 2437 on the Old Poets. J. R. Lowell. Cambridge, 1845. 120... 2306 with an Ambitious Student. E. L. Bulwer. N. York, 1832. 120~. 1046 Convict; or, Hypocrite Unmasked. G. P. R. James. N. York, 1847. 80~. 2869 Convict Ship. C. A. Browning. Philadelphia, 1850. 120~.. 3576 Conybeare, W. J., & Howson. Life & Epistles of Paul. N. Y. 1854. 2 v. 80~. 5992 Cook, J. Voyage, 1776-80. London, 1783. 2 v. 8~..1348 Voyages Round the World. Philadelphia, n. d. 2 v. 240~... 3 The same. London, 1853. 2 v. roy. 8~. 5457 Cook, Eliza. Melaia, and other Poems. New York, 1844. 120.. 2348 *Cooke, W. B. Rome, and the Surrounding Scenery. Lond. 1840. 40~. 5455 Cooley, A. J. Cyclopaedia of 6000 Receipts. New York, 1846. 8~.. 3537 Cooley, J. E. American in Egypt, &c., 1839-40. New York, 1842. 80~. 1692 Cooper, -. Hist. of Greece, Rome, N. & S. America. Plym. 1818. 120~. 317 Cooper, J. F. Afloat & Ashore; or, Miles Wallingford. Phil.1844. 4 v. 120~. 1898 American Democrat. Cooperstown, 1838. 120. 1009 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 57 Cooper, J. F. Bravo. Philadelphia, 1848. 2 v. 120. 332 Chainbearer; or, Littlepage MSS. New York, 1845. 2 v. 12~.. 2509 Crater; or, Vulcan's Peak. New York, 1847. 2 v. 120.. 3050 Deerslayer; or, First War-Path. New York, 1852. 120.. 1632 (Editor.) Elinor Wyllys. Phil. 1846. 2 v. 120. ~. 2534 Gleanings in Europe: England. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 12~.. 905 Gleanings in Europe: France. Philadelphia, 1837. 120... 273 Headsman. Philadelphia, 1848. 2 v. 12~. 1188 Heidenmauer. Philadelphia, 1841. 2 v. 120~. 1162 The same. London, 1853. 120.. 5710 Home as Found. Philadelphia, 1838. 2 v. 12~..... 1143 Homeward Bound. New York, 1845. 2 v. 120.. 851 Jack Tier; or, the Florida Reef. New York, 1852. 2v. 12.. 3104 Last of the Mohicans. New York, 1850. 120. 1038 Leather Stocking Tales. -The order of the series is as follows: 1. Deerslayer.- 2. Pathfinder. -3. Last of the Mohicans. 4. Pioneers. — 5. Prairie. Lionel Lincoln; or, the Leaguer of Boston. Phil. 1841. 2 v. 120. 2314 Lives of American Naval Officers. Auburn, 1846. 2 v. 120. 2560 Vol. 1. Bainbridge; Somers; Shaw; Shubrick; Preble. 2. Jones; Woolsey; Perry; Dale. Memorial of. New York, 1852. 12~. 1197 Mercedes of Castile. New York, 1845. 2v. 120. 2961 Monikins. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 v. 120. 2307 Naval History of the United States. Philadelphia, 1839. 2 v. 80. 1298 The same, abridged. Philadelphia, 1845. 120... 1280 The same, continued to 1853. New York, 1853. 80. 1298, 3 Ned Myers; or, a Life before the Mast. Philadelphia, 1843. 120. 1751 Notions of the Americans. Philadelphia, 1832. 2 v. 120.. 3778 Oak Openings; or, the Bee Hunter. New York, 1848. 120~. 3164 Pathfinder. New York, 1852. 120. 1581 Pilot. New York, 1851. 120. 348 Pioneers. Philadelphia, 1843. 2 v. 120. 440 Prairie. New York, 1852. 120.. 1004 Precaution. New York, 1852. 2 v. 120. 2960 Red Rover. New York, 1845. 2 v. 120. 412 Redskins; the Conclusion of the Littlepage MSS. N.Y. 1846. 2 v. 120. 2604 Satanstoe; or, the Littlepage MSS. New York, 1845. 2 v. 120.. 2472 Sea Lions; or, the Lost Sealers. New York, 1849. 12~.. 3350 Sketches of Switzerland. Philadelphia, 1836. 4 v. 12. 229 Spy. New York, 1852. 120. 421 Two Admirals. New York, 1851. 120.. 1683 Water Witch. Philadelphia, 1838. 2 v. 120. ~.. 1168 Ways of the Hour. New York, 1850. 120... 3674 Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 v. 12... 850 Wing-and-Wing. Philadelphia, 1842. 2 v. 120... 1703 Wyandotte; or, the Hutted Knoll. New York, 1843. 2 v. 120.. 1734 Cooper, Susan F. Rural Hours. New York, 1850. 120... 3896 I 58 CATALOGUE OF THE Coote, C. History of Modern Europe. Philadelphia, 1822. 2 v. 80. 1998, 5, 6 The same. Philadelphia, 1811. 80. 1377 Copway, G. Hist. and Sketches of the OjibwayNation. Bost. 1851. 120. 4176 Life, Letters, and Speeches. New York, 1850. 12... 3902 Running Sketches in England, France, &c. New York, 1851. 120~. 4435 Coquerel, A. Protestantism in France. Boston, 1854. 120... 6145 Corcoran, H., Conversion & Abduction of. T. F. Caldicott. Bost. 1853. 160~. 5370 Corinthians, First Epistle to, Notes on. A. Barnes. N.Y. 1851. 120.. 4733 Second Epistle to, Notes on. A. Barnes. New York, 1851. 120~. 4734 Corinne; or, Italy. Mde. de Stael. New York, 1847. 120... 895 The same. London, 1853. 120.. 5700 The same. (In French.) New York, 1851. 120... 2099 Corkran, J. F. Hist. of National Constituent Assem., 1848. N.Y. 1849.120. 2935 Cormenin, L. de. Orators of France. New York, 1847. 120.. 3008 Corneille, P., and his Times. M. Guizot. New York, 1852. 120.. 5195 Corneille, T. Poemes Dramatiqes. Paris, 1738. 5 v. 120... 398 Cornell, WV. M. Consumption Forestalled and Prevented. Bost. 1846. 120~. 2418 Corrected Proofs. H. H. Weld. Boston, 1836. 120.. 2151 Corner, Julia. English Envoy at Court of Nicholas I. N. Y. 1854. 120. 6178 Corner Stone. J. Abbott. New York, 1852. 120.. 6205 Cornwall, Barry. - See Proctor, B. W. Corse de Leon; or, the Brigand. G. P. R. James. N.Y. 1841. 2 v. 120~. 1600 Correspon. of the Am. Revolution. Ed. by J. Sparks. Bost. 1853. 4 v. 8~. 5389 Corson, J. W. Loiterings in Europe. New York, 1848. 120.. 3142 Cortez, H. Life. New York, 1850. 160.. 3316 Cosmos. A. von Humboldt. New York, 1849-52. 4 v. 120... 3565 Cossacks, Characteristic Portraits and Costumes of. Lond. 1820. 40~.. 2761 Costellow, Louisa S. Catherine de Medicis. London, 1853. 120.. 5739 Falls, Lakes, and Mountains of North Wales. London, 1845. 120. 2388 Memoirs of Eminent Englishwomen. London, 1844. 4 v. 80.. 4342 Cottage Builder, American. J. Bullock. New York, 1854. 120... 6168 Cottage Building. C. B. Allen. London, 1854. 120. ~... 6064 Cottage Residences. A. J. Downing. New York, 1847. 80... 2804 Cottages & Villas, 200 Designs for. T. U. Walter & J. J. Smith. Phil. 1847.40. 2980 Cottin, Mde. Saracen. New York, 1810. 2 v. 120. 855 Cottle, J. Reminiscences of S. T. Coleridge & R. Southey. N.Y. 1847. 120~. 3016 Cotton and Commerce of India. J. Chapman. London, 1850. 8~.. 4328 in India, Culture and Commerce in. J. F. Royle. Lond. 1851. 80. 4327 History of the Manufacture. G. S. White. Philadelphia, 1836. 80. 1237 Cotton Spinner, American. R. H. Baird. Philadelphia, 1851. 120.. 4263 Practical. R. ScottandO. Byrne. Philadelphia, 1851. 8~.. 4539 Count Julian; or, Last Days of the Goth. W. G. Simms. Balt. 80~.. 2738 CountMonte Leone. H. de S. Georges. New York, 1852. 80... 413 Count of Monte Christo. A. Dumas. New York, 1850. 2 v. 80... 2735 Count Robert of Paris. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1848. 2 v. 120.. 999, 45, 46 The same. Edinburgh, 1849. 120. 4100, 46 The same. Edinburgh, 1850. Roy. 8~0... 4531, 12 Countess, and other Tales. Philadelphia, 1836. 2 v. 120.... 1128 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 59 Countess Ida; a Tale of Berlin. T. S. Fay. New York, 1840. 2 v. 120. 1584 Countess of Rodolstadt (Seq. to Consuelo). Mde. Dudevant. Bost.'47. 2 v. 120~. 2956 Countess of Salisbury. A. Dumas. New York, 1851. 80.. 4334 Counting-House Assistant. J. C. Gilleland. Pittsburgh, 1818. 120. 358 Counting-House Companion. London, 1763. 80. 696 Countries I have Seen. Sara J. Lippincott. Boston, 1852. 120.. 6232 of Europe Described. Philadelphia, 1849. 120.. 3313 Country Curate. G. R. Gleig. London, 1853. 120.. 5703 Country Hospitalities. Cath. Sinclair. Philadelphia, 1851. 120.. 4016 Country Merchant, Life and Adventures of. J. B. Jones. Phil. 1854. 120~. 5844 Country Stories. M. R. Mitford. Philadelphia, 1846. 80.. 1637 Country Year Book. W. Howitt. New York, 1850. 120.... 4054 Course of English Reading. J. Kent. New York, 1853. 12~.. 5203 J. Pycroft. New York, 1845. 120..... 2297 Course of Time; a Poem. R. Pollok.. Boston, 1842. 160.... 1021 Cousin, V. Hist. of Modern Philos. Tr. byO. W. Wight. N.Y.1852. 2v. 8~. 998 History of Philosophy. Tr. by H. G. Linberg. Boston, 1832. 80~. 1435 Philosophical Miscellanies. Boston, 1838. 2 v. 120.. 962, 1, 2 The True, the Beautiful, and the Good. New York, 1854. 120.. 6153 Cousin Franck's Household. Mrs. C. H. Pearson. Boston, 1853. 120~. 5197 Court and Cabinet of St. Cloud, Secret History of. Philadelphia, 1806. 80~. 349 of England under the Stuarts. J. H. Jesse. Phil. 1840. 2 v. 120~. 2148 The same, continued, under Cromwell. Phil. 1840. 2 v. 120~. 2149 of London, Residence at. R. Rush. Philadelphia, 1845. 8~0.. 2646 of Queen Elizabeth. Lucy Aikin. Philadelphia, 1823. 8~.. 671 Courtesy, Principles of. G. W. Hervey. New York, 1852. 120... 4781 Courtenay, T. P. Historical Plays of Shakspeare. Lond. 1840. 2 v. 120~. 1112 Courtier of the Days of Charles II. G. P. R. James. N.Y. 1839. 2 v. 120~. 1072 Covenanters, Traditions of. R. Simpson. Edinburgh, 1850. 120... 4265 Covetousness, Essay on. T. Dick. New York, 1836. 120... 261 The same. Philadelphia, 1845. 120.. 2357, 6 Cowell, J. Thirty Years among the Players. New York, 1845. 80.. 1821 Cowper, W. Life. R. Southey. Boston, 1839. 2 v. 120.. 1204 Life. T. Taylor. Philadelphia, 1834. 120... 423 Life and Letters. London, 1835. 80.. 2169 Poems. Boston, 1826. 3v. 180. 39 The Task. Baltimore, 1804. 120. 144 Works. Edited by T. S. Grimshawe. New York, 1849. Roy. 80. 4348 Cox, F. A. Life of Philip Melancthon. Boston, 1835. 120.. 1065 Cox, H. Integral Calculus. London, 1853. 120... 6109 Cox, R. Adventures on the Columbia River. New York, 1832. 80.. 3215 Cox, S. H. Interviews; Memorable and.Useful. New York, 1853. 12~. 5262 Cox, S. S. Buckeye abroad in Europe. New York, 1852. 120... 3754 Coxe, W. History of the House of Austria. London, 1847. 3 v. post 80. 3553 Memoirs of Duke of Marlborough. London, 1847. 3 v. post 80.. 3557 Crabb, G. Dictionary of General Knowledge. New York, 1835. 120.. 3513 English Synonymes. Boston, 1819. 8~. 1292 Crabbe, G. Tales of the Hall. (Poems.) London, 1819. 2 v. 8~... 683 60 CATALOGUE OF THE Cradle of the Twin Giants, Science & Hist. H. Christmas. Lond. 1849. 2 v. 4579 Craik, G. L. History of British Commerce. London, 1844. 3 v. 180.. 2413 Pursuit of Knowledge. (H. F. L.) N. Y. 1846. 2v. 120. 3683, 94, 95 Cranch, C. P. Poems. Philadelphia, 1844. 120.. 2371 Cranes & Machinery, Construction of. J. Glynn. London, 1849. 120.. 6060 Cranford; a Tale. Mrs. Gaskell. New York, 1853. 120.. 5374 Cranmer, T. Life. London, 1831. 120. 1831, 1 Life and Times of. Mrs. H. F. Lee. Boston, 1841. 120.. 1653 Crater; or, Vulcan's Peak. J. F. Cooper. New York, 1847. 2 v. 120.. 3050 Cravat, Art of Tying the. H. le Blanc. New York, 1829. 160.. 64 Crawfurd, J. Embassy to Court of Ava. London, 1834. 2v. 8... 4817 Embassy to Siam and Cochin China. London, 1830. 2 v. 80. 4816 History of the Indian Archipelago. London, 1820. 3 v. 8~.. 4818 Crayon Miscellany. W. Irving. Philadelphia, 1835. 3v. 12~.. 0. 1070 The same. New York, 1849. 120. 3362 Crayon Sketches& Off-Hand Takings. G.W. Bungay. Bost. 1852. 120~. 813 Cream of Scientific Knowl. Enlarged by G. N. Wright. Lond. 1841. 160~. 2400 Creamer, Hannah G. Eleanor; or, Life without Love. Bost. 1850. 120~. 3841 Creasy, E. S. Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World. Lond. 1851. 2 v. 120~. 4442 Creation, Course of. J. Anderson. Cincinnati, 1851. 120.. 4196 Epoch of. E. Lord. New York, 1851. 120.. 4431 Picturesque Sketches of. D. T. Ansted. Philadelphia, 1847. 120~. 3054 Vestiges of the Natural History of. New York, 1845. 120... 2316 Creator, Indications of the. W. Whewell. Philadelphia, 1845. 120.. 2359 G. Taylor. New York, 1851. 120.. 4456 Crescent & the Cross; or, East. Trav. E. Warburton. N.Y. 1845. 2 v. 120~. 2377 Crests from the Ocean World. A. Tripp. Boston, 1853. 120... 5239 Cresy, E. Encyclopnedia of Civil Engineering. London, 1847. 8~0.. 4529 Crichton; a Novel. W. H. Ainsworth. New York, 1846. 2 v. in 1.. 122 Crichton, A. History of Arabia. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1848. 2 v. 120. 3683, 68, 69 History of Scandinavia. New York, 1844. 2 v. 120.... 1859 Cricket Field; or, History and Science of Cricket. London, 1851. 120.. 4266 Cricket on the Hearth. C. Dickens. New York, 1846. 120.... 2547 Crime, Chronicles of; or, Newgate Calendar. London, 1841. 2 v. 80.. 2769 Rationale of, and its Treatment. M. B. Sampson. N.Y. 1846. 120. 2933 Crimes of the Borgias. A. Dumas. New York, 1847. 80.... 2801 Criminal Cases Tried before Judge Thacher, 1823-43. Boston, 1845. 8~. 2774 Criminal Trials, American. P.W. Chandler. Boston, 1841-44. 2 v. 120. 1921 Remarkable. P. J. A. von Feuerbach. New York, 1846. 120.. 2584 Crimora; or, Love's Cross. G. L. Ditson. Boston, 1852. 120~... 3263 Critic of Pure Reason. I. Kant. London, 1838. 80~. 2260 Criticism, Elements of. Lord Kames. New York, 1823. 2 v. 80~... 706 The same. New York, 1836. 8~.. 1450 Criticisms on Art. W. Hazlitt. London, 1843. 120. 1870 Critics, Specimens of the British. J. Wilson. Philadelphia, 1846. 120.. 2559 Crock of Gold, and other Tales. M. F. Tupper. New York, 1849. 120~. 2480 Crofton D. Genesis and Geology. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5264 Crockett, D. Sketches and Eccentricities. New York, 1847. 12~.. 3129 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 61 Crockett, D. Tour to the North and Down East. Phil. 1835. 120.. 1145 Croker, J. W. (Editor.) Boswell's Life of Johnson. Lond. 1848. Roy. 80. 1139 The same. New York, 1841. 2 v. roy. 80.... 1253 Croly, G. Life and Times of George IV. New York, 1842. 120.. 1868 Life of George IV. (H. F. L.) New York, 1843. 120~.. 3683, 15 Salathiel. Cincinnati, 1847. 2 v. 120... 3149 Cromwell, O., History of. M. Guizot. Philadelphia, 1854. 2 v. 12~.. 5917 Letters and Speeches. T. Carlyle. New York, 1845. 2 v. 120.. 2538 Life. J. Forster. London, 1838. 120. 1831, 6, 7 Life. J. T. Headley. New York, 1848. 120. 3139 Life. M. Russell. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 2 v. 12~. 3683, 62, 63 Life. New York, 1850. 160.. 3316 A Vindication. J. H. M. D'Aubign6. New York, 1847. 120.. 3019 Croppy; a Tale. J. Banim. Philadelphia, 1839. 120... 1153 Crosby, E. Memoirs of. H. L. Barnum. New York, 1828. 80.. 1363 Crosby, H. Lands of the Moslem. New York, 1851. 80.. 4120 Crosland, Mrs. N. Lydia; a Woman's Book. Boston, 1852. 12~.. 4912 Memorable Women. Boston, 1854. 120.... 6229 Croswell, H. Memoir of Winm. Croswell. New York, 1853. 80.. 5434 Crowe, Catherine. Linny Lockwood. New York, 1854. 80.. 5497 Light and Darkness; or, Mysteries of Life. New York, 1851. 80~. 4003 Night Side of Nature. New York, 1852. 120.. 3907 Crowell, B. Spirit of'76 in Rhode Island. Boston, 1850. 8~.. 3646 Cruikshank, G., at Home. London, 1845. 4 v. 120.. 5039 (Illust.) Three Courses and a Dessert. London, 1850. Post 80~. 4392 Cruise in the Pacific, 1812-14. D. Porter. Philadelphia, 1815. 2 v. 120. 636 in a Whale Boat. J. A. Rhodes. New York, 1848. 80... 3206 of the Midge. Captain Chamier. New York, 1851. 80... 1075 of the North Star. J. O. Choules. Boston, 1854. 120... 5770 of the Potomac, 1831-34. F. Wassiner. New York, 1835. 120. 1256 J. N. Reynolds. New York, 1835. 80.... 1980 Cruising in the last War. C. J. Peterson. Philadelphia, 1850. 2 v. 80. 3990 Crumpe, S. Providing Employment for the People. London, 1795. 8~. 608 Crusades, Chronicles of. London, 1848. Post 80.. 3564 History of. C. Mills. Philadelphia, 1826. 80. 779 History of. J. F. Michaud. New York, 1853. 2 v. 120... 5278 Crystal Palace (Lond.), Architecture, &c. of. Berlyn & Fowler. Lon.1851. 80~. 4310 See also Exhibition of 1851. Crystal Palace (N.Y.), Art & Industry at. Ed. by H. Greeley. N.Y. 1854. 120. 5643 a Day at. W. C. Richards. N.Y. 1853. 120.. 5618 *World of Science, Art, and Industry at. New York, 1854. 40~.. 5946 Crystaline. F. W. Shelton. New York, 1854. 120. 5813 Crystallography, System of. J. J. Griffin. Glasgow, 1841. 80~... 1185 Cuba and the Cubans. New York, 1850. 120. 3657 Gan Eden; or, Pictures of. W. H. Hurlbut. Boston, 1854. 120~. 6160 History of. M.M. Ballou. Boston, 1854. 12~. 6165 Letters from the Interior of. A. Abbot. Boston, 1829. 80.. 1309 Porto Rico, and the Slave Trade. D. Turnbull. Lond. 1840. 80~. 4680 62 CATALOGUE OF THE Culprit Fay, and other Poems. J. R. Drake. New York, 1835. 80.. 2267 Cumberland, R. John de Lancaster. New York, 1809. 2 v. 120~.. 184 Memoirs of his own Life. New York, 1806. 80... 1346 Cumming, J. Apocalyptic Sketches. Philadelphia, 1854. 2 v. 120.. 5821 Benedictions; or, the Blessed Life. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5753 Church before the Flood. Boston, 1854. 120.... 5822 Lectures on the Miracles. Philadelphia, 1854. 120. 5852 Lectures on the Parables. Philadelphia, 1854. 120.. 5874 Lectures on Romanism. Boston, 1854. 120. 6155 Minor Works. Philadelphia, 1854. 120.. 6200 Finger of God; Christ our Passover; The Comforter. Sabbath Morning Readings: Genesis. Boston, 1854. 120~... 5872 Exodus. Boston, 1854. 120. 6239 Tent and the Altar. Boston, 1854. 120. 5873 Voices of the Dead. Boston, 1854. 120. 5823 Cumming, R. G. Hunter's Life in South Africa. N.Y. 1850. 2 v. 120~. 3933 Cummings, A. Memoir of E. Payson. New York, 1830. 120.. 503 Cummings, Maria. Lamplighter. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5775 Cummings, J. A. Introduction to Geography. Boston, 1813. 120~.. 301 Cunningham, A. Life and Land of Robert Burns. N. Y. 1841. 120~.. 1754 Life of Robert Burns. Boston, 1834. 12~...888, 1 Lives of British Painters and Sculptors. N.Y. 1840. 5 v. 12~.. 2430 The same. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1843. 5 v. 120. 3683, 17-19, 66, 67 Cunynghame, A. Glimpses of the United States. London, 1850. 80.. 5411 Recollections of Opium War in China. Phil. 1845. 160.. 2409 Curiosities of Human Nature. S. G. Goodrich. Boston, 1849. 120~. 4900, 3 of Literature. I. Disraeli. Boston, 1834. 3 v. 120. 1234 of Nature and Art. New York, 1831. 80. 579 Curling, J. B. Corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms. London, 1850. 80.. 5409 Curr, J. Faith and Morality of the Catholic Church. Bost. 1849. 240.. 3756 Curran, J. P., and his Contemporaries. C. Phillips. N.Y. 1851. 120.. 4174 The same. New York, 1818. 80. 1322 Currencies, Regulation of. J. Fullarton. London, 1844. 80... 4640 Currency, Massachusetts, Historical Account of. J. B. Felt. Bost. 1839. 80~. 1252 Currer Bell. - See Bronte, Caroline. Curse of Clifton; a Tale. Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth. Phil. 1853. 12~. 5229 Curtis, G. T. Inventor's Manual of Legal Principles. Bost. 1851. 12~. 4298 Curtis, G. W. Howadji in Syria. New York, 1852. 120.. 4799 Lorgnette; or, Studies of the Town. New York, 1851. 2 v. 120~. 3908 Lotus Eating; a Summer Book. New York, 1852. 12~.. 4888 Nile Notes of a Howadji. New York, 1851. 120... 3823 Potiphar Papers. New York, 1853. 120.. 5612 Curtis, Miss. Jessie's Flirtations. New York, 1846. 80... 2685 Curwen, S. Journal and Letters. New York, 1842. 80.... 2849 Curzon, R. Armenia; a Year at Erzeroom. New York, 1854. 120.. 6138 Curzon, R., jun. Monasteries of the Levant. New York, 1849. 120.. 3273 Cushing, L. S. Reports on Contested Elections of Mass. Bost. 1853. 80. 5178 Rules in Deliberative Assemblies. Boston, 1850. 120.. 13 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 63 Cushing, C. Reminiscences of Spain. Boston, 1833. 2 v. 120~.. 2134 Custine, Marquis de. Russia. New York, 1854. 120... 6146 Cutter, W. Life of Israel Putnam. New York, 1846. 12~... 2984 Cuvier, Baron. Animal Kingdom. New York, 1831. 4 v. 80.. 1990 Cycle of Celestial Objects. W. H. Smyth. London, 1844. 2 v. 80~.. 5466 Cyclopnedia of Anecdotes. K. Arvine. Boston, 1851. Roy. 8~. 0.. 3379 of Biography. P. Godwin. New York, 1852. 120.. 4489 of Biblical Literature. J. Kitto. New York, 1850. 2 v. roy. 80~. 3526 The same, condensed. Boston, 1851. Roy. 8~... 4332 *of Commerce, &c. W. Waterston. London, 1846. 8~.. 3996 The same. London, 1846. 80. 3544 of English Literature. R. Chambers. Boston, 1851. 2 v. roy. 8~. 2636 of the Industry of all Nations. C. Knight. New York, 1851. 80. 4506 of Lit. and the Fine Arts. G. Ripley & B. Taylor. N.Y. 1852. 120~. 4488 of Moral and Religious Anecdotes. K. Arvine. N.Y. 1850. 8~.. 4551 of 6000 Receipts. A. J. Cooley. New York, 1846. 80.. 3537 of Useful Arts. T. Antisell. New York, 1852. 120.. 4603 Standard Library. London, 1848. 4 v. post 80:.. 4390 Cyril Thornton. T. Hamilton. New York, 1832. 2 v. 120.. 2143 Cyrilla; a Tale. New York, 1854. 80..... 5951 Czar, his Court and People. J. S. Maxwell. New York, 1848. 120.. 3115 and the Sultan. A. Gilson. New York, 1853. 120.... 5571 D. Dacre, Lady. Recollections of a Chaperon. London, 1852. 120... 5685 Tales of the Peerage and Peasantry. New York, 1835. 2 v. 12~.. 239 The same. London, 1852. 120....... 5687 Dadd, G. H. Modern Horse Doctor. Boston, 1854. 120.... 5838 Daguerreotype, The; a Magazine. Vols. 1-3. Boston, 1847-49. Roy. 80. 2874 Daguerreotype Process, Treatise on. G. C. H. Halleur. Lond. 1852. 120. 6087 Dahcotah; Life, &c., of the Sioux. Mary H. Eastman. N.Y. 1849. 120. 3359 Dahlmann, F.E. Hist. of theEnglish Revolution of 1688. Lond. 1844. 80. 4678 Dakota Language, Gram. and Diet. of. S. K. Riggs. Wash. 1852. 40~. 1756, 4 Daily Bible Illustrations. J. Kitto. New York, 1850-53. 7 v. 12~.. 4296 For Contents, see Kitto, J. Daisy Burns; a Tale. Julia Kavanagh. New York, 1853. 12~... 5233 D'Alembert, J. le R. Miscellanies in Literature, &c. Lond. 1764. 120. 191 Dall, Caroline W. H. Essays and Sketches. Boston, 1849. 120... 3340 Dalrymple, Sir J. Memoirs of Gt. Britain and Ireland. Lond. 1771. 2 v. 40~. 3630 Daltons; or, Three Roads in Life. C. Lever. New York, 1852.. 80.. 4812 Damascus and Palmyra. C. G. Addison. Philadelphia, 1838. 2 v. 120. 835 Journey to. Viscount Castlereagh. London, 1847. 2 v. 120.. 4580 Damberger, C.F. Travels in Interior of Africa. Charlestown, 1801. 80. 215 Damer, Mrs. G. L. D. Tour in Greece, Turkey, &c. Lond. 1842. 2 v. 120. 3660 Damsel of Darien. W. G. Simms. Philadelphia, 1839. 2 v. 120... 1181 Dana, R. H. Poems and Prose Writings. New York, 1850. 2 v. 120.. 2185 64 CATALOGUE OF THE Dana, R. H. jun. Seaman's Friend, Diet. of SeaTerms, &c. Bost. 1851. 120. 4254 Two Years before the Mast. New York, 1840. 120... 1491 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 12~.. 3683, 106 Dancing Feather. J. H. Ingraham. New York, 1851. 8~... 4534 Dandolo, E. Italian Volunteers & Lombard RifleBrigade. Lon. 1851. 120~. 4445 Dando, J. Bookkeeping by Double Entry. Philadelphia, 1842. 40.. 3550 Danforth, J. N. Gleanings of a Pastor's Portfolio. N. Y. 1852. 120.. 4747 Dangeau, Marquisde. Courtof France, 1684-1720. Lond. 1825. 2 v.80. 5127 Daniel, Notes on. A. Barnes. New York, 1853. 120. 5538 Daniel, R.M. Cardinal's Daughter. NewYork, 1850. 80.. 3461 Daniell, J. F. Elements of Meteorology. London, 1845. 2 v. 80... 5473 Dante. Trans.byI. C.Wright; illust.byJ. Flaxman. Lon. 1854. Post8~. 5938 The Vision. Translated by H. F. Cary. New York, 1845. 120.. 2246 Danvers, Mass. Centennial Celebration, June 16, 1852. Bost. 1852. 8~. 5161 History of. J.W. Hanson. Danvers, 1848. 120... 3120 D'Anville, M. Compendium of Ancient Geography. N.Y. 1814. 2v. 8~. 1344 D'Arblay, Mde. F. Diary and Letters. Philadelphia, 1842. 2 v. 80~.. 2254 Memoirs of Dr. C. Burney. Philadelphia, 1833. 80.. 1241 Darby, W. Tour fromNewYorkto Detroit, 1818. New York, 1819. 80~. 1374 Darien; or, The MerchantPrince. E.Warburton. New York, 1852. 80~. 3324 Darius, History of. J.Abbott. NewYork, 1850. 120~..... 3765 Dark Scenes of History. G. P. R. James. New York, 1850.. 3495 Darlington,W. Memorials of J. BartramandH. Marshall. Phil. 1849. 80~. 2864 Darnell, W. N. Memoir and Corres. of Isaac Basire. London, 1831. 80~. 1490 Darnley. G.P.R. James. New York, 1830. 2 v. 120~...... 1808 The same. London, 1853. 120.... 5707 Dartmoor Prison, Journal at. Boston, 1816. 120..3320 The same. Milledgeville, 1816. 120.. 1069 Darwin, C. Researches in Nat. Hist. and Geology. N.Y. 1846. 2 v. 120. 2594 Darwin, E. Memoirs. Anna Seward. Philadelphia, 1804. 80~... 712 Dashes of American Humor. H. Paul. New York, 1853. 120. 5784 *Dates, Dictionary of. J. Haydn. London, 1847. 80.. 3959 Dictionary of. G. P. Putnam. New York, 1852. 80.... 2041 D'Aubign6, J. H. M. History of the Reformation. N.Y. 1843-53. 5 v. 120. 1717 Oliver Cromwell; a Vindication. New York, 1847. 120... 3019 Protestant Church in Hungary. Philadelphia, 1854. 120... 5853 Daughter at School. J. Todd. Northampton, 1854. 120.... 5535 Daughter of the Night. S. W. Fullom. London, 1851. 3 v. 120... 4247 Daughters of England. Mrs. S. Ellis. New York, 1843. 80... 1826 Davenport, R. A. Dictionary of Biography. Boston, 1832. 80... 805 History of the Bastile and its Captives. Philadelphia, 1846. 120. 2595 Perilous Adventures. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 120.. 3683, 159 David Copperfield. C. Dickens. Philadelphia, 1851. 80.... 4002 Davidson, D. Connection of Sacred and Profane History. N. Y. 1849. 80. 3517 Davidson, Lucretia M. Life. C. M. Sedgwick. Boston, 1844. 120. 1076, 7 Poetical Remains, and Memoir. C. M. Sedgwick. Phil. 1843. 120. 2572 The same. New York, 1851. 12~. 1613 Davidson, Marg. M. Biog. & Poetical Remains. W. Irving. N.Y. 1851. 120. 1613 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 65 Davidson, Mrs. M. M. Selections from her Writings. Phil. 1843. 120.. 2163 Davidson, S. Introduction to New Testament. London, 1848. 3 v. 80. 5112 Treatise on Biblical Criticism. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 80... 5119 Davie, W. R. Life. F. M. Hubbard. Boston, 1848. 120... 1076, 25 Davies, B. System of Modern Geography. Philadelphia, 1805. 2 v. 120. 300 Davies, C. Logic and Utility of Mathematics. New York, 1850. 8~.. 3900 Davies, C. M. History of Holland. London, 1851. 3 v. 80... 5135 Davis, A. J. Principles of Nature; her Divine Revelations. N.Y. 1850. 8~. 3943 Davis, E. History of the Half Century. Boston, 1851. 12~... 3784 Davis, J. F. The Chinese. (H. F.L.) New York, 1846. 2 v. 120. 3683,80, 81 The same. New York, 1845. 2 v. 120. 2443 Davis, M. L. Memoirs of Aaron Burr. New York, 1836. 2v. 80. 713 Davis, Z. A. Freemason's Monitor. Philadelphia, 1847. 120.. 385 Davy, Sir H. Consolations in Travel. London, 1839. 120... 2546 Davy, J. Ionian Islands and Malta. London, 1842. 2 v. 80.. 5472 Dawes, R. Geraldine, and other Poems. New York, 1839. 120.. 1133 Day, Julia. Old Engagement. Boston, 1852. 120.... 4797 Day, S. Historical Collections of Pennsylvania. Phil. 1843. 8~.. 2727 Days of Bruce. Grace Aguilar. New York, 1852. 2 v. 120.. 4790 D'Azeglio, M. Challenge of Barletta. New York, 1845. 120.. 2483 Dead Sea Expedition. W. F. Lynch. Philadelphia, 1849. 8~.. 2850 Edited by E. P. Montague. Philadelphia, 1849. 120.. 3288 Deaf and Dumb, and their Education. E. J. Mann. Boston, 1836. 120~. 281 Deafness and Blindness; The Lost Senses. J. Kitto. N. Y. 1852. 120. 4863 Dean's Daughter; or, the Days we Live in. Mrs. Gore. N.Y. 1853. 120. 5224 Deane, S. History of Scituate, Mass. Boston, 1831. 80.. 1446 Dearborn, N. Boston Notions, 1630-1847. Boston, 1848. 160.. 2453 Reminiscences of Boston, and Guide. Boston, 1851. 180.. 4209 Death; the Last Enemy. G. Burgess. Philadelphia, 1850. 120. 4752 Death's Doings; in Verse and Prose. Boston, 1828. 2 v. 80.... 1291 Debates & Proceedings in Congress, 1789-1837. Wash. 1834-37. 29 v. 8~. 4903 of Mass. Constitutional Convention, 1853. Bost. 1853. 3 v. roy. 8~. 5916 Debater, The. F. Rowton. London, 1846. 120.. 4055 De Bode, C. A. Travels in Luristan and Arabistan. Lond. 1845. 2 v. 80. 4689 De Bow, J. D. B. Commercial Review. Vols. 4, 5. N. 0. 1847-48. 80. 2911 Debtor and Creditor, Law of. J. P. Holcombe. New York, 1849. 80.. 4306 Decatur, S. Life. A. S. Mackenzie. Boston, 1848. 12~. 1076, 21 Deck and Port. W. Colton. New York, 1850. 120.. 3659 Deck of the Crescent City. W. G. Dix. New York, 1853. 120... 5271 Declarations, American Precedents of. J. Anthon. Brookfield, 1821. 80~. 1402 Deer, Antelopes, &c. Sir W. Jardine. Edinburgh, 1843. 120.. 4901, 21 Deerbrook. H. Martineau. New York, 1839. 2 v. 120... 981 Deerslayer; or, First War-Path. J.F. Cooper. New York, 1852. 120.. 1632 De Foe, D. Novels and Miscellaneous Works. London, 1854. Post 8~. 6195 Vol. 1. Life of Captain Singleton; Life of Colonel Jack. 2. Memoirs of a Cavalier; Memoirs of Captain Carleton; Dickory Cronke. [Remaining volumes of this edition not yet published.] Robinson Crusoe. New York, 1847. 80. 2848 K 66 CATALOGUE OF THE De Foe, D. Robinson Crusoe. New York, n.d. 120..48 Works. [Vol. 1 missing.] London, 1841. 3 v. roy. 80.. 2654 Degerando, J. M. (Baron). Self-Education. Boston, 1832. 120... 2255 Deists, Short Method with the. C. Leslie. New York, n. d. 120... 504 D6jean, M. Trait6 Raisonn6 de la Distillation. Paris, 1777. 120~.. 377 De Kroyft, S. H. Place in thy Memory. New York, 1850. 120.. 3931 Delano, A. Voyages and Travels. Boston, 1817. 80..640 Dellon, M. Inquisition at Goa. Boston, 1815. 160. 27 De Lolme, J. L. Treatise on the Eng. Constitution. Lond. 1838. 2 v. 8~. 5474 Deloraine. W. Godwin. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 v. 120.. 1926 De l'Orme. G. P. R. James. New York, 1830. 2 v. 12. 2901 The same. London, 1853. 120. 5709 Delusions, Extraordinary Popular. C. Mackay. Phil. 1850. 2 v. 120.. 3668 Demetrius; an Epic Poem. A. Eustaphieve. Boston, 1818. 120.. 479 Demonology and Witchcraft, Letters on. Sir W. Scott. N.Y. 1830. 160. 817 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1843. 120... 3683, 11 Ghosts, and Apparitions. J. Thacher. Boston, 1831. 12~... 839 Democracy. C. S. Camp. (H. F. L.) New York, 1847. 120.. 3683, 138 in America. A. de Tocqueville. New York, 1839. 2 v. 80~.. 948 Progress of, in France. A. Dumas. New York. 1841. 120.. 1910 Democratic Review. Vols. 20-31. New York, 1847-52. 80... 2819 Demosthenes. Orations. Trans. by T. Leland. N.Y. 1831. 2 v. 120. 1854, 3, 4 Dempsey, G. D. Drainage of Districts and Lands. London, 1854. 12~. 6125 Treatise on Drainage of Towns and Streets. London, 1849. 120~. 6054 Tubular and Iron Bridges. London, 1850. 120... 6065 Dendy, W. C. Philosophy of Mystery. New York, 1845. 12~.. 2504 Denison, E. B. Clock and Watch-Making. London, 1850. 120... 6080 Denison, Mary A. Home Pictures. New York, 1853. 120.... 5354 Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. (H. F.L.) N.Y. 1847. 2 v. 12~. 3683, 136-7 Dennings and their Beaux, &c. Miss Leslie. Philadelphia, 1851. 80~.. 4149 Denon, V. Travels in Egypt. New York, 1803. 2 v. 8~... 1199 Denounced, The. J. Banim. New York, 1830. 2 v. 120. 543 Dental Medicine, Practical Treatise on. T. E. Bond. Phil. 1852. 80.. 5106 Dental Surgery, Principles & Practice of. C. A. Harris. Phil. 1853. 8~. 5105 De Puy, H. W. Kossuth and his Generals. Buffalo, 1852. 120... 978 De Quincey, T. Autobiographic Sketches. Boston, 1853. 120.. 6514 Biographical Essays. Boston, 1850. 120. 3939 Shakspeare; Pope; Lamb; Goethe; Schiller. Caesars. Boston, 1851. 120. 3817 Confessions of an English Opium Eater. Boston, 1850. 120.. 3911 Essays on the Poets. Boston, 1853. 12... 5220 Wordsworth; Shelley; Keats; Goldsmith; Pope; Godwin; Foster; Hazlitt; Landor. Historical and Critical Essays. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 120... 5268 Vol. 1. Philosophy of Roman History; The Essenes; Philosophy of Herodotus; Plato's Republic; Homer and the Homeridee. 2. Cicero; Style; Rhetoric; Secret Societies. Letters to a Young Man; and other Papers. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5771 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 67 De Quincey, T. Life and Manners. Boston, 1851. 12.... 4404 Early Days; London; Ireland; The Irish Rebellion; Premature Manhood; Travelling; My Brother; Oxford; German Literature. Literary Reminiscences. Boston, 1852. 2 v. 120.... 4458 Vol. 1. Literary Novitiate; Sir Humphrey Davy; William Godwin; Mrs. Grant; Recollections of Charles Lamb; Walladmor; Coleridge; Wordsworth. 2. Wordsworth and Southey; Recollections of Grasmere; The Saracen's Head; Society of the Lakes; Charles Lloyd; Walking Stewart; Edward Irving; Talfourd; The London Magazine; Junius; Clare; Cunningham; Attack by a London Journal; Duelling. Miscellaneous Essays. Boston, 1851. 120. 4024 Knocking at the Gate, in Macbeth; Murder as one of the Fine Arts; Joan of Arc; English Mail Coach; Vision of Sudden Death; Dinner, Real and Reputed. Philosophical Writers. Boston, 1854. 2 v. 120. 5744 Vol. 1. Hamilton; Mackintosh; Kant; Herder; Richter; Leasing. 2. Bentley; Parr. Narrative and Miscellaneous Papers. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 120.. 5065 Vol. l. Household Wreck; Spanish Nun; Flight of a Tartar Tribe. 2. Heavens as revealed by Rosse's Telescopes; Modern Superstition; Coleridge and Opium Eating; Temperance Movement; On War; Last Days of Immanuel Kant. Theological Essays. Boston, 1854. 2 v. 120.. 6828 Vol. 1. Christianity as an Organ of Political Movement; Protestantism; Scriptural Expression for Eternity; Judas Iscariot; Hume's Argument against Miracles; Casuistry; Greece under the Romans. 2. Secession from Church of Scotland; Toilette of the Hebrew Lady; Milton; Charlemagne; Modern Greece; Lord Carlisle on Pope. DeRetz, Cardinal, andothers. Lives. G.P.R. James. Phil. 1337. 2v. 120~. 2315 De Rohan; or, the Court Conspirator. E. Sue. New York, 1845. 80~. 2838 Desert Home. M. Reid. Boston, 1852. 120. 926 Deserted Wife. Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth. New York, 1850. 80.. 3970 Designs for Cottages & Villas. T. U. Walter & J. J. Smith. Phil. 1847. 4~. 2980 for Gate Cottages, Lodges, &c. P. T. Robinson. Lond. 1837. 40~. 2890 *for Monuments and Mural Tablets. J. J. Smith. N.Y. 1846. 40, 4857 *for Shop Fronts and Door Cases. London, n. d. 4~... 1680 De Smet, P. J. Oregon Missions, 1845-46. New York, 1847. 120.. 3061 De Soto, H. Conquest of Florida. T. Irving. New York, 1851. 120.. 4105 Despotism in America. R. Hildreth. Boston, 1840. 12~.. 1132 The same. Boston, 1854. 120. 5926 Destiny; or, Chiefs Daughter. Susan Ferrier. London, 1852. 12~.. 6676 Desultoria; or, Recovered MSS. of an Eccentric. New York, 1850. 120. 3503 Desultory Man. G. P. R. James. New York, 1830. 2 v. 120... 268 De Vere; or, the Man of Independence. R. P. Ward. N.Y. 1831. 2 v. 120~. 350 DeVere, A. Picturesque Sketches of Greeceand Turkey. Phil. 1850. 120. 3909 De Vere, M. S. Outlines of Comparative Philology. N.Y. 1853. 12Q. 5. 568 Devereux; a Tale. E. L. Bulwer. New York, 1829. 2 v. 12~.. 1494 Devotional Guides, R. Philip. New York, 1848. 2 v. 120.... 4751 Devotions at Home. W. Wilberforce. Boston, 1838. 12... 1485 Dew, T. Digest of Laws, Customs, &c., of all Nations. N.Y. 1853. 80. 5121 ID'Ewes, Sir S., Autobiography and Correspond. London, 1845. 2 v. 8~. 5477 68 CATALOGUE OF THE De Wette, W. M. L. Human Life; or, Prac. Ethics. Bos. 1842. 2 v. 120. 962, 12, 13 Theodore; or, the Skeptic's Conversion. Bost. 1841. 2 v. 120~. 962, 10, 11 Dewey, C. Report on Herbaceous Plants of Mass. Cambridge, 1840. 80~. 1969 Dewey, O. Discourses. Boston, 1840. 3 v. 120. 1558 Vol. 1. Explanation and Discussions of Unitarianism. 2. Moral Views of Commerce, Society, and Politics. 3. Discourses on Various Subjects. Dexter, Lord Timothy. Life. S. L. Knapp. Newburyport, 1848. 120. 881 D'HIaussez, Baron. Great Britain in 1833. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 v. 120. 1203 D'Homergue, J. Silk Culturist's Manual. Philadelphia, 1839. 120.. 1625 Dial of Love. Mary Howitt. Philadelphia, 1854. 12~.. 5583 Dialogues, Familiar. W. B. Fowle. Boston, 1846. 120.. 3347 Diana of Meridor. A. Dumas. New York, 1846. 80... 2867 Diary of a Blase. F. Marryat. Philadelphia, 1836. 120. 272 of an Ennuy6e. Mrs. A. Jameson. Philadelphia, 1826. 120~.. 2363 of a D6sennuy6e. Philadelphia, 1836. 120.... 1141 of a late Physician. S. Warren. New York, 1838. 3 v. 120.. 2191 of the Times of George IV. Lady C. Bury. London, 1838. 4 v. 80~. 4652 The same. London, 1839. 4 v. 80. 5144 Diaz del Castillo, B. Autobiog. and Conquest of Mexico. Lon. 1844. 2 v. 80. 4547 Dibdin, T. F. Introd. to Greek and Latin Classics. Lond. 1827. 2 v. 80. 5089 Dick Lawson; or, the Mocking Bird. New York, 1844. 80~.. 2171 Dick, T. Celestial Scenery. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 120.. 3683, 83 Christian Philosopher. Brookfield, 1828. 120.. 519 Diffusion of Knowledge. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 120~. 3683, 59 Essay on Covetousness. New York, 1836. 120. 261 Practical Astronomer. New York, 1846. 120. 2532 Sidereal Heavens. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 120~.. 3683, 99 Worlks. Philadelphia, 1845. 8 v. 120. 2357 Vol. 1. Philosophy of a Future State. Vol. 5. Mental Illumination. 2. Christian Philosopher. 6. Essay on Covetousness. 3. Philosophy of Religion. 7. Celestial Scenery. 4. Diffusion of Knowledge. 8. Sidereal Heavens. Dickens, C. American Notes. New York, 1842. 8~.. 1689 Battle of Life; a Love Story. New York, 1847. 12~.. 2958 Barnaby Rudge. Philadelphia, 1849. 80. 1674 Bleak House. Philadelphia, 1853. 8~... 5428 Child's History of England. New York, 1854. 2 v. 120~... 5829 Chimes; a Goblin Story. Philadelphia, 1845. 160.. 808 Christmas Stories. New York, 1848. 120... 2204 Christmas Carol; The Chimes; Cricket on the Hearth; Battle of Life. Cricket on the Hearth. New York, 1846. 120.. 2547 David Copperfield. Philadelphia, 1851.8~.... 4002 Dombey and Son. New York, 1847. 2 v. 120.. 2884 Hard Times. New York, 1854. 8... 5974 (Editor.) Household Words. Vols. 1-9 (con.). N.Y. 1850-54. 80. 4129 Martin Chuzzlewit. Philadelphia, 1849. 8..... 2069 Master Humphrey's Clock, Old Curiosity Shop, &c. Phil. 1849. 80. 1605 Memoirs of Grimaldi. Philadelphia, 1838. 2 v. 12~.. 820 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 69 Dickens, C. Nicholas Nickleby. Philadelphia, 1850. 80. 526 Oliver Twist. Philadelphia, 1853. 8~..1338 Pickwick Papers. Philadelphia, 1854. 80..804 Pictures from Italy. New York, 1846. 12... 2578 Sketches of Every-Day Life. Philadelphia, 1849. 80.. 843 Tuggs's at Ramsgate, and other Tales. Philadelphia, 1837. 120.. 911 Dickinson, R. Elements of Geography. Boston, 1813. 80.. 630 Dictionnaire de Commerce. Copenhagen, 1759. 4 v. folio.... 2019 Universel de Commerce. Paris, 1805. 2 v. 40. 2029 Dictionary, Classical. C. Anthon. New York, 1847. Roy. 80... 1243 *The same. New York, 1850. Roy. 80.... 2840 W. Smith. Edited by C. Anthon. N. Y. 1851. Roy. 80. 4347 English Pronouncing. J. Walker. New York, 1823. 80... 660 Geographical, Statistical, &c. J. R. M'Culloch. N.Y. 1845.2 v. roy. 80. 2221 of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines. A. Ure. New York, 1849. 80. 1687 *The same. New York, 1853. 2 v. 80... 1687 of Commerce. J. R. M'Culloch. Philadelphia, 1845. 2 v. roy. 80. 1691 *of Dates. J. Haydn. London, 1847. 80.. 3959 of the English Language. J. Barclay. London, n. d. 40.. 2024 S. Maunder. London, 1848. 120..4106 *C. Richardson. Philadelphia, 1851. 2 v. 40.. 4902 J. Walker. Philadelphia, 1811. 80.. 1287 N. Webster. Springfield, 1845. 2 v. roy. 80.. 2231 *The same. Springfield, 1849. 40.. 2040 J. E. Worcester. Boston, 1848. Roy. 80... 2888 of General Knowledge. G. Crabb. New York, 1830. 460 The same. New York, 1835. 120. 3513 of Geography. A. K. Johnson. London, 1850. 80... 4353 *of Greek &Roman Biog. & Mythology. W. Smith. Lon. 1849. 3 v. 80. 3957 *of Machines, Mechanics, &c., Appleton's. N.Y. 1851. 2 v. roy. 80. 4124 of Merchandise in all Languages. London, 1803. 80... 765 *of Painters and Engravers. M. Bryan. London, 1849. Roy. 80. 3960 of Quotations from Latin, French, Spanish, &c. Phil. 1851. 120. 4425 of Science, Literature, & Art. W. T. Brande. N.Y. 1848. Roy. 80. 2641 of the Scottish Language. J. Jamieson. Edinburgh, 1846. 80.. 5137 of Shakspearian Quotations. Philadelphia, 1851. 120... 4454 of Synonymes. J. Rawson. Philadelphia, 1850. 120... 3577 of Terms of Art, &c. J. Weale. London, 1850. 120... 6061 of the Wonders of Art and Nature. J. Hardie. N.Y. 1819. 120. 347 Rhyming. J. Walker. Phil. 1852. 80. 500 Didimus, H. New Orleans as I Found it. New York, 1845. 80.. 2241 Dies Boreales; or, Christopher under Canvass. J. Wilson. Phil. 1850. 120. 3879 Digest of Laws, Customs, &c., of all Nations. T. Dew. N.Y. 1853. 80. 5121 Digestion and Dyspepsia. W. Sweetser. Boston, 1837. 12~.. 1090 Dignities, Privilege, and Precedence, Manual of. C. R. Dodd. Lon.1843. 120. 3602 The same. London, 1344. 120. 2444 Dill, E. M. Ireland's Miseries; their Cause and Cure. N.Y. 1852. 120. 4793 Dillaway, C. K. Roman Antiquities and Mythology. Boston, 1831. 120~. 155 70 CATALOGUE OF THE Diosma; a Perennial. H. F. Gould. Boston, 1851. 120.. 4087 Diplomatic Correspondence of the U. S., 1783-89. Wash. 1833. 6 v. 80~. 3615 of the Am. Revolution. Ed. by J. Sparks. Boston, 1829. 12 v.80. 3613 Discarded Daughter. Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth. Phil. 1852. 2 v. 120~. 4851 Discipline. Mary Brunton. London, 1850. 120.... 6651 Discipline of Life. Ellinor Ponsonby. New York, 1848. 80... 3238 Discovery and Adventure in the Polar Seas. New York, 1831. 160.. 818 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 160.. 3683, 14 Diseases of the Chest, Treatise on. J. A. Swett. New York, 1852. 80.. 4804 of the Mind. B. Rush. Philadelphia, 1830. 80..... 2164 Disgrace to the Family. W. B. Jerrold. Philadelphia, 1848. 80... 3203 *Disney, J. Museum Disneianum. London, 1849. 4~0... 5107 Disowned, The. E. L. Bulwer. New York, 1829. 2 v. 12.. 1661 Disraeli, B. Coningsby. New York, 1845. 80.. 2282 Contarini Fleming. New York, 1832. 2 v. 12~. 409 Sybil; or, the Two Nations. New York, 1845. 80.. 2283 Tancred; or the New Crusade. New York, 1848. 8~.. 2778 Venetia. Philadelphia, 1837. 2v. 12~. 565 Vivian Gray. Baltimore, 1833. 2 v. 120. 1149 Wondrous Tale of Alroy. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 v. 120.. 1179 Works of Fiction. Philadelphia, 1845. Roy. 80~...... 2689 Vivian Grey; Young Duke; Contarini Fleming; Wondrous Tale of Alroy; Rise of Iskander; Henrietta Temple; Venetia. Disraeli, I. Amenities of Literature. New York, 1841. 2 v. 120... 1878 Miscellanies of Literature. London, 1840. 8~0. 2768 Literary Miscellanies; Quarrels of Authors; Calamities of Authors; Character of James I.; The Literary Character. Curiosities of Literature. Boston, 1834. 3 v. 120... 1234 Quarrels of Authors. New York, 1814. 2 v. 12.... 453 DistinguishedMen of Modern Times. H. Malden. N.Y.1846. 2 v. 120. 3683, 123-4 DistrictSchool as it Was. W. Burton. Boston, 1850. 12~... 3775 The same, and other Writings. Boston, 1852. 120.. 1516 Disturnell, J. Railroad, Steamboat, andTelegraphBook. N.Y. 1849. 120~. 55 Ditson, G. L. Circassia; a Tour to the Caucasus. NewYork, 1850. 80~. 3522 Crimora; or, Love's Cross. Boston, 1852. 120... 3263 Divine Government, Method of. J. M'Cosh. New York, 1852. 8~.. 4725 Divorced, The. Charlotte Bury. Philadelphia, n. d. 80... 961 Dix, J. A. Winter in Madeira, and Summer in Spain, &c. N.Y. 1850. 120~. 4085 Dix, J. R. History of a Wasted Life. Boston, 1853. 120~.. 5508 Pen and Ink Sketches. Boston, 1845. 120. 2476 Pen Pictures of Popular English Preachers. London, 1852. 120~. 6243 Pulpit Portraits. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5584 Dix, W. G. Deck of the Crescent City. New York, 1853. 120... 5271 Wreck of the Glide. Boston, 1846. 120.. 2917 Dixon, E. S. Dovecote and Aviary. London, 1854. 12~.. 5858 Dixon, G. Voyage autour du Monde, 1785-88. Paris, 1789. 2 v. 80.. 1245 Dixon, H. Life of John Howard. New York, 1850. 120.. 3472 Dobson, E. Art of Building. New York, 1853. 120.. 5530 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 71 Dobson, E. Art of Building. London, 1854. 120... 6050 Treatise on Bricks and Tiles. London, 1850. 120. 12~.. 6051 Treatise onFoundations and ConcreteWorks. London, 1850. 120~. 6066 Treatise on Masonry and Stone-cutting. London, 1849. 12~.. 6052 Doctor, The. R. Southey. New York, 1836. 2 v. 120... 1082 Doctrines, History of. K. R. Hagenbach. Edinburgh, 1850. 80~... 5151 Dodd, C. R. Manual of Dignities, Privilege, &c. London, 1843. 120.. 3602 The same. London, 1844. 12~...... 2444 Dodd, W. Beauties of Shakspeare. London, n. d. 180~...2207 Life and Beauties of Shakspeare. Boston, 1850. 120... 880 Thoughts in Prison. Boston, n. d. 120. 463 Dodd Family Abroad. C. Lever. New York, 1854. 80... 5949 Doddridge, P. Lectures on Ethics, Divinity, &c. London, 1799. 2 v. 80. 1271 Life and Labors. J. Stoughton. Boston, 1853. 12~.. 5075 Dog, The. With Illustrations. London, n. d. Roy. 8~.... 3635, 2 W. Youatt. Philadelphia, 1847. 80. 2764 Dogs,,' Dinks " on. Edited by H. W. Herbert. New York, 1850. 12~. 4070 NaturalHistoryof. C.H.Smith. Edinburgh, 1843. 2v. 12~. 4901,18, 19 Dollars and Cents. Amy Lothrop. New York, 1852. 2 v. 120.. 4789 Dombey and Son. C. Dickens. New York, 1847. 2 v. 12~... 2884 Domestic Manners of the Americans. Mrs. F. Trollope. N.Y. 1832. 80.. 2078 Domestic Medicine. J. C. Gunn. New York, 1851. 80... 4701 Surgery, &c. F. G. Smith. 1851. 12~. 474 Domesticated Animals of British Islands. D. Low. London, 1853. 80. 5453 Don Juan. Lord Byron. Philadelphia, 1852. 120. 1624 Don Quixote. M. de Cervantes. Boston, 1848. 80.. 3094 The same. Philadelphia, 1846. 4 v. 240. 30 Donaldson, Prof. Clay Lands and Loamy Soils. London, 1822. 120.. 6079 Dongola and Sennaar, Expedition to. G. B. English. Boston, 1823. 80. 1378 Donn, J. Catalogue of Plantsin Cambridge Botanic Garden. Lon. 1845. 80. 3545 Donnavan, C. Adventures in Mexico. Boston, 1848. 80.... 3270 Donne, Wotton, and others, Lives of. I.Walton. Cambridge, 1831. 120. 383, 5, 6 Doom of Devorgoil; a Melodrama. Sir W. Scott. New York, 1838. 120. 537 The same. Philadelphia, 1839. 120. 860, 6 Doomed, The. Philadelphia, 1834. 2 v. 120.. 541 D'Orsay, A. Treatise on Etiquette. Philadelphia, 1854. 8~... 5915 Dorsey, Mrs. A. H. Woodreve Manor. Philadelphia, 1852. 120... 4879 Dost Mohammed Kahn. Life. Mohan Lal. London, 1846. 2 v. 8~.. 4677 Double Oath. Lady De Calabrella. London, 1850. 3 v. 12~... 4249 Doubourg, J. 1. Life of Cardinal de Cheverus. Phil. 1839. 120.. 1135 Douglas, R. Adventures of a Medical Student. N. York, 1848. 2 v. 120. 3153 Dove and the Eagle; a Poem. Boston, 1851. 12~.. 3801 Dovecote; or, Heart of the Homestead. G. C. Hill. Boston, 1854. 120. 5619 Dovecote and Aviary. E. S. Dixon. London, 1854. 120... 5858 Dover, Lord. Life of Frederick II. New York, 1835. 2 v. 120... 131 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 2 v. 120. 3683, 41, 42 Dow, L. Life, Experience, and Travels. New York, 1850. Roy. 80.. 4357 Dowling, J. History of Romanism. New York, 1845. Roy. 8~... 2619 72 CATALOGUE OF THE Downing, A. J. Architecture of Country Houses. New York, 1850. 80. 3968 Cottage Residences. New York, 1847. 80.. 2804 Fruits and Fruit Trees of America. New York, 1847. 120... 3029 Landscape Gardening. New York, 1844. 80..2227 Rural Essays; with Memoir of Author. New York, 1853. 80.. 5175 Drainage of Towns and Buildings. G. D. Dempsey. London, 1849. 12~. 6054 of Districts and Lands. G. D. Dempsey. London, 1854. 120.. 6125 Drake, Sir F., Cavendish, & Dampier. Lives & Voyages. Lond. 1849. 160. 4584 The same. (H. F. L.) New Yor1k, 1848. 120. 3683, 30 Drake, J. R. Culprit Fay, and other Poems. New York, 1835. 80.. 2267 Drake, N. Shakspeare and his Times. Paris, 1838. 80.. 4513 Drake, S. G. History and Antiq. of Boston. Boston, 1854. Roy. 80.. 5929 History of Philip's War. Exeter, 1836. 120..... 179 Drama, Ancient British. London, 1810. 3 v. roy. 80.. 3940 Defence of. R. Mansel and Caffaro. New York, 1826. 120.. 133 in Pokerville, &c. J. M. Field. Philadelphia, 1847. 120... 4074 Minor; a Collection of Popular Comedies. N.Y. 1847-54. 6 v. 120~. 3032 Vol. 1. Irish Attorney; Boots at the Swan; How to pay the Rent; Loan of a Lover; Dead Shot; Last Legs; Invisible Prince; Golden Farmer. - With Portrait and Memoir of John Sefton. 2. Pride of the Market; Used up; Irish Tutor; Barrack Room; Luke the Laborer; Beauty and the Beast; St. Patrick's Eve; Captain of the Watch. -With Portrait and Memoir of Miss C. Wemyss. 3. Secret; White Horse of the Peppers- Jacobite; Bottle; Box and Cox; Bamboozling; Widow's Victim; Iobert Macaire. —With Portrait and Memoir of Francis S. Chanfrau. 4. Secret Service; Omnibus; Irish Lion; Maid of Croissey; Old Guard; Raising the Wind; Slasher and Crasher; Naval Engagement. — With Portrait and Memoir of Miss Rose Telbin. 5. Cocknies in California; Bombastes Furioso; Irish Ambassador; Weathercock; Who Speaks First?; Macbeth Travestie; Delicate Ground; All that Glitters is not Gold; Portrait and Memoir of William A. Goodall. 6. Grimshaw, Bagshaw, and Bradshaw; Bloomer Costume; Born to Good Luck;'Twould Puzzle a Conjurer; Rough Diamond; Two Bonnycastles; Kiss in the Dark; Kill or Cure. - With Portrait and Memoir of Frederick M. Kent. Modern British. London, 1811. 5 v. roy. 80... 3941 Modern Standard. New York, 1846-54. 12 v. 120.. 2631 Vol. 1. Ion; Fazio, or the Italian Wife; Lady of Lyons; Richelieu, or the Conspiracy; The Wife, a Tale of Mantua; Honeymoon; School for Scandal; Money. - With Portrait and Memoir of Anna C. Mowatt. 2. Stranger; Grandfather Whitehead; Richard III.; Love's Sacrifice; Gamester; Cure for the Heartache; Hunchback; Don Ceesar de Bazan. - With Portrait and Memoir of Charles Kean. 3. The Poor Gentleman; Hamlet; Charles II., or the Merry Monarch; Venice Preserved; Pizarro; Love-Chase; Othello; Lend Me Five Shillings. - With Portrait and Memoir of Wm. E. Burton. 4. Virginius; King of the Commons; London Assurance; Rent-Day; Two Gentlemen of Verona; Jealous Wife; Rivals; Perfection. - With Portrait and Memoir of J. H. Hackett. 5. A New Way to Pay Old Debts; Look Before You Leap; King John; Nervous Man; Damon and Pythias; Clandestine Marriage; William Tell; The Day after the Wedding. - With Portrait and Memoir of George Colman the Elder. 6. Speed the Plough; Romeo and Juliet; Feudal Times; Charles the Twelfth; Bridal; Follies of a Night; Iron Chest; Faint Heart Never Won Fair Lady. - With Portrait and Memoir of Sir E. Bulwer Lytton. 7. Road to Ruin; Macbeth; Temper; Evadine; Bertram; Duenna; Much Ado About Nothing; Critic. - With Portrait and Memoir of Richard B. Sheridan. 8. Apostate; Twelfth Night; Brutus; Simpson & Co.; Merchant of Venice; Old Heads and Young Hearts; Mountaineers; Three Weeks After Marriage. - With Portrait and Memoir of George H. Barrett. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 73 Drama, Modern Standard, continued. 9. Love; As You Like It; Elder Brother; Werner; Gisippus; Town and Country; King Lear; Blue Devils. - With Portrait and Memoir of Mrs. Shaw. 10. Henry the Eighth; Married and Single; Henry the Fourth (Part 1.); Paul Pry; Guy Mannering; Sweethearts and Wives; The Serious Family; She Stoops to Conquer. - With Portrait and Memoir of Charlotte Cushman. 11. Julius Ceesar; Vicar of Wakefield, Leap Year; The Catspaw; Passing Cloud; Drunkard; Rob Roy; George Barnwell. -With Portrait and Memoir of Mrs. John Sefton. 12. Ingomar; Sketches in India; Two Friends; Jane Shore; Corsican Brothers; Mind your Own Business; Writing on the Wall; Heir at Law. - With Portrait and Memoir of Thomas S. Hamblin. Drama of Exile, and other Poems. E. B. Barrett. N. Y. 1845. 2 v. 120. 2179 Dramas, Historical. F. Schiller. London, 1847. Post 80.... 3555 Dramatic and Oratorical Expression. J. A. Fowler. Phil. 1833. 120. 56226 Dramatic Art and Literature, Lectures on. A. W. Schlegel. Phil.1833. 80. 1958 Dramatic Literature, Lectures on. W. Hazlitt. London, 1840. 120.. 1871 Dramatic Poets, Specimens of English. C. Lamb. N. Y. 1845. 2 v. 12~. 2402 Dramatists, Lives of the British. T. Campbell, &c. Phil. 1846. 2 v. 120. 2992 Drawing, Theory of Effect in. Philadelphia, 1851. 120.... 3816 Drayton, J. View of South Carolina. Charleston, 1802. 8~.. 1379 Dream; and other Poems. Mrs. C. E. S. Norton. New York, 1845. 160. 2527 Dream-Land by Daylight. Caroline Chesebro'. New York, 1851. 120. 4769 Dream Life. D. G. Mitchell. New York, 1851. 120. 4636 Dream of a Day, and other Poems. J. G. Percival. N. Haven, 1843. 12~. 2327 Dreamer and the Worker. R. H. Horne. London, 1851. 2 v. 120.. 4231 Druggist's General Receipt Book. H. Beasley. Philadelphia, 1853. 120. 5063 The same. Philadelphia, 1850. 120..... 3672 Drugs, Medicine, &c., Examinations of. C. H. Peirce. Camb. 1852. 120. 3875 Druitt, R. Modern Surgery. Philadelphia, 1851. 80... 991 Drury, Anna H. Eastbury; a Tale. New York, 1851. 120.. 4255 Light and Shade; or, Young Artist. New York, 1853. 120~.. 5205 Dryden, J., Criticism on. J. Wilson. Philadelphia, 1846. 120.. 2559 Life. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1829. 120..399, 1 The same. Edinburgh, 1834. 120. 4101, 1 Works, in Prose & Verse; with Life by J. Mitford. N.Y. 1837. 2v. 80. 2730 Dublin University, History of. W. B. S. Taylor. London, 1845. 80~.. 4663 Dubois, J. A. Character of the People of India. Phil. 1818. 2 v. 80~.. 725 Du Bourg; or, the Mercuriale. M. A. S. Barber. London, 1851. 120.. 4608 Duchess; or, Woman's Love and Woman's Hate. Phil. 1851. 80.. 4011 Dudevant, Mde. Consuelo. Trans. by F. G. Shaw. Bost. 1850. 3 v. 120~. 2603 Countess of Rudolstadt (Sequel to Consuelo). Bost. 1847. 2 v. 120~. 2956 Jacques. New York, 1847. 2v. 120. 2957 Journeyman Joiner. New York, 1847. 120..... 3036 Duer, W. A. Constitutional Jurisp. of U. States. N.Y. 1848. 120. 3683, 160 Life of W. Alexander (Earl of Sterling). New York, 1847. 80~.. 2800 Duffield, J. T. Princeton Pulpit. New York, 1852. 80.... 4842 Duke of Monmouth. G. Griffin. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 120... 923 Dukes of Normandy. J. Duncan. London, 1839. 12.... 4563 i:-umas, A. Amaury. New York, 1845. 80.. 2634 L 74 CATALOGUE OF THE Dumas, A. Ascanio; or, the Sculptor's Apprentices. New York, 1846. 80. 2643 (3) Bragelonne, the Son of Athos. New York, 1850. 80.. 3806 Chevalier D'Harmental. New York, 1846. 80.. 2697 Count of Monte-Cristo. New York, 1850. 2 v. 8~.. 2735 Sequel to. - See Edmond Dantes. Countess of Salisbury. New York, 1851. 8~. ~. 4334 Crimes of the Borgias. New York, 1847. 8~0.. 2801 Diana of Meridor. New York, 1846. 80.. 2867 Foresters. New York, 1854. 120.. 65789 Emmanuel-Philibert. New York, 1854. 80.. 5988 Forty-Five Guardsmen. New York, 1848. 80.. 2895 Genevieve; or, Chevalier of Maison Rouge. New York, 1846. 80~. 2758 (4) Iron Mask. Philadelphia, 1850. 80.. 3979 (5) Louise la Valliere. Philadelphia, 1851. 2 v. 80... 3807 Marguerite de Valois. New York, 1850. 8.. 2705 (a) Memoirs of a Physician. Philadelphia, 1851. 80... 4338 Progress of Democracy in France. New York, 1841. 120.. 1910 (b) Queen's Necklace. Philadelphia, 1851. 2 v. 80.. 4037 Regent's Daughter. New York, 1845. 80.. 2229 Secret Belt of the Invisibles. New York, 1848. 80. 3534 (c) Six Years Later. Philadelphia, 1853. 80.. 65407 Sketches in France. Philadelphia, 1852. 8~0. 4693 (1) Three Guardsmen. New York, 1846. 80..... 2686 (2) Twenty Years After. New York, 1846. 80.. 2687 Dumourier, General. Autobiography. Philadelphia, 1794. 80... 1304 Duncan, James. Bees. Edinburgh, 1843. 120. 4901, 34 Beetles. Edinburgh, 1843. 12~. 4901, 33 British Butterflies. Edinburgh, 1843. 120.... 4901, 29 British Moths, Sphinxes, &c. Edinburgh, 1843. 12~.. 4901, 30 Exotic Moths. Edinburgh, 1843. 12~.. 4901, 32 Foreign Butterflies. Edinburgh, 1843. 120... 4901, 31 Introduction to Entomology. Edinburgh, 1843. 120... 4901, 28 Duncan, John. Travels in Western Africa. London, 1847. 2 v. 120.. 4965 Duncombe, C. Free Banking. Cleveland, 1841. 120..992 Dunglinson, R. Human Physiology. Philadelphia, 1844. 2 v. 80~.. 1795 Dunlap, W. History of the American Theatre. New York, 1832. 8~.. 1993 Dunlavy, J. Manifesto of the Church of Christ. New York, 1847. 8~. 2829 Dunlop, J. History of Fiction. Philadelphia, 1842. 2 v. 120.. 1912 Memoirs of Spain, from 1621 to 1700. Edinburgh, 1834. 2 v. 8~. 4545 Dupuy, A. E. Conspirator. New York, 1850. 120. 4047 Durbin, J. P. Observations in Europe. New York, 1844. 2 v. 12~.. 21'37 Observations in the East. New York, 1845. 2 v. 120... 2499 Durham Village; a Temperance Tale. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5842 Durivage, F. A, Life Scenes. Boston, 1853. 12~.. 5549 Dutchman's Fireside. J. K. Paulding. New York, 1831. 2 v. 120.. 415 Duxbury, Mass., History of. J. Winsor. Boston, 1849. 80.... 2579 Dwight, H. G. O. Christianity Revived in the East. N.Y. 1850. 120.. 3936 Dwight, Theo. Character of Thomas Jefferson. Boston, 1839. 120.. 1012 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 75 Dwight, Theo. Roman Republic of 1849. New York, 1851. 12~.. 4262 History of the Hartford Convention. New York, 1833. 80... 746 Summer Tours; or, Notes of a Traveller. New York, 1847. 120~. 3037 Dwight, Theo., jun. Hist. of Conn. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1846. 12~. 3683, 133 Dwight, Timothy. Life. W. B. Sprague. Boston, 1844. 12~.. 1076, 14 Theology Explained and Defended. New York, 1854. 4 v. 8~.. 5999 Dyce, A. Remarks on Collier's & Knight's Shakspeare. London, 1844. 80. 1115 Dyeing, Calico Printing, &c. E. Bancroft. Philadelphia, 1814. 2 v. 80. 654 Practical Treatise on. New York, 1846. 8... 2786 Chemistry applied to. J. Napier. Philadelphia, 1853. 12~.. 5566 Dyer, T. H. Life of John Calvin. New York, 1850. 8... 3648 Dymond, J. Essays on the Principles of Morality. New York, 1844. 8~. 2265 War, and the Principles of Christianity. Philadelphia, 1834. 12~. 2129 Dynamics of Magnetism, Heat, &c. C. von Reichenbach. Lond. 1851. 8~. 4159 Dyspepsia and Digestion. W. Sweetser. Boston, 1837. 12~... 1090 E. Eagle Pass; or, Life on the Border. C. Montgomery. N.Y. 1852. 12~. 4989 Earl, G. W. Voyages in Eastern Seas, 1832-34. London, 1837. 8~.. 4688 Native Races of Indian Archipelago. London, 1853. 12~... 5741 Earl's Daughter. E. M. Sewell. New York, 1850. 12~. -. 3886 Earlswood. Charlotte Anley. New York, 1853. 120... 4999 Early Called. Mrs. C. Southey. New York, 1842. 120... 1045 Early Engagements. Sarah M. Hayden. Cincinnati, 1854. 12~... 5800 Early Rising, Advantages of. W.A. Alcott. Boston, 1836. 12~.. 898 Earnestness; or, Lifeof an English Bishop. C. B. Tayler. N.Y. 1850. 12~. 3913 Earth, The. R. Mudie. Philadelphia, 1836. 12..... 321 and Man. A. Guyot. Boston, 1852. 12~... ~.. 5213 its Condition & Phenom. W. M. Higgins. (H.F.L.) N.Y. 1846. 12~. 3683, 78 Pre-Adamite. J. Harris. Boston, 1849. 12~. 3304 Theory of. S. Fish. Boston, 1836. 12~. 898 Earths in our Solar System. E. Swedenborg. Boston, 1828. 12~.. 14 Earthquake; a Tale. J. Galt. New York, 1821. 2 v. 12... 1903 East and West; a Novel. F. W. Thomas. Philadelphia, 1836. 2 v. 12~. 271 East, The, Observations in. J. P. Durbin. New York, 1845. 2 v. 12~. 2499 1001 Days in. F. Bodenstedt. London, 1851. 2 v. 12~... 4444 Sketches of Travels in. J.A. Spencer. New York, 1850. 8~.. 3546 Thirty Years Changes in. W. Goodell. New York, 1853. 12~.. 5332 East Indian Recreations. W. Tennant. London, 1804. 2 v. 8~... 969 Eastbury; a Tale. Anna H. Drury. New York, 1851. 12~... 4255 Eastern Europe and Emperor Nicholas. London, 1846. 3 v. 12~... 4422 Eastern Life, Present and Past. Harriet Martineau. Phil. 1848. 12~.. 3118 Eastern Seas, Voyages in, 1832-34. G. W. Earl. Lond. 1837. 8~.. 4688 Eastern States, Letters on. New York, 1820. 120..... 462 Eastman, Mary H. Aunt Phillis's Cabin. Philadelphia, 1852. 12~.. 4853 Dahcotah; or, Life and Legends of the Sioux. N. Y. 1849. 12~. 3359 76 CATALOGUE OF THE Easy Nat; or, the Three Apprentices. A. L. Stimson. N. Y. 1854. 120~. 6173 Eaton, A. Manual of Botany. Albany, 1824. 120. 458 Eaton, C. Annals of Warren (Maine). Hallowell, 1851. 120. 959 Eaton, J. H. Life of Andrew Jackson. Philadelphia, 1824. 80. 1061 Eaton, W. Life. Brookfield, 1813. 80. 1337 Life. C. C. Felton. Boston, 1844. 120. 1076, 9 Eben Erskine; or, the Traveller. J. Galt. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 v. 120~. 1924 Ecart6; or, the Salons of Paris. Major Richardson. N. Y. 1851. 80.. 4556 Eccentric Biography. Boston, 1825. 180. 128 Ecclesiastes, Lectures on. J. Hamilton. New York, 1851. 120... 4297 Ecclesiastical History. Socrates (the Advocate). Lond. 1853. Post 80.. 5747 of England. Bede. London, 1847. Post 80.. 4365 Ecclesiastical Polity, Laws of. R. Hooker. Oxford, 1843. 2 v. 80~.. 1961 Echoes of a Belle; or, a Voice from the Past. New York, 1853. 120.. 5325 Echoes of the Universe. H. Christmas. Philadelphia, 1850. 120.. 3917 Eckermann, J. P. Conversations with Goethe. Boston, 1839. 120.. 3585 The same. Boston, 1839. 120...962, 4 Eckfeldt, J. R., & W. Dubois. New Gold and Silver Coins. N.Y. 1851. 8~. 4144 Eclectic Magazine. Vol. 17-32 [continued]. N. York, 1849-54. 8~.. 3616 Eclipse of Faith. H. Rogers. Boston, 1852. 120... 4915 Defence of. H. Rogers. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5840 Eddy, D. C. Heroines of Missionary Enterprise. Boston, 1850. 120.. 3678 Edgar, J. G. Footprints of Famous Men. New York, 1854. 12~.. 6154 Edgar, S. Variations of Popery. New York, 1852. 8~0... 416 Edgar Clifton; or, Right and Wrong. C. Adams. N. York, 1853. 12~. 6344 Edgar Huntley. C. B. Brown. London, 1853. 120.. 5699 Edgeworth, Maria. Frank. Cambridge, 1822. 2 v. 120.. 487 Helen. New York, 1850. 120. 935 The same. London, 1852. 12~. 5669 Tales and Novels. New York, 1845. 10v. 120. 1811 Vol. 1. Castle Rackrent; Essay on Irish Bulls. 2. Moral Tales. 3. Moral Tales. 4. Manoeuvring; Almeria; Vivian. 5. Absentee; Madame de Fleury; Emilie de Coulanges; Modern Griselda. 6. Belinda. 7. Leonora; Letters on Female Education; Patronage. 8. Patronage; Comic Dramas. 9. Harrington; Thoughts on Bores; Ormond. 10. Helen. Works. (Vols. 1, 5-8 wanting.) Boston, 1824-25. 13 v. 8~0.. 1273 Vol. 2. Letters to Literary Ladies; Castle Rackrent; Leonora; Essay on Irish Bulls. 3. Belinda. 4. Vivian; Emilie de Coulanges; Absentee. 9. Modern Griselda; Moral Tales. 10. Parent's Assistant; Comic Dramas. 11. Early Lessons; Harry and Lucy; Rosamond. 12. Early Lessons; Frank and Sequel. 13. Harry and Lucy, concluded; Comic Dramas. Edgeworth, R. L., Memoirs, by Himself and Daughter. Boston, 1821. 80. 1412 Edinburgh, New Picture of. Edinburgh, n. d. 160.... 61 Edinburgh Journal, Chambers's. Edinburgh, 1844-53. 20 v. roy. 8~.. 709 Edinburgh to Dublin, Excursion. A. Bigelow, 1817. Boston, 1821. 120. 444 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 77 *Edinburgh Review. Vols. 1-97 [continued]. Edinburgh, 1802-53. 80. 1301 *Index to vols. 1-20. Edinburgh, 1813. 80. *Index to vols. 21-50. Edinburgh, 1832. 80. *Index to vols. 51-80. Edinburgh, 1850. 80~. The same. Vols. 75-97. New York, 1842-53. 8~... 1301 Contributions to. F. Jeffrey. London, 1844. 4 v. 8~... 2608 The same. Philadelphia, 1848. 80. 3418, 6 Selections from. Edited by M. Cross. Paris, 1835. 6 v.8~.. 1913 Edleston, J. (Ed.) Corres. of Sir I. Newton and R. Cotes. Lond. 1850. 80~. 4330 Edmond Dantes; a Sequel to Monte-Cristo. G. W. Noble. Phil. 1853. 80~. 5492 Edmonds, J. Wg., and G. T. Dexter. Spiritualism. New York, 1853. 80~. 5447 Education. Lord Brougham. New York, 1839. 120. 1891 American Journal of, 1830. Boston, 80..... 666 Central Society of. London, 1838. 2v. 120. 5040 Connecticut Documents. Hartford, 1853. 80. 5971 Elementary Principles of. G. Spurzheim. Boston, 1836. 120.. 146 Essays on Practical. London, 1836. 2 v. 120.. 5041 Vol. 1. Ascham, R. Schoolmaster. Long, G. Teaching by Pictures. Milton, J. Education. Study of Geography. Locke, J. Thoughts on Education. Study of Latin and Greek. Butler, Bishop. Charity-Schools. De Morgan, A. Teaching Arithmetic. Wayland, F. Introductory Discourse. Teaching Fractional Arithmetic. Sainteville, J. de. Moral Education. Teaching Geometry. Barwell, Mrs. Early Education. Mathematical Instruction. Warren, J. C. Physical Education. Study of Natural Philosophy. Long, G. Discipline of Schools. Vieusseux, A. Study of Italian. Parkhurst, J. L. Motives to Study. Geography and Statistics. Oliver, H. K. Monitorial System. Teaching the Italian. Wittich, W. Prussian Schools. Durgin, C. Study of Natural History. 2. Baker, C. Teaching Reading. Barwell, Mrs. Learning Singing. Thayer, G. F. Spelling of Words. Baker, C. Yorkshire Deaf and Dumb Inst. History of. H. I. Schmidt. (H. F. L.) N. Y. 1848. 120~. 3683, 156 Home. I. Taylor. New York, 1838. 120.. 2356 Lectures on. H. Mann. Boston, 1848. 120~. 2323 Massachusetts Report, 1850. Boston, 1850. 80...... 3770 Massachusetts Reports, Twelve. H. Mann. Bost. 1838-48. 2 v.80. 4121 National, in Europe. H. Barnard. New York, 1854. 80... 5960 Popular. I. Mayhew. New York, 1850. 120.. 4069 Self. Baron Degerando. Boston, 1832. 120.. 2255 Some Thoughts on. J. Locke. London, 1693. 120... 195 System of Popular. E. C. Wines. Philadelphia, 1838. 120.. 1452 Educator, The; Prize Essays on Education. London, 1839. 120... 5042 By J. Lalor; J. A. Heraud; E. Higginson; J. Simpson; Mrs. G. R. Porter. Edward, D.B. History of Texas. Cincinnati, 1836. 120... 304 Edwards, B. B. Biography of Self-taught Men. Boston, 1832. 120.. 1803 Writings; with Memoir. E. A. Park. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 120.. 5289 (Editor.) Year Book; or, Manual of Reference. Phil. 1838. 120. 2125 Edwards, B. British Colonies in West Indies. London, 1794. 2 v. 40~.. 2004 Edwards, Jona. Charity and its Fruits. New York, 1852. 160... 4753 Life of Brainerd, abridged. Boston, 1821. 120. 205 Religious Affections. New York, n. d. 16~.. 311 History of Redemption. New York, n. d. 120.... 430 78 CATALOGUE OF THE Edwards, Jona. Life. S. Miller. Boston, 1844. 120.. 1076, 8 Works; with Life. New York, 1830. 10 v. 8~.. 1793 Vol. 1. Life; Farewell Sermon; Notes on Natural Science. 2. Inquiry into the Freedom of the Will; Doctrine of Original Sin Defended. 3. End for which God created the World; Nature of True Virtue; History of the Work of Redemption; Prayer; Marks of a Work of the Spirit of God. 4. Narrative of Surprising Conversions; Revival of 1740; Qualifications for Communion; Reply to Williams. 5. Religious Affections; Justification by Faith Alone; Pressing into the Kingdom of God; Ruth's Resolution; Justice of God in the Damnation of Sinners; Excellency of Jesus Christ. 6. Sermons. 7, 8. Sermons; Miscellaneous Theological Discussions. 9. Types of the Messiah; Notes on the Bible. 10. Memoirs of David Brainerd. Edwards, Jona., 2d. Works and Life. T. Edwards. Bost. 1850. 2 v. 8~. 547 Edwards, W. H. Voyage up the Amazon. New York, 1847. 120.. 3003 Edwin the Fair, & Isaac Comnenus. (Dramas.) H. Taylor. Lon. 1845. 240. 2412 Effect in Drawing, Colors, &c., Theory of. Philadelphia, 1851. 120~.. 3816 Egeria; or Voices of Thoughts & Counsel. W. G. Simms. Phil. 1853. 120. 5527 Egypt, American in, 1839-40. J. E. Cooley. New York, 1842. 80~.. 1692 Ancient, under the Pharaohs. J. Kendrick. N.Y. 1852. 2 v. 120. 4930 and Candia, Rambles in. C. R. Scott. London, 1837. 2 v. 80.. 3195 and the Holy Land, Travels in. H. Crosby. New York, 1851. 8~. 4120 G. Fisk. New York, 1848. 120. 3573 J. A. Spencer. New York, 1850. 8... 3546 J. Thomas. Philadelphia, 1853. 12~.. 5304 and Nubia, Discoveries in. G. Belzoni. London, 1822. 2 v. 80. 2655 Arabia Petruea, and the Holy Land. D. Millard. N.Y. 1849. 120~. 3290 S. Olin. New York, 1843. 2 v. 120... 1919 J. L. Stephens. New York, 1837. 2 v. 120... 1054 Asia Minor, Syria, &c. C. J. Monk. London, 1851. 2 v. 120.. 4233 Ethiopia, and Sinai, Letters from. R. Lespius. Lond. 1853. 120. 5579 Handbook for Travellers in. G. Wilkinson. London, 1847. 120. 60 History of. M. Russell. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 12~. 3683, 23 Memoirs relative to. London, 1800. 80. 1282 Modern History and Condition of. W. H. Yates. Lond. 1843.2 v. 80~. 3994 Monuments of. F. L. Hawks. New York, 1850. 80... 3446 Nile Boat. W. H. Bartlett. New York, 1851. Roy. 80... 4516 Nubia, & Palestine, Pilgrimage to. Mrs. Romer. Lon. 1846.2 v. 80. 4647 Palestine, Syria, &c., Travels in. J. P. Durbin. N.Y. 1845. 2 v. 120. 2499 Photographic Views of. J. P. Thompson. New York, 1854. 120. 5869 Pilgrimage to. J. V. C. Smith. Boston, 1852. 12~. 254 Travels in. V. Denon. New York, 1803. 2 v. 8... 1199 under the Ptolomies, History of. S. Sharpe. London, 1838. 40.. 3611 Village Life in. B. St. John. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 120... 4998 Egyptian Antiquities and Hieroglyphics. Marquis Spineto. Lond. 1845. 80. 4667 Egyptians, Ancient. Sir J. G. Wilkinson. London, 1837. 3 v. 80~.. 2656 The same, revised and abridged. New York, 1854. 2 v. 12~. 5752 Hist. Researches concerning. A.H.L. Heeren. Ox. 1838. 2 v. 80. 2657 1851; or, the Sandboys at the Great Exhibit. H. Mayhew. N.Y. 1852. 80. 4807 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 79 Eighteenth Century, History of. F. C. Schlosser. London, 1843. 8 v. 80. 5148 Elder, W. Periscopics; or, Current Subjects. New York, 1854. 120.. 6188 Eldon, J. (Lord). Public and Private Life. H. Twiss. Phil. 1844. 2 v. 80~. 2089 Eldorado; or, Adven. in California. B. Taylor. N.Y. 1850. 2 v. 120~. 3835 Eleanor; or, Life without Love. Hannah G. Creamer. Bost. 1850. 120~. 3841 Electric Telegraph, Anecdotes of. London, n. d. 240.... 5047 Historical Sketch of. A. Jones. New York, 1852. 80~.. 4845 Treatise on. E. Highton. London, 1852. 120... 6059 Electricity, Treatise on. Sir W. S. Harris. London, 1853. 120. 6041 Electro-Metallurgy, Elements of. A. Smee. New York, 1852. 120.. 985 Manual of. J. Napier. Philadelphia, 1853. 120.. 5567 Electrotype Manipulation. C. V. Walker. Philadelphia, 1852. 120.. 5005 Elegant Extracts. Compiled by V. Knox. Vols. 2-4. Boston, 1826. 80. 1407 from Eminent Poets. Boston, 1826. 6 v. 160. 77 from Eminent Prose Writers. Boston, 1826. 6 v. 160~... 62 in Poetry. London, 1791. 80. 593 Elements of Character. Mary G. Chandler. Boston, 1854. 12~... 6144 Elephant, Natural History of. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 120~. 3683, 164 Elenor Wyllys; a Tale. Ed. by J. F. Cooper. Phil. 1846. 2 v. 12~.. 2534 Eliot, John. Biog. Dic. of First Settlers of New Eng. Salem, 1809. 8~. 1313 Eliot, John (the Apostle). Life. C. Francis. Boston, 1840. 120.. 1076, 5 Eliot, Sir John. Life. London, 1831. 120. 1831, 2 Eliot, S. History of Liberty. Boston, 1353. 4 v. 120. 5238 Part I. Ancient Romans, 2 v.- Part II. Early Christians, 2 v. Liberty of Rome. New York, 1849. 2 v. 80. 3419 Passages from the History of Liberty. Boston, 1847. 120... 2965 Eliot, S. A. Sketch of Harvard College. Boston, 1848. 120... 6330 Eliot, W. G., jun. Lectures to Young Men. Boston, 1854. 120... 5639 Lectures to Young Women. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5553 Elizabeth, Queen, History of. J. Abbott. New York, 1849. 120... 3766 History of. Agnes Strickland. Philadelphia, 1853. 2 v. 120. 3524, 6, 7 The same. Philadelphia, 1843. 2 v. 120.... 1911, 6, 7 Memoirs of the Court of. Lucy Aiken. Philadelphia, 1823. 80.. 671 Elkswatawa; or, the Prophet of the West. New York, 1836. 2 v. 120.. 232 Ella Stratford; or, the Orphan Child. Lady Blessington. Phil. 1850. 80. 3460 Ellen Linn; a Franconia Story. J. Abbott. New York, 1850. 120.. 5296 Ellen Middleton; a Tale. Lady G. Fullerton. New York, 1849. 120.. 3176 Ellen Wareham; or, Love and Duty. Ellen Pickering. Phil. 1849. 80. 3294 Ellery, W. Life. E. T. Channing. Boston, 1840. 120... 1076, 6 Ellet, C., jun. Mississippi and Ohio Rivers. Phil. 1853. Roy. 80.. 5391 Ellet, Mrs. E. F. Characters of Schiller. Boston, 1839. 120... 988 Domestic History of the American Revolution. N.Y. 1850. 12~. 3923 Evenings at Woodlawn. New York, 1849. 120.... 3414 Family Pictures from the Bible. New York, 1849. 120... 3442 Pioneer Women of the West. New York, 1852. 120... 4919 Women of the American Revolution. New York, 1848. 2 v. 120~. 3170 Elliott, C. XVW. Mysteries; or, the Supernatural. New York, 1852. 12~. 4895 Elliott, E. Poetical Works. London, 1844. 3 v. 120.. ~.. 2312 80 CATALOGUE OF THE Elliott Family; or, the N. Y. Seamstresses. C. Burdett. N.Y. 1850. 120~. 3675 Ellis, G. Specimens of the Early English Poets. London, 1845. 3 v. 120. 5043 Specimens of Early Eng. MetricalRomances. Lond. 1848. Post 80. 4370 Ellis, G. E. Life of Anne Hutchinson. Boston, 1845. 120... 1076, 16 Life of John Mason. Boston, 1844. 120. 1076, 13 Life of William Penn. Boston, 1848. 120. 1076, 22 Ellis, H. Journal of an Embassy to China. London, 1840. 8~.. 2612 Ellis, Sir H. Letters Illustrative of Eng. History. 3d s. Lon.1846. 4 v. 12~. 4581 Ellis, J.,Lettersto, 1686-88. EditedbyLordDover. Lond. 1831. 2v.80. 1492 Ellis, Mrs. Sarah. Fireside Stories. New York, 1850. 160... 3315 Heartsand Homes; orSocialDistinction. NewYork, 1850. 2 v. 80~. 3397 Home; or, the Iron Rule. New York, 1843. 120.. 250 Look to the End; or, the Bennets Abroad. New York, 1845. 80~. 2242 Pretension. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 120. 942 Prevention better than Cure. New York, 1847. 120. 2995 Select Works. New York, 1844: 80. 1826 Women of England; Wives of England; Daughters of England; Poetry of Life. Self-Deception; or, the History of a Human Heart. N.Y.1851. 3 v. 80. 4014 Summer and Winter, in the Pyrenees. London, 1841. 120~... 4571 Elocution. C. P. Bronson. Louisville, 1845. 80. 4955 Art of. G. Vandenhoff. London, 1846. 120. 2352 Exercises in. W. Russell. Boston, 1841. 120. 2128 Lectures on. T. Sheridan. London, 1798. 80. 5012 Vocal Culture in. J.E. Murdochand W. Russell. Bost. 1845. 12~. 2351 Lessons in. Winm. Scott. Boston, 1814. 120. 957 Elocutionist, American. W. Russell. Boston, 1844. 120... 2142 a First-class Rhetorical Reader. J. S. Knowles. N.Y. 1844. 120. 2159 Eloquence of the British Senate. W. Hazlitt. Brooklyn, 1810. 2 v. 80~. 621 Principles of. Abb6 Maury. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1848. 120. 3683, 184 Select British. C. A. Goodrich. New York, 1852. Roy. 80.. 5083 Elves; and other Tales. L. Tieck. Trans. by T. Carlyle. N.Y. 1846. 80. 2679 Elvira, the Nabob's Wife. Mrs. Monkland. Philadelphia, 1839. 2 v. 120. 995 Elwes, A. Grammar of the Italian Language. London, 1852. 120.. 6119 Grammar of the Spanish Language. London, 1852. 120... 6120 EmancipationintheW.Indies. J. A. Thome & J. H. Kimball. N.Y. 1838. 80. 699 Embanking Lands from the Sea. J. Wiggins. London, 1852. 120.. 6089 Embassy to China. H. Ellis. London, 1840. 80~...... 2612 G. Staunton. London, 1797. 80. 716 to Cochin-China, Siam, and Muscat. E. Roberts. N.Y. 1837. 80~. 945 to Court of Ava. J. Crawfurd. London, 1834. 2 v. 80.. 4817 Embury, Mrs. E. C. Glimpses of Home Life. New York, 1848. 120.. 3180 Emerson, B. D. Academical Speaker. Philadelphia, 1835. 120... 1807 Emerson, G. B. Report on Trees and Shrubs of Mass. Boston, 1846. 80~. 2803 Emerson, J. E. Memoir. R. W. Clark. Boston, 1852. 12~0... 4921 Emerson, R. W. Essays. 1st and 2d series. Boston, 1841-45. 2 v. 12~. 1601 Nature: Addresses and Lectures. Boston, 1849. 120... 3478 Poems. Boston, 1847. 120.. 2947 Representative Men. Boston, 1850. 120..... 3484 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 81 Emigrant, The. Sir F. B. Head. New York, 1847. 120.. 2951 Emma; a Novel. Jane Austen. Philadelphia, 1838. 80~... 1585, 2 The same. London, 1853. 120... 5692 Emmanuel-Philibert. A. Dumas. New York, 1854. 80.. 5988 Emmet, T. A., Memoir of. C. G. Haines. New York, 1829. 120.. 220 Emmons, E. Report on Quadrupeds of Mass. Cambridge, 1840. 80. 1969 Emmons, N. Works; with Life. Ed. by J. Ide. Boston, 1842. 6 v.8~. 1686 Vol. 1. Autobiography; Additional Memoir; Recollections of a Visitor, by Prof. E. A. Park; Sermons on the Christian Ministry. 2. Sermons on Social and Civil Duties. 3. Instructions to the Afflicted. 4. Systematic Theology, viz.: God; Divine Revelation; Trinity; Standard of Moral Obligation; Revealed Character of God; Decrees of God; Divine and Human Agency; Angels; Original State of Man; Apostacy of Man; Present State of Man; Character of Christ. 5. Work of Christ; Justification; Work of the Spirit; Christian Character; Holiness; Prayer; Perseverance of the Saints; The Sabbath; The Church; Baptism; Lord's Supper; Future State. 6. Miscellaneous. Emory, W. H. Military Reconnoissance to California. Wash. 1848. 80. 3267 Employment for the People, Providing. S. Crumpe. London, 1795. 80. 608 Encyclopiedia Americana. Edited byF. Lieber. Phil. 1830-47. 14 v. 80. 1384 Vol. 1. A to BAT. Vol. 8. LIN to MON. 2. BAT to CAT. 9. MON to PEN. 3. CAT to CRA. 10. PEN to REV. 4. CRA to EVE. 11. REV to STE. 5. EVE to GRE. 12. STE to VIS. 6. GRE to IND. 13. Vis to Zwi, and Appendix. 7. IND to LIN. 14. Supplement. *Britannica. Seventh edition. Edinburgh, 1842. 21 v. 40.. 2030 Vol. 1. Dissertations. Vol. 12. HYD to KYR. 2. A to ANA. 13. LAB to MAG. 3. ANA to AST. I 14. MAG to MEX. 4. AST to Box. 15. MEY to NAV. 5. BOR to CAL. 16. NAV to PAN. 6. CAL to CLO. t 17. PAN to PLA. 7. CLO to DIA. 18. PLA to Quo. 8. DIA to ENG. 19. RAB to Scu. 9. ENG to Fox. 20. Sco to SWR. 10. FRA to GRO. 21. SWR to Z. 11. GRO to HYD. British. W. Nicholson. Philadelphia, 1819-21. 12 v. 80... 687 Vol. 1. ABA to ARE. Vol. 7. IRON to MED. 2. ARE to BUB. 8. MED to NIc. 3. Buc to CON. 9. NIC to PHO. 4. CON to ELL. 10. PHO to RYN. 5. ELL to GIL. 11. RYN to SUR. 6. GIL to IRON. 12. SUR to ZyG. Family. J. S. Blake. New York, 1837. 80. 1884 Farmer's. C. W. Johnson. Philadelphia, 1850. Roy. 80.. 4358 National. - See National Cyclopcedia. of Architecture. J. Gwilt. London, 1851. 80. 4528 of Civil Engineering. E. Cresy. London, 1847. 80.... 4529 of Geography. H. Murray. Philadelphia, 1837. 3 v. roy. 80.. 2010 of Music. J. W. Moore. Boston, 1854. Roy. 80.. 5961 of Religious Knowl. Ed. by J. N. Brown. Bratt. 1850. Roy. 80. 4729 of Trees and Shrubs. J. C. Loudon. London, 1842. 8... 5893 M 82 CATALOGUE OF THE Encyclopmdia, Penny. London, 1833-43. 28 v. in 14. Roy. 80.. 6100 Supplement. London, 1846. 2 v. roy. 80... 5100 Yols. 1, 2. A to ATH. Vols. 17, 18. ORG to PRI. 3, 4. ATH to BLO. 19, 20. PRI to SCA. 5, 6. BLO to CHA. 21, 22. SCA to STE. 7, 8. CHA to DIo. 23, 24. STE to TIT. 9, 10. DIo to FRU. 25, 26. TIT to WAL. 11, 12. FUE to INT. 27, 28. WAL to ZYG. 13, 14. INT to MAS. Sup. 1. ABA to GYR. 15, 16. MAS to ORG. 2. HAB to ZUo. Endless Amusement; a Collection of 400 Experiments. Phil. 1847. 120~. 2440 Endymion; a Tale of Greece. H. B. Hirst. Boston, 1848. 120... 3127 Enemies of the Constitution Discovered, &c. New York, 1835. 120.. 1535 Enfield, W. History of Philosophy. London, 1839. 80.... 1426 England, American in. A. S. Mackenzie. New York, 1835. 2v. 120.. 1108 and the Continent. Travels in. J. H. Sherburne. Phil. 1847. 120~. 2978 and the English. E. L. Bulwer. New York, 1833. 2 v. 120~.. 1150 and France, under the House of Lancaster. London, 1852. 8~.. 5140 and its People, First Impression of. H. Miller. Bost. 1851. 120~. 4193 and Wales. J. G. Kohl. Philadelphia, 1844. 80... 2684 by an American. J. F. Cooper. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 120~.. 905 Child's History of. C. Dickens. New York, 1854. 2 v. 120~.. 5829 Chronicle of Kings of. William of Malmesbury. Lon. 1847. Post 80. 3563 Comment. on the Laws of. Sir W. Blackstone. N.Y. 1849. 2 v. 80. 3592 The same. New York, 1844. 2 v. 80.... 2218 Condition and Fate of. C. E. Lester. New York, 1843. 2 v. 120. 1708 Constitution of. J.L. de Lolme. Ed. by Stephens. Lond. 1810. 80~. 695 Constitutional History of. H. Hallam. Paris, 1841. 3 v. 80~.. 1823 Court of, under the Stuarts. J. H. Jesse. Phil. 1840. 2 v. 12.. 2148 Court of, under Cromwell. J. H. Jesse. Phil. 1840. 2 v. 120.. 2149 Ecclesiastical History of. Bede. London, 1847. Post 8~... 4365 Fame and Glory of, Vindicated. New York, 1842. 120.. 1682 France, &c., Running Sketches in. G. Copway. N.Y. 1851. 120. 4435 Glory and Shame of. C.E. Lester. New York, 1841. 2 v. 120.. 1654 History of. J. Bigland. Boston, 1815. 2v. 8.. 698 History of. 0. Goldsmith. Philadelphia, 1850. 120.. 285 The same, continued by C. Coote. London, 1812. 4 v. 8~. 4981 History of. D. Hume. Boston, 1851. 6 v. 12~. 3499 The same. Boston, 1854. 6 v. 80. 5499 The same. New York, 1846. 2 v. 8.... 705 Continued. T. Smollett. Phil. 1846. 8~.. 705, 3 The same. Philadelphia, 1832. 80~... 730 Continued. J. R. Miller. Philadelphia, 1844. 8~.. 705, 4 The same. Philadelphia, 1832. 80.. 755 History of. T. Keightley. Boston, 1840. 2 v. 80... 1786 The same. (H. F.L.) N. York, 1846. 5 v. 120~. 3683, 114-18 History of. J. Lingard. Paris, 1840. 8 v. 80. 3542 History of. J. Mackintosh. Philadelphia, 1830. 3 v. 120.. 76 History of. Lord Mahon. New York, 1849. 2 v. 8~.. 3262 History of, 1816-1846. H. Martineau. Lond. 1849. 2 v. roy. 80~. 3793 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 83 England, History of. T. B. Macaulay. New York, 1849. 2 v. 8~.. 3257 History of Rebellion. Earl Clarendon. Oxford, 1826. 8 v. 80.. 2256 History of the Reign of George III. R. Bisset. Alb. 1816. 2 v. 80~. 1264 History of, to 1235. R. de Wendover. Lond. 1849. 2 v. post 80~. 4366 in 16th, 17th, & 18th Centuries. F. von Raumer. Lond. 1837. 2v. 80~. 2842 Ireland, and France, Tour in. Packler Muskau. Phil. 1833. 80~. 2723 Lec. on Const. and Laws of. F. S. Sullivan. Portl. 1805. 2 v. 120~. 3584 Letters from. M. A. Espriella. Boston, 1808. 120... 425 Letters on. J. E. White. Philadelphia, 1816. 2 v. 80~.. 1375 Month in. H. T. Tuckerman. New York, 1854. 120.. 5748 Outline History of. W.D. Hamilton. London, 1852. 120~.. 6113 Pictorial History of. New York, 1847. 4 v. roy. 8~.. 2899 Queens of. Agnes Strickland. Philadelphia, 1843. 11 v. 120. 1911 The same. Philadelphia, 1849. 12 v. 120.. 3524 Recollections of. F. A. de Chateaubriand. Phil. 1816. 80. 740 Retrospect of Public Affairs for 1831. Boston, 1831. 2 v. 120. 1013 Royal Prerogative Power in. J. Allen. London, 1849. 80~.. 5415 Rural Life in. W. Howitt. Philadelphia, 1841. 8~... 2061 under the House of Hanover. T. Wright. London, 1848. 2 v.. 5159 under Seven Administrations. A. Fonblanque. Lon. 1837. 3 v. 120~. 2379 Views of. M. Pillet. Boston, 1818. 120. 181 White Slaves of. J. C. Cobden. Auburn, 1853. 8.... 5385 English, G. B. Expedition to Dongola and Sennaar. Boston, 1823. 80. 1378 English Chronicles, Six Old. Ed. by J. A. Giles. Lond. 1848. Post 8~. 4367 Ethelwerd's Chronicle; Asser's Life of Alfred; Geoffrey of Monmouth's British History; Gildas; Nennius; Richard of Cirencester. English Comic Writers, Lectures on. W. Hazlitt. London, 1841. 120.. 1874 English Composition, Aids to. R. G. Parker. Boston, 1844. 12~.. 1922 Exercises in. R. G. Parker. Boston, 1835. 12~.. 1810 English Constitution and Laws. F. S. Sullivan. Portl. 1805. 2 v. 120. 3584 Book of. T. Stephen. Glasgow, n. d. 80.. 2869 Rise and Progress of. J. L. De Lolme. Ed. byA. J. Stephens. Lond. 5474 English Envoy at Court of Nicholas I. Julia Corner. N. Y. 1854. 120. 6178 English Dramatic Poets, Specimens of. C. Lamb. N.Y. 1845. 2 v. 120~. 2402 English Grammar. H. Clarke. London, 1852. 120. 6115 J. P. Wilson. Philadelphia, 1817. 120. 586 English Grammars, Grammar of. G. Brown. New York, 1851. 80.. 4699 English History, Tales from. Agnes Strickland. New York, 1854. 120~. 5630 English Humorists of the 18th Century. W. M. Thackeray. N.Y. 1853. 12~. 5342 English inAmerica, Rule and Misrule of. T. C. Haliburton. N.Y. 1851. 120. 4467 English Items. M. F. Ward. New York, 1853. 120.. 5211 English Language, Gram. Structure of. J. Mulligan. N.Y. 1852. 80~. 5122 English Literature, Cyclopedia of. R. Chambers. Bost. 1851. 2 v. roy. 80. 2636 History of. W. Spalding. New York, 1853. 120... 5265 Outlines of. T. B. Shaw. Philadelphia, 1849. 120.... 3277 English Metrical Romances, Specimens of Early. G. Ellis. Lond. 1848. 80. 4370 English Poetry, History of. T. Warton. London, 1840. 3 v. 80... 5476 English Poets, Lectures on. W. Hazlitt. London, 1841. 120... 1875 84 CATALOGUE OF THE English Poets. Lives of. S. Johnson. London, 1810. 2 v. 80.. 686 English Preachers, Sketches of Popular. J. R. Dix. Lond. 1852. 120~. 6243 English Reading, Course of. J. Kent. New York, 1853. 120.. 5203 J. Pycroft. New York, 1845. 12~.. 2297 English Reformation, Original Letters on. Camb. (Eng.), 1846. 2 v. 80. 5912 See also Reformation. English Revolution of 1640, History of. F. Guizot. N.Y. 1846. 2 v. 120~. 2565 of 1688, History of. F. E. Dahlmann. London, 1844. 80~. 4678 of 1688, History of. Sir J. Mackintosh. Lond. 1846. 80~. 2703, 2 English Soldier in the U. S. Army, Autobiography of. N.Y. 1853. 120~. 5274 English Stage, History of. T. Betterton. Boston, 1814. 80.... 2074 View of. W. Hazlitt. London, 1818. 80.. 2289 English Synonymes. G. Crabb. Boston, 1819. 80. 1292 G. F. Graham. New York, 1847. 120. 3004 English Versification, System of. Erastus Everett. New York, 1848. 120. 3108 English University, Five Years inan. C.A. Bristed. N.Y. 1852. 2 v. 120. 4763 English Words, Thesaurus of. P. M. Roget. Boston, 1854. 120... 5781 Englishwoman in Egypt. Mrs. S. Poole. Philadelphia, 1845. 160.. 2405 Englishwomen, Memoirs of Eminent. L. S. Costellow. Lond. 1844.4 v. 80. 4342 Enterprise, Industry, & Art of Man. S. G. Goodrich. Bost. 1849. 120. 4900, 18 Entertaining Knowledge, Youth's Handbook of. Lond. 1844. 2 v. 120.. 4261 Entertaining Naturalist. Mrs. Loudon. London, 1850. 120.. 4565 Euthanasy; or, Happy Talk, &c. W. Mountford. Boston, 1848. 120.. 3174 Enthusiasm, Natural History of. I. Taylor. Boston, 1830. 120.. 1923 The same. New York, 1849. 120..3609 Entomology. - See Naturalist's Library. Entz, J. F. Exchange & Cotton Trade between Eng. & U. S. N.Y. 1840. 8~. 1651 Enunciation, Lessons in. W. Russell. Boston, 1843. 120. 1889 Envy. E. Sue. New York, 1848. 8~.. 3214 Eoline; or, Magnolia Vale. Caroline L. Hentz. Philadelphia, 1852. 120. 5221 E6then; or, Travels in the East. R. Kinglake. New York, 1845. 120~. 2330 Eotvos, Baron. Village Notary; a Hungarian Romance. N.Y. 1850. 80~. 3643 Ephesians, Philip., and Colos., Notes on. A. Barnes. N. Y. 1851. 120~. 4735 Epicurian, The. T. Moore. Boston, 1831. 160. 46 Episcopal Church, Dictionary of. W. Staunton. New York, 1839. 12~. 2447 Episodes of Insect Life. New York, 1851. 3 v. 80.. 4128 Epitaphs from Copp's Hill. T. Bridgman. Boston, 1851. 120.. 4466 in Graveyards of Northampton. T. Bridgman. North. 1850. 12~. 4215 in King's Chapel Burial Ground. T. Bridgman. Bost. 1853. 120~. 5596 Epistolary Correspondence, Gems of. R. A. Willmott. Lon. 1846. 2 v. 120~. 4569 Equestrian Manual, Lady's. Philadelphia, 1854. 12~. 5836 Erasmus. Life. C. Butler. London, 1825. 80. 2609 Erman, A. Travels in Siberia. Philadelphia, 1850. 2 v. 120... 3853 Ernest Maltravers. E. L. Bulwer. New York, 1837. 2 v. 120... 909 Sequel to (Alice). E. L. Bulwer. New York, n.d. 80... 932 Erskine, T. (Lord). Selection of Speeches. London, 1853. Roy. 80.. 5482 Speeches; with Memoir, by Lord Brougham. Lond. 1847. 2 v. 80. 5484 Speeches on Liberty of the Press, &c. New York, 1813. 2 v. 80. 2668 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 85 Esling, Mrs. C. H. W. Broken Bracelet, and other Poems. Phil. 1850. 120~. 4048 Espriella, M. A. Letters from England. Boston, 1808. 120~... 425 Espy, J. P. Philosophy of Storms. Boston, 1841. 8~.. 1981 Essays & Tracts on Theology. Ed. by J. Sparks. Boston, 1823. 2 v. 120. 368 For Contents, see Sparks, J. for Summer Hours. C. Lanman. New York, 1853. 120.. 5365 from the London Times. New York, 1852. 2 v. 120... 262 of Elia. C. Lamb. New York, 1852. 120.... 3453 on the Formation of Opinions. S. Bailey. Philadelphia, 1831. 120~. 2160 The same. Boston, 1854. 120..5855 on the Pursuit of Truth. S. Bailey. Philadelphia, 1831. 120.. 2156 The same. Boston, 1854. 120. 5855 Written in the Intervals of Business. London, 1842. 160... 2184 Estray; a Collection of Poems. Boston, 1847. 120..... 2948 Essayists, Modern British. Philadelphia, 1848. 8 v. 8.... 3418 Vol. 1. T. B. Macaulay. Vol. 5. Thomas Carlyle. 2. Sir A. Alison. 6. Francis Jeffrey. 3. Sydney Smith. 7. T. N. Talfourd; J. Stephen. 4. John Wilson (Chris. North). 8. Sir James Mackintosh. Ethel Churchill; or, the Two Brides. L. E. Landon. Phil. 1847. 80. 1343, 2 Ether Controversy, Statements on. W. T. G. Morton. Wash. 1853. 80~. 5160 Ethical Philosophy, Progress of. Sir J. Mackintosh. Phil. 1845. 80.. 3608 Ethics, Introduction to. T. Jouffroy. Boston, 1841. 2 v. 120. 962, 5, 6 Manual of Political. F. Lieber. Boston, 1838. 2 v. 80.. 1783 of Aristotle. Trans. by R. W. Browne. London, 1850. Post 80~. 4388 Ethiopia, Highlands of. W. C. Harris. New York, 1845. 80.. 2271 Ethiopians, Hist. Researches concerning. A. H. L. Heeren. Ox. 1838. 2 v. 8~. 2657 Ethnology, Progress of. J. R. Bartlett. New York, 1847. 80.. 2792 Ethnological Society, Transactions of the American. N.Y. 1845. 2 v. 80~. 3384 Etiquette, Treatise on. A. D'Orsay. Philadelphia, 1854. 80.. 5915 Etruria, History of. Mrs. H. Gray. London, 1843. 2 v. 12~.. 3788 Euclid, Elements of. Edited by H. Law. London, 1853. 12~.. 6098 Edited by J. Playfair. New York, 1828. 80... 617 Edited by R. Simson. Philadelphia, 1825. 80... 694 (in French.) Paris, 1746. 120..1541 Eugene Aram. E. L. Bulwer. New York, 1832. 2 v. 120.. 1488 The same. London, 1853. 120. 5701 Euganie, the Young Laundress. M. de La Voye. Lond. 1851. 3 v. 120. 4251 Euler, L. Letters on Nat. Philosophy. (H.F.L.) N.Y. 1848. 2v. 120. 3683, 55, 56 Euripides, Tragedies. Trans. by T. A. Buckley. Lond. 1850. 2 v. post 80. 4387 Trans. by R. Potter. New York, 1842. 3 v. 120. 1854, 15-17 The same. New York, 1848. 3 v. 120... 3761 Europe, after Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle. M. de Pradt. Phil. 1820. 80. 1388 and the East, Travels in. V. Mott. New York, 1842. 80... 1710 Budget of Letters from. Boston, 1847. 120.... 3044 Countries of, Described. Philadelphia, 1849. 120.. 3313 during the Middle Ages. H. Hallam. New York, 1837. 8~.. 1395 Eleven Weeks in. J. F. Clarke. Boston, 1852. 120... 4773 a General Survey. A. H. Everett. Boston, 1822. 80... 1359 86 CATALOGUE OF THE Europe, Glances at. H. Greeley. New York, 1851. 120.. 4497 Gleanings in: England. J. F. Cooper. Phil. 1837. 2 v. 120.. 905 Gleanings in: France. J. F. Cooper. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 120. 273 Handbook for American Travellers in. R. Park. N.Y. 1853. 120~. 5312 History of, 1789-1815. A. Alison. New York, 1842. 4 v. 80.. 1735 History of, from 1815 to 1852. Sir A. Alison. N. York, 1853. 80. 5156 History of Ancient. W. Russell. Philadelphia, 1801. 2 v. 8.. 1966 History of Modern, to 1763. W. Russell. Phil. 1822. 4 v. 80.. 1998 The same, abridged. Hanover, 1810. 120.... 1023 The same, con. to 1815. C. Coote. Phil. 1822. 2 v. 80. 1998, 5, 6 The same. Philadelphia, 1811. 80.... 1377 Holidays Abroad in. Mrs. C. M. Kirkland. N.Y. 1819. 2 v. 120. 3375 in a Hurry. G. Wilkes. New York, 1852. 120.. 5021 Letters from. Cath. M. Sedgwick. New York, 1841. 2 v. 120.. 1626 Letters from, 1849. New York, 1851. 120... 4031 Loiterings in. J. W. Corson. New York, 1848. 120... 3142 Men and Things in. N. Murray. New York, 1853. 120... 5569 Observations in. J. P. Durbin. New York, 1844. 2 v. 120.. 2137 Observations in, 1843-44. J. Mitchell. New York, 1845. 2 v. 120. 2491 Past and Present. F. H. Ungewitter. New York, 1850. 120.. 3897 Rambles in. M. Trafton. Boston, 1852. 120.. 4591 Reminiscences of an Old Traveller in. Edinburgh, 1833. 120.. 1574 Scenes and Thoughts in. G. H. Calvert. New York, 1846. 120. 2591 Sights and Scenes in. Mrs. A. T. J. Bullard. St. Louis, 1852. 120. 5189 Tour in; Old Sights with New Eyes. New York, 1854. 120.. 5599 Travels in. W. Fisk. New York, 1841. 8..... 2051 Travels in. W. Furniss. New York, 1850. 120.... 3441 Travels in. A. McFarland. Boston, 1851. 120... 5291 Travels in, 1837-38. J. A. Clark. Philadelphia, 1840. 2 v. 12~.. 1319 Travels in. Mrs. S. J. Lippincott. Boston, 1854. 2 v. 120.. 5624 Travels in, 1805-6. B. Silliman. New Haven, 1820. 3 v. 120.. 378 Travels in. Mrs. H. B. Stowe. Boston, 1854. 2 v. 120... 6156 Vanderbilt's Steam Excursion to. J. O. Choules. Bost. 1854. 120. 5770 Views A-Foot. B. Taylor. New York, 1852. 120.. 2940 Visit to. H. P. Tappan. New York, 1852. 2 v. 120~... 4872 Visit to. A. Tripp. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5239 Visit to, in 1851. B. Silliman. New York, 1853. 2 v. 120~.. 5519 Visit to Northern. R. Baird. New York, 1841. 2 v. 120... 2119 Young Americans in. Ed. by J. O. Choules. Boston, 1852.- 120~. 4638 European Agriculture & Rural Economy. H. Colman. Bost. 1849. 2 v. 80. 3268 European Capitals, Sketches of. W. Ware. Boston, 1851. 120... 4426 European Commerce. C. W. Rordansz. Boston, 1819. 80.... 639 European Hist., Lights and Shadows of. S. G. Goodrich. Bost. 1849. 120. 4900, 8 European Life and Manners. H. Colman. Boston, 1849. 2 v. 120.. 3272 Eustaphieve, A. Demetrius; an Epic Poem. Boston, 1818. 120... 479 Evangeline; a Tale of Acadie. H. W. Longfellow. Boston, 1847. 120. 3055 Evans, E. Pedestrious Tour of 4000 Miles. Concord, 1819. 120.. 443 Evans, R. M. Story of Joan of Arc. New York, 1847. 12~.. 3089 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 87 Evans, R. W. Rectory of YValehead. Philadelphia, 1832. 120.. 1501 Evarts, J. Life. E. C. Tracy. Boston, 1845. 80.. 4714 Eve of the Deluge. H. W. V. Stuart. London, 1851. 120... 4256 Evelina. Miss F. Burney. New York, 1852. 2 v. 120.. 4890 Evelyn, C. (Ed.) Table Talk of Books, Men, & Manners. N. Y. 1853. 126. 5032 Evelyn, J. Diary and Correspondence. London, 1850. 4 v. 8~.. 5756 Life of Mrs. Godolphin. New York, 1847. 120.. 2436 Evening Book. Mrs. C. M. Kirkland. New York, 1853. 12~.. 5328 Evenings at Donaldson Manor. Maria J. McIntosh. N. York, 1851. 80~. 4309 The same. New York, 1853. 120.. 4926 at Home. J. Aikin and Mrs. Barbauld. New York, 1850. 120.. 3445 at Sea; from Blackwood. London, 1853. 120.. 6631 at Woodlawn. Mrs. E. F. Ellet. New York, 1849. 12~... 3414 Eventide; Tales and Poems. Miss Harper. Boston, 1854. 120... 6237 Everest, C. W. Poets of Connecticut. New York, 1844. 80... 2268 Everett, A. H. America; a General Survey. Philadelphia, 1827. 80.. 1354 Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. Boston, 1845. 120... 2526 Vol. 1. Mde. de Sevign6; Who Wrote Gil Blas? Life of B. de St. Pierre; Life and Writings of Schiller; French Dramatic Literature; Private Life of Voltaire; Art of Being Happy; Life and Works of Canova; Sir James Mackintosh; Cicero on Government; Dialogue on Government between Franklin and Montesquieu; Chinese Manners; The Sabbath; Poems. 2. Harro Harring; Mde. de Stail; Musseus's Popular Tales; Irving's Columbus; De Gerando's History of Philosophy; Greenough's Statue of Washington; Stewart's Philosophy; Jean J. Rousseau; Havana; History of Intellectual Philosophy; Lord Vapourcourt. Europe; a General Survey. Boston, 1822. 80. 1359 Life of Patrick Henry. Boston, 1844. 120. 1076, 11 Life of Joseph Warren. Boston, 1844. 120.... 1076, 10 Everett, Edward, Beauties of; with Sketch of Life. Boston, 1839. 240. 1497 Biography of Daniel Webster. Bostoi, 1851. 80.. 1648, 1 Defence of Christianity. Boston, 1814. 140.... 2110 Eulogy on J. Q. Adams. Boston, 1848. 80.... 3533 Life and Character of John Lowell, jun. Boston, 1843. 80.. 2251, 1 Life of John Stark. Boston, 1838. 120. 1076, 1 Orations and Speeches. Boston, 1836. 8~. 795 The same. Boston, 1850. 2 v. 80. 3973 Everett, Erastus. System of English Versification. New York, 1848. 120. 3108 Every-Day Book. New York, 1842. 120.. 1887 Evidences of Christianity. - See Christianity. Evil, Origin, Uses, and Remedies of. W. Burton. Boston, 1832. 120.. 1528 Ewbank, T. Hydraulics and Mechanics. New York, 1846. 80... 2790 Examiner, The. August, 1849, to May, 1850. London, 40~.. 3732 Examples of Life and Death. Mrs. L. H. Sigourney. N.Y. 1852. 120~.. 4748 Exchange between England and U. S. J. F. Entz. N. Y. 1840. 80.. 1651 Interest, Money, &c., Essays on. J. R. McCulloch. Bost. 1850. 80. 3984 Interest, and the Effect of the Usury Laws; Foreign and Domestic Exchange; Money, Coins, Bullion, Currency, Seignorage, Degradation of Standard, &c.; Tables. Excursion, The; a Poem. W. Wordsworth. New York, 1849. 120.. 3436 88 CATALOGUE OF THE Exhibition of 1851. C. Babbage. London, 1851. 80... 4345 Lectures on the Results of. London, 1852. 80.. 4849 Whewell, W. Inaugural Lecture. Solly, E. Vegetable Substances. De la Beche, Sir H. Mining, &c. Willis, R. Machines. Owen, R. Animal Products. Glaisher, J. Philosophical Instruments. Bell, J. Chemical Processes. Hensman, R. Civil Engineering. Playfair, L. Industrial Education. Royle, J. F. Manufactures of India. Lindley, J. Substances used as Food. Washington, Capt. Life-Boats. Official Catalogue. London, 1851. 80.. 4339 Exile into Siberia. A. von Kotzebue. New York, 1802. 12~. 871 Exiles, The. Mrs. Robinson (Talvi). New York, 1853. 120.. 5513 Expectant, The; a Novel. E. Pickering. Philadelphia, 1842. 2 v. 120~. 1697 Expedition of the British Fleet to Sicily, 1718-20. London, 1739. 120.. 493 to the Dead Sea. - See Dead Sea. to River Jordan and Dead Sea. W.F. Lynch. Phil. 1849. 80.. 2850 to the Rocky Mountains. J. C. Fremont. Buffalo, 1851. 120.. 2639 to the Sources of the Mississippi. Z. M. Pike. Phil. 1810. 80.. 1341 Experience of Life. E. M. Sewell. New York, 1853. 120... 5196 Experiences of a Barrister. S. Warren. New York, 1852. 120.. 4771 of a Gaol Chaplain. London, 1850. 120.. 5686 Explanatory Bible Atlas. W. Jenks. Boston, 1847. 40~.. 3232 Exploring Expedition, U.S., 1838-42. C.Wilkes. Phil. 1845. 5 v. roy. 8~. 2244 Exploring Expeditions, U. States. J. S. Jenkins. Auburn, 1850. 80.. 3620 Exposition of the Weakness of the Govt. of the U. States. 1845. 120.. 2906 Extemporaneous Preaching, Hints on. H.Ware, jun. Boston, 1831. 120~. 1882 Extracts from the Best Authors. New York, 1827. 5 v. 120.. 408 ExtraordinaryMen. W. Russell. London, 1853. 120... 5343 F. Fabens, J.W. Camel Hunt. New York, 1853. 120.. 4621 Life on the Isthmus. New York, 1853. 120... 5073 Faber, G. S. Difficulties of Infidelity. New York, 1853. 120.. 5346 Fable for Critics. J. R. Lowell. New York, 1848. 120.. 3182 Fables,.Esop's; Illustrated. Edited by T. James. London, 1848. 80.. 4536 Fables. J. La Fontaine. Trans. by E. Wright. Boston, 1842. 2v. 120~. 1746 *The same. Boston, 1841. 80.. 2334 Illustrated by Facts. W. O. Bourne. New York, 1853. 12~.. 5022 Select. T. and J. Bewick. Newcastle, 1820. 80.... 5899 Fact and Fiction; a Collection of Stories. L.M. Child. N.Y. 1846. 120. 2937 Fadette; aDomestic Story. Trans.byMatilda M. Hays. N.Y. 1851. 120. 4039 Faerie Queene. E. Spenser. Boston, 1839. 120. 1920, 1 and Spenser. J. S. Hart. Philadelphia, 1854. 120... 6223 Faesch, G.R. L'Art de la Guerre. Leipzig, 1771. 2 v. 80... 710 Faggot of French Sticks. Sir F. B. Head. New York, 1852. 120.. 4755 Fair Maid of Perth. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1848. 2 v. 120... 999, 41, 42 The same. Edinburgh, 1849. 2 v. 120... 4100, 42, 43 The same. Edinburgh, 1851. Roy. 80... 4531, 11 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 89 Fairbairn, P. Typology of Scripture. Philadelphia, 1852. 2 v. 80.. 4710 Fairfax Correspondence. Edited by G. W. Johnson. Lond. 1848. 4 v. 80. 4690 Fairy Land, Adventures in. R. H. Stoddard. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5234 Fairy Mythology. T. Keightley. London, 1849. Post 80.. 4368 Fairy Tales and Romances. Count A. Hamilton. London, 1849. Post 8~. 3447 Faith, Develop.; Discipline and Fruits of. G. B. Cheever. N.Y.1849. 120~. 3432 Falcon Family; or, Young Ireland. M. W. Savage. Boston, 1848. 8~. 2898 Falkland; a Novel. E. L. Bulwer. Philadelphia, 1843. 80~... 1757 Fall of the Indian, and other Poems. I. McLellan, jun. Boston, 1830. 120~. 502 Fall of Man, Scriptural Account of. C. Chauncy. London, 1785. 80.. 1225 Falls, Lakes, and Mounts. of N. Wales. L. S. Costellow. Lond. 1845. 120~. 2388 False Heir. G.P. R. James. New York, 1843. 80. 1726 Fame and Glory of England Vindicated. New York, 1842. 120.. 1682 Family Book; or, Instructions on the Relations of Life. N.Y. 1835. 120~. 2112 FamilyPictures fromtheBible. Mrs. E.F.Ellet. New York, 1849. 120~. 3442 Family Tourist. C.A. Goodrich. Hartford, 1848. 80..3622 Famine in Ireland, 1847-49. Mrs. A. Nicholson. New York, 1851. 120. 4161 Famous Men and Places. N. P. Willis. New York, 1854. 12~.. 6184 of Ancient Times. S.G. Goodrich. Boston, 1849. 120~.. 4900, 2 of Modern Times. S. G. Goodrich. Boston, 1849. 120~.. 4900, 1 Fanaticism. I. Taylor. New York, 1834. 120.. 1848 Fanny; with other Poems. F. G. Halleck. New York, 1839. 12~.. 1530 Fanny Forester. - See Chubbuck, Emily; and Judson, Mrs. Emily. Farley, Harriet. Happy Nights at Hazel Nook. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5525 Farm Implements. J.J. Thomas. New York, 1854. 120.... 5884 Farmer, J. Genealog. Reg. of New England Settlers. Lancas. 1829. 8~. 2070 Farmer's Boy; a Rural Poem. R. Bloomfield. New York, 1803. 120.. 2354 Farmer's Encyclopaedia. C. W. Johnson. Philadelphia, 1850. Roy. 80~. 4358 Farmer's Library: Animal Economy. London, n.d. 2 v. roy.8~.. 3635 Vol. 1. The Ox; The Horse. 2. Sheep; The Dog; The Hog; Poultry; Bees. Farmingdale. Caroline Thomas. New York, 1854. 120.. 5868 Farnham, Eliza W. Life in Prairie Land. New York, 1846. 120.. 3011 Farnham, T. J. Life and Adventures in California. N.Y. 1849. 80.. 2756 Farquhar, G. Dramatic Works. Ed. by L. Hunt. Lond. 1851. Roy. 80. 4527 Farrington, Mrs. Sarah P. Fern Leaves. Auburn, 1853. 120.. 5336 Fern Leaves. Second series. Auburn, 1854. 120.. 5865 Little Ferns. Auburn, 1854. 120..5607 Fashion and Famine. Ann S. Stephens. New York, 1854. 120... 6157 Fast of St. Magdalen. Anna M. Porter. New York, 1819. 2 v. 120.. 395 Fate; a Tale of Stirring Times. G. P. R. James. New York, 1851. 80. 4503 Father Clement. Grace Kennedy. Philadelphia, 1853. 12~... 811 Father's Instructions. T. Percival. Richmond, 1800. 120.. 136 Fathers and Sons. T. E. Hook. Philadelphia, 1842. 2 v. 120... 900 Fathers of the Desert. H. Ruffner. New York, 1850. 2 v. 120... 4062 Faust. J. W. von Goethe. Trans. by A. Hayward. Lowell, 1845. 120. 2320 Fawn of the Pale Paces. J. P. Brace. New York, 1853. 120~.. 5380 Fay, T. S. Countess Ida; a Tale of Berlin. New York, 1840. 2 v. 120. 1584 N 90 CATALOGUE OF THE Fay, T. S. Norman Leslie. New York, 1836. 2 v. 120.. 1092 Hoboken; a Romance of New York. New York, 1843. 2 v. 120. 1731 Fear of the World. Bros. Mayhew. New York, 1850. 80.... 3641 Federal Government, Hist. of, 1789-1839. A. Bradford. Bost. 1840. 80. 1587 Federalist, The. A. Hamilton, J. Jay, and J. Madison. Phil. 1818. 80. 697 Feejee, Life in. Mrs. M. D. Wallis. Boston, 1851. 120.. 4160 Feet, Book of the. J. S. Hall. New York, 1847. 120... 4420 Felltham, O. Resolves. Cambridge, 1832. 120. 383, 4 Felt, J. B. Annals of Salem. Salem, 1845-49. 2 v. 120... 2521 Historical Account of Massachusetts Currency. Boston, 1839. 8~. 1252 Felton, C. C. Life of William Eaton. Boston, 1844. 120... 1076, 9 (Editor.) Memorial of John S. Popkin. Cambridge, 1852. 120.. 4883 Female Biography. S. L. Knapp. Philadelphia, 1836. 120.... 1840 Female Characters of Scotland. J. Anderson. New York, 1851. 120.. 4471 Female Jesuit, and Sequel. Mrs. S. Luke. New York, 1851-53. 2 v. 120. 4165 Female Poets, British. G. W. Bethune. Philadelphia, 1848. 80... 3191 of America. R. W. Griswold. Philadelphia, 1849. 8~... 3252 of America. Caroline May. Philadelphia, 1848. 80.... 3535 Female Sovereigns, Memoirs of. Mrs. A. Jameson. N.Y. 1844. 2 v. 120. 2404 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 2 v. 120. 3683, 33, 34:Fn6lon, F. de S. de L. Life. C. Butler. Philadelphia, 1811. 120.. 1834 Life. J. Cormack. New York, 1843. 120.... 2423 Lives of the Ancient Philosophers. New York, 1843. 120... 2423 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1847. 120.. 3683, 140 T61lmaque. Trans. by G. Bagnall. Dublin, 1792. 2 v. 120.. 170 The same. Trans. by J. Hawkesworth. N.Y. 1847. 2 v. 120. 2238 Fenn, J. (Editor.) Paston Letters. London, 1849. 80... 4371 Fennell, J., Apology for the Life of. Philadelphia, 1814. 80... 588 Ferdinand and Isabella, History of. WV. H. Prescott. N.Y. 1851. 3 v. 8~. 947 Ferdinand Count Fathom. T. Smollett. Philadelphia, 1851. 8~.. 801, 1 Fergus, H. Class Book of Natural Theology. Boston, 1837. 120~.. 1454 Ferguson, A. Hist. of Rome, abridged. (H. F.L.) N.Y. 1848. 120~. 3683, 187 Ferguson, J. Introduction to Astronomy. Philadelphia, 1805. 120~.. 337 Ferguson, R. Works; with Life. London, 1851. 120..... 5036 Fern Leaves. Mrs. Sarah P. Farrington. Auburn, 1854. 120.. 5336 The same. Second series. Auburn, 1854. 120.. 5865 Fernley Manor; or, Edith, the Inconstant. Mrs. M. Daniel. N.Y. 1851. 80~. 4540 Ferrier, Susan. Destiny; or, the Chiefs Daughter. London, 1852. 120~. 5676 Inheritance. London, 1853. 120..... 5725 Marriage. New York, 1848. 80~......... 303 The same. London, 1853. 120.. 5724 Ferris, B. G. Utah and the Mormons. New York, 1854. 120.. 6150 Fessenden, T. G. Register of Arts. Philadelphia, 1808. 80.... 738 Terrible Tractoration, and other Poems. Boston, 1836. 120~.. 736 Festivals, Games, &c. Horatio Smith. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1846. 120. 3683, 25 Festus; a Poem. P. J. Bailey. Boston, 1849. 120. 2396 Feuerbach, P. J. A. von. Account of Caspar Hauser. Boston, 1832. 160. 821 Remarkable Criminal Trials. New York, 1846. 120... 2584 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 91 Fichte, J. G., Memoir. W. Smith. Boston, 1846. 12~... 2905 Fiction, History of. J. Dunlop. Philadelphia, 1842. 2 v. 120... 1912 Field, G. Painter's Art and Coloring. London, 1850. 120.... 6053 Field, H. M. Irish Confederates and Rebellion of 1798. N.Y. 1851. 120. 4115 Field, J. M. Drama of Pokerville, &c. Philadelphia, 1847. 120... 4074 Field, M. City Architecture. New York, 1853. 80.... 5438 Field Sports of United States. H. W. Herbert. N. York, 1849. 2 v. 80. 3266 Fielding, H. Select Works. Philadelphia, 1843. 2 v. roy. 80... 1232 Vol. 1. Tom Jones. 2. Joseph Andrews; Amelia; Jonathan Wild. Fielding; or, Society. R. P. Ward. Philadelphia, 1837. 3 v. 120.. 907 The same. London, 1843. 2 v. 120. 4564, 2, 3 Fields, J. T. Poem before Boston M. L. Association. Boston, 1838. 80~. 1739 Poems. Boston, 1849. 120... 3346 Poems. Boston, 1854. 180..6254 Fifteen Hundred and Seventy-Two. P. Merimbe. New York, 1830. 120. 1220 Fifty Years in Both Hemispheres. V. Nolte. New York, 1854. 120.. 6176 Firmilian; a Spasmodic Tragedy. W. E. Aytoun. N. York, 1854. 120. 6212 Fine Arts, General View of. D. Huntington. New York, 1851. 120.. 4060 History of. B. J. Lossing. (H. F. L.) N. York, 1846. 120. 3683, 103 in Great Britain. W. B. S. Taylor. London, 1841. 2 v. 120.. 4628 Outline History of. B. J. Lossing. New York, 1840. 120.. 2429 Fireside Lectures for Sabbath Evenings. F. Horton. Boston, 1850. 120. 3880 Fireside Stories. Mrs. S. Ellis. New York, 1850. 160.... 3315 First and Second Love. H. C. Crawford. New York, 1844. 80~.. 2167, 1 First Class Standard Reader. Epes Sargent. Boston, 1854. 120... 5816 First Things; a Series of Lectures. G. Spring. N. York, 1851. 2 v. 80~. 4117 Fish and Fishing in the United States. H. W. Herbert. N. Y. 1850. 80. 3417 Fishes, British. R. Hamilton. Edinburgh, 1843. 2 v. 120.. 4901, 36, 37 their Uses and Structure. J. S. Bushnan. Edin. 1843. 120~. 4901, 35 of Guiana. R. H. Schomburgk. Edin. 1843. 2 v. 12~. 4901, 39, 40 of Massachusetts. D. H. Storer. Boston, 1839. 8~0. 722 of the Perch Family. Sir W. Jardine. Edinburgh, 1843. 120~. 4901, 38 Fisher, A. Petrel; or, Love on the Ocean. Philadelphia, 1851. 80.. 4511 Ralph Rutherford; a Nautical Romance. New York, 1851. 80.. 4502 Fisk, G. Sevenfold Aspect of Popery. London, 1851. 120... 4213 Travels in Egypt and the Holy Land. New York, 1848. 120.. 3573 Fisk, W. Travels in Europe. New York, 1841. 80.. 2051 Fitch, J. Life. C. Whittlesey. 1076, 16 Fitzgeorge; a Novel. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 v. 120... 1160 Fitzgerald, E., Life and Death of. T. Moore. New York, 1831. 2 v. 120~. 464 Fitzosborne's Letters. W. Melmoth. Boston, 1815. 120.. 1025 Five Years in an English University. C. A. Bristed. N. York, 1852. 120~. 4763 Flag Ship; or, Voy. round the World. F. W. Taylor. N.Y. 1840. 2 v. 120~. 2116 Flagg, E. Venice; the City of the Sea. New York, 1853. 2 v. 120.. 5518 Fleetwood. W. Godwin. Alexandria, 1805. 2 v. 12... 1867 The same. London, 1851. 120. 5654 Fleming and Tibbins's French & English Dictionary. Phil. 1846. Roy. 80~. 2782 92 CATALOGUE OF THE Fleming, J. Molluscous Animals. Edinburgh, 1837. 120.... 4968 Fletcher, J. History of Poland. New York, 1831. 120.... 139 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 120~.. 3683, 24 Fletcher, J. P. Notes from Nineveh. Philadelphia, 1850. 120~... 3852 Flies in Amber. Miss Pardoe. London, 1850. 3 v. 120... 4277 Flint, G. L. Agriculture of Massachusetts. Boston, 1854. 80~... 5955 Flint, T. History and Geog. of Mississippi Valley. Cincin. 1832. 2 v. 80. 1955 Indian Wars of the West. Cincinnati, 1833. 120.... 1456 (Ed.) Personal Narrative of Jas. O. Pattie. Cincinnati, 1833. 80. 2601 Recollections in the Valley of the Mississippi. Boston, 1826. 80.. 1411 Flora Lyndsay. Mrs. S. Moodie. New York, 1854. 120.... 6137 Florence; the Parish Orphan. Eliza B. Lee. Boston, 1852. 120... 4491 Florence Egerton; or, Sunshine and Shadow. New York, 1854. 120.. 6180 Florence Sackville; or, Self-Independence. Mrs. Burbury. N.Y. 1852. 80. 3983 Florentine Histories. N. Machiavelli. New York, 1845. 2 v. 120.. 2482 Florian, M. Moors in Spain. (H. F, L.) New York, 1848. 120~. 3683, 177 Florida, Conquest of. T. Irving. New York, 1851. 120.... 4105 Florida War, History of. J. T. Sprague. New York, 1848. 80... 2873 Flower, Fruit, and Thorn Pieces. J. P. F. Richter. Boston, 1845. 2 v. 12~. 2321 Flower Garden; or, Book of Flowers. J. Breck. Boston, 1851. 120.. 3822 Flower of the Family. New York, 1854. 120.~... 5597 Flowers of History. Roger de Wendover. London, 1849. 2 v. post 80~. 4366 of Modern Travels. Rev. J. Adams. Boston, 1816. 2 v. 120.. 1652 of Wit. H. Kett. Hartford, 1825. 180..130 Flush Times in Alabama. J. G. Baldwin. New York, 1853. 120.. 5602 Fluxions, Doctrine of. Cambridge, 1824. 80...... 1366 Flying Dutchman; a Legend of the High Seas. Phil. 1840. 2 v. 120.. 1596 Follen, C. Works, with Memoir. Boston, 1842. 5 v. 12~.. 1937 Follen, Eliza L. Sketches of Married Life. Boston, 1841. 120.. 1866 Folsom, B. Biog. of Officers of the Am. Navy. Newburyport, 1814. 80~. 758 Fonblanque, A. Eng. under Seven Administrations. Lond. 1837. 3 v. 12~. 2379 Fontaine, J. Memoirs of a Huguenot Family. New York, 1853. 120.. 5067 Food, History of. A. Soyer. Boston, 1853. 80.. 5460 Vegetable Substances as. (H.F.L.) New York, 1846. 120~. 3683, 169 Foote, A. H. Africa and the American Flag. New York, 1854. 120.. 5826 Footpath and Highway. B. Moran. Philadelphia, 1853. 120.. 5204 Foot-Prints of the Creator. H. Miller. Boston, 1850. 120.. 4043 of Famous Men. New York, 1854. 12~.. 6154 Footsteps of our Forefathers. J. G. Miall. Boston, 1852. 120.. 4995 Forbes, J. Eleven Years in Ceylon. London, 1840. 2 v. 80.. 4681 *Oriental Memoirs. Lond. 1834. 2 v. 80. 1 v. plates, 40~... 3796 Forbes, J. D. Travels in the Alps of Savoy. Edinburgh, 1845. Roy. 80. 5470 Forbes, R. B. Shipwreck by Lightning. Boston, 1853. 80... 5404 Voyage of the Jamestown. Boston, 1847. 80.. 2799 *Forbin, Comte de, Portefeuille du. Paris, 1843. 40. 3740 Ford, J., and P. Massinger. Dramatic Works. London, 1848. Roy. 80~. 1788 Ford, R. Spaniards and their Country. New York, 1847. 2 v. 120.. 2993 Ford, T. History of Illinois from 1818-47. Chicago, 1854. 120.. 6198 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 93 Foreign Quarterly Review. Vols. 14-37. New York, 1834-46. Roy. 80~. 2827 Foreign Reminiscences. Lord Holland. New York, 1851. 120... 3797 Foreign Standard Literature, Specimens of. - See Specimens. Foreign Travel, Sketches of. C. Rockwell. Boston, 1842. 2 v. 8~.. 1684 Forest, The. J. V. Huntington. New York, 1852. 120... 5217 Forest Days. G. P. R. James. New York, 1843. 80... 1718 Forest Life. C. M. Kirkland. New York, 1844. 12~... 1705 and Forest Trees. J. S. Springer. New York, 1851. 120... 4459 Forester, Frank. - See Herbert, H. W. Forester, T. (Editor.) Norway and its Scenery. London, 1853. Post 8~0. 5360 Foresters, The. A. Dumas. New York, 1854. 120.. 5789 Foresters, The. John Wilson. Boston, 1845. 120.... 1469 Forgery; a Tale. G. P. R. James. New York, 1848. 8~0.. 3250 Forster, J., and others. Eminent British Statesmen. Lond. 1831. 7 v. 120~. 1831 For Contents, see Lives. Life and Adventures of Oliver Goldsmith. London, 1848. 8~0.. 5172 Forsyth, W. Napoleon at St. Helena. New York, 1853. 2 v. 120.. 5611 Fortescue; a Novel. J. S. Knowles. New York, 1846. 80... 2772 Fortification and Artillery, Treatise on. H. Straith. Lond. 1850. 2 v. 80~. 4823 Fortune Hunter. Anna Cora Mowatt. Philadelphia, 1854. 80.. 5922 Fortunes of Nigel. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1848. 2 v. 12~.. 999, 25, 26 The same. Edinburgh, 1849. 2 v. 120... 4100, 26, 27 The same. Edinburgh, 1850. Roy. 8~. 4531, 7 Forty-five Guardsmen. A. Dumas. New York, 1848. 8~0.. 2895 Fosdick, D., jun. Sermons at Hollis-street Church. Boston, 1847. 8~. 3197 Fosgate, B. Sleep Psychologically Considered. New York, 1850. 120~. 3894 *Fossil Remains, Pictorial Atlas of. G. A. Mantell. London, 1850. 40~. 4351 Foster, B. F. Clerk's Guide; or,Commercial Correspondence. Bos.1837. 120~. 1544 Commercial Bookkeeping. Boston, 1839. 80. 1350 Foster, B. W. Bookkeeping, Double and Single Entry. Bost. 1844. 8~. 1709 Foster, Mrs. M. E. Handbook of Mod. European Literature. Phil. 1850. 120. 3498 Foster, J. Essays in a Series of Letters. Boston, 1839. 120... 1487 On a Man's Writing Memoirs of Himself; Decision of Character; Application of the Epithet Romantic; Aversion of Men of Taste to Evangelical Religion. The same. Boston, 1811. 120. 211 Essays on the Evils of Popular Ignorance. New York, 1850. 12~. 3662 Life & Correspondence. Ed. by J. E. Ryland. N.Y. 1846. 2 v. 12~. 2918 Foster, R. S. Nature & Blessedness of Christian Purity. N.Y. 1851. 120. 4158 Foster Brother; a Tale. Edited by L. Hunt. New York, 1846. 80.. 2648 Fouch6, J., Memoirs of: Boston, 1825. 80..1355 Fouqu6, F. de la M. Thiodolf the Icelander. New York, 1845. 120.. 2581 Undine. New York, 1839. 120.. 1560 The same. New York, 1845. 120. 2332 Foundations and Concrete Works. E. Dobson. London, 1850. 120.. 606G Fountain, and other Poems. W. C. Bryant. New York, 1842. 120.. 1722 Four Pillars; or, Truth of Christianity. H. Newcomb. Bost. 1842. 120. 977 Fourier, C. Life. C. Pellarin. New York, 1848. 120.... 3179 Fowle, W. B. Familiar Dialogues. Boston, 1846. 120... 3347 94 CATALOGUE OF THE Fowler, J. A. Dramatic and Oratorical Expression. Phil. 1853. 120.. 5226 Fowler, O. S. Phrenology applied to Matrimony. New York, 1842. 80. 1844 Fownes, G. Treatise on Chemistry. London, 1853. 120.. 6036 Fox, C. J., Recollections of Life of. B. C. Walpole. N.Y. 1807. 120.. 468 Speeches. London, 1853. 80.. 5468 Fox, G., Popular Life of. J. Marsh. Philadelphia, 1848. 120... 3332 France. Lady S. Morgan. Philadelphia, 1817. 80..... 1261 and England, Notabilities in. P. Chasles. New York, 1853. 120. 5340 and the French. London, 1851. 120.. 4292 and Italy, Journey through. W. Hazlitt. London, 1826. 80.. 2286 and Italy, Travels through. T. Smollett. London, 1778. 2 v. 120. 866 and its Revolutions. G. Long. London, 1850. Roy. 80.. 5901 and Switzerland, Pedestrian in. G. Barrell, jun. N.Y. 1853. 120. 5376 Civil War in the Vend6e. Paris, 1802. 80.. 574 Civil Wars and Monarchy in. L. Ranke. New York, 1853. 120. 5345 Consulate and Empire. A. Thiers. New York, 1852. 2 v. 8~.. 2754 Court of, 1684-1720. Marquis de Dangeau. Lond. 1825. 2 v. 80. 5127 Democracy in. M. Guizot. New York, 1849. 120.... 3342 History of. J. Michelet. Tr. by G. H. Smith. N.Y. 1847. 2. v. 80. 2627 History of the Girondists. A. Lamartine. N. Y. 1849. 3 v. 120. 3030 Hist. of the National Assem., 1848. J. F. Corkran. N.Y. 1849. 120. 2935 History of Ten Years, 1830-40. Louis Blanc. Phil. 1848. 2 v. 80. 2883 in 1829-30. Lady S. Morgan. New York, 1830. 2 v. 120.. 527 its King, Court, and Government. L. Cass. New York, 1848. 80. 3148 Lectures on the History of. Sir J. Stephen. New York, 1852. 80. 4697 Memoirs of the Queens of. Mrs. F. Bush. Phil. 1847. 2 v. 120. 2985 Orators of. L. de Cormenin. New York, 1847. 120... 3008 Protestantism in. A. Coquerel. Boston, 1854. 120... 6145 Restoration of Monarchy. A. Lamartine. N. Y. 1851. 3 v. 120. 5198 Revolution of 1789. Philadelphia, 1794. 120. 553 Savoy, Switzerland, &c., Letters from. T. Raffles. N. Y. 1818. 120. 974 Stranger in. J. Carr. Brattleboro', 1806. 120. 177 Prussia, Switzerland, &c., Travels in. S. Laing. Phil. 1846. 80. 2690 Protestant Reformation in. Mrs. Marsh. London, 1847. 2 v. 80. 4643 Sketches in. A. Dumas. Philadelphia, 1852. 80.. 4693 Sketches of Living Characters in. R. M. Walsh. Phil. 1841. 120. 2296 Travels in, 1787-89. A. Young. London, 1792. 40.. 2007 The same. Dublin, 1793. 2 v. 80. 605 Woman in, in the 18th Century. Julia Kavanagh. Phil. 1850. 120. 3855 Fox, G. T. Memoir of Henry W. Fox. New York, 1851. 120... 4171 Fox, J. History of Christian Martyrdom. London, 1837. 8~.. 1941 Fragments of Voyages and Travels. Capt. B. Hall. London, 1842. 80.. 2610 Framingham, Mass., History of. WV. Barry. Boston, 1847. 80... 2834 Francesca Carrara. Letitia E. Landon. Philadelphia, 1847. 80.. 1343, 1 Franchere, G. Voyage to N. W. Coast of America. N. York, 1854. 120. 5818 Francia, Dr., Reign of Terror. J.P. & W.P. Robertson. Phil. 1839. 2 v. 120. 979 Francis, C. Life of John Eliot. Boston, 1840. 120... 1076, 5 Life of Sebastian Rale. Boston, 1848. 120.... 1076, 17 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 95 Francis-Eugene, Prince of Savoy, History of. London, 1754. 120.. 182 Francis, G. H. Orators of the Age. New York, 1847. 120... 3001 Francis, J. Chronicles and Characters of Stock Exchange. Bost. 1850. 80. 3949 Francis Berrian; or, the Mexican Patriot. Boston, 1826. 2 v. 120~.. 551 Frank. Maria Edgeworth. Cambridge, 1822. 2 v. 120.. 487 Frank Fairlegh. F. Smedley. New York, 1850. 80.. 3997 Frank Forester. - See Herbert, II. W. Frank Freeman's Barber Shop. B. R. Hall. New York, 1852. 120.. 5034 Frank Heartwell; or, Fifty Years Ago. New York, 1844. 8~.. 2167, 1 Frank Mildmay. F. Marryat. New York, 1848. 80.. 1766, 2 Frankenstein. Mrs. M. W. Shelley. London, 1853. 120.. 5698 The same. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 v. 120... 2333 Franklin, B. Autobiography and Life. H. H. Weld. N. Y. 1848. 80. 3265 Autobiography and Select Writings. N. Y. 1846. 2 v. 120. 3683, 92, 93 Life. M. L. Weems. Philadelphia, 1829. 120. 1019 Select Works. Edited by E. Sargent. Boston, 1853. 120... 5637 Works; with Notes and Life. J. Sparks. Boston, 1840. 10 v. 80. 1792 Vol. 1. Autobiography; Life continued, by Sparks, 2. Essays on Religious and Moral Subjects, and the Economy of Life; Essays on Politics, Commerce, and Political Economy. 3. Essays and Tracts, Historical and Political, before the American Revolution; Constitution and Government of Pennsylvania. 4. Essays and Tracts continued. 5. Political Papers during and after the American Revolution; Letters and Papers on Electricity. 6. Letters and Papers on Philosophical Subjects. 7. Correspondence: Part 1. Private Letterq to the Time of the Author's First Mission to England, 1725-57. Part 2. Letters, Private and Official, from the Time of the Author's First Mission to England to the Beginning of the American Revolution, 1757-75. 8. Correspondence: Part 2 continued, 1757-75. Part 3. Letters, Private and Official, from the Beginning of the Revolution to End of the Author's Mission to France, 1775-85; Appendix; Fragment of Polybius on the Athenian Government; Memoir of Sir John Dalrymple. 9. Correspondence: Part 3 continued; Journal of the Negotiation of the Treaty of Peace. 10. Correspondence: Part 3 continued; Part 4. Private Letters, from the Termination of the Author's Mission to France to the End of his Life, 1785-90; Supplement; Indexes; Chronological List of the Author's Writings. Franklin, Sir J., and the Arctic Regions. P. L. Simmonds. Buff. 1852. 120. 968 Frascati's; or, Scenes in Paris. Philadelphia, 1836. 2 v. 120~... 259 Fraser, J. B. History of Persia. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 120~. 3683, 70 Mesopotamia and Assyria. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 120~. 3683, 157 Fraser's Magazine. Vol. 47. London, 1853. 80.. 5419 Freaks of Fortune; or, Ned Lorn. J.B. Jones. Philadelphia, 1854. 120. 6258 Frederick the Great; his Court & Times. T. Campbell. Lon. 1845. 2 v. 120. 3187 Life. Lord Dover. New York, 1835. 2 v. 120.... 131 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 2 v. 120~. 3683, 41, 42 Free Trade Advocate. Ed. by C. Raguet. Philadelphia, 1829. 2 v. 80.. 1216 Freedley, E. T. Practical Treatise on Business. Philadelphia, 1852. 120. 4898 Freeman, S. American Clerk's Magazine. Boston, 1814. 12~.. 327 *-Freeman, S. Art of Horsemanship. London, 1806. 40~... 4828 Freeman's Guide; con. Const. of U. S. & the States. Charlestown, 1812. 120. 316 Freemasonry, Genius of; a Defence. S. L. Knapp. Prov. 1828. 120.. 2120 its Pretensions Exposed. New York, 1828. 80. ~ 1382 96 CATALOGUE OF THE Freemason's Manual. K. J. Stewart. Philadelphia, 1851. 120.. 4191 Freemason's Monitor. Z. A. Davis. Philadelphia, 1847. 120.. 385 Fremonit, J. C. Expedition to the Rocky Mountains. Buffalo, 1851. 120~. 2639 Map of the above Expeditionl.. 2879 French and Eng. Dictionary. Fleming and Tibbins. Phil. 1846. Roy. 80. 2782 *A. G. Collot. Philadelphia, 1852. 80..1668 *A. Spiers. New York, 1852. Roy. 80.. 4935 G. Surenne. New York, 1851. 120...... 4873 French Grammar. J. Rowbotham. Boston, 1841. 120.. 283 G. L. Strauss. London, 1853. 120. 6116 French History, Stories from. Sir NV. Scott. Bost. 1848. 2 v. 120. 999, 53, 54 The same. Edinburgh, 1849. 2v. 120~.. 4101, 27, 28 French in Algiers. C. Lamping and M. de France. N. York, 1845. 120. 2365 French, Letters on the Manners of. Dublin, 1791. 120.... 151 French Literature, Modern. L. R. de Vericour. Boston, 1848. 120.. 3158 French National Constituent Assembly. J. F. Corkran. N. Y. 1849. 120~. 2935 French Language, New System of Teaching. E. Church. Bost.1845. 8~0. 1136 Ollendorff's Method of Learning. New York, 1851. 120... 5191 French Phrases, Manual of. N. M. Hentz. Boston, 1822. 120... 865 French Protestants, History of. C. Weiss. New York, 1854. 2 v. 120.. 5799 French Republic, Constitution of (in French and Eng.). N.Y. 1850. 120. 5351 Past, Present, and Future of. A. Lamartine. N. Y. 1850. 120~.. 3865 The same (in French). Paris, 1850. 80... 5398 French Revolution of 1789. C. MacFarlane. London, 1844. 4 v. 120.. 3093 History of. T. Carlyle. Boston, 1838. 2 v. 120... 944 History of. L. Blanc. Philadelphia, 1848. 2 v. 120.. 3623 History of. A. Thiers. Philadelphia, 1842. 4 v. 80.. 1724 Letters on. H. MI. Williams. New York, 1794. 4 v. 120. 1043 of 1830, Annals of. M. Moses. New York, 1830. 120~... 517 of 1848. F. Chamier. London, 1849. 2 v. 80. 4541 P. B. St. John. New York, 1848. 120. 2454 History of. A. Lamartine. Boston, 1849. 2 v. 120~.. 3424 French Sergeant, Adventures of. R. Guillemard. Phil. 1826. 120.. 1068 French Writers, Lives of Eminent. Mrs. Shelley. Phil. 1840. 2 v. 120~. 1140 Fresh Gleanings of Europe. D. G. Mitchell. New York, 1851. 120.. 3026 Freston Tower. R. Cobbold. London, 1850. 3 v. 120~. 4275 Friend, The; a Series of Essays. S. T. Coleridge. Burlington, 1831. 80~. 1948 The same. New York, 1853. 120. 5561, 2 Friends in Council. A. Helps. Boston, 1849. 120.... 3373 Friends of Christ in the New Testament. N. Adams. Boston, 1853. 80~. 5118 Fright, The. E. Pickering. Philadelphia, 1847. 80.. 2186 Frisbie, L., Life and Writings of. A. Norton. Boston, 1823. 8~.. 1427 Fritz Harold; or, the Temptation. Sarah A. Myers. N.Y. 1854. 12~.. 6192 Froissart, Sir J. Chronicles of Europe. Tr. by T. Johnes. N.Y. 1845. 40~. 2027 Fromberg, E. O. Treatise on Painting on Glass. London, 1851. 120~.. 6063 Frontenac; a Metrical Romance. A. B. Street. New York, 1849. 120~. 3413 Frost, J. American Speaker. Philadelphia, 1844. 120... 1806 Book upon the American Colonies. New York, 1846. 120.. 2515 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 97 Frost, J. H. Book of Anecdotes. New York, 1847. 120.. 2939 Book of the Army. New York, 1845. 120... 2180 Book of the Indians. New York, 1845. 120.. 2210 Book of the Navy. New York, 1845. 120... 2208 Continuation of Aikin's British Poets. Phil. 1843. 2 v. 80. 1962, 2, 3 Vol. 2. Chronological Series, Falconer to Scott. 3.,,,, Southey to Croly. Heroic Women of the West. Philadelphia, 1854. 120.. 6765 Pictorial History of the United States. Phil. 1846. 4 v. roy. 80~.. 2777 Self-Made Men of America. New York, 1848. 120.... 3176 (Compiler.) Wild Scenes in a Hunter's Life. Auburn, 1851. 120. 4216 Frothingham, N. L. Sermons of a Twelvemonth. Boston, 1852. 120.. 4787 Frothingham, R., jun. History of the Siege of Boston. Bost. 1851. 80~. 3518 Fruit Culturist, American. J. J. Thomas. Auburn, 1852. 120.. 5078 Fruit Garden. P. Barry. New York, 1851. 120..... 4164 Fruits and Fruit Trees of America. A. J. Downing. N.Y. 1847. 120. 3029 Fry, Caroline. Autobiography and Letters. Philadelphia, 1849. 12~.. 3285 Christ our Example. New York, 1852. 120.... 930 The Listener. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 120..... 2206 Fryxell, A. History of Sweden. London, 1844. 2 v. 120.... 4578 Fudge Doings. D. G. Mitchell. New York, 1854. 2 v. 12~... 6217 Fuel, Economy of. T. S. Prideaux. London, 1853. 120.... 6085 Fuller, A. Calvinistic and Socinian Systems. Boston, 1815. 12~.. 197 Memoir of Samuel Pearce. New York, n. d. 160... 475 Works; with Memoir by A. G. Fuller. Philadelphia, 1845. 3 v. 8~. 4720 Vol. 1. Memoir; Sermons and Sketches; Illustrations of Scripture; Passages Apparently Contradictory; Letters on Systematic Divinity; Thoughts on Preaching. 2. The Gospel its own Witness; Calvinistic and Socinian Systems as to their Moral Tendency; Socinianism Indefensible; Universal Salvation; The Gospel worthy of all Acceptation; Defence of the same; Reality and Efficacy of Divine Grace; Strictures on Sandemanianism; Dialogues and Letters between Crispus and Gaius; Conversations between Peter, James, and John; Controversy with Rev. A. Booth; Antinomianism; Apology for the Missions in India. 3. Expository Discourses on Genesis and the Apocalypse; Circular Letters; Memoirs of Rev. Samuel Pearce; Essays, Letters, &c., on Ecclesiastical Polity; Miscellaneous Tracts, Essays, Letters, &c.; Reviews; Answers to Queries; Fugitive Pieces; Sermons; Index. Fuller, M. V. Senator's Son; or, the Maine Law. Cleveland, 1853. 120. 5324 Fuller, S. Margaret. Memoirs. J. F. Clarke & others. Bost. 1852. 2v. 120~. 4766 Papers on Literature and Art. New York, 1846. 2 v. 120~... 2921 Summer on the Lakes. Boston, 1844. 120... 2104 Woman in the Nineteenth Century. New York, 1845. 12~.. 2313 Fuller, T. Holy and Profane States. Cambridge, 1831. 120. 383, 1 Fullarton, J. Regulation of Currencies. London, 1844. 80... 4640 Fullerton, Lady Georgiana. Ellen Middleton. New York, 1849. 120~.. 3175 Grantley Manor. New York, 1848. 120.. 3151 Lady Bird. New York, 1853. 120.. 5202 Fullom, S. W. Daughter of the Night. London, 1851. 3 v. 12~... 4247 Fulton, R. Life. C. D. Colden. New York, 1817. 80... 732 Life. J. Renwick. Boston, 1844. 120..... 1076, 10 Fun, Phantasmagoria of. London, 1843. 2 v. 12..... 5632 0 98 CATALOGUE OF THE Fun-Jottings; or, Laughs I have taken a Pen to. N. P. Willis. N.Y. 1853. 120. 5534 Fur Trade, History of. A. Mackenzie. Philadelphia, 1802. 80... 766 Furlong, L. American Coast Pilot. Newburyport, 1798. 8~.0.. 1221 Furniss, W. Land of the Cesar and Doge. New York, 1853. 120.. 5216 Old World; or, Scenes & Cities in Foreign Lands. N.Y. 1850. 12~. 3441 Waraga; or, the Charms of the Nile. New York, 1850. 120.. 3485 Future State, Philosophy of a. T. Dick. Philadelphia, 1845. 120. 2357, 1 G. Gabriel; a Story of Wichnor Wood. Mary Howitt. N. York, 1850. 180~. 3667 Gaieties and Gravities. Horace Smith. New York, 1852. 12~.. 1011 Galatians, Epistle to, Notes on. A. Barnes. New York, 1851. 120.. 4734 Gale Middleton. Horace Smith. Philadelphia, 1834. 2 v. 120~.. 606 Gales and Seaton's Reg. of Debates, 1789-1837. Wash. 1834-37. 29 v. 8~. 4903 Galileo. Life. London, 1833. 0...602 Tycho Brahe, and Kepler. Lives. D. Brewster. N.Y. 1841. 120~. 1627 Gall, J. Literature of the Blind, and their Education. Edin. 1834. 8~. 1156 Gallaghar, J. Pilgrimage of Adam and David. Boston, 1849. 120.. 3400 *Gallery of Illustrious Americans. Ed. by C. E. Lester. N.Y. 1850. Folio. 1715 of Literary Portraits. G. Gilfillan. New York, 1846. 2 v. 120.. 2530 *of 100 British Engravings. London, n. d. 40.. 5896 *of Nature, Pictorial and Descriptive. T. Milner. London, 1846. 80~. 2044 The same. London, 1849. Roy. 80.. 4526 Gallus; or, Roman Scenes. W. A. Becker. London, 1849. 120... 5646 Galt, J. Autobiography. Philadelphia, 1834. 2 v. 12~. 323 The same. Philadelphia, 1833. 80. 1357, 3 Adam Blair. Boston, 1822. 120. 352 Ayrshire Legatees. New York, 1823. 120.. 1906 Earthquake. New York, 1821. 2 v. 120.. 1903 Eben Erskine; or, the Traveller. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 v. 12~.. 1924 History and Adventures of Pen Owen. New York, 1851. 80~.. 3808 Last of the Lairds. New York, 1827. 120.. 491 Lawrie Todd. New York, 1830. 2 v. 120.. 1931 The same. London, 1850. 120. 5653 Life of Lord Byron. New York, 1830. 180.. 125 The same. (H. F.L.) New York, 1843. 12~.. 3683, 9 Life and Studies of Benjamin West. Philadelphia, 1816. 80~.. 1327 Lives of the Players. Boston, 1831. 2 v. 120. 345 Omen; a Tale of Real Life. New York, 1844. 80~... 2167, 3 Provost. New York, 1822. 120. 1940 Ringan Gilhaize. New York, 1823. 2 v. 120. 1902 Rothelan; a Romance of English Histories. N. Y. 1825. 2 v. 12~. 1929 Southennan. New York, 1830. 2 v. 120. 1930 Spaewife; a Tale of Scottish Chronicles. Phil. 1824. 2 v. 120.. 1932 Stanley Buxton; or the Schoolfellows. Phil. 1833. 2 v. 120. 1925 Steamboat. New York, 1823. 120..1907 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 99 Galvanism and Electro-Metallurgy. A. Smee. New York, 1852. 120.. 985 Gambier, J. E. Guide to the Study of Moral Evidence. Bost. 1834. 120~. 1482 Game, American, in its Season. H. W. Herbert. New York, 1853. 120. 5327 of Life. L. Ritchie. New York, 1844. 80. 2176, 3 The same. Philadelphia, 1833. 80. 1357, 1 Games. E. Hoyle. Philadelphia, 1838. 240.. 2417 Handbook of. Edited by H. G. Bohn. London, 1850. Post 80.. 4362 History and Science of Cricket. London, 1851. 120.... 4266 Gammell, W. History of American Baptist Missions. Boston, 1849. 12~. 3504 Life of Roger Williams. Boston, 1844. 120.. 1076, 14 Life of Samuel Ward. Boston, 1848. 120. 1076, 19 Gan Eden; or, Pictures of Cuba. W. H. Hurlbut. Boston, 1854. 12~. 6160 Gaol Chaplain, Experiences of a. London, 1852. 12~... 5686 Garbett, E. L. Principles of Design in Architecture. London, 1850. 120. 6048 Garden Walks with the Poets. Mrs. C. M. Kirkland. N. Y. 1852. 120. 5027 Gardening Landscape. A. J. Downing. New York, 1844. 8~0. 2227 *Gardens and Chateaux of France. Paris, 1808. Folio.. 2048 Gardiner, W. (Editor.) Lives of Haydn and Mozart. Boston, 1839. 120~. 471 Music of Nature. Boston, 1841. 8~0. 1447 Gardner, A. K. Spare Hours of a Student in Paris. N. York, 1848. 120. 3086 Gardner, C. K. Dictionary of the Army of U. S. New York, 1853. 12~. 5242 Garland, H. A. Life of John Randolph. New York, 1850. 2 v. 8~.. 3999 Gas Works, Treatise on. S. Hughes. London, 1853. 120~. 6092 Gaskell, Mrs. Cranford. New York, 1853. 120..... 5374 Mary Barton. New York, 1849. 80.. 3245 Ruth. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5223 Gass, P. Journal of Voyages and Travels. Philadelphia, 1811. 12~. 160 Gautier, T. Wanderings in Spain. London, 1853. 12~.. 5638 Gavazzi, A. Lectures; with Life. G. B. Nicolini. N. York, 1854. 120~. 5357 Gayarr6, C. Louisiana; its ColonialHistory & Romance. N.Y. 1851. 8~. 3827 Romance of the History of Louisiana. New York, 1848. 12~.. 3107 Gazetteer, American. J. Morse. Charlestown, 1804. 8~0.. 628 British. B. Clarke. London, 1852. 3 v. roy. 80... 5169 General. R. Brookes. London, 1821. 80... 769 of the Eastern Continent. J. Morse. Charlestown, 1802. 8~.. 1268 of Indiana. Indianopolis, 1849. 120.. 3496 of Massachusetts, J. Hayward. Boston, 1849. 12~... 3027 of New Hampshire. J. Hayward. Boston, 1849. 120.. 5555 *of United States. J. Hayward. Hartford, 1853. 80.. 5402 *of United States. T. Baldwin and J. Thomas. Phil. 1854. 8~.. 5494 of Vermont. J. Hayward. Boston, 1849. 120... 5556 of the World. T. C. Callicot. New York, 1853. 120.. 5232 of the World. A. K. Johnston. London, 1850. 8~.. 4353 Universal. S. Maunder. London, 1848. 120.. 4106 Universal Pronouncing. T. Baldwin. Philadelphia, 1847. 120.. 2973 Western. S. R. Brown. Auburn, 1817. 80. 757 Gebir, Count Julian, and other Poems. W. S. Landor. Lond. 1831. 120~. 2544 Gebel Teir. Boston, 1829. 120. 560 100 CATALOGUE OF THE Gems by the Wayside. Mrs. L. G. Abell. New York, 1850. 12~.. 4088 from Fable Land. W. 0. Bourne. New York, 1853. 120.. 5022 from New Hampshire Authors. F. A. Moore. Manches. 1850. 12~. 3887 of Epistolary Correspondence. R. A. Willmott. Lond. 1846. 120. 4569 of Mod. Poets; with Biog. Notices. S. C. Hall. Phil. 1842. 120. 1666 Genealogical Register, New England. Boston, 1847-53. 7 v. 80... 2845 of the First Settlers of New England. J. Farmer. Lancas. 1829. 80. 2070 Genealogy of the Abbot Family. Boston, 1847. 80.. 2846 of the Prentice or Prentiss Family. C. J. F. Binney. Bos. 1852. 80. 4813 of the Stetson Family. J. S. Barry. Boston, 1847. 80~... 3046 Genesis and Geology. D. Crofton. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5264 Genevieve. A. Lamartine. London, 1850. 120..4419 Genevieve; or, Chevalier of Maison Rouge. A. Dumas. N.Y. 1846. 80~. 2758 Genevra; or, History of a Portrait. Philadelphia, 1851. 80... 4152 Genius, Illustrations of. H. Giles. Boston, 1854. 120~..... 6228 Infirmities of. R. R. Madden. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 v. 120.. 2551 of Italy. R. Turnbull. New York, 1849. 12~... 3301 of Scotland. R. Turnbull. New York, 1847. 120.... 3017 Genlis, Mde. de. Memoirs of her own Life. New York, 1825. 80.. 1385 Gentleman of the Old School.. P. R. James. N.Y. 1839. 2 v. 120.. 465 Gentleman's Daughter. Mrs. A. Opie. New York, 1844. 80. 2167, 2 Gentleman's Magazine, Selections from. London, 1811. 4 v. 8~... 610 Gentleman's Miscellany. G. Wright. Exeter, 1797. 120..828 Gentlemen-at-Arms, Corps of. J. B. Curling. London, 1850. 80.. 5409 Geographical Dictionary. J. R. M'Culloch. New York, 1845. 2 v. roy. 80~. 2221 of the United States. J. Scott. Philadelphia, 1805. 80.. 1269 Geographical, Hist. and Commer. Grammar. W. Guthrie. Lond. 1792. 80~. 737 The same. T. Salmon. London, 1799. 80.. 1342 Geographical Science, Manual of. London, 1852. 80.. 5498 O'BDrien, M. Mathematical Geography. Ansted, D. T. Physical Geography. Jackson, J. R. Chartography. Nicolay, C. G. Description and Geographical Terminology. Geography, Ancient. M. D'Anville. New York, 1814. 2 v. 8~... 1344 Ancient and Mediaeval. C. Anthon. New York, 1850. Roy. 80~. 3514 Atlas to Walker's. London, 1806. 80. 689 Dictionary of. A. K. Johnston. London, 1850. 80.. 4353 Dictionary of Ancient. W. Hazlitt. London, 1851. 120... 4222 Elements of. R. Dickinson. Boston, 1813. 80..630 Elements of Ancient & Modern. J. E. Worcester. Bost. 1844. 120. 3867 Encyclopaedia of. H. Murray. Phil. 1837. 3 v. roy. 80... 2010 Handbook of Universal. T. C. Callicot. New York, 1853. 120. 5232 Introduc. to Ancient and Mod. J. A. Cummings. Bost. 1813. 120, 301 of the State of New York. J. H. Mather. Hartford, 1847. 120~. 3866 Physical. Mary Somerville. Philadelphia, 1848. 120.. 3168 System of Modern. B. Davies. Philadelphia, 1805. 2 v. 120.. 300 Universal. J. Morse. Charlestown, 1819. 2 v. 8~... 620 Universal, on System of Malte-Brun and Balbi. Lond. 1851. 8~. 5900 Geological Account of the United States. J. Mease. Phil. 1807. 160~. 85 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 101 Geological Map of the United States. J. Marcou. Boston, 1853. 80.. 5417 Geological Soc. of Penn., Trans. of. Vol. 1, parts 1, 2. Phil. 1835. 80. 2868 *Geological Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, &c. R. D. Owen. Phil. 1852. 40~. 5167 Geology and Genesis. D. Crofton. Boston, 1853. 120.... 5264 and Mineralogy. P. Cleaveland. Boston, 1816. 8~... 1380 and Natural History, Researches in. C. Darwin. N.Y. 1846. 2 v. 120. 2594 and Revelation; Two Records. H. Miller. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5796 Elements of. C. A. Lee. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 12~. 3683, 178 Elements of. J. R. Loomis. Boston, 1852. 120.. 4791 Elements of. Sir C. Lyell. Boston, 1841. 2 v. 120... 2519 Elements of. S. St. John. New York, 1851. 120... 4438 Manual of Elementary. Sir C. Lyell. London, 1851. 80... 4356 of Bass Rock. H. Miller. New York, 1851. 120.... 4269 of the Globe, Outline of. E. Hitchcock. Boston, 1853, 80.. 5439 of Isle of Wight. G. A. Mantell. London, 1854. Post 8~... 5937 of Maine, Second Report. C. T. Jackson. Augusta, 1838. 80.. 3248 of Mass., Final Report. E. Hitchcock. Amherst, 1841. 2 v. 40~. 2026 Principles of. Sir C. Lyell. Boston, 1842. 3 v. 120.... 2520 The same. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 80. 784 The same. Eighth edition, revised. London, 1854. 80.. 3986 The same. Ninth edition, revised. Boston, 1853. 80~.. 2520 Religion of. E. Hitchcock. Boston, 1851. 120...... 4207 Scripture Doctrine and. E. Lord. New York, 1851. 120.. 4431 Treatise on. J. E. Portlock. London, 1853. 120.. 6038 Wonders of. S. G. Goodrich. Boston, 1849. 120~... 4900, 14 Geometry, Analytical. J. Hann. London, 1853. 120.. 6099 Descriptive. J. F. Heather. London, 1851. 120. 6084 Elements of Euclid. Edited by H. Law. London, 1853. 120.. 6098 The same. Edited by J. Playfair. New York, 1828. 80,. 617 The same. Edited by R. Simson. Philadelphia, 1825. 8~. 694 Lemons de. M. Mauduit. Paris, 1790. 8~... 1445 Plane. F. J. Grund. Boston, 1830. 12~.... 496 George, Anita. Queens of Spain. New York, 1850. 120.. 3505 George II., Memoirs of the Reign of. J. Hervey. Phil. 1848. 2 v. 120, 3157 George III., his Court and Family. London, 1824. 2 v. 80.. 5145 History of the Reign of. J. Adolphus. London, 1802. 3 v. 8~.. 5908 R. Bisset. Albany, 1816. 2 v. 80...... 1264 Life. E. Holt. London, 1820. 2 v. 80.. 1285 Memoirs of the Reign of. H. Walpole. Phil. 1845. 2 v. 8~.. 2617 George IV., Diary of the Times of. Lady C. Bury. Lond. 1838. 4 v. 8~. 4652 The same. London, 1839. 4 v. 80. 5144 Continuation of same. Ed. by J. Galt. Phil. 1838. 2 v. 120. 963 Life and Times of. G. Croly. New York, 1832. 120... 1868 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1843. 120.. 3683, 15 George Barnwell. T. S. Surr. Boston, 1826. 120. 18 George St. George Julian. H. Cockton. Philadelphia, 1842. 8~.. 2771 Georges, H. de St. Count-Monte Leone. New York, 1852. 80... 413 Georgia, History of. T. S. Arthur and W. H. Carpenter. Phil. 1852. 120. 4866 102 CATALOGUE OF THE Georgia, History of. W. B. Stevens. Vol. 1. New York, 1847. 80.. 2858 Georgian Era; Memoirs of Eminent Persons. London, 1833. 4 v. 120.. 3000 Geraldine, and other Poems. R. Dawes. New York, 1839. 120~... 1133 Geraldine; or, Modes of Faith and Practice. Boston, 1824. 2 v. 120.. 452 Geraldine; a Sequel to Coleridge's Christabel. M.F.Tupper. Bost. 1846. 12~. 2510 Gerard, A. Journey in Himalaya Mountains. London, 1846. 80.. 4021 German and English Dictionary. G. F. Adler. New York, 1849. 8~.. 3525 German Emigrants, Fortunes of some. F. Gerstoecker. N. Y. 1848. 12~. 3114 German Grammar. G. L. Strauss. London, 1852. 120.... 6117 German in America. F. W. Bogen. Boston, 1851. 180.... 4403 German Language, Ollendorff's Method of Learning. N. Y. 1852. 120. 5192 German Life, Lights and Shadows of. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 v. 120.. 2102 German Literature. W. Menzel. Boston, 1840. 3 v. 120.. 962, 7-9 German Lyric Poets. Trans. by C. T. Brooks. Boston, 1842. 120. 962, 14 German Poetry, Historic Survey of. W. Taylor. London, 1830. 3 v. 80. 5467 German Poets, Translations from. C. T. Brooks. Boston, 1847. 120~.. 2944 German Popular Tales. Bros. Grimm. New York, 1853. 2 v. 120.. 5608 German Prose Writers. Fragments, trans. by S. Austin. N.Y. 1841. 120. 2101 German Reader. G. L. Strauss. London, 1852. 120. 6118 German Romance, Specimens of T. Carlyle. Boston, 1841. 2 v. 120. 2108 German Tales. Translated by N. Greene. Boston, 1837. 2 v. 120.. 917 Germania; its Courts, Camps, &c. Lady B. de Bury. Lond. 1850. 2 v. 8~. 4302 Germany. Mde. de Stael. London, 1814. 3 v. 120.. 2607 History, Literature, &c. of. B. Hawkins. London, 1838. 80.. 3193 History of. F. Kohlrausch. New York, 1845. Roy. 80... 2642 History of. W. Menzel. London, 1848. 3 v. post 80... 3554 History of the Thirty Years' War. F. Schiller. N.Y. 1846. 120. 2954 Home Life in. C. L. Brace. New York, 1853. 120... 5308 Pictorial History of. F. Kugler. London, 1845. Roy. 8~... 3599 Poetry of. Translated by A. Baskerville. New York, 1854. 120. 6257 Prose Writers of.- F. H. Hedge. Philadelphia, 1848. 80... 2872 Ramble in. London, 1827. 80. 1943 The same. Boston, 1827. 120. 841 Rural and Domestic Life of. W. Howitt. New York, 1842. 80. 1719 Student-Life of. r. Howitt. Philadelphia, 1842. 80.. 2075 Tour in, 1820-22. J. Russell. Boston, 1825. 80.. 631 Gerry, E. Life. J. T. Austin. Boston, 1828. 2 v. 8.. 1311 Gersteecker, F. Fortunes of some German Emigrants. N. Y. 1848. 120~. 3114 Voyage Round the World. New York, 1853. 120... 5372 Gertrude; a Novel. E. M. Sewell. New York, 1845. 12.. 2481 Gertrude Leslie; or, the Queen's Vengeance. New York, 1850. 80~.. 674 Gesner, A. New Brunswick; with Notes for Emigrants. Lond. 1847. 80. 3954 Gessert, M. A. Treatise on Glass Staining. London, 1851. 120... 6062 Gesta Romanorum, Select Tales from. New York, 1845. 120.. 2375 Gesture, Rudiments of. WV. Russell. Boston, 1838. 120.. 1899 Ghost-Seer. F. Schiller. London, 1849. Post 80.. 3560 The same. London, 1853. -2 v? 120.... 5698, 5699 Giafar al Barmeki; a Tale. G. Spring, jun. New York, 1836. 2 v. 120. 294 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 103 Gibbon, E. Autobiography. Ed. by Lord Sheffield. N. York, 1846. 2 v. 2577 Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Boston, 1850. 6 v. 120~. 3872 The same. New York, 1826. 6 v. 80. 775 Memoirs of Alexander I. Baltimore, 1818. 120. 478 Gibbons, D. Law of Contracts. London, 1850. 12~. 6070 Gibbs, G. Administrations of Washington & Adams. N. Y. 1846. 2 v. 80~. 2728 Gibraltar, History of the Siege of. Philadelphia, 1789. 120... 98 Giddings, J. R. Speeches in Congress. Boston, 1853. 120... 5293 Gideon Giles, the Roper. T. Miller. London, 1841. 80.. 2892 *Gift Book of the Republic. Edited by C. E. Lester. N.Y. 1850. Folio. 1715 Gil Blas. A. R. Le Sage. Trans. by T. Smollett. Hartford, 1847. 3 v. 120~. 1037 Gilbart, J. W. Practical Treatise on Banking. London, 1849. 2 v. 8~. 3802 Gilbert, L. (Ed.) Beauties & Wonders of Nature & Science. Lon. n. d. 80~. 2839 Gilbert Gurney. T. E. Hook. Philadelphia, 1845. 80... 1124 The same. London, 1852. 120... 5677 Sequel (Gurney Married). Philadelphia, 1839. 2 v. 120... 2516 Giles, H. Lectures and Essays. Boston, 1850. 2 v. 120.... 3568 Vol. 1. Falstaff; Crabbe; Moral Philosophy of Byron's Life; Moral Spirit of Byron's Genius; Ebenezer Elliott; Oliver Goldsmith; Spirit of Irish History. 2. Ireland and the Irish; Worth of Liberty; True Manhood; The Pulpit; Patriotism; Economics; Music; Young Musician; Day in Springfield; Chatterton; Carlyle; Savage and Dermody. Illustrations of Genius. Boston, 1854. 120~...... 6228 Cervantes; Don Quixote; Scarlet Letter; Fiction; Public Opinion; Philanthropic Sentiment; Music; Cost of a Cultivated Man; Conversation; Wordsworth; Robert Burns; Thomas De Quincey. Gilfillan, G. Gallery of Literary Portraits. New York, 1846. 2 v. 120~. 2530 Modern Literature and Literary Men. New York, 1850. 120.. 3511 Gilleland, J. C. Counting-House Assistant. Pittsburg, 1818. 120. 358 Gillespie, W. M. Principles and Practice of Road-Making. N.Y.1847. 80~. 3076 Rome as seen by a New Yorker. New York, 1845. 120.. 2311 Gilliam, A. M. Travels in Mexico, 1843-44. Philadelphia, 1846. 80.. 2673 Gillies, J. Life of Geo. Whitefield. Boston, 1813. 120... 208 Gillies, R. P. Memoirs of a Literary Veteran. London, 1851. 3 v. 120~. 4248 Gilliss, J. M. Magnetical and Meteorological Observations. Wash.1845. 80~. 2813 Gilman, Caroline. Oracles from the Poets. New York, 1849. 120. 2338 New England Bride and Southern Matron. New York, 1852. 120~. 4993 Recollections of a Housekeeper. New York, 1842. 120.. 1861 Gilson, A. Czar and the Sultan. New York, 1853. 120... 5571 Gipsy; a Tale. G. P. R. James. New York, 1835. 2 v. 120.. 1071 Girlhood of Shakspeare's Heroines. Mary C. Clarke. N.Y. 1852. 2 v. 120~. 4450 Girls, Physical Education of. Elizabeth Blackwell. N.Y. 1852. 120.. 4885 Girondists, History of. A. Lamartine. New York, 1849. 3 v. 120.. 3030 Gironiere, P. de la. TwentyYearsin the Philippines. London, 1853. 120~. 5848 Glass Painting, Ancient. Oxford, 1847. 2 v. 80.. 4821 Glass, Painting on. E. O.Fromberg. London, 1851. 120... 6063 Glass Staining, Treatise on. M. A. Gessert. London, 1851. 120~... 6062 *Gleason's Pictorial. Vols. 1-6. Boston, 1851-54. 40... 4859 Glenns; a Family History. J. L. M'Connel. New York, 1851. 12~.. 4189 104 CATALOGUE OF THE Gleig, G. R. Country Curate. London, 1853. 120. 5703 History of the Bible. (II. F.L.) New York, 1843. 2 v. 120~. 3683, 12, 13 Memoirs of Warren IIastings. London, 1841. 3 v. 8~.. 1453 Story of the Battle of Waterloo. New York, 1847. 120.. 3023 Glide, Wreck of the. W. G. Dix. Boston, 1846. 120.... 2917 Glimpses of Home Life. Mrs. E. C. Embury. New York, 1848. 120.. 3180 Globes, Treatise on the Use of. T. Keith. New York, 1815. 120... 538 Use of. J. Lathrop, jun. Boston, 1812. 120. 1006 Glory of Christ. G. Spring. New York, 1852. 2 v. 80.... 1002 Glynn, J. Constructing Cranes and Machinery. London, 1849. 120.. 6060 Power of Water. London, 1853. 120.. 6090 Goa and the Blue Mountains. R. F. Burton. London, 1851. 120.. 4577 Goats, Sheep, Oxen, &c. Sir W. Jardine. Edinburgh, 1843. 120. 4901, 22 God in Christ; Three Discourses. H. Bushnell. Hartford, 1849. 120.. 3283 Wisdom of, in Works of Creation. J. Ray. London, 1732. 120~. 5559 Worship and Love of. E. Swedenborg. Boston, 1832. 120. 904 Goddard, T.H. Hist. of the ProminentBanks inEurope. N.Y. 1831. 80~. 749 Godey's Lady's Book. Vols. 39-47 [continued]. Phil. 1849-53. 8~.. 1428 Godfrey Malvern. T. Miller. New York, 1850. 80.. 4331 Godman, J.D. Rambles of a Naturalist. Philadelphia, 1833. 120. 67 Godolphin; a Novel. E. L. Bulwer. New York, 1840. 2 v. 120. 274 Godolphin, Mrs. Life. J. Evelyn. New York, 1847. 120.... 2436 Godwin, P. Handbook of Universal Biography. New York, 1852. 120. 4489 Vala; a Mythological Tale. New York, 1851. 80.. 4803 Godwin, W. Caleb Williams. New York, 1831. 2 v. 120.. 402 The same. London, 1853. 12~......0.. 5695 Cloudesley. New York, 1830. 2 v. 120...... 1927 Deloraine. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 v. 120.. 1926 Fleetwood. Alexandria, 1805. 2 v. 120...... 1867 The same. London, 1851. 120.. 5654 Lives of the Necromancers. New York, 1847. 120. 3025 Mandeville; a Tale. Philadelphia, 1818. 2 v. 120. 1908 St. Leon. London, 1850. 120. 5647 Goethe, J. XVW. von. Autobiography. New York, 1824. 8~.. 2649 The same. London, 1849. Post 80. 4376 The same. Ed. by P. Godwin. New York, 1846. 4v. 120~. 3021 Characteristics of. Trans. by S. Austin. Phil. 1841. 2 v. 120.. 1620 Conversations with. J. P. Eckermann. Boston, 1839. 120.. 3585 The same. Boston, 1839. 120...... 962, 4 Correspondence with a Child. Lowell, 1841. 2 v. 120.. 2583 Essays on Art. Trans. by S. G. Ward. Boston, 1845. 12~.. 2367 Faust. Trans. by A. Hayward. Lowell, 1845. 120... 2320 Iphigenia in Tauris; a Drama. New York, 1850. 120... 4084 Letters from Switzerland and Italy. London, 1849. Post 80.. 4376 Novels and Tales. London, 1854. Post 80.. 5942 WVilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship. Boston, 1851. 2 v. 120.. 1802 and Schiller, Correspondence of. New York, 1845. 2 v. 120.. 2341 and Schiller. Select Minor Poems. Boston, 1839. 120... 962, 3 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 105 Gold Diggings, Sixteen Months in. D. B. Woods. N. York, 1851. 120. 4597 Gold Region, Sights in the. T. T. Johnson. New York, 1849. 120.. 3434 Gold Worshippers; a Novel. New York, 1851. 80.... 4150 Golden Dreams and Leaden Realities. New York, 1853. 120... 5581 Golden Horn; Sketches of Asia Minor, &c. C. J. Monk. Lon. 1851. 2v. 120. 4233 Golden Legend. H. W. Longfellow. Boston, 1852. 120.. ~. 4606 Golden Sands of Mexico; a Tale. Philadelphia, 1850. 120.... 3863 Golden Steps for Youth. J. M. Austin. Auburn, 1850. 120.. 3860 Goldenlink; or, Tales and Poems. W. O. Bourne. N. York, 1854. 120. 5572 Goldsmith, J. Manners, Customs, &c., of Nations. Phil. 1818. 2 v. 120. 1016 Goldsmith, O. History of England. London, 1812. 4 v. 8~... 4981 The same; improved by Pinnock. Philadelphia, 1850. 120. 285 History of Greece. London, 1812. 2 v. 80... ~ 4982 The same. Philadelphia, 1818. 2 v. 120... 203 History of Rome. London, 1812. 2 v. 80.... 4983 The same. Philadelphia, 1818. 120.... 290 Life. W. Irving. New York, 1840. 2 v. 120.... 2425 The same. (H. F. L.) N. York, 1846. 2 v. 120. 3683, 121-2 The same. New York, 1849. 120.... 3367 Life. J. Prior. Philadelphia, 1837. 8~. 726, Life and Adventures. J. Forster. London, 1848. 8.... 5172 Miscellaneous Works. Ed. by J. Prior. N. York, 1850. 4 v. 120. 3454 Vol. 1. The Bee; Essays; State of Polite Learning in Europe; Prefaces and Introductions. 2. Letters from a Citizen of the World; Study of Natural History. S. Vicar of Wakefield; Biographies;. Miseellaneous Criticism. 4. Poems; Miscellaneous Pieces; Dramas; Criticisms. Miscellaneous Works. Edinburgh, 1833. 4 v. 120.... 1835 Vol. 1. Life; Commendatory Verses. 2. Poems; Plays; Letters. 3. Vicar of Wakefield. 4. State of Polite Learning in Europe; The Bee; History of Cyrillo Padovano; Life of Dr. Parnell; Life of Lord: Bolingbroke; Prefaces and Introductions; Appendix. Vicar of Wakefield. New York, 1845. 120.... 2 Goldsmith of Paris. C. F. W. Hoffman. New York, 1844. 8~.. 2167, 1 Good, J. M. Book of Nature. Boston, 1826. 2 v. 8~... 1263 Goodell, W. Changes of Thirty Years in the East. N. York, 1853. 12Q. 5332 Goodman, G. Court of James I, London, 1839. 2 v. 80... 4651 Good Wives. Mrs. L. M. Child. Boston, 1833. 120... 1839 Goodrich, Chas. A. History of IUnited States. Hartford, 1826. 12.0. 68 Lives of the Signers of the Dec. of Ind. Hartford, 1842. 12~.. 3069 Visit to the Cities of Western Continent. Hartford, 1848. 80.. 3622 Goodrich, Chauncey A. Select British Eloquence. N.Y. 1852. Roy. 8Q. 508.3 Goodrich, S. G. History of all Nations. Boston, 1851. 2 v. roy. 8.. 4318 Parley's Cabinet Library. Boston, 1849. 20 v. 120... 4900 Vol. 1. Fa.nous Men of Modern Times. 2. Famous Men of Ancient Times. 3. Curiosities of Human Nature. 4. Lives of Benefactors. 5. Lives of Celebrated Indians. 6. Lives of Celebrated Women. 7. Lights and Shadows of American History. 8;. Lights and Shadows of European History. UP 106 CATALOGUE OF THE Goodrich, S. G. Parley's Cabinet Library, continued, Vol. 9. Lights and Shadows of Asiatic History. 10. Lights and Shadows of African History. 11. History of the American Indians. 12. Manners and Customs of the Indians. 13. Glance at the Physical Sciences. 14. Wonders of Geology. 15. Anecdotes of the Animal Kingdom. 16. Glance at Philosophy. 17. Ancient and Modern Literature. 18. Enterprise, Industry, and Art of Man. 19. Manners and Customs of Nations. 20. World and its Inhabitants. Parley's Present for all Seasons. New York, 1854. 120.. 5570 Pictorial History of America. Philadelphia, 1854. 120.. 1362 Sketches from a Student's Window. Boston, 1841. 120.. 2302 Gordon, A. Lives of Pope Alexander VI. & Caesar Borgia. Phil. 1844. 80~. 2894 Gordon, T. History of the Greek Revolution. Edinburgh, 1844. 2 v. 80~. 4826 Gordon, Wm., Closing Scenes in the Life of. N. Hall. Phil. 1852. 120~. 4780 Gordon, Wm. Hist. of the Independence of the U. S. Lond. 1788. 4 v. 8~. 578 Gore, Mrs. C. Castles in the Air. New York, 1848. 80.. 3237 Cecil; or the Adventures of a Coxcomb. New York, 1845. 80.. 2240 Dean's Daughter; or, the Days we Live in. N. York, 1853. 120~. 5224 Hamiltons. London, 1852. 120..5688 Heir of Selwood. Philadelphia, 1838. 2 v. 120.. 1455 Mothers and Daughters. London, 1851. 120.. 5660 Peers and Parvenus. New York, 1846. 80.. 2710 Percy Ranthorpe. New York, 1848. 80.. 2875 Preferment. New York, 1840. 2 v. 12~. 1556 Progress and Prejudice. New York, 1854. 120.. 6260 (Editor.) Queen of Denmark. New York, 1846. 80. 2681 Soldier of Lyons. London, 1852. 120.. 5675 Story of a Royal Favorite. New York, 1846. 80.... 2664 Gorgei, A. My Life and Acts in Hungary. New York, 1852. 120.. 5244 Gorton, J. Biographical Dictionary. London, 1847. 3 v. 80... 3597 Gorton, S. Life. J. M. Mackie. Boston, 1845. 120.. 1076, 15 Gospels, The Four, Notes on. A. Barnes. New York, 1851. 2 v. 120.. 4730 Notes on. A. A. Livermore. Boston, 1854. 2 v. 120... 6261 with Dissertations and Notes. G. Campbell. And. 1837. 2 v. 80. 4703 Gosse, P. H. Sacred Streams; or, Rivers of the Bible. N.Y. 1852. 120~. 4482 Goth and the Hun. A. A. Paton. London, 1851. 80. 4325 Gothic Architecture, Specimens of. A. Pugin. London, 1821. 2 v. 40~. 5101 Terms in, with 1700 Woodcuts. Oxford, 1852. 2 v. 80.. 2052 Government, Discourses on. Algernon Sidney. N. Y. 1805. 3 v. 80~.. 793 Gowrie; or, the King's Plot. G.P. R. James. New York, 1848. 80.. 3212 Gould, A. A. Naturalist's Library. Boston, 1853. 80.. 2071 Report on Invertebrata of Mass. Cambridge, 1841. 80.. 1970 *U. S. Ex. Exped. Report on Mollusca and Shells. Bost. 1852. 40~. 5978 Gould, E. S. The Very Age; a Comedy. New York, 1850. 120.. 3764 Gould, Hannah F. Diosma; a Perennial. Boston, 1851. 120.. 4087 New Poems. Boston, 1850. 120. 3492 Poems. Boston, 1839. 3 v. 120. 1846 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 107 Gould, N. D. Church Music in America. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5061 Goulding, F.R. Young Marooners on the Florida Coast. Phil. 1852. 160. 5185 Gouraud, F. F. Art of Memory. New York, 1845. Roy. 8... 2269 Grace Greenwood. - See Clarke, Sara J.; and Lippincott, Mrs. S. J. Grace Seymour. New York, 1830. 2 v. 120..520 Grafton, H. D. Treatise on the Camp and March. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5615 Graham, G. F. English Synonymes. New York, 1847. 120... 3004 Graham, T. Elements of Chemistry. Philadelphia, 1852. 80... 5967 Graham's Magazine. Vols. 35-44 [continued]. Phil. 1849-54. Roy. 8~. 2783 Grahame, J. History of the United States. London, 1833. 2 v. 80.. 1617 Grahame; or, Youth and Manhood. New York, 1850. 120.... 4199 Grammar, Essay on. J. P. Wilson. Philadelphia, 1817. 120... 586 of English Grammars. G. Brown. New York, 1851. 8~0... 4699 Grammatical Structure of the Eng. Language. J. Mulligan. N.Y. 1852. 80.- 5122 Grammont, Count. Memoirs. A. Hamilton. Philadelphia, 1836. 8~.. 1317 Memoirs of the Court of Charles II. London, 1846. Post 80.. 2952 Grandmother's Recollections. Ella Rodman. New York, 1852. 120.. 4188 Granite Rock. S. Fish. Boston, 1836. 12~. 898 Grant, A., and the Nestorians. T. Laurie. Boston, 1853. 120~.. 5305 Grant, J. British Senate. Philadelphia, 1838. 2 v. 120.. 971 Every-Day Life in London. Philadelphia, 1839. 120~... 1582 Great Metropolis. New York, 1837. 2 v. 12~. 1901 Impressions of Ireland and the Irish. Philadelphia, 1845. 160.. 2408 Random Recollections of House of Commons. Phil. 1836. 120.. 226 The same. Philadelphia, 1836. 80. 2228, 1 Random Recollections of House of Lords. Phil. 1836. 120~.. 1933 The same. Philadelphia, 1836. 80. 2228, 2 Sketches of London. Philadelphia, 1839. 2 v. 120. 518 Walks in the World of Literature. Phil. 1840. 2 v. 120.. 867 Grant, J. Jane Seton; or, the King's Advocate. New York, 1853. 120. 5529 Grant, Mrs. (ofLaggan). Memoir & Corres. J. P. Grant. Lon.1844. 3 v. 12~. 2397 Memoirs of an American Lady. New York, 1846. 120.. 2500 Grantley Manor; a Tale. Lady G. Fullerton. New York, 1848. 120~.. 3151 Grattan, H., Life and Times of. H. Grattan. London, 1839. 5 v. 8~.. 4977 The same. London, 1849. 5 v. 8~..3624 Speeches. New York, 1813, 2 v. 80.. ~.. 731 Grattan, T. C. Heiress of Bruges. New York, 1831. 2 v. 120.. 357 The same. London, 1851. 12~. 5661 High-Ways and By-Ways. Boston, 1824. 2 v. 120.. 143 The same. Boston, 1840. 3 v. 120. 2131 History of the Netherlands. Philadelphia, 1831. 120~... 428 Jacqueline of Holland. London, 1853. 120.. 5726 Legends of the Rhine. London, 1853. 120..... 5738 Traits of Travel. Boston, 1829. 12~.. 292 Graves, Mrs. A. J. Woman in America. (H.F.L.) N.Y. 1848. 120~. 3683, 166 Gray, F. C. Prison Discipline in America. Boston, 1847. 80.. 2860 Gray, Mrs. H. Emperors of Rome. London, 1850. 12~.. 4282 History of Etruria. London, 1843. 2 v. 120. 3788 108 CATALOGUE OF THE Gray, T. Letters and Poems. New York, 1827. 160. 12 Poetical Works. New York, 1844. 160. 12 Gray, T., jun. The Vestal. Boston, 1830. 120. 483 Graydon, A. Memoirs of his own Time. Philadelphia, 1846. 80.. 2722 Grayson, E. Overing; or, Heir of Wycherly. New York, 1852. 120~. 4871 Standish, the Puritan. New York, 1850. 120.. 3848 Grayson, W. S. True Theory of Christianity. New York, 1853. 120.. 5601 Great Britain, Four Years in. C. Colton. New York, 1835. 2 v. 120.. 1258 and Ireland, Memoirs of. Sir. J. Dalrymple. Lond. 1771. 2 v. 40~. 3630 History of. R. Henry. London. 1788. 12 v. 80.... 3631 in 1833. Baron D'Haussez. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 v. 120... 1203 Popular Antiquities of. J. Brand. London, 1848. 3 v. post 80.. 4369 Tour in, 1810-11. L. Simond. Edinburgh. 1817. 2 v. 80.. 677 Great Commanders, Memoirs of. G. P. R. James. Phil. 1835. 2 v. 120. 1087 Great Events, described by Historians. F. Lieber. Boston, 1840. 120.. 2139 Great Hoggarty Diamond. W. M. Thackeray. New York, 1848. 80.. 3244 Great Metropolis. R. Grant. New York, 1837. 2 v. 120.... 1901 Great Salt Lake, Valley of. H. Stansbury. Washington, 1853. 80.. 4939 Great Truths by Great Authors. Philadelphia, 1853. 120... 5387 Greece, and the Golden Horn. S. Olin. New York, 1854. 120... 5862 and Rome, History of. - Cooper. Plymouth. 1818. 120.. 317 and Turkey, Picturesque Sketches of. A. De YVere. Phil. 1850. 120. 3909 Commerce of. F. Beaujour. London, 1800. 80.. 715 First History of. E. M. Sewell. New York, 1853. 180.. 5201 History of. 0. Goldsmith. London, 1812. 2 v. 80.. 4982 The same. Philadelphia, 1818. 2 v. 120.. 203 History of. G. Grote. London, 1849-50. 8 v. 80... 3962 The same, continued. Vols. 9-11. N. Y. 1853. 3 v. 120. 3962 History of. W. Mitford. Boston, 1823. 8 v. 8~. 7. 72 History of. W. Robertson. Edinburgh, 1793. 80.. 724 History of. Wm. Smith. Boston, 1854. 120. 5763 History of. C. Thirlwall. London, 1843. 7 v. 120... 1879 Memoirs of the Affairs of. J. Millingen. London, 1831. 80.. 3194 Modern, History of. Sir J. E. Tennent. London, 1845. 2 v. 80.. 5138 Outline History of. W. D. Hamilton. London, 1853. 120.. 6114 Palest., Egypt, &c., Travels in. F.A.D.Chateaubriand. Phil.1813.80. 1320 Politics of Ancient. A. H. L. Heeren. Boston, 1824. 80... 1299 Turkey,Egypt,&c.,Tour in. Mrs.G.L.D.Damer. Lon.1842. 2 v. 120. 3660 Turkey, Russia, &c., Travels in. J. L. Stephens. N.Y. 1843. 2 v. 120. 879 Gregg, J. Commerce of the Prairies. New York, 1844. 2 v. 120.. 2098 Gregg, W. P., and B. Pond. Railroad Laws of U. S. Bost. 1851. 2 v. 80. 4317 Gregory, G. Elements of a Polite Education. Boston, 1801. 120.. 338 Letters on Literature, Taste, and Composition. Phil. 1809. 120.. 371 Gregory, O. Evidences, Doctrines, &c., of Christianity. N.Y. 1826. 2v.120. 1550 *Greek and Roman Antiquities, Dict. of. W. Smith. London, 1849. 80. 3958 *Greek and Roman Biog. and Mythology. W. Smith. Lond.1849. 3 v. 80. 3957 Greek and Latin Classics, Introduction to. T. F. Dibdin. Lon.1827. 2 v. 80. 5089 Greek Grammar. H. C. Hamilton. London, 1854. 120.... 6121 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 109 Greek Lexicon. H. R. Hamilton. London, 1852. 120... 6122 H. G. Liddell and R. Scott. New York, 1849. Roy. 80~.. 3543 of the New Testament. E. Robinson. New York, 1850. Roy. 80. 4349 Greek Literature, History of. R. W. Browne. Philadelphia, 1852. 12~. 4562 Greek Reader. F. Jacobs. Boston, 1835. 120~. 1459 Greek Revolution, History of. T. Gordon. Edinburgh, 1844. 2 v. 8~.. 4826 Historical Sketch of. S. G. Howe. New York, 1828. 120.. 3580 Greek Testament; with Notes. S. T. Bloomfield. Phil. 1848. 2 v. 8~.. 4705 Greeks, Theatre of. Cambridge (Eng.), 1827. 80..5. 5910 and Turks, Wayfaring Sketches among. London, 1849. 120.. 4967 Greeley, H. Glances at Europe. New York, 1851. 120.... 4497 (Editor.) Art and Industry at Crystal Palace. N.Y. 1854. 12~. 5643 Hints towards Reforms. New York, 1850. 120. 3856 Green, T. J. Texan Expedition against Mier. New York, 1845. 80.. 2623 Green Book. J. C. O'Callaghan. Boston, 1849. 120.... 3682, Green Hand; a Short Yarn. F. Chamier. New York, 1851. 80... 4501 Green Hand's First Cruise. Boston, 1841. 120..... 1706 Green Mountain Boys. D. P. Thompson. Boston, 1854. 12~.. 3117 Green Mountain Spring. Vol. 1. Brattleboro', 1846. 80.... 3224 Greene, G. W. Historical Studies. New York, 1850. 12~.. 3572 Petrarch; Machiavelli; Reformation in Italy; Italian Literature; Manzoni; Hopes of Italy; Historical Romance in Italy; Libraries; Verrazzano; Charles Edward; Contributions to the Pope. Life of Nathaniel Greene. Boston, 1848. 120. 1076, 20 Greene, N., Life. G. W. Greene. Boston, 1848. 120. 1076, 20 Life. W. G. Simms. New York, 1849. 120. 3665 Greenbank, T. K. Periodical Library. Philadelphia, 1833. 3 v. 8~. 1357 Greenhow, R. History of California and Oregon. Boston, 1845. 80.. 2270 Greenough, H., Memorial of. H. T. Tuckerman. New York, 1853. 120~. 5377 Greenwood, J. Treatise on Navigation. London, 1850. 120.. 6073 Greenwood, F. W. P. History of King's Chapel. Boston, 1833. 120~.. 1053 Miscellaneous Writings. Boston, 1846. 120..... 2915 Sermons of Consolation. Boston, 1842. 120.... 1707 Greenwood Leaves. Sara J. Clarke. Boston, 1850-52. 2 v. 120... 3456 Greer, Mrs. J. R. Society of Friends; Domestic Narrat. N.Y. 1853. 12~. 5248 Grenada, Conquest of. W. Irving. Philadelphia, 1829. 2 v. 120.. 1182 The same. New York, 1850. 120. 3369 Grey, Maria G. Thoughts on Self-Culture. Boston, 1851. 120.. 4195 Grey, Mrs. Alice Seymour. Philadelphia, 1854. 80. 6001 Duke and the Cousin. Philadelphia, 1848. 80. 6003 Old Country House. New York, 1850. 80~...... 3982 Rectory Guest. New York, 1849. 80... 6005 Sybil Lennard. Philadelphia, 1848. 80. 6002 Greyslaer; a Romance of the Mohawk. C. F. Hoffman. Phil.1841. 2 v. 120. 845 Griffin, F. Junius Discovered. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5786 Griffin, G. Duke of Monmouth. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 12~... 923 Tales of my Neighborhood. Philadelphia, 1836. 2 v. 120... 2183 Griffin, J. J. System of Crystallography. Glasgow, 1841. 80... 1185 110 CATALOGUE OF THE Grillparzer, F. Sappho; a Tragedy. Boston, 1846. 120.. 2916 Grimaldi, J., Memoirs of. C. Dickens. Philadelphia, 1838. 2 v. 120.. 820 Grimk6, Angelina E. Letters on Slavery. Boston, 1838. 120... 1531 Grimm, Bros. German Popular Tales. New York, 1853. 2 v. 120.. 5608 Grimshawe, T. S. (Editor.) Works of Wm. Cowper. N.Y. 1849. Roy. 8~. 4348 Grimshaw, W. History of the United States. Philadelphia, 1821. 120. 331 Grinnell Exploring Expedition. E. K. Kane. New York, 1854. 80.. 5892 Griscom, J. H. Animal Mechanism and Physiology. N. Y. 1846. 120. 3683, 85 Griswold, R. W. Female Poets of America. Philadelphia, 1849. 80.. 3252 Poets and Poetry of America. Philadelphia, 1847. 80... 1685 Poets and Poetry of England. Philadelphia, 1845. 120... 2213 Prose Writers of America. Philadelphia, 1847. 8~0... 2775 Sacred Poets of England and America. New York, 1850. 8~.0. 4700 Grote, G. History of Greece. London, 1849-50. 8 v. 80... 3962 The same, continued. Vols. 9-11. N. York, 1853. 3 v. 12~. 3962 Grumbler; a Novel. Ellen Pickering. New York, 1844. 8~.0.. 1968 Grummett's Log. Philadelphia, 1835. 120. 554 Grund, F. J. The Americans. Boston, 1837. 120... 445 Elements of Natural Philosophy. Boston, 1832. 120... 1457 Merchant's Assistant. Boston, 1834. 80. 1767 Plane Geometry. Boston, 1830. 120....496 Guardian, The. Addison, Steele, and others. Glasgow, 1746. 2 v. 120. 869 The same. Philadelphia, 1803. 2 v. 120... 149 and Tatler. Addison, Steele, and others. New York, 1842. 8~0.. 792, 3 The same. New York, 1852. Roy. 80... 4840 The same. New York, 1853. 120. 5562, 3 Guerre, L'Art de la. G. R. Faesch. Leipzig, 1771. 2 v.8~... 710 Guide for Young Disciples. J. G. Pike. New York, n. d. 180... 343 Guide through Northern States and Canada. O. L. Holley. N.Y. 1844. 120. 2599 Guide-Book of the New York and Erie Railroad. New York, 1851. 120. 4208 Guido and Julius. F. A. G. Tholuck. Boston, 1854. 120.... 6221 Guillemard, R. Adventures of a French Sergeant. Phil. 1826. 120.. 1068 Guizot, M. Corneille and his Times. New York, 1852. 120... 5195 Democracy in France. New York, 1849. 120...... 3342 Essay on Washington. Boston, 1840. 120. 66 History of Civilization in Europe. New York, 1838. 120... 1035 History of the English Revolution of 1640. N. Y. 1846. 2 v. 120. 2565 History of Oliver Cromwell. Philadelphia, 1854. 2 v. 120.. 5917 Shakspeare and his Times. New York, 1852. 120.. 5194 Gulliver Joi; his Three Voyages. Ed. by E. Perce. N. Y. 1851. 160.. 4472 Gulliver's Travels. J. Swift. New York, 1847. 120. 2982 Gunn, J. C. Domestic Medicine. New York, 1851. 8~.. 4701 Gunnison, J. W. History of the Mormons. Philadelphia, 1852. 120.. 4892 Guns and Shooting. P. Hawker. Philadelphia, 1853. 80.. 5933 Gurney, J. J. Winter in the West Indies. New York, 1840. 80.. 1286 Gurney Married; Seq. to Gilbert Gurney. T. E. Hook. Phil. 1839. 2 v. 120. 2516 Gurouski, Count de. Russia as it Is. New York, 1854. 120~... 5919 Gustavus Lindorm. Emilie F. Carlen. New York, 1853. 120~.. 5557 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 111 Gutch, J. W. (Ed.) Robin Hood Garlands & Ballads. Lon. 1850. 2 v. 80. 5471 Guthrie, W. Geograph. Hist. & Commercial Grammar. Lond. 1792. 8~. 737 Gutzlaff, C. Sketch of Chinese History. New York, 1834. 2 v. 120.. 1916 Two Voyages to the Coast of China. New York, 1833. 120.. 2152 Guy Fawkes. W. H. Ainsworth. Philadelphia, 1843. 80.... 2064 Guy Mannering. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1848. 2 v. 12~... 999, 3, 4 The same. Edinburgh, 1849. 2 v. 120. -... 4100, 3, 4 The same. Edinburgh, 1850. Roy. 80. 4531, 1 Guyon, Mde., and Lady Russell. Lives. L. M. Child. Bost. 1832. 120. 2376 Guyot, A. Earth and Man. Boston, 1852. 120.. 5213 Gwilt, J. Encyclopeedia of Architecture. London, 1851. 80~... 4528 Gwynne, T. Nannette and her Lovers. New York, 1854. 12~.. 5882 School for Fathers. New York, 1852. 120.. 4923 Gymnastic Exercises. M. Roth. Boston, 1853. 120.. 6139 Gypsies in Spain. G. Borrow. Philadelphia, 1844. 80.... 2124 Gypsy Chief. G. W. M. Reynolds. New York, 1851. 80.. 4500 H. Hackett, H. B. Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles. Boston, 1852. 80. 4724 Hackle, P. Hints on Angling. London, 1846. 80. 5098 Hactenus. M.F. Tupper. Boston, 1848. 120...... 2448 Haddock, C.B. Addresses and MiscellaneousWritings. Cam. 1846. 80~. 2699 Haddock, J. TW. Somnolism and Psycheism. Lond. 1851. 120... 4286 Haddon, J. Examples in Differential Calculus. London, 1851. 120.. 6111 Treatise on Algebra. London, 1850. 120.. 6097 Treatise on Bookkeeping. London, 1851. 120..6091 Hagar; a Story of To-Day. Alice Carey. New York, 1852. 120... 4910 Hagenbach, K. R. History of Doctrines. Edinburgh, 1850. 2 v. 80.. 5151 Hague, W. Discourse on J. Q. Adams. Boston, 1848. 80... 3533 Historical Discourse at Providence, 1839. Boston, 1839. 120.. 1568 Hahn-Hahn, Ida (Countess). Travels in Sweden. London, 1845. 240. 2419 Haines, C. G. Memoir of T. A. Emmet. New York, 1829. 120... 220 Hair and the Skin, Treatise on. E. Wilson. Philadelphia, 1854. 120.. 6177 Hajji Baba in England. J. Morier. London, 1853. 120... 5705 Hajji Baba of Ispahan. J. Morier. London, 1853. 120... 5704 Halcyon Luminary and Theological Repository. Vol. 1. N.Y. 1812. 80~ 783 Hale, C. (Editor.) To-Day; a Literary Journal. Boston, 1852. 2 v. 80. 5418 Hale, D. Memoir. J. P. Thompson. New York, 1850. 12~.. 3452 Hale, E. E. Kanzas and Nebraska. Boston, 1854. 120.... 6255 Hale, S. Hist. of the U. States. (H.F.L.) N.Y. 1846. 2v. 120. 3683, 119, 120 Hale, Sarah J. *Dictionary of Poetical Quotations. Phil. 1851. 80.. 2683 Liberia; or, Mr. Peyton's Experiments. New York, 1853. 12~.. 5614 Northwood; or, Life North and South. New York, 1852. 120.. 4991 The same. Boston, 1827. 2 v. 12~.. 1201 Sketches of American Character. Boston, 1829. 180. 176 Woman's Record. New York, 1853. Roy. 80.. 5104 112 CATALOGUE OF THE Half-Century, History of. E. Davis. Boston, 1851. 120.... 3784 Half-Hours with the Best Authors. C. Knight. N.Y. 1847. 3 v. 120.. 3034 Haliburton, T. C. Clockmaker. Philadelphia, 1837. 120... 924 Rule and Misrule of the English in America. New York, 1851.120. 4467 Yankee Stories. Philadelphia, 1849. 120.. 3348 Yankee Yarns and Letters. Philadelphia, 1852. 120.... 1573 Hall, B. (Capt.). Fragments of Voyages and Travels. London, 1842. 8~. 2610 Patchwork. Philadelphia, 1841. 2 v. 120.. 2107 Skimmings; or, a Winter at Schloss Hainfield. Phil. 1836. 120~. 340 Hall, B. R. Frank Freeman's Barber Shop. New York, 1852. 120.. 5034 Hall, E. Puritans, and their Principles. New York, 1847. 80.. 3529 Hall, E. B. Memoir of Mary L. Ware. Boston, 1853. 120..... 5076 Hall, J. Legends of the West. New York, 1853. 120... 5287 Wilderness and the War Path. New York, 1846. 120~... 2580 Life of Thomas Posey. Boston, 1848. 120..1076, 19 Hall, J. S. History of Boots and Shoes. New York, 1847. 120... 4420 Hall, N. Closing Scenes in the Life of Wm. Gordon. Phil. 1852. 120. 4780 Hall, R. Modern Infidelity. New York, 1853. 120. 5346 Works; with Life. Ed. by O. Gregory. N. York, 1844. 4 v. 8~. 2076 Vol. 1. Sermons and Charges. 2. Political and Miscellaneous Tracts; Articles from the Eclectic Review; Miscellaneous Pieces. 3. Life, by 0. Gregory; His Character as a Preacher, by John Foster; Notes of Sermons; Letters; Sermons. 4. (Edited by J. Belcher.) Reminiscences of Rev. Robert Hall, by John Greene; Notes of Sermons; Expository Discourses on the Epistle to the Philippians; Letters; Gleanings.' Hall, S. C. Gems of Modern Poets. Philadelphia, 1842. 120... 1666 Hall, Mrs. S. C. Buccaneer. London, 1853. 120.. 5723 Lights and Shadows of Irish Life. Philadelphia, 1838. 2 v. 120. 249 Marian; or, the Young Maid's Fortunes. New York, 1840. 2 v. 120. 1523 Outlaw. London, 1852. 120. ~ 5682 Sketches of Irish Character. New York, 1829. 120... 2105 Whiteboy; a Story of Ireland. New York, 1845. 8~0... 2640 and Mrs. J. Foster. Stories from History. New York, 1852. 120~. 4996 Hall, W.W. Bronchitis and Kindred Diseases. New York, 1852. 120.. 4786 Hall and the Hamlet. W. Howitt. Philadelphia, 1847. 120... 3053 Hallam, H. Constitutional History of England. Paris, 1841. 3 v. 80.. 1823 Europe during the Middle Ages. New York, 1837. 80... 1395 Liter. of Europe in 15th, 16th, & 17th Centuries. Par. 1837. 4 v. 80~. 584 Halleck, F.G. Alnwick Castle, and other Poems. New York, 1845. 120. 2324 Fanny, with other Poems. New York, 1839. 120. 1530 Poetical Works. New York, 1852. 120.... 4867 (Ed.) Selec. from Br. Poets. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1846. 2v. 120. 3683, 112, 113 Halleur, G. C. H. Treatise on Photography. London, 1854. 120.. 6087 Halliwell, J. O. Autobiog. & Corres. of Sir S. D'Ewes. Lon. 1845. 2 v. 80. 5477 Hallucinations, Apparitions, &c. A.B. de Boismont. Phil. 1853. 8~0.. 5423 Halsted, Caroline A. Richard III. Philadelphia, 1844. 8~0... 2266 Hamilton, Alexander. Life. J. C. Hamilton. New York, 1840. 3 v. 8~. 1791 Life. H. B. Renwick. New York, 1841. 120. 183 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 113 Hamilton, A. Life. H. B. Renwick. (H. F.L.) N.Y. 1845. 120. 3683, 129 Works. Edited by J. C. Hamilton. New York, 1851. 7 v. 8~.. 4805 Vol. 1. Correspondence. 2. Political Miscellanies. 3. Papers as Secretary of the Treasury. 4. Cabinet Papers. 5. Cabinet Papers; Military Papers; Correspondence. 6. Correspondence and Political Papers. 7. Political and Law Papers; Index. J. Jay, and J. Madison. The Federalist. Philadelphia, 1818. 80. 697 Hamilton, Count A. Fairy Tales and Romances. London, 1849. Post 80. 3447 Memoirs of Count Grammont. Philadelphia, 1836. 80... 1317 Hamilton, Elizabeth. Letters to the Daughter of a Nobleman. Salem, 1821. 120. 1007 Hamilton, H. C. Greek Grammar. London, 1854. 120... 6121 Hamilton, H. R. Greek Lexicon. London, 1852. 120... 6122 Hamilton, J. Memoir of Lady Janet Colquhoun. New York, 1850. 120~. 3491 Royal Preacher. New York, 1851. 120.. 4297 Hamilton, R. British Fishes. Edinburgh, 1843. 2 v. 120. 4901, 36, 37 Amphibious Carnivora. Edinburgh, 1843. 120. 4901, 25 Whales. Edinburgh, 1843. 120. 4901, 26 Hamilton, T. Annals of the Peninsular Campaigns. Phil. 1831. 3 v. 120~. 1189 Cyril Thornton. New York, 1832. 2 v. 120..... 2143 Men and Manners in America. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 v. 120.. 1166 Hamilton, Sir W. Discussions on Philosophy and Literature. N.Y.1853. 8~. 5427 Philosophy. Edited by O. W. Wight. New York, 1853. 120.. 5371 Hamilton, W. D. Outline History of England. London, 1852. 120~.. 6113 Outline History of Greece. London, 1853. 120.... 6114 Hamilton King; or, the Smuggler and the Dwarf. Phil. 1839. 2 v. 120. 1040 Hamiltons, The. Mrs. C. Gore. London, 1852. 120. 5688 Hamlin, E. Lady Lee's Widowhood. New York, 1853. 8~... 5442 Hamlin, Mrs. H. A. L. Memoir. Mrs. M. W. Lawrence. Bost. 1854. 120. 5545 Hammond, J. D. Polit. Parties of N.Y. State. Cooperstown, 1846. 2v. 80. 2847 Hammond, S. H. Hills, Lakes, and Forest Streams. N.Y. 1854. 120.. 5878 Hampden, J. Life. J. Forster. London, 1837. 120.... 1831, 3 Handbook for American Travellers in Europe. R. Park. N.Y. 1853. 120. 5312 for Central Italy. 0. Blewitt. London, 1850. 120. 74 for the Continent. London, 1851. 120. 117 for Northern Europe. London, 1849. 2 v. 120. 119 for Northern Italy. London, 1847. 120. 71 for Readers and Students. A. Potter. New York, 1843... 2197 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 120.. 3683, 165 for Travellers in Egypt. G. Wilkinson. London, 1847. 120~.. 60 to the Galleries of London. Mrs. Jameson. London, 1845. 12~. 51 Handy Andy; a Tale of Irish Life. S. Lover. New York, 1850. 8~.. 1711 Hann, J. Analytical Geometry. London, 1850. 120. 6099 Examples in Integral Calculus. London, 1850. 120.. 6110 Plane Trigonometry. London, 1854. 120.... 6101 Spherical Trigonometry. London, 1849. 120.. 6100 Hanna, W. Memoirs of Thomas Chalmers. New York, 1850. 3 v. 12~. 3656 Hannah, J. (Ed.) Poems by Wotton, Raleigh, and others. Lond. 1845. 12~. 2505 Q 114 CATALOGUE OF THE Hannay, J. Singleton Fontenoy. New York, 1851. 80... 4006 Hannibal, History of. J. Abbott. New York, 1849. 120... 2467 Hanson, J. H. Lost Prince (Rev. E. Williams). New York, 1854. 120~. 5623 Hanson, J. W. History of Danvers, Mass. Danvers, 1848. 12~... 3120 Hanway, J. British Trade of Caspian Sea. London, 1753. 3 v. 4~.. 2002 Happiness, Conditions of Human. H. Spencer. London, 1851. 8~0.. 4153 Essay on the Pursuit of. B. L. Oliver. Cambridge, 1818. 80.. 1333 Haps and Mishaps in Europe. Mrs. S. J. Lippincott. Bost. 1854. 2 v. 120~. 562,4 Happy Nights at Hazel Nook. Harriet Farley. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5525 Harbaugh, H. Heaven; the Abode of the Sainted Dead. Phil. 1851. 12~. 4053 Hard Times. C. Dickens. New York, 1854. 80.. 5974 Hardie, J. Dictionary of the Wonders of Art & Nature. N.Y. 1819. 12~. 347 Hardwicke, Lord. Life. G. Harris. London, 1847. 3 v. 8... 5906 Hare, F. Study of the Scriptures. Boston, 1823. 12~... 368, 2 Harmon, D. W. Voyages and Travels in N. America. Andover, 1820. 8~. 1349 Harold; the Last of the Saxon Kings. E. L. Bulwer. N. York, 1848. 8~. 3199 Harold the Dauntless. Sir W. Scott. Philadelphia, 1839. 12~.. 860, 6 Harpe, Mde. de la. CEuvres. Paris, 1778. 4 v.8~..... 64i Harper, Miss. Eventide; Tales and Poems. Boston, 1854. 12~... 6237 Harper, R. G. Select Works. Vol. 1. Baltimore, 1814. 8~... 1328 Harper's Family Library. New York, 1843-48. 187 v. 120.... 3683 Vols. 1-3. Milman, H. H. History of the Jews. 4, 5. Lockhart, J. G. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. 6. Southey, R. Life of Horatio Lord Nelson. 7. Williams, J. Life of Alexander the Great. 8, 74. Natural History of Insects. 9. Galt, J. Life of Byron. 10. Bush, G. Life of Mohammed. 11. Scott, Sir W. Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft. 12, 13. Gleig, G. R. History of the Bible. 14. Leslie, Sir J., and others. Discovery in the Polar Seas. 15. Croly, G. Life of George IV. 16. Murray, H., and others. Discovery and Adventure in Africa. 17-19, 66, 67. Cunningham, Allan. British Painters, Sculptors, and Architects. 20. James, G. P. R. History of Chivalry and the Crusades. 21, 22. Bell, H. G. Life of Mary, Queen of Scots. 23. Russell, M. History of Egypt. 24. Fletcher, Jas. History of Poland. 25. Smith, H. Festivals, Games, and Amusements. 26. Brewster, Sir D. Life of Sir Isaac Newton. 27. Russell, M. History of Palestine. 28. Memes, J. S. Memoirs of the Empress Josephine. 29. Court and Camp of Bonaparte. 30. Lives and Voyages of Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier. 31. Barrow, J. Pitcairn's Island; and Mutiny of the Bounty. 32, 72, 84. Turner, S. Sacred History of the World. 33, 34. Jameson, Anna. Memoirs of Celebrated Female Sovereigns. 35, 36. Lander, R. & J. Travels in Africa. 37. Abercrombie, J. Inquiries concerning the Intellectual Powers. 38-40. St. John, J. A. Lives of Celebrated Travellers. 41, 42. Dover, Lord. Life of Frederick the Great. 43, 44. Smedley, E. Sketches from Venetian History. 45, 46. Thatcher, B. B. Indian Biography. 47-49. Murray, H., and others. Account of British India. 50. Brewster, Sir D. Letters on Natural Magic. 51, 52. Taylor, W. C. History of Ireland. 53. Tytler, P. F. Discovery on the more Northern Coasts of America. 54. MacGillivray, W. Life and Travels of Humboldt. 55, 56. Euler, L. Letters to a Princess on Natural Philosophy. 57. Mudie, R. Popular Guide to the Observation of Nature. 58. Abercrombie, J. Philosophy of the Moral Feelings. 59. Dick, T. Improvement of Society by Diffusion of Knowledge. 60. James, G. P. R. History of Charlemagne. 61. Russell, M. History of Nubia and Abyssinia. 62, 63. Russell, M. Life of Oliver Cromwell. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 115 Harper's Family Library, continued. Vol. 64. Montgomery, J. Letters on Poetry, Literature, &c. 65. Barrow, J. Life of Peter the Great. 68, 69. Crichton, A. History of Arabia. 70. Fraser, J. B. History of Persia. 71. Combe, A. Physiology applied to Health and Education. 73. Russell, M. History of the Barbary States. 75, 76. Paulding, J. K. Life of George Washington. 77. Ticknor, C. Philosophy of Living. 78. Higgins, W. M. The Earth; its Condition and Phenomena. 79. Sforzozi, L. History of Italy. 80, 81. Davis, J. F. The Chinese. 82. Historical Account of the Circumnavigation of the Globe. 83. Dick, T. Celestial Scenery. 85. Griscom, J. H. Animal Mechanism and Physiology. 86-91. Tytler, A. F., and Nares, E. Universal History. 92, 93. Franklin, B. Life of Himself, and Select Writings. 94, 95. Craik, G. L. Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties. 96, 97. Paley, Wm. Natural Theology; with Notes. 98. Rennie, J. Natural History of Birds. 99. Dick, T. Sidereal Heavens. 100. Upham, T. C. Imperfect or Disordered Mental Action. 101, 102. Murray, H., and others. History of British America. 103. Lossing, B. J. History of the Fine Arts. 104, 164. Ogilby, Martin, and Knight, C. Quadrupeds. 105. Park, Mungo. Writings, Life, and Travels of. 106. Dana, R. H., jun. Two Years Before the Mast. 107, 108. Parry, Sir W. E. Three Voyages for Discovery of Northwest Passage. 109, 110. Johnson, S. Life of; with Selections from his Works. 111. Bryant, W. C. (Editor.) Selections from American Poets. 112, 113. HIalleck, F. G. (Editor.) Selections from the British Poets. 114-118. Keightley, T. History of England. 119,120. Hale, S. History of the United States. 121, 122. Irving, W. Life of Goldsmith; with Select Writings. 123, 124. Maiden, It. Distinguished Men of Modern Times. 125. Renwick, J. Life of De Witt Clinton. 126, 127. Mackenzie, A. S. Life of Oliver Hazard Perry. 128. Head, Sir F. B. Life and Travels of Bruce. 129. Renwick, H. B. Lives of John Jay and Alexander Hamilton. 130. Brewster. Sir D. Martyrs of Science. 131. Iceland, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands. 132. Manners and Customs of the Japanese. 133. Dwight, T., jun. History of Connecticut. 134, 135. Bucke, Chas. Ruins of Ancient Cities. 136,137. Crichton, A., and Wheaton, H. Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. 138. Camp, G. S. Democracy. 139. Lanman, J. H. History of Michigan. 140. F6n6lon, F. de S. de L. Lives of the Ancient Philosophers. 141, 142. Segur, Count P. de. Napoleon's Expedition to Russia. 143, 144. Henry, C. S. (Trans.) History of Philosophy. 145. Bucke, Chas. Beauties of Nature. 146. Lieber, F. Essays on Property and Labor. 147. White, G. Natural History of Selborne. 148. Wrangell, F. Expedition to the Polar Seas. 149, 150. Hazen, E. Popular Technology. 151-153. Spalding, W. Italy and the Italian Islands. 154, 155. Lewis, M., and Clarke, W. Travels West of the Mississippi. 156. Schmidt, H. I. History of Education. 157. Fraser, J. B. Mesopotamia and Assyria. 158. Russell, M. History of Polynesia. 159. Davenport, R. A. Perilous Adventures. 160. Duer, W. A. Constitutional Jurisprudence of the United States. 161-163. Belknap, J. American Biography. 164. Natural History of the Elephant. 165. Potter, A. Hand-Book for Readers and Students. 166. Graves, Mrs. A. J. Woman in America. 167, 168. Stone, W. L. Border Wars of the Revolution. 169. Vegetable Substances used for Food. 170. Michelet, J. Elements of Modern History. 171. Bacon, F. Essays; and, J. Locke, On the Understanding. 172. Voyages Round the World; from the Death of Captain Cook. 173. Murray, H. Travels of Marco Polo. 174, 175. American Adventure. 176. Bunner, E. History of Louisiana. 177. Florian, M. Moors of Spain. 178. Lee, A. Chas. Elements of Geology. 179. Potter, A. Objects and Uses of Science and Literature. 116 CATALOGUE OF THE Harper's Family Library, continued. Vol. 180. Moseley, H. Illustrations of Mechanics. 181, 182. Spectator in Miniature. 183. Potter, A. Political Economy. 184. Maury, Abb6. Principles of Eloquence. 185. Robertson, W. History of America; abridged. 186. Robertson, W. IIistory of the Reign of Charles V.; abridged. 187. Ferguson, Adam. History of Rome; abridged. Harper's New Monthly Magazine. Vols. 1-9 [con.] N. Y. 1850-54. 80. 3735 Harring, H. Poland under the Dominion of Russia. Boston, 1834. 120. 711 Harris, C. A. Principles and Practice of Dental Surgery. Phil. 1853. 80~. 5105 Harris, G. Life of Lord Hardwicke. London, 1847. 3 v. 80~... 5906 Harris, J. Man Primeval. Boston,' 1849. 120... 3358 Pre-Adamite Earth. Boston, 1849. 120. 3304 Harris M. System of Practical Bookkeeping. Hartford, 1838. 80~.. 1991 Harris, Sir W. S. Treatise on Electricity. London, 1853. 120.. 6041 Treatise on Magnetism. London, 1853. 120.. 6042 Harris, T. Life and Services of Com. W. Bainbridge. Phil. 1837. 80.. 627 Harris, T. M. Tour through the North West Territory. Bost. 1805. 80. 1310 Harris, T. W. Insects Injurious to Vegetation. Cambridge, 1842. 80.. 1738 The same. Boston, 1852. 80~. 5116 Harris, W. C. Adventures in Africa. Philadelphia, 1850. 80~... 3946 Highlands of Ethiopia. New York, 1845. 80..... 2271 *Wild Sports of Southern Africa. London, 1852. 80... 5093 Harrison, W. H. Tales of a Physician. Philadelphia, 1853. 2 v. 120.. 856 Harrison, Wm. Henry, Life of. Boston, 1839. 160.. 80 Harry Ashton. J. F. Smith. New York, 1853. 8..... 5465 Harry Burnham, the Continental. H. A. Buckingham. N. Y. 1851. 80. 4520 Harry Coverdale's Courtship. F. Smedley. New York, 1853. 120.. 5363 Harry Lorrequer, Confessions of. C. Lever. New York, 1842. 80.. 1589 Harry Muir; a Story of Scottish Life. Mrs. Oliphant. N. Y. 1853. 120~. 5263 Hart, A. M. History of Mississippi Valley. Cincinnati, 1853. 120.. 5310 Hart, J. C. Romance of Yachting. New York, 1848. 120... 3185 Hart, J. S. Spenser and the Fairy Queen. Philadelphia, 1854. 120~.. 6223 Hartford Convention, History of. Theo. Dwight. New York, 1833. 80~. 746 *Hartshorn, J. Commercial Tables. Boston, 1852. Folio.. 5394 Harvard College. History of. J. Quincy. Cambridge, 1840. 2 v. 8~.. 2237 Sketch of. S. A. Eliot. Boston, 1848. 120.... 5330 Harverty, M. Wanderings in Spain, in 1843. London, 1844. 2 v. 120~. 4630 Hastings, W. Memoirs of. G. R. Gleig. London, 1841. 3 v. 8~.. 1453 Hatchie, the Guardian Slave. W. T. Ashton. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5228 Haverhill; or, Memoirs of an Officer. J. A. Jones. N. Y. 1831. 2 v. 12~. 1187 Hawes, J. Lectures to Young Men. Hartford, 1830. 160... 90 Hawes, Virginia. Alone. Richmond, 1854. 120...... 5832 Hawk Chief. J. T. Irving, jun. Philadelphia, 1837. 120... 915 Hawker, P. Guns and Shooting. Philadelphia, 1853. 80.... 5933 Hawkins, J. Voyage to the Coast of Africa. Philadelphia, 1797. 120.. 831 Hawks, F. L. Monuments of Egypt; with Voy. up the Nile. N.Y. 1850. 80. 3446 (Translator.) Peruvian Antiquities. New York, 1853. 80.. 5440 Hawkesworth, J. Voyage of Discovery. Perth, 1789. 4 v. 120... 169 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 117 Hawkins, B. History, Literature, &c., of Germany. London, 1838. 80. 3193 Hawks of Hawk-Hollow. R. M. Bird. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 v. 120.. 1096 Hawthorne, N. Blithedale Romance. Boston, 1852. 120.. 4881 House of the Seven Gables. Boston, 1851. 120.. 4113 (Ed.) Journal of an African Cruiser. H. Bridge. N.Y. 1853. 12~. 2398 Life of Franklin Pierce. Boston, 1852. 120.. 4917 Mosses from an Old Manse. Boston, 1854. 2 v. 120. 3105 Scarlet Letter. Boston, 1850. 120.. 3653 Tanglewood T'ales. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5506 Snow-Image, and other Tales. Boston, 1852. 120.. 4598 True Stories from History and Biography. Boston, 1851. 120.. 3774 Twice-Told Tales. Boston, 1851. 120. 418 Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys. Boston, 1852. 120.. 4601 Hayden, Sarah M. Early Engagements. Cincinnati, 1854. 120.. 5800 Haydn and Mozart, Lives of. L. A. C. Bombet. Boston, 1839. 120. 471 *Haydn, J. Dictionary of Dates. London, 1847. 80.. 3959 Haydon, B. R. Autobiography. Ed. by T. Taylor. N. Y. 1853. 2 v. 120~. 5591 Lectures on Painting and Design. London, 1844. 2 v. 80... 4674 Hays, Matilda M. (Trans.) Fadette; a Domestic Story. N.Y. 1851. 120~. 4039 Hayward, C., jun. Life of Sebastian Cabot. Boston, 1844. 120.. 1076, 9 Hayward, J. Book of Religions. Boston, 1842. 120.. 2095 Gazetteer of Massachusetts. Boston, 1849. 120~. 3027 Gazetteer of New Hampshire. Boston, 1849. 120.. 5555 *Gazetteer of United States. Hartford, 1853. 80.. 5402 Gazetteer of Vermont. Boston, 1849. 120. 5556 Haywarde, R. Prismatics. New York, 1853. 120..... 5282 Hazen, E. Popular Technology. (H.F.L.) N.Y. 1848. 2 v. 120. 3683, 149-50 Hazlitt, W. Characters of Shakspeare's Plays. Boston, 1818. 12~.. 2154 Characteristics, after Rochefoucault's Maxims. London, 1837. 120~. 2368 Classical Gazetteer. London, 1851. 120.. 4222 Conversations of James Northcote. London, 1830. 120.. 2317 Criticisms on Art. London, 1844. 120. 1870 Eloquence of the British Senate. Brooklyn, 1810. 2 v. 80... 621 Essavs on the Principles of Human Action. London, 1841. 120. 1876 Journey through France and Italy. London, 1826. 8~... 2286 The same. Philadelphia, 1833. 80. 1357, 1 Lectures on Dramatic Literature. London, 1840. 12... 1871 Lectures oir the English Comic Writers. London, 1841. 120.. 1874 Lectures on the English Poets. London, 1841. 120... 1875 Life of Napoleon. London, 1830. 4 v. 80..... 2262 Literary Remains. New York, 1836. 80..... 2082 Plain Speaker. Vol. 2. London, 1826. 80.. 2258 Political Essays. London, 1819. 80.... 2259 Round Table; a Collection of Essays. London, 1841. 120.. 1872 Select Poets of Great Britain. London, 1825. 80.. 2245 Sketches and Essays. London, 1839. 12~.. 1873 Table-Talk. London, 1824. 2 v. 80..... 2290 The same. New York, 1845. 2 v. 120... ~. 2372 118 CATALOGUE OF THE Hazlitt, W. View of the English Stage. London, 1818. 80... 2289 Head, Sir F. B. Bubbles from the Brunnen of Nassau. N.Y. 1845. 120. 2487 The Emigrant. New York, 1847. 120.. 2951 Faggot of French Sticks. New York, 1852. 120. 4755 Fortnight in Ireland. New York, 1853. 120.. 5199 Journey to the Pampas and Andes. Boston, 1827. 120... 508 Life and Travels of Bruce. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 120. 3683, 128 Narrative, from Upper Canada. London, 1839. 8~.. 1177 Head, Sir G. Tour in Manufacturing Districts of Eng. N.Y. 1847. 120~. 3038 Head of the Family. Miss Muloch. New York, 1852. 80... 194 Headley, J. T. Alps and the Rhine. New York, 1847. 120.. 2529 Imperial Guard of Napoleon. New York, 1851. 120... 4625 Letters from Italy. New York, 1851. 120.. 2399 Life of Oliver Cromwell. New York, 1848. 120.... 3139 Lives of Gens. W. Scott and A. Jackson. New York, 1852. 120. 4985 Miscellaneous WVorks. New York, 1849. 2 v. 12... 3488 Vol. 1. Biographical Sketch of Author; Rome; Pope Pius IX. and Italy; Rambles through Paris; Rambles about London; Rambles in England and Wales; St. Regis Indians; Adaptation of One's Intellectual Efforts, &c.; Washington; Battle of Monmouth. 2. Waldenses; Paul Jones; Oliver Cromwell; Theirs's French Revolution; Alison's History of Europe; Waterloo; The One Progressive Principle. Napoleon and his Marshals. New York, 1850. 2 v. 120~... 2596 Power of Beauty. New York, 1850. 120.. 4041 Sacred Mountains. New York, 1847. 120... 2989 Sacred Scenes and Characters. New York, 1850. 120~... 3833 Second War with England. New York, 1853. 2 v. 120.. 5533 Sketches and Rambles. New York, 1850. 120. 3655 Washington and his Generals. New York, 1847. 2 v. 120.. 2975 Headley, P. C. Life of Josephine. Auburn, 1850. 120.. 3910 Life of Louis Kossuth. Auburn, 1852. 120... 4760 Life of Lafayette. Auburn, 1851. 120.. 4114 Women of the Bible. Auburn, 1850. 120..... 3846 Headlong Hall, and other Tales. G. Peacock. London, 1851. 120.. 5665 The same. New York, 1845. 120..2358 Heads of the People; or, Portraits of the English. Phil. 1841. 80.. 1604 Headsman; a Tale. J. F. Cooper. Philadelphia, 1848. 2 v. 120.. 1188 Health, and Longevity, Code of. Sir J. Sinclair. London, 1844. 80.. 4944 Guide to. A. Combe. Buffalo, 1849. 120... 3393 Hints on. W. E. Coale. Boston, 1852. 120..4764 Influence of Religion upon. A. Brigham. Boston, 1835. 120.. 1773 Lectures on. W. A. Alcott. Boston, 1853. 120... 5256 Library of. Edited by W. A. Alcott. Boston, 1837. 2 v. 120.. 955 Philosophy of. L. B. Coles. Boston, 1854. 120.... 5881 Physiology applied to. A. Combe. New York, 1851. 120.. 2211 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 120~.. 3683, 71 Preservation of. B. N. Comings. New York, 1854. 120~... 6189 Preservation of. J. C. Warren. Boston, 1854. 120.... 5797 Report on, in Massachusetts. Boston, 1850. 80.... 3791 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 119 Health Report of the American Medical Association. Phil. 1849. 80.. 3987 Health-Trip to the Tropics. N. P. Willis. New York, 1853. 120.. 5577 Heart-Histories and Life-Pictures. T. S. Arthur. New York, 1853. 120. 5180 Heart of Mid-Lothian. Sir WV. Scott. Boston, 1848. 2 v. 120. 999, 11, 12 The same. Edinburgh, 1849. 3 v. 12... 4100, 11-13 The same. Edinburgh, 1850. Roy 80... 4531, 3 Hearts and Faces; or, Home Life. J. T. Trowbridge. Boston, 1853. 12~. 5532 Hearts and Homes; or, Social Distinction. Mrs. Ellis. N.Y. 1850. 2 v. 8~. 3397 Hearts Unveiled. S. E. Saymore. New York, 1852. 12~.... 816 Heather, J. F. Descriptive Geometry. London, 1851. 120.... 6084 Mathematical Instruments. London, 1851. 12~... 6056 Heaven; the Abode of the Sainted Dead. H. Harbaugh. Phil. 1851. 12~. 4053 Heavenly Arcana. E. Swedenborg. Boston, 1837. 4 v. 8~.. 668 Heavens, The. R. Mudie. Philadelphia, 1836. 12~. 914 Architecture of. J. P. Nichol. New York, 1842. 12~. 2309 Heber, R. (Bishop.) Journey in India. Philadelphia, 1829. 2 v. 12~.. 1212 Life of. Boston, 1829. 180..129 Hebrew and English Lexicon. J. Parkhurst. London, 1799. Roy. 8~.. 1449 Hebrew Lyrical History. T. Bulfinch. Boston, 1853. 120... 5072 Hebrew Tales. H. Hurwitz. New York, 1847. 120.. 3084 Hebrews, Epistle to, Notes on. A. Barnes. New York, 1851. 12~.. 4737 Hebrews, Laws of the Ancient. E. C. Wines. New York, 1853. 80.. 5390 Hector O'Halloran. W. H. Maxwell. New York, 1843. 8~.. 0. 1762 The same. London, 1852. 120..5683 Hedge, F. H. Prose Writers of Germany. Philadelphia, 1848. 80.. 2872 Heeren, A. H. L. Politics of Ancient Greece. Boston, 1824. 8~... 1299 Carthaginians, Ethiopians, and Egyptians. Oxford, 1838. 2 v. 80~. 2657 Heidelberg; a Romance. G. P. R. James. New York, 1846. 80... 2740 Heidenmauer; or, the Benedictions. J. F. Cooper. Phil. 1841. 2 v. 120~. 1162 The same. London, 1853. 12~...... ~ 5710 Heighway, O. W. T. Leila Ada. New York, 1854. 120. 6149 Heir of Redclyffe. New York, 1853. 2 v. 120.. 5246 Heir of Selwood. Mrs. C. Gore. Philadelphia, 1838. 2 v. 12... 1455 Heir of Wast-Wayland. Mary Howitt. New York, 1851. 120~.. 4210 Heiress. Ellen Pickering. Philadelphia, 1847. 80.. 470 Heiress of Bruges. T. C. Grattan. New York, 1831. 2 v. 120~... 357 The same. London, 1851. 120.. 5661 Heirs of Derwentwater. E. L. Blanchard. New York, 1851. 8~... 4127 Helen. Maria Edgeworth. New York, 1850. 120. 935 The same. London, 1851. 120. 5669 HIelen and Arthur. Mrs. C. L. Hentz. Philadelphia, 1854. 120... 5769 Helen Mulgrave; or, Jesuit Executorship. New York, 1853. 120... 5585 Heloise; or, the Unrevealed Secret. Mrs. Robinson. N.Y. 1850. 120.. 3870 Helps, A. Companions of my Solitude. Boston, 1852. 120.. 6204 Friends in Council. Boston, 1849. 12~. 3373 Helvetic Union, Destruction of. J. Mallet. Boston, 1799. 12~.. 180 Hemans, Mrs. Felicia, Memorials of. H. F. Chorley. Phil. 1836. 120.. 973 Poetical Works. Philadelphia, 1836. 80. 934 120 CATALOGUE OF THE Hemans, Mrs. Felicia. Works; with Memoir. Phil. 1842. 7 v. 12~.. 2566 Henningsen, C. F. Campaign with Zumalacarregui. Phil. 1836. 80. 2228, 2 The same. Philadelphia, 1836. 120... 224 Henri; or, the Web and Woof of Life. W. G. Cambridge. Bost. 1853. 120. 5362 Henri Quatre; or, Days of the League. G. P. R. James. N.Y.1834. 2 v. 120. 1074 Henrietta Temple. B. Disraeli. Philadelphia, 1845. 80.... 2689 Henr,y II., History of. G. (Lord) Lyttleton. London, 1769. 6 v. 8~.. 5911 Henry IV., Life. G. P. R. James. New York, 1847. 2 v. 120... 3065 Henry VIII. and his Contemporaries. B. Bensley. London, 1844. 120. 2395 Henry, C. S. (Trans.) Hist. of-Philosophy. N.Y. 1847. 2 v. 120. 3683, 143, 144 Henry, Patrick. Life. A. H. Everett. Boston, 1844. 120... 1076, 11 Life and Character of. W. Wirt. Hartford, 1852. 8~.. 594 Henry, Paul. Life and Times of John Calvin. New York, 1851. 2 v. 8~. 4123 Henry, R. History of Great Britain. London, 1788. 12 v. 80.. 3631 Henry, W. S. Campaign Sketches of Mexican War. N. Y. 1847. 120~. 3091 Henry Esmond, History of. W. M. Thackeray. New York, 1852. 80.. 5111 Henry Masterton. G. P. R. James. New York, 1832. 2 v. 12~.. 171 The same. London, 1853. 120... 5713 Henry of Guise. G. P. R. James. New York, 1839. 2 v. in 1. 120. 96 Henry Smeaton. G. P. R. James. New York, 1851. 80... 4010 Hentz, CarolineL. Eoline; or,MagnoliaVale. Philadelphia, 1852. 120~. 5221 Helen and Arthur. Philadelphia, 1854. 120.. 5769 Linda; or, the Young Pilot. Philadelphia, 1852. 120.. 3840 Marcus Warland. Philadelphia, 1852. 120~....... 3574 Mob Cap, and other Tales. Philadelphia, 1852. 80... 4811 Planter's Northern Bride. Philadelphia, 1854. 2 v. 120... 5787 Rena; or, the Snowbird. Philadelphia, 1851. 120... 4428 Ugly Effie, and other Tales. Philadelphia, 1853. 80.. 5157 Victim of Excitement. Philadelphia, 1854. 120.. ~.. 5767 Wild Jack; or, the Stolen Child. Philadelphia, 1854. 120... 5768 Hentz, N. M. Manual of French Phrases. Boston, 1822. 120.. 865 Heraldry, Curiosities of. M. A. Lower. London, 1845. 80.... 3598 *Book of Family Crests. London, 1853. 2 v. 120.. 6275 *General Armory. J. and J. B. Burke. London, 1853. 80.. 6006 Herbaceous Plants of Mass., Report on. C. Dewey. Camb. 1848. 8~.. 1969 Herbert, C. Relic of the Revolution. Boston, 1847. 120.. 3049 Herbert, H. W. American Game in its Seasons. New York, 1853. 120~. 5327 Brothers. New York, 1835. 2 v. 120..1073 Captains of the Old World. New York, 1851. 120... 4496 Captains of the Roman Republic. New York, 1854. 120.. 6215 Cavaliers of England. New York, 1852. 120.. 1020 Chevaliers of France. New York, 1853. 120.. 5056 (Editor.) "Dinks" on Dogs. New York, 1850. 120... 4070 Field Sports of United States. New York, 1849. 2 v. 8... 3266 Fish and Fishing in the United States. New York, 1850. 80.. 3417 Knights of England, France, and Scotland. New York, 1852. 120. 4794 Marmaduke Wyvil. New York, 1853. 120.. 5317 Persons and Pictures from History. New York, 1854. 120.. 5870 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 121 Herbert, H. W. Roman Traitor. New York, 1853. 120.. 5516 Warwick Woodlands. New York, 1851. 120. 3842 Herbert Tracy; or, Trials of Mercantile Life. New York, 1851. 120.. 5008 Herbert Wendall; a Tale of the Revolution. New York, 1835. 2 v. 120. 1134 Heretic, The. M. Lajetchnikoff. New York, 1844. 80.. 2749 Heriot, G. Travels through the Canadas. Philadelphia, 1813. 485 Hermit's Dell. New York, 1854. 120. 6202 Herndon, Mary E. Louise Elton. Philadelphia, 1853. 120. 5348 Herndon, W. L. Valley of the Amazon. Washington, 1854. 80.. 5462 Herodotus. Translated by W. Beloe. New York, 1844. 3 v. 120~. 1854, 29-31 The same. New York, 1828. 3 v. 160~. 1500 Translated by H. Cary. London, 1850. Post 80.. 4378 Heroic Women of the West. J. Frost. Philadelphia, 1854. 120... 5765 Heroines of History. Mrs. O. F. Owen. London, 1854. 120... 5846 of the Missionary Enterprise. D. C. Eddy. Boston, 1850. 120.. 3678 of Sacred History. Mrs. Steele. New York, 1850. 120... 4045 Heroes and Hero-Worship. T. Carlyle. New York, 1849. 120... 1595 Herschel, J. F. W. Outlines of Astronomy. Philadelphia, 1849. 80.. 3471 Hervey, A. Ten Years in India. London, 1850. 3 v. 120... 4239 Hervey, G. W. Principles of Courtesy. New York, 1852. 120... 4781 Hervey, J. Letters; with Life and Character. Boston, n. d. 120... 1026 Meditations and Contemplations. Philadelphia, 1808. 120... 164 Hervey, J. (Lord.) Memoirs of Reign of George HII. Phil. 1848. 2 v. 120. 3157 Hervey, N. Memory of Washington. Boston, 1852. 160.... 4595 Hervey, T. K. Book of Christmas; Descrip. of Customs, &c. N.Y. 1845. 120. 2590 Heustis, D. D. (Capt.), Adventures and Sufferings of. Boston, 1847. 120. 3067 Hewes, G. R. T. Memoir. New York, 1835. 120.... 1471 Hewitt, J. Treatise on Coins, Money, and Exchange. London, 1755. 80~. 1223 Hicks, Rebecca. Lady Killer. Philadelphia, 1851. 120.... 4635 Hieroglyphics and Egyptian Antiqui. Marquis Spineto. Lond. 1845. 8~. 4667 Higgins, W. M. Earth; its Condition & Phen. (H.F.L.) N.Y. 1846. 12~. 3683, 78 High Life in New York. New York, 1854. 120. 6211 Highland Widow, &c. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1848. 120. 999, 39 The same. Edinburgh, 1849. 120. 4100, 41 The same. Edinburgh, 1850. Roy. 8.. 4531, 10 Highlands and Highland Clans, Hist. of. J. Browne. Lond. 1851. 4 v. 80~. 5094 with Anecdotes of Rob Roy. Philadelphia, 1818. 160~. 70 Highlands of Ethiopia. W. C. Harris. New York, 1845. 80.. 2271 Highton, E. Treatise on the Electric Telegraph. London, 1852. 120.. 6059 High-Ways and By-Ways. T. C. Grattan. Boston, 1840. 3 v. 120.. 2131 The same. Boston, 1824. 2 v. 120.. 143 Hildreth, R. Despotism in America. Boston, 1840. 120.. 1132 The same. Boston, 1854. 120.... 6926 History of the United States. New York, 1849-51. 6 v. 80~.. 2851 Memoirs of Archy Moore. Boston, 1839. 2 v. 120. 1194 Theory of Morals. Boston, 1844. 120.. 1900 White Slave; or, Memoirs of a Fugitive. Boston, 1852. 120.. 4882 Hildreth, S. P. Pioneer History; Ohio Valley, &c. Ciicinnati, 1848. 80. 3231 R 122 CATALOGUE OF THE Hill, A. Familiar Letters. London, 1767. 80. 573 Hill, G. Ruins of Athens, and other Poems. Boston, 1839. 80... 1255 Hill, G. C. Cap Sheaf; a Fresh Bundle. New York, 1853. 120... 5054 Dovecote; or, Heart of the Homestead. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5619 Hill Difficulty, and other Miscellanies. G. B. Cheever. N. Y. 1849. 12~. 3357 Hillard, G. S. Life of Capt. John Smith. *Boston, 1838. 120~.. 1076, 2 Oration on Daniel Webster. Boston, 1853. 80.. 5114 Six Months in Italy. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 120. 5505 (Editor.) Works of Spenser. Boston, 1839. 5 v. 120.... 1920 Hillhouse, J. A. Dramas, Discourses, &c. Boston, 1839. 2 v. 120.. 1622 Hilliard, F. Elements of Law. Boston, 1835. 80.... 807 Hills, Lakes, and Forest Streams. S. P. Hammond. N. Y. 1854. 120.. 5878 Hill-Side and Border Sketches. W. H. Maxwell. New York, 1847. 80. 2780 Himalaya Mountains, Journey in. Sir W. Lloyd. London, 1846. 80.. 4021 Hind, J. R. Solar System. New York, 1852. 120... 4880 Hindoo Rajah, Letters of a. Trans. by E. Hamilton. Bost. 1819. 2 v. 120. 127 Hindostan, Scenes & Characteristics in. E. Roberts. Phil. 1836. 2 v. 120. 1123 The same. Philadelphia, 1836. 80. 2228, 1 Hinton, J. H. History and Topography of U. States. Bost. 1834. 2 v. 40~. 2028 Hints and Helps for the Home Circle. New York, 1844. 120... 2138 Hipsley, W. Equational Arithmetic. London, 1852. 12~... 6096 Hirscher, J. B. von. Sympathies of the Continent. Oxford, 1852. 120. 5237 Hirst, H. B. Coming of the Mammoth, and other Poems. Bost. 1845. 120. 2470 Endymion; a Tale of Greece. Boston, 1848. 120.... 3127 Historic Doubts relative to Napoleon. R. Whately. N. Y. 1853. 120.. 6203 Hist. Causes and Effects, from 476 to 1517. W. Sullivan. Bost. 1838. 120~. 922 Historical Collections. - See Collections. Historical Proof, Process of. I. Taylor. London, 1828. 80... 2287 History, Ancient. C. Rollin. New York, 1845. 2 v. roy. 80... 704 and General Policy, Lectures on. J. Priestley. Phil. 1803. 2 v. 80. 598 Catechetical Compend of General. F. Butler. Hartford, 1818. 160~. 38 Christ in. R. Turnbull. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5603 Compend of. S. Whelpley. New York, 1844. 120... 333 Connexion of Sacred and Profane. D. Davidson. N.Y. 1849. 80~. 3517 Elements of General. A. F. Tytler. New York, 1818. 80.. 566 Epitomized. B. Tucker. Richmond, 1806. 120... 324 of New York. W. Irving. New York, 1849. 120... 1051 Manual of Ancient and Modern. W. C. Taylor. N.Y. 1845. 80. 2253 Modern, Elements of. J. Michelet. (H.F.L.) N.Y. 1848. 120~. 3683, 170 Modern, Lectures on. T. Arnold. London, 1845. 80.. 2615 Modern, Lectures on. F. Schlegel. London, 1849. Post 8~.. 4375 Modern, Lectures on. W. Smyth. Cambridge, 1841. 2 v.8~.. 1677 of all Nations. S. G. Goodrich. Boston, 1851. 2 v. roy. 8~.. 4318 of the World. Sir W. Raleigh. London, 1677. Folio.. 3749 Outlines of. Philadelphia, 1831. 120. 441 Outlines of Universal. Edited by F. Bowen. Boston, 1853. 8~. 5165 Philosophically Illustrated. G. Miller. London, 1849. 4 v. post. 80. 4393 Philosophy of. F. Schlegel. London, 1846. Post 80... 2343 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 123 History, Study and Use of. Lord Bolingbroke. Paris, 1808. 80~... 790 Study and Use of Ancient and Modern. J. Bigland. Phil. 1806. 80. 648 Treasury of. S. Maunder. London, 1850. 12~... 4107 Universal. F. Butler. Hartford, 1822. 120~..... 439 Universal. A. F. Tytler. Boston, 1850. 2 v.8~... ~ 692 Universal. A.F.Tytler & E. Nares. (H.F.L.) N.Y.1846.6 v.120. 3683,86-91 Hitchcock, D. Poetical Works. Boston, 1806. 120.. 1458 Hitchcock, D. K. Preservation of the Teeth. Boston, 1840. 240... 1499 Hitchcock, E. Final Report on Geology of Mass. Amherst, 1841. 2 v.40. 2026 (Editor.) Life of Mary Lyon. Northampton, 1852. 120.. 4624 Outline of the Geology of the Globe. Boston, 1853. 80.. 6439 Religion of Geology. Boston, 1851. 120..... 4207 Hits and Dashes by'" Cymon." Boston, 1852. 120.... 4590 Hive of the Bee-Hunter. T. B. Thrope. New York, 1854. 120.. 5867 Hoadly, B., Selections from Works of. Boston, 1823. 120.. 368, 1 Hobbes, T. Analysis of Aristotle's Rhetoric. London, 1850. Post 80~.. 4381 Tripos, in Three Discourses. London, 1840. 8~... 2284 Hoboken; a Romance of New York. T. S. Fay. N.Y. 1843. 2 v. 120. 1731 Hobomok; a Tale of Early Times. Mrs. L. M. Child. Bost. 1824. 120. 870 Hochelaga; or, Eng. in the New World. E. Warburton. N.Y. 1846. 2 v. 120. 2914 Hodgson, R. Life of Beilby Porteus. New York, 1811. 120~... 192 Hofland, T. C. British Angler's Manual. London, 1848. Post 8~0.. 4972 Hoffman, C. F. Greyslaer. Philadelphia, 1841. 2 v. 120.. 845 Life of Jacob Leisler. Boston, 1844. 120. 1076, 13 Vigil of Faith, and other Poems. New York, 1845. 180... 2415 Wild Scenes of the Forest and Prairie. New York, 1843. 2 v. 120. 1727 Hoffman, C. F. W. Goldsmith of Paris. New York, 1844. 8~.. 2167, 1 Rolandsitten. New York, 1844. 80. 2167, 1 Hofland, Mrs. Young Pilgrim. New York, 1828. 12.... 353 Hog, The, with Illustrations. London, n. d. Roy. 8~0... 3635, 2 Hogarth, G. Musical Drama. London, 1850. 8~0.. 5141 Musical History, Biography, and Criticism. New York, 1848. 8~. 3261 *Hogarth, W. Works, with Descriptions by Trusler. Lond. n. d. 2 v. 40. 4819 Hogg, J. Songs. New York, 1832. 120. 857 Winter Evening Tales. Hartford, 1847. 2 v. 120... 1461 Holcombe, J. P. Law of Debtor and Creditor. New York, 1849. 80.. 4306 Leading Cases in Mercantile Law. New York, 1847. 80... 4304 Holidays Abroad. Mrs. C. M. Kirkland. New York, 1849. 2 v. 120.. 3375 Holland, History of. C. M. Davies. London, 1851. 3 v. 80..... 5135 Holland, E. G. Essays; and Drama in Five Acts. Boston, 1852. 12~.. 5081 Holland, H. R. (Lord). Foreign Reminiscences. New York, 1851. 120~. 3797 Holland, W.M. Life and Polit. Opin. of M. Van Buren. Hart. 1836. 120~. 1847 Holley, H., Discourse on. C. Caldwell. Boston, 1828. 80... 1387 Holley, O.L. Guide through East. States and Canada. N.Y. 1844. 120~. 2599 Hollis-street Church Controversy, 1838-39. Boston, 1839. 8~.0.. 1615 Holman, J. Travels in Madeira, Brazil, &c. London, 1840. 4 v. 80.. 1986 Holmes, A. American Annals. Cambridge, 1805. 2 v. 80... 1618 Annals of America. Cambridge, 1829. 2 v. 80. 1403 124 CATALOGUE OF THE Holmes, A. Life of Ezra Stiles. Boston, 1798. 80. 714 Holmes, J. Art of Rhetoric; or, Elements of Oratory. Phil. 1849. 120. 3305 Holmes, Mary J. Tempest & Sunshine; or, Life in Kentucky. N.Y. 1854.120. 5804 Holmes, O. W. Astrwea; a Poem. Boston, 1850. 120~...... 4040 Poems. Boston, 1849. 120. 258 Holmes, W. R. Sketches of the Shores of the Caspian. Lond. 1845. 80. 4642 Holstein, H. L. V. D. Memoirs of Simon Bolivar. Boston, 1829. 80.. 1390 Holt, E. Life of George III. London, 1820. 2 v. 80. 1285 Holy and Profane States. T. Fuller. Cambridge, 1831. 120. 383, 1 Holy Land. - See Palestine. Holy Living and Dying. Jeremy Taylor. Philadelphia, 1843. 120.. 2406 Homans, J. S. Sketches of Boston, Past and Present. 1851. 160.. 2725 Home. Catherine M. Sedgwick. Boston, 1841. 180..... 2196 Home; or, Family Cares and Joys. F. Bremer. New York, 1844. 80~. 2087 Home; or, the Iron Rule. Mrs. Ellis. New York, 1843. 120.. 250 Home and SocialPhilosophy: from " Household Words." N.Y. 1852. 120~. 4758 Home as Found. J.F. Cooper. Philadelphia, 1838. 2 v. 120.. 1143 Home Education. I. Taylor. New York, 1838. 120... 2356 Home Influence. Grace Aguilar. New York, 1848. 120... 3167 Home in the Valley. Emilie Carlen. NewYork, 1854. 120.... 6214 Home is Home; a Domestic Tale. NewYork, 1851. 120.. 4416 Home Life; or,Causes and Consequences. Mrs.E.C.Embury. N.Y.1848.120~. 3180 Home Life in Germany. C. L. Brace. New York, 1853. 120.. 5308 Home Narratives: from "Household Words." New York, 1852. 120.. 858 Home Pictures. Mary A. Denison. New York, 1853. 120.... 5354 Home Scenes and Heart Studies. Grace Aguilar. New York, 1853. 120~. 5066 Home Scenes and Home Sounds. Mrs. H. M. Stephens. Bost. 1854. 120~. 5627 Homes and Haunts of British Poets. W. Howitt. N.Y. 1847. 2 v. 120~. 3009 of American Authors. New York, 1853. 80. 5452 of theNew World. Fredrika Bremer. New York, 1853. 2 v. 120. 5537 Homer, Iliad. Translated by T. A. Buckley. London, 1851. Post 8~.. 4179 Iliad. Translated by G. Chapman. London, 1843. 2 v. 120.. 2696 Iliad. Translated by W. Cowper. New York, 1850. 120... 3468 Odyssey. Trans. by T. A. Buckley. London, 1851. Post 80.. 4180 Works. Translated by A. Pope. Philadelphia, 1841. 80... 2674 The same. New York, 1844. 3 v. 120... 1854, 32-34 Homeward Bound. J. F. Cooper. New York, 1845. 2 v. 120.. 851 Homiletics; or, Theory of Preaching. A. Vinet. New York, 1854. 120~. 5742 Homceopathic Domestic Physician. J.H. Pulte. New York, 1852. 120~. 4801 Homceopathy, Theoryand Practice of. I.G.Rosenstein. Louisv. 1840. 120~. 1892 Honan, M. B. Our own Correspondent in Italy. New York, 1852. 120~. 4922 Hone, W. Ancient Mysteries and Miracle-Plays. London, 1823. 80.. 2694 Every-Day Book. London, 1841. 3 v. 80.. 2277 Honeymoon, and other Comicalities, from Punch. New York, 1854. 120~. 6164 Hood, G. History of Music in New England. Boston, 1846. 130.. 2553 Hood, T. Hood's Own. With Comic Illustrations. New York, 1852. 12~. 2854 Poems. New York, 1846. 120. 2900 Prose and Verse. New York, 1852. 12~. 2485 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 125 Hood, T. Tylney Hall. Philadelphia, 1844. 80.... 2798 The same. London, 1852. 120. 5673 Up the Rhine. New York, 1852. 120.. 4875 Whims and Oddities, in Prose and Verse. New York, 1852. 120~. 4990 Whimsicalities. New York, 1852. 120. 4759 Hook, T. E. All in the Wrong. London, 1852. 120.. 5679 Births, Deaths, and Marriages. Philadelphia, 1839. 2 v. 12~. 989 Capitalist; or, Fortune's Frolics. New York, 1844. 80~.. 2167, 2 Fathers and Sons. Philadelphia, 1842. 2 v. 120.. 900 Gilbert Gurney. Philadelphia, 1845. 80. 1124 The same. London, 1852. 12~... 5677 Gurney Married: Sequel to Gilbert Gurney. Phil. 1839. 2 v. 120~. 2516 Jack Brag. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 120. 844 The same. London, 1852. 120... 5670 Maxwell. London, 1851. 120.. 5659 Parson's Daughter. London, 1851. 120. 5663 Snowdon; a Novel. New York, 1845. 80.. 2665 Widow and the Marquis. London, 1852. 120. 5678 Hook, W. F. Church Dictionary. Philadelphia, 1854. 80... 5430 Hooker, R. Works; with Life, by I. Walton. Oxford, 1843. 2 v. 80.. 1961 Hooker,W. Lessons from the Hist. of Medical Delusions. N.Y. 1850. 120~. 4049 Physician and Patient. New York, 1849. 120.. 3430 Hooper, J. H. Widow Rugby's Husband. Philadelphia, 1851. 120.. 4173 Hooper, Jane W. Arbell; a Tale. New York, 1853. 120. 5313 Hooton, C. Colin Clink. Philadelphia, 1840. 2 v. 120. 1551 Hope, T. Anastasius. Paris, 1831. 2 v. 80~....... 432 Hope Leslie. Cath. M. Sedgwick. New York, 1842. 2 v. 120... 188 Hopes and Helps for the Young. G. S. Weaver. New York, 1853. 120. 5269 Hopkins, M. Essays and Discourses. Boston, 1847..80.. 2855 Mystery; Argument from Nature of the Divine Existence; Human Happiness; Originality; Connection between Taste and Morals; Addresses and Sermons. Lectures on the Evidences of Christianity. Boston, 1847. 80.. 2856 Hopkins, S. Works; with Memoir. Ed. byE. A.Park. Bos. 1852. 3v. 80. 4940 Hopkinson, F. Miscellaneous Essays. Philadelphia, 1792. 3 v. 80.. 1308 Hopper, I. T.; a True Life. Mrs. L. M. Child. New York, 1853. 120. 5381 Hoppin, J. M. Notes of a Theological Student. New York, 1854. 120~. 6183 Horace in London. H. and J. Smith. Boston, 1813. 180... 162 Horace, Q. F. Origin.Views of Passages in. J. Murray. Dublin, 1851. 80. 5416 Works. Translated by C. Smart. London, 1850. Post 80... 4384 Works. Translated by P. Francis. New York, 1825. 2 v. 120.. 23 The same. New York, 1840. 2 v. 120... 1854, 18, 19 Horace Templeton; an Autobiography. C. Lever. Phil. 1850. 80... 3981 Horace Vernon; or, Fashionable Life. Philadelphia, 1839. 2 v. 120.. 2144 Horae Paulinee. W. Paley. New York, 1851. 80..... 4704 Hordynski, J. History of the Polish Revolution. Boston, 1833. 80.. 622 Horne, R. H. Dreamer and the Worker. London, 1851. 2 v. 120.. 4231 New Spirit of the Age. New York, 1844. 120.. 2123 126 CATALOGUE OF THE Horne, R. H. Orion; an Epic Poem. London, 1843. 120.... 2473 Horner, F. Memoir and Corres. Ed. by L. Horner. Bost. 1853. 2 v. 80. 5446 Horse, The; with Illustrations. London, n. d. Roy. 80... 3635, 1 and his Rider. R. Springfield. London, 1847. 120... 5835 Structure and Diseases of. W. Youatt. New York, 1852. 120.. 5077 Horse-Doctor, Modern. G. H. Dadd. Boston, 1854. 120... 5838 Horse-Shoe Robinson. J. P. Kennedy. Philadelphia, 1845. 2 v. 120.. 1107 Horses, Asses, &c., Natural History of. C. H. Smith. Edin. 1843. 120. 4901, 20 Horsemanship, for Ladies. J. Allen. London, 1825. 80.. 5956 *Art of. S. Freeman. London, 1806. 40. ~.. 4828 Lady's Equestrian Manual. Philadelphia, 1854. 120... 5836 Method of. F. Baucher. Philadelphia, 1852. 120... 5834 Horton, F. Fireside Lectures for Sabbath Evenings. Boston, 1850. 120~. 3880 Hosmer, W. H. C. The Months. Boston, 1847. 120. 3039 Hotchkin, J. H. History of Western New York. New York, 1848. 80~. 3216 Hot-Houses, Practical Treatise on. R. B. Leuchars. Boston, 1851. 120~. 4081 House I Live in. W. A. Alcott. Boston, 1842. 120. 1027 House of Commons, Lives of the Speakers of. J. A. Manning. Lon. 1851. 80. 5147 Random Recollections of. J. Grant. Philadelphia, 1836. 120.. 226 The same. Philadelphia, 1836. 80. 2228, 1 House of Lords,'Random Recollections of. J. Grant. Phil. 1836. 12~.. 1933 The same. Philadelphia, 1836. 80. 2228, 2 House of the Seven Gables. N. Hawthorne. Boston, 1851. 120.. 4113 Household Surgery. J. F. South. London, 1851. 18~... 4774 Household Words. Con. by C. Dickens. Vols. 1-9 [con.]. N.Y. 1850-54. 80. 4129 Housekeeper, Trials of an American. Philadelphia, 1854. 12~.. 5812 Houssaye, A. Men and Women of the 18th Century. N.Y. 1852. 2 v. 120~. 3736 Philosophers and Actresses. New York, 1852. 2 v. 120.. 4927 Houstoun, Mrs. Texas and Gulf of Mexico. Philadelphia, 1845. 160.. 2189 How to Observe. H. Martineau. New York, 1838. 120. 246 Howadji in Syria. G. W. Curtis. New York, 1852. 120.. 4799 on the Nile. G. W. Curtis. New York, 1851. 120.. 3823 Howard, E. Jack Ashore. Philadelphia, 1840. 2 v. 120. 964 Old Commodore. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 120..... 931 Outward Bound. Philadelphia, 1838. 2 v. 120... 823 Ratlin the Reefer. London, 1851. 120.. 5667 Howard, F. Illustrations of Shakspeare. London, 1833. 5 v. 80.. 5480 Howard, H. R. History and Adventure of V. A. Stewart. N.Y. 1836. 120. 233 Howard, J. Life. H. Dixon. New York, 1850. 120.. 3472 Memoirs. Boston, 1830. 120. 112 Howe, F. Oriental and Sacred Scenes. New York, 1854. 12~.. 5751 Howe, H. Historical Collections of Ohio. Cincinnati, 1847. 80... 2814 Historical Collections of Virginia. Charleston, 1845. 80.. 2719 Memoirs of Eminent American Mechanics. New York, 1847. 120~. 2990 Howe, S. G. Hist. Sketch of the Greek Revolution. N.Y. 1828. 120.. 3580 Howe, Mrs. S. G. Passion Flowers. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5773 Howie, J. Scots Worthies. Glasgow, 1839. 2 v. 8~... 2059 The same. New York, 1853. 80.. 4938 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 127 Howitt, Anna M. Art Student at Munich. Boston, 1854. 120~.. 5805 Howitt, Mary. Artist Wife, and other Tales. New York, 1853. 120~.. 5504 Ballads, and other Poems. New York, 1847. 120... 2959 Citizen of Prague. New York, 1846. 80..... 2661 Dial of Love. Philadelphia, 1854. 120..... 5583 Gabriel; a Story of Wichnor Wood. New York, 1850. 180.. 3667 Heir of Wast-Wayland. New York, 1851. 120... 4210 Midsummer Flowers. Philadelphia, 1854. 120.. 6252 Pictorial Calendar of the Seasons. London, 1854. Post 80~... 5920 Strive and Thrive. Boston, 1841. 180.... 2161 Wood Leighton. Philadelphia, 1837. 3 v. 120. 965 Howitt, R. Impressions of Australia Felix. London, 1845. 120... 2392 Howitt, W. Book of the Seasons; or, Calendar of Nature. Phil. 1831. 120~. 1048 Country Year Book. New York, 1850. 120.. 4054 Hall and the Hamlet. Philadelphia, 1847. 120.. 3053 History of Priestcraft. New York, 1833. 120.. 2111 Homes and Haunts of British Poets. New York, 1847. 2 v. 120. 3009 Madam Dorrington of the Dene. London, 1851. 3 v. 120~... 4619 Rural and Domestic Life of Germany. New York, 1842. 80.. 1719 Rural Life of England. Philadelphia, 1841. 80.. 2061 Story of Peter Schlemihl. New York, 1844. 80... 2167, 2 Student-Life of Germany. Philadelphia, 1842. 8~... 2075 Visits to Remarkable Places. Philadelphia, 1842. 8.... 1764 and Mary. Stories of English & Foreign Life. Lon. 1853. Post 80~. 5944 Howitt's Journal. Ed. by W. & M. Howitt. Vols. 1, 2. Lond. 1847. 8~. 2880 Hoyle, E. Games. Philadelphia, 1838. 240. 2417 Hubback, Mrs. Wife's Sister; or, Forbidden Marriage. N.Y. 1851. 8~. 4131 Hubbard, F. M. Life of W. R. Davie. Boston, 1848. 120... 1076, 25 Hubbard, W. General History of New England. Boston, 1815. 8~0.. 2632 Hubbell, Mrs. M. S. Shady Side; or, Life in a Parsonage. Bost. 1853. 120~. 5252 Huc, M. Journey to Tartary, Thibet, &c., 1844-46. N. Y. 1852. 2 v. 120. 946 Hudibras. S. Butler. With Notes and Memoir. New York, 1847. 120~. 2946 Hudson, H. Life. H. R. Cleveland. Boston, 1844. 12~... 1076, 10 Hudson, H. N. Lectures on Shakspeare. New York, 1848. 2 v. 12~.. 3112 Hudson River and Vicinity, Letters about. F. Hunt. N. Y. 1837. 180~. 161 Hudson's Bay. R. M. Ballantyne. Edinburgh, 1848. 120... 5550 Hudson's Bay Co.'s Discoveries, 1836-39. T. Simpson. Lond. 1843. 80~. 4344 Hufeland, C. WV. Art of Prolonging Life. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5589 Hughes, S. Treatise on Gas Works. London, 1853. 120... 6092 Hughs, T. New American Speaker. Philadelphia, 1835. 120.. 2158 Hugo, V. Hunchback of Notre Dame. New York, 1848. 80~... 3249 The same. London, 1851. 120.. 5658 The Rhine. New York, 1845. 120.. 2508 Huguenot; a Tale. G. P. R. James. New York, 1839. 2 v. 12~.. 1114 Huguenot Family, Memoirs of. J. Fontaine. New York, 1853. 120.. 5067 Huguenots, in France and America. H. F. Lee. Boston, 1852. 2 v. 120~. 5057 History of. W. S. Browning. Philadelphia, 1845. 8~0.. 3530 History of. Mrs. Marsh. London, 1847. 2 v. 80~.. 4643 128 CATALOGUE OF THE Hull, W. Revolu. Services and Civil Life. M. Campbell. N.Y. 1848. 80. 2863 Hulse, Georgie A. Sunbeams and Shadows. New York, 1851. 120.. 4429 Human Action, Principles of. W. Hazlitt. London, 1841. 120... 1876 Human Body, as Connec. with Man, J. J. G. Wilkinson. Phil. 1851. 120. 4487 Human Life; or, Pract. Ethics. W. M. L. DeWette. Bost. 1842. 2 v. 120. 962, 12, 13 Science of. S. Graham. Boston, 1836. 120. 898 View of. F. Petrarch. London, 1797. 80.. 591 Human Magnetism. W. Newnham. New York, 1845. 120.. 2342 Human Physiology. R. Dunglison. Philadelphia, 1844. 2 v. 8... 1795 Human Progression, Theory of. Boston, 1851. 120.. 4433 Human Species, Natural History of. C. H. Smith. Boston, 1851. 120.. 4476 Human Rights, Essays on. E. P. Hurlbut. New York, 1850. 12~.. 3125 Humane Society of Massachusetts, History of. Boston, 1845. 80... 2629 Humboldt, A. von. Biography. Prof. Klencke. New York, 1853. 120. 5243 Aspects of Nature in Different Lands. Philadelphia, 1849. 120.. 3469 Cosmos. New York, 1849-1852. 4 v. 120.. 3565 Life and Travels. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 12~. 3683, 54 Personal Narrative of Travels. London, 1853. 3 v. post 8~.. 5384 Political Essay on New Spain. New York, 1811. 2 v. 80. 604 Travels and Researches, condensed. New York, 1843. 160.. 1852 Views of Nature. London, 1850. Post 80..4364 Humboldt, W. von. Life. Schlesier. New York, 1853. 120~... 5243 Religious Thoughts and Opinions. Boston, 1851. 5757 Humbugs of New York. D. M. Reese. New York, 1838. 12~... 960 Hume, D. Essays and Treatises. Vol. 1. London, 1788. 80.. 2079 History of England. New York, 1846. 2 v. 80.. 705 The same. Boston, 1854. 6 v. 80. 5499 The same. Boston, 1851. 6 v. 120. 3499 Life and Correspondence. J. H. Burton. Edin. 1846. 2 v. 80.. 5149 Philosophical Works. Boston, 1854. 4 v. 80.. 5957 Private Correspondence. London, 1820. 40.. 2031 Humphrey Clinker. T. Smollett. New York, 1835. 120.. 396 The same. Philadelphia, 1851. 80..... 801, 2 Humphreys, D. Life of Israel Putnam. Boston, 1818. 120~... 190 Miscellaneous Works. New York, 1790. 80. 642 Humorous Speaker. New York, 1853. 120.. 5500 Hunchback of Notre Dame. V. Hugo. New York, 1848. 80... 3249 The same. London, 1851. 120.. 5658 Hungarian Brothers. Anna M. Porter. Philadelphia, 1809. 2 v. 120.. 355 The same. London, 1850. 120.. 5648 Hungarian War and Kossuth. Philadelphia, 1851. 120.. 4633 Hungary and her Institutions. Miss Pardoe. 1840. 3 v. 120~... 3122 and Kossuth. B. F. Tefft. Philadelphia, 1852. 120.. 4626 in 1851. C. L. Brace. New York, 1852. 120. 980 My Life and Acts in. A. G6rgei. New York, 1852. 120... 5244 Protestant Church in. J. H. M. D'Aubign6. Phil. 1854. 120.. 5853 Revelations of. Baron Prochazka. London, 1851. 120... 4228 Tales and Traditions of. Theresa Pulszky. London, 1851. 120.. 4240 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 129 Hungary, War of Independence in. Gen. Klapka. Lond. 1850. 2 v. 120~. 4634 Hunt, F. Letters about the Hudson River. New York, 1837. 18~. 161 (Editor.) Merchant's Magazine. Vols. 1-30. N. Y. 1839-54. 80. 1586 Hunt, L. Autobiography. New York, 1850. 2 v. 120~. 3905 Book for a Corner. New York, 1852. 2 v. 120.. 1088 Essays: The Indicator and the Seer. London, 1841. Roy. 80.. 2614 Essays and Miscellanies: Indicator and Companion. Phil. 1854. 12. 5764 (Editor.) Foster Brother; a Tale. New York, 1846. 8~... 2648 Imagination and Fancy. New York, 1845. 120.... 2331 The Indicator. London, 1842. 80. 2234 Lord Byron and his Contemporaries. London, 1828. 2 v. 80.. 2291 Men, Women, and Books. New York, 1847. 2 v. 120~.. 3013 Rimini, and other Poems. Boston, 1844. 120.. 2410 Sir Ralph Esher. London, 1850. 120.... 5737 Stories from the Italian Poets. New York, 1846. 120.. 2564 Table Talk. London, 1851. 120.. 6274 Wit and Humor. New York, 1846. 120... 2587 Hunt R. Elementary Physics. London. 1851. 120.. 5051 Panthea, or Spirit of Nature. London, 1850. 120.. 5097 Poetry of Science. Boston, 1850. 120.... 4082 Hunter, H. Sacred Biography. Philadelphia, 1832. 80... 1288'Hunter Naturalist. C. W. Webber. Philadelphia, 1851. Roy. 80~.. 1340 Hunter's Life in South Africa. R. G. Cumming. N. Y. 1850. 2 v. 120. 3933 Hunting the Romantic. J. Sandeau. New York, 1852. 120~... 4878 Huntingdon, Selina, Countess of, and her Friends. N. Y. 1853. 120.. 5634 Life and Times of. London, 1844. 2 v. 80... 5134 Huntington, D. General View of the Fine Arts. New York, 1851. 120. 4060 Huntington, J. V. Alban. New York, 1851. 120.. 4448 Forest. New York, 1852. 12~.. 5217 Lady Alice; or, the New Una. New York, 1849. 2 v. 120~.. 3382 Hurlbut, E. P. Essays on Human Rights. New York, 1850. 120~.. 3125 Hurlbut, W. H. Gan Eden; or, Pictures of Cuba. Boston, 1854. 120~. 6160 Hurry-Graphs. N. P. Willis. New York, 1851. 120.. 4162 Hursthouse, C., jun. Settlement of New Zealand. London, 1849. 120~. 4291 Hurton, W. Voyage from Leith to Lapland, 1850. Lond. 1851. 2 v. 120~. 4257 Hurwitz, H. Hebrew Tales. New York, 1847. 120.. 3084 Huskisson, W. Speeches. London, 1831. 3 v. 80.... 4657 and W. Windham. Select Speeches. Philadelphia, 1837. 80.. 1817 Hutchinson, Anne. Life. G. E. Ellis. Boston. 1076, 16 Hutchinson, Lucy. Life of Col. Hutchinson. London, 1846. Post 80.. 3558 Hutchinson, T. Hist. of Massachusetts, 1628-1750. Bost. 1795. 2 v. 8~. 1284 Hutted Knoll. J. F. Cooper. New York, 1843. 2 v. 120... 1734 Hydraulic Engineering, Treatise on. G. R. Burnell. Lond. 1852. 12~. 6045 Hydraulics and Mechanics. T. Ewbank. New York, 1846. 80... 2790 Hydropathy. R. T. Claridge. New York, 1849. 120~... 3404 Hylton House, and its Inmates. New York, 1850. 80~.. 3944 Hypatia; or, New Foes, &c. C. Kingsley, jun. Boston, 1854. 2 v. 12~. 5576 Hyperion; a Romance. H. W. Longfellow. Boston, 1850. 120... 1078 s 130 CATALOGUE OF THE I. Iceland, Greenland, and Faroe Islands. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1846. 120. 3683, 131 Journey to. Ida Pfeiffer. New York, 1852. 12~.. 1005 Letters on. U. Yon Troil. Dublin, 1780. 80. 596 Rambles in. P. Miles. New York, 1854. 120. 5963 Idle Man. Vol. 1. New York, 1821-22. 80. 1302 Idler, The. S. Johnson. New York, 1816. 120. 522 The same. New York, 1843. Roy. 80... 1984, 1 Ignorance, Popular Essay on the Evils of. J. Foster. N. Y. 1850. 120~. 3662 Ike Marvel. - See Mitchell, D. G. Iliad.- See Homer. Illinois, History of. W. H. Carpenter and T. S. Arthur. Phil. 1854. 120~. 6283 History of, from 1818-47. T. Ford. Chicago, 1854. 120... 6198 *Illustrated American Biography. A. D. Jones. Vol. 2. N.Y. 1854. Roy. 80. 5889 Illustrated London Almanack, 1845-50. London, 40. 5102 *Illustrated London News. London, 1844,'45,'48,'49. 4 v. 40~... 4834 Illustrated Magazine of Art. Vols. 1-3 [con.] N. Y. 1853-54. Roy. 80. 5887 *Illustrated News (Barnum & Beech's). New York, 1853. 2 v. 40.. 5984 Illustrated Parlor Miscellany. London, 1849. 80...... 3416 Illustrations of Genius. H. Giles. Boston, 1854. 120.... 6228 Image of his Father. Bros. Mayhew. New York, 1848. 120... 3173 Imaginary Conversations. W. S. Landor. London, 1826. 5 v. 80.. 2261 Imagination and Fancy. L. Hunt. New York, 1845. 120. 2331 Imitations of Celebrated Authors. London, 1844. 120.... 2570 Immigration into the United States. Jesse Chickering. Boston, 1848. 80. 4035 Imperial Guard of Napoleon. J. T. Headley. New York, 1851. 120.. 4625 Improvisatore. H. C. Andersen. New York, 1845. 80.... 2243 The same. London, 1853. 120....... 5736 Improvisatrice, and other Poems. Letitia E. Landon. Phil. 1847. 8~. 1343, 2 In Memoriam. A. Tennyson. Boston, 1850. 12~.. ~.. 3888 Incarnation; or, Pictures of the Virgin & her Son. C. Beecher. N.Y. 1849.12~. 3306 Inchbald, Mrs. Eliza, Memoirs of. J. Boaden. London, 1833. 2 v. 80.. 2293 Simple Story. London, 1852. 120.. 5655 Incidents in a Pastor's Life. W. Wisner. New York, 1851. 120.. 4436 Index of Books Prohibited by Gregory XVI. J. Mendham. Lon. 1840. 120. 3066 to Periodical Literature. W. F. Poole. New York, 1853. Roy. 80. 5444 to Subjects in Periodicals. W. F. Poole. New York, 1848. 80.. 3210 India and the Hindoos. F. De W. Ward. New York, 1850. 120.. 3935 British. H. Murray and others. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1848. 3 v. 120. 3683, 47-49 British; Historical and Descriptive Account of. N.Y. 1842. 3 v. 120. 1857 Character, Manners, &c., in. J. A. Dubois. Phil. 1818. 2 v. 80. 725 Condition and Char. of the Natives. R. Rickards. Lon. 1829. 2 v. 80. 3955 Continental. J. W. Massie. London, 1840. 2 v.8~.... 4543 Cotton and Commerce of. J. Chapman. London, 1850. 80.. 4328 Goa, and the BlueMountains. R.F.Burton. London, 1851. 120. 4577 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 131 India, History of British. J. Mill. London, 1830. 6 v. 80.... 2230 Historical Disquisition on. W. Robertson. London, 1804. 80~.. 535 The same. Philadelphia, 1812. 80.. 1295 Journey to. (No titlepage.) 120...204 Overland Journey to. Major Skinner. Philadelphia, 1837. 120.. 913 Rise and Progress of Brit. Power in. P. Auber. Lon. 1837. 2 v. 8~. 4660 *Seventeen Years in. J. Forbes. Lond. 1834. 2 v. 80. 1 v. plates, 40~. 3796 Six Years in. Mrs. C. Mackenzie. New York, 1853. 120... 5548 Stranger in. G. W. Johnson. London, 1843. 2 v. 120... 4966 Ten Years in. A. Hervey. London, 1850. 3 v. 120.... 4239 Travels in. R. Heber. Philadelphia, 1829. 2 v. 12~.... 1212 Indian Archipelago, History of. J. Crawfurd. Edin. 1820. 3 v. 8~.. 4818 Native Races of. G. W. Earl. London, 1853. 120... 5741 Voyages in, 1832-34. G. W. Earl. Lond. 1837. 80.... 4688 Indian Biography. B. B. Thacher. New York, 1843. 2 v. 120... 2427 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 2 v. 120. 3683, 45, 46 Indian Sketches. J. T. Irving, jun. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 v. 120~.'. 1895 Indian Tales and Legends. H. I. Schoolcraft. New York, 1839. 2 v. 120~. 240 *Indian Tribes of N. Amer. H. R. Schoolcraft. Wash. 1851-54. 4v. 40~. 1723 Thirty Years' Residence with. H. R. Schoolcraft. Phil. 1851. 80~. 4544 Indian Wars. H. Trumbull. Boston, 1833. 8~. 1334 The same. Boston, 1841. 80. 759 of the West. T. Flint. Cincinnati, 1833. 120.. 1456 Indians, Book of. J. Frost. New York, 1845. 120.. 2210 History of. S. G. Goodrich. Boston, 1849. 120.. 4900, 11 League of the Ho-de-no-sau-nee. L. H. Morgan. Roch. 1851. 80~. 3825 Lives of Celebrated. S. G. Goodrich. Boston, 1849. 12~. 4900, 5 Manners and Customs of. S. G. Goodrich. Boston, 1849. 120. 4900, 12 North American. G. Catlin. New York, 1844. 2 v. 80... 1780 Notes on the Iroquois. H. R. Schoolcraft. Albany, 1847. 80.. 2841 Ojibway Nation. G. Copway. Boston, 1851. 120... 4176 Origin of the North American. J. McIntosh. New York, 1853. 80. 1841 Travels among. T. L. M'Kenney. New York, 1846. 80.. 2765 Indiana Gazetteer. Indianopolis, 1849. 120....... 3496 Indications of the Creator. G. Taylor. New York, 1851. 120... 4456 Indicator, The. L. Hunt. London, 1841. Roy. 8~... 2614 The same. London, 1842. 8~.~. 2234 Inductive Sciences, History of. W. Whewell. London, 1837. 3 v. 80.. 2273 Philosophy of. W. Whewell. London, 1840. 2 v. 8~... 2692 Industry of all Nations, Cyclopeedia of. C. Knight. New York, 1851. 80. 4506 Infidelity, Aspects, Causes, and Agencies of. T. Pearson. N.Y. 1854. 80. 5435 Common Maxims of. H. A. Rowland. New York, 1850. 12~.. 3493 Counsels to Young Men on Modern. J. Morison. Bost. 1834. 120~. 1477 Difficulties of. G. S. Faber. New York, 1853. 120. 5346 Modern. R. Hall. New York, 1853. 120... 5346 Treatises against. New York, n. d. 120. 504 Infirmities of Genius. R. R. Madden. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 v. 120.. 2551 Influence; or, the Evil Genius. Miss M. Planche. London, 1853. 120. 6292 132 CATALOGUE OF THE Ingersoll, C.J. History of the War of 1812. 2d series. Phil. 1852. 2 v. 80. 5177 Ingoldsby Legends. 1st series. R. H. Barham. New York, 1852. 120. 4775 Ingraham, J. H. Burton; or, the Sieges. New York, 1847. 2 v. 120.. 958 Captain Kyd. New York, 1847. 2 v. 120..525 Dancing Feather. New York, 1851. 80. 4534 Lafitte. New York, 1836. 2 v. 120. 263 Quadroon; or St. Michael's Day. New York, 1847. 2 v. 120.. 1599 South-West. New York, 1835. 120. 1100 Inheritance. Susan Ferrier. London, 1853. 120.... 5725 Initials; a Story of Modern Life. Philadelphia, 1850. 80.... 3971 The same. Philadelphia, 1852. 120.... 4876 Inklings of Adventure. N. P. Willis. New York, 1836. 2 v. 120.. 223 Innes, W. Advice to Church Members. Boston, 1833. 120.... 1475 Inquisition, Dealings with the. G. Achilli. New York, 1851. 120.. 4175 at Goa. M. Dellon. Boston, 1815. 160. 27 History of. Compiled by C. Mason. Philadelphia, 1835. 120.. 910 History of. Edited by Miss Christmas. London, 1851. 120.. 4613 Imprisonment of J. Van Halen, at Madrid. New York, 1828. 80~. 741 Insanity, Medical Jurisprudence of. I. Ray. Boston, 1853. 80~... 5386 Inscriptions in Graveyards. - See Epitaphs. Insect Architecture. Boston, 1830. 12..... 110 Insect Life, Episodes of. New York, 1851. 3 v. 80... 4128 Insects Injurious to Vegetation. T. W. Harris. Camb. 1842. 8~0.. 1738 The same. Boston, 1852. 80. 5116 Natural History of. (H.F. L.) New York, 1843. 120.. 3683, 8, 74 Insurance, Law of. S. Marshall. Boston, 1805. 80..1389 Marine. Adjustments of Losses. Stevens & Benecke. Bos. 1833. 80. 2060 Marine, Laws of. J. A. Park. Boston, 1799. 8~0.. 782 Insurgents; an Historical Novel. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 v. 120... 939 Intellectual Powers. J. Abercrombie. Boston, 1839. 120.. 1572 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 120~.. 3683, 37 Essays on. T. Reid. Cambridge, 1850. 120.. 3571 Interment in Towns, Report on. E. Chadwick. London, 1843. 80~.. 3390 Interviews, Memorable and Useful. S. H. Cox. New York, 1853. 120~. 5262 International Magazine. Vols. 1-5. New York, 1850-52. 80... 3734 International Law, Elements of. H. Wheaton. Philadelphia, 1846. 80~. 3538 Invalide; or, Pictures of the French Rev. C. Spindler. N.Y. 1844. 80~. 2726 Inventions, Discoveries, &c., Hist. of. J. Beckmann. Lon. 1846. 2v. post 80~. 3090 History of Wonderful. New York, 1849. 120.. 3372 Inventor's Manual of Legal Principles. G. T. Curtis. Boston, 1851. 120. 4298 Invertebrata, Anatomy of. C. T. v. Siebold. Boston, 1854. 86.. 5891 of Mass., Report on. A. A. Gould. Cambridge, 1841. 80... 1970 Io; a Tale of the Olden Fane. K. Barton. New York, 1851. 120~.. 4437 Ion; a Tragedy. T. N. Talfourd. New York, 1846. 120.. 2403 The same. New York, 1850. 120. 2531, 1 Ionian Islands and Malta, Notes on. J. Davy. London, 1842. 2 v. 80.. 5472 Iphigenia in Tauris; a Drama. J. W. von Goethe. N. York, 1850. 120. 4084 Ireland and the Irish, Impressions of. J. Grant. Phil. 1845. 160... 2408 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 133 Ireland, as I Saw it. W. S. Balch. New York, 1850. 120.... 3489 Catechism of the History of. W. J. O. Daunt. Bost. 1850. 240. 3759 Excursion through, 1844-45. A. Nicholson. N. York, 1847. 120. 3031 Famine in, 1847-49. Mrs. A. Nicholson. New York, 1851. 120. 4161 Fortnight in. Sir F. B. Head. New York, 1853. 120... 5199 Gazetteer of. J. M. Wilson and J. P. Lawson. Dub. n. d. 2 v. 120. 5038 Gleanings in the West of. S. G. Osborne. London, 1850. 120.. 4290 History of. Abb6 MacGeoghegan. Dublin, 1844. Roy. 80.. 3964 History of. T. Mooney. Boston, 1845. 2 v. roy. 80.... 2670 History of. T. Moore. Philadelphia, 1843. 80.... 1982 History of. W. C. Taylor. (H. F. L.) N. Y. 1848. 2 v. 120~. 3683, 51, 52 Legends, Tales, and Stories of. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 120. 908 Memoir on Native & Saxon. D. O'Connell. Vol. 1. N.Y. 1843. 120~. 1851 Miseries of; their Cause and Cure. E. M. Dill. N. Y. 1852. 120~. 4793 National Education, Reports on. Dublin, 1844. 8~... 2628 Patriotic Sketches of. Miss Owenson. Baltimore, 1809. 120~.. 199 Saxon in. London, 1851. 120. 4230 Irish Agent. W. Carleton. New York, 1846. 120. 2927 *Irish Almanac and Directory for 1851. A. Thorn. Dublin, 1851. 80. 11 Irish Bar, Sketches of. R. L. Sheil. New York, 1854. 2 v. 120.. 5755 Irish Confederates and Rebellion of 1798. H. M. Field. N. Y. 1851. 120~. 4115 Irish Gentleman. Trav. in Search of a Religion. T. Moore. Balt. 1847. 120~. 3680 Irish Guardian. Dublin, 1776. 2 v. 12~. 121 Irish Sketch Book. W. M. Thackeray. Philadelphia, 1843. 80... 1750 The same. New York, 1846. 80. 2171 Irishmen, Lives of Illustrious. J. Wills. Dublin, 1839. 6 v. 80.. 3591 Iron Cousin and Mutual Influence. Mary C. Clarke. N. Y. 1853. 120~. 6141 Iron, Manufacture of. F. Overman. Philadelphia, 1850. 80~.. 3520 Iron Mask. A. Dumas. Philadelphia, 1850. 80...... 3979 Iron Roads, English. F. S. Williams. London, 1852. 8~... 5084 Iroquois, League of Ho-d&-no-sau-nee. L. H. Morgan. Roch. 1851. 8~. 3825 Notes on the. H. R. Schoolcraft. Albany, 1847. 8~.. 2841 Irving, D. Lives of the Scottish Writers. Edin. 1850. 2 v. 120.. 6269 Irving, E. Oracles of God; Four Orations. New York, 1825. 8~.. 1368 Irving, J. J. Quod Correspondence. Boston, 1842. 2 v. 120.. 1699 Irving, J. T., jun. Hawk Chief. Philadelphia, 1837. 12... 915 Indian Sketches. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 v. 120..... 1895 Irving, T. Conquest of Florida. New York, 1851. 120... 4105 Irving, W. Alhambra. New York, 1851. 120...... 532 Astoria; or, Adventures beyond Rocky Mount. N. Y. 1851. 120. 595 The same. New York, 1849. 120. 3361 (Ed.) Bonneville's Journal to Rocky Mount. Phil. 1837. 2v. 120~. 510 The same. New York, 1849. 120. 3366 Bracebridge Hall. New York, 1851. 120. 369 The same. New York, 1851. 120. 3365 Conquest of Grenada. Philadelphia, 1829. 2 v. 120.. 1182 The same. New York, 1850. 120. 3369 Crayon Miscellany. Philadelphia, 1835. 3 v. 120... 1070 134 CATALOGUE OF THE Irving, W. Crayon Miscellany. New York, 1849. 120.... 3362 History of New York. New York, 1849. 120.. 1051 The same. New York, 1849. 120~. 3363 Life and Voyages of Columbus. New York, 1828. 3 v. 80... 1347 The same, abridged. New York, 1829. 120... 2141 Life and Voyages of Columbus and Companions. N.Y. 1848. 3 v. 120. 3360 The same. New York, 1849. 3 v. 12~. 800 Life of Oliver Goldsmith. New York, 1840. 2 v. 120. 2425 The same. New York, 1849. 120.. 3367 The same. (H.F.L.) New York, 1846. 2v. 120. 3683, 121-22 Mahomet and his Successors. New York, 1850. 2 v. 120. 3368 Memoir and Remains of Margaret M. Davidson. N. Y. 1851. 120~. 1613 Sketch Book. New York, 1850. 120..... 1206 The same. New York, 1850. 120.. 3370 Tales of a Traveller. New York, 1851. 120..... 3364 and J. K. Paulding. Salmagundi. New York, 1835. 2 v. 120.. 1813 Isa; a Pilgrimage. Caroline Chesebro'. New York, 1852. 12~... 950 Isabel Carrolton; a Personal Retrospect. Boston, 1854. 12~... 6236 Isaiah, Notes on. A. Barnes. New York, 1851. 2 v. 120.... 4739 Translated and Explained. J. A. Alexander. N. Y. 1851. 2 v. 120. 4742 Island Home; or, the Young Castaways. Ed. by C. Romaunt. Bos. 1852. 120. 4639 Island of Life; an Allegory. Boston, 1851. 160..4201 Island World of the Pacific. H. T. Cheever. New York, 1851. 120.. 4095 Israel, Lectures on the Children of. R. Alliott. London, 1849. 120.. 3395 of the Alps. A. Muston. London, 1852. 120.. 5260 Israelitish Nation, History of. A. Alexander. Philadelphia, 1853. 80~. 5155 Isthmus, Life on the. J. W. Fabens. New York, 1853. 120... 5073 of Tehuantepec. J. J. Williams. New York, 1852. 2 v. 80.. 4843 Italian Comedies. Translated from Goldoni & others. N.Y. 1849. 120. 3378 Italian Grammar. A. Elwes. London, 1852. 120..... 6119 Italian Language, Ollendorff's Method of Learning. N.Y. 1851. 120~.. 5190 Italian Life, Scenes from. L. Mariotti. London, 1850. 120.... 4227 Italian Poets, Stories from. L. Hunt. New York, 1846. 120... 2564 Italian Republics, History of. J. C. L. de Sismondi. Lond. 1832. 120. 2382 Italian Sketch Book. H. T. Tuckerman. New York, 1848. 120... 3121 Italian Volunteers & Lombard Rifle Brigade. E. Dandolo. Lond. 1851. 12~. 4445 Italy. Lady S. Morgan. London, 1824. 3 v. 8..... 4682 The same. New York, 1821. 2 v. 80..... 1972 and the Italian Islands. W. Spalding. Edinburgh, 1841. 3 v. 160~. 4589 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 3 v. 120. 3683, 151, 3 Compendious History of. Trans. by N. Greene. N.Y. 1836. 120~. 120 England and America. F. A. de Chateaubriand. Phil. 1816. 80~. 740 Genius of. R. Turnbull. New York, 1849. 120.. 3301 Handbook for Central. O. Blewitt. London, 1850. 120. 74 Handbook for Northern. London, 1847. 120. 71 History of. L. Sporzozi. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 120. 3683, 79 Idler in. Lady Blessington. Philadelphia, 1839. 2 v. 120.. 486 Letters from. J. W. Yon Goethe. London, 1849. Post 8~... 4376 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 135 Italy, Letters from. J. T. Headley. New York, 1851. 120.... 2399 Literary & Scientific Men of. Mrs. Shelley, &c. Phil. 1841. 2 v. 120~. 2135 Dante; Petrarch; Boccacio; Lorenzo de Medici; Bojardo; Berni; Ariosto; Machiavelli. Notes on. R. Peale. Philadelphia, 1831. 80. 1329 Observations on. J. Bell. Boston, 1826. 120. 495 Our Own Correspondent in. M. B. Honan. New York, 1852. 120. 4922 Past and Present. L. Mariotti. London, 1848-49. 2 v. 120.. 3356 Pictures from. C. Dickens. New York, 1846. 120.... 2578 Romance of History. C. Macfarlane. New York, 1832. 2 v. 120. 1549 Scenes & Events in, 1847-49. Gen. Pepe. Lond. 1850. 2 v. 120. 4235 Six Months in. G. S. Hillard. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 120... 5505 Six Years in the Monasteries of. S. I. Mahoney. Phil. 1836. 120. 227 Spain, and Portugal. W. Beckford. New York, 1845. 2 v. 120. 2913 Switzerland, France, &c., Travels in. T. A. Trollope. Lond. 1850. 120. 4224 Ivanhoe. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1848. 2 v. 120.... 999, 15, 16 The same. Edinburgh, 1849. 2 v. 120... 4100, 16, 17 The same. Edinburgh, 1850. Roy. 8... 4531, 4 Ivar; or, the Skjuts-Boy. Emilie F. Carlen. New York, 1852. 80.. 4809 Ivan Vejeeghen; or, Life in Russia. T. Bulgarin. Phil. 1832. 2 v. 120. 1163 Ives, L. S. Trials in Progress to Catholicism. Boston, 1854. 12~.. 5839 Izard, R. Correspondence, with Memoir. New York, 1844. 120.. 3035 J. Jack Ashore. E. Howard. Philadelphia, 1840. 2 v. 120. 964 Jack Brag. T. E. Hook. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 120. 844 The same. London, 1852. 120.. 5670 Jack Downing's Life and Writings. Boston, 1833. 120... 2157 Jack Hinton, the Guardsman. C. Lever. Philadelphia, 1847. 80.. 1688 Jack Tier; or, the Florida Reef. J. F. Cooper. N.Y. 1852. 2 v. 12~.. 3104 Jackson, A. Life. J. H. Eaton. Philadelphia, 1824. 80.. 1061 Life and Public Services. J. S. Jenkins. Buffalo, 1850. 120.. 4061 Memoirs. Boston, 1828. 160. 819 arid Winfield Scott. Lives. J. T. Headley. N.Y. 1852. 120.. 4985 Jackson, C. T. Second Report on the Geology of Maine. Augus. 1838. 80~. 3248 Jackson, J. Commerce of the Mediterranean. New York, 1806. 120.. 1222 Jackson, J., jun. Memoir. J. Jackson. Boston, 1836. 120.. 99 Jacksonism, Review of; or, the Political Mirror. New York, 1835. 120~. 1517 Jacob Faithful. F. Marryat. Philadelphia, 1847. 80. 401 The same. Philadelphia, 1847. 80. 1766, 1 The same. London, 1853. 120.. 5715 Jacobites, History of. Mrs. Thompson. London, 1845. 3 v. 80.. 4672 Jacobs, F. Greek Reader. Boston, 1835. 120..1459 Jacobs, Sarah S. Nonantum and Natick. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5600 Jacobs, T. J. Voyage of the Margaret Oakley. New York, 1844. 120.. 2170 Jacqueline of Holland. T. C. Grattan. London, 1853. 120.. 5726 136 CATALOGUE OF THE Jacqueline Pascal; or, Convent Life at Port-Royal. N. York, 1854. 120~. 5587 Jacquerie, The. G. P. R. James. New York, 1842. 2 v. 120.. 1675 Jacques. Mde. Dudevant. New York, 1847. 2 v. 120... 2957 Jahn, J. Biblical Archaeology. Trans. by T. C. Upham. N. Y. 1849. 8~. 3528 Jamaica in 1850. J. Bigelow. New York, 1851. 120. 4072 James, G. P. R. Agincourt. New York, 1844. 80. 2217 Agnes Sorel. New York, 1853. 80. 5173 Aims and Obstacles. New York, 1851. 80.. 4550 Ancient R6gime. New York, 1841. 2 v. 120. 1602 Arabella Stuart. New York, 1847. 80. 1761 Arrah Neil; or, Times of Old. New York, 1848. 8~... 2172 Attila; a Romance. New York, 1837. 2 v. 120.. 202 Beauchamp; or, the Error. New York, 1847. 80... 2766 Castle of Ehrenstein. New York, 1847. 80... 2784 Charles Tyrrell. New York, 1839. 2 v. 120... 976 Chivalry and the Crusades. (H. F. L.) New York, 1847. 120~. 3683, 20 Commissioner. New York, 1851. 8~. 4116 Convict; or, Hypocrite Unmasked. New York, 1847. 8~.. 2869 Corse de Leon; or, the Brigand. New York, 1841. 2 v. 120~.. 1600 Courtier of the Days of Charles II., &c. N. York, 1839. 2 v. 120~. 1072 Dark Scenes of History. New York, 1850... 3495 Darnley. New York, 1830. 2 v. 120. 1808 The same. London, 1853. 120. 5707 De l'Orme. New York, 1830. 2 v. 120. 2901 The same. London, 1853. 120. 5709 Desultory Man. New York, 1836. 2 v. 120.. 268 False Heir. New York, 1843. 80. 1726 Fate; a Tale of Stirring Times. New York, 1851. 80~.. 4503 Forest Days. New York, 1843. 80. 1718 Forgery. New York, 1848. 80.. 3250 Gentleman of the Old School. New York, 1839. 2 v. 120... 465 Gipsy. New York, 1835. 2 v. 120. 1071 Heidelberg. New York, 1846. 80. 2740 Henri Quatre; or, Days of the League. New York, 1834. 2 v. 12~. 1074 Henry Masterton. New York, 1832. 2 v. 120. 171 The same. London, 1853. 120. 5713 Henry of Guise. New York, 1839. 2 v. 120. 96 Henry Smeaton. New York, 1851. 80... 4010 History of Charlemagne. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 120~. 3683, 60 Huguenot; a Tale of the French Protestants. N.Y. 1839. 2 v. 120~. 1114 Jacquerie. New York, 1842. 2 v. 120~. 1675 John Marston Hall. New York, 1834. 2 v. 120. 1008 King's Highway. New York, 1840. 2 v. 120.. 1522 Life of De Retz, Colbert, De Witt, &c. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 120~. 2315 Life of Henry IV. New York, 1847. 2 v. 120. 3065 Life of Richard Coeur-de-Lion. New York, 1842. 2 v. 12.. 1877 Lives of Richelieu and others. Philadelphia, 1836. 120~... 247 Man-at-Arms. New York, 1840. 2 v. 120.. 420 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 137 James, G. P. R. Man-at-Arms. London, 1853. 120.. 5727 Margaret Graham. New York, 1847. 80.. 2808 Mary of Burgundy. New York, 1833. 2 v. 120.. 1036 Memoirs of Great Commanders. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 v. 120.. 1087 Morley Ernstein. New York, 1842. 2 v. 120..1693 Old Oak Chest. New York, 1850. 8~... 3945 One in a Thousand. New York, 1836. 2 v. 120... 986 The same. Philadelphia, 1836. 8~. 2228, 1 Pequinillo. New York, 1852. 80... 6204 Philip Augustus. New York, 1836. 2 v. 120.. 1563 The same. London, 1853. 120.. 5711 Richelieu. New York, 1847. 2 v. 120.. 2305 Robber. New York, 1835. 2 v. 120.. 1111 Rose d'Albret. New York, 1844. 80.. 2068 Russell; a Tale of the Reign of Charles II. New York, 1847. 8~. 2797 Sir Theodore Broughton. New York, 1848. 80.. 2887 Smuggler. New York, 1847. 80.. 2616 Step-Mother. New York, 1846. 2 v. 80. 2678 Story without a Name. New York, 1852. 80..... 375 Thirty Years Since; or, the Ruined Family. New York, 1848. 80. 3239 Ticonderoga; or, the Black Eagle. New York, 1854. 80... 5975 Whim, and its Consequences. New York, 1848. 80... 3220 Woodman. New York, 1847. 80. 2802 and M. B. Field. Adrian; or, Clouds of the Mind. N. Y. 1852. 120. 4599 James I., Court of. G. Goodman. London, 1839. 2 v. 80... 4651 Memoirs of the Court of. Lucy Aiken. Boston, 1822. 2 v. 80.. 1217 James, H. Lectures and Miscellanies. New York, 1852. 120... 982 James, J. A. Christian Father's Present. New York, 1854. 120... 5588 Pastoral Addresses on Christian Duty. New York, 1852. 16~.. 4754 James, W. Naval History of Great Britain. London, 1837. 6 v. 80~.. 2606 James Mountjoy; or, I've Been Thinking. A. S. Roe. N.Y. 1850. 120~. 3501 Jameson, Mrs. Anna. Beauties of the Court of Charles II. Bost. 1834. 80~. 2083 Characteristics of Women. Boston, 1846. 80. 266 Diary of an Ennuybe. Philadelphia, 1826. 120. 2363 Handbook to the Galleries of London. London, 1845. 120.. 51 Memois and Essays. New York, 1846. 120.. 2902 Memoirs of Celebrated Female Sovereigns. N.Y. 1844. 2 v. 120. 2404 The same. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1846. 2 v. 120. 3683, 33, 34 Memoirs of the Loves of the Poets. Philadelphia, 1844. 120~.. 2364 Visits and Sketches at Home and Abroad. N.Y. 1834. 2 v. 120. 2369 Winter Studies and Summer Rambles. New York, 1839. 2 v. 120. 1060 Jamestown, Settlement of. New York, 1806. 120... 442 Jamestown, Voyage of the. R. B. Forbes. Boston, 1847. 2 v. 120.. 2799 Jamie Gordon; or, the Orphan. New York, 1852. 12..... 384 Jamieson, J. Dictionary of the Scottish Language. Edinburgh, 1846. 80. 5337 Jane Bouverie. Catherine Sinclair. New York, 1851. 12~.. 3798 Jane Eyre; an Autobiography. Caroline Bronte. New York, 1848. 80. 2876 Jane Seton; or, the King's Advocate. J. Grant. New York, 1853. 120~. 5529 T 138 CATALOGUE OF THE January and June. B. F. Taylor. New York, 1853. 120.. 5633 Japan, Geograph. and Hist. Account of. C. MacFarlane. N.Y. 1852. 120. 4907 Japanese, Manners and Customs of. (H. F. L.) New York,1846. 120. 3683, 132 Japhet in Search of a Father. F. Marryat. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 120~. 1120 The same. Philadelphia, 1847. 8~. 1766, 2 The same. London, 1853. 120. 5716 Jardine, Sir W. British Birds. Edinburgh, 1843. 4 v. 120.. 4901, 1-4 Deer, Antelopes, &c. Edinburgh, 1843. 120.. 4901, 21 Fishes of Perch Family. Edinburgh, 1843. 120.. 4901, 38 Gallinaceous Birds. Edinburgh, 1843. 120.. 4901, 14 Game Birds. Edinburgh, 1843. 120. 4901, 8 Goats, Sheep, Oxen, &c. Edinburgh, 1843. 120. 4901, 22 Humming Birds. Edinburgh, 1843. 2 v. 120. 4901, 6, 7 Lions, Tigers, &c. Edinburgh, 1843. 120. 4901, 16 Monkeys. Edinburgh, 1843. 120... 4901, 27 Sun Birds. Edinburgh, 1843. 120. 4901, 5 Thick-Skinned Animals. Edinburgh, 1843. 120~... 4901, 23 (Editor). - See Naturalist's Library. Jarves, J. J. History of Sandwich Islands. Boston, 1844. 80~.. 1748 The same. Boston, 1843. 120. 2298 Jay, J. Life. W. Jay. New York, 1833. 2 v. 80.. 1790 Life. H. B. Renwick. New York, 1841. 120. 183 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 120... 3683, 129 Jay, W. Federal Government in behalf of Slavery. N.Y. 1839. 120.. 1547 Inquiry into Colonization & Anti-Slavery Societies. N. Y. 1838. 120. 1526 Memoirs of Cornelius Winter. New York, 1811. 120... 1018 Miscellaneous Writings on Slavery. Boston, 1853. 120... 5333 Review of the Mexican War. Boston, 1849. 120.... 3303 Jay, Rev. W. Works. New York, 1849. 3 v. 80.. 4708 Jeames's Diary, and other Papers. XV. M. Thackeray. N. Y. 1853. 120. 5277 Jeans, G. Practical Astronomy. London, n. d. 120.. 5050 Jeans, H. W. Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. London, 1853. 120~. 6107 Jebb, Col. Management of Convict Prisons. London, 1851. 80... 5109 Jefferson, T., Character of. Theo. Dwight. Boston, 1829. 120.. 1012 Life. G. Tucker. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 8~. 1432 Manual of Parliamentary Practice. Philadelphia, 1843. 120.. 1890 Memoir, Corres. &c. Ed. by T. J. Randolph. Bost. 1830. 4 v. 80~. 1405 Memoirs. New York, 1809. 2 v. 80. 752 Notes on the State of Virginia. Boston, 1801. 80... 568 Jeffrey, F. Contributions to the Edin. Review. London, 1844. 4 v. 8~. 2608 Vol. 1. General Literature and Biography, viz.: Alison's Essay on Taste; Mde. de Stacl; Benjamin Franklin; Jona. Swift; Mide. du Deffand and Mlle. de Lespinasse; Goethe's Wilhelm Meister; Correspondence of Samuel Richardson; Baron de Grimm; Victor Alfieri; Winm. Cowper; Colonel HIutchinson; Samuel Pepy's Diary. 2. History and Historical Memoirs, viz.: Fox's Reign of James II.; J. S. Bailly's Memoirs; Mde. de Stail's French Revolution; Mde. de Larochejaquelein; Margravine of Bareith; Irving's Life of Columbus; Memoirs of Muhammed Baber.- Poetry, viz.: Campbell's British Poets; Ford's Dramatic Works; Hazlitt's Characters of Shakspeare; Byron's Tragedies; Byron's Manfred; Reliques of Robert Burns; Campbell's Gertrude of Wyoming; Campbell's Theodric; Scott's Lay of the Last Minstrel; Scott's Lady of the Lake. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 139 Jeffrey, F. Contributions to the Edinburgh Review, continued. 3. Poetry, continued; Crabbe's Poems, Borough, Tales, Tales of the Hall; Keats's Endymion, &c.; Rogers's Human Life; Southey's Roderick; Byron's Childe Harold; Moore's Lalla Rookh; Wordsworth's Excursion, and White Doe of Rylstone; Hemans's Poems. - Philosophy of the Mind, Metaphysics, and Jurisprudence, viz.: Bentham's Legislation; Stewart's Life of Reid; Priestley's Memoirs; Drummond's Academical Questions; Forbes's Life of Dr. Beattie; Stewart's Philosophical Essays. -Novels, Tales, and Prose Fictions, viz.: Edgeworth's Tales of Fashionable Life; Scott's Waverley, Tales of My Landlord, Rob Roy, Ivanhoe, Fortunes of Nigel; Galt's Novels; Lockhart's Novels. 4. General Politics and Miscellaneous, viz.: Leckie on British Government; Restoration of the Bourbons; State of Parties, 1810; O'Driscol's Ireland; Moore's Life of Sheridan; Walsh's Appeal; Irvings Bracebridge Hall; Clarkson on Quakerism; Clarkson's Life of Penn; Correspondence of Lord Collingwood; Bishop Heber's India; Sketches of India, Egypt, and Italy; Warburton's Letters; Life of Earl of Charlemont; Buxton on Prison Discipline; Memoirs of R. Cumberland; Lady Mary W. Montagu; Life of J. P. Curran; Simond's Switzerland; Rejected Addresses; Mde. de Stall; Sir James Mackintosh; Notices of Henry Erskine, Prof. Playfair, and James Watt. The same. Philadelphia, 1848. 80. 3418, 6 Life. Lord Cockburn. Philadelphia, 1852. 2 v. 80.. 996 Jeffreys, Judge. Life. H. W. Woolrych. Philadelphia, 1852. 120~. 4862 Jenkins, J. S. Life of Silas Wright. Auburn, 1847. 120.. 3178 United States Exploring Expeditions. Auburn, 1850. 80... 3620 Jenks, W. Explanatory Bible Atlas. Boston, 1847. 40.. 3232 Jenner, E. Life and Doctrines. J. Baron. London, 1838. 2 v. 80.. 4552 Jenyns, S. Internal Evidence of Christianity. New York, n. d. 120.. 504 Jeremiah Parkes. Ellen Pickering. New York, 1849. 80... 3462 Jerrmann, E. Pictures of St. Petersburg. New York, 1852. 120.. 5062 Jerrold, D. Man made of Money. New York, 1849. 80.... 3297 Writings. London, 1851-54. 8 v. 120.. 6234 Vol. 1. St. Giles and St. James. 2. Men of Character. 3. Caudle Lectures; Story of a Feather; Sick Giant and the Doctor Dwarf. 4. Cakes and Ale. 5. Punch's Letters to his Son; Punch's Complete Letter Writer; Sketches of the English. 6. Man made of Money; Chronicles of Clovernook. 7. Comedies, viz.: Bubbles of the Day; Time Works Wonders; Catspaw; Prisoner of War; Retired from Business; St. Cupid. 8. Comedies and Dramas, viz.: Rent Day; Nell Gwynne; Housekeeper; Wedding Gown; Schoolfellows; Doves in a Cage; Painter of Ghent; Black-ey'd Susan. Jerrold, W. B. Disgrace to the Family. Philadelphia, 1848. 80.. 3203 Jerusalem, and Holy Land. F. A. de Chateaubriand. Lon. 1835. 2 v. 120~. 4568 History and Topography of. G. Williams. London, 1849. 2 v. 80. 4655 Jerusalem Delivered. T. Tasso. Tr. by J. H. Wiffen. N.Y. 1850. 120. 16 The same. Translated by E. Fairfax. Lon. 1844. 2 v. 120. 16 The same. Tr. by J. Hoole. Newburyport, 1810. 2 v. 80. 748 Jesse, E. Gleanings from Natural History. Philadelphia, 1833. 120.. 2193 Jesse, J. H. Court of England under the Stuarts. Phil. 1840. 2 v. 120~. 2148 Court of England under Cromwell. Philadelphia, 1840. 2 v. 12~. 2149 London and its Celebrities. London, 1850. 2 v. 80... 4959 Memoirs of the Pretenders. Philadelphia, 1846. 2 v. 160... 2573 Memorials of London. London, 1847. 2 v. 80. 4679 Jessie's Flirtations. Miss Curtis. New York, 1846. 80... 2685 Jesuit in the Family. A. Steinmetz. London, 1847. 120... 1110 140 CATALOGUE OF THE Jesuit Missions in North America, Early. W. I. Kip. N.Y. 1846. 120~. 2928 Jesuitism, Americans Warned of. J. C. Pitrat. New York, 1851. 120~. 4186 Jesuits at Rome, Mornings among. M. H. Seymour. N.Y. 1849. 120.. 3401 History of. G. B. Nicolini. London, 1854. Post 80... 6197 History of. A. Steinmetz. Philadelphia, 1848. 2 v. 80~.. 3165 Year among the English. A. Steinmetz. New York, 1846. 120~. 2945 Jesus Christ.- See Christ. Jew, The. C. Spindler. New York, 1844. 80. 2751 Jewish Scriptures and Antiquities. J. G. Palfrey. Bost. 1840-52. 4 v.80. 1642 Jews, Antiquities of. F. Josephus. Philadelphia, 1841. 2 v.8~... 1610 History of. Hannah Adams. Boston, 1812. 2 v. 120... 883 History of. A. Alexander. Philadelphia, 1853. 80... 5155 History of. H. H. Milman. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1843. 3 v. 120. 3683, 1-3 in Great Britain. M. Margoliouth. London, 1851. 3 v. 12~.. 4287 Lectures on. R. Alliott. London, 1849. 120. 3395 Stories from the History of. New York, 1853. 120... 5628 Jewsbury, G. E. History of an Adopted Child. New York, 1853. 120. 5225 Jewsbury, Maria J. Three Histories. Boston, 1831. 120... 542 The same. Philadelphia, 1833. 80. 1357, 3 Jilt, The; a Novel. New York, 1844. 80.. 2745 Joan of Arc. Life. D. W. Bartlett. Auburn, 1854. 120.. 6277 Story of. R. M. Evans. New York, 1847. 120... 3089 Job, Notes on. A. Barnes. New York, 1850. 2 v. 120.. 4740 John; a Novel. Emilie F. Carlen. New York, 1854. 80.. 5496 John Decastro, and his Brother Bat. Boston, 1815. 3 v. 120.. 874 John de Lancaster. R. Cumberland. New York, 1809. 2 v. 120.. 184 John Marston Hall. G. P. R. James. New York, 1834. 2 v. 120. 1008 Johnson, C. W. Farmers' Encyclopaedia. Philadelphia, 1850. Roy. 80~. 4358 Johnson, E. Life, Health, and Disease. New York, 1850. 120.. 3433 Johnson, G. W. Stranger in India. London, 1843. 2 v. 120~.. 4966 (Editor.) Fairfax Correspondence. London, 1848. 4 v. 8... 4690 Johnson, L. D. Spirit of Roger Williams. Boston, 1839. 120.. 49 Johnson, S. Idler. New York, 1816. 120. 522 Life. R.Anderson. London, 1795. 120. 513 Life. J. Boswell. London, 1821. 5 v. 120.... 1154 The same. Edited by J. W. Croker. Lond. 1848. Roy. 80~. 1139 The same. Edited by J. W. Croker. N.Y. 1841. 2 v. roy. 80~. 1253 Life and Maxims of. Boston, 1834. 120. 901 Life and Selections from. (H.F. L.) N.Y. 1846. 2 v. 120. 3683, 109, 110 Lives of the English Poets. London, 1810. 2 v. 80. 686 Religious Life, and his Death. New York, 1850. 120.. 3884 Rambler. Philadelphia, 1812. 4 v. 160. 22 Rasselas. Boston, 1811. 120. 291 Works; with Essay on, by A. Murphy. N. Y. 1843. 2 v. roy. 80~. 1984 Vol. 1. Essay on the Life and Genius of Dr. Johnson; The Rambler; The Adventurer; The Idler; Rasselas; Tales of Imagination; Letters; Irene, a Tragedy; Miscellaneous Poems. 2. Lives of the Poets; Lives of Eminent Persons; Political Tracts; Philological Tracts; Miscellaneous Tracts; Opinions on Questions of Law; Reviews and Criticisms; Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland; Prayers and Meditations. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 141 Johnson, T. T. Sights in the Gold Region. New York, 1849. 120.. 3434 Johnsoniana; Anecdotes & Sayings of Dr. Johnson. London, 1845. 120. 4974 Johnston, A. K. Dictionary of Geography. London, 1850. 80... 4353 Johnston, C. Travels in Southern Abyssinia. London, 1844. 2 v. 8~.. 4691 Johnston, J. F. W. Notes on North America. Boston, 1851. 2 v. 120. 4172 Johnston, R. Travels in Russia and Poland. New York, 1816. 80.. 1397 Johnstone, J. (Editor.) Works of Samuel Parr. London, 1828. 8 v. 80. 5903 Jomini, Baron de. Art of War. New York, 1854. 120.... 5774 Jonathan Wild. H. Fielding. Philadelphia, 1843. 8~... 1232, 2 Jones, A. Historical Sketch of the Electric Telegraph. N.Y. 1852. 80~. 4845 *Jones, A. D. Illustrated American Biography. N.Y. 1854. 2 v. roy. 80~. 5889 Jones, G. Excursions to Cairo, Jerusalem, &c. New York, 1836. 120~. 967 Jones, J. A. Haverhill. New York, 1831. 2 v. 120. 1187 Jones, J. B. City Merchant; or, Mysterious Failure. Phil. 1851. 12~.. 3800 Freaks of Fortune; or, Ned Lorn. Philadelphia, 1854. 120.. 6258 Life and Adventures of a Country Merchant. Phil. 1854. 120.. 5844 Spanglers and Tinglers; or, Rival Belles. Boston, 1850. 80~.. 372 Jones, J. Paul. Biography. S. P. Waldo. Hartford, 1823. 80.. 651 Life. A. S. Mackenzie. Boston, 1841. 120... 1905 Life and Character. J. H. Sherburne. Wash. 1825. 80.. 679 The same. New York, 1851. 80. 4316 Life and Correspondence. Philadelphia, 1846. 120.. 2593 Jones, J. S. Carpenter of Rouen. Boston, 1849. 120.. 3124 Jones, Sir J. T. Sieges of Wellington in Spain. London, 1846. 3 v. 80. 5132 Jones, S. Practical Phrenology. Boston, 1836. 120. 237 Jones, S. S. Beatrice; or, the Influence of Words. London, 1850. 120. 4229 Jones, Sir W. Life. Lord Teignmouth. London, 1804. 80~... 762 The same. London, 1807. 80. 1974 Jonson, Ben. Works; with Memoir by B. W. Proctor. London, 1838. 80. 1437 The same, with Memoir by W. Gifford. London, 1843. 80. 1437 Joseph, Story of; or, the Patriarchal Age. Philadelphia, 1851. 120.. 4182 Joseph Andrews. H. Fielding. Philadelphia, 1843. 80~... 1232, 2 Josephine, History of. J. S. C. Abbott. New York, 1851. 120~... 4402 Life. P. C. Headley. Auburn, 1850. 120.. 3910 Memoirs. J. S. Memes. New York, n. d. 160.. 2194 The same. (H. F. L.) NeW York, 1846. 120.. 3683, 28 Memoirs. M. A. Le Normand. Philadelphia, 1850. 2 v. 120.. 3103 Josephine; or, the Edict. Grace Aguilar. Philadelphia, 1850. 120.. 4025 Josephus, F. Works. Trans. by W. Whiston. Phil. 1841. 2 v. 80.. 1610 Jouffroy, T. Introduction to Ethics. Boston, 1841. 2 v. 120~.. 962, 5, 6 Philosophical Miscellanies. Boston, 1838. 120.. 962, 1, 2 Journal at Dartmoor Prison. Milledgeville, 1816. 120.. 1069 of an African Cruiser. H. Bridge. New York, 1853. 12~.. 2398 of Agriculture. Edited by W. S. King. Vol. 1. Bost. 1851. 80~. 257 of Design and Manufactures. Vol. 1. London, 1849. 80... 4326 of the Franklin Institute. Vols. 1, 2. New series. Phil. 1828. 8~. 1356 of Law. Vol. 1. Philadelphia, 1830. 8~.. 2702 of a Naturalist. Philadelphia, 1831. 120. 219 142 CATALOGUE OF THE Journal of a Summer Tour. E. M. Sewell. New York, 1852. 120.. 4914 on Board an American Privateer. Boston, 1816. 120... 3320 Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem. H. Maundrell. Boston, 1836. 160~. 86 from Cornhill to Grand Cairo. WV. M. Thackeray. N.Y. 1846. 120~. 2561 to Rome and Naples, in 1817. New York, 1818. 120.. 320 Journeyman Joiner. Mde. Dudevant. New York, 1847. 12~. 3036 Joyce, J. Scientific Dialogues. London, 1846. Post 80.. 4363 Juan, G., & A. de Ulloa. Voyage to South America. Lond. 1758. 2 v. 80~. 5909 Judd, S. Life and Character. Boston, 1854. 120... 6298 Philo; an Evangeliad. Boston, 1850. 120.. 3481 Margaret; a Tale of the Real and Ideal. Boston, 1851. 2 v. 120.. 2523 Richard Edney and the Governor's Family. Boston, 1850. 120.. 4073 Judicial History of Massachusetts. E. WVashburn. Boston, 1840. 8~.. 2090 Judson, A. Memoir. F. Wayland. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 12~.. 5536 Judson, Mrs. Anna H. Memoir. J. D. Knowles. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5745 Judson, Mrs. Emily. Kathayan Slave, and other Papers. Bost. 1853. 120~. 5227 Olio of Domestic Verses. New York, 1852. 120.... 4906 Jukes, J. B. Excursions in Newfoundland, 1839-40. Lond. 1842. 2 v. 120~. 3138 Julia Howard; a Romance. Mrs. M. Bell. London, 1850. 3 v. 120.. 4273 Julia of Baiee; or, the Days of Nero. New York, 1843. 120.. 1700 Julian; or, the End of the Era. L. Bungener. Boston, 1855. 2 v. 120~. 6219 Julian; or, Scenes in Judea. W. Ware. New York, 1841. 2 v. 120.. 1631 Julienne, the Daughter of the Hamlet. H. de Normand. Aub. 1854. 120~. 6163 Junius Discovered. F. Griffin. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5786 Identity of, with Sir P. Francis. J. Taylor. New York, 1818. 80. 1326 Letters. Boston, 1853. 120. 1976 Letters, and Authorship of. J. Wade. London, 1850. 2 v. post 8~. 4374 Junot, Mde. Memoirs of Celebrated VWomen. Phil. 1835. 2 v. 120.. 1030 Justin, Nepos, & Eutropius. Trans. by J. S. Watson. Lond. 1853. Post 80. 5941 Juvenal and Perseus. Trans. by C. Badham. New York, 1841. 12~. 1854, 35 Satires. Translated by W. Gifford. Philadelphia, 1803. 2 v. 80. 1323 Juvenile Emigrants; a Novel. London, 1799. 2 v. 120.. 313 K. Kaleidoscope of Anecdotes &Aphorisms. Cath. Sinclair. Lond. 1851. 120. 4400 Kaloolah; or, Journeyings of the Dj6bel Kumri. W. S. Mayo. N.Y. 1849. 120~. 2909 Kamenski, B. Age of Peter the Great. London, 1851. 120.. 4615 Kane, E. K. Grinnell Exploring Expedition. New York, 1854. 80.. 5892 Kant, I. Critick of Pure Reason. London, 1838. 8~.. 2260 Kanzas and Nebraska. E. E. Hale. Boston, 1854. 120.. 6255 Kate Bouverie, and other Tales. Mrs. Norton. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 v. 120~. 557 Kate Walsingham; a Novel. Ellen Pickering. Philadelphia, 1848. 80~. 3233 Kater, H., and D. Lardner. Treatise on Mechanics. Boston, 1831. 120~. 473 Katharine Ashton. E. M. Sewell. New York, 1854. 2 v. 120.. 6167 Katherine Walton. W. G. Simms. New York, 1854. 120.. 5877 The same. Philadelphia, 1851. 80.. 4514 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 143 Kathay; Cruise in the China Seas. W. H. Macaulay. N.Y. 1852. 120. 5080 Kathayan Slave, and other Papers. Emily Judson. Boston, 1853. 120~. 5227 Katmandu, Journey of. I;. Oliphant. New York, 1852. 120.. 4850 Kavanagh; a Tale. H. W. Longfellow. Boston, 1849. 12.0.. 3302 Kavanagh, Julia. Daisy Burns. New York, 1853. 12.... 52A3 Madeleine. New York, 1852. 120. 949 Nathalie; a Tale. New York, 1851. 12i. 4111 Woman in France in the 18th Century. Philadelphia, 1850. 12~. 3855 Women of Christianity. New York, 1852. 12.... 4762 Kavanagh, M. Discovery of the Science of Languages. Lon. 1844. 2 v. 80. 4962 Kames, Lord. Elements of Criticism. New York, 1823. 2 v. 80.. 706 The same. New York, 1836. 8~. 1450 Kean, E. Life. New York, 1835. 120. 2903 Keate, G. Account of the Pelew Islands. Boston, 1796. 12~... 163 Keats, J. Poetical Works. Philadelphia, 1844. 80.. 581 Keeping up Appearances. T. S. Arthur. New York, 1847. 160... 2435 Keightley, T. Fairy Mythology. London, 1850. Post8~.... 4368 History of England. Boston, 1840. 2 v. 80... 1786 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 5v. 120. 3683, 114-18 History of Rome. New York, 1851. 120. 1768 Keith, A. Evidence of the Truth of the Christian Religion. Phil. 1850. 120~. 4746 Keith, T. Treatise on the Use of Globes. New York, 1815. 120. 5. 38 Kelly, W. Excursion to California. London, 1851. 2 v. 120... 4618 Kelly, W. K. History of Russia. London, 1854. 2 v. post 80.. 6196 Life of the Duke of Wellington, for Boys. London, 1853. 120.. 6272 Syria and the Holy Land. London, 1844. 80.. 3190 Kemble, Frances A. Poems. Philadelphia, 1844. 120... 2325 See also Butler, Mrs. Frances A. Kendall, E. A. Travels in United States, 1807-8. N. Y. 1809. 3 v. 80~. 571 Kendall, G. W. Texan Santa Fi Expedition. New York, 1850. 2 v. 120~. 1765 *Mexican War Illustrated. New York, 1851. Folio.. 1665 Kendrick, J. Ancient Egypt under the Pharaohs. N. Y. 1852. 2 v. 12~. 4930 Kenilworth. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1848. 2 v. 120... 999, 21, 22 The same. Edinburgh, 1849. 2 v. 120.. 4100, 22, 23 The same. Edinburgh, 1850. Roy. 80... 4531, 6 Kennard, J., jun. Selections from Writings. Boston, 1849. 12~... 3338 Kennedy, Grace. Father Clement. Philadelphia, 1853. 120. 811 Kennedy, J. P. Horse-Shoe Robinson. Philadelphia, 1845. 2 v. 120.. 1107 Memoirs of WVm. Wirt. Philadelphia, 1850. 2 v. 120.... 3443 Rob of the Bowl. New York, 1854. 120. 1104 Swallow Barn. Philadelphia, 1832. 2 v. 120. 1207 Kenneth; a Romance of the Ilighlands. G.W. M. Reynolds. N.Y. 1852. 80~. 4696 Kent, J. Commentaries on American Law. New York, 1844. 3 v. 80.. 2056 Course of English Reading. N. Y. 1853. 120. 5203 Kentucky, Hist. of. T. S. Arthur and W. H. Carpenter. Phil. 1852. 120. 4864 Historical Sketches of. L. Collins. Maysville, 1847. 80.. 3246 Kepler, J. Life. London, 1833. 80. 602 Kerr, R. Hist. and Collec. of Voyages and Travels. Edin. 1854. 18 v. 80. 5489 144 CATALOGUE OF THE Kett, H. Flowers of Wit. Hartford, 1825. 18~..130 Kettell, S. Specimens of American Poetry. Boston, 1839. 3 v. 120.. 1184 Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin. Mrs. H. B. Stowe. Boston, 1853. 80.. 5174 Kickleburys on the Rhine. W. M. Thackeray. New York, 1851. 120. 3812 Kidd, Capt., and Robin Hood. WV. WV. Campbell. New York, 1853. 120. 5284 Kidder, D. P. Residence and Travels in Brazil. Phil. 1845. 2 v. 120.. 2280 Kimball, R. B. Romance of Student Life Abroad. N. York, 1853. 120. 5055 St. Leger; or, Threads of Life. New York, 1850. 120... 3474 Kincaid, J. Adventures of the Rifle Brigade. Philadelphia, 1836. 80. 2228, 1 King, J. A. Twenty-four Years in the Argentine Republic. N.Y. 1846. 120. 2597 King, Mrs. Busy Moments of an Idle Woman. New York, 1854. 120. 5575 King, W. R., Obituary Addresses on. Washington, 1854. 80... 5923 King of the Hurons. P. H. Myers. New York, 1850. 120... 3473 Kinglake, R. Edthen; or, Traces of Eastern Travels. N. Y. 1845. 120. 2330 Klapka, Gen. War of Independence in Hungary. Lond. 1850. 2 v. 120. 4634 Klencke, Prof. Biography of Alex. von Humboldt. N. Y. 1853. 120.. 5243 Kings and Queens. J. S. C. Abbott. New York, 1848. 120... 3146 King's Chapel, Boston, History of. F. W. P. Greenwood. Bost. 1833. 120. 1053 Epitaphs in Burial Ground. T. Bridgman. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5596 King's Highway. G. P. R. James. New York, 1840. 2 v. 120... 1522 King's Own. F. Marryat. Philadelphia, 1834. 2 v. 120.... 1196 The same. Philadelphia, 1847. 80. 1766, 1 The same. London, 1853. 12~.. 5717 Kingsley, C., jun. Alton Locke, Tailor and Poet. New York, 1850. 120. 4065 Hypatia; or New Foes, &c. Boston, 1854. 2 v. 120.... 5576 Twenty-five Village Sermons. Philadelphia, 1854. 120... 5592 Yeast; a Problem. New York, 1851. 120..... 4218 Kingsley, J. L. Life of Ezra Stiles. Boston, 1847. 120... 1076, 16 Kingston, W. H. G. Peter the Whaler. New York, 1852. 120... 4480 Kinsman; or, Black Riders of Congaree. WV. G. Simms. Phil. 1841. 2 v. 120. 1598 Kip, W. I. Catacombs of Rome. New York, 1854. 120... 5819 Early Conflicts of Christianity. New York, 1850. 120.. 3506 Early Jesuit Missions in North America. New York, 1846. 120.. 2928 Kipping, R. Masting, Mastmaking, & Rigging of Ships. Lon. 1854. 120. 6072 Kirby, W. History, Habits, and Instinct of Animals. Phil. 1836. 80.. 1422 Kirby's Wonderful Museum. London, 1820. 5 v. 80.. 4669 Kirkland, Mrs. C. M. Evening Book. New York, 1853. 120.. 5328 Forrest Life. New York, 1844. 120.. 1705 Garden Walks with the Poets. New York, 1852. 120~.. 5027 Holidays Abroad; or, Europe from the West. N.Y. 1849. 2 v. 120~. 3375 New Home: Who'11 Follow? New York, 1839. 12~... 429 Western Clearings. New York, 1845. 120.. 2525 Kirkland, J. T., Discourse on. A. Young. Boston, 1840. 80... 2225 Kirkland, S. Life. S. K. Lothrop. Boston, 1848. 120... 1076, 25 Kirkman,T.P. Mnemonical Lessonsin Geom.,Algeb.,&Trig. Lon.1852.120. 6112 "Kirwan" [N. Murray]. Letters on Romanism. New York, 1852. 120. 1095 Letters to Bishop Hughes. New York, 1849. 120.... 3666 Men and Things in Europe. New York, 1853. 120.. 5569 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 145 Kitto, J. Cyclopmdia of Biblical Literature. New York, 1850. 2 v. roy. 80. 3526 The same, condensed. Boston, 1851. Roy. 80... 4332 Daily Bible Illustrations. New York, 1850-53. 7 v. 12~.. 4296 History of Palestine. Boston, 1852. 120. 35 Lost Senses: Deafness and Blindness. New York, 1852. 12~. 4863 Scripture Lands; with 24 Maps. London, 1850. Post 80~... 4391 Knapen, D. M. Mechanic's Assistant. New York, 1849. 12~.. 3403 Knapp, F. Chemical Technology. London, 1848. 2 v. 80.. 4137 Knapp, G. C. Lectures on Christian Theology. New York, 1850. 80.. 4709 Knapp, S. L. Female Biography. Philadelphia, 1836. 120.. 1840 Advice in the Pursuits of Literature. New York, 1832. 120. 326 Genius of Masonry. Providence, 1828. 120... 2120 Life of Lord Timothy Dexter. Newburyport, 1848. 120~... 881 Lives of Lawyers, Statesmen, &c. Boston, 1821. 80.. 659 Knickerbocker, The. Vols. 1-43 [continued]. New York, 1833-54. 80~. 933 Knickerbocker Sketch-Book. L. G. Clark. New York, 1845. 120. 2374 Knickerbocker's History of New York. W. Irving. N.Y. 1809. 2 v. 120~. 1051 The same. New York, 1849. 120. 3363 Knick-Knacks from an Editor's Table. L. G. Clark. N. York, 1852. 120. 5028 Knight, C. Half Hours with the Best Authors. N.York, 1847. 3v. 120. 3034 Cyclopaedia of the Industry of All Nations. New York, 1851. 80~. 4506 London. London, 1851. 6 v. roy. 80. 4827 Studies of Shakspeare. London, 1851. 80. 5464 Wim. Shakspeare; a Biography. London, 1851. 80. 5463 Knight and Gwynne. C. Lever. Philadelphia, 1847. 80.. 2796 Knights of England, France, and Scotland. H.W. Herbert. N.Y. 1852. 120~. 4794 of Malta, Achievements of. A. Sutherland. Phil. 1846. 2 v. 120~. 2996 Knorr, J. Two Roads. Philadelphia, 1854. 120.. 5811 Knorring, Baroness. Peasant and Landlord. New York, 1848. 120.. 3126 Knout and the Russians. G. de Lagny. New York, 1854. 120.. 5857 Knowledge, Diffusion of. T. Dick. Philadelphia, 1845. 120~.. 2357, 4 The same. (H. F.L.) New York, 1848. 120.. 3683,59 Pursuit of, under Difficulties. G. L. Craik. N.Y. 1844. 2 v. 160~. 824 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 2 v. 120. 3683, 94, 95 Knowles, J. D. Memoir of Mrs. Ann H. Judson. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5745 Memoir of Roger Williams. Boston, 1834. 120.. 563 Knowles, J. S. Elocutionist; a Rhetorical Reader. N. York, 1844. 120. 2159 Fortescue. New York, 1846. 80... 2772 Select Tales and Dramas. New York, 1837. 2 v. 160.. 2575 Knox, J. Life. T. MCrie. Edinburgh, 1840. 120.. 1800 Kohl, J. G. Works. Philadelphia, 1844. 80. 2684 Austria, Vienna, and Prague; England and Wales; Russia and the Russians in 1842; Scotland. Kohlrausch, F. History of Germany. New York, 1845. Roy. 80.. 2642 Koran; with Notes and Discourse, by G. Sale. London, 1844. 80.. 2003 K6rner, C. G. Life, Poems, and Prose Tales. Philadelphia, 1833. 8~. 1357, 1 Songs and Ballads. Boston, 1842. 120. 962, 14 and Schiller, Correspondence of. London, 1849. 3 v. 120... 45865 U 146 CATALOGUE OF THE Kossuth, L., and his Generals. H. W. de Puy. Buffalo, 1852. 120.. 978 and Hungary. B. F. Tefft. Philadelphia, 1852. 120.. 4626 and the Hungarian War. Philadelphia, 1851. 120. 4633 Life. P. C. Headley. Auburn, 1852. 120... 4760 Life and Speeches. New York, 1851. 8~.. 4555 Life and Speeches in England. London, 1851. 8~.. 4145 in New England. Boston, 1852. 80.. 4894 Kotzebue, A. von. Exile into Siberia. New York, 1802. 120... 871 Krummacher, F. A. Parables. Philadelphia, 1854. 80.... 6000 Krusenstern, A. J. von. Voyage round the World. Lond. 1813. 2 v. 40~. 2016 Kugler, F. Pictorial History of Germany. London, 1845. Roy. 8~.. 3599 Kurten, P. Art of Manufacturing Soaps. Philadelphia, 1854. 120.. 5761 Kyd, S. Law of Bills of Exchange and Promis. Notes. Alb. 1800. 120. 884 L. Labor and Love; a Tale of English Life. Boston, 1853. 120... 5250 Organization of, and Association. M. Briancourt. N.Y. 1847. 120~. 2439 Laboring Classes of England. W. Dodd. Boston, 1847. 120.. 3063 Labree, L. Rebels and Tories. New York, 1851. 80.. 4337 Lacon; or, Many Things in Few Words. C. C. Colton. N.Y. 1836. 160~. 1856 Laconia; or, Legends of White Mount. I. W. Scrivener. Bost. 1854. 120~. 6238 Laconics; or, Best Words of the Best Authors. London, 1840. 3 v. 160~. 5049 World's; or, Best Thoughts, &c. E. Berkeley. N. Y. 1853. 120~. 5029 Lacroix, F. Mysteries of Russia. Boston, 1848. 80. 3236 Ladies of the Covenant, Memoirs of. J. Anderson. New York, 1851. 120~. 4471 Ladies' Repository. Vols. 12, 13 [continued]. Cincinnati, 1852-53. 80. 5125 Lady Alice; or, the New Una. J. V. Huntington. N.Y. 1849. 2 v. 120~. 3382 Lady and the Priest. Mrs. Maberly. New York, 1851. 80... 4525 Lady at Home. Philadelphia, 1844. 12~.. 2138 Lady-Bird; a Tale. Lady G. Fullerton. New York, 1853. 120... 5202 Lady Felicia. H. Cockton. New York, 1852. 80... 650 Lady Jane Grey; an Historical Romance. T. Miller. Phil. 1840. 2 v. 120. 1521 Lady Killer. Rebecca Hicks. Philadelphia, 1851. 120.. 4635 Lady Lee's Widowhood. E. Hamlin. New York, 1853. 80.. 5442 Lady of the Lake. Sir W. Scott. Philadelphia, 1839. 120... 860, 3 The same. Edinburgh, 1848. 120. 4102, 8 Lady of Milan. Edited by Mrs. Thompson. New York, 1846. 80.. 2644 Lady's Book. L. A. Godey. Vols. 39-48 [continued]. Phil. 1849-54. 8~. 1428 Lady's Equestrian Manual. Philadelphia, 1854. 120. 5836 Lady's Gift. Jane K. Stanford. Philadelphia, 1836. 120... 896 Lafayette, Marquis de, Complete History of. Hartford, 1847. 120.. 3073 in America, in 1824-25. A. Levasseur. Phil. 1829. 2 v. 120. 351 Life. P. C. Headley. Auburn, 1851. 120.... 4114 Memoirs, Correspondence, and MSS. of. New York, 1837. 80.. 1425 La Fontaine, J., Fables of. Trans. by E. Wright. Boston, 1842. 2 v. 120~. 1746 *The same. Boston, 1841. 8~. 2334 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 147 Lafitte, the Pirate of the Gulf. J. H. Ingraham. N.Y. 1836. 2 v. 120.. 263 Lagny, G. de. Knout and the Russians. New York, 1854. 120... 5857 Laing, S. Travels in France, Prussia, Switzerland, &c. Phil. 1846. 80~. 2690 Laird of Logan; or, Wit and Humor of Scotland. Glasgow, 1841. 12~. 3466 Lajetchnikoff, M. The Heretic. Trans. by T. B. Shaw. N.Y. 1844. 80~. 2749 Lake Superior, Description of. L. Agassiz & J. E. Cabot. Bost. 1850. 80~. 3604 Lakes, Life on the. New York, 1836. 2 v. 120. 361 Summer on the. S. Margaret Fuller. Boston, 1844. 120... 2104 Lalla Rookh; an Oriental Romance. T. Moore. New York, 1847. 12~. 72 Lamar, J. B. Polly Peablossom's Wedding, & other Tales. Phil. 1851. 120~. 3811 Lamartine, A. de. Atheism among the People. Boston, 1850. 120.. 3877 Confidential Disclosures. New York, 1849. 120... 3349 Genevieve. London, 1850. 120... 4419 History of the French Revolution of 1848. Boston, 1849. 2 v. 12~. 3424 History of the Girondists. New York, 1849. 3 v. 120.. 3030 Les Confidences. New York, 1849. 80.. 5397 Le Passe, le Present, l'Avenir de la R6publique. Paris, 1850. 80. 5398 Past, Present, and Future of the Republic. New York, 1850. 120~. 3865 Raphael; or, Life at Twenty. New York, 1849. 120.. ~. 3344 Restoration of Monarchy in France. New York, 1851. 3 v. 120~. 5198 Travels in the East. Edinburgh, 1850. 2 v. 120... 1126 Lamb, C. Essays of Elia. New York, 1852. 120.. 3453 Last Essays of Elia. Philadelphia, 1833. 80.... 1357, 1 Literary Sketches and Letters. T. N. Talfourd. N.Y. 1848. 120~. 3213 Poetical Works. Philadelphia, 1836. 8~. 580 Specimens of English Dramatic Poets. New York, 1845. 2 v. 120. 2402 Works; with Life by T. N. Talfourd. New York, 1845. 2 v. 120. 356 Lambert, T. S. Popular Anatomy and Physiology. N. Y. 1850. 120.. 3625 Lamp to the Path. W. K. Tweedie. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5824 Lamplighter. Maria Cummings. Boston, 1854. 120.. 65775 Lamson, D. R. Two Years among the Shakers. West Boylston, 1848. 120. 2456 Lancashire Dialect. Illustrated by G. Cruikshank. London, 1828. 120. 1293 Lancashire Witches. W. H. Ainsworth. New York. 1849. 80... 3293 Lancaster, House of, England and France under. London, 1852. 80.. 5140 Lancaster, Mass. Address at 200th Anniver. J. Willard. Bost. 1853. 80. 5456 Land of the Caesar and Doge. W. Furniss. New York, 1853. 120.. 5216 Lander, R. and J. Exploration of the Niger. New York, 1842. 2 v. 120. 1883 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 2 v. 120. 3683, 35, 36 Landis, R. W. Liberty's Triumph; a Poem. New York, 1849. 120.. 3398 Landon, Letitia E. Romance and Reality. London, 1852. 120... 5684 Life, and Literary Remains. L. Blanchard. Phil. 1841. 2 v. 120~. 1623 Works. Philadelphia, 1847. 2 v. roy. 80. 1343 Vol. 1. Romance and Reality; Francesca Carrara; Traits and Trials of Early Life. 2. Ethel Churchill; Book of Beauty; Poetical Works. Landor, W. S. Gebir, Count Julian, and other Poems. Lond. 1839. 12~. 2544 Imaginary Conversations. London, 1836. 5 v. 8~.... 2261 Pentameron and Pentalogia. London, 1837. 120.... 2318 148 CATALOGUE OF THE Landor, W. S. Pericles and Aspasia. Philadelphia, 1839. 2 v. 120.. 1236 Lands of the Moslem; Oriental Travel. H. Crosby. N. York, 1851. 80. 4120 Landscape Gardening. A. J. Downing. New York, 1844. 80... 2227 Laneton Parsonage. E. M. Sewell. New York, 1846. 2 v. 120... 2912 Languages, Discovery of Science of. M. Kavanagh. Lond. 1844. 2 v. 8~. 4962 Lanman, C. Essays for Summer Hours. New York, 1853. 120... 5365 Letters from the Alleghany Mountains. New York, 1849. 120.. 3405 Private Life of Daniel Webster. New York, 1852. 120... 5052 Lanman, J. H. History of Michigan. New York, 1841. 120... 1858 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1847. 120.. 3683, 139 Lanzi, L. History of Painting in Italy. London, 1847. 3 v. post 8~.. 3551 Laplace, P. S. Exposition du Systeme du Monde. Paris, 1813. 40.. 3322 Trait6 de M6canique C61este. Paris, 1800-5. 4 v. 40... 3321 Lapland, Voyage from Leith to. W. Hurton. London, 1851. 2 v. 120. 4257 Lardner, D. Lectures on Science and Art. New York, 1846. 2 v. 8~.. 2677 Lectures on the Steam Engine. New York, 1828. 120... 1176 Railway Economy. New York, 1850. 120..... 3874 Treatise on the Steam Engine. London, 1853. 12... 6057 Lardner, N. Works; with Life by A. Kippis. London, 1838. 10 v. 80. 4806 Vols. 1-4. Credibility of Gospel History. 5. The same, concluded; History of the Apostles and Evangelists. 6. The same, concluded; Jewish and Heathen Testimonies as to the Truth of the Christian Religion. 7. The same, continued. 8. The same, concluded; State of Gentilism under Christian Emperors; History of Heretics. 9. Sermons; Posthumous Sermons; Two Schemes of the Trinity, and the Divine Unity. 10. Vindication of the Miracles; Dissertations on two new Epistles ascribed to Clement of Rome; Remarks on Dr. Ward's Dissertations. Lares & Penates; or, Cilicia & its Governors. WV. B. Barker. Lon. 1853. 80. 5461 Larochejaquelein, Marchioness de. Memoirs. Philadelphia, 1816. 8~0.. 1242 Las Cases, M. J. E. Napoleon at St. Helena. Boston, 1823. 4 v. 8~.. 718 Last Days of Pompeii. E. L. Bulwer. New York, 1847. 8~... 1257 The same. London, 1853. 120..5721 Last Incarnation. A. Constant. Boston, 1848. 120.... 3131 Last Judgment. E. Swedenborg. Boston, 1828. 120... 8 Last Leaf from Sunny Side. Mrs. E. S. Phelps. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5307 Last of the Barons. E. L. Bulwer. New York, 1843. 80.. 1712 Last of the Lairds. J. Galt. New York, 1827. 120. 491 Last of the Mohicans. J. F. Cooper. New York, 1850. 120... 1038 Latham, R. G. Elementary English Grammar. Cambridge, 1853. 120. 6295 Handbook of the English Language. New York, 1853. 120.. 6296 Man and his Migrations. New York, 1852. 120... 4594 Lathrop, J., jun. Treatise on the Use of Globes. Boston, 1812. 120.. 1006 Latimer, H. Sermons. Cambridge, 1832. 120... 383, 7 Latin Dictionary, Ainsworth's, abridged. London, 1763. 2 v. 8~0.. 1353 Companion of. A. Rich. London, 1849. 120. 5645 Latin Lexicon. Edited by F. P. Leverett. Boston, 1849. Roy. 8~0.. 3603 Founded on Freund. E.A. Andrews. New York, 1851. Roy. 80. 4350 Latitude and Longitude, the Compass, &c. T. Truxtun. Phil. 1794. 4~. 2009 Latreaumont; or, the Court Conspirator. E. Sue. Phil. 1849. 80.. 3300 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 149 Latrobe, C. J. Rambler in Mexico. New York, 1836. 120.... 265 Lauder, Sir T. D. Royal Progress in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1843. 40~.. 4954 Launcelot Graves. T. Smollett. Philadelphia, 1851. 8.... 801, 2 Laurent (de l'Ardeche). History of Napoleon. New York, 1851. 80.. 4346 La Vendee; an Historical Romance. A. Trollope. Lond. 1850. 3 v. 120. 4281 Lavengro; the Scholar, Gipsy, and Priest. G. Borrow. N. Y. 1851. 120. 3785 La Voye, M. de. Eugenie, the Young Laundress. Lond. 1851. 3v. 120~. 4251 Law, and the Testimony. Anna Warner. New York, 1853. Roy. 80.. 5424 Compendium of Mercantile. J. W. Smith. New York, 1850. 80~. 4305 Commentaries on American. J. Kent. New York, 1844. 3 v. 80. 2056 Dictionary of the United States. J. Bouvier. Phil. 1848. 2 v. 80~. 3596 Elements of. F. Hilliard. Boston, 1835. 80. 807 Elements of International. H. Wheaton. Philadelphia, 1846. 80~. 3538 Leading Cases in Commercial. J. P. Holcombe. N.Y. 1847. 80~. 4304 of Bills of Exchange. J. Story. Boston, 1847. 80... 3594 of Carriers. J. K. Angell. Boston, 1849. 80. 4022 of Contracts. D. Gibbons. London, 1850. 120. 6070 of Contracts not under Seal. W. W. Story. Boston, 1847. 80.. 2219 of Debtor and Creditor. J. P. Holcombe. New York, 1849. 80. 4306 of Merchant Ships and Seamen. C. Abbott. Phil. 1802. 80~.. 1365 of Nations. E. de Vattel. Dublin, 1792. 80. 601 of Partnership. J. Story. Boston, 1846. 8~. 3595 of Promissory Notes. J. Story. Boston, 1847. 80... 3593 of Sales of Personal Property. W. W. Story. Boston, 1847. 80. 3792 of Sales of Personal Property. G. Long. Boston, 1839. 80.. 2062 Law, H. Elements of Euclid. London, 1853. 120. 6098 Treatise on Civil Engineering. London, 1852. 120~. 6044 Treatise on Common Roads. London, 1850. 120. 6068 Treatise on Logarithms. London, 1853. 120. 6103 Law, W. Serious Call to a Holy and Devout Life. Boston, 1818. 12~.. 329 Law-Student; or, Guide to the Study of Law. J. Anthon. N.Y. 1850. 80~. 4307 Lawrence, Mrs. M. W. Light on the Dark River. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5545 Lawrence,W. Lectures on Comparative Anatomy, &c. Lon. 1848. Post 80. 4395 Laurie, T. Dr. A. Grant and the Nestorians. Boston, 1853. 120... 5305 Lawrie Todd. J. Galt. New York, 1830. 2 v. 120. 1931 The same. London, 1850. 120. 5653 Laws of England, Comment. on. Sir W. Blackstone. N.Y. 1844. 2 v. 80. 2218 The same. New York, 1849. 2 v. 80.. 3592 of the United States. Philadelphia, 1796, 1801. 5 v. 80.. 1214 Spirit of the. C. Montesquieu. Worcester, 1802. 2 v. 8... 1799 The same. Worcester, 1808. 80. 796 Lawson, J. P. Gazetteer of Scotland. Edinburgh, n. d. 120... 5037 Lawson, W. J. History of Banking. London, 1850. 80.... 4646 Lawyers, Lives of Eminent British. H. Roscoe. Phil. 1841. 2 v. 120.. 2162 Moral and Professional Duties of. S. Warren. N.Y. 1849. 120.. 2464 Statesmen, &c., Lives of. S. L. Knapp. Boston, 1821. 80... 659 Lawyer's Story; or, the Orphan's Wrongs. New York, 1853. 120.. 5509 Lay, WV., and C. M. Hussey. Mutiny of the " Globe." New Lond. 1828. 120. 852 150 CATALOGUE OF THE Lay of the Last Minstrel. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1845. 120. 69 The same. Philadelphia, 1839. 120.. 860,1 The same. Edinburgh, 1848. 120. 4102, 6 Layard, A. H. Nineveh and its Remains. New York, 1850. 2 v. 8~0.. 3269 Discoveries in Nineveh and Babylon. New York, 1853. 80~. 5162 Lays of the Kirk and Covenant. Mrs. A. S. Menteath. N.Y. 1851. 120. 4170 Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers. W. E. Aytoun. New York, 1853. 120. 6227 Lead Mines of Missouri. H. R. Schoolcraft. New York, 1819. 8~.. 1369 Leake, W. M. Travels in the Morea. London, 1830. 3 v. 80... 5128 Leather Stocking and Silk; a Tale of Virginia. New York, 1854. 120.. 6152 Leather Stocking Tales. J. F. Cooper. Viz.:Deerslayer. New York, 1852. 120~. 1632 Pathfinder. New York, 1852. 120. 1581 Last of the Mohicans. New York, 1850. 120. 1038 Pioneers. Philadelphia, 1843. 2 v. 120. 440 Prairie. New York, 1852. 12. 1004 Leather Work, Ornamental. Boston, 1854. 12~. 5837 Leaves from Margaret Smith's Journal, 1678-9. Boston, 1849. 120.. 3339 Lebanon, Mt.: a Ten Years' Residence. C.H.Churchill. Lon. 1853. 3 v. 80. 6426 Lectures before the Ch. of Eng.Young Men's Society. London, 1851. 120. 4267 Hoare, E. Civil and Religious Liberty. Cadman, W. Eng. in Reign of James II. Pym, W. W. The Lost Tribes. Cumming, J. The Bible. Seymour, M. H. Church of Rome in Eng. Dallas, A. R. C. Christ of Romanism. Dallas, A. R. C. Protestantism in Ireland. on Evidences of Christianity, at University of Va. N. Y. 1852. 80. 4802 to Young Men. W. G. Eliot, jun. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5639 to Young Men. J. Hawes. Hartford, 1830. 160.... 90 to Young Men. H. W. Beecher. Indianapolis, 1844. 120... 2181 to Young Women. W. G. Eliot, jun. Boston, 1854. 120... 5553 before Young Men's Christian Association. Lond. 1850. 2 v. 120. 4204 Vol. 1. Stowell, H. The Bible Self-Evidential. Alexander, W. L. Influence of Romanism. Hamilton, J. Literary Attractions of the Bible. Mahan, A. Christianity and Freedom of Thought. Arthur, W. Church in the Catacombs. Seymour, M. H. Nature of Romanism. M'Neile, H. The Bible. Brock, W. The Apostle Paul. Martin, S. Money. Cumming, J. Music in its Relation to Religion. Sherman, J. William Allen. Burgess, R. French Protestantism. 2. Bickersteth, R. National Obligation to the Bible. Stowell, H. The Age we Live in. Duff, A. India, and its Evangelization. Noel, B. W. A Revival of Religion. Cumming, J. God in Science. Villiers, H. M. Life in London. Arthur W. Heroes. Brock, W. Daniel, a Model for Young Men. Hamilton, J. Solomon the Prince, and Solomon the Preacher. Martin, S. Instincts of Industry. Melson, J. B. Cherubic Symbol. Candlish, R. S. Authority and Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures. Ledyard, J. Life. J. Sparks. Boston, 1848. 120. 1076, 24 Lee, A. Life. R.H. Lee. Boston, 1829. 2 v. 8.. 1408 Lee, C. Life. J. Sparks. Boston, 1848. 120. 1076, 18 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 151 Lee, C.A. Elements of Geology. (H.F. L.) New York, 1848. 120. 3683, 178 Lee, D. K. Master Builder; or, Life at a Trade. New York, 1852. 120. 4889 Merrimack; or, Life at the Loom. New York, 1854. 120... 5918 Summerfield; or, Life on a Farm. Auburn, 1852. 120.. 4796 Lee, Eliza B. Florence, the Parish Orphan. Boston, 1852. 12~.. 4491 Memoirs of J. and J. S. Buckminster. Boston, 1849. 12~. 3376 Naomi; or, Boston 200 Years Ago. Boston, 1848. 120. 3095 Lee, H. Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department. Wash. 1827.80. 899 Lee, Harriet. Constantia de Valmont. Philadelphia, 1799. 120.. 152 Lee, Mrs. H. F. Huguenots of France & America. Bost. 1852. 2 v. 120~. 5057 Life and Times of Thomas Cranmer. Boston, 1841. 120. 1653 Life and Times of Martin Luther. Boston, 1839. 12~. 1629 Sketches and Stories from Life. Boston, 1850. 12~.. 3490 Sketches of Sculpture and Sculptors. Boston, 1854. 2 v. 120~.. 5590 Sketches of the Old Painters. Boston, 1838. 120.. 379 Tales. Boston, 1842. 120. 1658 Lee, Misses S. and H. Canterbury Tales. London, 1850. 2 v. 120.. 5649 Lee, Mrs. R. African Crusoes. Philadelphia, 1854. 120.. 6262 Anecdotes of Birds, Reptiles, and Fishes. Philadelphia, 1853. 120. 5510 Anecdotes of Habits and Instincts of Animals. Phil. 1853. 120.. 5511 Australian Wanderings. Philadelphia, 1854. 120~... 6263 Lee, R. H. Life of Arthur Lee. Boston, 1829. 2 v. 80... 1408 Leech, S. Voice from the Main Deck. Boston, 1843. 160... 1744 Leeds, W. H. Orders of Architecture. London, 1854. 120.. 6046 Legar6, H. S. Writings; with Memoir. Charleston, 1841. 2 v. 8~.. 2698 Legend of Montrose. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1848. 2 v. 120~.. 999, 14 The same. Edinburgh, 1849. 12~. 4100, 15 The same. Edinburgh, 1850. Roy. 8. 4531, 4 Legend of the Waldenses, & other Tales. Mary J. Windle. Phil. 1852. 120. 4605 Legends and Stories of Ireland. S. Lover. Philadelphia, 1835. 120.. 124 of the Library at Lilies. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 v. 120.. 1180 of the Rhine. T. C. Grattan. London, 1853. 120... 5738 of the West. J. Hall. New York, 1853. 120. 5287 of the White Mountains. I. W. Scrivener. Boston, 1854. 120.. 6238 Leggett, W. Polit. Writings. Ed. by T. Sedgwick, jun. N.Y. 1840. 120. 1769 Legislation, Principles of. J. Bentham. Boston, 1830. 80.. 786 Legislative Guide. J. B. Burleigh. Philadelphia, 1852. 8~.... 4815 Leibnitz, G. WV. von. Life. J. M. Mackie. Boston, 1845. 12~. 2326 Leigh, Lord. Poems. London, 1839. 120. 2390 Leigh, S. New Picture of London. London, 1830. 24~.. 5071 Leighton, R. Works; with Life by J. N. Pearson. New York, 1844. 80~. 2252 Leila; or, the Island. Ann F. Tytler. New York, 1853. 120.. 5318 Leila; or, Siege of Grenada. E. L. Bulwer. London, 1850. 80.. 5914 The same. Philadelphia, 1838. 120. 929 Leila Ada. O. W. T. Heighway. New York, 1854. 120... 6149 Leisler, Jacob. Life. C. F. Hoffman. Boston, 1844. 120.. 1076, 13 Leisure Hours; Readings in Prose. E. A. Andrews. Boston, 1844. 120. 2303 The same. Boston, 1835. 120. 1747 152 CATALOGUE OF THE Le Normand, M. A. Memoirs of Josephine. Philadelphia, 1850. 2 v. 120. 3103 Leo X., Life and Pontificate of. W. Roscoe. London, 1846. 2 v. post 80. 2930 Leonilla Lynmore, and other Tales. Miss Leslie. Philadelphia, 1847. 80. 3202 Lepsius, R. Letters from Egypt, Ethiopia, and Sinai. Lond. 1853. 120. 5579 Le Sage, A. R. Asmodeus; or, Devil on Two Sticks. Lond. 1845. 120. 2426 Bachelor of Salamanca. Philadelphia, 1854. 12~... 6209 Gil Blas. Trans. by T. Smollett. Hartford, 1844. 3 v. 12.. 1037 Leslie, C. Short Method with the Deists. New York, n. d. 12~... 504 Leslie, Miss. Behavior Book. Philadelphia, 1854. 120.... 5880 Dennings, and their Beaux, &c. Philadelphia, 1851. 80... 4149 Leonilla Lynmore, and other Tales. Philadelphia, 1847. 80~.. 3202 Maid of Canal-street and the Bloxhams. Philadelphia, 1851. 80. 3810 Mrs. Washington Potts and Mr. Smith. Philadelphia, 1843. 80. 2167, 1 Pencil Sketches. Philadelphia, 1852. 2 v. 12~... 4877 Leslie, SirJ., and others. Discoveryin Polar Seas. (H.F.L.) N.Y.1843.120. 3683,14 L'Esprit des Beaux Arts. Paris, 1753. 2 v. 12~. 297 Lester, C. E. Artist, Merchant, and Statesman. N.Y. 1845. 2 v. 12~.. 2501 Condition and Fate of England. New York, 1843. 2 v. 120.. 1708 *(Editor.) Gallery of Illustrious Americans. N.Y. 1850. Folio.. 1715 Glory and Shame of England. New York, 1841. 2 v. 12~... 1654 Life and Voyages of Americus Vespucius. New York, 1846. 80. 2712 Letter Writing, History of. W. Roberts. London, 1843. 80... 4530 Letters from the Levant. Lady M. W. Montagu. London, 1838. 120.. 2445 from New York. L. M. Child. New York, 1843-45. 2 v. 120.. 1732 from Paris during the Reign of Napoleon. London, 1816. 2 v. 80. 754 from Switzerland and Italy, 1801-2. Philadelphia, 1805. 2 v. 8~.. 684 from the Mountains. Boston, 1809. 2 v. 120.. ~.. 459 from the Shores of the Baltic. London, 1844. 12... 2392 from the South. New York, 1835. 2 v. 120.... 1093 from the South [of Europe]. T. Campbell. Philadelphia, 1836. 120. 252 from Three Continents. New York, 1851. 120. 4031 Illustrative of Eng. History. 3ds. SirH. Ellis. Lon. 1846. 4v. 120~. 4581 of a Traveller. London, 1798. 80. 613 of a Traveller. W. C. Bryant. New York, 1850. 120.. 3836 of the British Spy. W. Wirt. New York, 1836. 120.. 2133 on the Eastern States. New York, 1820. 120. 462 on Literature, Taste, & Composition. G. Gregory. Phil. 1809. 120~. 371 on the Manners of the French. Dublin, 1791. 120... 151 to the Daughter of a Nobleman. Eliz. Hamilton. Salem, 1821. 12~. 1007 to a Young Man, &c. T. De Quincey. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5771 to a Young Man. Mrs. West. Charlestown, 1803. 2 v. 120. 286 to My Pupils. Mrs. L. H. Sigourney. New York, 1851. 120.. 4424 to a Young Lady. J. Bennett. Philadelphia, 1793. 2 v. 120. 185 Lettice Arnold; a Novel. Mrs. Marsh. New York, 1850. 80.. 3947 Leuchars, R. B. Practical Treatise on Hot-Houses. Boston, 1851. 120~. 4081 Levasseur, A. Lafayette in America, in 1824-25. Phil. 1829. 2 v. 120~. 351 Lever, C. Arthur O'Leary. Philadelphia, 1846. 80.. 2215 Confessions of Con Cregan. New York, 1851. 80... 4532 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 153 Lever, C. Confessions of Harry Lorrequer. New York, 1842. 80.. 1589 Daltons; or, Three Roads in Life. New York, 1852. 8... 4812 Dodd Family Abroad. New York, 1854. 80.... 5949 Horace Templeton; an Autobiography. Philadelphia, 1850. 80.. 3981 Jack Hinton, the Guardsman. Philadelphia, 1847. 8~... 1688 Knight of Gwynne. Philadelphia, 1847. 80.. 2796 Maurice Tierney. New York, 1852. 80.. 3991 Nevilles of Garretstown. New York, 1844. 80..2621 O'Donoghue; a Tale of Ireland. Philadelphia, 1846. 80.. 2645 Roland Cashel. New York, 1850. 80..3521 Sir Jasper Carew, Knt. New York, 1854. 80... 5965 Tom Burke of 1" Ours." Philadelphia, 1846. 80.. 2177 Leverett, F. P. (Ed.) Lexicon of the Latin Language. Bost. 1849. Roy. 80~. 3603 Levi, L. Principles and Administ. of Commercial Law. Lon. 1851. 2 v. 40~. 4837 Leviticus, Commentary on. A. A. Bonar. New York, 1851. 80... 4715 Lewes, G. H. Life of M. I. Robespierre. Philadelphia, 1849. 120.. 3077 Three Sisters and Three Fortunes. New York, 1848. 80.. 3230 Lewie; or, the Bended Twig. Auburn, 1853. 120.... 5740 Lewis, A. Poems. Boston, 1831. 120..516 Lewis, E. J. Hints to Sportsmen. Philadelphia, 1851. 12~.. 4167 Lewis, M., and W. Clarke. Exped. to Rocky Mount. N.Y. 1843. 2 v. 120~. 1745 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 2 v. 120. 3683, 154-5 Lewis, M. G. Bravo of Venice. London, 1853. 120. 5702 Life and Correspondence. London, 1839. 80.. 4645 Lewis, R. B. Light and Truth. Portland, 1836. 16~. 1503 Lewis Arundel; or, Railroad of Life. F. Smedley. N. York, 1851. 80. 4518 Lexington, Lord. Papers. Ed. by H. M. Sutton. London, 1851. 80.. 4300 Liberia; or, Mr. Peyton's Experiments. Sarah J. Hale. N.Y. 1853. 120. 5614 Liberties of America. H. W. Warner. New York, 1853. 120.. 5356 Liberty. History of. S. Eliot. Boston, 1853. 4 v. 120... 5238 Part I. Ancient Romans, 2 v. - Part II. Early Christians, 2 v. Passages from the History of. S. Eliot. Boston, 1847. 120.. 2965 of Rome; a History. S. Eliot. New York, 1849. 2 v. 80... 3419 The same. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 120.~.. 5238 Liberty's Triumph; a Poem. X1. W. Landis. New York, 1849. 120.. 3398 Library, Classical. - See Classical. Harper's Family. - See Harper's Family Library. Library Manual, Appleton's. New York, 1847. 80..... 2830 Library of Choice Literature, Carey's. Philadelphia, 1836. 2 v. roy. 80.. 2228 Vol. 1. Mackintosh, R. J. Life of Sir J. Mackintosh. Kincaid, J. Adventures in the Rifle Brigade. Roberts, Emma. Scenes in Hindostan. James, G. P. R. One in a Thousand. Bulwer, E. L. Rienzi. Grant, J. Random Recollections of House of Commons. 2. Baillie, Joanna. Dramas. Caunter, R. Confessions and Crimes. Ritchie, L. Russia and the Russians. Grant, J. Random Recollections of House of Lords. Henningsen, C. F. Campaign in Navarre. Rankin, F. H. Visit to Sierra Leone, 1834. Byron, Lord. Conversations with Lady Blessington. Tin Trumpet. Village Sayings and Doings. X 154 CATALOGUE OF THE Library of Health. Edited by W. A. Alcott. Boston, 1837. 2 v. 120.. 955 of Old English Prose Writers. Cambridge. 1831. 9 v. 120.. 383 Vol. 1. Fuller, T. Holy and Profane States. 2. Sidney, Sir P. Defence of Poesy. Selden, J. Table Talk. 3. Browne, Sir T., Selections from Works of. 4. Felltham, O. Resolves. 5: 6. Walton, I. Lives of Donne, Wotton, and others. 7. Latimer, H. Sermons. 8. Taylor, Jeremy, Selections from Works of. 9. More, Sir T. Utopia, and History of Richard III. Libyan Desert, Adventures in. B. St. John. New York, 1849. 120.. 3287 Liddell, H. G., and R. Scott. Greek Lexicon. New York, 1849. Roy. 8~. 3543 Lieber,F. CivilLibertyand Self-Government. Philadelphia, 1853. 120. 5552 Essays on Property and Labor. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1848. 120. 3683,146 Great Events described by Historians. Boston, 1840. 120... 2139 Manual of Political Ethics. Boston, 1838. 2 v. 80.. 1783 Lieber, O.M. Assayer's Guide. Philadelphia, 1852. 120... 5006 (Translator.) Analytical Chemist's Assistant. Phil. 1852. 12~.. 5024 Liebig, J. Animal Chemistry. Cambridge, 1843. 120. 1752 Familiar Lectures on Chemistry. London, 1851. 120.. 4276 Life and Health, Lectures on. W. A. Alcott. Boston, 1853. 120... 5256 and its Aims. Philadelphia, 1854. 120.. 5871 and Manners. T. De Quincey. Boston, 1851. 120.. 4404 at the Water Cure; or, Month at Malvern. R.J.Lane. Lon. 1846. 120~. 4964 Ait of Prolonging. C. W. Hufeland. Boston, 1854. 120... 5589 Health, and Disease. E. Johnson. New York, 1850. 12~... 3433 Here and There. N. P. Willis. New York, 1850. 120.. 3924 in Earnest. C. B. Smith. Hartford, 1848. 12~... 3172 in the Far WVest. G. F. Ruxton. New York, 1849. 120. 3438 in London. New York, 1848. 80. 2755 in the New World; by Seatsfield. New York, 1844. 80.. 2081 in the Sick-Room. H. Martineau. Boston, 1844. 120.. 1843 in Prairie Land. Eliza W. Farnham. New York, 1846. 12~0.. 3011 in Varied Phases. Mrs. C. H. Butler. Boston, 1851. 120... 4452 Laws of, and Education of Girls. Eliz. Blackwell. N.Y. 1852. 120. 4885 of a Sailor. F. Chamier. London, 1852. 120.. 689 on the Isthmus. J. W. Fabens. New York, 1853. 12~.. 5073 on the Lakes; a Trip to Lake Superior. New York, 1836. 2 v. 120. 361 on the Ocean; or, 20 Years at Sea. G. Little. Boston, 1846. 120. 2209 Life Scenes. F. A. Durivage. Boston, 1853. 120.... 5549 Life's Discipline; a Tale of Hungary. Mrs. Robinson. N.Y. 1851. 120. 4030 Life's Lesson; a Tale. New York, 1854. 120.. 6251 Lift for the Lazy. New York, 1849. 80.. 3391 Light and Darkness; or, Mysteries of Life. Cath. Crowe. N.Y. 1851. 8~. 4003 and Shade; or, Young Artist. Anna H. Drury. N.Y. 1853. 12~. 5205 of Nature Pursued. A. Tucker. Cambridge, 1831. 4 v. 80.. 2226 on the Dark River. Mrs. M. W. Lawrence. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5545 Lighthouses, Report on. Washington, 1852. 80.. 2744 Treatise on. A. Stevenson. London, 1850. 120... 6069 Lights and Shadows of German Life. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 v. 120.. 2102 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. Lights and Shadows of Irish Life. S. C. Hall. Phil. 1838. 2 v. 12~.. 249 and Shadows of Scottish Life. J. Wilson. New York, 1849. 120~. 394 Lillian, and other Poems. W. M. Praed. New York, 1852. 120... 4784 Lily and the Bee. S. Warren. New York, 1851. 160.. 4468 Lily and the Totem. W. G. Simms. New York, 1850. 12~.... 3921 Lily Gordon; or, the Young Housekeeper. New York, 1854. 120.. 6266 Limes, Cements, &c. G. R. Burnell. London, 1850. 120... 6067 Lincoln, R. W. Lives of the Presidents of the U.S. N. York, 1842. 80. 1825 Lincoln, W. History of Worcester, Mass. Worcester, 1837. 80... 3201 Lincoln, WV. S. Alton Trials for Riot. New York, 1838. 120.. 1545 Lind, Jenny, in America. C. G. Rosenberg. New York, 1851. 12~.. 4409 Memoranda of the Life of. N.P. Willis. Philadelphia, 1851. 120~. 4097 Linda; or, the Young Pilot. Caroline L. Hentz. Phil. 1852. 120.. 3840 Lingard, J. Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church. Phil. n. d. 8~0.. 2084 History of England. Paris, 1840. 8 v. 80.... 3542 Linny Lockwood; a Novel. Catherine Crowe. New York, 1854. 80~.. 5497 Linwoods; or, Sixty Years Since. C. M. Sedgwick. N.Y. 1835. 2 v. 120~. 1086 Lionel Lincoln; or, the Leaguer of Boston. J.F.Cooper. Phil. 1841. 2 v. 120~. 2314 Lion's Skin and Lover Hunt. C. de Bernard. New York, 1853. 120. 5241 Lippard, G. Washington and his Generals. Philadelphia, 1847. 8~0.. 2831 Lippincott, Sara J. Countries I have Seen. Boston, 1855. 120~.. 6232 Listener, The. Caroline Fry. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 120... 2206 Literary and Educational Register.. C. B. Norton. New York, 1854. 12~. 5783 Literary Recreations and Miscellanies. J. G. Whittier. Bost. 1854. 120~. 6222 Literary Reminiscences. T. De Quincey. Boston, 1851. 2 v. 120.. 4458 Literary World. Vols. 3-5, 11. New York, 1848-52. 40~. 3729 Literati, The. E. A. Poe. New York, 1850. 120.. 3929 Literature, Advice in the Pursuits of. S. L. Knapp. N. York, 1832. 120. 326 Amenities of. I. Disraeli. New York, 1841. 2 v. 120.. 1878 Ancient and Modern. S. G. Goodrich. Boston, 1849. 120. 4900, 17 and Fine Arts, Handbook of. G. Ripley & B. Taylor. N.Y.1852. 120~. 4488 and Literary Men, Modern. G. Gilfillan. New York, 1850. 120~. 3511 and Literary Men of Great Britain. A. Mills. N.Y. 1851. 2 v. 80. 4515 Characteristics of. H. T. Tuckerman. Philadelphia, 1849. 120.. 3377 Curiosities of. I. Disraeli. Boston, 1834. 3 v. 120.... 1234 Cyclopaedia of English. R. Chambers. Boston, 1851. 2 v. roy. 80~. 2636 History of English. W. Spalding. New York, 1853. 120~... 5265 Lectures on the History of. F. Schlegel. New York, 1844. 120. 2344 Modern European. Mrs. M. E. Foster. Philadelphia, 1850. 120. 3498 of Europe in 15th to 17th Centuries. H. Hallam. Paris, 1837. 40~. 584 of South of Europe. J. C. L. S. de Sismondi. Lond. 1823. 4 v. 80~. 2233 Outlines of English. T. B. Shaw. Philadelphia, 1849. 120.. 3277 Specimens of Foreign Standard. - See Specimens. Taste, and Composition, Letters on. G. Gregory. Phil. 1809. 120. 371 Walks in the World of. R. Grant. Philadelphia, 1840. 2 v. 120. 867 Littell's Living Age. Vols. 1-42 [continued]. Boston, 1844-54. 8~.. 2214 Little, G. American Cruiser's Own Book. New York, 1851. 120.. 2949 Life on the Ocean; or, Twenty Years at Sea. Boston, 1846. 120. 2209 156 CATALOGUE OF THE Little Drummer. G. Nieritz. New York, 1853. 120. 5540 Little Ferns. Mrs. S. P. Farrington. Auburn, 1854. 120.. 5607 Little Pedlington. J. Poole. New York, 1852. 2 v. 12.... 4861 Little Savage. F. Marryat. New York, 1849. 120.. 3410 Live and Let Live. C. M. Sedgwick. New York, 1837. 120~... 918 Livermore, A. A. The Acts; with a Commentary. Boston, 1853. 120~. 6264 Discourses. Boston, 1854. 120.. 6256 Gospels; with a Commentary. Boston, 1854. 2 v. 120.. 6261 Review of the Mexican War. Boston, 1850. 12. 3509 Romans; with a Commentary. Boston, 1853. 120. 6265 Lives and Anecdotes of Illustrious Men. New York, 1850. 160~... 3316 of American Merchants. New York, 1846. 160.. 2198 of Benefactors. S. G. Goodrich. Boston, 1849. 12~.. 4900, 4 of Distinguished Shoemakers. Portland, 1849. 120... 3280 of Eminent Brit. Statesmen. J. Forster & others. Lon. 1831. 7 v. 120. 1831 Vol. 1. Sir Thomas More; Cardinal Wolsey; Archbishop Cranmer; Wm. Cecil, Lord Burleigh. 2. Sir John Eliot; Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford. 3. John Pym; John Hampden. 4. Sir Henry Vane, the Younger; Henry Marten. 5. Robert Cecil, Earl of Salisbury; Thos. Osborne, Earl of Danby. 6, 7. Oliver Cromwell. of Eminent Persons. London, 1833. 80. 602 Galileo; Kepler; Newton; Mahomet; Wolsey; Sir E. Coke; Lord Somers; Caxton; Blake; Adam Smith; Niebuhr; C. Wren; M. Angelo. of the Felons; or, American Criminal Calendar. N.Y. 1846. 80. 2734 of the Heroes of the American Revolution. Boston, 1847. 120.. 3010 of Literary and Scientific Men. J. Wynne. New York, 1850. 120. 3920 Benj. Franklin; Jonathan Edwards; Robert Fulton; John Marshall; David Rittenhouse; Eli Whitney. of Men of Letters & Science. Lord Brougham. Phil. 1845. 2 v. 120. 2524 For contents, see Brougham. of Scottish Writers. D. Irving. Edinburgh, 1850. 120... 6269 Living Age. Ed. by E. Littell. Vols. 1-42 [con.] Boston, 1844-54. 80. 2214 Living, Philosophy of. H. Mayo. Philadelphia, 1852. 120.... 4860 Philosophy of. C. Ticknor. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 120. 3683, 77 Livy, T. History of Rome. Trans. by G. Baker. Phil. 1836. 80.. 803 The same. New York, 1842. 5 v. 120... 1854, 24-28 The same. Tr. by Spillan and Edmonds. Lon. 1849. 4 v. 80. 4379 Lloyd, Sir W. Journey in Himalaya Mountains. Lond. 1846. 80~.. 4021 Loaded Dice. J. Banim. New York, 1844. 80. 2167, 3 Local Loiterings in the Vicinity of Boston. Boston, 1845. 120... 2539 Locke Amsden; or, the Schoolmaster. D. P. Thompson. Bost. 1850. 12~. 3041 Locke, J. Conduct of the Understanding. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1848. 120. 3683, 171 on Education. London, 1693. 120. 195 Essay on the Human Understanding. Boston, 1803. 3 v. 120. 872 Paraphrase and Notes on the Epistles of Paul. Boston, 1832. 8~. 1818 Works. Vol. 1 (the only vol. yet pub.). London, 1854. Post 80~. 5875 Lockhart, J. G. Ancient Spanish Ballads. New York, 1842. 8~0... 2349 Life of Napoleon. New York, 1843. 2 v. 120.. 2452 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 157 Lockhart, J. G. Life of Napoleon. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1843. 2 v. 120. 3683, 4, 5 Life of Sir W. Scott. Edinburgh, 1848. 10 v. 120.. 4103 The same. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 80. 1259 Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk. New York, 1820. 80.. 657 Reginald Dalton. New York, 1823. 2 v. 120. 339 Locks, Treatise on. C. Tomlinson. London, 1853. 120... 6093 Locomotive Engineers, Handbook of. S. Norris. Phil. 1852. 120.. 5315 Lodge, E. Illustrations of British History, &c. London, 1838. 3 v. 80~. 4676 The same. London, 1838. 3 v. 80.. 5087 Portraits of Illustrious Men of Great Britain. Lond. n. d. 8 v. 120. 3476 Lofty and the Lowly. Maria J. McIntosh. New York, 1853. 2 v. 120~. 5200 Logarithms, Treatise on. H. Law. London, 1853. 12~... 6103 Logic, Elements of. R. Whately. New York, 1839. 120~.. 1805 System of; Ratiocinative and Inductive. J. S. Mill. N.Y. 1850. 80~. 2232 for the Million. London, 1851. 120. 4259 and Utility of Mathematics. C. Davies. New York, 1850. 80~.. 3900 Lolme, J. L. de. Constitution of England. London, 1810. 80. 695 London. C. Knight. London, 1851. 6 v. roy. 80~.... 4827 and its Celebrities. J. H. Jesse. London, 1850. 2 v. 8~. 4959 and its Vicinity in 1851. J. Weale. London, 1851. 120.. 4406 Anecdotes; Electric Telegraph. London, n. d. 240.. 5047 Pictures and Painters. London, n. d. 240... 5048 Antiquarian Ramble in. J. T. Smith. London, 1846. 2 v. 80.. 4343 Charities of. S. Low, jun. London, 1850. 937 Every-Day Life in. J. Grant. Philadelphia, 1839. 2 v. 12~.. 1582 Great Metropolis. J. Grant. New York, 1837. 2 v. 12~.. 1901 Labor and London Poor. Vol. 1. H. Mayhew. N.Y. 1851. 80~. 5176 Leigh's New Picture of. London, 1830. 240. 5071 Letters from, 1802-3. W. Austin. Boston, 1804. 80... 733 Life, Oddities of: J. Poole. Philadelphia, 1838. 2 v. 120... 245 Magazine. Vols. 1-36 (8, 9, 16, 21, 24-32 wanting). Lon. 1732-69. 80. 3777 Memorials of. J. H. Jesse. London, 1847. 2 v. 80.. 4679 Memories of. F. Saunders. New York, 1852. 120~. 4756 Metropolitan Improvements. J. Elmes. London, 1837. 8~.. 2836 Missionary Society, Fathers of. J. Morrison. London, 1844. 80~. 4355 Police of. P. Colquhoun. London, 1800. 80. 729 Sketches of. J. Grant. Philadelphia, 1839. 2 v. 120... 518 Times, Essays from. New York, 1852. 2 v. 120... 262 What I Saw in. D. W. Bartlett. Auburn, 1852. 120... 4782 World of. J. F. Murray. London, 1845. 2 v. 12... 4566 *Vestiges of Old. J. W. Archer. London, 1851. 40.. 5429 Londonderry, N.H., History of. E. L. Parker. Boston, 1851. 120.. 5017 Lone Dove; a Legend of Revolutionary Times. Phil. 1850. 120... 3864 Long, G. France and its Revolutions. London, 1850. Roy. 8... 5901 Law of Sales of Personal Property. Boston, 1839. 80... 2062 Longfellow, H. W. Ballads, and other Poems. Cambridge, 1844. 120.. 1676 Belfry of Bruges, and other Poems. Cambridge, 1846. 120.. 2535 Evangeline; a Tale of Acadie. Boston, 1847. 12~0.... 3055 158 CATALOGUE OF THE Longfellow, H. W. Golden Legend. Boston, 1852. 120.. 4606 Hyperion. Boston, 1850. 120. 1078 Kavanagh; a Tale. Boston, 1849. 120. 3302 Outre-Mer. Boston, 1835. 2 v. 120. 1079 Poems. Boston, 1851. 2 v. 120..4405 Poets and Poetry of Europe. Philadelphia, 1845. Roy. 80... 2281 Seaside and Fireside. Boston, 1850. 120. 3482 Spanish Student. Cambridge, 1843. 120.. 2126 Voices of the Night. Cambridge, 1839. 120... 94 Longfellow, S., & T. W. Higginson. (Editors.) Thalatta. Bost. 1853. 120~. 5306 Look to the End; or, the Bennets Abroad. Mrs. Ellis. N.Y. 1845. 80~. 2242 Looker on; a Periodical Paper. Philadelphia, 1796. 4 v. in 2. 12~. 887 Loomis, E. Progress of Astronomy in United States. N.Y. 1851. 120.. 4027 Loomis, J. R. Elements of Geology. Boston, 1852. 120.. 4791 Lord, E. Epoch of Creation. New York, 1851. 120.. 4431 Lord, W. W. Poems. New York, 1845. 120..2366 Lord and Lady Harcourt. Catherine Sinclair. Philadelphia, 1851. 120. 4016 Lord of the Isles. Sir W. Scott. Philadelphia, 1839. 120. 860, 5 The same. Edinburgh, 1848. 120. 4102, 10 Lord's Prayer, Lectures on. W. R. Williams. Boston, 1851. 12~.. 4407 Lord's Supper, Bickersteth's Treatise on. Philadelphia, 1831. 160.. 822 Lorenzo Benoni; or, Life of an Italian. G. Ruffini. N.Y. 1853. 120.. 5512 Lorgnette; or, Studies of the Town. D. G. Mitchell. N.Y. 1851. 2 v. 120. 3908 Loring, J. S. Hundred Boston Orators. Boston, 1852. 80... 4832 Los Gringos; or,View of Mexico, California, &c. Lieut. Wise. N.Y. 1849. 120. 3429 Lossing, B. J. History of the Fine Arts. (H. F.L.) N.Y. 1846. 120. 3683, 103 Outline History of the Fine Arts. New York, 1840. 120... 2429 Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution. N.Y. 1851-52. 2 v. roy. 8~. 4130 1776; or, War of Independence. New York, 1847. 80... 2818 Signers of Declaration of Independence. New York, 1848. 120. 1778 Lost Heiress. Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth. New York, 1854. 80.. 5985 Lost Prince [Rev. Eleazar Williams]. J. H. Hanson. N.Y. 1854. 120. 5623 Lost Senses; Deafness and Blindness. J. Kitto. New York, 1852. 120. 4863 Lost Ship; or, the Atlantic Steamer. W. J. Neale. New York, 1844. 80. 2729 Lothrop, Amy. Dollars and Cents. New York, 1852. 2 v. 12~... 4789 Lothrop, S. K. Life of Samuel Kirkland. Boston, 1848. 120.. 1076, 25 Lotus-Eating; a Summer Book. G. W. Curtis. New York, 1852. 120. 4888 Loudon, J. C. Encyclopaedia of Trees and Shrubs. London, 1842. 80. 5893 Trees and Shrubs of Britain. London, 1844. 8 v. 8.... 1514 Vol. 1. History, Geography, and Science, with Descriptions; from Ranunculacese to Staphyleacese. 2. Celastraceae to Apocynacese. 3. Asclepiadaceae to Corylacese. 4. Garryacete to the End. 5. (Plates.) Magnoliacese to Leguminosm. 6. (Plates.) Rosacese to Oleacese. 7. (Plates.) Bignoniaceae to Corylacese. 8. (Plates.) Corylaceae to Cupressinae. Loudon, Mrs. Entertaining Naturalist. London, 1850. 12~... 4565 Louis Napoleon. - See Napoleon, Louis. Louis XIV., and Court, in 17th Cent. Miss Pardoe. N.Y. 1847. 2 v. 120. 3040 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 159 Louis's School-Days. E. J. May. New York, 1851. 120... 4481 Louise Elton; or Things Seen & Heard. Mary E. Herndon. Phil. 1853. 120~. 5348 Louise la Valliere. A. Dumas. Phil. 1851. 2 v. 8~. 3807 Louisiana; its Colonial Hist. & Romance. C. Gayarr6. N. Y. 1851. 80. 3827 Historical Collections of. Part 1. New York, 1846. 8~... 2822 History of. E. Bunner. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 120. 3683, 176 Romance of the History of. C. Gayarr6. New York, 1848. 120~. 3107 Travels through. M. Bossu. London, 1771. 2 v. 80. 1283 Views of. H. M. Brackenridge. Pittsburg, 1814. 80.. 609 Love and Ambition; a Novel. London, 1851. 2 v. 12~. 3781 Love and Mesmerism. Horace Smith. New York, 1846. 8~... 2647 Love Match. H. Cockton. New York, 1845. 80..... 2620 Lovejoy, E. P., Death of, and Alton Riots. E. Beecher. Alton, 1838. 120. 1532 Memoir. J. C. and O. Lovejoy. New York, 1838.. 1542 Lovell, J. E. United States Speaker. New Haven, 1839. 12~... 1155 Lover, S. Handy Andy; a Tale of Irish Life. New York, 1850. 8~.. 1711 Legends and Stories of Ireland. Philadelphia, 1835. 120. 124 Rory O'More. New York, 1851. 80. 919 Treasure Trove; or, ~, s. d. London, 1846. 120~.. 1816 Loves of the Poets, Memoirs of. Mrs. A. Jameson. Phil. 1844. 12~.. 2364 Low, D. Domesticated Animals of the British Islands. Lond. 1853. 80~. 5453 Low, Hugh. Sarawak; its Inhabitants and Productions. Lond. 1848. 80~. 4671 Low, Sir Hudson. Letters and Journals. W. Forsyth. N.Y. 1853. 2 v. 12~. 5611 Low, S. Charities of London. London, 1850. 937 Lowell, J., jun. Life and Character. E. Everett. Boston, 1843. 8~. 2251, 1 Lowell, J. R. Biglow Papers. Cambridge, 1848. 12~.. 3183 Conversations on the Old Poets. Cambridge, 1845. 120.. 2306 Fable for Critics. New York, 1848. 12~. 3182 Poems. Boston, 1849. 2 v. 120. 1594 The same. Cambridge, 1844. 12~. 1594 Year's Life. Boston, 1841. 120. 1594 Vision of Sir Launfal. Cambridge, 1848. 12~.... 3330 Lowell Lectures. Evidences of Christianity. M. Hopkins. Bost. 1847. 8~. 2856 Evidences of Christianity. J. G. Palfrey. Boston, 1843. 2 v. 8~. 2251 Lowell, Stranger in. J. G. Whittier. Boston, 1845. 120.. 2478 Lower, M. A. (Trans.) Chronicle of Battel Abbey. London, 1851. 80.. 4321 Curiosities of Heraldry. London, 1845. 80.. 3598 Loyalists, American. L. Sabine. Boston, 1847. 8~.. 2789 Luck of Barry Lyndon. W. M. Thackeray. New York, 1853. 2 v. 120~. 5181 Lucretia; or, the Children of Night. E. L. Bulwer. N. Y. 1846. 80.. 2763 Lucy Hosmer; or, Guardian and Ghost. D. P. Thompson. Burl.1848. 80~. 3205 Luke, Mrs. S. Female Jesuit, and Sequel. N. York, 1851-53. 2 v. 120~. 4165 Lunatic Hospital, Worcester, Reports on. Boston, 1837. 80... 1590 Lundy, B. Memoir of Elizabeth M. Chandler. Philadelphia, 1836. 120. 1533 Lunt, G. Age of Gold, and other Poems. Boston, 1843. 120.. 1730 Lyric Poems. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5586 Lunt, W. P. Discourse on J. Q. Adams. Boston, 1848. 8~... 3533 Luristan and Arabistan. Travels in. C. A. De Bode. Lond. 1845. 2 v. 80~. 4689 160 CATALOGUE OF THE Luther, M., Life and Times of. Mrs. H. F. Lee. Boston, 1839. 120.. 1629 Luttrells; or, the Two Marriages. F. Williams. New York, 1851. 80. 4005 Lycia, Travels in. T. A. B. Spratt and E. Forbes. Lond. 1847. 2 v. 80. 4662 Lydia; a Woman's Book. Mrs. N. Crosland. Boston, 1852. 12~.. 4912 Lyell, Sir C. Elements of Geology. Boston, 1841. 2 v. 12~.. 2519 Manual of Elementary Geology. London, 1851. 80.. 4356 Principles of Geology. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 80.. 784 The same. Boston, 1842. 3 v. 12~. 2520 The same. Eighth edition, revised. London, 1850. 8~.. 3986 The same. Ninth edition revised. Boston, 1853. 8~.. 2520 Second Visit to United States. New York, 1849. 2 v. 12~... 3396 Travels in North America, 1841-42. New York, 1845. 2 v. 12~.. 2479 Lying, Illustrations of. Amelia Opie. Boston, 1827. 12... 201 Lyman, S. P. Life and Memorials of Danl. Webster. N. Y. 1853. 2 v. 12~. 5069 Lynch, Anne C. Rhode Island Book. Providence, 1841. 120~... 1728 Lynch, WV. F. Expedition to Jordan and Dead Sea. Phil. 1849. 80.. 2850 Midshipman. New York, 1851. 120.. 4483 Lynde Weiss; an Autobiography. G. H. Throop. Phil. 1852. 12~.. 140 Lyon, Mary. Life and Labors. Ed. by E. Hitchcock. Northampt. 1852. 120~. 4624 Lyra, and other Poems. Alice Carey. New York, 1852. 12~.. 4783 Lyttleton, G. (Lord). Conversion of St. Paul. New York, n. d. 120.. 504 History of Henry II. London, 1769. 6 v. 80.. 911 M. Mabel, the Actress. Baron St. Leger. New York, 1844. 80~.. 2167, 2 Maberly, Mrs. Lady and the Priest. New York, 1851. 8~... 4525 Macaulay, T. B. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. Phil. 1848. 80~. 3418, 1 The same. Philadelphia, 1851. 5 v. 120..278 Vol. 1. Milton; Machiavelli; Dryden; History; Hallam; Southey's Colloquies on Society; Byron; Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. 2. Boswell's Johnson; Hampden; Burghley; Mirabeau; War of the Succession; Walpole's Letters; Chatham; Bacon. 3. Mackintosh's English Revolution of 1688; Clive; Temple; Church and State; History of the Popes; Cowley and Milton; Mitford's Greece; Athenian Orators. 4. Comic Dramatists of the Restoration; Lord Holland; Hastings; Frederic the Great; Lays of Ancient Rome. 5. Mde. D'Arblay; Addison; Barere; Robt. Montgomery's Poems; Civil Disabilities of the Jews; Mill's Essay on Government; Bentham's Defence of Mill; Utilitarian Theory of Government. Extracts from the Writings of. Buffalo, 1849. 120... 3394 History of England from Accession of James II. N.Y. 1849. 2 v. 8~. 3257 Speeches. New York, 1853. 2 v. 120. 5193 Macaulay, W.H. Kathay; Cruise in the China Seas. N.Y. 1852. 120. 5080 MacCabe, W. B. Bertha; a Romance of the Dark Ages. Lon. 1851. 3 v. 120. 4246 M'Cartney, W. Origin and Progress of United States. Phil. 1847. 120. 3043 M'Cheyne, R. M. Works. New York, 1852. 2 v. 80.... 4726 McConnel, J.L. The Glenns; a Family History. New York, 1851. 120. 4189 Grahame; or, Youth and Manhood. New York, 1850. 120.. 4199 Talbot and Vernon; a Novel. New York, 18,50. 120... 3847 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 161 McConnel, J. L. Western Characters. New York, 1853. 120.. 5563 M'Cosh, J. Method of Divine Government. New York, 1852. 80.. 4725 M'Crie, T. Life of John Knox. Edinburgh, 1840. 120~. 1800 McCrindell, R. Convent; a Narrative. New York, 1850. 12~... 4401 M'Culloch, J. R. Commerce. London, 1843. 80... 2541 Dictionary of Commerce. Philadelphia, 1845. 2 v. roy. 8~.. 1691 Essays on Exchange, Interest, Money, &c. Boston, 1850. 80.. 3984 Geographical Dictionary. New York, 1845. 2 v. roy. 80.. 2221 Literature of Political Economy. London, 1845. 80... 2625 McCulloch's Texas Rangers. S. C. Reid. Philadelphia, 1847. 120.. 3085 McFarland, A. The Escape; Travels in Europe. Boston, 1851. 120.. 5291 MacFarlane, C. Armenians; a Tale of Constantinople. Phil. 1830. 2 v. 120~. 1227 French Revolution of 1789. London, 1844. 4 v. 12~... 3093 Japan; Geographical and Historical Account. N. Y. 1852. 120.. 4907 Life of the Duke of Marlborough. London, 1852. 12~.. 6281 Romance of History; Italy. New York, 1832. 2 v. 120.. 1549 Turkey and its Destiny. Philadelphia, 1850. 2 v. 120.. 3868 MacFarlane, R. Steam Navigation and Propellers. N.Y. 1851. 120.. 4058 MacGavock, R. W. Tennessean Abroad. New York, 1854. 120... 6279 Mac-Geoghegan, Abb6. History of Ireland. Dublin, 1844. Roy. 80.. 3964 Macgillivray, W. History of British Birds. London, 1839. 2 v. 8~.. 3547 British Quadrupeds. Edinburgh, 1843. 120.... 4901, 17 Macgregor, J. Commercial Statistics of all Nations. Lond. 1850. 5 v. roy. 80. 5469 Vol. 1. Austria; Belgium; Denmark; France, and Colonies; Holland, and Colonies; Germanic Union; Italian States; Gibraltar; Malta; Ionian Islands. 2. Ottoman Empire; Greece; African States; Russia; Sweden and Norway; Spain, and Colonies; Portugal, and Colonies. 3. United States; Mexico; Central America; Mosquito Territory; New Grenada; Venzuela; British, French, and Dutch Guyana; Peru; Bolivia; Equador; Chili; Paraguay; Buenos Ayres; Monte Video; Patagonia. 4. Hayti; Cuba; Porto Rico; French, Dutch, and Danish West Indies; Brazil; British East Indies; Ceylon; Singapore; Malacca; Prince of Wales's Island. 5. Chinese Empire; British Possessions in Africa, Asia, and Australia; British North American Colonies; British West Indies; Falkland Islands; Sandwich Islands; British and Colonial Customs; Tariffs and Regulations; Dues and Charges in Seaports of Great Britain; Summary of British Navigation for One Hundred and Fifty Years; Supplements. *Progress of America. London, 1847. 2 v. 8.. 4023 *Machines, Mechanics, &c., Appleton's Dictionary of. N.Y.1851. 2 v. roy. 80. 4124 Machiavelli, N. Art of War. Albany, 1815. 80. 1330 Florentine Histories. New York, 1845. 2 v. 120.... 2482 McIntosh, J. Origin of the North American Indians. N.Y. 1853. 80.. 1841 McIntosh, Maria J. Aunt Kitty's Tales. New York, 1849. 12~... 3932 Conquest and Self-Conquest. New York, 1846. 180.... 2420 Evenings at Donaldson Manor. New York, 1851. 80.... 4309 The same. New York, 1853. 120.. 4926 Charms and Counter-Charms. New York, 1850. 120... 3150 Lofty and the Lowly. New York, 1853. 2 v. 120... 5200 Two Lives; or, To Seem and To Be. New York, 1852. 12~.. 4868 Woman in America. New York, 1850. 120..... 3629 Y 162 CATALOGUE OF THE Mackay, C. Extraordinary Popular Delusions. Phil. 1850. 2 v. 120.. 3668 M'Kenney, T. L. Memoirs and Travels. New York, 1846. 8~... 2765 Mackenzie, A. Voyages to Frozen and Pacific Oceans. Phil. 1802. 80. 766 Mackenzie, A. S. American in England. New York, 1835. 2 v. 120.. 1108 Life of Stephen Decatur. Boston, 1848. 120. 1076, 21 Life of J. Paul Jones. Boston, 1841. 12~. 1905 Life of Oliver H. Perry. New York, 1840. 2 v. 120... 221 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 2 v. 120. 3683, 126-7 Year in Spain. New York, 1836. 3 v. 120.. 1193 Mackenzie, Mrs. C. Six Years in India. New York, 1853. 12~... 5548 Mackenzie, H. Memoir and Works (no titlepage). 120.. 235 Mackie, J. M. Life of G. W. von Leibnitz. Boston, 1845. 120... 2326 Life of S. Gorton. Boston, 1844. 120..... 1076, 15 McKinnen, D. Tour through Brit. West India Islands. Lond. 1804. 120. 196 Mackinnon, Capt. Atlantic and Transatlantic. New York, 1852. 120.. 5018 McKinnon, W. C. St. George; or, Canadian League. Halif. 1852. 2 v. 120~. 189 Mackintosh, Sir J. History of England. Philadelphia, 1830. 2 v. 12~.. 76 Miscellaneous Works. Philadelphia, 1848. 8~. 3418, 8 The same. London, 1846. 3 v. 80~. 2703 Vol. 1. Progress of Ethical Philosophy; Philosophical Genius of Bacon and Locke; Law of Nature and Nations; Life of Sir Thomas More; Authorship of Ic~n Basilike; Affairs of Holland. 2. English Revolution of 1688; Partition of Poland; Administration and Fall of Struensee; Case of Donna Maria, of Portugal; Charles, First Marquis Cornwallis; Character of George Canning; Preface to a Reprint of the Edinburgh Review of 1755; Writings of Machiavelli; Lives of Milton's Nephews; Review of Rogers's Poems; Mde. de Stail's Germany; Discourse at the Literary Society of Bombay. 3. Defence of the French Revolution; State of France in 1815; Right of Parliamentary Suffrage; Defence of Jean Peltier; Charge to Grand Jury of Bombay.- Speeches, viz.: On Annexation of Genoa; On the State of Criminal Law; On Case of Missionary Smith; On Spanish-American States; On Civil Government of Canada; On Affairs of Portugal, 1829; On the Reform Bill, 1831. Life. R. J. Mackintosh. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 80~..... 5421 The same. Philadelphia, 1836. 80. 2228, 1 Progress of Ethical Philosophy. Philadelphia, 1845. 8~.0.. 3608 Mackintosh, John. Pathology and Practice of Medicine. Phil. 1844. 8~. 4702 MacLeod, D. The Bloodstone. New York, 1853. 120... 5616 Life of Sir Walter Scott. New York, 1852. 120... 5053 Pynnshurst. New York, 1852. 120. 1031 McLellan, I., jun. Fall of the Indian, and other Poems. Bost. 1830. 12~. 502 McMullen, T. Handbook of Wines. New York, 1852. 120.. 4777 Macnish, R. Tales and Essays; with Life. D. M. Moir. Lon. 1844. 2 v. 12~. 4975 Macpherson, J. (Translator.) Poems of Ossian. New York, 1846. 12~. 2999 Macy, O. History of Nantucket. Boston, 1835. 120. 1183 Madam Dorrington of the Dene. W. Howitt. London, 1851. 3 v. 120~. 4619 Madden, R. R. Infirmities of Genius. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 v. 120.. 2551 Residence in the West Indies. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 v. 120.. 1077 United Irishmen. Philadelphia, 1842. 2 v. 120... 1936 Madeleine; a Tale of Auvergne. Julia Kavanagh. N. York, 1852. 120. 949 Madeira and West Indies, Traveller's Guide to. Haddington, n. d. 80.. 663 Sierra Leone, &c., Travels in. J. Holman. London, 1840. 8~. 1986, 1 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 163 Madeira, Spain, and Florence. J. A. Dix. New York, 1850. 120.. 4085 Madison, J. Life. J. Q. Adams. Boston, 1850. 120.. 3934 Papers, Correspondence, and Reports. New York, 1841. 3 v. 80. 1781 Madoc; a Poem. R. Southey. Boston, 1821. 2 v. 80.. 45 Madras, Ceylon, &c., Travels in. J. Holman. London, 1840. 8~.. 1986, 3 Madrid in 1835. New York, 1836. 2 v. 80. 1431 Madrilenia; or, Spanish Life. H. D. Wolff. London, 1851. 120... 5413 Magdalen Hepburn. Mrs. Oliphant. New York, 1854. 120.... 6174 Magendie, F. Use of Prussic Acid in Disease of the Breast. N.H. 1820. 120. 975 Magic and Sorcery, Narratives of. T. Wright. New York, 1852. 120.. 4768 Natural, Letters on. Sir D. Brewster. New York, 1845. 120.. 2433 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 120... 3683, 50 Philosophy of. E. Salverte. Ed. by A.T.Thomson. Lon.1846. 2 v. 80~. 4683 Magic of Kindness. Bros. Mayhew. New York, 1849. 120~... 3309 Magician Priest of Avignon. T. H. Usborne. London, 1851. 2 v. 120~. 4607 Magin, E. Piozziana. London, 1833. 80.. 2543 Maginn, W. Odoherty Papers. New York, 1855. 2 v. 120.. 6241 Magnalia Christi Americana. Cotton Mather. Hartford, 1853. 2 v. 8~.. 5445 Magnetical and Meteorological Observations. J. M. Gilliss. Wash. 1845. 80~. 2813 Magnetism, Heat, &c., Dynamics of. C. von Ruchenbach. Lon. 1851. 8~. 4159 Human. W. Newnham. New York, 1845. 120.... 2342 Popular Treatise on. Sir D. Brewster. Edinburgh, 1851. 120.. 6271 Treatise on. Sir W. S. Harris. London, 1843. 120... 6042 Magoon, E. L. Living Orators of America. New York, 1850. 120.. 3281 Proverbs for the People. Boston, 1849. 120.. 3186 Republican Christianity. Boston, 1849. 120.. 3354 Magyars, Poetry of. J. Bowring. London, 1830. 120..... 3092 Mahmoud; a Novel. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 v. 120.... 1121 Mahomedans and Hindoos, Strictures on. W. Tennant. Lon. 1804. 2 v. 80~. 969 Mahomet and his Successors. W. Irving. New York, 1850. 2 v. 120.. 3368 and his Successors. S. Ockley. London, 1847. Post 80... 3556 The Koran; Translated, with Discourse, by G. Sale. Lon. 1844. 80~. 2003 Life. London, 1833. 8~. 602 The same. Philadelphia, 1833. 80. 1357, 2 Life. G. Bush. (H. F. L.) New York, 1843. 120... 3683, 10 Life and Religion of. Trans. by J. L. Merrick. Bost. 1850. 120. 3628 Mahon, Lord. History of England. New York, 1849. 2 v. 80... 3262 Life of Belisarius. Philadelphia, 1832. 120.... 216 Life of Louis, Prince of Conde. New York, 1845. 2 v. 120.. 2513 Mahoney, S. I. Six Years in the Monasteries of Italy. Phil. 1836. 120. 227 Maid of Canal-street and the Bloxhams. Miss Leslie. Phil. 1851. 80.. 3810 Maid of Orleans; a Romantic Tragedy. F. Schiller. London, n. d. 120. 2979 Maillard, A. Marie. Miles Tremenhere. New York, 1853. 120... 5375 Main, R. Treatise on Astronomy. London, 1852. 120.... 6104 Maine, History of. W. D. Williamson. Hallowell, 1832. 2 v. 80.. 569 History of the District of. J. Sullivan. Boston, 1795. 80... 577 Geology of; Second Report. C. T. Jackson. Augusta, 1838. 80. 3248 Maistre, J. de. Generative Principle ofPolit. Constitutions. Bost. 1847. 120. 3024 164 CATALOGUE OF THE Major Jones's Courtship. Philadelphia, 1850. 120..... 3889 Major Jones's Sketches of Travel. Philadelphia, 1850. 12... 3890 Malcolm, Sir J. Sketches of Persia. London, 1845. 12... 2389 Malcom, H. Christian's Rule of Marriage. Boston, 1834. 120... 1481 Travels in South-Eastern Asia. Boston, 1839. 2 v. 12~.. 1250 Malden, H. Distinguished Men of Modern Times. N.Y.1846.2v.120. 3683, 124-5 Malham, J. Naval Gazetteer. Boston, 1797. 2 v. 80. 678 Mallet, M. Northern Antiquities. London, 1846. Post 80.. 3561 Malleville; a Franconia Story. J. Abbott. New York, 1850. 12~.. 4033 Malibran, Madame. Memoirs. Countess de Merlin. Lon. 1844. 2 v. 120~. 2386 Malta and Sicily, Travels in, 1827. A. Bigelow. Boston, 1831. 80~.. 787 Malthus, T. R. Essay on Population. Georgetown, 1809. 2 v. 80~.. 1973 *Mammifers, Collection de. Paris, 1808. 40.. 6980 Man and his Migrations. R. G. Latham. New York, 1852. 120... 4594 and his Motives. G. Moore. New York, 1848. 120~. 2460 Constitution of. G. Combe. Boston, 1839. 120... 55 History of; or, the Wonders of Human Nature. Perth, 1796. 12~. 118 in his Physical Structure & Adaptations. R. Mudie. Bost. 1838. 120~. 334 Natural History of. W. Lawrence. London, 1848. Post 8~.. 4395 Physical History of. J. C. Prichard. London, 1813. 80.. 1914 Primeval. J. Harris. Boston, 1849. 120.. 3358 Theories on Nat. History of. W. F. Van Amringe. N.Y. 1848. 80. 4354 Man-at-Arms. G. P. R. James. New York, 1840. 2 v. 120~... 420 The same. London, 1844. 120. 5727 Man Made of Money. D. Jerrold. New York, 1849. 120.. 3297 The same. London, 1853. 120..6234, 6 Man of Two Lives; written by Himself. Boston, 1829. 120~.... 390 Management of the Tongue. Boston, 1813. 120. 137 Mandeville; a Tale. W. Godwin. Philadelphia, 1818. 2 v. 120.. 1908 Manhattaner in New Orleans. A. O. Hall. New York, 1851. 120. 4089 *Mankind, Types of. S. G. Morton. Ed. by Nott & Gliddon. Phil. 1854. 80~. 5928 Manly Exercises, British. D. Walker. Philadelphia, 1850. 120... 2200 Mann, E. J. Deaf and Dumb, and their Education. Boston, 1836. 120~. 281 Mann, H. Lectures on Education. Boston, 1848. 120... 2323 Slavery; Letters and Speeches. Boston, 1851. 120.... 4623 Twelve Reports on Education in Mass. Boston, 1838-48. 2 v. 80~. 4121 Mann, J. Bird-Keeper's Manual. Boston, 1848. 120... 3308 Manners and Customs of Nations. S. G. Goodrich. Bost. 1849. 120. 4900, 19 Customs & Curiosities of Nations. J. Goldsmith. Phil. 1818. 2 v. 120. 1016 Manning, J. A. Lives of Speakers of House of Commons. Lon. 1851. roy. 80. 5147 Manning, R. ShortestWay to end Disputes about Religion. Bost. 1850. 12~. 3832 Mansfield, E. D., Legal Rights and Duties of Women. Salem, 1845. 120. 2574 Life of Gen. Winfield Scott. New York, 1846. 120~.. 2598 Mansfield, -. Up Country Letters. New York, 1852. 120.. 4893 Mansfield Park. Jane Austen. London, 1853. 120.. 5693 The same. Philadelphia, 1838. 80.. 1585, 1 Mansie Wauch. New York, 1828. 120. 524 Mantell, G. A. Geology of Isle of Wight. London, 1854. Post 80.. 5937 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 165 *Mantell, G. A. Pictorial Atlas of Fossil Remains. London, 1850. 40~. 4351 Manual of Dignities, Privilege, and Precedence. C. R. Dodd. Lond. 1844. 120. 2444 The same. London, 1843. 12~. 3602 Manufacturing Districts of England. Sir G. Head. New York, 1847. 120. 3038 Manzoni, A. The Betrothed. London, 1851. 120.. 5662 The same. New York, 1845. 2 v. 12~. 2496 Mapleton; or, the Maine Law. P. Church. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5309 Maps. - See Atlas. Marble, D., Biographical Sketch of. New York, 1851. 120~.. 4462 March, C. W. Reminiscences of Congress. New York, 1850. 12~.. 3919 Marchioness of Brinvilliers. A. Smith. London, 1852. 120.. 5680 Marcou, J. Geological Map of United States. Boston, 1853. 80... 5417 Marcus Warland. Caroline Lee Hentz. Philadelphia, 1852. 120.. 3574 Mardi; and a Voyage thither. H. Melville. New York, 1849. 2 v. 120~. 3276 Margaret; a Tale of the Real and Ideal. S. Judd. Boston, 1851. 2 v. 120~. 2523 Margaret; or, Prejudice at Home. New York, 1854. 120.. 5788 Margaret Cecil; or, 1"I Can, because I Ought." New York, 1852. 120~. 4767 Margaret Graham. G. P. R. James. New York, 1847. 80.. 2808 Margaret Maitland. Mrs. Oliphant. New York, 1851. 120... 4423 Margaret Percival in America; a Tale. Boston, 1850. 120.. 3915 Margaret Smith's Journal, 1678-9. Boston, 1849. 120... 3339 Margoliouth, M. History of the Jews in Great Britain. Lond. 1851. 3 v. 120. 4287 Pilgrimage to the Land of my Fathers. London, 1850. 2 v. 80.. 4324 Marguerite de Valois. A. Dumas. New York, 1850. 80... 2705 Marian; or, the Young Maid's Fortunes. Mrs. S. G. Hall. N.Y.1840. 2 v. 120. 1523 Marie Antoinette, Court of. Mde. Campan. London, 1850. 2 v. 120.. 3834 History of. J. S. C. Abbott. New York, 1850. 120... 3380 Marie Louise; or, Opposite Neighbors. Emilie F. Carlen. Lond. 1853. 120~. 5382 Marie de Berniere. W. G. Simms. Philadelphia, 1853. 120... 5301 Marine Engines and Steam Vessels. R. Murray. London, 1852. 120.. 6088 Marine Insurances, Law of. J. A. Park. Boston, 1799. 80... 782 Practical Treatise on. J. I. Burn. London, 1801. 120.. 172 Mariner, W. Account of Natives of Tonga Islands. Boston, 1820. 80~. 751 Mariner's Library of Popular Voyages. Boston, 1833. 120.... 1169 Mariner's Sketches. N. Ames. Providence, 1830. 120.. 590 Mariner's Technical Terms, Dictionary of. Washington, 1805. 120. 109 Marion, F. (Gen.). Life. P. Horry and M. L. Weems. Phil. 1841. 120. 1894 Life. W. G. Simms. New York 1844. 12~. 2182 Mariotti, L. Blackgown Papers. London, 1846. 2 v. 120.. 4970 Italy Past and Present. London, 1848-49. 2 v. 120. 3356 Scenes from Italian Life. London, 1850. 120. 4227 Maritime Contracts, Treatise on. R. J. Pothier. Boston, 1821. 80~.. 1401 Mark Hurdlestone. Mrs. S. Moodie. New York, 1853. 120.. 5378 Marlborough, Duke of, History of. London, 1754. 120.. 854 Letters and Despatches. London, 1845. 3 v. 80.. 2274 Life. C. MacFarlane. London, 1852. 120.... ~. 6281 Memoirs. W. Coxe. London, 1847. 3 v. post 80.... 3557 Marmaduke Herbert. Countess of Blessington. New York, 1849. 80.. 2820 166 CATALOGUE OF THE Marmaduke Lorrimer. J. Middleton. London, 1850. 120.. 4279 Marmaduke Wyvil. H. W. Herbert. New York, 1853. 120. 5317 Marmion. Sir W. Scott. Philadelphia, 1839. 120. 860, 2 The same. Edinburgh, 1848. 120.. 4102, 7 Marquette, Father. Life. J. Sparks. Boston, 1844. 120.. 1076, 10 Marquis de Letoriere. E. Sue. New York, 1844. 8~0.. 2167, 2 Marriage; a Novel. Susan Ferrier. New York, 1848. 80... 303 The same. London, 1853. 120... 5724 Marriage, Christian's Rule of. H. Malcom. Boston, 1834. 80.. 1481 Marriage Contract. Harriet Raikes. Boston, 1850. 80.... 3640 Marryat, F. Ardent Troughton. New York, 1846. 80.... 2812 Diary in America. New York, 1839. 120.. 193 Diary of a Blas6. Philadelphia, 1836. 120.. 272 Jacob Faithful. Philadelphia, 1847. 80. 401 The same. London, 1853. 120. ~. 6715 Japhet in Search of a Father. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 120~.. 1120 The same. London, 1853. 120.... 5716 King's Own. Philadelphia, 1834. 2 v. 120.. 1196 The same. London, 1853. 120.... 5717 Little Savage. New York, 1849. 120... 3410 Midshipman Easy. Philadelphia, n. d. 80. 244 The same. London, 1853. 120.. 5718 Newton Forster. London, 1853. 120.. 5719 Novels. Philadelphia, 1847. 2 v. 80. 1766 Vol. 1. Peter Simple; Jacob Faithful; King's Own; Pacha of Many Tales. 2. Snarleyyow, or Dog-Fiend; Midshipman Easy; Japhet in Search of a Father; Newton Forster; Frank Mildmay. Pacha of Many Tales. London, 1853. 120... 5720 The same. Philadelphia, 1847. 80.. 2964 Percival Keene. Philadelphia, 1846. 80...2714 The same. London, 1853. 120... 5735 Peter Simple. Philadelphia, 1847. 80.. 449 The same. London, 1853. 120... 5714 Phantom Ship. Philadelphia, 1839. 2 v. 120. 481 The same. London, 1853. 120... 5732 Pirate, and the Three Cutters. Philadelphia, 1847. 80~... 1122 Poacher. London, 1853. 120.. 5731 Poor Jack. Philadelphia, n. d. 8.... 920 Snarleyyow; or, Dog-Fiend. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 120~... 902 The same. London, 1853. 120... 5733 Marsh, Mrs. Adelaide Lindsay. New York, 1850. 80.. 3976 Angela. New York, 1848. 120. 3145 Aubury. New York, 1854. 80. 5966 Lettice Arnold. New York, 1850. 80. 3947 Mordaunt Hall. New York, 1849. 80. 3295 Norman's Bride; or, the Modern Midas. New York, 1847. 80.. 2815 Protestant Reformation in France. London, 1847. 2 v. 80... 4643 Ravenscliffe. New York, 1852. 80. 414 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 167 Marsh, Mrs. Tales of the Fields and Woods. New York, 1836. 120.. 238 Time, the Avenger. New York, 1851. 80.... 3809 Two Old Men's Tales. New York, 1848. 80.. 3154 The same. London, 1853. 120.. 5728 Marsh, C. C. Bookkeeping by Double Entry. Phil. 1843. 8~.. 1645 The same. New York, 1851. 80~. 4078 Single-Entry Bookkeeping. New York, 1843. 80.. 1614 Marsh, J. Popular Life of Geo. Fox. Philadelphia, 1848. 120.. 3332 Marshall, E. C. Book of Oratory. New York, 1851. 12~... 4198 Marshall, J. History of the Colonies of North America. Phil. 1824. 8~. 1987 Life of George Washington. Philadelphia, 1805-7. 5 v. 80~.. 1267 Writings on the Federal Constitution. Boston, 1839. 8~.. 2054 Marshall, S. Law of Insurance. Boston, 1805. 80.. 1389 Martell, Martha. Second Love. New York, 1851. 120... 4157 Marten, H. Life. J. Forster. London, 1831. 120. 1831,4 Martin, R. M. China, Political, Commercial, & Social. Lon. 1847. 2 v. 8~. 4341 History of Australia. London, n. d. Roy. 80. 4941 History of the British Colonies. London, 1843. Roy. 8~... 2843 *(Editor.) Tallis's Illustrated Atlas. London, 1851. 40... 4948 Martin, S. Useful Arts; their Birth and Development. Lond. 1851. 120. 4214 Martin Chuzzlewit. C. Dickens. Philadelphia, 1849. 80.... 2069 Martin Faber, and other Tales. W. G. Simms. Philadelphia, 1846. 2 v. 12~. 207 Martineau, Harriet. Deerbrook. New York, 1839. 2 v. 120... 981 Eastern Life, Past and Present. Philadelphia, 1848. 120... 3118 History of England, 1816-46. London, 1849. 2 v. roy. 8~... 37L93 Illustrations of Political Economy. Philadelphia, 1834. 2 v. 240. 1464 Vol. 1. Life in the Wilds; Hill and the Valley; Brooke and Brooke Farm; Demerara; Ella of Garveloch. 2. Weal and Woe in Garveloch; Manchester Strike; Cousin Marshall; Ireland; Hours Abroad. Life in the Sick-Room. Boston, 1844. 120..1843 Morals and Manners. New York, 1838. 120. 246 Retrospect of Western Travel. New York, 1838. 2 v. 120.. 1117 Society in America. New York, 1837. 2 v. 120.. 367 Martineau, J. Miscellanies. Boston, 1852. 120.. 4627 Joseph Priestley; Thomas Arnold; Church and State; Theodore Parker's Discourse; Phases of Faith; Church of England; Battle of the Churches. Martyn, H. Journal & Letters. Ed. by S. Wilberforce. N.Y. 1851. 120. 4168 Memoir. J. Sargent. New York, n. d. 120.. 447 Sermons. Boston, 1822. 120.. 1000 Martyr Wife. Philadelphia, 1844. 120.... 2138 The same. New York, 1844. 80.. 2171 Martyrdom, History of Christian. J. Fox. London, 1837. 80~.. 1941 Martyrs of Science, Lives of. Sir D. Brewster. New York, 1841. 120. 1627 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1847. 120.. 3683, 130 Mary Barton; a Tale of Manchester Life. Mrs. Gaskell. N.Y. 1849. 80~. 3245 Mary Bell; a Franconia Story. J. Abbott. New York, 1850. 120.. 4154 Mary Erskine; a Franconia Story. J. Abbott. New York, 1850. 120.. 3814 Mary of Burgundy. G. P. R. James. New York, 1833. 2 v. 12~.. 1036 168 CATALOGUE OF THE Mary, Queen of Scots, History of. J. Abbott. New York, 1848. 120.. 2461 Life. H. G. Bell. New York, 1844. 2 v. 120. 2401 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1847. 2 v. 120. 3683, 21, 22 Recueil des Lettres de. London, 1844. 7 v. 120.... 4517 Mary Schweidler, the Amber Witch. W. Meinhold. N.Y. 1845. 120.. 2329 Mason, C. Discourse at New York University. New York, 1847. 8~0.. 3197 National and State Governments of United States. Bost. 1842. 120. 2155 Mason, E. Pastor's Legacy; with Memoir of Author. N.Y. 1853. 80.. 5120 Mason, G. C. Newport Illustrated. New York, 1854. 120... 5964 Mason, J. Life. G. E. Ellis. Boston, 1844. 120.. 1076, 13 Mason, J. M. Complete Works. New York, 1850. 4 v. 120.. 4750 Mason, L. Musical Letters from Abroad. New York, 1854. 120... 5636 Masonic Institution, Catalogue of Books on. Boston, 1852. 80~... 330 Letters on. J. Q. Adams. Boston, 1847. 80.. 2857 Masonry, Opinions on Speculative. J. C. Odiorne. Boston, 1830. 12~. 1097 See also Freemasonry. Masonry and Stone-cutting. E. Dobson. London, 1849. 120.. 6052 Massachusetts, Agriculture of. G. L. Flint. Boston, 1853. 8~.. 5955 Agricultural Societies of, 1850. Boston, 1851. 8~... 4360 Agricultural Societies of, 1851. Boston, 1852. 80... 5126 Bay, Chronicles of the Colony of. A. Young. Boston, 1846. 8~. 2733 Bay, History of, from 1748. G. R. Minot. Boston, 1798. 8~.. 673 Bay, Lives of Governors of. J. B. Moore. New York, 1848. 8~. 3228 Board of Education Report, 1850. Boston. 80.. 3770 Twelve Reports, 1838-48. H. Mann. Boston. 8~0... 4121 Char. Mech. Asso., Annals of. J. T. Buckingham. Bost. 1853. 80~. 5493 Constitution of, Discussions on. Boston, 1854. 8~0.. 5495 Constitutional Convention, 1779, Journal of. Boston, 1832. 80.. 1785 Constitutional Convention, 1820; Journal & Debates. Bos. 1853. 8~. 791 Constitutional Convention, 1853, Debates in. Bost. 1853. 3v. roy.80. 5916 Constitutional Convention, 1853, Journal of. Boston, 1853. 8~.. 5970 Currency, Historical Account of. J. B. Felt. Boston, 1839. 80.. 1252 Gazetteer of. J. Hayward. Boston, 1849. 120.. 3027 General Hospital, History of. N. I. Bowditch. Boston, 1851. 80~. 4535 Geology of; Final Report. E. Hitchcock. Amherst, 1841. 2 v. 40~. 2026 Historical Collections of. J. W. Barber. Worcester, 1841. 80.. 1964 Historical Society, Collections of. - See Collections. History of. W. H. Carpenter. Philadelphia, 1853. 120.. 5320 History of, 1620-1820. A. Bradford. Boston, 1835. 8~... 767 History of, 1764-1775. A. Bradford. Boston, 1822. 8~... 761 History of, 1628-1750. T. Hutchinson. Boston, 1795. 2 v. 8~.. 1284 History of Land-Titles in. J. Sullivan. Boston, 1801. 80... 747 Insurrections in 1786. G. R. Minot. Boston, 1810. 8~0... 1336 Judicial History of. E. Washburn. Boston, 1840. 80.. 2090 Legislature, Patriotic Proceedings in, 1809. Boston, 1809. 8~.. 768 Lunatic Hospital Reports. Boston, 1837. 80..... 1590 Perpetual Laws of. Boston, 1789. 40... 3639 Population of, 1765-1840. Jesse Chickering. Boston, 1846. 8~0.. 2816 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 169 Massachusetts Quarterly Review. Vols. 1-3. Boston, 1848-50. 8~.. 3617 Register, 1839. Boston. 120. 1472 Register; 1852-54. G. Adams. Boston, 3 v. 8~... 256 Reports on Fishes, Reptiles, and Birds of. Boston, 1839. 8~. 722 Storer, D. H. Reports on Ichthyology and Herpetology. Peabody, W. B. O. Report on Ornithology. Report on Herbaceous Plants of. C. Dewey. Camb. 1848. 80~.. 1969 Report on Insects Injurious to Vege. T. W. Harris. Camb. 1842. 80~. 1738 The same. Boston, 1852. 8~.. 5116 Report on Invertebrata of. A. A. Gould. Camb. 1841. 80.. 1970 Report on Quadrupeds of. E. Emmons. Cambridge, 1840. 80~.. 1969 Report on Trees and Shrubs of. G. B. Emerson. Boston, 1846. 80~. 2803 Reports on Contested Elections. L. S. Cushing. Boston, 1853. 80~. 5178 Revised Statutes. Boston, 1836. Roy. 80.. 1351 Supplements to the same, 1849. Roy. 80. 1351, 2 Sanitary Report. Boston, 1850. 80.. 3791 *Scenery of. Northampton, 1842. 40.. 3795 School Returns, 1838-39. Boston, 1839. 8~0.. 1616 Speeches of Governors, from 1765-75. Boston, 1818. 8~... 576 State Record. Vols. 1-4. Boston, 1847-50. 120... 3099 Statistics of Industry in. J. G. Palfrey. Boston, 1846. 8~.. 4359 Massey, G. Poems and Ballads. New York, 1854. 120.. 6294 Massie, J. W. Continental India. London, 1840. 2 v. 80.. 4543 Massillon, J. B., Morceaux Choisis de. Paris, 1812. 160. 81 Sermons. Boston, 1845. 80. 3621 Massinger, P. Plays, Expurgated. New York, 1831. 3 v. 120~.. 4474 and J. Ford. Dramatic Works. London, 1848. Roy.8~... 1788 Master Builder; or, Life at a Trade. D. K. Lee. New York, 1852. 120~. 4889 Master Humphrey's Clock. C. Dickens. Philadelphia, 1849. 8~0.. 1605 Master's House; a Tale of Southern Life. New York, 1854. 120.. 6148 Masters and Workmen; a Tale. London, 1851. 3 v. 120... 4252 Masting, Mastmaking, and Rigging of Ships. R. Kipping. Lon. 1854. 120~. 6072 *Mastodon, Description of a Skeleton. J. C. Warren. Boston, 1852. 40~. 4937 Materia Medica and Therapeutics. A. T. Thomson. London, 1843. 80~. 4692 Materials for Thinking. London, 1812. 120.. 6273 Mathematical Instruments. J. F. Heather. London, 1851. 120... 6056 Mathematics, Logic and Utility of. C. Davies, New York, 1850. 8~.. 3900 Philosophy of. A. Comte. New York, 1851. 8~0... 4134 Mather, Cotton. Life. W. B. O. Peabody. Boston, 1840. 120.. 1076, 6 Magnalia; or Ecc. History of New England. Hart. 1853. 2 v. 8~. 5445 Mather, J. H. Geography of the State of New York. HIartf. 1847. 120~. 3866 Mathews, C. Big Abel, and the Little Manhattan. N. York, 1845. 12~. 2488 Memoirs. Mrs. Mathews. London, 1839. 4 v. 8~... 2779 Moneypenny; or, Heart of the World. New York, 1850. 80~.. 3642 Motley Book. New York, 1840. 80. 777 Various Writings. New York, 1843.. 2247 Matilda Montgomerie. Major Richardson. New York, 1851. 8~0.. 4521 Matrimony, Phrenology applied to. O. S. Fowler. New York, 1842. 80~. 1844 z 170 CATALOGUE OF THE Matthew, Lectures on. B. Porteus. Northampton, 1805. 80... 619 Matthias, B. Rules of Order in Deliberative Bodies. Phil. 1851. 180.. 4761 Mattison, H. Spirit Rapping Unveiled. New York, 1853. 120... 5281 Maturin, E. Montezuma; the Last of the Aztecs. N.Y. 1845. 2 v. 120~. 2528 Mauduit, M. Lemons de Geom6trie. Paris, 1790. 80. 1445 Maunder, S. Biographical Treasury. London, 1851. 12~.. 4470 Scientific and Literary Treasury. London, 1848. 120.. 4109 Treasury of History. London, 1850. 12~. 4107 Treasury of Knowledge and Library of Reference. Lond. 1848. 120~. 4106 Treasury of Natural History. London, 1849. 120... 4108 Maundrell, H. Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem. Boston, 1836. 160~. 86 Maurice and Berghetta; a Tale. Boston, 1820. 120. 1173 Maurice, F. D. Religions of the World. Boston, 1854. 120... 5605 Theological Essays. New York, 1854. 12..... 5772 Maurice Tiernay; or, the Soldier of Fortune. C. Lever. N.Y. 1852. 80~. 3991 Maury, Abbe. Principles of Eloquence. (H. F. L.) N. Y. 1848. 120~. 3683, 184 Maury, Sarah M. Statesmen of America in 1846. Phil. 1847. 120~.. 4469 Mawe, J. Travels in Interior of Brazil. Philadelphia, 1816. 80~... 1597 Maxims and Moral Sentences. F. Rochefoucauld. N. York, 1851. 120~. 404 Religious. T. C. Upham. Philadelphia, 1854. 180.. 6253 Maxwell; a Novel. T. E. Hook. London, 1851. 120.. 5659 Maxwell, J. S. The Czar; his Court and People. New York, 1848. 120~. 3115 Maxwell, W. H. Bivouac. London, 1853. 120. 5722 Brian O'Linn. New York, 1848. 8~.. 3204 Captain Blake. London, 1850. 120.. 5668 Hector O'Halloran. New York, 1843. 80. 1762 The same. London, 1852. 120..5683 Hill-Side and Border Sketches. New York, 1847. 80.. 2780 Life of Duke of Wellington. London, 1845. 3 v. 80~... 5092 Stories of Waterloo. London, 1851. 120.. 5657 Victories of British Armies. London, 1847. 12~.. 3133 Wild Sports of the West. Philadelphia, 1846. 80.. 2663 The same. Philadelphia, 1851. 80. 4125 May, Caroline. American Female Poets. Philadelphia, 1848. 8~... 3535 May, E. J. Louis's School Days. New York, 1851. 120~. 4481 Sunshine of Greystone. New York, 1854. 120... 5785 May, G. Birth-Town of Shakspeare. Evesham, 1847. 120... 4026 May Martin, and other Tales. D. P. Thompson. Boston, 1852. 120~.. 1064 May-Flowers. D. H. Howard. Boston, 1836. 120. 898 May You Like it. C. B. Tayler. Philadelphia, 1851. 120~. 4190 Mayer, B. (Editor.) Capt. Canot; or, 20 Years a Slaver. N.Y. 1854. 120~. 6199 Mayhew, Bros. Fear of the World. New York, 1850. 80~. 3641 Image of his Father. New York, 1848. 120..3173 Magic of Kindness. New York, 1849. 120.... 3309 Mayhew, H. 1851; or, the Sandboys at the Exhibition. N.Y. 1852. 80. 4807 London Labor and London Poor. Vol. 1. New York, 1851. 120~. 5176 Model Mlen. New York, n. d. 160. 2462 Mayhew, I. Popular Education. New York, 1850. 120... 4069 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 171 Mayo, H. Philosophy of Living. Philadelphia, 1852. 120.... 4860 Truths in Popular Superstitions. Edinburgh, 1851. 12~.. 4221 Mayo, R. Ancient Geography and Ancient History. Phil. 1813. 80~.. 739 Mayo, W. S. Berber; a Tale of Morocco. New York, 1850. 120.. 3901 Kaloolah; or, Journeyings to the Dj6bel Kumri. N.Y. 1849. 120. 2909 Romance Dust from the Historic Placer. New York, 1851. 120.. 4163 Mayor of Wind-Gap. J. Banim. New York, 1835. 120.. 1146 Meagher, T. F. Speeches on Independence of Ireland. N.Y. 1853. 120~. 5222 Mease, J. Geological Account of the United States. Phil. 1807. 160.. 85 Picture of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1811. 120.. 289 Mechanics. F. Overman. Philadelphia, 1851. 120.. 4260 and Hydraulics. T. Ewbank. New York, 1846. 8.... 2790 *Appleton's Dictionary of. New York, 1851. 2 v. roy. 80... 4124 Illustrations of. H. Moseley. (H. F. L.) N. Y. 1844. 120. 3683, 180 Memoirs of Eminent American. H. Howe. N. York, 1847. 120~. 2990 of Nature, Philosophy of. Z. Allen. New York, 1852. 80.. 4538 Treatise on. C. Tomlinson. London, 1854. 120... 6040 Treatise on. H. Kater and D. Lardner. Boston, 1831. 12~. 473 Mechanic's Assistant. D. M. Knapen. New York, 1849. 12~.. 3403 Mechanic's Magazine, Appleton's. New York, 1851-52. 2 v. 80~. and 40. 5395 Mechanic's Magazine. Vol. 1. Boston, 1830. 80. 1396 Mecanique Celeste, Traite de. P. S. Laplace. Paris, 1800-5. 4 v. 40.. 3321 Mechanism, Treatise on. T. Baker. London, 1852. 120.... 6106 Medbery, Mrs. R. B. Memoir of Mrs. Sarah E. York. Bost. 1853. 120. 5035 Medical Cases, What to Observe in. Philadelphia, 1853. 120... 5754 Medical Delusions, Lessons from History of. W. Hooker. N.Y. 1850. 120. 4049 Medici, L. de. Life. W. Roscoe. London, 1836. 120.... 1742 Medical Formulary, American. J. J. Reese. Philadelphia, 1850. 120.. 3671 Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity. I. Ray. Boston, 1853. 8~.0.. 5386 Medical Student, Adventures of a. R. Douglas. N.Y. 1848. 2 v. 120.. 3153 Medicine, Domestic. J. C. Gunn. New York, 1851. 80.. 4701 Domestic. F. V. Raspail. London, 1853. 120... 6123 Practice of, and Pathology. J. Mackintosh. Phil. 1844. 8~.. 4702 Surgery, and Materia Medica. F. G. Smith. 1851. 120.. 474 Meditations and Contemplations. J. Hervey. Philadelphia, 1808. 120.. 164 Mediterranean, Shores and Islands of. H. Christmas. Lond. 1851. 3 v. 12~. 4289 Medwin, T. Conversations of Lord Byron. New York, 1824. 12~. 548 Meikle, J. Solitude Sweetened. Pittsburg, 1818. 120~. 405 Meinhold, W. Amber Witch. New York, 1845. 120.. 2329 Melancholy, Anatomy of. R. Burton. Philadelphia, 1836. 2 v. 80.. 1960 Melancthon, P. Life. F. A. Cox. Boston, 1835. 120.... 1065 Melbourne and Chincha Islands. G. W. Peck. New York, 1854. 120.. 5927 Melish, J. Travels in United States. Philadelphia, 1812. 2 v. 8~0... 1321 Mellen, G. W. F. Unconstitutionality of Slavery. Boston, 1841. 120.. 2094 Mellichampe; a Legend of the Santee. W. G. Simms. N.Y. 1854. 120. 269 Melmoth, W. Fitzosborne's Letters. Boston, 1815. 120... 1025 Melmouth, S. Confessions of Cuthbert. Boston, 1827. 160.....834 Melville, H. Mardi, and a Voyage Thither. New York, 1849. 2 v. 120. 3276 172 CATALOGUE OF THE Melville, H. Moby-Dick; or, the Whale. New York, 1851. 120.. 4600 Omoo: Adventures in the South Seas. New York, 1847. 120.. 2977 Pierre; or, the Ambiguities. New York, 1852. 120... 4897 Redburn; his First Voyage. New York, 1849. 120.. 3450 Typee; a Peep at Polynesian Life. New York, 1848. 12~... 2571 Memes, J. S. Memoirs of Josephine. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1846. 12~. 3683, 28 History of Sculpture, Painting, & Architecture. Bost. 1834. 120. 1003 Memoirs of an American Lady. Mrs. Grant. New York, 1846. 120.. 2500 of a Literary Veteran. R. P. Gillies. London, 1851. 3 v. 12~.. 4248 of a Physician. A. Dumas. Philadelphia, 1851. 80... 4338 Relative to Egypt. London, 1800. 80~....... 1282 Memorable Women. Mrs. N. Crosland. Boston, 1854. 12~... 6229 Memories of a Grandmother. Mrs. A. M. Richards. Boston, 1854. 120. 6280 Memory, Art of. F. F. Gouraud. New York, 1845. Roy. 8~... 2269 Men and Manners in America. T. Hamilton. Phil. 1833. 2 v. 120.. 1166 and Manners in Britain. G. Thornburn. New York, 1834. 120. 2150 and Women of the 18th Century. A. Houssaye. N.Y. 1852. 2 v. 120~. 3736 of Character. D. Jerrold. London, 1851. 120... 6234, 2 of Letters & Science, Lives of. Lord Brougham. Phil. 1845. 2 v. 120~. 2524 For contents, see Brougham. of the Time. New York, 1852. 120.. 4887 Women, and Books. L. Hunt. New York, 1847. 2 v. 120.. 3013 Men's Wives. W. M. Thackeray. New York, 1852. 120.. 5001 Menageries, The. Quadrupeds. Boston, 1830. 160. 826 Mendham, J. Index of Books Prohibited by Gregory XVI. Lon. 1840. 120~. 3066 Mensuration. T. Baker. London, 1850. 120. 6102 Mental Action, Disordered. T. C. Upham. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1848. 120. 3683, 100 Mental Hygiene; or, Intellect and Passions. W. Sweetser. N.Y. 1850. 120. 4050 Mental Illumination and Moral Improvement. T. Dick. Phil. 1845. 120. 2357, 5 Mental Improvement. P. Wakefield. Philadelphia, 1819. 12~... 435 Menteath, Mrs. A. S. Lays of the Kirk and Covenant. N.Y. 1851. 120~. 4170 Menzel, W. German Literature. Boston, 1840. 3 v. 120... 962, 7-9 History of Germany. London, 1848. 3 v. post 8~.. 3554 Mephistophiles in England. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 v. 120.. 1226 Mercedes of Castile. J. F. Cooper. New York, 1845. 2 v. 120.. 2961 Mercantile Correspondence. W. Anderson. New York, 1851. 120.. 4032 Mercantile Guide, European. C. W. R6rdansz. Boston, 1819. 80~.. 639 Mercantile Law, Compendium of. J. W. Smith. New York, 1850. 80~. 4305 Digest of American. J. C. Gilleland. Pittsburg, 1818. 120. 358 *Mercantile Library Association of Boston; Reports, Addresses, &c. 1 v. 80~. 2823 Mercantile Morals. W. H. Van Doren. New York, 1852. 120.. 5020 Merchandise, Dictionary of, in all Languages. London, 1803. 8~.. 765 Merchant, The Universal. W. J. Alldridge. Philadelphia, 1797. 80. 597 Merchant Ships and Seamen, Laws of. C. Abbott. Philadelphia, 1802. 80~. 1365 Merchant's Assistant. F. J. Grund. Boston, 1834. 80... 1767 Merchant's Clerk. S. Warren. New York, 1836. 120... 457 Merchant's Directory. W. Beawes. London, 1783. Folio.. 2036 Merchants, Lives of American. New York, 1846. 160. 2198 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 173 Merchant's Magazine, Hunt's. Vols. 1-30 [continued]. N.Y. 1839-53. 80. 1586 Meredith, Mrs. C. My Home in Tasmania. New York, 1853. 120.. 5275 Meredith, W. G. Memorials of Charles John of Sweden. Lond. 1829. 80. 1116 Merimee, P. 1572; a Chronicle of Times of Charles IX. N.Y. 1830. 120. 1220 Merivale, C. Hist. of the Romans under the Empire. Lon. 1852. 3 v. 80. 5133 Merkland; or, Self-Sacrifice. Mrs. Oliphant. New York, 1853. 120.. 5593 Merlin, Countess de. Memoirs of Madame Malibran. Lond. 1844. 2 v. 120~. 2386 Merrill, E. and P. Gazetteer of New Hampshire. Exeter, 1817. 8~.. 682 Merrimack; or, Life at the Loom. D. K. Lee. New York, 1854. 120. 5918 Merovingian Era, Narratives of. A. Thierry. Philadelphia, 1845. 8~.. 2635 Merry-Mount; a Romance of Mass. J. L. Motley. Bost. 1849. 2 v. 120. 3188 Mesmerism and Magnetism. J. W. Haddock. London, 1851. 120.. 4286 Mesopotamia and Assyria. (H. F. L.) New York, 1845. 120.. 3683, 157 Metal-Worker's Assistant. O. Byrne. Philadelphia, 1851. 80... 4542 Metallic Wealth of the United States. J. D. Whitney. Phil. 1854. 80. 5990 Metallurgy, Electro, Elements of. A. Smee. New York, 1852. 120.. 985 Manual of. J. Napier. Philadelphia, 1853. 120.... 5567 Treatise on. F. Overman. New York, 1852. 80.... 4825 Meteorology and Physics, Principles of. J. Muller. London, 1847. 80.. 4136 The same. Philadelphia, 1848. 8~. 2893 Elements of. J. F. Daniell. London, 1845. 2 v. 80.... 5473 Methodism and Wesley. I. Taylor. New York, 1852. 120... 3906 History of; and Life of J. Wesley. R. Southey. N.Y. 1847. 2 v. 120. 3005 Introduction into the Eastern States. A. Stevens. Bost. 1848. 120. 3048 Methodist Quarterly Review. 4th s., vols. 2-5. New York, 1853-54. 80. 5886 Metropolitan Improvements; or, London in 19th Century. Lond. 1837. 80. 2836 Mexican War, and California. Emma Willard. New York, 1849. 120~. 3286 Causes and Consequences of. W. Jay. Boston, 1849. 120.. 3303 History of. R. S. Ripley. New York, 1849. 2 v. 80... 3516 *Illustrated. G. WV. Kendall. New York, 1851. Folio.. 1665 Mexican History of. Trans. by A. C. Ramsey. N.Y. 1850. 120. 3487 President's Messages and Documents on. Washington, 1848. 80. 2742 Review of. A. A. Livermore. Boston, 1850. 120~. 3509 Review of. C. T. Porter. Auburn, 1849. 120.. 3475 Service Afloat and Ashore in. R. Semmes. Cincinnati, 1851. 120. 4319 Mexico, Adventures in. C. Donnavan. Boston, 1848. 8... 3270 and California, View of. Lieut. Wise. New York, 1849. 120.. 3429 and her Military Chieftains. F. Robinson. Phil. 1847. 120.. 3033 and Rocky Mount. Adventures in. G.F. Ruxton. N.Y. 1848. 120. 3097 and South America, View of. Montreal, 1827. 2 v. 120... 200 Campaign in Northern, 1846-47. New York, 1853. 12~... 5803 Conquest of. B. Diaz del Castillo. London, 1844. 2 v. 80.. 4547 History of the Conquest of. W. H. Prescott. N.Y. 1850. 3 v. 80. 1759 Life in. Mde. Calderon de la Barca. London, 1843. 80... 1713 Political Essay on. A. von Humboldt. New York, 1811. 2 v. 80. 604 Rambler in. C. J. Latrobe. New York, 1836. 120.... 265 Recollections of. W. Thompson. New York, 1846. 80... 2713 Travels and Adventures in. W. W. Carpenter. N. Y. 1851. 120. 4432 174 CATALOGUE OF THE Mexico, Travels in, 1843-44. A. M. Gilliam. Philadelphia, 1846. 80.. 2673 Trip to, and Ten Months' Ramble in, 1849-50. Lond. 1851. 120. 4223 Miall, J. G. Footsteps of our Forefathers. Boston, 1852. 120... 4995 Memorials of Early Christianity. Boston, 1853. 120.... 5521 Michaelo and the Twins. Amalie Winter. Bath, n. d. 120.... 5640 Michaud, J. F. History of the Crusades. New York, 1853. 2 v. 120.. 5278 Michelet, J. Elements of Modern History. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1848. 120. 3683, 170 History of the Roman Republic. New York, 1847. 120... 2969 Michigan, History of. J. H. Lanman. New York, 1841. 120... 1858 Microscope, Practical Treatise on. J. Quekett. London, 1848. 80.. 4138 Microscopic World, Views of. J. Brocklesby. New York, 1851. 120.. 4427 Middle Ages, Europe during the. H. Hallam. New York, 1837. 80.. 1395 The World in the. A. L. Kceppen. New York, 1854. 2 v. 120.. 6305 Middle Kingdom; or, China. S. W. Williams. New York, 1848. 2 v. 120. 3102 Middleton, C. Life of Cicero. London, 1848. Roy. 80.... 5481 The same. Boston, 1818. 3 v. 80. 1345 Middleton, J. Marmaduke Lorrimer. London, 1850. 3 v. 12~.. 4279 Midnight Harmonies. O. Winslow. New York, 1851. 120.. 4187 Midshipman. W. F. Lynch. New York, 1851. 120.. 4483 Midshipman Easy. F. Marryat. Philadelphia, n. d. 80.. 244 The same. Philadelphia, 1847. 80. 1766, 2 The same. London, 1853. 120.. 5718 Midsummer Fays. Susan Pindar. New York, 1851. 120... 3773 Midsummer Flowers. Mary Howitt. Philadelphia, 1854. 120.. 6252 Miles, G. H. Mohammed; a Tragedy. Boston, 1850. 120.... 3861 Miles, P. Rambles in Iceland. New York, 1854. 120.... 5963 Miles Tremenhere. A. Marie Maillard. New York, 1853. 120... 5375 Military Adventure, Twelve Years of. London, 1840. 2 v. 80... 4649 Military Career of John Shipp. New York, 1829. 2 v. 120... 528 Military Expedition to Navajo Country. J. H. Simpson. Phil. 1852. 80. 3586 Military Journal during the Am. Revolution. J. Thacher. Bost. 1823. 80. 637 during the American Revolution. J. G. Simcoe. N.Y. 1844. 80. 1983 Military Maxims of Napoleon. New York, 1845. 120.. 3068 Military Reconnoissance to California. W. H. Emory. Wash. 1848. 80~. 3267 Military Tactics, Artillery & Infantry. C. P. Kingsbury. N.Y. 1849. 120~. 3412 Camp and March. H. D. Grafton. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5615 Mill, James. History of British India. London, 1840. 6 v. 80. 2230 Mill, John. Fossil Spirit; a Dream of Geology. New York, 1854. 16~. 6303 Mill, J. S. Principles of Political Economy. Boston, 1848. 2 v. 8~.. 3229 System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive. N. Y. 1850. 80.. 2232 Millard, D. Travels in Egypt, Arabia Petraea, &c. N. Y. 1849. 120.. 3290 Millengen, J. G. Passions; or, Mind and Matter. London, 1848. 80.. 5090 Miller, G. History Philosophically Illustrated. Lond. 1849. 4 v. post 80~. 4393 Miller, H. First Impressions of England and its People. Bost. 1851. 120~. 4193 Footprints of the Creator. Boston, 1850. 120.. 4043 Geology of Bass Rock. New York, 1851. 120.. 4269 My Schools and Schoolmasters. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5795 Old Red Sandstone. Boston, 1851. 120...... 3783 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 175 Miller, H. Two Records, Mosaic and Geological. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5796 Scenes and Legends of North of Scotland. Boston, 1851. 120.. 4464 Miller, J. R. History of England, 1760-1821. Phil. 1844. 80.. 705, 4 The same. Philadelphia, 1832. 80. 755 Miller, J. W. Poems and Sketches. Boston, 1830. 12. 467 Miller, S. Life of Jonathan Edwards. Boston, 1844. 12~... 1076, 8 Miller, T. Gideon Giles, the Roper. London, 1841. 8~.. 2892 Godfrey Malvern. New York, 1850. 8~.. 4331 Lady Jane Grey; a Romance. Philadelphia, 1840. 2 v. 12~.. 1521 Pictures of Country Life. London, 1847. 120.. 5531 Royston Gower. Philadelphia, 1838. 2 v. 120. 970 Millingen, J. Memoirs of the Affairs of Greece. London, 1831. 8~.. 3194 Million of Facts. Sir R. Phillips. New York, 1836. 12.... 1010 Mills, A. Literature and Literary Men of G. Britain. N.Y. 1851. 2 v. 80. 4515 Mills, C. History of the Crusades. Philadelphia, 1826. 80... 779 History of Chivalry. Philadelphia, 1826. 2 v. 80... 1400 Mills, J. Our Country; a Tale. London, 1850. 3 v. 120.... 4614 Milman, E. H. Arthur Conway; or, Scenes in the Tropics. N.Y. 1851. 8~. 4508 Milman, H. H. Belshazzar; a Poem. Boston, 1822. 120.. 837 History of Christianity. New York, 1842. 80. 1952 History of the Jews. (H. F. L.) New York, 1843. 3 v. 12~. 3683, 1-3 Milne, A. D. Uncle Sam's Farm Fence. New York, 1854. 120... 5825 Milnes, R. M. Poems of Many Years. Boston, 1846. 120... 2518 *Milner, T. Descriptive Atlas of Astronomy. London, 1850. 40~.. 3965 Gallery of Nature, Pictorial and Descriptive. Lond. 1849. Roy. 8~. 4526 *The same. London, 1846. Roy. 80.. 2044 Milton, J. Paradis. Lost. Boston, 1841. 120. 173 The same. New York, 1850. 12~. 4063 Poetical Works. New York, 1841. 80. 1672 Prose Works. Ed. by J. A. St. John. Lond. 1848-53. 5 v. post 8~. 4372 Vol. 1. Defence of the People of England; Second Defence; Eikonoklastes. 2. Tenure of Kings and Magistrates; Areopagitica; Tracts on the Commonwealth; Observations on Ormond's Peace; Letters of State, &c.; Notes on Dr. Griffith's Sermon; Reformation in England; Prelatical Episcopacy; The Reason of Church Government urged against Prelacy; True Religion, Heresy, Schism, and Toleration; Civil Power in Ecclesiastical Causes. 3. Likeliest Means to remove Hirelings out of the Church; Animadversions upon the Remonstrant's Defence against Smectymnuus; Apology for Smectymnuus; Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce; Judgment of Martin Bucer concerning Divorce; Tetrachordon; Colasterion; Tractate on Education; Declaration for the Election of John III. King of Poland; Familiar Letters. 4. First Book of a Treatise on Christian Doctrine. 5. Second Book of the same; History of Britain; History of Moscovia; Accedence commenced Grammar; Index to the 5 vols. The same. Philadelphia, 1847. 2 v. 80.. 1828 Mind, Diseases of. B. Rush. Philadelphia, 1830. 80.. 2164 Improvement of. I. Watts. New York, 1819. 12... 1483 Inquiry into the Human. T. Reid. New York, 1824. 160~.. 88 Philosophy of the Human. D. Stewart. Boston, 1847. 2 v. 80.. 1370 Mineral Region of Lake Superior, Map of. 2891 Mineralogy, Manual of. J. Nicol. Edinburgh, 1849. 12... 3878 176 CATALOGUE OF THE Mineralogy and Geology. P. Cleaveland. Boston, 1816. 80~... 1380 Treatise on. D. Varley. London, 1849. 120.. 6039 Ministering Children; a Tale. New York, 1854. 12~.. 6182 Minstrelsy, Ancient and Modern. XV. Motherwell. Bost. 1846. 2 v. 120~. 2592 of the Scottish Border. Sir W. Scott. Edinburgh, 1848. 4 v. 120~. 4102 Ministry of the Beautiful. H. J. Slack. Philadelphia, 1850. 120... 4068 Minnesota, and its Resources. J. WV. Bond. New York, 1853. 120.. 5580 Sketches of. E. S. Seymour. New York, 1850. 12~... 3512 Minnie Hermon. T. W. Brown. Auburn, 1854. 120..5793 Minor Drama.- See Drama. Minorca, History of the Island of. J. Armstrong. London, 1756. 80.. 2536 Minot, G. R. History of Mass. Bay from 1748. Boston, 1798. 80~.. 673 Insurrections in Massachusetts. Boston, 1810. 80... 1336 Mirabeau; a Life History. J. S. Smith. Philadelphia, 1848. 120... 3152 Miracles, Lectures on. J. Cumming. Philadelphia, 1854. 120... 5852 of our Lord, Notes on. R. C. Trench. New York, 1852. 80. 4712 Starkie's Examination of Hume. New York, n. d. 120~... 504 Miriam Coffin; or, the Whale Fisherman. New York, 1834. 2 v. 120.. 2178 Miriam Sedley; a Tale. Lady Bulwer. London, 1851. 3 v. 120.. 4241 Miranda, F. de. Attempt to Revolutionize South America. Bost. 1808. 120~. 1063 Mirror, The; a Periodical Paper. Boston, 1792. 2 v. 160.. 827 Mirror of Nature. G. H. Schubert. Philadelphia, 1849. 120.. 3343 Miscellanies, by Swift, Arbuthnot, Pope, and Gay. Lond. 1747. 4 v. 120~. 287 Miscellany, Chambers's. Boston, 1847. 10 v. 120.. 2457 Chambers's Pocket. Boston, 1852. 9 v. 120.... 864 Miser; or, Convicts of Lisnamona. W. Carleton. Phil. 1840. 2 v. 120~. 1660 Misers, Lives and Anecdotes of. London, 1851. 160.. 4294 Miser's Secret; or, Days of James I. London, 1850. 3 v. 120... 4283 Miseries of Human Life; in Twelve Dialogues. Boston, 1807.' 2 v. 120. 1028 The same, in a New Dress. New York, 1853. 120... 5210 Missionaries, Memoirs of British Female. T. Timpson. Lond. 1841. 120. 2446 Missionary Enterprise, Heroines of. D. C. Eddy. Boston, 1850. 120.. 3678 Missionary Herald. Vols. 47-49 [continued]. Boston, 1851-53. 3 v. 80~. 623 Missionary Magazine (Baptist). Vols. 32, 33. Boston, 1852-53. 2 v. 8~. 624 Missionary Memorial, American. H. W. Pierson. New York, 1853. 8~. 5113 Missions, History of American Baptist. W. Gammell. Bost. 1849. 120. 3504 London Missionary Society's. J. Morison. London, 1844. 8~0.. 4355 Origin and History of. J. 0O. Choules. Boston, 1838. 2 v. 40~.. 1999 Mississippi and Ohio Rivers. C. Ellet, jun. Philadelphia, 1853. Roy. 80. 5391 Mississippi Scenes. J. B. Cobb. Philadelphia, 1851. 120.... 3782 Mississippi Valley, Discovery and Explor. of. J. G. Shea. N.Y. 1852. 8~. 4953 Discovery and Settlement of. J. W. Monette. N. Y. 1846. 2 v. 8~. 2776 History and Geography of. T. Flint. Cincinnati, 1832. 2 v. 80. 1955 History of. A. M. Hart. Cincinnati, 1853. 120.... 5310 *Monuments of. E. G. Squier and E. H. Davis. Wash. 1848. 40~. 1756, 1 Notes on the Upper. W. J. A. Bradford. New York, 1846. 120. 2931 Recollections in. T. Flint. Boston, 1826. 80. 1411 Mitchel, O. M. Orbs of Heaven. London, 1851. 120.. 4274 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 177 Mitchel, O. M. Planetary and Stellar WTorlds. New York, 1848. 120~.. 3143 Mitchell, D. G. (Ike Marvel.) Battle Sumner. New York, 1850. 120~. 3486 Dream Life. New York, 1851. 120. 4636 Fresh Gleanings in Europe. New York, 1851. 120. 3026 Fudge Doings. New York, 1854. 2 v. 12~. 6217 Lorgnette; or, Studies of the Town. New York, 1851. 2 v. 3908 Reveries of a Bachelor. New York, 1850. 12~. 4086 Mitchell, J. Life of Wallenstein. London, 1840. 120~. 4567 Mitchell, Rev. J. Observations in Europe, 1843-44. N. Y. 1845. 2 v. 120. 2491 Mitchell, J. K. WVisdom of God displayed in Water. Phil. 1833. 80. 1357, 3 Mitford, Mary R. Atherton, and other Tales. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5885 Recollections of a Literary Life. New York, 1852. 120~... 3752 Works; Prose and Verse. Philadelphia, 1846. 8~.. 1637 Our Village; Belford Regis; Country Stories; Finden's Tableaux; Foscari; Julian; Rienzi; Charles I. Mitford, W. History of Greece. Boston, 1823. 8 v. 80. 772 MnemonicalLessons in Geom., Algeb., &c. T.P.Kirkman. Lon. 1852. 120~. 6112 Mob Cap, and other Tales. Caroline L. Hentz. Philadelphia, 1852. 80~. 4811 Moby-Dick; or, the Whale. H. Melville. New York, 1851. 120.. 4600 Model Men. H. Mayhew. New York, n. d. 180~.. 24624 Modern Accomplishments. Catherine Sinclair. New York, 1849. 120.. 3426 Modern British Essayists. - See Essayists. Modern Chivalry. H. H. Brackenridge. Pittsburg, 1819. 2 v. 120.. 1067 Modern Flirtations. Catherine Sinclair. New York, 1853. 120... 5335 Modern History, Lectures on. W. Smyth. Cambridge, 1841. 2 v. 80.. 1677 Modern Lothario. Baroness M. la Fouqu6. New York, 1844. 80. 2167, 1 Modern Painters. J. Ruskin. New York, 1847. 3 v. 120.... 3018 Modern Philosopher; a Poem. T. G. Fessenden. Philadelphia, 1806. 80~. 736 Modern Society (Seq. to Mod. Accomp.). Cath. Sinclair. N.Y. 1849. 120. 3425 Modern Standard Drama.- See Drama. Mphammed. - See Mahomet. Mohammed; a Tragedy. G. H. Miles. Boston, 1850. 120.... 3861 Mohan Lal. Life of Dost Mohammed Khan. London, 1846. 2 v. 80.. 4677 Moir, D. M. Life, Tales, and Essays of Robt. Macnish. Lond. 1844. 2v.120. 4975 WVounded Spirit. Philadelphia, 1833. 80. 1357, 1 Molina, J. I. History of Chili. Middletown, 1808. 2 v. 80~.... 744 *Mollusca and Shells, U.S. Ex. Exped. Report on. A.A.Gould. Bost. 1852. 40~. 5978 Molluscous Animals. J. Fleming. Edinburgh, 1837. 120... 4968 Monachism, Origin and Practice of. H. Ruffner. N.Y. 1850. 2 v. 120~. 4062 Monaldi; a Tale. W. Allston. Boston, 1841. 120. 1655 Monasteries of Alcobaqa and Batalha. W. Beckford. Phil. 1835. 120~.. 1081 of Italy, Six Years in. S. I. Mahoney. Philadelphia, 1836. 120. 227 of the Levant. R. Curzon, jun. New York, 1849. 12~... 3273 Monastery. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1848. 2 v. 120... 999, 17, 18 The same. Edinburgh, 1849. 2 v. 120... 4100, 18, 19 The same. Edinburgh, 1850. Roy. 80... 4531, 5 Monette, J.W. Discov. and Settle. of Mississippi Valley. N.Y.1846. 2 v. 8~. 2776 Money Maker. Jane C. Campbell. New York, 1854. 120... 6142 A A 178 CATALOGUE OF THE Moneypenny; or, Heart of the World. C. Mathews. N.Y. 1850. 80~.. 3642 Monikins. J. F. Cooper. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 v. 120~..... 2307 Monitor, The. Vol. 2. Boston, 1824. 120. 1014 Monk, C. J. Golden Horn, Sketches of Asia Minor, &c. Lon. 1851. 2 v. 120. 4233 Monk's Revenge; or, the Secret Enemy. S. Spring. N.Y. 1847. 80.. 2791 Monkeys, Natural History of. Sir W. Jardine. Edinburgh, 1843. 120. 4901, 27 Monkland, Mrs. Elvira, the Nabob's Wife. Phil. 1839. 2 v. 120~.. 995 Monmerque, L. J. N. Th6atre Franais au Moyen-Age. Paris, 1839. 8~. 3548 Monroe, J. Conduct of the Executive in Foreign Affairs. Phil. 1797. 80. 1575 Life. J. Q. Adams. Boston, 1850. 120. 3934 Tour in 1817. S.P. Waldo. Hartford, 1818. 12... 315 Monstrelet, E. de, Chronicles of. Trans. by T. Johnes. Lon. 1849. 2 v. roy. 8~. 1219 Montagu, A. de. Etudes Sociales. Paris, 1851. 120. 5524 Montagu, B. Selec. fromtheWorks ofVarious Authors. N.Y. 1845. 120~. 2493 Montagu, Mrs. E. Letters. Boston, 1810. 160. 95 Montagu, Lady M. W. Letters from the Levant. London, 1838. 120.. 2445 Letters and Works. Ed. by Lord Wharncliffe. Paris, 1837. 2 v.8~. 592 Montague, E. P. Dead Sea Expedition. Philadelphia, 1849. 120.. 3288 Montaigne, M. de. Works; with Life by WV. Hazlitt. Lond. 1845. 80~. 2285 The same. Philadelphia, 1850. Roy. 80. 3420 Mont Blanc, Story of. Albert Smith. New York, 1853. 120.. 5515 Wanderings in the Shadow of. G. B. Cheever. N.Y. 1845. 120. 2495 Monte-Cristo. A. Dumas. New York, 1850. 2 v. 80.. 2735 Monte Leone. H. de S. Georges. New York, 1852. 8~.. 413 Montefiore, J. Commercial Dictionary. Philadelphia, 1804. 3 v. 80.. 1367 Montesquieu, C. (Baron de.) Spirit of the Laws. Worces. 1802. 2 v. 8~. 1799 The same. Worcester, 1808. 80. 796 Montezuma, the Last of the Aztecs. E. Maturin. N.Y. 1845. 2 v. 120. 2528 Montgomery, C. Eagle Pass; or, Life on the Border. N.Y. 1852. 120. 4989 Mont6mont, A. Voyages autour du Monde. Paris, 1853. Roy. 80.. 5976 Montgomery, J. Lectures on Poetry, Lit., &c. (H.F.L.) N.Y. 1840. 120. 3683, Q4 Poetical Works. Boston, 1825. 4 v. 12~. 113 The same. Philadelphia, 1836. 80. 580 Montgomery, Richard. Life. J. Armstrong. Boston, 1838. 120.. 1076, 1 Montgomery, Robert. Universal Prayer, &c. Boston, 1829. 120... 498 Monthly Anthology. Vol. 1. Boston, 1804. 80.. 1358 Monthly Review. Vols. 28-81 (34, 35, 40-45 wanting). Lon. 1763-89. 80~. 3738 The same, enlarged. Vols. 1-36. London, 1790-1801. 80~. 3739 Months, The. W. H. C. Hosmer. Boston, 1847. 120. 3039 Monumental Brasses, Manual of. Oxford, 1848. 80. 4980 *Monuments of the West. E. G. Squier & E. II. Davis. Wash. 1848. 40~. 1756, 1 Moodie, Mrs. S. Flora Lyndsay. New York, 1854. 120.. 6137 Mark Hurdlestone. New York, 1853. 120.... 5378 Roughing it in the Bush. New York, 1852. 120... 4874 Mooney, T. History of Ireland. Boston, 1845. 2 v. roy. 80.. 2670 Moore, F. A. Gems from New Hampshire Authors. Manches. 1850. 120~. 3887 Moore, G. Body in Relation to Mind. New York, 1847. 12~.. 2943 Man and his Motives. New York, 1848. 120. 2460 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 179 Moore, G. Power of the Soul over the Body. New York, 1847. 120.. 3012 Moore, J. B. Lives of Governors of Plym. and Mass. Bay. N.Y. 1848. 80~. 3228 Moore, J. W. Encyclopaedia of Music. Boston, 1854. Roy. 80.. 5961 Moore, T. The Epicurean. Boston, 1831. 160. 46 History of Ireland. Philadelphia, 1843. 80.. 1982 Lalla Rookh. New York, 1847. 120. 72 Letters and Journals of Lord Byron. New York, 1831. 2 v. 80.. 743 Life and Death of Lord Edward Fitzgerald. N.Y. 1831. 2 v. 120. 454 Memoirs of R. B. Sheridan. New York, 1853. 2 v. 120~... 1372 Poetical Works. Philadelphia, 1831. 80. 1314 Songs, Ballads, and Sacred Songs. London, 1849. 12~... 3626 Travels in Search of a Religion. Baltimore, 1847. 120... 3680 Moorland Cottage. Mrs. Gaskell. New York, 1851. 120... 3799 Moors in Spain. M. Florian. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 120. 3683, 177 Moral and Intellectual Science. G. Combe and R. Cox. N.Y. 1848. 80. 3264 Moral and Literary Dissertations. T. Percival. London, 1789. 120.. 480 Moral and Political Philosophy. W. Paley. Philadelphia, 1814. 80.. 735 Moraland Religious Anecdotes, Cyclopmdia of. K. Arvine. N.Y. 1850. 80. 4551 Moral and Religious Tracts. Boston, 1848. 120.. 2466 Moral and Spiritual Culture. R. C. Waterston. Boston, 1844. 12~.. 2130 Moral Class Book. W. Sullivan. Boston, 1831. 120. 422 Moral Evidence, Guide to the Study of. J. E. Gambier. Bos. 1834. 120. 1482 Moral Feelings, Philosophy of. J. Abercrombie. Boston, 1843. 12..1570 Moral Philosophy. G. Combe. New York, 1843. 120... 1460 The same. New York, 1848. 12~.. 3771 Sketches of. Sydney Smith. New York, 1850. 120.. 3899 Moral Science, Elements of. F. Wayland. Boston, 1839. 120..1448 Outlines of. A. Alexander. New York, 1852. 120.. 4987 Moral Tales. S. G. Goodrich. Boston, 1840. 2 v. 160.. 44 Morality, Essays on the Principles of. J. Dymond. New York, 1844. 80. 2265 and Polity, Elements of. W. Whewell. New York, 1845. 2 v. 120. 2490 Morals, Theory of. R. Hildreth. Boston, 1844. 120. 1900 and Manners. H. Martineau. New York, 1838. 120~... 246 Moran B. Footpath and Highway. Philadelphia, 1853. 120.. 5204 Mordaunt Hall. Mrs. Marsh. New York, 1849. 80.. 3295 More, Hannah. Christian Morals. New York, 1818. 180. 126 Ccelebs in Search of a Wife. London, 1852. 120. 374 Life. H. Thompson. Philadelphia, 1838. 2 v. 120. 1052 Poems. Boston, 1817. 160..7 Works. New York, 1847. 7 v. 120.. 3569 Vol. 1. Repository Tales. 2. Ccelebs in Search of a Wife; Essays; Moriana. 3. Christian Morals; Moral Sketches; Reflections on Prayer. 4. Practical Piety; Life and Writings of St. Paul. 5. The Manners of the Great; Estimate of Religion; Tragedies; Poems. 6. Strictures on Female Education; Sacred Dramas. 7. Hints for forming the Character of a Princess; Spirit of Prayer; Bible Rhymes. The same. New York, 1843. 2 v. 80.. 1816 More, Sir T. Household of. New York, 1852. 120. 938 180 CATALOGUE OF THE More, Sir T. Life. London, 1831. 120..1831, 1 Utopia, and Richard III. Cambridge, 1834. 120.... 383, 9 More Worlds than One. Sir D. Brewster. New York, 1854. 120.. 6299 Morell, J. D. Speculative Philosophy of Europe. New York, 1851. 80. 3422 Morfit, C. Tanning, Currying, and Leather-Dressing. Phil. 1852. 80.. 4951 Morgan, L. H. League of Ho-de-no-sau-nee, or Iroquois. Roch. 1851. 80. 3825 Morgan, Lady S. Book of the Boudoir. New York, 1829. 2 v. 120.. 530 France. Philadelphia, 1817. 80.. 1261 France in 1829-30. New York, 1830. 2 v. 120. 527 Italy in 1819-20. London, 1824. 3 v. 8~. 4682 The same. New York, 1821. 2 v. 80.... 1972 O'Briens and the O'Flahertys. Philadelphia, 1828. 2 v. 120.. 1178 Princess; or the Beguine. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 v. 120... 1229 Morea, Travels in. W. M. Leake. London, 1830. 3 v. 80. ~. 5128 Morier, J. Abel Allnutt. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 120... 984 Hajji Baba in England. London, 1853. 120..... 5705 Hajji Baba of Ispahan. London, 1853. 120..... 5704 Zohrab. London, 1853. 120.. 5708 Morison, J. Counsels to Young Men on Mod. Infidelity. Bost. 1834. 120~. 1477 London Missionary Society's Founders. London, 1845. 80.. 4355 Morrison, J. H. Life of Jeremiah Smith. Boston, 1845. 120. 2353 Morley, H. Life of Bernard Palissy. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 120... 4997 Morley Ernstein. G. P. R. James. New York, 1842. 2 v. 120. 1693 Mormons; or, Latter-Day Saints. London, 1852. 120..993 and Utah. B. G. Ferris. New York, 1854. 120.... 6150 History of. J. W. Gunnison. Philadelphia, 1852. 120... 4892 Morning-Land; or, 1001 Days inthe East. F. Bodenstedt. Lon. 1851. 2v.120. 4444 Morning Stars of the New World. H. F. Parker. New York, 1854. 120. 5861 Morning Watch; a Poem. New York, 1850. 120.... 3930 Morocco, Account of the Empire of. Philadelphia, 1810. 120.. 284 Travels in, 1848. D. Urquhart. New York, 1850. 2 v. 120.. 3854 Tripoli, &c., Travels in, 1803-7. Ali Bey. Phil. 1816. 2 v. 80~. 1265 Morpeth, Lord. Travels in America, and Poetry of Pope. N.Y. 1851. 120~. 4183 Morrell, Abby J. Narrative of a Voyage, 1829-31. N.Y. 1833. 120.. 2805 Morrell, B. Voyage of the Margaret Oakley. New York, 1844. 120.. 2170 Morris, G. Life. J. Sparks. Boston, 1832. 3 v. 80.. 1947 Morse, J. American Gazetteer. Charlestown, 1804. 80... 628 Gazetteer of the Eastern Continent. Charlestown, 1802. 80.. 1268 Universal Geography. Charlestown, 1819. 2 v. 80... 620 andE. Parish. History of NewEngland. Newburyport, 1809. 120. 878 *Morse, S. E. North American Atlas. New York, 1842. 40... 2049 Morse, S. F. B. Proscribed German Student. New York, 1836. 160.. 42 Mortimer, C.B. Morton Montagu. New York, 1850. 120.... 3651 Mortimer, G. W. Pyrotechnist's Companion. Philadelphia, 1852. 120. 5004 Mortimer, T. Lectures on Commerce, Politics, & Finance. Lon. 1801. 80. 575 Morton, N. New England's Memorial. Fifth edition. Boston, 1826.. 1619 *Morton, S. G. Typesof Mankind. Nott & Gliddon, Ed's. Phil. 1854. Roy.80. 6928 Morton, W. T. G. Statements on the Ether Controversy. Wash. 1853. 80. 5160 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 181 Morton Montagu. C. B. Mortimer. New York, 1850. 120.... 3651 Morton's Hope. J. L. Motley. New York, 1839. 2 v. 120... 1083 Mosaique, La; Nouveau Magasin Pittoresque. Paris, 1838. 80.. 5400 Moseley, H. Illustrations of Mechanics. (H.F. L.) N.Y. 1844. 120~. 3683, 180 Moses, M. Annals of the French Revolution of 1830. N.Y. 1830. 120. 517 Mosheim, J. L. Hist. of Christianity for 325 Years. N.Y. 1852. 2 v. 80~. 4841 Mosses from an Old Manse. N. Hawthorne. Boston, 1854. 2 v. 120.. 3105 Mother-in-Law. Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth. New York, 1851. 80~. 4122 Mothers and Daughters. Mrs. C. Gore. London, 1851. 120... 5660 Mothers of the Wise and Good. J. Burns. Boston, 1850. 120... 3851 Mother's Recompense. Grace Aguilar. New York, 1851. 12~... 4093 Motherwell, W. Minstrelsy, Ancient and Modern. Bost. 1846. 2 v. 120~. 2592 Poems, Narrative and Lyrical. Boston, 1841. 12~. 1664 Posthumous Poems. Boston, 1851. 120.. 4457 Moths, British. J. Duncan. Edinburgh, 1843. 120~. 4901, 30 Foreign. J. Duncan. Edinburgh, 1843. 120... 4901, 32 Motley Book; Tales of American Life. C. Mathews. N.Y. 1840. 80.. 777 Motley, J. L. Merry-Mount; a Romance of Mass. Bost. 1849. 2 v. 120~. 3188 Morton's Hope. New York, 1839. 2 v. 120~.. 1083 Mott, V. Travels in Europe and the East. New York, 1842. 80~... 1710 Moulder's and Founder's Pocket Guide. F. Overman. Phil. 1851. 120~. 4264 Mountford, W. Euthanasy; or, Happy Talk, &c. Boston, 1848. 120.. 3174 Thorpe, a Quiet English Town. Boston, 1852. 120. 877 Mowatt, Anna Cora. Autobiography. Boston, 1854. 12~.. 5625 Fortune Hunter. Philadelphia, 1854. 8~. 5922 Moxon, E. Sonnets. London, 1837. 8~. 6013 Mozart, L. Life. E. Holmes. New York, 1845. 12~. 2550 and J. Haydn. Lives. L. A. C. Bombet. Boston, 1839. 120~.. 471 Mr. Brown's Letter to a Young Man. W. M. Thackeray. N.Y. 1853. 120~. 5235 Mr. Rutherford's Children. Anna Warner. New York, 1853. 120~.. 5547 Mrs. Ben Darby. A. Maria Collins. Cincinnati, 1853. 120..... 5604 Mrs. Partington's Life and Sayings. B. P. Shillaber. N.Y. 1854. 120~. 5925 Mrs. Washington Potts and Mr. Smith. Miss Leslie. Phil. 1843. 80~. 2167, 1 Much Instruction from Little Reading. New York, 1827. 5 v. 120~.. 408 Mud Cabin. W. Isham. New York, 1853. 120. 5526 Mudie, R. The Earth. Philadelphia, 1836. 120. 321 Feathered Tribes of British Islands. London, 1854. 2 v. post 8~.. 5940 The Heavens. Philadelphia, 1836. 120. 914 Man's Structure and Adaptations. Boston, 1838. 120.. 334 Observations of Nature. (H. F. L.) New York, 1847. 120~. 3683, 57 Mtgge, T. Afraja; a Norwegian and Lapland Tale. Phil. 1854. 120.. 6301 Switzerland in 1847. London, 1848. 2 v. 120. 4588 Muller, J. Physics and Meteorology. London, 1847. 8~.. 4136 The same. Philadelphia, 1848. 80. 2893 Mulligan, J. Grammatical Structure of Eng. Language. N.Y. 1852. 12~. 5122 Muloch, Miss. Agatha's Husband. New York, 1853. 80~. 5968 Head of a Family. New York, 1852. 80. 194 Ogilvies; a Novel. New York, 1850. 80. 3458 182 CATALOGUE OF THE Muloch, Miss. Olive; a Novel. New York, 1851. 80... 4004 Munn, L. C. American Orator. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5026 Murat, A. America and the Americans. New York, 1849. 120... 2976 Murder Will Out. Mrs. A. Opie. New York, 1844. 80... 2167,'3 Murdoch, J. E., & W. Russell. Orthophony; or Elocution. Bost. 1845. 120. 2351 Murphy, D. J. Wild Irish Boy. New York, 1808. 2 v. 120... 306 Murray, A. (Com.). Biography. S. P. Waldo. Hartford, 1823. 80~.. 651 Murray, C. A. Prairie-]ird. New York, 1849. 80.. 2053 The same. London, 1853. 120. 5730 Murray, H. Encyclopaedia of Geography. Phil. 1837. 3 v. roy. 80.. 2010 History of Br. America. (H. F.L.) N. Y. 1848. 2 v. 120. 3683, 101-2 Pictorial History of the United States. Boston, 1851. 8~0.. 4007 Travels of Marco Polo. (H. F. L.) New York, 1845. 120. 3683, 173 and others. British India. (H. F. L.) N. Y. 1848. 3 v. 120. 3683, 47, 49 and others. Discovery in Africa. (H. F.L.) N.Y. 1846. 120. 3683, 16 Murray, James. Sermons to Asses. London, 1819. 8~0.. 1364 Murray, John. Handbooks.- See Handbook. Original Views of Passages in Horace. Dublin, 1851. 8~0.. 5416 Murray, J. F. Picturesque Tour of the Thames. London, 1849. 8~.. 4659 World of London. London, 1845. 2 v. 120.. 4566 Murray, L. Power of Religion on the Mind. New York, 1818. 120~.. 198 Murray, R. Treatise on Marine Engines. London, 1852. 120~.. 6088 Museum Disneianum. J. Disney. London, 1849. 40... 5107 Museum, Kirby's Wonderful. London, 1820. 5 v. 80.. 4669 Musgrave, G. M. Excursion to Paris, Tours, and Rouen. Lon. 1849. 120. 4414 Music, Church, in America. N. D. Gould. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5061 Book, People's. Part 2: Sacred. London, 1844. Roy. 8~0... 6011 Easy Guide to Vocal. J. Turner. Boston, 1836. 120.. 1474 Encyclopaedia of. J. W. Moore. Boston, 1854. Roy. 8~.. 5961 for the Million. London, n. d. 120. 6012 in New England, History of. G. Hood. Boston, 1846. 120.. 2553 New England Village Choir. Boston, 1829. 12~...... 1525 of Nature. W. Gardiner. Boston, 1841. 8~.. 1447 Perfect Intonation in. H. W. Poole. New Haven, 1850. 80.. 6016 Playing the Piano-Forte. C. C. Spencer. London, 1853. 120.. 6082 Treatise on. C. C. Spencer. London, 1854. 120. 6081 Musical Biography. London, 1814. 2 v. 80.. 4979 Musical Cyclopaedia. W. S. Porter. Boston, 1834. 160.. 4417 Musical Drama, Memoirs of. G. Hogarth. London, 1838. 2 v. 8~.. 4685 Musical Grammar. Dr. J. W. Callcott. Boston, 1838. 120..... 1473 Musical History, Biography, and Criticism. G. Hogarth. N.Y. 1848. 80. 3261 Musical Letters from Abroad. L. Mason. New York, 1854. 120... 5636 Mussulman, The. R. R. Madden. Philadelphia, 1830. 2 v. 120... 451 Muston, A. History of the Persecutions of the Waldenses. Lon. 1852. 120. 5260 Mutiny of the Bounty. J. Barrow. (H. F.L.) N. York, 1848. 120. 3683, 31 Mutiny on board the Globe. W. Lay. New London, 1828. 120.. 852 Muzzey, A. B. Young Maiden. Boston, 1841. 120. 1578 My Cousin Nicholas. R. H. I). Barnham. London, 1852. 120.. 5681 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 183 My Home in Tasmania. Mrs. C. Meredith. New York, 1853. 120.. 5275 My Novel; or, Varieties in English Life. E.L. Bulwer. N.Y. 1852. 8~. 5152 My Peninsular Medal. New York, 1850. 80. 3977 My Schools and Schoolmasters. H. Miller. Boston, 1854. 12~... 5795 Myers, P. H. King of the Hurons. New York, 1850. 12~.. 3473 Young Patroon. New York, 1849. 120. 3326 Myers, Sarah A. Fitz Harold; or, the Temptation. N.Y. 1854. 120.. 6192 Neighbor's Children, and Sequel. Philadelphia, 1854. 2 v. 120.. 6259 Myrtis, and other Prose Writings. L. H. Sigourney. N. Y. 1846. 12~. 2932 Myrtle Wreath. "Minnie Myrtle." New York, 1854. 12~... 5845 Mysteries, Ancient, and Miracle Plays, described. W. Hone. Lon. 1823. 80~. 2694 of City Life. J. Rees. Philadelphia, 1849. 120.... 3291 or, Glimpses of the Supernatural. C. W. Elliott. N.Y. 1852. 120~. 4895 of the Heaths. F. Souli6. New York, 1844. 80~... 2167, 1 of Paris. E. Sue. New York, 1843. 80...1749 of Russia. F. Lacroix. Boston, 1848. 80~...... 3236 of Udolpho. Ann Radcliffe. Philadelphia, 1852. 240... 1855 Mysterious Agents, Philosophy of. E. C. Rogers. Boston, 1853. 12~.. 5279 Mysterious Parchment. J. Wakeman. Boston, 1853. 120... 5522 Mystery, Philosophy of. W. C. Dendy. New York, 1845. 120... 2504 Mythology, Ancient. C. K. Dillaway. Boston, 1831. 120... 155 *Dictionary of Greek and Roman. W. Smith. Lond. 1849. 3 v. 8~. 3957 N. Nag's Head; or, Two Months among the Bankers. Phil. 1850. 120.. 3914 Nan Darrell; or, the Gipsy Mother. Ellen Pickering. Phil. 1847. 8~. 2707 Nancrede, P. J. G. de. L'Abeille Fran~oise. Boston, 1792. 120~... 891 Nannette and her Lovers. T. Gwynne. New York, 1854. 120~... 5882 Nantucket, History of. O. Macy. Boston, 1835. 120. 1183 Naomi; or, Boston 200 Years Ago. Eliza B. Lee. Boston, 1848. 120~.. 3095 Napier, Sir C. War in Syria. London, 1842. 2 v. 120... 3058 Napier, J. Chemistry applied to Dyeing. Philadelphia, 1853. 120~.. 5566 Manual of Electro-Metallurgy. Philadelphia, 1853. 120.. 5567 Napier, W. F. P. History of the War in the Peninsula. Phil. i842. 4 v. 80~. 1951 Napoleon and his Marshals. J. T. Headley. New York, 1850. 2 v. 12~. 2596 and the Marshals of the Empire. Philadelphia, 1848. 2 v. 120.. 3111 at St. Helena. B. E. O'Meara. Boston, 1823. 2 v. 12~.. 366 The same. New York, 1853. 2 v. 12.. 5068 at St. Helena; Sir H. Low's Letters. W.Forsyth. N.Y.1853. 2v.12~. 5611 Campaign in Russia. R. K. Porter. Baltimore, 1806. 8~... 690 Court and Camp of. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 120.. 3683, 29 Expedition to Russia. P. de Segur. New York, 1845. 120.. 325 The same. (H. F. L.) N. York, 1847. 2 v. 120~. 3683, 141, 142 Historic Doubts relative to. R. Whately. New York, 1853. 120. 6203 History of. Laurent (de l'Ardeche). New York, 1851. 80.. 4346 Imperial Guard of. J. T. Headley. New York, 1851. 120.. 4625 184 CATALOGUE OF THE Napoleon in Council. Baron Pelet. Trans. by B. Hall. Edin. 1837. 120. 2717 Letters from Paris during Reign of. London, 1816. 2 v. 80~.. 754 Life. F. de Bourrienne. Philadelphia, 1832. 80.. 1373 Life. W. Hazlitt. London, 1830. 4 v. 80.. 2262 Life. J. G. Lockhart. New York, 1843. 2 v. 12~.. 2452 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1843. 2 v. 120.. 3683, 4, 5 Life. Sir W. Scott. Philadelphia, 1827. 3 v. 8~.. 1612 The same. Edinburgh, 1834. 9 v. 120.. 4101, 8-16 Life. W. L. Van-Ess. Philadelphia, 1809. 4 v. 80~. 1628 Memoirs. Duchess d'Abrantes. New York, 1832. 8~.. 5150 Memoirs. B. E. O'Meara. (No titlepage.) 80. 1413 Military Maxims of. New York, 1845. 120..... 3068 on Board the Northumberland, &c. W. Warden. Bost. 1817. 160. 815 Private Life at St. Helena. M. J. E. Las Cases. Bost. 1823. 4 v. 80. 718 Recollections of, at St. Helena. Mrs. E. Abell. Lond. 1844. 120. 3074 Voyage to St. Helena; Diary of Sir G. Cockburn. Bost. 1833. 120. 1057 Napoleon, Louis. Political and Historical Works. Lond. 1852. 2 v. 8~. 4942 Sketches of, and Visit to. H. W~ikoff. New York, 1849. 120.. 3352 Napoleon Dynasty; or, History of the Bonaparte Family. N. Y. 1852. 80. 4846 Narrien, J. Historical Account of Astronomy. London, 1850. 80.. 1157 Nasology; or, Classification of Noses. E. Warwick. London, 1848. 120. 4969 Nathalie; a Tale. Julia Kavanagh. New York, 1851. 120.... 4111 National Cyclopedia of Useful Knowledge. London, 1847. 12 v. 80.. 5099 Vol. 1. A to ARCE. I Vol. 7. HANS to LIGU. 2. ARCH to BAUT. 8. LILA to NORTH. 3. BAVA to CAs. 9. NORTH to QUOT. 4. CGES to CaTEs. 10. E to SIEGE. 5. COTES to EVEL. 11. SIEG to THEEB. 6. EVER to LIANO. 12. THECA to ZYGO. National Magazine. Vols. 1-4 [continued]. New York, 1852-54. 8~.. 5124 Nations, Progress of. E. C. Seaman. New York, 1852. 120... 4984 Natural History, Edited by J. Wright. Boston, 1831. 5 v. 120~... 829 and Geology, Researches in. C. Darwin. N. York, 1846. 2 v.120~. 2594 Boston Journal of. Vols. 1, 2. Boston, 1837-45. 80~. 3619 Discourses on. London, 1757. 7 v. 120. 1518 Elements of. W. S. W. Ruschenberger. Phil. 1850. 2 v. 120.. 4299 Gleanings from. E. Jesse. Philadelphia, 1833. 120. 2193 Illustrated. A. B. Strong. New York, 1848. 2 v. 80... 4512 Illustrated. J. G. Wood. New York, 1853. 120. 5609 Philosophy of. W. Smellie. Boston, 1829. 80.. 1414 Romance of. C. W. Webber. Philadelphia, 1852. 80.. 4814 Studies in. Wr. Rhind. Edinburgh, 1830. 120.. 2132 Treasury of. S. Maunder. London, 1849. 120.. 4108 of Insects. (H. F. L.) New York, 1843. 120... 3683, 8, 74 of Man. V. F. Van Amringe. New York, 1848. 80~.. 4354 of Quadrupeds. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 2 v. 120. 3683, 104, 164 of Selborne. G. White. London, 1853. 120.. 2192 The same. London, 1851. Post 80~. 4178 The same. (H.F. 1.) New York, 1847. 120... 3683, 147 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 185 Natural History of Society. W. C. Taylor. New York, 1841. 2 v. 120~. 1849 of the Tower Menagerie. London, 1829. 120~. t 6311 of Enthusiasm. I. Taylor. Boston, 1830. 120... 1923 The same. New York, 1849. 12~.. 3609 Natural Magic, Letters on. D. Brewster. New York, 1845. 120... 2433 The same. (H. F.L.) New York, 1843. 120... 3683, 50 Natural Philosophy. Elements of. N. Arnott. London, 1828. 80.. 1989 Elements of. F. J. Grund. Boston, 1832. 120... 1457 Introduction to. R. Hunt. London, 1851. 120..... 5051 Letters on. L. Euler. (H. F. L.) N. York, 1848. 2 v. 120. 3683,55,56 Mathematical Elements of. London, 1731. 499 Treatise on. C. Tomlinson. London, 1853. 120.. 6037 Natural Theology. W. Paley. New York, 1820. 120. 861 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 2 v. 120. 3683, 96, 97 The same, illustrated by J. Paxton. Boston, 1851. 120.. 1569 Class Book of. H. Fergus. Boston, 1837. 120... 1454 Naturalist, Entertaining. Mrs. Loudon. London, 1850. 120~... 4565 Journal of a. Philadelphia, 1831. 120. 219 Leaves from the Note-Book of a. W. J. Broderip. Bost. 1852. 8~. 4808 Naturalist's Library. A. A. Gould. Boston, 1853. 80... 2071 Naturalist's Library. Ed. by Sir W. Jardine. Edinburgh, 1843. 40 v. 12~. 4901 Vols. 1-4. Jardine, Sir W. British Birds. 5. Jardine, Sir W. Sun Birds. 6, 7. Jardine, Sir W. Humming Birds. 8. Jardine, Sir W. Game Birds. 9. Selby, P. J. Pigeons. 10. Selby, P. J. Parrots. 11,12. Swainson, W. Birds of Western Africa. 13. Swainson, W. Fly-Catchers. 14. Jardine, Sir W. Gallinaceous Birds. 15. Smith, C. H. Introduction to Mammalia. 16. Jardine, Sir W. Lions, Tigers, &c. 17. Macgillivray, W. British Quadrupeds. 18, 19. Smith, C. H. Dogs. 20. Smith, C. H. Horses, Asses, &c. 21. Jardine, Sir W. Deer, Antelopes, &c. 22. Jardine, Sir W. Goats, Sheep, Oxen, &c. 23. Jardine, Sir W. Thick-Skinned Quadrupeds. 24. Waterhouse, G. R. Marsupialia. 25. Hamilton, R. Amphibious Carnivora. 26. Hamilton, R. Whales, &c. 27. Jardine, Sir W. Monkeys. 28. Duncan, J. Introduction to Entomology. 29. Duncan, J. British Butterflies. 30. Duncan, J. British Moths, Sphinxes, &c. 31. Duncan, J. Foreign Butterflies. 32. Duncan, J. Exotic Moths. 33. Duncan, J. Beetles. 34. Dunbar, -. Bees. 35. Bushnan, J. S. Fishes; their Structure and Uses. 36, 37. Hamilton, R. British Fishes. 38. Jardine, Sir W. Fishes of the Perch Family. 39, 40. Schomburgk, R. H. Fishes of British Guiana. Nature. Boston, 1836. 120. 2205 and Science,Beauties and ronders of. Ed. byL.Gilbert. Lon. n.d. 80. 2839 Beauties, Harmonies, &c., of. C. Bucke. Phil. 1833. 80.. 1357, 3 The same. (H. F.L.) NewYork, 1846. 120.. 3683, 145 Book of. J. M. Good. Boston, 1826. 2 v. 8~. 1263 Bookof; anIntroduc. tothe Sciences. T. Schoedler. Phil. 1853. 8~. 5441 Displayed; Discourses on Nat. History. London, 1757. 7 v. 120. 1518 B B 186 CATALOGUE OF THE Nature, Gallery of. T. Milner. London, 1849. Roy. 8~.. 4526 *The same. London, 1846. 8~. 2044 inDifferentLands, Aspectsof. A. von Humboldt. Phil. 1849. 12~. 3469 Observations of. R. Mudie. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1847. 12~.. 3683, 57 Studies of. J. H. B. de St. Pierre. London, 1801. 4 v. 8~.. 708 Views of. A. von Humboldt. London, 1850. Post 80~.. 4364 Nature's Divine Revelations. A. J. Davis. New York, 1850. 8~... 3943 Naval and Military Memoirs of G. Britain. R. Beatson. Lon. 1804. 6 v. 80. 5905 Naval Architecture. J. Peake. London, 1850. 2 v. 120.. 6071 Naval Biography, American. I. Bailey. Providence, 1815. 120... 209 Naval Gazetteer. J. Malham. Boston, 1797. 2 v. 8. 678 Naval Heroes, Biographies ofAmerican. S.P. Waldo. Hartford, 1823. 80~. 651 Naval History of Great Britain. E. P. Brenton. London, 1823. 5 v. 8~. 5904 of Great Britain, 1793-1820. W. James. London, 1837. 6 v. 80. 2606 of the United States. J. F. Cooper. Philadelphia, 1839. 2 v. 8~. 1298 The same, continued to 1853. New York, 1853. 80.. 1298, 3 The same, abridged. Philadelphia, 1845. 120.... 1280 Naval Officers, Biography of American. B. Folsom. Newbur. 1814. 8~. 758 Lives of American. J. F. Cooper. Auburn, 1846. 2 v. 120.. 2560 Vol. 1. Bainbridge; Somers; Shaw; Shubrick; Preble. 2. Jones; Woolsey; Perry; Dale. Naval Worthies of Queen Elizabeth's Reign. J. Barrow. Lond. 1845. 8~. 2666 Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. H. W. Jeans. London, 1853. 12~. 6107 Treatise on. J. Greenwood. London, 1850. 120... 6073 Navigator, Practical. N. Bowditch. New York, 1846. 80... 2249 Practical and Seaman's Assistant. (No titlepage.) 8~0.. 1306 Navy, Battles of the British. J. Allen. London, 1852. 2 v. post 8~.. 5015 Book of the. J. Frost. New York, 1845. 120... 2208 Royal, History of. Sir N. H. Nicolas. London, 1847. 2 v. 80~.. 4675 Neal, Alice B. All's not Gold that Glitters. New York, 1853. 120~.. 5541 Contentment Better than Wealth. New York, 1853. 120.. 5009 No such Word as Fail. New York, 1852. 120.. 4631 Patient Waiting no Loss. New York, 1853. 120.. 5070 Neal, D. History of the Puritans. New York, 1843. 2 v. 8~... 1820 Neal, J. Rachel Dyer. Portland, 1828. 120. 521 Neal, J. C. Charcoal Sketches. New York, 1849. 2 v. 120.. 2145 Peter Ploddy, and other Oddities. Philadelphia, 1844. 120... 2300 Neale, E. ClosingScene; or, ChristianityandInfidelity. Phil. 1850. 120~. 4169 Neale, F.A. Residence in Siam. London, 1852. 120... 5261 Syria, Palestine, and Asia Minor, 1842-50. Lond. 1851. 2 v. 120~. 4446 Neale, W. J. Lost Ship; or, the Atlantic Steamer. N. York, 1844. 8~. 2729 Priors of Prague. Philadelphia, 1836. 2 v. 120~..... 267 Neander, A. History of Christianity. Boston, 1849-54. 5 v. 8~... 3527 Life of Jesus Christ. New York, 1848. 80.... 4716 Necromancers, Lives of. W. Godwin. New York, 1835. 120.. 3025 Ned Myers; or, a Life before the Mast. J. F. Cooper. Phil. 1843. 120~. 1751 Neele, H. Literary Remains. New York, 1829. 80. 669 Neighbors; a Story of Every-Day Life. F. Bremer. Bost. 1843. 2 v. 120. 1716 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 187 Neighbor's Children, and Sequel. Sarah A. Myers. Phil. 1854. 120.. 6259 Nelson, H. (Lord.) Dispatches and Letters. London, 1845. 2 v. 8~.. 2294 Life. R. Southey. New York, 1835. 120. 154 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1843. 120~.. 3683, 6 Life and Naval Memoirs. J. M. Tucker. London, 1848. 80~.. 3467 Memoirs. J. Charnock. Boston, 1806. 80..664 Nepos, C. Lives of Illustrious Men. Oxford, 1684. 120... 386 Justin and Eutropius. Tr. by J. S. Watson. Lond. 1853. Post 80. 5941 Nero, History of. J. Abbott. New York, 1853. 120.. 5267 Nestorians and Dr. A. Grant. T. Laurie. Boston, 1853. 120~... 5305 Netherlands, History of. T. C. Grattan. Philadelphia, 1831. 120.. 428 History of the Revolt in. F. Schiller. New York, 1847. 120.. 2953 Nevilles of Garretstown; a Tale of 1760. C. Lever. New York, 1844. 8~. 2621 New American Speaker. T. Hughs. Philadelphia, 1835. 12~... 2158 New American Speaker. J. C. Zachos. New York, 1852. 80... 3587 New Brunswick; with Notes for Emigrants. A. Gesner. Lond. 1847. 8~. 3954 New England and her Institutions. Boston, 1835. 120.... 1015, 1 and Middle States, Hist. & Antiq. of. J. W. Barber. Hart. 1846. 8~. 2721 Biograph. Dict. of First Settlers of. J. Eliot. Salem, 1809. 8~.. 1313 Bride and Southern Matron. Caroline Gilman. N.Y. 1852. 120. 4993 Chronology, 1497-1820. A. Bradford. Boston, 1843. 120.. 1838 Ecclesiastical History of, 1620-98. C. Mather. Hart. 1853. 2 v. 80. 5445 Fathers, of. H. Bushnell. New York, 1850. 12... 3926 General History of. W. Hubbard. Boston, 1815. 8~... 2632 Hist. & Genealogical Register. Vols. 1-7 [con.]. Bos. 1847-53. 8~. 2845 History of. Hannah Adams. Dedham, 1799. 8~. 585 History of. J. Morse and E. Parish. Newburyport, 1809. 120.. 878 History of, from 1630-49. J. Winthrop. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 8~. 1784 Magazine. Ed. byJ. T. Buckingham. Vols. 1-9. Bost. 1831-35. 80. 1760 Mercantile Union Directory, 1849. New York, 1849. 8~.0.. 1131 *Pilgrim Fathers of. W. H. Bartlett. London, 1853. Roy. 8~.. 6007 Quarterly Magazine. Vol. 2. Boston, 1802. 12~. 559 Sketches of. J. Carver. New York, 1842. 12~. 1679 Tale, and Miscellanies. C. M. Sedgwick. New York, 1852. 120~. 4986 Village Choir, Memoirs of. Boston, 1829. 12~. 1525 New England's Memorial. N. Morton. Fifth edition. Boston, 1826. 8~. 1619 New Englander. Vols. 7-11 [continued]. New Haven, 1849-53.. 3618 New Forest. Horace Smith. New York, 1829. 2 v. 120. 515 New Hampshire, Authors of. F. A. Moore. Manchester, 1850. 120.. 3887 Book. Nashville, N.H., 1844. 120. 2100 Festival, Nov. 7, 1849. Boston, 1850. 80. 3532 Gazetteer of. E. and P. Merrill. Exeter, 1817. 8~0. 682 Gazetteer of. J. Hayward. Boston, 1849. 120... 6555 History of. J. Belknap. Philadelphia, 1784. 3 v. 8... 583 The same. Dover, N.H., 1812. 3 v. 8~. 1303 History of. G. Barstow. Concord, 1842. 80. 1975 New Holland and Caroline Islands. J. F. O'Connell. Bost. 1836. 12~. 1468 New Home; Who'll Follow? Mrs. C. M. Kirkland. N. Y. 1839. 120. 429 188 CATALOGUE OF THE New Ipswich, N.H., History of. Boston, 1852. 80.. 4952 New Jersey, Hist. Collections of. J. W. Barber & H. Howe. N.Y. 1845. 80. 2720 History of. W. H. Carpenter and T. S. Arthur. Phil. 1854. 120~. 6284 New Mexico and Texas, Explorations in. J. R. Bartlett. N.Y. 1854. 2 v. 8~. 5950 Military Expedition through. J. H. Simpson. Phil. 1852. 8~0.. 3586 New Mirror. Ed. by Morris & Willis. Vol. 3. N.Y. 1844. Roy. 80.. 1822 New Monthly Magazine. Vols. 1-3. Boston, 1833-34. 80.... 1307 New Netherland, History of. E. B. O'Callaghan. New York, 1846. 8~. 3540 New Purchase; or, Life in the Far West. R. Carlton. N.Y. 1843. 2 v. 120. 1729 New Rome; or, the United States of the World. New York, 1863. 120. 5314 New Spain, Political Essay on. A. von Humboldt. N.Y. 1811. 2 v. 80. 604 New Spirit of the Age. Ed. by R. H. Horne. New York, 1844. 120.. 2123 New Testament, and Book of Psalms. New York, 1848. 8~0.... 4077 Commentary on. W. Trollope. London, 1842. 2 v. 8~... 4934 See also Barnes, A., and Livermore, A. A. Divine Authority of. D. Bogue. New York, n.d. 120... 1022 Greek Lexicon of. E. Robinson. New York, 1850. Roy. 8~.. 4349 in Historical and Chron. Order. G. Townsend. Bost. 1840. Roy. 80. 4728 Introduction to. S. Davidson. London, 1848. 3 v. 80... 5112 New Timon; a Poem. E. L. Bulwer. Philadelphia, 1849. 120.. 5854 New York City. Alms House Report, 1852. New York, 1853. 8~.. 5405 Aristocracy; or, Gems of Japonica-dom. New York, 1851. 120.. 342 *Directory, 1854-55. C. R. Rode. New York, 1854. 8~.. 6015 History of. D. T. Valentine. New York, 1853. 8~... 5479 in Slices. New York, 1849. 80.. 3298 Letters from. Mrs. L. M. Child. New York, 1843-45. 2 v. 120. 1732 Mirror. Vols. 9, 11-14, 17. New York, 1831-37. 40... 2021 New York State, Border Warfare of. W. W. Campbell. N,Y. 1849. 120. 3292 Documentary History of. E. B. O'Callaghan. Alb. 1849. 2 v. 8~. 3383 Geography of. J.H. Mather. Hartford, 1847. 120... 3866 Historical Collections of. J. W. Barber. New York, 1851. 80.. 2718 History of. W. H. Carpenter and T. S. Arthur. Phil. 1854. 120~. 6285 History of. W. Smith. Albany, 1814. 80... 670 Knickerbocker's History of. W. Irving. New York, 1849. 120~. 1051 The same. New York, 1849. 120. 3363 Political Parties of. J.D. Hammond. Cooperstown, 1846. 2 v. 80~. 2847 Purchase and History of Western. J. H. Hotchkin. N.Y. 1848. 8~. 3216 State Library, Catalogue of. Albany, 1846. 80.. 3386 The same. Albany, 1850. 80.. 3386 Reports of. Albany, 1847-53. 80. 3385 under the Dutch. E. B. O'Callaghan. New York, 1846. 8~.0. 3540 New York and Erie Railroad Guide-Book. New York, 1851. 120.. 4208 New Orleans as I Found It. H. Didimus. New York, 1845. 8~.0. 2241 Book. Edited by R. G. Barnwell. New Orleans, 1851. 120.. 3928 Manhattaner in. A. O. Hall. New York, 1851. 120... 4089 New Zealand, Settlement of. C. Hursthouse, jun. London, 1849. 120~. 4291 Southern Districts of. E. Shortland. London, 1851. 120... 4463 New Zealanders. Boston, 1830. 120..882 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 189 Newbury, Newburyport, & W. Newbury, Hist. of. J. Coffin. Bost. 1845. 80. 2662 Newcomb, H. Four Pillars; or, Truth of Christianity. Bost. 1842. 120. 977 Newcombe, S.P. Pleasant Pages for Young People. Boston, 1853. 120. 5214 Newfoundland, Excursions in, 1839-40. J. B. Jukes. Lond. 1842. 2 v. 120~. 3138 in 1842. Sir R. H. Bonnycastle. London, 1842. 2 v. 80... 4963 Newnham, W. Human Magnetism. New York, 1846. 120... 2342 Newport Illustrated. G. C. Mason. New York, 1854. 120~..... 964 Newspaper Lit., Specimens of. J. T. Buckingham. Bost. 1850. 2 v. 120. 3916 Newton, SirI. Account of Two Corruptions ofScripture. Bost. 1823. 120. 368, 2 Life. London, 1833. 80. 602 Life. Sir D. Brewster. New York, 1831. 12.. 1 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 120~... 3683, 26 andR. Cotes,Correspondenceof. Ed. by J. Edleston. Lond.1850. 80. 4330 Newton, J. Pleasures of Personal Religion. Boston, 1839. 120~... 1486 Works; with Life. J. Cecil. Philadelphia, 1839. 2 v. 80~... 4706 Newton Forster. F. Marryat. Philadelphia, 1847. 80.... 1766, 2 The same. London, 1853. 120. 5719 Ney, M. (Marshal.) Memoirs. Philadelphia, 1834. 80~..... 1399 Nicaragua; its People, Scenery, &c. E. G. Squier. N.Y. 1852. 2 v. 80~. 4560 Nichol, J. P. Architecture of the Heavens. New York, 1842. 120.. 2309 Phenomena and Order of the Solar System. New York, 1843. 12~. 2308 Nicholas Nickleby. C. Dickens. Philadelphia, 1850. 80... 526 Nicholson, Mrs. A. Famine in Ireland, 1847-49. New York, 1851. 120~. 4161 Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger. New York, 1847. 120.. 3031 Nicholson, W. British Encyclopaedia. - See Encyclopaedia. Nick of the Woods. R. M. Bird. New York, 1853. 120... 501 Nicol, J. Manual of Mineralogy. Edinburgh, 1849. 120... 3878 Nicolas, Sir N. H. History of the Royal Navy. Lond. 1847. 2 v. 80.. 4675 Nicolini, G. B. History of the Jesuits. London, 1854. Post 8... 6197 Niebuhr, B. G. History of Rome. Philadelphia, 1844. 5 v... 2235 Lectures on the History of Rome. London, 1849. 3 v. 8... 3600 Lectures onAncientEthnography and Geog. Boston, 1854. 2 v. 80~. 5454 Niebuhr, C. Life. London, 1833. 80..602 Nieritz, G. Little Drummer. New York, 1853. 120. 5540 Niger Expedition, 1830. R. and J. Lander. New York, 1842. 2 v. 120. 1883 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 2 v. 120~. 3683, 35, 36 1841. W. Allen and T. R. H. Thomson. London, 1848. 2 v. 80. 4641 Night and Morning. E. L. Bulwer. New York, 1850. 80.. 1593 Night Thoughts. E. Young. New York, 1854. 120.. 4592 Night Side of Nature. Catherine Crowe. New York, 1852. 120... 3907 Nights in a Block-House. H. C. Watson. Philadelphia, 1852. 120.. 1198 Nights of the Round Table. Philadelphia, 1845. 160.. 2407 Nile Boat; or, Glimpses of Egypt. W. H. Bartlett. N.Y. 1851. Roy. 80. 4516 Nile, Expedition to the White. F. Werne. London, 1849. 2 v. 120.. 4019 Nile Notes of a Howadji. G. W. Curtis. New York, 1851. 120... 3823 Niles, H. Principles and Acts of the Revolution. Balt. 1822. Roy. 8.. 4000 Nina (Part II. of President's Daughters). F. Bremer. N.Y. 1845. 80.. 1736 Nineteenth Century; a Quarterly Miscellany. Vols. 2-3. Phil. 1848. 80~. 3196 190 CATALOGUE OF THE Nineteenth Century; or, the New Dispensation. New York, 1852. 120~. 4891 Nineveh and its Remains. A. H. Layard. New York, 1850. 2 v. 80.. 3269 and Babylon, Discoveries in. A. H. Layard. N.Y. 1853. 80.. 5162 Notes from. J. P. Fletcher. Philadelphia, 1850. 120~.. 3852 Nix's Mate; a Romance of America. New York, 1839. 2 v. 120... 1167 No Fiction. A. Reed. iHartford, 1821. 2 v. 16~..37 No such Word as Fail. Alice B. Neal. New York, 1852. 160.. 4631 Noah and his Times. J. M. Olmstead. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5582 Noble, L. L. T. Cole's Pictures, Letters, and Writings. N.Y. 1853. 12~. 5334 Noble Deeds of Amer. Women. Ed. byJ. Clement. Buffalo, 1851. 120~. 4217 of Woman. Elizabeth Starling. Boston, 1850. 120.. 3673 Noble Slaves. Mrs. Aubin. Boston, 1821. 160..45 Nobody's Son; or, Percival Mayberry. Philadelphia, 1851. 120... 3780 Noctes Ambrosianae. J. Wilson and others. Philadelphia, 1843. 4 v. 120. 1801 The same. Ed. by S. Mackenzie. N.Y. 1854. 5 v. 120.. 6235 Noel, B. W. Union of Church and State. New York, 1849. 120.. 3275 Nolte, V. Fifty Years in both Hemispheres. New York, 1854. 120~.. 6176 Nonantum and Natick. Sarah S. Jacobs. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5600 Norman Leslie; a Tale. T. S. Fay. New York, 1850. 120... 1092 Norman Leslie; a Tale. " C. G. H." New York, 1850. 120.. 3850 Norman Maurice; a Drama. W. G. Simms. Philadelphia, 1853. 120.. 5366 Norman's Bride; or, the Modern Midas. Mrs. Marsh. N. Y. 1847. 80. 2815 Normand, H. de. Julienne, the Daughter of the Hamlet. Aub. 1847. 12~. 6163 Normandy, Dukes of. J. Duncan. London, 1839. 120... 4563 Norris, S. Handbook for Locomotive Engineers. Phil. 1852. 120~.. 5315 Northall, W. K. Before and Behind the Curtain. New York, 1851. 120. 4110 North America, Notes on. J. F. W. Johnston. Boston, 1851. 2 v. 120. 4172 Three Years in. J. Stuart. New York, 1833. 2 v. 120.. 1171 Tour in, 1831-2. H. Tudor. London, 1834. 2 v. 120.. 1231 Travels in. Marquis de Chastellux. New York, 1628. 80.. 1339 Travels in, 1841-42. Sir C. Lyell. New York, 1845. 2 v. 120.. 2479 Travels in, 1825-26. Duke of Saxe-Weimar. Phil. 1828. 80~.. 1398 Travels in the Interior of. D. W. Harmon. Andover, 1820. 80. 1349 *North American Atlas, Morse's. New York, 1842. 40... 2049 North American Miscellany. Vols. 1-3. Boston, 1851. 80... 4352 North American Review. Vols. 1-78 [continued]. Boston, 1815-54. 80. 1290 Northanger Abbey. Jane Austen. Philadelphia, 1838. 80... 1585, 2 The same. London, 1853. 120~....... 5694 North British Review. Vols. 6-21 [continued]. N. Y. 1846-54. Roy. 80. 2824 North Carolina, History of. H. Williamson. Philadelphia, 1812. 2 v. 80. 680 North Star, Cruise of the. J. O. Choules. Boston, 1854. 120... 5770 Northcote, J., Conversations of. W. Hazlitt. London, 1830. 120... 2317 Life of Sir Joshua Reynolds. London, 1818. 2 v. 80.. 2542 Life of Titian. London, 1830. 2 v. 80..2292 Northend, C. Teacher and the Parent. New York, 1853. 120... 5358 Northern and Eastern Traveller's Guide. W. Williams. N.Y. 1853. 12~. 5353 Northern Antiquities. M. Mallet. London, 1847. Post 8.... 3561 Northern Summer round the Baltic. J. Carr. Hartford, 1806. 120.. 833 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 191 Northmen, History of the. H. Wheaton. Philadelphia, 1831. 80.. 2174 Northup, S. Twelve Years a Slave. Auburn, 1853. 120~.. 5501 Northwest, Travels through the. H. R. Schoolcraft. Albany, 1821. 80~. 771 North-West Territory, Early Settlement of. J. Burnett. Cinc. 1847. 80~. 2795 Early Settlement of. S. P. Hildreth. Cincinnati, 1848. 80.. 3231 Notes on. W. J. A. Bradford. New York, 1846. 120.. 2931 Northwood; or, Life North and South. Mrs. S. J. Hale. N. Y. 1852. 120~. 4991 The same. Boston, 1827. 2 v. 120. 1201 Norton, Mrs. C. E. S. Child of the Islands. New York, 1846. 120~.. 2567 Charity Sister, and other Tales. New York, 1840. 120... 1566 Dream, and other Poems. New York, 1845. 160.... 2527 Kate Bouverie, and other Tales. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 v. 120.. 557 Stuart of Dunleath; a Tale. London, 1851. 3 v. 120.... 4238 Undying One, and other Poems. New York, 1854. 120... 5879 Norton, A. Life and Writings of L. Frisbie. Boston, 1823. 80... 1427 Reasons for not believing in Trinitarianism. Cambridge, 1833. 120. 1774 Tracts concerning Christianity. Cambridge, 1852. 80... 4847 Norton, C. B. Literary Advertiser, 1852-53. New York. 40~.. 5154 Literary and Educational Register. New York, 1853-54. 2 v. 120~. 5783 Norway and its Scenery. Edited by T. Forester. Lond. 1853. Post 80. 5360 Denmark, & Sweden, Hist. of. (H.F.L.) N.Y. 1847. 2 v. 120~. 3683, 136, 137 Noses, Classification of. E. Warwick. London, 1848. 120.... 4969 Notabilities in France and England. P. Chasles. New York, 1853. 120. 5340 Notation, System of. W. Pelham. Boston, 1808. 120~. 461 Notes and Queries. Vols. 1-5. London, 1849-52. 80. 4933 Notes of a Theological Student. J. M. Hoppin. New York, 1854. 120~. 6183 from Life, in Seven Essays. H. Taylor. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5285 Money; Humility and Independence; Wisdom; Choice in Marriage; Children; The Life Poetic; The Ways of the Rich and Great. Notions of the Americans. J. F. Cooper. New York, 1850. 2 v. 120.. 3778 Nott, E., and Finances of Union College. J. C. Spencer. Alb. 1853. 8~. 5953 Nourse, J. D. The Past, and its Legacies to Am. Soc. Louisville, 1847. 120~. 3042 Novanglus and Massachusettensis. J. Adams & J. Sewall. Bost. 1819. 80~. 781 Novelists, Lives of the. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1829. 2 v. 120. 399, 3, 4 The same. Boston, 1826. 2 v. 120. 1151 The same. Edinburgh, 1834. 2 v. 120... 4101, 3, 4 Novelties of the New World. J. Banvard. Boston, 1852. 160... 4632 Novitiate; or, Year among the Jesuits. A. Steinmetz. N. Y. 1846. 120. 2945 Novum Organum. F. (Lord) Bacon. Philadelphia, 1844. Roy. 80~. 1996, 3 Now-a-Days. New York, 1854. 120.. 6250 Now and Then. S. Warren. New York, 1848. 120. 3096 Nubia and Abyssinia, Hist. of. M. Russell. (H.F.L.) N.Y. 1848. 120. 3683, 61 Nugent, T. Journey through Europe. London, 1756. 4 v. 120... 836 Nursery Book for Young Mothers. Mrs. L. C. Tuthill. N.Y. 1849. 16~. 3307 Nye, G. jun. Tea and the Tea Trade. New York, 1850. 80... 3942 Nystrom, J. W. Screw Propellers and their Steam Engines. Phil. 1852. 80. 5085 192 CATALOGUE OF THE 0. Oak Openings; or, the Bee Hunter. J.F. Cooper. New York, 1848. 120~. 3164 *Oakes, W. Scenery of the White Mountains. Boston, 1848. 40.. 3747 O'Briens and the O'Flahertys. Lady S. Morgan. Phil. 1828. 2 v. 120~. 1178 O'Callaghan, E. B. Documentary Hist. of N. York. Alb. 1849. 2 v. 8~. 3383 History of New Netherland. New York, 1846. 80... 3540 O'Callaghan, J. C. Green Book. Boston, 1849. 120. 3682 Ocean Scenes; or, Perils and Beauties of the Deep. New York, 1848. 120~. 3088 Occult Sciences. E. Salverte. London, 1846. 2 v. 8~... 4683 Ockley, S. History of the Saracens. London, 1847. Post 80... 3556 O'Connell, D. Memoir on Native and Saxon Ireland. N.Y. 1843. 12~. 1851 O'Connell, J. F. Residence in N. Holland & Caroline Islands. Bos. 1836. 120. 1468 Oddities of London Life. J. Poole. Philadelphia, 1838. 2 v. 12~.. 245 Oddy, J. J. European Commerce. Philadelphia, 1807. 2 v. 8~... 720 Odiorne, J. C. Opinions on Speculative Masonry. Boston, 1830. 120.. 1097 Odoherty Papers. W. Maginn. New York, 1855. 2 v. 120.... 6241 O'Donoghue; a Tale of Ireland. C. Lever. Philadelphia, 1841. 80.. 2645 Odyssey of Homer. Trans. by T. A. Buckley. London, 1851. Post 80. 4180 Translated by A. Pope. New York, 1844. 2 v. 120. 1854, 33, 34 The same. Philadelphia, 1841. 80. 2674 Oehlenschlager, A. Corregio, a Tragedy; with Life. Boston, 1846. 120. 2916 Off-Hand Takings. G. W. Bungay. New York, 1854. 120... 6245 Ogden, G. W. Letters from the West. New Bedford, 1823. 120.. 1175 Ogilvies; a Novel. Miss Muloch. New York, 1850. 80... 3458 Oglethorpe, J. Life. W. B. O. Peabody. Boston, 1844. 120.. 1076, 12 Ohio, Geograph. and Hist. Account of. T. M. Harris. Boston, 1805. 80. 1310 Historical Collections of. H. Howe. Cincinnati, 1847. 80... 2814 History of. WV. H. Carpenter and T. S. Arthur. Phil. 1854. 120~. 6286 Indiana Territory, and Louisiana, Description of. Bost. 1812. 120~. 282 Ohio Valley and North-West Territory. S. P. Hildreth. Cincin. 1848. 80~. 3231 Ojibway Nation, History and Sketches of. G. Copway. Bost. 1851. 120~. 4176 O'Keeffe, J. Autobiography. London, 1826. 2 v. 80.. 5129 Old Bell of Independence. H. C. Watson. Philadelphia, 1852. 120.. 142 Old Brewery, and Mission House at Five Points. New York, 1854. 120. 5759 Old Commodore. E. Howard. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 120... 931 Old Continental; or, the Price of Liberty. J. K. Paulding. N.Y.1846. 2 v. 12~. 2588 Old Country House; a Novel. Mrs. Gray. New York, 1850. 80.. 3982 Old Curiosity Shop, and other Tales. C. Dickens. Phil. 1849. 80.. 1605 Old Doctor; or Stray Leaves from my Journal. New York, 1853. 120. 5578 Old Engagement. Julia Day. Boston, 1852. 120...... 4797 *Old England; a Pictorial Museum. London, n.d. 2 v.4~.... 4831 and New England. A. Bunn. Philadelphia, 1853. 120... 5594 Old English Chronicles. - See Chronicles. Old Forest Ranger. W. Campbell. New York, 1853. 120.... 5319 Old Hicks, the Guide. C. WV. Webber. New York, 1848. 120... 3160 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 193 Old House by the River. W. C. Prime. New York, 1853. 120... 5347 Old Karl, the Cooper. E. Perce. New York, 1854. 16.... 6218 Old Sights with New Eyes; Tour in Europe. New York, 1854. 120.. 5599 Old Man's Bride. T. S. Arthur. New York, 1853. 120... 5276 Old Mortality. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1848. 2 v. 120... 999, 9, 10 The same. Edinburgh, 1849. 3 v. 120... 4100,9-11 The same. Edinburgh, 1850. Roy. 80... 4531, 2 Old Oak Chest. G. P. R. James. New York, 1850. 8~.. 3945 Old Portraits and Modern Sketches. J. G. Whittier. Boston, 1850. 12~. 3479 Old Red Sandstone. H. Miller. Boston, 1851. 120.... 3783 Old Testament in Hist. and Chron. Order. G. Townsend. Bos. 1839. 8~. 4727 Canon, History and Defence of. M. Stuart. Andover, 1845. 120. 4749 and New Testament Connected. H. Prideaux. N.Y. 1850. 2 v. 80~. 4711 Old Wine in New Bottles. A. K. Gardner. New York, 1848. 120.. 3086 Old World; or, Scenes & Cities in For. Lands. W. Furniss. N.Y. 1850. 120~. 3441 Olin, S. Greece and the Golden Horn. New York, 1854. 120... 5862 Travels in Egypt, Arabia Petraea, &c. New York, 1843. 2 v. 120~. 1919 Works; Sermons, Sketches, and Lectures. N. Y. 1852. 2 v. 120~. 1044 Olio of Domestic Verses. Emily Judson. New York, 1852. 120... 4906 Oliphant, L. Journey to Katmandu. New York, 1852. 120... 4850 Russian Shores of the Black Sea. New York, 1854. 120.. 5791 Oliphant, Mrs. Caleb Field; Tale of the Puritans. N. York, 1851. 120~. 4220 Magdalen Hepburn. New York, 1854. 120.. 6174 Margaret Maitland. New York, 1851. 120... 4423 Merkland; or Self-Sacrifice. New York, 1853. 120.. 5593 Olive; a Novel. Miss Muloch. New York, 1851. 80~... 4004 Olive Leaves; Mrs. L. H. Sigourney. New York, 1852. 120.. 4479 Oliver, A., jun. Essay on Comets; withAuthor's Life. Bost. 1811. 120~. 875 Oliver, B. L., jun. Essay on the Pursuit of Happiness. Camb. 1818. 80~. 1333 Oliver Twist. C. Dickens. Philadelphia, 1853. 80..... 1338 Ollendorff's Method of Learning French. New York, 1851. 120... 5191 Method of Learning German. New York, 1852. 120... 6192 Method of Learning Italian. New York, 1851. 120.. 5190 Olmsted, D. Compendium of Astronomy. New York, 1841. 120.. 1695 Letters on Astronomy. New York, 1847. 80. 3226 Olmsted, F. L. Walks & Talks of an Amer. Farmer in Eng. N.Y. 1852. 120. 147 Olmstead, J. M. Noah and his Times. Boston, 1853. 120.... 5582 Olney, Captain S., Biography of. Mrs. C. R. Williams. Prov. 1839. 120. 1571 O'Meara, B., Memoirs of Napoleon. (No titlepage.) 80.. 1413 Napoleon at St. Helena. Boston, 1823. 2 v. 120. 366 The same. New York, 1853. 2 v. 120. 5068 Omen; a Tale of Real Life. J. Galt. New York, 1844. 80... 2167, 3 Omnibus of Modern Romance (Six Inside). New York, 1844. 3 v. 8~.. 2167 Vol. 1. Frank Heartwell. Crawford, H. C. First and Second Love. Hoffman, C. F. W. Goldsmith of Paris. Hoffman, C. F. W. Rolandsitten. Leslie, Miss. Mr. Washington Potts and Mr. Smith. Pichler, Caroline. Wife Hunter. Fouque, Baroness La M. Modern Lothario. SouliS, F. Mysteries of the Heaths. C C 194 CATALOGUE OF THE Omnibus of Modern Romance continued. Vol. 2. St. Leger, Baron. Mabel the Actress. St. Leger, Baron. Rescued Nun. Hook, T. E. Capitalist. Opie, Mrs. A. Gentleman's Daughter. Howitt, W. Wonderful Story of Peter Schlemihl. Sue, E. Marquis de Letoriere. 3. Ritchie, L. Game of Life. Gore, Mrs. C. Marrying for Money. Gait, J. The Omen; a Tale of Real Life. Banim, J. The Loaded Dice. Opie, Mrs. A. Murder Will Out. James, G. P. R. Bertrand de la Croix. Omoo; Adventures in the South Seas. H. Melville. N.Y. 1847. 120.. 2977 Onderdonk, H., jun. Revolutionary Incid. of Queen's Co. N.Y.1846. 120. 3824 One in a Thousand. G. P. R. James. New York, 1836. 2 v. 120.. 986 The same. Philadelphia, 1836. 80. 2228, 1 Only a Fiddler, and O. T. H. C. Andersen. New York, 1846. 80.. 2637 Operations des Changes de l'Europe. (No titlepage.) 80... 1247 Opie, Amelia. Gentleman's Daughter. New York, 1844. 80.. 2167, 2 Illustrations of Lying. Boston, 1827. 120..201 Works. Philadelphia, 1850. 3 v. 80. 2885 Vol. 1. Madeline; Adeline Mowbray; Simple Tales; Father and Daughter; Happy Faces. 2. Tales of Real Life; New Tales. 3. Temper; Woman's Love and Wife's Duty; Two Sons; Opposite Neighbor; Love Mystery and Superstition; After the Ball; False or True; Confessions of an Odd Tempered Man; Illustrations of Lying, in all its Branches. Opinions, Essays on Formation and Publica. of. S. Bailey. Phil. 1831. 120. 2160 The same. Boston, 1854. 120. 5855 Opium Eater, Confessions of an. T. De Quincey. Boston, 1850. 120.. 3911 Opium War in China, Recollections of. A. Cunynghame. Phil. 1845. 160~. 2409 Optimist, The. H. T. Tuckerman. New York, 1850. 120... 3658 Oracles from the Poets. Caroline Gilman. New York, 1849. 120.. 2338 of God; Four Orations. E. Irving. New York, 1825. 8~0.. 1368 Orations in Boston on the 5th March. Boston, 1785. 160... 825 Orator, American. L. C. Munn. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5026 Orator's Own Book, American. Philadelphia, 1840. 240.. 1669 Oratorical and Dramatic Expression. J. A. Fowler. Phil. 1853. 120.. 5226 Orators of America, Living. E. L. Magoon. New York, 1850. 120.. 3281 of France. L. de Cormenin. New York, 1847. 120... 3008 Sketches of English. G. H. Francis. New York, 1847. 120.. 3001 Oratory, American. Philadelphia, 1849. 80.. 4139 and Orators. M. T. Cicero. London, 1808. 2 v. 8~0. 5. 011 Book of. E. C. Marshall. New York, 1851. 120... 4198 Elements of. J. Holmes. Philadelphia, 1849. 120... 3305 Orbs of Heaven. O. M. Mitchel. London, 1851. 120.. 4274 Oregon and California, History of. R. Greenhow. Boston, 1845. 80.. 2270 and California in 1848. J. Q. Thornton. N.Y. 1849. 2 v. 120.. 3279 andNorthCalifornia, Expeditionto. J.C. Fremont. N.Y. 1846. 80~. 2639 History and Discovery of. T. Twiss. New York, 1846. 120.. 2997 Oregon Missions, and Rocky Mountains. P. J. De Smet. N.Y. 1847. 120~. 3061 Organic Christianity. L.A. Sawyer. Boston, 1854. 120... 6249 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 195 Oriental and Sacred Scenes. F. Howe. New York, 1854. 120... 5751 *Oriental Memoirs. J. Forbes. London, 1834. 2 v. 80. 1 v. plates 4~.. 3796 Oriental Travel, Narrative of. H. Crosby. New York, 1851. 80... 4120 Original Letters on English Reformation. Cambridge (Eng.), 1846. 2 v. 80~. 5912 Orion; an Epic Poem. R. H. Horne. London, 1842. 120... 2473 Orlando Furioso. L. Ariosto. Tr. by J. Hoole. Phil. 1816. 6 v. 18~.. 138 Orleans, House of, Memoirs of. W. C. Taylor. Phil. 1850. 2 v. 12~.. 3837 Ornamental Leather Work. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5837 Ornithology, American. A.Wilson. Ed.byT.M. Brewer. N.Y. 1852. 80. 5924 Elements of. C. Brooks. Boston, 1847. 12~.... 3508 Orphan Niece; a Novel. Ellen Pickering. Philadelphia, 1848. 8~.. 3221 Orthophony; or, Elocution. J. E. Murdoch and W. Russell. Bost. 1845. 12~. 2351 Osborn, S. Arctic Journal. New York, 1852. 12~.. 4886 Osborne, S. G. Gleanings in the West of Ireland. London, 1850. 120. 4290 Osborne, T. (Earl of Danby.) Life. T. P. Courtenay. Lond. 1831. 120. 1831, 5 Osgood, Frances S. Poems. New York, 1846. 120.. 5230 Osgood, S. Studies in Christian Biography. New York, 1850. 120.. 3670 Ossian. Poems. Translated by J. Macpherson. New York, 1846. 120~. 2999 Ossoli, Marg. Fuller. Memoirs. J.F.Clark and others. Bost. 1852. 2 v. 120. 4766 Otis, Mrs. H. G. Barclays of Boston. Boston, 1854. 120.... 5777 Otis, J. Life. F. Bowen. Boston, 1844. 120. 1076, 12 Life. W. Tudor. Boston, 1823. 80. 599 Otter, W. Life and Remains of E. D. Clarke. London, 1825. 2 v. 8~.. 5485 Otto, F. History of Russian Literature. Oxford, 1839. 8~.... 3789 Otway, T. Works. Vol. 1. London, 1712. 120.. 106 Our Campaign; or, Thoughts of Life. E. W. Reynolds. Bost. 1851. 120~. 4455 Our Country; a Tale. J. Mills. London, 1850. 3 v. 120... 4614 Our Folks at Home. E. Toliver. Philadelphia, 1855. 120... 6191 Our Island; comprising the Tales, Forgery and Lunatic. Phil. 1833. 2v. 120. 1210 Our Parish; or, Annals of Pastor and People. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5806 Our Village; Sketches of Rural Character. M. R. Mitford. Phil. 1846. 80. 1637 Outlaw; a Novel. Mrs. S. C. Hall. London, 1852. 120.. 5682 Outlines of History. Philadelphia, 1831. 120. 441 Outre-Mer; a Pilgrimage. H. W. Longfellow. Boston, 1835. 2 v. 120~. 1079 Outward Bound. E. Howard. Philadelphia, 1838. 2 v. 120.. 823 Overing; or, the Heir of Wycherly. E. Grayson. New York, 1852. 120~. 4871 Overman, F. Manufacture of Iron. Philadelphia, 1850. 80.. 3520 Manufacture of Steel. Philadelphia, 1851. 120... 4203 Mechanics. Philadelphia, 1851. 120. 4260 Moulder's and Founder's Pocket Guide. Philadelphia, 1851. 120~. 4264 Treatise on Metallurgy. New York, 1852. 80. 4825 Ovid, N. P. Works. Tr. by Dryden and others. N.Y. 1841. 2v. 120. 1854, 20, 21 Owen, Mrs. O. F. Heroines of History. London, 1854. 120... 5846 *Owen, R. D. Geological Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, &c. Phil. 1852. 40~. 5167 Owenson, Miss. Patriotic Sketches of Ireland. Baltimore, 1809. 120.. 199 Owl Creek Letters. W. C. Prime. New York, 1848. 120.. 3411 Ox, The; with Illustrations. London, n. d. Roy. 80... 3635, 1 Ox Tribe, Delineations of. G. Vasey. London, 1851. 80.... 4322 196 CATALOGUE OF THE Oxford, Handbook for Visitors to. Oxford, 1847. 80.. 4654 Oxonians; a Novel. Philadelphia, 1852. 80... 1202 Ozark Mountains, Adventures in. H. R. Schoolcraft. Phil. 1853. 80.. 5393 P. Pacha of Many Tales. F. Marryat. Philadelphia, 1847. 80~... 2964 The same. Philadelphia, 1847. 80. 1766, 1 The same. London, 1853. 120..5720 Pacific, Island World of the. H. T. Cheever. New York, 1851. 120.. 4095 Three Years in the. Philadelphia, 1834. 80... 1415 Paddock, J. Shipwreck of the Oswego. New York, 1818. 80. 1297 Pag6s, M. de. Travels round the World. London, 1793. 3 v. 8~... 572 *Paine, R. Troup. Memoir, by his Parents. New York, 1852. 40.. 4949 Paine, T. Life. J. Chatham. New York, 1809. 80..655 Political Writings. Charlestown, 1824. 2 v. 80.. 1814 Painter, Gilder, and Varnisher's Companion. Philadelphia, 1853. 120.. 6278 Painters and Engravers, Anecdotes of. S. Spooner. N.Y. 1853. 3 v. 120. 5750 *and Engravers, Dictionary of. M. Bryan. Lond. 1849. Roy. 80. 3960 & Sculptors, Lives of British. A. Cunningham. N.Y. 1840. 5 v. 12~. 2430 The same. (H. F.L.) N.Y. 1843. 5.v. 120. 3683, 17-19,66, 67 Modern. J. Ruskin. New York, 1847. 3 v. 120.... 3018 Sculptors, & Architects, Lives of. G. Vasari. Lond. 1850. 2 v. post 80. 4185 Sketches of American. H. T. Tuckerman. New York, 1847. 120. 3057 Sketches of the Old. H. F. Lee. Boston, 1838. 120.. 379 Painting, Ancient Glass. Oxford, 1847. 2 v. 80.. 4821 and Architecture, Lectures on. J. Ruskin. Phil. 1854. 12~.. 6170 and Design, Lectures on. B. R. Haydon. London, 1844. 2 v. 80. 4674 Art of, and Coloring. G. Field. London, 1850. 120..... 6053 History of, in Italy. L. Lanzi. London, 1847. 3 v. post 80.. 3551 Lectures on. J. Barry, J. Opie, and H. Fuseli. Lond. 1848. Post 80. 4361 Lectures on the History & Principles of. T. Phillips. Lond. 1833. 8~. 3963 Memoirs of. W. Buchanan. London, 1824. 2 v. 80.... 4824 on Glass, Treatise on. E. O. Fromberg. London, 1851. 120.. 6063 Rise and Progress of the Art. Boston, 1846. 120.... 2998 Sculpture and Architecture, Hist. of. J. S. Memes. Bost. 1834. 120. 1003 Treatise on Pigments. J. P. Ridner. New York, 1850. 120.. 4059 Palestine and Syria, Travels in. G. Robinson. Paris, 1837. 120... 2122 Biblical Researches in. E. Robinson. Boston, 1841. 3 v. 80.. 1985 Descriptive Geography and Sketch of. J. Schwarz. Phil. 1850. 80. 3985 Early Travels in. Ed. by T. Wright. London, 1848. Post 80.. 3562 Egypt, and Italy, Visit to. Ida Pfeiffer. London, 1852. 120.. 5259 History of. J. Kitto. Boston, 1852. 120. 35 History of. M. Russell. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 120. 3683, 27 Letters on. T. Wells. Boston, 1846. 120.. 2555 Pilgrimage to. J. V. C. Smith. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5184 Scripture Lands; with 24 Maps. J. Kitto. Lond. 1850. Post 80. 4391 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 197 Paley, W. Evidences of Christianity. Boston, 1803. 120. 392 Horme Pauline. New York, 1851. 80. 4704 Moral and Political Philosophy. Philadelphia, 1814. 8~... 735 Natural Theology. New York, 1820. 120. 861 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 2 v. 12~. 3683, 96, 97 The same. Illustrated by J. Paxton. Boston, 1851. 120. 1569 ~Works; with Life. Philadelphia, 1831. 8~0..... 647 Palfrey, J. G. Evidences of Christianity. Boston, 1843. 2 v. 80... 2251 Jewish Scriptures and Antiquities. Boston, 1838-52. 4 v. 8.. 1642 Life of William Palfrey. Boston, 1848. 120... 1076, 17 Sermons of the Duties of Private Life. Boston, 1834. 80... 1641 Statistics of Industry in Massachusetts. Boston, 1846. 80... 4359 Palfrey, W. Life. J. G. Palfrey. Boston, 1848. 120.... 1076, 17 Palissy, B. Life. H. Morley. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 120... 4997 Palmer, J. Travels in United States. London, 1818. 8~.. 770 Pamela; or, Virtue Rewarded. S. Richardson. London, 1801. 4 v. 120~. 1833 Pampas and the Andes, Journey to. Sir F. B. Head. Boston, 1827. 120~. 508 Pamphlets. 31 vols. 625 relating to English Politics. 7 vols. 1244 Panama Mission, Documents relating to. Washington, 1826. 8~. 728 Panoplist. Vol. 4. New series. Boston, 1812. 80. 773 Panthea; or, Spirit of Nature. R. Hunt. London, 1850. 120.. 5097 Pantheon of the Heathen Gods. A. Tooke. New York, 1816. 12~.. 159 Pantropheon; or, History of Food. A. Soyer. Boston, 1853. 8~.. 5460 Papal Persecutions, Historyof. Ed. byMiss Christmas. Lond. 1851. 120~. 4613 PapalRome; her Priests and Jesuits. G.Achilli. NewYork, 1851. 12~. 4175 Paper Credit in Great Britain. H. Thornton. Philadelphia, 1807. 80.. 656 Papers from the Quarterly Review. New York, 1852. 120... 4792 Para; or, Adventures on the Amazon. J. E. Warren. N.Y. 1851. 120~. 4258 Parables. F.A. Krummacher. Philadelphia, 1854. 80... 6000 Lectures on. J. Cumming. Philadelphia, 1854. 120.. 6874 of our Lord, Notes on. R. C. Trench. New York, 1851. 8~0.. 4713 Paradise Lost. J. Milton. New York, 1850. 120.... 4063 The same. New York, 1851. 80. 173 Paraguay, Francia's Reign in. J. P. & W. P. Robertson. Phil. 1839. 2 v. 120~. 979 Pardee, R. G. Cultivation of the Strawberry. New York, 1854. 120.. 6268 Pardoe, Miss. City of the Magyar. London, 1840. 3 v. 120... 3122 City of the Sultan, in 1836. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 120... 941 The same. (Select Circ. Lib.) Philadelphia, 1837. 40~. 2034, 1837 Flies in Amber. London, 1850. 3 v. 120...... 4277 Louis XIV., and Court of France. New York, 1847. 2 v. 120.. 3040 Reginald Lyle. New York, 1854. 120.. 6140 Rival Beauties; a Novel. New York, 1848. 80.... 3234 Romance of the Harem. Philadelphia, 1839. 2 v. 120... 1049 Paris and the Parisians in 1835. Mrs. F. Trollope. New York, 1836. 80. 607 *and its Environs. A. Pugin. London, 1833. 40. 2014 Few Weeks in. Boston, 1814. 120. 469 Frascati's; or, Scenes in. Philadelphia, 1836. 2 v. 120.. 259 in 1851. Sir F. B. Head. New York, 1852. 120... 4755 198 CATALOGUE OF THE Paris, Letters from, during the Reign of Napoleon. Lond. 1816. 2 v. 80. 754 Purple Tints of B. St. John. New York, 1854. 120.. 5808 Revisited in 1815. J. Scott. Boston, 1816. 12~.. 174 Rollo in. J. Abbott. Boston, 1854. 12~. 5782 Sketch Book. W. M. Thackeray. New York, 1852. 2 v. 12~.. 2166 Sketches of, by an American. Philadelphia, 1838. 120... 370 Spare Hours of a Student in. A. K. Gardner. N.Y. 1848. 120.. 3086 Spectator. Philadelphia, 1816. 2 v. 180. 54 Tours and Rouen, Excursion to. G. M. Musgrave. Lond. 1849. 120~. 4414 Parish Side. New York, 1854. 120..5851 Parisian Sights and French Principles. New York, 1852. 120... 4988 Park, E. A. (Editor.) Works and Memoir of S. Hopkins. Bos. 1852. 3 v. 80~. 4940 Writings and Memoir of B. B. Edwards. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 120. 5289 Park, H. G. Voice from the Parsonage. Boston, 1854. 120... 5856 Park, J. A. Law of Marine Insurances. Boston, 1799. 80.. 782 Park, M. Writings, Life, and Travels. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1846. 120. 3683, 105 Park, R. Handbook for Amer. Travellers in Europe. N.Y. 1853. 120. 5312 Parker, E. L. History of Londonderry. Boston, 1851. 120.. 5017 Parker, H. F. Morning Stars of the New World. New York, 1854. 120~. 5861 Parker, R. G. Aids to English Composition. Boston, 1844. 120.. 1922 Exercises in English Composition. Boston, 1835. 120.. 1810 Tribute to Jonas Chickering. Boston, 1854. 120... 5802 Parker, S. Tour beyond the Rocky Mountains. Auburn, 1846. 120.. 3028 Parker, Theo. Critical and Miscellaneous Writings. Boston, 1843. 120~. 1812 Discourse of Matters pertaining to Religion. Boston, 1842. 80.. 1830 Miscellaneous Sermons and Discourses. Boston, 1845-48. 2 v. 8~. 3271 Sermons of Theism, Atheism, &c. Boston, 1853. 120.. 6316 Speeches, Addresses, and Occasional Sermons. Bost. 1852. 2 v. 120~. 4561 Ten Sermons of Religion. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5186 Parkhurst, J. Hebrew and English Lexicon. London, 1799. Roy. 80.. 1449 Parkman, F., jun. California and Oregon Trail. New York, 1849. 12~. 3351 History of the Conspiracy of Pontiac. Boston, 1851. 8~... 4519 Parkyns, M. Life in Abyssinia. New York, 1854. 2 v. 120.. 5859 Parley's Cabinet Library. - See Goodrich, S. G. Parley's Present for all Seasons. S. G. Goodrich. New York, 1854. 120~. 5570 Parliamentary Practice, Manual of. J. B. Burleigh. Phil. 1852. 80.. 4815 Manual of. T. Jefferson. Philadelphia, 1843. 120... 1890 Parlor Book. New York, 1842. 120. 1886 Parlor-Book; or, Family Encyclopeedia. J. L. Blake. N.Y. 1837. 8~0.. 1884 Parnassian Shop. Boston, 1801. 120. 488 Parnassus in Pillory; a Satire. New York, 1851. 12~.. 3820 Parr, S. Works. Edited by J. Johnstone. London, 1828. 8 v. 8~.. 5903 Vol. 1. Memoirs. 2. Sermons. 3. Notice of Dr. Combe's Horace; Prefatio ad Bellendeni Libros; Remarks on Politics, Jurisprudence, Morals, &c.; Letter from Irenopolis; Warburtonian Tracts; Letter to Dr. Milner; Pamphlet on Dr. Combe's Horace; Notes on Rapin's Whigs and Tories. 4. Character of Charles James Fox; Note on Fox's History of Reign of James II.; Latin and English Inscriptions; Illustrations of the Inscriptions. 5, 6. Sermons. 7, 8. Correspondence with Dr. Parr. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 199 Parricide, The; a Domestic Romance. Philadelphia, 1836. 2 v. 120.. 222 Parrot, F. Journey to Ararat. Tr. by W. D. Cooley. N.Y. 1846. 120. 2558 Parrots, Natural History of. P. J. Selby. Edinburgh, 1843. 120.. 4901, 10 Parry, Sir W. E. Journal of Voyage of Discov., 1819-20. Phil. 1821. 8~. 1316 Second Voyage of Discovery, 1821-23. New York, 1824. 80~.. 1272 Three Voyages. Philadelphia, 1833. 80. 1367, 3 The same. (H. F.L.) New York, 1846. 2 v. 12~. 3683, 107, 108 Parson, The, Pen and Pencil. G. M. Musgrave. London, 1849. 12~.. 4414 Parsonage of Mora. Fredrika Bremer. New York, 1845. 8.. 2618 Parsonage, Voice from the. Rev. H. G. Park. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5856 Parson's Daughter. Theo. E. Hook. London, 1851. 120... 5663 Parsons, T. Essays [on Swedenborgianism]. Boston, 1845. 120... 2346 Parsons, T. W. Poems. Boston, 1854. 120. 6230 Partington, Mrs. Ruth. Life and Sayings. B. P. Shillaber. N.Y. 1854. 120~. 5925 Partisan; a Romance of the Revolution. W. G. Simms. N.Y. 1854. 120~. 1099 Partnership, Law of. J. Story. Boston, 1846. 80... 3595 Party Leaders. J. G. Baldwin. New York, 1854. 120~... 6247 Pascal, B. Provincial Letters. New York, 1850. 120. 3444 Thoughts on Religion. London, 1836. 120.... 1860 Passages from the History of Liberty. S. Eliot. Boston, 1847. 120.. 2965 from the History of a Wasted Life. J. A. Dix. Boston, 1853. 120~. 5508 in Life of Margaret Maitland. Mrs. Oliphant. N. Y. 1851. 120~. 4423 Passion, and other Tales. Mrs. J. Thayer. Boston, 1846. 120... 2569 Passion Flowers. Mrs. S. G. Howe. Boston, 1854. 120... 5773 Passions; or, Mind and Matter. J. G. Millingen. London, 1848. 80.. 5090 Past, The, and its Legacies to Am. Soc. J. D. Nourse. Louisville, 1847. 120~. 3042 and Present. T. Carlyle. New York, 1844. 120... 1743 Present, and Future. H. C. Carey. Philadelphia, 1848. 80.. 2882 Paston Letters. Edited by J. Fenn. London, 1849. 80.. 4371 Pastor's Fireside. Jane Porter. London, 1850. 2 v. 120.. 5652 Pastor's Legacy. E. Mason. New York, 1853. 80.. 5120 Pastor's Sketches. I. S. Spencer. New York, 1853. 120. 5502 Patagonia, Captive in. B. F. Bourne. Boston, 1853. 120. 5215 Patchwork. Capt. B. Hall. Philadelphia, 1841. 2 v. 120. 2107 Patent Office, Guide to. G. T. Curtis. Boston, 1851. 120.. 4298 Reports, 1844-53. Washington. 80.. 3222 Pathfinder; or, The Inland Sea. J. F. Cooper. New York, 1852. 120.. 1581 Pathology and Practice of Medicine. J. Mackintosh. Phil. 1844. 80.. 4702 Pathways and Abiding Places of our Lord. J.M.Wainwright. N.Y.1851.80. 4008 Pattie, J. O., Personal Narrative. Ed. by T. Flint. Cincinnati, 1833. 8~. 2601 Patient Waiting no Loss. Alice B. Neal. New York, 1853. 120... 5070 Paton, A. A. Goth and the Hun. London, 1851. 80.. 4325 Patriarchal Age; or, the Story of Joseph. Philadelphia, 1851. 120.. 4182 Patriotic Proceedings in Mass. Legislature, 1809. Boston, 1809. 80.. 768 Paul, St., Difficulties in the Writings of. R. Whately. Lond. 1845. 80. 2650 Horse Paulinue. W. Paley. New York, 1851. 80... 4704 Life and Epistles. W. J. Conybeare and Howson. N.Y. 1854. 2v. 8~. 5992 Paraphrase and Notes on the Epistles. J. Locke. Boston, 1832. 80. 1818 200 CATALOGUE OF THE Paul and Virginia. B. de St. Pierre. Philadelphia, 1849. 180.. 4461 Paul, H. Dashes of American Humor. New York, 1853. 120~... 5784 Paul Clifford. E. L. Bulwer. New York, 1830. 2 v. 12~. 1191 The same. London, 1853. 120. 5706 Paul Periwinkle's Adventures. New York, 1851. 8~. 4335 Paul Pry's Journal of a Residence. J. Poole. Philadelphia, 1836. 120.. 893 Paul Ulric; or, Adventures of an Enthusiast. New York, 1835. 2 v. 12~. 1105 Paul's Letters to his Kinsfolk. Sir W. Scott. Edinburgh, 1816. 8~.. 632 The same. Boston, 1829. 120. 399, 5 The same. Edinburgh, 1843. 120. 4101, 5 Paulding, J. K. Dutchman's Fireside. New York, 1831. 2 v. 12~.. 415 John Bull in America. New York, 1825. 120. 255 Koningsmarke. New York, 1823. 2 v. 120.... 260 Letters from the South. New York, 1835. 2 v. 12... 1093 Life of Geo. Washington. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1846. 2 v. 12~. 3683, 75, 76 Old Continental; or, Price of Liberty. N. York, 1846. 2 v. 120. 2588 Puritan and his Daughter. New York, 1849. 120. ~ 3431 Slavery in the United States. New York, 1836. 160. 242 Tales of a Good Woman. New York, 1836. 2 v. 120. 264 Westward, Ho! New York, 1832. 2 v. 120. 431 and W. Irving. Salmagundi. New York, 1835. 2 v. 120... 1813 Pauli, R. Life of Alfred the Great. London, 1853. Post 80~... 5364 Paxton, P. Stray Yankee in Texas. New York, 1853. 120.. 5258 Payne, A. R. M. Rambles in Brazil. New York, 1854. 120.. 5809 Payson, E. Memoir. A. Cummings. New York, 1830. 120~... 503 Payson, G. Totemwell. NewYork, 1854. 120. 6312 Pazos, V. Letters on the United Provinces of S. America. N. Y. 1819. 80. 1324 *Peabody, G. DinneratLondon, 27thOct. 1851. London, 1851. Roy.8~. 4936 Peabody, W. B. O. Birds of Massachusetts. Boston, 1839. 80~... 722 Life of David Brainerd. Boston, 1844. 120.. 1076, 8 Life of Cotton Mather. Boston, 1840. 120.. 1076, 6 Life of James Oglethorpe. Boston, 1844. 120. 1076, 12 Life of Alexander Wilson. Boston, 1838. 120. 1076, 2 Life of John Sullivan. Boston, 1844. 120.. 1076, 13 Literary Remains. Ed. by Everett Peabody. Boston, 1850. 120.. 3502 Sermons; with Memoir. Boston, 1849. 120... 3329 Peace, Manual of. T. C. Upham. New York, 1836. 8~0.. 6014 Peace Societies, History of. W. Ladd. Boston, 1836. 120... 898 Peacock, G. Headlong Hall and Nightmare Abbey. N. York, 1845. 120~. 2358 The same. London, 1837. 120~. 5665 Peake, J. Naval Architecture. London, 1850. 2 v. 120... 6071 Peake, R. B. Memoirs of the Colman Family. London, 1841. 2 v. 8~. 2605 Peake, W. Austria during its Revolutionary Crisis. Lond. 1851. 2 v. 12~. 4617 Peale, R. Notes on Italy, 1829-30. Philadelphia, 1831. 80.... 1329 Pearl-Fishing; Stories from Household Words. Auburn, 1854. 120~.. 5790 Pearce, R. R. Memoirs and Corres. of R. Wellesley. Lond. 1846. 3 v. 80~. 4661 Pearce, S. Memoir. A. Fuller. New York, n. d. 160. 475 Pears, S. A. Life and Times of Sir Philip Sidney. London, 1845. 8~.. 2667 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 201 Pearson, Mrs. C. H. Cousin Franck's Household. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5197 Pearson, H. Memoir of C. Buchanan. New York, n. d. 120.. 100 Pearson, T. Infidelity; its Aspects, Causes, and Agencies. N.Y. 1854. 8~. 5435 Peasant and Landlord. Baroness Knorring. New York, 1848. 120.. 3126 Peck, G. WV. Melbourne and Chincha Islands. New York, 1854. 120~. 5927 Peck, J. M. Guide for Emigrants in Ill., Missou., &c. Bost. 1831. 120~. 1493 Life of Daniel Boone. Boston, 1847. 120. 1076, 23 Pedestrious Tour of 4000 Miles. B. Evans. Concord, 1819. 120.. 443 Peel, Sir R., Life and Times of. W. C. Taylor. London, n. d. 2 v. 8~. 3632 and Duke of Wellington. Lives. New York, 1852. 120.. 4992 Peep at Number Five. Mrs. E. S. Phelps. Boston, 1852. 180.. 4778 PeepatthePilgrims in 1636. Mrs.H.V. Cheney. Boston, 1826. 2v. 120~. 2115 The same. Boston, 1850. 120. 4051 Peep behind the Curtain. J. F. Leonard. Boston, 1850. 12~... 3892 Peer's Daughters. Lady Bulwer. New York, 1850. 8.... 4314 Peers and Parvenus. Mrs. C. Gore. New York, 1846. 80... 2710 Peirce, C. H. Exam. of Drugs, Medicines, &c., as to Purity. Camb. 1852. 120. 3875 Pelayo; a Story of the Goth. W. G. Simms. New York, 1838. 2 v. 120. 1144 Pelet, Baron. Napoleon in Council. Tr. by B. Hall. Edinb. 1837. 120. 2717 Pelew Islands, Account of. G. Keate. Boston, 1796. 120.. 163 Pelham. E. L. Bulwer. Boston, 1850. 80. 838 Pelham, W. System of Notation. Boston, 1808. 120. 461 Pellarin, C. Life of Charles Fourier. New York, 1848. 120.. 3179 Pellew, G. Life and Corres. of Lord Sidmouth. London, 1847. 3 v. 80. 4133 Pellico, S., Memoirs of; or, My Prisons. New York, 1844. 80... 2171 The same. New York, 1833. 120. 1218 Peloponnesus and Greek Islands. R. Anderson. Boston, 1830. 120.. 544 Pen and Ink Sketches. J. R. Dix. Boston, 1845. 120..2476 Pen Owen, History and Adventures of. J. Galt. New York, 1851. 8~. 3808 Pen Pictures of Popular English Preachers. J. R. Dix. Lond. 1852. 12~. 6243 Pencil Sketches. Miss Leslie. Philadelphia, 1833-35. 2 v. 12~... 1094 The same. Philadelphia, 1852. 2 v. 120..... 4877 Pencillings by the Way. N. P. Willis. New York, 1852. 120... 1130 Pendennis, History of. W. M. Thackeray. New York, 1850. 2 v. 8~.. 4034 Peninsular Campaigns, Annals of. T. Hamilton. Phil. 1831. 3 v. 12~.. 1189 Peninsular Medal, My. New York, 1850. 8~0.... 3977 Peninsular War, History of. W. F. P. Napier. Phil. 1842. 4 v. 80.. 1951 Story of. C. W. Vane. New York, 1848. 120... 3161 Penitentiary System in U. S. Beaumont&de Tocqueville. Phil. 1833. 8~. 1583 Penn, W. Life. George E. Ellis. Boston, 1848. 120... 1076, 22 Private and Public Life of. T. Clarkson. Dover, 1827. 8~.. 1410 Penny Encyclopwedia. London, 1833-44. 30 v. roy. 80...... 5100 For contents, see Encyclopedia, Penny. Penny Magazine, 1832-39, 1841-45. London, 12 v. roy. 80... 1438 Pennsylvania, Historical Collections of. S. Day. Philadelphia, 1843. 80~. 2727 History of. W. H. Carpenter and T. S. Arthur. Phil. 1854. 120~. 6287 Pennsylvania Hall, History of. Philadelphia, 1838. 80~..... 1440 Pentameron and Pentalogia. W. S. Landor. London, 1837. 12~.. 2318 D D 202 CATALOGUE OF THE People I have Met. N. P. Willis. New York, 1850. 120... 3483 *People's Journal. Vols. 1-4. Ed. by J. Saunders. Lond. 1846-49. 80. 2760 People's Music Book. Part 2: Sacred. London, 1844. Roy. 80... 6011 People's Own Book. F. de la Mennais. (Tr. by N. Greene.) Bost. 1839. 160. 63 P6pe, G. Memoirs, by Himself. London, 1846. 3 v. 120.. 4570 Scenes and Events in Italy, 1847-49. London, 1850. 2 v. 120.. 4235 Pepys, S. Life, Journals, and Correspondence. London, 1841. 2 v. 80. 4668 Pequinillo; a Tale. G. P. R. James. New York, 1852. 80.. 6004 Perce, E. (Editor.) Gulliver Joi; his Three Voyages. N.Y. 1851. 160.. 4472 Last of his Name. New York, 1854. 120. 6315 Old Karl, the Cooper. New York, 1854. 160..6218 Percival, J. G. Dream of a Day, and other Poems. N. Haven, 1843. 12~. 2327 Poems. New York, 1823. 80. 2263 Percival, T. Father's Instructions. Richmond, 1800. 120. 136 Moral and Literary Dissertations. London, 1789. 120~... 480 Percival Keene. F. Marryat. Philadelphia, 1846. 8~.0. 2714 The same. London, 1853. 120. 5735 Percival Mayberry. Philadelphia, 1851. 120.. 3780 Percy, S. &R. Anecdotes; with American Anecdotes. N.Y. 1847. 2 v. 80. 1763 Percy, T. Reliques of Ancient English Poetry. London, 1847. 3 v. 12~. 1279 Percy Ranthorpe. Mrs. C. Gore. New York, 1848. 80.... 2875 Peregrine Pickle. T. Smollett. Philadelphia, 1851. 80.... 801, 1 Pericles and Aspasia. W. S. Landor. Philadelphia, 1839. 2 v. 120.. 1236 Perilous Adventures. R. A. Davenport. New York, 1841. 120... 2424 The same. (H. F.L.) New York, 1848. 120... 3683, 159 Periodical Library. T. K. Greenbank. Philadelphia, 1833. 3 v. 80.. 1357 Periodical Literature, Index to. W. F. Poole. N. Y. 1853. Roy. 80.. 5444 Periodicals, Index to Subjects in. W. F. Poole. New York, 1848. 80. 3210 Periscopics; or, Current Subjects. W. Elder. New York, 1854. 120.. 6188 Perkins, E. T. Reef Rovings in South Seas. New York, 1854. 80.. 5972 Perkins, J. H. Annals of the West. Cincinnati, 1846. 80.... 3247 Memoir and Writings. Ed. by W. H. Channing. Bost. 1851. 120. 4094 Perry, O. H. Life. A. S. Mackenzie. New York, 1840. 2 v. 120.. 221 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 2 v. 120.. 3683, 126, 127 Persia, History of. J.B. Fraser. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848, 120. 3683, 70 Sketches of. Sir J. Malcolm. London, 1845. 120.. 2389 Person, W. Life and Letters. Cambridge, 1820. 120... 123 Personal Property, Law of Sales of. G. Long. Boston, 1839. 80... 2062 Law of Sales of. W. W. Story. Boston, 1847. 80.. 3792 Persons and Pictures from History. H. W. Herbert. N. York, 1854. 120. 5870 Perspective, Treatise on. G. Pyne. London, 1852. 120.. 6049 Persuasion; a Novel. Jane Austen. Philadelphia, 1832. 2 v. 120~.. 531 The same. Philadelphia, 1838. 80. 1585, 1 Perthes, F. M. Life of J. (St.) Chrysostom. Boston, 1854. 120... 6240 Peru, History of the Conquest of. W. H. Prescott. N. Y. 1847. 2 v. 80. 2793 Travels in. E. Temple. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 v. 120... 1205 Travels in, 1838-42. 3. J. von Tschudi. New York, 1847. 120.. 2967 Peruvian Antiquities. M. E. Rivero and J. J. von Tschudi. N.Y. 1853. 80. 5440 3MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 203 Pestalozzi, H. Life and Travels. E. Biber. Philadelphia, 1833. 80. 1357, 1 Peter, First Epistle of, Discourses on. J. Brown. New York, 1851. 8~. 4723 Peter the Great, Age of. B. Kamenski. London, 1851. 120.. 4615 History of. London, n. d. 12.... 111 The same. Boston, 1814. 12..111 Life. P. de Segur. Philadelphia, 1833. 8... 1357, 1 Peter, W. Poets and Poetry of the Ancients. Philadelphia, 1847. 8~.. 2767 Peters, R. Case of the Cherokee Nation vs. Georgia. Phil. 1831. 80. 1260 (Editor.) Public Statutes at Large of U. S. Bost. 1845. Roy. 80~. 3243 Peter Pilgrim; or, Rambler's Recollections. R.M.Bird. Phil. 1838. 2 v. 120~. 105 Peter Ploddy, and other Oddities. J. C. Neal. Philadelphia, 1844. 120~. 2300 Peter Schlemihl in America. G. Wood. Philadelphia, 1848. 120~.. 4928 Peter Simple. F. Marryat. Philadelphia, 1847. 80. 449 The same. Philadelphia, 1847. 80. 1766, 1 The same. London, 1853. 120.. 5714 Peter the Whaler. W. H. G. Kingston. New York, 1852. 120.. 4480 Peter Wilkins, Adventures of. R. Pultock. London, 1844. 80.. 89 Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk. J. G. Lockhart. New York, 1820. 80.. 657 Peterson, C. J. Cruising in the Last War. Philadelphia, 1850. 2 v. 80~. 3990 Petrarch, F. Life. T. Campbell. Philadelphia, 1841. 80.. 2250 View of Human Life. London, 1797. 80. 591 Petrel; or, Love on the Ocean. A. Fisher. Philadelphia, 1851. 80.. 4511 Pets, History of my. Sara J. Clarke. Boston, 1851. 120.... 4091 Petticoat Government; a Novel. Mrs. Trollope. London, 1850. 3 v. 120. 3980 Peuchet, J. Vocabulaire des Termes de Commerce. Paris, 1801. 80.. 1248 Peveril of the Peak. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1848. 2 v. 120... 999, 27, 28 The same. Edinburgh, 1849. 3 v. 120... 4100, 28-30 The same. Edinburgh, 1850. Roy. 8~.. 4531, 7 Peyrouse, M. de la. Voyage round the World. Boston, 1801. 16~.. 876 Pfeiffer, Ida. Journey to Iceland, &c. New York, 1852. 120.. 1005 Visit to the Holy Land, Egypt, and Italy. London, 1852. 120.. 5259 Voyage round the World. New York, 1852. 120.. 4596 Phantasmagoria of Fun. London, 1843. 2 v. 120....... 5632 Phantom Ship. F. Marryat. Philadelphia, 1839. 2 v. 12~. 481 The same. London, 1853. 120.. 5732 Phantom World; Philosophy of Spirits, &c. A. Calmet. Phil. 1850. 120. 3883 Phelps, Mrs. E. S. Last Leaf from Sunny Side. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5307 Peep at Number Five. Boston, 1852. 180.. 4778 Sunny Side; or, Country Minister's Wife. Philadelphia, 1851. 180. 4397 Tell-Tale; or, Home Secrets. Boston, 1853. 180.... 5188 Phelps, Mrs. L. Ida Norman; or, Trials and their Uses. N. Y. 1854. 12~. 6300 Philadelphia, as it Is in 1852. R. A. Smith. Philadelphia, 1852. 120.. 4788 Picture of. J. Mease. Philadelphia, 1811. 120. 289 Society of National Industry. Addresses of. Phil. 1819. 120.. 512 Philip Augustus; or, Brothers in Arms. G.P.R.James. N.Y. 1831. 2 v. 120. 1563 The same. London, 1853. 120... 5711 Philip, R. Devotional Guides. New York, 1848. 2 v. 120.... 4751 Philip II. of Spain, History of the Reign of. R. Watson. N.Y. 1818. 80~. 638 1~~~~3 204 CATALOGUE OF THE Philip Van Artevelde. H. Taylor. Cambridge, 1835. 120. 2322 Philippart, J. Memoirs of Charles John. London, 1814. 8~.... 589 Philippines, Twenty Years in. P. de la Gironiere. London, 1853. 120~. 5848 Philip's War, History of. S. G. Drake. Exeter, 1836. 12~.. 179 Phillips, C. Curran and his Contemporaries. New York, 1818. 8~.. 1322 The same. New York, 1851. 120.. 4174 Phillips, Sir R. Million of Facts. New York, 1836. 12~.. 1010 Phillips, T. Lectures on History and Principles of Painting. Lon. 1833. 80~. 3963 Phillips, W. Average and Marine Insurance. Boston, 1833. 8~.. 2060 Protection and Free Trade. Boston, 1850. 120. 5270 Philo; an Evangeliad. S. Judd, jun. Boston, 1850. 12... 3481 Philology, Outlines of Comparative. M. S. De Vere. N. Y. 1853. 12~. 5568 Philosophers, Lives of Ancient. F. de S. de L. F6nelon. N.Y. 1843. 120. 2423 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1847. 120.. 3683, 140 and Actresses. A. Houssaye. New York, 1852. 2 v. 12... 4927 Philosophical Writers. T. De Quincey. Boston, 1854. 120.... 5744 Philosophy, Easy Grammar of. D. Blair. Philadelphia, 1811. 160.. 15 and Literature, Discussions in. Sir W. Hamilton. N. Y. 1853. 8~. 5427 Glance at. S. G. Goodrich. Boston, 1849. 120... 4900, 16 History of. W. Enfield. London, 1839. 80.... 1426 Hist. of. Tr. by C. S. Henry. (H.F.L.) N.Y. 1847. 2v. 120. 3683, 143-4 Intellectual, Elements of. F. Wayland. New York, 1855. 12~.. 6319 Introduction to the History of. V. Cousin. Boston, 1832. 80.. 1435 Modern, History of. V. Cousin. New York, 1852. 2 v. 80~.. 998 Moral. - See Moral. of the Active and Moral Powers. D. Stewart. Camb. 1849. 120~. 3427 of History. F. von Schlegel. London, 1846. Post 80.. 2343 of Life and Language. F. von Schlegel. London, 1847. Post 80~. 3080 of Living. H. Mayo. Philadelphia, 1852. 120..... 4860 of Living. C. Ticknor. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 120~. 3683, 77 of Mystery. W. C. Dendy. New York, 1845. 120.... 2504 of the Sciences. A. Comte. Ed. by G. H. Lewes. Lon. 1853. Post 80. 5936 Outline of. R. Park. Boston, 1836. 120. 898 Progress of Ethical. Sir J. Mackintosh. Philadelphia, 1845. 80~. 3608 Speculative, of Europe in 19th Cent. J. D. Morell. N. Y. 1851. 80~. 3422 Philothea; a Grecian Romance. Mrs. L. M. Child. N. Y. 1848. 120.. 2373 Phips, Sir W. Life. F. Bowen. Boston, 1840. 120... 1076, 7 Photography, Treatise on. G. C. H. Halleur. London, 1854. 120.. 6087 Phrenology. J. G. Spurzheim. Boston, 1832. 2 v. 80... 1417 applied to Matrimony. O. S. Fowler. New York, 1842. 80~.. 1844 Examination of. T. Sewall. Washington, 1837. 8~.. 1647 Lectures on. G. Combe. London, 1839. 120. 434 Practical. S. Jones. Boston, 1836. 120. 237 System of. G. Combe. New York, 1843. 120.... 1758 with the Study of Physiognomy. J. G. Spurzheim. Bost. 1833. 80. 2085 Phreno-Mnemotechny; or, Art of Memory. F.F.Gouraud. N.Y. 1845. 80~. 2269 Physical Education of Girls. Elizabeth Blackwell. New York, 1852. 120. 4885 Physical Geography. Mary Somerville. Philadelphia, 1848. 120... 3168 MIERCANTILE LIBRARY. 205 Physical History of Man. J. C. Prichard. London, 1813. 80... 1914 Physical Sciences, Connection of. Mary Somerville. London, 1842. 120~. 2540 Glance at. S. G. Goodrich. Boston, 1849. 120.... 4900, 13 Physician and Patient, Mutual Duties, &c., of. W.Hooker. N.Y.1849. 120~. 3430 Homceopathic Domestic. J. H. Pulte. New York, 1852. 120.. 4801 Physics, Elementary. R. Hunt. London, 1851. 120. 5051 Elements of. N. Arnott. London, 1828. 80. 1989 and Meteorology, Principles of. J. Muller. Phil. 1848. 80.. 2893 The same. London, 1847. 80. 4136 Physiognomy, Comparative. J. W. Redfield. New York, 1852. 80.. 4947 Physiological Effects of Alcoholic Drinks. Boston, 1848. 120... 2450 Physiology. J.H. Griscom. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 120.. 3683, 85 applied to Preservation of Health. A. Combe. N. Y. 1843. 120. 2211 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 120.. 3683, 71 Human. R. Dunglison. Philadelphia, 1844. 2 v. 8~..... 1795 of Taste. B. Savarin. Philadelphia, 1854. 120~..... 5598 Physique et de Chymie, Nouvelles D6couvertes de. Paris, 1786. 8~.. 1246 Physique Thborie de. P. du Phanjas. Paris, 1786. 4 v. 8..... 1416 Piano-Forte, Treatise on Playing. C. C. Spencer. London, 1853. 120~. 6082 Picciola. X. B. Saintine. Philadelphia, 1849. 120~. 3838 Pickering, Ellen. Agnes Serle. Philadelphia, 1846. 80~... 2709 Ellen Wareham. Philadelphia, 1849. 80. 3294 Expectant. Philadelphia, 1842. 2 v. 120. 1697 The Fright. Philadelphia, 1847. 80.. 2186 Grumbler. New York, 1844. 8~. 1968 Heiress. Philadelphia, 1849. 80..470 Jeremiah Parkes. New York, 1849. 80. 3462 Kate WValsingham. Philadelphia, 1848. 8~. 3233 Nan Darrell; or, the Gipsy Mother. Philadelphia, 1847. 80~.. 2707 Orphan Niece. Philadelphia, 1848. 80. 3221 Poor Cousin. Philadelphia, 1849. 80~....... 3260 Prince and the Pedler. Philadelphia, 1848. 80. 997 Secret Foe. Philadelphia, 1841. 2 v. 120. 2708 Squire. New York, 1845. 80. 2741 Who shall be Heir? Philadelphia, 1847. 8.... 2706 Pickings of a Reporter of the "New Orleans Picayune." Phil. 1847. 12~. 2563 Pickwick abroad in France. G. W. M. Reynolds. New York, 1851. 80~. 4313 Pickwick Papers. C. Dickens. Philadelphia, 1854. 80.... 804 Pic-Nic Papers, by various Hands. Philadelphia, 1841. 2 v. 120... 1634 Pic-Nics; or, Legends and Stories of Ireland. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 12~. 908 Pictorial Calendar of the Seasons. Mary Howitt. London, 1854. Post 8~. 5920 Pictorial Family Magazine; ed. by R. Sears. Vols. 3-5. N.Y. 1846-49. 80~. 4950 Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution. B. J. Lossing. N.Y. 1851-52. 2 v. 8~. 4130 *Pictorial Gallery of the Useful and Fine Arts. London, 1847. 2 v. 40~. 4830 Pictorial Half-Hours. London, n. d. 80. 4943 Pictorial History of England. New York, 1847. 4 v. roy. 80... 2899 of Germany. F. Kugler. London, 1845. Roy. 80... 3599 of the United States. J. Frost. Philadelphia, 1846. 4 v. roy. 80. 2777 206 CATALOGUE OF THE Pictorial History of the United States. H. Murray. Boston, 1851. 80.. 4007 Pictorial Library; edited by R. Sears. New York, 1847. 80.. 4800 Picture of the Empire of Bonaparte, 1804-5. Middletown, 1807. 80~.. 734 Pictures and Painters, Anecdotes of. London, n. d. 240.. 5048 Pictures from Italy. C. Dickens. New York, 1846. 120.. 2578 of Country Life. T. Miller. London, 1847. 120.. 5531 Picturesque Tourist. O. L. Holley. New York, 1844. 12~.. 2599 Piddington, H. Sailor's Horn Book. New York, 1848. 80.. 3241 Pierce, F. Life. N. Hawthorne. Boston, 1852. 120. 4917 Pierce, J. Half-Century Sermon at Brookline. Boston, 1847. 8~.. 3197 Pierre; or, the Ambiguities. H. Melville. New York, 1852. 120.. 4897 Pierre, J. H. G. Parisian Pastor's Glance at America. Boston, 1854. 120. 6159 Pierpont, J. Airs of Palestine, and other Poems. Boston, 1840. 120.. 1579 American First Class Book. Boston, 1834. 120.. 1564 Pierson, H. W. American Missionary Memorial. New York, 1853. 80. 5113 Piety, Persuasives to Early. J. G. Pike. New York, 1830. 120.. 1502 Pigeons, Natural History of. P. J. Selby. Edinburgh, 1843. 120. 4901, 9 Pike, J. G. Guide for Young Disciples. New York, 1823. 18~.. 343 Persuasives to Early Piety. New York, 1830. 12~.. 1502 Pike, Z. M. Expedition to the Sources of the Mississippi. Phil. 1810. 80. 1341 Life. H. Whiting. 1076, 15 Pilgrim Celebration at Plymouth, Aug. 1, 1853. Boston, 1853. 80.. 5425 Pilgrim Fathers, Chronicles of. A. Young. Boston, 1844. 80. 1957 *of New England. W. H. Bartlett. London, 1853. 80.. 6007 Pilgrimage of Adam and David. J. Gallaher. Boston, 1849. 120.. 3400 to the Land of my Fathers. M. Margoliouth. Lond. 1850. 2 v. 80. 4324 Pilgrim's Progress. J. Bunyan. Philadelphia, 1844. 120... 148 Pilgrim's Journal of 1620. Edited by G. B. Cheever. N.Y. 1848. 120. 3325 of the Rhine. E. L. Bulwer. Boston, 1837. 240... 1562 of Walsingham. Agnes Strickland. New York, 1854. 120.. 6147 Pillars of Hercules. D. Urquhart. New York, 1850. 2 v. 120.. 3854 The same. London, 1850. 2 v. 80. 4653 Pillet, General. Views of England. Boston, 1818. 120... 181 Pinkerton, J. Collection of Voyages and Travels. Phil. 1810. 6 v. 40~. 2000 Vol. 1. Willoughby's Russia and Siberia. Heath's Account of Islands of Scilly. Dutch Voyages to North of Europe. Robertson's Tour through Isle of Man. Regnard's Journey to Lapland. 3. Pennant's Tours in Scotland. Maupertuis's Journey to Polar Circle. Garnet's Account of the Drosacks. Outhier's Voyage to the North. Martin's Western Islands. Ehrenmalm's Travels to West Nordland. Martin's Voyage to St. Kilda. Leems's Account of Danish Lapland. Brand's Orkneys and Shetland. Allison's Voyage from Archangel. 4. Young's Tour in Ireland. New Account of Samoiedia. Hamilton's Northern Coast of Ireland. Journals of Seamen at Spitsbergen. Lister's Journey to Paris, 1698. Von Troil's Letters on Iceland. Young's Travels in France. Kerguelen's Voyage to the North. Saussure's Ascent of Mont Blanc. Cumberland's Voyage to the Azores. Ramond's Journey to Mont Perdu. Raleigh's Engagement near the Azores. 5. Spallanzani's Travels in Italy. De Chaste's Voyage to Tercera. Dolomieu's Earthquakes in Calabria. 2. Gonzales's Voyage to Eng. and Scotland. Bourgoanne's Travels in Spain. Shaw's Tour to West of England. Coxe's Travels in Switzerland. Bray's Tour into Derbyshire. 6. Riesbeck's Travels through Germany. Ferber's Oryctography of Derbyshire. Coxe's Travels in Denmark. Moritz's Travels in England. Coxe's Travels in Norway. Skrine's Tours in Wales. Fortia's Travels in Sweden. Malkin's Tour in Wales. Coxe's Travels in Russia. Hassels's Tour to Isle of Wight. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 207 Pilot, The. J. F. Cooper. New York, 1851. 120... 348 Pindar. Odes. Translated by H. F. Cary. London, 1833. 120... 2585 Odes. Translated by G. West. London, 1766. 3 v. 120.. 4976 and Anacreon. Odes. Tr. by C.A.Wheelwright. N.Y. 1837. 120. 1854, 36 Pindar, Susan. Midsummer Fays. New York, 1851. 12~. 3773 Pinkney, W. Life. W. Pinkney. New York, 1853. 8~.. 5433 Life. H. VVheaton. Boston, 1840. 120. 1076, 6 Pioneer History; Account of Ohio Valley. S. P. Hildreth. Cin. 1848. 8~. 3231 Pioneer Women of the West. Mrs. E. F. Ellet. New York, 1852. 120. 4919 Pioneer's Daughter. E. Bennett. New York, 1851. 80.... 4336 Pioneers, The. J. F. Cooper. Philadelphia, 1843. 2 v. 120.. 440 Piozziana; or, Recollections of Mrs. Piozzi. E. Magin. Lond. 1833. 80. 2543 Pirate. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1848. 2 v. 120. 999, 23, 24 The same. Edinbulgh, 1849. 2 v. 12~... 4100, 24, 25 The same. Edinburgh, 1850. Roy. 8~.. 4531, 6 Pirate and the Three Cutters. F. Marryat. Philadelphia, 1847. 80. 1122 Pitcairn'sIsland; Mutinyof the Bounty. J. Barrow. N.Y. 1848. 120~. 3683, 31 Pitrat, J. C. Jesuits Unveiled. New York, 1851. 12~. 4186 Pitt, WV. Correspondence. Vols. 3, 4. London, 1839. 2 v. 8... 3192 Life. G. Tomline. Philadelphia, 1821. 2 v. 80.. 1978 Selection of Speeches. London, 1853. Roy. 80.. 5482 Speeches. London, 1817. 3 v. 80. 2659 Plain Speaker. W. Hazlitt. Vol. 2. London, 1826. 80... 2258 Planche, Matilda. House on the Rock. Boston, 1852. 120.... 6291 Influence on the Evil Genius. London, 1853. 120. 6292 Minor Tales. Boston, 1852-53. 2 v. 120...... 6293 Vol. 1. Trap to Catch a Sunbeam; Old Jolliffe; Sequel to Old Jolliffe; Cloud with a Silver Lining. 2. Dream Chintz; Only; Star in the Desert. Planetary and Stellar Worlds. O. M. Mitchel. New York, 1848. 120.. 3143 Planter; or, Thirteen Years at the South. Philadelphia, 1853. 120.. 5272 Planter's Northern Bride. Mrs. C. L. Hentz. Philadelphia, 1854. 2 v. 120. 5787 Plants and Quadrupeds of Mass., Reports on. Cambridge, 1840. 80.. 1969 Catalogue of, in Camb. Botanic Gardens. J. Donn. Lon. 1845. 8~. 3545 of Boston and Vicinity. J. Bigelow. Boston, 1840. 120... 1842 Plato. Divine Dialogues, and Apology of Socrates. London, 1847. 120. 2378 Proclus on the Timneus. Trans. by T. Taylor. Lond. 1820. 2 v. 40~. 4858 Works. Tr. by Cary, Davis, and Burgess. Lon.1848-54. 6 v. post 80. 4385 Vol. 1. Apology of Socrates; Crito; Pheedo; Gorgias; Protagoras; Phaedrus; Theoetetus; Euthyphron; Lysis. 2. Republic; Timseus; Critias. 3. Meno; Euthydemus; Sophist; Statesman; Cratylus; Parmenides; Banquet. 4. Philebus; Charmides; Laches; Menexenus; Hippias; Ion; Alcibiades; Theages; Rivals; iHipparchus; Minos; Clitopho; Epistles. 5. The Laws. 6. Epinomis; Axiochus; Eryxias; Virtue; Justice; Sisyphus; Demodocus; Definitions; Timneus Locrus. Players, Lives of the. J. Galt. Boston, 1831. 2 v. 120.... 345 Pleader's Guide; a Didactic Poem. J. Surrebutter. Phil. 1803. 80.. 1296 Pleasant Memories of Pleasant Lands. L. H. Sigourney. Bost. 1844. 120. 1837 208 CATALOGUE OF THE Pleasant Pages for Young People. S. P. Newcombe. Boston, 1853. 120~. 5214 Pliny, the Consul, Letters of. Boston, 1809. 2 v. 120. 328 Ploughboy, The. Vols. 1, 3, 4. Albany, 1819-21. 40. 2013 Plough, Loom, and Anvil. Ed. by J. S. Skinner. Vol. 1. Phil. 1848. 8~. 3409 Plowden, F. History of the British Empire, 1792-93. Dublin, 1794. 8~. 742 Plurality of Worlds. W. Whewell. Boston, 1854. 120... 5817 Reply to. Sir D. Brewster. New York, 1854. 120. 6299 Plutarch. Lives of Illustrious Persons of Antiquity. New York, 1853. 8~. 2065 Select Lives. Philadelphia, 1810. 120... 424 Le Vite di. Verona, 1772. 5 v. 4~. 3323 Plymouth and the Pilgrims. J. Banvard. Boston, 1851. 12~.. 4272 Guide to. W. S. Russell. Boston, 1846. 12~. 2974 Pneumatics, Treatise on. C. Tomlinson. London, 1852. 12~... 6043 Poacher. F. Marryat. London, 1853. 120.. 5731 Pocket Miscellany, Chambers's. Boston, 1852. 9 v. 12~. 864 Poe, E. A. Conchologist's First Book. Philadelphia, 1839. 12~.. 840 Literati. New York, 1850. 120. 3929 Tales. New York, 1845. 120.. 2474 Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque. Philadelphia, 1840. 2 v. 120~. 2310 Works. New York, 1850. 2 v. 12~. 3494 Vol. 1. Sketch of Edgar A. Poe, by J. R. Lowell; His Death, by N. P. Willis; Tales. 2. The Raven, and other Poems; Eureka; Rationale of Verse, and other Prose Articles. Poems. T. W. Parsons. Boston, 1854. 120.. 6230 Poems, Cambridge (Eng.) Prize. London, 1847. 120... 3134 of Established Reputation. Baltimore, 1804. 120. 144 Poesche, T. & C.Goepp. New Rome; or, U.S. of the World. N.Y.1853.120~. 5314 Poesy, Defence of. P. Sidney. Cambridge, 1831. 120... 383, 2 Poetical Magazine; or, Temple of the Muses. London, 1804. 12~. 102 *Poetical Quotations, Dictionary of. Ed. by Mrs. S. J. Hale. Phil. 1851. 80. 2683 Poetry, Common-Place Book of Am. G. B. Cheever. Phil. 1843. 120. 1775 Elegant Extracts of. London, 1791. 8~. 593 English History of. T. Warton. London, 1840. 3 v. 8~.. 5476 German, Historic Account of. XV. Taylor. Lond. 1830. 3 v. 8~. 5467 Reliques of Ancient English. T. Percy. London, 1847. 3 v. 120~. 1279 Specimens of American. S. Kettell. Boston, 1829. 3 v. 120.. 1184 of the Anti-Jacobin. London, 1852. 120. 5251 of Germany. Trans. by A. Baskerville. New York, 1854. 120.. 6257 of Life. Sarah Stickney. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 v. 120.. 1102 of Life. Mrs. Sarah Ellis. New York, 1843. 80.. 1826 of the Magyars. J. Bowring. London, 1830. 120.. 3092 of Science. R. Hunt. Boston, 1850. 120..... 4082 of the Vegetable World. M. J. Schleiden. Cincinnati, 1853. 120. 5316 Poet's Pilgrimage to Waterloo; a Poem. R. Southey. Boston, 1816. 120. 890 Poets and Poetry of America. R. W. Griswold. Phil. 1847. 80... 1685 and Poetry of the Ancients. W. Peter. Phil. 1847. 80... 2767 and Poetry of England. R. W. Griswold. Phil. 1845. 120.. 2213 and Poetry of Europe. H. W. Longfellow. Phil. 1845. Roy. 80. 2281 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 209 Poets, American, Selections from. W. C. Bryant. N.Y. 1846. 120. 3683, 111 British Female. G. W. Bethune. Philadelphia, 1848. 80.. 3191 British, Selections from. F.G.Halleck. N.Y.1846. 2 v. 120. 3683, 112, 113 British, with Prefaces. J. Aiken and J. Frost. Phil. 1843. 3 v. 8~. 1962 Vol. 1. Chronological Series, Ben Jonson to Beattie. 2.,,,, Falconer to Scott. 3.,,,, Southey to Croly. Essays on the. T. De Quincey. Boston, 1853. 120.... 5220 Female, of America. R. W. Griswold. Phil. 1849. 80... 3252 Female, of America. Caroline May. Phil. 1848. 80.... 3535 Garden Walks with the. Mrs. C. M. Kirkland. N. Y. 1852. 123. 5027 Gems of Modern, with Biograph. Notices. S.C.Hall. Phil. 1842. 120. 1666 Homes and Haunts of. W. Howitt. New York, 1847. 2 V. 120. 3009 Lectures on the English. W. Hazlitt. London. 1841. 120.. 1875 Lives of the English. S. Johnson. London, 1810. 2 v. 80... 686 The same. New York, 1843. Roy. 80... 1984, 2 Lives of the Scottish. London, 1821. 3 v. 160. 78 Memoirs of the Loves of the. Mrs. A. Jameson. Phil. 1844. 120. 2364 of Connecticut. Ed. by C. W. Everest. New York, 1847. 80.. 2268 of Great Britain; with Criticisms. W. Hazlitt. Lond. 1825. 80. 2245 of Great Britain. S. Johnson. Dublin, 1795-1804. 7 v. 8~.. 780 Vol. 1. Lives of the Poets and Criticisms. 2. Cowley; Denham; Milton; Butler; Rochester; Roscommon; Otway; Waller; Pomfret; Dorset; Stepney; J. Phillips; Walsh. 8. Dryden; Smith; Duke; King; Sprat; Halifax. 4. (Missing.) 5. Granville; Yalden; Tickell; Swift; Hammond; Somerville; Parnell; Savage; Broome. 6. (Missing.) 7. Ed. Moore; Cawthorne; Collins; Dyer; Shenstone; Mallet; Akenside; Gray; Littleton; Gay. 8. Young; Churchill; Lloyd; Falconer; Thomson. Sacred, of England and America. R. W. Griswold. N.Y. 1850. 8~. 4700 Specimens of British. T. Campbell. Philadelphia, 1853. Roy. 80. 6443 Specimens of Dutch. J. Bowring & H. S. Van Dyk. Lon. 1824. 120. 2416 Specimens of the Early English. G. Ellis. London, 1845. 3 v. 12~. 5043 Specimens of English Dramatic. C. Lamb. N.Y. 1845. 2 v. 12~. 2402 Thoughts on the. H. T. Tuckerman. New York, 1846. 12~.. 2589 Poisons, Culinary. F. Accum. Philadelphia, 1820. 180.... 2428 Poivre, M. le. Travels of a Philosopher. Baltimore, 1818. 12~.. 1029 Poland, Fall of. L. C. Saxton. New York, 1851. 2 v. 120.... 4604 History of. J. Fletcher. New York, 1831. 120.... 139 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 120.. 3683, 24 History of the Revolution in. J. Hordynski. Boston, 1833. 8~.. 622 under the Dominion of Russia. H. Harring. Boston, 1834. 120~. 711 Polar Regions of the Western Continent. W. J. Snelling. Bost. 1831. 80~. 2671 Polar Seas, Expedition to. F. von Wrangell. London, 1844. 120.. 5002 The same. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1848. 120.... 3683, 148 Discovery in. Sir J. Leslieand others. (H.F.L.) N.Y. 1843. 12~. 3683,14 The same. New York, 1831. 160. 818 Police and Crimes of London. London, 1829. 80. 6018 E E 210 CATALOGUE OF THE Police of London. P. Colquhoun. London, 1800. 80... 729 Policeman, Recollections of a. T. Waters. New York, 1852. 12~.. 4770 Polish Chiefs; an Historical Romance. New York, 1832. 2 v. 120. 212 Polite Education, Elements of. G. Gregory. Boston, 1801. 120.. 338 Politiques de tous les Cabinets de l'Europe. Paris, 1793. 2 v. 120.. 3579 Political Economy. T. Chalmers. New York, 1832. 120... 533 A. Potter. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 120.. 3683, 183 Theo. Sedgwick. New York, 1836. 2 v. 120... 1125 J. Wade. London, 1835. 120..2109 Conversations on. Philadelphia, 1817. 120... 489 Elements of. F. Wayland. New York, 1837. 8.... 799 Illustrations of. H. Martineau. Philadelphia, 1834. 2 v. 240.. 1464 in the United States. C. Colton. New York, 1848. 80~... 3211 John Hopkins's Notions on. Boston, 1833. 120... 1543 Literature of. J. R. M'Culloch. London, 1845. 80... 2625 Manual of. E. P. Smith. New York, 1853. 120... 5337 New Theory of. S. Simpson. Philadelphia, 1831. 80... 4020 Past, Present, and Future. H. C. Carey. Philadelphia, 1848. 80. 2882 Principles of. H. C. Carey. Philadelphia, 1837. 3 v. 8~... 1787 Principles of. J. S. Mill. Boston, 1848. 2 v. 80.... 3229 Treatise on. J. B. Say. Philadelphia, 1836. 8... 1794 Wealth of Nations. Adam Smith. London, 1850. 80... 676 Political Ethics, Manual of. F. Lieber. Boston, 1838. 2 v. 80... 1783 Political Grammar of United States. E. D. Mansfield. N.Y. 1834. 120. 2562 Political Magazine. Vol. 2. London, 1781. 80. 1404 Political Mirror; or, Review of Jacksonism. New York, 1835. 120.. 1517 Political Parties of N.Y., Hist. of. J. D. Hammond. Cooperst. 1846. 2 v. 8~. 2847 Political Philosophy. Lord Brougham. London, 1849. 3 v. 8~.. 1239 Polk Administration, History of. L. B. Chase. New York, 1850. 80.. 3645 Pollok, R. Course of Time; a Poem. Boston, 1842. 120.... 1021 PollyPeablossom's Wedding, and other Tales. J. B. Lamar. Phil. 1851. 120. 3811 Polo, Marco, Travels of. H. Murray. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1848. 120~. 3683, 173 Polyanthos; a Monthly Magazine. Boston, 1807, 1812-14. 5 v. 18~.. 40 Polynesia, History of. M. Russell. (H.F. L.) N.Y. 1848. 120.. 3683, 158 Ponsonby; a Tale of Troublous Times. London, 1850. 2 v. 120... 4242 Ponsonby, Ellinor. Discipline of Life. New York, 1848. 8~0.. 3238 Pride and Irresolution. New York, 1850. 80..3992 Pontiac, History of the Conspiracy of. F. Parkman, jun. Bost. 1851. 8~. 4519 Poole, H. W. Perfect Intonation, and Euharmonic Organ. N.H. 1850. 8~. 6016 Poole, J. Little Pedlington. New York, 1852. 2 v. 120... 4861 Oddities of London Life. Philadelphia, 1838. 2 v. 120... 245 Paul Pry's Journal of a Residence. Philadelphia, 1836. 120.. 893 Sketches and Recollections. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 v. 120... 1098 Poole, Mrs. S. Englishwoman in Egypt. Philadelphia, 1845. 120.. 2405 Poole, T. E. Life in Sierra Leone and Gambia. London, 1850. 2 v. 120. 4583 Poole, W. F. Index to Periodical Literature. New York, 1853. Roy. 80. 5444 Index to Subjects in Periodicals. New York, 1848. 80... 3210 Poor Cousin; a Novel. Ellen Pickering. Philadelphia, 1849. 80.. 3260 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 211 Poor Jack. F. Marryat. Philadelphia, n. d. 80. 920 Poor Rich Man and Rich Poor Man. C. M. Sedgwick. N.Y. 1836. 12~. 103 Poore, B. P. Rise and Fall of Louis Philippe. Boston, 1848. 120.. 2422 Pope, A. Poetical Works. Philadelphia, 1841. 80. 2674 Pope Alexander VI. and Caesar Borgia. A. Gordon. Phil. 1844. 80.. 2894 Pope Joan; or, the Female Pontiff. G. W. M. Reynolds. N.Y. 1851. 80~. 3805 Pope Leo X., Life and Pontificate of. W. Roscoe. Lond. 1846. 2 v. post 80~. 2930 Popery in Power. J. Turnley. London, 1850. 80.... 4301 its Character and its Crimes. W. E. Tayler. London, 1851. 120~. 4441 Sevenfold Aspect of. G. Fisk. London, 1851. 120... 4213 Variations of. S. Edgar. New York, 1852. 80... 416 Popes of Rome, History of. L. Ranke. Philadelphia, 1841. 2 v. roy. 8~. 1949 Popkin, J. S., Memoirial of. C. C. Felton. Cambridge, 1852. 120.. 4883 Popular Antiquities of Great Britain. J. Brand. Lond. 1848. 3 v. post 80~. 4369 Popular Delusions, Memoirs of. C. Mackay. Phil. 1850. 2 v. 120.. 3668 Popular Ignorance, Essays on the Evils of. J. Foster. N. Y. 1850. 120~. 3662 Popular Lectures on Science and Art. D. Lardner. N.Y. 1846. 2 v. 80~. 2677 Popular Legends of Brittany. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5617 Population, Essay on. T. R. Malthus. Georgetown, 1809. 2 v. 80.. 1973 Porter, Anna M. Fast of St. Magdalen. New York, 1819. 2 v. 120~.. 395 Hungarian Brothers. Philadelphia, 1809. 2 v. 120. 355 The same. London, 1850. 120.. 5648 Roche-Blanche. Boston, 1822. 2 v. 120... 382 Village of Mariendorpt. Boston, 1821. 4 v. 120... 302 Porter, Miss C. B. (Editor.) Silver Cup of Sparkling Drops. Buf. 1852. 120. 4449 Porter, C. T. Review of the Mexican War. Auburn, 1849. 120... 3475 Porter, D. Cruise in the Pacific, 1812-14. Philadelphia, 1815. 2 v. 120. 636 Porter, Jane. Pastor's Fireside. London, 1850. 2 v. 120.. 5652 Scottish Chiefs. Philadelphia, 1850. 3 v. in 1. 240. 29 The same. London, 1853. 2 v. 120.. 5697 Thaddeus of Warsaw. Hartford, 1848. 240.. 20 The same. London, 1853. 120. 5696 Porter, R. K. Campaign in Russia. Baltimore, 1806. 80... 690 Porter, W. S. Musical Cyclopaedia. New York, 1850. 120... 4417 Porter, W. T. (Editor.) Quarter Race in Kentucky. Phil. 1846. 120.. 3893 Porteus, B. Lectures on St. Matthew. Northampton, 1805. 80... 619 Life. R. Hodgson. New York, 1811. 120.... 192 Portfolio; a Monthly Miscellany. Philadelphia, 1809-12. 8 v. 8~... 717 Fourth series. Vols. 1-22. Philadelphia, 1816-27. 80... 4899 Portfolio; View of Manners and Customs. London, 1812. 80... 661 Portland, Hist. of; and Jour. of Smith & Deane. N. Willis. Port. 1849. 80. 3605 Portlock, J. E. Treatise on Geology. London, 1853. 120.... 6038 Portraits of Illustrious Men of Gt. Britain. E. Lodge. Lond. n.d. 8 v. 120. 3476 *Ports & Harbors of Gt. Britain. W. H. Bartlett. Lond. 1842. 2 v. 40~. 3742 Portugal, Journal of Residence in. London, 1847. 2 v. 12~. 4576 Posey, F. Life. J. Hall. Boston, 1846. 120. 1076, 19 Post-Office Guide. E. Bowen. New York, 1851. 80... 4507 Pothier, R. J. Treatise on Maritime Contracts. Boston, 1821. 8~.. 1401 212 CATALOGUE OF THE Potiphar Papers. G. W. Curtis. New York, 1853. 120... 5612 Potomac, Voyage of the, 1831-34. J. N. Reynolds. New York, 1835. 80. 1980 Voyage of the, 1831-34. F. Warriner. New York, 1835. 120.. 1256 Potter, A. Handbook for Readers and Students. New York, 1843.. 2197 The same. (H.F.L.) New York, 1848. 120.. 3683, 165 Objects and Uses of Science and Literature. N. Y. 1848. 120. 3683, 179 Political Economy. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 120.. 3683, 183 and G. B. Emerson. School and Sehoolmaster. N.Y. 1844. 120. 5074 Pottleton Legacy. Albert Smith. London, 1850. 120.. 5031 Poultry; with Illustrations. W. C. L. Martin. London, n.d. Roy. 8~. 3635, 2 Poultry Book. J. C. Bennett. Boston, 1850. 12~... 3663 Poussin, G. T. United States; its Power and Progress. Phil. 1851. 80~. 4320 Powell, T. Living Authors of England. New York, 1849. 120... 3439 Power of Beauty. J. T. Headley. New York, 1850. 120.. 4041 Power of Instruction; or, the Guilty Tongue. Boston, 1833. 12~.. 1476 Powhatan; a Metrical Romance. Seba Smith. New York, 1841. 120.. 157 Practical Helps towards Formation of Character. I. Taylor. Bost. 1838. 160~. 87 Practical Navigator. N. Bowditch. New York, 1846. 80... 2249 and Seaman's Daily Assistant. (No titlepage.) 80... 1306 Pradt, M. de. Europe after the Cong. of Aix-la-Chapelle. Phil. 1820. 80~. 1388 Praed, W. M. Lillian, and other Poems. New York, 1852. 120... 4784 Prairie, The. J. F. Cooper. New York, 1852. 120. 1004 Prairie-Bird. C. A. Murray. New York, 1849. 80.. 2053 The same. London, 1853. 120~....... 5730 Prairie Land, Life in. Eliza W. Farnham. New York, 1846. 120.. 3011 Prairiedom; Rambles in Texas. New York, 1845. 120~. 2502 Prairies, Commerce of the. J. Gregg. New York, 1844. 2 v. 120.. 2098 Prandi, F. Memoirs of Father Ripa. New York, 1846. 12~.. 2511 Pray, I. C., jun. Prose and Verse. Boston, 1836. 120. 116 Prayer, Book of Common. Philadelphia, 1843. 120.. 2449 Preacher and the King. L. Bungener. Boston, 1853. 120. 5247 Preaching, Theory of. A. Vinet. New York, 1854. 120... 5742 Pre-Adamite Earth. J. Harris. Boston, 1849. 120. 3304 Preble, E. (Com.). Biography. S. P. Waldo. Hartford, 1823. 80.. 651 Life. L. Sabine. Boston, 1848. 120. 1076, 22 Precaution; a Novel. J. F. Cooper. New York, 1852. 2 v. 120... 2960 Precious Metals, History of. J. L. Comstock. Hartford, 1849. 120.. 3007 Preferment; or, My Uncle the Earl. Mrs. C. Gore. N.Y. 1840. 2 v. 120. 1556 Prelude; a Poem. W. Wordsworth. New York, 1850. 120... 3904 Prentice, G. D. Biography of Henry Clay. Hartford, 1831. 120... 393 Prentice or Prentiss Family, Genealogy of. C. J. F. Binney. Bost. 1852. 80. 4813 Presbyterian Church in West. New York. J. H. Hotchkin. N.Y. 1848. 80. 3216 Prescott, W. H. Biographical and Critical Miscellanies. Boston, 1845. 8~. 2676 Charles Brockden Brown; Asylum for the Blind; Irving's Conquest of Granada; Cervantes; Sir Walter Scott; Chateaubriand's English Literature; Bancroft's United States; Mde. Calderon's Life in Mexico; Moliere; Italian Narrative Poetry; Poetry and Romance of the Italians; Scottish Song; Du Pontd's Observations. History of the Conquest of Mexico. New York, 1850. 3 v. 80.. 1759 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 213 Prescott, W. H. History of the Conquest of Peru. N.Y. 1847. 2 v. 80. 2793 History of Ferdinand and Isabella. New York, 1851. 3 v. 80~.. 947 Life of Charles Brockden Brown. Boston, 1838. 120.. 1076, 1 Present for an Apprentice. London, 1742. 160. 6 President's Daughters. Fredrika Bremer. Boston, 1843. 120.. 1725 Part 2. Nina. New York, 1845. 80... 1736 Presidents of the United States, Lives of. R. W. Lincoln. N.Y. 1842. 80~. 1825 Addresses and Messages of. New York, 1842. 8~0. 1782 Addresses and Messages of. - E. Williams. N. Y. 1846. 2 v. 80.. 2781 Memoirs and Administrations of. E. Williams. N.Y. 1849. 80~. 2067 Preston, D. R. Wonders of Creation. Boston, 1807. 2 v. 120. 206 Pretenders, Memoirs of the. J. H. Jesse. Philadelphia, 1846. 2 v. 160~. 2573 Pretension. Sarah Stickney [Mrs. Ellis]. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 120~. 942 Prevention Better than Cure. Mrs. S. Ellis. New York, 1847. 120.. 2995 Provost. J. Galt. New York, 1822. 120. 1940 Price, T. Wisdom and Genius of Shakspeare. Philadelphia, 1839. 8~. 2458 Prichard, J. C. Physical History of Man. London, 1813. 80~... 1914 Pride and Irresolution. Ellinor Ponsonby. New York, 1850. 80.. 3992 Pride and Prejudice. Jane Austen. Philadelphia, 1838. 80~.. 1585, 1 The same. London, 1853. 120. 5691 Prideaux, H. Old and New Testament Connected. N.Y. 1850. 2 v. 8~. 4711 Prideaux, T. S. Economy of Fuel. London, 1853. 120.. 6085 Priest and the Huguenot. L. Bungener. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 120~.. 5574 Priestcraft, History of, in all Ages. W. Howitt. New York, 1833. 120~. 2111 Priest, J. American Antiquities. Albany, 1833. 80.. 2121 Anti-Universalist; or, Fallen Angels. Albany, 1839. 80. 3786 Priestley, J. Lectures on History and General Policy. Phil. 1803. 2 v. 8~. 598 Prime, W. C. Old House by the River. New York, 1853. 120.. 6347 Owl Creek Letters. New York, 1848. 120.. 3411 Princess, The; a Medley. A. Tennyson. Boston, 1848. 120... 3100 Princess; or, the Beguine. Lady Morgan. Phil. 1835. 2 v. 120... 1229 Prince and the Pedler. Ellen Pickering. Philadelphia, 1848. 80.. 997 Princeton Pulpit. Edited by J. T. Duffield. New York, 1852. 80.. 4842 Pringle, T. Narrative of Residence in South Africa. London, 1840. 8~. 2613 Prinsep, H. T. Tibet, Tartary, and Mongolia. London, 1851. 120.. 5369 Printing, Art of. T. C. Hansard. Edinburgh, 1851. 120.... 6270 in America, History of. I. Thomas. Worcester, 1810. 2 v. 80.. 1376 Dictionary of the Art of. W. Savage. London, 1841. 80... 5088 Prior, J. Life of Oliver Goldsmith. Philadelphia, 1837. 80... 726 Memoir of Edmund Burke. Boston, 1854. 2 v. 120... 5542 Priors of Prague. W. J. Neale. Philadelphia, 1836. 2 v. 120... 267 Priscilla; or, Trials for the Truth. J. Banvard. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5644 Prismatics. R. Haywarde. New York, 1853. 120..... 5282 Prison Discipline in America. F. C. Gray. Boston, 1847. 8~0.. 2860 Prison Discipline Society's Reports, 1826-34. Boston, 8... 3251 Prisoner's Friend. Edited by C. Spear. Vols. 1-4. Boston, 1848-52. 8~. 5945 Prisons, Management of Convict. Col. Jebb. London, 1851. 80... 5109 Private Life, Sermons on the Duties of. J. G. Palfrey. Bost. 1834. 80. 1641 214 CATALOGUE OF THE Prize Essays on the Congress of Nations. Boston, 1840. 80.... 6017 Prize Poems; Boston Theatre, Sept. 1823. Boston, 1824. 120... 490 Probus; or, Rome in the Third Century. W. Ware. N.Y. 1838. 2 v. 120. 1109 Proclus. Commentaries on the Timaeus of Plato. London, 1820. 2 v. 40~. 4858 Prochazka, Baron. Revelations of Hungary. London, 1851. 120.. 4228 Procrastination; or, the Vicar's Daughter. London, 1850. 120... 4280 Proctor, B. W. English Songs, and other Poems. Boston, 1844. 120.. 1737 Essays and Tales in Prose. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 120... 5059 Progress and Prejudice. Mrs. C. Gore. New York, 1854. 120... 6260 Progress of Nations. E. C. Seaman. New York, 1852. 120.. 4984 Prometheus Bound, and other Poems. Eliz. B. Browning. N.Y. 1851. 120. 4870 Promissory Notes, Commentaries on the Law of. J. Story. Bost. 1847. 80. 3593 Propellers, Screw, and their Steam Engines. J.W.Nystrom. Phil. 1852. 80. 5085 Propertyand Labor, Essays on. F. Lieber. (H.F.L.) N. Y. 1848. 120. 3683, 146 Prophecy of the Santon, and other Poems. Worcester, 1847. 120... 3056 Prose Writers of America. R. W. Griswold. Philadelphia, 1847. 80.. 2775 of Germany. F. H. Hedge. Philadelphia, 1848. 80.. 2872 Pro-Slavery Arguments. Harper, Hammond, and others. Phil. 1853. 120~. 5361 Protection and Free Trade. WV. Phillips. Boston, 1850. 120. 5270 Protestant Annual. Edited by C. Sparry. New York, 1847. 8~... 2817 Protestant Clergy, New Themes for. S. Colwell. Phil. 1852. 120.. 5025 Protestantism, Defence of. C. H. Wharton. New York, 1817. 8~0.. 3636 in France. A. Coquerel. Boston, 1854. 120.. 6145 Protestant Lectures on Romanism. London, 1851. 120... 4611 Protestant Reformation in France. Mrs. Marsh. London, 1847. 2 v. 80. 4643 Protestants, History of the French. C. Weiss. New York, 1854. 2 v. 120. 5799 Proverbial Philosophy. M. F. Tupper. Philadelphia, 1846. 120... 2146 Proverbs for the People. E. L. Magoon. Boston, 1849. 120... 3186 Lessons in. R. C. Trench. New York, 1853. 120... 5206 Prussic Acid, Use in Diseases of the Breast. F. Magendie. N. H. 1820. 120. 975 Psalms, and the New Testament. New York, 1848. 80.... 4077 arranged in the Order of Events. T. Bulfinch. Boston, 1853. 12~. 5072 Translated and Explained. J. A. Alexander. N.Y. 1851. 3 v. 120. 4412 Public Characters, Sketches of. I. L. Robertson. New York, 1830. 120. 562 and Public Events, 1783-1815. W. Sullivan. Boston, 1834. 120. 1228 Public Economy in the United States. C. Colton. New York, 1848. 80. 3211 Public Men of the Revolution. W. Sullivan. Philadelphia, 1847. 80.. 2809 Public Statutes at Large of U. S. Ed. by R. Peters. Bost. 1845. 8 v. roy. 80. 3243 Palckler Muskau (Prince). Tutti Frutti. New York, 1834. 120... 2602 Tour in England, Ireland, and France, 1826-29. Phil. 1833. 80. 2723 Pugin, A. Specimens of Gothic Architecture. London, 1821. 2 v. 40.. 5101 *Paris and its Environs. London, 1833. 40.. 2014 Pulpit, British. W. Suddards. New York, 1845. 2 v. 80.. 6019 Pulpit Portraits.'J. R. Dix. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5584 Pulpit Sketches of English Preachers. J. R. Dix. London, 1852. 120.. 6243 Pulte, J. H. Homceopathic Domestic Physician. New York, 1852. 120. 4801 Pultock, R. Adventures of Peter Wilkins. London, 1844. 80... 89 Pulaski, Count. Life. J. Sparks. Boston, 1844. 120... 1076, 14 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 215 Pulszky, F. and T. White, Red, Black. New York, 1853. 2 v. 120.. 5245 Pulszky, Theresa. Tales and Traditions of Hungary. Lond. 1851. 120. 4240 Punchard, G. History of Congregationalism. Salem, 1841. 120.. 2118 Punch's Complete Letter Writer. D. Jerrold. London, 1853. 120~. 6234, 5 Comic Blackstone. G. A. i Beckett. Philadelphia, 1844. 120~.. 6323 Letters to his Son. D. Jerrold. London, 1853. 120.. 6234, 5 Prize Novelists, &c. W. M. Thackeray. New York, 1853. 120~.. 5266 Punishment by Death. G. B. Cheever. New York, 1849. 120.. 2576 of Death. C. Spear. Boston, 1844. 12~..1938 of Death. J. Sega. Boston, 1830. 12~.. 3370 of Death, Report on. R. Rantoul, jun. Boston, 1836. 8~... 646 of Death, Selection of Papers on. London, 1836. 2 v. 12~.. 2455 Punctuation, Treatise on English. J. Wilson. Boston, 1855. 16~.. 3858 Puritan, The; a Series of Essays. L. Withington. Bost. 1836. 2 v. 120. 400 and his Daughter. J. K. Paulding. New York, 1849. 120.. 3431 Puritans, History of the. D. Neal. New York, 1843. 2 v. 80... 1820 in England, and Pilgrim Fathers. New York, 1849. 120... 3399 Sketches of the. J. Stoughton. New York, 1848. 120... 3171 Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficul. G. L. Craik. N.Y. 1844. 2 v. 160. 824 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 2 v. 120. 3683, 94, 95 Putnam, G. P. American Facts. London, 1845. 120. 2695 *Book-Buyer's Manual. New York, 1848. 80. 2045 World's Progress; a Dictionary of Dates. New York, 1852. 80.. 2041 Putnam, I. (Gen.). Life. W. Cutter. New York, 1847. 120.. 2984 Life. D. Humphreys. Boston, 1818. 120. 190 Life. O. W. B. Peabody. Boston, 1844. 12. 1076, 7 Putnam, S. Analytical Reader. Dover, 1830. 12~. 362 Sequel to Analytical Reader. Dover, 1832. 120.. 363 Putnam's Monthly Magazine. Vols. 1-3 [continued]. N. Y. 1853-54. 80. 5392 Puzzledom; or, Charades, Conundrums, Puzzles, &c. Phil. 1853. 80~.. 6008 Pycroft, J. Course of English Reading. New York, 1845. 120~... 2297 Pyne, G. Treatise on Perspective. London, 1852. 120.. 6049 Pym, J. Life. J. Forster. London, 1831. 120. 1831, 3 Pynnshurst; his Wanderings, &c. D. MacLeod. New York, 1852. 120. 1031 *Pyramids of Gizeh. 11. Wyse. London, 1840. 3 v. 40... 3794 Pyrenees, Summer and Winter in. Mrs. S. Ellis. London, 1841. 12~.. 4571 Pyrrhus, History of. J. Abbott. New York, 1854. 120.... 6171 Q. Q. Q., Contributions of. Jane Taylor. New York, 1850. 2 v. 120.. 3664 The same. Boston, 1831. 2 v. 120. 862 Quadroon; or, St. Michael's Day. J. H. Ingraham. N.Y. 1847. 2 v. 120~. 1599 Quadrupeds. Boston, 1830. 160. 826 British. W. Macgillivray. Edinburgh, 1843. 120... 4901, 17 Natural History of. (H. F. L.) N. Y. 1846. 2 v. 120. 3683, 104, 164 Quakerism, Apology for. R. Barclay. Philadelphia, 1805. 80... 1918 216 CATALOGUE OF THE Quakers, The. (No titlepage.) 120. 218 History of. W. Sewel. New York, 1844. 2 v. 80... 3217 Quarrels of Authors. I. Disraeli. New York, 1814. 2 v. 120. 453 Quarter Race in Kentucky. Ed. by W. T. Porter. Phil. 1846. 120.. 3893 Quar. Jour. of Science. Vols. 1-5, 7, 16, 17, 19, 21. Lon. & N.Y. 1817-26. 8~. 3614 *Quarterly Review. Vols. 1-92. London, 1809-53. 80.. 2826 The Indexes are Vols. 20, 40, 60, 80. The same. Vols. 52-93 [continued]. 1834-53. Roy. 80.. 2826 Papers from. New York, 1852. 120.. 4792 Quatre Mois dans les Pays-bas. Paris, 1830. 3 v. 160... 2438 Queechy. Anna Warner. New York, 1852. 2 v. 12~.... 1050 Quekett, J. Practical Treatise on the Microscope. London, 1848. 8~.. 4138 Queen of Denmark. Edited by Mrs. Gore. New York, 1846. 80.. 2681 Queen's Necklace. A. Dumas. Philadelphia, 1851. 2 v. 80..... 4037 Queens of England, Lives of. Agnes Strickland. Phil. 1843. 11 v. 12~. 1911 The same. Philadelphia, 1849. 12 v. 120. 3524 For contents, see Strickland. of France, Memoirs of. Mrs. F. Bush. Phil. 1847. 2 v. 120.. 2985 of Scotland, Lives of. Agnes Strickland. N.Y. 1851-53. 4 v. 120. 4028 of Spain, Annals of. Anita George. New York, 1850. 120~.. 3505 Quentin Durward. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1848. 2 v. 120... 999, 29, 30 The same. Edinburgh, 1849. 2 v. 120... 4100, 31, 32 The same. Edinburgh, 1850. Roy. 80... 4531, 8 Questions for Literary Societies. S. Bailey. London, 1823. 80... 6009 Quiet Heart, from Blackwood. New York, 1854. 80..5952 Quiet Husband. Ellen Pickering. Philadelphia, 1840. 2 v. 120... 2187 Quill, C. The Working-Man. Philadelphia, 1839. 120. 1520 Quincy, E. Wensley; a Story without a Moral. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5860 Quincy, J. History of the Boston Athenmum. Cambridge, 1851. 80.. 3803 History of Harvard University. Cambridge, 1840. 2 v. 80.. 2237 Life of Samuel Shaw. Boston, 1847. 80.. 2810 Memoir of Josiah Quincy, jun. Boston, 1825. 80. 1383 Municipal History of Boston. Boston, 1852. 80~..... 567 Quinet, E. Roman Church and Modern Society. New York, 1845. 120. 2512 Quinten Matsys; or, Blacksmith of Antwerp. New York, 1852. 80.. 217 Quod Correspondence. J. J. Irving. Boston, 1842. 2 v. 120... 1699 Quotations from Latin, French, Spanish, &c., Dictionary of. Phil. 1851. 120. 4425 *Poetical, Dictionary of. Ed. by Mrs. S. J. Hale. Phil. 1851. 8~. 2683 R. Rabelais, F. Works. Trans. by Urquhart and Motteux. Lon. 1849. 2 v. 80. 3552 Race for Riches. W. Arnot. Philadelphia, 1853. 120... 5339 Races, Natural History of. C. H. Smith. Boston, 1851. 120.. 4476 of Indian Archipelago. G. W. Earl. London, 1853. 120... 5741 Unity of the Human. C. Caldwell. New York, 1830. 120.. 925 Unity of the Human. T. Smyth. New York, 1850. 120... 3857 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 217 Rachel Dyer. J. Neal. Portland, 1828. 120. 521 Rachel Kell. New York, 1853. 120. 5303 Racine, J. (Euvres Completes de. Paris, 1819. 3 v. 160.. 2431 Theatre Complet. Paris, 1847. 120.. 5558 Radcliffe, Mrs. Ann. Mysteries of Udolpho. Philadelphia, 1852. 240.. 1855 Raffles, T. Letters from France, Savoy, Switzerland, &c. N.Y. 1818. 120. 974 Raffles, Sir T. S. Life and Services, by his Widow. Lond. 1835. 2 v. 8~. 4505 Raguet, C. Free Trade Advocate. Philadelphia, 1829. 2 v. 80~.. 1216 Raikes, Harriet. Marriage Contract. Boston, 1850. 80.... 3640 Railroad Accidents Prevented. L. Turnbull. Philadelphia, 1854. 120.. 6224 Railroad Jubilee at Boston, Sept. 1851. Boston, 1852. 8~0... 778 Railroad Laws & Charters of U. S. Gregg & Pond. Bost. 1851. 2 v. roy. 8~. 4317 Railroad, Steamboat, and Telegraph Book. J. Disturnell. N.Y. 1849. 120. 55 Railroads, Hist., Construct., & Influences of. F. S. Williams. Lon. 1852. 8~. 5084 Practical Treatise on. N. Wood. London, 1838. 80.. 4340 Railway Economy. D. Lardner. New York, 1850. 120.. 3874 Railways, Treatise on. R. M. Stephenson. London, 1850. 120~... 6077 Rainbow in the North. S. Tucker. London, 1851. 120.. 4270 Rale, S. Life. C. Francis. Boston, 1848. 120. 1076, 17 Raleigh, Sir W. History of the World. London, 1677. Folio.. 3749 Life. P. F. Tytler. Philadelphia, 1833. 8~. 1357, 3 Life of. Mrs. A. T. Thomson. Philadelphia, 1831. 12~.. 410 Poems. London, 1845. 120. 2505 Ralph Rutherford; a Nautical Romance. A. Fisher. N.Y. 1851. 8~.. 4502 Ramble from Sydney to Southampton. London, 1851. 120.. 4443 Rambler, The. S. Johnson. Philadelphia, 1812. 4 v. 160. 22 The same. New York, 1843. Roy. 8~. 1984, 1 Rambles and Reveries. H. T. Tuckerman. New York, 1841. 120.. 1633 in Sweden and Gottland. London, 1847. 80.. 4146 of a Naturalist. J. D. Godman. Philadelphia, 1833. 120... 67 Ramsay, A. Works; with Life. G. Chalmers. London, 1851. 3 v. 120. 5044 Ramsay, D. History of the American Revolution. Phil. 1789. 2 v. 80~. 675 Randolph, J. Biography. L. Sawyer. New York, 1844. 8~.. 2724 Letters to a Young Relative. Philadelphia, 1834. 80.... 1251 Life. H. A. Garland. New York, 1850. 2 v. 8~... 3999 Randolph, J. T. Cabin and Parlor. Philadelphia, 1852. 120... 5000 Randolph, T. J. Mem. and Corres. of T. Jefferson. Bost. 1830. 4 v. 8~. 1405 Random Shots and Southern Breezes. L. F. Tasistro. N.Y. 1842. 2 v. 120~. 1656 Rangers; or, the Tory's Daughter. D. P. Thompson. Bost. 1851. 2 v. 120~. 4104 Ranke, L. Civil Wars and Monarchy in France. New York, 1853. 120~. 5345 History of the Popes of Rome. Philadelphia, 1841. 2 v. roy. 80~. 1949 History of Servia. London, 1853. Post 80..... 5921 Rankin, F. H. Visit to Sierra Leone, 1834. Philadelphia, 1836. 80. 2228, 2 Rankin, J. Letters on American Slavery. Boston, 1838. 120... 1546 Rantoul, R., jun. Memoirs, Speeches, and Writings. Boston, 1854. 80~. 5930 Miscellaneous Orations, Reports, &c. Boston, 1832. 8~... 646 Raphael; or, Life at Twenty. A. Lamartine. New York, 1849. 120.. 3344 Raphael's Cartoons, Book of. R. Cattermole. London, 1845. 80... 5095 F F 218 CATALOGUE OF THE Rappers, The; or, Absurdities of Spirit-Rapping. New York, 1854. 120. 5883 Raspail, F. V. Domestic Medicine. London, 1853. 12~.. 6123 Rasselas. S. Johnson. Boston, 1811. 120. 291 The same. New York, 1843. Roy. 8... 1984, 1 Ratlin the Reefer. E. Howard. London, 1851. 12..... 5667 Raumer, F. von. America and the American People. N. Y. 1846. 8~.. 2633 England in 16th, 17th, and 18th Centuries. Lond. 1837. 2 v. 8~. 2842 Ravenscliffe. Mrs. Marsh. New York, 1852. 80.. ~... 414 Rawle, W. View of the Constitution of United States. Phil. 1829. 80. 2688 Rawson, J. Dictionary of Synonymical Terms. Philadelphia, 1850. 120. 3577 Ray, I. Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity. Boston, 1853. 80... 5386 Ray, J. Wisdom of God in Creation. London, 1722. 120.... 5559 Rayner, B. L. Life of Thomas Jefferson. Boston, 1834. 80.... 2630 Reach, A. B. Claret and Olives. New York, 1852. 120.. 8. 830 Readers and Students, Handbook for. A. Potter. New York, 1843. 12~. 2197 The same. (II. F. L.) New York, 1848. 120.. 3683, 165 Reading, Course of English. J. Kent. New York, 1853. 12~... 5203 Course of English. J. Pycroft. New York, 1845. 120... 2297 Readings for Every Day in Lent. Jeremy Taylor. New York, 1851. 12~. 3815 for the Young, from Writings of Sir W. Scott. Phil. 1848. 2 v. 120. 3119 Rebel, and other Tales. E. L. Bulwer. New York, 1835. 120.. 1147 Rebelliad; a Poem of Harvard. C. Stetson. Boston, 1842. 120... 1694 Rebellion & Civil Wars in Eng., Hist. of. Earl Clarendon. Ox. 1826. 8 v. 80. 2256 Rebels; or, Boston before the Revolu. Mrs. L. M. Child. Bost. 1850. 120. 3869 Rebels and Tories; or, Blood of the Mohawk. L. Labree. N. Y. 1851. 80. 4337 Receipts, Cyclopaedia of 6000. A. J. -Cooley. New York, 1846. 80~.. 3537 Recollections of a Chaperon. Lady Dacre. London, 1852. 120... 5685 of a Housekeeper. C. Gilman. New York, 1842. 160~... 1861 of a Literary Life. Mary R. Mitford. New York, 1852. 120.. 3752 of a Policeman. T. Waters. New York, 1852. 120.. 4770 of the United States Army. Boston, 1845. 160.. 2432 Records of Bubbleton Parish. Boston, 1854. 120... 6151 of my Life. John Taylor. New York, 1833. 80... 1394 Recreations of a Merchant. IW. A. Brewer. Boston, 1836. 120.. 280 Rector of St. Bardolph's. F. W. Shelton. New York, 1853. 120.. 5079 Rectory Guest; a Novel. Mrs. Grey. New York, 1849. 8~... 6005 Rectory of Valehead. R. W. Evans. Philadelphia, 1832. 120... 1501 Redburn; his First Voyage. H. Melville. New York, 1849. 120... 3450 Redemption, History of. J. Edwards. New York, n. d. 120~... 430 Redfield, J.W. Comparative Physiognomy. New York, 1852. 80.. 4947 Redgauntlet. Sir W. Scott. 1848. 2 v. 120.. 999, 33, 34 The same. Edinburgh, 1849. 2 v. 120~... 4100, 35, 36 The same. Edinburgh, 1850. Roy. 80.. 4531, 9 The same. Exeter, 1824. 2 v. 240. 91 Red Hand of Ulster. Mrs. J. Sadlier. Boston, 1850. 180... 3755 Red Race of America. H. R. Schoolcraft. New York, 1847. 80... 2832 Red Rover. J. F. Cooper. New York, 1845. 2 v. 120.... 412 Redskins; Conclusion of Littlepage MSS. J.F.Cooper. N.Y. 1846. 2 v. 120~. 2604 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 219 Redwood; a Tale. Catherine M. Sedgwick. New York, 1850. 120.. 3627 Reed, H. Life of Joseph Reed. Boston, 1848. 120... 1076, 18 Reed, J. Life and Correspondence. W. B. Reed. Phil. 1847. 2 v. 80. 2794 Reed, W. B. Life and Corres. of Joseph Reed. Phil. 1847. 2 v. 8~.. 2794 Reef Rovings in South Seas. E. T. Perkins. New York, 1854. 8~0.. 5972 Reel in a Bottle. G. B. Cheever. New York, 1852. 120... 3753 Rees, J. Mysteries of City Life. Philadelphia, 1849. 120... 3291 Reese, D. M. Humbugs of New York. New York, 1838. 120... 960 Letters to Wm. Jay on Slavery. New York, 1835. 120... 2600 Reese, J. J. American Medical Formulary. Philadelphia, 1850. 12~.. 3671 Reeve, J. History of the Old and New Testament. Boston, 1849. 12~. 3681 Reflections on the Works of God. C. C. Sturm. London, 1808. 2 v. 24~. 1495 Reformation of the 16th Cen. J. H. M. D'Aubign6. N.Y. 1843-53. 5 v. 120. 1717 in England and Ireland. W. Cobbett. Philadelphia, n. d. 120.. 1777 of the Church of England. G. Burnet. Lond. 1841. 2 v. roy. 80. 3993 The same. New York, 1843. 3 v. 80..... 2057 Memorial of the. B. Bennet. Edinburgh, 1748. 8.... 476 Reforms, Hints towards. H. Greeley. New York, 1850. 120... 3856 and Reformers, Sketches of. H. B. Stanton. New York, 1850. 120. 3440 Regent's Daughter. A. Dumas. New York, 1845. 80... 2229 Reginald Dalton. J. G. Lockhart. New York, 1823. 2 v. 120.. 339 Reginald Hastings. E. Warburton. New York, 1850. 80.. 3989 Reginald Lyle. Miss Pardoe. Mew York, 1853. 120.. 6140 Register of Arts. T. G. Fessenden. Philadelphia, 1808. 8~.. 738 Reichenbach, C.von. Dynamics of Magnetisms, Heat, &c. Lond. 1851. 80~. 4159 Reid, Capt. M. Boy Hunters. Boston, 1853. 120. 5082 Desert Home.- Boston, 1852. 120. 926 Rifle Rangers. New York, 1852. 80. 4558 Scalp Hunters; or, Adven. in Northern Mexico. Lond. 1853. 120. 4510 Young Voyageurs. Boston, 1854. 120. 5621 Reid, S. C. M'Culloch's Texas Rangers. Philadelphia, 1847. 120.. 3085 Reid, T. Essays on the Intellectual Powers. Cambridge, 1850. 120.. 3571 Inquiry into the Human Mind. New York, 1824. 160... 88 Works; with Life by D. Stewart. Charlestown, 1813. 4 v. 80.. 4609 Vol. 1. Life and Writings of Dr. Reid; Account of Aristotle's Logic, with Remarks; Inquiry into the Human Mind. 2. Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man. 3. The same, concluded; Essays on the Active Powers of the Human Mind. 4. The same, concluded. Reid, T. Treatise on Clock and Watch Making. Phil. 1832. Roy. 80.. 1646 Rejected Addresses. H. and J. Smith. Boston, 1851. 120.. 1565 Relic of the Revolution. C. Herbert. Boston, 1847. 120.. 3049 Religion, Analogy of. J. Butler. New York, 1843. 120.. 1779 History of the Revival of, 1740. J. Tracy. Boston, 1842. 80~.. 1959 Influence of, upon Health. A. Brigham. Boston, 1835. 12,. 1773 of Geology. E. Hitchcock. Boston, 1851. 120.. 4207 of Nature Delineated. London, 1731. 40.. 5117 Philosophy of. T. Dick. Philadelphia, 1845. 120... 2357, 3 Pleasures of Personal. J. Newton. Boston, 1839. 120... 1486 220 CATALOGUE OF THE Religion, Thoughts on. B. Pascal. London, 1836. 120.... 1860 Religions, Book of. J. Hayward. Boston, 1842. 12~.... 2095 of the World. F. D. Maurice. Boston, 1854. 120. 5605 Religious Affections, Treatise on. J. Edwards. New York, n. d. 120.. 311 Religious Experience, Thoughts on. A. Alexander. New York, 1851. 120. 4743 Religious Knowledge, Encyclopaedia of. Brattleboro', 1850. Roy. 8~.. 4729 Religious Liberty, Struggles & Triumphs of. E. B. Underhill. N.Y. 1851. 120. 4194 Religious Magazine. Vol. 3. 1836. 8~. 952 Religious Maxims. T. C. Upham. Philadelphia, 1854. 18~.. 6253 Religious Progress, Discourses on. W.R. Williams. Boston, 1851. 12~. 4408 Religious System, Practical View of. WV. Wilberforce. Bost. 1815. 12~. 213 Religious Thoughts and Opinions. W. von Humboldt. Bost. 1851. 120~. 5757 Reliques of Ancient English Poetry. T. Percy. London, 1847. 3 v. 120~. 1279 Remarkable Characters. J. Caulfield. London, 1819. 8~.. 5897 Remarkable Places, Visits to. WV. Howitt. Philadelphia, 1842. 80. 1764 Reminiscences of an Old Traveller in Europe. Edinburgh, 1833. 12~.. 1574 of Congress. C. W. March. New York, 1850. 120... 3919 of the Rhine, Switzerland, and Italy. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 v. 12~. 279 of Sixty-five Years. E. S. Thomas. Hartford, 1840. 2 v. 120.. 2301 of Thought and Feeling. Boston, 1853. 12~. 5046 Rena; or, the Snow-Bird. Caroline L. Hentz. Philadelphia, 1851. 120~. 4428 Rennie, J. Natural History of Birds. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1846. 120~. 3683, 98 Renwick, H. B. Life of John Jay. New York, 1841. 120... 183 Renwick, J. Life of De Witt Clinton. New York, 1840. 120~.. 1474 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 120.. 3683, 125 Life of Robert Fulton. Boston, 1844. 120. 1076, 10 Life of Alexander Hamilton. New York, 1841. 12~... 183 Life of Count Rumford. Boston, 1848. 120.. 1076, 15 Life of David Rittenhouse. Boston, 1844. 12~. 1076, 7 Lives of J. Jay and A. Hamilton. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1846. 120. 3683, 129 Repealers, The. Lady Blessington. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 v. 12~... 534 Reports of the University of the State of New York. Albany, 1843-48. 80. 2852 Representative Men. R. W. Emerson. Boston, 1850. 12~.. 3484 Reptiles of Massachusetts. D. H. Storer. Boston, 1839. 8~. 722 Republican Christianity. E. L. Magoon. Boston, 1849. 12~.. 3354 Reresby, Sir J. Memoirs and Travels. London, 1813. 80.. 4945 Rescued Nun. Baron St. Leger. New York, 1844. 80~... 2167, 2 Resignation; an American Novel. Boston, 1825. 120.. 1047 Resurrection of the Body. G. Bush. New York, 1845. 120... 2522 Retribution; or,Vale of Shadows. Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth. N.Y.1853. 80. 5431 Retrospect; or, Review of Providential Mercies. Boston, 1822. 120.. 1039 Retrospective Review. Vols. 1-16. London, 1820-28. 80... 5487 Reuben Medlicott; or, the Coming Man. M. V. Savage. N.Y. 1852. 12~. 4931 Revere, J. W. Tour of Duty in California. New York, 1849. 120.. 3345 Reveries of a Bachelor. D. G. Mitchell. New York, 1850. 120... 4086 Revised Statutes of Massachusetts. Boston, 1836. Roy. 80... 1351 Supplement to the same. Boston, 1849. Roy. 8~... 1351, 2 Revival of Religion, 1740, History of. J. Tracy. Boston, 1842. 80.. 1959 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 221 Revolutionary Incidents of Queen's Co. H. Onderdonk, jun. N.Y. 1846. 120~. 3824 Revolutionary Orders of Gen. Washington. J. Whiting. N.Y. 1844. 80~. 2236 Revolutionary War. - See American Revolution. Reynolds, E. W. Our Campaign; or, Thoughts of Life. Bost. 1851. 120~. 4455 Reynolds, G. W. M. Angela Wildon. New York, 1852. 8... 645 Gipsy Chief. New York, 1851. 80. 4500 Kenneth; a Romance of the Highlands. New York, 1852. 8~.. 4696 Pickwick Abroad in France. New York, 1851. 8~. 4313 Pope Joan; or, the Female Pontiff. New York, 1851; 8~... 3805 Reynolds, Sir J. Discourses at Royal Academy. Boston, 1821. 120.. 2449 Life. J. Northcote. London, 1818. 2 v. 80~.... 2542 Literary Works; with Memoir. London, 1835. 2 v. 120~.. 2586 Reynolds, J. Recollections of Windsor Prison. Boston, 1834. 120. 536 Reynolds, J. N. Voyage of the Potomac, 1831-34. New York, 1835. 80~. 1980 Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, Lectures on. H. Blair. Phil. 1848. 8~.. 635 and Oratory, Lectures on J.Q. Adams. Cambridge, 1810. 2 v. 80~. 1945 Aristotle's Treatise on. Trans. byT. Buckley. Lond. 1850. Post8~. 4381 Art of; or, Elements of Oratory. J. Holmes. Phil. 1849. 120~.. 3305 Elements of. R. Whately. Boston, 1845. 120. 1804 Philosophy of. G. Campbell. New York, 1844. 12~... 2304 Rhind, W. Studies in Natural History. Edinburgh, 1830. 120~... 2132 Rhine, The. V. Hugo. New York, 1845. 12~.. 2508 Rhine, Switzerland, and Italy, Reminiscences of. Phil. 1835. 2 v. 120. 279 Rhoades, J. A. Cruise in a VWhale Boat. New York, 1848. 8~... 3206 Rhode Island Bar, Memoirs of. W. Updike. Boston, 1842. 80~.. 2680 Book. Anne C. Lynch. Providence, 1841. 120~..... 1728 Spirit of'76 in. B. Cowell. Boston, 1850. 8~. 3646 Rhone, Darro, and Guadalquivir. Mrs. Romer. London, 1843. 2 v. 80~. 4648 Rhyming, Spelling, & Pronouncing Dictionary. J. Walker. Phil. 1852. 80. 500 Ribault, J. Life. J. Sparks. Boston, 1848. 120.. 1076, 17 Rice, J. H. and B. H. Memoir of J. Brainerd Taylor. New York, 1833. 120~. 336 Rich, A. Companion of Latin Dictionary. London, 1849. 120... 5645 Richard Cceur-de-Lion, Life of. G. P. R. James. N.Y. 1842. 2 v. 120~. 1877 Richard, M. Histoire du Tonquin. Paris, 1778. 2 v. 120~.. 376 Richard Edney, and Governor's Family. S. Judd, jun. Bost. 1850. 120~. 4073 Richard of York; or, the White Rose of England. New York, 1851. 80~. 3826 Richard Savage. C. WVhitehead. London, 1853. 120.. 5729 Richard III. Caroline A. Halsted. Philadelphia, 1844. 80... 2266 History of. Sir T. More. Cambridge, 1834. 12~... 383, 9 Richards, Mrs. A. M. Memories of a Grandmother. Boston, 1854. 120~. 6280 Richards, W. C. Day in the Crystal Palace.. New York, 1853. 120~.. 5618 *Richardson, C. Dictionary of the English Language. Phil. 1851. 2 v. 40~. 4902 Richardson, Sir J. Arctic Searching Expedition. New York, 1852. 120~. 318 Richardson, S. Clarissa Earlowe. London, 1764. 8 v. 120... 1832 Pamela; or, Virtue Rewarded. London, 1801. 4 v. 12~... 1833 Richardson, Major. Ecart6; or, the Salons of Paris. N.Y. 1851. 80~.. 4556 Matilda Montgomerie. New York, 1851. 80. 4521 Wacousta; or, the Prophecy. New York, 1851. 80... 4036 222 CATALOGUE OF THE Richardson, Maj. Wau-nan-gee; or, MBassacre at Chicago. N.Y. 1852. 80. 4810 Richelieu, Oxenstein, & others, Lives of. G. P. R. James. Phil. 1836. 120. 247 Richelieu; a Tale. G. P. R. James. New York, 1847. 2 v. 120... 2305 Richelieu in Love; an Historical Comedy. New York, 1844. 80... 2171 Riches Have Wings. T. S. Authur. New York, 1847. 120... 2441 Richest Men of Massachusetts, Catalogue of. Boston, 1851. 8~... 4533 Richter, J. P. F. Flower, Fruit, and Thorn Pieces. Bost. 1845. 2 v. 120. 2321 Life and Autobiography. Boston, 1842. 2 v. 120... ~ 2340 Walt and Vult; or, the Twins. Boston, 1846. 2 v. 120... 2552 Rickards, R. India, and its Native Inhabitants. London, 1829. 2 v. 80. 3955 Ride on Horseback to Florence, through France. London, 1842. 2 v. 80. 2691 Ridner, J. P. Artist's Chronomatic Handbook. New York, 1850. 120. 4059 Rienzi; a Tale. E. L. Bulwer. New York, 1836. 2 v. 120.... 1119 The same. Philadelphia, 1836. 80. 2228, 1 Rifle Rangers; or, Advent. in South Mexico. M. Reid. N.Y. 1852. 80. 4558 Riggs, S. R. Gram. and Diet. of Dakota Language. WVash. 1852. 40~. 1756, 4 Right and Wrong in Boston in 1836. Boston, 1836-37. 3 v. 160.. 1513 Right of Visitation and Search. H. WVheaton. Philadelphia, 1842. 8~. 2833 Rimini, and other Poems. L. Hunt. Boston, 1844. 12~... 2410 Rinaldo Rinaldini. Boston, 1824. 2 v. 120. 1103 Ringelbergius, J. F. Treatise on Study. Philadelphia, 1847. 120... 3769 Ringan Gilhaize. J. Galt. New York, 1823. 2 v. 120.. 1902 Ripa, Father, Memoirs of. F. Prandi. New York, 1846. 120... 2511 Ripley, G. (Editor.) Specimens of Foreign Standard Literature. - See Specimens. and B. Taylor. Handbook of Literature, &c. N. Y. 1852. 120.. 4488 Rise of Iskander. B. Disraeli. Philadelphia, 1845. 80.. 2689 Ritchie, L. Game of Life. Philadelphia, 1833. 80. 1357, 1 The same. New York, 1844. 80. 2167, 3 Russia and the Russians. Philadelphia, 1836. 120. 234 The same. Philadelphia, 1836. 80. 2228, 2 Robber of the Rhine. Philadelphia, 1833. 120.. 2704 Rittenhouse, D. Life. J. Renwick. Boston, 1844. 12~.. 1076, 7 Rival Beauties; a Novel. Miss Pardoe. New York, 1848. 8~... 3234 River of the Water of Life. G. B. Cheever. New York, 1849. 12~.. 3432 Road-Making, Principles and Practice of W. M. Gillespie. N.Y. 1847. 80. 3076 Roads and Railroad Vehicles, and Modes of Travelling. Lond. 1839. 12~. 3135 Treatise on Common. H. Law. London, 1850. 120... 6068 Rob of the Bowl. J. P. Kennedy. New York, 1854. 120... 1104 Rob Roy. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1848. 2 v. 120. 999, 7, 8 The same. Edinburgh, 1849. 2 v. 120... 4100, 7, 8 The same. Edinburgh, 1850. Roy. 80. 4531, 3 Robber; a Novel. G.P. R. James. New York, 1835. 2 v. 120... 1111 Robber of the Rhine. L. Ritchie. Philadelphia, 1833. 120.... 2704 Roberts, E. Embassy to Cochin-China, Siam, and Muscat. N. Y. 1837. 80. 945 Roberts, Emma. Scenes & Characteristics of Hindostan. Phil. 1836. 2 v.120. 1123 The same. Philadelphia, 1836. 80. 2228, 1 Roberts, W. History of Letter-Writing. London, 1843. 80... 4530 Robertson, I. L. Sketches of Public Characters. New York, 1830. 120. 562 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 223 Robertson, J. P. and W. P. Francia's Reign of Terror. Phil. 1839. 2 v. 120. 979 Robertson, W. Historical Disquisition on India. Phil. 1812. 80... 1295 The same. London, 1804. 120. 535 History of America. London, 1803. 4 v. 8~0.... 1213 The same, abridged. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 120. 3683, 185 Historysof Greece. Edinburgh, 1793. 80. 724 History of the Reign of Charles V. Philadelphia, 1812. 3 v. 8~.. 1294 The same. New York, 1829. 80. 1392 The same, abridged. (H. F.L.) New York, 1848. 120. 3683, 186 History of Scotland. New York, 1844. 8~. 953 WTorks. London, 1809. 12 v. 8.... 4670 Vols. 1-4. History of America. 5-8. History of the Reign of Charles V. 9. Historical Disquisition on India. 10-12. History of Scotland. Robespierre, M. Life. G. H. Lewes. Philadelphia, 1849. 120... 3077 Robin Day, Adventures of. R. M. Bird. Philadelphia, 1839. 2 v. 120.. 990 Robin Hood and Capt. Kidd. W. W. Campbell. New York, 1853. 12~. 5284 Garlands and Ballads. Ed. by J. W. Gutch. Lond. 1853. 2 v. 8~. 5471 Robinson, A. Life in California. New York, 1846. 120.... 2549 Robinson, E. Biblical Researches in Palestine. Boston, 1841. 3 v. 8~.. 1985 (Editor.) Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible. Bost. 1843. Roy. 80. 1439 Greek Lexicon of the New Testament. New York, 1850. Roy. 8~. 4349 Robinson, Mrs. [Talvi]. The Exiles. New York, 1853. 120... 5513 Heloise; or, the Unrevealed Secret. New York, 1850. 12~.. 3870 Life's Discipline; a Tale of Hungary. New York, 1851. 12~.. 4030 Robinson, F. California and the Gold Regions. New York, 1849. 12~. 3335 Mexico and her Military Chieftains. Philadelphia, 1847. 120.. 3033 Organization of the Army of the United States. Phil. 1848. 2 v. 120. 3087 Robinson, G. Travels in Palestine and Syria. Paris, 1837. 2 v. 120.. 2122 Robinson, J. H. Silver Knife. Boston, 1854. 120... 5820 Robinson, P.F. Designs for Gate-Cottages, Lodges, &c. Lond. 1837. 40~. 2890 Designs for Village Architecture. London, 1837. 40... 5977 Robinson Suisse. M. Wyss. Traduit par EliseVoiart. Paris, 1843. 80. 4548 Robinson Crusoe, Life and Adventures of. D. De Foe. N. Y. 1853. 8~. 2848 The same. London, 1841. 80. 2654, 2 The same. New York, n. d. 80. 48 Robinson Crusoe, The Real. X. B. de Saintaine. Boston, 1851. 120.. 4184 Roche, R. M. Children of the Abbey. Philadelphia, n. d. 3 v. in 1. 240~. 25 Roche-Blanche. Anna M. Porter. Boston, 1822. 2 v. 120... 382 Rochefoucauld, F. Moral Reflections, Sentences, &c. N. Y. 1851. 120~. 404 Rockwell, C. Sketches of Foreign Travel. Boston, 1842. 2 v. 80. 1684 Rocky Mountains and Mexico, Adv. in. G.F. Ruxton. N. Y. 1848. 12~. 3097 Bonneville's Journal. Ed. by W. Irving. Phil. 1837. 2 v. 120.. 510 The same. New York, 1849. 120.. 3366 Expedition to. J. C. Fr6mont. Buffalo, 1851. 120... 2639 Lewis and Clarke's Expedition to. New York, 1843. 2 v. 120.. 1745 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 2 v. 120. 3683, 154-5 Scenes in. R. B. Sage. Philadelphia, 1846. 12~.... 2922 2'24 CATALOGUE OF THE Rocky Mountains, Tour beyond. S. Parker. Auburn, 1846. 12~... 3028 Travels over, 1845-46. P. J. De Smet. New York, 1847. 120.. 3061 Roderick Random. T. Smollett. New York, 1840. 80.. 270 The same. Philadelphia, 1851. 8~..801, 2 Rodman, Ella. Grandmother's Recollections. New York, 1851. 120.. 4188 Rodolphos; a Franconia Story. J. Abbott. New York, 1850. 120... 5294 Roe, A. S. James Montjoy; or, I've Been Thinking. N. Y. 1850. 12~. 3501 Time and Tide; or, Strive and Win. New York, 1852. 120.. 4869 To Love and To be Loved. New York, 1851. 120.... 4096 Roger of Wendover. Flowers of History. London, 1849. 2 v. post 8~. 4366 Rogers, E. C. Philosophy of Mysterious Agents. Boston, 1853. 12~.. 5279 Rogers, H. Eclipse of Faith. Boston, 1852. 120..... 4915 Defence of the Eclipse of Faith. Boston, 1854. 12... 5840 Essays, contributed to the Edinburgh Review. Lond. 1850. 2 v. 8~. 4329 Vol. 1. Life and Writings of Thomas Fuller; Andrew Marvell; Luther's Correspondence and Character; Life and Genius of Leibnitz; Genius and Writings of Pascal; Plato and Socrates; Structure of the English Language; Sacred Eloquence -British Pulpit; Vanity and Glory of Literature. 2. Right of Private Judgment; Aiglicanism, or Oxford Tractarianism; Recent Developments of Tractarianism; Reason and Faith, their Claims and Conflicts; Revolution and Reform; Treatment of Criminals; Prevention of Crime. Reason and Faith, and other Miscellanies. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5280 Life and Writings of Thomas Fuller; Andrew Marvell; Luther's Correspondence and Character; Genius and Writings of Pascal; Sacred Eloquence - British Pulpit; Vanity and Glory of Literature; Right of Private Judgment; Reason and Faith, their Claims and Conflicts. Rogers, N. P. Newspaper Writings. Concord, 1847. 120. 3051 Rogers, S. Poetical Works. Philadelphia, 1836. 80. 580 Poetical Works. Edited by E. Sargent. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5866 Roget, P. MI. Thesaurus of English Words. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5781 Rokeby; a Poem. Sir WV. Scott. Philadelphia, 1839. 120.. 860, 4 and Don Roderick. Sir W. Scott. Edinburgh, 1848. 120.. 4102, 9 Roland, Mde., Biography of. Mrs. L. M. Child. Boston, 1832. 120~.. 2153 History of. J. S. C. Abbott. New York, 1850. 12~.. 4418 Roland Cashel. C. Lever. New York, 1850. 80.. 3521 Rolandsitten; or, the Deed of Entail. C. F. WV. Hoffman. N.Y. 80~. 2167, 1 Rollin, C. Ancient History. New York, 1845. 2 v. roy. 80. 704 et M. Crevier. Histoire Romaine. Paris, 1782. 16 v. 120~.. 2239 History of Alexander's Successors. Hartford, 1823. 2 v. 120~.. 454 Rollo on the Atlantic. J. Abbott. Boston, 1854. 120. 5622 in Paris. J. Abbott. Boston, 1854. 120. 5782 in Switzerland. J. Abbott. Boston, 1854. 120. 6207 Roman Antiquities. A. Adam. New York, 1819. 80..626 and Ancient Mythology. C. K. Dillaway. Boston, 1831. 120.. 155 Roman Catholic Doctrines, Acknowledged. S. Capper. Lond. 1850. 80. 5412 Roman Church and Modern Society. E. Quinet. N'ew York, 1845. 12~. 2512 Roman Emperors, History of. C. A. Elton. London, 1825. 120... 3341 Roman Empire, Decline and Fall of. E. Gibbon. Boston, 1850. 6 v. 120. 3872 The saxe. New York, 1826. 6 v...... 775 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 225 Roman Empire, Fall of. J. C. L. de Sismondi. London, 1834. 2 v. 120~. 2381 Roman History. J. WVarburton. London, 1792. 12~. 312 Roman Republic, Captains of. H. W. Herbert. New York, 1854. 120. 6215 History of. J. Michelet. New York, 1847. 120... 2969 of 1849. Theo. Dwight. New York, 1851. 120.... 4262 Roman Tablets; or, Facts, Anecdotes, &c., of Rome. London, 1826. 120~. 6324 Roman Traitor. H. W. Herbert. New York, 1843. 120.. 5516 Romanism at Rome; Letters to R. B. Taney. N. Murray. N.Y. 1852. 120~. 1095 Controversy with. C. H. Wharton. New York, 1817. 80... 3636 Essays on the Errors of. R. Whately. London, 1845. 80... 2651 History of. J. Dowling. New York, 1845. Roy. 80... 2619 Lectures on. J. Cumming, Boston, 1854. 120... 6155 Letters to Bishop Hughes on. N. Murray. Newv York, 1849. 120~. 3666 Protestant Lectures on. London, 1851. 120.... 4611 Romance and Reality. Letitia E. Landon. Philadelphia, 1847. 80~. 1343, 1 The same. London, 1852. 120..5684 Romance Dust from the Historic Placer. W. S. Mayo. N.Y. 1851. 120~. 4163 Romance of Abelard and HeloYse. O. W. Wight. New York, 1853. 120. 5367 of Adventure. Boston, 1852. 120..4795 of American History. J. Banvard. Boston, 1852. 120.. 4924 of the Harem. Miss Pardoe. Philadelphia, 1839. 2 v. 120.. 1049 of History; Italy. C. Macfarlane. New York, 1832. 2 v. 120~. 1549 of the History of Louisiana. C. Gayarr6. New York, 1848. 120~. 3107 of Natural History. C. W. Webber. Philadelphia, 1852. 80.. 4814 of Student Life Abroad. R. B. Kimball. New York, 1853. 120. 5055 of Travel. N. P. Willis. New York, 1840. 120.... 2335 of Yachting. J. C. Hart. New York, 1848. 120.... 3185 Romances, Early English Metrical. G. Ellis. London, 1848. Post 80.. 4370 of Real Life. New York, 1829. 2 v. 120. 582 Romans, Epistle to, Notes on. A. Barnes. New York, 1851. 120.. 4732 with a Commentary. A. A. Livermore. Boston, 1854. 120.. 6265 Lectures on. T. Chalmers. New York, 1850. 80... 3539, 2 Romans in Greece; an Ancient Tale. Boston, 1799. 120... 472 under the Empire, History of. C. Merivale. Lond. 1852. 3 v. 8~. 5133 Romaunt, C. (Editor.) Island Home. Boston, 1852. 120... 4639 Rome and Naples, Journey to, in 1817. New York, 1818. 120.. 320 *and the Surrounding Scenery. W. B. Cooke. London, 1840. 40. 5455 as Seen by a New Yorker. W. M. Gillespie. N.Y. 1845. 120.. 2311 Child's First History of. E. M. Sewell. New York, 1849. 120.. 3310 Emperors, Augustusto Constantine. Mrs.H. Gray. Lon.1850. 120~. 4282 History of. T. Arnold. New York, 1851. 80.. 5115 History of, abridged. A. Ferguson. (H. F.L.) N.Y. 1848. 12~. 3683, 187 History of. 0. Goldsmith. London, 1812. 2 v.8~.. 4983 The same. Philadelphia, 1818. 120. 290 History of. T. Keightley. New York, 1851. 120... 1768 History of. T. Livy. Tr. by Spillan & Edmonds. Lon. 1849. 4 v. 80. 4379 The same. Trans. by G. Baker. Philadelphia, 1836. 80.. 803 The same. New York, 1842. 5 v. 120.. 1854, 24-28 G G 226 CATALOGUE OF THE Rome, History of. B. G. Niebuhr. Philadelphia, 1844. 5 v. 8... 2235 Lectures on History of. B. G. Niebuhr. London, 1849. 3 v. 8~. 3600 History of. (Lardner's Cab. Cyclop.) London, 1842. 2 v. 120.. 2380 History of. Rollin and Crevier (in French). Paris, 1782. 16 v. 120~. 2239 History of. L. Schmitz. Andover, 1847. 120. 3020 Liberty of. S. Eliot. New York, 1849. 2 v. 8~.. 3419 The same. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 120. 5238 Romer, Mrs. Rhone, Darro, and Guadalquivir. London, 1843. 2 v. 80~. 4648 Temples and Tombs of Egypt, &c. London, 1846. 2 v. 80... 4647 Romish Church, Blots on. Ed. by Miss Christmas. London, 1851. 120~. 4613 Romulus, History of. J. Abbott. New York, 1852. 120.. 5023 Rookwood; a Novel. W. H. Ainsworth. London, 1853. 120.. 5712 *Roorbach, O. A. Bibliotheca Americana. New York, 1852. 80.. 5993 Rbrdansz, C. W. European Commerce. Boston, 1819. 8O... 639 Rory O'More. S. Lover. New York, 1851. 80. 919 Roscoe, H. Lives of Eminent British Lawyers. Phil. 1841. 2 v. 120.. 2162 Life of Winm. Roscoe. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 120~. 1055 Roscoe, W. Life of Lorenzo de' Medici. London, 1836. 120.. 1742 Life and Pontificate of Leo X. London, 1846. 2 v. post 80.. 2930 *Rose, H. J. Biographical Dictionary. London, 1850. 12 v. 8... 5488 Rose d'Albret; or, Troublous Times. G. P. R. James. N. Y. 1844. 80~. 2068 Rose Douglas; an Autobiog. of a Minister's Daughter. N.Y. 1851. 120~. 3830 Rose of the Parsonage. R. Giseke. Philadelphia, 1854. 120.. 6307 Rose of Tistelon. Emilie F. Carlen. New York, 1844. 80... 2743 Rosenberg, C. G. Jenny Lind in America. New York, 1851. 120.. 4409 Rosenstein, I. G. Theory and Practice of Homweopathy. Louisv. 1840. 120~. 1892 Ross, Sir J. Last Voyage of, 1829-33. London, 1836. 80... 1496 Memoirs of Admiral de Saumarez. London, 1838. 2 v. 80.. 3638 *Second Voyage to the Arctic Regions. London, 1835. 40. 5. 895 Roth, M. Gymnastic Free Exercises. Boston, 1853. 120~.. 6139 Rothelan; a Romance of English Histories. J. Galt. N.Y. 1825. 2 v. 120~. 1929 Rou6, The. Philadelphia, 1836. 2 v. 120. 253 Roughing it in the Bush. Mrs. S. Moodie. New York, 1852. 120.. 4874 Round Table; a Collection of Essays. W. Hazlitt. London, 1841. 120~. 1872 Rowbotham, J. French Grammar. Boston, 1841. 120... 283 Rowland, H. A. Common Maxims of Infidelity. New York, 1850. 120~. 3493 Rowson, Mrs. History of Charlotte Temple. New York, 1814. 120.. 1864 Rowton, F. The Debater. London, 1846. 120.. 4055 Roxobel. Mrs. Sherwood. New York, 1831. 3 v. 180.. 92 Royal Preacher. J. Hamilton. New York, 1851. 120... 4297 Royal Progress in Scotland. Sir T. D. Lauder. Edinburgh, 1843. 40~.. 4954 Royal Sisters; a Romance. Agnes Strickland. Boston, 1845. 160.. 2190 Royalists and Roundheads; or, Days of Charles I. Lond, 1850. 3 v. 120. 4250 Royle, J.F. Culture and Commerceof Cotton in India. Lon. 1851. 2v.80. 4327 Royston Gower. T. Miller. Philadelphia, 1838. 2 v. 120... 970 Rubens, P. P., Life and Genius of. Dr. Waagen. London, 1840. 120.. 3070 Ruffini, G. Lorenzo Benoni; or, Life of an Italian. N. Y. 1853. 12~.. 5512 Ruffner, H. Fathers of the Desert. New York, 1850. 2 v. 120... 4062 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 227 Ruins, The. C. F. C. Volney. New York, 1828. 120. 344 of Ancient Cities. C. Bucke. (H.F.L.) N.Y. 1846. 2 v. 120. 3683, 134-5 of Athens, and other Poems. G. Hill. Boston, 1839. 80.. ~ 1255 Rules in Deliberative Assemblies. L. S. Cushing. Boston, 1850. 12~.. 13 in Deliberative Assemblies. B. Matthias. Philadelphia, 1851. 180~. 4761 Rumford, Count, Essays. Boston, 1798. 2 v. 80.. 70 Life. J. Renwick. Boston, 1846. 120..... 1076, 15 Rural and Domestic Life of Germany. W. Howitt. N. York, 1842. 8~. 1719 Rural Essays. A. J. Downing. New York, 1853. 80. 5175 Rural Homes; or, Sketches of Country Houses. G.Wheeler. N.Y.1851. 12~. 4495 Rural Hours. Susan F. Cooper. New York, 1850. 120. 3896 Rural Letters. N. P. Willis. New York, 1849. 120.... 3278 Rural Life of England. W. Howitt. Philadelphia, 1841. 8~... 2061 Rural Records; or, Village Life. Jas. Smith. London, 1845. 12~.. 3137 Ruschenberger, W. S.W. Elements of Natural History. Phil. 1850. 2 v. 120. 4299 Rush, B. Diseases of the Mind. Philadelphia, 1830. 80.. 2164 Rush, J. Philosophy of the Human Voice. Philadelphia, 1845. 80.. 5086 Rush, R. Residence at the Court of London. Philadelphia, 1845. 80.. 2646 Ruskin, J. Lectures on Architecture and Painting. Phil. 1854. 120.. 6170 Modern Painters. New York, 1847. 3 v. 120. 3018 Seven Lamps of Architecture. New York, 1849. 120. 2910 Stones of Venice. New York, 1851. 80...4119 Russell; a Tale of Reign of Charles II. G. P. R. James. N. Y. 1847. 80. 2797 Russell, J. Tour in Germany, 1820-22. Boston, 1825. 80. 631 Russell, Lady Rachael. Letters. Boston, 1820. 120. 9 The same. Philadelphia, 1854. 12~..... 6187 and Madame Guyon. Lives. L.M. Child. Boston, 1832. 12~.. 2376 Russell, M. History of the Barbary States. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1846. 120. 3683, 73 History of Egypt. (H. F.L.) New York, 1846. 120.. 3683, 23 History of Nubia and Abyssinia. (H. F. L.) N. Y. 1848. 120. 3683, 61 History of Palestine. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 120.. 3683, 27 History of Polynesia. (H. F.L.) New York, 1848. 120.. 3683, 158 Life of Cromwell. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 2 v. 12~. 3683, 62, 63 Russell, W. American Elocutionist. Boston, 1844. 120... 2142 Exercises in Elocution. Boston, 1841. 120.. 2128 Lessons in Enunciation. Boston, 1843. 120.. 1889 Rudiments of Gesture. Boston, 1838. 120.. 1899 Extraordinary Men. London, 1853. 120.. 5343 Russell, W. History of Ancient Europe. Philadelphia, 1801. 2 v. 8~.. 1966 History of Modern Europe to 1763. Philadelphia, 1822. 4 v. 8~.. 1998 The same, abridged. Hanover, 1810. 120. 1023 The same, cont. to 1815. C. Coote. Phil. 1822. 2 v. 80~. 1998, 5, 6 Russell, W. S. Guide to Plymouth. Boston, 1846. 120.. 2974 Russia. Marquis de Custine. New York, 1854. 120.... 6146 Age of Peter the Great. B. Kamenski. London, 1851. 12~.. 4615 and the Eastern Question. R. Cobden. Boston, 1854. 120. 5794 and Emperor Nicholas. London, 1846. 3 v. 120... 4422 and Poland, Travels in. R. Johnston. New York, 1816. 80.. 1397 228 CATALOGUE OF THE Russia and the Russians. L. Ritchie. Philadelphia, 1836. 120... 234 and the Russians in 1842. J. G. Kohl. Phil. 1843. 2 v. in 1. 8~. 2684 and Turkey; Czar and the Sultan. A. Gilson. N. Y. 1853. 120~. 5571 as it Is. Count A. de Gurowski. New York, 1854. 120.. 5919 Czar, his Court and People. J. S. Maxwell. N. York, 1848. 12~. 3115 History of. W. K. Kelly. London, 1854. 2 v. post 8... 6196 Military and Political Power of. New York, 1817. 8~.. 1331 Progress of. D. Urquhart. London, 1853. 12~... 5544 Secret History of the Court of. J. H. Schnitzler. Lond. 1847. 2 v. 8~. 4658 Secret Memoirs of the Court of, London, 1800. 2 v. 80.. 3647 The same. Philadelphia, 1802. 80. 611 under Nicholas I. Trans. by A. C. Sterling. London, 1841. 120~. 3136 Russian Literature, History of. F. Otto. Oxford, 1839. 80... 3789 Russian Poets, Specimens of. J. Bowring. Boston, 1822. 12~.. 1928 Russian Shores of the Black Sea. L. Oliphant. New York, 1854. 12~. 5791 Russians and the Knout. G. de Lagny. New York, 1854. 120.. 5857 Russo-Turkish Campaigns. F. R. Chesney. New York, 1854. 12~.. 5830 Ruth; a Novel. Mrs. Gaskell. Boston, 1853. 120. 5223 Ruth Emsley; the Betrothed Maiden. W. H. Carpenter. Phil. 1850. 12~. 3891 Ruxton, G. F. Adventures in Mexico and Rocky Mount. N.Y. 1848. 120~. 3097 Life in the Far West. New York, 1849. 120. 3438 Ryan, M. Medical Jurisprudence. Philadelphia, 1832. 80... 4553 Ryan, W. R. Personal Adv. in California, 1848-49. Lond. 1850. 2 v. 120. 4232 Ryle, J. C. Wheat or Chaff? New York, 1852. 120. 927 S. Sabbath; a Poem. New York, 1805. 120. 849 Sabbath, The Christian, in its Various Aspects. Edinburgh, 1850. 120.. 4225 Sabbath Morning Readings: Genesis. J. Cumming. Boston, 1854. 120. 5872 Exodus. J. Cumming. Boston, 1854. 120... 6239 Sabin, E. R. Life and Reflections of Charles Observator. Bost. 1816. 120. 214 Sabine, L. American Loyalists. Boston, 1847. 80..... 2789 Life of Edward Preble. Boston, 1848. 120... 1076, 22 Sacred Biography. H. Hunter. Philadelphia, 1832. 80... 1288 Sacred History of the World. S. Turner. New York, 1832. 120... 115 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 3 v. 120. 3683, 32, 72, 84 Sacred Mountains. J. T. Headley. New York, 1847. 120.... 2989 Sacred Poets of England and America. R. W. Griswold. N.Y. 1850. 80~. 4700 Sacred Scenes and Characters. J.T. Headley. New York, 1850. 120.. 3833 Sacred Streams; or Rivers of the Bible. P. H. Gosse. N. Y. 1852. 120~. 4482 Sad Tales and Glad Tales. Boston, 1828. 120. 514 Sadlier, Mrs. J. Red Hand of Ulster. Boston, 1850. 180... 3755 Sage, J. Works; with Memoir. Edinburgh, 1844. 3 v. 80.... 4686 Vol. 1. Memoir of Life and Times of John Sage; Editor's Preface; Fundamental Charter of the Presbytery in Scotland. 2, 3. Principles of the Cyprianic Age with regard to Episcopal Power and Jurisdiction. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 229 Safford, W. H. I,ife of H. Blennerhassett. Cincinnati, 1853. 120~.. 5815 Sailor, Life of a. F. Chamier. London,. 1852. 120.. 5689 Sailor's Horn-Book. H. Piddington. New York, 1848. 80.... 3241 Sailors' Life and Sailors' Yarns. New York, 1847. 120. 2938 Sailors and Saints; or, Matrimonial Manoeuvres. N. York, 1829. 2 v. 12~. 1170 St. Botolph's Church, Boston (Eng.). Boston (Eng.), 1842. 80... 5396 St. Domingo, Description of Spanish. Philadelphia, 1796.... 3787 History and Condition of. J. Brown. Philadelphia, 1839. 2 v. 12~. 3510 St. George; or, Canadian League. W. C. McKinnon. Halifax, 1852. 2 v. 120~. 189 St. Giles and St. James. D. Jerrold. London, 1851. 12~... 6234, 1 St. John, B. Adventures in the Libyan Desert. New York, 1849. 12~. 3287 Purple Tints of Paris. New York, 1854. 120~. 5808 Village Life in Egypt. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 120. 4998 St. John, J. A. Lives of Celebrated Travellers. N.Y. 1846. 3 v. 12~. 3683, 38-40 St. John, P. B. French Revolution in 1848. New York, 1848. 120.. 2454 St. John, S. Elements of Geology. New York, 1851. 120.... 4438 Saint Leger; or, Threads of Life. R. B. Kimball. N. York, 1850. 120~. 3474 St. Leon; a Novel. W. Godwin. London, 1850. 12~... 5647 St. Petersburg, Pictures from. E. Jerrmann. New York, 1852. 120.. 5062 St. Pierre, J. H. B. de. Paul and Virginia. Philadelphia, 1849. 18~.. 4461 Studies of Nature. London, 1801. 40. 708 St. Real, AbbS. Conspiracy of the Spaniards, 1618. Boston, 1838. 12~. 1484 St. Ronan's Well. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1848. 2 v. 120.. 999, 31, 32 The same. Edinburgh, 1849. 2 v. 120~... 4100, 33, 34 The same. Edinburgh, 1850. Roy.8~0.. 4531, 8 St. Valentine's Day. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1848. 2 v. 12~... 999, 41, 42 The same. Edinburgh, 1849. 2 v. 120~... 4100, 42, 43 The same. Edinburgh, 1850. Roy. 80~... 4531, 11 Saints, Lives of the. A. Butler. New York, 1845. 8~..... 5996 Saints' Everlasting Rest. R. Baxter. Boston, 1850. 12. 1017 Santine, X. B. de. Picciola. Philadelphia, 1849. 120~. 3838 The Real Robinson Crusoe. Boston, 1851. 120.. 4184 Woman's Whims; or, the Female Barometer. N. Y. 1850. 120.. 3676 Salad for the Solitary. New York, 1853. 120.. 5383 Salander and the Dragon. F. W. Shelton. New York, 1852. 160.. 4398 Salathiel. G. Croly. Cincinnati, 1847. 2 v. 120. 3149 Salem, Mass., Annals of. J. B. Felt. Salem, 1845-49. 2 v. 12~.. 2521 Salem Witchcraft, Account of. J. Thacher. Boston, 1831. 120~... 839 History of. C. W. Upham. Boston, 1831. 12~..886 Salle, R. de la. Life. J. Sparks. Boston, 1844. 12~. 1076, 11 Sallust, C. C. Works. Trans. by W. Rose. New York, 1842. 12~. 1854, 5 Salmagundi. W. Irving and J. K. Paulding. New York, 1835. 2 v. 120~. 1813 Salmonia; or, Days of Fly-Fishing. Sir H. Davy. London, 1844. 120. 6276 Salt Water Bubbles. J. S. Sleeper. Boston, 1854. 120.... 6213 Salverte, E. Philosophy of Magic. London, 1846. 2 v. 8... 4683 Sam Slick, the Clockmaker. T. C. Haliburton. Philadelphia, 1849. 120. 3348 Sampson, M. B. Rationale of Crime, and its Treatment. N.Y. 1846. 120. 2933 Sand, George. - See Dudevant, 1Mde. 230 CATALOGUE OF THE Sandboys at the Great Exhibition. H. Mayhew. New York, 1852. 8~. 4807 Sandeau, J. Hunting the Romantic. New York, 1852. 120.. 4878 Sands, R. C. Writings in Prose and Verse. New York, 1834. 2 v. 8~.. 1233 Sandwich Islands, History of. J. J. Jarves. Boston, 1844. 80~... 1748 Life in. H. T. Cheever. New York, 1851. 120.. 4453 Notes. New York, 1844. 120. 6162 Residence in. C. S. Stewart. Boston, 1839. 12~. 53 Scenes and Scenery in. J. J. Jarves. Boston, 1843. 120.. 2298 Sanitary Condition of Cities, Report on. Philadelphia, 1849. 80.. 3987 Sanitary Report of Massachusetts. Boston, 1850. 80. 3791 Santa FB Expedition. G. W. Kendall. New York, 1850. 2 v. 12~. 1765 Santa Fe, Exped. from, to Navajo Country. J. H. Simpson. Phil. 1852. 8~. 3586 Santarem, Viscount. Americus Vespucius & his Voyages. Bost. 1850. 120~. 4018 Santo Sebastiano; or, the Young Protector. Boston, 1833. 3 v. 120.. 2471 Saracen; or, Matilda and MalekAdhel. Mde. Cottin. N.Y. 1810. 2 v. 12~. 855 Saracens, History of. S. Ockley. London, 1847. Post 80.. 3556 Sarawak; its Inhabitants and Productions. H. Low. London, 1848. 80~. 4671 Sargent, E. First-Class Standard Reader. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5816 (Editor.) Poetical Works of Thomas Campbell. Bost. 1854. 120~. 5743 (Editor.) Poetical Works of Samuel Rogers. Boston, 1854. 120~. 5866 (Editor.) Select Works of Benj. Franklin. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5637 Standard Speaker. Philadelphia, 1852. 80. 614 Sargent, J. Memoir of Henry Martyn. New York, n. d. 12... 447 Sargent, L. M. Hubert and Ellen, and other Poems. Boston, 1815. 180~. 33 Temperance Tales. Boston, 1852. 120. 4622 Sartain's Magazine. Vols. 5-10. Philadelphia, 1849-52. 80... 3531 Satanstoe; or, the Littlepage MSS. J. F. Cooper. N.Y. 1845. 2 v. 12~. 2472 Sartor Resartus. T. Carlyle. Boston, 1837. 120.. 346 Saturday Evening. I. Taylor. Boston, 1833. 120... 2355 Saul; a Poem. W. Sotheby. Boston, 1808. 120... 846 Saulcy, F. de. Dead Sea and Bible Lands. Philadelphia, 1854. 2 v. 12~. 6306 Saumarez, Admiral de. Memoirs and Corres. J. Ross. Lond. 1838. 2 v. 80~. 3638 Saunders, F. Memories of the Great Metropolis. New York, 1852. 120~. 4756 Saurin, J. Sermons. New York, 1847. 2 v. 80.. 4717 Savage, The. Philadelphia, 1810. 12.... 411 Savage, M. W. Bachelor of the Albany. New York, 1848. 120... 2878 Falcon Family; or, Young Ireland. Boston, 1848. 120. 2898 Reuben Medlicott; or, the Coming Man. New York, 1852. 12~. 4931 Savage, W. Dictionary of the Art of Printing. London, 1841. 80.. 5088 Savarin, B. Physiology of Taste. Philadelphia, 1854. 120... 5598 Sawyer, L. Biography of John Randolph. New York, 1844. 8... 2724 Sawyer, L. A. Dissertation on Servitude. New Haven, 1837. 120~.. 1536 Organic Christianity. Boston, 1854. 120.... 6249 Sawyer, F. WT. Plea for Amusements. New York, 1847. 120~.. 3060 Saxe, J. G. Poems; Boston, 1850. 120. 3318 Poems. Boston, 1851. 120.. 4499 Saxe-Weimar, Duke of. - See Bernhard. Saxon in Ireland. London, 1851. 12~. 4230 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 231 Saxton, L. C. Fall of Poland. New York, 1851. 2 v. 120... 4604 Say, J. B. Treatise on Political Economy. Philadelphia, 1836. 80.. 1794 Saymore, S. E. Hearts Unveiled. New York, 1852. 120. 816 Scalp Hunters; or, Advent. in Northern Mexico. M. Reid. Lond. 1853. 120. 4510 Scandinavia, History of. A. Crichton. New York, 1844. 2 v. 120~.. 1859 in 1850. W. Hurton. London, 1851. 2 v. 120..4257 Scandinavians, Ancient. M. Mallet. London, 1847. Post 8~.. 3561 Scarlet Letter; a Romance. N. Hawthorne. Boston, 1850. 120... 3653 *Scenery of Massachusetts. Northampton, 1842. 40.... 3795 Scenes and Songs of Social Life. I. F. Shephard. Boston, 1846. 120.. 2929 at Washington; a Story. New York, 1848. 120.... 3101 in my Native Land. Mrs. L. H. Sigourney. Boston, 1845. 12~.. 2299 in our Parish. New York, 1833. 120. 156 in the Rocky Mountains, Oregon, California, &c. Phil. 1846. 120~. 2922 where the Tempter has Triumphed. New York, 1849. 12~.. 3402 Schaff, P. History of the Apostolic Church. New York, 1853. 8~.. 5448 Schefer, L. Artist's Married Life. Boston, 1849. 120. 3333 Schelling, F. W. J. Philosophy of Art. London, 1845. 120... 2394 Schiller, F. von, Characters of. Mrs. E. F. Ellet. Boston, 1839. 120.. 988 _Esthetic Letters, Essays, &c. Trans. by J. Weiss. Bost. 1845. 120~. 2345 Early Dramas and Romances. London, 1849. Post 8~.. 3560 The Robbers; Fiesco; Love and Intrigue; Demetrius; The Ghost-Seer; The Sport of Destiny. Ghost-Seer. London, 1853. 2 v. 120..... 5698, 5699 Historical Dramas. London, 1847. Post 80.... 3555 History of the Revolt in Netherlands. New York, 1847. 120.. 2953 History of the Thirty Years' War. New York, 1846. 120... 2954 Life. Boston, 1833. 120. 427 Life. T. Carlyle. New York, 1846. 120.. 2498 Maid of Orleans. London, n. d. 120...... 2979 Poems and Ballads. Trans. by E. L. Bulwer. N. York, 1844. 12~. 2140 and Goethe, Correspondence of. New York, 1845. 2 v. 120.. 2341 and Korner, Correspondence of. London, 1849. 3 v. 120... 4585 Schlegel, A. W. von. Lectures on Dramatic Art and Liter. Phil. 1833. 80. 1958 Schlegel, F. von..Esthetic and Miscellaneous Works. Lon. 1849. Post 80. 4373 Letters on Christian Art; Essays on Gothic Architecture; Romance-Poetry of the Middle Ages; Study of Romantic Poetry and Genius; Limits of the Beautiful; Language and Wisdom of the Indians. Lectures on the History of Literature. New York, 1844. 120.. 2344 Lectures on Modern History. London, 1849. Post 80~.. 4375 Philosophy of History. London, 1846. Post 80~.. 2343 Philosophy of Life and Language. London, 1847. Post 80.. 3080 Schleiden, M. J. Poetry of the Vegetable World. Cincinnati, 1853. 120~. 5316 Schlesier, -. Life of Winm. von Humboldt. New York, 1853. 120.. 5243 Schlosser, F. C. History of the Eighteenth Century. Lond. 1843. 8 v. 80~. 5148 Schmitz, L. History of Rome. Andover, 1847. 120. 3020 Schnitzler, J.H. Secret Hist. of Court and Gov. of Russia. Lon. 1847. 2 v.80. 4658 Schoedler, F. Book of Nature; an Introduc. to the Sciences. Phil. 1853. 80. 5441 232 CATALOGUE OF THE Schomburgk, R. H. Fishes of Guiana. Edinburgh, 1843. 2 v. 120. 4901, 39, 40 School and Schoolmaster. A. Potter and G. B. Emerson. N.Y. 1844. 120. 6074 School Architecture. H. Barnard. New York, 1854. 80... 5959 School for Fathers. T. Gwynne. New York, 1852. 120... 4923 School Returns of Massachusetts, 1838-39. Boston, 1839. 8~... 1616 Schoolmaster; Essays on Practical Education. London, 1836. 2 v. 12~.. 5041 For contents, see Education. Schools, The Bible in our Public. G. B. Cheever. New York, 1854. 120. 5749 Schoolcraft, H. R. Adventures in Ozark Mountains. Phil. 1853. 80.. 5393 Expedition to Itasca Lake, 1832. New York, 1834. 80.. 3235 Indian Tales and Legends. New York, 1839. 2 v. 12~... 240 *Indian Tribes of North America. Washington, 1851-54. 4 v. 40~. 1723 Lead Mines of Missouri. New York, 1819. 8~.. 1369 Notes on the Iroquois. Albany, 1847. 80. 2841 Red Race of America. New York, 1847. 80.. 2832 Thirty Years' Residence with Indian Tribes. Phil. 1851. 8~.. 4544 Travels through the Northwest. Albany, 1821. 8... 771 Schubert, G. H. Mirror of Nature. Philadelphia, 1849. 120... 3343 Schwarz, J. Descriptive Geog. and Sketch of Palestine. Phil. 1850. 8~. 3985 Science and Art, Lectures on. D. Lardner. New York, 1846. 2 v. 8~.. 2677 and Arts, Quarterly Journal of. - See Quarterly. Literature and Art, Dictionary of. W.T. Brande. N.Y. 1848. Roy.80. 2641 Martyrs of. Sir D. Brewster. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 12~. 3683, 130 Pleasures of. W. M. Rogers. Boston, 1836. 120.... 898 Poetry of. R. Hunt. Boston, 1850. 12~.. 4082 Sciences, History of the Inductive. W. Whewell. London, 1837. 3 v. 80. 2273 Philosophy of. A. Comte. Ed. by G. H. Lewes. Lon. 1853. Post 80. 5936 Philosophy of the Inductive. W. Whewell. Lond. 1840. 2 v. 80. 2692 Scientific and Literary Journal. Boston, 1837. 80.... 951 Scientific and Literary Treasury. S. Maunder. London, 1848. 120.. 4109 Scientific Dialogues. J. Joyce. London, 1846. Post 8.. 4363 Scientific Knowledge, Cream of. London, 1841. 160. 2400 Scientific Tracts. Conducted by J. V. C. Smith. Vol. 2. Bost. 1834. 120~. 859 Scientific Tracts for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Bost. 1836. 120. 898 Thacher, B. B. Self Education. I Ladd, W. History of Peace Societies. Park, R. Outline of Philosophy. Graham, S. Science of Human Life. Alcott, W. A. Early Rising. Parker, J. R. History of Telegraphs. Howard, D. H. May-Flowers. Coffin, R. A. Combustion. Jackson, C. T. Nat. Hist. of Water. Fish, S. Granite Rock. Rogers, W. M. Pleasures of Science. Fish, S. Theory of the Earth. Scituate, Mass., History of. S. Deane. Boston, 1831. 80.. 1446 Scotland. J. G. Kohl. Philadelphia, 1844. 80.. 2684 and the Scotch. Catherine Sinclair. New York, 1840. 120.. 2414 Border Antiquities of. Sir W. Scott. Edinburgh, 1834. 120. 4101, 7 Gazetteer of. J. P. Lawson. Edinburgh, n.d. 120.... 5037 Genius of. R. Turnbull. New York, 1847. 120.... 3017 History of. Sir W. Scott. Cambridge, 1830. 2 v. 120... 380 History of. W. Robertson. New York, 1844. 80.... 953 Queens of. Agnes Strickland. New York, 1851-53. 4 v. 80.. 4028 Scenes and Legends of North of. H. Miller. Boston, 1851. 120. 4464 MERCANTILE LIBRAR Y. 233 Scotland, Summer in. J. Abbott. New York, 1848. 120. 3110 Scots Worthies. J. Howie. Glasgow, 1839. 2 v. 80.. 2059 The same. New York, 1853. 80. 4938 Scott, C. R. Rambles in Egypt and Candia. London, 1837. 2 v. 80. 3195 Scott, David. Memoir. W. B. Scott. Edinburgh, 1850. 80.. 5142 Scott, John. Paris Revisited in 1815. Boston, 1816. 120... 174 Scott, Jos. Geographical Dictionary of the U. States. Phil. 1805. 80.. 1269 Scott, R., and 0. Byrne. Practical Cotton Spinner. Phil. 1851. 80. 4539 Scott, R. B. Strategematicon; or, Ancient Military Policy. Lond. 1811. 8~. 1315 Scott, T. Treatises on Theological Subjects. Middletown, 1817. 6 v. 120~. 397 Scott, Sir W. Autobiography. Philadelphia, 1831. 120... 1024 Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. Philadelphia, 1841. 3 v. 120~. 1772 Doom of Devorgoil; a Melo-Drama. New York, 1830. 120. 537 History of Scotland. Cambridge, 1830. 2 v. 120... 380 Lay of the Last Minstrel. Boston, 1845. 120. 69 Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft. New York, 1830. 160.. 817 The same. (H.F.L.) New York, 1843. 12~.. 3683, 11 Life. J. G. Lockhart. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 80. 1259 The same. Edinburgh, 1848. 10 v. 120.. 4103 Life. D. MacLeod. New York, 1852. 120.. 5053 Life of Napoleon. Philadelphia, 1827. 3 v. 80. 1612 Lives of the Novelists. Boston, 1826. 2 v. 120. 1151 Paul's Letters to his Kinsfolk. Edinburgh, 1816. 8~.. 632 Tales of the Crusaders. New York, 1835. 80. 1361 Tales of a Grandfather. Philadelphia, 1828. 2 v. 160. 108 Readings for the Young, from the Writings of. Phil. 1848. 2 v. 120~. 3119 Redgauntlet. Exeter, 1824. 2 v. 240.. 91 Poetical Works. Edinburgh, 1848. 12 v. 120.. 4102 Vols. 1-4. Scottish Border Minstrelsy. Vol. 9. Rokeby; Don Roderick. 5. Sir Tristrem. 10. Lord of the Isles. 6. Lay of the Last Minstrel. 11. Bridal of Triermain, &c. 7. Marmion. 12. Dramas. 8. Lady of the Lake. The same. Philadelphia, 1839. 6 v. 12~. 860 Vol. 1. Lay of the Last Minstrel; Ballads, Songs, &c. 2. Marmion; and Occasional Pieces. 3. Lady of the Lake; Vision of Don Roderick. 4. Rokeby; Bridal of Triermain. 6. Lord of the Isles; Field of Waterloo; Miscellanies. 6. Harold the Dauntless; Dramatic Pieces. Prose Works. Boston, 1829. 6 v. 120. 399 Vol. 1. Life of John Dryden. 2. Life of Jonathan Swift. 3, 4. Biographical Memoirs. 5. Paul's Letters to his Kinsfolk. 6. Chivalry, Romance, and the Drama. The same. Edinburgh, 1834. 28 v. 120. 4101 Vol. 1. Life of John Dryden. 2. Memoirs of Jonathan Swift. 3, 4. Memoirs of Eminent Novelists. 5. Paul's Letters to his Kinsfolk. 6. Chivalry, Romance, and the Drama. 7. Essay on Border Antiquities. 8-16. Life of Napoleon. 17-21. Periodical Criticism. 22-26. Tales of a Grandfather: Scotland. 27, 28. Tales of a Grandfather: France. H H 234 CATALOGUE OF THE Scott, Sir W. Waverley Novels. Boston, 1848. 54 v. in 27. 120. 999 Vols. 1, 2. Waverley. 3, 4. Guy Mannering. 5, 6. Antiquary. 7, 8. Rob Roy. 9, 10. Black Dwarf; Old Mortality. 11, 12. Heart of Mid-Lothian. Tales of My Landlord. 13, 14. Bride of Lammermoor; Legend of Montrose. 15, 16. Ivanhoe. 17, 18. Monastery. 19, 20. Abbot. 21, 22. Kenilworth. 23, 24. Pirate. 25, 26. Fortunes of Nigel. 27, 28. Peveril of the Peak. 29, 30. Quentin Durward. 31, 32. St. Ronan's Well. 33, 34. Red Gauntlet. 35, 36. Tales of the Crusaders: Betrothed; Talisman. 37, 38. Woodstock. 39, 40. Highland Widow; Two Drovers; Surgeon's ) Daughter. Chronicles of the Canongate. 41, 42. Saint Valentine's Day. 43, 44. Anne of Geierstein. 45, 46. Count Robert of Paris. 47, 48. Castle Dangerous. 49-52. Stories from Scottish History. Tales of a Grandfather. 53, 54. Stories from French History. ) The same. Edinburgh, 1849. 48 v. 120.. 4100 Vols. 1, 2. Waverley. 3, 4. Guy Mannering. 5, 6. Antiquary. 7, 8. Rob Roy. 9. Black Dwarf; Old Mortality. 10. Old Mortality. 11. Old Mortality; Heart of Mid-Lothian. 12. Heart of Mid-Lothian. Tales of My Landlord. 13. Heart of Mid-Lothian; Bride of Lammermoor. I 14. Bride of Lammermoor. 15. Legend of Montrose. 16, 17. Ivanhoe. 18, 19. Monastery. 20, 21. Abbot. 22, 23. Kenilworth. 24, 25. The Pirate. 26, 27. Fortunes of Nigel. 28-30. Peveril of the Peak. 31, 32. Quentin Durward. 33, 34. St. Ronan's Well. 35, 36. Red Gauntlet. 37. Betrothed. Tales of the Crusaders. 38. Talisman. 39, 40. Woodstock. 41. The Highland Widow; Two Drovers; My Aunt Margaret's Mirror; Tapestried Chamber; Laird's Jock. 42, 43. Fair Maid of Perth. 44, 45. Anne of Geierstein. 46, 47. Count Robert of Paris; Castle Dangerous. 48. Castle Dangerous; Surgeon's Daughter; Glossary for the Entire Work. The same. (Abbotsford Ed.) Edinb. 1850. 12 v. roy. 80. 4531 Vol. 1. Waverley; Guy Mannering. 2. Antiquary; Black Dwarf; Old Mortality. 3. Rob Roy; Heart of Mid-Lothian. 4. Bride of Lammermoor; Ivanhoe; Legend of Montrose. 5. Monastery; Abbot. 6. Kenilworth; Pirate. 7. Fortunes of Nigel; Peveril of the Peak. 8. Quentin Durward; St. Ronan's Well. 9. Red Gauntlet; Tales of the Crusaders. 10. Woodstock; Chronicles of Canongate. 11. Fair Maid of Perth; Anne of Geierstein. 12. Count Robert of Paris; Castle Dangerous, &c. Scott, Gen. Winfield. Life. E. D. Mansfield. New York, 1846. 120. 2598 and A. Jackson. Lives. J. T. Headley. New York, 1852. 120. 4985 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 235 Scott, William. Lessons in Elocution. Boston, 1814. 120. 957 Scott, Wm. B. Memoir of David Scott. Edinburgh, 1850. 80.. 5142 Scottish Adventurers. (No titlepage.) 120. 509 Scottish Bards. New York, 1854. 80.. 436 Scottish Biography, Popular. W. Anderson. Edinburgh, 1842. 120.. 3601 Scottish Chiefs. Jane Porter. Philadelphia, 1850. 3 v. in 1. 240~.. 29 The same. London, 1853. 2 v. 120.. 5697 Scottish Female Characters. J. Anderson. New York, 1851. 120.. 4471 Scottish History, Stories from. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1848. 4 v. 120~. 999, 49-52 The same. Edinburgh, 1849. 5 v. 120... 4101, 22-26 Scottish Language, Dictionary of. J. Jamieson. Edinburgh, 1846. 80.. 5137 Scottish Life, Lights and Shadows of. J. Wilson. New York, 1849. 120~. 394 Scottish Poets, Lives of; with portraits. London, 1821. 3 v. 160.. 78 Scottish Writers, Lives of. D. Irving. Edinburgh, 1850. 2 v. 120.. 6269 Scourge of the Ocean. Philadelphia, 1851. 80. 906 Scout; or, Black Riders of Congaree. W. G. Simms. N.Y. 1854. 120. 6226 Scouting Expeditions of Texas Rangers. S. C. Reid. Phil. 1847. 120.. 3085 Screw Propellers and their Steam Engines. J. W. Nystrom. Phil. 1852. 80~. 5085 Scriptural Heroes; Sketches of the Puritans. J. Stoughton. N.Y. 1848. 120~. 3171 Scripture Lands; with 24 Maps. J. Kitto. London, 1850. Post 80.. 4391 Scripture, Typology of. P. Fairbairn. Philadelphia, 1852. 2 v. 80.. 4710 Scriptures, Authenticity and Inspiration of. A. Alexander. Phil. 1850. 120~. 4744 Scriptures, Coincidences in. J. J. Blunt. New York, 1851. 80.. 4704 Scrivener, I.W. Laconia; or, Legends of White Mount. Boston, 1854. 120~. 6238 Sculpture and the Plastic Art. Boston, 1850. 120.... 3480 and Sculptors, Sketches of. Mrs. H. F. Lee. Bost. 1854. 2 v. 120~. 5590 Painting, and Architecture, Hist. of. J. S. Memes. Bos. 1834. 120~. 1003 Sea and the Sailor; Notes on France & Italy. W. Colton. N. Y. 1851. 120~. 4439 Sea King; a Nautical Romance. Philadelphia, 1851. 80.. 4132 Sea Lions; or, the Lost Sealers. J. F. Cooper. New York, 1849. 120. 3350 Sealsfield, C. Cabin Book. London, 1852. 120.. 2088 Seaman, E.C. Progress of Nations. New York, 1852. 120~... 4984 Seaman's Friend; Sea Terms, &c. R. H. Dana, jun. Boston, 1851. 12~. 4254 Sears, RI (Editor.) Pictorial Library. New York, 1847. 80... 4800 Pictorial Family Magazine. Vols. 3-5. NewYork, 1846-49. 80~. 4950 Seaside and Fireside. H. W. Longfellow. Boston, 1850. 120.. 3482 Seasons, The. J. Thomson. Boston, 1810. 160. 47 Book of. W. Howitt. Philadelphia, 1831. 160. 1048 Pictorial Calendar of. Mary Howitt. London, 1854. Post 80.. 5920 Second Love. Martha Martell. New York, 1851. 120..4157 Secret Belt of the Invisibles. A. Dumas. New York, 1848. 80.. 3534 Secret Church of Paris in 16th Century. M. A. S. Barber. Lon. 1851. 120~. 4608 Secret Foe. Ellen Pickering. Philadelphia, 1841. 2 v. 120... 2708 Secret History of the Court and Cabinet of St. Cloud. Phil. 1806. 80.. 349 Secret Journals of Congress of the Confederation. Boston, 1820. 2 v. 80~. 1274 Secret Memoirs of the Court of Petersburg. Philadelphia, 1802. 80. 611 The same. London, 1800. 2 v. 80.. 3647 Secret Passion. F. Williams. New York, 1848. 80.. 2806 236 CATALOGUE OF THE Secret Proceedings in the Convention at Philadelphia, 1787. Rich. 1839. 12~. 587 Sedgwick, Catherine M. Clarence. New York, 1849. 120.... 3423 Biog. and Poetical Remains of L. M. Davidson. N. Y. 1851. 120~. 1613 Home. Boston, 1841. 18~. 2196 Hope Leslie. New York, 1842. 2 v. 120. 188 Letters from Abroad. New York, 1841. 2 v. 120. 1626 Life of Lucretia M. Davidson. Boston, 1844. 12~... 1076, 7 Linwoods. New York, 1835. 2 v. 120. 1086 Live and Let Live. New York, 1837. 120... 918 Means and Ends; or, Self-Training. Boston, 1839. 120. 17 New England Tale, and Miscellanies. New York, 1852. 12~.. 4986 Poor Rich Man and Rich Poor Man. New York, 1836. 12~.. 103 Redwood. New York, 1850. 12~..3627 Tales and Sketches. Second Series. New York, 1844. 16~.. 809 Sedgwick, Mrs. Alida; or, Town and Country. New York, 1844. 80~. 2086 Allen Prescott. New York, 1834. 2 v. 120.... 466 Sedgwick, T. Discourse on the American Citizen. N. York, 1847. 80~. 3197 Public and Private Economy. New York, 1836-38. 2 v. 12~. 1125 Seer, The. L. Hunt. London, 1841. Roy. 80. 2614 Sega, J. True Civilization. Boston, 1830. 120. 3371 Segur, P. de. Expedition of Napoleon to Russia. N. Y. 1845. 2 v. 120~. 325 The same. (H.F.L.) New York, 1847. 2v. 120. 3683, 141, 142 History of Charles VIII. Philadelphia, 1842. 2 v. 120.. 3081 Selden, J. Table Talk. Cambridge, 1831. 120..383, 2 Select British Eloquence. C.A. Goodrich. New York, 1852. Roy. 80.. 5083 Select Circulating Library, Waldie's. Philadelphia, 1835-38. 4 v. 40~.. 2034 1835. Roscoe, T. Fall of Granada. Dutens, M. Memoirs of a Traveller. Sharp, R. Letters and Essays. Warren, S. Diary of a Physician. Burnes, A. Travels into Bokhara. Edom of the Prophecies. Pilcher, Mde. Siege of Vienna. Pardoe, Miss. City of the Sultan. Barham. R. I. My Cousin Nicholas. Revolt of the Tartars. Memes, J. S. Life of Wm. Cowper. Ritter C. Researches in Island of Hayti. Opie, Mrs. A. Tale of Trials. Stickney, Sarah. Pretension. Alexander, J. E. Sketches of Portugal. Respectability, a Tale. 1836. Groly, G. Tales of the St. Bernard. Ward, R. P. St. Lawrence. Marryat, F. Naval Annual. 1838. Ward, R. P. Fielding; or, Society. Campbell, T. Letters from the South. Gurney Papers. Keightley, T. The Crusaders. Johnson, W. R. Lecture on Schools of Art. Baillie, Joanna. New Dramas. Matthews, H. Diary of an Invalid. Boys, E. Captivity in France &Flanders. Landon, L. E. Ethel Churchill. Flint, T. Journal in Louisiana, 1835. Household Wreck, a Tale. Murray,Lady. Lives of G. & Lady Baillie. Hogarth, G. Musical Hist. and Biography. Barrow, G. Visit to Iceland, 1834. Reed, H. Lect. on Literary Opportunities. Raumer, F. von. England in 1835. Hopkinson, J. Lecture on Common Sense. Johnstone, Mrs. Clan Albin. Genlis, Mde. de. Memoirs of Marchioness Warren, S. Diary of a Physician. de Bonchamps. Madrid in 1835. Saintine, X. B. Picciola. Hall, B. Schloss Hainfeld. Pardoe, Miss. River and the Desert. Wraxall, Sir N. W. Posthumous Me- Brougham,H. George IV.& Queen Caroline. moirs of his own Time. Inglis, H. D. Rambles in Spain. West, Mrs. Gossip's Story. Kuzzilbash, a Tale of Khorasan. 1837. Cottin, Mde. The Saracen. Bethune, G. W. Lecture on Socrates. Wraxall, Sir N. W. Historical Memoirs. Ierve, F. Residence in Greece and Turkey. Marmaduke Paull. Gurney Papers. Mexican Antiquities. Mitchell, J. Life of Wallenstein. Gurney Papers. Tyson, J. R. Lecture on Am. Revolution. Dickinson, T. Wreck of the Thetis. Scoresby, Rev. Mr. Case of Capt. Stewart. Prior, J. Life of Goldsmith. Lamb, Miss. Mrs. Leicester's School. Guillemard, R. Advent. of Fr. Sergeant. Downing, C. T. Fan-Qui in China. Ainsworth, W. H. Crichton. Mulgrave, Lord. Yes and No. Carne, J. Letters from the East. Young, A. Memoir of N. Bowditch. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 237 Selborne, Natural History of. G. White. London, 1851. Post 8~.. 4178 The same. London, 1853. 120. 2192 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 120.. 3683, 147 Selby, P. J. Pigeons and Parrots. Edinburgh, 1843. 2 v. 120. 4901, 9, 10 Select Passages from Great Authors. London, 1852. 120.. 6273 Selections from Taylor, Latimer, Hall, &c. B. Montagu. N.Y. 1845. 120~. 2493 Self-Control; a Novel. Mary Brunton. Boston, 1848. 120.. 3128 The same. London, 1850. 12~. 5650 Self-Culture of Women. Maria G. Grey and Sister. Boston, 1851. 120~. 4195 Self-Deception; or, Hist. of a Human Heart. Mrs. Ellis. N.Y. 1851. 3v. 8~. 4014 Self-Education; or, Means of Moral Prog. Baron Degerando. Bost.1832. 120. 2255 Philosophy of. B. B. Thatcher. Boston, 1836. 120... 898 Self-Formation; or, the History of an Individual Mind. Bost. 1846. 120. 2557 Self-Made Men of America. J. Frost. New York, 1848. 120... 3176 Selkirk, J. Recollections of Ceylon. London, 1844. 80.... 4650 Semmes, R. Service Afloat and Ashore. Cincinnati, 1851. 120... 4319 Senator's Son; or, the Maine Law. M. V. Fuller. Cleveland, 1853. 120. 5324 Sense and Sensibility. Jane Austen. London, 1853. 120.. 5690 The same. Philadelphia, 1838. 80. 1585, 2 Seraphim, and other Poems. Elizabeth B. Barrett. London, 1838. 120~. 2475 Sergeant, J. Select Speeches. Philadelphia, 1832. 80. 1409 Serious Call to a Holy and Devout Life. W. Law. Boston, 1818. 120.. 329 Sermons to Asses, &c. J. Murray. London, 1819. 80.. 1364 Serpent Symbol. E. G. Squier. New York, 1851. 80... 4118 Servia, History of. L. Ranke. London, 1853. Post 8~... 5921 Service Afloat; Narrative of a British Naval Officer. Phil. 1833. 80. 1357, 2 Service Afloat and Ashore duringMex. War. R. Semmes. Cin. 1851. 120. 4319 Servitude, Dissertation on. L. A. Sawyer. New Haven, 1837. 120.. 1536 Seven Brothers of Wyoming. New York, 1852. 80. 629 Seven Capital Sins. E. Sue. New York, 1849. 80. 2896 Pride; Avarice; Anger; Envy; Voluptuous. Seven Lamps of Architecture. J. Ruskin. New York, 1849. 120... 2910 1776; or, the War of Independence. B. J. Lossing. New York, 1847. 80. 2818 S6vign6, Mde. de, and her Contemporaries. Philadelphia, 1842. 2 v. 120. 1680 Sewall, J. M. Miscellaneous Poems. Portsmouth, 1801. 120... 97 Sewall, J. Massachusettensis; a Political Essay. Boston, 1819. 80.. 781 Sewall, T. Examination of Phrenology. Washington, 1837. 80... 1647 Seward, Anna, Memoirs of. E. Darwin. Philadelphia, 1804. 80... 712 Seward, W. H. Life and Public Services of J. Q. Adams. Aub. 1849. 120. 2908 Works. Edited by G.E. Baker. New York, 1853. 3 v... 5388 Vol. 1. Biographical Memoir; Speeches in New York Senate; Speeches in the United States Senate; Debates in the United States Senate; Forensic Arguments. 2. Notes on New York; State Papers; Official Correspondence; Pardon Papers. 3. Orations and Discourses; Occasional Speeches and Addresses; Executive Speeches; Political Writings; General Correspondence; Letters from Europe; Speeches in the United States Senate. Sewel, W. History of the Quakers. New York, 1844. 2 v. 80.. 3217 Sewell, E. M. Amy Herbert. New York, 1853. 120... 6225 238 CATALOGUE OF THE Sewell, E. M. Child's First History of Rome. New York, 1849. 12~.. 3310 Earl's Daughter. New York, 1850. 120.. 3886 Experience of Life. New York, 1853. 120.... 5196 First History of Greece. New York, 1853. 160..5. 5201 Gertrude. New York, 1845. 120.. 2481 Katharine Ashton. New York, 1854. 2 v. 120. 6167 Laneton Parsonage. New York, 1846. 2 v. 120.. 2912 Sewell, J. Steam and Locomotion. London, 1852. 120.... 6086 Seybert, A. Statistical Annals of the United States. Phil. 1818. 40.. 2032 Seymour, E. S. Sketches of Minnesota. New York, 1850. 120... 3512 Seymour, M. H. Mornings among the Jesuits at Rome. N.Y. 1849. 12~. 3401 Sforzosi, L. History of Italy. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 120~. 3683, 79 Sganzin, M. I. Civil Engineering. Boston, 1827. 80.. 2877 Shabby Genteel Story. W. M. Thackeray. New York, 1852. 120.. 5019 Shady Side; or, Life in a Parsonage. Mary S. Hubbell. Bost. 1853. 120. 5252 Shakers, Lines in Verse about. New York, 1846. 80. 3197 Testimony of Christ's Second Appearing. Union Village, 1823. 120. 3052 Two Years among the. D. R. Lamson. West Boylston, 1848. 120. 2456 Shakspeare, W., and the Dramatists. S. T. Coleridge. N.Y. 1853. 120. 5561, 4 and his Friends. R. F. Williams. Paris, 1838. 80. 1059 and his Times. M. Guizot. New York, 1852. 120. 5194 and his Times. N. Drake. Paris, 1838. 80.. 4513 Beauties of. W. Dodd. London, n. d. 180~. 2207 Biography. C. Knight. London, 1851. 80.. 5463 Birth-Town of. G. May. Evesham, 1847. 120... 4026 Characters of his Plays. W. Hazlitt. Boston, 1818. 120... 2154 Commentaries oftheHist. Plays. T.P.Courtenay. Lon.1840. 2 v. 120. 1112 Concordance to. Mary Cowden Clarke. Boston, 1854. Roy. 8~.. 5973 Dramatic Art of. H. Ulrici. London, 1846. 80.. 3956 Dramatic Works. Boston, 1836. 7 v. roy. 8~.. 2770 Vol. 1. Tempest; Two Gentlemen of Verona; Merry Wives of Windsor; Twelfth Night; Measure for Measure; Much Ado about Nothing. 2. Midsummer Night's Dream; Love's Labor Lost; Merchant of Venice; As You Like It; All's Well that End's Well; Taming the Shrew. 3. Winter's Tale; Comedy of Errors; Macbeth; King John; King Richard II.; King Henry IV., Part First. 4. King Henry IV., Part Second; King Henry V.; King Henry VI. 6. King Richard III.; King Henry VIII.; Troilus and Cressida; Timon of Athens; Coriolanus., 6. Julius Csesar; Anthony and Cleopatra; Cymbeline; Titus Andronicus; Pericles. 7. King Lear; Romeo and Juliet; Hamlet; Othello. The same. Cheswick, 1826. 10 v. 120. 1836 Vol. 1. Tempest; Two Gentlemen of Verona; Merry Wives of Windsor; Twelfth Night. 2. Measure for Measure; Much Ado about Nothing; Midsummer Night's Dream; Love's Labor Lost. 3. Merchant of Venice; As You Like It; All's Well that Ends Well; Taming the Shrew. 4. Winter's Tale; Comedy of Errors; Macbeth; King John. 5. King Richard II.; King Henry IV.; King Henry V. 6. King Henry VI. 7. King Richard III.; King Henry VIII.; Troilus and Cressida. 8. Timon of Athens; Coriolanus; Julius Ceesar; Anthony and Cleopatra. 9. Cymbeline; Titus Andronicus; Pericles; King Lear. 10. Romeo and Juliet; Hamlet; Othello. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 239 Shakspeare, W. Dramatic Works. New York, 1846. 6 v. 120... 1845 Vol. 1. Life of Author; Tempest; Two Gentlemen of Verona; Merry Wives of Windsor; Measure for Measure; Comedy of Errors; Merchant of Venice. 2. As You Like It; Midsummer Night's Dream; Much Ado about Nothing; Love's Labor Lost; Taming the Shrew; All's Well that Ends Well; Twelfth Night. 3. Winter's Tale; Macbeth; King John; King Richard II.; King Henry IV. 4. King Henry V.; King Henry VI.; King Richard III.; King Henry VIII. 5. Coriolanus; Julius Coesar; Anthony and Cleopatra; Timon of Athens; Titus Andronicus; Troilus and Cressida. 6. Cymbeline; King Lear; Romeo and Juliet; Hamlet; Othello; Pericles. The same. New York, 1825. 10 v. 120.. ~.. 938 Vol. 1. Life; Tempest; Two Gentlemen of Verona; Merry Wives of Windsor. 2. Measure for Measure; Comedy of Errors; Merchant of Venice; As You Like It. 3. Midsummer Night's Dream; Much Ado about Nothing; Love's Labor Lost; Taming the Shrew. 4. (Missing.) 5. King John; Richard II.; Henry IV. 6. Henry V.; Henry VI. 7. Richard III.; Henry VIII.; Coriolanus. 8. Julius Cwesar; Anthony and Cleopatra; Timon of Athens; Titus Andronicus. 9. Troilus and Cressida; Cymbeline; King Lear; Romeo and Juliet. 10. Hamlet; Othello; Pericles. Heroines, Girlhood of. Mary C. Clarke. New York, 1852. 2 v. 120~. 4450 *Illustrations of. London, 1826-29. 4..... 1576 Lectures on. H. N. Hudson. New York, 1848. 2 v. 12~... 3112 Library. Collected by J. P. Collier. London, 1843. 2 v. 8~.. 4656 Life and Beauties of. W. Dodd. Boston, 1850. 120.... 880 Notes and Emendations on. J. P. Collier. New York, 1853. 120. 5286 Outline Illustrations of. F. Howard. London, 1833. 5 v. 80.. 5480 Quotations, Dictionary of. Philadelphia, 1851. 120.... 4454 Remarks on Collier's and Knight's. A. Dyce. Lond. 1844. 80.. 1115 Scholar. R. G. White. New York, 1854. 80.. 5989 Studies of. C. Knight. London, 1851. 80.. 6464 Supplement to the Plays. New York, 1848. Roy. 80... 2886 Vindicated from Collier's Corrections. S. W. Singer. Lond. 1852. 80. 6490 Wisdom and Genius of. T. Price. Philadelphia, 1839. 80~.. 2458 Works, complete in one vol. London, 1850. 80... 1965 Works. Edited by J. P. Collier. New York, 1853. Roy. 80.. 5432 Works. Ed. by N. H. Hudson. Bost. 1851. 11 v. [only 6 pub.] 120. 4421 Vol. 1. Tempest; Two Gentlemen of Verona; Merry Wives of Windsor; Twelfth Night. 2. Measure for Measure; Much Ado About Nothing; Midsummer Night's Dream; Love's Labor Lost. 3. Merchant of Venice; As You Like It; All's Well that Ends Well; Taming the Shrew. 4. Winter's Tale; Comedy of Errors; Macbeth; King John. 5. King Richard II.; King Henry IV. 6. King Henry VI. Youth of. F. Williams. New York, 1847. 80.~. 2807 Shakspeare Society's Publications. London, 1853. 18 v. 80.... 6020 Vol. 1. Papers of the Shakspeare Society. 2. Illustrations of the Fairy Mythology of Midsummer Night's Dream. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. 3. Collier, J. P. Lives of the Original Actors of Shakspeare's Plays. 4. Eight Novels employed by English Dramatic Poets in the Reign o Elizabeth. 240 CATALOGUE OF THE Shakspeare Society's Publications continued. 5. Thynn's Debate between Pride and Lowliness; Ghost of Richard III.; Tracts by John Ford. 6. Simrock, M. K. Remarks on the Plots of Shakspeare's Plays; Shakspeare's Henry IV. 7. Diary of Philip Henslowe, from 1591 to 1609. 8. Memoirs of Edward Alleyn. 9. Chester Plays, a Collection of Mysteries. 10. Coventry Mysteries; Marriage of Wit and Wisdom; Moral Play of Wit and Science. 11. Ralph Roister Doister; Gorboduc; Timon; Sir Thomas More; Patient Grissil. 12. Taming of a Shrew; First Sketch of the Merry Wives of Windsor; First Sketches of Second and Third Parts of Henry VI.; True Tragedy of Richard III. 13. Dramatic Works of Thomas Heywood, viz.: Edward IV; Fair Maid of the Exchange; Fortune by Land and Sea; Fair Maid of the West. 14. Heywood's Dramatic Works (continued): Royal King and Loyal Subject; A Woman Killed with Kindness; If You Know not Me, You Know Nobody; The Golden Age; The Silver Age. 15. Extracts from the Registers of the Stationers' Company, from 1557 to 1587. 16. Life of Inigo Jones, by Peter Cunningham; Ben Jonson's Conversations with Drummond of Hawthornden. 17. Revels at Court; Tarlton's Jests and Tarleton's News out of Purgatory. 18. Early Treatises on the Stage, viz.: Northbrooke's Treatise against Dicing, Dancing, Plays, and Interludes; Gosson School of Abuse; Heywood's Defence of Stage Plays. Shannondale. Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth. New York, 1851. 80.. 4013 Sharp, D. Tribute to J. Q. Adams. Boston, 1848. 80... 3533 Sharp, G., Memoir of. C. Stuart. New York, 1836. 120.. 1534 Sharpe, S. History of Egypt under the Ptolemies. London, 1838. 40.. 3611 Sharpe's London Journal. Vols. 9-13. London, 1849-53. 80.. 4009 Shattuck, L. Census Report of Boston, 1845. Boston, 1846. 80... 2736 History of Concord, Mass. Boston, 1835. 80.. 2811 Shaw, C. Description of Boston. Boston, 1817. 120. 848 Shaw, S. Journals; with Life by J. Quincy. Boston, 1847. 80.. 2810 Shaw, T. B. Outlines of English Literature. Philadelphia, 1849. 12~.. 3277 Shay's Rebellion in Massachusetts, 1786. G.*R. Minot. Boston, 1810. 80~. 1336 Shea, J. G. Discovery and Exploration of Mississippi Valley. N.Y. 1852. 8~. 4953 Sheep, The; with Illustrations. London, n. d. Roy. 80... 3635, 2 Sheil, R. L. Sketches of the Irish Bar. New York, 1854. 2 v. 120.. 5755 Shelley, B. P. Essays, Letters from Abroad, &c. Phil. 1840. 2 v. 120. 1540 Poetical Works. Philadelphia, 1844. 80. 581 Poetical Works. Edited by Mrs. Shelley. London, 1839. 4 v. 120. 2385 Shelley, Mrs. M. W. Frankenstein. London, 1853. 120.. 5698 The same. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 v. 120. 2333 Lives of Eminent French Writers. Philadelphia, 1840. 2 v. 120. 1140 and others. Literary Men of Italy. Philadelphia, 1841. 2 v. 120. 2135 Shells, Recent and Fossil. S. P. Woodward. London, 1851. 120.. 6083 Shelton, F. W. Crystalline. New York, 1854. 120...5813 Rector of St. Bardolph's. New York, 1853. 120.. 5079 Salander and the Dragon. New York, 1852. 160.. 4398 Up the River. New York, 1853. 120.... 5595 Shenstone, W. Essays on Men and Manners. Philadelphia, 1804. 120. 2336 Shepard, I. F. Scenes and Songs of Social Life. Boston, 1846. 120.. 2929 Sheppard Lee. New York, 1836. 2 v. 120. 231 Sherburne, J. H. Life and Character of J. Paul Jones. Wash. 1825. 80. 679 3MERtCANTILE LIBRARY. 241 Sherburne, J. H. Life and Character of J. Paul Jones. N.Y. 1851. 80~. 4316 Pencillings in England and on the Continent. Phil. 1847. 120.. 2978 Sheridan, R. B. Life and Dramatic Works. London, 1852. Post 80.. 2660 The same. London, 1848. Post 80... 4377 Memoirs of. T. Moore. New York, 1853. 2 v. 120... 1372 Selection of Speeches. London, 1853. Roy. 80.. 5482 Speeches. London, 1842. 3 v. 80.. 3589 Sheridan, T. Lectures on Elocution. London, 1798. 80. 5012 Sherman, J. Memoir of Winm. Allen. London, 1851. 120. 4284 Sherwood, Mrs. Roxobel. New York, 1831. 3 v. 120.. 92 Shetland and the Shetlanders. Catherine Sinclair. New York, 1840. 120~. 1896 Shillaber, B. P. Life and Sayings of Mrs. Partington. N.Y. 1854. 120~. 5925 Rhymes with Reasons and Without. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5323 Ship and Shore. W. Colton. New York, 1835. 120. 1084 Ship-Building. J. Peake. London, 1850. 2 v. 120. 6071 Shipmaster's Assistant. London, 1808. 80. 644 Shipmaster's Assistant. J. Blunt. New York, 1848. 80. 3242 Ships, Masting, Mast-making, and Rigging of. R. Kipping. Lon. 1854. 120~. 6072 and Boats, Forms of. W. Bland. London, 1853. 120.. 6094 Shipwreck by Lightning. R. B. Forbes. Boston, 1853. 80. 5404 of the Ship Oswego. J. Paddock. New York, 1818. 8~... 1297 Shipp, J., Military Career of. New York, 1829. 2 v. 120. 528 Shirley; a Tale. Caroline Bronte. New York, 1850. 80. 2865 Shoemakers, Lives of Distinguished. Portland, 1849. 12~.. 3280 Shooting, Hints to Sportsmen on. E. J. Lewis. Phil. 1851. 120... 4167 and Guns. P. Hawker. Philadelphia, 1853. 80... 5933 Short, T. V. History of the Church of England. Philadelphia, 1843. 80~. 3606 Shortland, E. Southern Districts of New Zealand. Lond. 1851. 120~.. 4463 Shoulder-Knot. B. F. Tefft. New York, 1850. 120.. 3876 Shrewsbury, Mass., History of. A. H. Ward. Boston, 1847. 80.. 2844 Siam, Residence in. F. A. Neale. London, 1852. 120... 5261 andCochin-China, Embassyto. J. Crawfurd. Lond. 1830. 2 v. 8~. 4816 Siamese Twins. E. L. Bulwer. New York, 1831. 120~..... 549 Siberia, Exile into. A. von Kotzebue. New York, 1802. 120... 871 Travels in. A. Erman. Philadelphia, 1850. 2 v. 120... 3853 Sibley, J. L. History of Union, Maine. Boston, 1851. 120.... 4434 Siborne, W. War in France and Belgium, 1815. Phil. 1845. 80... 2711 Sichel, J. Spectacles; their Uses and Abuses. Boston, 1850. 8~... 3967 Sicily; a Pilgrimage. H. T. Tuckerman. New York, 1852. 120... 4911 and Malta, Tour through. P. Brydone. London, 1775. 2 v. 80.. 681 Sicilian Vespers, War of the. M. Amari. London, 1850. 3 v. 120.. 4587 Sickness and Health of the People of Bleaburn. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5236 Siddons, Mrs. Life. T. Campbell. New York, 1834. 120.... 1165 Sidereal Heavens. T. Dick. Philadelphia, 1845. 120.... 2357, 8 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 120... 3683, 99 Sidmouth, Lord, Life and Corres. of. G. Pellew. London, 1847. 3 v. 80. 4133 Sidney, Alger. Discourses on Government. New York, 1805. 3 v. 80. 793 Life. G. Van Santvoord. New York, 1851. 120... 4177 I I 242 CATALOGUE OF THE Sidney, E. Life of Rowland Hill. New York, 1834. 120... 2919 Sidney, H. Diary of the Times of Charles II. London, 1843. 2 v. 8~.. 4673 Sidney, Sir P. Defence of Poesy. Cambridge, 1831. 120.. 383, 2 and H. Languet, Corres. of. Ed. by S. A. Pears. Lond. 1845. 80~. 2667 Sidney, S. Three Colonies of Australia. London, 1853. 80.~.. 5153 Siebold, C. T. von. Anatomy of the Invertebrata. Boston, 1854. 80~.. 5891 Siege of Gibraltar, History of. Philadelphia, 1789. 120.... 98 Sieges in Spain & Portugal under Wellington. Sir J.T.Jones. Lon.1846. 3v.80. 5132 Sierra Leone and Gambia, Life in. T. E. Poole. London, 1850. 2 v. 120. 4583 Sights and Sounds; the Mystery of the Day. H. Spicer. Lond. 1853. 120~. 5255 Signers of Dec. of Independence, Lives of. B. J. Lossing. N.Y. 1848. 120~. 1778 The same. C. A. Goodrich. Hartford, 1840. 120.. 3069 Sigourney, Mrs. L. H. Examples of Life and Death. N.Y. 1852. 120.. 4748 Letters to my Pupils. New York, 1851. 120. 4424 Myrtis, with other Prose Writings. New York, 1846. 120... 2932 Olive Leaves. New York, 1852. 120. 4479 Pleasant Memories of Pleasant Lands. Boston, 1844. 12~... 1837 Select Poems. Philadelphia, 1848. 120.. 3328 Scenes in my Native Land. Boston, 1845. 120.. 2299 Water-Drops. New York, 1848. 120.. 3062 Silk Culturist's Manual. J. D'Homergue. Philadelphia, 1839. 120. 1625 Silk, Third Massachusetts Report on. H. Colman. Boston, 1840. 80~.. 1607 Silliman, B. Travels in Europe in 1805-6. New Haven, 1820. 3 v. 120~. 378 (Ed.) American Journal of Science. N. Haven, 1836-54. 39 v. 80. 921 Visit to Europe in 1851. New York, 1853. 2 v. 120... 5519 Silliman, B., jun. First Principles of Chemistry. Philadelphia, 1849. 120~. 3015 Silver Cup of Sparkling Drops. Ed. by Miss C. B. Porter. Buff. 1852. 120~. 4449 Silver-Knife. J. H. Robinson. Boston, 1854. 120. 5820 Simcoe, J. G. Military Journal during the Am. Revolution. N.Y. 1844. 80~. 1983 Simms, J. R. Trappers of New York. Albany, 1851. 120... 4484 Simms,W. G. Beauchampe; or, the Kentucky Tragedy. Phil. 1842. 2 v.120~. 1678 Border Beagles; a Tale of Mississippi. Philadelphia, 1840. 2 v. 12~. 1465 Count Julian; or, Last Days of the Goth. Baltimore, 1845. 80.. 2738 Damsel of Darien. Philadelphia, 1839. 2 v. 120... 1181 Egeria; or, Voices of Thought and Counsel. Phil. 1853. 120.. 5527 Katherine Walton. New York, 1854. 120.. 5877 The same. Philadelphia, 1851. 80. 4514 Kinsman; or, Black Riders of Congaree. Phil. 1841. 2 v. 120.. 1598 Life of Chevalier Bayard. New York, 1847. 120. 3098 Life of Gen. Nath. Green. New York, 1849. 120. 3665 Life of Francis Marion. New York, 1844. 120.. 2182 Life of Capt. John Smith. New York, 1846. 120... 2983 Lily and the Totem. New York, 1850. 120..... 3921 Marie de Berniere. Philadelphia, 1853. 120.... 5301 Martin Faber, and other Tales. Philadelphia, 1846. 2 v. 120.. 207 Melichampe; a Legend of the Santee. New York, 1854. 120.. 269 Norman Maurice; a Drama. Philadelphia, 1853. 120... 5366 Partisan; a Tale of the Revolution. New York, 1854. 120.. 1099 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 243 Simms, W. G. Pelayo; a Story of the Goth. New York, 1838. 2 v. 120. 1144 Poems. New York, 1853. 2 v. 120.. 5762 Vol. 1. Norman Maurice, a Tragedy; Atlantis, a Tale of the Sea; Tales and Traditions of the South; City of the Silent. 2. Southern Passages and Pictures; Historical and Dramatic Sketches; Scripture Legends; Francesca da Rimini. Scout; or, Black Riders of Congaree. New York, 1854. 120~.. 6226 Sword and the Distaff. Philadelphia, 1853. 120... 5341 Views and Reviews in American Literature. N. York, 1845. 120. 2582 Wigwam and the Cabin. Philadelphia, 1853. 120.. 2486 Woodcraft; or, Hawks about the Dovecote. New York, 1854. 120~. 6248 Yemassee; a Romance of Carolina. New York, 1854. 120.. 1142 Simond, L. Tour in Great Britain, 1810-11. Edinburgh, 1817. 2 v. 8~. 677 Tour and Residence in Switzerland, 1817-19. Bost. 1822. 2 v. 80~. 702 Simmons, P. L. Colonial Magazine. Vols. 1-6. London, 1845-46. 8~. 3218 Sir John Franklin'and Arctic Regions. Buffalo, 1852. 12~. 968 Simonds, W. Clinton; a Book for Boys. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5620 Simple Story. Mrs. Eliza Inchbald. London, 1851. 120.. 5655 Simpson, J. H. Exped. from Santa FB to Navajo Country. Phil. 1852. 80~. 3586 Simpson, R. Traditions of the Covenanters. Edinburgh, 1850. 12~.. 4265 Simpson, S. Workingman's Manual. Philadelphia, 1831. 80~... 4020 Simpson, T. Discoveries on the North Coast of America. Lon. 1843. 8~. 4344 Life and Travels of. A. Simpson. London, 1845. 8~0.. 4684 Sinclair, Catherine. Beatrice; or, Unknown Relatives. N.Y. 1853. 120~. 5257 Country Hospitalities. Philadelphia, 1851. 120.. 4016 Jane Bouverie. New York, 1851. 120.. 3798 Kaleidoscope of Anecdotes and Aphorisms. London, 1851. 120.. 4400 Modern Accomplishments; or, March of Intellect. N.Y. 1849. 120. 3426 Modern Flirtations. New York, 1853. 120... 5335 Modern Society (Sequel to Modern Accomp.). N. Y. 1849. 120.. 3425 Scotland and the Scotch. New York, 1840. 120~. 2414 Shetland and the Shetlanders. New York, 1840. 120. 1896 Sir Edward Graham. New York, 1850. 80. 3972 Sinclair, Sir J. Code of Health and Longevity. London, 1844. 8~.. 4944 Singer, S.W. Shakspeare vindicatedfrom Collier's Correc. Lon. 1853. 120~. 5490 Single Blessedness. New York, 1852. 12~.. 4854 Singleton Fontenoy. J. Hannay. New York, 1851. 80. 4006 Sir Edward Graham. Catherine Sinclair. New York, 1850. 80~... 3972 Sir Jasper Carew, Knt. C. Lever. New York, 1854. 80. 5965 Sir Ralph Esher. L. Hunt. London, 1853. 120.... 5737 Sir Roger de Coverley. From the Spectator. Boston, 1852. 120... 4493 Sir Tristrem; a Musical Romance. Sir W. Scott. Edinburgh, 1848. 120~. 4102, 5 Sir Theodore Broughton; or, Laurel Water. G. P.R. James. N.Y. 1848. 80. 2887 Sirr, H.C. China and the Chinese. London, 1849. 2 v. 80... 4822 Sierra Leone, Visit to, 1834. F. H. Rankin. Philadelphia, 1836. 8~. 2228, 2 Sismondi, J. C. L. de. Fall of the Roman Empire. Lond. 1834. 2 v. 120. 2381 History of the Italian Republics. London, 1832. 120.. 2382 Literature of the South of Europe. London, 1823. 4 v. 80.. 2233 Sister Agnes; or, the Captive Nun. New York, 1854. 120.... 6201 244 CATALOGUE OF THE Sisters; or, England and France. New York, 1846. 80. 2746 Sisters; or, the Fatal Marriages. H. Cockton. New York, 1851. 8~.. 4151 Six Months in Italy. G. S. Hillard. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 123.. 5505 Six Years Later. A. Dumas. Philadelphia, 1853. 80.. 5407 Sketch Book. WV. Irving. New York, 1849. 120. 1206 The same. New York, 1850. 12~. 3370 Sketches and Rambles. J. T. Headley. New York, 1850. 12~.. 3655 and Recollections. J. Poole. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 v. 120.. 1098 and Stories from Life. Mrs. H. F. Lee. Boston, 1850. 120~.. 3490 by a Traveller. Boston, 1830. 120. 359 from Life. L. Blanchard. New York, 1846. 120. 2548 from a Student's Window. S. L. Goodrich. Boston, 1841. 12~. 2302 in France. A. Dumas. Philadelphia, 1852. 80.. 4693 in Ireland. WV. M. Thackeray. Philadelphia, 1843. 80.. 1750 of American Character. S. J. Hale. Boston, 1829. 180.. 176 of American Society, by Seatsfield. New York, 1844. 80~.. 2081 of Every-Day Life. Fredrika Bremer. New York, 1848. 80.. 2072 of Every-Day Life. C. Dickens. Philadelphia, 1849. 80... 843 of Irish Character. Mrs. S. C. Hall. New York, 1829. 12~.. 2105 of Life and Character. T. S. Arthur. Philadelphia, 1850. 80.. 3634 of Married Life. Mrs. E. L. Follen. Boston, 1841. 120... 1866 of Paris, by an American. Philadelphia, 1838. 120... 370 of Public Characters. I. L. Robinson. New York, 1830. 120.. 562 of a Seaport Town. H. F. Chorley. Phil. 1836. 2 v. 120.. 436 Skin and the Hair, Treatise on. E. Wilson. Philadelphia, 1854. 120.. 6177 Skinner, J. S. (Editor). Plough, Loom, and Anvil. Vol. 1. Phil. 1848. 8~. 3409 Skinner, Major. Overland Journey to India. Philadelphia, 1837. 12~. 913 Slack, H. J. Ministry of the Beautiful. Philadelphia, 1850. 120... 4068 Slade, A. Turkey and the Turks. New York, 1854. 120.... 5807 Slater, S., Memoir of. G. S. White. Philadelphia, 1836. 80... 1237 Slave Trade, African. T. F. Buxton. Philadelphia, 1839. 12~... 1527 History of the Abolition of. T. Clarkson. N. York, 1836. 3 v. 120. 1548 Slaver, Twenty Years of an African. Ed. by B. Mayer. N. Y. 1854. 120. 6199 Slavery. W. E. Channing. Boston, 1835. 120... 1118 and Abolitionists. Catherine E. Beecher. Phil. 1837. 12~.. 1509 Arguments for. Harper, Hammond, and others. Phil. 1853. 12~. 5361 as it Is; Testimony of 1000 Witnesses. New York, 1839. O.. 1443 Character and Relations of. L.A. Sawyer. N. Haven, 1837. 120~. 1536 Federal Government in behalf of. W. Jay. N. Y. 1839. 120~.. 1547 Illustrated in its Effects upon Woman. Boston, 1837. 120... 1519 in the United States. J. K. Paulding. New York, 1836. 120~.. 242 in the United States, Picture of. G. Bourne. Boston, 1838. 120. 1524 Letters on. Angelina E. Grimk6. Boston, 1838. 120... 1531 Letters on American. J. Rankin. Boston, 1838. 12~... 1546 Letters on, to Wm. Jay. D. M. Reese. New York, 1835. 12~.. 2600 Letters and Speeches on. H. Mann. Boston, 1851.... 4623 Miscellaneous Writings on. W. Jay. Boston, 1853. 120... 5333 Question. E. P. Barrows, jun. New York, 1836. 160... 1505 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 245 Slavery, Testimony of God against. La R. Sunderland. N.Y. 1839. 160~. 1511 Treatise on the Law of. J.D. Wheeler. N. York, 1837. Roy. 8~. 1352 Unconstitutionality of. G. W. F. Mellen. Boston, 1841. 120.. 2094 Sleep Psychologically Considered. B. Fosgate. New York, 1850. 120.. 3894 Sleeper, J. S. Salt Water Bubbles. Boston, 1854. 120.... 6213 Smalley, E. Worcester Pulpit. Boston, 1851. 120. 4211 Smeaton, A. C. Builder's Pocket Companion. Philadelphia, 1852. 120. 5003 Smedley, E. Sketches of Venetian Hist. (H.F.L.) N.Y. 1846. 2 v. 120. 3683, 43, 44 Smedley, F. Colville Family. New York, 1853. 120. 5517 Frank Fairlegh. New York, 1850. 80.. 3997 Harry Coverdale's Courtship. New York, 1853. 120.. 5363 Lewis Arundel; or, Railroad of Life. New York, 1851. 8~.. 4518 Smee, A. Elements of Electro-Metallurgy. New York, 1852. 120~.. 985 Smellie, W. Philosophy of Natural History. Boston, 1829. 80. 1414 Smith, Adam. Life. London, 1833. 80. 602 Wealth of Nations; with Life. London, 1850. 8~. 676 Smith, Albert. Adventures of Christopher Tadpole. N. York, 1848. 8~. 2897 Adventures of Mr. Ledbury. London, 1853. 120.. 5734 Marchioness of Brinvilliers. London, 1852. 120.. 5680 Month at Constantinople. Boston, 1852. 120. 391 Pottleton Legacy. London, 1850. 120.. 5031 Story of Mont Blanc. New York, 1853. 120.. 5515 Smith, Alexander. Poems. Boston, 1853. 120. 5321 Smith, Capt. Alexander. Life, by Himself. Boston, 1819. 12~. 1042 Smith, C. B. Life in Earnest. Hartford, 1848. 12~. 3172 Smith, C. H. Dogs. Edinburgh, 1843. 2 v. 120. 4901, 18, 19 Horses, Asses, &c. Edinburgh, 1843. 120..4901, 20 Introduction to Mammalia. Edinburgh, 1843. 12~... 4901, 15 Natural History of the Human Species. Boston, 1851. 120.. 4476 Smith, E. Character of Jesus Christ. Boston, 1814. 120... 310 Smith, Elizabeth E. Three Eras of Woman's Life. New York, 1836. 12~. 230 Smith, Elizabeth O. Bertha and Lily. New York, 1854. 120.. 6172 Smith, E. P. Manual of Political Economy. New York, 1853. 12~. 5. 337 Smith, F. G. Domestic Medicine and Surgery. Philadelphia, 1851. 12~. 474 Smith, G. Consular Cities of China. London, 1847. 80... 4960 Smith, Horace. Arthur Arundel. New York, 1844. 120.. 212 Adam Brown, the Merchant. New York, 1843. 8~. 2762 Gaieties and Gravities. New York, 1852. 120. 1011 Gale Middleton. Philadelphia, 1834. 2 v. 12~. 606 Love and Mesmerism. New York, 1846. 80. 2647 New Forest. New York, 1829. 2 v. 120. 515 Tales of the Early Ages. New York, 1832. 2 v. 12~.. 3578 Tor Hill. New York, 1837. 120. 494 and James. Horace in London. Boston, 1813. 18~... 162 and James. Rejected Addresses. Boston, 1841. 120.. 1565 Smith, Horatio. Festivals, Games, &c. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1846. 120. 3683, 25 Smith, James. Memoirs, Letters, and Comic Miscel. Phil. 1841. 2 v. 120. 1137 Rural Records; or, Glimpses of Village Life. London, 1845. 120. 3137 246 CATALOGUE OF THE Smith, Jeremiah. Life. J. H. Morison. Boston, 1845. 120... 2353 Smith, Captain John. Life. G. S. Hillard. Boston, 1838. 120.. 1076, 2 Life. W. G. Simms. New York, 1846. 120. 2983 Smith, J. F. Amy Lawrence, the Freemason's Daughter. N.Y. 1852. 8~. 4695 Fred Arden; or, the Jesuit's Revenge. New York, 1854. 80.. 6028 Harry Ashton. New York, 1853. 8~.. 5465 Stanfield Hall. New York, 1851. 8~..3804 Woman and her Master. New York, 1854. 80. 5932 *Smith, J.J. Designsfor Monuments and Mural Tablets. N.Y. 1846. 40~. 4857 Smith, J. S. Mirabeau; a Life History. Philadelphia, 1848. 12~.. 3152 Smith, J. T. Antiquarian Ramble in London. London, 1846. 2 v. 8~0. 4343 Smith, J. V. C. Pilgrimage to Egypt. Boston, 1852. 120... 254 Pilgrimage to Palestine. Boston, 1853. 120.... 5184 Scientific Tracts and Family Lyceum. Vol. 2. Boston, 1834. 120~. 859 Turkey and the Turks. Boston, 1854. 120.... 850 Smith, J. W. Compendium of Mercantile Law. New York, 1850. 8~. 4305 Smith, M. Geographical View of Upper Canada. Phil. 1813. 120. 484 Smith, R. A. Philadelphia as it Is in 1852. Philadelphia, 1852. 120.. 4788 Smith, S. Louisa P. Poems. Providence, 1829. 120. 438 Smith, Thomas, Journals of, 1720-1788. Portland, 1821. 12~... 497 and S. Deane, Journals of. Ed. by W. Willis. Portland, 1849. 80. 3605 Smith, Seba. Powhatan; a Metrical Romance. New York, 1841. 120.. 157 Sinless Child, and other Poems. New York, 1843. 120... 2370 Smith, Sydney. Essays, Speeches, and other Writings. Phil. 1848. 80. 3418, 3 Miscellaneous Sermons. Philadelphia, 1846. 120.. 3284 Sketches of Moral Philosophy. New York, 1850. 120.. 3899 Works. Philadelphia, 1844. 2 v. 120.... 2165 Smith, W. Classical Dictionary. Ed. by C. Anthon. N.Y. 1851. Roy. 8~. 4347 *Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. London, 1849. 80~. 3958 *Dict. of Greek and Roman Biog. & Mythol. London, 1849. 3 v. 80~. 3957 History of Greece. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5763 Smith, William. Memoir of Johann G. Fichte. Boston, 1846. 120.. 2905 Smith, William. History of New York. Albany, 1814. 8~0..... 670 Smith, Sir W. Sidney. Life and Corres. J. Barrow. Lond. 1848. 2 v. 80. 5146 Smith, W. L. G. Uncle Tom's Cabin as it Is. Buffalo, 1852. 120.. 4904 Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Wash. 1848-54. 6 v. 40~.. 1756 Vol. 1. Squier, E. G. and E. H. Davis. Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley. 2. Walker, S. C. Planet Neptune. Lieber, F. Vocal Sounds of Laura Bridgeman. Bailey. J. W. Microscopical Examination of Soundings. Ellet, C. Physical Geography of the United States. Gibbes, R. W. Mosasaurus and Three Allied New Genera. Agassiz, L. Classification of Insects from Embryological Data. Hare, R. Explosiveness of Nitre. Bailey, J. W. Microscopical Observations. Squier, E. G. Aboriginal Monuments of New York. Walker, S. C. Ephemeris of Neptune. Downes, J. Occultations visible in United States in 1851. 3. Locke, J. Observations on Terrestrial Magnetism. Secchi, A. Researches on Electrical Rheometry. Girard, C. Fresh Water Fishes of North America. Harvey, W. H. Marine Algae of North America. Gray, A. Plantae Wrightianme Texano-Neo-Mexicanae. Davis, C. HI. Law of Deposit of the Flood Tide. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 247 Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge continued. Whittlesey, C. Ancient Works in Ohio. Walker, S. C. Ephemeris of Neptune for 1852. Downes, J. Occultations visible in United States in 1852. 4. Riggs, S. R. Grammar and Dictionary of the Dakota Language. 5. Leidy, J. A Flora and Fauna within Living Animals. Leidy, J. Extinct Species of Fossil Ox. Wyman, J. Anatomy of the Nervous System of Rana Pipiens. IIarvey, W. H. Marine Algae of North America, Part II. Gray, A. Plants Wrightianse Texano-Neo-Mexicanae. 6. Torrey, J. Plante Fremontianae. Torrey, J. Batis Maritima of Linnaeus. Torrey, J. Darlingtonia Californica. Stimpson, W. Marine Invertebrata of Grand Manan. Coffin, J. H. Winds of the Northern Hemisphere. Leidy, J. Ancient Fauna of Nebraska. Downes, J. Occultations of Planets and Stars by the Moon, 1853. Smollett, T. History of England, 1688-1760. Phil. 1832. 2 v. 8~.. 730 The same. Philadelphia, 1846. 80. 705, 3 Humphrey Clinker. New York, 1835. 120. 396 Roderick Random. New York, 1840. 80. 270 Select Works. Philadelphia, 1851. 2 v. 8.. 801 Vol. 1. Peregrine Pickle; Ferdinand Count Fathom. 2. Roderick Random; Sir Launcelot Greaves; Humphrey Clinker; Adventures of an Atom; Poems. Travels through France and Italy. London, 1778. 2 v. 120~.. 866 Works; with Memoir by T. Roscoe. London, 1845. 80. 2862 Smuggler, The. J. Banim. New York, 1832. 2 v. 120.. 403 The same. London, 1851. 12~....... 5656 Smuggler; a Tale. G. P. R. James. New York, 1847. 80.... 2616 Smuggler's Son, and other Tales. Philadelphia, 1842. 120... 1755 Smyth, T. Unity of the Human Races. New York, 1850. 120... 3857 Smyth, W. Lectures on Modern History. Cambridge, 1841. 2 v. 80.. 1677 Smyth, W. H. Cycle of Celestial Objects. London, 1844. 2 v. 80.. 5466 Smyth, W. V. Year with the Turks. New York, 1854. 120~... 5810 Snarleyyow; or, Dog-Fiend. F. Marryat. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 120. 902 The same. Philadelphia, 1847. 8~. 1766, 2 The same. London, 1853. 12~. 5733 Snelling, W. J. Polar Regions of Western Continent. Boston, 1831. 8~. 2671 Snow, C. H. History of Boston. Boston, 1825. 80..... 1971 Snow Image, and other Tales. N. Hawthorne. Boston, 1852. 120.. 4598 Snowdon; a Novel. T. E. Hook. New York, 1845. 80... 2665 Soaps, Art of Manufacturing. P. Kurten. Philadelphia, 1854. 120.. 5761 Social Destiny of Man; or, Association. A. Brisbane. Phil. 1840. 12~. 2136 Social Life amid the Alps. J. H. D. Zschokke. New York, 1844. 120. 3006 Social Statics; or, Condit. of Human Happiness. H. Spencer. Lon. 1851. 80. 4153 Society, Essay on the History of Civil. A. Ferguson. Boston, 1809. 8~. 3259 Natural History of. W. C. Taylor. New York, 1841. 2 v. 120.. 1849 in America. H. Martineau. New York, 1837. 2 v. 120... 367 Society of Friends; a Domestic Narrative. Mrs. J. R. Greer. N.Y. 1853. 120. 5248 Socrates (the Advocate). Ecclesiastical History. London, 1853. Post 80. 5747 Solar System. J. R. Hind. New York, 1852. 120.. 4880 Phenomena and Order of. J. P. Nichol. New York, 1843. 120~. 2308 Soldier of Lyons. Mrs. C. Gore. London, 1852. 120... 5675 248 CATALOGUE OF THE Soldier's Faithful Friend. London, 1766. 2 v. 120. 1451 Solitary Hours. Caroline Southey. New York, 1846. 12~.. 2926 Solitude, Advantages of. J. G. Zimmermann. London, 1808. 2 v. 120~. 1865 Sweetened. J. Meikle. Pittsburg, 1818. 12~. 405 Somers, Lord. Life. London, 1833. 80. 602 Somerset, Earl of, Trial for Poisoning Sir Thos. Overbury. Lond. 1846. 8~. 4644 Somervile, W. The Chase; a Poem. Baltimore, 1814. 18~.... 32 Somerville, Mary. Connection of the Physical Sciences. Lond. 1842. 12~. 2540 Physical Geography. Philadelphia, 1848. 120. 3168 Somnolism and Psycheism. J. W. Haddock. London, 1851. 120.. 4286 Songs of England and Scotland. London, 1835. 2 v. 12~... 3132 Sophocles. Tragedies. Oxford Translation. London, 1849. Post 8~.. 4383 Translated by T. Francklin. New York, 1840. 12~.. 1854, 14 Sorcery and Magic, Narratives of. T. Wright. New York, 1852. 120.. 4768 Sotheby, W. Saul; a Poem. Boston, 1808. 120. 846 Soul; or, Scriptural Psychology. G. Bush. New York, 1845. 120.. 3610 Power of, over the Body. G. Moore. New York, 1847. 12~.. 3012 Soule, Caroline A. Home Life. Boston, 1854. 120. 6317 Soule, R., jun. Mem. of the Sprague Family; a Poem. Bost. 1847. 120~. 3064 Soulie, F. Mysteries of the Heaths. New York, 1844. 8~.. 2167, 1 Soult, Marshal, Extract from the Journal of. Newburyport, 1817. 120.. 1172 Sound, Philosophy of, and Hist. of Music. W. M. Higgins. Lond. 1838. 12~. 6325 Transmission of, Report on. W. S. Inman. London, 1836. 80.. 4554 South, J. F. Household Surgery. London, 1851. 18~... 4774 South, Letters from the. J. K. Paulding. New York, 1835. 2 v. 120.. 1093 South Africa. - See Africa. South America, Miranda's Attempt to Revolutionize. Boston, 1808. 12~. 1063 Travels in. A. von Humboldt. London, 1852. 3 v. post 8.. 5384 United Provinces of. V. Pazos. New York, 1819. 80.. 1324 Voyage to. G. Juan and A. de Ulloa. Lond. 1758. 2 v. 80.. 5909 and Mexico, View of. Montreal, 1827. 120.... 200 South Carolina, View of. J. Drayton. Charlestown, 1802. 80.. 1379 South-West. J. H. Ingraham. New York, 1835. 2 v. 120... 1100 Southern Medical Student. G. M. Wharton. Philadelphia, 1851. 120.. 4038 Southennan. J. Galt. New York, 1830. 2 v. 120.... 1930 Southworth, Mrs. E. D. E. N. Curse of Clifton. Phil. 1853. 120.. 5229 Deserted Wife. New York, 1850. 80.. 3970 Discarded Daughter. Philadelphia, 1852. 2 v. 120... 4851 Lost Heiress. New York, 1854. 80..5985 Mother-in-Law. New York, 1851. 80..4122 Retribution; or, Vale of Shadows. New York, 1853. 8~0.. 5431 Shannondale. New York, 1851. 80..4013 Virginia and Magdalene. New York, 1854. 80.. 5981 Southey, Caroline. Chapters on Churchyards. New York, 1842. 120.. 3014 Early Called. New York, 1842. 120..1045 Solitary Hours. New York, 1846. 120.. 2926 Southey, R. Book of the Church. Boston, 1825. 2 v. 8~0.. 3612 (Translator.) Chronicle of the Cid. Lowell, 1846. 8~0... 2672 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 249 Southey, R. Common-Place Book. New York, 1849. 80.. 3389 The Doctor. New York, 1836. 2 v. 120.. 1082 Life of Henry Kirke White. New York, 1849. 80.. 3421 Life of Lord Nelson. New York, 1835. 120. 154 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1843. 12~.. 3683, 6 Life of John Wesley, and Hist. of Methodism. N.Y. 1847. 2 v. 120. 3005 Life of William Cowper. Boston, 1839. 2 v. 120.. 1204 Madoc. Boston, 1821. 2 v. 80. 745 Poetical Works. New York, 1842. 80. 1424 Poet's Pilgrimage to Waterloo. Boston, 1816. 120. 890 Tale of Paraguay. Boston, 1827. 16~. 814 Soyer, A. Pantropheon; or, History of Food. Boston, 1853. 80.. 5460 Spaewife; a Tale of Scottish Chronicles. J. Galt. Phil. 1824. 2 v. 120~. 1932 Spain, Arabs in. J. A. Cond6. Tr. by Mrs. J. Foster. Lond. 1854. 3 v. 8~. 5939 andMorocco, Travelsin, 1848. D. Urquhart. N.Y. 1850. 2 v. 120~. 3854 The same. London, 1850. 2 v. 80. 4653 Glimpses of, in 1847. S. T. Wallis. New York, 1849. 120.. 3448 History of the Reign of Philip II. R. Watson. N.Y. 1818. 8~. 638 her Institutions, Politics, &c. S. T. Wallis. Boston, 1853. 120.. 6212 Memoirs of, from 1621 to 1700. J. Dunlop. Edinb. 1834. 2 v. 80. 4545 Moors in. M. Florian. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 120. 3683, 177 Notes of an Attache in. J. E. Warren. London, 1851. 80~.. 4323 The same. New York, 1851. 120..4451 *Picturesque Antiquities of. N. A. Wells. London, 1846. 80.. 2042 Queens of. Anita George. New York, 1850. 120.. 3505 Reminiscences of. C. Cushing. Boston, 1833. 2 v. 120... 2134 Wanderings in. T. Gautier. London, 1853. 120... 5638 Wanderings in, in 1843. M. Haverty. London, 1844. 2 v. 120.. 4630 Year in. A. S. Mackenzie. New York, 1836. 3 v. 120... 1193 Spalding, W. History of English Literature. New York, 1853. 120.. 6265 Italy and the Italian Islands. Edinburgh, 1841. 3 v. 160... 4589 The same. (H. F.L.) New York, 1848. 3v. 120. 3683, 151-3 Spanglers and Tinglers; or, the Rival Belles. J. B. Jones. Bost. 1850. 80~. 372 Spaniards and their Country. R. Ford. New York, 1847. 2 v. 120.. 2993 Spanish America. R. H. Bonnycastle. Philadelphia, 1819. 80.. 764 Spanish Ballads, Ancient. J. G. Lockhart. New York, 1842. 8~0.. 2349 *Spanish Dictionary. M. Velazquez. New York, 1852. Roy. 8~0... 4844 Spanish Grammar. A. Elwes. London, 1852. 120.. 6120 Spanish Inquisition, Letters on. T. J. O'Flaherty. New York, 1842. 120. 3679 Spanish Life, Pictures of. H. D. Wolff. London, 1851 80. 8~.... 5413 Spanish Literature, History of. G. Ticknor. New York, 1849. 3 v. 8~. 3515 Spanish Student; aPlay. H. W. Longfellow. Cambridge, 1843. 120.. 2126 Sparing to Spend. T. S. Arthur. New York, 1853. 120.... 5539 Sparks, J. (Ed.) Corres. of the Amer. Revolution. Boston, 1853. 4 v. 80. 6389 (Ed.) Diplomatic Corres. of the Am. Revolution. Bost. 1829. 12 v. 8~. 3613 Life of Ethan Allen. Boston, 1834. 120. 1076, 1 Life of Benedict Arnold. Boston, 1838. 120... 1076, 3 Life of Benjamin Franklin. Boston, 1840. 80... 1792, 1 K K 250 CATALOGUE OF THE Sparks, J. Life of John Ledyard. Boston, 1848. 120... 1076, 24 (Editor.) Essays and Tracts in Theology. Boston, 1823. 2 v. 120. 368 Vol. 1. Turretin, J. A. Fundamentals in Religion. Abauzit, F. Essays. Blackburne, F. Confessions of Faith. Hoadly, B., Selections from. 2. Whitby, D. Last Thoughts. Hare, F. Study of the Scriptures. Newton, I. Account of Two Corruptions of Scripture. Butler, C. Historical Outline. (Ed.) Library ofAmer. Biography. 1st& 2ds. Bos.1834-48. 25v.120. 1076 Vol. 1. Stark, John, by E. Everett. Vol. 13. Sullivan, John, by O. W. B. Peabody. Brown, Chas. B., by W. H. Prescott. Leisler, Jacob, by C. F. Hoffman. Montgomery, R., by J. Armstrong. Bacon, Nathaniel, by W. Ware. Allen, Ethan, by J. Sparks. Mason, John, by G. E. Ellis. 2. Wilson, Alex., by W. B. O. Peabody. 14. Williams, Roger, by W. Gammell. Smith, Capt. John, by G. S. Hillard. Dwight, Timothy, by W. B. Sprague. 3. Arnold, Benedict, by J. Sparks. Pulaski, Count, by J. Sparks. 4. Wayne, Anthony, by J. Armstrong. 15. Rumford, Count, by J. Renwick. Vane, Sir Henry, by C. W. Upham. Pike, Z. M., by H. Whiting. 5. Eliot, John, by C. Francis. Gorton, Samuel, by J. M. Mackie. 6. Pinkney, Winm., by H. Wheaton. 16. Stiles, Ezra, by J. L. Kingsley. Ellery, Wm., by E. T. Channing. Fitch, John, by C. Whittlesey. Mather, Cotton, by W. B. O. Peabody. Hutchinson, Anne, by G. E. Ellis. 7. Phips, Sir Wm., by F. Bowen. 17. Ribault, John, by J. Sparks. Putnam, Israel, by O. W. B. Peabody. Rale, Sebastian, by C. Francis. Davidson, L. Maria, by C. M. Sedgwick. Palfrey, Wm., by J. G. Palfrey. Rittenhouse, David, by J. Renwick. 18. Lee, Charles, by J. Sparks. 8. Edwards, Jonathan, by S. Miller. Reed, Joseph, by H. Reed. Brainerd, David, by W. B. O. Peabody. 19. Calvert, Leonard, by G. W. Burnap. 9. Steuben, Baron, by F. Bowen. Ward, Samuel, by W. Gammell. Cabot, Sebastian, by C. Hayward, jun. Posey, Thomas, by J. Hall. Eaton, Wm., by C. C. Felton. 20. Greene, Nathaniel, by G. W. Greene. 10. Fulton, Robert, by J. Renwick. 21. Decatur, Stephen, by A. S. Mackenzie. Hudson, Henry, by H. R. Cleveland. 22. Preble, Edward, by L. Sabine. Warren, Joseph, by A. H. Everett. Penn, Wm., by G. E. Ellis. Marquette, by J. Sparks. 23. Boone, Daniel, by J. M. Peck. 11. Salle, R. de la, by J. Sparks. Lincoln, Benj., by F. Bowen. Henry, Patrick, by A. H. Everett. 24. Ledyard, John, by J. Sparks. 12. Otis, James, by F. Bowen. 25. Davie, W. R., by F. M. Hubbard. Oglethorpe, Jas., by W. B. 0. Peabody. Kirkland, Samuel, by S. K. Lothrop. Life of Charles Lee. Boston, 1848. 120~. 1076, 18 Life of Father Marquette. Boston, 1844. 120. 1076, 10 Life of Gouverneur Morris. Boston, 1832. 3 v. 8~.. 1947 Life of Count Pulaski. Boston, 1847. 120. 1076, 14 Life of John Ribault. Boston, 1848. 120.. 1076, 17 Life of R. de la Salle. Boston, 1844. 120.. 1076, 11 Life of Geoilge Washington. Boston, 1837. 12 v.8~... 1430, 1 Reply to Lord Mahon. Cambridge, 1852. 80.. 4838 Second Reply to Lord Mahon. Boston, 1852. 80.. 5123 Speaker, Academical. B. D. Emerson. Philadelphia, 1835. 12~... 1807 American. J. Frost. Philadelphia, 1844. 120.. 1806 New American. T. Hughs. Philadelphia, 1835. 120... 2158 New American. J. C. Zachos. New York, 1852. 8~... 3587 Standard. E. Sargent. Philadelphia, 1852. 120.... 614 Speakers of the House of Comrn., Lives of. J. A. Manning. Lon. 1851. Roy. 80. 5147 Spear, C. (Editor.) Prisoner's Friend. Vols. 1-4. Boston, 1848-52. 80. 5945 Punishment of Death. Boston, 1844. 12~. 1938 Spear, Mrs. Chloe, Memoir of. Boston, 1832. 160..... 110 Specimens of American Poetry. S. Kettell. Boston, 1829. 3 v. 120.. 1184 of the British Critics. J. Wilson. Philadelphia, 1846. 120.. 2559 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 251 Specimens of British Poets. T. Campbell. Philadelphia, 1853. Roy. 80. 5443 of the Early English Poets. G. Ellis. London, 1845. 3 v. 120.. 5043 of Early English Metrical Romances. G. Ellis. Lond. 1848. Post8~0. 4370 of For. Standard Literature. Ed. by G. Ripley. Bost. 1838-42. 14 v. 120~. 962 Vol. 1. Cousin, V., and T. Jouffroy. Philosophical Miscellanies. Translated by G. Ripley. 2. Jouffroy, T., and B. Constant. Philosophical Miscellanies. Translated by G. Ripley. 3. Goethe, J. W. von, and F. Schiller. Select MinoitPoems. Translated by J. S. Dwight. 4. Eckermann, J. P. Conversations with Goethe. Translated by S. M. Fuller. 5, 6. Jouffroy, T. Introduction to Ethics. Translated by W. H. Channing. 7-9. Menzel, W. German Literature. Translated by C. C. Felton. 10, 11. De Wette, W. M. L. Theodore; or, the Sceptic's Conversion. Translated by J. F. Clarke. 12, 13. De Wette, W. M. L. Human Life, or Practical Ethics. Translated by S. Osgood. 14. Uhland, Korner, &c. Songs and Ballads. Translated by C. T. Brooks. of the Russian Poets. J. Bowring. Boston, 1822. 120... 1928 Spectacles; their Uses and Abuses. J. Sichel. Boston, 1850. 80... 3967 Spectator, The. J. Addison and R. Steele. New York, 1854. 6 v. 80.. 6898 The same. New York, 1842. 2 v. 80.. 792 The same. New York, 1853. 2 v. 120. 5562, 4, 5 The same. London, 1743. 4 v. 120. 832 Selections from the. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 2 v. 120. 3683, 181-2 Spectator, The. Vols. 22, 23. London, 1849-50. 40. 3730 Speculative Philosophy, Critical Essays on. F. Bowen. Bost. 1842. 120~. 2093 of Europe in 19th Century. J. D. Morell. New York, 1851. 8~. 3422 Speeches, British Cicero, a Selection of. T. Browne. Phil. 1810. 3 v. 8~. 2175 of Chatham, Sheridan, Erskine, and Burke. Lond. 1853. Roy. 80~. 5482 of Governors of Mass., from 1765 to 1775. Boston, 1818. 80~.. 576 Spencer, C. C. Treatise on Music. London, 1854. 120.. 6081 Treatise on Playing the Piano-Forte. London, 1853. 120.. 6082 Spencer, H. Social Statics; or, Cond. of Human Happiness. Lon. 1851. 8~. 4153 Spencer, H. L. Poems. Boston, 1850. 120... 3845 Spencer, J. A. Travels in Egypt and the Holy Land. N. Y. 1850. 80~.. 3546 Spencer, J. C. Defence of Dr. E. Nott. Albany, 1854. 80... 5953 Spencer, I. S. Pastor's Sketches. New York, 1853. 120.. 5502 Spenser, E., and the Fairy Queen. J. S. Hart. Philadelphia, 1854. 120~. 6223 Poetical Works. Ed. by G. S. Hillard. Boston, 1839. 5 v. 120.. 1920 Spherical Trigonometry. J. Hann. London, 1849. 120.. 6100 Sphinx Incruenta; or, Enigmas and Charades. Edinburgh, 1835. 120.. 6321 Spicer, H. Sights and Sounds; the Mystery of the Day. Lond. 1853. 120~. 5255 *Spiers, A. French and English Dictionary. New York, 1852. Roy. 80~. 4935 Spindler, C. Invalide; or, Pictures of the French Revol. N.Y. 1844. 80~. 2726 The Jew. New York, 1844. 80.. 2751 Spineto, Marquis. Hieroglyphics and Egyptian Antiq. Lond. 1845. 80. 4667 Spirit Manifestations in America. H. Spicer. London, 1853. 120... 5255 Spirit Rapper. O. A. Brownson. Boston, 1854. 120.. 6246 Spirit Rapping Unveiled. H. Mattison. New York, 1853. 120~.. 5281 Spirit of Laws. Baron C. Montesquieu. London, 1823. 2 v. 8~... 1799 The same. Worcester, 1802. 2 v. 80.... 796 252 CATALOGUE OF TIlE Spirit of the Age; or, Contemporary Portraits. London, 1825. 120.. 2288 Spirits, Apparitions, &c., Philosophy of. A. Calmet. Phil. 1850. 120.. 3883 Philosophy of. C. M. Burnett. London, 1850. 8.... 410 Spiritual Manifestations, Phenomena of. E. C. Rogers. Bost. 1853. 12~. 5279 Spiritual Medium; or, "To Daimonion." Boston, 1852. 12~... 5033 Spiritual Vamperism. C. W. Webber. Philadelphia, 1853. 12~... 5302 Spiritualism. J. W. Edmonds and G. T. Dexter. New York, 1853. 8~. 5447 Spooner, L. Trial by J3ry. Boston, 1852. 80. 5170 Spooner, S. Anecdotes of Painters, Engravers, &c. N. Y. 1853. 3 v. 120. 5750 Sports, Pastimes, &c., Boy's Treasury of. Philadelphia, 1847. 120~.. 2442 Sportsman and his Dog. London, 1850. 120.. 5045 Sportsman's Vade Mecum. Ed. by H. W. Herbert. N. York, 1850. 120. 4070 Sportsmen, Hints to. E. J. Lewis. Philadelphia, 1851. 120.. 4167 Sprague, C. Boston Theatre Prize Poem. Boston, 1824. 120~.. 490 Poems and Prose Writings. Boston, 1850. 120.. 1609 Sprague, J. T. History of the Florida War. New York, 1848. 80.. 2873 Sprague, W. B. The Excellent Woman, in Proverbs. Boston, 1852. 120~. 4637 Life of Timothy Dwight. Boston, 1844. 120... 1076, 14 Sprague Family, Memorial of; a Poem. R. Soule, jun. Bost. 1847. 120~. 3064 Spratt, T. A. B., and E. Forbes. Travels in Lycia. Lond. 1847. 2 v. 80~. 4662 Spring, G. First Things; a Series of Lectures. N. York, 1851. 2 v. 80~. 4117 Glory of Christ. New York, 1852. 2 v. 80..... 1002 Spring, S. Giafar al Barmeki. New York, 1836. 2 v. 12... 294 Monk's Revenge; or, the Secret Enemy. New York, 1847. 80.. 2791 Springer, J. S. Forest Life and Forest Trees. New York, 1851. 120.. 4459 Springfield, R. Horse and his Rider. London, 1847. 120.. 5835 Spring-Tide; or, the Angler and his Friends. J.Y.Akerman. Lon. 1850. 120. 4278 Spurzheim, J. G. Elementary Principles of Education. Bost. 1836. 12~. 146 Examination of Objections, &c. Boston, 1833. 120... 2556 Life and Philosophy of. A. Carmichael. Boston, 1833. 120~.. 564 Phrenology. Boston, 1832. 2 v. 80. 1417 Phrenology in Connection with Physiognomy. Boston, 1833. 80~. 2085 Spy, The. J. F. Cooper. New York, 1852. 12~. 421 Spy Unmasked; or, Memoirs of E. Crosby. H. L. Barnum. N.Y. 1828. 8~. 1363 Squanders of Castle Squander. W. Carleton. London, 1862. 2 v. 12~.. 5030 Squier, E. G. Nicaragua; its People, Scenery, &c. N.Y. 1852. 2 v. 80~. 4560 Serpent Symbol. New York, 1851. 8~. 4118 *andE. H. Davis. Monuments of Miss. Valley. Wash. 1848. 40~. 1756, 1 Squire, The. Ellen Pickering. New York, 1845. 80... 2741 Stael. Mde. de. Biography. Mrs. L. M. Child. Boston, 1832. 120.. 2153 Corinne; or, Italy. New York, 1847. 120.. 895 The same. London, 1853. 120.. 5700 The same (in French). New York, 1851. 120~... 2099 Germany. London, 1814. 3 v. 80. 2607 Ten Years' Exile. New York, 1821. 12~. 309 Stage, The, Before and Behind the Curtain. A. Bunn. Phil. 1840. 2 v. 120~. 419 History of the English. T. Betterton. Boston, 1814. 80... 2074 Personal Recollections of. W. B. Wood. Phil. 1854. 120... 6313 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 253 Stage, Record of the Boston. W. W. Clapp, jun. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5523 View of the English. W. Hazlitt. London, 1818. 80.. 2289 Standard Drama.- See Drama. Standard Library CyclopEedia. London, 1848. 4 v. post 80. 4390 Standard Speaker. E. Sargent. Philadelphia, 1852. 80. 614 Standish, the Puritan; a Tale. E. Grayson. New York, 1850. 12~.. 3848 Stanfield Hall. J. F. Smith. New York, 1851. 80. 3804 Stanford, Jane K. Lady's Gift. Philadelphia, 1836. 12... 896 Stanley; or, Recollections of a Man of the World. Phil. 1838. 2 v. 120. 1138 Stanley, A. P. Life and Correspondence of Thomas Arnold. N.Y. 1845. 120~. 2350 The same. New York, 1846. 8~. 3536 Stanley Buxton; or, the Schoolfellows. J. Galt. Phil. 1833. 2 v. 12~.. 1925 Stanley Thorn. H. Cockton. New York, 1852. 80.. 1638 Stansbury, H. Valley of Great Salt Lake of Utah. Wash. 1853. 8~.. 4939 Stanton, H. B. Sketches of Reforms and Reformers. N.Y. 1850. 120.. 3440 Star Chamber. W. H. Ainsworth. New York, 1854. 80.. 5948 Stark, J. Life. E. Everett. Boston, 1838. 120. 1076, 1 Starling, Elizabeth. Noble Deeds of Woman. Boston, 1850. 120.. 3673 State Papers and Pub. Docs. of the U.S., 1789-1818. Bost. 1815-19. 12 v. 80. 1944 State Trials, Modern. W. C. Townsend. London, 1850. 2 v. 80... 5483 of the United States. F. Wharton. Philadelphia, 1849. 8~.. 2669 State Triumvirate; a Political Tale. New York, 1819. 12~.... 93 Statesman's Manual. S. T. Coleridge. New York, 1853. 120.. 5561, 1 Statesmen of America in 1846. Sarah M. Maury. Phil. 1847. 12~.. 4469 of the Time of George III. Lord Brougham. Phil. 1854. 2 v. 120~. 6186 The same. 2d and 3d series. New York, 1839-44. 2 v. 12~. 983 Statics and Dynamics. T. Baker. London, 1851. 120.. 6105 Staunton, Sir G. Embassy to the Emperor of China. Phil. 1799. 2 v. 80. 1270 The same. London, 1797. 80. 716 Staunton, H. Chess-Player's Companion. London, 1849. Post 8~.. 3567 Chess-Player's Handbook. London, 1847. Post 8~.. 3566 Staunton, W. Dictionary of the Episcopal Church. New York, 1839. 120~. 2447 Steam and Locomotion. J. Sewell. London, 1852. 120... 6086 and the Steam Engine. W. Templeton. Philadelphia, 1854. 120. 5573 Steam Boilers, Treatise on. R. Armstrong. London, 1850. 120... 6075 Steam Engine, Popular Lectures on. D. Lardner. NewYork, 1828. 120~. 1176 Treatise on. D. Lardner. London, 1853. 120. 6057 Steam Marine Engines. R. Murray. London, 1852. 12... 6088 Steam Navigation and Propellers. R. Macfarlane. NewYork, 1851. 12~. 4058 Steamboat; a Tale. J. Galt. New York, 1823. 120. 1907 Steamboat Disasters and Railroad Accidents. Worcester, 1846. 12~.. 2103 Stedman, C. Historyof the American Revolution. Dublin, 1794. 2 v. 80. 1917 Steel, Manufacture of. F. Overman. Philadelphia, 1851. 12~.. 4203 Steele, R., and J. Addison. Guardian and Tatler. N.Y. 1852. Roy. 80~. 4840 The same. New York, 1853. 120. 5562, 3 The Spectator. New York, 1854. 6 v.8~.. 5898 The same. New York, 1842. 2 v.8~..... 792 Steele, Mrs. Ilcroines of Sacred History. New York, 1350. 120... 4045 254 CATALOGUE OF THE Steinmetz, A. History of the Jesuits. Philadelphia, 1848. 2 v. 80~.. 3165 Jesuit in the Family. London, 1847. 120.. 1110 Novitiate; or, Year among the English Jesuits. N.Y. 1846. 120. 2945 Step-Mother. G. P. R. James. New York, 1846. 2 v. 80.... 2678 Stephen, Sir J. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. Phil. 1843. 12~.. 1741 Life of Wm. Wilberforce; Lives of Whitfield and Froude; D'Aubignd's History of the Reformation; Life and Times of Richard Baxter; Taylor's Physical Theory of Another Life; Port-Royalists; Ignatius Loyola and his Associates; Taylor's Edwin the Fair. The same. Philadelphia, 1848. 80. 3418, 7 Lectures on History of France. New York, 1852. 80.. 4697 Stephen, T. Book of the English Constitution. Glasgow, n. d. 8~.. 2859 Stephens, Mrs. Ann S. Fashion and Famine. New York, 1854. 120.. 6157 Stephens, Mrs. H. M. Home Scenes and Home Sounds. Bost. 1854. 120. 5627 Stephens, A. J. Rise and Prog. of the Eng. Constitution. Lon. 1838. 2 v. 80. 5474 Stephens, J. L. Travels in Central America. New York, 1848. 2 v. 8~. 1635 Travels in Egypt, Arabia Petrwea, &c. New York, 1837. 2 v. 120. 1054 Travels in Greece, Turkey, Russia, &c. New York, 1843. 2 v. 12~. 879 Travels in Yucatan. New York, 1843. 2 v. 80. 1721 Stephenson, R. M. Treatise on Railways. London, 1850. 12~.. 6077 Sterling, J. Life. T. Carlyle. Boston, 1851. 120... 4486 Poetical Works. Philadelphia, 1842. 120.... 2337 Sterne, L., Beauties of. Boston, 1807. 160. 73 Works; with Life. Philadelphia, 1831. 80..... 2080 Tristram Shandy; Sentimental Journey through France and Italy; Letters. Stetson, Genealogical Sketch of the Family of. J. S. Barry. Bost. 1847. 80. 3046 Stetson, C. Rebelliad; a Poem of Harvard. Boston, 1842. 120... 1694 Steuben, Baron. Life. F. Bowen. Boston, 1844. 120.. 1076, 9 Stevens, A. Introd. of Methodism into Eastern States. Bost. 1848. 120.. 3048 Stevens, R. Essay on Average. Boston, 1833. 80... 2060 Stevens, W. B. History of Georgia. Vol. 1. New York, 1847. 80.. 2858 Stevenson, A. Treatise on Lighthouses. London, 1850. 120... 6069 Steward; a Romance of Real Life. H. Cockton. New York, 1852. 80. 4549 Stewart, C. S. Residence in the Sandwich Islands. Boston, 1839. 120~. 53 Society in Great Britain and Ireland. Phil. 1834. 2 v. 12... 1033 Stewart, D. Philosophy of the Human Mind. Boston, 1836. 2 v. 80.. 1370 Philosophy of the Active and Moral Powers of Man. Cam. 1849. 120. 3427 Stewart, K. J. Freemason's Manual. Philadelphia, 1851. 120.. 4191 Stewart, V. A., History and Adventure of. H. R. Howard. N.Y. 1836. 120~. 233 Stickney, Sarah. Poetry of Life. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 v. 120.. 1102 Pretension. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 120.. 942 See also Ellis, Mrs. S. Stiles, Ezra. Life. A. Holmes. Boston, 1798. 80. 714 Life. J.L. Kingsley. Boston, 1846. 120. 1076, 16 Stiles, W. H. Austria in 1848-49. NewYork, 1852. 2 v. 8.. 4833 Stilling, H., Autobiography of. New York, 1845. 80. 2737 Theobald; or, the Fanatic. Philadelphia, 1846. 12... 2514 Stimson, A. L. Easy Nat; or, the Three Apprentices. N. Y. 1854. 120. 6173 Stirling, Earl of. Life. W. A. Duer. New York, 1847. 80... 2800 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 255 Stirling, W. Cloister Life of Charles V. Boston, 1853. 12~.. 5359 Stock Exchange, Chronicles and Characters of. J. Francis. Bost. 1850. 80. 3949 St6ckhardt, J. A. Principles of Chemistry. Cambridge, 1850. 120.. 3927 Stoddard, R. H. Adventures in Fairy Land. Boston, 1853. 120... 5234 Poems. Boston, 1852. 120. 4492 Stone-Blasting and Quarrying. Sir J. Burgoyne. London, 1852. 120~.. 6058 Stone, E. M. History of Beverly, Mass. Boston, 1843. 120.. 3072 Stone, W. L. Life of Joseph Brant. New York, 1838. 2 v. 80~... 1946 Border Wars of the Revol. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1848. 2 v. 120. 3683, 167-8 Poetry and History of Wyoming. New York, 1841. 12~. 0.. 2966 Stones of Venice. J. Ruskin. New York, 1851. 80..4119 Storer, D. H. Fishes and Reptiles of Massachusetts. Boston, 1839. 80~. 722 Stories about Animals. F. C. Woodworth. New York, 1850. 120.. 3311 The same. Boston, 1851. 120..3937 about Birds. F. C. Woodworth. Boston, 1851. 120... 3938 from Blackwood. New York, 1852. 12... 4929 from English History. Agnes Strickland. New York, 1854. 12~. 5630 from History. Agnes Strickland. New York, 1854. 120... 5629 from History. Mrs. S. C. Hall and Mrs. J. Foster. N. Y. 1852. 120~. 4996 from History of the Jews. New York, 1853. 120. 5. 628 from the Italian Poets. L. Hunt. New York, 1846. 120.. 2564 of English and Foreign Life. W. and M. Howitt. Lon. 1853. Post 80~. 5944 of Waterloo. W. H. Maxwell. London, 1851. 120... 5657 Storms, Philosophy of. J. P. Espy. Boston, 1841. 80.. 1981 Story, J., Beauties of, with Sketch of Life. Boston, 1839. 240... 1498 Commentaries on Constitution of the U. States. Bost. 1833. 3 v. 80. 1796 The same. Boston, 1851. 2 v. roy. 80.. 4312 Commentaries on the Law of Bills of Exchange. Bost. 1847. 80~. 3594 Commentaries on the Law of Partnership. Boston, 1846. 8~.. 3595 Commentaries on the Law of Promissory Notes. Boston, 1847. 80~. 3593 Life and Letters. Edited by W. W. Story. Boston, 1851. 2 v. 80~. 4559 Miscellaneous Writings. Boston, 1835. 80. 2063 The same. Edited by W. W. Story. Boston, 1852. 80.. 4698 Story, W. W. Law of Contracts not under Seal. Boston, 1847. 80.. 2219 Law of Sales of Personal Property. Boston, 1847. 80.. 3792 Poems. Boston, 1847. 120... 2950 Story of a Family. Boston, 1850. 80.. 3644 of a Feather. D. Jerrold. London, 1851. 12... 6234, 3 of a Royal Favorite. Mrs. C. Gore. New York, 1846. 8~0... 2664 without a Name. G. P. R. James. New York, 1852. 80... 375 Stoughton, J. Life and Labors of Philip Doddridge. Boston, 1853. 120. 5075 Scriptural Heroes; or, Sketches of the Puritans. N. Y. 1848. 120. 3171 Stowe, Mrs. H. B. Sunny Memories in Foreign Lands. Bost. 1854. 2 v. 120. 6156 Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin. Boston, 1853. 8~0.. 5174 Uncle Tom's Cabin. Boston, 1852. 2 v. 120.... 3109 Strabo, Geography of. Tr. by Hamilton & Falconer. Lond. 1854. 3 v. 80. 6194 Strafford, Earl of. Life. J. Forster. London, 1831. 12~.. 1831, 2 Straith, H. Treatise on Fortification and Artillery. London, 1850. 2 v. 80. 4823 256 CATALOGUE OF THE Strauss, G. L. German Reader. London, 1852. 120. 6118 Grammar of the French Language. London, 1853. 120... 6116 Grammar of the German Language. London, 1852. 120... 6117 Strategematicon; or, Ancient Military Policy. R. B. Scott. Lon. 1811. 80. 1315 Stratford-upon-Avon and Vicinity. G. May. Evesham, 1847. 120.. 4026 Strawberry, Cultivation of. R. G. Pardee. New York, 1854. 12~.. 6268 Stray Subjects Arrested and Bound Over. Philadelphia, 1848. 120.. 3181 Stray Yankee in Texas. P. Paxton. New York, 1853. 120..... 5258 Street, A. B. Frontenac; a Metrical Romance. New York, 1849. 120. 3413 Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the Queens of England. Phil. 1848. 12 v. 120. 3524 The same. Philadelphia, 1843. 11v. 123. 1911 Vol. 1. Matilda of Flanders; Matilda of Scotland; Adelicia of Louvaine; Matilda of Boulogne; Eleanora of Aquitaine. 2. Berengaria of Navarre; Isabella of Angouleme; Eleanor of Provence; Eleanora of Castille; Marguerite of France; Isabella of France; Philippa of Hainault; Anne of Bohemia. 3. Isabella of Valois; Joanna of Navarre; Katherine of Valois; Margaret of Anjou; Elizabeth Woodville; Anne of Warwick. 4. Elizabeth of York; Katherine of Aragon; Anne Boleyn; Jane Seymour; Anne Cleves; Katherine Howard. 5. Katherine Parr; Mary, First Queen Regent. 6. Elizabeth, Second Queen Regent. 7. Elizabeth, concluded; Anne of Denmark. 8. Henrietta Maria; Catharine of Braganza. 9. Mary Beatrice of Modena. 10. Mary Beatrice, concluded; Mary II., Queen Regent. 11. Mary II., concluded; Anne, Queen Regent. 12. Anne, concluded. Lives of the Queens of Scotland. New York, 1851-53. 4 v. 120. 4028 Vol. 1. Margaret Tudor; Magdalene of France; Mary of Lorraine. 2. Mary of Lorraine, continued; Margaret Douglas. 3,4. Mary Stuart (Mary, Queen of Scots). Pilgrims of Walsingham. New York, 1854. 120.. 6147 Royal Sisters; a Romance. Boston, 1845. 160.... 2190 Stories from English History. New York, 1854. 120.. 5630 Stories from History. New York, 1854. 120.. 5629 Strickland, W. P. History of American Bible Society. N.Y. 1849. 80~. 3388 Strive and Thrive; a Tale. Mary Howitt. Boston, 1841. 180.. 2161 Strong, A. B. Illustrated Natural History. New York, 1848. 2 v. 80.. 4512 Struenz~e, Count; the Skeptic and the Christian. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5253 Struggles for Life; Autobiog. of a Dissenting Minister. Phil. 1854. 120~. 5827 Stuart, C. Memoir of Granville Sharp. New York, 1836. 120.. 1534 Stuart, H. W. V. Eve of the Deluge. London, 1851. 120... 4256 Stuart, J. Three Years in North America. New York, 1833. 2 v. 120.. 1171 Stuart, M. Hist. and Defence of the Old Test. Canon. And. 1845. 120~. 4749 Stuart of Dunleath. Mrs. C. E. S. Norton. London, 1851. 3 v. 120.. 4238 Stubbs's Calendar; or, the Fatal Boots. W. M. Thackeray. N.Y. 1850. 180~. 3763 Student-Life Abroad, Romance of. R. B. Kimball. N. York, 1853. 120. 5055 Student-Life of Germany. W. Howitt. Philadelphia, 1842. 80... 2075 Student's Manual. J. Todd. Northampton, 1835. 12~..885 Studies of Nature. J. H. B. de St. Pierre. London, 1801. 40~... 708 Study, Treatise on. J. F. Ringelbergius. Philadelphia, 1847. 120.. 3769 Sturge, J. Visit to the United States, 1841. Boston, 1842. 120.. 1909 Sturm, C. C. Reflections on the Works of God. Lond. 1808. 2 v. 240~. 1495 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 257 Stuyvesant; a Franconia Story. J. Abbott. New York, 1854. 120~.. 5295 Subaltern in America. Philadelphia, 1853. 120. 298 Subaltern's Furlough. E. T. Coke. New York, 1833. 2 v. 120. 1195 Sublime and Beautiful, Essay on the. E. Burke. New York, 1846. 120~. 299 The same. Boston, 1839. 80. 1588, 1 The same. New York, 1835. 8~..446, 1 Substance and Shadows. Emma Wilmont. Boston, 1854. 12~. 5962 Success in Life; The Lawyer. Mrs. L. C. Tuthill. N.Y. 1850. 120~.. 3677 The Mechanic. Mrs. L. C. Tuthill. N. York, 1850. 120~.. 4052 The Merchant. Mrs. L. C. Tuthill. N. York, 1850. 120.. 3137 Successful Merchant. W. Arthur. New York, 1852. 120.. 1056 Suddards, W. British Pulpit. New York, 1845. 2 v. 8~. 6019 Sue, E. Anger; or, the Firebrand. New York, 1849. 8~.. 3255 Children of Love. New York, 1850. 80.. 3966 Commander of Malta. New York, 1849. 80. 3299 De Rohan; or, Court Conspirator. New York, 1845. 8~.0. 2838 Envy. New York, 1848. 8~0. 3214 Latreaumont; or, the Court Conspirator. Philadelphia, 1849. 8~. 3300 Marquis de Letoriere. New York, 1844. 80. 2167, 2 Matilda. New York, 1843. 80. 2173 Mysteries of Paris. New York, 1843. 80. 1749 Pride. New York, 1847. 80. 2785 Seven Capital Sins. New York, 1849. 8~. 2896 Pride; Avarice; Anger; Envy; Voluptuousness. The Temptation. New York, 1845. 80. 2748 Wandering Jew. New York, 1846. 2 v. roy. 80... 2622 *The same (in Spanish and Illus.). Paris, 1846. 4 v. roy. 80~. 6029 Sullivan, F. S. Lectures on Const. and Laws of Eng. Port. 1805. 2 v. 12~. 3584 Sullivan, Jas. Hist. of Land Titles in Massachusetts. Boston, 1801. 80. 747 History of the District of Maine. Boston, 1795. 80. 577 Sullivan, John. Life. O. W. B. Peabody. Boston, 1844. 120. 1076, 13 Sullivan, W. Moral Class Book. Boston, 1831. 120. 422 Historical Causes and Effects from 476 to 1517. Bost. 1838. 12~.. 922 Public Characters and Events, 1783-1815. Boston, 1834. 120. 1228 Public Men of the Revolution. Philadelphia, 1847. 80.. 2809 Sully, Duke of, Memoirs of. Trans. by C. Lennox. Phil. 1817. 5 v. 80~. 1300 Summer and Winter in the Pyrenees. Mrs. S. Ellis. Lond. 1841. 12~. 4571 Cruise in the Mediterranean. N. P. WVillis. N. York, 1853. 120~. 5273 Day Book. New York, 1842. 120. ~ 1888 Tours; or, Notes of a Traveller. Theo. Dwight. N.Y. 1847. 120~. 3037 in Scotland. J. Abbott. New York, 1848. 120. 3110 on the Lakes. S. Margaret Fuller. Boston, 1844. 120... 2104 Time in the Country. R. A. Willmott. New York, 1852. 120.. 4908 Summerfield; or, Life on a Farm. D. K. Lee. Auburn, 1852. 120.. 4796 Sumner, C. Orations and Speeches. Boston, 1850. 2 v. 120... 4079 Phi-Beta-Kappa Oration. Boston, 1846. 80... 3197 White Slavery in Barbary States. Boston, 1853. 120.... 5249 Sunbeams and Shadows. Georgie A. Hulse. New York, 1851. 120.. 4429 L L 258 CATALOGUE OF THE Sunderland, La Roy. Anti-Slavery Manual. New York, 1839. 160.. 1506 Testimony of God against Slavery. New York, 1839. 160... 1511 Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands. Mrs. H. B. Stowe. Bost. 1854. 2 v. 12~. 6156 Sunny Side; or, Country Minister's Wife. Mrs.E.S.Phelps. Phil. 1851. 180. 4397 Sunshine in the Palace and Cottage. L. B. Urbino. Boston, 1854. 120. 5792 Sunshine of Greystone. E. J. May. New York, 1854. 120..... 5785 Supernatural, Glimpses of the. C. W. Elliott. New York, 1852. 120.. 4895 Supernatural Illusions. P. I. Begbie. London, 1851. 2 v. 120... 4197 Supernaturalism in New England. J. G. Whittier. N.Y. 1847. 120.. 2963 Superstitions, Truths in Popular. H. Mayo. Edinburgh, 1851. 12~.. 4221 Surenne, G. French Pronouncing Dictionary. New York, 1851. 120.. 4873 Surgeon's Daughter. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1848. 120~... 999, 40 The same. Edinburgh, 1849. 120. 4100, 48 The same. Edinburgh, 1850. Roy. 8. 4531, 10 Surgery, Household. J. F. South. London, 1851. 180.. 4774 Modern. R. Druitt. Philadelphia, 1851. 80.. 5991 Surr, T. S. George Barnwell. New York, 1845. 120..18 Surveying, Land and Engineering. T. Baker. London, 1850. 12~.. 6076 Theory and Practice of. R. Gibson. New York, 1821. 8~.. 810 Sutherland, A. Achievements of the Knights of Malta. Phil. 1846. 2 v. 120. 2996 Sutton, H. M. (Editor.) Papers of Lord Lexington. London, 1851. 8~. 4300 Swainson, W. Birds of Western Africa. Edinburgh, 4843. 2 v. 120. 4901, 11, 12 Fly-Catchers. Edinburgh, 1843. 2 v. 120. 4901, 13 Swallow Barn. J. P. Kennedy. Philadelphia, 1832. 2 v. 120~... 1207 Swamp Steed; a Novel. New York, 1852. 80. 381 Sweden, General View of. M. Catteau. London, 1790. 8~. 653 and Gothland, Rambles in. London, 1847. 80. 4146 History of. A. Fryxell. London, 1844. 2 v. 120.. 4578 Travels in. Countess Hahn-Hahn. London, 1845. 240.. 2419 Swedenborg, E. Apocalypse Revealed. Boston, 1836. 3 v. 120... 903 Athanasian Creed. Boston, 1828. 160. 58 Christian Religion. Boston, 1833. 8~0. 797 Compendium and Life of. Boston, 1853. Roy. 8~.. 5995 Delights of Wisdom concerning Conjugial Love. Bost. 1833. 80~. 798 Divine Love and Divine Wisdom. Boston, 1828. 160... 57 Doctrine of New Jerusalem. Boston, 1829. 160.. 59 Earths in our Solar System. Boston, 1828. 120... 14 Examination of the Claims of. New York, 1852. 120.. 4891 Heavenly Arcana. Boston, 1837. 3 v. 80. 6i68 Intercourse of the Soul and Body. Boston, 1828. 160.. 79 Treatise on the Last Judgment. Boston, 1828. 120. 8 Worship and Love of God. Boston, 1832. 120.. 904 Swedenborgianism, Essays on. T. Parsons. Boston, 1845. 120.. 2346 Sweethearts and Wives. T. S. Arthur. New York, 1844. 120.. 2195 Sweetser, W. Dyspepsia and Digestion. Boston, 1837. 120.. 1090 Mental Hygiene; or, Intellect and the Passions. N.Y. 1850. 120~. 4050 Swett, J. A. Diseases of the Chest. New York, 1852. 8~. 4804 Swett, S. Battle of Bunker Hill. Boston, 1818. 120. 190 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 259 Swift, J. Gulliver's Travels. New York, 1847. 120. 2982 Memoirs. Sir WV. Scott. Boston, 1829. 120. 399, 2 The same. Edinbugh, 1834. 120. 4101, 2 Tale of a Tub. London, 1837. 240. 847 Works; with Memoir by T. Roscoe. London, 1843. 2 v. roy. 8~. 2861 Vol. 1. Life; Gulliver's Travels; Tale of a Tub; Battle of the Books; Journal to Stella, &c.; Tracts, Political and Historical; Miscellanies in Prose. 2. Drapier's Letters, &c.; Tracts, Religious and Miscellaneous; Miscellaneous Papers - Tatler, Spectator, &c.; Miscellanies in Prose, by Swift and Sheridan. Works; edited by T. Sheridan. New York, 1812. 24 v. 120.. 6333 Vols. 1, 2. Life of Jonathan Swift, by T. Sheridan. 3. Tale of a Tub; Battle of the Books; Miscellaneous. 4. Short Political Articles. 5. The Examiner; October Club; Conduct of the Allies. 6. Short Political Articles. 7. IIistory of the Four last Years of the Queen; History of England. 8. Miscellaneous and Periodical Papers. 9. (Missing.) 10,11. Poems. 12-14. Miscellaneous. 15-20. Letters. 21. Journal to Stella. 22. Journal to Stella; Polite Conversation. 23. Martinus Scriblerus: Key to the Lock; Memoirs of P. P.; History of John Bull; Miscellaneous. 24. Miscellanies in Verse and Prose; Index to the 24 vols. Arbuthnot, Pope, and Gay; Miscellanies. London, 1847. 10 v. 120. 287 Swindell, J. G. Well-Digging, Boring, &c. London, 1854. 120... 6055 Swiss Family Robinson. New York, 1852. 12~.. 3312 The same (in French). Paris, 1843. 80. 4548 Switzerland, *W. Beattie. Illust. by W. H. Bartlett. Lond. 1834. 4~. 3744 and Italy, Tour through, 1801-2. Philadelphia, 1805. 2 v. 8~. 684 in 1847. T. Mftgge. London, 1848. 2 v. 120.. 4588 Letters from. J. W. von Goethe. London, 1849. Post 80... 4376 Sketches of. J. F. Cooper. Philadelphia, 1836. 4 v. 120.. 229 Tour in. Hellen M. Williams. Dublin, 1798. 2 v. 120~... 873 Sword and the Distaff. W. G. Simms. Philadelphia, 1853. 120... 5341 Sybil; or, the Two Nations. B. Disraeli. New York, 1845. 80... 2283 Sybil Lennard; a Novel. Mrs. Grey. Philadelphia, 1848. 8~.. 6002 Sydenham, Sequel to Alice Paulet. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 v. 120.. 529 Sydney Clifton. New York, 1839. 2 v. 120.. 186 Sylvester Sound, the Somnambulist. H. Cockton. New York, 1849. 8~. 2216 Sympathies of the Continent. J. B. von Hirscher. Oxford, 1852. 120. 5237 Synonymes, English. G. Crabbe. Boston, 1819. 8~. ~.. 1292 English. G. F. Graham. New York, 1847. 120.... 3004 Dictionary of. J. Rawson. Philadelphia, 1850. 120.... 3577 of the New Testament. R. C. Trench. New York, 1854. 120~.. 6295 Syria, Howadji in. G. W. Curtis. New York, 1852. 12~... 4799 and the Holy Land. W. K. Kelly. London, 1844. 8~0... 3190 Palestine and Asia Minor. F. A. Neale. London, 1851. 2 v. 12~. 4446 State and Prospects of. C. G. Addison. Phil. 1838. 2 v. 12~.. 835 War in. Sir C. Napier. London, 1842. 2 v. 120... 3058 260 CATALOGUE OF THE T. Table TaLk. S. T. Coleridge. New York, 1835. 2 v. 120... 1249 W. Hazlitt. New York, 1845. 2 v. 12~. 2372 The same. London, 1824. 2 v. 8~. 2290 L. Hunt. London, 1851. 120. 6274 J. Selden. Cambridge, 1831. 120. 383, 2 of Books, Men, and Manners. Ed. by C. Evelyn. N. Y. 1853. 12~. 5032 or, Selections from the Ana. Edinburgh, 1827. 160... 1862 Tacitus, C. Works. Translated by A. Murphy. Philadelphia, 1840. 8~. 1997 Les Six Premiers Livres des Annales. Paris, 1768. 3 v. 12~. 407 Works. Oxford Translation. London, 1854. 2 v. post 8~... 5935 Vol. 1. The Annals. 2. The History; Germany; Agricola; Dialogue on Orators. Talbot, G. H. Philosophy of French Pronunciation. N. Y. 1854. 12~. 6282 Talbot and Vernon; a Novel. J. L. McConnell. New York, 1850. 120~. 3847 Tale of a Tub. J. Swift. London, 1837. 240. 847 Tale of Paraguay. R. Southey. Boston, 1827. 160. 814 Tales. J.H. D. Zschikke. Trans. by P. Godwin. N. Y. 1845. 2 v. 12~. 2477 and Sketches. Cath. M. Sedgwick. New York, 1844. 160.. 809 and Sketches. Tr. from Italian, &c. by N. Greene. Bost. 1843. 120. 1657 and Souvenirs of a Residence in Europe. Philadelphia, 1842. 120. 1659 and Traditions of Hungary. Ther. Pulszky. Lond. 1851. 3 v. 120. 4240 from the German. Trans. by N. Greene. Boston, 1837. 2 v. 12~. 917 from the Gesta Romanorum. New York, 1845. 120.... 2375 German Popular. Bros. Grimm. New York, 1853. 2 v. 120.. 5608 of the Borders and of Scotland. J. M. Wilson. N. Y. 1848. 2 v. 8~. 2889 of the Crusaders. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1848. 2v. 120.. 999, 35, 36 The same. Edinburgh, 1849. 2 v. 12~. 4100, 37, 38 The same. Edinburgh, 1850. Roy. 80.. 4531, 9 The same. New York, 1835. 80.. 1361 of the Early Ages. Horace Smith. New York, 1832. 2 v. 120.. 3578 of Fashion and Reality. Misses Beauclerk. Phil. 1836. 120.. 236 of Glauber-Spa. C. M. Sedgwick and others. N. Y. 1832. 2 v. 120. 433 of a Grandfather: Scottish Hist. Sir W. Scott. Phil. 1828. 2 v. 120. 108 The same. Edinburgh, 1849. 5 v. 120.. 4101,22-26 The same. Boston, 1848. 4 v. 120.. 999, 49-52 of a Grandfather: French History. Boston, 1848. 2 v. 120. 999, 53, 54 The same. Edinburgh, 1849. 2 v. 120... 4101, 27, 28 of the Grotesque and Arabesque. E. A. Poe. Phil. 1840. 2v. 120. 2310 of the Hall; Poems. G. Crabbe. London, 1819. 2 v. 8~.. 683 of Humor and Romance. Trans. by R. Holcroft. N. Y. 1840. 511 of Many Lands. M. F. Tytler. Edinburgh, 1846. 120.. 4268 of my Neighborhood. G. Griffin. Philadelphia, 1836. 2 v. 120.. 2183 of Passion. New York, 1829. 2 v. 120.. 561 of the Peerage and Peasantry. Lady Dacre. N. Y. 1835. 2 v. 120. 239 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 261 Tales of the Peerage and Peasantry. Lady Dacre. London, 1852. 120. 5687 of a Physician. W. H. Harrison. Philadelphia, 1853. 2 v. 12~.. 856 of the Southern Border. C. W. Webber. Philadelphia, 1853. 12~. 5322 of a Traveller. WV. Irving. New York, 1851. 12~... 3364 of Woman. New York, 1829. 120. 1161 of the Woods and Fields. Mrs. Marsh. New York, 1836. 120.. 238 Talfourd, T. N. Critical and Miscellaneous Writings. Phil. 1842. 12~.. 1701 The same. Philadelphia, 1848. 80. 3418, 7 British Novels and Romances; Mackenzie; Sir W. Scott; Godwin; Maturin; Rymer on Tragedy; Cibber's Apology; John Dennis's Works; Modern Periodical Literature; Wordsworth; Lord Guilford; Hazlitt on the Drama; Wallace's Prospects; Pulpit Oratory; Lisbon; Lloyd's Poems; Modern Improvements; Chapter on Time; Profession of the Bar; Wine Cellar; Hazlitt; Brief Miscellanies. Final Memorials of Charles Lamb. London, 1848. 2 v. 120. * 6326 Literary Sketches and Letters of C. Lamb. New York, 1848. 120. 3213 Tragedies, Sonnets, and Verses. New York, 1846. 120... 2403 Talleyrand, Prince. Life. Philadelphia, 1834. 80..... 2091 *Tallis's Illustrated Atlas. Ed. by R. M. Martin. London, 1851. 40.. 4948 Tancred; or, the New Crusade. B. Disraeli. New York, 1848. 80.. 2778 Tanglewood Tales. N. Hawthorne. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5506 Tanning, Currying, and Leather-Dressing. C. Morfit. Phil. 1852. 80.. 4951 Tappan, H. P. Step from the New World to the Old. N.Y. 1852. 2 v. 120. 4872 Tartary, Thibet, and China, Jour. to, 1844-46. M. Huc. N.Y. 1852. 2 v. 120. 946 Tasistro, L. F. Random Shots and Southern Breezes. N.Y. 1842. 2 v. 120. 1656 Tasso, T. Jerusalem Delivered. Trans. by J. H. Wiffen. N.Y. 1850. 120. 16 The same. Trans. by E. Fairfax. London, 1844. 2 v. 120. 16 The same. Trans. by J. Hoole. Newburyport, 1810. 2 v. 8~. 748 Love, Madness, and Imprisonment of. R.H.Wilde. N.Y.1842. 2 v. 12~. 2127 Taste, Physiology of. B. Savarin. Philadelphia, 1854. 120... 5598 Tatler, The. Addison, Steele, and others. New York, 1809. 5 v. 12~.. 894 and Guardian. Addison, Steele, and others. N. Y. 1852. Roy. 80. 4840 The same. New York, 1853. 12~. 5562, 3 The same. New York, 1842. 80. 792, 3 Tayler, C. B. Earnestness; or, Life of an English Bishop. N.Y. 1850. 120. 3913 May You Like it. Philadelphia, 1851. 120..... 4190 Tayler, W. E. Popery; its Character and its Crimes. Lond. 1851. 120. 4441 Taylor, Bayard. Journey to Central Africa. New York, 1854. 120.. 6185 Eldorado; or, Adventures in California. N. York, 1850. 2 v. 120~. 3835 Poems of the Orient. Boston, 1855. 120. 6231 Rhymes of Travel, Ballads and Poems. New York, 1849. 120.. 3334 Romances, Lyrics, and Songs. Boston, 1852. 120.... 4478 Views A-Foot; or, Europe seen with Knapsack. N. Y. 1852. 120. 2940 Taylor, B. F. January and June. New York, 1854. 12~.. 5633 Taylor, G. Indications of the Creator. New York, 1851. 120.. 4456 Taylor, H. Edwin the Fair, and Isaac Comnenus. London, 1845. 240~. 2412 Notes from Life, in Seven Essays. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5285 Money; Humility and Independence; Wisdom; Choice in Marriage; Children; The Life Poetic; Ways of the Rich and the Great. Philip Van Artevelde. Cambridge, 1835. 120... 2322 262 CATALOGUE OF TIIE Taylor, F. W. Broad Pennant; or, Cruise of U. S. Flag Ship. N.Y. 1848. 120. 3082 Flag Ship; or, Voyage round the World. N. Y. 1840. 2 v. 120.. 2116 Taylor, I. Advice to the Teens. Boston, 1838. 160. 87 Fanaticism. New York, 1834. 120. 1848 Home Education. New York, 1838. 120. 2356 Natural History of Enthusiasm. Boston, 1830. 120.. 1923 The same. New York, 1849. 120. 3609 Process of Historical Proof. London, 1828. 80. 2287 Saturday Evening. Boston, 1833. 120.. 2355 Wesley and Methodism. New York, 1852. 120.. 3906 Taylor, J. B. Memoir. J. H. and B. H. Rice. New York, n. d. 120.. 336 Taylor, J. S. Selections from Writings. London, 1843. 80.. 4546 Taylor, Jane. Contributions of Q. Q. Boston, 1831. 2 v. 120~... 862 The same. New York, 1850. 2 v. 120. 3664 Taylor, Jeffreys. Young Islanders. New York, 1842. 160. 2096 Taylor, Jeremy. Holy Living and Dying. Philadelphia, 1843. 12~.. 2406 Readings for Lent. New York, 1851. 120. 3815 Selection from. Cambridge, 1831. 120...383, 8 Whole Works. [Vol. 1 wanting.] London, 1844. 3 v. roy. 8~.. 2279 Taylor, John. Identity of Junius. New York, 1818. 80. 1326 Records of my Life. New York, 1833. 80..1394 Taylor, R. C. Statistics of Coal. Philadelphia, 1848. 8~... 3240 Taylor, Tom. (Editor.) Autobiog. ofB. R. Haydon. N.Y. 1853. 2 v. 12~. 5591 Taylor, Thomas. Life of William Cowper. Philadelphia, 1834. 120.. 423 Taylor, W. Historic Survey of German Poetry. London, 1830. 3 v. 80~. 5467 Taylor, W. B. S. Fine Arts in Great Britain. London, 1841. 2 v. 120~. 4628 History of the University of Dublin. London, 1845. 80.. 4663 Taylor, W. C. History of Ireland. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1848. 2 v. 120~. 3683, 51, 52 Life and Times of Sir Robert Peel. London, n. d. 2 v. 80~... 3632 Manual of Ancient and Modern History. New York, 1845. 80.. 2253 Memoirs of the House of Orleans. Philadelphia, 1850. 2 v. 12~. 3837 Natural History of Society. New York, 1841. 2 v. 120... 1849 Tea and the Tea Trade. G. Nye, jun. New York, 1850. 8~... 3942 Teacher and the Parent. C. Northend. New York, 1853. 120... 5358 Technology, Chemical. F. Knapp. London, 1848. 2 v. 80.... 4137 Popular. E. Hazen. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1848. 2 v. 120. 3683, 149, 150 Teeth, Essay on. H. Wells. Hartford, 1838. 120..... 3583 Preservation of. D. K. Hitchcock. Boston, 1840. 240... 1499 Structure and Diseases of. H. and J. Burdell. N.Y. 1838. 8~.. 4042 Tefft, B. F. Hungary and Kossuth. Philadelphia, 1852. 120... 4626 Shoulder-Knot. New York, 1850. 120.. 3876 Tehuantepec, Isthmus of. J. J. Williams. New York, 1852. 2 v. 80.. 4843 Teignmouth, Lord. Life of Sir William Jones. London, 1804. 8~.. 762 The same. London, 1807. 80..... 1974 Telegraph, Electric, Anecdotes of. London, n. d. 240.. 5047 Electric, Historical Sketch of. A. Jones. New York, 1852. 80.. 4845 Electric, Treatise on. E. Highton. London, 1852. 120... 6059 Telegraphs, History of. J. R. Parker. Boston, 1836. 12~.. 898 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 263 Telemachus, Adventures of. S. de la M. Fen6lon. N.Y. 1847. 2 v. 120. 2238 The same. Trans. by G. Bagnall. Dublin, 1792. 2 v. 120~. 170 Tell-Tale; or, Home Secrets. Mrs. E. S. Phelps. Boston, 1853. 18~.. 5188 Temperance Tales. L. M. Sargent. Boston, 1852. 120... 4622 Edited by Miss C. B. Porter. Buffalo, 1852. 12~... 4449 and Sketches. T. W. Brown. Auburn, 1853. 120.. 5331 Temperance Tracts of the American Tract Society. New York, n. d. 12~. 545 Tempest and Sunshine; or, Life in Ky. Mary J. Holmes. N.Y. 1854. 120~. 5804 Temple, E. Travels in Peru. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 v. 120... 1205 Temples and Tombs of Egypt, Nubia, &c. Mrs. Romer. Lond. 1846. 2 v. 8~. 4647 Templeton, W. Steam and the Steam Engine. Philadelphia, 1854. 120~. 5573 Temptation. E. Sue. New York, 1845. 80..2748 Ten Nights in a Bar-Room. T. S. Arthur. Philadelphia, 1854. 120. 6169 Ten Thousand a Year. S. Warren. Philadelphia, 1841. 6 v. 12~. 966 Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Miss Bronte. New York, 1848. 120.. 3155 Tencin, Mdde. (e. Euvres. Amsterdam, 1786. 7 v. 120... 10 Tennent, Sir J.E. Belgium. London, 1841. 2 v. 120.... 4572 History of Modern Greece. London, 1845. 2 v. 8... 5138 Tennant, W. East Indian Recreations. London, 1804. 2 v. 8~... 969 Tennessee, History of. W. H. Carpenter & T. S. Arthur. Phil. 1854. 12~. 6288 Tennessean Abroad. R. W. MacGavock. New York, 1854. 120.. 6279 Tennessean's Story. Philadelphia, 1852. 120.. 3470 Tent and the Altar. J. Cumming. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5873 Tennyson, A. In Memoriam. Boston, 1850. 120.. 3888 Poems. Boston, 1849. 2 v. 120. 1704 The Princess; a Medley. Boston, 1848. 12~. 3100 Terrible Tractoration; and other Poems. T. G. Fessenden. Bost. 1836. 12~. 736 Testimony of Christ's Second Appearing. Union Village (O.), 1823. 120~. 3052 Texan Expedition against Mier. T. J. Green. New York, 1845. 80.. 2623 Texan Santa F6 Expedition. G. W. Kendall. New York, 1850. 2 v. 120~. 1765 Texas and Gulf of Mexico. Mrs. Houstoun. Philadelphia, 1845. 160.. 2189 and New Mexico, Explorations in. J.R.Bartlett. N.Y. 1854. 2 v. 80~. 5950 Emigrant's Guide to. D. Woodman, jun. Boston, 1835. 120~.. 1466 History of. D. B. Edward. Cincinnati, 1836. 120.. 304 Visit to, 1831. New York, 1834. 120. 3779 Visit to, with a Sketch of the War. New York, 1836. 160.. 84 Thacher, J. Demonology, Ghosts, and Apparitions. Boston, 1831. 120. 839 Military Journal of the American Revolution. Boston, 1823. 80.. 637 Thacher, P. O. (Judge), Criminal Cases tried before. Boston, 1845. 80.. 2774 Thackeray, W. M. Book of Snobs. New York, 1852. 120... 4884 Confessions of Fitz-Boodle, &c. New York, 1852. 12~.. 5060 English Humorists of the 18th Century. New York, 1853. 120.. 5342 Great Hoggarty Diamond. New York, 1848. 80.. 3244 History of Henry Esmond. New York, 1852. 80. 5. 111 History of Pendennis. New York, 1850. 2 v. 80.... 4034 Irish Sketch Book. New York, 1846. 80.... 2171 Jeames's Diary, Legend of the Rhine, &c. New York, 1853. 120. 5277 Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo. New York, 1846. 12~.. 2561 264 CATALOGUE OF THE Thackeray, W. M. Kickleburys on the Rhine. New York, 1851. 120.. 3812 Luck of Barry Lyndon. New York, 1853. 2 v. 120. 5181 Men's Wives. New York, 1852. 120.. 5001 Mr. Brown's Letters to a Young Man. New York, 1853. 12~.. 5235 Paris Sketch Book. New York, 1852. 2 v. 120. 2166 Punch's Prize Novelists, &c. New York, 1853. 120. 5266 Shabby Genteel Story. New York, 1852. 120.. 5019 Sketches in Ireland. Philadelphia, 1843. 80.. 1750 Stubb's Calendar; or, the Fatal Boots. New York, 1850. 18~.. 3763 Vanity Fair; a Novel without a Hero. New York, 1848. 80~.. 3219 Yellowplush Papers. New York, 1852. 120.. 1058 Thaddeus of Warsaw. Jane Porter. London, 1853. 12. 5696 The same. Hartford, 1848. 240. 20 Thalatta. Ed. by S. Longfellow and T. W. Higginson. Bost. 1S53. 120. 5306 Thames, Picturesque Tour of. J. F. Murray. London, 1849. 80... 4659 Thatcher, B. B. The Boston Book. Boston, 1836,'37,'41. 3 v. 12~.. 248 Indian Biography. New York, 1843. 2 v. 120. 2427 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 2 v. 12~0. 3683, 45, 46 Thayer, Mrs. J. Passion, and other Tales. Boston, 1846. 120... 2569 Theatre Francais au Moyen-Age. Monmerqu6 et Michel. Par. 1839. Roy.8~. 3548 Theatre, History of the American. W. Dunlop. New York, 1832. 80.. 1993 of the Greeks. Cambridge (Eng.), 1827. 80.. 5910 Theatrical Apprenticeship of Sol Smith. Philadelphia, 1846. 160.. 2362 Theatrical Dictionary. London, 1792. 120.. 3123 Theatrical Illustrations. J. Cumberland. London, n. d. 16~.. 2981 Theism, Atheism, &c., Sermons of. Theo. Parker. Boston, 1853. 120.. 6316 Theobald; or, the Fanatic. H. Stilling. Tr. by S. Schoeffer. Phil. 1846. 120. 2514 Theodore. W. M. L. De Wette. Boston, 1841. 2 v. 120... 962, 10, 11 Theological Essays. F. D. Maurice. NewYork, 1854. 120... 5772 Theological Essays. T. De Quincey. Boston, 1854. 2 v. 12~... 5828 Theological Repository. Vol. 1. New York, 1812. 80.. 783 Theology, Explained and Defended. Timo. Dwight. N. Y. 1854. 4 v. 80. 5999 Essays and Tracts on. Edited by J. Sparks. Bost. 1823. 2 v. 120~. 368 Historyof Doctrines. K. R. Hagenbach. Edinburgh, 1850. 2 v. 80~. 5151 Institutes of. T. Chalmers. New York, 1849. 2 v. 120... 3415 Lectures on Christian. G. C. Knapp. New York, 1850. 80.. 4709 Natural.- See Natural. Treatise on. T. Scott. Middletown. 1817. 6 v. 120... 397 Theory of Human Progression. Boston, 1851. 120.. 4433 Theller, E. A. Canada in 1837-38. Philadelphia, 1841. 2 v. 120.. 3130 Thesaurus of English Words. P. M. Roget. Boston, 1854. 120... 5781 Thessalonians, Timo., Titus, and Phil., Notes on. A.Barnes. N.Y.1849. 120. 4736 Thierry, A. Historical Essays. Philadelphia, 1845. 80.... 2635 Thiers, A. Consulate and Empire. New York, 1852. 2 v. 80... 2754 History of the French Revolution. Philadelphia, 1842. 4 v. 80.. 1724 Thiodolf, the Icelander. F. de la M. Fouqu6. New York, 1845. 120.. 2581 Thirlwall, C. History of Greece. London, 1843. 7 v. 120.... 1879 Thirty Years among the Players. J. Cowell. New York, 1845. S~.. 1821 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 265 Thirty Years from Home. S. Leech. Boston, 1843. 160... 1744 Since; or, the Ruined Family. G. P.R. James. N. Y. 1848. 80. 3239 View of theU. S. Government. T. H. Benton. N. York, 1854. 80. 5931 War in Germany, History of. F. Schiller. New York, 1846. 120. 2954 This, That, and the Other. Ellen L. Chandler. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5841 Tholuck, F. A. G. Guido and Julius. Boston, 1854. 120.... 6221 Thomas, Caroline. Farmingdale. New York, 1854. 120.. 5868 Thomas, E. S. Reminiscences of Sixty-five Years. Hart. 1840. 2 v. 120. 2301 Thomas, Isaiah. History of Printing in America. Worc. 1810. 2 v. 80. 1376 Thomas, F. W. Beechen Tree; a Tale in Rhyme. New York, 1844. 120. 2097 Clinton Bradshaw. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 v. 120... 1101 East and West. Philadelphia, 1836. 2 v. 120. 271 Thomas, J. Travels in Egypt and Palestine. Philadelphia, 1853. 120.. 5304 Thomas, J. J. American Fruit Culturist. Auburn, 1852. 120.. 5078 Farm Implements. New York, 1854. 120... 5884 Thome, J. A., & J. H. Kimball. Emancipation in W. Indies. N.Y. 1838. 80. 699 Thompson, A. C. Better Land; or, the Believer's Journey. Bost. 1854. 120~. 6193 Thompson, D. P. Green.Mountain Boys. Boston, 1854. 120.. 3117 Locke Amsden; or, the Schoolmaster. Boston, 1850. 120.. 3041 Lucy Hosmer. Burlington, 1848. 8~0... 3205 May Martin, and other Tales. Boston, 1852. 120.. 1064 Rangers; or, the Tory's Daughter. Boston, 1851. 2 v. 120.. 4104 Thompson, G. Lectures in England. Boston, 1836. 120.. 1553 Letters and Addresses of, in United States. Boston, 1837. 120. 1537 Reception in England. Boston, 1836. 120.. 1507 Thompson, H. Life of Hannah More. Philadelphia, 1838. 2 v. 120~.. 1052 Thompson, J. P. Memoir of David Hale. New York, 1850. 12~.. 3452 Photographic Views of Egypt. New York, 1854. 120.. 5869 Thompson, W. Recollections of Mexico. New York, 1846. 80... 2713 Thompson, Mrs. (Editor.) Lady of Milan. New York, 1846. 80... 2644 Thomson, J. The Seasons. Boston, 1810. 160. 47 Thomson, Mrs. History of the Jacobites. London, 1845. 3 v. 8~... 4672 Thomson, A. T. Materia Medica and Therapeutics. London, 1843. 80. 4692 (Editor.) Philosophy of Magic. London, 1846. 2 v. 80... 4683 Thomson, Mrs. A. T. Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. Phil. 1831. 120.. 410 Thoreau, H. D. Walden; or, Life in the Woods. Boston, 1854. 120.. 6166 Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers. Boston, 1849. 120. 3374 Thoresby, R., Diary of, 1677-1724. London, 1830. 4 v. 80... 5478 *Thorne, A. Irish Almanac and Directory for 1851. Dublin, 1851. 80. 11 Thorburn, G. Fifty Years' Reminiscences of New York. N.Y. 1845. 180. 2421 Forty Years in America. Boston, 1834. 120. 1934 Men and Manners in Britain. New York, 1834. 12.... 2150 Thornton, H. Paper Credit in Great Britain. Philadelphia, 1807. 80.. 656 Thornton, J. Preciousness of Christ. Boston, 1834. 120.... 1480 Thornton, J. Q. Oregon and California in 1848. N. York, 1849. 2 v. 120. 3279 Thorpe; a Quiet English Town. W. Mountford. Boston, 1852. 12~.. 877 Thought, Growth of. W. Withington. Boston, 1851. 120.... 6244 Thoughts in Prison. W. Dodd. Boston, n.d. 120.... 463,r M 266 CATALOGUE OF THE Three Courses and a Desert. Illust. by G. Cruikshank. Lond. 1850. Post 8~. 4392 Three Eras of Woman's Life. E. E. Smith. New York, 1836. 2 v. 120~. 230 Three Guardsmen. A. Dumas. New York, 1846. 80. 2686 Three Histories. Maria J. Jewsbury. Boston, 1831. 12~. 542 The same. Philadelphia, 1833. 80. 1357, 3 Three Sisters and Three Fortunes. G. H. Lewes. New York, 1848. 80~. 3230 Three Years in the Pacific. Philadelphia, 1834. 80... 1415 Throop, G. H. Lynde Weiss; an Autobiography. Phil. 1852. 120. 140 Thrope, T. Catalogue of Books. London, 1842. 80.. 5894 Thrope, T. B. Hive of the Bee-Hunter. New York, 1854. 12~... 5867 Thucydides. Peloponnesian War. Tr. by H. Dale. Lond. 1849. 2 v. post 80. 4389 Translated by W. Smith. New York, 1842. 2 v. 120. 1854, 22, 23 Tibet, Tartary, and Mongolia. H. T. Prinsep. London, 1851. 120.. 5369 Ticknor, C. Philosophy of Living. (H. F.L.) New York, 1846. 120. 3683, 77 Ticknor, G. History of Spanish Literature. New York, 1849. 3 v. 8~. 3515 Ticonderoga; or, the Black Eagle. G. P. R. James. N.Y. 1854. 80.. 5975 Tieck, L. Elves, and other Tales. Trans. by T. Carlyle. N.Y. 1846. 8~. 2679 Tim Bobbin's Lancashire Dialect. London, 1828. 120. 1293 Timbuctoo, Account of. J. G. Jackson. Philadelphia, 1810. 120.. 284 Time and Tide; or, Strive and Win. A. S. Roe. New York, 1852. 120. 4869 Time the Avenger. Mrs. Marsh. New York, 1851. 80.... 3809 Timpson, T. Memoirs of British Female Missionaries. Lond. 1841. 120. 2446 Tin Trumpet; or, Heads and Tales. Philadelphia, 1836. 2 v. 120.. 228 The same. Philadelphia, 1836. 80. 2228, 2 Tip-Top; or, the Noble Aim. Mrs. L. C. Tuthill. New York, 1853. 120. 5546 Titian. Life. J. Northcote. London, 1830. 2 v. 80..2292 To Daimonion; or, the Spiritual Medium. Boston, 1852. 120.. 5033 To Love and To be Loved. A. S. Roe. New York, 1851. 120... 4096 Tobacco Using, Beauties and Deformities of. L. B. Coles. Bost. 1851. 120. 4477 Tocqueville, A. de. Am. Institutions and their Influence. N.Y. 1851. 120. 3829 Democracy in America. New York, 1839. 2 v. 80. 948 To-Day; a Literary Journal. Edited by C. Hale. Boston, 1852. 2 v. 8~. 5418 Todd, J. Daughter at School. Northampton, 1854. 120... 5535 Student's Manual. Northampton, 1835. 120.... 885 Token; a Christmas Present. Ed. by N. P. Willis. Boston, 1829. 120. 842 Toliver, E. Our Folks at Home. Philadelphia, 1855. 120.... 6191 Tom Burke of "Ours." C. Lever. Philadelphia, 1846. 80.... 2177 Tom Cringle's Log. F. Chamier. New York, 1845. 80.... 1091 Tom Jones, History of. H. Fielding. London, 1831. 2 v. 120... 4253 The same. Philadelphia, 1843. 80..1232, 1 The same. London, 1808. 3 v. 160... 6334 Tom Racquet and his Three Maiden Aunts. New York, 1851. 120~.. 4112 Tomline, G. Life of William Pitt. Philadelphia, 1821. 2 v. 80.. 1978 Tomlinson, C. Treatise on Locks. London, 1853. 12~.. 6093 Treatise on Mechanics. London, 1854. 120~. 6040 Treatise on Natural Philosophy. London, 1853. 120.. 6037 Treatise on Pneumatics. London, 1852. 120.. 6043 Warming and Ventilation. London, 1850. 12~.. 6074 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 267 Tonga Islands, Account of the Natives of. W. Mariner. Bost. 1820. 80. 751 Tonna, Mrs. [Charlotte Elizabeth]. Poems. New York, 1845. 160~.. 2955 Works. New York, 1849. 2 v. 80. 3541 Vol. 1. Personal Recollections; Osric, a Poem; Rockite; Hellen Fleetwood; Siege of Derby; Letters from Ireland; Miscellaneous Poems; Flower Garden. 2. Judea Capta; Deserter; Falsehood and Truth; Judah's Lion; Conformity; Wrongs of Women; Passing Thoughts; Izram, a Mexican Tale; Principalities and Powers; Second Causes; Poems. Tooke, A. Pantheon of the Heathen Gods. New York, 1816. 120~.. 159 Tor Hill. Horace Smith. New York, 1837. 120..494 Torrey, Mary I. City and Country Life. Boston, 1853. 12~.. 5329 Totemwell. E. Payson. New York, 1854. 12~.. 6312 Tour in Zealand, 1802. London, 1805. 120. 603 Tourist's Guide in Europe. J. H. Sherburne. Philadelphia, 1847. 120. 2978 Tower Menagerie, Natural History of. London, 1829. 12... 6311 Tower of London. W. H. Ainsworth. London, 1845. 80... 1977 Townsend, G. Old Testament in Hist. & Chron. Order. Bost. 1839. Roy.80. 4727 New Testament in Hist. and Chron. Order. Bost. 1840. Roy. 80. 4728 Townsend, W. C. Modern State Trials. London, 1850. 2 v. 80... 6483 Tracts of the American Unitarian Association. Bost. 1827-40. 13 v. 120. 1640 For contents, see vol. 13. Tracy, E. C. Life of Jeremiah Evarts. Boston, 1845. 80.... 4714 Tracy, J. History of the Revival of Religion, 1740. Boston, 1842. 8~.. 1959 Trade, Colonial and Lake, Report on. I. D. Andrews. Wash. 1852. 80. 2747 Tradesman; or, Commercial Magazine. London, 1808-12. 80~... 719 Trafton, M. Rambles in Europe. Boston, 1852. 120. 4591 Traits and Trials of Early Life. L. E. Landon. Philadelphia, 1847. 8~. 1343, 1 of the Aborigines of America; a Poem. Cambridge, 1822. 120.. 507 of the Tea Party; Memoir of G. R. T. Hewes. N. Y. 1835. 120~. 1471 of Travel. T. C. Grattan. Boston, 1829. 120. 292 Transylvania, Pesth, and Vienna, 1850. A. A. Paton. London, 1851. 80. 4325 Trap to Catch a Sunbeam, &c. Matilda Planch6. Boston, 1852. 12~.. 6293 Trappers of New York. J. R. Simms. Albany, 1851. 120.. 4484 Traveller, Sketches by a. Boston, 1830. 120..359 Travellers, Lives of Celebrated. J. A. St. John. N. Y. 1846. 3 v. 12~. 3683, 38-40 Travelling, Modes'of; Roads and Vehicles. London, 1839. 120.. 3135 Travels of a Philosopher. M. le Poivre. Baltimore, 1818. 120.. 1029 of Rolando; or, a Tour round the World. New York, 1852. 120. 5016 round the World. M. de Pages. London, 1793. 3 v. 80~... 572 Treadwell, S.B. American Liberties and Am. Slavery. N.Y. 1838. 120. 1555 Treasure Trove; or, ~, s. d. S. Lover. London, 1846. 120.. 1816 Treasury, Biographical. S. Maunder. London, 1851. 12~.. 4470 of History. S. Maunder. London, 1850. 120.. 4107 of Knowledge. S. Maunder. London, 1848. 120... 4106 of Natural History. S. Maunder. London, 1849. 120.. 4108 Scientific and Literary. S. Maunder. London, 1849. 120~... 4109 Trees and Shrubs, Encyclopaedia of. J. C. Loudon. London, 1842. 8~0.. 5893 and Shrubs of Britain. J. C. Loudon. London, 1844. 8 v. 8~.. 1514 For contents, see Loudon, J. C. 268 CATALOGUE OF THE Trees and Shrubs of Mass., Report on. G. B. Emerson. Bost. 1846. 80. 2803 Timber and Fruits. Boston, 1830. 120. 868 Trelawney, Capt. Adventures of a Younger Son. London, 1851. 120.. 5664 Trench, R. C. Lessons in Proverbs. New York, 1853. 12~.. 5206 Notes on the Miracles of our Lord. New York, 1852. 80... 4712 Notes on the Parables of our Lord. New York, 1851. 80... 4713 Study of Words. New York, 1852. 120.. 4785 Synonymes of the New Testament. New York, 1854. 12~... 6295 Trenton Falls Illustrated. Ed. by N. P. Willis. New York, 1851. 120~. 4271 Trevelyan. London, 1851. 120.. 5666 Trial by Jury, Essay on. L. Spooner. Boston, 1852. 8~.. 5170 of the Amistad Prisoners, 1839. New York, 1839. 8~.0. 1444 of Earl of Somerset for Poisoning Sir T. Overbury. Lond. 1846. 8~. 4644 of Matt. F. Ward for Murder. New York, 1854. 8~0... 5982 of J. W. Webster for Murder. G. Bemis's Report. Bost. 1850. 80. 4315 The same. J. W. Stone's Report. Boston, 1850. 80.. 3952 Trials; a Tale. Philadelphia, 1824. 2 v. 120..364 American Criminal. P. W. Chandler. Boston, 1841-44. 2 v. 120~. 1921 and Confessions of an American Housekeeper. Phil. 1854. 120.. 5812 Celebrated, of the Aristocracy. P. Burke. London, 1849. 80.. 4522 Modern State. W. C. Townsend. London, 1850. 2 v. 80... 5483 of a Mind in Progress to Catholicism. L. S. Ives. Bost. 1854. 120. 5839 Remarkable Criminal. P. J. A. von Feuerbach. N.Y. 1846. 120~. 2584 State, of the United States. F. Wharton. Philadelphia, 1849. 80~. 2669 Trignometry, Plane. J. Hann. London, 1854. 120.. 6101 Spherical. J. Hann. Lond. 1849. 120.. 6100 Trinitarianism, Reasons for not Believing in. A. Norton. Camb. 1833. 120~. 1774 Tripp, A. Crests from the Ocean World. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5239 Trippings in Author Land. Emily Chubbuck. New York, 1846. 120.. 2506 Tristram Shandy. L. Sterne. Philadelphia, 1831. 80... 2080 Troil, U. von. Letters on Iceland. Dublin, 1780. 80... 596 Trollope, A. La Vend6e; an Historical Novel. London, 1850. 3 v. 120. 4281 Trollope, Frances. Charles Chesterfield. New York, 1851. 80... 4524 Domestic Manners of the Americans. New York, 1832. 8~.. 2078 Paris and the Parisians in 1835. New York, 1836. 8~0.. 607 Petticoat Government. London, 1850. 3 v. 120... 3980 Vicar of Wrexhill. London, 1852. 120. 5672 Widow Barnaby. London, 1852. 120.... 5674 Trollope, T. A. Travels in Italy, Switzerland, France, &c. Lond. 1850. 12~. 4224 Trollope, W. Analecta Theologica; Commen. onN. Test. Lon. 1842. 2 v. 80. 4934 Belgium since the Revolution of 1830. London, 1842. 120.. 4629 Trowbridge, J.T. Hearts and Faces; or, Home Life. Boston, 1853. 120~. 5532 True, the Beautiful, and the Good. V. Cousin. New York, 1854. 120~. 6153 True American. J. Coe. Concord, 1840. 120. 3116 Trumbull, H. Discovery of America, Indian Wars, &c. Bost. 1841. 80. 759 The same. Boston, 1833. 80. 1334 Trumbull, J. M'Fingal; an Epic Poem. Hallowell, 1813. 160... 1462 Autobiography, Reminiscences, &c., 1756-1841. N.Y. 1841. 80. 1649 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 269 Truth, Essays on the Pursuit of. S. Bailey. Philadelphia, 1831. 120.. 2156 The same. Boston, 1854. 120. 5855 Stranger than Fiction. Cath. E. Beecher. New York, 1850. 120~. 3881 Truths in Popular Superstitions. H. Mayo. Edinburgh, 1851. 120~.. 4221 Truxton, T. Treatise on Latitude, Longitude, &c. Philadelphia, 1794. 40~. 2009 Tschudi, J. J. von. Travels in Peru, 1838-42. New York, 1847. 120~.. 2967 Tucker, A. Light of Nature Pursued. Cambridge, 1831. 4 v. 80.. 2226 Tucker, B. Sacred and Profane History. Richmond, 1806. 120.. 324 Tucker, G. Life of Thomas Jefferson. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 80~.. 1432 Tucker, J. M. Life and Naval Memoirs of Lord Nelson. Lond. 1848. 8~. 3467 Tucker, S. Rainbow of the North. London, 1851. 120... 4270 Tuckerman, H. T. Characteristics of Literature. Philadelphia, 1849. 120~. 3377 Artist Life; or, Sketches of American Painters. N. Y. 1847. 120~. 3057 Italian Sketch Book. New York, 1848. 120.... 3121 Memorial of Horatio Greenough. New York, 1853. 120~.. 5377 Month in England. New York, 1853. 120.... 5748 The Optimist. New York, 1850. 120. 3658 Poems. Boston, 1851. 120. 3819 Rambles and Reveries. New York, 1841. 120. 1633 Sicily; a Pilgrimage. New York, 1852. 120. 4911 Thoughts on the Poets. New York, 1846. 12~. 2589 Tudor H. Tour in North America, 1831-32. London, 1835. 2 v. 120.. 1231 Tudor, W. Life of James Otis. Boston, 1823. 8~0.. 599 Tuggs's at Ramsgate, and other Sketches. C. Dickens. Phil. 1837. 120~. 911 Tupper, M. F. Author's Mind; Book of Titlepages. Phil. 1847. 12~.. 2972 Ballads for the Times. Philadelphia, 1851. 120.... 4192 Crock of Gold. New York, 1849. 120.. 2480 Geraldine; a Sequel to Coleridge's Christabel. Boston, 1846. 120~. 2510 Hactenus. Boston, 1848. 120. 2448 Poetical Works. Boston, 1849. 120. 1621 Proverbial Philosophy. Philadelphia, 1846. 120.. 2146 Thousand Lines. Philadelphia, 1846. 120. 2568 Twins. New York, 1849. 120. 2494 Turkey and Greece, Picturesque Sketches of. A. de Vere. Phil. 1850. 12~. 3909 *and Italy, Character and Costume in. T. Allom. Lond. n. d. 40~. 2050 and its Destiny. C. MacFarlane. Philadelphia, 1850. 2 v. 120~. 3868 and the Turks. A. Slade. New York, 1854. 120... 5807 and tlhe Turks. J. V. C. Smith. Boston, 1854. 120... 5850 Christianity Revived in. H. G. O. Dwight. New York, 1850. 120~. 3936 Stories of Travels in. London, 1830. 120. 3652 Visit to. W. Colton. New York, 1851. 12~. 4219 Turkish Evening Entertainments. Tr. by J. P. Brown. N.Y. 1850. 120~. 3500 Turkish Empire, History of. E. Upham. Philadelphia, 1833. 8~. 1357, 2 Turks, Year with the. W. W. Smyth. New York, 1854. 120... 5810 Turle, J., and E. Taylor. People's Music Book. Part 2. Lond. 1844. Roy. 8~. 6011 Turnbull, D. Cuba, Porto Rico, and the Slave Trade. London, 1840. 80~. 4680 Turnbull, L. Railroad Accidents Prevented. Philadelphia, 1854. 120.. 6224 Turnbull, R. Christ in History. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5603 270 CATALOGUE OF THE Turnbull, R. Genius of Italy. New York 1849. 120.. 3301 Genius of Scotland. New York, 1847. 120.... 3017 Turner, E. Elements of Chemistry. Philadelphia, 1835. 120... 3507 Turner, J. Easy Guide to Vocal Music. Boston, 1836. 120..... 1474 Turner, S. History of the Anglo-Saxons. Philadelphia, 1841. 2 v. 8~. ~ 1953 Sacred History of the World. New York, 1832. 120.... 115 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 3 v. 12~. 3683,32,72,84 Turnley, J. Popery in Power. London, 1850. 8~.. 4301 Turnover; a Tale of New Hampshire. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5352 Turretin, J. A. Fundamentals in Religion. Boston, 1823. 120~... 368, 1 Tuthill, Mrs. L. C. Beautiful Bertha. New York, 1854. 160.. 6216 Nursery Book for Young Mothers. New York, 1849. 16~... 3307 Success in Life; The Lawyer. New York, 1850. 120~... 3677 Success in Life; The Mechanic. New York, 1850. 120~... 4052 Success in Life; The Merchant. New York, 1850. 120~.. 3437 Tip-Top; or, the Noble Aim. New York, 1853. 120.. 5546 Tutor's Ward; a Novel. New York, 1852. 80.. 4557 Tutti Frutti. Prince Pickler Muskau. New York, 1834. 120.. 2602 Tweedie, W. K. Lamp to the Path. Boston, 1844. 120... 5824 Seed-Time and Harvest. Boston, 1854. 12~.. 5864 Twelvemonth's Campaign. C. F. Henningsen. Philadelphia, 1836. 120~. 224 Twelve Years' Military Adventure. London, 1840. 2 v. 80.... 4649 Twenty Years After. A. Dumas. New York, 1846. 80~. 2687 Twice-Told Tales. N. Hawthorne. Boston, 1851. 120.. 418 Twins and Heart. M. F. Tupper. New York, 1849. 120~... 2494 Twiss, H. Public and Private Life of Lord Eldon. Phil. 1844. 2 v. 80~. 2089 Two Admirals; a Tale. J. F. Cooper. New York, 1851. 1~... 1683 Two Brides. T. S. Arthur. Philadelphia, 1850. 80. 672 Two Brothers; a Novel. Philadelphia, 1850. 80. 3998 Two Generations; a Novel. Earl of Belfast. London, 1851. 2 v. 120.. 4237 Two Lives; or, To Seem and To Be. Maria J. McIntosh. N.Y. 1851. 120. 4868 Two Lives; or, Eros and Anteros. New York, 1849. 80.. 3464 Two Old Men's Tales. Mrs. Marsh. New York, 1848. 80.... 3154 The same. London, 1853. 120... 5728 Two Roads. J. Knorr. Philadelphia, 1854. 120..... 5811 Two Sisters. Lady C. Bury. New York, 1849. 80.. 3463 Two Sisters; or, Life's Changes. Philadelphia, 1844. 80.... 2138 Two Wives; or, Lost and Won. T. S. Arthur. Philadelphia, 1851. 160~. 4202 Two Years before the Mast. R. IH. Dana, jun. New York, 1840. 120~.. 1491 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1846. 120~... 3683, 106 Tyerman, D., and G. Bennet, Journal of Travels. Boston, 1832. 3 v. 120. 1567 Tyler, S. Robert Burns; as a Poet and as a Man. New York, 1848. 120~. 3177 Tyndale, W. Doctrinal Treatises. Cambridge (Eng.), 1848. 80.. 5913 Tylney Hall; a Novel. T. Hood. Philadelphia, 1844. 80... 2798 The same. London, 1852. 120. 5673 Typee; a Peep at Polynesian Life. H. Melville. New York, 1848. 120~. 2571 Types of Mankind. S.G.Morton. Ed. byNott& Gliddon. Phil. 1854. Roy.80~. 5928 Typology of Scripture. P. Fairbairn. Philadelphia, 1852. 2 v. 80.. 4710 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 271 Tytler, A. F. Elements of General History. New York, 1818. 80~.. 566 Universal History. Boston, 1850. 2 v. 80. 692 andE. Nares. UniversalHist. (H.F.L.) N.Y. 1846. 6 v. 120. 3683, 86-91 Tytler, Ann F. Leila; or, the Island. New York, 1853. 120... 5318 Tytler, P. F. Disc. on North Coasts of Am. (H.F.L.) N.Y. 1848. 120. 3683, 53 Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. Philadelphia, 1833. 80... 1357, 3 Tytler, M. F. Tales of Many Lands. Edinburgh, 1846. 12~... 4268 U. Ugly Effie, and other Tales. Caroline L. Hentz. Philadelphia, 1853. 8~. 5157 lUhland, L. Songs and Ballads. Boston, 1842. 120... 962, 14 Ulrici, H. Shakspeare's Dramatic Art. London, 1846. 8~0... 3956 Uncle Tom's Cabin. Mrs. H. B. Stowe. Boston, 1852. 2 v. 12~... 3109 Uncle Tom's Cabin as it Is. W. L. G. Smith. Buffalo, 1852. 120~.. 4904 Uncle Tom's Cabin in Ruins. Boston, 1853. 120. 5182 Uncle Tom's Cabin, Key to. Mrs. H. B. Stowe. Boston, 1853. 8~.. 5174 Uncle Sam's Farm Fence. A. D. Milne. New York, 1854. 12~. 5825 Uncle Sam's Palace. Emma Wellmont. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5520 Underground Railroad. Philadelphia, 1853. 120.. 5551 Underhill, E. B. Struggles & Triumphs of Religious Liberty. N.Y.1851. 12~. 4194 Understanding, Conduct of. J. Locke. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1848. 120~. 3683, 171 Essay on the Human. J. Locke. Philadelphia, 1845. 80.. 872 Undine; a Romance. F. de la M. Fouque. New York, 1839. 120~.. 1560 The same. New York, 1845. 120. 2332 Undying One, and other Poems. Mrs. C. E. S. Norton. N.Y. 1854. 120~. 5879 Unfortunate Man. F. Chamier. New York, 1835. 2 v. 120.. 406 Ungewitter, F. H. Europe, Past and Present. New York, 1850. 120.. 3897 Union, Maine, History of. J. L. Sibley. Boston, 1851. 120.... 4434 Unitarian Tracts. - See Tracts. Unitarianism, Discourses in Defence of. O. Dewey. Bost. 1840. 3 v. 120~. 1556 United Irishmen, Lives and Times of. R. R. Madden. Phil. 1842. 2 v. 120~. 1936 United States, Appeal respecting. R. Walsh, jun. Phil. 1819. 80. 693 and Canada, Excursion through, 1822-23. London, 1824. 80.. 1429 Census of 1840, Compendium of. Washington, 1842. Folio.. 2033 Census of, 1850. Washington, 1853. 40.. 5890 Constitution of. Edited by W. Hickey. Philadelphia, 1848. 120. 4098 The same. Philadelphia, 1847. 120...... 3075 Constitution of, and of the Several States. Charlestown, 1812. 120. 316 *The same. New York, 1852. 80.... *. 590Z Constitution of, Commentaries on. J. Story. Bost. 1833. 3 v. 80. 1796 The same. Boston, 1851. 2 v. roy. 80.. 4312 Constitution of, View of. W. Rawle. Philadelphia, 1829. 80.. 2688 Constitution of, Writings on. J. Marshall. Boston, 1839. 80.. 2054 Defence of Const. and Gov. of. J. Adams. London, 1787. 3 v. 80. 701 Diplomatic Correspondence. Washington, 1833. 7 v. 80... 3615 Exploring Expedition, 1838-42. C. Wilkes. Phil. 1845. 5 v. roy. 80. 2244 272 CATALOGUE OF THE United States Exploring Expeditions. J. S. Jenkins. Auburn, 1850. 8~. 3620 *Gazetteer of. T. Baldwin and J. Thomas. Philadelphia, 1854. 8~. 5494 *Gazetteer of. J. Hayward. Hartford, 1853. 8~..... 5402 Geographical Dictionary of. J. Scott. Philadelphia, 1805. 80~.. 1269 Glimpse of. A. Cunnynghame. London, 1851. 80... 5411 History of. G. Bancroft. Boston, 1853. 6 v. 80,... 954 History of. C. A. Goodrich. Hartford, 1826. 120~.. 68 History of. W. Grimshaw. Philadelphia, 1821. 12... 331 History of. J. Grahame. London, 1833. 2 v. 8~... 1617 History of. S. Hale. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1846. 2 v. 120~. 3683, 119, 120 History of. R. Hildreth. New York, 1849-51. 6 v. 8... 2851 History of. N. Webster. Cincinnati, 1835. 120... 1504 History and Topography of. J. H. Hinton. Boston, 1834. 2 v. 40~. 2028 History of the Independence of. W. Gordon. Lond. 1788. 4 v. 80~. 578 Laws of. Philadelphia, 1796-1801. 5 v. 80.... 1214 National and State Governments of. C. Mason. Bost. 1842. 12~. 2155 Notes on. G. Combe. Philadelphia, 1841. 2 v. 120... 1603 Origin and Progress of. W. M'Cartney. Philadelphia, 1847. 120~. 3043 Pictorial History of. J. Frost. Philadelphia, 1846. 4 v. roy. 8~. 2777 Pictorial History of. H. Murray. Boston, 1851. 80... 4007 Power and Progress of. G. T. Poussin. Philadelphia, 1851. 8~. 4320 Presidents' Addresses and Messages. New York, 1842. 8~... 1782 Presidents' Messages, 1789-1846. E. Williams. N.Y. 1846. 2 v. 80~. 2781 Public Statutes at Large. Ed. by R. Peters. Bost. 1845. 8 v. roy. 8~. 3243 Society in. F. and T. Pulszky. New York, 1853. 2 v. 120~.. 5245 Society and Manners in. M. Chevalier. Boston, 1839. 8~.. 691 Speaker. J. E. Lovell. New Haven, 1839. 120... 1155 State Papers and PublicDocs., 1789-1818. Bost. 1815-19. 12 v. 80~. 1944 Statistical Account of. D. B. Warden. Edinburgh, 1819. 3 v. 8~. 2257 Statistical Annals of. A. Seybert. Philadelphia, 1818. 40~.. 2032 Statistical View of. F. Pithin. New York, 1817. 80~.. 3974 Travels in. A. Bunn. Philadelphia, 1853. 120... 5594 Travels in, 1807-8. E. A. Kendall. New York, 1809. 3 v. 80~.. 571 Travels in, 1841-42. C. Lyell. New York, 1845. 2 v. 120~.. 2479 Travels in, 1806-11. J. Melish. Philadelphia, 1812. 2 v. 80~.. 1321 Travels in. J. Palmer. London, 1818. 8.... 770 Travels in. Lady E. S. WVortley. London, 1851. 3 v. 120.. 4285 Second Visit to. Sir C. Lyell. New York, 1849. 2 v. 120.. 3396 Visit to, 1841. J. Sturge. Boston, 1842. 120.. 1909 Weakness and Inefficiency of the Government of. -, 1845. 120~. 2906 *Universal Cambist and Commercial Inst. P. Kelly. Lond. 1821. 2 v. 4~. 6027 Universal Prayer, Death, &c. R. Montgomery. Boston, 1829. 120~.. 498 Universalist, The Anti- J. Priest. Albany, 1839. 80. 3786 University of Dublin, History of. W. B. S. Taylor. London, 1845. 80~. 4663 Updike, W. Memoirs of the Rhode Island Bar. Boston, 1842. 120.. 2680 Upham, C. W. Life of Sir Henry Vane. Boston, 1840. 120.. 1076, 4 Oration before the New England Society. Boston, 1847. 8~.. 3197 WVitchcraft, and the Delusion at Salem, 1692. Boston, 1831. 12~. 886 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 273 Upham, E. History of the Turkish Empire. Philadelphia, 1833. 80. 1357, 2 Upham, T. C. Imperfect Mental Action. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1846. 12~. 3683, 100 Manual of Peace. New York, 1836. 8~0.. 6014 On the Will. Portland, 1834. 80.. 3790 Religious Maxims. Philadelphia, 1854. 18~.. 6253 Up Country Letters. -. Mansfield. New York, 1852. 12~.. 4893 Up the Rhine. T. Hood. New York, 1852. 120.... 4875 Up the River. F. W. Shelton. New York, 1853. 120... 5595 Upper Ten Thousand. C. A. Bristed. New York, 1852. 120... 4852 Urbino, L. B. Sunshine in the Palace and Cottage. Boston, 1854. 120~. 5792 Ure, A. Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines. N.Y. 1849. 8~. 1687 *The same. New York, 1853. 2 v. 80. 1687 Urquhart, D. Pillars of Hercules; or, Spain & Morocco. Lond. 1850. 2 v. 80~. 4653 The same. New York, 1850. 2 v. 120. 3854 Progress of Russia. London, 1853. 120.. 5544 Usborne, T. H. Magician Priest of Avignon. London, 1851. 2 v. 12~. 4607 Use of Sunshine. New York, 1852. 120. 295 Useful Arts; with Applications of Science. J. Bigelow. Bost. 1840. 2 v. 120. 2923 their Birth and Development. S. Martin. London, 1851. 120.. 4214 Handbook of. T. Antisell. New York, 1852. 120. 4603 Usury, Funds, and Banks. J. O'Callaghan. Burlington, 1834. 120.. 3661 Utah and the Mormons. B. G. Ferris. New York, 1854. 120... 6150 and Valley of Great Salt Lake. H. Stansbury. Wash. 1853. 0~. 4939 Utopia, and Richard III. Sir T. More. Cambridge, 1831. 120.. 383, 9 Utterance; a Collection of Poems. Caroline A. Briggs. Bost. 1852. 120. 4620 V. Vagamundo; or, the Attach6e in Spain. J. E. Warren. N.Y. 1851. 12~. 4451 The same. London, 1851. 80. 4323 Vala; a Mythological Tale. P. Godwin. New York, 1851. 80... 4803 Valentine, D. T. History of the City of New York. N.Y. 1853. 80.. 5479 Valentine, Dr. W. Budget of Wit and Humor. New York, 1849. 120~. 3282 and Yankee Hill's Metamorphoses. New York, 1852. 120... 5231 Valentine McClutchy, the Irish Agent. W. Carleton. N. Y. 1846. 120. 2927 Valentine Vox, the Ventriloquist. H. Cockton. Philadelphia, 1848. 8~. 1650 Value, Nature, Measures and Causes of. S. Bailey. London, 1825. 80.. 6010 Van Amringe, W. F. Theories of the Nat. Hist. of Man. N.Y. 1848. 80. 4354 Vanbrugh, SirJ. DramaticWorks. Ed.byL.Hunt. Lond. 1851. Roy. 80. 4527 Van Buren, M., Life and Opinions of. W. M. Holland. Hart. 1836. 120. 1847 Vancouver, G. Voyage round the World, 1790-95. Lond. 1798. 3 v. 40~. 2008 Vandenhoff, G. Art of Elocution. London, 1846. 12~...... 2352 Van Doren, W. H. Mercantile Morals. New York, 1852. 120.. 5020 Vane, C. W. Story of the Peninsular War. New York, 1848. 120.. 3161 War in Germany and France, 1813-14. Philadelphia, 1831. 120. 305 Van Egmont, J. E., and J. Heyman. Travels. London, 1759. 2 v. 8~.. 1211 Van Halen, J. Imprisonment by the Inquisition. New York, 1828. 80. 741 N N 274 CATALOGUE OF THE Vane, Sir H. Life. C. W. Upham. Boston, 1840. 120~... 1076, 4 Life. J. Forster. London, 1831. 12~. 1831, 4 Van-Ess, W. L. Life of Napoleon. Philadelphia, 1809. 4 v. 80~... 1628 Vanity Fair; a Novel without a Hero. W. M. Thackeray. N.Y. 1848. 8~. 3219 Van Santvoord, G. Life of Algernon Sidney. New York, 1851. 120.. 4177 Van Schaack, P. Life and Corres. H. C. Van Schaack. N.Y. 1842. 80~. 4958 Vara; or, the Child of Adoption. New York, 1854. 12~... 5798 Varley, D. Treatise on Mineralogy. London, 1853. 120.. 6039 Vassa, G., an African. Life, by himself. Boston, 1837. 120.. 1539 Vasari, G. Lives of Painters, Sculptors, and Architects. Lond. 1851. Post 80~. 4185 Vasey, G. Delineations of the Ox Tribe. London, 1851. 80.. 4322 Vathek; an Arabian Tale. W. Beckford. London, 1853. 12~.. 5702 Vattel, E. de. Law of Nations. Dublin, 1792. 80. 601 Vegetable Substances as Food. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 12~. 3683, 169 Description and History of. Boston, 1830. 120. 868 Vegetable World. C. Williams. Boston, 1833. 120. 56 Poetry of. M. J. Schleiden. Cincinnati, 1853. 120.. 5316 Velazquez, M. Spanish Dictionary. New York, 1852. Roy. 80~.. 4844 Venetia. B. Disraeli. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 120. 565 The same. Philadelphia, 1845. 80.. 2689 Venetian History, Sketches of. E. Smedley. New York, 1834. 2 v. 120~. 114 The same. (H. F.L.) New York, 1846. 2 v. 120. 3683, 43, 44 Venice; the City of the Sea. E. Flagg. New York, 1853. 2 v. 12~.. 5518 Stones of. J. Ruskin. New York, 1851. 80.. 4119 Ventilation and Warming. C. Tomlinson. London, 1850. 120... 6074 Theory and Practice of. London, 1825. 80.... 4017 Warming, and Sound. W. S. Inman. London, 1836. 8~0... 4554 Ventriloquism Explained, and Juggler's Tricks. Amherst, 1834. 160~.. 2970 Verdicts; a Poem. London, 1852. 12~.. 5300 Vericour, L. R. de. Modern Literature of France. Boston, 1848. 120.. 3158 Vermont, Gazetteer of. J. Hayward. Boston, 1849. 120... 5556 History of. W. H. Carpenter and T. S. Arthur. Phil. 1854. 120~. 6289 History of. S. Williams. Burlington, 1809. 2 v. 8~.. 1215 Verplanck, G. C. Discourses and Addresses. New York, 1833. 120.. 1850 Very, J. Essays and Poems. Boston, 1839. 120.... 3581 Versification, System of English. Erastus Everett. New York, 1848. 120. 3108 Vespucius, Americus, and his Voyages. Viscount Santarem. Bost.1850.120~. 4018 Life and Voyages. C. E. Lester. New York, 1846. 8~.. 2712 Vestal, The; a Tale of Pompeii. T. Gray, jun. Boston, 1830. 120.. 483 Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation, and Sequel. N.Y. 1845. 120. 2316 The same. New York, 1850. 16~. 4066 Vicar of Wakefield. O. Goldsmith. New York, 1845. 120.. 2 The same. Edinburgh, 1833. 120. 1835, 2 The same. New York, 1850. 120. 3454, 3 Vicar of Wrexhill. Mrs. F. Trollope. London, 1852. 120... 5672 Victim of Excitement. Mrs. C. L. Hentz. Philadelphia, 1854. 120~.. 5767 Victims of Society. Countess of Blessington. Philadelphia, 1846. 2 v. 120. 360 Victories of the British Armies. W. H. Maxwell. London, 1847. 120.. 3133 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 275 Vidocq, E. T. Autobiography. Philadelphia, 1834. 80.... 2223 Views of Society and Manners in America. New York, 1821. 80... 1276 Vigny, A. de. Cinq-Mars; or, Conspiracy under Louis XIII. N.Y. 1847. 80. 2773 Village Architecture. P. F. Robinson. London, 1837. 4... 5977 Village Choir, Memoirs of a New England. Boston, 1829. 120... 1525 Village Life in Egypt. B. St. John. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 120.... 4998 Village Notary; a Hungarian Romance. Baron E6tv6s. N. Y. 1850. 80~. 3643 Village of Mariendorpt. Anna M. Porter. Boston, 1821. 4 v. 120~.. 302 Village Sayings and Doings. Philadelphia, 1836. 80. 2228, 2 Villette. Caroline Bronte. New York, 1853. 80. 5158 Vince, S. Elements of Astronomy. Philadelphia, 1811. 80... 616 Vinet, A. Homiletics; or, Theory of Preaching. New York, 1854. 120~. 5742 Virgil, M. P. LEneid. Trans. by J. Dryden. New York, 1844. 120~. 1854, 12 Eclogues and Georgics. Tr. by Wragham & Sotheby. N.Y. 1844. 120~. 1854, 11 Works, Latin Text and Translation. New York, 1811. 2 v. 80~.. 6447 Works. Translated by Davidson. London, 1850. Post 80... 4382 Works. Translated by J. Dryden. New York, 1825. 160.. 4 Virginia, First Settlers of. New York, 1806. 120. 442 Historical Collections of. H. Howe. Charleston, 1845. 80... 2719 History of. T. S. Arthur and W. H. Carpenter. Phil. 1852. 120. 4865 Virginia and Magdalene. Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth. N. Y. 1854. 80~. 5981 Virginia Comedians. C. Effingham. New York, 1854. 120... 6210 Vision of Sir Launfal. J. R. Lowell. Cambridge, 1848. 120... 3330 of Don Roderick. Sir W. Scott. Philadelphia, 1839. 120... 860, 3 Visions of Quevedo. Trans. by W. Elliot. Philadelphia, 1832. 160.. 41 of the Times of Old. R. Bigsby. London, 1848. 3 v. 8... 4820 Visits and Sketches at Home and Abroad. Mrs. Jameson. N.Y. 1834. 2 v.120. 2369 to Remarkable Places. W. Howitt. Philadelphia, 1842. 80~.. 1764 Vivian Gray. B. Disraeli. Baltimore, 1833. 2 v. 120. 1149 The same. Philadelphia, 1845. 80.. 2689 Vocabalaire des Termes de Commerce. J. Peuchet. Paris, 1801. 80. 1248 Voice from the Main Deck. Boston, 1843. 160. 1744 from the Parsonage. H. G. Park. Boston, 1854. 120~... 5856 Philosophy of the Human. J. Rush. Philadelphia, 1845. 80. ~ 5086 Voices of the Dead. J. Cumming. Boston, 1854. 12~... 5823 of the Night. H. W. Longfellow. Cambridge, 1839. 120.. 94 of Nature to the Soul of Man. Ed. by H. T. Cheever. N.Y. 1852. 120~. 4918 Volney, C. F. C. The Ruins; Meditation on the Revolutions. N.Y.1828. 120~. 344 Les Ruines; Meditation sur les Revolutions. Paris, 1827. 8~.. 344 Voltaire, F. M. A. de, and his Times. L. Bungener. Boston, 1855. 120~. 6220 History of Charles XII. New York, 1851. 160. 5183 La Pucelle d'Orleans. Paris, 1816. 160. 82 Life. Lord Brougham. Philadelphia, 1845. 120. 2524 Works, translated. London, 1780. 5 v. 80~...... 1915 Vose, J. System of Astronomy. Concord, 1827. 80. 634 Voyage autour du Monde, 1785-88. G. Dixon. Paris, 1789. 2 v. 80~.. 1245 for a N. W. Passage, 1819-20. Sir W. E. Parry. Phil. 1821. 80~. 1316 The same; Second Voyage. New York, 1824. 80.. 1272 276 CATALOGUE OF THE Voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay. Dublin, 1790. 8S... 523 of the Jamestown. R. B. Forbes. Boston, 1847. 80.... 2799 of the Margaret Oakley. T. J. Jacobs. New York, 1844. 12~.. 2170 of the Potomac, 1831-34. J. N. Reynolds. New York, 1835. 8~. 1980 of the Potomac, 1831-34. F. Warriner. New York, 1835. 120. 1256 round the World, 1836-42. Sir E. Belcher. Lond. 1843. 2 v. 8~. 2853 round the World. T. Gersteecker. New York, 1853. 120... 5372 round the World. A. J. von Krusenstern. London, 1813. 2 v. 40. 2016 round the World. M. de la Peyrouse. Boston, 1801. 16~... 876 round the World. Ida Pfeiffer. New York, 1852. 120... 4596 round the World, 1790-95. G. Vancouver. Lond. 1798. 3 v. 40~. 2008 to N. W. Coast of America. G. Franchere. New York, 1854. 120. 5818 to the S. Atlantic Ocean, 1829-31. Abby J. Morrell. N.Y. 1833. 120. 2805 to the Southern Hemisphere. J. Hawkesworth. Perth, 1789. 4 v.120. 169 to West Coast of Africa. J. A. Carnes. Boston, 1852. 120.. 4798 Voyages and Commercial Enterprises. R. J. Cleveland. Cam. 1842. 2 v.120. 897 and Travels. A. Delano. Boston, 1817. 80. 6.... 40 and Travels, Fragments of. Capt. B. Hall. London, 1842. 8~.. 2610 and Travels, General Collection of. J. Pinkerton. Phil. 1810. 6 v. 40~. 2000 For contents, see Pinkerton, J. and Travels, History and Collec. of. R. Kerr. Edin. 1824. 18 v. 80. 5489 and Travels. D. Tyerman andl G.Bennet. Boston, 1832. 3 v.120. 1567 autour du Monde. A. Montemont. Paris, 1853. Roy. 80... 5976 aux Montagnes D'Ecosse. Vol. 1. Geneva, 1785. 80... 806 from 1799 to 1844. G. Coggeshall. New York, 1851. 80... 4303 Mariner's Library of Popular. Boston, 1833. 120... 1169 of Discovery. Sir W. E. Parry. (H.F.L.) N.Y. 1846. 2 v. 120. 3683, 107-8 round the World. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 120~.. 3683, 172 round the World. London, 1850. 160. 4582 round the World. J. Cook. London, 1853. 2 v. roy. 80.. 5457 The same, abridged. Philadelphia, n. d. 2 v. 160~... 3 *Vyse, H. Pyramids of Gizeh. London, 1840. 3 v.4~... 3794 W. Wagen, Dr. Life and Genius of Peter Paul Rubens. London, 1840. 120. 3070 Wacousta; or, the Prophecy. Major Richardson. New York, 1851. 80. 4036 Wade, Mrs. D. B. L. Burman Slave Girl. Boston, n. d. 160... 1508 WVade, J. History of the Middle and Working Classes. Lond. 1835. 120. 2109 Letters of Junius, & Evidence of Authorship. Lond. 1850. 2 v. post 80. 4374 Waif; a Collec. of Poems. Ed. by H. W. Longfellow. Cam. 1845. 120. 2188 Wainwright, J. M. Pathways of our Lord. New York, 1851. Roy. 8~. 4008 Wakefield, P. Beauties and Wonders of Nature and Art. Phil. 1819. 120. 435 Wakeman, J. Mysterious Parchment. Boston, 1853. 120.... 5522 Wakondah, the Master of Life; a Poem. New York, 1841. 80... 1671 Waldenses, History of the Persecution of. A. Muston. Lond. 1852. 120. 5260 *The. W. Beattie. llust. by Bartlett &- Brockedon. Lond. 1836. 40~. 3746 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 277 Walden; or, Life in the Woods. H. D. Thoreau. Boston, 1854. 120.. 6166 Waldo, S. P. American Naval Heroes. Hartford, 1823. 8~... 651 Tour of James Monroe, and Life. Hartford, 1818. 12~.. 315 Wales, Falls, Lakes, & Mountains of North. L. S. Costellow. Lon. 1845. 120~. 2388 Pedestrian's Guide through North. G. J. Bennett. Lond. 1840. 8~. 4665 Walker, A. Beauty in Woman. Hartford, 1848. 120.. 1753 Walker, C. V. Electrotype Manipulation. Philadelphia, 1852. 120.. 5005 Walker, D. British Manly Exercises. Philadelphia, 1850. 120.. 2200 Walker, J. Dictionary of the English Language. Phil. 1811. 8... 1287 English Pronouncing Dictionary. New York, 1823. 80... 660 Rhyming, Spelling, and Pronouncing Dictionary. Phil. 1852. 80. 500 Walks & Talks of an Amer. Farmer in Eng. F. L. Olmsted. N.Y. 1852. 120. 147 Wallace; a Franconia Story. J. Abbott. New York, 1850. 120... 3813 Wallace, Sir tW., History of. New York, 1820. 120. 387 Wallenstcin (Duke of Friedland). Life. J. Mitchell. Lond. 1840. 120~. 4567 WVallis, Mrs. M. D. Life in Feejee. Boston, 1851. 12~... 4160 Wallis, S. T. Glimpses of Spain in 1847. New York, 1849. 120.. 3448 Spain, her Institutions, Politics, &c. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5212 Walpole, B. C. Life of Charles James Fox. New York, 1807. 120. 468 WValpole, H. Castle of Otranto. London, 185 3. 12~. 5702 Letters, 1735-48. Philadelphia, 1842. 4 v. 8~. 1963 Letters to Sir H. Mann. Ed. by Lord Dover. N.Y. 1833. 2 v. 120. 1230 Memoirs of the Reign of George IlI. Philadelphia, 1815. 2 v. 80. 2617 and Contemporaries, Memoirs of. E. Warburton. Lond. 1851. 2 v. 80. 4147 Walsh, R. Brazil in 1828-29. Boston, 1831. 2 v. 120. 2106 Walsh, R., jun. Appeal respecting the United States. Phil. 1819. 80.. 693 Walsh, R. M. Sketches of Living Characters in France. Phil. 1841. 120. 2296 Walt and Vult; or, the Twins. J. P. Richter. Boston, 1846. 2 v. 12~0. 2552 Walter, H. History of England. London, n. d. 7 v. 80~.. 6021 Walter, T. U., and J. J. Smith. 200 Designs for Cottages. Phil. 1847. 40~. 2980 Walton, I. Life of Richard IIooker. Oxford, 1843. 80... 1961, 1 Lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, &c. New York, 1846. 12~.. 2942 The same. Cambridge, 1831. 120. 383, 5-6 and C. Colton. Complete Angler. New York, 1848. 120... 1869 Wandering Jew. E. Sue. New York, 1846. 2 v. roy. 80.... 26'22 The same (in Spanish, and Illust.). Paris, 1845. 4 v. roy. 80. 6029 War, and the Principles of Christianity. J. Dymond. Phil. 1834. 120~. 2129 Art of. N. Machiavelli. Albany, 1815. 80.. 1330 Art of (in French). G. R. Faesch. Leipzig, 1771. 2 v. 8~.. 710 in France and Belgium, 1815. W. Siborne. Phil. 1845. 80~.. 2711 Germany and France in 1813-14. C. W. Vane. Phil. 1831. 120. 305 in Syria. Sir Charles Napier. London, 1842. 2 v. 12~.. 3058 of 1812, History of. New York, 1815. 120... 132 of 1812, History of. J. T. Headley. New York, 1853. 2 v. 120~. 5533 of 1812, History of. C. J. Ingersoll. Philadelphia, 1852. 3 v. 80. 5177 of 1812, in the Western Country. Lexington, 1816. 8~... 546 of 1812, Sketches of. Rutland, Vt., 1815. 80. 2073 of the Sicilian Vespers. M. Amari. London, 1850. 3 v. 12~.. 4387 278 CATALOGUE OF THE WVaraga; or, the Charms of the Nile. W. Furness. New York, 1850. 120. 3485 Warburton, E. Conquest of Canada. New York, 1850. 2 v. 120.. 3839 Crescent and the Cross; or, Eastern Travel. N.Y. 1845. 2 v. 120~. 2377 Darien; or, the Merchant Prince. New York, 1852. 80.. 3324 Hochelaga; or, England in the New World. N.Y. 1846. 2 v. 120~. 2914 Memoirs of Horace Walpole. London, 1851. 2 v. 80.... 4147 Reginald Hastings. New York, 1850. 80. 3989 XVarburton, J. Roman History. London, 1792. 120. 312 Ward, A. H. History of Shrewsbury, Mass. Boston, 1847. 8~.. 2844 Ward, F. De W. India and the Hindoos. New York, 1850. 12~.. 3935 Ward, J. Adolphe Renouard. London, 1852. 120.. 5641 Ward, Matt. F. English Items. New York, 1853. 120.. 5211 Trial for Murder. New York, 1854. 8~. 5982 Ward, N. Simple Cobler of Aggawam, 1645. Reprint, Boston, 1843. 12~. 1939 Ward, R. P. De Vere. New York, 1831. 2 v. 120. 350 Fielding; or, Society. Philadelphia, 1837. 3 v. 120... 907 The same. (Select Cir. Lib.) Philadelphia, 1837. 40~. 2034,1838 Illustrations of Human Life. London, 1843. 3 v. 120~... 4564 Vol. 1. Atticus, or the Retired Statesman; St. Lawrence. 2, 3. Fielding, or Society. Ward, S. Life. William Gammell. Boston, 1848. 120... 1076, 19 Warden, D. B. Statistical Account of United States. Edinb. 1819. 3 v. 8~. 2257 Warden, W. Letters on Napoleon at St. Helena. Boston, 1817. 160. 815 Wardlaw, R. National Church Establishments. London, 1839. 80~.. 1419 Ware, H., jun. Hints on Extemporaneous Preaching. Bost. 1831. 120~. 1882 Memoir. J. Ware. Boston, 1846. 120. 2537 Works. Boston, 1846. 4 v. 120..2934 Ware, J. Memoir of Henry Ware, jun. Boston, 1846. 120.... 2537 Ware, Mary L. Memoir. E. B. Hall. Boston, 1853. 120.... 076 Ware, W. Julian; or, Scenes in Judea. New York, 1841. 2 v. 120.. 1631 Lectures on VWorks and Genius of Wash. Allston. Bost. 1852. 120. 4913 Life of Nathaniel Bacon. Boston, 1844. 120... 1076, 13 Probus; or, Rome in the Third Century. N. York, 1838. 2 v. 120. 1109 Sketches of European Capitals. Boston, 1851. 120. 4426 Zenobia. New York, 1838. 2 v. 120. 482 Warkworth Castle; a Historical Romance. London, 1851. 3 v. 12~.. 4245 Warming and Ventilation. C. Tomlinson. London, 1850. 120. 6074 Theory and Practice of. London, 1825. 80... 4017 Ventilation, and Sound, Report on. W. S. Inman. Lond. 1836. 80. 4554 Warner, Anna. Carl Krinken. New York, 1854. 120.. 5626 Law and the Testimony. New York, 1853. Roy. 80. 5424 Queechy. New York, 1852. 2 v. 120.. 1050 Mr. Rutherford's Children. New York, 1853. 120. 5547 Wide, Wide World. New York, 1851. 120.. 4083 Warner, H. W. Liberties of America. New York, 1853. 120~.. 5356 Warren, Maine, Annals of. C. Eaton. Hallowell, 1851. 120~... 959 Warren, I. Mud Cabin. New York, 1853. 120.... 5526 Warren, Jos. Life. A. H. Everett. Boston, 1844. 12~... 1076, 10 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 279 Warren, J. C. Address before Boston Soc. of Nat. Hist. Bost. 1853. 80~. 5406 *Description of a Skeleton of the Mastodon. Boston, 1852. 40~.. 4937 Preservation of Health. Boston, 1854. 120... 5797 Warren, J. E. Notes of an Attach6 in Spain. London, 1851. 80... 4323 The same. New York, 1851. 120. 4451 Para; or, Adventures on the Amazon. New York, 1851. 120.. 4258 Warren, S. Confessions of an Attorney. New York, 1852. 120.. 4772 Diary of a Late Physician. New York, 1838. 3 v. 12~.. 2191 Experiences of a Barrister. New York, 1852. 120. 4771 Lily and the Bee. New York, 1851. 120.. 4468 Merchant's Clerk. New York, 1836. 120. 457 Moral and Professional Duties of Attorneys. N. York, 1849. 12~. 2464 Now and Then. New York, 1848. 120. 3096 Ten Thousand a Year. Philadelphia, 1841. 6 v. 120.. 966 Warreniana. Boston, 1851. 120. 3818 Warriner, F. Cruise of the Potomac, 1831-34. New York, 1835. 120~. 1256 Warton, T. History of English Poetry. London, 1840. 3 v. 8~.. 5476 Warwick, E. Classification of Noses. London, 1848. 120.... 4969 Warwick Woodlands. H. W. Herbert. New York, 1851. 120.. 3842 Washburn, E. Judicial History of Massachusetts. Boston, 1840. 8~.. 2090 Washington, G., and his Generals. J. T. Headley. N.Y. 1847. 2 v. 120~. 2975 and his Generals. G. Lippard. Philadelphia, 1847. 8~.. 2831 and the Generals of the Revolution. Philadelphia, 1847. 2 v. 120~. 3047 Essay on. M. Guizot. Boston, 1840. 120..66 Lif'e. J. Marshall. Phil. 1805-7. 5 v. 80. 1267 Life. J.K. Paulding. (H.F.L.) New York, 1846. 2v. 120. 3683,75,76 Memory of. N. Hervey. Boston, 1852. 160.. 4595 Mother and Wife of. Marg. C. Conkling. Auburn, 1850. 120~.. 3849 Political Legacies. Boston, 1800. 120. 558 Revolutionary Orders of. J. Whiting. New York, 1844. 8~.. 2236 Writings, with Life. J. Sparks. Boston, 1837. 12 v. 80... 1430 Vol. 1. Life by Jared Sparks. 2. Official Letters relating to the French War, and Private Letters before the American Revolution. 3-8. Correspondence and Miscellaneous Papers relating to Am. Revolution. 9. Correspondence from his Resignation as Commander-in-Chief to his Inauguration as President. 10, 11. Correspondence from the Beginning of his Presidency to the End of his Life. 12. Speeches and Messages to Congress; Proclamations and Addresses. and Adams, Administrations of. G. Gibbs. N. York, 1846. 2 v. 80. 2728 Water, Cold, Tepid, and Friction Cure. R. T. Claridge. N. Y. 1849. 120. 3404 Natural History of. C. T. Jackson. Boston, 1836, 120... 898 Treatise on the Power of. J. Glynn. London, 1853. 120... 6090 Wisdom of God displayed in. J. K. Mitchell. Phil. 1833. 80. 1357, 3 Water-Cure, Life at; or, Month at Malvern. R. J. Lane. Lond. 1846. 120. 4964 Water Drops. L. H. Sigourney. New York, 1848. 120.... 3062 Water Treatment. E. L. Bulwer and J. Forbes. New York, 1849. 120. 3392 Water Witch. J. F. Cooper. Philadelphia, 1838. 2 v. 120.... 1168 Waterloo, Stories of. W. H. Maxwell. London, 1850. 120.... 5657 Story of the Battle of. G. R. Gleig. New York, 1847. 120.. 3023 280 CATALOGUE OF THE Waterhouse, G. R. Marsupialia. Edinburgh, 1843. 120.. 4901, 24 Waters, T. Recollections of a Policeman. New York, 1852. 12~.. 4770 Waterston, R. C. Discourse on J. Q. Adams. Boston, 1848.. 3533 Moral and Spiritual Culture. Boston, 1844. 120.. 2130 Waterston, W. Cyclopaedia of Commerce. London. 1846. 8~.. 3544 *The same. London, 1846. 8~. 3996 Watson, H. C. Camp-Fires of the Revolution. Philadelphia, 1850. 80. 3828 Nights in a Block HIouse. Philadelphia, 1852. 120... 1198 Old Bell of Independence. Philadelphia, 1852. 12... 142 Watson, Robt. History of the Reign of Philip II. New York, 1818. 8~. 638 Watson, Rich. Life of J. Wesley. New York, 1831. 120. 1904 Watson, Rich. Reply to Gibbon. New York, n. d. 120. 504 Reply to Paine. New York, n. d. 120. 504 Watts, I. Improvement of the Mind. Boston, 1833. 12~.. 1483 Wau-nan-gee; or, Massacre of Chicago. Maj. Richardson. N.Y. 1852. 80~. 4810 Waverley Garland. Boston, 1853. Roy. 80.. 5110 Waverley; or,'Tis Sixty Years Since. Sir W. Scott. Bost. 1848. 2 v. 12~. 999, 1, 2 The same. Edinburgh, 1849. 2 v. 120.. 4100, 1, 2 The same. Edinburgh, 1850. Roy. 80. 4531, 1 Vay to Do Good. J. Abbott. New York, 1852. 120... 6206 Wayfaring Sketches among the Greeks and Turks. London, 1849. 120.. 4967 Wayland, F. Elements of Intellectual Philosophy. Boston, 1854. 12~.. 6319 Elements of Moral Science. Boston, 1839. 120. 1448 Elements of Political Economy. New York, 1837. 80~... 799 Memoir of Adoniram Judson. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 120. 5536 University Sermons. Boston, 1849. 120.. 3189 Wayne, A. Life. J. Armstrong. Boston, 1840. 120.. 1076, 4 Ways of the Hour. J. F. Cooper. New York, 1850. 12~.. 3674 Weale, J. Dictionary of Terms of Art, &c. London, 1850. 120~... 6061 London and its Vicinity in 1851. London, 1851. 120. 4406 Wealth of Nations. Adam Smith. London, 1850. 80.. 676 Weaver, G. S. Hopes and Helps for the Young. New York, 1853. 120. 5269 Webb, J. W. Altowan; or, the Rocky Mountains. N.Y. 1846. 2 v. 120~. 2924 Webber, C. CW. Hunter Naturalist. Philadelphia, 1851. Roy. 80.. 1340 Old Hicks, the Guide. New York, 1848. 120.. 3160 Romance of Natural History. Philadelphia, 1852. 8~.. 4814 Spiritual Vampirism. Philadelphia, 1853. 120.. 5302 Tales of the Southern Border. Philadelphia, 1853. 120.. 5322 Outlines of Universal History. Boston, 1853. 80.. 5165 Webster, D. Diplomatic and Official Papers. New York, 1848. 80.. 3207 Life. (No titlepage.). 1174 Life. C. W. March. New York, 1850. 120..... 3919 Life and Memorials of. S. P. Lyman. New York, 1853. 2 v. 120. 5069 Memorial of, from City of Boston. Boston, 1853. 80.... 5114 Obituary Addresses in Congress on. Washington, 1853. 80.. 5420 Private Life. C. Lanman. New York, 1852. 120.... 5052 Speeches and Forensic Arguments. Boston, 1848. 3 v. 8~.0.. 788 Works; with Biography by E. Everett. Boston, 1851. 6 v. 8~.. 1648 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 281 Webster, D., the American Statesman. J. Banvard. Boston, 1853. 12~. 5554 Webster, J. TV. Trial for Murder: G. Bemis's Report. Boston, 1850. 8~. 4315 The same: J. W. Stone's Report. Boston, 1850. 8~.. 3952 Webster, N. Dictionary of Eng. Language. Springfield, 1845. 2 v. roy. 8~. 2231 *Dictionary of the English Language. Springfield, 1849. 40~.. 2040 History of the United States. Cincinnati, 1835. 12~.. 1504 Papers, Political, Literary, and Moral. New York, 1843. 80. 1994 Week's Delight; or, Games and Stories. New York, 1854. 120.. 5613 Weems, M. L. Life of Benjamin Franklin. Philadelphia, 1829. 120.. 1019 Weights and Measires, Dictionary of. J. H. Alexander. Balt. 1850. 80~. 3978 and Measures, Report on. J. Q. Adams. Washington, 1821. 80~. 1254 Weir, J. Winter Lodge; or, Vow Fulfilled. Philadelphia, 1854. 12~.. 5801 Weiss, C. History of the French Protestants. N. York, 1854. 2 v. 120~. 5799 Welby, Amelia B. Poems. New York, 1846. 120..2988 Well-Digging, Boring, &c. J. G. Swindell. London, 1854. 120.. 6055 Weldron Family; or, Vicissitudes of Fortune. Providence, 1848. 120.. 3227 Wellesley, R. (Marq.) Memoirs & Corres. R.R. Pearce. Lond.1846.3v. 8~. 4661 WVeld, H. H. Autobiog. and Life of Benjamin Franklin. N.Y. 1848. 80~. 3265 Corrected Proofs. Boston, 1836. 12~. 2151 Wellington, Duke of. Life. F. L. Clarke andW. Dunlap. N.Y. 1814. 8~. 615 Life. W. K. Kelley. London, 1853. 120.. 6272 Life. W. H. Maxwell. London, 1845. 3 v. 80. 5092 Sieges of, in Spain. Sir J. T. Jones. London, 1846. 3 v. 80.. 5132 and Sir R. Peel. Lives.- New York, 1852. 120. 4992 Wellmont, Emma. Substance and Shadows. Boston, 1854. 120... 5962 Uncle Sam's Palace. Boston, 1853. 120. 5520 Wells, H. Essay on Teeth. Hartford, 1838. 120... 3583 *Wells, N. A. Picturesque Antiquities of Spain. London, 1846. 8~0.. 2042 Wells, T. Letters on Palestine. Boston, 1846. 120.. 2555 WVemyss, F. C. Life of an Actor and Manager. N. York, 1847. 2 v. 120. 2968 Wensley; a Story without a Moral. E. Quincy. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5860 Wentworth, T. (Earl of Strafford.) Life. J. Foster. London, 1831. 120. 1831, 2 Wept of Wish-ton-Wish. J. F. Cooper. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 v. 12~.. 850 Werne, F. Expedition to the White Nile. London, 1849. 2 v. 120.. 4019 Wesley, J., and Methodism. I. Taylor. New York, 1852. 120.. 3906 Life. R. Watson. New York, 1831. 120..1904 Life, and History of Methodism. R. Southey. N.Y. 1847. 2 v. 120. 3005 West, Annals of the. J. H. Perkins. Cincinnati, 1846. 80... 3247 Letters from the. G. W. Ogden. New Bedford, 1823. 120.. 1175 Life in the Far. G. F. Ruxton. New York, 1849. 120.. 3438 West, Mrs. Letters to a Young Man. Charlestown, 1803. 2 v. 120. 286 West, Benjamin, Life and Studies of. J. Galt. Philadelphia, 1816. 8~. 1327 West, G. Evidence of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Bost. 1834. 120~. 1478 WVest Indies and America. London, 1845. 8~. 3198 and N. America, Impressions in, 1849. R. Baird. Phil. 1850. 12~. 3873 Domestic Manners at. Mrs. Carmichael. Phil. 1833. 8~.. 1357, 2 Emancipation in. J. A. Thome & J. H. Kimball. N.Y. 1838. 8~. 699 A Winter in the. J. J. Gurney. New York, 1840. 80... 1286 0o O0 282 CATALOGUE OF THE West Indies, Residence in. R. R. Madden. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 v. 120~. 1077 History of British Colonies in. B. Edwards. Lond. 1794. 2 v. 40~. 2004 Tour through the British. D. McKinnen. London, 1804. 120.. 196 Western Characters. J. L. McConnel. New York, 1853. 12~. 5563 Western Clearings. C. M. Kirkland. New York, 1845. 120. 2525 Western Country, War of 1812 in. Lexington, 1816. 80.. 546 Western Gazetteer. S. R. Brown. Auburn, 1817. 80.. 757 Western Islands of Scot., Journey to. S. Johnson. N.Y. 1843. Roy. 80. 1984, 2 Western States and Territories, Annals of. J. H. Perkins. Cin. 1846. 8~. 3247 Guide for Emigrants. J. M. Peck. Boston, 1831. 12~. 1493 Western Travel. H. Martineau. New York, 1838. 2 v. 120~... 1117 Westminster, Description of. London, 1836. 240.. 2117 Westminster Review. Vols. 21-61 [continued]. N.Y. 1834-54. Roy. 8~. 2825 Westward Ho! J. K. Paulding. New York, 1832. 2 v. 120.. 431 Whale and his Captors. H. T. Cheever. New York, 1850. 12~... 3317 Whale Fishery, Northern. New York, 1831. 160... 818 The same. New York, 1848. 160. 3683, 14 Whales, Natural History of. R. Hamilton. Edinburgh, 1843. 12~. 4901, 26 Whaling Cruise, Etchings of. J. R. Browne. New York, 1850. 80.. 2753 Wharton, C. H. Controversy with Romanism. New York, 1817. 80.. 3636 Wharton, F. State Trials of the United States. Phil. 1849. 80.. 2669 Wharton, G. M. Southern Medical Student. Philadelphia, 1851. 12~. 4038 What to Observe in Medical Cases. Philadelphia, 1853. 120.. 5754 Whately, R. Elements of Logic. New York, 1839. 120... 1805 Elements of Rhetoric. Boston, 1845. 120.... 1804 Essays on the Dangers to Christian Faith. London, 1839. 8~.0. 2652 Essays on the Difficulties in St. Paul's Writings. Lond. 1845. 8~. 2650 Essays on the Errors of Romanism. London, 1845. 80... 2651 Historic Doubts relative to Napoleon. New York, 1853. 120.. 6203 Kingdom of Christ, in Two Essays. London, 1845. 8~0... 2653 Wheat and Silk, Third Mass. Report on. H. Colman. Boston, 1840. 8~. 160'/ Wheat or Chaff? J. C. Ryle. New York, 1852. 120. 927 Wheatly, C. Illust. of the Book of Common Prayer. Lond. 1849. Post 80. 4394 Wheaton, H. Discourse on Germany. Boston, 1847. 8~0... 3197 Elements of International Law. Philadelphia, 1846. 80... 3538 History of the Northmen. Philadelphia, 1831. 8~0... 2174 Life of William Pinkney. Boston, 1840. 120... 1076, 6 Right of Visitation and Search. Philadelphia, 1842. 8~.. 2833 Wheaton, R. Memoir and Selections from Writings. Boston, 1854. 120. 5610 Wheeler, G. Rural Homes; or, Houses for the Country. N.Y. 1851. 120. 4495 Wheeler, H. G. History of Congress. New York, 1848. 2 v. 80~.. 3200 Wheeler, J. D. Treatise on the Law of Slavery. N.Y. 1837. Roy. 80.. 1352 Whelpley, S. Compend of History. New York, 1844. 120... 333 Whewell, W. Elements of Morality and Polity. N.Y. 1845. 2 v. 120. 2490 History of the Inductive Sciences. London, 1837. 3 v. 80... 2273 Indications of a Creator. Philadelphia, 1845. 120... 2359 Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences. London, 1840. 2 v. 8~.. 2692 Plurality of Worlds. Boston, 1854. 120.. 5817 MIERCANTILE LIBRARY. 283 Whig Review. - See American Whig Review. Whim, and its Consequences. G. P. R. James. New York, f 848. 80.. 3220 Whims and Oddities, in Prose and Verse. T. Hood. N.Y. 1852. 120~.. 4990 Whimsical Woman. Emilie F. Carlen. New York, 1854. 120... 5814 Whimsicalities. T. Hood. New York, 1852. 120... 4759 Whipple, E. P. Essays and Reviews. New York, 1848. 2 v. 12~.. 3184 Vol. 1. T. B. Macaulay; Poets and Poetry of America; T. N. Talfourd; Words; James's Novels; Sydney Smith; Daniel Webster; Neal's History of the Puritans; Winm. Wordsworth; Lord Byron; English Poets of Nineteenth Century; Vagaries of Volition. 2. Old English Dramatists; Dr. South's Sermons; Romance of Rascality; Croakers of Society and Literature; British Critics; Rufus Choate; Coleridge as a Philosophical Critic; Prescott's Histories; Prescott's Conquest of Peru; Shakspeare's Critics; Richard Brinsley Sheridan; Appendix. Lectures on Literature and Life. Boston, 1850. 120... 3435 Authors in their Relations to Life; Novels and Novelists; Charles Dickens; Wit and Humor; Ludicrous Side of Life; Genius; Intellectual Health and Disease. Whitby, D. Last Thoughts. Boston, 1823. 120.. 368, 2 White, C. Essays in Literature and Ethics. Boston, 1853. 12~.. 5254 White, G. Natural History of Selborne. London, 1851. Post 80.. 4178 The same. London, 1853. 120.. 2192 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 120... 3683, 147 White, G. S. Samuel Slater, and History of Cotton Manufac. Phil.1836. 8~. 1237 White, H. K., Beauties of, in Poetry and Prose. Boston, 1827. 120.. 307 Complete Works, with Life. R. Southey. New York, 1849. 80~. 3421 Poetical Works. Philadelphia, 1836. 80. 580 Remains. Boston, 1815. 2 v. 160. 50 White, J. B. Autobiography. Ed. by J. H. Thom. Lond. 1845. 3 v. 120. 2503 White, J. E. Letters on England. Philadelphia, 1816. 2 v. 80.. 1375 White, R. G. Shakspeare's Scholar. New York, 1854. 80... 5989 White-Jacket; or, World in a Man-of-War. H. Melville. N.Y. 1850. 120~. 3654 White Mountains, Legends of. I. W. Scrivener. Boston, 1854. 120.. 6238 *Scenery of. W. Oakes. Boston, 1848. 40... 3747 White Slave; or, Memoirs of a Fugitive. R. Hildreth. Bost. 1852. 120. 4882 White Slave; or, Russian Peasant Girl. New York, 1845. 80.. 2750 White Slavery; New Emancipation Cause. W. Burton. Worc. 1839. 12~. 1489 in Barbary States. C. Sumner. Boston, 1853. 120... 5249 White Slaves of England. Auburn, 1853. 8.... 5385 Whiteboy; a Story of Ireland. Mrs. S. C. Hall. New York, 1845. 8~. 2640 Whitefield, G., Memoirs of. J. Gillies. Boston, 1813. 120.. 208 Whitehead, C. Richard Savage. London, 1853. 120.5. 5729 Whiting, J. Revolutionary Orders of Gen. Washington. N.Y. 1844. 8~. 2236 Whiting, H. Life of Z. M. Pike. Boston, 1846. 120.... 1076, 15 Whiting, WV. Argument in a Patent Case. Boston, 1853. 8~.0.. 5437 Argument on Case of Mystic River Flats. Boston, 1851. 8~.. 4143 Whitman, Z. G. History of the Anc. & Hon. Artillery Co. Bost. 1820. 80. 750 Whitney, J. D. Metallic Wealth of the U. States. Philadelphia, 1854. 8~. 5990 Whittier, J. G. Chapel of the Hermits, &c. Boston, 1853. 12~... 5207 Lays of my Home, and other Poems. Boston, 1843. 12~... 1893 284 CATALOGUE OF TIIE Whittier, J. G. Old Portraits and Modern Sketches. Boston, 1850. 12~. 3479 Literary Recreations and Miscellanies. Boston, 1854. 12~... 6222 Poems. Boston, 1849. 80. 15539 Songs of Labor, and other Poems. Boston, 1850. 12~... 3922 Stranger in Lowell. Boston, 1845. 120.. 2478 Supernaturalism in New England. New York, 1847. 12~... 2963 WVhittingham, Maj. Ten Months' Residence in Berlil. London, 1846. 8~. 1129 Whittlesey, C. Life of James Fitch. Boston, 1846. 120... 1076, 16 Who shall be Heir? Ellen Pickering. Philadelphia, 1847. 80... 2706 WVide, Wide World. Anna Warner. New York, 1851. 120... 4083 Widow and the Marquis. T. E. Hook. London, 1842. 120.... 5678 Widow Barnaby. Mrs. F. Trollope. London, 1850. 120.... 5674 Widow Rugby's Husband, &c. J. H. Hooper. Philadelphia, 1851. 12~. 4173 Wieland; or, the Transformation. C. B. Brown. New York, 1846. 80. 2715 Wife Hunter. Caroline Pichler. New York, 1844. 80..... 2167, 1 Wife's Sister; or, Forbidden Marriage. Mrs. Hubback. N. Y. 1851. 80. 4131 Wiggins, J. Embanking Lands from the Sea. London, 1852. 120.. 6089 Wight, O. W. Romance of Abelard and Heloise. N. Y. 1853. 12~0.. 5367 (Editor.) Philosophy of Sir W. Hamilton. New York, 1853. 120. 5371 Wigwam and the Cabin. W. G. Simms. Philadelphia, 1853. 120.. 2486 Wikoff, H. Sketches of Louis Napoleon. New York, 1849. 120... 3352 Wilberforce, S. Journal and Letters of Henry Martyn. N. Y. 1851. 120~. 4168 Wilberforce, W. Correspondence. Ed. by his Sons. Phil. 1841. 2 v. 120~. 1771 Devotions at Home. Boston, 1838. 120.. 1485 Life. R. I. and S. Wilberforce. Philadelphia, 1841. 2 v. 120.. 1770 Practical View of the Religious System. Boston, 1815. 120. 213 Wild Irish Boy. D. J. Murphy. New York, 1808. 2 v. 120.. 306 Wild Jack; or; the Stolen Child. Mrs. C. L. Hentz. Phil. 1854. 120.. 5768 Wild Scenes and Wild Hunters. C. W. Webber. Phil. 1851. Roy. 80~. 1340 in a Hunter's Life. Compiled by J. Frost. Auburn, 1851. 120.. 4216 of the Forest and Prairie. C. F. Hoffman. N. Y. 1843. 2 v. 120~. 1727 Wild Sports of the West. W. H. Maxwell. Phil. 1851. 8~... 4125 The same. Philadelphia, 1846. 80..... 2663 Wilde, R.H. Love, Madness, and Imprisonment of Tasso. N.Y. 1842. 2 v. 120. 2127 Wilderness and the War Path. J. Hall. New York, 1846. 120... 2580 Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship. J. W. von Goethe. Bost. 1851. 2 v. 120. 1802 Wilkes, C. California and Oregon, with Maps. Philadelphia, 1849. 8~. 3296 U. S. Exploring Expedition, 1838-42. Phil. 1845. 5 v. roy. 80.. 2244 Wilkes, G. Europe in a Hurry. New York, 1852. 120.... 5021 WTilkinson, G. Handbook for Travellers in Egypt. London, 1847. 120. 60 Wilkinson, Sir J. G. Ancient Egyptians. London, 1837. 3 v. 80.. 2656 Popular Account of Ancient Egyptians. London, 1854. 2 v. 120. 5752 Wilkinson, J. J. G. Human Body, and Man. Philadelphia, 1851. 120. 4487 Will, The, Inquiry respecting. J. Day. New Haven, 1838. 120... 2986 Treatise on. T. C. Upham. Portland, 1834. 80.... 3790 Will Watch; from Autobiog. of a British Officer. Phil. 1855. 3 v. 120. 1085 Willard, Emma. History of Mexican War and California. N. Y. 1849. 120. 3286 Letters from France and Great Britain. Troy, 1833. 120... 3760 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 285 Willard, J. Address at 200th Anniversary of Lancaster, Ms. Bost. 1853. 8~. 5456 William of Malmesbury. Chronicle of English Kings. Lond. 1847. Post 8~. 3563 William the Conqueror, History of. J. Abbott. New York, 1850. 120.. 3575 Williams, C. Vegetable World. Boston, 1833. 12~. 56 Williams, Mrs. C. R. Biog. of W. Barton and S. Olney. Prov. 1839 120~. 1571 Williams, E. Memoirs of the Presidents of the U. States. N.Y. 1849. 80~. 2067 (Editor.) Presidents' Messages, 1789-1846. N. York, 1846. 2 v. 80~. 2781 Williams, F. S. Our Iron Roads. London, 1852. 8~. 5084 Williams, G. Jerusalem. London, 1849. 2 v. 80. 4655 Williams, Helen M. Letters from France. New York, 1794. 4 v. 120.. 1043 Tour in Switzerland. Dublin, 1798. 2 v. 120. 873 Williams, J., an American Slave, Narrative of. New York, 1838. 160.. 1515 Williams, J. Life of Alexander the Great. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1843. 120. 3683, 7 Williams, J. J. Isthmus of Tehuantepec. New York, 1852. 2 v. 8~.. 4843 Williams, Roger. Life. W. Gammell. Boston, 1844. 120... 1076, 14 Memoir. J. D. Knowles. Boston, 1834. 120. 563 Spirit of. L. D. Johnson. Boston, 1839. 12~. 49 Williams, R. F. Luttrells; or, the Two Marriages. N. York, 1851. 8~. 4005 Secret Passion. New York, 1848. 8~......0. 2806 Shakspeare and his Friends. Paris, 1838. 8~. 1059 Youth of Shakspeare. New York, 1847. 8~... 2807 Williams, S. History of Vermont. Burlington, 1809. 2 v. 8~... 1215 Williams, W. R. Discourses on Religious Progress. Boston, 1851. 120~. 4408 Lectures on the Lord's Prayer. Boston, 1851. 120... 4407 Williams, S. W. Middle Kingdom; or, China. N.Y. 1848. 2 v. 120.. 3102 Williamson, H. Climate in America. New York, 1811. 80... 662 History of North Carolina. Philadelphia, 1812. 2 v. 8~... 680 Williamson, W. D. History of Maine. Hallowell, 1832. 2 v. 8~. 0. 569 Willis, N. P. A l'Abri; or, the Tent Pitched. New York, 1839. 12~.. 987 Dashes at Life. New York, 1845. Roy. 80.. 2638 Famous Persons and Places. New York, 1854. 12... 6184 Fun-Jottings; or, Laughs I have taken a Pen to. N.Y. 1853. 120~. 5534 Health Trip to the Tropics. New York, 1853. 120.. 5577 Hurry-Graphs. New York, 1851. 120.. 4162 Inklings of Adventure. New York, 1836. 2 v. 120... 223 Life, Here and There. New York, 1850. 120. 3924 Memoranda of the Life of Jenny Lind. Philadelphia, 1851. 120~. 4097 Pencillings by the Way. New York, 1852. 120.. 1130 People I have Met. New York, 1850. 120... 3483 Poems. New York, 1849. 8~0.... 1942 Prose Works. Philadelphia, 1850. Roy. 8~.. 5164 Romance of Travel. New York, 1840. 120.. 2335 Rural Letters. New York, 1849. 120.... 3278 Summer Cruise in the Mediterranean. New York, 1853. 120~.. 5273 (Editor.) The Token. Boston, 1829. 120. 842 (Editor.) Trenton Falls Illustrated. New York, 1851. 120.. 4271 Willis, W. Hist. of Portland, and Jours. of Smith & Deane. Port. 1849. 8~. 3605 Williston, E. B. Eloquence of the U. S. Middletown, 1827. 5 v. 8~.. 6030 286 CATALOGUE OF THE Wilmot, Mrs. Blue-Stocking Hall. New York, 1828. 2 v. 120... 550 Wilmott, R. A. Gems of Epistolary Correspondence. London, 1836. 12~. 4569 Summer Time in the Country. New York, 1852. 120... 4908 Willoughby, Lady, Diary of. Mrs. Rathbone. New York, 1845. 120.. 2328 Wills, J. Lives of Illustrious Irishmen. Dublin, 1839. 6 v. 80... 3591 Wilson, A. American Ornithology. Ed. by T. M. Brewer. N.Y. 1852. 80. 5924 Life. W. B. O. Peabody. Boston, 1838. 12... 1076, 2 Wilson, D. Evidences of Christianity. Boston, 1845. 2 v. 12~... 4745 Wilson, E. Treatise on the Skin and Hair. Philadelphia, 1854. 12~.. 6177 (Editor.) Hufeland's Art of Prolonging Life. Boston, 1854. 120. 5589 Wilson, F. A. Britain Redeemed and Canada Preserved. Lond. 1850. 8~. 5414 Wilson, John. Treatise on English Punctuation. Boston, 1855. 160.. 3858 Wilson, Prof. John. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. Phil. 1848. 80. 3418, 4 The same. Philadelphia, 1842. 3 v. 120... 1662 Dies Boreales; or, Christopher under Canvass. Phil. 1850. 120.. 3879 Genius and Character of Robert Burns. Philadelphia, 1854. 120. 5760 The same. Philadelphia, 1851. 120... 2484 Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life. New York, 1849. 120~.. 394 The Foresters. Boston, 1845. 120. 1469 Noctes Ambrosianae. Philadelphia, 1843. 4 v. 120... 1801 The same. Ed. by S. Mackenzie. New York, 1854. 5 v. 120. 6235 Specimens of the British Critics. Philadelphia, 1846. 120... 2559 Wilson, J. M., & J. P. Lawson. Gazetteer of Ireland. Dub. n. d. 2 v. 120~. 5038 Wilson, J. Mackay. Tales of the Borders. New York, 1848. 2 v. 8~.. 2889 Wilson, J. P. Essay on Grammar. Philadelphia, 1817. 120... 586 Windham, W., and W. Huskisson, Select Speeches of. Phil. 1837. 8~0.. 1817 Windle, Mary J. Legend of the Waldenses, & other Tales. Phil. 1852. 120. 4605 Wines, E. C. Laws of the Ancient Hebrews. New York, 1853. 8~.. 5390 System of Popular Education. Philadelphia, 1838. 120.. 1452 Wines, Handbook of. T. McMullen. New York, 1852. 120.. 4777 Wing and Wing; a Tale. J. F. Cooper. Philadelphia, 1842. 2 v. 120~. 1703 Winslow, H. Young Man's Aid. Boston, 1837. 120... 2994 Winslow, O. Midnight Harmonies. New York, 1851. 120..... 4187 Winsor, J. History of Duxbury. Boston, 1849. 80.. 2579 Winsor Prison, Recollections of. J. Reynolds. Boston, 1834. 120~.. 536 Winter, Amalie. Michaelo and the Twins. Bath, n. d. 120. 5640 Winter, C., Memoirs of. W. Jay. New York, 1811. 120. 1018 Winter Evening Book. New York, 1842. 120. 1881 Winter Evening Tales. J. Hogg. Hartford, 1847. 2 v. 12... 1461 Winter Lodge; or, Vow Fulfilled. J. Weir. Philadelphia, 1854. 120.. 5801 Winter Studies and Summer Rambles. Mrs. Jameson. N.Y. 1839. 2 v. 120~. 1060 Winthrop, John. Hist. of New England from 1630-49. Bost. 1853. 2 v.8~. 1784 Winthrop, Prof. John. Lectures on Comets; with Life. Bost. 1811. 120. 875 Winthrop, R. C. Addresses and Speeches. Boston, 1852. 80... 4836 *Wisconsin, Iowa, &c., Geological Survey of. R. D. Owen. Phil. 1852. 40~. 5167 Wise, Lieut. Los Gringos; or,View of Mexico & California. N.Y. 1849. 120. 3429 Wise, D. Young Man's Counsellor. Boston, 1851. 120.... 4090 Wise, J. System of ~Eronautics. Philadelphia, 1850. 80.... 4148 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 287 Wisner, W. Incidents in the Life of a Pastor. New York, 1851. 120.. 4436 WVirt, W. Letters of the British Spy. New York, 1836. 120.. 2133 Life and Character of Patrick Henry. Hartford, 1852. 80.. 594 Memoirs. J. P. Kennedy. Philadelphia, 1850. 2 v. 120.. 3443 Wit and Humor; selected from Eng. Poets. L. Hunt. N.Y. 1846. 12~. 2587 Witchcraft, Lectures on the Salem, 1692. C. W. Upham. Bost. 1831. 120~. 886 Withington, L. The Puritan. Boston, 1836. 2 v. 120.. 400 Withington, W. Growth of Thought. Boston, 1851. 12~.. 6244 Wives of England. Mrs. Sarah Ellis. New York, 1843. 8... 1826 Woehler, F. Analytical Chemist's Assistant. Philadelphia, 1852. 120.. 5024 Wolff, H. D. Madrilenia; or, Spanish Life. London, 1851. 8~... 5413 Wolff, J. Narrative of a Mission to Bokhara, 1843-45. N.Y. 1845. 8~. 2626 Wolsey, T. (Cardinal). Life. London, 1833. 8~..602 The same. London, 1831. 120..1831, 1 Woman and her Master. J. F. Smith. New York, 1854. 8~... 5932 in America. Mrs. A. J. Graves. (H. F. L.) N.Y. 1848. 12~. 3683, 166 in America. Maria J. McIntosh. New York, 1850. 12~... 3629 Excellent, described in Proverbs. WV. B. Sprague. Bost. 1852. 120. 4637 in France in the 18th Century. Julia Kavanagh. Phil. 1850. 12~. 3855 in the 19th Century. S. Margaret Fuller. New York, 1845. 120. 2313 Noble Deeds of. Elizabeth Starling. Boston, 1850. 120... 3673 Remedy for the Wrongs of. Cath. E. Beecher. Boston, 1851. 120. 4415 Woman's Friendship. Grace Aguilar. New York, 1851. 120... 3650 Woman's Influence end Woman's Mission. Philadelphia, 1854. 120,. 5843 Woman's Record. Mrs. S. J. Hale. New York, 1853. Roy. 80... 5104 Woman's Whims; or, Female Barometer. X. B. Saintine. N.Y. 1850. 12~. 3676 Women, Characteristics of. Mrs. A. Jameson. Boston, 1846. 80... 266 Duties of Young. E. H. Chapin. Boston, 1850. 120,.. 2451 Heroic, of the West. J. Frost. Philadelphia, 1854. 120.. 5765 History of the Condition of. L. M. Child. Bost. 1838. 2 v. 120. 1880 Lectures to Young. W. G. Eliot. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5553 Legal Rights and Duties of. E. D. Mansfield. Salem, 1845. 120. 2574 Lives of Celebrated. S. G. Goodrich. Boston, 1849. 120.. 4900, 6 Memorable. Mrs. N. Crosland. Boston, 1854. 120.. 6229 Memoirs of Celebrated. Mde. Junot. Phil. 1835. 2 v. 120.. 1030 Noble Deeds of American. Edited byJ. Clement. Buf. 1851. 120~. 4217 of the American Revolution. Mrs. E. F. Ellet. N.Y. 1848. 3 v. 120~. 3170 of the Bible. P. C. Headley. Auburn, 1850. 120.. 3846 of Christianity. Julia Kavanagh. New York, 1852. 12~... 4762 of England. Mrs. Sarah Ellis. New York, 1843. 80.... 1826 of Israel. Grace Aguilar. New York, 1851. 2 v. 120.. 4029 of the West, Pioneer. Mrs. E. F. Ellet. New York, 1852. 120.. 4919 Thoughts to, on Self-Culture. Maria G. Grey. Bost. 1851. 120~. 4195 Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys. N. Hawthorne. Boston, 1852. 12~. 4601 Wonderful Museum, Kirby's. London, 1850. 5 v. 80.. 4669 Wonders of Creation. D. R. Preston. Boston, 1807. 2 v. 120. 206 Wonders of the Universe. New York, 1831. 80. 579 Wondrous Tale of Alroy. B. Disraeli. Philadelphia, 1845. 8~... 2689 288 CATALOGUE OF THE Wondrous Tale of Alroy. B. Disraeli. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 v. 120.. 1179 Wood, G. Peter Schlemihl in America. Philadelphia, 1848. 120.. 4928 WVood, J. G. Illustrated Natural History. New York, 1853. 12~.. 5609 Wood, N. Practical Treatise on Railroads. London, 1838. 8~... 4340 WVood, T. Mosaic History of Creation. New York, 1831. 8~... 4015 Wood, WV. B. Personal Recollections of the Stage. Phil. 1854. 120.. 6313 Wood, WV. M. Wandering Sketches of People and Things. Phil. 1849. 12~. 3465 Wood Leighton. Mary Howitt. Philadelphia, 1837. 3 v. 120... 965 Woodbury, L. Writings, Political, Judicial, &c. Boston, 1852. 3 v. 80. 5091 WVoodcraft; or, Hawks about the Dovecote. W. G. Simms. N.Y. 1854. 12~. 6248 Woodman, D., jun. Guide to Texas Emigrants. Boston, 1835. 12~.. 1466 Woodman; a Romance. G. P. R. James. New York, 1847. 80... 2802 Woodreve Manor; or, Six Months in Town. A. H. Dorsey. Phil. 185 2. 12~. 4879 Woodrooffe, Anne. Shades of Character. New York, 1852. 2 v. 12~.. 4848 Woods, D.B. Sixteen Months in the Gold Diggings. N. York, 1851. 12~. 4597 ~Woodstock. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1848. 2 v. 120.... 999, 37, 38 The same. Edinburgh, 1849. *2 v. 12~... 4100, 39, 40 The same. Edinburgh, 1850. Roy. 80. 4531, 10 Woodward, S. P. Recent and Fossil Shells. London, 1851. 12~.. 6083 WVoodworth, F. C. Miscelany of Entertaining Knowl. Bost. 1853. 120. 5187 Stories about Animals. New York, 1850. 12~.. 3311 The same. Boston, 1851. 120. 3937 Stories about Birds. Boston, 1851. 12~. 3938 World as it Is: England and Wales. Philadelphia, 1854. 16~.. 6308 The same: Scotland and Ireland. Philadelphia, 1854. 16~. 6309 Woolhouse, W. S. B. Differential Calculus. London, 1854. 123.. 6108 Woolrych, H. W. Life of Judge Jeffreys. Philadelphia, 1852. 12~.. 4862 Worcester, Mass., History of. W. Lincoln. Worcester, 1837. 80... 3201 Worcester Pulpit. E. Smalley. Boston, 1851. 12~.. 4211 Worcester, J. E. Dictionary of the English Language. Bost. 1848. Roy. 80. 2888 Elements of Ancient and Modern Geography. Boston, 1844. 120. 3867 Worcester, S., Life and Labors of. S. M. Worcester. Bost. 1852. 2 v. 120. 994 Words, Handbook of Anglo-Saxon Derivatives. New York, 1854. 120.. 6329 Handbook of Anglo-Saxon Root. New York, 1854. 120.. 6330 Meaning of. A. B. Johnson. New York, 1854. 120... 6331 Study of. R. C. Trench. New York, 1852. 120.... 4785 Thesaurus of English. P. M. Roget. Boston, 1854. 12~.. 5781 Wordsworth, W. Complete Poetical Works. Phil. 1851. Roy. 80~.. 1433 The Excursion; a Poem. New York, 1849. 120.. 3436 Memoirs. C. Wordsworth. Boston, 1851. 2 v. 120.. 4205 Prelude; a Poem. New York, 1850. 120.. 3904 Working and Middle Classes, History of. J. Wade. London, 1835. 120. 2109 Working-Man, The. C. Quill. Philadelphia, 1839. 120.. 1520 Workingman's Manual. S. Simpson. Philadelphia, 1831. 8~.. 4020 World, The. London, 1794. 4 v. 120. 166 and its Inhabitants. S. G. Goodrich. Boston, 1849. 120.. 4900, 20 as it Is: England and Wales. F.C. Woodworth. Phil. 1854. 16~. 6308 as it Is: Scotland and Ireland. F. C. Woodworth. Phil. 1854. 16~. 6309 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 289 World as it Moves; a Periodical. Vol. 2. 1849. (No titlepage.).. 3407 Here and There; from "Household Words." N. York, 1852. 120. 4396 *of Science, Art, & Industry. Ed. by B. Silliman, jun. N.Y. 1854. 12~. 5946 World's Laconics. E. Berkeley. New York, 1853. 120... 5029 World's Progress; a Dict. of Dates. Ed. by G. P. Putnam. N.Y.1852. 120. 2041 Worlds, More than One. Sir D. Brewster. New York, 1854. 120.. 6299 Wormeley, Elizabeth. Amabel; a Family History. N. York, 1853. 120. 5240 Wortley, Lady E. S. Travels in the United States. Lond. 1851. 3 v. 120. 4285 Wotton, Sir H., Sir W. Raleigh, and others. Poems. London, 1845. 120. 2505 Wrangell, F. von. Polar Sea Expedition, 1820-23. London, 1844. 120. 5002 The same. (H. F. L.) New York, 1848. 12~... 3683, 148 Wraxall, N. W. Historical Memoirs. Philadelphia, 1837. 80... 727 The same. (Selec. Cir. Lib.) Phil. 1837. 40~... 2034, 1837 Posthumous Memoirs of his own Time. Philadelphia, 1836. 80.. 1325 The same. (Selec. Cir. Lib.) Philadelphia, 1836. 40~. 2034, 1836 Wreath; a Collection of Poems. Hartford, 1827. 180. 34 The same. Hartford, 1836. 160. 940 Wreck of the Glide. W. G. Dix. Boston, 1846. 120.. ~. 2917 Wren, Sir Christopher. Life. London, 1833. 80. 602 Wright, G. Gentleman's Miscellany. Exeter, 1797. 120... 828 Wright, H. C. Human Life Illustrated by my Experience. Bost. 1849. 120. 3289 Wright, Silas. Life. J. S. Jenkins. Auburn, 1847. 120.... 3178 Wright, T. England under the House of Hanover. Lond. 1848. 2 v. 80. 5159 (Editor.) Early Travels in Palestine. London, 1848. Post 80.. 3562 Narratives of Sorcery and Magic. New York, 1852. 120... 4768 Wuthering Heights; a Novel. Miss Bronte. New York, 1848. 12~.. 3106 Wyandotte; or, the Hutted Knoll. J. F. Cooper. N. York, 1843. 2 v. 120. 1734 Wycherley, W. Dramatic Works. Ed. by L. Hunt. Lond. 1851. Roy. 8~. 4527 Wynne, J. Lives of Literary and Scientific Men. New York, 1850. 120. 3920 Wyoming, Poetry and History of. W. L. Stone. New York, 1841. 12~. 2966 Wyss, M. Swiss Family Robinson. New York, 1852. 120... 3312 The same (in French). Paris, 1843. 80. 4548,X. Xenophon. The Anabasis. Trans. by E. Spelman. N. York, 1831. 120. 141, 1 The same. New York, 1844. 120. 1854, 1 The Cyropaedia. Trans. by M. A. Cooper. N. York, 1831. 120. 141, 2 The same. New York, 1844. 120. 1854, 2 Works. Trans. by J. S. Watson. London, 1854. Post 80... 6327 The Anabasis; Expedition of Cyrus; Memorabilia of Socrates. Xerxes, History of. J. Abbott. New York, 1850. 120... 4490 P P 290 CATALOGUE OF THE Y. Yachting, Romance of. J. C. Hart. New York, 1848. 120.. 3185 Yankee, The. Edited by J. Neal. Vol. 1. Portland, 1828. 40.. 2015 Yankee Notions; a Medley. Boston, 1838. 120. 956 Yankee Stories. T. C. Haliburton. Philadelphia, 1849. 12~... 3348 Yankee Yarns and Yankee Letters. T. C. Haliburton. Phil. 1852. 120. 1573 Yates, W. H. Modern History and Condition of Egypt. Lond. 1843. 8~. 3994 Year-Book of the American Congregational Union. New York, 1854. 80. 5491 Year-Book; or, Manual of Reference. Ed. by B. B. Edwards. Phil. 1838.12~. 2125 Year of Consolation. Frances K. Butler. New York, 1847. 2 v. 120.. 3002 Yeast; a Problem. C. Kingsley, jun. New York, 1851. 120... 4218 Yellowplush Papers. W. M. Thackeray. New York, 1852. 120... 1058 Yemassee; a Romance of Carolina. W. G. Simms. New York, 1854. 120. 1142 York, Mrs. Sarah E. Memoir. Mrs. R. B. Medbery. Bost. 1853. 120. 5035 Youatt, W. The Dog. Philadelphia, 1847. 80. 2764 Structure and Diseases of the Horse. New York, 1852. 120.. 5077 Youmans, E. L. Alcohol and the Constitution of Man. N.Y. 1854. 120~. 6158 Young, Alex. Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers. Boston, 1844. 8~.. 1957 Chronicles of Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Boston, 1846. 80.. 2733 Discourses on Kirkland and Bowditch. Boston, 1838-40. 80.. 2225 Young, Arthur. Travels in France, 1787-89. Dublin, 1793. 2 v. 8~0.. 605 The same. London, 1792. 40. 2007 Young, E. Night Thoughts. London, 1802. 80. 31 The same. Philadelphia, 1820. 2 v. 240. 31 The same. New York, 1851. 120. 4592 Works. Charlestown, 1811. 3 v. 120~....... 52 Young, J. R. Arithmetic and Key. London, 1854. 2 v. 120.. 6095 Young Americans Abroad. Edited by J. O. Choules. Boston, 1852. 120~. 4638 Young Artist; or, Dream of Italy. T. S. Arthur. New York, 1850. 120~. 3768 Young Christian. J. Abbott. New York, 1851. 120. 633 Young Duke. B. Disraeli. New York, 1831. 2 v. 120. 426 The same. Philadelphia, 1845. 80. 2689 Young Emigrants, and other Tales. New York, 1851. 12~... 4473 Young Governess; or, the Education of Circumstances. N.Y. 1851. 120. 4200 Young, Hopes and Helps for the. G. S. Weaver. New York, 1853. 120~. 5269 Young Husband's Book. Philadelphia, 1836. 240.. 2201 Young Islanders. Jefferys Taylor. New York, 1842. 160.. 2096 Young Kate; or, the Rescue. New York, 1846. 2 v. 120. 2199 Young Ladies, Advice to. T. S. Arthur. Boston, 1848. 120~.. 3059 Young Lady's Friend. Boston, 1836. 120. 296 Young Lady's Offering. L.H. Sigourneyand others. Boston, 1851. 120~. 3079 Young Maiden. A.B. Muzzey. Boston, 1841. 120.. 1578 Young Man's Aid. H. Winslow. Boston, 1837. 120... 2994 Young Man's Counsellor. D. Wise. Boston, 1851. 120... 4090 Young Man's Own Book. Philadelphia, 1836. 240..... 2202 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 291 YoungMarooners on the Florida Coast. F. R. Goulding. Phil. 1852. 160. 5185 Young Men, Advice to. W. Cobbett. New York, 1844. 120~. 26 Advice to. T. S. Arthur. Boston, 1847. 160.. 2434 Duties of. E. H. Chapin. Boston, 1840. 120. 1463 Lecture to, on Chastity. S. Graham. Boston, 1837. 120. 1733 Lectures to. H. W. Beecher. Indianapolis, 1844. 120.. 2181 Lectures to. R. W. Clarke. Boston, 1853. 120... 5543 Lectures to. W. G. Eliot, jun. Boston, 1854. 120... 5639 Lectures to. C. B. Smith. Hartford, 1848. 120.. 3172 Young Men's Chris. Assoc., Twelve Lectures before. Lond. 1850. 2 v. 12~. 4204 Young Muscovite; or, Poles in Russia. F. Chamier. N. Y. 1834. 2 v. 120~. 1106 Young Patroon; or, Christmas in 1690. P. H. Myers. N.Y. 1849. 120~. 3326 Young Pilgrim. Mrs. Hofland. New York, 1828. 120. 353 Young Voyageurs. M. Reid. Boston, 1854. 120. 5621 Young Wife. W. A. Alcott. Boston, 1837. 120.. 912 Young Women, Duties of. E. H. Chapin. Boston, 1850. 12~... 2451 Lectures to. W. G. Eliot, jun. Boston, 1853. 120.. 5553 Youth, Golden Steps for. J. M. Austin. Auburn, 1850. 120... 3860 Youth of Jefferson; or, College Scrapes. New York, 1854. 120... 6181 Youth of Shakspeare. R. F. Williams. New York, 1847. 80... 2807 Youth's Handbook of Entertaining Knowledge. London, 1844. 2 v. 120. 4261 Yucatan, Incidents of Travel in. J. L. Stephens. N.Y. 1843. 2 v. 80.. 1721 Yusef; or, the Journey of the Frangi. J. R. Browne. N. Y. 1853. 120. 5292 Z. Zachos, J. C. New American Speaker. New York, 1852. 80~. 3587 Zanoni. E. L. Bulwer. New York, 1842. 2 v. 120.. 1681 Zealand, Tour in, 1802. London, 1805. 120. 603 Zenobia; or, Fall of Palmyra. W. Ware. New York, 1838. 2 v. 120~. 482 Zimmermann, J. G. On Solitude. London, 1808. 2 v. 120.. 1865 Zincali; or, Gypsies of Spain. G. Borrow. Philadelphia, 1844. 80. 2124 Zohrab. J. Morier. London, 1837. 120. 5708 Zoological Recreations. W. J. Broderip. Philadelphia, 1845. 120.. 4411 Zoology, Principles of. L. Agassiz and A. A. Gould. Bost. 1848. 120~. 3141 Zsch6kke, J. H. D. Incidents of Social Life amid the Alps. N.Y. 1844. 120~. 3006 Tales. Trans. by P. Godwin. New York, 1845. 2 v. 120.. 2477 Zwingle, U. Life. J. G. Hess. London, 1812. 80. 2.295 ADDE NDA. Abrantes, Duchess d'. Memoirs of Napoleon. N. York, 1854. 2 v. 120~. 6448 Accum, F. Adulterations of Food and Culinary Poisons. Phil. 1820. 180~. 2428 Acts of the Apostles; with Commentary. A. A. Livermore. Bost. 1853. 12~. 6264 Afraja; a Norwegian and Lapland Tale. T. Magge. Phil. 1854. 120.. 6301 African Crusoes. Mrs. R. Lee. Philadelphia, 1854. 120... 6262 Alice Seymour; a Home Tale. Mrs. Grey. Philadelphia, 1854. 80.. 6001 Allan Breck; a Novel. G. R. Gleig. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 v. 120.. 4044 Allen, Ethan, and Green Mount. Heroes. H.W. De Puy. Bost. 1853. 12~. 6310 Allen, T. History of London. London, 1830. 4 v. 80..6035 American, The True. J. Coe. Concord, 1840. 120.. 3116 Anglo-Saxon Derivatives, Handbook of. New York, 1854. 120... 6329 Anglo-Saxon Root-Words, Handbook of. New York, 1854. 120... 6330 Atlas Historique. A. Le Sage. Paris, n. d. Folio..... 3711 *Atlas, New American. H. S. Tanner. Philadelphia, 1823. Folio.. 3704 Astronomy, Letters on. D. Olmsted. New York, 1847. 80.... 3226 Australian Wanderers. Mrs. R. Lee. Philadelphia, 1854. 120... 6263 Bacon, J. Life and Times of Francis I. London, 1830. 2 v. 80... 6444 Bailey, S. Nature, Measures, and Causes of Value. London, 1825. 80. 6010 Questions for Literary Societies. London, 1823. 80... 6009 Baines, E. History of the French Revolution of 1789. Phil. 1835. 2 v. 80. 6436 Barnum, P. T. Autobiography. New York, 1855. 120.... 6355 Bartlett, D. W. Life of Joan of Arc. Auburn, 1854. 120.... 6277 *Bartlett, W. H. Pilgrim Fathers of New England. London, 1853. 80. 6007 Bayley, J. Confessions of a Converted Infidel. New York, 1854. 120.. 6302 Bayley, Sir J. Law of Bills of Exchange. Boston, 1826. 8~... 6024 Beckett, G. A. hi. Comic Blackstone. Philadelphia, 1844. 120.. 6323 Beecher, E. Papal Conspiracy Exposed. Boston, 1855. 120. 6351 Bills of Exchange, Law of. Sir J. Bayley. Boston, 1826. 80... 6024 Blue Laws of Connecticut, Code of 1650. Hartford, 1822. 120... 6341 Boaden, J. Life of John Philip Kemble. Philadelphia, 1825. 80... 6437 294 ADDENDA TO CATALOGUE OF Bolingbroke, Lord. Works. Philadelphia, 1841. 4 v. 80. 6031 *Book of Family Crests. London, 1854. 2 v. 12~..6275 Boston, Description of. C. Shaw. Boston, 1817. 120..848 Brewster, Sir D. More Worlds than One. New York, 1854. 120.. 6299 Popular Treatise on Magnetism. Edinburgh, 1851. 120... 6271 British Pulpit. W. Suddards. New York, 1845. 2 v.8~... 6019 Brown, J. History and Condition of St. Domingo. Phil. 1837. 2 v. 120. 3510 Burdell, H. and J. Structure and Diseases of the Teeth. N. Y. 1838. 80. 4042 *Burke, J. and J. E. General Armory of Heraldry. London, 1853. 80. 6006 Burlamaqui, J. J. Natural and Political Law. Cambridge, 1807. 2 v. 80. 6025 Burr, Aaron. Life. S. L. Knapp. New York, 1835. 120.... 6340 Cabin Boy's Story; a Nautical Romance. New York, 1854. 120... 6267 Caldwell, C. Unity of the Human Race. New York, 1830. 120.. 925 Carpenter, W. H., and T. S. Arthur. History of Illinois. Phil. 1854. 120~. 6283 History of New Jersey. Philadelphia, 1854. 120.. 6284 History of New York. Philadelphia, 1854. 120... 6285 History of Ohio. Philadelphia, 1854. 120. 6286 History of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1854. 120~... 6287 History of Tennessee. Philadelphia, 1854. 120.. 6288 History of Vermont. Philadelphia, 1854. 120... 6289 Catel, C. S. Treatise on Musical Harmony. Boston, 1832. 120... 6338 Caulincourt, A. A. de. Recollections of Napoleon. Lond. 1838. 2 v. 120. 6339 Chess, Lessons in. W. Lewis. London, 1831. 80.... 6445 Churchyards, Chapters on. Caroline Southey. New York, 1842. 120.. 3014 City Side; or, Passages from a Pastor's Portfolio. Boston, 1854.. 6304 Civil Engineering. M. I. Sganzin. Boston, 1827. 80.. 2877 Civilization, What is True. J. Sega. Boston, 1830. 120.. 3371 Coe, J. True American. Concord, 1840. 120.. 3116 Coggeshall, W. T. Easy Warren and his Contemporaries. N. Y. 1854. 120. 6320 Comic Blackstone. G. A. i Beckett. Philadelphia, 1844. 120~... 6323 Congress of Nations, Prize Essays on. Boston, 1840. 8~0.. 6017 Connecticut, Code of 1650, and the Blue Laws. Hartford, 1822. 120.. 6351 Constitution of the United States, View.of. W. Rawle. Phil. 1829. 80. 2688 Creation, Mosaic History of. T. Wood. New York, 1831. 80.. 4015 Cruikshank, G. Illustrations of Smollett, &c. London, 1832. 120.. 6344 Cumberland, J. Theatrical Illustrations. London, n. d. 160~... 2981 Curtis, Laura J. Now-a-Days. New York, 1854. 12~..... 6250 Davy, Sir H. Life. J. A. Paris. London, 1831. 2 v. 80. 6443 Salmonia; or, Days of Fly-Fishing. London, 1854. 12~.. 6276 Day, J. On the Will. New Haven, 1838. 12~.. 2986 Dead Sea and Bible Lands. F. de Saulcy. Philadelphia, 1854. 2 v. 12~. 6306 De Foe, D. History of the Plague. London, n. d. 24~. 28 De Puy, H. W. Ethan Allen and Green Mount. Heroes. Bost. 1853. 120. 6310 Drake, S. G. Book of the Indians. Boston, 1836. 80.. 6446 THE MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 295 Drake, S. G. Indian Captivities. Boston, 1839. 120. 6442 Dumont, E. Recollections of Mirabeau. Philadelphia, 1833. 80... 6438 Dunsford, H. Practical Advantages of Homceopathy. Phil. 1842. 120. 6441 Dwight, Timo. Travels in N. England and N. York. N.Y. 1821. 4 v. 80. 6034 Easy Warren and his Contemporaries. W. T. Coggeshall. N.Y.1854. 120. 6320 *Edinburgh Encyclopaedia. Phil. 1832. 18 v. text, and 9 v. plates. 40~.. 6450 Ellen de Vere; Sequel to Harry Ashton. J. F. Smith. N. Y. 1854. 80. 6452 Eloquence of the United States. E. B. Williston. Middlet. 1827. 5 v. 80. 6030 Elton, C. A. History of the Roman Emperors. London, 1825. 120.. 3341 Enfield, W. Institutes of Natural Philosophy. Boston, 1811. 4~.. 6026 England, History of. H. Walter. London, n.d. 7 v. 120.... 6021 English Grammar, Elementary. R. G. Latham. New York, 1854. 120. 6297 English Language, Handbook of. R. G. Latham. New York, 1854. 120. 6296 Enigmas and Charades. Edinburgh, 1835. 120.. 6321 Fables for the Holy Alliance. T. Moore. London, 1823. 120... 6342 Faggots for the Fireside. S. G. Goodrich. New York, 1855. 120.. 6350 *Family Crests, Book of. London, 1854. 2 v. 120...... 6275 Farrington, Mrs. Sarah P. Ruth Hall. New York, 1855. 120.. 6357 Ferguson, A. History of Civil Society. Boston, 1809... 3259 Fielding, H. History of Tom Jones. London, 1831. 2 v. 120... 4253 Works; with Life by A. Murphy. London, 1808. 14 v. 120.. 6335 Vol. 1. Life; Plays. 2-5. Plays. 6. History of Joseph Andrews. 7-9. History of Tom Jones. 10-11. Amelia. 12. History of Jonathan Wild; Charge to Grand Jury; Causes of the late Increase of Robbers. 13. Journey from this World to the Next; Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon; The True Patriot; The Jacobite's Journal. 14. Covent-Garden Journal; Miscellanies; Index. Fish Breeding, Artificial. Trans. by W. H. Fry. New York, 1854. 120. 6328 Fossil Spirit; a Dream of Geology. J. Mill. New York, 1854. 160.. 6303 Frances I, Life and Times of. J. Bacon. London, 1830. 2 v. 80... 6444 Fred Arden; or, the Jesuit's Revenge. J. F. Smith. New York, 1854. 8~. 6028 French Pronunciation, Philosophy of. G. H. Talbot. N. Y. 1854. 120. 6282 French Revolution of 1798, History of E. Baines. Phil. 1835. 2 v. 80. 6436 Fry, W. H. (Trans.) Artificial Fish Breeding. New York, 1854. 120.. 6328 Garrick, D. Life. A. Murphy. London, 1801. 2 v. 80.. 6440 Gaskell, Mrs. Moorland Cottage. New York, 1851. 120.. 3799 Gay, J. Poetical Works. London, 1812. 240.. 1467 Geldart, Mrs. T. May Dundas; or, Passages in Young Life. N.Y.1855. 120. 6318 Gibson, R. Theory and Practice of Surveying. New York, 1821. 80.. 810 Gil Blas, Histoire de. A. R. Le Sage. Paris, 1818. 4 v. 160... 6336 Giseke, R. Rose of the Parsonage. Philadelphia, 1854. 120... 6307 296 ADDENDA TO CATALOGUE OF Gleig, G. R. Allan Breck. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 v. 120.... 4044 Goodrich, S. G. Faggots for the Fireside. New York, 1855. 120... 6350 Graham, S. Lecture to Young Men on Chastity. Boston, 1837. 120.. 1733 Handbook of Anglo-Saxon Derivatives. New York, 1854. 120~... 6329 of Anglo-Saxon Root-Words. New York, 1854. 120.. 6330 Hansard, T. C. Art of Printing. Edinburgh, 1851. 120... 6270 Heber, R. (Bishop). Life, by his Widow. New York, 1830. 2 v. 8~.. 6032 Higgins, W. M. Philosophy of Sound and Hist. of Music. Lon.1838. 120. 6325 Hill, Rowland. Life. E. Sidney. New York, 1834. 120.... 2919 Home Life; a Peep across the Threshold. Mrs. C. A. Soule. Bos.1854. 120. 6317 Homeeopathy, Practical Advantages of. H. Dunsford. Phil. 1842. 120. 6441 House on the Rock. Matilda Planch6. Boston, 1852. 120... 6291 Ida May. Mary Langdon. Boston, 1855. 12...... 6352 Ida Norman; or, Trials and their Uses. Mrs. L. Phelps. N.Y. 1854. 120~. 6300 Indian Captivities. S. G. Drake. Boston, 1839. 120.. 6442 Indians, Book of the. S. G. Drake. Boston, 1836. 8~.. 6446 Inebriate's Hut. Mrs. S. A. Southworth. Boston, 1855. 120... 6349 Infidel, Confessions of a Converted. J. Bayley. New York, 1854. 120.. 6302 Inman, W. S. Report on Ventilation, Warming, &c. London, 1836. 80. 4554 Insurance, Treatise on the Law of. W. Phillips. Boston, 1823. 8~0.. 6023 Intellectual Philosophy, Elements of. F. Wayland. Boston, 1854. 12~. 6319 John Bull in America. J. K. Paulding. New York, 1825. 120... 255 Johnson, A. B. Meaning of Words. New York, 1854. 120... 6331 *Kelly, P. Universal Cambist. London, 1821. 2 v. 4~.. 6027 Kemble, J. P. Life. J. Boaden. Philadelphia, 1825. 8... 6437 Knapp, S. L. Life of Aaron Burr. New York, 1835. 12... 6340 Kceppen, A. L. The World in the Middle Ages. N. Y. 1854. 2 v. 120. 6305 Koningsmarke. J. K. Paulding. New York, 1823. 2 v. 120... 260 Lamb, C., Final Memorials of. T. N. Talfourd. London, 1848. 2 v. 120~. 6326 Langdon, Mary. Ida May. Boston, 1855. 120.. 6352 Langon, Baron. Napoleon Memoirs. Philadelphia, 1838. 2 v. 120.. 6337 Last of his Name. E. Perce. New York, 1854. 120. 6315 Law, Natural and Political. J. Burlamaqui. Cambridge, 1807. 2 v. 80. 6025 of Bills of Exchange. Sir J. Bayley. Boston, 1826. 8~0.. 6024 of Insurance. W. Phillips. Boston, 1823. 80.. 6023 Leaves from the Tree Igdrasyl. Martha Russell. Boston, 1854. 120.. 6346 Le Sage, A. Atlas Historique. Paris, n. d. Folio... 3711 Le Sage, A. R. Histoire de Gil Blas. Paris, 1818. 4 v. 16~... 6336 THE MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 297 Lewis, W. Lessons in Chess. London, 1831. 80... 6445 London, History of. T. Allen. London, 1830. 4 v. 8~.. 6035 Police and Crimes of. London, 1829. 80.. 6018 Louis Philippe, Rise and Fall of. B. P. Poore. Boston, 1848. 120.. 2422 Martin Merivale. J. T. Trowbridge. Boston, 1855. 120... 636 Matilda. E. Sue. New York, 1843. 80. 2173 May Dundas; a Tale. Mrs. T. Geldart. New York, 1855. 120... 6318 Medical Jurisprudence. M. Ryan. Philadelphia, 1832. 80... 4553 Memoirs of Celebrated Characters. A. Lamartine. N.Y. 1854. 2 v. 12~. 6314 M'Fingal; an Epic Poem. J. Trumbull. Hallowell, 1813. 16~... 1462 Middle and Working Classes, History of. J. Wade. London, 1835. 12~". 2109 Mirabeau, Recollections of. E. Dumont. Philadelphia, 1833. 80... 6438 Moore, T. Fables for the Holy Alliance. London, 1823. 120... 6342 Mosaic History of the Creation. T. Wood. New York, 1831. 80... 4015 Murphy, A. Life of David Garrick. London, 1801. 2 v. 80... 6440 Music, History of, and Philos. of Sound. W. M. Higgins. Lond. 1838. 12~. 6325 Singer's Companion. New York, 1854. 120..... 6345 Treatise on Harmony. C. S. Catel. Boston, 1832. 12~.. 6338 Napoleon, Memoirs. London, n.d. 2 v. 8~. 6439 Memoirs. Baron Langon. Philadelphia, 1838. 2 v. 12~.. 6337 Memoirs. Duchess d'Abrantes. New York, 1854. 2 v. 120.. 6448 Recollections of. A. A. de Caulincourt. London, 1838. 2 v. 120~. 6339 Natural Philosophy, Institutes of. W. Enfield. Boston, 1811. 4~.. 6026 New England and New York, Travels in. T. Dwight. N.Y. 1821. 4 v. 80~. 6034 New York Review. Vols. 1-10. New York, 1837-42. 80... 6033 News Boy. New York, 1855. 120. 6353 Newspapers, Bound. - Advertiser, Daily, 1813-14. Boston. Advertiser, Tri-Weekly, 1829-30. Boston. Advertiser, Semi-Weekly, 1845. Boston. Advertiser, Daily, 1852-53. Boston. Christian Register, 1823-39. Boston. Christian Watchman, 1833. Boston. Christian World, 1843-46. Boston. Columbian Centinel, 1811. Boston. Courier, Semi-Weekly, 1845. Boston. Evening Gazette, 1823-27. Boston. Globe, Semi-Weekly, 1835-45. Washington. National Intelligencer, 1812-15. Washington. New England Galaxy, 1824-27. Boston. Post, Daily, 1852-53. Boston. Recorder, 1833. Boston. Repertory, 1809-11, 1813-14, 1820-27. Boston. The Times, 1840, 1849. London. QQ 298 ADDENDA. Newspapers, continued. Transcript, 1852-53. Boston. Tribune, Daily, 1852-53. New York. Niagara Falls, Guide to. S. De Veaux. Buffalo, 1839. 120... 6343 Nuts to Crack; or, Quips, &c., of Oxford and Cambridge. Phil.1835. 120~. 6322 Pamphleteer, The. Vols. 1-6. London, 1813-15. 80. 6022 Papal Conspiracy Exposed. E. Beecher. Boston, 1855. 120... 6351 Paris, J. A. Life of Sir Humphry Davy. London, 1831. 2 v. 80.. 6443 Parlor Magic. Boston, 1838. 160. 6335 Phillips, W. Treatise on the Law of Insurance. Boston, 1823. 0~.. 6023 Pitkin, T. Statistical View of the United States. New York, 1817. 80. 3974 Plague, History of the. D. De Foe. London, n. d. 240.... 28 Poetry of Woman; a Collection of Tales. Boston, 1841. 120... 1897 *Portraits of Political Reformers. J. Saunders. London, 1840. Folio.. 6451 Russell, Martha. Leaves from the Tree Igdrasyl. Boston, 1854. 120.. 6346 Ruth Hall. Mrs. Sarah P. Farrington. New York, 1855. 12~... 6357 *Saunders, J. Portraits of Political Reformers. London, 1840. Folio.. 6451 Sigourney, Lydia H. Western Home, and other Poems. Phil. 1854. 120~. 6348 Singer's Companion. New York, 1854. 120. 6345 Smith, J. F. Ellen de Vere; Sequel to Harry Ashton. N. Y. 1854. 80. 6452 Southworth, Mrs. S. A. Inebriate's Hut. Boston, 1855. 120... 6349 Swell Life at Sea; or, Fun, Frigates, and Yachting. N. York, 1854. 120~. 6347 *Tanner, H. S. New American Atlas. Philadelphia, 1823. Folio.. 3704 Tefft, B. F. Webster and his Masterpieces. New York, 1855. 2 v. 120. 6354 Triumphs of Perseverance and Enterprise. New York, 1854. 120.. 6332 Trowbridge, J. T. Martin Merivale. Boston, 1855. 120... 6356 Webster, D., and his Masterpieces. B. F. Tefft. N. York, 1855. 2 v. 120. 6354 Western Home, and other Poems. Mrs. L. H. Sigourney. Phil. 1854. 120. 6348