CATALOGUE OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF DETROIT, CONTAINING AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE NAMES OF AUTHORS, WITH THE TITLES OF THEIR WORKS, AND OF THE TITLES OF ANONYMOUS WORKS WHOSE AUTHORS ARE UNKNOWN. ALSO THE RULES CONCERNING ITS USE. DETROIT: ADVERTISER AND TRIBUNE STEAM PRINTING COMPANY. 1868. RULES AND REG-ULATIONS OF THE PBLI[C LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF DETROIT. This Library being established under a provision of law as a free. public Library, it is the purpose of the Board of Education, in prescribing the following rules, to avoid all restrictions not essential to the proper cust ody, control and preservation of the books. These rules, therefore, will be carefully enforced and followed by those having charge of the Library, as well as those participating in its use. RULE 1. The Library shall be under the immediate control and supervision of 'the Superintendent of the Library,.who shall be at liberty to employ one or more assistants,,subject to the approval of the Board. RULE, 2. The following persons shall be entitled to.borrow books from the Library for home use, upon the conditions prescribed in the next rule, viz: All inhabitants of the city of Detroit above the age of eighteen years. All such persons unuder the age of eighteen years as are members of the Public High School, in good standing, and such as shall obtain permission in writing from the Committee on Library. RULE, 3. Before any person shall be allowed to take books from the Library, he shall, with his surety, sign an agreement, the form of which is attached to these rules as an Appendix. IV BRULES AND REGULATIONS. RULE 4. All inhabitants of Detroit, of respectable character, orderly conduct and condition, shall have free access to the Library for consultation, during all regular hours; but persons under the age of eighteen years shall bring certificates from their parents or guardians, in a form to be furnished by the Superintendent, setting forth that they are persons who ought to enjoy the privileges of the Library, and that such parents or guardians will, be responsible for their conduct while there. RULE 5. The Library shall be open for consultation from nine o'clock, A. 3M., until two o'clock, p. M., and for the delivery of books from four to eight o'clock, p. M., each day except Sunday, and at such other hours as the Committee on Library may hereafter direct. RULE. 6. No books shall be taken from the shelves, in any part of the Library, by any person not employed in the service of the Library. RULE '7. No person shall have for home use more than one volume on any one day; and no book shall be retained, by the person borrowing it, more than fourteen days: Provided, always, That any book may be borrowed twice, by the same person, but not more than twice, until it shall have been returned to the Library, and shall have remained there at least one full Library day. RULE 8. No person who has borrowed a book from the Library shall lend it to one not a member of the same household. RULE 9. To protect the Library against loss, and to secure to all a just and equitable share in its benefits, any person detaining an imperial octavo, or larger volume, longer than the regulations permit, shall be fined three cents for each day of detention, and two cents a day for the detention of a smaller volume; the Superintendent being charged with the collection of these and all other dues to the Library. RULES AND REGULATIONS. v RULE 10. Any book detained two weeks beyond the time limited by these regulations, shall be sent for by the Superintendent, and twenty cents shall be paid by the person who has so detained it, to defray the expense of sending for it. RULE 11. Encyclopaedias, dictionaries, and other books needed for reference in the Library - building; books not easily to be replaced, in consequence of their rarity or value; books expressly given for reference only; and, books deemed by the Committee on Library to be unsuited for general circulation, shall be used only in the building: Provided, nevertheless, That in order to allow the widest practicable use of the Library, consistent with its preservation and greatest efficiency, a person desiring to borrow any book whatever (except such books as may have been given on condition that they should not be taken from the Library) and stating the reason for it in writing to the Committee, shall, if the reasons are deemed sufficient, be permitted to borrow it on proper conditions. RULE 12. All injuries to books beyond a reasonable wear, and all losses, shall be made good, to the satisfaction of the Superintendent, by the person liable; every book detained above three months being held to be lost. The turning down of leaves shall also exclude the person liable for injuries from further use of the Library, until he obtains a written permit from the Chairman of the Library Committee. RULE 13. All books must be returned to the Library at such time, before the annual examination, as may be required by the Committee on Library, under penalty of a fine of one dollar for each volume detained; but seasonable notice of the time of returning them shall be given in the newspapers that advertise for the city. RULE 14. Any stranger or person visiting the city for the purpose of literary or scientific investigations, may, on being properly recommended, temporarily receive the benefit VI RULES AND REGULATIONS. of the books within the Library building, by signing the Strangers' book. RULE 15. Any person abusing the privileges of the Library, by unbecoming conduct, by the violation of any of the regulations, by intentional defacement of a book by writing in it, or in any other way, shall be immediately reported to the Committee on Library, who shall, if they think the case requires it, exclude such person, for a time or permanently, from the Library, according to the nature and degree of the delinquency or default. But, in case of any gross offence, the Superintendent shall act summarily in the matter, and cause the offender to be at once excluded from. the rooms, reporting the case to the Committee as soon as possible, in Writing, for their final decision. APPENDIX TO RULES. VII APPENDIX. AGREEMENT. The undersigned, whose names are hereto attached upon the left hand column, each in his own behalf, in consideration of the use by him of the Public Library, of the City of Detroit, doth hereby promise and agree with the Board of Education, of the City of Detroit, that he will at all times obey and abide by the rules and regulations of the said Library, whether now in force or hereafter to be established; that he will carefully use and safely return all books that he may borrow from time to time; will pay on demand all sums accruing for fines; that he will replace, or pay for any books lost while borrowed by him, and pay for any injury to any book so borrowed. And the undersigned, whose names are hereto attached on the right hand column, each for himself, but as surety for him, his principal, whose name appears on the same line in the left hand column doth hereby promise and agree with the Board of Education aforesaid, that his principal shall well and truly perform in all respects his agreement above written, and in default thereof, that he will himself fully comply with and discharge such agreement, and will make good any loss or injury occasioned by his principal. NAMES or PRINCIPALS. RESIDENCE. NAMES OF SURETIES. RESIDENCE. ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. - -- ----- - --- ABERCROMBIE. ADAMS. - -- Pl~s A BBESS, THE; A Romance. 2v. 12' N. Y: 1833. ABBOT, Ch. Ld. Colchester. Dairy and Correspondence. 3 v. 8~ Lond: 1861. ABBOTT, A. O. Prison Life in the South. 12' N. Y: 1865. ABBOTT, JACOB. Corner Stone. 12" Bost: 1834. - Another copy enlarged. 12~ N. Y: 1855. - Moral Influence. 12~ N. Y: 1856. - Teacher, The; or, Moral Influence. 12~ Bost: 1833. ABBOTT, J. S. C. Correspondence of Napoleon and Josephine. 12~ N. Y: 1860. - Empire of Austria, etc. 120 N. Y: 1859. - Empire of Russia. 12~ N. Y: 1860. - History of Napoleon. 2v. 80 N. Y: 1855. - Italy from the Earliest Period. 12" N. Y. - Kings and Queens; or, Life in the Palace. 120 N. Y: 1853. - Mother at Home; or, Maternal Duty. 12~ Bost: 1833. - Napoleon, at St. Helena. 8~ N. Y: 1855. ABEEL, D. Residence in China. Missions. 120 N. Y: 1836. ABEL, F. A. AND BLOXAM, C. L. Chemistry. 8~ Lond: 1854. ABELL, L. G. Woman in her Various Relations. 12~ N. Y: 1860. ABERoOMBIE, J. Essays and Tracts. 12" Phila: 1859. - Intellectual Powers; and Truth. 18* N. Y: 1836. - Another copy. 12~ Bost: 1843. - Philosophy of the Moral Feelings. 12~ N. Y: 1859. PVUAroI LIBRB Y. - A. ABOUT, E. Germaine. 12~ Bost: 1860. - Greece and the Greeks. 12~ N. Y: 1857. - King of the Mountains. 12~ Bost: 1861. - Nose of a Notary. 12~ Bost. - Roman Question. 12~ Bost: 1859. - Rome of To-Day. 12~ N. Y: 1861. - Tolla; A Tale of Rome. 12~ Bost: 1856. ABRAHAM, C. J. Ancient and Modern History. 12~ Eton: 1845. Accum, F. Chemical Re - Agents, or Tests. 120 Lond. ACHETA. March Winds and April Showers. 12~ Lond: 1854. ACHILLI, GIACINTO. Dealings with the Inquisition. 12~ N. Y: 1851. ACTRESS in High Life. 120 N. Y: 1863. ACTS OF THE APOSTLES, with Notes. 4~ N. Y: 1858. ADAMS, CH. Evangelism in the Nineteenth Century. 12~ Bost: 1851. ADAMS, CH. F. Letters of Mrs. John Adams. Memoir. 12~ Bost: 1848. ADAMS, F. C. Justice in the By-Ways; A Tale. 12~ N. Y: 1856. - Another copy. - Manuel Pereira. 12~ Washington: 1853. - Story of a Trooper. 12~ N. Y: 1865. ADAMS, HANNAH. Christian Religion. 12~ Bost: 1804. ADAms, JASPER. Moral Philosophy. 8" Phila: 1837. ADAMS, J. G. Memoir of Rev. John Moore. 120 Bost: 1856. - Our Day; A Gift for the Times. 12~ Bost: 1848. ADAms, J. Q. Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory. 2v. 8~ Camb. Mass: 1810. - Lives of Madison and Monroe. 12 Buff: 1850. 2 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE I i -~II --~I I- - I`-- I - I- -' 1 III~--I~---^CC ~~ AGASSIZ. ALCOCK. --- -- ADAMs, J. Q. Poems. 18~ Auburn: 1854. ADAMS, J. Works. 10v. 8~ Boston: 1856. ADAMS, J. W. Cox and Phelps. The Ministry we Need. Three Discourses. 18~ N. Y: 1835. ADAMs, N. Agnes and the Little Key. 12~ Bost: 1863. - Broadcast. 12~ Bost: 1863. - Church Pastorals, Hymns and Times. 8~ Bost: 1864. - Evenings with the Doctrines. 12~ Bost: 1866. - Friends of Christ in the New Testament. 120 Bost: 1864. - Sable Cloud; A Southern Tale. 12~ Bost: 1861. - South-Side View. 2 copies. 120 Bost: 1855. ADAMS, S. W. Memoirs of Rev. N. Kendrick and S. H. Kendrick. 12~ Phila: 1860. ADAMS, W. T. Rich and Humble. 120 Bost: 1865. ADDEY, M. Life of Stonewall Jackson. 2 copies. 12~ N. Y: 1863. ADDrINTON, S. Life of Paul, the Apostle. 8~ Lond: 1784. ADDIsoN, STEELE, etc. The Spectator. 8v. 12* Bost: 1856. - Another copy. 6v. 8~ N. Y: 1853-4. ADDIsoN, J. Works; with notes by Hurd. 6v. 12~ Lond: 1854-6. - Life of. See Aiken, L. ADOLPHUS, J. England; Reign of George m.. 7v. 8~ Lond: 1840-5. ADoNIA; A Story. 2v. 12~ Lond: 1801. AEsonrLUs. Agamemnon; Notes by Peile. 8~ Loud: 1844. - Chcephoroe; Notes by Peile. 80 Lond: 1840. - Tragedies; Tr. by Buckley. 12~ Lond: 1849. - Tragcediae. Schutz ed. 2v. 8~ Oxford: 1810. AGAR, J. American Orator's Own Book. 12~ N. Y: 1856. AGAssiz, A. and E. C. Seaside Studies. 8~ Bost: 1865. AaAssIz. L. and GOULD, A. A. Comparative Physiology. 12~ Lond: 1855. - Principles of Zoology. 12~ Bost: 1854. AGAssIz, L. Contributions to Natural History, U. S. 4v. 40 Bost: 1857-62. - Geological Sketches. 12~ Bost: 1866. - Methods of Study in Natural History. 12~ Bost: 1863. AGAssIZ, Mrs. Actea; First Lesson in Natural History. 12" Bost: 1859. AGATHONIA; A Romance. 12~ Lond: 1844. AGUECHEEK. Sketches of Travel and Essays. 12~ Bost: 1859. AGUILAR. Days of Bruce.. v12~ N.Y: 1855. - Two copies of vol. i. - Essays and Miscellanies. 12~ Phila: 1853. - Home Influence. 12~ Bost: 1859. - Home Scenes and Heart Studies. 12~ N. Y: 1864. - Mother's Recompense. 2v. 12~ Leipzig: 1859. - Vale of Cedars; or, The Martyr. 120 N. Y: 1850. - Woman's Friendship. 12~ N. Y: 1850. - Women of Israel. 2v. 120 N. Y: 1857. AIKIN, J. Letters to his Son. 12~ Lond: 1793. AImN, L. Life of Joseph Addison. 12* Phila: 1846. - Memoirs of the Court of Charles I. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1833. - Memories of the Court of Queen Elizabeth. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1818. AIKxAN, WM. Moral Power of the Sea. 120 Phila: 1863. AILIEPORD; A Family History. 12 N. Y: 1855. AINSLIE, H. Scottish Songs. 12~ N. Y: 1855. AINSLIE, J. Antipathy. 3v. 12~ Lond: 1836. AINSWORTH, R. English and Latin Dictionary Abridged. 8~ Phila: 1831. - Thesaurus Lingue Latinae. 2v. 4~ Lond: 1796, AINswoRTH, Wx. H. Flitch of Bacon; A Tale. 12~ Leipzig: 1854. - Ovingdean Grange. 8~ Lond: 1860. - Windsor Castle. 8' N. Y., AITON, WM. Hortus Kewensis. Plants. 5v. 8~ Lond: 1810-13. AREBn. Ayeen Akbery; or, Institutes of Akber. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1800. A KEMPIS, THOMAS. Imitation of Christ. 18~ Bost: 1832. AKENSIDE, M. Poetical Works. 12~ Bost: 1863. ALBAN; A Tale of the New World. 12" N. Y: 1851. ALBERT, PRrNCE. Speeches and Addresses. 8~ Lond: 1862. ALBNIA; or, the Young Mother, and other Tales. 180 Phila: 1846. ALCOCK, R. Capital of the Tycoon. 2v. 12~ N. Y: 1863. CITY OF DETROIT. 3 - -I- -^---U ~~ 111- 11 ALFORD. ALLIES. - -- ALCOTT, W. A. Confessions of a School Master. 12~ Reading: 1856. - Gift Book for Young Ladies. 180 Auburn: 1853. - Gift Book for Young Men. 18~ N. Y: 1856. - Hartford Public School. 120 Hartford: 1832. - Laws of Health. 12~ Bost: 1860. - Lectures for the Fireside. 12~ Rochester: 1852. - Lectures on Life and Health. 12~ Bost: 1853. - Letters to a Sister. 12~ Buff: 1850. - Moral Philosophy of Courtship. 12~ Bost: 1857. - Another Copy. 12~ Bost: 1859. - Physiology of Marriage. 180 Bost: 1856. - Sketches of W. Penn. 180 Bost: 1839. --Tea and Coffee. 18~ Bost: 1839. ALDRICH, T. B. Bells; A Collection of Chimes. 12~ N. Y: 1855. - Daisey's Necklace. 2 copies. 12~ N. Y: 1857. Pampinea and other Poems. 18~ N. Y: 1861. ALETHr. Ernestine; or, the Heart's Longing. 12~ N. Y: 1858. ALEXANDER, J. E. Salmon Fishing in Canada. 120 Lond: 1860. - Sketches in Portugal in 1834. 8~ Lond: 1835. - Transatlantic Sketches. 8~ Phila: 1833; - Travels to the Seat of War in the East in 1829. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1830. ALEXANDER, J. H. Dictionary of Weights and Measures. 12' Bait: 1860. ALEXANDER, J. W. Life of Archbald Alexander. 8~ N. Y: 1854. - Mechanic and Working Man. 180 Phila: 1864. ALEXANDER, S. D. Presbyterian Church in Ireland. 12~ N. Y: 1860. ALEXANDER THE GREAT, Life. See Curtius. ALEXANDER, Wx. D. Hermit of the Pyrenees and other Poems. 180 Lond: 1859. ALFIERI V. Life and Writings of. 12~ Lond: 1821. - Life. See Charles, C. M. See Biographies. See Copping Ed. - Tragedies. Tr. by Lloyd. 3v. 120 Lond. 1815. ALFIo BALZANI; or, Diary of a Proscribed Sicilian. 12~ N. Y: 1852. ALFORD, H. How to Study the New Testament. 12~ Lond: 1865. ALFORD, H. Plea for the Queen's English. 12~ N. Y. - Poetical Works. 12~ Bost: 1853. ALFRED. Factory Movement from 1802 to 1847. 2v. 80 Lond: 1857. ALFRED THE GREAT. Life and Version of Orosius. 12~ Lond: 1857. ALGAROTTI. Congress of Cythera. 18~ Lond: 1783. ALGER, H, JR. Bertha's Christmas Vision. 12~ Bost. - Helen Ford. 12~ Bost. 1866. ALGER, WM. R. History of the Doctrine of a Future Life. 8~ Phila: 1864. - Poetry of the East. 12~ Bost: 1856. - Solitudes of Nature and of Man. 12~ Bost: 1867. ALICE PAULET, a Sequel to Sydenham. 2v. 12~ Phila: 1833. ALIson. Essay on Taste. 12~ N. Y: 1830. - History of Europe from 1789 to 1815. 4v. 8~ N. Y: 1860. - The same abridged by E. S. Gould. 8~ N. Y: 1855. - History of Europe from 1815 to 1852. 4v. 80 N. Y: 1860. - Military Life of Marlborough. 12~ N. Y: 1860. - Miscellaneous Essays. 8~ Phila: 1854. ALLEINE, J. Alarm to Sinners. 180 N. Y. ALLEN, D. O. India Ancient and Modern. 8~ Bost: 1856. ALLEN, GEo. Life of Philidor. 8~ Phila: 1863. ALLEN, Jos. Battles of the British Navy. 2v. 12~ Lond: 1858. - Life of the Earl of Dundonald. 12~ Lond: 1856. ALLEN JULIAN. Autocracy in Poland and Russia. 12~ N. Y: 1854. ALLEN, P. History of the American Revolution. 2v. 8~ Bait: 1819. ALLEN, R. L. American Farm Book. 12~ N. Y: 1857. ALLEN, WM. Book of Christian Sonnets. 12~ Northampton. 1860. - Life of, with Correspondence. 2v. 8~ Phila: 1847. - Wunnissoo; a Poem. 120 Bost: 1856. - Memoir of John Codman. 8~ Bost: 1853. ALLEN, CAPT. Niger Expedition, 1841. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1848. ALLIBONE, S. A. Dictionary of Authors. vol. I. 8~ Phila: 1859. ALLIES, T. W. Formation of Christendom. 8~ Lond: 1805. 4 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE - - AMOS. AN GOU ILEME. ALLIES, T. W. See of St. Peter. 180 N. Y: 1866. ALLOM, T. and WIGIUT,- G. N. Chinese Empire. 2v. 4' Lo-nd. ALLSTON, W. Lectures on Art. Poems. 120 N. Y: 1850. - Monaldi; a Tale. 120 Bost: 1856. ALLWOOD, P. Prophecies Relating to the Church. 2v. So Lond: 1815. ALMACKS; a Tale of English Society. 8' N. Y. ALMACKS REVISSITED; or, Herbert Milton. 2v. 15' N. Y: 1828. ALoNEo AND MELISSA. 240 N. Y. ALSTON, A. H. Seamanship. 12'3 N. Y. ALTAR AT HOME. Prayers. 120 Bost: 1866. ALTAR AT HOME. Sec. Ser. 120 Bost: 1862. ALVARks, D. LEVI. Esquisses Litteraires. 120 Paris. AMXN, F. Voyage round the Euxine. 4' Oxford: 1805. AmERICAN ADVENTURE By LAND ANT) SEA. 2v. 180 N. Y: 1842. AxMERICAN ALMANAC FROM 1830 TO 1861. 32v. 120 Bost. -Another copy, 1830 to 1839. 10v. in 5. 120 Bost. AMERICAN (AN) GOLDEN DAGoN. The Irrawaddi. 120 N. Y: 1856. - Sons of the Sires; The American Party. 120 Phula: 1855. AMERICAN ANNUAL REGISTEII. 4v. 80 N. Y: 1828 -35. AMERlCAN BOOM OF BEAUTY. 5' N. Y: 1845. AmMERCAN Boy's BOOK. History. 120 Phila: 1845. AMERtICAN CHRISTIAN RECORD. 120 N. Y: 1860. AMiERicAN NORMAL SCHOOLS. 80 N. Y: 1860. AMERICAN ORATORY; Selections. 8' Phila: 18-54. AMERICAN HOSE CULTURIST; Dahlia. 120 N.Y: 1855. -Another copy. AMERicus VEspucius. Life. See Columbuas, Christopher. AMES, FISHER. Works. Ed. by his son. 2v. 5o Bost: 1854. AMESIUS, GUILIEL. Medulla Theologica. 24' Amst: 1656. AMMIsAwus, MARCELLINUS. Roman History. 12' Lound: 1862. AMORY, T. C. Life of James Sullivan. 2v. 8' Bost:, 1859. Amos, A. Trial of the Earl of Somerset. 8* Lond: 1846. Amy LEE; or, Without and Within. 12' Boat: 1856. ANACHIARSIS THE YOU-NGER. Travels. Seo Barthelemy. A.NALYSIS of the First Decade of Livy. 18' Oxford: 1848. ANDERSEN, H. C. Danish Fairy Legends. 12' Lond: 1861. - Fairy Tales; Darning Needle, etc. 18' Bost. - Ice Maiden and other Tales. 18' Phila: 1863. - Story of My Life; and In Sweden. 18' Lond: 1852. ANDERSON, C. Annals of the English Bible. 8' N. Y: 1859. ANDERSON, J. Ladies of the Covenant; Scottish. 12' N. Y: 18,51. -Memorable Women of Puritan Times. 2v. 8' Loud: 1862. ANDERSON, JOHN. Course of Creation. 8' Ci-nc: 1851. - History of Ediub. to 1850. 8' Edi-nb: 1856. - Remiuiscences of Thomas Chalmers. 12' Ediub: 1851. - Wanderings in the Land of Israel in 1850-1. 12' Glasg. ANDERSON, WM. Manners, Customs, and Ceremonies. 12' Ediub. ANDERSSON, C. J. Lake N'Gami. 8' N. Y: 1857. - Okavango River. 8' N. Y: 1861. ANDREd, B. Historia Regis Henrici vii. 5' Loud:-.1858. ANDREws, C. C. Minnesota and Dacotah. 12' Wash: 1851. ANDREWS, E. A, and STODDARD, S. Grammar of the Latin. 12' Boat: 1860. - Slavery and Slave Trade in the U. S. 18' Boat: 1836. ANDREWS, G. H. Modern Husbandry. 8' Loud: 1858. ANDREWS, SIDNEY. The South since the War. 12' Boat: 1866. ANDREWS, STEPHEN P. Discoveries in Chinese. 12' N. Y: 1854. ANDIREWS, W. E. Review of Fox's Book of Martyrs. 12v. 8' Belt. ANECDOTES of Distinguished Persons. 4v. 8' Loud: 1804. ANECDOTES of Women of the French Revolution. 12' Balt: 1804. ANGELL, J. B. Hand-Book of French Literature. 12' Phila: 1851. ANeouL SIRE, DUCHESS. Louis XVIH; Memoirs of the French Revolution, translated and Montpensier's Mems. in reach. 8'Lound: 1828. CITY OF DETROIT. 5 ___ --- ARCU LF. ARNOLD. ANJOU, L. A. Reformation in Sweden. 120 N. Y: 1859. ANLEY, C. Influence; A Moral Tale. 12~ Phila: 1852. ANsON, LORD GEORGE. Life. See Barrow, J. ANSTED, D. T. Great Stone Book of Nature. 12~ Phila: 1863. ANSTEY, C. New Bath Guide. 12~ Lond: 1767. ANTENOR. Voyages en Grece et en Asie. 3v. 8~ Paris: 1809. ANTHOLOGY GREEK. Translated by Geo. Burges. 12~ Lond: 1854. ANTHON, C. Roman Antiquities. 12~ N. Y: 1854. - System of Latin Versification. 12~ N. Y: 1845. ANTI- MAMON. Exposure of "Mammon." 12' Lond: 1837. ANTISELL, T. Cyclopedia of Useful Arts. 12~ N. Y: 1855. - Manufacture of Photogenic Oils. 8~ N. Y: 1859. ANTomMAROCH, F. Last Days of Napoleon. 2v. Lond: 1826. ANTONINUS, M. AURELIUS. The Emperor. Thoughts. 120 Bost: 1864. APELLES AND HIS CONTEMPORARIES. A Novel. 120 Bost: 1860. APocRYPHAL NEW TESTAMENT. 12~ Bost: 1857. APPIAN oF ALEXANDRIA. History. Made English. F. Lond: 1679. APPLETON, D. & Co. American Annual Cyclopzedia. 1861-6. 6v 8~ N. Y. - Cyclopedia of Drawing. 8~ N. Y: 1864. - Dictionary of Machines, etc. 2v 80 N. Y: 1852. APPLETON, JESSE. Prest. of Bowdoin Coll. Works. 2v. 8~ Andover: 1837. APPRENTICE THE; or, Hints to a Young Friend. 18~ Lond. APULEIUS. Works; Cupid and Psyche, etc. 12~ Lond: 1853. ARABIAN NIGHTS ENTERTAINMENTS. 8~ Phila: 1857. - Another Copy. 4v. 8~ Lond: 1811. ARAGO, F. Biographies. First series: Arago, Bailly, Herschel, La Place, Fourier. Second series: Carnot, Malus, Fresnel, Young, Watt. 2v. 12~ Bost: 1859. ARCULF. Willibald; Bernard, Saewulf, Sigurd, Benjamin of Tudela, Sir John Maundeville, De La Brocquiere and Maundrell. Travels in Palestine. 12~ Lond: 1848. i AREY, H. W. Girard College and its Founder. 12~ Phila: 1856. - Another Copy. 12~ Phila: 1861. ARGYLL. Reign of Law. 12~ Lond: 1867. ARIOSTO. Orlando Furioso. 4v. 40 Venice: 1772. - Orlando Furioso. Tr. by J. Hoole. 5v. 8' Lond: 1783. - Orlando Furioso. Tr. by W. S. Rose. 8v. 12~ Lond: 1833-31. - Orlando Furioso. Tr. by W. S. Rose. 2v. 120 Lond: 1858. ARISTOCRACY IN AMERICA. By a German Nobleman. Ed. by F. J. Grund. 12" Lond: 1839. ARISTOPHANES. Clouds. Notes by Felton. 12~ Cambridge, Mass: 1852. - Comedies. Tr. by W. J. Hickie. 2v. 12' Loud: 1853-60. ARISTOTLE. History of Animals. Tr. by Cresswell. 12~ Lond: 1862. - Nichomachean Ethics. Tr. by Browne. 120 Lond: 1853. - Organon; or, Logical Treatise. Tr. by Owen. 2v. Lond: 1853. - Politics and Economics. Tr. by Walford. Essay and Life of Aristotle, by Gillies. 120 Lond: 1853. - Rhetoric. Notes, etc. by Parsons. 8~ Oxford: 1836. - Rhetoric and Poetic. Tr. by Buckley. 12~ Lond: 1853. ARLINGTON. Novel. 2v. 120 N. Y: 1832. ARMAN, A. Haddon's Arithmetic. 18~ Lond: 1862. - Key to Haddon's Arithmetic. 18~ Lond: 1862. ARMATA. A Fragment. 180 N.Y: 1817. ARMENGAUDS AND AmOROUX. Practical Draughtman's Book. Tr. by Wm. Johnson. 4~ N. Y. 1857. ARINIUS, J. Works. 3v. 80 Auburn: 1853. ARMITAGE, J. History of Brazil, from 1808 to 1831. 8~ Lond: 1836. ARMSTRONG, G. D. Christian Doctrine of Slavery. 120 N. Y: 1857. ARMSTRONG, J. Agriculture. 18~ N. Y: 1839. AnrSTRONG, L. Signs of the Times; in Ten Lectures. 120 N. Y: 1848. - The Temperance Reformation. 12~ N. Y. 1853, ARNELL, D. R. Fruit of Western Life; or, Blanche and Other Poems. 12~ N. Y: 1847. ARNOLD, A. C. L. History of Secret Societies. 12~ N. Y: 1854. 6 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE -- I--- -Y ASUHTON. AYTOUN. ARNOLD, S. G. History of Rhode Island, 1636 to 1790. 2v. 8~ N. Y: 1860. ARNOLD, T. AND OTHERS. History of Rome. 3v. 80 Lond: 1852-3. ARNOLD, T. Lectures on Modern History. 128 N. Y: 1847. - Life of Hannibal. 180 N. Y: 1860. - Miscellaneous Works. 80 N. Y: 1856. ARNOLD, W. D. Oakfield; or, Fellowship in the East. 120 Bost: 1855. ARNOT, W. Laws from Heaven for Life on Earth. 80 Lond: 1857. ARROWSaITH, A. Ancient and Modern Geography. 80 Lond: 1839. ARRowsmITH, J. Paper Hanger's Companion. 180 Phila: 1852. ART DE CONSERVER LES SUBSTANCES ALIMENTAIRES. 180 Paris: 1824. ARTHUR OF BRITANNY. An Historical Tale. 120 Lond: 1831. ARTHUR AND CARPENTER. History of Georgia. 180 Phila: 1854. - History of Kentucky. 180 Phila: 1854. - History of Virginia. 180 Phila: 1854. ARTHUR, T. S. Debtor and Creditor. 180 N. Y: 1852. - Out in the World. 12" N. Y: 1864. - Sparing to Spend. 120 N. Y: 1854. ARTHUR, Wx. Etymological Dictionary of Names. 12~ N. Y: 1857. - Italy in Transition. 120 N. Y. 1860. - Successful Merchant. Samuel Budgett. 120 Lond: 1852. - Tongue of Fire. Power of Christianity. 120 Toronto: 1857. ARTICLES OF THE SYNOD OF DORT. 120 Utica: 1831. ARTIS, E. T. Antediluvian Phytology. 4~ Lond: 1838. ARTMAN, WX. AND HALL, L. V. Achievments of the Blind. 120 Auburn: 1864. ART RECREATIONS. Drawing. Painting. Moss and Wax Work, etc. 120 Bost: 1860. ARVINE, K. Cyclopoedia of Anecdotes. 8~ Bost: 1852. AscHA,MR. Epistole. 8~ Oxford: 1703. ASHBURN; A Tale, by Aura. 180 Lond: 1857. ASH, J. Dictionary of English. 2v. 80 Lond: 1785. ASHMAN, J. Life of Samuel Bacon. 8~ Wash: 1822. ASHTON, S. G. Mothers of the Bible. 120 Bost: 1855. As IT Is. 12~ Albany: 1860. AT ANCHOR; A Story of our Civil War. 12~ N..Y: 1865. ATHENEUS. The Deipnosophists. Tr. by Yonge. 3v. 2~ Lond: 1854. ATHENAIUM THE. 13v. 40 Lond: 1830 1842. ATHENIAN LETTERS. 2v. 40 Lond: 1798. ATKINSON, H. G. AND MARTINEAU, H. Laws of Man's Nature. 12~ Bost: 1851. - Another Copy. ATKINSON, T. W. Oriental and Western Siberia. 8~ N. Y: 1858. - Upper and Lower Amoor. 8~ N. Y: 1860. ATKINSON, W. P. Books and Reading; A Lecture. 180 Bost: 1860. - Lecture before the Society of Arts. 120 Camb: 1865. ATLANTIC CLUB BOOK. By various Authors. 2v. 120 N. Y: 1834. ATLANTIC MONTHLY. Complete to July, 1864. 13v. 80 Bost: Also 3v of odd nos. ATLANTIC SOUVENIR FOR 1831. 180 Phila: 1831. ATSON, Wm. Heart Whispers; or, a Peep behind the Family Curtain. 12~ Memphis: 1859. ATTERLY, J. Voyage to the Moon. 120 N. Y: 1827. ATWOOD, G. On Motion and Rotation of Bodies. 8~ Camb: 1784. AUCHINLECK, G. War of 1812. 80 Toronto: 1862. AUGUSTINE. Confessions; Introduction by Shedd. 120 Andover: 1865. - Confessionum Libri Tredecim. 120 Paris: 1836. AUSTEN, JANE. Emma. 120 N.Y: 1861. - Mansfield Park. 120 N. Y: 1861. - Sense, Sensibility and Persuasion. 12~ N. Y. AUSTIN, J. T. Life of Elbridge Gerry. 2v 8~ Bost: 1828-9. AUTOBIOGRAPHY of a Married Woman. 80 N. Y: 1859. AUTOBIOGRAPHY of an English Soldier in the U. S. Army. 12~ N. Y: 1853. AUTOGRAPHS for Freedom. Ed. by Julia Griffiths. 80 Auburn: 1854. AVERY, S. P. Mrs. Partington's Carpet Bag of Fun. 12~ N. Y: 1854. AYTOUN, W. E, (T. Percy Jones.) Book of Ballads. Ed. by Bon Gualter; Firmilian, a Spasmodic Tragedy. 120 N. Y: 1867. - Bothwell; A Poem. 12~ Bost: 1856. C1LITY OP DETROIT. 7 - 1 1~11 BAINES. BALL 017. BABINGTON, T. Early Christian Education. 12' Bost: 1819. BACHE, ANNA. Scenes at Home. 120 Phila: 1851.' BACK, G. Arctic Land Expedition. 40 Lond: 1886. BACON, B. F. Pious Women of Britain.and America. 80 New Haven. 1888. BACON, F. Lord. Essays Ed. by Whatley. 80 N. Y: 1863. - Moral and Historical Works. 121, *Lond: 1857. - Physical and Metaphysical' Works. Works. 120 Lond: 1858. - Resuscitatlo; with Life, by his Chap. lain, W. Rowley. F. Lond: 1670. - Works Collected and Ed. by Spedding, etc. 15v. 8' N. Y: 1864. BACON, L. Christian Self -Culture.' 180 Bost. BACox, LYDIA B. Biography of. 120 Bost. BACON, SAMUEL. Life of. See Ashman J. BADRAIJ, ADAM. The Vagabond. 120.N. Y: 1859. BADeER, JosEPsr. Memoir of. See Holland, E. G. BAGSKAW, WKI. Man; His Motives. 2v. 120 Lond: 1813. BAILEY, G. S. Great Caverns of Kentucky. 240 Chicago: 1863. BAILEBN, H. I. Church Education; Emigrant's Friend. 120 Loud: 1851. BAILEY, JACOB. Frontier Missionary, Life of. See Bartlett, Win. S. BAILEY, P. J. The Age; a Colloquial Satire. 12" Bost: 1845. - Another Copy. - The Angel World, and other Poems. 120 Bost: 1850. - Festus; A Poem.- 120 Bost: 1845. - Mystic, and Other Poems. 120 Bost: 1856. BAILEY, SAM. Essays: Opinions; Truth; Etc. 120 Bost: 1854. BAILEY, T. Longevity; Vital Statistics. 8" Lond: 1857. BAILEY, War. Patriotism and Love of Country. So Wash: 1826. BAILLIE, JOAN. Dramatic and Poetical Works. 8o Loud: 1851. BAILLIE, JOHaN. Life Studies: Bunyan and others. 120 N. Y: 1857. - St. Augustine; a Memoir. 12" N. Y: 1859. BAILLIE, M. Tour through France, Italy, etc. 8" Lond: 1819. BAINEs, E. Wars of the French Revolution, with Grimshaw's History of the War of 1812. 2v. 80 N. Y: 1855. BAIRD, H. M. Life of Robert Baird. 80 N. Y: 1866. BAIRD, R. Christian Retrospect, 1800 to 1850. 12' N. Y: 1851. - West Indies and North America in 1849. 120 Phila: 1850. - Life of Ramon Monsalvatge, a Spanish Capuchin. 180 N. Y: 1845. - Religion in America. 80 N. Y: 1856. BAKER, ID. Life and Sermons. 3v. 12" Phila: 1859. BAKE@R, F. A. Sermons; Life by A. F. Hewit. 80 N. Y: 1867. BAKER, L. C. History of the UT. S. Secret Service. 80 Phila: 1867. BAKER R. Chronicle of the Kings of England. F. Lond: 1730. BAKER, S. W. Sources of the Nile. 8' Lond: 1866. BAKER, Tiaos. T. British Forces at Rangoon. 120 Lond: 1852. BAKER, T. Railway Engineering. 80 Loud: 1848. BAKEWELL, F. C. Great Facts; Inventions of Nineteenth Century. 120 N. Y: 1860. BALBOA, VAsco. Cortex and Pizarro; Lives of. '180 Bost. BALDWIN, A. C. Letter Writer, by Mail or Telegraph. 18O N. Y: 1853. BALDWIN, E. Fables from oEsop and others. 120 N. Y: 1856. BALDWIN, GEO. C. Representative Men. 120 N. Y: 1860. - Reprepsentative Women. 120 N. Y: 1856. BALDWIN, J. D. Raymond Hill and other Poems. 120 Bost: 1847. BALDWIN, J. G. Flush Times of Alabama. 120 N. Y: 1853. BALE, J. Bp. of Ossery. Select Works. 80 Camb: 1849. BALF~OUR, W. Inquiry concerning the Devil, and the terms Everlasting, Forever, etc. 120 Charlestown, Mass: 1827. - Import of Words translated Hell. 12' Charlestown, Mass: 1825. BALLADs, Spanish. See Lockhart. BALLANTYNE, R. M. Hudson's Bay; or, Wilds of N. America. 120 Bost. 1859. - Life Boat; a Tale of our Coast Heroes. 120 Bost: 1865. BALLOU, A. Christian Socialism. 8' Hopedale: 1854. BALLOK, H. Future Retribution. 120 Bost: 1832. - Treatise on Atonement. 180 Bost: 1832. 8 PUBLIC LIBRARY O0 THE - - BANVARD. BARNES. BALLOU MATURIN. Biography of Hosea Ballou. 126 Bost: 1852. BALLOU, MOSES. Divine Character Vindidicated. 120 N. Y: 1854. - Another copy. BALMANNO, Mrs. Pen and Pencil. 4~ N. Y: 1858. BALMES, J. European Civilization. 80 Bait: 1861. - Fundamental Philosophy: Tr. by Brownson. 2v. 12~ N. Y: 1858. BALTHASAR. Count Castiglione; The Courtier. 8~ Lond: 1724. BALZAC, H. DE. The Alchemist. 12~ N. Y: 1861. - Le Care de Village. 2v. 8~ Paris: 1841. - Les Deux Frerers. 80 Paris: 1842. - Les Ressources de Quinola; Com6die. 8~ Paris: 1842. - Memories de deux Jeunes MariBes. 2v. 80 Paris. 1842. - Petty Annoyances. 12* N. Y: 1861. - Sketches of Life; Casar Birotteau. 12. N. Y: 1860. - Ursule Mirou6t. 80 Paris. 1842. BAMFORD, SAM. Life of aRadical. 2v. 120 Lond: 1844. BANCROFT, ED. Natural History of Guiana. 8~ Lond: 1769. BANCROFT, GEORGE. History of the United States. 9v. 80 Bost: 1863-6. - Also, Duplicates of vols. 4, 6 and 7. - Miscellanies. 8~ N. Y: 1855. BANGS, N. History of Methodist Episcopal Church. 4v. 120 N. Y: 1838. BANIER. Mythology Explained. 4v. 8~ Lond: 1739-40: BANIm, M. Bit o' Writing. 120 N. Y: 1866. - Boyne Water. 120 N. Y: 1866. - Croppy; Tale of the Rebellion of 1798. 120 N. Y: 1865. - Denounced; or, The Last Baron of Crana. 120 N. Y: 1866. - Mayor of Wind Gap; Canvassing. 120 N. Y: 1866. - Peep o' Day. 120 N. Y: 1865. BANKES, H. Constitutional History of Rome. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1818. BANNISTER, S. Life of Wm. Paterson. 12~ Edinb: 1858. BANVARD, J. Novelties of the New World. 120 Bost: 1856. - Plymouth and the Pilgrims. 180 Bost: 1851. - Priscilla; a Tale of the Puritans and the Baptists. 120 Phila: 1853. BARBER, J. W. History of New England, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. 80 Hartford: 1856. - Patmos and the Seven Churches. 80 Bridgeport: 1851. BARBER, JONATHAN. Grammar of Elocution. 120 Bost: 1834. BARBER, Jos. Crumbs from the Round Table. 180 N. Y: 1846. BARCLAY. Agricultural Tour. 12' Edinb: 1842. BARCLAY, Jo. Argenis; Tr. by Long. F. Lond: 1625. BARCLAY, JAS. Dictionary of the English Language. 40 Lond: 1848. BARCLAY, JOHN. Selection from his Letters and Papers. 80 Phila: 1847. BARCLAY, SIDNEY. Recollections of the American Revolution. 12~ N. Y: 1859. BARD, SAM. A. Waikna; or, the Mosquito Shore. 120 N. Y: 1855. BARHAM, R. (Ingoldsby.) Cousin Nicholas. 120 Buff: 1856. - Ingoldsby Legends. 2v. 120 N. Y: 1864. BARHAM, T. F. Philadelphia; a Plea for Social and Religious Reform. 8~ Lond: 1858. BARKER, G. P. Life. See Bryan, G. J. BARKER, Wr. B. Lares and Penates; or, Cilicia. 8~ Lond: 1853. BARNARD, H. American Journal of Education. First Series. 10v. 8~ Hartford: 1855-61. Second Series. 2v. BARNARD, H, Military Schools in France and Prussia. 8~ Phila: 1862. - National Education in Europe. 80 Hartford: 1854. - Papers for the Teachers. Seven Series. 7v. 8~ N. Y. - Reformatory Education. 8~ Hartford: 1859. - Teachers and Educators. Memoirs. 8~ N. Y: 1861. BARNARD, J. G. Isthmus of Tehuantepec: Railroad Survey. 2v. 8~ N.Y: 1852. BARNES, A. Atonement. 12~ Phila: 1860. - Church and Slavery. 120 Phila: 1857. - Another copy. - Faith in the Word of God. 120 Phila: 1859. - Inquiry into the Scriptural View of Slavery. 120 Phila: 1846. - Life at Three Score; A Sermon. 12" Phila: 1859. BARNES, JOSIAH. Green Mountain Traveler's Entertainment. 12~ N. Y: 1860. CITY OF DETROIT. 9 1' 111--`-~---- -- -- - - ---~ BARTH. BAITAILLE. BARNEs, Wx. Poems in the Dorset Dialect. 120 Bost: 1864. BARNEY, MARY. Memoir of Joshua Barney. 80 Bost: 1832. BARNUM, P. T. Humbugs of the World. 12~ N. Y: 1866. BARNWELL. Game Fish of the North. 12~ N. Y: 1862. BARNWELL, R. G. Life and Times John De Witt. 12~ N.Y: 1856. BARRELL, GEO., Jr. Pedestrian in France. 12~ N. Y: 1853. BARREN HONOUR: A Novel. 8~ N. Y: 1866. BARRETT, B. F. The Golden Reed: or, True Measure of a True Church. 12~ N. Y: 1855. BARRETT, P. Deaf Shoemaker and other Stories. 18~ N. Y: 1866. BARRETT, R. A. F. A Synopsis of Criticisms. 5v. 80 Lond: 1847. BARRE, W. L. Illustrious Men of America. 8~ N. Y: 1859. BARRINGTON, G. Voyage to New South Wales: Life, etc. 2v. 8~ Lond. BARRINGTON, JONAH. Personal Sketches. 12~ N. Y: 1854. - Rise and Fall of the Irish Nation. 12~ N. Y. BARROW, Is. Theological Works. 8v. 8~ Oxford: 1830. - Treatise on the Pope's Supremacy. 80 N. Y: 1844. BARRow, JOHN. Travels into the Interior of Southern Africa. 8~ N. Y: 1802. BARROW, J. Mutiny of the Bounty: Pitcairn's Island. 18~ N. Y: 1839. BARROW, J., SIR. Life of George Lord Anson. 8~ Lond: 1839. - Life of Peter the Great. 18~ N. Y: 1839. - Travels in China. 4~ Lond: 1804. - Voyages in the Arctic Regions. 12" N. Y: 1846. BARRUEL. History of Jacobinism. 4v. 8~ Lond: 1797- 8. BARRY CORNWALL, (Proctor, B. W.) Essays and Tales. 2v. 12~ Bost: 1853. BARRY: OPIE: and FUSELI; Lectures on Painting. 12~ Lond: 1848. BARRY, J. S. History of Massachusetts. 3v. 8~ Bost: 1855. BARTHE, J. G. Canada reconquis par la France. 80 Paris: 1855. BARTHELEMY. Travels of Anacharsis in Greece. 5v. 8~ Dublin: 1795. BARTH, H. Travels in North and Central Africa. 5v. 8~ Lond: 1857. BARTHOLDY, FELIX MENDELSSHON. Letters from 1833 to 1847. - Letters from Italy and Switzerland. 120 N. Y: 1865. BARTHOLOMUEUS DE COTTON. Historia Anglicana. 8~ Lond: 1859. BARTHOLOMEW, WM. N. Linear Perspective. 80 Bost: 1859. BARTLETT, D. W. Life of Joan of Arc. 120 N. Y: 1860. - Life of Lady Jane Grey. 12~ Auburn: 1854. - Modern Agitators: or, American Reformers. 12" N. Y: 1859. - Heroes of the Indian Rebellion. 8~ Columbus: 1859. BARTLETT, JOHN. Familiar Quotations. 120 Bost: 1864. BARTLETT, J. R. Dictionary of Americanisms. 8~ Bost: 1860. - Personal Narrative: Mexican Boundary. 2v. 8~ N. Y: 1854. BARTLETT, W. H. C. Analytical Mechanics. 8~ N. Y: 1856. - Mechanics. 8~ N. Y. 1855. - Synthetic Mechanics. 8~ N. Y: 1857. BARTLETT, W. H. Forty Days in the Desert. 12~ N. Y. - Gleanings on the Overland Route. 8~ Lond: 1851. - Nile Boat: or, Glimpses of Egypt. 120 Lond: 1862. - Pilgrim Fathers: or, The Founders. o8 Loud: 1863. - Syria: Holy Land, etc. Illustrated. 3v. 4~ Lond. BARTLETT, W S. Life of Jacob Bailey, Missionary. 8~ N. Y: 1853. BARTOL, C. A. Word of the Spirit to the Church. 18~ Bost: 1859. - Church and Congregation; Plea for Unity. 12~ Bost: 1858. BARTOLI, D. Life of Ignatius De Loyola. 2v. 12~ N. Y: 1858. BARTON, BERNARD. Poems. 12~ Augusta, Me: 1852. BARTON, K. 1o: a Tale of the Olden Fane. 12~ N. Y: 1851. BARTON, Wa. Life of David Rittenhouse. 8~ Phila: 1813. BARWELL, MRS. Treatment of Infants. 12~ Phila: 1853. BASE-BALL PLAYER'S Pocket Companion. 24~ Bost: 1859. BASKERVILLE, A. Poetry of Germany. 12" Phila: 1866. BATAILLE, C. Le Chancelier de Henry In. 12~ Paris: 1859. 10 PUBLIC LIBRARY OP TilE - --"-I - I -- - - - --------- -9 BEATTIE. BEECHEIER I1 BATCHELDER, E. Romance of the Fashionable World. 180 Bost: 1857. BATCHELDER, S. JR. Young Men of Amer-.ica. 120 N. Y: 1860. BATCHELOR, H. Lectures in Sheffield. 12" Loud: 1858. BATEMAN, J. Life of Daniel Wilson. So Bost: 1860. - Another Copy. 8* Loud: 1861. BATES, D. B. Four Years on the Pacific Coast. 12'D Boat: 1860. BATES, S. P. Mental and Moral Culture. 120 N. Y: 1860. BATES, War. Works; with a Memoir by W. Farmer. 4v. 8* Loud: 1815. BATTELY, J. Opera Posthuma: Antiquitatea. 40 Oxford: 1745: BATTLE FIELDS OF THE SOUTH, by an Englishman. 80 N. Y: 1864. BATTER, B. Burgerliche. Revolution. 120 Berlin: 1849. BAUTAIN, M. Extempore Speaking. 12' N. Y: 1863. BAXLEY, H. W. The W. Coast of America: Hawaiian Is. So N. Y: 1865. BAXTER, M. Coming Wonders. 12" Loud. C. W: 1867. - Louis Napoleon, Antichrist. 120 Phila. BAXTER, R. On Conversion. 12" N. Y. - On Original Sin. See Binning.. BATXE, P. Avis Important aux Refugiez. 240 Amaterd: 1690. - Dictionary, Hiatorical and Critical. 5v. F. Loud: 1734-8. BAYLEY, J. Confessions of a Converted Infidel. 120 N. Y: 1854. BAYLEY J. R. Life'of Bp. Brut6. 120 N. Y: 1865., BAYLY, MRa. Workmen; their Difficulties. 120 N. Y: 1861. BAYILY, T. H. Kate Leslie. 2v. 120 Phila: 1838. BAYNE, P. Christian Life. 120 Boat: 1864. BEACH, E. T. P. Pelayo: an Epic. 120 N. Y: 1864. BEARD, J. Progress of Religious Thought. 8o Boat: 1861. BEAT5ON, H. Political Index to the Histories of G. Britain and Ireland. 2v. 8'Lound: 1788. BEATTIE, J. Evidences of the Christian Region. 2v. 120 Loud: 1788. - Minstrel and other Poems. 18", N. Y. - Poetical Works;- Memoir by A. Dyce. 80 Boat: 1861. BEATTIE, War. Life and Letters of Thomas CampbelLl. v. 8SLoud: 1859. B1IATTIE, WH. Life and Letters of Thomas Campbell. 2v. 12' N. Y: 1850. BEAUCREaNE, A. DE. Louis xvii, His Life. 2v. N. Y: 1855. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Works. 2v. 8c Loud: 1840. BEAUMONT, WM. The Gastric Juice. 8" Plattsburgh: 1883. This vol. is bound with Pereira on Food and Diet. BEAUTIES of the English Annuals. 120 N. Y: 1834. BEAUvALLET, L. Rachel and the New World. 12' N. Y: 1856. BECESTEIN, J. M. Cage and Chamber Birds. 12" Loud: 1853. BECKER. Chariclea. 80 Loud. 1854. BECHET, THOMAS A. See Bataille, C. BECKETT, S. B. Heater: a Poem. 120 Portland: 1860. BECHNORD, P. On Hunting. 120 Loud: 1847. BECKNORD, WM, Memoirs of. 2v. 12a Loud: 1859. - Yathek. 180 Balt: 1834. BECKx, L. C. Mineralogy of New York. 4" Albany: 1842. BECK, T. R. and J. B. Medical Jurisprudence. 2v 8" Phila: 1860. BECKMAN, J. History of Inventions and Discoveries. 4v. 80 Loud: 1814. BE CKWOURTH, JAs. P. Life. See Bonner T. D. BEDE, CUTH. Gleucreggan. 12' Loud: 1861. - Nearer and Dearer. 120 N. Y: 1864. BEDE, VENERABLE. Ecclesiastical History of England. Anglo -Saxon Chronicle. 120 Loud: 1859. - Miacellaneous Works. 6v. 80 Loud: 1843. BEDOLLIERRE. Mere Michel et Son Chat. 120 Phila: 1865. BEDOTTE, Widow, Papers. See Berry, Miriam. BE-ECRER, C. E. Appeal to the People. Interpreters of the Bible. 120 N. Y: 1860. - Common Sense: Bible and People. 120 N. Y: 1857. - Health and Happinesa; Letters. 120 N. Y: 1855. -Physiology and Calisthenica. 180 N. Y: 1856. -Religious Training of Children. 12' N. Y: 1864. -Suggestions on Education. 80 Hartford: 1839.. -Treatise on Domestic Economy. 12' N. Y: 1855. -True Remedy for the Wrongs of Woman. 120 Boat: 1851. CITY OF -DETROIT. 11 - -- BELL. BENTON. BEECHER, C. E. Truth Stranger than Fiction. 12" N. Y: 1850. BEECHER, CHARLES. Review of. the Spiritual Manifestations. 8" N. Y: 1853. BEECHER, ED. Concord of Ages. 120 N. Y: 1860. - Conflict of Ages. 120 Bost: 1855. BEECHIER, H. W. Eyes and Ears. 120 Bost: 1861. - Freedom and War. 120 Bost: 1863. - Lectures to Young Men. 120 Salem: 1855. - Life Thoughts. Biography. 120 Edinb: 1865. - New Star Papers. 120 N. Y: 1850. - Plain Talk about Fruits, Flowers and Farming. 120 N. Y: 1859. - Star Papers: Experiences. 120 N. Y: 1855. BEECHER, LYMAN. Autobiography, Correspondence, etc. 2v. 120 N. Y: 1864. - Sermons on Intemperance. 180 N. Y. - Views on Theology. 1.20 Ciuc. 1816. - Works: Lectures, Sermons and Views. 3v..120 Bost: 1852-3. BEETS, N. Life of J. H. Van der Palm. 120 N. Y:- 1865. BEGINNINGI and Growth of the Christian Life. 120 Bust: 1855. BELCHER, Jos. Baptisms of the New Testament. 180, Phila. - Geo. Whitefleld; a Biography. 120 N. Y. - Scripture Narrations. 120 N. Y: 1844. BELIsARIus; a Fable. 120 N. Y: 1851. BELISLE, ID. W. American Family Robinson. 120 Phila: 1853. BELLAMY, Jos. Works; with Life. 2v Bost: 1853. BELL, A. History of Canada to 1841, by F. X. Garnean. 2v. 80 Montreal. 1862. BELL, CHAS. The Hand; its Mechanism. 180 N. Y: 1840. BELL, H. G. Life of Mary queen of Scots. 2v. 18" N. Y: 1839. BELL, J. ID. A Man. 120 Phila: 1860. BELL, J. British Theatre. 34v. 180 Lond: 1797. BELL, J. Springs of the U. S. and Canada. 180 Phila: 1855. BELL, J, of Antermony. Travels. 2v. 80 Ediub: 1788. BELL, J. P. Christian Sociology. 120 Aberdeen: 1853. BELL, H. Life of Geo. Canning. 120 N. Y: 1855. BELL SMITHa ABROAD. (Mrs. Don Piatt). 1210 N. Y: 1855. BELLE BRITTAN AT NEWPORT. 120 N. Y: 1858. BELLENDEN, J. Livy's Roman History translated into Scotch. 4" Ediub: 1822. BELLEW, F. Art of Amusing. 120 N. Y: 1865. BELLOT, J. H. Memoirs of; Journal. 2v. 12' Loud: 1855. BELSH(AR, T. Review of Wilberforce. 50 Loud: 1813. BELSHAM, Wx. History of Great Britain from 1688 to 1820. 14v. 80 Loud: 1805-24. BELTRAHI, J. C. Pilgrimage in Europe and America. 2v. 80 Loud: 1828. BEMROSH, WM. JR~. Wood Carving. 40 Loud. BENAuLY, (Abbott.) Cone Cut Corners. 120 N. Y: 1855. BEHATILY. Matthew Caraby: his Adventures. 12" N. Y: 1859. BENEDICT, ID. History of the Baptists. 2v. 80 Bost: 1813. - Another copy. 8o N. Y: 1853. BENEDIH, R. Vetter; Comedy in German. 120 Lond: 1,863. BEHEZET, A. and WESLEY J. Views of Slavery. 18" Phila: 1858. BENGER, ELIE. 0. Life of Anne Boleyn. 12" Phila: 1850. - Life of Mary Q. of Scotts. 2v. 120 Phila: 1844. BENJAmus A. Builder's Guide: Architecture. 40 Bost: 1850. BENJ-AMIN, Mrs. At. G. Missionary Sisters: Mrs. Everett and Mrs. Hamlin. 120 Bost. BENTAMIN op TIDELA. Travels. See Arculf. BENNETT, J. G. Memoirs of. 120 N. Y: 1855. BENNETT, J. Letters to a Young Lady. 180 Phila: 1829. BENNETT, J. The Arcanum; Geometry. 8' Loud: 1818. BENOHi, LoRENZO. Passages in the Life of an Italia-n. 80 Ediub: 1853. BENTHAM, JEREMY. Benthamiana: Extracts. 80 Phila. 1844. - Thd~orie des Peines. 2v. 80 Loud: 1811. BENToN, T. H. IDebates of Congress. 1789-1856. 16v. 8' N. Y: 1857-1863. -Examination of IDecision of IDred Scott Case. 12' N. Y: 1860. -Thirty Years' View of Government. 1820 -1850. 2v. 8' N. Y: 1859. 12 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE - --- ~I-- BIBLIOTHEQUE. BIRRELL. BARANGER. Lyrical Poems. 12~ N. Y: 1857. BERGER, E. Charles Auchester: A Memorial. 8~ N. Y. BERG, Jos. F. The Confessional. 18~ Phila: 1841. BERRINGTON, Jos. Literary History of the Middle Ages. 4~ Lond: 1814. BERKELEY, GEo: Bp. of Cloyne. Works: Life and Letters. 2v. 4~ Dublin: 1784. BERKELEY MEN. Napoleon Dynasty. 80 N. Y: 1852. BERMINGHAM, JAMEs. Life of Theobald Mathew. 12~ N. Y: 1841. BERNARD, C. DE. Lion's Skin and Lover Hunt. 12~ N. Y: 1853. BERNARD. Travels. SeeArculf. BERRY, Miss MARY. Journals and Correspondence. 1783-1852. 3v. 80 Lond: 1866. BERRY, MIRIAM. Widow Bedott Papers. 12' N. Y: 1863. BERRY, Wm. Geneologia Antiqua. F. Lond: 1840. BERTHA AND HER BAPTISM. 120 Bost: 1863. BESSIE AND RAYMOND: Incidents of the Civil War. 12~ Bost: 1866. BESSIE LOVELL; or, Power of a Loving Child. 18~ Bost. BESTE, H. D. Poverty; A Catholic Novel. 8~ Lond: 1845. BETHEL, S. Interest of the Princes and States of Europe. 12~ Lond: 1689. BETHUNE, ALEX. Memoirs of; Correepondence. 180 Aberdeen: 1845. BETHUNE, G. W. History of a Penitent; Commentary on the 130th Ps. 240 Phila. 1848. - Memoirs of Mrs. Joanna Bethune. 12" N. Y: 1863. BEVERIDGE, Wx. Private Thoughts upon Religion. 2v. 12~ N. Y: 1857. - Sermons. Selected. 80 Lond: 1850. BEYMINSTRE; A Novel. 12~ N. Y: 1866. - The same. BEZA, T. Life of John Calvin. 12~ Phila: 1837. BIBB, HENRY. Life of an American Slave. 12~ N. Y: 1850. BIBLIA HEBRAICA. 8~ Phila: 1849. BIBLIA TRADOTTA DA GIOVANNI DIODATI. 12~ Lond: 1819. BIBLICAL REASON WHY. Guide to Scripture Reading. 120 N. Y. BIBLIOTHECA PROBATA; Catalogue Episcopal. 12~ N. Y: 1857. BIBLIOTHEQUE UNIVERSELLE DES ROMANS. 3v. 12~ Paris: 1780-1.. BICKERSTETH, ED. Christian Hearer. 12~ Columbus, 0: 1838. - Divine Warning to the Church. 12~ Lond: 1846. - Domestic Portraiture of Legh Richmond. 12~ N. Y: 1850. - Life of. By Rev. T. R. Birks. 2v. 8" N. Y: 1855. - Treatise on Baptism. 120 Phila: 1841. BIERNATZKI, J. G. The Hallig. Tr. by Mrs. G. P. Marsh. 120 Bost: 1856. BIGELOW, E. B. Tariff Question. 4~ Bost: 1862. BIGELOW, JAC. Cemetary of Mount Auburn. 12~ Bost: 1860. - Nature in Disease. 120 Bost: 1854. - Plants of Boston. 12~ Bost: 1840. - Useful Arts; Applications of Science. 2v. 12~ N. Y: 1856. BIGELOW, JOHN. Jamaica in 1850. 18~ N. Y: 1851. - Life and Services of J. C. Fr6mont. 12~ N. Y: 1856. - Same. BIGELOW, L. J. Bench and Bar; Wit, etc. 12' N. Y: 1867. BILL, L. Pen Pictures of the War. 8~ N. Y: 1866. BINGHAM, C. American Preceptor. 12~ Bost: 1837. - Columbian Orator. 12~ Phila: 1856. BINGHAM, H. Twenty-one Years in the Sandwich Islands. 8~ N. Y. 1848. BINGHAM, Jos. Antiquities of the Christian Church. 2v. 8' Lond: 1865. BINGLEY, W. Animal Biography. 3v. 8~ Lond: 1813. BINNEY, H. Eulogy of John Marshall. 8~ Phila: 1835. BINNING, H. AND BAXTER, R. Fellowship with God; or 28 sermons on Original Sin. 2v. in 1. 180 Edinb: 1671. Lond: 1675. BINNS, E. Art of procuring sleep. 12~ Lond: 1842. BINNS, J. Autobiography. 12~ Phila: 1854. BIOGRAPHIES of Philadelphia Merchants. 120 Phila: 1864. BIOGRAPHIES of Robt. Burns and Sam. Johnson, by T. Carlyle. Of Alfieri, by C. M. Charles. 12~ Lond: 1858. BIOGRAPHY and Criticism. 12~ Lond: 1860. BIRKs, T. R. Life of Ed. Bickersteth. See Bickersteth. BIRRELL, C. M. Life of Richard Knill. 18' N. Y. CITY OF DETROIT. 13 - -- -- - BLANCHARD. BOHN. BISHOP, HARRIET E. Floral Home. Minnesota. 12~ N. Y: 1857. BIsHoP, SAM. Poetical Works; Life. 2v. 4~ Lond: 1796. BISSET, R. History of the Reign of George II. 4v. 8~ Phila: 1810-11. - Life of Ed. Burke. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1800. BLACK, A. AND C. Guide through Edinburgh. 8~ Edinb: 1858. BLACK Book Extraordinary. 80 Lond: 1831. BLACKBURN, H. Traveling in Spain. 80 Lond: 1866. BLACK -HAWK, and Scenes in the West. A Poem. 12" N.Y: 1848. BLACKMORE, R. Creation and Other Poems. 180 Lond. BLACKSTONE, WM. Commentaries. 4v. 8~ Lond: 1803. BLACKWALL, A. Int'oduction to the Classics. 120 Lond: 1787. BLACKWELL, T. Life and Writings of Homer. 8~ Lond: 1735. BLAIKIE, A. Philosophy of Sectarianism. 12~ Bost: 1855. - Same. BLAIR, H. Beauties: Selections. 18~ N. Y: 1853. - Rhetoric and Belles-Lettres. 3v. 8~ Lond: 1801. - Sermons. 5v. 8~ Edinb: 1818. - Sermons: Life by J. Finlayson. 8~ N.Y: 1855. BLAIR, J. Life of William Wallace in Metre. 12" N. Y: 1820. BLAIR, R. Autobiography, continued by Win. Rowe. 8~ Edinb: 1848. - Same. - Chronological Tables. 120 Lond: 1856. BLAISDALE, S. First Lessons in Intellectual Philosophy. 120 Bost: 1829. BLAKE, J.L. Farm and Fireside. 8~ Auburn. - Farmer at Home. A Cyclopedia. 8~ N. Y: 1860. BLAKELY, J. Theology of Inventions. 120 N. Y: 1856. BLAKEMAN, R. Essay on Credulity and Superstition. 8~ N. Y: 1849. BLAKEY, R. History of the Philosophy of Mind. 4v. 8~ Lond: 1850. - Old Faces in New Masks. 12~ Lond: 1859. BLAWCHARD, E. L. Watering Places of England. 180 Lond: 1848. BLANCHARD, J. H. Trial of John Hornme Tooke for Treason. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1795. BLANC. Louis. History of Ten Years. 1830-1840. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1844-5. BLEDSOE, A. T. Essay on Liberty and Slavery. 120 Phila: 1857. BLENNERHASSETT, H. Papers: Journal and Correspondence; and Life by Wm. H. Safford. 8~ Cine: 1864. BLESSINGTON, LADY. Country Quarters. 2v. 12~ Leipzig: 1850. - DerRebellvon Man. 3v. 120 Grimma: 1840. - Journal of Conversations with Byron. 12~ Bost: 1859. - Same. - Marmaduke Herbert; The Fatal Error. 2v. 12~ Leipzig: 1847. - Strathern; A Novel. 2v. 120 Leipzig: 1844. BLISS, S. Commentary on the Apocalypse. 18~ Bost: 1853. - Memoirs of Wm. Miller. 12~ Bost: 1853. BLODGET, LonRN. Climatology of the U. States. 8~ Phila: 1857. BLOOMFIELD AND OTHERS. Greek and Roman Philosophy and Science. 8~ Lond: 1853. BLONDE and Brunette; Gothamite Arcady. 12' N. Y: 1858. BLOODGOOD, S. DEW. Roads; History, Character and Utility, 8' Albany: 1838. BLOOMFIELD, R. Banks of Wye; a Poem. 240 Phila: 1812. - Farmer's Boy; a Rural Poem. 12* Lond: 1801. - Poems. 24' N. Y: 1821. - Wild Flowers; Pastoral and Local Poetry. 12~ Phila: 1806. BLoss, C. A. Heroines of the Crusades. 8~ Auburn. 1857. BLOXAX, C. L. Chemistry. See Abel. BLUE LAws; Quaker Laws. 12" Hartford: 1838. BLUNT, J. J. Essays from the Quarterly Review. 8* Lond: 1860. BOADEN, JAS. Life of J. P. Kemble; History of the Stage from the time of Garrick. 2v. 80 Lond: 1825. BOARDMAN, A. Defence of Phrenology. 12~ N. Y: 1851. BOBBINS, T. Lancashire Dialect and Poems. 12~ Lond: 1833. BOCKSHAMMER, G. F. Freedom of the Human Will. 12' Andover: 1835. B(ECKH, A. Public Economy of the Athenians. 8* Bost: 1857. BOHN, H. G. Appendix to Lowndes' Manual. 120 Lond: 1864. 14 PUBJIC LIBRARY OF THE - ------ - - I - ----- - --- -"i BONNER. BOTTA. BOHN, H. G. Guide to Knowledge of Pottery. 12* Loud: 1857. -Hand-Book of Games. 12* Lond: 1850. -Hand -Book of Proverbs. 12" Loud: 1860. -Pictorial Hand -Book of London. 120 Loud: 1854. -Pictorial Hand -Hook of Geography. 120 Loud: 1862. - Polyglot of Foreign Proverbs. 120 Loud: 1857. - Young Lady's Book. 12" Loud: BomEAU. Works translated by N. Rowe. 2v. 8" Loud: 1712-11. BoIsXoNT, A. B. DE. History of Dreams, Visions, etc. 80 Phila: 1855. BOXER, G. H. Plays and Poems. 2v. 120 Bost: 1856. BOLEYN, ANNE. Life. See Benger. BOLINBROKE, H. St. J. Complete Works.. 11v. 8* Loud: 1758, 1777, viz: - Political Tracts. Dissertation upon Parties. - Letters on Patriotism; Patriot King. - Remarks on the History of England. - Study of History. Letters. Philosophical Works. 5v. BOLLEY, P. A. and PAUL, B. H. Technichal Analysis. 12* Lond: 1857. BOHEAUGH, C. C. Gleanings for the Curious. 120 Bait: 1860.' BOXBET, L. A. C. Life of Haydn; of Mozart; of Metastasio; State of Music in France and Italy. 12* Boston: 1819. BONAPARTE and the French People unuder the Cons ulate. -In the same volume: The Prince, by Machiavelli, and Life of the Duke of Otranto. Loud: 1804, 1810-16. BONAPARTE, NAPOLEON. Correspondence with Josephine. 2v. 120 N. Y: 1856. See Napoleon. See Bourrienne. See Buonaparte. BONAR, A. A. Life and Remains of R. M. McCheyne. 120 Phila. BoNAR, H. Lyra Cousolationis. 12" N. Y: 1866. - Words to the Winners of Souls. 240 Bost. BOND, R. Hand -Book of the Telegraph. 120 Loud: 1862. BONNER, E. Bp. of Loud. Life and De"fence. 80 Loud: 1842. BONNER, T. D. Life of James P. Beckwourth, 12' N. Y: 1856. BONNET, C. tlluvres d'Historie Naturelle et de Philosophic. 8v. 4* Neuchatel: 1779, 1783. Viz: Insectologie; Sur llusage des Fenilles; Corps Organises; De la Nature; Lee Facultes de l'Ame; Philosophie; Psychologie, etc. BONNET, J. Life of Olimpia Morata. Reformation in Italy. 12' Ediub: 1854. BONNYCASTLE, C. Inductive Geometry. 8* Chnrlottsville, Va: 1834. BONNYCASTLE, R. H. Canada in 1846. 2v. 8" Loud: 1846. - Canada; Transactions by Sir J. E. Alexander. 2v. 12" Loud: 1852: - Newfoundland in 1842. 2v. 80 Loud: 1842. BoNoHI, J. Nineveh and its Palaces. 120 Loud: 1857. BooiK OP PsAu~Is in Hebrew and English. 12" Andover: 1865. BOOK OF THE OOEAw and Life on the Sea. 80 Auburn. BOOK OF THE POETS. -Chaucer to Beattie. 80 Loud: 1842. BOOTH, A. Reign of Grace; with Essay by T. Chalmers. 120 Phila. BOOTH, MARtY L. History of the City of New York. 80 N. Y: 1859. BOOTH, M. L. Marble -Workers Manual. 180 N. Y: 1856. -Same. BORDER AND BASTrLLE. 120 N. Y. BORROW, G. Bible in Spain. 80 N. Y: 1859 - Scholar, Gipsey a-nd Priest. i20 N. Y: 1852. Bos, L. Antiquities of Greece. So Loud: 1772. BossuEv, J. B. Peus~s 12' Paris: 1789. - Discours sur L'Histoire Universelle. 2v. 80 Paris: 1816. - Variations of the Protestant Churches. 2v. 12" N. Y: 1842. BOST, A. History of the Bohemian and Moravian Brethren. i80 Loud: 1848. BOSTON Boox. Specimens of Metropolitan Literature. i20 Bost: 1850. BOSWELL, J. Corsica: Memoirs of Paoli. i20 Glasgow: 1768. - Life of Sam Johnson: Tour to the Hebrides. 4v. 120 Phila: 1863. BO5WORTH, J. Anglo-Saxon and English Dictionary. 80 Loud: 1849. BOTTA, ANNA C. LYNCH. Hand Book of Universal Literature. 1,2 N. Y: 1860. BOTTA, C. History of the War of American Independence. 2v. 80 N. Haven: 1834. CITY OF DETROIT. 15 ~I~~-PI-sP~CI~P~~-~~b-L--~-~~L-a _ __I _ _ _^ i ------ ---LII ~ BOWLES. BRADFORD. - - BOTTA, V. Dante as Philosopher, Patriot and Poet. 12~ N. Y: 1865. - Life and Policy of Count Cavour. 8~ N. Y: 1862. BOTTS, J. M. The Great Rebellion. 12i N. Y: 1866. BOUCOETTE, Jos. British Dominions in N. America. 2v. 4~ Lond: 1832. - Topographical Dictionary of Lower Canada. 40 Lond* 1832. BoUET -WILLATUMEZ, M. E. Cotes de L'Afrique Occidentale. 8~ Paris: 1848. BOURNE, B. F. Captive in Patagonia. 12~ Bost: 1858. BOURNE, J. Catechism of the Steam Engine. 12~ N. Y: 1866. BoURRIENNE. Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte. 2v. 18~ N. Y: 1843. - The same with an appendix. 8~ Hartford: 1854. BOUSSINGAULT, J. B. Rural Economy. 12~ N. Y: 1857. BOUTELL, C. Monumental Brasses of England. 8~ Lond: 1849. BOUTERWEK, F. History of Spanish and Portuguese Literature. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1823. BOUTWELL, G. S. Educational Topics. 12~ Bost: 1859. BOUVIER, H. M. Familiar Astronomy. 8~ Phila: 1857. BOVEE, N. C. Thoughts, Feelings and Fancies. 8~ N. Y: 1857. BOWDEN, J. W. Life of Gregory via. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1840. BOWDICH, T. E. Discoveries of the Portuguese in the Interior of Angola and Mozambique. 8~ Lond: 1824. - Mission from Cape Coast Castle to Ashantee. 4~ Lond: 1819. BOWDITCH, N. I. Suffolk Surnames. 8~ Bost: 1858. BoWEN, ELL. Pictorial Sketch Book of Pennsylvania. 8~ Phila: 1853. BOWEN, F. Documents from Magna Charta to the Federal Constitution of 1789. 8~ Cambridge: 1854. - Political Economy. 80 Bost: 1863. BowEN, T. J. Missionary Labors in Interior Africa. 120 Charleston: 1857. BOWLER, G. Church Architecture. F. Bost: 1856. BOWLES, CAROLINE. Birth-Day: A Poem. 12~ Hartford: 1851. BOWLES, JAS. W. World: Fifth Empire, and other Poems. 12~ Louisville: 1860. BOWLES, SAM. Across the Continent. 128 Springfield. 1866. BOWLES, Wm. L. Poetical Works: Life and Notes. 2v. 8~ N. Y: 1855. BOWMAN, ANNE. Clever Jack and other Tales. 12i N. Y: 1866. - How to make the Best of it: A Tale. 12 Lond: 1862. BOWMAN, S. M., and IRWIN, R. B. Sherman and his Campaigns. 8~ N. Y: 1865. BowNAs, SAM. Life, Travels and Christian Experience. 180 Stamford, Eng: 1805 BOWEING, J. Matins and Vespers with Hymns. 180 Bost: 1853. - Another copy. Bost: 1854. BOYOE, JOHN (Paul Peppergrass). The Spaewife. 12~ Balt: 1865. BoYD, A. K. H. (Country Parson). Autumn Holidays. 12i Bost: 1865. - Every Day Philosopher. 120 Bost: 1863. - Graver Thoughts of a Country Parson. 12~ Bost: 1864. - Graver Thoughts. Second series. 12~ Bost: 1865. - Leisure Hours in Town. 120 Bost: 1864. - Recreations of a Country Parson. 12~ Bost: 1863. BOYD, BELLE. In Camp and Prison. 12* N. Y: 1867. BoYD, Wx. History of Literature. 3v. 8~ Lond: 1843. BOYLE, R. Occasional Reflections. 8~ Oxford: 1848. - Works; Life Prefixed. 5v. F. Lond: 1744. BOYNTON C. B. and MASON, T. B. Journey through Kansas. 12~ Cine: 1855. BoY's BOOK of Indian Battles. 12~ N. Y: 1861. BRACE, C. L. Hungary in 1851; Austrian Police. 89 N. Y: 1852. - Norse Folk; Norway; Sweden. 12~ N. Y: 1857. - Races of the Old World. 8~ N. Y: 1863. BRACE, J. P. Fawn of the Pale Faces. 12~ N. Y: 1853. BRACOENRIDGE, H. M. History of the War of 1812. 12~ Phila: 1839. - Voyage to South America, 1817 - 18. 2v Lond: 1820. BRADDON, M. E. Aurora Floyd. 12' N. Y. BRADFORD, A. History of Massachusetts,, 1620, 1820. 8~ Bost: 1835. - History of the Federal Government, 1789-1839. 8~ Bost: 1840. - Life of Jonathan Mayhew. 8" Bost: 1838. 16 P UBLIC LIBRARY OF THE BRE WERTON. BROCKELSBY. - -- - ----~-~ BRADFORD, A. W. American Antiquities. 8" N. Y: 1841. BRADFORD, D. Wonders of the Heavens. 4" Bost: 1837. BRADFORD, J. Martyr 1555. Letters, Treatises, Remains. 8' Camb: 1853. - Sermons; Meditations. 8" Camb: 1848. BRADFORD, WM. V. Correspondence of Charles v. 8* Lond: 1850. BRADLEY, C. Practical and Parochial Sermons. 8" N. Y. BRADY, J. T. Christmas Dream. 18~ N. Y: 1860. BRADY, Wx. Kedge Anchor; or, Sailor's Assistant. 80 N. Y: 1847. BRAIDWOOD, WM. Miscellaneous Writings. 8' Edinb: 1838. BRAINERD, D. Memoirs from his Diary, by Jno. Edwards. 8~ N. Haven: 1822. BRANDE, W. T. Dictionary of Science, Literature and Art. 80 N. Y: 1852. BRAND, J. Antiquities of G. Britain. 3v. 120 Lond: 1853-5. BRANDT, Louis. Guide to the Age of Horses. 12~ N. Y: 1860. BRANNAN, W. P. Vagaries of Vandyke Brown; in Verse. 12~ Cine: 1865. BRANN, H. A. Curious Questions. 120 Newark: 1866. BRAYLEY E. W. Isle of Thanet and Cinque Ports. 12~ 1817. BREHAT, A. DE Jean Belin. 12~ Bost: BREMER, F. Father and Daughter. 12~ Lond: 1859. - Hertha. 12~ N. Y: 1856. - Homes of the New World. 2v. 8* N. Y: 1853. - Neighbors. 2v. 12~ Bost: 1843. -Works. Diary; H*** Family; And other Tales. 12~ Lond: 1853. --Works. Home; Strife and Peace. 12~ Lond: 1853. - Works. Neighbors; Hopes; Twins, etc. 12~ Lond: 1852. - Works. President's Daughters; Nina. 12' Lond: 1852. BRENAN, M. J. Ecclesiastical History of Ireland to 1829. 8" Dublin: 1864. BRESCIANI, A. Lionello. 12* Balt: 1864. BREWER's ALISON'S Guide to English History. 18' Lond. - Guide to Knowledge of Things Familiar. 18" N. Y: 1852. BREWER, J. Residence at Constantinople. 1827. 12* N. Haven: 1830. BREWERTON, G. D. War in Kansas. 12~ N. Y: 1856. BREWSTER, ANNE H. M. St. Martin's Summer. 12~ Bost: 1866. BREWSTER, D. Edinburgh Encyclopedia. 18v. 4~ Edinb: 1830. - Life of Sir Isaac Newton. 18~ N. Y: 1831. - The Same. - Memoirs of the Life, Writings and Discoveries of Isaac Newton. 2v. 8~ Edinb: 1855. BREWSTER, G. Lectures on Education. 8~ Columbus: 1833. BREWSTER, M. MARIA. Work; or, Plenty to Do and How to Do it. 12~ Edinb: 1853. BRIDGE, H. Journal of an African Cruiser. 12" N. Y: 1853. BRIDGE, Wm. Works. 5v. 8~ Lond: 1845. BRIDGES, C. Life of Miss Mary Jane Graham. 8" N. Y: 1849. BRIDGES, AT. Popular Modern History. 12~ N. Y. BRIDGES, SALLIE. Marble Isle and Other Poems. 18~ Phila: 1864. BRIDGMAN, T. Epitaphs in Copp's Hill Burying Ground, Boston. 12~ Bost: 1852. BRIGGs, C. F. AND MAVERIO, A. Telegraph and Atlantic Cable. 8" N. Y: 1858. - Epidemic Cholera. Its Origin. 12* Hartford: 1832. BRIGHAM, A. Influence of Mental Excitement upon Health. 12" Phila: 1845. BRIGHT, J. American Question. 12~ Bost: 1865. - The Same. BRLLAT - SAVARIN. Hand-Book of Dining. 120 N.Y: 1865. BRIMLEY, G. Essays. Introduction by R. H. Stoddard. 12~ N. Y: 1861. BRINLEY, F. Life of Wm. T. Porter. 12~ N. Y: 1860. - The Sama. BRINToN, D. G. Floridian Peninsula. 18" Phila: 1859. BRISTED, J. Resources of the British Empire; Contest with France. 8' N. Y: 1811. BRITISH SYLVA. Planters' and Foresters' Manual. 12* Lond: 1851. BRITTAN, BELLE. On a Tour at Newport. 12~ N.Y: 1858. BRITTAN, H. G. Everyday Life in Africa 12" N. Y: 1860. BROCKLESBY, J. Meteorology. 12~ N. Y: 1851. - Microscopic World. 12* N. Y: 1851. CITY OF DETROIT. 17 - - BROUJGHIAM. BROWN. BROOK, C. Margaret's Secret. 18' Lond: 1865. BROCK, Wx. Life of H. Havelock. 120 Leipzig,: 1858. - Another. 120 N. Y: 1858. BitocquuihtE, liE LA. Travels. See Arcuif. BRnDIE, B. Mind and Matter. 120 N. Y: 1857. BROKEN COLUMNS. 12' N. Y: 1863. BROMWELL, Wuu. J. Immigration to the United States. 1819-1855. 8' N. Y: 1856.. BRONSON, A. M. Elocution: Heading and Speaking. 80 Louisville: 1845. BRONSON, W. W. Mem. of Bird Wilson. 120 Phila: 1864. BRONTE, C. (Currer Bell). Jane Eyre. 120 Lonld: 1857. - Another. 12'j N. Y: 1864. - Professor (The); A Tale. 120 Leipzig: 1857. -Another. 12" N. Y: 1857. - Shirley; A Tale. 120 N. Y: 1864. - Villette; A Novel. 120 N. Y: 1864. - Another. 2v. 120 Leipzig: 1851. BRONT4,1 E. (Ellis Bell). W-urthering Heights. 120 N. Y: 1855. - Another. With Agnes Grey, hy Anne Bronted. 2v. 120 Leipzig: 18051. BROOKE) H. Fool of Quality. 2v. 120 N. Y: 1860. BROOKE, S. A. Life and Letters of Fred. W. Rohertson. 2v. 120 Bost: 1865. BROOKE, T. H. History of the Is. of St. Helena. 8' Load: 1808. BROOKS, C. T. Lyric Poetry: German Songs. 120 Phila: 1861. BROOKS, S. W. Blanche; Legend of Angel Tower. 18" N. Y: 1861. Bnooxs, S. Aspen Court. 120 N. Y: 1860. BROTRERREAD, Win. Book of the Signers. 4' Phila: 1861. BROTHERS, T. United States as they Are: Cure for Radicalism. 80 Load: 1840. BROUGHMA, H. British Constitution. 80 Lond: 1861. - Contributions to the Edinhurg Review. 3v. 80 Loud: 1856. Vol. 1: Rhetoricsal Articles; History; Memoirs HI: Foreign Policy; Constittutiosnal Qoessions. Ifl: Polittical Ecosonomy; Criminal Lawc, etc. - Dialogues on Instinct; Fossil Osteology. 18" Phila: 1845. - Historica1 and Political Dissertations. 8" Lond: 18511. PUBLia LIBRARY. -aB. BROUGHMA, H. Men of Letters in the time of George iin. 80 Lond: 1845. - Opinions on Politics, Theology, Law, etc. 80 Paris: 1841. - Philosophers of the time of George 111. 120 Load: 1855. - Political Philosophy. 3v. 80 Load: 1853. - Speeches. 4v. Edinb: 1818. - Statesmen in the time of George mn. 2v. 120 Phila: 1854. BROA MAR, BREWSTER, AND OTHERS. Natural Philosophy. 2v. 80 Loud: 1820-312. BROUeHMA, SEDeWtCK AND OTHERS'. Ohjects and Uses of Science. 180 N. Y: 1860. BROUGHAM, J. Bunshy Papers: 2d series; Irish Echoes. 120 N. Y: 1856. -Humerous Stories. 120 N. Y: 1860. BRnoucK, J. C. Fairy Tales of Science. 120 Lond: 1866. BROWN, A. G. Speeches, Messages and other Writings. 80 Phila: 1859. BIROWN, A. Philosophy of Physics. 80 N. Y: 1854. BROWN, C. B. Novels. 6v. 120 Phila: 1859. Arthur Mervyn, 2v. Clara Howard. Edger Hulntley. June Talbot. Ormond. Memoir of the Author. BROWN, C. H. Imprisonment and Escape. Magellan. 12" Bost: 1854. BROWN, D. P. Forum: Forty years at the Philadelphia Bar. 2v. 80 Phila: 1856. BROWNT, H. History of Illinois. 120 N. Y.1854. BROWN, I. V. Life of Roht. Finley; author of Amer. C oloniz. S oc. 120" Phila: - Vindication of the Abrogation of the Plan of Union by the Presbyterian Church. 80 Phila: 1855. BROWN, J. Explication of the Shorter Catechism. 120 N. Y: 1863. BROWN, Dr. J. Rab and his Friends. 120 Bost: 1864. - Spare Hours. 120, Bost: 1864. - Spare Hours, 2d series. 120 Bost: 1866. BROWN, Ml. A. -Eveni-nsos with the Prophets. 120 Phila: 1855. BROWN, T. Philosophy of the Mind. 4v. 80 Edinh: 1851. BROWN, T. W. Letters, Tales and Sketches. 80 Auburn: 1854. BROWN, Ws.iU Propagation of Christianity in the Reformation. 3v. 80 Ediub, 1854. 18 PUBLTC LIBRARY OF THE BRUSEE. BUC KINGHAM. BROWNE, AUGUSTA. Hamilton, the young Artist, with Essay on Sculpture and Painting by H. A. C. Browne. 180 Phila: 1852. BROWNE, C. T. Memoirs of Robt. Southey. 12~ Lond: 1853. BROWNE, C. United States: Constitution and Power. 120 Lond: 1856. BROWNE, D. J. Manures; Natures, Properties and Sources of. 12~ N. Y: 1856. BROWNE, J. R. Yusef; A Crusade in the East. 8S N. Y: 1858. BROWNE, T. Religio Medici: Letter; Morals; Urn Burial, etc. 12~ Bost: 1862. - Works. Ed. by S. Wilkin. 3v. 12~ Lond: 1852. BROWNIN, C. A. Convict Ship; Results of Scriptural Instruction. 120 N. Y: 1856. BRowNING, E. B. Greek Christian Poets; English Poets. 12~ N. Y: 1863. - Last Poems. With Memorial by T. Tilton. 180 N. Y: 1866. - Napoleon mn in Italy, etc. 120 N. Y: 1860. - Same. - Poems, with memorial by Tilton. 4v. 120 N. Y: 1863. BROWNING, R. Dramatis Personm. 12~ Bost: 1864. - Men and Women. 12~ Bost: 1863. - Poems. 2v. 12~ Bost: 1856. Vol. I: Paracelsus; Pippa Passes, a Drama; K. Victor and K. Charles; Colombe's Birthday. Vol. II: Blot in the Scutcheon; Return of the Druses; Luria; SoulPs Tragedy. - Sordello, Strafford, etc. 12~ Bost: 1864. BROWNLOW, WM. G. Great Iron Wheel Examined; Exhibition of Elder Graves, its builder. 12~ Nashville: 1856. - Secession; Personal Adventure. 12~ Phila: 1862. BRoWNSON, O. A. American Republic: Constitution; Destiny. 8~ N. Y: 1866. - Essays: Theology, Politics and Socialism. 12~ N. Y: 1862. BRUCE, JAs. Travels; Source of the Nile. S 1768-73. 5v. 40 Edinb: 1790. BRUISED REED; Memoir of Henry Mowes. 24~ Phila. BRUNET, A. Regal Armorie of G. Britain: Chivalry; Insignia. 12~ Lond: 1839. BRUSEE, 0. Bachelor's Story. 12~ N. Y: 1860. BRnTE, S. Wx. G. Bp. Vincennes; Life. See Bayley, J. R. BRYAN, G. J. Life of G. P. Barker. 12~ Buff: 1849. BRYANT, C. S. AND MURCH, A.B. Massacre by the Sioux iin Minnesota. 12 Cine: 1864. BRYANT, J. Analysis of Ancient Mythology. 6v. 8~ Lond: 1807. - Observations and Inquiries. 40 Camb: 1767. BRYANT, W. C. Character of W. Irving. N. Y: 1860. - Fountain (The) and other Poems. 18~ N. Y: 1842. - Letters of a Traveler. Second Series. 12~ N. Y: 1859. - Picturesque Souvenir; Letters of a Traveler. 8' N. Y: 1851. - Poems. 180 N. Y: 1856. - Thirty Poems. 12~ N.Y: 1864. BRYDONE, F. Travels in Sicily and Malta. 180 Aberdeen: 1863. BRYDSON, T. Heraldry: Chivalry; Feudal System. 8~ Edinb: 1795. BUCHANAN, C. Christian Researches in India. 12~ Lond: 1858. - Discourses on Commencement Sunday; Sermon before the Society for Missions to Africa. 8~ Bost: 1811. BUCHANAN, G. Rerum Scoticarum Historia. F. Edinb: 1582. BUCHANAN, I. Industry of Canada; A Speech. 8~ Montreal: 1864. BUCHANAN, JAIMEs. Administration on the Eve of the Rebellion. 80 N. Y: 1866. BUCHANAN. R. Poems. 120 Bost: 1866. BiOcHSEL, Rev. Dr. Ministerial Experiences. 12~ Lond: 1863. BUcK, D.D Our Lord's Prophecy; Second Coming. 12~ N. Y: 1856. BUCK, D. L. Christian Virtues a Divine Family; An Allegory. 12~ N. Y: 1859. BUCKE, C. Ruins of Ancient Cities. 2v. 18~ N. Y: 1841. BUCKINGHAM, J. SHEFFIELD, Duke of. Works. 2v. 80 Lond: 1740. Vol. I: Temple of Death; Love; Verses; J. Cscsar; M. Brutus. Vol. II: Memories; Characters; The Revolution; Speeches; Treason; Feast of the Gods; Dialogues; etc. BUCKINGHAM, J. T. Memoirs and Recollections of Editorial Life. 2v. 12~ Bost: 1852. - The Same. CITY OF DETROIT. 19 BULWER. BUNYAN. BUCKINGHAM, J. S. America, Historical and Descriptive. 2v. 8~ N.Y: 1841. - Eastern and Western States of America. 3v. 8~ Lond: 1842. - Slave States of America. 2v. 80 Lond: 1842. - Travels in Palestine: Bashan; E. of of Jordan. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1822. BUCKLAND, F. T. Curiosities of Natural History. 120 N.Y: 1859. BUCKLAND, Wx. Geology and Mineralogy. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1858. BUCKLE, H. T. Essays: Biography. 120 N. Y: 1864. - History of Civilization in England. 2v. 8~ N. Y: 1865. BUCKLER, T. H. Febro - Bronchitis and Rheumatic Pneumonia. 8~ Phila: 1853. BUCKLEY, T. A. Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent. 12~ Lond: 1851. - Catechism of the Council of Trent translated. 8~ Lond: 1852. BUDGET oF LETTERS; or, Things I saw Abroad. 12~ Bost: 1867. BUDGETT, SAIM. Life. See Arthur, Wm. BUFFON. Natural History; Tr. by Barr, with continuation. 16v. 8~ Lond: 1797 -1808. BUFFUM, E. G. Guide for Americans to Europe. 18~ N. Y: 1859. BULFINCH, S. G. Lays of the Gospel. 120 Bost: 1845. BULFINCH, T. Age of Chivalry: K. Arthur; Welsh Tales. 12~ Bost: 1859. - Age of Fable; or, Beauties of Mythology. 12' Bost: 1867. - Hebrew Lyrical History. 120 Bost: 1853. - Legends of Charlemagne. 12~ Bost: 1864. - Oregon and Eldorado. 12~ Bost: 1866. - Poetry of the Age of Fable. 12~ Bost: 1863. BULmGARI, THAD. Ivan Yejeeghen; or, Life in Russia. 2v. 12~ Phila: 1832. BULLINGER, H. Decade Fourth: Sermons. 8~ Camb: 1851. BULLOCK, J. Art of Building. 12~ N. Y: 1853. BULWER E. LYTTON. Alice; or, the Mysteries. 2v. 120 N. Y: 1838. - Asmodeus at Large. 120 Phila: 1833. - Athens; its Rise and Fall. 2v. 12~ Lond: 1837. - Chairolas; other Tales by D'Isreli and others. 12~ Phila: 1836. - Devereau. 2v. 12~ N. Y: 1829. - England and the English. 2v. 120 N. Y: 1833. BULWER, E. LYTTON. Eva; other Tales and Poems; Pilgrims of the Rhine. 12~ Leipzig: 1842. - New Timon; a Romance of London (in verse). 12~ Phila: 1847. - Night and Morning. 2v. 120 N. Y: 1841. - Paul Clifford. 2v. 12~ N. Y: 1830. - Rebel (The), and other tales, in prose and verse. 12~ N. Y: 1835. - Same. - Rienzi, the Last of the Tribunes. 12~ N.Y: 1836. - Siamese Twins, with other Poems. 12~ N.Y: 1831. - Student (The). 2v. 120 N.Y: 1835. BULWER, FORBES AND HOUGHTON. Water - See Lytton, E. B. Treatment. 12' N. Y: 1854. BULWER, LADY. Chevely; or, The Man of Honour. 2v. 12~ N. Y: 1839. BUNBURY, H. Passages in the War with France. 1799 to 1810. 8~ Lond: 1854. BUNBURY, SELINA. Sir GuyD'Esterre. 2v. 12~ Lond: 1858. BUNGENER, L. F. History of the Council of Trent. 12~ N. Y: 1855. - Preacher (The) and the King; Bourdaloue and Louis xiv. 12~ Bost: 1855. - Priest (The) and the Huguenot. 2v 12' Bost: 1861. BUNJAN, J. Eens Christens Reize. 180 N. Y: BUNKLEY, JOSEPINE M. Escaped Novice. 8~ N. Y: 1855. BUNN, A. Stage (The); both before and behind the Curtain. 3v. 8~ Lond: 1840. BUNSEN,.C. C.J. Signs of the Times; Religious Liberty. 12" N. Y: 1856. BUNYAN, J. Christian Behaviour; Holy Life, etc. 12~ Phila. - Another. 12~ Phila: 1852. - Divine Emblems. 120 Lond. - Grace Abounding: Imprisonment, etc. 12~ Phila. - Another. 12~ Phila: 1852. - Greatness of the Soul: Sighs from Hell; Resurrection. 12~ Phila: 1851. - Holy War; Losing and taking of Mansoul. 12~ Phila. - Israel's Hope: Christian Advocate, etc. 12~ Phila. - Another. 12" Phila: 1852. - Jerusalem Sinner Saved. 12' Phila. - Another. 12~ Phila: 1852. - Pilgrim's Progress. 12~ Phila. - Another. 18~ Phila: 1851. - Another. 18~ N. Y. 20 PUBTLIC LIBRARY OF THE BURN. BURT ON. BUNYAN, J. Saved by Grace: Justification, etc. 120 Phila. -Sinner's (The) Progress;- or, Life and Death of Mr. Badman. 12' Ph-Ila. -Spirit of Prayer: Saint's Privilege. 12' PhilIa. -Another. 120 Phila.: 1852. -Strait Gate: Footman; Barren Fig Tree. 120 Phil. -Another. 120 Phila: 1852. BUONAPARTE, JOS. Moina; or, Peasant Girl of Mft. Cenis. 181, N. Y: 1816. BucRCARm, S. D. Daughters of Zion. 120 N. Y: 1853. Bunuan, G. Village Sermons. 5v in 2. 12' Phila: 1808. BURDEN, H. F. Life of G. Burcler. 5' Lond: 1813. BURnER, S. Memoirs of Pious Women. 5' Phila: 1836. - Oriental Customs. 80 Lound: 1840. BURDENR, Was. Religious Ceremonies and Customs. 5' Loud: 1841. BURnETT, C. Margaret Moncrieff; First Love of Aaron Burr. 12' N. Y: 1861. - Three per cent, a Month; Perils of Fast Living. 120 N. Y: 18056. BURCoN, J. W. Life and Times of Thos. Gresham. 2v. 80 Lond: 1839. BURKE, ED. Account of European Settlements in America. 2v. 80 Loud: 1758. - Epistolary Correspondence. 8' Lond: 1827. - Life; Public and Domestic, by Peter Burke. 120 Loud: 1854. - Life. See Bisset, Ri. See Prior. - Works, including Speeches. 8v. 120 Loud: 1854-61. BURKiE, J. and J. B. Encyclopndia of Heraldry. 8' Loud. BURKE, J. B. Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of G. Britain and Ireland. 2v. 8' Loud: 1850. -Historic Lands of England. F. Loud: 1849. BURLAXAQUT, J. J. Principles of Natural and Political Law. 2v. 8' Phila: 1823. BURLEIGH, LORD. Life and Times of Win. Cecil, Ld. Burleigh. 12' Loud: 1850. BURLEIGH, W. H. Poems. 12' Phila: 1841. BURN, Maj. Gen. A. Memoirs of Life; Extracts from his Works. 2v. 8' Loud: 1818. BURN, R. Naval and Military Dictionary, French -English and English - French. 50 Loud: 1852. BURNAP, G. W. Memoir of H. A. Ingalls. 12' N. Y: 1845. - Objections to Unitarian Christianity Answered. 12' Best: 1855. BURNET, G. Church Authority; Christian Priesthood, etc. 8' Loud: 11118. - Exposition of the xxxix Articles. 8' Loud: 1836. - History of his Own Time. 4v. 5c' Loud: 1753. - Reformation of the Church of England. 6v. 8' Loud: 1820. - Some Passages in the Life and Death of Sermon, by R. Parsons. 180 Loud: 1819. BURNET, J. Notes on the Northwestern Territory. 8' N. Y: 1847. BURNET, T. Theory of the Earth. F. Loud: 1691. BURNEY, C. Life of Metastasio: his Letters. 3v. 12' Loud: 1796. BURNEY, FRsxcis. Evelina. 12' N. Y: 1857. - Another. 12', N. Y: 1850. - See D'Arblay. BURNEY, J. Discoveries in the Pacific Ocean. 5v. 4' Loud: 1817. Vol. i. to 1579; Vol. nr, 1579-1620; Vol. iii,.1620 -1688; Vol. iv to 172,3. The Buccaneers. Vol. v to 1764. Index. - History of the Buccaneers of America. 4' Loud: 1816. BURNRIA, G. P. Hen - Fever; a Humerous Record. 12' Best. BURNS, Rev. H. Memoirs of Thomas Halyburton. 12' Princeton: 18133. BURNS, H. Poet. Life. See Carlyle, T. - Genius. See Willson, J. BURNS, ReNT. See Biographies. -Poems; chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. 2v. 12' Ediub: 1704. -Poetical Works; with Life. 3v. 11' Best: 1863. -Same. See Lockhart, JT. G. BuURR, AARON. Life. See Davis, M. L. See Parton, J. - Private Journal in Europe; correspondence. 2v. 8' N. Y: 1856. BURRINCTON, E. H. Revelations of the Beautiful and other Poems. 12' Loud: 1848. BURRITT, ELrnU. Thoughts and Things; Memoir by M. Hewitt. 8' Best: 1856. BURROWS, T. H. Common School- Houses. 8' Harrisburgh: 1855. BURROW, J. H. Alfan; or, The Magic Amulet. 12' Loud: 1863. BURToN, J. H1. Book Hunter; notes by H. G. White. 112' N. Y: 1863. CITY OF DETROIT. 21 -- BUTLER. CAHILL. ~---- BURTON, J. H. Lives of Simon Ld. Lovat and Duncan Forbes. 12~ Lond: 1847. - Trials in Scotland. 2v. 12~ Lond: 1852. BURTON, R. F. City of the Saints; California. 8~ N. Y: 1862. - Lake Regions of Central Africa. 8~ N. Y: 1860. BURTON, R. Anatomy of Melancholy. 3v. 12~ Bost: 1864. BURTON, T. Diary; Ed. by J. T. Rutt. 4v. 8~ Lond: 1828. BURY, M. P. Exodus of the Western Nations. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1865. BUsBY, T. Nature of Things. Translated from Lucretius. 2v. 40 Lond: 1813. BUSH, G. Grammar of the Hebrew; Chrestomathy. 12~ N. Y: 1835. - Illustrations of the Scriptures. 8~ Brattleboro': 1839. - Life of Mohammed. 18~ N. Y: 1831. - Millenium; Resurrection of Christ. 12~ N. Y: 1832-1845. The Rise and Fall of the Papal Power: By H. Fowler; in same vol. BusH, Mrs. F. Queens of France. 2v. 120 Phila: 1847. BUSHNELL, H. Christ and his Salvation; Sermons. 12~ N. Y: 1866. - Christian Nurture. 12i N. Y: 1867. - Fathers of New England; an Oration. 12~ N. Y: 1850. - God in Christ; Three Discourses. 12~ Hartford: 1852. - Nature and the Supernatural. 8~ N. Y: 1858. - Sermons for the New Life. 120 N. Y: 1859. - Work and Play; Varieties. 120 N. Y: 1866. BUTLER, ALBAN. Lives of the Saints. 4v. 8~ N. Y. BUTLER, CAROLINE H. Little Messenger Birds. 24 Bost. BUTLER, CHARLES. American Lady. 18~ Phila: 1839. - Reminiscences; Music. 12~ N. Y: 1824. - Revolutions of Europe. 8~ Lond: 1807. BUTLER, FRANCES A. Journal. 2v. 120 Phila: 1853. - The same. - See Kemble. F. - Year of Consolation. 12~ N. Y: 1847. BUTLER, Jos. Analogy of Religion. Essay by Barnes. 12~ N. Y: 1835. - Another. 12 N. Y: 1860. BUTLER, Jos. Works: Analogy; Dissertations; Sermons. 8~ Lond: 1845. BUTLER, RACHEL. Prophecy. 2v. 12~ Lond: 1862. BUTLER, SAM. Hudibras; Ed. by Bohn. 12 Lond. - Poetical Works. 2v. 12~ Bost: 1863. BUTLER, WM. ALLEN. Nothing to Wear. 120 N. Y: 1857. - Two Millions. 1S2 N. Y: 1858. BUTLER, Wx. ARCHER. History of Ancient Philosophy. 2v. 8~ Phila: 1857. BUTT, MARTHA H. Leisure Moments. 120 N. Y: 1860. BUXTON, T. F. Slave Trade, its Remedy. 8~ Lond: 1860. BYLES, J. B. Sophism of Free Trade. 12~ Lond: 1851. - Same. BYRNE, B. M. Contagious Character of Cholera. 12~ Bait: 1833. BYRN, M. L. Adulteration of Food and Drink. 12~ Phila: 1852. - Artist's Companion; Varnishes, Gild. ing, etc. 12~ N. Y: 1863. - Repository of Wit and Humor. 12~ Bost: 1860. BYRON, LD. Poetical Works. 10v. 12* Bost: 1864. BYSSHE, EDW. Art of English Poetry. 8~ Lond: 1710. ABALLERO FERNAU. La Gaviota; a Spanish novel. 12~ N. Y: 1864. CABELL, J. L. Unity of Mankind. 12~ N. Y: 1859. CAELEBS. Laws and Practice of Whist. 24~ N. Y: 1859. CAESAR, C. J. Gallic and Civil Wars with the African and Spanish, by Hirtius, tr. 12~ Loud: 1856. - Commentaries, with Notes, Lexicon, Indexes, etc., by Spencer. 120 N. Y: 1848. - Same, by Leverett. 120 Bost: 1844. - Same, by Schmitz and Zumpt. 12~ Phila: 1847. - Life. See Napoleon in. CAHEN, S. La Bible avec L'Hebru: Pentateuque. 3v. 8~ Paris: 1831-5. CAHILL, D. W. Works; containing Sketch of his Life, Addresses, etc. 120 Bost: 1855. 22) THE TPUBLIC LIBRARY OF -- CAMPA AU. CAMPEE. I CANINES, J. E. Slave Power; American Contest. 80 N. Y: 1862. GALAMY, E. My Own Life and Times (1671-1731). 2v. So Lond: 1829. CALDERON DE LA BAP.OA. Attach6' in Madrid. 120 N. Y: 1856. - Life in Mexico; preface by H. W. Prescott. 80 Lond: 1843. CALDWELL, C. Autobiography. 8' Phula: 1855. - Genius and Character of Horace Holley. So Bost: 1828. CALEF, R. Salem Witchcraft. Wonders of the Invisible World, by Cotton Mather; Notes by Fowler. 12" Salem: 1861. CALCOOT. Mussical Grammar. 12" Bost. CALLERY, M. M1. and YVAN. Insurrection in China. 120 N. Y: 1853. CALLICOTT, T. C. Cyclopoodia of Geography. 12" N. Y: 1855'. CALMET, A. Dictionary of the Bible. 5v. 40 Loud: 1841. - Sam e, revised by Robinson. 80 Bost: 1832. CALPE, ADADUS. Tw o Fathers; a Spanish Work. 3v. 12" N. Y: 1852. CALVERT, G. H. Scenes and Thoughts in Europe. 120 N. Y: 1852. - Scenes, etc., 2d series. 120 Bost: 1863. CALVIN, J. Institutes of the Christian Religion. 2v. 80 Edinb: 1863. - Letters, edited by Jules Bonnet. 2v. So Edinb: 1855-1. - Life. See Beza, T. Sermons and Life, with Sermons by Luther. 120 Phil: 1856. CAMBRIDGEx CLASSICALEXAMINATIONS. 50 Camb: 1824. CAMBiauiEaPouT AND EAST CAMEivrIDOE. Two Hundred Years Ago; or, a Brief History of Cambridgeport and East Camblridge, with notices of some of the Early Settlers. By S. S. S. Iv. 180 Bost: 1859. CAMnEN, W. Britannia. 2v. F. Loud: 1122. CAkERON, C. H. Essays: The Sublime and Beautiful; Duelling. 12" 1835. CANNING, G. Life. See Bell, H. CA M EN, L. Dr. Lusiad. Books I. to v. Tr. by Ed. Quilliluan. 120 Loud: 18053. - Lusiad. Tr. hy Win. J. Mickle. 40 Oxford: 1118. CAMPAN, Miva. De LIEducation; Les Consells; Theatre; Morale. 3v. 12" Paris: 1824. - Memoirs of the Court of Marie Antoinette. 2v. 12" Phila: 1854. CAMPAW, MicE. Same. Vol. 1. 80 Loud: 1850. CAMPBELL, ALEX. and MAcALLA, W. L. Debate on Baptism. 120 Buff: 1824. CAMPBELL and SiSINNaB. Endless Misery and Universal Salvation. 120 Utica: 1840. CAMPBELL, C. History of Virginia. 8* Phila: 1860. CAMPBELL, D. Journey Overland into India. 8' Phila: 1801. CAMEPBELL, E. H. Heroine of Scutari, and other Poems. 120 N. Y: 1851. CAMPBELL, G. Dissertation on Miracles: Four Gospels, with preliminary Dissertations and Notes. 4v. 8' Bost; 1824. - Lectures on Ecclesiastical History. 5o Loud: *1824. - Lectures on Theology, Pulpit Eloquence and Pastoral Character. 80 Loud: 1840. - Philosophy of Rhetoric. 120 N. Y: 1855. CAMPBELL, ISABELLA. Peace in Believing; a Memoir. 120 N. Y: 1830. CAMPBELL, JANE C. Money Makers and other Tales. 120 N. Y: 1854. CAXPIýELL, JOHN J. Soung of the Bell and other Poems, from the German. 180 Edhib: 1836. CAMPBELL, JOHN Ln. Lives of the Lord Chancellors till George iv. 10v 12" Loud: 1856 -. Voi. i: Introduction; Chancellors So the Fail of woisey, A, o, 6051,529s.11: From Sir T. Hoore to Ld Eiieomore, 1617. 111: Bacon to Herbert, i654, ivr:Clareodon to Jeifroys, i68S. v:Moyoord to Harcoort, i722. viMa:hocciesfield So Camoden, 1719. vii: Coamden So Loughiboroogh, 1711.viiie:Loughoborough to Erokine, 1806. ax: Erskine to Eldon, 1820. x: Eldon. -Shakespeare's Legal Acquirements. 120 N. Y: 1859. CAMPBELL, JOHN Dr. Naval History of G.' Britain to 1816; Lives of the Admirals. 8v. 80 Loud: 1818. CAMPBELL, MARIA. Life of William Hull. Sv. N. Y: 18418. CAMPBELL, R.' Journey in Central Africa. 120 N. Y: 1864. CAMT~PBELL, T. Poetical Works; Life by W. A. Hill. 12' Bost: 1863. - Specimens of the English Poets; Essay on Eunlish Poetry. 80 Phila: 1853. CAMPBELL, ROGERS, AKENSIDE. Pleasures of Hope, Memory and Imagination. 18' Phila: 1836. CAMFE,. Decouverte de L'Amerique. 2v. 12' Paris. CITY OF DETROIT. 23 evv( CARLISLE. CARPENTER. CAMP, G. S. Democracy. 18~ N. Y: 1841. - Another Copy. 18~ N. Y: 1859. CANADA at the Universal Exhibition of 1856. 8~ Toronto: 1856. CANNING, G. Life of. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1828. - Life of. See Bell, R. - Select Speeches. Ed. by R. Walsh. 8~ Phila: 1858. CANUTE, JUDITH. Eros and Anteros; or, the Bachelor's Ward. 12~ N. Y: 1857. CAPGRAVE, J. Book of the Illustrious Henries. 8~ Lond: 1858. - Same. CAPPE, CHANNING, COLMAN AND OTHERS. Religious Consolation. 12~ Bost: 1854. CAPRICES. 18~ N. Y: 1849. CAPRON, CARRIE. Helen Lincoln; a Tale; 120 N. Y: 1856. - Same. CAREY, ALICE. Adopted Daughter and other Tales. 12~ Phila: 1857. - Bishop's Son; a Novel. 12~ N. Y: 1867. - Clovernook; our Neighborhood in the West. 12~ N. Y: 1854. - Hagar; a Story of To-day. 120 N. Y: 1852. - Pictures of Country Life. 12~ N. Y: 1859. - Poems. 12~ Bost: 1855. CAREY, H. C. Credit System in France, G. Britain and the U.. 8~ Phila: 1838. - Essay onWages. 8~ Phila: 1835. - Harmony of Interests. 8~ N. Y: 1852. - Past, Present and Future. 80 Phila: 1848. - Principles of Social Science. 3v. 80 Phila: 1858-60. - Slave Trade; Domestic and Foreign. 12" Phila: 1853. - Anotherlcopy. 120 Phila: 1859. - Way to Outdo England; Letters to S. Colfax. 8~ Phila: 1865. CAREY, M. New Olive Branch; Identity of Interest between Agriculture, Manufactures and Commerce. 8~ Phila: 1820. - Olive Branch; or, Faults on Both Sides. 12~ Bost: 1815. - Vindicie Hibernicm; or Ireland Vindicated. 80 Phila: 1837. CARLEN, EMILIE F. Gustavus Lindorm; or, "Lead us not into Temptation." 120 N. Y: 1853. - Home in the Valley. 12~ N. Y: 1854. - Whimsical Woman. 12~ N. Y: 1854. CARLISLE, A. Preserving Health and Prolonging Life. 8' Lond: 1841. I CARLISLE, Earl of. Diary in Turkish and Greek Waters. 12~ Bost: 1855. CARLISLE, N. Catalogue of Printed Books in the Library of Antiquarians of London. 4~ Lond: 1816. CARLTON, R. (Hall.) New Purchase; or Early Years in the West. 12~ New Albany. - Something for Everybody, gleaned in the Old Purchase. 12~ N. Y: 1846. CARLTON, WM. Tales and Stories of the Irish Peasantry. 18~ N. Y: 1864. CARLYLE, ALEX. Autobiography. 12~ Bost: 1861. CARLYLE, T. Chartism. 12~ Bost: 1840. - Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. 4v. 120 Bost: 1860. - Heroes, Hero- Worship, and the Heroic. 120 N. Y: 1857. - Another copy. 12~ N. Y: 1861. - History of Frederic the Great. 6v. 12~ N. Y: 1866. - Latter Day Pamphlets. 12~ N. Y: 1850. - Life of Robert Burns. 18~ N. Y: 1859. - Life of F. Schiller. 12~ Phila: 1859. - Life of John Sterling. 12~ Bost: 1852. - Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches& 2v. 12~ N. Y: 1845. - Past and Present: Chartism; Sartor; Resartus. 12~ N. Y. 1848-52. - Lives of Robert Burns and S. Johnson. 120 Lond: 1858. CARMICHAEL, A. Memoir of Spurzheim. 12~ Bost: 1833. CARPENTER, F. B. Six months at the White House. 12~ N. Y: 1867. CARPENTER, H. S. Here and Beyond. 12~ N. Y: 1859. CARPENTER, J. E. Readings in Prose and Verse. 3v. 12~ Lond: 1867. - Romance of the Dreamer and other Poems. 12~ Lond: 1841. CARPENTER, R. L. Memoir of Lant. Carpenter. 8~ Lond. 1842. CARPENTER, W. B. Animal Physiology. 120 Lond: 1859. - Mechanical Philosophy, Horology and Astronomy. 12~ Lond: 1857. - Microscope, Its Revelations. 8~ Phila: 1856. - Physiology of Temperance. 12~ Lond: 1853. - Principles of Human Physiology. 8" Phila: 1853. - Vegetable Physiology: Botany. 12~ Lond: 1858. 24 PUBLIC LIBRAR Y OF THE CARUS. CAVE. CARPENTER, W. B. Zoology. 2v. 120 Lond: 1857-8. CARPENTER, W. H. History of Mlassachusetts. 180 Phila: 1854. - History of Tennessee. 180 Phila: 1814. - Regicide's Daughter. 12" Phula: 1857. CARPENTER, W. H. and AETIETR, T. S. History of Connecticut. 180 Phila: 185-4. - History of Illinois. 180 Phila: 1854. - History of New Jersey. 180 Phila: 1854. - History of New York. 120 Phila: 1853. - History of Ohio. 18' Phila: 1814. - History of Pennsylvania. 18' Phila: 1854. - History of Vermont. 181, Phila: 1814. CARPzoYIUs. In Libellum Ruth. 40 LipEig: 11703. CARRA, E. Edna; an Antique Tale. 120 Bust: 1858. CARREL, A. Fox, C. J. LONSDALE. Counter Revolution in England. 12' Loud: 1857. CARE, J. Tour through Holland. 8' Phila: 1807. CARROLL, ANNA E. Great American Battle. 12' N. Y: 1816. CARRUTEERS, R. Life of Pope Alexander. 12' Loud: 1857. CARSON, A. Doctrine of the Atonement. 12' N. Y: 1854. - History of Providence; Tracts from ScriptuLre. 12' IN. Y: 1814. - Inspiration of the Scriptures. 12' N. Y: 1854. - Knowledge of Jesus. 12' N. Y: 1814. - Providence Unfolded; Truth of the Gospel. 12', N.Y: 1854. - Romi~sh Controversy. 12' N. Y: 1814. CAR~SON, G. L. MXemorials of the Family of Alex. Carson. 18', Phila. CAR-SON, JOS. -Materia Medica and Pharmacy. 8' Phila: 1855. CARTER, E. Life of Elizabeth Carter. 8' Bust: 1801.9 CARTER and TALBOT. Letters between Mrs. EliE. Carter and Miss. C. Talbot. 4v. 8' Loud: 1809. CARTER, N. H. Letters from Europe. 2v. 12' N. Y: 18129. CARTWRIGHT, P. Backwoods Preacher. 12' N. Y: 1857. CARTWRIGHT, R. Ambrose the Sculptor. 2v. 8' Loud: 1854. CARUS, C. G. King of Saxony's Journey through England and Scotland. 8' Loud: 1840. CARUS, W. Life of Charles Simeon, 8' N.Y: 1847. CARVALRO, S. N. Adventures in the Far West. 12' N. Y: 1857. CAvEE, J. Travels in North America. 120 Bost: 1797. CARY, R. Life of Baron Leppington. 8' Loud: 1759. CARY, T. G. Memoir of T. H1. Perkins. 8' Bust: 1856. CASE OF TEE BLACK WARRIOR. 8' Wash: 1854. CASE OF TEE SENECA INDIANS. 8' Phila: 1840. CASE, W. Revolutionary Memorials; Poems. 12' N. Y: 1852. CASEY, S. Infantry Tactics. 3v. 24' N. Y: 1862. CASSELL, J. Biblical Education. 2v. 4' Loud: 1854-5. CAsTANIs, C. P. Greek Boy and Sunday School. 24' Phila: 1852. CASTLEREAGH, Viscount. Memoirs and Correspondence. Sv. 8' Loud: 1840 -51. CASwALL, H. Martyr of the Pongas. 12' N. Y: 1857. CATALOGUE of the Library of Lawrence Academy. 12' Lowell: 1850. CATORPOLE, MARGARET, History of. See Cobbold, R. CATECRISM of the Council of Trent. 8' Bait: 1829. CATHERINE. 12' Bust: 1864. CATLIN, G. Breath of Life, or Mal-Respiration, 8' N. Y: 1864.. - Customs of North American Indians. 2v. 8' Phila: 1857. - Notes of Travels in Europe. 2v. 8' Loud: 1848. CATTEATI, M. View of Sweden. 8' Lund: 1790. CATTERIJOLE, H. Heath's Historical Annual. 8' Lound: 1842. CATULLUS, TIRULLUS ET PROFERTIUS. Opera. 18'Lound: 1776. CATULLUS AND TIRULLUS. Poems. Vigil of Venus. 12'Lound: 1854. CAUSES OF TEE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 8' Loud: 1832. CAUSTIC, C. (T. G. Fesseuden.) Modern Philosopher. 8' Phila: 1806. CAvADA, Lieut. Col. F. F. Libby Life. 1'Phila: 1864. CAVE, BROWNE J. Punjab and Delhi in 1857. 2v. 8' Ediub. 1861. CAVE LIFE IN VIoKSEUReH. 12' N. Y: 1864. CITY OF DETROIT. 25 II-- -~ - - - - CHALMERS. CAVENDISH. CROSLEY J. BARKER, C. Biographies. 12~ Lond. 1858. CAVE, W. Apostolici. F. Lond: 1687. - Ecclesiastici. F. Lond: 1683. CAvoUR, Count; Life of. See Botta, V. CAY, J. Abridgement of Public Statutes from the Ninth Year of Henry in. 2v. P. Lond: 1739. CAYLEY, A. Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. 40 Lond: 1805. CECIL, C. Memoirs of Mrs. Hawkes. 120 N. Y: 1851. CECIL, E. Life of George Washington. 18~ Bost: 1863. - Records of the Chase. 12~ Lond: 1854. CELLEM, R. Visit of the Prince of Wales to the N. A. Provinces and U. S. in 1860. 8~ Toronto: 1861. CELLINI, B. Autobiography. 2v. 18~ Phila: 1812. - Another copy. 120 Lond: 1850. CEREMONIES AT THE DEDICATION OF SOLDIERS' MONUMENT IN CONCORD, MAss. 12~ Concord: 1867. CERVANTES. Don Quichotte de la Manche. 4v. 240 Paris: 1811. - Elingenioso Hidalgo. 4v. 24~ Paris: 1825. - Exemplary Novels. 12~ Lond: 1855. - History of Don Quixotte. 4v. 180 Lond: 1712-25. - Wanderings of Persiles and Sigismunda. 18~ Lond: 1854. CHADBOURNE, P. A. Natural History. 12 N.Y: 1860. - Natural Theology. 12~ N.Y: 1867. CHADWICK, W. Life of Daniel De Foe. 8~ Lond: 1859. CHALLEN, J. Igdrasil; or, The Tree of Experience. 120 Phila: 1859. CHALLONER, R. Grounds of the Old Religion. 12~ N. Y. 1844. CHALMERS, A. British Essayists. 88v. 12~ Bost: 1855-6. - British Essayists. General Index. Vol. xxxvin. 12~ Bost: 1857. - British Essayists. The Rambler. Vol. I. 18~ Bost: 1856. - General Biographical Dictionary. 16v. 8~ Lond: 1812-1817. - Projector: A Collection of Essays. 3v. 8~ Lond: 1817. CHALMERS, G. Life of Mary Q. of Scots. 2v. 8~ Phila: 1822. CHALMERS, T. Posthumous Works. 9v. 12~ N.Y: 1851-48-49-57. - Power, Wisdom and Goodness of God. 120 Lond: 1853. CHIANNING. CHALMERS, T. Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God. 12~ Lond: 1853. - Reminiscences. See Anderson, John. - Selections from Correspondence. 8~ N. Y: 1853. - Sketches of Moral and Mental Philosophy. 12~ N.Y: 1845. CHALON, A. E. Portraits of Children of the Nobility. 4~ Lond: 1838. CHAMBERS' Elements of Natural Philosophy. 12~ N. Y: 1849. - Key to Practical Mathematics. 18~ Lond: 1855. - Practical Mathematics. 180 Lond: 1855. CHAMBERS, R. Cyclopedia of English Literature. 2v. 8~ Bost: 1864. - Rebellions in Scotland. 2v. 18~ Edinb: 1828. CHAMBERS, T. W. Life of Theodore Frelinghuysen. 12~ N. Y: 1863. CHAMBERS, W. American Slavery. 8~ Lond: 1857. - Miscellany. 10v. 12~ Bost: CHAMBERS, W. and R. Choice Stories. 5v. 8~ Lond. - Acoustics. 12~ Edinb: 1853. - Biography for Youth. 12~ Lond: 1855. - Hand-Book of American Literature. 120 Phila: n. d. - British Empire. 180 Lond: 1856. - Encyclopaedia. 2v. 8~ Phila: 1856. - Introduction to the Sciences. 12~ N. Y: 1855. - Medieval History. 12~ Lond: 1855. - Moral Class Book. 18~ Lond: 1855. - History of the Russian War. 8~ Lond: 1856. - Repository. 6v. 12~ Phila: 1854. CHAMELEON, (THE). 8~ Lond: 1832. CHANDLER, J. R. Temporal power of the Pope. 12~ N. Y: 1855. CHANDLER, P. W. American Criminal Trials. 12~ Bost: 1841. CHANDLER, R. Travels in Greece. 40 Oxford: 1776. CHANGE for the American Notes. 12~ Lond: 1843. CHANNING, E. T. Lectures to the Seniors in Harvard College. 12~ Bost: 1856. CHANNING, W. A Physician's Vacation. 8~' Bost: 1856. CHANNING, W. E. Selections. 12~ Bost: 1855. - Thoughts. 240 Bost: 1859. - Works. 6v. 120 Bost: 1849. - Same. 6v. 12~ Bost: 1866. 26 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CHARLOTTE. CHEEVER. CHANNING, W. H. Introduction to Ethics. 12~ Bost: 1860. - Memoir of W. E. Channing, with Extracts from his Manuscripts. 3v. 8~ Lond: 1848. CHAPEL OF ST. MARY. 120 Bost: 1861. CHAPIN, E. H. Duties of Young Women. 18~ Bost: 1856. - Humanity in the City. 12~ N. Y. CHAPMAN, G. Revenge of Bussy D'Ambois. 4~ Lond: 1613. CHAPMAN, G. W. Tribute to Kane, and other Poems. 12~ N. Y: 1860. CHAPMAN, J. G. Drawing Book. 4~ N. Y: 1864. CHAEPAN, T. The Roman Senate. 8~ Camb. Eng: 1750. CHAPONE, Mrs. Improvement of the Mind. 24~ Bost: 1809. CHAPTAL. Chemistry applied to Agriculture. 18~ N. Y: 1839. CHARACTERISTICS of Men of Genius. 2v. 8~ Bost: 1847. CHARDIN, J. Travels into Persia and the East Indies. F. Lond; 1686. CHARITY and the Clergy. 12~ Phila: 1853. CHARLES, C. M. Life of Alfieri. See Alfieri. CHARLES I, Court of. See Aikin, L. CHARLES, J. Dispersion at Babel Considered. 80 Lond: 1755. CHARLES, Prince of Lorraine. Life. 12~ Lond: 1746. CHARLES, the Martyr King. Works. F. Lond: 1687. CHARLES, P. Anglo-American Literature and Manners. 12~ N. Y: 1852. - Notabilities in France and England. 12' N. Y: 1853. CHARLES VINCENT; or, the Two Clerks. 2v. 12~ N. Y: 1839. CHARLES, Mrs. Chronicles of the Schoenberg-Cotta family. 12~ N. Y: 1865. - Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyen. 120 N. Y: 1865. - Early Dawn. 120 N. Y: 1865. - Martyrs of Spain and the Liberators of Holland. 12~ N. Y: 1866. CHARLESWORTH, M. L. Ministering Children. 120 N.Y. - Ministry of Life. 12~ N. Y: 1858. - Same. CHARLOTTE ELIZABETH. (Mrs. Tonna.) Izram; a Mexican tale. 18' N. Y: 1846. - Judaea Capta. 18 N. Y: 1860. - Personal Recollections. 180 N. Y: 1847. - Principalities and Powers. 180 N. Y: 1854. CHARLOTTE ELIZABETH. (Mrs. Tonna), Works. 3v. 8~ N. Y: 1845. CHARNOCK, J. History of Marine Architecture. 4v. 4~ Lond: 1801-2. CHARNOCK, R. S. Local Etymology. 8" Lond: 1859. CHAnRRN, SIEUR DE. Of Wisdom; Account of the Author. 3v. 8' Lond: 1726. CHASE, E. B. Teachings of Patriots and Statesmen. 12~ Phila: 1850. CHASE, F. Early History of N. Hampshire and Vermont. 180 Claremont: 1856. CHASE, H. and SANBORNE, C. H. North and South. 120 Bost: 1857. CHASE, H. Cosmogony and Geology. 12~ N.Y: 1849. CHASE, L. B. English Serfdom and American Slavery. 12~ N. Y: 1854. CHASTELLUX. Travels in North America. 8~ N.Y: 1828. CHASTEL, S. Charity of the Primitive Churches. 12~ Phila: 1857. CHATEAUBRIAND. Genie du Christianisme. 8~ Rouen: 1864. - Genius of Christianity. 8~ Balt: 1856. - Martyrs. 120 N.Y: 1861. - Recollections of Italy, England and America. 80 Phila: 1816. - Travels in America and Italy. 2v. 8" Lond: 1828. - Travels to Jerusalem. 2v. 12~ Lond: 1835. CHATHAM, BURKE and ERSKINE. Speeches. 8~ Phila: 1841. CHATTERTON, G. Leonora and other Poems. 12~ Lond: 1864. CHATTERTON, T. Poetical Works. 2v. 12~ Bost: 1863. CHAUCER, G. Canterbury Tales. 3v. 12~ Oxford: 1795. - Canterbury Tales. From the text and with notes. 180 N. Y: 1856. - Life. See Godwin, Wm. - Poetical Works. Ed. by C. D. Deshler. 120 N. Y: 1847. - Poetical Works, with an Essay on his Language. 8~ Lond: 1864. CHAVASSE, P. H. Advice to a Wife on Health. 18~ Lond: 1866. CHEESEMAN, L. Ishmael and the Church. 12~ Phila: 1856. CHEETHAM, J. Life of Thomas Paine. 8~ N. Y: 1809. CHEEVER, G. B. Common-place book of Poetry. 18' Bost: 1832. - God against Slavery. 12~ Cinc. - Guilt of Slavery and Crime of Slaveholding. 12~ N. Y: 1860. CITY OF DETROIT. 27 - I- - CHILD. CHRONICLES. CHEEVER, G. B. Hill Difficulty. 12~ N. Y; 1849. - Journal of the Pilgrims at Plymouth in 1620. 12~ N. Y: 1848. - Life, Genius and Insanity of Cowper. 120 N.Y: 1856. - Lectures on the Pilgrim's Progress. 8" N. Y: 1846. - Punishment by death. 12~ N. Y: 1843. - Studies in Poetry. 120 Bost: 1830. CHEEVEr, H. T. Autobiography of Obadiah Congar. 12~ N. Y: 1851. CHENEY, H. V. Peep at the Pilgrims in 1636. 12~ Bost: 1850. CHESEBRO, C. Children of Light. 12~ N. Y: 1853. - Peter Carradine. 12~ N. Y: 1863. - Same. - Victoria. 12~ N. Y: 1856. CHESNEY, Col. Russo-Tdrkish Campaigns. 120 N. Y: 1854. CHESTER. Guide: Containing a history of the Antiquities. 180 Chester. CHEVALIER, H. C. 39 men for one woman. 120 N. Y: 1862. CHEVALIER, M. Mexico before and after the Conquest. 8~ This vol. contains other tracts. -- all in the value of Gold. 8~ N. Y: 1859. - Society, Manners and Politics in the U. States. 8~ Bost: 1839. CHEVREUL, M. E. Harmony and Contrast of Colors. 12~ Lond: 1859. CHEYNE, G. Principles of Religion. 8' Loud: 1725. CHILD, A. B. Whatever is, is Right. 12~ Bost: 1860. CHILD, F. J. Editor English and Scottish Ballads. 8v 12~ Bost: 1860. CHILD, M. L. Autumnal Leaves; prose and verse. 8~ N. Y: 1857. - Biographies of good wives. 12~ N. Y: 1846. - Condition of women in various ages. 2v. 12~ N. Y: 1854. - Freedman's Book. 12~ Bost: 1863. - Life of a Slave Girl. 12~ Bost: 1861. - Letters from New York. 12~ N. Y: 1844. - Letters from New York. 2d series. 12~ N.Y: 1845. - Looking towards Sunset. 12~ Bost: 1865. - Memoirs of De Stael and Roland. 12' Bost: 1861. - Another copy. 12c N. Y: 1854. - Philothea. 12~ Bost: 1861. CHILD, M. L. Power of Kindness and other Stories. 24~ Phila: 1853. CHILDREN'S PROGRESSIVE LYCEUM. 18~ N. Y. CHILD's PAPER. Vols. II and II for 1853 -54. F. N.Y: 1853-4. CHILLINGWORTH, W. Religion of Protestants; a Safe Way to Salvation. 8~ Phila: 1840. - Works. 3v. 8~ Oxford: 1838. CHINA AND THE ENGLISH. 18~ N. Y: 1855. CHINA: Pictorial, Descriptive and Historical. 12~ Loud: 1853. CHITTENDEN, L. E. Proceedings of the Peace Convention at Washington, Feb. 1861. 8~ N.Y: 1864. CHOATE, R. Works: with Life by S. G. Brown. 2v. 80 Bost: 1862. CHOLERA: its Mission, Mystery, Haunts and Havocs. 120 N. Y: 1866. CHORLEY, H. F. Memorials of Mrs. Hemans. 12~ Phila: 1836. CHOULES, J. O. Cruise of the North Star. 8~ Bost: 1854. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE; Life of St. Paul. 12~ N.Y: 1857. CHRISTIAN HOME LIFE. 120 N.. CHRISTIANITY: its Relation to Poetry and Philosophy. 12~ Phila: 1847. CHRISTIANITY oF ABRAHAM. 12~ 1848. CHRISTIAN KEEPSAKE. 80 Lond. CHRISTIE, R. History of Lower Canada. 6v. 12~ Quebec: 1848-55. CHRISTIE'S Faith. 12~ N.Y: 1867. - Same. CHRISTMAS, H. Echoes of the Universe. 8~ Phila: 1850. - Preachers and Preaching. 12 Lond: 1859. CHRISTMAS SHADOWS; a Tale of the Needle Women. 180 Hart. CHRISTOFFEL. Reformation in Switzerland. 8~ Edinb: 1858. CHRISTOPHER NORTH, (John Wilson). See Gordon, Mrs. CHRIST THE SPIRIT; Primitive View of Christianity. 2v. 12~ N. Y: 1861. CHRIST; Life of. See Kennedy, Wm. S. See Kitto. See Renan. See Taylor. See Gilmore. See Fleetwood. CHRISTY, D. Chemistry of Agriculture. 12" Cinc: 1852. - Cotton is King; Culture of Cotton. 12~ N.Y: 1856. - Ethiopia; her Gloom and Glory. 12~ Cine: 1857. CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD. 8~ N. Y: 1865. 28 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CLAREMONT. CLAY. CHRONICLE S OF WALTHAM. 3v. 120 Loud": 1835. CHIUBBUCKc, Emny, (Fanny Forrester). Alderbrook. 2v. 120 Boat: 1852. CHURCHILL, C. Poetical Works. 3v. 120 Bost: 1863. -Poetical Works, with Notes. 2v. 12', Bost: 1854. CHURICHILL, Col. The -Druzes and the Maro-nites, from 1840 to 1860. 80 Lond: 1862. -Mount Lebanon. 3v. 8' Loud: 1853. CHURCH oii ENGLAND IN THE REIGN OF THE TuDoRs. 120 Lond: 1851. CHURCH, P. Life of T. A. B. Dean. 120 Bost: 1851. - Stapleton; or, More Work for the Maine Law. 12' N. Y: 1853. CHURuCH, T. History of Philip's War. 8' Hart. CHURTON, E. Railroad Book of England. 80 Lond. CIBRER, C. Apology. 18' Lond: 1830. CICERo, M. T. Academic Questions. 120 Lound: 1853. - Plays. 4" Loud: 1721. - Life and Letters. 8' Loud: 1840. - Orations. Tr. by C. D. Yunge..4v. 12' Loud: 1851. - Oratory and Orators. 12" Loud: 1855. - Select Orations, with Notes. 120 N. Y: 18154. - Three books of Offices. 120 Loud: 1856. - Treatises on the Nature of the Gods. 12" Loud: 1853. - TusculanaruimDisputationum. Libri v. 80 Oxford: 1834. CIST, C. Cincinnati in 1841. 12' Clue: 1841. CISTERCIANr ORDER, History of. See Con. cise History. CITIZENS' Pocket Chronicle. 12' Loud: 1821. CIVIL War in Portugal and Siege of Oporto. 8' Loud: 1816. CLAIBORHE, J. F. H. Life of John A. Quitman. 2v. 12' N. Y: 1860. - Life and Times of Sam. Dale. 12' N. Y: 1860. CLAPP, W. W. Record of -the Boston Stage. 12' Bust: 1851. CLA- A CAMERON. The Belle of the Season. 12' Loud: 1851. CLARA MELVILLE.; a Life strange and true. 18' Bath. CLARE, ADA. Only a Woman's Heart. 12' N. Y: 1866. CLAREHONT; or, the Undivided Household. 12' Phila: 1857. CLARK, D. A. Ruined Generation. 18' N. Y: 1841. - Sermons. 8' Amherst. 1826. CLARK, W. Life of Elijah Heddi-ng. 8' N. Y: 18506. CLARK, E. L. Daleth; Egypt. 8' Bust: 1864. CLARK, G. W. Harp of Freedom. 12' N. Y: 1856. CLARK, L. G. Knick-knacks. 12' N. Y: 1858. CLARK, R. W. Formation of Character. 12' Bust: 1851. - True Prince of the Tribe of Judah. 12' Bust: 1860. CLARK, W. G. Literary Remains. 5' N. Y: 1844. - Ollapudlaun Papers. 8' N. Y: 1859. - Poetical Writings. 24' N. Y: 1847. CLARKE, A. Bibliographical Dictionary 6v. 8' Liverpool: 1802. - Bibliographical Miscellany. 2v. 5' Loud: 1806. - Succession of Sacred Literature. 2v. 8' Lund: 1830-1. - Bible, with a Commentary. 6v. 5' N. Y: 1832 -3. - Religious Life. See Clarke, J. B. B. CLARKE, C. Internal state of Spain. 5' Lund: 1818. CLARKE, F. L. Life of Wellington. 3v. 5' Loud: CLARKE, H. Graminar of the English Tongue. 18' Loud: 1859. CLARKE, J. F. Christian Doctrine of Prayer. 12' Bust: 1866. - The Hour which cumeth and -now is. 112' Bust: 1864. - Theodore; the Skeptic. 12' Bust: 1856. CLARKE, J. B. B. Religious Life of Adam Clarke. 12' N. Y: 1831. CLARKE, Al. C. Conacordance to Shakspeare. 8' Bust: 1851. - Girlhood of Shakspeare's Heroines. 12' N. Y: 1851. - Same. CLARKE, H. Life of Lord Nelson. 8', Loud: 1813. CLARKSON, THus. Abolition of the Afr'ican Slave Trade. 2v. 8' Loud: 1808. CLAssIc Tales. 18' N. Y: 1850. CLAUDE, the Colporteur. 12' Loud: CLAYERS, MARY. (M~rs. C. M. Kirkland.) New Home; Who'll Follow. 12' N. Y: 1850. CLAY HENRY. Life and Speeches. Ed. by Dan. Mallory., 2v. 8' N. Y: CITY OF DETR OIT. 29 ---~ COBBOLD. COLERIDGE. -- CLAY, HENRY. Monument to the memory of. 12' Cine: 1857. - Private correspondence. Ed. by C. Colton. 8~ N. Y: 1856. - Works: Ed. by C. Colton. 6v. 80 N. Y: 1863. CLEMENS, JER. Bernard Lile; a Romance. 12~ Phila: 1856. - Rivals; Burr and Hamilton. 120 Phila: 1860. CLER. Reminiscences of an Officer of Zouaves. 12~ N. Y: 1860. CLERKE, F. Praxis Sup. Curiae Admiralitatis. 180 Lond: 1798. CLEVELAND, C. D. Compendium of American Literature. 80 Phila: 1864. - Compendium of Classical Literature. 8~ Phila:. 1861. - Compendium of English Literature. 12~ Phila: 1856. CLEVELAD, R. J. Commercial Enterprises. 2v. 120 Camb: 1842. CLIFT, H. W. Political Economy. 12~ Calcutta: 1835. CLINTON, H. F. Fasti Hellenici, 3v. 4~ Lond: 1834-27 -30. CLONEY, T. Transactions in 1798; the Author's Trial. 8~ Dublin: 1832. CLOQUET, M. J. Private Life of Gen. Lafayette. 2v. 8~ N. Y: 1836. CLOuGH, A. H. Bothie of Toper-na -Fuosich. 12~ Cambridge: 1849. CLUBB, H. S. Maine Liquor Law. 12~ N. Y: 1856. CLUTSKEY, M. W. Political Encyclopedia. 8~ Phila: 1860. COALE, W. E. Health; Treatment of skin, hair, eyes, etc. 120 Bost: 1857. COATEs, R. Physiology. 12~ Phila: 1842. COBBE, F. P. Religious demands of the Age. 12~ Bost: 1863. COBBETT, W. Cottage Economy. 180 Hartford: 1854. - Emigrant's Guide. 18~ Lond: 1829. - Grammar of the English Language. 12~ Lond: 1836. - History of the Reformation in England. 12~ Bait: 1866. - Life of Andrew Jackson. 180 N. Y: 1834. - Porcupine's Works; Exhibiting the U. S. A. 12v. 8~ Lond: 1801. - Thirteen Sermons on Crimes. 18~ Phila. COBB, L. North American Reader. 12~ N. Y: 1844. COBBOLD, R. Christian Martyr. 18~ Lond. - History of Margaret Catchpole. 8~ N. Y: 1846. COCHIN, A. Results of Slavery. 12~ Bost: 1863. COCHRANE, J. Hannah and Her Chickens. 18~ Edinb: 1854. - Herman and Dorothea, from Goethe. 12~ Oxford. - Louisa. 12~ Edinb: 1852. COCKBUERN, H. Memorials of his Time. 12~ N. Y: 1856. - Life of Lord Jeffrey. 8' Phila: 1856. CODMAN, J. Memoir of. See Allen, Wm. - Ten Months in Brazil. 12~ Bost: 1867. COE, Jos. True American; President's Inaugurals. 1789-1839. 120 Concord: 1840. C(ELEBS, THE YOUNGER, in Search of a Wife. 40 Lond. COFFIN, WM. F. 1812. The War, a Canadian Chronicle. 8~ Montreal: 1864. COGGESHALL, G. American Privateers. 1812-14. 8~ N. Y: 1861. - Voyages. 1799-1844. 8~ N.Y: 1851. COGGESHALL, WM. T. Poetry of the West. 8~ Columbus: 1860. COGHLAN, JAs. Companion to the Study of the Scriptures. 8~ Lond: 1843. COHEN, S. J. Henry Luria; or, The Little Jewish Convert. 12~ N. Y: 1864. COIT, THos. W. Puritanism; a Churchman's Defence. 8~ N. Y: 1845. COKE and MOORE. Life of John Wesley. 24~ Lond: 1845. COLBunN, H. Kalendar of Amusements for 1840. 18~ Lond: 1840. COLBURN, Z. Memoir; his Power of Computation. 12' Springfield: 1833. COLBURN, Z. and HOLLEY, A. L. CoalBurning Locomotive Boiler; European and American Railways. F. N. Y: 1858. COLCHESTER, LORD. See Abbot, Ch. COLEMAN, L. Primitive Church; Introduction by Neander. 12~ Bost: 1844. COLENSO, J. W. Penteteuch and Joshua Examined. 2v. 8~ N. Y: 1863. - St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans, newly translated. 8~ N. Y: 1863. COLERIDGE, H. N. Introduction to the Greek Poets. 12~ Lond: 1846. COLERIDGE, S. T. Complete Works. Ed. by W. G. T. Shedd. 7v. 12~ N. Y: 1863. - Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit. 12~ Bost: 1841. - Dissertation on Method; the Law of Education. 8~ Lond. - Hints towards a Theory of Life. 8~ Phila: 1848. s0 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE COLTON. CONANT. COLEsIDGE, S. T. Poetical and Dramatic Works. 3v. 12' Bost: 1861. - Reminiscences of. See Cottle, Jos. COLIN, L'ABaIPil. Tradnction du Traited do L'Orateur do Ciceron suivis par Trois Discours. 12c' Paris: 1737. COLLECTIONS OF THE N. Y. HISTORICAL SOCIETY FOR 1809. Vol. I. 8c' N. Y: 1811. COLLETTA, P. History of Naples. 1734 - 1825. 2v. 8' Edinb: 1858. COLLIER, JER. Ecclesiastical History of G. Britain. 9v. 8' Lond:.1852. - Immorality of the English Stage. 120 Lo-nc: 1698. COLLmIE, J. P. Emendations of Shakspear. 120 N. Y: 1813. COLL'IER, W. F. History of Eng. Literatnre in Biog. Sketches. 120 Lond: 1862. COLLIER, Wivi. F. Old English Life. 80 Edinb: 1865. COLLIGNY, G.. DE. Life; Massacre of St. Bartholomew. 120 Edinb: 1844. COLLINS, P. McD. Voyage Down the A-moor. 120 N. Y: 1860. COLLINS, T. W. Humanics. 80 N. Y: 1860. COLLINS, WILKIE. After Dark. 120 Leipzig: 1856. - Armadale. Novel. 8' N. Y: 1866. - Hide and Seek. 2v. 12' Leipzig. 1816. - Queen of Hearts. 12' N. Y: 1859. COLLINS, Wss. Poetical Works. 12' Bost: 1859. COLLYHR, J. Messiah, from Klops~tock.. 2v. 12' Load: 1761. COLEMAN, G, and others. Connoisseur. 2v. 120 Bost: 1856. COLEMAN, H. Enropean Agriculture. 2v. 80 Bost: 1851. - European Life. 2v. 8' Post: 1850. COLQUHOUN, J. C. Is-is Revelata; Animal Magnetism. 2v. 12" Edliab: 1836. COLTON, C. Mission of the P. E. Church in the U. S. 12" N. Y: 1853. - Samne. - Life and Times of Henry Clay. 2v. 8' N.Y: 1856. - Life of Henry Clayý. 8' N. Y: 1856. - Public Economy for the U. 5. 8' N. Y: 1856. COLTON, C. C. Lacon. 12' N. Y: 1860. COLTON, J. H. School Geography. 2v. 8', and 4' N. Y: 1863. COLTON, 0. Greek Reader. 12' N. Y: 1847. COLTON, W. Cruise in the U. S. frigate Congress. 12' N. Y: 1860. - Land and Lee in the Bosphorus. 12' N. Y: 1860. COLTON, W. The Sea and the Sailor. 12' N. Y: 1860. - Ship and Shore, in Madeira. 12' N. Y: 1860. - Three Years in California. 12' N. Y: 1859. - Visit to Constantinople and Athens. 12' N. Y: 1816. COLUMBUS, CHRISTOPHER, and AmERicus VEsrucius, Lives of. 18' N. Y: 1841. COaraz, A. Physiology; Health; Education. 18' N. Y: 1834. -Principles of Physiology. 18' N. Y: 1850. COMaE, G. Constitution of Man. 12' N. Y: 1851. - Life and Correspondence of Andrew Combe. 12' Phila: 1850. - Phrenology. Notes by A. Boardman. 12' N. Y: 1839. - Popnlar Education. 12' Best: 1834. - System of Phrenology. 8' Bost: 1815. - Another copy, 12' N. Y: 1849. CoMnz, G. and Cox H. Moral and Intellectual Science. 12' N. Y: 1848. COMaE, FOSTER, MAcNISH, DuSTAEL and MASON. A volume containing Constitution of Mani; Decision of Character; Sleep and Drunkeuness; Influence of Literature; and Self Knowledge. 8' Hartford: 1854. COSINE, J. Claribel and other Poems. 12' Leeds: 1856. COMLY, J. Life and Religious Labors. 8' Phila: 1853. COMPANIONS of my Solitude. 12' Bost: 1852. COMPENSATION; Thirty Years Ago. 2v. 18' Lond: 1856. COMPERE, M1ATHIEU, on las Bigarrures. 2v. 12' Lond: 1111. CoxPLETE GOVERNESS; a coarse of Instruction. 8' Loud: 1836. COMPLETE Guide to Ornamental Leather Work. 18' Best: 1854. COMSsTOCK, J. L. Poetic Readings. 18' N. Y: 1863. COMSTOCK, SARAH BD. Missionary to Arracan. Life. See Edmond, A. M. COMTE, AUJGUSTE. Philosophy of Mathematics. 8' N. Y: 1851. -Positive Philosophy. Tr. by H. Martinaean. 5' N. Y: 1858. CONANT, Mrs. H. C. Earnest Man: Life of A. Judson. 12' Best: 1858. - History of the Translation of the Bible. 12' N. Y: 1856. CITY OF DETRPOIT. 31 CONSPIRACY. COOPER. CONANT, T. J. Book of Job. Translation, with notes. 4~ N.Y: 1856. CONANT, W. C. Five Points Monthly Record. 8~ N. Y: 1854. CoNCILIA PRovINcIALIA BALTIMORI HABITA. 1829-1849. 8~ Bait: 1851. CONOISE HISTORY of the Cistercian Order. 12~ Lond: 1852. CoNcLusioN of the Swiss Family Robinson. 180 N. Y: 1856. CONDE, J. A. Dominacion de los Arabes enEspala. 8~ Paris: 1840. - Dominion of the Arabs in Spain. 3v. 120 Lond: 1854-5. CONDORCET and HELVETIUS. Commentary on Montesquieu's Spirit of the Laws, with Observations and Letters. 8~ Phila: 1811. CONE, SPENCER HOUGHTON. Some account of the Life of Spencer Houghton Cone; A Baptist Preacher in America. 12~ N. Y: 1856. CONFESSIONs OF AN OLD MAID. 2v. 120 Lond: 1828. CoNGAR, CAPT. OBADIAH. Autobiography. See Cheever, H. T. CONGDON, C. M. Guardian Angel, and other Poems. 12~ Auburn: 1856. CONKLING, M. C. The Mother and the Wife of Washington. 12~ N. Y: 1855. CONKLIN, R. H. Text Book on Baptism; Communion of Saints. 2v. in lv. 12~ Rochester: 1846. Providence: 1853. CONNECTIONS OF THE UNIVERSE, in the Light of God's Revelations. 12~ N. Y: 1857. CONSCIENCE, H. Conscript; Blind Rosa. 12~ Bait: 1867. - Count Hugo of Craen hove. 12~ Bait 1867. - Curse of the Village. 12~ Balt: 1867. - Happiness of Being Rich. 12" Bait: 1867. - Lion of Flanders. 12~ Balt: 1859. - Miser. 12~ Bait: 1867. - Poor Gentleman. 12~ Bait: 1867. - Ricketicketack, and Wooden Clara. 12~ Bait: 1867. - Summer Evening Tales, containing the Author's Address to his Friends; the Recruit; Mine Host Gansendock; Blind Rosa; Poor Nobleman. 12( N. Y. - Village Innkeeper, 120 Balt: 1867. CONSOLATIONS OF SOLITUDE. 80 Bost: 1856. CoNSPIrAcY CASE. People vs. Abel F. Fitch and others, commonly called the Railroad Conspirators. 80 Detroit: 1851. CONSTITUTION and By-Laws of Neptune Engine Co. No. 6. 8~ Detroit: 1858. CONTRAST, by the author of Matilda. 3v. 120 Lond: 1832. CONTROVERSY between G. Britain and her Colonies Reviewed. 80 Lond: 1769. CONwAY, M. D. The Golden Hour. 12~ Bost: 1862. CONYBEARE, W. J. Perversion; or, causes of Infidelity. 8' N. Y; 1856. COOKE, Capt. Journal of Voyages, 1772-75. 8~ Lond: 1775. COOKE, GEO. W. Colonization in N. Africa; Algeria. 12~ Lond: 1860. COOKE, HARRIET B. My Life Work; Autobiography. 12~ N. Y: 1859. COOKE, J. E. Henry St John, Gent. 1774-5. Virginia. 120 N. Y: 1860. - Last of the Foresters. 12~ N. Y: 1856. COOKE, Jos. P. Jr. Religion and Chemistry. 8~ N. Y: 1865. COOKE, P. Divine Law of Beneficence. Also, by LAWRENCE, E. A. The Mission of the Church. 2v. in 1. 18~ N. Y. COOKE, P. ST. G. Adventures in the Army. 120 Phila: 1857. COOKE, Wx. Mind and Emotions in relation to Health and Religion. 8~ Phila: 1853. COOK, ELIZA. Jottings from my Journal. 120 Lond: 1860. - Poetical Works. 12~ Nashville: 1858. CooK, JAMES. Voyage to the Pacific, of Discovery. 3v. 4' Lond: 1764. COOK, JOEL. Siege of Richmond; McClellan's operations. 12~ Phila: 1862. COOLEY, T. M. Life of Rev. Lemuel Haynes (colored). 12~ N. Y: 1837. COOPER, A. A. Characteristics of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times. 3v. 8' 1727. COOPER, FRED. Crisis in the Punjab. 12~ Lond: 1858. COOPER, J. F. Afloat and Ashore; a Sea Tale. 80 N.Y: 1864. - Bravo; a Tale. 8~ N. Y: 1859. - Chainbearer. 8~ N. Y: 1860. - Crater; or, Vulcan's Peak. 8~ N. Y: 1861. - Deerslayer. 8' N. Y: 1861. - Headsman. 8' N. Y: 1859. - Heidenmauer. 8~ N. Y: 1861. - Another Copy. 2v. 120 Phila: 1832. - History of the Navy of the U. States of America. 120 N. Y: 1856. - Homeward Bound. 8~ N. Y: 1860. - Home as Found. 8~ N. Y: 1860. - Another Copy. 2v. 12~ Phila: 1838. Q62 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE COPWAY. CO TE. I CoorEi, J. F. Jack Tier; or, The Florida Reef. 80 N. Y: 1864. -Last of the Mohicans. 1757. 80 N. Y: 1864. - Another copy. 121, Phula: 1846. - Lionel Lincoln; or, The Leaguer of Boston. 80 N. Y: 1859. -Mercedes of Castile; or, Voyage to Cathay. 8" N.Y: 1861. - Miles Wallingford. 120 N. Y: 1864. - Monikins. 8" N. Y: 1860. - Ned Myers. 80 N. Y: 1855. - Notions of the Americans. 2v. 80 Lo-nd: 1828. - Oak Openings. 80 N. Y: 1864. - Path-finder. 80 N. Y: 1864. - Pilot. 8o N. Y: 1859. - Pioneers. 80 N. Y: 1859. - Prairie. 80 N. Y: 1859. - Precantion; with Bryant's Discourse on the Author. 8' N. Y: 1861. - Red Rover. 80 N. Y: 1860. - Red Skins. 8' N. Y: 1864. - Another copy. 120 N. Y: 1852. - 8atanstoe. 8" N. Y: 1860. - Sea Lions. 8' N. Y: 1860. - Spy. 8' N. Y: 1859. - Two Admirals. 8' N. Y: 1865. - A-nother copy. 12' N. Y: 1856. - Water - Witch. 8' N. Y: 1860. - Ways of the Hour. 8' N. Y: 1864. - Wept of Wish - ton - Wish. 80 N. Y: 1859. - Wing apad Wing. 80 N. Y: 1863. - Another copy. 12', N. Y: 1855. -Wyandotte. 80 N. Y: 1859. COOPER, Miss. Letter to the Children of America, (the Mt. Vernon Letter). 18' N. Y: 1859. - Rural Hours. 8' Phila: 1854. - Another copy. 120 N. Y: 1850. - Rural Rambles: Flowers; Birds; Insects. 8' Phila: 1854. COPLEY, Mns. Kind Words for the Kitchen. 18' N. Y: 1856. COPPATID, S. S. Katharine Douglas. 80 N.Y: 1850. COPPL El H. Elements of Logic. 12') Phila: 1858. COPPING ED. Aldieni and Goldoni; their Lives. 120 Lund: 1857. COPWAY, G. (Kah - ge - ga - gab - bowh.) Chief of the Ojebwas and Missionary; Life and Travels; Ojebwa, or Chippewa. 8' Albany: 1847. - Sketches of Mlen and Places in England, France, Germany, Belgium and Scotland. 12' N. Y: 1851. CORBETT, M. Key to the Scriptures in the Existing Rites: Usages and Domestic Manners of Eastern Countries. 180 Phila: 1837. CoaanovA, H. J. Dr. Prince's Visit: Humorous Description. 120 N. Y: 1861. CORKRAN, J. F. National Constituent Assembly, 1848. 120Lound: 1849. CORMENIN, T. VIscouNT DE. Orators of.France. 80 N. Y: 1849. CORNARO, L. On a Sober and Temperate Life: Physic of the Golden Age. 180 Middletown: 1836. COPRNEILLE, P. Theatre: Commentaires do Voltaire. 12v. 8' Paris: 1797. Vol. a: Vie; niocoure; Salite; Clelandre. ii: La Yeuve: La Calarie; La Suivante; La Place Royale. iii: Medee; La Old; Excase a Ariete; Roadeaos. iv: L'Illloaioa; Horace -Chinea; J. Cesar. v: Polyeacte; Ponoipee; Le Meatoar. v:La Salle do Moantour: Rcdogaoe; Theodcre. vea: L'Hecaclioa Eapagnol; Hocaclioo; Enpeprear; Acodromede. voie: Dno Sancho: Nocomede; Pertlcarilo. ix: Ocdipo: La Tolsoca d'O; Sertoclue. x: Sopleoniobe: Olhoa; Agcoilao. xi: Attila: Beconlce; Paloloerie. xee: Arlane: Soerecca; La Coacte iO'Eossx; Ooovres nivecoes. CORNELIUS, MRS. Young, Housekeeper's Friend. 120 Boot: 1865. CORNELL, J. H. Cantica Sacra: Hymns set to Original Music. 4' Boat: 1865. Chant, from Roman Sources. 4' Bait: 1860. CORNER CUPBOARD. Facts for Everybody. 12' N. Y. CORNER, JULIA. English Envoy at the Court of Nicholas a. 12' N. Y: 1854. CORNER, MaSS and BonN, J. G. India; Pictorial and Historical. 12' Load: 1854. CoREwALLis, H. Pilgrims of Fashion. 8' N. Y: 1862. - Royalty in the New World: P. of Wales in America. 12' N. Y: 1860. CORRESPONDENCE of Theodosius and Constantia, before and after her taking the Veil: Country Justice. 18' N. Y: 1802. CORTES, H. Dispatches to Charles v during the Conquest of Mexico. 12' N. Y: 1843. - Life of. See Balboa. CosAS DE EsPAfia; or, Going to Madrid via Barcelona. 12' N. Y: 1855. COSTE LLO, D. Joint Stock Banker; a Tale of the Day. 12' Lond: 1856. COTE, C. H. 0. Memoir of. gee Cyr, N. CITY OF DETROIT. 33 00 COWPER. CRANTZ. COTTIN, MME. Elisabeth: Suivi de la Prise de Jericho. 18~ Lond: 1850. - (Euvres Completes: Claire D'Albe; Malvine; Elizabeth; La Prise de Jericho; Amelie de Mansfield; Mathelde. 8~ Paris: 1836. - The Saracen; or, Matilda and Malek Adhel. 2v. 12~ N. Y: 1810. COTTLE, Jos. Alfred: an Epic Poem. 4~ Lond: 1800. - Reminiscences of Coleridge and Southey. 12~ N. Y: 1848. COTTON, BARTHOLOMnUS DE. See Bartholompeus. COULTAS, H. The Plant an Illustration of the Organic Life of the Animal. 180 Phila: 1855. COULTER, J. Adventures on the W. Coast of S. America and in California. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1847. COURCILLON, EUGENE DE. Le Cure Manque; Social and Religious Customs in France. 12~ N. Y: 1855. COURT AND CAMP OF BONAPARTE. 18~ N. Y: 1859. CoUSIN, V. History of Modern Philosophy. Tr. by Wight. 2v. 8~ N. Y: 1857. - Philosophy of the Beautiful. 120 N. Y: 1849. - Psychology: Examination of Locke. 120 N. Y. - The True, the Beautiful and the Good. 8~ N.Y: 1861. - Youth of Mme De Longueville; or New Revelations of the Court and Con' vent of the 17th Century. 120 N. Y: 1854. CousIN, V. FOUGERE, P. VINET, and others. Jaqueline Pascal; or, A Glimpse of Convent Life at Port Royal. 120 N. Y: 1854. COVERDALE, M, Bp. of Exeter. Remains: containing Prologues to the Translation of the Bible; Treatise on Death; Hope; Christ's Cross; 22d Psalm, etc. 8~ Camb. 1846. COWDERY, M. F. Moral Lessons. 12" Sandusky: 1855. COWPER, War. Olney Hymns. 18~ N. Y. - Poetical Works. Ed. by Southey. 2v. 12~ Lond: 1854. - Poetical Works. 2v. 12~ Bost: 1863. - Private Correspondence. 8~ Phila: 1824. - Works: comprising Poems; Correspondence; and Translations; with life by Southey. 8v. 120 Lond: 1853-5. PUBLIC LIBRARY. - C. I Cox, A. C. Advent; a Mystery. 12~ N. Y: 1847. - Impressions of England. 12~ Phila: 1863. Cox, WM. Atlas to Memoirs of John D. of Marlborough. 40 Lond: 1848. - History of the House of Austria, 1218 to 1792. 3v. 120 Lond: 1847. - Same. - Memoirs of the D. of Marlborough. 3v. 12~ Lond: 1847-8. - Life of Robert Walpole, Earl of Oxford. 3v. 40 Lond: 1798. Vol. I: Memoirs. Vols. n. and In: Correspondence. - Travels into Poland, Russia, Sweden and Denmark. 5v. 8~ Lond: 1792. Cox, F. A. Life of Philip Melancthon: The Reformation. 120 Bost: 1835. Cox, H. Integral Calculus. 180 Lond: 1852. Cox, M. B. Remains of. (Missionary to China.) 120 Bost: 1835. COZZENs, F. S. Acadia; or, A month with the Blue Noses. 12~ N. Y: 1859. - Sparrowgrass Papers; or, Living in the Country. 120 N. Y: 1856. CRABB, G. Book of Knowledge: Explanation of Words and Things. 12~ N.Y. - English Synonymes. 8~ N. Y: 1863. - System of Natural Theology. 8~ Lond: 1840. - Poetical Works; with Life by his Son. 8~ Lond: 1851. CRAIG, H. G. and Officers of the Ordnance Department. Strength and other properties of Metals for Cannon. 4* Phila: 1856. CRAIG, N. B. History of Pittsburgh. 12~ Pittsb: 1851. CRAIG, R. Jewish Nation: Its Religion, Laws. 120 Aberdeen. CRAIK, G. L. History of the English Literature and Language. 2v. 8~ N. Y: 1863. - Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties. 12" Lond: 1865. CRAIK, JAMES. Old and New. 120 N. Y: 1860. CRANOH, C. P. Kobboltozo. sq. 80 Bost: 1857. CRANDALL, Wm. L. Three Hours School a Day. 120 Albany: 1854. CRANMER, T. Life. 120 Phila: 1852. CRANMER and others. Testimony of the Reformers. 120 Lond: 1836. CRANTZ, D. History of Greenland. 2v. 8" Lond: 1820. S4 PUTBLIC LIBRAPY OF THE CR IJISHANK. CUMMING. CRASHAW, R. Works; Edited by W. 13. Turnbull. 18' Lond: 1858. CRAVEN, LATDY. Journey through the Crimea to Constantinople. 40 Loud: 1789. CRAVEN. Recreations in Shooting. 12" Lond; 1859. CRAWFORD, J. M. Mosby and his Men. 12' N. Y: 1867. CRAWFORD, M. S. Life in Tuscany. 120 N.Y: 1859. CRAWFORD, N. Ml. Christian Paradoxes. 12" Nashville: 1858. CRAWFORD, J. Embassy to the Court of Ava. 2v. 80 Loud: 1834. CRAYON (THE). Graphic Arts and Literature. 40 N. Y: 1855. CREAIIER, H. G. Delia's Doctors. 12' N. Y: 1853. CREASY,. E. S. Memoirs of Eminent Etonians. 8' Loud: 1850. - Rise and Progress of the English Constitution. 120 N. Y: 1856. CREATION and Deluge: A new theory. 8' Phula: 1854. CREIeRI A. Masonry and Anti -Masonry. 120 Phila: 1854. CRICHTON, A. and WREATON, H1. Scandinavia. 2v. 180 N. Y: 1841. CRICKET FIELD; or, History and Science of Cricket. 12' Bost: 1859. CRICKET PLAYERS Pocket Companion. 18* Bost: 1860. CRIlWiNAL TRIALS. 2v. 18' Loud: 1832-85. CROCKETT, D. Sketches and Eccentricities. 120 N. Y: 1833. - Tour down East. 120 CROLY, G. Beauties of the British Poets. 120 Bost: 1857. - Life of George the Fourth. 180 N. Y: 1831. - Salathiel. 2v. 80 N. Y: 1828. - Same. CROLY, J. C. (Jenny June.) Talks on Woman's Topics. 12' Boat: 1864. CROQUET, as played at Newport. 18' N. Y: 1867. CROSBY, and others. American Normal Schools. 8' N.Y: 1860. CROSBY, F. J. Monterey and other Poems. 12' N.Y: 1851. CROSBY, H. New Testament, with explanatory -notes. 12' N. Y: 1863. CROUSE, C. Spiritualism. 12' Loud: 1859. CRUDENT, A. Concordance to the Scriptures. 40 Load: 1785. CRUIKSIIANK, G. Three Courses and a Desert. 120 Lond: 1856. CRUISE, R. A. Ten Months in New Zealand. 8'Lound: 1823. CRUIVRELL, A. Future of Africa. 12' N. Y: 1862. C. S. W. Sisters of Soleure: 120 Phila: 1857. CUDWORTH, R. Intellectual System of the Universe. 2v. 80 Andover: 1857. - Intellectual System of the Universe. F. Lond: 1678. CUDWOwRTH, W. H. History of the First Regiment (Mass. Infantry). 12' Bost: 1866. CUDWORvTH, W. Looking to the Cross. 24' Phila: 1851. CULBERTSON, M. S. Superstitions in North China. 12' N. Y: 1867. CULBERTSON, H. Rosemond. 120 N. Y: 1836. CUMBERLAND, H. British Essayists. 3v. 120 Bost: 1856. - Death of Christ: a Poem. 2v. 180 Lond: 1810. - John De Lancaster: a Novel. 2v. 120 N. Y: 1809. - Life: written by himself. Notes by Flanders. 80 Phila: 1856. - Posthumous Dramatic Works. 2v. 8" Lond: 1813. CUMMING, J. Benedictions. 12' Bost: 1854. - Christ Receiving Sinners. 12' Phila: 1854. - Church before the Flood. 12' Bost: 1854. - Comforter; or, Influence of the Holy Spirit. 12' Phila: 1854. - Daily Life: Precepts for Christian Living-. 12' Bost: 1857. - Is Christianity from God? Bible Evidence. 12' N. Y: 1854. - Last of the Patriarchs: Joseph. 12' Phila: 1856. - Lectures on Romanism. 12' Bost: 1854. - Moses Right and Colenso Wrong. 8' N. Y: 1863. - Readings on the New Testament. 12' Boat: 1856. - Ruth: a Chapter in Providence. 12' Lond: 1859. - Sabbath Evening Readings: John's Gospel. 12' Bost: 1856. - Sabbath Evening Readings: Mark's Gospel. Boat: 1855. -Sabbath Morning Readings: Exodus. 12' Boat: 1856. -Sabbath Morning Readings: Genesis. 1',)' Boat: 1856. CITY OF DETROIT. 35 - -- - I CUUSHING. DANA. CUInING, J. Sabbath Morning Readings. Leviticus. 12~ Bost: 1855. - The End; or, Proximate Signs. 12~ Bost: 1855. - Voices of the Day. 12' Bost: 1857. - Voices of the Dead. 12~ Bost: 1857. CuMMING, R. G. Five Years of Hunter's Life in S. Africa. 2v. 8~ N. Y: 1850. CUMMINGS, A. Memoir of Ed. Payson. 18~ N. Y. CurMINs, G. D. Life of Mrs. V. H. Hoffman, Missionary. 12~ Phila: 1859. - Same. CUMMINs, J. S. Altham; a Tale of the Sea. 2v. 12~ Lond: 1849. CumINs, MARIA. El Fureidis. 12~ Bost: 1861. - Haunted Hearts. 12~ Bost: 1864. - Lamplighter (The). 120 Bost: 1856. - Mabel Vaughn. 12~ Bost: 1857. CUNNINGHAM, A. Anecdotes of Napoleon and his Times. 24~ N. Y: 1860. - Lives of British Painters and Sculptors. 5v. 18~ N. Y: 1859. CUNNINGHAM, G. G. Lives of Eminenc and Illustrious Englishmen. 8v. 8~ Glasgow: 1834-7. CUNNINGHAM, J. Centennial Birth Day of Robt. Burns. 120 N. Y: 1860. CUNNINGHAM, P. Extracts from the Accounts of the Revels at Court in the Reigns of Q. Elizabeth and K. James I. 8" Lond: 1842. - Two Years in New South Wales. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1827. CUNYNGHAME, A. Glimpse at the Great Western Republic. 8~ Lond: 1851. - Opium War: Service in China. 18' Phila: 1845. CURATE OF CUMBERWORTH and Vicar of Roost. 180 Lond: 1860. CURIous STORIES about Fairies. 12~ Bost: 1856. CARSON, R. Armenia: A Year at Erzeroom. 12~ N. Y: 1854. - Antient Monasteries of the East. 12~ N. Y: 1854. CUnTIs, G. W. Howadji in Syria. 120 N. Y: 1857. - Lotus Eating; a Summer Book. 12~ N. Y: 1854. - Potipher Papers. 12~ N. Y: 1855. - Prue and I. 12~ N. Y: 1865. - Trumps. 12~ N. Y: 1861. CURTIUs, R. Q. Life of Alexander the Great. 2v. 8' Lond: 1809. CUSHING, L. S. Lex Parliamentaria Americana. 8~ Bost: 1863. CUTTING, S. S. Historical Vindications: Baptist History. 120 Bost: 1859. CUVIER, BARON. Animal Kingdom. Tr. by Ed. Griffith. 16v. 8~ Lond: 1827. - Discours sur les Revolutions de la surface du Globe. 80 Paris: 1830. CYR, N. Memoir of C. H. O. Cote and of Mrs. M. Y. Cote, with a History of the Grand Ligne Mission. Canada E. 18~ Phila. D 'ABRANTES, DUCHESS. (Mme. Junot.) Memoirs of Napoleon, his Court and Family. 2v. 8~ N. Y: 1855. DACOITEE in Excelsis; or, Spoliation of Oude. 8~ Lond. DADD, G. H. Diseases of Cattle. 12* Bost: 1849. DAHLMANN. Life of Herodotus. 120 Lond: 1845. DALE, SAM. The Mississippi Partisan. See Claiborne, J. F. H. DALL, Mrs. C. H. Historical Pictures Retouched. 12~ Bost: 1860. - Illustration of Woman's Right to Labor. 12~ Bost: 1860. - Woman's Rights under the Law. 12" Bost: 1862. - "Woman's Right to Labor"; or, Low Wages. 12~ Bost: 1860. D'ALOE, S. Naples, ses Monumens et ses curiosites. 12~ Naples: 1853. DALRYMPLE, D. Annals of Scotland. 2v. 4~ Edinb: 1576-9. DALTON, WM. The Tiger Prince: Adventures in Abyssinia. 12~ Bost: 1865. - White Elephant: Hunters of Ava. 12" N. Y: 1867. DALZEL, A. Collectanea Graeca Majora. 2v. 8~ Bost: 1832. DAMM, CHR. T. Gotter-Lehre and FabelGeschichte. 12~ Berlin: 1797. DANA, A. H. Ethical and Physiological Inquiries. 12~ N. Y: 1862. DANA, C. A. Aunt Fanny's Fairy Stories. 120 Phila: 1867. DANA, D. D. The Fireman: Large Fires. 120 Bost: 1858. DANA, J.D. Geology. 8~ Phila: 1864. - Mineralogy. 8' N. Y: 1850. DANA, R. H. Poems and Prose Writings. 12~ N. Y: 1850. 36 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE DAVIDGER. DAVIS. DANA, R. H, Jr. To Cuba and Back. 12~ Bost: 1859. - Two Years before the Mast. 18~ N. Y: 1840. DANFORTH, J. N. Gleanings and Groupings. 12~ N. Y: 1852. DANGEAU. Court of France. 1684-1720. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1825. DANGERFIELD'S REST. 120 N. Y:. 1864. DANIELL, J. F. Meteorology. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1845. DANTE. Divina Commedia. Tr. by H. Boyd. 3v. 8~ Lond: 1802. - Divine Comedy: the Inferno. Tr. by Carlyle. 120 N.Y: 1864. - La Divina Commedia. 12~ Paris. 1844. - Life. See Botta, N. - Vision (The): Hell, Purgatory and Paradise. Tr. by Cary. 12~ Lond: 1860. DANUBIAN PRINCIPALITIES. 2V. 8~ Lond: 1854. D'ARBOUVILLE. The Village Doctor; Florian and Crescentz; a Tale by Auerbach in the same volume. 12~ Lond: 1853. DARBY, WM. Universal Gazetteer. 80 Phila: 1850. DARLINGTON, WX. Memorials of John Bartram and Humphrey Marshall: Notices of their Botanical Cotemporaries. 8~ Phila: 1849. DARNELL, E. Kentucky Volunteers commanded by Winchester. 1812-13. 8~ Phila: 1854. DAnRAs, J. E. History of the Catholic Church. 4v. N.Y: 1867. DARWIN, C. Origin of Species. 12~ N. Y: 1864. DARWIN, E. Botanic Garden. 4~ Lond: 1791. - Phytologia. 4~ Lond: 1800. - Zoonomia. 4v. 8~ Lond: 1801. D'AUBIGNe, J. H. M. Discourses and Essays. 12~ N. Y: 1855. - Germany, England and Scotland: Recollections. 12~ N. Y: 1848. - Protector (The) Cromwell: a Vindication. 12~ N. Y: 1847. - Rationalism and Popery Refuted. 12~ Lond: 1851. - Reformation of the Sixteenth Century. 5v. 120 N. Y. D'AUBIGNE, SIEUR. L'Histoire Universelle. 1550-1601. 3v. F. Maill6. 1616-1620. DAUBNEY, C. The Atomic Theory. 8~ Oxford: 1831. DAUGHTERS of the Prairie. 180 Bost. DAVIDGER,' REUBEN. Adventures. See Greenwood, Jas. DAVIES, E. W. Hafed, the Lyon of Turkstan. 12~ Bost: 1849. DAVENANT, F. Hubert Ellis. 8~ Lond: 1866. DAvrDsoN, L. M. Poetical Remains. 12~ Phila: 1841. DAVIDSON, L. M. and M. M. Poetical Remains. 120 Bost: 1859. DAVIDSON, R. Elijah: Sacred Drama and other Poems. 12' N. Y: 1860. - Same. DAVIEs, C. Elementary Geometry. 12' N. Y: 1850. - Elements of Algebra; with Sturm's Theorem. 8~ N. Y: 1852. - Elements of Analytical Geometry. 8~ Phila: 1844. - Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus. 8~ N. Y: 1852. - Logic and Utility of Mathematics. 120 N. Y: 1860. DAVIES, S. Sermons on Important Subjects. 3v. 8~ N. Y: 1828. DAVIEs, T. A. Answer to Hugh Miller and Theoretic Geologists. 12~ N. Y: 1860. - Cosmogony or the Mysteries of Creation. 80 N. Y: 1857. DAVIES, T. S. Solutions of Hutton's Mathematics. 8~ Lond: 1840. DA VINCI, L. Fac Similies of Drawings and Sketches Engraved on Copper. F. DAvis, EMERSON. Changes in the U. S. between 1802 and 1850. 12" Bost: 1851. - Principles and Mode of teaching. 12~ Bost: 1839. DAVIs, G. H. Coming Man. 180 Lond: 1854: DAvIs, G. L. L. Day Star of American Freedom. 12~ N. Y: 1855. DAvIs, H. W. and OTHERS. Corrupt Combinations of Members of Congress. 8~ Wash: 1857. DAVIS, J. F. Chinese and China. 2v. 18' N.Y: 1839 DAVIS, M. L. Ed. Journal of Aaron Burr. See Burr, A. - Memoirs of Aaron Burr. 2v. 8~ N. Y: 1855. DAVIs, N. Carthage and her Remains. 8~ N.Y: 1861. DAvIs, S. M. Life and Times of Sir Philip Sidney. 12~ Bost: 1859. - Same. DAVIS, T. History of the Sabbatarian Churches. 12~ Phila: 1851, DAVIs, W. W. H. El-Gringo: or, New Mexico and people. 8~ N. Y: 1857. CII'TY OF DETROIT. 37 1 ~ DE FOE. DELANMTOTTE. DAVISON, G. M. Traveler's Guide through the Middle and Northern States. 18' Saratoga Springs: 1840. DAVY, H. Collected Works. 9v. 80 Loud: 1839-40. - Agricultural Chemistry. 8' Loud: 1839. - Same. DAVY, J. Angler in the Lake District. 120 Lund: 1857. - The Ionian Islands and Malta. 2v. 8' Loud: 1842. - Researches, Physiological and Anatomical. 2v. 8o Loud: 1839. DAWE,sH. Miscellauea Critica. 8' Loud: 1827. DAY AFTER To -MORROW. 120 Loud: 1858. DAY DREAMS, by a Butterdly. 180 Kingstonl, C. W. 1854. DAY, J. Self-determining Power of tlie Will. 120 N. Haven: 1838. DAY, T. Sanford and Morton. 240 Loud: 1854. D'AZEeLIO, MAssINO. Ettore Fieramosca. 120 Bust: 1859. DEAN, A. Philosophy of Human Life. 120 Bust: 1839. DEAN, P. Defense of the Final Restoration. 8'0 Bust: 1832. DEAN, W. China Mission. 12' N. Y: 1859. -Same. DEANE, S. New England Farmer. 80 Worcester: 1790. - Journal. ~See Willis, W. DEARBORN'S Map of Boston. DEBATE on the Human Catholic Religion. 12' Cinc: 1837. DEBOW, J. D. B. Seventh Census of the U. States. 4' Wash: 1853. DEBRissON. Shipwreck and Captivity. 8' Lund: 1789. DE Cu nsx~s, P. Memoirs of Louis xi[. and Charles yiin. 2v. 12'Lound: 1855-6. DE COURcY, H1. Catholic Church in the U. 5. 12' N. Y: 1857. DR CUSTINE. Russia. 12' N. Y: 1854. DE FOE D. Adventures of Duncan Cam pbell: Voyage; Tracts. 12' Lund: 1856. - Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. 12' Phila: 1860. - Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. 12' Lound: 1859. - Cavalier: Capt. Carleton; Dickory Crunke, etc. 12' Lund: 1854. - Mull Flanders: History of the Devil. 120 Loud: 1854. DR FoE D. Plague in London, 1665; The Fire, 1666; The Storm, 1703; The TrueBorn Englishman. 12' Lund: 1855. - Same. - Hoxana: Mother Ross. 12' Lund: 1855. DR FONTAINE, A. Book of Prudential Revelations. 8' Bust: 1845. DE FORIEsT, J. W. European Acquaintance. 12' N. Y: 1858. - History of the Indians of Connecticut. 8o Hartford: 1853. - Oriental Acquaintance; or, Letters from Spain. 12' N. Y: 1856. - Oriental Acquaintance; or. Letters from Syria. 12' N. Y: 1856. - Seacliffe; or, Mysteries of the' Westervelts. 12' Bust: 1859. - Same. DE GflBELIN. Grammaire Universelle. 8' Paris: 1816. DR GENLIs. Memoirs by Herself. 8' N. Y: 1825. DEGERANDO. Self Education. 12" Bust: 1860. DR GRAFT', S. Stair Builder's Guide. 4' Phila: 1864. - Another Copy. 4' Phila: 1860. DRm GUERIN. Journal of and an Essay by M. Arnold. 12' N. Y: 1867. DR HAssIA, H. \Tucabularius Biblioe. Sm. F. About 1473. DR HELL, X. H. Travels in the Steppes of the Caspian Sea. 8' Lund: 1847. DR KAY, J. E. N. Y. Zoology: Birds. 4' Albany: 1844. -' N. Y. Zoology: Fishes. 2v. 4' Albany: 1842. - N. Y. Zoology: Molusca. 4' Albany: 1843. - Sketch o 'f Turkey in 1831 and 1832. 5' N. Y. 1833. DR, KOCK, C. P. Andrew the Savoyard. 2v. 12' Phila: 1836. - Same. DR, KuuAsTI, H. B. Hungarian Exile in Italy. 12' Rochester: 1855. DR KROYFT, S. H. A Place in Thy Mlemory. 112' N. Y: 1850. DELAFIELD, J. Origin of the Antiquities of America. 4' N. Y: 1839. DELAFIELD, H. On the Art of War in Europeffin1854-55-56. 4' Wash: 1861. DR LR, HODDE, L. Cradle of Rebellion. 8' N. Y: 1864. DELA~ OTTE, F. G. Medineval Alphabets and Initials for Illuminators. 4' Lund: 1864. 38 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE DENNYS. DESCRIPTION. DELAVIGNE, C. Messenienne Sur Lord Byron. 8~ Paris: 1825-7-8. DELAWARE; or, the Ruined Family. 2v. 120 Phila: 1833. - Same. DE LEDRED, E.R. Proceedings against Alice Kyteler for Sorcery in 1824. 4~ Lond: 1843. DELEPIERRE, M. O. Macaroneana. 8~ Paris: 1852. DELIEFDE,J. Postman's Bag. 12~ Lond: 1866. DELILLE, J. L'Homme des Champs. 8~ Strasbourg: 1800. - Les Jardines; Poeme. 240 Paris: 1809. DE LOLE, J. L. Account of the English Government. 12~ Lond: 1853. DEMERVILLE, J. C. Pantheon de la Jeunesse. 8~ Paris: 1844. DE MONTOR, A. Lives and Times of the Roman Pontiffs. 2v. 8~ N. Y: 1867. DE MORGAN, A. Geometry. 8' Lond: 1830. DEMOSTHENES Olynthiac and other Public Orations. 12~ Lond: 1852. - Orations against Leptines, Mideas, Androtion. 12~ Lond: 1856. - Orations against Macartatus, Leochares. 120 Lond: 1853. - Orations against Timocrates, Aristogiton. 12~ Lond: 1861. - Orations on the Crown and Embassy. 120 Lond: 1853. DEMPSEY, G. D. Engravings to illustrate the Locomotive Engine. 4~ Lond: 1856. - Rudimentary Treatise on the Locomotive Engine. 18~ Lond: 1866. DENDY, W. C. Philosophy of Mystery. 12~ N. Y: 1845. DENHAM, C. and O. Discoveries in Northern and Central Africa. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1828. DENISE. 2v. 12~ N. Y: 1864. DENISON, C. W. Carrie Hamilton. 12' Phila. - Gracie Amber. 12~ N. Y: 1857. - Same. DENISON, M. A. Days and Ways of the Cocked Hats. 8~ N. Y: 1860. DENNE- BARON, MIE. Aventures de Polichinelle. 120 Paris: 1843. DENNISTOUN, J. Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino. 3v. 8~ Lond: 1851. DENNYS, E. N. Alpha, or First Principle of the Human Mind: Dreams. 80 Lond: 1855. DE NORMAND, H. Brigand Captive. 12~ Auburn: 1854. - Two Eras of France. 12~ Auburn: 1854. DE PAMBoun, F. M. G. Treatise on Locomotive Engines. 8~ Lond: 1836. DEPONs, F. Voyage to jthe Spanish Main in America. 8~ N. Y: 1806. DE PUY, H. W. Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Heroes of '76. 12~ N. Y: 1860. - Louis Napoleon and His Times. 12~ Buffalo: 1852. DE QUINCY, T. Autobiographic Sketches. 120 Bost: 1861. - Avenger: A Narrative. 12~ Bost: 1859. - Biographical Essays. 12~ Bost: 1861. - Cosars. 12~ Bost: 1860. - Confessions of an English Opium Eater. 12~ Bost: 1862. - Same. - Essays on Philosophical Writers and others. 2v. 12~ Bost: 1862. - Essays on the Poets and other writers. 12~ Bost: 1863. - Historical and Critical Essays. 2v. 12~ Bost: 1862. - Letters to a Young Man, and other papers. 12~ Bost: 1861. - Literary Reminiscences. 2v. 12~ Bost: 1861. - Logic of Political Economy. 12~ Bost: 1859. - Memorials and other Papers. 2v. 12~ Bost: 1863. - Miscellaneous Essays. 12~ Bost: 1861. - Note Book of an English Opium-Eater. 120 Bost: 1856. - Theological Essays and other Papers. 2v. 12~ Bost: 1860. DE QUINCY, QUATREMERE. Life of Rafaello Sanzio. See Duppa, R. DERBY, E. H. Catholic Letters. 12" Bost: 1856. DE RETZ. Memoirs. 3v. 8~ Phila: 1817. DERHAM, W. Physico- Theology. 8~ Lond: 1754. DERRICK and DRILL. Petroleum. 8~ N. Y: 1865. DE Roos, F. F. Travels in U. S. and Canada. 8~ Lond: 1827. DE SAULOY, F. Journey round the Dead Sea in 1850 - 51. 2v. 12~ Phila: 1854. DESCOMBAZ, S. Histoire de La Suisse. 18~ Lausanne. 1853. DESCRIPTION OF STONEHENGE on Salisbury Plain. 18~ Salisbury: 1802. CITY OF DETROIT. 39 DEXTER. DICKENS. --- --` DE SMET. New Indian Sketches. 180 N. Y: 1865. - Oregon Missions. 12" N. Y: 1847. DESPOTISM; or, Last Days of the American Republic. 12~ N. Y: 1856. DE STAiL. Considerations on Events of the French Revolution. 2v. 8~ N. Y: 1818. - Corinne; or, Italy. Tr. by Isabel Hill. 12' N.Y: 1861. - Corinne on L'Italie. 3v. 12~ Lond: 1809. - Germany: Notes by Wight. 2v. 12~ N. Y: 1859. - Life of. See Child. DESTRUCTION OF JERUSALEM. 18~ Phila. DESULTORIA; Manuscript of an Eccentric. 120 N. Y: 1850. DE TABOADA, NUNEZ. Diccionario de la Lengua Castellana. 2v. 8~ Paris: 1825. DE TOCQUEVILLE, A. American Institutions. 12~ N. Y: 1856. - Democracy in America. 2v. 8" N. Y: 1841-1840. - Another copy. 8~ N. Y: 1838. - Memoir; Letters and Remains. 2v. 120 Bost: 1862. - Old Regime and the Revolution. 12~ N. Y: 1856. DE TREUBA, T. Romance of History. Spain. 2v. 12~ N. Y: 1830. DEVEAUx, S. Falls of Niagara; Guide through the Canadas. 12* Buff: 1839. DE VERE, A. May Carols: Hymns and Poems. 18~ N.Y: 1866. - Sketches in Greece and Turkey. 12~ Phila: 1850. DE VERE, M. S. Comparative Philology. 12~ N.Y: 1853. DEVEY, Jos. Logic; or, the Science of Inference. 12~ Lond: 1854. DE VINGUT, G. Naomi Torrente: History of aWoman. 8~ N. Y: 1864. DEVLIN, ANNA. Weeds and Wild Flowers; Tales. 12~ N. Y: 1859. D'EWES, SIMONDS. Autobiography and Correspondence. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1845. DEWITT, JOHN. On Life Annuities. See Barnwell, R. G. DEWITT, W. Catalogue of the Penn. State Library. 8* Harrisburgh: 1859. DEw, T. Digest of Laws, Customs, Manners and Institutions. 8~ N. Y: 1853. DEXTER, C. Versions and Verses. 12~ Camb: 1865. DEXTER, H. M. Congregationalism: What it is. 8~ Bost: 1865. - Street Thoughts. 120 Bost: 1859. DEXTER, H. M. Twelve Discourses. 8~ Bost: 1861. D'HAUssEz, BARON. G. Britain in 1833. 2v. 3~ Phila: 1833. D'HERBELOT. Bibliotheque Orientale. F. Maestricht: 1776. D'HoRsAY; or, the Follies of the Day. 12* Lond: 1844. DIARY of a Samaritan. 12~ N. Y: 1860. DICEY, E. Six months in the Federal States. 12~ Lond: 1863. - Same. DICKENS, C. Barnaby Rudge. 3v. 12~ N. Y: 1862. - Barnaby Rudge. 12* Phila. - Bleak House. 4v. 12~ N. Y: 1863. - Bleak House. 12~ Phila. - Chimes: a Goblin story. 12~ N. Y: 1847. - Christmas Stories. 2v. 120 N. Y: 1805. - Christmas Stories. 120 Phila. - David Copperfield. 4v. 12' N. Y: 1865. - David Copperfield and Christmas Carol. 8~ Phila: 1851. N. Y: 1844. - David Copperfield. 12~ Phila. - Dombey and Son. 4v. 120 N. Y: 1862. - Dombey and Son. 12" Phila. - Great Expectations. 80 Phila. - Great Expectations. 120 Phila. - Great Expectations. 2v. 12~ N. Y: 1864. - Hard Times and reprinted pieces. 2v 12 N. Y: 1863. - Hard Times and Pictures from Italy. 12~ Phila. - Home and Social Philosophy. 12~ N. Y: 1852. - Hunted Down. 12~ Phila. - Lamplighter's Story; Hunted Down, etc. 120 Phila. - Little Dorrit. 4v. 12~ N.Y: 1863. - Little Dorrit. 12~ Phila. - Martin Chuzzlewit. 12~ Phila. - Martin Chuzzlewit. 4v. 12~ N. Y: 1865. - Martin Chuzzlewit. 8~ N. Y: 1844. - Messages from the Sea; and UncommercialTraveler. 12' Phila. - Nicholas Nickleby. 4v. 12" N. Y: 1864. - Nicholas Nickleby. 8' Bost: 1844. - Nicholas Nickleby. 12~ Phila. - Novels and Tales. Vol. vin. 180 Leipzig: 1858. - Old Curiosity Shop. 3v. 12~ N. Y: 1864. - Old Curiosity Shop. 12~ Phila. 40 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE DIO GENE S. DICKENS, C. Old Curiosity Shop and other tales. 80 Phila: 1848. - Oliver Twist. 12' Phila. - Oliver Twist. 2v. 12" N. Y: 1864. - Oliver Twist. 8" Phila: 1850. - Our Mutual Friend. 120 N. Y: 1864. - Our Mutual Friend. 4v. 12' N. Y: 1866. - Pearl Fishing. 120 Auburn: 1814. - Pickwick Papers. 4v. 120 N. Y: 1865. - Pickwick Papers. 120 Phila. - Pickwick Papers. So Phila. - Posthumous Papers of the Pickwiek Club. 80 Phila: 1848. - Pictures from Italy and American Notes. 2v. 120 N. Y: 1865. - Pictures from Italy and Life in Italy; Crusades in Africa. 12' N. Y. - Sickness and Health of the People of Bleaburn. 120 Bust: 1853. - Sketches by Boz. 2v. 120 N. Y: 1864. - Sketches by Boz. 120 Phila. - Tale of Two Cities. 2v. 120 N. Y: 1863. - Tale of Two Cities. 120 Phila: 1859. - Uncommercial Traveler. 120 N. Y: 1865. - World here and there. 120 N. Y: 1852. DICKENsON, A. First visit to Europe. 120 N. Y: 1851. - First visit to Europe. 120 N. Y: 1854. DICKENSON, H. W. Responses *from the Sacred Oracles. 120 N. Y: 18051. DICKENsoN's Pictures of the Great Exhibition of 1851. 2v. F. Loud: 1854. DicK, T. Complete Works. 2v. 80 N. Y: 1859. - Practical Astronomer. 12" N. Y: 1846. - Solar System, with redlections. 120 Phila: 1848. DICTIONARY OF QUOTATIONS. 12* Phila: 1861. DICTIONARY OF QUOTATIONS AND LAW TERMS. 80 Phila: 1860. DIDRON, M. Christian Iconography. Vol. 1. 120 Lond: 1851. DiREMxAN, G. Dictionary of Italian, German, English and French: Kaltschmidt's. 120 Leipzig: 1844. DILLAWAY, C. K. Roman Antiquities. 12" Bost: 1853. DILLON, J. T. Political Survey of the Sacred Roman Empire. 80 Loud: 1782. DINAII. N. Y: 1861. DLEKs. Sportsman's Vade Mecum. 120 N..Y: 1858. DIOGEN~s L RTrUS. Lives of Eminent Philosophers. 120 Loud: 1853. DODDHIDGE. DanRcxs, H. Life and Labours of the Second Marquis of Worcester. 8" Loud: 1865. Dino-.a. Campaign in India. 40 Loud: 1794. DIsCussIoN On the Revision of the Holy Oracles. 80 Louisville: 1856. D'ISRELI, B. Heurietta Temple. 12" Leipzig: 1859. - Political Biography of Lord Beutick. 80 Loud: 1858. - Revolutionary Epick. 120 Lond: 1864. - Works; Novels. 80 Phila: 1846. D'ISREL-f, I. Amenities of Literature. 2v. So Loud: 1863. - Calamities and Quarrels of Authors. 80 Loud: 1863. - Curiosities of Literature. 3v. 12' Lound: 1859 -62. - History of Men of Genius. 8" Loud: 1863. DIssERTATIoN On a Congress of Nations. 12' N. Y: 1837. DITsoN, G. L. Circassia; or, Tour to the Caucasus. 80 N. Y: 1850. - Same. - Crescent and French Crusaders. 12' N. Y: 1859. DIVINE FOOTSTEPS in Human History. 80 Loud: 1862. Dix, J. A. Winter iu Maderia and Summer in Spain. iT* N. Y: 1853. Dix, R. Pulpit Portraits of American Divines. 12' Bost: 1854. Dix, W. G. Pompeii and other Poems. 120 Bost: 1848. - -Unholy Alliance; War in the East. 120 N. Y: 1855. DIXON, G. Voyage Round the World. 40 Loud: 1789. DIxoN, W. H. Win. Penn; Biography. 120 Phila: 1851. -History of Lord Bacon. 120 Bost: 1861. DoANE, G. W. Life: Twenty - seven years Bp. of N.J. 4v. 8" N. Y: 1860. DoBuz11oFFEn, M. Account of the Abipones. 3v. 80 Loud; 1822. DOCUMENTS Relating to Central American Affairs. 80, 5Wash: 1856. DODD, G. Food of London. 12" Loud: 1856. DODD, W. Discourses to Young Men. 180 Loud: 1840. DonnnaIDuz, P. Family Expositor. 8' Amherst, Mass: 1846. - Life. iT0 N. Y. - Life. See Harsha, D. A. - Rise and Progress of Religion. 180 N. Y: 1811. CITY OF DETROIT. 41 DOVER. DRYDEN. I DODDRIDGE, P. Passages in the Life of James Gardiner. 120 Lond: 1748. DODGE, A. A. Kate Woodman. 12~ Bost. - Way to the Cross. 18~ Bost. DODGE, M. A. Country Living and Country Thinking. 120 Bost: 1864. - Gala Days. 12~ Bost: 1864. - New Atmosphere. 120 Bost: 1855. - Skirmishes and Sketches. 12~ Bost: 1866. - Stumbling Blocks. 120 Bost: 1865. - Summer Rest. 12~ Bost: 1866. - See Gail Hamilton. DODGE, R. Sketches during a European Tour. 80 N. Y: 1856. DoDs, J. B. Spirit Manifestations examined. 12~ N. Y. DODSLEY, J. Annual Register from 1758 to 1811 inclusive. 56v. 8~ Lond. - Collection of Poems. 6v. 8~ Lond; 1765. DoMAT, J. Civil Law in its Natural Order. 2v. 8~ Bost: 1861. DOMENECH, A. Deserts:of North America. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1860. DoN, G. History of the Dichlamydeous Plants. 4v. 40 Lond: 1831. DoNNE, A. Mothers and Infants: Nurses and Nursing. 12~ Bost: 1859. - Same. DONNE, J. Poetical Works. 180 Bost: 1855. - Same. DoNN, J. Hortus Cantabrigiensis. 80 Lond: 1845. DoNOHO, T. S. Ivywall. 120 Wash: 1860. DoRAN, DR. Annals of the English Stage. 2v. 8' N. Y: 1865. - Habits and Men. 12~ N. Y: 1857. - Knights and their Days. 120 N. Y: 1856. - Monarchs Retired from Business. 2v. 12~ N. Y: 1857. - Table Traits. 12~ N. Y: 1855. Dosu. Stroller in Europe. 12~ N. Y: 1857. DORR, B. Notes of Travel in Egypt; Holy Land, etc. 12~ Phila: 1856. DORR, THos. W. Life and Times. See King, Dan. DORSEY, S. A. Recollections of H. W. Allen, of Louisiana. 12~ N. Y: 1866: DOTEN, E. Hesper, the Home Spirit. 12' Bost: 1860. DOUGLAS, J. Select Works. Ed. by W. Macdonald. 4~ Salisbury. 1820. DovE, P. E. Logic of the Christian Faith. 8~ Edinb: 1856. DOVER, LORD. Life of Frederick the Second. 2v. 18~ N. Y: 1859. Dow, A. History of Hindostan. 3v. 8~ Lond: 1792. Dow, L. and P. History of a Cosmopolite. 8~ Cine: 1859. DOWLING, J. Judson Offering. 12~ N.Y: 1848. DOWNING, A. J. Cottage Residences. 8~ N. Y: 1853. - Fruits and Fruit Trees of America. 12~ N.Y: 1863. - Rural Essays. 8' N. Y: 1857. DoWNING, MAJOR JACK. Thirty Years Out of the Senate. 12~ N. Y: 1859. DOYLE, M. Practical Husbandry. 8~ Lond: 1851. DOYLE, R. Foreign Tour of Messrs. Brown, Jones and Robinson. 4' N. Y: 1860. DRAKE, B. Life of Tecumseh. 12~ Cine: 1855. - Same. DRAKE, J. R. Culprit Fay. 12~ N. Y: 1864. DRAKE, N. Shakspear and His Times. 8~ Paris: 1843. DRAKE, S. G. Biography of the Indians of North America. 8~ Bost: 1834. DRAKE, S. G. Book of the Indians of N. America. 8~ Bost: 1833. - Indian Captivities. 12~ Auburn: 1851. DRAMAs, Modern British. 5v. 80 Lond: 1811. DRAPER, B. H. Juvenile Naturalist. 240 Lond. DRAPER, J. W. Intellectual Development of Europe. 8~ N. Y: 1863. - Human Physiology. 8~ N. Y: 1856. DRAWING ROOM DANCES. 240 Lond: 1847. DRAWINGS OF MAPs, Bridges, Coal- burning Locomotives, etc. 8' Albany: 1857. DRAYsoN, A. W. Sporting Scenes in S. Africa. 8~ Lond: 1858. DRAYTONS and DAVENANTS. Story of the Civil Wars. 12~ N. Y: 1866. DREW, B. North Side View of Slavery. 120 Bost: 1856. DROHOJOWSK. Femmes Illustres de la France. 8' Paris. DRUnER BOY. Story of Burnside's Expedition. 12~ Bost: 1867. DRUMMOND, J. Thoughts for the Christian Life. 12~ N. Y: 1865. DRUnR, A. H. Eastbury; a Tale. 120 N. Y: 1856. DuuRY, R. Adventures in Madagascar. 8~ Lond: 1807. DRYDEN, J. Poetical Works. 5v. 12" Bost: 1859. 493 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE -- --- - - - -- DUMAS. DUNLOP. DRYDEN, J. Prose Works. 4v. 80 Lond: 1800. - Virgil, translated into English verse. 3v. 80 Lond: 1806. DUBERsLY, H. Campaigning in Rajpootana. 12" Lond: 1859. Dlu Bosc, C. Military History of Prince Eugene of Savoy and of the Duke of Marlborough. F. Loud: 1736. Dlu Bos. Ieleexions Critiques Sur la Poesie. 3v. 18' Paris: 1755. DUCirAILLU, P. B. Adventures in Equatorial Africa. 80 N. Y: 1861. - Journey to Ashango Land. 80 N. Y: 1867. - Stories of the Gorilla Country. 120 N. Y: 1868. DUCOURET, L. Life in the Desert. 8' N. Y: 1860. DUDEVANT. Indiana; a Novel. 120 Phila: 1850. - See Sand, George. DuEn, W. A. Jurisprudence of U. 5. 180 N. Y: 1856. - Same. 8" Bust: 1856. DUFFIELD, G. Dissertations on the Prophecies. 120 N. Y: 1842. DUFFIELD and ISHAMSs. Travels in two Hemispheres. 80 Detroit: 1858. - Same. DUFIuEF, N. G. Nature Displayed in teaching language. French. 2v. 8' Phila: 1806. DUGANNE, A. J. H. Twenty Months in the Gulf. 120 N. Y: 1865. Du HALDE. History of China; tr. by Brookes. 4v. 8' Loud: 1741. DUe.NAN, M. G. Positive Facts. 8' N. Y: 1862. DUJATIDAY. Voyages: Dedcouvertes et Conqueftes des Portugais, 15th and 16th centuries. 2v. 120 Paris: 1889. DULCKEN, H. W. Editor. Book of German Songs: Patriotic. 12' Loud: 1856. DUMAS, A. Aunde ' Florence. 2v. 8' Paris: 1844. - Arena (Le Capitaine.) 2v. 8' Paris: 1842. - Aventures de Lyderick. 8' Paris: 1842. - Charles Le Temeraire. 2v. 120 Paris: 1860. - Chevalier D'Harmental. 4v. 8', Paris: 1842. - Conscript; a Tale of War. 120 Phila: 1868. - Cornicobo. 2v. 8' Penis: 1843. - Excursions Sur les Bords du Rhin. 3v. Paris: 1841. - Foresters. 12' N. Y: 1854. DUMAs, A. Georges. 8v. 8' Paris: 1843. - Guillotine; or, Death of Morgan. 80 N. Y. - Iron Mask: Feats of Raoul de Bragelonne. 8' Phila: - Jehanne la Pucelle, 1429-1431. 8' Paris: 1842. - Mohicanos, de Paris. 2v. 8' Paris: 1855-6. - Nouvelles Impressions de Voyage. (Midi de La France) 3v. 8' Paris: 1841. - Praxe'de, suivi de Don Martin de Freytas, et de Pierre Le Cruel. 8' Paris: 1841. - Progress of Democracy, illustrated in the History of Gaul and France. 12' N.Y: 1841. - Royalists and Republicans. 8' N. Y. - Speronare. 4v. 8' Paris: 1842. DUMONT, E. Mirabean, and the two first Legislative Assemblies of France. 8' Loud: 1812. DUMcONT, H. Lady's Oracle; Pastime for social parties. 12' Phila: 1852. DUMIONT, JULIA L. Life Sketches from common Paths. 12' N. Y: 1856. DUNCAN, GUL. Clavis Homerica. 8' Edinh: 1831. DUNCAN, H. Sacred Philosophy of the Seasons. 2v. 12' N. Y: 1855. - Tales of the Scottish Peasantry. 18' N. Y: 1847. DUNCAN, J. M. Lexicon Grncum Homeric. et Pendaric. Damm Auct. 4' Loud: 1842. DUNCAN, JOHiN. Travels in W. Africa. 1845-6. 2v. 120 Lond: 1847. DUNCAN, JONA. Dukes of Normandy. 12' Lund: 1839. DUNCAN, M. C. Masonic Ritual and Monitor. 12" N. Y: 1866. DUNCAN, P. B. Essays and Miscellanies. 2v. 18' Oxford: 1840. DUNCAN, Wx. C. History of the Baptists. 12' N. Y: 1815. DUNDONALD, EARL oF. Life. See Allen, Jos. DUNHAM, S. A. Denmark, Sweden and Norway. 3v. 12' Lond. - History of Europe during the Middle Ages. 4v. 18' Loud: 1838-4. DUNLAP, S. F. Spirit History of Man. 8' N. Y: 1858. DUNLAP, Wx. Thirty Years Ago: Memoirs of a Water Drinker. 2v. 12' N. Y: 1836. DUNLoP, 3. History of Fiction. 8' Loud: 1845. CITY OF DETROIT. 48 F - -- --- - - I - -- L- I DWIGHT. EATON. DUNLOP, J. Memoirs of Spain, 1621-1700. 2v. 8~ Edinb: 1834. DUNLOP, R. H. W. Hunting in the Himalaya. 12~ Lond: 1860. DUNN BROWN. Experiences in Foreign Parts. 12~ Bost: 1857. DUNNING, A. G. Ancient Classical and Scriptural Geography. 4~ N. Y: 1850. Du PAN, M. J. Destruction of Helvetic Union and Liberty. 120 Bost: 1799. DUPPA, R. Life of Michel Angelo Buonarroti; Life and works of Rafaello Sanzio, by Quatremere De Quincy. 12~ Lond: 1856. DuPuIs. L'Origine de tous les cultes. 8" Paris: 1820. DUPUY, A. E. Conspirator. 12~ N. Y: 1860. DURBIN, J. P. Observations in Europe; France and G. Britain. 2v. 12' N. Y: 1844. - Observations in the East: Egypt, Syria and Asia Minor. 2v. 12" N. Y: 1847. DURFEE, C. History of Williams College. 8~ Bost: 1860. DUSENBERY, B. M. Monument to A. Jackson: Eulogies. 12~ Phila: 1848. DUTIES OF HUMAN LIFE. Tr. from a Sanscrit mss. Ed. by J. Perkins. 120 N. Y: 1861. DUVIVIER, CH. P. G. Grammaire des Grammaires. 8~ Brusselles: 1843. DUYCKINCK, E. A. Portrait Gallery of Eminent Americans. 2v. 4~ N. Y. - Wit and Wisdom of Sidney Smith; Selections. 8~ N. Y: 1865. DUYOKINOK, E. A. and G. L. Cyclopedia of American Literature. 2v. 4' N. Y: 1855. DUYCKINCK, G. L. Life of Thomas Ken. 120 N. Y: 1859. - Supplement to the Cyclopaedia of American Literature. 8~ N. Y: 1866. DWIGHT, B. W. Higher Christian Education. 12' N. Y: 1859. - Modern Philology. 8~ N. Y: 1859. DweIHT, H. G. O. Christianity Revived in the East; Armenia. 12~ N. Y: 1850. - Memoir of Mrs. Elizabeth B. Dwight: Plague of 1837; Life of Mrs. Judith Grant, Missionary to Persia. 12~ N. Y: 1840. DWIGHT, M. A. Grecian and Roman Mythology. 80 N. Y: 1864. - Harvest Gleanings; a Holiday Book. 4' N. Y: 1850. DWIGHT, THEO. History of the Hartford Convention. 8~ N.Y: 1833. DWIGHT, THE. Life of Garibaldi. 12" N. Y: 1861. - Roman Republic of 1849. 12" N. Y. DWIGHT, TIM. Conquest of Canaan. 12~ Hartford: 1785. - Travels in N. England and N. York. 4v. 8~ N. Haven: 1821-2. - Theology Explained and Defended: Life. 4v. 80 N. Y: 1830. DWYER, C. P. Church, Parsonage and School Architecture. 8~ Buffalo: 1856. DWYER, J. Hydraulic Engineering. 8~ Dublin: 1852. DYcE, A. Kemp's Nine Days' Wonder: Dance from London to Norwich. 4" Lond: 1840. DYER, G. History of the University and Colleges of Cambridge. 2v. 40 Lond: 1814. - Vulgar Errors, Ancient and Modern. 8~ Exeter: 1816-14. DYMOND, J. Morality and Rights of Mankind. 120 N.Y. - War and Christianity; Notes by T. S. GrimkB. 12~ Phila: 1834. EADIE, J. Early Oriental History: Egypt, Assyria, Persia, Phrygia and Phoenicia. 12~ Lond: 1852. EAGER, S. W. History of Orange County, N.Y: 8~ Newburgh: 1846. EARL, G. W. Eastern Seas: Java, Borneo, Malay Peninsula, etc. 8~ Lond: 1837. EARLY CALLED: Stoic, and Lansbys of Lansby Hall. 12~ Phila: 1836. EASTERN HOSPITALS and English Nurses. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1856. EAST, J. Peace in Believing. 18~ N. Y: 1860. EASTMAN, MARY H. Aunt Phillis's Cabin. 8~ Phila: 1852. EASTON, ALEX. Treatise on Street or Horse Power Railways. 80 Phila: 1859. EATON, A. Index to the Geology of the Northern States. 120 Troy: 1820. EATON, CHARLOTTE A. Rome in the 19th Century. 2v. 12~ Lond: 1852. - The same. EATON, JAS. S. Common School Arithmetic. 12~ Bost: 1864. - Easy Mental Arithmetic. 180 Bost: 1864. - Intellectual Arithmetic. 18~ Bost: 1864. 44 THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF EDINBURGH. EIGHTY. EATON, JAs. S. Treatise on Arithmetic. 12~ Bost: 1864. EATON, S. J. M. Petroleum; Venango Co, Penn: 12~ Phila: 1866. EATON, Wm. Life: Consul at Tunis in 1805. 8~ Brookfield: 1813. EBONY IDOL. 12~ N. Y: 1860. ECARTE; or, Salons of Paris. 2v. 12~ N. Y: 1829. ECOE DEUs. Life and Doctrines of Christ. 120 Bost: 1867. ECCE HOmo. Life and Work of Jesus Christ. 12~ Bost: 1866. ECKELMANN, H. Illustrirte - Kinder - Lieder. 4~ Hamburgh. ECKERMAN. Conversations with Goethe. 12~ Bost: 1852. ECKFELDT, J. R, and DuBois, WM. E. Gold and Silver Coins of the Past Century. 4~ Phila: 1842. EDDY, D. C. Europa: Scenes and Society. 8~ Bost: 1859. - Roger Williams and the Baptists. 12~ Bost: 1861. - Walter's Tour in the East: Samaria. 18~ N. Y: 1864. EDERSHEIT, A. Jewish Nation after the Destruction of Jerusalem. 12~ Edinb: 1856. EDGE, F. M. Slavery Doomed: Free and Slave Labor in the U. States. 12~ Lond: 1860. EDGEWORTH, M. Belinda. 3v. 12~ Lond: 1821. - Moral Tales. 3v. 12~ Lond: 1821. Vol. I: Forester; Prussian Vase. II: Good Aunt; Angelina. III: Good French Governess; M'meselle Panache; Knapsack. - Parents' Assistant; or Stories for Children. 12~ Phila: 1854. - Education; Popular Tales. 3v. 12* Lond: 1823. Vol. I: Lame Jervis; The Mill; Limerick Gloves; Out of Debt, Out of Danger. TI: Lottery; Rosanna; lMurad the Unlucky; The Manufacturers. II; Contrast; Grateful Negro; ToMorrow. - Popular Tales: Lame Jervis; Will; Gloves; Out of Debt; Lottery; Rosanna. lv. 180 N. Y: 1860. EDGwoRTH, M. and I. L. Practical Education. 12~ N. Y: 1835. EDGWORTH, R. L. and MARIA. Memoirs of R. L. Edgworth. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1821. EDINBURGH EssAYs, by Members of the University. 80 Edinb: 1857. EDINBURGH REVIEW, with Index to First 20vols. 89v. 8~ Edinb: 1802-48. EDMOND, A. M. Memoir of Sarah D. Comstock, Missionary- to Arracan. 12~ Phila: 1854. EDMONDS JOHN W. and DEXTER, GEO. T. Spiritualism, with Appendix by N. P. Tallmadge. 8" N. Y: 1853. EDMONDS, S. EMMA E. Nurse and Spy in the Union Army. 8~ Hart: 1865. EDRnHI, M. Account of the Ten Tribes Settled beyond the River Sambatyou in the East. 80 Lond: 5613. - Same. EDUCATION. American System: AngloSaxon Derivatives. 120 N. Y: 1855. - Anglo - Saxon Orthography. 12~ N. Y: 1852. - Anglo - Saxon Root - Words. 120 Lowell: 1853. - English Orthography. 12~ N. Y: 1853. - Engrafted Words of the English Lan12~ N. Y: 1854. - Papers by Central Society. 2v. 120 Lond: 1837-8. By Thos. Wise, Dr. Reid, C. Baker, B. Hawes, A. De Morgan, Alex. Alien, Wm. Wittich, G. R. Porter, Dr. Mower, D. F. Duppa. EDWARDS, A. M. Life Beneath the Waters: Aquarium. 12~ N. Y: 1858. EDWARDS, B. B. Biography of Self- Taught Men. 120 Bost: 1832. - Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. 8~ Brattleboro': 1856. - Writings, with a Memoir by E. A. Park. 2v. 12~ Bost: 1853. EDWARDS, B. British Colonies in the W. Indies. 3v. 80 Lond: 1801. EDWARDS, E. Libraries and Founders of Libraries. 8~ N. Y: 1865. EDWARDS, H. Education: Importance of its Extension. 8~ Lond: 1844. EDWARDS, JONATHAN. Life of David Brainerd. Abridged. 180 N. Y. - Works. 10v. 8~ N. Y: 1830. EDWARDS, JUSTIN. Sabbath Manual. 180 N. Y. - Temperance Manual. 180 N. Y. EDWARD THE CONFESSOR. Lives of. 8~ Lond: 1858. EFFINGHAMS. 2v. 120 N. Y: 1841. EGAN, P. Lady Maud. 8~ Phila. EIGHT WEEKS IN GERMANY. 120 Edinb: 1842. EIGHTY YEARS' PROGRESS of the United States. Vol. I and H. 80 N. Y: 1861. CIY OFY O DETR OIT. 45 ELLIOTT. EMBURY. ELDER, W. Biography of E. K. Kane. 80 Phila: 1858. - Periscopics. 8' N. Y: 1854. EL INCOGNITO. 05 el Fruto de la Ambicion. 240 N. Y: 1828. ELIOT, GEORGE. See Evans, Mary A. Lewes Mrs. ELIOT, S. A. History of Harvard College. 120 Bost: 1848. ELIOT, S. History of Liberty: Ancient Romans. 2v. 8o Bost:.1853. - History of Liberty: Early Christians. 2v. 8" Bost: 1853. ELIOT, W. G. Discipline of Sorrow. 12' Bost: 1855. - Discipline of Sorrow. 12' Bost: 1863. - Doctrines of Christianity. 12' Bost: 1866. - Lectures to Young Women. 12' Bost: 1854. - Lectures to Young Women. 12' Bost: 1860. - On the Unity of God. 18' Bost: 1854. - ReligiousEducation the Way to Regenerate Life. 12' Bost: 1855. - Same. ELIsIANA. Captivity and Restoration 'of the Jews. 18' Phila. ELIsA POWELL. 120 Dublin: 1795. ELIZABETH, Court of. See Aikin L. ELISA WOODSONs. Story of American Life. 12' N. Y: 1864. ELLET, C. JR. Essay on the Laws of Trade. 8' Richmond: 1839. - Mississippi aud Ohio Rivers: 8' Phila: 1853. ELLET, E. F. Pioneer Women of the West. 12' N. Y: 1852. - Life of Joauna of Sicily. 12' Bost: 1840. - Ramble in the West. 12' N. Y: 1858. - Watching Spirits. 12' N. Y: 1851. - Women Arrists. 12' N. Y: 1859. ELLICOTT, C. J. Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ. 12' Bost: 1866. ELLIOT, J. Debates on the Federal Constitution. 4v. 8' Wash: 1836. ELLIOT, S. H. Life in the Poor House of New England. 12' N. Y: 1860. - Parish - Side. 12' N. Y: 1864. ELLIOTT, C. W. New England History. 2v. 8' N. Y: 1857. - Glimpses of the Supernatural. 12' N. Y: 1852. ELLIOTT, E, Poems of. 18' N. Y: 1853, - Poems of. 24' Phila: 1844. ELLIOTT, F. R. Fruit Book; or, Fruit Grower's Guide. 12' N. Y: 1854. ELLIOTT, J-.D. Biographical Notice of. 12' Phila: 1835. ELLIOTT, J. H. Credit, the Life of Commerce. 12' Loud: 1855. ELLIOTT, W. Carolina Sports by Land and Water. 120 N. Y: 1859. ELLIS, G. E. Half Century of the Unitarian Controversy. 8' Bost: 1857. ELLIS, G. Early English Metrical Romances. 120 Loud: 1848. ELLIS, H. Elgin and Phigalelan Marbles. 2v. 12' Loud: 1846. - Proceedings of the Embassy to China. 2v. 8' Lond: 1818. ELLIS, H. T. Hong Kong to Manilla. 12'0 Loud: 1859. ELLIS, J. Avoidable Causes of Disease. 12' N. Y: 1860. ELLIS, (Mrs). Family Secrets. 2v. 12' Loud: 1841. - Guide to Social Happiness. 8' N. Y. - Hearts and Homes. 8' N. Y: 1852. - Mothers of England. 12' Loud: 1843. -Self Deception. 8' N. Y. - Somerville Hall. 12' Phila: 1851. - Temper and Temperament. 12', N. Y: 1846. - Wives of England. 8' Loud. - Women of England. 8' Loud. ELLIS, T. T. Diary of an Army Surgeon. 12' N. Y: 1863. ELLIS, W. Journal of a Tour Around Hawaii. 12' Bost: 1825. - Polynesian Researches. 4v. 12' Loud: 1859. - Three Visits to Madagascar. 8' N. Y: 18509. ELLSWORTH. Historical Chart of the U. States. 4' Best. ELNES, J. Thought Book of the Wise Spirits. 12' Bost: 1851. - Wren and his Times. 8' Loud: 1852. ELOGIA veris clarorum virerum imaginibus apposita. F. Venice: 1546. ELTON, C. A. Specimens of the Greek and Roman Classic Poets. 3v. 12' Phila: 1860. ELTON, R. Life of Roger Williams. 12' Providence, R. I: 1853. ELwES, A. Jaufroy; a Tale of the Times of K. Arthur. 12' N. Y: 1857. ELY, A. Journal of a Prisoner in Richmond. 12' N. Y: 1862. EIMBAssIEs and Foreign Courts. 12' Lound: 1856. EMBTTLY, E. C. Waldorf Family. 12' N. Y: 1852. 46 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE ENEN. EUSTACE. I EMERALD (The):.Tales, Poems and Essays. 120 Bost: 1866. EMERSON, J. Letters from the Adgean. 80 N. Y: 1829. EMERSON, R. W. Conduct of Life. 12~ Bost: 1861. - Same. - English Traits. 12~ Bost: 1859. - Essays. First series. 120 Bost: 1865. - Essays: Second Series. 120 Bost: 1860. - May Day, etc. 12~ Bost: 1867. - Miscellanies. 12~ Bost: 1858. - Poems. 12~ Bost: 1860. - Representative Men. 12~ Bost. EMILY and Uncle Hanse. 180 N. Y. EMILY CHESTER, a novel. 120 Bost: 1866. EMINENT MEN and Popular Books. 12~ Lond: 1860. EMMA CORBETT; or, Miseries of Civil War. 3v. 24~ Lond: 1780. EMMA DE LIssAU. Customs of the Jews. 12~ Phila: 1855. - Same. EMMET, R. Life and Times of. 12~ N. Y: 1857. - Life, Trial and Speech. 24~ Bost: 1852. EMmoNs, E. Nat. Hist. of N. Y. Vol. x. Geology. 4~ N. Y: 1842. - Nat. Hist. of N. Y. Agriculture. 5v. 4~ Albany: 1846 and 1856. EMMONS, N. Works. 6v. 8~ Bost: 1842. EMMONS, S. B. Spirit Land. 12~ Phila: 1859. EMORY, J. Defense of "Our Fathers." 8~ N.Y. EmoRY. Life of J. Emory. 8~ N. Y: 1851. EMORY, W. H. Military Reconnoissance. 8~ Wash: 1848. - U. S. Mexican Boundary Survey. 2v. 4~ Wash: 1857. ENCYCLOPEDIA AMERICANA. 14v. 8~ Bost: 1858. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANICA. 22V. 4~ Bost: 1860. ENCYCLOPAEDIA, EDINBURGH. See Brewster, D. ENCYCLOPEDIA METROPOLITANA. Chemistry, Mineralogyand Geology. 40 Lond. - Mathematical Treatises. 4~ Lond. - Mechanics, Magnetism, etc. 40 Lond. - Method, Logic and Rhetoric; Political Economy. 4~ Lond. ENDLESS AMUSEMENT. 12~ Phila: 1847. ENEN, W. Education of Children. 8~ N. Y: 1848. ENGEL, M. Essays and Tales. 18~ Lond: 1808. ENGLAND AND AMERICA. 8~ N. Y: 1834. ENGLISH IRISH DICTIONARY. 18' Dublin: 1814. ENIGMA. 12~ Lond: 1856. ENNEMOSER, J. History of Magic. 2v. 12' Lond: 1854. ENOCH RODEN'S TRAINING. 180 Bost. ENTHUSIASM of Methodists and Papists Compared. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1749-51. ENTICK, J, and others. History of the Late War. 5v. 8~ 1766-64. EOLOPOESIS. American Rejected Addresses. 12~ N. Y: 1855. EOTHEN. Traces of Travel. 12~ N. Y: 1858. EPHEMERA. 12~ Bost: 1852. EPHEMERIDES Anno Salutigero 1503. 4' EPPS, J. Life of John Walker. 8~ Lond: 1832. ERASMUS. Praise of Folly. 12" Lond. ERMAN, A. Travels in Siberia. 2v. 8" Lond: 1848. ERMELER, C. F. Herausgegeben von Lesebach. 12~ Paris: 1852. ERNALD; Martyr of the Alps, and other Poems. 12" Lond: 1863. ERNEST CARROLL; or, Artist Life in Italy. 120 Bost: 1859. ERNESTI, Jo. AUG. Clavis Ciceronis. 3v. 12~ Bost: 1815-16. ERSKINE, T. Truth of Revealed Religion. 180 Andover: 1853. ESPINASSE, I. Cases at Nisi Prius. 80 Lond: 1794. ESPRIELLA, M. A. Letters from England. 120 Bost: 1807. ESSAY on Crimes and Punishments. 8~ Lond: 1770. ESSAY on Transcendentalism. 12~ Bost: 1842. EssAYs Descriptive and Moral. 12~ Edinb: 1823. ESTVAN, B. War Pictures from the South. 120 N. Y: 1864. ETHELWARD'S CHRONICLE. 120 Lond: 1848. ETHICS OF AMERICAN SLAVERY. 12~ N. Y: 1861. ETON SCHOOL DAYS. 12~ Lond: 1864. ETON, W. Turkish Empire. 8~ Lond: 1801. EULER, L. Letters on Natural Philosophy. 2v. 18~ N. Y: 1833. EURIPEDES TRAGEDIES. 2v. 12~ Lond: 1854-7. EUSEBIUS PAMPHILUS. Eclesiastical History. 12~ Lond: 1858. EUSTACE, J. C. Tour through Italy. 2v. 4' Lond! 1R1 - CITY OF DETROIT. 47 - I t' 1- -I -cl EXTRACTS. FARRAR. EVANS, A. J. Beulah. 120 N. Y: 1860. - Inez. 120 N. Y: 1865. EVANS, F. W. Biographies of Ann Lee and other Shakers. 12~ N. Y: 1859. EvANs, G. Dairyman's Manual. 8~ Utica: 1851. EVANs, G. W. D. Classic and Connoisseur in Italy and Sicily. 3v. 8~ Lond: 1835. EVANS, M. A. Adam Bede. 12~ N. Y: 1861. - Mill on the Floss. 12~ N. Y: 1860. - Romola; a Novel. 12' N. Y: 1863. - Romola, with illustrations. 80 N. Y: 1863. - Scenes of Clerical Life. 2v. 80 Lond: 1858. - Silas Marner; Weaver of Raveloe. 12~ N.Y: 1861. - See Eliot, G. EVELYN, C. Companion; After Dinner. 12' N.Y: 1850. EVELYN, J. Diary and Correspondence. 4v. 12~ Lond: 1847. - History of Religion. 2v. 12~ Lond: 1850. - Miscellaneous Writings. 4~ Loud: EVELYN, L. A. Conducting Industrial Schools. 8~ Lond: 1845. EVENINGS AT HADDON HALL. 12~ Lond. EVEREST, C. Poets of Connecticut. 12~ N. Y: 1864. EVERETT, A. H. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. 12~ Bost: 1845. - Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. Second series. 12~ Bost: 1846. EVERETT, E. Mount Vernon Papers. 12~ N. Y: 1860. - Orations and Speeches. 3v. 8~ Bost: 1859-60. EVERETT, Mrs. Life. See Benjamin, Mrs. EVERETT, W. University of Cambridge, Eng. 12~ Cambridge: 1865.. EWBANK, T. Hydraulic Machines. 8~ N. Y: 1851. - Life in Brazil. 8' N. Y: 1856. - World a Workshop. 12~ N. Y: 1855. EWING, A. Practical Astronomy. 8~ Burlington, N. J: 1812. EXCELSIOR. Help to Progress in Religion, Science, etc. 2v. 12~ N. Y: 1854. EXHIBITION of the Works of Industy of All Nations, 1851. 8~ Lond: 1852. - Same. EXTRACTS from the Diary of a Living Physician. 12~ Lond: 1851. EXTRACTS from the Fathers, Historians and Writers of the Church. 120 Dublin: 1860. EXTRACTS from the Reports of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools. 120 Lond: 1852. ABER, M. Internal State of France. 8~ Phila: 1812. FABRICY, G. L'Epoque de l'equitation et de 1'usage des chars equestres chez les Anciens. 8~ Marseilles: 1764. FABLE for Critics. 18~ Bost: 1864. FABLES for the Female Sex. 12~ Lond: 1766. FACCIOLATUS ET FORCELLINUS. Totius Latinitatis Lexicon. 4v. F. Pativinum: 1805. FAIRBAIRN, H. Political Economy of Railroads. 8~ Lond: 1836. FAIRFAX, E. Jerusalem Delivered, tr. from Tasso. 2v. 12~ N. Y: 1846. FAIRFIELD, S. L. Abaddon, the Spirit of Destruction. 8~ N. Y: 1830. FAIRHOLT, F. W. Tobacco; its History. 18~ Lond: 1859. FAIRIES of Our Garden. 12~ Bost: 1867. FAITHFUL SHEPHERD. (Thomas Scott.) 180 Northampton, Mass: 1865. FAITH GARTNEY'S GIRLHOOD. 120 Bost: 1865. FALCONER, W. Poetical Works. 12~ Bost: 1863. FALLOON, D. History of Ireland. 12~ Montreal: 1863. FALLS OF NIAGARA. 24~ Lond: 1866. FAmous BoYs; How they became Great Men. 120 N. Y: 1861. FANCOURT, C. ST. J. History of Yucatan. 180 Lond: 1854. FAREY, J. Steam Engine. 40 Lond: 1827. FARLEY, H. Shells from the Strand of the Sea of Genius. 12" Bost: 1847. FARLEY, S. Theological Topics. 12~ Bost: 1851. FARNHAM, E. W. Ideal Attained. 120 N. Y: 1865. - Life in Prairie Land. 120 N. Y: 1846. FARNHAM, T. F. Travels in Western Prairies. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1843. FARQUHAR, G. Works. 2v. 12~ Lond: 1721. FARRAGUT, D. G. Life. See Headley, P. C. FARRAR, A. S. History of Free Thought. 8~ N. Y: 1863. 48 PUBLTC LIBRARY OF THE --- FERN. FISHER. -- -- FARRAR., F. W. Eric;- a, Tale of Roslyn School. 120 N. Y: 1865. FARRAR, J. Recollections of Seventy Years. 120 Bost: 1866. FARR, E. History of England. 12' Lond: 1857. FARR) J. Morning and Evening Prayers. 18' Bost: 1843. FASQUELLE, L. Esprit de la Conversation Francaise. 120 N. Y: 1861. FATHER CLARK, the Pioneer Preacher. 180 N. Y: 1855. FALKNER, T. Designs for Monuments. 40 bond. FATJRiEL. C. C. History of Provencal Poetry. 8' N. Y: 1860. FAUvEL, C. G. Phreno -Mnemo - Technic Dictionary. 8' N. Y: 1844. - Phreno - Mnemo - Techny. 8' bond: 1845. FAVORITE Passages in Modern Christian Biography. 12' bond. FAY, TH. S. The Countess. 3v. 12' Lond: 1840. FEATRERSTONEKIATJH, G. W. Geological Reco-nnois sance. 8' Wash: 1836. FELICE, G. DE. Protestants of France. 8' N. Y: 1851. F.ELToN, C. C. Greece, Ancient and Modern. 2v. Boat: 1867. - GreekReader. 120 Hartford, Conn: 1846. - Letters from Europe. 12' Boat: 1866. - Memorial of J. S. Popkin. 8' Camb: 1852. - Selections from Modern Greek. 12' Camb: 1857. - Same. - Selections from the Greek Historians. 12' Camb: 1864. FE-uAE Agency among the Heathen. 18' bond: 1850. FENELON. Adventures of Telamachus. 12' N. Y: 1864. - Aventures de Telemaque. 2v. 8' Paris: 1824. - Eight Books of Telamachna. 12' Phila: 1812. FENN, J. Paston Letters. 12' bond: 1849. FERGUSON, A. The Roman Republic. 5v. 8' Edinb: 1799. FiERUSONs, J. Astronomy. 2v. 8', Edinb: 1821. - Lectures on Mechanics. 3v. 8' Phila: 1814. FERN LEAvEs from Fanny's Portfolio. 12', Auburn: 1853. - Second Series. 8' Auburn: 1854. - Same. FERN, F. Little Ferns. 18' Auburu; 1854. - Rose Clark. 8' N. Y: 1856. - Ruth Hall. 12' N. Y: 1855. FERRY, B. Antiquities of the Priory of Christ Church. 4' Lund: 1841. FERRIAR, J. Theory of Apparitions. 18' bond: 1813. FERRIS, B. Utah and the Mormons. 12' N. Y: 1856. FEssENDEN & Co. American Annual Register of Public Events. 8'0 Brattleboro: 1831. FEsSENDEN, T. G. Farmer and Rural Economist. 120 N. Y. - Modern Philosopher. 8' Phila: 1806. FEURREACKI, A. R. Criminal Trials. 12' N. Y: 1855. FEUILLET, 0. Romance of a Poor Young Man. 120 N. Y: 1864. FEVAL, P. be Mendiant Noir: La Circassienna, par A. de bavergne; Les Pedche's Mignons, par A. de Gondrecourt; Annonciade; Hist Contemp. par E. Gonzales. 8' N. Y. FIELD, A. M. Aitha. 12' Bust: 1856. FIELD, H. M. Atlantic Telegraph. 12' N. Y: 1866. - Summer Pictures from Copenhagen to Venice. 12' N. Y: 1859. FIELD, M. City Architecture. 8' N. Y: 1854. FIELD, T. W. Pear Culture. 12' N. Y: 1858. FIELDING, H. Amelia. 12' N. Y: 1857. - Works of. 4v. 41' Lund: 1762. FIEILDs, W. Scrap Book. 8' Phila: 1861. FILxER, R. Freeholders Grand Inquest. 12c' bond: 1679. FINGER - POSy to Public Business. 12' N. Y: 1864. FINLEY, J. B. The Wyandotte Mission. 12' Cinc: 1840. FINLEY, R. Life. See Brown, J. V. FINNEY, C. G. Sermons. 8' N. Y: 1816. FINNEY, C. C. Sermons, and TUCKER, E. W. Oregon. 12' N. Y: 1836. FIRESIDE BOOK. 24' Phila. FIRST THOUrGRTS. 12' N. Y: 1855. FISCHER, C. Latin Grammar. 12' N. Y: 1867. F~ISCHER? K. Francis Bacon of Verulam. 12' bond: 1857. FiSRROURNE. Impressions of China. 12' Lund: 1855. FISHExR, C. P. Life of Benj. Silliman. 2v. 12' N. Y: 1866. FISHER, It. S. and COLBY, C. Annual for the year 1854. 8' N. Y: 1854. ClITIY OF DETROIT. 49 FLEURY. FOREST. FISHER,, S. W. Sermons and Addresses. 8' N. Y: 1860. - Three Temptations of Young Men. 120 Clue: 1852. - Same. FISHER, S. G. Trial of the Constitution. 80 Phila: 1862. FIsK, F. Recollections of Mary Lyon. 120 Bost. FISK, W. S. Travels in Europe. 5' N. Y: 1838. FITCH, C. WV. James, the Lord's Brother. 15' N. Y: 1558, FITCH, J. Army of the Cumberland. 5' Phila: 1864. FITZGERALD, G. Originality and Permanency of the Biblical Hebrew. 5' Dublin: 17116. FITZGERALD, W. Boston Machinist. 15' N. Y: 1866. FITZOSHORNE, T. Letters. 5' Lond: 1763. FITZPATRICK, W. J. Informers of 1798. 120 Dublin: 1866. FLAGG, E. Commercial Relations of the U. S. 40 Wash: 1856. FLAGG, W. Mount Auburn. 120 Bost: 1861. - Studies in the Field. 12' Bust: 1857. FLANDERS, H. Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of the U. S. 2v. 5' Phila: 1858. FLAXMAN, J. Compositions of the "Acts of Mercy." F. Lound: 1831. FLEETWOOD, J. Lebensgeschichte Jesn Christi. 80 Hartford: 1860. - History of the Bible. 50 N. Y: 1855. - Life of Jesus Christ. 5' New Haven: 1832. FLEEING, W. Vocabulary of Philosophy. 12' N. Y: 1866. FLETCHER, JAMES C. Brazil. 5' Bust: 1867. FLETCHER, JAs. History of Poland. 15' N. Y: 1841. FLETCHER, J.. Difficulties of Protestantism. 180 Bait. - Last Check to Antinomianism. 121, Loud: 1834. - Studies on Slavery. 5' Natchez: 1852. FLETCHER., M. Methodists. 2v. 5' N. Y: 1859. FLEUREY DE CHABOULON. Memoires de Napoleon en 1815. 2v. 8' Loud: 1819, 1820. FLEURY. L'Histoire des Moeurs et Costumes des Fraugais. 18' Paris: 1844. - Discovery of America. 12' Loud: 1849. FLINT, C. L. Grasses and Forage Plants. 12' N. Y: 1859. -Mulch Cows and Dairy Farming. 5' Bust: 1860. FLINT, T. Geography of the Mississippi Valley. 5' Cluc: 1833. FLORENCE BETRAYED. 12' Bust: 1856. FLORENCE OF WORCESTER; Chronicle of. 12' Loud: 1854. FLORIAN. Gounzalve de Cordove. 24' Paris: 1821. FLOURENS, P. Circulation of the Blood. 15' Chic: 1859. FL81REL, J. C. Haudhuch der Englischen Handels -Correspondenz. 12' Leipzig: 1848.. FOLLEN, C. Works. 5v. 12', Bost: 1842. FOLLEN, E. L. Home Dramas. 12' Bost: 1859. - Writings of Fenelon. 12' Bost: 1861. FONTENELLE, M. Oeuvres Diverses. 12' Loud: 1714.FOOTE, A. L. R. School of Christ. 18' Bust: 1855. FOOTE, H. S. War of the Rebellion. 12' N. Y: 1866. FOOTSTEPS Of St. Paul. 12' N. Y: 1859. FORHES, C. S. Campaign of Garibaldi. 5' Loud: 1861. FORBES, DUNCAN. Life. See Burton, J. H. FORBES, E. A. Impressions of Europe. 12' 1803. FORBES, J. Happiness; Its relations to work and knowledge. 12' Phila: 1851. -Physiological Effects of Alcoholic Drinks. 12c' Bust: 1848. FORBES, R. B. Shipwreck by Lightning. 5' Bost: 1851. FORBES, Lt. Col. Trial of Win. Hull. 5' N.Y: 1814. FORBES, R. N. Service in the African Blockade. 5' L oud: 1849. FORBES, W. Life and Writings of James Beattie. 8' Phila: 1806. FORD, J. Steps to the Sanctuary. 12' Camb: 1858. FORDYCE, D. Dialogues concerning Educatio-n. 2v. 5' Loud: 1757. FOREIGN Quarterly Review. 37v. 5' Loud: 1827-1846. FORESTER, F. The Dog, by Dinks. 12', N. Y: 1857. - Warwick Woodlands. 12' N. Y: 1851. - See Herbert, Henry W. FORESTER, T. Paris and its Environs. 12' Loud: 1859. FOREST HILL CEMETERY. 12' Roxbury: 1555. PU-BLIC LIBRARY. -TD. 50 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE FOXE. FREMONT. FORREST, T. Voyage to New Guinea. 40 Lond: 1780. FORREST, W. S. Sketches of Norfolk. 80 Phila: 1853. - Same. FORSTER, G. Voyage round the World. 2v. 4. Lond: 1777. FORSTER, J. R. Discoveries made in the North. 4~ Lond: 1786. FORSTER, T. Atmospheric Phenomena. 80 Lond: 1823. FORSYTH, W. Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero. 2v. 120 N.Y: 1865. - Napoleon at St. Helena. 3v. 8' Lond: 1853. FORT, C. D. Die einfache und Doppelte Buchhaltung. 4~ Leipzig: 1841. FORTEGUERRI. First canto of Ricciardetto. Tr. by Ld. Glenbewie. 80 Lond: 1822. FORTUNE, R. Wanderings in China. 8~ Lond: 1847. FORTY YEARS in the World. 3v. 12~ Lond: 1825. FOSDICK. W. W. Ariel, and other Poems. 12~ N.Y. FOSTER, A. F. History of England. 120 Lond: 1861. FOSTER, B. F. Double Entry Elucidated. 4~ Lond: 1862. FOSTER BROTHER. 120 N. Y. 1859. -- Same. FOSTER, G. G. AND OTHERS. French Revolution of 1848. 80 Phila: 1848. FOSTER, J. Essays for the Eclectic Review. 2v. 12~ Lond: 1836. - Fosteriana. 12~ Lond: 1858. - Gems of Beauty. 12~ N. Y: 1857. - Lectures Delivered at Bristol. 2v. 120 Lond: 1861. - Life and Correspondence. 2v. 12~ Lond: 1852. FouquE, F. DE LA MOTTE. Thiodolf, the Icelander. 120 N. Y: 1865. - Undine and Sintram. 12~ Phila: 1861. FOURIER, C. Passions of the Human Soul. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1851. - Social Destiny of Man. 8~ N. Y: 1857. FOWLER, H. Papal Power. See Bush, G. FOWLER, J. Tour in the State N. Y. 12~ Loud: 1831. FOWLER, O. S. and L. N. Self Instructor in Phrenology. 180 N. Y: FOWLER, W. C. English Grammar. 8~ N.Y: 1857. FOWLER, W. B. Parlor Dramas. 120 N. Y: 1859. FoxE, J. Monuments of the Church. 8~ Lond. FOXE, J. Book of Martyrs. 8~ N. Y: 1831. Fox, F. New Testament. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1748. Fox, GEORGE. Life. See Janney, S. M. Fox, S. Noble Army of Martyrs. 12~ N. Y: 1860. FOXTON, E. Herman. 12~ Bost: 1866. - Premices. 120 Bost: 1855. FRANCE, Her Martyrs and Reformers. 18~ Lond: 1851. FRANCE; Its King, Court and Government. 120 Lond: 1840. FRANCHERE, G. Voyage to the N. W. coast of America. 12~ N. Y: 1854. FRANCIS, G. H. Orators of the Age. 12~ N. Y: 1847. FRANCIS, J. W. Old New York. 12' N. Y: 1866. FRANCIS, S. W. Inside Out. 12' N. Y: 1865. FRANCIS THE FIRST. Life and Times. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1829. FRANCKE, A. H. Memoirs. 180 Phila: FRANKLIN, B. Life, with selections. 12~ Bost: 1853. - Memoirs of. 2v. 120 N.Y: 1859. - Select Works. 12~ Bost: 1853. - Works. 10v. 8~ Bost: 1844. FRASER, J. B. Account of Persia. 18~ N. Y: 1834. - Mesopotamia and Assyria. 18~ N. Y: 1842. FRASER, J. Sermons at Oxford. 18~ Oxford: 1855. FRASER, R. W. Day and Night. 18~ Lond: 1855. FREDERICK THE SECOND. Life of. 2v. 18~ N.Y: 1841-3. - Life. See Carlyle, T. See Dover, Ld. FREIDLEY, E. T. Chances to make money. 12~ Phila: 1859. - Treatise on business. 12~ Phila: 1852. FREEMAN, F. Plea for Africa. 160 Phila: 1836. FREEMAN, J. J. and JOHNS, D. Persecutions of the Christians in Madagascar. 12~ Lond: 1840. FREESE, J. H. Everybody's Book. 12~ Lond: 1860. FREEMANTLE. Three months in Southern States. 120 N. Y: 1864. FRELINGHUYSEN, THEODORE. Life. See Chambers, T. W. FR4MONT, J. B. Die Leibgarde. 12~ Bost: 1863. - Story of the Guard. 18~ N. Y: 1861. CITY OF DETROIT. 51 c~-3~--~---~ --- - FRY. GALLILEO. FnEMONT, J. C. Life. See Bigelow, J. See Upham, C. W. - Expedition to the Rocky Mountains. 8' Wash: 1845. - Same. FRENCH, B. F. Historical Collections of Louisiana. 4v. 8~ N. Y: 1846-52. - Memoirs of Louisiana. 8~ N. Y: 1853. - Rise and Progress of the Iron Trade. 8~ N. Y: 1858. FRENCH REVOLUTION. 180 Phila. FRENEAU, P. Poems. 180 N. Y. 1865. FREYTAG, G. Debt and Credit. 12~ N. Y: 1858. - Same. FRICK, J. Physical Technies. 8~ Phila: 1862. FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS. 120 Phila: 1858. FRIENDS IN COUNCIL. 2v. 12' N. Y: 1863. FRIENDS IN COUNCIL. New Series. 2v. N. Y: 1863. FRIGNANI, ANGELO. Nil Desperandum. 120 Lond: 1859. FRILDING, J. H. Beauchamp. 4v. 12~ Lond: 1817. FROISSART, J. Chronicles of England, France, and Spain. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1839. - Same. Abridged. Vol. i. 12~. FROM DAWN TO DARK in Italy. 12~ Bost. FROM HAY TIME TO HOPPING. 120 N. Y: 1861. FROST, J. Book of the Indians. 12~ Hartford: 1844. - Heroic Women of the West. 120 Phila: 1854. - Panorama of Nations. 12~ Auburn: 1852. - Pictorial History of the Middle Ages. 4~ Phila: 1846. FROTHINGHA, N. L. Metrical Pieces. 12~ Bost: 1855. FROTHINGHAM, O. B. Stories of the Patriarchs. F. Bost: 1864. FROTHINGHAX, R. Life of Joseph Warren. 8~ Bost: 1865. - Tribute to T. S. King. 12~ Bost: 1865. FROUDE, J. A. History of England. 10v. 12~ N. Y: 1865. FRY, C. Assistant of Education. 9v. 8~ Lond: 1823- 7. - Autobiography and Letters. 12~ Phila: 1848. - Christ our Law. 12~ N. Y: 1843. - Listener. 2v. 12~ Phila: 1844. FRY E. Essays. 12~ Edinb: 1857. - Memoir of. 2v. 8~ Phila: 1847. FRY, S. M. Young Hop Pickers. 180 N. Y. FRY, W. H. Artificial Fish Breeding. 12~ N. Y: 1854. FULKE, W. Answer to Fortress Overthrown. 8~ Camb: 1848. FULLER, A. Works. 12~ Lond: 1852. FULLER, F. A. and METTA V. Poems. 120 N. Y: 1851. FULLER, M. V. Fashionable Dissipation. 12~ Phila: 1860. - Lives of Female Mormons. 12~ N. Y: 1860. - Parke Madison. 12~ Auburn: 1855. FULLER, R. J. Sketch of a New England Clergyman. 12~ Bost: 1864. FULLER, S. M. Literature and Art. 12~ N. Y: 1852. - See Ossoli. FULLER, T. Good Thoughts in Bad Times. 12~ Bost: 1863. FULLERTON, A. Gazeteer of England and Wales. 4v. 80 Edinb: 1854. - Gazeteer of Scotland. 2v. 80 Edinb: 1853. FULLERTON, G. Ellen Middleton. 12~ Leipzig: 1846. - Grantley Manor. 2v. 12~ Leipzig: 1847. - Lady Bird. 2v. 12~ Leipzig: 1853. - Too Strange not to be True. 8~ N. Y: 1865. FULLOM, S. W. Marvels of Science. 120 N. Y: 1854. - Same. FURNESS, W.H. Julius. 12~ Phila: 1856. - Same. - Mirror of Nature. 8~ Phila: 1848. FUSELI, H. On Painting. See Barry. Fuss, J. D. Roman Antiquities. 8~ Qxford: 1840. G AGE, F. D. Elsie Magoon. 12~ Phila: 1867. GAGE, W. S. Life of Carl Ritter. 12~ N. Y: 1867. GAIL HAMILTON. See Dodge, M. A. GALIGNANI'S New Paris Guide for 1851. 18~ Paris. - Guide through Switzerland. 18~ Paris: 1819. GALILEo, G. Life. 12~ Bost: 1832. 52 THE PUBLIC LIBRAR Y OF CASPERIN. GALLAUDET, T. H. Youth's Book of Natural Theology. 18~ N. Y. GALL, F. J. Origin of the Qualities and Faculties of Man. 6v. 120 Bost: 1825. GALT,J. Autobiography. 2v. 12~ Phila: 1833. - Diary of the times of George the Fourth. 2v. 8~ Phila: 1839. - Last of the Lairds. 120 Edinb: 1826. - Same. - Laurie Todd. 18~ N. Y: 1847. - Life of Lord Byron. 18~ N. Y: 1836. - Lives of the Players. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1831. GALT, J. and LOCKHART, J. G. Adam Blair and Matthew Wald. 12~ Edinb: 1849. GAMBIER, LORD. Memorials. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1861. GAMMELL, W. American Baptist Missions in Asia, Africa, Europe and North America. 12~ Bost: 1849. GAN-EDEN; or, Pictures of Cuba. 12~ Bost: 1854. GANGANELLI: Letters of Pope Clement xiv. 4v. 12~ Lond: 1812. GANGOOLY, J. C. Life of the Hindoos. 120 Bost: 1860. GARBETT, E. God's Word Written. 120 Bost. GARDINER, F. Last of the Epistles. St. Jude's. 120 Bost: 1856. GARDINER, JAMES. Life. See Doddridge, P. GARDNER, G. Travels in Brazil. 8~ Lond: 1849. GARFIT, A. Education Question Practically Considered. 12~ Lond: 1862. GARLAND, H. A. Life of John Randolph. 2v. 8~ N. Y: 1860. GARIBALDI. Life. See Dwight, T. GARLICK, T. Artificial Propogation of Fish. 8~ Cleveland: 1851. GARNEAU, F. X. Canada. See Bell, A. GARRISON, W. L. Writings and Speeches. 120 Bost: 1852. GARVE, C. Leben des Verfassers. u. Gesner's Idyllen. 24~ Heldburghausen: 1845. GASKELL, E. C. Life of Charlotte Bronte. 12~ Lond: 1858. - Life of Charlotte Bronte. 12 N. Y: - Life of Charlotte Bronte. 2v. 12~ Leipzig: 1859. - Lizzie Leigh and Other Tales. 120 Leipzig: 1855. - Right at Last. 12~ N. Y: 1860. - Wives and Daughters. 8S N. Y: 1866. GASPERIN, COUNT A. America before Europe. 12~ N. Y: 1862. GIRARD. GASPEnIN, COUNT A. Science vs. Modern Spiritualism. 2v. 12i N. Y: 1858. - Uprising of a Great People. 12~ N. Y: 1862. GASSENDUS, P. Mirror of True Nobility, the Ld. of Peiresk. 12~ Lond: 1657. GARTON, H. Scripture Account of the Faith of Christians. 8~ Phila: 1820. GATTY, A. Aunt Judy's Tales. 120 Lond: 1863. - Human Face Divine. 18~ Lond: 1860. - Melchoir's Dream. 120 Lond: 1862. - Old Folks from Home. 120 Lond: 1862. - The Poor Incumbent. 12~ Lond: 1858. GAUSS, C. F. Theoria Motufs. Bost: 1857. GAUTIER, T. Romance of the Mummy. 120 N. Y: 1863. - Wanderings in Spain. 8~ Lond: 1853. - Semaine Litteraire du Courrier des Itats- Unis. Deux Etoiles. 8~ N. Y. GAYARRE, C. Louisiana: its History. 8~ N. Y: 1851. - Louisiana, its History as a French Colony. 8~ N. Y: 1852. - History of Louisiana. S8 N. Y: 1854. - Philip n of Spain. 8~ N. Y: 1866. - School for Politics. 120 N. Y: 1854. GAY, J. Poetical Works. 2v. 12~ Bost: GAYWORTHYS, THE: A Story of Threads and Thrums. 12~ Bost: 1865. GELDART, T. Emilie, the Peacemaker. 18~ N. Y: 1860. - History of England. 12~ N. Y: 1860. - Stories of Scotland. 12~ N. Y: 1861. - Truth in Everything. 18~ N. Y: 1860. GELL, W. Pompeiana. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1837. - Topography of Rome and Vicinity. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1846. - Pompeiana. 80 Lond: 1852. GELZER, M. Life of Martin Luther. 8~ Lond: 1855. GEMS OF AMERICAN POETRY. 80 N. Y: 1840. GENLIS, MME DE. Siege de la Rochelle. 12~ N. Y: 1847. GEORGE MELVILLE: a Novel. 12~ N. Y: 1858. GEORGE II. Reign of. See Bisset, R. GEORGIAN ERA. 4v. 8~ Lond: 1832-3-4. GEORGIA: Scenes, Characters, Incidents, etc. 12~ N. Y: 1857. GEARALDINE: Tale of Conscience. 12~ Lond: 1860. GERAMB, M. J. Pl4erinage a Jerusalem. 3v. 8~ Paris: 1839. - Pilgrimage to Jeruselem. 2v. 12~ Phila: 1840. GERARD, A. Account of Koonawur. 8~ Lond: 1841. CITY O F D ETROIT. GIHON. GILP IN. G-ERHARD, F. Illinois as it is. 120 Chicago: 1857. GERRY, ELBRIDGE. Life. See Austin, J. T. G-ERSTAEOKER, F. Journey Round the World. 120 N. Y: 1854. - Travels of. 120 Lond: 1854. - Wanderings of German Emigrants. 120 N. Y: 1848. - Same. GFRvrNus, G. G. History of the Nineteenth Century. 12' Lu-nd: 1853. GEsENrUS, W. Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament. 80 Bost: 1863. - Hebrew Grammar. 8" Bost: 1842. GESKER, A. New Brunswick. 80 Lund: 1847. GEssNER, S. Works of. 3v. 120 Liverpool: 1802. GETTING ON. A Tale. 2v. 120 Lund. - Same. GIAFAR AL BAxinIKi. Court of Haroun al Raschid. 2v. 120 N. Y: 1816. GulaINes, R. Roman Index Expurgatorins. 120 Dublin: 1817. GIBBON, E. Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 8v. 80 Bust: 1854,--5. - Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 7v. 120Lound: 1853. - Life of MKahomet. 180 N. Y: 1859. - Miscellaneous Works. 3v. 40 Lund: 1796-1815. GIBBONS, J. S. Debt of the U. States. 120 N. Y: 1867. GIBBS, G. Judicial Chronicle. 8' Camb: 1814. - Administrations of Washington and Adams. 2v. 8'D N. Y: 1846. GIBBs, J. W. Hebrew and English Lexicon. 80 New Haven: 1812. GIBSON, E., Codex Juris Ecclesiastici Anlilcani. 2v. F. Lound: 1718. GIBSON, H. Art of Dying. 8' Willimantic: 1861. GIBSON, W. M. Prison of Weltevreden. 12' N. Y: 1855. GIBSON, W. Year of Grace. 80 Bust: 1860. GIDDINGeS, J. H. Exiles of Florida. 120 Columbus, 0: 1858. - History of the Rebellion. 8' N. Y: 1864. - Speeches in Congress. 12' Bust: 1858. GIFFORD, J. History of France. 4v. 40 Phila: 1796-7It. GIFFORD, W. Baviad and Maeviad. 12' Lund: 1811. GIIION, A. L. Life of Mary, Mother of Our Lord. 12' Phila: 1858. Grniox, J. H. Geary's Administration in Kansas. 12' Phila: 1857. GILBERT, J. T. Viceroys of Ireland. 8' Dublin: 1865. GILBERT, W. De Profundis. 12'Lound: 1866. -Magic Mirror. 12' Lund: 1866. - Monomaniac. 12' N. Y: 1864. GILEs, H. Christian Thought on Life. 12' Bust: 1850. - Illustrations of Genius. 12' Bust: 1854. - Lectures and Essays. 2v. 12' Bust: 1851. GILEs, J. A. Historical Documents. 8* Lund: 1847. - History of the Ancient Britons. 8' Lund: 18417. - Ed. of the Works of Bade. 6v. 8' See Bede. GILFILLAN G. Bards of the Bible. 120. N. Y: 1859. - Modern Literature. 120 N. Y: 1856. - Modern Literature and Literary Men. 120 N. Y: 1859. - Third Gallery of Portraits. 12' N. Y: 1855. GILLESPIE, W. M. Road Making. 8' N. Y: 1851. GIILETT, E. H. Life of John Huss. 2v. 8' Bust: 1864. GILLIAMI, A. M. Travels in Mexico. 1.' Aberdeen: 1847. GsaLLEs, J. History of Ancient Greece. 8', N. Y: 1861. - Memoirs of George Whitetleld. 8' Hartford, Conn: 1851. - Another copy. 8' Phila: 1854. GILLIss, J. M. U-. S. Naval Astronomical Expedition. 2v. 4' Phila: 1856. GILLMJAN. Marked for Life. 12' N. Y: 1868. GILMAN, C. Oracles from the Poets. 12' N. Y: 1854. - Recollectiuns of a Southern Matron. Phila: 1854. GILMAN, S. Contributions to Literature. 8' Bust: 1856. GruaomeI J. R. Among the Guerillas. 12' N. Y: 1866. - Life of Jesus. 12', Bust: 1867. - My Southern Friends. 12' N. Y: 1861. - On the Border. 12' Bust: 1867. - See Kirke, Edmund. GIM oR, H. Four Years in the Saddle. 12' N. Y: 1866. GILPIN, W. Life of Bernard Gilpin. 12' Lund: 1751. - Lives of John Wickliffe and Disciples, 12' N. Y: 1814. 54 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE GOD WIN. GOOD. GILPIN, W. Observations on England. 2v. 8' Lond: 1808. GILPIN, W. S. Landscape Gardening. 8o Lond: 1835. GILSON, A. The Czar and Sultan. 12o N. Y: 1853. GiRALnUs, CAMBRENsis. Historical Works. 12' Lond: 1863. GIcARDNu, E. Poedales Complates. 12' Paris: 1856. GIIIAUDhII'E, DiE LA. Souvenirs di' un Vicux P~cheur. 120 Tours: 1853. GIRONIaREa, P. P. Twenty Years in the Philippines. 120 N. Y: 1854. - Same. GISnosuca, T. Duties of the Female Sex. 240 Lond: 1847. - Poems; Sacred and Moral. 180 Loud: 1799. GLADSTONE, T. H. Englishman in Kansas. 120 N. Y: 1857. GLASCOCic, W. N. Naval Service. 2v. 120 Lond: 1836. GLASS, F. Life of George Washington. Latin. 120 N. Y: 1835. GLEAlNINGS in Europe. 2v. 120 Phila: 18307. GLE1nG, G. R. History of the Bible. 2v. 180 N. Y: 1839. - Life of Sir Thomas Munro. 3v. 80 Loud: 1850. GLIMPESs OF NINEvAII, B. C. 690. 120 N. Y: 1857. GLOVaER, R. Leonidas: a Poem. 2v. 12' Loud: 1804. GLYNDON, H. Idyls of Battle. 180 N. Y: 1864. GOADBY, H. Animal and Vegetable Physiology. 8' N. Y: 1859. GOBAT, S. Three Years in Abyssinia. 120 N. Y: 1850. GODKIN, E. L. Hungary and the Magyars. 80 Loud: 1853. - Another copy, bound with Nos. of Rieviews for 1855. GODMAN, J. D. American Natural History. 2v. 8' Phila: 1860. GODWIN, B. Atheistic Controversy. 12' Loud: 1836. GODwrN, G. History in Ruins. 18' Loud: 1853. GODwIN, P. History of France. Ancient Gaul. 8' N. Y: 1860. GODWINc, W. Cloudesley. 2v. 12' N. Y: 1830. - Deloraine. 2v. 12' Phila: 1833. - Enquiry Concerning Political Justice. 2v. 8' Dublin: 1793. GODWINe, W. Life of Geoffrey Chaucer. 4v. 8' Loud: 1804. -Lives of Edward and John Philips. 4' Loud: 1815. -Population. 8' Loud: 1820. GOITRE. Auto - Biography. 2v. 12' Lond: 1848-9. - Campaign in France. 12' Loud: 1849. - Conversations. See Eckermann. - Correspondence with a Child. 12' Bost: 1859. - Essays on Art. 12' N. Y: 1862. - Faust. Tr. by Hayward. 12' Bost: 1866 - - Faust. Tr. by Brooks. 12' Bost: 1864. - Faust. Eine Trag~die. 24', Stuttgart: 1825. - Gedichte. 12' Stuttgart: 1825. - Herman and Dorothea. See Cochrane, J. - Minor Poetry. 8' Phila: 1850. - Novels and Tales. 12' Loud: 1854. - Poems and Ballads. 12' N. Y: 1863. - Sammtliche Werke. 6v. 8' Stuttgart: 1854. - Welhelm Meister's Apprenticeship. 3v. 8' Ediub: 1824. GOEITRE AND OTHERS. Song of the Bell, etc. 18' Ediunb: 1816. GOLDBEATER (The): a Novel. 3v. 12' Loud: 1852. GOLDNoI: CAPACELLI; GucAun; NOTA: Comedic Scelte. 12' Paris: 1855. GOLOaNoI. Life. See Copping, Ed. GOansMuTH, L. Cabinet of Bonaparte. *80 Loud: 1810. GOLDsMIT11, 0. History of England. 4v. 12' Perth: 1793. -History of the Earth. 2v. 8' Loud: 1857. -Ministre de Wakefield. 2v. 12' Loud: *1816. -Poetical Works. 12' Bost: 1863. -Vicar of Wakefield. 18' Phila. - Works. 4v. 8' Bost: 1854. GOLD, S. W. Education for the Millions. 18' N. Y: 1850. GoMERY of Montgomery. 12' N. Y: 1865. Goocis, D. W. Fort Pillow Massacre. 8' Wash: 1864. GOODELL, Wx. American Slave Code. 12' N. Y: 1853. - Democracy of Christianity. 2v. 12'0 N.Y: 1849. - Slavery and Anti -Slavery. 8' N. Y: 1852. GOODELL, SPOONER, MANN and Others. American Slavery; Power of Congress. 12' 1845 -7. GOOD, J. M. Book of Nature. 8' N. Y: 1835. CITY OF DETROIT. 55 - --~----- -- I- - I---------- GORRA. GRAHAM. GooD, W. W. Theorists Confuted. Farming. 8~ Lond: 1851. GOODMAN, J. R. Pennsylvania Biography. 120 Phila: 1839. GOODRICH, C. A. Bible History of Prayer. 12. Hartford: 1854. - Religious Ceremonies and Customs. 80 Hartford: 1834. - Universal Traveller. 80 Hartford, Conn: 1836. GOODRIcH, F. B. Man upon the Sea. 8" Phila: 1858. GOODRICH, S. G. The Animal Kingdom. 2v. 8~ N. Y: 1861. - Pictorial History of France. 12~ Phila: 1858. - Recollections of a Lifetime. 2v. 12* N. Y: 1856. GooDWIN, ED. C. Wayside Songs. N. Y: 1856. GOODWIN, FR. Domestic Architecture. 2v. 4~ Lond: 1850. GoonwrI, JOHN. Life. See Jackson, Thos. GooDwIN, T. S. Natural History of Secession. 12~ N.Y: 1864. - Same. GORDON, MRS. "Christopher North;" a Memoir of John Wilson. 8~ N. Y: 1863. GORDON, G. Sketches of Foreign Novelists. 12~ Lond: 1861. GORDON, H. Lovers and Thinkers. 180 N.Y: 1865. GORDON, J. History of Ireland to 1801. 2v. 8~ Dublin: 1805. GORDON, T. F. History of N. Jersey to 1788. 8~ Trenton: 1834. GoRE, MRs. C. G. Castles in the Air. 120 Leipzig: 1856. - Dean's Daughter. 2v. 12~ Leipzig: 1853. - Heckington. 2v. 12~ Leipzig: 1858. - Mammon. 120 N.Y. - Mammon. 2v. 120 Leipzig: 1855. - New Year's Day. 18o Bost. - Paris in 1841. 8~ Lond: 1842. - Progress and Prejudice. 2v. 12~ Leipzig: 1854. - The Two Aristocracies. 2v. 12~ Leipzig: 1857. G eRGEI, A. My Life and Acts in Hungary in 1848-9. 12~ Lond: 1852. GORnA, P. D. Churches and Sects of the U. States. 12~ N. Y: 1850. - Episcopal Methodism. 12~ Auburn: 1852. - Lives of Methodist Ministers. 12~ N. Y: 1856. GORTON, J. Biographical Dictionary. 4v. 8~ Lond: 1851. GOSPEL OF JOHN. In Hindostanee. 18~ Madras: 1852. GOSPEL OF LUKE. In Bengale. 12~ GossE, P. H. Evenings at the Microscope. 120 N. Y: 1860. - Life in its Lower, Intermediate and Higher Forms. 8~ N.Y: 1857. - Sacred Streams. 12~ N. Y: 1852. - Same. GossoN, S. School of Abuse. 80 Lond: 1841. GOUGE, W. M. Fiscal History of Texas. 8" Phila: 1852. GoUGH, J. B. Autobiography. 12~ Bost: 1853. GOULBURN, E. M. Study of the Scriptures. 12~ N. Y: 1866. - Sermons. 2v. 8~ N. Y: 1867. GOULBURN, E. M, and Others. Replies to Essays and Reviews. 12~ N. Y: 1862. GOULD, A. A. System of Natural History. 8~ Brattleboro': 1834. GOULD, E. S. Good English. 120 N. Y: 1867. - John Doe and Richard Roe. 12~ N. Y: 1862. GOULD, H. F. Diosama: a Perrenial. 8~ Bost: 1851. - GatheredLeaves. 12~ Bost: 1846. - Youth'sCoronal. 12~ N. Y: 1851. GOULD, N. D. Church Music in America. 12~ Bost: 1853. GOULD, W. M. Zephyrs from Italy and Sicily. 12' N.Y: 1852. GOURGAUD, G. Napoleon in Russia. 8~ Phila: 1825. GowANS, W. Catalogue of Books on Free Masonry. 12~ N. Y: 1858. GRACE GREENWOOD (Mrs. Lippincott). Forest Tragedy. 12~ Bost: 1856. - Poems. 12~ Bost: 1858. GRAFTON, H. D. Treatise on the Camp and March. 180 N.Y: 1861. GRAHAM, A. J. American Phonography. 120 N. Y. GRAHAM, G. F. English Synonyms. 120 N. Y: 1847. GRAHAM, I. Unpublished Letters. 12~ N. Y: 1838. GRAHAM, J. Life of Daniel Morgan. 12~ N. Y: 1856. GRAHAM, J. A. Speeches. 8~ N. Y: 1812. GRAHAM, MARY J. Life. See Bridges, C. GRAHAM, W. S. Remains. 12~ Phila: 1849. 56 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE GRAY. GREENWOOD. GRAHAM, S. Science of Human Life. 2v. 12~ Bost: 1839. - Philosophy of Sacred History. 12~ N. Y: 1855. - Bread and Bread making. 18~ Bost: 1837. GRAIHAE, J. History of the U. States. 2v. 8~ Phila: 1846. - History of the United States. 2v. 8~' Phila: 1856. GRANT, MRS. A. Correspondence. Ed. by J. P. Grant. 3v. 12~ Lond; 1845. - Letters from the Mountains. 12~ Lond: 1807. - Memoirs of an American Lady. 12~ N. Y: 1846. - Superstitions of the Highlanders. 12~ N. Y: 1813. GRANT, G. Life of Robert Bruce. 12~ Dublin. GRANT, J. British Senate. 2v. 12~ Phila: 1838. - British Senate. Second series. 2v. 12~ Phila: 1838. - Great Metropolis. 12~ N. Y: 1837. - Jane Seton. 120 N. Y: 1853. - Random Recollections. GRANT, J. MRS. Life. See Dwight, H. G. 0. GRANT, J. P. Memoir of Mrs. Grant, of Laggan. 3v. 12~ Lond: 1845. GRANT, R. History of Physical Astronomy. 8~ Lond: 1852. GRANT, W. Nature and Cure of Fevers. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1779. GRATTAN, T. C. Civilized America. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1859. - Heiress of Bruges. 3v. 12~ Lond: 1831. - History of the Netherlands. 180 N. Y: 1856. - Traits of Travel. 3v. 12~ Lond: 1829. GRAVES, J. R. Great Iron Wheel. Methodism. 120 Nashville, Tenn: 1860. GRAY, ALICE. Lily Huson. 120 N. Y. GRAY, AsA. Botanical Text Book. 8~ N. Y: 1850. - First Lessons in Botany. 8~ N. Y: 1866. - Manual of the Botany of the Northern U. States. 12~ Bost: 1848. GRAY, BARRY. Matrimonial Infelicities. 12 N. Y: 1865. - My Married Life at Hillside. 12~ N. Y: 1866. - Out of Town. 12~ N. Y: 1866. GRAY, J. C. Essays. 12~ Bost: 1856. GRAY, LADY JANE. Life. See Hodgson, F. GRAY, R. Key to the Old Testament. 8~ Lond: 1790. - Tour through Germany, Italy, etc. 8~ Lond: 1794. GRAY, T. Poetical Works. 12~ Bost: 1863. GRAY, T, and W. MAsoN. Correspondence. 8~ Lond: 1855. GRAYSON, P. W. Vice Unmasked. 8~ N. Y: 1830. GRAYSON, W. S. Theory of Christianity. 12~ N. Y: 1853. GREAT EXHIBITION of the Works of Industry of all Nations. 4v. 8~ Lond: 1851. GREAT NORTHERN ROUTE. American Lines. 18~ Buff: 1853. GREAT TRUTHS OF GREAT AUTHORS. 8~ Phila: 1859. GREECE: History. 8~ Lond: 1829. GREELEY, H. Art and Industry as Exhibited at the Crystal Palace. 12~ N. Y: 1853. - Hints toward Reforms. 12~ N. Y: 1857. - Life and Speeches of Henry Clay. 12~ Buff: 1853. - Overland Journey from N. Y. to San Francisco. 12~ N.Y: 1860. GREELEY, R. T. Violet; Child of the City. 12~ N. Y: 1864. GREEN, B. Miscellaneous Writings. 120 Whitesboro: 1841. - Sermons. 12~ N.Y: 1860. GREENE, J. H. Arts and Miseries of Gambling. 12~ Paila. 1847. - Gambling Unmasked. 12~ Phila: 1847. - Secret Band of Brothers. 12~ Phila: 1847. GREEN, N. W. Fifteen Years among the Mormons. 12~ N.Y: 1858. GREEN, T. J. Texan Expedition against Mier. 8~ N. Y: 1845. GREEN, W. H. Pentateuch Vindicated. 12~ N.Y: 1863. GREEN, G. W. Biographical Studies. 12~ N. Y: 1860. - Historical Studies. 120 N. Y: 1850. - View of the American Revolution. 12~ Bost: 1865. GREENFIELD, W. Book of Genesis. 8~ Lond: 1862. GREENLEAF, M. C. Life and Letters. 12~ Bost. GREENWAY. Ravellings from the Web of Life. 12~ N.Y: 1855. GREENWOOD, C. Child and Man. 80 Bost: 1855. GREENWOOD, F. W. P. Miscellaneous Writings. 80 Bost: 1846. - Sermons. 8 N. Y: 1828. CITY OF DETROIT. 57 GRIMKE. GR UND. GREENWOOD, GRACE. See Grace Greenwood (Mrs. Lippincott). GREENWOOD, JAs. Adventures of Reuben Davidger in Borneo. 8~ N. Y: 1866. - Curiosities of Savage Life. 2v. 80 Lond: 1863. GREER, MRs. J. R. Society of Friends. (Quakers.) 2v. 12~ Lond: 1852. - Another copy. 12~ N. Y: 1853. GREGOROVIUS, FRED. Corsica. Tr. by Ed. J. Morris. 8~ Phila: 1855. - See Morris, E. J. GREGORY, J. Civil Engineering. 8~ Lond. GREGORY, O. Evidences of the Christian Religion. 12~ Lond: 1851. - Memoirs and Correspondence of Robert Hall. 18~ Bost: 1833. GREGORY: CHAPONE: PENNINGTON. Letters and Advice to Daughters. 18~ N. Y. GREGORY, WM. Outlines of Chemistry. 80 N. Y: 1852. GREPPO, J. G. H. Hieroglyphic System of Champollion, Jr. 12~ Bost: 1830. GREsHAM, THos. Life and Times. See Burgon, J. W. GRESLEY, WM. Baron's (The) Little Daughter, etc. 180 N. Y: 1853. - Charles Lever; or, the Man of the Nineteenth Century. 12~ N. Y: 1847. GRETTON, A. L. V. Vicissitudes of Italy. 120 Lond: 1859. GREY, LADY JANE. Life and Times. See Bartlett, D. W. GREYSLAER; a Romance. 2v. 12~ Phila: 1841. GRIEB, CHR. Dictionary of the English and German Languages. 2v. 8 Phila: 1857. GRIFFIN, E. D. Divine Efficiency Defended. 120 N. Y: 1833. - Lectures in Park Street Church. 8~ Bost: 1813. GRIFFIN,F. Junius Discovered. 120 Bost: 1854. GRIFFIN, G. Poetical Works. Vol. 8. 12i N.Y. - Works. 10v. 12~ N.Y. GRIFFIN, J. J. System of Crystallography. 8~ Glasgow: 1841. GRIFFITH, M. Discoveries in Light and Vision. 180 N. Y: 1836. GRmIGBY, H. B. Life of L. W. Tazewell. 8~ Norfolk: 1860. GRIMES, J. S. Mysteries of Human Nature Explained. 12~ Buff: 1857. - Outlines of Geonomy. 12~ Bost: 1858. GRIMKE, F. Tendency of Free Institutions. 8~ N.Y: 1856. GRIMKE, T. S. and OTHERS. Peace Documents. 8~ GRIM and DIDEROT. Memoires Historique. 4v. 8~ Lond: 1813. GRIMM DIE BRTiDER. Kinder und Hausmircher gesammelt. 18~ Berlin: 1858. GRIMM, H. Life of Michael Angelo. 2v. 12~ Bost: 1865. GRIMM, THE BROTHERS. German Fairy Tales. 12~ Lond: 1863. GRIMM. Popular Tales. 8~ Bost: 1867. GRImSHAWE, T. S. Memoir of. 12 N. Y: 1829. GnImisuAw, W. History of France. 12~ Phila: 1829. GRINDROD, R. B. Bacchus. Intemperance. 12~ Hartford: 1848. GaRscoM, J. H. Animal Mechanism. 180 N. Y: 1839. - Memoir ofJohn Griscom. 8~ N. Y: 1859. GRIswoLD, C. D. Isthmus of Panama. 120 N. Y: 1852. GRISWOLD, R. W. Biographical Annual. 120 N. Y: 1841. - Female Poets of America. 8~ Phila: 1858. - Poetry of the Affections. 24~ N. Y. - Prose Writers of America. 8~ Phila: 1847. - Republican Court. N. Y: 1856. - Sacred Poets of England and America. 8~ N. Y: 1850. GROSE, F. Antiquities of England and Wales. 8v. 4~ Lond. - Provincial Glossary. 12~ Lond: 1790. GRoss, J. B. Heathen Religion. 12 Bost: 1856. - Same. GRoss, S. D. American Physicians. 8~ Phila: 1861. GROTE, G. History of Greece. 12v. 12~ N. Y: 1859. - Life Teachings, and Death of Socrates. 18 N. Y: 1859. - Letters on the Politics of Switzerland. 12~ Lond: 1847. GROTE, Mrs. Papers in Prose and Verse. 8~ Lond: 1862. GROTIAS, H. De Veritate Religionis Chris_ tianae. 12~ Oxford: 1827. GROVE AND OTHERS. Correlation and Conservation of Forces. 12~ N. Y: 1865. GRUMBLER, A. Miscellaneous Thoughts. 12~ Balt: 1837. GRUND, F. J. Americans in their several relations. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1837. - Thoughts on the Present Position of Europe. 12~ Phila: 1860. 58PUBLIC IBRARY OF THE GUJTHRIE. HALLAM. GERUND, F. J. Thoughts on the Present Position of Europe. 12' Phila: 1860. - See Aristocracy in America. GuARIuzr B. Pastor Fido. 240 Paris: 1835. GUEKNos, F. M. Mulch Cows. 12' N. Y. Guzaicxz, 1H. E. T. Manual of Church History. 80 Andover: 1864. GUMUCI, E. Letters. 12'Lound: 1866. GUERNsEY, E. History of the U. States. 120 N.Y: 1851. GuERnAzzI, T. D. Beatrice Cenci. 2v. 12* N. Y: 1858. GuIccIAanlN: Hostorie: containing the Warres of Italy. F. Lund: 1618. GUIDE through the Paintings of the Louvre. 120 Paris: 1859. GUIZOT. Corneille. 120 N. Y: 1852. -Essay on the Character of Washington. 12', Bust: 1851. -History of Oliver Cromwell. 2v. 12" Phila: 1854. - History of Civilization. 3v. 120 Lund: 1856. - History of the English Revolution of 1640. 120 Loud: 1856. --History of Representative Government in Europe. 120 Loud: 1852. -Monk; or, Fall of the Republic. 120 Lound: 1851. -Shakespeare and his Times. 120 N. Y: 1852. GuizoT, M z. Popular Tales. 18" Bust: 1854. GUNN, A. Memoirs of J. H. Livingston. 8" N. Y: 1829. GUNTHER. Extrait du grand livre de la nature. 180 Leipzig: 1798. GURLEY, R. R. Life of J. Ashman. &" Wash: 1815. - MiWssion to England. 120 Wash: 1841. GURNEY, J. J. Familiar Letters to Henry Clay. 8' N.Y: 1840. - Memoirs of. 2v. 8' Phila: 1857. - Observations on the Peculiarities of the Society of Friends. 8'Lound: 1824. GURowSKI, A. G. America and Europe. 120 N. Y: 1851. - Diary from March 4, 1861, to November 12, 1862. 12' Bust: 1862. - Diary from November 18, 1862, to Octoher 18, 1863. 120 N. Y: 1864.' - Diary; 1863-64- 65. 12' Wash: 1866. - Russia as it is. 8' N. Y: 1854. GtTIRznOCx, C. Bracton and has relation to the Roman Law. 80 Phila: 1866. GUTRRIEL, JAS. Report on the Finances. 8'" Wash: 1856. GUTHRIE, Joins. Life of James Arminius. 120 Loud: 1854. GUTHRIE, T. Parables. 18' Lund: 1866. GUTHRIE, W. Cicero De Ofliclis. 120 Lund: 1820. - History of the World. 12v. 12' Lund: 1161. GUTETAFF, C. Chinese History. 2v. 12' N. Y: 1834. Guy's Elements of Astronomy. 18" Phila: 1845. GUYOT, A. Earth and Man. 120 Bust: 1853. GwYNNE, T. Nanette and her Lovers. 12' N. Y: 1854. ABERSHAM, A. W. North Pacific Expedition. 8' Phila: 1858. HABITS OF GOOD SOCIETY. 12' N. Y: 1860. HACK, MAnIA. Oriental Fragments. 18' Loud: 1828. HADDON. Arithmetic. See Arman. HADLEY, W. H. American Citizen's Manual of Reference. 12' N. Y: 1840. HAeENBACH, K. R. History of Doctrines. 2v. 8' Ediub: 1858. HAGEu, W. Home Life. 12' N. Y: 1855. HAKLANDER. Clara; or, Slave Life in Europe. 12' N. Y: 1856. HALEz, C. V. M. Saturday Evenings. 12' N. Y: 1845. HALL, ROBERT. Memoirs. See Gregory, 0. HALE, DAVID. Life. See Thompson, Jos. P. HALz, E. E. Kansas and Nebraska. 12', Bust: 1854. HALE, SARAN J. Liberia; or, Mr. Peyton's Experiments. 12' N. Y: 1853. - Woman's Record to 1854. 8' N. Y: 1855. HALE, W. H. History of the Jews. 12c' Lund: 1854. HALEY, W. D. Manual of the Broad Church. 12' N. Y: 1859. HALIBURTON, T. C. Clock Maker (The) 12' Lund: 1862. - Historical Account of Nova Scotia. 2v. 8' Halifax: 1829. - Rule and Misrule of the English in America. 12' N. Y: 1851. - Samn Slick's Wise Saws and Modern Instances. 12' Phila: 1853. HALLAMI, A. H. Remains..12', Bust: 1868. CITY OF DETROIT. 59 - -- HALL. HAMILTON. ~ -~-I HALLAM, H. Constitutional History of England. 12~ Lond. - Literature of Europe in the Fifteenth, Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. 4v. 12~ N.Y: 1864. - State of Europe during the Middle Ages. 12~ N. Y: 1863. HALL, B. Account of a Voyage to the West Coast ofCorea. 40 Lond: 1818. - Chili, Peru and Mexico. 2v. 12~ Edinb: 1824. - Fragments of Voyages and Travels. Lond: 1860. - Midshipman; Autobiographical sk'hes. 24 Lond: 1862. - Travels in North America in 1827 and 1828. 3v. 12~ Edinb: 1829. HALL, B. R. Frank Freeman's Barber Shop. 12~ N. Y: 1852. - Teaching; a Science. 12~ N. Y: 1848. HALL, B. F. Republican Party and its Presidential Candidates. 12" N. Y: 1856. HALL, B. H. College Words and Customs. 120 Camb: 1856. - History of Eastern Vermont. 8~ N. Y: 1858. HALL, C. W. Twice Taken. Maratime British Provinces. 12~ Bost: 1867. HALL, E. B. Memoir of Mary L. Ware. Bost: 1854. HALL, E. H. Great West: Guide to the Pacific States. 12~ N. Y: 1865. HALL, E. Puritans and their Principles. 8~ N.Y: 1847. HALL, JAMES. Legends of the West. 12~ N.Y: 1854. - Nat. Hist. of N. Y. Vol. 12. Geology. 4~ Albany: 1843. - Nat. Hist. of N. Y. Vols. 13, 14, 15,16. Paleontology. 4v. 40 Albany: 1847-61. - Primitive Christianity vs. Popular Theology. 120 N.Y: 1853. - The West: Its Commerce. 12" Cine: 1848. - The West: Its surface and productions. 12~ Cine: 1848. HALL, JOHN. Cabinet Maker's Assistant. 8~ Balt: 1848. HALL, Jo. Christian Biography. 24~ Lond. - Explication of hard texts. Oxford: 2v. 80 1838. HALL, M. Two-fold slavery of the U. States. 12~ Lond: 1854. HALL, Mrs. M. Lives of the Queens of England. 12~ Phila: 1854. HALL, N. Land of the Forum and the Vatican. 12~ N.Y: 1855. HALL, R. Memoirs of. See Gregory, O. - Miscellaneous Works. 120 Lond: 1846. - Reviews of works on Christian sub!jects. 12~ Loud: 1825. - Works. Memoir by Gregory. 8~ Lond: 1845. HALL, Mrs. S. C. Buccaneer. 2v. 12~ Phila: 1833. - Can Wrong be Right? 8~ Bost: 1862. - Midsummer Eve. 12~ N. Y: 1863. - Private Purse; and other tales. 180 N. Y: 1866. - Uncle Horace. 2v. 120 Phila: 1838. HALL, S. R. Education. 18~ Lond. - Lectures to Schoolmasters. 12~ Bost: 1833. HALLEOK, F. G. Fanny, and other poems. 12~ N. Y: 1839. HALLECK, H. W. International Law. 8~ Phila: 1866. - Elements of Military Art. 12~ N. Y: 1860. HALLEY, E. Newton, I. Wallis, J. etc. Miscellanea Curiosa. 8~ Lond: 1726-7. HALLIDAY, S. B. Lost and Found. 120 N. Y: 1860. HALLIWILL, J. O. Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1852. - Letters of the Kings of England. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1846. - Marriage of Wit and Wisdom; Illustrations of Shakspeare. 8~ Lond: 1846. HALLOCK, B. Poems. 12~ N. Y: 1856. HALLOOK, W. A. Life of Harlan Page. 18~ N. Y. - Life of Justin Edwards. 12~ N. Y. HALLOWEEN. 240 Hartford: 1846. HALPINE, C. G. Baked Meats of the Funeral. 12~ N. Y: 1866. - Life and Adventures, 12~ N. Y: 1864. - See Miles O'Reilly. HALSTED, C. Life of Margaret Beaufort. 8~ Lond: 1839. - Life of Richard Third. 80 Phila: 1844. HALYBURTON, T. Memoirs. See Burns, R. HAMILTON, A. Federalist. 8~ Phila: 1864. HAMILTON, A. Fairy Tales. 12" Lond: 1859. - Memoirs of the Court of Charles.I 12~ Lond: 1859. HAMILTON, C. Reign of Q. Anne. 8~ Edinb: 1790. 6 0 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE HA N NAH. HARRIS. HAMILION, E. Letters to the Daughter of a Nobleman.. 1.20 Lond: 1806. - Letters on Education. 2v. 120 Phila: 1804. - Memoirs of Agrippina. 3v. 120 Bath: 1804. HAMILTON, GAIL. See Dodge, M. A.. HAMILTON, G. Physiology. 120 N. Y: 1849. HAMIJLTON, J. Life of John Paul Jones. 120 Phila: 1860. -Memoirs of James Wilson. 120 N. Y: 1859. HAMILTON, J. C. History of the U. States. 5v. 80, N. Y: 1857. HAMILTON, J. P. Reminiscenes of a Sportsman. 120 Lond: 1860. - Travels through Columbia. 120 Loud: 1827. HAMILTON, LADY. Memoirs. i12 N. Y: 1815. HAMILTON, N. E. S. A. Collier's Shakspeare. 40 Loud: 1860. HAMILTON, S. History of the Flag. 120 Phila: 1852. HAMILTON, T. Men and Manners in America. 2v. 1iT Phila: 1811. HAMILTON, W. Discussions on Philosophy, etc. 8" N. Y: 1861. - Lectures on Metaphysics. 2v. 80 Bost: 1859. - Philosophy. So N. Y: 1858. HAMILTON, W. T. Friend of Moses. 80 N. Y: 1852. HAMLEY, E. B. Campaign of Sebastopol. 80 Ediub: 1855. HAMLIN, A. C. Anadersouville Prison. 102 Bost: 1866. HAMLIN, MaS. H. Ml. Life. See Benjamin, Mrs. HAMMOND, J. D. Political Parties in New York. 3iv. 80 Syracuse: 1852. HAMMOND, M. E. Florence. 120 Loud. HAMMONcD, S. H. Country Margins and Rambles. 12* N. Y: 1855. HAMMOND, W. A. Robert Severne. 12" Phila: 1867. -On Wakefulness. 120 Phila: 1866; HAMP5ON, H. T. Origines Patricie. 80 Lound: 1846. HANCOCK, C. Gaieties and Gravities. 80 Loud: 1851. HANCOCK, T. India -rubber Manufacture in England. So Lound: 1851. - Principles of Peace. 180 Prov: 1810. HAND - BOOK of Newport and Rhode Island. 120 Newport: 18062. HANNAH['S PATME. 1i0 N. Y. HANNiA, S. R. Bible History. 120 N. Y: 1860. HANNA, W. Memoirs of Thomas Chalmers. I IT N. Y: 1850. HANNAY, J. Satire and Satirists. 120 N. Y: 1855. HANNIBAL. Life. See Arnold, T. HANSA-RD, G. A. Book of Archery. 8* Loud: 1841. HANsON,' J. H. Bourbon Prince. 121 N. Y: 1853. HANSOX, J. W. History of Gardiner. 120 N. Y: 1852. HMOLE', (A.) Sandwich Island Notes. So N. Y: 1854. HARBAUGII, H. Life of Michael Schlatter. 120 Phila: 1851. -True Glory of Woman. 120 Phila: *1858. HAR.DxAN, F. Scenes in Central America. 120 Loud: 1852. k HARDY, F. Memoirs of James Caulfield. 40 Loud: 1810. HARDY'S TRIAL. Power and duty of grand juries. 80 Lound: 1794. HARE, J. C. and A.. Guesses at truth. 120 Bost: 1861. HARLAND, M. Alone. i20 N. Y: 1864. - Husbands and homes. 120 N. Y: 1866. - Husks. 120 N. Y: 1868. -Miriam. 120 N. Y: 1866. -.Moss Side. i20 N. Y: 1851. - Nemesis. 120 N. Y: 1860. - Sunnybank. i20 N. Y: 1866. - Trap to catch a sunbeam. 180 Bost: 1850. HARLAN, J. Memoir of India. i20 Phila: 1842. HARLEIAN MISCELLANY. 8v. 40 Loud: 1144-46. HARPER, J. Glimpses of Ocean Life. 120 Lond: 1860. HARPER'S MAGAZINE. 35v. 80 N. Y. - Same. 35v. HARRAL, T. Henry viii and George iv. 120 Loud: 1820. HARRINGTON, G. F. Inside. So N. Y: 1866. HARRINGTON, J. Oceana; and other Works. F. Loud: 1141. HARRIS, G. Civilization as a science. 80 Loud: 1861. HARRIS, JAMES. Works. 80 Loud: 1841. HARRIS, JOHN. Mammon. 1iT N. Y. - Man Primeval. 8' Bost: 1856. - Patriarchy. 120 Bost: 1855. - Union: the divided church made one. I80 Bost: 1855. CITY OF DETROIT. 61 HAR WOOD. HA WTHOR NE. HARRIs, T. W. Insects injurious to vegetation. 8~ Bost: 1862. - Insects of New England. 8~ Bost: 1852. HARRIs, T. L. Epic of the Starry Heavens. 12~ N. Y: 1854. HARRIs, T. Life of Wm. Bainbridge. 8~ Phila: 1837. HARRIS, W. C. Adventures in Africa. 80 Phila. - Expedition into Southern Africa. 8~ Bombay: 1838. HAnRRI, W. Lives and Writings of James I and Charles I. 8~ Lond: 1814. HARRIs, W. S. Magnetism. 12~ Lond: 1850. - Treatise on Galvanism. 180 Lond: 1856. HARRISON. H. W. Battle -fields of the Republic. 8~ Phila: 1857. HARRISON, W. H. Life. 180 Phila: 1840. HARRISON, W. The Tongue of Time. 12~ N. Y: 1853. HARRY LEE. 12~ N. Y: 1859. HARRY'S SUMMER IN ASoCROFT. 120 N. Y: 1860. HARSHA, D. A. Life of Philip Doddridge. 8~ Albany: 1865. HART, A. S. Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics. 8~ Dublin: 1840. HART, J. S. Spenser and the Fairy Queen. 12~ Phila: 1854. HARTFORD. Frances, Countess of, and Henrietta, Countess of Pomfret. Correspondence. 3v. 8~ Lond: 1806. HARTIG and KELLY, W. R. History of the House of Austria. 12~ Lond: 1853. HARTLEY, C. B. Heroes and Patriots of the South. 12~ Phila: 1860. - Life of Empress Josephine. 12~ Phila: 1860. - Life of Maj. Gen. Henry Lee. 12~ N. Y: 1859. HARTLEY, D. Observations on Man. 3v. 8~ Lond: 1791. HARTMANN, T. Charity Green. 12' N. Y: 1859. HARVEY, G. ArchelogiaPhilosophicaNova. 4~ Lond: 1663. HARVEY, H. Memoir of Alfred Bennett. 12~ N. Y: 1852. HARVEY, W. Book of the Months. 18" Lond: 1844. HARVEY, Dr. W. Works. Edited by Willis. 8~ Lond: 1847. HARWOOD, J. Serf-Sisters. In the same vol. Pride of the Mess. 12~ Lond: 1855. HASKEL, D. and C. J. SMITH. Statistical Gazetteer of the United States. 8~ N. Y: 1844. HASKELL, R. M. Memoir of Frances E. H. McLellan. 12~ N. Y: 1856. HASKINS, R. W. History of Phrenology. 120 Buff: 1839. HASSARD, J. R. G. Life of Archbishop Hughes. 8~ N. Y: 1866. HASSELL, F. Isle of Wight. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1790. HAsTINGS, S. Harvestings. 120 Bost: 1855. HAsTINGS, T. Musical Taste. 12~ N. Y: 1853. - Sacred Praise. 12~ N. Y: 1856. HASWELL, C. H. Mensuration. 120 N. Y: 1863. HATCH, R. Bible Servitude. 120 Cine: 1862. HATFIELD, E. F. St. Helena and the Cape of Good Hope. 12~ N. Y: 1853. HA-FF, W. Oriental Story Book. 18~ N. Y: 1858. HAVELOCK, H. Life. See Brock, Win. HAVEN, A. B. The Coopers. 120 N. Y: 1858. HAVERGAL, W. H. History of Old Hundred. 8~ N. Y: 1854. HAVILAND, J. Builder's Assistant. 4v. 8~ Bait. HAWES, J. Address to the Citizens of Hartford. 8~ Hart: 1855. - Memory of the Pilgrims. 120 Hart: 1836. - Lectures. 8~ Hart: 1833. HAWKES, Mrs. Life. See Cecil, C. HAWKESWORTH, J. Voyages in the SouthernHemisphere. 3v. 4' Lond: 1773. HAWKESWORTH, WARTON, BATHURST, etc. British Essayists; Adventurer. 3v. 123 Bost: 1856-1855. HAWKINS, B. Germany. 80 Lond: 1838. HAWKINS, T. Origin of the English Drama. 3v. 12' Oxford: 1773. HAWKINS, W. G. Life of John H. Hawkins. 12~ Bost: 1863. - Lunsford Lane. 12~ Bost: 1863. HAWKS, F. L. Expedition to the China Seas and Japan. 8~ N. Y: 1857. HAWKSTONE. 2v. 12~ N. Y: 1848. HAWLEY, Z. K. Fathers of New England. 12~ N. Y: 1847, HAWTHORNE, N. Blithedale Romance. 120 Bost: 1852. - House of Seven Gables. 120 Bost: 1864. - Life of Franklin Pierce. 12~ Bost: 1852. - Marble Faun. 12~ Bost: 1860. - Mosses from an old Manse. 12~ Bost: 1864. 62) PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE -- ---~I-----~ HEAD. HIfEDDING. I HAWTHORNE, N. Our Old Home. 120 Bost: 1864. -Snow Image and Twice Told Tales. 120 Bost: 1852. -True Stories from History and Biography. 12" Bost: 1861. -Twice Told Tales. 2v. 120 Bost: 1842. HAYDN. Life. See Bombet, L. A. C. HAYDON, B. R. Life. 2v. 120 N. Y: 1853. HAYES, E. Ballads of Ireland. 120 Bost: 1859. HAYES, I. I. Arctic boat journey in 1854. 12' Bost: 1860. - Open Polar Sea. 8' N. Y: 1867. HAYNES, I. (Colored minister.) Life. See Cooley, T. M. HAY, G. Proof of Scripture miracles. 2v. 15' N.Y: 1845. HAYLEY, W. Poems and Plays. 6v. 12' Loud: 1785. HAYS, M. Female Biography. 3v. 80 Phila: 1807. HAYWARDE, R. Prismatics. 5' N. Y: 1853. HAYWARD, G. Surgical Reports. 12' Bost: 1855. HAYWARD, J. Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 4' Loud: 1840. - Gazeteer of the United States. 8' Phila: 1854. HAYWOOD, J. Book of Religions. 8* Bost: 1861. HAZARD, R. G. Essay on Language. 12', Bost: 1857. ý HAZARD, S. United States Commercial Register. 5v. 8' Phila: 1834-42. HAZLITT, W. Dramatic Literature of the age of Elizabeth. 12' N. Y: 1845. - English Comic Writers. 12', N. Y: 1845. - Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. 3v. 12' N. Y: 1847. - Literary remains. 8' N. Y: 1836. - Table Talk. 12' N. Y: 1845. HEAD, F. B. Descriptive Essays. 2v. 8' Loud: 1857. - Emaigrant. 12' N. Y: 1857. - Fagot of French Sticks. 12' N. Y: 1852. - A Fortnight in Ireland. 12' N. Y: 1813. - A Narrattve. 8' Loud: 1839. HEAD, G. Wilds of North America. 12' Loud: 1818. HEAD, J. H. Home Pastimes. 12' Bost: 1860. HEADLEY, J. H. Sacred Plains. 12' Buff: 1856. HEADLEY, J. T. Biography of the Saviour and His Apostles. 120 N. Y: 1851. -Chaplains and Clergy of the Revolution. 12' N. Y: 1864. -Grant and Sherman. 81' N. Y: 1865. -Letters from Italy. 12' N. Y: 1846. -Letters from the Back Woods. 12' N. Y: 1850. -Life of Winfield Scott. 12' N. Y: 1861. - Lives of Windield Scott and Andrew Jackson. 12' N. Y: 1852. - Miscellaneous Works. 3v. 12' N. Y: 1850. - Power of Beauty. 12' N. Y: 1850. - Sacred Mountains. 12' N. Y: 1862. - Sacred Scenes and Characters. 12' N. Y: 1888. - Sketches and Rambles. 12' N. Y: 1850. - Washington and his Generals. 2v. 12' N. Y: 1861. HEADLEY, P. C. Women of the Bible. 12' N. Y: 1859. -Life and Military Career of W. T. Sherman. 12' N. Y: 1865. -Life and Naval Career of D. G. Farragut. 12' N. Y: 1865. -Life of the Empress Josephine. 12' N. Y: 1860. -Life of Kossuth. 12' Auburn: 1852. - -Life of Lafayette. 12' N. Y: 1860. - The Miner Boy Ericsson. 12' N. Y: 1865. HEAP, G. H. Central Route to the Pacific. 8' Phila:' 1854. HEARD, I. V. D. History of the Sioux War. 12' N. Y: 1863. HEARNE, S. Journey from Hudson Bay to the Northern Ocean. 12' Dublin: 1790. HEARN, G. W. Cones of the Second Order. 8' Lond: 1846. HEART AND VOICE. 8' Phila. HEART TiinAns. 12' N. Y: 1852. HEATH'S BOOK OF BEAUTY. 8' Loud. HEAVYSIZE. The Advocate. 8' Montreal: 1865. HEBER, Mrs. Life of Heber, Bishop of Calcutta. 2v. 8' N. Y: 1830. HEBER, R. Life of Jeremy Taylor. 12' Hartford: 1832. - Memoir. 12' Bost: 1856. HEaRER, J. T. Aspirations of Nature. 12' N. Y: 1857. - Questions of the Soul. 12', N. Y: 1866. BEDDING, E. Life. See Clark, W. CITY OF DETROIT. 63 - __ __ ~ HENRY. HEMANS. HEDGE, F. H. Prose Writers of Germany. 8~ N. Y: 1863. - Reason in Religion. 12~ Bost: 1866. HEDGE, L. Elements of Logic. 12~ N. Y: 1857. HEEREN, A. H. L. Ancient Greece. 8~ Lond: 1847. - Politics, etc, of the Carthagenians, Ethiopians and Egyptians. 80 Loud: 1850. - Politics, etc, of the Nations of Antiquity. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1854. - Manual of Ancient History. 8~ Lond: 1854. - History of the Political System of Europe. 8~ Lond: 1857. HEGEL, G. W. F. Philosophy of History. 12~ Lond: 1857. HEIGHWAY, 0. W. Leila Ada, the Jewish Convert. 12~ N. Y: 1854. HEINE, H. Pictures of Travel. 12~ N. Y: 1866. - Poems, complete. Lond: 12~ 1861. - Poems, complete. 12~ Lond: 1866. - Simmtliche Werke. 6v. 120 Phila: 1857. HELIODORUs. Scriptores Erotici Graeci. 12' Lond: 1855. HELMS, A. Z. Travels from Buenos Ayres to Lima. 18~ Lond: 1806. HELPER, H. R. Impending Crisis. 12~ N. Y: 1860. HELPS, A. Spanish Conquest in America. 3v. 120 N. Y: 1856. HELVETIUS. Treatise on Man. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1777. HELIGOLAND. 180 Lond: 1851. HEMANS, F. Memoir. 12~ N. Y: 1855. - See Chorley. - Tales and Historic Scenes. 12~ N. Y: 1852. - Works of. 3v. 12~ N. Y: 1849. HEMENWAY, A. H. Poets of Vermont. 8~ Rutland: 1858. HEMPSTED, T. Poems. 12~ N. Y: 1859. HENGSTENBERG, E. W. Genuineness of the Pentateuch. 2v. 12~ Edinb: 1847. HENING, E. F. African Mission. N. Y: 1850. HENLI, J. General Pathology. 8~ Phila: 1853. HENNINGSEN, C. F. Campaign with Zumal acarregui in Navarre. 12~ Phila: 1836 -HENRIES. The Illustrious. See Capgrave, J HENRY, C. S. Elements of Social Welfare. 12~ N. Y: 1861. HENRY vIII and GEORGE IV. See Harral, T. HENRY IV. Life. See James, G. P. R. See Sully. HENRY, M. Aphorisms on the Ministry. 180 Princeton: 1847. - Exposition of the Old and New Testament. 8~ Phila: 1828. - Life of Philip Henry. 8~ Lond: 1839. - Miscellaneous works. 2v. 8~ N. Y: 1855. HENRY, OF HUNTINGDON. Hist. of Eng. etc. 120 Lond: 1853. HENRY, PATRICK. Life. See Wirt, Wm. HENRY, MATTHEW. Life. See Williams, J. B. HENRY, R. History of Great Britain. 12v. 8~ Lond: 1788-95. HENRY, W.S. War with Mexico. 12~ N. Y: 1847. HENTZ, C. L. Victim of Excitement. 12~ Phila: 1854. - Wild Jack. 12~ Phila: 1854. HEPWORTH, G. H. Whip, Hoe and Sword. 12~ Bost: 1864. HEQUEMBOURG, C. L. Plan of the Creation. 120 Bost: 1859. HERBERT, E. Lord. Dialogue between a tutor and pupil. 40 Lond: 1768. HERBERT, G. Poetical works. 12~ Bost: 1864. - Works of. 18~ N. Y: 1854. HEREERT, H. W. Persons and pictures from the histories of France and England. 80 N. Y: 1854. - Wager of battle. 120 N. Y: 1855. - See Forester, Frank. HERBERT, LADY. Three phases of Christian Love. 12~ N.Y: 1867. HERICOURT, (D'). A woman's philosophy of woman. 120 N. Y: 1864. HERMANN, C. F. Antiquities of Greece. 8~ Oxford: 1836. HERMANN, G. Elementa Doctrine Metrice. 8~ Glasgow: 1817. HERNDON, M. E. Louise Elton. 12~ Phila: 1853. HERNDON. Valley of the Amazon. 8~ Wash: 1853. HERNDON, W, and LEwIs, etc. Valley of the Amazon. 3v. 80 Wash: 1854. HERODOTUS. Ed. by C. S. Wheeler. 2v. 120 Bost: 1858. - History: translated with notes. 8~ Lond: 1829. - Life of. See Dahlmann. - New and Literal Version. 12~ Lond: 1858. - Nine Books of History. 8~ Lond: 1848. 64 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE HIGGINS. HEROES OF THE LAST LUSTRE. 120 N. Y: 1858. HERO OF ALEXANDRIA: Pneumatics. 40 Lond: 1851. HERRICK, R. Hesperides. 2v. 12~ Bost: 1856. HERSCHEL, J. F. W. Astronomy. 8~ Phila: 1861. HERSCHELL, R. H. Visit to Fatherland. 18~ Lond: 1844. HERVEY, G. W. Rhetoric of Conversation. 12~ N. Y: 1854. HERVEY, J. Meditations. 12~ Phila: 1863. - Sermons. 4v. 8~ Lond: 1797. - Theron and Aspasia. 2v. 8~ Lond' 1802. - Life of. 180 Phila. HERVEY, T. K. Book of Christmas. 12~ N. Y: 1845. HESIOD, CALLIMACHUS and THEOGNIS. 12~ Lond: 1856. HETHERINGTON, W. M. Church of Scotland, 8~ N. Y: 1845. - Westminster Assembly. 12~ N. Y: 1843. - Minister's Family. 12~ N. Y: 1855. HEWES, G. R. T. Boston Tea Party. 120 N. Y: 1834. HEWITT, M. E. Illustrious Women. 12~ Phila: 1866. - Poems. 12~ N. Y: 1854. HEWLETT, H. G. Heroes of Europe. 12~ Bost: 1861. HEYLIN, P. Cosmography. F. Lond: 1703. HEY, R. Effects of Gaming, Duelling, etc8~ Camb: 1812. HEYWOOD, J. C. Antonius. 120 N. Y: 1867. - Herodius. 12~ N. Y: 1867. HEWYWOOD, M. Mr. Christopher Katydid. 2v. 12~ Lond: 1864. HEYWOOD, P. Memoir. 8~ Lond: 1832. HEYWOOD, S. Distinctions in Society. 8~ Lond: 1818. HICKIE, J. Key to Hutton's Mathematics. 120 Lond: 1849. HICKOK, L. P. Emiprical Psycology. 12~ N. Y: 1857. - Rational Cosmology. 8~ N. Y: 1861. - Moral Science. 8~ N. Y: 1853. HICKs, E. Journal. 8~ N. Y: 1832. - Sermons. 8~ N. Y: 1825. HIDDEN DEPTHS. 12~ Phila: 1866. HIDDEN SIN. 8~ N. Y: 1866. HIESTAND, H. Travels in Germany. N. Y: 1837. HiGGINS, W. M. Physical Condition of the Earth. 18~ N. Y: 1836. HISTOIRE. HIGHTON, E. Electric Telegraph. 18~ Lond: 1852. HILDEBRANDT, C. Winter auf Spitzbergen. 12~ Baunschwieg: 1847. - Winter in Spitzbergen. 12~ N. Y: 1852. HILDRETH, R. Despotism in America. 12~ Bost: 1854. - History of the United States. 3v. 80 N. Y: 1849. - History of the United States, second series. 3v. 80 N. Y: 1851-2. - Japan. 12~ Bost: 1855. - Theory of Politics. 12~ N. Y: 1853. HILLARD, G. S. Life of Geo. B. McClellan. 12~ Phila: 1865. - Selections from W. L. Landor. 12~ Bost: 1856. HILL, F. National Education. 2v. 12~ Loud: 1836. HILL, G.C. Our Parish. 12~ Phila: 1860. HILL, G. H. Scenes from the Life of an Actor. 120 N. Y: 1853. HILL J. Construction of Timber from its Early Growth. HILL, M. and CORNWALLIS, C. F. Juvenile Delinquency. 8~ Lond: 1853. HILL, R. Village Dialogues. 2v. 120 Phila: 1843. HILLIARD, H. W. Speeches. 8~ N. Y: 1855. HILLIER, G. Attempted Escapes of Charles I. from Carisbrook Castle. 12~ Lond: 1852. HIMEs, J. V. Views of the Prophecies. 120 Bost: 1842. HIND, H. T. Insects injurious to wheat. 8~ Toronto: 1857. HIND, H. Y. Canadian Red River. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1860. HINDS, S. and NEWMAN, J. H. Church in the first century. 12~ Lond. HINES, D.T. Life. 12~ N. Y: 1840. HINMIAN, R. R. Connecticut during the Revolution. 8~ Hartford: 1842. - Letters from English Kings and Queens. 12~ Hartford: 1836. HINTON, J. H. History of the United States. 2v. 4~ Bost: 1857. HINTS AND SKETCHES. 12~ N.Y: 1839. HINTS on Early Education. 80 Salem: 1826. HINTS to my countrymen. 120 N. Y: 1826. HIRSCH, M. Mathematical Problems. 12~ Bost: 1831. HISTOIRE NATURELLE. Dictionaire. 37v. 8~ Paris: 1816-19. CITY OF DETROIT. 65 HOGG. HOLMES. HIsToRIcAL life of Joanna of Sicily. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1824. HISToRIcAL Parallels. 180 Lond: 1846. HISTORY of a Ship. 24~ Dublin. HIsToRY of Playing Cards. 12~ Lond: 1865. HIsToRY of William m. 180 Lond: 1744. HIsToRY of the Patriarchs: 120 N. Y. HISTORY of the Protestant Church in Hungary. 120 Bost: 1854. HITCHOOOK, E Zoological Temperance Convention. 180 Lond: 1850. - Ichnology of New England. 4~ Bost: 1858. - Plurality of worlds. 120 Bost: 1855. - Religious Lectures. 12~ Bost: 1861. - Amherst College. 8~ Northampton: 1863. HITTELL, J. S. Mining in the Pacific States. 18' N. Y: 1862. HOARE, Sir R. C. Tour through the Island of Elba. 4~ Lond: 1814. HOBART, SirH. Reports. F. Lond: 1658. HOBART, J. H. Companion for festivals. 120 N.Y: 1817. - Memorial. See Schrceder, J. F. - Posthumous works. 3v. 8~ N. Y: 1833. - State of the Departed. 8~ N. Y: 1857. HOBBES. T. English Works of. 11v. 8~ Lond: 1839-45. - Opera Philosophica. 5v. 8~ Lond: 1839. HOBHOUSE, J. Illustrations of the Fourth Canto of Childe Harold. 80 N. Y: 1818. - Journey through Abania. 2v. 8~ Phila: 1817. HoDGsoN, A. Letters. 2v. 80 Lond: 1824. HODGSON, F. Lady Jane Grey. 8~ Lond: 1809. HODSON, G. A. Soldier's Life in India. 12~ Bost: 1864. HOFFMAN, D. Cartaphilus, the Wandering Jew. 8~ Lond: 1853. HOFFMAN, M. Law of the Protestant Episcopal Church. 8~ N. Y: 1850. HOFFMAN'S Strange Stories from the German. 12~ Bost: 1856. HOFFMAN, V. H. Life. See Cummins, G. D. HOFLAND, Mrs. Son of a Genius. 180 N. Y: 1855. - Young Cadet. 180 N. Y: 1828. HOGARTH, WM. Works. 2v. 4~ Lond. HoGG,J. Natural Philosophy. 12~ Lond: 1861. HOGG, JAMES. Anecdotes of Sir Walter Scott: 12o N.Y: 1834. - Mountain Bard. 18~ N. Y. PUBLrm LMEAnY. -. HOGG, JAMES. Pilgrims of the Sun. 12~ Lond: 1815. - Poetical Works. 2v. 24~ N. Y: 1825. - Winter Evening Tales. 120 N. Y. HoGG, JOHN. London as It Is. 12' Lond: 1837. HOLBEIN, H. Dance of Death. 12~ Lond: 1858. HOLBROOK, A. The Normal, or Methods of Teaching the Common Branches. 12~ N. Y: 1860. HOLBROOK, S. R. Autobiography. 12~ Bost: 1857. HOLDICH, J. Life of Wilbur Fisk. 8~ N. Y: 1842. HOLLAND, E. G. Memoir of Joseph Badger. 8~ N. Y: 1854. HOLLAND, J. Memoir of John Summerfield. 8~ N. Y: 1845. - Memoirs of James Montgomery. 7v. 8~ 1854. HOLLAND, J. G. Bay Path. 12~ N. Y: 1866. - Bitter Sweet. 12~ N. Y: 1865. - Gold Foil. 12~ N. Y: 1859. - History of Western Mass. 2v. 8" Springfield: 1855. - Miss Gilbert's Career. 12~ N. Y: 1860. HOLLAND, LADY. Memoir of Sidney Smith. 2v. 12' N. Y: 1855. HOLLAND, R. H, Lord. Foreign Reminiscences. 8~ Lond: 1851. HOLLAND, W. M. Life of Martin Van Buren. 12~ Hart: 1836. HOLLEY, H. Genius and Character. -See Caldwell, C. HOLLINGSHEAD, J. International Exhibit.onof 1862. 2v. 8~ Lond. HOLLY, H. W. Art of Saw -Filing. 18~ N. Y: 1866. HOLMAN, J. Travels in Madeira. 8~ Lond: 1840. HOLMES, A. American Annals. 2v. 8~ Camb: 1805. HOLMES, A. L. Parties and their Principles. 12' N. Y: 1859. HOLMES, E. Life of Mozart. 12~ N. Y: 1845. HOLMES, Mrs. M. J. Homestead on the Hillside. 12~ N. Y: 1865. - Hugh Worthington. 12~ N. Y: 1865. - Meadow Brook. 12~ N. Y: 1863. - Tempest and Sunshine. 120 N. Y: 1864. - Same. HOLMES M. Memoir of. 18~ Bost. HOLMES, N. Authorship of Shakespeare. 12~ N. Y: 1867. 66 THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF HOOD. HORNER. HoLXEas, 0. W. Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. 12' Bost: 1858. - Currents and Counter Currents. 12, Bost: 1861. - Elisie Yen-ner. 2v. 12' Bost: 1861. -Poems. 120 Bost: 1863. -Professor at the Breakfast Table. 12' Bost: 1866. -Songs in Many Keys. 120 Bost: 1864. -Soundings from the- Atlantic. 120 Bost: 1864. HOLTON, 1. F. New Granada. 80 N. Y: 1857. HOLY LAND. 120 Lond: 1844. HOLYOKE, E. A. Memoir of. 12', Bost: 1829. HOMeE and the World. 12' N. Y: 1857. HOME, ID. ID. Incidents in My Life. 120 N. Y: 1863. HOME EVANGELIZATION. 18" N. Y. HOME, H. LOuD KAMEs. Elements of Criticism. 80 N. Y: 1854. HOiE; LIFE IN RUSSIA. 2v. 12' Loud: 1854. HOME NARRATIVES. 12' N. Y: 1852. HoM~eR. Life and Writings. See Blackwell, T. -Ilias. 8v. 8', Leipzig: 1802. -Ilias and Odyssea. 2v. 40 Camb. (Eng): 1711. - Bias, Graece et Latine. 2v. 40 Loud: 1729. - Iliad and Odyssey. 2v. 4' Loud: 1791. - Iliad, Literal translation. 121, Loud: 1857. - Iliad. 2v. 12,0 N. Y: 1865. - Iliad, trans. by Pope. 2v. 240 N. Y: 1852. - Odyssey. 12' Loud: 1859. HOMlES of American Statesmen. 5', N. Y: 1858. HONAN, M. B. Adventure in Italy. 8' N. Y: 1852. HONE, W. Every -day book. 5' Loud: - Table book of recreation. 8' Loud. - Year book. 8' Loud. HONEY OUT OF TEE ROCK. 18' Bath. HONOR MAY. 12', Bost: 1866. HOOD, E. P. The Age and its Architects. 12' Loud: 1852. - Good old times of Queen Bess. 18' Loud: 1851. - John Milton. 12' Loud: 1852. - Master minds. 8' Loud. - Philosophy of Laughter. 18' Loud: - Uses of Biography. 18' Loud: 1852. 1 HooD, T. Memorials. 2v. 12' Bost: 1860. - Poetical Works. 4v. 12' Bost: 1864. - Tylney Hall. 12' Bost: 1860. - Up the Rhine. 12', N. Y: 1861. - Works. 6v. 8' N. Y: 1864. HOOKEE, H. Works. 2v. 8' N. Y: 1863. HOOKER, W. J. Tour in Iceland. 2v. 8' Loud: 1813* - Journal of Botany. 4v. 8' Loud: 1834. HooK., T. All in the wrong. 12' Loud: 1842. - Cousin William. 120 N. Y: 1857. - Maxwell. 12' Loud: 1849. HOOPER, E. J. Western Fruit Book. 12' Ciuc: 1858. HOOPEE, W. Rational recreations. 4v. 12' Loud: 1777. HoPKRINs, J. H. American Citizen. 12' N. Y: 18517. - The Confessional. 8' N. Y: 1856. - Law of Ritualism. 18' N. Y: 1866. - British Reformation. 12' N. Y: 1848. - Primitive Creed. 12' Burlington, Yt: 1884. HOPIKINS, IIT. Evidences of Christianity. 8' Bost: 1851. HOPKINS, S. The Puritans. 3v. 8' Bost 1839. - Works of. 3v. 8' Bost: 1854. -Youth of the Old Dominion. 12' Bost: 1856. HoPKiNsoN, Mrs. C. Hints for the Nursery. 12' Bost: 1863. HOPKINSON, F. Old Farm and New Farm. 12' N. Y: 1857. HOPPER, E. Fire on the Hearth. 18' N. Y: 1865. HOPPER, I. T. Life of. 12' Bost: 1853. HOPPIN, J. M. Notes of a Theological Student. 12' N. Y: 1854. - Old England. 12' N. Y: 1867. HopE,, Mrs. Memoir of James Hope. 12', Lo-nd: 1844. HOPE, T. Anastatius. 12' N. Y: 1856. -Costume of the Ancients. 2v. 8' Loud: 1841. HORACE. Works of. 12' Loud: 1858. HORAR SOLITARI. 2V. 8' Albany: 1815. HoRAvius. Opera Omnia. 18' N. Y: 1863. HoRDENSKI, J. Polish Revolution. 8' Bost: 1832. HORNE, G. Works of. 2v. 8' N. Y: 1848. HORNE, R. H. New Spirit of the Age. 12' N. Y: 1844. HORNE, T. H. Study of the Holy Scriptuares. 2v. 8' Phila: 1836. HORNER., F. Memoirs. 2v. 8' Boat: 1853. - Same. GICATIY OF DETROIT. 67 I-I-~--~- - - --- - - --~--p---- -- `--- H OWE. HRONER, L. Memoirs of Francis Homer. 120 Edinb: 1849. HoTIBER, W. E. Special Anatomy. 2v. 8', Phila: 1841. - Practical Anatomy. 12' Phila: 1854. HoRSFoRD, MI. G. Indian Legends. 12' N. Y: 1855. HORSLEY, S. Nine Sermons. 8' N. Y: 1816. HORTENSE, DunnEase DE ST. LRU. Me - moires. F. Londres-: 1812. HORTON, R. Or. Life of James Buchanan. 120 N. Y: 1856. HOSAcE, D. Memoir of. 40 N. Y: 1829. HOSKINSs, T. H. What we Eat. 120 Bost: 1861. HoslEeR, J. K. Color- Guard. 12' Bost: 1864. - The Thinking Bayonet. 12" Bost: 1865. HOSXER, Mrs. M. The Morrisons. 120 N. Y: 1865. HosMERs, W. H. C. Poetical Works. 2v. 12' N. Y: 1854. ROaxrER, W. The Higher Law. 120 Auburn. 1852. HOSPITAL transports. 12'1 Bost: 1863. HOTCH1KCN, J. H. History of Western New York. 8' N. Y: 1848. Roueu, F. B. History of Lewis Co, N. Y.] 51' Albany: 1860. HOUeH, W. Events in British India. 2v. 5' Lond: 1853. RousE, E. Homilist. 12' N. Y: 1860. HousrEHonD OF BoujvaneE. 2v. 12' N. Y: 1860. HOUJSEHOLD SCENES. 12' Auburn: 1855. Hous-E on the Moor. 12' N. Y: 1861. Rou9SAYe, A. Men and women of the Eighteenth Century. 2v. 12', N. Y: 1852. - Voyag-e 'a ma feneftre. Small F. Paris. RoussAvE, J. G. Monographie du The'. 80 Paris: 1843. HOUSTON, S. Life of. 80 N. Y: 1855. HovEy, A. Life of Isaac Back-us. 120 Bost: 1859. HOWARD, A. Beauties of Chesterfield. 24' Phila: 1850. HOWARD, F. Illustrations of Shakespeare. 4' HOWARD, H. Poetical works. 18', Boat: 1854. HOWARD, J. Prisons in England. 4' Warrington: 1784. Howr,,F. Oriental and sacred scenes. 12' N. Y: 1854. Howne, J. Works of. 2v. 8' N, Y: 1838. HUGGIN S. Howe, J. W. Mrs. Trip to Cuba. 12' Boat: 1860. -Words for the bour. 12' Bost: 1857. - The world's own. 12' Boat: 1857. ROWE, S. G. Greek Revolution. 12' N. Y: 1828. HoweLs, W. Memoir. See Morgan, E. HOWELLS, W. D. Venetian Life. 12' N. Y: 1867. - Life of Abraham Lincoln. 12' Columbus: 1860. HowlsoN, J. Sketcbes of Upper Canada. 8' Edinb: 1822. HOWITT, A. M. Art Student in Munich. 12' Bost: 1854. - School of Life. 12' Bost: 1855. HOWITT, M. Heir of Wast -Wayland. 12' N. Y: 1851. - History of the United States. 2v. 12' N. Y: 1860. - Sowing and Reaping. 18' N. Y: 1843. - Strive and Thrive. 24' N. Y: 1859. - Favorite Scholar. 18' N. Y: 1865. - Ballads and other Poems. 12' N. Y: 1853. HOWeTT, Wee. Book of tbe Seasons. 12' Phila: 1842. - Country Year Book. 12' N. Y: 1850. - History of the Supernatural. 2v. 12' Phila: 1863. - Laud, Labor and Gold. 2v. 12' Boat: 1855. - Rural Life of England. 2v. 12' Phila: 1854. HoWITT, Warf. and MARY. Stories of English Life. 12' Lond: 1853. Hows, J. W. S, Shakesperian Reader. 12' N. Y: 1863. HrnsaACs, MRS. May and December. 12' Phila: 1866. HUBBARD, J. N. Border Adventures in the Life of Maj. M. Van Campe-n. 12' Bath: 1842. HUBER, N. A. English Universities. 3v. 8' Lond: 1843. Hura, M. Chinese Empire. 2v. 8' Loud: 1855. - Christianity in China. 3v. 5' Lond: 1857-8., - Journey through Tartary. 8' N. Y: 1863. HUET, P. D. Memoirs of. 2v. 8' Lond: 1810. HUFELA-ND'S Art of Prolonging Life. 12' Bost: 1854. RueGNeSs, W. S. Sermons to Young Men. 12' Phila: 1862. 68 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE HUMPHREYS. HUNTINGTON. I HUGHES JOHN. Abp. Complete works. 2v. 8~ N. Y: 1866. - Life. See Hazard, J. R. G. HUGHES, J. and THOMAS BACON. Controversy between the Roman and Reformed Churches. 12~ N. Y: 1859. HUGHES, J. T. Doniphan's Expedition. 12~ Cine: 1848. HUGHES, S. Water Works. 180 Lond: 1856. HUGHES, T. School days at Rugby. 12~ Bost: 1860. - Scouring of the White Horse. 12~ Bost: 1859. - Tom Brown at Oxford. 2v. 12~ Bost: 1864. HUG, J. L. Introduction to the New Testament. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1827. HuGO, VICTOR. Life. 80 N. Y: 1864. - Les Miserables. 8~ N. Y: 1866. - Travailleurs de la mer. 3v. 8~ Paris: HUGUENOT EXILES. 12~ N. Y: 1856. HUGUENOTS in France and America. 2v. 12~ Bost: 1852. HUIsH, R. Bees. 120 Lond: 1844. HULL, WM. Defense of Brig. Gen. Hull. 12~ Bost: 1814. - Life. See Campbell, M. HUMBOLDT, A. VON. Ansichten der Nature. 12~ Stuttgart: 1849. - Cosmos. 5v. 12~ Lond: 1849-58. - Kosmos. 5v. 8~ Stuttgart: 1845. - Letters to Varnhagen von Ense. 120 N. Y: 1860. - Letters. 8~ Lond: 1860. - Travels. 3v. 12~ Lond: 1852-3. - Kingdom of New Spain. 4v. 8~ Lond: 1811. - Views of Nature. 120 Lond: 1850. HUMBOLT BROTHERS. Lives of. 120 Lond: 1852. HUMBOLDT, W. VON. Religious Thoughts and Opinions. 12i Bost: 1851. - Letters to a Lady. 18 Phila: 1864. HUME, D, Essays. 2v. 8 Edinb: 1793. - History of England. 8v. 8~ Lond: 1786. - History of England. 8~ Lond: 1853. - Correspondence. 4~ Lond: 1820. HUMPHREY, H. Life of Rev. T. H. Gallaudet. 120 N. Y: 1857. - Letters to a Son. 8~ Amherst. 1842. HUMPHREY, S. D. Book of the Daguerreotype. N. Y: 1858. - The Collodion Process. 12i N. Y: 1857. HUMPHREYs, D. Gospel in Foreign Parts. 120 Load: 1730. - Miscellaneous Works. 8~ N. Y: 1804. HUMPHREYS, H. N. Coin Collector's Manual. 2v. 120 Lond: 1853. HUNDLEY, D. R. Social Relations in the South. 12~ N.Y: 1860. HUNGARY. 120 Loud: 1854. HUNGERFORD, J. Old Plantation. 12 N. Y: 1859. HUNT, C. E. Shenandoah: Confederate Cruiser. 120 N. Y: 1867. HUNT, F. Book of Art. 4~ Lond: 1846. HUNT, F. E. Library of Commerce. 12~ N.Y: 1845. HUNT, F. Lives of American Merchants. 2v. 8~ N. Y: 1858. - Worth and Wealth. 120 N. Y: 1857. HUNT, H. K. Glances and Glimpses. 120 Bost: 1856. HUNT, LEIGH. Beaumont and Fletcher. 120 Loud: 1855. - Book for a Corner. 12~ Lond. - Essays. 12~ N. Y: 1859. - Italian Poets. 120 N. Y: 1859. - Religion of the Heart. 18~ N. Y: 1857. - Selections. 120 N. Y: 1859. - Works of. 12~ Phila: 1854. HUNT, L. and LEE, S. A. Book of the Sonnet. 2v. 180 Bost: 1867. HUNT, R. Elementary Physics. 12~ Lond: 1851. - Poetry of Science. 12~ Lond: 1854. - Researches on Light. 8~ Lond: 1864. HUNT, T. F. Architettura Campestre. 4~ Lond: 1844. - Designs for Parsonage Houses, etc. 4" Lond: 1841. - Picturesque Domestic Architecture. 4~ Lond: 1841. HUNTER, H. Sacred Biography. 8~ Edinb: 1840. - History of the Patriarchs. 6v. 8~ Lond: 1785. HUNTER, J. D. Customs of Indian Tribes. 8~ Phila: 1823. - Captivity among the Indians. 12~ Lond: 1823. HUNTER, J. Ecclesiastical Documents. 4~ Lond: 1840. - New Illustrations of Shakespeare. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1845. HUNTER, W. P. Expedition to Syria. 2v. 12~ Lond: 1842. HUNTINGFORD, G. I. The Trinity. 8~ Lond: 1832. HUNTINGTON, F. D. Home and College. 12~ Bost: 1860. - Hymns of the Ages. 12i Bost: 1859 CITY OF DETROIT. 69 INCIDENTS. IRVING. I HUNTINGTON, J. V. Alban. 2v. 12~ N. Y: 1853. - Rosemary. 12~ N. Y. HURD, R. Works of. 8v. 8~ Lond: 1811. HURLBURT, W. H. Gen. McClellan. 12~ N. Y: 1864. HUTCHINGs, J. M. Scenes in California. 12' San Francisco. HUTCHINSON, J. Works; Philosophical. 12v. 8~ Lond: 1749. HUTCHINSON, L. MRS. Memoirs of Col. Hutchinson. 12~ Lond: 1848. HUTCHINsON, Gov. T. Province of Mass. Bay. 8~ Lond: 1828. HUTOHIsoN, G. Meteorological Phenomena. 8~ Glasgow: 1843. BUTTON. Book of Nature. 180 N. Y: 1846. HUTTON, C. Mathematical Dictionary. 2v. 4~ Lond: 1798. - Course of Mathematics; edited by O. Gregory. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1835-7. - Recreations in Mathematics. 4v. 8~ Lond: 1803. HUTTON, War. Census of the Canadas for 1851-2. 8~ Quebec: 1853. HUXLEY, I. H. Man's place in Nature. 12~ N. Y: 1863. HYDE, E. Earl of Clarendon. Rebellion and Civil Wars in England. 6v. 4~ Oxford: 1816. - Life of. 2v. 4' Oxford: 1817. HYDE, H. Correspondence. 2v. 40 Lond: 1828. HYDE, J. Mormonism. 12~ N. Y: 1857. HYLA. Convent and Manse. 120 Bost: 1854. CELAND, GREENLAND AND THE FAR(E ISLANDS. 180 N. Y: 1841. IDEALITIES. By Corinne. 180 Phila: 1859. ILLUSTRATIONS OF PHRENOLOGY. 120 Bait: 1832. ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE HISTORY and Practice of the Thugs. 8~ Lond: 1837. IMPRESSIONS OF THE WEST AND SOUTH. 8~ Toronto: 1858. INAUGURATION OF THE STATUTE OF WARREN. 8~ Bost: 1857. INCIDENTS OF THE REVOLUTION. 12~ Bath, N.Y: 1841. INCIDENTS OF TRAVEL IN EGYPT, ARABIA, etc. 2v. 12~ N.Y: 1838. INCIDENTS OF TRAVEL IN GREECE, TURKEY, etc. 2v. 12~ N. Y: 1855. INGALLS, H. A. Memoir. See Burnass, G. W. INGALLS, M. B. Ocean Sketches of Life in Burmah. 180 Phila: 1867. INGELOW, JEAN. Poems. 12~ Bost: 1865. - Story of Doom. 12~ Bost: 1867. - Studies for Stories. 120 Bost: 1865. INGERSOLL, C. J. Second War between U. S. and G. Britain. 8~ Phila: 1849. - Same. INGOLDSBY. See Barham, R. INGOLDSBY, T. Ingoldsby Legends. 2v. 12~ N.Y: 1864. INGRAHAM, J. H. Pillar of Fire. 12~ N. Y: 1859. - Prince of the House of David. 12~ N. Y: 1850. - Sunny South. 12~ Phila: 1860. - Throne of David. 12~ Phila: 1860. INGULPH's Chronicle of the Abbey of Croyland. 12~ Lond: 1854. INQUIRE WITHIN. 120 N. Y. INTERNAL RELATIONS of the Cities, Towns, Villages, Counties and States of the Union. 12~ N. Y: 1859. INTRODUCTION and Early Progress of the Cotton Manufacture in the U. S. 18~ Bost: 1863. INSECT ARCHITECTURE. 180 Lond: 1849. INSECT MISCELLANIES. 180 Lond: 1847. INSECT TRANSFORMATIONS. 18~ Lond; 1847. IRELAND, J. B. From Wall street to Cashmere. 8~ N. Y: 1859. IRELAND, S. Views on the River Thames. 2v. 4~ Lond: 1792. - Views of the Severn. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1829. IRISH LADY. Juvenile Tourist. 18~ Phila: 1858. IRVING, P. M. Life and Letters of Washing Irving. 4v. 12~ N. Y: 1864. IRVING, W. Biography and Poetical Remains of M. M. Davidson. 12~ N. Y: 1851. - Book of the Hudson. 180 N. Y: 1849. - Oliver Goldsmith. 12~ N. Y: 1849. - Spanish Papers and Miscellanies. 2v. 12~ N. Y: 1866. - Alhambra. 12~ N. Y: 1860. - Astoria. 120 N. Y: 1860. - Bonneville's Adventures. 12~ N. Y: 1860. - Bracebridge Hall. 12~ N. Y: 1860. - Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus. 3v. 120 N. Y: 1860. 70 P UBLIC LIBRAR Y OF THE - -- - --"I-'~ JACOB. JAMES. I IRVING, W. Conquest of Granada. 121, N. Y: 1860. - Crayon -Miscellany. 120 N. Y: 1860. - Goldsmith, Oliver. 12" N. Y. 1860. - Knickerbocker's New York. 120 N. Y: 1860. - Mahomet and his Successors. 2v. 120 N. Y: 1860. - Sketch Book. 12" N. Y: 1860. - Tales of a Traveler. 12" N. Y: 1860. -Washington, George, Life of. 5iv. 12' N. Y. 1860. -Wolfort's Roost. 12', N. Y: 1860. IavINee, W, and others. Salamagundl. 18' N. Y: 1857. - Same. ISMAle, W. Mud Cabin. 12' N. Y: 1853. IsLAN'D Exsiriux. Elba. 12' Phila: 1855. IvF~s, E. Voyage from England to India. 4' Loud: 1773. IVES, J. A. New England Book of Fruit. 18' Salem, Mass: 1847. IviEs, L. S. Trials of a Mind in its Progress to Catholicism. P4' Bost: 1854. JACKSON, A. Life. See Cobbet. See Parton. See Headley, J. T. Monument. See Dusenhery. -Pictorial Life. 120 Phila. JACKSON, ANNA. Art Principle; Music. 12' Phila: 1863. JACKSON, JAs. Letters to a Young Physiclan. 12' Bost: 1855. -Memoir of J. Jackson, jr. 8' Bost: JACKSON, JOHN, and CHATTO, W. A. Wood Engraving. 8', Loud: 1861. JACKSON, J. ID. D. Sinfulness of Little Sins. 18' Loud: 1865. JACKSON, R. EA. S. Life of Win. Scoreshy. 12' Loud: 1.861. JACKSONe, Tilos. Centenary of Wesleyan Methodism. 12' N. Y: 1859. - Same. - Life of John Goodwin. 8' Loud: 1822. - Life of Robert Newton. 12' Loud: 1857. - Life of Charles Wesley. 8' N. Y: 1844. JACKSON, Trios. J. (Stonewall). Life of. 12' N. Y: 1863. - Life. See Addey. JACOB, Gmims. Law Dictionary. F. Loud: 17M2 JACOBS, 5, PROCTOR AND OTHERS. History of the Ottoman Empire. 12' Lond: 1854. JACOBS, FRED. Greek Reader, with Lexicon. 12' Bost: 1844. JACQUES, ID. H. Physical Perfection. 12' N. Y. JAUSISCi, C. F. IDE. Chess Preceptor. 8' Lond: 1847. JAHIN, J. Biblical Archoeology. 8' N. Y: 1849. JAMAICA MOVEMENT for Enforcement of the Slave - Trade Treaties. 8' Loud: 1850. JAMES I and CirARLEs i. Lives and Writings. See Harris, W. JAMES, G. P. R. Aims and Obstacles. 8o N. Y: 1851. - Cavalier. 12' Phila: 1859. - Commissioner; or, IDe Lunatico Inquirendo. 8' N. Y: 1856. - Coeur de Leon. 12. N. Y: 1855. - Dark Scenes of History. 12', N. Y: 1850. - Desultory Man. 2v. 12' N. Y: 1836. - Henry Masterton. 12' N. Y: 1864. - History of Chivalry. 18' N. Y: 1839. - History of England (early). 18' Loud. - History of Richard Coeur de Leon. 2v. 12' Loud: 1834. - Jacquerie. A Novel. 2v. 12' N. Y: 1842. - Life and Times of Louis xiv. 2v. 12', Loud: 1851. - Life of Henry iv. 2v. 8' N. Y: 1855. - Lives of Hicbleiu, Oxenstiern, Olivares and Mazarin. 2v. 12' Phila: 1816. - Lord Montagu's Page. 120 Phila: 1858. - Morley Einstein. 2v. 12' N. Y: 1842. - Sir Theodore Broughton. 2v. 12'3 Leipzig,: 1848. JAMES, G. P. H, and FIELD, M. B. Adrian; or, Clouds. 12', N. Y: 1852. JAMES, H. Christianity the Logic of Creation. 12' N. Y: 1857. - Lectures. 12' N. Y: 1852. - Substance and Shadow; 'or, Morality and Religion. 12' Bost: 1863. JAMES, J. A. Anxious Inquirer. 18' N. Y. - Church in Earnest. 18' Bost: 1848. - Earnest Ministry. 12' N. Y: 1849. - Female Piety; or, Young Woman's Friend. 18' N. Y: 1853. - Young Mlan from Home. 18' N. Y. - Another copy. 18' Loud. JAMES: VENN: WILSON and JAY. Select Works. 5' N. Y: 1847. CITY OF DETROIT. 71 - I------L-- JAR VIS. JERROLD. JAMEs, MARIAN. Elder Sister. 120 N. Y: 1855. - Ethel; or, the Double Error. 12~ N. Y: 1855. JAMES: PICKEN: GALT, etc. Club Book. 12~ N. Y: 1836. JAMESON, MRS. ANNE. Common Place Book. 12~ N. Y: 1855. - Legends of the Madonna. 18' Bost: 1861. - Memoirs of Early Italian Painters. 18~ Lond: 1845. - Memoirs of the Loves of the Poets. 18~ Bost: 1863. - Sisters of Charity. 12~ Bost: 1857. JAMESON, H. G. Epidemic Cholera. 8~ Phila: 1855. JAMESON and others. Discovery in Africa. 18~ N. Y: 1839. JAMIESON, R. Cyclopedia of Religious Biography. 12~ Lond: 1853. JANIN, JULES. Sketches of Genoa, Pisa and Florence. 18~ Phila: 1854. JANNEY, S. M. Life of George Fox. 8~ Phila: 1853. - Life of Penn, William. 8~ Phila: 1852. JANVRIN, M. W. Youths' Cabinet. (6v. in one). 12' Bost: 1858. JAPAN and the Japanese. 12~ N. Y: 1860 JARDINE, D. Criminal Trials. 2v 120 Lond: 1847. JARDINE, SIR Wm. Naturalist's Library. 40v viz: Entomology, 7v. 12~ Edinb: 1860-59. Icthyology, 6v. 12~ Edinb: 1853-60. Mammalia, 13v. 12~ Edinb: 1858-4. Ornithology, 14v. 12" Edinb: 1854- 62. JARRETT, T. Lexicon of the Hebrew Language. 8~ Lond: 1848. JARVES, J. J. Art Hints, Architecture, Sculpture and Painting. 12~ N. Y: 1855. - Art Idea (The) in America. 180 N. Y: 1865. - Art Studies. Old Masters of Italy; Painting. 2v. 8~ N. Y: 1861. - History of Sandwich Islands. 8~ Bost: 1843. - Italian Sights and Papal Principles. 12~ N. Y: 1856. - Kiana; a Tradition of Hawaii. 120 Bost. and Cambridge: 1857. - Parisian Sights and French Principles. 2v. 12~ N. Y: 1855-6. JARvIs, S. F. Chronological Introduction to History of the Church. 8~ Lond: 1844. JAY, REV. Wx. Autobiography and Remains. 2v. 12~ N. Y: 1855. - Same. JAY, W. American Colonization and AntiSlavery. 12~ N. Y: 1835. - Life of John Jay. 2v. 8~ N. Y: 1833. - Mexican War. 12~ Bost: 1849. - Slavery. 12~ N. Y: 1839. JAY, J. B. Wolfsden. 12~ Bost: 1856. JEAFFRESON, J. C. Book about Doctors. 120 N. Y: 1861. - Not Dead Yet. 8~ N. Y: 1864. JEANIE MORRISON; or, the Discipline of Life. 18' N. Y: 1857. JEFFREY, F. Contributions to Edinburgh Review. 8~ Bost: 1859. - Life. See Crockburn, H. JEFFREY, ROSA. Woodburn. 12~ N. Y: 1864. JEFFERSON, T. Autobiography, Correspondence, etc. 9v. 8~ Wash: 1853-4. - Youth of. 12~ N. Y: 1854. JEKYLL, Jos. Letters of Sancho, with a memoir. 80 Lond: 1803. JENKINS, J. S. Heroines of History. 12~ Buff. - Life of John C. Calhoun. 8" Auburn: 1850. - Life of Silas Wright. 12" Auburn: 1850. - Life of James K. Polk; His administration. 12~ Auburn. - U. S. Exploring Expedition, 1838-42. Auburn: 8~ 1850. JENKINSON, C. Treaties between Great Britain and other Powers. 3v. 8~ Lond: 1785. JENNINGS, R. Horse Training. 12~ Phila: 1866. - Sheep, swine and poultry. 12~ Phila: 1864. JENOUR, A. Books of the Old Testament from Job to Solomon's Song. Tr. 8~ Lond: 1841. JENYNS, SOAME. Works. Life by Cole 4v. 8~ Lond: 1793. JERDAN, WM. Rutland Papers. Times of Henry vn and Henry vnI. 4~ Lond: 1842. JERMYN, J. Book of English Epithets. 8" Lond: 1849. JERRIIAN, E. Pictures from St. Petersburg. 12' N.Y: 1852. - St. Petersburg: its People. 12~ N. Y: 1855. JERROLD, DOUGLAS. Life and remains of, by his son. 12~ Bost: 1859. - Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures. 12~ N. Y: 1867. ePUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE JOHNSON. JONES..JERROLD, W. B. Travels and Adventures in Sweden and Norway. 120 Lend: 1854. JERnUSALEx. See Destruction. JERYIS, J. B. Railway Property. 120 N. Y: 1861. JESSE, E. Anecdotes of Dogs. 12" Lond: 1858. JESSE, J. H. Court of England under the Stuarts and Protectorate. 3v. 120 Lond: 1857. -The Pretenders and their Adherents. 120 Lond: 1860. JEsus upoiN EARTHE. 12' N. Y: 1857. JETER, J. B. Camphellism examined. 120 N.Y: 1855. - Sermons and Writings of Andrew Broadduis, with Life., 12' N. Y: 1855. JEwELL, F. S. School Government. 120 N. Y: 1866. JEWETT, J. A. Passages in Foreign Travel. 12' Boat: 1818. JEwITT, J. H. The Savages of Nootka. 120 Edinb: 1824. JEwITT, L. Life of Josiah Wedgewood. 5' Lond: 1865. JEwSETIRY, MARIA J. Three Histories. 120 Bost: 1831. JOANNA OF SICILY. Life. See Ellet, E. F. See Historical. JOAN OF ARC. Life. See Bartlett, ID. W. - Maid of Orleans. 18' N. Y: 1858. JOBSON, T. J. America and American Methodism. 120 N. Y: 1857. JOHNES, M.. Boys' Book of Travel and Adventure. 12' N. Y: 1860. JOHNES,s T. Life of John Froissart. 40 np. 1810. JOHNS AND NICOLAS. Heroes of Great Britain. 120 Lund: 1860. JOHNSON, ANDREW. Speeches. See Moore, F. JOHNSON, A. B. Meaning of words. 12' N. Y: 1854. JOHNSON, ANNA C. Peasant Life in Germany. 12' N. Y: 1858. JOHNSON, B. P. Exhibition of the industry of all nations. 80 Albany: 1852. JOHNSON, G. W. Cottage Gardener's Dietionary. 120 Loud: 1860. - The Gardener. 3v. 180 Lond. JOHNSON, S. Beauties of Johnson. - British Essayists; The Rambler. 3v. 120 Boat: 1856. - Dictionary of the English Language. F. Lond: 1785. - Dictionary of the English Language. 24', Glasgow. - Life. See Boswell, J. See Biographies. JOHNSON, S. Ilasselas: This vol. contains history of Solyman and Alme-na. 18' N. Y. - Ilasselas; a tale. 180 Boat: 1817. - Another copy. 24' Ithica, N. Y: 1846. - Works, with essay on life and genius, by Murphy. 12v. 8' Lond: 1824. - Another Copy. 2v. 8' N. Y: 1851. JOHNS ON, WHARTON, REYNOLDS, LANGTON, British Essayists; Idler. 12') Boat: 1856. JOHNSON, Rev. S. Works. am F. Lond: 1710. JOHNSON, W. A. B. Memoir, with notice hy S. Tyng. 12' N. Y: 1853. - The same. JOHNSON, W. H. Report on American coals. 80 Wash: 1844. JOHNSON, A. K. National Atlas of Geography. Large F. Edinb. JOHNSTON, J. F. Chemistry of common life. 2v. 120 N. Y: 1855. JOHNSTON, J. F. W. Agricultural Chemistry and Geology. 120 N. Y: 1857. - Lectures on the application of Chemistry and Geology to Agriculture. 12' N.Y: 1857. JOINVULLE, PRINCE DE. Army of the Potomac. 8' N. Y: 18621. 'JOYAI, M. Hungarian Sketches in Peace and War. 120 Edinb: 1854. JOILLFFE, T. H. Letters from Palestine. 2v. 120 Lond: 1822. JONAS'S STORIES to Holla and Lucy. 180 Bost: 1851. JONES, A. Electric Telegraph. 5' N. Y: 1852. JONES, D. S. Memorial of. 12' N. Y: 1849. JONES, GUL. Poeseos Asiaticie Comment. 8' Lond: 1774. JONES, HA-NNAH MX. Emily Moreland. 5' Lond: JONES, J. B. Wild Western Scenes. 12' Phila: 1863. JONES, JOHINPATJL. Life. 8' N. Y: 1825. - Life. See Hamilton, J. JONES, J. H. Man: Moral and Physical 12' Phila: 1886. JONES, P. Slaveholder Ahroad. 12' Phila 1860. JONES, T. Paradoxes of Debit and Credit Demyolished. 4' N. Y: 1859. JONES'S VIEWS of Castles in Great Britain. 4' Lond. JONES, W. A. Essays upon Authors and Books. 12' N. Y: 1849. JONES, Rev. W. Catholic Doctrine of a Trinity. 18' N. Y: 1852. - History of the Christian Church. 2v. 8' Load: 1826, CITY OF DETROIT. 73 JULIEN. JONES, Sir W. Commentary on Asiatic Poetry. See Jones, Gul. - Dissertations on History, Art, etc, of Asia. 2v. 8~ Loud: 1792. - Life. See Teignmouth, Lord. - Works. 6v. 4~ Lond: 1799. JONES, W.D. M.odern Democracy. 8~ N. Y: 1864. JONSON, BEN. Works, with Memoir by Barry Cornwall. 8" Lond: 1838. JORTIN, J. Life of Erasmus. 2v. 4~ Lond. - Sermons. 4v. 8o Lond: 1826. - Tracts. 2v. Lond: 1790. JOSEPHINE. Life. See Headley, P. C. See Memes. JosEPHus FLAVIUS. Complete Works. Tr. by Whiston. 4~ Lond. - Another copy. 4v. 8~ Lond: 1814. JOURNAL OF A VOYAGE up the Nile. By an American. 12~ Buff: 1851. JOURNAL OF GRAND LODGE, I. 0. of 0. F. of U.S. 8~ N.Y. JOURNEY IN BRAZIL. By Prof. and Mrs. Louis Agassiz. 8~ Bost: 1868. JOWETT, WM. Use and Governance of Time and Temper. 12~ Lond: 1835. JOYCE, J. Introduction to the Arts and Sciences. 12~ Lond: 1852. - Scientific Dialogues. 120 Lond: 1859. JUAN, G. and ULLOA, A. DE. Voyage to South America. 2v. 8~ Loud: 1758. - Voyage Historique de L'Amerique Meridionale. 2v. 4~ Amsterdam: 1752. JUDD, O. B. Memoirs of Rev. Willard Judd. 12~ N. Y: 1845. - The same. JuDD, S. Margaret; a Tale. 2v. 12~ Bost: 1851. - Richard Edney and the Governor's Family. 12~ Bost: 1850. JUDsoN ADONIRAM. Life. See Conant, H. C. See Wayland, F. JUDSON, EMILY C. Domestic Verses i2~ N. Y: 1852. - Kathayan Slave. 12 Bost: 1853. - Life. See Kendrick, A. C. See Chubbuck, Emily. JUDSON, L. C. Probe; or, Essays on the Nature of Men and Things. 120 Phila: 1847. JUDsoNs. The Three Mrs: Female Missionaries; Lives. 12~ N. Y: 1860. JUELLUS, J. Apologia Ecclesiae; Anglicante. 12~ Camb: 1838. JULIANA, MOTHER. Sixteen Revelations of Divine Love. 12~ Bost: 1854. JULIEN, L'EMPEREUR. Les Caesars. 4~ Paris: 1696. KA ANAGH. JULIUS CzESAR. Life. See Williams, John. See Napoleon Ii. JUNIUS, F. Etymologicum Anglicanum. F. Oxford: 1743. JUNIUs. Including Letters by the same Writer. 2v. 8~ Phila: 1813. JUNIUS. Letters. 2v. in 1. 12 N.Y: 1821. JUNIus. Posthumous Works. 8o N. Y: 1829. JUNKIN, G. Political Fallacies. 12~ N. Y: 1863. - The same. - Two Commissions. 120 Phila: 1864. - The same. JUssfEU, A. DE. Elements of Botany. 12~ Lond. JUSTIN: Comelius Nepos and Eutropius. Tr. by Watson. 12~ Lond: 1853. JUSTIN MARTYR, TERTULLIAN and MINUTIUS FELIX. Apoligies in Defense of the Christian Religion. 2v. 8~ Loud: 1716. JUSTINIUS, M. J. History, Latin and English. 8~ Lond: 1732. JUVENAL, PERSIUS, SULPICIA and LUCILIUS. Satires. 12~ Lond: 1860. ANE, E. K. Arctic Explorations. 2v. 8~ Phila: 1856. - Arctic Explorations. Vol. 11. 8 Phila 1857. - Love -Life. See Fox, Miss. 120 N. Y: 1866. - Biography. See Elder. - U. S. Grinnell Expedition. 8~ Phila. KANT, I. Critique of Pure Reason. 12" Lond: 1860. KAPP, F. Life. 8~ N. Y: 1859. KARR, ALPHONSE. Tour Round my Garden. 180 Lond: 1856. KAVANAGH, J. Adele. 3v. 12~ Leipzig: 1850. - Daisy Burns. 2v. 120 Leipzig: 1853. - GraceLee. 2v. 120 Leipzig: 1855. - Madeline. 120 N. Y: 1852. - Queen Mab. 120 N. Y: 1864. - Rachel Gray. 12~ Leipzig: 1856. - Rachel Gray. 120 N. Y: 1863. -Rachel Gray. 12~ N.Y: 1864. - Saint Gildas. 180 Bost: 1856. - Seven Years. 12~ N. Y: 1865. - Three Paths. 18~ Lond: 1848. -- Women of Christianity. 12~ N. Y: 1864. 74 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE --~-I KENNEDY. KIDD. ~---- KAY, J. Social condition of people in England. 12' N. Y: 1863. KAY, S. Travels in Caffraria. 12~ Lond: 1833. KEATE, G. Account of the Pelew Islands. 4~ Lond: 1788. KEATS, J. Poetical works. 120 N. Y: 1855. - Poetical Works. 12~ Bost: 1864. KEBLE, J. Christian Year. 180 Phila: 1857. KEESE, J. The Opal. 80 N.Y: 1847. KEIGHTLEY, T. Fairy Mythology. 120 Lond: 1860. - History of Rome. 120 N. Y: 1851. KEILEY, A. M. In Vinculis. 12~ N. Y: 1866. KEITH, C. P. Memoir. 120 N. Y: 1864. - Same. KELLOGG, E. Labor and other capital. 8~ N. Y: 1849. KELLY, W..R. History of Russia. 2v. 120 Lond: 1854-55. KELLY, W. R. Life of Wellington. 12~ Lond: 1853. KELLY, W. K. Syria and the Holy Land. 8~ Lond. KELSALL, C. Phantasm of an University. 4~ Lond: 1814. KEMBLE, F. A. Journal on a Georgia Plantation. 120 N. Y: 1863. - Poems. 12~ Bost: 1859. KEMBLE, JOHN PHILIP. Life. See Boaden, James. KEMP, T. L. Phases of Matter. 2v. 12~ Lond: 1855. KEN, THos. Life. See Duyckinck, G. L. KENDALL, ED. A. Travels through the N. U. States, 1807-8. 3v. 12~ N.Y: 1809. KENDRICK, F. P. Primacy of the Apostolic See. 8~ Phila: 1845. KENDRICK, A. C. Life of Emily C. Judson. 12~ N. Y: 1860. KENDRICK, N. and S. H. Memoirs of. See Adams, S. W. KENNEDY, C. R. Specimens of Greek and Latin Verse. 12~ Lond: 1853. KENNEDY, GRACE. Father Clement, a Catholic Story. 8~ Bost: 1860. KENNEDY, JAS. Conversations with Lord Byron. 12' Phila: 1833. KENNEDY, J. P. Der Kriippel. 180 Leipzig: 1855. - Horse-Shoe Robinson. 12~ Phila: 1864. - Life of William Wirt. 2v. 8~ Phila: 1849. KENNEDY, J. P. Life of William Wirt. 12~ Phila: 1860. - Mr. Ambrose's Letters on the Rebellion. 180 N. Y: 1865. - Quodlibet. 12~ Phila: 1860. - Rob of the Bowl. 12~ Phila: 1861. - Swallow Barn. 12~ Phila: '1861. KENNEDY, J. C. G. Population of the U. S. in 1860. 4, Wash: 1864. - Preliminary Report of the Census of 1860. 8~ Wash: 1862. KENNEDY, W. S. Messianic Prophecy and Life of Christ. - Same. 12~ Hudson, 0: 1852. KENNETT, B. Antiquities of Rome; Essays. 8~ Balt. KENNY, THos. Life and Genius of Shakspeare. 8~ Lond: 1864. KENRIOH, J. Egypt under the Pharaohs. 2v. 120 N. Y: 1853. KENT, J. Commentaries on American Law. 4v. 80 Bost: 1860. KENYON, J. Poems. 12~ Lond: 1838. - Rhymed Plea for Tolerance. 8~ Lond: 1839. KEPPEL, G. Journey from India to England by Bassorah. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1827. KERN, G. M. Landscape Gardening. 12~ Cine: 1855. KERR, O. C. (Newell). Palace Beautiful and other Poems. 180 1865. - Papers. Second series. 12" N. Y: 1863. KERR, R. Life of Wm. Smellie. 2v. 8~ Edinb: 1811. KESSON, J. Cross and Dragon: Christianity in China. 12~ Lond: 1854. KETTELL, T. P. History of the Great Rebellion. 8~ Hartford: 1865. - Southern Wealth and Northern Profits. 8~ N. Y: 1860. KETT, H. Elements of General Knowledge. 2v. 12~ Phila: 1805. KEY, F. S. Poems; Introduction by Taney. 180 N. Y: 1857. - Same. KEYSLER, J. G. Travels through Germany. 4v. 4~ Lond: 1756-7. KEY TO ANTHON'S Latin Prose Composition. 180 N. Y: 1849. KEY TO RoBINsoN'S Arithmetic. 12~ N. Y: 1861. KIDDER, J. Drama of Earth. 120 N. Y: 1857. KIDD, J. Supply of Man's Wants and exercise of his Intellectual Faculties. 12~ Lond: 1852. - Same. CITY OF DETR OIT. 76 - -- ~-------`-~I~ KINGSLEY. KIRWAN. -~ - KiLBouaN, P. K. Harp of the Yale. 12' Hartford: 1843. KIMBALL, H. B. Prince of Kashna. 12' N. Y: 1868. - Roma-nce of Student Life. 12' N. Y: 1864. - Saint Leger. 12' N. Y: 1850. - Students Abroad. 112' N. Y: 1862. - Was He Successful? 12' N. Y: 1864. - Same. KINDLNGn; or, a Way to Do It. 12" N. Y: 1886. KINGe, DAN. Life of Thos. W. Dorr. 120 Bost: 1859. - Quackery Unmasked. 12'D Bost: 1888. - Tobacco: What it is and what it does. 18' N. Y: 1861. KINGe, E. F. Biography of Newton; Oration of Brougham. 12' Grantham: 18588. -Ten Thousand wonderful things. 120 N. Y. KING, LORD. Life and Letters of John Locke. 120 Lond: 1888. - Same. KINGe, LORD P. Selections from the writings of Lord King. 80 Lond: 1844. KINe or ALBANIA. Geo. Castriot. See Mloore, C. C. KINa, T. Modern style of cabinet work exemplified. 40 Loud: 1862. KINGe, T. S. Patriotism and other papers. 120 Bost: 1864. KINGe, W. Original works of. 3v. 120 Lo-nd: 1776. KINGe, W. H. Obituary Addresses. 8o Wash: 1884. KINeLAKE. See Eothen. KINGSBURY, H. The Great Law Book. 12' N. Y: 1887. - Law and Government. 120 N. Y: 1849. KINGEsaY, C. Alton Locke, Tailor and Poet. 12' N. Y: 1880. - Andromeda, and other Poems. 12' Bost: 1888. - Glaucus. 12' Bost: 1888. - Good News of God. 12' N. Y: 1889. - Hereward. 12' Bost: 1866. - Heroes. 12' Bost: 1861. - Hypatia. 12' Bost: 1855. - Same. - New Miscellanies. 12', Bost: 1860. - Poems. 12' Bost: 1886. - Sir Walter Raleigh and His Time. 12' Bost: 1889. - Two Years Ago. 12' Bost: 1868. - Water Babies. 12' Bost: 1864. - Westward, Ho 1 120 Bost: 1855. KINGSLEYv, H. Austin Elliot. 12' Bost: 1863. - Hillyars and Burtons, a Story. 121, Bost: 1865. - Leighton Court. 12' Bost: 1866. -Ravenshoc. 120 Bost: 1862. -Recollections of Geoffrey Hamlyn. 12T Bost: 1889. KINGSTON, W. H. G. Fred. Markham in Russia. 180 N. Y: 1858. - Infant Amusements. 12' Loand: 1867. - Luasitanian Sketches. 2v. 8' Lond: 1848. - Rob Nixon, the Trapper. 12' N. Y: 1866. - Western Wanderings: Canada. 2v. 12' Lond: 1856. KINNE, A. Explanation of Daniel, Hoses, the Revelation, etc. 8' Bost: 1814. lire, L. Army Life on the Pacific, 1888. 12' N. Y: 1889. Kip, W. I. Catacombs of Rome. 12' N. Y: 1884. - Another Copy. 12'1 N. Y: 18859. - Christmas Holydays in Rome. 12' Glasgow: 1858. - Recantation; Confessions of a Convert to Romanism. 18' N. Y: 1846. KIRBY, W. Animals; their History, Habits, and Instincts. 2v. 12' Lond: 1853. - Same. KIRBY, W. and SEaNCE, W. Introduction to Entomology. '4v. 8' Lond: 1822-6. KIRK, C. D. Wooing and Warring in the Wilderness. 12' N. Y: 1860. KiR-x, E. N. Sermons in England and America. 12' N. Y: 1830. KiaxK, J. F. History of Charles the Bold. 2v. 8' Phila: 1864. KITIEB, EDMUND. See Gilmore, J. R. KIRiKLAND, Mrs. C. M. Evening Book: Sketches of Western Life. 12' N. Y: 1883. - Garden Walks with the Poets. 12' N. Y: 1882. - Holidays Abroad. 2v. 12' N. Y: 1849.- Memoirs of Washington. 8' N. Y: 1851. - Patriotic Eloquence. 12' N. Y: 1866. - See Clavers, Mary. KIRKLAND, F. Cyclopmdia of Commerci a Anecdotes. 2v. 8' N. Y: 1864. KiRnuwooD, R. Lectures on the Mille-nium. 12' N. Y: 1856. KIRWAN, (Rev. N. Murray). Letters to Abp. Hughes. 12* N. Y: 1888. - Letters to Judge Taney. 12' N.Y: 1882. - Men and Things as I saw them in Europe. 12' N. Y: 1883. 76 PU BLIC LIBRARY OF THE KNOX. LABAUME. --- KITTO, J. History of Palestine. 12~ N. Y: 1857. - Physical Geography of the Holy Land. 18~ Loud: 1848. - Pictorial Life of our Saviour. 12~ Lond: 1852. KLAPKA, G. War in the East. 1853-1855. 12~ Lond: 1855. KLEFEKERI, Jo. Bibleotheca Eruditorum Pr.ecocium. 12~ Hamburg: 1717. KLIPPART, J. H. Land Drainage. 12~ Cine: 1861. KLIPSTEIN, L. F. Analecta Anglo-Saxonica. 2v. 12~ N. Y: 1849. - A Grammar of the Anglo - Saxon Language. 12' N. Y: 1859. KLOPSTOCK. The Messiah. See Collyer, J. KNAPP, F. Chemical Technology. 2v. 80 Phila: 1848. KNAPP, S.L. Bachelors. 12~ N. Y: 1836. KNIGHT, C. Cabinet Portrait Gallery of British Worthies. 6v. 18~ Loud: 1845 -6. - Half Hours with the Best Authors. 2v. 8~ Lond. - Knowledge is Power. 12~ Bost: 1857. - London Pictorially Illustrated. 3v. 8~ Lond: 1851. - Pictorial History of England. 7v. 8" Lond: 1855. - Pompeii. 2v. Lond: 1834. KNIGHT, E. C. Marcus Flaminus. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1792. KNIGHT, H. C. Huntington (Lady). 12~ N. Y. - Life of James Montgomery. 12' Bost: 1857. - No Gains without Pains. 18~ N. Y. KNIGHT of the Golden Melice. 12~ N. Y: 1851. KNIGHT, R. P. Principles of Taste. 8~ Lond: 1808. - Symbolical Language of Ancient Art. Lond: 1836. KNIGHT, S. G. Tit-bits. 12~ Bost: 1864. KNILL, RICHARD. Life. See Birrell, C. M. KNOLLES, R. Turkish History, with Rycaut's Continuation to 1687. Vol. In. contains the Life of Mahomet and the Alcoran. 2v. F. Lond: 1687. KNORRING. Peasant and Landlord. Tr. by Mary Howitt. 8~ N. Y: 1848. KNow NOTHING. 120 Bost: 1855. KNOX, J. Works. Ed. by D. Laing. 2v. 8~ Edinb: 1846. KNox, J. Life. See McCrie, T. KNOX, T. W. Camp-Fire and Cotton Field. 8~ N. Y: 1865. KNOX, V. Essays, Moral and Literary. 3v. 8~ Lond: 1787. KoCH, C. Crimea and Odessa; a tour. 12~ Lond: 1855. KocH, C. W. Revolutions in Europe from the fall of the Roman Empire in the West, with continuations by Schoell and Frost to 1849. 8~ Hartford: 1854. KOEPPEN, A. L. Middle Ages. 2v. 12~ N. Y: 1854. KOHL, J. G. England, Wales and Scotland. 12~ Lond: 1844. - Russia in 1842; Austria, Ireland and Scotland. 80 Phila: 1844. KOHLRAUSCH, F. History of Germany. 8~ Lond: 1844. KOLLIKER, A. Human Microscopical Anatomy. 80 Phila: 1854. KOLLOCK, S. K. Pastoral Reminiscences. 12' N.Y: 1849. KORAN; Commonly called the Alcoran of Mohammed. Tr. by G. Sale. 8~ Phila: 1860. KORMAK; an Icelandic Romance. 12~ Bost: 1861. KORTUn, C. A. Jobsiad. Tr. by C. T. Brooks. 12~ Phila: 1863. KossUTH. Life. See Headley, P. C. - Offering. 8~ N. Y: 1852. KOSTER, H. Travels in Brazil. 4~ Lond: KOTZBUE, A. VON. Ildegerte, Q. of Norway. 2v. 180 Phila: 1800. KRAFFT, J. C. Draughts of the prettiest houses in Paris and the Environs. 40 Paris: 1809. KRAPF, J. L. Missionary Labors Eighteen years in E. Africa. 12~ Bost: 1860. KRASINSKY: WHITTLE: HONVED. Travels in Turkey and Hungary. 12~ Lond: 1858. KRIDER. Sporting Anecdotes. Ed. by H. M. Klapp. 8~ Phila: 1853. KRUMMACHER, F. A. Parables. 12~ Lond: 1858. KRUXIMACHER, F. W. The Suffering Saviour. 120 Bost: 1856. KRiSI, HERMANN. Perspective. 8~ N. Y: 1857. KRYCZINSKI, J. N. Recovery of Poland. 120 Phila: 1847. SABAT, PiRE. Voyage aux isles de 1'Amerique. Sv. 4~ 1724. LABAUME, E. Campaign in Russia. 8~ Hartford: 1848. CITY OF DETROIT. 77 LAMARTINE. LANGDON. -- LABILLARDIERE. Search for La Perouse. 4~ Lond: 1800. LA BRURERE, J. DE. Caracteres de La Bruyere. 2v. 8~ Paris: 1829. LACKINGTON, J. Memoirs. 180 Lond: 1827. LAcoUR, P. Manufacture of Liquors. 12' N. Y. LAcROIX, S. F. Essais sur L'enseignment. 120 Paris: 1816. LACRETELLE, C. Histoire de France. 6v. 8~ Paris: 1812. LADD. J. B. Literary Remains. 12~ N. Y: 1832. LADIES' LETTER - WRITER. 24~ Bost. LADY'S COMPANION. 12~ Phila: 1853. LADY' MENTOR. 120 Phila: 1855. LADY WILLOUGHBY. 12~ N. Y: 1850. LAET, J. DE. De Origine Gentium Americanarum. 12~ Amsterdam: 1743. LAFARGE, Mme. Memoirs. 12 - Phila: 1841. LAFAYETTE. Life. See Cloquet, M. J. See Headley, P. C. LAFEVER, M. Modern Architecture. 8' N. Y: 1849. LA FONTAINE. Fables. 2v. 12~ N. Y: 1861. LAFOSSE, G. T. Precis de 1'histoire de Napoleon. 8~ Paris: 1825. LAGNY, G. DE. The Knout and the Russians. 12~ N. Y: 1854. LA HARPE, J. F. Litterature ancienne et moderne. 16v. 8~ Paris: 1818. LAING, J. Voyage to Spitzbergen. 18~ Edinb: 1818. LAING, M. History of Scotland. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1800. LAING, S. Social and Political State of Europe. 8~ Lond: 1846. - Denmark, Schleswig and Holstein. 8~ Lond: 1852. LAIRD, McG. Expedition into Africa. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1837. LAIRD OF NORLAW. 120 N. Y: 1857. LAL, MORAN. Life of Dost Mohammed, Kahn of Kabul. 2v. 80 Lond: 1846. LAMARTINE, A. DE. Biographical Sketch. 8~ Lond: 1849. - Chute (La) d'un ange. 12~ Paris: 1849. - Confidences (Les). 12* N. Y: 1857. - Genevieve. 120 Lond: 1864. - Histoire delaTurquie. 2v. 8~ Paris: 1855. - History of the French Revolution. 2v. 12~ Bost: 1849. - History of the Girondists. 3v. 12~ Lond: 1848. LAIARTINE, A. DE. History of the Restoration of Monarchy in France. 4v. 120 Lond: 1854. - History of Turkey. 3v. 12~ N. Y: 1855. - Jocelyn. 180 Bruxelles; 1836. - Life of Christopher Columbus. 18~ N. Y. - Life of Oliver Cromwell. 18~ N. Y. - Life of Mary Stuart. 18' N.Y: 1860. - Memoirs of Celebrated Characters. 120 Lond: 1860. - Past, Present and Future. 12~ N. Y: 1850. - Stone mason of Saint Point. 12~ Lond: 1851. - Three months in power. 120 Lond: 1848. LAMBALLE. La famille royale de France. 2v. 8~ Paris: 1826. LAMB, C. English dramatic poets. 12~ Lond: 1854. - Tales from Shakspeare. 12~ Bost: 1855. - Works. 4v. 12 Bost: 1863. LAMB, J. Life and Times. See Leake, J. Q. LAMBERT, A. B. The genus Cinchona. 40 Lond: 1821. LAmBRUSCHINI. Immaculate Conception. 120 N. Y: 1855. LAMONT, J. Seasons with the sea horses. 8~ N.Y: 1861. LAMOTTE, and OTHERS. Metric system. 18~ Phila: 1867. LAMPING, C. The French in Algiers. 12* N. Y: 1845. LAmSON, A. Church of the first three centuries. 8~ Bost: 1860. LANDELLS, E. Boys' own toy maker. 24~ N. Y: 1865. LANDER, M. Esperance. 120 N. Y: 1865. LANDER, R. and J. Exploration of the Niger. 2v. 180 N. Y: 1837. LANDON, L. E. Drawing- room scrap book. 4~ Lond: 1837. - Works. 2v. 80 Phila: 1850. LANDOn, W. S. Imaginary conversation. 3v. 8~ Lond: 1826. First series. - Imaginary conversations. 2v. 8~ Lond: 1829. Second series. - Selections. 12' Bost: 1856. LANE, B. I. Mysteries of Tobacco. 12~ N.Y: 1846. LANE, W. My good-for-nothing Brother. 8~ Bost: 1863. LANGDON, W. B. Catalogue of the Chi nese Collection. 80 Lond: 1844. 78 PUBLIC LIBRARY OP THE -- -- LATROBE. LEDRI. L'ANGE Conducteur des Ames. 240 N. Y: 1858. LANGHORNE, JOHN. Solyman. See Johnson, S. Rasselas. LANG. J. ID. Australian Emigrant's Manual. 120 Lond: 1852. - New South Wales. 2v. 80 Lond: 1834. - Queensland, Australia. 120 Loud: 1864. LANGLEY, E. A. Court of Neer All Moorad. 2v. 8' Lond: 1860. LANKcESTER. Ve