CATALOGUE OF THE NE'W-YORK STATE LIBRARY: 1855. GENERAL LIBRARY. ALBANY: CHARLES VAN BENTHUYSEN, PRINTER. 1856. PREFACE.' THE Trustees of the State Library are required by law to report annually to the Legislature the additions to the Library, and also at the end of every five years a full catalogue of its contents. The Catalogue of 1850 was comprised in one octavo volume of nearly eleven hundred pages; but the additions to the Library have since been such as to render it expedient to issue the present Catalogue in three volumes, of a size more convenient than the former. \ The present volume contains the Catalogue of the printed books in the General Library. The remaining two volumes contain, one, the Catalogue of the Law Books and State Papers in the Law Library; the other, the Catalogue of the manuscripts, maps, engravings, coins, etc. in the General Library. The number of volumes in the Library at the time of the publication of the Catalogue in 1850 was 23,274. The whole number now on the shelves of the Library is 43,634; of which, 30,011, including 144 volumes of manuscripts, are in the General Library, and the remaining 13,623 in the Law Library. This shows an increase of 20,360 volumes in five years; of which, 16,607 appertain to the General Library, and 3753 to the Law Library. iv PREFACE. While this result has been produced chiefly by purchases made from the annual appropriations by the State for the enlargement of the Library, much of it has arisen from donations made by foreign governments and authorities, principally through the system of international exchange conducted by M. VATTEMARE; by the Government of the United States; by the several States of the Union; by learned societies; by individuals, both at home and abroad; and by the deposit of the library of the late Hon. HARMANUS BLEECKER, consisting of about 2700 volumes. These additions have been specially acknowledged in the Annual Reports of the Trustees. The additions since 1850 in the department of American History, to which the Trustees have given special attention, have been very considerable. The papers of GEORGE CLINTON, the first Governor of this State, who acted a conspicuous part in the war of the Revolution, have been purchased by legislative authority, and arranged in twentythree substantially bound folio volumes, which are now in the Library. Those of Sir WILLIAM JOHNSON, extending from 1738 to 1774, liberally contributed by Gen. JOHN TAYLER COOPER of Albany, have also been appropriately arranged and bound in twentytwo folio volumes. These both contain much valuable information in reference to the early history of our State, and various matters connected with the Revolutionary War. In 18542 the Library was removed to the substantial and appropriatebuilding in the rear of the Capitol, constructed by the wise liberality of the Legislature for its reception. The extent of the collection, and the convenience of the arrangements of the Library are such, that the number of readers who avail themselves.of its privileges is constantly increasing; and it is a source of just pride to the citizens of the State, that those who are engaged in learned, scientific or useful inquiries, may here find liberal provision made by' public munificence to aid them in their labors.:.: -: - STATE LRTBRR,: October 1856.::: TRUSTEES OF THE STATE LIBRARY. THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW-YORK, EX OFFICIO. GERRIT Y. LANSING, Chancellor.. JOHN M'LEAN. JOHN GREIG, Vice-Chancellor. GIDEON HAWLEY, LL.D. MYRON H. CLARK, Governor. DAVID BUEL. HENRY J. RAYMOND, Lieut. Governor. JAMES S. WADSWORTH. JOEL T. HEADLEY, Secretary of State. JOHN V. L. PRUYN, LL.D. VICTOR M. RICE, Superintendent of ROBERT CAMPBELL. Public Instrucction. REV. SAMUEL LUCKEY, D.D. GULIAN C. VERPLANCK, LL.D. ROBERT G. RANKIN. JOHN K. PAIGE. REv. JOHN N. CAMPBELL, D.D. ERASTUS CORNING. ERASTUS C. BENEDICT. PROSPER M. WETMORE. GEORGE W. CLINTON. JOHN L. GRAHAM. (One vacancy.) gibxat 6trmmftta~R MI80. MR. PRUYN, MR. VERPLANCK, REV. DR. CAMPBELL, THE LIEUT. GOVERNOR, MR. M'LEAN. S. B. WOOLWORTH, LL.DT, Secretary of the Trustees, and of the Lbrary Committee, ALFRED B. STREET, Librarian. ELISHA W. SKINNER, ~ HENRY A. HOMES, Assistant Librarians. JOHN H. HICKCOX, [BQEN.IB.i TIlE LAWS AND REGULATIONS RELATIVE TO THE NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. I. EXTRACTS FROM THE LAWS OF THE STATE, RELATIVE TO TIIE LIBRARY. SECTlION 1*. The Regents of the University of the State of New-York are hereby constituted, and shall continue, the Trustees of the State Library. Laws of 1844: Chap. 255, sec. 1. ~ 2. The trustees hereby appointed shall have power from time to time to appoint a librarian to superintend and take care of said library, and to prescribe such rules and regulations for the government of the library as they shall think proper, and to remove the librarian at any time when they shall deem it expedient; but for the purpose of removing or appointing a librarian, twelve of the said trustees shall be required to form a quorum. Same chapter, sec. 3. ~ 3. The assistant librarian and messenger shall be appointed by the trustees of the library. Laws of 1848: Chap. 262, sec. 2. For Second Assistant, see Laws of 1855, chap. 538, sec. 1; and chap. 539, sec. 1. ~ 4. The State Library shall be kept open every day in the year, Sundays excepted; during such hours in each day as the trustees of the said library may direct. Laws of 1844: Chap. 25.5, sec. 5. ~ 5. The librarian shall be constant in his personal attendance upon the library during the hours it shall be directed to be kept open, and shall perform such other duties as may be imposed by law or by the rules and regulations which may be prescribed by the said trustees. Same chapter, sec. 6. ~ 6. The acting trustees will from time to time give directions to the librarian in relation to the proper and safe keeping of the books, maps, charts, and other property belonging to the said library; and may, by way of amercement for every violation or neglect of duty, suspend or deduct from his salary or emolument any part thereof, not exceeding half of it in any one year. Laws of 1840: Chap. 381, sec. 3. ~ 7. The trustees of the State Library may from time to time sell or exchange duplicate or imperfect books belonging to the library, not necessary for the use thereof. Laws of 1845: Chap. 85, sec. 3. * The sections are, for convenience, numbered without reference to their original numbers. viii LAWS AND REGULATIONS ~ 8. It shall be the duty of the trustees of the State Library annually to report to the legislature the manner in which the moneys by them received during the year preceding have been expended; together with a true and perfect catalogue of all the books, maps and charts which have been added to the library since the date of the last preceding annual report; and whether any, and, if so, what books, maps and charts have been lost; and, also, at the end of every five years, to report in like manner a full and perfect catalogue of all the books, maps and charts then the library. Laws of 1844: Chap. 255, sec. 7. ~ 9. It shall be the duty of the trustees to provide, in their regulations, that any member of the senate or assembly, during the session of the legislature, or during the sitting of the court for the correction of errors*, or of the senate only, shall be permitted, under proper restrictions, forfeitures and penalties, to taketo his boarding-house or private room any book belonging to the library, except such books as the trustees shall determine are necessary always to be. kept in the library as books of reference; but no member of the legislature shall be permitted to take or detain from the library more.than two volumes at any one time. R. S. Part 1, chapter 8, title 8, sec. 6. ~ 10. Before the President of the senate,.or the Speaker of the assembly, shall grant to any member a certificate of the time of his attendance, he shall be satisfied that such member has returned all books taken out of the library by him, and has settled all accounts for fines for injuring such books or otherwise. Same title, sec. 7. ~ 11. It shall also be the duty of the trustees to provide in their regulations that no book, map, or other publication shall be at any time taken out of the library by any other person than a member of the legislature, for any purpose whatever. Same title, sec. 8. ~ 12. The heads of the several departments, and the trustees of the State Library, shall have the same right to take books from the library, as is now enjoyed by members of the legislature. Laws of 1845: Chap. 85, sec. 1. ~ 13. The judges of the court of appeals, and the justices of the supreme court, shall be allowed to.take books from the library under the same regulations as the members of the legislature. Laws of 1848: Chap. 262, sec. 3. Concurrent Resolution of the Senate and.dssembly, dpril 9, 1856. (Laws of 1856, p. 364.) Resolved, That the Trustees of the State Library be authorized and required to close the said library for the period of fifteen days in each year, to wit, from the fifth to the twentieth day of August, for the purpose of cleaning and dusting the books of the said library, and for making such internal arrangements as ~ the trustees may think proper. II. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE LIBRARY, PRESCRIBED BY THE TRUSTEES. 1. The Library shall be. open to the public daily as required by law ( Sundays and fifteen days from the fifth to the twentieth of August excepted ), from the hour of nine in the morning till five in the afternoon; and during the sessions of the Legislature, till eight in the afternoon, except on Saturdays, when it will be closed at five. While the Court of Appeals, or any general term of the Supreme Court, is in session in the Capitol during the recess of the Legislature, the Law Library will also be open till eight o'clock in the afternoon, except on Saturdays as aforesaid. * This Court was abolished undet the State Constitution of 1846. OF THE LIBRARY. ix 2. It shall be the duty of the Librarian and the Assistant Librarians, carefully to preserve the books, maps, charts, engravings, manuscripts, medals, furniture, and other property belonging to the Library. They will be severally held accountable for the full value of every article missing from their respective departments, and for every injury except from ordinary use, unless it can be shown that some other person is responsible for such loss or injury: the amount of such loss or injury to be deducted from the salary of such officer, pursuant to section 3 of chapter 381 of the Laws of 1840. 3. Whenever the Library is open, the Librarian and Assistant Librarians shall be in attendance: they shall preserve order, and exclude, if necessary, any disorderly person: they shall prevent smoking, loud talking, and all noise inappropriate to the quietness of a place of study. 4. Any person who wishes to obtain any book for perusal in the General Library, will be furnished at the desk of either.of. the Librarians in attendance, with a card, on which he will inscribe from the Catalogue the title of the book. desired, and his own name. The book thus received must not be taken from the library hall: on returning it to the Librarian's desk, the card will be given up; otherwise the party will remain responsible for the book. The Librarians will exercise a proper discrimination as to the delivery of such books as they may judge liable to be injured. Manuscripts, rare and valuable books, and plates are excluded from this rule: they will be shown only on special application to the Librarian in charge, and under such regulations as the circumstances of each case may in his judgment require. 5. In compliance with the provisions of the statute above set forth, any member of the Senate or Assembly, during the session of the Legislature or of the Senate only, is permitted, under the restrictions, forfeitures and penalties hereinafter mentioned, to take to his boarding-house or private room any book belonging to the Library, except such as are herein determined to be necessary always to be kept in the library as books of reference. The Judges of the court of appeals, the Justices of the supreme court, the Heads of the several departments, and the Trustees of the Library, have by statute the same right to take books from the Library, and under the same regulations as the members of the Legislature. No book, map, manuscript, or other article belonging to the Library, shall be at any time taken out of the library by any other person, for any purpose whatever. The restrictions and terms above referred to are con-. tained in the, next three rules. 6. No book can be taken from the Library, until its title, and the name of the person taking it, have been registered by the Librarian. A card must also be given for it, in the manner required by the fourth rule. 7. No person can take or detain from the Library more than two volumes at any one time, or for a longer period than two weeks. 8. If, on reasonable notice from the Librarian or either of the Assistant Librarians that the time for which any book or books taken or detained has expired, any person shall omit to return to the Library any such book or books for more than three days after such notice shall have been given; or if any book, map, chart, engraving, medal, or other article belonging to the Library be lost or destroyed, or so far injured as to be equivalent, in the judgment of the Librarian or Assistant Librarian in charge, to a total loss for the purposes of the Library; the person by whom such loss, destruction or injury has been occasioned, or who shall fail to make such return, shall be charged the full value of the book or article so lost, destroyed, injured or not returned; and in case of the loss of a book, or its not being returned, if it belong to a set of two or more volumes, he shall be charged the value of the whole set, or as much as it may cost to perfect it, at the election of the Library Committee. For any injury not amounting to destruction to any book, map, chart, engraving, medal or other article as aforesaid, the person causing the same shall pay a sum sufficient to compensate for such injury. This rule shall be of general application. x. LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 9.. The Trustees hereby declare, agreeably to the provisions of the Revised Statutes, that the following books are always to be kept in the Libraryas books of reference, to wit: All the books in the Law Library; and, in the General Library, all dictionaries, eiicyclopedias, registers, directories, newspapers, maps and engravings, and books. which are valuable for their rarity or antiquity. 10. Books of reference referred to in the preceding article, cannot be taken from the Library; except that during the sessions of the Legislature or of the Courts, any member thereof may take to any room in the Capitol any such book, on leaving a card for the same as required by.the fourth rule, after being duly registered. The book must be returned on the same day on which it is taken. 11. No books belonging to the Law Library can be taken to the General Library for perusal; nor are books, maps, engravings, or any other article belonging, to the General Library, to be taken to the Law Library for perusal or examination. 12. For the better preservation from injury of the more costly collections of engravings, and the rare'works and maps belonging to the Library, neither the Librarian nor the Assistant Librarians shall exhibit them to any person other than those authorized to take books from the Library, except on a written request from a member of the Joint Library Committee of the Senate and Assembly, the Speaker of the Assembly, or one of the Trustees or the Secretary of the Library. 13. Three days before the day fixed for the adjournment of any session of the Legislature, or of the Senate only, the Librarian shall address a note to each member of the Legislature or of the Senate, as the case may be, having any book belonging to the Library, requesting thereturn thereof within twentyfour hours. 14. After the expiration of the said twenty-four hours, theLibrarian shall immediately make out a list of the members of each house who have omitted to return any books belonging to the Library, specifying the volumes retained by each; and a list of those against whom any charges for any injury to or loss of books exist, stating the amount of. them; which list shall be alphabetically arranged according to the, names'of the respective members, and shall be cer-.tified to be correct. To the President of the Senate, the Librarian shall forthwith deliver the list relating to that body; and the list containing the names of the members of the Assembly, he shall forthwith deliver to the Speaker; and upon each list shall be written a copy of the section of the Revised Statutes in regard to this matter above set forth. 15. Twenty dcays before the opening of any annual session of the Legislature, the Librarian shall report in writing to the Trustees the title of every book, map, chart, print, engraving, or other article missing from the Library since the catalogue of the previous year was made out, or, if no such catalogue has been made, then since the date of the said Librarian's last annual report to the trustees; together with the name or names of the persons who appear, from the entries of the Librarian, to.have borrowed or detained the same, to the end that such list may be submitted to the Legislature by the Trustees. 16. All penalties imposed under any of these rules may be remitted by the Library Committee, either wholly, or on such terms as they may deem proper. C A TALOGU E. EXPLANATIONS. THE Catalogue is arranged under the names of the Authors, States, or Societies publishing the books. Anonymous works are inserted under the first substantive or important word in the title, unless the name of the author is generally known. Surnames of foreign authors commencing with prefixes, as La, De, etc., have been inserted according to uniform rules, easily discovered in using the Catalogue. It has been difficult to be thus uniform in regard to similar foreign names, which have become only locally anglicised, especially in the case of Dutch names. The abbreviations used have the following significations: W. C. Books purchased from D. B. WARDEN. B. C. Books added in the BLEECKER Collection. C. L. Books originally in the Chancellor's library. Pam. Refers to the collection of volumes of pamphlets. Fol., 80, 120, etc. refer not to the absolute folding of the sheets, but to the average size of the volumes. Indicate omissions made in the title. Italics in the body of the title indicate additions of the editor. The Index to the Catalogue has been arranged on, the principle of a dictionary, in preference to a scientific classification, as being probably best adapted to the wants of the largest number of readers. By the aid of its cross-references, each work may be found either under the popular or scientific name of the subject. Subjects, such as the Acts of States and corporations, anonymous biographies, etc. are not necessarily repeated in the Index; which makes it advisable sometimes to have recourse both to the Catalogue and to the Index. During the year employed by the Compiler, without assistance, in arranging and editing this Catalogue from six manuscript and printed catalogues, it has not of course been possible for him actually to examine the title of every book on the shelves, or to entirely conform the labors of his predecessors to one set of rules. Two or three cases of oversight in erasing headings while revising the copy for the press have been observed, but nothing calculated to embarrass a reader in his search for a book. H. A. H. OF THE -NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. GENERAL LIBRARY, A. (F.), D.D. See Voice of the People. AG. Doct. Mld. Le Medecin des campagnes. Paris, 1832. 120. A. (L. E.). La cuisiniere de la campagne et de la ville, ou nouvelle cuisine economique. 31me Md. Paris, 1851. 12o. AA ( C. Van der). Geschiedenis van het leven, character en lotgevallen Van Wijlen Willem den Vijfden, Prinse van Oranje en Nassau. Amsterdam, 1806 - 9. 5 vol. 87. B. C. ABATTOIR. See Belgique. ABBEY (The) of Kilkhampton, or monumental records for the year 1980..... London, 1780. Pamin. 40. vol. 2. ABBINK (J. J.). Proeve van staat-en staathuis-houdkundige Fabeln en vertelsels. Amsterdam, 1848. 83. I Het Leven van Koning Willem II, zijn overlijden en plegtige begrafenis. Amsterdam, 1.849. 80. ABBOT (Rev. Abiel), D.D., and Rev. Ephraim Abbot. A Genealogical Register of the Descendants of George Abbot of Andover, George Abbot of Rowley, Thomas Abbot of Andover, etc. Boston, 1847. 8o. History of Andover from its settlement to 1829. Andover, 1829, 120. [GEN. LIB. 1855.] 1 2 -NEW-YORK STATE Statement of Proceedings in Coventry... in the removal of the pastor. Boston, 1811. Pam. vol. 43. ABBOT (Daniel). Fourth of July Oration, Nashua, N.H. 1803. See Pam. vol. 45. ABBOT (Rev. John Emery). Extracts from sermons of: with a memoir of his life, by Henry Ware jr. Boston, 1830. 120. ABBOT (John) and J. E. SMITH). The Natural History of the Lepidopterous insects of Georgia, &c. London, 1797. 2 vol. fol. ABBOTT (Jacob). A Summer in Scotlapld. New-York, 1848. 120. ABBOTT (John S. C.). Kings and Queens; or Life in the Palace. NewYork, 1848. 12'. The History of Napoleon Bonaparte. New-York, 1855. 2 vol. 120. ABDY ( E. S.). Journal of a residence and tour in the United States from April 1833 to October 1834. London, 1835. 3 vol. 120. ABEEL (Rev. David). Journal of a residence in China, 1829 - 1833. New-York, 1834. 12o. ABELARD (P.). Ouvrages inedits, publies par Victor Cousin. Paris, 1836. 40. See France, Doets. ined. ABELL ( Elizabeth). Recollections of the Emperor Napoleon during the first three years of his captivity on the Island of St. Helena. 2d ed. London, 1845. 120. ABELLA (Manuel). Noticia y plan de un viage para reconocer archivos y formar la Coleccion diplomatica de Espania. Madrid, 1795. 4o. ABELLY ( Ludovicus). Medulla theologica ex sacris scripturis. Paris, 1673. 180. ABERCROMBrIE (John), M.D. Essays. 19th Edinburgh ed. New-York, 1845. 120. B. C. - Inquiries concerning the intellectual powers, and the investigation of truth. New-York, 1832. 120. B. C. ---- Inquiries concerning the intellectual powers. With additions by Jacob Abbott. Hartford, 1833. 120. The Philosophy of the moral feelings. New-York, 1834. 120. B.C. ABERNETHY (John). Hunterian Oration, 1819, Royal College of Surgeons in London. Pam. vol. 14. ABERT (Lieut. J. W.). Report on New-Mexico in 1846- 47; Col. Cook's Report of his march from Santa Fe to San Diego, and Journal of Capt. Johnston. Cong. Doct. Washington. 80. - - -~ TThe same, with col'd plates. 80..... — The same. See Emory (W. H.). ABERT (Col.) and F. Markoe. Reply to HIon. Mir. Tappan of the U. S. Senate, 1849. Pam. vol. 92. ABIMELECH COODY. An account of A. C. and other celebrated writers o f New-York, in a letter from a traveller. Jan. 1815. 8o, GENERAL LIBRARY. 3 ABINGDON (Earl of). Thoughts on the Letter of Edmund Burke to the sheriffs of Bristol, on the affairs of America. Oxford, 1777. 80. See Pain. vol. 122. Speech on Ireland. See Pain. vol. 144. ABKOUDE (Johannes van). Naamregister van de bekendste en meest in gebruik zynde Nederdeutsche boeken, van 1600 tot 1761: Nu overzien tot 1787, door R. Arrenberg. 2d ed. Rotterdam, 1788. 4o. ABLOU (D'). Relation de ce qui s'est passe6 de plus remarquable... en la Nouvelle France es annees 1670, 71. Paris, 1672. 120. ABORIGINES COIMMITTEE. See Society of Friends. ABRANThtS (Duchesse d'), Madame Junot. Memoirs. 2d ed. London, 1833 - 1835. 8 vol. 80. Memoirs of Napoleon, his Court, and Family. London, 1836. 2 vol. 80. ABR-Gwi de la morale de l'Evangile et des Actes des Apatres. Paris, 1689. 2 vol. 12o. ABPRIGE de toutes les sciences, et geographie'a l'usage des cnfaiis. Lyon, 1811. 120. ABRftG- historique et politique d'Italie. Yverdun, 1781. 4 vol. 120. ABSTRACT (An) of the Evidence lately taken in the House of Commons, against the Orders in Council... New-York, 1812. Pan. vol. 3. B.C. ACADEMIA CAESAREA LEOPOLDINO-CAROLINA NATURA CURIOSORUM. Nova Acta physico-medica. Vol. 9, 10. Bonnxo et Erlangte, 1818, 20. 2 vol. 4o. Pr- eisfrage... ausgesetzt von dem Fiirsten A. Demidoff. 1853. 40. See Bav. Ac. Meml. vol. 2. ACADEMIA ESPAStOLA R. Gramnatica de la Lengua Castellana, compuesta por la R. A. Espaiiola. Madrid, 1796. 120. ACADEMIA GRONINGANA. Annales, 1815-1837. Groningen, 1817-1839. 22 vol. 4o. See Annales Academici. ACADEMIA LUGDUNO-BATAVA. See Annales Academici. ACADEMIA RHENO-TRAJECTINA. See Annales Academici. ACADIMIE DE METZ: Lettres, sciences, arts et agriculture. Mtemoires, 1821 - 25, 28 - 34, 36 - 48. Vol. 1 - 4, 8 - 14, 16 - 28. MIetz. 24 vol. 80. Compte-Rendu des Travaux de l'Academie Nationale de Metz, par M. E. de Saulcy. Metz, 1851. 8o. ACAD~EMIE R. DES SCIENCES, DES LETTRES et des BEAUX-ARTS DE BELGIQUE. Annuaire, 1846 - 52. Bruxelles, 7 vol..20. - Bulletins. Vol. 15, 16, 17, 18, each in two parts; vol. 19, part 1. Bruxelles, 1848 - 52. 9 vol. 80. Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliotheque. Bruxelles, 1850. 80. ~4 NEW-YORK STATE -- eimoires couronnes et Memoires des savants Strangers. Vol. 1 - 4, 1840 - 50. Bruxelles, 4 vol. 80. M,- moires couronnes et Memoires des savants etrangers. Vol. 23 - 26, 1848 - 51. Bruxelles, 4 vol. 4o. ACAD0MIE R. DES SCIENCES, BELLES-LETTRES ET ARTS DE BORDEAUX: Recueil des Actes. Vol. 1, 4 - 15; 1839, 1842 - 53. Bordeaux, 13 vol. 80..-. —.. Seances publiques, 1820 - 35. 4 vol. 80. ACADBIMIE R. DES SCIENCES (France). Histoire: avec les Memoires de mathemnatiques et de physique pour la meme ann6e. 1692 - 3, 1703, 1705 - 33, 1736 - 39, 1742, 1760, 1762, 1768, 1769. Paris, 1692 - 1772. 40 vol. 4o.. C. 1. Nouvelle Table des articles contenus dans les volumes de l'Academie iRoyale des Sciences de Paris depuis 1666 jusqu'en 1770, dans ceux des arts et metiers publi6s par cette academie, et dans la Collection academique par M. l'Abbe6 Rozier. Paris, 1775, 76. 4 vol. 4o. Comptes-Rendus hebdomadaires des seances. Paris, 1835 - 54. Vol. 1- 38. 38 vol. 40. M- iorales et Politiques de l'Institut de France M imoires, vol. 1; Savants ]Etrangers, vol. 6; Petits Trait6s, vol. 7. Paris, 1841 - 50. 3 vol. 40. Morales et Politiques de l'nstitut de France Me6moires, 2me s6rie. Paris, 1837 - 44. Vol. 1, 2, 3, 4. 4 vol. 4o. I- nstitut de France: Mmoires presentes par divers savants a l'academie. Nouvelle collection: Sciences mathematiques et physiques. Vol. 9, 10, 11, 13. 1846, 48, 51, 52. Paris, 4 vol. 4o. - Institut de France: Memoires. Vol. 19 - 22. Paris, 1845 - 50. 4 vol. 40o. Accounts and extracts of the manuscripts in the library of the King of France. Published under the inspection of a committee: translated from the French. London, 1789. 2 vol. 80. - Rapport sur les nouveaux procedes introduit dans l'art du doreur, par MM. Elkington et De Ruolz. Extrait, 1841. See Pamn. 40. vol. 1. Ohs. Astron. fol. 1673. See Richer. ACADEMIE FRANQAISE. Institut de France: Dictionnaire de la Langue. 5e'd. Paris, 1814. 2 vol. 4o. B. C. - Dictionnaire. 6me ed. Paris, 1835. 2 vol. 40. See Barre, Complement du Dictionnaire. ACADEtMIE (Royale) DE MPDECINE. Rapports pr6sentes... sur les vaccinations pratiquees en France pendant les annees 1836 - 50. Paris, 1838 - 52. 3 vol. 80. Rapport sur le Cholera Morbus, Dec. 1831, par la commission envoyie en Pologne pour l'y etudier. Paris, 1832. 80. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. See Netherlands Institute. GENERAL LIBRARY. 5 ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA: Proceedings. Philadelphia, 1841 - 53. 6 vol. 80. Journal, 181.7 - 39. Philadelphia. 8 vol. 80. Journal 2d series. Vol. 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1847 - 54. 2 vol. 4o. ------- List of members and correspondents, 1812 - 48. Pain. 4o. vol. 3. ACARETE, or ACARATE. Voyage to Plata and Potosi. See Acufia. ACCOUNT (An) of a Dream at Harwich, in a letter to a member of parliament about the camissars. London, 1708. See Pam. vol. 138. ACCOUNT (A Short) of the first settlement of the Provinces of Virginia, Maryland, New-York, New-Jersey and Pennsylvania, by the English,... with a map of Maryland according to... charter, 1630. London, 1735. 4o. W. C. 996. ACCOUNT ( Brief) of the causes that have retarded the progress of the Colony of Georgia. London, 1743. 80. ACCOUNT of the Expedition to Carthagena, with explanatory notes and observations. 2d ed. London, 1743. pp. 58. Pam. vol. 131. ACCOUNT ( The Authentic) of the conduct of the Young Chevalier, from his arrival in Paris after the defeat at Culloden, to the conclusion of the peace at Aix-la-Chapelle. London, 1749. See Review of the two late rebellions. ACCOUNT (An) of the manners and customs of the Micmakis and Maricheets, now dependent on the Government of Cape Breton...: from a French MS. London, 1758. 8o. ACCOUNT (An) of the Spanish settlements in America: with account of the siege of Havannah, 1762. Edinburgh, 1762. 80. ACCOUNT of a Journey to Niagara, Montreal, and Quebec in 1765. NewYork, 1846. 8o. By R. Izar~d of S. C.? The same. See Pain. vol. 17. ACCOUNT of a late Conference on the occurrences in America, in a letter to a friend (Joshua Steel? ). London, 1766. Pam. vol. 112. ACCouNT (Authentic) of the Proceedings held at New-York in 1765, on the subject of the American stamp act. London? 1767. 80. ACCOUNT of the Proceedings of the British and other Protestant inhabitants of the Province of Quebec in North America, in order to obtain a house of assembly in that province. London, 1775. 80. See Additional papers, appendix to the above. ACCOUNT (An) of the Shakers, a most singular sect of Christians in North America. London. 12o. ACCOUNT (A Concise) of the dissolution of the committee favorable to the election of Gen. Lewis. New-York, 1807. Pam. vol. 50. ACCOUNT (A Short) of the Proceedings of the Camp Meeting holden by the Methodists, Pittsfield, June 1808. By a Spectator. Pam. vol. 4. B. C. ACCOUNT of the Public Festival at Boston in honor of Spanish valor, 1809. Pam. vol. 31. 6 NEW-YORK STATE ACCOUNT (A Brief) of... divisions... 1st Pres. ch. Troy. 1827. Pam. vol. 14. B. C. ACCOUNT (Some) of the Jacotot system of universal instruction: Albany Institute, 1831. New-York. Pam. vol. 21. B. C. ACCOUNT (A Short) of Prince Edward's Island. London, 1839. 120. ACCOUNT (A Brief) of the discoveries and results of the U. S. Exploring Expedition: fr. Jour. of Sci. 1843. Pain. vol. 79. ACCOUNT (Some) of acts in relation to the construction of the Albany Basin.... Albany, 1848. See Muns. Pam. vol. 7. AccuM (Frederick). A Practical Essay on chemical redgents or tests. Philadelphia, 11817. 12o. ACKERSDIJsCI ( J.). Verhaal eener Reize in Rusland, gedaan in het jaar 1835. Groningen, 1840. 2 vol. 80. B. C. ACLAND (Rev. Charles). A Popular Account of the manners and customs of India. London, 1847. 120. AcOSTA (Christoph). Aromatulm et Medicamentorum in Orientaii India nascentium liber. Antwerpive, 1593. 80. W. C. 2. 1Histoire des drogues et meddicamens qui naissent aux Indes. Lyon, 1602. 80. W. C. 3. Traicte des drogues et medicamens qui naissent aux Indes. Lyon, 1602. 80. W. C. 4. ACOSTA (Emanuel). Rerum a Societate Jesu in Oriente gestarum ad annum usque a deipari Virgine 1568 Commentarius. Accessere de Japonicis rebus epistolarum libri iv. Diling-e, 1571. 120. ACOSTA (Joseph). De Natura Novi Orbis, et de promulgatione evangelii apud barbaros. Colonie, 1596. 80. W. C. 5. De Novi Orbis natura et ratione. Frankfort, 1602. fol. See Bry, W. C.......- Historia Natural y Mloral de las Indias, etc. Madrid, 1792. 2 vol. 4o. W. C. 8. The Naturall and Morall Historie of the East and West Indies: trans. from the Spanish into English, by E. G. London, 1604. 40. Histoire Naturelle et Morale des Indes, tant orientalles qu'occidentalles: trad. en Franqois, par R. R. Cauxois. Paris, 1598. 80. W. C. 6. The same. Paris, 1606. 80. W. C. 7. ACRELIUS (Israel). Beskrifning om de Swenska Forsamlingars Forna och Narwarande Tilstand, uti... Nya Swerige sedan Nya Nederland. Stockholm, 1759. 4o. ACROSS THE ATLANTIC. By the Author of "Sketches of Cantabs." London, 1851. 120. ACUvA (Christophle d'). Relation de la Riviere des Amazones: trad. de l'Espagnol, par M. de Gomberville. Paris, 1682. 4 vol. 120. W. C. 9....- The same. 12o. W. C. 10. GENERAL LIBRARY. 7 Voyages and Discoveries in South America: the first, up the River of Amazons to Quito in Peru, and back again to Brazil...; the second, up the River of Plata and... to Potosi, by M. Acarete; the third, from Cayenne into Guiana, by MM. Grillet andBechanmel.... London, 1698. 80. ADAIR (James). History of the American Indians. London, 1775. 4o. ADAIR (Sir Robert). Historical Memoir of Mission to the Court of Vienna in 1806. London, 1844. 80. Negotiations for the Peace of the Dardanelles in 1808-9. London, 1845. 2 vols. 80. ADALBERT, Prince of Prussia. Travels of H. R. II. in the South of Europe and Brazil, etc.: trans. by Sir R. H. Schoomburgk and J. E. Taylor. London, 1849. 2 vol. 80. ADALPRETO. Dissertazione intorno alla santitA e martirio del B. Adalpreto vescovo di Trento...... Trento, 1754. 4o. ADAI (Alexander), LL.D. Roman Antiquities; or an account of the manners and customs of the Romans: revised by P. Wilson, LL.D. New-York, 1826. 80. B. C. - Roman Antiquities. 2d Am. ed. New-York, 1814. 80. ADAM (William), of Canaan, Litchfield Co. Conn. Genealogy of the Adam family. Albany, 1848. 80. The same. See Muns. Pain. vol. 9. ADAMS (Mrs. Abigail). Letters: with a memoir by her grandson Charles Francis Adams. 2d ed. Boston, 1840. 2 vol. 120. The same. 4th ed.: with an appendix containing the letters of John Quincy Adams to his son, on the study of the Bible. Boston, 1848. 120. ADAMS (Miss Abigail). Journal and Correspondence of Miss Adams, daughter of John Adams, second President of the United States: edited by her daughter, C. A. de Windt. New-York, 1841 - 42. 2 vol. 120. ADAMS (Amos). Concise Historical View of the difficulties, hardships and perils which attended the planting and progressive improvements of New-England, etc. By A. Adams, A.M., Pastor of the First Church of Roxbury. London, 1770. See Pam. vol. 114. ADAms (Arthur). Notes on Natural History. See Belcher's Voyage. ADAMS (C. B.). See Gray's Geology; also Vermont Geol. Survey. ADAMS (George). Lectures on natural and experimental philosophy. 5 vol. 80. plates fol. London, 1794. 6 vol. ADAMS (George). See Massachusetts Register. An Almanac and Directory of the Cities of Cambridge, Charlestown, Roxbury, &c., environs of Boston, for 1848. 180. ADAMS (Hannah). Alphabetical Compendium of the various sects which have appeared in the world.... Boston, 1784. 8o. - - - Dictionary of all Religions. New-York, 1817. 80. 8 - ~NEW-YORK STATE Summary History of New-England, with a sketch of the Americanl war. Dedhain, 1799. 80. Memoir, with additional notices. Boston, 1832. 12~. ADnAMS (Israel). Life. 1842. Pamn. vol. 91. ADAMS (Rev. Jasper). Elements of MIoral Philosophy. New-York, 1837. 80. Inaugural Discourse at Geneva College, 1827. Pam. vol. 58. ADAMS (John). Life and Works of John Adams; second President of theUnited States: by his grandson Charles Francis Adams. Boston, 1851 - 54. 9 vol. 83. 2 copies. Vol. 1 nlot published. A Collection of State Papers relative to the first acknowledgment of the sovereignty of the United States of America, and the reception of their Minister Plenipotentiary by their High Mightinesses the States General of the United Netherlands: to which is prefixed the political character of John Adams, ambassador, etc. By an American. Likewise an Essay on canon and feudal law, by John Adams, esq. London, 1782. 100 pp. 8o. With the division in Parliament on peace with Amer'ica, Feb 27, 1782. - A Defence of the constitutions of government of the United States of America. London, 1787 - 8. 3 vol. 80. B. C. Twenty-six Letters upon interesting subjects respecting the revolution in America: written in Holland in 1780. New-York, 1789. 120. - History of Spain, to the Death of Ferdinand the Sage. Dublin, 1793. 2 vol. 8. Discourses on Davila: A series of papers on political history, written in 1790. By an American Citizen. Boston, 1805. 8O. Letters of John Adams, late President of the United States: 19 letters written at Quincy, 1809. 72 pp. 80o. Correspondence between...... and the late William Cunningham, beginning in 1803 and ending in 1812. Boston, 1823. 80. See Novanglus and Massachusettensis. Letters addressed to his wife: edited by Charles Francis Adams. Boston, 1841. 120. and JEFFERSON. A Selection of Eulogies in honor of: by Tyler, Cushing, Cambreleng, Samuel Smith, Sheldon Smith, Sergeant, William A. Duer, P. Sprague, Shaw, Knapp, D. Webster, J. Sprague, Turner, Grundy, Johnson, Thornton, Wilkins and Wirt. Hartford, 1826. 80o.. —---- The same. Hartford, 1826. 80. W. C. 11. ADAMS (John Quincy). President. Oration at Plymouth, Dec. 22, 1802. Pam. vol. 36. - Letters on Silesia, written on a tour through that country in 1800 and 1801. London,-1804. 80. ------ IInaugural Oration at his installation as professor of rhetoric and oratory at Harv. Univ. June 12, 1806. Boston, 1806. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 9 Letter to H. G. Otis, on the present state of our national affairs. Boston, 1808. pp. 31. Pam. vol. 44. ----- Lectures on rhetoric and oratory. Cambridge, 1810. 2 vol. 80. The same. 2 vol. 80. B. C. Report upon weights and measures... to the Senate, March 3, 1817.'Philadelphia, 1821. 80. Duplicate Letters: the Fisheries and the Mississippi. Washington, 1822. 80. W. C. 12. Correspondence with several citizens of Massachusetts, concerning the charge of a design to dissolve the Union. Boston, 1829. Pam. vol. 12. B. C. Oration in Quincy, Fourth of July, 1831. Boston, 1831. 80. Pam. vol. 11....- An Eulogy on the life and character of James Monroe, fifth President of the United States: delivered at... Boston, Aug. 25, 1831. Boston, 1831. 9o. --- Dermot M'Morrogh, or the Conquest of Ireland; an historical tale of the twelfth century, in four cantos. Boston, 1832. 120. Oration on the life and character of Gilbert Motier de Lafayette, Washington, Dec. 31, 1834. Washington, 1835. 80. The same. Pam. vol. 26. B. C. Eulogy on James Madison, fourth President of the United States, Boston, Sept. 27, 1836. Boston. 80. Letters from, to his constituents in the twelfth congressional district of Massachusetts; to which is added his Speech in Congress, Feb. 9, 1837. Boston, 1837. 120. Speech in Congress, on freedom of speech, and the annexation of Texas: June, 1838. pp. 131. Washington. 80. - The Jubilee of the Constitution; a Discourse, New-York list. Soc. April 30, 1839. New-York, 1839. 80..-... Lives of James Madison, Lafayette, and James Monroe; with a sketch of the author, by the Rev. Charles W. Upham. New-York, 1846. Pam. vol. 17. 80. - Letters on the Masonic Institution. Boston, 1847. 80. Poems on Religion and Society, by; with notices of his life and character, by John Davis and Thomas H. Benton. New-York, 1848. 180. -- Collection of Miscellaneous Speeches and Writings, 1 vol. 80: No. 1. Letter to H. G. Otis, 1808. - 2. Review of Works of Fisher Ames. - 8. Vindication of Gen. Jackson in Florida, 1818. - 4. Oration at Washington, July 4, 1821. - 5. Correspondence with citizens of Massachusetts, on a design to dissolve the Union, 1829. - 6. Oration at Quincy, 1831. - 7. Speech on the removal of the deposits, 1834. [ GQEN, IB, 1855.] 2 10 NEW-YORK STATE - 8. Report on the tariff, 1832. - 9. Speech on the failure of the fortification bill, 1837. - 10. Report on the culture of silk, 1837; together with - 11. Proceedings in Congress on his death, 1848. - 12. Remarks on his Review of Ames, 1809. - 13. Remarks on his address at Washington, 1821. - 14. Political character delineated, 1821. - 15. Corruption of the younger Adams, 1828. - 16. Notice of his Eulogy on Monroe. See ADAMS ( Mrs.). On the free navigation of the St. Lawrence. Pam. vol. 143. Addresses in Congress, and funeral solemnities on his death, 1848. Painm. vol. 88. The same. 2d ed. 1848. 80. B. C. ADAMS (Rev. J. W.), D.D. Sermons; with a biographical memoir, by J. Parker, D.D. Syracuse, 1851. 120. ADAMS (Josiah). Address at Acton, July 21, 1835, the first centennial anniversary of that town; with an appendix and map of the Concord fight. Boston, 1835. 80. ADAars ( Nathaniel ). Annals of Portsmouth, comprising a period of two hundred years from the first settlement of the town, etc. Portsmouth, 1825. 8o. ADAMS (Rev. Nehemiah), D.D. Sermon on the death of D. Webster. See Pam. vol. 78. South Side View of Slavery. Boston, 1854. 12o. See Hollis, on Harvard College. ADAMS (Robert). The Narrative of.: an American sailor, wrecked on the western coast of Africa in 1810. Boston, 1817. 80o. ADAMS (Samuel). An Oration delivered at the State House in Philadelphia, Aug. 1, 1776. London, 1776. 80. ADAMS (William). Adventures in Japan. Harris, vol. 1. ADAMS ( William B.). English Pleasure Carriages; their origin, history, materials, etc. London, 1837. 80. ADAMuCCI (A.). Systeme mcanique des fonctions nerveuses. Paris, 1808. 2 vol. 80. ADANSON (Michael ). Voyage to Senegal, etc. Pinkerton, vol. 16. ADDINGTON ( John F.). Poetical Quotations.... Philadelphia, 1829. 4 vol. 120. B. C. ADDISON ( Joseph). Works. Vol. 1 - 4, with Notes by Bp. Hurd. London, Bohn, 1854. 4 vol. 120. Works, with the exception of the numbers in the Spectator: collected by Mr. Tickell. New-York, 1811. 6 vol. 120. The Spectator. New-York, 1809, 10. 10 vol. 120. The same. 10 vol. 120. B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 11 The Evidences of the Christian Religion, with additional discourses. Greenfield, 1812. 120. B. C. The Freeholder, or political essays. 7th ed. Glasgow, 1746. 180. B. C. The same. Dublin, 1751. 120. Remarks on several parts of Italy, etc. in the years 1701, 2, 3. London, 1736. 120. See Sir Roger de Coverley. ADDISON ( Launcelot). Account of West Barbary. Pinkerton, vol. 15. ADDISON (Judge). Trial of Judge Addison on impeachment, 1803. See Pam. vol. 41. ADDITIONAL PAPERS concerning the Province of Quebec; being an appendix to the book entitled "An account of the proceedings," etc. London, 1776. 80. ADDRESS to the liverymen on the election of a lord mayor, 1739. Pam. vol. 123. ADDRESS (An) to a provincial bashaw, by a Son of Liberty. Printed in ( the tyrannic' administration of St. Francisco). London, 1769. Pam. vol. 123. ADDRESS to Protestant Dissenters of all denominations, on the approaching election of members of parliament, with respect to the state of public affairs in general, and of American affairs in particular. London, 1774. Pam. vol. 126. ADDRESS to the Rt. Hon. L d MI -sf-d; in which the measures of the Government respecting America are considered in a new light, with a view to his Lordship's interposition therein. London, 1775. Pam. vol. 128. ADDRESS (A Serious) to such of the people called Quakers, on the Continent of North America, as profess scruples relative to the present government.... By a Native of Pennsylvania. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1778. 80. ADDRESS to Hon. H. Grattan, by the Dublin Volunteers,... with his answer. London, 1782. Pam. vol. 138. ADDRESS to the People of England, on the intended reformation of parliament. London, 1783. Pain. vol. 137. ADDRESS and Recommendations to the States by... Congress. Reprinted Boston, 1783. Appended are various papers. Pain. vol. 32. - The same. See United States, Address. ADDRESS (Impartial) to the Citizens of the City and County of Albany; or the thirty-five anti-federal objections refuted: by the Federal Committee of the City of Albany. 120. ADDRESS to the Electors of the State of New-York, 1801. Pam. vol. 7. B. C. ADDRESS of the State Committee of Republicans of Pennsylvania, 1802. Philadelphia. Pain. vol. 40. 12 NEW-YORK STATE ADDRESS to the Electors of Massachusetts, 1804(?). Pain. vol. 45, 46. ADDRESS to the Government of the United States, on the cession of Louisiana to the French. Philadelphia, 1803. Pam. vol. 57. ADDRESS to the People of New-England, in defence of the administration of Mr. Jefferson: by Algernon Sidney. Pseud. 120. Pam. vol. 31, 57, 66. ADDRESS in favor of Caleb Strong as Governor of Massachusetts. pp. 20. 80. Pam. vol. 38. ADDRESSES Of Members of the Legislature of N. Y., and of meetings of citizens on nominations, 1811, 13, 20, 24, 28, 32, 34, 36, 37. Pam. vol. 67. ADDRESS to the Parliament of Great Britain, on the copyright question. Pamphleteer, vol. 2. ADDRESS to Republican Elect. of the South. Dist., 1819. New-York. Pam. vol. 50. ADDRESS of Members of the H. of R. of the Congress of the U. S., to their constituents, on the subject of the war with Great Britain. NewYork, 1812. Pam. vol. 57. The same. Pam. vol. 3, 7. B. C. ADDRESS to Churches in Fairfield county, on intemperance. New-Haven, 1813. Pamin. vol. 25. ADDRESS to the Republican Citizens of the State of New-York, 1813. Pam. vol. 42. ADDRESS (An) to the Clergy of New-England, on their opposition to the rulers of the United States: by a Layman. Concord, N. H. 1814. Pam. vol. 57. ADDRESS of Republican Members of Senate and Assembly, 1820. Pam. vol. 20. ADDRESS of the Committee of Vigilance of the City of New-York, to the People of the State of N. Y., 1824. Pam. vol. 57. ADDRESS (Candid ) to Episcopalians of Pennsylvania: by Plain Truth, 1827; and Three Letters, by Plain Truth, 1827. Pam. vol. 56. ADDRESS of Republican Y. M. of N. Y. city, friendly to Gen. Jackson, 1828. Pam. vol. 50. ADDRESS (An) to the Citizens of New-York, on the claims of Columbia College and the new university..., 1830. Pain. vol. 19. B. C. ADDRESS of Dem. Y. M. Gen. Committee of N. Y., 1835. Pam. vol. 50. ADDRESS to Baptist Ministers in the United States, who hold slaves. Antwerp, N.Y. 1845. Pam. -vol. 90. ADELINE ET SOLIGNAC, OU les Amans du Prieure. Paris, 1802. 2 vol. inl 1. 120. B. C. ADELUNG ( Johann Christophe). Vollstandige Anweisung zur Deutschen Orthographie; nebst einem kleinen W6rterbuche fur die Aussprache, Orthographie, Biegung und Ableitung. Wien, 1790. 120. B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 13 - Kleines Wdrterbuch fur die Aussprache, Orthographie, Biegung und Ableitung. Wien, 1791. 120. B. C. - Mithridates oder allgemeine Sprachenkunde, mit dem Vater Unser als Sprachprobe in bey nahe fcinfhundert Sprachen und Mundarten. Berlin, 1806 - 17. 5 vol. 80. B. C. Historical Sketch. of Sanscrit Literature, with numerous additions and corrections. Oxford, 1832. 80. ADLER ( G. J.). A Dictionary of the German and English Languages. -New-York, 1849. 2 vol. 80. ADOLPHus (John). The History of France, from the year 1790 to the peace concluded at Amiens in 1802. London, 1803. 2 vol. 80. The Political State of the British Empire; containing a general view of the domestic and foreign possessions of the Crown, the laws, commerce, revenues, etc. London, 1818. 4 vol. 80. - The History of England, from the accession to the decease of George the Third. London, 1840 - 45. 7 vol. 80. ADOLPHUS ( John L.). Letters to R. Heber, Esq., containing remarks on the novels of " Waverley," and an attempt to ascertain their author. London, 1821. 80o. ADSHEAD (Joseph). Prisons and Prisoners, with illustrations. London, 1845. 80. ADVENTURE AND BEAGLE. Narrative of the Surveying Voyages of His Majesty's Ships Adventure and Beagle, between 1826 and 1836; describing their examination of the southern shores of South America, and the Beagle's circumnavigation of the globe. London, 1839. 3 vol. 80. Vol. 1. Expedition under Capt. E. Parker King. - 2. Expedition under Capt. Robert Fitzroy. - 3. Appendix to vol. 2. ADVICE (Short) to the Counties of New-York: by a Country Gentleman. New-York, 1774. 120..AEGYPTISCIE MONUMENTEN van bet Nederlandsche Museum van Oudheden te Leyden..... Uitgegeven op last der hooge regering, door Dr. Conradus Leemans. Leyden, 1842 - 46. 2 vol. fol. plates. The same. Verklaring der Platen. Leyden, 1843. 80.;EGYPTISCHE PAPYRUS in Demotish Schrift met Grieksche overschrijvingen, uit het Nederlandsche Museum van Oudheden te Leyden: uitgegeven door Dr. C. Leemans.... Leyden, 1839. fol. plates. 2EGYPTISCHE LIJK-PAPYRUS in Hieroglyphisch Schrift, nit het Nederlandsche Museum van Oudheden te Leyden. (Catalogus T. no 1), uitgegeven door Dr. C. Leemans..... Leyden, 1841 - 42. fol. plates. /ENEA ( Hendrik). Verhandeling over eene nieuwe wyze om afstanden te meten. Amsterdam, 1812. 80. ZESCHYLUS. Tragedies: trans. by Rev. R. Potter. Class. Fam. Library. New-York, 1834. 180. B. C....- The Seven Tragedies of, literally translated into English prose, with notes. Oxford, 1829. 80. 14 NEW-YORK STATE The Tragedies of, literally translated, with notes, by Theodore A. Buckley, London, Bohn, 1849. 120. The Prometheus... with notes, by T. ]D. Woolsey. Boston, 1837. 120. The New Readings contained in Hermann's posthumous edition of -IEschylus: trans. by G. Burges. London, Bohn, 1853. 120. EsoP. Fables of 2Esop and others: trans. by S. Croxall. Philadelphia, 1844. 120. AFFAIRES de l'Angleterre et de l'Am6erique. Anvers, 1776 - 79. 13 vol. 83. W. C. 13. AFFSCHAFFINGS - GENOOTSCHAP: Verslag, 1840. Rotterdam, 1841. Pam. vol. 32. B. C. Temperance. AFRICAN CAPTIVES: Trial of. See United States, Message of President. AFRICAN EDUCATION SOCIETY: Proceedings, 1829. Washington. Pam. vol. 18. B. C. AFRICAN INSTITUTION: Extracts from the 18th and 19th reports, 1824, 25. Philadelphia, 1826. 80. AFRICAN REPOSITORY. See American Col. Soc. AFTER DINNER TABLE TALK. By Chetwood Evelyn. New-York, 1850. 120. AGASsIZ ( Louis). Monographie des Poissons Fossiles du Vieux Gres Rouge ou Systeme Devonien (Old Red Sandstone) des Iles Britanniques et de Russie. Ouvrage presente'a demande a Manchester en 1842. 4o0, with fol. plates. Neuchatel et Soleure, 1844. 2 vol. Recherches sur les poissons fossiles: text 5 vol. 40; plates, 5 vol. fol. Neuchatel, 1843 - 44. 10 vol. and Augustus A. Gould. Principles of Zoology, etc., for the use of schools and colleges: Part I. Comparative physiology. Boston, 1848. 120. Twelve Lectures on comparative embryology, before the Lowell Institute. Boston, 1849. 80....- Lake Superior, its physical character, vegetation and animals, compared with those of other and similar regions; with a narrative of the tour, by J. E. Cabot. Boston, 1850. 80. On the diversity of the origin of the human races. 1850. Pam. vol. 74. - The Classification of Insects upon embryological data. See Smiths. Contr. vol. 2, 3. *-____- RBibliotheca Zoologise et Geologive. Vol. 1, 2, 4. See Ray Society. AGINCOURT (Seroux d' ). History of Art, by its monuments, from its decline in the fourth century, to its restoration in the fifteenth: from the French. Vol. 1, Architecture; vol. 2, Sculpture; vol. 3, Painting. London, 1847. In 1 vol. fol. AGNEW ( J. H.). See Eclectic Mag.; also Eclectic Mus. GENERAL LIBRARY. 15 AGRICOLA (G. A.). Experimental Husbandman and Gardener, etc.: trans. from the German, by R. Bradley. 2d ed. London, 1726. 4o. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES OF MASSACHUSETTS. Transactions: compiled by the Secretaries of State, 1845 - 52. Boston. 6 vol. 80. AGRICULTURAL (Royal) SOCIETY OF ENGLAND. Journal from 1840 to 1851. London. 12 vol. 80. AGRICULTURE- FRANgAISE, par IM. les Inspecteurs de l'Agriculture: Departements du Nord, Haute Garonne, Hautes Pyrenn6es, L'Aude, Tarn, C6tes du Nord, Isere. Paris, 1843 - 47. 7 vol. 80. AGUERO (Jose de la Riva). Exposicion acerca de su conducta politica en el tiempo que ejercio la presidencia de la Republica del Peru. London, 1824. 8o. W. C. 14. AHRENS ( H.). IDas Naturrecht, oder die Rechtsphilosophie.... Braunschweig, 1846. 80. AIDE-MIMOIRE to the Military Sciences: edited by a Committee of the Corps of Royal Engineers in Dublin. Weale, London, 1846 - 52. 3 vol. 80. AII:E ( J. J. Job). Narrative of the deportation to Cayenne, and his shipwreck on the Coast of Scotland. London, 1800. 80. AINSWORTH (Robert). Dictionary, English and Latin, abridged by T. Morell. Boston, 1818, 80. The same. 8th ed. Edinburgh. 80. B. C. Latin Dictionary, improved and enlarged by Dr. Thomas Morell, and revised by John Carey, LL.D. 2d ed. London, 1823. 40. 2 copies. - The same. B. C. AINSWORTH ( W. Harrison). Windsor Castle, an historical romance. London, 1844. 80. AIKIN (Arthur). Illustrations of the Arts and Manufactures; being a selection from a series of papers read before the Society for the encouragement of arts, manufactures and commerce. London, 1841. 120. AIKIN (John). Annals of the Reign of King George the Third, from'1760 to 1820. London, 1820. 2 vol. 80. The same. 2d ed. London, 1810. 2 vol. 80. Vol. 2 wanting. B. C. Select Works of the British Poets, with biographical and critical prefaces. Pbiladelphia, 1831. 8 B. C. - See Milton (J.). A Description of the country from 30 to 40 miles around Manchester. London, 1795. 4o. AIKIN ( Lucy). Memoirs of the Court of Elizabeth. 3d ed. London, 1819. 2 vol. 80. Memoirs of the Court of James'the First. London, 1822. 2 vol. Memoirs of the Co-urt of Charles the First. 2d ed. London, 1833, 2 vol. 80. 16 NEW-YORK STATE AIKIN (Rev. S. C.). Sermon on theatrical exhibitions, Utica, 1825. Pam. vol. 61. AIRY (G. B.). Extracts of papers.... laid before the commission.... for the restoration of the standards of weight and measure....: arranged by G. B. Airy. London, 1840. 4o. Reports of the Astronomer Royal, read at the annual visitation of the Observatory at Greenwich, 1836 - 52. London. 4o. AITZEMA ( Lieuwe van). Saken van Staat en Oorlogh, in, ende omtrent de Vereenigde Nederlanden, 1621 - 69. Hague, 1669 - 72. 6 vol. in 7. fol. - Vervolg van Saken van Staat en Oorlogh, in, ende omtrent de Vereenigde Nederlanden, 1669 - 97, en bet sluyten der Ryswykse Vrede. Amsterdam, 1685 - 99. 4 vol. fol. Verhael van de Nederlantsche Vrede-Handeling. Gravenhage, 1650. 2 vol. in 1. 4. Herstelde Leeuw, of Discours over't gepasseerde in de Vereenighde Nederlanden in't jaer 1650, ende 1651. Gravenhage, 1652. 4o. Notable Revolutions; being a true relation of what happened in the United Provinces of the Netherlands, in the years 1650 and 1651. According to the Dutch copy. London, 1653. fol. AIx (S. E. d'). Annales poetiques et philosophiq.ues de la France. Paris, 1839. 80~. AKADEMIE. See Academie. AKENSIDE (Mark). The Pleasures of Imagination: to which is added a critical essay on the poem, by Mrs. Barbauld. London, 1803. 12o. B.C. AKERLY (Samuel). Essays on the geology of the Hudson river and the adjacent regions. New-York, 1820. 120. W. C. 15. AKERMAN ( John Y.). Numismatic Manual. London, 1840. 8o. Introduction to the study of ancient and modern coins. London, 1848. 120. Tradesmen's Tokens, current in London and its vicinity between 1648 and 1672; described from the originals. London, 1849. 8o. ALABAMA. First Biennial Report of the Geology of Alabama, by M. Tuomey. Tuskaloosa, 1850. 80. Penitentiary: Report for 1851. See Pam. vol. 162. ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Transactions at first annual meeting, 1851. Tuskaloosa, 1852. 80. ALARCITONE (F.). Voyage to New-Spain. See Ramusio, vol. 3. ALARDIN ( Kasparus). De Geluksaligheyd van den Wegh der Rechtveerdige, etc. Amsterdam, 1738. 120. B. C. ALBANY CITY. Reports of the Chamberlain and various city officers, to the city government, from 1.835 to 1851. 80. Return of the Commissioners.... on the Albany Basin.... and the Albany Pier, 1842. See Muns. Pam. vol. 7. GENERAL LIBRARY. 17 Report of the Finance Committee, 1847. Pam. vol. 45. B. C. Report of Coin. of Com. Council on introduction of water, 1846. See Pam. vol. 23, 128. Reports of Water Commissioners, 1850, 52. See Pam. vol. 178; and for 1850, Muns. Palm. vol. 12. Report of Albany Water Coinm. on contract of A. M'Quade, 1851. See Pam. vol. 178.:- ~- Reports of the Water Commissioners and Superintendent of Waterworks, 1852, 53. 8o.. — Census of the City of Albany, 1814. Manuscript. 80. See MSS. School Commissioners' Report, 1845. Pam. vol. 44. B. C. ALBANY ACADEMY: Statutes, 1843. See Muns. Pam. vol. 9. Catalogue of Students, 1852. See Muns. Pam. vol. 11. ALBANY and RENSSELAER Horticultural Society: Reports, 1848, 50, Pam. vol. 69; 1852, Pani. vol. 92, and luns. Pam. vol. 12. ALBANY and WEsT-STOCKBRIDGE R. R. Company: Report, 1836. Pam. vol. 29. B. C. ALBANY ANNUAL REGISTER for 1849, 50. J. Mutnsell. 2 copies. 4 vol. 120. The same, 1849. 120. B. C. ALBANY ARGUS, semi-weekly: 1813 - 20, 1826 - 39, 1841 - 42 (inconzplete), 1846, and 2 vol. incomplete files 1830 - 40. 24 vol. fol. (Daily) Argus, 1843 - 54, except 1846. 22 vol. fol. The same, 1836 - 40. 15 vol. fol. ALBANY ATHENEUM, 1826. Pam. vol. 73. ALBANY Basin and Erie Canal, in which some important improvements are suggested.... Albany, 1836. Pam. vol. 29. B. C. ALBANY BIBLE SOCIETY: Reports for 1818, 19, 21, 35. Pam. vol. 53. B. C.; 1813, Paim. vol. 90..... - Reports, 1838, 43, 47, 48, 49. See Muns. Pam. vol. 9. ALBANY CENTINEL, Mar. 29, 1790. See Newspapers, vol. 5. ALBANY CITY MISSIONARY SOCIETY: Reports, 1848, 49. See Muns. Pam. vol. 9. ALBANY CITY TRACT SOCIETY: Reports, 1850, 51. Pam. vol. 68. - 1851, See Muns. Pam. vol. 10. ALBANY COLONIZATION SOCIETY: Address, 1824. Pam. vol. 17. B.C. ALBANY COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY. See Hunt (William). ALBANY COUNTY Penitentiary: Reports for 1850, 51, 52; Rules and bye-laws; Life of Capt. Pilsbury. Albany. 80. - Account of, 1848. Ntuns. Pam. vol. 8..-.- Report of the Inspectors, 1851. See Muns. Pain. vol. 12, [GEN. LIB.1 3 18 NEW-YORK STATE...- -.. Agricultural Society: Anniversary, 1823. Pam. vol. 6. B. C. Agricultural tracts, No. 1. See Pam. vol. 187. - Bible Society: 40th report, 1851. Pam. vol. 68. - - Medical Society: By-laws, etc. 1851. Pam. vol. 98, and Muns. Pam. vol. 12. ALBANY (Daily) ADVERTISER, from Sept. 25, 1815, to Mar. 21, 1817, 2 vol.; and Sept. 27, 1822, to Apr. 14, 1845, 45 vol.: total 47 vol. fol. ~ - The same. Aug. 13, 1831, to Apr. 1843, imperfect files. 4 vol. fol. See Albany Gazette. ALBANY DIRECTORIES. See Cammeyer, Child, Hoffnman, Hunt, Loomis, Munsell, Slade, and Wilson. ALBANY (The) DUTCHMAN. Vol. 1, 2; 1849, 50. Albany. fol. ALBANY EVENING ATLAS: Feb. 16, 1850, to Feb. 17, 1855. 10 vol. fol. ALBANY EVENING JOURNAL, daily, 1835 - 54. 20 vol. fol. The same. Mar. 1836 - Jul. 1838; Jan. 2 - May 5, 1840; Jan. 1840 - 25 Jan. 1843. 9 vol. fol. ALBANY FEMALE ACADEMY: Exercises, 1843, 45. Pam. vol. 70. Prize compositions, 1841. Pam. vol. 70. ---- Catalogues, 1845 - 46. See 3,uns. Pam. vol. 6. Exercises, 1846. Muns. Pam. vol. 2. Exercises, 1843. Pam. vol. 37. B. C.- Exercises, 1844. Pam. vol. 43. 13. C.. — Report of 35th Ann. Ex. 1848. Pam. vol. 51. B. C.- Report of 30th Exam. Pamn. vol. 53. B. C. Exercises of the Alumnar, 1851. See Muns. Pam. vol. 11. Exercises, 1846, 51. Pam. vol. 173. ALBANY ( The) FREEHOLDER, weekly. Vol. 1, 2; 1845 - 47. Albany. 1 vol. fol. ALBANY GALLERY OF FINE ARTS: Exhibition of 1847, 49. Pam. vol. 69.- Exhibitions 2d, 3d, 4th, 1847 - 49. Pam. vol. 52. B. C. 5th Exhibition. Albany, 1850. Pam. vol. 53. B. C. ALBANY GAZETTE, from vol. 1, May 28, 1784, to Dec. 1843, except vol. 39, 1822, and vol. 44, 1827. 57 vol. fol. - and DAILY ADVERTISER, from Mar. 25, 1817, to Sept. 26, 1822. 6 vol. fol. See Albany Daily Adv. July, 1791. See Newsp. vol. 5. ALBANY HERALD. Ed. by A. B. Van O'Linda. Dec. 8, 1846 - Dec. 16, 1846: Albany Morning Telegraph, Dec. 17, 1846 - March 13, 1847. Albany, in 1 vol. fol. ALBANY Horticultural Society: Constitution, etc. 1829. Pam. vol. 92. GENERAL LIBRARY. 19 ALBANY HOSPITAL: Proceedings at the opening; bye-laws, etc. Albany 1852. 80. And see Muns. Pam. vol. 12..-. —- Plan, Rules, etc. 1849. Pam. vol. 51. B. C. ALBANY INFANT SCHOOL SOCIETY: Proceedings, 1829. Pam. vol. 20. B. C. ALBANY INSTITUTE: Transactions, vol. 1, 2, 3. Albany, 1850 - 52.Vol. 3. Catalogue of library, 1855. 3 vol. 80. ALBANY LANCASTERIAN SCHOOL SOCIETY: Report, 1829. See Pam. vol. 70, 173. ALBANY LIBRARY: Catalogue of Books. Nov. 1811. 120. B. C. ALBANY MEDICAL COLLEGE: Catalogue, 1839 - 47. See Muns. Pam. vol. 6. ------- Catalogues and Circulars, 1841 - 47, 50 - 54. 1 vol. 80. ALBANY MEDICAL SEMINARY: Circ. and Cat. 1827. Pam. vol. 64. ALBANY MORNING TELEGRAPH. See Albany Herald. ALBANY Northern Railroad Company: Report, 1852. Pam. vol. 151. ALBANY Pier Proprietors: Mandamus in favor of. Pam. vol. 36. B. C. Report, 1848. Pam. vol. 50. B. C. ALBANY POCKET ALMANACK for the year 1784: printed by R. Balentine. 180. ALBANY. Proceedings at a meeting on international exchanges. See Vattemare. ALBANY Railroads. See Pam. vol. 146. ALBANY REGISTER, from vol. 5, May 13, 1793, to vol. 31, 1819, except vol. 16, 29, and parts of 30, 31. J. Barber, S. Southwick. Albany, in 22 vol. fol. Vol. 5, May 13, 1793 - Dec. 29, 1794. 1 vol. fol. 5 Nos. 1790. See Newsp. vol. 5. ALBANY RURAL CEMETERY ASSOCIATION: Rules, etc. 1846. Pam. vol. 44. B. C. ALBANY SAVINGS BANK: Charter and By-laws. Albany, 1820. 120. B. C. ALBANY SPECTATOR, 1844- 47. B. F. Romaine, ed. Albany, 1 vol. fol. ALBANY TELEGRAPH and CHRISTIAN REGISTER. See Journal and Telegraph. ALBANY TRADE DIRECTORY, 1852, 3. Albany, Munsell. 120. ALBEMARLE (George Thomas, Earl of). Memoirs of the Marquis of Rockingham and his contemporaries, etc. London, 1852. 2 vol. 80. ALBERT (J.). Relations d'Egypte, 1651. See Lambert (C.). W. C. 790. ALBERTHOMA ( Robertus). Leere der Waarheid die naar de Godzaligheid is.... Groningen, 1757. 180. B. C. 20 NEW-YORK STATE - The same. Groningen, 1764. 12o. ALTBUSM VAN DE MAATSCHIIAPPIJ: Tot Bevordering der Toonkunst. See Netherlands, Music. ALBUM COSMOPOLITE, on Choix des Collections de M. Alexandre Vattemare: publiB sons la direction de M. P. Heinrichs. Paris, 1837. fol. ALBUMS (Petits) pour rire. Nos. 4 - 31. Paris, 1849(?). 120. ALCALA-OGALIANO ( Dion.). Relacion del viage hecho por las Goletas Sutil y Mexicana en 1792, para reconocer el Estrecho de Fuca. 4o, charts fol. Madrid, 1802. 2 vol. W. C. 16. ALcEDO (Antonio de). Diccionario Geografico-Historico de las Indias Occidentales 6 America. Madrid, 1786 - 89. 5 vol. 80. W. C. 17..-.-... Geographical and Historical Dictionary of the West Indies, etc.: trans. by G. A. Thompson. London, 1812 - 15. 5 vol. 4o. W. C. 18. ALDEN ( Timothy). Collection of American epitaphs and inscriptions, with occasional notes. New-York, 1814. 5 vol. 16~. An Account of sundry missions among the Senecas and Munsees. New-York, 1827. 18~. See Alleghany Magazine. ALDER (Joshua) and John Hancock. A Monograph of the British Nudibranchiate Mollusca, with figures of all the species. Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, London, 1845 - 54. fol. See Ray Society. ALDERSON ( R. C.). Notes on Acre and some of the coast defences of Syria. Engineers' Prof. Papers, vol. 6. On Kyan's Process for the preservation of timber from dry rot. Engineers' Prof. Papers, vol. 1. ALEGAMBE ( Philippo). Bibliotheca Scriptorum Societatis Jesu, post excusum anno 1608, catalogum... ad 1642. Antverpiva, 1643. fol. ALEMBERT ( J. le Rond d'). See Encylope'die Methodique. W. C. Traite de Dynamique. Paris, 1750. 4o. ALET. Les Instructions du Rituel du Diocese d'Alet. Paris, 1678. 180. ALEXANDER (Rev. A.), D.D. Biographical Sketches of the founder and principal alumni of the Log College. Princeton, 1845. 120. ------ History of Colonization on the Western Coast of Africa. Philadelphia, 1846. 80. ALEXANDER (Caleb). A Grammatical System of the English Language. Salem, 1814. 180. ALEXANDER (J.). Vindication, etc. See Zenger. ALEXANDER (J. E.). Transatlantic Sketches, comprising visits to the most interesting scenes in North and South America and the West Indies. London, 1833. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 19. ALEXANDER (J. TH.). Universal Dictionary of Weights and Measures, ancient and modern, reduced to the standards of the United States. Baltimore, 1850. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 21 ALEXANDER ( James W.). Life of Archibald Alexander, D.D. New-York, 1854. 80~. The American Mechanic and Workingman. New-York, 1847. 2 vol. 180. ALEXANDRIA Aqueduct. Drawings of the Alexandria aqueduct. Exec. Doc. 25th Cong. 1837 - 38. fol. ALEXIS, or the Young Adventurer: a novel. London, 1746. See Review of the two late rebellions. ALFIERI (Vittorio). Autobiography: trans. and ed. by C. Edwards Lester. New-York, 1845. 12o. ALFONSUS A CASTRO ZAMORENSIS. Adversus olnnes hxreses, libri xiv. Parisiis, 1565. 2 vol. 120. Vol. 1 wanting. ALFRED THE KING. See Pauli. ALGEMEENE KONST EN LETTERBODE: Mar. 18, 21, 1845. Haarlem. 80. ALGER (Israel) jun. The English Teacher, and private learner's guide. Boston, 1824. 12o. Murray's Grammar. Boston, 1829. 180. ALGER (W. R.). The nature, grounds and uses of faith. Am. Unit. Asso. Pam. vol. 91. ALGIERS. See France, tableau, etc.. — Rapport a M. le President de la R6publique, par le Ministre de la guerre, sur le gouvernement et l'administration des Tribus Arabes de l'Algerie. Paris, 1851. 80. See Fournel, Ville, Mauroy, Barthelemy. ALI. See Haly filius Abbas. ALI BEY ( Domingo Badia y Leblich). Travels in MIorocco, etc. 2 vol. 80, plates 40. Philadelphia, 1816. 3 vol. ALISON (Archibald). History of Europe, from the commencement of the French revolution, to the restoration of the Bourbons. Edinburgh, 1839 -1842. 10 vol. 80. The same. New-York, 1842 - 43. 4 vol. 80. B. C. Sermons, chiefly on particular occasions: from Edinburgh ed. Boston, 1815. 80. B13. C. History of Europe. See Gould's abridgment. Miscellaneous Essays. Philadelphia, 1845. 80. - Principles of Population, and their connexion with human happiness. Edinburgh, 1840. 2 vol. 80. The same. 2 vol. 80. B. C. England in 1815 and 1845; or a sufficient and contracted currency. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1845. 80. Atlas to Alison's History of Europe: constructed by Alexander R. Johnston. Edinburgh, 1848. Ob. 40. 22 NEW-YORK STATE The Military Life of the Duke of Marlborough. Edinburgh, 1848. 80. ALKORAN OF MOHAMMED. See Koran. ALLEGHANY MAGAZINE, or Repository of useful knowledge. Vol. 1. Meadville, Pa. 1816. 80. ALLEINE (Rev. Joseph). An Alarm to unconverted sinners. New-York. Am. Tract Soc. 12~. ALLEN (A. B. and R. L.), Editors. See American Agriculturist. ALLEN (Ebenezer). Reprint of a biography of E. A. Also, Short biographies of Samuel Allen and Dr. Jacob Roebeck, &c. Plattsburg, 1852. 80. ALLEN (Col. Ethan). Narrative of his captivity..., containing his voyages and travels: written by himself. Albany, 1814. 120o. The same. 4th ed. Burlington, Vt. 1846. 120o. On the Claims of New-York to Vermont. Hartford, 1774. 80. ~- -- ~Reason the only Oracle of Man; or a Compendious System of natural religion. Bennington, 1784. 8o. See Vermont Controversy. and Jonas Fay. A Concise Refiltation of the claims of NewHampshire and Massachusetts Bay to the Territory of Vermont, with Remarks on the disputed claim of New-York to the same, by E. A. & J. F. Published by order of the Gov. and Coun. of V. 1780. Vermont. o8. See Vermont Controversy. ALLEN ( Ira). The Natural and Political History of the State of Vermont, with answers to sundry queries addressed to the author. London, 1798. 80. Particulars of the capture of the ship Olive Branch, with a cargo of arms, etc. London, 1798. 80. W. C. 20..-..- Particulars of the capture of the ship Olive Branch, with an appendix on the capture of Ticonderoga, etc. Vol. 2. Philadelphia, 1805. 8. ALLEN ( John). Reply to Dr. Lingard's Vindication, in a letter to Francis Jeffrey, esq. London, 1827. 80. ALLEN (Jonathan A.), M.D. Pharmacology, Part I. Pam. vol. 86. - Essay on the use of narcotic substances. Middlebury, Vt. Pam. vol. 86. ALLEN ( Joseph). Battles of the British Navy. London, Bohn, 1852. 2 vol. 120. ALLEN (J. H.). Discourse: Death of J. Q. Adams. Washington, 1848. Serm. vol. 6. B. C. Sermon at Jamaica Plain, Brookline, Ms. 1847. Pam. vol. 93. ALLEN (L. F.). Rural Architecture; a complete description of farm houses, cottages and out-buildings. New-York, 1852. 12o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 23 ALLEN (Nathan), M.D. The Opium Trade, as carried on in India and China. 2d ed. Lowell, 1853. 80. ALLEN ( Paul). History of the American Revolution. Baltimore, 1822. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 21. ALLEN (R. L.). Domestic Animals, history and description, etc. NewYork, 1848. 120...-. The American Farm-Book; or Compend of American agriculture. New-York, 1849. 120. ALLEN (R. L.), M.D. A Historical, Chemical and Therapeutical Analysis of the principal mineral fountains at Saratoga Springs. 2d ed. Saratoga Springs, 1848. 180. ALLEN (Stephen). On the Safety Fund for Banks. New-York, 1829. 80. ALLEN ( Thomas). History of the County of Surrey, Eng. London, 1831. 2 vol. 80. ALLEN (Thomas). Oration, July 4, 1803, at Pittsfield, Mass. Pam. vol. 45. ALLEN (William). American Biographical and Historical Dictionary. Cambridge, 1809. 80.....- - The same. 2d ed. Boston, 1832. 80. Decade of Addresses delivered from 1820 to 1829, to the senior classes at Bowdoin College: to which is added a Dudleian Lecture, 1830, at Cambridge. Portland, 1830. 120. ALLEN ( William). Life, with selections from his correspondence. Philadelphia, 1847. 2 vol. 80.....- Speech, U. S. Sen. on Banks, 1838. Pam. vol. 34. B. C. ALLEN (Capt. William), and T. R. H. Thomson, M.D. Narrative of an Expedition sent by His Majesty's Government to the River Niger in 1841, under the command of Capt. Trotter, R.N. London, 1848. 2 vol. 80. ALLETZ (Edouard). Harmonies de l'Intelligence humaine. Paris, 1845, 46. 2 vol. 80. ALLEYN PAPERS ( The). A Collection of original documents illustrative of the life and times of Edward Alleyn: edited by J. Payne Collier. Shakspeare Society, London, 1843. 80. ALLISON ( M. A.). First Lessons in English Grammar. 5th ed. London, 1841. 180. ALLOUEZ. See Shea's Discov. Mississippi valley, and Marquette. ALLYN (Rev. John). Election Sermon, Boston, Mass. 1805. Pam. vol. 46. ALLSTON ( Washington). Lectures on Art, and Poems: edited by Richard Henry Dana jun. Boston, 1850. 120. ALMANACS, for 1802 and 1803. 1 vol. 180. 1. Carey's Franklin Almanac, 1803. Philadelphia. 2. Good Old Virginia Almanac, 1803. Richmond. 3. Columbian Almanac, 1803. Wilmington, 4. Connecticut Pocket Almanac, 1803, Hartford, 24 NEW-YORK STATE 5. Poor Will's Almanac, 1803. Philadelphia. 6. Bonsal and Niles's Citizen's Almanac, 1803. Wilmington. 7. Pennsylvania Almanac, 1803. Philadelphia. 8. Virginia Almanac, 1803. Richmond. 9. VWebster's Almanac, 1803. Albany. 10. Poor Richard Revived, or Albany Almanac, 1803. 11. Webster's Almanac, 1802. Albany. 12. Father Abraham's Almanac, 1803. Philadelphia. 13. Bonsal & Niles's Town and County Almanac, 1803. Baltimore. A miscellaneous collection, 1797 - 1849. 2 vol. 120. R- ivington's, 1774; Hugh Gaines's, 1788 and 1795; Longworth's, 1813; Swords's, 1827. 1 vol. 18o. for 1851. 1 vol. 120. 1. Presbyterian Family Almanac. 7. Palmer's Business Men's. 2. Illustrated Family Christian. 8. Volkskalender, New-York. 3. Agriculturists', New-York. 9. American Temperance Union. 4. Methodist, New-York. 10. Webster's or Albany Almanac. 5. Church, New-York. 11. Fowler's Phrenological. 6. Baptist, New-York. Perpetual, for the Blind (Catholic and Protestant), from 1847 to 1900: ed. by Ant. J. Dolezalek. In German. Wien, 1847. 40. for Albany, Troy, etc., fromn 1841 to 1849. 1 vol. 120o. ALMANACH AMiRICAIN. Paris, 1783. 120. W. C. 22. ALMANACH DE GOTHA. Annuaire Diplomatique pour 1843. 240. B. C. pour les annees 1852, 53, 54, 55. 4 vol. 240. ALMANACH DE L'ALGERIE, 1849, 52, 53. Paris. 1 vol. 18o. ALMANAQUE del Commercio del Plata para el afio de 1851, en la Republica Oriental del Uruguay. Montevideo. 240. ALMON (John). Memoirs. London, 1790. 80..... — Anecdotes of the Life of the Right Hon. William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, with his speeches. 7th ed. London, 1810. 3 vol. 80. The Remembrancer, or Impartial Repository of public events. London, 1775 - 84. 17 vol. 80. See Collection of authentic papers, etc. See Political Tracts. 7 vol. 80. ALPHEN ( Hieronymus van). Gedigten en Overdenkingen. Utregt, 1778. With H. van Alphen and P. Leonard van de Kasteele, Proeve van Stigtelijke Mengelpozij: erste stukjen. Utregt, 1778. 80. B. C. - Theorie der Schoner Kunsten, en wetenschappen grootendeels overgenomen nit het hoogduitsch van F. J. Riedel, en met bijvoegselen... vermeerderd. Vol. 1, 2. Utregt, 1778. With Brief aan den H. H. v. Alphen by geleegenheid zyner theorie, Utregt; and Vrijmoedige Aenmerkingen over de theorie... door D. E. Rotterdam, 1779. 2 vol, 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 25 ALSOP (Richard). Poein: Sacred to the Memory of George Washington. Pani. vol. I and 47. ALTA CALIFORNIA, weekly. Vol. 1. 1849. San Francisco, Cal. Newsp. vol. 6. files for 1851, 52. Newsp. vol. 3. ALTENSTAIG (John). Lexicon Theologicum, complectens vocabulorum descriptiones.... Antwerpi, 1576. fol. ALTOWAN; or Incidents of life and adventures in the Rocky Mountains, by an American traveller: ed. by James Watson Webb. New-York, 1846. 2 vol. 120. ALVIMrARE (Baron de). Recueil des RefLutations des objections tirees des sciences contre les bases de la Religion Chretienne, etc. 2d ed. Paris, 1841. 80. ALVIN (F. J.). Beausire; on les dangers de l'education'a la mode: Drame en trois actes. Cambrai, 1809. 8o. ALVORD (Rev. J. W.). Address at 2d centennial anniversary of Stamford, Conn. 1841. New-York. 80. ALWOERDEN ( Henrik van). Historie van Michael Servetus den Spanjaart. Leven, schriften en doot: uit de Latynsche van H. van A. die haar in't jaar 1727 onder t'opzicht van... J. L. MIosheim by wyze van opentlyke redetwisting heeft verweert. Rotterdam, 1729. 40. AMADIS OF GAUL, by Vasco Lobeyra. Translated from the Spanish version of Garciordonez de Montalvo, by Robert Southey. London, 1803. 4 vol. 160. Vol. 1 wanting. AMAND-MALO ( M.). le'ments de Comptabilite. Paris, 1841. 12o. AMERICAN ACADEMrY O ARTS AND SCIENCES. M-emoirs, 1st series, vol. 1 - 4, 1785 - 1818. W. C. 29.- New series, vol. 1 - 4, 1833-50. Boston, 8 vol. 4o. Proceedings, vol. 1, 1846 - 48. Boston and Cambridge, 1848. 8o. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. A Catalogue of Italian, Flemish, Spanish, Dutch, French, and English paintings, brought by Mr. R. Abrahams, exhibiting at the Academy, N.Y., 1830, 32. Pam. vol. 20. B. C. AMERICAN AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION. Transactions, part 1. NewYork, 1846. 4o. AMERICAN ( The) AGRICULTURIST: A. B. and R. L. Allen, editors. New- York, vol. 1 - 4, 1843 - 45. 4 vol. roy. 80. AMERICAN ALMANAC, 1830 - 55. Boston. 26 vol. 120. for 1-830, 39, 40, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50. Boston. 11 vol. 12o. B. C. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. Reports, 1837-48. NewYork. 2 vol. 80. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY. Address, 1852, Pam. vol. 186. r GEN. LIB.] 4 26 NEW-YORK STATE AMERICAN ANNALS OF EDUCATION AND INSTRUCTION, 1831 - 39, vol. 1 - 9. Edited by W. C. Woodbridge, W. A. Alcott and M. F. Hubbard. Boston. 9 vol. 8o. AMERICAN ANECDOTES, original and select: by an American. Boston, 1830. 2 vol. 120. AMIERICAN ANNUAL REGISTER, 01r Historical Memoirs of the United States for 1796, by J. Callender. Philadelphia, 1797. 8o. AMERICAN ANNUAL REGISTER, 1825 - 33: by Joseph Blunt. NewYork. 8 vol. 83. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Archleologia Americana: Transactions and Collections. Worcester, 1820. Cambridge, 1836. 2 vol. 80. Catalogue of the library. Worcester, 1837. 8o. Proceedings, 1849 - 52. Cambridge, Worcester. 1 vol. 80. AMERICAN ( The) APOLLO; containing the proceedings of the Historical Society, political and commercial intelligence. Boston, 1791. 80. AMIERICAN ARCHIVES; a Documentary History of the English NorthAmerican Colonies: published by M. St. Clair and Peter Force. -4th series, 1774 - 76, vol. 1 - 6. 5th series, 1776, 3 vol. Washington, 1837 - 53. 9 vol. fol. - The same. 4th series, vol. 4, 5, 6. 5th series, vol. 1, 2. 5 vol. fol. AM~ERICAN ART-UNION. Bulletin for 1849, 89; 1850 and 51, 40. NewYork. 3 vol. Transactions for 1846, 47, 48, 49. New-York. 4 vol. 8S. And see Pam. vol. 23. Transactions, 1845, 48. New-York. Pam. vol. 44, 52. B. C. Bulletin, 1848, 49. See Panm. vol. 52. B. C. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. Proceedings, 1848 - 52, at Philadelphia, Cambridge, Charleston, NewHaven, Cincinnati, Albany. Philadelphia. 5 vol. 80'. See Annals of Science, for Proceedings at Cleveland. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION for the Supply of Teachers. Philadelphia, 1835. Painm. vol. 70. AMERICAN ASYLUi at HIartford for the Deaf and Dumb. See Connecticut Asylum. Annual reports, I - xxvIII, 1819 - 44. 80. R- eport for 1845. See Paim. vol. 168. ~- - 5th report, 1821. Pain. vol. 8. B. C.- 29th report, 1845. Pam. vol. 43. B. C. American Annals of the deaf and dumb, 1848 - 49. Hartford. 2 vol. 83. AMERICAN ATLAS: Historical, chronological and geographical, according to the plan of Le Sage's Atlas. Philadelphia, 1822. fol. AMERICAN BAPTIST MAGAZINE AND MISSIONARY INTELLIGENCERt 81.7 - 32. Bostcn. 1.2 vol. 80. Vol. 11 wanting, GENER`AL LIBRA1Y. 27 The sam!. 1817-Nov. 1822. 3 vol. 80. AMIERICAN BAPTIST PUBLICATION SOCIETY. 29th report, 1853. Philadelphia. Pam. v-ol. 90. AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY: Annual Reports, w ith an account of its organization, etc. 1816 - 53. New-York. 4 vol. 80. 28th report, 1844. New-York. Pain. vol. 43. B. (.- 31st report, 1847. Palm. vol. 46. B. C.- 32, 33d report, 1848, 49. Pam. vol. 51. B. C. History. See Strickland ( W. P.). AM-ERICAN BIBLE UNION. The Bible Question decided, in a correspondence between the A. B. U. and Rev. W. R. Williams. New-York, 1852. Pam. vol. 72. AMERICAN BOARD OF COIMISSIONERS for Foreign MIissions: Annual Reports, 1812 - 53; with maps of the missions. Boston. 8 vol. 8o. First ten annual reports, 1810 - 20. Boston, 1834. 8k. 12th report, 1822. Pam. vol. 4. - issionary Herald, containing the proceedings of the A.B.C.F.M. Vol. 17- 50. Boston, 1821 -.54. 33 vol. 80. See for preceding volumes, Panoplist. AMIERICAN CANDOUR, in a tract lately published at Boston, entitled "An Analysis of the late Correspondence between our Administration and Great Britain and France," 1809. Pain. vol. 117. A.IERICAN CITIZ1EN, daily: ed. by J. Stanley Smith. JaLune 13, 1842 - June 22, 1844. Albany. fol. AMERICAN CITIZEN: Aug. 2, 1808. New-York. Newsp. vol. 5. AMERICAN Claims on France: A Collection of congressional documents respecting these claims. Washington, 1836. 80. AMrERICAN COLONIZATION SOCIETY. Annual Reports, 1818 - 22, 1828 - 31, 1834 - 53. Washington. 3 vol. 8o. See Pamn. vol. 2 for 2d rep. 2d and 3d reports, 1819, 20. Washington. Pain. vol. 17. B. C.5 - 9th reports, 1822 - 26. Pain. vol. 17. B. C.- 10 - 15th reports, 1827-32. Pam. vol. 18. B.C.- 16th:eport, 1833. Pam. vol. 24. B.C. - Address to auxiliary societies, 1820. Pam. vol. 17. B. C. Address to the People of the U. S. Pam. vol. 18. B. C. African Repository and Colonial Journal. Washington, 1826 - 49. 25 vol. 8o. The same. Vol. 1- 9; vol. 10 (no 11, 12 wanting); vol. 11 (no 1, 2 wanting); vol. 12 (imperfect). 10 vol. 80. B. C. AMERICAN (Old) COMPANY, New-York: Playbill, 1787. See Newsp. vol. 5. AMERICAN CONGREGATIONAL UNION. Year-book for 1854. N.York. 80. ArIERICAN CONTINENTAL CONGRESS: Proceedings. Pam. vol. 115. AMERICAN COPYRIGHT CLUB. Address to the People of the U. S. 1843. Pam. vol. 37. B. C. 28 NEW-YORK STATE AMERICAN DRA:MATIC FUND ASSOCIATION: Rules, 1849. Pan vo 16.9. AMERICAN ECLECTIC, or Selections from the periodical literature of all foreign countries. New-York, 1841 - 42 4 vol. 80. AMERICAN EDUCATION SOCIETY. Annual Reports, from the fourth, 1819, to the 36th, 1852. Boston. 3 vol. 80. 6th report, 1821. Pam. vol. 8. B. C. - American Quarterly Register: conducted at various limes by Rev. E. Cornelius, Rev. B. B. Edwards, Rev. William Cogswell, and S. H. Riddell. Andover and Boston, 1829 - 43. The title of vol. I and 2 was "Quarterly Register and Journal." 15 vol. 80. AMERICAN (The) EPHEMIERIS AND NAUTICAL ALMANAC for the year 1855: by authority of the See. of the Navy. Washington, 1852. 80. AMERICAN ETHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY: Transactions, vol. 1, 2. NewYork, 1845, 48. 2 vol. 80. AMERICAN (The) FARMER, 1820, 21: John S. Skinner, editor. Baltimore. 2 vol. 4o. AMERICAN FLAG, Matamoros, weekly. See Newsp. vol. 6. AM ERICAN GAZETTEER. London, 1762. 3 vol. 120. AMERICAN Geogr. and Statis. Soc. Constitution, 1851. Pam. vol. 69, 92. AMERICAN Historical and literary curiosities. See Smith ( J. Jay). AMERICAN HISTORICAL MAGAZINE, vol. 1, 6 nos.: ed. by Ebenezer Baldwin. New-Haven, 1836. 80. AMERICAN HOME MISSI-ONARY SOCIETY: Reports, 1827 —48. NewYork. 4 vol. 80. Reports, 1st, 1827; 21st, 1847. Pam. vol. 90. American Home Missionary Journal, 1829 - 48. New-York. 20 vol. in 10. 80. AMERICAN HUSBANDRY; containing an account of the soil, climate, etc. of the British Colonies in North America and the West Indies: by an American (Arthur Young?). London, 1775. 2 vol. 8~. W. C. 30. AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE the Interest and Glory of Great Britain: in a series of letters to the legislature. London, 1774. By John Cartwright? See Pam. vol. 116. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF INSTRUCTION: Introductory Discourse and lectures, with proceedings, 1830 - 39. Boston, 1830 - 40. 10 vol. 80. Lectures delivered before it, with proceedings, 1840 - 50. Boston, 1841 - 51. 11 vol. 12o. AMERICAN INSTITUTE of the City of New-York. Transactions: Annual Reports to the N.Y.S. Agr. Soc. 1842, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53. Albany, 1843 - 54. 12 vol. 80. Journal: Oct. 1, 1835 - Sept. 1839; with Cyrus MIason's Oration, Oct. 1840. New-York. 4 vol. 80. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE. See Amer. Quar. Jour. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION, 1826 -'30. Boston, 5 vol. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 29 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION: edited by J. M'Keen. Vol. 1. New-York, 1847. 80. AMERICAN JOURNAL of Geology and Natural Science: ed. by G. W. Featherstonhaugh. Philadelphia, 1832. So0. AMIERICAN JOURNAL of Improvements in the useful arts, and Mirror of the Patent Office in the United States. Vol. 1. Washington, 1828. 80. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INSANITY: edited by the officers of the NewYork State Asylum at Utica. Utica, 1844 - 55. 11 vol. 80o. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF )MEDICAL SCIENCES, vol. 29. Philadelphia, 1855. 80. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND ARTS. Ist series, vol. 1 - 49, 1819 - 45; vol. 50, index to first 49 volumes, 1847: conducted by B. Silliman and B. Silliman jr. New series, vol. 1 - 19, 1846 - 55: conducted by Profs. Silliman, Silliman jr., J. D. Dana and WT. Gibbs.... New-Haven, Conn. 69 vol. 80. AMERICAN KALENDAR; or United States Register for New-Hampshire and the other States, for the years 1795, 1798. London. 2 vol. 180. AMERICAN ( The) LABORER: Devoted to the cause of protection to home industry. Periodical. Vol. 1. New-York, 1842, 3. 80. AMERICAN LAND COMPANY: Catalogue of its lands for sale, 1843, 44. Pain. vol. 69. AMERICAN LITERARY iMiAGAZINE, monthly: ed. by T. Dwight Sprague. Albany and Hartford, 1847 - 49. 4 vol. 80. AMERICAN LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY: Report, 1838. Pam. vol. 54. AMERICAN LYCEUM: Proceedings of the Convention held in New-York, 1831, 32, to organize the national department of the institution. Pam. vol. 9. AMERICAN IMAGAZINE. Dec. 1787 - Oct. 1788, with plates. New-York, Loudon. 80. AMERICAN MAGAZINE and Repository of useful literature: ed. by J. S. Wood and B. Wood. Vol. 1; vol. 2, 3 nos. complete. Albany, 18412. 80. Vol. 2, no. 1, 1842. Period. 80. vol. 1. AMERICAN MAGAZINE of useful and entertaining knowledge. Boston, J. L. Sibley and J. E. Dorr, 1834 - 37. 3 vol. 80. AMERICAN MASONIC RECORD, and Albany Saturday Magazine: pub. by E. B. Child. Vol. 1, 2, 3, 5. Albany, 1827, 28- 31. 4 vol. 40. AMERICAN MEDICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL REGISTER, vol. 1-4: conducted by D. Hosack and J. W. Francis. New-York, 1814. 4 vol. 80. AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Code of Ethics, adopted Miay, 1847. Philadelphia, 1848. 80, and Pam. vol. 98. Transactions, 1848 - 54. Philadelphia. 7 vol. 80. AMERICAN Memoranda, by a mercantile man during a short tour in 1843. Glasgow, 1844. 80. 30 NE W-YORK STATE AMERICAN Military Biography, containing lives of the officers of the Revolution; also the Life of G. M. Lafayette. 1825. 120. AMERICAN MINERALOGICAL JOURNAL:.... conducted by Archibald Bruce.... New-York, 1814. 4 nos. I vol. So. AMERICAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION: Proceedings of Convention for Bible Missions, at Albany, 1846. Pam. vol. 81. 2d report, 1848. Pain. vol. 90. AMERICAN MONTHLY MAGAZINE. First series, 6 vol.: ed. by -IH. W. Herbert and A. D. Patterson. Second series, 6 vol.: ed. by Charles F. Hoffman and Park Benjamin. New-York, 1832 - 38. 12 vol. 8~. AMERICAN MONTHLY MAGAZINE AND CRITICAL REVIEW: H. Bigelow and 0. L. Holley, editors. New-York, 1817- 18. 4 vol. 80. AMERICAN MONTHLY MAGAZINE: edited by N. P. Willis. Vol. I - 3. Boston, 1829 - 31. 3 vol. 80. AMERICAN MORAL AND SENTIMENTAL MAGAZINE: ed. by T. Kirk. New-York, 1797. Vol. 1. So. AMERICAN MUSEUM, or Repository of ancient and modern fugitive pieces, 1787 - 92: ed. by Matthew Carey. Philadelphia,. 13 vol. 80. AMrERICAN MiUSEUM. See Elliot (Seth). AMERICAN ORIENTAL SOCIETY: Journal, vol. 1 -4. Boston, 1849- 54. 4 vol. 80. AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY: Proceedings, vol. 1 - 5, 183853. Philadelphia, 1840 - 54. 5 vol. 80. Transactions, 1st series, 1789 - 1804, 6 vol.; new series, 1818 - 53, 10 vol. Philadelphia,, 1789 - 1853. 16 vol. 40. Transactions of the Historical and Literary Committee, Philadelphia, 1819, 1838. 2 vol. 8o. Catalogue of library. Philadelphia, 1824. 80. Directions for making meteorological observations, by the joint committee of Am. Phil. Soc. and the Frank. Inst. of Pa. 1837. 80. See Nicollet. AMERICAN PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL and MISCELLANY, vol. 9. 0. S. Fowler, editor. New-York, 1847. 80. AMERICAN PIONEER; a monthly periodical, devoted to the objects of the Logan Historical Society, or to the collecting and publishing sketches relative to the early settlement and successive improvement of the country: ed. by J. S. Williams. Vol. 1, 2. Cincinnati, 0. 1842 - 43. 2 vol. So. - AMERICAN PROTESTANT ASSOCIATION: Address of the Board of 3Managers. Pam. vol. 8. AMERICAN PROTESTANT SOCIETY: Report, 1849. Pam. vol. 68. AMERICAN (Quarterly) JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND SCIENCE: Edited in succession by E. Emnmons, A. J. Prime, A. Osborn, 0. E. Gardner, and C. N. Bement. Albany, 1845 - 48. 7 vol. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 31 AMERICAN QUARTERLY OBSERVER. Vol. 1, no 1, July. Boston, 1838. 80. B. C. AMERICAN QUARTERLY REGISTER AND MAGAZINE: conducted by J. Stryker. Vol. 1, 2; 1848 - 49. Philadelphia. 2 vol. 80. B. C. For remaining volumes, see Stryker (J.). AMIERICAN QUARTERLY REGISTER. See Am. E. Soc. A3IERICAN QUARTERLY REVIEW. Philadelphia, 1827- 37. 22 vol. 8o. AMERICAN Quarterly Review, and the State of New-York, on the Bank System: from the Albany Argus, 1832. Pam. vol. 54. AMERICAN QUARTERLY TEMPERANCE MIAGAZINE. Vol. 1, 2; 1833, 34. See Pam. vol. 176. The same. 2 vol. 80. B. C. AMERICAN RAILROAD JOURNAL. Steam navigation, commerce, mining and manufactures: 1st series, 1831 - 37, 6 vol.; ID. K. Minor and G. C. Schaeffer, editors. 2d series, 1838 - 44, 11. vol. in 10; G. C. Sehmaffer, editor. 3d series, 1845 - 53, 9 vol. (2d 40 series); Henry V.Poor, editor. New-York. 26 vol. 80 and 40. AMERICAN REGISTER, or General Repository of history, politics and science, 1807- 10. Editec by C. B. Broewn. Philadelphia. 7 vol. 80. — ~ —- The same. 7 vol. 80. B. C. AMERICAN REGISTER; or Summary Review of history, politics and literature. Philadelphia, 1817 - 18. 2 vol. 80o. AMERICAN REMEMIBRANCER; or an Important Collection of essays, resolves and speeches relative... to the Treaty with Great Britain. Philadelphia, 1795. 3 vol. 80. AMERICAN REPERTORY OF ARTS, SCIENCES AND }MANUFACTURES ed. by J. J. Mapes. New-York, 1840 - 42. 4 vol. 80. AMERICAN REVIEW. See American Whig Review. AMERICAN REVIEW (The), and Literary Journal: ed. by C. B. Brown. New-York, 1801 - 2. 2 vol. 80. AMERICAN (The) REVIEW of history and politics, and General Repository of literature and state papers: ed. by Robert TCalsh. Philadelphia, 1811 - 12. 4 vol. 80. -- The same. 4 vol. 80o.. C. AMERICAN SLAVERY as it is: Testimony of a thousand witnesses. NewYork, 1839. pp. 224. See Pam. vol. 185. AMERICAN SOCIETY -for the Diffusion of useful knowledge: Prospectus, etc. New-York, 1837. Pam. vol. 99. AMERICAN SOCIETY for the Promotion of temperance: Report, 1829. Pam. vol. 176. AMERICAN STATISTICAL ANNUAL for the year 1854: comlpiled by R. S. Fisher and C. Colby. New-York, 1854. 2 vol. 120. AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION: ~By-laws, etc. 1844. Pam. vol. 92. -------- Collections, vol. 1. Boston, 1847. 80. 32 NEW-YORK STATE AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHrOOL UNION: 25th, 26th reports, 1849, 50. Philadelphia. 80. Reports, 1847, 51, 52. Pam. vol. 68. Popular Sketch of the rise and progress of Sunday schools. See Pam. vol. 173. AMERICAN SYSTEM OF EDUCATION: A Handbook of engrafted words of the English language... By a Literary Association. New-York, 1853. 120. A Handbook of Anglo-Saxon orthography. New-York, 1853. 120. 2 copies. A Handbook of Anglo-Saxon root-words. New-York, 1853. 120. AMERICAN (The) SYSTEM, or the effects of high duties on imports,.... Boston, 1828. Pam. vol. 55. AMERICAN TEMPERANCE MAGAZINE. ed. by Gen. S. F. Cary. July - Nov. 1851. New-York. 80. See also Pai. vol. 81. AMERICAN TEMPERANCE SOCIETY: Reports, 4th, 5th, 6th. Boston, 1831 - 33. 8o. B. C. AMERICAN TEMPERANCE UNION: Journal, 10 vol. 1837 - 46. Albany. See N.Y. State Temp. Soc., Temp. Rec. Journal, vol. 8 - 12. New-York, 1844 - 48. 2 vol. 4~. Vol. 1 - 7 bound with Temp. Rec. See N.Y. S. Temp. Soc. AMERICAN Tracts. See Pain. vol. 112 - 122. AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY, Boston: Reports, 1827 - 52. 80. New-York: Reports, 13th - 28th, 1838 - 53. 4 vol. 80. Reports, 1st - 12th, 1826 - 37. New-York. 8o. Proceedings of a meeting of the board and friends, New-York, Oct. 1842. New-York, 1843. 120. AMERICAN UNITARIAN ASSOCIATION; Reports, 1 - 24. Boston, 1826 - 49. 2 vol. 120. - Report, 1853. Boston. Pain. vol. 93. Proceedings at meeting of friends, 1854. Boston. Pam. vol. 96. - Tracts, 1st series, vol. 8, no 85 - 95. Boston, 1835. 12o. B. C. AMERICAN UNIVERSAL MAGAZINE. Philadelphia, 1797 - 98. 4 vol. 80. AM3ERICAN (The) WAR: A Poem, in six books. By George Cockings? London, 1781. 80. At the back is pasted a map of Gen. Burgoyne's march in 1777, and a map of New-England, 1753. AMERICAN WEEKLY MESSENGER, or Register of state papers, history and politics for 1813-14 and 1814-15. Philadelphia, 1814 - 15. 2 vol. 80. AMERICAN WHIG REVIEW, 1845 - 52. First series entitled "American Review, a whig journal." New-York. 15 vol. 80. AMERICUS VESPUCTUS. See Vespucci. GENERAL LIBRARY. 33 AMeRIQUE Di)COUVERTE, en six livres. Autun, 1782. 120. W. C. 24. AmItRIQUE DI)LIVaE: Esquisse d'un poLnme sur l'independance de l'Am6Brique. Amsterdam, 1783. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 25. AMRERSFOORDT (Jacobus). Annotationum in loca selecta Novi Foederis specimen primum. Lugd. Batav. 1810. 8o. AMES (Fisher). Works, with notes of his life and character. Boston, 1809. 80. The same. 1809. 80. B. C. Works, with a selection from his speeches and correspondence: ed. by Seth Amos. Boston, 1854. 2 vol. 80~. Oration, at the Old South Meeting-house in Boston, on Gen. George Washington. Philadelphia, 1800. 80. The same. See Pam. vol. 1, and Columbian Phenix. AMIES ( William). Bellarminus Enervatus, sive Disputationes in Franekeri public6 habitre. Vol. 3, 4, in one. Oxford, 1629. 180. AMHERST COLLEGE: Catalogue of the library. Amherst, 1855. 8o. AMnIEL (M. L.). Archives administratives et legislatives de la ville de IReims: par P. Varin, etc. See France, Documents ined. AMIRALLE ( John). The Memoirs of —a native of the Isle of Scio, Greece: by a Citizen of Albany. Albany, 1830. 12o. B. C. AmISTAD Captives. See U. S. Message of Prest.; also African Captives. AMMIANUS BIARCELLINUS. Rerum gestarumn libri xviii, a decimo quarto ad trigesimum primum. Paris, Rob. Stephanus, 1544. 120. B. C. AMRINGE (W. F. van). See Van Amringe. AMSDEN'S Hydrostatic Scale: Report by Messrs. Campbell, Emmons and Dewey. 1849. Pam. vol. 79. AMUssAT (J. Z.). Memoires: Anus artificiel; tumeurs fibreuses de l'uterus; rdtroversion de la matrice. Paris, 1839. 8o. ANACHARSIS' Travels. See Barthelemy (J. J.). ANACREON. Anacreontis Carmina: Editio Brunckii, traduites en vers.. par J. B. de Saint Victor. Paris, 1813. 8o. Odes of Anacreon, translated with notes by T. Moore. London, 1806. 2 vol. 120. - Recueil de Compositions, dessinees par Girodet, &c.; avec la traduction en prose des Odes de ce Pokte, faite degalement par Girodet. Paris, 1825. fol. ANALECTIC MAGAZINE. Philadelphia, 1813 - 20. 16 vol. 80o ANALYSIS of the late Correspondence between our Administration and Great Britain. Boston, 1811? 80. pp. 52. Pam. vol. 38. ANALYST, vol. 1, no 3. See Period. 80. vol. 1. ANBUREY ( Thomas). Travels through the interior parts of America. Lon. don, 1789. 2 vol. 8o. W. C. 37. GEN. LIB.] 5 34 NEW-YORK STATE ANDERSON (Adam). Historical and Chronological deduction of the origin of commerce. Dublin, 1790. 6 vol. 80. The same. London, 1801. 4 vol. 4o. fW. C. 38. ANDERSON (Andrew), I.D. Inaug. Diss. on Eupatorium, 1813. Pamin, vol. 64. ANDERSON (Christian). Sketch of the Life of, translated by zMary Howitt. Boston, 1847. 120. ANDERSON (Christopher). Annals of the English Bible. London, 1845. 2 vol. 80. ANDERSON ( David). Canada, or a View of the importance of the British American Colonies, etc. London, 1814. 80o. W. C. 39. ANDERSON (James). Collections relating to the History of Ilary, Queen of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1727. 4 vol. 4o. ANDERSON (Rev. James S. M.). History of the Church of England in the colonies and foreign dependencies of the British Empire. London, 1845 -48. 2 vol. 80. ANDERSON ( John). The Course of Creation; with a glossary of scientific terms. Cincinnati, 1851. 120. ANDERSON ( Robert), M.D. Life of Dr. John MIoore. See Moore. ANDERSON (Rufus), D.D. Observations on the Peloponnesus and Greek Islands, made in 1829. Boston, 1830. 120. ANDERTON'S Affidavit of a masonic murder. Boston, 1830. Pam. vol. 184. ANDOVER (The) Fuss; or Dr. Woods vs. Dr. Dana, on the imputation of heresy against Prof. Park. Boston, 1853. Pam. vol. 96. ANDREt (Major John). Proceedings of a Board of general officers, held by order of Gen. Washington, respecting- Sept. 29, 1780. Philadelphia, 1780. 80. ANDREW ( James), LL.D. Institutes of English Grammar. London, 1817. 8~. ANDREWS (Captain). Journey from Buenos Ayres, through the Provinces of Cordova, Tucuman, &c, London, 1827. 2 vol. 120. W. C. 40. ANDRIEWS ( Rev. Mr.), of Wallingford, Conn. A Sermon preached at LitChfield,' Conn., before a voluntary convention of the clergy of the Church of England, of several provinces in America, June 13, 1770: by —, a native of the province. 1770. sm. 40. ANDREWS ( E. A.). A Copious and Critical Latin Lexicon, founded on the larger lexicon of Freund.... New-York, 1851. 8~. ANDREWS (.Israel D.). Report on the trade and commerce of the British North American Colonies, and upon the trade of the great lakes and rivers. Washington, 1853. 2 vol. 80, of which one of maps. ANDREWS ( James Petit). See Henry ( R.), Hist. of Great Britain. ANDREWS (John). History of the War with America, France, Spain, and Holland, London, 1785. 4 vol. 80. W. C. 41. ANDREWS (Rev. S.). Fast Sermon at Robinstown on River Schodick, fJ798. Boston. Pam. vol. 29. GENERAL LIBRARY. 35 ANDREWS (Revi W. WI..). The Correspondence and Miscellanies of the Hon. J. E. Smith;.... with a eulogy, 3May, 27, 1846. New-York, 1847. 120. ANDROS ( Thomas). Narrative of the Captivity of the Old Jersey Captive, on board the Jersey Prison Ship, at New-York, 1781. Boston, 1833. 18o. ANGEL (Oliver). A Brief System of English Grammar. Providence, 1850. 120. ANGEL (WV. G.). Speech, H. of R. U. S. on Bank U. S. 1832. Pamn. vol. 15. B. C.; also Pamn. vol. 59. ANGELO ( M.), and D. de Carli. Curious and exact account of a voyage to Congo. Pinkerion, vol. 16; Churchill, vol. 1. ANGELUS A S. JOSEPH. Gazophylacium Lingusa Persarum trip. ling clavi Ital. Lat. Gal. Amstelodami, 1684. fol. ANGHIERA ( Peter Martyr d'). De Rebus Oceanicis et Orbe Novo, decades tres; ejusdem preterea Legationis Babylonicse libri tres. Basil, 1533. fol. W. C. 42. The Decades of the New World, or West India: written in the Latin tongue, and translated into Englysche by Rycharde Eden. London, 1555. 4o. The History of the West Indies, containing the actes and adventures of the Spaniards which have conquered and peopled those countries, etc.: published in Latin by Mr. Hakluyt, and translated into English by M. Lok, gent. London. 40. Eight decades. ANGLETERRE (L') en 1800. Cologne, 1801. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 340. ANGLO-AMERICAN MAGAZINE. Vol. 1-6, July 1852 - June 1855. Toronto. 6 vol. 80. ANGUS (William). An Epitome of English Grammar. Glasgow, 1807. 120. A New System of English Grammar. Glasgow, 1812. 120. - English Grammar, mnemonically arranged. Glasgow, 1825. 120. The same. B. C. ANNALES ACADEMICI: Lugduno-Batava, Rheno- Tajectina, Groningana, Franequenanum, Amstelcedaamense, Daventriense. Ilagre, 1837 -40. 3 vol. 40. ANNALES DE LA PROPAGATION DE LA FOI. See Association. ANNALES DE L'INSTITUT AGRONOMIQUE: Annee Ire. Paris, 1852. 4o. ANNALES DES HARAS ET D'AGRICULTURE: Publies par une Soci6t6. Paris, 1 845 - 47. 3 vol. 80. ANNALES DES MINES. See De la Beche's Selections. ANNALES DES PONTS ET CHAUSSaES. Me3moires et Documents relatifs a l'art des constructions,. et au service de l'ingenieur: Lois, Ordonnances, et autres actes concernant 1'administration..... 10 Serie, Memoires, 1831 - 40, 30 vol. —20 Serie, Memoires, 1841 - 50, 20 vol.- 30 Serie, Me1moires, 1851 - 52, 4 vol.; Lois, 20 serie, 10 vol.; Lois, 30 serie, 4 vol. Paris. 63 vol. 80. 36 NEW-YORK STATE -.-.- Tables Generales die la premiere s6rie. 1 vol. 80. ANNALI DELLA LIBERTA PADOVANA: Ossia Raccolta compiuta di tutte le car-te pubblicate in Padova dal giorno della sua liberta, disposta per b ordine de'tempi. Padova, 1797. 6 vol. O~. ANNALS OF IRELAND: Translated from the original Irish of the Four Masters, by Owen Connellan; with annotations by Philip M'Dermott, M.D. Dublin, 1846. 4o. ANNALS OF PHILOSOPHY, or Magazine of chemistry, mineralogy, mechanics, natural history, agriculture, and the arts: by Thomas Thomson, M.D. First series, 16 vol.; Second series, 12 vol. 1813 - 20. London, 28 vol. 80. ANNALS OF SCIENCE; being a record of inventions, including the Transactions of the American Association for the Advancement of Science: conducted by H. L. Smith. Vol. 1. Cleveland, 0. 1853. 80. ANNATO (P.). Apparatus ad positivam theologian methodicus. Paris, 1705. 2 vol. in 1. 40~. ANNESLEY (William). A New System of naval architecture. London, 1822. 40. - Naval Architecture. See Sullivan ( J. L.). ANNUAIRE DES EAUX de la France pour 1851: publiB par ordre du Ministre de Commerce. Paris, 1851. 4~. ANNUAIRE DE L'INDUSTRIE BELGE: Ire annee. Bruxelles, 1848. 120. ANNUAIRE M~ThOROLOGIQUE DE LA FRANCE pour 1850: par MM. J. Hmghens, Martins et Berigny;'avec des notices scientifiques et des series m6teorologiques. Paris, 1850. 2 vol. 8o. ANNUAIRE DES DEUX MONDES: Histoire Generale des divers 6tats, 1850 - 54. Paris. 3 vol. 80. ANNUAIRE DE THtRAPEUTIQUE. See Bouchardat (A.). ANNUAL BIOGRAPHY AND OBITUARY, 1817 - 37. London, 21 vol. 80. ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY, or Year-Book of science and arts, 1850 - 55: ed. by D. A. Wells. Boston. 6 vol. 12o. ANNUAL REGISTER ( Dodsley's), 1758 - 1853. London. 95 vol. 80. General Index, 1758 - 1819. London, 1826. 80. ANQUETIL ( L. P.). Summary of Universal History from the French. Philadelphia, 1805 - 9. 9 vol. 80. ANSON (George, Lord ). Voyage round the World: compiled by Richard Walter, 1740 - 44. London, 1748. 4o. W. C. 43. The same. London, 1748. 80. - Voyages around the World. See Kerr, vol. 11. Voyage autour du Monde en 1740 - 44: trad. de l'anglois. Amsterdam, 1749. 40. W. C. 44.. The same. Paris, 1750. 4 vol. 120. W. C. 45. ANSPACH (Lewis A.). History of the Island of Newfoundland and the Coast of Labrador. London, 1819. 80. W. C. 46. GENERAL LIBRARY. 37 ANSTED (David T.). The Goldseeker's Manual. New-York, 1849. 120. -- The Ancient World; or picturesque sketches of creation. London, 1847. 120..-..... An Elementary Course on geology, mineralogy, and physical geography. London, 1850. 120. See Geological Journal. ANSWER (Final) *to the Remarks on the Craftsman's Vindication, etc. London, 1731. Pam. vol. 130. ANSWER to Robert Smith's Address to the People. Pam. vol. 44. ANSWER (Brief) to the Principal Objections opposed to the amendment of the insolvent law. Pam. vol. 9. B. C. ANSWER to the Printed Speech of Edmund Burke, esq., spoken in the House of Commons, April 19, 1774, &c. London, 1774. Ascribed to Dr. Shebbeare. See Pam. vol. 119. ANSWER to the Declaration of the American Congress. 4th ed. London, 1776. 80. ANSWER to the Question, Why are you a Federalist? 1805. Boston. Pain. vol. 46. ANSWER.... on the expediency of a bridge from Boston. 1806. Pam. vol. 45. ANSWER (An) to O'Meara's Napoleon in Exile: from the Lond. Quart. Rev. New-York, 1823. 180. ANSWER to Questions contained in Mr. Parker's Letter to the Boston Assoc. Cong. Mmin.: by one not of the association. Boston, 1845. Pam. vol. 44. B. C. ANTE-MAIIOMETAN History of Arabia: from Calcutta Rev. No. 39. 1853. 80. ANTES (John). Observations on the manners and customs of the Egyptians, the overflowing of the Nile, and the plague. London, 1800. 4o. ANTHON (Charles).. AManual of Greek Literature. New-York, 1853. 120. Classical Dictionary. New-York, 1841. 80. See Potter and Smith( W.). ANTILON ( Charles E.). Pilgrimage to Treves, through the Valley of the Meuse and the Forest of Ardennes, in the year 1844. New-York, 1845. 12o. ANTRON (George C.), Narrative and Documents connected with the displacement of the Professor of Greek language and literature in the University of the City of New-York. New-York, 1851. 80. ANTHON (Henry), D.D. Sermon on the Death of Bishop Hobart. NewYork, 1830. See Hobart's Sermon, Inst. of Whitehouse. The True Churchman warned..... New-York, 1843. Pam. vol. 72, 90. ANTICIPATION of Marginal Notes on the Declaration of the British Government of the 9th of January 1813, in the American National Intelligencer. Pamphleteer, vol. 1, 2. 38 NEW-YORK STATE ANTI-JACOBIN, or Weekly Examiner. 5th ed. London, 1803. 2 vol. 80. ----- Poetry of the Anti-Jacobin. 4th ed. London, 1801. 4o. ANTI-MAsoNIC Documents. Pam. vol. 1841. ANTI-MASONIC STATE CONVENTION: Proceedings of a convention of delegates of New-York at Albany, opposed to Free Masonry, Feb. 1829. Rochester, 1829. 80. Pam. vol. 9. ANTI-PYRIC Paint Company, N.Y.: Description, etc. Pam. vol. 79. ANTIQUARIAN (The) and GENERAL REVIEW: Ed. by Rev. W. Arthur. Lansingburgh and Schenectady, 1845 - 47. 3 vol. 80. ANTIQUITATUM VARIORUM AUCTORES: viz. Lesbius, Cato, Archilochus, Berosus, Manethon, Metasthenes, Xenophon, Q. Fabius, Pomponius, Fenestella, etc. LuTduni, 1552. iSo. ANTIQUITB S }MEXICAINES. Expeditions da Capitaine Dupaix; with Recherches sur les Antiquit6s de l'Amnrique du Nord et de l'Ainerique du Sud, et sur la population primitif de ces deux continents: par M. WVarden; and A. Lenoir, Parallele des anciens monuments mexicains. Text and plates. Paris, 1834. 2 vol. fol. WV. C. 993. ANTIQUITIES ( The Unedited) of Attica; comprising the architectural remains of Eleusis, Rhamnus, Sunium and Thoricus: by the Society of Dilettanti.'2d ed. London, 1833. fol. ANTI-RENT (The) Movement and Outbreak in New-York, Dec. 1845. Pam. vol. 43. B. C. ANTI-SLAVERY CONVENTION, Philadelphia, 1833: Proceedings. Pam. vol. 24. B. C. ANTI-SLAVERY Documents. Pam. vol. 185, 186. ANTI-SLAVERY EXAMINER. New-York, 1838. See Pam. vol. 185, 186. ANTI-SPELLING BOOK. 2d ed. London, 1834. 180. ANTISELL (T.). Hatndbook of the Useful Arts.'See Putnam's Cycl. ANTOMMIARCHI (Doctor F.). The Last Days of the Emperor Napoleon. London, 1825. 2 vol. 80. ANTONIDES (Theodorus). Olympia: dat is Olymp-Speelen der Grieken, nagebootst van den Romeinen... en een voorreeden... van Albertus Voget. Groningen, 1732. 4o. ANTONINI (L'Abbe Annibal). Dictionnaire Francois, Latin et Italien. 6th ed. Venise, 1766. 2 vol. 4o. ANTONIO (Nicolas). Bibliotheca Hispana. Rome, 1672. 2 vol. fol. W. C. 48. ANVILLE (J. B. B. d'). Ancient Geography: from the French. NewYork, 1814. 2 vol. 80. The same. 2 vol. 80. B. C. APALACHICOLA Land Company: Report, 1838. Pam. vol. 54. See Blatchford's ( R. M;) Report, 1837. APES (William). A Son of the Forest: the Experience of William Apes,.... comprising a notice of the Pequod Tribe of Indians. Written by himself. New-York, 1829. 180. GENERAL LIBRARY. 39 Indian Nullification of the unconstitutional laws of Massachusetts relative to the Marshpee tribe, or the pretended riot explained. Boston, 1835. 12o. APOCATASTASIS ( The); or Progress Backwards. By L. Marsh? Burlington, 1854. 80. APOCRYPHAL (.The) NEW TESTAMENT. From the last London edition. Boston, 1832. 120. B. C. APOLLO ASSOCIATION for the Promotion of the Fine Arts: Transactions. New-York, 1842. 80. APOLLO'S NIEUWE-JAERS-GIFT aen het bekoorlijke Hollandsche Jufferschap. Gravenhage, 1745. 180. APOLLo'S KERmIIS GIFT: II Deel. Gravenhage, 1763. 18o. APOLLONIUS (Levinus). De Peruvive Regionis, inter Novi Orbis provincias celeberriime, inventione;.... Antverpiae, 1567. 180~. APOLOGY for the conduct of the present administration. London, 1744. Panm. vol. 124. APOSTOLICAL ( The) FATHERS. The Genuine Epistles of... Sts. Barnabas, Ignatius, Polycarp, and Clement; the Shepherd of ilermas, and the Martyrdoms of Sts. Ignatius and Polycarp: trans. by W. Wake, Archbp. of Canterbury. New-York, 1810. 80. B. C. APPEAL. See Council of Appointment. APPEAL to the Unprejudiced, concerning the discontents occasioned by the late Convention with Spain, 1739. Pam. vol. 123. APPEAL to the People: containing the genuine and entire letter of Admiral Byng to the Secretary of the Admiralty, etc. 1756, London. Pam. vol. 136. APPEAL to the World; or a Vindication of the Town of Boston from many false and malicious aspersions contained in certain letters and memorials written by Governor Bernard, General Gage, Commodore Hood, the Commissioners of the American Board of Customs, and others: published by order of the town. Boston, 1769. Pam. vol. 113. The same. London, 1770. Pam. vol. 114. APPEAL to the justice and interests of the People of Great Britain, in the present disputes with America: by an Old Member of Parliament. 2d ed. London, 1775. Pam. vol. 117. The same. 3d ed. London, 1775. See Pam. vol. 118. APPEAL (Second) to the justice and interests of the People, on the measures respecting America: by the author of the first. London, 1775. Pamn. vol. 118. APPEAL to the People, on a war with Great Britain. Boston, 1811. Pam. vol. 42, 66. APPEAL (An) to the Public, on the conduct of the banks in the city of New-York.... New-York, 1815. 8o. APPEAL (A Serious) to the wisdom and patriotism of the Legislature of N. Y. on... canal communication...., 1816. Pam. vol. 9. B. CQ 40 NEW-YORK STATE APPEAL (Calm) on the expulsion of Rev. J. R. Wilson as chaplain, 1832. Pamn. vol. 67. APPEAL to the Representatives of the People, in relation to the proposed enlargement of the Erie Canal. Pam. vol. 24. B. C. APPLETON ( Nathan). Remarks on currency and banking. Boston, 1841. Pam. vol. 36. B. C. Speech, H. of R. U. S., on tariff, 1832. Pam. vol. 15. B. C. APPLETON (Rev. Nathanael ). Sermon before the ministers of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, 1743. Boston, 1743. 80. APPLETON S MECHANICS' MAGAZINE and Engineers' Journal: edited by J. W. Adams. New-York, 1852 - 54. 3 vol. 80. Dictionary of mechanics, machines, enginework and engineering.. with 4000 engravings. New-York, 1852. 2 vol. 80. Library Manual: containing a Catalogue raisonne of upwards of 12,000 works. New-York, 1847. 80. APPRENTICES' LIBRARY COMPANY of Philadelphia: Reports, 1841, 42, 44- 51. See Pam. vol. 169. - Annual Report, 1843. 8o. APULEIUS ( L.). Works... a new translation; with Mrs. Tighe's Psyche, a poem in six cantos. London, Bohn, 1853, 120. ----- The Golden Ass of Lucius Apuleius of Medaura: reprinted from the scarce edition of 1709.... London, 1822. 2 vol. in 1. 80. The Metamorphosis, or the Golden Ass and philosophical works: trans. from the Latin by Thomas Taylor. London, 1822. 80. AQUINAS ( Thomas). Catena aurea in evangelia. Romte, 1470. 2 vol. fol. - Liber secundus secunda partis: beginning Tabula questionum.... Paris, 1512. 40, black letter.'- * Secunda secundxe partis Summa theologicae Sancti Thomas Aquinatis. Lugduni, 1624. 120. ARABIAN NIGHTS ENTERTAINMENTS: from the Arabic, by Jonathan Scott. Philadelphia, 1826. 6 vol. 120. B. C. ARAGO (Franqois). (Euvres completes: vol. 1, 2, 3, Notices biographiques; vol. 1, Notices scientifiques. Paris, 1854. 4 vol. 80. Astronomie populaire; oeuvre posthume. Paris, 1855. 2 vol. 8o. Historical Eulogy of James Watt: trans. from the French, by J. P. MIuirhead. London, 1839. 80. Tract on Comets, and particularly on the comet of Oct. 1832: trans. by John Farrar. Boston, 1832. 120. ARAGO ( J.). Narrative of a Voyage around the world in the Uranie and Physicienne corvettes, 1817 - 20, under Capt. Freycinet....from the French. London, 1823. 4~. ARAM (Eugene). His remarkable trial. Pam. vol. 23. ARBLAY ( Frances Burney d'). Diary and Letters: edited by her Niece. Philadelphia, 1842, 2 vol. 80, B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 41 The same. London, 1842 - 46. 7 vol. 120. The Wanderer, or Female Difficulties. New-York, 1814. 3 vol. 120. B. C. Memoirs of Dr. Charles Burney, from his own manuscripts and family papers, with personal recollections: by his Daughter, Madame D'Arblay. London, 1832. 3 vol. 80. ARBUTIINOT and AMBRISTER. See United States, Mess. of President. ARBUTHNOT (John). Tables of ancient coins, weights and measures, explained and exemplified in several dissertations. London, 1727. 4o. ARCANA OF SCIENCE AND ART; or an Annual Register of useful inventions and improvements. London, 1.828 - 38. 11 vol. 1.20. ARCHDALE ( John), late Governor. A Description of the fertile and pleasant Province of Carolina. London, 1707: reprinted Charleston, 1822. 80. ARCHDEACON ( Peter). Sketch of the Passaic Falls of Paterson, N. J. New-York, 1845. 120. ARCHENHOLTZ ( J. WV. d'). Histoire des Filibustiers: trad. de l'allemand. Paris, 1804. 80. W. C. 49. ARcHER ( W. S.). Speech in Congress, on removal of the deposites, 1834. Pani. vol. 59; and Pam. vol. 28. B. C. ARCHI IDE. (Euvres: traduits avec un commentaire, par F. Peyrard. 2d ed. Paris, 1808. 2 vol. 80. ARCHITECT (The). A Series of original designs. See Ranlett..ARCHIVES de Physiologie, de Therapeutique et d'Hygie'ne; sous la direction de M. Bouchardat. Paris, 1854. 2 vol. 80. —Contents No. 1, Sur le digitaline et le digitalis, par A. Homnelle et T. A. Quevenne; No. 2, Sur l'action physiologique des ferrugineux, par T. A. Quevenne. ARCHIVEs DIPLOMATIQUES pour l'histoire des tems et des 6tats l'annde 1821. German and French. Stuttgart et Tubingue, 1821. 2 vol. 80. B. C. ARcHIvo AMERICCANO, y Espiritu de la Prensa del Mundo. No. 6, 15, 20, 21, 24. Buenos-Aires, 1849, 50. 2 vol. 40. ARCTIC EXPEDITIONS: A Series of British parliamentary papers from 1834 to 1852, concerning various expeditions to the Arctic Seas. London. 2 vol. fol. ARCTURUS: A Journal of books and opinions. Vol. 1. New-York, 1846. 80. Vol. 2, no 9. See Period. vol. 1. So. ARCULF (Bishop). Travels in the Holy Land. See Early Travels in Palestine, Bohn. ARESIUs (D. Barthol.). Insignis Basilice Coenobii S. Ambrosii lMajoris Mediolani Abbatum chronologica series. Mediolani, 1674. 4o. ARET.rus, Capadoci. Opera omnia. See Kuhn. r GEN. LIB.] 6..~~ 42 NEW-YORK STATE ARETIN ( J. C. von). Beytriige zur Geschichte und Literatur, vorziiglich den Schatzen der Pfalzbaierischen Central Bibliothek zu Mtinchen. Miinchen, 1803- 7. 9 vol. 80. ARETIN ( H. M. F. von). Wallenstein: Beitrage zur niheren Kenntniss seines Characters.... Miinchen, 1845. See Bav. Acad. Mem. vol. 1. ARFWEDSON ( C. D.). United States and Canada, 1832 - 34. London, 1834. 2 vol. 8o. ARGENSOLA ( B.L. d'). Conquista de las Islas Malucas, al Rey Felipe III. Madrid, 1609. fol. W. C. 50. Histoire de la Conquete des Isles Moluques par les Espagnols, par les Portugais, et par les Hollandois: trad. de l'espagnol. Amsterdam, 1707. 3 vol. 1.2o. W. C. 51. - History of the Discovery and Conquest of the Moluccas and Philipines. London, 1708. 4o. ARGUMENT in Defence of the exclusive right claimed by the Colonies to tax themselves; with An Account of the rise of the colonies, etc. London, 1774. See Pam. vol. 116. ARGUMENT of Domesticus on marrying a deceased wife's sister, considered by Clericus. New-York, 1827. Pam. vol. 72. ARGUS (The); or Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1795. With a number of electioneering handbills. ARGYLL (Dzuke of). Presbytery Examined; an Essay, critical and historical, on the Ecclesiastical History of Scotland since the Reformation. London, 1848. 120. ARIOSTO ( Lodovico). L'Orlando Furioso, con annotazioni. Venezia, 1829. 6 vol. 80. - The Orlando Furioso reduced to 24 books, and translated by John Hoole. London, 1791. 2 vol. 80. C. L. BERNI, and other Poets satirici e burleschi del secolo xvi. Venezia, 1787. 18~. ARISPi ( M. R. d'). Natural, political and civil state of Cohauila: trans. from the Spanish. Philadelphia, 1814. 80. W. C. 52. ARISTIDES, pseud. A Concise Narrative of Gen. Jackson's first invasion of Florida. New-York, 1827. Pam. vol. 50. ARISTIDES, pseud. See Examination of.... Aaron Burr. ARISTOCRACY; an epic poem, in two books. Philadelphia, 1795. Pam. vol. 66. ARISTOCRACY ( The) of Britain, and the Laws of entail and primogeniture, judged by recent French writers. Cupar, 1844. 120. B. C. ARISTOCRACY EXPOSED: Appeal to.... Massachusetts, 1804. Pam. vol. 45. ARISTOCRATIE ( De 1') en France. De l'avenir des nationalites de l'Europe. Paris, 1834. 80. ARISTOPHANES. The Comedies of Aristophanes: trans. with notes and extracts from the best metrical versions, by W, J. IHickie. London, Bohn, 1853. 2 vol. 120, GFNERAL LIBRARY. 43 ARISTOTLE. Aristotle's Ethics and Politics: trans. from the Greek, with his life, notes,.... by John Gillies. London, 1813. 2 vol. 8O. The same. London, 1813. 2 vol. 80. B. C. The Politics and Economics: trans. with notes, by E. Walford. London, Bohn, 1853. 120. The Organon, or logical treatises: trans. by 0. F. Owen. London, Bohn, 1853. 2 vol. 120. The Nichomachean Ethics: trans. with notes, by R. XW. Browne. London, Bohn, 1850. 120. Treatise on Rhetoric and Poetry: trans. from the Greek by T. Buckley. London, Bohn, 1850. 120. Dissertation upon Rhetoric: trans. by Daniel MI. Crimmin. London, 1811. 80. Treatise on Poetry: trans. with notes and two dissertations on poetical and musical imitation, by Thomas Twining. 2d ed. London, 1812. 2 vol. 80. ARKANSAS GAZETTE, 1820. Newsp. vol. 4. ARKIrI till upplysning om Svenska krigens och krigsinrhttningarnes Historia. Tidskiftet fran och med iir 1630 till och med hr 1632. Utgifne af R. M. KlinckowstrJm. Fbrsta Bandet. Stockholm, 1854. 80. ARLINCOURT (Count d'). De Pelgrim naar het Fransch. Gravenhage, 1842. 2 vol. 80. B. C. ARMENIAN CHURCcH. Liturgie de la Messe: trad. par M. Lapostolest. Venise, 1851. 120. ARMITAGE (John). History of Brazil from 1808 to 1831, forming a continuation to Southey's history of that country.' London, 1836. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 53. ARMROYD (George). A Connected View of the whole internal navigation of the United States, with a map. Philadelphia, 1830. 80. ARMSBY ( J. H.), M.D. Addresses on Hospitals, Nov. 1851, 52. Albany. Pam. vol. 100. ARMSTRONG (Edward). The History and location of Fort Nassau upon the Delaware: read before the N. J. Hist. Soc. Newark, 1853. 8o. ARMSTRONG (Gen. John). A Treatise on Agriculture; with notes by J. Buel. New-York, 1845. 120. Notices of the War of 1812. New-York, 1840. 2 vol. 120. ARMSTRONG ( John). The History of the Island of MIinorca. London, 1752. 80. ARMSTRONG (John), M.D. Miscellanies. London, 1770. 2 vol. 120. ARMSTRONG (Rev. Lebbeus). The Signs of the Times, in ten lectures on the present popular efforts for the abolition of capital punishment. NewYork, 1848. 12o. ARMSTRONG ( Robert). A Rudimentary Treatise on steam-boilers, their construction and practical management. London, 1850. 12o. 44 NEW-YORK STATE Essay on the boilers of steam engines. London, 1839. 80. ARMY AND NAVY CHRONICLE: Published by Benjamin Honmans. Vol. 1. 1835. 4Ol.- New series, vol. 2- 12, 6 vol. 80. Washington, 1836 - 41. 7 vol. ARMY AND NAVY CHRONICLE, and Scientific Repository: ~W. Q. Force, editor. Washington, 1833 - 34. 3 vol. in 1. 80. ARMY LIST: British, for the years 1758, 1761, 1762, 1765, 1767, 1768, 1770, 1771, 1773-1776, 1778-1792, 1794-1827, 1830 - 1833, 1835. London. 66 vol. 80. - for 1850. 120 for 1774, imperfect copy. London. 80. ARmY OF THE U. S. See Gardner's Dietionary of Officers, and United States Army. ARNDT (John). Het vernieuwde Paradys-Hofken,.... door J. Arent. Amsterdam, 1717. 18o. B. C. - Geestrylke Boken van het Waare Christendom: Benevens syne tien predicatien over de Plagen van Egypten. Amsterdam, 1747. 4o0. ARNOLD'S Commentary. See Patrick (Symon). ARNOLD ( S. G.). The Spirit of Rhode-Island History: A Discourse before the R. I. Hist. Soc. Providence, 1853. 8o. ARNOLD (Thomas), D.D. History of Rome. London, 1840-43. 3 vol. 80..... — Introductory Lectures on modern history. 2d ed. London, 1843. 80. The same: ed. by Henry Reed. New-York, 1845. 80. B. C. -- Miscellaneous' Works. First American ed., with nine additional essays not included in the English collection. New-York, 1845. 8o. The same. 80. B. C. ------- History of the later Commonwealth from the end of the Second Punic war to the death of Julius Caesar, and of the Reign of Augustus; with a Life of Trajan. London, 1845. 2 vol, 80. - The same. New-York, 1846. 80. - -: Correspondence. See Stanley. ARNOLD (Thomas K.). English Grammar for classical schools. 2d ed. London, 1841. 12~. ARNOTT (Neil). Elements of Physics; or Natural Philosophy, general and medical, with additions by Isaac Hays, M.D. 1st Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1829. 80. ARNOIULD (M.). De la Balance du Commerce, et des relations commerciales exterieures de la France dans toutes les parties du Globe. Paris, 1791. 2 vol. in 1. 80. W. C. 54. ARRIANUS: Opera. Lemgoviae, 1792. 3 vol. in 2. 80. --: — History of the Expedition of Alexander the Great: trans. from the Greek by Mr. Rooke. 2d ed. London, 1813. 80. B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 45 ARROWSIT1ITrl (James). The Paperhanger's Companion: a treatise on papermnaking. Philadelphia, 1852. 120. ART ( L') de bien parler le Francais. 4"M 6d. Amsterdam, 1730. 2 vol. 180. ART JOURNAL, London, 1847- 54. lst series, vol. 9, 10: called ArtUnion Journal. New series, vol. 11 - 16. 9 vol. 4o. -- ----- Illustrated Catalogue of the industry of all nations. London, 1851. 4o. ARTHUR ( T S.), and W. H. Carpenter. The History of Georgia, from its earliest settlement to the present time. Philadelphia, 1852. 120. The History of Kentucky, from its earliest settlement to the present time. Philadelphia, 1852. 120. The History of Virginia, from its earliest settlement tp the present time. Philadelphia, 1852. 12o. The History of Vermont, from its earliest settlement to the present time. Philadelphia, 1853. 120. See Carpenter ( WV. IH.), Histories, etc. See Baltimore Book. The Sons of Temperance Offering, for 1850 edited by. NewYork, 1849. 8o. ARTHUR (William). See Antiquarian. ARTICLE (The) " Colony:" reprinted from the Supp. to the Enc. Brit. See Pam. vol. 12. ARTICLE (An) on Literary Property, from the N.Y. Review, 1839. Pam. vol. 75. ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION AND PERPETUAL UNION between the States. Exeter, N. H., printed by Zechariah Fowle, 1777. 8 pp. fol. ARTICLES d'Accusation contre Bolingbroke, Ormond et Strafford: trad. de l'anglois. Haye, 1715. 80. W. C. 115. ARTILLERY for the United States Land Service, as devised and arranged by the Ordnance Board: prepared by Maj. Alfred Mordecai. Washington, 1849. 80, with fol. vol. plates. AnTIS ( Edmund T.). Antediluvian Phytology, illustrated by a collection of the fossil remains of plants peculiar to the coal formations of Great Britain. London, 1838. 4o. ARUSMONT (F. Wright D'). Voyage aux I~tats-Unis d'Amerique; ou Observations sur la societe, les mocurs, en 1818 - 20: trad. de l'anglais par J. T. Parisot. Paris, 1822. 2 vol. in 1. 80. W. C. 984. Views of Society and Manners in America. New-York, 1821. 80. ARWIDSSON (Adolf I.). Collection of Swedish National Songs, chiefly of ancient times. Stockholm, 1834 -42. 3 vol. 80. A- nders Sch5nbergs historiska bref om det Svenska regeringssattet, i aldre och nyare tider. Stockholm, 1849 - 51. 3 vol. 8o. Handlingar till upplysning af Finlands Hafder. Stockholm, 1846 -53. 6 vol. 8o. 46 NE W-YORK STATE AsH ( John), LL.D. Grammatical Institutes, or an easy introduction to Dr. Lowth's English Grammar. Philadelphia, 1778. 18o. B. C. The same. London, 1795. 180. The same. Boston, 1794. 180. The same. New-York, 1798. 180. The same. Albany, 1802. 180. ASHBURNHAM (John). Narrative of his attendance ol King Charles the First, from Oxford"to the Scotch army, and from Hampton Court to the Isle of Wight. London, 1830. 2 vol. 8o. ASHE (Thomas). Travels in America, in 1806. London, 1808. 120. ~ — The same: reprinted Newburyport, 1808. 120. ASHLEY ( John). Memoirs and Considerations concerning the trade and revenues of the British Colonies in America. London, 1740. 8~. ASHLEY (Rev. W. B.). Sermon, St. Paul's Church, Syracuse, N.Y. 1852. Pam. vol. 78. ASHMUN ( J.). Memoir of the life and character of the Rev. Samuel Bacon, Agent at Liberia. Washington, 1822. 8o. ASIATIC SOCIETY of Bengal: Asiatic Researches or Transactions. London reprinted, 1812. 12 vol. 8o. ASLAKI BOLTS JORDEBOG: Udgivet af P. A. Munch. Christiania, 1852. 80. ASMONEAN ( The), 1852 - 54: Part of vol. 6, with vol. 7, 8, 9. NewYork. fol. ASPLAND (Rev. Robert). Sermon, on the Character of WT. E. Channing. London, 1842. Serra. vol. 6. B. C. ASSER: Life of Alfred. See Six Old Eng. Chron. AssOCIATE REFORMED CHURCH in North America: Constitution and Standards. New-York, 1799. 80. AssOCIATE SYNOD of North America: Minutes, 1799, 1801, 1804, 1817, 1818. Pan. vol. 68. ASSOCIATE PRESBYTERIAN MAGAZINE: Rev. P. Bullions, D.D., editor. Albany, 1838 - 42. 3 vol. 8o. ASSOCIATION BELGE pour la libcrte commerciale. Premiere seance, 1846; Reglements, 1846; Quatrieme seance, 1847; Congres des e6conomistes, 1847. Bruxelles. 80. ASSOCIATION DE LA PROPAGATION DE LA FOI: Annales.... recueil periodique des lettres des eveques et des missionnaires des missions... Collection faisant suite aux Lettres Edifiantes. Vol. 1-24. Lyon, 1828 - 52. 24 vol. 80. Annals of the Propagation of the Faith: translation of the above from 1839 to 1845. Paris. 6 vol. 80. ASSOCIATION for the Relief of indigent females, Boston: Report, 1852. Pam. vol. 96. ASSOCIATION NORMANDE: Annuaire pour 1842. Caen, 1841. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 47 ASSOCIATION of American Geologists and Naturalists: Proceedings, 1844. Pam. vol. 92. ASSOCIATION of Warren-street Chapel: Proceedings, 1845, 46, 50, 51. Pam. vol. 97. ASTLE (Thomas). Origin and Progress of Writing, as well hieroglyphical as elementary, with some account of the progress of printing. 2d ed. London, 1803. 80o. - The same. 1st ed. London, 1784. 4O. ASTOR LIBRARY: Alphabetical Index; or Catalogue, with short titles of the books now collected, and of the proposed accessions: by Joseph G. Cogswell. New-York, 1851. So. Alphabetical Index of the Astor Library Part 1. New-York, 1849. 80 -.- Report, 1854. Pam. vol. 170. Catalogue of Books.... relating to the languages and literature of Asia, Africa, and the Oceanic Islands. New-York, 1854. 80. ASTRONOMICAL (The) JOURNAL: Ed. by B. Apthorp Gould jr. Cambridge, Mass. Nov. 1849 - Sept. 1852. 2 vol. 4o. ASTRUC (John). De Morbis Venereis, libri novem. Lutetime Parisiorum, 1740. 2 v.ol. 4o. ASYLUM for the Cure of scrofula and glandular diseases, Bayswater. London, 1824. Pain. vol. 98. ASYLUM for the Relief of persons deprived of their reason, at Fr'an/ford, Penn. Reports, 1819 24, 26- 33, 35, 37 - 40, 42, 46, 48, 50, with Rules; Account of the asylum, 1816; Further information, 1818. Philadelphia, in 1 vol. 80. ATCHIESON (Nath.). A Compressed View of the points to be discussed in treating with the United States, 1814. Pain. vol. 129. ATHENA. OXONIENSES. See Wood (Anthony). ATHENAEUM A.MSTELEDAMIENSE. See Annales Academici. ATHEN.:UM (The). Journal of Literature, etc. London, 1828 - 54. 27 vol. 40o ATHENEIUM of London: Catalogue of the library. London, 1845. 80..-..- Supplement to the catalogue, with a classified index of subjects. London, 1851. 80. - Rules and Regulations for the government. London, 1850. 180..- -- Rules and regulations; List of members, 1850; Donations to the library, 1849; Addenda for 1851. London, 1851. 120. Reports, 1851 - 53. See Period. vol. 1. 4o. ATHENrZ, US. The Deipnosophists, or Banquets of the Learned: trans. by C. D. Yonge. London, Bohn, 1854. 3 vol. 120. ATHENIAN Letters; or the Epistolary Correspondence of an agent of the King of Persia, residing at Athens during the Peloponnesian War. Basil, 1800. 3 vol. 8o. 48 NEW-YORK STATE ATHERTON (C. H.). Oration, July 4, 1798, at Amherst, N. It. Pam. vol. 45. ATKINS ( John). A Voyage to Guinea, Brazil and the West Indies, in His Majesty's ships the Swallow and Weymouth. London, 1735. 80. The same. 2d ed. 1737. 80. ATKINSON ( I. G.), and Miss Martineau. Letters on the laws of man's nature and development. London, 1851. 120. ATKINSON ( James). Epitome of the art of navigation. London, 1778. 8o. ATLANTIC and ST.LAWRENCE R. C. Company: Report, 1847. See Pam. vol. 151. ATLANTIC ( The) CLUB-BOOK; being Sketches in prose and verse, by Paulding, Halleck, Bryant, &c. 3d ed. 2 vol. in 1. N.York, 1847. 120. ATLANTIC, Lake and Mississippi Telegraph Company: Exposure of the schemes for nullifying the " O'EReilly Contract ".... illustrated by sundry legal opinions.... St. Louis, 1848. imp. 80. See Pam. vol. 99. ATLANTIC MAGAZINE. Vol. 1, May - Oct. 1824. New-York, 1824. 80. ATLANTIC SOUVENIR; a Christmas and New-Year's Offering, 1826-32. Philadelphia (1830 wanting). 6 vol. 18~. ATLAS of the United States for the Blind. Boston, 1837. 4o. ATLASES. See at the close of the Alphabetical Catalogue. ATWATER (Caleb). Reinarks made on a Tour to Prairie du Chien, and thence to Washington city, 1829. Columbus, 0. 1831. 120. The Writings of....... Columbus, 1833. 80. Containing a description of antiquities in the west, and remarks on a tour to Prairie du Chien in 1829. ATWOOD ( Thomas). The late prosperity and the present adversity of the country explained, and.... systems of banking discussed in a correspondence with Sir John Sinclair.... pp. 134. London, 1826. See Pami. vol. 142. ATWOOD (Thomas). History of the Island of Dominica. London, 1791. 8o. W. C. 56. AUBERTEUIL (Hilliard d'). Considerations sur l'etat present de Saint Domingue. Paris, 1776 - 77. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 479. - Essais historiques et politiques sur les Anglo-Americains. Bruxelles, 1782. 2 vol. 40. W. C. 480. HIistoire de l'Administration de Lord North. London, 1784. 2 vol. in 1.80. W. C. 481. AUBRIE. Traite pratique de photographie sur papier, sur verre, etc. Paris, 1852. 80. AUCIIER ( P. Pasehal). Grammar of the Armenian Language in English. Venice. 120. AUCTIONS: The ruinous tendency of auctioneering; 2. Reasons why the present system of auctions should be abolished; 3. Remarks upon the ucption system as practised in New-York, 1828. New-York. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 49 AUDIFFRET (J. B. d'). Geographie, ancienne, moderne et historique. Paris, 1689 - 94. 3 vol. 4o. W. C. 57. AUDIGANNE (A.). Les Populations ouvrieres, et les industries de la France dans le mouvement social du xixe siecle. Paris, 1854. 2 vol. 120. AUDIN (J. M. V.). Histoire de la vie, des ouvrages et des doctrines de Calvin. Paris, 1843. 2 vol. 80. History of the life, works and doctrines of John Calvin: trans. by Rev. John M'Gill. Louisville, Ky. 80. B. C. History of the life, writings and doctrines of Martin Luther. Philadelphia, 1841. 80. B. C. AUDUBON ( John James). Birds of America, from original drawings. London, 1827 - 30. 4 vol. fol. Synopsis of the Birds of North America. Edinburgh, 1839. 80. --- Ornithological Biography. Edinburgh, 1831 - 39. 5 vol. 80. and Rev. John Bachman. Viviparous Quadrupeds of N. America. New-York, 1848. 3 vol. fol....- The Quadrupeds of North America: Vol. 1, 1849; vol. 2, 1851; vol. 3, 1854. New-York. 3 vol. 8o. The same. Vol. 3 imperfect....- The Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America. N. York, 1846, 51. 2 vol. imp. 80. AUER (Alois). Das Raumverhaltniss der Buchstaben. Vienna, 1849. 40. Das Unser Vater; or, The Lord's Prayer in 608 languages and dialects, with a Second Part containing the Pater Noster in the letters peculiar to 200 nations or countries: ed. by A. Auer. Imperial printing office, Vienna, 1847. ob. fol. AUGURELLUS (I. Aurelius). Iambicus liber primus (et secundus). Venetiis, Aldus, 1505. 180. AUGUSTINUS (Sanctus). Opera.... Studio monachorum ordinis Sancti Benedicti. Editio nova. Antverpive, 1700. 12 vol. in 9. fol. Milleloquium Veritatis, olim a F. Bartholomalo digestumn: editio tertia. Lutetive Paris., 1649. fol. et des autres peres latins, sur le Nouveau Testament: Epistres de Saint Paul. 3d vol. Paris, 1689. 4o. AULDJO ( John). Sketches of Vesuvius, with short accounts of its principal eruptions from the commencement of the christian era to the present time. London, 1833. 80. AULUS GELLIUS. See Gellius. AUSTIN (Benjamin) jun. Constitutional Republicanism in opposition to Fallacious Federalism, under the signature of Old South. Boston, 1803. 80. AUSTIN (J. M.). Voice to Youth; addressed to young men and young ladies. 8th ed. New-York, 1846. 180. AUSTIN ( James T.). Life of Elbridge Gerry. Boston, 1828-29. 2 vol. 80, rGEN. LIB,] 7 50 NEW-YORK STATE Oration, July 4, 1815: Lexington, Mass. Pain. vol. 71. AUSTIN (Sarah). Memoir of Rev. Sydney Smith. See Holland (Lady). See Cousin (V.), translation. AUSTRIA. Eisenbahn, Post und Dampfschiff Coursbuch: Ausgabe fir (Esterreich, Juni, 1851. Berlin. 120. Treaties of Austria with Turkey, in the Turkish language. Vienna. 0,.-.. IImp. Printing-office. See Geschichte, etc. AuSTRIA and the Austrians. London, 1837. 2 vol. 120o. AUTEROCHE (Chappe D'). See Chappe D'Auteroche. AVAUX (Comte d'). Negotiations: trans. from the French. London, 1754 - 55. 4 vol. 160. - See also Estrades, Negotiations. AVELLONI (Antonio). See Teatro Modeino. AVENIR (L'). Fev. Mars, 1848, 49, 50. Iontreal. Newsp. vol. 1, 2. AVERILL (Chester). Facts on the disinfecting powers of chlorine. Schenectady, 1832. Pam. vol. 86. AVILER (C. A. d'). Cours d'Architecture, qui comprend les ordres de Vignole, avec des commentaires, etc. Nouvelle 6dition et nouvelles planches: revue par Pierre-Jean Mariette. Paris, 1750. 4o. AVIsI (Diversi ) particolari dall Indie Portogallo.... ricevuti dall anno 1551 fino al 1558, dalle RR. Padri della Comnpagnia Giesu. Yenetiis? 1558? 120. AvRIGNY (C. J. L. d'). Le Depart de la Perouse, ou les Navigateurs Modernes: Poeme. Paris, 1807. 8~. WY. C. 58. AYsCOUGR ( Rev. Samuel ). An Index to the remarkable passages and words made use of by Shakspeare. London, 1827. 8o. B. C. AYTOUN (William E.). Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers, and other poems. 4th ed. London and Edinburgh, 1851. 12o. AZANZA ( J. c'), et G. O'Farrill. Expose des Faits qui justifient leur conduite politique depuis Mars 1808, jusqu'en Avril 1814: traduit de l'espagnol par MI. A. Foudras. Paris, 1815. 80. W. C. 59. AZARA (Felix d'). Essais sur l'histoire naturelle des quadrunpdes de la Province du Paraguay: trad. par Moreau Saint-Mery. Paris, 1801. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 60. ~ Voyages dans l'Amerique Meridionale; avec une Notice par C. A. Walckenaer, et Notes par G. Cuvier. 4 vol. 80, et atlas fol. Paris, 1809. 5 vol. W. C. 61. B. B. ( D. L. C. D.). Dictionnaire Militaire Portatif. Vol. 3. Paris, 1759. 120. B. C. B. (TH.). Political Sketches, 1830 to 1838, with a. key. London. 10 vol. ob. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 51 BABAiAGE (Charles). On the Economy of machinery and manufactures. Philadelphia, 1832. 12o. The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise; a fragment. London, 1837. See Bridgewater Treatises. BABCOCK ( G. R.). Remarks in N. Y. Senate on the Church property bill, 1853. Paml. vol. 93. BACHE ( A. D.), LL.D. Report on Education in Europe, to the Trustees of Girard College. Philadelphia, 1839. 8O. Observations on the Magnetic and Meteorological Observatory at the Girard College, Philadelphia, 1840 - 45. 3 vol. 8o, with a volume of plates of curves. Washington, 1845 - 7. 4 vol. - Reports to Congress of the Progress of the Coast Survey from 1848 to 1850. Washington. 3 vol. 80. - Sketches accompanying the Annual Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey. Washington, 1851. 4.. Additional Notes of a Discussion of tidal observations.... at Cat Island. New-Haven, 1852. Pam. vol. 99. - Address, Am. Assoc. for the Adv. of Science, 1851. Pam. vol. 77. Hydrometer Tables. See MlCulloh ( R. S.). BACIIE ( R.). Notes on Colombia in 1822 - 23, with an Itinerary of the route from Caracas to Bogota. Philadelphia, 1827. 80. BACIIMAN ( John). Observations on the changes of color in birds and quadrupeds. Trans. Am. Phil. Sec., N. S. vol. 6. - See Audubon, Quadrupeds of America. BACK (Captain). Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedition to the mouth of the Great Fish River, etc. in 1833, 34, 35. London, 1836. 80. BACKIHOFF. Voyage to China. Churchill, vol. 2. BAcKUS (Rev. Azel). Inaugural Discourse at Hamilton College, 1812. Pam. vol. 58, 77. BACKUS (Rev. Isaac). History of New-England, with particular reference to the denomination of Christians called Baptists, vol. 1, Boston, 1777. A Church 1History of New-England, vol. 2, from 1690 to 1.784: Providence, 1784. Vol. 3, Boston, 1796. 3 vol. 80. Vol. 1, 2 copies. - A Discourse on the nature and necessity of an internal call to preach.... Boston, 1754. 120. Policy as well as Honesty forbids the use of secular force -in religious affairs. Boston, 1779. See Backus, Hist. of N. E. vol. 1. - Address at Bridgewater previous to administering baptism, 1779; Providence. See the same. - ---- Election Sermon, 1779, Boston. See the same. BACON ( C.). An Epitome of the English Language. 5th ed. New-York, 1823. 180. BACON (Ezekiel). Recollections of Fifty Years Since; a Lecture, Young - Men's Association,' Utica, Feb. 2, 1843. Utica, 1843. 80 52 NEW-YORK STATE BACON (Lord Francis). Works. London, 1824. Vol. 1 wanting. 10 vol. 80. Contents: De Dignitate et Augmentis Scientiarum, vol. 7. De Sapientia Veterum; NIeditationes Sacrne; Epistols, vol. 10. Essays civil and moral, vol. 2. History of the Reign of King Henry the Seventh, vol. 5. New Atlantis, vol. 2.. Novum Organum, sive Judicia vera de interpretatione natura, vol. 8. Sermones Fideles, sive interiora rerum, vol. 10. ------- Works. London, 1824. 10 vol. 80. B. C. The Moral and Historical Works, including his essays: ed. by J. Devey. London, Bohn, 1852. 120. The Physical and Miscellaneous Works, including Advancement of Learning and Novum Organum: ed. by J. Devey. London, Bohn, 1853. 120. New Atlantis. See More's Utopia. B. C. BACON (Rev. James). Sermon on the death of N. Wattles, Franklin, Delaware co. Cooperstown, 1798. 80. BACON ( John F.). Six Years in Bliscay, 1830 - 37. London, 1838. 80. BACON (Leonard), D.D. Discourse, death of J. Ashmun. New-Haven, 1828. Serm. vol. 3. B. C., and Pam. vol. 61. Thirteen Discourses on the completion of 200 years from the beginning of the first church in New-Haven. New-Haven, 1839. 80. - A Discourse on the early constitutional history of Connecticut, before the Conn. Hist. Soc. 1843. Hartford, 1843. 80. See Baxter (R.). BAD EFFECTS of Speculative Theology.... with the rise and progress of Perfectionism in Western New-York. Pam. vol. 50. BADELEY (John). Narrative of the extraordinary cure performed by Prince Hohenlohe on Miss Barbara O'Connor. Pamphleteer, vol. 22. BAILEY (Isaac). American Naval Biography. Providence, R.I. 1815. 120. BAILEY (J. T.). Historical Sketch of the City of Brooklyn and the surrounding neighborhood. Brooklyn, 1840. 120. BAILEY ( J. W.). Sketches of the Infusoria of the Family Bacillaria: Account of new infusorial forms; from Am. Jour. of Sci. New-Haven. 80. -Microscopic Examination of soundings made by the U. S. Coast Survey. See Smithson. Contr. vol. 2. Microscopic Observations made in South-Carolina, Georgia and Florida. See Smithson. Contr. vol. 2. BAILEY (Nathan). An Universal Etymological English Dictionary. 17th ed. London, 1759. 80. B. C. The same. London, 1766. 80. B. C. - The same. London, 1773. 80. English and German Dictionary: ed. by A. E. Clausing. 8th ed. Leipsic, 1792. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 53 BAILEY ( Robert). Life and Adventures, to Dec. 1821: written by himself. Richmond, 1822. 80. Plates wanting. BAILEY (R. iW.). Address, Berkshire Med. Inst. Pittsfield. Pam. vol. 84. BAILEY (Samuel). Essays on the pursuit of truth, on the progress of knowledge, and the fundamental principle of all evidence and expectation. Philadelphia, 1831. 12o. B. C. Essays on the formation and publication of opinions, and on other subjects. Philadelphia, 1831. 120. 13. C. - The same. Boston, 1854. 12o. Money and its vicissitudes in value, as they affect national industry and pecuniary contracts..... London, 1837. 80. Review of Berkeley's theory of vision, designed to show its unsoundness. London, 1842. 80. BAILLIE (Joanna). Complete Poetical Works. 1st Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1832. 80. B. C. Dramatic and Poetical Works. London, 1851. 80. BAILLIE (Robert). Letters and Journals: ed. by David Laing. Edinburgh, 1841. 3 vol. 80. BAILLY (M.). Lettres sur l'Atlantide de Platon et sur l'ancienne histoire de l'Asie; pour servir de suite aux Lettres sur l'origine des sciences, adressees a M. de Voltaire. Londres et Paris, 1779. 80. B. C. Histoire de l'astronomie ancienne. 2d ed. Paris, 1791. 4~..Histoire de l'astronomie moderne. Paris, 1779 - 82. 3 vol. 4o.: —- Z'Traite de l'astronomie indienne et orientale. Paris, 1787. 4~. Histoire de l'astronomie depuis 1781 jusqu'a 1811, pour servir de suite a l'histoire de l'astronomie de Bailly: par M. Voiron... Paris, 1811. 40. BAILY (A.). Notice Historique de l'Hotel-de-Ville de Paris, 1612 a 1839. Paris, 1840. 80. BAILY ( John). Central America.... London, 1850. 120. BAINES ( Edward). History of the Wars of the French Revolution. London, 1817. 2 vol. 4~. BAINES ( Edward ). Life of his father, Edward Baines. London, 1851. 80. BAIRD (Robert), D.D. Transplanted Flowers; or Memoirs of Mrs. Rumpff, daughter of John Jacob Astor, and the Duchesse de Broglie. New-York, 1839. 120. - -: Visit to Northern Europe, New-York, 1841. 2 vol. 120. Impressions and Experiences of the West Indies and North America in 1849. Edinburgh, 1850. 2 vol. 120. The Christian Retrospect and Register; a Summary of the scientific, moral and religious progress of the first half of the 19th century. New-York, 1851. 120. See Merle D'Aubigne. BAIRD ( S. F.). See Iconographic Encyclopoedia. 54 NEW-YORK STATE and C. Girard. Catalogue of North-American Reptiles in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution: Part 1, Serpents. Washington, 1853. 80. BAIRD (WT.), M.D. The Natural History of the British Entomostracee. See lay Society, 6th year. BAJON. Memoires pour servir a l'Histoire de Cayenne et de la Guianc Frangoise. Paris, 1777. 2 vol. 80. WY. C. 62. Voyage a la Gui'ane et a Cayenne en 1789. Paris, 1797. 80. W. C. 63. BAKERP ( D. E.). Biographia Dramatica. London, 1782. 2 vol. o80. BxAKER (George). See Livius. BAIKER ( George E.). Life of W. H. Seward, with selections from his works. New-York, 1855. 120. BAKER ( J. AM.). -View of the Commerce between the United States and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Washington, 1838. So. BAKER ( Sir Richard ). Chronicle of the Kings of England, from the Roman government to the death of King James. London, 1679. fol. BAKEWELL (F. C.). Natural Evidence of a future life, derived from the properties and actions of animate and inanimate matter. 2d ed. London, 1840. 80 BAKIEWELL (R.). Travels in the Tarentine, and Grecian and Pennine Alps, in 1820 - 22. London, 1823. 2 vol. 80. BAKEWELL ( Robert). Observations on the influence of soil and climate upon wool.... with hints for the management of sheep. Philadelphia, 1814. 180. BALANcE, ( The), and Columbian Repository. Vol. 1- 5, 1802 - 6 -: Hudson, N. Y., Sampson, Chittenden and Croswell.- New series, vol. 1, 1811: The Balance and State Journal. Albany, HCroswell. 6 vol. 4o. BALBI (Adrien). Essai Statistique sur le Royaume de Portugal et d'Algarve, compare aux autres Etats de l'Europe. Paris, 1822. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 64. DI)ramma. See Teatro lModerno. BALBOA ( Miguel Cavello). Histoire de Perou: written 1576 - 86, indclite. See Ternaux, voyages, vol. 13. BALCH ( William). Ireland as I saw it; the character, condition and prospects of the people. New-York, 1850. 12(. BALDzUS (Philip). Description of Malabar and- Ceylon, 1670. Churchill, vol. 3. BALDWIN (E.). Outlines of English Grammar. London, 1824. 180. 3BALDWIN ( Ebenezer). Annals of Yale College from its foundation to the year 1831. New-Haven, 1831. 80. BALDWIN ( Joseph G.). Flush Times of Alabama and Mississippi. NewYork, 1853. 120. Party Leaders: Sketches of Jefferson, Hamilton, Jackson, Clay and Randolph. New-York, 1855. 120o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 55 BALDWIN (Thomas). Universal Pronouncing Gazetteer. Philadelphia, 1845 - 6. 80. BALDWIN (William), 5I.D. Reliquim3 Balclwiniane: Selections from his correspondence, compiled by W. Darlington, M.D. Philadelphia, 1843. 120. BALFOUR (Francis). On Sol-Lunar Influence in the fevers of India. Asiatick Researches, vol. 8. BALFOUR (Walter). An Enquiry into the Scriptural Doctrine concerning the Devil and Satan. 2d ed. Charlestown, 1827. 12o. B. C. BAL GUY ( Thomas), D.D. Nine Discourses on various subjects, and Seven Charges delivered to the clergy of the Archdeaconry of Winchester. 2d ed. London, 1817. 80. B. C. BALL (Samuel ). An Account-of the cultivation and manufacture of tea in China, derived from personal observation, etc. London, 1848. 80. BALL (William). Night-Watches: a poem. Naples, 1834. 80. B. C. BALLANTYNE (Robert M.). Hudson's Bay; or Every-day Life in the wilds of North America. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1848. 120. ]BALLANTYNE and LOCKHART. 1. Refutation of the misstatements and calumnies contained in Mr. Lockhart's Life of Sir Walter Scott, respecting the Messrs. Ballantyne, by the Trustees and Son of James Ballantyne: Boston, 1838. 2. The 13allantyne Humbug handled, in a Letter to Sir Adam Ferguson, by the Author of the Life of Sir Walter Scott. Edinburgh, 1839. 120. BALLOU ( Hosea). A Treatise on Atonement. a..Randolph, Vt. 1805. 80. The same. 3d ed. Hallowell, 1828. 120. B. C.....- Notes on the Parables of the New Testament. 4th ed. Boston, 1831. 120. B. C. BALMES (Rev. J.). Protestantism and Catholicity compared, in their effects on the civilization of Europe: from the French. 2d ed. Baltimore, 1851. So. BALTIMORE: Tables of mortality of the city, from 1849 - 1851. See Lowell (city of). BALTIMORE. and OIiIO Railroad: Narrative of the Proceedings of the engineers, from its organization to its dissolution. Baltimore, 1830. So. BALTIMORE BOOK (The): Ed. by W. H. Carpenter and T. S. Arthur. Baltimore, 1839. 120. BALTIBORE (F. Lord ). A Tour to the East in 1763 and 1764. London, 1767. 120, interleaved. Case of Lord Baltimore, a minor, respecting his Government of Maryland. See Pam. fol. vol. 1. BALTIMORE Humane Impartial Society: Report, 1852. Pam. vol. 76. BALTIMORE PIH(ENIX and BUDGET: Monthly Magazine, April 1, 1841 - March, 1842. Baltimore. 80. BALTIMORE Riot. Pam. vol. 8. ]BALZAC ( H. de). Les petits manages d'une femme vertuetlse. ]Bruxelles, 1845. 180. B. C. 56 NEW-YORK STATE BANCAL (A. P.). Lettres medicales sur le Grand Hlpital St. Andre, et sur les hospices de Bordeaux. Bordeaux, 1834. 80. BANCAL ( Henri). Du nouvel ordre social. Paris, 1792. 80. BANCROFT (Rev. Aaron). Congregational Dedication Sermon at Worcester, 1829: and Half-century Sermon, 1836. Worcester, Mass. 80. - An Essay on the Life of George Washington. Worcester, 1807. 80. Life of George Washington. Boston, 1833. 2 vol. 120. BANCROFT ( Edward ). Remarks on the Review of the Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies, in which the errors of its author are exposed.... London, 1769: New-London, reprinted 1777. 80. Essay on the Natural History of Guiana. London, 1769. 80. W. C. 65. Experimental Researches concerning the philosophy of permanent colours, etc. Philadelphia, 1814. 2 vol. 80. BANCROFT (George). History of the United States. Boston, 1838 - 54. 6 vol. 80. - The same. Vol. 1- 3. Boston, 1839 - 44. 3 vol. 80. B. C. Literary and Historical Miscellanies. New-York, 1855. 80. See Heeren (A. H. L.). BANDINI (Angelo Maria). Vita e lettere di Amerigo Vespucci, gentiluomo fiorentino, raccolte ed illustrate. Firenze, 1745. 40. The same reviewed: "Journal Itranger," Sept. 1756. Wr. C. 934. BANFIELD ( T. C.) and C. R. Weld. The Statistical Companion for 1848, 50. London, 1848 - 50. 2 vol. 120. BANGS (Nathan), D.D. An Authentic History of the missions under the care of the missionary societies of the Meth. Episc. Church. New-York, 1832. 120. A History of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Vol. 1, 3d ed., New-York, 1844; vol. 2, 3d ed., 1840; vol. 3, 1841; vol. 4, 1842. 4 vol. 120. BANK CONVENTION, New-York, 1837, 38: Proceedings. See Pam. vol. 154. BANK OF TIIE UNITED STATES: A Collection of Reports of Secretaries of the Treasury and Committees, Presidents' messages, speeches, proceedings, etc. respecting the bank, from 1820 to 1834. 3 vol. 80. Report of Stockholders' Meeting. Philadelphia, 1831. Pam. vol. 54. - From the North-American Review of April 1831. Pam. vol. 54. BANK OF UTICA vs. N. S. Benton, Sup. Ct. of U. S. Argument on the part of the respondents. Albany, 1836. Pam. vol. 29. B. C. BANKER'S ALMANAC for 1851 - 55. Boston. 5 vol. 80. BANKERS' CIRCULAR, Jan. 1853. See Period. 40. vol. 1. BA4NKER'S (The) COMMQNPLACE BOOK. Boston, 1851. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 57 BANKERS' 3MAGAZINE and STATISTICAL REGISTER: Ed. by J. S. Homans. First series, 1846 - 51, 5 vol. New series, 1852 - 54, 5 vol. Baltimore, Boston. 10 vol. 80. BANKS. See Pam. vol. 142, 154. BANKS (Sir Joseph). Voyage autour du Monde, 1768 - 71: traduit de l'anglais par I. de Fr6ville. Paris, 1773. 120. WV. C. 66. BANNARD (Rev. WN.). Missionary Ordination Sermon: 1st Presb. Church, New-York, 1855. Pain. vol. 111. BANNATINE CLUB Publications. Edinburgh, 1836. 3 vol. 40. 1, 2. Liber S. Marie de Calchou, Registrum Cartarum Abbacie Tironensis de Kelso, 1113 -1567. 3. Excerpta e Libris Domicilii Jacobi Quinti Regis Scotorum, 1525 - 33. BANVARD (Joseph). Plymouth and the Pilgrims. Boston, 1851. 12o. BAPTIST (First) CHuicH, Albany: Doctrinal Sentiments, etc. 1845. See Muns. Pam. vol. 9. BAPTIST EDUCATION SOCIETY of N.Y.: Anniversary and Reports, 1853. See Pam. vol. 174. Reports, 1835, 51. Pam. vol. 73, 90. BAPTISTRY (The); or the Way to Eternal Life: by the Author of the Cathedral. Oxford, 1852 - 54. 2 vol. 80. BARANTE ( M. de). Histoire des Dues de Bourgogne, de la 3Maison de Valois; avec des Remarques par le Baron de Reiffenberg. 6th ed. Bruxelles, 1836. 10 vol. 80. See Bellaguet ( L.). BARBARIGO (B. Gregorio). Ragguaglia della vita, virtu e miracoli. Roma, 1761. 4. BARBARIGO - PISANI. Lettere su le belle arti, publicate nelle nozze Barbarigo- Pisani. Venezia, 1793. 40. BARBARITIES of the Enemy exposed, in a report of a committee of the U. S. House of Representatives, and the documents. Worcester, 1.814. 120. BARBARO (Francisco). Diatriba preliminaris in duas partes divisa, ad Francisci Barbari et aliorum ad ipsum epistolas ab 1425 ad 1453.... Brixim, 1741. fol. -:Francisci Barbari et aliorumn ad ipsum epistolve, ab 1425 ad 1453.... Brixise, 1743. fol. BARBARO (Josafa). Viaggio alla Tana. See Ramusio, vol. 2. BARBAROTUX ( C. O.). Rlsum6e de l'Histoire des Etats-Unis de l'Aem6rique. 2d ed. Paris, 1824. 160. W. C. 67. BARBAULD (Anna Laetitia). Works; with a Memoir by Lucy Aikin. NewYork, 1826. 2 vol. 120. B. C..-.. See Akenside. ]BARBAY (Petrus). In Universam Aristotelis philosophiam introductio. Ed. quinta. Paris, 1690. 120. B. C. [ GEN, LIB. 1855.] $ 58 NEW-YORK STATE BARBI - MARBOIS. Complot d'Arnold et de Sir Henry Clinton contre les IRtats-Unis de l'Amerique, et contre le Gen6ral Washington. Paris, 1816. 80. W. C:. 68. - Histoire de Louisiane, et de la cession de cette colonie par la France, etc. Paris, 1829. 80. iW. C. 69. - istory of Louisiana, with an Essay on the constitution and government of the United States: trans. from the French. Philadelphia, 1830. 8o. Journal d'un D]port'; ou Deportation en violation des lois, en 1797. Braxelles, 1835. 2 vol. 160. BARBER ( John W.). History and Antiquities of New-Haven, Conn. NewHaven, 1831. 120. History of the United States. New-Haven, 1832. 120. Connecticut Historical Collections. 2d ed. New-Haven, 1837. 80. History of the Amistad Captives, with an account of the trial. New-Haven, 1840. 8o. - History and Antiquities of New-England, New-York and NewJersey. Worcester, 1841. 80. M- assachusetts Historical Collections. Worcester, 1841. 80. and H. Howe. New-Jersey Historical Collections. New-York, 1844. 80. and H. Howe. New-York Historical Collections. New-York, 1.841. 80. Incidents in American History. New-York, 1847. 120. - Pictorial History of the State of New-York. Cooperstown, 1846. 80. BARBER ( Jonathan). Testimonials with reference to the progress of phrenology. Albany, 1836. Pamn. vol. 29. B. C. BARBOSA (Odoardo). On the East Indies. See Ramusio, vol. 1. BARBOT (John). Description of North & South Guinea. Churchill, vol. 2. BARcIA. See Cardenas y Cano (G. de). BARCLAY (Capt.) of Ury. Agricultural Tour in the United States and Canada, with miscellaneous notes. Edinburgh, 1842. 120. BARCLAY (Alex.). Practical View of the present state of slavery in the West Indies. London, 1826. 80. BARCLAY ( Rev. David-). The several Trials of, before the Presbytery of New-Brunswick, and Appeal.... Elizabethtown, 1814. 120. BARCLAY (James J.). Address, Normal School. Philadelphia, 1848. Pain. vol. 51. Address, Zane-street Schoolhouse, Philadelphia, 1841. See Pam. vol. 171. -.- Address at the House of IRefuge for colored juvenile delinquents. Philadelphia, 1848. See Pam. vol. 158. BARCLAY (John). Sequel to the Diversions of Purley, with Remarks on Mr. Tooke's work, London, 1826, 80 GENERAL LIBRARY. 59 BARCLAY (John). Argenis. Parisiis, 1621. 120. ]BARCLAY (Robert). William Michel unmasked. London? 1672. 4o. An Apology for the True Christian Divinity; being a.... Vindication of the.... Quakers. Philadelphia, 1805. 80. B. C. BARD (Samuel), MI.D. Discourse on medical education, 1812. Pam. vol. 64. A Compendium of the theory and practice of midwifery. NewYork, 1812. 120. BARD ( William). Letter on life insurance, New-York, 1832. See Pam. vol. 154. --- Address, Alumni of Columbia College, 1826. Paim. vol. 11. B.C.; also Pai. vol. 58. BAREITII ( Margravine of). See Frederica.... of Prussia. BARETTI (Guiseppe). Dictionary of the English and Italian Languages. 7th ed. London, 1839. 2 vol. 80. BARYDT ( David Parish). Industrial exchanges and social remedies, with a consideration on taxation. New-York, 1849. 120. 2 cbpies. The same. B. C. BARING (Alexalnder). Inquiry into the Causes and Consequences of the Orders in Council. New-York, 1808. 80. BARING ( Francis). The Principles of the commutation acts established by facts. London, 1786. 80. BARKIER ( E. H. ). Claims of Sir Philip Francis to the authorship of Junius, disproved. Pain. vol. 27. BARKER ( Jacob). Letters developing the conspiracy formed in 1826 for his ruin. 80. 2 copies. BARL2EUS (Caspar). Rerum per Octennium in Brasilia et alibi nuper gestarum historia. Amstelodami, 1637. fol. - Rerum in Brasilia gestarum historia. Cleves, 1660. 12o. W.C.70. BARLOW ( Joel ). Dr. Watts's Imitation of the Psalms of I)avid corrected and enlarged; to which is added a collection of hymns. Glasgow, 1786. 180.. - The Vision of Columbus; a poem in nine books. Hartford, 1787. 80. - A Discourse at Hartford, before the Connecticut Society of Cincinnati, July 4, 1787. Hartford. 4o. - Advice to the Privileged Orders in the several States of Europe. London and New-York; 1792. 12o. - Political Writings. New-York, 1796. 120. - The Columbiad. Philadelphia, 1807. 4o.. — Letter to Bishop Henry Gregoire, in reply to his Letter on the Columbiad. Washington, 1809. 80. BARLOW (Peter). Essay on the strength and stress of timber, etc. 3d ed. London, 1826. 80. 60 NEW-YORK STATE ------- Report on the Construction of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway. 2d ed. London, 1837. 12o. -.-.- Treatise on the manufactures and machinery of Great Britain: with a View of the principles of manufactures, by Charles Babbage. London, 1836. 4~. BARLOW (Peter XV.). On the strain to which lock-gates ire subjected. Trans. Inst. Civ. Eng. vol. 1. BARLOW ( T.). A Phrenological Guide, designed for students of their own character. New-York, 1838. 120. B. C. [BARLOW (Rev. William). An Address on the Duties of Government in reference chiefly to public instruction, with the outlines of a plan for the application of the Smithsonian Fund to that object. N. York, 1847. 80. - On the employment of the Press to diffuse the principles of the Church. New-York, 1826. 8o. BARNARD ( Daniel D.). Discourse on the Character of Daniel Webster, at a meeting of Americans in Paris. Paris, 1852.- Address at Rutgers College, 1837.- -Lecture on the Character of James Madison, 1837.Address before the Y. M. Association, Albany, 1834.-Address to the Graduates of Albany Medical College, 1846. 1 vol. 80. Speech, H. of R. U. S., 3Mar. 17, 1828. Pam. vol. 13. B. C. Address, Societies of Rutgers College, 1837. Pam. vol. 25. B. C..-..- Discourse, Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa, Schenectady, 1837. Pam. vol. 25. B. C. a; —- Lecture on James Madison, Y. M. Assoc. Albany, 1837. Pam. vol. 25. B. C. - Speeches and Reports in the Assembly of New-York, at the annual session of 1838. Albany, 1838. 120.- The same. B. C. * —---- Discourse on the Character of Stephen Van Rensselaer, with an historical sketch of the Colony and Manor of Rensselaerwyck. Albany, 1839. 8o. Speeches, H. of R. U. S., Dec. 1843; Jan., May, 1844. Pam. vol. 37. B. C. Speech, H. of R. U. S., on Annexation of Texas, 1845. Pam. vol. 43. B. C. - Address, Literary Societies in University of N. Y., 1845. Pam. vol. 44. B. C. Address, Conn. Alpha Phi Beta Kappa, Yale Coll. 1846. Pam. vol. 44. B. C. Address, Trinity College, Hartford, 1848. Pain. vol. 47. B. C. Discourse on the life, character, and public services of Ambrose Spencer, late Chief Justice, before the Bar of the City of Albany. Albany, 1849. 80. See also Muns. Pam. vol. 1, and B. C. Political Aspects and Prospects of Europe: A Lecture, 1854. Painam. vol. 93. BARNARD ( Frederick A. P.). Analytic Grammar. New-York, 1836. 180. GENERAL LIBRARY. 61 A C(ompendious View... of recent discoveries in electro-magnetisml.... New-York, 1837. Paim. vol. 79. B.ARNARD (Henry). A Discourse in commemoration of Rev. T. H. Gallaudet; with an appendix. Hartford, 1852. 80..- - School Architecture; or Contribution to the improvement of schoolhouses in the United States. New-York, 1848. 80. -- [Normal Schools and other Institutions.... for professional education of teachers in North America and Europe. Hartford, 1851. 8o. See Rhode-Island Institute. *BARNARD (Rev. John), of Marblehead. A New Version of the Psalms of David. Boston, 1752. 120. BARNARD ( Maj. J. (G.). The Isthmus of Tehuantepec; being the results of a survey for a railroad to connect the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, arranged and prepared for the Tehuantepec Railroad Company of New. Orleans, by J. J. Williams: with a volume of maps. 18.52. 2 vol. 8o. BARNARD ( Lieut. R. N.). A Three-years Cruise in the Mozambique Channel, for the suppression of the slave trade. London, 1848. 120. 3 copies. BARNARD ( Thomas), D.D. Discourses. See Pam. vol. 105. BARNARD (Thomas), D.D. Discourse before the Society for propagating the Gospel. Charleston, 1806. 8o. BARNARDINE'S China, trans. by J. Frampton. Churchill, Supp. vol. 2. BARNES (Albert). Sermon: Traffic in ardent spirits. Philadelphia, 1834. Serm. vol. 4. B. C. -- The Way of Salvation: A Sermon at Morristown, N. J., Feb. 8, 1829; with Mr. Barnes's defence of the sermon, read before the Synod, and his defence before the Second Presbytery of Philadelphia. NewYork, 1836. 120. B. C. - iscellaneous Essays and Reviews. New-York, 1855. 120. - - See Davies (S.), Sermons. BARNES (George). Rights of the Imperial Crown of Ireland asserted and maintained against Edward Cooke, esq. 2d ed. Dublin, 1799. 80o. BARNES (William). The Elements of English Grammar. London, 1842. 180o. Poems of Rural Life in the Dorset dialect, with a dissertation and glossary. London, 1844. 12o. BARNES (William). Settlement and Early History of Albany. Albany, 1841. 80. iluns. Pam. vol. ]1. The same. 1851. See Muns. Pam. vol. 11. BARNEY (Mary). Biographical Memoirs of Commodore Joshua Barney. Boston, 1832. 8o. See National Magazine. BARNUM ( P. T.). Life: written by himself. New-York, 1855. 120. BARNWELL ( Robert Gibbes). The New-Orleans Book: Ed. by. NewOrleans, 1851. 80. 62 NEW-YORK STATE BARO (Roulox). Relation du Voyage au Pays des Tapuies dans la Terreferme du Brasil: trad. de l'hollandais. Paris, 1651. 40. See Relations veritables. W. C. 790. BARON (A.). - Rhetorique. See Ency. pop. BARON (John). The Life of Edward Jenner, M.D. London, 1838. 2 vol. 80. BARON (S.). Description of Tonqueen. Pinkerton, vol. 9; Churchill, vol. 9. BARONCOURT ( Petit de). De la Politique des Normands pendant la Conquete des Deux-Siciles. Paris, 1846. 80. Lettres sur les dangers de l'6mancipation des noirs. Paris, 1845. 120. 3BARONIUS (Rob.). Philosophia theologize ancillans.. Oxoniku, 1641. 180. The same. Oxonise? 1658. 180. BARR (Lieut. William). Journal of a March fro n Delhi to Peshawur, and thence to Cabul, including travels in the Punjab. London, 1844. 120. BARRACHIN et TIIILORIER. Lampe hydrostatique. Paris, 1828. Pam. vol. 18. BARRANDE (Joachim). Graptolites de Bohbrne. Prague, 1850. So. BARRATT (Dr. Joseph). Key to the Indian Language in New-England, in the Passamaquoddy. No. 1. Middletown, Conn. 1850. With Evidence of the mines of Middletown being worked at an early period by the Winthrops. 80. The same. Pam. vol. 76. BARRi ( Louis). Complement du Dictionnaire de l'Academie Franqaise, publie sous la direction d'un membre de l'Acad6mie Franyaise.... Paris, Didot, 1847. 40.....- The same. Paris, 1844. 40. B. C. - Seell Herculaneum et Pompeii. BARR:RE (P.). Nouvelle Relation de la France Equinoxiale, contenant la description des Cotes de la Guyane. Paris, 1743. 120. W. C. 71. BARRETT (Rev. John). Essay on the earlier part of the Life of Swift. London, 1808. 80. BARRETT (Solomon) jr. The Principles of Grammar. Albany, 1848. 120.. The Principles of Language.... Albany, 1837. 120...-.The Principles of English Grammar, or the Self-instructor. 10th ed. Utica,' 1845. 180. BARRETT (T. S.). See Kitchiner (B. C.). BARRINGTON (/Daines). Miscellanies. London. 1781. 4o. W. C. 72. On the Possibility of approaching the North Pole; and Colonel Beaufoy on a Northwest Passage. New-York, 1818. 80. - The Probability of reaching the North Pole discussed. London, 1775. 4o (imperfect). BARRINGTON (George). Voyage a Botany-Bay, avec une description du pays, des moeurs, etc.: trad. de I'anglois. Paris, 1798. 80. W. C. 73. GENERAL LIBRARY. 63 BARRINGTON ( Sir Jonah). Personal Sketches of his own times. London, 1827 - 32. 3 vol. 80. Historic Memoirs of Ireland; comprising~ Secret Records of the National Convention, the Rebellion, and the Union. 2d ed. London, 1833. 2 vol. fol. Historic Record and Secret Memoirs of the legislative union between Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1844. 80. BARROW (Rev. Isaac), D.D. -Works: edited by Dr. Tillotson. London, 1683 - 92. 3 vol. fol. The same. 1716. 3 vol. fol. B. C. BARROW ( John). Collection of Voyages and Discoveries. London, 1765. 3 vol. 120. W. C. 74. - Decouvertes des Europ6ens dans les diff6rentes parties du monde: trad. de l'anglois par M. Targe. Paris, 1766. 12 vol. 12o. W. C. 75. BARROW ( Sir John). Account of Travels into the interior of Southern Africa in 1797 and 1798. New-York, 1802. 80. Travels in China. 2d ed. London, 1806. 40. Chronological History of Voyages into the Arctic Regions. London, 1818. 80. - Sketch of the Surveying Voyages of the Adventure and Beagle, 1825 - 36. Geog. Soc. Journal, vol. 6. - Life of Richard Earl Howe. London, 1838. 8o. - Life of George Lord Anson, Admiral of the Fleet. London, 1839. 80. —.Voyages of discovery and research within the Arctic Regions, from the year 1818 to the present time. New-York, 1846. 120. The Life and Correspondence of Admiral Sir William Sidney Smith. London, 1848. 2 vol. 80. An Autobiographical Memoir of; including reflections, observations and reminiscences at home and abroad, from early life to advanced age. London, 1847. 80. BARROW (John) jun. Visit to Iceland in 1834. London, 1835. 120. A Tour round Ireland, through the seacoast counties, in the autumn of 1835. London, 1836. 120. Tour in Austrian Lombardy, the Northern Tyrol and Bavaria, in 1840. London, 1841. 120. BARRUEL (L'Abate). L'Elviennesi, osia lettere provinciali filosofiche: trad. del francese. Venezia, 1801. 6 vol. 8o. Memoirs illustrating the History of Jacobinism: trans. from the French. Elizabethtown, 1799. 80o BARRY, OPIE and FUSELI. Lectures on Painting, by the Royal Academicians Barry, Opie and Fuseli: ed. by R. N. Wornum. London, Bohn,.1848. 120. 2 copies.,BARRY (David). Disp. Med. de Phlegmasia dolente. Edinburgi, 1.807, Pamn. vol. 86. 64 - NEW-YORK STATE BARRY ( John Stetson). Genealogical and Biographical Sketch of the name and family of Stetson, 1634 - 1847. Boston, 1847. 80. - Historical Sketch of the Town of Hanover, 3Mass. Boston, 1853. History of Massachusetts: The Colonial Period. Boston, 1854. So. BARRY (Martin). Researches in Embryology. Trans. Roy. Soc. 1838-41. BARRY (William). A History of Framnioghamn, Mass..... from 1640 to the present time; with a Notice of Sudbury, &c. Boston, 1847. 80. BARSTOW (George). The History of New-Haampshire, from its discovery in 1614, to the passage of the toleration act in 1819. Concord, N. 11. 1842. 80. BARTHIILEMY ( F. MI.). Etudes.... sulr ]'Alg6rie. Paris, 1840. 8o. BARTIIHLEMIY ( J. J.). Travels of Anacharsis the Younger in Greece: trans. from the French. 4th ed. London, 1806. 7 vol. o8. ------- Recueil de Cartes geographiques, plans, vues, et mredailles de l'Ancienne Grece, relatifs au voyage du jeune Anacharsis: pr6cede6 d'une analyse critique des cartes. 3d ed. Paris, 1790.40. BARTHOLOMEW (Rev. Orlo). Address, Augusta, Oneida Co., Sept. 1847, on the fiftieth anniversary of the Congregational Church. Hamilton, 1849. 80. BARTLETT (D. W.). The Life of General Frank Pierce, of New Hampshire. Auburn, 1852. 120. BARTLETT (I.). Speech, H. of R. U. S., Feb. 6, 1828. Pam. vol. 13.B.C. BARTLETT ( John Russell). The Progress of Ethnology: An Account of recent archseological, philological, and geographical researches, etc. New-York, 1847. 80. -Dictionary of Americanisms: A Glossary of words and phrases usually regarded as peculiar to the United States. N. York, 1848. 80. - The same. 8o.. C.....- RReport on the Mexican Boundary Line. Ex. Doe. 32d Congress, 1853. 8:. Personal Narrative of explorations and incidents in Texas, NewMexico, California, &c. New-York, 1854. 2 vol. 8o. BARTLETT ( Richard). Remarks.... relating to the preservation of public archives. N. H. Hist. Sec. Cell. vol. 5. BARTLETT ( W. H. C.), LL.D. Elements of Natural Philosophy: Section 1, Iechanics. New-York, 1850. 8o. BARTLETT (William S.). The Frontier Missionary; a Memoir of Rev. Jacob Bailey, and a Preface by G. Burgess, D.D. New-York, 1853. See Prot. Epise. Hist. Soc. Coll. BARTOL ( B. H.). A Treatise on the marine boilers of the United States. Philadelphia, 1851. 80. BARTOL (Rev. C. A.). Fast-day Sermon, Boston, 1851. Pain. vol. 78. Discourse on the death of G, C. Shattuck. Boston, 1854. Pam. yol. 95. GENERAL LIBRARY. 65 Pictures of Europe. Boston, 1855. 120. BARTOLI (Padre- Daniello). Delle Grandezze di Gesu Cristo. Venezia, 1832. 4 vol. 12o. L'Eternita consigliera. Venezia, 1832. 2 vol. 120. Delle due eternit' del uomo, l'un% in Dio, l'altra con Dio. Yenezia, 1832. 12o. ------ Dell'ultimo e beato fine dell'uomo: libri due. Venezia, 1833. 3 vol. 12o. L'Uomo al Punto, cio5 l'uomo al punto di morte. Venezia, 1832. 3 vol. 120.. —...- Dci simboli transportati al morale. Venezia, 1831. 5 vol. 120. BARTOLOMEI (Girolomo). L'America: poema eroico. Rome, 1650. 4o. BARTOLOZZI ( Fr.). Ricerche istorico-critiche circa alle scoperte d'Amerigo Vespucci. Firenze, 1789. 12o. NW. C. 76. BARTON ( Benjamin Smith), M.D. Fragments of the natural history of Pennsylvania, part first. Philadelphia, 1799. fol. - Memoir concerning the fascinating faculty ascribed to the Rattlesnake. Trans. Am. Phil. SGc. vol. 4. * - New Views of the origin of the tribes and nations of America. Philadelphia, 1797. 80. Wa. C. 77. Collections for an Essay towards the Materia Medica of the U. S. Part 1. 3d ed. Philadelphia, 1810. 80. Memoir concerning the fascinating faculty ascribed to various species of serpents. Philadelphia, 1814. 80..... —- Some account of the Siren lacertina.... Philadelphia, 1821. 80o See Pinkerton's Geography. B. C. BsRTON (Bernard ). Memoirs, Letters and Poems: ed. by his daughter. Philadelphia, 1850. 120. BARTON ( E. H.), M.D. Address and Report. Pam. vol. 89. BARTON (James L.). Address on the early reminiscences of Western New-York, and the Lake region of country. Buffalo, 1848. 80. 2 copies. Sketch of the Commerce of the Lakes, and an Account of the business of the Erie Canal done through Buffalo in 1845 and 1846, &c. Buffalo, 1847. 80. 2 copies. —.- Commerce on the Lakes and Erie Canal. Buffalo, 1851. 80. - Letter to the Hon. R. M'Clelland, in relation to the value and importance of the commerce of the Western Lakles. Buffalo, 1846. 80. BARTON (William). Life of David Rittenhouse. Philadelphia, 1813. 80. BARTON ( William P. C.), M.D. Florm Philadelphicea Prodromus. Philadelphia, 1815. 4. Some Account of a plant used as a substitute for chocolate (Holcas bicolor?). Philadelphia, 1816. 8SO [GEN. LIB. 1855.] 66 NEW-YORK STATE.-.- Vegetable Materia Medica of the United States, or medical botany. Philadelphia, 1818 - 25. 2 vol. 40. BARTOW (Robert). Exposition of the Failure of the Franklin Bank, N.Y. New-York, 1831. Pam. vol. 54. BARTRAAM ( John). Account of East-Florida. London, 1769. 80. Description of East-Florida. 3d ed. London, 1769. 40.. C. 78. Travels from Pennsylvania to Canada. London, 1751. 80. See Stork's East-Florida. BARTRAM ( William). Travels through North and South-Carolina, Georgia, East and West-Florida, &c. London, 1792. 8o. W. C. 79. - The same. 2d ed. London, 1794. 80.: — Voyage dans les parties sud de l'Amerique Septentrionale: trad. de l'anglois par P. V. Benoist. Paris, 1800. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 80. BASANIER ( M.). Histoire Notable de la Floride. See Laudonniere. BASTER (Job.). Verhandeling over de voorteeling der dieren en Planten, dienende tot verklaaring van het kruidkundig samenstel van den Ridder Linnaeus ~ en uitbrelding der korte inleiding tot de kruidkunde van P. Miller. Haarlem, 1768. 80. BASTIAT (Fr.). Sophisms of the Protective Policy: trans. by Mrs. D. J. M'Cord, with an introductory letter by Fr. Lieber. N.York, 1848. 120. BASSOMPIERRE (Mare'chal de). Memoires; contenant l'histoire de sa vie. Cologne, 1765. 3 vol. 180. BASTROP GRANT. Report of the Commissioner of the General Land-office, on the Baron de Bastrop grant in Louisiana. Senl. Doct. Dec. 1852. 80. BATAAFSCH GENOOTSCHAP der Proefondervindelyke Wysbegeerte te Rotterdam. 5o, 60 deel. Rotterdam, 1784. 2 vol. 4o. Nieuwe Verhandelingen. 6 - 11 deelen. Rotterdam, 1812 - 51. 6 vol. 40. BATAVIA SACRA; sive Res gestae apostolicorum virorum qui fidem Batavie primae intulerunt.... Bruxellis, 1714. fol. BATCHELDER (Eugene). Border Adventures, or the romantic incidents of a New-England town. Boston, 1851. 120. BATES ( Ely). Rural Philosophy; or Reflections on knowledge, virtue and happiness. London, 1803. 80. BATES (I. C.). Oration, July 4, at Northampton, 1805. Pamn. vol. 36. Oration, Washington Benevolent Society.... Northampton, 1812. Pain. vol. 37. - Speech, H. of R1. U. S. MIar. 26, 1828. Pam. vol. 13. B. C. BATES (Joshua), D.D. Address, Vermont Acad. of Medicine, Castleton, 1824. Pam. vol. 84. BATEY (Rev. J.). Thoughts on the immortality of man, 1843.... See Muns. Pam. vol. 3. BATH and West of England Society; Letters and Papers on agriculture, etc. Bath, 1802. 2 vol. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 67' BATHURST (Rev. Henry). Memoirs of the late Dr. Henry Bathurst, Bishop of Norwich. London, 1837. 2 vol. 80..-.- Supplement to the Memoirs of the late Bishop of Norwich. London, 1842. 80o. BATTEL (Andrew). Strange Adventures. Pinkerton, vol. 16. BAUDIER ( Michael ). History of the Court and King of China. Churchill, Supp. 2. BAUDRY DE LOZIEilE. Voyage'a la Louisiane, et sur le Continent de l'Am6rique septentrionale, 1794' 1798. Paris, 1802. 80. BAUrMES (J. B. T.). Fondemens de ia science mfnthodique des maladies. MIontpelier, 1801. 4 vol. 80. BAUMGARTEN. Travels in Asia. Churchill, vol. 1. BAussET ( L. F. J. de). Private Memoirs of the Court of Napoleon, from 1805 to 1814. Philadelphia, 1828. 8o. B. C. BAVARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Monumenta Boica: Edidit Acad. Sci. Boica. Monachii, 1763 - 1849. Vol. 1 - 19, 26 - 36; with ind x vol. 1 - 14. 31 vol. 4o - Gelehrte Anzeigen: herausgegeben von mitgliedern der K. Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1850 - 1853. Parts 30 to 37. Miunchen. 8 vol. 40. Collection of mlemoirs, dissertations and addresses, from 1838 to 1853: published by the Academy, in German. Munich. 2 vol. 4o. Abhandlungen der mathematisch-physikalischen classe.... New series. Miinchen, 1832 - 52. 6 vol. 40. - Abhandlungen der historischen classe. New series, vol. 6 only 1st part. tiinchen, 1833 - 52. 6 vol. 4o. -- Iistorische Abhandlungen. 1807 - 20. Miinchen. 5 vol. 40. Ahandlungen der philosophisch-philologischen classe. NVew series. MIunchen, 1835 - 50. 6 vol. 40. -- Abhandlungen der Churfairstlich-Baier. Akad. der Wiss. 1763-75. Miinchen, 9 vol. 40. Neue Philosophische Abhaullungcn der Baierisch. Akad. der Wiss. 1778 - 97. Miinchen, 7 vol. 40..-...- Neue Historische Abhandlungen der Baierischen Akad. der Wiss. 1779 - 98. Miinchen, 5 vol. 4o. Denkschriften der K. Akad. der Wissenschaften zu MIiinchen, fiiar die jahre 1808 - 24. Muniichen. Vol. 4, 8, wanting. 7 vol. 4o. Neue Historische Abhandlungen der Baierischen Akad. der Wiss. 1804. 2 vol. in one. Miinchen. 80. Physikaliseche Abhandlungen der K. Baierisehen Akad. der Wiss. 1802 - 5. 2 parts in 1 vol. Miinchen. 8o. - Abhandlungen der Baier. Akad. tiber gegenstande der schbnen Wissenschaften. Vol. 1. Manchen, 1781. 120. BAVARIA. Agricultural Society: Centralblatt des Landwirthschaftlichen Vereins in Bayern. 24. jahrgang. Miinchen, 1844. 80. 68 NEW-YORK STATE...- Agricultural Society: HIIaus- Landwirthschafts-Kalender, 1854. Milnchen. 40. - -hBibliothecoa (R.) Bavaricae Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum greecorum, auctore Ignatio Hardt. Monachii, 1806 - 12. 5 vol. 40~.. —.- Renseignements sur la Bibliotheque Royale a Munich: in Ger. man; suivis d'un precis en franqais. 120o. BAVERSTOCK ( James). Observations on the state of the brewery, and on the saccharine quality of malt. Pamphleteer, vol. 2. BAWR (Madame de). Histoire de la Musique. Paris, 1823. 120. BAXTER ( Richard ). Select Practical Writings; with a life of the author: by Leonard Bacon. New-Haven, 1831. 2 vol. 80. B. C. ------ Miscellaneous Works, selected by W. W. Woodward. Whitehall, 1806. 120. B. C. -- The Saints' Everlasting Rest: abridged by Benjamin Fawcett, A.M. New-York. 180. A Call to the Unconverted. New-York. 180. BAY ( Jacobus de). Institutionum Religionis Christianm libri iv.... Parisiis, 1626. 4o. BAYARD (Ferdinand M.). Voyage dans l'int'rieur des Eitats-Unis,' Bath, Winchester, dans la Vallee de Shenandoah, etc. 1791. 2d ed. Paris, an vi. (1797). 80. BAYARD (J. A.). Speech in Congress on the organization of the courts. 1802. Pam. vol. 35, 59. Speech on Repeal of embargo laws, 1808. Pam. vol. 35, 59. Speech in U. S. Senate on War with Great Britain, 1812. Pam. vol. 46. BAYARD (R. H. and J. A.). Documents relating to the presidential election, 1801, containing a refutation of two passages in the writings of T. Jefferson.... Philadelphia, 1831. Pam. vol. 15. B. C. BAYARD. See Beyard. BAYLE (Pierre). Dictionnaire Historique et Critique. Ed. de M. Maizeaux. Amsterdam, 1740. 4 vol. fol. B. C. - - istorical and Critical Dictionary: from the French, with the life of the author by Maizeaux. 2d ed. London, 1734 - 38. 5 vol. fol. Het Leven van B. de Spinoza. See Jaquelot. BAYLEY (Daniel). The Essex Harmony; containing a collection of psalm tunes. Engraved. Boston, 1771. 120. BAYLIES (Francis). Reply to Address of Gen. P. B. Porter, 1828. Pam. vol. 67. Historical Memoir of the Colony of New-Plymouth. Boston, 1830. 2 vol. 80..-...- Narrative of Maj. Gen. Wool's Campaign in Mexico. Albany, 1851. 80. Also, in Muns. Pam. vol. 11. BAYLIS ( Edward ). Arithmetic of Annuities and Life Assurance, or compound interest simplified, etc. London, 1844. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 69 BEACHI (Samuel B.). Considerations against continuing the Great Canal.... by Peter Ploughshare, 1819. See Pam. vol, 145. BEALE ( Robert). A Report of the Trial of Commodore David Porter, before a Court Martial, at Washington, 1825; to which is added a review of the court's decision. Washington, 1825. 80. BEAMISH (N. Ludlow). History of the King's German Legion. London, 1832. 2 vol. 8~. BEARcROFT (William) and Daniel H. Barnes. The Red Book: Practical orthography.... York, reprinted New-York, 1828. 120.. BEARD ( Rev. J. R.) Sermons, accompanied by suitable prayers; designed to be used in families. First Am. from 2d Lc-non ed. Boston, 1831. 80o. B. C...- Life of Toussaint L'Ouverture..... London, 1853. 12o. BEARDSLEY (Levi). Reminiscences; Personal and other incidents; Early settlement of Otsego county; Anecdotes of public men.... N.York, 1832. 8~. Speech in N. Y. Sen. on N. Y. & Erie R. R. 1836. Pam. vol. 67. ]BEARDSLEY ( S.). Speeches in Congress on Bank of the U. S.; Breach of privilege; Utica memorial; Removal of deposites; Right of petition: 1832, 34. Pam. vol. 59, and Pamin. vol. 15. B. C. BEASLEY ( Rev. Frederick). A Search after truth in the science of the human mind. Philadelphia, 1822. 80. BEATSON ( Robert). A Political Index to the Histories of Great Britain and Ireland; or a complete register of the hereditary honors, public offices, and persons in office from the earliest period to the present time. Edinburgh, 1786. 80. BEATTIE (James), LL.D. The Minstrel, or the Progress of Genius; with other poems: with a memoir by Alexander Chalmers. London, 1811. 120. - Evidences of the Christian Religion. 5th ed. London, 1806. 120. -.-. Elements of Moral Science. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1807. 2 vol. 80. Remarks on the usefulness of classical learning. London, 1822. 18. History of the Church of Scotland during the Commonwealth. Edinburgh, 1842. 120. An Essay on the nature and immutability of truth. London. 120. BEATTIE ( Rev. R. H.). Discourse before Synod of Albany. Albany, 1849. 80. Also Muns. Pam. vol. 10, and Pain. vol. 78. BEATTIE (William), M.D. Life and Letters of Thomas Campbell. NewYork, 1850. 2 vol. 12o. BEATTY (Rev. Charles). Journal of a two months missionary tour among the frontier inhabitants of Pennsylvania, with remarks on the language of some tribes. London, 1768. 8o. BEAUCHAMP (A. de). Histoire du Br6sil, 1500 - 1810. Paris, 1815. 3 vol. 80. W. C. 82. 70 NEW-YORK STATE L'Independance de l'Empire du Bresil, presentee aux monarques europeens. Paris, 1824. 80. W. C. 83. BEAUCLERK (Lord Charles). Lithographic News of military operations in Canada, under Sir John Colborne, during the late insurrection. London, 1840. 4o BEAUFOY (Mark). Mexican Illustrations, indicative of the present condition of society, manners, etc. in Mexico, 1825 - 27. London, 1828. 80. W. C. 84. BEAuJoUR (F. de.) Apergu des Etats-Unis, depuis 1800 jusqu'en 1810. Paris, 1814. 80. AW. C. 85. Sketch of the United States from 1800 to 1810: trans. from the French by W. Walton. London, 1814. 80. View of the CoQmmerce of Greece: trans. from the French by T. I. Horne. London, 1800. 8). BEAULIEU. Exp. to East Indclies. Harris, vol. 1. BEAUTMARCHAIs ( 3. A de la Barre de). Le Hollandois, ou Lettres sur Ia Hollande, ancienne et moderne. Franefort. 1738. 80. B. C. 2 Copies. BEAUMARJCHAIS (P. A. Caron de). &(uvres. Paris, 1837. 80. C. L. Claim. See Panin. vol. 2. B. C. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Works, with an introduction by George Darley. London, 1840. 2 vol. 80. The Finest Scenes.... of these two poets: by Leigh Hunt. London, 1855. 12o. BEAUMONT (Eon de). See Eon de, Beaumont. BEAUMONT (G. de). et A. de Toequeville. Systeme Penitentaire aux ]EtatsUnis, et de son application en France. 2d ed. Paris, 1836. 2 vol. 80. Penitentiary System of the United States, and its application in France: trans. from the French, with introduction, etc., by F. Lieber. Philadelphia, 1833. 80. Amerika's Besserungs-System, und dessen Anwendung auf Europa: edited with notes by Dr. Julius. Berlin, 1833. 80. BEAUPLAN ( l). Description of Ukraine. Churchill, vol. 1. BEAUREPAIRE Q. de ). Ml6moire, Statuts et Prospectus, concernant 1'Academie des Sciences et Beaux-Arts des Etats-Unis de 1'Amerique, 6tablie a Richmond. Paris, 1788. 8o. W. C. 87. BEAUTIES OF THE BRITISH SENATE: taken from the Debates of the Lords and Commons..... Vol. 1. London, 1786. 80. BEAUZJE (N.) Grammaire et Litterature. See Encyc. Method. W. C. 335. BEAVAN ( James ), D.D. Recreations of a long vacation, or a visit to Indian missions in Upper Canada. London, 1846. 12o. BEAWES (Wyndham ). Civil, commercial, political, and literary history of Spain and Portugal. 2 vol. in 1. London, 1793. fol. BECART (A. J.). See Sophocles, CFIdipe. GENERAL LIBRARY. 71 BECCATELLO (Lodovico). Vita del Cardinale Gasparo Contarini. Brescia, 1746. 4o BECCATINI (Abate Francesco). Storia di Pio vi. Venezia, 1841. 4 vol. 1So. BecIIAMEL. Voyage to Guiana. See Acugna. BECIHSTEIN ( J. MI.). Cage and Chamber Birds, their natural history.... incorporating the whole of Sweet's British Warblers. London, Bohn, 1853. 120. BECK ( John B.), M.D. A Collection of various publications by J. B. B., in I vol. 80. Contents: 1. Inaugural dissertation on infanticide, 1817 (.flso Pam. vol. 6. B. C.). 2. Two introductory lectures at the Coll. of Phys. and Surg. New-York, 1829-30 (Also Pam. vol. 22. B. C.). 3. Two valedictory addresses to graduates of the Coll. of Phys. and Surg. NewYork, 1839, 46 (Also Pam. vol. 22. B. C.). 4. Letter on the establishment of a new medical school in Columbia College, 1832 (Also Pam. vol. 22. B. C.). 5. Observations on ergot, 1841. 6. Effects of valious remedies on the young subject. 7. Historical sketch of American medicine, 1842. 8. Deaths from poisoning in. New-York. Researches in medicine and medical jurisprudence. 2d ed. Albany, 1835. 80. An Historical Sketch of the state of American medicine before the Revolution, etc. Albany, 1842. 8o. The same. 2d ed. Albany, 1850. 80. Essays on infant therapeutics, with observations on ergot. NewYork, 1849. 120. - -- J. A. Smith, T. R. Beck and others. See New-York Med. and Phys. Jour. BECK ( L. C.), M.D. A Collection of various publications by L. C. B. 1 vol. 80. Contents: 1. Geographical botany of the U. S., 1828. 2. Account of salt springs at Salina, 1826. 3. Botany of Illinois and Missouri, 1825. 4. Mineralogy of New-York, additions, 1850. 5. Report on the adulteration of potash, 1832. 6. Report'on the breadstuffs of the U. S. 1849. 7. On the climate of the Mississippi valley. 8. On the smallpox varioloid at Albany, 1824. 9. Report on cholera, to Gov. Throop, 1832. 10. Views on igneous action, 1843. 11. Researches on wines and alcoholic liquors. 12. Researches on the commercial potash of New-York. 13. Notice of minerals in N. Y., in N. J. and New-Brunswick. 14. The Laboratory of Nature. Account of the Salt Springs, Salina, N. Y. Pam. vol. 12. B. C. Adulterations of various substances used in medicine and the arts, with the means of detecting them, etc. New-York, 1846, 120, 72 NEW-YORK STATE Botany of the United States north of Virginia.... 2d ed. NewYork, 1848. 120. ______.Gazetteer of Illinois and Missouri. Albany, 1823. 80. M Iineralogy of New-York. See New-York, Nat. Hist. BECK ( Nicholas F.). Considerations in favor of the construction of a great state road fiom Lake Erie to the Hudson. Albany, 1827. 80. BECK (T. R.), M.D. A Collection of various publications by T. R. B. 1 vol. 8o. Contents: 1. Inaugural dissertation on insanity, 1811, New-York. 2. Address before the Society of Useful Arts, 1813. 3. Three annual addresses before the State Medical Society, 1828 - 1830 (.dlso Pamin. vol. 11. B. C.). 4. On the utility of county medical institutions, 1825. 5. Statistics of the medical colleges of tile U. S. 6. Statistics of the deaf and dumb (Also Pamt. vol. 26. B. C.). 7. Eulogium on Simeon De Witt, 1835 (vAlso Panz. vol. 26. B. C.). 8. Report on medical education, 18-10. 9. Notes on Americanisms. 10. Contributions to medical jurisprudence. Inaugural Dissertation on Insanity. New-York, 1811. 80. See Pam. vol. 55. B. C. Introd. Lect. Coll. Phys. and Surg. West. Dist. N. Y. 1824. Pam. vol. 11. B. C. - and J. B. Beck. Elements of Medical Jurisprudence. 7th ed. London, 1842. 80. Elements of Medical Jurisprudence. 5th ed. Albany, 1835. 2 vol. 80. B. C. BECKER ( W. A.). Clharicles; or Illustrations of the private life of the Ancient Greeks, with notes and excursus. London, 1845. 120. Gallus; or Roman Scenes of the time of Augustus, with notes and excursus illustrative of the manners and customs of the Romans. London, 1844. 120. BECKET (Thomas). Histoire du Deimele de Henri II. d'Angleterre avee T. B. Archeveque de Cantorbery. Amsterdam, 1756. 18. BECKFORD (William). A Descriptive Account of the Island of Jamaica. London, 1790. 2 vol. 80. Italy, with Sketches of Spain and Portugal. 3d ed. London, 1835. 2 vol. 80. - 4 _ The same. Philadelphia, 1834. 2 vol. 120. B. C. Italy, Spain and Portugal, with an excursion to the bIonasteries of Alcobaca and Batalha. New-York, 1845. 120. Recollections of an Excursion to the Monasteries of Alcobaca and Batalha. Philadelphia, 1835. 12o. B. C.!5E:KLEY ( Rev, ITose ). History of Vermont. Brattleboro, 1846. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 73 BECKMANN (John). A History of inventions, discoveries, and origins: trans. from the German, by William Johnston. 4th edition, enlarged by W. F. and J. W. Griffith. London, 1846. 2 vol. 120....- The same. London, 1817. 4 vol. 80~. BECKWITH (Lieut. E. G.). Report of Exploration of a Route near the 38th and 39th parallels of latitude from the mouth of the Kansas to the Sevier River. See Pacific R. R. Rep. vol. 2. Report of Exploration of a Route on the line of the 41st parallel, N. L. See Pacific R. R. Rep. vol. 2. BECKWITH ( Rev. G. C.). On the mode of baptism. Castleton, 1831. Pam. vol. 82. BECQUEREL (A.). Traite experimentale de l'electricite et de magnetisme.... Paris, 1834 - 40. 7 vol. 80, and plates fol. 8 vol..-...- Des engrais inorganiques, et du sel marin en particulier. Paris, 1848. 80. --- Recueil de Memoires relatifs a l'emploi du sel marin en agriculture. Paris, 1849. 80; with Memoirs of Bouchardat and Ancelon. - Traite 616mentaire d'hygiene privee et publique. Paris, 1851. 120. - et Ed. Becquerel. ll16ments de physique terrestre et de meteorologie. Paris, 1847. 80. Machart et Delacroix. Rapport au Conseil Ge6nral du Loiret sur l'amelioration de la Sologne. Orleans, 1850. 80. BEDE. The Venerable Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England; also the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, with notes: ed. by J. A. Giles, D. C. L. London, 1847. 12o. BEDELL (Rev. Gregory T.), D.D. Sermons, with a biographical sketch of the author, by S. H. Tyng. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 vol. 80. B. C. BEDENKINGEN (Vrymoedige) over de vryheid; Strekkende tot een vervolg van de vryheid in den burgerstaat. Amsterdam, 1738. 80. BEDFORD ( G. S.), M.D. Address, introd. to a course of lectures. NewYork, 1834. Pam. vol. 84. - Introd. Lecture, Albany lled. College, 1839. Pam. vol. 84, and Muns. Pam. vol. 5. BEDFORD ( John, Duke of). Correspondence: selected from the originals at Woburn Abbey, with an introduction by Lord John Russell. London, 1842 - 6. 3 vol. 8o. BEE (The). Ed. by WV. A. Munsell. Albany, March 9, 1844. BEE (The), or Literary Weekly Intelligencer: ed. by James Anderson, LL.D. Edinburgh, 1791 - 93. 15 vol. 120. BEECHER (Catharine E'.). An Essay on the education of female teachers. New-York, 1835. Pain. vol. 56. An Essay on slavery and abolitionism, with reference to the duty of American females. Philadelphia, 1837. 180. Truth stranger than Fiction; a Narrative of recent transactions..... New-Yorkl, 1850. 712. 1 GEN, LIB. 10o 74 NEW-YORK STATE BEECHER ( Edward), D.D. Address, Bost. Ed. Soc. 1827. Pam. vol. 58. BEECHER ( Henry Ward ). Star Papers; or Experiences of art and nature. New-York, 1855. 12o. BEECHER (Lyman), D.D. Sermon on reformation of morals. New-York, Io. t m. vol. 25. Sermon on duelling. New-York, 1809. Pam. vol. 25. - Sermon on the government of God. New-York, 1809. Pam. vol. 25. Sermon, P1/mouth, Dec. 22, 1827. Pam. vol. 61. A Plea for the West. 2d ed. Cincinnati, 1832. 120. A Sermon containing a general history of the town of East-Hampton, L.I., from its first settlement. Sag-Harbor, 1806. 8o. BEECHEY (F. W.). Narrative of a Voyage to the Pacific and Beering's Strait, 182'5 - 28. London, 1831. 2 vol. 80. - A Voyage of Discovery towards the North Pole, performed in his MIajesty's Ships Dorothea and Trent, under the command of Captain David Buchan. London, 1843. 80. Voyage: The Botany of. See Hooker and Arnott. BEECHEY (W. H.). Memoir of Sir Joshua Reynolds. See Reynolds. BEECKMAN (Daniel). Voyage to Borneo. Pinkerton, vol. 11. BEEK (A. van). Beschryving van eenen toestel ter verwarming van een uitgestrekt gebouw. Amsterdam, 1833. 40. BEELOO (A.). De instelling van de Orde van St. Jacob, door Graaf Floris v van Holland. Amsterdam, 1845. 8o. BEERS (William P.). An Oration on the death of General Washington, at Albany, Jan. 1800. Albany. 40. BEGAT (31.). Expos6 des Operations geodesiques relatives aux travaux hydrographiques ex6cutes sur les c6tes meridionales de France, sous la direction de feu M. Monnier: publi6 par ordre du Roi. Paris, 1844. 4o. The same, execut6s sur les cbtes septentrionales de France, par les Ingenieurs de la marine: publie par ordre du Roi. Paris, 1839. 4o. BEGERUS ( L.). Regum et Imperatorum Romanorum numismata aurea, argentea, merea.... annotationibus. Colonihe, 1700. fol., with plates.... — Numismata Pontificorum Romanorum aliorumque ecclesiasticorum, rariora et elegantiora; cre expressa et dialogo illustrata. Coloniae, 1704. fol. Lucernaa veterum sepulchrales Iconicoe ex cavernis Romme subterraneis collectoe, et h P. S. Bartoli, cum observationibus J. Petri Bellorii ante decennium editae. Colonive Marchicae, 1702. fol. Ulysses syrenes pretervectus ex delineatione Pighiana, dialogo illustratus. Colonive, 1703. fol. Poenae infernales Ixionis, Sisyphi, Ocni et Danaidum, ex delineatione Pighiana desumtae et dialogo illustratre. Coloniae, 1703. fol. BEGIN ende Voortgangh van de Vereenighde Nederlantsche Geoctroyeerde Oost-Indische Compagnie, vervatende de voornaemste reysen by de inwoonderen derselver provincien derwaerts gedmaen.,,. with plates. 1646. 2 vol. ob, 40, GENERAL LIBRARY. 75 BEHRENS ( C. F.). Histoire de l'Expedition de trois vaisseaux envoyCs par la Compagnie des Indes Occidentales des Provinces-Unies aux terres australes en 1721. 2 vol. in 1. La Haye, 1739. 120. WT. C. 88. BEIJERMAN (Hugo). Overhet Schrijven van de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden. Gravenhage, 1830. 80. BEKE ( Charles T.). On the Geography of Africa: Letter to MI. Daussy. 1850. Pam. vol. 74. BELCHER'S Farmer's Almanack. Halifax, N. S. 1852. 120. 2 copies. BELCHER ( Captain Sir Edward). Narrative of a Voyage around the World, in H. M. Ship Sulphur, including details of the naval operations in China, 1840 -41. London, 1843. 2 vol. 80. Narrative of the Voyage of H. M. Ship Samarang, during 184346, in surveying the Islands of the Eastern Archipelago; with a Vocabulary of the principal languages, and notes on the natural history, by Arthur Adams. London, 1848. 2 vol. 80. BELCHER (Joseph), D.D. The Clergy of America: Anecdotes illustrative of the character of ministers of religion in the United States. Philadelphia, 1849. 12o. The Baptist Pulpit of the United States. New-York, 1850. 120. BELCOURT (George A.). Principes de la langue des Sauvages appeles Sauteux. Quebec, 1839. With Catechism and Sacred Hymns in the Chippewa or Santeux language: by G. A. B. Miss. at Pembina, Minnesota, Anamihe-Masinahigan, Kebekong, Otenang, 1839. 18o. BELDEN ( E. Porter). New-York, past, present, and future; comprising a history of the City of New-York, etc. New-York, 1849. 120. BELGIAN ARTISTS. See Caisse Centrale. BELGIUM. Chambre des Representants, Catalogue de la Bibliotheque, 1844: 1re Supplement, 1847; 2ne Supp. 1851. Bruxelles. 1 vol. 80o. Commission de salubrite publique de la commune de Berchem (d'Anvers). Bruxelles, 1850. See Belgium, Hygiene publique. - Dfrichement de la Campine: Irrigations. Off. Doct. Bruxelles, 1848. 80. Inspection des ecoles d'agriculture et d'horticulture. Bruxelles, 1850. fol. - Etablissement et Exploitation d'un abattoir public a Ixelles. Bruxelles, 1850. pp. 24. 80. _ —---- Question des Flandres, Min. de l'interieur, Communication, 1848. Bruxelles. 80. --- Bulletin du Conseil superieur d'agriculture. Bruxelles, 1847 - 51. vol. 1,3,4. 3 vol. 40. - Bulletin de la Commission centrale de Statistique: Extraits du tome iv. See Ducpetiaux. Exposition des Produits de l'agriculture et de l'horticulture en 1847, 48: Rapports et documents relatifs. Bruxelles, 1848, 49. 2 vol. in 1. 80 76 NEW-YORK STATE Education: Etat de l'Enseignement Superieur en Belgique pendant l'annee, 1841; Rapport par M. le Ministre de l'Int6rieur. Bruxelles, 1842. 4o. - Hygiene Publique: Compte rendu des Seances du Congres, 1851; with Rapport du Conseil Sup6rieur, 1850, 51, and Documents et instructions relatifs a l'assainissement des lieux insalubres, 1850. Docts. Off. Bruxelles. 1 vol. 80. Collection de Documents sur les anciennes assembles nationales de la Belgique: Actes des Etats G6neraux de 1600, recueillis et mis en ordre par M. G-achard. Bruxclles, 1849. 4o. Ventilation. See La Cambre. BELGIUM and HOLLAND. See Recueil de pieces. BELGIUM and NASSAU TOURISTS' GUIDE. London, 1837. 80. BELIDOR ( B. F. de ). La Science des Ing'nieurs dans le conduite des travaux de fortification et d'architecture civile. Paris, 1813. 4o. BELINAYE ( Henry). The Sources of health and disease in communities; or elementary views of hygiene. Boston, 1833. 120. B. C. BELISARIUS' HISTORY. See Marmontel. BELKNAP ( Rev. Jeremy). American Biography. Boston, 1794. 2 vol. 80. American Biography, with additions and notes by F. M. Hubbard. New-York, 1841. 3 vol. 12o. Centennial Discourse on the Discovery of America by Columbus. Boston, 1792. 80. H. istory of New-Hampshire. Philadelphia and Boston, 1784 - 92. 3 vol. 80. W. C. 89. The same. 2d ed. Boston, 1813. 3 vol. 80. The History of New-Hampshire, with notes and additional facts, by John Farmer. Dover, N.H., 1831. 80. Life: collected and arranged by his grand-daughter. New-York, 1847. 120. Biographies of the Early Discoverers (of America). See Knapp's Lib. Am. Hist. BELL (Benjamin). Treatise on Gonorrhoea virulenta and Lues venerea. 2 vol. in 1. Albany, 1814. 80. A system of Surgery. 2d Am. from 7th Edin. ed. Troy, 1804. 4 vol. 80. BELL ( Sir Charles). The hand; its mechanism and vital endowments as evincing design. London, 1837. 80. See Bridgewater Treatises. Animal mechanics. See Lib. U. K. Nat. Phil. vol. 4. Papers on Physiology. Trans. Roy. Soc. 1832, 34, 35, 40. BELL (G. M.). On the Currency Question; an Examination of the evidence on banks of issue, before a committee of the House of Commons in 1840. London, 1841. 120. BELL ( H. G.). Life of Mary, Queen of Scots. New-York, 1831. 2 vol. 180. B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 77 BELL ( Henry N.). Huntingdon Peerage; comprising a detailed account of the evidence and proceedings connected with the restoration of the earldom, etc. London, 1820. 4o. BELL (John), M.D. On Baths and Mineral Waters. Philadelphia, 1831. 80. B.C. - Anatomy of the Human Body. New-York, 1812. 4 vol. in 2. 80. BELL (J.). A concise and Comprehensive System of English Grammar. Glasgow, 1769. 2 vol. 120o. BELL (John) of Antermony. Travels from St. Petersburgh to divers parts of Asia. London, 1764. 2 vol. 80. Also Coll. of Voy. 6. BELL ( Luther V.). The Practical Method of ventilating buildings: an Address before the Massachusetts Medical Society, 1848; with an appendix on heating by steam and hot water. Boston, 1848. 8o. - ELL (Robert). Memorials of the Civil War.... forming the concluding volumes of the Fairfax Correspondence. London, 1849. 2 vol. 80. - History of Russia. Lardner's Cycl., vol. 5, 6, 7. ------- Lives of English Dramatists. Lardner's Cycl., vol. 1, 2. - Life of Rt. Hon. George Canning. London, 1820. 80. BELL (Thomas). History of British Quadrupeds, including the Cetacea. London, 1837. 80.. ——.. History of British Reptiles. London, 1839. 80. BELLAGUET ( L.). Chronique du Religieux de Saint-Denys, contenant le Regne de Charles VI. de 1380 a 1422, prdced~e d'une Introduction par M. de Barante. 6 vol. Paris, 1839 - 52. 4o. See France, Doct. ined. 4. BELLAMY (J.), D.D. Works, with a memoir. Boston, 1850. 2 vol. 80. BELLE-FOREST (Frangois de). Histoire Universelle du Monde. Paris, 1570. fol. W. C. 90. Cosmographie Universelle de tout le Monde. Paris, 1575. fol. W. C. 91. BELLES-LETTRES REPOSITORY. See N. Y. Literary Jour. BELLIN (Nicholas-). Description des Debouquemens qui sont au nord de l'Isle de Saint-Domingue. Paris, 1768. 4~. W. C. 92. Description G6ographique des Isles des Antilles possed6es par les Anglois. Paris, 1758. 4o. W. C. 94. ------ Description Geographique de la Guyane. Paris, 1763. 4~. W. C. 93. Remarques sur la Carte de l'Am6rique Septentrionale, comprise entre le 280 et le 720 de latitude. Paris, 1755. 4~. BELLOVISSIUS (D. Amand). Declaratio difficilium terminorum theologiae, philosophive et logicre. Venetiis, 1586. 120. BELLOWS (H. W.), D.D. Discourse on death of W. E. Channing, D.D. New-York, 1842. Pam. vol. 78, and Ser. vol. 5. B. C. - Ordination Sermon of Rev. D. Clapp, Savannah; 1844. Pam. vol. 78, and Pamn. vol. 36. B. C. 78 NEW-YORK STATE BELLVILLE ( John H.). Manual of the Barometer, mercurial and aneroid. London, 1849. 120. BELOE (William). The Sexagenarian; or the Recollections of a literary life. 2d ed. London, 1818. 2 vol. 80. See Herodotus; also Gellius. BELSHAM ( Thomas), D.D. A Summary View of the Evidence.... of the Christian Revelation. London, 1809. 80...... — The same. Boston, 1808. 120. B. C. American Unitarianism; or a Brief History of the progress and present. state of the Unitarian Churches of America. 5th ed. Boston, 1815. 80. See Bible, Paul's Epistles. BELSHAM (W.). Essays, philosophical and moral, historical and literary. London, 1799. 2 vol. 80. B. C. Memoirs of the Kings of Great Britain of the House of BrunswickLunenburg. 3d ed. London, 1800. 2 vol. 80. - - Memoirs of the Reign of George III. to the session of parliament ending 1800. 5th ed. London, 1801 - 5. 7 vol. 80. History of Great Britain, from the Revolution, 1688, to the conclusion of the Treaty of Aniens, 1802. London, 1805. 2 vol. 80. BELTRA3II (J. C.). La D)couverte des Sources du Mississippi et de la Riviere Sanglante. New-Orleans, 1824. 80. W. C. 95. Pilgrimage in Europe and America, leading to the discovery of the sources of the Mississippi and Bloody rivers. London, 1828. 2 vol. 80. BEMAN ( N. S. S.), D.D. Sermon on intemperance, Troy, 1829. Pam. vol. 78. BEMBO ( Pietro, Card.). Della Istoria Vinitiana volgarmente scritta, libri xii. Vinegia, 1552. 4o. BEMENT (C. N.). American Poulterer's Companion, with illustrations. New-York, 1845. 120.....- See Amer. Jour. of Agriculture and Science. BENEDICT (Rev. David). A General History of the Baptist Denomination in America and other parts of the world. Boston, 1813. 2 vol. 80. The same. New-York, 1848. 80. BENEDICT (Erastus C.). Discourse, Univ. City of N. York, 1841. Pam. vol. 77. BENEDICT (J.). Speech in the Assem. on the Compromise, 1851. Pam. vol. 67. BENEVOLENT Fraternity of the Churches: 12th to 15th annual reports. Boston, 1846 - 49. 2 vol. 120. BENEZET (Anthony). Historical Account of Guinea. Philadelphia, 1771: reprinted London, 1772. 120. - - Observations sur'0Origine.... des Quakers. Philadelphia, 1787. Pam. vol. 30. GENERAL LIBRARY. 79 BENJAMIN (Rabbi). Travels through Europe to China. Pinkerton, vol. 7. BENJAMIN (Asher). Builder's Guide, with engravings. Boston, 1839. 40. BENJAMIIN (Park). Infatuation; a Poem, before the Boston Mere. Lib. Association, 1844. Boston, 1844. 80. BENNETT (George). Wanderings in New South-Wales, Batavia, Pedir Coast, Singapore and China, 1832 - 34. London, 1834. 2 vol. 80. BENNETT ( John). The Artificer's Lexicon for terms and prices. London, 1837. 80. C. L. BENNETT (John C.). History of the Saints, or an Expose of Joe Smith and Mormonism. Boston, 1842. 120. BENNETT ( J. G.). Memoirs: By a Journalist. New-York, 1855. 120. BINOIT. Chronique des Dues de Normandie, publie par Francisque Michel. See France, Docts. ined. 20. BENSON (Rev. C.). On the Evidences of Christianity, etc.: Twenty discourses in 1820, at the Hulsean lectures. 3d ed. London, 1824. 80. On Scriptural Difficulties: Twenty discourses in 1822, at the Hulsean lectures. 2d ed. London, 1825. 80. BENSON (Egbert). Memoir read before the N. Y. Hist. Soc. 1816. NewYork, 1817. 80; and Pam. vol. 9. B. C. The same. 2d edition, with notes. Jamaica, 1825. 80......- The same, with the author's last corrections. N. York, 1848. 80. BENT ( Robert). London Catalogue of Books, from 1814 to 1839. London, 1839. 80~. BENTHAM (George). Catalogue des Plantes indigenes des Pyre6nes, etc. Paris, 1826. 80. BENTHAM (Jeremy). Works: pub. under the superintendence of John Bowring, with an introduction to the study of the works by J. Ii. Burton. Edinburgh, 1843. 11 vol. 80. A Fragment on Government, or a Comment on Commentaries; being an examination of what is delivered on the subject of government in general, in the Introduction to Sir William Blackstone's Commentaries, etc. 2d ed. London, 1823. 80. B. C. Introduction to the Principles of morals and legislation. New ed. corrected by the Author. London, 1823. 2 vol. 8.0 B. C. Book of Fallacies; from unfinished papers, by a friend. London, 1824. 80..-.. -Deontology; or the Science of Morality: ed. by John Bowring. London, 1834. 2 vol. 80. B. C. Theory of Legislation; trans. from the French of E. Dumont, by R. Hildreth. Boston, 1840. 2 vol. 120. 1-. Defence of Usury,....120, New-York, 1837; 2. Jeremy Bentham and the usury law, by a Rhode-Islander, 1836. In one vol. 80. and the usury law: N. Y. Express, Albany, 1837. 80. Pam. vol. 34. B. C. 80 NEW-YORK STATE BENTLEY'S MISCELLANY: Vol. 4, 6 —10. New-York, 1839 - 42. 6 vol. 80. BENTLEY (J.). On the Hindu System of Astronomy. Asiat. Resear. vol. 8. BENTLEY (Richard). Works: Edited, with Notes, by Rev. Alex. Dyce. London, 1836. 3 vol. 80. Contents: Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris, vol. 1 and 2. Eight Boyle Lectures: A Confutation of Atheism, vol. 3. BENTON ( Thomas H.). Collection of his Speeches, from 1829 to 1846, in one vol. 80. Thirty Years View; or a History of the working of the American Government from 1820 to 1850. Vol 1. New-York, 1854. 8o. Speech, U. S. Sen. on Banks, 1838. Pain. vol. 34. B. C. - Speech, U. S. Sen., Bank of the U. S. 1834. Pam. vol. 59. BENTZ (L.), et A. J. Chretien. Premiers Ellements d'Agriculture. 3 6ed. Paiis, 1845. 120. BENZONI ( Hieronymus). Prima pars.... Insignis et admiranda historia de reperta primumn Occidentali India a Christophoro Columbo.... et de earum gentium idolatria. Secunda pars: Hispanorum tum in Nigrittas servos suos, tuml in Indos crudelitatem.... explicans. Tertia pars: Qua ratione, Hispani.... illas Peruani regni provincias occuparint.... Francofurti, 1596. See Bry ( T. de) Coll. of Voy. vol. 2 & 3. et Joannes Lerius. Historia Indise occidentalis, tomis duobus comprehensa: Prior, res ab Hispanis.... hactenus gestas; alter, Brasilice (quse et America dicitur).... descriptionemn. In latinum sermonem Urbani Calvetonis.... studio conversi. Geneve, 1586. 12o..-... Novre Novi Orbis Historise, id est Rerum gestarum ab Hispanis in India occidentali. Adjuncta est, De Gallorum Expeditione in Floridam. Genevve, 1578. 120; and also in W. C. 96. _-_- - La Historia del iMondo Nuovo. Venezia, 1572. 160. BERCY ( Drouin de). L'Europe et l'Am6rique compar6es. Paris, 1818. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 97. BERESFORD (Lord). Letter to Charles Edward Long, on the Correspondence of General Long. See Napier, Controversy on his history. BERG ( Ernestus de). See Russia, Cat. bib. botan. BERGER DE XIVREY. Recueil des Lettres Missives de Henri IV. Paris, 1843 - 50. See France, Docts. ined. 9. Deville, Lenormant. etc. Preuves de la decouverte du Cceur de St. Louis. Paris, 1846. 80. BERGERON (Pierre). Voyages faits principalement en Asie, dans les xii-, xiiie, xive et xve siieles. La Haye, 1735. 2 vol. 40. BERGH ( L. P. C. van den). Nederlands Aanspraak op de Ontdekking van Amerika voor Columbus. 80. BERGIER ( N. S.). Esame del materialismo, ossia confatazione del sistema della natura. Venezia, 1835. 4 vol. 18o. BERINGTON (Rev. Joseph). The Literary History of the Middle Ages, etc. London, 184{0, 12~0, GENERAL LIBRARY. 81 BERGIUS (Bengt). Tal, om Lackerheter. Stockholm, 1785. 80. W. C. 99. BERKELEY (George), D.D., Bishop. Works, with an account of his life: ed. by Rev. C. N. Wright. London, 1843. 2 vol. 8~.......- Alciphron, or the Minute Philosopher. 1st Am. ed. New-Haven, 1803. 8o. Inquiries concerning the virtues of tar water. Pain. vol. 123. BERKSHIRE ( The) JUBILEE, celebrated at Pittsfield, Aug. 22 and 23, 1844. Albany, 1844. 80; and also B. C. BERLIEN (J. H. F.). Der elephanten-orden und seine ritter, eine historische abhandlung.... Kopenhagen, 1846. 8-. BERLIN, ROYAL LIBRARY: Index Librorum manuscriptorum et impressorum quibus Bibliotheca Berolinensis aucta est, 1835. Berolini. 4o. -Index Librorum ad celebranda sacra specularia reformationis ecclesiastiem tertia annis 1817 et 1819, quos Bibliotheca R. Berolinensis ad hunc usque diem comparavit. Berolini, 1821. 8~. -- -Index Librorum.... quibus... aucta est anno 1836. Berolini. 4o. ------- Index Librorum.... quibus.... aucta est annis 1837 et 1838: Proemissa est Historia Bibliothecm regie a 1828 - 39.... Berolini. 4o....- Index Librorum... quibus... aucta est anno 1839. Berolini. 4o. Die Handschriften-verzeichnisse der K. Bibliothek.... herausgegeben von Dr. Pertz: Erster Band, Verzeichniss der sanskrit handschriften von Dr. Weber. Berlin, 1853. 4o. Anderer Theil des Catalogi der Sinesischen Biicher bey der Chu. Branderburgischen Bibliothek zu Clln an der Spree, anno 1683.... von Andrea Mullero.... auffgesetzt. fol. Verzeichniss der CGhinesisehen und 3landschu-Tungusischen bicher und handschriften der k. b. zu Berlin...... von Dr. Wilhelm Shott. Berlin, 1840. s8. - Sechs Sanskrit-schrifttafeln zum ersten bande der handschriftenverzeichnisse der K. 3B.: herausgegeben..... von Dr. G. A. Pertz. Berlin, 1853. 4o. BERNAN (Walter). History and Art of warming and ventilating rooms and buildings. London, 1845. 2 vol. 120. BERNARD (Auguste). Proces Verbaux des E]tats-Gen6raux de 1593. Paris, 1842. See France, Docts. ined. 11. Cartulaire de Savigny; Cartulaire d'Ainay, 2 vol. See France, Docts. ined. BERNARD ( Sir Fr.), Governor. Letters to the Ministry, from Gov. Bernard, Gen. Gage, and Coin. Hood, with memorials, etc. Boston, 1769. 80. The same. See also Pam. vol. 113 and vol. 30. Gen. Gage and the Hon. His Majesty's Council for the Province of Massachusetts Bay: Letters to the Earl of Hillsborough. Reprinted, London, 1769. 8o. [ QEN: I:IB, 1855.] 11 82 NEW-YORK STATE ---- Select Letters on the trade and governmeut of America: written at Boston, 1763 - 68, and now first published. London, 1774. 80. BERNARD (Fr.). Analyse de l'Histoire philosophique et politique des etablissemens et du commerce des Europ`ens dans les deux Indes. Leyden, 1775. 1]20. W. C. 100. BERNARD (Richard 13.). A Tour through some parts of France, Switzerland.... in 1814. Philadelphia, 1815. 12o. B. C. BERNARD (Saint). Opera. Horstii et MIabillonis Notis. Venetiis, 1781. 3 vol. 40. BERNARD ( Sir Thonmas). On the Comforts of Old Age; with biographical illustrations. New-York, 1818. 120. B. C. BERNARDEAU ( Dr. E.). Iistoire de la Plithisie pulmonaire. Paris, 1848. 8O. BERNARDIN DE CARDENAS. Histoire de la Persecution de deux saints eveques par les Jesuites, l'un D. Bernardin de Cardenas, l'autre PD. Philippe Pardo. 1691. 160. W. C. 518. BERNI, CASA, VARCHI, etc.: Opere burlesche. In Usecht al Reno, 1760. 3 vol. 120. BERNI:ER (A.). Proces-verbaux des Seances du Conseil de Regence du Roi Charles VIII, 1484, 85. Paris, 1836. See France, Docts. in6d. 10. - Journal des iEtats Gen6raux de France, tenus a Tours en 1484 sous le regne de Charles VIII: redige en Latin par Jehan 3Masselin... Traduit pour la premiere fois par A. Bernier. Paris, 1835. 4o. See France,:octs. ined. 8. BERNIER (Francis). Travels in the MtIogul Empire: trans. from the French by Irving Brock. London, 1826. 2 vol. 86. Also Churchill, Supp. vol. 2. BERQuIN-DUVALLON. Vue de la Colonie Espagiole du Mississippi, ou des Provinces de Louisiane et Floride, in 1802. 2-m ed. Paris, 1804. 80o. BERRIAN (William ),D.D. An Historical Sketch of Trinity Church, NewY.ork. New-York, 1847. So. -.- Travels in France and Italy in 1817, 18. New-York, 1821. 8o. BERRIAT SAINT-PRIX (J.). Mdemoire sur le Remboursement des rentes.... Paris, 1837. Pain. vol. 18. BERRY ( Miss Mary). A Comparative View of Social Life in England and France; with the lives of Madame du Deftand, Lady Rachel Russell, etc. London, 1844. 2 vol. 12o. BERTEAUT ( S.). Marseille, et les interets nationaux qui se rattachent a son port. Marseille, 1843. 2 vol. 8O. BERTELMAN (J. G.). Missa: llass to Music. La Haye. ob. 4o. BERTI-IOLLET (C. L. and A. B.). Elements of the art of dying, with a description of the art of bleaching by oxymuriatic acid: translated from the French, with notes, by Alex. Ure. London, 1824. 2 vol. 8o. BERTIUS (P.). Description de l'Amerique. See Linschot. BERTRAND (Alex.). Revolutions of the Globe: translated from the French, with notes, by S. C. Horry. London, 1835. 12o, GENERAL LIBRARY. 83 BESNIER. Le Mexique Conquis: Poni3ne. Paris, 1752. 2 vol. in 1. 12o. W. C. 634. BESSE (Joseph). A Collection of the sufferings of the people called Quakers, for the testimony of a good conscience, from 1650 to the act of toleration in 1689. London, 1753. 2 vol. fol. BETAGH (William). Voyage round the World; being a remarkable enterprize began in 1719, chiefly to cruise on the Spaniards in the Great South Ocean. London, 1728. 8'. Account of Peru. Pinkerton, vol. 14; Harris, vol. 1. BETHEL BAPTIST CHU-IRCI-I, New-York: Appeal, 1832. Pamin. vol. 72. BETHENCOURT (G. de). Histoire de la premiere dcouverte et conqueste des Canaries. Paris, 1630. 8). W. C. 101. BETHUNE (George W.), D.D. Lays of Love and Faith, with other fugitive poems. Philadelphia, 1848. 8S. Oration, Phi Beta Kappa Society of Harvard University, 1849. Canmbridge, 1849. 8~. Orations and Occasional Discourses. New-York, 1850. 12'....- Sermon on Cross of Christ. Utica. Pam. vol. 61. Sermon on our Liberties. 1835. Pamn. vol. 61. BEHTIUNE (J. Drinkwater). Annuities. See Lib. U. K. BETTLE (Edward). Slavery in Pennsylvania. See Hist. Soc. Penn. vol. 1. BETTS (William). Address, St. Nicholas Society, New-York, 1851. Pam. vol. 71. BEUGNOT ( le Comte). Les Oilrn, ou Registres des arrtts rendus par ha Cour du Roi sous les regnes de St. Louis, de Philippe le Hardi, de Philippe le Bel, de Louis le lHutin, et de Philippe le Long. Paris, 1839, 48. See France, Doct. in d. 3. BEVAN ( Edward). Natural History, Physiology, and mnanagement of the Honey-bee. London, 1838. 12"). BEVERLEY (Robert). History and Present State of Virginia. London, 1705. 8S. The same. London, 1722. 80. The same: reprinted from the 2d ed. of 1722, with an introduction by C. Campbell. Richmond, Va. 1855. 80. - istoire de la Virginie: trad. de I'anglois. Amsterdam, 1707. 12". W. C. 102. ----- The same. Paris, 1707. 120. B EVERNINGK ( H. v n) en Anderen. Verbacl gehouden.... als Gedeputeerden van de HIeeren Staeten Generael der Vereenigde Nederlanden, aen de Republyck van Engelandt. Gravenhage, 1725. 4o. BEWICK (T.). General History of Quadrupeds. 3d ed. Newcastle, 1791. 8'. BEYARD (N.) and C. Lodoewick. Journal of the late Actions of the French at Canada. London, 1693. 8o. 84 NEW-YORK STATE BEZA ( Theodore). Life of Calvin: trans. by Francis Sibson, with copious notes by an American editor. Philadelphia, 1836. 8o. B. C. -- See Calvin. BEZOUT. A Theoretical and Practical Arithmetic, enlarged, etc. by F.'Peyrard: trans. from the French by Noble Heath. New-York, 1825. 8o.. C. BIBAUD ( M.). Histoire du Canada sous la domination franqaise. Montreal, 1837. 12. Histoire du Canada. 2me d. IMontreal, 1843. 2 vol. 120. BIBB ( G. M.). Speech in Cong. on the President's Protest, 1834. Pam. vol. 59. BIBLE (HOLY), and parts thereof: - - Biblia Sacra Polyglotta: Hebraice, Chaldaice, Grece et Latine. Antverpiae, 1569 - 72. 6 vol. fol. Sacrae Scripturie et divinarum literarum byblia universa.... et D. Erasmi Roterod. versione novi testamenti.... Lipsixe, Wolraab, 1544. fol. B. C. - Vulgatoe editionis: 1487. fol. black letter. - Titlepage wanting. Clementi viii. 1692. fol. - Vulgatze editionis: Sixti v. 1674. 120. - Vulg. ed. Titlepage wanting. 1692 (? ) 120. --- Vulgatwe editionis: Sixti v. Lugduni, 1691. 12o. -- -Vulgata editionis: Sixti v. Lugduni, 1710. 120. ---- Vulgatae editionis: Sixti v. Lugduni, 1682. 12~. - - VulgatTe ed. a Joh. Benedicto recognita, etc. Parisiis, 1573. fol. - Vulg. ed.: Sixti Quinti P. N. jussu recognita.. Lugduni, 1663.120. -- Vulg. ed.: Sixti Quinti jussu recognita. Paris, 1664. 2 vol. 120. - The Holy Bible, translated from the Latin Vulgate The Old Testament first published by the English College at Douay, 1609; and the New Testament first published by the English College at Rheims, 1582.... New-York, 1833. 80. B. C. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, together with the Apocrypha: -translated out of the original tongues.... Philadelphia, 1798. 2 vol. fol. --- The same. Albany, 1816. 80. B. C. ------ The same. New-York, 1817. Collins 4 Co. fol. B. C. The same, without the Apocrypha. New-York, 1820. 120. B. C. ------- The same. Oxford, 1841. 80. - — ~- -The same. Amer. & For. Bib. Soc. Philadelphia, 1844. 80. ----- he same. New-York, 1844. 80. - The same. New-York, 1844. 12o. -- The same. New-York, 1845. 180. GENERAL LIBRARY. 85.-...- The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Covenant.... From the Greek, by Charles Thomson, late Sec. to the Cong. of the United States. Philadelphia, Aitken, 1808. 4 vol. 80. -- Text and Commentary. See Patrick (S.)..... in the common version, with amendments of the language by Noah Webster. New-Haven, 1833. 80. Die Bibel, oder Die ganze Heilige Schrift des Alten unnd Neuen Testaments: nach Dr. Martin Luther's iibersetzung. Philadelphia, 1830. 8o. B. C. - The same. New-York, 1838. 80. - Biblia, dat is de Gansche IH. Schrifture vervattende alle de cannonijke boeken des Ouden en des Nieuwen Testaments. Amsterdam, 1797. 18o. B. C. The same. London, 1817. 80. B. C. The same. Amsterdam, 1822. 80. B. C. ~ —--- Bijbel, uitgegeven door S. H. Van der Palm. Leiden, 1818 - 25. 6 vol. 40....- De Bybel vertaald, omschreven, en door aanmerkingen opgehelderd door NW. A. van Vloten. Amsterdam, 1789 - 96. 13 vol. 80. - La Sainte Bible: Amsterdam, 1712. With The Psalter, Liturgy and Confession of Faith in French of the Reformed Churches of Holland. 40. - in Burmese. 2d ed. MIaulmain, 1840. 4o. in the Massachusetts Indian: trans. by Rev. John Eliot. Cambridge, Mass., 1685. 40. BIBLE: OLD TESTAMENT, and parts thereof. -Vetus Testamentum juxta Septuaginta Interpretes: ex Cod. Alex. ed. J. E. Grabe. Oxonii, 1707. 4 vol. in 2. fol. Biblia Sacra ( Pentateuch ). Ebraice, Chaldaice, Graece, Latin6, Germanice, Saxonic: studio et labore Elise Hutteri. Noribergse, 1599. fol. *Hebrew Pentateuch: Chaldee Translation of Onkelos, with Commentary of Rashi. Also, Solomon's Song, Ruth, Esther, etc. Mantua, 1588. 180. Bijbel, bevattende alle de Boeken des ouden verbonds, uitgegeven door J. A. van der Palm. Leyden, 1827. 80. 3. C. See also Palm ( J. H. van der), and entire Bible. Selectae e Veteri Testamento Historive. Philadelphia, 1787. 180. B. C. Psalterium Davidis et Liber Sapientive. Colonice, 1630. 320. Psalms. See Barlow's, Buchanan's, Dwight's, Barnard's, Johnston's, and Ref. Prot. Dutch Church metrical versions. Isaiah: A New Translation, by Robert Lowth, Bishop of London. Albany, 1794. 12o. B. C. 86 NEW-YORK STATE L'Ecclesiaste de Salomon, traduit en franqais. Paris, 1663. 120. BIBLE NEW TESTAMENT, and parts thereof. Novum Testamentum cum Versione Latina Arice Montani, Auctore J. Leusden. New-York, 1824. 180. B. C. Greek and Latin. The same. Londini, 1794.180. B. C. ------- Novum Testamentumn juxta exem. J. Millii.... Greek. Londini, 1787. 120. B. C. --- D. Erasmi Roterod. Versio novi testamlenti. See Bible, Sac. Scrip. - Novum Testamentum Graccum, cuin vulgata interpretatione latina, graeci contextus lineis insertis: B. A. MIontani opera. Impensis Christiani Kirchneri, 1657. fol. English: A. and F. B. S. New-York, 1844. 180. English, with the Psalms. Amer. and For. Bib. Soc. New-York, 1844. 80. New Testament, in the commolon version, conformed to Griesbach's Standard Greek Text. Boston, 1828. 80. B. C. The Sacred Writings of the Apostles and Evangelists of Jesus Christ, commonly styled the New Testament: trans. from the Original Greek, by George Campbell, etc. 2d ed. Bethany, Va. A. Campbell, 1828. 120. B. C. With a Commentary and Critical Notes, by Adam Clarke, LL.D. New-York, 1830. 2 vol. imp. 80. B. C. An Improved Version, upon the basis of Archbishop Newcome's new translation. Boston, 1809. 80. B. C. A Translation of the New-Testament by Gilbert Wakefield. Cambridge, Mass., 1820. 80. B. C..... —:Paraphrase of N. T. See Doddridge. ---- The New Testament.... with amendments of the language, by Noah Webster. New-Haven, 1839. 120. ilet Nieuwe Testament... vertaelt volgens de gemeyne latynsche overzettinge. Eerste druk tot Ghendt, by.... Vander Ween, 1717. Brussel, 1837. 120. B. C. - Het Nieuwe Testament: Dordrecht, 1750; with De CL Psalmen des Propheten Davids.... door Petrum Dathenum, 1755; Catechismus, and Belydenisse. 120. B. C. - - The same. Dordrecht, 1718. 120. B. C. The same. Dordrecht, 1719. 18~. B. C....- Alle de Boeken des Nieuwen Verbonds, uitgegeven door J. H. van der Palm. Leyden, 1830. 80. B.C. See also Palm ( J. H. van der). Das Neue Testament: iibersetzung M. Luthers. Hamburg, 1843. 240.: - The same. Hamburg, 1840. 180. Le Nouveau Testament... traduit sur la Vulgate par Le Maistre de Sacy.... Paris, Didot, 1816. 80. B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 87....- Armlenian (Ancient): Baptist Miss. Press. Calcutta, 1839. 8o. Bengali: Baptist Miss. Press. Calcutta, 1839. 80. Hindustani: Baptist MIiss. Press. Calcutta, 1839. 80.:- - Oriya: Am. 3 For. Bib. Soc. Cuttack, India, 1840. 8o. Persian, trans. of H. MIartyn:A. & F. B. S. Calcutta, 1841. 80. Sanscrit: Baptist Miss. Press. Calcutta, 1841. 80. The Four Gospels: trans. from the Original Greek, with notes, by George Campbell, D.D. Philadelphia, 1799. 4o. B. C. - S. J. C. Evangeliumn notis illustratum. Rotomagi, 1695. 2 vol.121. ------'The Gospel of St. John, in Greek and English interlined, and literally translated, etc., with a dictionary: by E. Friederici, N. York, 1830. 120. B. C. The Gospel according to St. John, in the bMohawk language. Am. Bib. Soc. New-York, 1818. 180. The Epistles of Paul the Apostle: trans. with an exposition and notes, by T. Belsham, D.D. London, 1822. 4 vol. 80. B. C..-.-.. A New Literal Translation from the Original Greek, of all the Apostolical Epistles; with a commentary and notes by James Mac Knight. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1795. 3 vol. 40. B. C. Epistles of St. John in the Delaware language. See Deneke. BIBLE ASSOCIATION OF FRIENDS IN AMERICA: First Report. Philadelphia, 1830. 80. BIBLICAL EMENDATIONS; or a View of the various readings of the most important passages of Scripture. Boston, 1830. Pam. vol. 15. B. C. BIBLICAL REPERTORY and PRINCETON REVIEW. Vol. 18-25. Philadelphia, 1846 - 54. 9 vol. 80. BIBLIOGRAFIA, od Elenco ragionato delle opere contenute nelle collezione de'Classica Italiani. Milano, 1814. 80~. BIBLIOGRAPHIE AGRONOMIQUE; ou Dictionnaire raisonne des ouvrages sur l'economie rurale et domestique, et sur l'art v6t6rinaire. Paris, 1810. 80o. BIBLIOGRAPHIE DE LA FRANCE; ou Journal gsneral de l'imprimerie et de la librairie, et des cartes geographiques, gravures, lithographies, ceuvres de musique. Paris, 1844. 80. See Catalogues of Books, vol. 13. BIBLIOTIIECA AMIERICANA: by A. Homer. London, 1789. 40. W.C.103. BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA. See Smith (J. Russell). BIBLIOTHECA LONDINENSIS: A Classified Index to the Literature of Great Britain; arranged from, and serving as a key to, the London Catalogue of Books, 1814-46. London, 1848. 8~. BIBLIOTHECA CHETHAMENSIS; sive Bibliothecm publicte mancuniensis catalogus.... ed. Joannes Radcliffe.... custos. lrancunii, 1791. 3 vol. 8. BIBLIOTHECA D. Marci Latina et Italica codicum' manuscriptorum per titulos digesta, preside Laurentio Theupolo: jussu senatus. Yenetiis, 1741. fol. 88 NEW-YORK STATE ------- Grseca codicum manuscriptorum per titulos digesta, proeside L. Theupolo.... Venetiis, 1740. fol. BIBLIOTHECA SACRA; or Tracts and Essays on topics connected with biblical literature and theology: ed. by Edward Robinson, D.D. NewYork, 1843. 80. BIBLIOTHECA SACRA and THEOLOGICAL REVIEW: Conducted by B. B. Edwards and E. A. Park, with the cooperation of Dr. Robinson and Prof. Stuart. New-York, 1844 - 54. 11 vol. 8o. BIBLIOTHECA UFFENBACHIANA MSS.; seu Catalogus Codicum qui in Biblioth. Zach. Conradi ab Uffenbach adservantur.... Jo. Henricus Mains.... recensuit. Hals, 1720. 2 vol. fol. BIBLIOTHI QUE RURALE, institu6e par le Gouvernemnent Belge:'re serie. Bruxelles, 1849 - 51. 10 vol. 120. Contents No. 1. Manuel de culture. 5. Manuel d'arboriculture, vol. 2d. 7. Manuel de chimie agricole et de gfeologie. 8. Manuel d'irrigation. 9. Choix des vaches laitieres. 10. Manuel du mar6chal ferrant. 11. Manuel cl'hygiene publique et priv6e. 12. Manuel forestier. 13. Traite6 616mentaire des engrais et amendenments. 14. Trait 1lll6mentaire des instruments aratoires. BICHAT (Xavier). Physiological Researches on Life and Death': trans. from the French by F. Gold, with notes by F. Magendie. Boston, 1827. 8o. B. C. BICHENO. Signs of the Times, in two parts. London, 1794. 80. BICKES ( Susanna). Lvetste uyren van, oudt 14 jaren; En de lxtste woorden van Jacob Bickes, oudt 7 jaren. Amsterdam, 1752. 24o. B. C. BIDDLE (C. C.) See Say's Political Economy. BIDDLE (James C.), and W. M. Meredith. A Statement. Philadelphia, 1822. Pam. vol. 8. B. C. BIDDLE (Nicholas). Eulogium on Thomas Jefferson, before the Amer. Phil. Soc. Philadelphia, 1827. 80. Address, at Nassau Hall, 1835. Pam. vol. 11. BIDDLE ( Richard ). Memoirs of Sebastian Cabot, with a Review of the history of maritime discovery. Philadelphia, 1831. 80. BIDLAKE (Rev. John). Poems. London, 1794. 40. BIDWELL ( B.). Oration, July 4, 1805, Sheffield. Pittsfield. Pam. vol. 36. BIELFIELD ( G. F. Baron de). Elements of Universal Erudition: trans. from the German by W. Cooper. London, 1770. 3 vol. 80. BIET (Antoine). Voyage de la France Equinoxiale en l'Isle de Cayenne, en 1652. Paris, 1654. 4o. W. C. 104. BIGELOW (Andrew). Leaves from a Journal, or Sketches of Rambles in some parts of North Britain and Ireland in 1817. Boston, 1821. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 89 Travels in Malta and Sicily, with Sketches of Gibraltar in 1827. Boston, 1831. 80. BIGELOW ( H. J.), M.D. Introd. Lect. Mass. Med. Coll. 1849. Pam. vol. 84, 89. BIGELOW ( Jacob), M.D. Elements of Technology, taken chiefly from a course of lectures delivered at Cambridge. Boston, 1829. 80. The same. 8o. B. C..-... Florula Bostoniensis: A Collection of Plants of Boston and its environs. Boston, 1814. 80. - The same. 3d ed. Boston, 1840. 80. - Poem before Phi Beta Kappa Soc. 1811. Boston. Pam. vol. 42. BIGELOW (John ). Janmaica in 1850. New-York, 1851. 12o. BIGELOWV (J. M.). Florula Lancastriensis (Ohio). 1841. See Pam. vol. 188..BIGELOW (Timothy). Address, Opening of Williams Hall, Boston, 1853. Pam. vol. 88. BIGGS (James ). History of Don F' rancisco de Miranda's attempt to effect a revolution in South America. London, 1809. 80. W. C. 105. The same. 80. BIGLAND ( John). Letters on the Study and Use of ancient and modern history. London, 1806. 8~....... A Geographical and Historical View of the world, with notes by Jedediah Morse. Boston, 1811. 5 vol. 80. B. C. BIGLOW ( William). History of the Town of Natick, Mass., from the days of the Apostolic Eliot, 1560 to 1830. Boston, 1830. 80. BIGNON (M.). Les Cabinets et les Peuples, depuis 1815 jusqu'a la fin de 1822. Pamphleteer, vol 22. BIGsBY (John J.), M.D. The Shoe and the Canoe; or Pictures of Travel in the Canadas. London, 1850. 2 vol. 120. BIJBELSCH Dagschrift, ter Bevordering van Huisselijk Geluk; of Aanleiding tot Godsdienstige overdenkingen op iederen dag des jaars, 1840, 41, 42. Met Platen. Gravenhage. 3 vol. 8O. B. C. BIL;DERDTJK (W.). Verhandeling over de Geslachten der Naamwoorden in de Nederduitsche Taal. Amsterdam, 1818. 8". B. C. BILLERICA, Ms. Annual Report of the town. 1852. Pam. vol. 76. BINGHAbM ( Caleb). The Columbian Orator. 7th ed. Troy, 1821. BINGHAM (Rev. Hiram). A Residence of twenty-one years in the Sandwich Islands; or the civil, religious and political history of those islands. Hartford and New-York, 1847. 80. BINGHAM (Rev. Joseph). Origines Ecclesiastica; or the antiquities of the Christian church. London, 1710 - 22. 10 vol. 80. Vol. 1, 2 of 2d ed. BINGLEY (William). Useful Knowledge, or a familiar and explanatory account of the various productions of nature. Philadelphia, 181. 3 vol. 120. GEN. LIB. 1855.] 12 90 NEW-YORK STATE BINNEY (Horace). An Eulogy on the Life and Character of John Marshall, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Philadelphia, 1835. 8. - Eulogium on Hon. W. Tilghman, Philadelphia, 1827; and Eulogium on Chief Justice Marshall. Philadelphia. 80. Report on Removal of Deposites. See Bank U. S. vol. 2. Speech in Congress on the removal of the deposites, 1834. Pam. vol. 57. - Speech on Contested Election of Letcher and Moore, 1834. Pam. vol. 57. BINN'S Exercises in false English. 21st ed. Leeds, 1841. 120. BINNS (John). Recollections of the life of: by himself. Philadelphia, 1854. 120. 3IOGRAPIHIA AMERICANA; or a Historical and Critical Account of the lives, actions and writings of the most distinguished persons in North America: by a gentleman of Philadelphia. New-York, 1825. 80. BI OGRAPHIA Ultrajectina of Gulde Legende van de Sticktsche SinterKlaas: Ter drukkerye van de Olikock-bakker. 1782. Pam. vol. 30. B. C. -- Ultrajectina of Gnlde Legende van de Sticktsche Sinter-Klaas cum suis: tweede stuck. 1782. B. C. Waare oorsprong van het aenzienelyke Israelitische en in Utrecht zo zeer gehaet, als by Oranje en deszelvs geheime Raad Neef Wolffenbuttel bemind wordende Pestersche Stamhuis, benevens twee dichtstukjes voor Nicolaas Pesters en R. M. v. Goens: On te voegen agter de Biographia Ultrajectina of de Gulde Legende van de Sticktsche Sinter-Klaas. 1782. Pam. vol. 30. B. C. Bericht uit het Ryk der Dooden toegezonden aan de Oliekoekbakker der Zeven Dorpen in Brand Schout en Secretaris uithangt.... een Byvoegsel van de Biographia Ultrajectina of Gulde Legende van de Sticktsche Sinter-Klaas, cum suis. 1782. Pain. vol. 30. B. C. BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY Of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Vol. 1- 4; the 4th vol. one part. London, 1842-44. 4 vol. 80. BIOGRAPHIE ETRANGERE; on Galerie universelle, historique, civile, militaire, etc.: par une Societe de Gens de Lettres. Paris, 1819. 2 vol. 8o. W. C. 106. BIOGRAPHIE UNIVERSELLE, ancienne et moderne; ou Histoire par ordre alphabetique de la vie publique et priv&e de tous les hommes qui se sont fait remarquer.... Paris, 1811 - 28. 52 vol. 80. - Partie mythologique; ou IHistoire par ordre alphabetique des personnages des temps heroiques, et des divinites grecques, italiques, egyptiennes, hindoues, japonaises, scandinaves, celtes, mexicaines, etc. Vol. 53 - 55. Paris, 1832. 3 vol. 80. —.- Ancienne et Moderne: Supplmelint A - TE'. Paris, 1834 - 53. yol. 56 - 83. 27 vol. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 91 BIOGRAPHY of Self-taught Men: with an introductory essay. Boston, 1846. 2 vol. 180. BIRCH ( Mr. Alderman). Speech in Common Council on Catholic emancipation. London, 1829. Pam. vol. 139. BIRCH ( Thomas), D.D. Memoirs of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, from 1581 till her death. London, 1754. 4o. B3IRCHALL (Samuel). List of provincial copper coins or tokens issued between 1786 and 1796. Leeds, 1796, with Lincoln's sale list. 120. BIRD (Fitzgerald), M.D. Inaug. Diss. Sanguinaria canadensis. NewYork, 1822. Pami. vol. 86. BIRD (Golding). Elements of Natural Philosophy, being an experimental introduction to the study of the physical sciences. London, 1839. 120. BIRD ( John). Letter to Lord Beauclerc, concerning the author's election for the City of Coventry. Pam. vol. 123. BIRaTBECIC ( Morris). Letters from Illinois. London, 1818. 80. WV. C. 107. Lettres sur les Nouveaux Etablissemens qui se forment dans les Parties Occidentales des Etats-Unis d'Amerique: trad. de l'anglois. Paris, 1819. 80. W. C. 108. BIRRBECIC ( Robert ). Notes on a Journey in America, from the Coast of Virginia to the Territory of Illinois. Philadelphia, 1817. 120. BIRKS (Rev. T. R.). Memoir of Rev. Edward Bickersteth. New-York, 1851. 120. BIRT ( William 11.). The Hurricane Guide; or an Attempt to connect the rotary gale, or revolving storm, with atmospheric waves. London, 1850. 12'. BISHOP BONNER'S GHOST, a Poem. Strawberry Hill. 1789. 40. BISHOP WHITE Prayer Book Society, Phil'a. Report, 1852. Pani. vol. 96. BISHOP (Abraham). Oration, Sept. 1800, at New-Havenm Pam. vol. 91. BISHOP ( George ). New-England judged by the Spirit of the Lord..... with an appendix, 1703, 120: title page and preface wanting. Truth and Consistency defended against Falsehood and Envy..... in answer to Cotton Mather, his calumnies, etc. against the people called Quakers: by Jol n Whiting. London, 1702. 120. BISSELLIUS ( J.). Argonauticon Americanorum, sive Historia periculorum Petri de Victoria ac sociorum ejus, libri xv. Monachii, 1647. 18. The same. Gedani, 1698. 18'. BISSET (Andrew). Memoirs and Papers of Sir Andrew Mitchell, Min. Plen. to Prussia from 1756 to 1771. London, 1850. 2 vol. 8o. BISSET ( Robert). The History of the Reign of George III: to which is prefixed a view of the progressive improvement of England, etc. 2d ed. completed to the death of the king. London, 1820. 6 vol. 80. B. C. The Life of Edmund Burke. London, 1800. 2 vol. 80. B. C. - History of England. See Hume (D.). BIZtT (L. C.). Du commerce de la boucherie et de la charehuterie. Paris, 1850. 8o. 92 NEW-YORK STATE BJORNSTJERNA (Count iM.) The Theogony of the Hindoos, with their systeims of philosophy and cosmogony: Essay. London, 1844. 8;. C. L. BLACK (John ). Life of Torquato Tasso, with an historical and critical account of his writings. Edinburgh, 1810. 2 vol. 4o. BLACK-HAwK. Life of IMa-ka-tai-me-she-kai-kaik, or Black-Hawk, dictated by himself; with an account of his war. Boston, 1834. 12. BLACK LIST of those who were attainted of High Treason in the Revolutionary war. Philadelphia, 1802. pp. 16. Pam. vol. 40. BLACK RIVER and UTICA R. R. Comp. report, 1854. Pam. vol. 151. BLACK RIVER JOURNAL, newspaper. See Watertown Register. BLACK RIvER Marble and Soapstone Man. Comp. 1838. Pam. vol. 92. BLACKBOURNE (R.). Hobbes's life. See Hobbes's Opera phil. vol. 1. BLACKIBURNE (Rev.. Francis). A Critical Commentary on Archbishop Seeker's letter,.... concerning bishops in America. London, 1770. Pam. vol. 114. The Confessional; or a Full and Free Enquiry into the right, edification, etc. of systematical confessions of faith and doctrine in protestant churches. 3d ed. London, 1770. 80. BLACKIE ( W. G.). Imperial Gazetteer: a General Dictionary of Geography, physical, political, statistical and descriptive. Vol. 1. Edinburgh, 1852. roy. 8. BLACKWELL ( Thomas). Memoirs of the Court of Augustus. Edinburgh, 1753. 3 vol. 4o. BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. Edinburgh, 1817- 54. 76 vol. 80.....__ Vol. 26, no 4, April 1848. Vol. 30, 31, 32, 33, no 1. 3 vol. B.C. BLAGDEN ( George W.), D.D. Address before the Pilgrim Society of Ply1mouth, December 22, 1834. Boston, 1835. 80~. BLAINVILLE ( M. H. D.). Me6moire sur les Belemnites, conside6res zoologiquement et geologiquement. Paris, 1827. 4o. BLAINVILLE. Traite de la jauge universelle: edition corrigee par NI. Hacquet. Rouen, 1726. 120. BLAIR (Rev. Adam). Sermon on Reiinion. Dundee, 1819. Pam. vol. 61. BLAIR ( Rev. D.). A Practical Grammar of the English Language. 4th ed. London, 1809. 180. BLAIR (Hugh). Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles-Lettres. 2d Amer. ed. Philadelphia, 1793. 2 vol. 80. B. C. ------ The same. 7th Am. ed. New-York, 1817. 80. Sermons; to which is prefixed the life of the author, by James Finlayson, D.D. New-York, 1802. 3 vol. 80. B. C. [BLAIR (Rev. James). Our Saviour's Divine Sermon on the Mount, explained in sermons. 2d edition, with a preface by Rev. Dr. Waterland. London, 1740. Vol. 2, 3, 4. 3 vol. 8o. BLAIR (John), D.D. Murray's Grammar and Exercises simplified. Philadelphia, 1831. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 93 BLAIR (Robert). The Grave, a poem; with illustrations from designs by W. Blake. New-York, 1847. 40. BLAIR ( Samuel), D.D. Discourse on the Death of Rev. Dr. J. B. Smith. Philadelphia, 1799. Pain. vol. 82. BLAKE (Alexander V.). The Bookseller's Complete Reference trade list.... of books published in this country.... to which is added the law of copyright. Claremont, N.H. 1847. 40. BLAKE (Francis). Oration, July 4, 1812. Worcester, Mass. Pani. vol. 37, 42. BLAKE (George). Eulogy on Washington, Masonic Lodge, Boston, 1800. Pani. vol. 39. BLAKE (James). Annals of the Town of Dorchester. See Dorchester Antiq. and Hist. Soc. BLAKE ( J. L.). General Biographical Dictionary. 2d edition. New-York, 1839. 80 BLAKE ( William J.). The History of Putnam County, N.Y.; with an enumeration of its towns.... New-York, 1849. 120. BLAKIEY ( Robert). Historical Sketch of Logic, from the earliest times to the present day. London, 1851. So. BLANC (Charles). Les Peintres des fetes galantes. Paris, 1854. 180. BLANC (Louis). History of Ten Years, 1830 - 1840. London, 1844. 2 vol 80. BLANC-ST. BONNET (Ant.). De l'Unite Spirituelle; on de la Socikt6, ct de son but au deli du temps. Paris, 1841. vol. 3. 80. B. C. BLANCHARD (Rev. J.). Discourse at Knox Coll. Ill. Pam. vol. 83. - and N. L. Rice. Debate on Slavery, in Cincinnati. Cincinnati, 1846. 120. BLANCHARD ( J. 1H.), and Ramsay. Trial of Gen. Whitelocke, by courtmartial, at Chelsea Hospital, in 1808. London, 1808. 80. W. C. 110. BLANCHARD (Laman). Life and Literary Remains of L. E. L. (Landon). Philadelphia, 1841. 2 vol. 80. Sketches from Life. New-York, 1846. 80. BLAND PAPERS (The); being a Selection from the Manuscripts of Col. Theodorick Bland jun. of Prince-George County, Virginia: edited by Charles Campbell. Petersburgh, 1840 - 43. 2 vol. 80. BLAND ( Richard ), of Virginia. An Inquiry into the Rights of the British Colonies. Williamsburgh: London, reprinted 1769. 83. BLATCHFORD ( Richard 3I.). Report to the Trustees of the Apalachicola Land Company, 1837; with a map. 80. BLATCHFORD (S.). See Moor's Greek Grammar. BLATCHFORD (S.), D.D. Bible Soc. Sermon, Albany, 1811. Serm. vol. 1. B.C. BLATCHFORD ( T. W.), M.D. Inaug. Dissert. on feigned diseases. 1817. Pain. vol. 86. 94 NEW-YORK STATE - Observations on equivocal generation. Albany, 1844. Nuns. Pall. vol. 5. BLEECKER (Ann Eliza). The Posthumous Works in prose and verse; to which is added a Collection of Essays, prose and poetical, by MIargaretta V. Faugeres. New-York, 1793. 12o. BLEIDORN (Louis). Reply.... in matters relating to the German Society of New-York. New-York, 1851. Pami. vol. 76. BLESSINGTON (Couittess). Idler in France. Philadelphia, 1841. 2 vol. 120. BLIGH (William). Narrative of the Mutiny on board of the Bounty. Lcndon, 1790. 4O. W. C. 112. Relation de l'Enlevement du Navire le Bounty: trad. de l'anglois par D. Lascallier. Paris, 17t0. 80. W. C. 113. BLISS (J. C.), M.D. Inaug. Diss. on permanent strictures of the urethra. 1816. Pain. vol. 86. BLIss (Leonard ) jr. The History of Rehoboth, Bristol County, Mass. Boston, 1836. 80. BLODGETT (Samuel). Economica: a Statistical Manual for the United States of America. Interleaved with M1S. notes. Washington, 1806. 80. - The same: with additions to 1810. Washington, 1810. 80. BLOIS (John T.). Gazetteer of Michigan, with a History of the State. Detroit, 1840. 120. BLO3r ( J. G. van). Prove van het harmonische in de Friesche Dichtkunst. Leeuwarden, 1840. BLOME ( Richard ). Present State of his Majesty's Isles and Territories in America. London, 1687. 80. Description of the Island of Jamaica, with the other Isles and Territories in America,.... to which the English are related: from the Notes of Sir Thomas Linch, Governor of Jamaica. London, 1672. ISo. Description de l'Isle de la Jamaique, avee des Observations par le Sieur Thomas Linch. See Recueil de Divers Voyages. W. C. 788...-.._- The Isles and Territories belonging to His Majesty in America. 1673. fol. BLOODGOOD (S. De Witt). The Sexagenary, or Reminiscences of the American Revolution. Albany, 1833. 120. BLOOMINGDALE ASYLUM for the Insane. 24th, 25th, 26th, and 27th reports: by Pliny Earle, M. D. New-York, 1845 - 48. 8o. BLOSSEVILLE (Le Vicomte E. D.). Notice Historique sur le Marquis de Pastoret. Paris, 1845? 8~. With another notice by Le Chev. Artaud de Mon-tor. Histoire des Colonies Penales de l'Angleterre dans I'Australie. Paris, 1831. 80. BLOUNT (Henry). Voyage into the Levant. Pinkerton, vol. 10; Churchill, Supp. 1. IBLUE BoOu. See United States Register of Officers, etc. GENERAL LIBRARY. 95 BLUE LAWS of New-Haven Colony, usually called Blue Laws of Connecticut; Quaker Laws of Plymouth and Massachusetts; Blue Laws of New-York, Maryland, Virginia and South Carolina.... Compiled by an antiquarian. Hartford, 1838. 120. BLUME ( C. A.). See Rumphius. BLUNT (Edmund M.) Guide dui Navigateur dans l'Oc6an Atlantique: trad. de l'anglois. Paris, 1821. 80. W. C. 1.14. BLUNT (Joseph). Merchant's and Shipmaster's Assistant. New-York, 1822. 80. Speeches, Reviews, Reports, etc. New-York, 1843. 8o. - A Historical Sketch of the Formation of the Confederacy. NewYork, 1825. 80. - i. Anniversary Discourse before N.Y. Hist. Soc. 1827; 2. Speech at Albany, 1841. 1 vol. 80. - Discourse N. Y. Hist. Soc. See Pam. vol. 11. B. C. BLUSSmE (Abraham) le jeune. Dictionnaire Portatif francois et hollandois, et hollandois et franqois: Seconde partie, qui contient le hollandois et le franqois. Dordrecht, 1828. 120. B. C. BOARD OX AGRICULTURE, Eng. See Communications to. BOARDMAN ( Henry A.), D.D. Discourse on the American Union. Philadelphia, 1851. 80....- Discourse: Death of IMr. A. Sloan. Philadelphia, 1851. Pain. vol. 95. BOASE (Henry S.). Treatise on Primary Geology, being an examination of the older formations. London, 1834. 8o. BABBIT (A.). Elements of English Grammar. London, 1833. 121. BODDAERT (Pieter). Practicaale Verhandeling over de Ongemakken der Tanden.... Gravenhage, 1780. 4o. See Hunter (John). Hist. nat. dentium. See Shaw's Travels. B(ECKH ( Augustus). The Public Economy of Athens, in four books; with a Dissertation on the silver mines of Laurion: from the German of: London, 1828. 2 vol. 80. C. L. BaECIC (Christian). Bemaerkninger angaaende graptolitherne. Christiania, 1851. 40. BCoKE ( Jan.) Redevoering, over de waarborgen van duurzaamheid welke de Maatschappij, tot nut van't Algemeen, in zich zelve bezit, 1839. Pain. vol. 32. B. C. - Openbaar verslag van het Nederlandsche Bijbelgenootschap. Amsterdam, 1840. Pam. vol. 32. B. C. - Over het ongepast en overdreven vereeren van mensehen als een kenmeerk van onzen leeftijd. Pain. vol. 32. B. C. BOEKZAEL der Geleerde Werelt. See Maandelyke, etc. BOETHIUS (A. M. T. S.). Metres, in five books on the Consolations of Philosophy; with the Preface of P. Berty. London, 1811. 80.B, C, 96 NEW-YORK STATE B(EUFF ( J.F.A.). Grammar of the French Tongue. New-York, 1834. 120. BOGAERT (A.). See Dutch Dramas. BOGART ( William H.). Daniel Boone and the Hunters of Kentucky. Auburn, 1854. 120. BOHN (H. G.). Sale Catalogue of Books. London, 1841. 1948 pp. 80.......- Catalogue of Books, vol. 1, containing natural history, etc. London, 1847. 8~. -- Hand-book of Games: ed. by H. G. Bohn. London, 1850. 1.20. See Hand-books of Proverbs. BOIGNE ( Charles de). Du Cheval en France. Paris, 1843. 80. BOILEAU (Etienne). Livre des Metiers. Paris, 1847. 4o. BOILEAU. Ouvres Completes. See Malherbe. A(Ey]uvres. Paris, 1745. 2 vol. 120. B. C. BOISGELIN (LouiS de). Travels through Denmark and Sweden, including an Account of the Hanseatic League. London, 1810. 2 vol. 40. BoIssY ( 5i. D.). (Euvres de Theatre. Paris, 1837. 6 vol. 120. BOIKKALINI (Trajano). Kundschappen van Parnas: from the Italian, door N. J. W. Amsterdam, 1673. 3 vol. in 2. 18o. BOKUM (Hermann). An Introduction to the Study of the German Language. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1832. 80. B. C. BOLAND, on the Straits of Gibraltar. Churchill, vol. 4. BOLINGBROKE ( Henry). Voyage to the Demerary. London, 1807. 40. BOLINGBROKE. See St. John (Lord Bolingbroke). BOLLAND (Hon. Ba2ron). Catalogue of the choice and valuable collection of coins and medals of; with many very choice cabinets. London, 1841. 80. BOLLES (William). Explanatory and Phonographic Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language.... New-London, 1845. 80. BOLLMAN (Erick), M. D. Paragraphs on Banks. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1811. 120. The same. 1810. 8). BOLLER (Anton). Ausftihrliche Sanskrit Grammatik. Wien, 1847. 80. BOLMiAR'S Levizac's French Grammar. 33d ed. Philadelphia, 1851. 120. BOLTON (Robert) jr. A History of the County of Westchester, from the first settlement to the present time. New-York, 1848. 2 vol. 80. The same. 2 vol. 80. B. C. - History of the Prot. Episc. Church in the County of Westchester.... New-York, 1855. 80. - Guide to New-Rochelle and its vicinity. New-York, 1842. 160. BOMPARD (J. P.). Abreg6 sur la Culture de l'Olivier, etc. Draguinan, 1842. 4o. lBON ( Johannes) and T. Stook: Catalogue of their theological libraries for sale. Amsterdam, 1842, Pam. vol. 40. B. C, GENERAL LIBRARY. 97 BONAPARTE (Prince C. Lucien). Notes ornithologiques sur les collections rapport6es en 1853 par M. A. Delattre. Paris, 1854. 40. 1. Tableau des oiseaux-mouches, 1854; 2. Tableau des perroquets; 3. On the largest well known species of phaleridine bird: London, 1854. 1 vol. 8o. Iconographia della Fauna Italiana. Roma, 1830- 41. 3 vol. fol. American Ornithology. Philadelphia, 1825 - 33. 4 vol. fol. - Coup-d'ceil sur les ordres des pigeons. Paris, 1855. 4~. Report on the Progress of zoology and botany; containing observations on the state of zoology in Europe. London. See Rtay Society, Ist - 5th year. BONAPARTE ( Jacopo). Tableau Historique des e6vnemens survenus pendant le Sac de Rome en 1527, par J. B., temoin oculaire: traduit de l'italien. Paris, 1809. 8o. BONAPARTE ( Louis Napoleon). Political and historical XWorks; with a memoir. London, 1852. 2 vol. 80. BONAPARTE ( Lucien). MIemoirs, written by himself: trans. from the original manuscript. Part 1. New-York, 1836. 120. B. C. Charlemag;ne; or the Church delivered: an epic poem, trans. by Dr. S. Butler and Rev. F. Osgood. London, 1815. 2 vol. 40. BONAPARTE ( Napoleon). (Euvres Choisles, mises en ordre, et precedees d'une'tude litteraire par A. Pujol. Paris, 1843. 80o. Istoria di Napoleone Primo, Imperator de'Francesi, Re d'Italia, Protettore della Confederazione Renana. Venezia, 1807. 15 vol. in 5. 80. BONAPARTE PFAlMILY: The Napoleon Dynasty, or the History of the Bonaparte family.... By the Berkeley men, with 20 portraits. NewYork, 1852. 80. BoNARa and MI'CIHEYNE. Researches among the Jews. See Narrative. BOND (John W.). Minnesota and its resources. New-York, 1853. 120. BOND (WY., C.), GRAmIIA3 and PEIRCE. On the Latitude of Cambridge: from Meme. Am. Acad. See Pam. 40. vol. 1. BONDAGE, a Moral Institution, sanctioned by the Scriptures: by a Southern Farmer, )Macon, 1837. Pam. vol. 56. BONFILS ( M. le Comite de la Peyrouse). JIistoire de la Marine franeaise. Paris, 1845. 3 vol. 8o. BONICELLI ( Ant. J.). De Numnismate aereo, Lnucillam Aug. fil. et L. veri uxorem reforente: Dissertatio anonima, in lucem emissa cura A. J. Bonicelli. Venetiis, 1828. 40. BONJEAN ( Joseph). )Monographie de la pomme de terre, et Histoire generale de la maladie des pommnes de terre en 1845, avec un appendice... Paris, 1846. 8~. BONN: Acad. of Sciences. See Academia. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 13 98 NEW-YORK STATE BONNATERRE (L'Abbe). Cdtologie, Ichthyologie, Ophiologie, Ornithologie. See Encycl. Method. W. C. BONNET ( J. E.). E'tats-Unis de l'Amerique a la fin du xvyiii~ siecle. Paris, 1802. 2 vol. 12o. WV. C. 116. BONNYCASTLE ( Sir Richard 1I.). Account of the Dominions of Spain in the Western Hemisphere. Philadelphia, 1819. 8o. Newfoundland in 1842: A Sequel to 1" The Canadas in 1841." London, 1842. 2 vol. 80. Canada and the Canadians in 1846. London, 1846. 2 vol. 120. BONSTETTEN (Charles V. de). Voyage sur la Sc'ne des six derniers livres de l'Elnide.... Goneve, 1804. 80. BONTEKOE (Willem Ysebrants), van Hoorn. Journaal van de Oost-Indische Reyze, 1618-25: en't Journaal van Dirk Alberts Raven. Amsterdam, 1756. 40. BOOK ( The) or ENdGLISH SONGS, from the 16th to the 19th century. London, 1851. 120. BooK OF SCOTTISIH BALLADS, with historical and critical notices by Alexander Whitelaw. Edinburgh, 1853. 120. BOOK OF SCOTTISH SONGS: by the same. Edinburgh, 1854. 120. BOOKE (A) of the Arte and MIaner how to plant and graffe all sortes of trees, how to set stones.... englished by Leonard Maseall. London, 1575. sin. 40. Reprint. BooKs, rare, for sale at auction, Boston, 1815. Pam. vol. 20. B. C. BOON ( K.) an Engelant. See Engelant's Tooneel-Poazy. BOONE ( J. S.). Educational Economy of England. London, 1838. 80. BOOTH ( David ). Art of Brewing. See Lib. U. K. The Principles of English Composition. 2d ed. London, 1833. 12o. The Principles of English Grammar. London, 1837. 120. Glossary and Index to Nat. Phil. See Lib. U. K. An Analytical Dictionary of the English Language.... London, 1836. 80 BOOTH (Henry). A History of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, with a description of it. 2d ed. London, 1831. 80. BOOTH ( James) and SONS. Eigenthimer der flottbecker Baumschulen bei Hamburg. 1855. 80. BOOTH ( James C.). Memoir of the Geological Survey of the State of Delaware, &c. IPover, 1841. 80. and Campbell Morfit. On recent improvements in the chemical arts. Smithsonian Reports. Washington, 1851. 80..-...- assisted by Campbell Morfit. The Encyclopedia of Chemistry, practical and theoretical; with its application to the arts, metallurgy, etc. Philadelphia, 1850. 8o. BOOTH (L.). Abridgment of Mlurray's English Grammar. Albany, 1819.!8o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 99 BOOTrBY ( Miss Hill). See Johnson (S.), Life by himself. BOOTHBY ( R.). Description of Madagascar. Churchill, Supp. 2. BORDEAUX. Distribution d'eau dans la ville: Extrait des ddIliberations du conseil municipal. Bordeaux, 1851. 40. Catalogue des Livres composant la Biblioth'que de la ville. Paris, 1830 - 48. 6 vol. 80. Nouveau Conducteur de 1'etranger. Bordeaux, 1851. 180. BORDEN (SiImeon). A System of Useful Forinule for locating and constructing railloads. Boston, 1851. 80. BORDES (Auguste). Histoire des Monumens anciennes et modernes de la ville de Bordeaux, illustree. Paris, 1845. 2 vol. 40o. BORDLEY ( J. B.). Queries selected from a paper of the Board of Agriculture in London, on the nature and principles of vegetation; with answers.... 1797. pp. 19. Pamn. vol. 39. BORDLEY ( R.). Sketches on rotation of crops and other rural matters. Philadelphia, 1797. 80. BORLuIT. See Ovid. BORRI ( Christ.). Account of Cochin-China. Pinkerton, vol. 9; Chiurchill, vol. 2. BoRRow (George). The Zincali, or an Account of the Gypsies inSpain. 2 vol. in 1. New-York, 1842. 120. The Bible in Spain, &c. 4th ed. London, 1843. 3 vol. 120. Lavengro: The scholar, the gipsy, the priest. N.York, 1851. 120. The same. London, 1851. 3 vol. 120. BORY DE SAINT-VINCENT. L'Hommll e: Essai zoologique sur le genre humain. 2d ed. Paris, 1827. 2 vol. in 1. 16~. WT. C. 118. BosCANA (P. Geronimo). Chinigehinich: A Historical Account of the.... Indians.. of Alta California, called the Acagehemem. See lobinson ( A.). Bosca (Maria) en Agatha Deken ~ Stichtelyke Gedichten. Amsterdam, 1775. 40. BOSMAN (William). Description of the Coast of Guinea. Pinkerton, vol. 16. BoSSANGE (HIector). Catalogue Gerlleal de Livres Francais, Anglais, Allemands, Espagnols, Grees, etc.; suivi de prix courants. Paris, 1845. 80 Catalogue, etc.: Premier Supplemnent. Paris, 1847. S~. Catalogue, etc.: Troisieme Supplement. Paris, 1850. 80. - Catalogue de la Librairie de M. Bossange pere, dont la vente aura lieu 25 Jan. 1853. Paris, 1853. 80. Extrait du Catalogue Gdneral: Jurisprudence ancienne, moderne; Diplomatic.... Paris, 1845. 8o. BOSSCIHA (HIerm.). De inventea typographim. See Lennep (Van). BosSCHA (J.). Redevoeringi Hollandsche Maatsch van F. Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Sept. 1840. Leiden. 8o. B. C. 100 NEW-YORK STATE BossI (Luigi). Vita di Cristoforo Colombo. Milano, 1818. 8'. Histoire de Christophe Cololb: traduit de l'italien. Paris, 1824. 80. Wi. C. 119. Bossu ( M.). Nouveaux Voyages aux Indes Occidentales. 2 vol. in 1. Paris, 1768. 120. W. C. 120. - Nouveaux Voyages dans l'Amderique Septentrionale. Amsterdam, 1777. So. W. C. 121. - Travels through that part of North America formerly called Louisiana: froml the French. London, 1771. 2 vol. 80. BoSSUET ( J. B.). Discours sur l'Histoire Universelle, depuis le commencement du Monde jusqu'a l'Empire de Charlemagne. Paris, 1836. 2 vol. 18o. B. C. - The same. Amsterdam, 1763. 2 vol. 120. B. C. - - An Introduction to, or a Short Discourse concerning universal history: from the French, with some alterations by R. Spencer. London, 1731.'80 The same. London, 1810. 80. The History of the Variations of the Protestant Churches: trans. from last French ed. Dublin, 1829.' 2 vol. 80. ~- ---'The same. New-York, 1842. 2 vol. 120. B. C. ------- Oraisons Funebres. Paris, 1836. 180. B. C. BOSTON. See Pain. vol. 112, 113. Short Narrative of the horrid massacre in Boston, perpetrated in the evening of the 5th of March, 1770..... Printed by order of the town of Boston, 1770. See Pain. vol. 114. Additional Observations to a short narrative of the horrid massacre in Boston, perpetrated in the evening of the 5th of March, 1770 printed by order of the town of Boston, 1770. See Pam. vol. 114. Votes and Proceedings of the freeholders and other inhabitants of the town of Boston, etc. October, 1772. Boston. See Pam. vol. 115. Census and Statistics. Report of the City Council, 1846. See Shattuck, Statistical Papers. - City Documents, consisting of Reports on schools, police, fire department, public library, births, deaths and marriages, water, paupers, census, etc. from 1838 to 1853. 2 vol. 80. - Committee of Health and City Physician: Report on the cholera, 1849. 80. Comnion Schools: Regulations from the school committee, 1830. Pamin. vol. 20. B. C. Reports of Visiting Committees and Superintendents, rules and regulations, 1846 - 52. 4 vol. 80. F- ire Department: Annual reports, 1837 - 47. 80. - Houses of Industry and Reformation: Reports, 1838 - 49; with Mr. George Sumner's letter on prison discipline in France. 80. - Report 1851, 52. See Pam, vol. 162. GENERAL LIBRARY. 101 Inspectors of Prisons of the county of Suffolk, 1838 - 49, 1851., 52. 2 vol. 80.....- List of Persons, Copartnerships and Corporations, who were taxed twenty-five dollars and upwards in the year 1844. 80. The same, who were taxed on six thousand dollars and upwards in the years 1850, 51.. 80. Lunatic Hospital: Annual reports 1839 - 46, 48, 50, 51. 2 vol. 8~. Mu- lnicipal Register; Rules and Orders of the city council; List of officers, fornm 1834 to 1855, in 8 vol. 80. 80. irst two volumes called "Rules and Orders." Public Library: Reports, 1.852. See Pam. vol. 169. - Reports of Comm. on donations received from Paris, 1849. See Vattemare, Intern. Exe. - Railroad Jubilee.... commemorative of the opening of railroad communication between Boston and Canada, September 1851. Boston, 1852. 80. Receipts and Expenditures: Annual reports, 1824, 1826 - 30, 1833 - 48. 4 vol. 80. Water: Cochituate Water Board, report, with maps, 1852. 80. Publications on the Introduction of pure water into Boston: including reports of engineers, committees, etc.; and publications by Messrs. L. Baldwin, Shattuck, Treadwell, Wilkins, Rogers, Eddy, etc. 33 Pamphlets. 2 vol. 80. BOSTON ( The) ALMANACK, 1839 - 51: by S. N. Dickinson. Boston. 13 vol. 180o. BOSTON AND LOWELL Railroad reports, 1834. Pain. vol. 150. BOSTON AND PROVIDENCE, and Boston and Worcester R. R. reports, 1834. Pam. vol. 150. BOSTON ASYLUM and Farm School for indigent boys: act of incorp. etc. Pam. vol. 97. Report, 1852. Pam. vol. 96. BOSTON ATHENaEUr: Catalogue of the Library. Boston, 1827. 80. Catalogue of books added since 1827. Boston, 1840. 80. Memoir of: 1807. Boston. Pam. vol. 42. BOSTON ( The) ATLAS, semiweekly: March 24, 1841 - April 7, 1852. Vol. 17 - 19. Boston. 6 vol. fol. imperfect. BOSTON ( The) BOOK, being specimens of metropolitan literature. Boston, 1836, 37, 41, 50. 4 vol. 120. BOSTON CITY MISSIONARY SOCIETY: Annual reports, 1841 -48. 8o. - Reports, 1843, 1848. Pam. vol. 68. BOSTON DIRECTORY; containing the city record, a general directory of citizens, 1849 - 51. Boston. G. Adams. 2 vol. 8o. 102 NEW-YORK STATE BOSTON JOURNAL OF PLILOSOPHIY AND THE ARTS.... conducted by J. W. Webster, J. Ware, and ID. Treadwell. Boston, 1824 - 26. 3 vol. BOSTON MED. AND SUR. JOURNAL: March 5, 1851. Pamn. vol. 64. BOSTON MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Samuel L. Knapp, editor. Boston, 182526. 80. BOSTON ORATIONS. Orations delivered at the request of the inhabitants of the town of Boston, to commemorate the evening of the fifth of March, 1770: from 1771 to 1782. With An Oration, April, 1776, on the-reinterment of the remains of Gen. Joseph Warren, by Perez MIorton; and a Poem, by James Allen. Boston, P. Edes, 17T5. 120. BosToN Prison Discipline Society. See Prison Disc. Soc. BOSTON RECORDER: Two objects to be gained at once. 1822. Pam. vol. 5. B. C. BOSTON SCHOOL ATLAS. 4th ed. Boston, 1831. 40. BOSTON SEAMAN'S FRIEND SOCIETY: Reports, 1832. Pam. vol. 90. BOSTON SEAMAN'S AID SOCIETY: Reports, 1837, Pam. vol. 68; 1851, Pam. vol. 90. BOSTON SOCIETY OP NATURAL HISTORY: Proceedings, 1841 - 1854. Boston. 4 vol. So. Boston Journal of Natural History; containing papers and communications read to the Boston Society of Natural History, 1834-47: published by their direction. Boston, 1834-47. 5 vol. 80. BOSTON SOCIETY for the prevention of pauperism: Report, 1852. Pam. vol. 96. BOSTON SOCIETY for aiding discharged convicts: Reports, 1847, 48, 50. Pam. vol. 160, 162. BOSTON TABULAR representation of the present condition of Boston in relation to railroad facilities, and a few statements relative to the coinmerce of the Canadas: with a map. Boston, 1851. 80. BOSTON ( Rev. Thomas). A View of the Covenant of Grace, from the Sacred Records. Glasgow, 1770. 120. B. C. The Everlasting Espousals: A Sermon at the Lord's Supper, Ettrick, August, 171.4. Troy, 1812. SO. B. C. BOSWELL (James). Letters between the Hon. Andrew Erskine and J. B. London, 1765. 120. Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson. Philadelphia, 1810. 8~. The Life of Samuel Johnson. Dublin, 1792. 3 vol. 8o0. B. C. - The same. A new edition, with additions and notes by John Wilson Croker. London, 1831. 5 vol. 80. The same. Boston, 1832. 2 vol. o80. B. C. The same, with Notes of J. W. Croker, and supplementary volume of Johnsoniana, etc.. London, 1848. 10 vol. 12o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 103 BOSWORTH (Joseph), D.D. A Compendious Anglo-Saxon and English Dictionary. London, 1848. 80. BOSWORTH (Newton). History of Montreal. Montreal, 1839. 120. BOTANICAL MISCELLANY. See Hooker (W. J.). ZBOTELER (Thomas). Narrative of a Voyage of Discovery to Africa and Arabia, 1821 - 26. London, 1835. 2 vol. 80. BOTERO ( Gio.). Relationi Universali. Vicenza, 1595. 40. W. C. 122. BOTTA ( Carlo). Storia della Guerra dell Independenza dclegli Stati Uniti dAnierica. 30 ed. Milano, 1.819. 4 vol. 80. History of the War of Independence of the United States of America: trans. from the Italian by G. A. Otis.- Philadelphia, 1820. 3 vol. 80. Italy, during the Consulate and Empire of Napoleon Buonaparte: trans. from the Italian. 2 vol. in 1. Philadelphia, 1829. So. - I1 Camillo o vejo conquistata: Poema. Venezia, 1833. 4 vol. 180. BOTTA (P. E.). Monument de Ninive, d6couvert et decrit par P. E. Botta, mesure et dessinae par E. Flandin: Architecture et sculpture, vol. 1, 2; Inscriptions, vol. 3, 4; Texte, vol. 5. Paris, 1849. 5 vol. fol. BOTTICHER ( William). Geschichte der Carthager, nach den Quellen bearbeitet. Berlin, 1827. 80. BOTTS ( John MI.). To the Whigs of Virginia, on General Taylor. 1848. Pain. vol. 66. BoUCIARnDAT ( Dr. A.). Annuaire de th6rapeutique et de matiere medicalc.... pour 1842, 43, 45, 46; avec supplement, 1846. Paris. 4 vol. 4o. BBoUCHER (Jonathan). View of the Causes and Consequences of the American Revolution. London, 1797. 80. BOUCHER (M.) Histoire de la De6rnire Guerre entre la Grande-Bretagne et les Etats-Unis d'Amerique, la France, l'Espagne, et la Hollande. Paris, 1787. 40. W. C. 123. BOUTCHERON (Dr. P. P.) Traite du Systeme pileux, et en particulier des cheveux et de la barbe. Paris, 1837. 80. BOUCHET. See Du Bouchet. BOUCHETTE (Joseph). British Dominions in North America, including considerations on land-granting and emigration. London, 1832. 2 vol. 4o. - Description of Lower Canada, with Remarks upon Upper Canada. London, 1815. 80. W. C. 124. BOUCICAUT ( Jean le Maingre dit ). Histoire du Marechal de Boucicaut, Grand Conndetable de l'Empire de Constantinople.... contenant les evenemens.... depuis l'an 1378 jusqu'a 1415. La Haye, 1711. 180~. BOUDIN ( J. C. M.). Traite des Fievres intermittentes, remittentes, et continues. Paris, 1845. 8o. BOUDINOT (Elias), LL.D. A Star in the West, or an humble attempt to discern the lost ten tribes of Israel. Trenton, 1816. 80~ 104 NEW-YORK STATE. -. The Age of Revelation; or the Age of Reason shown to be an age of infidelity. Philadelphia, 1801. So. BouDRY DE LOZIERE. See Baudry de Loziere. BOUGAINVILLE (Baron de). Journal de la Navigation autour du Globe de la Fregate la Thetis et de la Corvette l'Esperance, pendant les annees 1824 - 26. Paris, 1827. Atlas of 56 plates. fol. BOUGAINvILLE ( L. de). Voyage autour dun Monde, 1]766 - 69. Pa,ris, 1771. 4o. W. C. 125. The same. Paris, 1772. 3 vol. 80. W. C. 126. Voyage round the World. Kerr, vol. 13. Voyage to the Falkland Islands. See Pernety. BOUGouER (P.). Voyage to Peru. Pinkerton, vol. 14. BOUILLI ( F. C. A.). Memoirs relating to the French Revolution. London, 1797. S. BOUILLET ( 1. N.). Dictionnaire Universel d'histoire et de geographie. 3d ed. Paris, 1845. 80. BOUILLON (F.). De l'Objet moral de l'6ducation. Paris, 1802. 120. BOULANGER ( N. A.). See Recherches. BOULDIN ( J. E. P.), M.D. An American among the Orientals. Philadelphia, 1855. 120. BOULEY ( M. H.). Discours prononeno a la distribution des prix. l'EIcole Royale Ve6trinaire d'Alfort. Paris, 1845. 80. BOULLENOIS ( M. Frederick de). Conseils aux Nouveaux Educateurs de vers a soie. Paris, 1842. 80. BOUQUET ( Henry), Colonel. Expedition against the Ohio Indians in 1764. Philadelphia and London, 1766. 4~. Relation Historique de l'Expedition contre les Indiens de l'Ohio, en 1764: trad. de l'anglois. Amsterdam, 1769. 8o. W. C. 127. The same. See Coll. of Voy. 2. BOURDALOUE: (E&vres. Paris, 1837. 3 vol. 80. C. L. BOURGEOIS ( MI.). Christophe Colomb, ou l'Am6rique Decouverte: posme. Paris, 1773. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 128. Voyages Interessans dans diff6rentes colonies franqaises et anglaises.... r6dig6 par M. N. (Nozugaret). Londres, 1788. 8o. W. C. 685. See Tourn-e dans les iEtats-Unis. BOURGOANNE: Travels in Spain. Pinkerton, vol. 5. BounICIus ( L. G.). Over de (Gevangenissen in Nederland. Leeuwarden, 1838. Pamn. vol. 31. B. C. BOURLET D'AMBOISE: I Mmoire Consultatif pr1csente au Commerce francais, 1835. Pam. vol. 18. BOURNE ( John). A Catechism of the steam engine. New-York, 1]849. 180. JBOURNE ( Vincent). Poetical Works, Oxford, 1826. 120, GENERAL LIBRARY. 105 BOURRIENNE: The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte; with Notes from the dictation of Napoleon at St. Helena, from the memoirs of the Duke of Rovigo, Gen. Rapp, of Constant, and others. Philadelphia, 1832. 8o. B. C. BOURRIT ( M.). Nouvelle Description des glacieres de Savoie. Geneve, 1785. 80. BoURSIER (M.). Histoire et Analyse du Livre de l'Action de Dieu. Vol. 1. Paris, 1753. 120. BOUSSINGAULT ( J. B.). Rural Economy, in its relations with chemistry, physics, and meteorology: from the French, with an introduction and notes by George Law. New-York, 1845. 120. BOUTEILLE (Dr. E. MI.). Trait- de la Choree, ou Danse de St. Guy. Paris, 1810. 80. BOUTERWEK ( F.). History of Spanish and Portuguese Literature: trans. from the German by Tomasina Ross. London, 1823. 2 vol. 8o. BOUTON ( Jacques). Relation de l'Etablissement des Franeais dans l'Isle de la Martinique, depuis l'an 1635. Paris, 1640. 12~. W. C. 129. BOUTON ( Nathaniel ). Two Sermons commemorating the organization of the first church in Concord, 1730. Concord, 1831. 80. IBOUVET DE CRESSE ( A. J. B.). Histoire de la Marine de tous les Peuples. Paris, 1824. 2 vol. So. W. C. 130. Bovis ( M. de). Essais sur l'Esprit des lois coloniales. Pam. vol. 13. BOWDEN (Rev. John), D.D. The Apostolic Origin of Episcopacy asserted in a series of letters to Rev. Dr. Miller. New-York, 1806. 2 vol. 12o. BowDIcHI (Edward T.). Missions from Cape Coast Castle to Ashantee, with a statistical account of that kingdom. London, 1819. 4o. BOWDICH,( Mrs. R. Lee). See Lee's Cuvier. BOWDICH ( Mr's. S.). Excursions in Madeira and Porto Santo during 1 823. London, 1825. 4. BOWDITCHI ( Nathaniel ). New American Practical Navigator. 5th edition. New-York, 1821. 8o. W. C. 131. Mc- anique Celeste of Laplace: translated, with a commentary. Boston, 1829 - 39. 4 vol. 4o. JBOWEN ( B. B.). A Blind Man's Offering. 2d ed. Boston, 1847. 120. The same. 120. B. C. BOWEN (Eli). The United States Post-office Guide: History, rates, routes, etc. New-York, 1851. 80. BOWEN (Capt. Essex). A Statement of facts in answer to Mrs. Gunning's letter.... London, 1792. Pain. vol. 140. BOWEN (Francis). Life of Benjamin Lincoln. See Sparks's Biog. vol. 23 BOWEN ( Henry L.). Memoirs of Tristam Burges, with selections from his speeches and occasional writings. Providence, 1835. 80. BowEN's Picture of Boston; or the citizen's and stranger's guide. 3d ed. Boston, 1838. 18%. r GEN. LIB. 1855.1 14 14 06 Nl3TiEW-YORK STATE BOWER, (Alexander) History of the University of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1817, 2 vol.; vol. 3, 18o0. 3 vol. 8. ]BOWnER (Archibald ). History of the Popes, from the Foundation of the See of ollle, toA.D. 1758; with an introduction and continuation to the present time, by l{ev SmnLuel I.-Cox. Philadelphia, 1844. 3 vol. 80. BiowEn ( RIev. Ii.). Essay on Hindu Caste. Calcutta, 1851. 8~. BoWLES ( William Augustus). Authentic Melmloirs. London, 1791. 12". V. C. 132. BOWLES (Rev,. William Lisle). Lessons in Criticism to William Roscoe aid the Quarterly Review. London, 1826. So. A Final Appeal to the Literary Public, relative to Pope...... London, 1825. 8~. Thoughts on the increase of crimes, the education of the poor. ]Pamphleteer, vol. 1l 1. B0W3IAN (John LE.). An. Introduction to practical chemistry, including analysis. 3hlilidelphia, 1849. 12o..BowaAS (Samuel). Account of his life, travels, and christian experience in the work of tle mlini lstry. Stanford, 1805. 120. BowRING ( Johln). Poetry of the Mag-yars, preceded by a Sketch of the language, and( iiterattml:e of IIllngary and Transylvania. London, 1830. 12'. A-ccount of' the state of the prisons in Spain and Portugal. Painmphleteer, vol. 23;....- and George Villiers. First Report on the commercial relations between Firance and G(reat Britain.... London, 1834. fol. and Harry S. Van Dyk. Batavian Anathology, or Specimens of the Dutch Poets. London, 1824. 1 %O See Bentham ( JT.). B130r ( J.). See.Young's Night Thougihts. BoYD ( Rev. James 1.). Eclectic Moral Philosophy: prepared for literary institutions alcnd general use. New-York, 1846. 120. BOYET (Abel ). Flrench Dictionary, with the Abb, Tdrt dy's pronunciation o... 3stoion, 1841. 8). - Dictionary abridged, French and English. 21st, edition, corrected by J. C. Prieur. Montrose, 1803. 80. B. C. BoYER ( F.), and G. de Labaunme. De la Culture du Mi'frier. Nimes, 1845. o. BOYLE ('evu. Isaac). A Historical View of the Council of Nice; with a, translation of documlents. Boston, 1836. So. BOYLE (R, 0obert). Plilosophical 7Works: edited by Peter Shaw. London, 1725. 3 vol. 40. BOYL, (Cact. Robert). Viaggi ed Avventure, con la Relazione del viaggio, e Salvamento del S. Castelnanl, inl Ci si vede una descrizione della Pensilvania e di Filadelfia sua capitale: tradotti dall inglese in italiano. Ienezin, 171." 80.'W. C. 13.?~~~~~ )O (-ENE RAL LIIBRARY. 107 BOYLSTON EDIC1AL SCHOOL C: Catalogue, 1851, 52. Pain. vol. 64. BOYLSTON ( Zabdiel). )An HIistorical Account of the Smallpox inoculated in New-England. 2dc ed. London, 1726. Boston, re-printed, 1730. 120. BOZeMAN ( J. L.) History of Maryland, during the three first years after its settlement. Baltimore, 1811. 80. - istory of Maryland, firom 1633 to 1660. Baltimore, 18$37. 2 vol. 80. B ACe ( Charles L.). Hungar'y in 1851, wivth anl experience of the kAumstrian police. New-York, 1852. 12o. BRACE (Joab) jr. A Key to Brace's Principles of English Grammar. Philadelphia, 1840. 180. BRACKENRIDGEC ( lHu1gh 1-.). Incidents of the Iinsu1trrection in the western parts of Pennsylvania in i794. Philadelphia, 1795. 80o. - bodernl Chivalry. 2 vol. in 1. Philadelphia, 1807, 8. 1'2. _ —---- History of the Late War between thle United States and Great Britain. Baltimore, 1817. 120.'W. C. 131. - istoire de la Guerre entre les E]tats-Unis d'..Am, rl'ique et l'Angleterre, en 1812-15: trad. par A. de Dalmnas. 2 vol. in i. i,is, 1820. (80. WV. C. 135. Letter to President Monroe on the present st;ate of South America, 1818. Pam. vol. 129. Views of Louisiana, with a journal of a voyage up thle Missouri River in 1811. Pittsburgh, 1814. 8o. W. C. 1386. Views of Louisiana. Baltimore, 1817. 12f. W. C. 137. Voyage to South America, in the Frigate Congress, in 1817 and 1818, by order of the American Government. London, 1820. 2 vol. 80. liecollections of Persons and Places in the West. Philadelphia, 1834. 12o. BRADBURY ( John). Travels in the Interior of America, 1809- 11, with a description of Upper Louisiana. Liverpool, 181.7. 80. W. C. 138. BRADBURY (ReV. Thomas). The Duty and Doctrine of Baptismn. NewYork, 1810. 120. BRADDON ( Lawrence). Bishop Burnet's History charged with partiality and misrepresentation, to make future agoes believe that Arthur, Earl of Essex, in 1683, murdered himself. London, 1725. 8. BRAD)FORD FAMILY: See Fessenden ( G. M5I.). BRADFORD (Alden). Oration, July 4, 1804, at Wiseasset, Mle. Paim. vol. 45. - Biograplhy of the Hon. Caleb Strong, Governor of MIass. Boston, 1820. 80. History of bIassachusetts, 1764 - 1820. Boston, 1822 - 29. 3 vol. 80. -- A Particular Account of the Battle of Bunker's or Breed's Hill, June 17, 1775: by a, citizen of Boston. Boston, 1825. 80. 108 NEW-YORK STATE - The same. 2d ed. Boston, 1825. 80......- History of the Federal Government for fifty years; from March 1789, to March 1839. Boston, 1840. 80. Biographical Notices of Distinguished Men in New-England: Statesmen, patriots, physicians, lawyers, clergymen and mechanics. Boston, 1842. 120. New-England Chronology, from the discovery of the country by Cabot in 1497, to 1820. Boston, 1843. 8~. BRADFORD (Alexandor W.). Discourse, N. Y. Historical Society, 1845. Pam. vol. 44. B. C. American Antiquities and Researches into the origin and history of the Red Race. New-York, 1841. 80. BRADFORD (Duncan). Wonders of the Heavens, being a popular view of astronomy. Boston, 1837. fol. BRADFORD (John M.), D.D. Sermon on the Dutch Emancipation Struggle. Albany, 1814. Pain. vol. 78; also Serm. vol. 1. B. C. Sermon, New-Brunswick, N. J. 1813. Sernm. vol. 1. B. C. Sermoft on the Word of Life, 1817. Pam. vol. 61. BRADFORD (Mrs. J. M.). Ups and Downs; or Silver lakes and sketches: by Cousin Cicely. New-York, 1855. 1 vol. 12o. BRADFORD (Samuel F.). The Impostor detected; or a Review of Writings of " Peter Porcupine." Philadelphia, 1796. Pain. vol. 66. BRADFORD ( T. G.). Illustrated Atlas, geographical, statistical, and historical, of the United States and the adjacent countries. Boston, 1838. fol. and S. G. Goodrich. Universal Illustrated Atlas, exhibiting a geographical, statistical, and historical view of the world. Boston, 1842. fol. BRADFORD ( William). Correspondence of the Emperor Charles V. and his Ambassadors at the Courts of England and France, edited by. London, 1850. 80. BRADFORD ( William), printer, N.Y. 1733 - 36. See Zenger. BRADFORD (William). Hist. of Plymouth Col. See Young (A.). BRADFORD (William J. A.). Notes on the Northwest, or Valley of the Upper Mississippi. New-York, 1846. 120. BRADLEY (C.). Grammatical Questions. New-York, 1816. 120. Connecticut (The) Register; or Official State Calendar of public officers and institutions in Connecticut, for 1847. Hartford. 180. BRADLEY (J.). Address to Masons. Cooperstown, 1824. See Pam. vol. 183. BRADLEY ( Joseph P.). Address before the Literary Societies of Rutgers College. New-Brunswick, 1849. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 109 BRADLEY (Stephen R.). Vermont's Appeal to the Candid and Impartial World: A Fair Statement of the claims of Massachusetts Bay, NewHampshire and New-York, and the right of the State of Vermont to independence. Hartfbrd, 1780. 120. BRADsAW''s Railway Companion. London, 1842. 18o. - Monthly Rail and Steam Navigation Guide. London. 1847. 120. The same, 1846. 120. B. C. The same, Aug. 1851. 120. BRADSTREET ( Martha). Memorial.... for impeachment of A. Conkling.... New-York, 1829. Pam. vol. 23. B. C. - Report of her Cause vs. A. Cooper: by W. Lacy. Albany, 1834. Pam. vol. 23. B. C. Opinion of A. Conkling, in Martha Bradstreet vs. H. Huntington, 1834. Pam. vol. 23. B. C. See Statement of Facts. Pam. vol. 23. B. C. An Offering at the Altar of Truth. New-York, 1827. Pam. vol. 23. B. C. BRADY (John). Clavis Calendaria, or a Comprehensive Analysis of the Calendar. 3d ed. London, 1815. 2 vol. 8-. BRADY (William). The Kedge Anchor, or Young Sailor's Assistant, etc: illustrated with engravings. 3d ed. New-York, 1848. 80. 3RAIJM ( Thomas H.) History of New South-Wales, from its settlement to the close of the year 1844. London, 1846. 2 vol. 120. BRAINARD ( Daniel), M.D. Ie'moire sur le traitement des fractures non reunies, et des deformites des os. Paris, 1854. 80. B3RAINARD (William F.). An Address at Groton Heights, 1825. NewLondon. 80o. BRAINERD (David). An Abridgment of his Journal among the Indians, or the Rise and Progress of a remarkable work of grace among the indians in the Provinces of New-Jersey and Pennsylvania: by P. Doddridge, D.D. London, 1748. 180. BRAINERD (Rev. Israel). Sermon on Free Agency, Utica, 1812. Pam. vol. 78. BRAITHWAITE ( Joseph B.). Memoirs of Joseph John Gurney, with selections from his journals and correspondence: ed. by J. B. B. Philadelphia, 1854. 2 vol. 8o. BRAITHWAITE (W.). Retrospect of Medicine, vol. 30, 1854. London. 120. BRAKEL (Wilhelmus a). Logicke Latreia, dat is Redelyke Godts-dienst. 2d and 3d vol. in 1. Amsterdam, 1748, 49. 4o0. B. C. BRAMAH (Francis). Series of Experiments on the strength of cast iron. Trans. Inst. Civil Eng. Vol. 2. BRAMAH (The) Lock Controversy. London, 1851. Pam. vol. 92. BRANCATIO: Della nuova disciplina et vera arte militare, viii libri. Venetia, Aldus, 1585. fol. 110 NEW -YORK STATE BRAND (John). Description of Orkney, Zetlancl.... Pinkerton, vol. 3. BRAND ( John). Observations on the popular antiquities of Great Britain: revised and enlarged by Sir Henry Ellis. London, 1849. 3 vol. 120. BRAND (Rev. John). Catalogue of his library, with the prices at the sale, 1807. London. 8o. BRANDE (Charles). Journal of a Voyage to Peru; a Passage across the Cordillera of the Andes in 1827.... London, 1828. 80. W. C. 140. BRANDE ( W. T.). General View of the Progress of chemical philosophy. Boston. See Stewart ( D.). See Quarterly Journal of Science. BRANDER ( G.). Fossilia Hantoniensa, or EHampshire Fossiles, collected, and in the British Museumn deposited. London, 1829. 40. BRANDIS. See Brender ( G.)' Brandis, Atlas. BRANDT (Caspar). EIistoire van het leven des heeren Hluig de Groot, met een anhangsel der zelve historie. Te Dordrecht en Amsterdam, 1732. 2 vol. in 1. fol. The same, 1727. fol. B. C. BRANNAN ( John). Official Letters of the military and naval officers of the United States during the War of 1812. Washington, 1823. 80. BRANT01.E ( Seig-neur de). Les Daimes Galantes. Nouvelle edition de A. Ph. Chasles. Paris, 1834. 2 vol. 80. 3RAUN ( F.). Verzeichniss der in der Kreis-naturalienlsanmlmlulng zu Bayreuth befindlichen petrefacten. Leipzig, 1840. 4o. BRAUN ( T.). Principes d'Education. See Encyc. pop. BRAWERN: Voyage to Chili. Churchill, vol. 1. BRAY ( William). Tour into Derbyshire and Yorkshire. Pinkerton. vol.'2. See Evelyn's ( John) Memoirs. BRAZER (Rev. John). Sermon, Education Soc. Harv. Univ. 1825. Serm. vol. 3. B. C. Address, 1835; and Sermon, 1837. Pain. vol. 105. BRAZIL. Constitucdo Politico do Imperio do Brasil, e Carta Constitucional do Reino de Portugal. Paris, 1830. 80. W. C. 141. BRECK ( Samuel ). Sketch of the internal improvements already made by Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1818. Pamn. vol. 7. B. C. BRECKENRIDGE ( R. J.). Memoranda of foreign travel. Baltimore, 1845. 2 vol. 120. BREEDEN RXEDT. See Extracts from. BREES (S. C.). Railway Practice; with a Series of original designs for every description of railway works, etc., and a glossary of technical terms. 2d ed. London, 1838 - 39. 3 vol. 40. - The same: Second series. London, 1840. 40 Third series, Railway Practice: A Collection of working plans and practical details of construction in the public works of the most celebrated engineers. London, 1847. 40. GENERAL LIBRARY. 111 Fourth series of the same. London, 1847. 4o. BREArER ( Frederika). Works: trans. by Mary Howitt. London, 1852- 53. 4 vol. 120. --- The Neighbours: translated from the Swedish, by Mary Howitt. New-York, 1850. 120. The Homes of the New World; Impressions of America: trans. by Mary Howitt. New-York, 1853. 2 vol. 120. BRENDER ( G.)' Brandis. Nienwe Natuur- geschied - en handelkundige Zak - en iReis - atlas. Amsterdam, Giravius, 1780? 80. BRENT ( John Carroll). Biographical Sketch of the Most Reverend John Carroll, first Archbishop of Baltimore; with portions of his writings. Baltinore, 1843. 12~. BRERA ( Val. Luigi). Lezioni M3edico-pratiche sopra i principali vermi del corpo umnano vivente, e le cose delle malattie verminose. Crema, 1802. fol. BRERETON ( John A.), M.D. FlorL Columbianm Prodromus. W~ashington, 1830. 120. BRER:EWOOD (Edwardus). Tractatus quidam logici de proedicalibus et pr edicamentis; et Tractatus duo, prior de meteoris, posterior de oculo: per T. S. Oxonire, 1659. 180. BRESSANY ( R. P. F. J.). Relation Abr6gC;e de Quelques Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus, dans la Nouvelle-France: traduit de l'italien par le R. P. F. Maartin. Montreal, 1852. 8o. BRETSCHNEJIDER ( HE. G.). Over de Strijdigheid, die er bestaat tusschen de natuurkundige wetensehappen en de Godgeleerde begrippen... vertaald uit het hoogduitsch. Gravenhage, 18453. Pam. vol. 32. B. C. BRETT ( Rev. WV. H.). The Indian Tribes of Guiana. N. York, 1852. 120. BREVAL (John). History of the Most Illustrious HIouse of Nassau, with original letters of King William. London, 1734. 80~. - Travels through France, the Low Countries, &c. London, 1726. 2 vol. fol. BREWER ( Rev. Dr.). A Guide to the Scientific Knowledge of things familiar. New-York, 1851. 18o. BREWSTER ( Sir David ). Martyrs of Science; or the Lives of Galileo, Tycho Brahe, and Kepler. London, 1841. 12o..Treatise on Optics. Lardner's Cyclopdclia, vol. 8. Treatise on Optics. See Lib. U. K. Nat. Phil. A Treatise on Optics. New ed. London, 1853. 120. The Life of Sir Isaac Newton. New-York, 1832. 180. B..C. M- emoirs of the life, writings and discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton. Edinburgh, 1855. 2 vol. 120. Polarization of Light. See Lib. U. K. Nat. Phil. See Edinburgh Phil. Jour.; also London and Edinb. Phil. Jour, -- See Edinburgh Encyclopm dia, 112 NEW-YORK STATE BRICIKELL (John), llI.D. The Natural History of North-Carolina; with an Account of the trade, manners and customs of the Christian and Indian inhabitants. Dublin. 1737. 80. BRIDGE ( Rev. William). Valuable Treasure restored to light; or Faith's Spoils preserved from oblivion: Seven sermons. New-York, 1823. 120. B. C. BRIDGEWATER TREATISES: On the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God. Nine treatises in 12 vol. 80. See Chalmers, Kidd, Whewell, Bell, Roget, Buckland, Kirby, Prout, and Babbage. BRIDGMAN (Thomas). Inscriptions on the Gravestones in the Graveyards of Northampton, and other towns in the Valley of the Connecticut... Northampton, 1850. 120. BRIEFE aus den Vereinigten Staaten van Nord - Amerika: von *. Leipzig, 1853. 2 vol. 120. BRIERRiE DE BOISMONT. Directions for the Establishment and Government of lunatic asylums: trans. by E. Q. Sewell. Pam. vol. 27. B. C. BRIFFAULT (F. T.). The Prisoner of Ham: Authentic Details of the captivity and escape of Prince Louis Napoleon. London, 1846. 120. BRIGHAM (Amariah), M.D. Remarks on the Influence of mental cultivation upon health. Hartford, 1832. 120. An Inquiry concerning the Diseases and Functions of the Brain, the spinal cord and the nerves. New-York, 1840. 12o. - ~: Remarks on the Influence of mental cultivation and mental excitement upon health. 3d ed. Philadelphia, 1848. 180. The Utica Asylum Souvenir. Utica: printed at the asylum, 1849. 18'). BRIGHT ( Richard). Travels from Vienna through Lower Hungary, with remarks on the state of Vienna during the Congress in 1814. Edinburgh, 1818. 40. BRIGHTLAND (John). Grammar of the English tongue. 3d ed. London, 1714. 12). BRINCKERH OFF (Jacob.). Speech on the Wilmot Proviso. U. S. H. of Repr. 1847. Pam. vol. 22. BRINE (John). Animadversions on the Letters of Theron and Aspasia. 1758. Pam. vol. 28. BRION (M.). Almanach Interessant; Description abreg6e des Etats-Unis de l'Am6rique, etc. Paris, 1778. 160. W. C. 144. BRION (L.). La Clef de l'arithmetique industrielle. Paris, 1836. 80. BRISBANE (A.). Social Destiny of Man, or association and reorganization of industry. Philadelphia, 1840. 120. BRIssoN (M. J.). Traite Elementaire, ou Principes de Physique. 3d ed. Paris, an viii. 3 vol. o8. C. L. BRISSOT DE WARVILLE (J. P.). Examen Critique des Voyages dans 1'Amerique septentrionale, de M. le Marquis de Chastellux. London, 1786. 80. W. C. 145. De la France et des Etats-Unis. See Claviere (E.). W. C. 230. GENERAL LIBRARY. 113 Nouveau Voyage dans les Etats-Unis de l'Amerique Septentrionale, fait en 1788. Paris, 1791. 3 vol. 80. W. C. 146. New Travels in the United States of America, in 1788: from the French. New-York, 1792. 120. BRISTED ( Charles A.). A Letter to the -THon. Horace Mann. New-York, 1850. 180. Five Years in an English University. New-York, 1852. 2 vol. 120. BRISTED ( John). Hints-on the National Bankruptcy of Great Britain, and on her resources, New-York, 1809. 80o. The same. 8o. B. C. The Resources of the British Empire, together with a view of the probable result of the contest between Britain and France. New-York, 1811. 80. B. C. Oration: Utility of literary establishments. New-York. 1814. Pam.l vol. 71. See Monthly Register. Resources of the United States of America. New-York, 1818. 80. The same. 80. B. C. BRISTOL STATISTICAL SOCIETY, Eng.: Proceedings, 1838; with C. B. Fripp, Statistics of the City of New-York. Proceedings, Second Annual Meeting, 1839. BRITAIN. See Great Britain. BRITISH ALMANAC AND COMrPANION, 1828 - 53. London. 28 vol. 120. - Index, from 1828 to 1843. London, 1843. 120. BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY: 26th report, 1830. London. 80. B. C. History of. See Owen ( J.). BRITISH AND FOREIGN MEDICO-CHIRURGICAL REVIEW, vol. 14- 16. London, 1854, 55. 3 vol. 8~. BRITISH HUSBANDRY: Exhibiting the farming practice in various parts of the United Kingdom. London, 1834. 3 vol. 8~. BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE: Reports from the 1st to the 23d meeting, 1831 - 54. London, 1835- 54. 22 vol. 80. - Lithographed Signatures of the Members who met at Cambridge in 1833, with a report of the proceedings, and a list of members. Cambridge, 1833. 40. BRITISH (The) EirPIRE in America; containing the History of the discovery, settlement, progress, and state of the British colonies on the continent and islands of America. 2d edition, continued from 1708 till the present time: by J. Oldmixon? London, 1741. 2 vol. 80. Maps by H. nMoll. The same, 1741. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 695. [ GEN. LIBI 1855.1 15 114 NEW-YORK STATE.-... The same trans. in German, by M. Viseher: " Gross-Britannischer America." Hamburg, 1710. 12'. BRITISH Influence on the Affairs of the United States, proved and explained. Boston, 1804. pp. 23. Pam. vol. 44. BRITISH MUSEUM: Catalogue of the Cottonian, Harleian, and Lansdowne MSS. See Law Lib. Cat. Reports of House of Commons on the Museum and Library. See Law Lib. Cat. Synopsis of the Contents. 33d ed. London, 1837. 180. The same, 57th ed. London, 1851. 18i. A Short Guide to that portion of the library of printed books now open to the public, 1851. 120. BRITISH PARLIAMENT. See Great Britain. BRITISH PACKET AND ARGENTINE NEWS: Buenos Ayres, July -Sept. 1849. Newsp. vol. 8. BRITISH ( The) TREATY; with an Appendix of State Papers, which are now first published: America, printed, unknown where, or by whom sold; reprinted, London, 1808. The Appendix contains Jay's Commercial Treaty 1794, and Observations on the Treaty between Lords Holland and Aukland and Messrs. Monroe and Pinkney; with Observations on the American Treaty, in eleven letters, by Decius. London, 1808. Also T. P. Courtenay's Additional Observations on the American Treaty; with an appendix of state papers. London, 1808. 80. BRITISH TYRANNY; or American Liberty Triumphant. Philadelphia, 1776. Pam. vol. 13. BRITTAN (Rev. S. B.). Discourse on War. Albany, 1847. Pam. vol. 78; and MIuns. Pam. vol. 2. BROAD (A) Hint to Nobody. New-York, 1829. Pam. vol. 56. BROCKETT ( L. P.). Geography of New-York. See Mather (J. II.). BRocKLESBY (John). Elements of Meteorology, with questions for examination,.... New-York, 1848. 120. BROCKWAY (J.). Essay on the decay of teeth. Troy, 1832. Pain. vol. 89. BRODERIP (W. J.). Zoological Recreations. 2d ed. London, 1848. 120. BRODHEAD (Jacob). Sermon at Central Dutch Church, Brooklyn, 1851. 80. BRODHEAD (John Romeyn). Final Report of the Agent of the State of New-York, to procure and transmit documents in Europe relative to the Colonial History of said State. Albany, 1846. 80.. —- The same. 80. B. C. Address, New-York Historical Society, Nov. 1844. New-York, 1844. 8o. The same. 8-). B. C. - History of the State of New-York from 1609 to 1664. New-York, 1852. 8o. Two copies..-.... See New-York Colonial Hist. GENERAL LIBRARY. 115 BRODIE (Walter). Pitcairn's Island and the Islanders in 1850, with a few hints upon California. London, 1851. 80. BROECKIIOFF (Johan Pieter). Dicht-en Zedekundige Zinnebeelden en Bespiegelingen. Amsterdam, 1770. 40. BROMME ( Traugott). Nordamerika's Bewohner, Schonheiten, und Naturschatze im allgemeinen, und die brittischen besitzungen insbesondere. Stuttgart, 1839. 80. Atlas zu A. von Humboldt's Kosmos in 42 tafeln, mit erlauternden texte. Stuttgart, 1851. ob. 40. BROMLEY ( Robert A.). Philosophical and Critical History of the fine arts, painting, sculpture, and architecture. London, 1793. 2 vol. 40. BRONGNIART (Alexander). Traite des Arts ceramiques et des potcries. Paris, 1844. 2 vol. 80, with atlas 4~. BRONGNIART (Adolphe). Histoire des Vegetaux fossiles, on Recherches botaniques et geologiques sur les vegetaux renfermes dans les diverses couches du globe. Vol. 1, Paris, 1828; vol. 2, Paris, 1837. 25 plates. 2 vol. 40. BRONSON ( E.), M.D. On the Original Unity of the Human Race. 1831. Pam. vol. 86. - ode of Reasoning on medical as compared with other subjects, 1832: from Quart. Christ. Spec. Pam. vol. 86. BRONSON ( Isaac). Outline of a Plan for a National Bank, 1833. See Pain. vol. 154. BRONT~ ( Miss Ann). Wuthering Heights: A Novel, in 2 parts. NewYork, 1848. 12o. B. C. BRooKE (James), Rajah of Sarawak. Narrative of Events in Borneo and Celebes, down to the occupation of Labuan: from the journals of James Brooke... with a narrative of the operations of H. NI. S. Dido, by Capt. Rodney Mundy. London, 1848. 2 vol. 80. BROOKES (R.). New Universal Gazetteer, with a brief dictionary of commerce. Philadelphia, 1839. 80. BROOKLINE, Mass.: Report of School Committee, 1840. Pam. vol. 70. Tax-list, 1854. Pam. vol. 192. BROOKS (Erastus). Controversy with ( John Hughes) the Archbishop of New-York, growing out of his Speech on the Church property bill; with a preface by W. S. Tisdale. New-York, 1855. 80. BROOKS (Rev. Charles). Remarks on Europe, relating to education, peace, and labor. New-York, 1846. Pam. vol. 44. B. C. BROOKS (James G.). Poem, Phi Beta Kappa Soc. New-Haven, 1826. Pam. vol. 71. BRooKs (J. Tyrwhitt), M.D. Four Months among the Goldfinders in California. New-York, 1849. 80. BROOKsIANA; or the Controversy between Senator Brooks and Archbishop Hughes, with an introduction by the Archbishop. N. York, 1855. 120. BRaSSES (Charles des). Histoire des Navigations aux Terres Australes. Paris, 1756. 2 vol. 40. W. C. 150. 116 NEW-YORK STATE Traite de la formation micanique des langues. Paris, 1765. 2 vol. 120. BROSSET ( M.) jeune: Chronique Georgienne, trad. par. Paris, 1831. 80. BR]OTHERS (Richard). A Revealed Knowledge of the prophecies and times, book I and 2, Philadelphia, 1795; and Nathaniel Brassay's testimony to the authenticity of the prophecies of Richard Brothers, Philadelphia, 1795. 8s. B3ROUGHAM (Henry, Lord ). Inquiry into the Colonial Policy of the European Powers. Edinburgh, 1803. 2 vol. 8o. - 1. Speech, April 1, 1808, in the House of Commons; 2. Inaugural Discourse at Glasgow, 1825; 3. Practical Observations on Education, 1826: in one vol. 80. - A Discourse of the Objects.... of Science: bound with treatises on hydrostatics, hydraulics, pneumatics and heat. Soc. Diff. Use. Knowzol. London, 1827. 80. B. C. The same. Panm. vol. 79. - Hydrostatics. See Lib. U. K. Nat. Phil. Speech, House of Commons, on the present state of the law, 1828. Philadelphia, 1828. 80. Also Pam. vol. 11. B. C. Speeches and Writings, with a brief memoir of his life. London, 1832. 80. Refutation of Calumnies against the Lord Chancellor, in the Quarterly Review. London, 1833. 80. -- Discourse of Natural Theology, showing the nature of the evidence and the advantages of the study. 3d ed. London, 1835. 1.20. The same. Philadelphia, 1835. 12o. B. C. Historical Sketches of Statesmen who flourished in the time of George the III. First and second series. London, 1839. 2 vol. 80. B. C. The same. Philadelphia, 1840. 2 vol. 80. The same. Paris, 1839. 80. - The same. Third series. Philadelphia, 1844. 120. B. C..-...- Answer to Lord Londonderry's Letter. London, 1839. 80.. —..- Letters and Speeches on various subjects. Vol. 1. Philadelphia, 1840. 120. Speeches upon Questions relating to public rights, duties and interests, with historical introductions. Philadelphia, 1841. 2 vol. 80. The same. 2 vol. 80. B. C. Opinions of, on politics, theology.... as exhibited in his speeches and writings. Paris, 1841. 80. B. C. Political Philosophy. London, 1844. 3 vol. 8~. Lives of Men of Letters and Science, who flourished in the time of George the Third. London, 1845 - 46. 2 vol. 80. The same. Vol. 1. London, 1845. B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 117 Letter to the {Marquis of Lansdowne, on the late Revolution in France. 4th ed. London, 1848. 80. W- orks. New edition: vol 1, Lives of philosophers, reign of George III; vol. 2. Lives of men of letters, reign of George III. London, 1.855. 2 vol. 120. BROUGHTON (William Robert). A Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, in his Majesty's Sloop Providence, in the years 1795 - 98. London, 1804. 40. BnoussAIs ( J. F. V.) Cholera: Two clinical lectures; from the French. New-York, 1832. Pam. vol. 86. BROUWER ( Hendrick). Journal ende Historis verhael van de Reyse gedaen by Oosten de Straet le Maire, naer de Custen van Chili, in den jare 1643. Amsterdam, 1646. sm. 4o. BROUWER (P. van Lirnburg). Het Leven van Mr. Samuel Iperuszoon Wiselius. Groningen, 1846. 80. BROWN (Bedford). Speech in Cong. on Duties of public officers. 1838. Pam. vol. 59. BROWN ( C.). Narrative of the Expedition from England to South America, for the service of the patriots, in 1817. London, 1819. 80. W. C. 151. BROWN (C. B.). See American Register; also Literary. Magazine, and Monthly Magazine. The Novels of: Wieland, Arthur Mervyn, Ormond, Edgar tuntly, Jane Talbot and Clara Howard; with a memoir of the author. Boston, 1827. 7 vol. 1.20. The same. 7 vol. B. C(J. Address (An) to the Congress of the United States, on the utility and justice of restrictions upon foreign commerce. Philadelphia. Pam. vol. 1. B. C. British (The) Treaty with America, 1806. Pam. vol. 1. B. C. BROWN (David P.). Address, Rutgers Coll. 1835. Pam. vol. 77. BROWN ( George W.). Discourse: Growth of Civil Liberty in Maryland, 1850. See Maryland Hist. Soc. Address, Rutgers Coll. 1851. Pam. vol. 77. BROWN ( Goold ). The Institutes of English Grammar, with a key. 2d ed. New-York, 1825. 120.....- The First Lines of English Grammar. New-York, 1826. 180. The Grammar of English Grammars. New-York, 1851. 80. BROWN (Henry). Narrative of the Anti-masonic excitement in the western part of the State of New-York, 1826, 27, 28 and 29. Batavia, 1829. 120. - History of Illinois. New-York, 1844. 80. BROWN (Rev. Isaac V.). Memoirs of Robert Finley, D.D., President of Franklin Coll. Georgia. New Brunswick, 1819. 80. 118 NEW-YORK STATE BROWN (Rev. James). Fast-day Sermon at Harlow, Essex, 1780. Pam. vol. 28. BROWN (James). A Treatise on the difficulties in the present system of English grammar. Albany, 1819. 80..... —- Preface to the American Grammar. New-York, 1821. 18o. An American Grammar. New-York, 1821. 18o. ------- The same. Troy, 1820. 120. BROWN ( John). Essays on the Characteristics of the Earl of Shaftesbury. 3d ed. London, 1752. 8:i. B. C. BROWN ( John P.) See Turkish Evening Entertainments. BROWN (Dr. Samuel). On Yellow Fever. Pam. vol. 39. BROWN ( Samuel R.). View of the Campaigns of the Northwestern Army.... Troy, 1814. 120. The Western Gazetteer, or Emigrant's Directory; containing a Description of the Western States.... Auburn, 1820. 80. BROWN (Thomas). Account of the People called Shakers. Troy, 1812. 12o. BROWN ( Thomas). Lectures on the Philosophy of the Human Mind. Boston, 1826. 2 vol. 80. BROWN (Capt. Thomas). Illustrations of the Land and Freshwater Conchology of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1845. 80. BROWN (William), D.D. Antiquities of the Jews, with a Dissertation on the Hebrew Language: from Jenning's Jewish Antiquities. Philadelphia, 1823. 2 vol. 80. B. C. The same. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1826. 2 vol. 80. BROWN ( W.). Catalogue of English and Foreign Books. London, 1840. 80. BROWN ( William H.). Portrait Gallery of Distinguished American Citizens, with biographical sketches and fac-similes of original letters. Hartford, 1845. fol. BROWN (W. S.). Treatise on the human teeth. Albany, 1847. Pam. vol. 46. B. C. BRowN UNIVERSITY: Catalogue of the Library, with an index. Providence, R. I. 1843. BROOWNE'S Banking and Mercantile Table, Interest Table and Countinghouse Almanack, for 126 years, 1794 - 1901. New-York, 1841. 4o. BROWNE ( D. J.). The Etymological Encyclopaedia of technical words and phrases used in the arts and sciences. Boston, 1832. 120. B. C. The Trees of America, native and foreign, pictorially and botanically delineated. New-York, 1846. 8o..... — The American Muck-book.... New-York, 1850. 120. BROWNE (Edward). Travels through Germany. Harris, vol. 2. BROWNE (James), LL.D. A History of the Highlands and the Highland Clans. Glasgow, 1843. 4 vol. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 119 BROWNE ( J. Ross). Etchings of a Whaling Cruise, with notes of a sojourn on the Island of Zanzibar; with a brief history of the whale fishery. New-York, 1846. 80. [BROWNE ( Patrick). The Civil and Natural History of Jamaica, with numerous plates. London, 1789. fol. BROWNE ( Peter A.). Address intended' to promote a Geological Survey of Pennsylvania, 1826. Pam. vol. 74. Memorial to the Leg. of Penn. for a Geol. Survey. Pam. vol. 92. BROWNE (Sir Thomas). Works. London, 1686. fol. Works, including his Life and Correspondence: edited by Simon Wilkin, F.L.S. London, 1836. 4 vol. 80..-... - The same. London, Bohn, 1852. 3 vol. 120. BROWNE ( W. G.). Travels in Africa, Egypt and Syria, 1792- 98. 2d ed. London, 1806. 4o. EROWNELL (Pardon), M.D. Inaug. Diss. on Animal heat, 1814. Pam. vol. 86. BROWNELL ( T. C.), D.D. Bp. Address, Gen. Theol. Sem. N. Y. 1832. Pam. vol. 77. BROWNING (Charles). Appeal to the Citizens of Maryland, from the legitimate heirs of the Baltimore family. Baltimore, 1821. 8.. BROWNING ( W. S.). History of the IIuguenots.... to the present time. Philadelphia, 1845. 80. BROWNLEE (W. C.), D.D. A Relation of the fearful state of Francis Spira, after he turned apostate from the Protestant to the Romish Church.... with notes. Philadelphia, 1814. 120. B. C. - Dissertation on the nature and obligation of a civil oath. Pam. vol. 13. See Magazine of the Ref. Dutch Church. BROWNRIGG (William). Art of making common salt. London, 1748. 80. BROWNSON'S ( O. A.) QUARTERLY REVIEW: 1st series, 1844 - 46, 3 vol.; 2d series, 1847-52, 6 vol.; 3d series, 1853-55, 2 vol. Boston, 12 vol. 80. A Discourse on the wants of the times. Boston, 1836. 80. BRUCE (A.). See American Mineralogical Journal. BRUCE (James). Travels to discover the Source of the Nile. Edinburgh, 1790. 5 vol. 4o. BRaCE ( Peter H.). Memoirs, containing an account of his travels. Dublin, 1783. 80~. [BRUEN ( Matthias). Sermon, Oratory Chapel, Paris, 1819. Serm. vol. 2. Thanksgiving Sermon, Woodbridge, N. Y. 1822. Sermon. vol. 2. B. C. Discourse, N.Y. Female Aux. Bible Society, 1823. Pam. vol. 5. B. C. 120 NEW-YORK STATE: — Essays, Descriptive and Moral, on Scenes in Italy, Switzerland and France: by an American. Edinburgh, 1823. 12 ).. C. 2 copies. Memoirs of the Life and Character of. New-York, 1831. 8o. BRUGI-. See Van Brugh, under Wycherley. BRUGMANS (A.). Verhandeling over de gevolgen van denkbeeldige begrippen, beschouwd in eene vergelijking van de staatsomwentelingen in Engeland en Frankrijk, 1829. Amsterdam. Pain. vol. 30. B. C. BRULLIOT ( Franqois). Dictionnaire des monogrammles, marques figurees, lettres initiales, noms abreges.... Munich, 1832. 40. BRUN (Jean B.). Le Triomphe du Nouveau Monde. 2 vol. in 1. Paris, 1785. 80. W. C. 152. BRUNET ( Jacques Charles). Manuel du Libraire et de l'Amateur de Livres. 4.le ed. Paris, 1842 - 44. 5 vol. 8o. BRUNIUS (C. G.). Skhines Historia och Beskrifning: SkLines Konst historia for Medeltiden. Lund, 1850. 80. BRUNTON (Mary). Self-Control: A novel. Philadelphia, 1811. 2 vol. 12o. B. C. BRUTO (Jo. Michael). I-istorix Florentinve libri octo. Venetiis, 1764. 4o. BRY (Theodorus de). A Collection of Voyages and Travels to America and the East Indies, in Latin, nine parts, published at Frankfort on the Main, 1590 - 1602. 4 vol. fol. W. C. 153. Contents Vol. 1; part 1. Harriot's Account of Virginia. 22 plates. " part 2. Account of Florida, by De Moyne. a part 3. Stadius' and Lerius' Voyages in Brazil. 46 plates. Vol. 2, parts 4 & 5. Benzoni's Account of the New World. 46 plates. Vol. 3, part 6. Benzoni's Account continued. 28 plates. " part 7. Ulric Faber's India. " part 8. Drake's, Cavendish's and Raleigh's Voyages. 19 plates. Vol. 4, part 9. Bry's General Description of the New World; Sebalt de Weert's and Olivier de Noort's Voyages to Straits of Magellan. 39 plates. - Narratio Regionum Indicarum per Hispanos quosdam devastataum verissima ( B. de las Casas). Francofurti, 1598. 40. BRYAN (Daniel). The Mountain Muse; comprising the Adventures of Daniel Boone, and the power of virtuous and refined beauty. Harrisonburg, 1813. 120. BRYAN (George). Life of George P. Barker, and the Funeral Sermon, by Rev. John C. Lord, D.D. Buffalo, 1849. 120. BRYANT ( Edwin). What I saw in California: A Journal of a tour in 1846 and 1847. New-York, 1848. 120. BRYANT ( William Cullen), and Rev. William Ware. Notices of the Life and Character of Roger Gerard Van Polanen: from the Christ. Reg. Oct. 12, 1833. 1847. 80o. B. C. Poems, with Illustrations by E. Leutze. Philadelphia, 1847. 80. Oration, on the Death of Thomas Cole, before the National Academy of Design, 1848. New-York, 1848. 80. 2 copies. GENERAL LIBRARY. 121 —. Letters of a Traveller, or Notes of things seen in Europe and America. New-York, 1850. 120. BRYDGES ( Sir Egerton): The Autobiography, times, opinions and contemporaries of. London, 1834. 2 vol. 8 >. The same. 2 vol. 8 B. C.....- Censura Literaria; containing titles, abstracts and opinions of old English books. 2d ed. London, 1815. 10 vol. 80. Recollections of Foreign Travel; or life, literature and self-knowledge. London, 1825. 2 vol. 120. - What are Riches? Or an Examination of the definitions of this subject by modern economists. Pamphleteer, vol. 20. BRYDONE (F.). Tour through Sicily and Malta. New-York, 1813. 120. BUCH ( Leopold von). Travels through Norway and Lapland, 1806- 08: trans. by John Black, with an account of the author by IR. Jameson. London, 1813. 4o. BUCHAN (William), M.D. Domestic Medicine; or a Treatise on the prevention and cure of diseases. Exeter, N. H. 1828. 80. B. C. BUCHANAN (Claudius), D.D. Sermon: The Star in the East, 1809. Pam. vol. 61, and Serm. vol. 1. B. C. ---- Sermons; to which are added, Christian Researches in Asia. 5th ed. London, 1812. 80o. BUCHANAN (George). Rerum Scoticarum Historia.... Sed notas.... summa curia addidit Jacobus Man. Abredoniv, 1762. 80. --- Paraphrasis Psalmorum Davidis Poetica. Glasgum, 1790. 180. B. C. BUCHANAN (Francis). Journey from Madras. See Hamilton ( F. Buchanan). BUCHANAN (James). Sketches of the history, manners, and customs of the North American Indians. London, 1824. 8'. W. C. 154. BUCHANAN (James). Speech, U. S. Sen. on additional duties, 1837. Pam. vol. 28. B. C. Speech U. S. Sen. on the Indepen. Treasury, 1840. Pani. vol. 57. Collection of his Speeches from 1836 to 1844, in 1 vol. 80. -. — -Correspondence on the Oregon Question with British Minister. Pam. vol. 180. —. —- King and Brown: Remarks in the Senate on the Currency, 1840. Pam. vol. 57. BUCHANAN (Joseph). The Philosophy of Human Nature. Richmond, Ky. 1812. 80~. BUCHANAN ( Robert). The Culture of the Grape, and wine-making; with an appendix containing instructions for the cultivation of the strawberry, by N. Longworth. Cincinnati, 1852. 120. GEN. LIB. 1855.1 16 12.2i NEW-YORK STATE BUCHANXAN (Robertson). Practical Essays on mill-work and other machinery, with notes and additional articles by Thomas Tredgold. 2d ed. Lolldon, 1823. 2 vol. 80. BuCHNER. (Andreas). Ueber das Ethische Element in Rechtsprincip. Miinchen, 1848. See Bav. Acad. Meal. vol. 1. BUCK ( George W.). Practical and Theoretical Essay on oblique bridges. London, 1839. 4o. BuJCKE (Charles). Classical Gramlmar of the English Language. London, 1714. 12. BUCKINGIAiM (Dztke of) and CHAN:DOS. Memoirs of the Court and Cabinet of George III. London, 1853 - 55. 4 vol. 80. BUCKINGHAM ( James S.). Sketch of life, travels, and Lectures on the Oriental World. London, 1830. Pani. vol. 34. B. C. - America, historical, statistic, and descriptive. London, 1.842. 3 vol. 80. Slave States of America. London, 1842. 2 vol. 80. The Eastern andl Western States of America. London, 1842. 3 vol. So. Canada, Nova-Scotia, New-Brunswick, and the other British Provinces in North America, with a plan of national colonization. London, 1843. 80. France, Piedmont, Italy, Lombardy, the Tyrol, and Bavaria.. London, 1849. 2 vol. 80. Autobiography. London, 1855. 2 vol. 120. History and Progress of the Temperance Reformation. London, 1854. 8'..-...- The Coming Era of Practical Reform. London, 1853. 80. Belgium, the Rhine, Switzerland and Holland. London. 2 vol. 80. Outline Sketch of his voyages, travels, writings and public labors. London. 80. BUCKINGHAM (-Joseph T.). Specimens of Newspaper Literature; with personal memoirs, anecdotes & reminiscences. Boston, 1850. 2 vol. 12~. Miscellanies, selected from the public journals. Boston, 1822. 12". See New-England Magazine; also Polyanthos, and Comet. BUCKLEY (Rev. James). Biography of Doddridge. See Doddridge. ]BUCKMINSTER ( Joseph), D.D. Sermon on Death of Gov. James Sullivan, Boston, 1809. Pam. vol. 37. BUCKMIINSTER ( Rev. J. S.). Sermons, with a memoir of his life and character. 2d ed. Boston, 1815. 8o. B. C. The same. 3d ed. Boston, 1821. 80. B. C......-.Works; with memoirs of his life. Boston, 1839. 2 vol. 120. Extract from a Sermon on the Death of Hon. J. Bowdoin, 1811. Albany, 1848. Pam. vol. 78; also Mluns. Pam. vol. 1! GENERAL LIBRARY. 123 BU1CKLAND (William). Reliquix Diluvianw; or Observations on the organic remains in eaves.... attesting the action of an universal deluge. London, 1823. 40. Geology and Miineralogy considered in reference to natural theology. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 vol. 80. See Bridgewater Treatise, vi. BUCKTAIL ( The) BARDS: containing the State Triumvirate, a political tale; and the Epistles of Brevet Major Pindar Puff, in part by Johnson Verplanck? New-York, 1819. 180o. The same. 180. B3. C. BUDGE (John). The Practical Miner's Guide... London, 1845. 80. C.L. BUEL ( David) jun. Troy for Fifty Years Lecture, Young Men's Association, Troy. Troy, 1841. 8O. Pam. vol. 11. * Address, Consecration of Oakwood Cemletery, 1850. Troy, 1850. 80. BUEL ( Jesse). The Farmer's Companion... 6th edition, with his eulogy by Amos Dean. New-York, 1847. 120. - Farmer's Instructor.... New-York, 1847. 2 vol. 18o. BUENOS-AYRES: Rtegistro Oficial, 1821, 22. Buenos-Aires, 1822. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 158. BUENOS-AYRES Newspaper files, 1849, 50. See Newsp. vol. 9. BUFFALO: ~Memorial on Reduction of canal tolls. See Panm. vol. 145. Report of Superintendent of Schools, 1850. See Pam. vol. 70. Report on Comnm n Sc ools, 1852. See' im. vol. 172. Report on Public Schools for 1854. See Pan. vol. 173. BUFFALO AND NEW-YORK CITY R.R. COnlip. Rep. 1854. Pain. vol. 151. BUFFALO CITY IDIRECTORIES, 1840, 41, 42, 44, 47, 48, 489, 50, 51, 52 (defective), 53, 54. 12 vol. Interm-ediate years not published. BUFFALO Harbor: Letter from Sec. of TWar, relative to different plans for its improvement, 1849. Cong. Doct. Pain. vol. 50. B. C. BUFFON ( Nadault de). Traite des irrigations. See Nadault. BUFFUM (E. Gould ). Six MIonths in the Gold Mines; from a Journal of three years' residence in Upper and Lower California, 1847, 48, 49. Philadelphia, 1850. 120. BUHOUP ( Jonathan NW.). Narrative of the Central Division of the Army of Chihuahua, colnm. by Gen. Wool. Pittsburgh, 1847. 120. BUIST ( Robert). The Rose Manual, containing accurate descriptions of all the finest varieties of roses.... 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1847. 120. BULGARIN ( Thaddeus). Ivan Vejeeghen; or Life in Russia. Philadelphia, 1832. 2 vol. 12o. B. C. BULKELEY (Rev. Peter). The Gospel Covenant; a Sermon preached in Concord, New-England. 2d ed. London, 1651. 4o. BULKLEY (Rev. C. H. A.). Niagara, a Poem. New-York, 1848. 12. BULKLEY (John) and John Cummins. A Voyage to the South Se'as in 1740 - 41; with a narrative of the loss of the Wager. London, 1743. 8o 124 NEW-YORK STATE BULL ( Marcus). Experiments to determine the comparative value of the principal varieties of fuel used in the United States, Philadelphia, 1827; Defence of the experiments, 1828; Answer to a reply to the defence, 1828: in one vol. 80. See also Am. Phil. Soc. Trans. N. S. vol. 3. BuLLAR ( Joseph and Henry). Winter in the Azores, and a Summer at the Baths of the Furnas. London, 1841. 2 vol. 8o. rBULLARD ( Henry A.). A Discourse before the Historical Society of Louisiana, 1836. New-Orleans, 1836. 80. BULLETIN du Conseil Superieur d'Agriculture. See Belgique. BULLETIN. See Societ6 de Geog.; also Soc. Geol. de France. BULLIONS (Rev. A. B.). Sermon on Death of Gen. Taylor. Waterford, 1850. Pam. vol. 78. BULLIONS (Peter), D.D. See Assoc. Presb. Mlagazine....- The Principles of English Grammar. Albany, 1834. 120: also, B. C. The same, 2d ed. New-York, 1837. 12o. The same, 5th ed. New-York, 1842. 120. Practical Lessons in English Grammar, New-York, 1844. 120. The First Part of Jacob's Latin Reader.... New-York, 1845. 120. B. C. BULLOCK and Crenshaw. Sale Catalogue of chemicals, and chemical wares. Philadelphia, 1822. Pam. vol. 98. [BULLOCK ( John). The History and Rudiments of Arithmetic. New-York, 1853. 12o. BULLOCK (W.). Six months' Residence and Travels in Mexico.. London, 1824. 80. W. C. 159. BULLOKER (J.). An English Expositour, or Compleat Dictionary.... Cambridge, 1680. 18o. BULWER LYTTON ( Sir E.). Conversations with an Ambitious Student in ill health; with other pieces. New-York, 1832. 120. B. C.. England and the English. 2 vol. New-York, 1833. 120. The same. 2 vol. 80. B. C. The Student. Vol. 1. New-York, 1835. 120. B. C. The Pilgrims of the Rhine. New-York, 1846. 8o. B. C. Harold, the last of the Saxon Kings. 2 parts. New-York, 1848. 80. B. C. Letters to John Bull, on Affairs connected with the landed property, and the persons who live thereon. 10th ed. London, 1851. 8o. See Hazlitt, Literary Remains. BULWER ( Sir Henry E. L.). France; social, literary, political. Paris, 1834.120. B. C. ------ The same. Second series: The Monarchy of the Middle classes. Paris, 1836. 12o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 125 The same. 1st and 2d series. New-York, 1835. 2 vol. 120. BULTER (Lady Lytton). Cheveley, or the Man of Honor. 3d ed. London, 1839. 3 vol. 120. B. C. BUMA (J.). Boere Bruiloft. Knollendam, 1767. 80. BUNBURY ( Charles J. F.). Journal of a Residence at the Cape of Good Hope, with excursions into the interior.... London, 1848. 12o. BUNBURY (Sir Henry). Correspondence of Sir Thomas Hanmer, with a memoir of his life, and memoir of Gen. Charles Lee. London, 1838. 80. Narrative of some Passages in the Great War with France from 1799 to 1810. London, 1854. 80. BUNN (Alfred). Old England and New England. Philadelphia, 1853. 120o. BUNGAY ( George W.). Off-hand Takings; or Crayon Sketches of the noticeable men of our age. New-York, 1854. 120. BUNNER (E.). History of Louisiana. New-York, 1843. 120. BUNNING ( J. B.). Designs for Tombs and Monuments. London, 1832. fol. BUNYAN (John). Works. New-Haven, 1830.3 vol. 80o. B. C. Pilgrim's Progress; with Notes by Thomas Scott, D.D., and a life of the author by Josiah Conder, esq. Philadelphia. 80. The Holy War; with Explanatory Notes by Rev. George Burder. Philadelphia. 80. Eens Christens Reyse na de Eeuwigheyd; and also Eens Godlosens Reyse na het Eeuwige Verderf: Ofte het leven en sterven van Mr. Quaat. Utrecht, 1685. 180. B. C. - The same, except the latter book. Amsterdam, 1705. 180. B. C. BUROcARD (Nathan). Address, American Institute, New-York, 1847. Pam. vol. 63. BURCKIHARDT ( John Lewis). Travels in Nubia. London, 1819. 4o. BURDER.( George). See Mather's ( C.) Essays to do good. BURE (G. B. de). Catalogue des livres de la bibliotheque du feu M. le Duc de la VTalli're. Paris, 1783. 3 vol. 8~. BUREAU D'ADRESSE. See Questions. BUREAU OF AGRICULTURE: Report of Com. of Leg. of Vt. on its establishment by Congress, 1849. Pam. vol. 92. BURET (Eugene). De la Misere des Classes laborieuses en Angleterre et en France. Paris, 1846. 2 vol. 80. B. C. BURFORD (R.). Description of View of Amsterdam. Pam. vol. 24. B. C......- 9Description of the View of the City of Geneva, Switzerland, painted by R. B. New-York, 1829. Pam. vol. 23. B. C. Panorama of the Falls of Niagara. Pam. vol. 69. BURGERSDICIUS ( Fr.). Institutionum Logicarum libri duo. Cantabrigia, 1668. 12o. BURGER. See Uhland. 126 NEW-YORK STATE BUacGES (Hon,. Tristam). Battle of Lake Erie, with Notices of Commodore Elliot's conduct in that engagement. Philadelphia, 1839. 120. BuRGH ( James). Political Disquisitions, or an Inquiry into public errors, defects and abuses. Philadelphia, 1775. 3 vol. 8). The Dignity of Human Natutre. 4th Am. ed. New-York, 1816. 2 vol. 120. Bu.RJH (Wolterus Ter). Gereformeerde Bloem-Hof, verqiert met verscheide Christelijke Gebeden. Amsterdam, 1721. 18o. B. C. -.- The same. Amsterdam, 1757. 180. BURGON ( John W.). Life and Times of Sir Thomas Gresham. London, 183 i. 2 vol. 80. BURGOYNE (General John). State of the Expedition from Canada, as laid before the House of Commons. London, 1 780. 4~.: - Dramatic and Poetical Works, with memoirs of the author. 2 vol. in one. London, 1808. 80. - A Letter to his Constituents, upon his late resignation, and his return from America. 6th ed. London, 1779. 80. A Reply to his Letter to his Constituents. 2d ed. London, 1779. 80o..-...- A Letter to, occasioned by a second edition of his State of the Expedition from Canada. London, 1780. So. - Campaign. See Neilson. BURGOYNE (Maj. Gen. Sir John). Rudimentary Treatise on the blasting and quarrying of stone for building, etc. London, 1849. 12'. BUiur (John D.), Louis Hue Girardin and Skelton Jones. The History of Virginia, from its first settlement, to the present day. Petersburg, Va. 1804- 16. 4 vol. 80. Vol. 1, 2 and 3 by J. D. Burk. BURKE ( IEdanus). Address to the Freemen of South-Carolina. Philadelphia, 1783. 80. W. C. 160. BURtKE (Edmund). Account of the European Settlements in America. 5th ed. London, 1770. 2 vol. 80..... — Storia degli Stabilimenti Europ i in -America: trad. in italiano. Venezia, 1763. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 161. BUmRKE ( Edmund ). Works. Vol. 1 -4, Boston, 1806; vol. 5, 6, NewYork, 1813; vol. 7, Boston, 1827. 7 vol. 8o. B. C. - -- A'VWorks. Boston, 1826, 27. 7 vol. 80. ------ 7Works. Vol. 1, 2. London, Bohn, 1855. 2 vol.-120. Letter to John Farr and John Harris, Sheriffs of Bristol, on the Affairs of America. 2d ed. London, 1777. 80. Letter to the DIuke of Portland. London, 1797. Paml. vol. 46. - Speech, on moving his Resolutions for conciliation with the colonies, larch 22, 1775. Pain. vol. 118. Letter to a Noble Lord, Dublin, 1796. With, The same: Preface by William Cobbett, Philadelphia. In 1 vol. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 127 - Two Letters... on Peace with the Regicide Directory of France. London, 1796. Pami. vol. 34, 46. - Epistolary Correspondence with D)r. French Laurence. London, 1827. 8~. Correspondence, 1744 - 97: edited by Earl Fitzwilliam and Sir Richard Bourke. London, 1844. 4 vol. 80. Letters to the Comm. of Corresp. for the Gen. Assem. of N.York, respecting the effect of the Quebec bill upon the boundary of N. York. N.Y. list. Soc. 1848. 80. BURICE ( Edmund ). See United States, Patent Office Reports, 1845, 46, 47, 48. BUIRKE (John). General and Heraldic Dictionary of' the Peerages of England, Ireland and Scotland, extinct, dormant, and in abeyance. London, 1831. 8o....- Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland.... London, 1836. 4 vol. 8o. Genealogical and Heraldic History of the extinct and dormant Baronetcies of England. London, 1838. 80. Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire. London, 1841. 80. and John Bernard Burke. Encyclopeedia of Heraldry; or General Armory of England, Scotland: and Irk land. 3d ed. London, 1847. 80. and John Bernard Burke. A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 vol.; with supp. vol. and index, 2 vol. 1848, 49. 4 vol. 80. BURIE ( J. Bernard ). Family Romance; or Episodes in the domestic annals of the aristocracy. London, 1853. 2 vol. 120. BURKE ( William). The Greek-English Derivative Dictionarv. London, 1806. 120. B. C. BURpKE ( William). Additional Reasons for our immediately emancipating Spanish Amnerica. London, 1808. Pam. vol. 128. BURLEIGH ( Joseph B.). The American Manual; a Commentary on the Constitution of the United States.... Philadelphia, 1848. 120. BURMAN ( Pieter). Intreereden over de Poetische Verrukking... Rotterdam, 1762. See Fabricins ( F.). BURMIEISTER (Hermann). The Organization of Trilobites, deduced from their living affinities... London, 1846. fol. See Ray Society, 3d year.. Manual of Entomology: trans. from the German, with Notes, by W. E. Shuckard. London,- 1836. 8~. BURN ( Jacob Henry). A Descriptive Catalogue of the London traders, tavern and coffee-house tokens current in the 17th century. London, 1853. 80. BURNABY (Andrew). Travels through the Middle Settlements in North Amlnerica, in 1759 and 1760. 2d ed. London, 1775. 80. BURNE ( Peter). The Teetotaller's Companion, or a Plea for temperanee. London, 1847. 8o. 128 NEW-YORK STATE BURNES (Lieut. Col. Sir Alexander). A Personal Narrative of a journey to Cabool, and residence in that city, in 1836, 7, 8. 2d ed. London, 1843. 80 Substance of a Geographical Memoir on the Indus. Geog. Society Journal, vil. 3. Travels into Bokhara, 1831-33. 2d ed. London, 1835. 3 vol. 120. BURNES ( James). Visit to the Court of Sinde, with a Sketch of the History of Cutch, &c. Edinburgh, 1831. 8D. BURNET (Gilbert), Bishop. History of his Own Time; with the author's life, by the editor. London, 1818. 4 vol. 80. - istory of the Reformation of the Church of England. 2d ed. London, 1781. 38vol. fol. The Memoirs of the Lives and Actions of James and William, Dukes of I-Hamilton and Castleherald. London, 1677. fol. Travels through Swisserland, Italy, Germany, and the Low Countries. Harris, vol. 2..-....- An Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England, with the Augsburgh Confession, Creed of Pope Pius IV.; edited by Rev. James R. Page. New-York, 1842. 80. C. L. BURNET (Jacob). Notes on the Early Settlement of the Northwestern Territory. New-York, 1847. 80. Letters relating to the Early Settlement of the N.W. Territory. See Ohio Hist. and Phil. Soc. Trans. BURNEY (Frances). See Arblay (F. B. d'). BURNEY (James). Chronological History of the Northeastern Voyages of discovery, and of the early eastern navigation of the Russians. London, 1819. 80. WY. C. 162. Chronological History of the Discoveries in the South Sea. London, 1803- 17. 5 vol. 40. W. C. 1.63. History of the Buccaneers of America. London, 1816. 4o. BURNS ( Jabez). Notes of a Tour in the United States and Canada, 1847. London, 1848. 180. BURNS ( John). Principles of Midwifery, including the diseases of women and children; with notes by WV. Wi. Buchanan. New-York, 1810. 80. Observations on Abortion. 1st Am. ed. Troy, 1808. 180. BURNS ( Robert). Poetical Works; with his life, by Gilbert Burns. Philadelphia, 1823. 80. B. C. Works, with his life by Allan Cunningham. London, 1845. 80. BURR (Aaron). Private Journal during his residence in Europe, with selections from his correspondence: ed. by Matthew L. Davis. New-York, 1838. 2 vol. 80. BURR ( C. C.). Oration on Irish Repeal, at Troy, 1844. Muns. Pam. vol.2. BURR ( S. J.). The Life and Times of William Henry Harrison. N. York, 1840. 120. B3URRA!LJ (T. D.). Address, Ontario Agr. Soc. Pam. vol. 187. GENERAL LIBRARY. 129 BURRTEL (And. Marc.). Histoire Naturelle et Civile de la Californie: trad. de l'anglois par M. Eidous. Paris, 1767. 3 vol. 180. W. C. 164. BURRITT (Elihu). Thoughts and Things, at home and abroad; with a memoir by Mary Howitt. Boston, 1854. 120. BURROUGHS (Stephen). Memoirs, with notes and an appendix. Albany, 1811. 120. Sketch of his Life. New-York, 1811. 18o. BuRROWES ( Peter). Select Speeches at the Bar and in Parliament; with a mlelloir by Waldron Burrowes. Dublin, 1851. 80. BURRowVES ( Robert ). Essay on Style in Writing. Trans. Royal Irish Academy, vol. 5. Essay on the Style of *Dr. Samuel Johnson. Trans. Royal Irish Academy, vol. 1. BURROWS ( John). On National Prejudices, their good and bad effects. Pamphleteer, vol. 9. BURT ( Capt.). Letters from a Gentleman in the North of Scotland, to his friend in London, containing an account of some uncommon customs of the inhabitants.... Lo2ndon, 1754. 2 vol. 8o. BURTON ( John Hill ). The Life and Correspondence of David Hume, from the papers bequeathed by his Nephew to the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and other original sources. Edinburgh, 1846. 2 vol. 80. Lives of Simon Lord Lovat, and Duncan Forbes of Culloden. London, 1847. 120. BURTON ( Robert). Anatomy of Melancholy; with the life of the author. London, 1826. 2 vol. 80. The same. Philadelphia, 1836. 2 vol. 80. B. C. BURTON ( Robert). English Empire in America. 5th ed. London, 1711. 18o. W. C. 165. BURTON ( Thomas). Diary, 1656 - 59, from the autograph manuscript: ed. by John T. Rutt. London, 1828. 4 vol. 80. BURWELL ( William M.). Address, Alumni University of Virginia, 1847. Pain. vol. 63. BUSBY ( C. A.). Essay on the propulsion of navigable bodies. New-York, 1818. Pam. vol. 74. BuscH (M 3.). Wanderungen zwischen Hudson und Mississippi, 1851, 52. Stuttgart, 1854. 2 vol. 80. BUSCHING ( A. F.). New System of Geography. London, 1762. 6 vol. 4o. BUSH ( Al-s. Forbes). Memoirs of the Queens of France. Philadelphia, 1847. 2 vol. 120. BusiT (George). Illustrations of the Holy Scriptures, edited by. Brattleborough, 1836. imp. 80. B. C. The Resurrection of Christ: in answer to the question whether he rose in a spiritual and celestial, or in a material and earthly body. NewYork, 1845. 120. B. C. [G EN. LIB.e 1855.] 17 130 NEW-YORK STATE - he Soul; or an Inquiry into the Scriptural Psychology, viewed in its bearings on the doctrine of the resurrection. New-York, 1845. 80. B.C. Anastasis; or the Doctrine of the Resurrection of the Body, rationally and scripturally considered. New-York and London, 1845. 120. B. C. The Life of Mohammed. New-York, 1847. 18o. - The same. New-York, 1830. 180. B. C. - and B. F. Barrett. " Davis's Revelations" Revealed; being a Critical Examination of the character and claims of that work, in its relations to the eachings of Swedenborg. New-York, 1847. Pain. vol. 45. B. C. BUSHNAN ( J. S.), M.D. Ichthyology: Nature, structure, and economical uses of fishes. See Nat. Lib. BUSHNELL (Horace), D.D. A Discourse on the Slavery Question, at Hartford, 1839; A Discourse on home missions, 1847. In one vol. 8S.. —.. Views of Christian Nurture, and of subjects adjacent thereto. Hartford, 1847. 120. B. C. Oration, Society of Phi Beta Kappa at Cambridge, 1848. 2d ed. Cambridge, 1848. 80. * The Fathers of New-England: Oration, New-England Society of New-York, 1849. New-York, 1850. 120. BUSK: History of Spain and Portugal. See Lib. U. K. BUTEL-DUMONT. Histoire des Colonies Angloises, 1755. See Dumont. BUTLER ( Benjamin F.). A Collection of his Addresses from 1830 to 1841. 1 vol. 80. Plan for a Law Faculty in N.Y. University, 1835. Pam. vol. 25. B. C. - Letter to H. Bleecker, in reply to certain charges... From N.Y. E. Post, 1841. Pain. vol. 36. B. C. - Outlines of the Constitutional History of New-York: A Discourse, Hist. Soc. of N.Y. 1847. New-York, 1848. 80. The same. Painm. vol. 47. B. C. - W. Kent, and D. Graham. Inaug. Addresses as Professors, Law School, New-York city, 1838. Pam. vol. 34. B. C. BUTLER (Caleb). History of the Town of Groton, including Pepperell and Shirley. Boston, 1848. 80o. BUTLER (Charles). Horse Juridicse. Philadelphia, 1808. 80. B. C. The Life of Fenelon. Philadelphia, 1811. 120. B. C. The Philological and Biographical Works. Vol. 1, Horse Biblicse, Life of L'Hopital, and Life of Lord Mansfield; vol. 2, Germanic Empire, Horse Juridicse Subseeivse. London, 1817. 2 vol. 80. H orse Biblioem.... Notes on the text and literary history of the bibles.... 4th ed. London. 2 vol. 8o. GENERAL LIBRARY.- 131 Reminiscences. 4th ed. London. 2 vol. 80. —.. Historical Memoirs of the English, Irish and Scottish Catholics, since the reformation. London, 1822. 4 vol. 8. - Book of the Roman Catholic Church, in a series of letters addressed to Robert Southey. London, 1825. 8O Life of Hugo Grotius; with Brief Minutes of the civil, ecclesiastical and literary history of the Netherlands. London, 1826. 80. Inaugural Oration, on laying the first stone of the London Institution for the Diffusion of Science and Literature. Pamphleteer, vol. 7. On the Legality of impressing seamen. Pamphleteer, vol. 23. BUTLER ( Frances A. Kemble). Francis the First, a tragedy... with other poetical pieces; with memoir. New-York, 1833. Pam. vol. 26. B. C. Journal. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 vol. 120. The same. 2 vol. 12~. B. C. The Star of Seville; a drama. New-York, 1837. Pain. vol. 26. B.C. A Year of Consolation. 2 vol. in 1. New-York, 1847. 120. The same. 2 vol. 120. B. C. BUTLER (Frederick). A Complete History of the United States, to 1820. Hartford, 1821. 3 vol. 80. BUTLER ( James Davie). Address, Vermont Hist. and Antiq. Soc. Montpelier, 1846. Pam. vol. 22. Address on the Battle of Bennington, before the Legislat. of Vt. 1848. Burlington, 1849. 80. BUTLER (Joseph), Bishop. Works; with his life, character, and writings, by Drs. Kippis and Halifax. Cambridge, 1827. 2 vol. 120. The same. 2 vol. 120. B. C. The Analogy of Religion, natural and revealed. London, Bohn, 1852. 120. BUTLER HOSPITAL for the Insane: Reports 1851, 52, 53. Providence, R.I. Pam. vol. 166. BUTLER ( Mann). History of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Louisville, 1834. 80 BUTLER ( Noble). Practical Grammar of the English language. Louisville, Ky. 1846. 12o. BUTLER ( Samiuel). Poetical Works, from the texts of )Dr. Grey and MIr. Thyer, with the life of the author by Dr. Jolhnson. Londcn. 2 vol. 180o. i C. - Hudibras; with notes by the Rev. Treadway lRussel Nash, D.D. London, 1817. 2 vol. 120. BUXTON (AMr.). Lecture on Analogy out-analogized; being the doctrine of ontology extended. Albany, 1841. Pam. vol. 76; also vol. 36. B. C. BUXTON (Sir Thos. Fowell ). Inquiry whether crime and misery are produced, or prevented by our present system of prison discipline; with J. J. Gurney's Notes on a visit made to some of the prisons in Scotland and the North of England. London, 18. 182 C 132 NEW-YORK STATE Memoirs: ed. by his Son, C. Buxton. 2d ed. London, 1849. So. BUXTORF (Johan.). De Abbreviaturis Hebraicis; Operis Talmudici brevis recensio; item Bibliotheca rabbinica nova. Basilera, 1613. 18o. - Epitome Graminaticee Hebraice: ed. septima. Basilese, 1658. 18. BYAwR (George). Wild Life in the Interior of Central America. London, 1849. 120. - anderings in some of the Western Republics of America; and Remarks on the Great Ship Canal through Central America. London, 1850. 120. BYFIELD ( Nathaniel ). An account of the late Revolution in New-England, with the declaration of gentlemen, merchants, etc. of Boston, April 18, 1689. London, 1689. 4o. BYRD (William) of Westover. The Westover Manuscripts, containing the history of the dividing line between Virginia and North-Carolina. Petersburgh, 1841. 80. BYRDSALL ( F.). The History of the Locofoo or Equal Rights Party; its movements, conventions and proceedings, with short sketches of the prominent men. New-York, 1842. 123. BYRN ( M. L.), M.D. The Complete Practical Brewer. Philadelphia, 1852. 120. BYRNE ( J. C.). Twelve Years Wanderings in the British Colonies, from 1835 to 1847. London, 1848. 2 vol. 80. BYRNE ( 0.). The Practical Model Calculator. Philadelphia, 1852. 8o. The Practical Metal-worker's Assistant. Philadelphia, 1852. 80. BYRON ( George Lord ). Works, in verse and prose, including his letters, journals... with a sketch of his life. New-York, 1840. 80. Letters and Journals. See Moore ( T.). ~- ---- See Medwin, Conversations. BYRON (Hion. John). A Narrative, containing an account of the great distresses of himself and his companions on the Coast of Patagonia. London, 1768. 80. The Narrative of; written by himself. London, 1785. 120. B. C. The same. London, 1782. 160. WV. C. 167.. - Voyage round the World. Kerr, vol. 12; also Ortega. Shipwreck of the Wager. Kerr, vol. 17. _- Viage al Rededor del Mundo: traducido del ingles, e illustrado con notas por el Dr. C(. Ortega. Madrid, 1769. 40. W. C. 168. The same: Segunda edicion, en que se anade el Resumen historico. del viage emprendido por Hernando de iMagallanes, y llevado felizmente a termino por el famoso Capitan Espanol Juan Sebastian del Cano. Madrid, 1769. 4). BYTHNER (Victorinus). Lingua Eruditorum, sive Methodica institutio lingume sanctae. London, 1650. 180. GENERAL LIBRARY. 133 C. C. (1. J. Z.). Nasporing van Hollands Heil en Rampen, 1567 - 1672. lRotterdaml, 1745. 8o. CAAN ( H. J.). Een Woord aan den Landman. Gravenhage, 1831. Pam. vol. 30. B. C. Redevoering bij gelegenheid van het vyftigyarig bestaan der Maatschappy, Tot nut van't Algemeen, 18334. Gravenhage, 1838. 80. B. C. CABEyA DE VACA (Alvar Nunlez). See Nuriez. CABOT (J. C.). See Agassiz. CADET DE VAUX ( A. A.). Les Moyens de prevenir le retour des disettes. Paris, 1812. 80. C(XsAR ( C. Julius): Quie extant; Interpretatione et Notis illustravit Johannus Godvinus. Philadelphia,. 1804. 80. B. C. Commentariorum de Bello Gallico, Pompeiano, Alexandrino, etc.'libri. Venetiis, Aldus, 1513. 180. Commentaries on the Gallic and Civil Wars, with the supplementary books attributed to Hirtius: literally translated..... London, -Bohn, 1851. 120. Les Commentaires, traduits en fransais par Em. Toulongeon. Paris, 1813. 2 vol. 16o. B. C. Trans. by William Duncan. New-York, 1833. 2 vol. 180. B. C. CAIHOONE ( Sarah S.). Visit to Grandpa; or a Week at Newport. NewYork, 1840. 120. CAILLEAU. See Dictionnaire Bibliographique. CAISSE CENTRALE DES ARTISTES BELGES: R6glement et Compterendu, 1849 - 51. Bruxelles. 120. CALAMY (Edmund), D.D. The Nonconformists' Memorial: edited by Sainuel Palmer. 2d ed. London, 1802. 3 vol. 80. CALCRAFT ( John W.). A Defence of the Stage; or an Inquiry into the real qualities of theatrical entertainments. Dublin, 1839. 80. CALDCLEUGH (Alexander). Travels in South America. London, 1825. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 169. CALDERON DE LA BARCA (Madame). Life in Mexico, during a residence of two years in that country. Boston, 1843. 2 vol. 120o. CALDWEL, (Charles), M.D. Medical and Physical Memoirs. Philadelphia, 1801. 80. Life and Campaigns of Major General Nathaniel Greene. Philadelphia, 1819. 8o. A Discourse on the Genius and Character of the ]Rev. Horace Holley, LL.D., late President cf Transylvania University. Boston, 1828. 80 134 NEW-YORK STATE Autobiography, with a preface, notes, etc. by Harriet W. Warner. Philadelphia, 1855. 120. CALEF (Robert). More Wonders of the Invisible World. Salem Witchcraft. London, 1700: reprinted, Salem, 1823. 120. CALEPINUS (Ambrosius). Dictionarium Undecim Linguarum.... Respondent autem latinis vocabulis, hebraica, greca, gallica, italica, germanica, belgica, hispanica, polonica, ungarica, aniglica.... Accessit Onomasticon propriorum norninum ta D. Conrado Gesnero. Basilica, 1511. fol. - ictionarium Latinum. Paris, 1521? fol. - Dictionarium Septemn Linguarum. Basilia3, 1570. fol. B. C. CALHOUN ( Rev. George A.). Historical Address before the Church at Northb-Coventry, Conn., at their first centennial celebration, 1845. Hartford, 1846. 80. CALHOUN ( John C.) Works: ed. by R. C. Cralle. New-York, 1853 -55. 6 vol. 80. -...- A Collection of ten speeches and reports, from 1834 to 1846. 1 vol. 80o. Correspondence between General Andrew Jackson and John C. Calhoun, President and Vice-President of the United States, on the subject of the course of the latter, in the deliberations of the Cabinet of Mr. Monroe, on the occurrences of the Seminole War. Washington, 1831. 80. Life, presenting a condensed history of political events from 1811 to 1843; with a selection from his speeches, reports and other writings. New-York, 1843. 8o. The same. Pam. vol. 22. Speech, U. S. Sen., Ten Regiment [Bill, i848. Pam. vol. 50. B.C. ~.- ~Letter to the British Minister on the Oregon boundary. Pam. vol. 180. CALIFORNIA. Geological Survey: Reports on the Geology of the coast, mountains, and part of the Sierra Nevada, by J. B. Trask. Leg. Doct. 1853, 54. 2 vol. 80. 2d Report on public instruction, 1853. Pam. vol. 172. CALLANDER ( John). Terra Australis Cognita; or ( a collection of) voyages to the.... southern hemisphere during the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries: with a preface by the editor. Edinburgh, 176G. 3 vol. 80. W. C. 171. CALLENDER ( James Thomson). History of the United States for 1796, including a variety of particulars relative to the Federal government previous to that period. Philadelphia, 1797. 80~. - -- ~Sketches of the History of America. Philadelphia, 1798. 80. The Political Progress of Great Britain, part 1, 3d ed. Philadelphia, 1795; with,' The Prospect before us." Richmond, 1800. So. See American Annual Register. CALLENDER ( John). Oration, July 4, 1-797, Boston. Pamn. vol. 46. GENE RAL LIBRARY. 135 C(ALLENDER (John). An HIistorical Discourse on the civil and religious affairs of Rhode-Island: Boston, 1739. Reprinted, with a memoir, original documents, etc. by Romeo Elton. Providence, 1838. 80. From R.I. Hist. Coil. -.-.- The same. 3d ed. Boston, 1843. 80o. CALLICOTT (T. C.) Handbook of Universal Geography. See Putnam's Cycl. CALLIMACHUS. La Chioma di Berenice; Poema: tradotto di Valerio Catullo, volgarizzato ed illustrate da Ugo Foscolo. Milano, 1.803. 80. CALMxET ( A.). Dictionary of the Holy Bible, as condensed by C. Taylor; with additions by Edward Robinson. Boston, 1832. 8. B. C. CALONNE (1M. de). Pe l'Etat de la France, present et a venir. Paris, 1790. 80. CALUMET, July, Aug., Nov., Dec. 1831. See Period. 80. vol. 1. CALVERT ( George H.). Scenes and Thoughts in Europe: by an American. New-York, 1846. 120. The same. 120. B. C. CALVETO ( Urbanus). India Occidentalis; and De Gallorum Expeditione in Floridam. See Benzoni (H.). CALVIN (John). Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans: trans. by Francis Sibson. Philadelphia, 1836. 120. B. C. = —-:A Selection of the Sermons of. See Luther ( NI.). Opuscula, 1563; with Confessio Christianw fidei... per Theodorum Bezam, Genevae, 1573; and Apologia Th. Bezm ad Libellum Sorbonici Theologastri F. Claudii de Xaintes, Geneva, 1,567: Refutatio Libelli quem Claud. de Sainctes nuper edidit. Genevri, 1567. 120. CAMBRELENG (C. C.). Speech, H. of R. U. S., on the Deposites, 1834. Pam.l vol. 28. B. C. Report on National Bank, 1838. See Bank U. S. vol. 3. CAMBRIDGE, Mass.: City Documlents, 1839 - 53. in I vol. 80. CAM3BRIDGE UNIVERSITY, Eng. Graduati Cantabrigienses, sive Catalogus exhibens nomina eorum cqui ab 1760 usque ad 1846 gradu quocunque ornavit Academia Cantabi,igiensis: curt Josephi Romilly. Cantabrigi0, 21846. 80. C(AMDEN and AMBOY Railroad, and Delaware and Raritan Canal Companies: Address to the People of New-Jersey. Trentoij, 1846. 80o. Report, 1855. See Pain. vol. 151. CAMDEN ( William). Remaines concerning Britaine. London, 1637. sm. 41. Rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum Annales, regnante Elizabetha. Lugd. Bat. 1639. 80. W. C. 172. Britannia; sive Florentissimorum Regnorum Anglive, Scotie, Hibernike, chorographica descriptio. Londini, 1607. fol. Britannia; sive AngliT, Scotiae, Hibernive descriptio. Amsterdami, 1639. 180. 136 NEW-YORK STATE CAxMILLUS, pseud. The Mississippi Question fairly stated. Philadelphia, 1803. Pam. vol. 50. CAMlEYER (W.) jr. Albany Directory, 1829 — 31. 2 vol. 120. CAMOENS ( Luis de). Os Lusiadas. Avinhac, 1818. 2 vol. in 1. 12o. W. C. 173. C'AMP (George Sidney). Democracy. New-York, 1845. 18o. CAMPAIGNS in Germany, Italy, Switzerland, &c. in 1796, 97, 98 and 99. 2d ed. London, 1814. 4 vol. 80. CAMPAN (Madame). Memoirs of the Court of Marie Antoinette, with an introduction by M. de Lanmartine. Philadelphia, 1850. 2 vol. 120~. Journal. See Maigne. CAMIPANIUS (Thomas) HOLMIENSIS. Kort beskrifning om Provincien Nya Swerige uti America, som nu fortiden af the engelske kallas Pennsylvania. Stockholm, 1702. 4. Description of New-Sweden, with notes by Peter S. Duponceau. Philadelphia, 1834. 80. See Hist. Soc. Penn. Memn. vol. 3. CAMPBELL'S FOREIGN MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Vol. 1 - 6. Philadelphia, J. IH. Campbell, 1842 - 44. 6 vol. 80. CAMPBELL (Alexander). The Sequel to Bulkeley and Cummin's Voyage to the South Seas. London, 1747. 8~. CAMPBELL (Alexander), D.D. See Bible, New Testament. - See Owen ( R.). CAMPBELL (Archibald). Voyage round the World, from 1806 to 1812. Edinburgh, 1816. 80. CAMPBELL ( Charles ). Introduction to the History of the Colony and Ancient Dominion of Virginia. Richmond, 1847. 80. CAMPBELL ( E. S. N.). A Dictionary of military science.... London, 1830. 120. 2 copies. CAMPBELL (George), D.D. Lectures on Ecclesiastical History; to which is added his Essay on Miracles. Philadelphia, 1807. 80. B. C. Philosophy of Rhetoric. A new edition, with the author's last additions. Boston. 80. B. C. See Bible: The Four Gospels. CAIPBELL ( H. Alexander). Trial for killing Capt. Boyd in a duel. 2d ed. Boston, 1808. 120. Pam. vol. 31. CAMPBELL ( H. Y.). Ossian; or Fingal ascertained and traced in Ulster.... Pamphleteer, vol. 15. CAMPBELL (Sir James) of Ardkinglas. Memoirs, written by himself. London, 1832. 2 vol. 8o. CAMPBELL (J. N.), D.D. Discourse on Death of James King, esq. 1841. See Muns. Pam. vol. 1. The Reformation defended against the errors of the times...... Albany. 9 nos. 1844. fol, GENERAL LIBRARY. 137 CA(MPBELL (John). Lives of the Admirals and other eminent British Seamen. 2d ed. London, 1750. 4 vol. So. W. C. 174. - The Spanish Empire in America. London, 1747. 80. AW. C. 175. Political Survey of Great Britain. Lonclon, 1774. 2 vol. 4". CAMPBELL ( John). Maritime Discovery and Christian 3Missions, considered in their mloral relations. London, 180. 80o. CAIPBELL ( John, Lord ). Speeches at the Bar and in the House of Commons. Edinbuigh, 1842. 8o. CAMPBELL ( J. AW.). History of Virginia, from its discovery till 1781. Philadelphia, 1813. 120. CA(MPBELL ( John XW.). Biographical Sketches, with other literary remains of the late J. W. C., judge, etc.' compiled by his widow. Columbus, 0. 1838. 80. 2 copies. CAMPBELL ( 3Maria). Revolutionary Services and Civil Life of Gen.mW\illiamn Hull, by his daughter; together with the History of the War of 1812, etc., by his grandson James Freeman Clark. New-York, 1848. 80. CAMPBELL ( Thomas). Poetical Works. Albany, 1810. 2 vol. 120. 1. C. Poetical Works. London, 1846. 120. Life of Mrs. Siddons. New-York, 1835. 120. B. C. - Remarks on Life of Shakspeare. See Lives of Brit. Dranm. Frederick the Great, his court and times. London, 1842. 4 vol. 80. Life of Petrarch. Philadelphia, 1841. 80. An- Essay on English Poetry, with Notices of the British Poets. London, 1848. 120. CAMPBELL ( Rev. W. H[.). Sermon: Death of Rev. A. Yates, at Schenectady, 1844. Pam. vol. 82; also 3i]uns. Pain. vol. 1. CAMPBELL (WVilliaB1m W.). Annals of Tryon County, or the Border Warfare of New-York during the Revolution. New-York, 1831. 80. The Border Warfare of New-York; or the Annals of Tryon County. New-York, 1849. 120. -- - -Life and Writings of Dewitt Clinton. New-York, 1849. 80. - The Centennial Celebration at Cherry-Valley, Otsego Co. N.Y. 1840: Address of W. W. Campbell, W. Ii. Seward, &c. New-York, 1840. 120. CAM1PE ( J. H.). Columbus; oder die Entdcleckung von WYestindien, etc. Paris, 1784. 160. W. C. 177. - olumbus, or the Discovery of America, as related by a father to his children: trans. from the German by Eliz. Rfelne. London, 1799. 2 vol. in 1. 12. C. C. 178. Pizarro, or the Conquest of Peru, as related by a father to his children: trans. from the German by Eliz. HelIne. London, 1799. 2 vol. 12o. W. C. (. 179. Bibliotheque geographique et instructive des jeunes gens-. Paris, 1804. vol. 3 - 6 in 2. 16o. W. C. 176. [GN. IB, 1855.1 18 133 NEW-YORK STATE CAMTUS (A. G.). Meimoire sur la Collection des grands et petits voyages (de Bry), et sur la Collection des Voyages de Melchisedech Th6venot. Paris, 1802. 40. The samle. W. C. 180. CANADA. Report of the Special Committee on the state of agriculture in Lower Canada: printed by order. Toronto, 1850. 80. Census, personal: First Report of the Sec. of the Board of Reg. and Statis. on the Census for 1851, 52. Quebec, 1853. 80. Parliament: Catalogues of the Library of the House of Assembly. Quebec, 1835; Kingston, 1842; Toronto, 1850, 51. Quebec, 1852. 4 vol. 80. r — -~ Catalogue of the Library, Montreal, 1846; with Catalogue d'ouvrages sur l'histoire de l'Amerique, formant partie de la bibliothbque de l'Assembl6e legislative du Canada. Quebec, 1845. 1 vol. 8~. Reports on a Geological Survey of Canada, by W. E. Logan, Jan. 27, 1845. Montreal, 1845. 80..... —- Reports of Progress of the Geol. Survey for 1847 -49, by W. E. Logan, to the Assembly, Montreal, 1849; with Report on the North Shore of Lake Huron. Montreal, 1849. 80. - Petition of House of Assembly of Lower Canada to Br'itish Parliament, 1836. London. Pam. vol. 12. - Report of the Select Committee of the Legislative Assembly, on the emigration which takes place annually ifom Lower Canada to the U. S. Montreal, 1849. 8o. Report of a Comm. of the House of Assembly, appointed to enquire into the state of education. Quebec, 1824. 80. Annual Reports of the Normal, Model and Common Schools for Upper Canada, for 1847, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53: by Rev. E. Ryerson. Leg. Docts. Montreal, Toronto, Quebec; fol. 80 and 40,. 5 vol. Statutes relating to elementary education, with the circulars, no. 9, 12, of the Supt. of Education, for Lower Canada. MIontreal, 1849. 80. CANADA and the Colonists, by a Four-years' Resident. London, 1844. 120. CANADA DIRECTORY; containing the names of the professional and business men in the cities, towns and principal villages.... to Nov. 1.851: by R. W. S. AMackay. Montreal, 1851. 80. See also Mackay. CANADA Guarantee Company: Act of Incor. 1851. Pam. vol. 76. CANADA in 1849: Pictures of Canadian life, or the Emigrant Churchman: ed. by Rev. H. Christmas. London, 1850. 2 vol. 120. CANADA Newspapers, 1848, 49, 50, 51. See Newsp. vol. 1, 2. CANADIAN (The) FREEHIOLDER. Three Dialogues between an Englishman and a Frenchman settled in Canada: by Baron ]icaseres. London, 1777- 79. The second volume also contains a speech of Lord Mansfield. 3 vol. 80. CANADIAN (The) GUIDE-BOOK, with a map of the province. Montreal, 1849. 12'. GENERAL LIBRARY. 139 CANADIAN (The) JOURNAL; a Repertory of industry, science and art: ed. by H. G. Hind. Vol. 1, 2, 3, 1852- 55. Toronto. 3 vol. 4o. CANADIEN ( Le): Jan. Mai, 1850, Quebec. Newsp. vol. 2. CANAL BANK, Albany: Assets, 1850. See Period. 4'. vol. 1. Special Agent's report, 1848. Pam. vol. 50. B. C. Report of the Select Comm. of Senate, showing the frauds... by which the Canal Bank was ruined, 1849. Muns. Paim. vol. 7. CANAL Policy of the State. See Tacitus, pseud. CANALS: A Collection of reports, etc. on canals. Pam. vol. 145. CANDIDIUS (G.). Account of Formosa. Churchill, vol. 1. CANI)LER. Summary View of America. London, 1824. 80. NV. C. 181. CANDOLLE (Alph. de). Geographical Botany, 1834. See Parm. vol. 188. CANDOLLE (Aug. Pyr. de) Notice sur les graines de lI'aanans. See Pam. 40 vol. 3. Vegetable Organography, or an Analytical description of the organs of plants: trans. by B. Kingdon. 2d ed. London, 1841. 2 vol. 80..... — 6eMmoire sur les Cruciferes; Mdlmolre sur la Famille des Ternstrcemiacees; Memoire sur les Genres Connarus et Omphalobium; Rapport sur les plantes rares et nouvelles dans le Jardin Botanique de Geneve, 1819 - 21. Geneve, 1823. 40. Contains also: 1. Instructions pour les voyageurs, sur la maniere de recueillir et de conserver les objets d'histoire naturelle. Paris, 1818. 2. WYDLER (Henri), sur le Genre Scrofularia. G6n've, 1828. 3. GNUINGS, sur les Violac6es. G6nlve, 1823. 4. Ho-RNscHvcH, de Voitia et Systylio, novis mnscorum frondosorum genevibus. Erlange, 1818...-.Rapports sur deux Voyages botaniques et agronomiiques, dans les d6partements du nord-est et du centre. Paris, 1813. 80. CANFIELD and WARREN'S DIRECTORY of Rochester, 1845, 6. Rochester. 120. CANISIUS (Petrus). Authoritatum sacrae scripturia et sanctorum patrum, quea in summa doctrinm D. P. Canisii.... citantur.... Pars prima: De fide, spe et charitate. Venetiis, Aldus, 1671. 40. CANNING (George). Substance of a Speech on the laws affecting H. M.'s Roman Catholic subjects, June 22, 1842. London. 80. CANO ( Juan Sebastian del). Voyage. See Byron (John). CANONGE (Jules). PoOmes nouvelles et impressions. Paris, 1839. 80o. CANTIQUE DES CANTIQUES. See S. ( D. N. B.). CAPE COD Centennial Celebration at Barnstable, Sept. 3, 1839. Barnstable, 1840. 80. CAPECELATRO (Francesco). Istoria della citta e regno di Napoli. Napoli, 1724. 2 vol. 12o. CAPEFIGUE (M1F.). Diplomatists of Europe: from the French. London, 1842. 120. 140 NEW-YORK STATE CAPEN ( Nalhum). Matssachasetts State Record, and Year-book of general informlation, 1847 - 50. Boston. 4 vol. 120~. See Spurzheim's Life. CAPPELE ( A. G. Van). Commentatio de Regibus et Antiquitatibus Pergaimenis. 4o~ CAPPE (:Rev. Newcombe). Discourses, chiefly on devotional subjects; to which are prefixed memoirs of his life, by Catharine Cappe. Boston, 1818. 8). B.. CAPRON (E. S.). History of California, with a map. Boston, 1854. 120. CAPRON ( Eliab W.) and H. D. Barron. Explanation and History of the mysterious communication with spirits, and the rise and progress of the mysterious noises in Western New-York. 2d ed. Auburn, 1850. 12~. CARADEUC DE LA CHALOTAIS ( L. R. de). Compte-rendu des Constitutions des Jesuites. Paris, 1826. 8-. CARDELL (William S.). Essay on Language. New-York, 1825. 120. - Elements of English Language. New-York, 1826. 18o. CARDENAS Z CANO ( G. de ). Ensayo Cronologico para la Historia General de la Florida. Madrid, 1723. fo01. W. C. 182. CARERI (Gemelli). Voyage du Tour du Monde trad. de l'italien. Paris, 1719. 6 vol. 120. XW. C. 183. See also Churchill, Vol. 4. CAREY ( John), LL.D. Practical English Prosody and Versification. London, 1809. 120. ------- See Ainsworth's Dictionary. CAREY ( H. C.). Essay on the Rate of Wages; with an examination of the causes of the differences in the condition of the laboring population throughout the world. Philadelphia, 1835. 8. B. C....- Principles of Political Economy: Parts 1, 2, On wealth; Parts 3, 4, On population and political condition. Philadelphia, 1837, 38. 2 vol. 83. B. C. Answers to the Questions: What constitutes currency? What are the causes of unsteadiness of the, currency? and What is the remedy? Philadelphia, 1840. Pam. vol. 35. B. C. -..-..- The Past, the Present and the Future. Philadelphia, 1848. 80. The same. 80. B. C. --- Letters to the People of New-Jersey, on the frauds, extortions and oppressions of the railroad monopoly: by a Citizeni of Burlington. Philadelphia, 1848. 80. CAREY (Matthew.) A Short Account of the malignant fever lately prevalent at Philadelphia. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1793. 80. ---- The same. 3d ed. Philadelphia, 1793. Pam. vol. 177. - - Nine Letters to Dr. Adam Seybert, M. C., on the United States Bank. Philadelphia, 1810. Pamn. vol. 22. - The Olive Branch; or Faults on both sides, federal and denmocratic. 1st ed. Philadelphia, 1814. 12o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 141...- The same. 7th ed. Middlebury, Vt. 1816. 1X2. --- An Answer to certain parts of a work published by M. Carey, entitled " The Olive Branch, or Faults on both sides:'" by a Federalist. _New- York, 1816. 120. New Olive Branch. Philadelphia, 1820. 80. W. C. 184. Views on the liberal and restrictive systems, 1826: Review on the question of conspiracy of the Catholics of Ireland to massacre the Protestants, in 1641. 1 vol. 8 ). Thoughts on penitentiaries and prison discipline, 1831; Prospectson the Rubicon, 1832. 1 vol. 8:. ___- -Letters on the Colonization Society, Philadelphia, 1832. Pam. vol. 18. B.C. ------ Vindicioe Hibernieae, or Ireland Vindicated. 3d ed. Philadelphia,. 1837. 8;. - Se.3 American Museum. ---- z& Sons: Catalogue of Law Books for sale, 1821. 1820. 80. B. C. CARIBBEANA. Containing Letters, Dissertations...... chiefly written in the West Indies. London, 1741. 2 vol. 4~. CARLESS ( T. G.). Memoir to accompany the survey of the Delta of the Indus, in 1837. Geog. Soc. Journal, vol. 8. CARLETON ( Sir Dudley). Letters from and to, during his Embassy to Holland, 1615-20: ed. by Lord Hardwicke. 1st ed. London, 1757. 4u. CARLETON ( Capt. George ). M/emoirs of an English Officer, with Anecdotes of the war in Spain. 4th ed. Edinburgh, 1809. 8o. CARLETON ( James Henry), Capt. Dragoons: The Battle of Buena-Vista, with the Operations of the Army of Occupation for one month. NewYork, 1848. 120. CARLETON (Robert). The New Purchase, or Seven and a half years in the Far WVest. New-York, 1843. 2 vol. 12,. CARLETON ( W.) Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry: three series. Philadelphia, 1833-1834. 6 vol. in 3. 120. CARLI ( G. R. Conte). Le Lettere Americane. Cretmona, 1781. 2 vol. 120. WV. C. 185. Lettres Anmericaines, avec des observations et additions du traducteur. Boston, et se trouve' Paris, 1788. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 186. CARLTON (Sir Guy), and Peter Livius: Proceedings between, 1779. Pam. vol. 13. CARLISLE ( Earl of), Lord Morpeth. Travels in America; The Poetry of Pope: two lectures.... New-York, 1851. 120. - - Diary in Turkish and Greek Waters. 2d ed. London, 1854. 8~. CARLYLE (Thomas). Sartor Resartus. Boston, 1837. 120. B. C. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. Philadelphia, 1846. 80. -- French Revolution. London, 1837. 3 vol. 120. The same. 2d Am. ed. New-York, 1841. 3 vol. in 2. 120. B. C. 142 NEW-YORK STATE C)n Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History. New- York, 1841. 120. - - The same. London, 1841. 120. B. C. Essay on Burns. See Cunningham (A.). German Romance. Boston, 1841. 2 vol. 120. Life of Friedricli Schiller. New-York, 1846. 80. -- Latter-day Pamphlets: 8 parts. New-York, 1850. 12~. Life of John Sterling. London, 1851. 120. See Cromwell's Letters and Speeches. CARMICHAEL (Andrew). Memoir of the Life and Philosophy of Spurzheim. First Am. ed. Boston, 1833. 12~. B. C. Disquisitions on the Theology and Metaphysics of Scripture. London, 1840. 2 vol. 8'. B.C. CARaMICHAEL ( Rev. Robert). Treatise on the Calculus of Operations. London, 1855. 8'). CARNARVON ( Ea-rl of) Portugal and Galicia, with a view of the social and political state of the Basque Provinces. 3d ed. London, 1848. 12;.' CARNOT ( M. ) Memorial addressed to the King of France, in 1814. Pamphleteer, vol. 5. CARO (Annibale). Lettere scelte. Bologna, 1825. 120. CAROLINE ALMANACK, and American Freeman's Chronicle for 1840. Rochester, N.Y. Mackenzie's Gazette Office. See Pam. vol. 12. CARON (Frans.). Account of Japan. Pinkerton, vol. 7. CARPENTER (Hugh S.). Eulogy on General Harrison, N.Y. 1841. Pam. vol. 77. CARPENTER ( Lant), LL.D. Discourse on Christian Patriotism. London, 1838. Serrm. vol. 4. B. C. CARPENTER ( S. C.). Select Aimerican Speeches; being a sequel to Dr. Chapman's Select Speeches. Philadelphia, 1815. 2 vol. 8). CARPENTER (W.). On the microscopic structure of shells. Reports, British Association, 1844. CARPENTER ( William). Peerage for the People. London, 1841. 12). CARPENTER (William B.). Principles of Humnan Physiology: ed. by Dr. F. G. Smith. Philadelphia, 1853. 80. ------ Animal Physiology. New ed. London, 1853. 120. CARPENTER (W. H.). History of Massachusetts from its earliest settlement to the present time. Philadelphia, 1853. 120. and T. S. Arthur. History of Connecticut from its earliest settlement. Philadelphia, 1854. 120. History of Illinois from its earliest settlement. Philadelphia, 1854. 120. ---- History of New Jersey from its earliest settlement. Philadelphia, 1].854. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 143 History of Ohio from its earliest settlement. Philadelphia, 1854. 120 History of Tennessee from its earliest settlement. Philadelphia, 1854. 120. History of Pennsylvania from its earliest settlement. Philadelphia, 1854. 120. History of New-York. Philadelphia, 1853. 120. CARPENTER (William W.). Travels and Adventures in Mexico, in the course of journeys of upwards of 2500 miles. New-York, 1851. 12o. CARPINI. Travels in Tartary. Kerr, Voy. vol. 1. CARR ( E. S.), M.D. Introd. Lect. Castleton Med. College, 1843. Pam. vol. 84. CARR (Sir John). Tour through Holland, along the right and left banks of the Rhine, in 1806. London, 1807. 4~. The same. Philadelphia, 1807. 80. B. C. The Stranger in Ireland; or a Tour in the southern and western parts of that country, in 1805. New-York, 1807. 12. B. C. CARREL (Armand ). History of the Counter-Revolution in England, for the lRe-establishment of Popery under Charles II. and James II.; with History of the Reign of James II., by Charles James Fox. London, 1846. 1 vol. 121). CARROLL (B. R.). Historical Collections of South-Carolina. New-York, 1836. 2 vol. 80. CARROLL ( Charles), of Carrollton. Journal during his Visit to Canada, in 1776; with a memoir and notes, by Brantz Mayer. Baltimore, 1845. 80. --- The same. See Maryland Hist. Soe. CARSON (John). A Revealer of Grievances: dedicated to the faithful christian. 1811. 120. CARTER ( N. EH.). Letters from Europe, 1825 - 27. New-York, 1827. 2 vol. 80. CARTERET ( Philip ). Voyage round the World. Kerr, vol. 12. CARTIER (Jacques), and others. Voyages to New-France, Canada. Pinkerton, vol. 12; Hakluyt, vol. 3. See Societe Litt. et Hist de Quebec. CARTIER DE ST. PHILIP. Me6lange Curieux et Interessant, ou Le je ne sais quoi: Edition augmentee par M. de Mirone. Amsterdam, 1767. 2 vol. 180. CARTWRIGHT (Edmund). Life, Writings, and mechanical inventions. London, 1843. 8'. CARTWRIGrIT (F. D.). Life and Correspondence of Major John Cartwright. London, 1826. 2 vol. 80o 2 copies. CARTWRIGHT ( George). Journal during a Residence of sixteen years on the Coast of Labrador. Newark, 1792. 3 vol. 40. W. C. 187. CARTWRIGHT ( John). Travels in Asia. Churchill, Supp. 1, 144 NEW-YORK STATE - Legislative Rights of the Commonalty vindicated. 2d ed. London, 1777. W. C. 188. - American Independence. See Pan. vol. 116. CARTWRIGHT (S. A.), i1L.D. On the Health-preserving properties of the JJussieua g-randlfiora. Bost. Ailed. Surg. Jour. 1840. Paml. vol. 98. CARUS ( C. G.). King of Saxony's Journey through England and Scotland, in the year 1844. London, 1846. 80o. CARuCS (Rev. William). Memoirs of the Life of the Rev. Charles Simeon, M.A.: ed. by the Rt. Rev. Bishop M'1lvaine. New-York, 1847. 80. CARVER (Jonathan). New Universal Traveller. London, 1779. fol. Travels through the interior parts of North America, 1766 - 68. London, 1778. 8o. W. C. 189. The same. Philadelphia, 1796. 80. - The same. Philadelphia, 1792. 12o. B. C. Voyage dans les parties interieures de l'Am6rique Septentrionale, 176i6-68. Paris, 1784. 80. W. C. 190. See Campe (J. 1H.). Bibliot. Geog. W. C. 176. CARY ( Henry). See Herodotus; also Plato. Memorials of the Great Civil War in England, from 1646 to 1652: ed. from original letters in the Bodleian Library, of Charles the First and Second, Queen Henrietta, Prince Rupert.... London, 1842. 2 vol. 8S. --- -- Memoirs of Rev. Henry F. Cary, by his son, H. Cary. London, 1847. 2 vol. 120. CARY ( Henry F.), Translator of Dante. See IDante. CARY (S.). Fast Sermon, 1813, Boston. Pan. vol. 42. CARY ( Thomas G.). Address on the Fine Arts, Mere. Lib. Assoc. Boston, 1845. vol. 71. - Reply to Mr. Derby, on loaning state credit for the Hoosic Tunnel. Boston, 1853. Pain. vol. 99. CASAS. See Las Casas ( De). CASE of Great Britain and America, addressed to the King and both Houses of Parliament. London, 1769. 80. See Pam. vol. 122. CASE of the Hanover Forces. London, 1743. Pam. vol. 131. CAsE ( The) of the Oppressed Africans.... recommended by the People called Quakers. London, 1784. Pain, vol. 28. CASE ( The) of the Seneca Indians in the State of New-York, illustrated by faGts: printed by the Society of Friends. Philadelphia, 1840. 80. CAsE (Rev. Wheeler). Revolutionary Memorials, embracing poems published in 1778, with an appendix of other papers: ed. by Rev. S. Dodd. New-York, 1852. 12o. CASIRI (Michael). Bibliot. Arab. Hisp. See Escurial. C-ASPAR HAUsET,. See Tauaser (Caspar). GENERAL LIBRARY. 145 CASPAR (J. L.). De Berhandeling der Aziatische Clholera, door het aanwenden van koud water: trazs. from the German, by Dr. Rosenstein, Rotterdam, 1832. 80. B. C. CASPIPINA'S LETTERS. See Duche ( Rev. J.). CASS ( Lewis). Address, Alumni of Hamilton Coll. 1830. Pam. vol. 19. B. C. Collection of Speeches from 1836 to 1846, bound in one vol. 80. ]France: its King, Court and Government. New-York, 1840. 80. - The same. 80. lB. C...-.. Outlines of the life and character: from the Albany Argus. Albany, 1848. 80. - The same. See 3Muns. Pam. vol. 8. CASSANI (Joseph). Historia del Nuevo Reyno de Granada. Madrid, 1741. fol. W. C. 194. CASSINI (C. F.). Voyage en 1768, pour Eprouver les montres marines invent6es par M. le Roy. Paris, 1770. 4j. Wa. C. 195......- The same, translation. See Chappe d'Auteroche. CASSINI ( J. D.). Les Elemens de l'Astronomie, verifies par le rapport de ses tables aux observations de M. Richer faites en l'Isle de Cayenne. Paris, 1684. fol. See Richer. W. C. 55. - Dcouverte de la Lumiere Cl1este qui paroist dans le Zodiaque. Paris, 1685. fol. See- Richer. WX. C. 55. - Les Hypotheses et les Tables des Satellites de Jupiter, etc. Paris, 1693. fol. See Richer. W. C. 55. CASTAGNEDA ( F. L. de). Le premier livre de l'Histoire de l'Inde: trad. en franqois par N. de Grouchy. Paris, 1553. 4o. W. C. 196. CASTALIO (Sebastian). Dialogorum Sacrorum libri iv. London, 1722. 120. CASTANEDA DE NAGERA (Pedro). Relation du Voyage de Cibola, entrepris en 1540. See Ternaux, Voyages, vol. 9. CASTIGLIONI (Luigi). Viaggio negli Stati Uniti dell'America Settentrionale, 1785 - 87. Milan, 1790. 2 vol. 8). W. C. 197. CASTILIO (Balthasar). De Curiali, sive Aulico libri quatuor: ex italico in latinum, Barthol. Clerke interprete. Londini, 1603. 12g:. CASTILLE ( J. B.). Nouvel Eraste, ou l'Ami de la jeunesse. Paris, 1808. 12-. CASTLE ( William). A Short Discovery of the Coast and Continent of America, 1644. Churchill, Supp. 2. CASTLEREAGH (Viscount), Marquis of Londonderry. Memoirs and Correspondence: edited by his brother, Charles Vane, Marquis of Londonderry. 1st, 2d and 3d series. London, 1849 - 53. 12 vol. 80. CASTLETON MEDICAL COLLEGE: Lectures for 1844, and Catalogue. See Muns. Pam. vol. 5. CASTLETON (Rev. Thomas). Address, Cayuga Academy, 1843. Pam. vol. 77, 88. [ GEN:. UI:. 185'5. 19 146 NEW-YORK STATE CASWALL (Rev. Henry). America and the American Church. London, 1851. 120. CATALOGUE (New) of Living English Authors, with complete lists of their publications, and biographical and critical memoirs. London, 1799. Vol. 1. 80. CATALOGUE of Books on the Masonic Institution in public libraries of 28 States, antimasonic in arguments and conclusions: by a Member of the Suffolk Committee of 1829. Boston, 18-52. 80. CATALOGUE of Vovages and Travels. Kerr, Voy. vol. 18. CATALOGUE des Livres de l'Imprimerie Arm6nienne de St. Lazare. Venise, 1848. 12o. CATALOGUES OF BOOKS: A Collection of Catalogues of Publishers, of libraries on sale, etc. Contents Vol. 5, 8, 16, 20, 25, 31, 33, 44, 49, 50, 52: American; Vol. 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 112, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 26, 27, 32, 36, 37, 38, 46, 47, 51, 53, 54, 64, 65, 66: English; Vol. 1, 2, 13, 29: French; Vol. 22, 30, 32, 35, 48, 67, 68: French and German; Vol. 34: German; Vol. 14, 23: German and English; Vol. 39, 40, 41, 45: N.Y. Trade Sales; Vol. 55, 69: Advertisements firom Reviews; Vol. 56 - 63 Miscellaneous. 69 vol. 80 and 12~. Additional Volumes, 70 - 76. 7 vol. 80. Harper & Brothers, WV. Brown, Wiley & Putnam, Charles Cox, Knight's shilling volumes, George Bumstead, Thomas Cole, Cornish & Brothers; Cooley, Keese & Hill, Royal Gurley & Co. 1846 - 48. 1 vol. 80. B. C. of Botanical Libraries. Pamn. vol. 188. A Collection of'" Bent's Advertiser," " The Book Trade," and English and American catalogues of libraries and of booksellers. Vol. 1. 4o. CATESBY ( Mark). Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands, French 4- English: revised by M. Edwards. London, 1754. 2 vol. fol. W. C. 199. CATHCART ( Col. the Hon. George). Commentaries on the War in Russia and Germany in 1812 - 13. London, 1850. 8-). CATHERWOOD ( F.). Views in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan. See Stephens ( John L.). CATHOLIC REGISTER, and ECCLESIASTICAL REGISTER for 1851. London, 1851. 12~. CATINEAU-LA-ROCHE. Notice sur la Guyane Franjaise. Paris, 1822. 8o. W. C. 200. CATLIN (George). Letters and Notes on the North-American Indians. New-York, 1841. 2 vol. 80. North-American Indian- Portfolio. New-York, 1845. fol. GENERAL LIBRARY. 147 Notes of Eight-years' travels and residence in Europc, with his North-American Indian Collection. New-York, 1848. 2 vol. 80. CATLOW (Agnes). Drops of Water.. displayed by the microscope. London, 1851. sm; 40. CATO (M. P.). De Re Rustica. See Scriptores Rei Rustica. CATO, pseud.: To the People of the State of N. Y. Pam. vol. 67. CATS ( Jacob), Ridder. Dichterlijkc Werken. Amsterdam, 1818. 2 vol. 80. CATSKILL ASSOCIATION for improving the town of Catskill, N. Y. NewYork, 1836. 120~. CATTUFFIO PANCHIANO.BUBJULCO ARCADEi: Baiamonte Tiepolo, poema eroico. 1770. 2 vol. 180. CATULLUS and TIBULLUS, and the Vigil of Venus: trans. by Walter K. Kelly. Bohn, London, 1854. 120. CAUCHE (Francois). Voyage a Madagascar, Isles adjacentes, et Coste d'Afrique. Paris, 1651. 40. See Relations veritables. W. C. 790. Voyage to Madagascar, the adjacent islands, and the Coast of Africa. See Lawson, Hist. of Carolina. CouciHY ( E.). Du Duel, consider6 dans ses origines et dans l'etat actuel des mceurs. Paris, 1846. 2 vol. 80. CAUGHNAWAGA Bridge Company, 1849. Muns. Pam. vol. 8. CAULINCOURT, Duke of Vicenza. Recollections. London, 1838. 2 vol. 120. CAULKINS (F. M.). History of Norwich, Conn. from its settlement in 1660, to 1845. Norwich, 1845. 120. History of New-London... from 1612 to 1852. New-London, 1852. 80. CAUSSIDItRE (Citizen), Ex-Prefect of Police, and Representative of the People: Memoirs. London, 1848. 2 vol. 120. CAVABLIUS ( Gunnar Olofi ylten), and George Stephens: Sveriges Historiska och Politiska Visor: forsta delen. Orebro, 1853. 80. CAVALLO (Tiberius). An Essay on the medicinal properties of factitious airs; with an appendix on the nature of the blood. London, 1798. 80. CAVALRY REGULATIONS. Regulations for the instruction, formation, and movements of cavalry. London, 1833. 120. CAVE ( Madame MI. E ). Le dessin sans maitre.... pour apprendre a dessiner de mroemoire. Paris, 1850. 80. CAVEAT against the new sect of Anabaptists lately sprung up at Exon. London, 1714. Pam. vol. 125. CAVENDISH (George). Life of Cardinal Wolsey; with notes by S. W. Singer. 2d ed. London, 1827. 80. CAVENDISH ( Sir Henry). Debates of the House of Commons during the Thirteenth Parliament: drawn up from the original manuscripts by J. Wright. Vol. 1. London, 1841. 80. Debates in the House of Commons on the Quebec Bill, in 1774: drawn up from the notes, by J. Wright. London, 1839. 80. 148 NEW-YORK STATE CAVENDISH' (Sir Thomas). Voyage round the Globe. tHarris, vol. 1; Kerr, vol. 10. ------ Iter Nob. Eq. Thomne Candiscb, qui duorum fere annorumrn spacio 13000 anglicana miliaria in mari confecit; ubi describuntur quoque omnia quwe in hoc itinere ipsi acciderunt et visa aunt. Francfurti, 1599. fol. See Bry ( T. de), part 8. W. C. 153. CAYENNE: A Collection of official documents relating to Cayenne or French Guiana, 1790 - 97. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 202. CAYET ( Pierre Victor). Chronologie Novenaire, contenant l'histoire de la guerre, sous le Regne de Henry IV. Paris, 1608. 3 vol. 12o. Chronologie Septenaire de l'histoire de la paix entre les Roys de France et d'Espagne. 2d ed. Paris, 1605. Lettered vol. 4. 12o. CAZE (DE) DE PROVENCE. Compagnie de Colonisation ge6nrale'i la Guyane franqaise.... Paris, 1826. 80. W. C. 203. CAZE ( P.) Esquisses d'un syst6me de versification. Paris, 1843. 80. CEBA (Ansaldo ). The Citizen of a Republic: trans. and ed. by C. Edwards Lester. New-York, 1845. 120. CELEBRATION ( The) of the Russian Victories, Georgetown, D. C. 1813. Panm. vol. 29. B. C. CELLARIUS (Christoph.). Geographia Antiqua: cura S. Patrick. 6th ed. London, 1731. 80. W. C. 204. CELLINI (Benvenuto). Memoirs, by himself, with notes by G. P. Carpani: trans. by T. Roscoe. London, 1]823. 2 vol. 80. CENTRAL SOCIETY OF EDUCATION: Papers. London, 1837 - 39. 3 vol. 120. - The Educator: Prize Essays on elevating the profession of the educator in society. London, 1839. 120. ----- - Third publication. London, 1839. 12o. B. C. CENTRAL ASYLUM for the Deaf and Dumb: Report made to the Legislature of New-York, for 1828. Pam. vol. 168. CENTURIATORES MIAGDEBURGICI: See Flaccus Illyricus. CERRI (Urbano).I E]tat Present de l'Eglise Romaine dans toutes lcs parties du monde, ecrit pour l'usage du Pape Innocent XI. Amsterdam, 1716. 12o. W. C. 205. CERUTI (G.). Risposta all' Articolo sul progettato adattamento dci portici a magazzini lungo la via Carlo Alberto; with Una carta del porto di Genova. Genova, 1848. 80. CERVANTES SAAVEDRA ( Miguel de). Don Quixote de la Miancha: from the Spanish, by C. Jarvis. Illustrated. London, 1852. 2 vol. 80. - Exemplary Novels: trans. by WTalter R. Kelly. London, Bohn, 1855. 120. CEVALLOS ( Don Pedro). Exposition of the practices and machinations which led to the usurpations of the Crown of Spain..... New-York, 1808. 8o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 149 CHABERT ( J. B. IMarquis de). Extrait des Mcimoires de l'Acad. R. des Sciences, sur l'usage des horloges marines, relativement a la navigation. Paris, 1785. 4~. W. C. 206. - Voyage dans l'Am6rique Septentrionale, 1750, 51. Paris, 1753. 4~. W. C. 207. CHADWICK (E.). Report, on.... interment in towns: reprinted Philadelphia, 1845. Pam. vol. 86. CHALCONDILE (Laonic.). Histoire de la D6cadence de l'Empire Grec, et de l'etablissement de celui des Turcs: trad. par D. B.. Yignere, avec la continuation par T. Artus et F. E. de Mez6ray. Paris, 1650. 2 vol. fol. CHALMERS (Alex.). General Biographical Dictionary. London, 18121817. 32 vol. 80. A History of the colleges, halls and public buildings attached to the University of Oxford; including the lives of the founders. Oxford, 1810. 2 vol. 80. CHALMERS ( George). Political Annals of the United Colonies. London, 1780. 4o. Comparative Strength of Britain during the present and four preceding reigns; with an Essay on population, by Lord Chief Justice Hale. London, 1782. 40. W. C. 208. - Opinions on interesting subjects.... arising from American independence. London, 1784. 80. -- The Life of Thomas Ruddiman. London, 1794. 80o. - Estimate of the Comparative Strength of Great Britain, and of the losses of her trade.... London, 1810. 8o. W. C. 209. Introduction to the History of the Revolt of the American Colonies. Boston, 1845. 2 vol. 8i. State of the United Kingdom at the Peace of Paris, 1815. Pamphleteer, vol. 6. CHALMERS (Lionel). Account of the Weather and Diseases of SouthCarolina. 2 vol. in 1. London, 1776. 80. W. C. 210. CHALMERS ( Thomas), D.D. LL.D. Posthumous Works ed. by Rev. William Hanna, LL.D. -New-York, 1849-53. 9 vol. 120. Contents: 1. Daily Scripture Readings, 3 vol. 2. Sabbath Scripture Readings, 2 vol. 3. Sermons, 1 vol. 4. Institutes of Theology, 2 vol. 5. Lectures and Addresses, 1 vol. ------ Selections from his Correspondence: edited by Rev. W. Hanna. New-York, 1853. 12o. -- A Series of Discourses on the Christian Revelation, viewed in connexion with modern astronomy. New-York, 1817. 80. B. C. - - Sermon, Tron Church, Glasgow. New-York, 1819. 8o. B. C. -.- Political Economy, in connexion with the moral state and prospects of society. Glasgow, 1832. 80. 150 NEW-YORK STATE On the Adaptation of external nature to the moral and intellectual constitution of man. London, 1833. 2 vol. 80. Bridgewater Treatise, i. - The same, with the author's last corrections; with a biographical preface by Rev. John Cummings. Bohn, London, 1853. 120. -... Miscellanies; embracing reviews, essays and addresses.... NewYork, 1847. 80. CHAMBERLAYNE (John). Present State of Great Britain. 35th ed. London, 1743. 80. CHAMBERS ( Robert). Life of Sir Walter Scott. New-York, 1832. Pam. vol. 15. B. C. History of the English Language and Literature, to which is added, a History of American Contributions to the English language and literature, by Rev. Royal Robbins. Hartford, 1837. 12o. B. C. The Life and Works of Robert Burns. Edinburgh, 1851 - 2. 4 vol. 120~. See Forbes's ( Robert) Memoirs. - and W.). Edinburgh Journal: 1st series, 1832-43, 12 vol. fol.; 2d series, 1844- 53, 20 vol. 8o; 3d series, 1, 2, 3 vol. 80. Edinburgh, 1832 - 55. 35 vol. CHAMBEnRS (William). Things as they are in America. Edinburgh, 1854. 80. Educational Course. Edinburgh, 1837 - 41. 21 vol. 120. CIAAMBO. Commerce de l'Amerique par Marseille. Avignon, 1764. 2 vol. 40.- W. C. 211. CIIAMFORT (S. R. N.). La Jeune Indienne: Comidie. Paris, 1777. See Poemes sur l'Am6rique. W. C. 750. CHA3IPIGNY (Chev. de). Memoir on the present State of Louisiana: from the French. See French, Iist. Coil. Louisiana, vol. 5. CHAMPLAIN (Le Sieur de). Voyage de la Nouvelle-France Occidentale, diete Canada; avec un Trait6 de la marine, with a map. Paris, 1632. 4o. W. C. 212. Voyages, ou Journal des Decouvertes de la Nouvelle-France. Paris, 1830. 2 vol. 8o. CHAMPLAIN Valley Horticultural Society: Proceedings of Convention. Burlington, Vt. 1851. Pain. vol. 79. CHAMPLIN (Rev. James). Early Biography, travels and adventures: written by himself. 2d ed. Columbus, Ohio, 1842. 120. CHAMPLIN (J. T.). A Concise Practical Grammar of the English Language. New-York, 1850. 12o. CHAMPOLLION FIGEAC: Lettres des Rois, Reines, et autres personnages des Cours de France et d'Angleterre, depuis Louis VII. jusqu'a Henri IV.... Paris, 1839, 47. 2 vol. 4). See France, Docts. ined. - Rapports, Notices et Inventaires concernant les archives des d6partements. Paris, 1841 -48. 40. See France, Docts. ined. ---- Captivite du Roi Francois premier. Paris, 1847. 4~. See France, Docts. ined. GENERAL LIBRARY. 151 CHANCELLORS OF ENGLAND: Lives of all the Lords Chancellors, Lords Keepers, and Lords Commissioners of the Great Seal of England, from William the Conqueror to the present time, etc. 2 ed. London, 1712. 2 vol. 80. By Oldm-ixon? CHANDLER (Adoniram). Address, Am. Inst. of the City of N. Y. 1846. Pan. vol. 44. B. C. CHIANDLER (Joseph R.). Address, Pennsylvania Peace Society, 1829. Philadelphia, 1829. 80o. Oration, Society of the Sons of New-England. Philadelphia, 1845. Pai. vol. 47. -- Grammar of the English Language. Philadelphia, 1847. 120. Speech in Cong. on Admission of California, 1850. Pam. vol. 59. CHANDLER (Richard). History of Troy. London, 1802. 4o. Travels in Asia Minor and Greece. 3d ed. London, 1817. 2 vol. 4o. CHANDLER (Saimuel). Vindication of the History of the Old Testament,. in answer to S. Morgan, M.D. London, 1741. 80. With other publications on the controversy. CHANDLER ( Thomas B.), D.D. Life of Samuel Johnson, D.D. New-York, 1805. 12. W. C. 213. --- Th- e same, 1805. 120. The Appeal farther defended, in Answer to the farther misrepresentations of Dr. Chauncy. New-York, 1771. 120. CHANGE for the American Notes, in letters from London to New-York, by an American lady. A reply to Dickens. New-York, 1843. 80. CHANNING ( Edward T.). Inaug. Discourse, Harvard Univ. Cambridge, Mass. 1819. Pain. vol. 6. B. C. CHANNING ( William), M.D. Discourse, N. Y. Physicians' Society, 1838. Pain. vol. 35. B. C. CHANNING (William E.), D.D. Works. 6th complete edition, with an introduction. Boston, 1846. 6 vol. 120.... JMiscellaneozus publications: Letter to Thacher; On Milton, 1826; On Bonaparte, 1827; and Ordination sermons, in 1 vol. 8. Fast Sermon in Consequence of the War: Boston, 1812. Pam. vol. 43. Sermon on the Day of Humiliation appointed by the President: Boston, 1812. Pani. vol. 43. -. Two Sermons on infidelity: Boston, 1813. Serm. vol. 2. B. C. Discourse, Deliverance from military despotism: Boston, 1814. Serm. vol. 2. B. C. Rev. J. Sparks's Ordination Sermon: Baltimore, 1819. Serm. vol. 2. B. C. Sermon, Religion a social principle: Boston, 1820-. Serm. vol. 2. B.C. ------ Discourse on the Evidence, Harv. Univ. 1821. Serra. vol. 2. B.C, 152 NEW-YORK STATE - Rev. Mr. Gannett's Ordination Sermon: Boston, 1824. Serm. vol. 3. B. C....._- Dedication Sermon': New-York, 1826. Serm. vol. 3. B. C. Remarks on the Character and Writings of John Milton: Christ. Exam. 1826. Pain. vol. 14. B. C. Remarks on the Character of Napoleon Bonaparte: Christ. Exam. 1827. Pam. vol. 14. B. C.. — A Continuation of Remarks on the Character of Napoleon Bonaparte: Boston, 1828. Pam. vol. 10. B. C. Rev. F. A. Farley's Ordination Discourse: Providence, 1828. Sermr. vol. 3. B. C. Rev. M. I. Motte's Installation Sermon Boston, 1828. Serm. vol. 3. B. C. Election Sermon: Boston, 1830. Serml. vol. 4. B. C. Discourses: Boston, 1832. 120. B. C. 2 copies. Sermon: Easter-Sunday, 1834, Boston. Serm. vol. 4. B. C. Sermon on War: 1835, Boston. Serm. vol. 4. B. C. Discourse, Ministry for the Poor: ~Boston, 18B35. Serm. vol. 4. B. C......- Slavery: 2ded. Boston, 1836. 12. B. C. The same, 1836. 120......- Dedication Sermon: Newport, R. I. 1836. Serm. vol. 4. B. C. Letter on Catholicism, etc.: Western Messenger, Louisville, Ky. 1836. Pam. vol. 25. B. C. Letter to James G. Birney: Boston, 1837. Pain. vol. 25. B. C. Letter to 1I. Clay, on Annexation of Texas: Boston, 1837. Pam. vol. 26. B. C. An Address on Temperance Boston, 1837. 8o. B. C. - Letter to J. Phillips on the Slavery Question, London, 1839. Pam. vol. 35. B. C. The Woodman, and other poems. Boston, 1849. 180... —.Memoir, with Extracts from his Correspondence and MSS. See Channing ( W. H.). CHANNINCG ( W. I.). MIemoir of W. E. Channing, with Extracts from his Correspondence and manuscripts. Boston, 1848. 3 vol. 120. ------- MIemoir of J. H. Perkins. Cincinnati, 1851. 2 vol. 120. -- lMemoirs' of M. Fuller Ossoli. See Ossoli. CHANVALON ( Thibault de). Voyage a la Martinique, 1751. Paris, 1763. 40. W. C. 214. CHAPIN (Walter). The Missionary Gazetteer. Woodstock, 1825. 12o. CHAPIN (William). Complete Reference Gazetteer of the UnitedStates. New-York, 1839. 80, GENERAL LIBRARY. 153 CHAPMAN (Isaac A.). Sketch of the History of Wyoming. Wilkesbarre, 1830. 120o. CHAPMAN ( John). The Cotton and Commerce of India, in relation to the interest of Great Britain. London, 1851. 80. CHAPMAN (N.). Select Speeches, forensic and parliamentary, with prefatory remarks. Philadelphia, 1807, 8. 5 vol. 80. The same, 5 vol. 80. B. C. CHAPMAN ( Rev. WY. R.). Address, Union-Springs Fem. Sem. 1852. Pam. vol. 73. CHAPONE ( llMrs.). Works; with her life and character. New-York, 1818. 4 vol. in 2. 180. B. C. CHAPP1I D'AUTEROCHE (Jean). Voyage en Californie, pour l'observation du passage de V6nus sur le disque du Soleil, 1769. Paris, 1772. 4o. W5. C. 215. - Voyage to California, to observe the Transit of Venus; with Cassini's Voyage to Newfoundland, to make experiments on Le Roy's timekeepers. London, 1778. So. CHAPPELL ( Lieut. Edward). Voyage of His Majesty's Ship Rosamond to SNewfoundland and the Southern Coast of Labrador. London, 1818. 80 CHAPTAL ( Count ). Essay on impost duties and prohibitions: from the French. Middlebury, Vt. 1821. Sez Pam. vol. 153. CHARACTER ( The) and Principles of the present set of Whigs. London, 1711. See Pain. vol. 138. CHARACTERISTICS OF MEN OF GENIUS: A Series of biographical, historical and critical essays, selected chiefly from the North American Review. Boston and London, 1847. 2 vol. 120. CHARDIN ( Sir John). Travels into Persia. Pinkerton, vol. 9; Harris, vol. 2. CHARGE to the Grand Jury of M x, by Judge P.- on, May 22, 1736. London. Pam. vol. 131. CHARLES Prince of Wales: Proclamations. See Collection. CHARLESTON ( The) BooIc. A Miscellany in prose and verse. Charleston, 1845. 12o. CHARLESTON, S. C. Baptist Association: Minutes, 1817. Pam. vol. 96. CHARLESTOWN, Mass. Municipal Register. Charlestown, 1848. 80. Reports on Schools, 1847, 48. Pam. vol. 51.. — Ministry at large: Report, 1853. Pain. vol. 97. CHARLESWORTH ( Edward ). See Magazine of Nat. Hist. CHARLEVOIX ( P. Fr. X. de). Histoire et Description Generale de la Nouvelle France, avec le journal historique d'un voyage fait dans l'Amnrique Septentrionale. Paris, 1744. 6 vol. 120. The same. Paris, 1744. 3 vol. 40 W. CW.. 216, [ GEN. LIn. 1855.] 20 154 NEW-YORK STATE Journal of a Voyage to North America, undertaken by order of the French King; containing a description of Canada, addressed to the Duchess of Lesdiguibres. London, 1761. 2 vol. 80..... — The same. Another translation. London, 1763. 80. The samle. See French Hist. Ceoll. of Louisiana, vol. 3. Histoire de St. Domingue. Paris, 1730 -1].731. 2 vol. 40.'W. C. 218. Histoire de Paraguay. Paris, 1756. 3 vol. 40. NW. C. 217. - The History of Paraguay, &c.: from the French. London, 1769. 2 vol. 80o. CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA, Princess of Wales. Journal of an English Traveller, from 1814 to 1816; or Memoirs of her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, and of her court. Pamphleteer, vol. 10. CHARIMILLY ( Col. V.). An Answer to Bryan Edwards, esq., containing a refutation of his historical survey of the French Colony of St. Domingo. London, 1797. 40. CHARREL (J.). Traite de la Culture du murier. Grenoble, 1840. 80.: —' Traite des Magnaneries. Paris, 1848. So. CHARRIRRE (E.). Negociations de France dans le Levant, ou Correspondances.... des Ambassadeurs a Constantinople.... a Venise, Malte, Jerusalem, etc.... Paris, 1848. 3 vol. 4~. See France, Docts. ined.; also Cuvelier. CHARTE (La) VeIRITE, OU le Mlonopole universitaire.... par un franqais ami de la charte. Paris, 1844. 80. See Pam. vol. 10. CHARTER ( The) OAK. Hartford, 1851. 180. CHARTS. See at the close of the alphabetical catalogue. CHAS (J.) et LEBRUN. Histeire de la Revolution de l'Am6nrique Septentrionale. Paris, 1801. 80. W. C. 219. CHASE ( Elizabeth ). Miscellaneous Selections and Original Pieces, in prose and verse. Baltimore, 1821. 12o. CHASE (Lucien D.). History of the Polk Administration. New-York, 1850. 80. CHASE (Owen). Narrative of the Shipwreck of the Whaleship Essex, of Nantucket. New-York, 1821. 120. VW. C. 220. CHASE (Philander), Bishop. Reminiscences: An autobiography. 2d ed., comprising a history of the principal events in the author's life, to 1847. Boston, 1848. 2 vol. 80. CHASLES ( Philarete). Anglo-American Literature and manners: from the French. New-York, 1].852. 120. CHASSANIS ( Pierre). Association pour la possession et exploration de 600,000 acres de terre concedees par l'Etat de New-York, et situees.... sur le Lac Ontario.... Paris, 40. Appended are the legal documnents in MS. with the autograph of G. Morris, etc. CHASSEAUD ( G. NW.). The Druzes of Lebanon. Ldodon, 1855, 120P GENERAL LIBRARY. 155 CHASTELLUX ( F. J. l. e Marquis de). Voyage dans I'Amerique Septentrionale, 1780 - 82. Paris, 1786. 2 vol. 8. W. C. 221. Travels in North America, 1780 - 1782: trans. from the French. London, 1787. 2 vol. 80. Voyage de Newport, a Philadelphie, Albany, etc. De l'Imprimerie Royale de l'Escadre,'i Newport. 4o. W. C. 222. CHASTENET-PUYSfGUR (J. F. Marquis de). De6tail sur la Navigation aux Cotes de Saint-Domingue, et dans ses d6bouquemens. Paris, 1787. 40. W. C. 776. CIIATEAUBRIAND (F. A. le Vicomte de). ('1uvres. Paris, 1836, 37. 5 vol. 80. C. L. O CEuvres Completes. Paris, Ladvocat, 1826 - 31. 31 vol. 80. Travels in Greece, Palestine, Egypt and Barbary, in 1806 and 1807: trans. by F. Shoberl. Philadelphia, 1813. 8o. The same. New-York, 1814. 80. B. C. The Martyrs; or the Triumph of the Christian Religion: from the French, with notes. New-York, 1812. 3 vol. 12o. R-ecollections of Italy, England and America; with Essays on various subjects in morals and literature. Philadelphia, 1816. 80. B. C. Sketches of English Literature; with Considerations on the spirit of the times, men and revolutions. London, 1836. 2 vol. 80. Memoirs of the Congress of Verona. London, 1838. 2 vol. 80..... —- On Buonaparte and the Bourbons. Pamphleteer, vol. 3. On the Censorship established by the Act of 1822. Pamphleteer, vol. 24. CHATHAM ( Earl of). See Pitt (William). CHATTERTON ( Thomas). The Poetical Works, with Notices of his life.; History of the Rowley controversy; a Selection of his letters, &c. Cambridge, 1842. 2 vol. 120. CHATTO ( W. A.). Gems of Wood Engravings, from the Illustrated London News; with a History of the art, ancient and modern. London, 1849. fol. CHAUCER (Geoffrey). Works. Black letter. London, 1561. fol. The Poetical Works; with an Essay on his language and versification, by Thomas Tyrwhitt. London, 1843. 80 CHAUDRON (Simon). Oraison Funebre du Frere George Washington; prononcee dans la loge franqaise l'Amenit6. Philadelphie, 1.800. Pam. vol. 39. CHAUNCY (Charles), D.D., Pastor of the First Church of Christ in Boston. Seasonable Thoughts on the State of Religion in New-England. Boston, 1743. 80......_ A Letter to a Friend, giving a concise but just account of the Ohio Defeat, Braddock's.... to which is added, Some general account of the New-England forces. Signed G. W. Boston, Edes 4. Gill, 1755. 40o 156 NEW-YORK STATE.... Letter to a Friend, containing Remarks on certain passages in a Sermon preached by the Bishop of Llandaff.... in London, Feb. 20, 1767. upon the American Colonies..... Boston: London, reprinted, 1768; with a supplement, containing an answer to the plea of T. B. Chandler, D. D., of New-Jersey, for American bishops.... by a Presbyter in Old England, 1768. Pam. vol. 112. A Complete View of Episcopacy. Boston, 1771. 80. CHAUVEAU (Pierre J. O.). Charles Guerin: Roman de Moeurs Canadiennes. )Montreal, 1853. 8o. CHAUVETON. See Calveto. CHECKLEY Family Pedigree. 80. CHEETHAM ( James). The Life of Thomas Paine. New-York, 1809. 80. Nine Letters on the political defection of Aaron Burr. New-York, 1803. Paml. vol. 17. CHEEVER ( George B.), D.D. The American Commonplace Book of Prose: A Collection from the writings of American authors. Philadelphia, 1839. 120. The American Commonplace Book of Poetry, with occasional notes. Philadelphia, 1843. 120. - ectures on the Pilgrim's Progress, and on the Life and Times of John Bunyan. 4th ed. New-York, 1845. 80. ---- - VWanderings of a Pilgrim under the Shadow of Mont Blanc. NewYork, 1845. 120. The same. 120. B. C... —..- The Pilgrim in the Shadow of the Jungfrau Alp. New-York, 1846. 120. and Taylor Lewis. Defence of Capital Punishment. New-York, 1846. 12o. Sermon before For. Evang. Soc. 1847. Pam. vol. 61. The Journal of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, in New England, in 1620: reprinted from the original, with illustrations. New-York, 1848. 12o. CHEEVER ( Rev. Henry T.). The Whale and its Captors; or the Whaleman's adventures and theWhaleman's biography. New-York, 1850. 120. The Island World of the Pacific. New-York, 1851. 120. Memoir of IW. Colton. See Colton (W.). CHELSUM ( James)-, D.D. Remarks on the two last chapters of Mr. Gibbon's History of the Decline and Fall, &c. 2d ed. Oxford, 1778. 120. CHENEVIX ( Richard ). Phrenology: Article of the Foreign Quarterly Review, with notes by J. G. Spurzheim. Boston: See Spurzheim ( J. G.). CHINIER ( M. Joseph). CEuvres diverses et in6dites de MI. J. C. Mem. de l'Inst. Bruxelles, 1816. 80. CHEROKEE LAND LOTTERY.... A List of the fortunate drawers..... with map of the district, by James F. Smith. New-York, 1838. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 157 CHEROKEE ADVOCATE: Cherokee and English. Sept. 1853. See Newspapers, vol. 3. CHESAPEAKE and OHIO Canal, 1840. See Pam. vol. 145. CHESELDEN (William). The Anatomy of the Human Body. 1st Am. ed. Boston, 1795. 80. CHESNEY ( Col. F. R.). The Russo-Turkish Campaigns of 1828 and 1829, with maps. New-York, 1854. 12~. CHESTER (Rev. John) and Mr. Mark Tucker. Trials... before the Presbytery of Albany, with the whole Case of the Rev. Hooper Cumming. Schenectady, 1818. 80. Late Pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church, Albany: Obituary Notices. Albany, 1829. 80. CIHESTER (Rev. T.). Sermon on Death of Mrs. Walworth, 1847. Pam. vol. 61. CHESTERFIELD (Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of). Letters; including numerous letters now first published from the original manuscripts. London, 1845. 4 vol. 80. Letters to his Son. London, 1777. 4 vol. 120. B. C. First vol. wvanting. CHEVALIER ( Charles). Catalogue des Daguerreotypes ou Photographes perfection6s ou construits par C. C. Paris, 1850. Pam. vol. 69. CHEVALIER ( Michel). Lettres sur l'Am6rique du Nord. 3d ed. Bruxelles, 1839. 3 vol. 12-. B. C. Society, Manners, and Politics in the United States: from the French. Boston, 1839. 8). CHEVALIER (Thomas). Remarks on Suicide. Pamphleteer, vol. 23. CHEVALLIER (A.), M.D. A Collection of Publications in one vol. 80. Contents: 1. Sur les empoisonnements: par l'ars6nic, les hultres, les moules; par le plomb et le cuivre; par l'acide sulfurique. 2. Le nettoiement de la ville de Paris, 1849. 3. Sur la falsification de la chicor6e. 4. Sur le commerce des sangsues, etc. CHEVALLIER (Rev. Temple). Hulsean Lectures for 1826, 27: Divine power and wisdom shown from astronomy. Cambridge, 1827. 2 vol. 80. CHEVIGNI (De). La Science des Personnes de la cour, de 1'6pee et de la robe. Vol. 2. Paris, 1725. 12o. B. C. CHEVREAU (M.). (Euvres meslees: Premiere partie. La Haye, 1697. 180. CHICAGO: Railroads, history and commerce of Chicago. Chicago, 1854. 80. CHICAGO CONVENTION, July 5, 1847: Memorial to Congress, and proceedings. Albany, 1848. 8o. CHICKERING (Jesse). A Statistical View of the Population of Massachusetts, from 1765 to 1840. Boston, 1846. 8o. Immigrations into the United States. Boston, 1848. 80o CHILD ( E. B.). Albany Directory and City Register, 1832 - 39. Albany. 5 vol. 120. 158 NEITW-YORK STATE and W. I. Shiffer. Albany Directory, 1831 - 2. Albany. 12o. CHILD (Sir Josiah). New Discourse of Trade. London, 1693. 160. CHILD ( Lydia Maria). Letters from New-York. 9th ed. New-York, 1848. 120. The same. New-York, 1844. 120. B. C. Letters from New-York: Second series. New-York, 1845. 12o0. The same. 120. B. C. Brief History of the condition of women in various ages and nations. 5th ed. New-York, 1845. 2 vol. in 1. 12o. B. C. Isaac T. Hopper: A True Life. Boston, 1853. 12). CHILDREN'S Mission to the Children of the destitute: Report, Boston, 1853. Pam. vol. 97. CHILDREN'S (The) WEEK: By the Author of the " Morals of Pleasure." Boston, 1830. 12,. B. C. CHILI: Discovery and Conquest. Kerr, Voy. vol. 5. CHILLINGWORTH (William). Works. London, 1820. 3 vol. 80. B. C. W — Works: 12th ed.; with Life by Birch. London, 1836. 80. C. L. CHINA, Pictorial, Descriptive and Historical; with some Account of Ava and the Burmese, Siam and Anam. Bohn, London, 1853. 120. CHINESE COLLECTION: Descriptive Catalogue, by W. B. Langdon, Curator. London, 1843. 80o. CHINESE COLLECTION, Philadelphia: Catalogue, 1839. 80. CHINESE (The) REPOSITORY: Canton, Macao, Victoria or Hong-Kong. Vol. 1- 20, 1832 - 51. 20 vol. 80. Vol. 17, 18, wanting. CHINIAC (De) DE LA BASTIDE DU CLAux. Discours sur la nature et les dogmes de la religion gauloise. Paris, 1769. 180. CHIosso ( Capt.). Gymnastics an essential branch of national education. London, 1854. 80. CHIPATAN ( Daniel). The Life of the Hon. Nathaniel Chipman, LL.D.; with Selections from his miscellaneous papers, by his Brother. Boston, 1846. 80. CHIPMAN ( Rev. John). Sermon at Windham, 1728. Boston, 1729. 80o. CHIPMAN (S.). Report of an Examination of poor-houses, jails, etc. 1834. See Pam. vol. 176. CHITTENDEN (N. XV.). See Newton (Isaac). CHITTENDEN (W. B.). See Ladd's ( J. B.) Life. CHLORIDE OF ZINC, its economic and sanitary relations, preventing decay, rot, mildew and combustion. Sir W. Burnett's patent. Boston, 1850. 80. CHOATE (Rufus). Discourse at Dartmouth College, on Daniel Webster, July 1.853. Boston. 80. Speech on Norfolk Co. Railroad. Pam. vol. 148. GENERAL LIBRARY. 159 CnOISY (Abbe de). MImoires pour servir a l'Histoire de Louis XIV. Utrecht, 1725. 2 vol. in 1. 120. CHOULES ( John 0.). See Neal (D.), History of the Puritans. CHIRIST CHURCH, Cincinnati: Letter from the Wardens and Vestry to Rev. H. U. Onderdonk, 1824. Pamn. vol. 72. CHRISTIAN ( M.). Description des Machines et Proc'des specifies dans les brevets d'invention.... dont la dur6e est expir6e. Tome 4me. Paris, 1820. 40. CHRISTIAN DISCIPLE, monthly. Vol. 2-6, 1814 - 18, 5 vol.; New series, vol. 1 -5, 1819- 23, 5 vol. Boston. 10 vol. 80. CHRISTIAN (The) EXAMINER and RELIGIOUS MISCELLANY: Vol. 647. Boston, 1829 - 49. 41 vol. 80. B. C. CHRISTIAN ( The) HISTORY: Containing Accounts of the revival and propagation of religion in Great Britain and America, for 1743: ed. by Thomas Prince. Boston, 1744. 8~. The earliest American periodical. CHRISTIAN INTELLIGENCER, weekly. Vol. 1, 1830, to vol. 2, July 2, 1832, in 1 vol. with N. Y. E. Post and Albany Journal and Tel.; vol. 2 to vol. 25, 1831 - 55, New-York, in 10 vol. fol. CHRISTIAN JOURNAL and LITERARY REGISTER for 1822 - 1824. NewYork, T. 4. J. Swords. 3 vol. 80. CHRISTIAN MAGAZINE: Designed to promote the knowledge and influence of evangelical truth and order. Vol. 1 - 4. New-York, 1806 - 11. 4 vol. 80. B.C. CHRISTIAN PALLADIUM. Published by the Christian General Book Association: J. Hazen and J. Ross, editors. Vol. 15, 16, 17. Union ~Mills, N.Y. 1847; and Albany, 1848- 9. 3 vol. 80. CHRISTIAN REVIEW: Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8. Boston, 1837. 80. B. C. CHRISTIAN'S, SCHOLAR'S and FARMER'S MAGAZINE: by a number of Gentlemen. Elizabethtown, N. J. 1789 - 90. 2 vol. 80. CHRISTIAN VISITANT: Newspaper, 1815 - 16. Vol. 1. Albany 40. CHRISTIE (Robert). History of the late Province of Lower Canada, parliamentary and political. Quebec, 1848 - 53. Vol. 1- 4, 6. 5 vol. 12o. Military and Naval Operations in the Canadas, during the late *War with the United States. Quebec, 1818. 120. W. C. 224. Brief Review of the political state of Lower Canada. New-York, 1818. 80. CHRISTIE ( S. tIunter). Report on the state of our knowledge respecting the magnetism of the Earth. Reports, British Association, 1833. CHRISTISON (Robert). On the poisonous properties of hemlock, and its alkaloid conia. Edinburgh, 1836. 40. CHRISTMAS (Rev. Henry). A Concise History of the Hampden Controversy, from its commencement in 1832, to the present time. London, 1848. 80. The Cradle of the Twin Giants, Science and History. London, 1819. 2 vol. 12o. 160 NEW-YORK STATE See Canada in 1849. CHRONICLES of Casco Bay. Boston, 1814. 120. CHRONICLES OF THE CRUSADES; being the Chronicles of the Contemporary Narratives of the Crusade of Richard Coeur de Lion, by Richard of Devizes and Geoffrey de Vinsauf, and of the Crusade of Saint Louis, by Lord John de Joinville. Bohn, London, 1848. 120. CIIRYSAL, or the Adventures of a Guinea. See Johnstone. CHRYSOSTOMUS ( S. Joannes). De Virginitate: Aldus, Rome, 1562, 4~; and Gregorii Nysseni de Virginitate liber: Aldus, Romer, 1562, 4~. CHUBMACERO Y CARRILLO ( Juan ) y D. Pimentel. Memorial al Papa Urbano VIII., sobre los excesses que se cometen en Roma contra los naturales de estos Reynos de Espaila: trad. de italiano en castellano. 1633. 4. W. C. 225. CHUMASERO ( John C.). Address, July 4, 1853, Le Roy, N.Y. Pam. vol. 88. CHURCH ( Albert E.), LL.D. Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus. New-York, 1855. 8:'. The same. New-York, 1842. 80. ___.__ Elements of Analytical Geometry. 2d ed. New-York, 1854. 80. CHURCH ( Pharcellus), D.D. Address, Mount Hope Cemetery. Rochester, 1839. Pain. vol. 77. CHURCH (Thomas). The History of Philip's War, commonly called the Great Indian War of 1675 and 1676; with numerous notes, by Samuel G. Drake. 2d ed. Boston, 1829. 120. The same. Revised ed. -Cooperstown, 1846. 120. The same. See Knapp's Lib. Amer. Hist. CHURCH ( The) ALMANAC, 1849, 50. New-York, Ep. Tr. Soc. 1 vol. 120. CHURCH JOURNAL, weekly. Vol. 1, Feb. 5, 1853 - Jan. 1854. NewYork. fol. CHURCH OF SCOTLAND: Confession of Faith, the larger and shorter catechismn, covenants, national league; acts of parliament, etc. relative to the Church of Scotland. 1771. 80. See Narrative of enquiry. CHURCH PASTORAL AID SOCIETY: Report and Speeches, London, 1851, 52. Pam. vol. 90. CIHURCH REGISTER: Newspaper, ed. by Rev. George Weller. Philadelphia, 1826 - 29. 3 vol. 40. CHURCH REVIEW and ECCLESIASTICAL REGISTER. New-Haven, Conn. 1848 - 55. 7 vol. 8~. CHURCHILL ( A. and J.). A Collection of Voyages and Travels, some now first printed from original manuscripts, others now first published in English; with a history of navigation. London, 1732. 4 vol. fol. Supplement. London, T. Osborne, 1745. 2 vol. fol. CHTURCHILL ( John), Duke of Marlborough. See Marlborough. GENERAL LIBRARY. 161 CHURCHILL ( T. O.). New Gramlmar of the English Language. London, 1823. 120. CIIHURCHMAN (Rev. John). An Account of the gospel labors.... of; to which is added a memorial of the life of Joseph White. Philadelphia, 1779. 80. CHIURIHMAN (The). N.Y. Vol. 24, MIar. 1854 - Feb. 1855. fol. CHURCHMAN'S REPOSITORY, for the East. Dioc. Newburyport, 1820. 80. CIURRcHMAAN'S MAGAZINE: conducted by the Bishop and Clergy of the Diocese of Conn. Hartford, 1821 - 22. 2 vol. 80. CIHURCHMAN'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE, and Treasury of divine and useful knowledge. New-Haven and New-York, 1804 - 11. Vol. 3 wanting. 6 vol. 80. CHURTON ( E.). Book-Collector's Handbook. London, 1845. 8o. CiIYROMANCIE ET PIISIONOMIE (Vraye et Parfaicte): Trait8 de 1a phisionomnie, astrologie naturelle, etc. Paris, 1619. 12o. CIBBER ( Colley). An Apology for the Life of, written by himself.... A new edition, by Edmund Bellchambers. London, 1822. 8~. CIBOLA. See Castaneda, Relation du voyage. CICERO ( I. T.). Opera Omnia, ex recensione novissima Jo. Aug. Ernesti..... Ed. prima amer. Bostonive, 1845. 20 vol. 123. See Scriptores Romani.... B. C. a — Opera Omnia; prseter vulgatam D. Lambini editionem, accesserunt D. Gothofredi notre. 1606. fol. Opera: Studiis Societatis Bipontinve. 1780 - 87. 13 vol. 80. De Republica ~ Libri ab Angelo Maio nuper reperti et editi, cura' MIoseri et Creuzeri. Francofurti, 1826. 80. The Republic: trans. from the Latin by G. W. Featherstonhaugh. New-York, 1829. 120. - M. T. C. Orationum, corrigente Paulo Manutio Aldi filio. Venetiis, 1546. 3 vol. 180. The Orations, translated by Duncan; the Offices by Cockman, and the Cato and Lmlius by Melmoth. N. York, 1833. 3 vol. 180. B.C....... Orations: literally translated by C. D. Yonge. Bohn, London, 1851 - 52. 4 vol. 120. Three Books of Offices, or moral duties: trans. by Cyrus R. Edmonds. Bohn, London, 1850. 12o. ------ T The Academic Questions; Treatise de fnibus, and Tusculan disputations: trans. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn, London, 1853. 120. ------ Treatise on the Nature of the Gods; on divination; on fate; on the republic; on the laws; and on standing for the consulship. Bohn, London, 1853. 120. ~~- Letters to several of his friends; with remarks by William Melmioth. 2d ed. London, 1772. 3 vol. 80. B. C. The same. 6th ed. London, 180^3, 4. 3 vol. 80. B. C. GEN. L[B. 1855.] 21 162 NEW-YORK STATE.. —. Le Epistole di Cicerone ad Attico, fatte volgari da M. Matte3 Senarega, Aldus, Vinegia, 1855. 120. De Oratore; or his Three Dialogues upon the character and qualifications of an orator: trans. by William Guthrie. Boston, 1822. 120. B.C. On the Immortality of the Soul; with notes and an appendix by M. Stuart. Andover, 1833. 180. B. C. Cato Major, or a Treatise on old age, by M. T. Cicero; with notes by Hon. James Logan. Printed at Philadelphia, by B. Franklin, 1744..... 80. *~ - The same: reprinted at Glasgow, 1758. 180. Historia; et de Inventione; et Topica.... 3Ianucciorum commentariis illustratus, antiquaxque lectioni restitutus. Aldus, Venetiis, 1582. fol. In omnes de arte rhetorica Mi. Tullii Ciceronis libros, item in eos ad C. Herennium scriptos, doct. virorum commentaria...... Aldus, Venetiis, 1551. fol. In omnes M. T. Ciceronis orationes doct. virorum lucubrationes, accurate in unum volumen collectke. Alus, Venetiis, 1552. fol. Epitheta. See Nunnesio. Commentaries on. See lManutius (Paulus). CICERONIANUM LEXICON GR.ACO-LATINUM: id est, Lexicon ex variis grmcorum scriptorum locis' Ciceronejnterpretatis; item loci groecorum auctorum cum Ciceronis interpretationibus. Augustae Taurinorum, 1743. 80. CINCINNATI DIRECTORY for the year 1829. Cincinnati. 180. CINCINNATI LANE SEMINARY: Report, 1834. Pam. vol. 73. CIESA DE LEON ( Pedro de). Parte primera de la Chronica del Peru. Anvers, 1554. 120~. The same. Anvers, 1554. 18~. W. C. 226. Delle Historic del Peru: Parte seconda. Venetia, 1565. 120. W. C. 227. Sixteen Years' Travels through the Mighty Kingdom of Peru: from the Spanish. London, 1609. 40. See Lawson. CIRCUMNAVIGATION of the Globe, and Progress of Discovery in the Pacific Ocean. Edin. Cab. Lib. vol. 21. CIST (Charles). Cincinnati in 1841: its early annals. Cincinnati. 120. - Sketches and Statistics of Cincinnati in 1851. Cincinnati, 1851. 120. CITRI DE LA GUETTE. Histoire de la Conqueste de la Floride, par les Espagnols. Paris, 1685. 12o. W. C. 228. CITTERS ( A. C. van). Lofrede op den Heer C. Lambrechtsen. Middelburg, 1824. 80. CITIES (The) and Principal Towns of the World. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 133. CITY Corruption and Mal-administration displayed.... to the citizens of TLondon: by a citizen. London, 1788. Pam. vyl. 139. GENERAL LIBRARY. 163 CIVIALE (Doct.). MeImoire sur l'Anatomie pathologique des retrecissemens de l'urttre. Paris, 1842. 80. Trait6 Pratique et Historique de la Lithontritie. Paris, 1848. 80. Lettres sur la Lithontritie: Sixienme lettre. Paris, 1848. 80. CIVIL Engineer and Architect's Journal. London, 1838-48. 11 vol. 4o. Jan. 1845. See Pam. 40. vol. 1. CLAIBORNE ( Nathaniel Herbert). Notes on the War in the South; with biographical sketches of the lives of Montgomery, Jackson, Sevier, the late Governor Claiborne and others. Richmond, 1819. 1.20. CLAIMANTS on Mexico Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4. Pam. vol. 75. CLAP (Roger). Memoirs of. Boston, 1844. 120. CLAP ( Rev. Theodore). A Report of the Trial of, before the Mississippi Presbytery, in 1832. New-Orleans, 1833. 80. CLAP ( Thomas), President of Yale College. The Religious Constitution of Colleges, especially of Yale College, in New-Haven, in the Colony of Connecticut. New-London, 1754. 80. Brief History and Vindication of the doctrines received and established in the churches of New-England. New-Haven, 1755. 120....- Annals or History of Yale College, from 1700 to 1766. NewHaven, 1776. 120. CLAPPERTON ( H.). Journal of a second Expedition into the interior of Africa; with the Journal of Richard Lander. Philadelphia, 1829. 80. CLARAC ( Le Conte de). See Musee Royal du Louvre. B. C. CLARENDON ( Edw. Hyde, Earl of). History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, begun in 1641. Oxford, 1704. 3 vol. fol. - The same: exhibiting a faithful collation of the original MSS. with all the suppressed passages, and the unpublished notes of Bishop Warburton. Oxford, 1827. 6 vol. 80. The same. 6 vol. 8-. B. C. ---- State Papers: Commencing from the year 1621; containing the materials from which his History of the Great Rebellion was composed, and the authorities on which the truth of his relation is founded. Oxford, 1767. 3 vol. fol. CLARENDON (Henry Hyde, Earl of). Correspondence of; and of his Brother, Laurence Hyde, Earl of Rochester; with the Diary of Lord Clarendon, from 1687 to 1690: ed. by Samuel W. Singer. London, 1828. 2 vol. 40. CLARISSE (J.). Prologus, quo.... J. H. v. d. Palm.... ad imitandum proposuit. Lugd. Bat. 1841. Pam. vol. 33. B. C. See Maatschappij der Nederl. Letter. CLARK (Aaron). Parliamentary Practice. 2d ed. New-York, 1825. 120. CLARK ( Daniel), of New-Orleans. Proofs of the Corruption of Gen. James Wilkinson, and of his connexion with Aaron Burr. Phil'a, 1809. 80. CLARK (D.). Report to the St. Lawrence Co. Med. Soc. on the death of Silas Wright. St. Lawrence Mercury, Feb. 1848. 8~. 164 NEW-YORK STATE CLARK (Edwin). The Britannia and Conway Tubular Bridges, with general inquiries cn beams, and on the properties of materials used in construction: under the sanction and supervision of Robert Stephenson. London, 1850. 2 vol. 80, and fol. vol. of plates. 3 vol. CLARK ( Henry G.), M.D. Ship Fever; its history, natureand best treatment. Boston, 1850. So. CLARK (Jonas). Sermon at Lexington, on the Boston Massacre, 1776. Pan. vol. 37. CLARK (Jonathan). Life of General Washington. Albany, 1813. 18o. CLARK ( Rev. Joseph S.). An Historical Sketch of Sturbridge, Mass., to the present time. Brookfield, 1838. 80. CLARK ( Joshua V. H.). Onondaga, or Reminiscences of earlier and later times; being a series of historical sketches relating to Onondaga.... and Oswego. Syracuse, 1849. 2 vol. 80..-..... Lights and Lines of Indian Character, and scenes of pioneer life. Syracuse, 1854. 120. CLARK ( Rev. Samuel). The Lives of sundry eminent persons in this later age. London, 1683. fol. CLARK (Samuel F.). Centennial Discourse at Athol, MIass. Boston, 1851. 80. CLARK (S. W.). Practical English Grammar. New-York, 1847. 120. CLARK (Thaddeus). A Treatise on the Searlatina anginosa, etc. Norwich, Conn. 1795. 120. CLARK ( Thomas). Naval History of the United States, from the commencemnent of the revolutionary war to the present time. Philadelphia, 1814. 2 vol. 120. CLARK ( Thomas). A New Method for purifying the water supplied to London by the water companies. 3d ed. London, 1844. Pam. vol. 23. CLARK (Thomas M.), Bishop. Sermon before A. and H. Art. Company. Boston, 1849. Pam. vol. 61. CLARK (William). Report on Animal Physiology. Reports, British Association, 1834. History of the British marine testaceous mollusca. London, 1855. 80. CLARK ( Willis Gaylord). Literary Remains, including the Ollapodian papers. New-York, 1847. 80. CLARKE (Adam). Commentary. See Bible. CLARKE ( C. E.). Speech in Cong. on Admission of California, 1850. Pam. vol. 59. CLARKE ( Mlis. Cowden). The Complete Concordance to Shakspeare; being a Verbal Index to all the passages in the dramatic works of the Poet. London, 1845. 80. CLARKE (Edward). Account of Spain and Portugal. Coll. Voy. vol. 5. CLARKE (Edward Daniel). Travels in Europe, Asia and Africa. 4th ed. London, 1816 - 24. 11 vol. 8o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 165 Travels in various Countries of Europe, Asia and Africa, commencing 1801. Part 2: Greece, Egypt, and the Holy Land. New-York, 1813. 8U. B. C. The same, lettered vol. 3, 4. New-York, 1815. 2 vol. 120. B. C. Remains. See Otter (W.). CLARKE (Hon. George). Proclamation, N.Y. 1736. See Zenger. CLARKE ( George). Opinion of Judge Cady: The People vs. G. Clarke. Albany, 1851. See Muns. Pam. vol. 12. CLARKE (H.). Practical Perspective. London, 1776. 80. CLARKE (J.). An Answer to the Question, Why are you a Christian? See Young Man's Manual. B. C. CLARKE (James Freeman). Eleven Weeks in Europe, and what may be seen in that time. Boston, 1852. 12o. Campaign of 1812. See Hull (Gen.). CLARKE (Rev. James Stanier), and John M'Arthur. Life and Services of Horatio, Lord Viscount Nelson. London. 3 vol. 80.....- Progress of Maritime Discovery. Vol. 1. London, 1803. 40. CLARKE (John). Translations. See Corderius, Eutropius, Justinus. CLARKE (Mrs. Mary Anne). Authentic Memoirs.... with Account of IMr. Wardle's charges against the Duke of York. London, 1809. SO. - The Rival Princes, or a Narrative of her political acquaintance with Col. Wardle. New-York, 1810. 12., CLARKE ( Matthew St. C.). See American Archives. CLARKE (Samuel), D.D. Works. London, 1738. 4 vol. fol. CLARKE (William), M.D. Observations on the late and present conduct of the French, with regard to their encroachments upon the British Colonies in North America. London, 1755. 120. CLARKSON ( Thomas). A Letter to the Clergy of various denominations, and to the slaveholding planters in the southern parts of the U. S. A. London, 1841. Pam. vol. 36. B. C. Thoughts on the necessity of improving the condition of the slaves in the British Colonies. New-York, 1.823. 80. Memoirs of the Private and Public Life of William Penn. Dover, N.H. 1827. 2 vol. 80. - History of the rise, progress, and accomplishment of the abolition of the African Slave Trade by the Brit. Parliament. London, 1839. 8-). 1. Essai sur les desavantages politiques de la traite des Negres; 2. Le Cri des Africains, contre les Europeens leurs oppresseurs: trad. de l'anglois. 80. W. C. 229. CLAUDIANUS ( C1.). Opera quse extant, C. Barthius ope 17 MSS. exemplarium restituit. Francofurti, 1650. 4o. CLAUSSEN ( Le Chev.). The Flax Movement; its national importance and advantages, with directions for the preparation of flax, cotton, and the cultivation of flax; with an appendix by H.Greeley. Syracuse, 1851. 80. 166 NEW-YORK STATE CLAVEL ( Robert). His Majesties Propriety and Dominion on the British Seas asserted. London, 1672. 120. CLAVERS ( M}rs. Mary). New Home. See Kirkland (Alis.). CLAYVIRE (E.), et J. P. Brissot de Warville. De la France et des Etats Unis. London, 1787. 80. W. C. 230. See also Brissot de Warville. - Considerations on the relative situation of France and the United States. London, 1788. 80. CLAVIGERO ( Fr. S.). History of Mexico: translated from the Italian by Charles Cullen. London, 1787. 2 vol. 4o. W. C. 231. The same. Richmond, Va. 1806. 3 vol. 80. CLAXTON ( Timothy). Memoirs of a Mechanic; being a Sketch of the life of, written by himself. Boston, 1839. 120. CLAY (C. C.). Speech in Congress, on Removal of deposites, 1834. Pam. vol. 59. CLTAY (Cassius Marcellus). Writings, including Speeches and Addresses: ed. with a preface and memoir, by Horace Greeley. N.York, 1848. 80. CLAY (Henry). Collection of Miscellaneous Publications. 1 vol. 8~0. Contents: Speech on the American System, 1824. Speech on the Removal of the Deposites, 1833. Report on the Price of the public lands, 1832. Report on our Relations with France, 1835. Address on Charges made by Gen. Jackson, 1827. Charges of Coalition with J. Q. Adams. Speech on the Compromise resolutions, 1850. Speech, U. S. H. of Rep. Jan. 8, 1813. Pam. vol. 34. B. C. Obituary Addresses, and Sermon of Rev. C. M. Butler at the Capitol on the occasion of his death. Washington, 1852. 8~. Obsequies. See New-York City. CLAY ( J. C.). Annals of the Swedes on the Delaware. Phil'a, 1835. 160. CLAYTON ( J. M.). Report on Removal of deposites, 1834. See Bank U. S. vol. 2. CLAYTON ( Sir Richard). Connubia Florum. Bathonix, 1791. 80. -------- Treatise on Greyhounds. Pamphleteer, vol. 9. CLAYTON (Robert), Bishop. Journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai. Pinkerton, vol. 10. CLEAVELAND ( Parker). Elementary Treatise on mineralogy and geology. 2d ed. Boston, 1822. 80. W. C. 232. CLEGG ( Samuel ) jr. Treatise on the manufacture and distribution of gas. London, 1841. 4. Patent dry gas meters. London. Pam. vol. 79. CLEGHORN (George). Ancient and Modern Art, historical and critical. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1848. 2 vol. 120. CLELAND (James). Census of Glasgow and County of Lanark. 2d ed. Glasgow, 1832. fol. GENERAL LIBRARY. 167 CLENDI. Pieces officielles. See Recueil. CLERc (Laurent). Address. Conn. Asylum for the deaf and dumb, 1818. Pain. vol. 6. B. C. CLERICUS. See Argument, Reasons. CLERICUS: Letter on Dancing, to Synod of Albany, 1847. See Muns. Pam. vol. 3. CLEVELAND (Charles Dexter), First Lessons in Latin. 2d ed. Boston, 1831. 12o. B. C. CLEVELAND ( H. R.). Life of Henry Hudson. Sparks's Am. Biography, vol. 10. CLEVELAND ( Richard J.). A Narrative of voyages and commercial enterprises by. 2d ed. Cambridge, Ms. 1843. 2 vol. 120. CLIFTON ( Mr.). Poems chiefly occasional. New-York, 1800. 180. CLINTON (Dewitt). Discourse, N. Y. Hist. Society. 1811. Pam. vol. 55. B. C. -- Introductory Discourse, Lit. and Phil. Soc. of New-York, 1814. Pam. vol. 5. A Collection of Miscellaneous Publications, 80. Contents: The Canal Policy of New-York, in a letter to R. Troup, by Tacitus, 1821. ( Also Pam. vol. 7.) Message to Assembly, 1821. Speeches in Legislature, 1817 to 1822. Memoir on the Antiquities of Western New-York, 1820. Letters of Marcus and Philo Cato to Dewitt Clinton, 1810. A Memoir on the Antiquities of the western part of the State of New-York. Albany, 1818. Pam. vol. 4; also vol. 4. B. C. - Letters on the Natural history and Internal resources of the State of New-York; by Hibernicus. New-York, 1822. 180. B. C. Also W. C. 233...-.... Tribute to the memory of: by a Citizen of Albany. Cuyler Staats? Albany, 1828. 120. - The Clinton Monument. New-York, 1848. 80. CLINTON ( Dewitt) jr. Report on Neversink River. See Pam. vol. 145. CLINTON'S (George) Legacy: The People vs. King Caucus. Washington, 1808. Pam. vol. 57.. ~- and John Lansing jr.: Correspondence, 1807. See Newsp. vol. 5. CLINTON (Sir Henry), Lieut. Gen. Letter to the Commissioners of public accounts, relative to some observations in their 7th report, which may be judged to imply censure on the late Commander-in-chief of H. M.'s Army in N. A. London, 1784. 80o. Narrative of his Conduct in the Campaign of 1781, in North America. 4th ed. London, 1783. 80. and Lord Cornwallis. In one vol. 80. Contents: 1. Narrative of Lieut. Gen. Sir Henry Clin.tonl relative to his Conduct in the Campaign of 1781. London, 1783, 168 NEW-YORK STATE 2. A Reply to Sir Henry Clinton's Narrative, and the conduct of Lord Cornwallis fully vindicated. 2d ed. London, 1783. 3. A Reply to that part of the Narrative of Sir Henry Clinton, which relates to the conduct of Lieut. Gen. Earl Cornwallis, by Earl Cornwallis. London, 1783. 4. Observations on sonme parts of the Answer of Earl Cornwallis to Sir Hecnry Clinton. London, 1783. CLIPPERTON (John). Voyage round the World. Kerr, vol. 10. CLONCURRY (Valentine, Lord ). Personal Recollections of the life and times, with extracts from the correspondence of. Dublin, 1849. 80. CLOQUET ( Jules), M.D. Souvenirs sur la Vie privee du General La Fayette. Paris, 1836. 8 ). - Recollections of the Private Life of Gen. La Fayette. London, 1835. 8. CLOSSET (A. de). Droit Civil. See Encyc. pop. CLOUGH (Simon). Account of the Christian Denomination in the U. S. Boston, 1827. Pam. vol. 65. CLOWES (Rev. J.). The only real Road to Wealth. Troy, 1839. Pam. vol. 18. CLOWES (Rev. Timothy). Sermons preached in St. Peter's Church, Albany, in December 1816. Albany, 1816. 120. CLUNE (Alexander). The American Traveller; or Observations on the present state..... of the Dutch colonies in America, London, 1769. With A Declaration by an old plebeian, London, 1768; and a Letter to the 1Rev. Thomas Jones, London, 1755. 4o. CLusIus (Carolus). See Acosta (C.); Monardus ( N.) and Garcias ab Orto. CLUVERIUS (Philippus). Introductio in Universam Geographiam, tam veterem quam novami, tabulis geographicis xlvi, ac notis olim ornata a Johanne Bunone, etc. Amsterdam, 1697. 40. COALITION ( La) et la France. London, 1817. 8~. COAST SURVEY. See United States. COATS ( Capt. W.). The Geography of Hudson Bay, being his remarks in many voyages to that locality from 1727 to 1751; with the log of Capt. Middleton, 1741 - 42: ed. by John Barrow. Hakluyt Soc. London, 1852. 80. COATES (B. H.). Biographical Notice of Charles Caldwell, M1.D. Philadelphia, 1855. 120. COATES ( Reynell ),M.D. Oration on medical instruction, 1835. Pain. vol. 64.. Reminiscences of a Voyage to India. See Godman ( J. D.). CoBB (Charles). American Railway Guide, and Pocket Companion for the United States. New-York, 1850. 12o. The same: Jan., June, Oct. 1851. New-York. 180. COBB (Lyman). Abridgment of Walker's Dictionary. Ithaca, 1828. sm. 4~.. The same. Ithaca, N. Y. 1829. sm. 4o. B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 169 A Critical Review of the Orthography of Dr. Webster's series of books. New-York, 1831. 80. COBBETT (William). Porcupine's Works, containing various writings and selections, exhibiting a faithful picture of the United States of America. London, 1801. 12 vol. 80. Republican Rushlight, No. 7. Pam. vol. 40. A little Plain English on the Treaty of 1795. See Treaty. New-year's Gift to the Democrats. Phil'a, 1796. Pam. vol. 46. Letters on the late War between the United States and Great Britain. New-York, 1815. 80. A Year's Residence in the U. S. of America: in three parts. London, 1818, 19. 80. A. Grammnar of the English Language. New-York, 1818. 120. The same. 180. B. C. The same. New-York, 1832. 120. The same. New-York, 1837. 180. B. C. A Spelling-book. 3d ed. London, 1832. 120. - Trial. See Lambert and Perry..* —-- Thirteen Sermons, with an Address to the working people on the new dead body bill. NevW-York, 1834. 180. Legacy to Parsons, in six letters. New-York, 1845. 180. B. C. See Appendix to Playfair's (W.) Hist. of Jacobinism. COBBIN (Rev. Ingram). Elements of the English Grammar. 6th ed. London, 1827. 180. The same. 17th ed. London. 180. COCHIN LE FILS et BELLICARD. Observations Sur les Antiquites de la Ville d'Herculaneum. 1754. See Fougeroux. COCHRANE (Charles Stuart), R.N. The Great Week in Paris, with considerations, moral and political. Paris, 1830. 80. Journal of a Residence and Travels in Colombia. London, 1825. 2 vol. 8'. W. C. 234. COCHRANE ( J. G.). See London Library. COCKAYNE ( O.).' Civil History of the Jews, from Joshua to Hadrian... London, 1841. 12o. COCKBURN (Lord ). Life of Lord Jeffrey, with a selection from his correspondence. Philadelphia, 1852. 2 vol. 12'. COCKBURN ( James). A Review of.... the late disorders and divisions in the Yearly Meeting of Friends. Philadelphia, 1829. 80. COCKBURN ( John). Journey from the Gulf of Honduras to the Great South Sea. London, 1735. 80. W. C. 235. COCKING'S (George) Map. See " American War; a poem." r GEN. IB. 1855.1 22 170 NEW-YORK STATE CocKs (C.). Bordeaux; its Wines, and the Claret country. London, 1846. CODICE DIPLOMATICO COLOMBO-AMERICANO; ossia Raccolta di documenti originali e inedite spettanti a Cristoforo Colombo, alla scoperta ed al governo dell'America: pubblicato per ordine degl'Ill. Decurioni della Citta di Genova. Genova, 1823. 4". COFFIN (Charles). The Lives and services of Major General Thomas, Col. Thomas Knowlton, Col. Alexander Scammell, and Maj. UGen, Henry Dearborn. New-York, 1815. 120. COFFIN ( James H.). On the Winds of the Northern hemisphere. Smithson. Contr. vol. 6. COFFIN (Joshua). A Sketch of the History of Newbury, Newburyport, and West-Newbury, from 1632 to 1845. Boston, 1845. 80. COFFIN ( Robert S.). Life of the Boston Bard: written by himuself; with poems. Mount-Pleasant, N. Y. 1802. 120. COGGESHALL ( George). Voyages to various parts of the world between 1799 - 1844; selected from his MS. journal of eighty voyages. NewYork, 1851. 80. Second Series of Voyages to various parts of the world between 1802 and 1841. New-York, 1852. 80. COGrHLAN (MIs.) Mlemoirs of; with Anecdotes of the late American and present French War. New-York, 1795. 12o. COG-SWELL ( Nathaniel ). Oration, July 4, 1808, Newburyport. Pam. vol. 63. COGSWELL (William), D.D. See New-Hampshire Repository. See New-England Hist. Geneal. Soc. COHEN ( Bernard ). Compendium of France; with an Historical Sketch of the National Debt of the British Empire. London, 1822. 80. COHEN (M. MI.). Notices of Florida and the Campaigns. Charleston, S. C. 1836. 120. CoIT ( Thomas W.). Puritanism; or Churchman's Defence against its aspersions, by an appeal to its own history. New-York, 1845. 120. CoIKE ( Lt. E. T.). A Subaltern's Furlough, descriptive of scenes in various parts of the United States, Upper and Lower Canada, NewBrunswick, and Nova-Scotia. London, 1833. 8~. COKE ( Thomas). History of the West Indies; with an Account of the mlissions instituted in those islands. Liverpool, 1808. 3 vol. 80. COKER (Daniel). Journal of D. C. a descendant of Africa... on a voyage for Sherbro in Africa. Baltimore, 1820. Paml. vol. 17. B. C. COLBURN (Zerah). A Memoir of; written by himself. Springfield, 1833. 120.....___ The Locomotive Engine: Description, etc. Philadelphia, 1853. 120. COLBY (Colonel.) Ordnance Survey of the County of Londonderry. Vol. 1. Dublin, 1837. 40. COLBY (C.). See Amer. Statist. Annual. GENERAL LIBRARY. 1l:1 COLBY ( Rev. John). The Life, experience and travels of. g3d ed. Cornish, Me. 1829. 12o. COLDEN (Cadwalladler). History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada. London, 1747. o80. W. C. 236. Tihe same. 2d ed. London, 1750. 8o. The same. 3d ed. London, 1755. 2 vol. 80. COLDEN (Cadwailader D.). A Brief exposition of the views of John L. Sullivan, esq., on his exclusive steam towboat right. 1822. Pam. vol. 52. -- Life of R. Fulton. New-York, 1817. 80. Also, 80. B. C. Memoir on the Celebration of the Completion of the New-York Canals. New-York, 1825. 4o. - A Vindication of the steamboat right granted by the State of NewYork; an answer to the letter of Mr. Duer. Albany, 1818. 8~. COLE ( Frederick W.). Poems; with a sketch of his Life, by the Rev. S. W. Fisher. Albany, 1845. 12o. COLE ( George). The Contractor's Book of working, drawings of tools, and machines used in constructing canals, railroads, etc. Buffalo, 1855. fol. COLE ( Isaac P.). Cole's Juvenile Instructor, introductory to vocal music. New-York, 1831. 80. Painm. vol. 56. COLE ( Thomas). Exhibition of his Paintings. New-York, 1848. Pam. vol. 69. Life and Writings. See Noble. COLEBROOKE (H. T.). Indian Weights and Measures. Asiatick Resear. vol. 5. Indian and Arabian divisions of tlie Zodiack. Asiat. Resear. vol. 9..-..- Religious Ceremonies of the Hindus. Asiat. Resear. vol. 7. Sanscrit and Pracrit Languages. Asiat. Resear. vol. 7. V edas, or Sacred Writings of the Hindus. Asiat. Resear. vol. 8. COLEMAN (Charles). Mythology of the Hindus. London, 1832. 40. COLEMAN ( Lyman). Antiquities of the Christian Church.... from the Works of Augusti and others. Andover, 1841. 8'. COLEMAN ( William). A Collection of Facts and Documents relative to the Death of Major General Alexander Hamilton, with orations, sermons, eulogies. New-York, 1804. 80. The same. Pai. vol. 44. COLERIDGE (.Hartley). Worthies of Yorkshire and Lancashire. London, 1836. 8o. Lives of Massinger and Ford. See Lives Brit. Dram. COLERIDGE ( Henry Nelson). Six Months in the West Indies in 1825. 2d ed. London, 1826. 80. ------- Introduction to the Study of the Greek Classic Poets. Philadelphia, 1831. 12o. B. C. 172 NEW-YORK STATE COLERIDGE (Samuel Taylor). Complete Works: ed. by Prof. Shedd. NewYork, 1854. 7 vol. 8o. Biographia Literaria; or Biographical sketches of my literary life and opinions. New-York, 1817. 2 vol. in 1. 120. B. C...... — The same: from the 2d London ed. prepared in part by H. N. Coleridge, and completed by his widow. New-York, 1847. 2 vol. 120. The Friend: a Series of Essays, to aid in the formation of fixed principles in politics, morals, and religion. Burlington, 1831. 8o. The same. 80. B. C. - Aids to Reflection, in the formation of a manly character; with Notes, etc. by James YMarsh. Burlington, 1839. 8". B. C. The same, ed. by H. Nelson Coleridge, with a preliminary essay by John M'Vickar, D.D. 6th ed. New-York, 1847. 12o. Specimens of the Table Talk of the late. New-York, 1835. 2 vol. in 1. 120. B. C. - Letters, Conversations and Recollections of. New-York, 1836. 12-. B. C. COL'ECCION de los principales trabajos.... para promnovere el progreso de la cultura y civilizacion de los territorios de la alta y de la baja California. Mexico, 1827. W. C. 170. CoLES ( Benjamin U.). A Memoir on the subject of the wheat and the flour of New-York. N. Y. Co. Agr. Soc. 1820. Pain. vol. 2. CoLES (Rev. George). My First Seven Years in America: ed. by D. P. Kidder. New-York, 1852. 18o. COLET (Madame Louise). Poeme: Le Monument de Moliere precede de l'histoire du monument 6lev6'a Moliere, par M. Aime M3artin. Paris, 1843. 80o. COLETI (Giandomenico). Dizionario Storico-Geografico dell'America Meridionale. Venezia, 1771. 2 vol. in 1. 40. TV. C. 237. COLIN (Antoine), Translator of Treatises on Drugs growing in East and West Indies. See Acosta ( C.), Monardus ( N.), and Garcias ab Orto. COLLAMtER (J.). Speech in the U. S. H. of R. on the election of representatives by districts. Washington, 1844. 80. COLLE ( Francesco M.). Storia scientifico-letteraria dello studio di Padova. Padova, 1824. 4 vol. 4o. COLLECTANEA TOPOGRAPIICA ET GENEALOGICA. London, 1834 -43. 8 vol. 80. For continuation, See Topographer. COLLECTION (A Full) of all the Proclamations and Orders, published by the authority of Charles, Prince of Wales, since his arrival in Edinburgh: in two parts; the last printed at Glasgow in 1746. See Review of the two late Rebellions. COLLECTION ( A Full) of all the Poems upon Charles, Prince of Wales, published since his arrival in Edinburgh, Sept. 17, 1775. See Review of the two late Rebellions. GENERAL LIBRARY. 173 COLLECTION of Authentic Papers, relative to the Dispute between Great Britain and America, 1764 - 75. Prior documents: ed. by J. Aflmon. London, 1777. 8'. COLLECTION of Essays on the Subject of Episcopacy, which originally appeared in the Albany Centinel, and ascribed principally to the Ptev. Dr. Linn, Rev. Mr. Beasley, and Thomas Y. How, with notes and remarks. New-York, 1806. 80. COLLECTION (A) of Letters on Freemasonry, in chronological order. Boston, 1.849. 80. COLLECTION of State Papers relative to the first acknowledgment of the sovereignty of the. U. S. of America, and the reception of their Minister Plenipotentiary by the States General of the United Netherlands. Hague, 1782. Pain. vol. 32. COLLECTION (A) of State Tracts, published on oecsion of the late Revolution in 1688, and during the reign of William III; to which is prefixed the History of the Dutch war in 1672. London, 1705 - 07. 3 vol. fol. COLLECTION (A New) of Voyages, Discoveries and Travels.... By W. Guthrie? London, 1767. 7 vol. 80. COLLECTION (A) of Voyages undertaken by the Dutch East India C(ompany.... containing an account of several attempts to find out the Northeast passage, and their discoveries in the East Indies and the South seas: translated into English. London, 1703. 80. COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON, S. C. Report of the Curator of the Miuseum of Nat. Hist. 1854. Pam. vol. 99. COLLEGE OF PI-IS. AND SUR. Of the West. Dist. N.Y. Catalogues, 1822, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29. Pam. vol. 64. COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, N.Y. Catalogue of Anatomical Museum, 1825. Pain. vol. 25. B. C. COLLES ( Christopher). A Survey of the Roads of the U. S. of America; with a large number of plates. 1789. 80. COLLET ( M.). L'Isle Deserte: ComLedie. Paris, 1758. 80. See Poimes sur l'Amerique. W. C. 750. COLLET ( Stephen). Relics of Literature. London, 1823. 8). COLLEZIONE di Carte pubbliche uffiziali e go-ernative dal monmento della intrata in Venezia dell'Armata Francese. Venezia, 1806, 7. 25 vol. in 8. 80. COLLIER ( Sir George). Ship Rainbow. See Details..COLLIER (Jeremy). Historical Dictionary. See MorCri ( L.). Short View of the immorality and profaneness of the English Stage. London, 1698. 120..-..- An Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain; chiefly of England, from the first planting of Christianity, to the end of the reign of Charles II. London, 1708 - 14. 2 vol. fol. COLLIER (J. A.). Speech, H. of R. U. S., Bank of U.'S. 1832. Pam. vol. 21. B. C. 174 NEW-YORK STATE COLLIER (J. Payne). Memoirs of Edward Alleyn, founder of Dulwich College. Shakespeare Soc. London, 1841. 8 COLL~IER ( 1. iR.). Reply to " Substance of Remarks," by T. S. Gholson. Richmond, Va. 1847; with A Notice of T. S. Gholson's last pamphlet. Pamn. vol. 81. COLLINGWOOD ( Admiral Lord ). Public and Private Correspondence; with memoirs of his life, by G. L. N. Collingwood. INew-York, 1829. 8o COLLINS ( David ). Account of the English Colony of New South-Wales; with some particulars of New-Zealand:from MSS. of Governor King. London, 1798. 4. COLLINS (Lewis). Historical Sketches of Kentucky, embracing antiquities...... and geological descriptions; with anecdotes of pioneer life. Maysville, Ky. 1848.8 8. COLLINSON ( Peter). A Tribute to the Memory of: from the Princeton Review. Philadelphia, 1851. 80~. COLLOT D'HERBOIS (J.M.). Almanach du Pere Gerard pour 1792. Paris, 1791. 240. COLLOT ( Gen. Victor). Voyage dans l'Amderique Septentrionale, ou Description des Pays arrosts par le Mississippi, l'Ohio, et le Missouri. 2 vol. 8,; atlas, 40. Paris, 1826. 3 vol. W. C. 238. COLaMAN (H enry). Sermons on various subjects. Boston, 1833. 80. B. C. Address, Monroe Co. Agric. Soc. 1842. Pam. vol. 77. European Agriculture and Rural Economy. Boston, 1844. Vol. 1. part 1. 8~. B. C. The same. London and Boston, 1846 -48. 2 vol. 80. The Agriculture and Rural Economy of France, Belgium, Holland and Switzerland, from personal observation. Boston, 1848. 80. European Life and manners, in familiar letters to friends. Boston and London, 1849. 2 vol. 80. The same. 2 vol. 8o. B. C. COLMIENAR ( Juan Alv. de). Annales d'Espagne et de Portugal. Amsterdam, 1741. 4 vol. 4~. W. C. 239. COLNETT ( Capt. James). A Voyage to the South Atlantic, and...... to the Pacific Ocean. London, 1798. 40. COLONIAL CHURCH CHRONICLE, Aug. 1847. Period. 80. vol. 1. COLONIAL MAGAZINE and Commercial Maritime Journal: Ed. by Robert M. Martin. London, 1840 -42. 7 vol. 80. COLONIAL POLICY of Great Britain considered with respect to her North American provinces and West India possessions: by a British Traveller. London, 1816. 85. W. C. 148. ---- The same. Philadelphia, 1816. 12'. COLONIAL POLICY: with hints upon the formation of military settlements, and observations on the boundary question now pending. London, 1835. 805 GENERAL LIBRARY. 175 COLONIZATION and Abolition considered: Remarks on 16th Report Am. Col. Soc. Pam. vol. 56. COLONIZATION SOCIETY of tle City of New-York: Report, 1835. New-York. 8~. B. C. COLONIZATIONIST (The), or Journal of Freedom. Boston, 1834. 80o. COLONY: The Article " Colony," from the SUpplement of the Encyc. Britan. Pam. vol. 12. COLQUHOUN (P.). On the Commerce and Police of the Thames. London, 1800. o. -. Treatise on the Police of the Metropolis. London, 1800. 80. Treatise on the Wealth, Power, and Resources of the British Empire. 2d ed. London, 1815. 4. COLTON ( Rev. C. C.). Lacon; or Many things in few words. New-York, 1832. 2 vol. 18~. B. C. COLTON ( Calvin). Four Years in Great Britain. New-York, 1836. 120. Life and Times of Henry Clay. New-York, 1846. 2 vol. 80o. - Public Economy for the United States. New-York, 1848. 8o. COLTON ( George 1.). Tecumseh; or the West thirty years ince: A Poem. New-York, 1842. 120. COLTON ( J. IH.). Guide to West-Point. New-York, 1844. 12~. - - estern Tourist, or Emigrant's Guide. New-York, 1845. 120. COLTON ( Rev. Walter). Remarks on Duelling. 1828. Pam. vol. 75. - Visit to Constantinople and Athens. New-York, 1836. 120. - - Three Years in California. New-York, 1850. 120. - - Deck and Port; or Incidents of a Cruise in the U. S. Frigate Congress. New-York, 1850. 120. - The Sea and Sailor: Notes on France and Italy, and other literary remains; with a memloir by Rev. HI. T. Cheever. New-York, 1851. 120. COLOIBIA: Constitution. See Zea. COLUMBIA COLLEGE, New-York: Catalogue of the trustees, officers, and graduates, and a list of academic honors conferred, firom 1752 to 1826. New-York, 1826. 80. Statutes of 1811, 14; Catalogue of the Graduates, 1815, 1826. 1 vol. 80o. - 1. Original Charter, and acts altering the same, 1836; 2. Statutes, 1853; 3. Catalogue, 1758 - 1844; 4. Testimonials in behalf of Prof. Gibbs, 1854; 5. Duty of, to the Community ( by S. B. Rugges), 1854; 6. Defence of, by G. MI. Ogden, 1854. In 1 vol. 80. COLUMBIAN ( The): July 27, 1811 -12. New-York. Newsp. vol. 5. COLUBMBIAN LADY'S AND GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE: ed. by J. Inman. New-York, 1844. 2 vol. in 1. 80. COLUMBIAN MIAGAZINE, or Monthly Miscellany. Vol. 1; with supp. Sept. 1786 to Dee. 1787; vol. 3, 4. Philadelphia, 1788 -1790, 3 vol, 8,0 176 NEW-YORK STATE COLUMBIAN (The) MIusE. A Selection of American Poetry, from various authors of established reputation. New-York, 1794. 18o. COLUMBIAN PHENIX and BOSTON REVIEW: ed. by J. Hawkins and D. Tiilotson, Jan. to July 1800. 8. Titlepage and plates wanting. COLUBIAN REGISTER ( The), weekly. Washington and Baltimore, 1828, 29. 2 vol. 8. COLUMBus ( Christopher). Select Letters of, with other original documents, relating to his four voyages to the New World: trans. and ed. by R. H. 3Major, of the British Museum. London, Htakluyt Society, 1847. 8~. - Personal Narrative of his First Voyage to America: trans. from the Spanish. Boston, 1827. 8,.:De'prima insularum in Mari Inlico sitarum lustratione.. epistola...... See Robertus Monachus, Blellun ChristianorLum, 1533. fol. Voyages. See Harris, vol. 1, 2; Kerr, vol. 3; Coll. of Voy. vol. 1. COLUMrBUS (Ferdinand ). Life of his father C. C... Churchill, vol. 2. La Vie de Cristofle Coulamb: trad. en francais par C. Cotolendy. Paris, 1681. 120. W. C. 240. COLUMBUS, pseud. The Letters of "Columbus," originally published in the Boston Bulletin, with two letters of Col. Orne. 1829. Pain. vol. 57, 66. COLUMELLA ( L. J. N.). De Re Rustica. See Scriptores rei rusticre. COLVIL (Samuel). The Whig's Supplication, or the Scotch Hudibras: a Mock Poem. Glasgow, 1751. 180. COLVIN ( John B.). Historical Letters, including a brief history of the world. 2d ed. Georgetown, D. C. 1821. 120. COMBE ( Andrew), M.D. The Physiology of Digestion considered with relation to the principles of dietetics. New-York, 1836. 18;). B. C. -- The Principles of Physiology applied to the preservation of health. Ncw-York, 1834. 180. B. C. CCOMBE ( George). Essay on the Moral Constitution and History of Man. Edinburgh, 1834. 120. B. C. Lectures on Mtoral Philosophy. Boston, 1836. 12'. B. C. N- otes on the United States of North America. Edinburgh, 1841. 3 vol. 8,). B. C. The Constitution of Man, considered in relation to external objects. 11th Amer. ed. Boston, 1841. 120. The same. Boston, 1835. 12'. B. C. - Life and Correspondence of Andrew Combe, M. D. Edinburgh, 1850. 80.o COMBER ( W. T.). An Inquiry into the state of national subsistence, as connected with the progress of wealth and population. London, 1808. 80. C. L. ComraBI (G. B.). Historia delle cose successe dal principio della guerra nlossa da Selim Ottoniano at Venetiani. Venetia, 1645. 4o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 177 COMEIRAS (Victor). Le Geographe Manuel. Paris, 1801.. 80. W. C. 224. COMENIUS (John Amos). Ars Oratoria, sire Grammatica elegans, etc. London, 1664. 120. Janua aurea reserata duarum linguarunm, etc. Latin and French. Paris, 1668. 18. B. C. CO1MET (The). By Walter Wildfire: ed. by Joseph T. Buckingham. 13 nos: No. 1 wanting. Boston, 1811, 12. 80. COMIC (The) ENGLISH GRAMMAR. London, 1840. 12o. C OLY (John). English Grammar made easy. 15th ed. Philadelphia, 1832. 180. History of Byberry. See Hist. Soc. Penn. vol. 2. COMMENTARY ( A Critical) on Archbishop Secker's Letter to the Right Hon. Horatio Walpole, concerning bishops in America: by Rev. Francis Blackbmzrne. London, 1770. Pai. vol. 114. 2 copies. COMMENTS on the Report of the Select Committee relative to the MountPleasant and Auburn State Prisons; with letter of T. J. Carmichael. MIount Pleasant, 1833. See Pam. vol. 159. COMMERCIAL BANK, New-Orleans: Report, 1835. Pamn. vol. 54. COMMERCIAL REGULATIONS. Letter- from the Secretary of State, transmitting a report.... containing an account of changes and modifications in the commercial systems of other nations, by treaties, duties on imports, and other regulations. 1842. 80. COMMINES (Philip de). Memoirs: ed. with life and notes by Andrew R. Scoble. Vol. 1. London, Bohn, 1855. 120....- Gedenkschriften van: behelzende de HIistorie van Lodewyk XI. en Karel VIII. Amsteldam, 1757. So. COMMISSIONERS in Lunacy. See Great Britain, Reports. COMMON (The) SCHOOL. Assi STANT: ed. by J. Orville Taylor. Albany, 1836, 7, S. 3 vol. in one. 40. CoMmoN ( The) SCHOOL CONTROVERSY, of H. Mtann, M. II. Smith and others. Boston, 1844-47. Painm. vol. 175. COMMON (The) SCHOOL JOURNAL: 1st series, ed. by H. Mann, 1839 - 48, 10 vol.; 2d series, ed. by W. B. Fowle, 1849 - 50, 2 vol. Boston, 12 vol. So. Vol. 6, No. 5 - 12. Boston, 1844. Pain. vol. 37. B. C. COMMUNICATIONS to the Board of Agriculture. 2d ed. London, 1804 - 11. 7 vol. 4o. COMMUNICATIONS on the next Election for President.... by a citizen of New-York. 1808. Pain. vol. 2. B. C. COMIPAGNIE DES INDES. A Collection of Tracts concerning the French East and West India Company, 1765 - 69. 4o. W. C. 505. COMPAGNIE du Canal du Rhin au Danube, par la Kintzig: Statuts. La Haye, 1834. Pamn. vol. 41. B. C. r GEN, LTB, 1.855.1J 178 NEW-YORK STATE COMPAGNONI (Giu.). Storia dell'America. Milano, 1822, 23. 9 vol. 160. W. C. 246. COMIPANION (The) and WEEKLY MISCELLANY. By Edward Easy, esq. Vol. 1. 18 04- 5. Baltimore. 4o. COMIPANION TO THE NEWSPAPER. London, 1833 - 36. 4 vol. in 2. 4o. CoMSTOCK (J. L.), M.D. A History of the Precious Metals, from the earliest period to the present time, etc. Hartford, 1849. 120. COMTE (Auguste). Cours de Philosophie Positive. Paris, 1830-42. 6 vol. 80. - The Philosophy of Mathematics: trans. from the French, by Prof. WI. M. Gillespie. New-York, 1851. 80. Philosophy of the Sciences: ed. by G. H. Lewes. Bohn, London, 1.853. 120. - The Positive Philosophy: trans. and condensed by Harriet Martineau. New-York, 1854. 2 vol. 80. COpmYN ( Sir Robert). History of the Western Empire, from its restoration by Charlemagne, to the accession of Charles V. London, 1841. 2 vol. 80. COMYNET ( Henri ). Rapport sur les carrieres d'onyx calcaire translucide, albatre antique de la Province d'Oran, Algerie. Paris, 1854. With Rapport de C. D'Orbigny sur les onyx decouverts par M. Del Monte, 1850. Paris, 1854. 40. CONCEPCION del Uruguay: Newspapers. See Newsp. vol. 9. CONCEssIONS to America, the Bane of Britain. London, 1807. Pam. vol. 128. CONCILII TRIDENTINI DECRETA. See Roman Cath. Church. CONCORD, Mass. Reports of selectmen, overseers of the poor, and of school committees from 1848 to 1853. 1 vol. 80. CONDAMINE. See La Condamine. CONDt ( J. A.). History of the Dominion of the Arabs in Spain. London, Bohn, 1854. 2 vol. 120. CONDER ( James). An Arrangement of provincial coins, tokens and medals, issued in Great Britain, Ireland and the Colonies, within the last twenty years, from the farthing to the penny size. Ipswich, 1798. 120. CONDER (Josiah). Brazil, and Buenos Ayres. London, 1831. 2 vol. 120. W. C. 249. CONDIE (Thomas), and Richard Folwell. History of the Pestilence commonly called yellow fever in Philadelphia, in 1798. Philadelphia. 8o. -- The same. See Pam. vol. 177. CONDIT ( Rev. J. B.), D.D. History of the Second Presbyterian Congregation in Newark, N.J. Newark, 1831. 80. CONDORCET (J. A. N. C.). (Euvres: publies par A. Condorcet O'Connor et F. Arago. Paris, 1847. 12 vol. 80. Contents: GENERAL LIBRARY. 179 Vol. 1. Not published. Vol. 2, 3. Eloges. Vol. 4, 5, 6. Melanges de Litterature et de Plhilosophic. Vol. 7, 8, 9, 10. Economie Politique. Vol. 11, 12. Politique. ----- IMathematiques. See Encyc. Method. W. C. CONDUCT of his Grace the Duke of Argyle, for the four last years, reviewed; together with his Grace's Speech, April 15th, 1740, upon the state of the nation. London. Pain. vol. 131. CONDUCT (The) of the Allies and of the late Ministry.... 6th ed. London, 1712. 80. Pain. vol. 138. CONDUCT of the Liverymen, at the late election of a lord mayor, justified. 1737. Pamn. vol. 123. COND)UCT of the Ministry impartially examined, in a letter to the merchants of London, 1756. Pam. vol. 135. CONGAR (Capt. Obadiah). Autobiography and Memorials: ed. by Rev. 1H. T. Cheever. New-York, 1851. 120. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCHES. Testimony of the Pastors of the Churches in the Provinces of Massachusetts Bay, against several errors in doctrine, 1743. Boston. 80. CONGRIS CENTRAL D'AGRICULTURE: Compte-rendu et Proces-verbaux des Seances, from the Ist Feb. 1844, to the 7th March 1850. Paris, 7 vol. 80. CONGRESS (The) canvassed, or an Examination into the Conduct of the Delegates, at their Grand Convention held in Philadelphia, September 1, 1774, addressed to the merchants of New-York: by A. W. Farmer, author of Free thoughts. New-York: London, re-printed, 1775. Pam. vol. 129. CONGRESSIONAL and STATE GOVERNMENT ALMIANACS for 1835, 36. Washington. 1 vol. 12'. CONGORESSIONAL DIRECTORIES, 1810-13, 32-36. Washington. 2 vol.12o. 1840, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51. 2 vol. 120. Washington, 1846. Pam. vol. 17. CONGREVE'S Dramatic Works: See Wycherley. CONKLING ( Alfred ). Discourse on Dewitt Clinton, before the Phi Beta Kappa at Schenectady. Albany, 1828. 80. - The Young Citizen's Manual. Albany, 1836. 120o. B. C. CONKLING ( Margaret C.). Memoirs of the Mother and Wife of Washington. Auburn, 1850. 12o. CONNECTICUT COLONY: Report of the Commissioners appointed by the General Assembly of the Colony, to treat with the Proprietaries of Pennsylvania respecting the boundaries of this colony and that province. Norwich, Conn. 1774. 4~. Public ( The) Records of the Colony, prior to the Union with NewHaven Colony, May, 1665: published under the supervision of the Secretary of State, with notes by J. H. Trumbull. Hartford, 1850. 80. 180 NEW-YORK STATE -- ~YPublic Recordcs of the Colony from 1665 to 1678; with the Journal of the Council of War, 1675 to 1678: ed..... by J. Hammond Trumbull. Hartford, 1852. 80. H- leads of Inquiry, relative to the present state and condition of H. 3I.'s Colony of Conn.: significcld by H.'M.'s Sec. of State, in his letter of the 5th of July 1773; with the answers thereto. New-London, 1775. fol. The same: reprinted, Norwich, 1775. 4o. -STATE Agricultural Society: Transactions for 1854. Hartford, 1855. 8). - Reports of the Commissioners of the School fund, 1809, 19, 20, 21, 26, 39, 46, 53; Report of Superintendent of Schools, 1.850; Normal School Reports, 1851, 53. 80. - Report of Commr. of the School Fund, 1853. See Pam. vol. 173. Commnissioners of Common Schools: Report, 1840. Pam. vol. 70. Common School Journal: Vol. 1 - 4. Hartford, 1838 - 1842. 4 vol. 40o - Geological Survey: Report by Prof. C. U. Shephard. New-Haven, 1837. 80. CONNECTICUT ACADEMY of ARTS and SCIENCES: Memoirs, vol. 1. New-[Haven, 1810. 8~. W. C. 250. CONNECTICUT ALAIANACK, 1778, 79. Hartford. See Hutchins. CONNECTICUT and Passulnsic Railroad Comp. Rep' 1849, 50. Pam. vol. 151. CONNECTICUT Asylum for the Education and Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb: 1st Report, 1817. Pam. vol. 9. B. C. 2d report, 1818. Pam. vol. 7. B. C. CONNECTICUT COURANT: imperfect files from 1774 to 1.817. Hartford. 4 vol. fol. CONNECTICUT ( The) Gore Title, stated and considered; showing the rights of the proprietors to the lands lately purchased by them from the State of Connecticut, lying west of the Delaware. Hartford, 1.799. 80o. CONNECTICUT MEDICAL SOCIETY: Report on an Asylum for inebriates. 1830. Pam. vol. 87. Proceedings, 1832. Pam. vol. 98. CONNECTICUT RETREAT for the Insane. See Retreat. CONNOISSANCE (La) DES TEMVIPS pour l'annde 1696. Paris. 18o. CONNOLLY (T. W. J.). History of the royal sappers and miners. London, 1855. 2 vol. 8. CONNOR ( Bernard ). Account of Poland. Coll. of Voy. vol. 4. CONOLLY (Arthur). Journey to the North of India, through Russia, Persia, and Affghaunistaun. 2d ed. London, 1838. 2 vol. 80. CONOLLY ( John), 1I.D. The Construction and Government of lunatic asylums and hospitals for the insane. London, 1847. 83. GENERAL LIBRARY. 181 CoNQUERORS (The) of the New World, and their Bondsmen; being a Narrative of the principal events which led to negro slavery in the West Indies and America. Vol. 1. London, 1848. 12o. CONRAD (Robert T.). Address, Zelosophic Soc. Univ. of Pa. 1842. Panl. vol. 63. CONRAD ( T. A.). Fossil Shells of the Tertiary formations of North Amlerica. Vol. 1. Philadelphia, 1832. 80. Fossils of the Medial Tertiary of the United States. Philadelphia, 1838. 80 CONSEQUENCES of Trade as to the wealth and strength of any nation: by a Draper of London. 1740. Pam. vol. 131. CONSIDERATION of the Claims anti Conduct of the United States, respecting their Northeastern Boundary, and of the value of the British Colonies in North America. London, 1826. 80. CONSIDERATIONS on the Present State of Affairs, with sonic reflections on the Dutch Observator. London, 1756. Pamn. vol. 136. CONSIDERATIONS upon the Right of the Colonists to the Privileges of British Subjects. New-York, Holt, 1766. 8o. CONSIDEIRATIONS on the Expediency of admitting representatives from the American Colonies, into the British House of Commons. London, 1770. See Pamn. vol. 114. CONSIDERATIONS on the Propriety of imposing taxes in the British Colonies, North America. 80. See Pam. vol. 122. CONSIDERATIONS on the Measures carrying on with respect to the British Colonies in North America. 2d edition, with additions and an appendix.... by M. Robinson, 1774, London. Pam. vol. 117. -- The samle. 3d ed. 1776. Pain. vol. 120. CONSIDERATIONS on fixing the supplies, ways and means and taxes for 1781. London. Pain. vol. 137. CONSIDERATIONS on the Bill for a Peace with America. London, 1782. Pain. vol. 121. CONSIDERATIONS (Brief) in favor of Mr. Adams as President.. Boston, 1798. Pam. vol. 31. CONSIDERATIONS on a Bridge from Boston, 1806. Pain. vol. 36. CONSIDERATIONS in Answer to the pamphlet containing {Mr. Mladison's instructions to Mr. Munroe. Albany, 1807. By Buzurg Mihir. Pain. vol. 7. B. C. CONSIDERATIONS on the Jurisprudence of the State of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1808. Pam. vol. 40. CONSIDERATIONS on the Great Western Canal. Brooklyn, 1818. Pam. vol. 27. CONSIDERATIONS on the impropriety and inexpediency of renewing the Missouri Question-: by a Pennsylvanian. Philadelphia, 1820. 80. CONSIDERATIONS in favor of Col. Young as Governor, 1824. Pam. vol. 67. CONSIDERATIONS in favor of a Great State Road from Lake Erie to the Hudson, 1827. Pam. vol. 53, 76. 182 NEW-YORK STATE CONSIDERATIONS on British Commerce with India, America, etc. Pamphleteer, vol. 11. CONSIDERATIONS on the.. Sabbath, and the late measures for enforcing its observance. Utica, 1829. Pam. vol. 15. B. C. CONSIDERATIONS on the Propriety and Necessity of annexing Texas to the United States: by a Revolutionary Officer. New-York, 1829. 80. W. C. 894. CONSIDERATIONS on.... establishing a University in the City of NewYork. New-York, 1830. Pam. vol. 73. CONSOCIATED CHURCHES of St. Lawrence Co. 1851. Pain. vol. 93. CONSOLATORY ODES, dedicated to those unfortunate beings who labor under the malignant influence of the democratic mania: by Peter Quince. N. Y. 1799. 12~. CONSOLIDATION: An Account of Parties in the United States, front the Convention of 1787 to the present period. Columbia, S. C. 1824. 8o. Pain. vol. 49. CoNSTANCIO ( F. S.). See Observador Lusitano. CONSTANT (Benjamin). De la Religion, consider6e dans sa source, ses formes et ses d6veloppements. Bruxelles, 1824 - 5. 3 vol. 8o. B. C. Philosophical Miscellanies. See Specimens. On the Liberty of the Press. Pamphleteer, vol. 5. CONSTANTIN ( De). Recueil des Voyages qui ont servi a l'atablissemnent et aux progres de la Compagnie des Indes orientales.... des Pays Bas. Amsterdam, 1702. 4 vol. 120. W. C. 943. CONSTITUTIONAL Answer to the Rev. IMr. John Wesley's Calm Addresses to the American Colonies. London, 1775. Pam. vol. 118. CONSTITUTIONAL Security to the Citizen's rights of property, and the principles of public faith. Boston, 1802. Pam. vol. 36. CONSTITUTIONAL REFORM: From the Den. Review, and two Letters of fHon. Mi. Hoffman. New-York, 1846. Pam. vol. 67. CONTARINI. Journey to Persia. Kerr, Voy. vol. 2. CONTARINI (Alvise). Poesie pel solenne ingresso di sna eccellenza alla dignit' di procuratore di S. Mario. Venezia, 1778. fol. CONTARINI (Gasparo). Della Republica e M3agistrati di Venetia, libri v. Venetia, Aldus, 1591. 120. CONTI ( Giambatista). Scelta di Poesie Castigliane del secolo xvi.; trad. in ling. toscana. Padova, 1819. 2 vol. 80. CONTOSTAVLOS (A.). A Narrative..... relating to the Building of the Greek friiates. New-York, 1826. 8o. - The same. Pam. vol. 12 B. C. and others. Report of the Evidence and' Reasons of the Award between J. Orlandos and A. Luriottis, and Le Roy, Bayard & Co. and G. G. and S. Howland: by the Arbitrators. New-York, 1826. Pam. vol. 12. B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 183 CONTRAST (The): The Whig and Democratic Platforms, 1852. Pam. vol. 75. CONTRIBUTIONS to Political Knowledge: Sketches of popular tumults.... London, KEnight, 1837. 120. B. C. CONTROVERSY in St. Peter's Church, between Rev. Mr. Clowes and part of his congregation, in 1816. Albany. 8'. CONTROVERSY in First Presbyterian Church, Albany. See Pam. vol. 93. CONTROVERSY ( The) touching the Old Stone Mill in the town of Newprt, R. I. Newport, 1851. 120. CONVENTION ( The) vindicated from the misrepresentations of the enemies of our Peace, 1739. Pam. vol. 123. CONVENTION of the State of New-York, Sept. 1812: Proceedings, Albany. Pain. vol. 43. CONVENTION of Hampshire, Hampden and Franklin Counties, at Northamnpton, Mass. 1812. Pam. vol. 38. CONVENTION of Norfolk Co. Mass. 1812? Pam. vol. 37. CONVENTION at Worcester, Mass. 1812: Proceedings. Pamn. vol. 37. CONVENTION of Delegates from Mass., Conn. and R. I. etc. at Hartford, Dec. 1814. Hartford, 1815. Pain. vol. 9. B. C. CONVENTION (General) of the Friends of Education: Proceedings, Utica, 1830. Pam. vol. 20. B. C. CONVENTION of Teachers and Friends of Education, at Utica, 1831: Address. Paim. vol. 19. B. C. The same. Pain. vol. 70. CONVENTION of Delegates opposed to Masonry at Le Roy, 1828 Proceedings. Pam. vol. 12. B. C. CONVENTION of Literary and Scientific gentlemen: Journal of Proc. 1830. New-York, 1831. 80. CONVENTION (National) of Silk-growers: Proceedings, 1843. Pam. vol. 55. CONVENTION of Delegates of Insurance Companies, New-York, 1849. See Pam. vol. 154. CONVENTION of American Instructors of the Deaf and Dumb, 1850, 51: Proceedings, New-York and Hartford. 80. CoNvERSATIONs on Chymistry.... Philadelphia, 1806. 2 vol. in 1. 12'. B. C. CONVERSATIONS on Political Economy. Philadelphia, 1813.7. 120. 13. C. CONYBEARE (W. D.). Report on the Progress.... of geological science. Reports Brit. Assoc. 1832. CONYNG~AM (R.). On the Dunkers. See Hist. Soc. Penn. vol. 2. COOK'S (Eliza) JOURNAL. London, 1849-53. 8 vol. roy. 80. CooK ( Capt. James). A Voyage towards the South Pole and round the World, performed in HI. M.'s Ships Resolution and Adventure, 1772 - 75; with Capt. Furneaux's narrative. 4th ed. London, 1784. 2 vol. 4o. 184 NEW-YORK STATE Voyage autour du Monde, 1772 - 75, dans lequel on a insere la Relation du Captaine Furneaux, et celle de M. Forest. Paris, 1778. 4 vol. 4~o.. C.. 253. A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, for making discoveries in the northern hemisphere; performed under the direction of Capts. Cook, Clarke and Gore, in 1776 - 80. Adm. ed. with plates. London, 1784. 3 vol. 4o. Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, 1776 - 80: 3d vol. by King. Dublin, 1784. 3 vol. 80o. - The same. 3d ed. London, 1785. 3 vol. 4~; atlas, fol. W. C. 252. ____- Last Voyage to the Pacific. See Ledyard. Voyages. See Kerr, vol. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16; also Ellis (W.). COOK ( S. A.), M.D. Address, Med. Soc. of Rensselaer Co. 1844. Pam. vol. 84. COOKE ( Capt. Edward). A Voyage to the South Sea and round the World, in the years 1708 - 11. London, 1712. 2 vol. 80. COOKE (Edward ). Thoughts on the expediency of removing the usury laws. Pamphleteer, vol.. 13. COOKE (G. Wingrove). Life of the first Earl of Shaftesbury. London, 1836. 2 vol. 80. - Memoirs of Lord Bolingbroke. London, 1835. 2 vol. 80. COOKE ( Capt. John Henry). A Narrative of Events in the South of France, and of the attack on New-Orleans, in 1814 and 1815. London, ].835. 120. COOKE ( Lt. Col. P. St. George). Report of march from Mexico to California. See Emory. COOKE (William). Memoirs of Samuel Foote. New-York, 1806. 9d vol. 120. B. C. COOKE ( W. D].). Revolutionary History of North-Carolina, in three lectures, by F. L. Hawks, D. L. Swain, and W. A. Grahamn: compiled by W. D. C. Raleigh, 1853. 120. COOLEY ( H. S.). An Appeal in behalf of common schools in Illinois, 1848. Pain. vol. 51. - See Illinois, Common Schools. COOLEY ( James E.). The American in Egypt, with Rlambles through Arabia Petraea and the Holy Land, in 1839-40. New-York, 1843. 8o. COOLEY (W. D.). History of Maritime and Inland Discovery. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 9, 10, 11. COOMBE ( Rev. Thomas). Sermon, Christ's Church, Philadelphia, July 20, 1775. Philadelphia, 1775. 12o. COOPER ( Rev. Mir.). Histories of Greece and Rome, and North and South America. 2d ed. Plymouth, Mass. 1818. 120. The History of North America, with an appendix. Lansingburgh, 1805. 120. CQOPER ( A. A.), Earl of Shaftesbury. See Shaftesbury. GENERAL LIBRARY. 185 COOPER ( Benj. F.). Report of, T. R. Walker vs. N. Devereux, etc. Commissioners Utica and Schenectady R.R. Comp. Utica, 1834. Pam. vol. 28. B. C. CooPER (Bransby B.). Life of Sir Astley Cooper. London, 1843. 2 vol. 80. COOPER ( Charles Burton). A Collection of his tracts, chiefly relating to the Roman Catholic and British Churches, London, 1850, 51. 80. COOPER (C. P.). Catalogue of his library for sale. London, 1852. 8o. COOPER ( Miss Fenimore). Rural Hours, by a lady. New-York, 1850. 120. The same: illustrated edition. New-York, 1851. 80. COOPER ( J. Fenimore). The American Democrat; or Hints on the social and civic relations of the United States of America. Cooperstown, 1838. 120. - The Battle of Lake Erie; or Answers to Messrs. Burges, Duer, and Mackenzie. Cooperstown, 1843. 120. The Chronicles of Cooperstown. Cooperstown, 1838. 12o. England; with Sketches of Society in the metropolis, with an appendix: Letter to his Countrymen. Paris, 1837. 8o. Gleanings in Europe: England by an American. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 vol. 120. B. C. Excursions in Italy. Paris, 1838. 80. - The same. 80. B. C. History of the Navy of the United States of America. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1840. 2 vol. 80. The same. London, 1839. 2 vol. 80. B. C. C — AA Letter to his Countrymen. New-York, 1834. 80. The same. 80. B. C. Lives of Distinguished American Naval Officers. Auburn, 1846. 2 vol. 120. Notions of the Americans, picked up by a Travelling Bachelor. Philadelphia, 1828. 2 vol. 120. Recollections of Europe. Paris, 1837. 80. _ The same. 80. B. C. A Residence in France, with an Excursion upon the Rhine, and a Second Visit to Switzerland. Paris, 1836. 80....- The same. 80. B. C. Review of the Proceedings of the Court-martial in the Case of Capt. A. S. Mackenzie. New-York, 1844. 80. Sketches in Switzerland: in two parts. Philadelphia, 1836. 4 vol. 120. The same: Part 1. Paris, 1836. 80. B. C. [GEN, LIp. 1855.1 24... 186 NEW-YORK STATE _ NOVELS AND TALES: Afloat or Ashore; or the Adventures of Miles Wallingford. NewYork, 1850. 4 vol. in 2. 120... — The Bravo: A Tale. Philadelphia, 1831. 2 vol. in 1. 120. The Chain-bearer, or the Littlepage Manuscripts. New-York, 1845. 2 vol. in 1. 120. The same. 2 vol. 120. B. C. - The Crater, or Vulcan's Peak: A Tale of the Pacific. New-York, 1849. 2 vol. in 1. 120. The Headsman, or the Abbaye des Vignerons: A Tale. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 vol. in 1. 120.....- _ - The Heidenmauer, or the Benedictines: A Legend of the Rhine. Philadelphia, 1832. 2 vol. in 1. 120..- - Homeward Bound, or the Chase: A Tale of the Sea. Philadelphia, 1838. 2 vol. in 1. 120. Home as found. Philadelphia, 1830. 2 vol. in 1. 120. Jack Tier, or the Florida Reef. New-York, 1848. 2 vol. in 1. 120. The Leather-stocking Tales: Vol. 1, The Deer-slayer; vol. 2, The Last of the Mohicans; vol. 3, The Path-finder; vol. 4, The Pioneers; vol. 5, The Prairie. Revised edition. Putnam, New-York, 1850-51. 5 vol. 120. Lionel Lincoln, or the Leaguer of Boston. New-York, 1825. 2 vol. in 1. 120. The Monikins. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 vol. in 1. 120. ------- Ned Myers, or Life before the Mast. Philadelphia, 1843. 120o. The Oak Openings, or the Bee-hunter. New-York, 1848. 2 vol. in i. 120. - The Pathfinder, or the Inland Sea. Philadelphia, 1843. 2 vol. in 1. 120. The Pilot: A Tale of the Sea. Revised and illustrated, with a new introduction. New-York, 1849. 120. The Pioneers, or the Sources of the Susqcuehanna. New-York, 1825. 2 vol. in 1. 12o. The Prairie: A Tale. Philadelphia, 1831. 2 vol. 12o.....- Precaution: A Novel. Philadelphia, 1839. 2 vol. in 1. 120....- The Red Rover. Revised ed. Putnam, New-York, 1850. 120. - Red-skins, or Indians and Injin; being the Conclusion of the Littlepage Manuscripts. New-York, 1846. 2 vol. in 1. 120. Satanstoe, or the Littlepage Manuscripts: A Tale of the Colony. New-York, 1845. 2 vol. 120. B. C. - The Sea-lions, or the Lost Sealers. New-York, 1849. 2 vol. in 1. 120. The Spy: A Tale of the Neutral Ground. Revised ed, Putnam, New-York, 1849. 120, GENERAL LIBRARY. 187 The Two Admirals: A Tale. Philadelphia, 1843. 2 vol. in 1. 120, The same. Revised ed. Putnam, New-York, 1851. 12o. - The Water-witch, or the Skimmer of the Seas. Philadelphia, 1831. 2 vol. in 1. 120. The same. Revised ed. Putnam, New-York, 1851. 120. The Ways of the Hour: A Tale. New-York, 1850. 12o. The Wept of Wish-ton-wish: A Tale. Philadelphia, 1843. 2 vol. in 1. 120..... The Wing and Wing; or Le Feu-follet. Revised, with notes. NewYork, 1851. 12o. Wyandotte, or the RHutted Knoll. Phil'a, 1843. 2 vol. in 1. 120. Memorial of. New-York, 1852. 80. CoOPER ( Rev. J. G.). Abridgment of Murray's English Grammar. Philadelphia, 1828. 120. - System of English Grammar. Edinburgh, 1845. 120. A New Latin Grammar. New-York, 1829. 120. CooPER (M. A.). See Xenophon, Cyropa3dia. B. C. COOPER (Rev. Myles), LL.D. A Sermon preached before the University of Oxford, Dec. 13, 1776; being the day appointed for a general fast: "The Causes of the present Rebellion in America." Oxford, 1777. 4o. Friendly Address to all Reasonable Americans, on the subject of cur political confusions; in which the necessary consequences of violently opposing the King's troops.... are fairly stated. New-York: London, re-printed, 1774. Pam. vol. 115. COOPER (Thomas), M.D. See Emporium of Arts and Sciences....- Information respecting America. Dublin, 1794. 80. Renseignemens sur l'Amerique: trad. de l'anglois. Paris, 1795. 8o. W. C. 254. Lectures on the Elements of Political Economy. 2d ed. Columbia, S.C. 1829. 80. Introductory Lecture at Carlisle Coell. Penn. 1812. 80. A Tract on the proposed Alteration in the Tariff. N. York, 1824. 8o. COOTE ( Charles). Elements of a Grammar of the English language. London, 1788. 80. COPIE de deux lettres envoiees de la Nouvelle France, au Pere procureur des missions de la Compagnie de Jesus en ces contrtes. Paris, 1656. 120. With, Letters of H. Lallemant of 1659, Paris, 1660; and Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable... en la Nouvelle France, 1576, 77. Printed from manuscript. Weed and Parsons, Albany, 1855. COPIES of original letters. See Lettres de l'armee. COPLAND ( Samuel). A History of the Island of Madagascar, etc., with a map. London, 1822. 80. 188 NEW-YORK STATE COPLESTON (Edward), D.D. Bishop of Llandaff. An Enquiry into the Doctrines of Necessity and Predestination. 2d ed. London, 1821. 80. ~ —-- - Proelectiones Academicae, Oxoniihabitae. Ed. alt. Oxonii, 1828. 80. - Reply to the Calumnies of the Edinburgh Review, against Oxford University; with Remarks on Art. 7 of No. 31 of the Edinburgh Rev. Oxford, 1810. 8~. COPLESTON (W. J.). Memoirs of E. Copleston, D.D. Bishop of Llandaff. London, 1851. 80. COPPER ROCK 3Mining Company: Articles of Association, 1846. Muns. Pain. vol. 8. CoPPI (A.). Annali d'Italia, dal 1750 sino al 1838. Este, 1838 - 40. 16 vol. 120. COPPIER (G.). ilistoire et Voyage des Indes Occidentales. Lyon, 1645. 120. XW. C. 255. COPWAY (George). Life, History and Travels of Kahgega-gah-bowh, of the Ojibwa Nation. Albany, 1847. 80. The Traditionary History and Characteristic Sketches of the Ojibway Nation. London, 1850. 120. - The same. Boston, 1851. 120. Recollections of a Forest Life; or the Life and Travels of Kahge-ga-gah-bowh. 2d ed. London, 1851. 180. Running Sketches of men and places in England, France, Germany, Belgium and Scotland. New-York, 1851. 120. CORBET ( Thomas). Inquiry into the Causes and MIodes of the wealth of individuals. London, 1841. 120. CORBIPRE ( Ed.). Les Trois Journees de Paris, ou la Revolution de 1830. lHavre, 1830. 8~. CORDERIUS (Mathbrin). A Select Century of Corderius' Colloquies.... Latin and English, by J. Clarke. London, 1783. 180. B. C. CORDIER (L.). An Essay on the temperature of the interior of the Earth: from the French. Amherst, Mass. 1828. 120. CORDOBA (Antonio de). See Relacion del Ultimo Viage al Estrecho de Magallanes. CORtDNER (Rev. John). Sermon, Unitarian Church, Montreal, 1851. Pam. vol. 78. COR-AL (Fr.). Voyages aux Indes Occidentales, trad. de l'espagnol; avec une Relation de Raleigh et le Voyage de Narborough, trad. de l'anglois. Paris, 1722. 2 vol. 120. W. C. 256. COREY (Allen). Gazetteer of the County of Washington, N.Y. Schuylerville, N. Y. 1849 - 50. 80. CORKRAN (J. F.). History of the National Constituent Assembly of France, from May 1848. New-York, 1849. 120. CORMENIN (Viscount de). The Orators of France, by Timon: trans. by a Member of the New-York Bar, with an Essay by J. T. Headley: ed. by G. H. Colton. New-York, 1847. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 189 CORNARO (Lewis). Sure Means of obtaining a long and healthful life. Pamphleteer, vol. 18, 19. CORNEILLE (Pierre). (Euvres Completes. Tome premier. Paris, 1838. 80. C. L. Chefs-d'oeuvre; avec les remarcjues de Voltaire. Paris, 1815. 5 vol. 180. B. C. CORNEILLE ( Thomas). Dictionnaire Universel, geographique et historique. Paris, 1708. 3 vol. fol. WM. C. 257. CORNWALLIS ( Earl ). An Answer to that part of the Narrative of Lieut. General Sir Henry Clinton, which relates to the conduct of... during the campaign in North America in the year 1781. London, 1783. 80. - See Clinton (Sir Henry). CORNELL (Alvin). Trial for Murder: Analysis of the Evidence by T. R. Beck, M.D. Albany, 1844. Muns. Pam. vol. 5. CORNER (Miss). The Play Grammar. London. 180. CORPUS CHRISTI GAZETTE, 1846. See Newsp. vol. 6. CORPS OP ROYAL ENGINEERS: Papers on subjects connected with the duties of, 1844 - 49, 10 vol. 40.; New series, 1851, 52, 2 vol. 80. London. 12 vol. See Aide-Memoire. CoRRY (John). Life of George Washington. 1st ed. New-York, 1807. 12o. CORSAIR ( The): A Gazette of Literature, art, dramatic criticism, etc. Ed. by N. P. Willis and T. A. Porter. New-York, 1839, 40. 40. CoRSINI ( Edvardo). Relazione dell scuoprimento e ricognizione fatta in Ancona dei sacri corpi de S. Ciriaco, Marcellino e Liberio, etc. Roma, 1756. 4. CORsoN ( John W.), M.D. Loiterings in Europe; or Sketches of Travels in France, Belgium, Great Britain, etc. New-York, 1848. 120. The same. 12o. B. C. CORTtS ( Hernando). Expeditions. Harris, vol. 2; Kerr, vol. 3. Second and Third Account of NewT-Spain. Ramusio, vol. 3. Historia de Nueva-Espafia, aumentada por F. A. Lorenzana. Mexico, 1770. fol. W. C. 258. Correspondance de Fernand Cortes avec l'Empereur Charles-Quint, sur la Conquete du Mexique: trad. par M. de Flavigny. Paris, 1778. 120. W. C. 364. See Solis, Conquest of Mexico. -.- The Despatches of: trans. from the Spanish by George Folsom, with introduction and notes. New-York, 1843. 80. B. C. The same. New-York, 1843. 80. 2 copies. CORY ( Isaac P.). Practical Treatise on Accounts. 2d ed. London, 1839. 80. Practical Treatise on Accounts. London, 1840. 80. 190 NEW-YORK STATE CORYAT'S CRUDITIES: from the ed. of 1611.; to which are now added his Letters from India, and Extracts relating to him from various authors. London, 1776. 3 vol, 80. Journey to Hindostan. Kerr, vol. 9. COSBY (W.). Gov. of N. Y. 1733, 4. See Zenger. COSTA ( Isaac da). Landgenooten met het oog op God, blijft Nederlanders, en vereenigd.... Pam. vol. 33. B. C. Aan Nederland in de Lente van 1844: Een woord des Dichters. 2d ed. Amsterdam, 1844. Pain. vol. 33. B. C. COSTANZO (Angelo di ). Historia del Regno di Napoli. Napoli, 1735. 4o. COSTELLO ( Louisa Stuart). Bearn and the Pyrenees; a Legendary Tour to the Country of Henri Quatre. London, 1844. 2 vol. 80o. - Jacques Cceur, the French Argonaut, and his times. London, 1847. 80. COSTERUS (Bernard). Historisch Verhaal over den jaare 1572... en byzonder over den jaare 1672 en 73. 3d ed. Leyden, 1737. 40. COTHREN (William). History of Ancient Woodbury, Conn., from the first Indian deed in 1659 to 1854. Waterbury, Conn. 1854. 80. 2 copies. COTTA ( Bernhard). Briefe iiber A. von Humboldt's Kosmos. Leipzig, 1850- 52. 3 vol. 80. COTTA ( Giovambattista). Dio. Sonetti ed Inni. Venezia, 1820. 3 vol. 120. COTTLE ( Joseph ). Reminiscences of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey. New-York, 1847. 1.20. The same. 120. B. C. COTTON is King; or the Culture of Cotton, and its relation to agriculture, manufactures and commerce. Cincinnati, 1855. 12~. COTTON ( Rev. John). The Keyes cf the Kingdom of Heaven, and powers thereof, etc.; tending to reconcile some present differences about discipline. The second time imprinted. London, 1644. 4~. The Way of the Churches of Christ in New England.. London, 1645. 4o A Briefe Exposition of the Whole Book of Ecclesiastes. 2d ed. London, 1657. 180. COTTON ( Sir Robert). Discourse of Foreign War; with an account of all the taxations upon England. London, 1690. 160. COTTRELL ( Charles Herbert). Recollections of Siberia in 1840 and 1841. London, 1842. 80. COULIER (Ph. J. ). Tables des Principales Positions Ge6onomiques du Globe. Paris, 1828. 80. W. C. 259. COULOMB. Recherches sur les moyens d'executer sous l'eau toutes sortes de travaux hydrauliques: with plates. Paris, 1819. 80~. COULTER (John), M.D. Adventures in the Pacific, with Observations on the manners and customs of the natives of the various islands. Dublin, 1845. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 191 -- Adventures on the Western Coast of South America, the interior of California, etc. London, 1847. 2 vol. 120. COULTER (Thomas). Notes on Upper California. Geog. Soc. Jour. vol. 5. COUNCIL OF EDUCATION. See Great Britain. COUNCIL (The) in the Moon. Cambridge, Eng. 1.765. Pam. 4o. vol. 2. COUNTRY GENTLEMAN: Ed. by Luther Tucker, J. J. Thomas and J. Warren. Jan. 1853 - Jan. 1855. Albany, 1852 - 55. 5 vol. fol. COUP-D'(EIL sur la Re6publique de l' Amerique Centrale, et particulierement sur les Etats de Nicaragua et Costarica; with a map. See Pam. 40. Vol. 1. COURIER DU BAS-RHIN. Cleves, 1789 - 94. 6 vol. 4o. COURIER (P. L.). (Euvres completes: pr6c6dee d'un Essai sur la vie et les 6crits de l'auteur, par Amand Carrel. Paris, 1837. 8,'. COURIER VAN EUROPA: Gazette, 1783 - 84. 4o. CoURRIER DES ETATS-UNIS. New-York, 11 vol. fol. viz: Vol. 13 - 19: May 28, 1840 - Feb. 28, 1843, imperfect; Dec. 1843 - 46. Vol. 20- 22: Mar. 2, 1847 - Aug. 30, 1848. Vol. 23 - 25: Oct. 1848 - Dec. 1849. Vol. 26- 31: Sept. 2, 1850 - Dec. 1854. Mai, Juin, 1852. Newsp. vol. 3. CouRs des 1Etudes Medicales. Paris, 1803. 80. COURTE DE LA BLANCHARDIURE ( M. l'Abbe). Nouveau Voyage fait au Perou. Paris, 1751. 12o. W. C. 111. COURTENAY ( T. P.). Memoirs of Sir William Temple. London, 1836. 2 vol. 80. A- dditional Observations on the American Treaty.... See British Treaty. COUSIN (Victor). (Euvres. 6m0 sdrie: Discours politiques, etc. Paris, 1851. 120. De l'Instruction publique en Hollande. Bruxelles, 1838. 2 vol. 120. B. C. On the State of Education in Holland, as regards schools for the working classes, etc.: trans. by L. Horner. London, 1838. 80. The same. 80 B. C. Bericht tiber den Zustand des Zffentlichen unterrichts in einigen Lindern Deutschlands, und besonders in Prussen: translated by J. C. Kruger. Altona, 1832 - 33. 2 vol. 80. Report on Public Instruction in Prussia: trans. by Sarah Austin. New-York, 1835. 180. The same. 80. B. C.; also Pam. vol. 28. B. C. Essays on the Destiny of Modern Philosophy, and an exposition of eclecticism. Edinburgh. 120. Course of the History of Modern Philosophy: trans. by 0. W. Wight. New-York, 1852. 2 vol. 80, 192 NEW-YORK STATE. Lectures on the Beautiful and the Good: trans. by 0. W. Wight. New-York, 1854. 80. - - (Cousin's Expose: A Review of his " Public Instruction in Prussia," and " Primary Instruction in France." See Pamn. vol. 173. - See Taylor's Digest of his Public Instruction in Prussia. -----: Philosophical Miscellanies. See Specimens, etc. - See Abelard (P.). COUTINHO. See Cunha de Azeredo Coutinho (J. J. da). COVENTRY ( C. B.), M.D. Epidemic Cholera; its history, causes, pathology, and treatment. Buffalo, 1849. 120. COVERTE ( Capt. Robert). Voyages. Churchill, Supp. 2. COWELL (Benjamin). Spirit of'76 in Rhode-Island; or Sketches.... of the Revolution, with the names of those who belonged to Rhode-Island regiments. Boston, 1830. 80. COWLEY'S Voyage. See EH3arris, vol. 1. COWPER (William). Works, Life, and Letters, by WT. Hayley: ed. by Rev. T. S. Grimshawe. London, 1847. 8 vol. 120. - Works; with Life of the authoi, by R. Southey. London, Bohn, 1853, 54. 8 vol. 120. --- Life and Posthumous Writings. See Hayley. The Task. NewYork, 1796. 12o. B. C. - Poems. New-York, 1814. 2 vol. 180. B. C. Cox ( F. A.), D.D., and J. Hoby, D.D. The Baptists in America: A Narrative of the Deputation from the Baptist Union in England to the United States and Canada. New-York, 1836. 80. Cox ( Ross). Adventures on the Columbia River...... Residence of six years.... among various tribes of Indians.... New-York, 1832. 80. Cox ( Samuel H.), D.D. Quakerism not Christianity. New-York, 1833. 80. - Discourse before A. B. C. F. Missions, 1849, at Pittsfield, Mass. Pam. vol. 78. Interviews memorable and useful, from diary and memory reproduced. New-York, 1853. 80..-.-... See Lane's Mysteries of Tobacco. Cox ( Samuel S.). A Buckeye abroad; or Wanderings in Europe and the Orient. New-York, 1852. 120. COXE ( A. Cleveland). Athanasion: An Ode at Washington College. Hartford, 1840. 80o. COXE (Daniel). Description of the English Province of Carolana, by the Spaniards called Florida... and of the River Meschacebe or Missisipi.... London, 1722. 8o. - The same. London, 1741. 80. W. C. 260. The same. See French, Hist. Coll. vol. 2. COXE ( John R.), M.D. On the Recognition of friends in another world, and a soul in brutes, Philadelphia, 1845. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 193 Description of the Agaricus atramentarius. Pam. vol. 8. COXE (Richard S.). Address, Rutgers Coll. 1844. Pam. vol. 77. CoxE (Tench). View of the United States of America, in a series of letters written between 1787 and 1794. Philadelphia, 1794: reprinted London, 1795. 80...... — The sarne. Philadelphia, 1794. 80. Statement of the Arts and Manufactures of the United States of America, for 1810. Philadelphia, 1814. 4o. COXE ( Rev. William). Account of the Russian Discoveries between Asia and America. London, 1780. 4o. D —----- couvertes des Russes, entre l'Asie et l'Amnerique traduction. Paris, 1781. 40. W. C. 261..-... Travels into Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark. 3d ed. London, 1787. 5 vol. 8S. ---- Travels in Switzerland. Dublin, 1789. 2 vol. 80. Memoirs of the Duke of Marlborough, with his original correspondence. New ed. revised by John Wade. London, 1847, 48. 3 vol. 120. Memoirs of the Kings of Spain of the House of Bourbon, from the Accession of Philip V. to the Death of Charles III. 2d ed. London, 1815. 5 vol. 80o. Memoirs of Sir Robert Walpole. London, 1816. 4 vol. 8o. ------ History of the House of Austria. 2d ed. London, 1820. 5 vol. 8o. -- History of the House of Austria from the Accession of Francis I. to the Revolution of 1848: In continuation of his history, by Walter H. Kelly. To which is added, Genesis, or Details of the late Austrian revolution: from the German of Count Hartig. Bohn, London, 1853. 120. M — iemoirsof Horatio, Lord Walpole. 3d ed. London, 1820. 2 vol. 80. Memoirs of the Administration of the Right Hon. Henry Pelham. London, 1829. 2 vol. 40. COYER ( Abbe'). Letter to Dr. Maty, on the relations of travellers concerning the Patagonians. London, 1767. 180. COZZENS (Issachar) jun. A Geological History of Manhattan, or NewYork Island, with a map. New-York, 1843. 80. COZZENS ( S. W.). Sermon, Death of Hon. WV. Reed. Boston, 1837. Serm. vol. 4. B. C. CRABB ( George). Universal Technological Dictionary. London, 1823. 2 vol. 40..-.- English Synonymes. 3d ed. London, 1824. 8). -- - The same. New-York, 1826. 80. B. C. Universal Historical Dictionary. London, 1825. 2 vol. 40. A Dictionary of General Knowledge; or an Explanation of words and things. New-York, 1830. 120. B. C. [r EN. LIB. 1855.] 25 l1e4 NEW-YORK STATE The same. 3cld ed. New-York, 1839. 12o. CRABBE. ( Rev. George). The Poetical Works; with his Letters and Journals, and his Life, by his Son. London, 1847. 8 vol. 12o. Tales of the Hall. London, 1819. 80. B. C. CRADOICE (J.). Literary and Miscellaneous Micmoirs. London, 1828. 4 vol. 80. The same title. London, 1826, in I vol. 80. CRAFT (Zachary). First Sitting of the Commi'ttee on the proposed Monument to Shakespeare. Pamphleteer, vol. 22. CRAFTS ( William). A Selection from his Miscellaneous Writings, with a memoir of his life. Charleston, 1828. 80. CRAIG (Neville B.). Washington's First Campaign, Death of Jumonville, Braddoek's Defeat, and Taking of Fort Necessity; the whole arranged ~by. Pittsburgh, 1848. 80. S See Olden Time, monthly. - The History of Pittsburgh, with a Notice of the facilities of communication. Pittsburgh, 1851. 12~. C:RAIK ( George Lillie). Enllish Causes Cel1bres, or Reports of remarkable trials. Vol. 1. London, 1840. sin. 4o. and Charles MacFarlane. Pictorial History of England. London, 1849. 8 vol. 80. The same: Vol. 1- 4. New-York, 1846 - 48. 4 vol. 80. - The Romance of the Peerage, or Curiosities of family history. London, 1849 - 50. 4 vol. 120. CRAMIER ( Charles). Etwas fiber die Natur-wunder in Nord-America. St. Petersburg, 1840. 8'0. CRANCH ( William). Memoirs of the Life, Character, and Writings of John Adams: read in ]1827, at the request of the Columbian Institute. Washington, 1827. 80o CRANDALL ( William L.). Talks with the People of New-York. Albany, 1853 ( 154? ). 80o. CRANE ( Rev. Jonathan). Historical Sketch of the Second Congregational Church in Attleboro', at its centennial meeting, 1848. Boston, 1849. 80. CRIANZ ( David ). Historie von Gronland: Gesehichte der dortigen Mission der Evangelisehen Brider. Barby und Leipzig, 1765. 120. History of Greenland, with an Account of the Mission of the United Brethren. London, 1820. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 262. CRARY ( John). Statement to the Anti-masons of 1828. Pam. vol. 67. CRAs (H -enricus C.). Elogium Johannis Meermanni. Amstelmedami et Ha3ge, 1817. 80. B. C. CRAwVFORD (W.), and W. Russell. Extracts from the Second Report of the Inspectors of Prisons. London, 1837. So. CRAWFORD ( W. H.). Report of the See. of the Treas. on the Bank of the U.S. 1820. Pain. vol. 54. GENERAL LISBIRALtY. 195 Sketches of the Life and Character of, by AmericanLus. Albany, 1824. 8o. CRAWFURD (George). Lives and Characters of the OMicers of the Crown and of the State, in Scotland, from D1avid 1. to the Union of the Two Kingdoms. Edinburgh, 1726. Vol. 1. fol. CRAWFUIED ( John). History of the Indian Archipelago. E iinburgh, 1820. 3 vol. 80. Journal of an Embassy to the Courts of Siam and Cohla-OChina. 2d ed. London, 1830. 2 vol. 8..... —- Journal of an Embassy to the Court of Ava; with a Description of fossil remains by Professor Buckland and Mr. Clift. 2d ed. London, 1830. 2 vol. SO. CREAM ( The) OF SCIENTIlIC KNOWLEDGE: A Note-book of General Information, enlarged by IRev. G. N. Wright. London, 1841. 120. B. C. CRESPEL ( Le Pere Emmanuel). Voyages dans le Canada. Franefort, 1742. 120. W. C. 263. Voyage au Nouveau Monde, et histoire interessante de son naufrage. Amsterdam, 1757. $o. C,REY ( Edward ). An Encyelopsedia of Civil Engineering, historical, theoretical and practical; with 300 illustrations. London, 1847. 8o. CRETZER ( Gijsber de). See Pastorale of Herderlijke Brieven. CREUXIUS (Franciscus). Historioe Canadensis, sen Novse-Francive libri decemn, 1656. Paris, 1664.o. 40. W. C. 312. See Daucreux (F.). CRtvEc(mup ( Saint-John de). Letters from an American Farmer, J. Hector St. John. London, 1782. So. Letters d'un Cultivateur AmGricain. Paris, 1784. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 264. Voyage dans la Haute Pensylvanie, et dans I' Etat de New-York. Paris, 1801. 3 vol. 80. W. C. 265. CREtVIER. See Rollin, Histoire, continuation, vol. 9. CRI ( Le) d'un Colon de Saint-Domingue, par un colon llis hors la loi en 1795. Paris, 1820. 8". W. C. 825. CRIcITON (And.). History of Arabia. Edinb. Cab. Lib. vol. 13 and 14.: —--- and H. Wheaton. Scandinavia; being a History of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. Edin. Cab. Lib. vol. 23, 24. CRIMMIN ( D. MV.). Trans. of Aristotle's Rhetoric. See Aristotle. CRSIS ( The). 28 numbers. London: reprinted New-York, J. Anzderson, 1776. 80. CRISIS ( New) of American Independence: Address of Democratic citizens of Philadelphia to.... Pennsylvania, 1808. pp. 8. Pam. vol. 40. CRISIS ( The); or the Origin of our political dissensions: by a Citizen of TVermont. Albany, 1815. Pam. vol. 66. CRISIS ( The): An Appeal to the Good Sense of the Nation. Philadelphia, 1832. Pain. vol. 50. 196 NEW-YORK STATE CRITIC (The). A Weekly Review of literature, fine arts and the drama: ed. by William Leggett. Vol. 1, 2 Nov. 1828 - June 1829. NewYork, 1 vol. 8'. CROCKIETT ( Col. David), of West Tennessee. Sketches and Eccentricities of. New-York, 1833. 12o. The Life of Martin Van Buren. 10th ed. Philadelphia, 1836. CROESE ( Gerard). The General History of the Quakers; with a Letter by George Keith, London, 1696; and The Ancient Testimony, by the Friends of Philadelphia. London, 1695. 120. CROISET ( Pere J.). Reflexions Chretiennes sur divers sujets de morale. Paris, 1707. 120. CROKER ( JnO. Wilson). See Boswell's Johnson. B. C. CROKER ( T. Crofton). Memoirs of Joseph Holt: ed. from his manuscripts in the possession of Sir W. Betham. London, 1838. 2 vol. 80. CROLLIUS (OSW.). Mysteries of Nature; with Paracelsus' Philosophy. London, 1657. 12o. CROLY ( Rev. Geo.), LL.D. The Personal History of George the Fourth, with Anecdotes of distinguished persons. 2d ed. London, 1841. 2 vol. 120, Life and Times of George the Fourth. N.-York, 1832. 12o. B. C. Historical Sketches, Speeches, and Ciaracters. London, 1842. 12o. CROMBIE ( Rev. Alexander). The Etymology and Syntax of the English Language. 4th ed. London, 1836. 80. B. C.. —.- (Gymnasium, sive Symbola Critica. 6th ed. London, 1838. 2 vol. 80. B. C. - Letter to D. Ricardo, containing an Analysis of his pamphlet on the depreciation of bank notes. Pamphleteer, vol. 10. CROMRWELL ( Oliver). Letters and Speeches, with Elucidations by Thomas Carlyle. London, 1845. 2 vol. 80. The same. New-York, 1845. 2 vol. 120. B. C. The same; including the supplement to the first edition. New-York. 1848. 2 vol. 120o. Letters and Papers addressed to. See Nickolls ( J.). CROOKSHANK (William). The History of the State and Sufferings of the Church of Scotland from the Restoration to the Revolution, with remarkable occurrences relating to that church.... to the restoration. Glasgow, 1787. 2 vol. -120. CRoss ( Major). Journal of the March of a regiment of mounted riflemen to Oregon, 1849, 50. Washington, Cong. Doct. 1851. 80. CROSWELL ( Rev. Henry). MIemoir of the late William Croswell, D.D. New-York, 1853. 80o. ---- Speeches of Messrs. Van Ness, Caines, Harrison and Gen. Hamilton, on the Trial of H. Croswell for Libel on T. Jefferson. New-York, 1804. pp. 78. Pam. vol. 45. GENERAL LIBRARY. 197 Arguments on the Great Cause of the People, on an indictment for a libel on Thomas Jefferson. Pam. vol. 13. CROUSAz (J. P. de). Traite du Beau. Almsterdam, 1724. 2 vol. 180. CROWE ( Eyre Evans). History of France. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 12, 13, 14. CROZET (_M.). Nouveau Voyage a la Mer du Sud, commence' sous les ordres de 3M. Marion. Paris, 1783. 80. W. C. 266. CROZET ( C.). Treatise on Descriptive Geometry: Part 1. New-York, 1821. 80. CRUDEN (Alex.). Concordance to the Scriptures. 8th ed. Berwick, 1817. 40. CRUDEN (R. P.). Observations upon the municipal bodies in cities and towns.... London, 1826. Pam. vol. 139. CRUIKSHANI: Caricatures. See Gilray. CRUMPE (Samuel). Essay on the Best Means of providing employment* for the people: Prize essay. 2d ed. London, 1795. 80. CRUSE ( Rev. C. F.). See Eusebius Pamphilus. B. C. CRUTWELL (C.). New Universal Gazetteer. Dublin, 1800. 40. W. C. 267. CRYSTAL Fountain Lodge: Constitution, etc. 1853. Pam. vol. 97. CRYSTAL HUNTER: March, 1827. See Period. vol. 1. 80. CUDENA. Beschreibung von Portugieschen Amerika: Ein Spanisches Manuscript in der WolfenbUttelschen Bibliothek, herausgegeben vom HIerrn Hofrath Leffing; with notes by C. Leiste. Braunschweig, 1780. 120. CUDWORTH (Ralph). Intellectual System of the Universe; with an Account of his life and writings, by Thomas Birch. Andover, 1837. 2 vol. 80o. CUISINE (La) DE SANTEl: Preservative des maladies. Paris, 1832. 12o. CULLEN (Charles). History of Mexico. See Clavigero ( F. S.). CULLEN (William), M.D. First Lines of the Practice of Physic; with notes by John Rotheram, M.D. New-York, 1805. 2 vol. in 1. 8~. CULTIVATOR ( The): A Monthly Publication, devoted to Agriculture. Albany, 14 vol. viz: Vol. 1- 4: March, 1834 - Jan. 1838. 1 vol. 4~. Vol. 5, 6: J. Buel, editor. 1838, 39. 1 vol. fol. Vol. 7, 8, 9, 10: W. Gaylord and L. Tucker, editors. 1840, 41, 42) 43. 2 vol. fol. New series: L. Tucker, editor. 1844- 52. 9 vol. roy. 8~. Third series: Vol. 1. 1853. roy. 8~. CUMBERLAND (Richard). Memoirs, with Anecdotes and Characters of several of the most distinguished persons of his time. London, 1806. 4o. CUMING (F.). Tour through Ohio and Kentucky, and down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. Pittsburgh, 1810. 120. W. C. 268. CUMMING (Rev. Hooper). Oration on Washington, Feb. 22, 1831. Painm. vol. 63. Oration: July 4, 1821, Schenectady. Pam. vol. 63, 88. 198 NEW-YORK STATE S- ermon on the Divinity of Jesus Christ. Pam. vol. 4. See Chester's Trial. CUMMING (R. Gordon). Five Years of a Hunter's Life in the Far Interior of South Africa. New-York, 1850. 2 vol. 120. CUMMINS (E. H.). See Evangel. Repos. CUNHA DE AZEREDO COUTINIO (J. J. da). Political Essay on the Commerce of Portugal and her Colonies: trans. from the Portuguese. London, 1801. 80. W. C. 269. CUNIER (Dr.). Recherches Statistiques sur les maladies oculaires observees en Belgique.... Bruxelles, 1847. o80. CUNNINGHAM Correspondence. See Adams and Pickering. CUNNINGHIAM (Allan). The Lives of the most eminent British Painters and Sculptors. New-York, 1832. 3 vol. 120. B. C. The same: 2d series, vol. 4, 5. New-York, 1834. 2 vol. 120. B. C. --- -Life and Land of Burns, with Contributions by Thomas Campbell; and an Essay on the genius and writings of Burns, by Thomas Carlyle. New-York, 1841. 120. CUNNINGHAM ( James). Observations at Chlusan. Kerr, Voy. vol. 9; Harris, vol. 1. CUNNINGIHAM (J..). A World without Souls; friom the fifth London ed. of 1814, with great alterations. Albany, 1815. 180. B. C. W The Velvet Cushion: from the fifth London ed. New-York, 1815. 180. B. C. Pneumanee, or the Fairy of the Nineteenth Century. Philadelphia, 1815. 120. B. C. - A Few Observations on Friendly Societies, and their influence on public morals. Pamphleteer, vol. 22. Cautions to Continental Travellers. Pamphleteer, vol. 21. CUNNINGHAM ( Peter). Handbook of London, past and present. New ed. London, 1850. 120. CUNNINGHAM (Robert). Inaug. Address, Lafayette Coll. 1838. Pain. vol. 73. CUNYNGHAMiE ( Lieut. Col. Arthur). A Glimpse of the Great Western Republic. London, 1851. 80. CUREL ( T.). Parti a prendre sur la question des enfans trouves. Paris, 1845. 8). CURRIE (James). Memoir of his Life, Writings, and Correspondence: ed. by his Son, WV. W. Currie. London, 1831. 2 vol. 80. CURRAN ( John P.). Speeches at length on Trials in Ireland for high treason. 2d ed. Baltimore, 1805. 80. B. C. and his Contemporaries. See Phillips. CURRAN (William Henry). Life of John Philpot Curran: by his son. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1822. 2 vol. 12'). Sketches of the Irish Bar. London, 1855. 2 vol. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 199 CURTIS (George Ticknor). History of the Origin, Formation and Adoption of the Constitution of the United States. Vol. 1. New-York, 1854. 80. CURTIS (George W.). The Howadji in Syria. New-York, 1852. 12o. Nile Notes of a Howadji. New-York, 1851. 120. CURTIS (J. L.). Manhood, with causes of its premature decline. London. 18o. B. C. CURTIS ( John). British Entomology; being illustrations and descriptions of the genera of insects. Coloured plates. London, 1823 - 49. 8 vol. 80. CURTIS (Newton M.). The Bride of the Northern Wilds: a Tale. NewYork, 1843. 80. See Muns. Pam. vol. 7. CURTISS ( Daniel S.). Western Portraiture and Emigrant's Guide a Description of Wisconsin, Illinois and Iowa. New-York, 1852. 12o. CURTIUS ( Dirk Donker). Opinion.... sur l'admission.... du jury dans le Royaume des Pays-Bas, 1829. Pain. vol. 41. B. C. Orde. Arnhem, 1839. Pamn. vol. 31. B. C..- - Pleitrede, voor den hoogen raad.. ten behoeve van C. A. Thieme..... Arnhem, 1839. Pain. vol. 31. B. C. Proeve eener nieuwe grondwet. Arnhem, 1840. 80..The same. Pain. vol. 32. B. C. CURTIUS (Q.). Rufus. Historiaruml libri. Parisiis, 1723. 24o. C URWEN ( Samuel ). Journal and Letters, 1775 - 84; with Biographical Notices of American Loyalists, by G. A. Ward. New-York, 1842. 8~. CURzoN (Hon. Robert). Visits to Monasteries in the Levant. New-York, 1849. 120. Armenia: A Year at Erzroom, and on the Frontiers of Russia, Turkey and Persia. London, 1854. 8o. CUSHING ( Caleb ). The History and Present State of the Town of Newburyport. Newburyport, 1826. 120. -- -- Eulogy on Adams and Jefferson, 1826. Pam. vol. 71. An Oration on the Fifty-sixth Anniversary of American Independence, at Newburyport, 1832. o80.....- Reminiscences of Spain. Boston, 1833. 2 vol. 12o. CUSHING ( Jonathan P.). Address, Virginia Historical and Philosophical Society, 1833. Richmond, Va. 1833. 8o. CUSHMAN ( RObert). The Sin and Danger of Self-love: A Sermon preached at Plymouth, New-England, 1621. Reprinted New-York, 1847. 120. The same, with a Biograph. Sketch by Hon. John Davis. Boston, 1846. 80o The same, reprinted 1822. Pam. vol. 91. CUSHMIAN (Rev. R. W.). Bowdoin Square Church Book. Boston, 1843. S.80 CUSICIK (David). Sketches of the Ancient History of the Six Nations. Lockport, 1848. o. 200 NEW-YORK STATE CUSTINE (Ml1arquis de). Russia: trans. from the French. 2d ed. London, 1844. 3 vol. 12~. CUTBUSH (E.), M.D. Introd. Lect. Med. Inst. Geneva Coll. N. Y. 1835. Pamn. vol. 84. CUTHBERT (Alfred). Speech in Cong. on Abolition, 1836. Pam. vol. 59. CUTTER ( William). Life of Israel Putnam, Major General in the Army of the Revolution. 3d ed. New-York, 1847. 12o. The Life of General Lafayette. New-York, 1849. 120. CUTTS ( James Madison). The Conquest of California and New-Mexico, by the Forces of the United States, in 1846 and 1847. Phil'a, 1848. 120. CUVELIER. Chronique de Bertrand du Guesclin: publie par E. Charriere. Paris, 1839. 2 vol. 4o0. See France, Doe. in6d. CUVIER (Baron G.). Historical Eulogium on Joseph Priestley, read before the National Institute: trans. by Rev. D. B. Warden, A.M. and Sec. of the Min. Plen. of the U. S. A. at Paris. Paris, 1807. 8o. - Rapport Historique sur les Progres des Sciences Naturelles depuis 1789, et sur leur 6tat actuel: present6 e Sa Majest6 l'Empereur, 1808. Paris, 1810. 80. - Essay on the Theory of the Earth: ed. by Prof. Jameson; with Observations on the Geology of North America, by S. L. Mitchill. NewYork, 1818. 80. Recherches sur les Ossemens Fossiles de Quadrupedes; oui l'on retablit les caract:res de plusieurs especes d'animaux, que les revolutions du globe paroissent avoir d6truites. Paris, 1812. 4 vol. 4o. Recherches sur les Ossemens Fossiles. 3m e'd. Paris, 1825. 5 vol. in 7. 40. Animal Kingdom: trans. from the French, with Notes and Additions by. M'Maurtrie. New-York, 1831. 4 vol. 80. -- A~Animal Kingdom, with Additional Descriptions, by Edward Griffith and others: from the French. London, 1827 - 35. 16 vol. 80. CYPRESS River Mining Company: Articles of Agreement. New-York, 1846. Pain. vol. 69. CYPRIANUS (S. Coecilius). Opera. Parisiis, 1726. fol. D. D. (Le C.). Les Femmes Militaires, ou Relation historique d'une isle nouvellement decouverte. Paris, 1739. 120. D. (M. B.). Guide du Bonheur.... Paris, 1840. 80. DABLON (Claude). Relation de cce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable aux Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus, en Nouvelle France, 1671, 72. Paris, 1673. 12o. W. C. 270. See alsofor 1670, 71, Ablon (D'). D'ABRANTES: Memoirs. See Abrantes ( Duchesse d'). GENERAL LIBRARY. 201 DACIER (M.). Rapport Historique sur les progres de l'histoire et de la litterature ancienne depuis 1789. Paris, 1810. 80. DAGGETT (David), LL.D. Eulogium on Governor Roger Griswold. NewHaven, 1812. Pam. vol. 43, 63. DAGGETT (John). Sketch of the History of Attleborough, from its settlement to the present time. Dedham, 1834. 8o. D'AGINCOURT. See Agincourt. DAGUERREIAN (The) JOURNAL; devoted to the daguerreian and photogenie arts: S. D. Humphrey, ed. and pub. New-York, 1850 - 53. 3 vol. 80. DAHLMAN (F. E.). History of the English Revolution: from the German, by H. Evans Lloyd. London, 1844. 80. DAILY ADVERTISER, N.Y. Ap. 8, 1790. Newsp. vol. 6. DAILY AMERICAN DIRECTORY Rochester, 1847 -52. Rochester. 3 vol. 120. DAKOTA (The) FRIEND; A Newspaper in Dakota and English. St. Pauls, Min. Ter. 1850 - 52. See Newsp. vol. 3. DAKOTA GRAMMAR and DICTIONARY. See Smithson. Contr. vol. 4. DALC1HO (Frederick). Historical Account of the Protestant Episcopal Church in South-Carolina. Charleston, 1820. 80. W. C. 271. D'ALEMBERT: Traite de Dynamique. See Alembert. DALLAS (Alex. J.). Exposition of the Causes and Character of the late War. 11th ed. London, 1815. 8-'. W. C. 272. DALLAS (R. C.). History of the Maroons, including the Expedition to Cuba. London, 1803. 2 vol. 80. Recollections of the Life of Lord Byron. Philadelphia, 1825. 80. DALLAWAY (James). Discourses upon Architecture in England, with an historical account of master and freemasons. London, 1833. 8o. DALLIBA ( James). Improvements in the military establishments of the U. S. Troy, 1822. 80. Pain. vol. 102. DALMTAS ( M.). Histoire de la Revolution de St. Domingue. Paris, 1814. _2 vol. in 1. 80. W. C. 273. DALMAS (NM. de). Des frais de justice. Paris, 1847. 80. DALRYMPLE'S Panorama of Benares, India. ob. 4O. DALRYMPLE ( Alex.). Historical Collection of Voyages and Discoveries in the South Pacific Ocean. London, 1770. 2 vol. 4o. W. C. 274....... Voyages dans la Mer du Sud, par les Espagnols et les Hollandois: trad. de l'anglois par M. de Freville. Paris, 1774. 80. W. C. 275. DALRYM-PLE ( Sir John). Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland, from the dissolution of the last parliament of Charles II. until the sea battle off La Hogue: Vol. 1; Appendices, vol. 2. London, 1771, 73.-From the battle off La Hogue, till the capture of the French and Spanish fleets at Vigo: Vol. 2. Edinburgh, 1788. 3 vol. 40. 2 copies of each vol. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 26 202 NEW-YORK STATE Rights of Great Britain asserted against the Claims of America. London, 1776. 80. WV. C. 276. DALTON ( John). Meteorological Observations and Essays. London, 1793? 80. - The same. 2d ed. Manchester, 1834. 80. - Elements of English Grammar. 2d ed. London, 1803. 120. DAMASCENUS ( S. Joannes). Adversus sanctarum imaginum oppugnatores, orationes tres. Venctiis, Aldus, 1554. 180. DAMBERGER ( C. F.). Travels in the Interior of Africa, from the Cape of Good Hope to Morocco, 1781 - 97. London, 1801. 2 vol. 80. DAMER ( Hon. Mrs. L. S. Dawson). Diary of a Tour in Greece, Turkey, Egypt and the Holy Land. 2d ed. London, 1842. 2 vol. 120. DAMM ( Christian T.). Novum Lexicon Groecum etymologicum et reale, cui pro basi substratae sunt concordantix et elucidationes Homerice et Pindaricre. Berolini, 1765. 4o. DAMPIER (William). New Voyage round the World. 4th ed. London, 1699. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 277. Nouveau Voyage autour du Monde. Amsterdam, 1701. 3 vol. 120. W. C. 278......- Nieuwe Reize rondom de Waereld, 1708-11: in't Engels beschreven door W. Rogers.... See Rogers (Woodes). DANA ( Daniel ), D.D. Remonstrance on State of Theological Seminary, Andover, 1849. Boston, 1853. Pam. vol. 96. DANA ( E.). Geographical Sketches of the Western Country. Cincinnati, 1819. 12~. DANA ( James D.). Manual of Mineralogy. New-Haven, 1848. 12o. - - System of Mineralogy, with a mineralogical bibliography. NewHaven, 1837. 80... —- 11, Zoophytes; 2, Geology; 3, Crustacea. See United States Expl. Exp. See Amer. Jour. of Science. DANA (J. F. and S. L.) Outlines of the Mineralogy and Geology of Boston and its vicinity. Boston, 1818. 80. DANA (Richard Henry ). Poems and Prose Writings. New-York, 1850. 2 vol. 120. DANA ( R. H.) jr. Two years before the Mast: A personal narrative of life at sea. New-York, 1847. 120. DANA (S.). Oration, July, 4, 1807, Groton, Mass. Amherst, N. H. Pam. vol. 42. DANA ( Samuel L.). Lead Diseases; a Treatise from the French of L. Tanquerel des Planches, with notes and additions on the use of lead pipe and its substitutes. Lowell, 1848. 8o. DANA (S. W.). Speech in Congress concerning the British Ambassador, 1809. Pam. vol. 35. GENERAL LIBRARY. 203 DANE (Nathan). Criminal Laws of Mass. Pam. vol. 45. DANDINI (Jerome). Voyage to Mount Libanus. Pinkerton, vol. 10; Churchill, Supp. 1. DANFORTH ( Fanny Templeton). Life and Adventures. Philadelphia, 1849. Nuns. Pam. vol. 12. DANFORTH ( Dr. Thomas). Orations, July 4, 1804, at Boston. Pam. vol. 36, 37. DRAGEAU (P. de C. Marquis de). Memoirs of the Court of France, 1684 - 1720: trans. from the French. London, 1825. 2 vol. 80. DANGERS (The) of the Country: by the Author of War in Disguise. London. Pam. vol. DANGERS ( Imminent) to the Free Institutions of the United States, through foreign immigration: By S. F. B. Morse? New-York, 1835. Pam. vol. 75. DANIEL ( Prof. J. F.). Chemistry. See Lib. U. K. Nat. Phil. vol. 4. Elements of Meteorology; being the third edition, revised and enlarged, of Meteorological Essays. London, 1845. 2 vol. 80. DANTE ALIGHIIERI. La Divine Comedie; illustre par John Flaxman, accompagnee de notes historiques.... et la vie de Dante: trad. par S6bastien Rheal. Paris, 1843. 3 vol. imp. 80. (Euvres mineures; Po6sies completes: traduites par Sebastien Rh6al. Paris, 1852. 8o. (Euvres philosophiques: Le Banquet, traduit par S. Rheal. Paris, 1852. 80. The Vision of Hell, Purgatory and Paradise: trans. by the Rev. Henry Francis Cary, A. M.; with the Life of Dante. New-York, 1845. 12o. La Divina Comedia. L'inferno; il purgatorio; il paradiso trans. into English verse, with the designs of Flaxman, by J. C. Wright. Bohn, London, 1.854. 12o. DANUBIAN ( The) PRINCIPALITIES; the Frontier Lands of the Christian and the Turk: by a British Resident of twenty years in the East. London, 1854. 2 vol. 80. DANvERS (J. T.). Picture of Jefferson. Pam. vol. 34. DANZIUS (J. A.). Compend. Grammaticae Hebraicae. Jena, 1748. 120. DAPPER ( Dr. Olfert). Naukeurige Bescbryving van Asie.... Mesopotamie, Babylonie, Assyrie, Anatolie... Arabie.... Amsterdam, 1680. 2 vol. in 1. fol. Die Unbekante Neue Welt, oder Besehreibung des Welt-teils Amerika und des Sud-landes. Amsterdam, 1673. fol. D'ARBLAY. See Arblay (D'). DARBY ( Prof. John). Botany of the Southern States. N.York, 1855. 120. DARBY (Winm.). Emigrants' Guide to the Western and Southwestern States and Territories. New-York, 1818. 8o. 204 NEW-YORK STATE Geographical Description of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, 2d ed. New-York, 1817. 80..-.. Geograp-hy and Natural and Civil History of Florida. Philadelphia, 1821. 80. W. C. 279. Tour from New-York to Detroit. New-York, 1819. 80. W. C. 280. View of the United States. Philadelphia, 1828. 160. - Mnemonika, or the Tablet of Memory; being a Register of events from the earliest period to the year 1829. Baltimore, 1829. 120. Lectures on the Discovery of America, and Colonization of North America by the English. Baltimore, 1828. 18.....- and Theodore Dwight jr. A New Gazetteer of the United States. Hartford, 1833. 80. The same. 80. B. C. DARLEY ( George). Lives of Beaumont and Fletcher. See Lives Brit. Dram. DARLING. See New-York City Tax-book. DARLINGTON (William), M.D. See Baldwin ( W.). - lorula Cestrica: A Catalogue of Plants growing in West-Chester, Penn. West-Chester, 1826. 80. Lecture on the Study of Botany, 1844. Pam. vol. 79. - Agricultural Botany: An enumeration of the useful plants and weeds, which require the attention of American agriculturists. Philadelphia, 1847. 120. ---- Memorials of John Bartram and Humphry Marshall, with notices of their botanical contemporaries. Philadelphia, 1849. 80. Flora Cestrica: A Herborizing Companion for.... Chester Co. Penn. 3d ed. Philadelphia, 1853. 120. DARTMOOR PRISON. See Journal, and Prisoners. DARTMOUTH COLLEGE: A Vindication of the official conduct of the trustees. Concord, 1815. 80. See Wheelock (E.). See Catalogues, Pam. vol. 155, 156, 157. DARROW (David), J. Meacham and B. S. Youngs. The Testimony of Christ's Second Appearing, containing a general statement of all things pertaining to the faith and practice of the church of God in this latter day. Albany, 1810. 120. B. C. DARU (P.). Histoire de la Republique de Venise, 2d ed. Paris, 1821. 8 vol. 80. D'ARUSMONT. See Arusmont ( F. W. d'). DARWIN ( Charles). A Monograph of the Fossil Lepadidee, or pedunculated cirripedes. London, 1851. 40. See Palaeon. Soc. * Monograph on the Sub-class Cirripedia, the Balanidme, etc. See Ray Society. GENERAL.LIBRARY. 205 ------ Journal of Researches into the natural history and geology of the countries visited during the voyage of H. M. Ship Beagle round the world. London, 1845. 120. - The Zoology of the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, under the command of Capt. Fitzroy, during the years 1832 to 1836. London, 1840 -42. 3 vol. 4~. Contents: Part 1. Fossil Mammalia: Richard Owen. - 2. Mammalia,: G. R. Waterhouse. - 3. Birds: John Gould. - 4. Fish: Rev. L. Jenyns. - 5. Reptiles: T. Bell. DARWIN (Erasmus), M.D. Zoonomia; or the Laws of Organic Life. 2d Am. ed. from 3d Lond. Boston, 1803. 2 vol. 80....- The Temple of Nature, or the origin of Society; a Poem. NewYork, 1804. 80. C. L. DASSIE ( Sieur). Description Generale des Costes de l'Amerique. Rouen, 1677. 16~. W. C. 281. DATos sobre alunas Leyes Inglesas que han contribuido al poder de la Gran Bretafia en prejuicio de las demas naciones; con Observaciones utiles a los que estudian la economia politica. Veranio Severo. Madrid, 1807. 160. W. C. 430. DAUBENY ( Charles). A Churchman's reasons for declining a connexion with the Bible Society. Pamphleteer, vol. 5. Inaug. Address, Chemistry, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 1823. Report on our Knowledge of mineral and thermal waters. London, 1837. 80. Also Reports Brit. Assoc. 1836. - - A Description of active and extinct volcanos; of earthquakes and thermal springs. 2d ed. London, 1848. D'AUBIGNI ( J. H. M.). See Merle d'Aubigne. DAUBY ( A. C.). To the Friends of Oneida Bank, 1833. Pam. vol. 154. DAUNT ( William J. O'Neil ). Ireland and her Agitators. Dublin, 1845. 120. DAVENANT ( Charles). Political and Commercial Works: collected and revised by Sir Charles Whitworth. London, 1771. 5 vol. 80. DAVENPORT ( A. Benedict). The History and Genealogy of the Davenport family in England and America, from 1086 to 1850. New-York, 1851. 120. DAVENPORT (B.). English Grammar simplified. Wilmington, Del, 1830. 180 DAVENPORT (Bishop). A History and New Gazetteer or Geographical Dictionary of North America, and the West Indies.... New-York, 1842. 8o. DAVENPORT (R. A.). Dictionary of Biography. Boston, 1832. 80.. —.-.. Perilous Adventures, or remarkable instances of courage, perseverance and suffering. New-York, 1846. 180. DAVIDSON (J. B.). Difficulties of English grammar removed. London, 1839. 120. 206 NEW-YORK STATE J)_AVIDSo N ( R.),D.D. An Excursion to the Mammoth Cave, and the Barrens of Kentucky; with some narratives of the early settlement of the State. Lexington, 1840. 120. -- History of the Presbyterian Church in the State of Kentucky, with a preliminary sketch of the churches in the Valley of Virginia. NewYork, 1847. 80. ------ Plea for Presbyterianism, N.Brunswick, N.J. 1844. Pam. vol. 82. ------- Historical Sketch of 1st Presb. Church, New-Brunswick, N.J. 1852. 80. DAVIE ( J. C.). Letters from Paraguay. London, 1855. 80. DAVIES (Charles), LL.D. Grammar of Arithmetic, or an analysis of the language of figures and science of numbers. New-York, 1850. 180. Arithmetic, designed for common schools. Philadelphia, 1843. 180. ------ and WY. G. Peck. Mathematical Dictionary, and Cyclopedia of mathematical sciences. New-York, 1855. 8:. DAVIES (C. MI.). The Historyof Holland, from the beginning of the tenth to the end of eighteenth century. London, 1841 -44. 3 vol. 80..- - -The same. 3 vol. 80. B. C. DAVIES (Charles S.). Address on the Commemoration at Fryeburg, 1825. Portland, 1825. 80. DAVIES (John). The History of the Caribby Islands, viz: Barbados, St. Christophers, etc. in all 28; with a Caribbian Vocabulary. London, 1666. fol.: The same. London, 1666. fol. WV. C. 282. DAVIESS ( J. H.). On the Conduct of the President concerning the Conspiracy of 1806. Pam. vol. 34. DAVIES ( Rev. Samuel). Sermons on important subjects; with an Essay on the life and times of the author, by Albert Barnes. New-York, 1845. 3 vol. 120. B. C. A Sermon preached to Captain Overton's Company of Volunteers, Virginia, Aug. 17, 1755. Philadelphia: London, re-printed 1756. DAVILA ( H. C.). Historie of the Civill Warres of France: trans. from the Italian. London, 1647. fol. D'AVILER. See Aviler. DAVIS (Rev. A.). Discovery of New-England by the Northmen: A Lecture, Troy, 1845. Pam. vol. 44. B. C. The same, with Antiquities of Central America. Rochester, 1.841. Pam. vol. 77. - 0 —- History of New-Amsterdam; or New-York as it was in the days of the Dutch Governors. New-York, 1854. 120. DAVIS ( Charles A.). The Life and Writings of Major Jack Downing, of Downingville, away down east in the State of Mlaine: written by himself. Boston, 1834. 120. Select Letters of Major Jack Downing, written by himself. Philadelphia, 1834. 12o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 207 ------- Letters of Major J. Downing, to his old friend Mr. Dwight of the N. Y. Daily Advertiser. New-York, 1836.120. DAVIS (Lieut. Charles H.). The Law of the deposit of flood tide. See Smithson. Contr. vol. 3. -- See American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanack. DAVIS (Daniel). Book of the Telegraph, 1851; with Catalogue of Apparatus, for sale, 1848. Boston. 180. DAVIS (Emerson), D.D. The half-century; or History of changes that have taken place.. chiefly in the United States; with an introduction by M. Hopkins, D.D. Boston, 1851. 120. A Historical Sketch of Westfield, 3Mass. Westfield, 1827. 8o. DAVIS (E. H.). See Squier ( E. G.), and Smithsonian Institution: Monuments of the Mississippi valley. DAVIs ( Rev. Hasbrouck). Sermon,.Waltham, Mass. 1853.'Pam. vol. 95. Sermon, Watertown, Mass. 1853. Pam. vol. 95. Sermon for Easter day, Watertown, 1853. Pam. vol. 95. DAVIS (Henry), D.D. Address, Commencement Hamilton Coll. 1828. Pam. vol. 11. B. C. A Narrative of the embarrassments and decline of Hamilton Coll. N. Y. 1833. So. DAVIS ( John). The American Mariners, or the Atlantic Voyage: a Moral Poem; with naval annals. Salisbury. 12). W. C. 283.. Travels of Four years and a half in the United States of America, during 1798 - 1802. London, 1803. 80. Travels in Louisiana and the Floridas in 1802: from the French of Berquin-Duvallon, with notes by. New-York, 1806. 120. - The First Settlers of Virginia: An Historical Novel, exhibiting a view of the rise and progress of the Colony of Jamestown. 2d ed. NewYork, 1806. 12o. DAVIS (John). Speech, Duties on Woolens, H. of R. U. S. Pam. vol. 55. DAVIS (Sir John F.). China. See Library E. K. DAVIS ( Matthew L.). Memoirs of Aaron Burr; with miscellaneous selections from his correspondenee. New-York, 1837. 2 vol. 80. B. C. ------- The same. New-York, 1836. 2 vol. 80. DAVIS ( N. S.), M.D. Prize Diss.; Diseases of the spinal column, N. Y. State Med. Soc. 1840. Pam. vol. 86. A Text-book on Agriculture. New-York, 1848. 120. DAVIS'( Paris M.). An Authentic History of the Late War between the U. S. and Great Britain, and the War with Algiers. Ithaca, 1829. 120. DAVIS (Richard B.). Poems. New-York, 1807. 18o. DAVIS ( R. D.). Address, Societies of Geneva Coll. 1843. Pam. vol. 36. B. C. DAVY ( Christopher). Treatise on the Construction of artificial foundations for buildings, railways.... 2d ed. London, 1839. 8o. 208 NEW-YORK STATE DAVY (Sir Humphry). Works: Ed. by his Brother, J. Davy, with memoirs of his life. London, 1839 - 40. 9 vol. 80. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry. Am. ed. 80. Consolations in Travel, or the last days of a philosopher; with the author's life, by Jacob Green, M.D. Philadelphia, 1830. 12o. B. C. Elements of Chemical Philosophy. Part 1, vol. 1. Philadelphia, 1812. 80. B. C. DAVY ( John). Memoirs of the Life of Sir lumphry Davy. London, 1836. 2 vol. 80. Notes and Observations on the Ionian Islands and Malta. London, 1842. 2 vol. 80. DAWSON (Moses). Historical Narrative of the civil and military services of Maj. General WY. H. Harrison. Cincinnati, 1824. 80. DAY ( George E.), M.D. A Practical Treatise on the domestic management and most important diseases of advanced life. Phil'a, 1849. DAY (James). Treatise on the Construction and Formation of railways. 2d ed. London, 1839. 12~. DAY ( Rev. Norris). Lecture on Bible Politics: Montpelier, 1846. Pam. vol. 77. DAY (Robert). Genealogical Register of.... Descendants of Robert Day of Hartford, Conn., who died 1648. 2d ed. Northampton, 1848. 80. DAY (Sherman). Historical Collections of the State of Pennsylvania.... Illustrated by 165 engravings. Philadelphia, 1843? 80. DAY ( Thomas). The History of Sandford and Merton. Philadelphia, 1833. 12o. B. C. DAY (Thomas). Discourse before the Connecticut Historical Society, 1843. Hartford, 1844. 80. 2 copies. and James Murdock. Brief Memoirs of the Class of 1797, Yale College. New-I-aven, 1848. 80. DAYTON ( A. O.).' Address, Lit. Soc. Coll. of New-Jersey, 1839. Pam. vol. 77. DEAF AND DUMB: Miscellaneous reports. Pam. vol. 167, 168. See Conventions of Instructors; also Groningen Institut. DEAN (Amos), LL.D. Address, Albany Institute, 1833. Pam. vol. 29. B. C., and Pam. vol. 63...-.-.. Lectures on Phrenology. Albany, 1834. 120. B. C. ------ Address before Y. M. State Assoc. Geneva, 1841. 80. The same. Muns. Pam. vol. 6. - An Attempt to present the Claims of Long Lake. Albany, 1846. Muns. Pam. vol. 8. Lecture before Y. M. A. Albany, 1848. Nuns. Pam. vol. 6; also Pam. vol. 77. Address, N. Y. State Agric. Soc. Albany, 1850. Pam. vol. 77. GENERAL LIBRARY. 209 DEAN (Silas). A Brief History of the Town of Stoneham, Mass. Boston, 1843. 12. DEANE ( Samuel). History of Scituate, lBass., from its first settlement to 1831. Boston, 1831. 80. DEANE (Rev. Samuel ), of Portland: Journal. See Willis (W.). DEANE (Silas). An Address to the Free and Independent Citizens of the United States of North America. Hartford, 1784. 120.....- The same; to which is added, A letter to the Hon. Robert Morris, with notes and observations. London, 1784. 80. DEARBORN (Benjamin). The Columnbian Grammar. Boston, 1795. 12o. DEARBORN ( Henry A. S.). Letters on the internal improvements and commerce of the West. Boston, 1839. 8O. DEARBORN ( Nathaniel ). Boston Notions; being an Authentic and Concise Account of " That Village," from 1630 to 1847. Boston, 1848. 18o. Reminiscences of Boston, and Guide through the city and environs. Boston, 1851. 180. D)EBEAUVOYS, I.D. Guide de l'apiculteur. Paris, 1851. 120. DE Bow's (J. D.) REVIEW and Industrial Resources, Statistics, etc.: edited by J. D. D)e Bow. First Tit-le: " Commercial Review of the South and West."' New-Orleans and Washington: 1st, 2d and 3d series, 1846 - 55. 18 vol. 8~. The Industrial Resources... of the Southern and Western States.... with an appendix. New-Orleans, 1852. 3 vol. 80.:-' Statistical View of the United States. See United States, Census. DE BuY. See Bry; also Camus. DEBY ( P. N. H.). De l'Agriculture en Europe et en Amerique, considere et comparee dans les int6rets de la France et de la Monarchie. Paris, 1825. 2 vol. in 1. 80. W. C. 284. DECANVER ( H. C.). Catalogue of Works in Refutation of Methodism, from its origin in 1729, to the present time. Philadelphia, 1846. 4o. DECATUR (Stephen), Commodore. Correspondence.... with Commodore James Barron, which led to the unfortunate meeting of March 22. Washington, 1820. 80. Pam. vol. 50. DE CHAUMONT ( James Le Ray). Agricult. Address, Jefferson Co. 1824. Pam. vol. 58. DECHALLES ( Le Pere). See Euclide. DECKER ( G.A.). Der Friedhof: The Churchyard Sketches for monu. ments. No. 1. Mentz, 1847. fol. DECLARATION of England against the Holy Alliance. Pamphleteer, vol. 18. DECLARATION of the State of the Colony and Affairs of Virginia, with the names of the adventurers: By his lajestie's Counseil for Virginia. London, 1620. 80. W. C. 941. DECLARATION by an Old Plebeian. London, 1763. See Clune. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 27 210 NEW-YORK STATE DEDHAM, M3ass.: Annual Report of the town, 1852. Pam. vol. 76. DEFENCE of the New-Jersey Dissent; being a brief answer to a pamphlet recently published by the family of the late N. Webster. 80. Pain. vol. 173. DEFENCE (A) of the People, in a letter to the authors of Faction detected, 1744. Paim. vol. 124, 132. DEFENCE of the Right of the New-Hampshire grants. Dresden, 1770. See Resolves. DE FOE (Daniel). The Novels and Miscellaneous Works, with a Memoir; including all in the edition attributed to the late Sir Walter Scott, with considerable additions. Oxford, 1840 - 41. 20 vol. 120. History of the Union between England and Scotland; with a life of the author. London, 1786. 40. The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe; with a biographical sketch of De Foe. London, 1831. 2 vol. 120. B. C. DE FOREST ( T. R.). Olden Time in New-York, by those who knew. NewYork, 1833. 12o. DE GROOT. See Groot ( P. J. C. de), Reis in Nederlandsche Indie. DEGUISE FILS, Dupuy, et LEURET. Recherches et exp6riences sur les effets de l'acetate de morphine. Paris, 1824. Pam. vol. 86. DE HASS ( Willis). History of the Early settlement and Indian wars of Western Virginia. Wheeling, 1851. 80. DEHAY ( Timoth6e). Discours sur les travaux scientifiques de la Socie6t Francaise de Statistique Universelle, 1834, 35, 36, 38. See Pam. 40. vol. 1. Rapport sur le Canal des Pyre6nes, destine a joindre l'Ocean a la Mediterranee.... 1834. See Pam. 40. vol. 1. -- Les Colonies et la MIetropole, le Sucre exotique et le Sucre indigene. Paris, 1839. 80. DE HOVEDEN. See Hoveden. DE KAY ( James E.). Address, Progress of the Natural Sciences in the United States, Lye. of Nat. History. New-York, 1826. 80. Sketches of Turkey, 1831, 32. New-York, 1833. 80 - Zoology of New-York. See New-York, Natural History. DE KROYFT ( Mrs. F. H.). A place in the memory. New-York, 1850. 120. DE LA BECHE ( Sir H. T.). Selection of the Geological Memoirs contained in the Annales des Mines, etc,: translated with notes. London, 1824. 80. Application of Geology to the useful purposes of life. New-York, 1836. Pam. vol. 7 How to Observe: Geology. 2d ed. London, 1836. 80. Geology of Cornwall, Devonshire, and West Somerset. London, 1839. 8o. The Geological Observer. London, 1851. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 211 DELAFAYE-BRItHIER (Julie). Les Portugais d'Am6rique: Souvenirs historiques de la guerre du Bresil en 1635. Paris, 1847. 80. DELAFIELD (E.), M.D. Introd. Lecture, Coll. of Phys. and Surg. NewYork, 1837. Pam. vol. 84..-.-. Biographical Sketch of J. K. Rodgers, M.D. New-York, 1852. Pam. vol. 84. DELAFIELD (John). Inquiry into the Origin of the Antiquities of America. New-York, 1839. 40. DELAFOND (O.). Instruction sur la Pleuro-pneumonie des betes bovines de la Vallee de Bray. Paris, 1840. 80. Traite sur la Maladie de Poitrine du gros b6tail, Peripneunmonie contagieuse. Paris, 1844. 80. DELAMBRE ( M.). Rapport iistorique sur les Progres des Sciences mathematiques depuis 1789, et sur leur etat actuel 1808. Paris, 1810. 8t). DE LANCEY (James), Chief Justice, N.Y. 1733. See Zenger. DE LANCEY ( William H.), Bishop. Inaug. Address, Univ. of Penn. 1828. Pam. vol. 77. ------ Convention Sermon, 1820. Pam. vol. 61. DELANO (Amasa). Voyages and Travels in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Boston, 1817. 80. W. C. 285. DELAPLAINE ( Joseph ). Lives and Portraits of Distinguished Americans. 3 parts. Philadelphia, 1816- 18. 2 vol. 40. XW. C. 286. DELAVAN (E. C.). Correspondence with Rev. Dr. Sprague, 1837. Panm. vol. 93. DELAVIGNE (A.). Manuel Complet des aspirans au baccalaursat-es-lettres. 6e ed. Paris, 1836. 180. DELAWARE & Hudson Canal Company, 1827. Pam. vol. 145. DELESSE (M.). Extraits de Mineralogie. Paris, 1851. 80. DEL MAR (E.). Grammar of the English Language. London, 1842. 120. DtMEUNIER (J. N.) Economie Politique et Diplomatique. See Encyc. M6thod. W. C. DEMIDOFF'S ( Prince A.) Preisfrage, 1853. Bav. Acad. Mem. vol. 2. DEMING ( IH. C.). An Oration upon the life and services of Gen. David Wooster, at Danbury, 1854. See Wooster (D.). DEMING ( Leonard ). Catalogue of the principal officers of Vermont, as connected with its political history from 1778 to 1851. Middlebury, 1851. 80. DEMOCRATIC and Free Democratic Conventions at Rome, N.Y. Aug. 1849: Proceedings. Rome, 1849. 80. DEMOCRATIC REVIEW, and United States Magazine. Washington and New-York, 1838 - 52. 31 vol. 80. Vol. 17 - 23. New-York, 1845 - 48. 7 vol. 80. B. C. DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY, City of New-York: Circular, 1794. Pam. vol. 50. 212 NEW-YORK STATE DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY Of Philadelphia, 1793. Pam. vol. 66. DEMONVILLE: Examen des Ouvrages Physico-philosophiques de M. Azais. Paris, 1846. 80. Philosophie Primitive. Vol. 1. Paris. 80. DE MORGAN (Augustus). Essay on Probabilities, and on their application to life contingencies and insurance offices. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 15. The Elements of Arithmetic. 5th ed. London, 1846. 120. Mathematics. See Lib. U. K. Formal Logic; or the Calculus of Inference, necessary and probable. London, 1847. 80. Arithmetical books, from the invention of printing to the present time. London, 1847. 80. - -- eThe Book of Almanacs, with an index of reference to find the calendar for every year to A.D. 2000. London, 1851. ob. 80. -.- Calculus. See Lib. U. K. DEMOSTHENES. Orations: trans. from the Greek, by T. Leland. London, 1824. 80., The same. New-York, 1831. 2 vol. 180. B. C. The Olynthiac and other public orations: trans. by C. R. Kennedy. Bohn, London, 1852. 120. Orations on the Crown and on the Embassy: trans. by C. Rann Kennedy. London, Bohn, 1855. 120. Cinque Orationi di Demosthene, e una di Eschine: tradotte in italiana. Venetia, Aldus, 1557. 180. DE MOYNE, or De Morgues. See Moyne ( J. de). DEMlPSEY ( G. Drysdale). On Railways: Engin. Prof. Papers, vol. 7. ~ — nRudimentary Treatise on iron-girder bridges. London, 1850. 12o. ---- ~ Rudimentary Treatise on the drainage of districts and sands. London, 1849. 120. DENCKE ( C. F.). The Three Epistles of the Apostle John: trans. into the Delaware Indian. New-York, 1818. 120. DENDY (Walter C.). The Philosophy of Miystery. New-York, 1845. 120. DENHAM (D.) and H. Clapperton. Travels and Discoveries in Africa, 1822 - 24. Boston, 1826. 80. DENINA (Carlo). Storia della vita e del regno di Federico II. Re di Prussia. Venezia, 1789. 80. Rivoluzioni della Germania. Milano, 1805. 6 vol. 80. DENISON (C. W.). The American Village, and other poems. Boston, 1845. 180. DENISON (Edmund B.). A Rudimentary Treatise on clock and watchmaking, with a chapter on church clocks. London, 1850. 120. DENISON (W.). Series of Experiments on American timber. Inst. Civil Eng. Trans, vol. 2. GENERAL LIBRARY. 213 DENNIE ( Joseph). 1, The Lay Preacher; 2, Spirit of the Farmer's Museum. Walpole, 1796. 120. W. C. 287. See Port Folio. DENNY ( Henry). Monographia Pselaphidarum et Scydamnidarum Britannim. Norwich, 1825. 8~. DENTON ( Daniel). Brief Description of New-York, formerly called NewNetherlands; with the places thereunto adjoining, and a brief relation of the customs of the Indians there. London, 1670. 4o. NW. C. 288. The same, with an introduction and notes, by Gabriel Furman. New-York, 1845. 80. - See Hist. Soc. Pennsylvania. D'ENTRECASTEAUX. See Entrecasteaux. DENYS (J.). Description Geographique et Historique des Costes de l'Am6rique Septentrionale. Paris, 1672. 2 vol. 160. W. C. 290. D'EON. See Eon de Beaumont. DE PEYSTER ( J. Watts), Brig. General. A Collection of Reports to the Government of N.Y. as. Adjutant General. 1 vol. 80. Contents: 1. Report of 1852, including organization of national guards and municipal military systems of Europe. 2. Report of 1853. 3. Report of 1854. 4. Report of Inspector General for 1854. 5. Report in 1853, on the organization of the English and Swiss militia; and the Paris, Geneva and Berlin fire departments, etc. 6. Purser's fire escape. - Report to Gov. Hunt, on the Organization of the National Guards and municipal military systems of Europe. Legis. Doc. 1852. 8o. - See Eclaireur, period. DEPONS ( F.). Perspective des rapports politiques et commerciaux de ]a France dans les deux Indes. Paris, 1807. 80. W. C. 291. - Voyage a la Partie Orientale de la Terre Ferme dans l'Am6rique Me6ridionale, 1801 - 04. Paris, 1806. 3 vol. 80. W. C. 292. Voyage to the Eastern Part of Terra Firma in South America, 1801 - 04: trans. from the French. iNew-York, 1806. 3 vol. 80. DEPPING (G. B.). Reglemens sur les Arts et MeStiers de Paris. See Boileau (E.). Correspondance Administrative sous le Regne de Louis XIV. 4 vol. 4o. See France, Docts. ined. DE PRADT. See Pradt ( De). DE PuY (Henry). Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Heroes of'76. Buffalo, 1853. 120. Louis Napoleon and his times. Buffalo, 1852. 12o. I —-- IKossuth and his Generals, with a Brief History of Hungary; with an introduction by IH. J. Raymond. Buffalo, 1852. 12o. 214 NEW-YORK STATE DE QUINCEY (Thomas). Writings. Boston, 1851 - 1854. 19 vol. 120. Contents Vol. 1. Opium-eater and Suspiria. - 2. Biographical essays. - 3. Miscellaneous essays. - 4. The Cesars. - 5. Life and manners. - 6, 7. Literary reminiscences. - 8, 9. Narrative and miscellaneous papers. - 10. Essays on the poets. -11, 12. Historical and critical essays. - 13. Autobiographical sketches. - 14. Letters to a young man. -15, 16. Theological essays. - 17, 18. Essays on philosophical writers. -19. The Notebook of an English opium-eater. Logic of Political Economy. Edinburgh, 1844. 80. Letters to a young man whose education has been neglected. Philadelphia, 1843. 180. Klosterheim; or the Masque: with a biographical preface by Dr. S. Mackenzie. Boston, 1855. 120. DE QUINCY. See Quatremere de Quincy. DERENZY (Capt.). Enchiridion, or a Hand for the one-handed; with cuts. Pamphleteer, vol. 22. DERFELDEN DE HINDERSTEIN ( Baron G. F. von). See Hinderstein. DE RONDE (Rev. Lambertus). A System containing the Principles of the Christian Religion, suitable to the Heidelberg Catechism. New-York, 1763. 120. The True Spiritual Religion, or delightful service of the Lord. New-York, Holt, 1767. 80. Two Sermons in the Dutch: One, " De Ware Gedagtenis, gelovige navolging..." on the Death of Rev. Gualtherus Du Bois, Oct. 13, 1751, New-York. The second, " De Gekruiste Cristus." 4o. DE Roos ( Hon. Fred. F.). Personal Narrative of Travels in the United States and Canada, in 1826. London, 1827. 80. DESAGULIERS (Joannes Theophilus). De Natuurkunde uit ondervindingen opgemaakt: uit het Engels. Amsterdam, 1736, 46. 2 vol. 40. DESBORDELIERS (Capitaine A.). Du Tir du Fusil. Bayonne, Paris. See Fave. DES-CARTES (Renatus). Geometria: Pars prima et secunda, Opera et Studio Francisci a Schooten. Amsterdam, 1683. 2 vol. 4o. DESCOURTILZ ( M. E.). Voyages d'un Naturaliste, et ses observations faites sur les trois regnes de la nature, dans plusieurs ports de 3Mer Frangais, en E spagne, an Continent de l'Amerique Septentrionale. Paris, 1809. 3 vol. 80. W. C. 293. DESCRIIPTION of the Temple Church, London. Pam. vol. 69. GENERAL LIBRARY. 215 DESCRIPTION and Testimonials of the Patent, locomotive, steam, double pile-driving and railway grading machine. London, 1842. Pam. vol. 36. B. C. 2 copies. DESCRIPTION DE L'EGYPTE; on Recueil des Observations et des Recherches qui ont 6t6 faites en Egypte pendant l'Expedition de l'Armde Francaise, publie par les ordres de Sa Majeste Napoleon le Grand. Paris, 1809 - 22. 9 vol. fol.; with 12 vol. of plates, imper. fol. 21 vol. Contents: TEXTE: Antiquits, mn6moires, 2 vol.; Antiquites, descriptions, 2 vol.; HIistoire naturelle, 2 vol.; Etat moderne, 3 vol. PLATES: Preface et explication des planches, 1 vol.; Antiquites, 5 vol.; Histoire naturelle, 3 vol.; Etat moderne, 2 vol.; Carte topographiqcue, 1 vol. DESCRIPTION du Sol, des Productions.. de cette portion des ]tats-Unis, situee entre la Pensylvanie, les Rivieres de l'Ohio et du Scioto, et du Lao Erie: trad. d'une brochure imprimee a Salem en 1787. Paris, 1789. 8~. W. C. 694. DESCRIPTION (A) of KENTUCKY; with Miscellaneous Observations on the United States. H. Toulmin? 1792. 80. DESCRIPTION of SOUT1H-CAROLINA.... Climate, barometer..... trado.... silk manufacture. London, 1761. 80. DESCRIPTION of the Regalia of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1843. 120. DESCRIPTION (Exact) of the West Indies; more especially of those provinces which are under the dominion of the King of Spain: faithfully represented by N. N. London, 1655. 180o. DESCRIZIONE Istorica del Monastero di Monte Casino. Napoli, 1751. 40. DESERTION ( The) DISCUSSED, or the Last and Present Opposition placed in their true light, 1743. Pam. vol. 124. DESIGN (The) and Advantages of the House of Refuge. Philadelphia, 1850. See Pain. vol. 160, 163. DE SILLE (N.). History of the Settlement of New-Utrecht, L.I. 1660: trans. from the Dutch, by T. G. Bergen. From the Brooklyn Eagle, 1847. DESILVER'S ALMANAC, 1827. See Alm. miscel. DESODOARDS. See Fantin-Desodoards. DESORMEAUX ( M. A. Paulin). Les Amusemens de la Campagne. Paris, 1826. 4 vol. 12o. DE STAEL. See Holstein. DESTOUCHES ( N.). CEuvres Choisies. See Regnard (J. F.). D'ESTRADES. See Estrades. DESTREM ( C.). Projet de Reforme theatrale: Bordeaux, 1848. 80. DESULTORIA: The Recovered MSS. of an Eccentric. N.York, 1850. 120~. DETAIL of some Particular Services performed in America during 1776 - 79; supposed to be chiefly taken from the journal kept on board the ship Rainbow, commanded by Sir George Collier. Printed for Ithiel Town, New-York, 1835. 12o. 216 NEW-YORK STATE DEUTSCH (S.). See Vienna Imp. Lib. DE VEAUX (S.). The Traveller's Own Book to Saratoga Springs, Niagara Falls and Canada. 4th ed. Buffalo, 1843. 160. DE VEER ( Gerrit). Voyages. See Veer ( G. de). DE VERE (Schele). Outlines of Comparative Philology. New-York, 1853. 120. DEVEREUX (Hon. W. B.). Lives and Letters of the Devereaux, Earls of Essex, in the Reigns of Elizabeth, James I. and Charles I. 1540-1646. London, 1853. 2 vol. 80. DEVEY ( Joseph). Logic, or the Science of inference. Bohn, London, 1854. 120. DEVtZE (Jean). Trait6 de la Fievre jaune. Paris, 1820. 80. W. C. 294. Mlemoire.... aux Chambres, ou Protestation contre le travail de la Commission sanitaire: on yellow fever. Paris, 1821. Pam. 40. vol. 3. DEVILLE (A.). Lettre'a M. Auguste Le Prevost, sur le Coeur de Saint Louis. Rouen, 1850? 80. Catalogue du Musee Departemental des Antiquites de Rouen, Rouen, 1845. 120. DEVIS (Ellen). The Accidence, or First Rudiments of English grammar. London, 1825. 180~. DE VRIES, or DE VRIESE. See Vries (De). DEw ( Thomas R.). Letter on the Law of credit and trade. Washington, 1840. 80 DE WAL ( G.). See Wal ( G. de). D'EwEs (Sir Simonds). Autobiography and Correspondence during the Reigns of James the First and Charles the First: ed. by J. 0. Halliwell. London, 1845. 2 vol. 80. DE VETTE (W. M. L.). See Wette ( De). DEWEY'S Albany and Buffalo Railroad Handbook, with a Gazetteer of places. Rochester, 1849. 180. DEWEY (Rev. Chester). Report on the Herbaceous Plants of Massachusetts, 1840. See Massachusetts, Survey. DEWEY (Orville), D.D. Works. New-York, 1847. 3 vol. 120. Oration, Phi Beta Kappa Soc. Cambridge, Mass. 1830. Pam. vol. 22. B. C. Discourses on various subjects. New-York, 1835. 120. B. C. On the Unitarian Belief. New-York, 1835. Pam. vol. 24. B. C. ~ —- Sermon, Moral Importance of Cities. New-York, 1836. Serm. vol. 4. B. C. The Old World and the New; or a Journal of reflections and observations made on a tour to Europe. New-York, 1836. 2 vol. 120. B. C. Moral Views of Commerce, Society and Politics: in 12 discourses. New-York, 1838. 12o. B. C. - Discourses on Human Life. New-York, 1841. 120. B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 217 Discourse, Character of W. E. Channing, 1843. Serm. vol. 5. B. C. - On American Morals and Manners. From Christ. Exam. Boston, 1844. Pam. vol. 37. B. C. Discourse, Slavery. New-York, 1844. Serm. vol. 5. B. C. Sermon, Seafaring Men. New-York, 1845. Serm. vol. 5. B. C..-.- Discourses and Reviews upon questions in controversial theology and practical religion. New-York, 1846. 12o. B. C. DE WITT ( Cornelis). Histoire de Washington, et de la Fondation de la Republique des Etats-Unis; preced'e d'une Etude historique sur Washington, par M. Guizot. Paris, 1855. 80. DE WITT (John). Brieven, gesehreven ende gewisselt tussehen den Heer Johan de WVitt, ende de Gevolinaghtigden van den Staedt der Vereenighde Nederlanden, so in Vranckryck, Engelandt, Sweden, Denemarcken, Poolen, enz. 1652- 69. Gravenhage, 1723 - 25. 6 vol. 4-. - Secrete Resolutien van de Ed. Groot Mog. Heeren Staten van Hollandt en West-Vriesland, 1653 -68. Utrecht, 1717. 2 vol. 4o. ---- Resolution van Consideratie der Ed. Groot Mog. iHeeren Staten van Hollandt ende West-Vriesland, 1653 -68. 2d ed. Amsterdam, 1719. 40. - The true Interest and Political Maxims of the Republic of Holland and West-Friesland, by J. De W. and other great men in Holland: pub. by the authority of the States. London, 1702. 80. DE WITT ( John),D.D. Funeral Discourse of J. H. Livingston, D.D. NewBrunswick, 1825. Serm. vol. 3. B. C. DE WITT (Simeon). Elements of Perspective. Albany, 1813. 80. Considerations on the Necessity of establishing an Agricultural College. Albany, 1819. 80. DEYKES (William). Considerations on the defective state of the pavement of the metropolis.... London, 1824. Pam. vol. 139. DEizOTEvUX (Le Chev.). L'Administration du Marquis de Pombal, Ministre du Roi de Portugal, Joseph I. Amsterdam, 1788. 4 vol. So. W. C. 295. DIABO-LADY ( The), or a Match in Hell; a Poem dedicated to the Worst Woman in Her Majesty's dominions. Pam. 4o. vol. 2. DIABOLIAD ( The), a Poem, dedicated to the Worst Man in His Majesty's dominions. London, 1777. Pam. 4o0. vol. 2. DIALECT of CRAVEN (The); with a copious Glossary: by a native of Craven. 2d ed. London, 1828. 2 vol. 120. DIARY illustrative of the Times of George IV., interspersed with original letters from Queen Caroline. London, 1838, 39. 4 vol. 80. By John Galt, Lady C. Bury and Miss Sheridan. DIARY ( So much of the) of Lady Willoughby as relates to her domestic history. Part 1, New-York, 1845; part 2, New-York, 1848. 2 vol. 120. B. C. DIARY of the Rev. Solomon Spittle. Boston, 1847. Pam. vol. 45. B. C. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 28 218 NEW-YORK STATE DIAZ (Bernal) DEL CASTILLO. Historia Verdadera de la Conquista de la Nueva-Espana. Madrid, 1632. fol. W. C. 296. - - True History of the Conquest of Mexico: from the Spanish, by 3M. Keatinge. London, 1800. 4o. W. C. 297. The same. Salem, Mass. 1803. 2 vol. 8o. The Memoirs of the Conquistador, written by himself; containing..... the Conquest of Mexico and New-Spain: from the Spanish, by J. I. Lockhart. London, 1844. 2 vol. 80. DIBDIN ( C.) Observations on a Tour through almost the whole of England, and a considerable part of Scotland. London, 1801. 2 vol. 4o. DIBDIN ( Rev. Thomas F.). Typographical Antiquities, or the History of Printing in England. London, 1810. 4 vol. 4~. - -- ~A Descriptive Catalogue of the Books printed in the 15th century, lately forming part of the Library of the Duke de Cassano..... London, 1823. 80. - The Library Companion, or the Young Man's Guide and the Old Man's Comfort in the choice of a library. 2d ed. London, 1825. 8o. -----—. Introduction to rare and valuable editions of the Classics, etc. 4th ed. London, 1827. 2 vol. 4o. Bibliophobia: Remarks on the present languid and depressed state of literature and the book trade, by Mercurius Rusticus. London, 1832. 80. Reminiscences of a Literary Life. London, 1836. 80. Bibliomania, or Book Madness; a biographical romance. New ed. London, 1842. 80. DICK ( Thomas), LL.D. The Practical Astronomer. New-York, 1848. 120o. DICKENS ( Charles). Oliver Twist; or the Parish Boy's Progress. NewYork, 1840. 8o. - American Notes for general circulation. London, 1842. 2 vol. 120. B. C..-..- The Battle of Life. New-York, 1847. 12o. B. C. Bleak House. London, 1853. 80. See Household Words, and Change for the American Notes. DICKERSON (Mahlon). Speech in Cong. on Distribution ofl Revenue, 1829. Pam. vol. 59. DICKINSON (Andrew). My First Visit to Europe, or Sketches in England. 2d ed. New-York, 1851. 12o. DICKINSON (Daniel S.). Collection of Speeches in one vol. 80. Contents: 1. On the Annexation of Texas, 1845. 2. On the Oregon Question, 1846. 3. Reply to Daniel WVebster, 1846. 4. Speech on California, 1850. 5. Speech at Tammany Hall Dinner, 1850. Address, Queen's Co. Agr. Soc. 1843. Pam. vol. 36. B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 219 Speech, U. S. Sen., Oregon question, 1846. Pain. vol. 44. B. C. DICKINSON (John). Political Writings. Wilmington, 1801. 2 vol. 80. Speech delivered in the House of Assembly of the Province of Pennsylvania, 1764, on a Petition to His Majesty for a change of government of this province. Philadelphia: reprinted London, 1764. 80..-... Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies. Philadelphia, 1768. Pam. vol. 112. --- --- The same: reprinted, London, 1774. Pam. vol. 116. Lettres d'un Fermier de Pensylvanie, aux Habitans de l'Am6rique Septentrionale: trad. de l'anglois. Amsterdam, 1769. 12o. W. C. 299. An Essay on the Constitutional Power of Great Britain over the Colonies in America. Philadelphia, 1774. W. C. 298. The same, entitled "A New Essay," etc. London reprinted, 1774. 80. Pain. vol. 116. DICKINSON (S. N.). See Boston Almanack. DIcTIoNARIUM Latinum. No titlepage or date. fol. DICTIONARY of the Armenian, Turkish and English Languages. 3 vol. in one., Venice, 1843. 180. DICTIONARY of Select and Popular Quotations... taken from the Latin, %French, Greek, Spanish and Italian Languages. 6th Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1831. 120. B. C. DICTIONNAIRE Bibliographique, historique et critique des livres rares. Paris, Cailleau, 1790 - 1802. 4 vol. 80. DICTIONNAIRE Allemand-franqois et Franqois-allemand. Strasbourg, 1762. 2 vol. 80. DICTIONNAIRE de l'Industrie manufacturiere, commerciale et agricole. Paris, 1833-41. 10 vol. 8o. DICTIONNAIRE Nouveau d'Histoire Naturelle, appliquee aux arts, a l'agriculture, a l'economie rurale et domestique, a la medecine.... par une Societe de naturalistes et d'agriculteurs. Paris, 1816 - 1819. 37 vol. 80. W. C. 300. DICTIONNAIRE Universel de Commerce, banque, manufactures.... par une Socie6t de negocians, etc. Paris, 1805. 2 vol. 4o. W. C. 301. DIDRON ( M.). Iconographie Chretienne: Histoire de Dieu. Paris, 1843. 4o. See France, Docts. ined. Christian Iconography, or the History of Christian Art in the middle ages: from the French, by E. S. Millington. Bohn, London, 1851. 120. DIEREVILLE. Relation du Voyage du Port Royal de l'Acadie. Amsterdam, 1710. 12o. W. C. 302. DIETRIciHSEN and HANNAY'S Royal Almanack, 1845 - 54. London. 3 vol. 120. DIEZ ( H. F. von). Denkwurdigkeiten von Asien in Kiinsten, etc.: ans handschriften und eigenen erfahrungen gesammelt. Berlin, 1811. 2 vol. 80o 220 NEW-YORK STATE SBuch des Kabus, oder Lehren des Persisehen kdnigs Kjekjawus far seinen sohn Ghilan Sehach.... Berlin, 1811. 80...-. Der neuentdeckte Oghuzische Cyklop verglichen mit dem Homerischen. Halle und Berlin, 1815. 8~. --- Ermahnung an Islambol, oder Strafgedicht des Tuirkisohen dichters Uweissi iiber die ausartung der Osmanen: uebersetzt.... von H. F. von D. Berlin, 1811. 40. - Ueber inhalt und vortrag, entstehung und schicksale des Koniglichen Buchs... aus dem TiIrkisch-Persisch-Arabischen des Waasi Aly Dsehelebi. Berlin, 1811. 80.... —.Vom Tulpen-und Narcissen-Bau in der Tiirkey: aus dem Turkischen des Scheich Miuhammed Lalezari, iibersezt voml von Diez. Halle und Berlin, 1815. 80. Unfug und Betrug in der Morgenlandischen Litteratur, nebst vielen hundert proben von der groben unwissenheit des HI. v. Hammer... Halle und Berlin, 1815. 80. DIGBY (Sir Kenelm). Private Memoirs, written by himself; with an introductory memoir. London, 1827. 80. DIGEST of Evidence on the Charter of the Bank of England. London, 1833. 80. DILIGENTIAE Omnia Kunstgenootschap: Letter-oeffeningen. Amsterdam, 1774. 80. DILLINGHAM (William H.). Oration, New-England Soc. Philadelphia, 1847. Pam. vol. 63. DILLON ( John B.). The History of Indiana from its earliest exploration by Europeans. Vol. 1. Indianapolis, 1843. 80o. DILLON (Capt. Peter). Voyage aux Iles de la Mer du Sud en 1827 et 1828, et Relation de la decouverte du sort de la Perouse. Paris, 1830. 2 vol. 80. DINOCOURT (T.). Cours de Morale sociale. Paris, 1839. 80. DIoDoRUS SIcuLUS: Bibliothece Historico libri qui supersunt.. cum interpretatione latina Laur. Rhodomani...... Nova editio, cum Commentationibus III. C. G. Heynii, et cum argumentis disputationibusque Jer. Nic. Eyringii. Biponti, 1793 -1807. 11 vol. 80. DION (Le Comnte de). Tableau de l'Histoire Universelle jusqu'a l'Ere Chretienne, en vers franqois. Londres, 1807. 80. DIONYSIUS HALICARNASSENSIS: Scripta quae extant omnia, et historica et rhetorica, Opera et studio Frider. Sylburgii Veterensis. Francofurti, 1586. 2 vol. fol. DIOSCORIDES: Pedanii Dioscoridis Anazarbei de materia medica libri v..... Commentario illus. C. Sprengel. See Kuhn, Med. Greec. Opera. DIPLOMATIC POLICY of Mr. Madison unveiled: by a Bostonian. 55 pp. 80. Pam. vol. 38. DIRECTIONS for the Use of anthracite coal. Pam. vol. 69. DIROM (Alex.). Narrative of the Campaign in India, which terminated the War with Tippoo Sultan, in 1792. 2d ed. London, 1794. 40. GENERAL LIBRARY. 221 DIsBRoW's (Levi) Water-boring Machinery. Pam. vol. 178. DISCONZI (Ignazio). Notizie intorno al celebre Santuario di Maria Vergine, posto sul Monte Berico di Vicenza.... 2d ed. Vicenza, 1820. 80. DIscouRsEr (A Brief) on the troubles begun at Frankfort in 1554, about the Book of Common Prayer: reprinted from the black letter edition of 1575. London, 1846. 120. DISCOVERY (A Full and Just) of the weak and slender foundation of a most pernicious slander raised against the French Protestant Refugees in the Province of New-York, but more particularly affecting Capt. Benjamin Faneuil: published by license of Gov. Lord Cornbury. NewYork, 1708. 6 pp. fol. DISCOVERIES and Settlements of the English in America. Pinkerton, vol. 12; Churchill, vol. 5. DISPUTE ( The) with America considered, in a series of letters from a Cosmopolite to a Clergyman. London, 1812. Pam. vol. 117. D'ISRAELI (B.). Henrietta Temple. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 vol. 80. Lord George Bentinck; a political biography. 5th ed. London, 1852. 120. D'IsRAELI (I.). Amenities of Literature. London, 1841. 3 vol. 80. -- Curiosities of Literature. London, 1824. 3 vol. 80. The same. Second series, 2d ed. London, 1824. 3 vol. 80..-...- Curiosities of Literature. Boston, 1834. 3 vol. 120. B. C. Miscellanies of Literature. London, 1840. 80. The same. New-York, 1841. 3 vol. 12o. Commentaries on the Life and Reign of Charles I. New edition, revised by the author and edited by his Son. London, 1851. 2 vol. 80. DISSERTATIO Historica de Summo apostolicae sedis imperio in urbem comitatumque Comreli, 1709. 4~. DISSERTATION on the Constitutional Freedom of the Press. See Sullivan (J.). DISSERTATION sur les Bulles contre Baius.... par l'Abbe Coudrette? Utrecht, 1737. 2 vol. 12o. DISSERTATIONS sur le Droit Public des Colonies Frangoises, Espagnoles, et Angloises, d'apres les loix des trois nations comparees entr'elles. Geneve, 1778. W. C. 243. DISTRICT SCHOOL JOURNAL of Education of the State of New-York. Vol. 1, Geneva; vol. 2 -12, Albany, 1840- 52. 11 vol. 80 and 40o. DISTURNELL (J.). Gazetteer of the State of New-York; with the Census of 1840, and Tables of distances: ed. by 0. L. Holley. Albany, 1842. 120..-.- A Description of the City of New-York, with a brief account of the cities, towns, villages, and places of resort within thirty miles; with maps: prepared by 0. L. Holley, New-York, 1847. 180. - Guide through the Middle and Eastern States. N.York, 1848. 18o. 222 NEW-YORK STATE -_ - The Eastern Tourist, being a Guide through New-England, etc. New-York, 1848. 180. The Emigrants' Guide to New-Mexico, California and Oregon. New-York, 1849. 180. United States National Register, 1850, 51, 52. New-York, 1850, 51. Ist year called "U. S. Almanac," etc. 3 vol. 180 and 120. Railway, Steamship and Telegraph Book; being a Guide through the U. S. and Canada. New-York, July 1849 - Jan. 1853; March, June, 1854. 3 vol. 180 and 120. DITSON ( George L.). Circassia, or a Tour to the Caucasus. New-York, 1850. 80. Dix ( Miss D. L.). Remarks on Prisons and Prison Discipline. Boston, 1825. Pam. vol. 16. Memorial to Congress for relief of the insane. Cong. Doct. 1848. Pam. vol. 165. ---- nIeMemorials for hospitals for the insane in North-Carolina, etc. in 1 vol. 80. DIx (S. A.). Poem, Boston Mere. Lib. Assoc. 1848. Pam. vol. 63. Dix (John A.). Collection of his Speeches in one vol. 8O. Contents: 1. On the Oregon Question, 1846. 2. On the 3,000,000 bill, 1847. 3. Address at Geneva College, 1830. 4. Speech on the Tariff, 1830. 5. The Am. Quar. Rev. vs. the State of New-York..-..- Sketches of the City of New-York, with a view of the government, population, etc. New-York, 1827. 80. Speech, U. S. Sen., Oregon question, 1846. Pam. vol. 44. B. C. Speech on the Three Million Bill, Senate U. S. Mar. 1847. Pam. vol. 22. -- Speech, U. S. Sen., War with Mexico, 1848. Pam. vol. 46. B. C. - Speech, U. S. Sen., Trade with Canada, 1849. Painm. vol. 50. B. C. - A Winter in Madeira, and a Summer in Spain and Florence. NewYork, 1850. 120. DIXON (E. H.), M.D. Scenes in the Practice of a New-York Surgeon. New-York, 1855. 12o. -- See Scalpel, periodical. DIXON (Frederick). The Geology and Fossils of the Tertiary and Cretaceous formations of Sussex. London, 1850. 40o. DIXON ( George). Voyage round the World, 1785 - 88. 2d ed. London, 1789. 4o. W. C. 303. Voyage autour du Monde, 1785 - 88: trad. de l'Anglois. Paris, 1789. 40. W. C. 304. DIXON (Rev. James), D.D. Personal Narrative of a Tour through a part of the United States and Canada; with.... History of Methodism in America. New-York, 1849. 120o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 223 DIXON ( James): Speech in Cong. on the Tariff, 1846. Pam. vol. 59. DIXON ( John and James). Twin Brothers: Lives. 32d ed. Albany, 1847. Muns. Pam. vol. 9. DIZIONARIO di Geografia Moderna, composto per l'Enciclopedia 1Metodica: trad. dal francese, con mlolte aggiunte. Padova, 1797. 4 vol. 120. W.C. 403. DOANE ( G. W.), D.D. Bishop. A Collection of Publications. 1 vol. 8o. Contents 1. Address at the Funeral of Rev. J. L. Ogilby, 1851. 2. Sermon at the Death of Rev. B. Holmes, 1836. 3. Sons of Washington: Address at Burlington College, 1847. 4. Protest and Appeal of G. oW. D... and his Reply... Philadelphia, 1852. 5. Pastoral Letter of Rev. Alfred Stubbs, 1852. 6. Letter to Ch. King, esq... in answer to his defence of Bp. Doane, 1852. 7. Record of the Proceedings of the Court of Bishops, 1852. 8. A Report of the sayings and doings in the Special Convention of...N. J. 1852. 9. A few words in answer to the attack made by Bp. Doane, 1852. Publications concerning, 1852, 53. In I vol. 80. First Annual Address, New-Jersey Hist. Society, 1846. Pam. vol. 13. The Men to make a State: Address, Burlington College, 1849. Burlington, 1849. 80. DOBBS (Arthur). An Account of the Countries adjoining to Hudson's Bay.... London, 1744. 4o. Remarks on Capt. Middleton's Defence. London, 1744. 80. A Reply to Capt. Middleton's Answer to the Remarks in vindication of his conduct in a voyage for a northwest passage. London, 1745. 80. DOBELL (Peter). Travels in Kamtchatka and Siberia, with a Narrative of a Residence in China. London, 1830. 2 vol. 12~. DOBLADO. Letters from Spain. See White (J. [Blanco). DOBRIZHOFFER ( Martin). Account of the Abipones, an Equestrian People of Paraguay: trans. from the Latin. London, 1822. 3 vol. 80. W. C. 305. DOBSON ( Edward ). Account of the Railways of Belgium, from 1834 to 1842. London, 1843. 8o. Rudimentary Treatise on foundations and concrete works. London, 1850. 120~. - A Rudimentary Treatise on the manufacture of bricks and tiles. London, 1850. 120. DoBsoN ( Mrs. S.). The Life of Petrarch. 7th ed. London, 1807. 2 vol. 120. B. C. DOCTRINE ( De la) du Progres continun. Paris, 1834. 80. Pam. vol. 18. DOCUMENTS and Proceedings relative to an Aborigines Protection Soc. N.Y. 1829. Pain. vol. 93. 224 NEW-YORK STATE DOCUMENTS Authentiques, redig6s sur le Champ de Bataille d'Isly. Marseille, 1845. Pam. vol. 10. DODD'S REVOLUTIONARY MEMORIALS. See Case. DoDD ( Charles R.). Manual of Dignities, Privilege, and Precedence, including lists of the great public functionaries from the Revolution to the present time. London, 1842. 160o. DODD (J. WV.). Catalogue of his Library, with the prices at the sale. London, 1797. 80. DODD (Rev. Stephen). The East-Haven Register, in three parts: 1, A History of the town; 2, Register of families; 3, Deaths from 1647 to 1823. New-Haven, 1824. 120. DODD ( William), D.D. The Beauties of Shakespeare, regularly selected from each play. Philadelphia, 1830. 120. B. C. DODDRIDGE ( Rev. Dr. Joseph). Notes on Virginia and Pennsylvania. See Kercheval's (S.) Hist. of Valley of Va. DODDRIDGE (Philip), D.D. Correspondence and Diary: ed. by J. Doddridge Humphreys. London, 1829- 31. 5 vol. 80. C. L. The Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul. Also, the Life of Col. James Gardiner, with Life by J. Buckley. London, 1812. 80. B. C. The same. New-York. 180. - The Life of Col. James Gardiner. Philadelphia, 12o. The Family Expositor; with a Memoir of his life by N. WV. Fiske, and an introductory essay by Moses Stuart. Amherst, 1836. 80. B. C. DODGE ( Col. Henry). Journal of the Expedition to the Rocky Mountains. Cong. Docts. 1835. 80. DODGE ( Robert ). Diary, Sketches and Reviews, during a European Tour in 1847. New-York, 1850. 80. -- Memorials of Columbus: read, Maryland Hist. Soc. 1851. Baltimore, 1851. 80. * -- The same. See Maryland Iist. Soc. - Austria and its Polity: A Lecture at Astoria, 1853. New-York, 1853. 80. DODINGTON ( George Bubb), Lord Melcombe. Diary, 1749- 61: ed. by Henry P. Wyndham. 4th ed. London, 1809. 80. DODSLEY ( J.). A Collection of Poems in six volumes, by different hands. London, 1775. 6 vol. 120. DODSLEY ( Robert ). See Annual Register. DODWELL (Edward). Classical and Topographical Tour through Greece, 1801- 06. London, 1819. 2 vol. 40. DEDERLEIN ( J. C.). H. Grotii Annotationum in vetus testamentum auctarium. Tom. 1, qui continet observationes in libros poeticos. Halke, 1779. 40. B. C. DOES (Jacob van der). S'Gravenhage. Gravenhage, 1688. 4o. GENERAL LIBIRARY.' 225 DOGGETT ( John) jr. United States Railroad and Ocean Steam Navigation Guide, for 1848. New-York. sm. 40. See Poor Richard's Almanack..-...- New-York City Directory; 1842 - 50. New-York. 9 vol. 8o. New-York City Street Directory for 1851. New-York. 80. and Rode. New-York City Directory, 1851 and 1852. 10th pub. estab. 1842. 8o. DOHERTY (Hugh). An Introduction to English grammar. London, 1841. 80. DOHERTY (Rev. W. HI.). A Christian Minister's appeal.. against.. the fanaticism by which he has been excluded from his pulpit.. Rochester, N. Y. 1852. Pamn. vol. 96. DOIN (Alex.). Memoire sur le Canal lateral a la Garonne. Paris, 1835. 4o. DOLBY ( Thomas). The Shakespearian Dictionary, forming a general index to expressions and passages in Shakespeare. London, 1832. 12o. B. C. DOLEMAN (R.). A Conference about the next Succession to the Crown of England. Reprinted at N. with license, 1681. 8o. Written by Father Parsonzs, Jesuit? D6LLINGER ( J. J. Ignatius). Muhammed's Religion... Eine historische Betrachtung. Miinchen, "1848. Bav. Acad. Mem. vol. 1. DOLOMIZEU (Deodatus de). Earthquakes in Calabria Ultra, in 1783. Pinkerton, vol. 5. DOMBASLE ( C. J. A. Mathieu de). Annales Agricoles de Roville, oun MIelanges d'agriculture, d'economie rurale et de legislation agricole. Paris, 1828-48. 9 vol. 8o. DON ( George). General History of the Dichlamydeous Plants.... with a Glossary of the terms used. " Miller's Gardener's Dictionary," rewritten. London, 1841. 4 vol. 4o. DONALDSON ( Thomas). Address, on American Colonial History, 1849. See Maryland Hist. Soc. DONCK (Adrian van der). Beschryvinge van Nieuw-Nederlant.... Den tweeden druck,'tAemsteldam, 1656. With a map of Nova-Belgica and Nieuw-Amsterdam; with Conditien die door de Heeren Burgermeesteren der Stadt Amsterdam, volgens't gemaecte accoort met de WestIndisehe Compagnie. 1656. sin. 40. DONIPHAN ( Col.). Campaign in New-Mexico. See Edwards. DONKtIN (Major). Military Collections and Remarks. New-York, 1777. 8o. DONN (James). Hortus Cantabrigiensis. 4th ed. Cambridge, 1807. 120. ----- ortus Cantabrigiensis, or a Catalogue of indigenous and exotic plants cultivated in the Cambridge Botanic Garden. 13th ed. enlarged by P. N. Don. London, 1845. 80. DONNEGAN (James). New Greek and English Lexicon: revised by R. B. Patton. 1st Am. ed. Boston, 1839. 8o. DONOVAN (M.). Domestic Economy. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 17, 18. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 29 226 NEW-YORK STATE,r - Treatise on Chemistry. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 16. DOOLITTLE ( Julia F.). Prize Essay, Albany Female Acad. 1835. Pam. vol. 70. DOOLITTLE ( Mark). Historical Sketch of thbeCongregational Church, Belchertown, Mass. Northampton, 1852. 120. DooM's (or Dome's) DAY BOOKR: Liber Judiciarius, vel Censualis Angline. fol. DoRAN (Dr.). Habits and MIen, with remnants of record touching the makers of both. London, 1855. 12~. - Table Traits, with something on them. London, 1854. 120. Lives of the Queens of England, of the House of Hanover. 2d ed.: ondon, 1855. 2 vol. 120. DORCHESTER, Mass. Town Documents: Auditor's reports, from 1844 to 1855; Taxable valuation of the property in 1849; Reports of School committees. In 1 vol. 120. - Town Documents: 1, 2, 3, Reports of receipts and expenditures for 1850 - 53; 4, Taxable value of polls and real estate; 5, 6, 7, 8, Reports of school committees, 1850 - 53. 2 vol. 80. DORCHESTER ANTIQUARIAN AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Collections. Boston, 1844 - 50. 1 vol. 120. Contents ~ 1. Memoirs of Roger Clap, 1650. 2. Annals of the Town of Dorchester: by James Blake, 1750. 3. Journal of Richard kMather, 1635; his life and death, 1670. ------- Annals of the Town of Dorchester: by James Blake, 1750. Boston, 1846. 120. DORR (Rev. Benjamin). Sermon on Duties of an American Citizen, 1831. Pam. vol. 61. D'OusY (Alex.). English Grammar and Composition. Edinburgh, 1842. 120. DORVO-SOULASTRE. Voyage par terre de Santo-Domingo au Cap Franpais. Paris, 1809. 80. W. C. AT(6. DOUAY (A.). See Shea's Discov. Mississippi Valley. DOUBLEDAY ( Thomas). A Financial, Monetary and Statistical History of England, fromu the Revolution of 1688 to the present time. London, 1847. 80. DOUGLAS ( Sir Howard ). An Essay on the principles and constructions of military bridges. London, 1815. 80. DOUGLAS (Luke). An Experimental Inquiry into the function of the liver.... the spleen, gall-bladder, etc. New-York, 1816. Pam. vol. 86. DOUGLAS (Stephen A.). Speech at Richmond, Va. 1852. Pam. vol. 75. DOUGLASS ( Frederick). Narrative of the Life of; written by himself. Boston, 1845. 12o. B. C.....- Oration, July 5, 1852. Rochester, N.Y. Pam. vol. 88. DOUGLASS (William). Summary, Historical and Political, of the British Settlements in North America. London, 1755, 2 vol. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 227 DOUWAMA (Janclko). Geschriften.... Leeuwarden, 1849. 40. DOVE ( H. W.). Bericht iiber die in den jabren 1848 und 1849, auf den stationen des meteorologisehen instituts im Preussischen staate angestelten Beobachtungen. Berlin, 1851. fol. DovER (Lord). The Life of Frederick the Second, King of Prussia. New-York, 1832. 2 vol. 12o. B. C. The same. New-York, 1839. 2 vol. 160. Dow (Alexander). History of iindostan: from the Persian. London, 1812. 3 vol. 80. DowD (J. N.). English Grammar. Middletown, Conn., 1830. 180. DOWNER'S Narrative of the Capture of Fort Griswold: See MSS. DOWNES (John). United States Almanack, 1843-45. Philadelphia. 3 vol. 120. Occultations in the United States, 1851, 52, 53. Smithson. Contr. vol. 2, 3, 6. DOWNING (A. J.). See Wightwick ( G.), Notes on building in the country...... -See Horticulturist. Cottage Residences, or a series of designs for rural cottages Part 1. 2d ed. New-York, 1844. 80. Fruit and Fruit Trees of America. New-York, 1845. 120. The Fruit and Fruit Trees of America, etc.; wiJh 70 engravings. New-York, 1847. 8~..-...- Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, with remarks on rural architecture. New-York, 1841. 80. —.- The same. 2d ed. New-York, 1844. 80o. Rural Essays; with a memoir by George W. Curtis, and a Letter to his friends, by Frederika Bremer. New-l ork, 1853. 8o. Dox (Rev. H. L.). Synodical Discourse at Gardnersville, 1849. Muns. Pam. vol. 3. DOYLE (John). Catalogue of ancient and modern books for sale. NewYork, 1848. 80. B. C. DOYLE ( Richard). Manners and Customs of ye Englyshe: drawn from ye quick: to which be added, Some Extracts from Mr. Pips hys Diary, contrybuted by Percival Leigh. London, 1849- 50. 2 vol. 4o0. DOYLE (William). Some Account of the British Dominions beyond the Atlantic, and a Discussion of the Northwest Passage, with a map. London. 80. DozY ( R. P. A.). Dictionnaire detaill6 des noms des vetements chez les Arabes: couronn6 et publie par la troisieme classe de l'Institut Royal des Pays Bas. Amsterdam, 1843. 4o. DRAGOON CAMPAIGNS to the Rocky Mountains, by a Dragoon. N.-York, 1836. 120. DRAKE (Benjamin). Life of Tecumseh, and of his Brother the Prophet, with a historical sketch of the Shawanee Indians. Cincinnati, 1841. 120. 228 NEW-YORK STATE DRAKIE (Daniel), M.D. View of Cincinnati and the Miami Country, etc. Cincinnati, 1815. 120. - Discourse delivered before the Cinn. Med. Lib. Association, 1850. Cincinnati, 1852. 80. Discourse on the History, Character and Prospects of the West, at Miami Univ. 1834. Cincinnati, 1834. 80. DRAKE ( Edward C.). New Universal Collection of authentic and entertaining voyages and travels. London, 1771. fol. DRAKE ( Sir Francis). The World Encompassed: collated with an unpublished manuscript of Francis Fletcher; with appendices and introduction by W. S. W. Vaux. Hakluyt Society, London, 1854. 80. His Voyage, 1595: by Thomas Maynard; with the Spanish Account of Drake's attack on Puerto Rico, ed. by W. E. Cooley. Hakluyt Society. London, 1849. 80. -- Descriptio trium itinerum.... equitis F. Draken, qui peragrato primum universo terrarum orbe: postea cum.... Johanne Havekens, ad expugnandum civitatem Panama in Indiam navigavit. See Bry's (T. de) Coll. of Voy. part 8. Voyage. Harris, vol. 1; Kerr. vol. 10. Voyage: trad. de 1'anglois. Paris, 1627. 40. IW. C. 307., CAYENDISH, and DAMPIER. Lives and Voyages, with History of the Buccaneers. Edinburgh Cab. Lib. vol. 5. DRAKE (Nathan). Shakespeare and his Times, with a Biography of the Poet, and criticisms on his genius and writings. London, 1817. 2 vol. 80. Mornings in Spring. London, 1828. 2 vol. in 1. 80o.. C. DRAKE (Samuel G.). The Old Indian Chronicle; being a Collection of exceedingly rare tracts, written and published in the time of King Philip's War. Boston, 1836. 180. _ —---- Catalogue of a Private Library; principally on the antiquities, history and biography of America, and especially of the Indians. Boston, 1845. 80. Biography and History of the Indians of North America. 9th ed. Boston, 1845. o80. Biography and History of the Indians of North America. 11th ed. Boston, 1851. 80. Tragedies of the Wilderness, or true and authentic narratives of captives, etc. Boston, 1846. 12g. Early History of Dorchester. Boston, 1851. 80.Principal Events in the Life of Brant. 80. A Review of Winthrop's Journal, as edited and published by the Hon. J. Savage. Boston, 1854. 80. - The History and Antiquities of the City of Boston, from 1630 to 1670. Boston, 1854. imp. 80. ------- See New-England, Hist. Genealogical Society. GENERAL LIBRARY. 229 DRAPER'S (The)-REPLY to some Remarks on the consequences of trade, 1741. Pam. vol. 123. DRAPER (John TW.), M.D. Introd. Lecture on Chemistry, Coil. of Phys. and Surg. New-York, 1841. Pam. vol. 84....- The same: On the Relations of atmospheric air to animals and plants, 1844. Pam. vol. 84. Text-book in Chemistry. New-York, 1846. 12o. --- -A Text-book of Natural Philosophy. 3d ed. New-York, 1848. 120. A Treatise on the Forces which produce the organization of plants. New-York, 1844. 40. DRAYTON (John), LL.D. Memoirs of the American Revolution from its commencement to 1776, as relating to the State of South-Carolina. Charleston, 1821. 2 vol. 80. 2 copies. Beschreibung von Sud-Carolina. Weimar, 1808. 8o. W. C. 308. DRAYTON ( William). Oration, Charleston, July 4, 1831, before the Union and State Rights Party. Charleston, 1831. 80. DR~?LINCOURT ( Charles). Vertroostingen der Geloovige Ziele, tegen de Verschrickingen des Doodts. Amsterdam, 1719. 180. B. C. P,. du Mloulijn and others. Recht Gebruyk van des Heeren Heyligen Avondmael.... Amsterdam, 1709. 18~. B. C. The same. Anisteldam, 1706. 180. DREUILLETTE (R. P. Gabriel). Narre du Voyage faict pour la lMission des Abnaquiois, et des connaissances tirez de la Nouvelle-Angleterre et des dispositions des inagistrats de cette republique pour le secours contre les Iroquois, e's annees 1650 et 1651. Imprim6ne d'apreis la copie de l'original depose parmi les papiers du Bureau des Biens des Jesuites a Quebec. Albany, Weed, Parsons et Cie. 1855. 120. DREw (Samuel). The Life of Rev. Thomas Coke, LL.D., with an Account of his Travels in England, Ireland, America and the West Indies. New-York, 1818. 80. DREwRY ( Charles S.). Memoir on Suspension Bridges, with an Account of experiments on the strength of iron wires and bars. London, 1832. 80. DREXELIUS (Hier.). Palhestra Christiana. Antverpie, 1648. 240. -- -Prodromus ZEternitatis. 1628? 240o. ---- Recta intentio omnium humanorum actionum amussis. Colonire, 1634. 240. - Nicetas, seu triumphata incontinentia. Colonire, 1631. 240. DRTNKWATER (John). History of the Siege of Gibraltar. Dublin, 1791. 80. DROWN ( S. De Witt). The Peoria ( Ill.) Directory for 1844, with a history of the town. Peoria, 1844. 120. DRUMrMOND ( Sir Win.). Origines, or Remarks on the origin of several empires, states, and cities. London, 1824. 4 vol. 80. 230 NEW-YORK STATE DRURY (Dru.). Illustrations of Exotic Entomology: a'new edition, with additional matter, by J. O. Westwood. London, 1837. 3 vol. 4o. DRYDEN (John). Works; with Notes and a Life of the Author, by Sir Walter Scott. London, 1808. 18 vol. 80. Contents: Dramas: vol. 2 - 8. Essay of Dramatic Poesy: vol. 15. Life of St. Francis Xavier: vol. 16. Mfack-Flecknoe, a satire: vol. 10. Observations on Dufresnoy's Art of Painting: vol. 16. Poems: vol. 9. The Hind and the Panther: vol. 10. Translations from Juvenal and Persius: vol. 11. Translations fr om Ovid:' vol. 12. Translations of the Works of Virgil: vol. 13, 14, 15. Montesuma, ou Fernand Cortez: Tragedie, traduite par l'Abb6 D. B. Paris, 1743. See Poemes sur l'Amerique. W. C. 750. DUANE (William). Report of a Debate in Congress on the Mississippi question, Feb. 1803. Philadelphia, 1803. Pam. vol. 40. Report of a Debate in the Senate of U. S. on an Amendment of the second article of the Constitution, 1804. Philadelphia, 1813. Pam. vol. 41. - A Collection of (Select) Pamphlets. Pam. vol. 40, 41. A Handbook for Infantry..... 5th ed. Philadelphia, 1813. 80. Visit to Colombia in 1822, 23. Philadelphia, 1826. 80. DUANE ( William J.). Investigation of the Law of Nations. pp. 103. Philadelphia, 1813. Pam. vol. 41...... Narrative and Correspondence concerning the Removal of the deposites, and occurrences connected therewith. Philadelphia, 1838. 80. DUAULT (F. M. G.). Poesies. Paris, 1823. 180. DUBLIN (The) ALMANAC, 1834. Dublin. 80o. DUBLIN (The) REVIEW. London, 1836 - 54. 37 vol. 80. DUBLIN (The) UNIVERSITY CALENDAR, 1833. Dublin, 1833. 120. DUBLIN (The) UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE. Vol. 20, 21, 22, repainted New-York; vol. 23 -44, Dublin, 1842-54. 25 vol. 80. DUBLIN (The) UNIVERSITY MUSEUM, June, 1847. Pam. vol. 92. Du BOCCAGE ( Marie-Anne). La Colombiade. See Posmes sur l'Amerique. W. C. 750....- The same. Paris, 1756. 12o. DUBOIS (J. A.). Description of the People of India: trans. from the French MS. Philadelphia, 1818. 2 vol. 8o. Du Bois ( J. P. I.). Vies des Gouverneurs Geneuraux, avec l'Abrege de l'Histoire des Etablissemens tHollandois aux Indds Orientales. A la Haye, 1763. 4o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 231 Du Bois (William E.). A Brief Account of the Collection of Coins belonging to the Mint of the United States; more particularly the antique specimens. Philadelphia, 1846. 180. Dur BOIS-REYMOND ( Emil ). On Animal Electricity: ed. by I. B. Jones, AT.D. London, 1852. 120. Du BoucHET ( Jean). La veritable origine de la seconde et troisicme ligne de la MIaison royale de France. Paris, 1646. fol. DU:BROCA (J. F.). Eloge de Washington. Paris, 1800. 120. W. C. 309. See also Fontanes, Eloge. DUBRUEIL et RECH. Rapport sur le Cholera-morbus asiatique, qui a r6gn6 dans le midi de la France en 1835. Montpellier, 1836. 80. DUBUIssoN ( P. U.). Lettres Critiques et Politiques sur les Colonies et le Commerce des villes maritimes de la France, adressees a G. T. Raynal. Geneve, 1786. 80. W. C. 310. DUCATEL ( J. T.). Geol. of Maryland. See Maryland. DUCACHET ( H. W.), M.D. Inaug. Essay on the action of poisons. NewYork, 1817. Pam. vol. 86. A Tribute to J. Dyckman, M.D. New-York, 1823. Pam. vol. 64, 84. DUCHi ( Rev. Jacob). Discourses on various subjects. London, 1799. 2 vol. 80.. — A Sermon, Christ's Church, July 7, 1775, before the First Battalion of the City and Liberties of Philadelphia. London, 1775. 80.. —.Caspipina's Letters, written by a gentleman who resided some time in Philadelphia; to which is added the Life and Character of William Penn. Dublin, 1792. 2 vol. in 1. 80. DuCCEURJOLY (S. J.). 3Manuel des Habitans de Saint-Domingue. Paris, 1802. 2 vol. 8. W. C. 311. DUCPETIAUX ( Edward). 1, Questions des mort-nes, 1848; 2, Fermeshospices des deux Flandres. Bruxelles. 4o. - See Belgium, State Papers, Law Lib. Cat. DucREUX: See Creuxius. Du CRos (Joseph). Histoire des Voyages de M. le Marquis Ville en Levant, et du Siege du Candie. Paris, 1669. 180. Du DEFFAND ( The Marquise). Letters to the Hon. Horace Walpole... and to Voltaire. London, 1810. 4 vol. 12o. DUDEN ( Gottfried ). Bericht iiber eine Reise nach den. Westlichen Staaten Nordamerikas, 1824 -27. 2d ed. Bonn, 1834. 80~. Europa und Deutschland von Nordamerika aus betrachtet, etc. Bonn, 1833. 2 vol. 8~..-.- Die Nordamerikanische Demokratie, und das v. Tocqueville'sche Werk. Bonn, 1837. S~. DUDEVANT ( Amantine Lucile Aurore Dupin). Jeanne, par George Sand. Bruxelles, 1844. 2 vol. 120. B. C. 232 NEW-YORK STATE La Mere au Diable, par George Sand. Bruxelles, 1846. 120. B. C. DUDLEY (Dean). The Dudley Genealogies and Family Records. Boston, 1848. 80. DUDLEY ( Earl of). Letters to the Bishop of Llandaff. London, 1840. 80. DUDLEY ( Gov. Thomas). Letter to the Countess of Lincoln, March, 1631. 80. DUER (John). A Vindication of the Public Faith of New-York and Pennsylvania, in reply to the calumnies of the'" Times." London, 1840. Pam. vol. 35. B. C. Speech in Prot. Episc. Conv. on Judge Oakley's resolutions, 1843. Pam. vol. 72. A Discourse on the Life, Character and Public Services of James Kent, before the Bar of the City and State of New-York, April 12, 1848. New-York, 1848. 8'. The same. 80. B. C. and R. Sedgwick. An examination of the Controversy between the Greek deputies and two mercantile houses of New-York, 1826: by the arbitrators. 1826. 80. The same. Pam. vol. 1.2. B. C. DUFrR ( William A.). Letter to C. D. Colden, in Answer to the Strictures contained in his Life of Robert Fulton. Albany, 1817. 80. A Reply to Mr. Colden's Vindication of the steamboat monopoly. Albany, 1819. 80.. New-York as it was during the latter part of the last century: Address, St. Nicholas Society, New-York, 1848. New-York, 1849. 8S. ------ The same. Pain. vol. 50. B. C. Life of William Alexander, Earl of Sterling, Maj. Gen. U. S. A. See New-Jersey Hist. Coll. vol. 2. —.- Eulogy on Adams and Jefferson. Albany, 1826. 80. The same. Pam. vol. 11. B. C. DUFFIELD ( J. T.). The Princeton Pulpit, edited by. New-York, 1852. 80. DUFLOT DE MOFRAS. Exploration des Territoires de l'Or6gon, des Californies, et de la Mer vermeille, executee pendant les annees 1840-42. 2 vol. 80, with fol. vol. of plates. Paris, 1846. 3 vol. DUpReNE DE FRANCHEVILLE. Histoire de la Compagnie des Indes: Histoire generale et particuliere des finances. Paris, 1738. 4o. W. C. 377. DUFiRENOY (A.), and Elie de Beaumont. Explication de la Carte geologique de la France. Paris, 1841. 2 vol. 4o. I —---- Carte G6plogique de la France.... Paris, 1840; in a case. 40. - - Rapport sur l'emploi de l'air chaud dans les usines a fer. Paris, 1834. o80. Du FRESNOY (iC. A.). De Arte Graphica: translated, with remarks, by John Dryden. Dryden's Works, vol. 17, GENERAL LIBRARY. 233 The Art of Painting: trans. by W. Mason, with annotations by Sir J. Reynolds. Dublin, 1783. 120. DUGAT. Prisons et Champs d'Asile en Algerie. Pam. vol. 16. DUHALDE (J. B.). Description of China and Chinese Tartary, together with the Kingdoms of Korea and Tibet: from the French. London, 1738 -41. 2 vol. fol. DrHAMEL DU MoNCEAU. Des Semis et Plantations des arbres, et de leur culture. Paris, 1760. 4o. Du HAUSSET ( Mad.). Private Memoirs of. New-York, 1827. 120. DUHRING (Henry). Remarks on the U. States of America, with regard to the actual state of Europe. London, 1833. 120. The same. 120. B. C..-.. Art of Living. London, 1843. 12o. B. C. Essays on Human Happiness. London, 1848. 120. B. C. DUIGENAN (Patrick). Answer to the Right Hon. Henry Grattan. 5th ed. Dublin, 1800. With A Fair Representation of the present political state of Ireland. Dublin, 1800. In I vol. 80. DULANEY (Mr.), of Maryland. Considerations on the propriety of imposing taxes in the British Colonies, fox the purpose of raising a revenue. 2d ed. London, 1776. 80. DUMAS (1 M.). Trait6 de Chimie appliqu6e aux Arts. 8 vol. 80, with a folio atlas. Paris, 1828 -46. 9 vol.... —- On Manures and the nutrition of plants. See Stephens's Book of the Farm, vol. 2. DUMAs (Alexandre). Le Batard de Mauleon. Bruxelles, 1846 - 47. 6 vol. 18o. B. C. Pictures of Travel in the South of France. London. 80. DUMrAS (Mathieu, Count). Memoirs of his Own Times; including the revolution, the empire and the restoration. Philadelphia, 1838. 2 vol. 120. DUMMER (J.). Defence of the New-England Charters. Boston, 1745. 80. DUMONT (Etienne). Recollections of Mirabeau, and of the two first legislative assemblies of France. London, 1832. 80. DUMONT (G. M. Butel). M6moires Historiques sur la Louisiane.. depuis 1687: composes sur les m6moires de M. Dumont, par M. L. L. I. Paris, 1753. 2 vol. 120. _- __ The sanme. 2 vol. 12o. W. C. 615. History of Louisiana: translated from the historical memoirs. See French, Hist. Coll. Louisiana, vol. 5. - Histoire et Commerce des Colonies Angloises dans l'Amnerique septentrionale. Londres, 1755. 180. W. C. 166. DU MONT (Jean), Baron de Carelskroon. Oorlogskundige, beschryving van de veldslagen en belegeringen... den Prins Eugenius van Savoye, den... Hertog van Marlborough en den Prins van Oranje-en NassauVriesland.... Vol. 1, with vol. 2 by M. Rousset. Gravenhage, 1729. 2 vol. fol. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 30 234 NEW-YORK STATE DumIroURIEZ (Gein. C. F.). Correspondanee avec Pache, Ministre de la Guerre, pendant la Camnpagne de la Belgique en 1792. Paris, 1793. 80o. Lettres sur l'Ouvrage intitule " La Vie du Gtn. Dumouriez." London, 1795. 80. DuNBAR (G.). See Potter's Antiquities of Greece. B. C. DUNBAR (James). Essays on the History of Mankind, in rude and cultivated ages. London, 1780. 80. W. C. 313. DUNBAR (Reuben). Trial for Murder of S. V. and D. L. Lester, 1850. Albany. Muns. Pain. vol. 12. Leben und Bekenntniss des R. A. D. Albany, 1850. Muns. Pam. vol. 12. Phrenological Character of. fMuns. Pamn. vol. 12. DUNCAN ( Mrs. ). America as I found it. New-York, 1852. 12o. DUNCAN (Alex.). Speech, 1-. of R. U. S. 1837. Pam. vol. 28. B. C.; and Pam. vol. 59. DUNCAN ( Andrew). Observations on the three different species of pulmonary consumption. Philadelphia, 1819. 120. DUNCAN ( G.), of Kentucky. Speech, U. S. H. of R., on the Executive. 5Washington, 1848. 80. DUNCAN ( Henry ), D.D., the Founder of Savings Banks: Memoirs by his Son, Rev. G. C. Duncan. New-York, 1849. 12o. DUNCAN ( James). Introduction to Entomology. See Nat. Lib., Sir W. Jardine. Entomology: Beetles. See Nat. Lib. Entomology: British Butterflies. See Nat. Lib. Entomology: British Moths, Sphinxes. See Nat. Lib. Entomology: Foreign Butterflies. See Nat. Lib. Sir W. Jardine. -Exotic Moths. See Nat. Lib. DUNCAN ( John). Travels in Western Africa, in 1845 - 46. 2d ed. London, 1847. 2 vol. 120. DUNCAN ( John M.). Travels through part of the U. States and Canada, 1818, 19. Glasgow, 1823. 2 vol. 120. DUNCAN ( William). The Elements of Logic. Philadelphia, 1792. 12o. B.C. See Cassar, translation. DUNCKLEY ( Henry). The Charter of the Nations, or Free Trade and its results. London, 1854. 80. DUNDAS ( Sir David). Rules and Regulations for the formation, field exercises, and movements of -I. M.'s forces. London, 1795. 80. DUNGLISON ( Robley), M.D. Human Physiology, illustrated by numerous engravings. Philadelphia, 1832. 2 vol. 8,. B. C. The same. 7th ed. Philadelphia, 1850. 2 vol. 8o. Public Discourse in Commemoration of Peter S. Duponceau, Am. Phil. Soc. 1844. Pam. vol. 11. GENERAL LIBRARY. 235 DUNCOMBE (Charles). Duncombe's Free Banking: An Essay on banking, currency, finance, exchanges, and political economy. Cleveland, 1841. 18o. 2 copies. DUNHIAM ( Capt. Jacob). Journal of Voyages, with an account of the author's being twice captured... with an account of the Musquito shore. New-York, 1850. 120. DUNHAM (S. A.). Lives of English Dramatists. See Lardner's Cycl. vol. 1, 2. - History of Denmark, Sweden and Norway. Lardner's Cyel. vol. 19 - 21. - History of Europe during the Middle Ages. Lardlner's Cycl. vol. 22 - 25. H-istory of the Germanic Empire. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 26 - 28. History of Poland. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 29. History of Spain and Portugal. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 30 - 34. --.- Lives of the most Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of Great Britain. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 35. DUNKIN ( C.). Discours devant 1'Assembl6e du Canada, contre un bill sur les droits des seigneurs. Quebec, 1833. 120. DUNLAP'S MIARYLAND GAZETTE, or the Baltimore General Advertiser, Ap. 8, 1777, to Aug. 12, 1777. Baltimore, with files of Pennsyl. Gaz. I vol. fol. DUNLAP ( John). Sermon on Board the Fleet at Whitehall, 1814. Albany, 1815. Pam. vol. 82. DUNLAP (William). The Archers, or Mountaineers of Switzerland; an historical play. New-York, 1796. 80. Dramatic Works. Philadelphia, 1806. 3 vol. 180. Life of Charles Brockden Brown. Philadelphia, 1815. 2 vol. 8~. Memoirs of C. B. Brown, London,1822. 8~. The same. 2 vol. 80. B. C. Life of George Frederick Cooke. 2d ed. London, 1815. 2 vol. 8o.....- Address, Nat. Acad. of Design, 1831. Paim. vol. 77. - A History of the American Theatre. New-York, 1832. 80..-.-.. History of the Rise and Progress of the Arts of Design, in the United States. New-York, 1834. 2 vol. 80. The same. 2 vol. 80. B. C. History of New-York, for Schools. New-York, 1837. 2 vol. 180. B. C....- The same, 1837 and 1844. 2 copies.'4 History of New-York. New-York, 1839. 2 vol. 80. DUNLAvY ( John). The Manifesto, or Declaration of the Doctrine and Practice of the Church of Christ: Shakers. Pleasant Hill, Ky. 1818. New-York, 1847. 80o. 236 NEW-YORK STATE DUNLOP (Anthony). Sketches on Political Economy. Pamphleteer, vol. 11. DUNLOP (James). Controversy between W. Penn and Lord Baltimore. See Hist. Soc. Penn. Mem. DUNLOP (John). History of Fiction. London, 1814. 3 vol. 120. - History of Roman Literature. London, 1827. 2 vol. 8~. ------- The same. Philadelphia, 1827. 2 vol. 80. B. C. M — emoirs of Spain, during the Reigns of Philip IV. and Charles II., 1621-1700. Edinburgh, 1834. 2 vol. 8~. DUNLOP (William). Statistical Sketches of Upper Canada, for the use of emigrants: by a Backwoodsman. London, 1832. 120. DUNN ( Henry). Guatimala, or the United Provinces of Central America. New-York, 1828. 8o. W. C. 314. DUNN (John). history of the Oregon Territory and British North American Fur Trade. London, 1844. 80. Native Tribes of North America. See Royal Irish Acad. Trans. vol. 9. DUNS SCOTUS (Joann.). Scriptum.... super quarto sententiarum..... Lyon, 1520. Black-letter. 120. DUNTON (John). Journ. of Sallee Fleet. Churchill, supp. 2. DUPAIX ( Capitaine Guillaume). Antiquites Mexicaines: Relation de la premiere, seconde et troisieme expedition. See Antiq. Mexicaines. fol. W. C. 993. DU PhRIER ( M.). General History of all Voyages and Travels throughout the Old and the New World. London, 1708. 80. DUPIN ( Baron Charles). Observations aux Deputes sur le nombre de vaisseaux.... qui convient a la France. Pam. vol. 74. DUPLESSY ( M. J.). Le Guide indispensable des voyageurs sur les chemins ~ de fer de l'Alsace. Strasbourg, 1842. 120. DUPONCEAU ( Peter S.). A Discourse on the Early History of Pennsylvania: Am. Phil. Soc. 1821. Philadelphia, 1821. 80. A Dissertation.... on Chinese system of writing. See Am. Phil. Soc. Hist. and Lit. Comm., Trans. vol. 2. English Phonology; an Essay towards an analysis of the component sounds of the language. See Am. Phil. Soc. Trans. N. S. vol. 1. Grammar of the Language of the Lenni Lenape, or Delaware Indians; from the German of D. Zeisberger. See Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. N. S. vol. 3. _ 1, Eulogium on William Tilghman, 1827; 2, Memoir on the celebrated treaty of William Penn in 1682, 1836; 3, Discourse on making our national literature independent of Great Britain, 1834. In one vol. 80. History of Penn's Treaty of 1682. See Hist. Soc. Penn. Mem vol. 3. Du PONT. Du Commerce et de la Compagnie des Indes. 2d ed. Amsterdam, 1769. 8'. W. C. 315. GENERAL LIBRARY. 237 DUPPA (R.). Life of Michael Angelo; with, Life of Raffaello, by Quatremere de Quincy. London, 1846. 120. DUPRAT ( F. A.). Precis Historique sur l'imprimntrie nationale et ses types. Paris, 1848. 80. DURAND (B.). Sur la Fabrication des monnales franqaises. See Silbermann. DURAND ( H. M.). Passage of the Indus by the Bengal portion of th3 Army. Engineers' Prof. Papers, vol. 4. DURAND ( James R.). Life and Adventures; written by himself. Rochester, 1820. 120. DURAND (Jean B. L.). Voyage au Siendegal; ou Me6moires sur les decouvertes, etc. Paris, 1802. 4o. DURA4O, ( Joss de Santa Rita). Caramurd, ou la DeIcouverte de Bahia: Poeme Bresilien. Paris, 1829. 3 vol. in 1. 120. W. C. 316. DURAZZO ( Ippolito). Elogi Storici di Christoforo Colombo e di Andrea d'Oria. Parmua, 1781. 4o. W. C. 317. DURBIN (JohnP.). Observations in Europe, principally in France and Great Britain. New-York, 1844. 2 vol. 120. Observations in the East, chiefly in Egypt, Palestine, Syria and Asia Minor. New-York, 1845. 2 vol. 12~. The same. 2 vol. 120. B. C. DURFEE ( Hon. Job). Discourse before the Rhode-Island Historical Society, 1847. Providence, 1847. 8o. DURHAM ( George F. D'Arcy Lambton, Earl of ). Report and Despatches on British North America. London, 1839. 80....- The same. 80. B. C. DuROCHER ( R. Pere). Missal with Psalms, Hymns, and Gregorian Chants for the Montagnars Indians..... Aiamie Kushkushkutu Mishinaigan. Jakonigants, 1847. 120. See Belcourt. Catechism for the Montagnars Indians residing near the River Saguenay....... Aiamieu Kukuetshimitun 3Misinaigan. Kaiakonigants, 1848. 120. See Belcourt, Indian Languages. DURRETT. Voyage de Marseille a Lima. Paris, 1720. 40. W. C. 318. Du RYER. Translation of the Koran, in Dutch. See Koran. DUSENBERY (R. M.). Monument to the MIemory of Andrew Jackson; containing twenty-five eulogies and sermons on his death; his proclamations, farewell address, and last will. Nashua, 1846. 120. DUTCH. See Holland, and Netherlands, DUTCH Catalogues of books, pictures, etc. for sale, collected. Pam. vol. 38, 39, 40. B. C. DUTCH CHURCH. See Reformed Prot. Dutch Church. DUTCH DRAMAS: A Collection of six dramas, in Dutch, by Langendyk, Bogaert, etc. Amsterdam, 1711 - 40. 120. DUTcH EAST INDIA COMPANY. See Begin, and Collection. 238 NEW-YORK STATE Rise of. See Harris. vol. 1. DUTCII NEWSPAPERS, 1850 - 52. See Newsp. vol. 3. DUTCH PAINTERS of the 15th century. See Entwiirfen, etc. DuTcH Voyages to the North of Europe. Pinkerton, vol. 1. DUTENS (Rev. L.). Inquiry into the Origin of the discoveries attributed to the moderns. London, 1769. 80......- IMemoirs of a Traveller now in retirement: from the French, under the superint ndence of the author. London, 1806. 5 vol. 180. DUTTON (Warren). Oration, July 4, 1805. Boston. Pam. vol. 36. DUVALLON (B.). Voyage a la Louisiane et sur le Continent de l'Amerique, 1794 - 98. Paris, 1802. 8o. WV. C. 319. DUVERGIER DE HAURANNE ( M.). Politique Exterieure et Int'rieure de la France. Paris, 1841. 80. DuYSE (Prudens van). Verhandeling over den Nederlandschen Versbouw. Vol. 1. Gravenhage, 1854. 80. DWIGHT (Francis). See District School Journal. DWIGHT ( Henry E.). Travels in the North of Germany, 1825 - 26. NewYork, 1829. 80. DWIGHIT (MI. A.). Grecian and Roman Mythology; with Introductory Notice, by Prof. Tayler Lewis. New-York, 1,849. 120. DWIGHT ( Sereno E.), D.D. Memoirs of Rev. David Brainerd, Missionary to the Indians. New-York, 1822. 80. The Life of President Edwards. New-York, 1830. 80. DWIGHT (Timothy), D.D. Conquest of Canaan. Hartford, 1785. 120. W. C. 320. Greenfield Hill A Poem, in seven parts. New-York, 1794. 120. Dr. P)earson's Ordination Sermon. Andover, 1808. Serin. vol. 1. B. C. * Sermon, Duelling: Yale College, 1805. Serma. vol. 1. B. C. A Statistical Account of the City of New-Haven. New-Haven, 1811. 80. Two Sermons, Public Fast, 1812. Pam. vol. 61. - The United States and England, being a Reply to the Criticism on Inchiquin's Letters, in the Quar. Rev. Jan. 1814. New-York, 1815. 80. Remarks on the Review of Inchiquin's Lettei's in the Quar. Rev..... Boston, 1815. 80.~ - The Psalms of David, imitated by..... J. Watts; and Hymns selected from Watts, Do]ddridge and others. New-York, 1817. 120.;- ~ An Address to the emigrants from Connecticut..... in the new settlements. Hartford, 1817. Pam. vol. 81... —.Travels in New-England and New-York. New-Haven, 1821. 4 vol. 8~. Sermons. New-Haven, 1828. 2 vol. 80. B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 239 - Theology explained and defended, in a series of sermons; with a Memoir of the life of the author. 12th ed. New-York, 1846. 4 vol. 80. - The Genuineness and Authenticity of the New-Testament. See Younyg Man's Manual. DWIGHT (Theodore). A History of the Hartford Convention, with a history of the policy which led to the war of 1812. New-York, 1833. 80. The Character of Thomas Jefferson, as exhibited in his own writings. Boston. 1839. 120. DWIGHT ( Theodore) jr. Summer Tours.; or Notes of a Traveller through some of the Northern and AMiddle States. New-York, 1847. 120. History of Connecticut. New-York, 1841. 160. - See Darby. DWYER (Alexander). Discourse on the Structure of the Poetry of the Hebrews. Utica, 1830. Pam. vol. 19. B. C. DWYER ( J. H.). An Essay on Elocution; with elucidatory passages from various authors. 5th ed. Albany, 1844. 120. DPYCHE ( T.). Guide to the English Tongue. 22d ed. London, 1736. 120. DYK ( Jeal van). Itineraire de la Salle d'Orange au Palais de bois pres de la Haije, 1767: trad. par H. J. Caan. La Haije, 1838. Pain. vol. 41. B. C. DYiMOND (Jonathan). An Enquiry into the accordancy of war with the principles of christianity. Philadelphia, 1834. 80. The same. Pam. vol. 171. Essays on the Principles of Morality; with preface by Rev. George Bush. New-York, 1836. 80. The same. New-York, 1836. 80. B. C. DYER (G.). Dissertation on the Theory and Practice of Benevolence. Pamphleteer, vol. 14. History of the University and Colleges of Cambridge.. London, 1814..2 vol. 40. DYER ( H.). Sermon: Death of Mrs. B. Wells, of Preston, 1841. Pam. vol. 78. E. EAGER (Samuel NV.). An Outline History of Orange County, N.Y., with an enumeration of its towns.... Newburgh, 1846- 47. 80. EARLE (Augustus). Narrative of a Residence in New-Zealand.. London, 1832. 8o. EARLE ( Pliny), M.D. A Visit to thirteen Asylums for the Insane in Europe; with Notices of similar institutions in transatlantic countries and the U. S., and an Essay on insanity. Philadelphia, 1841. 80..... — History, Description and Statistics of the Bloomingdale Asylum for the Insane. New-York, 1848. 80. 240 NEW-YORK STATE See Bloomingdale Asylum, reports. EARLY TRAVELS in Palestine; comprising the Narratives of Arculf, Willibald, Bernard, Soewulf, Sigurd, Benjamin of Tudela, Sir John Maundeville, de La Broecquiere and Maundrell: edited by Thomas Wright. Bohn, London, 1848. 120. EARNSHAW (Christopher). Grammatical Remembrancer. Huddersfield, 1817. sin. 4o. EASTBURN ( J.). Catalogue of Books for sale, with price. New-York, MIay 1822. Pam. vol. 24. B. C. EASTBURN (Rev. James W.), and Robert C. Sands. Yamoyden: A Tale of the Wars of King Philip, in six cantos. New-York, 1820. 12o. EASTLAKE ( Charles Lock). Materials for a History of Oil Painting. London, 1847. 80. ------- Contributions to the Literature of the Fine Arts. London, 1848. 8o. EASTMAN (F. S.). History of the State of New-York. New-York, 1833. 80. History of New-York. New-York, 1828. 120. EASTMAN (Mrs. Mary H.). The American Aboriginal Portfolio: illustrated by Capt. S. Eastman, U. S. Army. Philadelphia, 1854. 8:. Aunt Phillis's Cabin, or Southern life as it is. Phil'a, 1852. 120.....-..Dahcotah; or Life and Legends of the Sioux around Fort Snelling. New-York, 1849. 120. EASY WAY to prolong life.... by a Medical Gentleman. 5th ed. London, pp. 122. Pam. vol. 47. EATON (Amos). A Botanical Dictionary: trans. from the French of Richard. 1st ed. New-Haven, 1.817. 12~. Manual of Botany for the Northern States. Albany, 1817. 120. — * —- Manual of Botany for the Northern and Middle States. 2d ed. Albany, 1818. 120. M- Manual of Botany.... 3d ed. Albany, 1822. 120. --- anual of Botany.... 4th ed. Albany, 1824. 120. Manual of Botany for North America. 5th ed. Albany, 1829. 120. M -{anual of Botany.... 6th ed. Albany, 1833. 120. Manual of Botany.... with a Grammar and Dictionary. 7th ed. Albany, 1835. 120......- and John Wright, M.D. North American Botany, comprising the native and common cultivated plants north of Mexico. 8th edition, with the addition of the properties of plants, from Lindley's New Medical Flora. Troy, N.Y. 1840. 80. Botanical Grammar and Dictionary, from the French of Richard. 2d ed. New-Haven, 1819. 12. --— _ — Botanical Grammar and Dictionary, from the French of J3ulliard and Richard. 3d ed. Albany, 1828. 120... —. - Chemical Instructor.... Albany, 1822. 12o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 241 Chemical Instructor.... 3d ed. Albany, 1828. 120..-....- Chemical Instructor.... 4th ed. Troy, 1833. 120. - Index to the Geology of the Northern States. 2d ed. Troy, 1820. 120. W. C. 321. A Geological Nomenclature of North America.'Albany, 1822. 8o. Also, Geological Note-book of 1841, in one vol. 80. Zoological Syllabus and Note-book, for Troy Female Acad. Troy, 1822. 120. Geological Survey of the Counties of Albany and Rensselaer. Albany, 1822. 80. A Geological and Agricultural Survey of Rensselaer Co. Albany, 1822. Pam. vol. 2; also Pam. vol. 5. B. C. - Geological and Agricultural Survey of the District adjoining the Erie Canal in the State of New-York. Part 1. Albany, 1824. 8o. - Geological Text-book.... Albany, 1830. 80..-..... Geological Text-book. 2d ed. Albany, 1832. 80. - Philosophical Instructor, or Webster's Elements of Natural Philosophy, divided into principles and illustrations. Albany, 1824. 80. Zoological Text-book.... Albany, 1826. 120. Art without Science; or Mensuration, Surveying and Engineering divested of technical language. Albany, 1830. 80. Prodromus of a Practical Treatise on the Mathematical Arts; containing directions for surveying and engineering. Troy, 1838. 4o. EATON (Charlotte A.). Rome in the Nineteenth Century. Bohn, London, 1852. 2 vol. 120~. EATON ( Cyrus). Annals of the Town of Warren; with the Early History of St. George's, Broadbay, and the neighboring settlements on the Waldo patent. Hallowell, Me. 1851. 120. EATON ( H. H.). Plants near Troy, N.Y. 1832. Pam. vol. 188. EATON ( John H.). Life of Andrew Jackson; with a History of the War in the South. Philadelphia, 1824. 80. W. C. 322. Candid Appeal to the American Public, in reply to MIM. Ingram, Branch and Berrian. Washington, 1831. 80. EATON ( Gen. William). Life principally collected from his manuscripts. Brookfield, 1813. 80. EBELING ( Cristoph Paniel). Erdbeschreibung und Geschichte von Amerika. Hamburg, 1793 - 1816. 7 vol. 80. EBERLE (Mrs. Eliza). The Pilgrim's Progress of Bunyan in verse. NewYork, 1854. 18o. EBLE (Burkard). De la structure et des maladies de la conjonctive. Bruxelles, 1836. 8o. ECCLESTON ( James). An Introduction to English Antiquities, intended as a Companion to the History of England. London, 1847. 80. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 31 242 NEW-YORK STATE ECHARD (Laurence). Gazetteer's or Newsman's Interpreter. London,. 1741. 8~. W. C. 323. Roman History. London, 1724 - 26. 5 vol. 80. History of the Revolution and the Establishment of England, 1668. London, 1725. 8o. ECHO ( The), with other poems. New-York, 1807. 80. ECKERMANN. Conversations with Goethe: trans. by S. M. Fuller Ossoli.. Boston, 1839. 12o. ECKFELDT ( J. R.), and W. E. Dubois. Manual of Gold and Silver Coins of all Nations, struck within the last century. Philadelphia, 1842. 4o. New Varieties of gold and silver coins, counterfeit coins, and bullion, with mint values. Philadelphia, 1850. 12'. ECKLEY ( J.), D.D. A Discourse, before Soc. for Prop. the Gospel, 1805. Boston, 1806. 8o. _ECLAIREUR (The). Devoted to the Army and Militia of the U.S. Periodical, ed. by J. W. De Peyster. Hyde-Park, N.Y. 1853 - 55. 2 vol. 80. ECLECTIC (The) MAGAZINE of Foreign Literature: ed. by J. H. Agnew and W. H. Bidwell. New-York, 1844 - 54. 34 vol. 80. ECLECTIC MUSEUMI of Foreign Literature, Science and Art: United Series, vol. 1 - 3. New-York and Philadelphia, 1843. 3 vol. 80. ECLIPSE ( The Annular) of May 26, 1854: published... by the Smithsonian Institution and Nautical Almanac. Washington, 1854. 80o. ECOLES d'Agriculture et d'Horticulture: Inspection. Bruxelles, 1850. fol. ECOLE ROYALE des Ponts et Chaussees: Recueil de 239 dessins relatifs P'art de l'ingenieur, extraits de la seconde collection..... lithographies a l'6cole. Paris, 1827. fol. EDDIS (William). Letters from America. London, 1792. 80. EDDY (Thomas). Memoir of the late John Murray. New-York, 1819. Pain. vol. 4. B. C. EDEN ( Sir Frederick Morton). The State of the Poor, or a History of the laboring classes in England. London, 1797. Vol. 2 and 3. 4o. C. L. EDGEWORTH (Maria). Patronage. Philadelphia, 1814. 3 vol. 120. B. C. - Belinda. Boston, 1814. 2 vol. 120. B. C. Castle Rackrent; an Hibernian Tale. Boston, 1814. 1830. B. C. Continuation of Early Lessons. Boston, 1815. 2 vol. 180. B. C. Harrington, a Tale; and Ormond, a Tale. Newport, 1817. 3 vol. in 2. 12o. B. C. Comic Dramas. Boston, 1817. 120. EDGCEWORTH ( Richard Lovell). Memoirs begun by himself and concluded by his daughter, M. Edgeworth. 3d ed. London, 1844. 80. EDINBURGH ALMANAC, or Universal Scot's and Imperial Register, for 1822. 120~. GENERAL LIBRARY. 243 EDINBURGH (The) ANNUAL REGISTER. Edinburgh, 1808 - 23, 26. 19 vol. 80. EDINBURGH CABINET LIBRARY. Edinburgh, 1835 - 44. 38 vol. 120. Contents: 1. Polar Regions. 17. Barbary States. 2. Africa. 18, 19, 20. China. 3. Egypt. 21. Circumnavigation: Magellan to Cook. 4. Palestine. 22. Life of Henry the Eighth. 5. Early English Navigators. 23, 24. Scandinavia. 6, 7, 8. British India. 25, 26, 27. British America. 9. Northern Coast of America. 28. Iceland, Greenland, & Faroe islands. 10. Baron Humboldt's Travels. 29, 30, 31. Italy. 11. Life of Raleigh. 32. Mesopotamia and Assyria. 12. Nubia and Abyssinia. 33. Polynesia. 13, 14. Arabia. 34. Voyages round the World. 15. Persia. 35, 36, 37. United States. 16. Zoologists: Aristotle to Linnzeus. 38. Travels of Marco Polo. EDINBURGH (The) ENCYCLOP.XDIA, conducted by David Brewster, LL.D., with the assistance of gentlemen.... Ist American edition, corrected and improved by the addition of numerous articles relative to the institution,) of the American continent. Philadelphia, 1832. 18 vol. and 2 vol. plhtes. 20 vol. 4"i. EDINBURGH ENCYCLOPIEDIA, conducted by David Brewster. 1st Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1832. 20 vol. 4o. Vol. 19, 20, plates. B. C. EDINBURGH GAZETTEER, or Geographical Dictionary; forming a complete body of geography. Edinburgh, 1822. 6 vol. 80. EDINBURGH MONTHLY REVIEW: Jan. 1819-June 1821. Vol. 1-5. Edinburgh. 5 vol. 80. EDINBURGH (The) PHILOSOPHICAL JOURNAL: 1st Series, conducted by Dr. Brewster and Prof. Jameson, 1819 -1825, 13 vol.; 2d Series, " Edinburgh Journ. of Science," con. by D. Brewster, 1824-29, 10 vol.; 3d Series, by D. Brewster, 1829-32, 6 vol. Edinburgh, 181932. 29 vol. 80. EDINBURGH ( The ) NEW PHILOSOPHICAL JOURNAL: conducted by Robert Jameson. Edinburgh, 1826 - 55. 57 vol. 80. EDINBURGH REVIEW. London and Edinburgh, 1802 - 55. 101 vol. 80. First 59 vol. are Boston or New- York editions. Am. ed. Oct. 1802, to July 1849. 89 vol. in 74. New-York, 1802 -49. 74 vol. 80. B. C. Am. ed. Vol. 13, no. 2; Vol. 31, no. 2; Vol. 32, 33, 34. 4 vol. 8o. B. C. - General Index, 1802 - 12. Reprinted New-York, 1816. 1 vol. 80. The same. 80. B. C. General Index, 1813 -44. Edinburgh, 1832 - 50. 2 vol. 80. EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY: Medical Dissertations for the Degree of M.D. Edinburgh, 1778-1819. 127 vol. So. Among them are the following: 244 NEW-YORK STATE 1. William Charles Wells: De frigore, 1780. 2. William Spence, Virginianius: De opio, 1780. 3. Thomas Addis Emmet: De a6re fixo, 1784. 4. Caspar Wistar: De animo demisso, 1786. 5. Richard Sharp Kissam: De rheumatismo acuto, 1787. 6. Philip Syng Physick: De apoplexia, 1792. 7. Carter Berkeley, Virginiensis: De corpore humano, 1793. 8. John R. B. Rogers: De dysenteria, 1795. 9. John Bostock: De secretione, 1798. 10. James S. Stringham: De absorbentium systemate, 1799. 11. Thomas S. Traill: De usu aqua frigidoe, 1802. 12. John Abercrombie: De fatuitate alpina, 1803. - Nomina eorum qui gradum Med. Doct. in Acad. Jacobi Sexti Scotorum R. qum Edinburgi est, adepti sunt: ab anno 1705, ad annum 1845. Edinburgi, 1846. 80. EDMONDS (J. W.), and George T. Dexter. Spiritualism; with an Appendix by N. P. Tallmadge. 9th ed. New-York, 1854, 55. 2 vol. 80. Speech against the Bank of U. S. See Bank U. S. vol. 3. EDMUNDS ( E.). Dedication Sermon of Christian Church, in Boston, 1853. Pain. vol. 95. EDMUNSON (William). Journal of his Life, travels and sufferings. 2d ed. London, 1774. 80. EDUCATION. See Law Lib. Cat. State Papers. EDUCATION Reports, of States, Cities, etc. 1829 to 1854. Pam. vol. 171 -174, 190. EDUCATION (Sur 1') Nationale dans les Etats Unis d'Am6rique. 2d ed. Paris, 1812. 80. W. C. 324. EDUCATION SOCIETY of Lewis County, N.Y.: Proceedings, 1846. Pam. vol. 70. EDWARD ( David B.). The History of Texas; or the emigrant's, farmer's and politician's guide to that country. Cincinnati, 1836. 120. EDWARDS ( Dr.). Report on T. G. Morton's Discovery of sulphuric ether as a pain-subduing agent. See United States, Cong. Docts. EDWARDS (B. B.). See Biography of Self-taught men. and Park. See Bibliotheca Sacra. EDWARDS (Bryan). The History, civil and commercial, of the British Colonies in the West Indies; with a description of the Bahama Islands, by Daniel MI'Kinnen. Philadelphia, 1806. 4 vol. 80. B. C. The same. Charleston, 1810. 4 vol. 80......- The same; with a continuation. 5th ed. Vol. 4, 5. London, 1819. 2 vol. 80. V. C. 325. Thoughts on...... the Government, respecting the Trade of the West India Islands with tie United States of North America. 2d ed., with a postcript to Lord Sheffield. London, 1784. 80. - Historical Survey of the French Colony in St. Domingo. London, 1797. 40. W. C. 326. GENERAL LIBRARY. 245 J Histoire de l'Isle Saint-Domingue: trad. de l'anglois, par J. B. J. Breton. Paris, 1802. 12'. W. C. 327. EDWARDS (Edward ). Napoleon Medals; with historical and biographical notes. London, 1837. fol. A Brief Descriptive Catalogue of the medals struck in France and its dependencies, between 1789 and 1830, etc.: by the Editor of the Napoleon medals. London, 1837. 80. Remarks on the paucity of libraries open to the public in the British empire, in a letter to the Earl of Ellesmere. 2d ed. London, 1849. 80. The Administrative Economy of the fine arts in England. London, 1840. 8'. EDWARDS ( Frank S.). A Campaign in New-Mexico, with Colonel Doniphan. Philadelphia, 1848. 120. EDWARDs (Frederick E.). A Monograph of the Eocene Mollusca, or Descriptions of Shells from the older Tertiaries of England: Part 1, Cephalopoda. Paleont. Soc. London, 1849. 4o. EDWARDS ( H. Milne). Recherches anatomiques, physiologiques et zoologiques sur les Polypes: Premier fascicule. Paris, 1838. 80. - Outlines of Anatomy and Physiology: trans. from the French, by J. F. W. Lane. Boston, 1841. 8-. et Jules Haime. Recherches sur la structure et la classification des polypiers recents et fossiles: ire partie. Paris, 1848, 49. 8o. Rapport sur la production et l'emploi du sel en Angleterre. Paris, 1850. 40. - Notions Preliminaires de Zoologie. Paris, 1853. 12o. and Jules Haime. A Monograph of the British Fossil Corals: Part 1, Corals from the Tertiary and Cretaceous formations; part 2, Corals from the Oolitic formations; part 3, 4, Corals from the Permian formation and the Mountain limestone. 1850 -53. See Palaeont. Soc. London. 2 copies. EDWARDS ( Rev. John). An Account of the cause and cure of the tremors particularly affecting reflecting telescopes. Pam. vol. 74. EDWARDS ( Jonathan). Works; with valuable additions. New-York, 1844. 4 vol. 8'). A Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of God, in the conversion of many hundred souls in Northampton.... written in 1736; with a preface by Dr. Watts and Dr. Guyse. London, 1737. 120. Treatise on Religious Affections. Boston, 1746. 80. An Account of the Life of the Rev. David Brainerd, Missionary. Boston, 1749. 80. A History of the Work of Redemption. New-York. 180. — Inquiry into the modern prevailing notions of the freedom of the will. 4th ed. Wilmington, Del. 1790. 80. EDWARDS (Jonathan) the younger. Works; with a Memoir by Tryon Edwards. Andover, 1842. 2 vol. 80. 246 NEW-YORK STATE Observations on the Language of the Muhhekaneew Indians. NewHaven, 1788: reprinted London, 1788. Pam. vol. 28. Sermon on Death of R. Sherman. New-HIaven, 1793. Pam. vol. 25. The Salvation of all men strictly examined against the reasonings of the Rev. Dr. Chauncy. New-Haven, 1790. 80. EDWARDS ( Justin), D.D. The Temperance Manual, American Tract Soc. New-York. 180.; —- The Sabbath Manual. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4. Am. Tract Soc. New-York, 180. EDWARDS ( Ninian). Speech in Cong. on Purchasers of public lands, 1821. Pam. vol. 59. EDWARDS ( Thomas). Canons of Criticism, and Glossary; being a Supplement to Mr. Warburton's edition of Shakspeare. 7th ed. London, 1765. 80. B. C. EDWARDS (Tryon), D.D. Sermon, Death of Gen. Harrison, Rochester, 1841. Pam. vol. 78. EDWARDS (William H.). A Voyage up the River Amazon, including a residence at Para. New-York, 1847. 120. EENENS (M.). Medmoire sur la fertilisation des landes de la Campine et des Dunes. Bruxelles, 1849. 80. EFFIGY ( The) BURNING, a Poem: Effigy of John Jay, 1795. Pam. vol. 66. EGEDE (Hans). Beschryving van Oud-Groenland of eigentlyk van de zoogenaamde Straat Davis: in't Nederduitsch overgebragt. Delft, 1746. 4'. A Description of Greenland, with a map: trans. from the Danish. London, 1745. 80. The same; with Life of the Author. 2d ed. London, 1818. 80. ~- - Journal by his Grandson. See Saabye ( H. E.). EGERTON (Francis). See Ellesmere ( Earl of). EGINARDUS. Memoirs of Europe. See Manley ( Mrs.). EGMONT ( Lord). See Percival ( Lord ), and Pam. vol. 133. EGNATIUS ( J. B.). De Origine Furcarum. Basilex, 1633. See Robertus Mon. EHRENBERG (C. G.). Organisation, Systematik und Geographisches Verhaltniss der infusionsthierchen. 8 1lates. Berlin, 1830. fol. Miikrogeologie: Das erden und felsen schaffende wirken des unsichtbar kleinen selbstandigen lebens auf der Erde. Leipzig, 1854. fol. EIClHHORN (J. G.). Inleiding in het Oude Testament: uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald door Ysbrand van Hamelsveld. Utrecht en Amsterdam, 1789. 4 vol. 80. B. C. EINIIOF ( Heinrich)o Grundriss der Chemie fiir Landwirthe, aus IH. E,'s..... hinterlassenen Dictaten: herausgegeben von A. Thaer. Berlin, 1808. 8. GENERAL LIBRARY. 247 EISDELL ( J. S.). Treatise on the Industry of Nations, or the Principles of national economy and taxation. London, 1839. 2 vol. 8o. ELECTRICAL MAGAZINE. Vol. 1, ed. by C. C. Walker. London, 1845. 8o. ELEGANT EXTRACTS: A Copious Selection of instructive, moral and entertaining passages from the most eminent prose and poetic writers. New-York, 1818. 12 vol. 180. B. C. ]ELAMENS DU COMMERCE: Premiere partie. 2TM ed. Leyde, 1774. 120. ELEMENTS (The) of Matter discovered and explained. New-York, 1836. Pam. vol. 69. ELECTRO-MAGN:ETIC COMPANY: Prospectus. Pam. vol. 69. ELEMENTS of Animal Magnetism, or Pneumatology. New-York, 1841. Muns. Pam. vol. 9. ELIOT (Rev. John). Indian Bible, 1680. See Bible. ELIOT (John). Biographical Dictionary. Salem, 1809. 80. ELIOT ( Samuel ). The Liberty of Rome: A History; with an historical account of the liberty of ancient nations. New-York, 1849. 2 vol. 80. ELIOT ( Samuel A.). A Sketch of the History of IHarvard College, and of its present state. Boston, 1848. 120. - Lecture, Am. Acad. Arts and Scicnces, 1853. Pam. vol. 80. ELIOT ( W. G.). Argument from History. Am. Unit. Asso. Pam. vol. 97. The Atonement. Am. Unit. Asso. Pam. vol. 93. ELITEg DE BONS MOTS. Amsterdam, 1731. 2 vol. 180. ELIZABETH, Queen. Secret History of the Most Renowned Q. Elizabeth and the Earl of Essex: by a person of quality. Cologne..18o. B. C. ELIZABETHITOWN: A Bill in the Chancery of New-Jersey, at the Suit of John, Earl of Stair, and others, against Benjamin Bond, and some other persons of Elizabethtown, distinguished by the name of the Clinker Lot Right AMen...... Printed by James Parker, in New-York, 1747, fol., with three maps: i, The Coast and the Country adjoining from Boston to Cape Hatteras; 2, a Map of New-Jersey; 3, a Map of the property in dispute. ELKINGTON, Mason & Co.'s Catalogue of their manufactures at the Great Exhibition, 1851. Pam. vol. 69. ELLESMERE (Earl of). The Sieges of Vienna by the Turks: from the German of Karl A. Schimmer, and other sources. London, 1847. 120. Translation of Hist. of Tartar Conquerors. See Orleans. - See Society of Northern Antiq. ELLET ( Charles). Contributions to the Physical Geography of the U. S. Smithson. Contr. vol. 2, 3. ELLET (Elizabeth F.). The Women of the American Revolution. NewYork, 1848 - 50. 3 vol. 12o. ELLICOTT (Andrew). Journal, 1796 - 1800. Phil'a, 1803. 4o, W. C. 328. ELLIOT (Ebenezer). Corn-Law Rhymes. 3d ed. London, 1831. 120. 248 NEW-YORK STATE ELLIOT (James). The Poetical and Miscellaneous Works. Greenfield, Mass. 1798. 12o. ELLIOT (Jonathan). The Funding System of the United States and Great Britain.... Cong. Doct. Washington, 1845. 80. - Supplement to the United States Register for 1829, with the new appointments. Washington. 180. ELLIOT (Seth). American Museum and Repository of the Arts and Sciences: Part 1, vol. 1, Washington, 1822; with, A List of Patents.... from 1790 to 1820. Washington, 1822. 8.. 2 copies. ELLIOT ( William). The Washington Guide, containing Capt. John Smith's Description of Chesapeake Bay, and an Account of the City of Washingtoli. Washington, 1837. 180. ELLIOTT ( Rev. David). Life of the Rev. Elisha Macurdy... Alleghany, 1840. 12~. ELLIOTT ( Commodore Jesse D.). A Biographical Notice of, by a Citizen of New-York. Philadelphia, 1835. 120. ELLIOTT ( Stephen). Sketch of the Botany of South-Carolina and Georgia. Charleston, 1821. 2 vol. 80. ELLIS ( 1Mr.). New-Britain: Narraive of a Journey to a country so called in the vast plain of the Missouri. London, 1820. 80o. WV. C. 331. ELLIS ( Charles M.). The History of Roxbury Town. Boston, 1847. 80. ELLIS (T. F.). Outlines of General History. See Lib. U. K. ELLIS (George). Specimens of early English Metrical Romances: a new edition, revised by J. 0. Halliwell. Boston, 1848. 120. Specimens of the Early English Poets. 4th ed. London, 1811. 3 vol. 120. ELLIS (Geo. E.). Life of Anne Hutchinson. Sparks's Amer. Biog. vol. 16. Life of John Mason. Sparks's American Biog. vol. 13. ---- Life of William Penn. Sparks's Am. Biog. vol. 22. Sermon before A. and H. Artil. Comp. Boston, 1846. Pamin. vol. 61. Discourse, Unitarian Convention, Baltimore, 1852. Pain. vol. 95. Sermon, Installation of Rev. R. Ellis at Boston, 1853. Pam. vol. 95. ELLIS (Henry). Voyage to Hudson's Bay, 1746 -47. London, 1748. 8o. W. C. 32'39. Voyage de la Baye de Hudson, 1746, 47: trad. de l'anglois. Paris, 1749. 2 vol. 120. W. C. 330. The same. 2 vol. in 1. 18o. ELLIS (Sir Henry). Journal of the Proceedings of the late Embassy to China. Philadelphia, 1818. 8o. - Original Letters, illustrative of English History, including numerous royal letters from autographs in the British Museum.... London, 1824. 3 vol. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 249 - Original Letters, illustrative of English History, from autographs in the British Museum, the State Paper Office. 3d series. London, 1846. 4 vol. 120. - Townley Gallery. See Lib. E. K.'Elgin and Phygalian Marbles. See Lib. E. K. ELLIS ( Robert). British Tariff, 1833 - 34; 1838- 39. London. 2 vol. 120. ELLIS (Rev. Rufus). Discourse, Character of lion. J. Lyman. Northampton, 1848. Serm. vol. 6. B. C. ELLIS (W.). Narrative of a Voyage of Captains Cooke and Clerke, 1776 -80. London, 1782. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 332. ELLIS (William). Narrative of a Tour through Hawaii, or Owhyee. 3d ed. London, 1827. 8&. W. C. 333. Polynesian Researches, during a residence in the South Sea Islands. London, 1829. 2 vol. 80. History of Madagascar. London, 1838. 2 vol. 80. ELLIS (William R.). Brief Narrative of his religious experience, with poems. Utica, 1832. Pam. vol. 81. ELLSWORTI (H-I. L.). See United States, Patent Office Reports, 1841 - 44. ELLSWORTH ( H. W.). Valley of the Upper Wabash, Indiana, its agricultural advantages; with notices of labor-saving machines. New-York, 1838. 120o. ELLSWORTH (W. W.). Speech in Cong. on Removal of Deposites, 1834. Paim. vol. 59. ELMES (James). Topographical Description of London and its environs. London, 1831. 120. Letter to Thomas Hope, on promoting the fine arts. Pamphleteer, vol. 3. - Survey of the Harbour and Port of London. London, 1838. fol. ELMOnE ( D. W.). English Grammar. Troy, 1830. 18o. ELPHINSTONE (James). Analysis of the French and English Languages. London, 1756. 2 vol. in 1. 120. The Principles of the English Language. London, 1765. 2 vol. 120. ELPHINSTONE (AIl.). Account of the Kingdom of Caubul.... London, 1815. 40. H- istory of India. London, 1841. 2 vol. 80. ELSNER (Dr. Heinrich). Befreiungskampf der Nordamerkanischen Staaten. Stuttgart, 1838. 80. ELTON ( S. Prothesia). The Piedmontese Envoy.... London, 1852. 120. ELTON (R.). Rhode-Island History. See Callender. ELUCIDATION (A Complete) of the frauds in the coal trade. London, 1818. Pam. vol. 139. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 32 250 NEW-YORK STATE ELY (Ezra S.), D.D. Second Journal of the Stated Preacher to the Hospital and Almshouse in New-York for 1813. Philadelphia, 1815. 120. History of the Ecclesiastical Proceedings relative to the Third Pres. Church in Philadelphia, Rev. E. S. Ely, and the Judicators of the church. Philadelphia, 1814. 120., — A Contrast between Calvinism and Hopkinsianism. New-York, 1811. 8o. ELZEVIER ( Korn.). Drie Dichtproeven: benevens een proef van een nieuwe Nederduitsche Spraekkonst. Haerlem, 1761. 80. EMERALD ( The), or Miscellany of Literature: 1st series, May, 1806 - Sept. 1807, 2 vol.; New series, Oct. 1807 - Oct. 1808, 1 vol. Boston. 3 vol. 80. Vol. 2 contains 10'nos. nelw series, deupl. EMERSON ( Rev. Mr.). Exhortation to his People, with respect to variety of ministers. Boston, 1742. See Wigglesworth (E.). EMERSON ( Rev. Brown). Six Sermons, 1810-43, Salem, Ms. Pam. vol. 105. EMERSON (George B.). A Report of the Trees and Shrubs growing naturally in the Forests of Massachusetts. Boston, 1846. See Massachusetts Survey...- School and Schoolmaster. See Potter (A.). Address, Amer. Inst. of Instruction. New-Bedford, 1842. Painm. vol. 77. EMERSON (James). Letters from the IEgean. New-York, 1829. so. EM{ERSON (Rev. Joseph). Sermon at Malden, 1735. Boston, 1735. 80. EMERSON ( Rev. Joseph). Letter to the Genesee Consociation, on Masonry, 1829. Pain. vol. 56, EiIERSON (R.). Sermon, Roxbury Charitable Society. Boston, 1800. Pam. vol. 29. EMERSON ( Ralph W.). See MIassachusetts Quarterly Review. A Discourse at Concord, 1835: Second Centennial Anniversary of the town. Concord, 1835. 80. Address, Anniv. of West India Emancipation. Concord, Mass. 1844. Pain. vol. 37. B. C. Essays: Second series. London, 1845. 120. EMERSON ( Rev. William). An Historical Sketch of the First Church in Boston; to which are added two sermons..... Boston, 1812. 80. 2 copies. - Discourse, Boston Female Asylum. Boston, 1805. Pam. vol. 36. - Sermon on Death of Rev. Peter Thacher. Boston, 1803. Painam. vol. 46. EmIILIANNE ( G.). Frauds of the Monks, set forth in eight letters, lately written by a gentleman in his journey into Italy. London, 1691. 120. EMIIGRANT'S Guide, or Pocket Geography of the Western States and Territories. Cincinnati, 8118, 160. W. C. 334. GENERAL LIBRAIRY. 251 EMMONS ( Charles P.). Sketches of Bunker Hill Battle and M1onument. 3d ed. Charlestown, 1843. 18). EMMONS ( Ebenezer), M.D. Manual of Mineralogy and Geology. Albany, 1826. 120. The Empire Spring: its composition and medical uses; with a Notice of the mineral waters of Saratoga.... Albany, 1849. 180. Introd. Address, Albany M ed. Coll. 1845. Pain. vol. 84. The Taconic System; based on Observations in New-York, Massachusetts, Maine, Vermnont and Rhode-Island. Albany, 1844. 4o. The same. Muns. Pam. vol. 5. -..- Description of some of the bones of the Zeuglodon cetoides. Pam. vol. 79; also Muns. Pam. vol. 5. American Geology: Vol. 1. Albany, 1855. So. - Report on the Quadrupeds of Massachusetts, 1.840. See bMassachusetts Survey. Second Geological District of New-York. See New-York, Natural History. - See Am. Quar. Jour. of Agriculture, EMMoNs (Nathanael), D.D. Education Society Sermon, 1825. Pam. vol. 61. Sermons on various important subjects of christian doctrine and practice. Boston, 1812. 80. Sermon on Death of PRev. D. Sanford. Boston, 1810. Pam. vol. 25. EIxMoNs ( Pichard ), M.D. The Battle of Bunker Hill; an historical poem. 2d ed. Boston, 1841. 120. The Fredoniad, or Independence Preserved; an epic poem on the late War of 1812. Boston, 1827. 4 vol. 120. EMMONS (Samuel B.). The Grammatical Instructor. Boston, 1832. 120. EMmoNs (William). Biography of Martin Van Buren. Washington, 1835. 120o. EMorY ( Lieut. Col. W. H.). Notes of a Military Reconnoissance, from Fort Leavenworth in Missouri to San Diego in California; including parts of the Arkansas, Del Norte and Gila Riklers. Washington, 1848. 8'. Cong. Doct. Contents: 1. Report of J. rW. Abert, of his Examrnination of New-Nlexico in 1846, 47. 2. Report of Lieut. Col. P. St.George Cooke, of his March fron Santa Fe, New-MIexico, to San Diego, California. 3. Journal of Capt. A. R. Johnston, 1st Dragoons. EMOTT ( James). Speech, U. S. H. of 1R., on Non-intercourse, 1811. Pam. vol. 35, 57; also Pam. vol. 54. B. C....- Speech, U. S. H. of R., on Additional military force, 1813. Pam. vol. 57. Speech, U. S. IH. of R., Jan. 12, 1813. Pam. vol. 6, 54. B. C. 252 NEW-YORK STATE EMPEROR'S (The) Plan for a Peace, with remarks upon it, 1743. Pam. vol. 123. EMPIE (Rev. Adam). On Universalism. New-York, 1825. Pam. vol. 65. EMPORIuM OF ARTS AND SCIENCES: Ed. by J. Redman Coxe, 2 vol. New series, ed. by Thomas Cooper, 3 vol. Philadelphia, 1812 -14. 5 vol, 80. ENCICLOPEDIA METHODICA. See Geografia Moderna. ENCYCLOPIEMDIA AMERICANA: by Francis Lieber, assisted by E. Wigglesworth and T. G. Bradford; with a supplementary volume by H. Vethake. Philadelphia, 1829 - 47. 14 vol. 80. ENCYCLOP'EDIA BRITANNICA; or Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and General Literature. Eighth edition, Edinburgh, 1853-54: A - DIA. 7 vol. 40. - Prospectus of the 7th edition. Pam. vol. 76. ENCYCLOPAEDIA; or Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Miscellaneous Literature. 1st Am. ed. 18 vol. with 3 vol. supplement. Philadelphia, T. Dobson, 1798 - 1803. 21 vol. 40. ENCYCLOPEDIA MIETROPOLITANA; or Universal Dictionary of Knowledge on an original plan, comprising the twofold advantage of a philosophical and an alphabetical arrangement: Ed. by E. Smedley, H. James Rose and H. John Rose. London, 1845. 25 vol. with one vol. index. 26 vol. 40. ENCYCLOPEDIE MiTHIIODIQUE, On par ordre de matieres; par une Soci6te de gens de lettres, de savans et d'artistes: Pr6c6dee d'un Vocabulaire universel, servant de table pour tout l'ouvrage: orn6e des portraits de iMM. Diderot et D'Alembert, premiers dcliteurs de l'Encyclopedie. 27 vol. text, 2 vol. plates and 2 vol. atlas. Printed at Paris, Panckouzcke (except " Thbologie" at Padoue), 1782 - 1791. 31 vol. 4o. Contents: 1. Arts academiques, I vol. 2. Arts et Metiers m6caniques, 4 vol. 3. Botanique: De Lamarck, 2 vol. 4. G6ographie moderne Robert, Masson de 3Morvilliers, Mentellc, 3 vol. 5. Geographie ancienne, 1 vol. 6. Histoire et Blason, 2 vol. 7. IIistoire naturelle des animaux, 3 vol. 8. Jurisprudence: Lerasle ed. 7 vol. 9. Ornithologie: iauduyt, I vol. 10. Theologie: Abb6 Bergier ed. 3 vol. The same. 32 vol. 40. W. C. Embracing other portions, viz: Ornithologie, 1 vol. Finance, 3 vol. Ophiologie, 1 vol. Grammaire et Litterature, 3 vol. C6tologie, 1 vol. Logique et 3M6taphysique, 4 vol. Ichthyologie, 1 vol. -Mathe6matiques, 3 vol. Philosophie ancienne et moderne, 3 vol. Antiquites, Mythologie, Diplomatique Economie politique et diplomatie, 4 vol. des chartres, et Chronologie, 5 vol. Commerce, 3 vol. ENOYCLOP2DIE POPULAIRE: publiee par la Societe pour l'emancipation intellectuelle. Bruxelles, 1848 - 50. 28 vol. 12o. Contents: GENERAL LIBRARY. 253 1. Arbres firuitiers: A. Ysabeau. 15. Instruction criminelle: E. v.Hoorebeke. 2. Arts c6ramiques: E. Guillery. 16. Principes d'Education: T. Braun. 3. Astronomie: A. Quetelet. 17. Science du Calcul: E. Mailly. 4. Botanique: A. Spring. 18. Races Hlumaines: J. J. D'HIalloy. 5. 6dclecine: L. Fallot. 19. Rh6torique: A. Baron. 6. Education physique de l'enfance: Dr. 20. Socialisme dans le pass6: J.J.ThonisSovet. sen. 7. Droit commercial: J. Gendebien. 21. Socialisme et ses promesses: J.J.Tho8. G6om6trie et Trigonom6trie, J.Liagre. nissen. 9. Civilization Europ6enne: J. Laforet. 22. Technologie: H. Guill6ry. 10. Institutions de Pr6voyance, E.Martou. 23. Topographic: L. Liagre. 11. Industrie linijre: J. Kindt. 24. Engrais ct amendements: A.Ysabeau. 12. R6volution Belge en 1830: C.Deleutre, 25. Op6rations agricoles: A. Ysabeau. 3 vol. 26. De la Vapeur et ses applications: J. 13. Histoire univ. ancienne: LI. G. IMoke. Kindt. 14. Physiologie: Dr. Gluge. ENCYCLOPEDIA. See Enciclopedia and Cyclopmdia. ENDE ( Casparus van den). Le Gazophilace de la Langue Frangoise et Flamande...... et adjoute la traduction de la grammaire franqois et flaman; par J. L. d'Arsi: tout par Maitre C. v. d. Ende. Rotterdam, 1669. 4~. ENFIELD ( William). History of Philosophy: from Brucker's Historia Critica Philosophize. London, 1837. 80. ENGEL ( Samuel d'). Essai sur cette Question, Quand et Comment l'Amerique a-t-elle et6 peuplee d'hommes et d'animaux? Amsterdam, 1767. 40. W. C. 336.: Memoires sur la Situation des Pays Septentrionaux de l'Asie et de l'Amerique. Lausanne, 1765. 4~. W. C. 337. ENGELANT (Cornelis Boon van). Tooneel Poezy; waerby gevoegt zyn eenige aenmierkingen op het gebruik en misbruik des Tooneels van de Heere A. Pels.... Delft, 1730. 4o ENGINEERS. See Corps of Royal Engineers, Papers. ENGLAND. See Great Britain. ENGLAND: Reports of Deaths, etc. See Registrar General, etc. ENGLAND and AmERICA: A Comparison of the political and social state of both nations. London, 1833. 2 vol. in 1. 80. JENGLAND (Rt. Rev. John), Bishop of Charleston. Works: arranged by Rt. Rev. J. Reynolds. Charleston, 1849. 5 vol. 80o. ENGLISH East-India Company. Kerr, Voy. vol. 8, 9. ENGLISHMAN'S (An) Answer to a German Nobleman; containing some observations upon the political system of the present administration, as it is- exposed in the German's letter. London, 1743. Pam. vol. 133. ENGLISHMAN'S Greek Concordance of the New Testament; being an attempt at verbal connection between the Greek and English texts. New-York, 1848. 80. B. C. ENGLISm-GGERMAN and GERMAN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Philadelphia, 1834. 2 vol. in 1. 80. B. C. ENGLISH GRA-MMAR for Classical Schools. London, 1838. 12o. IENGLISHI (Henry), Editor. See Quarterly Mining Review. 254 NEW-YORK STATE ENNEMOSER ( Joseph). HTistory of Magic: trans. from the German by W. Howitt. Bohn, London, 1854. 2 vol. 120. ENQUIRY (An) concerning the Grant of the Legislature of Connecticut to Andrew Ward and Jeremiah Healsey. Hartford, 1829. See Rise of... Connecticut Gore. ENQUIRY ( Impartial) into the state and utility of the Province of Georgia. London, 1741. 80. ENQUIRY (An) into the present system of Medical edclation in the State of N.Y.: by an Observer. Albany, 1830, Pam. vol. 98; also, Pam. vol. 22. ]B. C. ENQUIRER ( The). Dr. Nott's Ten Lectures. See Period. 4o. vol. 1. Vol. 1, No. 2, 3, 4, 1842 - 43. Albany. 4o. B1. C. ENS (Gaspar). Indim Occidentalis Historia. Colonie, 1612. 120. W.C. 341. ENSE. See Varnhagen von Ense. ENTICI ( John). General History of the Late War in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. London, 1763. 5 vol. 80. W. C. 342. Present State of the British Empire. London, 1775. 4 vol. 8o. W. C. 343. ~ —-—. Tyronis Thesaurus; or Entick's Latin-English Dictionary, with a classical index. Baltimore, 1826. sin. 40. B. C. ENTOMrOLOGIST'S (The) ANNUAL: ed. by H. J. Stainton. 2d ed. London, 1855. 12). ENTTRECASTEAUX ( Bruny d'). Voyage'a la Recherche de La P-rouse: redige par 3M. de Rossel. Paris, 1808. 2 vol. 40; atlas fol. W. C. 289. ENTWeiRFE uncl Studien eines niederlandischen meisters aus dem xv. jahrhundert: nach den in der k. Bibliothek zu Berlin aufbewahrten originalen. Berlin, 1830. ob. 120. EON DE BEAUMONT (Le Chev. C. G. d') Considerations historiques et politiques sur les impfts des Egyptiens et des Babyloniens...... 3d ed. London, 1764. 2 vol. in 1. 1.20. -See Interets des Nations de l'Europe, relativement au commerce. EOT-IREN. See Kinglake. EPAMINONDAS, pseud. Address to the Citizens of New-York. Albany, 1820. Paim. vol. 50. EPISCOPAL. See Protestant Episcopal. EPIscoPAL MAGAZINE. Philadelphia, 1820, 21. 2 vol. 80. EPISODES of Insect Life: by Acheta Domestica. 1st and 2d series. New-.York, 1851. 2 vol. 80. EPISTLE to Zenas: A political and poetical satire. Boston, Pam. vol. 45. EPISTOLin INDICME, de prmeclaris et stupendis rebus quas divina bonitas in India et variis insulis, per Societatem nominis Jesu operari dignata est.... 2d ed. Lovanii, 1566. 120. EPISTOL3E JAPANICA, de multorum in variis insulis gentilium ad Christi fidem conversione. Lovanii, 1570. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 255 ERASMUS (Desiderius). Adagiorum Chiliades quatuor. Basilir, 1574. fol. In Novumn Testamentum, ab eodem tertio recognitum, annotationes item ab ipso recognitce.... Basilive, 1522. fol. Lingua, sive de lingura usu atque abusu liber utilissimus. Lugcluni, 1649. 180. L'lloge de la Folie, avec quelques notes et les belles figures de Holbein: trad. par M. Gu6deville. Leide, 1715. 180. Samenspraken: Uit het Latyn vertaald, en met kantteekeningen verklaard, van Pieter Rabus.... 2d ed. Amlsterdam, 1697. 120. ERCILLA ( Alonso de). La Araucana. Madrid, 1776. 2 vol. 120. aV. C. 344. L'Araucana; traduit pour la premiere fois, et abreg6 du texte espagnol, par G. de Merlhiac. Paris, 1824. 80. W. C. 345. ERIE COUNTY, N. Y. Convention of Delegates on title of Holland Land Company: Two reports, and Appeal to the People of New-York. Buffalo, 1830. 1 vol. 8~. EnIzzo (Sebastiano). Discorso sopra le medaglie degli antiehi. Vinegia, 1571. 40 ERLANGEN ACAD. of SCIENCES. See Acadcmia C@esarea. ERtMAN (Adolph). Travels in Siberia, including Excursions to the Polar Circle and the Chinese Frontier: trans. from the German, by WX. D. Cooley. London, 1848. 2 vol. 80. ERSKINE (Andrew). See Boswell ( James). ERSIXINE (Rev. Ebenezer). The Whole Works. Edinburgh, 1798. 3 vol. 80. ERSKINE (John),D.D. Sketches and Hints of Church History. Edinburgh, 1790 - 97. 2 vol. 120. ERSIKINE ( Thomas, Lord ). Speeches, when at the Bar, on subjects connected with the liberty of the press, etc.: collected by J. Ridgway. New-York, 1813. 2 vol. So. B. C. Speeches when at the Bar. Georgetown, 1813. 12%. On the War with France. Pami. vol. 34. Sketch of his Character. Pamphleteer, vol. 23. ERSKINE ( T.) Remarks on the internal evidence of the truth of Revealed Religion. Philadelphia, 1821. 180. B. C. ESCHENBERG ( J. J.). Classical Antiquities: trans. from the German, by Prof. N. W. Fiske. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1837. 80. ESCHWEGE ( W. C. von). Journal Von Brasilien, &c. Weimar, 1818. 2 vol. in 1. 80. W. C. 346.' ESCULAPIAN (The). Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan. 1853. Pam. 40. vol. 3. ESCURIAL LIBRARY: Bibliot. Arab. Hisp. cura M. Casiri. Madrid, 1760. 2 vol. fol. ESPRIEL.LA ( Don ]Manuel Alvarez). Letters. See Southey (R.). ESPY (James P.). Philosophy of Storms. Boston, 1841. 80. First Report on Meteorology; with a chart illustrating the weather of 1843. Washington, 1844. fol. 256 NEW-YORK STATE - - Second and Third Reports on Meteorology, made to Sec. of Navy; with charts. Washington, 1850. ob. 40. Examination of Col. Reid's Work on the law of storms. Pam. vol. 92, 93. ESQUEMELING (John). Piratas de la America: trad. del Flamenco en Espafiol, por el Doctor de Buena-Maison. Madrid. 1793. 40. W. C. 349. ---- The same in English. See History of Bucaniers. ESSAI Historique sur la Colonie de Surinam. Paramaribo, 1788. 80. YW. C. 887. ESSAI sur l'6tat actuel de l'administration de la Colonie de la Martinique. Bordeaux, 1817. 80. W. C. 613. ESSAY upon the Causes and Consequences of the factions in the nation. 1710. Pam. vol. 125. ESSAY upon Trade in General, but more enlarged on that branch relating to the woollen manufactures. London, 1741. Pam. vol. 123. ESSAY on the pernicious practice of impressing seamen into the King's service. London. Pain. vol. 125. ESSAY on the Trade of the Northern Colonies of Great Britain in North America. Philadelphia: reprinted London, 1764. 80. EssAY on the True Interests.... of the King of Great Britain.... by the Earl of A - 1H. Dublin, 1783. Pam. vol. 32. ESSAY on the extent and end of Civil Government. Pam. vol. 30. ESSAY on Free Trade: from Blackwood, 1825. Pam. vol. 153. ESSAY (An) on the Art of boring the earth for.... water. New-Brunswick, 1826. Pam. vol. 92. ESSAY on Duelling. New-York, 1830. Pam. vol. 75; also Pam. vol. 20. B. C. ESSAY (An) on the..... Instruction of the Youth of this State in common schools. Troy, 1834. Pam. vol. 73. ESSAY (An) on the Sabbath: by a layman. Pain. vol. 14. B. -C. ESSAY ( An) on Wind..... dedicated to a late Lord Chancellor: Thzirlow. London? 180. ESSAYS, Commercial and Political, on the real and relative interests.... of Great Britain and her dependencies, and on the dispute between this country and her American colonies; with an appendix, on the means of emancipating slaves without loss to their proprietors. Newcastle, 1777. ESSAYS from the London Times. 1st and 2d series. New-York, 1852. 2 vol. 120. ESSAYS on the Problem, How we acquire a knowledge of external objects? Pam. vol. 76. EssEX Co. NATURAL HIISTORY SOCIETY. Vol. 1, No. 1, 2, 3. Salem, 1852. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 257 ESTAING ( M. le Comte d'). Extrait du Journal d'un Officier de la Marine de son escadre, 1782. 80. W. C. 350. ESTANCELIN ( M.). Observations sur les causes de la destruction des bois de construction navale en France, 1845. Pam. vol. 23. ESTIENNE ( C.). Lettres sur la Musique. Paris, 1854. 180o. ESTRADA (Alv. F.). Examen Imparcial de las Dissensiones de la America con Espana.... London, 1811. 80. W. C. 351. ESTRADES (Godfrey, Comte d'). Lettres, Menmoires, et N6gociations...... en qualite d'ambassadeur en Italie, en Angleterre, et en iollande. London, 1743. 9 vol. 180. - Letters and Negotiations in England, France and Italy, from 1637 to 1662. London, 1757. 80. ESTWICK ( Samuel), LL.D. Letters to the Rev. Josiah Tucker, D.D., in Answer to his Humble address and Earnest appeal... London, 1776. 80 ETAT de l'Angleterre en 1822, et de l'Angleterre au commencement de 1823: trad. de l'anglois. Paris, 1823. 8o. WY. C. 339. ETAT Present de la Pensilvanie, 1756. 180. W. C. 719. ]ETATS PONTIFICAUX. See Roman States. ETHELWERD'S CHRONICLE. See Six Old English Chronicles. ETHER CONTROVERSY. In one vol. 8~. Contents 1. Report of Mr. Walker to the U.S. Senate, 1853. 2. Report of Dr. W. H. Bissell to H. of Representatives, 1852. 3. Report of 1MM. Stanley and Evans to H. of Representatives, 1852. 4. Hildreth's Statement of facts. See United States, H. of'Rep. Reports. ETHNOLOGICAL JOURNAL: A Monthly Magazine of ethnography, phrenology and archaeology; ed. by Luke Burke. London, 1848, 49. Vol. 1. 80. ETIENNE ( J. P.). Memoire sur le Cholera morbus. Metz, 1835. 80. ETUDES Politiques et Historiques. Paris, 1836. 80. EUCLID. Les El6mens d'Euclide expliques.... par le P. Dechalles, de la Compagnie de Jesus. Paris, 1730. 120. B. C. De ses erste boeken der Beginselen van Euclides: door H. Coets, met aanmerkingen door W. La Bordus. Leyden, 1752. 180. EUEN ( Dr. William). On the Importance of an early correct education of children. New-York, 1848. 120. EULER (Leonard ). Introductio in analysin infinitorumn: ed. nova. Lugduni, 1797. 4. EURE ( L'). See Societ6 libre d'Agriculture de l'E ure. EUREKA: New-York, June, Aug. 1848. Period. 40. vol. 1. EURIPI)ES: Translated by Rev. R. Potter. New-York, 1834 - 35.3 vol. 12o. B. C. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 33 258 NEW-YORK STATE __ The Alcestis of Euripides, with notes...... by T. D. Woolsey. Cambridge, Mass. 1834. 12~. The Tragedies: literally trans. with notes, by Theodore A. Buckley. Bohn, London, 1850. 2 vol. 120. EuROPISCdiE ( De Nieuwe) Staats Secretaris: July, 1763; Feb. Maart, 1787. Amsterdam. 180. EUSfBE PHILALETHE, pseud. Lettres a M. Francois Morenas, sur son pr6tendu abr6ge de l'iistoire Ecclesiastique de M. de Fleuri. Libge, 1757. 180. EUSEBIUS PAMPHILUS. Ecclesiastical History: translated by Rev. C. F. Cruse. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1833. 80. B. C. See Gr. Eccl. Hist. EUSTACE (J. C.). Classical Tour through Italy. 6th ed. London, 1821. 4 vol. 80. The same: from 6th Lond. ed. 2 vol. 80. B. C. EUSTACE (J. S.). Lettres... sur les Crimes du Roi George III. (en anglais).... par un Officier Americain.... in two parts. Paris, 1794. 80. Pam. vol. 33. A Letter on the Emancipation and Preservation of the United Provinces, to John DeWitt; with Reasons of Humanity, addressed to Nicholas Van Staphorst: written from Basil, in 1794. Rotterdam, 1797. 80. EUSTACHIUS ( Fr.) A. S. PAULO.... Summa Philosophize quadripartita.... Cantabrigias, 1609. 120. B. C. EUSTAPHIEVE (Alexis). Memorable Prediction of the Events of Europe. Boston, 1814. 80. EUTROPIUS. Historiae Romanse Breviarium, cum versione anglica: by John Clarke. London, 1759. 80. B. C. * The same; and translation by John Clarke. 3d Am. ed. NewYork, 1805. 120. EVAGRIUS' ECCL. HIST. See Greek Eccl. Hist. and Theodoret. EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE: Report of the Proceedings of the Conference.... London, from Aug. 19th to Sept. 2, 1846. London, 1847. 80. EVANGELICAL GUARDIAN AND REVIEW': By an Association of Clergymen in New-York. New-York, 1817, 18. 2 vol. 80. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH: Minutes of Synod of New-York, 1824. Pam. vol. 68. Ministerium of the State of N.Y.: Minutes, 1849, 50, 51. Muns. Pam. vol. 10. - artwick Synod: Minutes, 1850, 51. Muns. Pam. vol. 10; and Pam. vol. 90. EVANGELICAL REVIEW: Ed. by W. M. Reynolds, etc. Gettysburg, Pa. 1849 - 55. 6 vol. 8o. EVANS (A. B.). Leicestershire Words, phrases and proverbs. London, 1848. 180. GENERAL LIBRARY. 259 EVANS (C.), M.D. Biog. Notice of J. Hartshorne, M.D. 1852. Pam. vol. 64. EVANS (Caleb). Reply to Rev. Mr. Fletcher's Vindication of Mr. Wesley's Calm Address to our American Colonies. Bristol, 1775. 120. Pam. vol. 48. EVANS (Estwick). A Pedestrian Tour of 4000 miles through the Western States, during the winter and spring of 1818. Concord, N. H. 1819. 120. EVANS (G.). Speech, H. of R. U. S. Jan. 1836. Pam. vol. 29. B. C. EVANS (John). Shakspeare's Seven Ages; or the Progress of human life. London, 1831. 120. B. C. A Sketch of the Denominations of the Christian World. Amherst, 1832. 120. B3. C. EVANS (Lewis). Analysis of a Map of the Middle British Colonies in America. Philadelphia, 1755. 4o. W. C. 1147. EVANS (Oliver). Young Millwright and Miller's Guide. Philadelphia, 1795. 8o. W. C. 352. EVANS (W. J.), M.D. The Sugar-planter's Manual; or the art of obtaining sugar from the sugar-cane. London, 1848. 80. EVELYN (John) of Wootton. Life of Mrs. Godolphin. New-York, 1847, 120. Sylva, or a Discourse of Forest Trees; with notes by A. Hunter. 4th ed. York, 1812. 2 vol. 40. - Memoirs of John Evelyn, Esq., comprising his diary from 1641 to 1706; with the private correspondence of Charles I. and Sir E. Nicholas: ed. by W..Bray. London, 1827. 5 vol. 80. Diary and Correspondence: ed. by William Bray. London, 1854. 4 vol. 12o. EVENTS in Indian History, with Biographies of the chiefs and head sachems; with engravings. Philadelphia, 1812. 80. EVENTS in Paris during July 26 - 29, 1830: trans. from 4th Paris ed. Boston, 1830. 120. EVENING COURIER, semi-weekly: March 18, 1850 -Dec. 5, 1850. Montreal, Canada. fol. EVENING ( The) MIRRoR, daily: Ed. by Morris and Willis, H. Fuller. Vol. 1, Oct. 4, 1844, to vol. 21, Oct. 1855, except vol. 7. New-York. 20 vol. fol. EVENING SCHOOLS and District Libraries. Philadelphia, 1850. Pam. vol. 51. EVERARD (Robert). Sufferings near Madagascar. Churchill, vol. 6. EVERARTUS (ZEgidius). De Herba Panacea, quam alii tabacum, alli petum aut nicotianum vocant, brevis commentariolus; quo admirandee ac prorsus divinva hujus peruanve stirpis facultates et usus explicantur. Ultrajecti, 1644. 180. W. C. 889. With other treatises on tobacco. EVEREST (Rev. Charles W.). The Poets of Connecticut, with biographical sketches. 5th ed. New-York, 1847. 80. 260 NEW-YORK STATE EVERETT (Alexander H.). Oration, Mass. Charitable Fire Society, Boston, 1813. Pam. vol. 42. Europe, or a General Survey of the Principal Powers. Boston, 1832. 8o. America, or a General Survey of the several Powers of the Western Continent. Philadelphia, 1827. 8o. Address at Rutgers Coell. 1838. Pamin. vol. 77. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays; with a few poems. Boston, 1845. 8o. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. 2d series. Boston, 1846. 120. Life of Joseph Warren. Sparks's Amer. Biog. vol. 10. Life of Patrick Henry. Sparks's Amer. Biog. vol. 11. New Ideas on Population. 2d ed. Boston, 1826. 80. EVERETT ( David ). Oration, July 4, 1804, at Amherst, N. H. Pain. vol. 45. EVERETT (Edward). Orations and Speeches on various occasions. 2d ed. Boston, 1850. 2 vol. 80. Orations and Speeches. Boston, 1836. 8o. Orations, etc. in one vol. 80o, viz: 1. Oration at Cambridge, before P. B. K. 1824. 2. Oration at Plymouth, Dec. 1824. 3. Oration at Concord, Dec. 1824. 4. Eulogy of Adams and Jefferson, 1826. 5. Address before Amer. Colo. Soc. 1853. - Defence of Christianity, against the Work of George B. English. Boston, 1814. 12o. B. C. Dedication Sermon, New-York City, 1821. Serm. vol. 2, 3. B. C. Oration, Soc. Phi Beta Kappa, Cambridge, 1824. Pain. vol. 10. B. C. Oration, Plymouth, Mass. Dec. 22, 1824. Pam. vol. 10. B. C. Oration, Concord, Mass. April 19, 1825. Pam. vol. 10. B. C. Oration, 4th July, Cambridge. Boston, 1826. Pam. vol. 13. B. C. Address on Adams and Jefferson at Charleston, 1826. Pam. vol. 13. B. C. - Speech, H. of R. U. S. March 9, 1826. Pam. vol. 13. B. C. Speech, H. of R. U. S. Feb. 1, 1828. Pam. vol. 13. B. C. Oration, July 4, 1828, Charlestown, Mass. Pam. vol. 11. B. C. Address, Anniv. of Arrival of Gov. Winthrop at Charlestown, 1830. Pam. vol. 19. B. C. Lecture on the Workingmen's Party, Charlestown, Mass. 1830. Pam. vol. 19. B. C. Speech, H. of R. U. S., Removal of the Indians, 1830. Pam. vol. 21. B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 261 Address, Am. Inst. of the City of N. Y. 1831. Pam. vol. 19. B. C. Speech, H. of R. U. S. on Tariff, 1832. Eulogy on Lafayette, Boston, 1834. Pam. vol. 29. B. C.; and Am. Mon. TIag. vol. 12. * -- Report of Investigation Com. 1834. See Bank U. S. vol. 2. - Remarks, H. of R. U. S. on the French Question, Feb. and Mar. 1835. Pam. vol. 29. ]B. C. See Massachusetts, Char. Mech. Assoc. Speech in Support of the Memorial of Harvard, Williams and Amherst Colleges, before the Committee of the Mass. Leg. 1849. Cambridge, 1849. 80. Oration at Charlestown, 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1850. Boston, 1850. 80. Life of John Stark. Sparks's Amer. Biog. vol. 1. EVERETT (Rev. O. C.). Report of the Ministry at large. Charlestown, 1853. Pam. vol. 93. EVERGREEN ( The), or Church Offering for all Seasons; a Repository of religious, literary, and entertaining knowledge. New-Haven, 1844 - 51. 8 vol. 80. EVIDENCE ( The), delivered on the Petition presented by the West-India Planters and Merchants, to the Honorable the House of Commons, as it was summed up by Mr. Glover. London, 1775. Pam. vol. 118. EWBANIK (Thomas). Descriptive and Historical Account of hydraulic machines for raising water. New-York, 1842. 80. EWING ( Greville). See Blatchford's Greek Grammar. B. C. EXAMINATION of the Principles, and Enquiry into the Conduct of the Two Brothers, in regard to the establishment of their power, etc. 5th ed. London, 1749. Pam. vol. 133. EXAMINATION of the Rights of Colonies upon principles of law. London, 1766. 8~. See Pam. vol. 133. EXAMINATION (Further) of our present American measures, and of the reasons and the principles on which they are founded: by the author of Considerations, etc. Bath, 1775. Pam. vol. 131. EXAMINATION of President Jefferson's Reply, etc. New-York, 1801. pp. 69. Pam. vol. 47. EXAMINATION of the Pretensions of New-England to commercial preeminence; to which is added a View of the causes of the suspension of cash payments at the banks. Philadelphia, 1814. 180. EXAMINATION Of Mr. Cobbett's Objections to the Bill for the Relief of the Unitarians. Pamphleteer, vol. 2. EXAMINATION of the various Charges exhibited against Aaron Burr, Vice President of the United States; and a development of the characters and views of his political opponents: by Aristides. Philadelphia. Pam. vol. 22. EXAMINATION of a Pamphlet..... on Dr. Horner's.... Notice of P. Syng Physick, M.D. Philadelphia, 1838. Pam. vol. 98. 262 NEW-YORK STATE EXAMINATION (An) of the Question now in discussion between the American and British Governments, concerning the right of search: by an American. Paris, 1842? Pam. vol. 36. B. C. EXAMINATION of the Astronomical Doctrine of the Moon's Rotation. Edinburgh, 1847. Pam. vol. 23. EXAMINER ( The); containing political essays on the most important events of the time, public laws, and official documents: Barent Gardenier, esq. ed. New-York, Oct. 1813-May, 1816. 5 vol. 80. EXAMINER ( The), a Sunday paper, on politics, domestic economy, and theatricals. London, 1810 - 16, 18 - 20. 9 vol. 4o. EXAMINER ( The): Sept. - Dec. 1850, Toronto. Newsp. vol. 2. EXAMINERS ( The) EXAMINED; being a Defence of the Age of Reason. New-York, 1794. 120. EXHIBITION (Great) of the Works of Industry of all Nations, 1851: Official, descriptive and illustrated catalogue. London, 1851. 3 vol. imp. 80. Reports of the Juries on the subjects in the thirty classes into which the Exhibition was divided. London, 1852. imp. 80. Official Catalogue, 1851. London. sm. 4~. The same: 3d corrected edition, Aug. 1, 1851. sm. 4o. Illustrated Catalogue. See Art Journal. EXPERIENCE the Test of Government, in 18 essays.. on the Constitution and Laws of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1807. Pam. vol. 41. EXPLANATION of the Map... between West-Pennsylvania and the Sioto and Ohio Rivers. Salem, 1787. Pam. vol. 47. EXPLANATION of the Famous and Renowned Glass-work, or painted windows in the fine and eminent: Church at Gouda, Holland. Pam. vol. 34. B..C. EXPLANATION of the Permutation Plan of Lottery, 1832. Pam. vol. 182. EXPLANATIONS; being a Sequel to " Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation": by the author of that work. London, 1845. 120. EXPLICATION DU CANTIQUE, etc. See S. (D. M. B.). ExPosE de la Situation actuelie des Colonies Francaises aux Indes Occidentales. Bordeaux, 1822. 83. W. C. 385. EXPOSITION des Produits de l'Industrie Franqaise: Rapports du Jury centrale, pour 1834, 3 vol.; pour 1839, 3 vol.; pour 1844, 3 vol. Paris, 9 vol. 80. EXPOSITION of the late General Election in New-York; by a Citizen of Pennsylvania, 1826. Pam. vol. 50, 66. EXPoSITroN (An) of the Unconstitutionality of the Law of the State of New-York, compelling the observance of a religious sabbath day. NewYork, 1826. Pam. vol. 14. B. C. EXPOSITION of the Weakness and Inefficiency of the United States Government of North America, 1845. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 263 EXTRACTS from a Work called' Breeden Raedt, aan de Vereenighde Nederlandsche Provintien,' printed at Antwerp, 1647: trans. from the Dutch, by Mr. C. Amsterdam, Fr. Muller, 1850. 120. EXTRACTS from Humbuggiana, or the World's Convention; a satire.... by Quirk Ogee, LL.D. Gotham, 1847. Pam. vol. 99; also B. C. EXTRACTS from the Diary of a Lover of Literature: by Thomas Green. Ipswich, Eng. 1810. 4o. EXTRA-OFFICIAL State Papers, addressed to Lord Rawdon and other members of Parliament: by a late Under-secretary of State, William Knox. London, 1789. 80. EYES (The) OPENED, or the Carolinians convinced.... in examination of Gov.Jay's treaty. Charleston: New-York re-printed, 1795. See Treaty. EYNDEN ( Roeland van). Andwoord. See Teyler's Genootschap. EYRE ( John). The European Stranger in America. New-York, 1839. 120. EYRE (Lieut. Vincent). The Military Operations at Cabul in 1842. Philadelphia, 1843. 80. F. F*"* (A.). See Pre6cis historique, etc. FABER ( George Stanley). History and Theology of the Ancient Vallenses and Albigenses. London, 1838. 80. C. L. Sketches of the Internal State of France: trans. from the French. 2d ed. London, 1813. 80. FABER (Ulric). Desciiptio prsecipuarum quarundam Indiae regionum et insularum.... See Bry ( T. de), Coll. of Voy. vol. 3, part 7. FABRICIUS (Franciscus). Redenvoering over den 150 sten verjaardag.... der Hollandsche Akademie te Leiden, Feb. 1725: vertaalt door D. Smout, Leiden, 1725, 4~. With Schultens on Boerhaave, and Burman on De Poetische Verrukking. 1 vol. 4O. FABRICIUS ( Guidon). Dictionarium Syro-Chaldaicum. See Lexicon Graecum. FACTION Displayed; a Poem. London, 1709. Pam. vol. 138. FACTS and Observations in relation to the origin and completion of the Erie Canal. New-York, 1825. Pam. vol. 20. B. C. FACTS and Opinions in favor of legalizing marriage with a deceased wife's sister. London. Pam. vol. 93. FACTS for the Democracy of New-York, 1852. Pam. vol. 75. FAIRBAIRN (Henry). A Defence of William Penn, from the charges in Macaulay's History of England. Philadelphia, 1849. 80. FAIRCHILD ( J. H.). Sermon, Deity of Christ. Boston, 1831. Serm. vol. 4. B.C. FAIRFAX CORRESPONDENCE. See Johnson ( G. W.). FAIRFIELD (Sumner Lincoln). See North American Magazine. 264 NEW-YORK STATE ------ The Last Night of Pompeii: A Poem; and Lays and Legends. New-York, 1832. 8o. B. C. FALCONER ( Thomas). On the Oregon Question; or a Statement of the British Claims to the Oregon Territory, London, 1845. And, On the Discovery of the Mississippi; and on the Southwestern, Oregon, and Northwestern, Boundary of the United States; with memoirs of La Salle's Discovery. London, 1844, in one vol. 8. FALCONER ( William). Universal Marine Dictionary; with a Vocabulary of French sea-phrases, by William Burney. London, 1830. 4o. FAL KMAN ( Ludvig B.). Upplysningar om Kronans, Kyrkornas och Presterskapets inklomster af andeligt gods uti Skhine, Halland och Blekinge frain;ildre tider till ar 1660. Lund, 1848. 2 vol. 80. FALICNER ( Thomas). A Description of Patagonia, and the adjoining parts of South America.... and some particulars relating to Falkland's Islands. Hereford, 1774. 40. FALL of British Tyranny; or American Liberty Triumphant, &c. Philadelphia, 1776. Pain. vol. 13. FALLOT ( L.). MRdecine. See Encyc. pop. FAMILIAR Letters to J. B. Fitzpatrick, the Catholic Bishop of Boston: by an Independent Irishman. Boston, 1853. Pain. vol. 97. FAMILY (The) MAGAZINE; or General Abstract of useful knowledge. New-York, Redfield and Lindsley, 1834- 40. 8 vol. 4~. FAMILY NEWSPAPER,: Ed. by S. Southwick. Vol. 1, 2. Albany, 183839. 2 vol. 4o. FAMILY Physician and Surgeon.... Perth, 1796. 80. FANCY ( The) BALL: A Letter lost from the Portfolio of a Yomng Lady of Albany; with a Poem, entitled " To the Queen." Albany, 1846. Pain. 45, 56. B. C., and AMuns. Pai. vol. 8. FANNING (Edmund). Voyages round the WVorld; with selected Sketches of Voyages to the South Seas, North and South Pacific Oceans, China, etc. from 1792 to 1832. New-York, 1833. 8o. ( Inperfect from page 267 to 270.) FANTASQUE (Le) Revue critique, 1848-49. Quebec. 80. FANTIN-DESODOARDS ( Antoine). Histoire de la Republique Franqaise, depuis la separation de la convention nationale, jusqu'a la conclusion de la paix entre la France et l'empereur. Paris, 1797 l'an vi. 6 vol. 80o. _-__- _ Histoire Philosophique de la Revolution de France. Paris, 1797. 4 vol. 80. FANTONI (Giovanni). Poesie. Italia, 1823. 3 vol. 80. FAR ( The) WEST. See Flagg ( E.). FARADAY ( Michael). Bakerian Lecture: On the manufacture of glass for optical purposes. Royal Soc. Trans. 1830. Chemical Manipulation: ed. by J. K. Mitchell. Philadelphia, 1831. 8o,: — Experimental Researches in Electricity. London, 1839 -44. 2 vol. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 265 FARIA Y SOUSA (Emanuel de). History of Portugal: trans. from the Spanish, by John Stevens. London, 1698. 80. W. C. 353. FARIBAULT ( G. B.). Catalogue d'Ouvrages sur l'Histoire de l'Amerique, et en particulier sur celle du Canada. Quebec, 1837. 80. FARKAS SANDOR. See Sandor. FARLEY ( Frederick A,). Sermon at Consecration of Polanen Chapel, Bridgeport, Ct. 1849. New-York, 1849. 120. B. C.....- Sermon, Military Glory. Brooklyn, 1848. Serm. vol. 6. B. C. FARMER ( The) and MECHANIC: devoted to agriculture, mechanics, manufactures, science and arts; ed. by WT. H. Starr and J. M. Stearns. New series. New-York, 1847- 50. 4 vol. 4o. FARMER'S and MONIToR'S Letters to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies. Williamsburgh, 1769. Pam. vol. 112. FARMER'S Fire Insurance and Loan Company: Charter, etc. New-York, 1835. Pam. vol. 154. FARMER'S LIBRARY and Monthly Journal of Agriculture. New-York, 1846 - 48. 3 vol. 80. FARMER'S ( The) MAGAZINE.. devoted to agriculture.... Edinburgh, 1802, 1803. 4 vol. 80. FARMER'S, 3IECHANIC'S, MANUFACTURER'S, and SPORTSMAN'S MAGAZINE: by George Houston. New-York, 1827. 1 vol. 8~. FARMER (Hugh). An Inquiry into the Nature and Design of Christ's Temptation in the wilderness. London, 1805. 180. FARMER (John). An Historical Memoir of Billerica, Massachusetts. Amherst, 1816. 80. -.- Memorials of the Graduates of Harvard University, commencing with the first class, 1642. Concord, 1833. 48 pp. 80. - Genealogical Register of the First Settlers of New England. Lancaster, 1829. 80. ---- See New-Hampshire Register. and Jacob B. Moore. A Gazetteer of the State of New-Hampshire. Concord, 1823. 120. Collections, historical and miscellaneous; and Monthly Literary Journal. Concord, 1822-24. 3 vol. 8o. FARMER (Richard), D.D. An Essay on the Learning of Shakespeare: addressed to Joseph Cradock. London, 1821. 80. FARNABIUS ( Thomas). Index rhetoricus et oratorius. London, 1689. 180. FARNHAM ( Eliza W.). Life in Prairie Land. New-York, 1846. 120. - See Sampson (M. B.). FARNHAM ( Thomas J.). Travels in the Californias, and Scenes in the Pacific Ocean. New-York, 1844. 80. See Pam. vol. 179. -_ —-- Travels in the Great Western Prairies, and in the Oregon Territory. New-York, 1843. See Pam. vol. 179. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.1 34 266 NEW-YORK STATE Mexico; its geography, its people and its institutions. New-York, 1846. Pam. vol. 17. FARNUM (Caleb). Practical Grammar. Boston, 1844. 120. FARQUHAR'S DRAMATIC WORKS. See Wycherley. FARR ( William). Finance of Life Insurance. See Registrar General's Rep. FARVACQUES ( Robertus de). Medicina pharmaceutica; of groote algemeene schatkamer der drogbereidende geneeskonst...... waarby nu gevoegt is een ontsloten kabinet der simplicia of enkele droeryen: door J. Schr6der.... en J. Breinius. Leiden, 1741. 3 vol. fol. in 1. FASTI della Rivoluzione Franecese; osia relazioni degli orribili assassini, tirannie e crudelta.... conmmesse.... dall'iniquo partito democratico:... dell'autore del Vocabolario Democratico. Venezia, 1799. 3 vol. 80. FAUCHET ( M.). French Minister to the United States. See Pam. vol. 19. FAUGERES (M. V.). Essays. See Bleecker (A. E.). FAURE (1M.). Analyse chimique de alios ou tuf. Bordeaux, 1847. 8~. FAUREIL (M. C.). Histoire de la Croisade contre les HB6rtiques Albigeois. Paris, 1837. 4o. See France, Docts. in6d. FAUVEL.: Recueil d'Estampes. See Godefroy (F.). FAUVEL-GOURAUD (Fr.). Phreno-Mnemotechny, or the Art of Memory. New-York, 1845. 80. FAUX (W.). Memorable Days in America. London, 1823. 80. FAV~, Capitaine d'artillerie. Projet de loi sur le recrutement de l'arm6e, Paris, 1848; with Journal Militaire officiel, 1848; and, Du tir du fusil, par Desbordeliers. 80. FAVELL (Samuel). Speech before the Corporation, on revising the criminal laws. London, 1819. Pam. vol. 139. Speech in Common Council, upon the corporation and test acts, May, 1827. London. Pam. vol. 139. FAWCETT (Joseph). Sermons delivered at the Sunday Evening Lecture for the winter season, at the Old Jewry. 2d ed. 1801. 2 vol. 80. B. C. 2 copies. FAY ( H. A.), Capt. U. S. A. Collection of Official Accounts in detail, of all the battles fought by sea and land, between the Navy and Army of the United States, and the Navy and Army of Great Britain, during the years 1812 -15. New-York, 1817. 80. FAY (Joseph). A Disquisition: on Imprisonment for Debt, as the practice exists in the State of New-York: by Howard. New-York, 1818. 80. FAY (T. S.). Ulric, or the Voices. New-York, 1851. 120. FAY (Warren), D.D. Missionary Sermon, Boston, 1825. Pain. vol. 56. FEARN (John). Anti-Tooke; or an Analysis of the principles and structure of language. London, 1824. 80. A Manual of the Physiology of the Mind. London, 1829. 80. Essay on External Perception,' and an Essay on Consciousness. Pamphleteer, vol. 5. GENERAL LIBRARY. 267 - L-tter to Professor Stewart, on the objects of general terms, and on the axiomatical laws of vision. Pamphleteer, vol. 12. R- eview of the First Principles of Berkeley, Reid, and Stewart, &c. Pamphleteer, vol. 3. FEARON ( Henry B.). Sketches of America, with Remarks on Mr. Birkbeck's' Notes" and " Letters." 2d ed. London, 1818. 8o. FEATHERSTONH1AUGH ( G. W.). Agricultural Address. Schenectady, 1822. Pam. vol. 69..... —- Excursion through the Slave States. New-York, 1844. 80. - A Canoe Voyage to the M ennay Sotor, with an account of the lead and copper mines of Wisconsin.... London, 1847. 2 vol. 8o. See United States, Geolog. Surveys...-.. — Sze Am. Jour. of Geology: also Cicero's Republic. F.BURIER ( M.). Essai sur les Phenomenes de la Vegetation. Paris, 1812. 80 FEDERALIST. See Hamilton (Alexander). FEDERICI ( C. de). Voyage to the East Indies. Ramusio, vol. 3. FBDERMANN (N.) le jeune, d'Ulm. Voyage aux Indes de la Mer Oceane, 1529, 30. See Ternaux, Voyages, vol. 1. FELCH ( W.). Comprehensive Grammar. Boston, 1817. 12o. FELLENBERG (Emanuel von). Landwirthschaftliche Blatter von Hofwyl. Aarau, 1813. 120. FELLOWS ( Charles). Discoveries in Lycia. London, 1841. 4o. FELLOWS (John). The Veil removed; or Reflections on David Humphrey's Essay on the Life of Israel Putnam. Also, Notices of O. W. B. Peabody's Life of the same, and Swett's Sketch of Bunker Hill Battle. New-York, 1843. 12o. FELLTHAM ( Owen). Resolves, divine, moral, political. London, 1840. 40. FELT ( Joseph B.). History of Ipswich, Essex and Hamilton, Massachusetts. Cambridge, 1834. 80. ------- Annals of Salem. 2d ed. Salem, 1845 - 49. 2 vol. 120. Historical Account of Massachusetts Currency. Boston, 1839. 80o. -- emoir or Defence of Hugh Peters. Boston, 1851. 80. -- The Customs of New-England. Boston, 1853. 80. FELTON ( Cornelius C.). Life of William Eaton. Sparks's Biog. vol. 9. FELTON (O. C.). Concise Manual of English Grammar. Salem, 1843.120. FEMALE LIFE among the Mormons..... by the wife of a Mormon elder. New-York, 1855. 120. FEMALE Medical Educ. Soc. Reports, 1851, 52. Pam. vol. 64. FEMLVMES ( Les) MILITAIRES. See D. ( Le C.). FINELON (F. de S. do la Motte), Archeveque. (Euvres. Paris, 1822. 10 vol. 120. B. C. 268 NEW-YORK STATE.. Euvres. Paris, 1836 - 37. 3 vol. 80. C. L. Les Aventures de Telenmaque, ed. by H. Angel. New-York, 1805. 120. B. C(. ---- The Adventures of Telemachus: trans. by Hawkesworth. London, 1841. 80. Selections from the Writings; with a memoir of his life, by a Lady. Boston, 1829. 120. B. C. - See Plato's Life. FENNELL ( James). An Apology for the Life of: written by himself. Philadelphia, 1814. 80. FENNING (D.). A New Grammar of the English language. 5th ed. London, 1787. 120. FER ( Nicholas de). Introduction a la Geographie, avec une description historique sur toutes les parties de la terre. Paris, 1717. 8o. W. C. 356. FERBER ( John J.). Travels through Italy in 1771 and 1772, described in a series of letters to Baron Born: trans. from the German by R. E. Raspe. London, 1776. 80. - On the Oryetography of Derbyshire. Pinkerton, vol. 2. FERGUS ( H.). History of the United States. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 53, 54. FERGUSON (Adam). An Essay on the History of Civil Society. 5th ed. London, 1782. 80. - The History of the Progress and Termination of the Roman Republic. Philadelphia, 1805. 3 vol. 80. The same. 3 vol. 80. B. C. FERGaUSON (James). An Easy Introduction to Astronomy.... Philadelphia, 1812. 120. B. C. Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's Principles. London, 1799. 8o B. C. The same; with notes by D. Brewster, LL.D. Philadelphia, 2 vol. 80, and 1 vol. plates 40. 3 vol. FERGUSSON (Adam). Tour in Canada, and a portion of the United States. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1834. 120. FERGUSSON ( James). The Palaces of Nineveh and Persepolis restored: an Essay on Ancient Assyrian and Persian architecture. London, 1851. 80. FERMIN (Philippe). Description de la Colonie de Surinhm. Amsterdam, 1769. 2 vol. in 1. 8o. W. C. 357. Dissertation sur la Question s'il est permis d'avoir en sa possession des eseclaves, et de s'en servir comme tels, dans les colonies de l'Amerique. Maestricht, 1770. 80. W. C. 358. FERRALL ( S. A.). A Ramble of Six thousand miles through the United States of America. London, 1832. 80. FERRIS (Benjamin). A History of the Original Settlements on the Delaware, from its discovery by Hudson to the colonization under William Penn; with an Account of the Swedish Settlers, and a History of Wilmington. Wilmington, Del. 1846. 8o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 269 FERRIs ( Benjamin G.). Utah and the Mormons. New-York, 1854. 12o. FERRY ( L. de B. G.). Voyage et Aventures au -Mexique. Paris, 1847. 120. FESSENDEN (Guy M.). A Genealogical Memoir of the descendants of William Bradford, 2d Gov. of New-Plymouth. Boston, 1850. 80o. FESSENDEN (Thomas G.). Terrible Tractoration: A Poetical Petition.. by Christopher Caustic. 2d ed. London, 1803. 120. - The Modern Philosopher; or Terrible Tractoration, in four cantos: by Christopher Caustick. 2d Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1806. 80.. - The Weekly Inspector: Aug. 30, 1806, to Aug. 22, 1807. New York. 2 vol. in 1. 80. Democracy Unveiled, or Tyranny stripped of the garb of patriotism. 3d ed. New-York, 1806. 2 vol. 120. FESTIVAL of the Sons of New-Hampshire... celebrated in Boston, Nov. 7, 1849. Boston, 1850. 80. FEUCIHTWANGER ( Dr. Lewis). A Treatise on Gems, in reference to their practical and scientific value. New-York, 1838. 8). FEUERBACII (A. R.). Narratives of Remarkable Criminal Trials: trans. from the German, by Lady Duff Gordon. London, 1846. 80. FIEUILL9E (Louis). Observations Physiques, Mathematiques, et Botaniques, faites sur les COtes Orientales de l'Amerique Meridionale et dans les Indes Occidentales. Paris, 1714. 2 vol. 4o. W. C. 359. FICHTE ( Johann Gottlieb). The Characteristics of the present Age: trans. from the German, by William Smith. London, 1847. 12o. * The Vocation of the Scholar: from, the German, by W. Smith. London, 1847. 120. FICK (John C.). Elegant Extracts, in 2 vol.: vol. 1. Erlangen, 1804. 8o. B. C. FIDPLIO Opera: Musique de L. Van Beethoven. La Haye, 1840. Pam. vol. 41. B. C. FIDLER (Rev. Isaac). Observations on Professions, Literature, and Manners in the United States and Canada, in 1832. New-York, 1833. 120. FIELD-BOOK; or Sports and Pastimes of the United Kingdom, by the Author of the 1 "Wild Sports of the West." London, 1833. 8o. FIELD (Rev. David D.). A Statistical Account of the County of Middlesex in Connecticut. Middletown, Conn. 1819. 80. A History of the Town of Pittsfield, Berkshire Co. 3Mass. Hartford, 1844. 80. FIELD (D. Dudley). Reorganization of the Judiciary: frogm N. Y. Eve. Post, 1846. Pam. vol. 44. B. C. What shall be done with the Practice of the Courts? Shall it be wholly reformed? Questions addressed to Lawyers. New-York, 1847. 80. B. C.; also Pam. vol. 45. B. C....- Speech at Chicago Convention, 1847. Pam. vol. 76. FIELD (George). Outlines of Analogical Philosophy. London, 1839. 2 vol. 80. 270 NEW-YORK STATE: Rudiments of the Painter's Art; or a Grammar of Colouring. London, 1850. 120. FIELD (Rev. J.). Prison Discipline, or the Advantages of the separate system of imprisonment. London, 1848. 2 vol. 8o. FIELD (1M.). City Architecture. New-York, 1853. 80, with 20 plates. FIELD OF MARS; or Naval and Military Engagements from the ninth century to 1801. London, 1801. 2 vol. 40. W. C. 360. FIELD ( Richard S.). The Provincial Courts of New Jersey, with Sketches of the Bench and Bar. See N. J. Hist. Soc. Coll. FIELD (William). Memoirs of Dr. Samuel Parr, with biographical notices of his contemporaries. London, 1828. 2 vol. 80. FIELDING (Henry). Works; with an Essay on his Life and Genius, by Arthur Murphy. London, 1806. 10 vol. 80. - -- Select Works; with a Memoir of the Author by Sir Walter Scott, and an Essay by Arthur Murphy. Philadelphia, 1832. 2 vol. 80. B. C. Proposal for making an effectual provision for the poor, for amending their morals, and for rendering them useful members of society, etc. Lolldon, 1753. Pam. vol. 134. FILATURE ( De la); ou de l'Art de tirer la soie des cocons. 80. FILMER (Sir Robert). A Collection of his Tracts. London, 1680. In one vol. 80. Contents: Patriarcha; or the Natural Power of Kings, 1680. The Freeholder's Grand Inquest; and Observations upon forms of governnient, 1679. Observations..... upon Mr. Hobs his Leviathan; on IMr. Milton against Salmasius, H. Grotius de jure belli; and on Mr. Hunton's Treatise of monarchy, 1.679. An Advertisement to the Jurymen of England, touching witches. FILLMORE ( John). A True Account of the singular sufferings of J. F. on board a noted pirate ship; with a Biog. of Millard Fillmore of Buffalo. Utica, 1848. 120. FILSON ( John). Discovery, Settlement, and Present State of Kentucky; with Colonel Boon's Narrative. London, 1793. 80. See also Imlay (George).....- Iistoire de Kentucke: trad. de l'anglois par MA. Parraud. Paris, 1785. 8o. W. C. 361. FINAN (P.). Journal of a Voyage to Quebec in 1825, with Recollections of Canada during the War of 1812-13. Newry, 1828. 120. FINANCIAL REGISTER of the United States. Vol. 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1838 - 39. 2 vol. roy. 80. FINCH ( L.). Travels in the United States and Canada, with some account of their scientific institutions. London, 1833. 8%. FINCa (John). Town Dues, currency, free trade and protection to British industry. Liverpool, 1850. 80. The Seven Seals broken open; or the Bible of the Reformation reformed. 3 vol. in 7 books. London, 1853. 1 vol. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 271 FINDLEY (William). History of the Insurrection of the Four Western Counties of Pennsylvania, in the year 1794.. Philadelphia, 1796. 8o. FINDLEY (William), M.C. Observations on " The two sons of oil," etc. Pittsburgh, Pa. 1812. 12o. FINE (John). Lecture on the Resurrection of the Body: by a layman. Albany, 1851. 80. Remarks, N. Y. Sen., Slavery in New-Mexico, 1848. Pam. vol. 46. B.C. FINLAY ( George). Greece under the Romans, from B.C. 146, to A.D. 717. London, 1844. 80. FINLAYSON ( James). See Blair's life. FIREMANS' LODGE No. 19: Anniversary Exercises, 1843. Muns. Pam. vol. 8. FISH (Hamilton). Report of Committee on the sickness and mortality on board emigrant ships, Aug. 2, 1854. Cong. Doct. Washington. 80. FISCHER. Recherches Historiques sur les principales nations etablies en Siberie.... trad. du Russe par M. Stollenwerek. Paris, 1798? 120. FISCHER ( F. E. L.), and C. A. Meyer. Sertum Petropolitanum, sen icones et descriptiones plantarum que in Horto Botanico Imperiali Petropolitano floruerunt. No. 1- 10. fol....- See Schrenk, Enum. novarum plantarum. FISHER'S COLONIAL MAGAZINE and Commercial Maritime Journal. vol. 1 - 4, 1842 - 43, 4 vol. New series: Title, Fisher's Colonial Magazine and Journal of Trade, Commerce and Banking, 1844, 45. 2 vol. London. 6 vol. 80. FISHER's National Magazine and Industrial Record, June 1845- Nov. 1846. New-York, B. Fisher. 3 vol. 80. FISHER (Priof.). Report on the Alcinda Gold Mine, Va. 1839. Pam. vol. 92. FISHER (A.). A Practical New Grammar.... 20th ed. London, 1781. 180. FISHER (Alex.). Voyage of Discovery to the Arctic Regions in 1818, with Capt. W. E. Parry. London. 80. W. C. 362. Voyage of Discovery to the Arctic Regions, in the Hecla and Griper, 1819, 1820. 4th ed. London, 1821. 80. WV. C. 363. FISHER ( George). Memorial to Congress of Texas, for relief as secretary to the Expedition of Gen. Mexia against Tampico in 1835. Houston, 1840. 80. FISHER (R. S.). See Amer. Stat. Annual. New and Complete Statistical Gazetteer of the United States. New-York, 1853. 8o. Census for 1850. See United States' Census. FISHER ( Samuel W.), D.D. Address, Y. M. Assoc. Albany, 1844. Pam., vol. 77. Sketch of the Life of F. W. Cole. See Cole ( F. W.). 272 NEW-YORK STATE....b- Sermon on Home Missions: Fourth Pres. Church, Albany, 1844. Pam. vol. 82. Lecture before Y. M. A. Albany, 1845. Muns. Pam. vol. 2. FISHER (William). New Travels among the Indians of North America, compiled from Lewis and Clark and other authors, and a Dictionary of the Indian Tongue. Philadelphia, 1812. 12o. FISK FREE LIBRARY, New Orleans. Pam. vol. 169, 170. FISK (Allen). Miurray's English Grammar simplified. Lansingburgh, 1821. 80. FISK (Wilbur), D.D. Travels in Europe. 6th ed. New-York, 1843. 8o. FISKE ( N. W.). Classical Antiquities. See Eschenburg. See Doddridge, Life of. FITCH ( Governor). Reasons why the British Colonies in America should not be charged with internal taxes by authority of Parliament; humbly offered for consideration in behalf of the Colony of Connecticut. New-Haven, 1764. 80. FITCH (Asa), M.D. 1, The Hessian Fly, Albany, 1846; 2, Winter Insects of Eastern New-York. Muns. Pam. vol. 5. - Survey of Washington County, N.Y. Agr. Soc. Trans. vol. 9. FITCH (Ralph). Voyage to Ormus and the East Indies. Pinkerton, vol. 9; Kerr, Voy. vol. 7. FITCHBURG R. R. Company: Report, 1848. Pam. vol. 53. FITZGERALD ( James E.). An Examination of the charter and proceedings of the Hudson Bay Company, with reference to the Grant of Vancouver's Island. London, 1849. 12~. FITZPATRICK (W. J.). The Life, Times and Cotemporaries of Lord Cloncurry. Dublin, 1855. 120~. FITZROY (Capt. Robert). See Adventure and Beagle. FIVE Years' Residence in Buenos-Ayres, 1820 - 25, by an Englishman. 2d ed. London, 1827. 80. W. C. 155. FLACACUS ( Matthias), Illyricus. Historia Ecclesiastica; per studiosos ac pios aliquot viros, in urbe Magdeburgica et alibi..... congesta: nun per L. Lucium recensita. Basileae, 1624. 3 vol. fol. FLAGET (M.), IEveque de Bardstown et Louisville. Sa vie, son esprit et ses vertus: par le pretre qui accompagnait le prelat pendant le voyage qu'il fit en Europe. Paris, 1851. 80. FLAGG ( E.). The Far West, or a Tour beyond the Mountains. New-York, 1838. 2 vol.'120. 2 copies. FLANDIN (Eugene), et Pascal Coste. Voyage en Perse: Vol. 1, Texte; Planches, vol. 2 - 5, Perse ancienne; vol. 6, Perse moderne. Paris. 6 vol. fol. FLANDRES. See Belgium. FLASSAN (M. de). Histoire Getnrale de la Diplomatie Frangaise. 2d ed. Paris, 1811. 7 vol. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 273 FLAVIGNY (De). Correspondance de Cortes. See Cortes. ]FLAX3IAN (J.). Illustrations of Dante. See Dante. ---- Illustrations of the Iliad and Odyssey. London, 1831. 2 vol. ob. fol. Illustrations of the Tragedies of 2ZEschylus. London, 1.831. ob. fol. Illustrations of the Theogony, Works and Days, and the Days, of Hesiod. London, 1831. ob. fol. ~ —- Lectures on Sculpture, with two Addresses on the deaths of Thomas Banks and Antonio Canova; and an Address on the death of Flaxman, by Sir RI. Westmacott. 2d ed. London, 1838. 80. FLEET (Simon). See Long-Island Journal. FLEETWOOD ( William, Bishop). Chronicon Preciosum; or an Account of English gold and silver money. London, 1745. 80. Inscriptionum Antiquarum Sylloge. London, 1691. 80. FLEMING and TIBBINS. Complete French and English, and English and French Dictionary. Philadelphia, 1844. 80. FLEMING ( Peter). Geometrical Solutions of the quadrature of the circle. 3Montreal, 1850. fol. FLETCHER (Rev. John). A Vindication of the Rev. Mr. Wesley's Calm Address to our American Colonies.. London, 1775? 12o. Pam. vol. 48. FLETCHER ( Rev. J. P.). Notes from Nineveh, and Travels in Mesopotamia, Assyria and Syria. Philadelphia, 1850. 120. FLETCHER (Rev. W.). The Little Grammarian. 2d ed. London, 1833. 120. FLEURIEU ( C. P. C. Comte de). Decouvertes des Franqois, en 1768 et 1769, dans le Sud-est de la Nouvelle Guinee. Paris, 1790. 40. W. C. 365. -- Voyage en 1768 et 1769, pour 6prouver en mer les horloges marines de Berthoud. Paris, 1773. 2 vol. 4o. XW. C. 366. Discoveries of the French, in 1768, 69, to the Southeast of NewGuinea: trans. from the French. London, 1791. 4o. FLEURY (Claude). Institution au Droit Eccl6siastique. Paris, 1688. 2 vol. 120.....- EHistoire Ecclesiastique, abregee. See MIorenas ( F.). FLINDERS (Matthew). Voyage to Terra Australis, 1801 - 03. 2 vol. 4o. With atlas fol. London, 1814. 3 vol. FLINT (Rev. Abel). Murray's Grammar abridged. Hartford, 1813. 120. FLINT (Rev. James). Election Sermon. Boston, 1815. Pam. vol. 61. - Letters from America, with Observations on the climate and agriculture of the Western States. Edinburgh, 1822. 80. FLINT ( John). First Lessons in English grammar. New-York, 1834..80. FLINT (Timothy). See Western Monthly Review. - See Pattie's narrative. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.1 35 274 NEW-YORK STATE: Recollections of the last ten years passed in the Valley of the Mississippi. Boston, 1826. 80. W. C. 367. Geography and History of the Western States. Cincinnati, 1828. 2 vol.'80. --- - History and Geography of the Mississippi Valley.... 2d ed. Cincinnati, 1832. 2 vol. in 1. 80......_ Indian'Wars of the West; with biographical sketches. Cincinnati, 1833. 12:. Lectures upon natural history, geology, chemistry, the application of steam. Boston, 1833. 120. Biographical Memoir of Daniel Boone.... Cincinnati, 1833. 120. The same. Cincinnati, 1845. 180. FLINTER (Major). History of the Revolution of Caracas. London, 1819. 80. W. C. 368. FLOOD (Warden). Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Henry Flood, MI.P. Dublin, 1838. 80o. FLORA NAPOLITANA; ossia Descrizione delle piante indigene del Regno di Napoli. Napoli, 1811 - 36. 6 vol. fol. FLORENCE OF WORCESTER: Chronicle; with two Continuations, comprising Annals of English History from the departure of the Romans to Edward I.: trans. by T. Forester. London, Bohn, 1854. 120. FLORES ( Joseph). Specifique simple, aise et de peu de d6pense, nouvellement decouvert dans Guatimala.. trad. de l'espagnol, par F. Grasset. Lausanne, 1785. 180. W. C. 369. FLORIDA. The Discovery and Conquest of Terra Florida, by Don Fernando De Soto and six hundred Spaniards his followers: written by a gentleman of Elvas, employed in all the actions: trans. from the Portuguese by R. Hakluyt: ed. with notes.. and a trans. of the expedition by H. L. de Biedma, by W. B. Rye. Hakluyt Society, London, 1851. 8o. See Kerr, Voy. vol. 5. FLORIAN ( J. P. C. de). Eleazar and Naphtali; a tale of brotherly love: from the French, by a young lady of Alb. Fem. Academy. Albany, 1830. 180. FLORIST (The) and HORTICULTURAL JOURNAL: ed. by H. C. Hanson.'Vol. 2, 3. Philadelphia, 1853, 4. 2 vol. 80. FLORULA COLUMBIENSIS. Washington, 1819. 40. FLORus (L. Annaeus). Epitome'erum romanarum, recensitus et illustratus a Joanne Georgio Grarvio. Trajecti Batavorum, 1680. 120. FLOWER (M. and W.). A Practical English Grammar. London, 1844. 1 So. FLOYD ( J. G.). Speech, H. of R. U. S. Indepen. Treas. Bill. 1840. Pamn. vol. 59. FLUGEL ( Dr. J. G.). Literarische Sympathien, oder industrielle buchmacherei. Leipzig, 1843. 8~. ------ Dictionary of the German and English Languages. 3d ed. by C. A. Feiling and A. Heimann. London, 1845. 2 vol. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 275 FLUSHING INSTITUTE: Catalogue, etc. 1849. See Pam. vol. 173. FOLArD ( Le Chev.). L'Esprit du Chevalier Folard, tire de ses commentaires sur l'histoire de Polybius, pour l'usage cl'un officier de main de mlaitre. Paris, 1760. 80. FOLKES ( Martin). Tables of English silver and gold coins: re-printed, with plates and explanations by the Society of Antiquaries. London, 1763. 4o. FOLLEN (Charles). Works; with his life. Boston, 1841, 2. 5 vol. 120. B. C. A Practical Grammar of the German Language. Boston, 1828. 8,. B. C. Deutsche Lesebuch fiir Anfanger: German Reader. Boston, 1831. 12o. B. C. FOLLETT (Frederick). History of the Press of Western New-York; and Printer's Festival, Jan. 18, 1847. Rochester, 1847. 80. FOLso0I ( George). See Cortes: translation of his dispatches. - Mexico in 1842, with a Sketch of its History. N.York, 1842. 18o. Historical Sketches of Saco and Biddeford, with Notices of.... New-Somersetshire and Lygonia. Saco, 1830. 120. FOLWELL (R.). Yellow Fever in Philadelphia. Pam. vol. 177. FONBLANQUE (Albany). England under Seven Administrations. London, 1837. 3 vol. 120. FONDEY ( W. H.). Oration, July 4, 1838. Y.M3. Asso. Albany. Pam. vol. 35. B. C. FONFRPIDE ( Henri). CEuvres: recueillies par Ch. Al. Campan. Bordeaux, 1844-47. 10 vol. 8o. FONTAN (J. P. A.). Recherches sur les eaux minerales des Pyreneecs. Paris, 1838. 180. FONTANEDA (Hernando di Escalante). Memoir on Florida. See Soto. FONTANkS (Louis). JIloge Fun6bre de Washington, pronone dans le Temple de Mars, 1800. Paris. 80. W. C. 370. The same, with l'Eloge par Dubroca. Paris, 1835. 80. O- ration on Death of Washington, at Paris. See Columbian Phenix. FONTANINI (Giusto). Storia Arcana della Vita di Fra Paolo Sarpi. Venezia, 1803. 80. FOOT (Joseph I.). An Historical Discourse, at West-Brookfield, Mass., 1828. Brookfield, 1829. 80. The same, with Capt. Thomas Wheeler's Narrative. WestBrookfield, 1843. 12o. FOOT (Samuel A.). Address, Societies of Geneva Coll. 1832. Pam. vol. 19. B. C. FOOT (Solomon) of Vermont. Speech, H. of Rep. U. S., July 16, 1.846, on the Mexican War. 80. FOOTE (Andrew H.), Lieut. U. S. ENavy. Africa and the American Flag, New-York, 1854. 120. 276 NEW-YORK STATE FOOTE (Henry S.). Texas and the Texans, or the Advance of the AngloAmericans to the Southwest.... Philadelphia, 1841. 2 vol. 120. FOOTE (William H.), D.D. Sketches of North-Carolina, historical and biographical, illustrative of the principles of a portion of her early settlers. New-York, 1846. 80. - Sketches of Virginia, historical and biographical. Philadelphia, 1850. 80. FOPPENS (John F.). Bibliotheca Belgica. Bruxellis, 1739. 2 vol. 4o. FORBES ( Lieut. Col.). Report of the Trial of Brig. Gen. William Hull,.... by a Court-martial, at Albany.... New-York, 1814. 80. FORBES (Major). Eleven Years in Ceylon, etc. 2d ed. London, 1841. 2 vol. 80. FORBES (Alexander). A History of Upper and Lower California. London, 1839. 80.FORBES (Rt. Hon. Duncan). The Whole Works. Edinburgh. 2 vol. 120. FORBES ( Edward ). Monograph of the Echinodermata of the British tertiaries, 1852. See Palaeont. Soc. Pub. -- Ionograph of the British Naked-eyed Medusae. See Ray Society, 5th year. Literary Papers. London, 1855. 120. FORBES ( F. E.), Lieut. R. N. Five Years in China, from 1842 to 1847; and an Account of the occupation of the Islands of Labuan and Borneo. London, 1848. 8". FORBES ( John), M.D. A Physician's Holiday, or a month in Switzerland in the summuer of 1848. 2d ed. London, 1850. 12o. FORBES (James). Oriental Memoirs: revised by his Daughter, the Countess de {Montalembert. 2d ed. London, 1834. 2 vol. 80, with plates 4o. FORBES ( James D.). On the Transparency of the Atmosphere... Trans. Royal Soc. 1842. Reports on the Progress of Meteorology. Reports, British Assoc. 1832, 42. FORBES ( James G.). Sketches of the Floridas. New-York, 1821. 8o. FORBES (Rt. Rev. Patrick). Funeral Sermons, Orations, Epitaphs, and other pieces on the death of; with a biographical memoir and notes by Charles F. Shand. Spottiswoode Soc. Edinburgh, 1845. 80. FORBES (Rt. Rev. Robert). Jacobite Memoirs of the Rebellion of 1.745: fed. from his manuscripts, by Robert Chambers. Edinburgh, 1834. 80o. FORBES (R. B.). A New Rig for Ships and other vessels. Boston, 1849. Pam. vol. 74. FORBES (Sir William). An Account of the Life and Writings of James Beattie. New-York and Philadelphia, 1806. 80. B. C. The same, with many of his original letters. London, 1824. 2 vol.8o. FORBIN (Comte de). Portefeuille du Comte de Forbin, contenant ses tableaux, dessins et esquisses.... avec un texte par M. le Comte de Marcellus. Paris, 1843. 4~. GENERAL LIBRARY. 277 Souvenirs de la Sicile. Paris, 1823. 8o. FORBISSER (Martin). See Frobisher (M.). FORCE (La) AiRMXE mise en harmonie avec l'etat actuel de la sociAt8: par un officier etranger. Paris, 1836. See Fave. FORCE (Peter). See American Archives. - National Calendar, and Annals of the United States, 1820 - 24, 1828 - 36. Washington, 14 vol. 120... — Tracts and other Papers, on the origin, settlement, and progress of the Colonies in North America. Washington, 1836 -46. 4 vol. 80. ~ — Register of the Army and the Navy of the United States: No. 1, 1830. Washington, 1830. 120. Remarks on the English Maps of Arctic discoveries in 1850 and 1851; before National Institute, 1852. With Supplement to Grinnellland, by the same. Washington, 1853. 80. FORD (John). Dramatic Works. London, 1827. 2 vol. 80. The same. New-York, 1831. 2 vol. 120. B. C. FORD (Richard ). Handbook for Travellers in Spain. London, 1845. 2 vol. 12o. Spaniards and their Country. New-York, 1847. 12o. FORD ( Gov. Thomas). History of Illinois, from its commencement as a state in 1818, to 1847. Chicago, 1854. 12o. FORDYCE ( William). Memoirs concerning Herculaneum, the subterranean city lately discovered at the foot of Mount Vesuvius. London, 1750. 80 FOREIGN EVANGELICAL SOCIETY: Report, 1847. Pam. vol. 68. FOREIGN QUARTERLY REVIEW. London, 1827 - 46. 37 vol. 80. from vol. 14, 1834, to vol. 37, 1846. London edition, re-printed New-York. 24 vol. in 12. 80. B. C. Lettered I - 24. FOREST (P.). Voyage aux Etats-Unis de l'Amerique, 1831. Lyon, 1834.80. FORESTER (Thomas). See Price's Norway. FORGERY of Bank Notes. See Society for the encouragement of arts, etc. FORIAN( Joshua). Plan for regulating Banks. See Bank U. S. vol. 3. FORMAN (Simon). The Autobiography and Personal Diary of the celebrated astrologer, from 1552 to 1602: ed. by J. O. Halliwell. London, 1 849. 4o. FORREST ( Edwin). Oration, July 4, 1838. New-York City. Pam. vol. 34. B. C. ~ —--- and Macready. See Rejoinder, etc. FORREST ( Thomas). Voyage aux Moulucues et a la Nouvelle-Guinee, fait sur " la Tartare," 1774 - 76. Paris, 1780. 4~. W. C. 371. FORREST ( William S.). Historical and Descriptive Sketches of Norfolk and vicinity, during a period of 200 years. Philadelphia, 1853. 80. * —--- IDirectory of Norfolk, Va. for 1851 - 52. Norfolk, 80. 278 NEW-YORK STATE FORRY (Samuel ), M.D. On the Endemic Influences of the U. S. 1841. Pain. vol. 86. Researches on the Distribution of heat over the globe, and the climatic features of the United States. Sill. Jour. vol. 47. FORSTALL ( E. J.). Analytical Index of Documents relating to Louisiana, in Libraries at Paris. See French (B. F.), Hist. Coll. vol. 2. FORsTEN (E. A.). Responsio de rothere et naphthis, in certamine literario civium Academiarum Belgicar m, 1832. Lugd. Batav. 1832. 40. FORsTER (George). Travels _n Persia. Pinkerton, vol. 9. Voyage round the World with Captain Cook. London, 1.777. 2 vol. 4o. W. C. 372. FORSTER ( H. R.). See Stowe Catalogue. FORSTER ( J.) and others. Lives of Eminent Statesmen of the Commonwealth. Lardner's (ycl. vol. 68- 74. The Life and Adventures of Oliver Goldsmith: A Biography, in four books. London, 1848. 80. FORSTER ( John Reinhold ). History of the Voyages and Discoveries made in the North: trans. from the German. London, 1786. 40. W. C. 373. Histoire des Dtcouvertes et des Voyages faites dans le Nord, mise en franqais par M. Broussonet. Paris, 1788. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 374. Observations made during a Voyage round the World. London, 1778. 40. - Observations faites pendant le Second Voyage du Capitaine Cook: trad. de l'anglois. Paris, 1778. 4o. W. C. 375. FoRSTER ( Thomas). Essay on the Application of the Organology of the brain to education. Pamphleteer, vol. 5. Observations on the Brumal retreat of the Swallow. Pamphleteer, vol. 4. Observations on the Phenomena of Insanity. Pamphleteer, vol. 15. FORSYTH (John). Memoirs of the Rev. Alexander Proudfit; with Selections from his diary and correspondence, and recollections of his life, by his Son. New-York, 1846. 120. FORSYTH ( John). Speech, U. S. Sen., Removal of the Deposites. 1834. Pam. v 1. 59. FORsYTH (John) jr. Address, Rutgers Coll. 1838. Pam. vol. 77. FoRSYTH (Jos.). Excursion in Italy, 1802, 3. 4th ed. London, 1835. 120. FORSYTH (William). On the Culture and Management of Fruit Trees; with an introduction and notes, by W. Cobbett. New-York, 1803. 80. Traite de la Culture des Arbres fruitiers: trad. de l'anglois par J. B. Pictet-Millet. 2d ed. Paris, 1805. 80. FORSYTH (William). History of the Captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena: from the letters and journals of Sir Hudson Lowe. New-York, 1853. 2 vol. 120. FORTEGUERRI ( Niecol6). I1 Ricciardetto. Venezia, 1789. 3 vol. 120o. FORTIA ( M.). Travels in Sweden. Pinkerton. vol. 6. GENERAL LIBRARY. 279 FORTUNE (IRobert). Three-years' Wanderings in the Northern Provinces of China, including a Visit to the tea, silk and cotton countries. London, 1847. 80. Voyage Agricole et Horticole en Chine; trad. de l'anglais par 31. le Bn. de Lagarde Montlezun. Paris, 1853. 80. FOSBROKE ( T. P.). Treatise on the Arts, Institutions.... of the Greeks and RIomans. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 42, 43. Encyclopredia of Antiquities and Elements of Archoeology, classical and mediaeval. London, 1825. 2 vol. 4~. Foreign Topography, forming a Sequel to the Encyclopaedia of Antiquities. London, 1828. 4~. FosAARINI (Giacopo). Vita: trad. per B. Ridolfi Sforza. Venetia, 1624. 4o. FOSTER (Rev. Edmund). Century Sermon preached at Littleton, 1815. Concord, Mass. 1815. 80. FOSTER (G. G.). The Gold Region of California, and the geography.... of the country. New-York, 1848. 80. FOSTER ( H.). Voyage to the Southern Atlantic. See Webster ( W. H. B.). FOSTER (James). Sermons. 4th ed. London, 1774, 5. 4 vol. 80. B. C. FOSTER (John). Essays in a Series of Letters to a Friend. Hartford, 1807. 2 vol. in 1. 120. - See Hall ( R.), Works. Missionary Sermon, Bristol, Eng. 1818. Serm. vol. 2. B. C. Letter on duration of future punishment; with notes, and appeal to Am. Tr. Soc. Boston, 1849. Pam. vol. 96. Lectures delivered at Broadmead Chapel, Bristol. Bohn, London, 1853. 2 vol. 12~. --- Essays. New-York, 1844. 120... —- Life and Correspondence: ed. by J. C. Ryland, with notes by J. Shepard. London, Bohn, 1852. 2 vol. 120..-..... The same. New-York, 1846. 2 vol. 8~. FOSTER ( J. W.). Sunday School Address, 1843. Pam. vol. 91. FOSTER (J. W.), and J. D. Whitney. Report on the Geology and Topography of a Portion of the bake Superior Land District in Michigan. Part 1, Copper lands; Part 2, The Iron region, with the general geology: with a vol. of maps. Exec. Doct. Washington, 1850, 51. 3 vol. 80. The same, part 1. Washington. I vol. 80. FOSTER ( T. Campbell ). Letters on the Condition of the People of Ireland: reprinted from the Lond.Times, with additions. 2d ed. London, 1847.80. FoucAtuD (Edward ). Book of Illustrious Mechanics of Europe and America: from the French, ed. by J. Frost. New-York, 1846. 120. FouGEROUX de BONDAROY. Recherches sur les Ruines d'Herculanum;.... avec un Traite sur la fabrique des mosaiques, Paris, 1770. TVith Cochin et Bellicard, Observations sur.... Herculanum, Paris, 1754. 1 vol. 180. 280 NEW-YORK STATE FOURIER (Charles). Life. See Pellarin (C.) FOURIER ( J. B. J. Baron). Remarks on the Temperature of the Globe and the planetary spaces. Sill. Jour. vol. 32. FOURNEL ( Henri). Eitude des Gites houillers et metalliferes du Bocage Vendben, en 1834, 35: pub. par l'Admin. des mines. Paris, 1836. 4o. Richesse Minerale d'Algerie. Vol. 1, 40, 1849; with fol. atlas of plates, 1852. Paris. 2 vol. FOURNIER, le jeune. Manuel Typographique; utile aux gens de lettres, et a ceux qui exercent.... l'art de l'imprimerie. Paris, 1764, 66. 2 vol. 180. FOURNIER ( Georges). Hydrographie, contenant la theorie et la pratique de toutes les parties de la navigation. 2d ed. Paris, 1679. fol. W. C. 376. FOWLE ( W. B.). True Grammar of the English language. Boston, 1827. 180. True English Grammar. 2d part. Boston, 1828. 180. - See Common School Journal. FOWLER (Asa). See New-Hampshire Register. FOWLER ( George). History of the War... between Turkey and Russia. London, 1855. 120. FOWLER (John). Journal of a Tour in the State of New-York, in 1830. London, 1831. 120. FOWLER (O. S. and L. N.), assisted by Samuel Kirkham. Phrenology proved, illustrated and applied. 3d ed. New-York, 1838. 120. B. C. See Amer. Phren. Jour., and Almanacs. FOWLER ( William C.). The English Language in its elements and forms. New-York, 1850. 80. FowNEs ( George). Elementary Chemistry, theoretical and practical: ed. by Robert Bridges, M.D. Philadelphia, 1847. 120. Fox and HOYT'S Quadrennial Register of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1852 - 56. Hartford, 1852. 120. Fox ( Charles James). Speech in H. of C. on the Irish Resolutions, May 12, 1785, etc. London, 1785. 80. Speech on the Irish Resolutions, May 23, 1785. Pam. vol. 144. and WV. Pitt. Speeches in the House of Commons, on the Westminster scrutiny, 1784. London. 80. Letter to the Independent Electors of Westminster. 10th ed. London, 1793. 80. History of the Early Part of the Reign of James the Second; with an introductory chapter. London, 1808. 4~. Geschiedenis der regering der twee laatste koningen uit het huis van Stuart, naar het oorspronkelijke van C. J. Fox: vrij vertaald, an met aanteekeningen voorzien. Delft, 1843. 80. - Memorials and Correspondence: ed. by Lord John Russell. Vol. 1, 2, Philadelphia, 1853; vol. 3, London, 1854. 3 vol. 8~. GENERAL LIBRARY. 281 The same. See Carrel ( Armand ). Fox ( Charles J.). History of the Old Township of Dunstable; including Nashua, Nashville, Hollis, Hudson, Litchfield and Merrimac, N. HI. Nashua, 1846. 120. Fox (Edward L.). Diss. Med. de Voce Humana. Edinburgh, 1784. 80. Fox (Ebenezer), of Roxbury, Mass. The Revolutionary Adventures of. Boston, 1838. 80. Fox (John). Booke of Martyrs. London, 1684. 3 vol. fol.. —- Book of Martyrs: revised and improved, by Rev. John Malham: re-edited by Rev. T. Pratt. Philadelphia, 1830. 2 vol. in 1. 4o. B. C. Fox ( Robert Were). Report on some Observations on subterranean heat. Reports Brit. Assoc. 1840. Fox ( W. J.). A Course of Lectures on Subjects connected with the corruption, revival, and future influence of genuine christianity. 3d ed. London, 1822. 120. B. C. Sermons on the Mission, Character and Doctrine of Jesus of Nazareth. Boston, 1833. 2 vol. 120. B. C. - Sermons on the Principles of Morality inculcated in the Holy Scriptures. Boston, 1833. 120. B. C......- Lectures addressed chiefly to the Working Classes. London, 1845, 46. 3 vol. 120. B. C. Reports of his Lectures, No. 14, 15, 16, On the Progress and characteristics of ceremony. London, 1838. Pam. vol. 34. B. C. Reports of Lectures, No. 22 - 26, On National education. London, 1840. Pam. vol. 35. B. C. FoxCRoFT (Rev. Thomas). Funeral Sermon of Dame Bridget Usher. Boston, 1723. 12o. FoXE ( Capt. Luke). Northwest Fox, or Fox from the Northwest Passage...... with brief Extracts of the Voyages of Cabot.... Mr. lames Halls three voyages to Groynland.... with the author his own voyage. London, 1635. sin. 40. FRAcASTORIUS ( Hieronymus). Opera Omnia: Aeeesserunt A. Naugerii, Orationes due carminaque nonnulla. Venetiis, 1555. 4o. FRAGMENT of a Journal of a Sentimental Philosopher, during his residence in the city of New-York.... New-York, 1809. Painm. vol. 7. B. C. FRAMPTON (John). Joyful News out of the New-found World. See Monardus. FRANCE. Collection de Documents in6dits sur l'Histoire de France: publi6s par ordre du Roi, et par les soins du Ministre de l'Instruction publique. Paris, 1839 - 53. 102 vol. 40. In three ser'ies. Contents: PREMIeRE S6IE: Histoire politique. 1. Rapports au AMinistre, par MM. Thierry, Michel, Beugnot, Genin, Varin, Th6nard, Gasparin, et Danton. I vol. 2. Rapports an Roi, et Pieces, par M. Guizot, Ministre de l'Instruction publique. 1 vol. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 36 282 NEW-YORK STATE 3. Les Olim, ou Registres des Arrdts rendus par la Cour du Roi: r6diges par M. Beugnot. 4 vol. 4. Chronique du Religieux de Saint-Denys, de 1380 a 1422: traduite par M. L. Bellaguet. 6 vol. 5. Lettres de Rois, Reines, et autres Personnages des Cours de France et d'Angleterre: publiSes par iL2. Champollion-Figeac. 2 vol. 6. Proces de Templiers: publie par M. Michelet. 2 vol. 7. Chronique du Bertrand du Guesclin: publiSe par E. Charriere. 2 vol. 8. Journal des Etats G6neraux de France: traduit par A. Bernier. 2 vol. 9. Recueil des Lettres de Henri IV.: publie par M. Bergier de Xivrey. 5 vol. 10. Proces-verbaux des Seances du Conseil de Regence du Roi Charles VIII.: publi6s par A. Bernier. 1 vol. 11. Proces-verbaux des Etats G6neraux de 1593: publies par A. Bernard. 1 vol. 12. Relations des Ambassadeurs Venitiens sur les Affaires de France au seizieme sicle: traduites par It. N. Tommaseo. 2 vol. 13. Papiers d'Etat du Cardinal de Granville: publies par M. Weiss. 8 vol. 14. Negociations, Lettres, et Pieces diverses relatives au RSgne de Franqois II. 1 vol. 15. Correspondance de H. d'Escoubleau, Archeveque de Bordeaux, augmentee des ordres, instructions et lettres de Louis XIII. etc.: par M. EugSne Sue. 3 vol. 16. Negociations relatives a la Succession d'Espagne sous Louis XIV.: par M. Mignet. 4 vol. 17. Ie6moires 3filitaires relatifs a la Succession d'Espagne sous Louis XIV.: publies par le G6n. Pelet. 8 vol.; with atlas, 6 vol. in 2, fol. 18. Reglemens sur les Arts et N1eItiers de Paris, redig6s au treizieme siecle; publi6s par G. B. Depping. 1 vol. 19. Paris sous Philippe le Bel, d'apres des documents originaux: publie par H. Geraud. 1 vol. 20. Chronique des Ducs de Normandie, par Benoit: publi6e par F. Michel. 3 vol. 21. Archives Administratives de Reims: par P. Varin. 5 vol. 22. Archives Legislatives de Reims: par P. Varin. 5 vol. 23. Cartulaire de l'Abbaye de Saint-Pere de Chartres: publie par Al. Guerard. 2 vol. 24. Histoire de la Croisade contre les Albigeois: publiee par MI. C. Fauriel. 1 vol. 25. Cartulaire de l'Abbaye de Saint-Bertin: publie par Al. Guerard. 1 vol. 26. Negociations entre la France et l'Autriche au seizieme siecle: publiees par A1. Le Glay. 2 vol. 27. Captivite du Roi Frangois I: par M. Champollion-Figeac. 1 vol. 28. Negociations de la France dans le Levant.... publiees par E. Charriere. 3 vol. 29. Li livres de jostice et de plet: publies par Rapetti. 1 vol. 30. Recueil des Monuments inedits de l'histoire du tiers-etat: par A. Thierry. 2 vol. 31. Correspondance Administrative sous le Regne de Louis XIV.: mise en ordre par G. B. Depping. 4 vol. 82. Cartulaire de l'Eglise Notre-dame de Paris: publie par Al. Guerard. 4 vol. 33. Cartulaire de l'Abbaye de Savigny: publie par Aug. Bernard. PremiSre partie, Cartulaire de Savigny; Deuxieme partie, Cartulaire d'Ainay. Paris, 1853. 2 vol. 40~. DEuvxIen i SeRIE: Histoire des lettres et des sciences. 1. Ouvrages inedits de Abelard: publies par M. Cousin. 1 vol. 2. Les quatre livres des rois: publies par M. Le Roux de Lincy. 1 vol. 3. L'c'laircissement de la langue franqaise, par Jean Palsgrave: publie par F. Genin. 1 vol. GENERAL LIBRARY. 283 TROISIWME SeRIE:.drcheologie. 1. Iconographie chretienne, Iistoire de Dieu: par Mi. Didron. 1 vol. 2. Architecture monastique: par Mi. Lenoir. 1 vol. M6langes historiques, Documents historiques inedits: publies par M. Champollion-Figeac. 4 vol. ------ See Description de l'Egypte. See Memoire des Commissaires.... sur l'Am6rique. See Societ6 Geologique; Socie6t Geographique. See United States: Mess. of Pres. Jackson. - Dpartement de la Marine et des Colonies: Catalogue general des livres composant les bibliotheques. Paris, 1838 -43. 5 vol. 8~. Catalogue g6enral des Cartulaires des Archives departementales.... Paris, 1847. 4~. Tableau ge6nral numerique par fonds des Archives departementales anterieures a 1790. Paris, 1848. 40. Commission de la Propriete litteraire: Collection des Proces verbaux. Paris, 1836. 40. Convention Nationale: Constitution de la Republique Franqaise, propos6e au Peuple Franqais par la Convention Nationale. Paris, 1794. Debats entre les Accusateurs et les Accuses dans l'affaire des colonies. Paris, 1795. 9 vol. 8'. WV. C. 242. Expose ge6nral des resultats du patronage des esclaves dans les Colonies francaises. Paris, 1844. 4o. Ministere d'Agriculture: Rapports a M. le Min. d'Agr. et du Commerce, sur le rouissage du lin, le drainage, la nouvelle exploitation de la tourbe, la fabrication et l'emploi des engrais artificiels et des engrais commerciaux. Paris, 1850. roy.80.....- - - Concours d'animaux de boucherie, a Poissy, Lyon et Bordeaux.... Compte rendu des operations des concours: par ordre du Min. de l'agriculture et du commerce. Paris, 1849. 80. Concours d'animaux de boucherie en 1851 a Bordeaux, Nimes, Lyon, Lille, et Poissy.... Compte rendu des operations des concours.. par ordre du Min. de l'agriculture et du commerce. Paris, 1851. 80 Machines'a Vapeur: Circulaire du 16 Juillet 1828; Ponts et chauss6es..... With Instruction sur les mesures de precaution, 1825,...... and, Ministere des travaux, Instructions pour l'execution des ordonnances de 1829, 30. Paris. 80. Ministere de la Guerre: Colonies agricoles de l'Alg6rie. Paris, 1851. 80. Tableau de la situation des 6tablissemens dans l'Alg rie, 18391852. Paris. 8 vol. folio. - cole Polytechnique: Rapport sur l'enseignement de l'fEcole Polytechnique, adresse6 a M. le Min. de la Guerre par la Commission..... 1850. Paris, 1850. 40. Report on the Cholera in Paris; published by the French Government, and translated by authority in New-York. New-York, 1849. 80. 284 NEW-YORK STATE -- - Rapport fait a la Chambre des D6putes... relatif a l'instruction secondaire: par A. Thiers. Paris, 1844. 80. FRANCESCHINIS ( Cav. F. M.). La Morte di Socrate. Venezia, 1820. 8o. - L'Atenaide. Padova, 1837. 8o. Della Religione Cattolica. Padova, 1832. 3 vol. 8~. FRANCHIRE ( Gabriel). Narrative of a Voyage to the Northwest Coast of America, 1811 - 14: trans. by J. V. Huntington. New-York, 1854. 120. FRANcIS'S Metallic Life-boat Corporation: Manufacture, letters, directions, and steamboat law. 2d ed. New-York, 1854. 8~. Patent Life-boats. Period. 40. vol. 1. FRANCIS ( Rev. Convers). Historical Sketch of Watertown in Massachusetts, to the close of its second century. 1830. 80. Life of John Eliot. Sparks's Am. Biog. vol. 5. Life of Sebastian Rale. Sparks's Am. Biog. vol. 17. FRANCIS ( G. H.). Orators of the Age; comprising portraits, critical, biographical and descriptive. New-York, 1847. 18o. The same. 120. B. C. FRANCIS (John). History of the Bank of England; its times and traditions. 2d ed. London, 1847. 2 vol. 80o. Chronicles and Characters of the Stock Exchange. Boston, 1850. 80. Annals, Anecdotes and Legends; a chronicle of life assurance. London, 1853. 120. FRANCIS ( J. W.), M.D. See N.Y. Medical and Physical Journal; also Amer. Med. and Phil. Reg. Inaug. Diss. on Mercury. New-York, 1811. Pamin. vol. 86. Letter on Febrile contagion, New-York, 1816. Pam. vol. 87. Address, Philolexian Society of Columbia College, 1831. NewYork. 80. FRANCIS (Sir Philip). Letter on the Policy towards Norway. Pamphleteer. vol. 3. FRANCKEL (David Hirchel), Arch-rabbi. Thanksgiving Sermon for the Victory on the 5th Dec. 1757, by the Glorious King of Prussia, etc. at Berlin: from London ed. Boston, 1758. 80o. FRANCKLYN (Winm.). Tour from Bengal to Persia, 1786 and 1787; with an Account of the Remains of Persepolis. 2d ed. London, 1790. 8o. FRANCO-AMaRtICAIN ( Le). Journal politique, commercial et litteraire. New-York, Nov. 2, 1841- Oct. 5, 1847. fol. imperfect. FRANKLIN (Benjamin). Works; consisting of his life, written by himself, and essays. London, 1799. 2 vol. in 1. 120. B. C. Memoirs of his Life and Writings, written by himself to a late period, and continued by his Grandson, W. T. Franklin; comprising his select works. London, 1818. 2 vol. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 285 - The same; comprising the whole of his political, philosophical and miscellaneous works. Philadelphia, 1818. 6 vol. 80.....- 71Works; with Notes, and a Life of the Author, by Jared Sparks, Boston, 1836 - 40. 10 vol. 80. The same. Boston, 1839-47. 10 vol. 80. B. C. ------- Proposals relating to the education of youth in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1749. 80. - I Historical Review of the Constitution and Government of Pennsylvania. London, 1759. 80. tW. C. 379. The Interest of Great Britain, considered in regard to her Colonies, and the acquisitions of Canada and Guadaloupe. 2d ed. Boston, 1760. 80o. Experiments and Observations on electricity.... London, 1769. 40. W. C. 378. See Poor Richard's Almanacks. La Science du Bonhomme Richard. On a joint ta cette petite piece: 1, L'Interrogatoire devant le Parlemnent d'Angleterre; 2, La Constitution de Pensylvanie en 1776; 3, L'Interrogatoire de M. Henn't la barre de Parlement. A Philadelphie: Se vend a Paris, 1778. 120. Examination before the House of Commons. Pamn. vol. 31. --- olitical, miscellaneous and philosophical pieces. London, 1779. 80. Correspondance inedite et secrete. Paris, 1817. 2 vol. 8~. WT. C. 380. FRANKLIN Fire Insurance Company, 1831. See Paim. vol. 154. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE of the State of Pennsylvania, for the promotion of the mechanic arts...... Journal, 1st series, 1826, 1827, 4 vol.; 2d series, 1828 -1840, 25 vol., both ed. by T. P. Jones; 3d series, 1841 - 1855, ed. by T. P. Jones or John F. Frazer, 29 vol. Philadelphia, 1826 - 55. 58 vol. 80. FRANKLIN ( Sir John). Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea, 1819-22. London, 1823. 4~. The same. Philadelphia, 1824. 80. WT. C. 382. Narrative of a Second Expedition to the Shores of the Polar Sea, 1825 -27. London, 1828. 4o. The same. Philadelphia, 1828. 80. FRANKLIN (Thomas). See Sophocles, translation. FRANKS ( David ). New-York Directory for 1786 reprinted by John Doggett jr. New-York, 1851. 180. FRASER'S MAGAZINE for town and country. Vol. 42 - 51. London, 1850 -55. 9 vol. 80o. FRASER ( James B.). History of Persia. Edin. Cab. Lib. vol. 15. ------- Tour through the Himala Mountains, and to the Sources of the Jumna and Ganges. London, 1820. 4o. History of Mesopotamia and Assyria. Edin. Cab. Lib. vol. 32. 286 NEW-YORK STATE. — Journey into Khorasan, with an account of the countries to the northeast of Persia. London, 1825. 4o. Travels in the Persian Provinces on the Southern Banks of the Caspian Sea. London, 1826. 40. - Winter Journey from Constantinople to Tehran, etc. London, 1838. 2 vol. 80. FRAYSSINOUS ( M. D.). Difesa del Cristianesimo, ovvero conferenze sulla religione. Venezia, 1839-40. 6 vol. 120. FRAZEE ( Rev. Bradford ). Improved Grammar of the English Language. Philadelphia, 1845. 12~. FREDERICA SOPHIA WILHELMINA, Princess Royal of Prussia, Margravine of Blareuth. Memoirs of: written by herself. London, 1828. 2 vol. 18o. FREDERICK I. See Prussia. FREDERICK II. Memorial of his Prussian Majesty, exhibiting the conduct of the Courts of Vienna and Dresden, etc. 1756. London. Pam. vol. 136. De Konst van den Oorlog; Heldendicht in ses zangen: naar het Frans gevolgt door J. Van Woensel. Amsterdam, 1769. 80. Recueil de Lettres de 1757. Leipsiek, 1772. 180. E- uvres Historiques de Frederick II. Roi de Prusse. Berlin, 1846 -47. 5 vol. fol. FREDERICK ( Caesar). Peregrinations in India. Kerr, Voy. vol. 7. FREDERIK HENRIK, Prins van Orange. Het Leven. Gravenhage, 1737. 2 vol. 80. B. C. FREE PARLIAMENTS; or a Vindication of the Parliamentary Constitution of England. 2d ed. London, 1783. Pam. vol. 137. FREEMAN'S JOURNAL, Philadelphia, Oct. 30, 1782. Newsp. vol. 6. FREE, SCHOOL SOCIETY of New-York: Manual of the Lancastrian System of teaching, as practised in the schools of the Society, 1820. Pam. vol. 5. FREE THOUGHTS on the Proceedings of the Continental Congress, held at Philadelphia, September 5, 1774; wherein their errors are exhibited, their reasonings confuted...... By a Farmer: Bp. Seabuy? NewYork, 1774. 80. The same. London, 1775. See Pam. vol. 118. FREE TRADE CONVENTION, Philadelphia, 1831: Journal. Pam. vol. 55. Philadelphia, 1831: Memorial to Congress, 1832. Pam. vol. 153. FREEMAN (Nicholas). Le Glaneur. See Jay (A.). FREEMIAN ( Samuel). History of Portland, Me. See Willis (W I.). FRAfGIER ( H. A.). Des Classes Dangereuses de la Population dans les grandes villes. Paris, 1840. 2 vol. 8o. FRELINGHUYSEN ( Theodore). Speech, U.S. Sen.: Sabbath mails, 1830. Pam. vol. 21. B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 287 Oration, N.J. Colonization Society, Princeton, 1824. Pam. vol. 11. B. C. FREMARY (P. J. de). Specimen Zoblogicum, sistens observationes, prosertim osteologicas de casuario Novve Hollandiae. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1819. 80. FREMONT ( CoZ. J. C.). Report of an Exploration.... between the Missouri River and the Rocky Mountains on the line of the Kansas and the Great Platte Rivers. Sen. Doct. Washington, 1843. 80. Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, and to the Oregon and North California. Sen. Doct. Washington, 1845. 80. The same. See Pam. vol. 179. Geographical Memoir upon Upper California, in illustration of his Map of Oregon and California. T'hird Expedition. Sen. Doct. Washington, 1848. 80. The Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, Oregon and California: to which is added an Account of the Gold Region. Buffalo, 1849. 12o. FRENCH (B. F.). Historical Collections of Louisiana; embracing many rare and valuable documents, relating to the natural, civil, and political history of that State: compiled with historical and biographical notes. Philadelphia and New-York, 1846 - 53. 5 vol. 80. Contents: Part 1. Historical Documents from 1678 to 1691. Part 2. Translations from De Soto, Coxe, Marquette, Joliet, etc. Part 3. La Harpe's Establishment of the French in Louisiana; Charlevoix's Journal, etc. Part 4. Shea's Discovery of the Mississippi Valley; with Narratives of Marquette, Allouez, Membr6, Hennepin and Douay. Part 5. Dumont's and Champigny's Memoirs, etc. FRENCH East India Company: Rise of, etc. Harris, vol. 1. FRENCH Politician found out; or Considerations on the Pretensions that France claims to England and Ireland.... London, 1680. 4o. FREND (William). An Account of the Proceedings of the University of Cambridge against, for publishing a pamphlet entitled " Peace and Union." Cambridge, 1793. 80. FRENEAU ( Philip ). The Miscellaneous Works; containing his Essays and additional poems. Philadelphia, 1788. 120. Poems written and published during the American Revolutionary War. 3d ed. Philadelphia, 1809, 2 vol. 120. FRESNEL ( M. A.). Memoire sur un nouveau systeme d'eclairage des phares. Paris, 1822. 4~. FRESNOY. See Du Fresnoy, and Lenglet du Fresnoy. cFRETS. See Holtius. FREYCINET (Captain). Voyage. See Arago (J.). FREYER (Johan). Negenjaarige Reyse door Oost-Indien en Persien.... begonnen met den jaare 1672, engeeyndigt.... 1681: uyt het Engels. Gravenhage, 1700. 4o. 288 NEW-YORK STATE FREYTAG (Gen. J. D.), Comm. dans la Guyane Franqaise. Memoires, accompagn6s de notes par Mr. C. de B. Paris, 1824. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 386. FREZIER (A. F.). Relation du Voyage de la MIer dui Sud aux Cbtes du Chily et du Perou, 1712 - 14. Paris, 1716. 4~. W. C. 387. A Voyage to the South Sea and the Coasts of Chili and Peru, in 1712 - 14; with a postscript by Dr. Halley. London, 1717. 40. FRIEDERICI (E.). See Bible, N. T. St. John. FRIENDS of Domestic Industry: Journal of the Proceedings, New-York, Oct. 1831, by H. Niles. 1Baltimore, 1831. 80. -- ---- Memorial to Congress. Pam. vol. 153. FRIENDS: See Society of Friends. FRIENDSHIP: a Poem inscribed to a friend; to which is added an Ode. London, 1769. Pam. 40. vol. 2. FRI Esc Genootschap voor Geschied-, Oudheid-en Taalkunde: Catalogus der Bibliotheek, Zoon, 1848; with Wetten, 1835 - 50. 80. See Worperi Chronicon Frisie. FRIPP ( C. B.). Statistics of New-York. See Bristol. FRIsBIE ( L.). Abstract of Journal of Mission to the Indians. See Whcclock's Narrative. FRISI ( Paul). Treatise on Rivers and Torrents: trans. by General J. Garstin. London, 1818. 40. FRaISSHIUS (Johannes). Historische, Philosophische en Politische Rustuyren: nu vertaelt door S. De Vries. Amsterdam, 1681. 180. FROBISHER ( Si? Martin). Voyages for the Discovery of a Northwest Passage. Pinkerton, vol. 12; Hakluyt, vol. 3....- Les Trois Navigations de Martin Frobisher, pour chereher un passage t la Chine et au Japon par la Mer Glaciale, 1576 - 78. See Recueil d'Arrest-s. - Historia Navigationis 3Martini Forbisseri, ex Anglia in septemtrionis et occidentis tractum suscept: J. T. Freigio translata. Hamburgi, 1675. sin. 40. FRrtAIdCHIus (David). Bibliothecoa, sive Cynosuram peregrinantium. Ulmae, 1643, 4. 4 books in 1 vol. 180. FROGER ( Franqois). Relation d'un Voyage, 1695 -97, par 3M. de Gennes. Paris, 1699. 120. W. C. 388. A Relation of a Voyage in 1695 - 97, on the Coasts of Africa, Straits of Magellan, Brazil, Cayenna, and the Antilles; by a French Squadron under the command of MI. de Gennes. London, 1698. 80. See also Churchill, supp. 2. FROGER ( W. A.). Over de Verdediging der Landorenzen van den Staat. Amsterdam, 1849. 8u. FROISSART ( Sir Jean). Les Chroniques de; avec Notes par J. A. C. Buchon. Paris, 1838. 3 vol. 80. C. L. GENERAL LIBRARY. 289 - Chronicles of England, France and Spain, and the adjoining countries, from... Edward II. _o... Henry IV.: trans. from the French by Thomas Johnes, with a Life of the Author. London, 1839. 2 vol. imp. 80...... The same; with an Essay on the character and society of the middle ages, by Rev. John Lord. New-York. 40. B. C. FROST ( John). Oration, before Medico-Botanical Society of London, 1825. Pam. 40. vol. 3. FROST (John). The Class-book of American Literature. Boston, 1826. 120. 500 Progressive Exercises in Parsing. Boston, 1827. 180. Elements of English Grammar. Boston, 1829. 180..-.- Practical English Grammar. Philadelphia, 1842. 180. The Pictorial Life of George Washington. Philadelphia, 1847. 80. ------- The Pictorial Life of Andrew Jackson. Hartford, 1847. 80. Life of Major General Zachary Taylor, with Notices of the War in New-Mexico. New-York, 1847. 120. Remarkable Events in the History of America, from the earliest times to 1848. Philadelphia, 1848. 2 vol. 80. Pictorial History of California. Auburn, 1853. 120. FROTIIINGH1AM ( Richard ) jun. History of the Siege of Boston, and of the Battles of Lexington, Concord and Bunker Hill; and also an Account of the Bunker Hill Monument. Boston, 1849. 8o. The Command in the Battle of Bunker Hill, with a Reply to Swett's Remarks on Frothingham's History of the Battle. Boston, 1850. 80. History of Charlestown, Mass. 7 nos. to p. 368, 80; all that were published. FROUDE (Richard H.). Remains. Vol. 2, Sermons, London, 1838.. Part 2, vol. 1, Essays; vol. 2, History of the Contest of Thomas A Becket and Henry II. Derby, 1839. 3 vol. 80. FRY ( Mrs. Elizabeth). Memoirs of Life, with Extracts from her journals and letters: ed. by two of her daughters. Philadelphia, 1847 - 48. 2 vol. 80. FRY ( J.). The Albany Directory, 1813: eprinted, 1853. 120. FRY ( J. Reese), and R. T. Conrad. A Life of General Taylor. Philadelphia, 1847. 12o. FRYXELL (Anders). The History of Sweden; from the Swedish: ed. by Mary Howitt. London, 1844. 2 vol. 120o. FUEL Savings Society, Philadelphia. Pam. vol. 81. FULLER ( Rev. Andrew). The Principal Works and Remains; with a new memoir of his life, by his Son, Rev. A. G. Fuller. London, Bohn, 1852. 120. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 37 290 NEW-YORK STATE FULLER (Thomas), D.D. The History of the University of Cambridge, and of Waltham Abbey, with the Appeal of injured innocence; with notes by James Nichols. London, 1840. 80. The History of the Worthies of England. New ed. by P. Austin Nuttall. London, 1840. 3 vol. 80. FULLER ( Miss S. M.). See Ossoli ( Mrs.. n. I. F.). FURBER ( George C.). The Twelve Months Volunteers.; or Journal of a Private of the Tennessee Regiment of Cavalry in the Campaigns in Ml1exico, 1846 - 47. Cincinnati, 1850. 80. FULTON ( Robert). Torpedo War and submarine explosion. New-York, 1810. ob. 4o. --- Correspondence with G. Morris, on Canal to Lake Erie, 1814. Pam. vol. 145. FUNDANUS. See Phrases Poeticre. FUNEZ ( Dr. Don Gregorio). Arenga.... sobre la victoria de Ayacueho; and Resumen sucinto de la vida del Gen. Sucre. Buenos-Aires, 1825. 120. Pam. vol. 14. FUNNELL ( William). Voyage. Kerr, vol. 10. FURNESS ( William H.). The Exclusive Principle considered: two sermons. Boston, 1845. Serm. vol. 6. B. C. Remarks on the Four Gospels. Philadelphia, 1836. 80. B. C. FURNISS (William). The Old World, or Scenes and Cities in Foreign Lands. New-York, 1850. 12o. - araga, or the Charms of the Nile. New-York, 1850. 12o. FUSELI ( Henry). Life and Writings. London, 1831. 3 vol. 80. Lecture on Painting. See Barry. FURSTENWARTHER ( M. von). Der Deutsche in Nordamerika. Stuttgart, 1818. 120. W. C. 389, G. GABsuINIus (Hieronymus). De Comitiali morbo libri 3. Venetiis, Aldus, 1561. 4~. GACETA (La) MERCANTIL: Buenos-Ayres, July, Sept. 1849. Newsp. vol. 9. GACHrARD. Lettre "a MM. les Questeurs, sur le projet d'une collection des documents concernant les anciennes assembl6es nationales de la Belgique. Bruxelles, 1841; with Lettre..... sur les documents concernant les anciennes assembl6es nationales.... dans les archives de Simancas et.... de Madrid. Bruxelles, 1845. 80. - See Belgium, Collection de documents. GADSDEN ( Rev. Charles E.). An Essay on the Life of the Rt. Rev. Theodore Dehon, Bishop of South-Carolina. Charleston, 1833. So. GAGE ( Thomas). New Survey of the West Indies. London, 1648. fol. GEUNELi:AL LIBRARY. 291 Nouvelle Relation, contenant les Voyages dans la Nouvelle Espagne: trad. de l'anglois. Amsterdam, 1699. 2 vol. 120. W. C. 390.. —- Nicuwe ende seer naeuwkeurige Reyse door de Spaensche WestIndien: overgeset door H. V. Q. Amsterdam, 1700. 4o. GAGE (Gen. Thomas). Letters. See Bernard (Sir Fr.). GAInMARD (Paul). Sur le Cholera. See Gerardin. --- Lettre sur le Voyage en Scandinavie.. Paris, 1838. Pam. vol. 18. GAINE'S UNIVERSAL REGISTER, or American and British Kalendar for the year 1776. New-York. 180. UNIVERSAL REGISTER, or Columbian Kalendar for the year 1786. New-York. 180. New-York Pocket Almanac for 1802: by Thomas Moore, Philo. New-York. 180. GAITHER and ADDISON. The Washington Directory and National Register, 1846. Washington. 120. GALATEO; or a Treatise on Politeness and delicacy of manners. 1811. 12o B. C. GALATINUS ( Petrus). Opus de Arcanis Catholiem Veritatis; adlhac J. Reuehlini de Arte Cabalistica lib. 3. Basilise, 1550. fol. GALBRAITH (William). Trigonometrical Surveying, levelling, and railway engineering. Edinburgh, 1842. 8O. GALE ( G. WV.). History of Knox Coll. and Galesburgh, Ill. Cincinnati, 1845. Pam. vol. 83. GALEN. See Hippocrates. - Galeni Opera Omnia. 21 vol. See Kuhn, Opera omnia quce extant. Venetiis, 1562. 3 vol. fol. GALERIE des Contemporains Illustres; par un honmme de rien. 4oe 6d. Paris, 1845. 10 vol. 120~. GALERIES HISTORIQUES de Versailles, dediees a S. M. la. Reine des Francais, par Ch. Gavard. Paris, 1838. 13 vol. fol. GALUS ( J. C.). Memoire, Rapports et Observations sur les fumigations sulfureuses. 2m- e6d. Paris, 1824. 80. GALIGNANI'S MESSENGER: Paris, Feb. 3 - Ap. 15, July, Aug., Sept., Oct. 1851. Newsp. vol. 2. GALL (Ludwig). Meine Auswanderung nach den Vereinigten Staaten in Nord-Amerika, 1819 und 1820. Trier, 1822. 2 vol. 8. GALLAGHER ( W. D.). Discourse before Hist. Soc. of Ohio, April 8, 1850. Cincinnati, 1.850. 8'. GALLAHER (Rev. James). The Western Sketch-book. Boston, 1850. 12o. GALLATIN (Albert). Notes on the Semi-civilized Nations of Mexico, Yucatan, and Central America. Am. Ethnol. Soc. vol. 1. - Synopsis of the Indian Tribes of North America. Am. Antiq. Soc. vol. 2. Sketch of the Finances of the United States. New-York, 1796. 80. 292 NEW-YORK STATE ------ The same. 80. ]B. C......- Views of the Public Debt, Receipts and Expenditures of the United States. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1801. 8o..... Report on Roads and Canals. 1808. Pam. vol. 24. The same. 80. See Treatise on Intern. Navig. B. C. ----- Report of the " Union Committee" on the National Bank. NewYork, 1834. 80. The Right of the United States of America to the Northeastern Boundary claimed by them.. with an appendix and eight maps. NewYork, 1840. 80. B. C. The same; with Memoir on the Northeastern Boundary, in connexion with Mr. Jay's map; with a Speech on the same subject by the Hon. Daniel Webster, N. Y. Hist. Society, April 15, 1843. New-York, 1843, 80. The Oregon Question. New-York, 1846. Pam. vol. 45. B. C. Also see Pam. vol. 180. - Address on Annexation of Texas. See Sedgwick ( T.). Peace with Mexico. New-York, 1847. 80. GALLAUDET (Rev. T. H.). Sermon, Conn. Deaf and Dumb Asylum, Hartford, 1817. Serm. vol. 2. B. C. Dedication Discourse, Am. Asylum for the deaf and dumb, 1821. Pam. vol. 6. B. C. - Plan of a Seminary for the Education of Instructors of Youth, 1825. Pam. vol. 70. - Address, Opening of Hartford Fem. Sem. 1828. Pam. vol. 73. GALLERY OF PORTRAITs, with Memoirs. London, 1833 - 37. 7 vol. 40. GALLINGA (Antonio). See Mariotti (L.), pseud. GALLOWAY ( Joseph). A Candid Examination of the Mutual Claims of Great Britain and the Colonies, with a plan of accommodation on constitutional principles. New-York, 1775. 80. ---- - Letters to a Nobleman, on the Conduct of the War in the Middle Colonies. London, 1779. 80o. The same: 2d ed. London, 1779. 80. Historical and Political Reflections on the Rise and Progress of the American Rebellion. London, 1780. 80. Examination before the House of Commons, in Committee on the American Papers. London, 1779. 80. GALLOWAY (Thomas). Treatise on Probability. Edinburgh, 1839. 120. GALLUP ( Joseph A.), M.D. Sketches of Epidemic diseases in the State of Vermont. Boston, 1815. 80. GALT (John). The Canadas; comprehending topographical information, for the use of emigrants and capitalists. 2d ed. London, 1836. 12~. ------ The Life of Lord Byron. London, 1830. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 293 Life of Benjamin West, prior to his arrival in England. London, 1816. 8o. W. C. 391. The same. Philadelphia, 1816. 80. The Annals of the Parish, and the Ayrshire Legatees; with a memoir of the author, by D. M. Moil. Edinburgh, 1844. 120. Life of Cardinal Wolsey, 3d ed.; with Illustrations from Cavendish's Life of Wolsey, etc. London, 1846. 120.......- The Provost, and other tales. Edinburgh, 1850. 120...._ —. Sir Andrew Wylie of that ilk. Edinburgh, 1854. 120. The Entail. Edinburgh, 1850. 120. GAMA ( Vasquez de). First Voyage to the East Indies. Coll. of Voy. vol.2. GAMB6A ( Pedro Sarmiento de). Viage al Estrecho de Magallanes, en los annos 1679, 80. Madrid, 1768. 4o. GAMMELL (William). A History of American Baptist Missions in Asia, Africa, Europe and N. America. Boston, 1849. 120. - Life of Roger Williams. Sparks's Am. Biog. vol. 14. Address, Rhode Island Hist. Soc. Providence, 1844. Pam. vol. 17. GANILH (Charles). Political Economy: transl. from the French by D. Boileau. New-York, 1812. 8o. GANNETT ( Ezra S.), D.D. Dedication sermon. Montreal, 1845. Serm. vol. 6. B. C. Address, West-Newton State Normal School, 1850. Pam. vol. 73. -- Sermon, Hon. C. Paine, Northfield, Vt. 1853. Pam. vol. 95. GARBETT ( Edward L.). Rudimentary Treatise on the principles of design in architecture. London, Weale. 120. GARCIA AB ORTO. Aromaturn et Simplicium aliquot - medicamentorum apud Indos naseentium historia: Latino sermone contracts a C. Clusio. Antverpiae, 1593. 80. W. C. 392. See also Acosta (C.), Hist. des Drogues. GARCIA ( Fr. Gregorio). Origen de los Indios de el Nuevo Mondo, e Indias Occidentales. 2d ed. Madrid, 1729. fol. GARCILASSO de la VEGA, El Ynca. Primera parte de los commentarios reales, que tratan del origen de los Yncas, reyes que fueron del Peru: vol. 1, Lisboa, 1609. Historia general del Peru, trata del descubrimento del: vol. 2, Cordova, 1616. 2 vol. 40. W. C. 393..... — Commentaries of Peru: transl. into English by Sir P. Ricaut. London, 1688. fol. Histoire des Incas: trad. de l'espagnol. Paris, 1633. 40. W. C. 394. The same. Amsterdam, 1715. 2 vol. 120. W. C. 395. The same. Amsterdam, 1737. 2 vol. 40. W. C. 396. --- istoire des Guerres Civiles des Espagnols dans les Indes: trad. de l'espagnol, par Jean Baudoin. Paris, 1658. 2 vol. 4o. W. C. 397. 294 NEW-YORK STATE Histoire de la Conque'te de la Floride: trad. de l'espagnol par P. Richelet. Paris, 1709. 2 vol. in 1. 120. W. C. 398. The same. Leide, 1731. 2 vol. 120. GARDANE (J. J.). Recherches sur la maniere de traiter les maladies veneriennes, Paris, 1770. 80. GARDEN (Alexander). Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War in America. Charleston, 1822. 80. W. C. 399. GARDENER'S (The) CHRONICLE and AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE. London, 1846 - 51. 6 vol. fol. No. 39, 40, 1847, wanting. GARDENER'S MAGAZINE, and Register of Rural and Domestic Improvement: ed. by J. C. Loudon. London, 1828. 10 vol. 80. GARDENIER (Barent). See Examiner, containing political essays, etc. - Speech, U. S. H. of R. on Foreign relations, 1808. Pam. vol. 59. Speech, U. S. H. of R. on the Embargo, 1808. Pam.vol. 35. GARDETTE ( Emile B.), M.D. Biog. Notice of J. Gardette. Philadelphia, 1847. Pam. vol. 88. GARDINER (Henry). Miemoirs, by himself. Liverpool, 1813. 120. W. C. 400. GARDINER (J. S. J.), D.D. Thanksgiving Sermon, 1808. Boston. Pam. vol. 43. Sermon, Mass. Humane Society, 1803, Boston. Pam. vol. 46. GARDINER ( Capt. R.). An Account of the Expedition to the West Indies against Martinico, with the reduction of Guadelupe in 1759. 3d edition. Birmingham, 1762. 4o. GARDNER (Augustus K.),M.D. Old Wine in New Bottles; or Spare hours of a Student in Paris. New-York, 1848. 12o. The French Metropolis: Paris as seen during the spare hours of a medical student. 2d ed. New-York, 1850. 120. GARDNER (Maj. Charles K.). Proceedings of a General Court Martial, upon charges of misbehaviour,'cowardice.... 1816. 8S....- A Dictionary of all Officers.... in the Army of the U. S. from 1789 to 1853. New-York, 1853. 12o. GARDNER (D. P.), M.D. Farmer's Dictionary. New-York, 1846. 80. Medical Chemistry, for the use of students and the profession; with its application to toxicology, physiology, therapeutics, hygiene, etc. Philadelphia, 1848. 120. GARDNER ( George). Travels in the Interior of Brazil, the Northern Provinces, and the Gold and Diamond Districts. London, 1846. 8o. GARLAND ( Hugh A.). Life of John Randolph of Roanoke. New-York, 1850. 2 vol. 80. GARNEAU (F. X.). Histoire du Canada depuis sa decouverte jusqlu'a nos jours. Quebec, 1845 -48. 3 vol. 80. GARNETT (F.) and others. Annals of Philosophy, natural history, chemistry, literature, agriculture, and the mechanical and fine arts. London, 1801, 2. 2 vol. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 295 GARNIER (J. G.). Traite de Met6orologie, ou Physique du Globe. Bruxelles, 1837. 80~. GARTLY ( G.). Murray's Grammar and Exercises abridged. London, 1830. 180o. GAsc. On Puerperal Fever. See Stein. GASPARIN (Le Cornte Adrien de). Cours d'Agriculture. 28 edition. Paris, 1844 - 46. 3 vol. 80. Des Petites Proprietes considerees dans leur rapports avec le sort des ouvriers... et la destinke des etats. Paris, 1820. 80. GASS (Patrick). A Journal of the Voyages and Travels... under Capt. Lewis and Capt. Clarke.... to the Pacific, 1804 - 06. Pittsburgh, Pa. Reprinted, London, 1808. 8~. The same. Dayton, Ohio, 1847. 120. GASSENDUS (Petrus). Institutio Astronomica, juxta hypothesis tam veterum q-'am Copernici et Tychonis: Oratio inauguralis. 5th ed. Londini, 1675. 120. GASTON ( William). Speech, H. of R. U.S. 1816. Pam. vol. 6. B. C. - Address, Societies of the College of New-Jersey, 1835. Princeton, 1835. Pam. vol. 11. GATONBE (John). Voyage to the Northwest Passage. Churchill, vol. 2. GAUTIER ( H.). Traite de la construction des chemins. Paris, 1721. 80. GAUTIER (M. A.). Statistique du Departement de la Charente Inferieure: r6visie par ime commission. La Rochelle, 1839. 40. GAVARD ( Ch.). See Galeries Historiques de Versailles. GAVET (D.) et P. Boucher. Jakare-Ouasson, ou les Tupinambas: Chronique Bresilienne. Paris, 1830. 80. W. C. 401. GAVAZZI ( Father). Twenty Orations on the Corruptions of the Papacy, with a memoir of the author. London, 1851. 12. GAvIT ( Daniel E.). Combined Directories of Jersey City, Hoboken and Hudson. Jersey City, 1854, 55. 120. GAY ( Claudio). Historia Fisica y Politica de CHILE, segun documentos adquiridos en esta republica durante doce annos de residencia en ella, y publicado bajo los auspicios del Supremo Gobierno: por Claudio Gay, Ciudadano Chileno. Paris, 1844 - 49. 14 vol. 8S. Contents: Zoologia, 4 vol.; Botanica, 4 vol.; IHistoria, 5 vol.; Documentos, 1 vol.; and atlas of polates, fol. GAYARREt ( Charles). Histoire de la Louisiane. Nouvelle-Orleans, 184647. 2 vol. 80. -- Romance of the History of Louisiana: A Series of lectures. NewYork, 1848. 120. Louisiana; its Colonial History and Romance. N.York, 1851. 80o. --- DHistory of Louisiana: Spanish domination. New-York, 1854. 80. History of Louisiana: French domination. New-York, 1854. 2 vol. 80. 296 NEW-YORK STATE GAYLORD (W.) and L. Tucker. American Husbandry; being a Series of essays on agriculture. New-York, 1847. 2 vol. 180. GAYOT DE PITAVAL. Esprit des conversations agreables. Vol. 3. Paris, 1731. 180. B. C. GAZETTE FRANgAISE de Philadelphie, dediee a la Jeunesse americaine: Felix Drouin, redacteur. No. 1 - 24: Nov. 1, 1845 - Oct. 15, 1846. fol. GAZETTE LITT~RAIRE DE L'EUROPE, monthly. Jan. 1768 - Dec. 1770. Amsterdam. Bound in 12 vol. 180. GAZETTE MIDICALE DE PARIS: Examen de la doctrine physiologique, appliquee a l'6tude et au traitemcnt du cholera morbus; suivie de l'histoire de M. C. P6rier, par les Redacteurs. Paris, 1852. 8o. GEBEL TEIR: Mountain of Birds. Boston, 1829. 120. B. C. GEE (Joshua). The Trade and Navigation of Great Britain considered. 5th ed. Glasgow, 1750. 180. GELDER ( Jacob de). Allereerste Gronden der Cijferkunst. Gravenhage en Amsterdam, 1837. 2 vol. in 1. 120. GELL ( Sir William). Itinerary of the Morea; being a description of the routes of that peninsula. London, 1817. 2 vol. 120. B. C. --- Narrative of a Journey in the Morea. London, 1823. 80. B. C. GELLIERS ( Carel de). Trap der Jeugd ofte Perfecte Maniere om de jonge kinderen, en oude personen met fondament te leeren leezen en schrijven. Amsterdam, 1715. 180. B. C. 2 copies. GELLIUS (Aulus). The Attic Nights of Aulus Gellius, translated by W. Beloe. London, 1795. 3 vol. 80. GELSTRUPIUS (Pet. Nicol.). Trifolium Politicum: Rerum Publicarum formas diversas.. representans. Apud Paulum. Helvvigium, 1624. 180. GENDEBIEN (J.). Droit Commercial. See Encyc. pop. GENERAL ASSOCIATION of NEW-YORK: Minutes at Clinton, 1847. Pam. vol. 81. GENERAL ASSOCIATION of MASSACHUSETTS: Minutes, 1832. Pam. vol. 56. Minutes, 1850. Pam. vol. 68. GENERAL REPOSITORY and REVIEW. Cambridge, Mass. 1812-13. 4 vol. 80. GENESEE FARMER ( The New) and GARDENER'S JOURNAL, monthly: ed. by J. J. Thomas, M. B. Bateham and others. Rochester, 1840 - 42. Vol. 1, 2, 3 in 1. 40. GENET ( Edmond Charles). Address, Agricultural Society of the County of Rensselaer. Pam. vol. 187. Address on..... rivers, canals, navigation and commerce, 1825; with, Memoir on the alluvion, or obstructions at the head of the navigation of the River Hudson..... Albany, 1818. 80. - The same; last title. Albany, 1818. Pam. vol. 4. B. C. Memorial on the upward forces of fluids.... Albany, 1825. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 297 GENEVA COLLEGE: Address of Trustees, 1830. Pam. vol. 73. GENPVE: Curiosites de la Bibliotheque Publique de Geneve. 120. GENIN (F.). L'eclaircissement de la Langue Franqaise, par Jean Palsgrave; suivi de la Gramnmaire de Giles du Guez: publi6s pour la premiSere fois en France. 40. See France, Doets. inded. GENIN ( Thomas H.). The Napolead, in twelve books. St. Clairsville, 1833. 180. GENLIS ( Stephanie-F6eicit, de). Adele et Theodore, ou lettres sur l'education. Paris, 1782. 3 vol. 80. Alphonsus, of de Natuurlijke Zoon. Haarlem, 1809. 80. B. C.... —. Madame de Maintenon; pour servir de suite a l'EHistoire de la Duchesse de la Valliere. Paris, 1813. 2 vol. 12~. B. C. Memoirs of, illustrative of the history of the 18th and 19th centuries: written by herself. 1825. 80. B. C. GENNES (De). Voyage, 1695. See Froger. GENOA. See Codice-diplomatico Colombo Americano. GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE: 1731 -1833. 4 series, 154 vol. Vol. 1 and 2 rep'inted 1806. New series, 1833- 54, 41 vol. London. 195 vol. 80. - General Index to 1818, compiled by S. A. Clerk and J. Nichols. London, 1818 - 21. 5 vol. 80. Selections from the Gentleman's Magazine. London, 1809 - 11. 4 vol. 80. GENTLEMAN'S ( The) and LONDON MAGAZINE, or Monthly Chronologer. Vol. 28, 35, 37- 42. London, 1759, 65, 67 - 72. 7 vol. 8o. GENTY (L'Abbe'.). L'Influence de la De]couverte de l'Amedrique sur le bonheur du genre-humain. Paris, 1788. 80. W. C. 402. GENTZ ( Fr6deric von). The Origin and Principles of the American Revolution, compared with the Origin and Principles of the French Revolution: from the German. Philadelphia, 1800. 80. Reflections on the Liberty of the Press. Pamphleteer, vol. 15. GEOFFREY OF 3ION1O;UTH. Brit. Hist. See Six Old Eng. Chron. GEOFFROY SAINT-HILAIRE ( J.). Rapport sur..... la domestication et naturalisation des animaux utiles. Paris, 1849. 40. Directions for preparing objects of natural history. See Vattemare. GEOGRAPHICAL ( Royal) SOCIETY of London: Journal, 1831 - 53. London, 18833- 53. 23 vol. 80. General Index to the first 20 volumes:Vol. 1, compiled by J. R. Jackson; vol. 2, by G. S. Brent. London, 1844- 53. 2 vol. 80. GEOGRAPHICAL (A), Historical, Commercial and Agricultural View of the United States of America, forming a complete emigrant's directory: likewise an account of Upper and Lower Canada. London, 1820. 80. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY of London: Transactions, 1st series, 1811 - 19, 5 vol.; 2d series, 1.822 -35, 6 vol. London. 11 vol. 4o. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.].S8 298 NEW-YORK STATE Proceedings, 1826-45. London, 1834-46. 4 vol. 80. ----- - The Quarterly Journal: edited by the Assistant Secretary. London, 1845 - 54.. 10 vol. 80. Catalogue of the Books and 3Maps in the Library. London, 1846. 80. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY Of Pennsylvania: Transactions, vol. 1. Philadelphia, 1835. 80. GEOLOGIST ( The); being a Record of Investigations in Geology and Mineralogy, for 1842 -43: ed. by Charles Moxon. London, 1842-43. 2 vol. 8o. GEORGE, Prince of Wales. A Collection of Tracts relating to the Prince. London, 1795 - 1816. Pain. vol. 141. GEORGE'S ALMIANACK, 1781. See Hutchins.'GEORGE ( John H.). Speech on F. Pierce, at Concord, N. H. 1852. Pam. vol. 75. GEORGE ( Willard C.). A Year abroad; or Sketches of Travel in Great Britain, France and Switzerland. Boston, 1852. 120. GEORGETOWN COLLrEGE, D. C. Annals of the Observatory, No. 1. NewYork, 1852. 4~. GEORGIA: Controversy with the Creek Indians; Report of a Committee of HII. R. of U. S., with Resolutions of State of Georgia. Cong. Doct. Washington, 1827. 80. GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Collections. Savannah, Ga. 1840 - 48. 3 vol. 80. GEORGIAN (The) ERA. Memoirs of the most eminent persons who have flourished in Great Britain, from the accession of George I. to the demise of George IV. London, 1832 - 34. 4 vol. 120. G;RA (Francesco) de Conegliano, M.D. De la fabrication du fromage: trad. par V. Rendu. Paris, 1843, So. GERARD ( J. W.). London and New-York; their crime and police. NewYork, 1853. 8~. GERARDIN (Auguste), et Paul Gaimard. Du Cholera-morbus en Russie, en Prusse et en Autriche, pendant les annees 1831 et 1832. Paris, 1832. 80. GERAUD ( H.). Paris sous Philippe le Bel, d'apres des documents originaux. Paris, 1837. 4o. See France, Docts. ined. GERHARDT ( Charles). Trait6 de Chimie Organique. Paris, 1853 - 54. 3 vol. 80. GIRIN LA JOIE (A.). Catechisme politique, ou ]Rlemelns du droit publique et constitutionnel du Canada, mis a la portee du peuple. Montreal, 1851. 80o. GERMAIN (Sophie). Consid6rations ge6nrales sur l'etat des sciences et des lettres.... Paris, 1833. Pam. vol. 10. GERMAINE ( Lord G.), et les Gbneraux Clinton, Cornwallis, etc. Correspondance: trad. de l'anglois. Berne, 1782. 80. W. C. 405. GENERAL LIBRARY. 299 GERMAN-ENGLISH and ENGLISHf-GERMIAN DICTIONARY: printed under the inspection of Rev. Dr. H. Muhlenberg and B. J. Schipper. Lancaster, Pa. 1812. 2 vol. 80. GERMANICUS, pseud. Letter to the People of the United States. 80. In defence of Gen. Wfashington, befo~re 1794. GERSTaECICER (Frederick). The Wanderings and Fortunes of German Emigrants: trans. by David Black. New-York, 1848. 120~. GESCHICHITE der k. k. Hof- und Staats-Druckerei in Wien, von einem typographen dieser anstalt: ende 1850. Wien, 1851. 80. GESCHIEDIKUNDIG OVERZIGT van het Nederlandsch Verkiezings-stelsel. Utrecht, 1840. Pam. vol. 33. B. C. GESELLSCHArT fiir Erdkunde zu Berlin: Monatsberichte. See MIahlmann. GESNER (Abraham). New Brunswick; with Hints to emigrants, comprehending an account of the provi.ace. London. 1847. 80. The Industrial Resources of Nova-Scotia.. Halifax, N. S. 1849. 80. 2 copies.. Remarks on the Geology and Mineralogy of Nova-Scotia. Halifax, N. S. 1836. 80 GESNER (Conrad ). Bibliotheca, instituta et collecta primuln t C. G.: deinde in epitome redacta, et novorum librorum accessione locupletata, per J. Simlerum Tigurinum. Tiguri, 1574. fol..-... — Lexicon Groeco-Latinum. Basilie, 1545. fol. GI-IERARDI. Le Theatre Italien de Gherardi, ou le reeneil general de toutes ]es comedies et scenes francoises jouees par les comediens italiens du roy... ire ed. sur la nouvelle de Paris.... avec tous les airs gravez.... Amsterdam, 1701. 6 vol. 120. GHILLANY ( F. WT.). Geschichte des Seefahrers Ritter Martin Behaim, nach den altesten vorhandenen urkunden bearbeitet von Dr. F. W. Ghillany: eingeleitet durch eine abhandlung " Ueber die altesten carten des neuen continents und den namen Anmerika," von Alexander von Humboldt. Nurnberg, 1853. 4o, with plates. G-IANNONE. Anecdotes Ecclesiastiques, tires de 1'Histoire du Royaunme de Naples. Amsterdam, 1753. 120. B. C. GIBBES ( L; R.). New Species of Salamander. Pam. vol. 79.: Plants near Columbia, S. C. 1835. Pam. vol. 188. GIBBES ( Robert W.). Memoir on the Mosasaurus, and the three allied new genera. See Smithson. Contr. vol. 2. GIBBINGS. See Index Expurgatorius. GIBBON ( Edward). Miscellaneous Works; with Memoirs of his life and writings, by himself; and Notes, etc. by Lord Sheffield. Dublin, 1796. 3 vol. 80. Contents Memoirs of my Life and Writings; and Correspondence: vol. 1 and 2. Antiquities of the House of Brtnswick; Essai sur 1'6tude de la litt6rature; Vindication of the History; Outline of the History of the World; Extrait du Journal, and Miscellanies: vol. 3. ------- The same. London, J837. 80. B. C. 300 NEW-YORK STATE The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Philadelphia, 1804- 5. 8 vol. SO. B. C. The same. London, 1820. 12 vol. 80. B. C. The same. New-York, 1839. 4 vol. 80..... The same. Loldon, lBohn, 1853. 5 vol. 120. Vindication of some passages in the fifteenth and sixteenth chapters of the History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Dublin, 1779. 80o. GIBBONS VS. OGDEN, Steamboat Controversy: Opinion of S. C. of U. S. by C. J. lMarshall. Albany, 1824. Pam. vol. 20. B. C.; and Painm. vol. 13. GIBBS ( George). Memoirs of the Administration of Washington and John Adams: ed. from the Papers of Oliver Wolcott, Sec. of the Treasury. New-York, 1846. 2 vol. 80. GIBSON (James). Journal of the late Siege by the Troops from North America, against the French at Cape Breton, the city of Louisburg, etc. London, 1747. 8o. GIBSON ( William). Introductory Lecture to a Course on Surgery in the Univ. of Penn. 1843. Pam. vol. 8. Introd. Lect., Med. Class, Univ. of Pa. 1844. Pam. vol. 84. GIDDINS (Edward). Anti-Masonic Almanac, 1829. Pam. vol. 91. An Inquiry into the rise and fall of the lakes..... and floods of Lake Ontario. Lockport, N.Y. 1838. Pam. vol. 79. GIESELER ( J. C. I.). Text-book of Ecclesiastical History: from the German, by Francis Cunningham. Philadelphia, 1836. 3 vol. 80. C. L. GIETERMAKER (Claas Hendriksz.). Vergulde Licht der Zee-vaart ofte Konst der Stuurlieden..... het 4e(1 boek, vermeerdert door F. vander Huips.... Amsterdam, 1706; with De Taeffelen der sinuum, tangentium en secantium, etc. Amsterdam, 1705. 4o. GIFFORD ( John). A History of the Political Life of the Rt. Hon. William Pitt, including the times in which he lived. London, 1809. 6 vol. 8o. ~ —- Letter to T. Erskine, on the War with France. Philadelphia, 1797. Pam. vol. 46. GIFFORD (William). Memoirs of Ben Jonson. See Lives Brit. Dram. ------ Edition of Ben Jonson. See Jonson. ------ See Juvenal's Satires; also Massinger's Plays. GILBART ( James W.). History of Banking in America.. London, 1837. 80. History of Banking in Ireland, London, 1836. 80. A- Practical Treatise on Banking. 5th ed. London, 1849. 2 vol. 80. GILBERT, ou le Poete malheureux, par l'Abbe' P.. Tours, 1840. 120. GILBERT ( Davies). Plain Statement of the Bullion Question. Pamphleteer, vol. 14. GENERAL LIBRARY. 301 GILCIHRIST ( James), Philosophic Etymology, or Rational Grammar. London, 1816. 8~. GILDAS. See Six Old Eng. Chron. GILES ( Rev. Dr.). An Enlarged Edition of Murray's Abridged English Granmmar. London, 1839. 12~. English Parsing. 9th ed\. London, 1834. 120. GILES ( William B.). Speech, Sen. of U. S., on Organization of the Courts, 1802. Pamn. vol. 35. Political Miscellanies. Richmond, 1830. 80. GILFILLAN ( George). Sketches of Modern Literature and Eminent Literary Men. New-York, 1846. vol. 1. 80. GILIJ ( F. S.). Saggio di Storia Americana. Roma, 1780 - 84. 4 vol. 80. W. C. 406. GILL ( C.). Application of the Angular Analysis to the solution of indeterminate problems of the second degree. New-York, 1848. 120. GILL (John), D.D. Doctrine of Predestination stated, in Answer to Mr. Wesley. Pam. vol. 125. Sermons on the present and fature state of the Church, preached in Cannon-street, London. 5th ed. Salem, reprinted 1777. 80. GILL (Thomas). Technological Repository. London, 1827 - 30. 6 vol. 80. GILLARD (Rev. Daniel). Sermon at Folkstone, 1784. Pam. vol. 28. On the future happiness of infants, 1787. Pam. vol. 28. GILLEADE (G.). English Grammar. Spalding, 1816. 120. GILLELAND (J. C.). History of the late War between the United States and Great Britain. Baltimore, 1817. 120. GILLESPIE ( W. M.). Rome, as seen by a New-Yorker in 1843, 44. NewYork and London, 1845. 120. B. C. - A Manual of the Principles and Practice of Road-making...... and railroads. New-York, 1847. 80~. Treatise on Land Surveying. New-York, 1855. So. See Comte's Philosophy of Mathematics. GILLET (-R. H.). Speech, H. of R. U. S., on the Militia, 1836. Pam. vol. 28. B. C.; and Pain. vol. 59. GILLIAM (A. M.). Travels in Mexico, in 1843 and'44, including a Description of California, and the Biographies of Iturbide and Santa Anna. New-York, 1846. 80. GILLIES ( Rev. John). Historical Collections, relating to remarkable periods of success of the gospel. Glasgow, 1752. 2 vol. 80. GILLIES (John), LL.D. History of Ancient Greece; its colonies and conquests. New-York, 1814. 4 vol. 80. The same. 4 vol. 80. B. C. History of the World, from Alexander to Augustus. Philadelphia, 1809. 3 vol. 80. 302 NEW-YORK STATE See Aristotle, Ethics; Milton's Paradise Lost. GILLISS ( Lieut. J. M.). Astronomical Observations made at the National Observatory, Washington, under orders of the Secretary of the Navy. Washington, 1846. 80. Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at Washington. Washington, 1845. 80. GILLRAY, Rowlandson and Cruikshank's Caricatures. London. fol. GILMAN ( Caroline and Rev. S.). The Poetry of Travelling, and a Week among Autographs. New-York, 1838. 120. GILMAN (C. R.), M.D. Introd. Address, Coll. of Phys. and Surg. NewYork, 1840. Pain. vol. 84. GILMAN ( Rev. Samuel ). Sermon, on John i. 1 -14. Boston, 1828. Serm. vol. 3. B. C. GILMIER ( Francis Walker). Sketches, Essays and Translations. Baltimore, 1828. 12o. -- The same. 120. B. C. GILPIN (tHenry D.). Biography of Edward Livingston. See Hist. Society of Penn. Meln. vol. 4. GILPIN (William). Observations on the River Wye, and several parts of South Wales, etc. 5th ed. London, 1800. So. Essay on Prints. 5th ed. London, 1802. 80. - Observations on the Coasts of Hampshire, Sussex, and Kent. London, 1804. 80o. - Three Essays on picturesque beauty, etc. 3d ed. London, 1808. 8~o Forest Scenery, and other woodland views. 3d ed. London, 1808. 2 vol. 80..... —- Highlands of Scotland, etc. 3d ed. London, 1808. 2 vol. 8~. Mountains and Lakes of Cumberland and Westmoreland. 3d ed. London, 1808. 2 vol. 8!. Observations on the Western Parts of England, including the Isle of Wight. 2d ed. London, 1808. 8o. Memoirs of Josias Rogers, Commander of H. M.'s Ship Quebec. London, 1808. 80. Observations on several parts of Cambridge, Norfolk, etc., and on North Wales. London, 1809. 80. GILROY ( Clinton G.). The Art of Weaving, by hand and by power. 2d ed. London, 1847. 80. GINGINS (Frederic de). Sur les Violacees. See Candolle (De). GIOJA ( Melchiorre). Elementi di Filosofia, ad uso de'giovanetti. Napoli, 1835. 2 vol. 80. GIORDANI (Pietro). Prose. Rovigo, 1827 - 29. 6 vol. 180. GIORGINI (Giov.). II Mondo Nuovo: Poema. Jesi, 1596. 40. W. C. 407. GIoSEPPE DI S. TERESA ( P. F.). Istoria delle Guerre del Regno del Brasile aceadute tira.... Portogallo.... Olanda. Roma, 1698. 4o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 303 GIOVANETTI ( Jacques). Du Regime des eaux qui servent aux irrigations. Paris, 1844. 80. GIRARD ( Paere). Methodical Instruction in the Mother Tongue, in schools and families: from the French, ed. by Viscount Ebrington. London, 1847. 120. GIRARD ( Charles). Bibliographia Americana iHistorico-naturalis. Smithsonian Report. Washington, 1852. 80. GIRARD COLLEGE: First Report of the Building Committee and the Architect... to the Councils of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1848. 8o. 5th Report of Building Committee, 1838. Phil'a. Pam. vol. 171. Magnet. and Meteor. Obs. See Bache ( A. D.). GIRARD DE CAUDEMBERG. Renovation philosophique; ou expose des vrais principes de la philosophic.... Paris, 1838. 80. G-IRARD ( Stephen). The Will of, and Biography of his life, 1832. Paim. vol. 81., —-- Copy of the Inventory of his personal estate; with 1st to 5th settlements of the estate; Auditor's reports, 1836 - 38. See Pam. 40. vol. 1. GIRARtDIN ( Lieut. Gen. Conte de). Sur l'etat de la population chevaline en France, et ses consequences. Paris, 1844. 80. et Marquis de Torcy. Vingt Pages a lire, on la question chevaline simplifies. Paris. 8'. GIRAUD (J. P.) jr. Birds of Long Island. New-York, 1844. 80. GIRDLESTONE ( Thomas), M.D. Facts tending to prove that General Lee was the Author of Jcunius. London, 1813. 80. GIROD-C(JANTRANS. Voyage d'un Suisse dans l'Am6rique, pendant la derniere guerre. London, 1786. 8o. W. C. 408. GIsORS (Alpheus de). Le Palais du Luxembourg.... origine et description. Paris, 1847. 80. GIUvsT (Antonio). Corso di Filosofia. Venezia, 1836. 3 vol. 80. GIUSTINIANI ( Fr.). El Nuevo Atlas Universal abreviado. Lyon, 1755. 6 vol. 80. W. C. 409. 5th wancting. GIUSTINIANO (Pompeo). Della Guerre di Flandra, libri vi.: poste in luce di G. Gamurrini. Anversa, 1609. 4. GIVRY. Pilote Franqais: Instructions nautiques; partie des cotes de France.... environs de Cherbourg. Paris, 1845. 4o. G-LAISHER ( James). iygrometrical Tables, containing the temperature of the dew-point.... weight of air.... London, 1847. 80. GLADSTONE ( John). Plain Facts connected with the intended repeal of the corn laws. London, 1846. 8o. Two Letters to the Earl of Aberdeen, on the State Prosecutions of the Neapolitan government. 1st Am. ed. New-York, 1851. 80. GLAS (George). The History of the Discovery and Conquest of the Canary Islands, with a description of them. London, 1764. 4o. 304 NEW-YORK STATE - The same. See Pinkerton, vol. 16. GLASGOW SOCIETY for the Education of the deaf and dumb: Report, 1840. Pam. vol. 35. B. C. GLASS ( Francis). A Life of General Washington in latin prose: ed. by J. N. Reynolds. 3d ed. New-York, 1836. 120. GLEASON'S PICTORIAL. Vol. 1 - 8. Boston, 1851 - 55. 8 vol. fol. GLEIG (Rev. G. R.). Campaigns of the British Army at Washington and New-Orleans, in the years 1814, 15. London, 1847. 120. The same. London, 1821. 80. W. C. 410. The History of the Bible. New-York, 1831. 2 vol. 120. B. C. Life of Sir Thomas Munro; with extracts from his correspondence.... London, 1831. 2 vol. 80. Germany, Bohemia, and Hungary visited. London, 1839. 3 vol. 120. - Lives of Eminent British Military Commanders. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 38- 40. - - Memoirs of Warren Hastings: compiled from original papers. London, 1841. 3 vol. 80. Story of the Battle of Waterloo. New-York, 1847. 120. The same. 120. B. C. Life of Robert, First Lord Clive. London, 1848. 120. The Light Dragoon. London, 1852. 120. GLEN (Jean de), Liegois. Des Habits, Moeurs, Ceremonies, Fapons de faire, anciennes et modernes, avec portraicts des habits taill6s. Partie premiere: Des.... nations.... de l'Europe. Liege, 1601. 180. GLENDINNING ( William). Life; written by himself. Phil'a, 1795. 180. GLENELG ( Lord ). Despatches to Sir F. B. Head, during his Administration of the Government of Upper Canada. London, 1839. 80. GLENTWORTHI ( James B.). A Statement of the frauds on the elective franchise in the City of New-York, in the f1ll of 1838 and spring of 1839. 80~. GLIDDON ( George R.). Otia Egyptiaca: Discourses on Egyptian Archbology and hieroglyphical discoveries. London, 1849. 8. Ancient Egypt: Series of Chapters on Early Egyptian history, archeology, etc. 12th ed. Philadelphia, 1848. 4o. Types of Mankind. See Nott ( J. C.). GLOBE (The). Toronto, 1850. Newsp. vol. 2. GLOSSARY (A) of Terms used in British IHeraldry. Oxford, 1847. 80. GLOSSARY (A) of Terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian and Gothic architecture. 5th ed., with 1700 woodcuts. Oxford, 1850. 3 vol. 80. GLOVER ( Richard ). See Memoirs of a Celebrated Character. GLUGE ( Dr.). Physiologie. See Encyc. pop. GENERAL LIBRAIRY. 305 GLYNN (Joseph). Rudimentary Treatise on the power of water applied to flour-mills. London, 1853. 120. GOBAT (Rev. Samuel). Journal of Three-years' Residence in Abyssinia.... with a sketch of his life, by Robert Baird, D.D. New-York, 1850. 12o. GOBET ( II.). Les Anciens Mineralogistes du Royaume de France: avec des notes. Paris, 1779. 2 vol. 80. GODDARD ( Thomas H.). General History of the most prominent Banks of Europe and the United States, with Hamilton and Mi'Duftie's Reports on-Currency.... New-York, 1831. 80. GODDARD (William G.). Address, Newport, May 3, 1843, on the Change in the Civil Government of Rhode-island. Providence, 1843. 80. GoDDe ( Jules). Catalogue Raisonnee d'une collection de livres, manuscrits et autographes relatifs aux arts de peinture, sculpture, gravure et architecture: r6unie par. Paris, 1850. 80. GODEFROY (F.). Recueil d'estampes representant les diff6rens 6venemens de la guerre de l'independance des Etats Unis. Paris. 4o. W. C. 36. GODLEY ( John R.). Letters from America. London, 1844. 2 vol. 120. GODMAN (Johnl D.), M.D. American Natural History. Philadelphia, 1826 -28. 3 vol. 80. Rambles of a Naturalist; with Reminiscences of a Voyage to India, by Reynell Coates, M.D. Philadelphia, 1833. 120. G-ODOY ( Manuel de). Memoirs, written by himself; with Notes..... by Col. D'Esmenard. London, 1836. 2 vol. 80. GODWIN (Parke). Hand-book of Universal Biography. See Putnam's Cycl. a. —--.See Goethe's Autobiography. GODWIN (William). An Enquiry concerning political justice, and its influence on general virtue and happiness. Dublin, 1793. 2 vol. 80. The same. London, 1796. 2 vol. 8~. B. C. Life of Geoffrey Chaucer.... London, 1803. 2 vol. 40. History of the Commonwealth of England, from its Commencement to the Restoration of Charles II. London, 1824. 4 vol. 80. -—. The Adventures of Caleb Williams; or Things as they are. Paris, 1832. 80. B. C. Lives of the Necromancers; or Persons who have claimed, or to whom have been imputed the exercise of magical powers. London, 1834. 80..-...- The same. New-York, 1835. 120. GCDE ( C. A. G.). A Foreigner's Opinion of England.... trans. from the German by T. Horne. Boston, 1822. 80. GERTZ ( Conte de). Proeis IHistorique sur la Neutralite armee et son origine, suivi de pieces justificatives. Basle, 1801. 120. W. C. 411. GOETHE ( W. J. von). The Sorrows of Werther: a new translation by Dr. Pratt, New-York, 1807. 80. [GEN. LIB. 1855.] 39 306 NEW-YORK STATE Hermann and Dorothea. Stuttgart & Tubingen, 1829. 16o. B. C. -- Essays on Art: trans. by S. G. Ward. Boston, 1845. 120..-.. —.Faust, a Dramatic Poem: trans. into English prose, by A. Hayward. Boston, 1851. 120. - Dramatic Works: Faust, Iphigenia in Tauris, Torquato Tasso and Egmont, trans. by Anna Swanwick; and Goetz Von Berlichingen, trans. by Sir Walter Scott. Bohn, London, 1850. 120. - Wilhelm Meisters' Apprenticeship and Travels: from the German, by T. Carlyle. Boston, 1851. 2 vol. 120. ------ Novels and Tales. Bohn, London, 1854. 120.. - Autobiography: Truth and Poetry from my own life; vol. 1, trans. by J. Oxenford. The concluding books, with his..... Letters from Switzerland, and Travels in Italy, trans. by the Rev. A. J. W. Morrison; vol. 2. London, 1849. 2 vol. 120. The same: ed. by Parke Godwin. New-York, 1846. 4 parts in 3 vol. 120. B. C. The same. New-York, 1846, 47. 2 vol. 120.......- Select Minor Poems, with notes: trans. by J. S. Dwight. Boston, 1839. 12o.2 -- and Fr. Schiller. Correspondence: trans. by G. H. Calvert. NewYork. 1845. 120. See Eckermann. GoEZ (Benedict). Travels from Lahore to China, Pinkerton, vol. 7. GOGUET (President de). De l'Origine des Lois, des Arts et des Sciences, et de leur progres chez les anciens peuples. Paris, 1759. 6 vol. 120. The Origin of Laws, and Arts and Sciences, and their progress among the most ancient nations: from the French. Edinburgh, 1761. 3 vol. 8). The same. Edinburgh, 1775. 3 vol. 80. B. 0. GOLD (F.). See Bichat, translation. GOLD ( Thomas R.). To the People of the County of Oneida. 1800. sm. 40o. G-OLDENTHAL (J.). Clavis Talmudica, auctore Rabbi Nissim Ben Jacob Cairovanensi seculo xi. florente. Opus adhuc incognitum. Vindobonae, 1847. 80. GOLDFUSS (August). Petrefacta Germanise, tam ea quva in Museo Universitatis Regive Borussicae Frid. Wil. Rhen. servantur, quam alia quoecunque in Museis Hoeninghusiano Muen. aliisque extant: iconibus et descriptionibus illustrata. In German. Diisseldorf, 1826 - 33. 3 vol. fol. GOLDSBOROUGH ( Charles W.). To the Public, 1813. Pain. vol. 97. - The United States Naval Chronicle. Vol. 1. Washington, 1824. 80. GOLDSMITH (Lewis). The Secret History of the Cabinet of Bonaparte: ed. and illustrated by a Gentleman of New-York. New-York, 1810. 2 vol. 120. ------ The same. New-York, 1810. 2 vol. 1'20. B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 307 An Exposition of the Conduct of France towards America, illustrated by cases decided in the Council of the Prizes in Paris. 2d ed. New-York, 810. 80. The same. 2d ed. London, 1810. Pam. vol. 1, 7. B. C., and Pam. vol. 34. GOLDSMITH (Oliver). Miscellaneous Works. New-York, 1809. 6 vol. 120. B. C. Vol. 3 wanting. Miscellaneous Works, with his Life: ed. by Washington Irving. Philadelphia, 1839. 80. - The PoeticalWorks, with a Biographical Memoir: ed. by Bolton Corney. New-York, 1846. 120. History of the Earth and Animated Nature. Philadelphia, 18. 3..5 vol. 80. GSLNITZ (Abraham). Ulysses Belgico-gallicus fidus tibi dux t Achates per Belgium, Hispan. Regnum Gallise, Ducat. Sabaudim, Turinum usq. Pedemonti Metropolin. Amsterodami, Elzevir, 1655. 180. GOLOWNIN (Captain). Memoirs of a Captivity in Japan. 2d ed. London, 1824. 3 vol. 80. GoMARA (F. L. de). Historia del Mexico, con el Descubrimiento de la Nueva Espafia. Anvers, 1564. 120. W. C. 412. Histoire Generale des Indes Occidentales, etc.: trad. en francois par G. MI. Fumee. Paris, 1584. 180. W. C. 413.....- The same. Paris, 1587. 18a. W. C. 414. Historia di don Ferdinando Cortes, etc.: trad. nella italiana da A. di Cravaliz. Venezia, 1560. 12o. W. C. 415. GOMBERVILLE. Relation de la Riviere des Amazones. See Rogers (W.). W. C. 813. GONDON ( Jules). La Terreur dans le Royaume de Naples: Lettre au Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, en reponse a ses deux lettres a Lord Aberdeen. Paris, 1851. 8~. GONZALES ( Manoel). Voyage to England and Scotland. Pinkerton, vol. 2; Churchill, supp. 1. GooD ( John Mason). The Book of Nature. Boston, 1826. 2 vol. 8o. B. C. The same. New-York, 1837. 80. ------.Letter on the.Tread-wheel, to Sir J. C. Hippisley. Pamphleteer, vol. 23. ------- See Lucretius, translation. GooD (The) that flowers do.... from Warren St. Chapel. Boston, 1847. Pam. vol. 97. GOODACRE (R.). A brief Explanation of the terms of astronomy. Richmond, Va. 1824. 120. Pam. vol. 24. B. C. GOODALE ( M. S.). Sermon, National Fast-day, 1841. Amsterdam, N.Y. Pam. vol. 78. GOODE (Alex.). A Brief Account of the Mechitaristican Society, founded on the Island of St. Lazaro. Venice. 126. 308 NEW-YORK STATE GOODENOW (Sterling). A Brief Topographical and Statistical Manual of the State of New-York.... Albany, J. Frary; 1811. 1.20. Pam. vol. 24. B. C. The same. Pam. vol. 17. GOODHUE (Mrs. Sarah) of Ipswich. The Copy of a valedictory and monitory writing... found after her decease. Cambridge, 1681: reprinted Boston, 1830. 12o. GoODMAN ( VWilliam). Social History of Great Britain, during the Reigns of the Stuarts. 2d ed. New-York, 1845. 2 vol. 80. GOODICHII ( Charles A.). The Universal Traveller...... with numerous woodcuts. Hartford, 1850. 120. GooDRIcH ( C. E.). On the Culture of the Potato, 1852. Pam. vol. 79. GOODRICH (J. and A.). Murray's English Reader: selected.. SaratogaSprings, 1828. 180. GOODRICH (S. G.). Comprehensive Geography and history, ancient and modern. New-York, 1855. 4o. Sow-well and Reap-well; or Fireside Education. Albany, 1846. 120. A Pictorial History of America, embracing both the northern and southern portions. Hartford, 1850. 80. GooDsIR (Robert A.). An Arctic Voyage to Baffin's Bay and Lancaster Sound, in Search of Sir John Franklin. London, 1850. 120. GOODKIN (Daniel). Historical Account of the doings and sufferings of the Christian Indians of New-England. Am. Antiq. Soc. Trans. vol. 2. GOODWIN ( Francis). Rural Architecture. 2d ed. London, 1835. 2 vol. 40. GOODWIN (Nathaniel). The Foote Family; or the Descendants of Nathaniel Foote, with Notes of Pasco and John Foote. Hartford, 1849. 80. GOODWIN ( H. C.). Ithaca as it is, and Ithaca as it was...... Ithaca, 1853. 80. GORDON (Sir Cosmo), Col. 3d Regt. Ft. Guards. Court-martial for neglect of duty, 23d June 1780, near Springfield, N. J. London, 1783. 80. Life and Genius of Lord Byron. Pamphleteer, vol. 24. GORDON (James B.). Historical and Geographical Memoir of the North American Continent.... Dublin, 1820. 40. W. C. 416. GORDON (Pat.). Geography Anatomized, or the Geographical Grammar. London, 1708. 80. W. C. 417. The same. London, 1737. 80. GORDON (Thomas). History of the Greek Revolution...... by Thomas Gordon, a -General of the Greek Army. 2d ed. Edinburgh and London, 1844. 2 vol. 80. GORDON ( Thomas F.). Gazetteer of the State of New-York. Philadelphia, 1836. 80. ------ History of America containing a History of the Spanish Discoveries prior to 1520. Philadelphia, 1831. 2 vol. 120. W. C. 418. GENERAL LIBRARY. 309 Gazetteer of the State of New-Jersey, Trenton, 1834; with his History of New —Jersey, from its discovery by Europeans, to the adoption of the Federal Constitution. Trenton, 1834. 80. ------- Gazetteer of the State of Pennsylvania, with a lap of the State. Philadelphia, 1832. 80. The History of Pennsylvania from its Discovery to the Declaration of Independence. Philadelphia, 1829. 80. GORDON (William), D.D. History of the Rise.... and of the Independence of the U. S. America. London, 1788. 4 vol. 80. The same. New-York, 1789. 3 vol. 80. The Universal Accountant. 6th ed. Dublin, 1796. 2 vol. in 1. 80. GORE (Christopher). Masonic Oration, Boston, 1783. Pamn. vol. 32. G6SRGE ( Arthur). My Life and Acts in Hungary, in the years 1848, 49. New-York, 1852. 120. GORGES (Sir Ferdinando). A Briefe Narration of the original undertaking of the advancement of plantations into the parts of America, especially.... of New-England. See EMaine, Hist. Coill. vol. 2. GORHAM ( The Great) CAsE.... including expositions of the rival baptismal theories: with a preface by John Search. London, 1850. 120. G6RRES ( Joseph von). Die Japhetiden, und ihre gemeinsame heimath armenien. Miinchen, 1844. See Bav. Acad. Meml. vol. 1. G(ERRES ( Prof.). Germany and the Revolution: translation of a pamphlet suppressed by the Prussian Government. Pamphleteer, vol. 15. GORRIE (Rev. P. Douglass). The Black-river Conference Memorial; containing Sketches.... of deceased members. New-York, 1852. 120. ----- The Churches and Sects of the United States. New-York, 1850. Lives of Eminent Methodist Ministers. Auburn, 1852. 120. Episcopal Methodism as it was and is: an Account of the Meth. Episc. Church in the U. S. Auburn, 1852. 120. GORTON ( Samuel ). Simplicity's Defence against Sevenheaded Policy, ed. by W. R. Staples. R. I. S. Hist. Coll. Providence, 1835. 80. GOSPEL ( The) MISSIONARY: Vol. 4. London, 1854. sin. 40. GossE ( Philip Henry) and R. Hill. The Birds of Jamaica. London, 1847. 120. Canadian Naturalist. London, 1840. 120. The Aquarium; or Unveiling of the wonders of the deep sea. London, 1854. 120.. Popular British Ornithology. London, 1853. sm. 4o. GOSSETT ( Rev. Isaac). Catalogue of his library to be sold. London, 1843. 80. GOSSIN ( Louis). Les Avantages de la r6union territoriale. Paris, 1844. 18~. 2 copies. GOTHA. See Almanach de Gotha. 310 NEW-YORK STATE GOTTFRIEDT ( Johann Ludwig ). Newe Welt und Americanische Historie. Franckfat, 1655. fol. GOUGE ( William M.). A Short History of paper money and banking in the United States.... to which is affixed an inquiry into the principles of the system.. 3d ed. New-York, 1840. Pam. vol. 35. B. C. ------ The Journal of Banking, from July 1841, to July 1842; with a short history of paper money and banking. Philadelphia. 80. The Fiscal History of Texas. Philadelphia, 1852. 120. GOUGH (James). A Practical Grammar of the English Tongue. 2d ed. Dublin, 1760. 12o. GoULD ( Augustus A.). Report on the Invertebrata of Massachusetts, comlprising the mollusca, crustacea, annelida and radiata. Cambridge,1844. See Massachusetts Survey. Mollusca and Shells. See United States, Expl. Exp. See Agassiz. GOULD ( Benjamin A.) jr. Report on the History of the Discovery of Neptune. Smithson. Inst. Washington, 1850. 80. - See Astronomical Journal. GOULD ( Edward S.). History of Europe, by Archibald Alison: abridged. 4th ed. New-York, 1845. roy. 80. GOULD ( Hon. J. Stanton). Report on Food and Diet.... suited to almshouses, prisons, hospitals... New-York, 1852. 80. GOULLIN (J. A.). Hygiene des Yeux. 2d ed. Paris, 1843. 8~. GOUNIOT-DAMEDOR (A.). See Sophocles, translation. GOURAUD (Dr.). E tudes sur la Fievre intermittente pernicieuse. Avignon, 1842. 8o. GOURcY ( Conrad de). Notes Agricoles extraites des divers journaux d'agriculture anglais; with, Promenades agricoles dans le centre de la France. Paris, 1853. 80. GOURGAUD ( Gen.). Napoleon and the Grand Army in Russia: an Examination of Count de Segur's Work. Philadelphia, 1825. 8~. GOURGES (Dominique de). La Reprinse de la Floride. See Ternaux, Voy. vol. 20. GOURLAY ( Robert ). Statistical Account of Upper Canada. London, 1822. 3 vol. 8). On Emigration and Settlement on wild land. Cupar-Fife, 1849. Pam. vol. 76. GOUSSARD ( Eugene). De la Cour des comptes et du Conseil d'etat. Pam. vol. 10. GouY D'ARSY ( Marquis de). Lettre du Comite Colonial de France, au Comite Colonial de Saint-Domingue, contenant le journal historique de toutes les assembl6es. Paris, 1788. 80. W. C. 419. GowANS (William). Book Catalogues. New-York, 1840 - 50. 1 vol. 8'. GRABE ( J. E.). See Bible, Septuagint. GENERAL LIBRARY. 311 GRACE CHURCH, Albany: To the Parishioners, 1851. Pam. vol. 93. GRACIAN (Balthazar). L'Homme Universel; de l'espagnol. Paris, 1723. 12~. B. C. D —--- e Volmakte Wysheit, of de man in alles bedreven. Graavenhaage, 1724. 180. GRAHAM ( Prof.). Description of New or Rare Plants flowering at the Royal Botanic Garden at Edinburgh, 1825 - 33. 80. GRAHAM (ID.). Inaug. Address, Law School, N.York. See Butler ( B. F.). GRAHAM (G. F.). Helps to English Grammar. London, 1843. 12o. GRAHAM ( Lieut. Col. James D.). Report of Sec. of War, communicating the Report of Lieut. Col. Graham, on the boundary line between the U. S. and Mexico, 1852. Exec. Doct. 80. and others. On the Latitude of the Cambridge Observatory. Pam. 4~. vol. 1; and see Bond ( W. C.). GRAHAM ( John A). Descriptive Sketch of the Present State of Vermont. London, 1797. 80. W. C. 420. GRAHAM (Maria). Journal of a Residence in Chile. London, 1824. 4o. W. C. 421. Journal of a Voyage to Brazil, and Residence there, 1821 - 23. London, 1824. 4o. W. C. 422. GRAHAME ( James). History of the United States of North America, from the plantation of the British Colonies, till their assumption of independence. London, 1827 - 36. 4 vol. So. The same. Philadelphia, 1845. 4 vol. 80. The same. 1846. 2 vol. 80. B. C. GRAMATICA CASTELLANA. See Academia Espaniola. GRAMMAR ( A New) of the English language. Collins and Hannay, NewYork, 1831. 120. GRAMMONT (Count). Memoirs.of Charles II. See Hamilton (A.). GRANDPIERRE (J. H.), D.D. A Parisian Pastor's Glance at America. Boston, 1854. 120. GRANDPR, ( L. de). Dictionnaire Universel de Geographie MIaritime: trad. de l'anglois de Malhamn. Paris, 1802. 2 vol. in 1. 4~. W. C. 423. GRAND CHAPTER of New-York: Proceedings, 1824, 5, 6. Pam. vol. 183. GRAND LODGE of the State of New-York: Proceedings, 1824, 25. Pam. vol. 183. GRANGER ( Gideon). Reasons for voting against a Grant to Gov. Tompkins, 1820. Pamn. vol. 52. Speeches, N.Y. Sen. on increasing the number of delegates; and Address to the Convention of the two republican parties in the Western District. Albany, 1821. Pam. vol. 6. B. C. A Vindication of the Measures of the present Administration; by Algernon Sidney: from the National Intelligencer. Trenton, May 1803. 40. 312 NEW-YORK STATE GRANGER (Rev. James). A Biographical History of England, from Egbert the Great to the Revolution. London, 1769. 3 vol. 4O. GRANT ( MIrs. Anne) of Laggan. Letters from the Mountains; being the Real Correspondence of a Lady, between the years 1773 and 1807. Boston, 1809. 2 vol. 120. B. C. Memoirs of an American Lady. London, 1808. 2 vol. 120. B. C. The same. New-York, 1846. 80..-.. Memoir and Correspondence: ed. by her Son, J. P. Grant. London, 1845. 3 vol. 120. GRANT ( Asahel ). The Nestorians, or the Lost Tribes; containing evidence of their identity. New-York, 1.841. 120. GRANT (James). Memoirs and Adventures of Sir William Kirkaldy.... Gov. of Castle of Edinburgh, for Mary Queen of Scots. Edinburgh, 1849. 120. The Adventures of an Aide-de-Camp. 1st series. London, 1851. 120. The Romance of War; or the Highlanders in Spain. Part first. Londoh, 1852. 120. GRANT ( John). A Grammar of the English language. London, 1813. 120. Institutes of the Latin Grammar. 2d ed. London, 1823. 80. B. C. GRANT ( Robert ). History of Physical Astronomy from the earliest ages. London, 1852. 80. GRANT ( Robert ). Random Recollections of the House of Commons, from 1830 to 1835. Philadelphia, 1836. 120. B. C. Random Recollections of the House of Lords, from 1830 to 1836. Philadelphia, 1836. 120. B. C. Great Metropolis. New-York, 1837. 2 vol. in 1. 120. 13. C. -... Great Metropolis Second series. Philadelphia, 1838. 2 vol. 120. B.C. GRANT-STREET BAPTIST CIHURCH, Pittsburgh, Pa. Defence against the charge of corruption, 1848. Pam. vol. 81. GRANVILLE ( Dr. A. B.). The Spas of Germany. London, 1837. 2 vol. 120o. The same. Brussels, 1837. 2 vol. 120. B. C. --- Journal of Travels to and from St. Petersburgh. 2d ed. London, 1829. 2 vol. 80. - Spas of England, and principal sea-bathing places. London, 1841. 3 vol. 120. GRANVILLE ( Cardinal de). Papiers d'gtat, publies sous la direction de MI. Ch. Weiss. Paris, 1841 -44. 8 vol. 4o. See France, Docts. ined. GRAs ( Seipion M.). Statistique Mineralogique du Di6partement des Basses Alpes. Grenoble, 1840. 80. GRAsE ( Compte de). Me1moire sur le Combat naval du 12 Avril, 1782. 4o. W. C. 424. GENERAL LIBRARY. 313 GRASSET SAINT-SAUVEUR (J.). Encyclop6die des Voyages. Paris, 1796. 4o. W. C. 425. GRATTAN (Henry). Speeches. Vol. 1. New-York, 1813. So. B. C. Address to his Fellow-citizens of Dublin, on retiring from Parliament. Philadelphia, 1797. 8O. An Address to the Rt. Hon. Henry Grattan, by the Ind. Dublin Volunteers; with Mr. Grattan's Answer. London, 1782. Pam. vol. 137. Memoir of the Life and Times of the Right Hon. Henry Grattan. London, 1839. 4 vol. 80. GRATTAN ( Thomas). History of the Netherlands. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 41. The same. Philadelphia, 1831. 120. B. C. GRATTAN ( Thomas C.). Agnes De Mansfeldt, an historical tale. Philadelphia, 1836. 2 vol. 120. GRAUNT ( Capt. John). Natural and Political Observations, mentioned in a following index, and made upon the bills of mortality. 5th ed. London, 1676. 120. GRAVENHAAGSCHE (S') STADTS-ALMANAK, 1841, 42. Gravenhage. 2 vol. 120. B. C. GRAVENWEERT (J. De S'). Essai sur l'Histoire de la Litterature Neerlandaise. Amsterdam, 1830. 8o. B. C. GRAY (Alonzo), and C. B. Adams. Elements of Geology. New-York, 1853. 120~. GRAY (Asa). Chloris Boreali-Americana: Illustrations of new, rare, or otherwise interesting North-Amlerican Plants. Decade 1. Cambridge, 1846. Pam. 40. vol. 3..-.... A Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States; the Mosses and Liverworts by William S. Sullivant. Boston, 1848. 120. The Genera of the Plants of the United States, illustrated by figures and analyses from nature, by Isaac Sprague; with descriptions by Asa Gray, M.D..... New-York, 1849. 2 vol. 80. Plantae Wrightianve Texano-Neomexicann. Part 1, 2. Smithson. Contr. vol. 3, 5. GRAY ( Edward ). Address, Char. Fire Soc. 1804, Boston. Pam. vol. 45. GRAY ( F. C.). Letter to Gov. Lincoln. in relation to Harvard University. Boston, 1831. 80. Prison Discipline in America. Boston, 1847. 80. GRAY (I-IHugh). Letters from Canada, written during a residence there in 1806 - 8. London, 1809. 80. GRAY (James), D.D. Elements of English Grammar. Baltimore, 1818. 180. See Theological Review. The Mediatorial Reign of the Son of God. Baltimore, 1821. 80. GRAY (J. F.), M.D. Inaug. Address, Hahnemann Academy of Medicine, New-York, 1850. Pam. vol. 64. [ GrEN. LIB. 1855.] 40 314 NEW-YORK STATE ~GRAY (Thomas). Works; with Memoirs of his Life and Writings by W. Mason: ed. by T. J. Mathias. London, 1814. 2 vol. 4o. -- ~ Works; containing the Poems, with critical notes and essay by John Mitford. London, 1816. 2 vol. in 1. 40. 1. C. ^ —--- Poetical Works; with some account of his life and writings. London, 1800. 120. B. C. GRAY (T.). Discourse, Mass. Hum. Society, Boston, 1805. Pam. vol.46. GRAYDON (Alexander). Memoirs of a Life, chiefly passed in Pennsylvania within the last sixty years. Harrisburgh, Pa. 1811. 120. W. C. 427. Memoirs of -his own Times, with Reminiscences of the men and events of the Revolution: ed. by J. S. Littell. Phil'a, 1846. 8o. GRAZIANI (Girolamo). I1 Conquisto di Granata. Venetia, 1805. 2 vol.120. GREAT BRITAIN. See Act of Tonnage.... and Rates. See Army List; also Royal Horse Artillery, and Cavalry. See Declaration of.... Virginia in 1620. See Memoires des Commissaires... sur l'Amerique. Address of the House of Lords to Her Majesty, relative to the Province of Carolina; with her answer. London, 1705. Pam. fol. vol. 1. Bill for the better ordering of the militia forces in the several counties of that part of Great Britain called England, 1756. London. Pam. vol. 136. Council of Education: Minutes, Correspondence, Reports by H. M.'s Inspectors of Schools, 1.840 -1853. Parl. Papers. London. 19 vol. 80. Council of Education: Minutes, Schools of Parochial unions in England and Wales, Reports of inspectors, 1850 - 52. London. 80. Catalogue of the Library of the House of Commons. London, 1830. fol. - Debate on Slave Trade in House of Commons, April 2, 1792. 80. - Debate in both Houses of Parliament on the Articles of peace, Feb. 1783. 178 pp. Pain. vol. 132. Geology: Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, and of the Museum of Economic Geology in London. Vol. 2 in two parts. London, 1846 - 48. 3 vol. 80. _ —--- Lunacy: Metropolitan Commissioners in Lunacy. Report, 1844; with Supplemental Report on the Insane in Wales, 1844; and Further Report of the Commissioners to the Lord Chancellor, 1847 ~ in 1 vol. 8o. - Lunacy: Reports, 1847- 53. 1 vol. 40. Madhouses in England: Report, together with Minutes of Evidence from the Committee.... of the House of Commons, ed. by J. B. Sharpe. London, 1815. 8~.... —- Reports for 1816. See Faber's State of France. Poor Law Commissioners: Reports for England and Wales, 1835 -43. London, 9 vol. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 315 Report of H. M.'s Commissioners for inquiring into the administration and practical operation of the poor laws. London, 1834. 8. B.C. Population Returns for 1831. London, 1832. 8o. First Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire as to the best means of establishing an efficient constabulary force in the counties of England and Wales. London, 1839. 8o. B. C. Report of the Select Committee of the House of Commons on capital punishment. Pamphleteer, vol. 15. Report of Comm. of H. of C. on Preserved meats for the Navy. Loncon, 1852. 8o. Report on Steam Carriages, by Committee of the House of Commons: reprinted U. S. H. of Rep. Washington, 1832. 8o. - Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the application of iron to railway structures, with plans referred to in said report. London, 1849. fol. Report of the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, on the petition of the Hon. Thomas Walpole, Benjamin Franklin, John Sargent and Samuel Wharton, esquires, and their associates, for a grant of land on the River Ohio in North America, for the purpose of erecting a new government. London, 1772. 80. Resolutions of the H. of C. on the privileges of the house and the prerogatives of the crown. 1783, 84. London. Pam. vol. 137. Report from the Select Committee on the Earl of Elgin's Collection of sculptured marbles, March 1816. Pamphleteer, vol. 8. Report of Evidence, oral and documentary, taken by the Royal Commissioners for visiting the Universities of Scotland: Edinburgh, Glasgow, St. Andrews and Aberdeen. London, 1837. 4 vol. fol. - Report of H. M.'s Commissioners.. on the State of the University of Oxford. London, 1852. fol. Royal Charter for establishing a Civil Government at Gibraltar, 1741. Pam. vol. 123...-..- The Session of Parliament for 1825; exhibiting the state of parties, and the whole proceedings of both houses. London, 1825. 80. GREAT EXHIBITION, 1851. See Exhibition of Industry. GREAT METROPOLIS, or Guide to New-York. Doggett, 1846. 180. GREAVES (John). Description of the Pyramids. Churchill, vol. 2. GREEK (The) ANTHOLOGY, as selected for the use of Westminster, Eton and other public Schools. Bohn, London, 1852. 120. GREEK ( The) Ecclesiastical Historians of the first six centuries of the Christian Era; containing Eusebius, Socrates Scholasticus, Sozomen, Theodoret et Evagrius. London, 1845 -46. 6 vol. 80. C. L. GREEK FRIGATES CONTROVERSY: A Collection of six pamphlets on the dispute, by, 1, J. Duer & R. Sedgwick; 2, W. Bayard; 3, H. D. Sedgwick; 4, The Arbitrators; 5, A. Contostavlos; 6, Vindication by H. D. Sedgwick. New-York, 1826. 80. 3116 NEW-YORK STATE GREELEY (Horace). Glances at Europe, in a series of Letters from Great Britain. New-York, 1851. 12o. See Claussen, on Flax; also, Clay (C. M.), Memoirs. - See Jeffersonian, periodical. Hints towards Reforms, in lectures, addresses, and other writings. New-York, 1850. 120. and H. J. Raymond. Association Discussed; or the Socialism of the Tribune examined. New-York, 1847. 80. GREEN ( Ashbel), D.D. Discourses in the College of New-Jersey, to the Candidates for the Degree of B. A.; with historical sketches. Philadelphia, 1822. 80. Memoirs of the Rev. Joseph Eastburn, Preacher in the Mariner's Church. Philadelphia, 1828. 12o. GREEN (Rev. Beriah). Sketches of the Life and Writings of James G. Birney. Utica, 1844. 120. ------ A Memorial of Ann Parker Green Hough. Utica, 1844. Pam. vol. 18. GtREEN (Calvin) and Seth Y. Wells. A Summary View of the Millennial Church, or United Society of Believers, commonly called Shakers... 2d ed. Albany, 1848. 120. GREEN (Duff), and Jarvis. See United States Telegraph Extra. GREEN (J.). Remarks in Support of the New Chart of North and South America in six sheets. London, 1753. 4o. GREEN (Jacob), M.D. Introd. Address, Jefferson Med. Coll. 1834. Pam. vol. 84. A Monograph on the Trilobites of North America. Philadelphia, 1832. 120..... The Inferior Surface of the Trilobite discovered. Philadelphia, 1839. 120o. - See Davy's (Humphry) Life. GREEN (Mathias). An English Grammar. London, 1837. 186. GREEN (R. W.). The Scholar's Companion, or a Guide to the English Language. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1836. 120o. Inductive Exercises in English Grammar. New-York, 1829. 180. GREEN (Thomas). Extracts from Diary. See Extracts. GREEN ( T. J.), General. Journal of the Texian Expedition against Mier. New-York, 1845. 8o. GREENE ( Asa), M.D. A Yankee among the Nullifiers; an Autobiography, by Elnathan Elmwood. New-York, 1833. 120. GREENE (Benjamin). Eulogy on Washington at Berwick, 1800. Portsmouth. Pam. vol. 39. GREENE ( G. W.). Discourse before R. I. Histor. Soc. 1849. Pam. vol. 71. Life of Gen. Nathanael Greene. Sparks's Am. Biog. vol. 20. GENERAL LIBRARY. 317 GREENE (Roscoe C.). A Practical Grammar of the English language. 2d ed. Portland, 1830. 80. A Grammatical Text-book. Boston, 1833. 180.......- Treatise on the Structure of the English Language. Philadelphia, 1848. 120. GREENER (William). Science of Gunnery, as applied to the use and construction of fire-arms. London, 1841. 80. GREENHOW ( Robert). Geography of Oregon and California. New-York, 1845. 8o. Pam. vol. 179. Memoir on the Northwest Coast of North America. New-York, 1840. 80 - History of Oregon and California, etc. London, 1844. 80. The same, enlarged. 2d ed. Boston, 1845. 80. The same. 4th ed. Boston, 1847. 80. GREENLEAP ( Jonathan). Sketches of the Ecclesiastical History of Maine, from the earliest settlement. Portsmouth, 1821. 120. A History of the Churches of all Denominations in New-York City, to 1846. New-York, 1846. 18o. The same. 2d ed. New-York, 1850. 180. GREENLEAF ( Moses). A Survey of the State of Maine, in reference to its geography, statistics and political economy. Portland, 1829. 80. GREENLEAF ( Simon). Discourse, Life and Character of Joseph Story. Boston, 1845. Pam. vol. 44. B. C. GREENOUGH ( G. B.). A Critical Examination of the First Principles of Geology. London, 1819. 80. GREENWOOD, illustrated in highly finished engravings, by James Smillie: letter-press description by Cornelia W. Walter. New-York, 1848. 4o. GREENWOOD ( F. W. P.). See Unitarian Miscellany. Sermon, Female Asylum, Boston, 1825. Serm. vol. 3. B. C. Lives of the Twelve Apostles; with explanatory notes. Boston, 1828. 80. B. C. - Rev. W. Burton's Ordination Sermon, Cambridge, 1828. Serm. vol. 3. B. C. - Rev. W. P. Lunt's Ordination Sermon, New-York, 1828. Serm. vol. 3. B. C. R- ev. J. W. Thompson's Installation Sermon, Salem, 1832. Serm. vol. 4. B. C. * Collection of Psalms and Hymns for Christian Worship. 29th ed. Boston, 1839. 120. B. C. GREENWOOD (James). An Essay towards a Practical English Grammar. 3d ed. London, 1729. 120. The same. 5th ed. London, 1753. 120. 318 NEW-YORK STATE G-REENWOOD (James). The Sailor's Sea-book; a Rudimentary Treatise on Navigation. Weale, London, 1850. 120. GREER (Mrs.). Quakerism, or the Story of my life: by a lady. Philadelphia, 1852. 120. GREGG ( Josiah). Commerce of the Prairies. New-York, 1844. 2 vol. 120. GREGOIRE ( Bishop H.). An Enquiry concerning the intellectual and moral faculties of negroes: trans. by D. B. Warden. Brooklyn, 1801. 80. ~- J I- De la Liberte de Conscience et de Culte a Haiti. Paris, 1824. 160. W. C. 431. GREGORIUS NYSSENUS: De Virginitate. See Chrysostomus. In Ilexameron Commentarius...... Venetii3, 1553. 120. GREGORIUS ( S.) PAPA I. Magnus. Opera Omnia: Studio Mon. Ord. S. Benedicti. Venetiis, 1744. 4 vol. fol. GREGORIUS PAPA IX. Decretales Sum integritati una cum glossis restitutae. Parisiis, 1585. fol. GREGORY (G.), D.D. History of the Christian Church, from the earliest periods to the present time. London, 1795. 2 vol. 80. B. C. GREGORY ( George). Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. 1st Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1815 - 16. 3 vol. 40. GREGORY ( Olinthus), LL.D. Letters on the Evidences, Doctrines and Duties of the Christian Religion. Bohn, London, 1851. 12~. The same. New-York. 120. Mathematics for Practical Men. 2d ed. London, 1833. 80. Oration, Annivers. of the Philosophical Society of London, 1817. Pamphleteer, vol. 13.. Treatise of Mechanics. 4th ed. London, 1826. 2 vol. 80. See Hall's ( R.) Works and Life. GREGORY ( William), M.D. Outlines of Chemistry, for the use of Students. Part 1, Inorganic chemistry. 2d ed. London, 1846. 120. Letters to a Candid Enquirer, on Animal Magnetism. London, 1851. 120. - A Hand-book of Organic Chemistry.. 3d ed. London, 1852. 12o. GREISLEY ( Sir Roger). Life and Pontificate of Gregory VII. London, 1832. 8o. GRELLMAN ( H. M. G.). Histoire des Boh6miens trad. de l'allemand. Paris, 1810. 80. GRENVILLE ( Hon. George). Memoires sur l'Administration des Finances d'Angleterre depuis la Paix: trad. de l'anglois. MIayence, 1768. 40. W. C. 432. The Regulations lately made concerning the colonies, and the taxes imposed upon them considered. 3d ed. London, 1775. 80. GRENVILLE ( The ) PAPERS; being the Correspondence of R. Grenville, Earl Temple, and Rt. Hon. G. Grenville, their friends and contemporaries: ed. by W. J. Smith. London, 1852. 4 vol. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 319 -- See Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. GRESWELL (E.). View of the Early Parisian Greek Press. Oxford, 1833. 2 vol. 80. GREUVE (F. C.). iet Leven van Jezus, critisch verdedigd tegen Dr. D. F. Strauss. Groningen, 1840. 3 vol. 80. GREW ( N.). Catalogue and description of the natural and artificial curiosities belonging to the Royal Society. London, 1681. fol. GREY (George). Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in Northwest and Western Australia. London, 1841. 2 vol. 80. GRIDLEY (Philo). Address, Hamilton College, Clinton, N.Y. 1845. Pamin. vol. 63. GRIEVE (James), M.D. A History of Kamstchatka and the Kurilski Islands, with the countries adjacent; from the Russian, trans. into English by. Glocester, 1764. 4o. GRIESBACH. See Bible, New-Testament. GRIFFIN ( Rev. Cornelius). Letter to Lord Bathurst, on his missionary labors in Canada, 1828. Pam. vol. 143. GRIFFIN (E. D.), D.D. Funeral Sermon on Dr. M'Whorter, 1807. Pamin. vol. 61. l, Oration on Induction as Professor at Andover, Boston, 1809; 2, Sermon at Dedication of Park-street Church, Boston, 1810; 3, Sermon for Portsmouth Female Asylum, Boston, 1812. Pam. vol. 25. Dedication Sermon, Williams College, 1828. Pam. vol. 61. GRIFFIN ( George), LL.D. The Gospel its own Advocate. N.York, 1850. 120. GRIFFITH ( Major) and Mrs. George Darby. A Journey across the Desert, from Ceylon to Marseilles. London, 1845. 2 vol. 120. GRIFFITH (R. Eglesfield ), M.D. Medical Botany, or Descriptions of the more important plants used in medicine, with their history. Philadelphia, 1847. 80. GRIFFITH ( Thomas W.). Annals of Baltimore. Baltimore, 1824. 8o. - Sketches of the Early History of Maryland. Baltimore, 1821. 8. W. C. 433. GRIFFITH ( William). Historical Notes of the American Colonies and Revolution, from 1754 to 1775. Burlington, 1843. 80. GRIFFITHS (John W.). Treatise on Marine and Naval Architecture.... New-York, 1851. 4. GRIFOLUS ( JacobUS). M. T. Ciceronis Defensiones contra Celii Calcagnini disquisitiones in ejus officia. Venetiis, 1546. 18o. GRILLET (J.) et F. Bechamel. Journal du Voyage dans la Goyane en 1674. Paris, 1682. See Acufla, vol. 4, W. C.; and Rogers (W.), W. C. 812. GRIMESTONE (Edward). A General History of the Netherlands, continued to 1608. London, 1608. fol. 320 NEW-YORK STATE GRIMI-E ( A. E.). Appeal to the Christian Women of the South. 36 pp. 80. See Pamn. vol. 185. GRIMKI ( Frederick). Considerations on the nature and tendency of free institutions. Cincinnati, 1848. 8$. GRIMKPr ( Sarah M.). An Epistle to the Clergy of the Southern States. 20 pp. 80. Pain. vol. 185. GRIMKP, (Thomas Smith). Reflections on the character and object of all science and literature. New-Haven, 1831. 120. Oration, Conn. Alpha, Phi Beta Kappa Soc. 1830. Pam. vol. 15. B. C. Oration, July 4, 1833, Charleston, S. C. Pam. vol. 71. GRIMM ( Baron de) et Diderot. Correspondance Litteraire, Philosophique et Critique, adressee a un Souverain d'Allemnagne, depuis 1753 jusqu'en 1790. Premiere partie, 6 vol.; Seconde partie, 2d ed. 5 vol.; Troisieme partie, 5 vol. Paris, 1812, 113. 16 vol. 80. GRIMM ( Jacob and William). Deutches Wsrterbuch, vol. 1. Leipzig, 1854. 80. GRIMSIAW (William). History of the United States. Philadelphia, 1820. 122. W. C. 434. An Etymological Dictionary, or Analysis of the English Language. Philadelphia, 1821. 12~. B. C..-...- -The Gentleman's Lexicon; or a Pocket Dictionary. Philadelphia, 1830. 120. B. C. GRIMSHAWE (Rev. T. S.) Cowper; his Life and Letters. See Cowper (W.). GRINDROD (R. B.). Essay on Intemperance. 1st Amer. ed. New-York, 1840. 120. GRISCOM (John), LL.D. Questions in English Grammar. New-York, 1821. 180. Discourse on Education, introd. to Lect. on Chemistry. New-York, 1823. Pam. vol. 77. A Year in Europe A Journal of Observations in Great Britain, France, Switzerland, Holland and Italy, in 1818, 19. New-York, 1823. 2 vol. 80. Address, Opening of the New-York High School. -New-York, 1825. 120. W. C. 435. GRISEBACH (Dr.). On Botanical Geography, 1842, 43. See Ray Society, 2d year, GRISWOLD (R.). Governor's Message to the Connecticut Assembly, 1812. Pam. vol. 37. GRISWOLD (Rufus W.). The Biographical Annual; containing memoirs of eminent persons recently deceased. New-York, 1841. 120.. —- The Prose Writers of America, with a survey of the intellectual history,' condition and prospects of the country. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1847. 8o........ The Female Poets of America. Philadelphia, 1849. 8o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 321 The Republican Court, or American Society in the days of Washington. New-York, 1853. 8~. GRONDWETTIG-E Herstelling van Nederlands Staatswezen; zo voor het algemeen Bondgenootschap, als voor het bestuur van elke byzondere provincie. Amsterdam, 1785. 2 vol. in 1. So. GROOT (J. P. Cornets de). Overzigt der Reis in Nederlandsche Indie, door Z. K. H. Prins Willem Frederik Hendrik der Nederlander, 1837. Batavia, 1838. 120. GRos ( John Daniel), D.D. A Systematic Treatise on Moral Philosophy. New-York, 1795. 80. GROSE's East India Voyage. Coll. of Voy. vol. 2. GROSJEAN (C.). Precis Historique sur la Ville d'Avignon et le Palais apostolique. Avignon, 1842. l2o. GRoss (A) Literary Fraud exposed; relating to the Publication of Worcester's Dictionary in London. Boston, 1853. Pam. vol. 99. GROSS-BRITANNISCHES AMERICA nach seiner erfindung, etc. Oldmixon's? See British Empire. GROSVENOR ( F. P.). Oration, July 4, 1808, Hudson. Pain. vol. 63. GROTE (George). A History of Greece. London, 1846 - 53. 11 vol. 80. GROTIUS ( Hugo). Annotationes in Vetus Testamentum: Emendatius edidit et auxit G. J. L. Vogel. Halke, 1775. 3 vol. 4o. B. C. Annotationes in Novumn Testamentuml: Denuo emendatius edite. Groninge, 1826 - 34. 9 vol. 80. B. C. v-J- Annotationes in Vetus et Novum Testamentumrn: Edidit Samuel Moody. Londini, 1727. 2 vol. in 1. 4o. B. C. Apologeticus eorum qui Hollandice Vvestfrisiaque et vicinis quibusdam nationibus ex legibus praefilerunt ante mutationem quae evenit anno 1618. Paris, 1640. 180. De Veritate Religionis Christianve, cum notulis Joannis Clerici. Londini, 1755. 12~. The Truth of the Christian Religion: translated by John Clarke. London, 1825. 120. B. C. The Right of War and Peace, including the Law of Nature and of Nations: trans. by Rev. A. C. Campbell. Pontefract, 1814. 3 vol. 80. B. C. - Ad J. Oxenstiernam et J. Salvium, et J. Oxenstiernm ad Cerisantem epistole ineditte. Harlemi, 1829. 80.. —--- wSee Doederlein, Annot. auctarium. GROVE ( W. R.) The Correlation of physical forces. 2d ed. London, 1850. 80. GROVER (Martin). Speech, H. of R. U. S., on the Wilmot Proviso, 1847. Pam. vol. 59. GRUND ( Francis J.). Martin Van Buren als Staatsman und kiinftiger Prasident.... Boston, 1835. Pam. vol. 29. B. C. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 41 322 NEW-YORK STATE The Americans in their moral, social, and political relations. Boston, 1837. 2 vol. in 1. 120. The same. 120. B. C. Die Amerikaner, in ihren moralischen, politischen und gesellschaftlichen verhaltnissen. Stuttgart, 1837. 80. -------- Die Aristokratie in Amerika. Stuttgart. 1839. 2 vol. in 1. 80. GRUNDY (Felix). Speech, H. of R. U. S., on Mr. Webster's resolutions, 1813. Pam. vol. 7. B. C. Speeches in Sen. of U. S., on T ublic lands, 1840; on the Bank deposits, 1834; on the President's protest, 1834. Pamn. vol. 59. GRUYER ( L. A.). Du Spiritualisme au xix siecle. Bruxelles, 1835? 8". Grui Eus (Simon). Novus Orbus Regionumr ac insularum veteribus incognitarum. Basileve, 1555. 40. W. C. 436. GUAGNINO (Alessandro). La Descrittione della Sarmatia Evropea. See Riamusio, vol. 2. GUARINI (Battista). II Pastor Fido Tragicomedia pastorale. Venetia, 1590. 4. GUATEMIALA. Kalendario y Guia de Forasteros de Guatemala, 1805. 160. W. C. 437. GU~mRARD (M.). Cartulaire de l'Abbaye de Saint-Bertin. Paris, 1841. &ec France, Docts. in4d. - Cartulaire de l'Abbaye de Saint-Pere de Chartres, 1840. 40. See France, Docts. inad. Cartulaire de l'Eglise Notre-Dame de Paris, publi6 par. Paris, 1850. See. France, Docts. ined. GUERNSEY ( Egbert). History of the United States, designed for schools. 2d ed. New-York, 1848. 120. The same. 5th ed. New-York, 1848. 120. GUICCIARDINI ( Fr.). The History of Italy, from the year 1490 to 1532.... trans. by Chev. A. P. Goddard. London, 1753. 10 vol. 8o....- Della Istoria d'Italia libri xx. Friburgo, 1775. 4 vol. 4o. GUIDE du Bonheur. See D. ( M. B.). GUIDE to Devotion, for the use of the Blind, by the Presbyterian Board of Publication. Printed at the Perkins Inst. and Mass. Asylum, Boston, 1846. fol. GuIDI (Count des). Letter on.. lomoeopathy: trans. by W. Channing, M.D. New-York, 1834. Pam. vol. 64. GUIGNES ( M. de). Dictionnaire Chinois, Frangais et Latin.. Paris, 1813. fol....- Sulplpement au Dictionnaire Chinois-latin du P. Basile de Glemona, imprime en 1813 par les soins de M. Guignes...... par Jules Klaproth. Paris, 1819. fol. Observations on the Philippine Islands. Pinkerton, vol. 11. GUILD of Literature and Art: Prospectus, London, 1851. Pam. vol. 99. GENERAL LIBRARY. 323 GUILD (William). A Chart and Description of the Boston and Worcester and Western Railroad. Boston, 1847. 12'. ---- A Chart and Description of the Railroad from Boston to NewYork. Boston, 1850. 120. GUILLAUME DE NASSAU, Prince d'Orange. See Montgomery (General). GUILLEMARD (Robert). Adventures of a French Sergeant during his campaigns in Italy, Spain, Germany, Russia.... from 1805 to 1823. Philadelphia, 1826. 120o. GUILLERMIN (Gilbert). Precis Historique des derniers evt6nemens de la partie de 1'Est de Saint-Domingue. Paris, 1811. 80. WV. C. 438. GUILLaRY ( H.). Technologie. See Encyc. pop. Arts Ceramigues. See Encyc. pop. GUILLON (Marie-N. S.). Examen Critique des Doctrines de Gibbon, du Dr. Strauss, et de M. Salvador sur J6sus Christ, son 6vangile et son eglise. Paris, 1841, 42. 2 vol. 80. GUINODIE ( Raymond ) fils aine. Histoire de Libourne et des autres villes.... de son arrondissement.. Bordeaux, 1845. 3 vol. 80. GUION ( Rev. John M.). Sermon on the Death of Bp. J. H. Hobart, St. Marks, N.Y. 1830. See Hobart's Sernzon, Inst. of Whitehouse. GUISAN ( Le Capitaine). Terres de la Gui Ite. Clyenne, 1788. 40. W. C. 439. GUIZOT (Franqois P. G.). General History of Civilization in Europe, from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution. New-York, 1838. 12o. B. C. The same: trans. by W. Hazlitt. London, 1846. 3 vol. 12o. Lectures on European Civilization: trans. by Priscilla M. Beckwith. London, 1837. 160. History of the English Revolution: trans. by L. H. R. Coutier. Oxford, 1838. 2 vol. 80. The samle. London, 1846. 120. B. C. George Monk: Chute de la Republique, et Retablisscment de la Monarchie en Angleterre en 1660. Paris, 1851. 80. Memoirs of George Monk, Duke of Albemarle: translated and ed. with notes, by J. S. Wortley. London, 1838. 8o.,- - Democracy in France. New-York, 1849. 120.. —--- The same. New-York, 1849. 120. B. C.; also Pam. vol. 50. B. C. - Corneille and his T'ines. New-York, 1852. 120. History of the Origin of Representative Government in Europe: trans. by A. R. Scoble. Bohn, London, 1852. 12o. tude Historique sur Washington. See DeWitt ( C.). Histoire de Charles Ir.... 1625 - 4'. Paris, 1854. 2 vol. 80. Histoire de la Republique d'An_leterr3, et de CromLwell, 164958. Paris, 1854. 2 vol. 80. 324 NEW-YORK STATE GUMILLA ( Padre Joseph). Historia Natural, civil y geographica de las naciones situadas en las riveras del rio Orinoco. Barcelona, 1791. 2 vol. 80. Histoire Naturelle, civile, et geographique de l'Orenoque: trad. de l'espagnol par M. Eidous. Avignon, 1758. 3 vol. 120. W. C. 440. GUNN (Alexander). Memoirs of the Rev. John H. Livingston, D.D. NewYork, 1829. 8i). The same. 80. B. C. GUNNISON (Lieut. J. W.). The Mormons, or Latter-day Saints, in the Valley of the Great Salt Lake. Philadelphia, 1852. 120. GURLEY (Rev. R. R.). Life of Jehudi Ashmun, late Colonial Agent in Liberia; with an appendix. Washington, 1835. 80. B. C..... —- The same; with Life of Rev. Lott Carey. 2d ed. New-York, 1839. 80. Address, Penn. Colon. Soc. 1839, Philadelphia. 80. B. C. Life of Rev. Sylvester Larned. New-York, 1844. 12o. -- ---- Report on Liberia, presented to Congress, 1850. 80. GUR.NEY (Joseph J.). Visit to Prisons in Scotland. See Buxton (T. F.). Observations on the religious peculiarities of the Society of Friends. Philadelphia, 1825. 80......* - Address on the right use and application of knowledge, at Manchester. Providence, 1833. 80. A Winter in the West Indies described in familiar letters to Henry Clay. 2d ed. London, 1840. GURNEY (Thomas). Brachygraphy; or an Easy System of Short-Hand, improved by Joseph Gurney. 15th ed. London, 1825. 180. C. L. GUROWSKI ( Cownt A. de). Russia as it is. New-York, 1854. 120. GUSMAN (N. di ). Account of New-Spain. Ramusio, vol. 3. GusTAvus VASA. The History of Gustavus Vasa, King of Sweden; with extracts from his correspondence. London, 1852. 80. See Handlingar ri6rande Sverges inre FBrhallenden, etc. GUTHRIE ( Alfred). Memorial; being an investigation into the causes of the explosion of steam-boilers. U. S. Sen. Doct. Feb. 5, 1852. 80. GUTHRIE ( Maria). Tour through the Taurida, or Crimea...... London, 1802. 40. GUTHRIE (William). Des Christens groot interest.... door W. Guthry: vertaalt door J. Koelman. Amsterdam, 1745. 180. B. C. GUTHrIE ( William). New System of Modern Geography. 4th ed. London, 1788. 40. W. C. 441. A New System of Modern Geography. First Am. ed. corrected. Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1795. 2 vol. 4o. See Collection of Voyages. GUTHRIE (William). See Cicero. GENERAL LIBRARY. 325 GUTZLAFF (Rev. Charles). Sketch of Chinese History, ancient and modern. New-York, 1854. 2 vol. 120. GuY (John). Exercises in English Syntax. London, 1829. 180. GuY (Joseph) jr. Outlines...... in English themes and essays. 3d ed. London, 1828. 180. - English School Grammar. 8th ed. London, 1829. 180. GUYANE Francgaise. See Cayenne; and W. C. 201, 202, 442. GuYON (lMarie Claude). History of the East Indies: from the French. London, a1757. 2 vol. 80. GUYOT ( P rof. Arnold ). The Earth and Man: Lectures on comparative physical geography, trans. by C. C. Felton. Boston, 1849. 120. A Collection of Meteorological Tables useful in practical meteorology. Smithson. Rep. Washington, 1852. 80. GWILT,.( Joseph ). Rudiments of a Grammar of the Anglo-saxon tongue. London, 1829. 80. H. H. B. Political Sketches. See B. ( IH.). H. (C. W ). Talpa, or the Chronicles of a Clay farm, by C. W. H.: ed. by L. F. Allen. Buffalo, 1854. 120. H. ( V. D.). Consideratie ( Naeuwkeurige) van Staet, wegens de heerschappye van een vrye en geheymen staets-regering over de gantsche aertbodem: aengewezen door V. D. H., Amsterdam, 1662. With Historic der Gravelike Regeering in Holland: beschreven door V. K. Waer, by is gevoegd de Oorsprong der Nederlandie troublen; wel eer beschreven door Viglius Zuichemus, ab Ayta. Amsterdam, 1662. 180. B. C. HACHETTE (M.). Traite Ile6mentaire des Machines. Paris, 1811. 40. HACKETT ( James). Relation de l'Expedition partie d'Angleterre en 1817, pour joindre les Patriotes de Venezuela: traduit de l'anglois par N. Perrin. Paris, 1819. 120. W. C. 443. HACKLEY ( Rev. Charles W.). Treatise on Trigonometry, plane and spherical. 4th ed. New-York, 1853. 80. HADDEN (James). Rudimentary Arithmetic. London, 1851. 120. HADLEY ( William Hobart ). The United States Historical and Statistical Index. New-York, 1840. 80. HAES ( Joan de). Het Leven van Geeraert Brandt. Gravenhage, 1740. 40. HAGEN ( Jacobus). Verzameling van Bruiloftsverzen en liederen toegepast op allerlei betrekkingen. Amsterdam, 1835. Pam. vol. 31. B. C. --- -. Huisselijk Handboek voor Christenen. Amsterdam, 1834. 80. B. C. HAGEN ( Dr. P. Van der). Verborgenheyt der Godsaligheyt. Amsterdam, 1716. 80. B. C. HAGUE ( W.), D.D. Funeral Sermon of Hon. F.Humphrey. Albany, 1854. Pam. vol. 95. Home Life: twelve lectures. New-York, 1855. 120. 326 NEW-YORK STATE Christianity and Statesmanship; with kindred topics. New-York, 1855. 120. HAHN-HAHN ( Countess Ida). Letters from the Holy Land. London, 1849. 3 vol. in 1. 120. HAIGIT ( Mrs.). Letters from the Old World, by a Lady from New-York. 2d ed. New-York, 1840. 2 vol. 12~. HAINES ( Charles G.). Considerations on the Great Western Canal. Pam. vol. 7. Appeal to the People of New-York on abolishing the Council of Appointment, 1819. Pain. vol. 2. A Memoir of Thomas Addis Emmet; with Biog. Notice of Mr. Haines. New-York, 1820. 180. HAIR ( S. H.). Series of Views of the Collieries of the Counties of Northumberland and Durham; with an Essay on coal and the coal trade, by M. Ross. London, 1844. fol. AIAKIUYT (Richard). Principal Navigations, voyages, traffiques, and discoveries of the English Nation. London, 1599 - 1600. 3 vol. in 2. fol. - Virginia Richly Valued: trans. from the Portuguese. London, 1609. 4o. W. C. 444. Divers Voyages towards the Discovery of America and the Islands adjacent: ed. by J. W. Jones. Hakluyt S'oc. London, 1850. 80. HIAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works issued by the Hakluyt Society, London, 1847 -'54. 17 vol. 80. Contents: 1. Sir R. Hawkins's Voyages in 1593. 2. Select Letters of Columbus. 3. Raleigh's Discovery of Guiana. 4. Sir Francis Drake's Voyage. 5. Rundall's Narrative of Voyages to the Northwest. 6. Strachey's History of Travaile into Virginia. 7. Hakluyt's Divers Voyages of Discovery. 8. Memorials of the Empire of Japan. 9. Discovery and Conquest of Florida. 10. Notes upon Russia by Herberstein, vol. 1. 11. Geography of Hudson's Bay, by Capt. Coats. 12. Notes upon Russia by IIerberstein, vol. 2. 13. De Veer's Voyages to Cathay and China. 14, 15. Mendoza's History of China, 2 vol. 16. Sir Francis Drake: The World Encompassed. 17. P. J. d'Orleans: History of the Two Tartar Conquerors of China. HAITI: Rural Code, with Letters on. 1835. 80. HALCYON LUMINARY and THEOLOGICAL REPOSITORY: Conducted by a Society of gentlemen. New-York, 1812 - 13. 2 vol. 80. HALDEMAN ( S. S.). Writings. 1 vol. 40. Contents: 1. Description of several new and interesting animals: insects and fossils. Albany, 1847. 2. Zoological Contributions, No. 1: On some American Sp. of Hydrachnidse. Philadelphia. 3. History and Transformations of Corydalus cornutus. GENERAL LIBRARY. 327 4. On-the Construction of blast furnaces, for the smelting of iron with anthracite: from Silliman's Journal. 5. Supplement to a Monograph of the Limniades. 6. Corrections and Additions to his Paper on the Longicornia of the U.S. ------- Elements of Latin Pronunciation. Philadelphia, 1851. 120. HALE ( Benjamin),D.D. Inaug. Address, Geneva Coll. 1836. Pam. vol. 83......* - Sermon, on the Death of D. B. Douglass, LL.D. Prof. Math. Geneva College, 1849. Geneva, 1850. 80. HALE (Rev. Edward E.). Kansas and Nebraska: History, geographical and physical characteristics. Boston, 1854. 12~. Sermon, Boston, Soc. Preven. of Pauperism, 1852. Pam. vol. 93. HALE (Horatio). Ethnography and Philology. See U. States Expl. Exp. HALE ( J.). Six Months' Residence and Travels in Central America. NewYork, 1826. 80. W. C. 445. HALE (M.). Spring-water versus River-water for supplying the City of New-York; with plates. New-York, 1835. See Pamn. vol. 178. HALE (Salma). History of the United States to 1837. New-York, 1843. 2 vol. 180. Annals of Keene, N.H. from 1734 to 1815. Keene, 1851. 80. HALE (Mrs. Sarah J.). Sketches of American Character. Boston, 1831. 18o. HALES (John). Golden Remains of the ever Memorable: The third impression, with additions from the author's own copy. London, 1688. 80. B. C. HALES (S.). Causes of Earthquakes. See Histoire....... a Lima, and Relation.... at Lima. HALEY (W. T.). Abbott Unmasked; or Napoleon Bonaparte shown in his true colors. Toronto, 1855. 80. HALIBURTON ( Thomas C.). Historical and Statistical Account of NovaScotia. Halifax, 1819. 2 vol. 80. 3 copies. The Clock-maker, or the Sayings and Doings of Samuel Slick of Slickville. London, 1840 - 43. 3 vol. 120. The Letter-bag of the Great Western, or Life in a Steamer. London, 1840. 12o. ~ Rule and Misrule of the English in America. N. York, 1851. 12o..-.-.- Nature and Human-Nature. New-York, 1855. 12o. HALKETT (John). Historical Notes respecting the Indians of North America. London, 1825. o80. W. C. 447. HALL ( Captain). History of the Civil War in America. 2d ed. vol. 1. London, 1780. W. C. 448. HALL (A. Oakey). The Manhattaner in New-Orleans, or Phases of Crescent City Life. New-York, 1851. 120. HALL ( B. H.). Collection of College words and customs. Cambridge, Mass. 1851. 12. 328 NEW-YORK STATE HALL (Capt. Basil). Account of a Voyage of Discovery to the West Coast of Corea and the great Loo-choo Island; and a Vocabulary of the Loochoo language, by H. J. Clifford. London, 1818. 4o. E- xtracts from a Journal written on the Coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico. 4th ed. Edinburgh, 1825. 2 vol. 120. W. C. 449. Voyage to the Eastern Seas in 1816.... and Notes of an Interview with Bonaparte at St. Helena in Aug. 1817. N. York, 1827. 120. - Travels in North America, in 1827 and 1828. 3d ed. Edinburgh, 1830. 3 vol. 120. - The same. Philadelphia, 1829. 2 vol. 120. B. C. Forty Etchings from Sketches made in North America in 1827, 28. Edinburgh, 1829. 4o. —-- Schloss Hainfield, or a Winter in Lower Styria. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1836. 120. - Patchwork. 2d ed. London, 1841. 3 vol. 180. HALL (Baynard R.), D.D. Frank Freeman's Barber's Shop: a Tale. New-York, 1852. 120. Teaching, a science; the Teacher, an artist. N. York. 1848. 120. ------- See Carlton ( Robert), The New Purchase. HALL (Benjamin F.). Address to the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, at Auburn. Auburn, 1849. 80. HALL ( Edwin),D.D. The Puritans and their Principles. N.York, 1846. 8. -- The Ancient Historical Records of Norwalk, Conn.; with a Plan of the ancient settlement, and of the town in 1847. Norwalk, 1847. 120. Elements of Latin Pronunciation, for the use of students in language, law, medicine, zoology, botany, and the sciences generally. Philadelphia, 1851. 12o. HALL ( F. A. van). Collection of his Publications. Amsterdam. I vol. 80. B. C. Contents: 1. Proeve van een onderzoek wegens de gevolgen van gepleegde valschheid in Wisselbrieven, 1828. 2. Verdlediging van de onafhankelijkheid des Handels, bij het oprigten van Naamloose Maatschappijen. 1834. 3. Redevoering ter Gedachtenis van Gijsbert Karel Graaf van lHogendorp.1835. 4. De Verhandeling over eene op te rigten Hlandelsbank, geloetst aan wetenschap en ondervinding. 1837. 5. Proeve van een onderzoek omtrent de Schuld van het Koningrijk der Nederlanden. 1840. - Nadere Verdediging, etc. Amsterdam, 1835. Pam. vol. 31. B. C. See Plinius, trans. in Dutch. HALL ( Col. Francis). Travels in Canada and the United States. London, 1818. 80, W. C. 450.....- Colombia; its present state in respect of climate, soil, arts, etc. London, 1824. 80. HALL ( Frederick ). Account of Middlebury, Vt. Part first. Boston, 1821. 80o GENERAL LIBRARY. 329 Catalogue of Minerals found in Vermont and the adjacent States. Hartford, 1824. 80. HALL ( H. C. van). Landhuishoudkundige School te Groningen, etc.; with Bepalingen. Groningen, 1844. 80. HALL ( Prof. James). Geology of New-York. See New-York, Nat. Hist..-....- Plants of Troy, N.Y. Pam. vol. 188. Notes on the Geology of the Western States, 1841. Pam. vol. 74, 92. Address, Society of Natural History. Auburn Theol. Sem. 1843. Pam. vol. 74. -.- Niagara Falls.... Geology and topography. Pam. vol. 74. On the Geological Position of the Castoroides ohioensis; also, Description of the cranium of the same, by J. Wyman. From Boston Jour. Nat. Hist. 1846. Pam. 40. vol. 3. Address, Harvard Natural History Society, Cambridge, 1848. Pam. vol. 74.: — Key to Chart of successive geological formations.... with characteristic fossils. Boston, 1851. 120. HALL (James). Letters from the West. London, 1828. 80. Legends of the West. Philadelphia, 1832. 12o. - Address, Erodelphian Society of Miami University, 1833. Cincinnati, 1833. 8o. - The Soldier's Bride, and other tales. Philadelphia, 1833. 120. Harpe's Head; a Legend of Kentucky. Philadelphia, 1833. 120. Sketches of History, Life and Manners in the West. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 vol. 120....-.Statistics of the West at the close of the year 1836. Cincinnati, 1836. 120o. Tales of the Border. Philadelphia, 1835. 12o. A Memoir of the Public Services of William Henry Harrison of Ohio. Philadelphia, 1836. 180..-~ —-- Notes on the Western States; their soil, climate, resources and scenery. Philadelphia, 1838. 120. The Wilderness and the War-path. New-York, 1846. 120. The West; its commerce and navigation. Cincinnati, 1848. 120. ------ The West; its soil, surface and productions. Cincinnati, 1848. 120. HALL (Mrs. James). Phantasia, and other poems. New-York, 1849. 8o. HALL (John E.). Memoirs of Eminent Persons, with portraits and facsimiles: written and in part selected by the Editor of the Port Folio. Philadelphia, 1827. 80. HALL (Joseph). Oration, July 4, 1800, Boston. Pam. vol. 41. r GEN. LIB. 1855.] 42 330 NEW-YORK STATE HALL ( J. Prescott). Discourse, New-England Society in the City of NewYork, 1847. New-York, 1848. 120. HALL (.Rev. N.). Sermon on Death of Dr. Thaxter, Dorchester, Mass. 1852. Pamn. vol. 78. HALL (Robert). Works; with a memoir of his life by Dr. Gregory; and Observations on his character as a preacher, by John Foster. 2d ed. London, 1832. 6 vol. 80.: Works; with a brief memoir of, by Dr. Gregory, and observations by J. Foster. New-York, 1833. 3 vol. 80. B. C. Sermons on various Subjects; to which is added a Treatise on the Holy Spirit. New-York, 1814. 80. B. C. Sermon on Modern Infidelity. Charlestown, Mass. 1801. Pam. vol. 25, 39. Sermon on the Present Crisis, New-Haven, i8il; and, Sermon for Peace, New-Haven, 1811. Pam. vol. 25. HALL (S. R.). The Grammatical Assistant. Springfield, 1832. 120o. HALL (Willis). Att'y General's Opinion on R. H. Morris, 1841. Pam. vol. 67. - Ad-dress, Phi Beta Kappa, New-Haven, 1844. Pam. vol. 63, 88. HALLAMi ( Henry). View of the State of Europe during the middle ages. Philadelphia, 1821. 4 vol. 80. - The same. Paris, 1835. 2 vol. in 1. 80. B. C..-.. -- Supplemental Notes to the View of the State of Europe during the middle ages. London, 1848. 80. The Constitutional History of England, from the accession of Henry-VIII. to the death of George II. Boston, 1829. 3 vol. 80o. The same. 3 vol. 80. B. C. Introduction to the Literature of Europe, in the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries. London, 1837. 4 vol. 80. The same. 4 vol. in 2. Paris, 1.837 - 39. 2 vol. 80. B. C. HALLECK (Fitz-Greene). The Poetical Works, now first collected; illustrated. New-York, 1847. 80. Alnwick Castle; with other poems. New-York, 1836. 80. B. C. The same. New-York, 1845. 120. HALLECK ( H. Wager). Elements of Military Art and Science; or Course of Instruction in strategy, fortifications, tactics of battles...... NewYork, 1846. 120. HALLETT ( Jacob WY.). Address, Ontario Agric. Society. Pam. vol. 187. HALLEY (E.), D.D. Address, Theol. Soc. Union Coll. 1847. Pam. vol. 83, and Muns. Pamin. vol. 3. Sermon on Death of Gen. Taylor, 1850. Pam. vol. 61. ------- The Pantheism of Germany: A Sermon. Albany, Oct. 9, 1850. 80. - The same. Muns. Pam. vol. 10. GENERAL LIBRARY. 331 HALLIDAY ( Sir Andrew). The West Indies: The Natural and Physical History of the Windward and Leeward Colonies. London, 1837. 80. HALLIWELL ( James O.). The Manuscript Rarities of the University of Cambridge. London, 1841. 8~. Some Account of a Collection of several thousand bills, accounts and inventories, illustrating the history of prices between 1650 and 1750. Brixton Hill, 1853. 4o...... — The Poetry of Witchcraft; illustrated by copies of the Plays on the Lancashire witches by Heywood and Shadwell. Brixton Hill, printed for private circulation only, 1853. 4o. - Brief Description of the ancient and modern manuscripts preserved in the public library, Plymouth.... London.... for private circulation, 1853. 4. HALLOWAY (W.). General Dictionary of English Provincialisms. Lewes, 1839. 80. HALLOY ( J. d'). Races Humaines. See Encyc. Pop. HALLS (J. J.). The Life and Correspondence of Henry Salt, F. R. S., H. B. M.'s Consul General in Egypt. 2d ed. London, 1834. 2 vol. 80. HALY FILIUS ABBAS. Liber Totils Medicine Necessaria: a Stephano Antiocheno ex Arabica lingua in Lat. reductus, neenon'a Mich. de Capella fecundis synonymis illustratus. Lugduni, 1523. TVith Joannes Vigo: Opera in chyrurgia, 1521. 4o. HAMEL (Henry). Travels of some Dutchmen in Korea. Pinkerton, vol. 7. HAMILTON (Alexander). Works; comprising his correspondence, and his official and political writings, from the original manuscripts in the Department of State: ed. by John C. Hamilton. New-York, 1851. 7 vol. 80. 2 copies. -- Works, comprising his most important official reports, an improved edition of the Federalist on the New Constitution, written in 1788; and Pacificus on the Proclamation of Neutrality, written in 1793. NewYork, 1810. 3 vol. 8~. The same. 3 vol. 80. B. C. - The Federalist on the New Constitution, by Publius, written in 1788; to which is added, Pacificus on the proclamation of neutrality.... New-York, 1802. 2 vol. 8o. The same. 2 vol. 80. B. C. The Federalist on the New Constitution, written in 1788 by Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Madison and Mr. Jay. Hallowell, 1827. 80. LE FtDiRALISTE: trad. de l'anglois. Paris, 1792. 2 vol. 8o. W. C. 355. Letters of Pacificus and Helvidius (J. Madison), on the proclamation of neutrality of 1793. Washington, 1845. 8o. Observations on certain Documents contained in Nos. 5 and 6 of the " History of the United States for 1796," in which the charge of peculation against Alexander Hamilton..... is refuted: written by himself. Philadelphia, 1797; with ed. of the same of 1800. 8). 332 NEW-YORK STATE Letter, concerning the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams, Pres. of the U.S. 4th ed. New-York, 1800. 80: also in Pam. vol. 41. The same: New ed. with a preface. Boston, 1809. Pain. vol. 42..-....- Official and other Papers: edited by F. L. Hawks. Vol. 1. NewYork, 1842. So. HAMILTON (Andrew). Sixteen Months in the Danish Isles. London, 1852. 2 vol. 120. HAMILTON ( Lady Anne). Secret History of the Court of England, from George III. to the Death of George IV. London, 1832. 2 vol. 80. C. L. HAMILTON ( Anthony). Memoirs of Count Grammont... illustrated with 64 portraits. London, 1811. 2 vol. 80. ------ The same. Philadelphia, 1836. 80. B. C. The same. Title: Memoirs of the Court of Charles II. by Count Grammont; with additions as edited by Sir W. Scott; also Personal History of Charles...... and the Boscobel Tracts. London, Bohn, 1846. 120. Fairy Tales and Romances: from the French. London, 1849. 120. HAMILTON COLLEGE: Triennial Catalogue of the members, library and catalogue of the Union Society, 1851, Utica. 8o. HAMILTON (Lady Emma). Memoirs, with anecdotes of many of her particular friends and contemporaries. London, 1815. 120. HAMILTON (Francis Buchanan). A Journey from Madras, through Mysore, Canara, and Malabar, 1800 - 03: pub. by East-India Company. London, 1807. 3 vol. 4o. Account of the Kingdom of Nepal. Edinburgh, 1819. 4o. HAMILTON (Frank H.), M.D. Introd. Lect. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. Fairfield, N.Y. 1839. Pam. vol. 84. HAMILTON ( Hugh, Bishop). Works: ed. by his Son, Alexander Hamilton. London, 1809. 2 vol. 80. HAMlIILTON (James). Letter to Sir W. Garrow, on regulating the practice of surgery. Pamphleteer, vol. 12. HAMILTON ( James) jr. Speech against the Tariff, at Walterborough, S.C. 1828. Pam. vol. 49. HAMILTON ( John C.). Life of Alexander Hamilton. New-York, 1834 - 40. 2 vol. 8~. 2 copies. The same. 2 vol. 80. B., C. HAMILTON ( J. P.). Travels through the Interior Provinces of Colombia. London, 1827. 2 vol. 8o. W. C. 451. HAMILTON ( John S.), M.D. The Army, Navy and Militia Volunteer Guide to health, valor, and victory. Albany, 1851. 120. HAMILTON (Robert). British Fishes. Edinburgh, 1843. 2 vol. See Nat. Lib..-.. Amphibious Carnivora, including the Walrus and Seals. See Nat. Lib. GENERAL LIBRARY. 333 HAIILTON (Robert.). Inquiry concerning the National Debt of Great Britain. Philadelphia, 1816. 80. HIAMILTON ( Thomas). Annals of the Peninsular Campaigns, from 1808 to 1814. Phi ade'phia, 1831. 3 vol. 120. Men and Manners in America. Philadelphia, 1833. 80. The same. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 vol. 120. B. C. ~ — The same. New ed. Edinburgh, 1843. 120. HAMILTON ( William). Translation of Account of the Amazon. See Pagan. Letters on the Basaltes of the Northern Coast of the County of Antrim. Pinkerton, vol. 3. HAMILTON ( Sir? William). See Stewart ( Dugald). - Discussions on Philosophy and Literature, education and university reform: chiefly from the Ed. Review. London, 1852. So. HAMILTON ( William G.). Parliamentary Logick; to which are subjoined two speeches delivered in the House of Commons of Ireland, and other pieces; with Considerations on the corn laws, by Samuel Johnson, LL.D. London, 1808. 80. IIAMILTON ( William J.). Researches in Asia Minor, Pontus and Armenia; with some account of their antiquities and geology. London, 1842. 2 vol. 80. HAMILTON (W. R.). Address on the Progress of Geography. Geog. Soc. Jour. vol. 12, 13. HAMLIN (L. F.). English Grammar in Lectures. Schenectady, 1831. 180. T he same. Boston, 1832. 180. HAMMER (Joseph Von). Storia dell Impero Ottomano: trad. italiana. Venezia, 1828 - 31. 24 vol. 180. HAMMON ( Jupiter). An Address to the Negroes in the State of New-York. New-York, 1806. 180. HAMMOND ( Jabez D.). The History of Political Parties in the State of New-York, from the ratification of the Federal Constitution to December, 1840. Albany, 1842. 2 vol. 8i. The same. 2 vol. 80. B. C. ---- The same. 3d ed. Cooperstown, 1844. 2 vol. 80. Life and Opinions of Julius Melbourn; with Sketches of the Lives and Characters of T. Jefferson, J. Q. Adams, J. Randolph, etc.: ed. by a late Member of Congress. Syracuse, 1847. 120..-.- The same. 12). B. C. Life and Times of'Silas Wright, late Governor of the State of New-York. Syracuse, 1848. 80. The same. 80. B. C. Address at Dedication of N.Y. Conference Acad. Charlotteville, 1850. Muns. Pam. vol. 12. Evidence of Immortality of the Soul: Lect. before Y. M. A. Albany, 1850. Nuns. Pam. vol. 11. 334 NEW-YORK STATE HAMMOND (J. W.). A Tabular View of the Financial Affairs of Pennsylvania, from the commencement of her public works to the present time. Philadclphia, 1844. 80. HAMMOND ( S. H.). Hills, Lakes, and Forest Streams; or a Tramp in the Chateaugay woods. New-York, 1854. 120. and L. H. Mansfield. Country Margins. New-York, 1855. 120. HAMMOND ( Wells S.). Oration, July 4, 1839, Cherry-Valley. Pam. vol. 63. HAMPDEN ( R. D.), Bishop of Hereford. Sermons, University of Oxford, 1836 to 1847. London, 1848. 80. HAiMPTON (James). See Polybius, translation. HANCOcK ( Hon. John). An Oration delivered March 5, 1774, at the request of the inhabitants of the town of Boston, to commemorate the Bloody Tragedy of March 5, 1770. Boston, 1774. 40. HAND-BOOK for the Piano-forte: by an Amateur. Albany, 1850. 180. HAND-BOOK for Travellers in Egypt. See Wilkinson ( Sir G.). HAND-BOOK for young artists and amateurs in oil painting: by an American Artist. New-York, 1845. 80o. HAND-BOOK Of Domestic Medicine, popularly arranged, by an eminent physician. London, Bohn, 1855. 120. HAND-BOOK of Proverbs: collected by H. G. Bohn. London, B3ohn, 1855. 120. HAND-BOOKS. See American System of Education. HANDLINGAR Rirande Sverges inre fdrhallandefi under Konung Gustaf I. Forsta afdelningen: Reformations-och Kyrkowisende. Stockholm, 1841. And, Handlingar till Sverges Reformations-och Kyrkohistoria under Konung Gustaf I. Andra bandet: Fbrsta haftet, 1531-44. Stockholm, 1844. 2 vol. 80. HANEBERG ( Daniel). Abhandlung iiber das Schul- und Lehrwesen der Muhamedaner im Mittelalter. Minchen, 1850. See Bayv. Acad. Mem. vol. 1. HANGER ( Col. George). The Life, Adventures, and Opinions: written by himself. London, 1801. 2 vol. 80. HANN ( James) and Win. Hosking. Theory, Practice, and Architecture of bridges. London, 1839. 2 vol. 4~. The Elements of Plane Trigonometry. London, 1849. 12o. Examples on the Integral Calculus. London, 1850. 120. HANNA (Rev. William). Memoirs of the Life and Writings of T. Chalmers, D.D. New-York, 1850-52. 4 vol. 120. " HANNETT (John). Bibliopegia, or the Art of Book-binding in all its branches. London, 1848. 120. HANNOT (S.). Woordboek. See Hoogstraten ( D.). HANSARD (T. C.). Treatise on Printing and Type-founding. Edinburgh, 1841. 120. GENERAL LIB3RARY. 335 HANSON (John H.). The Lost Prince; or the Identity of Louis XVII and Rev. Eleazer Williams. New-York, 1854. 120. HANSON ( J. W.). History of the Town of Danvers, from its early settlement to the year 1848. Danvers, 1848. 120. -- History of the old towns of.... Norridgewock, Canaan, Starks, Skowhegan and Bloomfield to 1849; with a Sketch of the Abnakis Indians. Boston, 1849. 120. HANWAY (Jonas) and others. Account of Russia. Coll. of Voy. vol. 5. HARBINGER OF PEACE: No. 1, vol. 1, May 1828. 80. Pam. vol. 53. B.C. HARCOURT ( Rev. L. Vernon). The Doctrines of the Deluge; vindicating the spiritual account.... London, 1838. 2 vol. 80. HARDCASTLE (Daniel ) jun. Banks and Bankers. London, 1843. 120. HARDIE (James). The American Remembrancer and Universal Tablet of ivicmory. Philadelphia, 1795. 120. ---- The New Universal Biographical Dictionary and American Remembrancer of departed merit. New-York, 1805. 4 vol. 80. —.... The Description of the City of New-York. New-York, 1827. 120. HARDMAN (Frederick). Scenes in Central America. See Seatsfield. HARDT (Ignatius). Catalogus Manuscriptorum Groacorum Bibliothecae Bavaria. See Bavaria. HARDY ( Francis). Memoirs of the Earl of Charlemont. 2d ed. London, 1812. 2 vol. 8. HARE ( Charles W.). Oration, Washington Benevolent Society, Penn. Philadelphia, 1813. See Pam. vol. 55. B. C. HARE (Rev. Julius Charles). Guesses at Truth, by two Brothers. 3d ed. First Series. London, 1847. 120. The same. 2d ed. London, 1838. 120. B. C. Guesses at Truth. 2d series. London, 1855. 120. See Niebuhr, translation. -- See Sterling's Essays and Tales. HARE (Robert ), M.D. Memoirs on the explosiveness of nitre; on the whirlwind theory of storms, and on the apparatus for producing attrition between the surfaces of silicious stones in vacuo. 40 and 80, in 1 vol. -- Analysis of his Lectures on Electricity and Magnetism, with an appendix of memoirs. 80. On the Causes of the Wi'ater-spout. Sill. Journal, vol. 32, 38. Redfield's Theory of Storms. Sill. Journal, vol. 42, 43. -- Strictures on Dove's Essay on the law of storms. Sill. Journal, vol. 44. Papers on chemical subjects. Am. Phil. Soc. N. S. vol. 5, 6, 7. - - Proofs that Credit as money is preferable to coin. Philadelphia, 1834. 80. 336 NEW-YORK STATE -- Suggestions on the Reformation of the Banking System. Philadelphia, 1837. 8L. Memoir on the explosiveness of nitre. See Smithson. Contr. vol. 2. - Queries and Strictures respecting Espy's Meteorological Report to the Naval Department. Philadelphia, 1852. 80. HARLAN (J.). Memoir of India and Avghanistaun. Philadelphia, 1842. 120. HARLAN (Richard). Fauna Americana; being a Description of the mammiferous animals of North America. Philadelphia, 1825. 80. HARLEIAN ( The) MISCELLANY, or a Collection of scarce, curious and entertaining pamphlets and tracts, as well in manuscript as in print, found in the late Earl of Oxford's library.... with notes: ed. by J. Malham. London, 1808-11. 12 vol. 80. HARLEY (James). The Currency; its influence on the internal trade of the country. Glasgow, 1839. 80. HARMAR (Gen. Josiah). Proceedings of the Court to investigate his conduct as commanding officer of the Expedition against the Miami Indians, 1790. Philadelphia, 1791. fol. HARMON (Daniel W.). Voyages and Travels in the Interior of North America. Andover, 1820. 80. W. C. 452. HARMONY (The) of Protestant Confessions: from the Latin, enlarged and edited by Rev. Peter Hall. London, 1842. 80. I-IARPER and BROTHERS' Illustrated Catalogue of Books. New-York, 1.847. 80. N- ew Monthly Magazine. New-York, 1850 -55. 11 vol. 89. New-York Class-book. See Russell ( W.)..-..- New-York and Erie Railroad Guide, with 136 engravings. NewYork, 1851. 120. - Statistical Gazetteer of the World: ed. by J. Calvin Smith. NewYork, 1855. imp. 80. HARPER ( Robert G.). Select Works, vol. 1. Baltimore, 1814. 80.. — Observations on the Dispute between the United States and France. London, 1797. 80..-..- Speeches on the Conduct of France... May, 1797. Pam. vol. 46...-..-. Speech on the Foreign intercourse bill, March 2, 1798. Pam. vol. 31. - Letter to his South-Carolina Constituents, 1801. pp. 16. Pam. vol. 44. - Oration on Washington, Feb. 22, 1810. Pam. vol. 55. B. C......- Speech at Georgetown on the Russian victories. Baltimore, 1813. Pam. vol. 9, 43. and Robert Walsh jun. Correspondence respecting Russia; with his Speech commemorative of the Russian victories. Philadelphia, 1813. Pamz. vol. 9: also B. C. Speech, Annapolis, Jan. 20, 1814. Pam. vol. 54. B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 337 Speech at the Celebration of the recent Triumphs of the Cause of Mankind in Germany. New-Haven, 1814. 8o. HARRINGTON (Rev. 11. F.). 1, Sermon on the Anti-rent disturbances, Albany, 1844; 2, Sermon.. Statistics of.. Albany, 1846. Serm. vol. 5. B.C. Sermon on Missions, 1846. Pam. vol. 61. HARRINGTON ( James). Oceana, and other Works; with his Life, by J. Toland. London, 1700. fol. HARRINGTON (Rev. Timothy). A Century Sermon preached at the ]First Parish in Lancaster, Mass. 1753. Lancaster, 1806. 80. HARRIOT ( Lieut. John). Struggles through Life, exemplified in his various travels and adventures in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. London, 1807. 2 vol. 120o. HARRIOT (Thomas). Admiranda Narratio de Commodis et Incolarum Ritibus Virginiae. Frankforti, 1590. See Bry. W. C. 153. HARRIS ( George). The Life of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke, with Selections from his correspondence, diaries, speeches and judgments. London, 1847. 3 vol. 80. HARRIS (James), Earl of Malinesbury. Diaries and Correspondence, with an Account of his Missions to Madrid, Berlin, etc.: ed. by his Grandson. London, 1844. 4 vol. 80. HARRIS ( James). Hermes, or a Philospphical Inquiry concerning universal grammar. 4th ed. London, 1786. 8o. The same. 7th ed. 1825. 80. B. C. HARRIS (John). Complete Collection of Voyages and Travels. London, 1705. 2 vol. fol. The same, with additions. London, 1744. 2 vol. fol. HARRIS ( John), D.D. The Pre-Adamite Earth: Contributions to Theological Science. Boston, 1847. 120. HARRIS ( J. Morrison). Life of Sir Walter Raleigh; and a Paper upon California. See Maryland Hist. Soc. 5HARRIS ( Thaddeus D.). Biography of James Oglethorpe, Founder of the Colony of Georgia. Boston, 1841. 80. Tour into the Territory Northwest of the Alleghany Mountains. Boston, 1805. 80o. W. C. 453. HARRIS (Rev. T. Mason). New-year's Sermon at Dorchester. Boston, 1796. Pain. vol. 29. Sermon: Masonic Emblems explained. Charlestown, 1796. Boston, Pam. vol. 29. IARRIS (Thaddeus William), M.D. A Treatise on some of the insects of New-England, which are injurious to vegetation. Cambridge, 1842. 8~.; — Epitaphs from the Old Burying Ground of C ambridge, with notes. Cambridge, Mass. 1845. 8o. - - On North American Coleopterous insects. See Nat. Hist. Soc. Hartford. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 43 338 NEW-YORK STATE HARRIS (Thomas). Life of Commodore William Bainbridge. Philadelphia, 1837. 80. HARRIS (Sir W. Snow). Rudimentary Magnetism: Parts 1, 2. London, 1850. 12~. - - Inquiries concerning the elementary laws of electricity. Royal Soc. Trans. 1834 - 39. - -- NrNature of Thunderstorms, and on the means of protecting buildings and shipping against lightning. London, 1843. 80. _.- Report of Professor Whewell's Anemometer. Brit. Asso. Reports, 1840, 41. - Rudimentary Electricity. London, 1848. 120. HARRISON ( F.). See Zenger. HARRISON (Rev. Matthew). The Rise, progress, and present structure of the English Lanlguage. Philadelphia, 1850. 120. HARRISON ( W. H.), President. Discourse on the Aborigines of the Valley of the Ohio. Cincinnati, 1838. 80. See also Ohio Hist. and Phil. Soc. Trans. C- ondensed Memoir of his Services. Pam. vol. 91. HARSHA ( David A.). The most eminent Orators and Statesmen of ancient and modern times. New-York, 1855. 8o. HART'S PATHFINDER, 1846. See Newsp. vol. 3. HART (Adolphus M.). History of the Valley of the Mississippi. Cincinnati, 1853. 12o. HART (John). Practical Treatise on the Construction of oblique arches. 2d ed. London, 1.839. 4o. HART ( John S.). The Femnale Prose Writers of America; with portraits. Philadelphia, 1852. 8'. ---- English Grammar. Philadelphia, 1846. 120. HART ( Rev. Luther). Memoir of the Life of Rev. Amos Pettengill. Boston, 1834. 120. HARTFORD CONVENTION. Proceedings of a Convention of Delegates from Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode-Island.... convened at HIartford, Dec. 15, 1814. Hartford, 1815. 80. HARTFORD Young Men's Institute: Catalogue, 1852. Pam. vol. 170. HARTIG ( Count). Genesis; or Details of the late Austrian Revolution: from the German. See Coxe's History of Austria, continued. HARTINGER (Anton). Paradisus Vindobonensis: Auswahl von seitenen und schonbliihenden pflanzen der Wiener garten, etc. Vienna. 4 fascic. imp. Jol. plates. HARTLEY ( David), M.D. De l'Homme, de ses facultes, etc.: trad. par l'Abb6 Sicard. Paris, 1802. 2 vol. 80. HARTLEY (David). Letters on the American War: addressed to the Mayor and Corporation of Hull. London, 1778. 4o. HARTMANN ( H.). Nouvelle M6thode pour apprendre les regles de la grammaire allemande en trente lecons. La Haye, 1838. 12o. B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 339 HARTSINCK (Jan J.). Beschryving van Guiana. Amsterdam, 1770. 2 vol. 4o. W. C. 454. IIARTWELL, BLAIR and CHILTON. Present State of Virginia, and of the College. London, 1727.12o. W. C. 455. HARTWICK SYNOD. See Evang. Luth. Church. I-IARVARD UNIVERSITY. A Catalogue of the Library: Vol. 1, 2, Alphabetical; vol. 3, Index; vol. 4, A catalogue of the maps and charts; vol. 5, First supplement to the catalogue. Cambridge, 1830, 31, 34. 5 vol. 80. - Catalogus Bibliothecoa Harvardianve Cantabrigiae Novanglorum. Bostoniae, 1790. 80. - Collection of Pamphlets respecting Harvard University, in 2 vol. 80. Contents: VOLUIME 1. 1, 2. Triennial Catalogues, 1824, 1851. 3, 4, 522d, 25th, 27th Annual Reports, 1846-47, 49-50, 51-53. 6. Report of Library Committee, 1850. 7. Commencement, and List of Graduates, 1851. 8. G. Ticknor's Remarks on proposed changes, 1825. 9. A. Norton's Speech before the overseers, 1825. 10. J. Walker, D.D., Inaugural Address, 1853. VOLUMIE 2. 1. Catalogue of the Graduates, 1848. 2. Thirteenth Annual Report of President, for 1837 - 38. 3. Reports of the Visiting Committees, Jan. 1849. 4. Report of the Visitors of the Lawrence Scientific School in 1819. 5. Report of the Committee of Overseers, 1849. --- Catalogues of the Officers and Students for the academical years 1838 - 41, 1845 -46, 1849 - 50, 1849 - 53. 4 vol. 120. Proceedings of the Overseers relative to the late disturbances. Boston, 1834. 8o. Also Pam. vol. 28. B. C. - A Letter to the President, by a member of the corporation. Boston, 1849. 80. - See Gray ( F. C.). HARVEY ( William Henry), M.D. A Manual of the British Marine Algae; with plates to illustrate all the genera. London, 1849. 80.. — Nereis Bor ili-Americana; or Contributions to a history of the marine algve of N. A. Parts 1, 2. Smithson. Contr. vol. 3, 5. - Seaside Book.... of the British Coasts. London, 1854. 120. HARWOOD ( Edward). Biographia Classica: The Lives and Characters of the Greek and Roman Classics. New ed. London, 1778. 2 vol. 120. B.:C. HASBROUCK (A. B.). Inaug. Address, Rutgers Coll. N. J. 1840. Pam. vol. 88. HASE (Dr. Charles). History of the Christian Church: trans. by Charles E. Blumenthal and Conway P. Wing. New-York, 1855. 80. 340 NEW-YORK STATE HASKEL ( Daniel). Chronological View of the World. New-York, 1845. 120. and J. C. Smith. Gazetteer of the United States. New-York, 1843. 80. HASKELL (Daniel N.). Address, Boston Mere. Lib. Assoc. 1848. Pam. vol. 63. HASKJINs ( R. W.). Effects of increase of the money metals. Buffalo, 1850. Pamn. vol. 74. HASSALL ( Arthur H.),M.D. Food and its Adulterations; comprising the Reports of the Analytical Sanitary Commission of the Lancet, 185154. London, 1855. 8~. HASSELT ( J. C. van). Dissert. Inauguralis de metamorphosi quarumdam partium ranso temporarise. Groningue, 1820. 8o. HIASSENFRATZ (J. H.). La Sid6rotechnie, ou l'Art de traiter les minerais de fer pour en obtenir de la fonte, du fer, ou de l'acier. Paris, 1812. 4 vol. 40. HASSKARL ( Justus Karl). Catalogus Plantarum in Horto Botanico Bogoriensi cultarum alter. Batavise, 1844. 8o. HASsLER (F. R.). Comparison of weights and measures of length and capacity, reported to the Senate of U. S. 1832. 80. 2 copies. - Report upon the Standards of the liquid capacity measures of the system of uniform standards: IH. of Rep. Treas. Dept. Doct. 1842. With, Investigation upon the Survey of the Coast.... and the construction of standards of weights and measures, by a Committee of Congress, 1842. Washington. 80. Papers on various subjects connected with the Survey of the Coast of the United States. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. N. S. vol. 2. HASTINGS ( Hiram P.). Essay on Constitutional Reform. New-York, 1846. Pam. vol. 18. HASTINGS (John), M.D. Lectures on Yellow Fever. Philadelphia, 1848. HASTINGS ( Thomas). The Musical Reader; or Practical lessons for the voice. Utica, 1819. 80. HASWELL (Anthony). Memoirs and Adventures of Captain Matthew Phelps.... particularly in two voyages from Connecticut to the River Mississippi, from 1773 to 1780. Bennington, 1802. 120. HATCH ( J.). Speech in N. Y. Assembly, on Canal lettings. Pam. vol. 145. HAUDICQUER DE BLANCOURT. De l'art de la verrerie. Paris, 1697. 120. HAVEN (Jason). Election Sermon at Boston, 1769. See Pam. vol. 113. HAVEN (Samuel F.). Historical Address at Dedham, Mass. Sept. 21, 1836; the Second Centennial Anniversary of the town. Dedham, 1837. 80. HAVERFORD SCHOOL, Delaware Co. Penn.: An Account of. Philadelphia, 1835. 8~. The same. See Pam. vol. 171. GENERAL LIBRARY. 341 HAWES (Joel), D.D. A Tribute to the Memory of the Pilgrims. Hartford, 1830. 120. Address at Hartford, Conn. Nov. 8, 1835; the Second Century from the settlement of the city. Hartford, 1835. 120. Religion of the East, with Impressions of foreign travel. Hartford, 1845. 120o. HAWKrESWORTH (John), LL.D. An account of the Voyages undertaken for making discoveries in the southern hemisphere... by Corn. Byron, Capts. Wallis, Carteret and Cook..... drawn up from their journals. London, 1773. 3 vol. 40. Relation des Voyages dans l'Hemisphere meridional, par Byron, Carteret, Wallis et Cook: trad. de l'anglois. Paris, 1774. 4 vol. 40. W. C. 456. HAWKIN'S Creek Country. See Georgia Hist. Soc. HAWKINS (Alfred). The Quebec Directory, 1844, 5. Quebec. 12o. ------- Picture of Quebec, with Historical Recollections. Quebec, 1834. 120. HAWKINS (Bisset). Germany; the Spirit of her history, literature, social condition, and national economy, etc. London, 1838. 80. The same. 80. B. C. HAWKINS (Rev. Ernest). Historical Notices of the Missions of the Church of England in the North American Colonies, previous to the Independence of the United States. London, 1845. 8o. HAWKINS ( Sir John). The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.P. London, 1787. 8o. HAWKINS ( Sir Richard ). Observations in his Voyage to the South Sea, A.D. 1593. London, 1622. fol. - The same: ed. by C. R. Drinkwater Bethune, Capt. R. N. London, Hakluyt Soc. 1847. 80. HAWKS ( Francis L.), D.D. The Monuments of Egypt; or Egypt a Witness for the Bible. New-York, 1850. 80. Contributions to the Ecclesiastical History of the United States of America. Vol. 1, Protestant Episcopal Church of Virginia; vol. 2, Protestant Episcopal Church of Maryland. New-York, 1836, 39. 2 vol. 80. See Hamilton's (A.) Papers. ---—'See Rivero, Peruvian Antiquities, translation. D. L. Swain, and D. A. Graham. Revolutionary History of NorthCarolina. See Cooke (W. D.). HAWKSTONE, A Tale of and for England in 184-: ed. by W. Sewell. 4th Am. ed. New-York, 1848. 2 vol. 120. HAWLEY (Gideon), LL.D. Address, Albany Academy, 1835. Pam. vol. 70, 83. HAWLEY (Zerah). Tour through Connecticut, Massachusetts, New-York, and the Western Reserve. New-Haven, 1822. 120. W. C. 457. 342 NEW-YORIK STATE HAWTHORNE (Nathaniel). The House of Seven Gables: A Romance. Boston, 1851. 120. Journal of an African Cruiser. New-York, 1845. 120.. Mosses from an old Manse. New-York, 1846. 123. The Scarlet Letter: A Romance. 2d ed. Boston, 1850. 120. - The Blithedale Romance. Boston, 1850. 120. ------- Life of Franklin Pierce. Boston, 1852. 12o..-..- Twice told Tales. A new ed. Boston, 1852. 120. HAY ( D. R.). Nomenclature of colours, hues, tints, and shades. Edinburgh, 1845. 12". HAY (George). Treatise on expatriation. Washington, 1814. Pam. vol. 9. B. C. HAYDEN (Horace H.). Geological Essays. Baltimore, 1820. 80. W. C. 458. HAYES ( Daniel). Captivity by Indians, 1707. See Phelps's Copper Mines. HAYES (John L.). The probable influence of icebergs upon drift, 1843. Pain. vol. 79. HAYES ( Richard). Interest Tables. Several pages wanting. sm.4~. B. C. HAYGARTH (HI. W.). Recollections of Bush-life in Australia, during a residence of eight years. London, 1848. 12o. HAYLEY (William). The Life and Posthumous writings of William Cowper. Boston, 1803. 2 vol. 120. B. C. ------- Life of Cowper. See Cowper, Grimshawe's ed. HAYNE ( R. Y.). Speech, U. S. Senate, on Mr. Foot's Resolution, 1830. Pam. vol. 49, and Pam. vol. 21. B. C. Speech against the Tariff Bill, 1824. Pain. vol. 49. Second Speech in Congress on the Public lands, 1830. Pam. vol. 59. 2 copies. HAYNES ( Rev. Lemuel). Sermon, Granville, N.Y., on Divine Decrees, 181.0. Pam. vol. 78. HAYWARD (A.). Translation of Faust. See Goethe. HAYWARD (Charles) jr. Life of Sebastian Cabot. Sparks's Am. Biog. vol. 9. HAYWARD ( Sir John). Annals of the first four years of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth: edited by John Bruce. London, Camden Society, 1849. 40. HAYWARD ( John). A Gazetteer of Massachusetts.. Boston, 1847. 120. The Massachusetts Directory, being the first part of the NewEngland Directory. Boston, 1835. 180. The New-England Gazetteer, 9th ed. Concord, 1839. 12~. - A Gazetteer of the United States, with a map. Hartford, 1853. 80 HAYWARD (W.). Collection of Pictures now exhibiting. New-York, 1837. Pam. vol. 38. B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 343 IIAYWOOD (W. H.) jr. Speeches in Cong., on Texas, 1845; on Oregon, 1846. Pam. vol. 59. HAZARD (Ebenezer). Historical Collection of State Papers, intended as materials for a History of the United States. Philadelphia, 1792. 2 vol. 4o. HAZARD (Rowland G.). A Discourse, Rhode-Island Historical Society, Jan. 18, 1848, on Chief Justice Durfee. Providence, 1848. 80. ------ Essay on the Philosophical Character of Channing. Boston, 1845. Pam. vol. 44. B. C. HIAzARD ( Samuel). Register of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1834 - 36. 16 vol. 4o. United States Commercial and Statistical Register, containing documents of the history and resources of the American Union, and of each State. Philadelphia, 1840 - 42. 6 vol. 8'. Annals of Pennsylvania, from the Discovery of the Delaware, 1609 - 82. Philadelphia, 1850. 80. See Pennsylvania, Archives. HAZARD ( Thomas R.). See Rhode-Island, Report on the poor and insane. HAZELIUS ( Ernest L.), D.D. History of the American Lutheran Church, from 1685 to 1842. Zanesville, 0. 1846. 12o. HAZEN (Edward ). Practical Grammar of the English Language. NewYork, 1844. 120. The same. 1842. 120. HAZEN (Jasper). See Christian Palladium. -- - Christian Psalms and Hymns, to aid in public and private devotion, selected and arranged by. Albany, 1849. 120. HAZLITT (William). Eloquence of the British Senate. Brooklyn, 1810. 2 vol. 80. —. Characters of Shakespeare's Plays. Boston, 1818. 120. B. C. The same: with Lectures on the Dramatic Literature of the Age of Elizabeth. New-York, 1845, 46. In 1 vol. 120. T — he same. New-York, 1845. 120. B. C. Political Essays. London, 1819. 80. Letters to William Gifford, esq. London, 1819. 80. Select British Poets; or new Elegant Extracts. from Chaucer to the present time. London, 1824. 80. B. C. Spirit of the Age, or Contemporary Portraits. 2d ed. London, 1825. 12. - Table-Talk; or Original Essays. Paris, 1825. 2 vol. in 1. 120. B. C. - The Plain Speaker: Opinions on Books, men and things. London, 1826. 2 vol. 80. B. C. Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. London, 1828. Vol. 1, 2; vol. 3, 4 wanting. 2 vol. 8o. 344 NEW-YORK STATE - Literary Remains; with a Notice of life by his Son, and Thoughts on his genius and writings by E. L. Bulwer and T. N. Talfourd. London, 1830. 2 vol. 80. B. C. Characteristics. 2d ed. London, 1837. 160. Lectures on the English Poets and Comiic Writers. New-York, 1845. 12o. - Table Talk: Opinions on books, men and things. New-York, 1846. 2 vol. 120. See Michelet, translation. Essays on the Principles of Human Action; on the Systems of Hartley and Helvetius; and on abstract ideas. London. 120. B. C. See Holcroft's Memoirs. HAZZI ( De), of Munich. Treatise on the rearing of silkworms. Cong. Doct. Washington, 1828. 80. HEAD ( Sir F. B.). Rough Notes of Journeys across the Pampas and among the Andes. 2d ed. London, 1826. 120. W. C. 459. The same. 12. B. C. English Charity: from the Quarterly Review. London, 1835. 1.80. - A Narrative. 2d ed. London, 1839. 80. Bubbles from the Brunnen of Nassau: by an Old Man. 6th ed. London, 1841. 18~. The same. New-York, 1845. 120. - The same. New-York, 1836. Pam. vol. 29. B. C. The Emigrant. New-York, 1847. 8~.: -- Stokers and Pokers. Also, Highways and Dryways. 2d ed. London, 1850. 120. A Faggot of French Sticks; or Paris in 1851. New-York, 1852. 12.) HEAD (Sir George). A Home Tour through various parts of the United Kingdom; being a continuation of the " Home Tour through the Tmanufacturing districts." London, 1837. 120. Rome, a Tour of many days. London, 1849. 3 vol. 80. See Pacca's Histor. MIem. HEADLEY ( Joel T.). Italy and theItalians, in a series of letters. NewYork, 1844. Pam. vol. 43. B. C. Letters'from Italy. New-York, 1845. 120. The same. 12'. B. C. - Letters from Italy. TVith, The Alps and the Rhine. Revised editions. New-York, 1848. In one vol. 120. - The One Progressive Principle: Address, Literary Soc. Univ. of Vermont, 1846. Pam. vol. 45. B. C. The Alps and the Rhine. New-York, 1846. 120. Napoleon and his Marshals. New-York, 1846. 2 vol. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 345 Washington, and his Generals. New-York, 1847. 2 vol. 12'. The Life of Oliver Cromwell. New-York, 1848. 120. - The Adirondacks; or Life in the Woods. New-York, 1849. 120. - iscellanies. New-York, 1850. 120. Rambles and Sketches. New-York, 1851. 120. The Sacred Mountains. New-York, 1852. 120. Thejllmperial Guard of Napoleon. New-York, 1852. 12o. ------- The Second War with England. New-York, 1853. 2 vol. 120. Orators of France. See Cormenin. HtEAP ( Gwinn Harris). Central Route to the Pacific, from the Valley of the Mississippi to California: Journal of the Expedition of E. F. Beale and G. H. Heap, 1853. Philadelphia, 1854. 80. HEARNE ( Samuel ). Journey from Prince of Wales' Fort to the Northern Ocean, 1769- 72. London, 1795. 40. Vo- yage du Fort du Prince de Galles a l'Oc6an Nord, 1769- 72: trad.&de I'anglois. Paris, 1799. 4o. W. C. 460. IJEARNE ( Thomas). A Collection of (Jurious Discourses, written by eminent antiquaries upon several heads of English antiquities, with Mr. Thomas Hearne's preface and appendix to the former edition; with additional antiquary discourses. London, 1775. 2 vol. 8o. HEART (Jonathan). The Western Country. See Inmlay ( G.). HEATH ( Noble). See Bezout, Arithmetic. HEATH (Robert). Account of the Islands of Scilly. Pinkerton, vol. 2. HEATH ( Gen.'William). Memloirs of Military Events during the Revolutionary War. Boston, 1798. 83. IHEATHER ( J. F.). A Treatise on Mathematical Instruments. 2d ed. London, 1851. 120. HEATHER (William). New North-American Pilot. London, 1801. So. W. C. 461. HEBER ( Reginald ), Bishop. Narrative of a Journey through the Upper Provinces of India. Philadelphia, 1828. 2 vol. 8o. -- The same. Philadelphia, 1829. 2 vol. 12o. B. C. - - The Life of the Rt. Rev. Jeremy Taylor, D.D.; with a critical examination of his writings. Hartford, 1832. 12o. B. C. - Palestine and other Poems; with a Memoir of his life. Philadelphia, 1828. 120. B.C. --- Life, by his Widow; with selections from his correspondence. NewYork, 1830. 2 vol. So. B. C. -- Biography of, abridged for young persons. Boston, 1831. 18o. B.C. HEBERT ( Luke). Engineer's and Mechanic's Encyclopemdia. London, 1837. 2 vol. 80. tECIc (J. G.). See Iconographic Encyclopmedia. [ GEN. LIn. 1855.1 44 346 NEW-YORK STATE HECKEWELDER ( John). Narrative of the Miission of the United Brethren among the Indians. Philadelphia, 1820. 80. ------ Histoire, Moeurs et Coutumes des Nations Indiennes qui habitaient autrefois la Pensylvanie et les Etats voisins: trad. de l'anglois par le Chev. Du Ponceau. Paris, 1822. 80. W. C. 462. HEDENDAAGSC:IE uHISTORIE der Nederlandlen: Tegen-Woordige Staat van Friesland. Vol. 13, 14, 15, 16; vol. 14, 15, in 2 parts. Amsterdam, 1785 - 88. 6 vol. 8~0 HIEDENDAAG-SCHE HISTORIE van alle Volkeren: behelzeunde de Nederlanden Overyssel. Aimsterdam, 1781. 2 parts in 1 vol. 80. -IHEDERIccus. NovuIn Lexicon Manuale Grweco-Latinum et Latino-Greecunm. Lipsit, 1825. 2 vol. 80. 3. C. IfEDGE ( Rev. Frederick H.). Prose Writers of Germany; illustrated with portraits. Philadelphia, 1848. 80. Lecture, Lyceum, Bangor, Me. 1836. Pain. vol. 63. Oration, Peucinian Soc. Bowdoin Coll. 1843. Pam. vol. 37. B. C. HE-DGES ( Henry P.). Address at the 200th Anniversary of Easthampton, L. I.; with appendix. Sag-HaTbor, 1850. 80. HEEREN ( A. H. L.). Manuel Historique du Systeme Politique des Etats de l'Europe et de leurs Colonies: trad. de l'allemand. Paris, 1821. 80. W. C. 463. H- - History of the Political System of Europe, and its Colonies, etc.: from the German. Northampton, Mass. 1829. 2 vol. 80. B. C. The same: trans. from the German. Oxford, 18394. 2 vol. 80. The same: from the 5th Germ. ed. London, 1846. 80o Reflections on the Politics of Ancient Greece: trans. from the German, by George Bancroft. Boston, 1824. 80. The same. 80. BC. _ —---- The same. Oxford, 1829. 80. The sanme; with three historical treatises by the same author, on the reformation, political theories, and continental interests of Great Britain. London, 1847. 8o. A Manual of Ancient History; particularly with regard to the constitution, the commerce and the colonies of the States of Antiquity. London, 1847. 80. - Historical Researches into the politics, intercourse, and trade of the principal nations of antiquity: trans. from the German. Oxford, 1833. 3 vol. 8'. The same: Vol. 1, Asiatic Nations, Persians, Phoenicians and Babylonians; vol. 2, Scythians, Indians. London, 1846. 2 vol. 8~. Historical Researches into the politics, intercourse, and trade of the Carthaginians, Ethiopians, and Egyptians: trans. from the German. Oxford, 1832. 2 vol. 80. ----- The same. 2d ed.; with a life of the author, index, etc. Oxford, 1838. 2 vol. 80. G.ENERAL LIBRARY. 347 HI-GUERTY ( D'). Essai sur les Interets du commerce maritime. La Haye, 1754. 12o. W. C. 464. IIEIDELBERG CATECIISAI: Cateehizatie over den Heidelberghs3hen Catechismus der Gherefoirmeerde Christlicke Religie.... Hoorn, 1654. 120. HELDERBERGIA; or the Apotheosis of the Heroes of the Anti-rent War. Albany, 1855. 8'o HELDOREN (J. G. van). An English and Nether-dutch Dictionary, composed of the best.English authors, 1675; also, A new and easy English grammar... and a nomenclature. Amsterdam, 1675. 180. B. C. HELIODORE ( R. P&re). Discours sur.... les d&sordres du monde. Premiiirce partie: Des plaisirs. Paris, 1684. 8~. HELDRING ( O. G.). De jenever erger clan de cholera.... Arnhem, 1838. Pam. vol. 31. B. C. HELLER ( Carl ). Reisen in Mexiko in den jahren 1845 - 1848. Leipzig, 1853. 80. HELMS ( Anthony Z.). Voyage dans l'Amerique meridionale: traduit de l'anglois. Paris, 1812. 80. W. C. 465. iELVIDIUS, pseuzd. See Madison ( J.), and Hamilton (A.). HEMANS ( Felicia). The League of the Alps; The Siege of Valencia; The Vespers of Palermo, etc. Boston, 1826. 80. B. C. ITEMPHILL ( Joseph). Speech, in H. of R., on the 3Missouri question, 1.819. Panm. vol. 50. HENDERSON (Captain). Account of the British Settlement of Honduras. 2d ed. London, 1811. 120. W. C. 4:66. HENDERSON (James). History of Brazil. London, 1821. 4o. W. C. 467. HENDERSON ( John J.). Annual Statenlent'of the trade and commerce of Buffalo for 1854. Buffalo, 1855. 80. HENDERSON ( Rev. Matthew H.). Centennial Discourse, Trinity Church, Newark, Feb. 22, 1846. New-York, 1846. So. IHENEGAN ( Si?- Richard D.). Seven years Campaigning in the Peninsula. London, 1848. 2 vol. 120. HENFREY (Arthur). Botanical and Physiological Memoirs. See Ray Soc. HENGEL (WV. A. van). Meritoruan J. H. van der Palm, commemoratio brevis. Lugd. Bat. 1840. Pam. vol. 33. B. C. HENNEPIN (R. P. Louis). Description de la Louisiane. Paris, 1683. 120. W. C. 468. Nouvelle DOcouverte d'un treis grand pays situe dans l'Amerique entre le Nouveau-Mexique et la Mer glaciale. Utrecht, 1697. 12o. Nouveau Voyage d'un pais plus grand que l'Europe; avec une carte et des figures. Utrecht, 1698. 180. New Discovery of a vast country in America; with a Continuation, embracing De la Salle's attempts upon the mines of St. Barbe. London, 1698. 80. --- See Shea's Discov. Mississippi Valley. :348 NEW-YORK- STATE HENNIKER ( Sir? Frederick). Notes, during a Visit to Egypt, Nubia, Mount Sinai and Jerusaleml. London, 1823. 80. HENNIN ( 1M.). Manuel de Numismatique ancienne; contenant les dlemens de cette science, et des tableaux des valeurs actuelles. Paris, 1830. 2 vol. 8-). HENRY VIII. Love-letters to Anne Boleyn. Pamphleteer, vol. 21, 22. IHENRY ( Alexander). Travels and Adventures in Canada and the Indian Territories, 1760 - 76. New-York, 1809. 80o. The same. New-York, 1809. 80. B. C. HENRY ( C. S.), D.D. Address, Alumni Assoc. Univ. of New-York City, 1853. Pam. vol. 88. Discourse, Univ. of Vermont, 1836. Pain. vol. 71. HENRY ( Jaimes) jun. An Address upon education and common schools. Albany, 1843. 80. B. C. Address, Common school education. Johnstown and Cooperstown, N.Y. 1843. Pam. vol. 37, 47. B. C., and Pain. vol. 11, 18. The Family and School 3Monitor, and Educational Catechism. New-York, 1852. ob. 12o. HENRY (John Joseph ). An Accurate Account of the sufferings of the heroes who traversed the wilderness, in the Campaign against Quebec in 1775. Lancaster, 1812. 120. HENRY ( Joseph ), L..D. Collection of Publications: On electricity and magnetism, 1835 - 39; On the galvanic multiplier; and Address at lMechanic's Institute. Washington, 1853. 8o. - - Contributions to electricity and magnetism. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. N. S. vol. 5, 6. See Smithsonian Institution, Reports and Contr. HENRY Of HUNTINGDON. Chronicles: trans. and edited by T. Forester. Bohn, London, 1853. 120. HENRY (Robert). History of Great Britain; with a Continuation by James P. Andrews. London, 1771 - 96. 7 vol. 4o. HENRY (William), UM.D. An Epitome of experimental chemistry. Boston, 1810. 8o. HENRY ( William Charles). Report on the state of our knowledge of the laws of contagion. Brit. Assoc. Reports, 1834. - Report on the Physiology of the nervous system. Brit. Assoc. Reports, 1833. HENRY ( (W. S.), Captain U. S. A. Campaign Sketches of the War with Mexico. New-York, 1-847. 12. HENSHAW (D.). Remarks on Bank of U.S. 1831. See Bankl U.S. vol. 1. HENSLOW (Rev. J. S.). Catalogue of British Plants, according to the natural system. 2d ed. Cambridge, 1.835. 120. Principles of Descriptive and Physiological Botany. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 44. GENERAL LIBRARY. 349 HERALD (The), a Gazette, N. Y. 1797. See Spectator. HERALD (The Weekly): fiom vol. 2, Aug. 1838, to 1854. New-York, J. G. Bennett. 10 vol. fol. HERALD OF THE UNION: 5 nos. New-York, 1851. See Newsp. vol. 3. HERAPAT-I (John), Editor. See Railway Magazine. HERBERT (Edward, Lotrd), of Cherbury. Life, written by himself. 4th ed. London, 1792. 4o. The same; with a prefatory memoir. London, 1824. 12~. HERBERT ( George). Works in prose and verse. London, 1846. 2 vol. 80. Poems and Country Pastor; with the Life of the Author, from Isaac Walton. London, 1824. 120. B. C. HERBERT ( Henry William). Frank Forester's Field Sports of the United States and British Provinces of North America. New-York, 1849. 2 vol. 80. Frank Forester's Fish and Fishing in the United States and British Provinces of North America. New-York, 1850. 80~. HERBERSTEIN ( Baron Sigismond von). Notes upon Russia; being a Translation of the earliest account of that country, entitled Rerurm Muscoviticarum Commentarii: ed. by R. H. Major. London, Hakluyt Soc. 1851 - 52. 2 vol. 8'. HERCULANUM ET POiPrI: Recuneil general des peintures, bronzes, mosaiques; graves au trait sur cuivre par M. Roux ain', et accompagnd d'un texte explicatif par M. L. Barre. Paris, 1840. 8 vol. 80. HERDERSCHEE (Jacob). Annotationes in loca selecta novi foederis. Lugduni, 1812. 80. HEiTIOT (George). Travels through the Canadas; with a Comparative View of the manners and customs of the Indians of North and South America. London, 1807. 4o. W. C. 469. History of Canada from its first discovery. London, 1804. vol. 1. 80. HE RISSON ( Julius), M.D. The Sphygmometer; a memoir to the Institute of France: from the French, by J. G. Nancrede. 1835. Pam. vol. 87. HERMANN ( F. B. W.). Ueber die Bewegung der Bevilkerung im Ksnigreiche Bayern. 1853. Bay. Ak. Mem. vol. 2. HERMES. See Mercurius. HERNANDEZ ( Fr.). Nova Plantarum, Animaliuin, et Mineralium Mtexicanortum Historia. Romae, 1651. fol. W. C. 470. HERNDON (W. L.), and Lardner Gibbon. Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon, made under direction of the Navy Department. Washington, 1853. 2 vol. 80, with 2 vol. of maps. HSERODOTUS: A new and liberal version, from the text of Baehr; with index.... by Henry Cary, A. MI. London, 1848. 120. History: translated from the Greek, with notes by W. Beloe. Philadelphia, 1814. 4 vol. 80. The same. Philadelphia, 1814. 4 vol. 8). B. C. :350 N EW-YOIRK STATE' See Turner ( D. W.), Notes on IHerodotus. HIERON DE VILLEFOSSE (A. M.). Des M36taux en France: Rapport au jury central de l'exposition des produits de l'incldustrie franqaise, 1827. Paris, 1841. 80.. HERON ( Sir Robert ). Notes: political. Grantham and London, 1852. 80. HIEROIc (An) Posteript to the Public.... 5th ed. London, Alnmon, 1774. Pam1. 40, vol. 2. HERPIN ( J. Charles). Considclrations sur l'enfance et l'adolescencee: These soutenue Ila Faeult6 de M6decine de Paris. Paris, 1826. 4o. HERRERA (Antonio de). Novus Orbis, sive Descriptio Indi6 Occidentalis: Metaphraste C. Barlo, accesserunt Indiw occid. et navigat. australis Jacobi Le MIaire historia. Amsterdam, 1622. fol. Description des Indes Occidentales. Amsterdam, 1619. fol. W. C. 471. The same. Amsterdam, 1619. fol. See Linsehot. - istoria G-ntral de los Hechos de los Castellanos en las islas y tierra firme del Mar Oceano. Madrid, 1730. 4 vol. fol. W. C. 472. Histoire GQCneral des Voyages et Conquetes des Castillans, dans les Isles et Terre-firme des Indes occidentales: trad. de l'Pspagnol par N. de la Coste. Paris, 1660. 3 vol. 4~. W. C. 473. Historia General del Mundo, lib. xv.; del Tiempo del S. R. Don Felipe II. Valladolid, 1606. 2 vol. 40. W. C. 474. The General History of the vast Continent and Islands of America, commonly called the West Indies: trans. into English by Capt. John Stevens. London, 1725. 6 vol. 8. W. C. 475. Hist. of Discovery of America. Kerr, Voy. vol. 3. HERRINGc ( J.) and James B. Longacre. National Portrait Gallery of distinguished Americans. New-York, 1834. 4 vol. 80. HERRIES ( Colonel ). Instructions for Volunteer Corps of Cavalry. Philadelphia, 1811. 80~. HERSCHEL ( Sir J. F. V.). Observations of Nebule and Clusters of Stars, made at Slough, 1825 - 33. Royal Soc. Trans. 1833.....- On Photographic Processes. Royal Soc. Trans. 1842 - 43. Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 46. ------- Treatise on Astronomy. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 45. ------ Results of Astronomical Observations, made during the years 1834 - 38, at the Cape of Good Hope; being the completion of a telescopic survey of the...... heavens, commenced in 1825. London, 1847. 4~. - - Instructions...for meteorological obs.,in S. Africa. Pamn. vol. 79. - Outlines of Astronomy. London, 1849. So. -- A Manual of Scientific Enquiry: prepared for the use of Her Mlajesty's Navy, and for travellers in general. London, 1849. 12~. GENERAL LIBRARY. 351.. — The same. 2d ed. London, 1851. 120. HERTTELL (Thomas). The Demurrer; or Proofs of Error in the Decision of the S. C. of N.Y. requiring faith in particular religious doctrines as a legal qualification of witnesses. New-York, 1828. Pain. vol. 24. B. C. On taking private property: Speech, Assem. 1836. Pamn. vol. 67. ItERVEY (John, Lord ). Memoirs of the Reign of George the Second, from his accession to the death of Queen Caroline: ed. by the Rt. Hon. J. W. Croker. London, 1848. 2 vol. 80. The same. Philadelphia, 1848. 2 vol. 120. B. C. HESITATION; or to Marry, or not to Marry: by the Author of the Balance of Comfort. New-York, 1819. 2 vol. 120. B. C. HETHERINGTON ( Rev. W. M.). History of the Westminster Assembly of Divines. New-York, 1843. 120. B. C. HEUN ( Carl ). Vertraute Briefe an alle edelgesinnte jiinglinge die auf universitaten gehen wollen. Leipzig, 1792. 2 vol. in 1. 8:. JIEURNIUS ( J.). De Legatione Evangelica ad Indos capessenda admonitio. Lugduni, 1618. 120. W. C. 476. HEURTELOUP ( Le Baron ). Trois lEpisodes pour servir a l'histoire de la lithotripsie. Paris, 1846. 80. HEURTIER (M.). Rapport au Min. d'Agriculture... au nom de la commission chargee d'6tudier les differentes questions qui se rattachent a l'6migration europeenne. Paris, 1854. 80. HEUSCH ( Henry de). Practical French Grammar. New-York, 1796. 120. HENSCHLING (Xavicr), Chef du Bureau de Statistique gn6erale de la Belgique. A collection of his Publications in French, relating chiefly to Belgian Statistics. Bruxelles, 1844 - 51. 3 vol. in 80 and 40. HEWATT (Alex.). Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the Colonies of South-Carolina and Georgia. London, 1779. 2 vol. 80. HEWES ( George R. T.). Traits of the Tea Party; being a memoir of one of the last of the survivors... by a Bostonian. New-York, 1835. 180. HEWETT (D.). The American Traveller; or National Directory, with the post-roads, and cross-roads. Washington, 1825. 120. 2 copies. HEWLETT (HI.). Address on Slavery, and against immediate emancipation. New-York, 1834. Pami. vol. 56. HEWLEY (Rev. John). Messiah the Physician of Souls. Middletown, 1811I Pam. vol. 25. HEYLYN (Peter). Cosmographie; containing the chorographie and history of the whole world. 3d ed. London, 1665. fol. W. C. 477. -- - The same. 5th ed. London, 1669. fol. HEYNE ( Benj.). Tracts, historical and statistical, on India.... London, 1814. 4~. HIBERNICUS. See Clinton ( Dewitt), Letters on lNat. Hist. of N. Y. HICHBORN ( Benjamin). Oration, March 5, 1777, at Boston, to commemorate March 5, 1770. Boston, 1777. 4o. See Hancock's oration. 352 NEW-YORK STATE HICKEY ( W.). The Constitution of the United States, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, Electoral Votes for all the Presidents and Vice-Presidents.... Philadelphia, 1848. 12o. HICKS (Elias). Observations on the Slavery of the Africans, and their descendants. New-York, 1814. Pain. vol. 34. B. C. - Journal of Life and Religious Labors: written by himself. 5th ed. New-York, 1832. 80. HICKSON ( W. E.). Dutch and German Schools. London, 1840. 8o. HIIERONYMUS ( S.). Hieronymi Stridoniensis Opera omnia qua extant, Mariani Victorii Reatini emendata. Lutetife Parisiorum, 1823, 4. 9 vol. in 3 vol. fol. Epistolke Selectoe libri tres: Opera D. P. Canisii. Lugduni, 1704. 120. HIGBY (Amos) jr. An Expose.. theological. Martinsburgh, N. Y. 1843. Pam. vol. 99. HIGGINS ( Godfrey). Attempt to correct certain Errors respecting the Sabbath. Pamphleteer, vol. 27. HIGGINS ('W. Mullinger). The Philosophy of sound, and History of music. London, 1838. 80. - The Earth; its physical condition and most remarkable phenomena. New-York, 1836. 120. B. C. HIGGINSON ( F.). New-England's Plantation; or a short and true description of the commodities and discomlmodities of that country. London, 1630. 120. W. C. 478. HIGGINSON (T. W.)..). Thanksgiving Sermon, Newburyport, 1848. Pam. vol. 95. Installation Sermon, Worcester, Mass. 1852. Pam. vol. 95. HIGH SCHOOL SOCIETY of New-York Report on plan of instruction, 1824. Pam. vol. 70. HIGHLAND SOCIETY of Scotland: Prize Essays and Transactions. New series, Edinburgh and London, 1829- 43, 8 vol. Transactions, Edinburgh, 1843 - 55, 6 vol. 14 vol. 80. -. —.Dictionary of the Gaelic language. Edinburgh, 1828. 2 vol. 40. HILDRETH ( C. T.). Case of Notencephale. Boston, 1834. Pam. vol. 50. HILDRETH (Richard). The History of the United States of America. New-York, 1840 - 52. 6 vol. 80. Theory of Morals. Boston, 1844. 120. ------- Theory of Politics. New-York, 1853. 120..-.. Despotism in America. Boston, 1854. 120. Japan as it was and is. Boston, 1855. 120. HILDRETH (S. P.). Observations on the bituminous coal deposits of the Valley of the Ohio. Sil. Jour. vol. 29. GENERAL LIBRARY. 353 Pioneer History; being an Account of the first examination of the Ohio Valley, and the early settlement of the Northwest Territory, chiefly from original manuscripts. 1st vol. Trans. of the Hist. Soc. of Cincinnati. Cincinnati, 1848. 80. HILEY (Richard). A Treatise on English Grammar. 3d ed. London, 1840. 120o. The same. 2d ed. London, 1835. 120. A Grammlar of the English Language. 1st ed. London, 1832. 120. -.- Exercises adapted to Hiley's English Grammar. London, 1832. 120. HILL (Frederick). Present State and Prospects of national education. London, 1836. 2 vol. 120. HILL ( Isaac). Speeches in Congress: 1, On removal of deposites, 1834; 2, On French spoliations, 1834; 3, On abolition petitions, 1836; 4, On surplus revenue, 1836; 5, On the land bill, 1836. Pam. vol. 59. Biography of; with Selections from his writings. Concord, 1835. 12'. HILL (John), M.D. A History of Fossils. London, 1748. fol. A History of Plants. London, 1752. fol. - A History of Animals. London, 1752. fol. HILL (John). An Account of the Life and Writings of Hugh Blair. Philadelphia, 1808. 80. B. C. HILL (Richard). Diplomatic Correspondence; with autographs of many illustrious individuals: ed. by the Rev. VW. Blackley. London, 1845. 2 vol. 80. HILL (Thomas). Fast-day Sermon, Waltham, Mass. 1853. Pam. vol. 93. HILLARD ( George S.). Address, Mercantile Lib. Asso. Nov. 13, 1850. Boston. 80. --- ~Life of Captain John Smith. Sparks's Am. Biog. vol. 2. HILLARY ( Sir W.). Suggestions for the improvement and embellishment of the metropolis. Pamphleteer, vol. 24. HILLEOUSE ( James). Propositions for amending the Constitution of the U. S., submitted in the Senate, 1808. Pam. vol. 57, and Pain. vol. 2. B.C. - Speeches, Sen. U.S., on the Embargo, Nov. Dec. 1808. Pam. vol. 35. HILLHOUSE ( James A.). Address, Phi Beta Kappa. New-Haven, 1826. Pam. vol. 63, 88. HILLIARD ( H. W.). Speeches and Addresses. New-York, 1855. 80. HINCKLEY (A.). Traveller's Illustrated Pocket Guide. New-York, 1848 - 49. 18o. HINCKLEY (F.). Two Discourses in Church of the Saviour, 1853, Hartford. Pam. vol. 93. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 45 354 NEW-YORK STATE HIND ( J. Russell). The Solar System; a Descriptive Treatise upon the sun, moon and planets, with.. the recent discoveries. New-York, 1.852. 120. HINDERSTEIN ( Baron G. F. von Derfelden de). Memoire analytique pour servir d'explication a la Carte generale des possessions neeriandaises dans le Grand Archipel Indien. La Haye, 1841. 4o. HINES ( Rev. Gustavus). Oregon; its history, condition, and prospects. Buffalo, 1851. 120. HINMAN (R. R.). History of the Part sustained by Connecticut in the War of the Revolution. Hartford, 1842. 80. - Letters from English Kings and Queens to the Governors of the Colony of Connecticut, with their answers. Hartford, 1836. 120. The same. 120. B. C. A Catalogue of the Names of the first Puritan Settlers in the Colony of Connecticut. Hartford, 1846. 80. HINTON ( John H.). History of the United States: New ed. by Samuel L. Knapp. Boston, 1834. 2 vol. 4o. HINTS to a Patriot Parliament. London, 1782. Pam. vol. 137. HINTS on Banking.... by a New-Yorker. See Pam. vol. 154. HINTS (Ten) addressed to wise men, on the Dismission of 3Mr. Jackson as British Minister. Pain. vol. 34. HINTS to my Countrymen: by an Anlerican. New-York, 1826. 120. B. C. HIPPISLEY (G.). Narrative of the Expedition to the Rivers Orinoco and Apur6 in South America, 1817. London, 1819. 8~. - - istoire de l'Expedition aux Rivieres d'Orenoque et d'Apure trad. de l'anglois. Paris, 1819. 120. WV. C. 482. HIPPOCRATES. Opera Onlnia quse extant: annotationibus illustrata, Anutio Foesio authore. Francofurti, 1695. 2 vol. fol. IMagni Hippocratis Opera Omnia. See Kuhn. Traduction des CEuvres Miedicales: sur le texte grec, d'apres 1'_edition de Foes. Toulouse, 1801. 4 vol. 80~. et Galenus. Libri Aliquot cx recognitione Francisci Rabelvesi. Lugduni, 1532. 180. HIPPOKR:EEN-ONTZWAVELING. Amsterdam, 1838. Pamn. vol. 31. B. C. HISINGER (W.). Lethea Suecica; sen Petrificata Suecie, iconibus et characteribus illustrata. Holmiae, 1837. 4o. HISTOIRE de cc qui s'est passe au Royaume de la Chine en 1624, 25; au Royaunme du Tibet en 1626; es Royaume d'Ethiopie en 1624, 25, 26: tiree des Lettres.... adressee au General de la Compagnie de Jesus. Paris, 1629. 4 vol. in 1. 120. HISTOIRE de la Jamaique: trad. de l'anglois par M. Raulin. London, 1751. 2 vol. 12~. W. O. 510. HISToIRE de la Republique de Genes, depuis son etablissement jusqu'& present.... Paris, 1742. 3 vol. 12 ). GENERAL LIBRARY. 355 HISTOIRE de la Revolution de la R6publique de Venise, et de sa chute totale consommnee par le trait6 de Campo-Formio: par A. N. P. Milan, 1807. 80. HISTOIRE des Revolutions de Hiongrie; oui l'on donne une id6e juste de son 16gitime gouvernement. La Haye, 1739. 6 vol. 120. HISTOIRE des tremblements de terre arrives a Lima, 1746; et les causes.. par M. Hales: trad. de l'anglois. La Haye, 1752. 180. W. C. 446. HISTOIRE et Commerce des Antilles Angloises. 1758. 120. W. C. 47. HISTOIRE Genirale de la Marine, chez tous les Peuples. Paris, 1744. 3 vol. 4~. W. C. 607. HISTOIRE Generale des Voyages. See Pre6vt d'Exiles. HISTOIRE Gb6ographique de la Nouvelle ]cossa. London, 1649. 120. MT. C. 687. HISTOIRE Impartiale de la derniere guerre dans les quatre parties du Monde. Amsterdam, 1785. 3 vol. 12o. WX. C. 31. HISTOIRE Universelle: trad. de l'anglois, d'une Soci6te de Gens de Lettres. Amsterdam, 1747 - 92. 45 vol. 4o. WT. C. 483. HISTORICAL Account of the rise, progress and present state of canal navigation in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1795. 4o. HISTORICAL Anecdotes, civil and military, in a series of letters written from America in 1777 - 78. London, 1779. 80. HISTORICAIr and Political Monthly Mercury for 1715, vol. 26. London. -40. HISTORICAL REGISTER; containing an impartial relation of all transactions, both civil and military, foreign and domestic, from July 1714, to Jan. 1716- 17: vol. 1, 2. London, 1724. 2 vol. 80. IHISTORICAL REGISTER; containing an impartial relation of all transactions, foreign and domestic. London, 1716 - 38. Sun Five Office. 23 vol. 80. HISTORICAL SOCIETY of Cincinnati. See Hildreth (S. P.), Pioneer Hist. HISTORICAL SOCIETY of Pennsylvania: Memoirs, 1826 - 40. Philadelphia. 4 vol. 80. Bulletin: Vol. 1, 1845 - 47. Philadelphia, 1848. 80. Contains, besides the proceedings, Denton's New-York, Senter's Journal, and Townsend's Battle of Brandywine. See Sargent ( Winthrop), Hist. of Braddock's expedition. HISTORICAL ( A Short ) View of the principal religious and military orders of the Roman Catholic Church: by the author of Hors Biblicee. Pamphleteer, vol. 5. HISTORY (The) of the Works of the Learned; or an impartial account of books lately printed in all parts of Europe.... done by several hands. London, 1699 -1709. 12 vol. 40. I[TSTORY ( The General ) of all revolutions and rebellions, and murders of sovereign princes.... London, 1712. Pam. vol. 138. 356 NEW-YORK STATE HISTORY (The) of the Bucaniers of America: Part 1, by J. Esquemeling; Part 2, by Basil Ringrose; Part 3, by Sieur Ravenau de Lussan; P9art 4, Voyage by Sieur de Montauban:trains. into English. London, 1741. 2 vol. 120. WV. C. 347. - The same. London, 1810. 180. Also W. C. 348. HISTORY ( A Short) of Barbados, from its first discovery and settlement, to the present time. London, 1768. 80. HISTORY of the British Dominions in North America, 1497 - 1763. 2 vol. in 1. London, 1773. 4o. The same. 1773. 4~.. C. 149. HISTORY of the War in America, between Great Britain and her Colonies, from its commencement to the end of 1778. Dublin, 1779. 2 vol. 80. HISTORY ( Impartial) of the War in America, to the end of 1779. London, 1780. 80. W. C. 32. HISTORY (Impartial) of the War in America, between Great Britain and the United States. 2d ed. Boston, 1783. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 33. HISTORY of the last Session of Congress, which commenced Dec. 7, 1801: taken from the Nat. Intell. Also, A View of the Proceedings of the last Session of Congress, from the same. Washington, 1802. 80. HISTORY ( A) of French influence in the United States; to which is added an exposition of a congressional caucus. Philadelphia, 1812. Pam. vol. 3. B. C. HISTORY ( Th6) of a Little Frenchman and his bank notes. Philadelphia, 1815. Pam. vol. 76. HISTORY ( A Compendious) of the late War, 1811 -15. Boston, 1815. 80. HISTORY ( Impartial and Correct) of the War of 1812. New ed. NewYork, 1816. 120. HISTORY of the American War of 1812. 3d ed. Phil'a, 1817. 12o. B. C. HISTORY (The WVful ) of the Unfortunate Eudoxia, first Consort of the Czar Peter the Great: from the German, by John Kortz. Hudson, 1816. 18o. HISTORY of New South Wales. 2d ed. London, 1818. 80. W. C. 681. HISTORY ( A new and Universal ) of the United States.... to the present time. New-Haven, 1827. 12o. HISTORY of the County of Berkshire, with an account of the several towns. Pittsfield, 1829. 12o. HISTORY of Philadelphia; with Notice of villages in the vicinity, and historical account of the military operations of the late war in 1812 - 14. Philadelphia, 1839. 80. HISTORY of Modern Greece: ]Modern Traveller; from the London ed. Boston, 1827. 80. HISTORY of the Life and Opinions of Paul the Apostle. Boston, 1830. 12o. B. C. HISTORY of the Controversy in the University of the City of New-York, 1838. Pam. vol. 73. GENERAL LIBRARY. 357 HISTORY of American Missions to the Heathen, from their commencement to the present time. Worcester, 1840. 80. HISTORY of Congress; exhibiting a Classification of the Proceedings of the Senate and the House of Representatives, from March 4, 1789, to March 3, 1793.... Philadelphia, 1843. 80. HISTORY of Texas; or the Emigrant's Guide to the New Republic, by a Resident Emigrant; with an Introduction, by Rev. A. B. Lawrence, of New-Orleans. New-York, 1845. 120. HISTORY of Silk, Cotton, Linen, Wool, and other fibrous substances; including observations on spinning, dyeing and weaving.... New-York, 1845. 80. HISTORY Of the Hebrew Monarchy, from the Administration of Samuel, to the Babylonish captivity. By F. TV. VNewman. London, 1847. 80. HISTORY of Wonderful Inventions: illustrated. New-York, 1849. 120. HIISTORY of England and France under the House of Lancaster. London, 1852. 80 HISTORY of the Mormons; with Memoirs of the Life and Death of Joseph Smith. Auburn, 1852. 80. HISTORY of New-Ipswich, from its first grant in 1786, to the present time. Boston, 1852. 8~. HITCrCOCK (Edward), D.D., LL.D. Essay on Alcoholic and Narcotic substances. Amherst, 1830. 120.. —--- Collection of his Publications, in one vol. 80. Contents: 1. Utility of Natural History, 1823. 2. Physical Culture, 1831. 3. Catalogue of Plants near Amherst, 1829. 4. Address before American Geologists, 1841. ------- Report on the Geology of Massachusetts. Amherst, 1833. 2 vol. 8s; maps, 40. Report of a Reexamination of the Economical Geology of Massachusetts. Boston, 1838. 80. Final Report on the Geology of Massachusetts. Northampton, 1841. 2 vol, 40. Elementary Geology. Amherst, 1840. 120. *- Report on Ichnolithology, or Fossil Footmarks. Sill. Jour. vol. 47. a —- Religious Lectures on peculiar phenomena in the four seasons. Amherst, 1850. 120..* — Election Sermon, 1850, Boston. Pam. vol. 78..- - See Whewell's (W.) Plurality of Worlds. HOAGLAND ( Christopher C.). Gleanings for the History of the Reformed Protestant Church of Harlingen, N. J. Somerville, N.J. 1847. 8o. HOBART ( John Henry), D.D. Bp. A Companion to the Festivals and Fasts of the Prot. Episc. Church of the U.S. A. New-York, 1804. 120...-.. The Candidate for Confirmation, instructed. New-York, 1816. 180. 358 NEW-YORK STATE -_ —--- Discourse at Trinity Church, comparing the United States with England and Europe. New-York, 1825. With Introd. Address, Opening of Gen. Theol. Sem. 1822; and Sermon on the Consecration of Rev. EH. U. Onderdonk, 1827. New-York. 80. - The same: first title. New-York, 1825. Serm. vol. 3. B. C.; also London, 1826. 80. Sermon at the Institution of Rev. HI. J. Whitehouse, 1830; with Sermons on the Death of Bishop Hobart, by Bp. Wainwright and Dr. Anthon. New-York, 1830. 80. An Apology for Apostolic Order and its Advocates; in a series of letters, addressed to the Rev. J. M. Mason, D.D. 2d ed. New-York, 1844. 120o. The Charter of Trinity Church defended: believed to be by Bishop Hobart, 1813. New-York: reprinted, 1846. See Trinity Chur. Pamphlets. HOBBES ( Thomas). English Works: collected and edited by Sir William AMolesworth. London, 1839 - 45. 11 vol. 80. Contents: Elements of Philosophy; the first section concerning body: vol. 1. Philosophical Rudiments concerning government and society; vol. 2. Leviathan; or the matter, form, and power of a government: vol. 3. Questions concerning liberty, necessity and chance, clearly stated: vol. 4, 5. Behemoth; the History of the Causes of the civil wars of England: vol. 6. Seven philosophical problems; Decameron physiologicum, etc.: vol. 7. Translation of Thucydides: vol. 8, 9. Translation of Iliad: vol. 10. Index: vol. 11. O- pera Philosophica quve Latine scripsit omnia, nunc primum collecta studio Gulielmi Molesworth. London, 1839- 45. 5 vol. 80. HOBIOUSE ( John Cam). The Suppressed letter to Rt. IfHo. George Canning, with Mr. Canning's letter, and the author's reply. 2d ed. London, 1818. 80 ----- JJourney through Albania to Constantinople. Philadelphia, 1817. 2 vol. 8o. ItOCHELAGA. See Warburton (E.). HODGE (Charles), D.D. The Constitutional History of the Presbyterian Church in the United States, 1705 to 1788. Philadelphia, 1839 - 40. 2 vol. 80. - A Dissertation on the Importance of Biblical Literature. Trenton, 1822. Pam. vol. 93. HODGE ( P. R.). Steam Engine; its origin and gradual improvement... New-York, 1840. 80, with a fol. vol. of plates. 2 vol. HODGKIN ( Dr.). On Inquiries into the Races of Man. Brit. Asso. Reports, 1841. HODGKINSON ( Eaton). Experimental Researches on the strength of pillars of cast iron, and other materials. Royal Soc. Trans. 1840. HIODGSKIN ( Thomas). Travels in the North of Germany. Edinburgh, 1820. 2 vol. 8o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 359 HODGSON (Adam). Remarks during a Journey through North America, in 1819 and 1821. New-York, 1823. 80. 2 copies. ------ Letters from North America.... during a Tour.... London, 1824. 2 vol. 80. HODGSON (John). Memoirs written by himself. Edinburgh, 1806. 80. See Slingsby's Memoirs. HODGSON (Robert). Account of the Mosquito Territory. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1822. 8~. W. C. 484. HoDGSON (Francis). Translation. See Juvenal. HODGSON (T.). Catalogue of Books published in Great Britain, 18141846. London, Hodgson, 1846. 80. Bibliotheca Londinensis: A Classified Index to the Literature of Great Britain during 30 years.... London, 1848. 80. Supplement to the London Catalogue of Books..... 1846 -49; with Index. London, 1849. 80. - The London Catalogue of Books.. 1816 - 51. London, 1851. 80. - The Classified Index to the London Catalogue for 1816 -1851. London, 1853. 80. HODGSON ( Win. B.). Notes on Northern Africa... New-York, 1844. 80. Memoir on the Megatherium, and other extinct gigantic quadrupeds of the Coast of Georgia. New-York, 1846. 80. HODSON ( lMrs.). Lives of Vasco Nunes de Balboa and Francisco Pizarro: from the Spanish of M. J. Quintana. Edinburgh, 1832. 180o. IUEFER (Ferd.). iistoire de la Chimie, depuis les temps les plus recul6s jusqu'a notre 6poque. Paris, 1842. 2 vol. 80. HOEVEN (A. des Amorie van der). Oratio de Germano Theologo, literarum sacrarum' interprete. Delphis Batavorum, 1828. Pam. vol. 30. B. C. Aansprak Hollandsche Maatschappy van Fraaije Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Amsterdam, 1831. Pain. vol. 30. B. C. Rede bij de plegtige onthulling van het standbeeld van Prins Willerm den Eersten, op den Nov. 1845...... Leeuwarden, 1845. Pam. vol. 43. B. C. HOFDIJJI ( W. J.). De Feestdag van Nederland, op den 24 Aug. Alkmaar, 1839. Pam. vol. 32. B. C. HOrFFMAN (Charles F.). Administration of Jacob Leisler. Sparks's Am. Biog. vol. 13. See Literary World. A Winter in the West, by a New-Yorker. 2d ed. New-York, 1835. 2 vol. 12~. --- The Pioneers of New-York. Discourse, St. Nicholas Society, Dec. 6, 1847. New-York, 1848. 80. The same. Pam. vol. 46. B. C. Greyslaer; a Romance of the Mohawk. 4th ed. New-York, 1849. 120. 360 NEW-YORK STATE HOFFMAN (David ). Viator; or a Peep into my Note-book. Baltimore, 1841. 120..Miscellaneous Thoughts on Men, Manners and Things: by Anthony Grumbler of Grumbleton IHall. Baltimore, 1841. 120. Chronicles selected from the Originals of Cartaphilus, the Wandering Jew; embracing a period of nearly 19 centuries. London, 1853. 2 vol. 80. 1I-OFFMAN (F. L.). Essai d'une liste de ouvrages concernant l'histoire de l'imprimerie en Italie. Bruxelles, 1852. 80o. HOFFMAN (L. G.). Albany Directory, 1837 - 51. Albany. 15 vol. 120. 2 copies. Albany Directory for 1843 - 51. 8 vol. B. C. - __ and J. Munsell's Albany Directory, 1851, 52. Albany. 120. HOFFMAN (M.). Letters. See Constitutional Reform. HOFFMAN (Ogden). Address to Alumni of Columbia Coll. 1832. Pam. vol. 71. HOFMANN (John Jac.). Lexicon Universale: Historiam sacram et profanam, chronologiam, geographiam, et veteris ct novi orbis... virorumn..... celebrium enarrationem, etc. Lugduni Batavorum, 1698. 4 vol. fol. W. C. 485. HIOFFMEISTER ( Dr. W.). Travels in Ceylon and Continental India, including Nepal and other parts of the Himalayas, to the borders of Thibet: from the German. Edinburgh, 1848. 120. HOGAN (Major). An Appeal to the Public...... in consequence of the treatment he received from the Duke of York. London, 1808. Pam. vol. 140. HOGAN Exploded! or a few Old English notes staked against four Irish raps.... by Corporal Foss, A. S. S. London, 1808. Pain. vol. 140. HOGARTH (William). Works: from the original plates, restored by James Heath; with a biographical essay, and explanations of the plates, by J. Nichols. London. fol. HOGG (James). The Poetical Works of the Ettrick Shepherd; with illustrative drawings by D. O. Hill. Edinburgh, 1826. 5 vol. 120. Tales and Sketches..... with engravings by D. 0. Hill. Edinburgh, 1.836. 6 vol. 12o. HOGG'S WEEKLY INSTRUCTOR. New Series, vol. 1, 2. Edinburgh, 1848, 49. 2 vol. 80. HOGG (John). London as it is. London, 1836. 12o. HOLBERG ( Lodewyk). Beyspelen: uit het Hoogduitsch. Amsterdam, 1747 - 66. 2 vol. 18o. HOLBROOK (John E.). North American Herpetology; or a Description of the Reptiles inhabiting the United States. Philadelphia, 1842. 5 vol. 4o. IIoLcROFT (Thomas). Memoirs..... written hy himself, and continued to the time of his death by William Hazlitt. London, 1852. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 861 HOLDICH (Joseph). Life of Wilbur Fisk, D.D., First President of the Wesleyan University. New-York, 1842. 80. HOLDRIDGE (Benjamin). An Essay on the weeds of agriculture: ed. by G. Sinclair. 4th ed. London. 80. HOLFORD ( Miss). Margaret of Anjou: A Poem. Philadelphia, 1816. 12o. B. C. HOLFORD (George). Account of the General Penitentiary at Millbank. London, 1828. 80. HOLGATE (Jerome B.). Key to a genealogical, historical, biographical, and chronological chart. New-York. 1838. 8o. Atlas of American History. Boston, 1842. fol. American Genealogy; being a History of the early settlers of North America, and their descendants, from their first emigration to the present time. Albany, 1848. 40.: Conversations on the present age of the world, in connection with prophecy. Albany, 1853. 12). HOLINSHED (Raphall). Chronicles of England, Ireland, and Scotland, by R. Holinshed, W. Harrison, and others; with a Continuation, by J.:H[ooker. London, 1587. 3 vol. in 2. fol. HOLLAND ( Lady). Memoir of Rev. Sydney Smith, and selections from his letters: ed. by Mrs. Austin. London, 1855. 2 vol. 80. The same. New-York, 1855. 2 vol. 120. HOLLAND (Henry), M.D. General View of the Agriculture of Cheshire, drawn up for the Board of Agriculture. London, 1808. 80. Travels in the Ionian Isles, Albania.... London, 1815. 4o. HOLLAND (. Henry Richard, Lord ). Foreign Reminiscences; ed. by his son, Henry Edward, Lord H-Iolland. London. 1850. 120..-....- The same. New-York, 1851. 12o. Souvenirs Diplomatiques trad. de l'anglois, par H. de Chonski. Paris, 1851. 120. Opinions, 1797 to 1841 collected by D. C. Moylan. London, 1841. 80. Memoirs of the Whig Party during my time: ed. by his Son. London, 1852 - 54. Vol. 1, 2. 120. HOLLAND (J.). The History of fossil fuel, the collieries and coal trade of Great Britain. 2d ed. London, 1841. 80...-.Treatise on the Manufactures in metal. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 85 - 87. HOLLAND (Josiah G.). History of Western Massachusetts; the counties of Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin and Berkshire. Springfield, 1855. 2 vol. 120. HOLLAND ( William M.). The Life and Political Opinions of Martin Van Buren, Vice-President. 2d ed. Hartford, 1836. 12o. HOLLAND. See Netherlands, and Nederlandseche. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 46 362 NEW-YORK STATE HOLLAND, aan de Vereenigde Staten van Noord-Amerika, ten voorbeeld voorgesteld. Amsterdam, 1842. Pain. vol. 33. B. C. HOLLAND Land Company. See Erie County. HOLLANDSCHE (De Volmaakte) Keuken meid.....Amsterdam; with Aanhangzel, and Volmaakte Grond-beginzelen der Keuken-kunde. Amsterdam. 180. HOLLANDSCHE MAATSCHAPPYE der Weetenschappen, opgericht te Haarlem. Oeconomischen tak, 1777 - 81. In I vol. 80. HOLLANDSCHE MAATSCHAPPIJ van fraije kunsten en wetenschappen. Nieuwe werken, vol. 1. Leijden, 1840. 80. B. C.. —.. Wetten. Leyden, 1842. Pam. vol. 33. B. C. HOLLEY ( Mary Austen). Observations on Texas, historical, geographical and descriptive. Baltimore, 1833. 120. HOLLEY ( Myron). Address, Domestic Hort. Soc. Geneva, 1828. Pam. vol. 8 8. Address of U. S. Anti-masonic Convention, 1830. Pam. vol. 184. - History of the erection of the monument on the grave of M. H. 1844. Pam. vol. 91. HOLLEY ( O. L.). The Life of Benjamin Franklin. New-York, 1848. 12o. The New-York State Register, 1843, 44, 45, 46, 47. 2 vol. 120. 3 copies of'45. New-York: total, 4 vol. 120~. See Disturnell's Gazetteer, and Description of New-York. See American Monthly Magazine, N.Y. 1817 - 19. HOLLIDAY (John). Life of William, late Earl of Mansfield. London, 1797. 40. HOLLIS, pseud. and others. Facts and Documents in relation to Harvard College: by N. Adams, D.D.? Boston, 1829. Pam. vol. 28. B. C. HoLLIS ( Thomas), F.R.S. Memoirs of. London, 1780. 2 vol. 4o. See Sentiments (The true) of America. HOLLIS-STREET SOCIETY, Boston: Letter to their Unitarian Brethren, 1846. Pam. vol. 96. HOLLISTER ( G. H.). History of Connecticut, from the first settlement to the adoption of the present constitution. New-Haven, 1855. 2 vol. 80. HOLLoWAY (William). General Dictionary of Provincialisms. Sussex, Eng. 1839. 80. HOLM ( T. C.). See Campanius ( T.) Holmiensis. HOLMrES (Abiel), D.D. American Annals. Cambridge, 1805. 2 vol. 80. The Annals of America, from the Discovery by Columbus in 1492, to 1806. Cambridge, 1829. 2 vol. 80. ------ Life of Dr. Ezra Stiles. Boston, 1798. 80. Discourse, Plymouth, Dec. 22, 1806. Pam. vol. 37. HOLMES (Alexander). See Voltaire, Phil. Diet. GENERAL LIBRAERY. 363 HOLMES (Edward). Life of Mozart, including his Correspondence. NewYork, 1845. 120. HOLMES (Rev. Edwin). Sermon, Death of Rev. P. S. Wynkoop, 1848. Muns. Pam. vol. 10. HOLMES ( Elias B.). Speech, U. S. H. of Rep. Aug. 7, 1848, on the River and Harbor bill. 80. HOLMES (John). Historical Sketches of the Missions of the United Brethren, among the Heathen. Dublin, 1818. 80. HOLMES (John). Speech, U.S. Senate, March, 1826. Pam. vol. 13. B. C. HOLMES ( Oliver Wendell), M.D. Poems. Boston, 1849. 120. Astroea, the Balance of Illusions: a Poem, Phi Beta Kappa of Yale College, Aug. 1850. Boston, 1850. 120. HOLSTEIN ( H. L. V. D.). Memoirs of Simon Bolivar, and of his principal generals. Boston, 1829. 8o~ W. C. 488. HOLSTEIN ( Madame de Stael). Germany: from the French. New-York, 1814. 2 vol. in 1. 120. B. C......- An Appeal to the Nations of Europe, against the Continental system. London, 1813. Pam. vol. 9. B. C,. HOLT'S New-York Register, for 1804. Hudson, 1804 - 06. 2 vol. 180. HOLT ( Edward ). Life of George the Third. London, 1820. 2 vol. 80. HOLTIUS (A. C.), et F. Frets. Prijsverhandelingen op de Vraag: "Queanam fuere jura, auctoritas, dignitas jureconsultorum romanorum, inde a temporibus Coesaris Augustique ad decessum Justiniani imperatoris?...... Nederlandsche Instituut. Amsterdam, 1822. 4o. HOLTZAPFEL (Charles). Turning and Mechanical Manipulation: intended as a work on the lathe and tool instruments. London, 1846 - 51. 3 vol. 80. and Company. Catalogue of engine, lathe and tool instruments. London, 1851. 80. HOMANS (Benjamin). See Military and Naval Mag..- 1- United States Register of the Officers of the Army of the United States, including the Cadets at West-Point: corrected and compiled by B. Homans, for 1843 and 1844. Washington. 120. HOMIANSs ( J. Smith). The Banker's Common-place book; containing a Treatise on banking by A. B. Johnson, and writings by Gilbert, Miles, M'Culloch.... Boston, 1851. 120....- See Banker's Magazine, and Sketches of Boston. HOME (The) JOURNAL, weekly: ed. by G. P. Morris and N. P. Willis. New-York, 1850. fol. HOME: A Poem. By Anne C. Knight? Boston, 1806. 18o. HOME and FOREIGN RECORD. See Presb. Church. HOME ( The), the School and the Church; or the Presbyterian Edutcation Repository: ed. by Rev. C. Van Rensselaer. Philadelphia, 1850 - 54. 4 vol. 80. 364 NEW-YORK STATE HOME ( Sir Everard ). Lectures on Comparative Anatomy. London, 1814. 6 vol. 40. HOME (Henry), Lord Kames. Elements of Criticism. Edinburgh, 1762. 3 vol. 80. Elements of Criticism. 2d Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1816. 2 vol. 80. Sketches of the History of Mian. Edinburgh, 1813. 3 vol. 80. - Introduction to the Art of Thinking; with a Life of the Author. New-York, 1813. 120. B. C. HOME (John). Works; with an Account of his Life and Writings, by Henry Mackenzie. Edinburgh, 1822. 3 vol. 80. HOMERUS. Omerou Ilias kai Odysseia: The Greek text collated by R. Porson; with Variae lectiones e Codice Harleiano. Oxonive, Grenville ed. 1800. 4 vol. smin. 4o. ----- Hlomeri et Homeridanum Opera et Reliquive, ex recensione Fr. Aug. Wolfii. Hilpertohusoe, 1830. 2 vol. 18". ------ The Iliad of Homer, translated by Mr. Pope. London, 1715 - 20. 6 vol. 40. - The Iliad: trans. with Notes, by Theodore A. Buckley. London, 1851. 120o. The Odyssey: trans. from the Greek, by Alexander Pope. London, 1725 - 26. 5 vol. 40. The same. 5 vol. 120. B. C. ------ The Odyssey: trans. with Notes, by Theodore A. Buckley. London, 1851. 120. HIOMER (A.). See Bibliotheca Americana. HOMES of American Authors; comprising.... Personal Sketches by various writers, with views of their residences. New-York, 1853. sm. 40. HoMES of American Statesmen, with personal sketches. New-York, 1854. 80 HOMES (Rev. William). Proposals of some things to be done in our administrating,ecclesiastical government: by William Homes, Pastor of the Church in Chilmark, Mass. Boston, 1732. 180. See Wigglesworth (E.). HOMMAIRE DE HELL (Xavier). Travels in the Steppes of the Caspian Sea, the Crimea, the Caucasus, etc. London, 1847. 80. HoMo's Letters on a National Currency..... Washington. With Letter to Albert Gallatin, on the doctrine of gold and silver, and the evils of the present banking system: by Publicola. New-York, 1815. 80. HONE (William). The Every-day Book and Table Book. London, 1826. 3 vol. 80. - The Year-book of daily recreation and amusement. London, 1845. 80o HONEYWOOD ( St. John). Poems, with some pieces in prose. New-York, 1801. 180. HOOD (Commodore). See Bernard ( Sir F.), Letters. GENERAL LIBRARY. 365 HOOFF (J. Op den). Coup-d'ceil sur la navigation du Rhin: trad. du hollandais. Amsterdam, 1826. 80. ~-.- Observations sur l'6crit allemand, " De la Navigation du Rhin": trad. du hollandais. Amsterdam, 1828. 80. HOOFT ( Pieter Cornelisz.). Nederlandsche Historien: Seedert de overdraght der Heerschappyc van K. Kaarel V. op K. Philips zynen Loon. Amsterdam, 1656. fol. Werken: Henriik de Groote, Brieven, Tooneel-speelen, etc. Amsterdam, 1671. fol. HOOGSTRATEN ( D. van). Nieuw Woordboek der Nederlantsche en Latynsche tale: door S. Hannot, vermeerdert en verrykt door. Amster. damn, 1756. 4~..Lyst der Gebruikelykste Zelfstandige Naemwoorden betekent door hunne geslachten.... with Byvoegsels.... door Gerardus Outhof. Amsterdam, 1733. 18~. HIOOGSTRATTEN ( J. van). Afzetzel van de Republik of Vrye Staat van Venetie, in drie boeken. Amsterdam, 1715. 4o. HOOGyVLIET (Arnold). Zydebalen: hofdicht. Delft, 1740. 4o. Eerkroon voor de Stede VIaerdinge. Delf, 1743. 40. Abraham, de Aartsvader, in xii boeken. 4th ed. Amsterdam, 1.744. 40. Lof de Drukkunste: door L. J. Coster, omtrent 1440, met aanmerkingen. Rotterdam, 1741.? 40. Vervolg der Mengeldichten. Rotterdam, 1753. 40. 2 copies. See Ovid, translation. I-OOGVLIET. (Johannes). Konst om Wonden te Schouwen, en over derzelver Doodelykheid te Oordeelen, etc. 2d ed. Rotterdam, 1749. 80. HOOGVLIET ( Nicholas). Intree-Reden Leidsche Hooge Schoole. Leiden, 1770. Pam. vol. 109. HOOK (Theodore). Sayings and Doings. Paris, 1836. 80. B. C. - Life of Sir David Baird. London, 1832. 2 vol. 8o. A Sketch. 3d edition, from the Quarterly Review. London, 1852. 120. HOOKE ( Col.). Secret Negotiations in Scotland, in favor of the Pretender: written by himself. London, 1760. 80. IHOOKE (Andrew). Essay or the National Debt and National Capital; or the Amount truly stated, debtor and creditor. London, 1751. Pam. vol. 134. HIOOKE (Nath.). Roman History: New edition, corrected by the Rev. J. C. Pitman. London, 1821. 6 vol. 80. HOOKER ( Rev. E. W.). Address, Theol. Inst. East-Windsor, Conn. 1839. Pam. vol. 77. HOOKER ( Richard). Works; with his Life by Isaac Walton: ed. by the Rev. W. S. Dobson. London, 1825. 2 vol. 80. 366 NEW-YORK STATE HOOKER (Thomas). A Survey of the Summe of Church Discipline, wherein the way of the Churches of New-England is warranted out of the Word. London, 1648. 4. HOOKER ( Rev. H.). Appeal, on the Evil of the Church engaging in merchandise. Philadelphia, 1849. Pam. vol. 72. HOOKER ( Sir William J.). Botanical Miscellany. London, 1830 - 33. 3 vol. 80. The Journal of Botany; being a second series of the Botanical Miscellany, containing figures and descriptions of plants. London, 1834 - 42. 4 vol. 80. ---- Flora Boreali-Americana, or the Botany of the Northern Parts of British America. London, 1833. 2 vol. 40. and G. A. W. Arnott. The Botany of Capt. Beechey's Voyage; comprising an Account of the Plants collected by Messrs. Lay and Collie, during the Voyage to.... Bering's Straits, in the years 1825 - 28. London, 1841. 4. and G. A. W. Arnott. Contributions towards a Flora of South America, and the islands of the Pacific; with plates. London? 80. HOOLE (John). Translation of the Orlando. See Ariosto. HOOLUOLU. O na Hooluolu a me ka Jubile: Honolulu, Pai palapala Katolika, 1848. 18o. HOOP (A. van der). Hortus Spaarn-Bergensis. See Vriese. HOOPER (Robert), M.D. The Physician's Vade-Mecum. Albany, 1809. 120. HOORN (Van). Voyages. See Bontekoe (W. Y.), van Hoorn. HOPE (Rev. F. W.). The Coleopterist's Manual: Part 2, containing the predaceous land and water beetles of Linnaeus and Fabricius. London, 1838. 80. HOPE ( Thomas). Anastasius, or Memoirs of a Greek: written at the close of the eighteenth century. New-York, 1831. 2 vol. 12o. HOPKINS (Edward A.). Proposals for Steam Navigation on the head waters of the Rio de la Plata. New-York, 1851. Pam. vol. 74. HOPKINS (Rt. Rev. Ezekiel). An Exposition of the Ten Commandments. New-York. 120. HOPKINS ( Gen. Frederick W.). Eulogy at Norwich, Vt., Feb. 22, 1848, during the Obsequies of Truman B. Ransom, Col. 9th Regiment. 2d ed. Troy, 1849. 80. HOPKINS (-George W.). Letter to Col. Piper, on Mr. Van Buren, 1840. Pam. vol. 66. HOPKINS (John H.), D.D. Bp. Address on the Death of Gen. Taylor, 1850. Pam. vol. 56. Letters to the Bishops, Clergy and Laity of the P. E. Church. Philadelphia, 1844. 120. HoPKINS (Mark), D.D. Sermon, Berkshire Jubilee, 1845. Pam. vol. 61. ------- Baccalaureate Sermon, Williamstown, Mass. 1850. Pam. vol. 82. GENERAL LIBRARY. 367 HOPKINS (Samuel ),D.D. An Enquiry concerning the future state of those who die in their sins. Newport, R.I., S. Southwick, 1783. 80. HOPKI(NS (Thomas). On the atmospheric changes which produce rain, wind, storms, and the fluctuations of the barometer. London, 1844. 80. 2 copies. HOPKINS (W.). Researches in Physical Geology. Trans. Royal Society, 1839, 40, 42. ITOPKINSON (Francis). Miscellaneous Essays and Occasional writings. Philadelphia, 1792. 3 vol. 80. Letter, from Lon. Morn. Chron. 1829. Pain. vol. 20. B. C. HOPPrus (E.). Tables for Measuring; or Practical measuring made easy. 18th ed. London, 1823. 8o. IoPPus (Rev. Dr. J.). Bacon's Novum Organon. See Lib. U. K. HORATIUS ( Quintus Flaccus). Opera. Dublinii, 1779. 80. B. C. Opera: cura H. H.Milman. Londini, Murray, 1853. 80. - Opera Expurgata, notis anglicis illustrata: studio T. Dugdale jun. Philadelphive, 1815. 80. B. C. Works: trans. into English prose, by C. Smart. Edinburgh, 1801. 2 vol. 120. B. C. - The same: revised by T. A. Buckley. London, 1850. 120. Le Opere de Orazio Flacco, recato in versi italiani de Tommaso Gargallo. Venezia, 1830. 3 vol. 180. HORNE (George). De Originibus Americanis libri quatuor. Hagae, 1852. 180. HORNE ( Bishop George). A Commentary on the Book of Psalms. IJondon, 1820. 2 vol. 80. B. C. HORNE (Melville). Missionary Sermon, 1811, London: reprinted Philadelphia. Serm. vol. 1. B. C.; also Pam. vol. 61. HORNE (Thomas H.), D.D. An Introduction to the Critical study and knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. 3d Am, ed. Philadelphia, 1826. 4 vol. 8. The same, 1827. 4 vol. 8. 8~. C. Introduction to the Study of Bibliography; with a memoir of the public libraries of the ancients. London, 1814. 2 vol. 80. HORNEMAN (F.). Journal of Travels from Cairo to Mourzouk in Africa, in 1797, 8. London, 1802. 4o. HORNER (Francis). Memoirs and Correspondence: edited by Leonard Horner. London, 1843. 2 vol. 8o. HORNER (Leonard). See Cousin (V.), translation. HoRNSCHUCIT. De Voitia et Systilio novis muscorum frondosorum genevibus. Erlangve, 1818. 40. See Candolle (De). HORNSEY ( John). A Short English Grammar. 6th ed. York, 1816. 120. HoRRY ( P.) and M. L. Weems. Life of Gen. Francis Marion. 7th ed. Phi. ladelphia, 1821. 120. W. C. 490. 368 NEW-YORK STATE HORSFORD ( Prof. E. N.). Service Pipes for water: from the Proceedings of the American Academy. Boston, 1849. 80....- 1, Untersuchungen iiber glycocoll, Giessen, 1846; 2, Investigation of glycocoll, New-Haven, 1847; 3, Analyses of grains and vegetables, Boston, 1846; 4, Resistance of fluids to electric conduction, 1848. See Pain. vol. 74. - Connection between the atomic weights.... of barium... 1849. Pam. vol. 52. Discussion on the explosion of burning fluid, Salem, 1852. Boston, 1852. Pamn. vol. 79. HIORSLEY ( Samuel ), Bp. Tracts in Controversy with Dr. Priestley, upon the question of the belief of the first ages in our Lord's Divinity. Burlington, N.J. 1821. 80. B. C. See also Priestley ( J.). - Sermons. INew-York, 1811. 2 vol. in 1. 80. B. C. HORSMANDEN (Daniel). The New-York Conspiracy, or a History of the Negro Plot; with the Journal of the proceedings against the conspirators at New-York, in 1741 -42. New-York, 1810. 8o. HORT ( W. J.). An Introduction to English Grammar. London, 1822. 18~. HOtTENSIUS, pseud. Observations on Electricity, looming, and sounds. New-York, 1822. Pai. vol. 79. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY of London. Transactions: 1st series, 7 vol. 1812 - 30; 2d series, 3 vol. 1835 -48; with, General index in vol. 3. London. 10 vol. 4o. Journal, 1846 - 50. London. 4 vol. 80. Vol. 4 contains index to 1st 4 vol. Proceedings, 1838 - 41. 14 nos. London. 1 vol. 80. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY of the Valley of Genesee: Constitution, etc. 1848. Pam. vol. 79. Officers, etc. 1852. Pam. vol. 97. HORTICULTURIST (-The), and Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste.. ed. by A. J. Downing, Albany, 1846-52, 7 vol. New series, vol. 3, 4, Rochester, 1853, 54, 2 vol. 9 vol. 4o. New series, vol. 1, 2, consists of vol. 6, 7, old series. HOSACK ( David), M.D. A Collection of nine of his miscellaneous publications, 1812-20, in 1 vol. 8~., — See Amer. Med. and Phil. Reg.......- Introductory Discourse to Lectures on Physic; with a Tribute to Benjamin Rush. 1813. Pam. vol. 55. B. C. --- Observations on the Laws governing the communication of contagious diseases. New-York, 1815. 4o. A Biographical Memoir of Hugh Williamson, M.D. LL.D. NewYork, 1820. 8o. The same. New-York, 1821. Pam. vol, 6. B. C. System of Practical Nosology. 2d ed. New-York, 1821. 8o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 369 Essays on various subjects of medical science. New-York, 1824 - 30. 3 vol. 8o. Inaugural Discourse, New-York Horticultural Society, Aug. 31, 1824. N~ew-York, 1824. 80., ~- Case of three remarkable tumors extirpated from the nose. NewYork, 1825. Pam. vol. 86. Inaug. Discourse, Rutgers Medical College, 1826. 80. B. C. - Memoir of DeWitt Clinton. New-York, 1829. 4o. The same. 40. BC. Observations on the use of emetics in constipation of the bowels. Pam. vol. 4. HOSKING (William). A Guide to the proper regulation of buildings in towns, to promote the health and comfort of the inhabitants. London, 1848. 80. Theory of Bridges. See Hann ( J.). HosMER ( Rev. G. W.). Sermon, Buffalo, N.Y. 1853. Pam. vol. 95. HIOSMER (WT. H. C.). The Pioneers of Western New-York: A Poem, Societies of Geneva College, 1838. Geneva, 1838. 80. Yonnondio, or Warriors of the Genesee: A Tale of the seventeenth century. New-York, 1844. 120. HOSPINrANUS (Rodolphus). Historie Sacramentariee. Genevae, 1681. 2 vol. fol. Concordia Discors: hoc est, de Origine et Progressu Formulm Concordie Bergensis. Genevve, 1678. fol. HOTCHIKIN ( Rev. James H.). History of the Purchase and Settlement of Western New-York; and of the rise, progress and present state of the Presbyterian Church in that section. New-York, 1848. 80. HOUDIN ( Maj. M. G.). Oration on Death of George Washington. Albany, 1800. Pam. vol. 29. B. C. HOUG-H (Almira). A Brief Sketch of.... death of Mrs. M. Fisher. Lowville, 1853. Pam. vol. 99. HouGI (Franklin B.), M.D. History of Jefferson County, N.Y. Albany, 1854. 8~. History of St. Lawrence and Franklin Counties, N.Y. Albany, 1853. 8. Address on the Early History of St. Lawrence County, Ogdensburgh, 1852; with Copy of a lease from the Oswegatchie Indians, 1792, and Account of a Visit to the St. Regis Indians, 1852 in 1 vol. 120. ------ Plants of Lewis County, N.Y. Pamin. vol. 188. Goffe the Regicide. See Plan, etc. New-York Civil List, containing the names and origin of the civil divisions, and the names and dates of election of.... officers from the Revolution.... Albany, 1855. 120. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 47 370 NEW-YORK STATE:.-. EtMeteorology of N.Y. See New-York, Regents of the Univ. HOUGoH ( Horatio G.). Diving, or an Attempt to describe a method to supply the diver with air under water. Hartford, 1813. With, Inquiries. on the principles of liquid attraction, 1829. In one vol. 80. HOUGHTON ( Douglas). See Michigan, Geol. Survey. Michigan Salt Springs. See Mich. Geol. Survey. List of Plants gathered in the Northwest expeditions. 1831. 8~. Also Pain. vol. 188. HOUGHTON ( G. F.). Address before the Legislature of Vermont, on the Controversy of the New-Hampshire grants, Oct. 20, 1848. Burlington, 1849. 80. - Address on the Life of Col. Seth Warner, before the Legislature of Vermont, Oct. 20, 1849. See Butler ( J. D.). HOUGHTON ( John). Husbandry and Trade improved. Vol. 2, 3, 4. London, 1727. 3 vol. 80. HOUSATONIO Railroad Company: Report, 1844. New-York. 80. B. C. HOUSE OF REFUGE of Philadelphia'; Reports, 2d - 16th, 1830 - 44. Pam. vol. 163. HOUsE of the Angel Guardian: Report, Boston, 1852. Pam. vol. 96. HOUSEHOLD WORDS: A weekly journal, conducted by Charles Dickens. London, 1850 - 55. 10 vol. 80. The Household Narrative of current events for 1850; being a monthly supplement to Household Words. London, 1851. 80. HOUSSAYE (Ars6ne). Men and Women of the Eighteenth Century..... New-York, 1852. 2 vol. 120. Philosophers and Actresses. New-York, 1852. 2 vol. 120. HIOUSSET ( E. J. P.). Mermoires Physiologiques et d'Histoire naturelle. Auxerre, 1787. 2 vol. 80. HOUSTON (Sam.). Life of: illustrated. New-York, 1855. 120. HOUSTOUN (Dr. James). Works; containing Memoirs of his Life, and Travels in Asia, Africa, America, and most parts of Europe, from 1690 to the present time; with an Account of the Scotch Expedition to Darien. London, 1753. 8~. HOUSTOUN ( MIrs. M. C. H.). Texas and the Gulf of Mexico; or Yachting in the New World. London, 1844. 2 vol. 120. H- esperos, or Travels in the West. London, 1850, 2 vol. 120. HOVEDEN ( Roger de). Annals; comprising the History of England from 732 to 1201: trans. by H. T. Riley. London, Bohn, 1853. 2 vol. 120. HOVEY ( C. M.). The Fruits of America; containing richly colored figures, and descriptions of the choicest varieties cultivated in the U. S. Vol. 1. Boston, 1847 - 51. 40. See Magazine of Horticulture. HOVEY (S.). Geology of St. Croix and Antigua. Sill. Jour. vol. 35. GENERAL LIBRARY. 371 How shall the lawyers be paid?;.... In a letter to.J. Anthon, esq. NewYork, 1840. Pamn. vol. 35. B. C. H-ow (Samuel B.). Sermon, 2d Ref. Dutch Church, Somerville, N. J. 1835. Pam. vol. 82. How ( Thomas Y.). Essays on Episcopacy. See Collection. HOWARD ( H. R.). See Stewart's (V. A.) Life. HOWARD ( J. C.). Discourse, Mass. Humane Society, Boston, 1804. Pam. vol. 37, 45. HOWARD (John). State of the Prisons in England and Wales. 4th ed. London, 1789 - 1792. 2 vol. 4(. HOWARD (Luke). The Climate of London, deduced from meteorological observations made in the metropolis, and at various places around it. 2d ed. London, 1833. 3 vol. 80. Seven Lectures on Meteorology. Pontefract, 1837. 120. HOWARD (Middleton). The Conquest of Quebec; a poem. Oxford, 1768. 40. HOWARD (Robert), M.D. A Treatise on Salt; showing its hurtful effects and tendency to cause consumption. London, 1850. 80. HOWARD ( Volney E.). Speech, H. of R. U.S., on the Mexican Boundary Question. Washington, 1852. HowE (Henry). Historical Collections of Ohio. Cincinnati, 1847. 80. - Historical Collections of Virginia. Charleston, 1845. 8o. Memoirs of the most eminent American mechanics, and of distinguished European ones. New-York, 1847. 120. ITowE (Rev. Nathaniel). Century Sermon, Hopkinton, Dec. 24, 1815. Andover, 1817. 80. HOWE ( Samuel G.), M.D. Historical Sketch of the Greek Revolution. New-York, 1828. 8~. Reports to the Legislature of BMassachusetts, on Idiocy, 1848, 50; with, The causes and prevention of idiocy. Boston, 1848. 80. HowE ( Lieut. Gen. Sir William). A Narrative in a Committee of the House of Commons, on the 29th April, 1779, relative to his conduct in command of the King's Troops in North America, etc. 3d ed. London, 1781. 4. ------ Observations upon his conduct at White-plains, as related in the Gazette of Dec. 30, 1776. London, 1779. 80. - Remarks upon Gen. Howe's Account of his Proceedings on Long Island, in the Gazette of Oct. 10, 1776. 2d ed. 1778. 8q. HOWELL (Francis). See Theophrastus, translation. HOWELL (James). A Survey of the Signorie of Venice, of her admired policy and method of government. London, 1651. fol. HowIsoN ( John). Sketches of Upper Canada, with some Recollections of the United States of America. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1822. 80. W. C. 491. 372 NEW-YORK STATE ------ European Colonies in various parts of the world. London, 1834. 2 vol. 80. EOWISON ( Robert R.) History of Virginia, from its discovery by Europeans to the present time. Philadelphia, 1846 -48. 2 vol. 80. HowIsoN (Lieut.), U. S. N. Report of an Examination of the Territory of Oregon in 1846. Cong. Doct. 1848. 80. HOWITT ( E.). Letters written during a Tour through the United States. Nottingham, 1820. 120. W. C. 492. IHOWITT (Mary). Pictorial Calendar of the Season, including Aikin's Calendar of Nature. London, Bohn, 1854. 120. Our Cousins in Ohio: from the Diary of an American mother. New-York, 1849. 180. See Fryxell, Hist. of Sweden. HOWITT (William). German Experiences, addressed to the English, both stayers at home and goers abroad. London, 1844. 120. Homes and Haunts of the most eminent British Poets. New-York, 1847. 2 vol. 12o. - Land, Labor and Gold; or Two Years in Victoria. Boston, 1855. 2 vol. 120. (and Mary). Journal of Literature and Popular Progress. Vol. 1, 2, 3. London, 1847-48. 3 vol. 80. ---- - (and Mary). See People's and Howitt's Journal. - (and Mary). Stories of English and Foreign Life. London, Bohn, 1853. 120. HOWLETT ( Hemnlan). Address... against immediate emancipation. NewYork, 1834. Pam. vol. 186. HOWSE (Joseph). Gramniar of the Cree Language, with an Analysis of the Chippeway Dialect. London, 1844. 80. HOYT (E.). History of the Indian Wars on the Connecticut River. Greenfield, 1824. 80. W. C. 493. HOYT (Rev. Ralph). The Koh-i-noor..... a poem; N.Y. Alpha, Union Coll. 1852. Pami. vol. 88. HUBBARD (F. M.). Life of Gen. William R. Davie. See Sparks's Am. Biog. vol. 25. HUBBARD (Henry). Speeches, U.S. Sen., On Surplus revenue, 1836; On Abolition petitions, 1836; On Deposits in bank, 1837. Pam. vol. 59. ----- - Speech, U.S. Sen., On additional duties, 1837. Pam. vol. 28. B.C. HUBBARD (John N.). Sketches of Border Adventures, in the Life and Times of Major Moses Van Campen, a surviving soldier of the Revolution. Bath, N.Y. 1842. 120. HUBBARD (William). Minister of Ipswich. Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New-England, from the first planting thereof in 1607, to 1677. Boston, 1677. sin. 40. ------- The same. London, 1677. sin. 4o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 373 The same. Worcester, Mass. 1801. 120. The same. See Knapp's Lib. Amer. Hist. vol. 2. General History of New-England. Canmbridge, 1815. 80. HUBBELL ( Levi). Oration, Y. Men's Assoc. Albany, 1835. Pain. vol. 63. HUBER (13.). Aperqu Statistique de l'Ile de Cuba. Paris, 1826. 80. W-I.C. 494. HUBER (Prof. V. A.). The English Universities: from the German, abridged; ed. by Francis W. Newman. London, 1843. 3 vol. 80. HUBLEY ( Benrard ). History of the American Revolution. N orthumberland, Penn. 1805. Vol. 1. 80. HUBNER (Johan). Kort Begryp der oude en nieuwe geographie. Amsterdam, 1722. 80~. De Nieuwe vermeerderde en verbeterde Kouranten-Tolk, of takelyk, historisch- en staatkundig woordenbock. Leyden, 1748. 2 vol. 40. B.C. Hue ( Father). Journey through the Chinese Empire: trans. from the French. New-York, 1855. 2 vol. 12o.'Travels in Tartary, Thibet, and China, during 1844 - 46. London, 2 vol. 120. HUDSON ( David). History of Jemima Wilkinson, a Preacher of the eighteenth century. Geneva, 1821. 120. 2 copies. HUDSON RIVER, and the Hudson River Railroad; with map, and cuts. Boston, 1851. 80. See Jervis ( J. B.), Reports, 1846; and Morgan ( R. P.). HUDSON RIVER BAPTIST ASSOCIATION: Anniversary, 1845. 80. B. C. HUDSON WEERILY GAZETTE: Vol. 1, Ap. 7, 1785; vol. 5, Mar. 1790. New title, Hudson Gazette: Vol. 8, Jan. 1792; vol. 19,1803. Hudson, N.Y. 13 vol. fol. HUET ( Pierre Daniel). Histoire du Commerce et de la Navigation des anciens. Lyon, 1763. 80. W. C. 495. HUETTE (M.). Tableau des Observations m6teorologiques faites a Nantes, 1832 - 51. 1 vol. 4o. HUFF (J. W.). The Government of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Philadelphia, 1852. Pam. vol. 93. _HUGENIUS. See Huygens (C.). HUGHES ( Benjamin F.). Oration before the Boyer Lodge, 1827. NewYork. Pam. vol. 27. HUGHES (G.). Natural History of Barbados. London, 1750. fol. HUGHES ( Capt. G. W.). System of Drainage of low lands in Holland. Eng. Prof. Papers, vol. 7. Report on some of the most important hydraulic works of Holland. Cong. Doct. 1843. Pam. vol. 36. B. C, ~ — Report in relation to the working of copper ores, 1814. Cong. Doct. See Paml. vol. 79. 374 NEW-YORK STATE HUGHES (John, Archbp.). Lecture on the Church and the World. NewYork, 1850. 80. ---- See Brooks ( Erastus), and Brooksiana. HUGHES ( Thomas). Practice of making and repairing roads... London, 1838. 80. HUGHES ( T. M.). Revelations of Spain in 1.845. London, 1845.:2 vol. 80. HUGHES ( T. S.). Letter to Godfrey Higgins, on his " Attempt to correct certain superstitious and vulgar errors respecting the Sabbath." Pamphleteer, vol. 27. Remarks on a Pamphlet entitled " An Essay on the Eternity of the World." Pamphleteer, vol. 26. -Travels in Sicily, Greece, and Albania. London, 1820. 2 vol. 4~. HUGHES ( W.). The American Physician; or a Treatise of the Plants growing in the English plantations in America. London, 1672. 18o. W. C. 496. HUGHSON (David ), LL.D. Walks through London, including Westminster and the suburbs. Plates. London, 1817. 120. HUGO (Victor). The Rhine. New-York, 1845. 80. The same. 120. B. C. UIGUES DE ST. CHER ( Cardinal ). S. S. Bib. Vulg. Ed. Concordantive: auctore Hugone Cardinale... recensitme a F. Luca. Lugduni, 1649. 40. HUtGUES, HUGHES, HUGON (Jean). See Linschoten. HUIDECOPER ( Alfred ). History of Crawford Co. Pa. See Fist. Soc. Penn. Mem. vol. 4. - See Huydecoper. HUIDEKOPER ( Prof. Frederic ). Letter on.... the Meadville Theological School. New-York, 1847. Pam. vol. 51. B. C. HUISH ( Robert ). Authentic History of the Coronation of George the Fourth. London, 1821. 80. Memoirs of Daniel O'Connell. London, 1836. 80. HULETT (T. G.). Every Man his own Guide to the Falls of Niagara. 4th ed. Buffalo, 1844. 180. HULL ( A. G.). Practical Elucidation of the nature of hernia. New-York, 1826. Pain. vol. 12. B. C. HULL (Laurens), M.D. Address, N. Y. Med. Soc. 1840. Muns. Pam. vol. 5. HULL (Gen. William). Defence before the General Court-martial. Boston, 1814. 120. - Memoirs of the Campaign of the Northwestern Army, 1812. Boston, 1824. 4o. Revolutionary Services and Civil Life: by his Daughter, Mrs. Maria Campbell; together with the History of the Campaign of 1812, and surrender of the post of Detroit, by his Grandson, James F. Clark. New-York, 1848. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 375 HOLSEMANN (Johann G.). Geschichte der Democratie in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-America. GOttingen, 1823. 80. W. C. 497. HUMBLE REQUEST. See Winthrop (John). W. C. 680. HUMBLE (William), M.D. Dictionary of Geology and Mineralogy. 2d ed. London, 1843. 80. HUMBLET ( L'Abbe'). L'Accomplissement de la Prophetie, et le consummatum est a la Paix de Tilsit. London, 1808. 80. HUMBOLDT (Alex. von). Essai Politique sur le Royaume de la Nouvelle Espagne. Paris, 1811. 5 vol. 80. W. C. 498. Observations Astronomiques, etc., pendant le Cours d'un Voyage aux regions equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent, 1799 - 1803. Paris, 1810. 2 vol. fol. Political Essay on the Kingdom of New-Spain: from the French, by John Black. New-York, 1811. 2 vol. 80. Vues des Cordilleres, et Monumens des Peuples Indigenes de l'Amerique. Paris, 1816. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 501. - Voyage aux Regions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent, fait en 1799 - 1804, par A. de Humboldt et A. Bonpland; avec deux atlas, fol. Premiere partie Relation historique. Paris, 1814-25. 3 vol. fol. W. C. 500.. —---- Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent, 1799-1804, by Alex. de Humboldt and A. Bonpland: trans. by Helen M. Williams, from the French. 3d ed. London, 1822 -29. 7 vol. in 6. 80. The same: trans. by Thomasina Ross. London, 1852. Vol. 1. 120..-.-.- The same: condensed by W. Macgillivray. Edinb. Cab. Lib. vol. 10. The same. New-York, 1835. 180. B. C. Selections from the Works of the Baron von Humboldt, relating to the climate, productions and mines of Mexico; with notes by John Taylor, esq. London, 1824. ~8:....- A Geognostical Essay on the superposition of rocks in both hemispheres. London, 1823. 80..- - Tableaux de la Nature, ou Considerations sur les deserts, sur la physionomie des vegetaux, etc.: trad. de l'allemand. Paris, 1828. 2 vol. in 1. 80 W. C. 499. ------ et A. Bonpland. Monographie des Me6lastomacees: mise en ordre par A. Bonpland. London, 1833. fol. ------ Examen Critique de l'histoire de la geographie diu nouveau continent. Paris, 1836- 39. 5 vol. 80. See Ghillany's Behaim. Essay on the fluctuation in the supplies of gold. London, 1839. Pam. vol. 17.,..... Aspects of Nature, in different lands and different climates: trans. by Mrs. Sabine. London, 1849. 2 vol. 120. 376 NEW-YORK STATE --- Views of Nature; or Contemplations on the sublime phenomena of creation: trans. by E. C. Otte and H. G. Bohn. London, Bohn, 1850. 120. - Kosmos: Entwurf einen Physischen Weltbeschreibung. Stuttgart, 1845 - 51. 3 vol. 80. - Cosmos; a Sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe: translated by E. C. Otte and B. H. Paul. Bohn, London, 1849- 51. 4 vol. 12). C- Cosmos: Sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe: translated under the superintendence of Lieut. Col. E. Sabine. 3d ed. London, 1847-51. 3 vol. 120. Cosmos: A General Survey of the Physical Phenomena of the Universe. Vol. 1. London, 1845. 12o. Atlas to Cosmos. See Bromine (Traugott). HUMBOLDT ( William von). Letters to a Female Friend: trans. by Catherine M. A. Couper. London, 1849. 2 vol. 12~. HUwME (David ). Treatise of Human Nature. London, 1739. 2 vol. 8~. Philosophical Essays concerning Human Understanding. 2d ed. London, 1750. 12o. ~-. --- Political Discourses. Edinburgh, 1752. 120. and others. Political Essays, explanatory of the whole science of politicks. London, 1816. 8~. ~ —-: - Essays and'Treatises on several subjects. Edinburgh, 1809. 2 vol. 80o. B. C. - Histoire de la Maison de Stuart, sur le trone d'Angleterre. Lon-, dres, 1763. 6 vol. 120. - The History of England, from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution in 1688, 8 vol.; with the Continuation by Smollett, 5 vol. London, 1796. 13 vol. 80. B. C. The same, with the Continuation of Smollett and Bisset. Albany, 1816. 8 vol. 80. See Letters on his history... —.Private Correspondence with distinguished persons, between 1761 and 1776. London, 1820. 40. and Rousseau. A Concise and Genuine Account of the Dispute between Mr. Hume and Mr. Rousseau; with, the letters that passed.... as also the Letters of the Hon. Mr. Walpole and Mr. D'Alembert. London, 1766. 80. HUME ( Joseph). Speech, Brit. H. of Commons, on Household suffrage, 1839. Pam. vol. 34. B. C. HUM1E (Rev. J. W.). Address, Univ. of Nashville, 1847. Pam. vol. 77. HUMPHREY (Heman), D.D. Essays on the perpetuity, change, and sanctification of the Sabbath. New-York, 1829. 12o. B. C. Great Britain, France and Belgium. A short tour in 1835. NewYork, 1838. 2 vol. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 377 HUMPHREYS ( Capt. A. A.), and Lieut. G. K. Warren. Examination of the Reports of Explorations for Railroad routes from the Mississippi to the Pacific, made under orders in 1853 - 54. See Pacific It. R. Rep. vol. 1. HUMPHREYS (David), D.D. An Historical Account of the incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, to 1728. London, 1730. 80. HUMPHREYS ( Col. David ), late Min. Plen. from the United States to Madrid. Miscellaneous Works. New-York, 1790. 8~. The same. New-York, 1804. 80. 2 copies. - Valedictory Discourse before the Society of Cincinnati of Conn. Pam. vol. 45. Essay on the Life of Gen. Israel Putnam; with notes and additions, with historical and topographical sketch of Bunker Hill Battle, by S. Swett. Boston, 1818. 180. HUMPHREYS (Henry Noel). The Coin Collector's Manual. London, Bohn, 1853. 2 vol. 12:i. The Coinage of the British Empire from the earliest period to the present time. London, 1854. 80. HUN (T.), M.D. Introd. Lect. Albany Med. Coll. 1839. Pam. vol. 84. I- ntroductory Lect. before Albany Med. Coll. 1848. Muns. Pam. vol. 5, 12; also Pamn. vol. 84. HUNGARY and its Revolutions, with a Memoir of Kossuth. London, Bohn, 1854. 120. HUNT (Freeman). Letters about the Hudson River and its vicinity; written in 1835, 36, by a Citizen of New-York. New-York, 1836. 120. The same. 3d ed. New-York, 1837. 18o. The Library of Commerce, practical, theoretical and historical. Vol. 1. New-York, 1845. 120.....-.Merchant's Magazine, and Commercial Review: conducted by Freeman Hunt. New-York, 1839 - 55. 32 vol. 8o. HUNT ( F. Knight). The Fourth Estate: Contributions towards a History of Newspapers, and of the Liberty of the Press. London, 1850. 2 vol. 120. HIUNT (Gilbert J.). The Late War between the United States and Great Britain, from 1812 to 1815; written in the ancient historical style: also, a Sketch of the late Algerine War. 3d ed. New-York, 1819. 120. HUNT (John W.). Wisconsin Gazetteer.... Madison, 1853. 8o. HUNT ( Leigh). Works. Philadelphia, 1854. 4 vol. 120. ~ Lord Byron and some of his Contemporaries..... 2d ed. London, 1828. 2 vol. 8o. The Indicator: A Miscellany for the fields and the fireside. 2 parts. New-York, 1845. 120. B. C.. Imagination and Fancy. New-York, 1845. 80. B. C. [GEN. LIB. 1855.] 48 378 NEW-YORK STATE W - it and Humor; selected from the British Poets. New-York, 1846.12go. B. C. Men, Women and Books; a Selection of sketches, essays and critical memoirs. New-York, 1847. 2 vol. 12o. Autobiograply, with Reminiscences of friends and countrymen. New-York, 1850. 2 vol. 120. See Wycherley's Dramatic Works. HUNT (Robert). Researches on Light: An Examination of all the phenomena.... London, 1844. 80. Panthea, the Spirit of Nature. London, 1849. 80. The Poetry of Science. 3d ed. London, Bohn, 1854. 120. Elementary Physics. London, Bohn, 1855. 120. HUNT ( R. S.) and J. F. Randel. Guide to the Republic of Texas. NewYork, 1839. 180. HUNT (T. F.). Architettura Campestre, displayed in lodges, gardener's houses, etc. London, 1827. 4~. Examples of Tudor Architecture, with Observations on the furniture of the Tudor period. London, 1841. 4o. -- Half a Dozen Hints on picturesque domestic architecture. London, 1841. 4~. HUNT (Rev. T. P.). The Bible Baptist. Albany, 1843. Muns. Pam. vol. 9. HUNT (Washington). Speeches in Cong. on Native Americanism, 1845; on Irish relief bill, 1847. Pam. vol. 59. - Report on Harbors and Rivers, with other documents. Cong. Doct. 1848. 80. HUNT (William), M.D. The Cabinet of Nature and Philosophy. Book 1st: the Cabinet of Shells. Boston, 1833. 80. HUNT (William). Albany Commercial Directory, 1848-49.. Albany, 1848. 120. - Leaves from the American Biog. Sketch-book. Albany, 1848. Muns. Pam. vol. 8. The American Biographical Sketch-book, vol. 1. Albany, 1848. 8o. _-T___ The American Biographical Panorama. Albany, 1849. 8o. zHUNTER (John). Historia Naturalis dentium humanorum: in linguam latinam et batavam versa a Petro Boddaert. Hagae, 1780. 40. HUNTER (John). Speech in Sen. on Commercial Bank, 1836. Pam. vol. 67. HUNTER (John D.). Manners and Customs of several Indian Tribes west of the Mississippi. Philadelphia, 1823. 8o. W. C. 502. HUNTER ( Joseph), F.S.A. Collections concerning the early history of the founders of New-Plymouth, the first colonists of New-England. London, 1849. 80. HUNTER ( R. M. T.). Observations on the History of Virginia. Richmond, Va. 1855. 12~. GENERAL, LIBRARY. 379 Report to Senate on change in the coinage, 1852. Pam. vol. 92. IHUNTER (W.). Oration, July 4, 1801, at Newport, R. I. Pain. vol. 39. HUNTER (William). Speech, Senate U. S. Feb. 2, 1813. Pam. vol. 54. B.C. HUNTING(DON ( Selina, Countess of): The Life and Times of; by a Member of the House of Shirley and Hastings. London, 1844. 2 vol. 80. HUNTINGTON (D.). A General View of the Fine Arts, critical and historical; with an Introduction by D. Huntington. 1851. 120. HUNTINGTON (E. A.), D.D. Funeral Discourse of D. D. Page. Albany, 1848. Pam. vol. 82; also Muns. Pam. vol. 1, and Ser. vol. 6. B. C. Dedication Sermon, 3d Presb. Church, Albany, 1845. Pam. vol. 82; also Muns. Pam. vol. 3. Two Discourses, 3d Presb. Church, Albany, 1855. 80. HUNTINGTON ( F. D.), D.D. Address, Boston Y. M. Christian Union, 1852. Pam. vol. 93. HUNTINGTON ( William). God the Guardian of the Poor, and the Bank of Faith. New-York, 1843. 120. B. C. HUNTT (Henry), M.D. A Visit to the Red Sulphur Spring of Virginia in 1837. Boston, 1839. 80. HURDm ( Dr. Isaac). Discourse, Mass. Humane Soc. Boston, 1799. Pam. vol. 39. HURD ( Richard), Bishop. Works. London, 1811. 8 vol. 80. Contents: Notes and Commentary on Horace's Art of Poetry: vol. 1. Critical Dissertations: vol. 2. Moral and Political Dialogues, with Letters on chivalry and romance: vol. 3, 4. Sermons introductory to the study of the prophecies: vol. 5. Sermons, and Controversy: vol. 6, 7, 8. HURD (Seth T.). A. Grammatical Corrector of Common errors of speech. Philadelphia, 1847. 120. HURLBUT ( E. P.). Essays on Human Rights, and their particular guarantees. New-York, 1845. 120. The same. 120. B. C. Civil Offices and Political Ethics; with an Appendix, containing familiar law, relating to husband and wife, parent and child, etc. 3d ed. New-York, 1844. 120. HUSBANDS ( J. D.), and H. Lathrop jr. Addresses, Hartwick Sem. 1850. Palm. vol. 77; also Muns. Pam. vol. 12. HUsKISSoN (William). Speeches; with a Biographical Memoir. London, 1831. 3 vol. 80. HUTCHINS (John Nathan). Hutchins improved; being an almanack, etc. New-York, 1770, 72. 1 vol. 120. Hutchins improved, etc. 1771, 74, 88; with Connecticut Alm. 1778, 79; North-American Alm. 1777; George's Almanack, 1781. 1 vol. 120. 380 NEW-YORK STATE Hutchins improved, etc. for 1792, 93, 94, 95, imperject; with Webster's Alm. 1797, 98. 1 vol. 12o. HUTCHINS ( Thomas), Geog. to the U.S. A Historical Narrative and Topographical Description of Louisiana and West-Florida. Philadelphia, 1784. 80. HUTCHINS (Thomas), Captain in the 60th Regiment of Foot. A Topographical Description of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland and North Carolina, etc.; with an Appendix, containing Mr. Patrick Kennedy's Journal up the Illinois River. London, 1788. 80..-.-.- The same. Boston, 1787. 1.20 HUTCHINSON (Enoch). See Uhlemann's Syriac Grammar. HUTCHINSON FAMILY: Book of Words of the. New-York, 1851. 120. HUTCHINSON (Lucy). Memoirs of the Life of Col. John Hutchinson... written by his widow.... to which is prefixed, the Life of Mrs. Lucy Hutchinson, written by herself. London, 1808. 40. B. C. The same, with an Account of the Siege of Lathom House. London, Bohn, 1846. 120. HUTCHINSON ( Gov. Thomas). History of the Colony of MassachusettsBay, with a Collection of original papers relative to the history of the colony. 2d ed. London, 1765 - 69. 3 vol. 80. W. C. 503. The same. 3d ed. Salem and London, 1795 - 1828. 3 vol. 80. Speeches... to the General Assembly of the Massachusetts-Bay, from Jan. 6, 1773; with the Answers of His Majesty's Council, and the House of Representatives respectively. Boston, 1773. Pam. vol. 115. ------- and A. Oliver, Lieut. Gov. Copy of Letters sent to Great Britain by them and several others. Boston, 1773. 120. ------- The same, and remarks thereon; with Proceedings of the Lords Comm. of council, Mr. Wcdderburn's speech. 2d ed. London, 1774. 80. HUTCHINSON ( Graham). A Treatise on the Causes and Principles of meteorological phenomena; also Essays on marsh fevers, and on the system of equality proposed by Mr. Owen of New-Lanark. Glasgow, 1843. 80. HUTTER (Elias). Biblia Sacra: Ebraice, Chaldaice, Grsece, Latine, Germanice, Saxonice. See Bible. HUTTON (William). Life of W. Hutton, stationer, of Birmingham, and the history of his family; written by himself, with some extracts from his other works. London, 1841. sm. 4o. HUYDECOPER (T. R. C.). Een Woord van ernste en Liefde aan mijne Landgenooten, over de Nederlandsche vereeniging tot afschaffing van Sterken drank. Amsterdam, 1853. 120. See Huidekoper. HUYGENS ( Christian). Opera Varia. Lugduni, 1724. 2 vol. in 1. 4. ------ Exercitationes Mathematicee et Philosophice: ed. P. J. Uylenbroek. 2 fasc. continentes Hugenii, Leibnitii, Hospitalii, Vaumeslii et Duilierii epistolas. Hagme, 1833. 2 vol. 40. GENERAL LIBRARY. 881 HUYSINGA (Johannes). Nodige Betragtinge voor een Godsdienstige Ziele, omtrent het gebruyken van des Heeren H. Avondmaal. Utrecht, 1716. 180. B. C. HUZARD (J. B.): Notices Biographiques sur. Paris, 1839. Paim. vol. 23. Projet de Loi relatif au sucre de betteraves. 1836. Pam. vol. 18. HIYACYNTHE. See Magistris ( Hyacinthe de), Relation, etc. HYDE (T.), LL.D. Historia Religionis Veterum Persarum eorumque magorum. Oxonir, 1700. 4~. HYGINNE PUBLIQUE. See Sante (La), and Belgium. HYPOCRISY Unveiled, and Calumny detected, in a Review of Blackwood's Magazine. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1818. 80. ICELAND, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands. Edin. Cab. Lib. vol. 28. ICONOGRAPHIC ENCYCLOPAIDIA of Science, Literature and Art, systematically arranged by J. G. Heck: trans. from the German, and ed. by S. F. Baird. New-York, 1851. 4 vol. 80; 2 vol. plates 4~. 6 vol. IDES,( E. Ysbrant). Travels from Muscovy to China. Harris, vol. 2. ILLINOIS. Synopsis of the Illinois School Law, by H. S. Cooley, 1849. Pain. vol. 51. a —--- Report on Common Schools, by the Superintendent, H. S. Cooley. 1846. Pam. vol. 51.. Biennial Report of Superintendent of Common Schools, 1851. Pam. vol. 70. ILLINOIS ASYLUM for the Deaf and Dumb. Pam. vol. 167. ILLINOIS in 1837.... with a letter. by Hon. HI. L. Ellsworth. Philadelphia, 1837. 80. 2 copies. ILLUSTRATED AMERICAN NEWS. Vol. 1, No. 7, July 19, to No. 24, Nov. 185i. New-York, T. W. Strong. fol. ILLUSTRATED LONDON ALMANACK: 1850, 51, 53, 54, 55. 5 vol. 4o. ILLUSTRATED CALIFORNIA NEWS. Vol. 1, No. 4, Nov. 1850. San Francisco. See Illus. Am. News. ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS. Vol. 1-26. London, 1842 - 55. 26 vol. fol. Panoramic View of the Thames. fol. ILLUSTRATED ( The) MAGAZINE of ART. New-York, Mlontgomery, 1853. 2 vol. roy. 80. ILLUSTRATED NEW-YORK NEWS. Vol. 1, No. 1- 6, June, July, 1851. See Illustrated American News. ILLUSTRATED NEWS. Jan. 1, to Nov. 26, 1853; vol. 1, 2. New-York, T. P. Barnum, H. D. Beach. 2 vol. fol. ILLUSTRATIONS of the History and Practice of the Thugs. London, 1837. 80.o 382 NEW-YORlK STATE, ILLYRICUS. See Fl]accus (Mathias) Illyricus. IMIISON ( John). Elements of Science and Art; being a familiar introduction to natural philosophy and chemistry: enlarged by Thomas Webster. London, 1808. 2 vol. 80o. B. C. IN1LAY ( Gilbert George? ). Topographical Description of the Western Territory of North America. London, 1792. 8o. W. C. 504. The same; with The Discovery, and present State of Kentucky, by John Filson; also The Adventures of Daniel Boon, the Minutes of the Piankashaw Council, 1784; An Account of the Indian Nations, etc. with maps. 2d edition, with additions. London, 1793. 80o. - The same; with great additions. 3d ed. London, 1797. 80. IMMENS ( Rev. Peter). The Pious Communicant encouraged and directed.... trans. by John Bassett. New-York, 1801. 2 vol. in 1. 80. B. C. IMPARTIAL CITIZEN: Ap. 1849, Syracuse. Period. 4o. vol. 1. IMPORTANCE of the British Plantations in America. London, 1791. 8o. IMPORTANCE of the British Colonies in America to this Kingdom, with the state of their trade. London, 1731. 80o. IMPOSTURE and Deception detected: Charges of Maria Slade. New-York, 1829. Pam. vol. 56. IMPOSTUREs and Calumnies of George Montgomery West. Albany, 1850. Pam. vol. 72. IMPRESSMENTS ( All ) unlawful and inadmissible. Pam. vol. 66. IMPROVEMENTS in the Microscope; with plates. London, 1832. 80. IMPUGNACION de algunos impios blasfeinos, sacrilegos y sediciosos articulos del Codigo de Anarquia, cuyo titulo es: Decreto Constitucional para la Libertad de la America.... Madrid, 1817. 80. W. C. 631. INCHIQUIN'S LETTERS. See Ingersoll ( C. J.). INCIDENTS of Personal Experience...... from the new phenomena of spirit life and action..... by a Minister of the gospel. Boston, 1852. Pam. vol. 93. INDEPENDENT ( The); a novel. Dublin, 1784. 2 vol. in 1. 120. B. C. INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Powers and Willis, from Nov. 21, 1776, to July 10, 1783: 6 vol. fol. Wvanting, Ap. 30, May 7, Oct. 8, 15, 1778: Sept. 13, 20; Oct. 4, 18; Nov. 1, 8, 29; Dec. 13, 1781: Jan. 31, March 14, May 2, 9, 23; July 4, 10, 24; Nov. 14, 21; Dec. 12, 19, 1782: Jan. 19, May 8, 22, 1783. INDEPENDENT ( To the) Freeholders of the County of Surry, Eng. Pam. vol. 137. INDEPENDENT REFLECTOR. New-York, 1752 - 53. 52 nos. fol. INDEX EXPURGATORIUS: An exact reprint of the Roman Index Expurgatorius; ed. with a preface, by Richard Gibbings. Dublin, 1837. 120. INDIA: Pictorial, descriptive and historical, from the earliest times to the present. London, Bohn, 1854. 120. INDIAN BOARD for the emigration, preservation, and improvement of the aborigines of America: documents and proceedings. New-York, 1829. Pam. vol. 20. B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 383 INDIANA. Report of a Geological Reconnoissance of Indiana, 1837, by D. D. Owen. Indianopolis, 1838. 80. Annual Reports on Public Instruction; 1852, 53. Pamn. vol. 174. INDIANA Lands at auction, with map. Pam. vol. 50. INDIANS ( The), or Narratives of massacres and depredations in Wawasink and its vicinity during the American Revolution. Rondout, N.Y. 1846. 120..-.._ The same. Pam. vol. 17. INDO-CHINESE ( The) GLEANER. Singapore? 7 nos. for 1818, 19. 80. INDUCTIVE GRAMMAR for Beginners. Boston, 1829. 18. INGELO ( Nathaniel ).'Bentivolio and Urania. 4th ed. London, 1682. fol. INGERSOLL (Charles Jared). A View of the rights and wrongs, power and policy of the United States of America. Philadelphia, 1808. 80..Inchiquin, the Jesuit's Letters during a late residence in the United States of America. New-York, 1810. 80. Speech, H. of R. U.S., on Remedial justice, 1812. Pam. vol. 59. - Oration, July 4, 1832, at Philadelphia. 8o. - -Historical Sketch of the Second War between the United States and Great Britain. Philadelphia, 1845 - 49. 2 vol. 80. The same. Philadelphia, 1853. 2 vol. 80o. INGERSOLL ( Charles M.). Conversations on Etymology and Syntax. Philadelphia, 1822. 180..- Conversations on English Grammar; explaining the principles and rules of the language. 2d ed. New-York, 1822. 120. B. C. The same. New-York, 1831. 12o. The same. Philadelphia, 1835. 12~. INGERSOLL ( George G.). Address, First( Congregational Society in Burlington, Vt. 1844. Burlington. 80. INGERSOLL (J.). Letters relating to the Stamp Act. New-Haven, 1766. 40. INGERSOLL ( Joseph R.). Eulogy on Gen. Zachary Taylor, at Philadelphia, 1850. Philadelphia. 80. INGESTRE (Viscount). Meliora or Better Times to come. Ist and 2d series. London, 1852, 53. 2 vol. 120. INGLEFIELD ( Commander E. A.). A Summer Search for Sir John Franklin, with a peep into the Polar basin. London, 1853. 80o. INGRAM (James), D.D. Memorials of Oxford. Oxford, 1837. 3 vol. 80. INGRAHAM (J. W.). A Manual for the use of Visitors to the Falls of Niagara. Buffalo, 1834. 180. The Southwest: by a Yankee. New-York, 1835. 2 vol. 120. INGULPH'S CHRONICLE of the Abbey of Croyland, with the continuation by Peter of Blois: trans. by H. T. Riley, London, Bohn, 1854. 120. 384 NEW-YORK STATE INMAN (W. S.). Report of the Committee of the House of Commons on ventilation, warming, and transmission of sound. London, 1836. 80. INQUIRER ( Impartial ).... on the Conduct of the President under Act of May 1, 1810: by a Citizen of Massachusetts. Boston, 1811. pp. 96. 80. Pam. vol. 38. INQUIRIES respecting the History.... of the Indian Tribes of the United States. Pam. 40. vol. 3. INQUIRY into some late remarks on the Brunonian System. Boston. Pam. vol. 44. INQUIRY into the present state of the Foreign Relations of the Union.... Philadelphia, 1806. Pam. vol. 34. INQUIRY into the effects of the foreign carrying trade of the U. S. upon the agriculture, population, and morals of the country: by Columella. New- York, 1806. 80. INQUIRY into the Question of the Chesapeake, and the necessity of war. Boston, 1807. Pam. vol. 38. INQUIRY (Dispassionate) into Mr. Madison's Reasons for declaring war: by a New-England Farmer. Boston, 1812. Pain. vol. 38 and vol. 3. 1. C. INQUIRY (An) into the Nature and Design of Music.... by " A Friend to the Stoughton Collection." Boston, 1831. INQUIRY (An) into the Causes of the public distress. Am. Quar. Rev. 1834. Pami. vol. 75. INQUIRY into the Prospects and Condition of the African race in the U. S. Philadelphia, 1839. 12. INQUIRY (An) into the alleged tendency of the separation of convicts, one from the other, to produce disease and derangement: by a Citizen of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1849. 80. INSTITUT DEI FRANCE. See Academie des Sciences. INSTITUT DES PAYS BAS. See Nederlandsche Instituut. INSTITUTION Of CIVIL ENGINEERS: Transactions. London, 1836 -40. Vol. 1, 2, 3; parts 1, 2. 4 vol. 4o. INSTITUUT VOOR DOOFSTOMMEN: Algemeen Verslag. Groningen, 1845 - 50. 6 vol. 8~. INSTRUCTION NAUTIQUE pour se rendre d'Europe a l'Embouchure du Mississippi.. Paris. 80. W. C. 677. INSTRUCTION PRATIQUE sur l'emploi des lampes de surete dans les mines: publi6e par le Directeur G6n6ral des ponts et chaussees et des mines. Paris, 1824. 8!. INTEMPERANCE: An Address to the Churches and Congregations of the western district of Fairfield County, Conn. 1812. Pain. vol. 176. INTEREST of Great Britain considered, with regard to her colonies, 1741. Pam. vol. 125. INTERESTING PAPERS relative to the recent riots at Baltimore.. Philadelphia, 1812. Pam. vol. 3. B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 385 INTw.RETS (Les) des Nations d'Europe developpes relativement au conmmerce: Par M. D'Eon de Beaumont? Paris et Leyde, 1767. 4 vol. 120. INTERNATIONAL MONTHLY MAGAZINE of Literature, Science and Art. Vol. 1 - 5, Aug. 1850 - Ap. 1852. New-York..5 vol. 80. INTRODUCTION (A Short) to the Latin Tongue. 3d ed. London: reprinted Philadelphia, 1755. 180. B. C. INVENTOR'S ADVERTISER, Buffalo, Ap. 1851. Period. 80. vol. 1. IooR (WVilliam). Independence; or, Which do you like best, the Peer or the Farmer? A comedy. Charleston, 1805. 80. IOWA: Geolog. Survey. See Owen (D. D.). IRBY (Hon. Charles Leonard), and James Mangles. Travels in Egypt and Nubia, Syria and the Holy Land. London, 1844. 12o. IRISH COMMERCIAL PROPOSITIONS: A Collection of Tracts on Mr. Pitt's propositions, 1782- 85. Pam. vol. 144. IRISH ( The) SCHOOL SYSTEMr: from Princeton Review, 1842. Pam. vol. 173. IRONWORKER'S CONVENTION at Albany: Proceedings, 1849. Pam. vol. 79. IRoQuOIS ( The); or the Bright Side of Indian Character: by Minnie Myrtle ( Miss Johnson). New-York, 1855. 12o. IRVINE (Alexander). The London Flora.... a Description of the Phanogamous plants in its vicinity. London, 1838. 120. IRVING (C.), LL.D. A Catechism of English Grammar. London. 180. IRVING (David), LL.D. Elements of English Composition. 2d Am. ed. Georgetown, D. C. 1825. 12o. IRVING ( Rev. Edward ). For the Oracles of God, four orations; For the judgment to come, an argument in nine parts. New-York, 1823. 80o. The same. 80. B. C(J. IRVING (John T.) jun. Indian Sketches taken during an Expedition to the Pawnee Tribes. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 vol. 120. The Attorney; or the Correspondence of John Quod. New-York, 1853. 120. IRVING (Theodore). The Conquest of Florida under Hernando de Soto. London, 1835. 2 vol. 120. The same: revised ed. New-York, 1851. 120. IRVING (Washington). Works. New edition, revised. New-York, 1849-55. 16 vol. 120. Contents Vol.1. Knickerbocker's Hist. of N.York. Vol.9. Crayon Miscellany. ~ 2. Sketch Book, by Geoffrey Crayon. " 10. Bonneville's Adventures. " 3, 4, 5. Life and Voyages of Christo- " 11. Life of Oliver Goldsmith. pher Columbus. " 12, 13. Mahomet and his successors.' 6. Bracebridge Hall. " 14. Chron. of the Conquest of Granada 7. Tales of a Traveller. " 15. Alhambra. 8. Astoria. " 16. Wolfert's Roost, and other papers. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 49 386 NEW-YORK STATE Works. Philadelphia, 1840. 2 vol. 80. - Astoria, or Anecdotes of an Enterprise beyond the Rocky Mountains. Philadelphia, 1836. 2 vol. 80. ~ Biography and Poetical Remains of Margaret Miller Davidson. Philadelphia, 1841. 12o A Book of the Hudson: collected from the various works of Diedrich Knickerbocker. 1849. 180. ---- Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada. Philadelphia, 1829. 2 vol. 80. History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus. NewYork, 1828. 3 vol. 80. -----— T The same. New-York, 1831. 2 vol. 80. B. C. Letters of Jonathan Oldstyle, gent., by the Author of the Sketch Book; with a biographical notice. New-York, 1824. 80. _ —--- The Rocky Mountains; or Scenes, Incidents and Adventures in the Far West: digested from the Journal of Capt. B. L. E. Bonneville, U. S. Army. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 vol. 120. Voyages and Discoveries of the Companions of Columbus. Philadelphia, 1831. 8o. - Life of George Washington. Vol. 1, 2. New-York, 1855, 56. 2 vol. 80. 2 copies. Life of Thomas Campbell. See Stone (W. L.)... —.See Salmagundi. ISRAEL VINDICATED: by an Israelite. New-York, 1820. Pain. vol. 50. ISTHUANFFIUS ( Nicolaus). Regni Hungarici Historia, libri xxxiv. Colonike Agrip. 1685. fol. ISTORIA GENERALE dell Augusta Casa d'Austria dalla sua origine, fino al tempo presente. Venezia, 1792 - 93. 11 vol. 120. ITHACA. Views of its Environs: by an Impartial Observer. Ithaca, 1835. 80. ITURBIDE (Don Augustin), Ex-Empereur dul Mexique. Memoires autographes, contenant le detail... de sa vie publique: trad. de l'anglais de M. J. Quin, par J. T. Parisot, Paris, 1824. 80. W. C. 508. ------ Political Life; written by himself. Pamphleteer, vol. 28. IVES ( L. S.), D.D. Bishop. A Pastoral Letter to the Clergy and Laity of his Diocese. New-York, 1846. 120. The Trials of a mind in its progress to catholicism. Boston, 1854. 120. Convention Sermon, Oct. 2, 1844. Philadelphia, 1844. Pam. vol. 106. IXTLILXOCHITL ( Fernando de Alva Cortes). Cruautes horribles des conquerants du Mexique: publie par E. M. de Bustamente. Mexico, 1829. See Ternaux, Voyages, vol. 8. Histoire des Chichimeques, on des anciens rois de Tezcuco. ire et 2me parties inedite. See Ternaux, Voyages, 12, 13. GENERAL LIBRARY. 387 IZARD ( Mr. Ralph), of South-Carolina. Correspondence from 1774 to 1804; with a short memoir. Vol. 1. New-York, 1844. 12o. --- The same. Vol. 1. 12o. B. C. IZARD (Maj. Gen. George). Official Correspondence with the Department of War, relative to the army under his command in 1814, 15. Philadelphia, 1816. 80. J. JAARBOEKJE: Uitgegeven op last Z. M. den Koning. Gravenhage, 1826 -48. 24 vol. 12o. The same. 1841, 42, 43. 3 vol. 120. B. C. JAARBOEKJE voor den Boekhandel voor 1839, 43. Gravenhage, 1839 - 43. 4 vol. 120. JAARBOEKJE over 1843, voor de Provincie Friesland. Heerenveen, 1842. 120. B. C. JAARBOERKJE (Staatkundig en Staathuishoudkundig) voor 1853. Amsterdalm, 120. JAARBOEIKJE. See Nederlandsche. JAnLoNsKI (Joh. T.). Memorise Honori Gloriav Divi Friderici Borussorum Regis..... gratoe mentis in evergetam monumentum. Berolini, 1713. fol. JACKSON (Andrew), President. Correspondence between Gen. Jackson and Mr. Monroe, as published in the Nat. Intell. Washington, 1824. 120. _ —-- Correspondence with J. C. Calhoun. Washington, 1831. Pam. vol. 28. B. C. --- A Collection of Pamphlets relating to A. Jackson, from 1824 to 1837. 1 vol. 80. Contents 1. A Life of A. Jackson. 2. Narrative of his Invasion of Florida: New-York, 1827. 3. Case of the Six Mutineers: Albany, 1828. 4. Address to the People, 1828. 5. Address of the Republican Young Men's Committee, 1828. 6. Address of the New-York Republican State Convention, 1828. 7. Life of A. Jackson, 1828. 8. Official Record from the War Department, of the Court-martial of the six mutineers. 9. Correspondence between Gen. Jackson and Mr. Calhoun, on the Seminole war, 1831. 10. Monumental Inscriptions on the six mutineers. Message returning Bank Bill. See Bank U. S. vol. 1, 3. ---- Relations with France. See U. S. Messages. ------- Life of. 1828. Painm. vol. 50. JACKiSON ( Charles T.). Geology of Public Lands of Massachusetts and Maine. See Massachusetts. 388 NEW-YORK STATE ------ See Maine, New-Hampshire and Rhode-Island; Geolog. Surveye. Geology of Wisconsin, Iowa and Michigan. See U. S. Geol. Sur. --- On the Copper and Silver of Kewenaw Point, Lake Superior. Sill. Jour. vol. 49. JACKSON (Halliday). Civilization of the Indian Natives; or a View of the Conduct of William Penn. Philadelphia, 1830. 80. JACKSON (Isaac WV.), Prof. Union College. An Elementary Treatise on Optics. New-York, 1848. 80.. Remarks on Prof. Silliman's..., Elements of Chemistry. NewYork, 1830. Pam. vol. 79. JACKSON (James), ex dem. Martha Bradstreet vs. Henry Huntington: Bill of exceptions. Albany, 1827. Pam. vol. 23. B. C. JACKSON (John). Reflections on the Commerce of the Mediterranean. London, 1804. 80. JACKSON (John). Treatise on Wood-engraving. London, 1839. 80. JACKSON ( J. R.). Minerals and their Uses. London, 1849. 120. JACKSON ( R.), and E. R. Potter. Address to their Constituents in RhodeIsland, 1812. Pam. vol. 37. JACKSON (Dr. Robert). Remarks on the Medical Department of the British Army. London, 1803. 80. JACKSON ( Samuel), M.D. Essay on gangrenous erosion of the cheek. Pam. vol. 6. Introd. Lect. on Medicine, Univ. of Pa. 1851. Pam. vol. 84. Valedictory Address, 1852. Pam. vol. 84. JACKSON ( The) Wreath or National Souvenir; with a Biography of Gen. Jackson, by Robert Walsh and Dr. James M'Henry. Philadelphia, 1829. 80 JACOB (William). View of the Agriculture, Manufactures.... of Germany, and parts of Holland and France. London, 1820. 4o. ------- An Historical Inquiry into the production and consumption of the precious metals. London, 1831. 2 vol. 80....-.T The same. Philadelphia, 1832. 8o. B. C. JACOBS (Thomas J.). Scenes, incidents and adventures in the Pacific Ocean. New-York, 1844. 120. JACQUEMIN (Emile). L'Allemagne, agricole, industrielle et politique. Paris, 1843. 80. JACQUEMONT (Victor). Letters from India, Tibet, Lahore and Cashmeer. London, 1834. 2 vol. 80. JACQUIN (N. J.). Selectarum Stirpium americanarum historia. Manhemii, 1788, 80. W. C. 509. JAEGER (Prof. B.). Life of North-American insects. Providence, 1854. 80. JAHN (John). Biblical Archmeology; from the Latin, with additions and corrections by Thomas C. Upham. Andover, 1823. 80. B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 389 An Introduction to the Old Testament-: from the Latin and German, with Notes by S. H. Turner and W. R. Whittingham. NewYork, 1827. 80. B. C. -. — History of the Hebrew Commonwealth: trans. from the Germnan, by C. E. Stowe. Andover, 1828. 80o. The same. 80. B. C. JAIIN (Otto). Beschreibung der Vasensammlung K6nig Ludwigs in der Pinakothek zu Manchen. Miinchen, 1854. 80. JAL (A.). Memoire sur les trois couleurs nationales. Paris. 180. Archeologie Navale. Paris, 1840. 2 vol. 80. JAMAICA: Address of Governor and Council of Jamaica, respecting duties on prize goods, 1709, 10. Pam. fol. vol. 1. JAMES I. OF ENGLAND. 3Misocapnus, sive de Abusu Tabacci, regius lusus. See Everartus. W. C. 889. JAMES. See York (James, Duke of). JAMES ( Edwin). Account of the Expedition of Major S. H. Long, to the Rocky Mountains, in 1819, 20; with atlas. 4O. Philadelphia, 1823. 2 vol. 80. JAMES (Henry). What constitutes a State? Lecture, Y. M. Assoc. Albany, 1846. Pam. vol. 45. B. C. Moralism and Christianity; or Man's experience and destiny. New-York, 1850. 120. ----- Lectures and Miscellanies. New-York, 1852. 120~. _ -—, —The Nature of Evil, considered in a letter to Rev. E. Beecher, D.D. New-York, 1855. 120. JAMES ( G. P. R.). The History of Chivalry. New-York, 1832. 18o. B. C. History of Charlemagne. London, 1832. 80. Lives of the most eminent Foreign Statesmen. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 58 - 62. Educational Institutions of Germany. London, 1835. 120. ------ -Lives of Cardinal de Retz, Colbert, John De Witt, and Marquis de Louvois. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 vol. 120. B. C. Rose D'Albret; or Troublous Times: a Romance. New-York, 1844. 80. B. C. _ —---- The Life of Henry the Fourth, King of France and Navarre. NewYork, 1847. 2 vol. 12o. _ —--- Life and Times of Louis XIV. London, Bohn, 1851. 2 vol. 120. History of the Life of Richard Coeur de Lion. London, Bohn, 1854. 2 vol. 120. JAMES (John), M.D. Sketches of Travels in Sicily, Italy and France; in a series of letters to a friend in the United States. Albany, 1820. 120. --- The same. 120. B. C. JAMES ( Rev. John A.). The Anxious Enquirer after Salvation. NewYork. Am. Tract Soc. 180. 390 NEW-YORK STATE JAMES (R.), M.D. Pharmacopoeia Universalis; or a New Universal English Dispensatory. 3d ed. London, 1764. 80. JAMES River and Kanawha Company: Report, 1841. Pam. vol. 53. JAMES (Thomas). Bellum Papale; sive Concordia discors Sixti Quinti et Clementis O ctavi, circa Ilieronymianam editionem. Londini, 1678. 180. JAMES ( Capt. Thomas). The Strange and Dangerous Voyage of; his intended discovery of the northwest passage into the South sea...... London, 1633. sinm. 40. See also Churchill, vol. 2. JAMES ( Lieut. Col. Thomas). The History of the Herculean Straits, now called the Straits of Gibraltar, and the ports contiguous. London, 1771. 2 vol in 1. 40. JAMES ( T. C.). Discovery of Anthracite Coal. See IIist. Soc. Penn. Mem. JAMES ( William). A full and correct Account of the chief naval occurrences of the late War between Great Britain and the United States of America. London, 1817. 80. -------- A full and correct Account of military occurrences of the late War between Great Britain and the United States of America. London, 1818. 2 vol. 80. JAMESON ( Mrs. Anna). Visits and Sketches at home and abroad; and a new edition of the Diary of an Ennuyee. New-York, 1834. 2 vol. 120. B. C. Memoirs of the Beauties of the Court of Charles the Second, with their portraits.. 2d ed. London, 1838. 2 vol. 80.. —.-Winter Studies and Summer Rambles in Canada. New-York, 1839. 2 vol. 120. _ The same abridged: Sketches in Canada, and Rambles among the Red Men. New ed. London, 1852. 120. _ —---- ~Memoirs and Essays, illustrative of art, literature and social morals. New-York, 1846. 120. Common-place Book of thoughts, memories and fancies, original and selected. New-York, 1855. 120. JAMESON (Robert). See Edinburgh New Phil. Jour.. —---- See Leslie, Polar Discoveries. ------- Mineralogical Travels through the Hebrides. with dissertations upon peat and kelp. Edinburgh, 1813. 2 vol. 4o. JAMESON (R. S.). See Johnson (S.), Dictionary. JAMET (E.). Cours d'Agriculture. Chateau-Gontier, 1846. 120. JAMIESON (Alexander). Mechanics of Fluids for Practical Men, comprising hydrostatics.... London, 1837. 80. C. L. ------- Mechanics for Practical Men. London. 80. C. L. JAMIESON (John), D.D. An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language, with supplement. 2d ed. revised..... by John Johnstone. Edinburgh, 1840 - 41. 4 vol. 4o. JANEWAY ( J. J.), D.D. Historical Discourse, Presbyterian Church, NewBrunswick, 1840. Pam. vol. 82. GENERAL LIBRARY. 391 JANHEN ( Geen). De dienstmeid bekeken uit allerhande gezigtspunten. Gravenhage. 120. JANNEY ( Samuel M.). The Life of William Penn, with selections from his correspondence and autobiography. Philadelphia, 1852. 80. JANSENIUS (Cornelius). Augustinus; seu Doctrina Sancti Augustini de humanae naturta sanitate, egritudine, medicina adversus pelagianos, etc. Rothomagi, 1643. 3 vol. in 1. fol. JANSON (Baldwin). Practical Grammar of the Dutch Language. 3d ed. London, 1803. 120. B. C. JANSON (Charles Wm.). Stranger in America. London, 1807. 4~. W. C. 512. JANSSONIUS (R. B.). Lentebladen: Poezy. Groningen, 1844. 80. JANUS VERREZEN: Periodical, 1787, Ap. 1795 - March 1796. Utrecht. 2 vol. 40. JAPANESE ROMANCE, original text. See Pfizmaier. JAQUELOT. Het Leven van B. Spinoza; met eenige Aantekingen over zyn bedryf, schriften en gevoelens door den Heer Bayle; nevens een kort betoog van de Waarheit des Christelyken Godtsdiensts: Vertaalt door F. Halma. Utrecht, 1698. 180. JARDIN D'HIVER, Champs Ilyses: Catalogue ge6nral des Serres. Paris. 80. JARDINE ( Geo.). Outlines of Philosophical Education. Glasgow, 1818. 80. JARDINE (J.). Criminal Trials. See Library Ent. Knowl. JARDINE ( Sir William). Entomology: Bees. See Nat. Lib. Ichthyology: The Perch Family. See Nat. Lib. Natural History of Monkeys. See Nat. Lib. Mammalia. of the Felinae. See Nat. Lib. of the Ruminating Animals, 2 vol. See Nat. Lib. _: — - - of the Pachyderms. See Nat. Lib. -- On the ordinary Cetacea or Whales. See Nat. Lib. Ornithology: Humming-birds, 2 vol. See Nat. Lib. __ _ -- Gallinaceous Birds. See Nat. Lib. Game Birds. See Nat. Lib. _____ --- British Birds: Part 1, Birds of Prey; Part 2, Insessores; Part 3, Rasores and Grallatores; Part 4, Natatores. Vol. 9, 11, 12, 14. See Nat. Lib. ------ -. e Nectarinidoe, or Sun Birds. See Nat. Lib. vol. 13. JARRATT (Devereux), Rector of Bath parish, Dinwiddie Co. Va. Life by himself. Baltimore, 1806. 120. JARS ( M.). Voyages Metallurgiques; ou Recherches et Observations sur les mines et forges de fer. London, 1774. 4o0. JARVES ( James J.). History of the Hawaiian or Sandwich Islands. Boston, 1843. 80. 392 NEW-YORK STATE - Scenes and Scenery in the Sandwich Islands, and a Trip through Central America, 1837 - 42. Boston, 1844. 120. Art Hints: Architecture, Sculpture and Painting. New-York, 1855. 120. JARVIS ( Edward ), M.D. Primary Physiology for Schools. Philadelphia, 1850. 120. 2 copies..... Practical Physiology, for the use of schools and families. Philadelphia, 1848. 120. 2 copies. What shall we do with our Insane? Western Jour. of Med. Feb. 1842. 80. Causes of Insanity: an Address, Norfolk Med. Soc. 1851. Pam. vol. 64. - Massachusetts Sanitary Survey. Pam. vol. 64. JARVIS ( Samuel F.), D.D. Discourse on the Religion of the Indian Tribes of North America. New-York Hist. Soc. Dec. 20, 1819. New-York, 1820. 80..-.- Sermon on the Unity of the Church, 1816. Pam. vol. 61. - Address, On Linnamus, 1835. See Nat. Hist. Soc. Hartford. The Church of the Redeemer, or the History of the Mediatorial Kingdom. Vol. 1. Boston, 1850. 80. JAY (A.). Le Glaneur; ou Essais de Nicolas Freeman, recueillis et publies par M. A. Jay. Paris, 1812. 80. W. C. 383. JAY ( Sir James), M.D. Letter to the Governors of the College of NewYork, respecting the collection that was made in this kingdom in 1762 and 1763, for the Colleges of Philadelphia and New-York; with explanatory notes.... London, 1771. Pam. vol. 115. A Letter to the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, in respect to the collection that was made for the Colleges of New-York and Philadelphia: a Vindication of the Author.... London, 1774. Pam. vol. 115. JAY ( Gov. John). An Address to the People of the State of New-York, on the subject of the Constitution agreed upon at Philadelphia, Sept. 1787. New-York. 40. - See Treaty, 1795. Message, with Va. and Ky. resolutions, and Madison's Letters, 1799. Pam. vol. 67. JAY ( John C.), M.D. Catalogue of recent shells in the collection of. 2d ed. New-York, 1836. 80. The same. 4th ed. New-York, 1850. 4o. JAY ( Rev. William). Sermons. Boston, 1805. 80. B. C. Morning Exercises for the Closet, for every day in the year. NewYork, 1841. 2 vol. in 1. 120. B. C. v —---- Evening Exercises for the Closet, for every day in the year. NewYork, 1841. 2 vol. in 1. 120. B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 393 JAY (William). A Letter to... Bp. Hobart, occasioned by the Strictures on Bible Societies contained in his late charge. New- York, 1823. Pam. vol. 5. B. C. A Reply to a second letter. from.... Bp. Hobart.... on Bible Societies. New-York, 1823. Paln. vol. 5. B. C..-...- and Rev. Samuel Nott jun. Prize Essays of the Synod of Albany, on the Institution of the Sabbath. Albany, 1827. 80. The same. Pam. vol. 14. B. C. Life of John Jay; with Selections from his correspondence and miscellaneous papers. New-York, 1833. 2 vol. 80. The same. 2 vol. 80. B. C. Address to the Inhabitants of Westchester Co. N.Y. 1834. Pam. vol. 24. B. C. An Inquiry into the Character and Tendency of the American Colonization and American Anti-slavery Societies. New-York, 1835. 120. B. C. Address, American Peace Society, 1845. Boston. Pam. vol. 43. B. C. - A Review of the Causes and Consequences of the Mexican War. Boston, 1849. 12o. Letter to Hon. William Nelson, M. C., on Mr. Webster's Speech. New-York, 1850.120. B. C. JEBB ( Bishop ), and Alexander Knox. Thirty years' Correspondence between. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 vol. 80. JEEBB ( J.). Construction and Ventilation of modern prisons. London, 1.844. 48. - Theory. and Practice of sinking artesian wells. Engineers' Prof. Papers. vol. 5. JEE (Thomas). Practical Observations on the management of the poor. Pamphleteer, vol. 9. JEFFERSON and ST. LAWRENCE Counties, N.Y. Newspapers of various numbers, 1812 -52.-1 vol.-fol. JEFFERSON ( Thomas), Pr:esident. Writings ed. by H. A. Washington, and published from original manuscripts by order of Congress. Washington, 1853 - 54. 9 vol. 80.. Memoir, Correspondence, and Miscellanies from the papers of Thomas Jefferson ~ ed. by T. J. Randolph. Boston, 1830. 4 vol. 8o. The same. 4 vol. 80. B. C. Summary View of the Rights of British America, set forth in some resolutions intended for the inspection of the present Delegates of the People of Virginia, now in Convention. 2d ed. Williamsburgh, printed: London, reprinted, 1774. Pam. vol. 116. Notes on the State of Virginia. Paris, 1 782. 8o. The proof-sheets of this work, with corrections in the hand-writing of the author. W. C. 513. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 50 394 NEW-YORK STATE The same. London, 1787. 80. W. C. 514. The same. Philadelphia, 1788. 80. The same: 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1794. 80. -- The same 3d ed. New-York, 1801. 80. -- The same. Philadelphia, 1801. 80..-..- The same: 8th ed. Boston, 1801. 80. The same: illustrated with a map of Va., Md., Del. and Penn.. containing notes never before published. Richmond, Va. 1853. 80. Observations sur la Virginie: trad. de l'anglois par M. l'Abbe Morellet. Paris, 1786. 8. XV. C. 515. The Proceedings of the Government of the United States, in maintaining the public right to the beach of the Mississippi adjacent to New-Orleans.... New-York, 1812. Pam. vol. 3. B. C. -- Memoirs of, Secretary of State, Vice-President and President of the United States; with a View of the rise and progress of French influence and French principles in that country. N. York, 1809. 2 vol. 8. -Selections of Eulogies pronounced on. Hartford, 1826. See Adams (J.). W. C. 11. JEFFERSONIAN ( The), weekly H. Greeley ed. Albany. Vol. 1, Feb. 1838 - Jan. 1839. 40. JEFFERYS (N.). A Letter to H. R. H. the Prince of Wales. Pam. vol. 141. Description of the Spanish Islands and Settlements on the Coast of the West Indies. London, 1762. 40. W. C. 516.. History of the French Dominions in North and South America. London, 1760. fol. JEFFERYS ( Thomas). Voyages from Asia to America, to the Northwest Coast; and Voyages of the Russians. London, 1761. 40. W. C. 517. JEFFREY ( Francis). Contributions to the Edinburgh Review. London, 1844. 4 vol. 80. JEMMETT (H.). Observations on Mr. Ricardo's " Principles of Political Economy and Taxation." Pamphleteer, vol. 27. JENKINS ( Amaziah ). Systematic Lectures on English Grammar. Rochester, 1836. 120.' JENKINS ( C. J.). Address, iMed. Coll. of Georgia, 1842. Pam. vol. 84. JENKINS ( John S.). The Lives of Patriots and Heroes, distinguished in the Battles for American Freedom. Auburn, 1847. 180. History of Political Parties in the State of New-York, from 1783 to 1844. Auburn;, 1846. 120. The Life of General Andrew Jackson, seventh President of the United States. Auburn, N. Y. 1847. 120. The same. Buffalo, 1852. 120.......- The Life of Silas Wright, late Governor of the State of New-York. Auburn, 1847. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 395 History of the War between the United States and Mexico. Auburn, 1848. 120..... —- The Generals of the late War with Great Britain. Auburn, 1849. 120. ----- LLives of the Governors of the State of New-York. Auburn, 1851. 80. 2 copies. Life of James Knox Polk, President. Auburn, 1850. 120. JENKINS (T.) Speeches in Cong. on Wilmot Proviso, 1847; on Mexican Treaty, 1849; on the Tariff, 1846. Pam. vol. 59. U. S. H. of R. on Mexican Treaty, 1849. Pam. vol. 50. B. C. JENKINS ( Warren). The Ohio Gazetteer and Traveller's Guide, with an appendix and general register. Columbus, 1837. 120. JENKS (Benjamin). Prayers and Offices of Devotion for Families, and for particular persons upon most occasions. Albany, 1813. 120. B. C. JENKS (F.). Reply to Three Letters of L. Beecher, D.D., against the calvinistic doctrine of infant damnation: from Christ. Exam. Boston, 1825. 12o. B. C. JENKS (William), D.D. The Explanatory Bible Atlas, and Scripture Gazetteer. Boston, 1847. 4~. JENNJNG5S ( David ), D.D. Jewish Antiquites; or a Course of Lectures on Godwin's Moses and Aaron. 9th ed. London, 1837. 80. C. L. JENNINGS ( Obadiah). Debate on Campbellism, held at Nashville, Tenn. by O. J.; with memoir of the author by Rev. M. Brown, D.D. Pittsburgh, 1832. 12J. JENYNS ( Leonard ). Manual of British Vettebrate Animals. Cambridge, 1835. 8~. - Report on the recent progress and present state of zoology. Brit. Assoc. Reports, 1834. JERDAN (William). Autobiography. London, 1852. 3 vol. 120. JPaREMIE (M.). Relation du Detroit et de la Bale de Hudson. See Recueil d'Arrests. JEROME. See Hieronymus (Sanctus). JERVIS (John B.). Description of the Croton Aqueduct. New-York, 1842. Pain. vol. 74. Report on the IHudson River Railroad. New-York, 1846. 80. - Report of the Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Railroads. New-York, 1850. 80. JESSE ( Edward). Favorite Haunts and Rural Studies, including Visits to spots of interest in the vicinity of Windsor and Eton. London, 1847. 120. JESSE ( J. Heneage). Memoirs of the Court of England, from the Revolution in 1688, to the death of George the Second. London, 1843. 3 vol. 80. George Selwyn and his Contemporaries, with memoirs and notes. London, 1843. 4 vol. 80. 396 NEW-YORK STATE....- Memoirs of the Court of England during the Reign of the Stuarts, including the Protectorate. 2d ed. London, 1846. 4 vol. 80. - Memoirs of the Pretenders and their Adherents. Philadelphia, 1846. 2 vol. 180. - Literary and Historical Memoirs of London. London, 1847. 2 vol. JEWETT ( C. C.). Facts and Considerations relative to the duties on books. Providence, 1846. Pam. vol. 17. Notices of Public Libraries in the U. S. of America. Smithson. Rep. Washington, 1851. 80. JEWETT (I. A.). Memorial of Samuel Appleton of Ipswich, Mass.; with genealogical notices of some of his descendants. Boston, 1850. 8o. JEWETT (Paul). The New-England Farrier. Newburyport, 1795. 180. JEWITT ( John PR.). Narrative of Adventures on the N. T;. Coast. 120. JESSUP (Gen. Thomas S.). Report upon the cost of transportation of troops and supplies to California, Oregon, New-TMexico. See Pacific PL.R. Reports, vol. 1. JESUITES ( Les) Marchands, Usurpateurs, et leurs cruautes dans l'ancien et le nouveau continent. La Hayc, 1759. 18~. W. C. 519. JEZUITEN (De), de troon der Nederlanden en het Concordat: vlugtige historische herinneringen en wenken. Amsterdam, 1841. Pam. vol. 33. B. C. JOBARD (M.). Organon de la Propriete intellectuelle. Paris, 1851. 120. Nouvelle ]fconomie Sociale, ou Monautopole. Paris, 1844. With, Le M3onautopole, ou Code complementaire d'economie sociale. Bruxelles, 1845. 1 vol. 80. - La Marque, ou la Mort. Bruxelles, 1845. TVith, Constitution d'une noblesse industrielle, a l'aide des marques de fabrique...... Bruxelles, 1846. 1 vol. 120. JOCKEY (The) CLUB; or a Sketch of the manners of the age. London, 1792. Pamn. vol. 140. J(ORRES (Lewis). New and Compendious Method of calculating the equation of payments, with interest table... 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1843. 40. JOHN OF AUSTRIA, Archduke. R]Iet Leven van Don Jan van Oostenryk, zoon van keizer Karel den Vyfden...... In't Nederduitsch gedrukt. Leyden, 1737. 180. JOHNES ( A. J.). Philological Proofs of the original unity and recent origin of the human race. London, 1846. 80. JOHNSON (A. B.). Philosophy of Human Knowledge, or a Treatise on Language. New-York, 1828. 80. Writings. 1 vol. 85. Contents: 1. Discourse on Language, 1832. 2. Speech before Colonization Society. 3. On the political contest, 1834. 4. Method of acquiring English, 1831. 5. Speech on U.S. Bank: Utica, 1834. GENERAL LIBRARY. 397.-.- A Treatise on Language; or the -Relation which words bear to things. New-York, 1836. 8o..-..- The Philosophical Emperor: a Political Experiment; or the Progress of a false position, dedicated to the whigs, conservatives, democrats and locofocos. New-York, 1841. 18o. Religion, in its Relation to the present life: Lectures before the Y. MI. Association of Utica. New-York, 1841. 18o. - Thoughts on....the approaching State Convention, Utica, 1846. 120. 2 copies. A Treatise on Banking: The Duties of a Banker, and his personal requisites therefor. Utica. 1850. 8~. 3 copies. JOHNSON ( Benjamin P.). Report, as Agent of the State of New-York, to attend the-Exhibition of the Industry of all Nations, 1851. Albany, 1852. 80. JOHNSON (Captain Charles). A General History of the Pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence to the present time. Vol. 1, 2d ed. London, 1724; vol. 2, London. 2 vol. 8,). ------- The same. Vol. 1, 3d ed. 1725. 80. JOHNSON (Col.). Route in New-Mexico. See U. S. War department. JOHNSON (George W.). Memoirs of John Selden, and Notices of the political contest during his time. London, 1835. 80. - A Dictionary of Modern Gardening: ed. with additions, by D. Landreth, of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1847. 12o. The Fairfax Correspondence: Memoirs of the Reign of Charles the First. London, 1848. 2 vol. 80. JOHNSON (Rev. John B.). Farewell Sermon, North Dutch Church, Albany, 1802. 80. The same: with Discourse, July 4, 1798, Albany. Serm. vol. 1. B.C. JOHNSON ( R. G.). An Historical Account of the first settlement of Salem, N. J..... Philadelphia, 1839. 180. JOHNSON ( Richard M.). Authentic Biography of R. MI. J. Boston, 1834. 120. 2 copies. JOHNSON (Samuel), LL.D. Works. A new edition, with an Essay on his life and genius by Arthur Murphy. London, 1823. 12 vol. 80. Contents: Irene; Miscellaneous poems: vol. 1. Lives of eminent persons: vol. 9. Rambler: vol. 2, 3, 4. Philological tracts, etc.: vol. 10. Idler; Rasselas: vol. 5. Miscellaneous tracts: vol. 11. Lives of the poets: vol. 6, 7, 8. Political tracts: vol. 12. ~ —- ~The same. Oxford, 1825. 11 vol. 80. B. C. The same. Dublin, 1793. 6 vol. 80. B. C. - The Rambler. London, 1752. 6 vol. 180....- Taxation no Tvranny; an Answer to the Resolutions and Address of the American Congress. Lon-don, 1775. Pam. vol. 117. 398 NEW-YORK STATE.-.-..- 1, Taxation no Tyranny, 3d ed.; 2, Answer to the Pamphlet entitled Taxation no Tyranny; 3, Taxation, Tyranny, addressed to Samuel Johnson, LL.D. London, 1775; 4, The Pamphlet entitled Taxation no Tyranny, candidly considered: in one vol. 80. Considerations on Corn. See Hamilton's ( W. G.) Parl. Logick. Political Tracts; containing, False Alarm, Falkland Islands, Patriot, and Taxation no Tyranny. London, 1776. 80......__ An Account of his Life, from his Birth to his eleventh year: written by himself; with original letters to him by Miss Hill Boothby. London, 1805. 180. B. C. Dictionary of the English Language. Philadelphia, 1818, 19. 4 vol. 80o B. C. Dictionary of the English Language. 1st Am. from 11th London ed. Philadelphia, 1819. 2 vol. 4o........ See Mason's Supplement. _ --- Dictionary; improved by Todd, with Walker's Pronunciation. Boston, 1828. sm. 40. ----- and J. Walker. Dictionary of English Language: revised by R. S. Jameson. London, 1827. 8,.......- Doctor Johnson; his Religious Life and his Death: by the author of " Dr. Hookwell.".... London, 1850. 120. JOHNSON (Rev. Stephen). The Everlasting Punishment of the ungodly. New-London, 1786. 120. JOHNSON (S. W.). Rural Economy; with a Treatise on Pise building. New-Brunswick, N. J. 1806. 8J. JOHNSON (Theodore T.). Sights in the Gold Region, and Scenes by the way. New-York, 1849. 120. California and Oregon; or Sights in the Gold regions, and Scenes by the way. Philadelphia, 1851. 120. JOHNSON ( Walter R.). Survey of coal and ore lands in Somerset County, Pa. Alleg. Coal Comp. Philadelphia, 1841. 80. With, Report on Bear Valley Coal District in Dauphin County, Pa. Philadelphia, 1841. 8o. Introd. Lect. Med. Dept. Penn. Coill. Philadelphia, 1840. Pam. vol. 84. -. — A Report to the Navy Department of the U. States, on American coals, applicable to steam-navigation and other purposes. Washington, 1844. 80. - Report on the Coal Lands of the Deep River Mining and Transportation Comp. in N. Carolina.... Albany, 1851. 8o. Description of an Apparatus called the Rotascope, for illustrating certain laws of rotary motion. Pam. vol. 9. JOHNSON ( Sir William). An Account of Conferences held and Treaties made between Maj. Gen. Sir W. Johnson, and the Chiefs of the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas, Senekas, Tuscaroras, etc..... at Fort Johnson in the County of Albany.... 1755 and 1756; with a Letter from the Rev. Mr. Hawley.... Also, an Appendix, of Con GENERAL LIBRARY. 399 forences in Philadelphia, with Heads of the Six Nations, in April 1756.: London, 1756. 80. Collection of his MSS. papers, presented by Gen. J. T. Cooper, in 22 fol. vol. See Catalogue of Manuscripts. JOHNSON (William). England as it is: Political, social and industrial, in the middle of the nineteenth century. London, 1851. 2 vol. 80. JOHNSON (William). Life of General Nathanael Greene. Charleston, S. C. 1822. 2 vol. 4~. JOHNSTON'S Life Insurance Examiner, Nos. 1, 2. Period. 40. vol. 1. JOHNSTON (Alex. Keith). Physical Atlas. See Catalogue of Maps. JOHNSTON ( Arthur). Psalmi Davidici, cum argumentis et notis. Londini, 1741. 120. JOHNSTON (Charles). Chrysal; or the Adventures of a Guinea. London, 1794. 4 vol. 18i,. B. C. JOHNSTON ( Charles). Narrative of his capture, detention and ransom from the Indians in 1790. New-York, 1827. 12~. JOHNSTON ( James F. W.). Report on the recent progress and present state of chemical science. Reports Brit. Assoc. 1832. - Notes on North America, agricultural, economical and social... Edinburgh, 1851. 2 vol. 120~. The same. Boston, 1851. 2 vol. 120. The Chemistry of Common Life. New-York, 1855. 2 vol. 120. JOHNSTON (John). Manual of Natural Philosophy, compiled from various sources. Philadelphia, 1846. 120. JOHNSTON ( Robert ). Travels through Russia and Poland. London, 1815. 40. JOHNSTONE ( Chevalier de). Memoirs of the Rebellion in 1745, 46: from the French. 2d ed. London, 1821. 8o. JOLI ( Claude), Eveque. aEuvres Melees. Paris, 1702. 18o. JOMINI ( Baron de). Summary of the Art of War: from the French. New-York, 1854. 12. JONA (Joannes). Annot. in Acta Apost. See Melancthon, Annot. in Matt. JONES ( Major).. Sketches of Travels, in his Tour from Georgia to Canada. Philadelphia, 1850. 120. JONES (A. D.). The Illustrated American Biography, containing correct portraits and brief notices of the principal actors in American History. Vol. 1- 3. New-York, 1853 - 55. 3 vol. 4o. Illinois and the West; with map. Boston, 1838. 12o. JONES (Alexander). Cuba in 1851: a Survey of the Island; its resources.... New-York, 1851. 80. JONES ( Rev. Cave). A Solemn Appeal to the Church, with the Case of the Rev. Mr. Feltus. New-York, 1811. 8~. JONES ( David ). Annuities. See Lib. U. K. 400 NEW-YORK STATE JONES ( George). The History of Ancient America, anterior to the time of Columbus. 3d ed. London, 1843. 80. Excursions to Cairo, Jerusalem, Damascus and Balbec, from the U. S. Ship Delaware. New-York, 1836. 120~. JONES ( Rev. Hugh). Present State of Virginia.... London, 1724. 80. JONES ( John Paul). Life and Correspondence, with a Narrative of the Campaign of the Liman: from papers in the possession of Miss Janette Taylor. New-York, 1830. 80...... — Memoirs of. London, 1843. 2 vol. in 1. 120. JONES (Jo. Seawell ). Defence of the Revolutionary History of NorthCarolina from the aspersions of Mr. Jefferson. Boston, 1834. 12o. --.- Memorials of North Carolina. New-York, 1838. 80. JONES ( Rev. Joseph H.). The Life of the Rev. Ashbel Green, V. D. M. begun by himself, in his 82nd year. New-York, 1849. 8o. JONES (Pomroy). Annals and Recollections of Oneida County. Rome, 1851. SO. JONES (S.). Pittsburgh in 1826. Pittsburgh. 120. W. C. 521. JONES (T. Rupert). Monograph of the Entoimostraca of the Cretaceous formation of England. Paleont. Soc. London, 1849. 4o. JONES ( Sir William). Works; with his Life, by Lord Teignmouth. London, 1807. 13 vol. 8~. Contents' Life and Correspondence: vol. 1, 2. On the Gods of Greece, Italy and India; Discourses on the Chinese; Dissertation on the Orthography of Asiatic writers: vol. 3. Tales and Fables by Nizami vol. 4. Papers on the Asiatic nations: vol. 3, 4, 5. Grammar of the Persian language: vol. 5. Poeseos Asiaticam Commentaria: vol. 6. Institutes of Menu.: vol. 7. English law df bailments; Moharmmedan law: vol. 8. Sacontala, an Indian drama, by Calidas; Speeches of Ismus: vol. 9. The Moallakat, or Seven Arabian poems: vol. 10. L'Histoire de Nadir Chah.: vol. 11, 12. Trait6 sur la Poesie orientale: vol. 12. IHitopadesa: vol. 13. Musical Modes of the Hindus. Asiat. Rlesear. vol. 3. JONES ( William). History of the Christian Church; with an Account of the Waldenses and Albigcnses. Albany, 1824. 2 vol. in 1. 80. JONES ( William). See Russell's History of Europe, continued. JONES (William A.). Essays upon Authors and Books. New-York, 1849. 120. -- Memorial of the late Hon. David S. Jones, with Notices of the Jones Family of Queens Co. New-York, 1849. 120. JONCIKBLOET (W. J. A.), en A. W. Kroon. Letter en geschiedkundige Aanteekeningen op de Rymkronyk van Jan Van Heelu: betreffende den slag van Woeringen, in het jaar 1288, nagelaten door H. van Wyn. Gravenhage, 1840. 4. GENERAL LIBRARY. 401 JONGE (J. C. de). Notice sur le Cabinet des Meidailles et des Pierres grav'es de Sa Majeste le Roi des Pays-Bas. La Ilaye. 18,. B. C. Resolutions des ]tats Gen6raux des Pays-Bas, mises en ordre et augmenttes de notes et de pieces justificatives. Annies 1576, 77. La Haye, 1828, 31. 2 vol. 4o. JONGH ( J. J. de). Verzameling van Wetten, Decreten, Besluiten, Reglementen, Instructien....... betrekkelijk het gevanganiswezen in de Nederlanden. Leeuwarden, 1846. 8o. JONSON (Ben). Works: with Notes, critical and explanatory, and a biographical memoir, by W. Gifford. London, 1816. 9 vol. 80. JOPLIN (T.). Outlines of a System of Political Economy. London, 1823. 80. Examination of the Report of the Joint Stock Bank Committee. London, 1837. Pam. vol. 141. JORDAN (John). Serious actual dangers of foreigners and foreign commerce in the Mexican states. Philadelphia, 1826. 80. JORTIN (John), D.D. Remarks on Ecclesiastical History. London, 1751 -73. 5 vol. 80. - Life of Erasmus. London, 1808. 3 vol. 80. JOSEPH ( H.). Letters. Pamphleteer, vol. 19. JOSEPiHus Acurensis, Patriarcha Antioch. et Liban. Grammatica Lingurn Syriacm. Rombe, 1647. 120. JOSEPHUS ( Flavius). Qus reperiri potuerunt Opera omnia grmece et latine, cum notis J. Hudsoni... collegit S. Havercampus... Amstelmdami, 1726. 2 vol. fol. The Genuine Works: by the late William Whiston. Philadelphia, 1829. 2 vol. 80. B. C. The same. Oxford, 1839. 3 vol. 80. JOSLIN (B. F.), M.D. Discourse, N.Y. Alpha of Phi Beta Kappa, 1833. Pamn. vol. 83. Physiological Explanation of beauty of form. Albany, 1837. Pam. vol. 64. JOSSEAU ( J. B.). Des Institutions de Credit foncier et agricole dans leos divers 6tats de l'Europe: Nouveaux Documents recueillis par ordre de M. Dumas, Min. d'Agr. et de Comm. Paris, 1851. 8~. JOSSELYN ( John). New-England's Rarities discovered. London, 1672. 18~. ---- — Account of Two Voyages to New-England. London, 1674. 120. JOTTRAND (L.). 1, Notre Frontiere du Nord-ouest, Excursions, 1843; 2, La Nouvelle Constitution de New-York pour 1847, avec un commentaire, 1847; 3, Les Eglises d'Etat, derniere cause de l'intolerance religieuse, 1849; 4, Des Avocats en Belgiquc, 1850. Bruxelles. In 1 vol. 120. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 51 402 NEW-YORK STATE.... Des Rapports politiques et commerciaux de la Belgique et de la France': Bruxelles, 1841; with, Apropos de la Societe des gens de lettres belges: Bruxelles, 1849. In 1 vol. 80. JOUFFROY (Theodore). Introduction to Ethics; including a Critical Survey of moral systems: trans. by W. H. Channing. Boston, 1841. 2 vol. 120. Philosophical Miscellanies. See Specimens of For. Lit. JOURDAN (P.). Cosmographie et Pelerinage du Monde Universel. Paris, 1669. 8o. WV. C. 522. JOURNAL. See American Institute; New-York State Agr. Soc.; Society of Arts; Statistical Soc.; Franklin Institute, and other societies. JOURNAL AND TELEGRAPH, Vol. 4, Nov. 1831-32. New series, vol. 1. Albany. fol. See Christian Intel. vol. 5, 6, in 1 vol. fol. JOURNAL DE CONCHYLIOLOGIE: comprenant l'etude des animaux, des coquilles vivantes et.... fossiles: publi6 par N. Petit de la Saussaye. Vol. 1. Paris, 1850. 80. JOURNAL des Connaissances usuelles et pratiques: volume suppl6mentaire. _Var1,s 1833. 8~. JOURNAL DE SAINT-IDOMINGUE. Cap-Francais, 1765. 3 vol. 120. W. C. 823. JOURNAL d'un Officier de l'Arm6e Navale en Amerique, en 1781 et 1782. Amsterdam, 1783. 8o. W. C. 34. JOURNAL d'un Voyage sur les Cotes d'Afrique, et aux Indes d'Espagne. Amsterdam, 1730. 12~. W. C. 945. JOURNAL ILIrTAIRE OFFICIEL Nos. 4, 6, 24. Paris, 1848. 80. See Fave. JOURNAL of a Residence in Chili: by a young American. Boston, 1823. 12o. W. C. 223. JOURNAL Of a Young Man of Massachusetts, surgeon of a privateer, and his Captivity at Melville Island, Halifax and Dartmoor. 2d ed. Boston, 1816. 120. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE. First Series: Quarterly Journal of Agriculture, vol. 1 - 13. New Series: Journal of Agriculture, vol. 1 - 5. Edinburgh, 1843 - 53. 18 vol. 8~. JOURNAL of BANKING, July 1841 to July 1842. See Gouge ( W. M.). JOURNAL (The) of Design and manufactures; with numerous fabric patterns and engravings. London, 1849 - 52. 6 vol. 80. JOURNAL (The) of EDUCATION for Upper Canada: edited by Egerton Ryerson, D.D. Toronto, 1848 - 54. 7 vol. in 4. 80 and 4o. JOURNAL OF EDUCATION. See New-York Teachers' Assoc. JOURNAL OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY.... See Nicholson ( W.). JOURNAL of ORGANIC and MEDICAL CHEMISTRY. Vol. 1, NO. 1, 1.850: ed. by W. Elmer and A. D. Hendrickson. New-York. Pam. vol. 98. JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, quarterly. See Quarterly Journal. GENERAL LIBRARY. 403 JOURNAL Of the COLONIAL CONGRESS. See United States. JOURNAL of the Expedition to Carthagena, with Notes: in Answer to a late pamphlet, entitled "An Account of the Expedition to Carthagena.." London, 1744. Pam. vol. 131. JOURNAL Of the Pilgrims at Plymouth. See Cheever ( G. B.). JOURNAL of the PROVINCIAL CONGRESS. See New-York. JOURNAL POLITIQUE. Leyde, 1805 -09. 5 vol. 4o. JOURNAL of USEFUL KNOWLEDGE, Jan. 1854. See Period. 4~. vol. 1. JOUTEL (M.). Journal Historique du dernier voyage que feu N3. de la Sale fit dans le Golfe de Mexique, pour trouver l'embouchure et le cours de la Riviere de Saintt Louis, qui traverse la Louisiane - redige par M. de Michel. Paris, 1713. 12.. The same. Paris, 1713. 120. WI. C. 831. The same: trans. from hc French. London, 1714. 12~. Historical Journal of La Salle's last voyage. See French (B. F.), Hist. Coell. vol. 1. JOWETT (Rev. William). Christian Researches in the Mediterranean, from 1815 to 1820.... 2d ed. London, 1822. 80o. JoYEc (Rev. Jer.). Analysis of Dr. Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations. 3d ed. London, 1821. 12o. -- -- Scientific Dialogues for the instruction and entertainment of young people: ed. by William Pinnock. London, 1846. 12.JUAN (Jorge). Voyages to South America with A. de Ulloa. See Ulloa. W. C. 918, 919. JUARRos (Domingo). Compendio de la Historia de la Cuidad de Guatemala. Guatemala, 1808- 18. 2 vol. in 1. 80. W. C. 523. - Statistical and Commercial History of Guatemala: trans. from the Spanish by J. Bailey. London, 1823. 80. WV. C:. 524. JUBINAL ( Achille). Explication de ]a Danse des Morts de la Chaise-Dieu, prcsqu'inedite du 15e siecle. Paris, 1841. 40. JUDD ( G. N.). History of the Division of the Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A: by a Comm. of the Synod of N. Y. and N. J. New-York, 1852. 120. JUDD ( Rev. Sylvester). A Discourse, designed' for Thursday Lecture. Boston, 1853. Pam. vol. 95. JUDSON (Adoniram), D.D. Sermon preached at Calcutta, Sept. 1812, on Baptism. 4th ed. Boston, 1832. 8o. JUDSON (Emily). The Kathayan Slave, and other papers connected with missionary life. Boston, 1853. 12O. JUDSON ( L. Carrol). The Probe; or one hundred and two essays on tie nature of men and things. Philadelphia, 1846. 120. The Sages and Heroes of the American Revolution. Philadelphia, 1852. 80. JUKES ( J. Beete). Popular Physical Geology. London, 1853. sin. 4o. 404 NEW-YORIK STATE _- Excursions in and about Newfoundland, during 1839 and 1840. London, 1842. 2 vol. 120. Narrative of the Voyage of H. M. S. Fly, Capt. F. Blackwood, in Torres Strait, New Guinea, and other Islands of the Eastern Archipelago, 1842 - 46; with an excursion into the interior of Java. London, 1847. 2 vol. 80. Forbes, Playfair, W. W. Smith, Percy and Hunt: Lectures on Gold, for the instruction of emigrants. to California. London, 1852. JULES CHRTIEN: OU Dialogues sur les Principes du Chretien, a l'usage des gens du monde. Bourg, 1805. 3 vol. 80. JULIAN (Antonio). La Pcrla de la America, Historia de la Provincia de Santa Marta.... Madrid, 1787. 4o. W. C. 525. JULIEN (Stanislas). Resum6 des principaux Trait's Chinois sur la culture des muriers et l'6ducation de vers a soie. Paris, 1837. 80. JULLIEN (M. A.). Expose de la Methode d'education de Pestalozzi. Paris, 1842. 80. JuNIUS, pseud.; including letters by the same writer under other signatures.... Philadelphia, 181.3. 2 vol. 80. B. C. The same: enlarged edition, by John Wade. London, 1850. 2 vol. 12o. Junius's Letters. Philadelphia, 1.846. 120. - Posthumous Works; with an Inquiry respecting the Author, and a Sketch of the Life of John Horne Tooke. New-York, 1829. 8o...... A Letter to an Hon. Brig. General, Comm. in Chief of H. M.'s Forces in Canada London, 1760;" now first ascribed to Junius. To which is added a " Refutation of the letter... by an officer: " ed. by N. W. Simons. London, 1841. 180. JUNIUS, pseud. A Letter to Daniel Webster, in Reply to his Legal Opinion to Baring Brothers & Co., on the illegality of state bonds. New-York, 1840. 120 JUINKIN ( D. X.). The Oath, a divine ordinance, and an element of the social constitution. New-York, 1845. 120. JUNI:IN ( George), D,D. Vindication, containing the History of the Trial of the Rev. Albert Barnes, by the Second Presbytery and Synod of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1836. 120. The same. Pam. vol. 23. B. C. JUNOT ( Madame). See Abrantes ( Duchess d'). JUSTINA; or the Will: A domestic story. New-York, 1823. 2 vol. 120. B. C. JUSTINuS, Phil. et mart. Opera quae extant omnia Studio unius ex mon. Cong. S. Mauri. Parisiis, 1742. fol. JUSTINUS ( J.). Historioe Philippica3; cum versione anglica: By John Clarke. London, 1759. 8o. B. C. JUSTINIANUS. See Cooper (Thomas). GENERAL LIBRARY. 405 JUVENALIS (D. J.). Satires, Latin and English; with explanatory and classical notes. Dublin, 1777. 180. B. C. Translation of his Satires into English Verse, by W. Gifford. Philadelphia, 1803. 2 vol. 80. The Satires of Juvenal translated and illustrated by F. Hodgson. London, 1807. 40. and A. Persius Flaccus. Satires: trans. into English by Mr. Dryden and others. London, 1726. 180. Juvenal, Persius, Sulpicia and Lucilius. Satires: trans. by Rev. L. Evans, with W. Gifford's Metrical Version of Juvenal and Persius. London, Bohn, 1852. 120......- Alle de Schimpdichten van D. J. Juvenalis en A. Persius F., door ve scheide dichteren.... Haarlem, 1-709. 120. JUVENILE Delinquents. See Society for Reformation. JUVENILE English Grammar. Boston, 1829. 120. K. KABINET DER NATUURLIJKE HI-STORIEN, Wetensehappen, Konsten en Handwerken. Amsterdam, 1719 - Dec. 1721. 6 vol. 180. KABUS. Buch des Kabus. See Diez ( H. F. von). KIEMPFER ( Engelbertus). History of Japan: trans. from the High Dutch, by J. C. Scheuchzer, with a Life of the author. London, 1727. 2 vol. in 1. fol. KZMTZ (L. F.). Complete Course of Meteorology; with Notes by C. Martins; trans. with additions, by C. V. Walker. London, 1845. 120o KAILAZ, ou Les Jeunes Sauvages: Drame. Londres? 1770. See Poemes sur l'Amerique. W. C. 750. KALM ( Peter). Beschreibung der Reise die er nach dem Nordlichen Amerika.... unternommen hat. Gb-ttingen, 1754- 1764. 3 vol. 80. W. C. 526. The same: Vol. I, 2; 1754, 57. 2 vol. 8o. The same. GSttingen, 1757. Vol. 2. 80. B. C. -- Travels into North America: trans. by J. R. Foster. Warrington, 1770. 3 vol. 8'. --- -The same. 2d ed. London, 1772. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 527. Letter on Falls of Niagara. See B1artram's Obser. KALTSOIIMIDT (J. H.). New and Complete Dictionary of the German and English Languages. Leipzig, 1837. 80o. KAMES ( Lord ). See Home ( Henry). KAMPEN ( M. G. vanl). Staat- en Aardrijkskundige Beschrijving van het Koningrijk der Nederlanden, of der XVII Nederlandsche Provincien, benevens het Groot Hertogdom Luxemburg. Haarlem, 1827. 8~. B. C. KAMRUP ( Les Aventures de): translation. See Tassy ( G. de). 406 NEW-YORK STATE KANE (Elisha K.). The U. S. Grinnell Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin: A personal narrative. New-York, 1854. 80. KANE (E. K.). Speech, U. S. Sen., on the Colonial Trade, 1832. Pam. vol. 21. B. C. KANE ( Robert ). El( ments of Chemistry. Dublin, 1841. 8o. Industrial Resources of Ireland. 2d ed. Dublin, 1845. 120. KANT ( Emanuel ). Critique of Pure Reason: trans. by M. D. Meiklejohn. London, Bohn, 1855. 120. KARSTEN ( C. J. B.). MIanuel de la metallurgie du foer: trad. de l'allemand par F. J. Culmann. 2d ed. Metz, 1830. 3 vol. 80. KASKASKIA REPUBLICAN, Ill. 1824. Newsp. vol. 4. KATE ( Lambert Ten.). Den Scheppen en zyn bestier te kennen in zyne Schepselen. Amsterdam, 1716. 80. KAUFMAN ( Rev. A.). See Tholuck's St. John. KAUFFAIAN ( C. H.). Dictionary of Merchandise. Philadelphia, 1805. 8. KAY ( John). A Series of original portraits and caricature sketches; with biographical sketches, and anecdotes. Edinburgh, 1842. 4 vol. in 2. 80. KAYE (John W.). Life and Correspondence of Charles, Lord Metcalfe. London, 1854. 2 vol. 80. - Selections from the Papers of Charles, Lord Metcalfe. London, 1855. 80. KAYSER ( Christian Gottlob). Index Locupletissimus Librorum qui indo ab anno 1750 usque ad annum 1846 in Germania et in terris confinibus prodierunt. 9ter, 10ter theil, 1841- 46. Leipzig, 1848. 2 vol. 4o. KAYSER ( J. C.). Commercial Directory. Philadelphia, 1823. 40. KEIAGY ( J. M.). See Oswald's E Jmolog. Dictionary. KEAN ( L.). Sermon on the Divinity of Christ. N. Y. 1821. Pam. vol. 9. KEATE (George). An Account of the Pelew Islands; composed from the journals of Capt. Henry Wilson. Philadelphia, 1792. 180. B. C... —-.- The same. Dublin, 1793. 80. KEATING ( William H.). Considerations on the Art of mining. Philadelphia, 1821. 80. Narrative of Major S. H. Long's Expedition to the Source of the St. Peter's River. Philadelphia, 1824. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 528. KEATINGE (Col.). Travels in Europe and Africa, comprising Journeys in France, Spain, Portugal and Morocco. London, 1816. 4~. KEBLE ( Rev. John). The Christian Year. Philadelphia, 1848. 12o. KEEFER ( Thomas C.). Prize- Essay: The Canals of Canada, their prospects and influence. Toronto, 1850. 8o. KEIGHTLEY ( Thomas).; History of Greece; with a Chronological Table of History, by J. T. Smith. Boston, 1839. 8o. Outlines of History. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 63. GENERAL LIBRARY. 407 The Fairy Mythology, illustrative of the romance and superstition of various countries. London, Bohn, 1850. 12"). KEILL (James), M.D. The Anatomy of the human body, abridged. 12th ed. London, 1746. 120. KEITH (Rev. George), Missionary. A Journal of Travels from New Hampshire to Caratuck on the Continent of North America. London, 1706. sm. 4. The same. New-York, 1851. See Prot. Episc. Hist. Coill. vol. 1. KEITH ( Sir Robert Murray). Memoirs and Correspondence; with a Memoir of Queen Caroline Matilda of Denmark: edited by Mrs. G. Smythe. London, 1849. 2 vol. 12o. KEITIi ( Sir William). History of the British Plantations in America. Part 1: Virginia. London, 1738. 4o. - A Collection of Papers and other Tracts on the liberty of the subject, mediumn of commerce, etc.: by Sir WY. Keath. 2d ed. London, 1749. 120. KELLAND ( Philip ). On the Present State of our theoretical and experimental knowledge of the laws of conduction of heat. Reports Brit. Assoc. 1841. KIELLEY ( Hall J.). General Circular to those who wish to emigrate to Oregon. Charlestown, Mass. 1831. 80. 2 copies. KELLOGG ( Edward ). Labour and other Capital; the Rights of each secured, and the Wrongs of both eradicated. New-York, 1849. 80. KELLY ( P.). Universal Cambist and Commercial Instructor. London, 1811. 2 vol. in 1. 4o. W. C. 529. The sami.'d ed. 1821. 2 vol. 40. KELLY (Robert). Address, Free Academy, N. York City, 1849. Pam. vol. 51. - Address, on the Character of D. Seymour, 1851. Pam. vol. 88. KELLY (Walter K.). Translation. See Catullus. Syria and the Holy Land, their scenery and people. London, 1844. 80. The History of Russia from the most authentic sources. Vol. 1. London, Bohn, 1854. 120. history of Austria to 1848. See Coxe (W.). KELLY (William J. P.). An Excursion to California, over the Prairie, Rocky Mountains.... London, 1851. 120. KEMBLE (Fanny A.). See Butler ( F. A. K.). KEMBLE (Fanny) in America; or the Journal of an actress reviewed. Boston, 1835. Painm. vol. 76. KEMP ( Johannes Yander). Drie Ondervindelyke Brieven. Groningen, 1719. 18o. B. C. See Vanderkemp. KEMPERs ( J. M.). Mernoria HIenr. C. Crassii, Rite celebrata Nov. 8, 1823, in Conv. Pub. Ter. Class. Ins. R. Belgici. Amstelodami, 1825. 40, 408 NEW-YORK STATE KEMPIS (Thomas a). The Christian Pattern; or a Treatise of the Imitation of Jesus Christ: with Meditations and Prayers for sick persons, by George Stanhope, D.D. Charlestown, 1812. 8o. B. C. KENDAL ( Samuel), D.D. Century Sermon, Weston, Mass. 1813. Cambridge, 1813. 80. KENDALL ( Edward A.). Travels through the United States. New-York, 1809. 3 vol. 80. KENDALL ( George W.). Narrative of the Texan Santa Fe Expedition. New-York, 1844. 2 vol. 120., The War between the United States and Mexico; illustrated with pictorial drawings of all the principal conflicts, by Carl Nebel. NewYork and Paris, 1850. fol. KENDALL ( Rev. James). Sermon, Soc. for Prop. the Gospel, Nov. 7, 1811. Boston, 1812. 80. Sermon, Mass. Humane Society, 1813, Boston. Pam. vol. 43. KENNADAY ( J.). Address, Union Coll. Theol. Soc. 1844. Pamn. vol. 58. KENNEDY (D.), D.D. Sermon on Death of Rev. W. J. Pohlman, 1849. iMuns. Pam. vol. 1. - Inaug. Discourse of W. H. Campbell, D.D. at New-Brunswick, 1851. Pam. vol. 82; also Muns. Pam. vol. 10. KENNEDY (John P.). Memoirs of the Life of William Wirt. Philadelphia, 1849. 2 vol. 80. The same. 2 vol. 80. B. C. Rob of the Bowl: A Legend of St. Inigoe's. New-York, 1855. 120. Swallow-Barn; or a Sojourn in the Old Dominion: Revised edition, illustrated. New-York, 1851. 120. Horse-Shoe Robinson: a Tale of the Tory ascendency. Rev. ed. New-York, 1852. 120. - Discourse on Life of George Calvert. See Maryland Hist. Soc.; also Pam. vol. 22. KENNEDY ( Joseph C. G.). History and Statistics of the State of Maryland.... Washington, 1852. fol. KENNEDY ( William). The Rise, Progress and Prospects of the Republic of Texas. 2d ed. London, 1841. 2 vol. 8~. A Short Narrative of the second voyage of the Prince Albert in search of Sir John Franklin. London, 1853. 120. KENNETT ( Basil ). Antiquities of Rome. Edinburgh, 1820. 80. KENNETT (White), Bishop. Bibliothecea Americane Primordia, 14841713. London, 1713. 4~. A Complete History of England; with the Lives of the Kings and Queens, from the earliest time to the Death of King William III. London, 1719. 3 vol. fol. KENNION (Charlotte). The Etymology and Syntax of Murray's English Grammar, arranged. London, 1842. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 409 KENRICK ( Bishop F. P.). Sermon: Charity towards enemies. Philadelphia, 1843. Pam. vol. 82. KENRICK (Rev. John). A Key to the Complete Course of Exercises in Latin Syntax; adapted to Zumpt's Grammar. New-York, 1831. 12o. B.C. KENRICK ( Rev. Timothy). An Exposition of the Historical Writings of the New Testament; with a memoir of the author. Boston, 1828. 3 vol. 80. B. C. KENT ( E. N.). Sale Catalogues of chemical apparatus. New-York, 1846, 48. Pain. vol. 98. KENT (George). Oration, Phi Beta Kappa, Dart. Coll. 1832. Am. Mion. Mag. vol. 12. KENT (James). A Lecture introductory to a Course of Law Lectures in Columbia College, N.Y. 1824. Pain. vol. 6. B. C. Anniversary Discourse, N. Y. Hist. Soc. Dec. 1828. New-York, 1829. 80. Also Pam. vol. 11. B. C. - Address, Phi Beta Kappa Soc. New-Haven, 1831. Pam. vol. 19. B. C. KENT (Joseph). Speech in Cong. on the Veto power, 1835. Pain. vol. 59. KENT (William). Address, Phi Beta Kappa, Union Coll. 1841. Pam. vol. 71. - Inaug. Address, Law School, N. York, 1838. See Butler ( B. F.). KENTISH: Artificial Guano. New-York, 1851. Panm. vol. 79. KENTUCKY STATE REGISTER, 1847: ed. by T. A. Shaffner. Louisville, 1847. 180. KENYON COLLEGE: The Star in the West, 1828. Pam. vol. 73. KKEPPEL ( George). Narrative of a Journey from India to England. Philadelphia, 1827. 8~. KEPPEL ( Capt. Hon. Henry), R.1N. The Expedition to Borneo of HI. M. S. Dido, for the suppression of piracy; with Extracts from the Journal of James Brooke, esq. of Sarawak. New-York, 1846. 120. The same; with..... recent intelligence, by Walter K. Kelly. 3d ed. London, 1847. 2 vol. o80. KER ( Henry). Travels through the Western Interior of the United States, 1808 - 16; with description of a great part of Mexico. Elizabethtown, N. J. 1816. 80. KER (John Bellenden). An Essay on the archaeology of our popular phrases and nursery rhymes. London, 1837. 2 vol. 18o. KEI (John), of Kersland, N. B. Memoirs relating to politics, trade and history: by himself. 3d edition. London, 1727. Wfrith a Map of Louisiana. 8o KERATRY (M.). Du Beau dans les arts d'imitation. Paris, 1822. 2 vol. 120. [ GEN. LIR. 1855.] 52 410 NEW-YORK STATE KERCHEVAL (Samuel). A History of the Valley of Virginia. trith Notes on the Settlement of Virginia and Pennsylvania from 1763 to 1793, by Rev. Dr. Joseph Doddridge. Winchester, 1833. 120. KERGUELEN (5I. de). Deux Voyages dans les MIers Australes et des Indes, 1771- 74. Paris, 1782. 8. W. C. 531. KERNOUX (L. G. F.). Abrege de l'Histoire de la Hlollande jusqu'a nos jours. Leide, 1778. 4 vol. 80. KERR (Robert ). General History and Collection of voyages and travels. Edinburgh, 1824. 18 vol 80. KERSLAKE (Thomas). Sale Catalogue of Books. Bristol, Eng. 1849. 80o KERVYN (M.). Observations sur l'Agriculture fiamande.... Bruxelles, 1849. 18~. KESTELOOT ( J. L.). Hulde aan de Nagedachtenis van Mr. A. R. Falck, Gravenhage, 1844. 80~. KETCHUM (Hiram). Oration, July 4, 1851, New-Haven. Pam. vol. 88. KETTELL ( Samuel). Specimens of American Poet-y, with critical and biographical notices. Boston, 1829. 3 vol. 120. KEVERBERG (Freiherrn von). Von Konigreiche der Nicderlande: aus deml franzosischen. Stuttgart, 1836. 8'. KEY to the Exercises of Murray's English Grammar. London, 1817. 120. KEY to the Parliamentary Debates; being a humble attempt to render them intelligible. 1785? Pamn. vol. 138. KEY (A) to the Science of Electrical Psychology: All its secrets explained.... every person an operator. Albany? 1849. Muns. Pam. vol. 12; also Pan. vol. 79. KEYEN (Otto). Kurtzer Entwurf von Neu-Niederland und Guajana einander entgegengesetzt: aus dem hollandischen. Leipzig, 1672. sinm. 40. KEYSLER ( John George). Travels through Germany, Hungary, Bohemia, Switzerland, etc. London, 1758. 4 vol. 120. See also Collection of Voyages, vol. 4, 5. KIIDD (John), M.D. On the Adaptation of external nature to the physical condition of man. London, 1833. 80. ZBridgewater Treatise ii. The same. London, Bohn, 1852. 120. KIDDER (Daniel P.). Sketches of Residence and Travels in Brazil. Philadelphia, 1845. 2 vol. 80. KIERZIKOWSI ( A.). The question of the seignorial tenure of Canada, reduced to a question of landed credit. Montreal, 1852. 80. KIESEW:ETTER (R. G.) en F. G. Fetis. Verhandelingen over de Vraag, Welke verdiensten hebben zich de Nederlanders, vooral in de 14e, 15e en 16e eeuw in hbet vak der Toonkunst verworven; en in hoe verre kunnen de Nederlandsche Kunstenaars van dien tijd, die zich naar Italien begeven hebben, invloed gehad hebben op de Muzijkscholen, die zich kort daarna in Italien hebben gevormd? Prize Essays of the K. Nederlandsche Instituut, in German and Fr'ench. Amsterdam, 1829. 40. History of Modern Music in Western Europe, with examples trans. by R. Muller. London, 1848. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 411 KILBOURN (John). Ohio Gazetteer, or Topographical Dictionary. Albany, 1817. 120. V. C. 532. - The same. 7th ed. Columbus, 1821. 120. WT. C. 533. KILBOURN ( Payne K.). A History and Genealogy of the Kilbourn family, in the United States and Canada, from 1.635 to the present time. Hartford, 1845. 80. KILIANUS ( Cornelius), Dufflmeus. Etymologicumn Teutonice Lingure, sive Dictionarium Teutonico-latinum. Traiecti Bat. 1777. 2 vol. 4o. B. C. KIMBALL (David T.). Centennial Discourse, Ipswich, Aug. 1834. Boston, 1834. 80. KIMBALL ( Horace). American Naval Battles, from the establishment of the navy to the present time. Boston, 1831. 80o. KIMBALL ( Richard B.). Cuba and the Cubans: a History of the Island of Cuba. New-York, 1850. 120. - Romance of Student life abroad. New-York, 1853. 120. -~-:- Saint Leger; or the threads of life. 7th ed. New-York, 1853. 12o. KINDER-TAFEL: German Spelling Book. Niirnberig. 18o. B. C. 2 copies. KINDT (J.). Industrie liniere. See Encyc. pop. De la vapeur et ses applications. See Encyc. pop. KING ( Capt.). Journal at the Sandwich Islands, 1774. Kerr, vol. 17. KING (Alonzo). Memoir of George Dana Boardman, late a Missionary to Burmah. Boston, 1836. 120. KING ( Anthony J.). Twenty-four Years in the Argentine Republic; embracing the civil and military history before and during the Administration of Gov, Rosas. New-York, 1846. 12(. KING (Charles). A Memoir of the construction, cost and capacity of the Croton Aqueduct; with an Account of the Civic Celebration, 14th Oct. 1842; with essay on ancient and modern aqueducts. New-York, 1843. - Progress of the City of New-York, during the last fifty years... with notices of important events. New-York, 1852. 80. KING ( Capt. E. P.). See Adventure and Beagle. KING ( Daniel P.). An Address, commemorative of Seven Young MAcn of Danvers, who were slain in the Battle of Lexington: at Danvers, on the 60th anniversary of the battle. Salem, 1835. 8o. KING ( Horace). Early History of Ithaca; a Lecture delivered at Ithaca, April 5, 1847. Ithaca, 1847. 80. KING (John A.). Speech, H. of R. U. S., on Admission of California, 1850. Pam. vol. 59. KING ( J. P.). Speech, Sen. U. S., on the Public deposits, 1834; on Bank depositaries, 1837. Pam. vol. 59. KING (Peter, Lord ). The Life of John Locke; with extracts from his correspondence, journals and commonplace books. New edition. London, 1830. 2 vol. 8o. 412 NEW-YORK STATE The same. London, 1830. 2 vol. 80. B. C. --- Speeches and Writings; with anl introductory menloir by Earl Fortescue. London, 1844. 8). KING (Philip P.). Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia. London, 1827. 2 vol. 8o. KING (Preston). Speech, H. of R. U. S., on the Wilnot proviso, 1847. Pain. vol. 22, 59; also Paml. vol. 50. B. C. KING ( Richard ). Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Arctic Ocean, under the command of Captain Back. London, 1836. 2 vol. 120. KING (Rufus). Letter to Sec. of State, from London, 1796. Pain. vol. 2. B. C. - Speeches, U. S. Sen. on the Navigation act, 1818; on Voting for President, March 18, 1824. Pam. vol. 6. B. C. KING ( T. Butler). Report on California: Its population, products, mineral wealth. New-York, 1850. 8'. KING (Walter W.). A Grammatical Chart, or Key to English Grammar. London, 1841. 180. KING (William), D.D. The State of the Protestants in Ireland under the late King James's Government. 3d ed. London, 1692. 8'. KING (William), D.)D. Political and Literary Anecdotes of his own times. London, 1818. 12o. KING (William). A Monograph of the Permian Fossils of England. Palmont. Soc. London, 1850. 40. KING ( William R.), Vice-President. Obituary addresses on his death, in Sen. and IH. of R. Dec. 8, 1853. Washington, 1854. 80. KINGLAKE (J. A.). Eothen: A Tozer in the Levant. 3d ed. London, 1845. 8. _- -The same. New-York, 1845. 12o. B. C. KINGSFORD (W.). History, Structure and Statistics of plank roads; with a letter by Hon. C. E. Clarke. Philadelphia, 1851. 80. KINGSLEY (Rev. Charles). Glaucus; or the wonders of the shore. Boston, 1855. 1.8. KINGSLEY ( Prof. James L.). Life of Ezra Stiles. Sparks's Am. Biog. vol. 16. A Historical Discourse, New-Haven, April 25, 1838: The twohundredth anniversary of the...... town and colony. New-Haven, 1838. 80. KINKER ( J.). Le Dualisme de la raison humaine; ou le Criticisme de Em. Kant, etc. Amsterdam, 1852. 2 vol. 80. KINLOCH (J.). Letters from Geneva and France. Boston, 1819. 2 vol. 80. KINNEAR (John G.). Cairo, Petra, and Damascus, in 1839. London, 1841. 120. KINNERSLEY (T.). A Selection of Sepulchral curiosities, epitaphs.... in Great Britain and America. New-York, 1823. 80~. GENERAL LIBRARY. 413 KiP ( Francis M.). Memoirs of an Old Disciple, Christian Miller, and his descendants; with an introductory chapter, by Thomas DeWitt. NewYork, 1848. 12o. ------— I The same. 12-). B. C. KIP ( Leonard ). California Sketches, with Recollections of the gold mines. Albany, 1850. 120. The same. 120. B. C. The Volcano Diggings; a Tale of California law: by a Member of the Bar. New-York, 1851. 120. Kip (W. Ingraham), D.D. Bp. Sermon, St.Paul's Church, Albany, 1840. Pam. vol. 82. - Early Jesuit Missions in North America...... trans. from the Letters of the French Jesuits, with notes. New-York, 1846. 120. Christmas Holidays in Rome. New-York, 1846. 80. - - The same. 120. B. C. -. — A few Days at Nashotah. Albany, 1849. 80. Also MIuns. Pain. vol. 4. - The Early Conflicts of Christianity. New-York, 1850. 120. The Catacombs of Rome, as illustrating the Church of the first three centuries. New-York, 1854. 120. KIPPIS (Andrew), D.D. F.R.S. Observations on the late Contests in the Royal Society. London, 1784. 80. Biographica Britannica; or Lives of the most eminent persons who have flourished in Great Britain and Ireland. 2d ed. London, 1778, 89. 4 vol. fol. - Vie du Capitaine Cook: trad. de l'anglois par M. Castera. Paris, 1789. 40. W. C. 534. See Butler's and Lardner's works and lives. KIRBY'S Wonderful and Eccentric 3Iuseum, or Magazine of remarkable characters... London, 1820. 6 vol. 80. KIRBY ( Edmund ). Address, Jefferson County Agric. Soc. 1831. Paum. vol. 88. KIRBY (Rev. W.). On the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God, as manifested in theCreation of animals, and in their history, habits, and instincts. Bridgewater Treatise vi. 2d Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1837. 80. - The same. London, Bohn, 1852. 2 vol. 120. KIRCHER, (Athanasius). Tooneel van China van J. H. Glazemaker vertaalt, with plates. Amsterdam, 1668. fol. KIRK (John). Roman Catholic Principles in reference to God and the King. Pamphleteer, vol. 13. KIRK (E. N.), D.D. Valedictory Sermon, Albany, 1837. Serm. vol. 4. B. C. Address to Theological Students, 1843. Pam. vol. 58, 82. Discourse, Execution of Dr. Webster. Boston, 1850. Pam. vol. 82. 414 NEW-YORK STATE KIRK ( James B.). Practical Observations on Cholera asphyxia. NewYork, 1832. Pain. vol. 22. B. C.; also vol. 87. KIRKALDY (Sir William). Memoirs. See Grant (James). KIRKBRIDE (Thomas S.), M.D. On Heating and Ventilating hospitals. Philadelphia, 1850. Pam. vol. 64. See Penn. Hosp. for the Insane, Report, 1845. KIRKHAM ( Samuel). English Grammar, 2d ed. Harrisburg, 1824. 12,'. English Grammar, 25th ed. New-York, 1832. 120. ---- En- nlish Grammar, 42d ed. Rochester, 1836. 120....... See Fowler's Phrenology. KIRKLAND ( Mrs. C. M.). A New Home: Who'll followv? or Glimlpses of Western Life. 2d ed. New-York, 1840. 120. ---- The saine. 3d ed. New-York, 1841. 12~. Montacute, or the New Home: Who'll follow? London, 1840. 2 vol. 120. B. C. Holidays abroad, or Europe from the West. New-York, 1849. 2 vol. 12o. KIRKLAND (J. T.), D.D. Discourse on Death of Washington. Boston, 1800. Pam. vol. 29. KIRKTON ( Rev. Mr. James). The Secret and True History of the Church of Scotland, from the Restoration to 1678; with an Account of the Murder of Abp. Sharp, by James Russell, an actor therein: ed. from the MS. by C. K. Sharpe. Edinburgh, 1817. 4o. KIRWAN ( Richard). An Estimate of the temperature of different latitudes. London, 1787. 80. Estimation de la Temperature de diff6rens degres de latitude: trad. de l'anglois par MI. Adet. Paris, 1789. 8o. W. C. 535. -- An Essay on Phlogiston and the constitution of acids. London, 1787. 8o. Metaphysical Essays, containing the principles and fundamental objects of that science. London, 1811. 80. Primitive State of the Globe, and its subsequent catastrophe. Royal Irish Acad. Trans. vol. 6. -R emarks on some skeptical positions of Mr. Humne. Royal Irish Acad. Trans. vol. 8. KIT-CAT CLUB. Memoirs of the Members; with a Prefatory Account of the origin of the association. London, 1821. fol. KITCHINER ( William), M.D. Directions for invigorating and prolonging Life; or the Invalid's Oracle: revised by T. S. Barrett. New-York, 1833. 120. B. C. KITTO (John). A Cyclopmdia of Biblical Literature. New-York, 1846. 2 vol. 8o. B. C. KITTREDGE ( Jonathan), M.D. Address, on Ardent spirits. Lyme, N. H. 1827. Pamin. vol. 11. B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 415 ~Y —-. Scripture Lands described; with a Biblical Atlas. Bohn, London, 1850. 12o. KLAPKA ( General ). Memoirs of the War of Independence in Hungary. London, 1850. 2 vol. 12~. KLAPROTH (Julius) Yerzeichniss der Chinesischen und Mandschusischen Bicher und Handschriften der k6niglichen Bibliothek zu Berlin. Paris, 1822. fol. Supplement au Dictionnaire Chinois-latin du Basile de Glemona, publie par De Guignes. See Guignes. Vocabulaire et Grammaire de la Langue georgienne: Irepartie. Paris, 1847. 80. Chrestomathie Mandehou. Paris, 1828. 80o. - See Timkowski's Travels. Asia Polyglotta. 2d ed. Paris, 1831. 40, with Sprachatlas. fol. Langues S6mitiques. See Merian ( Baron de). KLEINE GESCHRIFTEN: A Collection of Temperance tracts in Dutch. No. ^3 - 29. Amsterdam, 1844 - 50. 120. (LIM ( Klaas), pseud. L. Holberg's Voyage. See Onderaardsche, etc. KLorsTocK ( F. T.). Der Messias. Altona, 1780. 4o. KLOTZ (C. A.). Ueber den Nutzen und Gebrauch der alten geschnittenen steine und ihrer abdrucke. Altenburg, 1768. 120. KNAIPP'S Journal of a Naturalist. 4th ed. London, 1838. 120. KNAPP and RIGHTMYER'S Writing Copy-books, 17 vol. with 5 dupl. 22 vol. 40 and 80. Names of the Officers and Members of the Legislature of NewYork in MS. 1854. fol. KNAPP ( Dr. F.). Chemical Technology; or Chemistry applied to the arts and manufactures: ed. by Drs. E. Ronalds and T. Richardson, from the German. London, 1848 - 51. 3 vol. 80. KNAPP ( Samuel L.). Biographical Sketches of eminent lawyers, statesmen, and men of letters. Boston, 1821. So. -... Address, Death of Adams and Jefferson, 1826. Pam. vol. 58. Lectures on American Literature, with Remarks on American History. New-York, 1829. 80. - Sketches of Public Characters.... by Ignatius Loyola Robertson. New-York, 1.830. 120. - American Biography; forming Part 6 of the Treasury of Knowledge. New-York, 1833. 120.....- The Life of Thomas Eddy. New-York, 1834. 80. Life of Daniel Webster. 120. Tales of the Garden of Kosciusko. New-York, 1834. 120. Library of American History, a re-print of standard works: Belknap, Robertson, Graham, Ramsay, Stiles, etc. New-York, 1835. 2 vol. in 1. 40. 416 NEW-YORK STATE The Life of Aaron Burr. New-York, 1835. 12o. - Life of Timothy Dexter. Boston, 1838. 180. KNIBBE ( David ). Kateehisatie, over het kort begrijp der christ. gereform. religie. Leiden, 1724. 180. B. C. KNICKERBOCKER (The), or New-York Monthly Magazine. New-York, 1833-55. 45 vol. 80. KNICKERBOCKER ( The) GALLERY: a Testimonial to the Editor of the - Knickerbocker Magazine, from its contributors. New-York, 1855. 80. KNIGHT. Letters from tie South and West: by Arthur Singleton, esq. Boston, 1824. 80. KNIGHT ( Charles). See London pictorially illustrated. - - See Political Dictionary. -- Knight's Penny Mlagazine. London, 1846. 2 vol. 80..-.. William Caxton, the first English printer; a biography. London, 1844. 180. ------ Cyclopaedia of the Industry of all Nations. New-York, 1851. 80o Half-hours with the Best Authors; with biographical and critical notices. London. 4 vol. 120. - The Old Printer and the Modern Press. London, 1854. 12o. KNIGHT (Francis). Seven-years Slavery in Algiers, 1631. Churchill, supp. 2. KNIGHT (J.), IM.D. Eulogium on N. Smith, M.D. 1829. Pain. vol. 84. KNIGHTON (Rev. F.). American Etymological Grammar. Philadelphia, 1853. 120..-..- Primary Grammar. Philadelphia, 1853. 180. KNOLLES (Richard). Generall Historie of the Turkes. London, 1603. fol. See Ricaut ( Sir P.), Continuation of the History. KNOW NOTHING: a Poem. Boston, 1854. 120. KNOWLES ( Rev. James D.). Memoir of Roger Williams. Boston, 1834, 120..-.- A Memoir of Ann H. Judson, late Missionary to Burmah. New ed. Boston, 1845. 18o. The same. 3d ed. London, 1830. 120. KNOWLES (James S.). Select Dramatic Works; with a Memoir, by R. Shelton Mackenzie. Baltimore, 1835. 180. B13. C. -- William Tell: a Play. Philadelphia, 1828. Pam. vol. 24. B. C. The Hunchback: a Play. New-York, 1832. Pam. vol. 28 and 34. B. C. - The Wife; or the Father's Grave... a Play. Philadelphia. Pam. vol. 34. B. C. KNOWLES ( John). See Fuseli, Life and writings. GENERAL LIBRARY. 417 KNOX (A.). See Jebb (Bp.). Correspondence. KNOX (A. E.). Ornithological Rambles in Sussex. 3d ed. London, 1855. 120. KNOX ( John). Historical Journal of Campaigns in North America, 17571760. London, 1769. 2 vol. 4o. KNOX (John), D..D. Funeral Discourse of Rev. G. A. Kuypers. NewYork, 1833. Pam. vol. 82. KNOX (Rev. John P.). A Historical Account of St. Thomas, W. I.; and incidental notices of St. Croix and St. Johns. New-York, 1852. 120. KNOX ( Vicesimus). The Spirit of Despotism: printed in 1795, in London. Darby, 1837. 120. KNOX ( Rev. W. E.). Semi-centennial Sermon, First Presbyterian Church, Rome, N.Y. Sept. 1850. Rome, 1851. 80. KNOX (William), Under Secretary of State. The Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies reviewed; the several pleas of the colonies in support of their rights, etc. stated and considered; and the nature of their connection with, and dependence on Great Britain shown.... London, 1769. Pam. vol. 113. See Extra-official State Papers. KoCH ( Chr.). Abrege de l'Histoire des Trait6s de Paix entre les Puissances de l'Europe depuis la Paix de Westphalie. Basle, 1796 - 1797. 4 vol. 80. W. C. 536. KOCH-STERNFELD ( J. E. Ritter von). Betrachtungen iiber die Geschichte, ihre attributen und ihren zweck. Miinchen, 1841. See Bav. Acad. MIem. vol. 1. KoELrMAN (J.). See Guthrie (W.), translation. KOEPPEN (Adolph L.). The World in the middle ages. New-York, 1854. fol. K6FLER ( Const.). Ueber die politische Reformbewegung in Deutschland im XV. Jahrhunderte, und den Antheil Bayerns an derselben. Miinchen, 1850. See Bav. Acad. Mem. vol. 1. KOHL (J. G.). Austria.... London, 1843. 8o. - Ireland, Scotland and England. London, 1844. 8~. Russia.... London, 1844. 8o. KOHLRAIUSCH (Frederick). A History of Germany, from the earliest period to the present time: trans. by James D. Haas. New-York, 1845. 80. C. L. KOLBEN (Peter). Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope. Coll. of Voy. vol. 2. KOLFF ( C. H.). Voyages of the Dutch Brig of War Dourga, through the Moluccan Archipelago, in 1825 and 1826: trans. by George W. Earle. London, 1840. 80o. KOLLAR ( Vincent). A Treatise on Insects injurious to gardeners, foresters and. farmers: from the German, by J. and M. Loudon; with notes, by J. O. Westwood. London, 1840. 120. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 53 418 NEW-YORK STATE KOLYN (Klaas). Geschicht-Historia of Rymchronik van den Heer Claas Kolyn.... beginnende met den simberschen vloed.... met.. historikundige Aantekeningen.. door Mlr. Gerard van Loon. Gravenhage, 1745. fol. KONING ( P. K.). Notice des Tableaux exposes dans le Palais des Beauxarts au profit des veuves... La Haye, 1842. Pam. vol. 99. B. C. KONINCK (L. de). Recherches sur les Animaux fossiles: Monographie des Genres Productus et Chonetes. Liege, 1847. 4o. KORAN ( A1). Manuscript, in Arabic. 80. Manuscript, in Arabic, with Cufic character. 180. The Koran: trans. from the Arabic, with Notes, and a Preliminary Discourse by George Sale. London, 1801. 2 vol. 80~..-...- The same. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 vol. 8~. B. C. Mahomet's Alkoran, door de Heer Du Elyer.. in de fransche taal gestclt.... Leyden, 1707. 18~. KORNER (C. T.). See Uhland, Songs and Ballads. KOROMANTYN ( The) Slaves; or West-Indian Sketches. London, 1823. 18~. W. C. 972. KORTHALS ( Dr. P. W.). Topographisehe Schets van een Gedeelte van Sumatra. Leyden, 1847. 80. KORTZ ( John). See History of Eudoxia, First Consort of Peter the Great. KossuTH (-Louis). Life, and his Speeches in England. London, 1851. 8~. - See New-York City, and De Puy (H.). KosTER ( Henry). Amelioration of Slavery. Pamphleteer, vol. 8. - Travels in Brazil. London, 1816. 4~. W. C. 537. Voyage dans le Bresil: trad. de l'anglois par M. A. Jay. Paris, 1818. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 538. KOTZEBUE ( Otto von). Voyage of Discovery into the South Sea and Beering's Straits, for the purpose of exploring a Northeast passage, 1815 - 18. London, 1821. 3 vol. 80. - A New Voyage round the World, in 1823 -26. London, 1830. 2 vol. 120. KOUBRAKIEWICZ ( M.), Ex-Austrian Functionary. Revelations of Austria. London, 1846. 2 vol. 120. KRABINGER ( J. G.). Die Classischen Studien und ihre Gegner. Miinchen, 1]853. See Bay. Acad. Mem. vol. 2. KRAEYVANGER (Everhard). Dichtlievende lente en Zomer. Delft, 1735. 40. KRAFFT (A.). See Vienna Imp. Library. KRAIJENIIOFF ( Baron). Precis Historique des operations geod6siques et astronomiques, faites en Hollande, pour servir de base a la topographic de cet etat. La Haye, 1827. 40. GENERAL LIBRARY. 419 KRAITSIR ( Charles V.), ]I.D. The Poles in the United States of America; preceded by the earliest History of the Slavonians, and the History of Poland. Philadelphia, 1837. 180..... — Significance of the Alphabet. Boston, 1846. 120. KRANZ ( A.). Catalogue of Geolog. and Min. Specimens for sale. Pain. vol. 92. KREBS (Rev. J. M.). Funeral Discourse of Rev. R. Birch, New Brunswick, 1842. Pami. vol. 82. KRUSENSTERN ( A. J. von). Voyage round the World, 1804-06: trans. from the German, by R. B. Hopper. London, 1813. 2 vol. in 1. 40. KUGLER (Francis). The Pictorial History of Germany, during the Reign of Frederick the Great; being a complete History of the Silesian campaigns and the Seven-year's war; with 500 original designs, by Menzel. London, 1845. 80. KuIUN ( Carl ). Ueber das Klima von Mlinchen. Miinchen, 1854. See Bav. Acad. Mem. vol. 2. KUHN ( C. G.). Medicorum Griecorum Opera quoe extant: editionem curavit C. G. Kuhn. Contains Galen, Hippocrates, Aretasus, Dioscorides. Lipsika, 1821 - 30. 27 vol. 80~. KUNSTMANN (F.). Afrika vor den Entdeckungen der Portugiesen. Mtinchen, 1853. See Bavy. Acad. Meem. vol. 2. KIUPFFER (A. T.). Correspondance 5Me6teorologique: Pub. trimestrielle de l'Admin. des mines de Russie, 1850. St. Petersbourg, 1851. Wit/I, Compte-rendu adresse & M. le Min. des finances, par le Directeur de l'Observatoire, 1850. St. Petersbourg, 1851. 1 vol. 4o. KUSSENDRAGER ( R. J. L.). Natuur- en Aardrijkskundige Beschrijving van het eiland Java. Groningen, 1841. 80. L. LABADIE ( Jean de), Pierre Yvon en Pierre du Lignon. Verklaringe des Geloofs der Evangelische en Gereformeerde Kerke. Herfort, 1672. 2 vol. in 1. 180. LABAG1H ( Rev. J. P.). Review of Dr. M'Clelland on Biblical Interpretation. New-York, 1842. Pam. vol. 93. LABANOFF ( Prince Alexander). Lettres, Instructions, et M6moires de Marie Stuart, Reine d'Ecosse: publi6s sur les originaux, etc. Londres, 1844. 7 vol. 80. LABARRAQUEJ ( A. G.). Instructions on the use of chlorides of soda and lime: trans. by G. Porter. New-Haven, 1851. Pam. vol. 7 i. LA BASTIDE ( Martin de). MeIdmoire sur un nouveau passage de la Mer du Nord'i la Mer du Sud. Paris, 1791. 80. W. C. 81. LABAT (J. B.). Nouveau Voyage aux Isles de l'Am6rique. Paris, 1722. 6 vol. 120. W. C. 539. ------ Voyage du Chevalier des Marchais en Guine6c, aux Isles'voisines, et a Cayenne, 1725 - 27. Paris, 1730. 4 vol. 120. W. C. 540. 420 NEW-YORK STATE LABAUME (Eugene). Circumstantial Narrative of the Campaign in Russia...... of which the author was an eye witness: from the French. Hartford, 1848. 80. LA BEAUMELLE (.V. A.). De l'Empire du Bresil, conside6r souns ses rapports politiques et commerciaux. Paris, 1823. 80. W. C. 86. LABILLARDII RE ( J. J.). Voyage a la Recherche de La Perouse, 17911794. Paris, 1800. 2 vol. 4o, with atlasfol. WY. C. 541. _ -—. Voyage in Search of La Perouse: trans. from the French. London, 1800. 2 vol. So, with atlasfol. WY. C. 542. LA BORDE ( Sieur de). Relation de l'Origine, moeurs, et coutumes des Caraibes. Paris, 1674. 4~. See Recueil de divers voyages. W. C. 788. LA BORDE (J. B. de). Histoire abregee de la Mer du Sud: composee pour I'6ducation de M. le Dauphin. Paris, 1791. 3 vol. 80. W. C. 117. LABORDE ( Le Comte Leon de). Debuts de l'Imprimerie a Strasbourg. Paris, 1840. 80. De l'Organisation des Bibliotheques dans Paris: Huitieime lettre. Paris, 1845. So. LA BROCQUIIRE (Bertrandon de). Travels to Palestine, and his return from Jerusalem over-land to France, 1432- 33: trans. by Thomas Johnes. Haford Press, 1807. 80. C. L. See also Early TraTvels in Palestine. LA CAMBRE et DESIRm-LIMBo uRG. Rapport presente a.... la Chambre des Representants.... sur les divers systemes de chauffage et ventilation adoptes'a Paris.... Bruxelles, 1845. -8o. LACEY (Rev. W. B.). Sermon, on Apprentices' Libraries. Albany, 1822. Pam. vol. 61. LA CHAMBRE ( Sieur de). Le Systieme de l'Ame. Paris, 1665. 120. LACKINGTON (J.). The Confessions of J. Lackington, late Bookseller at the Temple of the Muses, in a series of letters to a friend. London, 1804. 12o. ------- Hughes and Co. General Catalogue of books. London, 1821. 8.LA CoLoNIE ( J. Martin de). Trait8 sur diff6rentes matieres en morale instructive. 1736. 120. LA CONDAMINE ( C. M. de). Voyage dans l'Int6rieur de l'Amerique meridionale. Paris, 1745. 8". W. C. 247. ------ VVoyage de la Riviere des Amazones, avec une carte. Paris, 1749. 4o. ------- The same. Maestricht, 1778. 8o. Voyage k l'aIquateur, servant d'introduction historique a la mesure des trois premiers degres du m6ridien. Paris, 1751. 2 vol. 40. W. C. 248. LACONICS; or the Best Words of the Best Authors, with the authorities. Philadelphia, 1829. 3 vol. 18o. B. C. LACRtTELLE (1M.). Logique et Metaphysique. See Ency. Meth. W. C. 335. GENERAL LIBRARY. 421 LACRtTELLE JEUNE: French Revolution. See Rabaut. LACROIX (L. A. N. de). Geographie Moderne. Paris, 1773. 2 vol. 12o. W. C. 543. LA (De) CURNE de SAINT-PALAYE. Life of Froissart: trans. from the French, by Thomas Johnes. London, 1801. 12o. LADD ( Joseph Brown). Literary Remains, collected by his Sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Haskins; with his Life, by W. B. Chittenden. New-York, 1833. 80. B. C. LADE ( Robert ). Voyages... de l'Afrique, de l'Asie, et de 1'Am6rique: trad. de l'anglois. Paris, 1744. 2 vol. 12,. W. C. 544. LADIES' SOCIETY for Education at the West: Report, 1849. Pam. vol. 70. LADOUCETTE ( L. L. N. C.). De l'Influence des divers modes de location sur le produit des terres en France. Paris, 1844. 80. See Societe Philotechnique. LADVOCAT (L'Abb7e). Dictionnaire Historique-portatif; contenant l'Histoire des patriarches, des princes h6breux, des empereurs, des rois, et des grands capitaines.... Paris, 1755. 2 vol. 120. B. C. LAET (Joannes de). Beschrijvinghe van West-Indien. Tweede druck. Leyden, 1630. fol. The same. Leyden, 1630. fol. imperfect. ------ EIistoire du Nouveau Monde. Leyde, 1640. fol. W. C. 545. -~- Novus Orbis. Lugduni, 1633. fol. W. C. 546. Historie ofte jaerlijck verhael van de verrichtinghen der Geoctroyeerde West-Indische Compagnie.... Leyden, 1644. fol. Notro ad Dissertationem Hugonis Grotii de origine gentium americanarum; et Observationes aliquot ad meliorem indaginem difficillimm illius quvestionis. Amsterdam, 1643. 180. See Pison, de Medicina brasiliensi. LA FARELLE ( M. de). Coup-d'ceil sur le Regime repressif et penitentiaire des principaux etats de l'ancien et du nouveau monde. Paris, 1844. Pam. vol. 16. LAFARGE (Madame). Memoirs, written by herself. London, 1841. 2 vol. 120. LA FAYETTE ( Marquis G. M. de). M6moires historiques et Pieces authentiques sur M. de la Fayette, pour servir a l'histoire des revolutions. Paris, 1793. 8o. W. C. 354. Memoirs, Correspondence, and Manuscripts: published by his family. London, 1837. 3 vol. 80. Outlines of the principal events in his life. Pamphleteer, vol. 26. LApITAU (J. F.). Histoire des Dicouvertes et Conquetes des Portugais dans le Nouveau Monde. Paris, 1733. 2 vol. 4o. W. C. 547. ------ Mceurs des Sauvages Ameriquains, comparees aux moeurs des premiers temps. Paris, 1724. 2 vol. 4o. W. C. 548. 422 NEW-YORK STATE LAFON (Rev. Thomas), M.D. The Great Obstruction to the conversion of souls at home and abroad. New-York, 1843. Pain. vol. 36. B. C. LA FONTAINE ( Jean de). Contes et Nouvelles en vers. Amsterdam, 1764. 2 vol. 8i. Fables: illustrated by Grandville, and trans. by E. Wright, jun. Boston, 1841. 2 vol. 80. LAFORET ( N. J.). Civilisation Europeenne. See Encyc. pop. LA FORGE (Louis de). Traite de l'Esprit de l'Homme, de ses facult6s et fonctions. Paris, 1666. 40. LAGNY ( Germain de). The Knout and the Russians: from the French. New- York, 1854. 120. LAGUILLERMIE (M.). Atlas spheroidal, with 7 maps. Paris. 40. LA HARPE ( Bnard de). Historical Journal of the establishment of the French in Louisiana. See French, Hist. Coil. Louisiana, vol. 3. LA IHARPE ( J. F.). Lyc6e, ou Cours de Litterature ancienne et moderne. Paris, 1837. 2 vol. 8~. C. L. LA IHONTAN ( Baron de). Voyage dans l'Amerique septentrionale. A'msterdam, 1705. 2 vol. 120. W. C. 489. Voyage to North America: trans. from the French. 2d ed. London, 1735. 2 vol. 8). LAING (Malcolm). History of Scotland. 3d ed. London, 1819. 4 vol. 80. LAING (Samuel ). Journal of Residence in Norway. 2d ed. London, 1837. 80. - Tour in Sweden. London, 1839. 80. - Notes of a Traveller, on the social and political state of France, Prussia, etc. 2d ed. London, 1842. 80. The same. 80. B. C. Notes on the rise, progress and prospects of the Schisni from the Church of Rome, 1846. London, 1846. 12o. B. C. LAJAILLE ( De). Voyage au S6negal en 1784 et 1785; avec des Notes par P. Labarthe. Paris, 1802. 8o. LAKE ( J. N.). See lMaury's Principles of Eloquence. LA LANDE (J. J. F. de). Math6matiques. See Encyc. Meth. W. C. 335. LALEMANT (P. Jerome). Relation de cc qui s'est passe de plus remarquable es Missions en la Nouvelle-France, annees 1645, 46, 47, 48. Paris, 1647, 48, 49. 4 vol. 120. ~ Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable aux missions des Peres.... en la Nouvelle-France, es annees 1662, 63, 64. Paris, 1664, 65. 2 vol. 12o. Vol. 2, W. C. 549. - See also Relation, and Copie de deux lettres. LALLEMENT ( M.). Histoire de la Colombie. Paris, 1826. 80. W. C. 550. LALLY ( Count ). Memoirs; with an Account of his trial, condemnation and execution. London, 1766. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 423 LAMARCK (J. B. P. A. de). Conchology; with an illustrated introduction, by Edmund A. Crouch. London, 1827. 4o. Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Vertebres, etc.: 2 6edition, revue et augment6e par G. P. Deshayes et H. M. Edwards. Paris, 1835, 45. 11 vol. 80. LAMARTINE ( Alphonse de). History of the Girondists, or Personal Memoirs of the Patriots of the French Revolution. London, 1847. 3 vol. 120. - The same. New-York, 1847. 3 vol. 8. 8B. C. A Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, comprising recollections, sketches and reflections, made during a tour in the East. New-York, 1848. 2 vol. 12o. The same. 2 vol. 80. B. C....- Memoirs of my Youth. New-York, 1849, 80. History of the French Revolution of 1848: -trans. by F. A. Durivage and W. S. Chase. 2 vol. in 1. Boston, 1849. 120.......- History of the French Revolution of 1848. London, Bohn, 1849. 120. Raphael, or Pages of the Book of Life at twenty. New-York, 1849. 12o. History of the Restoration of Monarchy in France. New-York, 1851. 4 vol. 1.2o. --- History of Turkey. New-York, 1855. vol. 1. 120o. LA MARTINIkRE ( A. A. B. de). Le Grand Dictionnaire, geographique historique, et critique. Paris, 1739 -41. 6 vol. fol. W. C. 612. Histoire GeSnerale. See Puffendorff. LAMB ( Charles). Works. London, 1818. 2 vol. 120. Works; with his Letters, and Life, by T. N. Talfourd. NewYork, 1838. 2 vol. 80. B. C. Letters; with a Sketch of his Life, by T. N. Talfourd. London, 1837. 2 vol. 12). The Essays of Elia. 1st series. New-York, 1851. 120...... — Specimens of English Dramatic Poets who lived about the time of Shakspeare. London, Bohn, 1854. 12o. See Talfourd's Final Memorials of Lamb. LAMB ( R.). An Original and Authentic Journal of occurrences during the late American War, from its commencement to the year 17,83. Dublin, 1809. 80. Memoirs of his own Life, formerly a Sergeant in the Royal Welch Fusileers. Dublin, 1811. 80. LAMBERT and PERRY: Trial; with the Trial of William Cobbett for libel. New-York, 1810. Pam. vol. 7. B. C. LAMBERT (Caesar), J. Albert et S. Seguezzi. Trois Relations d'IEgypte. Paris, 1651. 40. See Relations veritables. W. C. 790. 424 NEW-YORK STATE LAMBERT (Claude-Franqois). Histoire Ge6nerale, civile, naturelle, politique, et religieuse de tous les peuples du monde. Paris, 1750. 14 vol. in 15. W. C. 551. LAMBERT (Edward R.). History of the original Colony of New-Haven, before and after the union with Connecticut; containing a particular description of the towns.... New-Haven, 1838. 120. LAMBERT (John). Travels through Canada and the United States, 180608. 3d ed. London, 1816. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 552. LAMBERT ( La Marquise de). (Euvres. Amsterdam, 1750. 120. LAMBRECHTSEN (N. C.). Korte Beschrijving van de Ontdekking en der verdere Lotgevallen van Nieuw-Nederland.. in America. Middelburg, 1818. 80. With Map of New-Netherland from Montanus. 2 copies...- -The same. 80. B. C. Aaanmerkingen voor der Vaderl. Hist. See Wagenaar. LAMBTON ( George F. D'Arcy). See Durham ( Earl of). LA MOTRAYE ( Aubry de). Travels through Europe, Asia and Africa: trans. from the French. London, 1723. 2 vol. fol. LA MOTTE ( A. H. de). Refiexions sur la Critique; avec plusieurs autres ouvrages. Paris, 1716. 120. ------ Odes. 2d ed. Paris, 1709. 12o. LAMOTTE (A.). Voyage dans le Nord de 1'Europe, consistant principalement de promenades en Norwege. Londres, 1813. 40. LAMPREDI. DU Commerce des Neutres en tems de guerre: trad. de l'italien, par J. Peuchet. Paris, 1802. 80o. W. C. 553. LANCASTER (Daniel). The History of Gilmanton, N. H. 1845. 80. LANCASTER ( Sir James). First Voyage to the East Indies. Coll. Voy. vol. 2. LANCASTER (Joseph). Epitome of.... his Life.... by himself. NewHaven, 1833. 80. Also Pain. vol. 99. LANDIS (John). Life of the Messiah: a Poem. 5th ed. New-York, 1851. 180. LANDMANN (Col.). Royal Engineers. Adventures and Recollections. London, 1852. 2 vol. 120. LANDMANN (George). Universal Gazetteer. London, 1840. 80. LANDOR (Walter Savage). Works. London, 1840. 2 vol. 80. Imaginary Conversations of Literary Men and Statesmen. 2d ed. London, 1826 - 28. 3 vol. 80. B. C. Imaginary Conversations. 2d series. London, 1829. 2 vol. 80.. - The same. 2 vol. 80. B. C. Popery, British and Foreign. Boston, 1851. 120. LANDSBOROUGII (Rev. D.). Popular History of British weeds. London, 1851. sin. 4~.....- Popular History of British zoophytes or corallines. London, 1852. sm. 4o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 425 LANDSEER (John). Sabvean Researches. London, 1823. 4o. LANDT ( Rev. G.). A Description of the Faroe Islands; their situation, climate and productions. London, 1810. 80. LANE ( Benjamin). The Mysteries of Tobacco; with an Introductory letter to Hon. J. Q. Adams, by Rev. S. H. Cox, D.D. New-York, 1845. 120. B. C. LANE (Edward W.). Modern Egyptians. See Library E. K. LANE (Rev. S. E.). Sermon: Temperance.. Abstinence, 1851. Galway, N.Y. Pam. vol. 82; also Muns. Paul. vol. 10. LANGDON ( William B.). See Chinese Coll. Cat. LANGEAC (M. le Chevalier de). Colomb dans les Fers.. epitre. Londres, 1782. 8~. W.. 554. LANGENDYK (P.). See Dutch Dramas. LANGOORNE ( John and William). See Plutarch's Lives. LANGON ( Baron L. L.). Evenings with Prince Cambace6rs, Second consul, etc. London, 1837. 2 vol. 80. LANGSDORFF ( G. HI. von). Voyages and Travels in various parts of the World, 1803 - 07. Carlisle, 1817. 80. The same. London, 1813. 40. LANGUAGE: Its connection with the present condition and future prospects of Man; by a Heteroscian. Providence, 1836. 120. B. C. LANGUET ( Hubert). See Sidney (Sir Philip), Correspondence. LANGWORTHY (Edward). Life and Memoirs of General Charles Lee. New-York, 1813. 120. LANKESTER ( Dr. Edwin). Vegetable Substances: Materials for manufactures, man, etc. See Lib. E. K...-.Memorials of John Ray. See Ray Society. LANMAN ( Charles). A Summer in the Wilderness, embracing a Canoe Voyage up the Mississippi and around Lake Superior. New-York, 1847. 18o, A Tour to the River Saguenay in Lower Canada. Philadelphia, 1848. 12'. Letters from the Alleghany Mountains. New-York, 1849. 12%. - lHaw-Ho-Noo; or Records of a Tourist. Philadelphia, 1850. 12o. - The Private Life of Daniel Webster. New-York, 1852. 120. LANMAN ( James H.). History of Michigan. New-York, 1839. 8o. LANZI ( Abate Luigi). History of Painting in Italy: translated from the Italian, by Thomas Roscoe. London, 1847. 3 vol. 12). LAON ( Jean), Sieur d7Aigremont. Relation du Voyage des Franqais au Cap de Nord en Amnerique. Paris, 1654. 120. W., C. 555. LA PALUELLE ( Roger A. de). Resolutions de plusieurs cas de conscience, et des plus importantes questions du barreau. Caen, 1]710. 80o [ GEN. LIn. 1855.] 54 426 NEW-YORK STATE LA PQROUSE ( J. F. G. de). Voyage autour du Monde, en 1785, 88 redig 5 par L. A. Milet-Mureau. Paris, 1797. 4 vol. 4~; atlas fol. W. C. 726. Voyage round the World, in 1785 -88: from the French. Londoi,) 1799. 2 vol. 40. W. C. 727. Voyage round the World, in 1785, 88: abridged from the French. Boston, 1801. 120. W. C. 728. LA PEYRtRE: Account of Greenland. Churchill, vol. 2. LA PEYROUSE BONFILS. See Bonfils ( De la Peyrouse). LAPIAMI (J. A.). Geographical and Topographical Description of Wisconsin. - ilwaukee, 1844. 120. Wisconsin; its geography, topography, history, geology and mineralogy. 2d ed. Milwaukee, 1846. 120. LA PLACE ( Capitaine). Circumnavigation de l'Artcmise, pendant les annees 1837 - 40. Paris, 1841 - 44. 3 vol. 80. LA PLACE (P. S.). (Euvres. Paris, 1843-47. 7 vol. 40. See Bowditch (N.), Commentaries on. LA PLATA. Articulos Reales para el gobierno.... de milicias en las provencias de la Plata. Madrid, 1801. 80. W. C. 748. LA POPELLINIERE ( L. V. de). Les Trois Mondes. Paris, 1582. 4o. W. C. 754. LAPOSTOLEST. Liturgie Arm6nienne. See Armenian Church. LA POTI-IERIE ( B. de). Histoire doe l'Amerique septentrionale. Paris, 1722. 4 vol. 120. W. C. 757. LAPOUYADE ( J. F.). Etude du Contrat de mctayage. Bordeaux, 1850. 80. LAPPENBERG (Dr'. J. iM.). Urkundliche Geschichte des Hansischen Stahlhofes zu London. Hamburg, 1851. 40. LARD (I Mrs.). The Banks of the Ohio: a Poem. Albany, 1823. Pam. vol. 8 1. LARDNER ([Dionysius). Cabinet Cyclopoodia. London, 1832 -42. 133 vol. 120. Contents 5. Bell's IIistory of Russia: 3 vol. 38. Gleig's Lives of Military Commanders: 3, - Lives of British Poets: 2 vol. 3 vol. 8. Brewster's Optics: 1 vol. 41. Grattan's History of the Netherlands: 9. Cooley's MIaritime and Inland Disco- 1 vol. very: 3 vol. 44. Heuslow's Treatise on Botany: 1 vol. 12. Crowe's History of France: 3 vol. 45. Herschel's Astronomy: 1 vol. 15. De Morgan on Probability: 1 vol. 46. — Preliminary Discourse: 1 vol. 16. Donovan's Chemistry: 1 vol. 85. Holland on Manufactures in metals: 17. - Domestic Economy: 2 vol. 3 vol. 30. Dunham's Spain and Portugal: 5 vol. 58. James's Lives of Foreign Statesmen: 1. - Lives of' British Dramatists: 2 vol. 5 vol. 19. - Sweden, Denmark and Norway: 67. Kater and Lardner's Mechanics: I vol. 3 vol. 63. Keightley's Outlines of History: 1 vol. 29. - History of Poland: 1 vol. 66. Lardner's Arithmetic: 1 vol. 26.- Germanic Empire: 3 vol. 47. - Geometry: 1 vol. 22.- Europe in the Middle ages: 4 vol. 64.- On Heat: 1 vol. 35.- Lives of British Writers: 1 vol. 65. Hydrostatics and Pneumatics: 53. Fergus's History of U. States: 2 vol. 1 vol. 42. Fosbrooke's Grecian and Roman An- 120. -. and Walker's Electricity, Magnetiquities: 2 vol. tism and Meteorology: 2 vol. 68. Forster, Mackintosh and Courtenay's 75. Mackintosh, Wallace and Bell's HisLives of British Statesmen: 7 vol. tory of England: 10 vol. GENERAL LIBRARY. 427 55. 3Montgomlery and Shelley's Lives of 99. Stebbing's History of the Church: Italian, Spanish and Portuguese 2 vol. Authors: 3 vol. 48. -- History of the Reformation: 128. Moore's History of Ireland: 4 vol. 2 vol. 88. Nicholas's Chronology of History: 122. Swainson and Shuckard on Insects: 1 vol. 1 vol. 89. Phillips's Treatise on Geology: 2 vol. 106. - Preliminary Dissertation: 1 vol. 132. Powell's History of Natural Philoso- 105. Classification of Animals: 1 vol. phy: I vol. 109. - Habits and Instincts of Animals: 95. Porter's Treatise on the MPanufacture 1 vol. of silk: 1 vol. 110. Quadrupeds: 1 vol. 91. -- Treatise on the Manufacture of 102. Birds: 2 vol. porcelain and glass: 1 vol. 107.- Fish and Reptiles: 2 xol. 50. Ronme, History of: 2 vol. 111. Shells and Shellfish: 1 vol. 92. Roscoe's Lives of' British Lawyers. 101. -- Aninmals in Menageries: 1 vol. 93. Scott's History of Scotland: 2 vol. 104. - Taxidermy and Bibliography: 36. Shelley's Lives of French Authors: 1 vol. 2 vol. 52. Switzerland, Itistory of: 1 vol. 96. Sisnmondi's Italian Republics: 1 vol. 112. Thirlwall's History of Greece: 8 vol. 97. - Fall of the Roman Empire: 2 vol. 133. Cities and Towns: I vol. 123. Southey's British Admirals: 5 vol. LARDNER (Dion.). Treatise on Arithmetic. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 66. - -- - -Treatise on Geometry. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 47. Treatise on Heat. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 64.. —.- Treatise on Hydrostatics and Pneumatics. Lardner's Cycl. vol, 65; and Lib. U. K. Nat. Phil. vol. 1. and Capt. Henry Kater. Treatise on Mechanics. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 67; and Lib. U. K. Nat. Phil. vol. 1. and C. V. Walker. Manual of Electricity, Magnetism, and Meteorology. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 120, 121. Investigation of the Causes of the explosion of the locomotive engine Richmond, near Reading, Pa. New-York, 1844. Pam. vol. 47, 74. Popular Lectures on Science and Art; delivered in the principal cities and towns in the United States. New-York, 1846. 2 vol. 80. Railway Economy: A Treatise on the new art of transport. NewYork, 1850. 120.......- Electric Telegraph popularized. London, 1855. 120. Account of Newton's Optics. See Lib. U. K. Nat. Phil. vol. 2. Museum of Science and Art. London, 1854, 55. 7 vol. 12,'. LARDNER (Nathaniel ),D.D. Works; with Life by A. Kippis, D.D. London, 1788. 11 vol. v~. The same. London, 1788. 11 vol. 80o B. C. -..- The same. London, 1827. 10 vol. 80. B. C. LARENA-UDIN RE ( M. Philippe de). Catalogue des Livres composant sa bibliotheque. Paris, 1846. 80. LA ROCHEFOUCAULT-LIANCOURT (Duc de). Voyage dans les Rtats-Unis d'Amerique, en 1795 - 97. Paris, 1798. 8 vol. 80. W. C. 808. Travels through the United States of North America and Upper Canada, in 1795 - 97: from- the French. London, 1799. 2 vol. 4o0 W. C. 809. 428 NEW- YORK STATE LA ROCHETILUAC ( Poncelin de). Almanac Americain, Asiatique et Africain. Paris, 1785. 120. W. C. 810. LARREY (PD. J.). Memoirs-of Military Surgery: from the French, with Notes, by R. W. Hall. 1st Am. ed. Baltimore, 1814. 2 vol. 80. LA RUE ( Pieter de). Geletterd Zeeland, bevattende in zig de schryvers, geleerden en kunstenaars uit dien staat geboortig. Middelburg, 1734. 4o. LA SAGRA ( D. Ramon de). Cinco meses en los Estados Unidos de la America del Norte, 1835. Paris, 1836. 80. Voyage en Hollande et en Belgique. Paris, 1839. 2 vol. 8o. B. C. LA SALLE ( Robert de). On...... taking possession of Louisiana. See French (B. F.), Hist. Coll. vol. 1. See Joutel's and Tonti's Accounts of his voyages. ----—. See Hennepin's Discovery of a vast country, etc.......- Memoir of an Enterprise which he has proposed.. respecting one of the provinces of Mexico. See Falconer ( Thomas). LAs CAsAs (Balth. de), Bishop. 0Z]uvres: precedees de sa Vie par J. A. Llorente. Paris, 1822. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 193. --— i — Decouverte des Indes occidentales, par les Espagnols. Paris, 1697. 12o. W. C. 192....- Newe Welt: Wahrhafftige Anzcigung der Hispanier grewlichen, abschewlichen tyrannei von ihnen inn den Indianischen Landern. Tr'ans. into German from the Spanish. 1597. 40. The same in Latin, 1578. See Bry ( T. de). Istoria o brevissima relatione della distruttione dell'Indie occidentali: trad. in ital. del Sig. G. Castellani. Venetia, 1630. 40o Spanish and Italian....- The same: Venet. 1630. WTith, La Libcrta pretesa dal supplice Schiavo Indiano. Venetia, 1640. 4o. Wi. C. 191. Spanish and Italian. LAS CASES (.Le Comte M. J. E. D. de). Memorial de Sainte-H6le'ne; ou Journal ou se trouve consigne, jour par jour, ~e qu'a dit et fait Napoleon durant dix-huit mois. Bruxelles, 1823, 24. 8 vol. 80. B. C. - Memoirs of the Life, exile and conversations of the-Emperor Napoleon. London, 1836. 4 vol. 120. LA SERRE (Chevalier de). Essais historiques et critiques sur la Marine de France, de 1661 a 1785. Paris, 1814. 8o. W. C. 847. LA SOTA ( J. Manuel de). Catecismo geografico, politico e historico de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay. Montevideo, 1815. 180. LASTBORN ( Aug. Th.). Genealogy of Noblemen in the Provinces of Swea and Gotha, since 1720. Upsal, 1842, 43. 2 vol. 80. LASTEYRIE (C. P. de). Treatise on the Culture, preparation, etc. of pastel, or woad.... trans. by H. A. S. Dearborn. Boston, 1816. 120. LASTRI (P. In.). L'Elogio di Vespucci. Firenze, 1786. 80. W. C. 556. LATERRADE ( J. F.). Flore Bordelaise et de la Gironde. Bordeaux, 1846. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 429 LATHAM (John), M.D. A General History of Birds. Winchester, 182124. 10 vol. 40. LATHAM ( R. G.), A. M., Prof. The English Language. London, 1841. 120. - An Elementary English Grammar. London, 1843.120. - First Outlines of Logic, applied to grammar. London, 1847. 12o. The Ethnology of the British Colonies and dependencies. London, 1851. 120. -- A Hand-book of the English language. New-York, 1852. 120. LATHROP ( John), D.D. Discourse, Soc. for Prop. the Gospel. Boston, 1804. 8o. LATHROP (John). See Nightingale, a periodical. LATHROP (John H.). A Few Brief Remarks touching Mr. C. O. Shepard, Hamilton Coil. 1837. Pam. vol. 73. - Eulogy on H. Clay, Madison, Wis. 1852. Pam. vol. 88..-... Inaug. Disc. See Univ. of Wisconsin. LATHROP (Joseph), D.D. Sermons: New series, with a memoir by himself. Springfield, Mass. 1821. 80. LATHROP (Rev. L. E.). Discourse, Death of J. Q. Adams, 1848. Pam. vol. 58. LATILLA ( Eugenio). A Treatise on fresco, encaustic, and tempera painting. London, 1842. 80. LaTOUR (A. L.). Historical Memoir of the War of 1812 in Louisiana.... trans. by H. P. Nugent. Philadelphia, 1816. 80. LATROBE (B. H.). Oration, Society of Artists of U. S. 1811. Philadelphia. Pain. vol. 8, 88. LATROBE (Charles Joseph). The Rambler in Mexico, 1834. New-York, 1847. 120. The Rambler in North America, 1832, 33. London, 1835. 2 vol. 120. Journal of a Visit in 1815 and 1816, to South Africa; with an Account of the missionary settlement of the United Brethren. NewYork, 1818. 80. LATROBE ( J. H. B.). History of Mason and Dixon's line. Philadelphia, 1855. 80. ---- Memoir of Benj. Banneker. See Maryland Hist. Soc. LATUDE ( Henri M. de). Life; with Account of the Bastille, and of his imprisonment thirty-five years. Pamphleteer, vol. 3. L'AuBESPINE (Sieur de). N6gociations, lettres et pieces diverses relatives au Reigne de Francois II, par Louis Paris. Paris, 1841. 40. See France, Docts. in6d. LAUD ( Archbp. William). The True Copy of a Letter sent.... to the University of Oxford, when he resigned his office of Chancellor.. and also the Answer of the University. Oxford, 1641. 40. 430 NEW-YORK STATE LAUxDERDALE ( Earl of). Inquiry into the Nature and Origin of public wealth. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1819. 8o. LAUDONNIERE ( Rene de). Histoire notable de la Floride, contenant les trois voyages faits in icelle par certains capitaines et pilotes francois: mise en lumiere par M. Basanier. Paris, 1586. 120. WX. C. 557. Brevis Narratio eorum quve in Florida Gallis acciderunt, 1563. Francofurti, 1691. fol. See Bry. W. C. 153. LAUJON (A. P. MI.). Precis Historique de la derniere exp6dition de SaintDomingue, 1802. Paris. 80. W.- C. 558. LAURAGUAIS ( le Comte de). Memoire sur la Compagnie des Indes, precede d'un Discours sur le commerce en gen6ral, 1769. See Comp. des Indes. W. C. 505. LAUREL Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia: Regulations, 1846. Pain. vol. 76. LAURENT (Auguste). Me'thode de Chimie. Paris, 1854. 80. LAURENT-DROUHIN. Cours pratique a l'usage des receveurs des communes et des ktablissemens charitables. Paris, 1842. 120o. LAUTS: Over het Geslacht Langeranus, 1840; Bijdrage tot de Ontdekkingen der Nederlanders, 1835; Teregtwijzing, 1839; Nog iets over Frederick Houtman, 1836; Opheldering wegens de ontdekking van Prinses-Mariannes-straat en Fredrik-iendriks-eiland, 1837. Pain. vol. 30. B. C. - Vrow Jakoba van Beijeren en Albrecht Beiling, 1838. Pam. vol. 31. B.C. LAVAL ( Le Pere). Voyage de la Louisiane, fait par ordre du Roi, on l'annee 1720. Paris, 1728. 4o. WT. C. 559. LAVAxYss E (S. J. D.). Voyage aux Iles de Trinidad, de Tobago, et de Venezuela, etc. Paris, 1813. 2 vol. 80. XW. C. 560. Description of Venezuela, Trinidad, Tobago. etc.: trans. from the French. London, 1820. 8o. W. C. 561. LAVENDEN (T.). The Travels of certain Englishmen to Syria and Asia Minor, 1605. Churchill, supp. 1. LAVILLE (J. J. de) et autres. See MIemoires des Commissaires. LAW ( John). Money and Trade considered; with a proposal for supplying the nation with money. Glasgow, 1750. 120. Mississippi, etc. Schemes. See Tafereel, etc. LAW (William). A Humble Address to the; Clergy; with a short account of his life. Hartford, 1796. 120. LAWRENCE ACADEMY, Groton: Catalogue of the Oficers and students, from its incorporation, 1848; with Catalogues of officers and students, 1 847 - 52; Catalogue of Library, 1850; and Catalogue of First Parish Library, 1844. 80. LAWRENCE (Abbot). Letter to the Hon. W. E. Rives of Virginia. Boston, 1846. 12o. LAWRENCE ( A. B.). See History of Texas. GENERAL LIBRARY. 431 LAWRENCE (Eugene). Lives of British Historians. New-York, 1853. 2 vol. 120. LAWRENCE (James), Capt. U.S.N. Biography; with an Account of the Action between the Chesapeake and Shannon. New-Brunswick, 1813. 18o. LAWRENCE (James). Strictures on the State of the Theatres, and on the degeneration of the drama, etc. Pamphleteer, vol. 2. LAWRENCE (W. B.). Colonization and Subsequent History of NewJersey: Discourse, Young Men's Assoc. New-Brunswick, in 1842. Somerville, 1843. 80. Pam. vol. 11. Two Lectures on Political Economy, New-York, 1832; with, Anniv. Discourse, N. Y. Hist. Soc. April, 1832: in 1 vol. 80. LAWRENCE (Amos). Extracts from the Diary and Correspondence of the late A. L.: ed. by W. R. Lawrence. Boston, 1855. 80. LAvs (The) of ETIQUETTE: by a Gentleman. Philadelphia, 1836. 18~. B. C. LAwsoN ( Rev. George). Lectures on the whole Book of Ruth; with other discourses. Albany, 1816. 120. B. C. LAWSON (John). History of Carolina; with a Journal of Travel among the Indians. London, 1714. 80. —.. A New Voyage to Carolina; containing the exact description of that country, and a journal of a thousand miles, travelled among the Indians. London, 1709. 40. With this is also bound, Cieqa, MIouette, Texeira, and Cauche's Travels. LAWSON ( Thomas). Meteorological Register. See United States Army. LAWYER (J. D.). Sermon before Cent. Conf. of Evan. Luth. ministers, 1845. Pam. vol. 82; also Muns. Pain. vol. 3. LAY ( G. Tradescent). The Chinese as they are; with Notes by E. G-. Squier. Albany, 1843. 8o. Muns. Pam. vol. 7. LAYARD (Austen Henry). Nineveh and its Remains..New-York, 1849. 2 vol. 80. Inscriptions in the Cuneiform Character, from Assyrian monuments, discovered by. London, 1851. fol. Discoveries among the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon; with Travels in Armenia, Kurdistan and the Desert. New-York, 1853. 80. LEA ( Lieut. Albert M.). Notes on Wisconsin Territory, with a map. Philadelphia, 1836. 18~. LEA ( Isaac),LL.D. Contributions to Geology. Philadelphia, 1833. 80. - Synopsis of the Family of the Naiads. 3d ed. Phil'a, 1852. 4~. Description of a new mollusk from the Red Sandstone, Pottsville, Pa. Philadelphia, 1855. 80. Fossil Foot-marks in the Red Sandstone of Pottsville, Pa. Philadelphia, 1855. fol. LEACH ( Dr. William Elford ). See Zoological Miscellany. 432 NEW-YORK STATE LEAKE (Isaac Q.). Memoir of the Life and Times of Gen. John Lamb, an Ofticer of the Revolution. Albany, 1850. 80o. LEAKE (Stephen MI.). An Historical Account of paper money, from the Conquest to the present time. 2d ed. London, 1745. 80. LEAKE (William MI.). Researches in Greece. London, 1814. 4O. ~ Journal of a Tour in Asia Minor; with Remarks on the ancient and modern geography of that country. London, 1824. 80. ------ Topography of Athens, with Remarks on its antiquities. London, 1824. 2 vol. 8-; plates 4o. —.- Travels in the Morea, with a map and plans. London, 1830. 3 vol. 80. LEAVITT ( Joshua). Cheap Postage: Remarks and Statistics on cheap postage and postal reform in Great Britain and the United States. Boston, 1848. 80. LEBAS (A.). L'Obelisque de Luxor: Histoire de sa translation i Paris.... Paris, 1839. 4. LE BEAUr ( C.). Avantures... ou Voyage parni les Sauvages de l'AmBrique septentrionale, et.... une description du Canada. Amsterdam, 1738. 2 vol. 180. LE BLANC ( i.). Manco-Capac: Trag6die. Paris, 1782. 12o. W. C. 109. LE BLOND (Guillaume). L'Arithmetique et la Geometrie de l'officier, contenant la th6orie et la pratique de ces deux sciences: with plates. Paris, 1748. 2 vol. 80. -. — Essai sur Ia Castramentation, ou sur la mesure et le trace des camps. Paris; 1748. 80. m- Emens de Fortification, a l'usage des jeaunes officiers. 2d ed. Paris, 1782. 120. B. C. The same. 5th ed. Paris, 1764. 80. LEBLOND ( J. B.). Description abreg6e de la Guyane Franeaise, etc. Paris, 1814. 80. W. C. 562. -------- Observations sur la Fievre jaune, et sur les maladies des tropiques. Paris, 1805. 8o. The same. 80. W. C. 563. LE BRUN ( Isidore). Tableau Statistique et Politique des Deux Canadas. Paris, 1835. 8-). LE BRUIN DE CHARMETTES. Etudes Francaises de litterature et de morale: Museum Litteraire. Paris, 1822. 2 vol. 80. B. C. LE BRUN ( P.). The History of Tekeli: trans. from the French, by Catharine B. Thompson. Albany, 1815. 120. B. C. LE CAT ( C. N.). Traite de la couleur de la peau humaine en ge6nrale, et de celle des negres en particulier. Amsterdam, 1765. 80. W. C. 198. LECKIE ( Gould F.). Essay on the Practice of the British Government. Pamphleteer, vol. 11. Historical Survey of the Foreign Affairs of Great Britain. London, 1810. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 433 LE CLERC (Joannes). Histoire des Provinces-Unies des Pays Bas, avec les principales m6dailles et lcur explication. Amsterdam, 1723 - 28. 2 vol. fol. Notes to Grotius, De Veritate. See Grotius (HI.). LE CLERC-CIIOUIN ( 0.). L'Agriculture de l'ouest de la France. Paris, 1843. 8o. LECLERCQ ( Le Pere Chrestien). Nouvelle Relation de la Gaspesie; qui contient les moeurs, et la religion des sauvages Gaspesiens Porte-Croix, adorateurs du soleil, et d'autres peuples de l'Amerique, dite le Canada. Paris, 1691. 120. LECOUNT (Peter). Treatise on Railways. London, 1839. 120. LE COUTEUX ( Edouard). Trait6 El]lementaire de l'Agriculture du Departement de la Seine. Paris, 1840. 12o. LECTURE on the Resurrection of the Body: by a Layman. Albany, 1851. 80. Muns. Pam. vol. 10. LECTURE (A) on Education; consisting of extracts from the most popular authors. Pam. vol. 25. B. C. LECTURES on Gold. See Jukes. LEDERER ( John). Discoveries in three several marches from Virginia, to the west of Carolina, and other parts of the Continent, in 1669 and 1670, with a map: trans. from the Latin, by Sir W. Talbot. London, 1672. 4o. LEDIARD ( Thomas). The Naval History of England, in all its branches; from the Norman Conquest in 1066, to the conclusion of 1734. London, 1735. 2 vol. fol. Histoire Navale d'Angleterre: traduit de l'anglois. Lyon, 1751. 3 vol. 40. W. C. 564. LE DOCTE ( Henri). Me3moire sur la Chimie et la Physiologie vege6tales, et sur l'agriculture. Bruxelles, 1849. 80. Expose general de l'agriculture luxembourgeoise. Bruxelles, 1849. 80. LEDOYEN'S Disinfecting Fluid: Report to the House of Commons on it, and on Sir W. Burnett's, in 1847 and 1848. fol. LEDRU (Andre-Pierrc). Voyage aux Iles de Tenieriffe, La Trinite, etc. pendant 1796 - 1798: Ouvrage accompagne de Notes par M'. Sonnini. Paris, 1810. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 565. LEDYARD (John). A Journal of Captain Cook's last Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, and in quest of a northwest passage between Asia and America, 1776 - 79....... Hartford, 1783. 120. LEE ( Bp. Alfred ). A Few Words in vindication of the Court of Bishops at Camden, N. J. 1853. Pam. vol. 96. LEE (Maj. Gen. Charles). Memoirs of his Life; with his political and military essays, and letters.... London, 1792. 80. Proceedings of the General Court-martial, for the trial of. Brunswick, N. J. July 4, 1.778. Cooperstown, N.Y. 1823. 80. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 55 434 NEW-YORK STATE - Memoir of. See Bunbury's Hanmer. LEE (Charles A.), M.D. Catalogue of the medicinal plants, indigenous and exotic, growing in New-York. New-York, 1848. 80. - The Elements of Geology. New-York, 1848. 180. LEE (D.) and J. H. Frost, Late of the Methodist Oregon Mission. Ten Years in Oregon. New-York, 1844. 12". LEE ( Gen. Henry). Funeral Oration in Honour of the Memory of George Washington, delivered at the request of Congress, in Philadelphia. See Pam. vol. 1; also Columbian-Phenix. Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department of the United States. Philadelphia, 1812. 2 vol. 80. LEE (Henry). Campaign of 1781 in the Carolinas, with Remarks on Johnson's Life of General Greene. Philadelphia, 1824. 8o. Observations on the Writings of Thomas Jefferson, with particular reference to the attack they contain on the memory of the late Gen. Henry Lee. New-York, 1832. 80. - The Life of the Emperor Napoleon, with an Examination of Sir Walter Scott's Life. Vol. 1. New-York, 1835. 80. LEE ( Rev. Jesse). A Short History of the Methodists in the United States, from 1766 to 1809. Baltimore, 1810. 12o.....- Memoirs; with extracts from his journals, by Minton Thrift. NewYork, 1823. 120. LEE ( Eliza Buckminster). Memoirs of Joseph Buckminster, D.D., and of his Son, Rev. Joseph Stevens Buckminster. Boston, 1849. 12o. LEE ( Mrs. R. Bowdich ). Memoirs of Baron Cuvier. New-York, 1833. 80. B. C. The same. 3d ed. New-York, 1847. 12'. LEE (R. H.). Memoir of the Life and Correspondence of Richard H. Lee, by his grandson, R. H. Lee. Philadelphia, 1825. 2 vol. 8. - Life of Arthur Lee. Boston, 1829. 2 vol. 8'. LEE ( Lieut. S. P.). Report and Charts of the Cruise of the U. S. Brig Dolphin. Washington, 1854. TVith vol. of plates. 2 vol. 80. LEE ( Capt. T. J.). Collection of Tables and Formulae useful in surveying. Washington, 1853. 85. LEEDS (W. H.), and Talbot Bury. Rudimentary Architecture. London, 1848. 2 parts in 1 vol. 120. LEEKE ( Dr. Robert ). Sermon, on War with Spain, 1740. Pam. vol. 189. LEEMANS ( Conradus), editor. See Aegyptische Monumenten. LEEMS (Knud). Account of Danish Lapland. Pinkerton, vol. 1. LEEUWEN ( Simon van). Batavia Illustrata; ofte Verhandelinge.... van Oud Batavien: rnitsgaders van den adel en regeringe van Hollandt: ten deele uyt W. van Gouthoven en andere schryvers, etc. Gravenhage, 1685.. fol. GENERAL LIBRARY. 435 LEEUWENHOEK ( Antoni van). Send-Breven aan de Kon. Soc. te London, en aan andere geleerde lieden over verscheyde Verborgentheden der Natuure. Delft, 1718. 4o. LEFrBURE (Louis). Methode signalementaire pour servir a l'etude du nom des plantes. Paris, 1814. 80. LE FEVRE (A. M.). Les Muses en France. Paris, 1750. 18o. LEFrVYRE (P. F. A.). Zuma: Tragedie. Paris, 1777. See Poemes sur l'AmIrique. W. C. 750. LEGARE ( Hugh S.). Life and Writings: edited by his Sister. Charleston, 1846. 2 vol. 80.....- Speech, H. of R. U. S., on Bank deposites, 1837. Pam. vol. 59. LEGATIONE ( De) Regis iEthiopix ad Clementem Pont. VII..... item de hominibus..... qui trogloditoo hodie esse putantur. See Robertus Mionachus. LEGENDS OF LAMPIDOSA; or the Seven Heroines. New-York, 1844. 80. Muns. Pam. vol. 7. LEGENTIL (M.). Nouveau Voyage autour du MIonde. Paris, 1725. 3 vol. 120. W. C. 566. LEGOETT ( Samuel), Pres. of Franklin Bank. Explanation and Vindication. New-York, 1831. Pam. vol. 54. LEGGETT (William). Political Writings; with a Preface; by Theo. Sedgwick jun. New-York, 1840. 2 vol. 120. Naval Stories. 2d ed. New-York, 1835. 180.See Critic (The). LEGION of Liberty and Force of Truth... 2d ed. New-York, 1843. 120. LEGOBIEN (C.). See Lettres edifiantes et curieuses. W. C. 567. L9GUAT (Francois). De Gevaarlyke en Zeldzame Reyzen.... met zyn byhebbend gezelschap naar twee onbewoonde Oostindische Eylanden, 1690 - 98. Als meede, De wreede mishandelingen door den Gouv. van Mauritius. Uyt het Frans. Utrecht, 1708. 40. LEHARDY DE BEAULIEIJ. Notice sur un systeme de ponts en fonte, a tablier suspendu. Bruxelles, 1845. 80. LE HERMITE. Voyage round the World. Kerr, vol. 10. LEHIGH Coal and Navigation Company, and Schuykill Navigation Company: Reports. Philadelphia, 1822 -45. 8o. Roport, 1847: Pam. vol. 53. Report, 1849: Pam. vol. 69. LEHMAN ( G. W.). Handboek ter Beoefening der Fransche Taal. French extracts. Dordrecht, 1819. 18o. B. C. LEIBNITZ (G. G.). Collectanea Etymologica, Illustrationi linguarum veteris celticae, germanicae, gallicoa aliarumque inservientia: cum priefatione Jo. Georgii Ebcardi. Hanoverae, 1717. 18~.; —--:See Memoires.... du Jugement de l'Academie. LEICESTER (Rev. Francis). Two Sermons on Universal Salvation, 1780. Paiu. vol. 28. 436 NEW-YORK STATE LEIDY (Joseph), M.D. A Flora and Fauna within living animals. Smithson. Contr. vol. 5. Memoir on the extinct species of fossil ox. Smithson. Contr. vol. 5; also Pam. 40. vol. 3. The Ancient Fauna of Nebraska. Smithson. Contr. vol. 6. Extinct Sloth tribe. Smithson. Contr. vol. 7. LEIGH ( Mrs.). System of curing stammering. Albany, 1826. Pam. vol. 20. B. C. LEIGH ( B. W.). Speech in Cong. on Mr. Benton's Expunging resolution. 1836. Pam. vol. 60. LEIGHTON (Jacobus). Disputatio medica de mente corporis imperatrice. Edinburgi, 1813. 80. LEIGHTON ( Rev. W. A.). On the British Species of the Lichens. See Ray Society. LEIPZIG STADTBIBLIOTHEIC: Katalog des Miinzkabinetes, 1853. 8o. LE JEUNE (Paul). Relation de ce qui s'est passe.... en la NouvelleFrance en 1635, 56, 57, 60, 61. Paris, 1638, 60, 62. 3 vol. 120. Relation.... en 1636. Paris, 1639. 120. WV. C. 568. LEKEUX (J.). Memorials of Cambridge: A Series of Views of the Colleges and other public buildings of the University and Town of Cambridge. London, 1845. 2 vol. 80. LELAND ( C. P.). Report of the Sacrifices of human victims in India. New-York, 1851. Muns. Pain. vol. 12. LELAND ( John). View of the Principal Deistical Writers in England. London, 1754. 3 vol. 80. LELAND (Rev. John). A Fashionable Fast-day Sermon, Cheshire, Vt. 1801. Bennington, 1801. 80. LELAND (Thomas). History of Ireland, from the Invasion of Henry II. London, 1773. 3 vol. 4o. History of Philip of Macedon. London, 1806. 2 vol. 80. - See Demosthenes, Orations translated. LE LONG (Isaac). Vervolg van de Wissel-styl tot Amsterdam. Amsterdam, 1729. WTith, Nieuwe Wissel-ordonnantie van G-eheel Ruszlandt, 1732. 180. B. C. LE MAIRE ( Jacques). Journal, et Miroir de la navigation australe. 161517. See Herrera. W. C. 471; also Linschoten. Speculum and Miroir. See Spilbergen ( G.). Journals of Voyages. Churchill, supp. 2. LE MASCRIER (J. B.). See Maillet's (De) Egypt; also Dumont's Louisiana. LE MERCIER ( Francois). Relation de ce qui s'est passe dans les Pays des Hurons es annees 1637 et 1638. See Le Jeune. W. C. 568. GENERAL LIBRARY. 437 --- Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la Mission des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle-France, es ann6es 1653 et 1654. Paris, 1655. 1.20. W. C. 625. Relation de ce qui s'est passe...... en la Nouvelle-France 6s ann6es 1664 et 166^5. Paris, 1666. 120. W. C. 626. - Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable aux Missions des Peres en la Nouvelle-France, 1666, 67, 69, 70. Paris, 1668, 1671. 2 vol. 120. See also Relation, etc. Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable en la NouvelleFrance, es 1667 et 1668. Paris, 1669. 120. W. C. 627. LIEMERCIER ( N. L.). L'Atlantiade; ou la Theogonie Newtonienne: Poeme. Paris, 1812. 80. W. C. 569. LPMrERY (Nicolaes). Woordenboek of algemeene verhandeling der Enkele Droogeryen: In't Nederduitsch gebragt door C. V. Putten en I. De Witt. Rotterdam, 1743. 40. 2 copies. LEMMONNIER ( C.). Synopsis of Nat. Hist. See Wyatt (T.). LEMOINE ( Stephen P.). Oration, March 1Z, 1819, before the Shamrock Friendly Association, New-York. Pain. vol. 27. LEMONNIER ( P. C.). M6moires concernant diverses Questions d'astronomie et de physique. Paris, 1781. 4o. W. C. 570. LEMOYNE DE 3IORGUES (Jacobus). Indorum Floridam inhabitantium icones et brevis narratio. Francoforti, 1609. fol. See Bry. W. C. 153. Brevis Narratio eorum qum in Florida Americe Provincia Gallis acciderunt, secunda in illam navigatione, duce Renato de Laudonniere classis proafecto: anno 1564. Francoforti, 1591. fol. See Bry, part 2. W. C. 153. LEMPRIk3RE ( J.). Classical Dictionary. 2d Am. ed. New-York, 1816. 8o. - Universal Biography, with Additions by E. Lord. New-York, 1825. 2 vol. 80. LE3IPRTMRE (William). Tour through Morocco. 3d ed. Newport, 1813. 80. LENDRUM (John). History of the American Revolution, etc. Boston, 1795. 2 vol. 12~. LENGLET DU FRESNOY (N.). Methode pour etudier l'histoire, avec un supplement. Paris, 1729-41. 6 vol. 4o. W. C. 571. LENNEP (David J. Van). Memoria Hieronymi de Bosch, Inst. Regii Belgici consessu; et Carmen de inventoa typographimn laude Kostero Harlemensi, auctore Eerm. Bosscha. Amstelodami, 1817. 4o. LENNIE (William). The Principles of English Grammar. 3d ed. Edinburgh, 1815. 180. -: — The same; with key. 15th ed. Edinburgh, 1834. 180. The same: 19th ed. Montreal, 1834. 180. LE NOIR (Albert). Statistique Monumentale de Paris: atlas, cartes, plans et dessins. Paris. 22, 23, 24, 25th parts; 28 plates. fol. - Architecture Monastique. See France, Docts. in6d. 41438 NEW-YORK STATE LENOIR (Alexandre). Parallele des anciens Monuuments Americains avee ceux de l'Egypte, de l'Inde.... Paris, 1834. See Antiq. Mex. W. C. 993. LE NORrMAND ( M'lle M. A.). Historical and Secret Memoirs of the Enmpress Josephine: from the French, by Jacob M. Howard. Philadelphia, 1848. 2 vol. 120. LEON (Antonio de). See Pinelo. LEONARD FAMrILY. See Reed (William). LEONARD ( Charles E.). The Mechanical Principia; containing calculations on water and steam power, and the machinery used in manufacturing. New-York, 1848. 12~. LEONARD ( Peter). The Western Coast of Africa: Journal of an Officer under Captain Owen; Records of a Voyage in the Ship Dryad, in 1830 - 32. Philadelphia, 1833. 120. LEONE (Abarbanel). Dialoghi di amore, composti per Leone medico, di natione hebreo, et dipoi fatto christianno. In Vinegia, Aldus, 1545. 180. T- he same. Vinegia, Aldus, 1552. 18'. LEONHARD (D?. Gustav). Grundziige der Bergbaukunde far schule und haus. Stuttgart, 1852. 80. LEO-WOLF (Joseph), M.D. Observations on the prevention and cure of hydrophobia. New-York, 1831. Pam. vol. 64. LE PAGE DU PRATZ (-M.). Histoire de la Louisiane. Paris, 1758. 3 vol. 120. W. C. 572. The History of Louisiana, or of the Western parts of Virginia and Carolina: from the French. London, 1763. 2 vol. 120. The same. London, 1774. 80. LE PERSKI (Iwan). Staats Verwisselinge van Russland. Haarlem, 1742. 180. LE PLAY (M. F.). Description de l'affinage par cristallisation. Paris, 1837. 80. LEPSIus (Dr. Richard ). Letters from Egypt, Ethiopia and the Peninsula of Sinai. London, Bohn, 1853. 120o. LE ROUGE (le Sieur). Introduction a la Geographie. Paris, 1748. 40. W. C. 573. LE ROUX DE LINCY ( i.). Les quatres livres des Rois: trad. en franqais du x:iie siecle. Paris, 1841. See France, Docts. ined. LE RoY D'}ITIOLLES, M.D. Histoire de la Lithotritie.. Paris, 1849. 8o. Recueil de Lettres et de M6emoires a l'Academie des Sciences, 1842, 43. Paris, 1844. 80. LE Roy ( P. L.). Narrative of Four Russian Sailors cast away in Spitzbergen. Pinkerton, vol. 1. LfRY (Jean de). Historia Navigationis in Brasiliam, qua et America dicitur: Gallice scripta, a Joanne Lerio. 2d ed. Genevae, 1594. 120. W. C. 574. GENERAL LIBRARY. 439...... Narratio suam profectionis in Brasiliam, 1592. See Bry, part 3. W. C. 153; also Benzoni (H.). LFE SAGE (A. R.). The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane: translated from the French, by T. Smollett. Hartford, 1831. 3 vol. in 1. 80. B. C. LESCALLIER (Daniel). Expose des moyens d'admiuistrer la Guyane. Paris, 1791. 8~. W. C. 575. Notions sur la culture des terres basses dans la Guyane. Paris. 8o. W. C. 576. LESCARBOT (Mare). Histoire de la Nouvelle-France; contenant les navigations, decouvertes et habitations faites par les Frangois es Indes occidentales et Nouvelle-France.... tWith 3 maps and " Les Muses de la Nouvelle-France." Paris, 1609. 120. LESLIE ( H. M.). Oration on Washington, 1800, at Hingham, iMass. Boston. Pain. vol. 47. LESLIE (Prof. Sir John). Progress of Mathematical and Physical science. See Encyc. Brit. Prelim. Diss. 5. - R. Jameson and Hugh Murray. Narrative of Discovery and Adventure in the Polar seas and regions. New-York, 1831. 120. B. C. The same. Edin. Cab. Lib. vol. 1. LESTER (C. Edwards). See Michelet, and Quinet, translations... —..- See Alfieri; also Ceba, translations. - The Glory and Shame of England. New-York, 1841. 2 vol. 120..-..- The Artist, Merchant, and Statesman. New-York, 1845. 2 vol. 120. and Andrew Foster. Life and Voyages of Americus Vespucius; with illustrations concerning the navigator, and the discovery of the New World. New-York, 1846. 80. - Artists of America: a Series of biographical sketches of American artists, with portraits.... New-York, 1846. 80. Sam Houston and his Republic. New-York, 1846. 80.......- Gallery of Illustrious Americans; containing the portraits and biographical sketches of twenty-four of the most eminent citizens of the American Republic, since the death of Washington. New-York, 1850. fol. L'ESTRANGE ( Sir Roger). See Seneca's Morals. LE SUIRE. Le Nouveau Monde: poeme. Paris, 1781. 2 vol. in 1. 160. W. C. 885. LESUR (C. L.). Annuaire Historique, pour les annees 1818 - 24. Paris, 1819 - 25. 7 vol. 89. W. C. 577. LET NOT the Faith, nor the Laws of the Commonwealth (Pennsylvania) be violated. Pam. vol. 182. LE TELLIER (C. C.). See L'Homond, Grammaire frangoise. LETI ( Gregorio). L'Italia Regnante. Geneva, 1676. 4 vol. 180. - Het Leven van Don Pedro Girona, Hertog van Ossuna. Dordrecht, 1731. 2 vol. 180. 440 NEW-YORK STATE _- RIet Leven van Filips den II, Koning van Spanje: from the Italian. 4 parts. Amsterdam, 1733. 4 vol. 18o. LETTER to the Author of the Confessional.... London, 1768. Pam. vol. 126. LETTER to the Archbishop of Canterbury, on the expediency of revising the authorised version of Scriptures: by an Essex Rector. Pamphleteer, vol. 13. LETTER to Lord Byron, with animadversions upon his writings and absence from his country. Pamphleteer, vol. 19. LETTER ( A) from a Gentleman at the Court of St. Germains, to one of his friends in England; containing a memorial about methods for setting the pretender on the throne of Great Britain... London, 1710. Paim. vol. 138. LETTER (A) from South-Carolina, giving an account of the soil, religion.... by a Swiss gentleman. 2d ed. London, 1718. 12~. LETTER to Caleb D'Anvers on his proper Reply to a late scurrilous libel, entitled Sedition and Defamation displayed. London, 1731. Pam. vol. 130. LETTER to the Freeholders of Great Britain. London, 1733. Pam. vol. 130. LETTER to the Rev. Dr. Codex, on the subject of his Instruction to the Crown. 1734. Pams. vol. 130. LETTER from an absented Member, showing his reasons for retiring into the country. London, 1739. Pam. vol. 123. LETTER to a Friend in the Country, upon occasion of the many scurrilous libels lately published. London, 1743. Pam. vol. 124. LETTER to the Rev. Thomas Jones. London, 1755. See Clune. LETTER (A) from Candor to the Public Advertiser. 3d ed. London, 1770. See Polit. Tracts, vol. 1. LETTER to the Earl of Hillsborough, the Archbishops, etc., on the late subversion.... of the glorious Revolution.... by appointing persons holding the Roman Catholic religion to offices in RI. M. Islands of Grenada, etc.: by Pliny, junior. London, 1770. Pam. vol. 114. LETTER concerning libels, warrants, the seizure of papers, etc. London, 1771. Pam. vol. 114. LETTER to Rev. John Wesley, occasioned by his Calm Address to the American Colonies: by Americanus. London, 1775. Pam. vol. 118. The same. Bristol, 1775. Pam'. vol. 117. LETTER to the People of Great Britain, in answer to that published by the American Congress. London, 1775. Pam. vol. 118. LETTER to the Rt. Hon. Lord Viscount Howe, on his naval conduct in the American war. London, 1779. 8~. LETTER to the Earl of Shelburne, on the Peace. 3d ed. London, 1783. Pain. vol. 121. LETTER to the.... Belfast.... Volunteers: by a member of Parliament. 3d ed. London, 1783. Pam. vol. 137. GENERAL LIBRARY. 441 LETTER to Lord Beauchamp, on his Letter to the Belfast Volunteers. London, 1783. Pam. vol. 137. LETTER to the Livery-men of London, on an equality in the right of election. London, 1783. Pain. vol. 137. LETTER to the Rev. Sir T. Broughton. London, 1784. Pam. vol. 13. LETTER to the Prince of Wales, on a second application to Parliament to discharge his debts. Boston, 1795. Pam. vol. 30. LETTER (A Second Plain) to H. R. H. the Prince of Wales, wherein his plain duties to himself, his wife, his child, and to the country, are more plainly shown than in the first. London. Pam. vol. 140. LETTER to William Roscoe, on the War with France. New-York, 1808. Pam. vol. 57. LETTER to the Iton. John Randolph, by Numa. 1810. Pam. vol. 40. LETTER to a Member of Congress, on the subject of a Biritish war. Providence, 1812. Pam. vol. 37. LETTER on the incorporation of a new college of physicians. Boston, 1812. Pam. vol. 37. LETTER from a Congregationalist to a friend, on the subject of joining the new Episcopalian Church. Boston, 1820. Pam. vol. 8. B. C. LETTER to the Livery of London, being a criticism of.... the several candidates at the late election.... by one behind the scenes. London, 1820. Pam. vol. 139. LETTER to the Legislature of Alabama, on chartering a bank like the Union Bank of Louisiana. New-York, 1832. Pam. vol. 54. LETTER to G. C. Verplanck, on the reform of the judicial system of this State: by a Member of the N.Y. Bar. 1839. Pam. vol. 36. B. C. LETTER on the use and abuse of incorporations. New-York, 1827. Pam. vol. 75, 154. LETTER to the Hon. J. C. Calhoun, on the Annexation of Texas. Cooperstown, N.Y. 1844. Pam. vol. 43. B. C. LETTER on the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church. New-York, 1847. Pam. vol. 76. LETTER to the Synod of Albany, on Dancing: by Clericus, 1847; with Reply to Clericus, 1848, and Rejoinder to Clericus. Pam. vol. 65; also Clericus' Letter, Pam. vol. 90. LETTER to the Edwards Congregat. Church. Boston, 1853. Pam. vol. 93. LETTER from a Jew to a Christian, occasioned by the recent attacks on the Bible. Pamphleteer, vol. 16. LETTERS and MESSAGES between the King, Queen, Prince and Princess of Wales, on occasion of the Birth of the young Princess. London, 1737. Pam. vol. 130. LETTERS on the Spirit of Patriotism; on the Idea of a patriot king, and of the state of parties at the accession of King George the First. London, 1739. Pam. vol. 134. LETTERS on Mr. Hume's History of Great Britain. Edinburgh, 1756. 80. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 56 442 NEW-YORK STATE LETTERS to the People of England, on the present situation and conduct of national affairs; bound Zup with, A full and particular answer to the fourth of the above letters. London, 1756. Pam. vol. 135. LETTERS (Three) to a Member of Parliament, on the subject of the present dispute with the American Colonies. London, 1775. Pam. vol. 118. LETTERS on Political Liberty. London, 1782. Pam. vol. 137. LETTERS (Three) to the People.... on the late changes of administration. London, 1785. Pam. vol. 137. LETTERS; containing a correct and important elucidation of the subject of Mr. Hasting's impeachment, which originally appeared in the Oracle. London, 1790, 8:. LETTERS to the Assoc. Reformed Synod: by a Synodical friend. 1798. 80. LETTERS of Philadelphus to Caleb Strong, on War, 1818. Pam. vol. 9. LETTERS addressed to the Editor of "A Collection of Essays on the subject of Episcopacy, which originally appeared in the Albany Centinel." Albany, 1806. Pam. vol. 9. B. C. LETTERS from Washington, with Sketches of Public Characters: by a Foreigner. Washington, 1818. 120. W. C. 578. LETTERS to W. E. Channing, on the existence and agency of fallen spirits: by Canonicus (W. Shedd ). Boston, 1828. 80. B. C. LETTERS of an English Traveller to his Friend in England, on the " Revivals of Religion " in America. Boston, 1828. 18o. B. C. LETTERS on the College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y.: by Graviora Manent. New-York, 1841. Pam. vol. 87, 98. LETTRE a Madame.... sur l'emeute populaire excitee au Perou en 1739, contre les Academiciens des Sciences, envoyes pour la mesure de la Ier.i. I aris, 1746. ~ o. W. C. 730. LETTRES de l'Armee en Egypte au governement francois, interceptees par la Corvette de S.M.B. El Vincejo: publiees par autorite, in. French and Italian. Venezia, 1800. 180...... Copies of Original Letters from the Army of Gen. Bonaparte in Egypt, intercepted by the fleet under Admiral Nelson: in English and Italian. London, 1799. 5 parts, in 1 vol. 180. LETTRES d'un Francois a un Hollandois, au sujet des difflrends survenus entre la France et la Grande-Brbtagne, touchant leurs possessions respectives dans l'Amerique septentrionale. 1755. 12o. W. C. 579. LETTRES Edifiantes et Curieuses, ecrites des Missions etrangeres par quelques missionnaires doe la Compagnie de Jesus. Paris, 1717- 76. 34 vol. in 33. 120. LETTRES Edifiantes et Curieuses, ecrites des missions etrangeres: edition publiee par l'Abbe de Qeterbeuf. Lyon, 1819. 14 vol. 8o. W. C. 567. LETTRES (Nouvelles) E]difiantes des Missions de la Chine et des Indes orientales. Paris, 1818-23. 8 vol. 120. - (Nouvelles) des Missions, extraites des Lettres edifiantes et curieuses: Missions de l'Amerique. Paris, a la Soc. Cath. des bons livres, 1827. 180. GENERAL LIBRARY. 443 See also MlImoires (Nouveaux), Relations and Litterme annuse. LETTSOMr ( John C.). Hints, designed to promote beneficence, temperance, and medical science. London, 1801. 3 vol. 80. LEUCHARS ( Robert B.). A Practical Treatise on the construction, heating and ventilation of hot-houses. Boston, 1851. 8~. L'EuRE. See Socie6t libre d'Agriculture de l'Eure. LEUSDEN (J.). See Bible, Novum Testamentunm. LEUTRE ( C. de). Revolution Belge, 1850. See Encyc. pop. LE VAILLANT (Franqois). Voyage dans l'intierieur de l'Afrique, par le Cap de Bonne Esperance. Paris, 1790. 2 vol. in 1. 80. Travels in the Interior Parts of Africa, by the way of the Cape of Good Hope, in the years 1780 - 85. 2d ed. London, 1795. 2 vol. 80. - Eistoire Naturelle des Oiscaux d'Afrique. Paris, 1799- 1808. 6 vol. fol. LEVASsEuR (A.). Reise des General Lafayette durch Amerika, in 1824 und 1825: ~und tibersetzt von A. Levasseur, geb. Zeis. Naumburg, 1829. 2 vol. 80. LEVEN (Het) van Tyll Uilenspiegel. In Holland, 1790. 80. LEVERETT (F. P.). A New and Copious Lexicon of the Latin Language, compiled chiefly.... from Facciolati and Forcellini.... Scheler and Linemann... with the classical distinction of words, and the etymological index of Freund. Boston, 1850. 80. LEVERRIER ( U. J.). Theorie du mouveiment Cd Mcrcure. Paris, 1845.0o. LEVETT (C.). A Voyage into New-England, 1624. See Maine Hist. Soc. Coll. vol. 2. LEVINUS Apollonius. See Apollonius. LEVIS ( Jeremy). See Sixty Years of the life of. LEWIS (Alonzo). History of Lynn, including Nahant. 2d ed. Boston, 1844. 80. LEWIS ( G.). Impressions of America and the American Churches. Edinburgh, 1845. 12~. LEWIS (Isaac). Se m n, eJohn xv, 5. Pam. vol. 56. LEWIS ( John). Tables of the comparative etymology and analogous formations in the Greek, Latin, Spanish, Italian, French, English.:nl German languages: the Greek, by G. Long; the German, by Dr. G. Blattermann. Philadelphia, 1828. 40. The Essentials of English Grammar. New-York, 1828. 240. LEWIS ( Meriwether), and WT. Clark. History of the Expedition to the Sources of the Missouri.... 1804-06: prepared for the Press by Paul Allen; with the Life of Captain Lewis, by President Jefferson. Philadelphia, 1814. 2 vol. 80. Journal to the Rocky Mountains, 1804- 06. See Cass. Travels to the Source of the Missouri river, and across the American continent to the Pacific ocean, by order of the U. S. Government, 1804 - 06. London, 1814. 4~. 444 NEW-YORK STATE LEWIS (Tayler), LL.D. Discourse, Burlington University, Vt. 1839. New-York, 1839. Pam. vol. 101. See Plato, against the Atheists. The Six Days of Creation; or the Scriptural Cosmology. Schenectady, 1855. 12o. LEXICON GRECUuM, et Institutiones Lingusa Graecm, ad sacri apparatus instructionem, Antverpiae, 1572. With, Dictionarium Syro-chaldaicum, Guidone Fabr. Boderiano collectore et auctore, Antverpise, 1572; 2, Graml. Ling. Syricm, auctore A. Masio; 3, Thesauri Hebr. Ling. Pagnino Lucensi conscripti epitome: Antverpise, 1572. fol. LEXINGTON PAPERS; or Some Account of the Courts of London and Vienna, at the conclusion of the 17th century: from the official and private correspondence of Robert Sutton, Lord Lexington; ed. by H. M. Sutton. London, 1851. 8~. LErYDEN ACADEMY. See Fabricius (F.); also Schultens (A.), Maatschappij, and Nederlandsche. Lnr... (L. F.). Le Champ-d'asile: Tableau topographique et historique du Texas, par L. F. F. Lh ~ ~ de l'Ain. Paris, 1819. 80. W. C. 895. LHERBETTE (A. J.). De la Liberte6 commerciale, et de la Redforme de nos lois de douanes. Pam. vol. 10. Le Fonctionnaire-citoyen; ou Quelques Mots sur la nature des fonctions publiques, et sur les devoirs qu'elles imposent. Pamn. vol. 10. L'HOMOND (Jil.). Grammaire Franqoise, a u'nsage des Lycees: Revue par C. C. Le Tellier. Paris, 1805. 120. B. C. LIAGRE (L.). Geometrie et topographie. See Encyc. pop. LIBERIA: Constitution, Government and Laws, 1825. Pam. vol. 17. B.C. Constitution and Laws, and Addresses of the Colonists. Philadelphia, 1848. 80. LIBERAL (The): Verse and Prose from the South. 4 Nos. Ed. by Leigh Hunt and Lord Byron. London, 1822 - 23. 80. LIBERTIN (Le) devenu vertueux, ou Me6nioires du Conte D***. Londres, 1777. 2 vol. in 1. 120. "LIBERTY." New-York, 1837. pp. 238. Pam. vol. 185. LIBRARY ( The) and GARDEN. Buffalo, Ap. 1853. See Period. 40. vol. 1. LIBRARY ASSOCIATION Reports. Pam. vol. 169, 170. LIBRARY COMPANY of Philadelphia: Notes for a History of, 1835. 40. Catalogue of the Library. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 vol. in 1. 8o.. —--- First and Second Supplements to the Catalogue, 1844, 1849. 1 vol. 80. LIBRARY OF ENTERTAINING KNOWLEDGE. London, 1846, 7, 8. 43 vol. 12~. Contents: 1. China and the Chinese; by Sir John F. Davis. 2 vol. 2. Pompeii. 2 vol. 3. Backwoods of Canada, and the Oregon Territory; by Mrs. Traill. 4. Paris, and its Historical Scenes. 2 vol. GENERAL LIBRARY. 445 5. New-Zealanders. 1 vol. 6. The Hiindoos. 2 vol. 7. E. W. Lane's Modern Egyptians. 2 vol. 8. G. L. Craik: Pursuit of Knowledge under difficulties. 2 vol. 9. Secret Societies of the Middle Ages. 1 vol. 10. D. Jardine: Criminal Trials. 2 vol. 11. J. H. Malkin and others: Historical Parallels. 2 vol. 12. Biographies of Eminent Men. 4 vol. 13. G. Long: Egyptian Antiquities. 2 vol. 14. Sir H. Ellis: Townley Gallery. 2 vol. 15. - Elgin and Phygalian Marbles. 2 vol. 16. J. R. Planche: British Costume. 1 vol. 17. Menageries; by Ogilby, Marten, and Charles Knight. 4 vol. 18. Birds: Habits, faculties, and architecture; by Rev. J. Rennie. 3 vol. 19. Insects:Transformations, architecture, and miscellanies; by Rev. J. Rennie and J. 0. Westwood. 3 vol. 20. Vegetable Substances: Materials for manufactures, timber, trees and fruits, and food for man; by Dr. Lankester, J. R. Porter and others. 3 vol. LIBRARY OF ILLUSTRATED STANDARD SCIENTIFIC WORKS. See Muiilller (J.), Weisbach, and Knapp (F.). LIBRARY OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE: published by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. London, 1829 - 43. 27 vol. 8~. Contents 1. Natural Philosophy: by Lord Brougham; Dr. Lardner; Messrs. Milligan, Ogg, Pritchard, Rothman, E. Lloyd, H. J. Lloyd; Drs. Brewster, Traill, Roget, Lindley, S. Smith, A. T. Thompson; Prof. Daniell, Sir B. Malkin, Sir C. Bell, Lord Wrottlesey, Mrs. Marcet. 1829 - 38. 4 vol. 2. Mathematics: by De Morgan, J. D. Bethune, Morton, W. Hopkins, S. W. Waud. 1836. 2 vol. 3. Calculus: by De Morgan. 1842. 1 vol. 4. Annuities: by D. Jones; with Essay on Probability, by J. D.Bethune. 1843. 2 vol. 5. Biography, 1 vol. viz: Galileo, by J. D. Bethune. Kepler, by J. D. Bethune. Newton, by Dr. H. Elphinstone. E. Coke, by E. P. Burke. Mahomet, by J. A. Roebuck. Lord Somers, by D. Jardine. Wolsey, by A. E. Thomson. Niebuhr, by Mrs. Austin. W. Caxton, by - Stephenson. Sir C. Wren, by H. B. Ker. Adam Smith, by W. Draper. M. Angelo, by T. Roscoe. Admiral Blake, by J. Gorton. 6. Account of Bacon's Novumn Organum: by Rev. Dr. Hoppus. 7. History of Spain and Portugal: by M. M. Bush. 1833. 8. History of the Church: by Rev. G. Waddington. 1833. 9. History of Greece: by F. Malkin. 1829. 10. History of France, 843 to 1529: by Rev. E. Smedley. 1836. 11. History of the Literature of Ancient Greece: by K. O. Muller. Vol. 1; vol. 2, nos. 325, 331, 346, 351. 1840. 12. History of Switzerland: by A. Vieusseux. 1846. 13. Geography of America and the West Indies: edited by Prof. Long..1841. 14. Art of Brewing: by D. Booth; nos. 1, 2, 3, 4. With, Art of Wine-making. 1834. 15. Outlines of General History: by T. F. Ellis. Nos. 27, 85. 16. History of the American Revolution: by Rev. Dr. Shepherd. 17. History of Rome: by Prof. Malden and W. B. Donne. 18. On Commerce: by J. R. M'Culloch. 4 nos. 19. On the Manufacture of iron: by Needham. 446 NEW-YORK STATE 20. Geography of Great Britain: by Prof. Long and G. R. Porter. 4 nos. Incomplete. 21. History of Rome under the Emperors: by Rev. C. Merivale. Augustan age, part 3. 1843. 22. History of England under the Stuarts, James I., Charles I.: by Rev. Dr. Vaughan. 1840. For Farmer's Series, see Youatt on the Horse; on Cattle, sheep, etc. See Gallery of Portraits. LIEBER (Francis). Popular Essay on subjects of penal law, and on solitary confinement. Philadelphia, 1838. Pam. vol. 164. A Constitution and Plan of Education for Girard College, for orphans. Philadelphia, 1834. 80. Letters to a Gentleman in Germany, written after a trip from Philadelphia to Niagara. Philadelphia, 1834. 8o.. —.. Reminiscences of Intercourse with Mr. Niebuhr the Historian, at Rome, in 1822 - 23. Philadelphia, 1835. 120. Remarks on the Relation between education and crime; with some observations by N. H. Julius of Hamburg. Philadelphia, 1835. Pam. vol. 164. - Manual of Political Ethics. Boston, 1838 - 1839. 2 vol. 80. The same. Part 1. London, 1839. 8. B. C. On the Vocal Sounds of Laura Bridgman. Smithson. Contr. vol. 2. Great Events, described by distinguished historians, chroniclers and other writers, collected and in part translated. New-York, 1847. 120. - Essays on Property and Labor. New-York, 1847. 180..-.- See Bastiat, Sophisms of protective policy. See Beaumont; also Encycl. Amer. LIEBER ( Oscar M.). The Assayer's Guide; or Directions to assayers, miners and smelters. Philadelphia, 1852. 120. LIEBERKUHN ( Rev. Samuel ). History of our Lord: trans. into the Delaware Indian Language, by David Zeisberger. New-York, 1821. 120. LIEBIG ( Justus von). Organic Chemistry in its application to agriculture and physiology; with notes, etc. by John W. Webster. Cambridge, 1841. 120. Chemistry in its applications to agriculture and physiology: ed. from the manuscript of the author, by L. Playfair and W. Gregory. From 4th Lond. ed. New-York, 1847. 120~. -- Familiar Letters on Chemistry, in its relation to physiology, dietetics, agriculture.... 3d ed. London, 1851. 120. Relations of Chemistry to agriculture, and the agricultural experiments of Mr. J. B. Lawes: trans. by S. W. Johnson. Albany, 1855. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 447 LIGHTON (W.,B.). Autobiography and Reminiscences. Albany, 1854. 120. LIGHTS and SHADOWS of German Life.;Philadelphia, 1833. 2 vol. 120. B. C. LIGON (Richard). Histoire de l'Ile des Barbades.... trad. de l'anglaiso Paris, 1674. See Recueil de divers voyages. W. C. 788. LIGTDAL ( Karel van). Le Despotisme de la Maison d'Orange prouve par l'histoire. En IHollande, 1785? 80. LILLIE (A.), D.D. Canada, physical, economic and social. Toronto, 1855 120. LILLY (Lambert). The Early History of the Southern States, Virginia, North and South-Carolina, and Georgia. Boston, 1852. 120. LIMBURG (Duchy of). Memoire over de Betrekkingen van het Hertog-:dom Limburg. Gravenhage, 1848. 80. LIMIERS (3M. D.). See Chevigni, Science des personnes de la cour. LINACRE (Thomas). De emendata structura latini sermonis libri sex. Venetiis, Aldus, 1557. 120o. LINCOLN ( Mrs. Almira H.). Familiar Letters on Botany. See Phelps. LINCOLN ( D. W.). Oration, Bunker Hill Association, 1810. Pam. vol. 42. LINCOLN (William). History of Worcester, MIass. Worcester, 1837. 8~. - and C. C. Baldwin. See Worcester Magazine. LINDA (Lucas de). Descriptio orbis et omnium. ejus rcrumpublicarum. Amstelodami, 1665. 80. W. C. 580. LINDLEY (John), F.R.S. Orchidearum Sceletos. London, 1826. 8~. Introduction to the Natural System of Botany; with Appendix, by John Torrey. 1st Am. ed. New-York, 1831. 80. and William Hutton. Fossil Flora of Great Britain; or figures and descriptions of the vegetable remains found in a fossil state in that country. London, 1831- 33. 3 vol. 80. Nixus Plantarum, 1833; 2, Lecture, Univ. London, 1829; 8, Cultivation of Fruit trees. Pam. vol. 188.:-~ The Vegetable Kingdom; or the structure, classification and uses of plants, illustrated from the Natural System. London, 1846. 80. Theory of Horticulture; with Notes, by A. J. Downing and A. Gray. New-York, 1841. 120. ------- The same. 2d ed. London, 1855. 80. Pomologia Britannica; or figures and descriptions of the most important varieties of fruit cultivated in Great Britain. London, 1841. 3 vol. 80. Outlines of Botany; chiefly extracted from Lindley's elements, and lithographed for the lectures of Dr. Torrey. IN. York? 1842. 80..-..... Botany. See Lib. U. K. Nat. Phil. vol. 4. 448 NEW-YORK STATE LINDLEY (Thomas). Narrative of a Voyage to Brazil, with a Description of the Province of St. Salvadore. London, 1805. 80. LINDSAY (Lord). Lives of the Lindsays; or Memoir of the Houses of Crawford and Balcarres. London, 1849. 3 vol. 80. LINDSEY (Theophilus). Conversation on the Divine government. London, 1802. 80.. --- ~ The Catechist; or Inquiry into the doctrine of the scriptures. London, 1818. 180. LINDSIY (Philip ). Plea for Princeton Theol. Sem. Trenton, 1821. Pam. vol. 76; also Serm. vol. 2. B. C. LINGARD (John), D.D. History of England. Paris, 1826 - 1831. 14 vol. 80. ~ A Vindication of certain passages in the fourth and fifth volumes of the History of England. 3d ed. London, 1826. 80. The History and Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church. London, 1845. 2 vol. 8~. C. L. - - Reply to the Edinburgh Review, on the Anglo-Saxon Antiquities. Pamphleteer, vol. 7. LINGRtE (De). Re6flexions et Maximes. Paris, 1827. 12o. LINK ( Dr. I. F.). Reports on the progress of physiological botany, 184549. See Ray Society. LINN (A. L.). Oration, July 4, Schenectady, 1822. Pam. vol. 58. LINN ( John Blair). Miscellaneous Works, prose and poetical, by a young gentleman of New-York. New-York, 1795. 12o. Valerian: a Narrative Poem; with a Sketch of the life and character of the author. Philadelphia, 1805. 4o. The same. 1805. 4. B. C. LINN (William), D.D. Sermons, historical and characteristical. New-York, 1791. 120. B. C. - A Eulogy on General Washington, Feb. 22, 1800: N. Y. State Society of the Cincinnati. New-York, 1800. 80. Also Pam. vol. 1. Serious Considerations on the Election of President. Trenton, 1800. Pain. vol. 47. - - Essays on Episcopacy. See Collection, etc. LINN (William), esq. The Life of Thomas Jefferson. Mobile, 1835. 120. LINNE (Charles). Systeme des Plantes: extrait et trad. par J. P.MoutonFontenille. Lyon, 1804, 5. 5 vol. 80. LINNEAN SOCIETY of London: Transactions. London, 1791 - 1846. 20 vol. 4o. LINSCIHOTEN (Johan Hugon van). Navigatio ac Itinerarium in Orientalem sive Lusitanorum Indiam. HIagm, 1599. fol. tHistoire de la Navigation de J. H. L. aux Indes orientales, avec Annotations de B. Paludanus, 2me ed. Le Grand Routier de rner: Description de l'Amnerique, Amsterdam, 1619. With, 1, Descr. des Indes Occid. par Ant. de Hlerrera; 2, Journal de Jacques Le Maire; 3, Relation du Voyage du Capit. Jean de More; 4, Description d'Amerique de P. Bertius: in I vol. fol. GENERAL LIBRARY. 449 The same: Histoire de la navigation. Amsterdam, 1638. fol. W. C. 581. - The same: Le grand routier de mer. Amsterdam, 1638. fol. W. C. 582. ------- The same: Description de l'Amerique. Amsterdam, 1638. fol. W. C. 23. His Discours of Voyages into ye Easte and West Indies.... in 4 bookes. London, 1598. fol. Black letter. LINTNER ( G. A.), D.D. Memoirs of Rev. Walter Gunn, late missionary in India. Albany, 1852. 180. LIPPINCOTT'S Cabinet Histories of the different United States. See Carpenter, and Arthur..-.. Universal Gazetteer. See Thomas (J.). LISHER (Rev. G. B.). Sermon, Sin against the Holy Ghost. Albany, 1822. Pain. vol. 65. LISIANKI ( Urey). Voyage round the World, 1803 -06. London, 1814. 4o. W. C. 583. LIST of the Members of Parliament who voted for and against taking the Hanover troops into British pay, Dec. 18, 1742; to which is added, the Lords' Protest on that occasion. London. Pam. vol. 131. LISTER (Martin). Journey to Paris, in 1698. Pinkerton, vol. 4. LISTER (T. H.). Life of Lord Clarendon; with Original Correspondence and authentic papers. London, 1838. 3 vol. So. LITCHFIELD COUNTY, Conn. Centennial Celebration, 1851. Hartford, 1851. 8o. LITERARY and PHILOSOPHICAL REPERTORY... vol. 1, 2. Middlebury, Vt. April 1812 - April 1814. 2 vol. 8o. LITERARY and PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY of New-York: Circular, 1815. Pam. vol. 9. B. C. Transactions, vol. 1. New-York, 1815. 4O. BW. C. 911. LITERARY and SCIENTIFIC REPOSITORY, and CRITICAL REVIEW, quarterly. New-York, 1820 - 22. 4 vol. 80. LITERARY ( The) CHRONICLE for 1823; containing a Review of all new publications.... a repository of literature... London, March - Dec. 1 vol. 40. LITERARY GAZETTE; or Journal of Belles-Lettres, Arts and Sciences, 1818 - 20, 22 - 39, 44- 51. London. 29 vol. 40. LITERARY GAZETTE; or Journal of criticism, science and the arts, being a third series of the Analeetic Magazine. Philadelphia, 1821. 1 vol. 40. All that was published. LITERARY MAGAZINE and AMERICAN REGISTER: Philadelphia, 1803 - 08. 8 vol. 80. Ed. by C. B. Brown. LITERARY MISCELLANY; including dissertations and essays.... published quarterly. Cambridge. 1805, 6. 2 vol. 80. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 57 450 NEW-YORK STATE LITERARY (The) WORLD: A Gazette for authors, readers and publishers: ed. by Charles F. Hoffman; afterwards by A. and G. L. Duyckinck. New-York, 1847- 53. 13 vol. 4o. LITTERAE ANNUAE SOCIETATIS JESU ad patres et fratres ejusdem societatis. 25 vol. 180. Contents: Anni 1584: Romne, 1586. 1 vol. Anni 1609-11: Dilingoa. 3 vol. 1594, 95: Neapoli, 1604. 1 vol. - 1612-14: Lugduni, 1619. 2 vol. - 1600-02: Antverpive, 1618. 3 vol. - 1650, 51: Dilingse, 1658. 2 vol. - 1603-05: Dvaci, 1618. 3 vol. - 1652-54: Pragwe. 3 vol. 1606-08: MAoguntih, 1618. 3 vol. - Japonenses, 1591, 92: Colonia, 1596, 1 vol. With Litterm Ann. Japon. a Rev. P. Fran. Pasio, 1601: Moguntiaci, 1604; and Br. Rel. Hist rerum in Provincia Peruana apud Indos....gestarum, a R. P. Jacobo Torrensi, etc.: Moguntihe, 1604. 1 vol. Japonice3, 1609, 10: Ex Italicis....ab A. Schotto, Antverpife, 1615. With Litt. e Regno Sinarum, 1610, 11: Antverpie, 1615. 1 vol. - Rei Christian'e apud Japonios Commentarius, ex litteris annuis.... 1609-12 collectus: Augustae Vindelicorum, 1615. With Litterm e Regno Sinarum, 1610, 11; auctore P. Nic. Trigantio: Augusta Vindelicorum, 1615. R- erun AMemorabilium in Regno Sine gestarum, 1620: Antverpie, 1625. With Rerum Memorabilium in Regno Japonive gestarum, 1619 - 22: Antverpime, 1625. 1 vol. LITTLE (The) GRAMMARIAN. Boston, 1830. 180. LITTLE (Otis). State of Trade in the Northern Colonies considered; with a particular description of Nova-Scotia. London, 1748: reprinted Boston, 1749. 80. LIVERMORE (A. A.). The War with Mexico reviewed. Boston, 1850. 12~. LIVERMORE (E. S.). Oration, July 4, 1813, Boston. Pam. vol. 42. LIVERMORE (George). Remarks on the Publication and circulation of the Scriptures..... Cambridge, 1849. 8o. Remarks on Public Libraries; from N. A. Review. Cambridge, 1850. 80. LIVERPOOL CHRONICLE, and Willmer and Smith's European Times: July 7, 1849, to June 26, 1852. Liverpool. 2 vol. fol. LIVERPOOL Domestic Missionary Society: Report, 1853. Pam. vol. 97. LIVES of British Dramatists: by Thomas Campbell, W. Gifford, L. Hunt, G. Darley, etc. Philadelphia, 1846. 2 vol. in 1. 120. LIVINGSTON (Edward). Letter to Roberts Vaux, on the Pennsylvania system of prison discipline. Philadelphia, 1828. So. Speech, U.S. Sen., on Mr. Foot's resolution. 1830. Pam. vol. 21. B. C. LIVINGSTON (Edward P.). Address, Societies of Columbia Coill. 1831. Pam. vol. 71; also vol. 19. B. C. LIVINGSTON (John). Biographical Sketches of distinguished Americans now living. New-York, 1853. 80. Portraits of eminent Americans now living. New-York, 1853, 4. 4 vol. 80. LIVINGSTON ( John H.), D.D., and Rev. John MI'Knight. Two Missionary sermons, with a Charge by Rev. Dr. Rodgers. New-York, 1799. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 451 - Address at Queen's College Commencement, New-Bi'unswick, N. J. 1810. Pam. vol. 47, 83.. —. A Dissertation on the marriage of a mnan with his sister-in-law. New-Brunswick, 1816. 80. LIVINGSTON (J. R. and R. J.). Petition to Legislature of N. J. respecting steamboats, 1814. Pamn. vol. 9. B. C. LIVINGSTON (Robert R.), LL.D. Essay on Sheep. New-York, 1809. 80. B.C. LIVINGSTON (Got. William). Examen du Gouvernement d'Angleterre, compar6 aux Constitutions des Rtats-Unis.... trad. de l'anglois, avec des notes. Londres, 1789. 8o. W. C. 584. A- Funeral Eulogium on the Rev. IMr. Aaron Burr, Pres't of the Coll. of N. J. New-York; reprinted Boston, 1758. sm. 40. LIvIus (Titus). Historiarum libri qum supersunt: recensuit J. B. L. Crevier. Lugduni, 1771. 12o. The History of Rome: trans. by George Baker. Philadelphia, 1823. 6 vol. 80. B. C. The History of Rome: transl. by D. Spillan, Cyrus Edmonds, and William A. IM'Devitte. London, Bohn, 1849, 50. 4 vol. 120. T. Livii das aller redsprechsten und hoch beriimpsten geschichtschreiberz rdmische historie.... gemehbret.... Mieyntz, 1541. fol. LJUNGSTEDT (Sir Andrew). An historical Sketch of the Portuguese settlement in China, and of the Roman Catholics..... in China...... Boston, 1836. o.8 LLOYD ( Edward). Mathematical Geography. See Lib. U. K. Nat. Phil. vol. 3. LLOYD ( H. J.). Physical Geography. See Lib. U. K. Nat. Phil. vol. 3. LLOYD (James). Speech, Sen. U.S., on Repeal of the embargo laws, Dec. 1808. Pamn. vol. 35, 60. LLOYD ( Samuel). New-Jersey Annual Register and General Calendar, 1846. Trenton. 160. LLOYD ( Thomas). General History of England. London, 1764. 5 vol. 80. W. C. 585. LLOYD ( Thomas). Trial of A. Addison, esq., on an impeachment before the Senate of Pennsylvania. Lancaster, 1803. pp. 154. SO. Pam. vol. 41. LOBECIC ( Justus F.). Qumstionum Ionicarum liber. Fasc. primus. Regimontii Pruss. 1850. 8:. LOBO ( Fathe? Jerome). Voyage to Abyssinia. Pinkerton, vol. 15. LOcKE AMSDEN; or the Schoolmaster: a Tale, by the Author of "May Martin." Boston, 1847. 120. LOCKE (John). Works. London, 1823. 10 vol. 8d. Conltenlts: Essay concerning Human Understanding: vol. 1, 2 and 3. Two Treatises of Government: vol. 5. Letters concerning Toleration: vol. 6. 452 NEW-YORK STATE Reasonableness of Christianity as delivered in the Scriptures: vol. 7. Paraphrase and Notes on the Epistles: vol. 8. Some Thoughts concerning Education: vol. 9. Correspondence: vol. 9 and 10. Papers, relating to money, interest, trade... London, 1696. 16o. ------- Works. 10th ed. London, 1801. 10 vol. 80. B. C. Works; with Preliminary Essay by A. St. John. London, Bohn, 1854. 2 vol. 120. An Essay concerning the Human Understanding; with the Life of the Author. Boston, 1803. 3 vol. 120. B. C. Life and Correspondence. See King (Lord). LOCKE (John), M.D. An English Grammar for children. Cincinnati, 1827. 180. Observations on terrestrial magnetism. Smithson. Contri. vol. 3. LOCKE (John Goodwin). A Genealogical and historical record of the descendants of William Locke, of Woburn. Boston, 1853. 80. LOCKE ( Richard A.). Great Discoveries by Sir J. F. W. Herschel, at the Cape of Good Hope. 80. Also Pam. vol. 79. LOCKHART PAPERS: pub. from MSS. in possession of A. Aufrere. London, 1817. 2 vol. 4o. LOCKHART ( J. G.). Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1819. 3 vol. 80. Life of Sir Walter Scott. Philadelphia, 1838. 2 vol. 80. The same. 7 vol. 120. B. C.....- Narrative of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, begun by himself, and continued by. London, 1848. 2 vol. 120. Reginald Dalton. Edinburgh, 1849. 120. Some Passages in the Life of Mr. Adam Blair; and History of Matthew Wald. Edinburgh, 1849. 120. See Ballantyne's Controversy with..-. Trans. of Diaz del Castillo's Memoirs. See Diaz. LOCKMAN (John). Travels of the Jesuits into various parts of the World: compiled from their letters. London, 1743. 2 vol. 8~. LOCKWOOD (Rev. W.). Sermon at Funeral of Mrs. J. Woodbridge. Middletown, 1799. Pam. vol. 29. LODENSTEYN (J. Van). Uytspanningen, behelsende eenige stichtelyke liederen en andere gedichten. Amsterdam, 1727. 4 vol. in 1. 180o. LODGE (Edmund), F.S.A. Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain.... from.... Pictures in the.... collections of the country, with biographical memoirs.... London, 1835. 12 vol. 80. Illustrations of British History, Biography and Manners, in the Reigns of Henry VIII., Edward VI., MIary, Elizabeth, and James I. 2d ed. London, 1838. 3 vol. 80. ------- Peerage of the British Empire. 14th ed. London, 1845. 80o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 453 LODGE ( G. H.). See Winckelmann, Iist. of Ancient Art. LOFTUS (Rev. Smyth). Reply to the Reasonings of Mr. Gibbon, which seem to affect the truth of Christianity. Dublin and London, 1778. 120. LOGAN and CRESAP. See Maryland Hist. Soc. LOGAN (James). See Cicero, Treatise on old age. LOGAN (John). Sermons. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1790, 91. 2 vol. 80. LOGAN ( W. E.). See Canada, Geolog. Survey. LOGANIAN LIBRARY: Catalogue of the Books, with an Account of the Institution, and the law annexing it to the Library Company of Philadelphia, 1837. 80. LOGIC (The) and Law of Col. Johnson's Report on Sabbath Mails, 1829. Pan. vol. 72. LdHER (Franz). Aussichten fur Gebildete Deutsche in Nordamerika. Berlin, 1853. 120. LOMBARDUS (Petrus). Sententiarum lib. iv. Parisiis, 1634. 12%. LONDON: The Names and Address of the several officers of the city.... London, 1789. Pam. vol. 139.:- Minutes....of H. MI.'s Commission of Lieutenantcy for London, on the occasion of H. M.'s coming to St. Paul's. London, 1798. Pam. vol. 139. Memoranda, references and documents relating to the royal hospitals of London: from committee of common council. London, 1836. 80. LONDON pictorially illustrated: ed. by Charles Knight. London, 1841 - 44. 6 vol. in 3. 80. LONDON: Description of the City, the Curiosities in the Tower, and the Contents of the British Museum. Coll. Voy. vol. 7. LONDON and NORTHWESTERN Railway: Rules and regulations, 1847. Pam. vol. 151, 152. LONDON and WESTMINSTER REVIEW. See Westminster Review. LONDON Catalogues of Books. See Hodgson (T.). LONDON, EDINBURGH (and Dublin) PHILOSOPHIICAL MAGAZINE, and Journal of Science: conducted by Sir D. Brewster, R. Taylor, R. Phillips, and Sir R. Kane. New and united series, 1832-50, 37 vol. 4th series, 1851 - June 1855, 9 vol. London. 46 vol. 80. General Index, vol. 1 to 12, July 1832 to June 1838, London, 1839. With General Index to Phil. Mag. 1827 - 32, in 1 vol. 80. LONDON EXAMINER. See Examiner. LONDON (.The) GAZETTE: Oct. 24, 31, 1851. 1 vol. smin. fol. LONDON GEOLOGICAL JOURNAL, and Record of Discoveries of British and Foreign Palmeontology. 3 nos. Sept. 1846, Feb. May 1847. London. 80. LONDON JOURNAL of Arts, Sciences and Manufactures, and Repertory of patent inventions: conducted by W. Newton, from:vol. 7. London, 1820 - 47. 31 vol. 80. 454 NEW-YORK STATE~ LONDON LIBRARY: Catalogue by J. G. Cochrane, Sec. and Lib. 1847 and 1852. London. 2 vol. in 1. 80. LONDON (The) MAGAZINE,; or Gentleman's Monthly Intelligencer. A few of the volumes have this title " The London Magazine and Monthly Chronologer." London~, 1732 - 85. 56 vol. 80. - General Index firom 1732 to 1758. London, 1760. 80. LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW. See Quarterly Review. LONDON REVIEW: May, July 1777; Jan. July 1778; July 1779. Pain. vol. 127. LONDON REVIEW, vol. 1, 2. London, 1835, 36. 2 vol. 8o. LONDON SOCIETY of ARTS, MANUFACTURES and COMMERCE: Transactions, 1782- 1844. London, 1789 -1845. 55 vol. 80. LONDONDERRY (Marquis of). A Letter to Lord Brougham and Vaux. London, 1839. 80. LONG (_Prof.), G. R. Porter and G. Tucker. America and the West Indies geographically described. London, 1845. 8~. Lib. U. K. 2 copies. Geography of Great Britain. See Lib. U. K. LONG ( Charles E.). Letter to Lord Beresford, in reply to his Lordship's letter relative to his conduct in the campaign of 1811; with Reply to Lord Beresford's second letter, relative to the conduct of General Long. London, 1835. 80. See Napier (W. F. P.). LONG (Edward). The History of Jamaica, or General Survey of the ancient and modern state of that island. London, 1774. 3 vol. 4o. LONG (George). Egyptian Antiquities. See Lib. E. K. LONG (J.). Voyages and Travels of an Indian Interpreter... describing the North American Indians; with vocabularies. London, 1791. 4o. Voyages chez diff6rentes sauvages de l'Amerique septentrionale: trad. de l'anglois par Billecocq. Paris, 1794. 80. 2 copies. W. C. 586, 712. LONG ( John St. John). Discoveries in the art and science of healing. London, 1830. 80. LONG ( Maj. S. IH.). Specification of certain improvements in the locomotive engine. Philadelphia, 1826. 8~. Expedition to the Rocky Mountains. See James ( E.). - Expedition to the Source of the St. Peter's River. See Keating (W. H.). LONGFELLOW ( Henry W.). Poems. 10th ed. Cambridge, 1844. 120. Poets and Poetry of Europe, with introductions and biographical notices. Philadelphia, 1845. 80. The same. New ed. New-York, 1855. 80. The Waif, and Spanish Student. 3d ed. Cambridge, 1845. 12o. Belfry of Bruges, and other poems. Cambridge, 1846. 120. Outre-Mer; a Pilgrimage beyond the Sea. 2d ed. Boston, 1846. 120o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 455 U- --- The Estray; a Collection of poems. Boston, 1847. 12o. Evangeline; a Tale of Acadie. Boston, 1850. 120. The Sea-side and Fire-side. Boston, 1850. 12o. —.- The Golden Legend. Boston, 1852. 12o. Poems: a new edition. Boston, 1852. 2 vol. 120. Kavanagh; a Tale. Boston, 1853. 120. Hyperion; a Romance. 9th ed. London, 1851. 12o. The'Song of Hiawatha. Boston, 1855. 120. LONGINUS (Dionysius). De Sublimitate Commentarius: Greek 4 Latin. ed. P. Wilson. Novi-Eboracce, 1812. 80. B. C. LONG-ISLAND (.The) JOURNAL of PHILOSOPHY, and Cabinet of Variety: conducted by Simon Fleet and others. Huntington, L.I. 1825. 8o. LONGLAND ( Robert). The Vision of Pierce Plowman, now the second time imprinted by Robert Crowley.... whereunto are added certayne notes and cotations in the mergyne, gevynge light to the reader. London, 1550. sm. 40. Blk. let. defects supplied in MS. LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN and LONGMAN. Old Books on sale. London, 1848. 80o Old Books on sale, 1842. London. Pam. vol. 39. B. C. LONGPrRIER (A. de). Notice des Monuments exposes dans la salle des antiquites americaines.... au Musbe du Louvre. 2me ed. Paris, 1852. 12o. LONGSTREET (A. B.). Georgia Scenes. 2d ed. New-York, 1854. 120. LONGWORTH'S (D.) American Almanack, New-York Register and City Directory: 1796, 1798, 1814, 1817, 1819, 1820, 1824 - 28, 1831 -41. 22 vol. 12o. - Pocket Almanack and N. Y. and U. S. Kalendar for 1817, with Aml. Chronol. Table. New-York. 240. LONGWORTH ( J. A.). A Year among the Circassians. London, 1840. 2 vol. 120o. LONGWORTH ( N.). On the Strawberry. See Buchanan ( Robert ). LONICERUS ( Joan. Adamus). Stand und Orden der H. Romischen Catholischen Kirchen. Franckfort am Mayn, 1575. sm. 4~. LoomrIs ( Prof. Elias). The Recent Progress of Astronomy, especially in the United States. New-York, 1850. 120. Observations on the Magnetic Dip in the United States. Am. Phil. Soc. Trans. N. S. vol. 7, 8. LooMIs (G. J.), and T. G. Wait. Albany Citizen's Advertiser and General Directory, 1834 - 35. 120. Also 120. B. C. LOON ( Gerard Van). Beschryving der Nederlandsche Historipenningen, etc. Tot het sluyten van den Uytretchtschen Vreede. Gravenhaage, 1723. 4 vol. fol. See Kolyn's Rym Chronik. LOPEZ (Odoardo). Account of Congo. Churchill, supp. 2. 456 NEW-YORK STATE LORAIN (John). Hints to Emigrants. Philadelphia, 1819. 160. W. C. 587. LORD ( D. N.). See Theol. and Lit. Journal. LORD (Eleazar). The Epoch of Creation: the Scripture doctrine contrasted with the Geological theory. New-York, 1851. 120. - Historical Review of the New-York and Erie Railroad. NewYork, 1855. 80. LORD (Henry). Discovery of two foreign sects in the East Indies, the Banians and Parsees. Pinkerton, vol. 8; Churchill, vol. 6. LORD ( Rev. John). See Froissart, introductory essay. LORD (J. C.), D.D. Sermon, Death of Hon. S. Wilkeson. Buffalo, 1848. Serm. vol. 6.. CB. Lectures on the Progress of civilization and government. Buffalo, 1851. 120. LORGNETTE (The); or Studies of the Town, by an Opera-goer. 2d ed. New-York, 1850. 2 vol. 120. LORING ( Capt. Joseph). Exhibition of facts.... on the court-martial condemning him. Boston, 1806. Pamin. vol. 33. LoSA (Frangois). Vie de Gregoire Lopez dans la Nouvelle-Espagne: trad. en franqais. 2d ed. Paris, 1655. 160. W. C. 588. LOSKIEL (George H.). History of the Mission of the United Brethren among the Indians in North America: trans. from the German, by C. J. Latrobe. London, 1794. 80o. LOSSING (Benson J.). Seventeen Hundred and Seventy-Six, or the War of Independence: A History of the Anglo-Americans, from the Union of the Colonies against the French, to the Inauguration of Washington. New-York, 1847. 80. Biographical Sketches of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. New-York, 1848. 120. - The Pictorial Field-book of the Revolution. New-York, 1851-52. 2 vol. 80. 2 copies. Pictorial History of the United States, for schools and families. New-York, 1854. 80. Our countrymen; or Brief Memoirs of eminent Americans. Philadelphia, 18.55. 12S). 2 copies. LOTUROP (Rev. Samuel K.). History of Brattle-street Church, Boston, 1851. 12o. - Life of Rev. Samuel Kirkland. See Sparks's Am. Biog. vol. 25. LOTTERIES (Publications on). See Pam. vol. 182. LOUDON (J. C.). Arboretum et Fruticetum; or the Trees and Shrubs of Great Britain, pictorially and botanically delineated. London, 1838. 8 vol. 80. Encyclopaedia of Agriculture; with a General History of agriculture in all countries. 3d ed. London, 1835. 8o. - Encyclopoedia of Plants.. London, 1836. 80. See Gardeners' Magazine; also Magazine of Natural History. GENERAL LIBRARY. 457 LOUDON (Earl of). The Conduct of a noble Commander in America impartially reviewed, with the genuine causes of the discontents at New-York and Halifax. London, 1758. 80. LOUGHTON (William). A Practical Grammar of the English tongue. 3d ed. London, 1739. 120. Louis THE EIGHTEENTH. Relation d'un Voyage a Bruxelles et a Coblentz, 1791. Paris, 1823. 120. Memoirs, written by himself. London, 1832. 2 vol. 120. Correspondance privee et inedite, pendant son s6jour en Angleterre. Bruxelles, 1830. 80. LOUISIANA: Report on public instruction, 1853. Pam. vol. 191. LOUNGER (The): By the Authors of the Mirror. 6th ed. New-York, 1789. 2 vol. 120. B. C. LOUNGER'S COMMON-PLACE BOOI; or Miscellaneous Collections in history, criticism, etc.: ed. by Jeremiah W. Newman. London, 1805-07. 4 vol. 80. L'OUVERTURE ( Toussaint): Life. Pamphleteer, vol. 4. LOVECHILD (Mrs.). Parsing Lessons for Children, and Mother's Grammar. London, 1832. 180. LOVEJOY (J. C.). Memoir of Rev. Charles T. Torrey. Boston, 1847. 120. ( and Owen). Memoirs of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy, who was murdered..... Alton, Ill.; with an introduction by J. Q. Adams. NewYork, 1838. 12o. LOVELL (James). Letter to the Pres. of U. S. Boston, 1805. Pam. vol. 36. Low ( David ). The Domesticated Animals of the British Islands. London, 1845. 80. ------ Histoire des animaux domestiques de l'Europe. Paris, 1846. 88 pp. 4o. Low (Hugh). Sarawak; its inhabitants and productions: Notes during a residence with His Exe. Mr. Brooke. London, 1848. 80. Low (John). New-York Directory and Register, for 1796; with the names of the inhabitants of Brooklyn. New-York. 120. Low (Sampson). The Charities of London; comprehending the benevolent, educational and religious institutions, their origin and design. London, 1850. 120. The British Catalogue of Books, from Oct. 1837, to Dec. 1852. Vol. 1, General Alphabet. London, 1853. 80. See Publishers' Circular. Lowe (Joseph). Present State of England; with a Comparison of the Prospects of England and France. New-York, 1824. 8o. LOWELL, Mass. Tables of Mortality from 1840 to 1850; with Baltimore Tables of mortality, 1849 - 51, in 1 vol. 80..-....: City Documents, 1849 - 53, in 1 vol. 80. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 58 458 NEW-YORK STATE LOWELL MISSIONARY SOCIETY: Report of the Minister at large, 1852. Pam. vol. 78, 93; Report, 1853, Pam. vol. 96. LOWELL (Charles), D.D. Discourse, West Church, Boston, 1820. 80. LOWELL (James R.) Fable for Critics.... by a wonderful quiz. NewYork, 1848. 120. Also 120. B. C. LOWELL (John). The New-England Patriot; or a Comparison between the principles and conduct of the Washington and Jefferson. administrations. Boston, 1810. 80. 2 copies. See Perpetual War. ------- Oration, July 4, 1799, Boston. Pam. vol. 39. Review of Hay's Treatise on Expatriation. Boston, 1814. Pam. vol. 9. B. C. LOWER ( Mark Anthony). English Surnames; or Essays on family nomenclature, historical, etymological, and humorous. London, 1842. 12o. LOWvIAN'S COMMENTARY. See Patrick (S.). LOWNDES (William Thomas). The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature. London, 1834. 4 vol. 80. LOWRIE ( John C.). Sec. Board of For. Miss. of PreJb. Ch. Two Years in Upper India. New-York, 1850. 120. A Manual of Missions; or Sketches of the foreign missions of the Presbyterian Church, with maps. New-York, 1854. ob. 4o. LOWTH (Bp. Robert). See Bible, O. T. Isaiah. A Short Introduction to English Grammar. Basil, 1794..-.- S'ame title. 1st Am. ed. Cambridge, Mass. 1811. 120. Same title. Wilmington, Del. 1800. 12o. Same title. London, 1762. 80. LOYAL (The), or Revolutional Tory; being some Reflections on the principles and conduct of the tories. London, 1733. Pam. vol. 130. LoYs (R. Pere F.). Les CEuvres spirituelles et devotes. Paris, 1613. fol. LOZANO (Padre Pedro). Descripcion Chorographica del Gran Chaco, Gualamba. Cordoba, 1733. 4~. W. C. 590. LOZI.RE (Baudry de). Voyage a la Louisiane. See Baudry. -LUBBOCK ( John W.). Researches in Astronomy. Royal Society Transactions, 1830, 37. Luc ( J. A. de). Lettres sur quelques parties de la Suisse, et sur le Climat d'Hieres. La Haye, 1778. 80. LUCANUS (M. A.). The Pharsalia of Lucan: trans. by H. T. Riley. London, Bohn, 1853. 12~. LUCIANUS of SAMOSATA; from the Greek, with comments and illustrations of Wieland and others: by William Tooke, F. R. S. London, 1820. 2 vol. 40. The Select Dialogues of Lucian; with a literal translation in Latin, and notes in English, by E. Murphy. Dublin, 1785. 12o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 459 LUCAS (Charles). Biography of C. Lucas, late Attorney of the U. S. for Missouri Territory. Pain. vol. 66. LUCAS ( Hippolyte). Theatre E spagnol: Seven dcramas dra-wn from Lope de Vega, Calderon, Alarcon, De Rojas, Guillen de Castro. Paris, 1851. 80. LUCKEY (Rev. John), late Chaplin of Singsing prison. Prison Sketches, by a chaplain: ed. by D. P. Kidder. New-York, 1849. 180. LUCRETIUS ( T. C.). De Rerum Natura. 320. Nature of Things: trans. from the Latin, with Notes.. by John Mason Good. London, 1805. 2 vol. 4~. ------- The same: trans. by J. S. Watson; to which is added the poetical version by J. M. Good. London, Bohn, 1851. 12. Di Tito Lucrezio Varo della Natura delle Cose, libri sei: trad. di A. Marchetti. Londra? Livoerno, 1717. 8~. LUCINDA, or the Mountain Mourner; being Recent Facts, in a series of letters from Mrs. Manvill in New-York to her sister in Pennsylvania. Johnstown, 1807. 12o. LUDEWIG ( Hermann E.). Zur Bibliothekonomie. Dresden, 1840. 8o. ------ The Literature of American Local History. New-York, 1846. 80. The Literature of American Local History. First supplement: front the Literary TVorld of Feb. 12, 1848. New-York. 80. LUDLOW ( Lieut. Gen. Edmund ). Memoirs, with a Collection of original papers, and the Case of King Charles the First. London, 1771. 40. LUDLOW ( John), D.D. Address, Albany Female Academy, 1834. Pam. vol. 70, 83; also vol. 25. B. C. Inaug. Address, Univ. of Pa. 1835. Pam. vol. 58. LUDOLFUS ( Jobus ) Historic van Abissinien andersints Ethiopien..... in't nederduitsch uit de latynsche gebracht door W. Calebius. Utrecht, 1687. 40. LUDOLPHUS Monachus de Saxonia. Vita Christi. Lugduni, 1554. 4o. LvDovIcus ( R.. P.), Granatensis. Conciones de pravcipuis sanctorum festis. Parisiis, 1585. 4 vol. 12~. LuIscIus (A. G.). Het Algemeen Historisch, Geographisch en Genealogisch Woordenboek, vervattende de gehele wereldlyke en kerkelyke geschiedenis.... Gravenhage, 1724 - 27. 8 vol. fol. LUMISDEN (Andrew). Antiquities of Rome and its environs. 2d ed. London, 1812. 40. LUNATIC ASYLUMS: Reports of various asylums, 1847 - 53. Pain. vol. 165, 166. LUNT ( William P.). Discourse, Quincy, March 11, 1848, at the Interment of J. Q. Adams. Boston, 1848. 80. Two Discourses, Sept. 29, 1839, on the 200th Anniversary of the First Congregational Church, Quincy. Boston, 1840. 80. LURIEU (G. de), et H. Romand. Etudes sur les Colonies agricoles de mendiants, jeunes detenus, orphelins et enfants trouv6s. Paris, 1851. 80. 460 NEW-YORK STATE LUSHINCGTON (Rt. Hon. S. R.). The Life and Services of General Lord Harris, during his campaigns in America, the West Indies and India. 2d ed. London, 1845. 120. LUTHER (Martin). Propositiones Theologicme Rev. VirorumI D. Mart. Lutheri et ID. Philip. Melanthonis; continentes Summam doctrina christianve scriptea et disputatae Vvitebergae, inde usque ab anno 1516: cum proofatione Philip. Melanth. Vvitebergoe, 1460. 180..-...- Praefatio in Epist. ad Roman. See Melancthon, in E vang. Matthbei..-: - Wittemberg Theses. See Melancthon. -Bulla in Ccena Domini, met deszelfs aanmerkingen. Amsterdam, 1769. Pamn. vol. 109..-. — Life, in fifty pictures, from designs by Gustav Ki5nig; with Sketch of the Reformation. London, 1853. 80.::- and J. Calvin. A Selection of their most celebrated sermons; with a biographical history of their lives. New-York, 1829. 80. B. C. LUZAC (Elie). Du Droit Naturel, civil et politique, en forme d'entretiens. Amsterdam, 1802. 3 vol. 80. B. C. —.- La Richesse de la Hollande.... l'origine du commerce et de la puissance des hollandais. Londres, 1778. 2 vol. 4o. - The same. Londres, 1778. 5 vol. 120. W. C. 486. The same. Londres, 1778. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 487. See Moreau (E.), De Pligten, etc. LUXBOROUGH (Lady). Letters to William Shenstone. London, 1775. 8o. LUYSTER ( C. P.). Directory for the Village of Poughkeepsie: June, 1850. 80. LYcEUM of NATURAL HISTORY of New-Yorkl: Annals. New-York, 1824 - 52. 5 vol. 80. Constitution, etc. 1817, 37; and Index to Library, 1830. Pam. vol. 92. LYCOMING Coal Company: Description of property, 1828. Pam. vol. 69. LYCOSTHENES (Conradus). Apothegmatum ex optimis utriusqcue linguae scriptoribus.. in locos communes digesta. Lugduni, 1684. 2 vol. 180. LYELL ( Sir Charles). Lectures on Geology at the Broadway Tabernacle. 1st and 2d eds. New-York, 1842, 43. 80. C —--- Principles of Geology. Boston, 1842. 3 vol. 120. --- Principles of Geology. 7th ed. revised. London, 1847. 80. Principles of Geology. 8th rev. ed. London, 1850. 8o. - A Manual of Elementary Geology. 3d ed. London, 1851. 8~. Travels in North America; with Geological Observations on the United States, Canada, and Nova-Scotia. London, 1845. 2 vol. 12o. A Second Visit to the United States of North America. NewYork, 1849. 2 vol. 120. LYMAN (Gen. S. P.). Life and MIemorials of Daniel Webster: from the N. Y. Daily Times. New-York, 1853. 2 vol. 180. GENERAL LIBRARY. 461 LYMAN (Theodore) jr. Diplomacy of the United States. 2d ed. Boston, 1828. 3 vol. 8o. LYNCH (Anne C.). See Rhode-Island Book. LYNCH (James). Address before N. Y. American Institute, 1829. Pam. vol. 58. LYNCH ( Lieut. W. F.). Narrative of the United States Expedition to the River Jordan and the Dead Sea, with maps. Philadelphia, 1849. 80. Naval Life; or Observations afloat and on shore: The Midshiprnan. New-York, 1851. 120. LYNCHBURGH and TENNESSEE R.R. Company: 1st Report, 1848. Pam. vol. 151, 152. LYNE (Rev. Richard). The Latin Primer: Part 1st, Am. ed. Boston, 1801. 120. B. C. LYON (Caleb), of Lyonsdale. Narrative and Recollections of Van Dieman's Land, during a three years captivity of Stephen S. Wright. New-York, 1844. 8o. LYON (Rev. C. J.). Analysis of the seven parts of Speech of the English language. Edinburgh, 1832. 120. LYON ( Capt. G. F.), of H. M. S. Hecla. Private Journal during the recent voyage of discovery under Capt. Parry. Boston, 1824. 120. A Brief Narrative of an unsuccessful Attempt to reach Repulse Bay, through Sir Thomas Rowe's " Welcome," in His Majesty's Ship Griper, in 1824. London, 1825. 80. Journal of a Residence and Tour in Mexico. London, 1828. 2 vol. in 1. 80. X. C. 591. LYON ( G. Parker). See New-Hampshire Register. LYTTELTON ( George, Lord). The History of the Life of King Henry the Second, and of the Age. 2d ed. London, 1772. 6 vol. 80. Dialogues of the Dead. Worcester, Mass. 1797.120. B. C. Letters. First Am. ed. Troy, 1807. 8~. B. C. LYTTON ( Sir E. Bulwer). See Bulwer Lytton (Sir E.). M. M. ( E.). See West-Indische Zee- en Land-Reizen. M. ( L. M. D. M.). See Philippe d'Orleans. MAANDELYKE UITTREKSELS of Boekzaal der Geleerde Waereld. Amsterdam. 7 vol. 18o. Contents' July - December, 1716: 1 vol. January - July, October, 1766: 1 vol. December, 1766; February, March, April, May, August, October, November, December, 1767: 1 vol. February, March, September, 1766; September, 1767; April, May, 1768; February, 1770: 1 vol. 462 NEW-YORK STATE October, November, December, 1767; February, June, August, 1768: 1 vol. September, October, November, December, 1768; October, 1777; July, 1769: 1 vol. January, April, June, July, September, 1770; April, 1777: 1 vol. MAATSCHAPPIJ der NEDERLANDSCHE LETTERKIUNDE te Leiden: Catalogus van de Bibliothek. Leiden, 1849. Vol. 3. 80. Nieuwe Reeks van Werken van de. Leiden, 1846 - 50. Vol. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6. 5 vol. 8). Contents: 1, 2. KOENEN ( H. J.). Geschiedenis van de vestiging en de invloed der fransche vluchtelingen in Nederland. 4. Sterre- en Natuurkundig onderwijs, gemeenlijk genoemd: Natuurkunde van hoet geheel-al, en gehouden voor het werk van zekeren Broeder Gheraert: met eene inleiding door J. Clarisse. 5. JAGER (A. de). Proeve over den invloed van bilderdijks dichtwerken op onze taal. 6. Papers by Kist. Mees, Janssen, De Vries. MAATSCHAPPIJ: Tot Nut van't Algemeenen. Departement Voorburg, proeve van steendruk, 1824- 34. H. J. Caan. 8,. B. C. See Pam. vol. 32. B. C. Also Caan ( H. J.), and Boeke ( J.). MAATSCHAPPIJ tot Redding van Drenkelingen: Verslag, 1817. Amsterdam, 1818. 80. B. C. MAATScHAPPIJ van Weldadigheid: Verslag, 1830. Pam. vol. 30. B.C. Verslag, 1838, 41. Pam. vol. 31, 32. B. C. MABLY ( Abbe G. B. de). Observations sur le Gouvernement et les Loix des Etats-Unis de l'Alue'rique. Amsterdam, 1784. 16~. W. C. 592. Remarks on the Government and Laws of the United States of America.... addressed to Mr. Adams, Min. Plen. etc.: from the French. London, 1784. 8o. Osservazioni sopra i Romani. Venezia, 1766. 2 vol. 12'. Osservazioni sopra i Greci. Venezia, 1766. 120. McADAM ( John Loudon). Remarks oup the present system of road-making...... 7th ed. London, 1823. 8'. McAFEE (Robert B.). History of the late War (1812) in the Western country.... from the commencement of hostilities at Tippecanoe, to the termination of the contest at New-Orleans. Lexington, Ky. 1816. 80. MCALPINE ( J.). Genuine Narratives and Concise Memoirs of..... the singular adventures of J. M'A., a native Highlander.... in America, 1773-79; with a Description of Botany Bay, Nova-Scotia and Canada. 1788. 120. McALPINE ( W. J.). 1, Report on a ship canal from Albany to New Baltimore, with map, 1853; 2, Report on supplying Brooklyn with water; 3, Report on supplying Chicago with water, 1851: in 1 vol. 80. Report on the Projects for supplying the City of Albany with water; and the Report of the Water Commissioners on the same. Albany, 1850. 80. MACAULAY ( Catherine). Address to the People of England, Scotland and Ireland, on the present important crisis of affairs, 1775. Pamn. vol. 8. GENERAL LIBRARY. 463 MACAULAY (T. B.). Critical and Historical Essays, contributed to the Edinburgh Review. 3d ed. London, 1844. 3 vol. 80. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. Philadelphia, 1841. 3 vol. 120.. — Essays, critical and miscellaneous. Philadelphia, 1843. 8). B. C. - The History of England, from the accession of James II. London, 1849. 2 vol. 80. The same. New-York, 1849. 2 vol. 80. The same. 2 vol. 8o. B. C. Speeches. New-Yorlk, 1853. 2 vol. 120. - Lays of Ancient Rome. London, 1852. 4o0. MACAULEY (J.). History of New-York. New-York, 1829. 3 vol. 80. MCCALL ( Hugh). History of Georgia. Savannah, 1811. 2 vol. 80. MCCALL (J.), M.D. Address before N. Y. S. Med. Soc. 1847. See Muns. Pain. vol. 5..... Dissertation before N.Y. Mled. Sc. 1847. See Muns. Pam. vol. 5. MCCALLA ( W. L.). Adventures in Texas, chiefly in 1840. Philadelphia, 1841. 180. McCARTER (David ). Address, Strasburgh Acad. 1846. Pam. vol. 83. MCCARTNEY (Washington). The Origin and Progress of the United States. Philadelphia, 1847. 120. Discourse, Lafayette Coll. Pa. 1840. Pam. vol. 83. MCCARTY (W.). American National Song-book. Philadelphia, 1842. 3 vol. 180. MCCLAY (W. B.). Oration, July 4, 1839. New-York. Pam. vol. 63. MCCLELLAND (Alex.). A Brief Treatise on the canon and interpretation of the Holy Scriptures.... 2d ed. New-York, 1850. 120. MCCLELLAND (John). Inquiries in the Province of Kemaon, relative to geology. Calcutta, 1835. 80. MCCLINTOCK (J.), M.D. Introd. Lect. Med. Coill. Castleton, Vt. 1843. Pam. vol. 85. 3MCCLUNG (John A.). Sketches of Western Adventure, containing.... incidents connected with the Settlement of the West, from 1755 to 1794. Philadelphia, 1832. 120. M'CLuRE (D.), and E. Parish. Memoirs of the Rev. Eleazer Wheelock, Pres. of Dartmouth Coll. Newburyport, 1811. 80. W. C. 622. MCCLURE. See also Maclure. MCCORD (Mr.). Speech at Columbia, S.C., against the Woollens bill, 1827. Pam. vol. 49. M'CORMICK (Charles). Memoirs of the Rt. Hon. Edmund Burke. London, 1797. 40. McCoY ( Pof. Amasa). Oration on Death of D. Webster. Ballston, N.Y. 185.2. Pam. vol. 77. 464 NEW-YORK STATE McCoy (Isaac). History of the Baptist Indian Missions, with Remarks on the condition of the aboriginal tribes. Washington, 1840. 80. - Remarks on the Practicability of Indian reform, embracing their colonization. Boston, 1827. 80. MCCREADY ( B. W.), M.D. Introd. Lect. Coll. of Pharmacy. New-York City, 1850. Pam. vol. 85. M'CRIE (Thomas). History of the Reformation in Italy, in the sixteenth century. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1833. 86. History of the Reformation in Spain, in the sixteenth century. Edinburgh, 1829. 80. Life of Andrew Melville. Edinburgh, 1819. 2 vol. 80. Life of John Knox. 5th ed. Edinburgh, 1831. 2 vol. 80. Miscellaneous Writings: edited by his Son. Edinburgh, 1811. 8o. Sketches of Scottish Church History.... from the reformation to the revolution. 6th ed. Edinburgh, 1849. 2 vol. 120. MC(CULLAGH (W. Torrens). The Industrial History of the Free Nations, considered in relation to their domestic institutions and external policy. London, 1846. 2 vol. 80. Memoirs of Richard L. Sheil. London, 1855. 2 vol. 120. MACCULLOCH ( J.). Memoirs to his Majesty's Treasury, respecting a geological survey of Scotland. London, 1836. 80. With map on rollers. MC(JULLOCH ( John). A Concise History of the United States of America, till 1807. 3d ed. Philadelphia, 1807. 120. MCCULLOCH (Rev. J. M.). Manual of English Grammar. Edinburgh, 1834. 180. M'CULLOCH (J. R.). Dictionary of Commerce. 2d ed. London, 1834. 8o. The same. London, 1839. 80. B. C. The same: ed. by Henry Vethake. Philadelphia, 1840. 2 vol. 80. The same: ed. by H. Vethake, LL.D.; with additions as to America. Philadelphia, 1851. 80, Literature of Political Economy; a Classified Catalogue of publications, with historical, critical, and biographical notices. London, 1845. 80. Statistical Account of the British Empire. London, 1837. 2 vol. 80. --- Universal Gazetteer: ed. by Daniel Haskel. New-York, 1845. 2 vol. 80. See Smith (A.), Wealth of Nations. ------- A Treatise on the Principles and practical influence of taxation, and the funding system. London, 1848. 80. - London in 1850 - 51: from the Geographical Dictionary. London, 1851. 120. On Commerce. See Lib. U. K. GENERAL LIBRARY. 465 MCCULLOCH (T.). Lecture on Education, Pictou, N.S. 1819. Pam. vol.58. MCCULLO1 ( J. H.), M.D. Researches, philosophical and antiquarian, concerning the Aboriginal History of America. Baltimore, 1829. 80. MCCULLOa (R. S.). Computation of Tables to be used with the hydrometer in the.... U. S. Custom House; made under superintendence of A. D. Bache. Sen. Doct. 1851. 80. - Memorial to Congress of the U. relation to the new method for refining gold. Princeton, 1851. 80. 1, Letter on Charges against J. C. Booth of the Mint, 1852; 2, On refining California gold by the zinc method, 1852; 3, On the official misconduct of Franklin Peale, 1853. 80. iIACDONALD (A. J.). Monuments, Gravestones, Burying-grounds, etc. Albany, 1848. Muns. Pam. vol. 9. MACDONALD ( Rev. James M.). A Sketch of the History of the Presb. Church, Jamaica, L. I. New-York, 1847. 12o. M'DONALD ( Rev. John). Sermon on Death of Gen. A. Hamilton, Albany, 1804; with Two Addresses on Fast-day, 1799. Cooperstown, N.Y. 80. See also Sernm. vol. 1. B. C. _MACDONALD (J. N.). Life of Andrew Corsa, the last of the Westchester guides: from the Westchester Herald, Jan. 18, 1853. IVIACDONNEL ( D. E.). Dictionary of Quotations. Philadelphia, 1817. 120. MCDuFrIE ( George). Speech, H. of R. U.S., Feb. 15, 16, 1826. Pam. vol. 13. B. C. Speech, H. of R. U. S., against the Prohibitory system, 1830. Pam. vol. 49. ------- Speech, H. of R. U. S., on Removal of the deposites, 1833. Pam. vol. 60. R- eport on Bank U. S. See Bank U. S. vol. 1. McEWEN (Rev. Abel). Sermon at Installation of Rev. Ira Hart, NewHaven, 1809. Pam. vol. 25. MACFARLANE ( Charles). Turkey and its Destiny.... journeys made in 1847 and 1848. Philadelphia, 1850. 2 vol. 120. - Japan: an Account, geographical and historical. New-York, 1852. 120...._. Pictorial History of England. See Craik. MACFARLANE ( Robert). History of propellers and steam navigation; with notices of early inventors. New-York, 1851. 120. BIACGILLIVRAY (William). Lives of Eminent Zoologists. Edinb. Cab. Lib. vol. 16. See Humboldt ( Alex. von), Travels condensed. British Quadrupeds. See Nat. Lib. MACGOWAN ( D. J.), M.D. The Missionary Enterprise, Coll. of Phys. and Surg. New-York, 1842. Pam. vol. 85. MACGOWAN ( Rev. James). A Practical English Grammar. 3d ed. London, 1825. 18o. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 59 466 NEW-YORK STATE -- Same title: 4th ed. London, 1836. 180. MACGREGOR (John). The Progress of America, from the Discovery by Columbus to the year 1846. London, 1847. 2 vol. 8o. Germany, her Resources, government, union of customs and power under Frederick William IV; with a Preliminary View of the political condition of Europe and America, in 1848. London, 1848. 8o. M'GuiIRE (E. C.). The Religious Opinions and Character of Washington. New-York, 1836. 120. MCHENRY (James), Late Sec. of War. Letter to the Speaker of H. of R. of U. S... read in that house, Dec. 28, 1802. Baltimore, 1803. 12o. MACHIAVELLI (Nicco15). Opere. Venezia, 1811. 12 vol. 180. The Art of War; to which is added, Hints relative to Warfare, by a Gentleman of the State of New-York. Albany, 1815. 80. B. C. - The History of Florence and of Italy....... together with The Prince, and various historical works. London, 1847. 120. MCILVAINE (Charles P.), D.D. Bp. Charge to Clergy of D. of Ohio, Cleveland, 1851. New-York, 1851. 80. Answer to Rev. H. U. Onderdonk. N. York, 1828. Pam. vol. 72. MACILWAIN (George). Memoirs- of John Abernethy. New-York, 1853. 120, MCINTOSH (John). The Origin of the North-American Indians. N.York, 1853. 80. M'INTYRE (Archibald). Letter to his Exe. D.D. Tompkins.... Albany, 1819. Pam. vol. 4. B. C. - Memorial relative to the Union Canal Company in Pa. 1832. Pam. vol. 182. MACINTYRE ( James J.). The Influence of Aristocracies on the revolutions of nations. London, 1843. 8o. C. L. MACK (Ebenezer). Life of Gilbert Motier de la Fayette. Ithaca, 1841. 1.20. MACKAY (Alexander). The Western World; or Travels in the United States, in 1846- 47. Philadelphia, 1849. 2 vol. 120. MACKAY (Charles). Memoirs of extraordinary popular delusions. London, 1841. 3 vol. o~. MACKAY (Robert W.). The Progress of the Intellect, as exemplified in the religious development of the Greeks and Hebrews. London, 1850. 2 vol. 80. MACKAY ( Robert W. S,). The Stranger's Guide to the cities and towns of Canada. Montreal, 1854. 18o. Montreal Directory, 1842, 43, 47 - 53. 6 vol. 120. McKEEvoR (Thomas), M.D. Voyage to Hudson's [Bay during the summer of 1812. London, 1819. 8o. McKENNEY ( Thomas L.), and J. Hall. The Indian Tribes of North America. Philadelphia, 1837 -44. 3 vol. fol. GENERAL LIBRARY. 467 Sketches of a Tour to the Lakes, of the character and customs of the Chippeway Indians, and of incidents connected with the Treaty of Fond du Lac: also, a Vocabulary of the Algic or Chippeway language. Baltimore, 1827. 80. Memoirs, official and personal; with Sketches of Travels among the Northern and Southern Indians. New-York, 1846. 2 vol. in 1. 80. 2 copies. IMACKENZIE (Alexander). Voyages from Montreal to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans, in 1789 and 1793. London, 1801. 40. Voyages dans l'Interieur de 1'Amerique septentrionale, en 1789 et 1793: traduit de l'anglais, avec des notes. Paris, 1802. 3 vol. 80. W. C. 593. MACKENZIE (A. Slidell). Case of the Somers Mutiny: Defence...... before Court-martial. New-York, 1843. 8~. The same. Pam. vol. 36. B. C. Life of Paul Jones. New-York, 1845. 2 vol. 120. Life of Commodore Stephen Decatur. Sparks's Am. Biog. vol. 21. The American in England. New-York, 1835. 2 vol. 120. A Year in Spain, by a Young American. London, 1831. 120. The same. Boston, 1829. 80. Spain Revisited. 2d ed. New-York, 1836. 2 vol. 120. Life of Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry. New-York, 1835. 2 vol. 180. MACKENZIE (Mrs. Colin). Life in the Mission, the Camp, and the Zenana; or Six Years in India. New-York, 1853. 2 vol. 120. MACKENZIE (Sir G. Stuart). On the diseases and management of sheep. New-York, 1810. 80. Travels in Iceland, in 1810. Edinburgh, 1811. 40. MACKENZIE (Henry). Miscellaneous Works. New-York, 1837. 80. B. C. Life of John Home: See Home (J.). MACKENZIE ( Keith Stewart). Narrative of the Second Campaign in China. London, 1842. 12o0. MACKENZIE (R.). Strictures on Lieut. Col. Tarleton's History of the Campaigns of 1780 and 1781. London, 1787. 80. W. C. 594. MACKENZIE (R. S.). See Sheil (R. C.), Sketches; also Knowles's Life. MACKENZIE (Shelton). Odoherty Papers. See Maginn. MACKENZIE (William L.). The Lives and Opinions of Benjamin F. Butler and Jesse Hoyt, with anecdotes. Boston, 1845. 120. B. C. - ---- Mackenzie's Weekly Message: Head's Flag of Truce, 1852. Pam. vol. 99. Life and Times of Martin Van Buren. The Correspondence of his friends, family and pupils. Boston, 1846. 80. --- The same. 1846. 80. B. C. 468 NEW-YORK STATE M'KEON (John). Report to Cong. on Protection to seamen, 1837; with Speech, on the Executive departments, 1837. Pam. vol. 60. MACKIE (John M.) Life of Samuel Gorton. Sparks's Am. Biog. vol. 15. Life of G. W. von Leibnitz, on the basis of the German of Dr. G. E. Guhrauer. Boston, 1847. 120. M'KINNEN (Daniel). Description of the Bahama Islands. See Edwards (B.). MACKINNON (Capt. L. B.). Steam Warfare in the Parana: A Narrative of the operations, by the combined squadrons of England and France, in forcing a passage up that river. London, 1848. 2 vol. 80..-.. Atlantic and Transatlantic Sketches, afloat and ashore. New-York, 1852. 12o. MACKINTOSH (Sir James). History of the Revolution in England in 1688.... with a sketch of his life. London, 1834. 40. ------ The same. Philadelphia, 1835. 80. Tke same. 80. B. C. Miscellaneous Works. London, 1846. 3 vol. 80. Progress of Ethical Philosophy. See Encyc. Brit. Prel. Diss. 2. The same. Philadelphia, 1832. 80. B. C. - Life of Sir T. Miore. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 68. Vindiciva Gallicee: The French Revolution defended against the accusations of the Rt. Hon. Edmund Burke. London, 1837. 180. ---- ~WALLACE and BELL. The History of England. Lardner's Cab. Cycl. Philadelphia, 1830-33. 3 vol. 12o. B. C. The same. Lardner's Cycl. 75 - 84. 3 vol. 120. MACKINTOSH (Robert James). Memoirs of the Life of Sir James Mackintosh: ed. by his son. 2d ed. London, 1836. 2 vol. 80. ---— _ The same. 2 vol. 80. B. C. M'KNIGHT (John), D.D. Discourse, on Present State of the.. World. New-York, 1802. Pam. vol. 95. MACKNIGHT (James). Translation of the Epistles. See Bible, N. T. M'KONOCHIE (Capt.). Statistics and Commerce of the Principal Shores of the Pacific Ocean. London, 1818. 80. W. C. 646. See MIaconochie. Benevolence in punishment, or transportation made reformatory. London, 1845. 120. McKoY (Isaac). See McCoy (I.). MACLAINE (Archibald). See Mosheim's Eccl. History, translation. MACLAREN (C.). Railways compared with Canals. Pamphleteer, vol. 26. MACLEAN (Charles), M.D. Evils of Quarantine Laws, and non-existence of pestilential contagion. London, 1824. 80. C. L.. —--- Suggestions respecting epidemic and pestilential diseases. Pamphleteer, vol. 10. GENERAL LIBRARY. 469 Summary of facts and inferences respecting the Plague. Pamphleteer, vol. 16. McLEAN (John). Notes of twenty-five Years' Service in the Hudson's Bay Territory. London, 1849. 2 vol. 120o. M'LELLAN ( H. B.). Journal of a Residence in Scotland, and Tour through England, France, etc... with a memoir of the author by I. M'Lellan. Boston, 1834. 120. MCLELLAN (Robert). Speech, H. of R. U. S., on U. S. Fiscal Bank bill, 1811. Pam. vol. 60. MCLEOD (Alexander), D.D. See Westminster Assem. Catechism..-..... Lectures on the Principal Prophecies of the Revelation. NewYork, 1814. 80. A Scriptural View of the character, cause and ends of the present war. New-York, 1815. 80. -- The Life and Power of true Godliness. New-York, 1816. 80. McLEOD (C. D.). Plasmion, a Poem: Univ. of New-York, 1841. Pam. vol. 83. MCLEoD ( Donald). History of Wiskonsan, from its first discovery to the present period. Buffalo, 1846. 120.. —.. Pynnshurst: his Wanderings and Ways of thinking. New-York, 1852. 12o. MACLOT (J. C.). Pr6cis sur le Globe Terrestre. Paris, 1765. 120. W. C. 595. MACLURE ( Win.). Observations on the Geology of the United States. Philadelphia, 1817. 80. W. C. 596. Catalogue of 3Mineralogical and Geological Specimens at NewHarmony, Ia., collected....... by: arranged by D. D. Owen, M. D. New-Harmony, 1840. 80. ------- Opinions on various subjects, dedicated to the industrious producers. New-Harmony, Ia. 1831 - 37. 2 vol. 80. MACLURE. See also McClure. MACLURIAN LYCEUM: Contributions to the Arts and sciences, vol. 1, no. 2. Philadelphia, 1827. 80. Pam. vol. 92. MI'MAIHON ( John V. L.). An Historical View of the Government of Maryland, from its colonization to the present day. Vol. 1. Baltimore, 1831. 80. MOMAsTERs (Gilbert). Thanksgiving Sermon, 1810. Pam. vol. 62. MACMICHAEL (W.). Progress of Opinion on the subject of contagion. Pamphleteer, vol. 25. MICMULLEN (Thomas). Hand-book of Wines.... with a description of foreign spirits and liquors. New-York, 1852. 8o. M'MURTRIE (H.). Sketches of Louisville and its environs; including Florula Louisvillensis. Louisville, Ky. 1819. 80. W. C. 647. M'NAIR (T. J.). See St. Louis Magnet. 470 NEW-YORK STATE M'NAUGHTON (James), M.D. Discourse, Kappa Alpha Phi Soc. of the Coll. Phys. and Surg. of the West. Dist. Albany, 1830. Pam. vol. 22. B. C. MAICNEVEN (William James), M.D. Pieces of Irish History, illustrative of the condition of the Catholics of Ireland; or the origin and progress of the political system of the United Irishmen... New-York, 1807. 8o. Introd. Discourse on the application of chemistry to agriculture. New-York, 1825. 80. - Exposition of the atomic theory of chemistry. New-York, 1819. Pam. vol. 4. MAC NEVIN (Thomas). The Lives and Trials of Archibald Hamilton Rowan.... and others, eminent Irishmen. Dublin, 1846. 80. The History of the Volunteers of 1782. New-York, 1845. 120. - See Sheil's Speeches. MACNISH (Robert). The Philosophy of Sleep. N. York, 1834. 12~. B. C. The Anatomy of Drunkenness. New-York, 1835. 12o. B. C. M3ACONOCIIE ( Capt.). Statistics and Commerce of the principal shores of the Pacific Ocean. London, 1818. 80. See M'Conochie. MACPHERSON (David). Annals of Commerce, manufactures, fisheries, and navigation. London, 1805. 4 vol. 40o. MACPHERSON ( James). Short History of the Opposition during the last Session of Parliament. 3d ed. London, 1799. 80.. An Introduction to the History of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1772. 4o. B. C. M'QUEEN ( James). General Statistics of the British Empire. London, 1836. 80. MACRAY (William Dunn). Manual of British Historians to 1600; containing a chronological account of the early chroniclers and monkish writers. London, 1845. 80. M'SIHERRY (James). History of Maryland, from its first settlement in 1634 to 1838. Baltimore, 1849. 80. MACTAGGART ( John). Three years in Canada; or the actual state of the country, 1826 - 28. London, 1829. 2 vol. 120. MCVEAN (Charles). Speech, H. of R. U. S., on Bank deposites. 1834. Pam. vol. 60. MOVEY'S ( W. G. D.) Literary and Professional Magazine, Pittsfield. See Period. 40. vol. 1. ------ Outlines of the Philosophy of human nature. Boston, 1854..80. M'VICKAR (John), D.D. The Early Life and professional years of Bishop Hobart; with a History of the Church in America, by Walter Farquhar-Hook, D.D. Oxford, 1838. 80. MaWHORTER (Alexander), D.D. Sermon on the blessedness of the liberal. 1796. Pam. vol. 62. GENERAL LIBRARY. 471 MACY (Obed). The History of Nantucket; together with the rise and progress of the whale fishery. Boston, 1835. 12o. MADAGASCAR, past and present: by a Resident. London, 1847. 120. MADDEN (ID. Owen). Revelations of Ireland in the past generation. Dublin, 1848. 12o. MADDEN (R. R.), M.D. The United Irishmen, their lives and times; first, second, and third series. London, 1842- 46. 7 vol. 120. The Literary Life and Correspondence of the Countess of Blessington. New-York, 1855. 2 vol. 120. MADDOCK ( Henry). Life and Writings of Lord Chancellor Somers. London, 1812. 4o. MADISON (Rev. James). Discourse on the Death of Washington, at Williamsburg, Va. New-York, 1800. Pam. vol. 47. MADISON (James), President. Papers purchased by order of Congress: pub. under the superintendence of Henry D. Gilpin. Washington, 1840. 3 vol. 80.: The same. 3 vol. 80. B. C. The Federalist. See Hamilton (A.). IHelvidius, on Neutrality of 1793. See Pacifilus. - Letters on the Constitutionality of the.... Tariff. Washington, 1828. Pam. vol. 153. MADISON (James M.). An Exposition of the forms and usages observed in the various Lodges of the Order of Odd Fellows. New-York, 1848. Pam. vol. 50. B. C. MAERLANT (Jacob Van). Spiegel Historiael of Rijmkronijk. Vierde deel. Amsterdam, 1849. 80. MAES (J.). Schriftuurlyk School-boekje. Amsterdam, 1728. 180. B. C. MAFFEI ( General ). Memorie del. Verona, 1737. 120. MAFFEi (Gio. Pietro). Historiarum Indicarum libri xvi. Cadomi, 1614. 120. W. C. 598. Opera Omnia Latine Scripta. Vol. 1, Hist. Indicarum; vol. 2, De Japonicis rebus. Bergomi, 1747. 2 vol. 40. -Histoire des Indes orientales et occidentales: trad. du latin. Paris, 1665. 4o. W. C. 597. MAFFIT ( Rev. J. N.). Maffit's Trial; or J. T. Buckingham acquitted. New-York, 1829. Pam. vol. 56. MAGALHANES DE GANDAVO (Pero). Histoire de la Province de Sancta' Cruz, que nous nommons ordinairement le Br6sil. Lisbon, 1576. See Ternaux, Voyages, vol. 2. MAGALOTTI ( Conte Lorenzo). Lettere contro l'ateismo: precedute dalla dissertazione del Cardinale Gerdil. Venezia, 1837. 5 vol. 180. MAGAZINE of HORTICULTURE and BOTANY.... First title: American Gardener's Magazine: 1st series, 1835 - 44. 10 vol.; 9d series, 1845 - 54, 10 vol. Ed. by C. M. Hovey. Boston, 1835 - 54. 20 vol. 80. 472 NEW-YORK STATE MAGAZINE of NATURAL HISTORY, and Journal of Zoology, Botany, Mineralogy, Geology and Meteorology: ed. by J. C. Loudon. London, 1829 - 36. 9 vol. 80. - The same: conducted by E. Charlesworth. London, 1837 - 40. 4 vol. 80. MAGAZINE (The) of the Reformed Dutch Church: ed. by W. C. Brownlee and others. New-Brunswick, N. J. 1826 - 30. 4 vol. 8~. MAGDALEN FACTS, No. 1. New-York, 1832. See N.Y. Magd. Soc. MAGELLAN (Ferdinand). Voyage. Harris, vol. I; Kerr, vol. 10; and Ortega. MA'GENDIE (F.). Formulaire pour la pr6paration et l'emploi de plusieurs nouveaux medicaments. 9m~ 6d. Paris, 1836. 120. Legons sur le chole6ra morbus, faites au College de France. Paris, 1832. 80..-.- See Bichat, Physiological researches. MAGINN (William), LL.D. The Odoherty Papers: annotated by Dr. Shelton Mackenzie. New-York, 1855. 2 vol. 120. MAGISTRIS (P. Hyacinthe de). Relation derniere de ce qui s'est passe dans les Royaumes de Madure, de Tangeor, et autres lieux voisins du Malabar.... trad. de l'italien. Paris, 1663. 120. MAGNEN ( IO. Chrys.). Democritus Revivescens; sive Vita et Philosophia!Democriti. Lugduni Bat. 1648. 180. MAGOON (E. L.). Living Orators of America. New-York, 1849. 120. ------ Orators of the American Revolution. New-York, 1848. 120. MAGRATH (T. W.). Authentic Letters from Upper Canada.... the etchings by Samuel Lover: ed. by Rev. T. Radcliff. Dublin, 1833. 120. MAHAN ( B. H.). Elementary Course of Civil Engineering, for.... the United States Military Academy. New-York, 1837. 80. - lementary Course of Civil Engineering: 4th edition, mostly rewritten. New-York, 1848. 80. MAHLMANN ( Dr. Wilhelm). Monatsberichte iiber die Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft fir Erdkunde zu Berlin. Vierter jahrgang, 1842 - 43. 80. Instruction far die Beobachter an den Meteorologisehen Stationen im Preussichen Staate. Berlin, 1847. 4~. MAHOMET. See Mohammed, and Koran. MAHON ( Lord ). History of England, from the Peace of Utrecht to the Peace of Versailles, 1713 - 83. London, 1836- 54. 7 vol. 80. ------- History of the War of the Succession in Spain. London, 1832. 80, Life of Conde. New-York, 1845. 120. The Life of Belisarius. 2d ed. London, 1848. 120..... Historical Essays: from the Quarterly Review. London, 1849. 120. ----- The Forty-fivo; being the Narrative of the Insurrection of 1745. London, 1851. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 473 Letter to Jared Sparks, being a rejoinder to his reply.. London, 1852. 12,. MAHONEY (Rev. S. J.). Six Years in the Monasteries of Italy, and two years in the Islands of the Mediterranean and in Asia Minor. Hartford, 1844. 120. B. C. MAHONEY (C.). A New System of musical notation for the blind. 1853. fol. MAIGNE (M.). Journal Aneedotique de Madame Campan; ou Conversations recueillies dans ses entretiens, suivi d'extraits de sa correspondance, ses pens6es sur l'education, etc. Paris, 1825. 80. MAILLARD (N. Doran). The History of the Republic of Texas. London, 1842. 8~. MAILLET ( M. De). Besebhryvinge van Egipte, opgesteld..... door den Abt Le Mascrier: nit het Fransch overtaald. Gravenhage, 1737. 2 vol. in 1. 4~. MAILLY (E.). Principes de la Science du calcul. See Encyc. pop. MAIMBOURG ( Louis). Histoire de l'Arianisme. 2d vol. Paris, 1686. 4o. MAINE: Report of Joint Committee of the Legislature, in relation to the northeastern boundary of the State. Portland, 1828. 80. Second and Third Reports of the Geology of the State of Maine: by C. T. Jackson. Augusta, 1838, 39. 80. Catalogue of the State Library, arranged by A. Oakes. Augusta, 1850. $o. MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Collections. Portland, 1831-53. 3 vol, 80 MAIR ( John). An Introduction to Latin Syntax. 9th ed. Edinburgh, 1779. 80o.. C. MAIROBERT ( M. F. Pidanzat de). L'Espion Anglois, ou Correspondance secrete entre Milord All'Eye et Milord All'Ear. London, 1782 - 84. 10 vol. 12o, W. C. 599. MAISON ( Leonard ). Speech in Sen. on Removal of deposites, 1834. Pam. vol. 67. MAISTRE ( Comte Joseph de). Essay on the generative principle of political constitutions: from the French. Boston, 1847. 120. MAITLAND ( Gen. Richard ). Orders issued by General Maitland, NewYork, March 9, 1765, to Capt. Vaughan. Manuscript. Pain. fol. vol. 1. MAITLAND (Capt. F. L.). Narrative of the Surrender of Buonaparte. Boston, 1826. 120. MAITTAIRE (Michel). Annales typographici ab anno MD ad MDXXXVI. Hagoe, 1722. Vol. 2. 40. MAIUS (Jo. Hen.). See Bibliotheca Uffenbachiana. MAIZEAUX (Des). See Bayle, Dictionnaire. MAKARONY FABLES; with the new Fable of the Bees, in two Cantos.. By Cosmo.... 2d ed. London, Almon, 1768. Pam. 4~. vol. 2. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 60 474 NEW-YORK STATE MAKERSTOUN Magnetical and Meteorological Observations, in the Observatory of Sir Thomas M. Brisbane, 1841-44: ed. by E. Russell and J. A. Broun. Roy. Soc. Edinb. Trans. vol. 17, 18. MAKGILL ( George). Rent no Robbery. Edinburgh, 1851. Pam. vol. 76. MALCOLM ( Sir John). History of Persia. London, 1829. 2 vol. 80. --- ife of Lord Clive. London, 1836. 3 vol. 8~. ------- Memoir of Central India, etc. 3d ed. London, 1832. 2 vol. 8~. Sketches of Persia. London, 1838. 2 vol. 12~. MIALCOM ( Howard). Travels in Southeastern Asia; with Notices of missionary stations, and an Account of the Burman Empire. 2d ed. Boston, 1839. 2 vol. in 1. 80. MALDEN. The Bi-centennial Book of Malden; containing the oration and poem delivered May 23, 1849. Boston, 1850. 120. MALDEN (Prof.). History of Rome. See Lib. U. K. MALDEN (Henry). An Account of King's Chapel College in Cambridge. Cambridge, 1769. 12o. MALEBRANCHE ( N.). De la Recherche de la verit6. 8me 6d. Paris, 1749. 4 vol. 120. 1MALENFANT ( le Colonel ). Des Colonies, et particulierement de celle de Saint-Domingue. Paris, 1814. 80. W. C. 600. MAL1AM ( John). Naval Gazetteer, or Seaman's Complete Guide. 2d ed. London, 1801. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 601. Dict. Maritime. See Grandpre's translation. MALUERBE (Alfred). Faune Ornithologique de la Sicile. Metz, 1843. So. -MALHERBE ( F. de). (Euvres; with CEuvres completes de Boileau, and (Euvres poetiques de J. B. Rousseau. Paris, 1837. 80. C. L. MALKIN (A. T.). Historical Parallels. See Lib. E. K. MALKIN (Benjamin H.). Tour through Wales. Pinkerton, vol. 2. MALKIN ( Sir B3. H.). Astronomy. See Lib. U. K. Nat. Phil. vol. 3. MALKIN (Frederick). History of Greece. See Lib. U. K. MIALLET ( Allain M.). Description de l'Univers. Paris, 1683. 5 vol. 80. W. C. 602. MALLET (D.). Life of Francis Bacon, Lord Chancellor of England. London, 1740. 8~. IMALLET ( Paul H.). Northern Antiquities, or an Historical Account of the ancient Scandinavians: trans. from the French by Bishop Percy. New ed. by J. A. Blackwell; and an Abstract of the Eyrbyggja-Saga, by Sir Walter Scott. London, Bohn, 1847. 12o. MALLET DU PAN ( Jacques). Memoirs and Correspondence illustrative of the History of the French Revolution: coll. and arr. by M. Sayous. London, 1852. 2 vol. 120. MALMESBURY ( Earl of). See Harris ( J.). MALLORY ( Daniel). Life and Speeches of Henry Clay. 5th ed. New-York, 1814. 2 vol. 8o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 475 MALO ( Arand). 168ments de comptabilite rurale. Paris, 1841. 12o. MALOUET ( YV. P.). Collection de Memoires et Correspondances oflicielles sur l'administration des colonies. Paris, 1801. 5 vol. 80. W. C. 603. IMALTE-BRPUN (Conrad). Universal Geography; accompanied with tables. Philadelphia, 1827 - 32. 6 vol. 80.. The same. 6 vol. 80. B. C. MALTHUS ( T. R.). Essay on the Principle of Population. 1st Am. ed. Washington City, 1809 2 vol. 80. Additions to an Essay on the principle of population. 1st Am. ed. Georgetown, D.C. 1831. 80....- Principles of Political Economy. Boston, 1821. 8o. MAN'S FEASTS and FASTS in GoD's CHURCH: A Newyear's Gift; being A Review of the "Rector's Christmas Offering." By Rev. C. Van Rensselaer? Burlington, 1842. 80. MIANBY ( George William). Journal of a Voyage to Greenland, in 1821; with illustrations. London, 1823. 40. MANCHESTER, Eng. Chamber of Commerce and manufactures Report on the Bank of England. 4th ed. 1839. Pam. vol. 35. B. C. FREE LIBRARY. 3 vol. See Bibliotheca Chethamensis..- Librarian's 1st Report.... with lists of books suggested for purchase, by E. Edwards. Manchester, 1851. 40. Three Reports, by E. Edwards, 1853. Pam. vol. 170. MANCHESTER and LIVERPOOL RAILWAY: Descriptive Catalogue of the Panoramic Exhibition of London, 1835. 80. MANCHESTER LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY': Melmoirs. Warrington, 1785 - 98. 5 vol. 80. MANCIUS (Geo. Wilhelmus). Sermon, Kingston, N. Y. 1754: trans. from the Dutch, and printed Kingston, 1818. Serm. vol. 2. B. C. MANDELSLOE (Albert. de). Voyages through the Indies. Harris, vol. 1. MANDEVILLE ( Bernard de), M.D. The Fable of the Bees; or Private vices, public benefits. London, 1806. 80. C. L. MANDEVILLE ( H.), D.D. Address, Hamilton Coll. 1840. Pam. vol. 83. Address, Soc. of Inq. New-Brunswick, N. J. 1847. Pam. vol. 83. MANDOSIO (Carlo). Nuovo Vocabolario Italiano-latino. Parma, 1818. 8~. nMANDRILLON (J.). Le Spectateur Americain, suivi de Recherches philosophiques sur la decouverte de l'Amerique. Amsterdam, 1785. 8o. W. C. 604. MANES (M.). Memoire Geologique et Statistique sur les terrains de gres avec houille, dans les Departements de l'Aveyron et du Tarn. Paris, 1836. 80. Memoires Geologiques et Me6tallurgiques sur l'Allemagne. Paris, 1828. 80. 476 NEW-YORK STATE MANESCA (Jean). An Oral System of teaching living languages; illustrated by a practical course of lessons in the French.... New-York, 1834, 5. 2 vol. 80. B. C. MANGIN (Abbe de). Annonces Dominicales, ou modeles d'instructions sur les evangiles. Paris, 1757. 2 vol. 120. MANIFESTO imparcial y exacto de lo mas importante occurrido in Aranjuez, Madrid y Bayona, desde 17 de Marzo hasta 15 de Mayo de 1808. Pam. vol. 15. MANLEY ( Mrs. de la Riviere). Memoirs of Europe towards the close of the eighth century, written by Eginardus; and done into English by the translator of the New Atalantis. London, 1718. 12~. MANLEY (James R.), M.D. Inaug. Address, Med. Soc. New-York, 1826. Pam. vol. 11. B. C. An Eulogium on Dewitt Clinton. New-York, 1828. 80. Address, Columbia Col. Alumni, 1831. Pam. vol. 58. Exposition of the Conduct and Character of Dr. John Augustine Smith. 1841. 80. Discourse, New-York Acad. of Med. 1849. Pain. vol. 85. MANN ( Herman). Historical Annals of Dedham, from its. settlement in 1635 to 1847. Dedham, 1847. 80. MANN (Horace). Speech, H. of R., Restriction of slavery, 1848. Pam. vol. 50. B. C. A Few Thoughts for a young man: A Lecture, Boston Mercantile Association. Boston, 1850. 120. Massachusetts School System. See Mass. Board of Education, Reports. See Common School Journal. See Common School Controversy, 1844-47. Boston. Pam. vol. 175. MANNING (James Alexander). Lives of the Speakers of the House of Commons. London, 1850. 80. MANCEUVRES of Artillery, vol. 2, 3. Metz, 1828. 2 vol. 120, lithographed. MANSFIELD (Lord). Speech, on Exports from the Island of Grenada. London, 1774. 80. See Canadian Freeholder, vol. 2. MANSFIELD (Edward D.). Life of General Winfield Scott. New-York, 1846. 80.. The Mexican War: A History of its origin, and a detailed account of the victories which terminated in the surrender of the capital. New-York, 1848. 80. American Education; its principles and elements. New-York, 1851. 120. — Memoirs of the Life.. of D. Drake, M.D. Cincinnati, 1855.120. MANSFIELD (Edward L.). The Political Grammar of the United States. New-York, 1834. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 477 MANSFIELD ( L. W.). See Hammond ( S. H.), and Up-Country Letters. MANTE (Thomas). History of the late War in North America. London, 1772. 40. MANTELL (G.). Fossils of the South Downs, or Illustrations of the Geology of Sussex. London, 1822. 40o..-..- Illustrations of the Geology of Sussex, with figures and descriptions of the fossils of Tilgate Forest. London, 1827. 40. MIANTELL (Gideon A.), LL.D. Medals of Creation; or First Lessons in Geology, and in the study of organic remains. London, 1844. 2 vol. 120. Thoughts on Animalcules; or a Glimpse of the Invisible World revealed by the microscope. London, 1 846. 12o. Petrifactions and their Teachings; or a Hand-book to the gallery of organic remains of the British Museum. London, Bohn, 1851. 120.. Geological Excursions round the Isle of Wight and the Coast of Devonshire. 3d ed. London, Bohn, 1854. 120. MANUSCRIPT transmitted from St. Helena by an unknown channel: from the French. 2d ed. London, 1817. 80. MANUSCRIPTS of the Library of the King of France. See Acad. des Sci. MANUTIUS ( Paulus Aldus). Antiquitatum Romanorum liber: de legibus. Venetiis, 1557. fol. Epistolarum libri xii. Venetiae, 1580. 180. In Epistolas M. T. Ciceronis ad T. Pomponium Atticum, M. Junium Brutum, et Quinctum fratrem, Pauli Mlanutii Commentarius. Venetiis, 1583. fol. Tre Libri di Lettere volgari. Venetia, 1556. 120. FILIUS. Orthographicm Ratio Collecta. Venetiis, 1566. 12~. Epitome Orthographize. Venetiis, 1575:. 12o. De qumesitis per epistolam libri iii. Venetiis, 1576. And De Epistolis. 120. MIAPES ( James J.). See American Repertory of ATts and Sciences...... — Address, Mechanics' Institute, New-York, 1845. Pam. vol. 71. MAPLESON (T. W. Gwilt). A Hand-book of Heraldry. New-York, 1851. 120. MARBOIS (Barbe). History of Louisiana. See Barbe-Marbois. MARCA (Francois). Le Vrai Phenix, ou Systbme de l'Univers. La Haye, 1762. 18o. MARCELLUS ( le Comte de). See Forbin, Portefenille de la Sicile. Politique de la Restauration en 1822 et 1823. Paris, 1853. 80. MARCET (Mrs. Jane). John Hopkins's Notions on political economy. Boston, 1833. 180. B. C. Popular Introduction to natural philosophy. Lib. U. K. vol. 2. Mary's Grammar. London, 1835. 180. 478 NEW-YORK STATE MARCH (Alden), M.D. Lecture on establishing a medical college at Albany, 1830. Pam. vol. 87. MaRac ( Charles W.). Reminiscences of Congress. New-York, 1850. 120. MARCGRAVE. On the Natural History of Brazil. See Piso. MARCHAND (Etienne). Voyage autour du Monde, en 1790-92: prec6de d'une introduction historique par C. P. C. Fleurieu. Paris, 1797 - 1800. 4 vol. 40. W. C. 605. Voyage round the World, in 1790- 92: trans. from the French. London, 1801. 2 vol. 8~; chart 4o. MARCHANT (Dr. Leon). Rapport general des travaux du Conseil de salubrite, au Departement de la Gironde. Bordeaux, 1833. 80. MARCMIONT (Earls of). Papers, illustrative of events from 1685 to 1750. London, 1831. 3 vol. 80. MARCO POLO. See Polo (Marco). MIARCOU (Jules). Geological Map of the United States and the British Provinces of North America; with a vol. of text. Boston, 1853. 2 vol. 80. MARCUS (Rev. Moses). Address on Emigration, 1846. Pam. vol. 75. MARCY ( Randolph B.), and George B. M'Lellan. Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana in 1852. Sen. Doct. Washington, 1853. 80; with maps, 80. 2 vol..... — Route to Santa Fe. See U. S., War Department. MARGARET DE VALOIS, Daughter of Henry II of France, and first wife of Henry IV. The Memorials of: compiled by herself, and trans. by R. Codrington. London, 1664. 180. MARIANA ( Juan de). Historia General de Espaia: 15th edition. Madrid, 1780, 82. 2 vol. With Continuacion escrita en latin, por J. M. Minana: trad. al Castellano por V. Romero. Madrid, 1804. 1 vol. 3 vol. fol. W. C. 606. MIARIETTE ( Jean). See Aviler, Cours d'Architecture. MARIN ( P. Michael Angelo). Il Barone Van Hesden; ossia la Republica degli increduli. Venezia, 1841. 8 vol. 180o. MARIN (Pierre). Dictionnaire Franqois et Hollandois; Fransch and Nederduitsch Woordenboek. 6th ed. Amsterdam, 1793. imp. 80. MARINE SOCIETY of the City of New-York: Charter, 1781. fol. MARINO (Cavaliere). L'Adone: poema. Vol. 1, 2, 4. Londra, 1784. 3 vol. 120. MARIOTTI (L.), pseud. Italy in 1848. By Sig. A. Galinga. London, 1851. 120. Italy, Past and Present. By Sig. A. Galinga. London, 1849. 2 vol. 120. MARIVAULT ( M. de). Des Chemins de fer. Paris, 1839. 80. MARJORIBANKS (Capt.). Slavery: an Essay in verse. Edinburgh, 1792. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 479 MARKOE (Peter). The Times; a Poem. Philadelphia, 1788. Pam. vol. 66. MARLBOROUGH ( John Churchill, Duke of). Letters and Dispatches, 1702 - 12: ed. by Sir G. Murray. London, 1845. 5 vol. 80. lMARMiRER (X.). Lettres sur l'Amerique. Paris, 1851. 2 vol. 120. MARMONTEL (J. F.). The History of Belisarius. America, 1770. 120. B.C. Les Incas. Paris, 1817. 2 vol. 1.60. W. C. 608. MARNIX (Philips), Heer v. St. Aldegond. De Byen-korf der II. Roomscher Kerke. Amsterdam, 1733. 180. MARQUET-VASSELOT ( L. A. A.). Ecole des Condamnes: ConfTrences sur la moralit6 des lois pinales. Paris, 1838. Vol. 1. 80. MARQUETTE (R. P. Jacques). Recit des Voyages et des Decouvertes en 1673 et aux suivantes: La Continuation de ses voyages par Claude Alloiiez, et le Journal autographe du P. Marquette en 1674, 75; avec la carte de son voyage, tracke de sa main. Imprim6e d'apres le manuscrit original restant au College de Ste Marie a Montreal. Albany, 1855. 120.....- et Joliet. Voyage et Decouverte de quelques pays et nations de l'Aimrique septentrionale, 1673. Paris, 1681: reprinted Paris, 1845. 180. 2 copies. -. See Shea's Discovery of the Mississippi Valley..-.- Discoveries in North America. See French ( B. F.), Hist. Coll. vol. 2. MARRANT (Rev. John). Journal of, from August 18, 1785, to March 16, 1790; and two Sermons, preached at Ragged Island and Boston. London, 1790. 80. MARRAT (W.). See Scientific Journal. MARRIAGE and DIvoRCE. Pamphleteer, vol. 17, 1].8. MARRYAT ( Capt.). A Diary in America, with remarks on its institutions. London, 1839. 3 vol. 120. MARRYAT (Frank S.). Borneo and the Indian Archipelago, with drawings of costume and scenery. London, 1848. 80. Mountains and Molehills, or Recollections of a burnt journal. New-York, 1855. 12~. MARRYAT ( Joseph ). Collections towards a History of Pottery and Porcelain, in'the 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th centuries.... etc. London, 1850. 80. MARRYAT'S SIGNAL NUMBERS: From the 8th edition, newly revised. 1841, 42. 80. MARSDEN ( Joshua). Grace Displayed: an interesting narrative of the life.... and missionary labours of. 2d ed. New-York, 1814. 120. - Narrative of a Mission to Nova-Scotia, New-Brunswick and the Somers Islands; with a Tour to Lake Ontario. Plymouth Dock, 1810. 80. MARSDEN (William). History of Sumatra. 3d ed. London, 1811. 40. 480 NEW-YORK STATE MARSH ( George P.). Speeches in H. of Rep. U. S., on the Tariff bill,'April, 1844; and on Slavery in the territories, Aug. 1848. 80. Speeches, H. of R. U. S., on the Smithsonian Institution, 1846; on the Tariff, 1846. Pam. vol. 60. Address, Rutland Agricul. Soc. 1847. Pam. vol. 77. The American Historical School: a Discourse, Union Coll. 1847. Pam. vol. 101. MARSH ( Luther R.). Oration on the Life and Services of Gen. N. Woodhull; with an Account of the Woodhull Monument Association. NewYork, 1848. 80. MARSHALL (Christopher). Passages from the Remembrancer of C. M. member...... of the Committee of Safety, 1774 - 76: ed. by William Duane, jun. Philadelphia, 1839. 120. --: ~ Passages from his Diary, kept in Philadelphia and Lancaster, during the American Revolution: ed. by W. Duane. Vol. 1, 1774 - 77. Philadelphia, 1839 - 1849. 12o. MARSHALL (Henry). Ceylon: a General Description of the island and the inhabitants; with an Historical Sketch of the conquest of the colony by the English. London, 1846. 12o. Military Miscellany, comprehending a History of the recruiting of the army, military punishments, etc. London, 1846. 80. MARSHALL.( Humphry). Arbustrum Americanum; or an Alphabetical Catalogue of forest trees and shrubs.. of the.. United States, according to the Linnsean System. Philadelphia, 1785. 8o. W. C. 609. Catalogue Alphabetique des Arbres et Arbrisseaux, qui croissent naturellement dans les Etats-Unis de I'Amerique: trad. de l'anglois, avec des notes.. par M. L6zermes. Paris, 1788. 80. W. C. 610. - History of Kentucky. Frankfort, 1824. 2 vol. 80. MARSHALL (J.). Statistics of the British Empire, of the various Countries of Europe, and of the United States. London, 1833. 40. - Statistics, Mortality, etc. of the Metropolis. London, 1832. 4o. MARSHALL (John). Life of George Washington. Philadelphia, 1805 - 07. 5 vol. 80; atlas 40. The same. 6 vol. B. C. Vie de Washington: trad. de l'anglois par P. F. Henry. Paris, 1807. 5 vol. 80. W. C. 611. Life of Washington. Phil'a, 1832. 2 vol. 80, with atlas. 3 vol. Opinion concerning Free Masonry. Pam. vol. 184. MARSHALL ( Lieut. John). Royal Naval Biography; or MIemoirs of the services of all the flag-officers, rear admirals, captains, etc. now living. 8 vol. and 4 supp. London, 1823 - 35. 12 vol. 80. MARSHALL ( O. IH.). Translation of Expedition against the Senecas. See Nonville. MARSHALL (Thomas). Speech, II. of D. Va., on the Abolition of Slavery, 1832. Pam. vol. 15. B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 481 MARSHALL ( Thomas F.). Life and Character of Richard H. Menefee. Lexington, Ky. 1841. 80. MARSHALL (William). Minutes of Agriculture, made on a farm of 300 acres, near Croydon, Surrey. London, 1778. 40.. MARTENS ( Charles de). Guide Diplomatique. Paris, 1832. 2 vol. 80. B.C. MARTIALIS ( M. V.). Epigrammata, demptis obscenis, cum interpretatione ac notis. Parisiis, 1693. 12o. MARTIN (Benjamin). The Philosophical Grammar; being a view of the present state of experimented physiology or natural philosophy. 2d ed. London, 1738. 80..- - The same. 2d ed. 1738. 80. B. C. MARTIN (Rev. B. N.). Discourse, N. Y. Alpha of Phi Beta Kappa Soc. 1852. Pam. vol. 88. iMARTIN ( Francis X.). The History of Louisiana from the earliest period. New-Orleans, 1827 - 29. 2 vol. 80. 9 ---- History of North-Carolina. New-Orleans, 1829. 2 vol. in 1. 80. MARTIN ( H.) jr. Beredeneerd Nederduitsch Woordenboek. Amsterdam, 1836. 180. B. C. MARTIN ( John). Bibliographical Catalogue of privately printed books. 2d ed. London, 1854. 80. MARTIN (Joseph). Gazetteer of Virginia and the District of Columbia; with a History of Virginia to 1754. Charlotteville, 1835. 80. MARTIN (Luther). Modern Gratitude, in five numbers: addressed to Richard R. Keene, concerning a family marriage. 1803? 80. " Genuine Information." See Yates (R.). An Inroad upon the sacred trial by jury; or the Case of John Bentley' and Isaiah Green, against whom summary proceedings for contempt of court were begun.... Baltimore, 1811. With, The Honest Politician.. first eight numbers. Baltimore, 1808. 8~. B. C,. MARTIN (M.). Description of the Western Islands of Scotland; and Voyage to St. Kilda. Pinkerton, vol. 3. MARTIN ( M. L.). Address, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Jan. 21, 1851. Greenbay, 1851. 120. MARTIN ( Montgomery Robert). History of the British Colonies. 2d ed. London, 1835. 5 vol. 80. History of Eastern India. London, 1838. 3 vol. 80. ------ See Colonial Mag. and Comm. Mar. Jour....-. The Hudson's Bay Territories and Vancouver's Island; with an Exposition of the chartered rights.... of the Hudson's Bay Corporation; with a map. London, 1849. 80. MARTIN (Thomas). A Philosophical Grammar of the English language. London, 1824. 12o. MARTIN (William). Outlines of an Attempt to establish a knowledge of extraneous fossils on scientific principles. Macclesfield, 1809 80. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 61 482 NEW-YORK STATE MARTIN-MAILLEFER (P. D.). Les Fiances de Caracas: Pomme eclectique, en deux chants. Paris, 1829. 80. W. C. 614. MARTINEAU (Harriet). The Times of the Saviour. 3d ed. Boston, 1832. 180. B. C....... The Faith as unfolded by many Prophets: an Essay, addressed to the Disciples of Mohammed. Boston, 1833. 180. C. C. Providence, as manifested through Israel. Boston, 1833. 180. B. C. -- Devotional Exercises; consisting of reflections and prayers for the use of young persons. Boston, 1833. 18o. B. C..-.. —~ Miscellanies. Boston, 1836. 2 vol. 120. B. C. - Society in America. New-York, 1837. 2 vol. 120. The same. 2 vol. 120. B. C. - Retrospect of Western Travel. New-York, 1838. 2 vol. 12o. The same. 2 vol. 120. B. C. How to Observe: Morals and Manners. New-York, 1838. 120. B. C. - The Essential Faith of the Universal Church, deduced from the Sacred Records. Boston, 1838. 180. B. C. Life in the Sick Room: Essays by an Invalid. 2d ed. London, 1844. 120. Letters on Mesmerism. New-York, 1845. Pam. vol. 43. B. C.... — Eastern Life, present and past. London, 1848. 3 vol. 120..-..... The same. Philadelphia, 1848. 120. B. C. H — Household Education. Philadelphia, 1849. 120. ------- The History of England, during the Thirty-years peace, 1816 - 46. London, 18439, 50. 2 iol. roy. 80. - Introduction to the History of Peace, from 1800 to 1815. London, 1$51. roy. 80. - Letters on Man's Nature. See Atkinson (H. G.). MARTINEAU (Rev. James). Endeavors after the Christian Life. Boston, 1844. 12o. B. C. The Bible and the Child; a Discourse. Boston, 1845. Serm. vol. 6. B. C. MARTINELLI (Jules). Manuel d'Agriculture. 2d ed. Bordeaux, 1846. 120. MARTINET ( M.). New Dialogues, French and English: a continuation of Perrin's. Paris, 1815. 12o. B. C. MARTINET (J. F.). Het Vaderland en het Vereenigd Nederland: Beschryving der Zev:ntien Nederlandsche Provincien en van het GrootHertogdom Luxemburg. Zalt-Bommel, 1830 - 33. 6 vol. 80. MARTIUs ( Dr. C. F. Von). Wegweiser fur die Besucher des Botanischen Gartens in Miinchen. Miinchen, 1852. 180. 1, Denkrede auf J. G. Zuccarini, Miinchen, 1848; 2, Denkrede auf H. F. Link, Miinchen, 1851; 3, Ueber die Botanische Erforschung des Konigreichs Bayern, Miinchep, 1850. See Bav. Acad. Mem. vol. 1. GENERAL LIBRARY. 483 -- On the Life and Labors of De Candolle. Pam. vol. 188. MARTLING (The) Man; or Says I to myself, How is this? New-York, 1819. Pam. vol. 50. MARTOU (E.). Institutions de Prevoyance. See Encyc. pop. MARTYN (Benjamin). Reasons for establishing the Colony of Georgia. London, 1773. 40. W. C. 995. MARTYN ( Rev. Henry). Journal and Letters: ed. by Rev. S. Wilberforce. Abridged Am. ed. New-York, 1851. 120. MARTYN ( W. F.). New Dictionary of Natural History. London, 1785. 2 vol. fol. MARTYR (Peter). See Anghiera (P. M. d'). MARY, Countess of Berkeley. An Address to the Rt. Hon. Peers...... London, 1811. Pam. vol. 140. MARY HOLLIS: An original tale. New-York, 1822. Pam. vol. 5. B. C. MARY, Queen of Scots. See Labanoff, Lettres, etc. MARYLAND: Message fronm the Governor, transmitting the Reports of the Joint Commissioners, and of Lieut. Col. Graham, U. S. Engineer, as to the intersection of the boundary lines of Maryland, Pennsylvania and Delaware. Washington, 1850. 80. Geological Survey: Report of Geologist, J. T. Ducatel, 1835; Report of Engineer, A. Alexander, on a new map of Maryland, with engravings, 1835. 1 vol. 80. Report of the Geologist, J. T. Ducatel, 1840. 8;:. MARYLAND HOSPITAL, for Insane persons: Reports for 1843, 44, 4651, in I vol. 8~. Report of Commissioners, 1853. Pam. vol. 166. MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY: A Collection of Publications by the Soc. 1844 -52; with Constitution, etc. in 1 vol. 8o. MARYLAND JOURNAL and BALTIMORE ADVERTISER, May 14, 1790. Pamin. fol. vol. 1. M3ARVEL ( Ik.), pseud. See Mitchell ( D. G.). MAStRES (Francis). An Account of the Proceedings of the British and other Protestant inhabitants of Quebec, in order to obtain an House of Assembly in that Province. London, 1775. 80. See Canadian Freeholder. -iASIUS (A.). Grammatica Linguse Syrica. See Lexicon Grsecum. MASON (Armistead T.). Controversy with C. F. Mercer. Washington, 1818. Pam. vol. 7. B. C. MASON (George). A Supplement to Johnson's English Dictionary, in which the palpable errors are attempted to be rectified.. London, 1800. 40. MASON (H.M.). Sermon, St. John's Church, Salem, N. J. 1836. Pam. vol. 62, MIASON (John). Self-Knowledge. Hartford, 1814. 18o. B. C. 484 NEW-YORK STATE MASON (John M.), D.D. Complete Works: ed. by his Son, Ebenezer Mason. New-York, 1849. 4 vol. 80. - 1, Address on Organization of Dickinson College, 1822; 2, Speech on the resignation of his pastoral charge, New-York, 1810; 3, Sermon, MIessiah's Throne, London, 1802; 4, Sermon on the Apostle Paul, 1821; 5, Address on formation of the American Bible Soc. I vol. 80. Sermon, Death of Mrs. I. Graham. New-York, 1814. Serm. vol. 2. B.C. An Oration on General Alexander Hamilton, N. Y. State Soc. of Cincinnati, 1804; with Speech relative to the resignation of his pastoral charge. New-York, 1810. 80. -.- The same: first title. Pam. vol. 45, and Pam. vol. 55. B. C. ~ ~- Oration on the Death of Gen. Washington, 1800. Pam. vol. 1. A Plea for Sacramental Communion on catholick principles. NewYork, 1816. 80. B. C. - Speech, Assoc. Ref. Presbytery, N.Y. 1810. Pam. vol. 54. B3. C. MASON (William). Works. London, 1811. 4 vol. 80. MASONIC PUBLICATIONS: 1805 - 80. Pam. vol. 183. MASONRY the same all over the world. Boston, 1830. Pain. vol. 184. MASSACHUSETTENSIS. See Adams (J.), and Sewall (J.).. See Strictures, etc. 1792. MASSACHUSETTS BAY, COLONY: Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New-England, printed by order of the Legislature: ed. by N. B. Shurtleff, M.D. Vol. I - 5; vol. 4 in 2 parts, 1628-86. Boston, 1853 -54. 6 vol. 4o. The Case of the Provinces of Massachusetts Bay and New-York, respecting the boundary line between the two provinces. Boston, NewEngland: printed by order of the Governor, etc. 1764. 31 pp. fol. Extract of a Letter from' the House of Representatives of the Massachusetts Bay, to their Agent, Dennys de Berdt, esq.; with some remarks. London, 1770. Pain. vol. 114. - The Proceedings of the Council and House of Representatives of, relative to the convening of the General Assembly at Harvard College, etc. Boston, 1770. 80. ------- Speeches of the Governors of Massachusetts, from 1765 to 1775; and the Answers of the' H. of Representatives, etc. Boston, 1818. 80. See Congregational Churches. MASSACHUSETTS, STATE: AGRICULTURE: Reports of Secretary of State, and Transactions of the Board of Agriculture from 1845 to 1854. 7 vol. 80. ---- --- Society for promoting agriculture: Papers on agriculture. Boston, 1804. pp. 111. Pam..vol. 45. GENERAL LIBRARY. 485 BANKS: Schedules and Abstracts, exhibiting the condition of the Banks in Massachusetts, in each year, from 1803 to 1854; including savings banks from 1846. Boston. 3 vol. 80. CANALS: Report of the Commissioner of the State of Massachusetts, on the routes of canals from Boston Harbor to Connecticut and Hudson River; with a map. Boston, 1826. 80. -~ CENSUS: Report on the subject of the State Census of 1850, by Corn. of the Legislature, 1849. See Shattuck, Statis. Pap. - EDUCATION: School Returns, 1838 - 46. Boston. 5 vol. 80.....- __ - Returns, 1840 -41, duplicate...- System of Common Schools; being an enlarged and revised edition of the Tenth Annual Report of the First Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education. Boston, 1849. 80. 3 copies. --- Annual Reports of the Board of Education and of the Secretary of the Board, 11th - 18th, 1848 - 55. Boston. 4 vol. 80. - - ~ —-- 6th, 7th and 8th Reports, 1843 - 45. 80. - School for idiotic and feeble-minded youth: Constitution, 1851. Pam. vol. 166. HEALTH: Report of a Plan for the public health, recommended by the Commissioners of the Legislature of Massachusetts, relative to a Sanitary Survey of the State; by L. Shattuck. Boston, 1850. 80~. * — Report to the House of Rep. by E. Jarvis, on a Sanitary Survey, 1849. See Shattuck, Statis. Papers. _-__.. -- Sanitary Survey: from Christ. Ex. 1851. Pam. vol. 64. INSURANCE COMPANIES: Abstracts and Returns of the insurance companies in the State of Massachusetts, from 1838 to 1854. Boston, 3 vol. 80. LEGISLATIVE REPORTS: Letter of the Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court to the Governor, with two judiciary bills, 1804. Pam. vol. 36. --- Communication from Commissioners of Massachusetts, reporting bills for alteration of the criminal laws. Boston, 1805. Pam. vol. 45. - - Reports to the Legislature of Massachusetts, on Jurors, 1808; on the Embargo; on Military orders of Gov. Lincoln; on the Orders of Council; and on the Petition of Col. Wellington, 1808, 11. Pain. vol. 37. -.- Report of the House of Representatives of Massachusetts on the judiciary system, 1808. pp. 18. Pam. vol. 38. - - Order to appoint commissioners to investigate difficulties in the County of Lincoln; with Report thereon. Boston, 1811. pp. 173. Pam. vol. 43. - - -- Report of Committee of the Senate, on the War of 1812. Pam. vol. 66. - Report of the Judges of Massachusetts, whether aliens are rateable polls. 1811. pp. 8. 80. Pam. vol. 38. 486 NEW-YORK STATE MASSACHUSETTS (continued): - Public Documents of the Legislature of Massachusetts. on the war. Boston, 1813. Pam. vol. 42.. — Report on our foreign relations, to the Legislature of Massachusetts, 1811. Pam. vol. 38.....- Report of Commissioners on Seminary of arts and sciences, 1825. Pam. vol. 70. -.- Report of Joint committee on Free-masonry, 1834. Pam. vol. 184.....- Report on the Memorials of the Seneca Indians and others, accepted Nov. 21, 1840, in the Council. Pam. vol. 56. ------.LIBRARY: Catalogue of the Library of the Gen. Court. Boston, 1846. 80....- Library Report, 1854. Pam. vol. 1.70. - Report and engraved plans of enlarged State I-ouse for State Library. Pam. vol. 170. - Report concerning the State Library, by a committee, ete. 1849. See Shattuck, Statis. Pap. LUNATIC HOSPITAL at Worcester: Annual reports, 1833 - 51. Boston. 3 vol. 8o. -- - eport for 1849. Pam. vol. 165. POOR Poo: Abstracts of the Returns of the overseers of the poor for the years 1841 to 1848. Boston. 80. PRISONS: Annual Reports of inspectors for 1835 - 40, 43 - 45, 47 - 50. 1 vol. 80. In- - spector's Report, 1852. Pam. vol. 162. Abstracts of Returns of the keepers of jails and houses of correction, 1850, 51, 52. Pain. vol. 162. - RAILROADS: Reports on.... practicability of a railroad from Boston to the Hudson river, and from Boston to Providence. Boston, 1829. 8". Also Pam. vol. 150. - - Reports, 1834. Pam. vol. 150. - Reports of the Railroad Corporations of the State of Massachusetts, to the Legislature, from 1837 to 1852 (1842 wanting). Boston. 2 vol. 80. REFORM SCHOOLS: Reports of the Trustees of the State Reform School for 1847, 49; with an Address at its dedication, by Emory Washburn. In 1847, it was called State Manual Labor- School. 80. Another copy of report of 1847. See Pam. vol. 21. - -- Annual report, 1850. Pam. vol. 159. -. - Reform Schools for girls: Reports and Documents relating to, 1851. Pam. vol. 162. REGISTRATION: Annual Reports of the Secretary of State, relating to births, marriages and deaths in Massachusetts, from 1843 to 1851. 3 vol. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 487...... - Report of Secretary of State, on registry and returns of births, marriages and deaths for 1845. See Shattuck, Statis. Pap. __ -- Report to the Legislature, by L. Shattuck, on revision of the registration laws, 1849. See Shattuck, Statis. Pap..... STATISTICAL TABLES for 1837, by J. P. Bigelow. Boston, 1838. 80. - SURVEYs: Geological, etc. Surveys. See Hitchcock ( E.). - S- Second Annual Report of the geology of the public lands belonging to Massachusetts and Maine: by C. T. Jackson. Boston, 1838. 80. -_ -- Report of the Commissioners on the Zoilogical Survey of the State: Messrs. Emmons, Peabody, Storer, Emerson, Harris, and Gould. Boston, 1838. 80.......* - Reports on the Fishes, Reptiles and Birds of Massachusetts. Fishes and Reptiles by D. H. Storer; Birds, by W. B. O.Peabody. Boston, 1839. 80. ______ -- Report on the Invertebrata of Massachusetts, by A. A. Gould. Cambridge, 1841. 8o. _-_____ --.Reports on the Herbaceous Plants, and on the Quadrupeds of Massachusetts: Plants by C.Dewey; Quadrupeds, by E.EnEmmons. Leg. Doct. Cambridge, 1840. 80....- Trigonometrical Survey; with Tables of bearings, distances, latitudes, longitudes, etc. Boston. 4~. MASSACHUSETTS ANTIMASONIC CONVENTION: Debates, 1830. Pam. vol. 55. MASSACHUSETTS BAPTIST CONVENTION: 46th, 47th Reports, 1848, 49. Pam. vol. 68. MASSACHUSETTS BIBLE SOCIETY: Report, 1851. Pain. vol. 90. MASSACHUSETTS CHARITABLE MECHANIC'S ASSOCIATION: First, second, third, fourth and fifth Exhibition and Fair.... at Quincy Hall, in Boston; including the Addresses 1837, 39, 41, 44, 48, by E. Everett, J. T. Austin, S. Fairbanks, G. Lunt and W. Schouler. Boston. 80. 6th Exhibition. Boston, 1850. 80. MASSACHUSETTS COLONIZATION SOCIETY: Proceedings at the Annual Meeting, Feb. 7, 1833. 80. Pam. vol. 53. B. C. ------ 3d Report, 1844, Boston. Pam. vol. 8. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL: Acts, Regulations, etc. and Annual Reports of the Trustees, from 1835 to 1850. Boston. 8~. Account of the Hospital and Medical School; with Reports, 1833, 34, 50 - 53. Boston. 80. MASSACHUSETTS Health Insurance Comp. Pam. vol. 53. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Collections. 1st series, 1806 - 09, 10 vol.; 2nd series, 1814 - 23, 10 vol.; 3d series, 1825 - 49, 10 vol.; 4th series, 1852, 54, 2 vol. Boston. 32 vol. 8o. 488 NEW-YORK STATE MASSACHUSETTS HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Reports and Transactions; including Annual Addresses, 1831 to 1848. Wanting 1834, 47. Boston. 80. MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, or Monthly Museum. Vol. 5. Boston, 1793. 80. MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY: Medical Dissertations delivered at the annual meetings, vol. 3, Boston, 1822. Medical Communications by Fellows of the Society, vol. 5; 2d series, vol. 1, Boston, 1836. Dissertations and Communications from members, vol. 4, nos. 1, 2, 3, 5; vol. 6, nos. 1, 3, 4, 5; vol. 7, nos. 1, 2, 3, 5. Boston, 1823-46. In 3 vol. 80. Catalogue of the Fellows, 1848. Pam. vol. 64. Acts of Incorporation, and the bye-laws and orders. Boston, 1850. 8o. - 1i, Historical Sketch by E. Alden, M.D. 1838; 2, Acts regulating the practice of physic and surgery in Massachusetts, and incorporating the Massachusetts Medical Society, with its bye-laws, etc. 1806, 19, 22, 26; 3, Catalogues of books in its library; 4, Proceedings of its counsellors; 5, Report of the Case of J. S. Bartlett versus the Massachusetts Medical Society, 1839. 80. MASSACHUSETTS REGISTER and U. S. CALENDAR: Boston, 1803 - 33, 35-40, 42-47. 43 vol. 180. For continuation, See Massachusetts State Record. MASSACHUSETTS REGISTER; a State Record for 1852, with Business Directory of the State: by George Adams. Contin. of " Register" and " Record." MASSACHUSETTS (The.) QUARTERLY REVIEW: conducted by R. W. Emerson, T. Parker and J. Elliot Cabot. Boston, 1847- 50. 3 vol. 80. The same. 3 vol. 80. B. C. MASSACHUSETTS ( Thomas's) SPY, or the Worcester Gazette: Vol. 23 - 27, 1795 - 99. Worcester, Mass. For I. Thomas. 2 vol. fol. MASSACHUSETTS STATE RECORD. See Capen ( N.). MASSELIN (Jehan). Journal des Etats Gen6raux de France, tenus a Tours en 1844: trad. par A. Bernier. Paris, 1835. 40. See France, Docts. ined. MAssEY (Win.). History of England during the Reign of George IV. Vol. 1. London, 1855. 80. MASSINGER (Philip). Plays; with Notes, critical and explanatory, by William Gifford. 3d ed. London, 1840. 80. Plays. New-York, 1831. 3 vol. 180. B. C. MASSOCIH ( Dr.), Hungarus. Dialogus Sapphicus Ecclesie Christianae, cum Mundi Salvatore. Novi-Eboraci, 1852. Pam. vol. 93. MASSON (Charles). Narrative of Various Journeys in Balochistan, Afghanistan, the Panjab and Kalat. London, 1844. 4 vol. 80. MASTMAN ( Hans: Ferdinand ) Deutsch un Weltsch; oder der Weltkampf der Germanen und Romanen. Miinchen, 1843. See Bav., Acad. Mem. vol. 1. GENERAL LIBRARY. 489 MATCHLESSE CRUELTIE declared at large in the ensuing History of the Waldenses.... Likewise... Cruelties committed on many thousands of the Protestants dwelling in the valleys of Piedmont.... Published by command of H. Highness the Lord Protector. London, 1655. 40. MATHER (Rev. Cotton). Magnalia Christi Americana. London, 1702. fol. _ The same. Hartford, 1820. 2 vol. 8o. W. C. 617. The same: ed. by T. Robbins, D.D. Hartford, 1853. 2 vol. 80. --- - Piety and Equity united: Two essays.... Boston, 1717. 180..... The Valley of Baca: Sermon, Death of Mrs. H. Sewall. Boston, 1717. 180. Essays to do good. Improved by George Burder. New-York, 1815. 180. B. C. MATHER (J. H.), and L. P. Brockett. Geography of the State of NewYork, embracing its physical features, climate, geology.... Hartford, 1847. 120. MATHER ( Richard ). Journal and Life. See Dorchester Hist. Collections. MATHER (S.), D.D. Attempt to show that America must be known to the ancients. Boston, 1773. 80. MATHER ( W. W.). Elements of Geology. Norwich, 1822. 160. - Sketch of the Geology and Mineralogy of New-London and Windham counties, Conn. Norwich, 1834. 80..-... GGeology of New-York. See New-York, Nat. Hist. See Ohio, Geol. Survey. MATHESON (James), D.D. See Reed ( A.), Tour in the United States. MATHESON (John). Theory and Practice of English Grammar. London, 1821. 120~. MATHEWS: The London Mathews; containing an Account of this celebrated Comedian's Trip to America. New-York, 1824. Pam. vol. 20. B. C. MATHEWS (James M.), D.D. Sermon, 2 Sam. vi. 20. Pam. vol. 56. MATHIAS (T. J.). Pursuits of Literature: a Satirical Poem, in four dialogues, with notes. Philadelphia, 1800. 80. C. L. The same. 80. B. C. The same. 16th ed. London, 1812. 4o. MATHISON (G. F.). Visit to Brazil, Chile, Peru, and the Sandwich Islands, in 1821 and 1822. London, 1825. 80. W. C. 618. MATTEUCCI (Carlo). Lectures on the Physical phenomena of living beings: trans. under the superintendence of Jon. Pereira, M.D. London, 1847. 12~. 2 copies. 5MATTHEW of WESTMINSTER. The Flowers of History, especially such as relate to the Affairs of Britain to 1307: trans. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn, London, 1853. 2 vol. 120. [GEN. LIB. 1855.] 62 490 NEW-YORK STATE MIATTHEWS ( E. J.), etc. Statement of Facts in the Englishbe case. NewYork, 1849. Pam. vol. 81. MATTHEWS (Henry). Diary of an Invalid. London, 1835. 160. MATTHEWS (John), D.D. Sermons, Heb. xii. 10. Pam. vol. 56. MATURIN (Rev. Charles Robert). Fatal Revenge; or the Family of Montorio: a Roinance. By Dennis J. Murphy? New-York, 1808. 2 vol. 120. B. C. MAUDE (John). Visit to the Falls of Niagara, in 1800. London, 1826. 80. MAUDUIT (Israel). A Short View of the History of the New-England Colonies, with respect to their charter and constitution. 4th ed. London, 1776. 80. MAUNDRELL ( Henry). Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem. Pinkerton, vol. 10; Harris, vol. 2. MAUNY (De) de MORNAY. Pratique et legislation des irrigations dans l'Italie superieure, et dans quelques etats de l'Allemagne. 2mo partie: Legislative. Paris, 1844. 8o. MAUPERTUIS ( P. L. M. de). Journey to measure a degree of the meridian at the Polar Circle. Pinkerton, vol. 1; also Coll. of Voy. 4. MAURELLE (F. A.). Journal of a Voyage, in 1775, to explore the Coast of Amlerica northward of California. See Barrington. W. C. 72. MAuRICE (Thomas). History of Hindostan. London, 1795. 2 vol. 40o MAUROCENI (Andrea). Historia Veneta ab anno 1521 ad 1615. Venetiis, 1623. fol. MAUROY (P.). Du Commerce des Peuples de l'Afrique septentrionale. Paris, 1845. 80. Question d'Alger en 1844.... Paris, 1844. 80. MAURY (L'Abbe). The Principles of Eloquence, trans. by John Neal Lake. Albany, 1797. 120. The same. 120. B. C. The same; with an Introduction, by A. Potter, D.D. Prof. Moral Phil. Union Coll. New-York, 1843. 120. MAURY ( Lieut. M. F.). LL.D. Astronomical Observations made during 1845, 46, 47, at the National Observatory, Washington, under his direction. Washington. 3 vol. 8o. ------ Explanatory and Sailing Directions to accompany the Wind and Current Charts... Navy Department. 6th enlarged edition. Philadelphia, 1854. 80. Notice to Mariners. Approved by the Secretary of the Navy. Washington, 1850. 4O. Abstract Log; prepared for the use of American Navigators, under the authority of the Secretary of the Navy. Washington, 1848. 4o. On the probable relation between magnetism and the circulation of the atmosphere. Washington, 1851. 4~. Investigations of the winds and currents of the sea, etc. Washington, 1851, 40. GENERAL LIBRARY. 491 The Amazon and Atlantic slopes of South America. Washington, 1853. 80. - The Physical Geography of the Sea. New-York, 1855. 80. MAURY (Sarah Mytton). The Statesmen of America, in 1846. London, 1847. 120. The same. Philadelphia, 1847. 120. MAWE (John). Travels in Brazil, with an Account of the gold and diamond districts. Philadelphia, 1816. 80. The same. 2d ed. London, 1822. 80. W. C. 619. The same. 2d ed. London, 18' 3. 80. MAXCY (Jonathan), D.D. Orations, Addresses and Sermons; with Memoir by R. Elton, D.D. New-York, 1845. 80. MAXcY (Milton). Oration, July 4th, Schenectady, 1803. Pamn. vol. 58. MAXIMILIAN (Pr'ince). Travels in Brazil. See Wied-Neuwied. MAXWELL (John S.). The Czar, his Court and People; including a Tour in Norway and Sweden. New-York, 1848. 120. The same. 120. B. C. MAXWELL (W. H.). Life of'the Duke of Wellington. 4th ed. London, 1845. 3 vol. 80. MAXWELL ( Col. A. M.). A Run through the United States during the autumn of 1840. London, 1841. 2 vol. 120. - The Victories of Wellington and the British Armies. Bohn, London, 1851. 120. MAYER (Brantz). Mexico, as it was; and as it is. New-York, 1844. 80. Captain Canot; or Twenty Years of an African Slaver. NewYork, 1854. 120. History of the War between Mexico and the United States.. Vol. 1. New-York, 1848.. 80. Discourse, Baltimore Athenaeum, 1848. See Maryland Hist. Soc......- Tahgahjute; or Logan and Capt. Michael Cresap: a Discourse, 1851. See Maryland Ilist. Soc. MAYER ( M. de). Asgill, ou Desordres des Guerres Civiles. Paris, 1784. 120. W. C. 620. - Les Ligues Acheenne, Suisse, et IHollandoise; et Revolution des Etats-Unis de l'Amerique, comparees ensemble. Geneve, 1787. 2 vol. 112o. W. C. 621. MAYER ( Rev. Lewis), D.D. History of the German Reformed Church; with Memoir by Rev. Elias Heiner. 2d ed. vol. 1. Philadelphia, 1851. 80. MAYER ( J. G.). Yollstandiger Unterricht im Scheiben-schiessen zum algemeinen nutzen. Mannheim, 1803. 120. MAYERNE ( Loys de). Ilistoire Generale des Espagnoles. Lyon, 1587. fol. 492 NEW-YORK STATE MAYHEW (Rev. Experience). Indian Converts; or Some Account of the lives and dying speeches of the christianized Indians of Martha's Vineyard, in New-England: ed. by Mr. Prince. London, 1727. 80. MAYHEW (Henry). London Labor and London Poor. Vol. 1. New-York, 1851. 80~. MAYHEW ( Ira). Popular Education, for the use of parents and teachers:.. by request of the Legislature of Michigan. New-York, 1850. 12~. MAYNARD (Thomas). See Drake's ( Sir F.) Voyage. MAYNARD ( W. H.). Speech on Chenango canal, Senate, 1831. Pam. vol. 67..-..- Speech, N.Y. Sen., on Bank U. S. 1832. Pam. vol. 28. B. C. MAYO (Rev. Dr. and Miss.). Practical Remarks on Infant education. London, 1837. 12~. MAYO ( Robert ), M.D. Political Sketches of eight years in Washington. Baltimore, 1839. 80. MAYO ( William Starbuck), M.D. The Berber; or the Mountaineer of the Atlas: a Tale of Morocco. 2d ed. New-York, 1850. 2 vol. in 1. 120. - Romance Dust from the Historic Placer. New-York, 1851. 120.....- Kaloolah, or Journeyings to the Djebel Kumri: an Autobiography of Jonathan Romer. 2d ed. New-York, 1849. 120. B. C. - The same. 3d ed. 1850. 120. MAZOCHIUS (Alexius Symmachus). Actorum Bononiensium S. Januarii, et Soc. Martyrum Vindicise repetitme. Neapoli, 1759. 4o0. MAZZEI (Philip). Recherches Historiques et Politiques sur les Ftats-Unis de l'Am6rique septentrionale, par un Citoyen de Virginie, etc. Colle, 1788. 4 vol. 80. MAZZINI ( Joseph). Royalism and Republicanism in Italy; or Notes and Documents in relation to the Lombard insurrection, and to the Royal war of 1848. London, 1850. 120. MEAD (Joel K.). See National Register. MEAD ( Richard ), M.D. The Medical Works. London, 1762. 40. MEADLEY'( G. W.). Memoirs of William Paley, D.D. Sunderland, 1809. 80. B. C. - Two Pairs of Historical Portraits: Octavius Caesar and William Pitt; Rienzi and Buonaparte. Pamphleteer, vol. 18. MEADVILLE, Pa. Theological School: Catalogue, 1851. Pam. vol. 93. MEARES ( John). Voyages from China to the Northwest Coast of America, in 1788 and 1789. London, 1791. 2 vol. 80. Voyages de la Chine lIa C6te Nord-ouest d'Am6rique, faits dans les annees 1788 et 1789: trad. de l'anglois par Billecocq. Paris, 1794. 3 vol. 80; plates 40. W. C. 623. MEASE (James). A Geological Account of the United States, etc. Philadelphia, 1807. 180o. Picture of Philadelphia, in 1811. See Wilson (T.). GENERAL LIBRARY. 493....- and Thomas Porter. Picture of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1831. 2 vol. in 1. 120. Description of some of the Medals struck in relation to important events in North America. Read before N.Y. Hist. Soc. 1818. NewYork, 1821. 80. MEASURES ( The Present) proved to be the only means of securing the Balance of Power in Europe. London, 1743. Pain. vol. 124. MECHANICS' JOURNAL, weekly. Vol. 1; 1846, 47. Albany and NewYork. fol. IIECHANICS' MAGAZINE. Vol. 1- 59. London, 1823 - 53. 59 vol. 80. MECHANICS' MIRROR: Ap. 1847. Muns. Pam. vol. 7. MIECHANICS' STATE CONVENTION at Utica, 1834, on the effect produced on the trades by the system of state-prison discipline: Proceedings. Pam. vol. 161. IMECKILENBURGH Gold Mining Company: Act of Incorporation and Report, 1833. Pam. vol. 69. MtDECIN des Campagnes. See AG. MEDFORD ( Macall). Oil without vinegar, and Dignity without pride; or, -British, American, and West-India interests considered. London, 1807. Pam. vol. 128. Observations on European courts, and outlines of their politics. London and Philadelphia, 1807. pp. 52. Pam. vol. 44. MEDHURST ( Rev. W. H.). China; its State and Prospects, with reference to the spread of the gospel. Boston, 1838. 120. MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Albany: Regulations, 1823. Pain. vol. 98. MEDICAL ASSOCIATION of Southern Central New-York: Transactions, 1847 - 52. Ithaca, Cortland, etc. In 1 vol. 80. MEDICAL (The) REPOSITORY: conducted by S. L. Mitchill, E. Miller, and E. HI. Smith. First hexade, vol. 1, 2, 3d ed. 1804, 05; vol. 3-6, 1800 - 03, 6 vol. 2d hexade, 6 vol., and 3d hexade, 9 vol. 1803 -12, conducted by S. L. Mitchill and E. Miller. New series, 1813- 24, 8 vol., conducted at various times by S. L. Mitchill, F. Pascalis, J. R. Manley, and C. Drake. New-York, 1800 - 24. 23 vol. 80. MEDICAL SCHOOLS ( Catalogues of). Pam. vol. 155- 157. MEDICAL SOCIETY of the STATE OF NEW-YORK: Transactions from its organization, 1807 to 1831. Albany, 1807 - 31. 4 vol. 80. Transactions, Vol. 1 - 9, 1833 - 54. Albany. 9 vol. 80. Transactions for 1820. Albany. Pamn. vol. 22. B. C. 1, A System of Medical Ethics, New-York, 1823; 2, Memorial against repeal of statute regulating practice, 1830; 3, Report on medical education, 1840; 4, By-laws, etc. 1846. Pam. vol. 87. MEDICAL SOCIETY OF THE CITY OF NEW-YoRK: Memorial to the Leg. against repeal of statute regulating practice. Pam. vol. 87. MEDICAL SOCIETY of the STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA: Transactions, vol. 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1851, 52. 1 vol. 8,. 494 NEW-YORK STATE MIEDING ( Dr. II.). Paris Mddical Vade-mecum des medecines Strangers, etc. Paris, 1852 - 53. 2 vol. 180. Essai sur la topographie medicale de Paris, 1855. 18. M/EDWIN (Thomas). Journal of the Conversations of Lord Byron: noted during a residence with his Lordship at Pisa in 1821 and 1822. NewYork, 1824. 120. B. C. MEERTEN (A. B. van). Reis door het Koningrijk der Nederlanden en het Groothertogdom Luxemburg, voor jonge Lieden. Amsterdam, 1823 - 33. 5 vol. 8~. MftFTANCE et CONFIANCE pour les Propheties Modernes. 30 partie. Paris, 1849. 180. See Prophetie d'Orval. MEIDINGER (H.). Dictionnaire Itymologique et Comparatif des Langues Teuto-gothiques. Francfort, 1833. 8o. MEIDINGER (J. V.). Nouvelle Grammaire Allemande. Frankfort, 1804. 120. MEIGS (Charles D.), M.D. A Memoir of Samuel G. Morton, M.DI. Philadelphia, 1851. 8o. MEIGS (Henry). Address, American Institute, 1845. Pam. vol. 187. MELANCTHON (Philip). In Evangelium Joannis annotationes. Basileae, 1523. 180Annotationes in Evangelium Matthei ~ Argentorati, 1524; with, Annotationes Justi Jonas, in Acta Apostolorum, 1524; and Preefatio Methodica totius Scripturie in Ep. Pauli ad Rom., & vernacula iN. Lutheri in Latinum versa per J. Jonam, 1524; also, In Epis. Pauli ad Rom. Andr. Knopken.... interpretatio, 1524; also, In Ep. Joannis, J, (Ecolampadii.... Homiliwe xxi. 1524. 180. Initia Doctrinpe Physicve, dictata in Academia Vvitebergensi. Witebergae, 1550. 180. - Commentarius de Anima. Argentorati, 1544. 18o. Loci Communes Theologici' Basilere, 1547; with, I. Drusii Hebraicarum quxstionum libri duo. Lugd. 1583. 180. Erotemata Dialectices; continentia fere integram artem, ita scripta ut juventuti utiliter proponi possint: Lipsise, 1577. With, Elementorum Rhetorices libri duo. 1572. 18o. Propositiones Theologicam. See Luther (N.). ------ Corpus Doctrinm Christianre, que est Summa orthodoxi et catholici dogmatis. Lipsive, 1565. 120. Epistolse selectiores aliquot, editee' Casparo Peucero. Witebergse, 1565. 180. Selectarum Declamationum, quas conscripsit et partim ipse in Schola Vitebergensi recitavit, partim allis recitandas exhibuit. Argentorati, 1544, 70, 60 ~ Witebergse, 1590. 5 vol. 18o. - - Sketches of the Life of; with Brief Notices of Pascal and Luther. Hartford, 1830. 120. B. C. MtLANGrEs RELIGIEUX, files, 1848, 49. Montreal. Newsp. vol. 1. GENERAL LIBRARY. 495 MELBOURN (Julius). Life and Opinions. See Hammond (J. D.). MELCOMBE ( Lord ). Diary. See Dodington (G. B.), Lord Melcombe. MtLIER ( Dr. F.). Rapport sur les Marais salants. Paris, 1847. 40. MELISrI (John). Travels in the United States of America, in the years 1806 07, and in 1809, 10, 11. Philadelphia, 1812. 2 vol. 8. - A Military and Topographical Atlas of the U. S.; including the British possessions and Florida, etc. Philadelphia, 1813. 80. Geographical Description of the World, to accompany map. Philadelphia, 1818. 80. - A Geographical Description of the United States, with the contiguous British and Spanish possessions. Philadelphia, 1816. 8o. The same. New ed. Philadelphia, 1822. 8o. W. C. 624. The same. New ed. New-York, 1826. 80. MELMOTH (William). See Cicero's and Pliny's letters, translations. The Great Importance of a religious life considered. A new ed. with memoir... and appendices by Charles P. Cooper. London, 1849. 80. MELSENS (M1.). Nouveau proced4 pour l'extraction du suere de la canne et de la betterave. Bruxelles, 1849. 80. MELSHEIMER ( F. Ernest), M.D. Catalogue of the described Coleoptera of the U. S.: rev. by S. S. Haldeman and J. L. Le Conte. Smithson. Inst. Washington, 1853. 8o. MELVILLE (Herman). Typee; a Residence in the Marquesas. New-York, 1846. 120. Omnoo; a Narrative of Adventures in the South Seas. New-York, 1847. 120. The same. 120. B. C. Mardi, and a Voyage thither. New-York, 1849. 2 vol. 120. Redburn, his first Voyage. New-York, 1849. 120......- Moby Dick, or the Whale. New-York, 1851. 120. — * -- Israel Potter, his fifty years of exile. New-York, 1855. 120. MEMBERS ( To the) of the Legislature of N. Y.: on H. Clay, 1824. Pam. vol. 66. MEMBRE. See Shea's Discov. of the Mississippi valley. MEMES (J. S.), LL.D. History of Sculpture, Painting and Architecture. Boston, 1831. 120. B. C. MEMOIR of the Northern Kingdom: written A.D. 1872...... Quebec, A.D. 1901. 1812? Pam. vol. 42. MEMOIR on Artillery. Metz, 1828. 80. MEiMOIRE contenant le Precis des faits avec leurs pieces justificatives, pour servir de reponse aux observations envoyees par l'Angleterre...... Paris, 1756. 4o. Also 120. W. Ci 428. 496 NEW-YORK STATE MioroIRE contenant un Aperqu Statistique de l'JEtat de Guatemala. Bruxelles, 1840. 80. MEMOIRE sur la Conduite de la France et de I'Angleterre a l'egard des neutres. Paris, 1810. 8o. W. C. 679. MiolOIRE sur la Colonie de la Guyane Frangaise. Paris, 1803. 80. W. C. 442. MIEMOIREs. See Academies des Sciences. MIMOIRES des C(ommissaires du Roi et de ceux de Sa Majest6 Britannique, sur les possessions et les droits respectifs des deux Couronnes en Am6rique; avec les actes publiques et pieces justificatives. Paris, 1755 - 57. 4 vol. 4~. Contents: Vol. 1. Mlemoires sur l'Acadie et sur l'Isle Sainte-Lucie. 2. Traites et Actes publiques concernant l'Amerique en gen6ral, et sur les linmites de l'Acadie. C 3. Pieces justificatives concernant la propriet6 de'Isle de Sainte-Lucie. 4. M6moires sur l'Acadie, et sur 1'Isle de Tabago. The same. 4 vol. 4o. W. C. 938. The same: vol. 2, a separate edition. W. C. 686. The same: English and French. The memorials of the English and French commissaries concerning.... Nova-Scotia, or Acadia. London, 1755. 4o. e: --- The same. The memorials, etc. concerning St. Lucia. London, 1755. 40. MIMO1RES (Nouveaux) des Missions de la Comnpagnie de Jesus dans le L6vant. Paris, 1753. 9 vol. 18~. MNMOIRES (Nouveaux), ou Observations sur l'Italie et sur les Italiens, par deux gentilshommes suedois: trad. du suedois. London, 1764. 3 vol. 120. M MOIRES pour servir a l'Histoire de la Maison de Brandebourg. Berlin, 1787. 2 vol. 120. MNMOIRES pour servir a 1'Histoire des Revolutions de Pologne. Paris, 1795. 80. M:IMOIRES Sur la Bastille. Imperfect. Pam. vol. 32. MiIMOIRES.... sur le Jugement de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres, sur une-lettre pr6tendue de M. de Leibnitz. 1re partie: Conduite de M. de Maupertuis. Appendice: Ecrits a l'occasion; Pikces justificatives; Recueil de lettres de Leibnitz. I vol. 40. MPMOIRES touchant le Gouvernement d'Angleterre, divises en deux parties. Amsterdam, 1764. 120. W. C. 338. MEMOIRS (Authentic) concerning the Portuguese inquisition...... Also Reflections on ancient and modern Popery..... in a series of letters. London, 1769. 80. W. C. 506. MEMOIRs of a celebrated literary and political character, 1742 - 57. Richard Glover. London, 1813. 80. MEMOIRS of the Dead, and Tomb's Remembrancer. Baltimore, 1806. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 497 MEMOIRS- of the Principal Transactions of the last war between the English and the French in North America, from 1744 to the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle; with an Account of the importance of Nova-Scotia and Cape Breton. 3d ed. London, 1757. 80. The same: reprinted, Boston, 1758. 80. MEMORIA che puo servire alla storia politica degli ultimi otto anni della Repubblica di Venezia. London. 1798. 120. MEMORIAL of Citizens of New-York.. for Canal navigation, 1816. Pam. vol. 9. B. C. MEMORIAL (The) of Common Sense, upon the present crisis between Great Britain and America. London, 1778. 80. MEMORIAL (A) to Congress, on the subject of restraining the increase of slavery in new States to be admitted to the Union: D. Webster and others, Committee. Boston, 1819. Pam. vol. 186. See also Nebraska Question. MEMORIAL presented to the Legislature of N.Y. on behalf of the Scientific Commission convened at the Capitol, Feb. 17, 1852, in relation to a National University.... Pam. vol. 173. MEMORIALS on Acadia and St. Lucia. See Memoires des Commissaires. MEMORIALS of Citizens of Boston to the Legislature, for a Bank of ten millions. 1833. Pam. vol. 54. MEMORIALS of the Empire of Japon: Ed. by T. Rundall. Hakluyt Soc. London, 1850. 80. MEN (The) of the Time; or Sketches of living notables, authors...... London, 1852. 180. MENAND ( L.). Catalogue of his Green-house plants, Albany, 1847. Muns. Pamn. vol. 9. MENDELSSOHN (Moses). Ritual- gesetze der Juden unter aufsicht R. Hirschel Lewin. Berlin, 1778. 180. Philosophische Schriften. Reuttlingen, 1790. 2 vol. in 1. 120. _ —- Ph/don; oder Ueber die Unsterblichkeit der Seele..... Reuttlingen, 1789. 120. MENDES DA COSTA. Le Dey d'Alger chez M.- De Polignac Scene dramatique. Paris, 1830. Pam. vol. 18. MENDOZA ( F. L. de). Voyage to Florida. See Menendez. MENDOZA (J. G. de). History of the Kingdom of China. London, Hakluyt Soc. 1853, 54. 2 vol. 80. MENENDEZ DE ABILES (Pero). Memoire....du Bon Voyage de la flotte de Cadiz....... la Floride: par F. L. de Mendoza. See Ternaux, Voyages, vol. 20. MENEVAL (Baron). R6cit d'une Excursion de l'Imperatrice Marie Louise aux Glaciers de Savoie, en 1814. Paris. 120. MENNYE (J.). An English Grammar. New-York, 1785. 80. MENONVILLE ( N. J. T. de). Travels to Guaxaca. Pinkerton, vol. 13. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 63 498 NEW-YORK STATE MENZEL (Wolfgang). German Literature: trans. by C. C. Felton. Boston, 1840. 3 vol. 120. ------- The History of Germany from the earliest to the present time: trans. by Mrs. G. Horrocks. London, Bohn, 1848, 49. 3 vol. 120o. MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION of Boston: 1, Reports of its Directors, from 1828 to 1845; 2, Address by D. N. Haskell, and Poem by S. A. Dix, Jan. 1848; 3, Catalogue of its books, 1848; 4, Report, 1849. 80. Catalogue. Boston, 1848. 80. Reports, 1845, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54. Pam. vol. 169, 170. 29th and 30th Reports, 1849, 50. Pam. vol. 52. MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION of Cincinnati: Reports, 1853, 54. Pam. vol. 169, 170. MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION of Montreal: Report, 1849. Pam. vol. 52. MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION of New-York: Catalogue of the Library. New-York, 1850. 80. Reports, 1851, 52, 53, 54. Pam. vol. 169, 170. MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION of St. Louis: Reports, 1853, 54. Pam. vol. 169, 170. MERCANTILE MANUAL, or Accountant's Guide...... to Book-keeping. New-Haven, 1810. pp. 22. Pam. vol. 44. MERCATOR, pseud. Sketch for a new division and subdivision of monies, weights and coins: Pamphleteer, vol. 4. MERCATOR (Gerard). Historia Mundi, or Mercator's Atlas: Englished by Wye Saltonstall. 2d ed. London, 1.635. fol. MERCEIN ( T. R.). Remarks on laying the Corner-stone of the Mechanic Institution, in New-York, in 1821. Pam. vol. 5. MERCER ( (C. F.). Discourse on Popular Education, New-Jersey College, 1826. Princeton, 1826. 80. ____- - The same. Pam. vol. 13. B. C. MERCIER (Louis S.). Fragments of Politics and History: trans. from the French. London, 1795. 2 vol. 80. MERCHANT'S MAGAZINE. See Hunt (Freeman). MERCHANT'S and BANKER'S ALMANAC for 1852, 53, 54, 55. New-York. 4 vol. 80. MERCKLIN ( C. E. von). Beobachtungen an dem Prothallium der Farmkrauter. St. Petersburg, 1850. 4~. MERCURE ( Le) FRAN;OIS; ov la Suitte de 1'Histoire de la Paix, commenqant l'an 1605; et l'Histoire de notre temps, es annees 1643 - 44. Paris, 1611 - 48. 25 vol. 120. MERCURIUS (Hermes) TRISMEGISTUS. Pimandras utraque lingua restitutus, D. Francisci Flussatis Candallse industria. Burdigalve, 1574. 4~. MERE ( Chev. de). (Euvres Posthumes: La Haye, 1701. With Deux Traitez: l'un, de la flaterie et des louanges; l'autre, de la medisance. Paris, 1701. 180. GENERAL LIBRARY. 499 MEREDITH (Edward A.). Oregon Question. Pam. vol. 180. MERIAN ( Le Baron de). Principes de l'Rtude Comparative des Langues: suivis d'Observations sur les racines des langues s6mitiques, par MI. Klaproth. Paris, 1828. 80. W. C. 628. MERIDA (R. D.). Representaeion al Congreso de Venezuela. Burdeos, 1819. Pam. vol. 57. MIERILHOU (I.). See Mirabeau, ICEuvres. lMtRINrIE (Prosper). Notes d'un Voyage dans l'ouest de la France. Paris, 1836. 80. Notes d'un Voyage en Auvergne. Paris, 1838. 8o......- The History of Peter the Cruel, King of Castile and Leon. London, 1849. 2 vol. 120. MIRIN: Mines in Hungary. ChureLill, vol. 4. MERIVALE ( Rev. Charles). A History of the Romans under the Empire. London, 1850. 2 vol. 80. History of Rome. See Lib. U. K. MERLE D'AUBIGN1 (J. H.). The Protector: a Vindication. New-York, 1847. 120. D'Aubign6 and his Writings; with a Sketch of the Life of the Author, by Rev. Robert Baird. New-York, 1846. 120. B. C. ----- Germany, England and Scotland; or Recollections of a Swiss minister. London, 1848. 80. The same. New-York, 1848. 120.....- History of the Reformation in the 16th century. New-York, 1849..4 vol. 12~. MERLIN ( Countess de). Memoirs of Madame Malibran. London, 1840. 2 vol. 120. MEROLLA DA SARRENTO (Jerome). Voyage to Congo. Churchill, vol. 1; and Pinkerton, vol. 16. MERRELL (B.) jr. See Utica Directory. MERRIFIELD ( Mrs.). Original Treatises, dating from the twelfth to the eighteenth centuries, on the arts of painting. London, 1849. 2 vol. 80. MERSON (Ernest). Du Communisme: Refutation de l'Utopie Icarienne. Paris, 1848. 80. MIESSLER (Abraham), D.D. History of the Dutch Church of Raritan. Somerville, N. J. 1832. 120. Sermon, Somerville, N. J. 1839. Pam. vol. 82. Discourse, Death of J. H. Castner. Somerville, N. J. 1841. Pam. vol. 95. - Sermon, Classis of New-Brunswick, 1845. Pam. vol. 78. MEURES d'Hygiene Publique. See Sant6 (La). METCALFE (Samuel L.), M. D. Caloric; its mechanical, chemical and vital agencies in the Phenomena of nature. London, 1843. 2 vol. 80. C. L. 500 NEW-YORK STATE METEREN (Emanuel van). Historie van de Oorlogen en Geschiedenissen der Nederlanderen, en der zelver naburen; 1315- 1611. Gorinchem, 1748 - 63. 10 vol. 80. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH: Minutes of the Annual Conference, 1834. Pam. vol. 9. Missionary Society: 30th, 31st, 32d Annual Reports. New-York, 1849, 50, 51. 8o. Sunday School Union: Report, 1850. Pam. vol. 68.: The Methodist Church Property Case: Report of the Suit of H. B. Bascom and others vs. G. Lane and others, by R. Sutton, reporter. New-York, 1851. 80. METHODIST PROTESTANT CHURCH, Canada: Constitution. Stanbridge, 1835. Pam. vol. 91. METHODIST ( The) QUARTERLY REVIEW, vol. 32 - 37: J. M'Clintock, editor. New-York, 1850 - 55. 6 vol. 80. METROPOLITAN CATHOLIC ALMANAC for 1842 - 55. Baltimore. 8 vol. 120. METROPOLITAN MAGAZINE. American ed. from No. 57. New-York, 1836 - 41. 13 vol. 80. MEURER ( Moritz). The Life of Martin Luther; from original authorities: from the German. New-York, 1848. 80. MEXICO: Constitution Fe6drative des 1~tats-Unis Mexicains: trad. de l'espagnol. Paris, 1825. 16o. W. C. 630... —.Informe.. de relaciones sobre la comision de que esta encargado por el Supremo Gobierno de la Republica Mej-icana, Campeche, 1828. Pam. vol. 14. Pamphlets relating to Mexico, 1825'- 28. 2 vol. 120. W. C. 632. - A Memorial on the just and right reasons which the Government of Mexico has for not recognizing the validity of the privilege granted to D. Jose Garay, for the Tehuantepec rail-road. Official. New-York, 1853. 80. Mines d'Or et d'Argent du Mexique: Compagnie Franco-Mexicaine. 1822. Pamn. vol. 14. Colegio de S. Ildefonso: Certamen Cientifico que el.... Colegio. Dedica a su Antiguo Alumno El Guadalupe Victoria, Primer Presidente: Mexico, 1825. Containing a Poeni by Barquera, and Essays by Bocanegra, Barquera and De la Torre. Pam. vol. 15. MEXICO and GUATIMALA. See Modern Traveller. MIEXICO and TEXAS: A Collection of U. S. Congressional Documents, on the relations of the U. S. with Mexico and Texas. Washington, 1836 - 46. 1 vol. 80. MEYEN ( F. J. F.). Outlines of the Geography of plants. See Ray Society, 3d year. MAYER (G.. F. W.). Beitrge zur Chorographischen Kenntniss des flussgebiets der innerste in den Fiurstenthiimern Grubenhagen und Hildesheim.... Eine- Anlage zur Flora... Hannover. Gottingen, 1822. 2 vol. 80 GENERAL LIBRARY. 501 Flora des' Kbnigreichs Hannover; beschreibender theil. Zweite abtheilung: Chloris Hanoverana. Gsttingen, 1836. 40. Flora-Hannover, Achter theil: Ueber die Natur der Schachtelhalme, inbesondere des sumpf-schachtelhalms oder duwocks. Gsttingen, 1837. 80. -- Flora des K 6nigreichs Hannover, oder Schilderung. seiner vegetation. Gdttingen, 1842. 2 vol. text; 1 vol. plates. 3 vol. fol..... Flora IHanoverana Excursoria, enthaltend die beschreibungen der phanerogamischen gewachse Nord-deutschlands... GSttingen, 1849. 80. MEYER ( J. N. de). Du Progres dans Valachie et Moldavie sous le rapport des sciences naturelles. Paris, 1835. Parm. vol. 18. MEYER (L.). Woordensehat: verdeelt in, 1, Bastaardt-Woorden; 2, Konst-woorden; 3, Verouderde Woorden. Amsteldam, 1745. 180. MIzZAQUE (Vivant de). Bilan gen6ral et raisonne de l'Angleterre depuis 1600 jusqu'a la fin de 1761. 1762. 120. W. C. 635. MICHAELIS ( J. D.). A Dissertation on the influence of opinions on language, and of language on opinions. 2d ed. London, 1771. 4o. MICHAUX ( F. A.). Flora -Boreali-Americana. Paris, 1803. 2 vol. 8o. WVV. C. 636. - Histoire des Chenes de 1'Amerique septentrionale. Paris, 1811. 4 W. C. 637. North American Sylva from the French. Paris, 1819. 2 vol. in i. 8o. W. C. 638. Voyage a l'Ouest des Monts Alleghanys dans les Etats de l'Ohio, du Kentucky et du Tenness6e.... Paris, 1804. 80. W. C. 639. Travels to the Westward of the Alleghany Mountains, in Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee: trans. from the French, by B. Lambert. London, 1805. 80. W. C. 640. MICHEL ( Francisque). See France, Docts. ined. Benoit. MICHELET (J.). Life of Martin Luther, gathered from his own writings. New-York, 1846. 12o. The same. 120. B. C. Spiritual Direction and Auricular Confession; their history, theory and consequences. Philadelphia, 1845. 120. B. C. The People: trans. by G. I. Smith.- New-York, 1846. 120. L —,History of France: trans. by G. H. Smith. New-York, 1847. 2 vol. 80. - History of the Roman Republic: trans. by William Hazlitt. NewYork, 1847. 120. B. C. and M. Quinet. The Jesuits: translated from the French, by C. Edwards Lester. New-York, 1845. 120. B. C. - Proces des Templiers. 2 vol. 4o. See France, Docts. ined. MICHIELS (Alfred). Histoire de la Peinture flamande et hollandaise. Paris, 1847-49. 4 vol. 8o. 502 NEW-YORK STATE MICHIGAN: An. Report on Public instruction, 1840. See Pam. vol. 173. Geological Survey: Ist to 4th Reports of D. Houghton, State geologist, 1838- 41. 80. MICHIGAN STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY: Transactions, J. C. Holmes, Sec. 1849 - 53. Lansing. 4 vol. 80. MICHIGAN Southern Railroad. See Jervis (J. B.), reports. MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE, Vt. Catalogue, 1826. Pam. vol. 73.. Catalogue of the Graduates, with biographies, by T. Scott Pearson. Windsor, 1853. 8. Addresses and Proceedings at the Semi-centennial Celebration, Aug. 1850. Middlebury, 1850. 80. MIDDLEDITCH ( Rev. Robert T.). Records of the Life of Adoniram Judson, D.D. New-York, 1854. 120. MIDDLETON ( Christopher). Reply to the Remarks of Arthur'Dobbs on Capt. Middleton's Vindication of his conduct on board H. M.'s Ship Furnace, when sent in search of a Northwest passage. London, 1744. 80. MIDDLETON (Conyers). Miscellaneous Works. 2d ed. London, 1755. 5 vol. 80. Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero. Boston, 1818. 3 vol. 8o. MIDDLETON (N. R.). Address, Alumni of College at Charleston, S. C. 1848. Pam. vol. 71. MIDDLESEX CANAL, Mass.: Reports, 1811, 12. Pam. vol. 37, 42. MIERS ( John). Description of Machinery for manufacturing ropes and cables. Engineers' Prof. Papers. vol. 5. Travels in Chile and La Plata, etc.; with an Account of the mining operations in Chile. London, 1826. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 641. _MIGNET ( A. F.). History of the French Revolution. New-York, 1827. 80. N6gociations relatives a la Succession d'Espagne sous Louis XIV. Paris, 1835- 42. 4 vol. 4o. See France, Docts. in6d. lMILDEW (On the) of wheat, and choice of seed corn. Pamphleteer, vol. 8. MIILDMAY ( Sir H. P. St. John). See Tucker's Light of Nature. MILES ( Pliny). The Statistical Register and Book of general reference..... New-York, 1846. Pam. vol. 47. B. C. - American Mnemotcechny, or Art of Memory, theoretical and practical; with a mnemotechnic dictionary. 4th ed. New-York, 1848. 120.. The same: Title, Elements of Mnemotechny, or Art of Memory. 6th ed. New-York, 1848. 12o. Mnemotechny. Pam. vol. 51. B. C.. Nordeerfari, or Rambles in Iceland. New-York, 1854. 12o. MILES ( W. P.). Oration, July 4th, Charleston. S.C. 1849. Pam. vol. 52. MILFORT ( General ). M6moire ou Coup-d'ceil rapide sur mes diff6rens voyages et mon sbjour dans la Nation Creck. Paris, 1802. 120. W. C. 642. GENERAL LIBRARY. 503 MILITARY and NAVAL MAGAZINE of the United States: Edited by B. Homans. Washington, 1833 - 36. 6 vol. 8~. Vol. 6 never completed. MILITARY PUBLICATIONS: Catalogues of. Pam. vol. 102. MILITARY PYROTECHNY, for the Use of the Cadets of the United States Military Academy, West-Point. Lithographed by G. Aspinwall, 1839. 40. MILIZIA (Francesco). Lettere al Conte Fr. di Sangiovanni. Bruxelles, 1827. 120~. MILL ( James). Elements of Political Economy. 3d ed. London, 1826. 80. History of British India. 3d ed. London, 1826. 6 vol. 80. See also Wilson (H. H.). MILL ( John Stuart). System of Logic, ratiocinative and inductive. NewYork, 1846. 80. Principles of Political Economy, with some of their applications to social philosophy. Boston, 1848. 2 vol. 80. MiILL ( Nicholas). The History of Mexico, from the Spanish Conquest to the present mera. London, 1824. 80. MILLAR (John). Observations concerning the distinctions of ranks in society. 2d ed. London, 1773. 80. - An Historical View of the English Government, from the Settlement of the Saxons in Britain, to the Revolution in 1688. London, 1803. 4 vol. in 2. 80. The same. 4th ed. London, 1818. 4 vol. 80. B. C. MILLARD (David). Journal of Travels in Egypt, Arabia Petra and the Holy Land, during 1.841, 2. Rochester, 1843. 120. MILLEDOLER (P.), D.D. Address at Rutgers Coll. on Inaug. of A. B. Hasbrouck,'1840. Pam. vol. 88. MILLEN (John). An Initiatory Grammar of the English language. Edinburgh, 1846. 180. MILLER et AUBMNAS. See Revue de Bibliographie. MILLER (Misses). The Brighton English Grammar. London, 1830. 180. MILLER (Alexander). A Concise Grammar of the English language. NewYork, 1795. 120. MILLER (Rev. Alexander). Sermon on the Death of General Washington, Greenbush, Feb. 22, 1800. Albany, 1800. 80. MILLER (George). History philosophically illustrated, from the Fall of the *Roman Empire to the French Revolution. 3d ed. London, Bohn, 1848. 4 vol. 120. MILLER (Hugh). The Old Red Sandstone; or New Walks in an old field. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1842. 120. ------- The same: from 4th Lond. ed. Boston, 1851. 120. The Footprints of the Creator; or the Asterolepis of Stromness; with a memoir of the author, by Louis Agassiz. Boston, 1850. 120. 504 NEW-YORK STATE Geology of the Bass Rock, with its civil and ecclesiastical history. New-York, 1851. 120. Scenes and Legends of the North of Scotland. Cincinnati, 1851. 1.20 First Impressions of England and its People. Boston, 1851. 120. - An Autobiography; My Schools and Schoolmasters, or the Story of my education. Boston, 1854. 120. The Two Records; the Mosaic and the Geological: a Lecture. Boston, 1854. 120. MILLER (John). Description of the Province and City of New-York; with plans of the city and several forts, as they existed in 1695. London, 1843. 8o. MILLER (Rev. Jonathan). Concio ad Clerum. New Haven, 1812. Pam. vol. 25. MILLER (Morris S.). Speech, H. of R. U. S. Jan. 1814. Pam. vol. 54. B. C. - Speech, H. of R. U. S. Dec. 8, 1814. Pam. vol. 6. B. C. MILLER (Philip). Gardener's and Botanist's Dictionary. See Don (G.). Dictionnaire des Jardiniers et des Cultivateurs: trad. de l'anglais. 8me ed. Bruxelles, 1786. 8 vol. 80., MILLER (Thomas). History of the Anglo-Saxons, from the earliest period to the Norman conquest. London, 1848. 120. MILLER ( Samuel), D.D. Sermons, Ex. 32: 26. Pam. vol. 56. Sermon on Death of Washington. New-York, 1800. Pam. vol. 47. Brief Retrospect of the Eighteenth Century, New-York, 1803. 2 vol. 80. The same. London, 1805. 3 vol. 80. Letters concerning the Constitution and Order of the Christian Ministry. New-York, 1807. 12o. B. C. _~- Discourse, 1809, N. Y. Hist. Soc. to commemorate the Discovery of New-York by Hudson. Pam. vol. 55. B. C. ~- i Memoirs of John Rodgers, D.D. New-York, 1813. 80. Letters on Unitarianism. Trenton, 1821. 80. -- A Discourse at Nassau Hall, before the Literary and Philosophical Soc. of New Jersey, Sept. 1825. Princeton, 1825. 80. Sermon, Ordination of Rev. Dr. Sprague. Albany, 1829. Pam. vol. 62, 78. Memoirs of Charles Nisbet, D.D. President of Dickinson College. New-York, 1849. 120. Address, Elizabethtown, Nov. 24, 1845: Dedication of a Monument to Rev. James Caldwell. Elizabethtown, 1846. 80. Life of Jonathan Edwards. Sparks's Am. Biog. vol. 8. GENERAL LIBRARY. 505 MILLER (W. A.). Elements of Chemistry: Part 1, Chemical physics. London, 1855. 80. MILLIGAN ( Prof.). Hydraulics. See Lib. U. K. Nat. Phil. vol. 1. MILLIGAN (George). Catechism of English Grammar. Edinburgh, 1831. 180. MILLIN ( A. L.). Dizionario portatile delle Favole: compilato da Chompr6, e accresciuto da A. L. M.; trad. dal francese da C. Massucco. Bassano, 1804. 2 vol. 80. MILLINGEN (J. G.), M.D. The Passions; or Mind and Matter, illustrated by considerations on hereditary insanity. London, 1848. 80. MILLINGTON ( John). Elements of Civil Engineering. Philadelphia, 1839. 80. MILLOT ( C. X.). Elements of General History: from the French. London, 1779. 3 vol. 80. MILLS (Abraham). The Literature and Literary Men of Great Britain and Ireland. New-York, 1851. 2 vol. 80. MILLS (Charles). History of Chivalry. London, 1826. 2 vol. 80. Hi- istory of Muhammedanism. London, 1817. 80. MILLS ( Robert ). Guide to the Capitol and National Executive Offices of the U. S. Washington, 1847 - 48. 120. -_- The same. Washington, 1834. 180. MILLS ( Robert). Statistics'of South-Carolina; including a View of its natural, civil and military history. Charleston, S. C. 1826. 80. MILLS ( Rev. Samuel J.), and Daniel Smith. A Missionary Tour...... West of the Alleghany Mountains. Andover, 1815. 80. MILMAN ( Rev. H. HI.). The History of the Jews, from the earliest period to the present time. New-York, 1831. 3 vol. 18o. B. C. History of Christianity..... to the abolition of paganism in the Roman Empire. Paris, 1840. 2 vol. 80. B. C. The same; with a preface and notes by J. Murdock, D.-D. NewYork, 1841. 80. History of Latin Christianity, including that of the Popes, to the Pontificate of Nicholas V. London, 1854. 3 vol. 80. MILNES ( Richard Monckton). Life, Letters and Literary Remains of John Keats. New-York, 1848. 120. MILTON ( John). A Complete Collection of the historical, political and miscellaneous works.... London, 1738.' 2 vol. fol. B. C. Works, in prose and verse: from the original edition, with life by Rev. J. Mitford. London, 1851. 8 vol. 80. -Poetical Works; with notes, and a life of the author. Boston, 1839. 2 vol. 80. Poetical Works: from text of Rev. H. J. Todd; with essay by J. Aikin. London, 1808. 4 vol. 180. B C. [GEN. LIB. 1855.] 64 506 NEW-YORK STATE Prose Works; with a Biographical Introduction by R. W. Griswold. Philadelphia, 1845. 2 vol. 80o. Paradise Lost; illustrated with texts of scripture, by J. Gillies, D.D. London, 1793. 120. B. C. Paradise Lost: Ed. by Rev. James R. Boyd, with Notes. NewYork, 1850. 120. * Het Paradys Verlooren: Geschetst na't Engelsch Heldendicht van, door L. Paludanus. Amsterdam, 1735. 120. B. C. ---— A Treatise on Christian Doctrine, compiled from the Holy Scriptures alone: trans. from the original, by Charles R. Sumner. Boston, 1825. 2 vol. 80. B. C. The same. 2 vol. 80. Joannis Miltoni Angli; pro Populo Anglicano defensio, contra Claudii anonymi, alias Sallasii, defensionem regiam. Londini, 1652. 180. MILWAUKIE: Report on its commerce, and the navigation of Lake Michigan, 1842. Pam. vol. 99. Report of School Commissioners, 1849. Pam. vol. 51. Committee of Common Schools: Report, 1848. Pam. vol. 70. MINE HILL Railroad Company: Report, 1848. Pam. vol. 53. MINER ( T. B.). The American Bee-keeper's Manual. N.York, 1849. 12o. MINER (William Penn). History of Wyoming. Philadelphia, 1845. 8'. MINERAL SPRING of Bellevue de la Cataracte, Niagara. Buffalo, 1842. 180. MINERALOGICAL ( Imperial ) SOCIETY -Of St. Petersburgh: Transactions in Ruzssian, vol. 1. St. Petersburgh, 1830. 8); maps 40. 2 vol. MINERVA (The); or Literary, Entertaining and Scientific Journal: ed. by G. Houston and J. G. Brooks. Vol. 1 and 2. New-York, 1824 - 25. 2 vol. 80. MINERVE (La) FRANSAISE: Par MM. Aignan, B. Constant, Damoulin, A. Jay, E. Jouy, Tissot, etc. Paris, 1818 - 20. 9 vol. 8'~. MINERVE (La). Montreal: files, 1848, 49. Newsp. vol. 1. ~- May - Sept. 1850. Newsp. vol. 2. MINGARELLI (J. Luigi). Grteci Codices manuscripti apud Nanios patricios venetos asservati. Bononilr, 1784. 4o. MINISTRY at large for the poor in cities. New-York, 1832. Pam. vol. 19. B. C. MINNESOTA: Catalogue of the Territorial Library. St. Paul, 1850. 80. MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Annals, NO. 1, 2, 3, 4; 1850- 53. St. Paul. 3 vol. 8o. Contents No. 1. Neill's address; Sibley's letter. 2. Gov. Ramsey's address; Report; Papers of Rev. S. R. Riggs; Schoolcraft on the geography of Minnesota. " 3. Lieut. Simpson's address; Neill's Sketch of trade. 4. Sibley's Life of Nicollet; Belcourt's Hudson Bay; Neill's Dakota land; Meteorology by J. W. Bond. GENERAL LIBRARY, 507 MINOR (D. K.). See American Railroad Journal. MINORCA An Humble Representation of several grievances and hardships of the inhabitants of, to the Crown of England; with The Case of ti e Island of Minorca, 1717. Pam. fol. vol. 1. MINOT ( G. R.). Eulogy on Washington, Boston, 1800. See Pam. vol. 39; and Columbian Phenix. Address, Mass. Char. Fire Soc. 1795. Boston. Ppm. vol. 46. Continuation of the History of Massachusetts Bay, from 1748 to 1765. Boston, 1798 - 1803. 2 vol. 80. The History of the Insurrection in Massachusetts in 1786, and the Rebellion consequent thereon. 2d ed. Boston, 1810. 30. MIRABEAU ( H. G. R. Comte de). De la Monarchie Prussienne sous Frederic le Grand...... Londres, 1788. 7 vol. in 8, 80; with, Atlas de la Monarchic Prussienne, fol. 9 vol. CE- uvres: Precedees d'une notice sur sa vie et ses ouvrages, par MI. Merilhou. Paris, 1834 - 35. 8 vol. 80. B. C. ------- Considerations sur l'Ordre de Cincinnatus. London, 1784. 80. W. C. 643. The Secret History of the Court of Berlin, etc. in a series of letters from the French. London, 1789. 2 vol. 80..-.... Letters during his residence in England; with anecdotes, maxims.... now first translated. London, 1832. 2 vol. 120. Speeches in the National Assembly; with a sketch of his life: trans. from the French of M. Meyan, by James White. London, 1792. 2 vol. 80. MIRANDA (Francisco de). History of his Attempt to effect a Revolution in South America: by an Officer under that General; with a Life of Miranda. Boston, 1808. 120. MIRICK (B. L.). History of IIaverhill, Mass. Haverhill, 1832. 120. MIROIR Oost et West Indical. See Spilbergen ( G. a). MIRROR (The) OF TASTE, and Dramatic Censor. Philadelphia, 1810-11. 4 vol. 80. MISCELLANEA CUaIOSA; containing a Collection of some of the principal phenomena in nature; being the most valuable discourses read before the Royal Society...... London, 1723 - 27. 3 vol. 80. MISSIONARY HEItALD. See American Board of C. for F. Missions. MIssoN (Maximilian). Travels in Germany. Harris, vol. 2. Memoirs and Observations in his Travels over England from the French, by Mr. Ozell. London, 1719. 80. MISSISSIPPI: Bank Commissioners' Reports, 1838. Pam. vol. 54. MISSOURI REPUBLICAN files, Ap. 1822 - Aug. 1824, St. Louis. Newsp. vol. 4. MIST'S WTEEKLY JOURNAL: A Collection of miscellaneous letters selected out of. London, 1722. 2 vol. 120. 508 NEW-YORK STATE MITCHEL ( O. M.). The Planetary and Stellar Worlds: A popular exposition of the great discoveries and theories of modern astronomy. New-York, 1848. 120. MITCHELL ( D. G.). Fresh Gleanings; or a New Sheaf from the old fields of Continental Europe: by Ik. Marvel. New-York, 1847. 8o. The Battle Summer; being Transcripts from personal observation in Paris, during 1848: by Ik. Marvel. New-York, 1850. 80..... Reveries of a Bachelor; or a Book of the Heart, by Ik. Marvel. 11th ed. New-York, 1851. 120. See also Lorgnette. MITCHELL (J.). Life of Wallenstein. 2d ed. London, 1840. 120. MITCHELL (John). Notes from Over Sea; consisting of Observations made in Europe, in 1843, 44. New-York, 1845. 2 vol. 120. MITCHELL (.John). Manual of Agricultural Analysis. London, 1845. 120. MITCHELL (J. K.), M.D. On the Cryptogamous origin of malarious and epidemic fevers. Philadelphia, 1849. 120. MITCHELL (Nahum). History of the early settlement of Bridgewater, Plymouth Co. Mass.; with a family register.- Boston, 1840. 80. MITCHELL (Nelson). Oration, July 4, Charleston, S. C. 1848. Pam. vol. 52. MITCHELL ( S. Augustus). General View of the World; comprising a physical, political and statistical account of its grand divisions. Philadelphia, 1846. 80. Accompaniment to his Map of the World. Philadelphia, 1837. 80. ------ Accompaniment to his Map of the United States. Philadelphia, 1836. 80. MITCHILL (Samuel L.), M.D. LL.D. 1, Some of the memorable events in his life, from 1786 to 1821; 2,.Discourse before Phi Beta Kappa Soc. Union College, 1821; 3, Address, July 4, 1800, New-York City; 4, Chemical examination of mineral water of Schooley's Mountain Springs; 5, Catalogue of organic remains presented by him to N.Y. Lyceum of Nat. Hist. 1826. In 1 vol. 80. Oration, before the Society of Black Friars. New-York, 1793. Pam. vol. 27. Catalogue of the Organic Remains... presented by him to N.Y. Lyceum of Nat. Hist. in 1826. New-York, 1826. 80. A Discourse on the Character and Services of Thomas Jefferson.... N.Y. Lyceum of Nat. Hist. Oct. 1826. New-York, 1826. 80. Discourse on the Life and Character of Thomas Addis Emmet. New-York, 1828. 80....._- Detailed Narrative of the Earthquakes which occurred the 16th Dec. 1811.... between the Atlantic Ocean and Louisiana. Lit. and Phil. Soc. New-York, Trans. W. C. 911. Communications on the antiquities and ethnology of America. Am. Antiq. Soc. Trans. vol. 1. The Fishes of New-York, described and arranged. Lit. and Phil. Soc. New-York, Trans. W. C. 911. GENERAL LIBRARY. 509, - See Picture of New-York. See Medical Repository. Geol. Obs. on North America. See Cuvier. MITFORD ( Rev. John). See Gray's works. MITFORD (Mary Russell). Our Village: Sketches of rural character and scenery. 1st and 2d series. London, 1848. 2 vol. 120..-.. —. Recollections of a Literary Life; or Books, places and people. New-York, 1852. 80. MITIORD (William). The History of Greece. Boston, 1823. 8 vol. 80. B.C. - History of Greece. Dublin, 1791. 2 vol. 80. MNEMONIKA; or Chronological Tables, exhibiting the most remarkable occurrences from the creation to the present period. Baltimore, 1812. 180. B. C. MNEMOSYNE: Tijdschrift voor Classicke Litteratuur: redactie van Dr. Kiehl, Mehler, Naber. Leyden, 1852, 53. 2 vol. 80. MIOBERG ( Petter). Fbrsbk till en Praktish Larobok for Svenska nybegynnare i engelska sprlket. Stockholm, 1808. 120. MOCENICUS ( Philippus), Archiepiscopus. Universales Institutiones ad hominum perfectionem. Venetiis, Aldus, 1581. fol. MOCHA. See Churchill, Voy. vol. 6. MOCQUET ( John). Travels and Voyages in Africa, Asia and America: from the French. London, 1696. 120. MODERN TRAVELLER: a Popular Description of.... Mexico and Guatimala. London, 1825. 2 vol. 180. M(EULER ( John Adam), D.D. Symbolism; or Exposition of Differences between Catholics and Protestants: trans. by James B. Robertson. London, 1843. 2 vol. 80. C. L. The same. New-York, 1844. 2 vol. in 1. So. B. C. MOitT (J. P.). Lucina sine concubitu. Paris? 1750. 180. MOFFAT ( Robert). Missionary Labors and Scenes in Southern Africa. 8th ed. New-York, 1845. 80. MOFRAS. See Duflot de Mofras. MOHAMMED: Vita di Maometo, tradotta dal francese. Venezia, 1745. 80. ---- - See Koran (Al). MIOHAWK and HUDSON R.R. Comp.: Report, 1838. Pam. vol. 34. B.C. MOHAWK GOSPEL. See Bible, St. John. MOHEDANO (R. y P. Rodriguez). Historia Literaria de Espaiia. Madrid, 1768 - 1772. Vol. 2, parts 1, 2; and vol. 3, 4. 4 vol. 4o. MORL ( Jules). Rapports annuels faits a la Societe asiatique, 1847 - 50. Paris, 1847 - 50. 80. MIOIR ( D. M). The Life of Mansie Wauch, Tailor in Dalkeith. Edinburgh, 1853. 120. 510 NEW-YORK STATE MOKE (H. G.). Histoire universelle, ancien et moyen age. See Encyc. pop. MOLESWORTH'S Denmark. Coll. of Voy. 4. MOLESWORT11 ( Lord ). The Principles of a real Whig, contained in a preface to the famous HIotoman's Franco Gallia: reprinted at the request of the London Association. London, 1775. Pam. vol. 117. MOLEVILLE ( A. F. Bertrand de). A Chronological Abridgement of the History of Great Britain to 1763. London, 1818. 4 vol. 80. MOLIEIRE (J. B. P.). (Euvres. Paris, 1739. 8 vol. 12o. B. C. MOLINA ( Gio. I.). Saggio sulla Storia Naturale del Chili. 2d ed. Bologna, 1810. 4o.. C. 648. Natural History of Chili: trans. from the Italian. Middletown, 1808. 2 vol. 80. The same: trans. from the Italian. London, 1809. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 649. Essai sur ]'Histoire Naturelle du Chile: trad de l'italien par M. Gruvel. Paris, 1789. 80. W. C. 650. MOLINEAT (H.). De la Jonction du Danube au Rhin, a l'Aar en Suisse, au Neckar, et au Lac de Constance. Amsterdam, 1836. Pam. vol. 41. B. C. MOLL ( Herman). See British Empire in America. MOLL (L.). Colonisation et Agriculture de l'Alg6rie. Paris, 1845. 2 vol. 80. MOLLERUS ( Martinus). Handt-Boecken van de voorberey dinghe ter Doodt: Heylsame ende seer nuttelycke betrachtinghe, hoe een mensche christelycke leven ende saligh sterven sal. Amsterdam. 240. B. C. MOLLIEN (T.). Voyage dans la Republique de Colombia en 1823. 2d ed. Paris, 1825. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 651. MOLTKE (Baron von). The Russians in Bulgaria and Rumelia in 1828 and 1829. London, 1854. 80. MONARCHICAL PROJECTS: or, a Plan to place a Bourbon King on the throne of Buenos Ayres, in opposition to British interests. London, 1820. 80. W. C. 157. MONARDUS (N.). Histoire des simples medicamens apportes des terres neuves, desquels on se sert en la m6decine. Lyon, 1602. 120. W. C. 652. Simplicium Medicamentorum ex novo orbe delatorum.. historia. 3d ed. Antverpive, 1593. 120. W. C. 653. _ The Three books on remedies brought from America, written in the Spanish tongue, and translated into English by John Frampton. London, 1677. sl. 4o. See also Acosta (C.), Hist. des drogues. MONCK ( J.). Voyage to Hudson's Straits. Churchill, vol. 1. MONETTE ( John W.), M.D. History of the Discovery and settlement of the Valley of the Mississippi, until the year...... 1846. New-York, 1846. 2 vol. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 511 MONEY ( J.). History of the Campaign of 1792, between the French and Allied armies. London, 1794. 80. MONEYPENNY (George W.). - Rapport a MI. le Min. de l'Int6rieur des ]tats-Unis, sur les hommes rouges de l'Amerique du nord: trad. par M. B. Field de New-York. Paris, 1855. 80. MONFALCON (J. B.). Histoire de la Ville de Lyon: with plates. Lyon, 1851. 3 vol. 8~. MONGE (.Gaspard). An Elementary Treatise on statics; with life: trans. by Woods Baker. Philadelphia, 1851. 120. MONGEZ (M.). Antiquites, Mythologie. See Encyc. meth. W. C. 335. MONITEUR (Le) CANADIEN, 1850. See Newsp. vol. 1, 2. MONRO (Rev. Vere). A Summer Ramble in Syria, with a Tartar Trip from Aleppo to Stamboul. London, 1835. 2 vol. 80. MONROE (James), President. View of the Conduct of the Executive, in the Foreign Affairs of the United States as connected with the Mission to the French Republic, in 1794 - 96. Philadelphia, 1797. 8o. See Narrative of a Tour of; and Jackson ( A.). MONSON (Sir William). Naval tracts. Churchill, vol. 3. MONSTRELET ( E. de). Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining Countries: trans. by Thomas Johnes. London, 1840. 2 vol. 80. MONTAGU (Duke of). See Uring's Voyages. MONTAGU (Basil). Some Inquiries respecting the punishment of death for crimes without violence. Pamphleteer, vol. 12. MONTAGUE ( Edward P.). Narrative of a late Expedition to the Dead Sea, from a diary by one of the party. Philadelphia, 1849. 12o. MONTAGUE (Mrs. Elizabeth). Letters; published by Matthew Montague. Philadelphia, 1810. 180. MONTAGUE (Lady Mary Wortley). Works: edited by Lord Wharncliffe. 2d ed. London, 1837. 3 vol. 80. Letters written during her travels in Europe, Asia and Africa. 3d ed. London, 1743. 4 vol. in 2. 18o. B. C. The same. 4th ed. New-York, 1766. 120. MONTAIGNE (Michel, Seigneur De.). Essais: avec des Notes.... par Pierre Coste. Vol. 3 and 7. London, 1745. 18o. B. C. Essays: done into English by John Florio. London, 1603. fol. MONTALTE (Louis). See Pascal's Provincial letters. MONTANUS (Arnoldus). De Nieuwe en Onbekende Weereld, of Beschryving van America en't Zuid-land. Amsterdam, 1671. fol. MONTANUS ( Benedictus Arias). Communes et Familiares Hebraicme Linguwa idiotismi: Antverpiae, 1572. With, 1, Liber Jeremiae; 2, Thubal Cain; 3, Phaleg; 4, Orbis Tabula; 5, Exemplar; 6, Variae Lectiones, etc. Antverpive, 1572. fol.....- See Bible, polyglott. 512 NEW-YORK STATE MONTrMONT (Albert). Histoire Universelle des Voyages effectues par mer et par terre, dans les cinq parties du monde, sur les divers points du globe. Paris, 1833 - 36. 46 vol. 80. Contents: Voyages around the World. 21 vol. Travels in America. 5 vol. Travels in Africa. 9 vol. Travels in Oceanica. 1 vol. Travels in Asia. 7 vol. Travels in Europe. 3 vol.: MONTEAGUDO (B.). Exposition of the administrative labours of the Peruvian government. London, 1823. 8. W. C. 654. MONTESINOS ( F.). Metmoires historiques sur l'ancien Perou. See Ternaux, Voyages, vol. 17. MONTESQUIET ( Charles de Secondat de). (Euvres Completes: redigees par M. Leon Thiesse. Paris, 1842. 6 vol. 8~. Contents: Lettres Persanes: vol. 1. Considerations sur.... les Romains: vol. 2. De l'Esprit des Lois: vol. 3, 4, 5. Essais; Discours; Pensees; Lettres familieres: vol. 6. - Complete Works: translated from the French. London, 1777. 4 vol. 8. Considdrations sur le commerce et la navigation de la GrandeBretagne. Amsterdam, 1750. 12o. W. C. 655. Considierations sur les Causes de la grandeur des Romains, et de leur decadence; with Dialogue de Sylla et d'Eucrate. Paris, 1748. 180. B. C. MONTEVIDEO Newspapers: 1834- 50. See Newsp. vol. 8. MONTGAILLARD ( 1M. de). Situation of England in 1811: translated by a Citizen of the U. S. New-York, 1812. 80. B. C. MONTGOMERY (Elizabeth). Reminiscences of Wilmington, Del. Philadelphia, 1851. 80o. MONTGOMERY (H.). Life of Gen. Zachary Taylor. Auburn, 1847. 120. MONTGOMERY (J.). Cotton Manufactures of the United States and of Great Britain compared. Glasgow, 1840. 8. MONTGOMERY (James). Lectures on Poetry and General Literature, at the Royal Institution, 1830, 31. London, 1833. 120. The same. New-York, 1833. 18~. B. C....- Poetical Works; with a Memoir by the Rev. R. W. Griswold. Philadelphia, 1845. 2 vol. 120. and Mrs. Shelley. Lives of the most eminent Literary and Scientific Men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 55 - 57. The Wanderer of Switzerland. New-York, 1807. 180. MONTGOMERY ( General R.). Entretiens de Guillaume de Nassau, Prince d'Orange, et du Ge6nral Montgomery, sur.... les Affaires de l'Amerique. Londres, 1776. 120. WV. C. 656. MONTHLY ANTHOLOGY and BOSTON REVIEW. Boston, 1804 - 11. 10 vol. 80. MONTHLY CHRONICLE Of Events, Discoveries, Improvements and Opinions. Boston, 1840 - 41. 3 vol. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 513 MONTELY JUBILEE. Philadelphia: No. 2, May, 1852. Period. 40. vol. 1. MONTHLY MAGAZINE and AMERICAN REVIEW. Ed. by C. B. Brown. New-York, 1799, 1800. 3 vol. 80. MONTHLY (New) MAGAZINE of Literature, Fashion and the Fine Arts: ed. by E. Sargent. Vol. 1. New-York, 1843. 80. MONTHLY MILITARY REPOSITORY: ed. by C. Smith. New-York, 1796, 7. 2 vol. in 1. 80. MONTHLY REGISTER, Magazine and Review of the United States: ed. by John Bristed. Vol. 1, Charleston, S. C.; vol. 2 - 4, New-York, 1807, 8. 4 vol. 80. MONTHLY REVIEW. London, 1749 - 1806. 132 vol. 80. W. C. 657. - General Index to the first seventy volumes, by S. Ayscough. London, 1786. 2 vol. 80. Index: 71st vol. to 81st. London, 1796. 80. MONTHLY RECORDER. New-York, April-Aug. 1813. 8o,. MONTHLY REPOSITORY and Library of Entertaining Knowledge. NewYork, 1831 - 34. 4 vol. 120. MONTHLY ROSE: Albany Female Academy. No. 1, Jan. 1845. Pam. vol. 53. B. C. MONTHOLON (Gent. Count). History of the Captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena.... New-York, 1846. 80. MONTI (Vincenzo). Opere inedite e rare. Piaecenza, 1832 - 35. 5 vol. 120..-.- La Spada di Federico II. Re di Prussia. Brescia, 1806. 40. See Teatro Moderno. MONTLJiZUN ( M.). Voyage fait dans les annees 1816, 17, de New-Yorck a la Nouvelle-Orleans.... Paris, 1818. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 658. MONTOR (Artaud de). Notice sur le Marquis de Pastoret. See Blosseville. MONTPALAU (Antonio). Diceionario Geografico Universale. 5th ed. Madrid, 1793. 3 vol. 40. W. C. 659. MONTREAL: Report of Special Sanitary Comm. upon Cholera and emigration, 1834. Pam. vol. 12. MONTREAL and KINGSTON Railway: Report on the construction of a railway bridge at Montreal over the St. Lawrence, with map. Montreal, 1853. 80. MONTREAL DIRECTORY. See'Mfackay (R. W. S.). MONTREAL MUSEUM. Vol. 1, no. 4, and vol. 2, no. 1, wanting. Montreal, 1832- 34. 1 vol. 80. MONTREAL POCKET ALMANAC, 1851, 52. J. S. Clarke & Co. Montreal. 18o. MONTREAL WEEKLY PILOT, files, 1847, 48. Newsp. vol. 1. MONTREAL UNITARIAN CHURCH: Pastoral letter, 1.853. Pam. vol. 96. MONTS (De), Du Pont-Grav6 and De Poutrincourt. Nova-Francia; or Description of New-France, 1604. Churchill, supp. 2. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.1 65 514 NEW-YORK STATE MONtUENTA BOIOA. See Bavarian Acad. of Scien. MOODIE ( J. W. D.). Ten Years in South Africa. London, 1835. 2 vol. 80. MOODIE (Mrs. Susanna). Roughing it in the Bush; or Life in Canada. New-York, 1852. 2 vol. in 1. 120. MooDY ( Charles'C. P.). Biographical Sketches of the Moody family. Boston, 1847. 120. MOONEN (Arnold). Poezy. Amsterdam en Utrecht, 1700. 4o. MIOONEY (Thomas). A History of Ireland, including its literature, music, architecture... and biographical sketches; with many Irish melodies. Boston, 1845. 8". MooR (Dr.). Elements of the Greek Language, with G. Ewing's continuation and syntax: trans. by S. Blatchford, of Lanisingburgh Academy. New-York, 1807. 180. B. C. MOORCROFT ( W.) and G. Trebeck. Travels in the Himalayan Provinces of Hindustan, the Panjab and Bokhara: prepared for the press by H. H. Wilson. London, 1841. 2 vol. 80. MOORE (Clement C.), LL.D. Address, Columbia College Alumni, 1825. Pam. vol. 58; also vol. 11. B. C. George Castriot, surnamed Scanderbeg, King of Albania. NewYork, 1850. 120. MOORE (Francis). Travels in Africa. Coll. of Voy. 6. MOORE (George), M.D. Man and his Motives. New-York, 1848. 120. Power of the Soul over the body, considered in relation to health and morals. New-York, 1847. 120. MOORE (Sir Henry).: Copies of Deeds of Land from Sir H. M. 1766. See Newsp. vol. 5. MOORE ( Hugh). Memoirs of Col. Ethan Allen. Plattsburgh, N. Y. 1834. 120. MOORE ( H. N.). Life and Services of Gen. Anthony Wayne: Philadelphia, 1845. With accounts of mutinies, piracies, etc. 120. MOORE ( Jacob B.). See Farmer (J.). -- Annals of the Town of Concord, Merrimack Co. N. H., from the first settlement.'Concord, 1824. 80. Memoirs of Amierican Governors. Vol. 1. New-York, 1846. 80. MOORE (James). Campaign of the British Army in Spain, commanded by Sir John Moore. 3d ed. London, 1809. 80. MOORE (James C.). Life of Sir John Moore. London, 1834. 2 vol. 8o. MOORE (John), M.D. Works; with Memoirs of his life and writings; by Robert Anderson, M.D. Edinburgh, 1820. 7 vol. 80. Contents Vol 1. View of society and manners in France, Switzerland and Germany. (' 2. View of society and manners in Italy. 3. Journal of a residence in France in 1792. 4. View of the causes and progress of the French Revolution. 5". A View of the conmencement and progress of romance; Zeluco. " 6. Edward. " 7. Mordaunt. GENERAL LIBRARY. 515 MOORE (Martin). Memoirs of the Life and Character of Rev. John Eliot, Apostle of the North American Indians. Boston, 1822. 160. MOORE (N. F.), LL.D. Remarks on the Pronunciation of the Greek anguage. New-York, 1819. 8). Ancient Mineralogy; or an enquiry respecting mineral substances mentioned by the ancients. New-York, 1834. 120. --- An Historical Sketch of Columbia College, in the city of NewYork. New-York, 1846. 120. MOORE ( S. S.), and T. W. Jones. The Traveller's Directory; or a Pocket Companion, Philadelphia to New-York and Washington, with maps. Philadelphia, 1802. 80. 3MOORE ( Thomas). Memoirs of Richard Brinsley Sheridan. London, 1825. 40 Poetical Works. Philadelphia, 1837. 80. Odes of Anacreon. See Anacreon. A Letter to Francis Jeffrey, on the subject of Moore's Anacreon. London, 1824. 120..- - WHistory of Ireland. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 128 - 130. Life of Lord Edward Fitzgerald. 3d ed. London, 1832. 2 vol. 120. Letters and Journals of Lord Byron. New-York, 1830 - 31. 2 vol. 80. B. C. Life of Lord Byron, with his letters and journals. London, 1851. 6 vol. 120....- The Epicurean, a Tale; and Alciphron, a Poem. London, 1839. 120. - Travels of an Irish Gentleman in search of a religion. Baltimore, 1844. 120. B. C. Viaggi di un Gentiluomo Irlandese in cerca di una religione. Venezia, 1835. 2 vol. 120. - Memoirs, Journal and Correspondence: ed. by Lord J. Russell. London, 1853. 6 vol. 120. MOORsoN ( Capt. W.). Letters from Nova-Scotia, comprising Sketches of a young country. London, 1830. 120. MORAL SOCIETIES in the State of New-York: Transactions of a Convention of delegates, 1819. Pam. vol. 65. MORDECAI ( Maj. Alfred ), U.S.A. Report of Experiments on Gunpowder, made at Washington Arsenal in 1843 and 1844. Washington, 1845. 80. * —--— Second Report of experiments on gunpowder, including experiments on gun-cotton.... in 1845, 47, 48. Washington, 1849. 8o. See Artillery for the U. S. Land Service. MORDEN (Robert). Geography of the World. London, 1688. 4o. MORE (Cresacre). Life of Sir Thomas More; with Notes.. by the Rev. J. Hunter. London, 1828. 8o. 516 NEW-YORK STATE MORE ( Hannah). Ode to Dragon, Mr. Garrick's Lap-dog; with also Florio; the Bas Bleu, or Conversation; and Slavery. London, 1777 - 88. 4o. Coelebs in search of a wife. 8th ed. London, 1809. 2 vol. 120. B.C. - Practical Piety; with a Brief Sketch of the author's life. Baltimore, 1812. 2 vol. in 1. 120. B. C. ------- An Essay on the Character and Practical Writings of Saint Paul. Philadelphia, 1815. 18o. B. C. Christian Morals. New-York, 1831. 18o. B. C. Reflections on Prayer. Philadelphia, 1820. 180. B. C. See Cheap Repository. MORE (Henry). Enchiridion Ethicum. 4th ed. London, 1712. 12o. iMORE (Jean de). Voyage. See Linsehoten. MORE ( Sir Thomas). Utopia, or the Happy Republic; with Lord Bacon's New Atlantis. London, 1838. 120. MOREAU ( Cesar). The Past and Present Statistical State of Ireland, exhibited in a series of tables; with Statisticssof Comnzerce of Great Britain and France, and Chronological Records of British Finance from the earliest records, A. D. 55 to 1828, founded on official documents. London, 1825- 29. Lithographed fol. MOREAU-CHRISTOPHE (L. M.). De l'etat actuel et de la r6forme des prisons de la Grande Bretagne, traduit par. Paris, 1838. 80. De la Mortalite et de la Folie, dans le regime penitentiare. Paris, 1839. 80. MOREAU DE JONN3:S (A.). Monographie historique ct medicale de la Fievre jaune des Antilles. Paris, 1820. 80. W. C. 660. MOREAU DE SAINT-M.IRY ( L. E.). Description de la Partie franqaise de Saint-Domingue. Philadelphie, 1797 - 98. 2 vol. 40. W. C. 661. Description of the Spanish part of St. Domingo: trans. from the French, by William Cobbett. Philadelphia, 1798. 2 vol. in 1. 80. MOREAU (J. N.). De Pligten der overheden, of vertoog over de rechtvaardigheid: vertaald door E. Luzac. Leiden, 1779. 80. MOREAU ( Pierre). Histoire des derniers troubles du Bresil, entre les Hollandais et les Portugais. Paris, 1651. 4o. See Relations veritables. W. C. 790. VIOREHEAD (James T.). Address: First Settlement of Kentucky, at Boonesborough, 1840. Frankfort, Ky. 80. MOREL (M.). Etudes Cliniques: Traite theorique et pratique des maladies mentales. Nancy, 1852. Vol. 1. 80. MORELIL (J. D.). An Historical and Critical View of the Speculative Philosophy of Europe in the nineteenth century. 2d ed. New-York, 1847. 2 vol. 80. - On the Philosophical Tendencies of the Age: Four Lectures at Edinburgh and Glasgow, Jan. 1848. London, 1848. 80......_ The Philosophy of Religion. New-York, 1849. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 517 MORELL (Dr. Thomas). See Ainsworth's Dictionary. MORELLET (l'Abbe). Memoire sur la situation actuelle de la Compagnie des Indes, 1769; with Examen de la R6ponse de M. N....... Paris, 1769. See Compagnie des Indes. W. C. 505. MORELLI (Jacques). Codices Manuscripti Latini Bib. Naniane: Venetiis, 1776. With I Codici manoscritti volgari della Libreria Naniana. Venezia, 1776. In 1 vol. 4o. MORMNAS (Francois). Abreg6 de l'Histoire Ecclesiastique de Fleuri. Cologne, 1752. 13 vol. 120. -.- Lettres d'Eusebe Philalethe, sur son Abrege. See Eusebe. Mon~~RI (Louis). Le Grand Dictionnaire Historique; ou le M61ange Curieux de l'histoire sacre et profane. Amsterdam, 1698. 4 vol. in 2. fol. B. C. Great Historical Dictionary: translated from the French by Jer. Collier. 2d ed. London, 1701. 2 vol. fol. Supplement to the Dictionary: trans. by the same. London, 1701. fol. Appendix to the Dictionary and Supplement: trans. by the same. London, 1721. fol. MOREWOOD (Samuel). History of Inebriating Liquors, with the present practice of distillation. Dublin, 1838. 80. MOREY (A. C.). System of English Grammar. Albany, 1829. 12o. MORFIT ( Campbell). Perfumery, its manufacture and use. Philadelphia, 1847. 12o. MORGAN (Rev. Mr.). Centenary Discourse, at Christ's Church, Norwich, April 22, 1849. New-York, 1849. 80. MORGAN (Lady). France in 1829 - 30. New-York, 1830. 2 vol. 120. B. C. MORGAN (J.). Elements of English Grammar. HIallowell, 1814. 120. MORGAN ( John). Discourse upon the Institution of medical schools in America. Philadelphia, 1765. 80. W. C. 662. MORGAN ( J. H.) and J. T. Barber. Account of the Aurora Borealis, seen near Cambridge, Oct. 24, 1.847; together with those of Sept. 21, 1846, and March 19, 1847; with twelve coloured engravings. Cambridge, Eng. 80. MORGAN (Lewis H.). League of the Ho-de'-no-sau-nee, or Iroquois; with plates. Rochester, 1851. 8o...... — Lecture, Rochester Atheneum, 1852. 120. MORGAN ( R. P.). Report to the Hudson River Railroad Committee, Aug. 1842. Poughkeepsie, 1842. 12o. MORGAN (William). Reports on his abduction. N.Y. Sen. and Assembly Docts. 1830. 8. ----- Narrative of Facts relating to the kidnapping of. Rochester, 1827. 120. 518 NEW-YORK STATE...... Illustrations of Masonry: Boston, 1829. With Antimasonic Tracts. 120. MORILLO ( Gne'ral ). Memoires, suivis de deux Precis de J. D. Diaz et du Gen6ral de la Torre: trad. de l'espagnol. Paris, 1826. 8o. W. C. 663. MoRIN ( Arthur). Experiences sur les Roues hydrauliques a aubes planes. Metz, 1836. 40. MORIN ( P. A.). Notice sur la Castration des vaches. Paris. 80. MoRISON ( John H.). Danger of believing too much. Am. Un. Assoc. Pam. vol. 97..-.- Installation Sermon of Rev. G. W. Briggs. Salem, 1853. Pam. vol. 95. Life of Jeremiah Smith. Boston,1845. 120. MORISOT ( C. B.). Orbis Maritimi, sive rerum in mari et littoribus gestarum generalis historia. Divione, 1643. W. C. 664. Peruviana. Divione, 1645. 4o. W. C. 665. MORITZ ( Charles P.). Travels in England. Pinkerton, vol. 2. MORLEY ( Charles). The Common School Grammar. Hartford, 1830. 180. A Practical Guide to Composition. Hartford, 1838. ob. 120. MORLEY (Henry). The Life of Bernard Palissy of Saintes, his labors and discoveries. Boston, 1853. 2 vol. 120. MORMONS ( The), or Latter-day Saints: a contemporary history. London, 120. MORNAY ( Philippes de). Histoire de la Vie de; contenant divers avis.. sur beaucoup de mouvemens.. sous Henry III, Henry IV, et Louys XIII. Leyde, Elzevir, 1647. 40. B. C. MORNING CHRONICLE, Ap. 7, 1807. New-York. Newsp. vol. 5. MORRELL ( Capt. Benjamin) jun. A Narrative of Four Voyages to the South Sea, North and South Pacific Ocean, etc. 1822-31. New-York, 1841. 80. MORRELL (L. A.). The American Shepherd; being a History of the Sheep, with their breeds, management, and diseases. New-York, 1845. 80. MORREN ( Charles). Palmes et Couronnes de l'Horticulture de Belgique: Annuaire retrospectif des expositions de fleurs, fruits et legumes. Bruxelles, 1851. 120. MORRIS Canal and Banking Company, 1835. Pam. vol. 154. MORRIS (Caspar). Med. Hist. of Penn. See Hist. Soc. Penn. vol. 1. MORRIS ( E. Joy). Notes of a Tour through Turkey, Greece, Egypt, etc. Philadelphia, 1842. 2 vol. 120. The Turkish Empire; embracing the religion, manners and customs of the people. Philadelphia, 1855. 120. MORRIS ( Rev. F. O.). History of British Birds. London, 1851. 3 vol. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 519 MoRRIS (Gouverneur). Oration upon the Death of General Washington. New-York, 1800. Pam. vol. 1. Oration in Honor of the Memory of George Clinton:, 1812. Pam. vol. 55. B. C. Oration, June 29, 1814, on the Deliverance of Europe from the yoke of military despotism. New-York, 1814. 8). 2 copies. The same. Pam. vol. 55. B. C. - Correspondence with Robert Fulton on Canal to Lake Erie, 1814. Pam. vol. 145......- Speech, Sen. U. S., Navigation of the Mississippi. Pam. vol. 35. Inaugural Discourse, New-York Hist. Soc. 1816. 80. MORRIS (G. P.). See New Mirror, and Home Journal. MORRIS (J.) and John Lycett. Monograph of the Mollusca from the great Oolite. London, 1853. See Palkeont. Soc. MoRRIs ( James). Statistical Account of several towns in the County of Litchfield, Conn. New-Haven, 1815. 80. MORRIS ( Gov. Lewis). Letters from 1738 to 1746. See N. J. Hist. Coll. vol. 4.. Proceedings as Chief Justice, N.Y. 1733. See Zenger. MORRIS ( Miss M. H.). On the Cecidomyia destructor, or Hessian fly. Am. Phil. Soc. Trans. N. S. vol. 8. MORRIS (Robert ). Letter to Sir Richard Aston, in reply to his abuse, with some thoughts on the modern doctrine of libels. Pam. vol. 126. MORRISON (Rev. A. J. W.). Translations. See Schlegel; also Goethe. MORRISON ( R.). Embassy of the British Government to the Court of China, in 1816. Pamphleteer, vol. 15. MORRISON (R. N.). Speech on the Constitutional amendments, 1845, in the N. Y. Assembly. Pain. vol. 67. MORRONE ( J. M.). Vocabulary of the Cochin-chinese Language. See Am. Phil. Soc. Hist. and Litt. Comm. Trans. vol. 2. MORSE ( Jedediah ), D.D. See Bigland's Geography. American Geography. Elizabethtown, N. J. 1789. 80. Geography made easy; being an Abridgement of the American Geography. 2d ed. Boston, 1790..12~. The same. 120. B. C. e: - The American Geography, or a View of the present situation of the Uniited States of America. 2d ed. London, 1792. 8~.._- An Abridgement of the American Universal Geography. 2d ed. Troy, 1816. 12o. American Universal Geography. 7th ed. Charlestown, 1819. 2 vol. 8o. W. C. 666. The American Gazetteer, with maps. Boston, 1797. 80. Sermon on Thanksgiving day, Charlestown, Mass. 1798. 2d ed. 80. 520 NEW-YORK STATE -Fast Sermon, Charlestown, 1799. Serm. vol. 1. B. C. ------- Report to the Secretary of War of the United States, on Indian affairs. New-Haven, 1822. 80. W. C. 667. - and E. Parish, D.D. Compendious History of New-England. 2d ed. Newburyport, 1809. 120. - The same: with Abstract of the History of New-York and NewJersey. 3d ed. Charlestown, Mass. 1820. 120. Annals of the American Revolution. Hartford, 1824. 80..-... (and Richard C.). New Universal Gazetteer. 4th ed. New-Haven, 1823. 80. ( and Richard C.). The Traveller's Guide, or Pocket Gazetteer of the United States. New-Haven, 1823. 180. B. C. MORSE (Sidney E.). New System of MIodern Geography. New-Haven, 1822. 80. W. C. 668. MORSE ( Pof. S. F. B.). 1, Discourse, Nat. Acad. of Design, 1827, NewYork; 2, Reply to N. A. Review on the Academy of Arts, 1828. 1 vol. 8. Also Pam. vol. 11. B. C., and vol. 14. B. C. See Dangers of Immigration, 1835. MORTIMER (Thomas). History of England. London, 1764. 3 vol. fol. W. C. 669. Lectures on the Elements of commerce, politics, and finances. London, 1801. 80. MORTON ( Rev. Daniel O.). Memoirs of the Rev. Levi Parsons, Missionary to Palestine. Burlington, 1830. 120. MORTON ( John C.). Cyclopaedia of Agriculture, practical and scientific, Edinburgh, 1851. vol. 1. 80. MORTON ( Gov. Marcus.). Address to Mass. Legislature, 1840. Pam. vol. 36. B. C. MORTON ( Nathaniel). New-England's Memorial. 5th edition, with large additions, and a lithograph of an ancient map; by John Davis. Boston, 1826. 80. New-England's Memorial. 6th ed. Boston, 1855. 80. See also Young (A.), Chronicles. MORTON (Samuel George), M.D. Crania Egyptiaca; or Observations on Egyptian ethnography. Philadelphia, 1844. 4o. Crania Americana; or a Comparative View of the skulls of various aboriginal nations in North and South America. 78 plates, Philadel. phia, 1839. fol. -- Catalogue of Skulls in his Collection, 1840. With Description of New Species in the cretaceous group, 1842; and Inquiry into the aboriginal race of America, 1842. 1 vol. 80. - Remarks on the so-called Pigmy Race of the valley of the Mississippi. Pam. vol. 74..-.- See Nott and Gliddon's Types of mankind. GENERAL LIBRARY. 521 MORTON ( Dr. W. T. G.). Report of Comm. of H. of R. on his Memorial for remuneration as discoverer of the pain-subduing properties of sulphuric ether. Cong. Doct. 1852. 80. Statement, with Evidence, of his claim as discoverer of the aniesthetic properties of ether: submitted to Select Comm. of U. S. Sen. Cong. Doct. 1853. MIOSELEY ( H.). Illustrations of Mechanics. London, 1839. 120. Treatise on Mechanics applied to the arts. 2d ed. London, 1839. 120. MOSELLE. See Soci6t6 des Sciences mn6dicales, a Moselle. MOSER ( J. J.). Nord-America nach den Friedensschliissen vom jahr 1783. Leipzig, 1784, 85. 3 vol. 80. W. C. 670. nMOSES ( Myer). Address, Tammany Society, N. Y. 1831. Pain. vol. 71. MOSHEITn ( John L.), D.D. Ecclesiastical History, ancient and modern: trans. by A. Maclaine. New-York, 1824. 4 vol. 8:'. B. C. The same: A new translation from the Latin, with Notes, by J. Murdock; with additions by H. Soames. London, 1845. 4 vol. 80. Historical Commentaries on the state of Christianity during the first 225 years of the christian era translated by R. S. Vidal and J. Murdock, D.D. New-York, 1852. 2 vol.80. MOSQUITO KINGDOM: Churchill, vol. 6. Moss ( Joseph William). A Manual of Classical Bibliography, giving a detail of the various editions of the Greek and Latin Classics. 2d ed. London, 1837. 2 vol. s~. C. L. MOTHER (The) of MAsoNs..... History of Ancient Freemasonry: by Tubal Cain (Mr. Demminzg?). Utica, 1831. Pam. vol. 183. MOTT (Valentine), M.D. Address, College of Physicians and Surgeons, New-York, 1850. New-York, 1850. 80. ------ Travels in Europe and the East. New-York, 1842. 8o. - See Velpeau's Operative Surgery. MOUETTE: Travels in Fez and Morocco. See Lawson ( J.). MouHY (Chev. de). La Paysanne parvenue; ou les Mdmoires de la Marquise de L. V. Amsterdam, 1749. 2 vol. 120. MOULTON ( Joseph W.). View of the City of New-Orange, now New-York, as it was in 1673. New-York, 1825. 8o. New-York, 170 years ago. New-York, 1843. Pam. vol. 36. B. C. -.- History of New-York: Part I. See Yates ( J. V. N.). History of the State of New-York. Part II: Novum Belgium. New-York, 1826. 83. MOULTON (R. K.). Legislative and Documentary History of the Banks of the United States, from the time of establishing the Bank of North America, 1781, to October, 1834; with notes and comments. NewYork, 1834. See Moulton's Const. Guide. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.1 66 522 NEW-YORK STATE...___. The Constitutional Guide; comprising the Constitution of the U. States, with Notes and Commentaries from Story, Kent, Madison, etc. New-York, 1834. 180. MOULTON (William). A Concise Extract from his Sea Journal... from New-London to Staten Island, South Sea, 1799 - 1804. Utica, 1804. 80. MOULTRIE ( James), 3I.D. On the Organic functions of animals. Charleston, S. C. 1844. Pam. vol. 86. MOJLTRIE ( William). -Memoirs of the American Revolution, in North and South-Carolina and Georgia. New-York, 1802. 2 vol. 8o. MOUNT AUBURN, illustrated in a Series of Views, from drawings by James Smiillie: Letter-press description by Cornelia W. VWalter. NTewYork, 1848. 4o. -- -(Catalogue of the Proprietors of the Cemetery, May 1, 1846; with the regulations.. a plan of the grounds, and engravings. Boston, 1846. 80. MOUNT-HOPE INSTITUTION near Baltimore, for the Insane. 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th Reports, by W;. I:I. Stokes, M.D. 1847, 50, 51, 52. Baltimore. 8o. MOUNT-SAINT-VINCENT'S UOSPITAL for the Insane, Report, 1843. Baltimore. Pam. vol. 166. MOUNTAIN (Jacob), Bishop of Queboc. Thanksgiving Sermon, 1799. Pam. vol. 62. Letter to his Clergy, on the Clergy Reserves. Boston, 1827. Pam. vol. 143. MOXON (Charles). See Geologist, periodical. MOYNE ( J. de). See Le Moyne de Morgues (J.). MUDIE (George). The Grammar of the English language; with moveable parts. London, 1840. 180. lMUDIE ( Robert). Feathered Tribes of the British Islands. 2d ed. London, 1835. 2 vol. 120. The same: revised by W. C. L. Martin. London, Bohn, 1854. 2 vol. 12o. MUFFLING (Baron). Passages from my Life; with Memoirs of the Campaign of 1813, 14: ed. by Col. P. Yorke. London, 1853. 80. MUGGE (Theodore). Switzerland in 1847, and its condition before the war: ed. by Mrs. P. Sinnett. London, 1848. 2 vol. 120. MU-rLENBERG (Henry), D.D. Catalogue of the Native and Naturalized plants of North America. Lancaster, 1813. 80. Descriptio uberior Graminum et Plantarum Calamariarum Amer. septentrionalis, indigenarum et cicurum. Philadelphive, 1817. 80. MUUHLENBERG ( Henry A.). Life of Major Gen. Peter Muhlenberg, of the Revolutionary army. Philadelphia, 1849. 120. MUIRHEAD ( James P.). Correspondence of the late James Watt, on his discovery of the theory of the composition of water. London, 1846. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 523 MULDER (G. J.). Vergelijkend onderzoek van suiker, met en zonder stoonm bereid. Rotterdam, 1850. 80. MULFOR'D (Isaac S.), H.D. Civil and Political History of New-Jersey. Camden, 1848. 80. MeVLLER (A. P.), b. Westerman. De Admiraal Piet Hein te Delftshaven: vaderlandsch tooneelspel. Amsterdam, 1832. Pain. vol. 30. B. C. MUCLLER ( Ethelbert). Donaustauf and Wailhalla described: trans. and enlarged, with the Biographies of Walhalla's inmates. Ratisbon, 1847. 8~. MULLERP (Fr.). Catalogue of Books for sale, relating to Amnerica; including.... rare works before 1700, amongst which a nearly complete collection of the Dutch publications on New-Netherlands, 1612-1820. Amsterdam, 1850. 120. MUt;LER ( G. P.). Voyages et Decouvertes faites par les Russes le long des Cotes de la SIer Glaciale...... On y a joint l'Histoire du Fleuve Amur..... trad. de l'allemand par C. G. F1'. Dumas. Amsterdam, 1766. 2 vol. 12). W. C. 671. MULLER ( K. 0.). History of the Literature of Ancient Greece. See Lib. U.K. MULLER ( Prof. J.). Principles of Physics and Meteorology. Vol. 1. London, 1847. 8o. MUiLLER ( John von). Universal History, in twenty-fotur books: from the German, 1831, 32. Amer. Lib. Useful Kfnowl. vol. 3- 7. 4 vol. 12). B. C. MULLER ( Joseph H.). Katholisches Yahrbueh. 3d ed. Berlin, 1853. 80. MULLER ( Prof. 0.). The History and Antiquities of the Doric Race: trans. by H. Taffnell and G. C. Lewis. 2dc ed. London, 1839. 2 vol. 80. C. L. IMULLER ( P. L. S.). Eenzame Nagt-gedagten. Amsterdarm, 1761. 3 parts in 1 vol. 80. MULLER (S.). Voyage from Asia to America, for completing the Discoveries of the Northeast Coast of America; with a Summary of the voyages made by the Russians...... in search of a Northeast Passage; with maps, by Thomas Jeffreys, Geographer to His Majesty. London, 1761. 4. MIUN ( Thomas). England's Treasure by Forraign Trade. London, 1664. 120. MUNCH (B. G.). Primaria quredam documenta de origine typographire. Altorfii, 1740. sm. 4o. aMUNCH (Frederick). A Treatise on Religion and Christianity, orthodoxy and rationalism. Boston, 1847. Pain. vol. 45. B. C. MUNCH ( P. A.). See Aslak Bolts Yordebog; also Olaf, and SturlassSn (Snorre). Symbolke ad iistoriam antiquiorem rerum norvegicarum. Christianie, 1850. 4. MuN)Y ( Gen.). Life of Admiral George Rodney. London, 1836. 120. 524 NEW-YYORK STATE MUNDY ( Capt. Rodney). Narrative of Events in Borneo and Celebes, etc. See Brooke ( Sir J.). Pen and Pencil Sketches, being the Journal of a tour in India. 2d ed. London, 1833. 2 vol. 80. MUNICH, Royal Library. See Bavaria. Verzeichniss der gemalde der k. Bildergallerie in Miinchen. MIinchen, 1825. 80. MUNOZ ( Juan B.). Historia del Nuevo Mundo. Vol. 1. Madrid, 1793. 4~. W. C. 672. All that was published. The History of the New World: from the Spanish, with Notes. Vol. 1. London, 1797. 80. MUNRO (Robert). A Description of the Genesee Country... New-Yorkl; with a description of the military lands. New-York, 1804. 80. 2 copies. MUNSELL ( Joel). Albany Directory and City Register, 1852- 55. 4 vol. 120. - Outline of the History of Printing, and Sketches of the early Printers. Albany, 1839. 8o. The same. Muns. Pam. vol. 8. Everyday Book of History and Chronology.... Albany, 1843. 2 vol. 120. The Typographical Miscellany. Albany, 1850. 80. See Albany Annual Register. Annals of Albany. Albany, 1850 - 55; vol. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 5 vol. 120. 2 copies. Vol. 1 is Albany Annual. Reg.: — A Collection of Pamphlets and Magazines, from the Press of J. Munsell. Albany, 1840 - 52. 12 vol. 80. {BINSTER: Petrifacten. Leipzig, 1840. See Braun. vUNSTER ( Sebastian). Cosmographey; oder Beschreibung aller lander, herzschafften und fiirnemesten stetten, geschichten, etc. Basel, 1574,. 1588. fol. 2 copies. MURAT (Achille). United States of North America; with a Note on negro slavery, by Junius Redivivus. London, 1833. 120. -- America and the Americans: from the French, by H. J. Bradfield. New-York, 1849. 12.Brieven over de Zeden en staatkunde der vereenigde Staten van Noord-Amerika: uit bet fransch. Zalt-Bommel, 1834. 2 vol. 8o. B. C. MURATORI ( L. A.). Relation des Missions du Paraguai: trad. de l'italien. Paris, 1754. 12~. W. C. 673. - The same. Paris, 1827. 120. IW. C. 674. MURCHISON ( Sir R. I.). The Silurian System, founded on geological researches in the Counties of Salop, Hereford, etc.; with Descriptions of the coal fields and overlying formations. With map on rollers. London, 1839. 2 vol. 4o0 The History of the oldest known rocks containing organic remains. London, 1854. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 525 MUIRDocK (James). See Day's Yale College, Class of 1797. MURuPHY (Arthur). See Johnson (S.), life; also Tacitus, translation. MURPHY ( Dennis Jasper). See Maturin (C. R.). MURPIHY (Edward ). See Lucian's Dialogues, translation. MURPHY ( H. C.). Speeches, H. of R. U. S., on Harbor and River bill, 1845; on the Tariff, 1844. Pam. vol. 60. ------- See Vertoogh, van Nieu Nederland: a translation by. MURPHY (James C.). History of the Mahometan Empire in Spain, containing a General History of the Arabs. London, 1816. 40. MURPHY ( John). A Treatise on the art of weaving. 6th ed. Glasgow, 1847. 8~. MURR (Christ. Gottlieb von). Reisen einiger Missionarien der Gesellsehaft Jesu in Amuerika. Niirnberg, 1785. 8. MURRAY (Alexander), D.D. History of European Languages; or Researches into the affinities of the Teutonic, Greek, Celtic, Sclavonic and Indian nations. Edinburgh, 1823. 2 vol. 80. The same. 2 vol. 80. B. C. MURRAY ( Hon. Charles A.). Travels in North America, 1834 - 36. London, 1839. 2 vol. 80~. - The same. New-York, 1839. 2 vol. 120. MURRAY ( Hugh). Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in N. America, with Observations on emigration. London, 1829. 2 vol. 80. Encyclopmedia of Geography. London, 1834. 80. The same. 80. B. C. X —- The same; with additions by Thomas G. Bradford. Philadelphia, 1843. 3 vol. 80. Travels of Marco Polo. Edin. Cab. Lib. vol. 38. and others. Historical and Descriptive Account of British India. Edin. Cab. Lib. vol. 6 - 8. — ~ —-- and others. Historical and Descriptive Account of British America. Edin. Cab. Lib. vol. 25 - 27. - and others. Historical and Descriptive Account of China. Edin. Cab. Lib. vol. 18 - 20. - and others. History of the United States. Edin. Cab. Lib. vol. 35 -37. - and others. Narrative of Discovery and Adventure in Africa. ~Edin. Cab. Lib. vol. 2. Pictorial History of the U. S. America, with additions and corrections by H. C. Watson. Boston, 1851. 80. MURRAY (Rev. James) of Newcastle. An Impartial History of the present war in America..... Vol. 1, London, 1778. Vol. 2, 3; Newcastle upon Tyne, 1782. 3 vol 80. 3d vol. only to p. 332. - The same. Vol. 1, 2. 1782. 2 vol. 80. 526 NEW-YORK STATE MURRAY (John). Notes on Captain Medwin's Conversations of Lord Byron. London, 1.824. 80. - Cfficial Handbook of Church and State; containing the names, duties and powers of...... the authorities of the United Kingdom. London, 1852. 12o. MURRAY ( J. W. B.). An Essay on Neuralgia. New-York, 1816. Pam. vol. 86. MURRAY (John F.). The World of London. London, 1845. 2 vol. 120. MURRAY (Hon. Henry A.). The Land of the Slave and Free; or Cuba, the United States and Canada. London, 1855. 2 vol. 120. IURRAY ( Lindley). English Grammar, adapted to the different classes of learners. 9th ed. New-York, 1805. 120. B. C. Introduction au Lecteur FranGais. New-York, 1807. 80. Key to the Exercises. Pittsfield, 1810. 120. B. C. English Exercises, adapted to Murray's English grammar. Albany, 1815. 12o. B. C. Key to the Exercises, etc. New-York, 1817. 180. - An English Grammar. 5th Anm. ed. New-York, 1823. 2 vol. in 1. 80. ----- An Abridgment of Murray's English Grammar. Montreal, 1835. 18o. English Grammar. 48th ed. New-York, 1836. 120. -----— English Grammar, adapted to the different classes of learners, 49th ed. York, Eng. 1838. 12o. B. C. Abridgment of Murray. See Booth ( L.). -- Memoirs of his Life and Writings, written by himself; with a Continuation.... by Elizabeth Frank. New-York, 1827. 80. MURRAY (Nicholas), D.D. Notes, Historical and Biographical, concerning Elizabethtown, N. J...... Elizabethtown, 1844. 120. Thanksgiving Sermon, Elizabethtown, N. J. 1837. Pam. vol. 82. - Address, Decline of Popery, New-York, 1851. Pam. vol. 83. ------ Romanism at Home: Letters to Hon. R. B. Taney. 6th ed. NewYork, 1854. 12o. ------ Men and Things as I saw them in Europe: by Kirwan. NewYork, 1854. 120. MUSAUS ( J. C. A.). Volksmirchen: No. 39, Etui Bibliothek der Deutschen Klassiker. Zwickau, 1810. 240. B. C. MuIscovY. See Churchill, sLpp. 1. MUSlrstE DE BORDEAUX: Recueil des Ouvrages du. Bordeau x, 1787. 8o. MUSEIsE PIE-CLEMENTIN. See Visconti ( E. Q.). MU SIsE POPULAIRE de BELGIQUE: A Collection of 42 Wood-engravings, ethnographic, picturesque, agricultural, religious, etc. Part of a series: G. Stapleaux, editor. Bruxelles, 1849, 50. 1 vol. gr. fol. GENERAL LIBRARY. 527 MUS:E ROYAL., des Antiques du Louvre: Description, par M. le Cte. de Clarac. Paris, 1830. 12~. B. C. Notice des Tableaux, Peintures, Dessins.... exposes dans le Musee Royal. Paris, 1837, 38, 39: in 1 vol. 12o. The same. Paris, 1838. 120,. B. C. MUStE ROYAL du Luxembourg: Explication des ouvrages de peinture et de sculpture de l'Ecole moderne de France, exposes dans le Musee. Paris, 1842. 12o. ------- The same. Paris, 1838. Pamn. vol. 38. B. C. MUSEE ROYAL de Peinture et Sculpture de Belgique: Catalogue. Bra-elles, 1846. 120. MUSEUM CRITICUM, or Cambridge Classical Researches, Cambridge, 1826. 2 vol. 80. MUSEUM of FOREIGN LITERATURE, SCIENCE and ART: New series. Philadelphia, 1836 - 42. 16 vol. 80. MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AND ART. See Lardner ( D.). MUSSGRAVE ( T. M.). Considerations on the Re-establishment of an effective balance of power. Pamphleteer, vol. 3. 31USSATO (Albertino). Historia Augusta Henrici VII Ctesaris, et:alia quiee extant opera. Venetiis, 1636. fol. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of New-York: 1844, 50, 52. Pam. vol. 154. MUZZEY (Rev. A. B.). Sermon at Cambridgeport, Mass. 1845. Serm. vol. 6. B. C. MYERS ( T.). Remarks on a Course of Education.... for a career of honour, patriotism, and philanthropy. Pamphleteer, vol. 12. MYLNE (Rev. A.). An Epitome of English Grammar. 11th ed. Edinburgh, 1832. 180. MYSTERIES (The) and MISERIES of Philadelphia: Presentment of the Grand Jury, 1853. Pam. vol. 81. N. N.... (MI.). See Voyage aux CBtes de Guinde et en Amerique, 1719. N. (N.). See Description ( Exact ) of the West Indies. N —P. (A.). See Histoire de la R6volution de Venise. NADAULT DE BUFFON. Traite th6eorique et pratique des irrigations. Paris, 1.843- 44. 3 vol. 80, with atlas fol. NAGELI ( Carl). On Vegetable cells. See Ray Society, 2d year. NAHUTJS ( Kolonel). Verzameling van Officiele Rapporten, betreffende den Gorlog op Java..... 1825 - 30. Deventer, 1835. 4 vol. 8.. B. C. NAIGEON (J. A.). Philosophie ancienne et moderne. See Encyc. m6th. W. C. 335. 528 NEW-YORK STATE NAIRNE ( C. M.). Atheism and Pantheism: Lecture, Y. M. Assoc. Al-'bany, 1848. Pam. vol. 46. B. C.; also Pam. vol. 63, and Muns. Pam. vol. 3. NALDINI ( Paolo). Corografia Ecclesiastica; o sia Descrizione della Citta et della Diocesi di Giustinopoli, detto Capo d'Istria. Venezia, 1700. 4o. NAPIER ( Commodore Sir Charles). The Navy; its past and present state...... London, 1851. 80. The War in Syria. London, 1842. 2 vol. 12o. NAPIER ( Gen. Sir Charles J.). Lights and Shades of military life: edited from Count de Vigny and E. Blaze. 2d ed. London, 1850. 80. NAPIER ( Capt. Henry E.). Florentine History, from the earliest authentic records, to Ferdinand the Third. London, 1846 - 47. 6 vol. 120. NAPIER (James). A Manual of the art of dyeing. Glasgow, 1853. 12o. Montrose and the Covenanters, their character and conduct. London, 1838. 2 vol. 80. Life and Times of MIontrose. Edinburgh, 1840. 12o. Memoirs of John Napier of Merchiston; with a History of the invention of logarithms. Edinburgh, 1834. 4P. NAPIER (W. F. P.). History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France, from 1807 to 1814. London, 1828. 6 vol. 8o. A Collection of Tracts in the Controversy on his History of the War in the Peninsula. 8. Contents: 1. Reply to "' Strictures," 2d ed. London, 1833. 2. Letter to Viscount Beresford. London, 1b34. 3. Reply to Lord Strangford's " Observations," 2d ed. London, 1835. 4. Counter-Remarks to Mr. Dudley Montague Perceval's Remarks. London, 1835. NAPIONE ( G. F. Galea'ni). Della Patria di Cristoforo Colombo: Dissertazione pubblicata nelle Mem. dell'Accad. Imper. delle Scienze di Torino. Firenze, 1808. 80. W. C. 675. NAPOLEON and the Marshals of the Empire; with sixteen portraits. Philadelphia, 1848. 2 vol. 120. NARES ( Edward ). Memoirs of the Life and Administration of Lord Burghley. London, 1828. 3 vol. 4"). NARES ( Rev. E.). See Tytler, Elements of Gen. Hist. NARES (Robert ), D.D. Elements of Orthoepy. London, 1784. 80. NARRATIVE ( True and Historical ) of the Colony of Georgia, 1741. See Tailfer. NARRATIVE ( An Authentic) relating to the exchange of prisoners at the Cedars. London, 1777. 120. NARRATIVE.. of the Division among the members of the Associate Body in the U.S..: by a ruling elder. Philadelphia, 1789. Pam. vol. 68. NARRATIVE of a Tour of Observation, made during the summer of 1817, by James Monroe, President of the United States, through the Northeastern and Northwestern Departments of the Union, as to their military defences. Philadelphia, 1818. 12o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 529 NARRATIVE (Concise) of the Seminole Campaign: by an officer attached to the expedition. Nashville, Ten. 1819. 80. NARRATIVE of a Voyage to the Spanish Main, in the ship Two Friends:.... with an Appendix.... of the Seminole war, and the Execution of Arbuthnot and Ambrister. London, 1819. 80. - The same. 80. W. C. 949. NARRATIVE of a Mission of Enquiry to the Jews, from the Church of Scotland, in 1839: through MM. Bonar and M'Cheyne. Philadelphia, 1845. 120. NARRATIVE of certain occurrences at the late Special Convention of the Diocese of N. Y. 1851. Pam. vol. 93. NATION (The). The Spirit of the Nation: Ballads and Songs by the Writers of the "Nation," with original and ancient music. Dublin, 1846. 40 NATIONAL ACADEMY of DESIGNNS: Exhibition of 1832, New-York. Pain. vol. 20. B. C. Exhibition of 1838, New-York: Pam. vol. 38. B. C. Exhibition, 1851: Pam. vol. 99. Exhibitions of 1851, 52: Pam. vol. 69. NATIONAL CONVENTION of the Friends of Public Education in Philadelphia: Proceedings, 1849. Pam. vol. 51.. NATIONAL GALLERY: Catalogue of the Pictures. London, 1846. 120. B. C. A Catalogue of the Pictures, 1851. London. 120. NATIONAL GALLERY: Exhibition Catalogue of Paintings. New-York, 1830. Pam. vol, 20. B. C. NATIONAL GAZETTE and LITERARY REGISTER-: ed. by Robert Walsh, from vol. 4, Nov. 1823, to vol. 20, Dec. 29, 1841. Philadelphia. 15 vol. fol. NATIONAL GOVERNMENT JOURNAL, and Register of official papers. Vol. 1: Dec. 1823, to Dec. 1824. Washington, P. Force. 4o0. NATIONAL INSTITUTION for the Promotion of Science, Washington: 1st -4th bulletins. Washington, 1840, 41, 42, 45, 46. 2 vol. 80. 2d Bulletin, 1841, 42. 80. Also Pam. vol. 36. B. C. - Constitution, 1840. Pam. vol. 35. B. C. NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER: Jan.-Dec. 1810. See Newsp. vol. 5. NATIONAL Loan Fund Life Assurance Company., Pam. vol. 53. NATIONAL MAGAZINE, and LADIES' EMPORIUM: ed. by Mary Barney. Vol. 1. Baltimore, 1831. 8S. NATIONAL MAGAZINE, devoted to art, literature and religion: A. Stevens, ed. New-York, 1852 - 55. 6 vol. 80. NATIONAL MEDICAL CONVENTION: Proceedings. New-York, 1846; Philadelphia, 1847. 80. New-York, 1846: Proceedings. Pam. vol. 18, 98. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 67 530 NEW-YORK STATE NATIONAL PHARMACEUTICAL CONVENTION, Philadelphia, 1852: Proceedings. Pam. vol. 98. NATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE. Vol. 4-9: Sept. 1850-Sept. 1854. NewYork. 3 vol. fol. NATIONAL PREACHER: 1826 - 27. New-York. Pam. vol. 56. NATIONAL (The) RECORDER. Title of Vol. 1: Philadelphia Register and Nat. Ree. Ed. by Robert Walsh? Phil'a, 1819 - 21. 5 vol. 8~. NATIONAL REGISTER; a weekly paper, containing... important public documents, proceedings of congress.... biographical sketches, etc. Ed. by Joel K. Mead; afterwards by Lawrence, Wilson & Co. Washington, 1816 - 19. 7 vol. 80. NATTALI (M. A.). Catalogue of Books for sale, with prices. London, 1842. Pam. vol. 39. B. C. NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY Of Hartford: Transactions, No. 1. Hartford, 1836. 80. NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY of Montreal: Constitution, etc. 1828. Pam. vol. 92. NATURAL REFLEXIONS on the present conduct of His Prussian Majesty, 1744. Pamn. voL124. NATURALIST'S LIBRARY: Conducted by Sir William Jardine. Entomology, 7 vol.; Ichthyology, 6 vol.; Mammalia, 13 vol.; Ornithology, 14 vol. London, 1833 — 44. 40 vol. 120. NATURALIST'S (The) MISCELLANY; or Coloured Figures of natural objects, drawn and described immediately from nature: by George Shaw and F. P. Nodder. London, 1790. 24 vol. 80. NATURE and EXTENT of Parliamentary Power considered, in some remarks upon Mr. Pitt's speech, previous to the repeal of the stamp act. Reprinted from the Pennsylvania Journal, by John Holt. London, 1768. 180. NATUUR en Geneeskundige Correspondentie Societeit en de Vereenigde Nederlanden: Verhandelingen, 1779 - 80. Gravenhage, 1783 - 85. 5 vol. 80. NAUDAIN (Arnold). Speech, Sen. U. S., on the Delaware Jackson delegates, 1831. Pam. vol. 60. NAUTICAL ALMANAC and ASTRONOMICAL EPHEMERIS: Published by order.... of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, 1767-1838, 1847- 58. London, 1766 - 1835, 1843 - 54. 84 vol. 80. NAUTICAL ALMANAC and ASTRONOMICAL EPHEMERIS for 1818. NewYork, Blunt, 181.6. 8~. NAVAGERO (Andrea). Funeral Oration on the Death of Doge Leonardo Loredano. Pamphleteer, vol. 12. NAVAL ( The) MONUMENT; containing Official and other Accounts of all the Battles fought between the Navies of the United States and Great Britain, during the late War: ed. by A. Bowen. Boston, 1816. 80. NAVARETTE ( Martin F. de). Relations des Quatre Voyages entrepris par C. Colomb: trad. de l'espagnol, par MM. Vernenil et Roquette. Paris, 1828. 3 vol. 80. W. C. 676. GENERAL LIBRARY. 531 C oleccion de los Viages y Descubrimientos que hicieron por mar los Espafioles des de fines del siglo xv.... Madrid, 1825 - 37. 5 vol. 8o. W. C. 994. ------- Account of China. Churchill, vol. 1. NAVIER ( M.). On the means of comparing.... railways, and on the use of locomotive engines: from the French, by John Macneill. London, 1836. 8~. ------ Considerations sur les Principes de la Police du Roulage. Paris, 1835. 80. NAVIGATOR (The): Containing Directions for navigating the Mlonongahela, Alleghany, Ohio and Mississippi Rivers.... with an Appendix, containing an account of Louisiana, and of the Missouri and Columbia Rivers. 7th ed. Pittsburgh, 1811. 120. ------ ~The same. 8th ed. 1814. 120. 2 copies. The same. 10th ed. 1818. 12o. NAVY REGISTER: See United States, Navy Dept. NEAL (Daniel). History of the Puritans, or Protestant Non-conformists, from the Reformation in 1517, to the Revolution in 1688. New ed. London, 1837. 3 vol. 80. The same: ed. by J. O. Choules. New-York, 1844. 2 vol. 80. B. C. 3 —-~ — The History of New-England; containing an impartial account of the civil and ecclesiastical affairs of the country, to 1700; to which is added, the present state of New-England.. London, 1720. 2 vol. 8~. The same. 2d ed. London, 1747. 2 vol. 80. NEALE (Rev. Erskine). Life of His Royal Highness, Edward Duke of Kent. London, 1850. 80. NEANDER (Dr. Augustus). General History of the Christian Religion and Church: trans. from the 2d ed. by Joseph Torrey. Bioston, 1847 -1854. 5 vol. 8~. M- emorials of Christian Life in the early and middle ages trans. by J. E. Ryland. London, Bohn, 1852:. 120. -. — History of the Planting and Training of the Christian Church by the Apostles: trans. by J. E. Ryland. Also His Anti-Gnostikus, or Spirit of Tertullian. London-, Bohn, 1851. 2 vol. 120. NEANDER ( Johannes). Tabacologia. See Everartus (AEgidius). XV. C. 889. NEBRASKA (The) QUESTION; comprising Speeches in the U. S. Senate by Messrs. Douglas, Chase, Smith, Everett, Wade, Badger, Seward and Sumner, with the History of the Missouri Compromise. New-York, 1854. 80;. NECKER ( Jacques). R6ponse au Me6moire de l'Abb6 Morellet, sur la Compagnie des Indes, 1769. See Compagnie des Indes. W. C. 505:. Compte Rendu au Roi de France, au mois de Janvier, 1781. HIambourg, 1781. 8. 532 NEW-YORK STATE. State of the Finances of France, laid before the King, 1781: from the French. London, 1781. 80. NEDERLANDSCHE. See Netherlands, and Holland. NEDERLANDSCHE HISTORIE, onder de Regering van Koningh Philips, 1572 to 1611. Titlepage and 65 others wanting. fol. B. C. NEDERLANDSCtHE EIJISHOUDELIJKE MAATSCHAPPIJ: Handelingen, 1834. Haarlem. Pam. vol. 30. B. C. NEDERLANDSCHE ( Koninklijk) INSTITUUT: Verslag van de Werkzaamheden der erste klasse.... Uitgebragt in de Algemeene Vergadering, 1809 - 16. 4o..-.-..- Verslag van de eerste, tweede, derde, vierde, vijfde, zesde, zevende, achtste, negende, tiende en elfde Openbare Vergadering der eerste klasse.... Gehouden, 1817-19-21-23-25-27-29-31-33-35-37. 4,. ----— V Verslag van de Openbare Vergadering der tweede klasse, 1816 - 40. Amsterdam, 181'7 - 40. 4~. Verslag van de eerste, tweede, derde, vierde, vijfde, zesde, zevende, achtste (the ninth never printed ), tiende, elfde, twaalfde en derdiende Openbare Vergadering der vierde klasse.... 1817 - 41. 4'. *, —-- Verhandelingen der tweede klasse.... In den Haug te Amsterdam, 1818 - 43. 8 vol. 40. Verhandelingen der eerste klasse: Derde reeks. Amsterdam, 1848 - 52. 5 vol. 4o. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen: met platen. Amsterdam, 1854. Vol. 1. 40. Verslagen en Avededeelingen, uitgegeven door de vier klassen: over den jare 1841 - 46. Amsterdam, 1841 - 46. 6 vol. 80. Verslagen en Mededeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Amsterdam, 1853. Vol. 1. 80. _ Gedenkschriften in de Hedendaagsche Talen van de derde klasse; with a portion of vol. 6, and the Proceedings as to a Monument to Prince William I. Amsterdam, 1817 - 43. 6 vol. 40..-.-. Tijdschrift voor de Wis- en Natuurkundige Wetenschappen, uitgegeven door de eerste klasse. Amsterdam, 1848- 52. 5 vol. 80. Nienwe Reeks van Verhandelingen der tweede klasse. Amsterdam, 1850. Vol. 1. 80. Commentationes Latinae Tertihe Classis Instituti Regii Belgici ( Hollandici). Amstelodami, 1818 - 36. 6 vol. 4o. - Jaarboek, 1847 - 50. Amsterdam, 1847 - 51. 5 vol. 80. Traduction du Memoire accompagnant l'Adresse au Roi, Dec. 15, 1851. Pam. vol. 69. NEDERLANDSCH-ISRAELIETISCH JAARBOEKJE voor 1851- 54. Amsterdam en Gravenhage. 120. NEDERLANDSCHE (Nieuwe) JAERBOIEKEN; Of Vervolg der merkwserdigste geschiedenissen die voorgevallen zyn in de Vereenigde Provincien. Vol. 1- 22, 43 parts. Leiden and Amsterdam, 1766- 87. 42 vol. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 533 NEDERLANDSCHE OVERZEESCHE BEZITTINGEN: Natuurlyke Geschiedenis, door de Leden der Natuurkundige commissie in Indie en andere schrijvers. Uitgegeven op last van den Koning door C. J. Temminck: 1, Botanie; 2, Zoologie; 3, Land- en Volkenkunde. Leiden, 1839 - 44. 3 vol. fol. NEDERLANDSCHIE POST-RYDER; gevende Naauwkeurige Berichten van de Zaaken van Staat en Oorlog, zo in als buiten Europa en van andere anmerkelyke voorvallen: January, March, May, June, Aug. and Nov. 1766; March, April, June, Sept. Oct. Nov. and Dec. 1767; Jan. March, April, May, June, July, Aug. Sept. Oct'. Nov. and Dec. 1768; Feb. July, Aug. Sept. Oct. and Dec. 1769; Feb. March, April, May, June, Aug. and Sept. 1770. Utrecht. 6 vol. 180. NEDERLANDSCHE MUSEUM van Oudheden. See ZEgyptische monumenten. NEDERLANDSCHE MUZIJK: Soci6te des Pays-Bas pour l'encouragement de l'art musical. Album, containing pieces by Kening, Helder, Hanssen, Verhulst, Embuche, Bfastians, etc. Rotterdam, 1837 - 50. 40. See Bertelmann. NEDERLANDSCHE VEREENIGING tot afschaffing van sterken drank. See Kleine Geschriften. NEDHAM, or NEEDHAM ( Marchamont). The Excellencies of a free state. London, 1767. 80. NEEDHAM, esq. On the Manufacture of iron. See Lib. U. K. NEIGEBAUR ( Johann F.). Die Preussischen Gymnasien und Hoheren Biirgerschulen. Berlin, 1835. 80. NEIL ( Samuel). The Art of Reasoning; with an Outline of the history of logic. London, 1853. 120. NEILD (James). State of the Prisons in England, Scotland, and Wales. London, 1812. 4o. NEILSON (Charles). Account of Burgoyne's Campaign, and the memorable Battles of Bemis's Heights. Albany, 1844. 120. NEISON ( F. G. P.). Vital Statistics; being a Development of the rate of mortality and the laws of sickness. London, 1846. 40. NELLERTO (M.). Memoires pour servir a l'Histoire de la Revolution d'Espagne. Paris, 1814. 3 vol. 80. W. C. 678. NELSON (Rev. David). The Cause and Cure of Infidelity. Am. Tr. Soc. New-York. 120. NELSON ( Horatio, Lord ). Letters to Lady Hamilton; with a Supplement of interesting letters of distinguished characters. London, 1814. 2 vol. in 1. 80. - Dispatches and Letters; with Notes by Sir N. H. Nicolas. London, 1843 -46. 7 vol. 80. NELSON (R. J.). Engineer Details: Comparative Values of convict and other labour; Notes on Shot furnaces. Engineer's Prof. Pap. vol. 4. NENNIUS. See Six Old English Chronicles. NEPos ( Cornelius). De Vitis Excellentium Imperatorum: Interp. N. Courtin. Londini, 1786. 80. B. C. 534 NEW-YORK STATE - C. Nepos, van bet Leeven der Doorluchtige Veld-ooversten: met koopere heldebeelden. Lieuwerden, 1726. 18o. NESTORIANS (The) of Persia: A History of the origin and progress of that people, and of missionary labors among them... Am. S.S. Union. Philadelphia. 180. NETHERLAND-HISTORIAN; containing a Relation of the Wars between Great Britain, France and Netherlands, from 1671 to 1674. Amsterdam, 1675. 180. NETHERLANDS. See Nederlandsche, Holland, and Jaarboekje. Army List of the Netherlands for 1851. In Dutch. Gorinchem, 1851. 180. Decree, regulating collegiate and university education: William R. Aug. 1815. Brussel. Pam. vol. 30. B. C. Decree of William II, respecting an extraordinary property tax. Haarlem, 1844. Pam. vol. 33. B. C. --- De Voornaamste Schilderijen van het K. Kabinet te s'Gravenhage, in omtrek gegraveerd; met derzelver beschrijving. S'Gravenhage, 1826 - 30. 4 vol. 8o. Korte Handleiding ter bezigtiging der verzameling van zeldzaamheden in bet K. Kabinet op Mauritshuis in s'Gravenhage. Pam. vol. 38. B. C,. Notitie de Koninklijke Verzameling van Schilderijen van sevende meesters, op bet Pavillioen te Haarlem. Gravenhage. 80. B. C.......- Notitie der Schilderyen van het Koninklyk Kabinet te s'Gravenhage. Pam. vol. 22. B. C.; also 38 B. C. - Royal Cabinet. See Jonge (J. C. de). Reglement op het Visiteren van Manschappen, of zij al dan niet, tot de militaire dienst geschikt zijn. 1837. 240. Pam. vol. 30. B. C....- Schoolwezen Handleiding tot de Kennis, van de bestaande bepalingen op bet lager schoolwezen, Gouda, 1840. Pam. vol. 32. B. C. NEUHOFER (G. A.). Gedichte. Leipzig, 1804. 2 vol. in 1. 180. NEUMAN ( Henry) and BARETTI. Dictionary of the Spanish and English languages. 8th edition, ed. by M. Seoane. London. 2 vol. 80. - The same. 2d Am. ed. Boston, 1827. 2 vol. 80. NEVIN (Rev. John W.). Address on Sacred Music, 1827. Pam. vol. 71. NEW-BEDFORD CITY LIBRARY: Report, 1853. Pam. vol. 169. NEWBERY (John). Grammar made familiar and easy. 5th ed. London, 1787. 24~. NEW-BRUNSWICK REVIEW: Vol. 1. New-York, 1855. 8o. NEWBURnH (The) LETTERs: A Collection of Papers relative to halfpay..... granted by Congress to the officers of the army; compiled.... from the original papers.... Fishkill, N. Y. 1783. 80. NEWCOMB (Rev. Harvey). Cyclopaedia of Missions. New-York, 1854. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 535 NEWCOME (Archbp. W.). New Translation of the New Testament. See Bible, N. T..-....- An English Harmony of the four Evangelists, generally disposed after the manner of the Greek. Philadelphia, 1809. 80. B. C. NEW CRISIS: by an Old Whig. New-York, 1810. Pam. vol. 17. NEWELL (Rev. W.). Discourse, First Parish, Cambridge, Mass. 1854. Pam. vol. 95. NEW-ENGLAND FAMILY MAGAZINE for the diffusion of useful knowledge. Robert L. Wade, ed. Boston, 1845, 46. 4 vol. in 2. 80. NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register, published quarterly: vol. 1, 1847, W. Cogswell, D.D. ed.; vol. 2 - 9, 1848 - 55, S. G. Drake, ed. Boston. 9 vol. 80. NEW-ENGLAND MAGAZINE, monthly: Ed. by J. T. and E. Buckingham; the later volume edited by Dr. Howe, J. O. Sargeant, and P. Benjamin. Vol. 1 - 9. Boston, 1831 - 35. 9 vol. 80. NEW-ENGLAND Mississippi Land Company: Memorial to Congress. Pam. vol. 42. NEW-ENGLAND Nut. Life Assu. Comp. 1848, 49. Pam. vol. 53. NEW-ENGLAND PALLADIUM, semiweekly: from 1801 to 1827, except 1812. Boston, Young and Minns. 26 vol. fol. NEW-ENGLAND PATRIOT.... Comparison.... of the Washington and Jefferson administrations.... Boston, 1810. Pam. vol. 1. B. C. NEW-ENGLAND PRIMER: An exact reprint from the Boston edition of 1777. Hartford, 1850. 240. NEW-ENGLAND PSALM-BOOK: The Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New-Testament, faithfully translated into English metre. 2d ed. Boston, 1773. 120. NEW-ENGLAND QUARTERLY MAGAZINE.... NOS. 1, 2. Boston, 1802. 80. NEW-ENGLAND SOCIETY for the improvement of domestic poultry: 1- 3 reports. Boston, 1849- 52. 8~. NEW-ENGLANDER (The): Vol. 1 -6, 1842-48; new series, vol. 613, 1849 - 55. New-Haven. 13 vol. 80. NEW FOUNDLING HOSPITAL FOR WIT; being a collection of several curious pieces in verse and prose..... by eminent persons. London, 1768 - 71. 4 vol. 180. The same. with several pieces never before published. London, 1786. 6 vol. 120. NEW-HAMPSHIRE Asylum for the Insane: Report, 1849. Pam. vol. 165. - Geological Survey: 1st Annual Report on the Geology of NewHampshire, by C. T. Jackson. Concord, 1841. 80. Final Report on the Geology and Mineralogy of N. H., by C. T. Jackson. Concord, 1844. 4o. --- State Prison: Annual report, 1849. Pam. vol. 159. 536 NEW-YORK STATE NEW-HAMPSHIRE (The) BOOK; being Specimens of the Literature of the Granite State. Nashville, 1844. 120. NEW-HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Collections. Concord, 1824 - 50. 6 vol. 80. NEW-HAMPSHIRE REPOSITORY: Ed. by W. M. Cogswell, D.D. Vol. 1, no. 2, 3, 4; vol. 2, no. 1. Gilmanton, 1846. 80. NEW-JERSEY. Selections from the Correspondence of the Executive of New-Jersey, from 1776 to 1786. Newark, 1848. 80. - GEOLOGICAL SURVEY: Report on the Geological Survey of the State, by H. D. Rogers. Freehold, N. J. 1836. 80. -, — The same: 2d ed. with map. Philadelphia, 1836. 80. - Final Report, by H. D. Rogers. Philadelphia, 1840. 8o.: -- e1st Report, for 1854. Trenton, 1855. 80. - State Library: Catalogue. Trenton, 1853. 80. Commissioners' Report on lunatics and idiots, 1840. Pam. vol. 166. State Lunatic Asylum: Report, 1849, Pam. vol. 165, Report of Trustees of School fund, 1842. Pam. vol. 173. Report on Public Schools, 1854. Pam. vol. 191. Report of Commissioners appointed by the Legislature of NewJersey, to investigate Camden and Amboy Railroad, and Delaware and Raritan Canal Companies. Trenton, 1850. 80. NEW-JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Proceedings, 1845 - 53. Newark. 6 vol. 80. Collections, 1846 - 52. Newark. 4 vol. 80. Contents: Vol. 1. Whitehead's East-Jersey under the Proprietary Government, etc. 2. William A. Duer's Life of Lord Stirling. " 3. Field on the Provincial Courts of New-Jersey. 4. The Papers of Gov. Lewis Morris. NEW-JERSEY Mining Company: Report, 1848. Pam. vol. 53. NEW-JERSEY MONTHLY MAGAZINE, Ap. 1825. Period. 80. vol. 1. NEW ( The) Jerusalem: a Hymn of olden time. Edinburgh, 1852. sm. 4o. NEW-HAVEN GAZETTE, and Connecticut Magazine for 1786. New-Haven. 40. NEW-HAVEN HORTICULTURAL, and New-Haven Agricultural Societies. Transactions for 1841. 80. NEW-HAVEN (William, Lord ). A Short Address to the public, showing how the national debt may be reduced.... London, 1786. 80. NEW-HAVEN YOUNG MEN'S INSTITUTE Catalogue of the Library. New-Haven, 1841. 80. NEWMAN (Francis W.). See History of the Hebrew Monarchy. --..See Huber (V. A.). GENERAL LIBRARY. 537 NEWMAN (Jeremiah W.). See Lounger's Common-place Book. NEW-MIRROR of LITERATURE...... Ed. by G. P. Morris and N. P. Willis. New-York, 1843 - 44. 3 vol. sm. fol. NEW MISCELLANY, for the years, 1737, 38, Pam. vol. 130; for the year 17839, London, Pain. vol. 131. NEW-ORLEANS BOOK, 1851. See Barnewell. NEW-ORLEANS Gas Light Comp.: Report, 1847. Pam. vol. 53. NEw STATES: A Comparison of the Northern and Southern. By Massachusetts. Boston, 1813. Pam. vol. 42. NEWS from Africa: Facts relating to the Liberia colony. Baltimore, 1832. 18~. B. C. NEWS from New-England....... Account of the present Bloody War between the Infidels, Natives, and the English Christians and converted Indians of New-England.... London, 1676. Reprinted for S. G. Drake, Boston, 1850. sin. 40. NEWSPAPERS: Miscellaneous files, 13 vol. fol. viz Vol. 1. Canadian, French and English, 1848 - 49. 2. Galignani's Messenger, Paris; and Canadian papers, 1850. " 3. American, and broadsheets, 1825-53. " 4. Missouri, Illinois and Arkansas, 1820- 24. 5. American and broadsheets, 1778-1812 6. California, Texas, Mexico, Sandwich islands, etc. 1846 - 50. 7. New-York City newspapers, 1766 — 90. 8. South-American: Montevideo, etc. 1834-51. 9. South-Amnerican: Buenos-Aires, etc 1849.' 10, 11. A Collection of Extracts from American newspapers, 1812 to 1845. fol. B. C. " 12. Italian newspapers, 1848, 49: A Collection of Extracts made during the Revolution, by C. Edwards Lester. " 13. Italian newspapers and broadsheets: 1, Statutes of Pius IX, for the temporal government of the Church, 1848; 2, Constitutions of Sardinia, Naples, Sicily; 3, Benedictions of Pius IX; 4, Extras, containing news of the Revolution; 5, Eight numbers of Roman Advertiser, Feb. 5, 1848 - Mar. 25, 1.848. 4o0. NEWTON (A. E.). Review on " Letters to the Edwards Church ", 1853. Boston. Pamn. vol. 93. - (and Airs). Answer to Charges of belief in modern revelations.... to Edwards Cong. Church. Boston, 1854. Pam. vol. 97. NEWTON ( Sir Isaac). Philosophie Naturalis Principia Mathematica. 2d ed. Cantabrigia, 1713. 4o. The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy: trans. by Andrew Motte. First Am. ed.: by N. W. Chittenden. New-York, 1848. 80. Correspondence of, and Prof. Cotes, including letters of other eminent men: ed by J. Edleston. London, 1851. 80. NEWTON ( Rev. John). Works; with Memoirs of his life, by R. Cecil. New-York, 1847. 2 vol. 80. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 68 .538 NEW-YORK STATE NEWTON ( John F.). Return to Nature, or a Defence of the Vegetable regimen. Pamphleteer, vol. 19, 20. NEWTON ( Thomas), D.D. Dissertations on the Prophecies: revised by Rev. W. S. Dobson. London, 1832. 80. B. C. NEWTON (WY.). See London Journal of Arts and Sciences. NE.W-YORK, COLONY: Journal of the Dutch Commissioners, Van Ruven, Van Cortlandt and Laurence; of their Embassy to Hartford, 1663. See Blue Laws. - State (A) of the Right of the Colony of New-York, with respect to its eastern boundary on the Connecticut River...... agreed to and published by the General Assembly of the Colony of New-York, at their Sessions in 1773: New-York, printed by Hugh Gaine, 1773. WTith, A Narrative of the Proceedings subsequent to the royal adjudication, concerning the lands to the westward of Connecticut River, lately usurped by New-Hampshire...... And Appendix, containing grants, acts of government, and other proofs concerning the encroachments of the Colony of Ne*-Hampshire.... New-York, John Bolt, 1773. fol. Provincial Congress: Journals of the Provincial Congress, Provincial Convention, Committee of Safety, and Council of Safety of the State of New-York, 1775 - 77. Albany, 1842. 2 vol. fol. - and IMfassachusetts Bay. See Massachusetts Bay... —-.. Documents relative to the Colonial History of the State of NewYork, procured in Holland; England and France, by J. R. Brodhead, esq., Agent, under and by virtue of an act of the Legislature: Ed. by E. B. O'Callaghan. Vol. 3, 4, 5, 6, 9. Albany, 1855. 5 vol. 4o0. 2 copies. Documentary History of the State of New-York: Arranged under the direction of the Hon. Christopher Morgan, Secretary of State, by E. B. O'Callaghan, M. D. Albany, 1849 - 51. 4 vol. 40 and 80. 4 copies.. Address of the Convention of the Representatives of the State of New-York to their constituents, 1776. Fishkill: reprinted, Norwich, 1777. 80. Constitution of the State, adopted 1777. Fishkill, 1777. 12o. NEw-Y ORKi STATE - AGRICULTURE. Board of Agriculture': Memoirs, published by authority, Albany, 1821 - 24. 3 vol. So. _-____ - - See New-York State Agri. Soc. ~ BANK COiIISSIONERS: Reports, 1.839, 40. Pam. vol. 54. - BOARD of Comm. of Emigration. See Gould (J. S.), Report on Food. CABINET OF NATURAL HISTORY. See New-York, Regents of the University. CANALS Report of Commissioners for the consideration of all matters relative to inland navigation. Albany, 1812. pp. 40. Pam. vol. 43, 53. GENERAL LIBRARY. 539 _ -_ - Public Documents relating to the New-York Canals, which are to connect the Western and Northern Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean; with an Introduction by Charles G. Haines. New-York, 1821. 80. Laws of the State of New-York in relation to the Erie and Champlain Canals, together with the annual reports of the Canal Conmmissioners, and other documents requisite for a complete official history of those works, with maps. Albany, 1825. 2 vol. o80. 2 copies. Reports of the majority and minority of the Joint Select Committee on Canal lettings, Mar. 15, 1852. 8o. Catalogue of Maps and Surveys in the Offices of the See. of State, State Engineer, and N. Y.State Library. Albany, 1851. 8'. 2 copies. - CENSUS of the Electors and other Inhabitants of the State of New-York, taken in 1814. 1815. fol. For the years 1825 and 1830. Albany, 1831. 80. Of the State, 1835 and 1845. 2 vol. fol. 2 copies. The same for 1835. fol. B. C. Chamber of Commerce of the State of New-York: The Charter and Bye-laws with its history, by Charles King. New-York, 1849. 80. COMMON SCHOOLS: Annual Reports of the Superintendent of Common Schools, from 1828 to 1845. Albany. 6 vol. 8~. - Report of Supt. of Common Schools, 1853. See Pamn. vol. 172. Annual Reports of the Superintendent, 1845, 46, 47, 48. 8'. B. C. DEAF AND DUAMB: Report of Secretary of State on, 1828. Pam. vol. 168. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY: Report of J. A. Dix, Sec. of State, in relation to a Geological Survey of the State, 1836. 80. A- nnual Reports to the Legislature on the Geological Survey, 1837 - 51. 3 vol. 8';. Vol. 3 contains Strictures by E. Emmons on Report of Select Committee. -_ - See New-York, Natural History. LEGISLATIVE REPORTS: Report of Commissioners to explore the Route from Hudson River to Lakes Erie and Ontario. Albany, 1811. Pain. vol. 43. Reports of the Senate and Assembly Committees on Gov. Tompkins' debts, 1820. Pam. vol. 67. Report of a Special Committee of the Assembly of the State of New-York, on the present quarantine laws, 1846. Albany, 1846. 8o......_ -.. Report of the Senate Com. on Memorial, praying for a repeal of charter of Trinity Church, N. Y. Ap. 9, 1846. See Trinity Church Pamphlets, vol. 1. Report of Jud. Com. of Assem. 1847, against repeal of charter of Trinity Church. See Trinity Church Pamphlets, vol. 1. 540 NEW-YORK STATE NEW-YORK STATE (continued ): -- Report on International Exchanges, 1847. Albany. Pam. vol. 45. B. C. Code of Procedure.... as amended by the Legislature, 1849. Muns. Pain. vol. 7. Report of Comm. of Assem. on Capital Punishment, 1851. Pai. vol. 67. Report of Reprieves, commutations, pardons, and restorations by the Executive in 1852. Pam. vol. 162. LIBRARY. See New-York, Regents of the University. MANUAL for the use of the Legislature (Red Book), 1826 - 55. Albany. 30 vol. 18". LUNATIC ASYLUM: Annual Reports made to the Legislature, 1844- 53. Albany. 2 vol. 80. Reports, 1849, 50. Pam. vol. 165. NATURAL HIsTORY of the State of New-York. Albany, 1842 - 54. 19 vol. 4~. 2 copies, with a geological map. Contents: 1. Zo6logy of New-York: by James E. De Kay; with an Introduction by XV. H. Seward. 5 vol. 2. Botany: by J. Torrey. 2 vol. 3. Mineralogy: by Lewis C. Beck. 1 vol. 4. Geology: First Geological District, by W. 5V. Mather, I vol.; Second Geological District, by E. Emmons, 1 vol.; Third Geological District, by Lardner Vanuxem, 1 vol.; Fourth Geological District, by James Hall, 1 vol 5. Palmontology: by James Hall. 2 vol. 6. Agriculture of New-York; comprising an Account of the classification, composition, and distribution of the soils and rocks; meteorology, agricultural productions.... and injurious insects: by E. Emmons. With 1 vol. plates. 5 vol. - _ -- Proof Impressions of the plates to the volumes on palveontology and agriculture. 4o. NORMAL SCHOOL: Reports for 1845, 6, 7, 50, and Register and Circular for 1846. 80. B. C. Report, 1855. Pam. vol. 191. -:- Annual Register, 1848. Muns. Pamn. vol. 6. PRISONS: An Account of the State Prison, or Penitentiary in the City of New-York, by one of the Inspectors. New-York, 1801. 80. *. - Auburn State Prison. Report of Commissioners, 1826: See Pam. vol. 161. Report of Gersham Powers, keeper, 1828: See Pain. vol. 161. Reports of Inspectors, 1829, 31, 32, 45, 47: Pam. vol. 159, 161. Luman Sherwood's Report, 1847: Pam. vol. 160 and 20. Clinton State Prison: Ann. Reports, 1845, 46, Pam. vol. 160; Report for 1847, Pam. vol. 20. --- ount Pleasant State Prison: Ann. Reports, 1832, 35, 37, 38, 45, 48, Pam. vol. 160; Report for 1847, Pam. vol. 20. -..- Reports of the Inspectors of the State Prisons, 1849, 50. Pam. vol. 158, 159. GENERAL LIBRARY. 541....- Report of Select Corn. of the Assem. on the condition of the state-prisons, 1852. Pam. vol. 161. Report of the Commissioners on the pecuniary affairs of the prisons, Jan. 1855. Albany. 80. Western House of Refuge: Managers' report, 1853. Pam. vol. 161. - REGENTS OF TE UNIVERSITY: Annual Reports to the Legislature, 1823 - 55. 8 vol. 8 i. New-York State Library: Reports and Catalogues. 6 vol. 80. Contents: Vol. 1. Annual Reports and Catalogues, 1820 - 39. " 2. Annual Reports and Catalogues, 1840- 45. 3. Catalogue of 1846. 4. 1, Catalogues of Books annually added, 1846 -49; 2, Report of the Joint Library Committee on the subject of international exchanges, 1847; 3, Report of a select committee on a new library building 1849. 5. Catalogue of 1850.' 6. Catalogues of Books annually added, and donations, 1851 - 53.....- State Cabinet of Natural History: Annual Reports of the Regents of the University on its condition, and on the Historical and Antiquarian Collections, 1848 - 53. 2 vol. 80. - _ -- Third Annual Report: Revised edition. Albany, 1850. 80. - Results of a Series of Meteorological Observations made in obedience to instructions from the Regents of the University, at sundry Academies in the State of New-York, fromln 1826 to 1850 inclusive: compiled by F. B. Hough, M.D. Albany, 1855. 40. - Instructions to the several Academies subject to their visitation, prescribing the requisites and forms of academic reports: revised edition. Albany, 1836 - 49. 80. -- i Appendix to the Documentary evidence relating to the controversy with Union College. Pam. vol. 5. B. C. See also Union College. - A Communication from the Regents of the University, relating to the Visit of a Committee to the College of Physicians and Surgeons in N. Y. City, 1826. Albany. 80. Also Pam. vol. 12. B. C., and Pam. vol. 64. - TAX LISTS: List of Lands to be sold, for arrears of taxes, Oct. 1819. 80. ----- List of Patents of lands to be sold, Jan. 1822, for arrears of quit rent. Albany. So......- _ - List of Lands to be sold in June 1843, for arrears of taxes, for the years 1836 - 39. Albany, 1843. 8o. -- -- List of Lands to be sold for arrears of taxes, for the years 1840 - 44, at the sale to be held at the Capitol, commencing Nov. 20, 1848. Albany, 1848. 80. ----- List of Lands to be sold for arrears of taxes for 1845 - 48, Nov. 1853. Albany, 1853. 80. 542 NEW-YORK STATE NEW-YORK STATE ( continued ): Statement of all the Lands sold by the Comptroller.... prior to the sale of 1848 (not heretofore reported ). Also, Sales under special assessments. Albany, 1850. 80. NEW-YORK CITY: ALMs-HouSE: Reports of the Alms-house Commissioner, 1847, 48. New-York, 1848, 49. 2 vol. 80. Reports of the Governors of the Alms-house, for the years 1849 - 54. New-York, 1850 - 55. 6 vol. 80. - BOARD OF EDUCATION: Report on the System of Popular Education, 1851. Pam. vol. 70. ---- - Twelfth Report: N. York, 1854. 80. Also Pam. vol. 174. ----- Report on evening Schools. 1854. Pam. vol. 174..-.. County Superintendent of Common Schools: Report, 1848. Pam. vol. 70. ---- Free Academy: Report, 1854. Pam. vol. 174. - ENTRAL PARK: Maps of Lots comprised in tle Central Park; Memorial of the Common Council to the Legislature; Act of the Legislature, July 21, 1853; Order of Supreme Court, appointing commissioners. New-York. 1854. fol. COMRIMON COUNCIL: Proceedings in relation to the Funeral Cerernonies of General Jackson, with B. F. Butler's Oration, 1845. 80. Proceedings in relation to the Funeral Ceremonies of W. HI. Harrison, late President, 1841. 80. - -- Proceedings at the Reception of Maj. Gen. Scott, 1849. 80. Reception of the Bodies of the Officers of the N. Y. Volunteers.... from Mexico, 1850. 80. - - Report on Reception of Gov. Kossuth, New-York, 1852. 80o. Report of the Committee of arrangements of the Common Council of New-York, of the Obsequies in Memory of Hon. Henry Clay. New-York, 1853. 80. - FINANCES: Annual Statement of the Funds of the Corporation of the City of New-York, for the years ending Dec. 1846 - 48, including Accounts of the revenues and expenditures, etc.: by the Comptroller of the City. New-York, 1847 - 49. 2 vol. 80. - - - I{MANUAL of the Corporation. See Valentine ( D. T.). -- - Report from City Inspector; with interments for 1842. N.-York, 1843. 80. Report of the Proceedings of the Sanatory Committee of the Board of Health, in relation to the cholera as it prevailed in New-York in 1849. New-York, 1849. 80. - WATER: Semi-annual Report of New-York Water Commissioners, 1840. See Pamin vol. 178. Report of the Commissioners under Act of Feb. 26, 1833, relative to supplying the city with.... water. New-York, 1833. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 543 NEW-YORK and ERIE Railroad Comp. 1853. Pam. vol. 151. NEW-YORK ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY: Convention and Proceed. Utica, Oct. 1835. Pamn. vol. 186. NEW-YORK and Lake Superior Mining Company: Act. of Assoc. 1846. Pain. vol. 69. NEW-YORK, as it is in 1837.... including the public officers of the city of Brooklyn. New-York, Disturnell, 1837. 180. NEW-YORK ATHENMUM: Charter, and remarks of committee on amending the charter. New-York, 1825. 80. NEw-YORK BIBLE and COMMON PRAYER BOOK SOCIETY. Report, 1852. Pam. vol. 68. NEW-YORK BOOK of POETRY. New-York, 1837. 8o. NEW-YORK BUSINESS DIRECTORY, 1840, 41. New-York, 1840. 180. NEW-YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD: Rates of fare and distances. Albany, 1853. 80. NEW-YORK CITY BIBLE SOCIETY: 6th report, 1844. Pam. vol. 11. 80. NEW-YORK CITY STATISTICS. See Bristol Statistical Society. CITY DIRECTORY for 1854. 13th pub. N. York, Bode, 1854. 80. NEW-YORK CHAMBERt of COMMERCE: Memorial to Congress on present rate of duties, 1824. Pam. vol. 153. NEW-YORK CIVIL LIST, 1855. See Hough ( F. B.). NEW-YORK COLONIZATION SOCIETY: Its formation, 1827; 1st, 18th, 20th reports, 1823, 50, 52; M. Carey's letters, 1832; and View of the enterprise. In one vol. 80..-....- Proceedings, 1829, 30, 31. Pam. vol. 18. B. C. NEW-YORK CONFERENCE SEMINARY: Catalogue of Students, 1851. Albany. Muns. Pam. vol. 11. NEw-YORK DAILY ADVERTISER: Ap. 26, 1790. Newsp. vol. 7. NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE: From July 27, 1842, to May 31, 1851. New-York. 10 vol. fol. Vol. I imperfect files. NEW-YORK EVANGELIST, weekly. Vol. 1- 3, March 1830 - Dec. 1832. New-York. 1 vol. fol. NEW-YORK EVENING POST: 1810, 11, 12. New-York. I vol. fol. 1810, 11, imperfect. for the Country: files of 1830. See Christian Intell. vol. 1. ----- - Evening Post Documents: Presidential Election, No. I to 11. New-York, 1852. 80. NEw-YoRK EXHIBITION of the Industry of all nations: Official Catalogue of the Crystal Palace. New-York, 1853. 120. Official Awards of juries. New-York, 1853. 80. Illustrated. See World of science, art and industry. NEW-YORK EYE INFIRMARY: Report, 1823. Pam. vol. 2. 544 NEW-YORK STATE NEW-YORK GAZETTE and WEEKLY MERCURY: Dec. 30, 1771. Newsp. vol. 7. June 8, 15, 22, 29, 1778. Newsp. vol. 5. NEW-YORK GAZETTE, or Weekly Post-boy; July 25, 1757- Dec. 12, 1757; nos. 758 - 777. See New-York Mercury. NEW-YORK GAZETTE and GENERAL ADVERTISER, daily: 1805 - 20. New-York, Lang, Turner 4- Co. 24 vol. fol. NEW-YoRK GALLERY of the Fine Arts': Catalogue of Exhibition, 1844. Pain. vol. 69. NEW-YORK Greek Committee: Voice from Greece, 1828. Pam. vol. 66. NEW-YORK HERALD: ed. by W. Coleman, Jan. 4, 1804 - Ap. 23, 1806, 10, 11. New-York, Burnham. 4 vol. fol. _March 11, 1812. See Newsp. vol. 5. NEW-YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Act of incorporation, members, 1827. Pam. vol. 76. Collections: 1st series 1809 - 30. New-York, 1811 - 30. 5 vol. 80.::: - Collections for the year 1809. Vol. 1, 1811. 80. B. C. - Collections: 2d series. New-York, 1841, 49. 2 vol. 80. Collections,: 2d series, vol. 1, 1841. 8o. B. C. - Proceedings, 1843 - 49. New-York. 5 vol. 80. - Proceedings, 1843, 44, 47. 8 vol. 80. B. C. Proceedings, 1848, 49. Pam. vol. 49. B. C. Charter and Bye-laws, 1846. 80. B. C. Also Pam. vol. 17. - Report on a National name, 1845. Pam. vol. 43. B. C. Semi-centennial Celebration: Oration by G. Bancroft, and Proceedings, Nov. 1854. New-York, 1855. 80. NEW-YORK HOSPITAL: Charter, Laws and Regulations, including Bloomingdale Asylum for the insane. New-York, 1845. 8o. Account of the New-York Hospital. New-York, 1820. 80. and Bloomingdale Asylum: State for 1847. Painam. vol. 166. NEW-YORK INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND: 9th to 14th Annual Reports, 1845 - 50; with Report of the Pennsylvania Institution for the blind, 1847. 1 vol. 80. NEW-YORK INSTITUTION.....FOR THE DEAF AND DUMB: Annual Reports, iv - xxxiv, 1823 - 53. 4 vol. 8o. See also Pam. vol. 167.. 5th Report, 1824. Pam. vol. 5. B. C. NEW-YORK JOURNAL and Gen. Adv. Oct. 16, 1766. Newsp. vol. 7. NEW-YORK JOURNAL and Patriotic Register: July 23, 27, 30; Aug. 3, 6, 10, 1791; Extraordinary, March 24, 1792. Newsp. vol. 5. NEW-YORK JOURNAL and Weekly Register: Jan. 28, Feb. 10, 11, 1790. Newsp. vol. 5. GENERAL LIBRARY. 545 M ay 29, July 3, 1788. Newsp. vol. 7. NEW-YORK LIFE INSURANCE and Trust Company: Answer and Report. New-York, 1840. Pamn. vol. 35. B. C. NEW-YORK LITERARY GAZETTE, and Phi Beta Kappa Repository James G. Brooks, editor. New-York, 1826. vol. 1. 80. NEW-YORK LITERARY JOURNAL and Belles-lettres Repository, vol. 1, 2, entitled Belles-Lettres Repository and Monthly Magazine. New-York, 1819 - 21. 4 vol. 80. NEW-YORK 3MAGAZINE, or Literary Repository: Vol. 1. New-York, 1790. 8~. N1EW-YORK MAGDALEN SOCIETY: First Annual Report, 1830; with Magdalen Facts, No. 1, Jan. 1832. New-York. 80. NEW-YORK MEDICAL and PHILOSOPHICAL JOURNAL and REVIEW: ed. by Drs. Hosack and Francis. New-York, 1809 - 11. 3 vol. 80..NEW-YORK MEDICAL and PHYSICAL JOURNAL: Ed. by J. W. Francis, J. Dyckman, John B. Beck, T. Rt. Beck, J. M. Smith, D. L. M. Peixotto, and A. H1. Stevens, successively or jointly. Yol. 1, 2, 7, 8, 9. New-York, 1822, 23, 28, 29, 30. 5 vol. 8). NEW-YORK MERCANTILE UNION BUSINESS DIRECTORY (for City and State)...... with short advertising register, 1850 -51. S. French, etc. 8". NEW-YORK MERCURY, July 18, 1757 - Nov. 28, 1757; Nos. 258 - 277 (No. 271, Oct. 23, wanting ). New-York. With file of New-York Gazette. fol. NEW-YORK MISSIONARY MAGAZINE, and Repository of Religious Intelligence: 1800 - 03. New-York. 4 vol. 80. Vol. 3 and 4 impef. NEW-YORK MISSIONARY SOCIETY: Reports, 1805, 13. Pam. vol. 68. NEW-YORK MORNING PosT: Oct. 2, 1788. Newsp. vol. 5. NEW-YORK NEWSPAPERS of 1851. Single Copies of newspapers printed within the State of New-York during 1851, nearly complete. 2 vol. fol. NEW-YORK OBSERVER, weekly July 1838 - Dec. 1839. See Christ. Intel. vol. 5. from Jan. 1840, to Dec. 1854. New-York. 7 vol. fol. NEW-YORK PACKET: Aug. 25, Sept. 1, 10, 1789. Newsp. vol. 5.. — Sept. 1785, May 1786, May 1788. See Newsp. vol. 7. ----- PFeb. 10, 1791. Newsp. vol. 6. NEW-YORK PERIODICALS Of 1851; being single copies of periodicals printed within the State of New-York during 1851. 2 vol. 80, and 1 vol. 40. 3 vol. NEW-YORK PHI BETA KAPPA SOCIETY: Circular, 1833. Pam. vol. 92; and Pam. vol. 28. B. C. NEW-YORK PICTORIAL DIRECTORY: By Jones, Newman, and J. S. Ewbank. 5 nos. New-York, 1851. 1 vol. 4'f. r GEN. LIB. 1855.] 69 546 NEW-YORK STATE NEW-YORK (The) QUARTERLY; devoted to science, philosophy and literature: Ap. 1852 - Jan. 1855. New-York. 3 vol. 8o. NEW-YORK Railroads. Pam. vol. 146, 149. NEW-YORai (The) REVIEW and ATHENEUM. MAGAZINE: Vol. 1, 2; June 1825 - May 1826. New-York. 1 vol. 80o. NEW-YORK REVIEW. New-York, 1837-42. 10 vol 80. NEW-YORK SOCIETY LIBRARY: Circular, 1792. Newsp. vol. 5. Catalogue of the Books. New-York, 1813. 120. B. C. Catalogue, alphabetical and analytical, with the charter and byelaws. New-York, 1850. 80. NEW-YORIC SOCIETY for promoting the manumission of slaves: Act of incorporation, constitution.... 1808. New-York, 1835. Pam. vol. 56. NEW-YORK SOCIETY for the Promotion of agriculture. N.York, 1792. 4o NEW-YORK STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY': Journal. Vol. 1 - 5. Albany, 1850 - 55. 5 vol. roy. 80. Transactions, 1841 - 54. Albany. 14 vol. 8~..-...- Proceedings: Feb. 1833, Albany. Paml. vol. 79. Trial of Implements at Geneva, 1852. Pam. vol. 79. ------- See New-York, Board of Agriculture. NEW-YORK STATE CONVENTION, Sept. 1812: Proceedings, Albany. Pam. vol. 3. B. C. NEW-YORK STATE CONVENTION: Manual; a Constitutional Guide to the objects of. New-York, 1821. Pain. vol. 34. B. C. NEW-YORK STATE INSTITUTION of Civil Engineers: Transactions, vol. 1, no. 1, 2. Albany, 1849. 4~. NEW-YORK STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY: Bye-laws, 1846. Pam. vol. 64. NEW-YORK STATE REGISTER, for 1847; being a Supplement to the Register for 1845 - 46. New-York, Disturnell, 1847. 12o. B. C. See also Holley, Skinner, and Williams. NEw-YORK STATE SABBATH CONVENTION: Proceedings, 1844. Pam. vol. 65. NEW-YORK STATESMAN, daily. Vol. 3, Sept. 7, 1824, to Dec. 31, 1828. New-York, Car?ter and Prentiss. 8 vol. fol. NEW-YoRK STATE SOCIETY for the Promotion of Temperance: Reports, 1830, 31, 32, 33. Pam. vol. 176. NEW-YORK STATE TEMPERANCE SOCIETY: American Quarterly Temperance Magazine, vol. 1, 2. Albany, 1833, 34. 2 vol. 80. Temperance Recorder, vol. 1 - 12, 1832 - 43, Albany. tWith American Temp. Union Journal and Youth's Temp. Enterprise. 6 vol. 4o. See also Prohibitionist. NEW-YORK STATE SOCIETY of the CINCINNATI: The Institution of the Society at the cantonment on the banks of the Hudson, May, 1783; with some of the Proceedings of the General, and the New-York State Society. New-York, 1851. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 5 47 NEW-YORK STATE TEACHER'S ASSOCIATION: Teacher's Advocate, Vol. 1 - 3, Syracuse; Vol. 4, New-York; Vol. 5, Journal of Education and Teachers' Advocate. Ed. successively by E. Cooper, J. M'Keen and J. N. M'Elligott. New-York, 1845 - 50. 4 vol. 4o. The New-York Teacher; a monthly periodical, devoted to the cause of general education, but designed....... as the Organ of the Teachers' Association of N.Y. T. W. Valentine, Resident Editor. Albany, 1853-1855. 3 vol. 80. NEW-YORK STATE TOURIST: Descriptive of the Scenery of the Mohawk and Hudson Rivers. New-York, 1840. 180. NEW-YORK STATE TRACT SOCIETY: Circular, 1823. Pam. vol. 6. B.C. NEW-YORK SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION: Report, 1853. Pam. vol. 90. NEW-YORK VISITER and PARLOR COMPANION. New-York, 1838 -40. 2 vol. 80. NEW-YORK WEEKLY MAGAZINE, or Miscellaneous Repository. Vol. 1. ed. by John Bull. New-York, 1795, 6. 1 vol. 40. NEW-ZEALAND SPECTATOR, NOV. 1847. Newsp. vol. 6. NEY( Michel, Marshal ). Memoirs, published by his family. 2d edition. London, 1834. 2 vol. 8~. NIBELUNGENLIED (Das): iibersetzt von Gotthard Oswald Marbach. Mit Holzschnitten von Bendemann und Hubner. Leipzig, 1840. 4o. NICEPHORUS ( Callistus)...EEcclesiasticam Historite libri decem et octo.... e grmco in latinum translati...... Parisiis, 1566. 120. 2 copies. NICHOL (J. P.), LL.D. Thoughts on some important points relating to the System of the World. Boston, 1848. 120. The Planetary System; its order and physical structure. London, 1851. 120. NICHOLAS (John). Address, Ontario Agr. Soc. Pam. vol. 187. NICHOLAY (Nicholas), Daulphinois. Voyage in Turkey, 1550. Churchill, supp. 1. NICHOLLS (John). Observations on the situation of H. R. H. the Prince of Wales. London, 1795. Pan. vol. 141..... Recollections and Reflections, personal and political, as connected wi h public affairs, during the Reign of George the Third. Philadelphia, 1822. 120. NICHOLS (John). Royal Wills: A Collection of all the Wills now known to be extant, of the Kings and Queens of England, Princes and Princesses of Wales, and every branch of the blood royal, from William the Conqueror to Henry the Seventh, exclusive. London, 1780. 1 vol. 40. Biographical and Literary Anecdotes of William Bowyer, printer, and his friends. London, 1782. 40. Literary Anecdotes of the eighteenth century. London, 1812. 9 vol. 80. Index in vol. 7. 548 NEW-YORK STATE, —-- ~and John Bowyer. Illustrations of the Literary History of the eighteenth century, intended as a Sequel to the Literary Anecdotes. London, 1817-1848. 7 vol. 80. NICHOLS (J. G.). See Topographer and Genealogist. NICHOLS ( Mrs. Rebecca S.). Songs of the Hearth and the Hearth-stone. Philadelphia, 1851. 80. NICHOLSON ( 1Mrs. A.). Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger; or an Excursion in 1844 and 1845. New-York, 1847. 120. NICHOLSON (Francis). An Apology or Vindication of F. N. esq., H. M.'s Governor of South-Carolina. London, 1724. 80. NICHOLSON (J.). Farmer's Assistant. Philadelphia, 1820. 80. W. C. 682. NICHOLSON ( John). Operative Mechanic and British Machinist.; with a Supplement, from the French of Dupin, by Charles Taylor. 3d ed. London, 1834. 80. NICHOLSON (Peter). Guide to Railway Masonry, containing a treatise on the oblique arch. 2d ed. London, 1840. 80. Treatise on Projection, with a complete system of isometrical drawing. London, 1840. 80. NICHOLSON (William). Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and the Arts: London, 1797 - 1802, 5 vol. 40. 2d series: 1802 - 1813, 36 vol. 80, London. 41 vol. - The British Encyclopsedia, or Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. London, 1809. 6 vol. 80. C. L..-.- English Atlas. See Pitt ( Moses). NICKLIN ( P. H.). Report concerning the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge in England. Philadelphia, 1834. Pain. vol. 155, 156. NICKOLLS ( John) jun. Original Letters and Papers of State, addressed to Oliver Cromwell, found among the political collections of John Milton. London, 1743. fol. NICOL (James). Manual of Mineralogy, or the Natural History of the mineral kingdom. Edinburgh, 1849. 80. NICOLAS ( Sir Nicholas Harris). History of the Royal Navy, to the War of the French Revolution. London, 1847. 2 vol. 80.. —- Chronology of History. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 88..-.. - Life of William Davison, Secretary of State to Queen Elizabeth. London, 1823. 80. NICOLAY (C. G.). Oregon: A Geographical and Physical Account of that country and its inhabitants. London, 1846. 12o0. NICOLINI ( G. B.). History of the Jesuits; their origin, progress, doctrines and designs. London, Bohn, 1854. 120. NICOLLET ( J. N.). Essay on Meteorological Observations. Washington, 1839. 8o. 2 copies. Report intended to illustrate a Map of the Hydrographical Basin of the Upper Mississippi. Washington, 1843. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 549 NICOLSON ( le P.). Essai sur l'Histoire Naturelle de l'Isle de SaintDomingue. Paris, 1776. 80. W. C. 683. NIEBUHR (B. G.). The Roman History: trans. from the German, by F. A. Walter. London, 1827. 2 vol. 8-). B. C. History of Rome: trans. by J. C. Hare, C. Thirlwall, W. Smith, and L. Schmitz. London, 1831 - 42. 3 vol. 80. The. same. Philadelphia, 1844. 5 vol. in 2. B. C. NIEBUHR ( Carsten). Travels through Arabia: trans. by R. Heron, with notes. Edinbulrgh, 1792. 2 vol. 8~. NIEL ( Cornelius Van). Balsem vloeyende uyt den heylsamen Boom des Levens, etc. Amsterdam, 1683. 180. B. C. NIEMCEWIEZ ( J. U.). Notes of his Captivity in Russia, 1794-96: trans. by Alex. Laski. Edinburgh, 1844. 120. NIEUHOFF ( John). Travels to Brazil and East Indies. Churchill, vol. 2; also Coll. of Voy. 2, and Pinkerton, 7, 14. NIEUPOORT (G. H.). Rituum qui olim apud Romanos obtinuerunt Explicatio: accedunt J. M. Gesneri prolusio, et C. F. Hommelii de tribunali proatoris. 13th ed. Berolini, 1767. 120. NIEUWENHUIS ( Gt.). Algemeen Woordenboek van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Vol. 6, 7. Zutphen, 1826. 2 vol. 80. NIEUWENTYT ( Bernard), M.D. Het Regt Gebruik der werelt beschouwingen ter overtuiginge ongodisten ongelovigen aangetoont: with plates. Amsterdam, 1730. 4,. NIGHTINGALE ( The), or Melange de Litterature; a periodical publication: ed. by J. Lathrop jun. Vol. 1. Boston, 1.796, 12~. NILES (H.). Principles and Acts of the Revolution in America. Baltimore, 1822. 80. National Register. First title, Weekly Register, to 1837. Baltimore and Philadelphia, 1811 - 49. 75 vol. roy. 80.: Weekly Register: General index, 1811-17. Baltimore, 1818. roy. 80. - See Friends of Domestic Industry. NILES ( John M.). The Lives of Commodore Perry, Capt. Lawrence, Gen. Pike, Gen. Harrison. 2d ed. Hartford, 1821. 12o. - History of South America and Mexico: to which is annexed a Geographical and Historical View of Texas, by T. L. Pease. Hartford, 1839. 2 vol. in 1. 120..- Speeches, Senate U. S., on Abolition of Slavery, 1836; on Monument to Captain Hale, 1836; on the Treasury order, 1837; on the Oregon question, 1846. Pam. vol. 60. NINTEENTHI (The) CENTURY: A quarterly miscellany, 1848 - 49. Philadelphia, 4 vol. 80. NISARD ( Ch.). Camera Lucida: Portraits contemporains et tableaux de genre. Paris, 1845. 80. 550 NEW-YORK STATE NIXON (IH.). A New and Complete English Grammar. London, 1853. 120. No LIBERTY! NO LIFE! Proper Wages, and Down with Oppression! London, 1768. Pami. vol. 125. NO QUEEN; or, NO GENERAL: an Argument.... London, 1712. Pam. vol. 138. No UNION of Church and State; or a Letter containing a brief reply to the Rev. Jalnes R. Wilson's pamphlet: by a Citizen of Albany. Albany, 1832. Pain. vol. 21. B. C. NOAD ( Henry M.). Lectures on Chemistry, its application to the arts and the analysis of compounds. London, 1843. 8o. C. L. Chemical Manipulation and Analysis, qualitative and quantitative. London, 1852. 80. NOAH ( Mordecai M.). Address, at the Opening of the Mechanic Institution in New-York, in 1821. Pam. vol. 5. Translation of the Book of Jasher. New-York, 1840. 80. - Discourse on the Restoration of the Jews. New-York, 1845. 8o. Gleanings from a Gathered Harvest. New-York, 1847. 120. NOBLE (Lewis L.). The Course of Empire, Voyage of Life, and other pictures of T. Cole; with selections from his letters and writings. NewYork, 1853. 120. NOBLE ( Rev. Mark). Memoirs of the Protectorate House of Cromwell. Birmingham, 1784. 2 vol. 80. C. L. NOEL ( S. B. J.). Am6rique Espagnole, ou Lettres Civiques a M. de Pradt. Paris, 1817. 8o. W. C. 684.. NOEL (Rev. and Hon. Baptist Wriothesley). Essay on the Union of Church and State. New-York, 1849. 120. NOLAN ( Capt. L. E.). Cavalry; its history and tactics. 2d ed. London, 1854. 120. NOLTE (Vincent). Fifty Years in both hemispheres. New-York, 1854. 120. N'ONNUS (Theoph.). Epitome de Curatione Morborum: Greece et Latine; recensuit Jo. S. Bernard. Gotham, 1794, 95. 2 vol. 80. NONVILLE ( Marquis de). Narrative of the Expedition of, against the Senecas in 1687: trans. from the French by O. H. Marshall. NewYork, 1848. 80. NOORT ( Olivier van). Beschryvinghe von de Voyagie om den geheelen werelt, 1598 - 1601. Rotterdam, 1602. ob. 4o. ------- Descriptio Periculosissimre Navigationis. See Bry (De). W. C. 153.. —- - Voyage round the World, 1598. Kerr, Voy. vol. 10; Harris, vol. 1. NORD-AMERIKA; oder Neuestes Gemalde der Nord-Amerikanischen Freistaaten, von einem Wiirtemberger. Titbingen, 1818. 160. W. C. 27. GENERAL LIBRARY. 551 NORDBERG (J. A.). Histoire de Charles XII, Roi de Suede: trad. du Suedois de M. J. A. Nordberg, ci-devant Chapelain de sa Majeste. La Haye, 1742 - 48. 4 vol. in 3. 40. NORFOLK AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY: Transactions. Boston, 1.849, 51, 53, 54. 4 vol. 80. NORMAN ( B. M.). Rambles in Yucatan. 4th ed. New-York, 1844. 80. Rambles by Land and Water, or Notes of Travel in Cuba and Mexico. New-York, 1845. 120. NORMANDIE ( La) AGRICOLE: Journal d'Agriculture pratique, d'economie rurale et d'horticulture. Caen, 1843 - 48. 5 vol. 8o. NORMANDY (A.). The Commercial Hand-book of chemical analysis. London, 1850. 120. NORRIS ( Septimus). Hand-book for locomotive engineers and machinists. Philadelphia, 1852. 120. NORTH ( I. L.), IM.D. Analysis of Saratoga Water; also of Sharon, Avon, Virginia, and other mineral waters of the United States. 4th ed. New-York, 1846. 18~. NORTH ( Hon.. Roger). Examen, or an Enquiry into the veracity of a pretended complete history; with Memoirs tending to vindicate the late King Charles the Second. London, 1740. 40. Lives of Francis, Hon. Sir Dudley, and HIon. and Rev. Dr. John North. London, 1826. 3 vol. 80. NORTH (The) AMERICAN, newspaper: Watertown, N. Y. March 25, 1835 - Sept. 25, 1839. See Watertown Register. NORTH ( The) AMERICAN: lMexico, 1847. 8 Nos. Newsp. vol. 6. NORTH-AMERICAN'S AL3MANACK for 1777. Worcester, Mass. See Hutchins's Almanack. NORTH-AMERICAN and WEST-INDIAN GAZETTEER. London, 1778. 120. NORTII-AMERICAN BOUNDARY: A Collection of British Parliamentary papers, diplomatic correspondence, from 1831 to 1843, relating to the boundary between the Brit. poss. in N. A. and the U. S. America. London. 1 vol. fol. NORTH-AMERICAN MAGAZINE, afterwards North-American Quarterly Magazine: Ed. by S. L. Fairfield. Philadelphia, 1833 - 38. 9 vol. 80. NORTH-AMERICAN POMOLOGICAL CONVENTION: Proceedings, 1849. Syracuse, 1849. 80. Also Pam. vol. 69. NORTH-AMERICAN REVIEW. Boston, 1815 - 55. 80 vol. So. - General Index, 1815 - 27. Boston, 1829. 8:. NORTH-BRITISH REVIEW. Edinburgh, 1844-55. 23 vol. 8o. Am. ed. Vol. 7, no. 2; vol. 8, 9; vol. 10, no. 1: Feb. 1850 - May 1851. New-York. 2 vol. 80. B. C. NORTH-CAROLINA: Proceedings of the General Assembly, on international exchanges. Raleigh, 1849. 80. NORTH-WESTERN EDUCATOR. Vol. 3, no. 2. Period. 80. vol. 1. 552 NEW-YORK STATE NORTH-WESTERN JOURNAL Of Education, Science and Literature: O. MI. Conover, editor. March, April, MIay, 1850. Madison, Wis. 8o. NoRTHCOTE (James). Memoirs of Sir Joshua Reynolds. Philadelphia, 1817. 80 - Life of Titian. London, 1830. 2 vol. 80. NORTHCOTE ( Rev. Thomas). Observations on the natural and civil rights of mankind. London, 1781. 80. NORTHEND ( Charles). Obstacles to the great success of common schools, 1841. Pam. vol. 73. NORTHERN ASSOCIATED PRESBYTERY, N. Y. Address on the Sabbath, 1826. Pam. vol. 91. NORTHERN LEAD COMPANY of New-York: Substantial facts on the richness of the Coal Hill and Union mines. New-York, 1852. So. NORTHERN LIGHT. Vol. 1 -4. Albany, 1842 - 1844. Bound in I vol. fol. and I vol. 80. 2 vol. NORTHERN Lines of Railway: Convention, Boston, 1851. Pain. vol. 152. NORTHERN MISSIONARY SOCIETY: Report, 1823. Pain. vol. 68. NORTHERN STATE JOURNAL, newspaper: January 12, 1848 - Dec. 25, 1850. See Watertown Register. NORTHERN (The) TRAVELLER and NORTHERN TOUR; with the Routes to the Springs, Niagara, etc. New-York, 1831. 18). NORTHERN ( The) WIIIG: 1811, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. Hudson, N. Y. 9 vol. fol. NORTHLEIGII ( John). Travels in France. Harris, vol. 2. NORTHRUP (Solomon). Narrative of S. N., kidnapped in Washington city, 1841; rescued 1853. Auburn, 1853. 12~. NORTON'S LITERARY ADVERTISER, vol. I - 3. New-York, May, 1851 - Dec. 1853. 3 vol. in 2. 4o. Literary Gazette and Publisher's Circular: New series. NewYork, 1854, 55. 2 vol. 40. - Literary and Educational Register. New-York, 1854. 120. NORTON ( Andrews). Thoughts on true and false religion. Boston, 1820. Pam. vol. 8. B. C. See General Repository. A Statement of Reasons for not believing the doctrines of Trinitarians. Cambridge, 1833. 120. B. C. 2 copies. NORTON ( Jacob). Sketches of the Life, and Extracts from the writings of J. Croswell. Boston, 1809. 120. NORTON ( Rev. John). The Orthodox Evangelist. London, 1657. 40. -. Memoir of John Cotton; with Notes by Rev. Enoch Pond. NewYork, 1842. 120. -- Selections from the New-England Fathers: No. 1, John Norton, 1652. J. B. Felt, ed. Boston, 1851. 8). GENERAL LIBRARY. 553 NORTON ( John P.). Addresses, N.Y. State Agr. Soc. Albany, Jan. 1848; and Buffalo, Sept. 1848. Pam. vol. 47. B. C. Elements of Scientific Agriculture: a prize essay. Albany, 1850. 80. Memorials of, late Prof. of Anal. Agr. in Yale College. Albany, 1853. sin. 4'. NoRwooD ( Col.). Voyage to Virginia. Churchill, vol. 6. NOTES and QUERIES: A Medium of Inter-communication for literary men, artists, antiquarians.... London, 1849- 54. 10 vol. 4o. NOTES on California and the Placers, by one who has been there. NewYork, 1850. 80. NOTES on the Sayings and Doings of Dr. Lacey and his three friends: by Philo Cor-rector, esq. Albany, 1830. Pamn. vol. 65. NOTES on the United States of America. Philadelphia, 1806. pp. 48. Pam. vol. 44. NOTICE sur les Types dtrangers du Specimen de l'Imprimerie royale. Paris. fol. NOTIONS ]16mentaires de Geographie. 120. B. C. NOTT (Eliphalet ), D.D. LL.D. Miscellaneous Works: with an appendix. Schenectady, 1810. 8~. Discourse at Albany, July 4, 1801. 89. Sermon, Death of Hamilton. Albany, 1804. Sermi. vol. 1. B. C.; and Pam. vol. 45. Lijkrede.... Dood van A. Hamilton: uit hoet Engelsch vertaald.... Amsterdam, 1836. Serm. vol. 4. B. C. --- Discourse, Ladies' Soc. for...... distressed women and children, 1804. Serm. vol. 1. B. C. Also Painm. vol. 55. B. C. Serm. Gen. Assemn. Pres. Church, 1806. Pam. vol. 82. Addresses.... to the Candidates of the Baccalaureate, Union College, 1806, 11. Pain. vol. 55. B. C. _Baccalaureate Address, Union Coll. Albany, 1807. Pam. vol. 7. B.C. ---- Lectures on Temperance. See Enquirer..-... Counsels to Young Men, on the formation of character. NewYork, 1844. 180..- The Celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of his Presidency of Union College, July, 1854. Schenectady. So. NiOTT ( Josiah C.), M.D. Two Lectures on the biblical and physical history of man. New-York, 1849. 80. and George Gliddon. Types of Mankind; or Ethnological Researches.... with unedited papers of Dr. S. G. Morton. Philadelphia, 1854. 80. NOTT ( Rev. Samuel ) jr. Sermon, Idolatry of the Hindoos, 1817. Pam. vol. 62. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 70 554 NEW-YORK STATE NOUGARET (N.). Voyages en Amerique. See Bourgeois (M.). NOUVELLES DES MISSIONS. See Lettres Edifiantes. NOUVELLES EXTRAORDINAIRES de divers endroits, 1784 to 1798. Leyde. 15 vol. 40. NOUVELLES POLITIQUES, 1799 - 1804: newspaper. Leyde. 6 vol. 40. NOVANGLUS and MASSACHUSETTENSIS: Political Essays; the former by John Adams, the latter by Jonathan Sewall, 1774, 75. Boston, 1819.- 80. Novus ORBIS. See Grynceus. NUGENT ( Lord ). Memorials of John lHampden; his party, and his times. London, 1882. 2 vol. 80. Nuix ( l'Abate Juan). Reflexiones imparciales sobre la Humanidad de los Espanoles en las Indias.... escritas en italiano, y trad. por P. Varela y Ulloa. Miadrid, 1782. 40. W. C. 688. NUNEZ (Alvar) Cabeqa de Vaca. Commentaires: redigds par Pdro Hernandez. Valladolid, 1555. See Ternaux, Voyages, vol. 6. -~ —- Relation et Naufrages. Valladolid, 1555. See Ternaux, Voyages, vol. 7; Ramusio, vol. o. Narrative of: trans. by Buckingham Smith. Washington, 1851. 4o. NUNEZ (Ignacio). Noticias Historicas...... de las Provincias Unidas del Rio de la Plata. Londres, 1825. 80. W. C. 690. ----- _Esqvuisses Historiques, Politiques.... de Buenos Ayres et de La Plata: trad. de l'espagnol, avec des notes, par MI. Varaigne. Paris, 1826. 80. W. C. 689. NUNNESIUS (Joannes). Epitheta M. T. Ciceronis collecta. Venetiis, Aldus, 1570. 12o. NUTT ( D.). Catalogue of foreign theological books on sale. London, 1837. 8:. NUTTALL ( P. Austin), LL.D. A Classical and Archeological Dictionary.... of the nations of antiquity, and of the middle ages. London, 1840. 80. C. L. NUTTALL ( Thomas). Genera of North American Plants, and Catalogues of the Species, to 1817. Philadelphia, 1818. 2 vol. 120. W. C. 691. - Manual of the Ornithology of the United States and Canada: Land Birds. Cambridge, 1832. 120. Manual of the Ornithology of the United States and Canada: Water Birds. Boston, 1834. 120. Travels into the Arkansas Territory, in 1819. Philadelphia, 1821. 8o. W. C. 692. The North American Sylva; or a Description of the Forest Trees of the United States, Canada and Nova-Scotia, not described in the work of F. A. Michaux.... Philadelphia, 1849. 3 vol. 8o. NYE ( Gideon) jun. Tea, and the Tea Trade. Parts 1, 2: from Hunt's Magazine, with a postscript. 3d ed. New-York, 1850. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 555 O. OAKLEY ( Henry A.). Outlines of a Course of English reading. NewYork, 18530 12). OBERLIN ( John Frederic). Memoirs; with an Introduction by Henry Ware jun. 2d Am. ed. Boston, 1845. 120. O'BRIEN ( Sir Lucius). Letters on the Trade and Manufactures of Ireland.... London, 1785. 80~. OBSERVADOR (0) LUTSITANO EM PARIZ; ou Collec'ao literaria, politica e commercial. Jan. - Abril, 1815; vol. 1. Por F. S. Constancio. Pariz, 1815. 80o. W. C. 251. OBSERVATIONS on certain passages in Mr. Jefferson's Notes on Virginia. New-York, 1804. 80. OBSERVATIONS on the Conduct of Great Britain, in respect to Foreign affairs. London, 1743. Pam. vol. 133. OBSERVATIONS on several Acts of Parliament, passed in the 4th, 6th and 7th years of his present Majesty's reign; and also on the conduct of the officers of the Customs since these acts were passed, and the Board of Commissioners appointed to reside in America: pub. by the Merchants of Boston. Edes and Gill, 1769. Pain. vol. 112. The same. London, 1770. Pam. vol. 114. OBSERVATIONS on the proposed Union of the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada. London, 1824. Pam, vol. 143. OBSERVATIONS on the proposed Constitution for the U. S. A., showing it to be a complete system of aristocracy and tyranny.... Printed in the State of New-York, 1788. With, Reasons of dissent of the minority of the Convention of Pennsylvania; Letter of Edmund Randolph, and Letters of " Centinel." 8o. OBSERVATIONS on the Speech of Hon. John Randolph.... by the author of "War in Disguise." London: reprinted New-York, 1806. Pam. vol. 2. B. C. For duzplicate, see Randolph (J.). OBSERVATIONS on the Question respecting the city gauger. London, 1815. 80. Pam. vol. 139. OBSERVATIONS on the Report of the Committee of weights and measures.... London, 1814. Pamphleteer, vol. 4. OBSERVATIONS on several Authors and Books in the English and Foreign languages, necessary for the formation of a select and small library. Pamphleteer, vol. 2. OBSERVATIONS upon the Case of the London Dock Company. London, 1825. Pam. vol. 139. OBSERVATIONS by a Protestant, on a profession of catholic faith: by a Clergyman of Baltimore. New-York, 1816. 80. OBSERVATIONS upon the Duties and Emoluments of certain public offices. New-York, 1822. Pam. vol. 18. OBSERVATIONS on the Origin and Conduct of the War with Mexico. N. York, 1847. Pam. vol. 22. 556 NEW-YORK STATE OBSERVER (The): By Beatrice Ironside. Baltimore, April - July 1807. 80. O'BYRNE ( William R.). A Naval Biographical Dictionary.... of every living officer in H. M.'s Navy. London, 1849. 8o. O'CALLAGHAN ( Dr. E. B.). History of New-Netherland, or New-York under the Dutch. New-York, 1846 - 48. 2 vol. 80. 2 copies. ------- The same. 2 vol. 80. B. C..-... - Relations des Jesuites, sur les Decouvertes.... en Canada, etc.: traduit de l'anglais, avec notes. Montr6al, 1850. 12o. See New-York, Doc. History; also, Col. History. OCCASIONAL WRITER; containing an Answer to the Second Manifesto of the Pretender's eldest son. London, 1745. Pam. vol. 133. OccoM (Samson). Sermon at the Execution of Moses Paul, an Indian, at New-Haven, 1788. Pam. vol. 28. O'CLERY (Michael). See Annals of Ireland. OCKLEY ( Simon). Conquest of Syria, Persia and Egypt, by the Saracens. London, 1708. 80. History of the Saracens. 2d ed. London, 1718. 2 vol. 80. O'CONNELL (Daniel), M.P. A Memoir on Ireland, Native and Saxon. Vol. 1. Dublin, 1844. 12o. O'CONNELL ( John), AI.P. Recollections and Experiences during a parliamentary career from 1833 to 1848. London, 1849. 2 vol. 120. _ The Life and Speeches of Daniel O'Connell, M.P., ed. by his Son. Dublin, 1846. 2 vol. 80. O'CONNOR (Arthur Condorcet). Monopoly the Cause of all evil. Paris and London, 1848. 3 vol. 80. O'CONNoR ( John M.). Treatise of the Science of War and Fortification, with a Summary of the principles of grand tactics and operations. N. York, 1817. 2 vol. 80; plates 4o. O'CONNOR (Roger). To the People of Great Britain and Ireland. Dublin, 1799. 80. ODD-FELLOWS' LITERARY MAGAZINE: NOS. 1- 7, July 1848 - Jan. 1849. New-York. See Muns. Pam. vol. 11. ODDY ( J. Jepson). European Commerce; shewing new and secure channels of trade with the Continent of Europe. Phil'a, 1817. 2 vol. 8~. ODELL (J.). Essay on the Elements, accents and prosody of the English language. London, 1806. 120. ODERIC. Travels in China. Kerr, Voy. vol. 1. ODIORNE ( James C.). Opinions on Speculative Masonry, relative to its origin, nature and tendency: A compilation. Boston, 1830. 120. CECOLAMPADIUS (I.). In Ep. Ioannis. See Melancthon, In Evan. Matt. (EDER ( Georgius Ch.). Icones Plantarum sponte nascentium in Regnis Danise et Norvegise, in Ducatibus Slesvici et Holsatise, etc. Hafnise, 1766 - 70. 3 vol. fol. GENERAL LIBRARY. 557 (ERSTED (Hans C.). The Soul in Nature: trans. from the German, by L. and J. B. Horner. London, Bohn, 1852. 120. (EXMELIN (Alexandre 0.). Histoire des Avanturiers et des Boucaniers dans les Indes: et de l'Etablissement d'une Chambre des Comptes. Paris, 1688. 2 vol. in 1. 18. Histoire des Aventuriers Flibustiers qui se sont signales dans les Indes. Trrevoux, 1775. 4 vol. 120. W. C. 693. OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS relative to the operations of the British army employed in the reduction of the Canadas..... 1759, 60: with plans. Pain. vol. 9. B. C. OFFICIUM BEATA MARIA, secundum consuetudinem Roman. ad matutinum. MS. on vellum, 14th cent. 240. O'GALLAGHER (Felix). An Essay on the investigation of the first principles of nature. Dublin, 1785. 2 vol. 80. OGDr, N (Uzal) jr. 1, The Theological Preceptor, or Youth's Religious Instructor.... in a series of dialogues: with, 2, A Letter on family worship; 3, The Christian's Mirror; 4, A Letter to the Youth of America, by the same author. New-York, J. Holt, 1772. 120. OGG (Mr.). Heat. See Lib. U. K. Nat. Phil. OGILBY (John). Historical Collections: Africa, America and Asia. London, 1670 - 73. 3 vol. fol. OGILBY (J. D.). Address, Rutgers College, 1832. Pam. vol. 83. OGILVIE ( James). Philosophical Essays. Philadelphia, 1816. 8o. The same. 80. B. C. OGILVIE ( John), LL.D. Imperial Dictionary, English, Technological and Scientific: on the basis of Webster's. Edinburgh, 1851. 2 vol. 40. OHIO. Board of Agriculture: Fifth Annual Report to the General Assembly for 1850. Columbus, 1851. 80. - Deaf and Dumb Asylum of the State: Report for 1843. Pam. vol. 168. ~:- Geological Survey: st and 2d An. Report, by W. W. Mather. Columbus, 1838. 2 vol. 80. _- - R - ~Report of Select Committee on a Geological survey of the' State, 1854. Pam. vol. 99. --- Lunatic Asylum: Reports, etc. 1835 -48. Columbus. 2 vol. 80. ---— __ - - Reports, 1849, 51. Pam. vol. 166. OaIO and MICHIGAN Boundary: Reports of Commissioners and Message of the President concerning, 1834, 35, 36. Exec. Docts. Washington, 80. OHIO HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY: Transactions. Part 2, vol. 1. Cincinnati, 1839. 80. OHIo Life Ins. and Trust Comp.: Reports, 1835, 38. Pam. vol. 54. OHIO RIVER: Report on a Survey and Examination of the various plans for canals around the falls of the Ohio river. Con. Doe. Washington, 1853. 80. 558 NEW-YORK STATE OHIO (The). TEACHER: ed. by. T. Rainey. Vol. 1, 2. Cincinnati, 1850, 51. In one vol. 120; impeifect. OKEN ( Prof. Lorenz). Allgemeine Naturgesechichte fiir alle stindc. Stuttgart, 1833 - 43. 14 vol. 80, 2 vol. plates 40 and fol. 16 vol. - Elements.of physiophilosophy: from the German, by A. Tulk. London, 1847. See Ray Society. OLAF. Saga Olafs Konungs ens helga Udf6rligere Saga..... efter det aeldste fuldstaendige pergaments haandskrift i det store k. Bibliothelk i Stocklholn. Ed. P. A. AMunch and C. R. Unager. Christiania, 1853. 80o. Saga Olafs Konungs Tryggvasunar..... Fortattet paa Latin henimod shitningen af det tolfte aarhundrede, af Odd Snorreson: udgiven af P. A. Munch. Christiania, 1853. 8o. OLCOTT (T. W.). Address, Albany Phrenological Soc. 1840. Pam. vol. 63, 83; and MIuns. Pam. vol. 8. OLD COLONY Railroad Rep. 1848. Pam. vol. 151. OLD Things and New: a poetical satire. Baltimore, 1835. Pan. vol. 76. OLD (An) Fox tarred and feathered; occasioned by what is called Mr. John Wesley's Calm Address. London, 1775. 120. Pam. vol. 48. OLDMIXON ( J.). See British Empire in America. OLD SETTLER, newspaper: Devoted to the early history, etc. of Northern New-York. Keeseville, 1847 - 54. 4 vol. in 1. fol. OLDEN ( The) TIME: A Monthly Publication, devoted to the preservation of information,.... as to the early exploration and settlement of the country around the head of the Ohio. Vol. 1, ed. by Neville B. Craig. Pittsburgh, 1846. 8). OLDFIELD ( T. H. B.). Representative History of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1816. 6 vol. 8. OLDS ( Gamaliel S.). Statement on his appointment to professorship in Middlebury College, 1818. Pam. vol. 76. OLIN (Stephen), D.D. LL.D.'W1orks. New-York, 1852. 2 vol. 120. Travels in Egypt, Arabia Petrxa, and the Holy Land. New-York, 1843. 2 vol. 8". OLIPHANT ( Laurence). Journey to Katmandu, the Capital of Nepaul. New-York, 1852. 120. OLIVER (Lieut. Gov. Andrew). Letters. See Hutchinson (T.). OLIVER (Daniel). First Lines of Physiology, designed for the use of students of medicine. Boston, 1835. 8~. OLIVER (Edward), D.D. A Short Practical Grammar of the English Language. London, 1807. 120. OLIVER ( James). Wreck of the Glide, with Recollection of the Fijiis.... New-York, 1848. 120. OLIVEYRA ( Le Chev. d'). Memoires historiques, politiques et litteraires concernant le Portugal. A la Haie, 1743. 2 vol. 120o. OLIVIER (M.). Histoire de Philippe, Roi de Macedoine.... Paris, 1740. 2 vol. 120. B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 559 OLIVIERI ( Ccsare). See Teatro Moderno. OLLIFFE ( J. F.), of Cork. These: Questions sur la m6thode ectrotique, sur les signes des fistules du larynx, etc. Paris, 1840. Pam. 40. vol. 3. OLMSTED (Prof. Denison). Memoir of Eli Whitney. New-Haven, 1846. 80. OLMSTED (Frederick L.). Walks and Talks of an American Farmer in England. New-York, 1852. 2 vol. in 1. 120. OLNEY ( S. T.). Catalogue of Rhode-Island Plants. See Providence Frank. Soc. OLNEY (J.). Practical System of modern Geography...... New-York, 1843. 180. O'MEARA (Barry E.). Napoleon in Exile, or a Voice from St. Helena. 5th ed. London, 1822. 2 vol. 80. See Answer to O'Meara's Napoleon. ONDEPAARDSCHE REIS van Claas Klim behelzende eene nieuwe beschryving van den Aardkloot; met de Historie der vyfde..... monarchie. By Louis Holberg. Uit het Latyn. Gravenhage, 1741. 180. ONDERDONK ( Benjamin T.) Bp. A Sermon at the Funeral of the Rt. Rev. John Henry Hobart, 1830. New-York, 1830. 80. Report of Committee on the Sentence of: Statement of facts, 1845; with The Trial tried, by Laicus, 1845; and the Voice of truth, or Examination of the proceedings.... in 1 vol. 8 ). ONDERDONK ( Henry) jun. Documents and Letters intended to illustrate the revolutionary incidents of Queen's county. New-York, 1846. 12". Correspondence between, and J. Fenimore Cooper, on the Capture and Death of Major Woodhull. New-York, 1848. 80. - Revolutionary Incidents of Suffolk and King's counties; with an Account of the Battle of Long Island. New-York, 1849. 120. Long Island and New-York in Olden Times; being newspaper extracts and historical sketches, compiled by. Jamaica, 1851. 80. ONDERDONK ( Rev. Henry M.). History of the Prot. Episc. Churches in the City of New-York. 4 nos. New-York, 1843, 44. 8o. ONDERDONK (Rev. H. U.). Appeal...... against......Rev. William Bacon, 1818. Pam. vol. 72. ONDERDONK (J.), AI.D. Inaug. Address, Med. Soc. of New-York County, 1825. Pam. vol. 85. "ONE FAITI"; or Bishop Doane vs. Bishop M'Ilvaine on Oxford Theology: by a Presbyterian. Burlington, 1843. Pamn. vol. 65. 90. ONIs ( Luis de). Memoir upon the Negotiations between Spain and the United States; from the Spanish, with Notes by Tobias Watkins. Baltimore, 1821. 8~. W. C. 696. ONONDAGA Salt Springs: Annual Reports of the Superintendent, 1843 - 46, 48 - 53. Albany. 80. ONsLOW ( Arthur). Speech, House of Commons, for securing the liberty of the subject. Pamphleteer, vol. 5. 560 NEW-YORK STATE Speech, House of Commons, to repeal the laws which regulate the rate of interest. Pamphleteer, vol. 8. ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY: Addresses, 1819, 21, 22. Pam. vol. 187. ONTIJD ( C. J.), M.lD. Verhandeling over het verschil tusschen de algemeene grondkrachten der Natuur en de Levenskracht. Amsterdam, 1840. 8). OPAL (The): Published by the Patients in the State Lunatic Asylum, Utica. Vol. 1, 40; vol. 2, 3, 4, 1852 - 4, 80. 4 vol. OP DEN HooFF. See Hooff. OPDYKE (George). Treatise on Political Economy. New-York, 1851. 120. OPERATIONS of the British and Allied Armies, 1743, 44. Pam. vol. 124. OPERE BURLESCHE. See Berni. OPIE. Lecture on Painting. See Barry. OPIE (Amelia). Illustrations of Lying, in all its branches. Hartford, 1833. 120. B. C. OPINIONS ( The) of Mr. Ricardo and Adam Smith on some of the leading doctrines of political economy, stated and compared. Pamphleteer, vol. 23, 24. OPINIONS of Distinguished Men, on the influence of secret societies. Pam. vol. 99. OPINIONS Of a Layman on..... marriage with a deceased wife's sister. N. Y. 1827. Pam. vol. 72. OPPOSITION no Proof of Patriotism. London, 1735. Pam. vol. 125. OPREGTE (De). Zandvoorder Speel-wagen. A Collection of Dutch Songs, imperfect. ob. 18~. B. C. ORAM ( Miss Elizabeth). First Lessons in English Grammar. New-York, 1846. 120. ORBIGNY ( D'). On the Calcareous onyx. See Comynet. ORD ( George). Sketch of the Life of Alexander Wilson, Author of the American Ornithology. Philadelphia, 1828. 80. ORDEAL (The): A Critical Journal of politics and literature. Boston, 1809. 80. OREGXON (The) TERRITORYz; Claims thereto of England and America considered. London, 1846. Pam. vol. 180. O'REILLY ( Bernard ). Greenland and the adjacent Seas, and the Northwest Passage to the Pacific Ocean. New-York, 1818. 80. O'REILLY ( Henry). Sketches of Rochester, with incidental notices of Western New-York. Rochester, 1838. 12o. O'REILLY'S (Henry) TELEGRAPH. See Atlantic, Lake, etc. Comp. ORFILA (M.). Traite des Poisons, ou Toxicologic ge6nrate. 3d ed. Paris, 1826. 2 vol. 8~. Trait6 de Toxocologie. 5th ed. Paris, 1852. 2 vol. 80o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 561 ORIGIN, Provisions and Effect of the Safety Fund law. Pam. vol. 154. ORLEANS ( Pierre Joseph d'). Histoire des Rtevolutions d'Angleterre... jusqu'au R6gne de Guillaume III. La Haye, 1723. 3 vol. 120. History of the Two Tartar Conquerors of China; to which is added Father Pereira's Journey into Tartary, from the Dutch of Nicholas Witsen: trans. and ed. by the Earl of Ellesmere, with an introduction by R. H. Major. See Hakluyt Soc. Pub. ORLICH ( Capt. Leopold von). Travels in India, including Sinde and the Punjaub: from the German, by H. E. Lloyd. London, 1845. 2 vol. 80. ORarE ( Robert ). Historical Fragments of the JMIogul Empire, and of the English concerns in Indostan. London, 1805. 4o. History of the Military Transactions of the British Nation in Indostan, from 1745. 3d ed. London, 1780. 3 vol. 4o. ORMOND. See Articles d'accusation, etc. W. C. 115. ORR ( Hector). Oration before the Columbian Society, Bridgewater, 1801. Boston. Pam. vol. 39. ORR (J. W.). Pictorial Guide to the Falls of Niagara... Buffalo, 1842. 120. ORRERY ( John, Earl of). Remarks on the Life and Writings of Dr. Jonathan Swift. 5th ed. London, 1752. 120. ORTEGA ( Casimiro de). See Byron (John), Voyage round the world: Ist and 2d ed. in Spanish. ORTELIUS (Abrahamus). Teatro del Mondo: tras. in lingua toscana, dal F. Pigafetta. Anversa, 1608. fol. ORTIz (Tadeo). Mexico considerado como Nacion independiente y libre, 6 scan algunas indicaciones sobre los deberes mias esenciales de los Mexicanos. Burdeos, 1832, 8o. W. C. 697. ORTON ( J. W.). The Miner's Guide, and Metallurgist's Directory. NewYork, 1849. 180. ORVAL (D'). See Propheties d'Orval. OSBORN (Selleck). Poems, moral, sentimental, and satirical. Boston, 1823. 12~. OSGOOD (David), D.D. Sermons. Boston, 1824. 80. Thanksgiving Sermon, Feb. 1795, Boston. Pam. vol. 46..-..- Discourse on Election day, 1809, Boston. Pam. vol. 43. Sermon..... against the War. Cambridge, Mass. 1812. Pam. vol. 43. OSGOOD ( Rev. S.). Two Sermons, Westminster Church, Providence, R.I. 1.849. Pam. vol. 95. OSMONT ( J. B. L.). Dictionnaire typographique, historique et critique des livres rares, etc. Paris, 1768. 2 vol. 8o. OsoRIO ( Jerome), Bishop. History of the Portuguese, during the Reign of Emanuel, containing all their discoveries.. trans. by James Gibbs. London, 1752. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 698. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 71 562 NEW-YORK STATE De Gloria, de Nobilitate civili, de Nobilitate christiana, 1671. 180. Titlepage wanting. OSSAYE ( M. F.). Les Veillees Canadiennes: Traite elementaire d'agriculture. Qu6bec, 1852. 120o. OssoLI (S. Margaret Fuller, 2iarchioness d'). Summer on the Lakes. Boston, 1824. 120. —.. Memoirs: [By W. H. Channing, J. F. Clarke, and R. W. Emerson. Boston, 1852. 2 vol. 120. Eckermann's Conversations with Goethe: trans. See Eckermann.....- Women in the Nineteenth century: ed. by her brother. Eoston, 1855. 120. OSTERVALT (F.). De Geographische Onderwyzer: opgeheldert... door B. Bosma. Amsterdam, 1781. In 2 vol. Vol. 2. 80. OSTHOFF ( H. L.). Beschrijving van bet vaarwater langs de Westkust von Sumatra, etc. Batavia, 1840. 80. O'SuLLIVAN (John L.). Report in favor of the abolition of the punishment of death by law. 2d ed. New-York, 1841. 80. OSWALD ( John). Anu Etymological Dictionary of the English Language. Edinburgh, 1832. 18~. The same. Edinburgh, 1834. 180. B. C. The same: revised and improved by J. M. Keagy. Philadelphia, 1836. 120. B. C. OswEGO and UTICA R. R. Comp.: Report of J. D. Allen, to Directors, 1837. Pam. vol. 27. B. C. OTHER (The) SIDE of the Question; or a Defence of the Liberties of North America.... New-York, 1774. 120. OTIS ( Harrison G.). Eulogy on Hamilton, 1804, Boston. Pam. vol. 45. -- Letters in Defence of the Hartford Convention and the People of Massachusetts. Boston, 1824. 80. Oration, July 4, 1788, Boston. Pam. vol. 32. OTIS ( Horatio N.). A Genealogical Memoir of the family of Richard Otis, and collaterally of the falmilies of Baker, Varney.. Boston, 1851. 80. OTIS (James). An Appeal to the World, or a Vindication of the town of Boston, 1769. Pam. vol. 113. OTIS ( Oran G.). Oration, Albany, Feb. 22, 1832. Pam. vol. 63. OTTAVI ( Joseph). L'Urne: Recueil des travaux de J. O., avec une biographie par Leon Gozlan. Paris, 1843. 8~. OTTER ( ReY# William). The Life and Remains of Edward Daniel Clarke. New-York, 1827. 80. B. C. OUSELEY ( Sir William). Travels in various Countries of the East, more particularly Persia. London, 1819 - 23. 3 vol. 40. OUsELEY ( William G.). Remarks on the Statistics and political institutions of the United States, with some Observations on the Ecclesiastical system of America. Philadelphia, 1832. 8o. Also 80o.. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. *563 OUTHIER (iRenauld). Journal of a Voyage to the Nortih, 1736, 37. Pinkerton, vol. 1. OUTIrOF (Gerhardus). Levens-Tafereel van Cebes den Thebaner.... met zeven.... verhandelingen. Amsterdam, 1727. 80..-..- Byvoegsels, behorende D. van Hoogstratens lyst der gebruikelykste zelfstandige naamwoorden. See Hoogstraten (D.). OUTLINE ( A General) of the United States of North America, her resources and prospects; with a statistical comlparison.... including the refutation of a theory by a London writer. Philadelphia, 1825. 80. W. C. 921. OUTLINE of the Revolution in Spanish America: by a South-American. New-York, 1817. 120. OUTLINE of a Plan for a National Bank. New-York, 1833. Pam. vol. 54. OVAGLIE (Alonzo d'). HistoricaRelatione del Regno di Cile. Roma, 1646. 4o. W.. 699. Historical Relation of Chile. Pinkerton, vol. 14, and Churchill, vol. 3. OVER THE OCEAN; or Glimpses of Travels in many lands: by a Lady of New-York. New-York, 1846.`: 12o. OVERBEKE ( Aernout van). De Rym-Werken. msterdam, 1719. 180. OVERBURY ( Sir T.). Observations in France and Italy, 1609. Churchill, supp. 1. OVERMAN ( Frederick). Practical Mineralogy: assaying, mining, etc. Philadelphia, 1851. 12o. The Manufacture of steel.... Philadelphia, 1851. 120. OVERTON (Judge). Vindication of the Seminole War. Washington, 1819. OVIDIUS (P.) Naso. Operumn tomus 2. Lugd. Batav. 1629. 240. B. C. The Fasti, Tristia, Pontic Epistles: trans. into English prose, by Henry T. Riley. London, Bohn, 1851. 120. The Heroides, or Epistles of the Heroines; the Amours.... and minor works: trans. by H. T. Riley. London, Bohn, 1852. 120. The Metamorphoses: trans. by H. T. Riley. Bohn, London, 1851. 120, Herschepinge vertaelt door J. v. Vondel. Amsterdam, 1671. 4~ Alle de Werken: vertaalt door Abraham Valentyn. Leiden, 1678. 3 vol. in 1. 180. ------ Feestdagen; in Hollandts dicht vertaalt, door Arnold Hoogvliet. Rotterdam, 1719. 40 --- Excellente figueren ghesneden vuyten vppersten Poate Ouidius vuyt vyfthien boucken, der veranderinghe met huerlier bedietsele Duer Guilliaume Borluit. Lions, 1557. 12~. OVIEDO ( Gonzalo Fern.). Histoire du Nicaragua: inndite. See Ternaux, Voyages, vol. 14; also Ramusio, vol. 3. 564 NEW-YORK STATE OWEN (D. D1.). Geology of Wisconsin, Iowa, Michigan, Illinois and Minnesota. See U. S. Geol. Surveys. Geol. Survey. See Indiana. OWEN (John). The Fashionable World displayed. 5th ed. N. York, 1806. 12o. B. C. History of the Origin and First Ten Years of the British and Foreign Bible Society. New-York, 1817. 80. ------ The same. 80. B. C. OWEN (Richard ). Reports on British Fossil Reptiles. Brit. Assoc. Reports, 1839 - 41. ------ Report on British Fossil lMammalia. Brit. Assoc. Reports, 1842, 43. - and Prof. Bell. Monograph of the Fossil Reptilia of the London clay. Part 1, Chelonia; part 2, Crocodilia, Ophidia. London, 1849, 50. See Palseont. Society. Monograph of the Fossil Reptilia of the Cretaceous formations. London, 1851. See Palceont. Soc.. Monograph of the Fossil Chelonian reptiles. London, 1853. See Palceont. Soc. OWEN (Robert). Observations on the Manufacturing System, with hints for the improvement of those parts of it which are most injurious to health and morals. Pamphleteer, vol. 11.:_-___ A New View of Society, and Address to the Inhabitants of NewLanark, 1816. Cincinnati, 1825. 80. and Alexander Campbell. Debate on the Evidences of Christianity; containing an examination of the Social System, and of all the systems of scepticism of ancient and modern times. Bethany, Va. 1829. 2 vol. in 1. 80.. C. OWEN ( Robert Dale). Hints on Public Architecture, containing plans and views of the Smithsonian Institution; with an appendix on building materials. New-York, 1849. 4o. OWEN (Tom). See Taylor Anecdote Book. OXENSTIERN (J.). Epistolve. See Grotius (HI.). - Pensees sur divers sujets, avec les rdflexions morales du meme auteur.... revue par M. I)D. L. M. Paris, 1762. 2 vol. in 1. 120. OXFORD ENGLISH PRIZE ESSAYS. Oxford, 1830. 4 vol. 120. OXFORXD ESSAYS; contributed by members of the University. London, 1855. 80. OXFoRD (Bishop of). Sermons, 1738, 39, 45. Pam. vol. 189. OXFORD UNIVERSITY. Catalogi Librorum Manuscriptorum anglise et hibernive in unum collecti, cum indice alphabetico. Oxonibe, 1697. fol. Cat. of MSS. in Bodleian Lib..-....- Syllabus of Lectures on chemistry. Museum, 1831. Pam. vol. 34. B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 565 A Catalogue of all Graduates in divinity, law, medicine, arts and music.... in the University, 1659 - 1850. Oxford, 1851. 80. Report of HI. M. Commissioners, 1852. See Great Britain. OXLEY ( John). Journals of two Expeditions into the Interior of NewSouth-WVales, in 1817 and 1818. London, 1820. 40. P. P.... (M. l'Abbe). Le Pokte malheureux. See Gilbert. P. (A. N.). See Histoire de la Revolution de Venise. PACIFIC (Daily) NEWS: Nos. of 1849, 50. San Francisco. Newsp. vol. 6. PACIFIC RAIL-ROAD: A Collection of Explorations published by the War Department, containing the reports of, vol. 1, A. A. Humphrey, T. S. Jessup, and J. J. Stephens; vol. 2, E. G. Beckwith and A. W. Whipple; vol. 3, J. Pope, J. G. Parke, R. S. Williams. Washington, 1855. 3 vol. 8o. --- See Pain. vol. 148, 149. PACIFICUS Letters. See Hamilton (Alexander). PACCA ( Cardinal ). Historical Memoirs.. Events at Rome 1808 -14: from the Italian, by Sir G. Head. London, 1850. 2 vol. 120. PADDOCK (Z.), D.D. New-year's Sermon. Binghamton, 1854. Pam. vol. 95. PADILLA ( Fray A. D.). Historia de la Fundacion y Discurso de la Provincia de Santiago de Mexico.. Brusselas, 1625. fol. W. C. 700. PAGAN ( Count of). A Historical and Geographical Description of the great country and river of the Amazones.... trans. by W. Hamilton. London, 1661. 180~. PAGE (David). Elements of Geology: Chambers' Educational Course, enlarged by D. M. Reese. 3d Am. ed. New-York, 1848. 120. PAGE ( David P.). Theory and Practice of Teaching; or, the Motives and Methods of good school-keeping. 2d ed. Syracuse, 1847. 120. Also 120. B. C. PAGES from the Ecclesiastical History of New-England, during the century between 1740 and 1840. Boston, 1847. 120. PAGES (P. NI. F.). Voyages autour du Monde et vers les deux Poles, par terre et par mer, en 1767 - 76. Paris, 1782. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 701. Nouveau Voyage autour du Monde, en Asie, en Amerique et en Afrique en 1788- 90; precede d'un Voyage en Italie et en Sicile, en 1787. Paris, 1797. 3 vol. 80. W. C. 702. Travels round the World, in 1767- 71: from the French. London, 1791. 2 vol. 80. PAGET (John). Hungary and Transylvania, with Remarks on their con. dition, social, political, and economical. London, 1839. 2 vol. 80. PAGNINUS (Sanctes). Thesaurus Linguwe Hebraicae. See Lexicon Grincm1. 566 NEW-YORK STATE PAIN ( Joseph). Voyage au Hasard. Paris, 1819. 2 vol. 180. PAINE (Charles). Oration, July, 4, 1801, Boston. Pam. vol. 39. PAINE (Martyn), M.D. Materia Mledica and Therapeutics. New-York, 1848. 1.2. - - A Discourse on the soul and instinct, physiologically distinguished from materialism. New-York, 1849. 12o.....- Medical and Physiological Commentaries. New-York, 1840 - 44. 3 vol. 80. The Institutes of Medicine. New-York, 1847. 80. Memoirs of Robert Troup Paine, by his Parents. New-York, 1852. 40 PAINE ( Robert Treat). Works in verse and prose; with Sketches of his life, character and writings. Boston, 1812. 80. --- -The Ruling Passion ~ A Poem, Phi Beta Kappa Soc., by Thomas Paine. Cambridge, 1797. Pam. vol. 46, 88. PAINE (Thomas). Political Writings. London, 1792. 80. W. C. 706. ~__- Political Writings, with a Brief Sketch of the author's life. Charleston, 1824. 2 vol. 80. -.- The same. Granville, N. J. 1837. 2 vol. 81. B. C. - Theological Works. New-York, 1831. 80. B. C. ------ Common Sense, addressed to the Inhabitants of America... A new edition. Philadelphia: London, reprinted 1776. Pam. vol. 120....- Additions to Common Sense, addressed to the Inhabitants of America. Philadelphia: London, re-printed 1776. Pam. vol. 120. Common Sense, with the Address to the Quakers; and a Dialogue between the Ghost of General Montgomery and an American delegate. 3d ed. Philadelphia, 1776. 80. W. C. 703. * Letter to the Abbe Raynal, on the Affairs of North America, and the mistakes in his account of the revolution. London, 1783. 80. ------- Lettre adressee a l'Abbe Raynal, sur les Affaires de l'Amerique septentrionale: trad. de l'anglois. 1783. 80. W. C. 705. Droits de l'Homme, en R6ponse a l'attaque de M. Burke sur la Revolution francaise: trad. de l'anglois. Paris, 1791 80. W. C. 704. The Age of Reason; being an Investigation of true and fabulous theology. New-York, J. Fellows, 1794. 12o. See Examiners Examined: Defence of the Age of Reason, 1791. Dissertations on the first principles of government. Paris, 1795. Pam. vol. 40. Decline and Fall of English Finance. Philadelphia, 1796. Pam. vol. 41. Some Account of his last sickness. New-York, 1820. Pam. vol. 56. PAKENUtAi (R.). Oregon Question. Pam. vol. 180. GENERAL LIBRARY. 567 PALACIO. Outline of the Revolution in Spanish America. London, 1817. 80. W. C. 707. Esquisse de la Rievolution de l'Amerique espagnole: trad. de l'anglois. Paris, 1817. 80. W. C. 708. PALIEONTOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY: Publications. London, 1848 - 1855.. 17 vol. 4~. Contents: 1. WooD ( Searles V.). Monograph of the Crag Mollusca: Part 1, Univalves; part 2, Bivalves. 2 vol. 2. JONEs (T. Rupert). Monograph of the Entomostraca of the Cretaceous formation of England. 1 vol. 3. KING (William). A Monograph of the Permian fossils of England. 1 vol. 4. Professors OWEN and BELL. Monograph of the Fossil Reptilia of the London clay: Part 1, Chelonia; part 2, Crocodilia; part 3, Cretaceous formations. 2 vol. ----- Monograph of the Fossil chelonial reptiles. 1853. 40. 5. EDWARDS (F. E.). Monograph of the Eocene Mollusca: Part 1, Cephalapoda. I vol. 6. EDWARDS (H. Milne), and Jules ilaime. Monograph of the British fossil corals: Part 1, 2, 3, 4. 4 vol. 7. MORRIS (J.), and John Lycett. A- Monograph on the Mollusca from the Great Oolite: Part 1, Univalves; part 2, Bivalves. 1855. 2 vol. 8. DARWIN (Charles). A Monograph on the Fossil Lepadidme. 1 vol. 9. DAVIDSON ( Thomas). Monograph of British Tertiary Brachiopoda. 1 vol. 10. FORBES ( Edward ). Monograph of the Echinodernmata of the British ter-.tiaries. 1852. 1 vol. PALEY (William), D.D. Works; with a Life of the author, by the Rev. Edmund Paley. London, 1830. 6 vol. 80. Contents: Evidences of Christianity: vol. 1 & 2. Moral and Political Philosophy: vol.3. Horoa Paulinwe: vol. 2. Natural Theology: vol. 4. Sermons: vol. 5, 6. Natural Theology; or Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity. Albany, 1803. 120. B. C. - Sermons on several subjects. Philadelphia, 1808. 80. B. C. 2 copies. Sermons on various subjects: originally published by Rev. Edmund Paley in 1825. Boston, 1827. 80. B. C. The Principles of moral and political philosophy. 5th ed. Dublin, 1793. 80. B. C. A View of the Evidences of Christianity. London, 1794. 3 vol. 120. B. C. -----— Horre Paulinme; or the Truth of the Scripture History of St. Paul. London, 1805. 80. B. C.. Sermon at Carlisle, 1777. Pamn. vol. 43. PALFREY ( John G.), D.D. Sermon, Brattle-square, Boston, 1824. Serm. vol. 3. B. C. Sermon, Death of Chief Justice Isaac Parker. Boston, 1830'. Serm. vol. 4. B. C. Sermons on Duties belonging to some of the conditions and relations of private life. Boston, 1834. 8~o B. C. 568 NEW-YORK STATE Academical Lectures on the Jewish Scriptures and Antiquities. Boston, 1838 - 40. 2 vol. 8~. B. C. S- peech, on the Slave question. Washington, 1848. 80.o B. C. Life of William Palfrey. Sparks's Am. Biog. vol. 17. PALGRAVE ( Sir Francis). The History of Normandy and of England. London, 1851. vol. 1. 8~. Rise and Progress of the English Commonwealth: Anglo-saxon period. London, 1832. 2 vol. 4~. PALIN ( Le Chev.). Catalogue des Objets dans le cabinet de feu..... de Palin. Rome. So. PALLADIO (Andrea). L'Architettura, divisa in quattro libri. Venetia, 1642. fol. PALLADIUS ( R. T. A3.). De Re Rustica. See Scriptores Rei Rustice. PALLAS ( Pr-of. P. S.). Voyages dans plusieurs provinces de 1'Empire de Russie. Paris, 1793. 8 vol. 80; 1 vol. plates 40. 9 vol. Travels through the Southern Provinces of the Russian Empire, 1773, 94. 2d ed. London, 1812. 2 vol. 4~. PALM ( J. H. van der). Bybel. See Bible. Geschied-en Redekunstig Gedenkschrift van Nederlands Herstelling in den jare 1813. Amsterdam, 1816. 80. B. C. Apokryfe Boeken des Ouden Verbonds, uitgegeven door. Leiden, 1829, 30. 2 vol. 40~. V olledige Aanteekeningen tot de vertaling des Bijbels, bevattende alle de Boeken des Ouden Verbonds. Leiden, 1834. 80. B. C. ------.Volledige Aanteekeningen tot de vertaling des Bijbels, bevattende alle de Boeken des Nieuwen Verbonds. Leiden, 1835. 80. B. C. Catalogus Librorum ac Manuscriptorum Bibliothecx Schultensianse, qua dum in vivis erat usus est.... Lugd. Bat. 1841. 80. B. C. - Dichtregelen. Leiden, 1840. Pam. vol. 32. B. C. PALMER (Aaron H.). Letter to Secretary Clayton, on extending American commerce with the oriental nations. Washington, 1.849. 80. Memoir, geographical, political, commereial, on... Siberia, MIanchuria, and the Asiatic Isles of the Northern Pacific Ocean. Cong. Doct. 1848. Pam. vol. 50. B. C. Letter to the Hon. Charles J. Ingersoll, on the Trade of Eastern Asia and Japan, 1846. Pain. vol. 45. B. C. Also Pam. vol. 92. PALMER ( Joel). Journal of Travels over the Rocky Mountains to the mouth of the Columbia, in 1845 and 1846. Cincinnati, 1847. 120. PALMER (John). Journal of Travels in the United States and Lower Canada, in 1817. London, 1818. 80. PALMER (J. T.). Historical Register of the United States, from 1812 to 1814. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1814 - 16. 4 vol. 80. W. C. 709. PALMER (Mary). A Concise System of English Grammar. New-York, 1803. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 569 PALMER ( Peter S.). History of Lake Champlain, from its first exploration in 1609, to the close of the year 1814. Plattsburgh, 1853. 80. PALMER (Ray), D.D. Address, Pittsfield Y. Ladies' Inst.; with A. B. Street's Poem. Albany, 1852. Pam. vol. 111. Sermon, For. Evang. Soc. New-York, 1848. Pam. vol. 62, 82; and Muns. Pam. vol. 10. Discourse, State Fast, Bath, Me. Boston, 1843. Pam. vol. 111. Sermon, First Cong. Church, Albany, Dec. 15, 1850. Muns. Pam. vol. 10. Closet Hours, or Aids to spiritual improvement. Albany, 1851. 120. Address, Funeral of Daniel Campbell. Albany, 1851. Pam. vol. 111...... — Discourse, State of the Civilized World. Albany, 1852. Pam. vol. 111. Sermon, Am. Sund. S. Un. Philadelphia, 1855. Pam. vol. 111. PALSG5RAVE (Jean). Sur la grammaire. See France, Docts. ined. PAMBOUR ( F. M. G. Comte de). Practical Treatise on Locomotive Engines upon railways, with a new theory of the steam engine. 2d Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1840. 80. Theory of the Steam Engine. London, 1839. 80. PAMPHLET (The) entitled " Taxation no Tyranny," candidly considered, and its arguments and pernicious doctrines exposed and.refuted. London. Pam. vol. 120. PAMPHLETEER (The), dedicated to both Houses of Parliament: to be continued occasionally. London, 1813 - 28. 29 vol. 80. PAMPHLETS. A Miscellaneous Collection in 192 vol. 80. Contents under their respective authors or titles. A Miscellaneous Collection in 56 vol. 80. B. C. Contents under their respective authors or titles. A Collection in 3 vol. 4~. Contents under their respective authors or titles. A Collection in 1 vol. fol. A Collection of New-York and United States official documents. 35 vol. B. C. PANCIROLus (Guidus). Notitia utraque dignitatum, cum orientis tum occidentis, ultra Arcadii Honoriique tempora; et in eam...... Commentarium: ultima editio, Lugduni, 1608. With, De quatuordecim regionibus urbis Romse, et urbis Constantinopolitanse, 1608. fol. PANOPLIST (The): Conducted by an Association of Friends to Evangelical truth, 3 vol. 1806 - 08; The Panoplist and Missionary Magazine united, 10vol. 1809 - 17; and Panoplist and Missionary Herald, 3 vol. 1818 - 20. Boston, 1806 - 20. 16 vol. 80. See also A. B. C. F. M., Missionary Herald. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 72 570 NEW-YORK STATE PANZER (Geo. Wolfgang). Annalen der aitern Deutschen Litteratur; oder Anzeige und Beschreibung derjenigen Bucher welche von erfindung der buchdruckerkunst bis 1520, in deutscher sprache gedruckt worden sind. Niirnberg, 1788. 4o. PAPERS FOR THE PEOPLE. 19 Nos. New-York, Jefferson Union, 1852. 80. PAPINEAU ( Louis J.). Speech at the Hustings in Montreal, August 11, 1827. Pamn. vol. 143. Discours dans l'Assemblec des Illecteurs de Montreal, 1837. Pam. vol. 75. Speech at County Meeting in Montreal, 1837. 80. Pam. vol. 12. and J. Neilson. Letter.... on the subject of the proposed union of.... Upper and Lower Canada. London, 1824. Pam. vol. 143. PAPON (J. P.). De la Peste, ou E;poques memorables de ce fleau. Paris, 2 vol. 80. PARACELSUS ( A. P. T.). Three Books of Philosophy, written to the Athenians. London, 1657. See Crollius (O.). PARDOE ( Miss). City of the Sultan, and Domestic Manners of the Turks. 2d ed. London, 1838. 3 vol. 120. Louis the Fourteenth, and the Court of France in the seventeenth century. New-York, 1847. 2 vol. 8). The River and the Desert, or Recollections of the Rhone and the Chartreuse. London, 1838. 2 vol. 120. The Court and Reign of Francis the First, King of France. Philadelphia, 1849. 2 vol. 120. PARIs. Recherches Statistiques sur la Ville de Paris et le Departement de la Seine. Paris, 1823 - 44. 5 vol. 4o. Rapports Generaux des Travaux du Conseil de Salubrite pendant les annees 1829 a 1839. Paris, 1840. 40. Agrandissement et Construction des Halles centrales d'approvisionnement: Rapport...... 1845... With Conseil municipal.... Opinion d'un membre...... sur les bureaux auxiliaires du Mont de Piete. Paris. 4o. - Imoire sur les Eaux de Paris, present6 a la Commission municipale, par MI. le Prefet de ia Seine, Paris, 1854. With Recherches statistiques sur les sources du Bassin de la Seine...... par M. Belgrand, 1854; and Rapport sur le mode d'assainissement des villes en Angleterre et en Ecosse...... par M. Mille, 1854. Paris. 1 vol. 4o. PARIS ( John Ayrton), M. D. Life of Sir Humphry Davy. London, 1831. 2 vol. 80. PARIS (Louis). See L'Aubespine; Negotiations; France, Docts. in6d. PARIS (Matthew). English History from 1235 to 1273: from the Latin, by Rev. J. A. Giles. London, Bohn, 1852 - 54. 3 vol. 120. See Roger of Wendover's Flowers of History. PARIsH (Elijah), D.D. Fast Sermon, at Byfield, 1808. Pam. vol. 106.. —— F- Fast Sermon at Byfield, 1811. Pam. vol. 32. GENERAL LIBRARY. 571 Sermon on the Judgment. Schenectady, 1808. Pam. vol. 62. PARISOT (J. T.). See Iturbide, Memoires autographes. PARK (E. A.), D.D. Election Sermon, Boston, 1851. Pam. vol. 78. PARK ( Mungo). Travels in the interior districts of Africa, under the patronage of the African Assoc. in 1795 - 97; with Appendix by Maj. Rennell. 3d ed. London, 1815. 4o. ~- - Journal of a Mission to the interior of Africa in 1805; with his life, by John Wishaw. London, 1815. 4o. ------ The same. Philadelphia, 1815. 80. PARK (Roswell). Pantology, or a Systematic Survey of Human Knowledge. Philadelphia, 1841. 80. A Sketch of the History and Topography of West-Point, and the U. S. Military Academy. Philadelphia, 1840. With a map. 180. PARKE ( Lieut. J. G.). Report of Explorations for that portion of a Route near the 32d parallel of latitude, lying between Dona Ana on the Rio Grande, and Pimas villages on the Gila. See Pacific R. R. Rep. vol. 2. PARKE (Uriah). Lectures on the Philosophy of Arithmetic.... Philadelphia, 1850. 120. PARKER SOCIETY. See Zurich Letters, 4 vol. PARKER (Amasa J.), LL.D. Speeches, H. of R. U. S., On the seats of MI. W. Prentiss and Wood, 1838; on the Public lands, 1839. Pam. vol. 60. Address, Albany Med. Coll. 1851. Pam. vol. 85, and Muns. Pam. vol. 12. PARKER ( Cortlandt). Address, Rutgers Coll. 1859. Pam. vol. 88. PARKER (Rev. Edward L.). History of Londonderry, comprising the towns of Derry and Londonderry, N. H. Boston, 1851. 120. PARKER ( Henry W.). The Rise, Progress........ of Van Dieman's Land. London, 1833. 120. PARKER ( Joel), D.D. See Adams (J. W.), Sermons. PARKER ( John R.). The New Semaphoric Signal-book, in three parts; containing the Marine Telegraphic System, and Marryat's Signal Numbers, adapted to J. R. Parker's marine telegraphic flags. Boston, 1836. 80. PARKER ( N. Howe). Iowa as it is in 1855. Chicago, 1855. 120. PARKER (R. G.). Progressive Exercises in rhetorical reading. Boston, 1836. 120~. and Charles Fox. Progressive Exercises in English Grammar, in two parts. 2d ed. Boston, 1835. 120. PARKER (Samuel). Journal of an Exploring Tour beyond the Rocky Mountains, in 1835 - 37. 2d ed. Ithaca, 1840. 120...- i. The same. 5th ed. Auburn, 1846. 120. PARKER ( Theodore). See Wette (De), translation. 572 NEW-YORK STATE Sermon, The Transient and Permanent in Christianity, 1841, Boston. Serm. vol. 5. B. C. _-____ A- Discourse of Matters pertaining to Religion. Boston, 1842. 80o B. C. - Critical and Miscellaneous Writings. Boston, 1843. 120. B. C. - 1, Sermon on the Relation of Jesus to his age and the ages, 1845; 2, Sermon on the chief sins of the people, 1851; 3, Remarks on the Article from the Christian Examiner, " Mr. Parker and his views;" 4, The True position of Rev. T. P. 1845; 5, An Answer to Questions addressed to Rev. T. P. and his friends, 1845. Boston. 1 vol. 80. - Discourse on the Transient and Permanent in Christianity, May 19, 1841; with Oration before the Onondaga Teachers' Institute, 1849; and Sermon on the excellence of goodness, 1845. Boston. 1 vol. 80. Sermon, Thursday lecture, 1844; with Sermon, Excellence of goodness, 1845. Boston. Serm. vol. 5. tB. C. Letter to the Boston Association of Congregational ministers. 2d ed. Boston, 1845. Pam. vol. 43. B. C. Sermon, Immortal Life, Boston, 1846; with Sermon, Mexican war, Boston, 1848. Sermr. vol. 5. B. C..... Letter to the People of the U. S. touching the matter of slavery. Boston, 1848. Pam. vol. 46. B. C. Sermon: Moral and Spiritual condition of Boston. Boston, 1849. 120. B. C. Two Sermons, 28th Cong. Soc. Boston, 1852. Pam. vol. 95. Discourse on the Death of Daniel Webster, 1852; Boston, 1853. With, Review of the Discourse, by Junius Americanus; Boston and Cambridge, 1853. 1 vol. 80. PARKES ( Josiah), On Steam-boilers and Steam-engines. Inst. Civil Eng. Trans. vol. 3. PARKES ( S.). A Chymical Catechism; or Application of chymistry to the arts. Philadelphia, 1807. 80. B. C. PARKHURST (John). A Greek and English Lexicon to the New Testament. London, 1825. 80. B. C. - The same..... with Additions by James Rose, D.D. New ed. by J. R. Major. London, 1851. 80. --- -- Hebrew and English Lexicon, with a Hebrew and Chaldee grammar. 3d ed. London, 1792. 4o. PARKINSON ( James). Examination of the Mineralized Remains of the vegetables and animals of the antediluvian world. London, 1820. 3 vol. 4o. PARKINSON (Rev. Richard). Hulsean Lectures, 1837: Rationalism and Revelation. London, 1838. 80. PARKINSON ( Richard ). Tour in America in 1798-1800; with an Account of the American system of agriculture. London, 1805. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 710. GENERAL LIBRARY. 573 PARKINSON (Sidney). Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas. London, 1773. 4. W. C. 711. Voyage autour du MIonde: trad. de l'anglais par le C. Henri; Paris, 1797. With J. Long, Voyage; Paris, 1794. 2 vol. in 1. 80. W. C. 712. PARKMAN (Francis) junior. The California and Oregon Trail; being Sketches of Prairie and Rocky mountain life. New-York, 1849. 120. History of the Conspiracy of Pontiac, and the War of the North American tribes against the English colonies, after the conquest of Canada. Boston, 1851. 80..-.-.- The same. New-York, 1855. 80. PARKS (Rev. Stephen). Troy Conference Miscellany; containing a Historical Sketch of Methodism. Albany, 1854. 120. PARLIAMENTS (The) and CoUNcILs oF ENGLAND, chronologically arranged from William I to 1688. London, 1839. 8). PARMENTIER ( M.). L'Art de faire les eaux de vie et les vinaigres.... Paris, 1806. 80. PARNASSUS KUNSTKABINET: Of Verzameling van weergadelooze dichtstoffen. Amsteldam, 1735. 120. PARNELL (Edward A.). Applied Chemistry in manufactures, arts and domestic economy. London, 1844. 2 vol. 8o. PARNELL ( Sir Henry). Observations on Paper Money, banking and overtrading; with some explanation of the Scotch system of banking. London, 1827. 80. Treatise on Roads. 2d ed. London, 1838. 80. PARR (Samuel). Works; with Memoirs of his life and writings, and a Selection from his correspondence, by John Johnstone. London, 1828. 8 vol. 80. Characters of Charles J. Fox. London, 1809. 2 vol. 80. -- -.Aphorisms, Opinions and Reflections; with a Sketch of his life. London, 1826. 18~0. B.C. PARROT ( Friedrich ). Journey to Ararat: trans. by W. D. Cooley. London, 1845. 80. The same. New-York, 1846. 120. PARROT ( Dr. H.). Histoire de l'Epidemie de la Suette miliaire, 1841, 42, dans le Departement de la Dordogne. Paris, 1843. 80. PARRY ( Capt. William E.). Journal of a Voyage for the Discovery of a Northwest Passage, in 1819 and 1820. London, 1821. 40 Journal of a Second Voyage for the Discovery of a Northwest Passage, 1821 - 23. London, 1824. 40. ------- Appendix to his Journal of a Second Voyage for the Discovery of a Northwest Passage, 1821 -23. London, 1825. 40. Journal of a Third Voyage for the Discovery of a Northwest Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, 1824, 25. London, 1826. 4o. 574 NEW-YORK STATE PARS (Adrianus). Catti Aborigines Batavorum: dat is, De Katten de voorouders der Batavieren ofte de twee Katwijken aan see en aan den Rijn. Nevens.... Katwyksche, Rynsburgsche, en andere Nederlandsche Oudheden, door P. van der Schelling. Leiden, 1745. 40. PARSONS ( Fathedr). Succession to the Crown. See Doleman. PARSONS (Isaac). Two Discourses at East-Haddam. Hartford, 1841. 80. PARSONS ( Horatio A.). Book of Niagara Falls. 3d ed. Buffalo, 1836. 120. PARSONS (S. B.). The Rose; its history, poetry, culture and classification. iNew-York, 1847. 80. Address before New-Haven Horticultural Society, 1849. Pam. vol. 52. PARSONS ( Samuel H.). The Grammatical Reader. Philadelphia, 1836. 180. PARSONS ( Usher). Battle of Lake Erie: Discourse, R. I. Hist. Society, 1852. Providence, 1853. 8o. Life of Sir William Pepperell, Bart. Boston, 1855. 80. PARTHENON ( The), or Literary and Scientific Museum: ed. by Samuel Woodworth. New-York, 1827. 1 vol. 80. PARTHENON ( The), and Academician's Magazine: published by Undergraduates of Union College. Schenectady, 1832 - 34. 2 vol. 80. PARTHENON (The): Containing original characteristic papers by living American authors, illustrated by Darley, etc. New-York, 1851. 4o. PARTINGTON ( Charles F.). Popular and Descriptive Account of the Steam-engine. 3d ed. London, 1836. 80. PARTICULAR SYNOD of Albany: Minutes, 1828, 32, 40, 43, 44, 45, 48, 49. Muns. Pam. vol. 4. Minutes, 1850, 51. Muns. Pam. vol. 10. PARTON ( J.). The Life of Horace Greeley, Editor of the New-York Tribune. New-York, 1855. 120. PASCAL (Adrien). Histoire de Napoleon III. Paris, 1853. 80. PASCAL ( Blaise). Pensees, Fragments et Lettres; publi6s pour la premiere fois, conformement aux manuscrits originaux en grande partie inedits: par M. Prosper Faugere. Paris, 1844. 2 vol. 80. Provincial Letters; containing an Exposure of the reasoning and morals of the Jesuits. New-York, 1828. 120. B. C. PASCAL ( G. G.). Cours de Geometrie 6lementaire. Paris, 1853. 80. PASCATIS (Felix), M.D. Eulogy on Hon. S. L. Mitchill, M.D., before the N. Y. City and County Med. Soc. 1831. New-York, 1831. 80. PASLEY ( C. W.). Complete Course of practical geometry, etc. 2d edition. London, 1822. 80. Observations on limes, calcareous cements... London, 1838. 80. - Report on the Copper Pontoons used in the Neapolitan Service in 1805. Engineers' Prof. Papers, vol. 1. PASQUALI (Luigi). Istituzioni di Estetica. Padoua, 1827. 2 vol. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 575 PASTIME (The): A Periodical, ed. by J. Howard Payne. Schenectady, 1807. 25 nos. 1 vol. 80. PASTON LETTERS: Original Letters, written during the Reign of Henry VI, Edward IV, and Richard III: ed. by J. Fenn and A. Ramsay. London, 1840. 2 vol. 120. PASTORALE BRIEVEN: Pastorale of Herderlijke Brieven, aan de gelovige in Vrankryk, die onder de gevankenisse van Babel zyn suchtende.. Uyt het Frans vertaalt, door Gijsbert de Cretzer: 1st and 2d year, 1686, 7. Gravenhage, 1688. 4o. B. C. PASTORET ( Le Comte de). Histoire de L6gislation. Paris, 1817 - 37. 11 vol. 80. PASTORINI ( Signor). The General History of the Christian Church.... chiefly deduced from the Apocalypse of St. John. New-York, 1807. 120. B.C. PASToRIUS ( F. D.). Geographical Description of Pennsylvania. See Hist. Soc. Penn. Mem. vol. 4. PATERSON (John), A.M. The Calculus of Operations. Albany, 1850. 8o. PATERSON (M. C.). Address, Amer. Acad. of FineArts, 1826. Pam. vol. 71. PATISSItRE ( La) de la campagne et de la ville. 2d ed. Paris, 1825. 120. PATMORE (P. G.). My Friends and acquaintance; being memorials.... of deceased celebrities of the 19th century. London, 1854. 3 vol. 120. PATON ( A. A.). The Goth and the IIun; or Transylvania, Debreezin, Pesth and Vienna in 1850. London, 1851. 80. PATRICK (Symon), Bp. A Critical Commentary and Paraphrase on the Old and New Testament, and the Apocrypha:. by Patrick, South, Arnold, Whitby, and Lowman; with the text at large. Philadelphia, 1844. 4 vol. 80. PATRIOT ( The), addressed to the Electors of Great Britain. 2d ed. By Dr. S. Johnson. London, 1774. Pam. vol. 116. PATRIOTA (O) BRASILEIRO: Periodico mensal. Vol. 1. Paris, 1830. W. C. 142. PATRITII (Francesco). De Discorsi del R. Monsig. F. P. Sanese, Vescovo Gaiettano, sopra alle cose appartenenti ad una citta libera e famiglia nobile: trad. in lingua toscana da G. Fabrini; libri nove. Vinegia, 1545. 180. 2 copies. PATTERSON ( Samuel). Narrative of the adventures, sufferings, etc. of. 2d ed. Providence, 1825. 180. PATTIE (James O.), of Kentucky. Personal Narrative, during an Expedition from St. Louis to the Pacific Ocean: edited by T. Flint. Cincinnati, 1833. ~. PAUL (Nathaniel ). Address, African Baptist Society, Albany, on the Abolition of slavery, 1827. Pam. vol. 186. PAULDING (J. K.). The Dutchman's Fireside: A Tale. London, 1831. 2 vol. 120. B. C. -- Slavery in the United States. New-York, 1836. 120. 576 NEW-YORK STATE ~,- Letters from the South, by a Northern Man. New-York, 1835. 2 vol. 120. Affairs and Men of New-Amsterdam in the time of Governor Peter Stuyvesant. New-York, 1843. 12 ------- The Old Continental; or the Price of Liberty. New-York, 1846. 2 vol. in 1. 120. American Comedies: by J. K. Paulding and William Irving Paulding. Philadelphia, 1847. 120...-...- Life of Washington. Aberdeen, 1848. 120. -- The Puritan and his Daughter. New-York, 1849. 2 vol. in 1. 120..-..- See Salmagundi. PAULI (Dr. Reinhold). The Life of King Alfred: ed. by T. Wright. London, 1852. 80. -- The Life of Alfred the Great: from the German, by B. Thorpe. London, Bohn, 1854. PAULUS II, Pont. Max. Vita...... proemissis ipsius SS. Pont. vindiciis adversus Platinam..... Romme, 1740. 4o. PAULUS (Pieter). Verklaring der Unie van Utrecht. Utrecht, 1775 - 77. 4 vol. in 2. 80. B. C. PAUSANIAS. The Description of Greece: from the Greek, with notes. London, 1794. 3 vol. 80. PAUW (Cornelius de). Recherches Philosophiques sur les Americains. Berlin, 1768. 2 vol. in 1. 80. W. C. 713. ------- See Pern'ty (A. J.), Examen des Recherches. PAVONIUS (Franciscus). Summa Ethicse, sive introductio in Aristotelis et theologorum doctrinam moralem. Oxonioe, 1668. 180. PAXTON'S (Joseph) MAGAZINE of Botany and Register of Flowering Plants. Vol. 7-16; Index in vol. 15. London, 1840 -49. 9 vol. 8~. Flower Garden: by J. Lindley and J. Paxton. Vol. 1. London, 1850- 51. 4o. PAXTON (Philip). A Stray Yankee in Texas. New-York, 1853. 120. PAYEN (A.). Procis de Chimie industrielle, a l'usage des ecoles preparatoires aux professions industrielles des fabricants et des agriculteurs. 2m 6ed. Paris, 1851. 120. PAYNE (George). Elements of Mental and Moral Science. New-York, 1829. 80. PAYNE (J. H.). See Pastime (The). PAYSON (.Edward), D.D. Address to Seamen, 1821. Pam. vol. 8. B. C, PAzos (Vicente). Letters on the United Provinces of South America... to H. Clay: trans. from the Spanish, by P. R. Crosby. New-York, 1819. 80. PEABODY (Rev. A. P.). Address, Literary Societies, Dartmouth College, 1843. Pam. vol. 71. GENERAL LIBRARY. 577 -- Address, Phi Beta Kappa, Harvard Univ. 1845. Pam. vol. 71. Also Pam. vol. 44. B. C. Sermon, Divinity School, Harv. Univ. 1845. Serm. vol. 6. B. C. Ordin. Sermon, Mr. H. Stebbins at Fitchburg, Mass. 1851. Pam, vol. 78. Address, Sunday School, Portsmouth, N. IIH. 1851. Pam. vol. 95. PEABODY ( Oliver W. B.). Life of John Sullivan. Sparks's Am, Biog. vol. 13. PEABODY (William B. O.). Life of Alexander Wilson. Sparks's Amer. Biog. vol. 2. Life of Israel Putnam. Sparks's Am. Biog. vol. 7. Life of Cotton Mfather. Sparks's Am. Biog. vol. 6......- Life of David Brainerd. Sparks's Am. Biog. vol. 8...- Life of James Oglethorpe. Sparks's Am. Biog. vol. 12. See Massachusetts Reports on Birds. PEACE REPUBLICAN'S MANUAL; or the French Constitution of 1793: Debates on this constitution; Extracts from Rousseau on the Social contract. New-York, 1817. 8. 2 copies. The same; with numerous Notes by Maria Aletta IIulshorff. N. York, 1817. 80. B. C. PEACOCK ( Thomas L.). Headlong Hall and Nightmare Abbey. NewYork, 1845. 120. B. C,. PEARE (James). Rudiments of Naval Architecture. London, 1849. 120. PEALE (Rembrandt). Notes on Italy, during a tour in 1829, 30. Philadelphia, 1831. 80. The same. 80. BC. - Court of Death; with Biog. Sketch. Pam. vol. 69. PEALE (Titian R.). Mammalia and Ornithology. See United States Expl. Exp. vol. 8. PEARCE (Hon. J. A.). Speech on the Coast Survey, Sen. U. S. Feb. 17, 1849. 2d ed. Washington, 1849. 80. PEARCE (Robert R.). Memoirs and Correspondence of Richard, Marquess Wellesley. London, 1846. 3 vol. 80. PEARSON ( Charles). Letter...... against the unconstitutional re-sale of the vacant appointment:of Secondary.. London, 1828. Pam. vol. 139. PEARSON (E.), LL.D. Lecture, Death of Pres. Willard, 1804. Pam. vol. 36. PEARSON (Hugh). Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of the Rev. Christian F. Swartz; with a Sketch of the History of Christianity in India. 3d ed. London, 1839. 2 vol. 12o. PEARSON ( Joseph). Speech, H. of R. U. S., on the Loan Bill, 1814. Pam. vol. 54. B. C. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 73 578 NEW-YORK STATE PEASE (Frederick S.). Genealogy of the ancestors and posterity of Isaac Lawrence, Albany, 1848. 80. Also Muns. Pam. vol. 9. - Descendants of John Pease, 1847. Muns. Pam. vol. 9. PEASE ( J. C.), and J. M. Niles. Gazetteer of the State of Connecticut and Rhode-Island. Hartford, 1819. 8o. W. C. 714. PEBRER,(Pablo). Taxation, revenue, expenditure, power, statistics, and debt of the whole British Empire; with a Plan for the liquidation of the national debt. London, 1833. 8o. PeCHE (La) a la ligne. Paris, 1826. 18o. PECK ( John N.). Gazetteer of Illinois. Jacksonville, 1834. 120. 2 copies. Life of Daniel Boone. See Sparks's Am. Biog. vol. 23. See Perkins' (J. H.) Annals of the West, enlarged. PECK ( William Dandridge). On the Slug-worm, 1799. Pam. vol. 36. PECK'S (W. B. and C. E.) Tourist's Companion to Niagara Falls, Saratoga Springs, the Lakes, etc. Buffalo, 1850. 12o. PICLET ( E.). Nouveau.x Documents relatifs au chauffage, et a la ventilation des 6tablissements publics.; suivis de Nouvelles Recherches sur le refroidissement et la transmission de la chaleur. Paris, 1853. 40..-.. TTrait6 de la Chaleur, consideree dans ses applications. 2 vol. 4~3; with plates ob. fol. 2d ed. Paris, 1843. 3 vol. PrECQUET (Auguste). Plan de Comptabilit6 pour le materiel de la marine. Pam-. vol. 10. PEDRO I et JEAN VI. Correspondance durant les troubles du Bresil: trad. par E. de Montglave. Paris, 1827. 8o. W. C. 715. PEERS ( Benj. O.). American Education; with an Introductory Letter by Francis L. Hawks, D.D. New-York, 1838. 12o. PEERS (Richard). English Atlas. See Pitt (M.). PEET ( H. P.), LL.D. Statistics of the Deaf and Dumb: New-York, 1852. With Report on the Education of the deaf and dumb in the higher branches of learning. Pam. vol. 168..-.... Report on European institutions for the instruction of the deaf and dumb. See New-York Inst. vol. 4. PEIRCE ( Benjamin). A History of Harvard University, from its foundation in 1636, to the period of the American Revolution. Cambridge, 1833. 80. -PEIRCE (B.). Latitude of Cambridge. See Bond ( W. C.). PEIRCE ( Oliver B.). The Grammar of the English language. New-York,: 1839. 120. Abridgment of the Grammar of the English language. Boston, 1840. 120.'PEITHMAN ( Lewis Theophilus). A Refutation of P. F. M'Callum's Remarks on the R. Military College. reflecting the greatest honor on H. R. H. the Duke of York. London, 1809. Pam. vol. 140. PItLET ( General ). Memoires Militaires relatifs a la Succession de 1'Espagne, sous Louis XIV: with an atlas fol. See France, Docts. in6d. GENERAL LIBRARY. 579 P:LET DE LA LOZIPRE (Baron). Napoleon in Council; or the Opinions delivered by Bonaparte in the Council of State: from the French, by Basil Hall. Edinburgh, 1837. 120. Precis de l'Histoire des ftats Unis d'Amerique. Paris, 1845. 8o. PELL (Alfred S.). Address to Dutchess Co. Electors. Pam. vol. 9. B. C. PELL (Ferris). A Review of the Administration and Civil Police of the State of New-York, 1807 - 19. New-York, 1819. 80. Also Pamn. vol. 4. B.C. PELLARIN ( Charles). The Life of Charles Fourier: 2d ed. with appendix: trans. by F. G. Shaw. New-York, 1848. 12'. PELLATT (Apsley). Memoir on the Improvement of glass manufactures, and an Account of the patent crystallo-ceramie or glass incrustations. London, 1821. 4O PELLECOM3 ( A. N. Van). De Opening der Staten-generaal, 19 Oct. 1835. Gravenhage. Pam. vol. 31. B. C. Inleiding tot Voorlezingen over de Dichtkunst. Pam. vol. 30. B. C. - Bijdrage tot de inwijding der nieuwe Muzijkzaal te Schiedam, 1842. Gravenhage. Pam. vol. 33. B. C. PELLEPRAT (Pierre). Relation des Missions des P.P. de la Compagnie de Jesus dans les Isles, et dans la Terre Ferme de l'Anilrique meridionale. Paris, 1655. 120. W. C. 716. PELLEW ( Hon. George), D.D. The ljife and Correspondence of the Rt. Hon. Henry Addington, first Viscount Sidmouth. London, 1847. 3 vol. 80. PELLICO (Silvio), da Saluzzo. My Imprisonments: Memoirs, trans. from the Italian, by Thomas Roscoe. New-York, 1833. 12o. B. C. PP3LOUZE (J.), and E. Fremy. General Notions of Chemistry: trans. by Edmund C. Evans, M.D. Philadelphia, 1854. 12o. PELTIER (John). Trial of: for a libel against Napoleon Buonaparte, at London, 1803? 8o. B. C. PELTON ( Rev. Samuel ). Correspondence with Levi Sherwood, on temperance. New-York, 1833. Pam. vol. 26. B. C. PEMBERTON ( Rev. Ebenezer). Sermons.... on various occasions; with his funeral sermon by Rev. Mr. Colman. London, 1727. 8o. PENDLETON (James M.). Catalogue of his astronomical and obstetrical museum. New-York, 1826. Pam. vol. 24. B. C. PENGELLY (Edward). The Elements of English Grammar. London, 1840. 180. PENHALLOW (Samuel ). History of the Wars of New-England with the Eastern Indians. Boston, 1726. 120. W. C. 717..-.-.- The same. See New Hamp. Hist. Soc. Coll. vol. 1. PENITENTIAL TEARS. by the " 31 " prostrated by the hand of Horace Mann. Boston, 1845. Pam. vol. 81. PENN ( Granville). Memorials of the Life and Times of Sir William Penn, Knt.; from 1644 to 1670. London, 1833. 2 vol. 80. 580 NEW-YORK STATE The same. 2 vol. 80. B. C. PENN (William). Original Documents. See Hist. Soc. Penn. Mem. PENN ( William), pseud. Essays on the Condition of the American Indians: by J. Evarts. Philadelphia, 1830. Pam. vol. 56. PENNANT ( Thomas). Le Nord du Globe, ou Tableau de la Nature dans les contr6es septentrionales:trad. de l'anglois. Paris, 1789. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 718. - The Literary Life of: by himself. London, 1793. 40. Tours in Scotland. Pinkerton, vol. 3. PENNINGTON ( S. H.), M.D. Address on Physical Education.... NewBrunswick, 1847. Pam. vol. 85. PENNSYLVANIA. Colonial Records: Minutes of the Provincial Council, from its organization, to the termination of the Proprietary Government: Philadelphia and Harrisburg, 1851, 52; 10 vol. With Minutes of the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania.. to the termination of the Revolution: Harrisburg, 1852, 53; 6 vol. 16 vol. 8o. Archives, selected and arranged from the original documents in the Office of the Sec. of State, by S. Hazard, 1664- 1786. Philadelphia, 1852, 54. 10 vol. 8~. - BANKS: Auditor General's Report on Banks, 1853. Pam. vol. 154. --- CANALS: Annual Report of the Canal Commissioners, Nov. 1849. With Report of C. L. Schlatter, on a Railroad from Harrisburg to Pittsburgh, 1842. In one vol. 80. CjOMMON SCHOOLS: Reports of Superintendent of Common Schools, 1840, 41. Pam. vol. 171.....- -- 14th, 16th Reports of Superintendent of Common Schools, 1847, 49. Pam. vol. 51, 70. -- 19th Report of Supt. of Common Schools, 1852. Pam. vol. 172. -_-___ -- First School District, City and County of Philadelphia, 1852. Pam. vol. 172. - By-laws First School District, 1852. See Pam. vol. 172. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY: First to Fifth Annual Reports of the Geological Exploration of the State, 1836- 40, by H. D. Rogers. Harrisburg, 1836 - 40. 2 vol. 80. Fourth and Fifth Annual Reports, by H. D. Rogers. Harrisburg, 1840, 41. 80. LOTTERIES: Three Reports of Comm. of H. of R. on Lotteries, 1831, 32, 33. Pam. vol. 182. LIST of the Justices of the Peace.... Legis. Doct. Lancaster, 1809. 8o. PRISONS: Eastern State Penitentiary: Reports, 1846, 47, 48, 49, 50, 53. Pam. vol. 158. GENERAL LIBRARY. 581....- Eastern State Penitentiary: lst - 14th Reports, 183143. Pam. vol. 163...-.- Eastern Penitentiary: 17th and 18th Reports, 1846, 47. Pam. vol. 16, 20. A Concise History of the E. P., with the Proceedings of the Com. of the Leg. Philadelphia, 1835. pp. 283. Pam. vol. 162.....- Report of the Case of Pennsylvania vs. John Smith, Marshal of the U. 8. Philadelphia, 1809. Pain. vol. 8.: Dissent of the Minority in the House of Rep. 1798. Pam. vol. 40. PENNSYLVANIA~ AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY: Memoirs, with Selections for the use of Farmers, 1824. Philadelphia, 1824. 80. PENNSYLVANIA CHRONICLE and Universal Advertiser. Vol. 1, Jan. 26, 1767-Nov. 23, 1767; vol. 5, Jan. 28, 1771 -Dec. 2, 1771.- Philadelphia, Goddard. 2 vol. fol. PENNSYLVANIA GAZETTE and Weekly Advertiser, from Feb. 3, 1779, to Oct. 25, 1780. Philadelphia. See Dunlap's Maryland Gazette. PENNSYLVANIA HIST. COLL. See Day (Sherman). PENNSYLVANIA HISTORICAL SOCEETY. See list. Soc. of Pa. PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL for the Insane. Accounts for year ending April 25, 1846. Philadelphia. Pam. vol. 18. ------ Report by T. S. Kirkbride, 1845. Pam. vol. 18. ------- Report, 1846, 49. Pam. vol. 165. PENNSYLVANIA INSTITUTION for the Blind: 13th Report, 1846. Pam. vol. 18. Report for 1847. See N. Y. Institution. PENNSYLVANIA INSTITUTION for...... the Deaf and dumb: Annual reports, 1844, 45, see Pam. vol. 11, 18; Reports for 1846- 49, Pam. vol. 167.; Reports for 1851, 52, Pam. vol. 168. PENNSYLVANIA (The) JOURNAL of Prison Discipline and Philanthropy: Published under the direction of the Phil'a Soc. for the Allev. of the Mis. of Pub. Pris. Philadelphia, 1845 - 54. 9 vol. 80. PENNSYLVANIA MEDICAL COLLEGE: Annual announcements. See Pam. vol. 156. PENNSYLVANIA PACKET, and the General Advertiser: Vol. 1, Oct. 28, 1771, to vol. 2, Oct. 18, 1773. Afterwards, Dunlap's Penn. Packet: Vol. 3, to Oct. 17, 1774, Philadelphia; vol. 8, Ap. 15, 1778, to Feb. 11, 1779, Lancaster and Philadelphia. 4 vol. fol. PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY for Discouraging the Use of Ardent Spirits: Report of a Com. on the suppression of gaming. Philadelphia, 1828. Pam. vol. 5, 6. Report, 1831. Pamr. vol. 8, 176. PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY for promoting public economy: Report of the Library Com. 1817. Pam.:vol. 81. PENNSYLVANIA ( The) SYSTEMr of Prison Discipline triumphant in France. Philadelphia, 1847. Pam. vol. 162. 582 NEW-YORK STATE PENNY CYCLOPADIA of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. London, 1833 -46. With supplements, 29 vol. fol. PENNY MAGAZINE of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. London: reprinted, New-York, 1832 - 45. 14 vol. imp. 80. PENROSE (John). An Inquiry, chiefly on Principles of religion, into the nature and discipline of human motives. London, 1820. 80. B. C. PENTONVILLE. Eng. La Prison de Pentonville; Rapport des Commissaires du Gouvernement. Bruxelles, 1848. 80.,PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC GUIDE, newspaper. New-York, 1841, 42. 4o. PEOPLE'S JOURNAL: ed. by John Saunders. London, 1846 -48. 4 vol. 80. PEOPLE'S and HOWITT'S JOURNAL of Literature, Art, and Popular Progress. Vol. 3. London. 80. PEORIA, ILL. Directory. See Drown (S. De Witt). PEPE ( General ). Memoirs, comprising the principal military and political events of Modern Italy. London, 1846. 3 vol. 120. PEPIN ( Fr. Gulielmnus). Expositio Evangeliorum Quadrigesimalium.... Luthetie, 1529. 18o. - Sermonumrn Dominicalium totius anni R. P. G. Pepin, pars ii. Parisiis, 1530. 120. PEPPER (C) jun. Manor of Rensselaerwyck. Albany, 1846. 80. Also Muns. Pam. vol. 8. PEPYS ( Samuel). Memoirs, comprising his Diary from 1659- 69: ed. by Richard, Lord Braybrooke. London, 1825. 2 vol. 4o. ------- Diary and Correspondence; with a Life and Notes, by Richard, Lord Braybrooke. 3d ed. London, 1848 - 49. 5 vol. 120. ~ Life, Journals and Correspondence; with a Narrative of his Voyage to Tangier. London, 1841. 2 vol. 80. PERCEVAL ( Dudley M.). Remarks on the Character ascribed by Colonel Napier to the late Right Hon. Spencer Perceval. See Napier ( F. W. P.). PERCIVAL, Earl of Egmont. Faction detected by the evidence of facts. 5th ed. London, 1743. Pam. vol. 124, 132. PERCIVAL (James G.). Poem before the Connecticut Phi Beta Kappa Society, Sept. 1825. Boston, 1826. 8". PERCY (Thomas). Reliques of Ancient English Poetry. London, 1839. 3 vol. 120. PERDICARIS (G. A.). The Greece of the Greeks. New-York, 1845. 2 vol. 12. PEREIRA (Nuno Marquez). Compendio Narrativo do Peregrino da America. Lisboa, 1760. 8o. W. C. 720. PERIODICALS-: A Collection of odd numbers, 1825 - 54. in I vol. 80. -- A Collection of odd numbers, quarto and folio, 1842- 54, in 1 vol. 40. GENERAL LIBRARY. 583 PERKINS INSTITUTION, and Massachusetts Asylum for the Blind; formerly called New-England Institution for the Education of the Blind: Annual Reports for 1834, 1836 - 38, 1841, 1843 - 50. 80. See Guide to devotion, and Atlas for the blind. PERKINS (Ephraim). Letter to the Presbytery of Oneida Co. on the late revival, 1827. Pam. vol. 93. PERKINS (George R.), LL.D. Elements of Geometry, with practical applications. Utica, 1847. 120. B. C. Elements of Geometry. Hartford, 1848. 120. Treatise on Algebra. New-York, 1850. 80..-.-... Elements of Algebra. New-York, 1850. 120. Elementary Arithmetic. Hartford, 1849. 120. Primary Arithmetic. New-York, 1851. 180. Practical Arithmetic. New-York, 1851. 12~. Higher Arithmetic. New-York, 1851. 120. Plane Trigonometry, and its applicatian to mensuration... with tables. New-York, 1852. 80. Plane and Solid Geometry, Trigonometry and Mensuration; with -logarithmic and trigonometric tables. New-York, 1855. 80. PERKINS ( James H.). Annals of the- West; embracing a Narrative of the principal events which have occurred in the Western States and Territory, from the discovery of the Mississippi to 1850. 2d edition, enlarged by J. M. Peck. St. Louis, 1850. 8,. Writings and Life. See Channing ( W. H.). PERKINS (Justin), D.D. A Residence of Eighteen years in Persia among the Nestorian Christians, with Notices of the Muhammedans. Andover, 1843. 80. PERKINS ( Samuel). Historical Sketches of the United States, from the Peace of 1815 to 1830. New-York, 1830. 120. History of the Political and Military Events of the late War between the United States and Great Britain. New-Haven, 1825. 8o. PERLEY (Daniel). A Grammar of the English language. Andover, 1834. 18o. PERNETY (Antoine J.). Voyage fait aux Isles MalouYnes en 1763 et 1764, et Deux Voyages au Detroit de Magellan. Berlin, 1769. 2 vol. 120. W. C. 723. ---- The same. Paris, 1770. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 724. ~ —- -- History of a Voyage to the Malouine ( or Falkland) islands, made under M. de Bougainville; and of Two Voyages to the Straits of Magellan: trans. from the French, in 1763 and 1764.... 2d edition. London, 1773. 4o Dissertation sur l'Am6rique et les Americains, contre les Recherches.... de M. de Pauw. Berlin, 1770. 120. W. C. 721. 584 NEW-YORK STATE Examen des Recherches Philosophiques sur l'Am6rique et les Americans, et de la Defense de cet ouvrage. Berlin, 1771. 2 vol. in 1. 160. W. C. 722. See Pauw ( C. de). PIRON (Fr.). Voyage de )6ecouverte aux Terres australes, sur les corvettes le Geographe et le Naturaliste en 1800 - 04, Paris, 1807. 2 vol. 4o, with 1 vol. 40 atlas. 3 vol. 4o. W. C. 725. PERPETUAL WAR, the policy of Mr. Madison..... By a New-England Farmer. Boston, 1812. Pam. vol. 3. B. C.-; and Pam. vol. 38. PERRAULT (Jos. Frs.). Abr6g6 de l'Histoire du Canada.... jusqu'a. 1760: 1, 2, 3 parts. Quebec, 1833 - 43. 1 vol. 18o. PERRIN (John). A Grammar of the French Tongue, revised by Mr. Tocquot. New-York, 1806. 12o. B. C. Entertaining and Instructive Exercises, with the Rules of the French syntax. 9th edition, by Mr. Tocquot. London, 1801. 1.2o. B. C. The same: ed. by C. Gros. 12th ed. 1815. 120. B. C. Fables Amusantes. Philadelphia, 1804. 12o. B. C. PERRINE ( Dr. Henry). On raising Tropical plants in Florida. Linn's Report, Cong. Doot. 1838. 8S. PERRON ( M. A.). Lettre sur les Pontes Tarafah et Al-Moutalammis. " Journal Asiatique." Paris. 8. PERSIAN NEWSPAPER. See Period. 4~. vol. 1. PERSIUS. See Juvenalis. PERSOON (Dr. C. H.). Synopsis Plantarum, seu Enchiridium Botanicum. Parisiis, 1805. 2 vol. 180. PERSOZ ( J.). Traite Theorique et Pratique de l'impression des tissus. Paris, 1846. 4 vol. 80; atlas 40o. PERTHES ( M.). Histoire des Naufrages. Paris, 1794. 3 vol. 80. W. C. 729. PERTHES ( B. de). De la Creation. Abbeville, 1838 - 40. 5 vol. 120. PESNEAU (J..B.). Catalogue des Plantes recueillies dans le d6partement de la Loire infirieure. Nantes, 1837. 120. PESTALOZZI ( H.). Letters on the Education of Infancy. Albany, 1830. 120. PETAVIUS ( D). Rationarium temporum lib. xiv. Paris, 1703. 120. PETER (William). Johannis Gilpini Iter, latine redditum. Ed. altera. Philadelphiae, 1848. 120. PETERMANN (Augustus). The Search for Franklin: A Suggestion submitted to the British public; with a Polar chart. London, 1852. 120. PETERS (Rev. Samuel), LL.D. A General History of Connecticut, by a Gentleman of the Province. London, 1781: reprinted, New-Haven, 1829. 120. History of the Rev. Hugh Peters, A. M., Arch-Intendant of the Prerogative Court of Doctors' Commons, 1640 - 1660. New-York, 1807. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 585 ------ The same. 8o. B. C. PETERSEN (Christianus). Hippocratis Nomine qua circumferuntur scripta ad temporis rationes. Hamburgi, 1839. Pam. 40. vol. 3. PETERSON ( Charles J.). The Military Heroes of the Revolution, with a Narrative of the War of Independence. Philadelphia, 1848. 80. PETERSON (Rev. Edward ). History of Rhode-Island. New-York, 1853. 80. PETIT ( M.). Traite sur le Gouvernement des esclaves. Paris, 1777. 2 vol. 8o. W. C. 731. PETIT DE BARONCOURT. See Baroncourt. PETIT DE LA SAUSSAYE. See Journal de Conchyliologie. PETITS ALBUMs pour rire. See Albums. PETRARCA ( Francesco). Le Sage resolu contre la fortune. 2 vol. in 1. Paris, 1644. 40. PETRIE ( George). Inquiryinto the Origin and Uses of the Round Towers of Ireland. Roy. Irish Acad. Trans. vol. 20. PETRONIUS ( Titus) ARBITER. Satyricon super profligatis neronianca tempestatis moribus: commentariis medico - philosophicis, noviter recensente Jo. Pet. Lotichio. Francofurti ad Moe. 1629. 4o. Translation. See Propertius. PETSCII ( Johannes). Het Leven van..... Baron von Leibnitz. Utrecht, 1763. Pam. vol. 107. PETTENKOFER ( D. Max.). Die Chemie in ihren verhaltnisse zur physiologie und pathologie. Mniichen, 1848. See Bav. Acad. Meem. vol. 1. PETTIBONE'S Economy of fuel. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1812. Pam. vol. 7. B. C. PETTIGREW (Thomas Joseph). Memoirs of the Life of Admiral Lord Viscount Nelson. London, 1849. 2 vol. 80. PETTIT ( T. M'K.). Memoir of R. Vaux. See Hist. Soc. Penn. Mem. vol. 4. PETTY ( Sir William). Treatise on Taxes and Contributions. London, 1679. 4~. Essays in Political Arithmetic, with the Author's life. 4th ed. London, 1775. 80. PEUCHET (J.). Dictionnaire Universel de la Geographie Commercante. Paris, 1799. 5 vol. 4o. W. C. 732. - Etat des Colonies et du Commerce des Europeens dans les Deux Indes, depuis 1783 jusqu'en 1821. Paris, 1821. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 733. PEUPLE (Le) JUGE; OU Considerations sur.... la lettre qu'on attribue.... a S. A. R.. le Duc de Cumberland: trad. de l'anglois, 1756. 18~. W. C. 139. PEZZOLI ( Luigi ). Prose e Poesi, edite e inedite. Venezia, 1835, 6. 3 vol. 120. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 74 586 - NEW-YORK STATE PFEIFFER ( Ida). A Journey to Iceland, and Travels in Sweden and Norway: from the German, by Charlotte Fenimore Cooper. New-York, 1852. 12o. A Lady's Voyage round the World: from the German, by Mrs. P. Sinnett. New-York, 1852. 120. PFIZMAIER ( Dr. Auguste). Grammaire Turque ou D eveloppement separe et meuthodique des trois genres de style usit6s, savoir l'Arabe, le Persan et le Tartare. Vienne, 1847. 80. E- Ein Japanischer Roman im Original-texte, sammt den facsimiles von 57 japanischen holzschnitten: -ibersetzt von A. Pfizmaier. Wien, 1847. 80. PHARE (Le) DE, NEW-YORK: Journal Fran~aise Hebdomadaire, Echo des idees et des interets des deux mondes. Editeur, E. Masseras. Vol. 1, 2, 3; and New series, vol. 1, 1852 - 53. New-York. 2 vol. 80. Nos. 3 and 9 of vol. 3, wanting. PHARMACEUTICAL CONVENTION: Proceedings, 1852, 1853. Pam. vol. 89. PHELPS (Abner), 1. D. The Crucifixion of Christ, anatomically considered. Boston, 1853. Pam. vol. 93. PHELPS ( Mrs. Almira H. Lincoln). On Female Education. Pam. vol. 173. Familiar Letters on botany. Hartford, 1831. 120. PHELPS (Noah A.). History of Simsbury, Granby and Canton, Conn., from 1642 to 1845. Hartford, 1845. 8~. History of the Copper Mines and Newgate Prison, at Granby, Conn. Hartford, 1845. 80~. PHELPS (Richard H.). A History of the Prison of Newgate, Conn. 3d ed. Hartford, 1844. 80. PHELPS ( S. S.). Speech, U. S. Sen., on the Tariff bill, Feb. 1844; on the Oregon bill, June, 1848. 80. PHENIX: A Collection of old and rare fragments. New-York, 1835. 120. PHENIX MINING COMPANY. New-York, 1831. Pam. vol. 92. PHILADELPHIA COUNTY PRISON: Ann. Reports, 1848, 50, 51. Pam. vol. 158, 162. c_____ HousE OF REFUGE: The Design and Advantages of the house of refuge, with the rules, etc. 1850. See Pam. vol. 160, 163. - ---- Reports, 1845, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53. See Pam. vol. 158, 161, 162; also Pam. vol. 16, 20, for years 1846, 47. POOR: Act consolidating the Poor-laws of Philadelphia, 1810. Paim. vol. 127. -— _ - Reports of a Committee of the city on the pauper system. Philadelphia, 1827. Pam. vol. 55. - Report of the Committee, appointed by the Guardians of the Poor, to visit Baltimore, New-York, etc. Pamn. vol. 6. ------ PUBLIC SCHOOLS: Controllers of the public schools; 25th, 26th reports, 1844. See Pam. vol. 11, 171. GENERAL LIBRARY. 587 --- - 27th and 28th of Controller's Reports, 1845, 46. Pam. vol. 18, 21...... -. Reports, 29th, 30th, 31st and 32d; for 1847, 48, 49, 50. Philadelphia. 80. --- Watering Committee: Report, 1845. See Pam. vol. 11, 171. Act establishing a health office at Philadelphia, 1803. Pam. vol. 40....- Annual Report of the Committee on legacies and trusts, in Common Council, 1837, 38. Pam. vol. 8. PHILADELPHIA (The) BOOK; or Specimens of the metropolitan literature. Philadelphia, 1836. 120. PHILADELPHIA CITY TRACT SOCIETY: Annual Reports, 4th. Pam. vol. 6. PHILADELPHIA JOCKEY CLUB; or Mercantile influence weighed: by Timothy Tickler. 1795. Pam. vol. 75. PHILADELPHIA LIBRARY COMPANY: Additions, 1849-54. Pam. vol. 170. See also Library Company. PHILADELPHIA ( The) MAGAZINE for 1789: Ed. by Dr. Samuel Stearns. 8o. PHILADELPHIA MAGAZINE and REVIEW, or Monthly Repository.... Philadelphia, 1799. Vol. 1. 80. Engravings wanting. PAILADELPHIA MEDICAL SOCIETY: Report of a Committee on quack medicines, 1828. Pam. vol. 87. PHILADELPHIA MONTHLY MAGAZINE, or Universal Repository of knowledge and entertainment: Ed. by T. Condie. Vol. 1, and vol. 2, 3 nos. Philadelphia, 1798, 99. 1 vol. 80. PHILADELPHIA Railroads. See Pam. vol. 146 - 152. PHILADELPHIA REGISTER. See National Recorder. PHILADELPHIA REPERTORY: devoted to Literature and useful intelligence. Philadelphia, 1810 - 11. Vol. 1, 2, in 1 vol. 40. PHILADELPHIA REPOSITORY and WEEKLY REGISTER: From vol. 2, no 39, to vol. 3, no 52; and vol. 5. Philadelphia, 1802 - 05. 2 vol. 40. PHILADELPHIA SOCIETY for promoting agriculture: Memoirs. Vol. 1 - 4. Philadelphia, 1815 -18. 4 vol. 8o. W. C. 735. PHILADELPHIA SOCIETY for the establishment and support of charity schools: Reports, 1826, 28, 32, 34, 36, 38-42, 44, 45. Pam. vol. 171. Report, 1850: Pam. vol. 51. Reports, 1851, 52: Pam. vol. 70. Reports, 1853, 54: Pam. vol. 96. PHILADELPHIA TEACHER'S MAGAZINE: April, May, 1850. Period. 80. vol. 1. PHILIP V. His Catholic Majesty's Manifesto, justifying his conduct in relation to the late convention; with his reasons for not paying the ninetyfive thousand pounds. London, 1739. French and English. Pam. vol. 131. 588 NEW-YORK STATE PHILIPPART (John). The Royal Military Calendar; containing the services of every general officer in the British Army, and an Account of the operations of the British Army in Spain, in 1812 -13. London, 1815. 2 vol. 80. PHILIPPE II, Roi d'Espagne Portrait de. Amsterdam, 1785. 8o. PHILIPPE D'ORL:ANS, Regent du Royaume pendant la minorite de Louis XV.: par Mr. L. MI. D. M. Londres, 1736. 2 vol. 120. PHILIPPI ( Dr. Ferd.). Geschichte der Vereinigten Freistaaten von NordAmerika. 2d ed. Dresden, 1827. 3 vol. in 1. 180. PHILIPPI (Rudolphus A.). Orthoptera Berolinensia: Diss. inaug. Berolini, 1826. Pam. 4o. vol. 3. PHILLIMORE (Robert). Memoirs and Correspondence of George Lord Lyttcelton, from 1734 to 1773. London, 1845. 2 vol. 80. PHILLIP (Arthur), Gov. Voyage to Botany Bay, with an Account of Port Jackson and Norfolk Island. London, 1790. 80. W. C. 736. PHILLIPS (Charles). Recollections of Curran and some of his contemporaeries. New-York, 1818. 80. ------- Curran and his Contemporaries. Edinburgh, 1850. 80. Speech, in the Case of Guthrie vs. Sterne. Pamphleteer, vol. 7. A Letter to the Editor of the Edinburgh Review, in defence of his Speech in Guthrie vs. Sterne. 7th ed. London, 1817. 80. Speeches at the Bar. Philadelphia, 1818. 80. PHILLIPS ( G.). The Potatoe Disease: its origin, nature, and prevention. London, 1845. 180. Pam. vol. 23. PHILLIPS (Georg). Ueber die Ordalien bei den Germanen in ihrem zusammenhange mit der religion. Manchen, 1847. See Bayv. Acad. Mem. vol. 1. PHILLIPS ( Capt. Isaac), U. S. Navy. An Impartial Examination of the Case of; with original documents. Baltimore, 1825. 80. PHILLIPS (J.). General History of Inland Navigation. 4th ed. London, 1803. 8o. PHILLIPS ( John). Illustrations of the Geology of Yorkshire.... Part 1, The Yorkshire Coast. 2d ed. London, 1835. 40. ~ —---- Guide to Geology. 2d ed. London, 1835. 120. Treatise on Geology. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 89, 90. Figures and Descriptions of the Palseozoic Fossils of Cornwall, Devon, and West Somerset. London, 1841. 80. * Memoirs of William Smith, LL.D., Author of the Map of the Strata of England and Wales. London, 1844. 8~. PHILLIPS (J. T.). A Compendious Way of teaching ancient and modern languages, formerly practised by Tanaquil Faber; with Observations from Milton, Locke, Ascham, etc. 4th ed. London, 1750. 80. PHILLIPS ( Sir Richard ). A Million of Facts, connected with the studies, pursuits and interests of mankind. 3d ed. New-York, 1846. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 589 PHILLIPS ( Capt. Thomas). Voyage to West Africa, 1693. Churchill, vol. 6. PHILLIPS (Thomas). Lectures on the History and Principles of Painting. London,. 1833. 80. PHILLIPS (Willard). Manual of Political Economy. Boston, 1828. 80. PHILLIPS (William). Elementary Treatise on Mineralogy; with an Introduction to the science, by Francis Alger. 5th ed. Boston, 1844. 80. PHILLPOTTS (Henry), Bp. 1, A Letter....on certain Statements in the Edinburgh Review, No. 193, London, 1852; 2, Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury, New-York, 1850; with, 3, Rejoinder of the Edinburgh Review, 1852. 1 vol. 80. PHILLPOTTS ( Lieut. Col.). Report on the Canal Navigation of the Canadas. Engineers' Prof. Papers, vol. 5. PHILO-JUDnMUS. Works': trans. by C. D. Yonge. London, Bohn, 1855. 3 vol. 120. PHILOSOOPH (De). Literary Periodical. Vol. 1- 4. Amsterdam, 1766 - 69. 2 vol. 80. PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE and JOURNAL: Ed. by A. Tilloch and R. Taylor. London, 1798 - 1826. 68 vol. 8~0..- - --.... General Index, vol. 1 to 11: Jan. 1827, to June 1832. See Lend. and Edinb. Phil. Mag. PHILOSTORGIUS. Ecclesiastical History. See Sozomen. PHIPPS (C. J.). Voyage towards the North Pole, in 1773.: London, 1774. 4o. Voyage au Pole Boreal: trad. de l'anglois. Paris, 1775. 4o. W. C. 737. PHIPPS ( Hon. Edmund). Memoirs of the Political and Literary Life of Robert Plumer Ward. London, 1850. 2: vol. 80. PHOCION, pseud. Second Letter from Phocion to the considerate Citizens of New-York, with Mentor's Reply. New-York, 1784. Pam. vol. 122. PHONETIC (The) ALMANACK for 1852. Cincinnati. 120. PHOONSEN (J.). Wissel-Styl -tot Amsterdam. Amsterdam, 1737. 180. B. C. PHRASES POETICAE, sive Sylve poeticarum locutionum uberrimae. Lugduni, 1626. 240. PYsrIC and PHYSICIANS; a Medical Sketch-book. London, 1839. 2 vol. 80. PHYSICO-MEDICAL SOCIETY of- NEW-ORLEANS: Proceedings on the Expulsion of C. A. Luzenberg, 1838. Pam. vol. 87. PICARD (L'Abbe). L'Agriculture raisonnee, ou Manuel du cultivateur. Niort, 1844. 120. PICART ( M.). Observations Astronomiques en Dannemarck et en France. See Acad. des Sci. W. C. 55. PICHAT ( I.). Pratique des Semailles a Ia volee. Paris,, 1845. 80 590 NEW-YORK STATE PICHON ( Th.) Lettres et Me6moires pour servir a l'histoire naturelle, civile et politique du Cap Breton, jusqu'en 1718. La Haye, 1760. 12o. W. C. 738. PICKERING (Charles), M.D. The Races of Men, and their Geographical distribution: ed. by John Henry Hall, M.D. London, Bohn, 1851. 120. - The Races of Men. See United States Expl. Exp. vol. 9. PICKERING (John). Oration, July 4, 1804, at Salem. Pam. vol. 45. Greek and English Lexicon: adapted to the colleges and schools of the United States. 2d ed. Boston, 1829. 80. B. C. - Eulogy on Nathaniel Bowditch, LL.D. Boston, 1838. 80. PICKERING ( Timothy). Correspondence with Gov. Sullivan, Boston, 1808. The same, ~Newburyport, 1808; with Review of the Correspondence between HogA. J. Adams and W. Cunningham, Salem, Mass. 1824. In 1 vol. 80o-'.-..-:The same, first title. Boston, 1808. Pam. vol. 44. The same, second title. 2d ed. Salem, 1824. 80. ------ Speech, Sen. U. S., on the Repeal of the embargo, 1808. Pam. vol. 35. PICKETT (Albert James). History of Alabama, and incidentally of Georgia and Mississippi. 2d ed. Charleston, 1851. 2 vol. 120. PICOT (Charles). Scientific Narrations, etc. in French. Phil'a, 1847. 120. PICTET ( C.). Tableau de la Situation actuelle des ltats-Unis d'Amerique. Paris, 1795. 2 vol. in 1. 80. W. C. 739. PICTORIAL (The) GRAMMAR, by Alfred Crowquill. London, 120. PICTORIAL HANDBOOK of London. London, Bohn, 1854. 120. PICTORIAL HISTORY of ENGLAND. See Craik ( G. L.). PICTORIAL NARRATIVES. New-York. Am. Tract. Soc. 120. PICTURE ( The) of NEW-YORK; or the Traveller's Guide through the Commercial Metropolis of the United States: by a Gentleman residing in this city, Dr. 1alitchill. New-York, 1807. 120. PICTURE of NEW-YORK, and Stranger's Guide to the Commercial Metropolis of the United States. New-York, Goodrich, 1828. 180. PICTURE of NEW-YORK, in 1846 and in 1848; with a short account of places in its vicinity. New-York, Homans and Ellis. 180. PICTURE of PHILADELPHIA; or a Brief Account of the various institutions and public objects in this metropolis. Philadelphia, 1835. 180. PICTURE (A True) of the United States of America; being a Brief Statement of the Conduct of the United States towards Great Britain, from the Peace of 1783 to the present time. London, 1807. Pam. vol. 128. PIDDINGTON (Henry). The Sailor's Horn-book for the law of storms... New-York, 1848. 80. PISCES JUSTIFICATIVES. See Memoire, and Memoires. W. C. 686. GENERAL LIBRARY. 591 PISCES relatives a la Rupture avec l'Espagne, remises devant les deux Chambres du Parliament, le 29 Jan. 1762: trad. de l'anglois. La Haye, 1762. 8~. W. C. C. 870. PIERCE (Franklin), President, and W. R. King. Sketches of their lives. Pam. vol. 75. - Leben und Wirken. Pam. vol. 75. PIERCE ( Rev. G. E.). Address, Cleveland Medical College, 1845. Pam. vol. 73. PIERCE (John), D.D. Address at the Opening of the Town Hall in Brookline, Oct. 14, 1845. Boston, 1846. 80. -.- Discourse, Brookline, March, 1847; half a century from his ordination. Boston, 1847. 80. - - -IMiscellaneous Sermons. Pam. vol. 111. PIERCE (Rev. J. B.). Sermon, Death of Mrs. Willoughby, 1839. Pam. vol. 82. PIERPONT ( John), D.D. Sermon, Hollis-street Church, Boston, 1842. Pam. vol. 95. Sermon on Death of Rev. Dr. Holley, 1827. Pam. vol. 62....- Airs of Palestine: a Poem. Boston, 1817. 180. PIERS (Rev. Henry). Visitation Sermon, Shoreham, Kent, 1742. 5th ed. New-York, 1766. 120. PIETRASANTA ( Domenico Lo Faso), Duca di Serradifalco. Le Antichita della Sicilia esposte ed illustrate. Palermo, 1834- 42. 5 vol. fol. PIGAFETTA (P.). Premier Voyage autour du Monde, in 1519, 22. Paris, 1800. S~. W. C. 740. PIGOT & CO. New Commercial Directory for the Counties of Cheshire, Derbyshire and Lancashire. Manchester, 1829. 80. PIGOTT (Charles), esq. A Political Dictionary. New-York, 1796. 180. B. C. See also Jockey Club. PIKE ( Benjamin) junior. Descriptive Catalogue of optical, mathematical and philosophical instruments. New-York, 1848. 2 vol. 120. PIKE (Nicolas). New and Complete System of Arithmetic. 3d ed. by Nathaniel Lord. Boston, 1.808. 80. PIKE (Z. AI.). Account of Expeditions to the Sources of the Mississippi, and through the Western Parts of Louisiana.... in 1805 - 07. Philadelphia, 1810. 80.:- --- The same. London, 1811. 4~. W. C. 741. Voyage au Nouveau-Mexique: trad. de l'anglois par M. Breton. Paris, 1812. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 742. PILHES ( M.). Traite Analytique et Pratique des eaux thermales d'Ax ct d'Ussat. Pamiers, 1787. 80. PILKINGTON (James). Artist's Guide and Mechanic's Own Book. NewYork, 1841. 120. PILKINGTON ( Matthew). A General Dictionary of Painters. A new ed. by Allan Cunningham. London, 1840. 80. C. L. 592 NEW-YORK STATE PILLEPRAT. See Pelleprat, Relation des Missions. PILLERSDORF (Baron). The Political Movement in Austria, in 1848, 49: trans. by George Gaskell. London, 1850. 12o. PILLOW (Maj. Gen.). Message of President; with the Proceedings of the two Courts of inquiry in his case, Aug. 2, 1848. 80. - Defence before the Court of Inquiry at Frederick, Md., against the charges of Gen. Scott, 1848. 80. PILOTE FRAN9AIS: Instructions nautiques. See Givry. PILOTE (Le) de Terre-Neuve. Paris, 1784. fol. PILOTE (Le) de l'Isle de Saint-Domingue. Paris, 1781. fol. PIMBIOLO (Francesco), degli Engelfreddi. Opere Postume. Padova, 1824. 80. PINCKARD (George). Notes on the West Indies.... London, 1806. 3 vol. 80..-..- The same. 2d ed. London, 1816. 2 vol. 80. W. Ci 743. PINDARUS. The Odes of Pindar: trans. into English verse by D. W. Turner, with a metrical version by A. Moore. London, Bohn, 1852. 120. PINELO ( D. Antonio de Leon). Epitome de la Biblioteca oriental y occidental, nautica y geografica. Madrid, 1629. sam. 4o. PINKERTON (John). An Inquiry into the History of Scotland, preceding the Reign of Malcolm Third. Edinburgh, 1814. 2 vol. 80'. C. L..-...- AA General Collection of the best and most interesting voyages and travels. London, 1809 - 14. 17 vol. 4o. ---- - The same, vol. 1 - 6. Philadelphia, 1810 - 12. 6 vol. 4o. _-____ Modern Geography. Philadelphia, 1804. 2 vol. 8~. - The same. 2 vol. 80. B. C. Catalogue of Books of voyages and travels, vol. 17. PINKERTON (Robert), D.D. Russia; or Miscellaneous Observations on the past and present state of that country. London, 1833. 80. PINKNEY (Lieut. Col.). Travels in the South of France and the interior of the Provinces, in 1807, 8. London, 1809. 40. PINKNEY (William). Life and Writings. See Wheaton ( H.). PINKNEY (William), D.D. Life of William Pinkney. New-York, 1853. 80, PINNOCK (W.). A Comprehensive Grammar of the English language. London, 1830. 120. ------ English Grammar made easy. London, 1837. 180. - An Elementary English Grammar. London, 1839. 180. PIQUET (Dr.). Cat6chisme de Sante. Paris, 1830. 80. PIRON (Alexis). Fernando Cortes: Tragedie. See Poemes sur l'Amerique. W. C. 750. GENERAL LIBRARY. 593 PIso (Willem). Historia Naturalis Brasilise:. Pisonis de Medecina brasiliensi lib. iv; et G. Marcgravi de Liebstad, Hist. rerum naturalium brasilise lib. viii; cum Appendice de Tapuyis et Chilensibus. Joannes de Laet.... annotationes addidit. Amstelodami, Elzevir, 1648. fol. De Indiwe utriusque re naturali et medica lib. xiv. Amstelcldami, Elzevir, 1.658. fol. W. C. 744. PITKIN (Timothy). Political and Civil History of the United States, from 1763 to 1797, etc. New-Haven, 1828. 2 vol. 80. The same. 2 vol. 80. B. C. A Statistical View of the Commerce of the United States. Hartford, 1816. 8:). BC. - The same. 2d ed. New-York, 1817. 80. --- The same. New ed. New-Haven, 1835. 80. Speech, U. S. H. of R. Feb. 10, 1814. See Pam. vol. 54. B. C. PITMAN (John). A. Discourse, August 5, 1836; the second centennial anniversary of Providence. Providence, 1836. 80. PITMAN (Robert B.). A View of the Practicability of joining the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by a ship canal.... London, 1825. 80. PITT (Moses), W. Nicholson, and R. Peers. English Atlas; containing the Description of Muscovy, Poland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands. Oxford, 1680 - 83. 4 vol. fol. PITT ( William), Earl of Chatham. Anecdotes of the Life of; and of the principal events of his time; with Speeches in Parliament from 1736 to 1778. 4th ed. London, 1794. 3 vol. 8o. CB.. - Correspondence, published from the original MSS. London, 183840. 4 vol. 80. - Speech on the Westminster Scrutiny, 1784. See Fox ( C. J.).:- --- Speech, House of Commons, Feb. 21, 1783, on the Maintenance of the treaties of peace. London. Pam. vol. 121. PITTMAN ( Capt. Philip ). Present State of the European Settlements on the Mississippi. London, 1770. 40. W. C. 745. PIUS VII. Narrative of his Journey and Imprisonment. Pamphleteer, vol. 4. PIZARRO (Fern.). Varones Illustres del Nuevo Mondo. Madrid, 1639. fol. PIZARRO (Fr.). Conquest of Peru. Kerr, Voy. vol. 4. PLAccIus (Vincentius). Atlantis Retecta, sive de Navigatione Prima Christoph. Columbi in Americam: Poema. Hamburgi, 1659. 180. PLAIN-DEALER (The). Ed. by William Leggett. Vol. 1. New-York, 1830, 31. sm. fol. PLAIN TRUTH, addressed to the Inhabitants of America; containing Remarks on the late pamphlet entitled "Common Sense, etc.": by Candidus. Philadelphia: London, re-printed 1776. Pam. vol. 120. The same. Philadelphia, 1776. 80. W. C. 746. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 75 594 NEW-YORK STATE PLAN EN RELTIkF de St. Petersbourg. Pam. vol. 41. B. C. PLAN for seizing and carrying to New-York, Col. Winm. Goffe the regicide, as set forth in the affidavit of John London, Ap. 20, 1678: published.... by F. B. H ough, M. D... Albany, 1855. 12~. PLAN for establishing a Balance of Power in Europe. Pamphleteer, vol. 4. PLAN for establishing and disciplining a National Militia in Great Britain and Ireland, and in all the British dominions of America. London, 1745. Pam. vol. 122. PLAN of the New Constitution of the United States, agreed upon in a convention of the States; with a preface by the Editor. London, 1792. 80. PLANCHE ( J. R.). Descent of the Danube, from Ratisbon to Vienna, during the Autumn of 1827. London, 1828. 80. - British Costume. See Library E. K. PLANCK ( Dr. G. J.). Introduction to Sacred Philology and Interpretation; with Notes by Samuel H. Turner. New-York, 1834. 120. B. C. PLANTAGENET'S Descrip. of New-Albion. Hist. Soc. Penn. Meme. vol. 4. PLANTE (PFranciscus). Mauritiados libri xii: Rerum ab Ill. Joanne Mauritio Cornite Nassavike, etc. in Occidentali India gestarum, descriptio poetica. Lugduni, 1647. fol. W. C. 747. PLANTS in the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh. Pam. vol. 188. PLANTS of New-Castle Co. Del. 1844. Pam. vol. 188. PLANTS growing within five miles of Yale College, 1831. Pam. vol. 188. PLATO. Platonis Philosophia quae extant greace, ad editionem H. Stephani; cum interp. M. Ficini. Biponti, 1781 - 86. 12 vol. 80...-...- The Works of Plato: a New and literal version, from the text of Stallbaum. Vol. 1, 2, trans. by Henry Davis; vol. 3, 4, 5, 6, by Geo. Burgess. London, Bohn, 1849 - 54. 6 vol. 1 o. - The same. Vol. 1. London, Bohn, 1848. 120. B. C. Phaedon; or Dialogue on the Immortality of the Soul. Trans. of Madame Dacier, with Life by Fenelon. New-York, 1833. 120. B. C. ~___- Plato against the Atheists; or the Tenth book of the Dialogue on Laws: with Notes by Tayler Lewis, LL.D. New-Yoirk, 1845. 120. PLATT (Jonas) - Speech, N. Y. Sen., on Western District Bank, 1811. Pain. vol. 6. B. C. PLAUTUS ( M. Accus). Comcediam Superst. xx: ex Museo Pontani. Amstelodami, 1630. 240. Comedies: trans. by H. T. Riley. London, Bohn, 1852. 2 vol. 12). \ PLAYFAIR (John). Works; with a Memoir of the author. Edinburgh, 1822. 4 vol. 80. Elements of Geometry. Edinburgh, 1795. 8o. B. C. P- rogress of mathematical and physical science. See Encyc. Brit. Prel. Diss. 4; also Stewart (D.). GENERAL LIBRARY. 595 PLAYFAIR (Lyon). Lecture on Gold. See Jukes. PLAYFAIR (William). British Family Antiquity; illustrating the rank.. of the nobility of the United Kingdom. London, 1809- 11. 9 vol. fol. with a vol. of charts. 10 vol. The History of Jacobinism; its crimes, cruelties and perfidies; with an Appendix, by Peter Porcupine. Philadelphia, 1796. 2 vol. 80. See Smith (A.), Wealth of Nations. PLEASURES ( The) of RELIGION: A Poem. New-York, 1820. 120. B.C. PLEBIAN (The), newspaper: Kingston, Ulster Co. N. Y. Ed. by Jesse Buel, from Nov. 1805, to Dec. 1806. fol. PLEES ( W.). Account of the Island of Jersey. Southampton, 1824. 80. PLINIUS ( C.) SECUNDUS. Historiae Mlundi libri xxxvii denuo ad vetustos codices collati....... S. Gelenii annotationibus. Basileve, Froben., 1549. fol. Natural History: trans. by John Bostock and H. T. Riley. Vol. 1. London, Bohn, 1855. 120. PLINIUS ( C. C.) SECUNDUS. Letters; with occasional remarks, by Win. Melmoth. 10th ed. London, 1805. 2 vol. 80. P. ( C. C.) Secundus, door Mr. M. C. van Hall. Nieuwe uitgave. Amsterdam, 1819. 80. B. C. PLOTINUS. Opera Omnia, e grmco in latinum translata a MNarsilio Ficino. Impressit Ant. Miscominus, Florentire, 1492. fol. With Ficinus' commentaries, 1st ed. PLOUGH (The), the Loom, and the ANVIL. Vol. 1- 3, Philadelphia, J. S. Skinner; vol. 4- 7, New-York, M. Finch, H. 7'. Parish, 1848 - 55. 7 vol. 80o. PLOWDEN (Francis), LL.D. Historical Review of the State of Ireland. Philadelphia, 1805. 5 vol. 80. Short History of the British Empire, 1792, 93. Philadelphia, 1794. 8o. PLOWMAN'S (Pierce) VISION. See Longland (Robert ). PLUIMER ( Joan). Gedichten. Amsterdam, 1692. 40. PLUMBE (John). Sketches of Iowa and Wisconsin, taken during a residence of three years in those territories. St. Louis, 1839. 120. PLUMIER ( Pere Charles). Nova Plantarum Americanarum Genera. Parisiis, 1703. 40. W. C. 749. Plantin Americanve fasciculi decem; continentes plantas quas olim C. P. detexit, eruitque, atque in insulis Antillis ipse depinxit. J. Burrnannus, M. D. edidit et illustravit. Amlsteladami, 1755 - 60. fol. PLUTARCHUS. Grecorum Romanorumque Illustrium Vitee, e groeco in latinum verse. Lugduni, 1548. 12o. - Lives: trans. from the original Greek, -by J. and W. Langhorne. 8th ed. London, 1803. 6 vol. 120. B. C.. — --- The same. Philadelphia, 1811. 8 vol. 12o. 596 NEW-YORK STATE Morals: trans. from the Greek, by several hands. London, 1684. 2 vol. in 1. 120. PLUTO IN ELYSIUM. Pamphleteer, vol. 14. POCKET GUI)E for the Tourist and Traveller. Hudson River and Erie Canal. 1824. 180. PococK ( Lewis). Familiar Explanation of the nature of assurances upon lives. London, 1842. 120. POcOCKE ( Richard ). Travels in the East. Pinkerton, vol. 10, 15. POE ( Edgar Allen).'Works, with Notices of his Life by N. P. Willis, J. R. Lowell, and R. W. Griswold. Vol. 1, Tales; vol. 2, Poetry and Miscellaneous; vol. 3, The Literati; vol. 4, Arthur Gordon Pym, etc. New-York, 1850 - 56. 4 vol. 120. Narrative of A. G. Pym, of Nantucket.... Mutiny on board the Am. brig Grampus. New-York, 1838. 120. Tales. New-York, 1849. 120. Po0MES SUR L'AM~iRIQUE. Paris, 1756. 3 vol. 80. W. C. 750. POETICHE COMPOSIZIONI: A Collection of Poetry in Italian, chiefly Venetian dialect, by various authors. Verona, 1821, 22. 2 vol. 18o. POGGlO-BRACCIOLINI. IHistoria Florentina nunc primum in lucem edita Notisque et auctoris vita illustrata ab J. B. R. Patritio. Venetiis, 1715. 4o. POINSETT ( Joel R.). Notes on Mexico, made in 1822; with an Historical Sketch of the Revolution. Philadelphia, 1824. 80. W. C. 751. POINTIS ( J. Baron de). Relation de l'Expedition de Carthagene faite par les Frangois en 1697. Amsterdam, 1698. 12o. W. C. 752. POITEAUI (A.). Cours d'Horticulture. Vol. 1. Paris, 1848. 80. POLCASTRO ( Conte Girolamo). Opere. Padova, 1832. 4 vol. 80. POLHEMUS ( Rev. Abraham). Address, Alumni of Rutgers College, 1852. Pam. vol. 71, 88. POLIDORI ( J. W.). On the Punishment of death. Pamphleteer, vol. 8. POLIGNAC (La Comtesse Diane de). M6emoires sur la Vie et le Caractere de la Duchesse de Polignac; avec des Anecdotes sur la personne de Marie Antoinette, Reine de France. Hambourg, 1796. 80. POLIGNAC ( Card. Melchior de). Anti-Lucretius, sive de Deo et Natura, libri novem: opus posthumum. Paris, 1749. 2 vol. 180. POLITICAL and HISTORICAL Account of Lower Canada: by a Canadian. London, 1830. 80. POLITICAL ACCOUNT of the Island of Trinidad.... from 1797 to the present time. London, 1807. 80. W. C. 912. POLITICAL DICTIONARY; forming a work of universal reference, both constitutional and legal, and of all the more important statistical departments of finance and commerce. London, 1845, 46. 2 vol. 120. POLITICAL ESSAYS concerning the present state of the British Empire. London, 1772. 40. POLITICAL MIRROR, or Review of Jacksonism. New-York, 1835. 180. GENERAL LIBRARY. 597 POLITICAL OBSERVATIONS. U. S. April 20, 1795. Pam. vol. 50, 66. POLITICAL (-The Present) State of Massachusetts Bay. See Sewall (J.). POLITICAL TRACTS: A Collection of interesting political tracts, published 1764 - 73. London, Almon, 1773. 7 vol. 80. POLK (James K.), President. Report on Bank U. S. 1834; with Report on Removal of deposites. See Bank U. S. vol. 2. ------- Speech, H. of R. U. S. on Removal of the deposites. Pam. vol. 60. POLLARD and MIINKLER'S Obstetrical supporter. Keeseville, N.Y. 1849. 120. POLLARD ( B.). Address, Mass. Charitable Fire Society, 1811, Boston. Pain. vol. 43. POLLNITZ ( C. L. Baron de). Memoirs; or Travels through Poland, Holland, Germany, Italy.... from the French. 2d ed. London, 1739. 4 vol. 80. POLO ( Marco). The Travels of Marco Polo, a Venetian, in the 13th century: trans. from the Italian, with Notes by W. Marsden. London, 1818. 4~. Travels: ed. by Thomas Wright. London, Bohn, 1854. 120..-..... Voyages and Travels. Harris, vol. 1; Ramusio, vol. 2. POLYANTHOS ( The): A Monthly Magazine, consisting of original performances and selections from works of merit. 1st series, Dec. 1805 - July 1805, 5 vol. New series, Feb. 1812 - Sept. 1812, 2 vol. 180. Enlarged series, Oct. 1812 - Sept. 1814, 4 vol. 12~. Boston, J. T. Buckingham. 11 vol. POLYBIUS. General History of Polybius: trans. from the Greek by James Hampton. 5th ed. Oxford, 1823. 2 vol. 8o. POLYDORTUS VERGILIUS. De Rerum inventoribus libri octo: Ejusdem in Dominicamn precem commentariolus. Lugduni, 1546. 180. POLYGLOTT LEXICON; being a New Dictionary in four languages, by a society of learned men: French, Dutch, German and English. K. Fuhri. London, 1848. 2 vol. 80. POMEROY ( Dr. Josiah). Affidavit, 1792. See Newsp. vol. 5. POMPONATIUS ( Petrus). Tractatus de immortalitate animae. 1700? 12o. POMPONIUS LETUS: de Exortu Maomethis. See Robertus Monachus. POND (Enoch), D,D. Murray's System of English Grammar improved. Worcester, 1832. 180. Memoir of Count Zinzendorf. Boston, 1839. 180o. PONCELET (L. de). On Draw-bridges. Engineers' Prof. Pap. vol. 5. PONCET ( C. J.). Journey to Abyssinia. Pinkerton, vol. 15. PONCET DE LA GRAVE (Guillaume). Precis Historique de la Marine Royale de France. Paris, 1780. 2 vol. 120. W. C. 426. PONS ( M. de). Observations sur la situation politique de Saint-Domingue. Paris, 1790. 12o. W. C. 753. PONTOPIDON (Erick). Natural History of Norway. Coll. of Voy. 4. 598 NEW-YORK STATE PONTS et CHIAUSStES. See Annales, Ecole, Instruction; also France. POOLE (William F.). An Index to Subjects treated in-the Reviews and other Periodicals. New-York, 1848. 80. - - An Index to Periodical Literature. New-York, 1853. 80. POOR RICHARD'S ALMANAC for 1850, as written by Benj. Franklin for 1783 - 85: the Astron. calculations by Prof. B. Peirce. New-York, J. Doggett jr. 1849. 12o. - The same, 1850, 51, 52; from 1733 -41. New-York, Doggett, 1849 - 51. 180. POORE ( Ben. Perley). The Rise and Fall of Louis Philippe, Ex-King of the French. Boston, 1848. 120. The Early Life and First Campaigns of Napoleon Bonaparte. Boston, 1851. 8.. POOT (Hubert Korneliszoon). Gedichten. Delft, 1722, 28. 2 vol. 40. POPE (Alexander). Works; with Illustrations by Joseph Warton, D.D. and others. London, 1797. 9 vol. 80. Works; with his, last corrections, additions and improvements. New-York, 1808, 9. 10 vol. 120. B. C. Iliad and Odyssey, translated. See Ilomerus. POPE ( Rev.. R.). Address, Free High School-house, Somerville, Mass. 1851. Paim. vol. 73. Address, Allen-st. Cong. Church. Cambridge, FMass. 1851. Pam. vol. 77. - Sermon, Somerville, Mass. Pam. vol. 93. POPE (Charles). Yearly Journal of Trade. London, 1842. 80. POPE ( Captain John). Report of Exploration of a Route, near the 32d parallel of lat. from Red River to the Rio Grande. See Pacific R. R. Rep. vol. 3. POPE (Thomas). Treatise on Bridge architecture. New-York, 1811. 8o. POPES of ROmE: Forty Engraved Portraits of the Popes of Rome, to Pius VII; with biographical notices. Venezia, 1801 (? ). 40. POPULAR (The) EDUCATOR. Vol. 1. New-York, 1853, 54. 40. POPULAR PREJUDICE concerning partiality to the interests of Hanover. London, 1743. Pam. vol. 123, 133. PORCACCHI DA CASTIGLIONE (Thomaso). L'Isoie piu famose del mondo: Intagliate da Girolamo Porro. Venetia, 1576. fol. W. C. 755. PORTA ( Jo. Baptista), Neapolitano. Magive Naturalis libri viginti. Francofurti, 1607. 12o. PORTER ( Commodore David). Journal of a Cruise made to the Pacific Ocean in the Frigate Essex, in 1812 - 14. 2d ed. New-York, 1822. 2 vol. 8o...-.. An Exposition of the facts and circumstances which justified the Expedition to Foxardo, with the Proceedings of the Court of inquiry. Washington, 1825. 80. See also Beale ( R.). GENERAL LIBRARY. 599 Constantinople and its environs: by an American long resident. New-York, 1835. 2 vol. 120. PORTER (Ebenezer), D.D. Sermon on Intemperance, New-Haven, 1813. Pam. vol. 25. PORTER (Eliphalet), D.D. Discourse, Society for Prop. the Gospel, Nov. 5, 1807. Boston, 1808. 80. - Sermon before the Convention of Congregational ministers, Boston, 1810. Pam. vol. 42. PORTER (Rev. E. S.). Sermon, Reformed Dutch Church, Chatham, 1846; with, Sermon, Gen. Syn. R. D. Church at Albany, 1851. Pam. vol. 82. Sermon on Death of Adeline Rider. Muns. Pam. vol. 1. PORTER ( G. R.). Progress of the Nation, from the beginning of the nineteenth century to the present time. London, 1836. 3 vol. 12o. On the M[anufacture- of porcelain and glass. Larduer's Cycl. vol. 91. On the Origin and present state of the silk manufacture. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 95. PORTER (Jacob). Topographical and Historical Sketch of Plainfield, Mass. Greenfleld, 1834. 80. PORTER ( Sir James). Observations on the Religion, Law, etc. of the Turks. London, 1771. 80. PORTER ( Noah) jr. A Discourse at Farmington, on the Ancient Settlement of the town in 1640. Hartford, 1841. 80. PORTER ( Sir R. K.). Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, Ancient Babylonia, etc. in 1817- 20. London, 1821. 2 vol. 4o. PORTER (William S.). Historical Notices of Connecticut: Hartford in 1640, and West-Hartford. Hartford, 1842. 12o. A Quarter Race in Kentucky, and other Sketches illustrative of character in the South and West, edited by. Philadelphia, 1850. 12o. PORTEUS (Beilby), D.D. Bp. A Review of the Life and Character of Archbishop Seeker. Reprinted New-York, 1773. 80. Lectures on the Gospel of St. Matthew. Northampton, 1805. 2 vol. in 1. 80. B. C. Sermons on several subjects. Hartford, 1806. 8o. B. C. PORT-FOLIO ( The): By Oliver Oldschool ( Joseph Dennie), weekly. Philadelphia, 1801 - 05. 5 vol. 4'. First series, octavo, 1806 - 08, weekly, 6 vol. Second series..... conducted by 0. S. assisted by a confederacy of men of letters, 1809 - 12, 8 vol. Third series..... 1813 -15, 6 vol. Fourth series.... ed. by J. E. Hall, 1816 - 25, 20 vol. Hall's second series, 1826, 27, 2 vol. 42 vol. 80, with 5 vol. 4o. 47 vol. Index in vol. 20, 4th series. PORTFOLIO ( The): Diplomatic Review. New series, no. 1 - 13, vol. 1-4. London, 1843. 4 vol. 80. PORTICO ( The): A Repository of science and literature. Baltimore, 1816 - 18. 5 vol. 8,'. 600 NEW-YORK STATE PORTLAND ATHENUM:: Report, 1852. Pam. vol. 169. PORTLAND. Minister at Large: Report, 1853. Pam. vol. 97. PORTLAND (The) SKETCH-BOOK: Ed. by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens. Portland, 1836. 120. PORTLOCK ( J. E.). Report of the Geology of the County of Londonderry, and of parts of Tyrone and Fermanah. Dublin, 1843. So. PORTLOCK ( N.). Voyage round the World, in 1785 - 88. London, 1789. 4o. Abridgement of a Voyage round the World in 1785-88. London, 1789. 8o. W. C. 756. PORTSMOUTH ( The) JUBILEE. The Reception of the Sons of Portsmouth, resident abroad, July 4, 1853. 80. POSITION ( The True) of T. Parker; being a Review of Rev. R. C. Waterston's letter. Boston, 1845. Pam. vol. 44. B. C. POST ( De) VAN DEN NEDER-RHIJN: 1 - 12 vol.; with Register, 1 vol., and Bijlagen, 2 vol. Utrecht, 1781 - 87. 14 vol. 80. POST (Henry A. V.). Visit to Greece and Constantinople. New-York, 1830. 80. POSTLETHWAYT ( Malachy). Britain's Commercial Interest explained and improved in a series of dissertations. London, 1757. 2 vol. 80. POTTER (Alonzo), D.D. Bp. Political Economy; its objects, uses, and principles. New-York, 1844. 180..-.- Handbook for Readers and Students. 4th ed. N. York, 1847. 180.:- ---- See Maury's Principles of Eloquence. Principles of Science applied to the domestic and mechanic arts, and to manufactures and agriculture. Boston, 1841. 120. - A Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of Pennsylvania, 65th Convention, May 16, 1849. Philadelphia, 1849. 80. --- Second Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1850. 80. and George B. Emerson. tThe School and Schoolmaster. NewYork, 1842. 120. POTTER ( Elisha R.). Address, Rhode-Island Hist. Soc. Feb. 19, 1851: Providence, 1851. With Reports on the condition and improvement of the public schools of Rhode-Island, 1852. Providence, 1852. 80. POTTER (Horatio), D.D. Bp. Introductory Sermon, Albany, 1831. Pam. vol. 62. - Sermon, Death of President Harrison, 1841. Pam. vol. 52, 62. Sermon on Stability of the Church, 1843. Pam. vol. 62. - Sermon, Religious Tendencies of the age, 1844. 3Muns. Pam. vol. 3. Sermon on Death of Hon. A. Spencer, 1848. See Muns. Pam. vol. 1. GENERAL LIBRARY. 601 The Duties of Justice, as they affect the individual and the state: a Sermon. Albany, 1850. 8o. Sermon on the Death of President Taylor. Albany. Pam. vol. 53. B.C. POTTER (Israel R.), a Soldier of the Revolution: Life and Adventures of. Providence, 1824. 12~. POTTER ( John), D.D. Bp. Archbeologia Groaca; or the Antiquities of Greece. First Amer. edition, with additions and corrections by Charles Anthon. New-York, 1825. 8o. - The same. New-York, 1825. 80. B. C...... The same; with a Life of the author by R. Anderson, and Appendix by G. Dunbar. Edinburgh, 1832. 2 vol. 80. POTTER Nathaniel), M.D. A Memoir on contagion, as it respects yellow fever. Baltimore, 1818. 80. POTTER ( R.). See Euripides and ]ZEschylus, translations. POTTER (NW. W.). Speech, H. of R. U. S., on the United States Bank, 1838.- Pam. vol. 60. POTTS (George), D.D. Address, July, 4, 1826. Philadelphia. Pam. vol. 6. POUDENX ( H.), et F. Mayer. Memoire pour servir a l'Histoire de la Reivolution de Caracas. Paris, 1815. 8~. W. C. 758. POULLIN DE LUMINA (E. J.). Histoire de la Guerre contre les Anglois. Geneve, 1759 - 60. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 759. POUQUEVILLE (F. C. H. L.). La Grecia: trad. de A. F. Falconetti. Venezia, 1826. 80. POUSSIN ( Major Guillaume Tell). Travaux d'Ameliorations interieures, execute's par le Gouvernement General des Etats Unis d'Amerique, 1824 - 31. Paris, 1834. 40, with plates fol. 2 vol. 2 copies of 4o. Considerations sur le Principe Democratique qui regit l'Union Amderieaine, et de la possibilit6 de son application a d'autres 1tats. Paris, 1841. 80. B. C. De la Puissance Americaine: Origine, institutions, esprit politique, ressources des Rtats Unis. Paris, 1848. 2 vol. So. The United States; its power and progress: trans. by E. L. Du Barry. Philadelphia, 1851. 80. POVEY (Charles). The Unhappiness of England as to its trade by sea and land, truly stated. London, 1701. 120. POWELL (Rev. Baden). History of Natural Philosophy. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 132. Present State of our Knowledge of the science of radiant heat. British Assoc. Rep. 1832, 40. - Researches towards a Theory of the dispersion of light. Royal Soc. Trans. 1836, 37, 38, 40, 43. Essay on the Spirit of the inductive philosophy, the Unity of worlds, and the Philosophy of creation. London,-1855. 120. E GEN. LIB. 1855.] 76 602 NEW-YORK STATE POWELL ( C. Frank). Life of Major Gen. Zachary Taylor. New-York, 1847. 8o. POWELL (Thomas). The Living Authors of England. New-York, 1849. 120. The Living Authors of America. First Series. New-York, 1850. 120. POWER (Thomas). Secrecy; a Poem. Boston, 1832. 80. POWER ( Tyrone). Impressions of America, during 1833-35. London, 1836. 2 vol. 12:. ---- The same. Philadelphia, 1836. 2 vol. 120. POWERS ( Gershom). Letter to Edward Livingston, in relation to the Auburn State Prison, 1829. Pam. vol. 6. - A Brief Account of.... the Auburn State Prison... by G0. P. Agent and Keeper, Auburn, 1826; with Remarks on chap. iii, part 4 of Statute Laws, relating to state prisons, 1828. Pam. vol. 161, also Pam. vol. 16. B. C. Report of Auburn State Prison. 1828. Pam. vol. 16. B. C. PowERS ( Rev. Grant). Historical Sketches of the Settlement of the Coos Country, 1754 - 85. Haverhill, N. H. 1841. 120. POWNALL ( Gov. Thomas ). Speech in the House of Commons, in favor of America. 40. The Administration of the British Colonies. 4th edition. London, 1758. 80. W. C. 760. The same, 5th ed. London, 1774. 2 vol. 8. Memorial addressed to the Sovereigns of America. London, 1783. 80, A Topographical Description of such parts of North America as are contained in the annexed Map of the Middle British Colonies, etc. in North America. London, 1776. fol. POYAIS. Constitution de la Nation Poyaisienne dans l'Amerique Centrale. London, 1825. Pam. vol. 15. POYNDER (John). Literary Extracts from English and other works, collected during half a century. London, 1844 ( 2 ). 2 vol. 80. The same. 2d series. London, 1847. 80. POYNTZ ( Capt. John). The present Prospect of the fair and fertile Island of Tobago. 2d ed. London, 1695. 40. PRACTICABILITY ( The) of the Abolition of Slavery: a Lecture. Stockbridge, Mass. 1831. Pam. vol. 15. B. C. PRADT ( Abbe Dominique de). Les Trois Ages des Colonies; on de leur etat passe, pr6sent, et a venir. Paris, 1802. 3 vol. 80. The Congress of Vienna: from the French. Philadelphia, 1816. 80. - The same. 1816. 80. B. C. Memoires Historiques sur la Revolution d'Espagne. Paris, 1816. 80. W. C. 765. GENERAL. LIBRARY. 603.* Recit Historique sur la Restauration de la Royaute en France, le 31 Mars 1814. Paris, 1816. 80o.W. C. 766. Des Trois derniers Mois de l'Am6rique meridionale et du Br4sil, etc. Paris, 1817. 8~. W. C. 761. - The same. Paris, 1825. 8o. W. C. 762.....- Les Quatre Concordats. Paris, 1818. 3 vol. 80. ----- Pieces relatives a Saint-Domingue et a l'Amerique. Paris, 1818. 8~. W. C. 763. - L'Europe et l'Amerique. depuis le Congres d'Aix-la-Chapelle. Paris, 1821. 2 vol. in 1. 80. W. C. 764. Comparison between England and Russia. Pamphleteer, vol. 24, 25. PRAED ( Winthrop M.). Poetical Works: Now first collected by R. W. Griswold. New-York, 1852. 120. Lillian and other poems. New-York, 1850. 120. PRAGAY ( Johann). Outlines of the Circumstances attending the Hungarian struggle. New-York, 1850. 120. PRAIRIEDOM Rambles and Scrambles in Texas, or New-Estramadura; by a Southron. New-York, 1845. 12o. PRANTL ( Carl). Die Gegenwartige Aufgabe der Philosophie. Miinchen, 1852. See Bav. Acad. Meem. vol. 1. PRATT (John H.). Mathematical Principles of Mechanical Philosophy, and their application to the theory of universal gravitation. Cambridge, 1836. 80. PRATT ( Luther). A Defence of Freemasonry, in letters addressed to Solomon Southwick. Troy, 1828. 120. PRATT (S. D.). Inklings; containing Sketches of life, compositions, essays, etc. Auburn, 1852. 120. PREBLE (T. M.). The Voice of God: Account of fires from 1845. Albany, 1847. Muns. Pain. vol. 9. PRxCIS IIistorique sur la R6volution des Provinces-Unies de l'Amerique du Sud, par A. F.' *. Paris, 1819. 80. W. C. 28. PRa1FONTAINE ( M. de). Maison Rustique a l'usage des habitans.... de Cayenne; with, Dictionnaire Galibi et...... Essai de Grammaire. Paris, 1763. 80. W. C. 767. PRENTICE (Archibald). Historical Sketches and Personal Recollections of Manchester, from 1792 to 1832. Manchester, Eng. 1851. 120. PRENTICE (George D.). Biography of Henry Clay. Hartford, 1832. 120. PRENTISS ( S. S.). A Memoir of: ed. by his brother. New-York, 1855. 2 vol. 12. PRESBYTERIAN ALMANACK, 1846, 48-56. Philadelphia. 4 vol. 80. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH in the United States of America: Records, embracing Minutes of Presbytery of Philadelphia, and Synods of Philadelphia and of New-York, 1706 - 88. Philadelphia, 1841. 80. 604 NE W-YORK STATE Minutes of the General Assembly from its organization, 1789 — ].820, 36- 47. Philadelphia, 1836, 42, 47. 3 vol. 80o. -- Constitution ( The) of the Presbyterian Church. Philadelphia, 1827. 180. B. C. A Digest of the Acts of the Supreme Judicatory. Phil'a. 120.... —.Annual Reports of the Board of Education of the General Assembly, 1834 - 49. Philadelphia. 80. ------- Annual of the Board of Education, for 1832, 35: ed. by Rev. John Breckinridge. Philadelphia, 1832, 35. 2 vol. 180. Annual Reports of the Board of Missions of the General Assembly, 1835, 39 —49. In 1 vol. 80. Reports of the Board of Foreign Missions, 10th - 15th, 1847-52. New-York. 80. See also Western For. Miss. Soc. Board of Missions: Report of 3ission at Allahabad, 1845. Pam. vol. 68. Annual Reports of the Board of Publication, 1839 -49. Philadelphia. 80. - A Letter from the General Assembly to the Churches. Philadelphia, 1810. Pam. vol. 65. - Report of a Plan for disciplining baptized children. New-York, 1812. Pam. vol. 65, 90. Narrative of the State of Religion, 1827. Pam. vol. 81. The HoIme and Foreign Record........ being the Organ of the Boards of missions, education, foreign missions, and publication. Vol. 2. Philadelphia, 1851. 1 vol. 80. The Missionary Chronicle; containing the Proceedings of the Boards of foreign and domestic missions, vol. 1 - 1.7. Pittsburgh, NewYork, 1833- 1849. 14 vol. 80. Vol. 1- 5 published at Pittsburgh, Pa. by " Western Foreign Missionary Society." PRESBYTERIAN (First) CHURCH, Albany: Communicants, 1843. Muns. Pam. vol. 9. - To the Members of the Congregation, 1847. Pam. vol.-93. PRESBYTERIAN (The), weekly: from May 1842, to 1853. Philadelphia and New-York. 4 vol. fol. PRESBYTERIAN (The) MAGAZINE: ed. by C. Van Rensselaer. Philadelphia, 1851 - 54. 4 vol. 80. PRESBYTERY OR ALBANY: Narrative of the Revival of religion, 1820. Pam. vol. 65. PRESBYTERY of ONEIDA: Narrative of the Revival- of religion, 1826. Pam. vol. 65. PRESCOTT ( William H.). Biographical and Critical Miscellanies. NewYork, 1845. 80. —. —-- History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic. 2d ed. Boston, 1838. 3 vol. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 605 History of the Conquest of Mexico, etc.; with the Life of the Conqueror, Fernando Cortes. New-York, 1843. 3 vol. 80. History of the Conquest of Peru; with a Preliminary View of the civilization of the Incas. New-York, 1847. 2 vol. 8~. Life of Charles B. Brown. Sparks's Am. Biog. vol. 1. History of the Reign of Philip II. Boston, 1855. 2 vol. 80. PRESENT (The) CRISIS with respect to America considered. London, 1775. Pam. vol. 118. PRESENT ( The) HOUR. London, 1782. 8~. Pam. vol. 121. PRESENT STATE of EUROPE. See Hist. and Polit. Mercury. PRESSURE Center-vent Water-wheels. Albany. Muns. Pam. vol. 9. PRESTER-JOHN. Description de l'Empire du Prete-Jean. See Recueil de Divers Voyages. W. C. 788. PRESTON ( John). A Statistical Report of the County of Albany for 1820. Pamin. vol. 187; and Pam. vol. 5. B. C. PRESTON ( T. R.). Three Years' Residence in Canada, from 1837 to 1839. London, 1840. 2 vol. 12). PRESTON ( William). Considerations on the ancient amatory writers. Roy. Irish Acad. Trans. vol. 9. Essay on Ridicule, Wit, and Humour. Royal Irish Acad. Trans. vol. 2. PRESTWICK ( Joseph ) jr. A Geological Inquiry respecting the waterbearing strata of the country around London. London, 1851. 80. PRETENSIONS (The) of Thomas Jefferson to the presidency examined, and-the charges against John Adams refuted.... United States, Oct. 1796. 80. PREVOST (Lieut. Gen. Sir George). Some Account of his public life, particularly in the Canadas; and a Reply to an attack in the Quarterly Review. London, 1823. 80. PRPVOST D'EXILES ( A. F.). Histoire Generale des Voyages: continude par Querlon et Surgy. Paris, 1746 - 70. 19 vol. 4o. W. C. 769. PRICE (David). Memoirs of the Principal Events of Mahommedan History, from the Death of the Arabian legislator to the accession of the Emperor Akbar.- London, 1821. 3 vol. 4~. PRICE (Rev. Ebenezer). A Chronological Register of Boscawen, N. H., from its Settlement to 1820. Concord, 1823. So. PRICE ( Edward ). Norway and its Scenery; comprising the Journal of a tour: ed. by Thomas Forester. London, Boh/tn, 1853. 120. PRICE ( Richard), D.D. A Review of the principal questions and difficulties in morals. London, 1769. 8~. B. C. Observations on the Nature of civil liberty, principles of government, and the justice and policy of the war with America.... London, 1776: Boston, reprinted. 80. Pam. vol. 32. The same. 7th ed. London, 1776. Pam. vol. 32, 48, 119. 606 NEW-YORK STATE ----- The same, 6th ed. 1776. With Additional Observations, 1777; and the General Introduction to civil liberty, 2d ed. London, 1778. 8o. --- Discourse on the love of our country, at London, Nov. 4, 1789. Reprinted at Boston, 1790. Pam. vol. 32. Observations on the Importance of the American Revolution, and the means of making it a benefit to the world. London, 1784. 80. Aanmerkingen over de Gewigtigheid der Staats-omwenteling in Noord-Amerika. Amsterdam, 1785. Pam. vol. 17...- Observations on Reversionary payments and on the national debt, etc.; with an Introduction by William Morgan. 5th ed. London, 1792. 2 vol. 80. Four Dissertations. 4th ed. London, 1777. 80. B. C. The same. 5th ed. London, 1811. 80. B. C. Sermons on the security and happiness of a virtuous course. ]Boston, 1794. 120. B. C. Sermons on the Christian Doctrines, as received by the different denominations of Christians. Boston, 1815. 80. B. C. Also Serm. vol. 3. B.C. Sermons on various subjects. London, 1816. 80. B. C. PRICHARD (James C.). Remarks on the Application of philological and physical researches to the history of the human species. Brit. Assoc. Reports, 1832. Researches into the Physical History of mankind. 3d ed. London, 1836-47. 5 vol. 80. C. L. On the Ethnography of High Asia. Geog. Soc. Jour. vol. 9. Treatise on Insanity and other disorders affecting the mind. Philadelphia, 1837. 80. On the different forms of Insanity, in relation to jurisprudence...... London, 1842. 120. PRIDEAUX (Humphrey), D.D. The Old and New Testament connected in the history of the Jews and neighboring nations. Edinburgh, 1799. 4 vol. 80. The same. Charlestown, Mass. 1815, 16. 4 vol. 80. B. C. PRIDEAUX (T. Symes). On Economy of Fuel, with reference to reverberatory furnaces for the manufacture of iron, and to steam-boilers. London, 1853. 120o. PRIDHIAM ( Charles). An Historical, Political and Statistical Account of Ceylon and its dependencies. London, 1849. 2 vol. 80. PRIEST ( Josiah). American Antiquities, and Discoveries in the West... Albany, 1833. 80. The same. 5th ed. Albany, 1841. 8). Slavery...... in the light of.... History and the Holy Scriptures. Albany, 1843. 12o. PRIEST ( William). Travels in the United States, in 1793 - 97; with the author's journal of two voyages across the Atlantic. London, 1802. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 607 PRIESTLEY (Joseph), D.D. Tracts. London. 120. B. C. Contents: 1. Catechism for children and young persons. London, 1779. 2. Scripture Catechism. London, 1772. 3. Considerations for young men and their parents. London, 1776. 4. Serious Address to masters of families, etc. London. 5. Free Address to protestant dissenters as such. London, 1771. 6. Appeal to the serious and candid professors of christianity. London, 1775. 7. Familiar Illustration of certain passages of scripture. London, 1772. 8. The Triumph of Truth; being an Account of the Trial of E. Elwall for heresy. 2d ed. The Rudiments of English Grammar. London, 1763. 120. ------ The same. London, 1769. 120. The same. 3d ed. London, 1772. 120. A Free Discussion on the doctrines of materialism.... in a correspondence between Dr. Price.... London, 1778. 8~.....- Disquisitions relating to matter and spirit. 2d ed. Birmingham, 1775 - 82. 3 vol. 80.. C......- Letters to Dr. Ilorsley, in answer to his animadversions on the History of the corruptions of christianity.... Birmingham, 1783. 80. Tracts in the Controversy with Dr. HIorsley; with notes by the Editor, and appendix. London, 1815. 80. An History of Early Opinions concerning Jesus Christ. Birmingham, 1786. 4 vol. 80. B. C. A General History of the Christian Church, to the fall of the Western Empire. Birmingham, 1790. 2 vol. So. The same. 2d ed. Northumberland, 1803, 4. 2 vol. 80. B. C. ------- Lectures on History and general policy, etc. 3d ed. Dublin, 1791. 80. -- History and present state of electricity, with original experiments. 5th ed. London, 1794. 40..-.. - An History of the Corruptions of Christianity. 2d ed. Birmingham, 1793. 2 vol. 80. B. C. Discourses on the Evidences of revealed religion. London, 1794. 80. B. C. 1, Sermon at Hackney, Feb. 28, 1794, with Reasons for leaving England, 1794; 2, Farewell Sermon at Hackney, March 30, 1794. London. 1 vol. 80o. A Comparison of the Institutions of Moses with those of the Hindoos and other ancient nations. Northumberland, 1799. 80. B. C. Notes on all the Books of Scripture, for the use of the pulpit and private families. Northumberland, 1803, 4. 4 vol. 80. B. C. M- emoirs to the year 1795: written by himself, with a Continuation by his son Joseph Priestley. Northumberland, 1806. 2 vol. 80. B. C. - See Twig of Birch. PRIME ( Nathaniel S.). History of Long Island, with special reference to its ecclesiastical concerns. New-York, 1845. 12o. 608 NE W-YORK STATE PRIME (Samuel I.), D.D. Address at the Opening of -the Hall of the Newark Lib. Assoc. 1848. Newark, 1848. So. Travels in Europe and the East. New-York, 1855. 2 vol. 120. PRINCE (John), D.D. Three Discourses, 1798, 1806, 1816: Salem, Ms. Pam. vol. 106. PRINCE (Rev. Thomas). See Christian History. A Sermon in Boston, Aug. 14, 1746... on the Victory of Culloden. Boston, 1746. 80. Chronological History of New-England, in the form of annals. Boston, 1736. 120. W. C. 770. The same. Boston, 1826. 8$). PRINCESSE (La) DE CL rVES. Paris, 1719. 3 vol. in 1. 18o. PRINCETON REVIEW. See Biblical Repertory. PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL- SEMINARYX: A Brief Account of its rise, progress.... constitution. Philadelphia, 1822. 120. The same. 1822. 120. W. C. 768. PRINGLE ( Thomas). Narrative of a Residence in South Africa. London, 1840. 80 PRINSEN (P. J.). Korte Geographische Oefeningen...... Amsterdam, 1825. 18. B. C. PRINSTERER ( G. Groen van). Proeve over de Zamenstelling eener Algemeene Nederlandsche Geschiedenis, naar Aanleiding van's Konings besluit van den 23sten Dec. 1826: Art. 2. Gravenhage, 1830. 80. Vrijheid, Gelijkheid, Broederschap: Toelichting van de spreuk der Revolutie. Gravenhage, 1.848. 12o. Welke is voor Nederland de hoop van een Christen? Amsterdam, 1850. 80. Bijdrage tot Herziening der Grondwet in Nederlandschen zin. Leiden, 1840. Pam. vol. 32. B. C. PRIOR DOCUMENTS. See Collection. PRIOR ( James). Voyage in the Indian Seas, in the Nisus frigate, in 1810 and 1811. London. 8(. W. C. 771. PRIOR (James). Life of Oliver Goldsmith. London, 1837. 2 vol. 80. Memoir of the Life of Edmund Burke. Philadelphia. 1825. 80. The same. 2d ed. London, 1826. 2 vol. 80. B. C..-..- The same. 5th ed. London, Bohn, 1854. 120. PRIOR (Matthew). Poetical Works. Bell's 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1784. 3 vol. 180. - Poems on several occasions. London, 1720. 18o. B. C. PRISON ASSOCIATION of New-York: Annual Reports, 1st to 8th, 1844 - 53, New-York and Albany, 6 vol. 80. Also, 1st and 2d reports, see Pam. vol. 11, 16. --- Report, 1846. Pam. vol, 45. B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 609 Report, 1847. Pam. vol. 46. B. C. PRISON DISCIPLINE SOCIETY: Reports, 1st - 20th, 1826 - 45. Boston. 4 vol. 8~. Report of the minority of a committee, 1845. Pam. vol. 20. 1st - 7th Reports, 1826 - 32. Boston. Pain. vol. 16. B. C. L 8th, 10th, 11th, Reports, 1833, 35, 36. Pam. Vol. 27. B. C. Report, I849. Pam. vol. 51. B. C. PRISONERS' MEMOIRS, or Dartmoor Prison...... History of the Captivity of the Americans in England. New-York, 1815. 120. PRISONER (The) of HOPE: N. Y. May 3, 1800. Newsp. vol. 6. PRISONS and HOUSES of REFUGE: Reports of various States, 1826 - 53. Pam. vol. 158 - 164, 191. PRISONS (Des) de Philadelphie: Par un Europeen. Philadelphie, 1796. 80. - The same. 4th ed. Paris, 1819. 80. W. C. 734. PRITCHARD ( Andrew). History of Infusoria, living and fossil, arranged according to " Die Infusionsthierchen " of C. G. Ehrenberg. London, 1841. 80. List of all the Patents for inventions in the arts, granted in England during the present century...... London, 1841. 120. English Patents granted for inventions...... in the year 1842. London, 1843. 120.,. —. Optical Instruments. See Lib. U. K. Nat. Phil. vol. 2. PRITTS (J.). Mirror of Olden Time, Border life, Discovery of America, Early History of Virginia and Pennsylvania, Sketches of frontier men..... Abingdon, Va. 1849. 80. PRIVATE (The) LIFE of an Eastern King. New-York, 1855. 120. PRIVILEGIIS ( De) et Exemptione Capituli Cathedralis Veronensis dissertatio. Venetiis, 1753. 4o. PROCEEDINGS of Citizens of Boston, on the debtor and creditor laws, 1829. Pam. vol. 55. PROCEEDINGS of Commissioners under 6th Art. of Treaty with Great Britain, 1798: Case of Delany, and of Cunningham & Co. 1799. Pain. fol. vol. 1. PROCEEDINGS of the Public demonstration of sympathy with Pope Pius IX, and with Italy, in the city of New-York, 1847. Pam. vol. 46. B. C. PROCEEDINGS. See Conventions. PRocES contre les Jesuites, pour servir de suite' aux Causes c8lebres. Brest, 1750. 180. B. C. PROCTOR ( Robert). Narrative of a Journey across the Cordillera of the Andes, and of a Residence in Lima. London, 1825. 80. W. C. 772, PRODUCTIVE ( The) GRAMMAR. Boston, 1831. 120. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.1] 77 610 NEW-YORK STATE PROGRkS ( Le), zewspaper: Jan. 2- Aug. 15, 1855. New-York. fol. PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRACY in Religion, or Rejoinder of " Clericus " to 1" Scrutator." Schenectady, 1848. Pam. vol. 46. B. C. PROHIBITIONIST: Published monthly by the..... N.Y. State Temperance Society. Vol. 1. Albany, 1854. fol. PRONY ( R.). Nouvelle Architecture Hydraulique. Paris, 1790, 1796. 2 vol. 4(,. PROPAGATION Of the FAITH: Annals. See Association. PROPERTIUS, PETRONIUS ARBITER, and SECUNDUS: Ed. by NV. R. Kelly. London, Bohn, 1854. 12. PROPHrTIE ( La) D'ORVAL, rendue a l'authenticite depuis l'an 1793. Bordeaux, 1849. 18o. PROPRI~ITT LITTERAIRE. See France, Commission, PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH of the United States of America. A Collection of Journals of general and other Conventions of bishops, clergy and laity: Oct. 1.784, 85, 86, 89, 92, 1804, 11, 17, 20, 21, 26, 29, 32, 35, 38. In I vol. 80. - -.JOURNALS Of the General Conventions from 1785 to 1814 inclusive, with appendices. Philadelphia, 1817. 80o. General Convention: Journals, 1841, 44, 47. 3 vol. 80....- Proceedings of the Board of Missions from 1829 to 1852. NewYork. 4 vol. 80. Vol. I contains, Sermons before the Society, by Bishops B. T. Onderdonk, Doane, White, M'Ilvaine and Otey, and Rev. Drs. Jarvis and Johns. - Proceedings of the Board of Missions of the Domestic and Foreign Miss. Soc. 1836 - 44. N ew-York. 1 vol. 8~. Proceedings of the Board of Missions in 1845 and 1846. NewYork, 1845, 46. 80 Record of the Proceedings of the Court of Bishops assembled for the Trial of the Rt. Rev. G. WY. Doane.... New-York, 1852. 80. See Doane ( G. W.). - __ The Spirit of Missions: edited for the Board of Missions. Vol. 117. New-York, 1836-47. 17 vol. 80. - Book of Common Prayer, etc. in the Mohawk or Iroquois language: trans. by Rev. Eleazar Williams. New-York, 1853. 18o. DIOCESE OF NEW JERSEY: Journal of Proceedings of Convention of Episcopal Church in N. J. 1816, 17. New Brunswick. Pam. vol. 47. DI- OCESE OF NEW-YORK: Journals of the Conventions from 1785 to 1819: republished..... as originally printed. New-York, 1844. 80. Journals of Proceedings of Convention, 1820, 24, 25, 29, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 44, 45, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53. In 3 vol. 8~. DIOCESE OF WESTERN NEW-YORK: Journal of Proceedings of Convention, 1st, 2d, 3d, 11th; 1838, 39, 40, 48. 1 vol. 80. GENE RAL LIBRARY. 611 DIOCESE OF OHIO: Convention Proceedings, 1823. Pam. vol. 68. - DIOCESE OF PENNSYLVANIA: Proceedings of the 55th, 56th, 62d, 69th; 1839, 40, 46, 53, and Special 1844 conventions. Philadelphia. I vol. 80. 62d Convention, 1846. Pamn. vol. 68. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CLERICAL ASSOCIATION: Account of the true nature and object of. New-York, 1829. Pain. vol. 72. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Collections, 1851, 52. New-York. 2 vol. 80. PROTESTANT ( The) CHURCHIMAN, weekly: Vol. 1, 1843 to 1848. NewYork. 2 vol. fol. PROUD ( Robert ). History of Pennsylvania, from 1681 to 1742. Philadelphia, 1798. 2 vol. 8o. PROUDFIT (Alexander), D.D. Missionary Sermon, Troy, 1798. Serm. vol. 1. B.C. Discourses on the leading Doctrines and Duties of Christianity. Salem, N. Y. 1815. 4 vol. 120. Sermon on De Witt Clinton, 1828. Pam. vol. 62. The Ruin and Recovery of lIan: a Series of discourses.... Salem, N. Y. 1813. 120. B. C. PROUDFIT (J.), D.D. Baccalaureate Discourse, Rutgers Coll. 1841. Pain. vol. 83. PROUDFIT ( Rev. Robert). Ordination Sermon of Rev. Mr. Otterson, 1822. Pamn. vol. 62. PROUT ( William), M.D. Chemistry, Meteorology, and the Function of Digestion, considered with reference to natural theology. London, 1845. 80. Bridgewater Treatise viii. The same: ed. by J. W. Griffith. 4th ed. London, Bohn, 1855. 120. PROVIDENCE, R. I. House of Reformation: Ann. Report, 184t8. Pam. vol. 159. PROVIDENCE ATHEN- IUM: Report, 1848. Providence, 1848. 8o. Reports, 1852, 53. Pam. vol. 169, 170. -- Catalogue of the Library. Providence, 1853. 80. PROVIDENCE FRANKLIN SOCIETY: Proceedings 1846, 47; with Catalogue of Plants in Rhode-Island, 1844, by S. T. Olney. 8. PROVINCIAL (The): Jan. to July, 1852. Vol. 1. Halifax, N. S. 8o. or Halifax Monthly Magazine. Vol. 2. Halifax, 1853. 80. PROYART ( L'Abbe). Louis XVI detrone avant d'etre roi; ou Tableau des Causes necessitantes de la Re6volution Frangaise.... Londres (?), 1800. 8. History of Loango.... Pinkerton, vol. 16. PRUNER ( Franz). Die Ueberbleibsel der AltSigyptischen Menschenraes. Miinchen, 1846. See Bav. Acad. Mern. vol. 1. 612 NEW-YORK STATE PRUssIA. Preussische Kronungs-Geschichte, oder Verlauf der Ceremonien mit welchen der A. G. Furst, Herr H. Friedrich der Dritte...... die Kbnigliche Wiirde des von ihm gestiffteten KoSnigreichs Preussen angenornmen, und Sich und Seine Gemahlin.... Sophie Charlotte...... durch die Salbungals Ksnig und Konigin einweihen lassen, 1701. C611ln, 1712, fol. 112 Plates illustrating the Funeral Procession of Frederick I, King of Prussia; with description. Berlin, 1713. ful. 81 Plates illustrating the Funeral Procession of Queen Sophia Charlotte of Prussia; with description. Cologne, 1705. fol. I Eulogy on the Death of Queen Sophia Charlotte of Prussia. In German. C6lln an der Spree. fol. -....- Poem on the Death of Queen Sophia Charlotte of Prussia. In German. Clln an der Spree. fol. Sermon on the Death of Frederick I, King of Prussia: by Benjamin Ursen von Bar. In German. Berlin, 1713. fol. University: Index lectionum quve in Universitate litteraria Friderica Guilelma, 1832.... instituentur. Berolini. Pam. 40. vol. 3. PRYNNE ( William). The Opening of the Great Scale of England; containing certain brief historicall and legall observations, on the originall, antiquity, progress, etc. of the great seal of the Kings and Kingdom of England.... London, 1643. 4o. PTOLEIIEMUS ( Claudius). Geographim libri viii: his accesserunt scholia.... indices duo.... Conradi Lycosthenis; et tabulse nove.... per Sebast. Munsterum. Basilire, 1552. fol. PUBLIC CHARACTERS: Biographical and Characteristic Sketches..... of the present age. London, 1828. 2 vol. 180. B. C. PUBLIC LATIN SCHOOL, Boston: Prize Book, No. 1, 1820. Pam, vol. 73. PUBLIC SCHOOL SOCIETY, New-York: By-Laws, 1826. Pam. vol. 70. Address, 1828; Report, 1842. Pam. vol. 73. PUBLICATION ( On the) of School books at the public expense.. London, 1851. Pam. vol. 70. PUBLICOLA, pseud. Letters on Currency. See Homo. PUBLISHERS' (The) CIRCULAR, and General Record of British and Foreign literature. London, S. Low, 1838 - 54. 17 vol. in 11. 80o. PUBLIUS, pseud. Letter to the Members of the Pennsylvania Legislature, on the subject of the State debt. Philadelphia, 1844. Pam. vol. 8. Additional Remarks on the Currency of the United States, by Publius. New-York, 1841. 80...-. The Federalist. See Hamilton ( A.). PUCCINELL1 (Don Placido). Memorie Sepolcrali delle Abbadia Fiorentina e d'altri monasteri, etc. Fiorenza, 1664. 4o. PUCKLER MUSKAU (Prince). Egypt under MIehemet All. London, 1845. 2 vol. 120, GENERAL LIBRARY. 613 PUFFENDORFF (Samuel). De Jure Naturae et Gentium. Amsterdam, 1698. 4o. B. C. Introduction a l'HIistoire generale et politique de l'Univers; continuee jusqu'a 1745, par M. Bruzen de la Martiniere. Amsterdam, 1743-45. 8 vol. 12o. W. C. 773. PUGLIA (James P.). The Federal Politician. Philadelphia, 1795. 80. PUIBUSQUE ( Adolphe de). Histoire comparee des Litteratures espagnole et frangaise. Paris, 1843. 2 vol. 80. PUJOL (A.). See Bonaparte (Napoleon). PULLEIN ( Rev. Samuel). The Culture of Silk; or an Essay on its rational practice and improvement: for the use of the American colonies. London, 1758. 8i. PULPIT ( The) ORATOR; being a new selection of eloquent pulpit discourses.... Boston, 1804. 120. PULPIT ( The) REPORTER, Dec. 1849. New-York. See Period. 40. vol. 1. PULPIT SKETCHES; or the Dreams of a Pew-holder. Albany, 1845. 80. B. C. Also Pam. vol. 65. PULSZKY ( Francis). The Tricolor on the Atlas; or Algeria and the French Conquest: from the German of Dr. Wagner, etc. New-York, 1855. 120. (and Theresa). White, Red, Black: Sketches of American Society in the United States, during the visit of their guests. New-York, 1853. 2 vol. 120. PULSZKY (Theresa). Tales and Traditions of Hungary. New-York, 1852. 12o. PULTENEY (Richard). Sketches of the Progress of Botany in England. London, 1790. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 774. PULTENEY (William). Thoughts on the Present State of Affairs with America, and the means of conciliation. 3d ed. London, 1778. 80. PUNCH and LONDON CHARIVARI. London, 1841 - 54. 26 vol. in 13. 40. PURCHAS ( Samuel ). His Pilgrimage; or Relations of the world and the religions observed in all ages, etc. London, 1626. fol. W. C. 775. PURCHOT ( Edmund ). Institutiones Philosophicea, ad faciliorem veterum ac recentiorum philosophorum lectionem comparatm. Lugduni, 1711. vol. 1. 120. PURPLE (S. S.), M.D. Medical Observations, 1852, 54. Pam. vol. 89. PURPLE ( W. D.), M.D. The Influence of Dress on disease in females. Albany, 1848. Muns. Pam. vol. 5. PURSH (Frederick). Flora Americanm Septentrionalis: Description of the Plants of North America. London, 1814. 2 vol. 80. PURVIANCE (Robert). A Narrative of events which occurred in Baltimore Town during the revolutionary war. Baltimore, 1849. 120~. PUsEY (E. B.), D.D. Sermon on the Eucharist. New-York, 1843. Pam. vol. 62. 614 NEW-YORK STATE PUTNAM (Allen). Spirit Works; real, but not miraculous: A lecture. Roxbury, 1853. Pam. vol. 101. PUTNAM (Elisha). The Crisis, or Last Trumpet. Albany, 1847. 120. B.C. PUTNAM ( Gen. Israel). Memoirs of the Life, adventures and military exploits. Ithaca, 1839. 18o. PUTNAM ( George). Oration, Phi Beta Kappa Soc. Harvard Univ. 1844. Pam. vol. 37. B. C. PUTNAM ( George P.). American Facts: Notes and Statistics relative to the government, manufactures, etc. of the United States of America. London, 1845. 120. Home Cyclopmdia. New-York, 1850 - 53. 5 vol. 12:'. Contents: 1. Putnam's Dictionary of Dates, and World's Progress. 2. G. Ripley and B. Taylor: Handbook of Literature and the Fine Arts. 3. T. Antisell: Handbook of the Useful Arts. 4. P. Godwin: Handbook of Universal Biography. 5. T. C. Calcott: Handbook of Universal Geography. ------- MIonthly Magazine of American literature, science and art. NewYork, 1853 - 55. 6 vol. 80. Catalogue of Foreign and American Books, for sale. New-York, 1850. 80 Book-buyer's Manual: A Catalogue of Foreign and American Books in every department. New-York, 1852. 80. -- See Wiley and Putnam. PUTNAM ( Rev. J. W.). Minnesota: a Description, natural, political.... of the country. Galena, 1849. 80. PUTNAM ( Samuel ). Abridgement of MIurray's English grammar. 1 8th ed. Boston, 1816. 180. PUTSEY (Rev. W.). A Practical English Grammar. London, 1829. 180. PUYBONNIEUX ( S. B.). MIutisme et Surdite; on l'Influence de la surditS native sur les facultes physiques, intellectuelles et morales. Paris, 1846. 8o. PUYMAIGRE (Theodore de). Aquarelles. Metz, 1842. 8". PYL ( R. Van Der). A Practical Grammar of the Dutch Language. Rotterdam. 120. B. C. PYNE ( George). Rudimentary Treatise on Perspective. London, Weale, 1851. 120. PYRARD DE LAVAL ( Frangois). Voyage aux Indes Orientales, aux Moloques, et au Br6sil. Paris, 1615. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 777. PYRKER ( llonsignore). La Tunisiade: Poema epico, ridotto in verso italiano dal Troilo Malipiero. Venezia, 1827. 3 vol. 8~. GENERAL LIBRARY. 615 Q. QUAKERISM; or the Story of my life. See Greer (Mrs.). QUARTERLY JOURNAL of EDUCATION. London, 1831- 35. 10 vol. 80. QUARTERLY ( The) JOURNAL of SCIENCE, LITERATURE, and ART: 1st Series, title, Journal of Science, etc. New-York and London, 1817 - 27, 22 vol.; 2d series, London, 1827 - 30, 7 vol. Ed. by W. T. Brande. 29 vol. 80o. QUARTERLY MINING REVIEW: conducted by EI. English. Vol. 1-3. London, 1830 - 35. 3 vol. 80. QUARTERLY ( The) REVIEW. Vol. 1 - 95, 1809- 54. London, 95 vol. S~. Vol. 20, 40, 60, 80, contain the index. Reprinted, Boston, 1809 - 34: 51 vol. Index vol. 40 wanting. New-York, 1834 - 51: 34 vol. in 18. 68 vol. 80. B. C. - Vol. 52- 84: New-York, Aug. 1834 - July 1849. Am. ed. vol. 1- 32. 16 vol. 80. B. C. QUARTERLY THEOLOGICAL MAGAZINE and Religious Repository: conducted by Rev. Drs. Wharton and Abercrombie. Vol. 1-3. Burlington, N. J.; and Philadelphia, 1813 - 14. 3 vol. 80. QUASCACUNQUEN LODGE, O. F.: By-laws, etc. 1844. Pam. vol. 91. QUATREMf:RE DE QUJNCY ( AI.). Essai sur l'Ideal dans ses applications pratiques aux oeuvres de l'imitation propre des arts du dessin. Paris, 1837. 8o. - Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages de Raphael. 3m1" ed. Paris, 1835. 80. The same, translated. See Duppa ( R.)..-..- Canova et ses ouvrages, ou Memoires historiques sur la vie et les travaux de ce cdlebre artiste. Paris, 1834. 80. QUEBEC PAPERS. See Account, and Additional papers. QUEKETT (John). A Practical Treatise on the use of the microscope. London, 1848. 8o. QUESTION ( The) STATED, with regard to our Army in Flanders; and the arguments for and against this measure compared. London, 1743. Pam. vol. 123, 133. QUESTION ( The Plain) upon the present Dispute with our American Colonies. London, 1776. 80o Pam. vol. 122. QUESTION POLITIQUE: Lettre i M. Thiers, par un Pair de France. Paris, 1839. Pam. vol. 41. B. C. QUESTIONS D'AVENIR: Deuxieife Lettre a MI. Thiers, par un Pair de France. Paris, 1840. Pam. vol. 41. B. C. QUESTIONS ( Quatriesme Centurie des) traitees au Conf6rences du Bureau d'Adresses, depuis Jan. 1639 jusques au Juin 1641. Paris, 1641. 4~. QUESTIONS addressed to Rev. T. Parker and his friends. Boston, 1845. Pam. vol. 43. B. C. 616 NEW-YORK STATE QUETELET (A.). Recherches Statistiques sur le Royaume des Pays-Bas. Bruxelles, 1829. 80. Sur l'Homme et le D6veloppement de ses Facultes, ou Essai de physique sociale. Paris, 1833. 2 vol. 8-. - Observations des Ph6nomenes Periodiqucs:from M6moires de l'Acad6mie Royale de B elgique, 1840 - 53. Bruxelles. In 4 vol. 4o0. Instructions pour l'observation des phenomenes p6riodiques. See Selis-Longchamps......r - Astronomie. See Encyc. pop. QUILLINNAN (l -Mrs.). Journal of a few Months Residence in Portugal, and Glimpses of the South of Spain. London, 1847. 2 vol. 120. QUIN (Michael J.). Trade of Banking in England. London, 1833. 120. Steam Voyage down the Danube, with Sketches of Hungary, Turkey.... 3d ed. London, 1836. 2 vol. 12o. See Iturbid6's Memoires autographes. QUINCE (Peter), pseud. See Consolatory Odes. QUINCY (John), M.D. Lexicon Physico-medicum; or a new Medicinal Dictionary. 8th ed. London, 1767. 80. The same: improved. New-York, 1802. 80. QUINCY (Josiah) jun. Observations on the Act of Parliament, commonly called the Boston Port Bill; with Thoughts on civil society and standing armies. Boston: London, re-printed 1774. Pam. vol. 115. QUINCY ( Josiah ). Oration, July 4, 1798. Boston. Pam. vol. 39. Speech, H. of R. U. S., on Fortification bill, 1808. Pam. vol. 37. Speeches, H. R. of U. S., on an Extra session, 1809; on the Influence of place and patronage, 1811; on Non-intercourse with Great Britain, 1811; on Admitting the Territory of Orleans, 1811; on Additional military force, 1813. Pam. vol. 35. ------- The same: last title, with, Oration before the Washington Benevolent Society of Mass. 1813. Pam. vol. 55. B. C., and Pam. vol. 42. Speech, H. of R. U. S., on Maritime protection. Alexandria, 1812. Pam. vol. 46. - Address, Mass. Peace Society, 1820. Pam. vol. 6. B. C. Address, Boston City Council, on the Organization of the city government, 1823, 24. Pam. vol. 6. B. C...-...- Memoir of the Life of Josiah Quincy jun. Boston, 1825. 80. The same. 8o. B. C. City Oration, July 4, 1826, Boston. Pam. vol. 10. B. C. Address, on taking leave of the office of mayor. Boston, 1829. Pam. vol. 11. B. C., and Pam. vol. 9. -- An Address to the Citizens of Boston, Sept. 17, 1830: the close of the second century from the first settlement of the city. Boston, 1830. 8'. Also Pam. vol. 20. B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 617 - Address, Dane Law College, Cambridge, Mass. 1832. Pam. vol. 19. B. C. History of Harvard University. Cambridge, 1840. 2 vol. 80. Speech, Board of Overseers of Harvard College, 1845. Pam. vol. 43. B. C. Memoir of James Grahame, LL.D. Boston, 1845. Pam. vol. 44. B. C.. —.The M3emory of James Grahame, the Historian of the United States, vindicated from the charges of Mr. Bancroft. Boston, 1846. Pam. vol. 17. - History of the Boston Athenssum, with Biographical Notices of the deceased founders. Boston, 1851. 80. - A Municipal History of the Town and City of Boston, during two centuries; from Sept. 17, 1630, to Sept. 17, 1830. Boston, 1852. 80. QUINCY (Quatremere de). See Quatremere. QUINET ( Prof. E.). The Roman Church and Modern Society: trans. from the French, by C. E. Lester. New-York, 1845. 12o. B. C. - See Michelet's The Jesuits. QUINCTILIANUS (M. F.). Institutiones Oratorioe ac Declamationes; et P. Mosselani annotationes. Lutetim, 1533. fol. QUINTANA ( M. J.). Lives of Balboa and Pizarro. See Hodson (Mirs.). QUINTUS (J.). De Hollander in Amerika: Leerwijze der Engelsche Taal, door H. P. Buffalo, 1848. 120....- See Sheboygan Nieuwsbode. QUINZE JOIUTS a Londres'a la fin de 1815: par M*@*. Paris, 1816. 80. QuImos ( Don Pedro Fernandez de). Voyage. Harris, vol. 1. R. RABAUT ( J. P.), et Lacretelle jeune. Precis Historique de la Revolution Frangaise. Paris, 1813 - 15. 6 vol. 180. B. C. RABELAIS (Francis). Works: trans. from the French by Sir Thomas Urquhart and Motteux, with notes by others. London, Bohn, 1849. 2 vol. 120. RABUTIN (Roger de), Comte de Bussy. Les Lettres de Messire R. de R. Paris, 1720 - 27. 7 vol. 12o. RACINE (Jean). (Euvres. Paris, 1837. 80. C. L. Abrege de l'Histoire du Port Royal. Vienne, 1767. 180. RACCOLTA Cronologico-ragionata di documenti inediti che formano la storia diplomatica della rivoluzione e caduta della Repubblica di Venezia...... Augusta, 1799. 2 vol. 40. RACCOLTA di Carte pubbliche, istruzioni, legislasioni, ec. ec. del nuovo Veneto governo democratico. Venezia, 1797. 12 vol. 80. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 78 618 NEW-YORK STATE RACCOLTA (Nuova) di Leggi e Carte pubbliche promulgate per ordine di S. M. Imperatore e Re nel Veneto stato: Parte seconda. Dal di 4 Febb. 1799, dopo la cessazione del Governo militare. Venezia, 1799. 5 vol. 80. RACCOLTA ( Nuova) di tutte le carte pubbliche, leggi, e proclami stampate, ed esposte ne'luoghi piu frequentati di Venezia e suo dipartimento dopo il felice ingresso dell'armi Austriache.... Venezia, 1798. 13 vol. 80. RACCOLTA Poesie Veneziane, dell'autore dei " Capricci poetici," nello stesso dialetto.... 2d ed. Treviso, 1827. 2 vol. 120. RAE ( John). Statement of some new Principles on the subject of political economy, exposing the fallacies of the system of free trade. Boston, 1834. 80. Narrative of an Expedition to the shores of the Arctic sea, 1846, 47. London, 1850. 8o. LRAFFLES ( MNrs.). Memoir of the Life of Sir T. S. Raffles; with Details of the commerce and resources of the Indian Archipelago. London, 1835. 2 vol. 8~. RAFFLES ( Sir T. S.). History of Java. 2d ed. London, 1830. 2 vol. So. RAFINESQUE ( C. S.). Rcmarques sur le Genre Eustachia; lo Genre Manis; Nonmenclature Synandrique; le Genre Hioustonia, et sur les Animaux polistomes et porostomes. Bruxelles. In 1 vol. 80. Analvse de la Nature. Palermne, 1815. 120. Autikon Botanikon; or Botanical Illustrations of 2500 new, rare, and beautiful trees, shrubs and plants: Parts 1 and 3. Philadelphia, 1815 - 40. 8S. Florula Ludoviciana, or Flora of the State of Louisiana: trans. and improved, from the French of C. C. Robin. New-York, 1817. 120. Annals of Nature, No. 1, 1820. See Pam. vol. 188. Ancient History, or Annals of Kentucky; with a Survey of the ancient monuments of North America. Frankfort, 1824. 80. Medical Flora, or Manual. of the Medical Botany of the United States of North America. Philadelphia, 1828 - 30. 2 vol. 120. American Manual of the grape vine... Philadelphia, 1830. 12o. The Atlantic Journal and Friend of Knowledge. Philadelphia, 1832- 33. 80..... — iMonograph of the Fluviatile Bivalve Shells of the River Ohio: from the French, by C. A. Poulson. Philadelphia, 1832. 12o. Bulletin No. 7, 1838. See Pam. vol. 188. ------ The American Nations, etc. Philadelphia, 1836. 2 vol. 120o. -__- The World, or Instability: a poem. Philadelphia, 1836. 8o.:-N New Flora and Botany of North Anmerica, or a Supplemental Flora to all botanical works on North America: in four parts. Philadelphia, 1836. 80. Outlines of the Life, Travels and Researches of C. S. R. in North America. Philadelphia, 1836. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 619 ------- Safe Banking; including the principles of wealth. Philadelphia, 1837. 120. Flora Telluriana: 4 parts. Philadelphia, 1836. 80. Sylva Telluriana, Mantissa Synoptica: Trees and Shrubs of North America. Philadelphia, 1838. 80. Alsographia Americana, or an American Grove of trees and shrubs. Philadelphia, 1838. 80. Genius and Spirit of the Hebrew Bible. Philadelphia, 1838. 12. The Pleasures and Duties of Wealth. Philadelphia, 1840. 80. The Good Book, and Amenities of Nature; or Annals of historical and natural sciences. Philadelphia, 1840. S0. See Wright ( Thomas), The Universe, etc. RAFN ( C. C.). Antiquit6s Amrricaines, d'alsres les monuments historiques des Islandais et des anciens Scandinaves. See Soc. of North. Antiq. RAGUENEAU ( P. Paul). Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la Mission dez Peres aux Hurons, et aux pals plus bas de la Nouvelle-France, 164950. Paris, 1651. 120. - Relation de cc qui s'est pass6e de plus remarquable es Missions des Pdres en la Nouvelle-France, es ann6cs 1650 - 51. Paris, 1652. 120. La Vie de Ia Mere Cathorine de St. Augustin, religieuse hospitaliere de la M.isericorde de Que6bec en la Nouvelle-France. Paris, 1671. 12o. RAGUET ( Condy). A Treatise on currency and banking. London, 1839. 80.. —---- The same. 80. BC. The Principles of Free Trade, illustrated in a series of essays. 24 ed. Philadelphia, 1840. 8o. RAIKES ( Thomas). France, since 1830. London, 1841. 2 vol. 8~. C. L. RAILROAD REPORTS: A Collection, 1829 - 54. Pam. vol. 146 - 152. RAILWAY CHRONICLE, April 1844 - Dec. 1.847: illustrated with maps. London, 1844 - 47. 7 vol. 40. RAILWAY MAGAZINE, and Annals of Science New Series, ed. by J. IHerapath. London, 1836 - 39. 6 vol. 80. RAINSFORD ( Marcus). Historical Account of the Black Empire of Hayti; with a Sketch of the Revolution of Saint-Domingo. London, 1805. 40. W. C. 778. RAISONIE, OU Douce Demeure: Sweet home de Ia raison... New-York, 1839. Pam. vol. 76. RALEiG PEACE SOCIETY: Report, 1820. Pam. vol. 68. RALEIGH ( Sir Walter). The Historie of the World; in five Books. London, 1614: printed in 1634. fol. -The Historie of the World. London, 1614. fol.....- Abridgement of his Historic of the World; with his Premonition to Princes, by Philip Raleigh. 3d ed. London, 1702. 8o. W. C. 779. 620 NEW-YORK STATE - The Discovery of the large, rich and beautiful Empire of Guiana; with a Relation of the great and golden city of Manoa ( which the Spaniards call El Dorado), performed in 1595: from the ed. of 1.596, with some unpublished documents and notes, by Sir Robert Schomburgk. London, Hakluiyt Society, 1848. 80. The Life and Death of Mahomet; the Conquest of Spaine; together with the Rysing and Ruine of the Sarazen Empire. London, 1637. 227 pp. 18o. Report of a Fight near the Azores. Pinkerton, vol. 1. Voyages. See Bry (T. de), Collection of Voy. part 8. W. R.: A Collection of four tracts, in 1 vol. sin. 40. Contents: 1. A Declaration of the Demeanor and Cariage of Sir W. Raleigh, Kt., as well in his voyage, as in and sithence his returne, etc. London, 1618. 2. The Arraignment and Conviction of Sr. WC. Rawleigh at the King's BenchBarre at Winchester, Nov. 17, 1603, etc.: Coppied by Sir Tho. Overbury. London, 1648. 3. The Trial of Sir Walter Raleigh, Kt.; with his Speech on the scaffold. London, 1719. 4. Sir Walter Ravvleigh's Ghost, or England's Forewarner; discovering a secret consultation newly holden in the Court of Spaine. London, 1626. See Maryland Hist. Soc. Coll. RAMAYANA. See Yajnadattabada. RAMBLES and SCRAMBLES in Texas: by a Southron. New-York, 1845. 120. RAMBLES in Sweden and Gottland, with etchings by the way side: by Sylvanus. London, 1847. 80. RA.MIUS (P.). Prmlectiones in P. Virgilii Georgicorum, libros iv. Francofurti, 1606. 12o. RArMELSBERG ( C. F.). Handbuch der Krystallographischen Chemie. Berlin, 1855. 8~. RAMON DE LA SAGRA. See La Sagra. RAMOND (L.). Journey to Mont Perdu. Pinkerton, vol. 4. RAMSAY (David ), M.D. History of the Revolution of South-Carolina. Trenton, 1785. 2 vol. 8~. Histoire de la Revolution d'Amerique, par rapport'a la Caroline m6ridionale: trad. de l'anglois. Paris, 1796. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 781. Life of George Washington. New-York, 1807. 80. The same. London. 1807. 80. History of South-Carolina, from 1670 to 1808. Charleston, 1809. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 780. ----— ~ History of the American Revolution. Trenton, 1811. 2 vol. 80. History of the United States to 1808: continued to the Treaty of Ghent, by S. S. Smith, D.D. Philadelphia, 1816 - 17. 3 vol. 80. ------- Universal History Americanised. Philadelphia, 1819. 12 vol. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 621 RAlMSEY ( Col. Albert), U. S.A. The Other Side; or Notes for the History of the War between Mexico and the United States: trans. from the Spanish, with notes. New-York, 1850. 120. RAMSEY ( J. G. M.). Annals of Tennessee to the end of the eighteenth century. Philadelphia, 1853. 80. RAMUSIO ( G. B.). Raccolte delle Navigationi et Viaggi. Venezia, 1606. 3 vol. fol. W. C. 782. RAND ( Asa). Teacher's Manual for teaching in English grammar. Boston, 1832. 180. RANDALL (I-Ienry S.). Sheep Husbandry, with an account of the different breeds, etc.; with engravings. New-York, 1852. 80. RANDALL (Samuel S.). A Digest of the Common School System of the State of New-York. Albany, 1845. 120. The same, 1844. 120. B. C. Incentives to the Cultivation of the Science of Geology: for the young. New-York, 1846. 18~.. The Common School System of the State of New-York, with a Historical Sketch of the same. Troy, 1851. So. RANDEL ( John) jun. Description of a direct Route for the Erie Canal, at its eastern termination. Albany, 1822. 80.....- The same. Albany, 1822 and 1836. Pain. vol. 8, 25. B. C. RANDOLPH ( Edmund ). Vindication of his Resignation. Philadelphia, 1795. 8. RANDOLPH (John). Speech, H. of R. U. S., on the Non-importation act, 1803. Pam. vol. 36. Speech, H. of R. U. S., on the Non-intercourse resolution, 1806. Pam. vol. 40. Speech, IH. of R. U. S., Mar. 5, 1806. Pam. vol. 6, 54. B. C..-... Address, to the Freeholders of Charlotte, Buckingham, Prince Edward and Cumberland. 1812. Pain. vol. 54. B. C.. Speech, H. of R. U. S., on Retrenchment and Reform, Feb. 1, 1828. Paim. vol. 13. B. C....... The same: with, Observations on the Speech of John Randolph on Non-importation of British Merchandize, by the author of "War in Disguise." London: reprinted New-York, 1806. 8o. Letters to a Young Relative. Philadelphia, 1834. 80o. The same. 80.. C. -- See Sawyer, Life and Speeches of J. Randolph. RANDOLPH (Thomas Jefferson). See Jefferson (T:), Memoir, etc. RANDOM RECOLLECTIONS of Albany from 1800 to 1808. Albany, 1849. 80. —.- The same; with additional matter. 2d ed. And Recollections of Hudson. Albany, 1850. 80. 622 NEW-YORK STATE.-.- The same; with Recollections of Cincinnati, from a residence of five years from 1819 to 1821. Albany, 1850. 80. RANDOM SrKETCHES upon witches, dreams, love and romance: by a Freethinker, 1817. Albany. Muns. Pain. vol. 8. RANRE (Leopold). History of the Popes of Rome, during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries: trans. from the German, by Sarah Austin. London, 1840. 3 vol. 80. The same. Philadelphia, 1844. 80. B. C., —--- History of the Reformation in Germany. 2d ed.: trans. by Sarah Austin. London, 1845. 2 vol. 80. C. L. - A History of Servia and the Servian Revolution, from the original documents: trans. from the German by Mrs. A. Kerr. London, 1847. 80. The same. London, Bohn, 1853. 12o. ---- IMemoirs of the House of Brandenburgh; and History of Prussia during the 17th and 18th centuries: trans. by Sir A. and Lady Duff Gordon. London, 1849. 3 vol. 80. RANKEN (Rev. Alexander). The History of France, from the Conquest by Clovis. London, 1801. 3 vol. 8~. C. L. RANKING (John). Historical Researches on the Conquest of Peru, Mexico.... in the 13th century, by the Mongols. London, 1827. 8o. RANLETT ( William H.). The Architect: Series of Designs for domestic and ornamental cottages, connected with landscape gardening. Vol. 1. New-York, 1847. 40. 2 copies. RAPER ( F. V.). The Sources of the Ganges. Asiat. Resear. vol. 11. RAPETTI. Li livres de jostice et de plet. 40. See France, Docts. ined. RAPIN (Pierre). See Satyre MenippeO. RAPIN ( R. P. 1R.). Les idees du grand et du sublime.... avec quelques observations sur l'6loquence des bienseances. Toulouse, 1686. 18o. RAPIN ( Paul ), de Thoyras. History of England: done into English, with Notes by N. Tindal. London, 1728 - 31. 15 vol. 80. RAsK (Erasmus G.). A Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Tongue, with a praxis. New edition. trans. from the Danish, by B. Thorpe. Copenhagen, 1830. 8). Danish Grammar: ed. by Thorl. Gudm. Repp. 2d ed. Copenhagen, 1846. 8o. RATHBUN ( Daniel ), of Richmond, Berkshire Co. Mass. Letter to James Whittaker, chief elder of the church called Shakers. 120. RATHBUN ( G.). Speech, IT. of R. U.S., on the Wilmot Proviso, 1847. Pam. vol. 22. RATHBUN ( Jonathan). Narrative; with an Account of the Capture of Groton Fort, and the Massacre, Sept. 6, 1781. 1840. 120. RATHBUN ( Valentine). Some Brief Hints of a Religious Scheme, taught and propagated by a number of Europeans living in a place called Nisqueunia, in the State of New-York. 2d ed. Hartford, 1781. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 623 RATIONAL APPEAL... against despotic legislation.... at the demand of.... reformed drunkards. Rochester, N. Y. 1851. Pani. vol. 96. RAUMER (F. von). America and the American People: trans. from the German, by W. W. Turner. New-York, 1846. o80. The same. 80. B. C. ---- IHistory of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: trans. from the German. London, 1835. 2 vol. 12o. - England in 1835: trans. from the German, by Sarah Austin and H. E. Lloyd. Philadelphia, 1836. 8o..-.. The same. 80. B. C..-.. Contributions to Modern History, from the British Museum, and the State Paper Office: Frederick II. and his times. London, 1837. 12:'. The same. London, 1837. 120. B. C. Italy and the Italians. London, 1840. 2 vol. 120o..-.. The same. 2 vol. 120. B. C. RAVAGNAN ( P. Girolamo). De'Santi martiri, fratelli Felice e Fortunato, prottettori della citta di Chioggia. Venezia, 1823. 80. RAVEN (D. A.). Reyze. See Bontekoe. RAVENAU DE LUSSAN. Journal du Voyage fait a la Mer du Sud, avec les Flibustiers de l'Amerique. Paris, 1705. 12~. WV. C. 783. See Hist. of the Bucaniers. WV. C. 347. RAVENSCROFT ( Rt. Rev. John Stark). Works; with a Memoir of his life. New-York, 1830. 2 vol. 80. RAWLE (William). Two Addresses to " The Associated Members of the Bar of Philadelphia," 1824. Pam. vol. 8. - See Hist. Soc. Penn. Mem. RAWSON ( Sullivan S.). Memoir of Edward Rawson, Sec. of the Colony of Mass. Bay from 1651 to 1686; with genealogical notices of his descendants. Boston, 1849. 8o. RAY (John). Travels on the Continent. Harris, vol. 2. Correspondence. See Ray Society. RAY (Richard). Two Lectures on Classical literature, N. Y. 1826. Pam. vol. 58. RAY SOCIETY: Publications. London, 1845 - 1854. 20 vol. fol. and 8o. -Contents FIRST YEAR: Vol. 1. Reports on the Progress of Zo6logy and Botany, 1841, 42, by C. L. Bonaparte, Wagner, Troschel, Erichson, Siebold and Link. 80. Vol. 2. Memorials of John Ray, edited by Lankester. 8~. Vol. 3. The Nudibranchiate Mollusca, by Alder and Hancock. fol. SECOND YEAR: Vol. 1. Alternation of Generations, by Steenstrup. 80. Vol. 2. Alder and Hancock: part 2. fol. Vol. 3. Reports and Papers on Botany, by Zuccarini, Grisebach, Nageli and Link. 8~. 624 NEW-YORK STATE THIRD YEAR: Vol. 1. Geography of Plants, by Meyen. Vol. 2. Alder and Hancock: part 3. fol. Vol. 3. Trilobites, by Burleister. fol. FOURTH YEAR: Vol. 1. Physiophilosophy, by Oken. 8~. Vol. 2. Reports on Zo6logy for 1843 - 44, by Wagner, Troschel, Erichson and Siebold. 8~. FIFTH YEAR: Vol. 1. Bibliographia Zoologiea, by L. Agassiz: vol. 1, A - Byn. 80~. Vol. 2. Correspondence of John Ray. 8~. Vol. 3. Alder and Hancock: part 4. fol. Vol 4. The Naked-eyed Medusa, by Forbes. fol. SIXTH YEARl: Vol. 1. Reports and Papers on Botany, by Mohl, N/geli, Link & Grisebach.8o. Vol. 2. The Entomostraca, by Baird. 8~. SEVENTH YEAR: -Vol. 1. The Angiocarpous Lichens, by Leighton. 8~. Vol. 2. Bibliographia Zoologie, by Agassiz: vol. 2, C - F. 8~. Vol. 3., Alder and Hancock: part 5. fol. EIGHTH YEAR: Vol. 1. Alder and Hancock: part 6. fol. Vol. 2. Mlonograph of the Cirripedia ( Balanidse), by Darwin. 80~. Vol. 3. Botanical and Physiological Memoirs, by Henfrey. 80. Vol. 4. Bibliographia Zoologice, by Agassiz: vol. 4, N - Z. 80. RAYMOND (David ). The Elements of Political Economy, in 2 parts. 2d ed. Baltimore, 1823. 2 vol. 80. RAYMOND ( Henry J.). A Collection of Four Addresses. 1 vol. 80. Contents 1. Address, Alumni of University of Vermont, and Literary Societies of Brown University, 1850. 2. Oration, on the Completion of a Monument to the Captors of Major Andr6: Tarrytown, Westchester county, 1853. 3. Address, July 4, 1854: Geneseo, Livingston county, N.Y. 4. Address, State System of Education: Literary Societies of Rochester University, July 11, 1854. - Address, Rochester University, 1854. Pam. vol. 101. Introduction to "[Kossuth and his Generals." See De Puy. Association discussed. See Greeley ( H.). RAY3MOND ( Samuel G.). Address, Alumni of Columbia College, 1840. Pam. vol. 71. RAYMOND (William). Biographical Sketch of the distinguished men of Columbia County. Albany, 1851. 80. RAYNAL ( L'Abbe G. T.). The History of the Parliament of England: from the French. London, 1751. 80..Histoire Philosophique et Politique des l2tablissemens et du Commerce des Europeens dans lea Deux Indes. Geneve, 1780. 5 vol. 4o. W. C. 784. GENERAL LIBRARY~. 625 SuppleSments a l'aHistoire philosopbique et politique des 6tablissements et du commerce des Europ6ens dans les deux Indes. La Haye, 1781. 4 vol. 8. W. C. 785. R6volution de l'Anm6rique. London, 1781. W. C. C, 786......- The Revolution of America. Dublin, 1781. 180. RAYNER (B. L.). Life of Thomas Jefferson. Boston, 1834. 80. B. C. RAYNER ( John). Cod-liver Oil; its uses, etc. New-York, 1849. Pam. vol. 87. RAYNOUARD ( 1l.). Les Templiers: trag6die. Paris, 1805. 80. READ (Charles). 1-enri IV ct le Ministre Daniel Chamier en 1602. Paris, 1854. 80. READ ( Comm. George C.). Narrative of his Voyage around the World. -New-York, 1840. 2 vol. 12o. READING RAILROAD COMPANY: Policy and prospects, 1844. Pam. vol. 5. REASON and TRUTH against Delusion and Error. New-York, 1822 (?). Pam. vol. 9. B. C. REASONS for establishing the Colony of Georgia, with regard to the trade of Great Britain.... with some account of the country, and the design of the trustees. By Benj. Martin (?). London, 1733. 4. W. C. 995. REASONS in favor of the erasure of the laws forbidding marriage with a deceased wife's sister: 2d Letter by Clericus. Pan. vol. 72. REASONS offered to the House of Commons for passing bill for the encouragement of trade to America, 1710 (?). Pam. fol. vol. 1. REASONS to prove that the Letter at the end of the French Memorial is a French forgery. London, 1756. Pamu. vol. 136. R-AUMuRP ( R. A. F. de). Konst om Tamme-vogelen van allerkande soort in alle jaartyden uittebroeijen, etc.: Uit het Fransch. Gravenhage, 1751. 2 vol. 120. REBELLIONS in Scotland, 1715, 45. See Review, etc. RECHE RCHES sur l'origine du despotisme oriental: Ouvrage posthume de Mr. B. I. D. P. E. E., by N. A. Boula nger. Geneve? 1761. 120. RECHTEREN (J. H. Graaf van). Beschouwingen over eene vereenvoudige huishouding van staat.... 2d ed. Zwolle, 1843. Pain. vol. 33. B. C. RECOLLECTIONS of a Service of Three Years during the War in Venezuela and Colombia: by an Officer of the Colombian Navy. London, 1828. 2 vol. 8S. W. C. 932. RECOLLECTIONS of the United States Army: A Series of thrilling tales and sketches, by an American soldier, since 1830. Boston, 1845. 180. RECUEIL D'ARRESTS, et autres pieces pour l'Stablissement de la Companie d'Occident; Relation de JerSmie; Les Navigations de Frobisher. Amsterdam, 1720. 180. RECUEIL de Divers Voyages faits en Afrique et en Am6rique. Paris, 1674. 40. W. C. 788. [GEN. LIB. 1855.] 79 626 NEW-YORK STATE RECUEIL de diff~rentes PiBces pour et contre l'admission des 6tranuers dans les Isles Franlaises de l'Ambrique. Paris, 1785. 80. W. C. 384. RECUEIL de Pieces offieielles destinbes'a detromper les Francois sur les evenemlens qui se sont passes depuis quelques annees: extraits du tome ix. Paris, 1815. 80. RECUEIL de Pi cees diplomatiques relatives aux affaires de la Hollande et de la Belgique en 1830 - 32. La Haye, 1831 - 33. 80o. RECUEIL Diplomatique du Commerce et des Colonies d'Europe, dans les trois autres parties du monde, pendant l'ann6e 1784. Paris, 1785. 160. WV. C. 787. RECUEIL ( Premier) de Pieces interessantes, remises par les Commissaires de la Colonie de Saint-Domingue, &a MM. les Notables, le 6 Nov. 1788. Paris. See Gouy d'Arsy. W. C. 419. REDDING ( Cyrus). History and Description of modern wines. 3d ed. London, Bohn, 1851. 120. The same. London, 1833. 80. The Stranger in London, or Visitor's Companion to the Metropolis. London, 1851. 12o. REDFIELD ( W. C.). On the Courses of hurricanes. New-York, 1838. 80. 1, On the Storm of Dec. 15, 1839; 2, On the New-Brunswick tornado of 1835; 3, In Reply to Mr. Espy, 1837; 4, On the Courses of hurricanes, 1839; 5, Reply to Dr. Hare's objections, 1842. From various Sci. Jour'. 1 vol. 80. See also for the same in part, Pam. vol. 11. REDI ( Franceseo). See Poetiche Composizioni. REED (Andrew), D.D., and James Matheson, D.D. A Narrative of their Visit to the American Churches. New-York, 1835. 2 vol. 12o. REED (Henry). Lectures on English Literature, from Chaucer to Tennyson. Philadelphia, 1855. 120. See Arnold's Lectures on History. REED ( Joseph)..., General of the Continental Army. Life and Correspondence. by his Grandson, William B. Reed. Philadelphia, 1847. 2 vol. 80. REED ( Thomas B.). Address to Cadets at West-Point, 1827. Pam. vol. 71. REED ( Rev. Thomas C.). A Discourse on the Character of Chester Averill, Prof. Union Coll. Schenectady, 1837. 80. REED (William B.). Address, Hist. Soc. of Penn. Jan. 28, 1848. Philadelphia, 1848. 80. Reprint of the original letters from Washington to Joseph Reed, during the American revolution. Philadelphia, 1852. 80. REED (William D.). Genealogical Memoir of the Leonard family. Extract. 80. RES (Abraham). Cyclopmdia. 1st Am. ed. 41 vol.; plates, 6 vol. Philadelphia. 47 vol. 4~. GENERAL LIBRARY. 627 REESE ( D. M.), M.D. Introd. Address, Albany Medical College, 1839. Pain. vol. 64, ar7d Muns. Pain. vol. 5. REEVE (Henry). See Tocqueville (IDe), translation. REEVES ( John). Two Tracts; showing, that Americans, born before the Independence, are, by the law of England, not aliens. London, 1814. Pam. vol. 129. REFLECTIONS on President Monroe's View, etc. See Scipio. REELECTIONS on the Correspondence between Secretary Smith and the British Ambassador. Baltimore, 1810. Pam. vol. 44. REFLECTIONS (Desultory) on the new political aspects of public affairs in the U. S. of America since.... the commencement of 1799. Parts 1, 2. New-York, 1800. Pam. vol. 2. B. C. REFrLECTIONS previous to the Establishment of a Militia. London, 1756. Pain. vol. 136. REFORMED PROTESTANT DUTCH CHURCH in North America: Acts and Proceedings of the General Synod. New-York. 8 vol. 80. Contegnts: Acts, 1806, 07, 13 - 18: vol. 1. Acts, etc. 1837 - 40: vol. 5. Acts, etc. 1819 - 26: vol. 2. Acts, etc. 1841 - 45: vol. 6. Acts, etc. 1827 - 31: vol. 3. Acts, etc. 1846 - 49: vol. 7. Acts, etc. 1831 - 36: vol. 4. Acts, etc. 1849 - 55, vol. 8. Index to the Printed Minutes, from June 1794, to 1826 inclusive: by Rev. T. M. Strong. New-York, 1831. 80. Proceedings of the Ministers and Elders of the Reformed Low Dutch Church of N. Y. and N. J., for ratifying the peace and union of the churches there assembled. New-York. 1771. 120. The Constitution of the Reformed Dutch Church in the U. S. of America. New-York, 1793. 120. B. C. 2 copies. Constitution, formularies, and rules and orders. N. York, 1834.180. Missionary Society of the R. D. C.: Report, 1827. Pam. vol. 68. The Psalms of David, with Hymns and Spiritual Songs: Also the catechism, confession of faith, and liturgy of the Reformed Church in the Netherlands. New-York, 1810. 12o. B. C. The same. New-Yorkl, 1767. 12~. - - See Magazine of the Ref. Dutch Church. REFORMED CHURCHES of Holland. See Bible, La Sainte, etc. REFUTATION of all the calumnies which have been published against H. R. H. the Prince of Wales. London, 1806. Pam. vol. 141. REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY. See New-York State. REGISTRAR GENERAL of England: First to Twelfth annual reports, on births, deaths and marriages in England. London, 1839-53. 11 vol. 80. Appendix to Ninth Report. See Law Library, Parl. reports. RIGNARD ( J. F.). (Euvres: suivies des (Euvres choisies de N. Destouches. Paris, 1837. 8o. C. L. ---- Journey to Lapland. Pinkerton, vol. 1. 628 - NEW-YORK STATE RIGNIER ( Joseph). L'Orgue; sa connaissance, son administration, et son jeu. Nancy, 1850. 8. REGNAULT ( V.) and August. Hygrometrical Tables. Pain. vol. 74. REID (Alexander). Rudiments of English Composition. Edinburgh, 1839. 120. - Rudiments of English Grammar. Edinburgh, 1837. 180. REID (David B.). Illustrations of the theory and practice of ventilation; with Remarks on warming.... London, 1844. 80. REID ( John). Philosophy of Death, or a general medical and statistical treatise on the.... causes of human mortality. London, 1841. 12o. REID ( John). Turkey and the Turks; being the Present State of the Ottoman Empire. London, 1840. 120. REID ( Capt. Mayne). The Rifle Rangers; or Adventures in Southern Mexico. New-York, 1851 (?). 80. REID ( Peter). Tentamen inaug., De Luce quam respiratio ex chemia accepit.. Edinburgi, 1804. 8o. REID ( Samuel C.) jun. The Scouting Expeditions of M'Culloeh's Rangers; or the Summer and Fall campaign of the army of the United States in Mlexico, 1846. Philadelphia, 1847. 12~. REID (Thomas). Two Voyages to New South-Wales and Van Dieman's Land. London, 1822. 80o. W. C. 789. REID ( Thomas), D.D. Works.... with Selections from his unpublished letters; preface, notes, and supplementary observations, by Sir William Hamilton; with D. Stewart's Account of the Life and Writings of Dr. Reid. Edinburgh, 1846. 80. An Inquiry into the Hluman Mind, on the principles of common sense. 16th ed. Glasgow, 1804. 80. B. C. REID ( Lieut. Col. William). Progress of the Development of the law of storms, and of the variable winds; with the practical application to navigation. London, 1849. 80. - Attempt to develope the law of storms by means of facts. London, 1838. 80. REID (W.). 1, Account of the Attack of Fort Loredo, near Santona; 2, Assaults; 3, On Intrenchments as supports in battle. Engineers' Prof. Papers, vol. 1, 2. REIGN (The) of TERROR: A Collection of authentic narratives of the horrors committed by the revolutionary government of France under Marat and Robespierre: from the French. London, 1826. 2 vol. 8o. REINA (J.). Description of the Arch of Peace in Milan. Milan, 1839. 4o. REINIARD ( F. V.). Memoirs and Confessions: trans. from the German, by 0. A. Taylor. Boston, 1832. 120. B. C. Plan of the Founder of Christianity: trans. from the 5th Germ. ed. by 0. A. Taylor. New-York, 1831. 120. B. C. REINTZEL ( A.). Washington Directory and Government Register, 1843. Washington. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 629 REITZ (J. F.). See Staat van't Russische Keizerryk. REJOINDER to the Replies from England...... respecting "d Mr. Macready;" and a History of the Occurrences at the Astor Place Opera House: by an American Citizen. New-York, 1849. 8~. RELACION del Ultimo Viage al Estrecho de Magellanes, de la fragata S. M. de la Cabeza, en 1785 y 1786. Madrid, 1788. 4~. W. C. 947. RELATION abregde concernant la Republique que les Jesuites.... ont etablie dans les pays.. d'outre-mer. Lisbonne, 1758. 180. W. C. 520. RELATION de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable aux Missions des PP. de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle-France, es annees 1657, 58, 59, 60. Paris, 1659, 61. 2 vol. 120. RELATION de ce qui s'est pass6e de plus remarquable aux Missions des Peres de la Conmpagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle-Firance, es annees 1676, 77. Manuscript. 120. RELATION d'une Traversde faite, en 1812, d'Angleterre en Amerique, par un Franqais qui en merite le nom. Douai, 18181. 120. WV. C. 948. RELATION d'un Voyage de Perse faict en 1598 et 1599, par un Gentilhiorine de la suite du Seigneur Scierley, Ambassadeur du Roi d'Angleterre. PFaris, 1651. 40. See Relations veritables. W. C. 790. RELATION du Voyage fait sur les Costes d'Afrique, en 1670 et 1671. 4o. See Receuil de divers voyages. W. C. 788. RELATION fidele et detaillee de la derniere campagne de Bonaparte, termin6e par la Bataille de Mont St. Jean. Paris, 1815. 80-. RELATION (A True and Particular) of the dreadful earthquake which happened at Lima and the Port of Callao, on the 28th October, 1746: translated, with a description of those places. 2d ed. London, 1748. 80. RELATION (A Brief) of the State of New-England, from the beginning of that plantation to this present year. London, 1689. 4o. RELATIONS between the Cherokees and the Government of the U. S. 1830. Pami. vol. 75; and Pam. vol. 15. B. C. RELATIONS Veritables et Curieuses de l'Isle de Madagascar, et du Bresil; Trois Relations d'Egypte; et Une du Royaume de Perse.... Paris, 1651. 40. W. C. 790. RELIGIONS ( All ) and Religious Ceremonies. In two parts: 1, Christianity, Mahometanism and Judaism, with a tabular appendix, by T.WT-lilliams; 2, History, Religion, Manners and Customs of the Hindoos, by W. Ward. Hartford, 1823. 120. B. C. RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY, London Report, 1849. Pam. vol. 90. REMARKS upon the Origin of Coal: Ex. from Fossil Flora of Lindley and Hutton. Paam. vol. 92. REMARKS on the Craftsman's Vindication of his two Hon'ble Patrons. 3d ed. London, 1731. Pam. vol. 130. REwMARKS on Mr. Webber's Scheme, and the Draper's Pamphlet. London, 1741. Pam. vol. 123, 131. REMARKS on the Pretender's Son's Second Declaration, dated Oct. 10, 1745. See Review of the Rebellions. 630 NEW-YORK STATE REMARKS on the Patriot; including some hints respecting the Americans, with an Address to the Electors of Great Britain. London, 1775. Painm. vol. 118. REMARKS upon the Report of a Peace. London, 1783. Pam. vol. 121. REMARKS on a Pamphlet entitled " A Dissertation on the political union and constitution of the thirteen United States ".... with some brief observations on the western lands, whether ceded to the States jointly: by a Connecticut farmer. 1784. 80. REMARKS on the Rights of inventors. Boston, 1.807. Pam. vol. 50. REMARKS on the Embargo law: by Civis. New-York, 1808. Pam. vol. 66. REMARKS on the Murder of Mr. Chadwick on the Kennebec, 1809. pp. 24. Pam. vol. 44. REMARKS on the Banks and Currency of the New-England States. Boston, 1826. 80. Also Pam. vol. 54. REMARKS on the Auction system in New-York, 1828. Pam. vol. 75. REMARKS on Liberty of Conscience, human creeds, and theological schools.... by a Layman of the R. Dutch Church. New-York, 1828. Pam. vol. 10. 10. C. REMrRKS upon a Plan for the total abolition of slavery in the United States: by a Citizen of New-York. Pam. vol. 186; and Pam. vol. 15. B. C. REMARKS on Prof. Silliman's Elements of Chemistry. New-York, 1830. Pam. vol. 22. B. C. REMARKS upon the Bank of the United States.... by a Merchant. Boston, 1831. Pain. vol. 21, 34. B. C.; and Pain. vol. 55. REMARKS on the Disputed Point of boundary under the 5th article of the Treaty of Ghent. Saint-Johns, N. B. 1838. 8o. REMARKS upon G. Putnam's Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. D. Fosdick. Boston, 1846. Pain. vol. 81. REMARKS on Questions at issue between the United States and Mexico, 1847. Pam. vol. 46. B. C. REMARKS on the State of Education in the Province of Canada: a reprint from the Brit. Amer. Med. Jour. by L. Montreal, 1848. 121i. REMARKS on the Growth of the cotton plant in Alabama. Boston, 1850. Pam. vol. 69. REMARKS on the Proposed State Convention: by a Free-soiler from the start. Boston, 1853. Pam. vol. 99. REMEMBRANCER. See Almon ( J.). REMEMBRANCES of a Polish Exile. Albany, 1835. 180. B. C. REMINISCENCES of the French War; containing Rogers' Expeditions with the New-England Rangers...... with notes and illustrations; and...... Account of the Life.... of Maj. Gen. John Stark. Concord, N. H. 1831. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 631 R~moNSTRANCES des Negocians du Bresil, contre les insultes faites au Pavillon Portugais: trad. du portugais et de l'anglois. Paris, 1814. 8S. W. C. 143. RENAUDOT (Eusebe). Travels of Two Mohammedans through India and China, in the ninth century. Pinkerton, vol. 7. R-E>NDELL (Rev. E. D.). A Treatise on the Peculiarities of the Bible. Boston, 1853. Pani. vol. 93. RENDU ( Dr. Alp.). Etudes topographiques, medicales, et agronomiques sur le Bresil. Paris, 1848. 8~. RENESSE ( Lodewyck G. van). De Voorsienigheyt Gods in't beleyt der IHouwelicken. Amsterdam, 1658. 180. B. C. RENGGER et LONGCHAMIP. Essai Historique sur la R6volution du Paraguay, et le gouvernement dictatorial du Docteur Francia. Paris, 1827. 80. W. C. 791. RENNEVILLE ( Madame de). Coutumes Gauloises; ou Origines curieuses et pen connues de la plupart de nos usages. Paris, 1823. 1 6~. RENNIE (Rev. J.). Insects. See Library E. K. Birds; habits, faculties, etc. See Library E. K. RENSSELAER SCIHOOL, Troy: Constitution, 1825. Pam. vol. 73. RENSSELAERVILLE BAPTIST Assoc. 1844, 47. Muns. Pam. vol. 9; and Pam. vol. 90. RENWICK ( James), LL.D. Life of Count Rumford. Sparks's Am. Biog. vol. 15. - Life of David Rittenhouse. Sparks's Am. Biog. vol. 7. Life of Robert Fulton. Sparks's Am. Biog. vol. 10. Inaug. Discourse, Columbia Coll. N. Y. 1821. Pain. vol. 6. B. C. Treatise on the Steam engine. New-York, 1830. 80. A Discourse on the Character and Public Services of De Witt Clinton.... Columbia College. New-York, 1829. 8~. 2 copies. Life of De Witt Clinton. New-York, 1845. 18o. Lives of John Jay and Alexander Hamilton. New-York, 1845. 180.o Report on supplying water to Erie Canal, 1846. Pam. vol. 145. The Application of chemistry to the arts, 1851. Pam. vol. 79. REPERTORY ( The) OF ARTs and MANUFACTURES; consisting of original communications, specifications of patent inventions, and selections of.... papers from the Transactions of the Philosophical Societies.... 1st series, vol. 1-16, 1794-1802; 2d series, Rep. of A., M. and Agriculture.... vol. 1 - 30, 1802 - 17. Index, 1794 - 1802, including index to 2d series, 1802 - 06, 1 vol. London. 47 vol. 80. See also Repertory of patent inventions. REPERTORY of PATENT INVENTIONS, and other discoveries and improvements in arts, manufactures, and agriculture; being a Continuation.. of "Repertory of Arts and manufactures." Vol. 9- 16, 1830 -33; New series, vol. 1 - 18, 1884 - 42; Enlarged series, vol, 1 -11, 1843 -48. London, 1830-48. 37 vol. 80. 632 NEW-YORK STATE REPLY to a Pamphlet on a new corporation.... of physicians. Boston, 1812. Pani. vol. 37. REPLY to the Vindication of the representation of the case of the planters of tobacco in Virginia. London, 1733. 12o. REPORT of a Committee appointed to investigate the evils of lotteries in Pennsylvania. Pam. vol. 6. REPORT of the Committee appointed on the subject of the Ontario and Champlain Canal. Potsdam, N. Y. 1823. Pain. vol. 5. B. C. REPORT on Mr. Espy's paper on storms. Pam. vol. 92. REPORT (The) of the Commissioners for taking, examining, and stating the public accounts of the kingdom.... 1711. Pain. vol. 138. REPORT of a Committee of West-India planters and merchants on..... wet docks.... at the port of London. London, 1797. Pam. vol. 139. REPORT of the Committee.... of nightly shelter to the houseless..... London, 1826, 29. Pam. vol. 139. REPORT of a Committee of the Citizens of Boston, and vicinity, opposed to increased duties on importations. 1828. Pain. vol. 49, 55, 153; and Pam. vol. 12. B. C. R:EPORT ( A) of the Proceedings of a public meeting of graziers, salesmen and butchers... on... a market at Islington. London, 1834. Pam. vol. 139. REPORT of Union Committee on Removal of deposites, etc. New-York, 1834. Pam. vol. 54. REPORT on the establishment..... in Philadelphia...... of " Ragged Schools." Philadelphia, 1847. Pam. vol. 172. REPRESENTATION of the Lords Commissioners for trade, to the King, on the state of the British trade in North America, in 1721. From N. Y. Col. Docts. vol. 4. Albany, 1854. 40. REPUBLIC (The): Monthly Magazine. New-York, 1841 - 54. 4 vol. in 2. 80. REPUBLIC of Rio Grande, weekly: 1846. Newsp. vol. 6. REPUBLIC ( The) of the United States of America: Its duties to itself, and relations to other countries; with a View of the Mexican War. NeW-York, 1848. 12~. R_6PUBLICAIN (Le), newspaper. New-York: Vol. 1, 2, Sept. 3, 1853 - Dec. 31, 1854. No. 113, 117 of vol. 1, and No. 3, 14, 15, 45, 59, 117, 136 of vol. 2, wanting. 2 vol. fol. REPUBLICAN ADVOCATE, Kaskaskia, Ill. 1823, 24. Newsp. vol. 4. REPUBLICAN Celebration of the Victory at New-Orleans. Washington, 1835. Pam. vol. 75. REPUBLICAN Committee of Correspondence. Philadelphia, 1828. Pam. vol. 66. REPUBLICAN WATCHTOWER: ed. by James Cheetham. Nov. 18, 1806, to Nov. 1, 1808. New-York. 1 vol. fol. RERESBY ( Sir John). Memoirs and Travels; containing the Secret History of the Courts of Charles II and James II. London, 1813. roy. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 633 RESISTANCE to the Laws of the U. S...... by Leolin. Boston, 1811. Pam. vol. 66. RESOLVES of a Convention held on the New-Hampshire Grants, the 9th December, 1778. 4 pp. 180. With, A Public Defence of the Right of the New-Hampshire Grants ( so called ) on both sides of the Connecticut River, to associate together, and form themselves into an independent state. Dresden, 1779. 56 pp. 180. RESPONDENT (The); or the Use of Wine at the Lord's Supper, vindicated. March, 1842. Albany. Period. 4o0. vol. 1. RESURRECTION ( A) of the Blue Laws; or Maine Reform in temperate doses, by a Washingtonian. Boston, 1852. Pam. vol. 81. RETREAT for the Insane at Hartford, Conn.: 7th, 10th, 18th, 27th Reports; 1831, 34, 42 - 51, in 1 vol. 80. c~ —- Reports, 1827, 52. Pam. vol. 166. RETROSPECT of the origin and progress of discovery. Pinkerton, vol. 17. RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW. 1st Series, vol. 1 - 14, 1820 - 26. 2d series: Ret. Rev. and Historical Antiquarian Magazine, ed. by H. Southern and N. II. Nicholas, vol. 1, 2; 1827, 28. London. 16 vol. 80. RETZ ( J. F. P. Gondi, Cardinal de). Memoirs: trans. from the French. Philadelphia, 1817. 3 vol. 8o. REUMONT ( Alfred de). The Carafas of Maddaloni; Naples under Spanish Dominion: from the German. London, Bohn, 1854, 120. REUSNERIUS (Nicolaus). Symbolorum Imperatorum classis prima. Genevie, 1634. 180. -- -— Symbola Heroica in tribus classibus. Elditio nona. Londini, 1650. 180. REUVENS ( C. J. C.). Opdelving van een Romeinsch gebouw bij Voorburg, 1828. Pam. 43. vol. 3. REVANS (John). Evils of the State of Ireland; their Causes, and their remedy: A Poor Law. Pam. vol. 11. REVELATIONS of Russia; or the Emperor Nicholas and his Empire, in 1844: by an English Resident, 2d ed. London, 1845. 2 vol. 120. REVER ( F.). M6moire sur les Ruines de Lillebonne.,.. Seine inf6rieure. Evreux, 1821. 80. REVERE ( Joseph W.), Lieut. U. S. N. A Tour of Duty in California, including a Description of the Gold Region.,, ed. by J. N. Balestier. New-York, 1849. 120. REVIEW of the whole Political Conduct of a late eminent patriot and his friends. London, 1743. Pam. vol. 124. REVIEW ( A) of the two late Rebellions, historical, political and moral: Parts I and 2. London, 1747. 120. Contains also tracts concerning " Charles, Prince of Wales." REVIEW (A) of the Military Operations in North America, from the commencement of the French hostilities on the frontiers of Virginia in 1753, to the surrender of Oswego, Aug. 14, 1756. London, 1757. 40. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 80 634 NE W-YORK STATE REVIEW ( A Brief) of the Rise and Progress, services and sufferings of New-England, especially of the Province of MIassachusetts. London, 1774. 80. REVIEW of the Public Conduct of the most Eminent Personages in the Parliament of Great Britain. London, 1777. W. C. 429. REVIEW of Dr. John I. Mason's Oration on the death of Gen. Hamilton. New-York, 1807. Pam. vol. 7. B. C. REVIEW (A) of Political Affairs during the last half year: by a Republican of Mass. Boston, 1808. Pam. vol. 66. REVIEW ( A Summary) of the Evidence adduced upon the charges against HI. R. HI. the Duke of York. London, 1809. Pam. vol. 140. REVIEW of a Treatise on Expatriation by G. Hay: by a Massachusetts lawyer. Boston, 1814. Pam. vol. 9. B. C. REVIEW of Tracts published by the American Unitarian Assoc. Boston, 1827. Pam. vol. 65; and Pam. vol. 14. B. C. REVIEW of Pamphlet on the Trust Deed of the Hanover Church. Boston, 1828. Pam. vol. 56. REVIEW ( A) of the Speech of H. G. Otis on the Protecting system: by a Citizen of Boston. Boston, 1831. 80. REVIEW of the Proceedings of the Legislature of Lower Canada in the session of 1831; with an appendix of documents. Montreal, 1832. 80. REVIEW.... Examination of Mr. Rand's strictures on Rev. C. G. Finney's sermon. Boston, 1832. Pam. vol. 93. REVIEW of Dr. Spring, on native depravity: by a Presbyterian. NewYork, 1833. Pam. vol. 56. REVIEW of Cousin's Expose' of Instruction in Prussia, 1833. Pam. vol. 70. REVIEWw of F. M. J. Surault's Grammatical Dissertation on the Italian language. Boston, 1835. Pam. vol. 28. B. C. REVIEW of M. de Tocqueville's "Democracy in America": from London Review. New-York, 1836. Pam. vol. 27. B. C. REVIEW A) of Miss Martineau's Work on Society in America. Boston, 1837. Pam. vol. 81, and:Pam. vol. 27. B. C. REVIEW of Result of Ecclesiastical CQuncil, Exeter, N. H. 1842. Pam. vol. 65. REVIEW of Proceedings in Legislature of Vermont on.... the Vermont and Canada R. R. Company, and on a bridge over Lake Champlain at Rouse's Point. 1847. Pam. vol. 53. REVIEWERS REVIEWED; or British Falsehoods detected by American truths. New-York, 1815. 120. RPVOLUTION ( La) de la Belgique, et les Evenemens de Bruxelles en Septembre 1830. La Haye. 80o. REVUE de Bibliographie analytique; ou Compte rendu des ouvrages scientifiques et de haute litt'rature...... Par MM. Miller et Aub6nas.. Paris, 1840 - 45. 6 vol. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 635 RwEVUE DES DEUX MONDES: Jan. 1, 1851 - April 15, 1855, semzimonthly. Paris, 1851 - 55. 14 vol. 8X. See also Annuairc. REVUE DU NOUVEAU MONDE: publiee par M. RWgis de Trobriand. N. York, 1849 - 50. 4 vol. 80..-.- The same: Vol. 1, 2, 3; vol. 4, nos. 3, 4, 5, 6; 1849 - 50. 4 vol. 80. B. C. REVUE HORTICOLE: R6sume de tout ce qui parait d'in-teressant en jardinage, plantes nouvelles..... par MM. Poiteau, Vilmorin, Decaisne, Neumann et Pepin. Seconde serie, vol. 1 - 5, 1841 -46. 3-e serie, vol. 1, 5; 1847-51, 12o. 4n'e serie, vol. 1, 2; 1851, 53, 2 vol. 8. Paris, 1844 - 53. 12 vol. REY ( Juan Garcia). See United States, Mess. of Prest. REYNOLDS (Edward), M.D. Address, Mass. Eye and Ear Infirm. 1850. Pain. vol. 64. REYNOLDS (Rev. Grindall). Discourse. Jamaica Plain, Mass. 1853. Pain. vol. 95. REYNOLDS ( John N.). Letter to the Secretary of the Navy, on islands, reefs and shoals in the Pacific Ocean. Cong. Doc. 1835. 80. Address, on an Exploring Expedition to the Pacific Ocean and South Seas, at Washington. New-York, 1836. 80. South Sea Surveying and Exploring Expedition; its Inception, progress and objects. 1Nrew-York, 1841. 80. --- - Voyage of the U. S. Fr. Potomac, Comm. John Downes, during the circumnavigation of the globe in the years 1831-34. 8th ed. iN. York, 1845. 80 See Glass (Francis), Washington's Life. REYNOLDS ( Sir Joshua). Literary Works; with a Memoir of the Author, by H. W. Beechey. London, 1835. 2 vol. 120. The same. London, Bohn, 1852. 2 vol. 120. REYNOLDS ( W. M3). See Evangelical Review. RHIJNENBURGH ( C.). Vreuchde-bergh. Ob. 18). RHIYN ( A. Van). Beschrijving behoorende tot de Hydrographische Kaart van de Zuiderzee, etc. Gravenhage, 18-16. 80. RHOADES (S.), M.D. Introd. Address, Geneva. Med. Coll. 1841. Pam. vol. 85. RHODE-ISLAND. Report on tle Geological and Agricultural Survey of the State, 1839: by C. T. Jackson. Providence, 1840. 85. Report on the poor and insane, 1851: by Thomas R. Hazard. Providence, 1851. 8St. Report on the Public Schools, 1853, Pam. vol. 172. Report 1854, Pam. vol. 191. First Report of the Registration of births, marriages and deaths, for 1852, 53. Providence, 1854. 80. RHODE-ISLAND BOOK. Selections in prose and verse, from the writings of Rhode-Island citizens: by Anne C. Lynch. Providence, 1841. 120. 636 NEW-YORK STATE RHODE-ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Collections. Providence, 182743. 5 vol. 80. RHODE-ISLAND INSTITUTE of INSTRUCTION: Journal, 1845 - 4:8: ed. by H. Barnard. Providence. 3 vol. 80. RHODE-ISLAND LITERARY REPOSITORY: Vol. 1, 1814 - 15. Providence, 1815. 80. RHYNE (Ten). Account of Cape of Good Hope. Churchill, vol. 4. RIBAULT ( Jean). Histoire memorable du dernier Voyage aux Indes, lieu appele la Floride, 1566: Recueil sur la Floride. See Ternaux, Voy. vol. 20; also French, Hist. Coll. Louisiana. RIBOUVILLE ( M.). Discours sur le jour de la naissance de S. M. la Reine de la Grande-Bretagne. Londres, 1772. 120. RICARD (Emile). De la Souverainete individuelle. Paris, 1850. 120. RICARDO (David ), M.P. Works; with a Notice of the Life and Writings of the author; by J. R. M'Culloch. London, 1846. 80. See Opinions of. RICAUT ( Sir Paul). History of the Turkish Empire, from 1623 to 1677. London, 1680. fol. See also Knolles (R.). RICCIUS (Bartolommeus). De Imitatione libri tres. Venetiis, Aldus, 1845. 180. RICE ( James C.). Secular and Ecclesiastical History of the town of Worthington, Mass....... Ecel. Hist. by Rev. J. H. Bisbee. Albany, 1853. 80 RICE (J. H.), D.D. Missionary Sermon. New-York, 1824. Serm. vol. 2. B. C. RICH (O.). A Catalogue of Books relating principally to America, arranged under the years in which they were printed (1500 - 1700). London, 1832. 80. Lettered Vol. 3. Bibliotheca Americana Nova: A Catalogue of Books relating to America, in various languages. Vol. 1, 1701- 1800; vol. 2, 1800-44. London, 1846. 2 vol. 80. Catalogue of a Collection of Manuscripts, principally Spanish, relating to America, in his possession. London. 180. General Sale Catalogue. London, 1834. 80. RICHARD of CIRENCESTER. See Six Old Eng. Chron. RICHARD (M.). History of Tonquin. Pinkerton, vol. 9. RICHARD ( M. F.). Voyages chez les Peuples Sauvages, ou l'Homme de la nature.... 2d ed. Paris, 1808. 3 vol. 80. W. C. 792. RICHARD (J.). Atlas behelzende alle de Plans van de manoeuvres van de troepen infanterie van den staat. HIage, 1771. 80. RICHARD ( L. C.). Botanical Dictionary. See Eaton (A.). RICHARDS ( George H.). Memoir of Maj. Gen. Alexander Macomb.... New-York, 1833. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 637 RICHARDS (James), D.D. Sermons; with an Essay on his Character, by Rev. W. B. Sprague, D.D. Albany, 1849. 12o. B. C. RICHARDSON ( Charles). A New Dictionary of the English Language. London, 1836 - 37. 2 vol. 40. The same. London, 1838. 2 vol. 40. B. C. The same. Philadelphia. 1846. 2 vol. 40. RICHARDSON ( Charles G.). Popular Treatise on the warming and ventilation of buildings, showing the advantages of heated water circulation. 2d ed. London, 1839. 8o. RICHARDSON ( G. F.). An Introduction to Geology and its associated sciences: ed. by T. Wright, M.D. London, 1851. 120. - Geology for Beginners. London, 1842. 120. RICHARDSON ( Major J.). War of 1812 First series, containing a full and detailed narrative of the operations of the right division of the Canadian Army. Montreal (? ), 1842. 80. Eight Years in Canada. Montreal, 1847. 80. RICHARDSON ( James). Travels in the Great Desert of Sahara, in the years 1845 and 1846...... including a Description of the Oases, and Cities of Ghat, Ghadames and Mourzuk. London, 1848. 2 vol. 80. RICHARDSON (James) jr. Two.... Farewell Discourses at Southington, Conn. 1847. Serm. vol. 5. B. C...- Sermon, touching the application of religion to politics, at Haverhill, Mass. Serm. vol. 5. B. C. RICHARDSON ( Sir John), M.D. Fauna Boreali-Americana; or the Zo6logy of the Northern Parts of British America. London, 1829 - 1837. 4 vol. 4o. - Arctic Searching Expedition: A Journal of a Boat- Voyage through Rupert's Land and the Arctic Sea, in search of Sir John Franklin. London, 1851. 2 vol. 80. RICHARDSON (Luther). Eulogy on Washington. See Columbian Phenix. Oration, July 4, 1800. Roxbury, Mass. Pam. vol. 39. Address, Roxbury Charitable Society. Boston, 1804. Pam. vol. 36. RICHARDSON ( Rev. N. S.). See Church Review. RICHELTIEU ( Cardinal ). Lettres, instructions diplomatiqucs, et papiers d'etat. See France, Docts. ined. RICHMOND (Alex. B.). Narrative of the Condition of the manufacturing population, and of the proceedings which led to the State Trials in Scotland. 2d ed. London, 1825. 8,). RICH6MOND (J.). MISy Concise Opinion.... on the penalty of death. Hudson, 1847. Pam. vol. 72........ Petitioner's Memorial to Gov. Young. Albany, 1847. Pam. vol. 72. RICHTER ( J. G. O.). Vischkundige Onderwyser; in eene Natuur-ontleedhuishhoud- en oordeelkundige beschryving der visechen. Dordrecht, 1780. 4. 638 NEW-YORK STATE RICHTER (Robert). Leitfaden zum Unterricht in der quantitaven analytischen chemie. Freiberg, 1853. 120. RIDI)ELL ( John L.). A Collection of his Publications. 1 vol. 80. Contents: 1. Synopsis of Flora of Western States, 1835. 2. Supplementary Catalogue of Ohio Plants, 1836. 3. Directions for making Botanical collections, 1834. 4. Plants growing in Franklin county, Ohio. 5. On Corpuscular attraction, 1835. 6. Catalogus Florae Ludovicianm. 7. A Geological Ramble. Monograph of the Silver Dollar, good and bad. New-Orleans, 1845. 80. RIDDLE ( J. E.), and Rev. T. K. Arnold. A Copious and Critical Englishlatin Lexicon: founded on the German-latin Dictionary of Dr. C. E. Georges. 1st Am. edition, revised by C. Anthon. New-York, 1849. 80. RIDER (Cardanus). British Merlin for 1747, with The Court Kalendar complete for 1747. London, 1747. 180~. RIDGELY ( David ). Annals of Annapolis, from its first settlement in 1649, to 1812. Baltimore, 1841. 12o. RIEDEL ( H.). Algemeene Geschiedenis van de volken en staten der oudheid.... Groningen, 1841 - 52. 6 vol. 80~. RIEDESEL ( Madame de). Memoirs and Letters relating to the War of American Independence, and the Capture of the German troops at Saratoga: from the German. New-York, 1827. 12). The same. 120. B. C. RIEMER ( Jacob de). Beschryving van Graven-Hage; behelzende deszelfs oorsprong, benaming, gelegentheid........ 2 vol.; vol. 1 in 2 parts. Gravenhage, 1730. 3 vol. fol. B. C. RIESBECK ( Caspar, Baron). Travels through Germany. Pinkerton, vol. 6. RIETZ ( Johan Ernst). Skiinska skolviisendets historia, utarbetad i synnerhet efter otryckta kallor af. Lund, 1848. 80. RIGBY (Edward ). lHolkham; its agriculture. Pamphleteer, vol. 13. RIGGS ( Rev. S. R.). Grammar and Dictionary of the Dakota Language. Washington, 1852. 40. 2 copies. See Smithson. Contr. RIGHT ( The) of the Governor and Company of the Colony ( of Connecticut) to claim and hold lands within the limits of their charter, lying west of the Province of New-York, stated and considered. Hartford, 1773. 120. RIGHT (The) of Great Britain asserted against the Claims of America; being an Answer to the Declaration of the General Congress. 5th ed. By Sir John Dalrymple? London, 1774. Pam. vol. 120. RIGHT and Practice of Impressment, as concerning Great Britain and America. Pamphleteer, vol. 14. RIHOUEY (C.). Nouveau Trait6 elementaire d'arithmetique. Rennes, 1830. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 639 RIKEr (James) jr. Annals of Newtown, Queen's Co. N.Y.... Also a Particular Account of various Long-Island families. New-York, 1852. 80. RILEY ( James). Loss of the American Brig Commerce on the Western coast of Africa, in 1815; with an Account of Tombuctoo and Wassanah. London, 1817. 40. See also Robbins (A.). ------- The same. Hartford, 1846. 12o. RILEY ( T. Willshire). Sequel to Riley's Narrative; being a Sketch of his life, voyages and travels after his shipwreck. Columbia, 0. 1851. 8o. RINGROSE ( Basil). See History of the Bucaniers. Rio (Antonio del ). Description of the Ruins of an Ancient City, discovered near Palenque: from the Spanish. With Research into the History of the Americans, by Dr. Cabrera. London, 1822. 40. W. C. 793. RIo DE JANEIRO: Newspaper files, 1850, 51. Newsp. vol. 8. RIPLEY (Ezra), D.D. History of the Fight at Concord, April 18, 1775. Concord, 1827. 8~. Sermon on an Execution for burglary at Concord, 1799. Pam. vol. 29. RIPLEY ( George), and Bayard Taylor. Hand-book of Literature and the Fine Arts. See Putnam's Cycl. See Specimens of For. Lit. RIPLEY (Major R. S.), U.S.A. The War with Mexico. 1849. 2 vol. 80. RISE (The), Progress, -and Effect of the claim of the proprietors of the Connecticut Gore, stated and considered. Hartford. 1802. 8o.....- The same; with An Enquiry, etc. Hartford, 1829. 8o. RITCHIE (Andrew). Oration, July 4, 1808, Boston. Pam. vol. 37. RITNER ( Joseph ). Vindication of Gen. Washington from the stigma of adherence to secret societies. Boston, 1841. Pam. vol. 184. RITTER. See Koch-Sternfeld ( J. E. Ritter von). RITTER ( Dr. Heinrich). The History of Ancient Philosophy: trans. by A. J. W. Morrison. Oxford, 1838. 3 vol. 8~. C. L. RIVAL ( The) DuTCHESS, or Court Incendiary; in a Dialogue between Madame Maintenon and Madame M ~ ~. London, 1708. Pam. vol. 138. RIVERO (M. E.), and John J. Yon Tschudi: Peruvian Antiquities; trans. by F. L. Hawks, D.D. New-York, 1853. 80. RIVES (Mrs. W. C.). Tales and Souvenirs of a Residence in Europe. Philadelphia, 1842. 120. RIvEs (William C.). Speeches and Addresses. 1 vol. 8~. Contents 1. Speech against Sub-treasury, 1837. 5. On the Removal of deposites, 1834. 2. On the Currency, 1837. 6. On the Expunging resolutions,1836. 3. On Duties on imports, 1833. 7. On the Bank of the U.S. 1839. 4. On resigning his seat, 1834. 8. Discourse on History, 1847. 640 NEW-YORK STATE.... Speech, U.S. Sen., on the Currency, 1837. Pam. vol. 57. RIVETUS (Andreas). Via Vitae: Meditatio in Psalmum cxix. Lugduni, 1638. 180. ROAD to Peace, commerce, wealth and happiness: by an Old Farmer. Boston, 1813? Pam. vol. 42. ROADS (The) and RAILROADS, Vehicles, and Modes of travelling of ancient and modern countries; with Accounts of bridges, tunnels and canals. London, 1839. 120. ROBACK'S ASTROLOGICAL ALMANAC, 1851. Pam. vol. 81. ROBBERDS (J. W.). Memoir of the Life and Writings of William Taylor of Norwich; containing his correspondence with Robert Southey, and original letters from Sir Walter Scott. London,- 1843. 2 vol. 80. ROBBINS (Archibald). A Journal of the Loss of the Brig Commerce, James Riley master, upon the Western coast of Africa, 1815. Hartford, 1842. 120. ROBBINS (ReV. Chandler). Dedication Sermon at Boston, 1845. Serm. vol. 6. B. C. ROBBINS (Rev. R.). History of American Contributions to the English Language. See Chambers (R.). ROBBINS ( Rev. Thomas). A Century Sermon, Danbury, Jan. 1, 1801. Danbury, Conn. 1828. 120. An Historical View of the First planters of New-England. Hartford, 1815. 120. ROBERT (M.). La Grande Cuisine simplifiee. Paris, 1845. 80. ROBERT de Vaugondy (Gilles). Essai sur l'Histoire de la geographie. Paris, 1755. 120. W. C. 795. Institutions Geographiques. Paris, 1766. 80. W. C. 796. ROBERT ( T.). Narrative of the Life of the Rev. George Whitefield. London. 120. W. C. 794. ROBERTI ( L'Abate Giambattista), di Bassano. Opere. Venezia, 1831. 19 vol. 180.' —--- See Poetiche Composizioni. ROBERTS ( Edmund ). Embassy to the Eastern Courts of Cochin-china, Siam, and Muscat in 1.832 - 34. New-York, 1837. 80. ROBERTS (Orlando WV.). Narrative of Voyages and Excursions on the East Coast, and in the Interior, of Central America. Edinburgh, 1827. 180. 2 copies. ROBERTS ( William). Account of the First discovery and Natural history of Florida. London, 1763. 4O. ROBERTS (William). Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Mrs. Hannah More. New-York, 1834. 2 vol. 120. B. C. ROBERTSON (David). Tour through the Isle of Man. Pinkerton, vol. 2. ROBERTSON (Ignatius L.). Sketches of Public Characters. See Knapp (S. L.). GENERAL LIBRARY. 641 ROBERTSON (J. B.). See Mwehler's Symbolism. ROBERTSON (Rev. James). History of the Mission of the Secession Church to Nova-Scotia and Prince Edward, from 1765. Edinburgh, 1847. 12. ROBE RTSON (William), D.D. History of America. London, 1777. 2 vol. 4o. WV. C. 797..-.. The same, with the posthumous volume. London, 1803. 4 vol. 80. B. C.: —--- Thesame. Philadelphia, 1812. 2 vol. 80. The same, books 9 and 10. Basil, 1800. 80. W. C. 798. Histoire de l'Amerique: trad. de l'anglois. Paris, 1778. 2 vol. 40. W. C. 799. Histoire de l'Anmerique: trad. de l'anglois par MM. Suard et Morellet. Paris, 1818. 3 vol. 80. XV. C. 800. - The History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V. 10th ed. London, 1802. 4 vol. 8o. B. C. The same. Philadelphia, 1812. 3 vol. 80. _ —, History of Scotland, during the Reigns of Queen Mary and King James VI; with the Life of the author, by Dugald Stewart. Philadelphia, 1811. 2 vol. 80. The same. 2 vol. 80. B. C. h istorical Disquisition concerning the knowledge which the Ancients had of India. 1st Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1812. 8~. History of South America. See Knapp, Lib. of Am. Hist. Account of the Life and Writings of. London, 1801. 80. B. C. ROBERTSON (W. P.). A Visit to Mexico, by the West-India Islands, Yucatan and the United States. London, 1853. 2 vol. 120. ROBERTSON (Wyndham) jr. of Virginia. Oregon, our Right and Title; containing an Account of the condition of Oregon Territory, and a Statement of the claims of Russia, Spain, Great Britain and the United States. Washington, 1846. 80. ROBERTUS Monachus. Bellum Christianorum principum precipue Gallorum contra Saracenos, A.D. 1088, pro terra sancta gestum. Basileae, 1533. fol. Contains Letter of Columbus, etc. ROBERVAL. Voyage. See Soc. Litt. Qu6bec. ROBIN (I'Abbe). Nouveau Voyage dans l'Amerique septentrionale, en 1781; et Campagne de- l'Arm6e de M. le Comte de Rochambeau. Philadelphie, 1782. 8S. W. C. 801. ROBIN ( Charles). Galerie des gens de lettres au xixe si'cle, avec portraits. Paris, 1848. 80. ROBIN ( C. C.). Voyages dans l'Interieur de la Louisiane, de la Floride occidentale.... 1802 - 06. Paris, 1807. 3 vol. 8o. W. C. 802. --- Flora of Louisiana. See Rafinesque (C. S.). [GEN. LIB. 1855.1 81 642 NEW-YORK STATE ROBINSON (A.). Life in California during a residence of several years in that country...... comprising the missionary establishments: by an American; to which is annexed Boscana's account.... New-York, 1846. 120. ROBINSON ( Conway). An Account of Discoveries in the West, until 1519, and of the Voyages to and along the Atlantic coast of North America, from 1520 to 1573: prepared forthe Virginia Hist. and Phil. Society. Richmond, 1848. 80. ROBINSON (Edward ), D.D. A Greek and English Lexicon of the NewTestament. Andover, 1825. 80. B. C. Biblical Researches in Palestine, Mount Sinai, and Arabia Petroea: A Journal of Travels, in 1838, by E. Robinson arid E. Smith. Boston, 1841. 3 vol. 80. See Bibliotheca Sacra.:: - See Calmet's Dictionary. See Talvi: (Mrs. Robinson), Slavic Nations. ROBINSON (Fayette). Mexico and her Military Chieftains, etc. Philadelphia, 1847. 12o. An Account of the Organization of the Army of the United States, with biographies of distinguished officers. Philadelphia, 1848. 2 vol. 120. California, and its Gold Regions, etc.; with a map. New-York, 1849. 120. ROBINSON (11. N.). Mathematical Recreations. Albany, 1851. 80. ROBINSON ( J. H.). Journal of an Expedition up the Oronoco, etc. London, 1;22. 8~. W. C. 803. ROBINSON (M.). Considerations on the British Colonies, 1775. Pam. vol. 117, 120. ROBINSON ( P. F.). New Series of Designs for ornamental cottages and villas. London, 1838. 4~. ROBINSON (Robert). Seventeen Discourses on several texts of scripture. Bostonj 1824. 120. B. C. ROBINSON (Solon). Hot Corn: Life Scenes in New-York illustrated. 15th ed. New-York, 1854. 12~. ROBINSON (Win. D.). Cursory View of Spanish America. Georgetown, 1815. 8o. W. C. 804. Memoirs of the Mexican Revolution, including.. the Expedition of General Mina. London, 1821. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 805. ROBINSON ( William E.). Speech: Franklin Pierce, and Catholic Persecution in New-Hampshire. Pamn. vol. 75. RosrsoN ( John). Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments of Europe. Dublin, 1798. 80. RoBsoN ( Joseph). Account of Six Years' Residence in Hudson's Bay, 1733 - 37, 44 - 47. London, 1752. 80. ROCHAMBEAU ( Comte de). Memoires militaires, historiques et politiques. Paris, 1809. 2 vol. 80. -GENERAL LIBRARY. 643 Memoirs relative to the War of Independence: transl. from the French, by M. W. E. Wright. Paris, 1838. 80. ROCHE (Regina Maria). Children of the Abbey. Hartford and -Exeter, 1822 - 28. 3 vol. 180. ROCHEFORT ( Cesar de). Histoire Naturelle et Morale des Antilles de l'Amerique. Lyon, 1667. 2 vol. 180. W. C. 806. The same; avec un Vocabulaire Caraibe. 2d ed. Rotterdam, 1665. 4o. The same. 2d ed. Rotterdam, 1725. 4). W. C. 807. Le Tableau de l'Isle de Tobago; ou de la Nouvelle Oiialchre, l'une des isles Antilles.... Leyde, 1665. 180. ROCHESTER: Reports on Common Schools, By-laws, etc. 1844-50. 1 vol. 8). Reports on Public Schools for 1845, 49, 51- 53. Pam. vol. 174. ROCHESTER ATHENEUM: Catalogue, 1850. Pain. vol. 170. ROCHESTER CITY LIBRARY: Catalogue, 1839. Pam. vol. 170. ROCHESTER in 1827. Rochester, E. Peck $ Co. 1828. 120. ROCHESTER JUVENILE REFORM SOCIETYr: Report, 1853. Pam. vol. 96. ROCHESTER PIONEERS Proceedings at Annual festivals, 1847, 48. Pam. vol. 88. ROCHESTER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY: Catalogue, 1853. Pam. vol. 157. ROCHESTER Timber Preserving Company: Prospectus, etc. Buffalo, 1851. Pam. vol. 99. ROCHESTER UNIVERSITY. See Univer. of Rochester. ROCHON (Alexandre). Voyage to Madagascar and the East Indies: from the French. London, 1792. 80. ROCKWELL (Julius). Address, Pittsfield Female Institute, 1847. Pam. vol. 88. RODD ( Thomas). Catalogue of Books relating to America, on sale. London, 1843. See Miller's Desc. of N. Y. RODE'S New-York City Directory for 1850 - 55. 4 vol. 80. RODGERS ( Commodore John). Marine Railway: Message of President of the U. S. containing his description. Pam. vol. 7. RODNEY ( C. A.), and J. Graham. Present State of the United Provinces of South America. London, 1819. 80. W. C. 811. RODRIGUEZ ( Le P;e`e). Elehmens de la Grammaire Japonaise: trad. du Portugais par M. C. Landresse; red. par Mi. Abel-Remusat. Paris, 1825. 80. RoEt ( Sir Thomas). Journal to Hindostan. Kerr, Voy. vol. 9; Churchill, vol. 1; Pinkerton, vol. 8. RoEBUcIr ( John Arthur). History of the Whig Ministry of 1830, to the passing of the Reform bill. London, 1852. 2 vol. 80. Pamphlets for the People. London, 1835.2- vol. in 1. 8~. 644 NEW-YORK STATE Existing Difficulties in the Government of the Canadas. London, 1836. Pam. vol. 12. ROGER DE HOVEDEN. See Hoveden. ROGER of WENDOVER'S FLOWERS of HISTORY; comprising the History of England from the Descent of the Saxons to A.D. 1235, formerly ascribed to Matthew Paris: translated from the Latin by J. A. Giles. London, 1849. 2 vol. 120~. ROGER (P.). Archives Historiques de l'Albigeois et du Pays Castrais. Albi, 1850(?). 8o. ROGERS (Rev. Ammi). Memoirs, written by himself. 2d ed. Schenectady, 1826. 120. ROGERS (Henry). Essays selected from Contributions to the Edinburgh Review. London, 1840, 55. 3 vol. 80. ROGERS ( Henry D.). Report on the Geology of North America. British Assoc. Reports, 1835. _ —---- See Pennsylvania and New-Jersey, Geological Surveys. Address, Assoc. Amer. Geol. and Nat. 1844. Pam. vol. 92. ROGERS ( J. Smyth). Catalogue of a. Cabinet of materia medica...... New-York, 1826. Pam. vol. 28. B. C. ROGERS ( Major Robert). Concise Account of North America. London, 1765. 8o. The same. See Coll. of Voy. 2. - Journals.... containing an account of the several excursions he made.... during the late war (1755). London, 1765. 80. - The same. See Reminiscences. ROGERS (Robert E.). On the Analysis of Limestones, magnesian. Jour. Frank. Inst. Pam. vol. 92. ROGERS (Rev. R. P.). Sermons: Signs of the Times. Canton, Mass. 1851. Pam. vol. 78, ROGERS (Thomas J.). A New American Biographical Dictionary; or Remembrancer of the departed heroes, sages, and statesmen of America. 3d ed. Easton, Penn. 1824. 80. ROGERS (W. B.). Geological Survey. See Virginia. ROGERS (Woodes). Voyage autour du Monde, 1708 -11: trad. de l'anglois; oui l'on a joint quelques pieces curieuses touchant la riviere des Amazones et la Guiane. Amsterdam, 1716. 2 vol. 120. W. C. 812. The same. Amsterdam, 1723. 3 vol. 120. W. C. 813. Nieuwe Reize naa de Zuider Zee; van daar naa Oost Indien, en verder Rondom de Waereld, 1700 - 11. Amsterdam, 1715. 40. Voyage round the world. Coell. of Voy. 3; Kerr, vol. 10; Harris, vol. 1. ROGERSON (John). Tentamen Inaug. de Sanguinis detractionis usu et abusu. Edinburgi, 1786. 80. ROGGEWEIN. Voyage round the world. Kerr, vol. 2; Harris vol. 1. GENERAL LIBRARY. 645 ROGET ( Peter Mark). Animal and Vegetable Physiology considered with reference to natural theology. London, 1840. 2 vol. 80. Bridgewater Treatise V. Electricity, Galv-anism, Magnetism and Electro-magnetism. See Lib. U. K. Nat. Phil. vol. 2. Thesaurus of English words, to facilitate the expression of ideas: revised by Barnas Sears, D.D. Boston, 1854. 12o. ROGIER (Charles). Discours a l'occasion de la distribution des prix et des m6dailies aux laur6ats. Bruxelles, 1851. 80. ROGISSARD (Mr.). Nouvelle Meithode pour apprendre facilement les langues frangoise et angloise. Amsterdam, 1724. 180. B. C. R6R{ ( S. F.). Leerrede gehouden op het lHervoormingsfeest, 1838, in de HIoofd-en Slotkerk te Weimar. Gravenhage, 1843. Pam. vol. 33. B. C. ROLAMB (Nicholas). Journey to Constantinople, 1657. Churchill, vol. 5. ROLAND (Madame). Appeal to Impartial Posterity. 1st Am. ed. NewYork, 1798. 2 vol. 8o. ROLLE ( P. N.). Recherches sur le Culte de Bacchus. Paris, 1824. 3 vol. 80. ROLLIAD (The), in two pares: Probationary Odes for the laureatship, and Political miscellanies.... London, 1795. 80. ROLLIN ( Charles). Histoire Romaine depuis la fondation de Rome jusqu'a la Bataille d'Actium: ed. de M. Crevier. Continued from vol. 9 by M. Crevier. Paris, 1769 - 73. 16 vol. 1.20. The Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians,.... 12th ed. Boston, 1807. 8 vol. 8o. B. C. The same. New-York, 1812. 8 vol. 120. The Method of teaching and studying the Belles-lettres... from the French. 4th ed. London, 1749. vol. 4. 12o. B. C. Des E]tudes des enfans. Paris, 1800. Pam. vol. 27. B. C. ROLPr ( Dr. Thomas). A Brief Account, together with observations made during a visit to the West Indies and.... the U. S. America, 1832, 33. Dundas, U. C. 1836. 80. - Emigration and Colonization; embodying the Results of a Mission to Great Britain and Ireland, in 1839 - 42. London, 1844. 80. ROLT ( Richard ). History of South America. London, 1756. 80. ROMAGNESI (A.). Collection des Romances, Chansonnettes et Nocturnes de. Paris. 3 vol. roy. 80. ROMAINE (Benjamin). Observations, Reasons and Facts, disproving importation and.... contagion in yellow fever. New-York, 1823. 80. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH: Canones et Decreta Sacro-sancti et CEcumenici Concilii Tridentini. Paris, 1666. 180. The same. Lugduni, 1674. 18o. Catechismus ad Ordinandos, juxta Doct. Catechismi Cone. Tridentini. Parisiis, 1706. 180. 646 NEW-YORK STATE Catechismus ad parochos, ex Decreto Concilii Tridentini. Paris, 1656. 180. Concilia Provincilia Baltimori habita ab anno 1829, usque ad annum 1849. Ed. altera. Baltimori, 1851. 80. See Officium Beatee V. Marice, MS. See Alet, Les instructions du rituel. Catechisms in the Chippewa and Abenaqui Indian Languages. 1832. See Belcourt. - - Montagnars Indian Missal and Catechism. See Durocher. ROMAN STATES. Organisation des Universites: Constitution de S. S. le Pape Leon XII, qui prescrit dans les Etats Pontificaux l'emploi d'une methode unissant l'stude a la piet6, Bruxelles, 1847. 80. ROMANO ( Damiano). Apologia sopra l'autore della Istoria del Concilio Tridentino, che va sotto ii nome di Pietro Soave Polano.... Lecce, 1741.- 80. ROMANS (Bernard). Annals of the Troubles in the; Netherlands from the accession of Charles V. Vol. 1. Hartford, 1778. 80. ROMAYNE (Nicholas), M.D. Address, College of Physicians and Surgeons, New-York. 1808. 80. ROME (History of ). Lardner's Cycl. vol. 50, 51.' ROME DE L'ISLE ( J. B. L. de). Essai de Cristallographie; ou Description des figures g6ometriques des cristaux. Paris, 1772. 8o. ROAMEYN ( John B.), D.D. Sermons. New-York, 1816. 2 vol. 80. The same. 2 vol. 80. B. C. Introductory Sermon, New-York, 1808. Serm. vol. 1. B. C...... Sermon before General Assembly, 1808. Pam. vol. 62. Fast Sermon, Albany, 1808. Serm. vol. 1. B. C. - Sermon to Young People. New-York, 1810. Serm. vol. 1. B. C. Sermon before Miss. Soc. New-York, 1810. Pam. vol. 62.. —-.- Sermon, Presb. Gen. Assem. 1811. Serm. vol. 1. B. C. ------ Sermon, Landing of the Pilgrims: Dec. 22, 1821, New-York. Serm. vol. 2. B. C. ROMEYN (William). Speech in Assemr. on Judiciary, 1836. Pam. vol. 67. ROMILLY ( Sir Samuel ). Memoirs of his Life, written by himself; with a selection from his correspondence: ed. by his Sons. 2d ed. London, 1840. 3 vol. 80. The same. 3 vol. 80. B. C. Speech, in the House of Commons, on the Slave trade. Pamphleteer, vol. 4. RONDELET (J.). Traite theorique et pratique de l'art de batir. Vol. 4, parts 1, 2, 3. Paris, 1810. 3 vol. 4o. RONDTHALER ( Rev. E.). Life of John Heckewelder: ed. by H. Coates, M.D. Philadelphia, 1847. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 647 RoNGE (John). The Holy Coat of Treves, and the new German Catholic Church. New-York, 1845. 18o. B. C. ROOKE (M.). See Arrian's expedition. ROOKE (John). Geology as a Science, applied to the reclamation of land from the sea. 2d ed. London, 1840. 120. ROOMSCHEN ( Den) UYLEN-SPIEGEL. Getrocken uyt verscheyden oude Roomsch-Catholijke Legende-boeken, ende andere schrijvers. Amsterdam, 1716. 12o. B. C. ROORBACH ( O. A.). Bibliotheca Americana: Catalogue of American Publications, including reprints and original works, from 1820 to 1848 inclusive. New-York, 1849. 80. Supplement to the Bibliotheca Americana. New-York, 1850. 80......-. Supplement, from 1852 - 55. New-York, 1855. 80. ROOT (Erastus). Address to the People. New-York, 1824. Pam. vol. 2, 67. ROQUEFEUIL ( Camille de). Voyage autour du Monde, en 1816- 19. Paris, 1823. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 814. ROSAS ( Juan Manuel). Para la Historia: Efemerides sangrientas de la dictadura de J. M. R.; con un Apendice de sus robos llamados confiscaciones. Montevideo, 1849. 80. ------- La Correspondencia entre J. M. Rosas, Gefe supremeo de la Confederacion Argentina, y el Hon. Hlenrique Southern; con motive de las inauditas agresiones del Gobierno Brasilero. Buenos-Aires, 1851. 80. RosAz ( S. L.). El~emens th6oriques et pratiques du calcul des changes 6trangers. Lyon, 1810. 80. RoscoE (Henry). Life of William Roscoe: by his Son. Boston, 1833. 2 vol. 120. B. C. Lives of Eminent British Lawyers. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 92. _____- The same. Philadelphia, 1841. 2 vol. 120. B. C. RoscoE (Thomas). See Pellico's Memoirs, translation..-.-.- Memoirs of Scipio de Ricci: ed. from the original of M. de Potter. London, 1829. 2 vol. 80. RoscoE (William). Discourse on the Origin and vicissitudes of literature, science, and art. Pamphleteer, vol. 11. Life of Lorenzo de Medici. 1st Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1803. 3 vol. 80. The same. 3 vol. 80. B. C. - Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth. 5th edition, revised by his Son. London, 1846. 2 vol. 120. RosE ( Rt. Hon. Sir G. H.). The Afghans, the Ten Tribes, and the Kings of the East; the Druses, the Moabites. 2d ed. London, 1852. 80. RoSE ( Heinrich). Qualitative Analysis of inorganic substances: epitomized by G. J. Knox. London, 1844. 120. 648 NEW-YORK STATE ROSE ( Rev. Hugh ), B.D. New General Biographical Dictionary. London, 1850. 12 vol. 80. ROSENSTEIN (J. G.), M.D. Treatise upon Homoeopathie.... compared with Allopathie. Albany, 1836. Pam. vol. 64. ROSKES (H. T.). Intree-rede te Groningen, en Inwijdings-rede te Uithoorn. Groningen, 1837. 80. B. C. ROSNY ( M. De). Le Parfait CEconome. Paris, 1710. 18~. Ross (Alexander). Les Religions du Monde: trad. de l'anglois par T. La Grue. Amsterdam, 1666. 4~. W. C. 815. * - S'Weerelds Gods-Diensten, of Vertoog van alle de Religien en Ketteryen in Asia, Africa, America en Europa.... overgeset door Josua Sanderus. Amsterdam, 1671. 18o. B. C. Ross ( Alexander). Adventures of the first settlers on the Oregon or Columbia River; being a Narrative of the expedition fitted out by J. J. Astor, to establish the Pacific Fur Company. London, 1849. 12o. Ross (James). Speech, Sen. U. S., on Free navigation of the Mississippi, 1803. Pam. vol. 35. Ross ( Capt. Sir James Clark). A Voyage of Discovery and Research in the southern and antarctic regions, during the years 1839-43. London, 1847. 2 vol. 8o. Ross ( Capt. Sir John). A Voyage of Discovery made in H. M.'s Ships Isabella and Alexander, to explore Baffin's Bay, and enquiring into the probability of a northwest passage. 2d ed. London, 1819. 2 vol. 80. Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of a Northwest Passage, in 1829 - 1833. London, 1835. 4o. The same. Brussels, 1835. 80. B. C. Appendix to the Narrative of a second voyage. London, 1835. 40 The Last Voyage of, to the Arctic Region, in 1829 - 33; with an Abridgment of former voyages, by Robert Huish. London, 1836. 80. Memoirs and Correspondence of Admiral de Saumerez. London, 1838. 2 vol. 80. Ross ( Robert). The American Grammar.... English and Latin. Hartford, 1782. 120. B. C. RossEuw ST. HILAIRE. Histoire d'Espagne..... jusqu'a la mort de Ferdinand VII. Paris, 1844 - 52. 6 vol. 80. Rossi (Francois). le'mens de Medecine operatoire. Turin, 1806. 2 vol. 80 Rossi (P.). Cours d'Economie politique. Vol. 1. Paris, 1840. 8o. C. L. ROTIH (J. R.). Schilderung der Naturverhiltnisse in Siid-Abyssinien. Miinchen, 1851. See Bav. Acad. Mem. vol. 1. ROTHMAN (Mr.). History of Astronomy. See Lib. U. K. Nat. Phil. vol. 3. ROTTECK ( Charles von). General History of the World: trans. from the German, and continued by F. Jones. 1st Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1840. 4 vol. 8o. GENE RAL LIBRARY. 649 ROUBAUD ( Z'Abbe). Histoire Generale de l'Asie, de l'Afrique, et de l'Amerique. Paris, 1770 - 1775. 5 vol. 40. W. C. 816. ROUELLE (John), M.D. A Complete Treatise on the Mineral Waters of Virginia. Philadelphia, 1792. 80. ROUGE (Emanuel de). Rapport sur l'Exploration des principales Collections Egyptiennes en Europe. Paris, 1851. 80o. ROUGH AND READY ANNUAL, or Military Souvenir. New-York, 1848. 120. ROUGH-HEWER ( The); devoted to the Support of the Democratic principles of Jefferson. Newspaper. Albany, 1840. 4o. ]ROUGHLEY (Thomas). Jamaica Planter's Guide. London, 1823. 80. W. C. 817. ROUGIER (L. A.). De la Morphine: Methode endermique. Lyon, 1843. 80. ROUISSAGE du Lin. See France, Rapports, etc. ROUND-HILL SCHOOL, Northampton: Prospectus, 1823. Pam. vol. 5. B. C. ROURE ( M. P.). La Conquete du Mexique: Poome en dix chants. Paris, 1811. 8~. W. C. 818. ROUSSEAU (J. B.). (Euvres Poetiques. See Malherbe. ROUSSEAU (Jean Jacques). CEuvres Completes. Nouvelle ed. Paris, 1793. 37 vol. 180. B. C.. uvres. Paris, 1801. 20 vol. 80. Treatise on the Social Compact; or the Principles of political law. London, 1791. 120. Discourse on the Question, Whether the revival of the arts and sciences has contributed to render our manners pure? proving the negative. Pam. vol. 126. See Hume (David), Dispute. ROUSSEL (Theophile). De la Pellagre; de son origine, progres, causes, etc. Paris, 1845. 80. ROUssET DE MtssY (J.). Les Interets presens et les pretentions des Puissances de l'Europe. 3d ed. La Haye, 1741. 3 vol. 4o. W. C. 819. Battles and Sieges of Prince Eugene, the Duke of Marlborough, and the Prince of Orange. See Du Mont. ROUSSIER ('Abbe). Observations sur diffirens points d'harmonie. Geneve, 1755. 80. RoUX DE ROCHELLE ( M.). ]tats Unis d'Amerique. L'Univers. Paris, 1845. 80. ROVIGO (Duke of). Memoirs, written by himself. London, 1828. 4 vol. 80. - Vindication of his Political conduct. Pamphleteer, vol. 9. ROVINGS in the Paclfic, from 1837 to 1849; with a Glance at California: by a Merchant, long resident at Tahiti. London, 1851. 2 vol. 120, [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 82 650 NEW-YORK STATE ROWAN (Archibald Hamilton). Autobiography; with Additions and Illustrations, by W. H. Drummond. Dublin, 1840. 80. ROWAN (John). Speech, U. S. Sen., on Mr. Foot's Resolutions, 1830. Pam. vol. 21. B. C.; and Pam. vol. 60. Speech, U. S. Sen., on Imprisonment for debt, 1830. Pam. vol. 60. ROWAN ( Rev. Stephen N.). Review of the Reply to his Sermon, 1818, New-York. Pam. vol. 4. B. C. Sermon on Rev. J. B. Romeyn, 1825. Pam. vol. 62. - Address on Adams and Jefferson, 1826. Pam. vol. 58; and Pam. vol. 10. B. C. ROWLANDSON ( Mrs. Mary). Narrative of the Captivity of..... by the Indians, at the destruction of Lancaster in 1676: written by herself. 6th ed. Lancaster, 1828. 180. 2 copies. ROWLETT ( John). Tables of Discount or Interest........ from one to two thousand dollars, at six per cent. Philadelphia, 1831. 4o. -- The same. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1826. 4o. B. (C. RoWSON (Susanna). Miscellaneous Poems. Boston, 1804. 120. RoXBURY, Mass.: Municipal Register; with Rules and Orders of the City Council, etc. 1847 - 50, 54. 3 vol. 80. 120. - City Documents; Mayor's address, Auditor's reports, Regulations and Reports of schools, 1840 - 49. 1 vol. 80. Reports of Schools, 1850, 51; of Police, 1851; of Receipts and Expenditures, 1852; Mayor's address, 1852. 1 vol. 80. ROXBURY Ministry at large: Report, 1853. Pam. vol. 93. RoY (Jennet). History of Canada; for the use of schools and families. Montreal, 1850. 120. RoY (Rammohun). The Precepts of Jesus, the Guide to peace and happiness. Boston, 1828. 8o. B. C. ROYAARDS ( H. J.). Bijdragen tot de bewerking van de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden. Gravenhage, 1830. 80. ROYAL ACADEMY, London: Exhibition, 1843. Pain. vol. 40. B. C. ROYAL AMERICAN GAZETTE: June 4, 9, 11, 16, 18, 23, 25, 1778. Newsp. vol. 5. ROYAL GAZETTE, New-York, Riviington: June 6, 10, 13, 17, 20, 24, 27, 1778. See Newsp. vol. 5. ROYAL HORSE ARTILLERY: Instructions and Regulations for the Exercises.... 2d ed. Woolwich, 1835. 120. ROYAL INSTITUTION of GREAT BRITAIN: Catalogue of the Library, arranged by W. Harris, keeper. London, 1809. 80o. ROYAL IRISH ACADE.MY: Transactions, 1787 - 1849; vol. 1-22. Dublin. 22 vol. 4o. ROYAL KALENDAR, and Court and City Register, for England, Scotland, Ireland and the Colonies, for the years 1819, 29, 33, 36. London. 4 vol. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 651 ROYAL SOCIETY of EDINBURGH: Transactions, vol. I - 20. Edinburgh, 1788 - 53. 20 vol. 40. ROYAL SOCIETY of LONDON: Philosophical Transactions.... 1665 to 1800, abridged, with notes and biographic illustrations. L6ndon, 1809. 18 vol. 4o. ~:-:Philosophical Transactions, 1800 - 54. 55 vol. 4o. --- Abstracts of the Papers printed in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, from 1800 to 1854. London, 1832 - 54. 6 vol. 80. See Miscel. Curiosa. ROYALL ( Mrs. Anne). The Black Book; or a Continuation of Travels in the United States. Washington, 1829. Vol. 3. 120. Southern Tour; or Second Series of the Black Book. Washington, ~1831. Vol. 2. 80. Letters from Alabama, on various subjects. Washington, 1830. 80. ROYER (C. E.). Notes ]conomiques sur l'Administration des richesses et la Statistique agricole de la France. Paris, 1843. 80, with atlas fol. 2 vol. ------- Des Institutions de Credit foncier en Allemagne et en Belgique. Paris, 1845. 80. L'Agriculture Allemande; ses ecoles, son organisation, ses mceurs, et ses pratiques les plus r6centes. Paris, 1847. 8o. ROYLE (J. Forbes), M.D. Materia Medica and Therapeutics: ed. by Joseph Carson, M;.D. Philadelphia, 1847. 80. RoYs ( Auren). A Brief History of the Town of Norfolk, Conn., from 1738 to 1844. New-York, 1847. 80. RozoI ( M. de). Azor, on les Peruviens: Tragedie. Geneve, 1770. See Poemes sur l'Amerique. W. C. 750. RUBRUCUIS (G. de). Voyage remarquable en Tartarie et a la Chine, 1253. See Harris, Voy. vol. 1; Kerr, vol. 1, and Bergeron. WV. (. 98. RUDDIMAN (Thomas). Rudiments of the Latin tongue. New-York, 1807. 18o. B. C. RUDHART (Dr.). Einige Worte uiber Wallensteins Schuld. Miinchen, 1850. See Bav. Acad. Mem. vol. 1. RUDIMENTS of Ancient Architecture, with a Dictionary of terms. 5th ed. London, 1821. 8o. RUDING ( Rev. Rogers). Annals of the Coinage of Great Britain and its dependencies, from the earliest period to the reign of Victoria. 3d ed. Loncon, 1840. 3 vol. 4o. RUES ( Simon F.). Tegenwoordige Staet der Doopsgezinden of Mennoniten in de Vereen. Nederlanden. Amsterdam, 1745. 80. RUFFIN (Edmund). Essays and Notes on- agriculture. Richmond, Va. 1855. 8o. ------ See South-Carolina, Agricultural Survey. 652 NEW-YORK STATE RUGGIERI ( C(esar).- Narrative of the Crucifixion of Matthew Lovat, executed by his own hands, in Venice, in 1805. Pamphleteer, vol. 3. RUGGLES (John). Speech, Sen. U. S., on Fortifications, 1836. Pam. vol. 60. RUGGLES ( Samuel B.). Vindication in 1849, of the Canal Policy of NewYork of 1838. New-York. 80. Defence of the Right of the American Union to improve its navigable waters. New-York, 1852. Pam. vol. 75. RuIZ (Don Hipolito), y Don Joseph Pavon. Florie Peruvianse et Chilensis Prodromus; sive Novorum Generum Plantarum peruvianarum et chilensium descriptiones et icones. Madrid, 1794. fol. Spanish and Latin. Historical Eulogium on: from the Spanish, ed. by A. B. Lambert. Salisbury, 1831. 8~. RUMFORD ( Benjamin, Count of). Essays, political, economical and philosophical. 3d ed. London, 1797. 3 vol. 80. RUMPHIUS ( C. L. Blume). Rumphia; sive Commentationes Botanicae, imprimis de Plantis Indiae Orientalis, turn penitus incognitis tum qua% in libris Rheedii, Rumphii, Roxburghii, Wallichii, aliorum, recensentur. Lugd. Batav. 1835 - 48. 4 vol. fol. RUNDALL ( Thomas). See Memorials of Japan. Narratives of Voyages towards the Northwest, in search of a passage to Cathay-and India, 1496 to 1831. London, Hakluyt Society, 1849. 80. RuPERT (L.). Rehabilitation de la femme selon les idees chr6tiennes. Metz, 1851. 180. RuPP (J. Daniel). An Original History of the Religious Denominations in the United States; by Members of the respective denominations. Philadelphia, 1.844. 80. History of the Counties of Berks and Lebanon, Pa. Lancaster, 1844. 80. History of Lancaster and York Counties, Pa. Lancaster, 1844, 45. 80. RURAL MAGAZINE, and Farmer's Monthly Museum: W. S. Putnam, editor. Vol. 1. Hartford, 1819. 80. RUSCHENBERGER (W. S. W.). Voyage round the World, and Embassy to Muscat and Siam, in 1835 - 37. Philadelphia, 1838. 80. A Notice of the origin, progress and present condition of the Acad. of Nat. Sci. of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1852. 80. RUSH (Benjamin). Account of the Life and Character of Christopher Ludwick, Baker-General of the Army during the Revolutionary war. Philadelphia, 1831. 120. Medical Inquiries and Observations upon the diseases of the mind. 5th ed. Philadelphia, 1835. 80. Rusn ( James), M.D. Hamlet: a Dramatic Prelude, in five acts. Philadelphia, 1834. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 653 Rusn ( Richard ). Memoranda of a Residence at the Court of London. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1833. 80. The same. 8 B. CB. (J. - The same; including Negotiations on the Oregon question, etc. Philadelphia, 1845. 80. Report against the Bank, 1834. See Bank U. S. vol. 3. RUSHWORTH (John). Historical Collections. London, 1721. 8 vol. fol. RUSRIN (John). Modern Painters. New-York, 1847. 80. ~- ---- The Stones of Venice: The Foundations. New-York, 1851. 80. Notes on the Construction of sheepfolds. New-York, 1851. Pam. vol. 96. RUSSELL ( Archibald). Account of the Eleven Thousand Schools in the State of New-York: a Letter to Sir William Hamilton. Edinburgh, 1847. So. Principles of Statistical Inquiry, as illustrated in proposals for uniting an examination into the Resources of the United States with the Census to be taken in 1840. New-York, 1839. 80. RUSSELL (J.), D.D. English Grammar. London, 1833. 180.....e- English Grammar. London, 1835. 180. RUSSELL (J.) jun. History of the War between the United States and Great Britain, 1812. 2d ed. Hartford, 1815. 80. RUSSELL ( John). Tour in Germany, and some of the Southern Provinces of the Austrian Empire, in 1820 - 22. London, 1825. 2 vol. 160. RUSSELL ( Lord John). The Life of Lord William Russell. 3d ed. London, 1847. 2 vol. in 1. 80. C. L. The same. 2d ed. London, 1820. 2 vol. 8o. - See Moore's ( T.) Journal and Correspondence. RUSSELL ( John Scott). A Treatise on the Steam Engine, from the 7th ed. of the Encyc. Brit. revised. Edinburgh, 1851. 120. On the Nature, properties and applications of steam, and on Steam navigation. Edinburgh, 1841. 80. RUSSELL ( Michael ), LL.D. View of Ancient and Modern Europe. NewYork, 1831. 18~. The same. New-York, 1831. 180. B. C..- - History of Nubia and Abyssinia. Edin. Cab. Lib. vol. 12. History. of the Present Condition of the Barbary States. Edin. Cab. Lib. vol. 17. Palestine, or the Holy Land, from the earliest period to the present time. Edin. Cab. Lib. vol. 4. The same. New-York, 1832. 180. B. C. ------ Polynesia, or an Historical Account of the principal Islands in the South Sea. Edin. Cab. Lib. vol. 33. 654 NEW-YORK STATE RUSSELL ( Lady Rachel ). Letters, from the Manuscripts in Woburn Abbey; with the trial of Lord William Russell. 4th ed. London, 1792.80. RUSSELL (William). History of America. London, 1778. 2 vol. in 1. 40. - History of Ancient Europe. London, 1793. 2 vol. 80. History of Modern Europe. London, 1786. 6 vol. 80. The same, continued by W. Jones. New-York, 1832. 3 vol. 80. B. C. RUSSELL (William). Harper's New-York Class-book. New-York, 1847. 120. RUSSELL ( W. H.). The War; from the landing at Gallipoli, to the death of Raglan. London, 1855. 120. RUSSELL ( William S.). Guide to Plymouth, and Recollections of the Pilgrims. Boston, 1848. 120..... — Pilgrim Memorial, and Guide to Plymouth. Boston, 1855. 120. RUSSIA. Catalogus Bibliothecm Horti Imperialis Botanici Petropolitani: Curavit E. de Berg. Petropoli, 1852. 8o. Observatoire central et physique. See Kupffer. ~ —-- Sertum Petropolitanum. See Fischer. RUSSIA under Nicholas the First: trans. from the German, by Capt. A. C. Sterling. London, 1841. 180. B. C. RUTER (Martin). A Reply to Rev. F. Brown, Pres. Dartmouth Coill. Concord, N. H:. 1816. Pam. vol. 56. RUTGERS COLLEGE: A Collection in I vol. 80. Contents: 1. History of Rutgers College; or an Account of its Union with the Theological Seminary of the R. D. C. 1833. 2. Report of Trustees, 1840. 3. Statutes, 1830, 35. 4. Circulars, 1841, 42. 5. Catalogues, 1833, 43, 50, 51. 6. Catalogues of Graduatesj 1835, 40. 7. Peithesophian Society Catalogue, 1851. 8. Catalogues of the Theological Seminary, 1839, 43. RUTGER'S FEMALE INSTITUTE: Circular, 1843. Pamin. vol. 37. B. C. RUTH HALL: A Domestic Tale of the present time; by Fanny Fern. New-York, 1855. 120. RUTHERFURD ( Samuel ). Survey of the Survey of that Summe of Church Discipline, penned by Mr. Thomas Hooker. London, 1658. 40. RUXTON ( George F.). Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Mountains. London, 1849. 12o. -- --- Life in the Far West. New-York, 1849. 120. RUYscH ( Frederik ). Alle de ontleed-genees- en heelkundige werken van.... Behelzende het leven.. anatomische aanmerkingen, alle d'anatomische cabinetten, etc. Ed. Y. G. Arlebout. Amsterdam, 1744. 3 vol. GENERAL LIBRARY. 655 RYAN (William Redmond). Personal Adventures in Upper and Lower California, in 1848 - 49. 1850. 2 vol. 120. RYCAUT ( Sir Paul ). See Ricaut. RYDQVIST ( Johan Er.). Svenska sprakets lagar: Kritish afhandling. Forsta bandet. Stockholm, 1850. 80. RYER's (Du) Translation of the Koran. See Koran ( Al). RYERSON (Egerton), D.D., Chief Superintendent of Schools for Upper Canada: Report on a System of public elementary instruction, for Upper Canada. Montreal, 1847. 80..-.. -See Journ. of Educ. for U. Canada. See Canada (Upper), Reports on Schools. RYEiSON ( Rev. John). A Missionary Tour in the Territory of the Hudson's Bay Company. Toronto, 1855. 120. RYLAND (Rev. John). English Grammar. Northampton, 1767. 180. RYLAND ( J. C.). See Foster's (J.) Life and Correspondence. RYLE ( Thomas). American Liberty and Government questioned. London, 1855. 12o. S. S. (D. M. B.). Explication du Cantique des Cantiques, tire des Saints peres et des autheurs ecclesiastiques. Paris, 1689. 180. S...... ( Edmond de G.). La Republique de Buenoz-Ayrez, telle qu'elle est aujourd'hui. Paris, 1825. 80. W. C. 156. SAABYE ( Hans Egede). Greenland; being Extracts from a Journal kept from 1770 to 1778, with Introd. by G. Fries. London, 1818. 80. SABINE (Edward). Contributions to Terrestrial magnetism. Trans. Roy. Soc. 1840 - 1843. Reports on the Variations of the Magnetic Intensity observed at different points of the earth's surface. Brit. Assoc. Reports, 1837, 38. SABINE ( H. A. M.). Epitome of English Grammar. London, 1802. 180. SABINE (Lorenzo). The American Loyalist, or Biographical Sketches of Adherents to the British Crown in the War of the Revolution. Boston, 1847. 80.:- ~- Life of Comm. Edward Preble. See Sparks's Am. Biog. vol. 22. Report on the principal Fisheries of the American seas. Cong. Doct. Washington, 1853. 8o. Notes on Duels and Duelling. Boston, 1855. 120. SACK ( Albert von), Baron. Narrative of a Voyage to Surinam, and... Return to Europe, by way of North America. London, 1810. 4o. W. C. 820. SACKET (G. HE.). Early History of Seneca Co. N.Y. Pam. vol. 22. SACKETS-HARBOR and SARATOGA R. R. Comp.: Report, 1853. Pam. vol. 151. 656 NEW-YORK STATE SACKETT (Nathaniel), and others. Memorial to Congress, 1785, for a grant of land between the Ohio and Lake Erie; with a map. New-York, 1785. 4o. SACY ( M. de). L'Esclavage des Americains et des Negres. Paris, 1775. See Posmes sur l'Amerique. W. C. 750. SACY ( L. de). L'Honneur Frangais, ou Histoire des vertus et des exploits de notre nation. Paris, 1769 -84. 12 vol. 120. W. C. 821. SACY (Sylvestre de). Principles of General Grammar: trans. by D. Fosdick jr. Andover, 1837. 120. SADLER ( M. T.). The law of Population, in disproof of the superfecundity of human beings. London, 1830. 2 vol. 8o. Life and Writings. London, 1842. 80. SADLER ( Sir Ralph). State Papers and Letters: ed. by A. Clifford; with his Life, and Notes by Walter Scott. Edinburgh, 1809. 3 vol. 4~. SArFORD ( William H.). Life of Harman Blennerhassett, comprising an authentic narrative of the Burr expedition. Cincinnati, 1853. 120. SAGARD ( Fr. Gabriel). Le Grand Voyage du Pays des Hurons, situe en l'Amerique vers la Mer douce,. es derniers confins de la Nouvelle France, dite Canada..... avec un Dictionnaire de la Langue Huronne par Gabriel Sagard Theodat. Paris, 1632. 120. SAGE ( Rufus B.). Wild Scenes in Kansas and Nebraska, Oregon, California, etc. 3d ed. Philadelphia, 1855. 12o. SAINTARD (M.). Roman Politique sur l'fEtat Present des affaires de l'Am6rique. Amsterdam, 1756. 12,. W. C. 822. ST. CLAIR (Arthur), 1iIaj. Gen. Narrative of the manner in which the Campaign against the Indians in 1791 was conducted; with his Observations on the statements of the Secretary of War. Philadelphia, 1812. 80. SAINTE-CROIX (F. R. de). Statistique de la Martinique. Paris, 1832. 2 vol. 8 W.. C. 826. SAINTE-CROIX. (G. E. J. G. de). Histoire des Progres de la Puissance Navale de l'Angleterre. Paris, 1786. 2 vol. 120. W. C. 827. SAINT-EDME-SARRUT ( G. et B.). Biographie des honmmes du jour. Paris, 1835 - 41. 6 vol. roy. 80. W. C. 835. SAINT-ETIENNE D'AIX. See Aix ( S. E. d'). ST. EVREMOND ( Charles M. de St. Denis de). (Euvres.... publiees sur ses manuscrits, avec la vie de l'auteur par M. des Maizeaux. Amsterdam, 1726. 5 vol. 180. - Melange curieux des meilleures pieces attribuees &; et de quelques autres ouvrages rares et nouveaux. 3d ed. Amsterdam, 1726. 2 vol. 180. SAINT-HILATRE ( A. de). Voyage dans le District des Diamans, et sur le Littoral du Bresil. Paris, 1833. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 828. Voyage dans les Provinces de Rio Janeiro et de Minas Geraes. Paris, 1830. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 829. GENERAL LIBRARY. 657 SAINT-HILAIRE (J. Geoffroy). See Geoffroy, Naturalisation des animaux. SAINT-HILAIRE. See Rosseeuw-St. Hilaire, IHist. d'Espagne. ST. JOHN (Boyle). Adventures in the Lybian Desert and the Oasis of Jupiter Ammon. New-York, 1849. 120o. ST. JOHN (H.), Lord Bolingbroke. Works: published by David Mallet. Dublin, 1793. 5-vol. 80. Contents: Dissertation upon parties: vol. 2. Idea of a patriot king: vol. 3. Letters on the study and use of history: vol. 2. Letters and Essays: vol. 3 and 4. Reflections upon exile: vol. 1. Remarks on the History of England: vol. 1..-.-.... The same..5 vol. 8. B. C. See Articles d'Accusation contre Bolingbroke, Ormond, etc. ST. JOHN (James A.). The Lives of Celebrated Travellers. New-York, 1832. 3 vol. 12o. B. C. Egypt under Mohammed Ali, or Travels in the Valley of the Nile. London, 1834. 2 vol. 8o. Egypt and Nubia, with illustrations. London. 1845. 8. See More's Utopia. SAINT-JOHN ( J. Hector). See Crevecceur. ST. JOHN (John R.). True Description of the Lake Superior country; with Account of the Copper Companies. New-York, 1846. 120. ST. JOHN ( Percy B.). French Revolution in 1848: The Three Days of February, 1848; with Sketches of Lamartine, Guizot, etc. New-York; 1848. 12o. The same. 2d ed. London, 1848. 120. - The same. New-York, 1848. 120. B. C. ST. JOHN ( Samuel ). Elements of Geology, for the use of students. NewYork, 1851. 12o. ST. JOHN ( Thomas P.). Annus Mirabilis: Poem, at Columbia College, 1848. Pam. vol. 77. ST. LAWRENCE Co. Newspapers. See Jefferson Co. ST. LOUIS CHAIBEnR of COMMiERCE: Proceedings relative to the Mississippi river, 1812. Pam. vol. 6. ST. LOUIS ENQUIRER files, 1822, 24. Newsp. vol. 4. SAINT-LOUIS MAGNET; designed to illustrate the philosophy of human nature: T. J. M'Nair, editor. Monthly, 2 vol. in 1. St. Louis, 1845 - 47. 8. ST. LOUIS REGISTERa: files, 1821, 22. Newsp. vol. 4. SAINT-LUCIA and St. Vincent. See Uring ( N.). SAINT-MARc-GIRARDIN ( M.). De l'Instruction intermediaire, et de son etat dans ie midi de l'Allemagnc. Paris, 1835. 80. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.1 83 658 NEW-YORK STATE ST. MARIE ( Count). Algeria in 1845: A Visit to the French possessions in Africa. London, 1846. 12o. SAINT NICHOLAS SOCIETY Of the City of New-York: Account of the Banquet on the occasion of the visit of the Netherlands frigate Prins van Orange, May 1852.. New-York. 80. SAINT-PALAYE: Life of Froissart. See La Curne de St. Palaye. ST. PETER'S CHURCH, Albany: Report of Corn. on the Diocesan Convention, 1845. Pam. vol. 9'3. Report of Delegates, 1845. See Muns. Pam. vol. 4, and Controversy. SAINT-PIERRE (J. H. B. de). (Euvres Completes: mises en ordre, et pr6c6dees de la vie de l'auteur par L. Aiml&-Martin. Paris, 1818 - 20. 12 vol. 8~d. The same. Paris, 1836. 2 vol. 80. C. L. Studies of Nature: translated by H. Hunter, D.D. Dublin, 1798. 2 vol. 8'. ST. VALIER ( M.). Estat present de l'1Eglise, et de la Colonie Franqoise dans la Nouvelle France, par M. l'Eveque de Qu6bec. Paris, 1688. o0. SAINT-VICTOR ( J. B. de). See Anacreon, translation. SAIREVILLE Collection of Paintings: Catalogue. Pam. vol. 21. B. C. SALAD for the Solitary: by an Epicure. New-York, 1853. 120. SALE ( Lady Florentine). Journal of the disasters in Affghanistan, 1841, 42. London, 1843. 8. The same. London, 1844. 120. SALE ( George). See Koran, translation. SALEMl: City Documents, Miscellaneous, 1836 - 55. 1 vol. 8o. SCHo'oLS: Reports of Committee, 1845 - 55. 1 vol. 80. SALEM ATHENmEUM: Catalogue of the Library. Salem, 1842. 8o. SALEMI DIRECTORY, 1837, 42, 46, 50. 4 vol. 18o. SALEMI EAST-INDIA MARINE SOCIETY: Catalogue of Members, Journal and Museum. 1821, 31, 37. 1 vol. 80. SALFORD Borough Royal Museum and Library...... Catalogue of the Library. Mlanchester, 1851. 8'. SALISBURY ( J. H.), M.D. Prize Essays. 1 vol. 80. Contents: 1. -listory and Chemical investigation of maize. Albany, 1849. 2. On the Composition of the tomato, egg-plant, and pods of the ocra. 3 Examination of the Rumex crispus, or yellow dock. 4. Examination of five varieties of cabbage. The same: last titles. Muns. Pam. vol. 5. Analysis of Rhubarb; Analysis of the Apple. Albany, 1850. 80. SALISBURY (S.) jr. M.D. On Avon Springs. Rochester, 1835. Pam. vol. 79. GENERAL LIBRARY. 659 SALLE (De La). See La Salle. SALLUSTIUS ( C. Crispus). Bellum Catilinarium et Jugurthinum; with Translation and Notes, by John Mair. 4th ed. Edinburgh, 1774. 120. B. C. Florus and Velleius Paterculus: trans. by J. Selby Watson. London, Bohn, 1852. 120. SALM ( Princesse Constance de). W]uvres Completes. Paris, 1842. 4 vol. 8$. - PenseJes. Nouvelle edition, augmentee d'une troisieme partie in&. dite. Paris, 1846. 80. SALMAGUNDI; or the Whim-whams and Opinions of Launcelot Langstaff, esq. and others. New-York, 1814. 2 vol. 180. SALMASIUS ( C.). Defensio Regia, pro Carolo I. Sumptibus Regiis, 1649. 180..-...- Ad Johannem Miltonurn Responsio: Opus posthumum. Londini, 1660. 18o. SALMON (Thomas). Modern Hlis tory. 3d ed. London, 1745. Vol. 2 and 3. fol. W. C. 832. SALOMONS ( David). A Defence of the Joint Stock banks.... London, 1837. Pam. vol. 142. SALT ( Henry). A Voyage to Abyssinia, and Travels into the interior of that country, under the orders of the English government, in 1809, 10. London, 1844. 40. The same. Philadelphia, 1816. 80. SALVERTE (Eus6be). The Occult Sciences: The Philosophy of Magic, prodigies and apparent miracles, with notes... by A. T. Thomson... New-York, 1847. 2 vol. 12o. B. C. SAMLING af Instructioner f6r hijgre och lagre tjenstemnin, vid Landtregeringen i Sverige och Finnland.... Stockholm, 1852. 8o. SAMIPSON (Deborah). The Female Review; or Memoirs of an American Young Lady, who became a continental soldier. Dedham, 1797. 12o. SAMPSON ( Ezra). The Brief Remarker on the Ways of Man. New-York, 1855. 120 SAMPsON (Marmaduke B.) Central America, and the transit between the Oceans. New-York, 1850. 80. The same. Pam. vol. 76. Rationale of Crime.... A Treatise on Criminal Jurisprudence, considered in relation to cerebral organization: with notes and illustrations, by Mrs E. W. Farnham. New-York, 1846. 12o. SAMPSON (W.). Trial of Lieut. Renshaw, indicted for challenging Joseph Strong to fight a duel. New-York, 1809. Pam. vol. 4. B. C. SAMPSON (William). Memoirs; with a Sketch of the History of Ireland. 2d ed. Leesburg, 1817. 8o.....- 3iMemoirs: from 2d Am. edition, with an introduction. London, 1832. 120. 660 NEW-YORK STATE SAMSON against the Philistines; or the Reformation of Law suits, and Justice niade cheap and easy. Philadelphia, 1805. pp. 96. 80. Pam. vol. 40. SAMUELLS ( P. S.). Diss. Medical. Inaug. de Heamoptysi. Edinburgi, 1798. 80. SANBORN (Dyer HI.). Analytical Grammar of the English language. Concord, 1836. 120. SAND ( George). See Dudevant. SANDERSON (John). Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence. Philadelphia, 1820 - 22. 9 vol. 80. SANDERSON ( John). The American in Paris. 3d ed. Philadelphia, 1847. 2 vol. 80. SANDFORD ( Prof. D. K.). A Letter to Rev. Peter Elmsley, on the University of Oxford, and Edinburgh Review. Oxford, 1822. 80. SANDOR ( Farkas). Utazas Eszak Amerikaban. Kolozvartt, 1834. 80. SANDS ( Robert C. ). Writings; with a Memoir of the author. 2d edition. New-York, 1835. 2 vol. 8o. SANDWICH ISLANDS' Newspapers, 1846 - 48. Newsp. vol. 6. SANDWICH ISLANDS: Notes, by a tHaole. New-York, 1854. 120. SANFORD ( Rev. David ). Dissertation. Boston, 1810. Pam. vol. 25. SANFORD ( Ezekiel ). A History of the United States before the Revolution, with some Account of the aborigines. Philadelphia, 1819. 8,. SANFORD ( H. S.). The Different Systems of Penal Codes in Europe. Washington, 1854. 8o. SANGERFIELD MEETING: Proceedings on Freemasonry. Utica, 1830. l'am. vol. 72. SANSOM ( Joseph). Letters from Europe during a tour through Switzerland and Italy in 1801 and 1802: written by a native of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1805. 2 vol. 8o. Sketches of Lower Canada.... during a Tour to Quebec, 1817. New-York, 1817. 120. - The same. 120. B. C. SANSON ( L. J.). Traite de la Cataracte. 2Mle ed. Paris, 1832. 80. SANSON (Nicholas). Geographia Sacra, ex Veteri et Novo Testamento desumpta, et in tabulas quatuor concinnata. Additm sunt...... Jesu Christi, et Apostolorum Petri et Pauli, Vitae. Paris, 1665. fol. W. C. 833. L'Europe, l'Asie, l'Afrique, et l'Am6rique, en plusieurs cartes. Paris, 1683. 4o. W. C. 834. SANTAREM ( Viscount). Researches respecting Americus Vespucius and his Voyages: trans. by E. V. Childe. Boston, 1850. 120. SANTA-ROSA ( Count). On the Piedmontese Revolution. Pamphleteer, vol. 19. SANTE ( La): Journal d'Hygiene publique et privee. Bruxelles, 184950. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 661 - Supplement au Journal de la Sant6: Mesures d'Hygiiene publique, travaux d'assainissement: Comptes-rendus. Bruxelles, 1851. 80. SANTOS ( Joano dos). History of Eastern Ethiopia. Pinkerton, vol. 16. SANUTO (Marin). Itinerario per la Terra ferma veneziana, nell'anno 1483. Padova, 1847. 40. SAPPHO, BION, MIOSCHUS. Recueil de Compositions dessinees par Girodet; avec la Traduction en vers de quelques-unes des Po6sies de Sappho et de Moschus, par M. P. A. Coupin. Paris, 1829. fol. SARGENT ( Charles L.). A System of General Signals, for night and day. Boston, 1817. 80. SARGENT (Epes). American Adventure by Land and Sea. New-York, 1847. 2 vol. 12o. Life and Services of Henry Clay. New-York, 1848. 8~. The same: completed at Mr. Clay's death, by Horace Greeley. Auburn, 1852. 120. See New Monthly Magazine. SARGENT (George B.). Notes on Iowa, with a new map. New-York, 1849. 180. SARGENT (Lucius 3I.). Mly Mother's Gold Ring. Boston, 1833. Pam. vol. 29. B. C. - Dealings with the Dead: by a Sexton of the Old School. Boston, 1856. 2 vol. 120. Letter to Rev. J. Marsh, 1847. Pam. vol. 176. SARGENT ( Winthrop). The History of an Expedition against Fort Du Quesne in 1755, under Maj. Gen. E. Braddock: ed. from the original MSS. by W. S. Philadelphia, Hist. Soc. of Pa. 1855. 80. SARI ( M.). Meimoire sur la distribution des eaux dans Paris. Paris, 1852. 80. SARMIENTO: iage. See Gamboa ( P. S. de). SARPI ( Fra Pietro Paolo). Opere varie. Helmstat, 1750. 2 vol. in 1. fol. Opere. Helmstat. 2 vol. in 1. 4o..Historia del Concilio Tridentino di Pietro Soave. 1660. 40.. Historie of the Counnel of Trent; written in Italian by Pietro Soave Polano: trans. by Nathanael Brent. London, 1620. fol. SARRANS ( B.) jeune. La Fayette et la Revolution de 1830: Histoire des choses et des hommes de Juillet. La Haye, 1832. 180. B. C. Memoirs of Lafayette, and of the French revolution of 1830. London, 1832. 2 vol. 80. SARTWELL ( H. P.). Plants near Seneca and Crooked Lakes. Pamin. vol. 188. SATURDAY (The) MAGAZINE. A Compilation from British reviews, magazines, etc. Philadelphia, 1821 - 22. 2 vol. 80. National Recorder continued; which see. SATYRE MEiNIPPtE de la Vertu du Catholicon d'Espagne, et de la tenue des IEtats de Paris, etc. Ratisbone, 1726. 3 vol. 120. 662 NEW-YORK STATE SAuER ( Martin). Account of a Geographical and Astronomical Expedition to the Northern parts of Russia, by Commodore Billings, 1785 - 94. London, 1802. 4. Voyage dans le Nord de la Russie, 1785- 94, par le Commodore Billings: trad. de l'anglois, aveo notes, par J. Cast6ra. Paris, 1802. 2 vol. 80o. W.. 836. SAULCY ( 11. E. de). Compte rendu. See Academie de Metz. SAUJNDERS ( John). See People's Journal. SAURIN ( J.). Sermons sur divers textes de l'Ecriture Sainte. Amsterdam, 1776. 12 vol. 80. B. C. -- Sermons, translated from the original French. Vol. 1 -5, by R. Robinson; vol. 6, by H. Hunter; vol. 7, 8, by J. Sutcliffe. Schenectady, 1813 - 16. 8 vol. 80. B. C. - Leeredenen over verscheydene texten van de H. Schrift. Amsterdam, 1720. 80. B. C. SAUSSURE ( H. B. de). Attempts to attain the Summit of Mont Blanc. Pinkerton, vol. 4. SAUVEUR ( 3.). De la Police des d6ces, et des inhumations. Bruxelles, 1843. 8~. - De la Vente des M5idicaments en Belgique: Rapport. Bruxelles, 1846. 80. SAUVIGNY ( E. L. B. de). Hirza: Trag6die. Paris, 1767. 80. See Poemes sur i'Amerique. W. C. 750. SAUVOLE ( De). Journal Historique de I'Etablissement des FranDais a la Louisiane. See French, Hist. Coll. Louisiana, vol. 3. SAUZEAU (Alix). Recueil des usages locaux ayant force de loi dans le departement des Deux Sevres, avec un rapport a la Soc. d'Agr. de Niort. Niort, 1846. 80o. - Agriculture de Partie du Poitou. Niort, 1844. 85. SAVAGE ( James). Address, Massachusetts Lyceum, 1832, on the History of the Constitution of Massachusetts. 80. Oration, July 4. 1811, Boston. Pain. vol. 42. SAVAGE (William). A Dictionary of the Art of Printing. London, 1841. 8). SAVARY ( Nicholas). Letters on Greece: trans. from the French. London, 1788. 80. SAWYER ( Lemuel). A Biography of John Randolph of Roanoke, with a Selection from his speeches. New-York, 1844. 8). - The same. 8~. B. C. SAXE-WE7IMAR ( Bernhard, Duke qof). Travels through North America, 1825, 26. Philadelphia, 1828. 2 vol. in 1. 80. SAY ( Jean Baptiste). Treatise on Political Economy: trans. from the French, by C. R. Prinsep, with additional notes by Clement C. Biddle. Philadelphia, 1836. 8~. The same. Philadelphia, 1832. 80. B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 663 SAY (Thomas). A Short Compilation of his Life and Writings: by his Son. Philadelphia, 1796. 12o. - American Entomology; with a Glossary. Philadelphia, 182428. 4 vol. 8j. American Conchology, or Descriptions of the Shells of North America; illustrated by colored figures.... 7 num. New- Harmony, Indiana, 1830 - 34. 1 vol. 80. SCALPEL (The): A Journal of Health.... Ed. by E. 11. Dixon, M.D. New-York, 1849 - 50. 2 vol. in 1. 80. ScAMozzI ( Vincent ). (Euvres d'Architecture. Paris, 1764. So. SCENERY of the Catskill Mountains, as described by Irving, Cooper, Bryant, etc. New-York. Pain. vdol. 77. SCENES in Spain. New-York, 1837. 120. SCENES in the Rocky Mountains, Oregon, California, New-Mexico, Texas and Grand Prairies: by a New-Englander. Philadelphia, 1846. 120. SCHlAFER ( J. C.). Voyage Cosmographique: trad. de l'allemand. Paris, 1808. 2 vol. 120. W. C. 837. SCIAFF ( Dr. Philip). America: from the German. New-York, 1855. 120. SCHAFHIiUTL ( Karl). Die Geologle in ihrem verhaltnisse zu den Ubrigen naturwissenschaften. Munchen, 1843. See Bav. Acad. Memn. vol. 1. SCHEFFER (Arnold). Histoire des iItats-Unis de l'Amerique septentrionale. Paris, 1825. 120. W. C. 838. SCHELE DE VERE. See De Yere. SCLELLING ( P. van der). See Pars ( Adrianus). SCHEME for establishing a Constitutional Militia; with a Postcript relating to the landed and moneyed interest, 1756. London. Pam. vol. 136. SCHENCK ( R. C.). Speech, H. of R. U. S. 1847. Pam. vol. 46. B. C. SCHENCK ( Rev. W. E.). An Historical Account of the First Presbyterian Church of Princeton, N. J.: A Sermon, 1850. Princeton, 1850. 8o. SCHENECTADA Remonstrance against change of route of Erie Canal, 1836. Pam. vol. 26. B. C. SCHERER ( J. B.). Recherches Historiques et Geographiques sur le Nouveau Monde. Paris, 1777. 80. W. C. 839. SCHERMERHORN (Rev. J. F.). Letter to Reformed Dutch Churches, 1823. Pam. vol. 65. - and Samuel J. Mills. A Correct View of the United States which lie west of the Alleghany Mountains, as to religion and morality. Hartford, 1814. 8'. SCHILLTER ( Frederick). Works. Lotdon, BoAhn, 1846 - 49. 4 vol. 120. Contents Vol. 1. History of the Thirty-years' War, and of the Revolt of the Netherlands. Vol. 2. History of the Revolt of the Netherlands, continued; Wallenstein and William Tell. Vol. 3. Don Carlos; Mary Stuart; The Maid of Orleans; The Bride of Messina. Vol. 4. The Robbers; Fiesco; Love and Intrigue; Demetrius, etc. 664 NEW-YORK STATE The same. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1846. 2 vol. 120. B. C. Correspondence with Korner; with Sketches and Anecdotes of Goethe, the Schlegels, Wieland, etc.; with notes by L. Simpson. London, 1849. 3 vol. 80. Minor Poems. See Goethe. SCHIMMER (Karl A.). Sieges of Vienna. See Ellesmere's translation. SCHINKEL ( Dr. C. F.). Sammlung Architectonischer Entwirfe von: Berlin, 1845. 2 vol. fol. --- Wcrke de Hliheren Baukunst, fiir die ausfiihring erfunden und dargestellt von. Potsdam, 1840. fol, SCHLECHTA-Wss EHRD ( O. MI. Freiherrn v.). Der Fri:hlingsgarten von ]Mewlana Abdurrahrman Dschamni: aus dem Persischen iibertragen. With the Persian text. Wien, 1846. 80. SCIILEGEL (Augustus William). A Course of Lectures on Dramatic art and literature: trans. by John Black, and revised by Rev. A. J. W. Morrison. London, 1846. 12~. SCHLEGEL ( Frederick von). Lectures on the History of Literature, ancient and modern. Philadelphia, 1818. 2 vol. 80. B. C. The Philosophy of History, in a Course of lectures. trans. from the German, with a memoir of the author, by J. B. Robertson. 4th ed. London, 1846. 120. A Course of Lectures on modern history; with Essays on the beginning of our history, and on Coesar and Alexander. London, Bohn, 1849. 120. - Esthetic and Miscellaneous Workls; comprising Letters on Christian Art, Essay on Gothic Architecture, on the Language and Wisdom of the Indians: trans. by E. J. Millington. London, 1849. 120. ----- The Philosophy of Life and Philosophy of Language: from the German, by Rev. A. J. XW. Morrison. London, Bohn, 1847. 12o. B. C. The same. New-York, 1848. 12,. SCHLEIDEN ( Dr. J. M.). Principles of Scientific Botany: trans. by Dr. Lankester. London, 1849. 80. SCHLEIERMACHER ( Dr. Frederick ). A Critical Essay on the Gospel of St. Luke. London, 1825. 80. B. C. SCHLIPPP ( J. A.). Manuel populaire d'Agriculture trad. de l'allemand par Napoleon Nickles. Strasbourg et Paris, 1844. 8,'. SCHLOSSER ( F. C.). History of the Eighteenth Century, and of the Ninetecnth till the overthrow of the French Empire; with particular referenco to mental cultivation and progress. London, 1845. 6 vol. 80. and others. History of Rome from the German. Philadelphia, 1837. 80. SCHMEISSER ( J. G.). System of Mineralogy, formed chiefly on the plan of Cronstedt. London, 1795. 2 vol. 80. SCHIMIDEL (Ulric). Verissima Praecipuarum Indise regionum descriptio. Francoforti, 1599. fol. See Bry (De). W. C. 153. GENERAL LIBRARY. 665 Histoire veritable d'un Voyage curieux clans l'Am6rique, 1534 - 54. Ternaux, Voyages, vol. 5. SCHMIDT (Friedrich). Die Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-America. Stuttgart, 1822. 2 vol. 120. W. C. 840. SCHMIDT (H. I.), Prof. Columbia Coll. Education: Part 1, History of; part 2, Plan of culture. New-York, 1848. 180. SCHMIDT ( Josephus HI.). De Corporum heterogeneorum in plantis animalibusque genesi. Berolini, 1825. Pam. 4o. vol. 3. SOCMIDTMEYER (Peter). Travels to Chile, over the Andes. London, 1822. 40o. W. C. 841. SCHMIDT-PIISELDEK ( Dr. C. F. von). Europa und Amerika, etc. 2d ed. Kopenhagen, 1820. 120. Europe and America, or the Relative State of the Civilized World at a future period: trans. by J. Owen. Copenhagen, 1820. 120. 2 copies. SCHMIT ( J. P.). Des Moyens de recueillir et d'utiliser les engrais. Liege, 1850. 80~. SCHMITZ ( Dr. Leonard ). A History of Rome,.. to the Death of Comnmodus, A. D. 192. New-York, 1847. 120. SCHMUCIER ( S. S.), D.D. The American Lutheran Church, historically, doctrinally, and practically delineated. Springfield, 0. 1851. 120..-..-~. The same. 4th ed. Springfield, 0. 1852. 120. SCHNELLER ( Rev. J. A.). Letters; being an Answer to the " Christmas Holidays in Rome, by Dr. William I. Kip." Albany, 1846. 80. SCHNITZLER ( J. H.). Apergu general de 1'Empire de Russie, 1844. Pam. vol. 17. Secret History of the Court and Government of Russia, under the Emperors Alexander and Nicholas. London, 1847. 2 vol. 8o. SCHCELCHER (V.). Iistoire des Crimes du Deux Decembre. Londres, 1852. 120. SCHSMANN ( G. F.). A Dissertation on the Assemblies of the Athenians: from the Latin. Cambridge, 1838. 8,1. C. L. SCHOMBURGH ( R. H.). Natural IIistory of the Fishes of Guiana. 2 vol. 1841. See Nat. Lib. SCHOOLCRAFT ( H. R.). View of the Lead Mines of Missouri; including Observations on the mineralogy, geology, etc. of Missouri and Arkansaw. New-York, 1819. 80. Travels...... to the Sources of the Mississippi River. Albany, 1821. 80. J —- ournal of a Tour into the Interior of Missouri and Arkansaw,....1818, 19. London, 1821. 80. - Observations respecting the Grave Creek Mound, Western Virginia. Am. Ethn. Soc. Trans. vol. 1. Travels in the Central Portions of the Mississippi Valley. NewYork, 1825. 8o. W. C. 842. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 84 666 NEW-YORK STATE...._ Narrative of an Expedition to Itasca Lake. New-York, 1834. 80. - Algic Researches; comprising Enquiries respecting the mental characteristics of the North American Indians: First series, Indian Tales and Legends. New-York, 1839. 2 vol. 80. - The Rise of the West; or a Prospect of the Mississippi Valley: A Poem. New-York, 1841. 12o. Oneota, or the Red Race of America; their history, traditions, customs, poetry, etc. New-York, 1844. Four numbers in 1 vol. 80. Address before the New Confederacy of the Iroquois, held at Aurora, 1846; with Hosmer's Poem on the same occasion. Rochester, 1846. Pain. vol. 17..-... Notes on the Iroquois; or Contributions to American history, antiquities and general ethnology. N.York and Albany, 1846 - 47. 8o. * Address, New-York Hist. Sec. New-York, 1847. 80. Outlines of the Life and Character of Gen. Lewis Cass. Albany, 1848. 80. The Indian in his Wigwam; or Characteristics of the Red Race of America.... New-York, 1848. 8~. A Bibliographical Catalogue of Books, Translations of the Scriptures, and other Publications in tie Indian Tongues of the United States. Washington, 1849. 80. _-____.Personal Memoirs of a Residence of thirty years with the Indian Tribes on the American frontier.. 1812 - 42. Philadelphia, 1851. 80. ______- Scenes and Adventures in the Semi-alpine regions of the Ozark Mountains of Missouri and Arkansas. Philadelphia, 1853. 80. Historical and Statistical Information respecting the history, condition, and prospects of the Indian tribes of the United States: collected and prepared under the direction of the Bureau of Indian Affairs: illustrated by Capt. Eastman, U. S. A. By Authority of Cong. Philadelphia, 1851 - 54. 4 vol. 40. - Summary Narrative of an Exploring Expedition to the Sources of the Mississippi in 1820, resumed and completed in 1832. Philadelphia, 1855. 85 SCHOOLMASTER ( The). Essays on Practical Education, from Ascham, Milton, Locke, and Butler. London, 1836. 2 vol. 120. SCHOOLMASTER ( The): Feb. 1850. Vol. 1, no 1. See Period. 80. vol. 1. SCHooN ( Theodorus). Waare Oeffening en Ontleding der Planten.... De culture ofte voortqueekinge van de Tabak; haar gebruyk, misbruik, kragt en werkinge.... Gravenhage, 1692. 18o. SCHOONMAIER (M.). Speeches, H. of R. U. S., on the Public lands, 1852; on the Slave question, 1852. Pam. vol. 60. SCHnPFr (J. D.). Beytrage zur Mineralogisehen Kenntniss des Oestlichen theils von Nordamerika und seiner gebiirgc. Erlangen, 1787. 80. W. C. 843. ------ Materia MIedica Americana. Erlangen, 1787. 80. W. C. 844. GENERAL LIBRARY. 667 - Reise durch einige der Mittlern und Stidlichen Yereinigten Nord. amerikanisehen Staaten nach Ost-Florida und den Bahama- Inseln. Erlangen, 1788. 2 vol. 8~. W. C. 845. SCHORTINGHUTS (Wilhelrnus). Het Innige Christendom. Groningen, 1740. 4o. B. C. SCHOTEL ( Dr. G. D. J.). Lettre a M. J. de Wal, sur les Archives du Royaume a La Haye. In French and Dutch. La Haye, 1850, 51. 1 vol. 80. SCHOTT (Christian I1.). The Unaltered Augsburgh Confession, as read before the Emperor Charles V. June 25, 1530; with introduction and notes: from the German. New-York, 1848. 120. SCHOTT (Dr. William). See Berlin Royal Library. SCHOUTEN of HORN (Cornelison). Voyage. Harris, vol. 1; Kerr, vol. 10. Scnouw (J. F.). The Earth, Plants and Man: trans. and ed. by A. Henfrey. London, Bohn, 1852. 120. SCHRAMKE (T). Description of the New-York Croton Aqueduct, in English, German and French, with 20 plates. New-York and Boston, 1848. 40. SCHRRENK (Alexander G.). Reise nach dem Nordosten des Europaischen Russlands, durch die Tundren der Samnojeden. 1st part. Dorpat, 1848. 80. SCURENK ( C1.). Enumeratio Plantarum Novarum a C1. Schrenk Lectarum. Petropoli, 1841. 80. SCHREUDER ( H. P. S.). Grammatik for Zulu-7proget. Christiania, 1850. 80. SCHREVELIUS ( Corn.). Lexicon Manuale Graco- latinum et Latinogrincum. Lugduni Batavorum, 1670. 80. B. C. The same. New-York, 1818. 80. SCHR6DER. Materia Medica. See Farvacques. SCHROEDER ( Eric August). Hand-bok i Philosophiens Historia. Upsala, 1846 - 8. 3 vol. 80. ScamROEDER ( Francis). Shores of the Mediterranean, with Sketches of Travel, 1843-5. New-York, 1846. 2 vol. 8o. SCHULTENS (Albert). Lykrede der Gedachtenisse van Herman Boerhaave. Leyden, 1739. See Fabricius (F.). SCHULTZ ( Christian). Travels through New-York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee. New-York, 1810. 2 vol. in 1. 8o. SCHULTZE ( Max. Sigmund) Ueber den Organismus der Polythalamien; nebst Bemerkungen uiber die Rhizopoden in allgemeinen. Leipzig, 1854. fol. SCHURMAN ( Anna Maria'). Opuscula, hebroea, graeca, latina, gallica, prosaica et metrica. Rhenum, 1652. 180. B. C. SCHUTZ (Prof.). Englisch-frallnzsischer Rasirspiegel ffar Deutschlands Universitaten. Braunschweig, 1830. 120. 668 NEW-YORK STATE SCHUYLIKILL Fishing Company, in the State of Pennsylvania: A Historical Memoir from 1732 to the present time, Philadelphia, 1830. With Memoirs of the Gloucester Fox Hunting Club, near Philadelphia. 8o. SCIIUYLKILL Navigation Company: Reports, 1847, 8, 9. Pam. vol. 53. - Reports, 1849, 50, 51. Pam. vol. 69. SCHWIEGRICHEN (Friderico D.). Species Muscorum fiondosorum: pars 1. Berolini, 1830. 80. SCHWARTZ ( Rev. n.). R6flexions cur l'Esclavage des Negres. Neufchatel, 1788. 8o. SCHWARZ (Rabbi Joseph). A Descriptive Geography and Brief Historical Sketch of Palestine: trans. by isaac Leeser. Philadelphia, 1850. 8o. SCHWEINITZ ( Rev. L. D. de). Synopsis Fungorum Carolinae superioris: Edita a F. D. Schwaegrichen. Lipsie. 40. Monograph of the North American Species of the Genus Carex ed. by John Torrey. New-York, 1825. 80. Specimen Florea Americe Septentrionalis Cryptogamicee, sistens Muscos hepaticos. Raleigh, 1821. 80. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN The Advocate of Industry, and Journal of scientific, mechanical, and other improvements. Vol. 5 - 10. NewYork, 1849- 55. 6 vol. fol. SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL: Ed. by W. MIarratt. Feb. Mar. Ap. May, July, 1818. New-York. 1 vol. 80. SCIPIO, pseud. Reflections on Monroe's View of the Conduct of the Executive, as published in the Gazette of the U. S. Pam. vol. 8, 31. SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC, and Repository of Useful Knowledge, 1851. Toronto. 80. SCORESBY ( William), D.D. An Account of the Arctic Regions, with a History and Description of the northern whale fishery. Edinburgh, 1820. 2 vol. 80. Journal of a Voyage to the Northern Whale Fishery; including Researches and Discoveries on the Eastern Coast of West-Greenland, in 1822. Edinburgh, 1823. 80. - The Franklin Expedition; or Considerations on measures for the discovery and relief of our absent adventurers in the Arctic Regions. London, 1850. 80. A- merican factories, and their female operatives. Boston, 1845.180. SCOTCH University Commissioners. See Great Britain. SCOTI (Antonio). Memorie del B. Benedetto XI. Pont. Mass. Trivigi, 1737. 4o. SCOTT ( I. WTV.). Albany Directory, for the year 1831 - 2. 1831. 12o. B. C. SCOTT (Jonathan). See Arabian Nights. SCOTT (Joseph). United States Gazetteer. Philadelphia, 1795. 120. W. C. 846. SCOTT (Rev. 0.). An Appeal to the Methodist Episcopal Church. Boston, 1838. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 669 SCOTT (R. E.). Inquiry into the Limits and Objects of physical and metaphysical science. London, 1810. 80. C. L. SCOTT ( Sir Walter). Works. Philadelphia, 1840. 10 vol. 80. Contents: Vol. 1 - 6. Romances and Tales. Vol. 7. Tales of a Grandfather; History of Scotland. Vol. 8. Biographies; Paul's Letters; Discourses; Demonology. Vol. 9. Life of Buonaparte. Vol. 10. Life by Lockhart... —.- The Waverley Novels. Edinburgh, 1852 - 53. 25 vol. 80. Con. tents: Vol. 1. Waverley. Vol. 14. Fortunes of Nigel. 2. Guy Mannering. 15. Peveril of the Peak. 3. The Antiquary. 16. Quentin Durward. 4. Rob Roy. 17. St. Ronan's Well. 5. Old Mortality. 18. Redgauntlet. 6. Black Dwarf; Legend of Mont- 19. The Betrothed. rose. 20. Talisman: Highland Widow; 7. Heart of Mid-Lothian. Chronicles of.the Canongate. 8. Bride of Lammermoor. 21. Woodstock. 9. Ivanhoe. 22. Fair Mlaid of Perth. 10. The Monastery. 23. Anne of Geierstein. 11. The Abbot. 24. Count Robert of Paris. 12. Kenilworth. 25. Surgeon's Daughter; Castle 13. The Pirate. Dangerous; Index & Glossary. Prose Works. Boston, 1829. 5 vol. 120. Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. Philadelphia, 1827. 3 vol. 80. The same. New-London, 1834. 3 vol. 8o. B. C. History of Scotland. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 93, 94. The same. Philadelphia, 1830. 2 vol. 120. B. C. Religious Discourses: by a Layman. Philadelphia, 1828. 120. B. C. - Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft, addressed to J. G. Lockhart. New-York, 1830. 12. B. C. Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border; consisting of historical and romantic ballads.... London, 1839. 8~. Waverley. New-York, 1815. 3 vol. in 2. 120. B. C. Ivanhoe. Philadelphia, 1820. 2 vol. 120. B. C. Rob Roy. New-York, 1818. 2 vol. 120. B. C. - Tales of my Landlord. New-York, 1817. 4 vol. in 2. 120. B. C. Tales of mly Landlord: 2d series. Philadelphia, 1818. 4 vol. in 2. 12o. B. C. &Euvres. Charles le Temeraire, ou Anne de Geierstein. Bruxelles, 1834. 5 vol. 180. B. C. Autobiography. Philadelphia, 1831. 120. B. C. SCOTT ( William). Harmony of Phrenology with Scripture: a Refutation of the philosophical errors contained in Mir. Combe's Constitution of Man. Edinburgh, 1836. 80. 670 NEW-YORK STATE SCOTT ( IMaj. Gen. Winfield ). Infantry Tactics; or Rules for the Exercise and Manceuvres of the United States Infantry. New Edition. NewYork, 1846. 3 vol. 180. Letter to the Secretary of War; or Review of the controversy on a question of rank between Generals Scott and Gaines. Now-York, 1827. 80. Also Pam. vol. 102. Life of, with illustrations. New-York, 1852. 12o. Life of General Scott. 80. General Scott and his Staff; including Memoirs of some of his generals, etc. Philadelphia, 1848. 120. SCOUGAL ( Henry). The Life of God in the Soul of Man. Philadelphia, 1827. 18o. B. C. ScouIER ( John). Observations on the Indigenous Tribes of the Northwest Coast of America. Geog. Soc. Journal, vol. 11. SCRAP (The) TABLE for 1831: A Collection of sketches. Boston. 120. B. C. SCRIBE (Eugene). Les Huguenots: Grand Opera. La Haye, 1838. Pam. vol. 41. B. C. - Gauido et Ginevra, ou la Peste de Florence: Opera. La Haye, f1838. Pam. vol. 41. B. C. SCRIPTORES REI RUSTIC.E Veteres Latini, e recensione J. M. Gesneri. Biponti, 1787- 88. 4 vol. 80. SCRIPToRES ROMANI: Containing, M. T. Cicero, Opera omnia, 20 vol.; C. C. Tacitus, Opera, 3 vol. Bostoniae, 1815 - 17. 23 vol. 12o. B. C. SCRIVENOR (Harry). History of the Iron Trade, throughout the world. London, 1841. 80. The Railways of Great Britain, statistically considered, in relation to their extent, capital.... with railway accounts upon a uniform plan. London, 1849. 80. SCROPE ( G. Poulett). Life of Lord Sydenham; with a Narrative of his Administration in Canada. 2d ed. London, 1844. 120. ScuDo (P.). Critique et Litterature musicales. Paris, 1850. 80. SEABURY ( Samuel ),D.D. Bp. Free Thoughts on the Proceedings of the Continental Congress. See Free Thoughts. SEABURY (Samuel), D.D. The Continuity of the Church of England in the 16th century. New-York, 1853. 8o. SEAMAN ( Ezra C.). Essays on the Progress of Nations, in productive industry, civilization, population and wealth. Detroit, 1846. 80..-...- Supplement to Essays on the Progress of Nations. Nos. 1 and 2. New-York, 1848. 80. ------- Essays on the Progress of Nations, etc. New-York, 1853. 120, SEAMAN ( Valentine), M.D. A Dissertation on the Mineral waters of Saratoga. New-York, 1793. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 671 The same; including an Account of the waters of Ballston. NewYork, 1809. 120. SEAMAN (Valentine), M. D. A Discourse on Vaccination, or Kine-pock inoculation. New-York, 1816. 80. SEARS (Robert). Pictorial History of the American Revolution; with a Sketch of the Early History of the Country, and the Constitution of the United States. New-York, 1845. 80. SEATSFIELD (Charles). 1, North and South, or Scenes in Mexico; 2, Life in the New World, translated by Hebbe and Mackay; 3, The Cabin Book, or Sketches of Life in Texas; 4, Rambleton, or Fashionable Life in New-York. New-York, 1844. 1 vol. 80. Scenes and Adventures in Central America: ed. by F. Hardman. Edinburgh, 1852. 120. SEAVER ( James E.). Deh-he-wa-mis; or a Narrative of the Life of Mary Jemison, otherwise called the White Woman. 3d ed. Batavia, 1844. 160o. SEAVER ( William). A Historical Sketch of the Village of Batavia. Batavia, 1849. 80. SEBA (Albertns). Locupletissimi Rerum Naturalium Thesauri accurata descriptio, et iconibus artificiosisimis expressio, per universam physices historiam. Amsterdami, 1734. Plates incomplete. fol. SECCHI ( Prof. A.). Researches on Electrical Rheometry. See Smithson. Contr. vol. 3. SECIKER ( Thomas), Archbp. Works. Edinburgh, 1792. 4 vol. 80. A Letter to the Right Hon. Horatio Walpole, written January 9, 1750 - 51, concerning bishops in America. London, 1769. 80. SECRET HISTORY of the Reigns of Charles II. and James II. 1690. 180. SECRET SOCIETIES in Colleges. See Pam. vol. 183. SECRETA MONITA SOCIETATIS JESU. Latin and English. Princeton, 1831. 18~. SEDGWICK (Adam). Discourse on the Studies of the University. 2d ed. Cambridge, 1834. 120. The same. 5th edition, with a preliminary dissertation. London, 1850. 120. SEDGWICK ( Catherine M.). A New-England Tale. 2d ed. New-York, 1822. 12o. B. C. The Traveller: A Tale, by the Author of Redwood. New-York, 1825. 180. B. C. - Hope Leslie; or Early Times in Massachusetts. New-York, 1827. 2 vol. 120. B. C..-.... Hope Leslie; of Vorige Tijden in Massachusetts. Deventer, 1838. So. B. C. Clarence; or a Tale of our own Times. Philadelphia, 1830. 2 vol. 12o. B. C. The same. New-York, 1849. 120. 672 NEW-YORK STATE Letters from Abroad to Kindred at Home. New-York, 1841. 2 vol. 120. Life of Lucrdtia MNI. Davidson. Sparks's Am. Biog. vol. 7. SEDGWICK ( H. D.). Refutation of the reasons asigned by the arbitrators in their award in the case of the two Greek frigates. New-York, 1826. Pam. vol. 12. B. C. SEDGWICK (Robert ). See Duer ( J.), Greek Frigate Controversy. SEDGWICI (Theodore). Address, Berkshire Assoc.... Agr. and Manuf. 1823. Pam. vol. 6. B. C. Address, Berkshire Agr. Soc. 1830. Pam. vol. 20. B. C. Public and Private Economy; illustrated by observations made in England, in 1836. 3 parts. New-York, 1836- 39. 3 vol. 120. B. C. The same: Parts 1, 2. 1836 - 38. 80. SEDGWICI ( Theodore) jun. A Memoir of the Life of William Livingston. New-York, 1833. 80. The same. 80. B. C. ---- -,What is Monopoly? or Some Considerations upon the subject of corporations and currency: by a Citizen of New-York, 1835. Pam. vol. 29. B. C. Thoughts on the Annexation of Texas, 1844. Pam. vol. 181. Also Pam. vol. 37. B. C. The same: 2d edition, with the Address of Mr. Gallatin. Pam. vol. 181. - The American Citizen; a Discourse, Union College, July, 1847. New-York, 1847. 80.... The same. Pam. vol. 45. B. C. SEDGWICK ( Mrs. T.). Alida; or Town and Country: by the Author of "Allen Prescott." New-York, 1844. 80. B. C. &SDILLOT (Dr.). Dc l'Insensibilite produite par chloroforme, et par bther. Paris, 1848. 80. SEEMANN (Berthold ). Narrative of the Voyage of H. M. S. Herald, 1845-51, during a circumnavigation of the globe, and three cruises to the Arctic region in search of Sir J. Franklin. London, 1853. 2 vol. 80 SEGA (James). Essay on Duelling: from the Italian, 1830. Pam. vol. 75. SEGUEZZI (Santo). Estat des Revenus d'IEgypte. Paris, 1651. See Relations veritables. W. C. 790. S&GUR ( Le Comte de). Histoire de France. Paris, 1830. 9 vol. 80. B. C. ------- emoirs and Recollections.... by himself. London, 1825 - 27. 3 vol. 8o. - The same. Boston, 1825. 80. SEIXAS (D. G.). Documents on Removal of D. G. Seixas from the Phil'a Deaf and Dumb Inst. Philadelphia, 1822. Pam. vol, 56. GENERAL LIBRARY. 673 SELBERG ( Dr. Eduard). Reise nach Java, und Ausflige nach den inseln Madura und St. Helena. Oldenburg, 1846. 80. SELBY ( John P.). Illustrations of British Ornithology. Edinburgh, 1833. 2 vol. 80. Ornithology: Pigeons. See Nat. Lib. Ornithology: Parrots. Edinburgh, 1836. See Nat. Lib. SELDEN (John). Table-Talk. Edinburgh, 1819. 160. SELKIRK (Earl of). Statement respecting the Earl of Selkirk's Settloment upon the Red River...... with Observations upon A...A. A Narrative of occurrences, etc." London, 1817. So. A Narrati-Te of occurrences in the Indian countries of NorthAmerica, since the connexion of the Earl of Selkirk with the Hudson's Bay Company. Montreal, 1818. 8:. SELYS-LONGOCHAMPS (Edmond de). Observations sur les Ph6nomenes periodiques du Regne animal, et sur les Migrations des Oiseaux en Belgique, de 1841 a 1846. With Restum6 des Observations m6t6orologiques en 1841 & Louvain, par Crahay; Do. do. a Liege, par Morren et Deville; Instructions pour l'observation des ph6nomnenes periodiques, par M. Quetelet. Bruxelles, 1842. 4O. SEMMES ( Lieut. Raphael). Service Afloat and Ashore, during the American War. Cincinnati, 1851. 80. SENA ( M. G. de). Historia Concisa de los Estados Unidos, desde el Deseubrimento de la America, hasta el alio de 1807, Philadelphia, 1812. 80. SENATORS (The), a Poem; or a Candid Examination into the merits of the principal performers of St. Stephen's Chapel. London, 1772. See Pam. 4o. vol. 2. SENAULT (J. F.). De l'Usage des Passions. 1664. 180, B. C. SENECA ( Lucius Anneeus). Lucubrationes omnes, additis etiamn nonnullis Erasmi Roterodami cura: sinon ab omnibus, certe ab innumeris mendis repurgate, Joannis Frobenii curdi. Basilere, 1515. fol. A. Senecoe tum Rhetoris tum Philosophi, Opera omnnia, ab Andrea Schotto castigata. Genevwe, 1665. 120, Tragcedive. Excudebat Jacobus Stoer, 1609. 24o. Morals by way of Abstract; to which is added a Discourse by Sir R. L'Estrange. Philadelphia, 1831. 180. B. C. SENECA INDIAN HYMNS. New-York, 1852. 180. SENECA INDIANS CONTROVERSY: A Collection of pamphlets concerning it. Boston, Philadelphia and Baltimore, 1840 -48. 1 vol. 80. SENIOR ( Nassau W.). Introductory Lecture on Political Economy.... University of Oxford, 1826. Pamphleteer, vol. 29. - Statement of the Provision for the Poor.... in.. Europe and America. London, 1835. 8o. SENTER ( I.}. Journal. See Hist. Soc. of Pennsylvania, Bulletin, vol. 1, [ GEN. LIB. 1.855.1 85 674 NEW-YORK STATE SENTIMENTS (The True) of America, contained in a Collection of Letters sent from the House of Representatives of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, to several persons of high rank in this kingdom; together with Sundry Papers relating to a supposed Libel on the Governor of that Province, and a Dissertation on the canon and feudal law: by Thomas Hollis. London, 1768. Pam. vol. 112. SEPP (A.), and A. Behme. Voyage to Paraquaria, La Plata. Churchill, vol. 4. SEPTEMBER: a Poem. London. Pam. 40. vol. 2. SEPTUAGINT. See Bible, Grabe. SERGEANT ( John). Speeches. Philadelphia, 1832. 8'. Speech, -I. of R. U. S. Feb. 2, 1828. Pam. vol. 7. Address, Apprentices' Lib. Comp. of Phil'a, 1832. Pamn. vol. 8. Address, Alumni Association of Nassau Hall, 1833. Pam. vol. 11. SERIES (A), of Wisdom and Policy, manifested in a Review of our foreign negotiations for several years past. London, 1735. Pain. vol. 125. SEIRINGE (N. C.). Mi langcs Botaniques. Geneve, 1818- 26. 80. _ Le Petit Agriculteur; ou Elements de Botanique et de Zoologie agricole. Lyon, 1841. 18~. SERIOUS EXAMINATION: trans. from the Spanish, by J. Porter. Northampton, 1829. Pam. vol. 93. SERIOUS FACTS; or the Voice of Warning to Republicans, 1800. Pain. vol. 66. SERMONS: A Miscellaneous Collection, chiefly from 1825 to 1848. 6 vol. S., B. C. SERoux D'AGINCOURT (J. B. L. G.). See Agincourt. SERRADIFALCO ( D. Lo F. Pietrasanta, Duca di ). See Pietrasanta. SERTUMI PETROPOLITANUMI. See Fischer ( F. E. L.). SESSION of Parliament for 1825. See Great Britain. SEUL ( Du) Parti ah prendre a l'egard de Saint-Domingue. Paris, 1819. 80. W. C. 824. SEUTIN ( M.). Des Mesures propres a restreindre la maladie syphilitique: Rapport.... Bruxelles, 1843. 80. SEVIGNI (Mine la Marquise de). Recueil des Lettres de Mine de Sevign6. Paris, 1734- 37. 6 vol. 120. SEWALL (Jonathan). The Origin of the American Contest with Great Britain; or the present political state of Massachusetts-Bay in general, and the town of Boston in particular.... by Massachusettensis, a native of New-England. New-York,- Rivington, 1775. 8&. SEWALL ( R. K.). Sketches of St. Augustine, and its advantages as a resort for invalids. New-York, 1848. 120. SEWALL ( T.), M.D. TMemoirs of Dr. Godman: Introd. Lect. Colum. Coll. 1830. Pam. vol. 85. GENERAL LIBRARY. 675 SEWARD (Anna). Life of Dr. Darwin. Philadelphia, 1804. o80. SEWARD (S. S.) INSTITUTE, Florida, Oneida County, N.Y.: Catalogue, 1846. See Muns. Pam. vol. 6. SEWARD (William), Companion in Travel with the Rev. George Whitefield.. Journal of a Voyage from Savannah to Philadelphia and England, 1740. London, 1740. 8'. SEWARD (William). Anecdotes of some distinguished persons; adorned with sculptures. 2d ed. London, 1795. 4 vol. 80. SEWARD (William IH.). Works. Ed. by George E. Baker. New-York, 1853. 3 vol. 8o. A Collection of his Speeches in Congress. 1 vol. 80. Contents: 1. On Admission of Mexico, 1850. 2. On the Compromise bill, 1850. 3. On the Claims for French spoliations, 1851. 4. On the Management of the Public Domain, 1851. 5. On Emancipation in the District of Columbia, 1850. 6. On the Kossuth Resolution, 1851. 7. On the Admission of California, 1850. 8. On our Relations with Mexico, 1858. 9. On the Collins' Steamers, 1853. 10. On the Nicaragua Canal, 1853.....- See New-York, Natural History, introduction. Speech, N.Y. Sen., on the Deposites, 1834. Pamn. vol. 28. B. C. Centennial Address at Cherry-Valley. See Campbell ( W. W.). - Discourse on Education, at Westfield, 1837. Pam. vol. 26. B. C. The Elements of Empire in America; an Oration, Union Cell. 1844. New-York, 1844. 80. Oration on the Death of John Quincy Adams, before the Legislature of New-York. Albany, 1848. 80. Life and Public Services of John Quincy Adams, with the Eulogy before the N. Y. Legislature. Auburn, 1849. 12o. Speech, Sen. U.S., on the Admission of California, 1850. 80. The True Basis of American independence: Lecture. New-York, 1.853. Pain. vol. 101. SEWELL ( William). A Large Dictionary, English and Dutch, in two parts; and Grammar for both languages. Fifth ed. Amsterdam, 1754. 2 vol. in 1. 4o B. C. The same; augmented by Egbert Buys. Amsterdam, 1766. 2 vol. 4o History of the Quakers. 2d ed. London, 1725. fol. SEYBERT ( Adam). Statistical Annals; embracing Views of the population, commerce, etc. of the U. S. America, from 1789 to 1818. Philadelphia, 1818. 40. The same. 40. B. C. 676 NEW-YORK STATE Annales Statistiques des Etat-Unis: traduit de l'anglais. Paris, 1820. 8). W. C. 848. SEYMOUR ( E. S.). Sketches of Minesota, the New-England of the West, 1849. New-York, 1850. 12o. SEYMOUR (James). Report of Survey of a Railroad Route from Wyoming and Lackawanna Coal Valleys to Owego. Pam. vol. 8. SEYMOUR ( Rev. MI. Hobart ). Mornings among the Jesuits at Rome. NewYork, 1849. 120. The Talbot Case: An authoritative and succinct account from 1839, to the Lord Chancellor's judgment. London, 1851. 12o. SEYXAS ( Francisco de). Theatro Naval Hidrographico. Paris, 1704. 40. W. C. 849. SGANZIN (M. L.). Elementary Course of Civil Engineering: from the French, with Notes and Applications adapted to the United States. 2d ed. Boston, 1828. 80. SHADWELL (Thomas). The Lancashire Witches and Tegue O'Divelly.. a Comedy. London, 1682. Fac-sinzile. See Halliwell ( J. 0.). SHAFTESBURY (Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of). Characteristicks of Men, manners, opinions, times, etc. London, 1733. 3 vol. 180. B. C. The same. 6th ed. London, 1837. 3 vol. Vol. 2 wanting. 2 vol. 80 See Brown's Essays on Shaftesbury. SHAKSPEARE ( William). Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies: Published according to the.true originall copies. London, 1623. fol. Fac-simile. J. Wight, Printer. Works. Glasgow, 1795. 8 vol. 120. B. C... —- -Dramatic Works; with a Life of the Poet, and Notes, original and selected. Boston, 1844. 7 vol.'80o. Plays, with his Life:; with many hundred woodcuts: edited by Gulian C. Verplanck. New-York, 1847. 3 vol. 80. Dramatic Works; with Life, Notes and Glossary. Philadelphia, 1851. 4 vol. 80o. - --- )ramatic Works; with a Glossary. London, 1852. 120. H- iamlet. New-York, 1847. 12o. B. C. - erry Tales. London, 1845. 180. Beauties of. See Dodd (W.). SHALER (William). Sketches of Algiers. Boston, 1826. 80. SHALLUS (Francis). Chronological Tables for every day in the year. Philadelphia, 1817. 2 vol. 120. SHAM PATRIOT unmasked..... By Historicus. Haverhill, Mass. 1805. Pain. vol. 45. SHANNON ( Isaac N.). Discourse, 2d Pres. Church, New-Brunswick, N.J. 1852. Pam. vol. 78. GENERAL LIBRARY. 677 SHARP ( Richard ). Letters and Essays, in prose and verse. Philadelphia, 1835. 12o. B. C. SHARPE (Granville). A Tract on the Law of Nature, and Principles of action in man. 2d ed. London, 1809. 80. C. L. SHARPE ( J. B.). Mad-houses. See Great Britain. SHARPE (Samuel). History of Egypt under the Romans. Londonj 1842. 80o.: — --:The History of Egypt, from the earliest times to the Conquest by the Arabs, A.D. 640. London, 1846. 80. SHARTS (Col. John). Eulogy on Capt. A. Van Olinda, 1848. Muns. Pamin. vol. 1. SHATFORD ( W.). An English Grammar. London, 1834. 180. SHATTUCK ( Lemuel ). A History of the Town of Concord, Middlesex Co. Mass. to 1832; and of the adjoining towns, Bedford, Acton, Lincoln and Carlisle. Boston, 1835. 80. A Complete System of Family Registration, in 2 parts. Boston, 1841. 40.... —.Report on the Census of Boston for the year 1845. Boston, 1846. 80......- A Collection of Statistical Papers, chiefly from his pen, on registration of births, marriages and deaths in Massachusetts, 1845 - 49, in 1 vol. 80. Report of Sanitary Committee, 1850. See Massachusetts. SHAW (Charles). Topographical and Historical Description of Boston, from the first settlement. Boston, 1817. 120. The same. 120. B. C. SHAW (Edward). Civil Architecture; or a complete theoretical and practical system of building. 4th ed. Boston, 1836. 4o. SHAW ( Elijah). Sentiments of the Christians. Exeter, N. H. 1842. Pam. vol. 91. SHAW (George). See Naturalist's Miscellany. SHAW ( Rev. Joseph). Bible Society Sermon, Albany, 1820. Pam. vol. 62, and Sermr. vol. 2. B. C. SHAW ( 1Major Samuel ), the first American Consul at Canton. Journals, with a Life of the Author, by Josiah Quincy. Boston, 1847. 80. SHAW (S.). Tour into the West of England. Pinkerton, vol. 2. SHAW (Thomas). Travels, or Observations relating to several parts of Barbary and the Levant. Oxford,. 1738. fol. ---- Reizen en Aanmerkingen door en over Barbary en het Ooste: Uit bet Engelsch vertaald, en vermeerderd met aanteekeningen van S. Ranu, M. Tydeman, E. Saxe en P. Boddaert. Amsterdam, 1780. 2 vol. 4o. SHEA ( John G.). Discovery and Exploration of the Mississippi valley; with the Original Narratives of Marquette, Allouez, Membr', Hennepin and Anastase Douay; with Marquette's newly discovered map. New-York, 1852. 80. See also French, Louis. Coll. vol. 4. 678 NEW-YORK STATE History of the Catholic Missions among the Indian Tribes of the U. S. 1829 - 54. New-York, 1855. 120. SHEBBEARE ( Dr.). Answer to the Speech of Burke, 1774. See Pam. vol. 119. SHEBOYGAN NIEUWSBODE: J. Quintus, and E. Verburg, editors. A Newspaper in the Dutch Language. Sheboygan, Wisconsin, Oct. 16, 1849, to Dec. 1854. 4 vol. fol. SHEDD (William). Discourse before Temperance Society, Univ. of Vt. Burlington, 1844. 80. See Letters to Channing ( W. E.). SHEDD (William G. T.). Lectures upon the Philosophy of History. Andover, 1856. 120. SHEFFEY (Daniel). Speech, H. of R. U. S. Dec. 10, 1814. Pam. vol. 6, 54. B. C. Address, etc. Washington, Feb. 1815. Pam. vol. 6. B. C. SHEFFIELD ( John, Lord ). Observations on the Commerce of the American States with Europe and the West Indies.... London, 1783. 80o. - The same: A new edition, much enlarged, with an appendix. Dublin, 1784. 80. The same. 6th ed. London, 1784. 80. W. C. 850. Observations sur le Commerce des Etats Americains. Rouen, 1789. 40. W. C. 851. - On the Trade in Wool and Woollens. Pamphleteer, vol. 3. - See Gibbon's Miscel. Works. Voyage. See Kerr, vol. 10; Harris, vol. 1. SHEIL ( Richard Lalor). Speeches; with a Memoir: edited by Thomas MacNeven. London, 1845. 80. B. C. --- The same. London, 1847. 80. Sketches of the Irish Bar; with Memoir and Notes by R. S. Mackenzie. New-York, 1854. 2 vol. 120. Sketches, legal and political: edited by MI. W. Savage. London, 1855. 2 vol. 80. SHELLEY ( Mrs.), and others. Lives of the most eminent literary and scientific men of France. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 36, 37. SHELVOCKE ( Capt. George). A Voyage round the World, by the way of the Great South Sea, in 1719-22, in the Speedwell...... London, 1726. 80. SHENSTONE (William). The Poetical Works. 2d ed. Edinburgh, Bell's, 1784. 2 vol. 18o. SHEPARD (Charles U.), M.D. Geological Survey. See Connecticut. Geology of Upper Illinois: from Silliman's Jour. 1838. 80. SHEPARD ( Thomas). The Sound Believer: A Treatise of Evangelical Conversion. London, 1649. 12o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 679 SHEPHERD ( Rev. D?.). History of the American Revolution. See Lib. U. K. SHEPHERD (William). Life of Poggio-Bracciolini. Liverpool, 1802. 4o. SHEPLEY (Ether). Speech in Cong. on Removal of the deposites, 1834. Pam. vol. ol. 60. SHERBIJRNE (Andrew), a Pensioner of the Navy of the Revolution. Memoirs, by himself. 2d ed. Providence, R. I. 1831. 120. The same. Utica, 1828. 12o. B. C. SHERBURNE (John 11.). Life of John Paul Jones. Washington, 1825. 8o. SHERIDAN ( Right. Hon. Richard B.). Speeches, with a Sketch of his life: ed. by a Constitutional Friend. London, 182. 3 vol. 8o. - Dramatic Works: with a memoir of his life, by G. G. L. London, 1848. 120o. -- -—. School for Scandal: A. Comedy. New-York, 1820. Pam. vol. 28. B. C. See Walpole's life of C. J. Fox. SHERIDAN ( Thomas). A Rhetorical Grammar of the English language. Philadelphia, 1783. 120. SHERLOCK ( Martin). Lettres d'un Voyageur anglois. Neuchatel, 1781. 80 SHERLOCK (William), D.D. A Practical Discourse on Death. Albany, 1814. 120. B. C. SHERMAN (John). The Philosophy of Language illustrated. Trenton-Falls, N.Y. 1826. 12~. The same. 120. B. (C. SHERRILL ( Hunting ), M.D. A Manual for Homoeopathic prescribing. 2d ed. New-York, 1845. 180. SHERWOOD ( Adiel). Gazetteer of the State of Georgia. Charleston, 1827. 16o. W. C. 852. The same. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1829. 180. - The same. 3d ed. Washington, 1837. 120. SHILLIBEER ( J.). Narrative of the Briton's Voyage to Pitcairn's island. Taunton, 1817. 8). W. C. 853. SHILLITOE ( Thomas). Journal of the life, labors and travels. 2d ed. London, 1839. 2 vol. 8. SHIPLEY ( Jona.), Bishop. Speech intended to have been spoken on the Bill for altering the charters of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 3d ed. Philadelphia, 1774.8o. oW. C. 854. The same. London. 80. Also Pam. vol. 115..-.... Sermon before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Feb. 19, 1773. London, 1774. Pam. vol. 115. SHIRLEY ( Walter A.). Letters and Memoir of W. A. S.: ed. by T. Hill. 2d ed. London, 1850. 80. 680 NEW-YORK STATE SHIRLEY ( Gov. William). A Conference held at the Fort of St. Georges in the County of York, 1742.... with the Penobscot, Norridgewock, Pigwaket, St. Johns, etc. tribes of Indians. Boston, 1742. 19 pp. 40. - A letter to the Duke of Newcastle; with a Journal of the Siege of Louisbourg. London, 1746. 83. The Conduct of MIaj. Gen. Shirley, late Commander-in-chief of His Majesty's forces in North America. London, 1758. 80. SHIRREFF ( Patrick). Tour through North America; with a View of the Canadas and United States.... Edinburgh, 1835. 80. SHOE and Leather Trade Convention, Boston, 1842: Proceedings. Pam. vol. 152. SHORE (John), Lord Teignmouth. Memoirs of Sir William Jones; with the Life of Lord Teignmouth, by the Rev. S. C. Wilks. London, 1835. 2 vol. 160. On the Philosophy of the Asiatics. Asiat. Resear. vol. 4. SHORT ( C. W.), M.D. Biographical Memoir of H. Hurlbert Eaton, M.D. 1832. Pam. vol. 85. SHORT (Drs.) and PETER. Plants of Kentucky. Pam. vol. 188. SHUCK (J. Lewis). A Collection of Authentic Chinese State Papers: trans. by J. L. S. Macao, 1840. 80. SHUCKFORD (Samuel), D.D. The Sacred and Profane History of the World connected. 3d ed. London, 1743. 4 vol. 80o. SHURTLEFF ( Nathaniel B.). See Massachusetts Records. SHUTE (Dr.), Bishop of Durham. The Political Life of Viscount W. W. Barrington... London, 1815. 40. SHUTTLEWORTHI~ ( Sir James Kay). Public Education, as affected by the Minutes of the Committee of Privy Council from 1846 to 1852. London, 1853. 80. SIBBALD ( George). Observations on the Pine lands of Georgia. Augusta, 1801. 80. W. C. 855. SIBLEY ( John L.). A History of the Town of Union, Lincoln Co. Maine, to 1850; with a family register. Boston, 1851. 120. SIBORNE ( W.). History of the War in France and Belgium, in 1815. 1st Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1845. 8~. SICILIUS, pseud. Letters of Sicilius to the Citizens of the State of Georgia, on the constitutionality, the policy and the legality of the late sale of western lands in the state, 1755. 8o. W. C. 404. SIDNEY ( Algernon), pseud. See Sydney. SIDNEY ( Rev. Edward ). The Life of the Rev. Rowland Hill. New-York, 1840. 12o. SIDNEY (Edwin). Life of Lord Hill. London, 1845. So. SIDNEY ( Hon. I-enry), afterwards Earl of Romney. -Diary of the Times of Charles the Second, including his Correspondence with the Countess of Sutherland, etc... ed. by R. W. Blencowe. London, 1843. 2 vol. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 681 SIDNEY (Sir Philip), and Hubert Languet. Correspondence, now first collected and trans. from the Latin; with Notes and a Memoir by Stewart A. Pears. London, 1845. 8o. C. L. SIEBOLD ( C. T. von), and H. Stannius. Comparative Anatomy: from the German, with notes and additions by W. I. Burnett, M.D. Vol. 1: Anatomy of the Invertebrata. Boston, 1854. 80. SIEBOLD (Ph. Fr. von). Erwiederung auf W. tI. de Vriese's Abhandlung.... ( See Vriese): Leiden, 1837. With J. HEoffmann's Die Angaben Schinesischer und Japanischer Naturgeschichten: Leiden, 1837. roy. 8). Fauna Japonica; sive Descriptio Animalium quve in Itinere per Japoniam.... annis 1825 - 30 collegit, notis.... illustravit: Reptilia elaborantibus C. J. Temminck et H. Schlegel. Lugduni Batav. 1838. fol. In French. ---- lora Japonica; sive Plantin quas in Imperio Japonico collegit, descripsit, exparte in ipsis locis pingendas curavit: Sect. prima, continens plantas ornatui vel usui inservientes. Lugduni, 1835. Vol. 1. fol. In French. and others. Manners and Customs of the Japanese in the nineteenth century. London, 1841. 80. SIEGENBEEK. Brief aan den Redacteur van den Alg. Konst- en Letterbode, 1840. Pam. vol. 32. B. C. Contains extractsfrom a Letter of H. Bleecker. SIGMOND ( G. G.), M. D. Tea; its effects, medicinal and moral. London, 1839. 120. SIGNS OF THE TIMES: Newspaper. Albany, 1827, 28. fol. SIaoNIus (Carolus). Scholia quibus T. Livii Patavini Historim...... emendantur partim etiam explanantur.... Venetiis, Aldus, 1555. fol. SILBERMAN ( J. C.). Rapport sur les poids et m-esures metriques envoyes au Gouvernement des Etats Unis d'Amerique par M. A. Vattemare, 1852. With, Renseignements sur la fabrication des monnaies francaises, par B. Durand, 1853. 40. Both lithographed. SILIUS ( Caius), ITALICUS. Libri Septemdecim Punicorum.... illustrati a Georg. Alex. Ruperti. Gcettingze, 1798. 2 vol. 80. SILJESTROM ( P. A.). The Educational Institutions of the United States, their character and organization: from the Swedish, by F. Rowan. London, 1853. 12~. SILK: Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, on the growth and manufacture of silk. Conog. Doct. Washington, 1828. 80. SILL ( George C.). Verse-book for Sunday Schools. Rochester, 1834. Pam. vol. 76. SILLIMIAN ( Benjamin). An Eulogium on the life and character of President Dwiyght, 1817. New-Haven, 1817. 8-:......L Journal of Travels in England, Holland and Scotland, and of two passages over the Atlantic in the years 1805 - 6. New-York, 1810. 2 vol. 80. B. C. [ G-EN. LITB. 1855.] 86 682 NEW-YORK STATE --- The same: 3d edition, with considerable additions. New-Haven, 1820. 3 vol. 120. Short Tour between Hartford and Quebec, in 1819. New-Haven, 1829. 12o. WV. C. 856. Introd. Lect. Laboratory, Yale College, 1828. Pam. vol. 85. A Visit to Europe in 1851. New-York, 1853. 2 vol. 12'. See American Journal of Science. SILLIMAN (B.) jun. First Principles of Chemistry. Philadelphia, 1847. 12~. B. C. Review of Dana's System of Mineralogy: from Jour. of Science, 1844. Pam. vol. 79. SILVA ( Emmanuel T.). De Rebus gestis Joannis II, Lusitanorum Regis. Hagae, 1712. 4~. W. C. 857. SILVESTRE ( J. B.). Universal Palmography; or Fac-similes of Writings of all nations and periods, copied from the most celebrated and authentic manuscripts in the libraries and archives of France, Italy, Germany, and England; with a descriptive text and introductions by M. Champollion; trans. from the French, by Sir F. Madden. London, 1850. 2 vol. fol. and 2 vol. 4o0. 4 vol. SIMcoE ( Gov. J. G.). Miiitary Journal: a History of the Operations of the Queen's Rangers, during the War of the American Revolution; with a Memoir of the author. New-York, 1844. 80. SIMMONITE (WV. J.). The Practical Self-teaching Grammar of the English language. London, 1841. 12o. SIMmS ( Frederick W.). Sectio-Planography; with plates. London, Weale, 1837. 4o. Public Works of Great Britain. London, 1838. fol. SIMMS ( Jeptha R.). Trappers of New-York; or a Biography of Nicholas Stoner and Nathaniel Foster, and some Account of Sir William Johnson. Albany, 1850. 120..... — The American Spy, or Freedom's Early Sacrifice: a Tale of the Revolution. Albany, 1846. 80. History of Scoharie County, and Border Wars of New-York; with interesting Memoranda of the Mohawk Valley. Albany, 1845. 8o. SIMmrs ( William G.). Life of Francis Marion. New-York, 1844. 12o. Views and Reviews in American History, Literature and Fiction. New-York, 1845. 2 vol. 120. The Life of Capt. John Smith, the Founder of Virginia. 3d ed. New-York, 1846. 120. Southward Ho! A Spell of Sunshine. New-York, 1854. 120. The Maroon, a Legend of the Caribbees; and other tales. NewYork, 1854. 12o. R Richard Hurdis; a Tale of Alabama. New-York, 1855. 120. SIMON ( James). An Essay towards an historical account of Irish coins. Dublin, 1749. 4o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 683 SIMON ( R. Pere). iistoire Critique du Vieux Testament. Rotterdam, 1685. 40. SIMOND (Louis). Journal of a Tour and Residence in Great Britain, in 1810, 11; with Appendix on France. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1817. 80. - The same. New-York, 1815. 2 vol, 80. B. C. ---- Journal of a Tour and Residence in Switzerland, in 1817 - 19. 2d ed. London, 1823. 2 vol. 80. SIMONS ( James). A Rallying Point for all true friends of their country, 1800. Charleston, S. C. Pam. vol. 39. SIMoNs (N. W.). See Junius. SIMoNs ( Thomas Y.), M.D. Observations on Mental Alienation, and the application of its phenomena to subjects connected with medical jurisprudence. Charleston, 1828. 80. SIMPSON (Alex.). Life and Travels of Thomas Simpson. London, 1845. 80. SIMPSON ( Sir George). An Overland Journey round the World, during the years 1811 - 42. Philadelphia, 1847. 80. SIMPSON ( J. Y.), M.D. Account of a new anresthetic agent, instead of sulphuric ether. Edinburgh, 1847. Pam. vol. 87. SI~MPsoN (James). Paris after Waterloo, and a Visit to Flanders. Edinburgh, 1853. 120... —_ Necessity of Popular Education as a national object. New-York, 1834. 12~. B. C. SIMPSON ( Lieut. James 11.). Journal of a Military Reconnaissance from Santa Fe, New-Mexico, to the Navajo country. Philadelphia, 1852. 80 Report and Map of the Route from Fort Smith, Arkansas, to Santa Fe. Ex. Doct. Washington, 1850. 80. SIMPSON (Stephen). Biography of Stephen Girard, with his Will affixed. Philadelphia, 1832. 120. B. C. SIMPSON (Thomas). Narrative of the Discoveries on the North Coast of America, effected by the officers of the Hudson's Bay Company, in 1836-39. London, 1843. 80. SIMS ( Richard ). Hand-book of the Library of the British Museum. London, 1854. 12o. SINCLAIR ( Sir John). Lucubrations during a Short Recess, containing a plan for a more equal representation of the people. 2d ed. London, 1783. 8~. - Code of Agriculture. Hartford, 1818. 80. - The Code of Health and Longevity. 6th ed. London, 1844. 80. SINGLETON (Arthur). Letters from the South and West. W. C. 858. See Knight. SIR ROGER DE COVERLEY. By the Spectator: Notes and illustrations by W. HI. Mills; designs by F. Tayler. London, 1850. 12o. 684 NEW-YORK STATE SISMONDI ( J. C. L. Simonde de). Historical View of the Literature of the South of Europe: from the original, with notes, by Thomas Roscoe. London, 1823. 4 vol. 80. A Review of the Progress of religious opinions from the French. Boston, 1827. Pam. vol. 65; and Pam. vol. 14. B. C. - tudes sur les Sciences Sociales. Paris, 1838. 3 vol. 80. - History of the Fall of the Roman Empire. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 97, 98.: —---- History of the Italian Republics. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 96. The same. Philadelphia, 1832. 120. B. C.; - History of the Crusades against the Albigenses, in the thirteenth century: trans. from the French. Philadelphia, 1843. 120. Political Economy and the Philosophy of Government: A series of Essays, with Notice of his Life by ll. Mignet. London, 1847. 8o. SITGREAVES ( Capt. L.). Report of an Exploration down the Zuni and Colorado rivers. Sen. Doct. Washington, 1853. 80. Six OLD ENGLISH CHRONICLES, of which two are now first translated from the Monkish Latin originals: Ethelwerd's Chronicle, Asser's Life of Alfred, Geoffrey of Monmouth's British History, Gildas, Neunius, and Richard of Cirencester. Ed. with Notes, by J. A. Giles. London, Bohn, 1848. 12o. SIXTY YEARS of the Life of Jeremy Levis. New-York, 1831. 2 vol. 120. SJOERDS (Foeke). Historische Jaarboeken van Oud en Nieuw Friesland.... Leeuwarden, 1768 - 71. 5 vol. in 4. 8~. Algemene Beschryvinge van Oud en Nieuw Friesland. I deel, 1 stuk; II deel, 2 stuk. Leeuwarden, 1765, 67, 68. 3 vol. 80. SKENE ( Wm. F.). Highlanders of Scotland; their origin, history, and antiquities, etc. London, 1837. 2 vol. 120. SKETCH (A Brief) of Maryland, 1845. 180. SKETCH (A) of our Political Condition, by a Citizen of New-York, 1813. Pam. vol. 9. B. C. SKETCH of -the History of France during the Revolution and the Reign of Napoleon, 1792 to 1815. London, 1817. 80. SKETCH of the Military System of France..... Designs of French Government. pp. 102. Baltimore, 1812. Pam. vol. 44. SKETCHES and INCIDENTS; or a Budget from the saddlebags of a super. annuated itinerant. New-York, 1844. 180. SKETCHES ( Desultory) and Tales of Barbados. London, 1840. 180. SKETCHES from Venetian History. New-York, 1832. 2 vol. 180. B. (C. SKETCHES of Boston past and present, and some few places in its vicinity; with maps and engravings: by J. Smith Homans. Boston, 1851. 120. SKETCHES of Bunker Hill Battle and MIonument; with illustrative documents. 4th ed. Charlestown, 1844. 180. SKETCHES of History, Life and Manners in the United States: by a Traveller. New Haven, 1826. 12o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 685 SKETCHES of New-Brunswick: by an Inhabitant of the Province. St. John, 1825. 80. SKETCHES of Ireland sixty years ago. Dublin, 1847. 120. SKETCHES of Popular Tumults. See Contributions. SKETCHES of the Domestic Manners and Institutions of the Romans. 2d Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1823. 180. B. C. SKETCHES of the History of Dartmouth College and Moor's Charity School; with a particular account of some remarkable proceedings of the Board of Trustees from 1779 to 1815. See Wheelock ( E.). SKETCHES of the Public Services of Adams, Clay and Crawford.... by a New-York Republican. New-York, 1823. Pam. vol. 66. SKETCHES of the West, or the Home of the Badgers; comprising an early history of Wisconsin. Milwaukie, 1847. 80. SKILLMAN (John B.). New-York Police Reports, with engravings: written in 1828, 29. New-York, 1830. 80. SKINNER (John S.). See American Farmer; Columbian Register;American Journal; and Farmer's Library. SKINNER ( R. C.). A Treatise on the human teeth. New-York, 1801. Pami. vol. 7. B. C. SKINNER (Roger Sherman). The New-York State Register: 1830, 120; 1831, 180. New-York. 2 vol. SKIIPPON (Philip ). Journey on the Continent. Churchill, vol. 6; Harris, vol. 2. SKRINE (1Henry). Tours through Wales. Pinkerton, vol. 2. SLADE (Admiral Adolphus). Records of Travels in Turkey, Greece, etc.; and of a Cruise in the Black Sea, with the Capitan Pasha, in 1829-31. 2d ed. London, 1833. 2 vol. 80. --- — Turkey, Greece, and MIalta. London, 1837. 2 vol. 80. SLADE (William). Speech, H. of R. U. S., on the Tariff, July 1842. 8o. SLANEY ( Robert A.). Reports of the House of Commons, on the Education ( 1838), and on the Health (1840) of the poorer classes in large towns, with some suggestions for improvement: by R. A. S. Chairman of both committees. London, 1841. 120. SLAUGHTER ( Rev. Philip). A History of St. George's Parish, in the County of Spotsylvania, Va. New-York, 1847. 80. SLAVE Representation: by Boreas, 1812. 23 pp. Pam. vol. 38, and Pam. vol. 3. B. C. SLAVERY in the United States: from the N. A. Review, Boston, 1851. Pam. vol. 75. SLEEMAN ( Lieut. Col. W. H.). Rambles and Recollections of an India official. London, 1844. 2 vol. 80. SLEIDAN ( Joannes). De Statu Religionis et Reipublicoa, Carolo Quinto Coesare, Commentarii. Basilese, 1556. fol.....- Histoire de la Reformation: trad. en franqais par P. F. Le Courrayer, avec des notes. La Haye, 1767. 3 vol. 4o. 686 NEW-YORK STATE SLEIGH ( Lieut. Col.). Pine Forests and Hacmatack Clearings; or Travel, life and adventure in the British North-American Provinces. London, 1853. 80. SLIDELL. See Mackenzie ( A. Slidell ). SLIE (Rev. David ). The Closet: Themes for devotional exercises. Rochester, 1853. Pam. vol. 78. SLINGERLAND (J. J.). Report on Agriculture. Cong. Doct. 1845. Pain. vol. 50. SLINGSBY ( Sir Henry). Original Memoirs, written during the great civil war, being the Life of Sir H. Slingsby; and, Memoirs of Capt. Hodgson, with notes, etc. Edinburgh, 1806. 80. SLOANE ( Sir Hans). Natural History of Jamaica. London, 1707 - 25. 2 vol. fol. W. C. 859. SMEATON (A. C.). Builder's Pocket Companion. Philadelphia, 1850. 12o. SMEATON (John). Miscellaneous Papers, comprising his Communications to the Royal Society. London, 1814. 4o. Reports made in the course of his employment as civil engineer. London, 1812. 3 vol. 40. SMART ( B. H.). The Rudiments of English Grammar elucidated. London, 1811. 120. - The Accidence of English Grammar. London, 1841. 120. SMEDLEY (Rev. E.). History of France. See Lib. U. K. SMEE ( Alfred ). Instinct and Reason, deduced from electro-biology. London, 1850. 8,~. —.Elements of Electro-metallurgy. 1st Am. ed. New-York, 1852. 120. SMET (Father J. de). Oregon Missions, and Travels over the Rocky Mountains in 1845, 46. New-York, 1847. 120. Letters and Sketches, with a Narrative of a Year's Residence among the Indian Tribes of the Rocky mountains. Philadelphia, 1843. 120. S3ILLIE (J.). See Greenwood; also Mt. Auburn illustrated. SMITH'S WEEKLY VOLUME for town and country. Vol. 1. Philadelphia, 1845. 4o SMITH (Adam), LL.D. An Enquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations; with Life and Notes by W. Playfair. London, 1805. 3 vol. 80. B. C. The same; with a Life of the author, an Introductory discourse, Notes and Supplemental dissertations, by J. R. M'Culloch. Edinburgh, 1828. 4 vol. 80. -- The same; with Notes'by WI. Playfair, and Life by Dugald Stewart. Hartford, 1818. 2 vol. 80. The Theory of Moral Sentiments; with a Dissertation on the origin of languages. 7th ed. London, 1792. 2 vol. 80. ------ The same. New-York, 1822. 2 vol. in 1. 80. B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 687 The same; and a Dissertation on the origin of languages, with Life by D. Stewart. London, Bohn, 1853. 120. ------- Essays on Philosophical subjects. Basil, 1799. 80. SMITH (Albert). The Natural History of the Gent. London, 1847. 18o. A Month at Constantinople. London, 1850. 120. and John Leech. The Month: A View of passing subjects and manners. London, July, 1851. 120. SMITH (Dr. Ashbel ). Notice sur la Geographie de Texas. 80. SMITH ( Charles). See Monthly Military Repository. SMITH (Rev. C. A.). Sermon, Death of Gen. Taylor. Rhinebeck, 1850. Pam. vol. 82; and Muns. Pam. vol. 10. SMITH ( C. Billings). Philosophy of Reform. New-York, 1846. 12o. SMITH ( Lieut. Col. Charles Hamilton). The Natural History of Dogs; The Natural History of Horses; Introduction to the Mammalia. 1839 -42. See Nat. Lib. The Natural History of the Human Species; its typical forms, primseval distribution, filiations and migrations. Edinburgh, 1848. 120. SMITH (Rev. C. J.). A Manual of English Grammar. London, 1846. 180~. SMITH (Charles J.). Historical and Literary Curiosities. London, 1840. 40. SMITH (David). Dyer's Instructor..... Philadelphia, 1853. 120. SMITH (Ethan). View of the Hebrews. Poultney, Vt. 1823. 120. B. C. SMITH (E. H.). The History of Black Hawk; with... the Black Hawk War, and Scenes in the West. Milwaukie, 1846. 180. SMITH (E. Peshine). A Manual of Political Economy. New-York, 1853. 120. SMITH ( E. R.). The Araucanian; or Notes of a Tour among the Indian tribes of Southern Chili. New-York, 1855. 12o. SMfITH (E. T.). Speech in Assembly of N. Y. on the Union, 1851. See Muns. Pam. vol. 12. SMITH ( F. O. J.). The Secret Corresponding Vocabulary, adapted for use to Morse's electro-magnetic telegraph.... Portland, Me. 1845. 40. SMITH (George). Volkome Engelsche Spraakkonst. Rotterdam, 1758.180. SMITH ( Rev. George). A Narrative of an exploratory Visit to the Consular cities of China, and to the Islands of Hong-Kong and Chusan, in 1844 - 46. New-York, 1847. 120. SMITH ( George W.). A Defence of the System of solitary confinement of prisoners in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1833. Pam. vol. 164. SMITIH (Gerrit). Speeches in Congress. New-York, 1855. 120. - Address, Am. Temp. Soc. New-York, 1833. Pam. vol. 176. Letter to G. C. Verplanck. Whitesboro, 1837. Pam. vol. 26. B.C. Substance of a Speech on Slavery, at the Capitol, Albany. 2d ed. enlarged. Syracuse, 1850. 8o. 688 NEW-YORK STATE Letter to Rev. James Smylie, of the State of Mississippi. NewYork, 1837. See Pam. vol. i85. SMITH (H orace). The Poetical Works, comic and miscellaneous. London, 1851. 12o. Gaieties and Gravities. New-York, 1852. 12o.' Rejected Addresses. See Smith (James). SMITH (Horatio). Festivals, Games and Amusements, ancient and modern. New-York, 1831. 12o. B. C. SMITH ( Hugh), and Henry Anthon. A Statement of facts in reference to a recent ordination, 1843. Pam. vol. 72. SMITH (J. Calvin). The Illustrated Hand-book: A New Guide for Travellers through the U. S. of America. New-York, 1848. 18). Gazetteer of the U. S. See Haskel ( D.). - - -- Gazetteer of the World. See Harper. SMirTH (Rev. J. Few). Appeal for American Lutheran Mission, 1845. See Muns. Pam. vol. 4. - Address, Gen. Syn. Evan. Luth. Church. Philadelphia, 1845. Pamn. vol. 83. SMITH (J. Gray). A brief Historical, Statistical and Descriptive Review of East Tennessee.... with a map.... London, 1842. 80. SMITH ( J. H.), and I. Edwards. Orations at Guilderland Centre, 1844. Muns. Pam. vol. 2. SMITI- ( J. Jay). Jaunt across the Water; including Visits to England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium,, etc. Philadelphia, 1846. 2 vol. 120. and John F. Watson. American Historical and Literary Curiosities; consisting of Fac-Similes of original documents, relating to the events of the Revolution; with a variety of reliques, antiquities and modern autographs. In one vol. two parts. Philadelphia, 1847. 40. SMITH ( James and Horace). Rejected Addresses, or the New Theatrum Poetarum. 22d ed. With Notes. London, 1851. 12). SMITH ( Col. James). An Account of the remarkable occurrences...... during his Captivity with the Indians, 1755 - 59. Philadelphia, 1831. 180 - The same. Philadelphia, 1834. 180. SMITH (James), esq. On the Atonement, 1841. Muns. Pam. vol. 4. SMITH ( Sir James E.), M.D. Sketch of a Tour on the Continent, in 1786 and 1787. London, 1793. 3 vol. 80. A Selection of the Correspondence of Linnaus and other Naturalists, from the original manuscripts. London, 1821. 2 vol. 8~. Memoir and Correspondence: edited by Lady Smith. London, 1832. 2 vol. 80. SMITH ( James F.). See Cherokee Land Lottery. SMITH (Jerome V. C.). Natural History of the Fishes of Massachusetts, embracing a practical essay on angling. Boston, 1833. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 689 - The American Medical Almanack, for 1839 and 1840. Boston, 1839, 40. 180. - APilgrimage to Egypt. Boston, 1852. 120. SMITH (Capt. John). The True Travels, Adventures and Observations of Capt. J. S. in Europe, Asia, Africa and America, from 1593 to 1629.... together with a Continuation of his General History of Virginia, Summer Iles, New-England, and their proceedings from 1624 to this present 1629.... all written by actual authors whose names you shall find along the history. London, 1630. sin. fol. - The same. Richmond, Va. 1819. 2 vol. 80. - Travels, 1592 - 1629. Churchill, vol. 2. SMITH (John Augustine), M.D. Select Discourse on the functions of the nervous system, in opposition to phrenology, materialism, and atheism. New-York, 1840. 120..-. Introd. Disc. New Med. Coill. Crosby St. N.Y. 1837. Pam. vol. 85. - A Monograph upon the moral sense: Two discourses. New-York, 1847. Pam. vol. 46. B. C. SMITH (Hon. John Cotton). Correspondence and Miscellanies. See Andrews. SMITH ( John Pye), D.D. The Relation between the Holy Scriptures and some parts of geological science; with a Sketch of his life, by J. H. Davies. London, Bohn, 1852. 120. SMITH ( John R.). Bibliotheca Americana: Sale Catalogue of Books.. relating to the history and geography of North and South America. London, 1853. 80. SMITH ( John Thomas). An Antiquarian Ramble in the Streets of London: ed. by C. Mackay. London, 1846. 2 vol. 80. Book for a Rainy Day; or Recollections of the events of the last sixty-six years. London, 1845. 80. S3IITHI ( Joseph),D.D. Old Red-Stone; or Historical Sketches of Western Presbyterianism. Philadelphia, 1854. 80. SMITH ( Joshua Hett). An Authentic Narrative of the causes which led to the death of Maj. Andr6. London, 1808. 120..-.-.The same. New-York, 1809. 180. SMITH (J. M.), M.D. Introd. Lectures, Coll. of Phys. and Surg. N.Y.; Disc. on Cholera morbus, 1831: Pam. vol. 85, also 22 B. C. Public duties of medical men, 1846; Influence of diseases on intellectual and moral powers:, 1848: Pam. vol. 85. Anniv. Disc. N.Y. Acad. of Med. 1850. Pamn. vol. 85. SMITRH ( Joshua Toulmin). The Discovery of America by the North-men in the tenth century, with translations of original narratives. 2d ed. London, 1842. 120. SMITH ( Rev. Lemuel). History of Job. Utica, 1806. Pam. vol. 65, [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 87 690 NEW-YORK STATE SMITH (M.). A Geographical View of the British possessions in North America.... with an appendix containing a concise history of the war in Canada to the date of this volume. Baltimore, 1814. 180. 2 copies. SMITH (Matthew H.). The Common School Controversy with Hon. Horace Mann. 1844 -47. Boston. Pamin. vol. 175. SMITH ( Mortimer J.). Trial for Libel on Miss Emma Williams. Albany, 1847. Pain. vol. 47. B. C. SMITH (Mloses), of the Miranda Expedition. History of his Adventures and sufferings. Albany, 1814. 12o. SMITH ( N. R). Address, -Medical Graduates, Univ. of Maryland, 1829. Baltimore. Pam. vol. 22. B. C. SMITH (Perry). Speech in Congress, on Bank depositaries, 1838. Pam. vol. 60. SMITH (Peter). An Analytical System of English Grammar. Edinburgh, 1826. 180. SMITH (R. A.). Philadelphia as it is in 1852. Philadelphia, 1852. 120. SMITH (Robert). Address to the People of the U. S. Baltimore, 1811. Pain. vol. 6. B. C. SMITH (Roswell C.). Intellectual and Practical Grammar, in two parts. Boston, 1830. 120.: - English Grammar on the productive system. 2d ed. New-York, 1832. 12o. The same. 1836. 120. SMITH (Samuel). History of the Colony of Nova- Coesaria, or NewJersey, to 1721. Burlington, 1765. 80. SMITH ( Samuel ). Speech in Cong. on the Tariff. 1832. Pam. vol. 60.. SMITH (Samuel B.). Renunciation of Popery. Philadelphia, 1833. Pam. vol. 56. SMITH ( Samuel H.). Remarks on Education. Philadelphia, 1798. 80. SMITH (Samuel Stanhope), D.D. Oratio Inauguralis, habita in medibus Collegii Neo-Coesariensis, 1794; cum munus presidiae iniret. With, Oration on the Death of Washington, at Trenton, 1800. Trenton, 1817. 120. Oration on the Death of Gen. Washington. Pam. vol. 1. Lectures on the Evidences of the Christian Religion. Philadelphia, 1809. 12o. B. C. An Essay on the Causes of the variety of complexion and figure in the human species.... 2d ed. New-Brunswick, N. J. 1810. 80. The same. 8~. B. C. Lectures.... on moral and political philosophy. Trenton, 1812. 2 vol. 80. A Comprehensive View of the leading principles of natural and revealed religion. New-Brunswick, 1815. 8o. The same. 80. B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 691 SMITH (Seba). See Davis (C. A.), Downing's letters. Powhatan: a Metrical Romance, in seven cantos. New-York, 1841. 12~. SMITH (Southwood). Animal Physiology. See Lib. U. K. Nat. Phil. vol. 4. SMITH (Rev. Sydney). Works. 2d ed. London, 1840. 3 vol. 8. * - The same. 4th ed. London, 1848. 3 vol. 80. - Sermons. London, 1809. 2 vol. 80. B. C. SMITH ( Rev. Thomas ), of Portland. Journal: See Willis (W.). SMITH (Thomas P.). Sketch of the Revolutions in Chemistry. Philadelphia, 1798. Pam. vol. 27. SMITH ( Thomas W.). Narrative of the Life, Travels and Sufferings of: written by himself. Boston, 1844. 120. SMITH (William), LL.D. A New Classical Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography, mythology, geography, etc.: ed. by C. Anthon, LL.D. New-York, 1851. So. - A School Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities: abridged from the larger Dictionary, with improvements, by C. Anthon, LL.D. New-York, 1846. 120....- See Thucydides, translation. SMITH ( William). Journal of a Voyage in the Missionary Ship Duff tothe Pacific, in the years 1796 -1802.... with Notices of the Life of Capt. James Wilson. New-York, 1813. 120o. SMITH (William). The History of the Province of New-Yorlk, from the first discovery to 1732. London, 1757. 40. The same. London, 1776. 80. W. C. 860. ----- The same. 2d ed. Philadelphia, Carey, 1792. 80. The same. Philadelphia, 1792. 80. B. C. H- istory of the late Province of New-York.... to 1762; NewYork Hist. Soc. ed. New-York, 1829.' 2 vol. 80. 2 copies. The same; with a Continuation to 1814. Albany, 1-814. 80. ------ Histoire de la Nouvelle-York: trad. de l'anglois par M. Eidous? Londres, 1767. 120. W. C. 861. SMITH (William), D.D., Late Provost of the College and Academy of Philadelphia. Works. Philadelphia, 1803. 2 vol. 80. Discourses on Public Occasions in America. 2d ed. London, 1762. 80. - Oration in Memory of Gen. Montgomery, and the Officers and Soldiers who fell with him, Dec. 31, 1775; delivered Feb. 19, 1776, at the desire of the Continental Congress. Philadelphia, 1776. 24 pp. 120. B. C. - The same. 2d ed. London, 1776. 8'. - The same. Pamn. vol. 127. 692 NEW-YORK STATE 1, Sermon, before the Freemasons of Pennsylvania, 1778; Philadelphia, 1779. 2, Sermon on the present situation of American affairs, June, 1775. Philadelphia, 1775. 80. -- The same, last title. 3d ed. London, 1775. Pam. vol. 117. SMITH ( William), Esq. History of Canada, from its discovery to the peace of 1791. Quebec, 1815. 2 vol. 80. SMITH (William). A Synopsis of the origin and progress of architecture; with a Dictionary' of general terms. London, 1831. 80. B. C. SMITH ( Worthington), D.D. Discourse on the Death of the Hon. Benjamin Swift, U. S. Senator; St. Albans, 1848. With Inaugural Address as Pres. of the Univ. of Vt. 1849. In 1 vol. 80. Sermon on Pop. Instruction, St.Albans, Vt. 1846. Pam. vol. 56. SMITH ( W. H.). Canada, past, present and future; being a historical, geographical, etc. account of Canada West. Toronto, 1851. 2 vol. 8o. Canadian Gazetteer; comprising statistical and general information respecting Canada West. Toronto, 1846. 80. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION: Reports of the Regents to Congress, Ist - 9th, 1846 - 54. Washington. 6 vol. 80. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Washington, 1848 - 55. 7 vol. 40. Contents: VOLUME I. VOLUME IV.' E. G. Squier: Ancient Monuments of Riggs: Dakota Grammar, Mississippi valley. VoLUME Y. VOLUME II. 1, 2. Leidy: Flora and Fauna within 1. Walker: Planet Neptune. living animals; Fossil ox. 2. Lieber: Laura Bridgman. 3. Wyman: Rana pipiens. 3. Bailey: Microscopic examinations. 4. Harvey: Marine Alpee N.A., part 2. 4. Ellet: Physical Geography. 5. Gray: Plantre Wrightianm.. part 2. 5. Gibbes: Mosasaurus. 6. Agassiz: Classification of insects. VOLUME VI. 7. Hare: Nitre. 1, 2, 3. Torrey: Plantae Fremontianae; 8. Bailey: Microscopical observations. Batis maritima, Darlingtonia ca9. Squier: Aborig. Mon. N Y. lifornica. 10. Downes: Occultations U.S. 1851. 4. Stimpson: Marine Invertebrata in Bay of Fundy. VOLU ME III. 5. Coffin: Winds. 1. Locke: Terrestrial magnetism. 6. Leidy: Ancient Fauna of Nebraska. 2. Secchi: Electrical Rheometry. 7. Downes: Occultations, 1853. [ 3. Girard: Freshwater fishes. 4. Harvey: Marine Algas N.A. VOLUME VII. 5. Gray: Plantie Wrightiante Texano- 1. Chappelsmith: Tornado at NewNeo-Mexicanse. Harmony. 6. Davis: Flood tide. 2. Bailey: Microscopical organisms. 7. Whittlesey: Ancient works, Ohio. 3. Lapham: Antiquities of Wisconsin. 8. Walker: Planet Neptune. 4. Leidy: Extinct Sloth tribe. 9. Downes: Occultations, 1852. Report on the History of the Discovery of Neptune, by B. A. Gould jr. Washington, 1850. 80..-..... 1, Directions for collecting, preserving and transporting specimens of natural history, 1852, 80; 2, List of Foreign Institutions in correspondence, 4o: 3, Registry of periodical phenomena, with a list of plants, fol. In 1 vol. 40. Directions for Meteorological Observations, with plates, 1850. Pam. vol. 74. GENERAL LIBRARY. 693 SMITS (Dirk). Israls Baalfegorsdienst of Gestrafte Wellust. Rotterdam, 1737. 4o. Gedichten. Rotterdam,.1740. 4o. De Rottestroom. Rotterdamr, 1750. 4o. See Burman (P.), Intreereden. SMOLLETT (Tobias), M.D. Miscellaneous Works; with Memoirs of his life and writings, by Robert Anderson, M.D. London, 1796. 6 vol. 80..-.-.. History of England. See Hume's England. See Le Sage's Gil Blas. SMYTEGELT (Bernardus). Acht Uitmuntcnde Practicale Leer-reedenen. Dordreeht. 180. B. C. SMYTH ( Colonel Alexander). Regulations for the Field Exercises and Manceuvres of the Infantry of the U. S., with plates. Phil'a, 1812. 80. SMYTH (David William). A Short Topographical Description of Upper Canada, with a provincial gazetteer. London, 1799. 8o. A Gazetteer of the Province of Upper Canada; with Appendix, describing.... Lower Canada. New-York, 1813. 8o. With a map. SMYTH ( Mrs. Gillespie). See Keith's Memoirs. SMYTH (J. F. D.). Tour in the United States of America. London, 1783? 2 vol. 83. Imperfect. SMYTI ( Thomas), D.D. The Unity of the Human Races proved.... with a Review of the..... Theory of Professor Agassiz. New-York, 1850. 120. SMYTHI ( Prof. William). Lectures on Modern History; from the irruption of the Northern Barbarians to the Close of the American Revolution. London and Cambridge, 1840. 2 vol. 80..-.. — The same. London and Cambridge, 1840. 2 vol. 80. B. C...... — The same: from 2d London edition, with a preface and a list of books on American history, by Jared Sparks. Cambridge, Mass. 1841. 2 vol. 80.; — The same. 3d Am. edition, with additions by Jared Sparks. Boston, 1849. 80. The same. New edition. London, Bohn, 1854. 2 vol. 120. Lectures on History: Second and concluding Series, on the French Revolution. Cambridge and London, 1840. 3 vol. 80. The same. Cambridge and London, 1840. 3 vol. 80. B. C. SMYTH ( Capt. William H.). A Cycle of Celestial Objects, for the use of naval, military and private astronomers, observed, reduced and discussed. London, 1844. 2 vol. 80. C. L. Life and Services of Capt. Philip Beaver. London, 1829. 80. SNELLING ( William J.). Truth: a New-year's Gift for scribblers. Boston, 1831. 180. SNORRESON ( Odd). See Munch; also Olaf. 694 NEW-YORK STATE SNOW ( Caleb IH.), M.D. A History of Boston, the Metropolis of Massachusetts.. with some account of the environs. 2d ed. Boston, 1828. 8o. The same. 80. B. C. SNOW ( W. Parker). Voyage of the Prince Albert, in search of Sir John Franklin. London, 1851. 120. SNOWDEN ( Richard ). The American Revolution, written in scriptural or ancient historical style: Baltimore. With The Columbiad, or a Poem on the American War, by the same. 120. History of North and South America...... to the Death of General Washington. PWiadelphia, 1817. 2 vol. 120. SOANE ( George). The Curiosities of Literature, and Book of the months.2d ed. London, 1849. 2 vol. 120. SOBREVIELA ( M.), et N. y Barcelo. Voyages au Perou, en 1791- 94: trad. de l'anglais par P. F. Henry. Paris, 1809. 2 vol. 80; plates 40. 3 vol. W. C. 862. Plates, 2 copies. SOCI9TT, ( Royale) ACAD1iMIQUE DE NANTkS, et du Departement de la Loire inf6rieure: Annales, 2d vol. to 17th. Nantes, 1831 - 46. 16 vol. 80. SOCIIT, AsIATIQIUE. See Brosset, Klaproth, Mohl, Perron and Rodriguez. SOCITA1 BELGE des PUBLICATIONS EVANGILIQUES: Traites. Premieire s6rie. Bruxelles, 1838. 240. B. C. SOCIIlTp, BIBLIQUE, BELGE et EITRANGRE Rapports, 1837, 38. Pam. vol. 41. B. C. SOCIJzT- BIBLIQUE PROTESTANTE de PARIS: 11me Rapport. Paris, 1821. 80. Pam. vol. 53. B. C. SOCItT. CENTRALE D'AGRICULTURE; also Societ6 Imperiale or Royale or Nationale et Centrale d'Agriculture. M6moires d'Agriculture, d',Economie rurale et domestique: Annales. Paris, 1801-50. 55 vol.8o. NOTE. 16 volumes, the first series, were published under the title " Menmoires, etc. de la Societe d'Agriculture du Departement de la Seine." Bulletin des Seances: Compte Rendu Mensuel, redige par M. Payen. 1re serie, vol. 5; 1845, 46. 2-.. s6rie, vol. 2, 3; 1.846 - 48. Paris, 1845 -48. 3 vol. 80. Seance Ge6n6rale, et Compte Rendu: Mai, 1853. Paris. 80. Rapport.... sur l'usage des moulins a bras. Paris, 1821. 80. SOCIlTT CENTRALE D'1{ORTICULTURE de FRANCE, also, de Paris: Annales, 1847 - 51. 5 vol. Paris. 8S). SOCIiTi DE GIOGRAPHIE: Bulletin. 3m- serie, vol. 1 - 14, 1844 - 50. 4mG serie, vol. 1 - 3, 1851 -53. Paris, 1844 - 53. 17 vol. 80. Recueil de Voyages et Memoires: edited by Malte-Brun. Paris, 1824- 44. 7 vol. 4o. SOCIflTE, DE L'HISTOIRE de FRANCE: Annuaire pour 1837. Paris, 1836. 120. SOCIlTIA DES PAYS BAS pour l'encouragement de l'art musical. See Nederlandsche Muzijk. GENERAL LIBRARY. 695 SOCItTt DES PROGRoS AGRICOLES: Guide des comices et des proprietaires. Paris, 1842. 80. SOCIETP (Imperiale) DES SCIENCES, de 1'Agriculture, et des Arts de Lille M6moires. Lille, 1851, 52. 2 vol. 8O. SOCIETfE DES SCIENCES MtDICALES du Departement de la Moselle: Expos6 des travaux, 1838 - 52. Metz, 1841 - 52. 3 vol. 80. SOCI~ETE DES SCIENCES NATURELLES de Neuchatel: Vol. 1-3. Neuchatel, 1835 - 45. 3 vol. 40. SOCIITE GIOLOGIQUE de FRANCE: Bulletin, 2d series. Paris, 1844-52. 9 vol. 80. SOCI~TI HIELVtTIQUE DES SCIENCES NATURELLES: Denk-Schriften. Jl2imoires. 1st series, 2 parts in 2 vol. Zurich, 1829 - 33. New Series, vol. 1 - 13, 1837 - 53: Neuchatel, Zurich, Neuenberg. 15 vol. 4o. SOCIHiT~ LITTERAIRE ET HISTORIQUE de QUIBEC: Memoires sur le Canada depuis 1749 jusqu'a 1760, en trois parties, avec cartes et plans lithographies, 1838. With, Collection de M6moircs sur l'histoire ancienne du Canada, 1840; and, Voyages de d6couverte au Canada entre les annees 1534 et 1542, par Jacques Cartier, le Sieur de Roberval, Jean Alphonse de Xanctoigne, etc...... R6imprimes sur d'anciennes relations.... 1843. Quebec. 1 vol. 80. SOCIh.Tf LIBRE D'AGRICULTURE, SCIENCES, ARTS ET BELLES-LETTRES du Departement de l'Eure: ~Recueil des travaux, 2rm serie. Evreux, 1841 - 50. 8 vol. 80. ~ Statistique du De'partement de l'Eure: Botanique. Evreux, 1846. 80. Usages locaux. Evrcux, 1846 - 50. 2 vol. 4o. SOCItTtI MONTYON ET FRANKLIN: Portraits et Histoire des hommes utiles, publi6s et propages pour et par la.... Paris, 1836- 1841. 6 vol. 80. SOCIETP PHILOTECHNIQUE: Annuaire, 1840 - 1847. Paris. 8 vol. in 4. 12o.:- ---- Compte Rendu, 1837, 38, par La Doucette. Pain. vol. 18. SOCI1Tt POUR L']MANCIPATION INTELLECTUELLE. See Encyclop6die Populaire. SOCIA-T-i pour le patronage des jeunes detenus et des jeunes liber6s du Departement de la Seine: Comptes Rendus, 1833 - 52. Paris. 2 vol. 80.......- Assemblee Gen6erale, 1838, 41, 42. Paris. Pam. vol. 16. SOCItTE PROTECTIVE des Animaux, 1854. Paris, 1854. 80. SOCIETY. See Maatschappij, and Nederlandsche. SOCIETY for the Encouragement of Arts, etc.: Report of the Committee.... relating to the mode of preventing the forgery of bank notes. London, 1819. 80. SOCIETY for the Prevention of Pauperism in the City of New-York: 2d report, 1820. Pam. vol. 8. B. C. 696 NEW-YORK STATE SOCIETY for Prevention of Pauperism: Journal, vol. 1, no. 2. Boston, 1851. Period. 80. vol. 1. SOCJETY for the Promotion of Agriculture, Arts and Manufactures, instituted in the State of New-York: Transactions from 1791 to 1799. Vol. 1, 4 parts. Albany, 1792, 99. 40. The same. 2d edition, revised. Albany, 1801. 80. Also 80. B. C. SOCIETY for the Promotion of Useful Arts in the State of New-York: Transactions, Vol. 2, 3, 4; parts 1, 2. Albany, Barber, 1807. 80. 3 vol. 80. Vol. 1, is under the preceding title...... — The same. Vol. 2, 1807; and vol. 4, part 1, 1816. Albany. 2 vol. 8o. B. C. SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL in Foreign Parts: Annual Reports, with the Annual Sermons. London. In 20 vol. 40 and 80. Contents: Vol. 1: 1711, 13, 19,- 21, 27, 28, 30, Vol. 7: 1807 - 1819. 32, 33, 34, 39. Vol. 8: 1820, 21, 23, 24. Vol. 2: 1741', 42, 44, 46, 47, 49, 51, Vol. 9: 1825, 26*, 27, 28, 29. 53, 54. Vol. 10: 1831, 32, 33, 34, 35*. Vol. 3: 1755, 57 - 59, 61 - 65. Vol. 11: 1836, 37, 38, 39, 40. Vol. 4; 1766 - 72, 74 - 76. Vol. 12: 1841, 42, 43, 44, 45. Vol. 5: 1779 - 82, 84, 85, 87 - 92. Vol. 13: 1846, 47, 48, 49, 50. Vol. 6: 1793 - 1806. Vol. 14 - 17: 1851, 52, 53, 54. i NOTE. 1741, 1826, 1835, are ill separate volumes, not numbered. - Gospel Missionary for 1854: Vol. 4. 1 vol. 180. Quarterly Papers for 1851, 52, 53, 54. London. 2 vol. 80. Monthly Record of Church Missions: India and Ceylon. London, 1854. 180. SOCIETY for the Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents in the City and State of New-York: 3d, 4th, and 5th Annual Reports, 1828, 29, 30; Pam. vol. 6. 11th, 13th, 25th Reports, 1836, 38, 50; Pam. vol. 161. 15th, 21st, 22d Reports, 1840, 46, 47; Pam. vol. 11, 16, 20. Documents relative to the House of Refuge of the Society. NewYork, 1832. 80. SOCIETY for the Relief of Orphan and Destitute Children in the City of Albany: Constitution...... and E. N. Kirk's Address, 1831. Pam. vol. 19. B. C. SOCIETY of Antiquaries of London: Archoaologia, or Miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity. London, 1779- 1846. 31 vol. 40. ------ Index of vol. 1- 30. London, 1809 - 44. 2 vol. 40. Vetusta Monumenta, quse ad rerum britannicarum memoriam conservandam Soc. Ant. Lond. sumptu suo edenda curavit. Londini, 1747- 1835. 5 vol. fol. SOCIETY OF ARTS, and of the Institutions in Union:: Journal, vol. 1, 2.. London, 1852 - 54. 2 vol. 8o. SOCIETY Or BELIEVERS: A Declaration of the Society of people (commonly called Shakers), showing their reasons for refusing to abet the cause of war.... Albany, 1815. Pam. vol. 9. B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 697 SOCIETY ( General) OF CINCINNATI: Proceedings; with the original institution of the order, the act of incorporation of Pennsylvania, and the testimonial to the memory of Washington, adopted 1800. Philadelphia, 1841. 8~. Proceedings; with the original institution of the order, and facsimile lithographs of the signatures of the original members of the State Society of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1847. 80. SOCIETY OF DILETTANTI. See Antiquities of Attica. SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. Aborigines Committee.... Publication No. 9: Some Account of the conduct of the Religious Society of Friends towards the Indian tribes, in the settlement of the Colonies of East and West-Jersey and Pennsylvania.... London, 1844. 8o. Testimony against Slavery and the Slave trade. Pam. vol. 6..-. — Address on. Subject of Slavery, 1837. Pam. vol. 186. Friends' Library; comprising journals, doctrinal treatises, and other writings of the Religious Society of Friends: ed. by W. and T. Evans. Philadelphia, 1837 - 50. 14 vol. 8o....- Catalogue of Books belonging to the Library of the Four Monthly Meetings. Philadelphia, 1853. 120. - A Collection of Tracts in the controversy-between the followers of Elias Hicks and those opposed. Pam. vol. 24. See Case of the Seneca Indians, 1840. SOCIETY (Royal) or NORTHERN ANTIQUARIES: Antiquitates American;e sive Scriptores Septentrionales Rerum ante Columbianarum in America.... Hafniae, 1837. 4o.. —.- Antiquitates Americano.. studio C. C. Rafn. Hafnise, 1845. 40. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift: udgivet af det Kongelige Nordiske Oldskrift S elskab, 1843 - 45. Forste hefte. Kjobenhavn, 1844. 80. - Annaler for Nordisk Oldkyndighed, 1844, 45. Kjobenhavn, 1845. 80. Report in French and English for 1851. Copenhagen. 80. Guide to Northern Archaeology: edited for the use of English readers, by.... the Earl of Ellesmere. London, 1848. 8o. SOCIETY OF UNITED IRISHMEN of Dublin: Proceedings, 1791-94. Philadelphia, 1795. 180. SOCRATES SCHOLASTICUS. Ecclesiastical History in 7 books, from 305 to 445. London, Bohn, 1853. 120. See also Greek Eccl. Hist. SCEMMERING ( S. T.). Iconologie de l'organe de l'ouie. Paris, 1825. 80. SOLEMN REVIEW of the Custom of War. By Rev. Noah Worcester. Boston, 1833. Pam. vol. 72. SOLIS ( Antonio de). Historia de la Conquista de Mexico. Madrid, 1783. 2 vol. 40. W. C. 863. Istoria della Conquista del Messico: trad. in toscano da un' Accademico della Crusca. Venezia, 1704. 4~. W. C. 864. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 88 698 NEW-YORK STATE Histoire de la Conquete du 3Mexique: trad. de l'espagnol. Paris, 1691. 4:i. W. C. 865....- The same. 6th ed. Paris, 1759. 2 vol. 120. W. C. 866. The same. Paris, 1774. 2 vol. 120. W. C. 867. History of the Conquest of Mexico: trans. by T. Townsend, and revised by N. Hooke. 3d ed. London, 1753. 2 vol. 80. SOLLY ( Edward ). Rural Chemistry: an Elementary Introduction to the study of the science, in its relation to agriculture and the arts of life. 1st Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1852. 120. SOLLY (Samuel). The Human Brain; its structure, physiology and diseases, etc.: from 2d London ed. Philadelphia, 1848. 80. SOLORZANO PEREIRA ( Don Juan de). Politica Indiana, en seis libros. Amberes, 1703. fol. SOMEREN ( R. IH-. van). Over het Volkslied Wilhelmus van Nassauwen; met eene Bydrage door P. A. Brugmans. Utrecht, 1834. Pam. vol. O31. B. C. SOMERS (John, Lord ). Collection of scarce and valuable Tracts: Revised, augmented and arranged, by Walter Scott. London, 1809 - 15. 13 vol. 40. The Judgment of whole kingdoms and nations, concerning the rights, power and prerogative of kings, and the rights, priviledges and properties of the people: by Lord Sommers. 11th ed. Philadelphia, 1773. 12o. SOMERVILLE (Mary). Physical Geography. Philadelphia, 1848. 120. The same. 120. B. C. Connexion of the Physical Sciences. 6th ed. London, 1842. 120... litaMechanism of the Heavens. London, 1831. 80. SOMERVILLE ( Thomas). History of Political Transactions, and of parties, from the restoration of King Charles to the death of King William. Dublin, 1793. 8~. SOMERVILLE ( William C.). Letters from Paris, on' the causes and consequences of the French revolution. Baltimore, 1823. 8,'. SONG OP THE SEXTON.... after the Dedication of Albany Cemetery. Muns. Pam. vol. 9. SONORA Gold Mining Company, 1852. Pam. vol. 92. SONS (The) OF THE SIRES: A History of the rise, progress and destiny of the American Party. Philadelphia, 1855. 120. SONSBEECK ( H. van). Proeve over de Zelfstandigheid en Onafhankelijkheid der Regterlijke Magt. Zwolle, 1829. 2 vol. 8o. SOPIIIA CHARLOTTE, Queen. See Prussia. SOPHIA DOROTHEA, Consort of George I. Memoirs, chiefly from the Secret Archives of Hanover. London, 1845. 2 vol. 80. SOPHIANOPOULO (Dr.). Relation des Epidemies du Cholera morbus, observees en Hongrie, Moldavie, Gallicie, et a Vienne.... 1831, 32. Paris, 1832. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 699 SolPtrocLES: Trans. by Thomas Franeklit, D.D. New-York, 1834. 180. B.C.....-:Tragedies, in English Prose; the Oxford Translation: T. A. Buckley, editor. London, Bohn, 1849. 120.: —---- The Antigone of Sophocles, with Notes by T. D. Woolsey. Cambridge, Mass. 1835. 120. L'(Edipe Roi, de Sophocle, mis en vers franSais; avec.....notes, etc. par A. J. Becart. Paris et Bruxelles, 1845. 120. (Edipe, traduit par A. Gouniot Damedor. Paris, 1848. 120. SOPHOCLES ( E. A.). History of the Greek Alphabet, with Remarks on Greek orthography and pronunciation. Cambridclge, 1848. 120. SOPWITH ( T.). Treatise on Isometrical Drawing, as applicable to geological and mining plans. London, 1838. 2d ed. 80. SORAVIA (Giambattista). Le Chiese di Yenezia descritte ed illustrate. Venezia, 1122. 3 vol. 8~. SOTO ( Hernando de). Narrative of his Florida Expedition. See French (B. F.), Hist. Coll. vol. 2, and Florida. Letter of Hernando de Soto, and Memoir of Hernando de Escalante Fontaneda: translated from the Spanish, by Buckinghaim Smith. Washington, 1854. fol. SOTOMAYOR. See Villagutierre-Sotomayor ( Juan de). SOULAVIE ( J. L.). Historical and Political Memoirs of the Reign of Louis XVI: trans. from the French. Leyden, 1802. 6 vol. 80. SOuLE ( Frank), J. H. Gihon and J. Nisbet. The Annals of San Francisco, and History of California, etc. New-York, 1855. 80. SOULE (Richard) jun. Memorial of the Sprague Family; and a Poem, at a meeting of the descendants. Boston, 1847. 120. SOULeS (Francois). Histoire des Troubles de l'Am6rique anglaise. Paris, 1787. 4 vol. 80. W. C. 868. SoURDIs ( H. d'Escoubleau de). Correspondant ee augmentde des ordres, instructions, et lettres de Louis XIII, et du Card. de Richelieu, par M. E. Sue. Paris, 1839. 3 vol. 4o. See France, Doct. indd. SOUSSELIER DE LA TouR. L'Ami de la Nature; ou Maniere de traiter les maladies par le pretendu magnetisme animal. Dijon, 1784. 80o. SOUTH AMERICA: Pamphlets relating to South American States, 182630. In 2 vol. 120. W. C. 632. SOUTH-AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS, 1834 - 51. Newsp. vol. 8, 9. SOUTHARD ( Samuel L.). 1, Eulogium on C. J. Charles Ewing,' 1832; 2, Centennial Address, Trenton, N. J. 1832 3, Address, Newark Mechanic's Assoc. 1830. 8o. Speech, Senate U. S., on Removal of the deposites, 1834. Pam. vol. 60. SOUTH-CAROLINA. Minutes of the Commissioners appointed by the General Assembly of South-Carolina, in pursuance of an Act passed Oct. 4, 1776; to superintend and direct the naval affairs of that State: Oct. 9, 1776, to March, 1799. 257 pp. fol. MS. 70' NEW-YOiKl STATE Naval Pay-book, 1778, 79. MS. See United States; Messages of President. - Reports on the Geological and Agricultural Survey of the State of South-Carolina, 1844, 48: by M. Tuomey. Columbia, 1844, 48. 2 vol. 80 and 4~. Report of the Commencement and Progress of the Agricultural Survey of South-Carolina for 1843: by E. Ruffin. Columbia, 1843. 80. SOUTHERN LITERARY MESSENGER; devoted to every department of literature and the fine arts. Vol. 16, 17, 18. Richmond, Va. 1850-52. 3 vol. 80. SOUTHERN QUARTERLY REVIEW: 1st series, vol. 1 - 16, 1842 - 49; 2d series, vol. 17 - 27, 1850 - 55. Charleston. 27 vol. 80. SOUTHERN REVIEW, quarterly. Charleston, 1828 - 32. 8 vol. 80. SOUTHEY (Charles Cuthbert). Life and Correspondence of Robert Southey: ed. by his son. London, 1849, 50. 6 vol. 80. SOUTHEY (Robert). Letters from England, by Don Manuel Alvarez Espriella: from the Spanish. Boston, 1808. 12. B. C. Roderick, the last of the Goths: A Tragic Poem. Philadelphia, 1815. 180. B. C. History of Brazil. London, 1810-19. 3 vol. 4~. See Armitage ( J.), Cont. of Hist,. of Brazil, Sir Thomas More; or Colloquies on the Progress and Prospects of Society. 2d ed. London, 1831. 2 vol. 80. Lives of Uneducated Poets; to which is added, Attempts in verse, by JoIn Jones, an Old servant. London, 1836. 120, History of the Peninsular War. London, 1828 - 37. 4 vol. 80. Chronicle of the Cid: from the Spanish. Lowell, 1846. 8o. Life of Wesley, and Rise and Progress of Methodism ed. by Rev. C. C. Southey. 3d ed. London, 1846. 2 vol. 8o. The Doctor. New-York, 1836. 2 vol. in 1. 120. B. C. The same. London, 1844. 3 vol. 80. The same: edited by his Son-in-law, John Wood Warter, B.D. London, 1848. In 1 vol. 80. Common-place Book: ed. by his Son-in-law, John W. Warter, B.D. 1st series. London, 1849. 80. The same. Am. ed. New-York, 1849. 80. Common-place Book: Second series, Special collections, by J. W. WT. New-York, 1850. 80. -- Fourth series: Original memoranda, ed. by J. W. Warter. London, 1851. 8. -- The same: 4 parts. New-York, 1849, 50. 4 vol. 80. B. C. British Admirals; with an Introductory View of the Naval History of England. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 123 -127. GENERAL LIBRARY. 701 See Cowper's ( GW.) Works; also Amadis of Gaul. and Charles C. Southey. Life of the Rev. Andrew Bell, comprising the History.... of the system of mutual tuition. London, 1844. 3 vol. 80. SOUTIHEY (Thomas). Chronological History of the West Indies. London, 1827. 3 vol. 80. W. C. 869. SOUTHGATE ( H.), Bp. Narrative of a Tour through Armenia, Kurdistan, Persia, and Armenia. New-York, 1840. 2 vol. 120. SOUTHWIC (Solomon). Address to the Electors of N. Y. 1819. Pam. vol. 67. Address at the Opening of the Apprentices' Library, 1821. Albany, 1821. 80. Also 80. B. C..-..- The Pleasures of Poverty. Albany, 1823. Pam. vol. 99. A Layman's Apology for the appointment of clerical chaplains by the Legislature of the State of New-York by Sherlock. Albany, 1833. 12g. - The same. Albany, 1834. 120. B. C. Five Lessons for young men by a man of sixty. Albany, 1837. 120. Also 12o. B. C. - See Albany Register; and Family Newspaper. SOVET ( Dr.). Education physique de l'enfance, See Encyc. pop. SowERBY ( Henry). Popular Mineralogy, comprising a familiar account of minerals. London, 1850. ob. 120. SOZOMEN. Ecclesiastical History, from A.D. 324 to 440; and the Ecclesiastical History of Philostorgius: translated by Edward WalTord. London, Bohn, 1855. 120. Narrative. See Greek Ecel. Hist. SPAFFORD ( Horatio G.). Cursory Observations on the construction of wheel carriages. Albany, 1815. 83. - Gazetteer of the State of New-York. Albany, 1813. 80. The same. Map wanting. 80. The same. 2d ed. Albany, 1824. 80. Also 80. B. C. A Pocket Guide for the Tourist and Traveller, along the line of the canals. New-York, 1824. 18o. The same. 2d ed. Troy, 1825. 120. -- New-York Pocket-book of the towns and counties in the State. Troy, 1825. 80. SPAIN. Reglamento y Aranceles Realee para el Comercio libre de Espafia a Indias, de 12 Oct. de 1778. Madrid. 4o. W. C. 871. ------ 1, Constitucion Politica de la Monarquia Espanola, promulgada en Cadiz a 19 de Marzo de 1812, Cadiz; 2, Estatuto real para la Convocacion de las Cortes Generales del Reino, Madrid, 1834; 3, Real convocataria para la celebracion de las Cortes Generales del Reino, Madrid, 1834. 1 vol. fol. 702 NE W-'YO'RK STATE SPALDING ( James iR.). See University of Vermont. SPALDING (J. W.). Japan Expedition: Japan, and around the world. New-York, 1855. 120. SPALDING (William). Italy and the Italian Islands. Edin. Cab. Lib. vol. 29 -31. SPALLANZANI (Lazzaro). Travels in the Two Sicilies. Pinkerton, vol. 5. SPARacs ( Jared ). A Collection of Essays and Tracts in Theology, from various authors; with biographical and critical notices. 12 parts. Boston, 1823- 26. 6 vol. 120. B. C. An Inquiry into the comparative moral tendency of Trinitarian and Unitarian doctrines, in a series of Letters to the Rev. Dr. Miller of Princeton. Boston, 1823. 80. B. C. See Unitarian Miscellany. - Lives in Sparks's American Biography, which see, viz: Life of Ethan Allen: vol. 1. Life of Count Pulaski: vol. 14. Life and Treason of Benedict Arnold: Life of John Ribault: vol. 17. vol. 3. Life of Robert Cavelier de la Salle Life of Father Marquette: vol. 10. vol. 11. Li fe of John Ledyard, with Selections from his journals and correspondence. Cambridge, 1828. 8~. The Life of Gouverneur Morris; with Selections from his correspondence and miscellaneous papers. Boston, 1832. 3 vol. 80...-. The same. 3 vol. 80. B. C. Life of Franklin. See Franklin's Writings. - - Life of Washington. See Washington's Writings..-...- Correspondence of the American Revolution; being letters of eminent men to George Washington, from the time of his taking command of the army, to the end of his presidency. 1oston, 1853. 4 vol. 80. Letter to Lord Mahon; being an answer to his letter addressed to the editor of Washington's Writings. Boston, 1852. 80. Reply to the Strictures of Lord Mahon and others on the mode of editing the writings of Washington. Cambridge, 1852. 8~. 2 copies. Remarks on a i" Reprint of the original letters f'rom Washington to Joseph Reed, during the American revolution, referred to in the pamphlets of Lord 3Mahon and Mr. Sparks." Boston, 1853. 80. SPARKS (Jared ). Library of American Biography. In two series 1st series, 10 vol.; 2d series, 15 vol. Boston, 1839 - 1848. 25 vol. 12o. Contents 1. Life of John Stark, by E. Everett; 7. Life of William Phipps, by F. Bowen; - Charles B. Brown, by W. I-. Prescott; - Israel Putnam, by 0. AY. B. Peabody; - Richard Montgomery, by J. Armstrong; - Lucretia M. Davlcldson, by C.M.Sedgwick; - Ethan Allen, by J. Sparks. - David Rittenhouse, by J. Renwick. 2 -- Alexallder W\ilson, by W. B. O.Peabody;,. — Jonathan Edwards, by S. Miller; - Capt. John Smith, by G. S. Hillard. -'David Brainerd by A;V. B. O. Peabody. 3. - Benedict Arnoldrt, by J. Sparks. 9. -- Baron Steuben, by F. Bowen; 4. - Anthony Vayne, by J. Armstrong. - Sebastian Cabot, by C. Hayward jr.; 5. - John Eliot. by C. Francis. -- William Eaton, by C. C. Felton.. - William Pinkniey, by H. WVheaton; t10. - Robert Fulton, by J. Relnwick; - illiam T. Ellery, by E. T. Channillg; - Joseph Warren, by A. IT. Everett; Cotton Mather, by 0, W. B. Peabody. H- enry HIudson, by H. R. Cleavelanld; GENERAL LIBRARY. 703 Life of Father Marquette, by J. Sparks. 17. Life of John Ribault, by J. Sparks; 11. - Robert de la Salle, by J. Sparks; - Sebastian Rale, by C. Francis; - Patrick Henry, by A. H. Everett. - William Palfrey, by J. G. Palfrey. 12. - James Otis, by F. Bowen; 18. - Charles Lee, by J. Sparks; - James Ogletlorpe, by V. B. O. Peabody. - Joseph Reed, by H. Reed. 13. - Johll Sullivanl, by O. WV. B. Peabody; 19. - Leonard Calvert, by G. AY. Burnap; - Jacob Leisler, by C. F. Hoflinan; - Samuel Ward, by WV. Gammell; Nathaniel Bacon, by WV. Ware; Thomas Posey, by J. Hall. - John Mason. by G. E. Ellis. 20. Nathanael Greene, by G. WV. Greeile. 14. - Roger;illiams, by WV. Gammell; 21. - Stephlen Decatur, by A. S. Mackenzie. - Timothy Dwight, by WV. B. Sprague; 22. - Edward Preble, by L. Sabine; - Count Pulaski, by J. Sparks. -- William Penn, by G. E. Ellis. 15. - Count Rumford, by J. Renwick; 23. - Daniel Boone, by J. M. Peck; - Zebulon M. Pike, by -I. Yhitilig; - Benjamin Lincoln, by F. Bowen. - Samuel Gorton, by J. M. Mackie. 24. - Johnl Ledyard, by J. Sparks. 16. - Ezra Stiles, by J. L. Kingsley; 25. - William R. Davie, by F. M. Hubbard; - John Fitch, by C. WVhittlesey; - Samuel Kirkland, by S. K. Lothrop. - Allne Hutchinsont, by G. E. Ellis. SPAULDING ( E. G.). Speech, H. of R. U. S., on the Admission of California, 1850. Pam. vol. 60. SPECIMEN-BOOKI S of Dutch type-foundries, A. G. 3Mappa, Rosart, Amstel, etc. 1760 - 80. In 3 vol. 80 and 120. SPECIMEN TYPOGRAPHIQUE de l'Imprimerie Royale. Paris, 1845. fol. SPECIMENs of Foreign Standard Literature: Vol. 1, 2, containing Philosophical Miscellanies of Cousin, Jouffroy and B. Constant.. trans. by G. Ripley. Boston, 1838. 2 vol. 120. B. C. SPECULUM Orient. Occidentalisque Nav. See Spilbergen ( G. a). SPECTATOR (The), by Addison and others. See Addison (J.). SPECTATOR ( The): A Weekly Journal of news, politics, literature and science. London, 1831-33. Vol. 4, 5, 6. 2 vol. fol. SPECTATOR ( The), newspaper. Edited by Noah Webster, from Jan. 4, 1797, to Dec. 20, 1802. New-York. 3 vol. fol. From Jan. 4, 1797, to Sept. 30, 1797, it was entitled "' The Herald." SPEECH spoken in the House of Assembly of St. Christopher.... on the Proceedings of Admiral Rodney and Gen. Vaughan at St. Eustathius. London, 1782. Pam. vol. 137. SPEECHES on the Passage of the Bill for the Removal of the Indians; delivered in Congress, during April and May, 1830. Boston, 1830. 12~. The same. 1830. 120. B. C. SPEED (John). An Epitome of Mr. J. Speed's Theatre of the Empire of Great Britain, 1673; and of his Prospect of the most famous parts of the world. In this new edition are added, The Descriptions of His Majesties Dominions abroad, viz. New-England, New-York, etc.; as also the Empire of the Great Mogol, the East Indies, and Russia. London, 1676. ob. 120. SPENCE ( George). Diss. Med. Inaug. De vasis absorbentibus. Edinburgi, 1790. 80. SPENCER (Ambrose). Opinion on the Rights of lottery contractors, 1827. Pam. vol. 182. Memorial of; consisting of Proceedings of public bodies and meetings, and of Sermons and Addresses on occasion of his death. Albany, 1849. 80 704 NEW-YORK STATE.-. The same. 80. B. C. SPENCER ( Charles Child). A Rudimentary and Practical Treatise on music. London, 1850. 2 vol. in 1. 120. SPENCER (Edmund ). Sketches of Germany and the Germans. 2d edition. London,.1836. 2 vol. 80. Travels in Circassia, Crim Tartary etc.; including a steam voyage down the Danube, from Vienna to Constantinople. London, 1837. 2 vol. 80. Travels in the Western Caucasus, including a Tour through Imeritia, Mingrelia, Turkey, etc. London, 1838. 2 vol. 80. SPENCER (George). An English Grammar on synthetical principles. NewYork, 1851. 120. SPENCER (Ichabod S.), D.D. The Religious Duty of obedience to law: A Sermon,.Brooklyn, 1850. New-York, 1850. 80. SPENCER ( John C.). Criticism on Mr. Upshur's Review of the Constitution of the United States. See MIacgregor's Prog. of America. Address, New-York State Agric. Soc. at Buffalo, 1848. Albany, 1849. 80. Report to the Vestry of St. Peter's Church. Albany, 1849. Pam. vol. 12. - See Tocqueville's Democracy. SPENCER (R.). Universal History. See Bossuet. SPENCER ( T.),.M.D. Practical Observations on Epidemic diarrhoea, known.... as cholera. Utica, 1832. Pam. vol. 64, 87. I- ntrod. Lect. Med. Inst. of Geneva Coll. 1842. Pam. vol. 64. SPENSER (Edmund). Poetical Works. London, 1825. 5 vol. 120. B. C. The same; with a Selection of Notes from various commentators, and Life by Rev. H. J. Todd, M.A. London, 1845. 80. SPILBERGEN ( George a). Voyage round the World, 1614. See Kerr, Voy. vol. 10; Harris, vol. 1. - Speculum orientalis occidentalisque Indise navigationum, quarum una Georgii a Spilbergen..... altera Jacobi Le Maire, auspiciis imperioque directa: annis, 1614 - 18. Lugduni, 1619. ob. 4~. --- iroir Oost et West-Indical; auquel sont descriptes les deux dernieres navigations faictes par G. de S...., et J. Le Maire. Amstelaedam, 1621. ob. 4~. W. C. 664. SPIRIT ( The) OF DESPOTISM. London, 1795: reprinted, Morristown, N. J. 1799. 12o. SPIRIT OF HUMANITY, and Essence of Morality; extracted from the productions of the enlightened and benevolent of various ages and climes. Albany, 1835. 240. SPIRIT OF MISSIONS. See Protestant Epis. Church. SPIRIT (The) OF THE PILGRIMS, for the years 1828 - 32. Boston. 5 vol. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 705 SPIRIT (The) OF THE PUBLIC JOURNALS; or Beauties of the American newspapers for 1805. Compiled by George Bourne? Baltimore, 1806. 120. SPITZBERaOEN SAILORS: Journal. Churchill, vol. 2. SPix ( J. B. von), and C. F. P. von Martiuns. Travels in Brazil in 1817 - 20. London, 1824. 2 vol. 8s. SPooNER ( Alden). Cultivation of American Grape vines, and making of wine. Brooklyn, 1846. 12). SPOTORNO ( Gio. B.). Historical Memoir of Christopher Columbus and his discoveries; with his letters, privileges, notes and other writings. London, 1823. 80. SPOTSWOOD ( Archbp. J.). The History of the Church and State of Scotland, from 203, to the end of the reign of James VI. 4th ed. London, 1677. fol, SPRAGUE ( Charles). Curiosity; a Poem, delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, Cambridge, 1820. Pain. vol. 63. Ode: Centennial Celebration, Boston, 1830. Pain. vol. 20. B.C. SPRAGUE (Isaac). Genera of United States plants. See Gray ( A.). SPRAGUE ( Capt. John T.), U.S.A. The Origin, Progress and Conclusion of the Florida War. New-York, 1848. 8o. SPRAGUE (Peleg). Speech, U. S. Sen., Removal of the Indians, 1830. Pam. vol. 21. B. C. Speech, U.S. Sen., on Removal of deposites, 1834. Pam. vol. 60. SPRAGUE (T. Dwight). See American Literary Magazine. SPRAGUE ( William B.), D.D. A Collection of Thirty-one Orations, Discourses, Sermons, Addresses,. etc. from 1829 to 1849, in 1 vol. 80. - - ]Discourse, Vermont Class. Serm. Castleton, 1830. Pam. vol. 19. B.C. Sermon, Murray-street, N.Y. 1830. Serm. vol. 4. B. C. Lectures to Young People; with an Introductory Address, by Samuel Miller, D.D. New-York, 1830. 12~. B. C. Oration commemorative of Gen. Lafayette. Albany, 1834. Muns. Pain. vol. 1. -- Sermon, Danger of being over-wise. Albany, 1835. Serm. vol. 4. B. C. Sermon, Tower of Babel. Albany, 1837. Serm. vol. 4. B. C. Sermon, Death of Mrs. R. Savage. Albany, 1837. Serm. vol. 4. B. C. Address before Y. M. Assoc. Albany, 1838. Muns. Pam. vol. 6. Life of Timothy Dwight. Sparks's Am. Biog. vol. 14. --- Address, Soc. of Phi Beta Kappa, Yale College, 1843. Pam. vol. 37. B. C. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 89 706 NEW-YORK STATE -.- Discourse, Philomathesian Soc. Middlebury Coll. Vt. 1844. Pam. vol. 37. B. C. Discourse, True Magnanimity. Albany, 1844. Serm. vol. 5. B. C..-..- Sermon on Political Strife, 1844. Nluns. Pam. vol. 3. Address, Young Ladies Institute, Pittsfield, Mass. 1844. Pam. vol. 43. B. C. ------ Address, at Interment of Mr. W. Davis and others who perished in the wreck of the Steamboat Swallow. Albany, 1845. Pam. vol. 43. B. C.; and Muns. Panl. vol. 1. Address, Brooklyn Female Acad. 1846. Muns. Pam. vol. 2. Discourse, on Death of Silas Wright. Albany, 1847. Serrm. vol. 5. B.C. Sermon, I-Iist. 2d Presb. Church, Albany, 15-16. Serm. vol. 5. B. C.; and Muns. Pam. vol. 3. - Sermon, Commemorative of T. Chalmers, D.D. Albany, 1847. Serm. vol. 5. B. C.; and Muns. Pan. vol. 1. Address, Y. M. Assoc. Albany, Feb. 22, 1847. Pam. vol. 45. B. C.; and Muns. Painm. vol. 2. Address at Wesleyan University, 1848. NIuns. Pam. vol. 2. - Address, Death of Mrs. J. Wyckoff, 1848. Muns. Pam. vol. 1. - Discourse, Commemorative of Ambrose Spencer, Albany, 1849. Serm. vol. 5. B. C.; and Muns. Pain. vol. 1. i- - Address, Iinsdale Academy, 1849. Pai.n vol. 51. B. C. Discourse, on the Death of the Hon. Timothy S. Williams, of the Senate of New-York. Albany, 1849. So. ~i'- Oration, Phi Beta Kappa Society, HIarv. Univer. Albany, 1851. Pam. vol. 53. B. C. Visits to European Celebrities. Boston, 1855. 12o. SPRANCKIIHUYSEN (Dionis.). Balsem vor een Sieceke Ziele. Amsterdam, 1731. 180. B. C. SPRENGEL (NI. C.) Die Geschichte der Revolution von Nord-America. Berlin, 1784. 24o.' W. C. 872. The same. Frankenthal, 1788. 120. SPRENGER ( A.), M.D. Life of Mohammad. Allahabad, India. 1851. 80. SPRING ( A.). Botanique. See Encyc. Populaire. SPRING (Gardiner), D.D. The Bible not of Man. New-York. Am. Tr. Soc. 120. Essays on the Distinguishing Traits of christian character. NewYork, I813. 80. _ —---- Memoirs of Rev. S. J. Mills. London, 1820. 12o. Dissertation on the Rule of Faith. New-York, 1844. o80. SPRINGER (John S.). Forest life and Forest trees; comprising winter camp-life in Maine and New-Brunswick. NGw-York, 1851. 120o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 707 SPRONG (IH. van der). Zee-Tooneelen: Prozaisehe en Dichtkundige Mengelingen van J. v. Alphen, L. v. den Broek, etc. Gravenhage, 1841. Pain. vol. 33. B. C.....- en anderen. Zee-Tooneelen: Prozaische en Deskundige Mengelingen. Gravenhage, 1841. 12o. B. C. SPRUNEra (Karl v.). Pfalzgraf Rupert der Cavalier: Ein Lebensbild aus dem xvii jahrhundert. Miinchen, 1854. See Bav. Acad. MIem. vol. 2. SPuRRIanR (John). The Practical Farmer.. Wilmington, Del. 1793. 80. SPunzIIEIi (J. G.), M.D. A View of the Elementary Principles of education, founded on the study of the nature of man. Boston, 1832, 120.. B. C. - The same. 2d ed. Boston, 1833. 120. - Examination of the Objections.... against the doctrines of Gall and Spurzheim; with Chenevix's Article of the For. Quar. Review. Boston, 1833. 120o - Phrenology, in connection with the Study of Physiology; to which is prefixed, a Biography of the author, by Nahum Capen. Boston, 1833. 8J. B. C. Phrenology; or the Doctrine of the mental phenomena. Boston, 1834. 2 vol. 80. B. C. - Observations on the Diseased Manifestations of the mind, or insanity. Boston, 1836. 80. SQUIER ( E. G.). A Collection of Publications of: in 1 vol. 80. Contents: 1. Observations on the Aboriginal Monuments of the Mlississippi Valley. NewYork, 1847. 2. Preliminary Notes to a Report on the proposed Honduras Interoceanic Railway. New-York, 1853. 3. Volcanoes of Central America, and the geographical and topographical features uf Nicaragua. 1850. 4. Honduras and Guatemala: Letter to the Editor of the Nat. Intelligencer. 5. Ruins of Tenampua, Honduras: A Letter to the N.Y. Hist. Society. 1853. 6. Letter to Hon. H. S. Foote, Chairman of Comm. For. Rel. U.S. Senate, on the Nicaragua Treaty. 1850. 7. Critical Observations on Dr. Zesterman's Memoir on the European Colonization of America in ante-historic times. 1851. Report on the Honduras Interoceanic Railway. New-York, 1854. 80......- Aboriginal Monuments of the State of New-York. See Smithson. Contr. vol. 2. ------- Antiquities of the State of New-York, with a Supplement on the Antiquities of the West. Buffalo, 1851. 8o. a- -- ~American Archmeological Researches: No. 1, The Serpent Symbol, and the worship of the reciprocal principles of nature in America. New-York, 1851. 80. --- Nicaragua; its people, scenery, monuments, and its proposed interoceanic canal; with maps.... New-York, 1852. 2 vol. 80. and E. II. Davis. Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley; comprising the result of extensive original surveys and explorations. See Smithson. Contr. vol. 1. 708 NEW-YORK STATE Notes on Central America, particularly the States of Honduras and San Salvador. New-York, 1855. 8,'. SQUIRE ( Rev. Francis). An Answer to the Independent Whig, as relates to the Church of England as by law established. N.York, 1753. 120. STAAT ( Oude en Nieuwe) van't Russisehe en Moskovische Keizerryk. D)oor J. F. Reitz? Utrecht, 1744. 4 vol. in 2. 4o. STAATS ( Cuyler). See Clinton (De Witt). STADEN (Hans) DE HAMBERG ( Stadius). Veritable Histoire et Description d'un pays habit6 par des hoinmmes sauvages, nus, f6roces et anthropophages. Marbourg, 1557. See Ternaux, Yoyages, vol. 3. -- Meinorabilem Provincim BrasilioI Historiam continens..... See Bry ( T. de), Coll. Voy. part 3. STADTHOUDERLIJCKE in Hollant en de West-Vrieslant....Amsterdam, 1662. 180. See H. ( V.). STAEL-HOLSTEIN ( Mad. la Baronne Anne L. G.). Corinne, ou l'Italie. Nouv. ed. Boston, 1848. 12o. Corinna; or Italy. Philadelphia, 1808. 2 vol. 120. B. C. Germany: translated from the French. London, 1814. 3 vol. 80. L'Alemagna: Traduzione italiana. MNilano, 1814. 3 vol. 80. Considerations on the Principal Events of the French Revolution; ed. by the Duke de Broglie and the Baron de Stael: from the French. New-York, 1818. 2 vol. 80. STAFFORD (J. R.). Observations on the production, manufacture transportation and preservation of cereal grains. Cleveland, 0. 1848. 80. STAINTON ( H. J.). See Entomologist's Annual. STALLO (J. B.). General Principles of the Philosophy of Nature, embracing Oken's System. Boston, 1848. 12~. STAMctART (F. J.). Over de Burgerlijke Tijdsbepaling. Amsterdam, 1747. 8. STANDA1RD (The), newspaper. Albany, vol. 1, 1827. fol. STANFORD ( Rev. John). Discourse delivered in the New-York City Hospital, 1824; Address on laying the corner stone of the Orphan House, Greenwich, 1823; Address on the Burning of the Orphan House, Philadelphia, 1822. New-York, 1822-24. 1 vol. 80. Discourse on opening the new House of Refuge...... for Juv. Delinq. New-York, 1826. See Pam. vol. 161, 162. STANFORD ( John Frederick ). Rambles and Researches in Thuringian Saxony. London, 1842. 80. STANFORD (Richard ). Speech, IT. of R. U. S., Jan. 6,1812. Pam. vol. 6. B. C. STANHOPE (Earl). Tracts relating to Caspar Hauser. London, 1836. 18'. STANHIOPE (George), D.D. See Kempis, Imitation. STANHOPE ( Lady Hester). Memoirs related by herself, in conversation with her physician; comprising her opinions, and anecdotes of some of the most remarkable persons-of her time. 2d ed. London. 3 vol. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 709 STANHOPE ( P. H.). See Mahon (Lord ). STANLEY ( Anthony 1).). Tables of Logarithms..... to seven places of numbers. New-Haven, 1847. 80. STANLEY ( A. P.). Life and Correspondence of Dr. Thomas Arnold. 2d ed. London, 1844. 2 vol. 80. The same. New-York, 1845. 2 vol. in 1. 12o. B. C. STANLEY ( Edward ), Bishop of Norwich. Addresses and Charges; with Memoir by his son A. P. Stanley. London, 1851. 80. STANLEY ( George). A Classified Synopsis of the principal painters of the Dutch and F'lemish schools. London, Bohn, 1855. 120. STANLEY ( J. M.). Portraits of North American Indians; with Sketches of Scenery, deposited with the Smithsonian Institution. Washington, 1852. 80, STANLY ( Edward). Speech, H. of R. U. S., on the Slavery agitation, 1850. Pam. vol. 60. STANSBURY ( Rev. A. J.). Sermon before Orange Bib. Soc. 1814. Pam. vol. 62. - Sermon before Dorcas Society, 1816. Pam. vol. 62. Sermon, Death of A. Eights, Albany, 1820. Pam. vol. 82. STANSBURY ( Capt. Howard ). Exploration and Survey of the Great Salt Lake of Utah; with a reconnaissance of a new route through the Rocky mountains. Philadelphia, 1852. 80, with a vol. of maps. 2 vol. 80. 2 copies. STANSBURY ( P.). Pedestrian tour of two thousand three hundred miles in North America. New-York, 1822. 120. W. C. 873. STANTON (Henry B.). Sketches of Reforms and Reformers of Great Britain and Ireland. New-York, 1.849. 120. Remarks before Com. of Mass. Legis. on Anti-slavery petitions, 1837. Pam. vol. 91. - ~ Address, Williams College, 1850. Pam. vol. 63. Address at Hamilton Coll. See Street ( A. B.). STAPLES (W. R.). Documentary History of the Destruction of the Gaspee. Providence, 1845. Pam. vol. 17. STAPLETON (A. G.). Political Life of the Right Hon. George Canning. 12d ed. London, 1831. 3 vol. 80. STAReCI (L. G.). Aphorisini Botanici. Lundoe, 1821. 120. STARI ( John). Elements of Natural History, adapted to the present state of the science. Edinburgh, 1828. 2 vol. 80. C. L. STARK ( Robert M.). A Popular History of British mosses. London, Reeve, 1854. sm. 4~. STARR ( Chandler). An Address at the Whig Convention, Utica, Sept. 1834. New-York, 1834. 80. STARR ( Gideon). Oration, July 4, Schenectady, 1831. Pam. vol. 58. 710 NEW-YORK STATE STATE of the British and French Colonies in North America.... in two letters. London, 1755. 80. STATE (The Present) of Colombia; containing an Account of an English Expedition fitted out for its emancipation. London, 1827. 8o. W. C. 241. STATE ( The Present) -of the Controversy between the States of New-York and New-Hampshire on the one part, and the State of Vermont on the other. Hartford, 1782. See Vermont Controversy. STATE of Facts, showing the right of certain companies to the lands lately purchased by them from the State of Georgia. United States, 1795. 80. STATE (The Present) of Great Britain and North America....... impartially considered. By Dr. Mlitchell the geographer (?). London, 1765. 8~. STATE of the Island of Jamaica. London, 1726. 120. W. C. 511. STATE ( The Present) of Nova-Scotia; with a Brief Account of Canada and the British Islands of North America. Edinburgh, 1787. 80. STATE of the Province of Georgia, attested upon oath in the Court of Savannah, Nov. 10, 1740. London, 1742. 12o. STATE (A Brief) of the Province of Pennsylvania, in a letter from a Gentleman who has resided many years in Pennsylvania. 2d ed. London, 1755. 12o. STATE ( A True and Impartial ) of tile Province of Pennsylvania..... being an answer to a " Brief State" and a " Brief View." Philadelphia, 1759. 12o. STATE TRACTS; being a Collection of several Treatises relating to the government, privately printed in the Reign of Charles II: London, 1693; and State Tracts, from 1660 to 1689: ]London, 1692. 1 vol. fol. STATE TRIUMVIRATE (The). See Bucktail Bards. STATEMENT and APPEAL of the Borneo Mission, 1844. Pam. vol. 90. STATEMENT (A) of the Indian Relations: a Reply to North American Review. New-York, 1830. Pain. vol. 75. STATEMENT of the Kennebec Claims on... County of Lincoln. Boston, 1786. Pam. vol. 32. STATEMENT (A Plain) to Proprietors of real estate in New-York City, 1818. Pam. vol. 75. STATISTICAL ENQUIRY into the Condition of the People'of colour, in the city and districts of Philadelphia, 18,49. 80. STATISTICAL SOCIETY of LONDON: Journal, vol. 1-17. London, 1839 - 54. With Index to vol. 1-15. 18 vol. 80..-..- Transactions, vol. 1, part 1. London, 1837. 4o. STATISTICAL Tables of the State of New-York, with Lists of counties, towns, districts and population. New-York, 1828. 12o. STATISTICS of the Woollen Manufactories in the United States: by the Proprietor of the condensing cards. New-York, 1845. 12o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 711 STATIUS ( P. P.). SylvVe cum Domitii commentariis; Thebais cum Lactantii commentariis; Achilleis cum MIaturantii commentariis. Venetiis, 1494. fol. STAUNTON (H oward). The Chess-player's -Iand-book. London, 1847. 120o...... The Chess-player's Companion. London, Bohn, 1849. 120. The Chess Tournament: A Collection of the games played at this celebrated assemblage.... London, Bohn, 1852. 12o. STAUNTON ( Sir George). Authentic Account of an Embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China. Dublin, 1798. 2 vol. 80. STAVELEY (T. K.). Notes on Brixen and Verona in 1838. Engineers' Prof. Papers, vol. 4. - Notes on Genoa and Lyons. Engineers' Prof. Papers, vol. 5. STAVORINUS (J. S.). Voyages to the East Indies: translated from the Dutch by S. EI. Wilcockd. London, 1798. 3 vol. 80. STEAMBOAT Disasters and Railroad Accidents in the United States, Ships and shipwrecks. Worcester, 1843. 120. STEARNS (Rev. E. J.). Notes on Uncle Tom's Cabin. Philadelphia, 1853. 12o. STEARNS (Jonathan F.). Historical Discourses, relative to the 1st Pres. Church, Newark, N.J. 1853. 80. STEARNS ( John G.). Inquiry into the nature and tendency of speculative freemasonry. 5th ed. Utica, 1829. 120...... Dialogue on means of separating masonry from the Church of Christ. Utica, 1828. Pam. vol. 91. STEARNS ( Rev. Oliver). Sermon, 3d Cong. Soc. Hingham, 3ass. 1852. Pam. vol. 95. STEARNS (Samuel), M.D. LL.D. Tour from London to Paris. London, 1790. 80. See Philadelphia Magazine. American Oracle, comprehending an account of recent discoveries in the arts and sciences. London, 1791. 80. STEARNS ( Wmin. A.), D.D. Addresses at his Inauguration as President of Amherst Coll. Mass. 1855. Pam. vol. 101. STEBBING (Rev. Henry). History of the Christian Church. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 99, 100. History of the Reformation. Lardner's Cycl. vol. 48, 49. Lives of the Italian Poets. 2d ed. London, 1832. 3 vol. 120. STEDMAN (C.). History of the Origin, progress and termination of the American war. London, 1794. 2 vol. 40. The same. Dublin, 1794. 2 vol. 80. STEDMAN ( Capt. J. G.). Narrative of a Five-years Expedition against the revolted negroes of Surinam, in Guiana, on the wild coast of Guiana, from 1772 to 1777, etc. London, 1796. 2 vol. 4o. 712 NEW-YORK STATE -- Voyage a Surinam, et dans l'interieur de la Guyane: trad. de l'anglois par P. F. Henry. Paris, 1798. 3 vol. 80; plates 40. 4 vol. W. C. 874. STEEL (David). Naval Chronologist of the War, from 1793 to 1801. London, 1803. 120. WV. C. 875. STEEL (John II.), M.D. An Analysis of the Mineral waters of Saratoga and Ballston, etc. Albany, 1817. 120. B. C. -- The same. Albany, 1819. 120. --:The same. Saratoga Springs, 1838. 120. STEELE ( JMrs.). A Summer Journey in the West. New-York, 1841. 120. STEELE'S Western Guide-book and Emigrant's Directory, with a Map of Niagara Falls. 5th ed. Buffalo, 1836. 18). STEELE ( ReV. J. B,). Ordination Sermon of Rev. R. II. Steele. Freehold, 1848. Pam. vol. 82, and Muns. Pam. vol. 3. STEELE ( Oliver). Sale Catalogue of Books. Albany, 1830, 12o. B. C. STEELE ( Sir Richard ). Political Works. London, 1715. 120. STEELE ( Robert). A Tour through part of the Atlantic, and Recollections of Madeira, the Azores, etc. London, 1810. 80. STEENSTRUP ( J. Japeetus). On the Alternation of generations. See Ray Society. STEFANO ( Carlo). Agricultura nuova e Casa di villa: trad. dal K. Hercole Cato. Venetia, 1591. 4~. STEFFENS ( Heinrich). Ueber Deutschlands Protestantische Universitaten, etc. Breslau, 1820. 80. Adventures on the Road to Paris, during the Campaigns of 1813, 14; from his Autobiography: from the German. London, 1848. 120 STEIN ( G. G.). L'Art d'Accoucher: trad. par P. F. Briot; avec une Dissertation sur la Fievre puerp6rale, par Dr. Gasc. Paris, 1804. 2 vol. 80. STEINHEIL (C. A.). Ueber Telegraphie, insbesondere durch galvanische krafte. Miinchen, 1838. See Bav. Acad. Mem. vol. 1. STEPHEN ( James). War in Disguise; or the Frauds of Neutral Flags. London, 1806. 80. B. C. The same. N.York, 1806. 8o. W. C. 876. See also Pam. vol. 33. Observations on J. Randolph's Speech. See Randolph; and Dangers of the country. STEPHEN (Right Hon. Sir James). Essays in Ecclesiastical Biography. London, 1849. 2 vol. 80. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. Philadelphia, 1843. 120. STEPHEN'S PHILADELPHIA DIRECTORY for 1796. Philadelphia. 18). STEPHENS (Alexander). Memoirs of John IIorne Tooke. London, 1813. 2 vol. 80. STEPHENS (Ann S.). See Portland Sketch-book. GENERAL LIBRARY. 713 STEPHENS (George). See Cavallius (G.). STEPHENS ( Henry). Thesaurus G-rere Linguta, ab Henr. Stephano constructus. Genevac, 1572. 5 vol. in 4. fol. STEPHENS (Henry). The Book of the Farm, with Notes by John S. Skinner. New-York, 1846, 47. 2 vol. 80. STEPHENS ( Henry L.). Comic Natural History of the Human race.... Philadelphia, 1851. 40, with plates. STEPHENS (Rev. John). Sermon on Conjugal Duties. Reprinted NewHaven, 1823. Pam. vol. 62. STEPHENS (John L.). Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan. New-York, 1841. 2 vol. 80. - Incidents of Travel in Egypt, Arabia Petreea, and the Holy Land. 10th ed. New-York, 1841. 2 vol. 120. Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. New-York, 1843. 2 vol. 80. Incidents of Travel in Greece, Turkey, Russia, and Poland. 7th ed. New-York, 1844. 2 vol. 120. The same. New-York, 1838. 2 vol. 12o. B. C. Catherwood's Views of Ancient Monuments in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan. 26 Nos., with Explanations and Map in morocco envelope. fol. STEPHENS (William). The Castle-builders; or the History of William Stephens of the Isle of Wight. 2d ed. London, 17-59. 80. STERLING ( A. C.). See Russia, etc. STERLING (John). Essays and Tales... Ed. with a Memoir of his Life, by Julius Charles Hare. London, 1848. 2 vol. 12~. STERNE (Laurence). Works. Dublin, 1780. 7 vol. 120. B. C. The same. New-York, 1813. 6 vol. 12o. The same. London, 1847. 80. STETSON (Caleb). Ordination Sermon of J. Pierpont jr. at Lynn, Mass. 1843. Serm. vol. 6. B. C. STEUART (Sir James). Works, political, metaphysical, and chronological; with Anecdotes of the Author, by Gen. Sir James Steuart. London, 1805. 6 vol. 80. STEUBEN (Baron de). Regulations for the....... Troops of the United States. 12th edition; with the Manual.. of the cavalry. Vermont, 1794. 120. - Regulations.... for the Troops of the United States, with the law organizing the militia of the State of N.York. Albany, 1803. 12,). STEVENS (Alexander IH.), M.D. Address before the New-York State Medical Society, and Members of the Legislature, at the Capitol, 1849.. Albany, 1849. 8o... The same. Muns. Pam. vol. 5. STEVENS ( Rev. A.). Memorials of the introduction of Methodism into the Eastern States. Boston, 1848. 120. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 90 714 NEW-YORK STATE STEVENS (ICljor Isaac I.), U.S.A. Campaigns of the Rio Grande and of Mexico, with Notices of the recent work of Major Ripley. NewYork, 1851. 80. Report of Exploration of a Route, near the 47th and 49th parallels, from St. Paul to Puget Sound. See Pacific R. R. Reports, vol. 1. STEVENS (James W.). An Historical and Geographical Account of Algiers.... with details relative to the American captives. Philadelphia, 1797. 12%. STEVENS (Sacheverel). Travels through France. Coll. of Voy. vol. 5. STEVENS ( William Bacon), M.D. A History of Georgia. t..... to the adoption of the present Constitution in 1798. New-York, 1847. Vol. 1. 8~. STEVENSON (Alan). Rudimentary Treatise'on the history, construction and illumination of light-houses. London, 1850. 12o. STEVENSON (Roger). Military Instructions for Officers in the Field; with engravings. Philadelphia, 1775. 120. STEVENSON (W.). Historical Sketch of the Progress of discovery, navigation and commerce. London, 1824. 8o. W. C. 877. _-___- The same. Kerr, Voy. vol. 18. STEVENSON (W. B.). Historical and Descriptive Narrative of twenty years' residence in South America. London, 1825. 3 vol. 80. W. C. 878. Voyage en Araucanie, au Chili, au Perou, et dans la Colomrbie trad. de l'anglais. Paris, 1832. 3 vol. 80. W. C. 879. STEWARD ( James), D.D. History of the Discovery of America; of the Landing of our Forefathers at Plymouth, and of their most remarkable engagements with the Indians in New-England, from their first landing in 1620, until the final subjugation in 1669. Brooklyn. 80. STEWART ( C. J.). Catalogue of Bibles and Biblical Literature, classified, on sale at the prices affixed. London, 1849. 80. STEWART ( Rev. Charles S.). Sketches of Society in Great Britain and Ireland. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 vol. 120. Visit to the South Seas, in the United States Ship Vincennes, in 1829 and 1830. New-York, 1831. 2 vol. 12o. W. C. 880. STEWART ( Col. David ). Sketches of the TIighlanders of Scotland, with Details of the military service of the Highland regiments. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1822. 2 vol. 8". STEWART (Dugald). Works. Cambridge, 1829. 7 vol. 80.. The same: ed. by Sir William Hamilton. Edinburgh, 1855. 6 vol. 80. Philosophical Essays. Philadelphia, 1811. 80. B. C. Philosophy of the Active and Moral powers of man. Boston, 1828. 2 vol. 80. General View of the Progress of metaphysical, ethical, and political philosophy. Boston. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 715 ------- The same. See Encyc. Brit. Prel. Diss. 1. - Life of Reid. See Reid (Thomas). STEWART (J.). View of the Past and Present State of Jamaica, with Remarks on the abolition of slavery. Edinburgh, 1823. 80. W. C. 881. STEWART (Virgil A.). The History of V. A. S., and his Adventure in capturing and exposing the great " Western Land-pirate " and his gang; also of the trials, confessions and execution of a number of Murrell's associates: compiled by H. R. Howard. New-York, 1836. 120. STICHAUER ( Joseph von). Geschichte der Bayerisch Subsidien vome jahre 1740 bis 1762. Miinchen, 1842. See Bav. Acad. Mem. vol. 1. STIcKNEY ( Robert ). Address, Equitable Union, Union Coll. 1899. Pam. vol. 63. STIFF ( Col. Edward ). The Texan Emigrant; with the Adventures of the author in Texas, and a description of the soil, climate, etc. Cincinnati, 1840. 120. STILES ( Rev. Ezra). A Discourse on Christian Union, before the Clergy of Rhode-Island, 1760. Boston, 1761. Pam. vol. 1112. -- istory of Three of the Judges of King Charles I., who fled to America. Hartford, 1794. 12~. W. C. 882. The same. See Knapp's Lib. of Am. Hist. STILES (Rev. Joseph C.). Speech on the Slavery Resolutions, General Assembly, Detroit, 1850. New-York, 1850. 8o. STILES (William H.). Austria in 1848, 49; being a History of the late political movements in Vienna, Milan, etc., and a full account of the revolution in Hungary. New-York, 1852. 2 vol. 80. STILLINGFLEET (Benjamin). Literary Life, and Select Works. London, 1811. 2 vol. in 3. 80. STILLMAN (Samuel), D.D. Two Sermons on the condemnation and execution of Levi Ames for burglary. 2d ed. Boston, 1773. 8o. Election Sermon, Boston, 1779: ~ee Backus' History of NewEngland, vol. 1. - Sermon on Death of Wasl ington. Boston, 1800. Pam. vol. 29. Sermon on Dedication of Baptist Meeting-house in Charlestown, 1801. Pam., vol. 29. STIMPSON (William). Synopsis of the Marine Invertebrata of Grand IManan.... Bay of Fundy. Smithson. Contr. vol. 6. STIRLING (Earl of ). Narrative of the oppressive law proceedings and other measures, by the British government, and numerous private individuals, to overpower the Earl of Stirling, and subvert his lawful rights: written by himself; with a genealogical account of the family, by Ephraim Lockhart. Edinburgh, 1836. 4o. 2 copies. --- See also for Lord Stirling's peerage claim, Law Lib. Cat. STIRLING (Patrick James). The Philosophy of Trade, or Outline of a theory of profits and prices. Edinburgh, 1846. 80o. 716 NEW-YORK STATE STIRLING ( William). The Cloister Life of the Emperor Charles the Fifth. Boston, 1853. 120. STITH ( William). The History of the first discovery and settlement of Virginia. Williamsburgh, Va. 1747. 80. STOBO (R.). Memoirs of Major Robert Stobo, of the Virginia regiment. By N. B. C. Pittsburgh, Pa. 1854. 180. STOCKBRIDGE, Mass. Memorial to Leg., on Education, 1824. Pam. vol. 15. B. C. STOCKHARDT ( Dr. Julius Adolph). The Principles of Chemistry: trans. from the German, by C. H. Peirce, M.D. Cambridge, 1850. 120. ST6CKLEIN (Josepho). Allerhand so lehr als geist-reiche Brief Schriften und Reis beschreibungen, welche von denen missionariis der Gesellschaft Jesu, aus beyden Indien und andern aber meer gelegenen landern, seit 1642 biss 1731, angelant seynd. Augsburg und Gratz, 1726 -36. 24 parts, 520 numbers. 4 vol. fol. STOCKTON ( Richard ). Speech, H. of R. U. S., on the Bill to call out the militia, 1814. Pam. vol. 57, and vol. 6. B. C. STOCQUELER ( J. H.). Memoirs and Correspondence of Maj. Gen. Sir William Nott. London, 1854. 2 vol. 80. STODDARD ( Capt.). Journal of his Expedition to Canada, and pedigree of his family. 1851. 80. STODDARD (Amos), Major. Sketches of Louisiana. Philadelphia, 1812. 80. STOKES (Anthony). A View of the Constitution of the British Colonies in North America and the West Indies. London, 1783. 80. STOKES ( William H.). See Mount Hope Institution, Reports. STOKES (J.). Cabinet-maker and Upholsterer's Companion. Philadelphia, 1850. 120. STOLLENWERCIK (M.). See Fischer, Recherches historiques. STOLTZ (J. L.). Manuel El6mentaire du Cultivateur Alsacien. German and French. Strasbourg, 1842. 120. STONE ( Mrs.). Chronicles of Fashion: English Society, from the time of Queen Elizabeth to the present day. 2d ed. London, 1846. 2 vol. 80. STONE ( Rev. E.). Ordination Sermon of Rev. MI. Stone at Brookfield, 1801. Pam. vol. 29. STONE ( Edwin M.). History of Beverly, civil and ecclesiastical, from its settlement in 1630 to 1842. Boston, 1843. 80. STONE (John S.), D.D. A Memoir of the Life of James Milnor, D.D. New-York, A. T. S. 80. B. C. The same. New-York. 80. - The same. Abridged. 120. STONE (William). A Defence of the sole and entire corporate and deliberative rights and franchises of the lord mayor, aldermen and livery.... London, 1797. See Pam. vol. 139. GENERAL LIBRARY. 717 STONE (William L.). Tales and Sketches, such as they are. New-York, 1834. 2 vol. 12~. Matthias and his impostures. New-York, 1835. 120. Ups and Downs in the Life of a distressed gentleman. New-York, 1836. 120. Life of Joseph Brant; including the Border Wars of the American Revolution. New-York, 1838. 2 vol. 80. The same. 2 vol. 80. B. C. Life and Times of Red-Jacket; being the Sequel to the History of the Six Nations. New-York, 1841. 80.. — The Poetry and History of Wyoming; containing Campbell's Gertrude, his Life by Washington Irving, and the History of Wyoming, by W. L. S. New-York, 1841. 120. 2 copies. Border Wars of the American Revolution. New-York, 1846. 2 vol. 180. See Northern Whig. STORER ( D. H.). See Mass. Survey, Fishes and Reptiles. STORK (William), M.D. A Description of East-Florida, with a Journal kept by John Bartram, of Philadelphia, upon a journey from St. Augustine up the River St. John's, as far as the Lakes. London, 1769. 40. B. C. The same. London, 1776. 120. W. C. 883. STORRs ( H. R.). Address to Electors.... 1821. Pam. vol. 6. B. C. Speech, H. of R. U. S. Feb. 17, 1826. Pam. vol. 13. B. C. Speech, H. of R. U. S., on Removal of the Indians, 1830. Pam. vol. 60. STORY (Isaac). See Consolatory Odes by Peter Quince. STORY (John). Travels in Sweden. Churchill, Supp. vol. 1. STORY (Joseph), LL.D. Miscellaneous Writings, critical, judicial, and political. Boston, 1835. 8o. *.- Miscellaneous Writings- ed. by his Son W. W. Story. Boston, 1852. 80. The Power of Solitude: a Poem; and Fugitive Poems. Salem, 1804. 120o. ------ 1, Discourse on his Inauguration as Dane Professor at Harvard U. 1829; 2, Discourse before Essex Historical Society, 1828; 3, Discourse, Phi Beta Kappa Soc. Harvard U. 1826. 1 vol. 80. Discourse, Phi Beta Kappa Soc. Cambridge, 1826. Pam. vol. 10. B. C..-... Discourse, Essex Co. Hist. Soc. 1828. Pam. vol. 11. B. C. Inaug. Disc. as Law Prof. Harvard University, 1829. Pam. vol. 19. B. C. The Constitutional Class-book; being a Brief Exposition of the Constitution of the United States. Boston, 1834. 120, 718 NEW-YORK STATE - See Law Lib. Cat. STORY (Thomas). Journal of the Life of; containing an Account of his... embracing the principles of the Quakers. New-castle-upon-Tyne, 1747. fol. STORY ( William W.). Nature and Art; a Poem: Phi Beta Kappa Soc. Harvard Univ. 1844. Pam. vol. 37. B. C. Life and Letters of Joseph Story. Boston, 1851. 2 vol. 80. STOUGHTON ( John). Spiritual Heroes; or Sketches of the Puritans, their character and times. London, 1848. 120. The same. New-York, 1848. 120. STOUPPE ( J. B.). A Collection or Narrative sent to his Highness Lord Protector of the Commonwealth, concerning the bloody and barbarous massacres.... committed on many thousands of.... Protestants in Piedmont, by the Duke of Savoy's forces.... and several Irish regiments, 1655. See Matchlesse Crueltie. STOWE ( The) CATALOGUE, priced and annotated: by Henry Rumsey Forster. London, 1848. 4o. STOWE (Calvin E.). See Jahn's Heb. Commonwealth. STowE (Harriet Beecher). Uncle Tom's Cabin; or Life among the lowly. Boston, 1852. 2 vol. 120. Oheim Tom's Hiitte, oder das Leben bei den Niedrigen, von H. Beecher Stowe: iibersetzt von H. R. Hutten. Boston, 1853. 8o. Sunny Memories of foreign lands. Boston, 1854. 2 vol. 120. STOWELL ( Rev. William H.). History of the Puritans in England; and Daniel Wilson's, The Pilgrim Fathers. London and New-York, 1849. In I vol. 120. The same. Cincinnati, 1856. 120. STRABO. The Geography of Strabo: trans. by H. C. Hamilton and W. Falconer. Vol. 1. London, Bohn, 1854. 120~. STRACHAN (James). A Visit to the Province of Upper Canada. Aberdeen, 1820. 8'. STRACHEY ( Edward ). On the Early History of Algebra. Asiat. Resear. vol. 12. STRACHEY (William). The Historie of Travaile into Virginia Britannia: ed. by R. H. Major. London, Hakluyt Soc. 1849. 80o. Travaile into Virginia. See Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Series 4, vol. 1. STRADA ( Famianus). De Bello Belgico, decas secunda ab initio prefecturse Alexandri Farnesii, 1578, usque ad annum 1590. Romre, 1648. 180. History of the Low-Countrey Warres: trans. from the Latin by Sir R. Stapylton. London, 1650. fol. STRAFFORD ( Earl of). See St. John, Lord Bolingbroke. STRANGE (Robert). Speech, H. of R. U. S., on Bank depositaries, 1837. Pam. vol. 60. GENERAL LIBRARY. 719 Address, Societies of Rutgers College. New-Brunswick, 1840. 80o. See Am. Monthly Mag. vol. 12. STRANGER (The): A Literary Paper. Albany, 1814. 80. The same. 80. B. C. STRANGEWAYS ( Thomas). Sketch of the Musquito Shore. including the Territory of Poyais. Edinburgh, 1822. 80. W. C. 884. STRANGFORD ( Viscount). Observations on some Passages in Colonel Napier's History of the Peninsular War. London, 1828. 80o. See Napier's History. STRASBOURG. Precis pour la Ville.... contre le Seminaire Protestant de Strasbourg. Strasbourg, 1855. 80. STRAUSS (Frederick). Helon's Pilgrimage to Jerusalem: from the German. London, 1824. 2 vol. 120. STREET ( Alfred B.). Drawings and Tintings. New-'York, 1844. 80. See Muns.- Pam. vol. 7. - Poems. New-York, 1846. 80. Frontenac: A Poem. London. 1849. 12o...... Poem, at Hamilton College, July 23, 1850; with H. B. Stanton's Address; and Poem, at Yale College, July 30, 1851. 80. The same: last title. Pam. vol. 83. Poem, Y. L. Institute. Pittsfield, 1852. See Palmer (R.). STREET ( Rev. Owen). Sermon, Death of Mrs. C. S. Lansingh, Jamestown, 1850. Pam. vol. 82, and Muns. Pam. vol. 10. STREETER ( S. F.). Maryland two hundred years ago: a Discourse, Md. Hist. Soc. 1852. Baltimore. 80. See also Maryland Hist. Soc. STRICKLAND (Agnes). Lives of the Queens of England, from the Norman Conquest. Philadelphia, 1847 - 48. 12 vol. in 6. 80. STRICKLAND (II. E.). Report on the recent progress and present state of ornithology. Brit. Assoc. Reports, 1844, 48. STRICKLAND (William). Reports on canals, railways, roads, etc., made to the Pennsylvania Society for the promotion of internal improvement. Philadelphia, 1826. fol. E. H. Gill, and H. R. Campbell. Reports, Specifications and Estimates of Public Works in the United States of America; explanatory of the atlas folio of detailed engravings elucidating the engineering works therein described. London, 1841. 80, and atlas fol. 2 vol. STRICKLAND ( W. P.). History of the American Bible Society, from its organization to the present time. New-York, 1849. 8o. STRICTURES on a Pamphlet, entitled "A. Friendly Address to all reasonable Americans," on the subject of our political confusions; addressed to the People of America. Boston, 1775. Pam. vol. 118. STRICTURES on a Pastoral letter.... on Bible.... Societies, of Bishop Hobart: by a Layman. New-York, 1815. Pam. vol. 72. STRICTURES on the Education proper for the bar. Dublin, 1792. 120. 720 NEW-YORK STATE STRICTURES on the right, expedience and indiscriminate denunciation of capital punishment. Pamphleteer, vol. 3. STRICTURES on the three departments of the U. S. Government: by Massachusettensis, 1792. Pam. vol. 66. STRIVE ( H.). Recueil de Memoires sur les Salines et leur exploitation. Genbve, An xi (1803). 120. STROBEL (B. B.). Experimental Enquiry into the medical properties of the Aralia spinosa. Charleston, 1826. 80. STRONG ( Rev. Cyprian). Sermon, Missionary Society, Hartford, Conn.: Ordination of Rev. J. Bushnell. Hartford, 1800. 80. STRONG ( Frederick). Greece as a Kingdom; or a Statistical Description of that country, from 1833 to the present time. London, 1842. 12o0. STRONG (James). Speech, H. of R. U. S., on the Tariff, 1828. Pam. vol. 60. STRONG ( Rev. Nathan). Fast-day Sermon, Hartford, 1812. Pam. vol. 25' STRONG (Thomas M.). History of Flatbush. New-York, 1842. 12~. STROUD ( George M.). Sketch of the Laws relating to slavery in the several States of the U. S. of America. Philadelphia, 1827. 8o. STRYKER'S AMERICAN REGISTER and MAGAZINE: conducted by James Stryker. New-York, Philadelphia, Washington, 1848 - 51. 5 vol. 80. First 3 vol. entitled Am. Quar. Reg. and Mag. STRYPE (John). Annals of the Reformation........ in England. 3d ed. 1736 - 38.4 vol. fol. STRZELECKI ( P. E. de). Physical Description of New-South-Wales and Van Dieman's Land. London, 1845. 8o. STUART (The) PAPERS: from the originals, in the possession of Her Majesty the Queen. Correspondence, vol. 1: Letters of Francis Atterbury, Bishop of Rochester, to the Chevalier de St. George, and some of the adherents of the House of Stuart. London, 1847. 80. STUART ( C.), esq. The Emigrant's Guide to Upper Canada, 1817 - 19. London, 1820. 120. STUART ( Charles B.). The Naval Dry Docks of the United States, with engravings. New-York, 1852. 4o. The Naval and Mail Steamers of the United States. 2d edition, with engravings. New-York, 1853. 4o. STUART (I. W.). Life of Capt. Nathan Hale, the Martyr Spy... Hartford, 1856. 12~. STUART (J.). Observations on the proposed Union of the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada: by the Agent of the Petitioners. London, 1824. Pam. vol. 143. STUART (James). Three Years in North America. Edinburgh, 1833. 2 vol. 12o. R- efutation of Aspersions on " Stuart's Three Years in North America,"' London, 1834. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 721 STUART ( Martinus). Vaderlandsche Historie, etc. Vol. 2, 3. Amsterdam, 1822. 2 vol. 80. STUART (Rev. Prof. Moses). Farewell Sermon, New-Haven, 1810. Pam. vol. 25. Letters to Rev. William E. Channing, containing Remarks on his Baltimore Sermon. Andover, 1819. 120. The same. 120. B. C. -~ Exegetical Essays on several words relating to future punishment. Andover, 1830. 12o. B. C. A Letter to W. E. Channing.... on religious liberty. Boston, 1830. Pam. vol. 15. B. C. Critical History and Defence of the Old Testament Canon. Andover, 1845. 120. B. C..-... — See Cicero, Immortality of the soul. STUART (Robert). Dictionary of Architecture. London. 3 vol. 80. STUBBS (Rev. Alfred). A Record of Christ Church, New-Brunswick, N.J. New-York, 1850. 80. STUD-BOOK FRAN9AIS: Registre des chevaux de pur sang, nes ou importes en France. Vol. 1. Paris, 1838. 8o. STUDENTEN-ALMANAK, 1841. Leiden. 1.80. B. C. STUKELEY ( Rev. William). Sermon, London, 1742. See Pam. vol. 189. STURGE (Joseph). Visit to the United States, in 1841. Boston, 1842. 120. STURLES6N (Snorre). See Olaf. STYLES (Rev. John). Life of David Brainerd, Missionary to the Indians, with his diary and journal. London, 1808. 120. SUBALTERN (A) in America; comprising his Narrative of the Campaigns of the British army at Baltimore, Washington, etc. during the late war. Philadelphia, 1833. 12o. SUE (Eugene). Correspondance de Sourdis d'Escoubleau. See France, Doe. ined. SUECICA ANTIQUA ET HODIERNA. Plates and Maps of Swedish provinces, cities, etc. 3 vol. ob. 40. SUETONTUS ( Caius Tranquillus). Opera: Ernestii et Casauboni cur&: edidit F. A. Wolfius. Lipsise, 1802. 4 vol. 8o. Lives of the First Twelve Coesars: trans. from the Latin, with Annotations by Alex. Thomson. London, 1796. 8o. - The same. London, Bohn, 1855. 120. SUFFOLK & NORFOLK Dist. Med. Societies: By-laws, 1850. Pam. vol.64. SUFFOLK ( Henrietta Countess of). Letters to and from her second husband, the Hon. George Berkeley, 1712 - 67. London, 1824. 2 vol. 8o. SUGAR TAXES: Shall they continue, or be repealed? Columbus, O. Pam. vol. 96. SUGGESTIONS concerning a National Bank. Phil'a, 1832. Pam. vol. 54. r GEN. LIB. 1855.] 91 722 NEW-YORK STATE SUGGESTIONS for the immediate reduction of convict expenditure in Van Diemen's Land. London, 1853. Pam. vol. 99. SUGGESTIONS on the Slave Trade: by Homo. Pamphleteer, vol. 4. SULLIVAN (James). Observations upon the Government of the United States of America. Boston, 1791. Pamin. vol. 44. History of the District of 3Maine. Boston, 1795. 80. - Dissertation on the Constitutional Freedom of the Press. Boston, 1801. pp. 54. Pam; vol. 39, 45. History of land titles in Massachusetts. Boston, 1801. 80. SULLIVAN ( John L.). 1, Exposition of his Views on Steamboat rights, 1822; 2, Answer to Mr. Colden, 1823; 3, Description of a submarine aqueduct to supply New-York with water, 1830; 4, Description of a timber railroad, 1829; 5, Address on a rock-water company, 1833. In 1 vol. 8o.....- Inland Navigation from Boston... to the Merrimac river. 1813. Pam. vol. 42. A Commentary on the new system of naval architecture of William Annesley. Troy, 1823. 80. The same. 8~. B. C. Answer to the letter and misstatements of Hon. C. D. Colden. Troy, 1823. Pam. vol. 5. B. C. SULLIVAN (Joseph). Catalogue of his Cabinet of Natural History. Columbus, 1838. 80. SULLIVAN (Robert). Attempt to simplify English Grammar. Dublin, 1843. 180. SULLIVAN (William), LL.D. The Public Men of the Revolution; including Events from 1783 to 1815: Ed. by his Son, T. S. Sullivan. Philadelphia, 1847. 80. 2 copies. i, Oration, July 4, 1803, Boston; 2, Oration, Washington Benev. Soc. 1812; 3, Discourse, Pilgrim Society, Plymouth, Mass, 1829. 1 vol. 80. Address to Members of Suffolk Bar. Boston, 1824. Pam. vol. 10. B. C. Discourse, Plymouth, Dec. 22, 1829. Pam. vol. 15. B. C. SULLY ( M. de Bethune, Duc de). Memoirs: translated from the French, by Charlotte Lennox. Philadelphia, 1817. 5 vol. 80. SULPICIUS (Severus), Episcopus. Opera Omnia. Lut. Parisi. 1693. 180. SULZER (Johan G.). Algemeine Theorie der Schonen Kunste. Leipzig, 1792- 94. 4 vol. 80. SUMMARY NOTICE concerning Bible Societies.... in France: trans. by J. Porter. 1827. Pam. vol. 90. SUMNER (Charles). Orations and Speeches. Boston, 1850. 2 vol. 120. Oration, July 4, 1845, Boston. Pam. vol. 43. B. C. White Slavery in the Barbary States: A Lecture before the Boston MIerc. Lib. Assoc. 1847. Boston, 1847. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 723 Address, American Peace Society, Boston, 1849. 80. Also Paim. vol. 101. ~ ~- The Scholar, the Jurist, the Artist, the Philanthropist: Address, 1846. With The Law of human progress: Oration, 1849. Boston. 1 vol. 80. - Address, Plymouth Festival, 1853. Paim. vol. 101. Address on the Anti-slavery Enterprise.... the special duties of the North. Boston, 1855. 80. SUMNER (George): The Pennsylvania System of prison discipline triumphant in France. Philadelphia, 1847. 80. Pam. vol. 20......- Letter to the Common Council of Boston, on prison discipline in France. See Boston. SuMNER ( William H.). Memoir of Increase Sumner, Gov. of Massachusetts, by his son; with the Genealogy of the Sumner family, by W. B. Trask. Boston, 1854. 80. - - On the Importance of the Militia: Letter to J. Adams, and his reply. Boston, 1823. 80. SUN ( The), and Holiday Present. New-York, Beach, 1847. Period. 4". vol. 1. SUNDAY SCHOOL SOCIETY: 19th Report, Boston, 1847. 12o. B. C. SUPREMACY of the British Legislature over the Colonies, candidly discussed. London, 1775. Pam. vol. 117. SURGY ( Rouss6lot de). Histoire Naturelle et Politique de la Pensylvanie. Paris, 1768. 12o. W. C. 886. SURINGAR (W. H.). Het vif et twintigyarig Bestaan van het Nederlandsch Genootschap, tot zcdelijke verbetering der gevangenen. 80.; ---- My Visit to Mettray in 1845; a Speech ~ from the Dutch. Rotterdam, 1851. 80. SURIUS ( Laurentius). Commentarius brevis rerum in orbe gestarum, ab anno 1500 usque in annum 1574; Continuatione adjecta, Michailis ab Isselt, ad 1586. Coloniae, 1602. 120. SURTEES ( William Edward ). A Sketch of the Lives of Lords Stowell and Eldon: comprising.... some corrections of Mr. Twiss's work on the Chancellor. London, 1846. 8o. SUSQUEHANNAHI and Tide-water Canals: Report, 1848; Pain. vol. 53. SUSQUEHANNAH ( The) CASE. London (?). sm. 4o, SUISQUEHANNAHI (The) TITLE stated and examined in a Series of Numbers, first published in the Western Star, and now republished in this form, for the beneAt of the public in general.... Catskill, 1796. 12'. 2 copies. The same, 1796. Pam. vol. 31. SUssEx ( Duke of). Address, Royal Society, 1833. London, 1833. 40. SUTCLIFF ( Robert). Travels in some parts of North America, in the years 1804, 5, 6. 2d ed. New-York, 1815. 12o. 724 NEW-YORK STATE SUTCLIFEE ( Rev. J.). Grammar of the English Language. London, 1815. 120. SUTCLrFE (John). Treatise on Canals and Reservoirs.... with important directions on public drains. Rochdale, 1816. 80. SUTTON ( Robert Lord ). See Lexington Papers. SVENICSKA-FORNSKRIFT SILLSKAPET: Allmanna arsmute, 1845. Stockholm, 1845. 80o. " Samlingar: Vol. 1-7. Stockholm, 1845-53. 8 vol. 8o. Contents: Vol. 1: Haft 1, Flores och Blanzeflor; haft 2, S. Patriks Sagan; haft 3, Peder Mdansoons Strids-konst och Strids-lag. 3 parts in 2 vol. Vol. 2. Wadstena Kloster-reglor; Iwan och Gawian; Herr Iwan Lejon-Riddaren. Vol. 3. Hertig Fredrik af Normandie; Konung Erik XIV: s'Kr6nika. Vol. 4. Svenkska medetidens Kloster- och Helgona-Bok: en Samling af de Aldste pa Svenkska Skrifne Legender och ifventyr.. af G. Stephens. Vol. 5. Sagan om Didrik af Bern: utgifven af G. O. Hylten Cavallius. Vol. 6, 7. Svenkska medeltidens Bibel-arbeten: utgifna af G. E. Klemming. SWAANENBURG ( Willema van). Parnas of de Zang-Godinnen van een schilder. Amsterdam, 1724. 4o. SWAINSON ( William). Zoological Illustrations; or Original figures and descriptions of new, rare or interesting animals. 1st Ser. 3 vol.; 2d ser. 3 vol. London, 1820 - 33. 6 vol. 80. Ornithology: Birds of Western Africa. 2 vol. See Nat. Lib. Ornithology: Flycatchers. See Nat. Lib. vol. 10. - - Course of Natural History, in Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia. 12 vol. 120. Contents: Animals in Menageries: vol. 101. Habits and Instincts of Animals: vol. 109. History and Natural Arrangement of Insects: vol. i22; Natural History and Classification of Birds: vol. 102, 108. Natural History of Fishes, Amphibians and Reptiles * vol. 107,:108. Natural History and Classification of Quadrupeds, vol. 110. Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural History: vol. 106. Taxidermy; with the Biography of Zoblogists: vol. 104. Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals': vol. 105. Treatise on Malacology, or the Natural Classification of Shells and Shellfish: vol. 111. SWAN ( Col. James). Causes qui se sont opposes au Progres du Commerce entre la France et les Etats-Unis de l'Amerique: trad. de l'anglais. Paris, 1790. 80. W. C. 888. SWEDEN: Annual Reports of the produce and condition of its mines, from 1833 to 1839. In Swedish. Stockholm, 1835 - 41. 1 vol. 4o. Plans of the Fahlun Copper Mines, engraved by J. J. Tjader. 1845. fol. Sweriges och Norriges Calender for aret 1847. Stockholm. 180o. See Svenkska, Suecica. SWEDISH NEWSPAPERS in America. Newsp. vol. 3. GENERAL LIBRARY.:725 SWEDENBORG ( Emanuel). Heavenly Arcana...... vol. 1 to 12, and 1 vol. index. Boston, 1837-48. 13 vol. 80. New Jerusalem Tracts: from the Latin. Boston. 120. i Wisdom of Angels concerning Divine Love and Divine Wisdom; also, concerning Divine Providence: from the Latin. London, 1810, 16. 2 vol. in 1. 80. -. — Worship and Love of God: from the Latin. Boston, 1832. 120. -Summary Exposition of the Prophetical Books of the Old Testament: from the Latin. Boston, 1832. 120. True Christian Religion: from the Latin. Boston, 1833. 80. Apocalypse Revealed from the Latin. Boston, 1836. 3 vol. 120. Concerning Heaven and its Wonders, and Concerning Hell; from Things heard and seen: from the Latin. Boston, 1837. 80. Four Leading Doctrines of the New Church: from the Latin. Boston, 1838. 120. -- Delights of Wisdom concerning conjugal love: from the Latin. Boston, 1840. 80. - The Doctrine of the New-Jerusalem concerning charity. Boston, 1840. Pam. vol. 18... —. — The Last Judgment, The Earths in the Universe, The Athanasian Creed, and Divine Love and Wisdom:'from the Latin. Boston, 1841. 120. SWEET (Samuel N.). Teacher's Institute, or Temporary normal schools; their origin and progress. Utica and Albany, 1848. 180. SWEET (Waterman). Practice of Natural Bonesetting. Schenectady, 1844. 180o. SWEETING (Whiting). Narrative of W. S., who was executed for murder of Darius Quinby: by himself. 180. SWETT ( S.). History of Bunker Hill Battle; with a Plan. 3d ed. Boston, 1827. 8~.:-: Sketch of Bunker Hill Battle. See Humphreys (D.). Who was the Commander at Bunker Hill? with Remarks on Frothingham's History of the Battle. Boston, 1850. 80....- Abstract of the Baron de Rogniat's Considerations on the art of war. Boston, 1817. 8-0. SWIFT (Jonathan). Works; with Notes by Thomas Sheridan, and revised by John Nichols. New-York, 1812 - 13. 24 vol. 120. Vol. 10 and 11 wanting. Contents: Vol. 1, 2. Life of Swift. Vol. 3 - 8. Tale of a Tub; Miscellaneous. Vol. 9. Travels into several remote regions of the world, by Lemuel Gulliver. Vol. 12 - 14. Drapier's Letters; Miscellaneous. Vol. 156 - 20. Correspondence. Vol. 21, 22. Journal to Stella. Vol. 23. Law is a Bottomless Pit, or a History of John Bull; Martinus Scriblerus peri bathos, or the Art of sinking in poetry. Vol. 24. Art of Punning; Wit: Index. 726 NEW-YORK STATE The same. Edinburgh, 1761. Vol. 8 wanting. 7 vol. 12~). B. C. SWIFT (William) jr. Directory of the City of Rochester for 1838. Rochester, 1838. 120. SWINBURNE ( Henry). Travels in the Two Sicilies, in 1777 - 80. Dublin, 1783. 2 vol. 80. ------ Courts of Europe at the close of the last century: ed. by C. White. London, 1841. 2 vol. 80. SWINDELL (John George). Rudimentary Treatise on well-digging, boring and pump-work. London, 1849. 120. SWORDS'S POCKET ALMANACK, Churchman's Calendar, and Ecclesiastical Register, 1845. Afterwards, Swords's Pocket Almanack, 1846 - 51. New-York. 5 vol. 24~. SYDNEY ( Algernon). Discourses concerning Government; with his letters, trial, apology, and.... life. London, 1763. 4o. SYDNEY ( Algernon), pseud. Letters in Defence of civil liberty, and against military despotism. Richmond, 1830. 80. 2 copies..-.. — See also Address, and Granger (G.). SYDOW (Adolphus). Scottish Church Question. London, 1845. 80. SYKES ( Lieut. Col.), and others. Report on the Vital Statistics of large towns in Scotland. Reports Brit. Assoc. 1842. SYLVESTER (Charles). Philosophy of Domestic Economy. Nottingham, 1819. 4(. SYMES ( Michael). Embassies to Ava. Pinkerton, vol. 9. SYiMONS (Jelinger C.). Arts and Artisans, at home and abroad. Edinburg, 1839. 120. School Economy.... by means of moral and industrial training. London, 1852. 120. SYxMONS (William). Essay on weighing gold. London, 1756. 80. SYNODE des Eglises Wallones des Provinces Unies des Pays-Bas: R6glemens. Amsterdam, 1763. 40. SYNOPSIS of the Coniferous Plants grown in Great Britain, and sold by Knight & Perry, at Chelsea. London, 1850. 80o. SYRACUSE,: Board of Education, Report, 1852. Pam. vol. 174. Daily Journal: City Register and Directory for 1851, 52. Syracuse, 1851. 120 SYRACUSEAN ( The) and U. S. REVIEW: Dec. 1853. See Period. 80. vol. 1. SYSTEM ( A) of Credit for a Republic... Albany, 1838. Pam. vol. 154. GENERAL LIBRARY. 727 T. TABLEAU de CAYENNE, OU de la Guyane Frangaise. Paris, 1798. 80. W. C. 201. TABLEAiU GENERAL du Commerce de l'Europe avec l'Afrique, les Indes Orientales et l'Am6rique, fonde sur les Trait's de 1763 et 1783. Londres, 1786. 80. W. C. 245. TACHI( (J. C.). Esquisse sur le Canada consider6 sous le point de vue economiste. Paris, 1855. 120. TACITUS ( C. C.). Opera, ex recensione J. A. Ernesti, denuo curavit J. J. Oberlinus. Lipsiae, 1801. 2 vol. 80. Opera. Edinburgi, 1805. 2 vol. 180. B. C. Opera. See Scriptores Romani. - -- C. C. Taciti Equitis Romani ab excessu divi augusti Annalium libri iv priores, et in hos observationes C. Pascha]ii Cuneatis. Parisiis, 1581. fol. _ Works; with an Essay on his life and genius by Arthur Murphy. Dublin, 1794. 4 vol. 80. B. C. The same. Philadelphia, 1813. 6 vol. 80. The same. Vol. 1, 2. Oxford translation revised. London, Bohn, 1854. 2 vol. 120. Le Opere de C. C. Tacito, trad. de B. D. Davanzati.. Venezia, 1832. 5 vol. 180. TACITUS, pseud. Canal Policy of N. Y. See Clinton ( De Witt). TAFEREEL ( I-et Groote) der Dwaasheid, vertoonende de opkomst, voortgang en ondergang der actie, bubbel en windnegotie, in Vrankryk, Engeland, en de Nederlanden, gepleegt in den jaare 1720; met konstplaaten, comedien en gedigten. 1720. fol. TAGGART (Rev. Ci M.). Fast-day Sermon. Charleston, S. C. 1853. Pam. vol. 95..-... Two Discourses before Unitarian Christians. Charleston, S. C. 1853. Painm. vol. 93. TAGGART (Rev. Samuel). A View of the Evidences of Christianity. Greenfield, Mass. 1811. 120. B. C. TAGGART ( Samuel). Address to his Constituents, on the subject of impressment. Washington, 1813. Pam. vol. 2. B. C. TAILFER (Patrick), M.D., H. Anderson, M.A., Dr. Douglas and others. A True Historical Narrative of the Colony of Georgia. London, 1741. 120. TAITBOUT DE MARIGNY (Chev.). Voyages en Circassie, Odessa et Simpheropol, 1836. 80. TALBOT (Edward A.). Five Years' Residence in the Canadas, including a Tour through part of the United States. London, 1824. 2 vol. 80. 728 NEW-YORK STATE TALBOT (John). History of North America, with a Geographical View of the United States and Canada. Leeds, 1820. 2 vol. 8o. TALBOT ( H. Fox). English Etymologies. London, 1847. 80. TALBOT (Silas), Commander U. S. Frigate Constitution. An Historical Sketch, to the end of the Revolutionary War, of his Life. New-York, 1803. 120. TALCOTT (Brig. Gen. George). Review of the Testimony on his Trial, 1851. Albany. Muns. Pam. vol. 11. TALFOURD (Thomas N.). An Attempt to estimate the poetical talent of the present age. Pamphleteer, vol. 5. - Vacation Rambles and Thoughts...... Recollections of three continental tours, in 1841, 42, 43. 2d ed. London, 1845. 120. - Literary Sketches and Letters; being the final Memorials of Charles Lamb. New-York, 1848. See also Lamb's Letters. TALLEYRAND-PERIGORD ( A. A. de). 1, Memoire sur les Relations Commerciales des Etats-Unis avec l'Angleterre; 2, Essai sur les avantages a retirer de Colonies nouvelles dans les circonstances presentes. 4o. W. C. 890. Memoir concerning the Commercial Relations of the United States with Great Britain: from the French. Pamphleteer, vol. 4, and Pam. vol. 34....- Reminiscences; with Extracts from his manuscripts, speeches, and political writings. London, 1848. 2 vol. 12o. TALLMADGE (James). Speech, House of R. U. S., on the Missouri Question, 1819. Boston, 1849. 8o....- Speech, I. of R. U. S., on the Seminole War, 1819. Pam. vol. 60. Speeches, N. Y. Assembly, on Electors by the people; On the Tennessee resolutions, 1824. Pam. vol. 67. Dedication Address, Univ. of City of N.Y. 1837. Pam. vol. 83. Address, American Institute, New-York, 1849, 50. Pam. vol. 52. 63. TALLMADGE (N. P.). Speeches, U. S. Sen., on the Bank of the U. S. 1832; On the Removal of the deposites, 1834; On Abolition of slavery, 1836; On Bank depositaries, 1836, 37. Pam. vol. 60. TALPA, or the Chronicles of a Clay farm. See Ei. ( C. W.). TALVI. Historical View of the Languages and Literature of the Slavic Nations, by Mrs. T. Robinson; with a Preface by E. Robinson, D.D. New-Yorkl, 1850. 120. TAMPICO SENTINEL: Feb. 1846. Newsp. vol. 6. TAMS (G.), M. D. Visit to the Portuguese Possessions in Southwestern Africa: -translated from the German, by I1. Evans Lloyd. 1845. 2 vol. 120. TANEY (R. B.). Speech at Frederick Co. Md. 1834. Pam. vol. 66. TANNER (H. S.). Description of the Canals and Railroads of the United States. New-York, 1840. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 729 * The Central Traveller; or Tourist's Guide through Pennsylvania, New-Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and parts of New-York. 2d ed. New-York, 1844. 180. TANNER (John). Narrative of his Captivity and Adventures during thirty years' residence among the Indians: prepared by Edwin James. NewYork, 1830. 80. TANNER ( Mathias). Societas Jesu usque ad sanguinis et vitae profusionem militans, in Europa, Africa, Asia et America, contra Gentiles, Mahometanos, Iudwos.... pro Deo, fide, ecclesia, pietate bive vita et mors eorum. Praga, 1675. fol. TANQUEREL DES PLANCHES: Lead Diseases. See S. L. Dana's translation. TAPPAN (David), D.D. Lectures on Jewisb Antiquities, in 1802 and 1803. Cambridge, Mass. 1807. 80. B. C. Convention Sermon, Boston, 1797. Pam. vol. 29. TAPPAN ( Henry P.), D.D. University Education. New-York, 1851. 120. Elements of Logic; together with an Introductory View of Philosophy in general. New-York, 1856. 12g. TAPPAN ( William B.). Memoirs of Capt. James Wilson. Philadelphia. 180. TARIFF and FREE TRADE Pamphlets, 1821 - 1842. Pam. vol. 153. TARLETON ( Lieut. Col. B.). History of the Campaigns of 1780, 81, in the Southern Provinces of North America. London, 1787. 4~. TARR (E. D.). On exempting certain property from taxation: a Memorial to the Legislature. Philadelphia, 1851. Pain. vol. 81. TARRYTOWN': "The Old Dutch Church." 3 nos. from Westchester Herald, 1852. 8,. TARTARY ( Accounts of Independent). Pinkerton, vol. 9. TASIsTRO (Louis F.). Random Shots and Southern Breezes. New-York, 1-847. 2 vol. 12o. TASMAN (Abel J.). Voyage of Discovery. Pinkerton, vol. 11; Harris, vol. 1. TAsso ( Torquato). La Gerusalemme Liberata, con le figure di Giambatista Piazzetta. Venezia, 1745. fol. The same Ed. alla Milanese del anno 1844. Padova, 1846. 18o. The same: trans. into Spenserian verse, with Life by J. H. Wiffen. New-York, 1846. 120. - The same. London, Bohn, 1854. 120. TASSY ( M. Garcin de). Les Aventures de Kamrup, par Tachin Uddin: trad. de l'Hindoustani. Paris, 1834. 8o. TATHAM (G. N.). An Exposition of the New-Jersey Joint Monopolies. Philadelphia, 1852. Pam. vol. 81. TATE ( William). Modern Cambist: a Manual of foreign exchanges. 7th ed. London, 1852. 80 [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 92 730 NEW-YORK STATE TATOR ( H. E.). Oration, 22 Feb. 1851, at Francisville, N.Y. Pam. vol. 83, and Muns. Pam. vol. 12. - Oration, Commemorative of Mrs. Mary Washington. Albany, 1851. Pam. vol. 88, and Muns. Pam. vol. 12. TAVERNIER ( B. J. B.). Voyages. Pinkerton, vol. 8; Harris, vol. 1. Les Six Voyages qu'il a fait en Turquie, en Perse, et aux Indes. Paris, 1676 - 77. 2 vol. 4o TAVERNIER ( Louis de). La Somnambule: Opera; Paroles fran:aises. La Haye, 1838. Pam. vol. 41. B. C. TAYLER ( Charles B.). Social Evils and their Remedy. 2d ed.. London, 1835 - 36. 4 vol. 18). B. C. TAYLOR'S Gold and Silver Coin Examiner: Fac-similes of current coins. New-York, 1847. 8. TAYLOR ( Rev. B. C.). Sermon, Theolog. School, New-Brunswick, N. J. 1839. Paam. vol. 82. TAYLOR (Rev. Fitch W.). The Flag Ship; or a Voyage around the World in the U. S. Frigate Columbia. New-York, 1840. 2 vol. 1.20 - The Broad P)ennant, or a Cruise in the U.S. Flag Ship of the Gulf Squadron, during the Mexican difficulties. New-York, 1848. 120. TAYLOR ( Henry). Notes from Life, in six essays. London, 1847. 12:. Notes from Books, in four essays. London, 1849. 120. TAYLOR (Isaac). Natural History of Enthusiasm. Boston, 1830. 120. B. C. _-___- The same: from 9th Lond. ed. New-York, 1849. 120. Saturday Evening. Boston, 1833. 120. B. C. E- lements of Thought. 2d ed. New-York, 18.51. 120. TAYLOR ( J. Bayard ). Views-a-Foot; or Europe seen with Knapsack and Staff. Parts 1, 2. New-York, 1846. 120. B. C. - The same. 1847. 120. -_____ The same. 9th ed. 1848. 120. - Eldorado, or Adventures in the Path of Empire; comprising a Voyage to California.... and Mexican Travel. New-York, 1850. 2 vol. 120. A Journey to Central Africa, or Life and Landscapes from Egypt to the Negro kingdoms of the White Nile. New-York, 1854. 120. The Land of the Saracen. New-York, 1855. 120. A Visit to China, India, and Japan in 1853. New-York, 1855. 120. Poems of the Orient. Boston, 1855. 120o. TAYLOR (James B.). Lives of Virginia Baptist Ministers. 2d.ed. Richmond, 1838. 120. TAYLOR ( J. Orville). A Digest of M. Victor Cousin's Report on the state of public instruction in Prussia. Also, the Organization, etc. of the school system in the State of New-York. Albany, 1836. 180. B.C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 731 The District School; or National Education. 3d ed. Philadelphia, 1835. 120. See Common SchoolAssistant. TAYLOR (Jane). The Contributions of Q. Q. New-York, 1826. 2 vol. 120. B. C. TAYLOR ( Janet). Diurnal Register, for barometer, sympiesomcter, thermometer and hygrometer. 2d ed. London, 1844. ob. 8". TAYLOR ( Jeremy), D.D. Bp. Whole Works, with an Essay on his genius and writings. London, 1836- 37. 3 vol. roy. 80. C. L. The same. London, 1835. 3 vol. roy. 80. B. C. The Rule and Exercises of Holy Living. Philadelphia, 1810. 120. B. C. The Rule and Exercises of Holy Dying; to which is added the Golden Grove. Philadelphia, 1811. 12). B. C. Discourses on various subjects. Boston, 1816. 3 vol. 80. B. C. The same. London, 1817. 3 vol. 8~. B. C. The Life of our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Phil'a, 1832. 120. B. C. TAYLOR (John), of Caroline, Va. An Inquiry into the Principles and policy of the Government of the United States. Fredericksburg, 1814.:-:. 80. Construction construed, and Constitution vindicated. Richmond, 1820. 80'. The same. 1820. 80. B. C. - Tyranny Unmasked. Washington, 1822. 80. - New Views of the Constitution of the United States. Washington, 1823. 80. Arator; being a Series of Agricultural Essays, practical and political. 6th ed. Petersburg, Va. 1818. 120. TAYLOR (John). Selections from Humboldt on Mexico. See Humboldt ( A. von). TAYLOR (John) vs. E. C. Delavan. Report of Trial. Albany, 1840. Pam. vol. 35. B. C. TAYLOR ( Rev. John). Century Sermon, at Deerfield, 1.804, in commemoration of the destruction of the town by the French and Indians. Greenfield, 1804. 80. TAYLOR ( Oliver A.). See Reinhard's Christianity and Confessions. TAYLOR (Richard). Scientific Memoirs: selected from the Transactions of foreign academies of science and learned societies. London, 1837 - 52. 5 vol. 80. See Philosophical AIagazine. TAYLOR ( Richard C.). Report on the Surveys for a railroad from Blossburg coal and iron mines to Lawrenceville.... Philadelphia, 1833. Pam. vol. 23. B. C. 732 NEW-YORK STATE Two Reports on the coal lands, mines, etc. of the Dauphin and Susquehanna Coal Co. Philadelphia, 1850. 8i'. Reports on the Washington Silver Mine in Davidson Co. N.C. Philadelphia, 1845. 80. Pain. vol. 12. - Statistics of Coal: The Geographical and Geological distribution of.... Fossil fuel. Philadelphia, 1848. 8o. Deposition of R. C. Taylor, respecting the Asphaltum Mine at Hillsborough in New-Brunswick. Philadelphia, 1851. 80. Notices of his life and works, 1851. Pam. vol. 9'2. TAYLOR ( Thomas). See Apuleius, translation. --- Dissertation on the Eleusinian and Bacchic Mysteries. Pamphicteer, vol. 8. TAYLOR (Thomas). Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Right Rev. Reginald Heber. 2d ed. London, 1835. 16o. TAYLOR (Tom). Life'of Benjamin Robert Haydon, painter, from his autobiography and journals. New-York, 1853. 2 vol. 12). TAYLOR ( William). Historic Survey of German Poetry, interspersed with various translations. London, 1830. 3 vol. 80. Report on the various modes of printing for the use of the blind. Brit. Assoc. Reports, 1837. TA'YLOR ( W. B. S.). History of the University of Dublin. London, 1845. 80. TAYLOR ( W. Cooke), LL.D. Natural History of Society in the barbarous and civilized state. London, 1840. 2 vol. 12'~. - Modern British Plutarch; or Lives of men distinguished in the recent history of England.... New-York, 1846. 120. Memoirs of the House of Orleans. Phil'a, 1850. 2 vol. 120. Life and Times of Sir Robert Peel, 1851. 4 vol. 80. Vol. 4 by C. Mackay. TAYLOR (Zachary), President. Life, by C. Powell; also by an Officer of the U. S. A. New-York, 1846. In 1 vol. 80....- Life of; with anecdotes and embellishments. Philadelphia, 1847. 120. General Taylor and his Staff, including Memoirs. Philadelphia, 1848. 120. Obituary Addresses delivered on his Death, in the Senate and House of Representatives, July 10, 1850; with Sermon, by Rev. Smith Pyne, D.D. Washington, 1850. 80. The Taylor Anecdote Book: Anecdotes and Letters of Zachary Taylor; by Tom Owen, the Bee-hunter.... New-York, 1848. 8o. TAZEWELL ( Littleton W.). Review of the Negotiations between the United States and Great Britain, respecting the commerce.... with the West Indies. By " Senex," in the Norfolk Herald. London, 1829. 80. TEACHERS' ADVOCATE. See N. Y. Teachers' Assoc. GENERAL LIBRARY. 733 TEACHERS' INSTITUTE in the State of New-York: Catalogues, 1844, 45. Pam. vol. 51. TEATRO MODERNO APPLAUD1TO; ossia raccolta delle piu scelte tragedie, commedie, drammie, farse: corredate di notizie storico-critiche. Venezia, 1838-41. 24 vol. 180. TECHO ( Nicholao del ). Historia Provincive Paraquarie. Leodii, 1673. fol. W. C. 891. - History of Paraguay, Tucuman, La Plata. Churchill, vol. 4. TEGG'S DICTIONARY of CHRONOLOGY; or Historical and Statistical Register. New-York, 1854. 120. TEIGNMOUTI{ ( Lord ). Memoirs of the Life, Writings and Correspondence of Sir W. Jones. Philadelphia, 1805. 80. B. C. TELLIER ( R. Pere). Discours,. le Jour de la Celebration de la Fete de St. Jean-Baptiste. Toronto, 1851. Pam. vol, 76. TEMPERANCE JOURNAL. See American Temperance Union. TEMPERANCE PUBLICATIONS. Pani. vol. 176. TEMPERANCE RECORDER. See New-York State Temp..Soc. TEMPLE (Edmond). Travels in Peru; including a Year's residence in Potosi. London, 1830. 2 vol. 80. TEMPLE (Rev. J. Howard ). Early Ecclesiastical History of Whately. Northampton, 1849. 8~. TEMPLE ( Sir John). History of the General Rebellion in Ireland, 1641. 7th ed. With Sir Henry Tichborne's History of the Siege of Drogheda, 1641; and the Trial of Connor, Lord Macguire. Cork, 1766. 8;. TEMPLE ( Sir William). Works; with some Account of the' Life and Writings of the author. London, 1720. 2 vol. fol. Introduction a l'Histoire d'Angleterre, par le Chevalier Temple: trad. de l'anglais. Amsterdam, 1695. 180. TEMPLETON'S MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT. Boston, 1845. Pam. vol. 91. TEMPORARY HIOME for the Destitute: Report, 1852. Boston. Pam. vol. 97. TENCH ( Watkin). Expedition to Botany Bay; with an Account of NewSouth-Wales. London, 1789. 8~. W. C. 892....- Voyage a la Baie Botanique.... a laquelle on a ajoute le Recit de la D6couverte de la Nouvelle-Hollande. Paris, 1789. 80. W. C. 893. TENNANT ( Rev. WilliamS, LL.D. Thoughts on the effects of the British Government on the state of India. Edinburgh, 1807. 80. C. L. TENNEMANN (W. G.). Manual of the History of Philosophy: translated by Rev. A. Johnson, and revised by J. R. Morell. London, Bohn, 1852. 120. TENNENT (J. Emerson). Belgium. London, 1841. 2 vol. 120. TENNENT ( Rev. William). Life. New-York, 1847. 180. TENNESSEE. Geological Survey: 4th, 5th, 6th Reports, 1837, 39, 41, by Gerard Troost. Leg. Doct. Nashville. I vol. 80. 734 NEW-YORK STATE TERENTIUS. The Comedies' of Terence and the Fables of Phadrus: trans. into prose by H. T. Riley, with metrical trans. of Phabdrus by C. Smart. London, Bohn, 1853. 12o. C- omedies: trad. en francois. 4th ed. Paris, 1658. 180. TERME ( J. F.). Rapport, presente au Conseil municipal de Lyon, des eaux potables a distribuer pour l'usage des particuliers et le. service public. Lyon, 1843. 4~. TERNAUX-COMPANS ( H.). Bibliotheque Americaine; ou Catalogue des Ouvrages' relatifs a l'Am6rique qui ont paru depuis sa decouverte jusqu'a l'an 1700. Paris, 1837. 80.' Voyages, Relations et M6moires originaux pour servir'. l'histoire de la d6couverte de l'Amerique, publlies pour la premiere fois en franqais. Palis, 1838 - 41. 20 vol. 80. Contents: Vol. 1. N. F6dermann le jeune, d'Ulm: Voyage aux Indes. 2. Pero de Magalhanes de Gandavo: Histoire de Sancta Cruz (Bresil). 3. Hans Staden de Hamberg: Description d'un pays habite par des hommes sauvages. 4. F. Xeres: La Conquete du Perou. 5. Ulrich Schmidel de Straubing: Voyage dans l'Amerique. 6. Alvar Nunez Cabega de Vaca: Commentaires. 7. Alvar Nunez Cabega de Vaca: Relation et Naufrages. 8. Fernando d'Alva Ixtlilxochitl: Des Conquei'ants du Mexique. 9. Cibola: Relation du Voyage, 1540. 10. Recueil de Pieces relatives a la Conquete du Mexique. 11. Alonzo de Zurita: Classes de Chefs de la Nouvelle-Espagne. 12, 13. Fernando d'Alva Ixtlilxochitl: Histoire des anciens rois de Tezcuco. 14. G F. de Oviedo y Vald6s: listoire de Nicaragua. 15. M. Cavello Balboa: Iistoire du Perou. 16. Second Recueil des Pieces sur le Mexique.. 17. F. Montesinos: Memoire sur l'ancien Perou. 18, 19. Juan de Velasco: Histoire de Quito. 20. Recueil de Pieces sur la Floride, inedit: 1, Voyage de Dominique de Gourges; 2, Voyage de Pedro Menendez, etc. TERNITE (W). Wandgemilde aus Pompeji und Herculanum, nach den zeichnungen und nachbildungen in farben von. Vol. 1. Berlin. eleph. fol. TERRY ( Adrian R.), M.D. Travels in the Equatorial regions of South America, 1832. Hartford, 1834. 120. TERRY (Charles). New-Zealand; its advantages and prospects as British colony. London, 1842. 80. TESAURO ( D. Emanuele). Campeggiamenti del Serenissimo Principe Tomaso di Savoia. Torino, 1674. fol. - Iistoria dell Aug. Citta di Torino. Torino, 1679. fol. TESTIMONY relating to the great election frauds of 1838. New-York. Pam. vol. 57. TEXAS. Publications on the War in Texas, and on its annexation, 1836 - 44. Pam. vol. 181. See Mexico and Texas.:TEXEXRA ( Peter). Travels from Italy to India by land. See Lawson (J.). GENERAL LIBRARY. 735 TEYLER'S TWEEDE GENOOTSCrIAP: Verhandelingen. 50 stuk, 1783. Haarlcm, 1787. 40. THACHER (James), M.D. The American New Dispensatory. 2d edition. Boston, 1813. 80. - Military Journal during the American Revolutionary war. Boston, 1893. 80. American Medical Biography; Memoirs of eminent physicians in America. Boston, 1828. 2 vol. in 1. 8~. H- Iistory of the Town of Plymouth. Boston, 1835. 12o. - The same. 2d ed. Boston, 1835. 12-. B. C. THACHER ( Rev. Peter). Funeral Sermon of Rev. J. Clark, 1798. Boston. Pam. vol. 29. Century Sermon in Brattle-st. Church, 1799, Boston. Pam. vol. 29. - Address, Mass. Charitable Society, 1805, Boston. Pam. vol. 37, 46. Oration, July 4, 1807, Boston. Pam. vol. 37. THACER (Peter 0.). Address, Suffolk Bar, 1831, Boston. Pam. vol. 19. B.C. THACHER ( Rev. Samuel C.). Sermons, with a Memoir. Boston, 1824. 8o. THIACHER (Rev. Thomas). Sermon at Dedham, on Death of Gov. Samuel Adams. Dedham, 1804. Pam. vol. 43. THACKIERAY (Rev. Francis). History of the IHon. William Pitt, Earl of Chatham; with his speeches, correspondence, etc. London, 1827. 2 vol. 40. Researches into the Ecclesiastical State of Ancient Britain under the Roman Emperors. London, 1843. 2 vol. 80. C. L. THACIKERAY ( W. M.). Notes of a Journey from Cornhill to Cairo, by Mr. Michael Angelo Titmarsh. New-York, 1846. 80. The Paris Sketch-book. New-York, 1852. 2 vol. 120. The Book of Snobs. New-York, 1852. 120. --— The English Humorists of the Eighteenth Century. New-York, 1853. 120. Mr. Brown's Letters to a young man about town; with the Proser, and other papers. New-York, 1853. 120. - The Luck of Barry Lyndon. New-York, 1853. 2 vol. 12.' ~- The Newcomes: Edited by Arthur Pendennis, esq. Vol. 1. N. York, 1855. 80. Ballads. Boston, 1856. 120. THAER ( Albert D.). Principles of Agriculture: trans. by William Shaw and Cuthbert W. Johnson. New-York, 1845. 8o. Grundsatze der Rationellen L andwirthschaft. Wien, 1810 - 13. 8 vol.; vol. 3, 4 in 1. 7 vol. 8o. 736 NEW-YORKI STATE e See Einhof. Chemie fiir Landwirthe. THALHIMER (B.). Annual Register and Military Roster. Albany, 1821. 80. The same. 80. B. C. TuATCHER (B. B). Indian Biography. New-York, 1848. 2 vol. 180. Tales of the Revolution.... Passages in the history of the war of 1775. New-York, 1846. 18o. - Traits of the Tea Party; being a Memoir of George R. T. Hewes.... New-York, 1835. 18~. See Boston Book, 1837. THAYER ( Elisha). Family Memorial. Part 1: Genealogy of iFourteen Families of the Early Settlers of New-England, of the names of Alden, Adams, Arnold, Bass, Billings, Capen, Copeland, French, Hobart, Jackson, Paine, Thayer, Wales and White. Part 2: Genealogy of Ephraim and Sarah Thayer, with their fourteen children. Hingham, Mass. 1835. 80. THAYER (Rev. John). Fast Sermon at the Catholic Church, Boston, 1793. Pamr. vol. 29. THEATRO DEL MONDO. See Ortelius (A.). THELLER ( E. A.). Canada in 1837 - 8. Philadelphia, 1841. 2 vol. in 1. 80. THEOCRITUS, BION and MIoscuus. Idylls; and the War Songs of Tyrtveus: trans. into prose and verse by Rev. J. Banks and J. M. Chapman. London, Bohn, 1853. 12~. THEODORET and EVAGRIUS. History of the Church from A. D. 822 to 427, and 431 to 594. London, Bohn, 1854. 120. See also Greek Eccl. Jist. THEOLOGICAL and LITERARY JOURNAL, vol. 1 — 7: Ed. by David N. Lord. New-York, 1848 - 55. 7 vol. 8o. THEOLOGICAL REPOSITORY. 2d ed. London, 1773 - 88. 6 vol. 8o. B. (1. THEOLOGICAL (The) REVIEW, and General Repository of religious and moral information: ed. by J. Gray. Vol. 1. Baltimore, 1822. 80. THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, Andover, Mass.: Constitution and Associate Statutes. Boston, 1808. Pam. vol. 7. B. C. THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, New-Brunswick, N. J.: Catalogue, 1846, 7. Pami. vol. 83. THEOPHRASTUS. The Characters: trans. by F. Howell, with the Greek text; with physiognomical sketches. London, 1824. 8o. THEOPHYLACTUS, Bulgarire Archiepiscopus. Opera Omnia, groece et latine. Venetiis, 1754 - 63. 4 vol. fol. THEORY, Practice and Architecture of Bridges of stone, iron, timber and wire; with examples on the principle of suspension. Edited by John Weale. Text 2 vol. in 1; plates 2 vol. London, 1843. 3 vol. 80. THERAMO ( Jacobus de). Compendium perbreve, Consolatio peccatorum, nuncupatum; et apud nonnullos Belial vocitatum, ad Papa Urbanumn sextum conscriptum. 1484. 40. Black letter. GENERAL LIBRARY. 737 THIIR:MIN ( Charles). Des Interets des Puissances Continentalcs rclativemlent a l'Angleterre. Paris, 1794. 80. THETFORD ACADEMY, Vt.: Catalogue, 1850. Pam. vol. 73. TH~VENOT (M.). Relations de divers voyages curieux. Paris, 1683. 2 vol. fol. W. C. 896. Travels in Turkey. Harris, vol. 2; Coll. of Voy. vol. 6. TElEVET (Andr6). La Cosamographie Universelle. Paris, 1575. 2 vol. fol. W. C. 897.....- Les Singularitez de la France Antarcticque. Anvers, 1558. 120. W. C. 898. THICKNESSE ( Philip). Memoirs and Anecdotes of P. T. late Lieutenant Governor of Land Guard Fort, and unfortunately Father to George Touchet, Lord Audley. Dublin, 1790. 80. A Year's Journey through France and part of Spain. 3d edition. London, 1789. 2 vol. 80. THIERRY (Augustin). Historical Essays, published under the title of Dix Ans d'Etudes Historiques, and Narratives of the Merovingian Era; or Scenes of the 6th century. Philadelphia, 1845. 80. History of the Conqucst of England by the Normans: trans. from the 7th Paris edition, by Wy. Hazlitt. London, 1847. 2 vol. 12~. The same. London, 1841. 80. 2 copies. Recueil des Monuments inedits de l'histoire du tiers etat, vol. 1, 2. See France, Docts. ined. TmIERS ( M. A.). History of the Consulate and the Enmpire of France, nmder Napoleon: trans. by D. Forbes Campbell. London, 1845 - 51. 11 vol. 80. T- he History of the French Revolution: translated with notes and illustrations, by Frederick Shoberl. London, 1838. 5 vol. 85. The same. Philadelphia, 1840. 3 vol. 80. Rapport relatif a l'instruction secondaire. See France. THINGS as they are, or Federalism turned inside out. Baltimore, H. NViles, 1809. Pamu. vol. 66. TII:NGS as they are; or Notes of a Traveller through some of the Middle and Northern States. New-York, 1834. 120. THINGS by their right names: A Novel, by a person without a name. Boston, 1812. 2 vol. in 1. 120. B. C. TIINGS New and Old, for the Glory of God, and everlasting benefit of all who read and understand them: by a descendant from one of the early puritanic governors. Portland, 1845. 80. B. C. THIRLWALL (Rev. Connop). A History of Greece. Lardner's Cab. Cycl. London, 1835. 8 vol. 120. B. C. The same. See Lardner's C-ab. Cycl. See Niebuhr (B. G.). [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 93 738 NEW-YORK STATE THOLUCK (A.), D.D. A Commentary on the Gospel of St. John: trans. from the German, by Rev. A. Kaufman. Boston, 1836. 12o. B. C. Ttioar (Alexander). Inquiry into the Nature and Course of Storms in the Indian Ocean, with a view of discovering their.... rotatory character. London, 1845. So. THIoMAs ( David ). Travels through the Western Country in 1816. Auburn, 1819. 12'. ---- Address, Aurora Agricul. Soc. 1845. See Pam. vol. 187. THOMAS ( E. S.). Remiinisccnces of the last Sixty-five Years. Hartford, 1840. 2 vol. 80. THOMAS (Francis). Report of Investigation Coin. 1834. See Bank U. S. vol. 2. THOMAS (Gabriel ). An Historical and Geographical Account of the Province and Country of Pennsylvania, and of West New-Jersey, in America. London, 1698. 120. W. C. 901. The same. Fac-simile for II. A. Brady. New-York, 1848. 120. THioMAs ( Geo. Martin). Die Staatliche Entwicklung bei den v6lkern der alten und neuen zeit. Mrinchen, 1849. See Bav. Acad. Merl. vol. 1. THOMAS (Isaiah). See Massachusetts Spy. History of Printing in America. Worcester, 1810. 2 vol. 80o. THOTMAS ( J.), and J. Baldwin. Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer, or Geographical Dictionary. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1855. roy. 8o. TIHOMAS ( John J.). The American Fruit-culturist. Auburn, 1849. 120. Farm Implements, and the principle of their construction and use illustrated. New-York, 1854. 120o. THOMAS Magister. De Vocibus Atticis, a J. S. Bernardo. Lngduni, 1757. S0. THOlIAS ( Robert), M.D. The Modern Practice of Physic: from third London edition, with an appendix by Edward Miller, M.D. New-York, 1811. 80. The same; with an appendix by David Hosack, M.D. New-York, 1822. So. THo-mAS (William J.). The Book of the Court, or the history, duties, etc. of the English nobility and gentry. 2d ed. London, 1845. 80. THIOASON ( Sir Edward). Memoirs during half a century. London, 1845. 2 vol. 80. THOMIN (M.). Traite d'Optique m6canique. Paris, 1749. 80. THOMPSON (Benjamin). See Rumford (Count). THOMPSON ( Benjamin F.). History of Long Island. New-York, 1839. 80. ------- The same. 2d ed. New-York, 1843. 2 vol. 80. THOMPSON ( Daniel P.). Address, Vermont Hist. Soc. Oct. 1850. Burlington. 80. THOMPSON ( David ). History of the Late War between Great Britain and the United States. Niagara, U. C. 1832. 12o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 739 THOMPSON ( Edward ). Sailor's Letters written from Europe, Asia, Africa and America. London, 1766. 2 vol. in 1. 12~. W. C. 902. THOMPSON ( G. A.). Narrative of an Official Visit to Guatemala from Iexico. London, 1829. 120. W. C. 903. New Theory of the two hemispheres. Pamphleteer, vol. 5. See Alcedo, Translation of his Diet. of the West Indies. THOMPSON ( J.). Supplement to the Bank-note Reporter; containing 750 fac-similes of gold and silver coins. New-York. 80. The same: The Coin Chart Manual. New-York, 1849. 80. The same. New-York, 1853. 80. The Autographical Counterfeit Detector: Companion to the Bank-note Reporter. New-York, 1849. 80. 2 copies. THomPSON ( Joseph P.), D.D. Memoirs of David Hale, late Editor of the Journal of Commerce; with Selections from his writings. NewYork, 1850. 120. Sermon, Tabernacle N. Y. No Slavery in Nebraska, 1854. Pam. vol. 95. THORMPSON (lMargaret). Phrenological Character of Reuben Dunbar. Albany, 1851. Pam. vol. 81. THOMiPSON ( Robert). Statistical Survey of the County of Meath. Dublin, 1802. 80. THOMPSON (Thomas). An account of two Mlissionary Voyages, the one to New-Jersey in North America; the other, from America to the Coast of Guiney. London, 1758. 80. THOMPSON (Waddy). Recollections of Mexico. New-York, 1846. 80. THOMPSON (Zadock). History of Vermont. Burlington, 1842. 80. - Appendix to the History of Vermont, natural, civil and statistical. Burlington, 1853. 80. Guide to Lake George, Lake Chamllplain, Montreal and Quebec. Burlington, 1845. 180. Address, Boston Soc. Nat. History. 1850. Pam. vol. 88. THOMSON ( Mlrs. A. T.). Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. Philadelphia, Lardner's Cycl. 1841. 120. B. C. Memoirs of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, and of the Court of Queen Anne. London, 1839. 2 vol. 8o. Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745. London, 1845, 46. 3 vol. 80. 2 copies. - Philosophy of Magic. See Salverte. THOMSON (Charles). Translation of the Bible. See Bible. THOMSON (Charles). Travels through Turkey in Asia, the Holy Land, Arabia, and Egypt. Glasgow, 1810. 80. THOMsoN (Christopher). Autobiography of an Artisan. London, 1847. 120. 740 NEW-YORK STATE TIHOMSON (David Purdie), MI/.D. Introduction to Meteorology. Edinburgh, 1849. 80. THOMSON (James). The Seasons, and Calstle of Indolence. Edinburgh, 1814. 12o. B. J. THOMSON (John L.). Sketches of the late War between the United States and Great Britain. Philadelphia, 1818. 12). W. C. 904. History of the Wars of the U. States, fiom the earliest colonial times to the close of the Mexican war. Phil'a, 1854. 2 vol. in 1. 8o. THOMsoN (Richard). Historical Essay on the Magna Charta of King John; with the Great Charter, in Latin and English. London, 1829. 8'. THOMSON ( Robert D.). Experimental Researches on the food of animals, and the fattening of cattle. New-York, 1846. 12o. THOMSON (Thomas), M.D. Dissertatio Chemica Inaug., De Acre atmospherico. Edinburgi, 1799. 8-). System of Chemistry. Edinburgh, 1802. 4 vol. 80. Hiistory of the Royal Society, from its institution to the end of the eighteenth century. London, 1812. 4o. - - Travels in Sweden, in 1812. London, 1813. 4o. History of Chemistry. London, 1830. 2 vol. 16). ------ Outlines of Mineralogy, Geology, and Mineral Analysis. London, 1836. 2 vol. 80. See Annals of Philosophy. THONISSEN (S. J.). Le Socialisme et ses promesses. See Eneyc. pop. Socialisme dans le pass6. See Encyc. pop. THORBURN ( Grant). Reminiscences of New-York; or Flowers from the Garden of Laurie Todd. New-York, 1845.180. THOREAU ( Henry D.). A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers. Boston, 1849. 120. THORESBY (Ralph), F.R.S. Diary and Correspondence. Diary, vol. 1, 2; 1830. Letters of eminent men addressed to R. T. vol. 3, 4; 1832. London. 4 vol. 80. THORIUS (Raphael). Hymnus Tabaci, 1644. See Everartus. W. C. 889. THORNTON (Henry). Inquiry into the nature and effects of the paper credit of Great Britain. Philadelphia, 1.807. 80. THORNTON ( J. Quinn). Oregon and California in 1848, with an Appendix on the Gold Mines of California. New-York, 1849. 2 vol. 120. THORNTON ( J. Wingate). The Landing at Cape Ann; or the Charter of the first permanent Colony of Massachusetts...... from the original MSS. Boston, 1854. 80. THORNTON (R. J.), M.D. The British Flora; or Genera and Species of British plants, arranged after the reformed sexual system. London, 1812. 2 vol. 80. THORNTON (William), M.D. Cadmus; or a Treatise on the elements of written language. Philadelphia, 1793. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 741 THORPE (Benjamin). Yule-tide Stories: A Collection of Scandinavian and North-German popular tales and traditions. London, Bohn, 1853. 120. THIORPE ( Thomas). Catalogue.. of curious books... for sale. London, 1832. 80. Supplement to Gen. Cat. of Books for 1843. London. Pam. vol. 40. B. C. THORPE ( T. B.). The Mysteries of the Backwoods, or Sketches of the Southwest. Philadelphia, 1846. 12o. Our Army on the Rio Grande, with Descriptions of the Battles at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma. New-York, 1846. 12o. Our Army at Monterey. Philadelphia, 1847. 120. THOU (Jacques Auguste de). Histoire universelle, depuis 1543 jusque'en 1607: trad. sur l'Nd. latine de Londres. Londres, 1734. 16 vol. 4o. THOUGHTS (The) of a Traveller, upon our Disputes. London, 1774. Pam. vol. 117. THOUGHTS on Domestic or private education. 2d ed. London, 1806. 120o. THOUGHTS on Prison Labor: by a Student of the Inner Temple. London, 1824. 80. THIOUGHTS on the Increasing Wealth, and national economy of the U.S.A. Washington, 1801. pp. 40. Pam. vol. 45. THOUGHTS on the Practical Advantages of those who hold the doctrines of peace, over those who vindicate war. New-York, 1816. Pam. vol. 9. B. C. THOUGHTS on the Present System of Education at Cambridge. Pamphleteer, vol. 20. THOUGHTS on the Propriety of dissolving the present parliament. London, 1782. Pam. vol. 137. THRIFT (Minton). Life of Rev. Jesse Lee. See Lee. THRILLING Incidents in the Wars of the United States. Phil'a, 1848. 80. THUCYDIDES. History of the Peloponnesian War: trans. from the Greek of Thucydides. 4th ed. London, 1805. 2 vol. 80.. —--- ~The same: trans. by William Smith. Philadelphia, 1844. 8Sl. B.C. The same: trans. by Rev. IIenry Dale. London, 1848, 49. 2 vol. 120. THUNBERG (C. P.). Account of the Cape of Good Hope, Pinkerton, vol. 16. THURLOE ( John). Collection of State Papers; with his life, by T. Birch. London, 1742. 7 vol. fol. THURMAN ( J. R.). Address to his Constituents, 1850, Albany. Muns. Pam. vol. 12. THURNAM ( Dr. John). Observations and Essays on the statistics of insanity, and on establishments for the insane. London and York. 80. THURNBERG ( Marie von). Het schoonste doel der vrouw: Toilet-gesehenk voor dames. Sneek, 1847. 1So. B. C. 742 NEW-YORK STATE THURSTON-( David). Brief History of Winthrop, Me. 1764-1855. Portland, 1855. 120. THYSIUS ( Antonius). Historia Navalis.. a. ab antiquissimnis temporibus, usque ad pacem Hispanicam Batavi..... Lugduni, 1657. 4o. W. C. 905. TIBBETS ( George). The Finances of the Canal fund of the State of NewYork examined. Albany, 1829. 80. Memoir on the Expediency of creating home markets.... 3d ed. Philadelphia, 1827. 80. TIBET ( Description of). Pinkerton, vol. 7. TICHBORNE ( Sir II.). Siege of Drogheda. See Temple ( Sir John). TICKNOR ( Caleb), M.D. The Philosophy of Living; or the Way to enjoy life and its comforts. New-York, 1836. 18o. B. C. TICKNOR ( George). History of Spanish Literature. New-York, 1849. 3 vol. 80. Remarks on Changes latelyproposed... in Harvard University. 1825. Pam. vol. 14. B. C. The Remains of Nathaniel A. Haven; with a Memoir of his life. 2d ed. Boston, 1828. 12'. B. C. TICKNOR ( L.), MI.D. Annual Address, Med. Inst. Yale Coll. 1841. Paml. vol. 85. TIELLANDT ( Le Baron). See -Westreenen de Tiellandt. TIFIFANY ( Osmond ). The Canton Chinese; or the American's Sojourn in the Celestial Empire. Boston, 1849. 120. A Sketch of the Life and Services of Gen. O. H. Williams: read before Md. Hist. Soc. 1851. Baltimore, 1851. 80. TILLOCH (Alexander). See Philosophical Magazine. TILLOTSON ( John), Archbp. Works, with Life of the author, by Thomas Birch. London, 1820. 10 vol. 80~. TIMBERLAKE ( Lieut. Henry), who accompanied the three Cherokee Indians to England in 1762. Memoirs; with map and plate. London, 1765. 8. TIMBs ( J.). Year-book of Facts in Science and Art. London, 1839 - 50. 53, 54, 55. 15 vol. 120~. TIMES ( The), daily: Sept. 1, 1841-Ap. 1, 1846 ( imperfect ); 1849 - 55. London. 32 vol. fol. TIMIES (The): London, Jan. 6, 1950. See Newsp. vol. 5. TIMKOWSKI (George). Travels of the Russian Mission through Mongolia to China; with Notes by J. von Klaproth. London, 1827. 2 vol. 80. TINDAL (W.). History and Antiquities of... Evesham. Evesham, 1794. 4o. TINKER ( Rev. Reuben). Sermons; with a Biographical Sketch by M. L. P. Thompson. New-York, 1856. 120~. TrssoT (J.). Observations critiques sur les causes conditionelles et productrices des idees. Paris, 1846. 8o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 743 TIVOLI (J. De). A Guide to the Falls of Niagara; with a lithographic view by A. Vaudricourt. New-York, 1846. 12o. TOBAGO: Adresse a l'Assemblde Nationale de France, pour les Anglois crdanciers des habitans de Tabago, 1791. Paris. 40. W. C. 906. TOCHIMAN ( G.). Poland, Russia, and the Policy of the latter towards the United States. Baltimore, 1844. 80. Pam. vol. 17. TOCQUEVILLE ( Alexis de). Democracy in America: trans. by Henry Reeve. 2d ed. London, 1836. 2 vol. 80. _- The same; with an Original Preface and Notes, by John C. Spencer. New-York, 1838. 80. The same. New-York, 1838. So. B. C. The same. 2d part, vol. 3, 4. London, 1840. 2 vol. 80. B. C. The same: Part second, trans. by Henry Reeve; with an original preface by John C. Spencer. New-York, 1840. 8o. TOD ( Lieut. Col. James). Annals and Antiquities of Rajast'han; or the Central and Western iRajpoot States of India. London, 1829 - 32. 2 vol. 40. TODD ( Rev. H. J.). Some Account of the Life and Writings of Johni Milton; with a verbal index to the whole of Milton's poetry. 2d ed. London, 1809. 8o. TOFANELLI (Alessandro). Indicazione delle sculture e pitture che esistono nel Museo Capitolino. Roma, 1843. 12~. TOLEDO (JOs6 Alv. de). Objeciones satisfactorias del mundo imparcial, al Folleto: dado' luz por el Aarte-Filosofo. Charleston, 1812. 8o. W.C. 907. TOLL (Daniel J.), M.D. A Narrative, embracing the History of two or three of the first settlers, and their families, of Schenectady. Schenectady, 1847. 80. TOMr DOUBLE return'd out of the country; or the True Picture of a modern whig.... London, 1709. Pam. vol. 138. TOMES ( R.). Panama in 1855. New-York, 1855. 12o.( TOMLINE ( George). Memoirs of the Life of the Right Hon. William Pitt. Philadelphia, 1821. 2 vol. 8o. TOMLINSON ( Charles). Rudimentary Mechanics. London, TVeale, 1851. 12o. V. —- - Pneumatics for the use of beginners. London, Treale, 1848. 12o. TOMLINSON ( J. C.). The Science of Phrenology consistent with the Doctrine of Christianity. Pamphleteer, vol. 26. TOMLINSON ( Lieut. Robert ). Letters addressed to the Admiralty on the naval and commercial interests of this kingdom. London, 1782. 8o. TOMMASEO ( M. N.). Relation des Ambassadeurs V6nitiens sur les Affaires de France au xvie siecle. See France, Docts. ined. TONDINI (Giambatista). Delle Memorie istoriche concernenti la vita del Cardinal Tomminaso da Frignano: libri due. Macerata, 1782. 4o. TONE (T. Wolfe), See Wolfe Tone. 744 NEW-YOR- I STATE TONTI ( Le Chev). Dernieres Decouvertes dans l'Amdrique septentrionale, de MA. de la Sale. Paris, 1697. 12o. An Account of 3M. de la Sale's Last Expedition and Discoveries in North America....... by the Chev. Tonti, Governor of Fort St. Louis, Illinois.... Also, the Adventures of the Sieur de M3ontauban, Captain of the French Buccaneers on the Coast of Guinea, 1695. London, 1698. 80. * — On the Discovery of the Mississippi. See French ( B. F.), I-Iist. Coll. vol. 1.; N.Y. Hist. Soc. Coll. vol. 2. TOOKE (Andrew). Pantheon of the Heathen Gods and illustrious heroes. Baltimore, 1845. 12~. TOOIE (John Horne). Diversions of Purley. 1st Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1806. 2 vol. 805. The same. 2 vol.. -B. C. Sequel to the Diversions of Purley. See Barclay (J.). TOOKE (Thomas). History of Prices, and of the State of the Circulation from 1793 to 1837. London, 1838. The same, in 1838 and 1839. London, 1840. 8~. TOOKE (W.). See Lucian of Samosata. TOOKE (William). Life of Catharine II an enlarged translation from the French. London, 1798. 3 vol. 85. TOPHAnM (E.). Life of the late J. Elwes. Pamphleteer, vol. 25. TOPLADY (Augustus). The Doctrine of absolute predestination stated and asserted: trans. in great measure from J. Zanchius. New-York, 1773. 120. TOPOGRAPHER ( The) and GENEALOGIST: edited by John G. Nichols. London, 1846,.53. 2 vol. 8o. TOPOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION Of the State of Ohio, Indiana Territory, and Louisiana: by a late Officer of the U. S. A. Boston, 1818. 12~. ToRCY ( Mar7quis de). M6moires pour servir h l'histoire des negociations depuis le traits de tRyswick, jusqu'a la paix d'Utrecht. Londres, 1757. 3 vol. in 1. 120. Memoirs, containing the History of the Negotiations, from the Treaty of Ryswick to the Peace of Utrecht: from the French. London, 1757. 2 vol. 8o. TORCY ( Le Marquis de). Des Remontes de l'Armee, et de leurs rapports avec l'agriculture. Paris, 1842. 80. TORNBERG ( Pqrof.) Annales Regum Mauritaniae; in Arabic: ed. by Prof. T. H. Upsal, 1843. 2 vol. in 1. 4o. TORONTO DIRECTORY, 1846, 47. Toronto, G. Browzn. 120. TORONTO OBSERVATORY. Observations made at the 3Iagnetical and Meteorological Observatory at Toronto, Canada: Pub. under the superintendence of Lieut. Col. E. Sabine. Vol. 1, 1840, 41, 42. London, 1845. 4o. TORQUEMADA ( Juan de). De la Monarquia Indiana. Madrid, 1723. 3 vol. fol. W. C. 908. GENERAL LIBRARY. 745 TORRENS ( ER.). Essay on the Production of Wealth. London, 1821. 80. TORREY (Jesse) jun. The Moral Instructor and Guide to virtue. BallstonSpa, 1819. 12o. B. C. The same. 4th ed. Philadelphia, 1824. 120. B. C. TORREY ( John). Catalogue of Plants growing spontaneously within 30 miles of the city of New-York. Albany, 1819. 8~. Botany of N. Y. State. See New-York, Nat. Hist. -. — 1, Plantoe Fremontianve; 2, Batis maritima; 3, Darlingtonia californica. See Smithson. Contr. vol. 6. and Asa Gray. Flora of North America. New-York, 1838 - 40. 2 vol. 80. TORRUBIA (Joseph). Dissertacion de las Islas Philipinas. Madrid, 1753. 160. W. C. 909. TOTIUS Orbis Terrarum, regionum, civitatum, fluviorum, montium.... accurata descriptio. Leody, P. Flier, 1643. 180. TOTTEN ( J. G.). Essays on hydraulic and common mortars, and on lime burning: from the French, with observations. New-York, 1842. 8o. TOULMIN ( H.). See Description of Kentucky. ToUR in Germany, Holland and England, in 1826 - 28 by a German Prince. Vol. 3, 4. London, 1832. 2 vol. 120. TouR. See Sousselier de la Tour. TOURNrE' la Mode dans les Etats-Unis: trad. de l'anglois, avec notes, par M. Bourgeois. Paris, 1829. 80. The same. 80. W. C. 922, ToURON (Antoine). Histoire Ge6nrale de l'Amerique. Paris, 1769. 14 vol. 120. W. C. 91~. TOWER (Charlemagne). Oration, July 4, 1843, Frankfort, N. Y. Pam, vol. 36. B. C. TOWER (David B.). Gradual Lessons in Grammar. New-York, 1847. 120. TOWER ( F. B.). Illustrations of the Croton Aqueduct. New-York, 1843. 40. TOWER (James M.). Outline. History of the Utica and Binghamton railway project. Utica, 1854. 80. TOWER ( Col. R.). Appeal for Chenango Canal, 1830. Pam. vol. 20. B.C.; and Pam. vol. 145. TOWLE and FOSTER. Report of the testimony on their claim for the enlargement of the State House. Boston, 1854. Pam. vol. 99. TOWN (Ithiel). Description of I. Town's improvement in the construction of bridges. New-York, 1839. 40. - The same. New-Ilaven, 1821. Pam. vol. 52. TOWN (Salem). An Analysis of the derivative words in the English Language, etc. 3d ed. New-Yorl, 1836. 120. B. Co [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 94 -746 NEW-YORK STATE TOWNSEND (A.). Address, Charitable Fire Society, Boston, 1809. Pam. vol. 43. TOWNSEND ( C. H.). Facts in Mesmerism; with Reasons for a dispassionate inquiry into it. New-York, 1841. 120. TOWNSEND ( Howard), M.D. Introd. Lect. Alb. Med. Cell. 1853. Pam. vol. 89. TOWNSEND (P. S.), M.D. Anniv. Disc. Lyceum of Nat. History, N. Y. 1820. Pam. vol. 85. Memoir on the topography, weather, and diseases of the Bahama Islands. New-York, 1826. 8~. B. C. TOWNSEND ( W. C.). History of the House of Commons, from 1688 to 1832. London, 1843, 44. 2 vol. SO. - The Lives of Twelve Eminent Judges, of the last and of the present century. London, 1846. 2 vol. 80. TOWNSHEND ( J. K.). Sporting Excursions in the Rocky Mountains,.. Journey to the Columbia River, and a Visit to the Sandwich Islands, Chili, etc. London, 1840. 2 vol. 12o. TRACTS on America from 1761 to 1784. Pam. vol. 112 - 122. TRACTS on English politics. Pam. vol. 123 - 141. TRACTS for Cities: 1, The Great Metropolis; 2, The Young Men of cities; 3, The Temptations of city life; 4, The Theatre; 5, Employers and employed. New-York, 1849. 120. TRACTS for the People: 1, 2, 3, Uses and abuses of air, and on ventilation; 4, Punishment, not preventive, not reformatory. New-York, 1848. 120. TRACY ( E. C.). Memoir of the Life of Jeremiah Evarts. Boston, 1845. 80 TRACY ( William). Notices of Men and Events, connected with the History of Oneida County: Lectures, Y. M. Assoc. Utica, 1838. 8o. TRAILL ( Mrs. Catharine P.). Canadian Crusades: a Tale of the Rice Lake Plains. London, 1852. 120. Backwoods of Canada and Oregon. See Lib. E. K. TRAILL ( Prof.). Thermometer and Pyrometer. See Lib. U. K. Nat. Phil. vol. 2. TRAIN ( Joseph). An Historical and Statistical Account of the Isle of Man, from the earliest times to the present date. Douglas, Isle of Man, 1845. 2 vol. 80. TRAIT~( COMPLET DE DIPLOMATTE; OU Theorie generate des relations exterieures des Puissances de l'Europe..... par un Ancien Ministre. Paris, 1833. 3 vol. 80. B. C. TRAIT9 DE LA NAVIGATION, et des Voyages de descouverte et conqueste des Modernes, et principalement des Franqois. Paris, 1629. 120. See B6thencourt. W. C. 101. TRAIT2 DE LA PEINTURE en miniature; auquel on a ajoute un. Trait6 de la peinture au pastel, etc. La Haye, 1708. 180. GENERAL LIBRARY. 747 TRAITS of American Indian life and character: by a Fur-trader. Lond )n, 1853. 8~. TRANSACTIONS ( Some) between the Indians and the Friends in Pennsylvania, 1791, 92. London, 1792. 120. TRANSACTIONS relative to the Corporation and Borough of Coleraine in Ireland. London, 1830. Pam. vol. 139. TRANSATLANTIC TRACINGS, and Popular Pictures from American subjects: by the Author of Pen and Ink Sketches, etc. London, 18.53.120. TRAPIER ( Rev. Paul ). Narrative of Facts on the Presentment of Bishop Onderdonk of N.Y. 1845. Pam. vol. 72. TRASK (J. B.). See California, Geol. Survey. TRASK ( W. B.). See Sumner ( W. IH.). TRAUTWINE ( John C.). Rough Notes of an Ex-loration for an interoceanic canal route by way of the Rivers Astrato and San Juan, in New-Grenada. Philadelphia, 1854. 80. TRAVANET ( A. de). Preservatif d'Agromanie empirique..... PremiBre partie. Paris, 1845. 8~. Physiologie de la Terre: itudes geologiques et agricoles. Paris, 1844. 80. TRAVELLER ( The): A Satire. London, 1778. See Pain. 40. vol. 2. TRAVELLER'S MANUAL of Conversations in English, German. French and Italian. 2d ed. Coblenz, 1840. 180. B. C. TRAVELS of several learned missionaries of the Society of Jesus, into divers parts of the Archipelago, India, China and America: fromn the French. London, 1714. 80. TREAT ( Capt. Joseph) A Vindication of..against the atrocious calumny in Maj. Gen. Brown's official report of the Battle of Chippeway. Philadelphia, 1815. 8o. TREATISE in Support of Orthodoxy: by an Orthodox Believer. N.York, 1853. Pam. vol. 93. TREATISE ( Practical ) on Dyeing and Calico-printing, including the latest inventions and improvements. New-York, 1846. 8 TREATISE (A) on Internal Navigation: compiled by Hon. Samuel Young. With Report of A. Gallatin on roads and canals, 1808. Ballston-Spa, 1817. 12o. B. C. TREATISE on the English Tongue. London, 1767. 8o. TREATY of Amity, Commerce and Navigation, between His Britannic Majesty and the U. S. America, conditionally ratified. 1st edition? To which is added a copious appendix. Philadelphia, 1795. With "A Little Plain English.... on the Treaty, by Peter Porcupine;" and " The Eyes opened, or the Carolinians convinced.... by a Citizen of SouthCarolina." Philadelphia and New-York, 1795. 120. - The same, with a copious appendix; A Vindication of the same, by Curtius; Features of Mr. Jay's Treaty; Resolutions concerning.. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1795. 80. 748 NEW-YORK STATE See also Pain. vol. 19. TREATY with Creek Nation of Indians, 1790....... Daily Adv. N. Y. Pam. fol. vol. 1. TREBLE (The) ALMANACI( for 1786; Watson's Irish Almanac; Exshaw's English Court Registry, and Wilson's Dublin Directory. Dublin. 18o. TREDGOLD (Thomas). Elementary Principles of Carpentry. 1st Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1837. 40. - Practical Essay on the strength of cast iron and other metals. 2d ed. London, 1824. 80. - - Practical Treatise on railroads and carriages.. London. 1825. 80o Principles of warming and ventilating public buildings, dwellinghouses, etc. 2d ed. London, 1824. 80. The same; with an appendix, by T. Bramah, 3d ed. London, 1836. 80. The Steam Engine; its invention and progressive improvement. A new edition, extended to the science of steam naval architecture: edited by Wi. S. B. Woolhouse. London, 1838 -40. 2 vol. in 1. 4~; plates fol. 2 vol. Tracts on Hydraulics. London, 1826. 80. See Buchanan (R.), On Mill-work. TREGO ( Charles B.). A Geography of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1843. 120. TREMENHEERE (Hugh S.). Notes on Public Subjects, made during a tour in the United States and Canada. London, 1852. 120. TRENCH (R. C.), D.D. On the Study of words. New-York, 1852. 120. - English, past and present. New-York, 18 52. 120. TRENCK ( Baron Frederick). Life and Adventures. Philadelphia, 1798, 120. TRESCOT ( William H.). The Diplomacy of the Revolution, an historical study. New-York, 1852. 12o. - A Few Thoughts on the foreign policy of the U. S. Charleston, 1849. 120o. TREsoR ( Le) Du PARNASSE; OU le plus joli des recucils. Londres, 1763. 4 vol. 180. B. C. TREUERSPELEN: A Collection of Dramas in Dutch. Amsterdam, 1728 -45. 18o. TRICOLORED SKETCHES in Paris, during 1851, 2, 3. New-York, 1855. 120. TRICOT (M.). Les Rudiments de la Langue Latine. Paris, 1777. 180. B. C. TRIMMER (Joshua). Practical Geology and Mineralogy; with..... the qualitative analysis of minerals. London, 1841. 8O. TRINITY CHURCH, Albany: To the Parishioners. Pam. vol. 93. GENERAL LIBRARY. 749 TRINITY CHURCH, New-York City: A Collection of Pamphlets; containing Charter, Reports in the legislature, Memorials, Remonstrances, Replies, Names of petitioners in MS. on occasion of the discussion of the repeal of the charter, etc. 1846 - 53. In 2 vol. 8o. TRINITY COLLEGE. Catalogues from 1823. Hartfbrd, 1855, 80. TRIP (A) to Mexico; or Recollections of a Ten -months' Ramble in 1849, 50: by a Barrister. London, 1851. 12~. TROBRIAND ( Baron Regis de). See Revue du Nouveau Monde. TROIL (Uno von). Letters on Iceland. Pinkerton, vol. 1. TROLLOPE ( Frances). Vienna and the Austrians. Paris, 1838. 2 vol. 8~. - Domestic Manners of the Americans. 5th ed. London, 1839. 120. TROMmIUS ( Abrahamus). Volkomene Nederlandsche Concordantie, ofte Woord-Register des Ouden en Nieuwen Testaments.... met een compleet hebreeusche en grieksch register.... Leeuwarden, 1750. 3 vol. fol. TROOST (Gerard). See Tennessee, Geolog. Surv. TROTTER (Alexander). Observations on the financial position and credit of such of the States of the North Amercan Union as have contracted public debts. London, 1839. 80. TROTTER ( John B.). Memoirs of the latter years of the Rt. Hon. C. J. Fox. 3d ed. London, 1811. 80. The same. New-York, 1812. 8o. TROUP (Robert). Vindication of the Claim of Elkanah Watson to the merit of projecting the Lake Canal policy.... and also vindication of claim of Gen. Schuyler. Geneva, N. Y. 1821. See Watson ( E.). --- The same. Pam. vol. 3. Letter to Brockholst Livingston, on the Lake Canal policy of New-York; with supplement and documents. Albany, 1822. 80. The same. Pam. vol. 7, and Vol. 4. B. C. Remarks on Trinity Church bill, 1813, before the Council of Revision. New-York, 1846. See Trin. Ch. Pam. vol. 1. TROY CONFERENCE, Meth. Episc. Church: Minutes, 1845. Pam. vol. 90, and Muns. Pam. vol. 9. TROY CONFERENCE ACADEMY, Vt.: Catalogue, 1851. Pam. vol. 73. TROY FIRST PRESB. CHURCH: Account of the divisions, and strictures on the doctrines of Rev. C. G. Finney and N. S. S. Beman. Troy, 1827. Pam. vol. 93.'TROY LYCEUM of Natural History: Charter, constitution, by-laws, etc. Troy, 1850. 8o. Also in Pam. vol. 92. TRUAIR ( Rev. John). Plain Truth on Christian Baptism, 1820. Pam. vol. 65. TRUBNER & Co. Bibliographical Guide to American Literature. London, 1855. 8o. TRUE INTERESTS of America impartially stated, 1776 (?). Pam. vol. 8. 750: NEW-YORK STATE TRUE REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH: Acts and proceedings, 1822, 24. Pam. vol. 68; also vol. 34. B. C. TRUE SENTIMENTS of America: Letters from Massachusetts to high persons in England; and a Dissertation on the canon and feudal law, by Thomas Hollis. London, 1768. Pam. vol. 112. TRUE STATE of the Question. London, 1784. Pam. vol. 137. TRUMBULL (Benjamin), D.D. A Complete History of Connecticut, civil and ecclesiastical, from 1620 to 1713. Vol. 1. Hartford, 1797. 8J. The only vol. published of this edition. History of Connecticut, 1630 - 1764. New-Haven, 1818. 2 vol. 80. - History of the United States of America. Boston, 1810. 80. Plea for the Connecticut title to lands in New-York. New-Haven, 1774. 80. TRUMBULL (Henry). History of the Discovery of America, of the landing of our forefathers at Plymouth, Indian wars, etc. Boston, 1828. 80. TRUMBULL ( Gov. Jonathan). Biographical Sketch of Gov. J. Trumbull. Hartford. Pam. vol. 5t2. TRUMBULL (John), LL.D. Poetical Works; containing M'Fingal. Hartford, 1820. 2 vol. 80. The same. 1820. 2 vol. 80. B. C. MF- ingal; a Modern Epic Poem, on the town-meeting. Philadelphia: London, re-printed 1776. Pain. vol. 120. The same. Hartford, 1782. 120. The same. Philadelphia, 1791. 120. _ The same. Hudson, 1806. 180. B. C. TRUMBULL ( John). Letter on the Encouragement of the fine arts, 1827. Pam. vol. 69. - Autobiography, Reminiscences, and Letters, 1756 - 1841. NewYork, 1841. 80. The same. 80. B. C. TRUMBULL ( J. H.). Public Records of Conn. See Connecticut. TRUMBULL ( Samuel ). The Patriot and Scourge of Aristocracy; a weekly collection of republican essays. Stonington-port, Conn. 1801. 80. TRUTH VINDICATED; being an Appeal to the light of Christ within.... by way of answer on the controversy amongst the Friends. London: New-York, 1836. 120. TRUXTUN ( Thomas). Remarks, Instructions and Examples relating to latitude and longitude; also the variation of the compass. Philadelphia, 1794. fol. TscHUDI ( Dr. J. J. von). Travels in Peru, during the years 1838 - 42: trans. from the German, by Thomasina Ross. New-York, 1847. 180. GENERAL LIBRARY. 751 TUCKER ( Abraham). The Light of Nature pursued; with an Account of the author's life, by Sir H. P. St. John Mildmay. Cambridge, 1831. 4 vol. 80. B. C. TUCKER (George). The Life of Thomas Jefferson. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 vol. 80. B. C. - The same. London, 1837. 2 vol. 80. Progress of the United States in population and wealth in fifty years. New-York, 1843. 80. TUCKER ( H. St. George)? Essays on various subjects of taste, morals, and national policy: by a Citizen of Virginia. Georgetown, D. C. 1822. 80. TUCKER (Josiah), D.D. A Letter from a Merchant in London, to his nephew in North America. London, 1766. 8~.. —..- Letter to Edmund Burke, M. P....... in answer to his printed speech.. in the House of Commons, on 22d March, 1775. Glocester, Pam. vol. 118. Tract V: The Respective Pleas and Arguments of the Mother Country, and of the Colonies, distinctly set forth; and the impossibility of a compromise of differences, or a mutual concession of rights, plainly demonstrated.... Glocester, 1775. Pam. vol. 117. ----- A Humble Address and Earnest Appeal....whether a separation from the continental colonies be most for the national advantage. 3d ed. London, 1776. 80. The True Interest of Britain set forth in regard to the colonies. Philadelphia, 1776. 80. W. C. 913. TUCKER ( J. N. T.). A Candid Appeal for free schools, 1852. Pam. vol. 73. TUCKER (L.). See Cultivator. TUCKER (Mark), D.D. Address, Y. M. Assoc. Troy, 1835. Pam. vol. 63. TUCKERMAN (Joseph), D.D. Semi-annual Reports as Minister at large. Boston, 1832. Pam. vol. 25. B. C. TUCKERMAN (Henry T.). Artist Life; or Sketches of American Painters. New-York, 1847. 120.. Life of Silas Talbot, Commodore in the United States Navy. New-York, 1850. 18~. A Month in England. New-York, 1853. 120. TUCKEY ( James H.). Maritime Geography and Statistics..... London, 1815. 4 vol. 8~. W. C. 914. TUCKEY ( Capt. J. K.). Narrative of an Expedition to explore the River Zaire (the Congo) in South Africa, in 1816. Also, the Journal of Professor Smith, and the Natural History of the Congo. London, 1818. 40. TUDELA ( Benjamin). Travels. Harris, vol. 1; Bergeron. W. C. 98. TUDOR ( HIenry). Narrative of a Tour in North America; comprising Mexico, the Mines of Real del Monte, the United States, and the British Colonies. London, 1834. 2 vol. 120. 752 NEW-YORK STATE TUDOR (William). Letters on the Eastern States. Boston, 1821., 8. Miscellanies. Boston, 1821. 123. The Life of James Otis of Massachusetts; containing also Notices of some contemporary characters and events, from 1760 to 1775. -Boston, 1823. 80. The same, 1823. 8o. B. C. TUFFNELL (F.). The Gentleman's Pocket Farrier; showing how to use your horse on a journey. Boston, 1832. 180. TUFT (Joseph). Oration, July 4, Charlestown, 1.814. Pain. vol. 58. TUINBOUW: Flora van Nederland en zijne Overzeesche Bezittengen. No. 1. Leyden, 1854. roy. 80. TULL ( Jethro). Horse-hoeing Husbandry. London, 1733. fol. TULLY (W.), M.D. Essay, on Sanguinaria canadensis; with Results of experiments on narcotine, and sulphate of quinine. Pam. vol. 86. TUMULTIBUS (De) AMERICANIS, deque eorum concitatoribus: meditatio senilis. Oxonii, 1776. 80. TUOMEY (M.). See South-Carolina and Alabama, Geol. Surveys. TUPPER (F. B.). Life and Correspondence of General Sir Isaac Brock. London, 1845. 120. TUPPER ( Martin F.). Complete Works, prose and poetry. Philadelphia, 1851. 4 vol. 120.....- -The Twins and Heart. New-York, 1845. 120. B. C. The Crock of Gold; a Rural Novel. New-York, 1845. 12o. B. C. Proverbial Philosophy: First series. New-York, 1846. 120. The same: 1st and 2d series. New-York, 1846. 120. B. C. TURGOT (A. R. J.). CEuvres: pr6cedees et accompagn'es de memoires et de notes sur sa vie, son administration, et ses ouvrages. Paris, 1808 - 11. 9 vol. 80. TURKEY: Treaties with Austria. See Austria. TURKISi EVENING ENTERTAINMENTS: trans. from the Turkish. by'John P. Brown, Dragoman of the U. S. Legation. New-York, 1850. 120. TURKISH PROVERBS, translated into English. Venice, Armenian Monastery of St. Lazarus, 1844. 1.8~. TURLOT ( N.). Le Vray Thr'sor de la doctrine chrestienne descouvert. Paris, 1653. 40. TURNBULL (David ). Travels in the West: Cuba; with Notices of Porto Rico and the Slave Trade. London, 1840. 80. TURNBULL (Rev. Robert). The Genius of Italy; being Sketches of Italian life, literature and religion. New-York, 1849. 120. TURNBULL (W.). Essay on the Strength of cast iron beams, girders, and columns. Engineers' Prof. Papers, vol. 6. TURNER ( Rev. Brandon). A New English Grammar. London, 1840. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 753 TURNER (Dawson). Muscologiae Hibernicce Spicilegium. Yarmouth, 1804. 120. TURNER ( Dawson W.). Notes on iHerodotus: from the best commentators. 2d ed. London, Bohn, 1853. 12). TURNER (Edward). Elements of Chemistry; with Notes...... by F. Bache. 5th Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1835. $o. TURNER ( Jacob). Genealogy of the descendants of Humphrey Turner. Boston, 1852. 8). TURNER ( 0.). Pioneer History of the Holland Purchase of Western New-York: Also A History of the Pioneer Settlement under said company; Reminiscences of the war, 1812; Erie canal. Buffalo, 1849. History of the Pioneer Settlement of the Phelps and Gorham's purchase and Morris's reserve.... with supplement or extension of the Pioneer History of Munroe county. Rochester, 1851. 80. T- he same; embracinzg also Ontario, Wayne, Livingston, Yates and Allegany counties. Rochester, 1852. 80. TURNER ( Philip) and others. Results of Astronomical Observations made in the interior parts of North America ( Hudson Bay Company's possessions). London, 1794. 4o. TURNER ( R.) jun. An Easy Introduction to the arts and sciences. Dublin, 1783. 120. B. C. TURNER ( Capt. Samuel). An Account of an Embassy to the Court of the Teshoo Lama, in Tibet; containing a Narrative of a Journey through Bootan. London, 1800. 40. TURNER ( Samuel H.). See Jahn and Planck, translated. TURNER (Sharon). History of England during the middle ages, 2d ed. London, 1825. 5 vol. 80o. M- Modern History of England. 2d ed. London, 1828. 4 vol. 85. History of the Anglo-saxons, from the earliest period to the Norman Conquest. 5th ed. London, 1828. 3 vol. 80. The Sacred History of the World, as displayed in the Creation and subsequent events, to the Deluge. New-York, 1832. 120. B. C. TURNER ( William), M.D. Triumphs of Young Physic; or Chrono-thermal facts. New-York, 1847. Pam. vol. 89. TURNER ( William W.). See Raumer's (Von) America. On the Recent Discoveries of Himyaritic Inscriptions. American Ethn. Soc. Trans. vol. 1. TURNIP vs. TATOR: an Original Exposition of the Code of Procedure. Albany, 1849. Pam. vol. 99; also M{uns. Pam. vol. 12. TURPIN (FranSois H.). History of Siam. Pinkerton, vol. 9. TURREAT ( Louis-Marie). Aperpu sur la Situation Politique des EtatsUnis d'Amerique. Paris, 1815. 8s. W. C. 915. TussER ( Thomas). Five Hundred Points of Husbandry. London, 1744. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 95 754 NEW-YORK STATE TUTHILL ( Mrs. L. C). History of Architecture, from the earliest times; its present condition in Europe and the United States. Phil'a, 1848. 8o. - Success in Life. A Series of books, six in number, each complete in itself: The successful merchant, lawyer, mechanic, artist, physician, farmer. Cincinnati, 1854. The first 3 vol. 120. TUTTLE ( Rev. Joseph F.). Biographical Sketch of Gen. W. Winds, of Morris Co. N.J. Newark, 1853. 80. TWEED ( Dale). The Teacher's and Pupil's Assistant. Albany, 1820. 180. TWIG (A) of Birch for a butting calf; or Strictures upon Remarks on the emigration of Dr. Joseph Priestley: by a " Brother of the Birch." New-York, 1795. 80. TWINING (T.). See Aristotle, Treatise on Poetry. Twiss ( Horace). Life of Lord Eldon, with Selections from his Correspondence. London, 1844. 3 vol. 8~. The same. Philadelphia, 1844. 2 vol. 80. B. C. TwIss ( Richard ). Travels through Portugal and Spain, in 1722 and 1723. London, 1775. 4~. TwIss (Travers). On the Oregon Question. London, 1846. 80. View of the Progress of Political Economy in Europe, since the 16th century. London, 1847. SO. The Letters Apostolic of Pope Pius IX, considered with reference to the law of Enoland and the law of Europe. London, 1851. 80. Two (The) AMERICAS, Great Britain and the Holy Alliance. 2d edition. Washington, 1824. 80. TYLER ( John), President. Report on Bank U. S. 1834. See Bank UJ. S. vol. 2. Life, to the close of the Second Session of the 27th Congress. New-York, 1844. 8o. TYLER ( Rev. T. P.). Sermon before A. and H. Artil. Company, Boston, 1848. Pain. vol. 62. TYLER ( J. Endell). Henry of Monmouth; or Memoirs of Henry the Fifth, as Prince of Wales and King. London, 1838. 2 vol. 8o. TYNG (Samuel H-.), D.D. Recollections of England. London, 1847. 120. TYRANT ( The) caught in his own toils: dedicated to the Republican Irish Emigrants. Philadelphia, 1809. Pam. vol. 75. TYSON ( James L.). Diary of a Physician in California. New-York, 1850. 8~. TYSON ( Job R.). The Lottery System of the United States. 3d ed. Philadelphia, 1837. 120o. Address, Appr. Lib. Company, Philadelphia, 1830. Pam. vol. 6. TYSON ( Philip T.). Geology and Industrial Resources of California; with Reports of Gen. P. F. Smith and B. Riley, and Lieuts. Talbot, Ord, Derby and Williamson. Baltimore, 1851. 80. TYSON (Raymond MI.). Lecture, History of Staten Island, 1842. Staten Island, 1842. So. GENERAL LIBRARY. 755 TYTLER (Alexander F.). Essay on the Principles of Translation. -3d ed. Edinburgh, 1813. 80. Elements of General History; with a Continuation to George III, by Rev. E. Nares. Concord, 1828. 120. B. C. TYTLER ( Patrick Fraser). England under the Reigins of Edward IV and Mary, etc. London, 1839. 2 vol. So. Life of Henry Eighth; with Biographical Sketches of Wolsey, More, etc. Edin. Cab. Lib. vol. 22. Life of Sir Walter Raleigh; with Sketches of Burleigh, Essex, Cecil, etc. Edin. Cab. Lib. vol. 11. and J. Wilson. Progress of Discovery on the more Northern:Coasts of America. Edin. Cab. Lib. vol. 9. History of Scotland. 3d ed. Edinburgh, 1845. 7 vol. 8). U. UHLAND, K6RNER and BURGER. German Songs and Ballads: trans. with Notes, by C. T. Brooks. Boston, 1842. 12o. UIHLEMANN'S Syriac Grammar: trans. from the German, by Enoch Hutchinson; with Exercises in Syriac, by the Translator. New-York, 1855. 8i. UILENSPIEGEL. See Leven and Roomschen. UJHAZY (Ladislaus), and Count S. Wass. A Brief Explanatory Report as to the termination of the Hungarian struggle. New-York, 1850. 80. B.C. ULLOA (Antonio de). Relacion del Viage a la America meridional. Madrid, 1748. 4 vol. 4~. W. C. 918. Voyage Historique de l'Amerique meridionale. Amsterdam, 1752. 2 vol. 4o. W. C. 919. Voyage to South America: trans. from the Spanish, with Notes, by John Adams. 5th ed. London, 1807. 2 vol. 80o. M6emoires sur la De]couverte de l'Am6rique': trad. par L. de Villebrune. Paris, 1787. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 916. Noticias Americanas. Madrid, 1792. 4o. W. C. 917. ULLOA ( Bernardo de). Retablissement des Manufactures et du Commerce d'Espagne: trad. de 1'espagnol. Amsterdam, 1753. 120. W. C. 920. ULLOA (F.). Account of F. Cortes. See Ramusio, vol. 3. UMFILEVILLE ( Edward). Present State of Hudson's Bay. London, 1790. UNCLE PHILIP'S Conversations with Young persons: History of NewYork. New-York, 1844. 2 vol. 180. UNCLE TOM in England; or a Proof that black's white: an Echo to the American " Uncle Tom." New-York, 1852. 80. UNDERWOOD ( J. R.). Speech, H. of R. U. S., on Public -lads, 1852. Pam. vol. 60. 756 NEW-YORK STATE UNGEWITTER (Francis H.), LL.D. Europe, past and present: a Manual of geography and history. New-York, 1850. 120. UNION COLLEGE, N.Y. A Collection of Miscellaneous Publications, by the Trustees, or Riespecting the College, in 2 vol. 80. Contents: Vol. 1. Catalogues of graduates, of students, of members of fraternities, etc. 1815 - 52. Vol. 2. Official Documents, of Trustees, of Commissioners, of the Legislature, etc., on matters regarding the College: 1823 - 53. --- The whole of the Documentary Evidence relative to the Controversy between the Regents of the University and the Trustees of Union College. Schenectady, 1823. Pam. vol. 5. B. C. ---- Report of Select Committee on the pending controversy with Yates and M'Intyre, 1834. Pam. vol. 28. B. C. - 1, Reports of the Trustees to the Legislature, 1849, 1850; 2, Reports of the Majority and Minority of the Committee appointed to investigate the affairs of Union College, 1850. In 1 vol. 80. First Semi-centennial Anniversary, July 22, 1845. Albany and Schenectady, 1845. 80. First Semi-centennial Anniv. of the Philomathean Society, July, 25, 1848. Albany, 1849. 80..-... Address of Students to their Parents and Guardians. Schenectady, 1825. Pam. vol. 18. Catalogue of Students, 1852. Muns. Pain. vol. 11. "- UNION COMMITTEE," appointed at the Exchange, N.York City, 1834: Report. Pam. vol. 153. UNION INSURANCE COMPANY: Prospectus, 1818. Pam. vol. 154. UNITARIAN CHURCH ASSOCIATION of Maine: Report of Convention, 1852; with Report of First An. Meet. Bangor, 1853. Pam. vol. 96. UNITARIAN (Annual) CONGREGATIONAL REGISTER, 1846, 48, 51, 54. Boston. 2 vol. 120. UNITARIAN MISCELLANY and CHRISTIAN MONITOR ~ Vol. 1 - 6, 3 vol. ed. by Jared Sparks; and 3 vol. by F. W. P. Greenwood. Baltimore, 1821 - 24. 6 vol. 120. UNITARIAN TRACTS. 240. Pam. Vol. 29. B. C. UNITARIANISM at Geneva: From Christ. Spec. Pam. vol. 14. B. C. UNITED BRETHREN. Missions of the Church of the United Brethren, established among the heathen: Periodical accounts, vol. 2-15. London, 1797 - 1839. 14 vol. 80. Historical Sketch of the Church Missions of the United Brethren, commonly called Moravians. Bethlehem, Penn. 1848. 120o. UNITED BRETHREN'S MISSIONARY INTELLIGENCER and Religious Miscellany. Vol. 9. Bethlehem, 1848. 80. UNITED DOMESTIC MISSIONARY SOCIETY: 2d, 3d Reports. N. York, 1.824, 25. Pam. vol. 5, 53. B. C. UNITED FOREIGN MISSIONARY SOCIETY: Report, 1819. Pam. vol. 68. GENERAL LIBRARY. 757 UNITED MEXICAN MINING ASSOCIATION: Report of the Directors. London, 1827. 80. WV. C. 633. See also Pam. vol. 14. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Declaration by the Representatives of the United Colonies of North America, now in General Congress at Philadelphia, setting forth the causes and necessity of taking up arms; The Letter of the twelve United Colonies, by their Delegates in Congress, to the Inhabitants of Great Britain; their humble petition to his Majesty, and their address to the People of Ireland... London, 1775. P am. vol. 117. The same: the two first. Bristol, reprinted 1775. Pamn. vol. 118. American Continental Congress: Votes and Proceedings...... at Philadelphia, Sept. 5, 1774; containing the Bill of rights, a list of grievances, etc., published by order of the Congress. Philadelphia: London, re-printed 1774. Pain. vol. 115. Journal of the Proceedings of the Congress, held at Philadelphia, Sept. 5, 1774, etc.; to which is added..... an authentic copy of the Petition to the King. London, 1775. Pam. vol. 115. Observations on the American Revolution, published according to a Resolution of Congress for the consideration, etc. Philadelphia, 1779. Pam. vol. 47. The same. Providence, reprinted 1780. 120. WV. C. 35..-.- Address and Recommendations to the States, by the United States in Congress assembled. Philadelphia, 1783. 80o. Pam. vol. 13. - - The same. See Address. - De. Constitutie eenpariglyk geaccordeerd by de Algemeene Conventie.... 1787.... vertaald door L. de Ronde... Albany, 1788. Paim. vol. 27. B. C. Report of the Commissioners appointed by the President of the U. S. to confer with the insurgents in the western counties of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1794. 80. The Proceedings of the Executive of the United States respecting the insurgents, 1794. Philadelphia, 1795. 80. Collection of Congressional and other Public documents, including some of State of N. Y. from 1811 to 1848, in 35 vol. 80. B. C. - - ARMY: Army List for 1812. 120....- Kalendar and Army and Navy Register for 1813. NewYork, 1813. 18o....._ - Official Army Register. Washington. 9 vol. 8o and 120. Contents For 1815, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30: 3 vol. For 1824, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30: 1 vol. For 1831, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40: 1 vol. For 1841, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51: 1 vol. To January 1815, May 1815, January 1818, May 1818, January 1820, May 1821, August 1822: 1 vol. To July 1835, August 1836: 1 vol. For 1845 and 1846: 1 vol. 758 NEW-YORK STATE ---- ~See Force, Reg. of Army and Navy; and Homans, U.S. Register, 1843, 44. ---- - - See Artillery Service, by Mordecai......-_ - The Ordnance Manual, for the use of the Officers of the U.S. Army. 2d ed. Washington, 1850. 12o.. --- Quarter-master General's Report, 1850. See Cross's Journal to Oregon.:, —-- Meteorological Register of Observations by Med. Dept. of U, S. Army, 1826 - 42, under T. Lawson, Surg. Gen...Philadelphia and Washington, 1840 -41. 2 vol. 80. - Directions for taking meteorological observations, adopted by the Medical Department of the U. S. A. 1844. 8o. BLUE BOOK. See United States Register. - CENSUS. Return of the whole number of persons within the several Districts of the U. S. 1790. Philadelphia, 1791. 120. The same: reprinted, London, 1793. 8o. Census fo.1810. ob. 4~. Census for 1820. Washington, 1821. fol. - Fifth Census, or Enumeration of the Inhabitants of -the U. States for 1830; with the number of persons in 1790, 1800, 1810 and 1820. Washington, 1832. fol. -- Sixth Census.. as corrected in the Department of State, 1840. Washington, 1841. fol. __. _ - Statistical View of the Population... from 1790 to 1830 inclusive. Washington, 1835. fol. Seventh Census.... 1850; embracing a Statistical View of each State.... with introduction.... and appendix, by J. D. De Bow, Superintendent. Washington, 1853. 40. 2 copies. -- -- ~ Statistical View of the U. States; being a Compendium of the 7th Census, with the results of every previous census: by J. D. De Bow. Washington, 1854. 8o. Census for 1850: compiled from official sources, by R. S. Fisher. New-York, 1851. 180. COAST SURVEY: Annual Reports of the Superintendents of the Coast Survey, showing the progress of the work, 1847 - 51. Washington. 3 vol. So. 2 copies of 1851. R- eport of the Superintendent, 1853. Washington, 1854.4o. --- See Bache, Hassler, and Walker (S. C.). CORPS OF ENGINEERS: Papers on Practical Engineering, prepared by Officers of the U. S. Corps of Engineers. Vol. 1, nos. 2, 4, 1840; vol. 2, no. 5. Washington, 1850. 1 vol. 80. EXPLORING EXPEDITION, by Authority of Congress, Charles Wilkes commander, during the years 1838-42. Philadelphia, 1844-54. 16 vol. 4o, 5 vol. fol. 21 vol. Contents: GENERAL LIBRARY. 759 Vol. 1 - 5. Narrative of the Expedition, by C. Wilkes; with 1 vol. of maps, 40. - 6. Ethnography and Philology: by Horatio Hale. - 7. Zoophytes: by James D. Dana, A.M. With atlas of 61 plates. - 8. Mammalia and Ornithology: by Titian R. Peale. - 9. The Races of Men: by Charles Pickering, M.D. - 10. Geology: by James D. Dana, M.D. With fol. atlas of plates. - 11. Meteorology: by C. Wilkes, Commander. - 12. Mollusca and Shells: by A. A. Gould. 1 fol. vol. of plates not rec'd. - 13, 14. Crustacea: by J. D. Dana, lM.D. 1 vol.fol. of 96 plates not rec'd. - 15. Not received. - 16. Botany: by W. D. Brackenridge. Atlas fol. not received. Atlas of Charts from the Surveys of the Expedition. 1 vol. fol. 1850. Narrative of the U. S. Exploring Expedition, 1838 - 42; with illustrations and maps, by Capt. C. Wilkes. Philadelphia, 1845. 5 vol. See also Wilkes, and Account of. GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS: Report of a Geological Reconnoissance, made in 1835, from the Scat of Government, by the way of Green Bay and the Wisconsin Territory, to the Coteau de Prairie: by G. W. Featherstonhaugh. Washington, 1836. 80. Geological Report of an Examination made in 1834, of the elevated country between the Missouri and Red Rivers: by G. W. Featherstonhaugh. Washington, 1835. 80. Report of the Sec. of War, on the geology and topography of California, 1850. 80o. Annual Report of the Commissioners of the General Landoffice, Dec. 13, 1847; with numerous maps and repcs, by Drs. D. D. Owen and Charles T. Jackson, on the Geology of'Visconsin, Iowa, and Michigan. 80. - Report of a Geological Exploration of a part of Iowa, Wisconsin and Illinois, by D. D. Owen, made under instructions from the Secretary of the Treasury, in 1839; with charts and illustrations. Washington, 1844. 8o. Report of a Geological Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota, and a portion of Nebraska, by D. D. Owen, by instructions from U. S. Treas. Department. Philadelphia, 1852. 2 vol. 40. -- ~Surveys of Illinois, Minnesota, Nebraska, Iowa and Wisconsin. See Owen ( D. D.). - Geological Survey of Lake Superior land districts. See Foster ( J. W.) and J. D. Whitney. - HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: Standing Rules and Orders, and the Constitution of the United States. Washington, 11829-31. 120. Report of Committee on Manufactures of H. of R. 16th Congress. See Pam. vol. 153. - eport of a Select Committee, on the Claims of William T. G. Morton, as discoverer of the pain-subduing power of sulphuric ether. Feb. 23, 1849. 80. 760 NEW-YORK STATE ~ - Report of Dr. Edwards, of Select Committee on W. T. G. Morton's claim in the discovery of sulphuric ether as a pain-subduing agent, 1849. 80.. --- Harbors and Rivers. See Hunt's ( W.) Report. -.- - Report of the Comm. on Military Affairs.... on establishment of a chain of military posts from Council Bluffs to the Pacific Ocean, Jan. 1843. With Wood's Map of Oregon. Washington. 80.: LIBRARY OF CONGRESS: Catalogue. Washington, 1812. 80...... Catalogue. Washington, 1815. 80. ___ - A Supplement to the Catalogue of the Library of Congress, 1827; with Catalogue of 1830. Washington. 1 vol. 80. C- atalogue of the Library, 1839. Washington, 1840. 80. --- Additions, 1851, 52. Washington, 1852, 53. 1 vol. 8o. M- ESSAGES OF THE PRESIDENTS: transmitting Information in relation to our Affairs with Spain ( Arbuthnot and Ambrister), Dec. 28, 1818. Washington, 1819. 80. - relative to the Free Navigation of the River St. Lawrence: Jan. 1828. Pain. vol. 143. containing the Proclamations and Proceedings in relation to South-Carolina. Washington, 1833. 80. ----- on our Relations with France, including the debates in the French Chambers: Jan. 1836. Washington. 1 vol. 80. relative to the Africans taken in the Amistad, 1840; with, the African Captives. New-York, 1839. 1 vol. 80. with Documents relating to the Northeastern Boundary, 1836; Message.... in reference to the imprisonment of Mr. Greely in New-Brunswick, and the Maine Boundary, 1838. 1 vol. 80. communicating Correspondence respecting the change in the Government of France, 1848. Pam. vol. 26. - communicating a Copy of the Mexican Treaty, 1848. Pam. vol. 26. - - on the Abduction of Juan Garcia Rey from New-Orleans: Jan. 14, 1850. 8o. Messages on relations with Mexico, 1836-46. See Mexico; also Pillow ( Gen.)..-. - Messages, inaugural and special. See Williams ( E.). LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD: Report of the officers constituting the Light-house Board, 1852. Washington. 80. METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. See U. States Army and Observatory. MILITARY ACADEMY, West-Point, N.Y.: Annual Register of the Officers and Cadets, 1828, 29, 30, 32, 34, 35, 40, 41, 42. In 2 vol. 1.20. R- egister: June 1820, 1842, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50. In 1 vol. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 761 UNITED STATES (continued ).....- __ - Register.... from 1801 to 1844. New-York, 1844. 80...- A Catalogue of the Graduates...... from 1801 to June 1848; with the regulations for admission. New-York, 1847. 120. R- - Register of Graduates from June 1802, to July 1831; with Roll of the Cadets at the annual examination, 1841, and Programme of the Courses of military and civil engineering during 1830, 31. In 1 vol. 40.....- Register of Officers and Students, from March 16, 1802, to Jan. 1, 1850: compiled by Capt. Cullum. New-York, 1850. 120. - _ - Regulations for the interior police and discipline. Newburgh, 1829. 80. ____- _ - Regulations of the U. S. M. A. at West-Point. New-York, 1832. 80.....- Regulations by Order of the President of the U. S.; with the rules and articles of war. New-York, 1839. 80. Regulations do. New-York, 1853. 120...... Reports on the State of the Academy, 1830; Report of Select Committee of H. of R., on the Academy, 1837. Cong. Docts. In 1 vol. 80. -_ - -Catalogue of the Library, 1852. New-York, 1853. 80. _, -. See Military Pyrotechny. NAVY DEPARTMENT: Nautical Almanac. See American Ephemeris. - Navy Register: Register of the Commissioned and Warrant officers of the Navy of the United States, including the Marine Corps, 1817, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 52, 53. Washington. 16 vol. 120 and 180. - - for 1838, 40. Washington. 2 vol. ob. 40. -...- Minutes of Proceedings of the Court of Inquiry into the official conduct of Capt. Isaac Hull, at U.S. Navy-Yard, Charlestown, Mass. Washington, 1822. 80. PATENT OFFICE: Report of the Commissioner of Patents, made to Congress for the years 1837, 41 - 54. 20 vol. 80.. -.-. Report of Commissioner for 1847. 8~. B. C. List of Patents for inventions and designs, issued by the United States from 1790 to 1847; with the Patent Laws and Notes of Decisions of the Courts of the United States.... compiled under the direction of E. Burke, Comm. of Patents. Washington. 1847. 80.: —- POST-OFFICE: Table of Post-offices in the United States; with their Distances from Washington City, and the names of postmasters. Washington, 1811. 80. Table of Offices and Postmasters. Washington, 1813. 80.....- Table of the Post-offices, Oct. 1, 1846; with names of the postmasters. Washington, 1846. 80. [GEN. LIB. 1855.] 96 762 NEW-YORK STATE.- Table of Post-offices, Jan. 1851. Washington, 1851. 80. - Table.... 31st Jan. 1842. Washington, 1842. 80. R- eports of the Majority and Minority of the Committee of the Senate, on the Post-ofice and Post-roads. Washington, 1835. 80. - REGISTER R: egister of all Officers and Agents in the Service of the United States, 1816, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 53. ( 1827 and 1851 wanting.) Washington. 18 vol. 120. -- - Register for 1829: Supplement. See Elliot (J.). See Congressional Directories.. —... STATE DEPARTMENT: State Papers, on the Negotiation and Peace with America. London, 1815. Pam. vol. 129. Statement on the part of the United States, of the Case referred in pursuance of the Convention of 29th Sept. 1827, between the said States and Great Britain, to H. M. the King of the Netherlands, for his decision. Printed, but not published. Waslington, 1829. fol. __ —-- - Report of the Secretary of State, with Reports of the Commissioners under the Treaty of Washington, 1848. Pam. vol. 26. -- - See Commercial Regulations. TREASURY DEPARTMENT: Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the public roads and canals, 1808. Philadelphia, 1808. Pam. vol. 34. - Comparison of weights and measures. See Hassler ( F. R.). - --- - See Coast Survey. - ----- Letter of the Sec. of the Treas. transmitting report of public lands unsold, 1848. Pam. vol. 26. Report.... on the Trade and Commerce of the British American Colonies with the United States and other countries, since 1829; containing I. D. Andrews's report, 1851. 80. - Letter from Sec. of Treasury, on growth of Silk. See Silk. ~-_ — _ - Letters from Sec. of Treas. on the Condition of the State Banks, to Speaker of H. of Representatives, communicating documents, 1886-41. 3 vol. 80. WAR DEPARTMENT: Report. of- Secretary of War on Pacific Railroad, 1855. See Pacific R. R. Rep. vol. 1. --- - See: Graham ( Lieut Col.), on: Mexican Boundary. -_ _ - See United States Army. See United States Geol. Survey. - Report of the Secretary of War, with the Reconnoissances of Routes from San Antonio to El Paso, by Col. Johnson, Lieutenants Smith, Bryan, Michler, and Capt. French. Also, the Report of Capt. Marcy's Route from Fort Smith to Santa F6; Lieut. Simpson's Report on the Navajo Country, and Lieut. Whitney's Reconnoissance of the Western Frontier of Texas. Senate Doe. 31st Cong. Washington, 1850. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 763 UNITED STATES ALMANAC. See Downes (J.). UNITED STATES ANTIMASONIC CONVENTION: Proceedings, Address, and Debates, 1830. Pam. vol. 55, 184. UNITED STATES GAZETTE for the Country. 1804, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 17: 3 vol.; 1803 - 12, imperfect files, I vol. Philadelphia. 4 vol. fol. - The same. Philadelphia, E. Bronson, 1812- 14. 3 vol. 40. UNITED STATES LITERARY GAZETTE. Vol. 1, 1824, 5, 40: vol. 2, 3, 4; 1825, 26, 80. Boston. 4 vol. For continuation, see United States Review. UNITED STATES MAGAZINE, or General Repository of useful instruction and rational amusement. Vol. 1. Newark N. J. 1794. 80. UNITED STATES MAGAZINE of Science, Art, Manufactures, etc. Vol. 1. New-York, J. M. Emerson 4 Co. 1854, 55. 4~ UNITED STATES MILITARY PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY: Proceedings, 1806. 1 vol. 40. Extracts from the Minutes. New-York, 1809. 4o. With Colonel Williams's address. UNITED STATES NAVAL CHRONICLE. See Goldsborough. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA as they are in their political, religious, and social relations. London, 1828. 8o. W. C. 923. UNITED STATES REVIEW, quarterly. Vol. 1, no. 1, Jan. 1834. Philadelphia, Waldie. 8-. UNITED STATES REVIEW: "Democracy." Vol. 1- 3, D. W. Holly editor. New-York, 1853 - 55. 5 vol. 80. UNITED STATES REVIEW and Literary Gazette. Vol. 1, 2. Oct. 1826 - Oct. 1827. Boston and New-York, 1827. 2 vol. 80. See also United States Literary Gazette. UNITED STATES TELEGRAPH, extra: devoted to the presidential election. Washington, 1828. 80. UNIVERSAL (The) GAZETTEER. 2d ed. London, 1760. 12~. B. C. UNIVERSALIST'S HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY Reports, 1851, 52. Boston. Pam. vol. 96. UNIVERSITAS REGIA FREDERICIANA. Beschreibung und Lage der Universitats-sternwarte in Christiania: von Christopher Iansteen. Christiania, 1849. 4o. —.- Universitatis Regias Fredericianee novre ades: Descripsit Chr. Holst, Secret. Univ. Christianit, 1852. 120. -Index Scholarum, 1853. Christianire, 1853. 40. UNIVER SITIES OF SCOTLAND. See Great Britain, Parliament. Reports. UNIVERSITIES. Catalogues. Pam. vol. 155, 156, 157. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, London: Proceedings of the Annual General meeting, Feb. 1846; Distribution of the prizes, examination papers, lists of graduates in the several faculties of arts and laws, medicine, civil engineering and architecture, 1845, 46, 47; Requisites for certificates; University College School; Birbeck Laboratory. Pam. vol. 23& 764 NEW-YO-tK STATE UNIVERSITY OF ALBANY: Circular of Law School, 1851. Muns. Pam. vol. 12. Circular of the Scientific Department, 1852. Pam. vol 73. Speeches in behalf of, by Messrs. Ruggles, Tabor, and Rev. Drs. Kennedy and Palmer. Albany, 1852. Pam. vol. 70. UNIVERSITY OF MEXICO: Constituciones de la Real y Pontificia Universidad de Mexico. 2d ed. Mexico, 1775. fol. W. C. 629. UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD. See Oxford. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. See Pam. vol. 155, 156. UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER: Report of the Trustees, on the plan of instruction. Rochester, 1850. 80. - Catalogues, 1853 - 55. Pam. vol. 157. UNIVERSITY OF UPSAL: Catalog forvar terminen, 1847, 48; and, Ali Floderus' Dissertatio Acad. Parocciis Uplandire. Upsal, 1847, 48. 80. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT: Catalogus Senatus Academici, etc. 1846; Catalogue of the.... students, 1849. Burlington. 80..-.... Triennial Catalogue, 1854. Burlington, 1854. 80..-.-.- Semi-centennial Anniversary, Aug. 1854; Discourse, by John Wheeler, D.D.; Address by J. N. Spaulding, and Poem by Rev. O. G. Wheeler. Burlington, 1854. 8o. University Institute Soc.: Catalogue of library, 1851. Pam. vol. 170..-., Catalogues. See Pam. vol. 155, 156, 157. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA: Lectures on the Evidences of Christianity, delivered at the University, 1850, 51. New-York, 1852. 80....- Catalogus, 1849 - 51. Pam. vol. 157. UNIVERSITY OF WIscONsIN: Inauguration of John H. Lathrop, LL.D., as chancellor. Madison, Jan. 16, 1850. Milwaukee, 1850. 80. UNLAWFULNESS ( The) of the Subscription required of the Ministers.. of the R. D. Church, 1829. Pam. vol. 15. B. C. UP-COUNTRY LETTERS; ed. by Prof. B -, National Observatory. By L. W. Mansfield. New-York, 1852. 120. UPDIKE ( Wilkins). Memoirs of the Rhode-Island [Bar. Boston, 1842. 8o..-.- History of the Episcopal Church in Narragansett, Rhode-Island; with an Appendix, containing a re-print of "America Dissected," by the Rev. J. MacSparran, D.D. New-York, 1847. 80. UPrOLD (George), M.D. D.D. The Last Hundred Years: A Lecture, Lit. Soc. Western Univ. of Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh, 1845. Pam. vol. 44. B. C. UPHAM (Rev. Charles W.). Dedication Sermon. Salem, 1826. Pam. vol. 106. - Letters on the Logos. Boston, 1828. 120. B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 765 -.... — Second Century Lecture. Salem, 1829. Pam. vol. 106. Lectures on Witchcraft, comprising a History of the delusion in Salem in 1692. 2d ed. Boston, 1832. 120. B. C. - Life of General Washington. London, 1852. 2 vol. 120. Life of Sir Henry Vane. Sparks's Am. Biog. vol. 4. UPIIAM (Edward). The Mahavansi, Raja-Ratnacari, the Raja-Vali; forming the sacred and historical books of Ceylon. London, 1833. 3 vol. 80. C. L. UPHAM (Prof. Thomas C.). Outlines of imperfect and disordered mental action. New-York, 1843. 180...-...- Principles of the interior or hidden life. 8th ed. New-York, 1854. 120. See Jahn's Biblical Archoeology.... — Letters from Europe, Egypt and Palestine. Brunswick, 1855. 120. UPHAM (W.). Speech, U. S. Sen., on the Mexican War, Feb. 1848. 8o. URBAIN (Nestor). Introduction a l'etude de l'economie politique. Paris, 1833. 80. UaRE (Andrew), M.D. Dictionary of Chemistry. 2d ed. London, 1824. 80......- Cotton Manufacture of Great Britain systematically investigated. London, 1836. 2 vol..120. Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines. 2d edition. London, 1840. 80. Recent Improvements in Arts, Manufactures, and Mines: Supplement to his Dictionary. New-York, 1845. 80. The Revenue in jeopardy from spurious chemistry, demonstrated in researches upon wood spirit and vinous spirit. London, 1843. Pam. vol. 79. URING ( Nathaniel ). History of his Voyages and Travels: London, 1826. With A Relation of the late intended Settlement of the Islands of St. Lucia and St. Vincent in America, in right of the Duke of Montagu.... 1722. London, 1725. In i vol. 80. The same; last title. 8o. W. C. 830. URLSPERGER (Samuel). Der ausfuhrlichen Nachrichten von der k. GrossBritan. Col. Saltzburgischer Emigranten in America.... ihrem dreyfachen transport.... nach Georgien... erstema Anbau in Eben-Ezer.... bis auf den schluss des 1743 yahres. Halle, 1735 - 46. 2 vol. 40. Contains also the Diaries of the Ministers Gronau and Bolz. URQUHART ( David). The Pillars of Hercules; or a Narrative of Travels in Spain and Morocco, in 1848. New-York, 1850. 2 vol. 120. ------- The Mystery of the Danube. London, 1851. 80. USE of the Dead to the Living: from Westm. Rev. 1827. Pam. vol. 64, 87. UsHER ( G. N.). Elements of English Grammar. London, 1803. 180. 766 NEW-YORK STATE USURY EXPLAINED; or Conscience quieted in the case of putting out money at interest. Pamphleteer, vol. 11. UTICA. Report to School Commissionrs, on School District Library, 1843. Pam. vol. 73. UTICA and OSWEGO R. R. Comp.: Report, 1832. Pam. vol. 53. UTICA and SCHENECTADY R. R. Comp.: Report, 1826. Pam. vol. 29. B.C. UTICA CHRISTIAN REPOSITORY, 1822, 23. Utica. 2 vol. 80. UTICA CITY DIRECTORY i compiled, 1843, by W. Richards; 1845 - 50, by B. Merrell. 2 vol. 18~. UWINS (D.). Modern Maladies, and present state of medicine. Pamphleteer, vol. 13. V. VACCINATIONS en France. See Academie R. de Medecine. VACHI (Alexander F.). Letters on Yellow Fever, Cholera and Quarantine, to the Legislature; with additions. New-York, 1852. 80. VACHERn: Parliamentary Companion for the Session of 1845. Westminster. 16~. VAIL ( Alfred ). The American Electro-magnetic Telegraph. Philadelphia, 1845. 80. - Description of Amer. Elect. Mag. Telegraph. 1845. Pam. vol. 74. VAIL( Eugbne A.). De la Litterature, et des Hommes de Lcttres des Etats-Unis d'Amerique. Paris, 1841. 8~. VAILLANT ( Le Marechal ). Rapport a l'Empereur... sur la culture du coton en Algerie, 1854. Paris, 1855. 80. VAISSETTE (Joseph). Ge6ographie, historique, ecol6siastique, et civile. Paris, 1755. 4 vol. 4o. AW. C. 934. VALE (G.). Fanaticism; its source and influence, illustrated by the simple narrative of Isabella, in the case of MlIatthias, Mr. and Mrs. B. Folger, etc. New-York, 1835. 12~. The same. Pam. vol. 26. B. C. VALENTIA ( George), Viscount. Voyages and Travels to India, Ceylon, the Red Sea, Abyssinia, and Egypt, in 1802 - 06. London, 1811. 3 vol. 80; plates 40. 4 vol. VALENTIN ( Dr. G.). Lehrbuch der Physiologic des Menschen: fur irzte und studirende. Braunschweig, 1844. 2 vol. 80. VALENTINE ( David T.). Manual of the Corporation of the City of NewYork, 1841- 55. New-York. 15 vol. 180 and 120. History of the City of New-York. New-York, 1853. 80. 2 copies. VALENTINELLI (Josepho). Specimen bibliographicum de Dalmatia et Agro Labeatium: Venetiis, 1842. With, Bibliografia Dalmata, tratta da'codici della Marciana di Venezia: Venezia, 1845. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 767 VALENTINI ( Mich. B.). Museum Museorum; or, Nat ur- und Materialien Kammer, auch Ost-Indianische Send-schreiben und Rapporten. 1700. fol. VALENTYN (A.). See Ovid, Translation in Dutch. VALERIUS ( R.). Trait6 thborique et pratique de la fabrication de la fonte, accompagn' d'un expose des ameliorations dont cette industrie est susceptible principalement en Belgique. Leipzig. 8), with atlas fol. 1851. 2 vol. VALEiRY ( 1II.). Voyages historiques et litt6raires en Italie, 1826 - 28; ou l'Indicateur Italien. Paris, 1831 - 33. 5 vol. 80. VALETTE ( Laudun). Journal d'un Voyage a la Louisiane, fait en 1720. Palis, 1768. 120. W. C. 925. VALLE (Pietro Della). Extracts from his Travels in Persia. Pinkerton, vol. 9. VALPY ( R.). Short Sketch of a Short Trip to Paris, in 1788. Pamphleteer, vol. 3. VALSECCHI ( Padre Antonio). Fondamenti della religione e fonti dell' empieta. Venezia, 1834, 5. 12 vol. 180. VAN ALPHEN. See Alphen (Van). VAN AMRINGE ( W. F.). An Investigation, of the Theories of the natural history of man, of Lawrence, Prichard and others; and an Outline of a new natural history of man, etc. New-York, 1848. 80. VANARSDALEN (Rev. C. C.). Peace Sermon, New-Haven, 1834. Pam. vol. 82. Oration, Alumni of Rutgers College, 1837. See Am. Monthly Mag. vol. 12. VAN BECK. See Beck (A. Van). VANBERcHEM -BERT.IHOUT ( J. P.), et Henri Struve. Principes de Min6ralogie, et exposition succinte des caracte'rcs exterieurs. des fossiles.; d'apres les Lecons du Prof. Werner. Paris, 1794. 80. VAN BRUGH'S Dramatic Works. See Wycherley. VAN BUREN (Martin), President. A Collection. 1 vol. 80. Contents: 1. Speech on the Settlement of Gov. Tompkins's accounts, 1820. 2. Message, on Banks, 1829. 8. Opinions, on Bank., Tariff and. Veto power, 1843. 4. On the Power of Congress to abolish slavery, 1836. 5. Biography of M. Van Buren. 6. The Voice of the People; and the Facts in relation to his rejection by the. Senate, 1832. 7. Letter to the Shoco Springs (N.C.) Committee, 1834.. —--- Speech, Sen. U. S., March, 1826. Pam. vol. 13. B. C. Speech, Sen. U. S., on amendment to rules, 1828. Pam. vol. 13. B. C. Message on Banks, 1829. See Bank U. S. vol. 3..-.- and R. M. Johnson. Biographies. See Period. 4~. vol. 1. 768 NEW-YORK STATE VAN CAPPELE. See Cappele (A. G. Van). VANCOUVER ( George). Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, and round the World, in 1790 - 95. London, 1798. 3 vol. 4o, atlas fol. 4 vol. Voyage de Decouvertes a l' Ocean Pacifique du Nord, et autour du Monde: trad. de l'anglais. Paris, 1799. 3 vol. 4o, atlas fol. 4 vol. W. C. 926. VAN DAM (Rip), esquire, Councillor, N.Y. See Zenger. VANDEN ENDE. Diet. Flamand-Frangais. See Ende (Van den). VANDEN HEUVEL (J. A.). Oration, July 4, 1827, Ogdensburgh, N.Y. Pam. vol. 10. B. C. VANDENHOFF ( G.). The Art of Elocution. 3d ed. New-York, 1847. 120. B. C. VAN DER AA (C.). See Aa (C. Van der). VANDERBURGH (F.), M.D. An Appeal for HIomceopathy. New-York, 1844. Pam. vol. 64. VANDER DONCK. See Donck ( Adrien vander). VAN DER HOEVEN. See Hoeven (A. de A. van der). VANDERKEMP ( F. A.). Oration: Emancipation of the Dutch from French tyranny. Utica, 1814. Pam. vol. 55. B. C. Lof Rede op George Washington, te Oldenbarneveld, New-York. Amsterdam, 1800. Pam. vol. 109. - See Kemp ( Johannes van der). VANDERLYN ( J.). Review of the Biographical Sketch of John Vanderlyn, published by W. Dunlap...... with additional Notices...... by a Friend of the Artist. New-York, 1838. 8o. VAN DER PALM. See Palm ( G. H. van der). VAN DER PYL. See Pyl (R. van der). VANDERPOOL (Aaron). Speeches, H. of R., on Revolutionary claims, 1834; on Kentucky contested election, 1834; on a Viva voce vote, 1835; on Navy Approp. bill, 1836; on Right of slaves to petition, 1837; on the Admission of Michigan, 1837. Pam. vol. 60. - Speech, H. of R. U. S., March 19, 1840. Pam. vol. 36. B. C. VAN DYCK ( L. B.). An Examination of.. Proceedings of Supts. Theol. Semu. of R. D. Ch. New-Brunswick, N. J. Schenectady, 1828. Pam. vol. 14. B. C. VANE ( Gen. Charles William), Marquis of Londonderry. Story of the Peninsular War. New-York, 1848. 120. VAN HALL ( F. A.). See Hall ( F. A. van). VAN KLEECKC (R. B.), D.D. Address, Funeral of H. W. Brinsmade, 1852, Troy. Pam. vol. 88. VAN LEEUWENIOEK. See Leeuwenhoek (Antoni van). VAN LOON. See Loon (Gerard van). GENERAL LIBRARY. 769 VAN NESS ( W. W.). Proceedings of the Committee appointed to inquire into the official conduct of W. W. Van Ness, esq.; with the whole evidence. New-York, 1820. Pam. vol. 8. VANNETTI ( Clementino), Roveretano. Opere Italiane e Latine. Venezia, 1826 - 31. 8 vol..80 VAN NOORT. See Noort ( Olivier van). VAN RENSSELAER ( C.), D.D. Sermon on the Death of Pres. Harrison, 1841. Pamn. vol. 101. - See Home and School, and Presbyterian Magazine..-..- See Man's Feasts; also " One Faith." VAN RENSSELAER ( Jeremiah), M.D. Lectures on Geology, before the New-York Atheneum, in 1825. New-York, 1825. 80. VAN RENSSELAER (Gen. Solomon). Narrative of the Affair of Queenston, in the War of 1812. New-York, 1836. 120. VAN RHIYN. See Rhiyn (A. van). VANS (William). A new edition of his Demand on Stephen Codman, etc. Boston, 1824. 80. VAN SANTVOORD ( Rev. C.). 1, Discourse, Temperance Anniv. Kingston, 1846; 2, Discourse on Daniel Webster, Saugerties, 1852; 3, Discourse, on J. V. L. Overbagh, Saugerties, 1853. 1 vol. 80. Discourse, D. Webster, 1852. Pam. vol. 82. VAN SANTVOORD (George). Life of Algernon Sydney, and Sketches of some of his correspondence. New-York, 1851. 12o. Sketches of the Lives and Judicial Services of the Chief Justices of the S. C. of the U. S. New-York, 1854. 8o. VAN SCHAACK ( Henry C.). Life of Peter Van Schaack; with Selections from his Correspondence and Writings, during the American Revolution and his Exile in England. New-York, 1842. 80. The same. 80. B. C. VAN' SOLINGEN ( Henry M.). Inaug. Diss., on Worms in the human intestines, at Queen's Coil. N.J. New-York, 1792. 80. ~VAN TIELLANDT. See Westreenen ( Van) van Tiellandt. VANUXEM ( Lardner). Geology of New-York, Third District. See NewYork, Nat. Hist. VAN VECHTEN ( Abraham). Speech, N. Y. Assem. Feb. 20, 1811. Pam. vol. 54. B. C. VAN VECHTEN (Jacob). Memoirs of John M. Mason, D.D. New-York, 1856. 80. VAN VECHrTEN (Rev. John). Missionary Sermon, Schenectady, 1822. Pam. vol. 62. VAN VLIERDEN. See Vlierden ( P. van). VAN VLOTEN. See Vloten (A. W. van.). VAN VOORrIES (W.). Oration, Society of California Pioneers. San Francisco, 1853. Pam. vol. 88. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 97 770 NEW-YORK STATE VAN AVosT ( II. C.). Oration on Death of I. White, 1845, Albany. Pam. vol. 83; also Muns. Pam. vol. 1, 10. VAN WAGENEN ( Rev. J. 1H.). Sermon delivered in the R. D. Churches around Poughkeepsie, 1839. Pamn. vol. 82. VARIN (Pierre). Archives administratives et legislatives de la Ville de Reims. See France, Iocts. ined. VARILLAS ( M.). Histoire de Charles VIII. Paris, 1691. 40 VARLE ( Charles). A Complete View of Baltimore, with a Statistical Sketch of its institutions. Baltimore, 1833. 180. VARNHAGEN VON ENSE. Sketches of German Life, and Scenes from the War of Liberation in Germany: trans. from his Memoirs, by Sir A. D. Gordon. London, 1847. 120. VARNUM ( James M.). The Case, Trevett against Weeden..... for refusing paper bills in payment for butcher's meat.... Also, The Case of the judges of the court.... Providence, 1787. Pam. vol. 32. YARNTUM ( Joseph B.) jun. The Seat of Government of the United States; with a Notice of the Smithsonian Institution. New-York, 1848. 80. - The same. 2d ed. Washington, 1854. 8o. VARRO ( M. T.). De Re Rustica. See Scriptores Rei Rustica. VASARI ( Giorgio). Lives of the most eminent Painters, Sculptors and Architects: from the Italian, by Mrs. J. Foster. London, Bohn, 1850 - 52. 5 vol. 12o. VAsco DE LOBEYRA'S Amadis of Gaul. See Amadis. VASCONCELLOS (Antonio). Anacephaleoses; id est, Summa Capita Actorum Regum Lusitanise. Antverpioe, 1621. 40. W. C. 927. VASCONCELLOS (Augustin M. y). Vida y Acciones del Rey Don Juan II. Madrid, 1639. 4o. W. C. 928. Vie et Actions de Don Juan II: trad. de l'espagnol. Paris, 1641. 12h'. W. C.. 929. VATTEMARE (Alexandre). A Collection of Publications connected with his System of International Literary Exchange, bound in 7 vol. 80. Contents: Vol. 1. Movement of the International Literary Exchange between France and North America, 1845, 46. With Instructions for preparing objects of natural history, by AM I. Geoffroy St. Hilaire. Paris, 1846. Vol. 2. 1, Report on the subject of international exchanges; Washington, 1848. 2, Proceedings of the City of Washington; Washington, 1848. 3, Letter from A. Vattemare, 1848: House of Rep. Doc. Vol. 3. Proceedings and Instructions concerning the System of international exchanges: Pub. by the Leg. of Vermont. Burlington, 1848. Vol. 4. Proceedings of a Meeting of Citizens of Albany, 1847. Albany, 1849. Vol. 5. Proceedings of the City of Boston, 1849. Proceedings of the Legislatures of New-Hampshire and Connecticut, 1849 Vol. 6. A Collection of Publications in Europe, connected with the System of international exchanges, 1851, 52; with Vermont Leg. Rep. 1850. Vol. 7. Letter to Hon. Mr. Hamlin, accompanying the metrical system of W. W. Mann; and Reports by Silberman and Durand on weights and measures. Paris, 1853. 8~. GENERAL LIBRARY. 771 - International Literary Exchanges. Pam.- vol. 11..-.. S.e Album Cosmopolite. ------ Catalogue des 1200 Dessins originaux de sa Collection. Paris. 120. VAUGHAN (Daniel). On the Causes of rain. Pam. vol. 79. VAUIGHAN ( Robert ). Age of Great Cities; or Modern Civilization viewed in its relation to intelligence, morals, and religion. 2d ed. London, 1843. 80. --.Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell, and the State of Europe during the early part of the Reign of Louis XIV. London, 1839. 2 vol. 80. - The History of England under the House of Stuart, including the Commonwealth, 1603-88. London, 1840. 2 vol. 80. Lib. of U. K. C. L. 2 copies. VAUGHAN ( William). Memoir of; with Miscellaneous Pieces, relative to docks, commerce, etc. London, 1839. 8). B. C. VAULT (Gen. de). Mtemoires MIilitaires relatifs a la Succession d'Espagne. See France, Docts. in6d. VAUx (Roberts). Discourse, Iist. Soc. of Pennsylvania. See Pain. vol. 8. VAUX ( Thomas). Outlines of a new plan for tilling and fertilizing land. London, 1840. 80. VAUX ( V. S. W.). See Drake's Wol1d encompassed. VEDER ( Aart ). Diss. Juridica Inaug. de antiquissima juris notione. Lugd. Bat. 1832. Pam. vol. 30. B. C. Historia Philosophie Juris apud veteres. Lugd. Batav. 1832. 8o. B.C. VEEGENS (D.). De Geschiedkundige Maatschappij te New-York: Uit den Alg. Konst en Letterbode, 1845. Pam. vol. 44. B. C. VEEr: ( Gerrit De). A True Description of three Voyages by the Northeast towards Cathay and China, in 1594 - 96: ed. by Charles T. Beke. London, Hakluyt Society, 1853. 80. VEGA. See Garcilasso de la Vega. VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY: Philadelphia Society for the Promotion of popular instruction, 1842. 120. VEGETIUS ( F. R.). Artis Veterinarice libri iv. See Script. Rei Rust. VEITIA LINAGE (D. Joseph de). Norte de la Contratacion de las Indias Occidentales. Sevilla, 1672. fol. VELASCO (Juan de). Histoire du Royaume de Quito. See Ternaux, Voy. vol. 18, 17. Lettre sur les Affaires de la Floride. See Ternaux, Voy. vol. 20. VELASQUEZ DE LA (CADENA ( (Mariano). A Pronouncing Dictionary of the Spanish and English languages...... upon the basis of Scoane's ed. of Neuman and Baretti. New-York, 1.852. 80. VELLEUS ( Gregorius). Ad Pamphilum Centinum... de gratia universali judicium. Lugduni, 1619. 180. See Wescombe, Fab. Pont. 772 NEW-YORK STATE VELPEArU (Prof.). Now Elements of Operative Surgery: trans. from the French, by P. S. Townsend, M.D.; with Notes.... by Valentine Mott, M.D. New-York, 1847, 51. 3 vol. 80, plates 40. 4 vol. VENEGAS ( Miguel ). A Natural and Civil History of California: trans. from the Spanish. London, 1759. 2 vol. 80. VENEZUELA. Acte cl'Independance, Manifeste, Constitution de la Republique Federale de Venezuela. Paris, 1817. 8o. W. C. 930. Interesting Official Documents relating to the United Provinces of Venezuela. Iz Spanish and English. London, 1812. 80. W. C. 931. VENICE. Descrizione istorica dell'estrazione della pubblica nave Ia Fenice dal canale Spignon, in cui giacque circa tre anni totalmente sommersa.... Venezia, 1789. 4. VENTURE DE PARADIS ( J. M5.). Grammaire et Dictionnaire abre6gs de la langue berbere...... revus par A. Jaubert. Paris, 1844. 40. See Recueil de la Soc. G6og. vol. 7. VERARDUS ( Carolus). Historia Beetica: Expugnatio Regni Granatre A Catholico Rege Hispaniaruim Ferdinando. Basileve, 1533. fol. See Robertus Monachus..VEREENIGING ter Bevoordering der Oude Nederlandsche Letterkunde: Werken uitgegeven door de. Leiden, 1844 - 48. 5 vol. 80. Contents: 1. Der Leken Spieghel: Erste, tweede, derde, vierde boek. 2. Woordenlist en Inleiding. 3. Jacob van Maerlant: Dboec van den Houte; Sinte Franciscus. Leven; Inleiding. etc.: Karel de Groote. 4. Der Minnen Loep: Erste, tweede, derde en vierde boek. 5. Roman van NWalewein, erste en tweede boek: Verslagen en Berigten. VERGENNES ( M. de). M6moire Historique et Politique sur la Louisianc. Paris, 1802. 8o. W. C. 944. VERGILIUS (Polydorus). See Polydorus. V~RICOUR ( L. Raymond de). Modern French Literature; revised by W. Staughton Chase. Boston, 1848. 120. VERLOREN ( Den) Londaar gezogt en gezaligt. With, De waare Rust voor een vermoeyde Ziele. 180. B. C. VERMILYE ( Thomas E.), D.D. Sermons: 1, On the Death of S. Van Rensselaer, 1839; 2, On the Death of Mrs. Van Rensselaer, 1844; 3, On the Dedication of 3d Dutch Church, Albany, 1838; 4, On Inauguration of Prof. Van Vranken, 1842. 1 vol. 80. ~ - Discourse, on Death of Mrs. C. Van Rensselaer, at Albany, 1844. Serm. vol. 5. B. C. ---- Introd. Lect. Y. M. Assoc. Albany, 1837. Pam. vol. 26. B. C. Also Muns. Pam. vol. 6. VERMONT: Report of a Com. of Legislature, in favor of a Bureau of Agriculture at Washington, 1849. Pam. vol. 52. Geological Survey: 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th Reports on the geology of Vermont, by (J. B. Adams. Burlington, 1845 - 48. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 773......_ - The same: 1st, 2d Reports, 1845, 46. Burlington. 80. State Library: Catalongue. Montpelier, 1850. 80. Superintendent of common schools: Reports, 1846-49. 1 vol. 80. Report, 1850. Pam. vol. 70. VERMONT ACADEMY of MEDICINE. See Pam. vol. 155, 156. VERMONT and MAss. RAILROAD COMPANY: Report, 1849. Pam. vol. 53. VERMONT CENTRAL R. R. COMP.: Reports, 1846, 48, 50, 51, 53, 54. Pam. vol. 151, 152. VER3IONT CONTROVERSY. Two tracts: one, "The Present State of the controversy"; the other, by Ethan Allen. 1780. 1 vol. 8l. VERMlONT CONVENTION of Fruit-growers: Proceedings, 1848. Pam. vol. 52. - Proceedings, 1850. Pam. vol. 92. VERIMONT DIRECTORY, and Rules of the Senate and House of Representatives, 1847-49. Montpelier. 120. VERMONT HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY: Proceedings 1850. Pam, vol. 69. VERMTONT REGISTER. See Walton ( E. P.). VERMONT UNIVERSITY. See Univ. of Vermont. VERNON GALLERY. A Catalogue of the Vernon Gallery of Paintings, by British Artists, etc.: by S. C. Hall. London. 120. VERPLANCK ( Gulian C.). Oration, July 4, 1809, Washington Benevolent Society. New-York, 1809. 8o. Discourse, N. Y. Hist. Soc. 1818. New-York, 1818. 80.....- The same. 2d ed. New-York, 1821. Pam. vol 5. Essays on the Nature and uses of the various evidences of revealed religion. New-York, 1824. 80. B. C. Address, Am. Acad. of Fine Arts. New-York, 1824. Pam. vol. 6. B. C.; also Pain. vol. 5. Address before the Societies of Columbia College. New-York, 1830. 80. Letter to Colonel W. Drayton, in assertion of the constitutional power of Congress to impose protecting duties. New-York, 1831. Pam. vol. 21. B. C. Report on Bank U. S. 1833. See Bank U. S. vol. 2. - Discourse and Addresses on subjects of American history, arts and literature. New-York, 1833. 120. B. C. The same; with Address on the influence of moral causes, etc. Amherst College, Mass. 1834. 1 vol. 120. --- The same; the last title. Amherst, 1834. Pam. vol. 25. B. C. The Right Moral Influence and use of liberal studies: A Discourse. Geneva College, 1833. New-York, 1833. 80. 774 NEW-YORK STATE The same. 80. B. C..-.- See Shakspeare (William). VERPLANCK (Johnson). See Bucktail Bards. VERRI ( Alessandro). Le Notti Romane al Sepolcro degli Scipioni. Venezia, 1819. 2 vol. 180~. VERSLUYS (C. P.). Essai sur la construction des Egouts, sous le rapport de l'utilit6 et de la salubrit6 publiques. Bruxelles, 1850. 80. VERTHEMA. Travels to the East Indies. Kerr, Voy. vol. 7. VERTOOGH van Nieu-Nederland, werghens de Gheleghentheydt, Vruchtbaerheydt, en Soberen staet desselfs. Graven-TIage, 1650. sin. 4o. ---- The Representation of New-Netherland, concerning its location, productiveness and poor condition, 1650: trans. from the Dutch, with Notes, by H. C. Murphy. New-York, 1849. 8'. VERTOOGII ( Een) van de considerable Colonie by de ed. gr. nmog.:Ieeren Staten van Hollandt ende West-Vrieslandt, uytgeset op de vaste Kust van America. Gravenhage, 1676. snm. 40. VERTOOGH. See Wsellinx, and West-Indische Comnpagnie. VIERTOT ( Abbe R. A.). Histoire des Revolutions arrivees dans le Gouvernement de la R6publique Romaine. Paris, 1806. 4 vol. 18(. B. C. The same, in Dutch. Utrecht, 1721. 2 vol. 180. VESPUCCI (Amerigo). Navigations. See Kerr, Voy. vol. 3; Grynvmus, Novus Orbis. VESTIGES of CIVILIZATION; or the iEtiology of History, etc. NewYork, 1851. 12o. VESTIGES of CREATION. 5th ed. London, 1846. 120. Sequel. See Explanations. VETHAKE ( Henry), LL.D. Principles of Political Economy. Philadelphia, 1838. 8o. B. C. Principles of Political Economy. Philadelphia, 1838. 80. VETUISTA MONUMENTA. See Society of Antiq. London. VIAUD ( Pietro). Strane Avventure avvennute in un Viaggio Maritimo. Biella, 1784. 12'. W. C. 935. VICARS ( John). England's Worthies, under whom all the civill and bloudy warres, since anno 1642 to anno 1647, are related. 1647. Reprinted, London, 1845. 12o. VICTORIA ( Queen), and Louis Philippe.: Private Letters on Political and domestic subjects: discovered at the Tuileries, Feb. 1848. London, 1848. 18o. VIDE ( V. V.). American Tableaux. No. 1: Sketches of aboriginal life. New-York, 1846. 120. VIDOCQ. Memoirs of Vidocq, as a convict, spy and agent of the French Police: by himself. London. 180. VIENNA IMPERIAL LIBRARY: Catalogus Codicum Manuscriptorum Bibliothece Palatinm Vindobonensis. Pars 2: Codices Hebraici, digesserunt Albertus Krafft et Simeon Deutsch. Vindobone, 1847. 4o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 775 VIEUSSEnUX (M.). History of Switzerland. See Lib. U. K. VIEVARD (J. A.). La Verit6 sur l'Angleterre. Londres, 1817. 2 vol. in 1. 80. VIEW ( Compleat ) of the Present Politics of Great Britain, by a German Nobleman, 1743. Pam. vol. 123. VIEW of the Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies, including a mode of determining the present disputes finally and effectually, in a letter.... By A. W. Farmer, Bishop Seabury? New-York, printed: London, reprinted 1775. Pain. vol. 1.17. VIEW of the Evidence relative to the Conduct of the American War, under Sir William Howe, Lord Viscount Iowe, and General Burgoyne, as given before a Committee of the House of Commons, etc. 2d ed. London, 1779. 8". TIEW of the Fine Arts. See Huntington ( D.). VIEW (Short ) of the Political State of Great Britain in 1787. Philadelphia, 1787. Pam. vol. 30. VIEW ( A Brief ) of the Policy and Resources of the United States... Philadelphia, 1810. Pam. vol. 1. B. C. VIEW of the N.Y. State Prison in the City of New-York: by a Member of the Institution. New-York, 1815. 8o. VIEW of the circulating medium of the Bank of England, with the profits derived from the bank restrictive acts. London, 1821. 80. VIEW (A) of South America and Mexico; comprising.. Guatemala, Columbia, Peru... New-York, 1826. 2 vol. in 1. 120. B. C. VIEW of the Valley of the Mississippi; or the Emigrant's and Traveller's Guide to the West.... By R. B. Philadelphia, 1832. 120. VIEW (A Connected ) of the whole internal navigation of the United States; with maps. Philadelphia, 1826. 80. W. C. 507. VIEYRA (Anthony). Dictionary of the Portuguese and English languages: ed. by A. J. Da Cunha. London, 1840. 2 vol. 80. VIGNAL (M.). Coup-d'ceil sur Cayenne, en 1822. Paris, 1823. 12o. WV. C. 936. VIGNY ( Count de). Lights and Shades of Military life: ed. by Lieut. Gen. Sir C. J. Napier. See Napier. VIGNE ( G. T.). Six Months in America. Philadelphia, 1833. 180. - Personal Narrative of a Visit to Ghuzni, Kabul, and Afghanistan. London, 1840. So. VIGNE ( J. B.). Traite de la Morte apparente. Paris, 1841. 80. VIGNOLES (Charles). Observations on the Floridas. New-York, 1823. 80. W. C. 937. VIGO ( Joannes de). Opera... in chyrurgia: Additur Chyrurgia Mariani s. Barolitani. Lugduni, 1521. 40. See Haly Filius Abbas. VIJVER ( C. Van der). Chrestomathie; ou Recueil de litterature, en prose et en vers. Amsterdam, 1826. 18o0.B. C. 776 NEW-YORK STATE VILLAGUTIERRE SOTOMAYOR ( D. Juan de). Historia de la Conquista de la Provincia de el Itza; Reduccion y progresses de la de el Lacandon y otras naciones de Indios barbaros, etc., en la America septentrional. Primera parte. Madrid, 1701. fol. VILLARDI (Francesco). Varie Operette. Padova, 1832. 80. VILLE. See La Ville. VILLE ( Le Marquis). Voyages et Siege de Candie. See Du Cros. VILLE (L.). Recherches sur les roches, les eaux, et les gites mineraux des provinces d'Oran et d'Alger. Paris, 1852. 4o. VILLEDIEU ( M. De). Les Exilez de la Cour d'Auguste. Amsterdam, 1695. 180. VILLEFOSSE. See I6eron de Villefosse. VILLEMAIN (Abel F.). Souvenirs contemporains d'histoire et de litterature. 3me ed. Paris, 1855. 2 vol. 8~. VILLENEUVE (M. de). Traite Complet de la culture du tabac. Paris, 1791. 8'. W. C. 939. VILLIERS ( L'Abbe de). L'Art de precher a un abbe. 17me 6d. 1.692. 180. VIMIONT ( Barth6lemny). Relation de ce qui s'est passe.. en la NouvelleFrance, en 1642. Paris, 1643. 120. W. C. 940. VINCENT ( William). Commerce and Navigation of the Ancients in the Indian Ocean. London, 1807. 2 vol. 4~. VINDICATION of a Pamphlet entitled, The Case of the Hanover Troops considered: London, 1749. With A Farther Vindication of the Case of the Hanover troops: London, 1743. Pam. vol. 132. VINDICATION of the President's Nomination of a new Embassy to France, 1799. Pam. vol. 31. VINDICATION ( A) of the Cherokee claims, at meeting in Philadelphia, 1830. Paim. vol. 15. B. C. VINDICATION of Friends from " Quakerism, or the Story of my Life." Philadelphia, 1852. Pam. vol. 76. VINDICATION (A) of the Four Laymen who requested the three bishops to present charges against Bp. Doane. Trenton, 1853. Pam. vol. 96. VINDICIARUAI Pars prima: Adversus Andrein Libavii exercitationem de hxreticis proedestinatianis..... Basileae, 1615. 180. Bound with Wescombe, Fab. Pont. VINTON (A. H.), D.D. Election Sermon, Boston, 1848. Pam. vol. 78. Sermon, St. Paul's Church. Boston, 1853. Pam. vol. 93. VINTON (S. F.). Speech, H. of R. U. S., on the Admission of Iowa and Florida, 1845. Pam. vol. 60. Speech, H. of R. U.S., The Loan bill, 1848. PamT. vol. 46. B.C. VIRGILIUS (P. Maro). Opera. Paris, 1703. 180. B. C. Opera: Ad Usum Delphini, juxta editionem novissimam parisiensem, A.D. 1722. Londini, 1759. 80. B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 777...- Varietate Lectionis, et perpetua adnotatione illustratus ia C. G. ileyne. 3d ed. Lipsire, 1803. 4 vol. 80. The Works of Virgil translated into English prose.... with the Latin text.. by Davidson. New-York, 1823. 2 vol. 80. B. C. Works, literally translated into English prose, with Notes by Davidson: ed. by T. A. Buckley. London, 1850. 120. -- a and Voltaire. The Fourth Book of Virgil's ZEneid, and the Ninth Book of Voltaire's Henriad: trans. into English verse. Paris, 1804. 8~. B. C. P. Virgilius Maroos Wercken, vertaelt door J. van Vondel. 4th ed. Amsterdam, 1659. 180. VIRGIL, Cortland Co. N.Y. Festive Gathering, 1853. Cortland, 1855. 8o. VIRGINIA. See Declaration of the State of, 1620. -Case of the Planters of Tobacco, as represented by the Pres. of the Council.. with A Vindication of the said representation. London, 1733. 12~. See also Reply. - GEOLOGICAL SURVEY: Report of the Geological Reconnoissance of the State of Virginia; made under the appointment of the Board of Public Works, by W. B. Rogers. Philadelphia, 1836. 8. _ _ -- Report of the Progress of the Geological Survey of the State of Virginia, for the year 1836, by W. B. Rogers. Philadelphia, 1838. 80. Report of the Progress of the Geological Survey of the State for 1838, by W. B. Rogers. 4o. Report of the same, by the same, for 1840, 41. Richmond. 1841. 2 vol. 80 School Commissioners: Laws relating to, 1842. Pam. vol. 191. ____- _ Western Lunatic Asylum: 15th to 24th Annual Reports, 1842 - 51. Staunton. 80.. Eastern Lunatic Asylum: Report, 1852. See Pam. vol. 166. VIRGINIA AND NORTH-CAROLINA ALMANAC, for 1802. Petersburg, 1802. 12o. VIRGINIA and TENNESSEE R.R. COMP.: Rep. 1849. Pamn. vol. 152. VIRGINIA HIST. and PHIL. SOC. See Robinson (Conway). VIRGINIA HISTORICAL REGISTER and LITERARY ADVERTISER; called also Virginia H. R. and Literary Companion. Vol. 1 - 6. Richmond, Va. 1848- 53. 6 vol. 80. VIRGINIA REPOSITORY and ANNUAL REGISTER. Petersburg, 1802. 180. VISCHER'S Translation of "British Empire in America": Oldmnixon's. See British Empire, etc. VISCONTI ( Ennius Quirinus). (Euvres: Muse Pie-Clementin. Milan, 1818. 7 vol. With Monumens du Mus6e Chiaramonti, I vol. Milan, 1822. 8 vol. 80. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 98 778 NEW-YORK STATE VIsCoNTI (Philippe Aurele). Monumens du MIus6e Chiaramonti d6crits et expliqu6s. See Visconti (E. Q.). VISITA (Una) alla Certosa presso Pavia. Milano, 1836.180. VITALIS ( Ordericns). The Ecclesiastical History of England and Normandy: trans. by T. Forester. London, Bohn, 1853, 54. 3 vol. 120~. VITRI ( Urbain). Le Vignole de poche; ou Memorial des artistes, des proprietaires oet des ouvriers. Paris, 1840. ]VWith his ]Dictionnaire d'Arclhitecture civile. Paris, 1840. 18'. 54 plates. VITRIOLI ( Didacus). Xiphias, Carmen, in Consessu Pub. Class. Tert. Instit. Reg. BeClg. 1745. Amnstelodamti. 8t. VITRUVIUS POLLIO. L'Architettura di M. Vitruvio Pollione, colla traduzione e comento del Marchese 13. Galiani. Napoli, 1758. fol. VITTORELLI ( Jacopo). Opere edite e postunie. Bassano, 1841. 2 vol. 80. VIVIEN ( M.). Le Pr6fet de Police. Paris, 1845. 8o. VLIERDEN ( Rev. Petrus van). Lyk-reden op Wylen don weleerwaardigen zeer geleerden Heer Johannes Schuneman: uitgesproken in de Kerk van Catskill, den 25 Mai 1794, voor zyne verenigde gemeenten van Kaatskill en Kogzacki. Mackay, Croswell d Co. 1794. 180. VLOTEN ( V. A. van). De Bybel. See Bible. VOCAL COMPANION and MASONiC REGISTER. Boston, 1802. 12'. W. C. 616. VOETIUS ( G.). Practijke ofte Oeffeninge der Godtsaligheyd: Uyt do Engelsche overgeset door. 1650(?). 18o. B. C. VOICE OF THE PEOPLE: A Collection of Addresses to his Majesty, and Instructions to Members of Parliament, by their Constituents, upon the unsuccessful management of the present war, both at land and sea; and the establishment of a national militia. London, 1756. pp. 56. Pam. vol. 136. VOICE (The) OF THE PEOPLE, no Voice of God..... by F. A., D.D. London, 1710. Pam. vol. 138. VOIRON (M.). Itistoire de l'Astronomie depuis 1.781 jusqu'at 1811: Suite a l'Histoire de l'Astronomie de Bailly. See Bailly. VOLKIAtN ( D. J.). Hedendaagsche Historic van, en Reisboek door Italien. Amsterdam, 1779. 6 vol. 80. VOLKS-LEIDJENS: Uitgeven door de Maatsch., Tot nut van't algemeen. Amsterdam, 1790 - 93. 2. vol. in 1. 18. VOLNEY ( C. F.). Travels through Syria and Egypt, in 17.83 - 85: trans. from the French. 2d ed. London, 1788. 2 vol. 80. _-_ ~Les Ruines; ou Meditations sur les R6volutions des Empires. 2"" ed. Paris, 1792..8. B. C. - The Ruins; or a Survey of the Revolutions of Empires. NewYork, 1796. 120. Lectures on History at the Normal School, Paris. Philadelphia, 1801. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 779 Tableau du Climat et du Sol des R]tats-Unis d'Amdrique. Paris, 1803. 2 vol. in 1. 4o. W. C. 942. View of the Soil and Clinmate of the United States of America: from the French. London, }1804. 80., —- The same; with...... Remarks by C. B. Brown. Philadelphia, 1804. 80. VOLTAIRE (F. M. Arouet de). (Euvres Complutes. With his life by Condoreet. Paris, 1785 - 89. Soc. Litt. Typog. 70 vol., and Table analytique et raisonnde des matires contenues dans ]es soixante-dix volumes, par le C-n Chantreau. 2 vol. Paris, 1801. 72 vol So. - Cuvres Completes. Paris, 1820 -26. 70 vol. 8o. B. C. The Philosophical Dictionary: with a Lifo of the author. London, 1819. 2 vol. in 1. 120. B. C. Alzire, ou les Americains: Tragedie. See Poomes sur l'Am6rique. W. C. 750. Historical Memoirs of the Author of Henriad; with some original pieces and letters. London, 1777. 8o. B. C. - enriad in English. See Virgil, VONDEL ( Jost vanden). Poezy of Verseheide gedichten.... Francker, 1682. 2 vol. 4o. - XI Trearspelen. Amsterdam, 1660 - 62. 18o. Palamedes Treur-Spel: Amersfoort, 1707. With Hekeldigten met Aanteekeningen: Amersfoort, 1707; and Portraits of Grotius, C. DeWitt and J. DeWitt. 180. - Translations. See Virgil, Ovid. VOYAGE' la Mer du Sud, fait par quelques o-ficiers -du Vaisseau le Wager; trad. de l'anglois. Lyon, 1756. 12o. W. C. 946. VOYAGE au Kentoukey, et sur les Bords du Genesee.... par M.... Paris, 1821. So. W. C. 580. With a Map of the Genesee Country. VOYAGE D'AM3RIQUE: Dialogue en Vers, entre l'Auteur et l'Abbe 6. Paris, 1786. 120. W. C. 26. VOYAGE ( The) of the Jamestown, on her Errand of Mercy to Ireland. Boston, 1847. 80. VOYAGE (New) to Georgia, by a young gentleman. 2d ed. London, 1737. 120. VOYAGES aux Cotes de Guin6e, et en Amerique: par M. N. Amsterdam, 1719. 12. W. C. 944. - The same. 1719. 12o. VOYAGES round the World, from the Death of Captain Cook to the present time. Edin. Cab. Lib. vol. 34. VRIES (A. de). Bewijsgronden der Duitschers voor hunne aanspraak op de uitvinding der boekdrukkunst; of Beoordeeling van het werk van A. E. Umbreit, die Erfindung der buchdruckerkunst. Gravenhage, 1844. 80. 780 NEW-YORK STATE Brief....aan A. D. Schinkel over Guichard's Notice sur le Speculum hum ane salvationis: met drie bijlagen tot staving der naauwkeurigheid van het verhaal van Junius, wegens de uitvinding der boekdrukkunst en ter wederlegging der meening: dat Coster Koster zou geweest ziju. Gravenhage, 1841. 80. VRIES (David Peterson de). Voyages from Holland to America, 1632 - 44: trans. by H. C. Murphy. New-York, 1853. 4o. VRIES (Jeronirno de). Proeve eener Gesehiedenis der Nederduitsche Dichtkunde. Amsterdam, 1808. 2 vol. 80. B. C. VRIES ( S. De). Aenmercklycke Reysen naeen door Oost-Indien: gedaen van Christophorus Frikius, Elias Hesse, Christ. Schweitzer, van't yaer 1675 tot 1686. Utrecht, 1694. 4o. VRIESE ( W. H. de). Het Gezag van Kaempfer, Thunberg, Linnous en anderen, omtrent den botanischen oorsprong van den steranijs des handels. 1836. 80. - Hortus Spaarn-Bergensis: Enumeratio Stirpium quas, in Villa Spaarn-Berg, prope Harlemuln, olit Adr. van der Hoop. Amsterdam, 1.839. 80. B. C. VROLIK (G.). Waarnemingen en Proeven over de Onlangs geheerscht hebbende ziekte der aardappelen, 1845. With, Nader Waarnemingen en Proeven. Amsterdam, 1846. 80. VUES sur l'Enseignement de la Philosophie. Paris, 1818. 80. W. WAAGEN (Dr.). Treasures of Art in Great Britain; being an Account of the chief collections of paintings, sculptures, etc. London, 1854. 3 vol. 80. WADDINGTON ( ReV. George). History of the Church. See Lib. U. K. WADE'S PANORAMA of Hudson River, from New-York to Albany. NewYork and Philadelphia, 1845. 180. WADE ( John). British History, chronologically arranged; comprehending a classified analysis of events and occurrences in church and state. London, 1839. 8O. B. C. The same. London, 1841. 8O. WADE (Robert R.). See New-England Fam. Mag. WADSTROM ( C. B.). An Essay on Colonization, particularly applied to the Western Coast of Africa. London, 1794. 40. WAFER ( Lionel). Voyage and Description of the Isthmus of America. London, 1699. 120. Voyage, contenant une Description de 1'Isthme de l'Am6rique: trad. de l'anglois par M. de Montirat. Paris, 1706. 12~. W. C. 950. Journey over Isthmus of Darien. Coll. of Voy. vol. 2. WAGENAAR (Jan). Vaderlandsche Historic; vervattende de Geschiedenissen der nu Vereenigde Nederlanden, inzonderheid die van Holland.... 800 - 1751, Amsterdam, 1749 - 59. 21 vol. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 781.-..- The same. Amsterdam, 1749 - 59. 21 vol. B. C.. —-.- The same continued, 1752 - 67. Amsterdam, 1789, 90. 2 vol. 80. * —--- Amsterdam in zyne opkomst, aanwas, geschiedenissen, voorregten, koophandel, gebowen, kerkenstaat, schoolen, schutterye, gilden en regeeringe, beschreeven. Amsterdam, 1760 - 88. 6 vol. fol. B. C........ The same. Amsterdam, 1760 - 67. 3 vol. fol. - Byvoegsels en Aanmerkingen voor het eerste deel der Vaderlandsche Historic van: Door Mr. H. Van Wyn, Mr. N. C. Laiubrechtsen, Mr. Ant. Martini, E. M. Engelberts en anderen. Amsterdam, 1790, 95. 8 vol. in 4. 80. B. C. WAGENER. Voyage to China. Churchill, vol. 2. WAGER (D.). Speech in Sen., on Commercial Bank, 1836. Pam. vol. 67. WAGNER (A.). Andeutungen zur Charakteristik des organischen lebens, naeh seinem austreten in den verschiedenen erdperioden. Miinchen, 1845. See Bav. Acad. Miem. vol. 1. WAGNER (Dr. Moritz). On Algeria. See Pulszky (F.). and others. On the Progress of Zoology in 1842 - 44. See Ray Society. WAGSTAFF (Simon). A Complete Collection of genteel and ingenious conversation. London, 1738. 80. WAIKNA; or Adventures on the Mosquito Shore: by Samuel A. Bard. New-York, 1855. 120. WAINRIGHT ( Jonathan M.), D.D. Bp. Controversy between Rev. Drs. Wainright and Potts: " There cannot be a Church without a Bishop." New-York, 1844. Pam. vol. 72. Sermon on Death of J. H. Hobart. See Hobart's Sermon, Inst. of Whitehouse. WAKE (W.), Archbp. See Apostolical Fathers. WAKEFIELD ( E. G.). England and America: A Comparison of the social and political state of both nations. New-York, 1834. 80. B. C. WAKEFIELD (Gilbert). New Testament, trans. See Bible. WAKELY (Charles). Trial for a Rape on Mfrs. R. Fay. New-York, 1810. Pam. vol. 7. B. C. WAL ( G. De). Prijsverhandeling over bet bestaan, den aard, en de behandeling van het natuurregt, bekroond door de derde classe van het k. Nederlandsche Instituut. Amsterdam, 1833. 4o. WALCOT (James). The New Pilgrim's Progress, or the Pious Indian Convert: Account of Hattain Gelashmin, an Indian. London, 1748. 120. WALDEGRAAE ( James, Earl of ). Memoirs, from 1754 to 1758. London, 1821. 4o. WALDO (S. Putnam). See Rural Magazine.. —... Memoirs of General Andrew Jackson. 5th ed. Hartford, 1820. 120. W. C. 951. 782 N EW-YORK STATE --- SThe Life of Stephen Decatur, late Commodore U. S. N. 2d ed. Middletown, Conn. 1821. 120. - Biographical Sketches of.... Comm. N. Biddle, J. Paul Jones, E. Preble and A. Murray. Hartford, 1823. 80. WALHALLA. See Muller. WALIKENIER (Petrus).'t Verwerd Europa; ofte Politijke en Historische beschryvinge der waare fundamenten...... van de Oorlogen.... in Europa. Amsterdam, 1675. 3 vol. in 1. 4~. WALKER ( Mr.). Colombia; being a Geographical, statistical, agricultural, commercial and political account of that country. London, 1822. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 953. WALKER ( Alexander). Jackson and New Orleans.... Achievements of the American armly, 1814, 15. New-York, 1856. 12o. WALKER (Alex.). The Nervous System, anatomical and physiological. London, 1834. 8o. WALKER ( C. V.). See Electrical Magazine, vol. 1. WIALKER (Clement). The Compleat History of Independency upon the Parliament, begun 1640; continued till this present year 1660. Fozur parts. London, 1661. 40. WALKER (E.). The Art of Book-binding; its Rise and Progress, including a descriptive account of the New- York Bookbindery. 1850. 80. WALKER ( Sir Hovenden). Journal; or Full Account of the late Expedition to Canada. London, 1720. 8o. W. C. 952. WALKER (Rev. Jason F.). Funeral Sermon of Frances E. Stowe of Hampton, N.Y. 1853. Pam. vol. 95. WALKER ( John). The Academic Speaker. London, 1789. 120. B. C. A Key to the Classical Pronunciation of Greek, Latin and Scripture proper names. London, 1804. 80. B. C. A Critical Pronouncing Dictionary and Exposition of the English Language. New-York, 1807. 80. B. C. The same. Philadelphia, 1818. 80. A Rhyming, Spelling and Pronouncing Dictionary of the English language. Philadelphia, 1852. 8). Elements of Elocution. Boston, 1810. 81). B. C. iRhetorical Grammar; with a Complete Analysis of the Voice. 2d Am. ed. Boston, 1822. 8). WALKER ( R. J.). Speech, Sen. U. S., on the Courts of the U. S. 1842. Pam. vol. 60. WALKER (Sears C.). Researches concerning the Meteors of August and November. Am. Phil. Soc. Trans. N. S. vol. 8. -- - Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey, on an application of the galvanic circuit to an astronomical clock and telegraph register, in determining local differences of longitude. Washington. 80. - The Planet Neptune. See Smithson. Contr. vol. 2, 3. GENERAL LIBRARY. 783 WALKER ( Timothy). Oration, Phi Beta Kappa Society of Harvard Univ. 1850. Boston, 1850. 80. Also Pam. vol. 71. WALKER ( William J.), M.D. An Essay on the treatment of compound and complicated fractures Address before the Mass. Med. Soc. 1845. London, 1.845. 80. WALL ( G. D.). Speech, U. S. Senate, on Right of petition, 1836. Pam. vol. 28. B. C.; also Pam. vol. 60. WALL-STREET BEAR IN EUROPE; with his familiar foreign journal: by T. Q. New-York, 1855. 120. WALLACE (Alfred R.). Narrative of Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro. London, 1853. 80o. WALLACE (Cranmore). A Geography of New-Hamnpshire. Boston, 1829. 180. WALLACE ( E. J.). The Oregon Question. See Pain. vol. 180. WALLACE ( Horace B.). Art, Scenery, and Philosophy in Europe. Philadelphia, 1855. 120o. WALLER (Jocelyn). Notes biographiques. Qu6bec, 1831. Pain. vol. 76. WALLIS (John). Grammatica Lingurx Anglicanre. Editio sec. Oxonire, 1664. 180. - - he same. Londini, 1765. 8 WALLIS ( Capt. Samuel). Voyage round the World. Kerr, vol. 12. WALLIS (S. T.). Glimpses of Spain, or Notes of an unfinished tour in 1847. New-York, 1849. 12~. WALPOLE'S Grant on the Ohio. See Great Britain, Report, etc. WAL]POLE ( B. C.). Recollections of the Life of Charles James Fox; with the Character of Mr. Fox, by R. B. Sheridan. New-York, 1807. 12o. B.C. WALPOLE ( Lieut. Hon. Fred.), R.N. Four Years in the Pacific, in H. M.'s Ship Collingwood, 1844 - 48. London, 1850. 2 vol. 8'. WALPOLE ( Horace), Earl of Orford. Works: Edited by Miss Burney. London, 1798. 5 vol. 40. Contents: Vol. 1. Fugitive Pieces; Royal and Noble Authors. - 2. Castle of Otranto; Historic Doubts; Strawberry hill, etc. - 3. Anecdotes of Painting. - 4. Engravers; Chatterton; Miscellaneous Verses. - 5. Letters to Conway, Gray, Bentley, Earl of Strafford, Mrs. II. More, and Lady Hervey. - Letters; including numerous letters now first published from the original manuscripts, 1735 - 97. London, 1840. 6 vol. 80. - The same. Philadelphia, 1842. 4 vol. 8). B. C(J. Letters to Sir Horace Mann: ed. by lord Dover. 2d ed. London, 1833. 3 vol. 8o. The same: Concluding series. London, 1843 - 44. 4 vol. 80. - Letters to the Countess of Ossory, 1769 - 97: edited by the Rt, Hon. R. Vernon Smith. London, 1848. 2 vol. 8~. 784 NEW-YORK STATE Correspondence of II. Walpole and Rev. William Mason: edited by Rev. J. Mitford. London, 1851. 2 vol. 80. - Memoirs of the Reign of George the Second: Ed. with a preface and notes, by the late Lord Holland. London, 1846, 47. 3 vol. 8o. Vol. 3 is 2d ed. revised. - Memoirs of the Reign of King George the Third: Edited, with Notes, by Sir Dennis Le Marchant. London, 1845. 4 vol. 80. The Interest of Great Britain steadily pursued: In Answer to a pamphlet entitled, The Case of the Hanover Forces impartially and freely examined. London, 1743. Pam. vol. 132. ------- Sale Catalogue of the Classic Contents of Strawberry-hill, collected by him, London, 1842. 4o. WATJPOLE ( Sir Robert). Critical History of his Administration: by a Gentleman of the Middle Temple. London, 1743. 80. Rapport du Comite secret nomme par la Chambre Basse du Parlement de la Grande-Bretagne, etc. Amsterdam, 1715. 80. W. C. 954. WVALRAS (Auguste). De la Nature de la Richesse, et de l'origine de la valeur. Paris, 1831. 8o. WALSH ( Sir John). Chapters of contemporary history. 2d ed. London, 1836. S. WALSH ( Michael). A New System of Mercantile Arithmetic, adapted to the Commerce of the United States. From 3d Newburyport edition. Northampton, Ms. 1807. 12o. WALSH ( Rev. Robert). History of Dublin. See Whitelaw. WALSH ( Rev. R.). Notices of Brazil in 1828 and 1829. Boston, 1831. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 955. WALSH (Robert). A Letter on the Genius and Disposition of the French Government. Baltimore, 1810. 80. Correspondence with Robert G. Harper, respecting Russia. Pam. vol. 9. Appeal from the Judgments of Great Britain, respecting the U. States of America. 2d ed. London, 1820. 80. - Didactics, social, literary and political. Philadelphia, 1836. 2 vol. 120. B. C. See American Review; also American Register, American Quarterly Review, and National Recorder. WALTER ( Cornelia). See Greenwood Cemetery. WSALTER (F. A.). See Niebuhr, translation of. WALTER (George). History of Kanzas. New-York, 1854. 120. WALTER ( Richard ). See Anson's Voyages, compilation by. WALTER (Thomas). Flora Caroliniana. London, 1788. 80. W. C. 956. WALTON'S VERMONT REGISTER and FARMER'S ALMANAC: Edited successively by Swift, Walton and Z. Thompson, 1806 - 46; wanting 1807, 9, 10, 11, 14, 24. Middlebury, Burlington, afterwards Montpelier. In 12 vol. 18~. GENERAL LIBRARY. 785 WALTON (Izaak). Complete Angler. And Charles Cotton, Instructions how to angle for a trout, etc.; with notes and bibliographical preface, by the American editor. New-York, 1847. 12o. - The Lives of Dr. Donne, Sir Henry AWotton, Mr. R. Hooker, Mr. G. Herbert and Dr. R. Sanderson; with Account of the author, by T. Zouch, D.D. New-York, 1848. 129. WALTON ( William) jun. Present State of the Spanish Colonies. London, 1810. 2 vol. 80. - On the Dissensions of Spanish America. London, 1814. W. C. 957. WANDELAINCOURT (1 1.). Manuel des Jeunes Physiciens, ou Nouvelle Physique l16mentaire. Verdun, 1778. 10o. B. C. WANOSTROCHT ( N.), LL.D. Grammar of the French Language, with practical exercises. Boston, 1819. 12o. B. C. Recuil Choisi de Traits historiqucs et de Contes moraux. NewYork, 1820. 12o. B1. C. TWANSEY ( Henry). Journal of an Excursion to the United States, in 1794. Salisbury, 1796. WV. C. 958. WTAR in disguise. See Stephen ( J.). WVAR ( The) in India. Dispatches of Viscount Hardinge, Lord Gough, Gen. Sir Henry Smith; with a map. London, 1846. 80. WAR ( The) in Texas: A Review.. showing.. that the crusade against Miexico.... is to perpetuate slavery. Philadelphia, 1837. Pam. vol. 57. WARBURTON ( Eliot ). The Crescent and the Cross; or the Romance and Realities of Eastern travel. 2d ed. London, 1845. 2 vol. 8o. The same. New-York, 1845. 12,. B. C. The Conquest of Canada: by the author of Hochelaga. 2d ed, London, 1850. 2 vol. 8o. —.- Hochelaga; or England in the New World: ed. by E. Warburton. New-York, 1846. 120o. WARBURTON (J.). History of the City of Dublin. See Whitelaw. WARBURTON ( William), D.D. Bp. The Divine Legation of Moses demonstrated; with the Life of the Author, by Bishop Hurd. 10th ed. London, 1846. 3 vol. 8o. - Literary Remains: A. Selection from his unpublished papers, by the Rev. F. Kilvert. London, 1841. 80o. - Tracts by Warburton, and a Warburtonian, not admitted into the collections of their respective works. London, 1789. So.. —... See Clarendon's History. WARD ( Andrew H.). History of the Town of Shrewsbury, Mass., from its settlement in 1717 to 1829. Boston, 1847. 80. - Ward Family: Descendants of William Ward, who settled in Sudbury, Mass. in 16-39; with a list of families that have intermarried with them. Boston, 1851. 80. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 99 786 NEW-YORK STATE WARD (Artemas). Speech, HI. of R. U. S., Dec. 14, 1814. Pam. vol. 6. B. C. WVARD ( F. de W.). India and the Hindoos, etc.; with an Account of the Christian Missions among thein. New-York, 1850. 120. WARD ( G. G.). An Essay on the Lever. London, 1 829. 8o. WARD ( 11. G.). Mexico, in 1825, 26, and 27; with an Account of the Mlining Companies. 2d ed. London, 1829. 2 vol. 8~. WARD (John). Four Essays upon the English language. London, 11758. 80. The Young Mathenmatician's Guide. London, 1728. 83. WARD ( Matt. F.). English Items; or M'icroscopic Views of England and Englishmen. New-York, 1833. 12o. WARD ( Nathaniel ). Simple Cobler of Aggawam in America' edited by David Pulsifer. Boston, 1843. 120. WARD ( R. Plumer). Historical Essay on the real character and amount of the precedent of the Revolution of 1688. London, 1838. 2 vol. 120. 2 copies. - Illustrations of Human Life. 2d ed. London, 1838. 3 vol. 120. WTARD (Samuel ) jr. Address, Stuyvesant Institute, N. Y. 1837. Pan. vol. 71. WARD (Thomas). England's Reformation: a Poem in four cantos. Dublin, 1814. 120. WVARD ( William). Practical Grammar of the English language. York, Eng: 18,WARD ( William). See Religions. WARDEN ( David Baillie). See Gregoire, Intellect of Negroes, 1801. On the Origin, nature, progress, and influence of Consular establishments. Paris, 1813. 8o. W. C. 960. De l'Origine, de la nature, des progres et de l'influence des E]tablissemens consulaires: trad. de l'anglais. Paris, 1815. 8o. gW. C. 961. Description of the District of Columbia. Paris, 1816. 8o. W. C. 959. - Statistical, Political, and Historical Account of the United States of North America. Edinburgh, 1819. 3 vol. 8o. - The same. Edinburgh, 1819. 3 vol. 80. W. C. 963. Description statistique, historique, et politique des ftats-Unis de l'Am6rique septentrionale: trad. de l'anglais. Paris, 1820. 5 vol. 80. W. C. 964. Statistische, Politisehe, und Historische Beschreibung der Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-America: iibersetzt von J. G. F. Cannabich. Ilsllenau, 1824. 8S. W. C. 965. L'Art de Verifier des Dates: Chronologie historique de l'Amerique. Paris, 1826 -44. 10 vol. 8S. W. C. 962. Recherches sur les Antiquitcs de l'Amerique du nord et de l'Amerique du sud, 1834. See Antiq. Mex. fol. W. C. 993. G-ENERAL LIBRARY. 787 WARDLAW (R alph), D.D. Two Sermons: 3Man responsible for his belief. Reprinted, New-York, 1826. Serm. vol. 3. B. C.; also Pam. vol. 62. WARE ( Henry). Letters addressed to Trinitarians and Calvinists. 3d ed. Cambridge, 1820. Pain. vol. 14. B. C. W.H. I. Furness's Ordination Sermon, Philadelphia, 1825. Serrm. vol. 3. B. C. I- ntrod. Address, Theol. School, Cambridge, Mass. 1830. Pain. vol. 19. B. C. WARE ( Henry) jr. Discourses on the Offices and Character of Jesus Christ. Boston, 18125. 12-. B. C. The same. 2d edition. Boston, 1826. 120. B. C. See Abbot ( Rev. J. E.). WARE ( J. F. W.). Sermon, Cambridgeport, Mass. 1854. Pain. vol. 95. WARE (John), M.D. Discourses on Medical Education, and on the Medical Profession. Boston, 1847. 85. Memoir of Henry Ware jun. Boston, 1846. 8o. WT.ARE ( Jonathan). Apology for new principles in education. Boston, 1812. Pam. vol. 4. B. C. WARE ( Rev. William). Communion Sermon, New-York, 1825. Serm. vol. 3. B. C. - Three Sermons: Unitarian Christianity. Utica, 1828. Serrm. vol. 3. B.C. Sketches of European Capitals. Boston, 1851. 12o. Letters of Lucius M. Piso, from Palmyra, to his friend Marcus Curtius at Rome. New-York, 1837. vol. 2. 12o. B. C. Julian; or Scenes in Judea. New-York, 1841. 2 vol. 120. Zenobia; or the Fall of Palmyra: A Historical Romance. 7th ed. New-York, 1848. 2 vol. 120. Aurelian; or Rome in the Third Century. New-York, 1848. 2 vol. 12o. M- emoir of Nathaniel Bacon. Sparks's Am. Biog. vol. 13. WAARING ( Edward S.). Tour to Sheeraz, with a History of Persia. London, 1807. 4o WARNER (H. VW.). Oration, Feb. 22. New-York, 1814. Pam. vol. 58. WVARINER ( Thos.). Bible Soc. Sermon, Hudson, 1817. Sermr. vol. 2. B. C. WARRE ( Capt. EI.). Sketches of North America and the Oregon Territory. London. fol. WARREILL ( J.). Catalogue of Oil Paintings. Charleston, S. C. Pam. vol. 24. B. C. WARREN ( J. C.), M.D. On organic diseases of the heart. Boston, 1809. Pam. vol. 44. ~-.- Letter to the lion. Isaac Parker.... containining Remarks on the dislocation of the hip joint. Cambridge, 1826. 80. 788 SNEW-YORK STATE. —.The Mastodon gigan'teus of North America, with plates. Boston, 1842. 4o Genealogy of Warren, with some historical sketches. Boston, 1854. 40. WARREN ( John Esaias). Para; or Scenes and Adventures on the Banks of the Amazon. New-York, 1851. 12o. agamundo; or the Attache in Spain. New-York, 1851. 120. WARRE:N ( Ars. Mercy). History of the American Revolution. Boston, 1805. 3 vol. 8;. W. C. 966. Poems, dramatic and miscellaneous. Boston, 1790. 12.'. WARREN (Samuel), LL.D. Works. Edinburgh, 1854. 5 vol. 120. Con. tents: Vol. 1. Passages from the Diary of a late Physician. 2, 3. Ten Thousand a Year. 4. Now and Then; The Lily and the Bee; and the Intellectual and Moral Development of the present age, 5. Miscellanies, from Blackwood. - - iscellanies, critical, imaginative, judicial, contributed to Blackwood's Magazine. Edinburgh, 1855. 2 vol. 12". WARTON ( Thomas). History of English Poetry. London, 1824. 4 vol. 80. WASHBURN ( Emory). Topographical and Historical Sketches of the Town of Leicester, Mass. Worcester, 1826. 80. Speech, Mass. Legislature, on Western Rail-road. Springfield, 1838. Pain. vol. 35. B. C. Address, Mass. Temp. Soc. 1839. Pam. vol. 63, 88. WASHINGTON COUNTY BIBLE SOCIETY Anniv. 1852, 53. Pam. vol. 97. WASHINGTON ( George), President. Writings; with a Life of the Author, notes and illustrations, by Jared Sparks. Boston, 1833 - 37. 12 vol. 80.. The same, 1834 - 37. 12 vol. 8". B. C. The same: large paper, 1834 - 39. 12 vol. 80. Letters to Gen. Reed. See Reed ( W. B.). - Journal, 1754. See M6moire contenant le Precis, etc. Offieal Letters to the American Congress, written during the War between the United Colonies and Great Britain. London, 1795. 2 vol. 8". Circular Letter, dated June 18, 1783, addressed to the Governors of the several States. Hudson, 1797. 18"..- PRevolutionary Orders, issued during the years 1778, 80, 81 and 82: fromn the MSS. of John Whiting, ed. by his Son, Henry Whiting. New-York, 1844. 8". ------ Fac-simile of his Public Accounts, kept during the Revolutionary War. 4th ed. Washington, 1844. fol. GENERAL LIBRARY. 789 Fac-similes of Letters to Sir John Sinclair, on agricultural and other interesting topics. Washington, 1844. 4o. Proclamation for a day of humiliation and prayer, Jan. 1, 1795. See Newsp. vol. 5. Farewell Address to the People of the United States of America: from the orizginal manuscript; with the Remarks of Chief Justice Jay and Mr'. Sparks, on the authorship of the Address. Also, two portraits of G. XW., from paintings in the possession of Mr. J. Lenox one by J. Peale, 1778; and the other, by G. Stuart. New-York, 1850. fol. Farewell Address. Albany, 1810. 80. Valedictory Address, declining re-election, 1796. Pam. vol. 29. W- ashington's Abschieds-Add.resse an das Volk. Harrisburg, 1846. Paul. vol. 47. The Will of; to which is annexed a schedule of his property directed to be sold. Reprinted New-York, 1800. Pam. vol. 29. B. C. ------ Epistles, domestic, confidential, and official. London, 1797. 8o. Forged letters to p. 66. ----- ulogies and Orations on the Life and Death of General George Washington, first President of the United States of America. Boston, 1800. 8o. Publications occasioned by his death. 120. Titlepage wanting..-.. — Washington's Birthday: Congressional banquet, 1852. Pain. vol. 75, 88. Eere Penning van het Genootschap: Kunst wordt door arbeid verkrcegen, te Leyden. Poems addressed to WVashington, by Dirk Erhelens and G. Brender a Brandis. Leyden. 4O. WASHINGTON'S BIRTH-DAY: An Historical Poem. Albany, 1812. Pam. vol. 17. WASHINGTON, and the Generals of the American Revolution, Philadelphia, 1847. 2 vol. 12". WAss (S.). See Ujhazy's Hungarian Revolution. WASSENAER ( Dr. Nicholas Van). Historisch Verhael, alder Ghedenckweerdichste Geschiedenisse, die bier en daer in Europa als in Du3ytschlant, Franckryck..... in Africa, Asia en America, van den beginne des jaers 1621, tot 1632, voorgevallen zijn. Barent Lampe, M.D., is the continuator of vol. 4, 5. Amsterdam, 1522 - 35. 21 vol. in 5. 40. WASSON ( David A.). Installation Sermon, Groveland Independ. Church, 1853. Pain. vol. 95. WAT Willen eigecnlijk de zevecn Haagsche Heeren? door een'Prcdikant bij de Hervormden. Groningen, 1843. Pam. vol. 33. B. C. WPATELET ( M.). Essai sur les jardins. Paris, 1764. SO. WATER: Reports on city supplies of water, 1835 - 51. Pam. vol. 178. WATERHOUSE (Benjamin), M.D. The Botanist: A Course of Lectures. Boston, 1811. 80. 790 NEW-YORK STATE WATERHOUSE ( G. R.). A Natural History of Mammalia: Vol. 1, 3MIarsupiata, or Pouched animals; vol. 2, Rodentia. London, 1848.-2 vol. 80. The same. See Nat. Lib. WATERMAN ( Rev. Elijah). Memoirs of the Life and writings of John Calvin. Hartford, 1813. 80. B. C. WATERSTON (R. C.). Address on Pauperism. Boston, 1844. Pam. vol. 37. B.C. WATERSTON ( William). Cyclopedia of C ommerce, mercantile law, finance, and commercial geography. Edinburgh, 1843. 80. WATERTON (Charles). Essays on Natural History, with an autobiography. 8th ed. London, 1851. 120. Essays on Natural History, chiefly ornithology: 2d series, with a continuation of the autobiography. London, 1851. 120. Wanderings in South America, the Northwest of the United States, and the Antilles, 1812 - 24. London, 1825. 4o. W. C. 967. WATERTOWN, Jefferson Co. Directories for 1840, 50. 1 vol. 8o. WATERTOWN PRESBYTERY: Benev. Assoc. Report, 1831. Pain. vol. 91. WATERTOWN REGISTER. Newspaper: From Feb. 13, 1830, to March 18, 1.835; and its Continuations, viz: The North American, March 25, to Sept. 25, 1839; The Watertown Register, Oct. 1, 1839, to May 30, 1843; Black River Journal, June 2, 1843, to May 24, 1844; The Northern State Journal, Jan. 12, 1848, to Dcc. 25, 1850. 3 vol. fol. WATKIN'S.... Directory of London for 1855. London, 1855. roy. 8~. WATKIN (Edward W.). A Trip to the United States and Canada. London, 1852. 12. WATKINS (John), LL.D. Biographical, Historical and Chronological Dictionary. 3d ed. London, 1807. So. - Memoirs of the Public and Private Life of R. B. Sheridan. 3d ed. London, 1818. 2 vol. 80o. WATSON ( Alexander). Lecture, Albany Female Academy, 1845. Pam. vol. 63, 83; also Muns. Pam. vol. 2. WATSON (Elkanah). A Tour in Holland, in 1784; by an American. Worcester, 1790. 8o. - History of the Rise, Progress and existing condition of the Western Canals in the State of New-York, fiom Sept. 1788 to 1819. Albany, 1820. 8). B. C. The same; together with the Rise..... of modern agricultural societies.... from 1807 to the establishment of the Board of Agriculture -in New-York, 1820: Albany, 1820. WZith a Vindication of the Claimis of Elkanah Watson; by Robert Troup: Geneva, 1821. So. The same. Pam. vol. 3. WATSON (Frederick). Geographical Dictionary. London, 1773. fol. W. C. 968. WATSON (Henry C.). Camp Fires of the Revolution. Phil'a, 1852. 8'. GENERAL LIBRARY. 791 WATSON (John), M.D. Lecture on Practical Education in medicine. N. Y. Hospital, 1846. Pa.u. vol. 85. Thermal Ventilation, and other sanitary improvements applicable to public buildings. New- \ ork, 1851. 80. WVATSON ( John F.). Annals of Philadelphia. Philalelplia, 1830. 80. Historic Tales of the Olden Time, concerning.... Philadelphia and Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1P(33. 120. - Annals of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania in the olden time. Philadelphia, 1850. 2 vol. 8o. Historic Tales of the Olden Time, concerning...... Ncw-York City and State. New-York, 1832. 120. Annals and Occurrences of New-York City and State, in the olden time.... Philadelplhia, 1846. 8o. WATSON (Richard), D.D. Bp. Chemical Essays. 3d ed. London, 1784 - 7. 5 vol. 120. An Apology for Christianity; in a Series of Letters addressed to Edward Gibbon. 5th ed, London, 1791. 120. B. C. ------ An Apology for the Bible; in a Series ef Letters addressed to Thomas Paine. New-Brunswick, 1796. 180. B. C. Theological Institutes. 1st Amer. from the 3d London ed. NewYork, 1825. 3 vol. 80. B. C. - Anecdotes of the Life of: published by his son. Philadelphia,, 1818. 8o. The same. So. B. C. WATSON ( Robert ). History of the Reign of Philip the Second, King of Spain. 1st Am. ed. New-York, 1818. 80. History of the Reign of Philip the Third, King of Spain. 1st Am. ed. New-York, 1818. 80. WATSON ( Winslow C.). Treatise on Practical Husbandry: Prize Essay, N. Y. S. Agric. Soc. Albany, 1855. 8o. WATSON (William). Account of a Series of Experiments in inoculation. Pam. vol. 126. WATT ( Peter). Theory and Practice of Joint-stock banking. New-York, 1836. 120. WATT ( Robert ). Disp. Inaug. De Scarlatina anginosa. Edinburgi, 1803. 80. Bibliotheca Britannica, or General Index to British and Foreign Literature. Edinburgh, 1824. 4o. WATTERSTON (George). The Lawyer; or Man as he ought not to be. Charlestown, Mass. 1829. 180. The Wanderer in Washington. Washington, 1827. 12o. New Guide to Washington. Washington, 1817, 8. 180. and N. B. Van Zandt. Tabular Statistical Views of the popula. tion, commerce, navigation, of the U. States. Washington, 1829. 40. 792 NEW-YORK STATE WAYLAND Town Library': Catalogue, 1853. Pam. vol. 170. WAYLAND (Francis), D.D. Public Fast Sermon. Boston, 1825. Pam. vol. 62. D- iscourse on the philosophy of analogy. Boston, 1831. Pam. vol. 21 B. C. Thoughts on the present collegiate system in the United States. Boston, 1842. 12o. - The Elements of Political Economy. 5th ed. Boston, 1842. 120. - The Elements of Moral Science. Boston, 1843. 120. - Discourse, N. Y. Bap. Un. for Miin. Ed. Rochester, N. Y. 1853. Pam. vol. 95..-....Memoirs of the Life and Labors of the Rev. A. Judson, D.D. Boston, 1853. 2 vol. 120. Elements of Intellectual Philosophy. Boston, 1854. 120. WAYLEN ( E.). Ecclesiastical Reminiscences of the United States. NewYork, 1846. 8~. WVEALE (John). Ensamples of Railway-making. London, 1843. 8o. Rudimentary Dictionary of terms used in civil and naval architecture, building and construction, engineering, mining, surveying, etc. London, 1849, 50. 12O. On Bridges. 3 vol. See Theory, etc. WEALTH ( The) and Biography of the wealthy citizens of New-York. 1846. Pam. vol. 45. B. C.'WVEAVER ( Richard ). A Complete View of Puseyism. N.York, 1843. 8o. WEBB ( J. W.). See Altowan. WEBBER ( Charles W.). Old Hicks the Guide; or Adventures in the Camanche Country in search of a gold mine. New-York, 1848. 12'. - The Gold Mines of the Gila: a Sequel to Old Hicks the Guide. New-York, 1849. 2 vol. in 1. 12o. The HIunter Naturalist: Romance of Sporting, or Wild scenes and Wild hunters. Philadelphia, 1851. 80. WEBBER ( Samuel ). An account of a Scheme for preventing the exportation of wool. London, 1740. Pam. vol. 131. WVEBBER (Samuel). Introduction to English Grammar. Cambridge, Mass. 1832. 120. WVEBER ( H.), and R. Jamieson. Illustrations of Northern Antiquities, from the earlier Teutonic and Scandinavian romances; being an Abstract of the Book of Heroes, and Nibelungen Lay.... Edinburgh, 1814. 4o WEBSTER'S CALENDAR, or the Albany Almanack: By Isaac Bickerstaff, esq. 1797; by Andrew Beers, for 1798; see Hutchins. For 1802, 03, see Almanacs, 1803. - -- for 1805 - 8, 10, 11, 12, 15 -20: 12 nos. With, Poor Richard Revived, 1809; Beer's Calendar, 1813, 14, 18: I vol. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 793 For 1829, see Alm. Miscell. For 1838 - 42, 1844 - 54; with Steele's Albany Almanack for 1843. 1 vol. 120. WEBSTER ( Daniel). Works. Boston, 1851. 6 vol. 80. Speeches and Forensic Arguments. Boston, 1839 - 43. 3 vol. 80. B. C. The same. 8th ed. Boston, 1846. 3 vol. 8o. Diplomatic and Official Papers while Secretary of State. NewYork, 1848. 80. The same. 80. B. C. A Collection of eighteen of his speeches, addresses, etc. 1820-50, in I vol. 80. Speeches in the U. S. Sen. on the Public lands, Jan. 20, 1830; in Reply to Mr. Hayne, Jan. 26. 1830; on the President's Veto of the Bank bill, July 11, 1832; on the War with Mexico, March 1848. 1 vol. 80. Speech before the N. Y. Hist. Soc. on the Northeastern Boundary Question. See Gallatin (A.). Address, Washington Benevolent Society. Portsmouth, 1812. Pam. vol. 37. Speech. H. of R. U. S. Jan. 1814. Pain. vol. 55. B. C. - Memorial of Boston on admission of Missouri, 1819. See Pam. vol. 186. Discourse, Plymouth. Dec. 22, 1820. Pam. vol. 8. B. C. ------ Address, Bunker-hill Monument. Boston, 1825. Pam. vol. 10. B. C..-..- Discourse on Adams and Jefferson, 1826. Pam. vol. 10. B. C. Speeches, U. S. Sen., on Mr. Foot's resolution, Jan. 20, 26, 1830. Paim. vol. 21. B. C. Speech on the Currency, Wall-st. N. York, 1840. Pam. vol. 88..Reply to the Democratic Antimasons of Pennsylvania, 1841. Pam. vol. 184. A Defence of the Christian religion, and of the religious instruction of the young: in the Case of S. Girard's will. New-York, 1844. Pam. vol. 27. B. C. Speech, U. S. Sen., on Treaty of Washington of 1842. 1846. Pam. vol. 44, 53. B. C. Also Pam. vol. 17. Speech on the Tariff, U.S. Sen. July 1846. Pam. vol. 22. Argument, S. C. of U. S., in M. Luther vs. L. M. Borden of Rhode-Island. Washington, 1848. Pam. vol. 46. B. C..- A Memorial of, from the City of Boston. 1853. 80. Obituary Addresses on the Death of D. W. in the U. S. Senate and H. of R. Dec. 14, 15, 1853. Washington, 1853. 80. [GEN. LIB. 1855.] 100 794 NEW-YORK STATE WEBSTER (Rev. G. W.). Sermon, Death of D. Webster, Wheeling, Va. 1853. Pam. vol. 95. Sermon, Cong. Soc. Wheeling, Va. 1853. Pam. vol. 93. WEBSTER (Noah), LL.D. American Dictionary of the English Language. New-York, 1828. 2 vol. 40. The same. 2 vol. 40. B. C. ~ The same. 1st ed in 80; containing the whole vocabulary of the quarto, and several thousand additional words. Springfield, 1845. 2 vol. 8:. The same; with an Introductory Dissertation: Revised and enlarged by Chauncey A. Goodrich. Springfield, Mass. 1849~ 40. __ A Collection of Essays and Fugitive Writings, on moral, historical, political and literary subjects. Boston, 1790. 80. i___.- Political Progress of Britain; or an Impartial History of abuses in the Government of the British Empire. Philadelphia, 1795. So0. A Brief History of Epidemic and Pestilential Diseases, with the principal phenomena of the physical world, preceding and accompanying. Hartford, 1799. 2 vol. 80. - See Herald, newspaper. - Letters to a Young Gentleman commencing his education. NewHaven, 1823. 80. B. C. * — Observations on Language and the Errors of Class-books; and Observations on commerce. New-Haven, 1839. 12~...-. —. Collection of Papers, on political, literary and moral subjects. New-York, 1843. 80. The same. New-York, 1843. B. C. Dissertations on the English language; with Notes, and an Essay on a reformed mode of spelling.... Boston, 1789. 80. A Grammatical Institute of the English language. Part 2d; with an appendix. Albany, 1796. 12o. The same: interleaved copy. The same. Thomas and Andrews's 5th ed. Boston, 1797. 120. A Philosophical and Practical Grammar of the English Language. New-Haven, 1807. 12o. B. C. Rudiments of English Grammar. New-York, 1811. 180.: —--- A Dictionary of the English Language: compiled for common schools. Hartford, 1817. sm. 4o. B. C. Rudiments of English Grammar. New-Haven, 1831. 180..- - A Dictionary for Primary Schools. New-York, 1835. sm. 40. The Prompter. New-Haven, 1839. 240. A Brief View of errors and obscurities in tie.... Scriptures... and of errors and defects in class-books. See Pam. vol. 173. GENERAL LIBRARY. 795 - Series of books for systematic instruction in the English language.... Pam. vol. 21. B. C. Revised text of Old and New Testament. See Bible. Webster's Dictionary: Summary summing up of the charges, with their refutations. Springfield, 1854. 8.O Pam. vol. 103. WEBSTER (Pelatiah). Political Essays on the nature and operation of money, public finances.... published during the American War, etc. Philadelphia, 1791, 80. WEBSTER (Thomas), and others. Encyclopedia of domestic economy. New-York, 1845. 8o. See Imison's Elements of Science. WEBSTER (W. H. B.), M.D. Narrative of a Voyage to the South Atlantic Ocean in 1828 - 38, under Capt. H, Foster..... London, 1834. 2 vol. 80. WEDDELL (Jaimes). A Voyage to the South Pole in 1822, 24, to the 74th degree of south latitude; and a visit to Terra del Fuego. London, 1825. 80. WEEMs ( M. ). The Life of Washington, with curious anecdotes: 9th ed, Philadelphia, 1809. 120..-... The same. 1809. 120. B. C......- The Life of William Penn, the Settler of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1829. 120. The Life of Benjamin Franklin. Philadelphia, 1835. 120. Life of Francis Marion. See Horry (P.). WEERT (Sebalt de). Relatio historica..... illins navigationis quam V. naves.... fretum magellanicum in Moluccanas instilas transmittendi instituto susceperunt: anno 1598. See Bry, Coll. voy. part 9. W. C. 153. Voyage. Harris, vol. 1. WEIGEL (J. O. G.). Apparatus Literarius; collectio librorum lectissimorum, quos empturientibus offert. Leipsiae, 1832. 4~. WEIGEL (T. O.). Catalog einer ausgewahlten Sammlung von Buchern, zu haben bei. Leipzig. 8o. WEIR (Robert). Picture of the Embarkation of the Pilgrims. Pam. vol. 69. WETSBACH (Julius), Professor at Freiberg. Principles of the Mechanics of machinery and engineering. London, 1847, 48. 2 vol. 80. WrEIss (Charles). History of the French Protestant Refugees, from the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, to our own days. New-York, 1854. 2 vol. 120. See Granville ( Cardinal de); France, Docts. in6d. WEISS (Rev. John). Ordination Sermon of Mr. C. Lowe. New-Bedford, Mass. 1852. Pam. vol. 93. Sermon, 1st Cong. Soc. New-Bedford, Mass, 1852. Pam. vol. 95. 796 NEW-YORK STATE WELBY (Adlard ). Visit to North America, and the English Settlements in Illinois. London, 1821. 80. WELD (Allen HI.). English Grammar, illustrated by exercises. 2d ed. Portland, Me. 1847. 120. Latin Lessons and Reader. 5th ed. Portland, 1847. 120. B. C. Parsing Book. 15th ed. Portland, 1848. 120. B. C. WELD ( Charles Richard). A History of the Royal Society, with Memoirs of the Presidents. London, 1848. 2 vol. 80. The Search for Sir John Franklin: A Lecture London, 1851. 80. Tour in the United States and Canada. London, 1855. 120. -.- See Banfield, Statistical Companion. WELD (Rev. H. Hastings). Benjamin Franklin; his Autobiography, with a Narrative of his life and services. New-York, 1848. 80. WELD (Isaac) jun. Travels through the States of North America, and Canada, in 1795 - 97. 3d ed. London, 1800. 2 vol. 80. -- Voyage au Canada, en 1795-97. Paris, 1800. 3 vol. 80. W.C. 969. WELLER ( Rev. George). See Church Register. WELLESLEY (Arthur), Duke of Wellington. Dispatches and Correspondence, as Ambassador Extraordinary to Spain: edited by M. Martin. London, 1838. 80. -Selections.from his Dispatches and General Orders: by Lieut. Col. Gurwood. London, 1841. 80. - Lives of Wellington and Peel: from the London Times. NewYork, 1852. 120. WELLESLEY ( Richard, Mlarquess). Memoirs and Correspondence. See Pearce. WELLS (Edward ). Treatise of Ancient and Present Geography. London, 1738. 8~. W. C. 970. WELLS ( David A.). See Annual of Scien. Discov, 1850 -55. Year-book of Agriculture, 1855, 56. Philadelphia, 1856. 80. and S. H. Davis. Sketches of Williams College. Williamstown, Mass. 1847. 80. WELLS ( Dr. Horace). Discovery, on the applicability of nitrous oxyd gas, sulphuric ether and other vapors in surgical operations, nearly two years before the patented discovery of Drs. C. T. Jackson and W. T. G. Morton. Hartford, 1850. 8o. WELLS (John). Oration, New-York City, 4th July 1798. Pam. vol. 55. B. C. WELLS (W. H.). A Grammar of the English language. Andover, 1846. 12". WELLSTED (J. R.). Travels in Arabia. London, 1838. 2 vol. 80. Travels to the City of the Caliphs, along the shores of the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean. London, 1840. 2 vol. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 797 WELSBY (W. N.). Lives of Eminent English Judges of the 17th and 18th centuries. Philadelphia, 1846. 80. WVELSFORD (Henry). Origin and Ramifications of the English Language, with an Inquiry into the early condition of the principal European Nations. London, 1845. 80..-... Mithridates Minor; or an Essay on language. London, 1848. 80. WELSH ( Col. James). Military Reminiscences, from a Journal of forty years service in the East Indies. London, 1830. 80. WELWOOD (James). Memoirs of...... England, for the last one hundred years preceding the Revolution in 1688. London, 1700. 80. WEYss ( Francis C.). Chronology of the American Stage from 1752 to 1852. New-York, 1852. 120. WERNE ( Ferdinand ). African Wanderings; or an Expedition from Sennaar to Taka, Basa and Beni Amer. London, 1852. 120. WERNINCK (J.). A New Pocket Dictionary of the Dutch and English Languages. 2 parts. London, 1824. sin. 40. B. C. WESCOMBE ( Martin). Fabulhe Pontificiee, Evangelicae veritatis radiis dissipatat. Oxonive, 1639. 12~. With tracts of Velleus and Libavius. WESLEY ( Rev. John). Calm Address to our American Colonies. London, 1775? 120. Pam. vol. 48. R Replies to the Calm Address. Pam. vol. 117, 118. - Address to the Clergy. Pam. vol. 126. Letter to the Printer of the Public Advertiser, occasioned by the late Act in favor of Popery. London, 1781. 120. Pam. vol. 103. WEST ( Charles E.). Address, Rutgers Female Inst. 1851. Pam. vol. 83. Address, Buffalo Female Acad. 1852. Pam. vol. 88. WEST (Hans). Beitrage zur Beschreibung von St. Croix: Aus dem Danisehen. Copenhagen, 1794. 80. W. C. 971. WEST-INDISCHE COMPAGNIEr: Vertoogh over den Toestant der WestIndische Compagnie in haer begin, midden ende eynde, met een remedie, tot redres van deselve. Erste deel. Gedruct tot Rotterdam, 1651. 4~. MS. from the printed copy in the British Museum. WEST-INDISCHE (Aenmerkenswaardige en Zeldzame) Zee en Land-reizen, door de Caribische Eylanden, Nieuw-Nederland, Virginien.... Door een voornaam Engels Heer E. M. en andere, opmerkelijk beschreven. Amsterdam, 1705. 4o. WEST ( John). Journal of a Mission to the Indians of New-Brunswick and Nova-Scotia, and the Mohawks on the Ouse or Grand River, Upper Canada. London, 1827. 80. WEST (Robert A.). Sketches of Wesleyan Preachers. New-York, 1848. 120. WEST-NEWTON State Normal School Catalogue, 1850. Pam. vol. 73. WEST-POINT. See United States Mil. Acad. WESTERN ASSOCIATION of New-Haven County: Address, on Intemperance. New-Haven, 1813. Pam. vol. 25. 798 NEW-YORK STATE WESTERN FOREIGN MISSIONARY SOCIETY: Annual Reports from 1833 to 1836. Pittsburgh. 8o. With Reports of Board of Missions of Pres. Church in the U. S. 1838 - 46. New-York. 80,o. WESTERN LITERARY MESSENGER: Buffalo, Ap.1848. Period. 40., vol. 1. WESTERN MONTHLY REVIEW: ed. by Timothy Flint. Vol. 1-3. Cincinnati, 0. 1827- 29. 3 vol. 8~....... The same. vol. 1, 2. 2 vol. 80. WESTERN RAIL-ROAD CORPORATION. Proceedings, March 12, 1840: Pam. vol. 35. B.C. Engineer's Report, 1836, 7: Springfield, Mass. Pam. vol. 150. Reports, 1843: Pam. vol. 152. WESTERN RESERVE COLLEGE: Catalogue of 1845, 6. Hudson, Ohio. Pam. vol. 18. WESTWOOD (J. O.). The Entomologist's Text-book. London, 1838. 12o. See Library E. K., Insects. WESTMINSTER ASSEMBLY of DIVINES: History of, with Biographical Notes. Philadelphia, 1841. 12o. WESTMINSTER (The Larger) CATECHISM, agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster: revised by A. M'Leod, D.D. New-York, 1813. 12o. First book stereotyped in America. 2 copies. WESTMINSTER MAGAZINE: March, 1780. Pam. vol. 127. WESTMINSTER REVIEW: 1824- 51. 56 vol. After vol. 24, the titles were, London and Westminster Review, vol,. 25 -28; London Review, vol, 29, 30; London and Westminster Review, vol. 31 - 33; Westminster Review, vol. 34 - 45; and Westminster and Foreign Quarterly Review, vol. 46 - 56. New Series: Westminster Review, vol. 1 - 7, 1852 - 55. London, 1824 - 55. 62 vol. 80. Am. edition: Jan. 1834 - Jan. 1836; Jan. 1841 - April 1851. New-York. 24 vol. in 11. 80. B. C. London and Westminster Review, from April 1836, to Sept. 1840. Am. ed. New-York. 8 vol. in 4. 80. B. C. WESTREENEN VAN TIELLANDT ( Baron W. H. J. van). Korte Schets van den Voortgang der Boekdrukkunst in Nederland in de xvde, en haare verdere volmaaking in de xvi en xvii eeuw. Gravenhage en to Amsterdam, 1829. 80. B. C. Verhandeling over de Uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst. Hage, 1809. 80. B.:C. Rapport sur les Recherches relatives a l'invention premiere et a l'usage le plus ancien de l'imprimerie stBr6otype, faites a la demande du Gouvernement. La Haye, 1833. 80. B. C. French and Dutch. 2 copies. The same. La tHaye, 1833. 80. WETMORE (Alphonzo). Gazetteer of the State of Missouri; with a map of the State, and frontier sketches. St. Louis, 1837. 80. WETMORE (Prosper M.). Lexington, with other fugitive poems. N.York, 1830. 80~...- Speech in Assembly, on N.Y. and Erie 1R. R. Pam. vol. 67. GENERAL LIBRARY. 799 WETTE ( W. M. L. de). Theodore; or the Skeptic's Conversion: trans. by James F. Clarke. Boston, 1841. 2 vol. 120....... Human Life, or Practical Ethics: trans. from the German by Samuel Osgood. Boston and London, 1842. 2 vol. 120. - A Critical and Historical Introduction to the Canonical Scriptures of the Old Testament; trans. from the German, by Theodore Parker. Boston, 1843. 2 vol. 8o. B. C. WHARTON ( C. H.), D.D. See Quarterly Theol. Magazine. WHARTON (John). Tent. Inaug. De Mania. Edinburgi, 1806. Pam. vol. 86. WHARTON (Philip, Duke of). Life and Writings. London, 1737. 2 vol. WHARTON ( T. I.). Memoir of W. Rawle. See Iist. Soc. Penn. Mem. vol. 4. WHAT does Dr. Bushnell mean? N.Y. Evangelist, 1849. Pam. vol. 65. WHAT is a Revolution? Pamphleteer, vol. 14. WHAT think ye of the Congress now? New-York, 1775. 80. WVHATELY ( Richard ), Archbishop. Historic Doubts relative to Napoleon Buonaparte. Pamphleteer, vol. 27. Rise, Progress and Corruptions of Christianity. See Encyc. Brit. Prelim. Diss. Essays on some of the Peculiarities of the Christian Religion. Oxford, 1825. 80. B. C. - Introductory Lectures on Political Economy; being part of a Course delivered in Easter Term, 1831. London, 1831. 80. B. C..-..- Thoughts on Secondary Punishments. London, 1832. 80.;.- Essays on some of the Difficulties in the Writings of St. Paul, and in other parts. of the New Testament. 2d ed. London, 1830. 80. B. C..-.-..- The Kingdom of Christ delineated. Philadelphia, 1843. Pam. vol. 47. B. C. On the Sabbath Question. Boston, 1845. 120. -.- A Selection of English Synonyms. 2d ed. London, 1852. 120. WHEATLEY ( Phillis). An Elegiac Poem, on the Death of George Whitefield, Chaplain of the Countess of Huntingdon. Boston, E. Russell, 1770 120. WHEATLY ( Rev. Charles). A Rational Illustration of the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England. London, 1848. 120. WHEATON (Henry). Address, at the Opening of the New-York Athenaeum, 1824. 2d ed. New-York, 1825. 80. B. C. - Some Account of the Life and Writings of William Pinkney. New-York, 1826. 80o - The same. 8~. B. C. 800 NEW-YORK STATE.....- History of the North-men, or Danes and Normans, from the earliest times, to the Conquest of England by William of Normandy. London, 1831. 80. - Elements of International Law; with a Sketch of the history of the science. Philadelphia, 1836. 80. B. C. The Progress and Prospects of Germany: A Discourse, Phi Beta Kappa of Brown University, 1847. 80. See Crichton, Scandinavia. WHEATSTONE ( Charles). Contributions to the physiology of vision. Royal Soc. Trans. 1838. WHEELER ( Ephraim). Report of Trial of, for rape. Stockbridge, 1805. Pamin. vol. 36. WHEELER ( Gervase). Homes for the People, in suburb and country. New-York, 1855. 120. WHEELER (Henry G.). History of Congress, biographical and political. New-York, 1848. 2 vol. 8o. WHEELER (James). Manchester; its political, social and commercial history, ancient and modern. London, 1836. 120. VWHEELER (John), D.D. See University of Vermont. WHEELER (John H.). Historical Sketches of North-Carolina, from 1584 to 1851. Philadelphia, 1851. 2 vol. in 1. 8o. WHEELER (Rev. 0. G.). See University of Vermont. WHEELING BRIDGE CASE: Order of Reference of the Supreme Court of the United States, in the Case of Pennsylvania, complainants against the Wheeling and Belmont Bridge Company, before R. H. Walworth, commissioner. Saratoga-Springs, 1851. 80. WHEELOCK (Rev. Eleazar). A Collection in 1 vol. 80. Contents: 1. A Plain and Faithful Narrative of the original design, use and progress of the Indian Charity School at Lebanon in Connecticut. Boston, 1763. 2. A Continuation.... 1762 - 65. 3. A Continuation.... from 1768, to the incorporation with Dartmouth College and removal to Hanover, N.H. 1771. 4. A Continuation'.... New-Hampshire, 1772. 5. A Continuation.... Hartford, 1773. 6. A Continuation; with the Journal of the Rev. Mr. Frisbie. Hartford, 1775. 7. Sketches of the History of Dartmouth College and Moor's Charity School. 8. A Candid Analytical Review of the Sketches of the Hist. of Dartmouth Coll. 9. A Vindication of the Official Conduct of the Trustees of Dartmouth College. Concord, 1815. A Brief Narrative of the Indian Charity School in Lebanon, Conn. London, 1766. 80. WHELPLEY (Rev. P. M.). The Triangle A Series of Numbers upon three theological points, enforced from various pulpits in New-York; by Investigator. New-York, 1832. 80. - issionary Sermon. New-York, 1823. Serm. vol. 2. B. C. - Sermon, New England Soc. New-York, 1823. Serm. vol. 2. B.C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 801 WHEWELL (William), D.D. Address at Opening of Brit. Assoc. for Adv. of Science. Cambridge, 1833. 8o..-.. On Astronomy and General Physics, considered with reference to natural theology. London, 1833. 80. Bridgewater Treatise iii. R- eport on the recent progress and present condition of the mathematical theories of electricity, magnetism, and heat. Reports, British Assoc. 1835. Four Sermons on the foundation of morals. 2d ed. Cambridge, 1837. 80. History of the Inductive Sciences. London, 1837. 3 vol. 80. Principles of English University Education. 2d edition. London, 1838. 12~. Doctrine of Limits, etc. Cambridge, 1838. 8o. ------- Researches on the Tides. Royal Soc. Trans. 1835 - 40... —.- Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences. London, 1840. 2 vol. 8~. - Mechanics of Engineering. Cambridge, 1841. 8o. Indications of the Creator. London, 1845. 120. Of a Liberal Education in general, and with particular reference to the leading studies of the University of Cambridge. London, 1845. S0. Elements of Morality, including Polity. New-York, 1845. 2 vol. 12o. - The same. 2 vol. 120. B. C. Plurality of Worlds; with an Introduction by E. Hitchcock, L L.D. Boston, 1854. 120. WIIIG ALMANAC for 1843, 49,.50, 52, 53, 54. New-York. 4 vol. 120. See also Almanacs, miscell. WHIG BANNER SONGSTERa: a Choice Collection of popular whig melodies. Baltimore, 1844. 180. WHIG ( The) Charge of Intolerance against the N. H. Democracy and Gen. F. Pierce. Boston, 1852. Pam. vol. 75. WHIG CONVENTION at Utica, 1840: Proceedings. Pam. vol. 50. WHIPPLE ( Lieut. A. W.). Report of Explorations of a R. R. Route near the 35th parallel of latitude, from the Mississippi. See Pacific R. R. Rep. vol. 2. WHIPPLE ( Edwin P.). Lectures on subjects connected with literature and life. Boston, 1850. 12o. - Essays and Reviews. New-York, 1848. 2 vol. 12o. - Oration, July 4, 1850, on Washington, and the Principles of the Revolution. Boston. 80. WHISTON (William). See Josephus, translation. WHITBOURNE ( Richard). Discourse containing a loving invitation, both honorable and profitable to all such as shall be adventurers, either in [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 101 802 \ NEW-YORK STATE person or purse, for the advancement of His Majesty's most hopeful Plantation in the Newfoundland. London, 1622. TWith Letters from Capt. Wynne and Daniel Powel, from New Foundland, July and Aug. 1622. sm. 40. WHITBY's COMMENTARY. See Patrick (Symon). WHITE MAN'S NEWSPAPER, N.Y. 1851. See Newsp. vol. 3. WHITE ( The) SLAVE; or the Russian Peasant Girl: by the Author of Revelations of Russia. New-York, 1845. 80. B. C. WHITE (Adam). Popular History of Mammalia. London, 1850. sm. 40.'WHITE ( Campbell P.). Report on Gold and Silver Coins, by a Comm. of the H. of Repr. Washington, 1834. 80. WHITE ( Charles), D.D. The Practical Element in Christianity. Am. Unit. Asso. Pamn. vol. 93. WHITE ( Elijah), M.D. Concise View of Oregon Territory. Washington, 1846. 80. and Lady. Ten Years in Oregon: Travels and Adventures west of the Rocky Mountains. Ithaca, 1850. 120. WHITE ( Rev. George). Historical Collections of Georgia. New-York; 1854. 80. - Statistics of the State of Georgia, including its natural, civil and ecclesiastical history; with a description of each county. Savannah, 1850. 8s. WHITE ( George S.). Memoirs of Samuel Slater, the Father of American manufactures; with a history of the rise and progress of the cotton manufacture in England and America. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1836. 8o. WHITE (Rev. Gilbert ). Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne. London, 1833. 80 - -- The Natural History of Selborne: ed. by Sir W. Jardine and E. Jesse. London, 1851. 12o. WHITE ( Rev. Henry). The Early History of New-England, illustrated by incidents. 9th ed. Concord, N. H. 1845. 120. WHITE ( Hugh L.). Speech, Sen. U. S., on Bank of the U.'S. 1834. Pam. vol. 60. WHITE (John). Voyage'a la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud, a Botany-Bay, au Port Jackson, en 1787 - 89: trad. de l'anglais, avec des notes, par C. Pougens. Paris, 1795. 80. W. C. 973. WHITE (Rev. Joseph Blanco). Observations on Heresy and Orthodoxy. 2d ed. London, 1839. 120. B. C. Letters from Spain, by Don Leucadio Doblado. 2d ed. London, 1825. 80o.....- Extracts from J. B. W.'s Journal and Letters. Am. Unit. Asso. 1847. Pam. vol. 91. WHITE (S.). Speech, Sen. U. S., on Non-intercourse with St. Domingo, 1806. Pamn. vol. 35. WHITE, (Samuel), M.D. Address before N. Y. State Med. Soc. 1844. Muns. Pam. vol. 5. GENERAL LIBRARY.'803 WaITE (William), Bishop. Memoirs of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. Philadelphia, 1820. 8~. W. C. 974. WHITE ( W. C.). Oration, July 5, 1802, at Rutland. Worcester, Mass. 1802. Paim. vol. 39. WHITEFIELD (Rev. George). An Account of Money received and disbursed for the Orphan House in Georgia. London, 1741. 80. A Journal of a Voyage from London to Savannah in Georgia..... 3d ed. London, 1738. With A Continuation of the Rev. MIr. Whitefield's Journal, from his arrival in Savannah to his return to London. London, 1739. In 1 vol. 80. -- See Seward, Journal to England...-...- Several Discourses on practical subjects; to which is added, the Oxford Methodists. London, 1778. 8~. TWHITEHEAD (John). Life of Rev. John Wesley, and.... Life of Rev. Charles Wesley; with an Introduction, by Rev. T. H. Stockton. 2d Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1845. 2 vol. in 1. 80. WHITEHLEAD ( William A.). Biographical Sketch of William Franklin, Gov. of New-Jersey, from 1763 to 1776. iV. f. Hist. Soc. 1848. 80.' East-Jersey, under the Proprietary Government; with Scott's Model of the Government in East-Jersey. See N. J. Hist. Soc. Coll. The Robbery of the Treasury of East-Jersey, in 1768, and contemporaneons events. New-Jersey list. Soe. Sept. 12, 1850. 80. WHITEHOUSE ( H. J.), D.D. Address, Societies of Geneva Cell. 1831. Pain. vol. 19. B. C. WIIITERURST ( John). An Inquiry into the original state and formation of the earth. London, 1778. 4o. WHITELAW (A.). See Book of Scottish Ballads: Songs. WHITELAW (Rev. J.), Rev. R. Walsh, and J. Warburton. History of the City of Dublin, from the earliest accounts, to the present time. London, 1818. 2 vol 4~. WaHITELOCK (Bulstrode). Memoir of the English affairs....f. rom the beginning of the Reign of Charles the First, to Charles the Second... London, 1732. fol. A Journal of the Swedish Embassy in 1653, 54, from the Commlonwealth of England. London, 1772. 2 vol. 4o. WHITESIDE ( James). Italy in the Nineteenth Century, contrasted with its past condition. London, 1848. 3 vol. 120. WHITFIELD ( Henry), Pastor at Guilford in New-England. A farther discovery of the state of the Indians in New-England..... London, 1651. 40. Contains Letters of John Eliot. WHITING (Henry). Life of Z. M. Pike. Sparks's Am. Biog. vol. 15. WHITING (John). Truth.... defended. See Bishop ( George). WHITLAW ( Charles). Reply to Dr. Hosack's Inaugural Address before ~Med. Soc..... Philadelphia, 1825. Pam. vol. 22. B. C. 804 NEW-YORK STATE WHITLEY (Nicholas). Application of Geology to agriculture. London, 1843. 8~. WHITLOCK (Rev. Henry). Sermon on the Death of Rev. B. Hubbard. New-Haven, 1812. Pam. vol. 25. WHITMaAN (Bernard). Two Letters to Rev. Moses Stuart on.. religious liberty. Boston, 1830. Pam. vol. 15. B. C..-...- Disc. on Regeneration. Boston, 1828. Serm. vol. 3. B. C. Disc. on Denying the Lord Jesus. Boston, 1827. Serm. vol. 3. B. C. Letter to an Orthodox Minister, on revivals of religion. Boston, 1831. Pain. vol. 20. B. C. WHITMAN ( Zachariah G.). History of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, from 1637. 2d ed. Boston, 1842. 8o. WHITNEY (Asa). A Project for a Railroad to the Pacific. New-York, 1849. 80. WHITNEY ( Daniel H.). The Family Physician; or Every man his own doctor. New-York, 1834. 80o. B. C. WHITNEY ( George). Some Account of the Early History and present state of Quincy, Massachusetts. Boston, 1827 (). 80o. WHITNEY ( J. D.). The 3Metallic Wealth of the United States, described and compared with that of other countries. Philadelphia, 1824. 8o. See Foster, Geological Survey of Michigan. WHITNEY ( Peter). History of the County of Worcester, in Massachuseyts; with a map. Worcester, 1793. 80. WH;ITNEY ( Reuben M.). Memorial to House of Representatives. Washington, 1832. So. WHITNEY ( Thomas R.). The Ambuscade: An Historical Poem. NewYork, 1845. 120. See Republic (The), periodical. WHITON ( John M.). Sketches of the History of New-Hampshire, from 1623 to 1833. Concord, 1834. 120. WHITTIERB (John G.). Leaves from Margaret Smith's Journal in the Province of Massachusetts Bay, 1678, 9. Boston, 1849. 120. - The Supernaturalism of New-England. New-York, 1847. 120. WHITTINGHEAM ( William R.). See Jahn's Introd. O. T. WHITTLESEY (Charles). Life of John Fitch. Sparks's Am. Biog. vol. 16. Sketch of the Settlement.... of the town of Tallmadge, Ohio. Cleveland, 1842. 12g. Description of Ancient Works in Ohio. Smithson Contr. vol. 3. WHITTLESEY (Frederick). Address, July 4, 1842. Rochester. Pam. vol. 88. WHITTOCK (Nathaniel). The Decorative Painter and Glazier's Guide: Imitations of various woods and marbles; Art of staining and painting on glass.... London, 1841. 40 GENERAL LIBRARY. 805 WHITWELL (B.). Experience, or Folly as it flies: a poem. Boston, 1806. Pamn. vol. 44. WHITWORTH ( Sir Charles). Commerce de la Grande-Bretagne, 1697 - 1773: trad. de l'anglois. Paris, 1777. fol. W. C. 975. WIcKES (E. W.). A Practical English Grammar. London, 1840. 180. WICKHIAM (George). A Bluecoat Boy's Recollections of Hertford School, with its rules. London, 1841. 120. WICKHAMI (Henry L.) and Rev. J. A. Cramer. A Dissertation on the Passage of Hannibal over the Alps. 2d ed. London, 1828. 80. 2 copies. WICQUEFORT (M. de). L'Histoire de l'Etablissement de la Republique des Provinces Unies, enrichie de tons les actes, m6moires, etc. Londres, 1749. 3 vol. fol. WIDENMANN ( Johann F. W.). Handbuch des Oryktognostischen Theils der Mineralogie, etc. Leipzig, 1794. 80. WIED-NEUWIED ( Maximilian, Prinz zu). Reise nach Brasilien, in den jahren 1815 bis 1817. 1st vol. 40; plates fol. Frankfurt, 1820. 2 vol. WV. C. 976. WIELAND ( C. M.). Oberon Ein Gedicht in zwblf gesangen. Reuttlingen, 1791. 120. B. C.. —.- De Hoogduitsche Clarissa; of Geschiedenis van de Freule van Sternheim. Utrecht, 1772. 2 vol. in 1. 8o. B. C. WVIFFEN (J. H.). Trans. of Jerusalem Delivered. See Tasso. WIFFEN (J. W.). Historical Memoirs of the I-louse of Russell, from the time of the Norman Conquest. London, 1833. 2 vol. 80. C. L. WIGGLESWORTIH (Edward), D.D. Sober Remarks on a Book lately reprinted in Boston, entitled "A Modest Proof of the Order and Government settled by Christ and his Apostles in the Church." 2d ed. Boston, 1724. 180. This volume also contains: 1. The Ruling and Ordaining Power of congregational bishops or presbyters defended: by an impartial hand. Boston, 1726. 2. A Vindication of the Appendix to the Sober Remarks. Boston, 1725. 3. Proposals on some things to be done in our administering ecclesiastical government: by William Homes. Boston, 1732. 4. Mr. Emerson's Exhortation to his People, with respect to variety of ministers. Boston, 1742. WIGHET ( Danforth P.). Memoirs of Thomas Wight of Dedham, Mass.; with genealogical notices, 1537 to 1840. Boston, 1848. 120. WIGHTWICK ( George). The Palace of Architecture: A Romance of art and history. London, 1840. 4o. Hints to Young Architects; with Notes and Hints to persons about building in the country: by A. J. Downing. London, 1847. 8~. WIKOFF ( Henry). My Courtship, and its consequences. New-York, 1855. 120. WILBERFORCE ( R. J. and S.). Life of William Wilberforce. London, 1838. 5 vol. 12o. 806 NEW-YORK STATE WILBERFORCE (Samuel), D.D. Bp. Oxford. Sermon at Westminster, before Soc. Prop. Gos. New-York, 1852. Pam. vol. 78. - History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America. 2d ed. London, 1846. 120. --- A Reproof of the American Church, extracted from the history, etc; with an Introduction by an American Churchman., New-York, 1846. Pam. vol. 47. B. C. WILBERFORaCE (William). A Practical View of the prevailing religious system of professed christians.... New-York. Am. Tr. Soc. 18-. Correspondence: Edited by R. J. and S. Wilberforce. London, 1840. 2 vol. 120~. WILBRAHAM ( Richard). Travels in the Trans-caucasian Provinces of Russia, and along the southern shore of the lakes of Van and Urumiah, in 1837. London, 1839. So. WILCOCKE (S. H.). A New Pocket Dictionary of the English and Dutch languages. London, 1811. sm. 4o. B. C. WILCOX ( Rev. Carlos). Sermon, Acts xxvi, 28. Pam. vol. 56. WILDE (Richard Henry). Conjectures and Researches concerning the love, madness andl imprisonment of Torquato Tasso. New-York, 1842. 2 vol. 120. B. C. WILDRIK (W.). Ernstig doch teffens schertzend onderzoek, of de oorzaaken van de kinderpokjes, mazelen, loop, rodeloop, en van veele andere ziekten maar byzonder van de schurft. Amsterdam, 1781. 8o. WILEY and PUTNAM. American Book Circular; with notes and statistics. New-York and London, 1843. Pain. vol. 40. B. C. WILFORD ( Francis). Chronology of the Hindus; Essay on the Sacred Isles of the West; On Mount Caucasus; Origin and Decline of the Christian Religion in India. See Asiatic Researches. WILKES ( Charles). Voyage round the World; embracing the principal events of the United States Exploring Expedition. New-York, 1851. 1 vol. 8~. See United States, Exploring Expedition. Western America, including California and Oregon; with Alaps of those regions, and of the Sacramento valley. Philadelphia, 1849. 80. WILKES (George). History of California, geographical and political. NewYork, 1845. Pamn. vol. 179. WILKES (John). North Briton. 46 nos. comnpl. London, 1772. 4 vol. 180..a —-- (Correspondence with his friends....and Memoirs by John Alion. London, 1805. 5 vol. 120. WILKINS (Rev. Isaac). A View of the Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies. New-York: reprinted London, 1775. Pam. vol. 117. The Congress Canvassed; or an Examination into the conduct of the delegates. Philadelphia, 1774; reprinted London, 1775. Pain. vol. 118. GENERAL LIBRARY. 807.... —:Free Thoughts on the same. Reprinted London, 1775. Pam. vol. 118. An Alarm to the Legislature of the Province of New-York, occasioned by the present political disturbances. New-York, 1775. 120. WILKINS (Rt. Rev. John). Mathematical and Philosophical Works. London, 1802. 2 vol. So. WILKINS (William). Speech, Sen. U. S., on Removal of deposites, 1834. Pam. vol. 60. WILKINSON (Eliza). Letters during the invasion and possession of Charleston, S. C., by the British, in the Revolutionary War, arranged by Caroline Gilman. New-York, 1838. 120. WILKINSON (Henry). Engines of War; or Historical and Experimental Observations on the ancient and modern warlike machines and implements. London, 1841. 80. WILKINSON ( Gen. James). Memoirs of My Own Times. Philadelphia, 1816. 3 vol. 8o. The same. 3 vol. So. B. C. Diagrams and Plans, illustrative of the principal battles and military affairs treated of in Memoirs of my own times. Phil'a, 1816. 4o. The same. 4o. B. C. WILKINSON ( Sir J. G.). Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians. London, 1837. 3 vol. 80. - The same: Second series. 1 vol. plates. London, 1841. 3 vol. 80. Hand-book for Travellers in Egypt...... a new ed. of Modern Egypt and Thebes. London, Murray, 1846. 12o. -- Dalmatia and Moitenegro; with a Journey to Mostar in Herzogovina, and Remarks on the Sclavonic Nations, the History of Dalmatia and Ragusa, the Uscocs, etc. London, 1848. 2 vol. 80. WILKS ( S. C.). Life of Lord Teignmouth. London, 1835. 2 vol..12. WILL (Dr. Heinrich). Outlines of Chemical Analysis: trans. by Daniel Breed, M.D., and Lewis H. Steiner, M.D. Boston, 1855. 80. WILLARD (Emma). Address.... proposing a plan for improving female education, 1819. Pamn. vol. 52. The same. With Address in favor of establishing a female seminary at Athens, Greece. Troy, 1833. 1 vol. 80. History of the United States; with its chronology and progressive geography. New-York, 1828. 8o. Journal and Letters from France and Great Britain. Troy, 1833. 120. - Answer to Marcus Willson's Reply; or Second Appeal to the public. New-York, 1847. Pam. vol. 53. B. C. ----- ILast Leaves of American History.... Histories of the Mexican War and California. New-York, 1849. 120. Last Leaves of American History; with a separate History of California. New-York, 1853. 120. 808 NEW-YORK STATE...- Respiration and its effects, in relation to Asiatic cholera. NewYork, 1849. 8o. WILLARD (Sidney). Memorials of Youth and Manhood. Cambridge, 1855. 2 vol. 120. WILLET (Andrew). Seckere Vruchtbare Meditatien op den 122 Psalm: ITt de Enghelsche Spraecke.... overgeset, door Gillis van Breen, D. des G. W. tot Beverwiick. 180. B. C. WILLETT ( Co/. Marinus). A Narrative of his Military Actions, taken chiefly from his own manuscript: by his Son, W. M. Willett. NewYork, 1831. 80. WILLIAM III. of ENGLAND. Willem den darde: Ceremonie en Plechtelijekheyd ontrent de Krooninge van William de III en Maria, tot Koningh en Koninginne van Engelandt... 1688. Pam. vol. 29. B. C. See Collection of State Tracts. WILLIAM I. of HOLLAND. Het Leven van Willem den I. Door * X. Leyden, Middelburg, 1732. 3 vol. 80. B. C. WILLIAM II. of HOLLAND. Het Leven van Willem den II. Door ~ *. Gravenhage, 1738. 2 vol. 8o. B. C. H- erinneringen bij en aan de inhuldiging van zijne Majesteit Willem den tweede.... 28 Nov. 1840. Gravenhage. Pair. vol. 32. B. C. WILLIAM IV. of HOLLAND. Het Leven van Willem' den IV. Door * * * Leyden, 1752. 2 vol. in 1. 80. B. C. WILLIAM Of MALMESBURY'S Chronicles of the Kings of England, from the earliest period to the Reign of King Stephen with Notes, by J. A. Giles. London, 1847. 120. WILLIAMS (Mrs.). Conversations on English Grammar. London, 1830. 120. WILLIAMS ( Mrs. Catbarine R.). Lives of General William Barton and Captain Stephen Olney. Providence, 1839. 12o. Neutral French, or the Exiles of Nova-Scotia. Providence, 1841. 2 vol. in 1. 120. WILLIAMS (Sir Charles Hanbury). Works; with Notes by Horace Walpole. London, 1822. 3 vol. 120. WILLIAMS ( Charles J. B.). Report of Experiments on the physiology of the lungs and air-tubes. Brit. Assoc. Reports, 1840. WILLIAMS ( Charles L.). Statistics of the Rutland County Bar, with biographical notices. Brandon, Vt. 1847. 80o. WILLIAMS ( C. V.). Life of Rt. Hon. Spencer Perceval. London, 1812. 120. WILLIAMS (D. E.). Life and Correspondence of Sir Thomas Lawrence. London, 1831. 2 vol. 80. WILLIAMS (Edward ). Virginia, more especially the south part thereof, richly and truly valued, viz. the fertile Carolina, etc. 2d edition; with the addition of the discovery of silk worms, implanting of mulberry trees, dressing of vines, etc. London, 1650. sm. 40. GENERAL LIBRARY. 809 WILLIAMS (Edwin). New-York as it is in.1833. New-York, 1833. 18o. New-York Annual Register, 1830 - 37, 1840 -45. New-York, 10 vol. 120. Complete to 1845. The same. 1831- 33. 3 vol. 120. B. C. Statistical Companion for 1846. New-York, 1846. 120. Presidents' Messages, inaugural, annual and special, from 1789 to 1846. New-York, 1846. 2 vol. 80. ------- The Statesman's Manual; Presidents' Messages, inaugural, annual and special, from 1789; with Memoirs of each President...... New-York, 1849. 4 vol. 85. WILLIAMS (Rev. Eleazar). Common Prayer in the Iroquois. See Prot. Episc. Church. WILLIAMS ( Helen M.). Political and Confidential Correspondence of Louis XVI. New-York, 1803. 3 vol. 80. B. C. WILLIAMS ( Jesse). A Description of the United States' Lands in Iowa, with an appendix and map. New-York, 1849. 18o. WILLIAMS ( Rev. John). A Faithful History of his captivity by, and deliverance.... from the French and Indians.... with a conclusion by Rev. Mr. Prince. 5th ed. New-London, 1776 (? ). With Reports of divine kindness, a Sermon by Rev. J. W. New-London, 1776. 80. WILLIAMIS (Rev. John). Narrative of Missionary Enterprises in the South Sea Islands. 1st Am. ed. New-York, 1837. 8~. WILLIAMS (John). The Natural History of the mineral kingdom. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1810. 2 vol. 80. WILLiAMS (John), D.D. Inaugural Discourse, Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. 1849. 8o. WILLIAMS (Col. Jonathan). Plan for Fortifying the Narrows, between Long and Staten Islands. Pam. vol. 2. The Elements of Fortification: trans. from the French by J. W. 2d ed. 1801. 8o. Address to the U. S. Military Philosophical Society. New-York, 1809. 40. WILLIAMS ( J. B.). Memoirs of the Life, Character and Writings of Sir Matthew Hale. London, 1835. 120. WILLIAMS ( John Lee). A View of West-Florida, with its geography, topography, and a map. Philadelphia, 1827. 80. Sketches of the Topography, and the civil and natural history of Florida. New-York, 1837. 8o. WILLIAMS ( J. S.). See American Pioneer. WILLIAMS ( Rev. N. W.). Address at Centennial Celebration, Buxton, Me. 1850. Portland. 80. WILLIAMS ( Othniel S.). The Early History of Clinton, Oneida Co.: A Lecture, Y. M. Lyceum of Clinton. 1849. 80. WILLIAMS (Samuel). History of Vermont. Walpole, 1794. 8o. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 102 810 NEW-YORK STATE The same. 2d ed. Burlington, 1809. 2 vol. 80. WILLIAMS ( Rev. Solomon). Historical Sketch of Northampton, Mass. Northampton, 1815. 80. WILLIAMS ( Rev. S. P.). Synodical Sermon. Watertown, N. Y. 1826. Pain. vol. 62. WILLIAMS ( S. Wells). The Middle Kingdom: A Survey of the geography, government, education, etc. of the Chinese Empire. New-York, 1848. 2 vol. 120. WILLIAMS ( Stephen W.), M.D. American Medical Biography, or Memoirs of eminent physicians. New-York, 1845. 8o. A Memoir of the Rev. John Williams, first Minister of Deerfield, Mass.; with Journal of Rev. Dr. Stephen Williams during his captivity, and other papers relating to the Indian Wars. Greenfield, Mlass. 1837. 120. The Genealogy and History of the Family of Williams, in America; more particularly the descendants of Robert Williams, of Roxbury. Greenfield, 1847. 12". WILLIAMS (Thomas). See Religions. WILLIAMS (W. R.), D.D. Discourse, Hudson River Bapt. Assoc. 1835. Serm. vol. 4. B. C. WILLIAMSON ( Capt. Charles). Description of the Genesee Country, in a series of letters to a friend; with map of Ontario and Steuben counties. Albany, 1798. sin. 40. 2 copies. Description of the Settlement of the Genesee Country, New-York.... New-York, 1799. 8o. WILLIAMSON ( Rev. G. R.). Memoir of David Abeel, D.D., late Missionary to China: by his Nephew. New-York, 1848. 12o. WILLIAMSON (Hugh), M.D. Observations on the Climate in different parts of America.... being an Introductory Discourse to the History of North-Carolina. New-York, 1811. 80. The same, 181.1. 80. B. C.....- HHistory of North-Carolina. Philadelphia, 1812. 2 vol. 80. WILLIAMSON ( Lieut. R. S.). Report of a Reconnoissance and Survey in California, in connection with explorations'for a practicable railway route to the Pacific. See Pacific Rt. R. Rep. vol. 3. WILLIAMSON (William D.). History of the State of Maine, from its discovery in 1602, to 1820. Hallowell, 1832. 2 vol. 8o. WILLICH (A. F. M.). Lectures on Diet and Regimen. 1st Am. ed. NewYork, 1801. 80. The same. 80. B. C. WILLIS'S ( Madam) Letters, and her character; with some Strictures of Madam Ann Stockbridge's, and the character of Madam Sarah Page. Boston, 1788. 12o. WILLIS'S CURRENT NOTES: A Series of Articles on antiquities, biography, heraldry, history, languages, literature, natural history, curious customs, etc. Monthly. London, 1851 - 54. 4 vol. 4o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 811 WILLIS (Nathanael Parker). See American Monthly Magazine; New MIirror; Corsair; Home Journal; and Morris ( G. P.). Fugitive Poetry. Boston, 1829. 80. Dashes at Life with a free pencil: Part 1. New-York, 1845. 8o. Rural Letters, and other Records of thought, at leisure. NewYork, 1849. 80. ------- People I have met; or Pictures of Society and People of mark. New-York, 1850. 12o. Life here and there; or Sketches of Society and Adventure. New-York, 1850. 12~. Trenton Falls, picturesque and descriptive...... embracing the Original Essay of John Sherman, the first proprietor and resident. New-York, 1851. 120. Summer Cruise in the Mediterranean, on board an American frigate. New-York, 1853. 120. Health Trip to the Tropics. New-York, 1853. 120...... — Out-doors at Idle-wild. New-York, 1855. 120. WILLIS (William). The History of Portland, from its first settlement: Part 2, 1700 - 1833. Portland, 1833. 80o. Part 1. See 1l/aine Hist. Coll. vol. 1. Journals of Thomas Smith and Samuel Deane, Pastors of the First Church in Portland; with Notes and Biographical Notices, and a Summary Itistory of Portland. Portland, 1849. 80. WILLISTON ( E. B.). Eloquence of the United States. Middletown, Conn. 1827. 5 vol. 80. The same. 80. B. C. WILLMER and SMITH. See Liverpool Chronicle. WILLMOTT (Rev. Robert A.). A Journal of Summer Time in the country. New-York, 1852. 120. WILLOUGHBY ( Lady). See Diary. WILLOUGHBY (Francis). Travels in Spain. Harris, vol. 2. WILLOUGHBY ( Sir Hugh) and others. Voyages to the Northern parts of Russia and Siberia. Pinkerton, vol. 1. WILLSON ( James R.), D.D. Prince Messiah's Claim to dominion over all governments.... Albany, 1832. Pam. vol. 62. WILLSON ( Marcius). History of the United States for schools. New-York, 1846. 80. - American History, comprising Historical Sketches of the Indian Tribes; a Description of A merican antiquities; History of the United States, Mexico, Texas. New-York, 1847. 80. WILLYAMS (Rev. Cooper). An Account of the Campaign in the West Indies, in 1794, under the command of Sir Charles Grey and Sir John Jarvis. London, 1796. 40. WILLYMOTT (William), LL.D. English Particles exemplified in sentences. 13th ed. Eton, 1789. 120. 812 NEW-YORK STATE WILMOT ( D.). Speech, H. of R. U. S., on his Proviso restricting slavery, 1847. Pam. vol. 22; and Pain. vol. 50. B. C. WILMOT ( Sir John Eardley). Memoirs, with some original letters. ]London, 1802. 4o. Historical View of the Commission for inquiring into the losses, services and claims of the American Loyalists, at the close of the War, 1783.... London, 1815. 80. WILSON (Alexander). American Ornithology; or the Natural History of the Birds of the United States. Philadelphia, 1808. With plates, 9 vol. fol. The 9th vol. pub. by George Ord. WILSON ( A. Philips), M.D. Treatise on Febrile Diseases. First Am. from 2d English ed. Hartford, 1809. 2 vol. 8o. WILSON (Bird ), D.D. Memoirs of the Right Rev. William White, D.D. Bishop of the Prot. Episc. Church in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1839. 80. WILSON (D.). Henrietta Robinson. New-York and Auburn, 1855. 120. WILSON (Daniel). The Pilgrim Fathers. See Stowell ( W. H.). WILSON ( Daniel ), Bp. The Evidences of Christianity. Boston, 1829-30. 2 vol. 80. B. C. WILSON ( Ethan S.). The Book of Judgment. Saratoga (? ), 1853. 8o. WILSON ( Capt. Henry). An Account of the Pelew Islands, from his Journals, and of some of his officers..... Ed. by George Keate. 3d ed. London, 1789. 4o0. WILSON (H. H.). Two Lectures on the religious practices and opinions of the Hindus. Oxford, 1840. 80. History of British India, from 1805 to 1835. Continuation of Mills's. London, 1845 - 48. 3 vol. 80. WILSON ( Capt. James): A Missionary Voyage in the Southern Pacific Ocean, in the Ship Duff, 1796, 7, 8. London, 1799. 4o. WILSON ( James). Apostolic Church Government displayed, and the Government of the Methodist Episcopal Church investigated. Providence, 1798. 120. WILSON (J. M.) and J. P. Lawson. Comprehensive Gazetteer of Ireland. Dublin. 2 vol. 120. WILSON (Janmes P.), D.D. Essay on Grammar. London, 1840. 180. WILSON (John). A Treatise on Grammatical Punctuation. Manchester, 1844. 12~. B. C. The same. 3d ed. Boston, 1855. 120. WILSON ( John). The Concessions of Trinitarians. Boston, 1845. 80. B. C. Scripture Proofs and Scriptural Illustrations of Unitarianism. 3d ed. Boston, 1846. 8o. B. C. WILSON ( John L.). Speech in the Legislature of South-Carolina, 1827. Pam. vol. 13. B. C. GENERAL LIBRARY. 813 WILSON ( Joseph). IHistory of Mountains, geographical and mineralogical. London, 1807. 3 vol. 40. WILSON (Rev. Joseph). French and English Dictionary, compiled from the Dictionaries of the Academy, etc. London, Bohn, 1850. imp. 8o. WILSON (P.), LL.D. See Adams's Antiquities revised. WILSON ( Robert T.). History of the British Expedition to Egypt. Philadelphia, 1803. 80. WILsoN ( S.). Albany City Guide, 1844, 45. 2 vol. 180. 5 copies each. WILSON (Samuel). An Account of the Province of Carolina in America, together with an abstract of the patent. London, 1682. sm. 4o. WILSON ( Samuel F.). History of the American Revolution. Baltimore, 1834. 12o. WILSON (Thomas), Bishop. An Essay towards an Instruction for the Indians. 2d ed. London, 1741. 12o. -- The Knowledge and Practice of Christianity, made easy to the meanest capacity. London, 1742. 180. B. C. WILsoN ( Rev. T.). The First Catechism of English Grammar. London. 180. WILSON ( Thomas). Biography of the principal American Military and Naval Heroes of the revolutionary and late wars. New-York, 1817. 2 vol. 12o. Picture of Philadelphia for 1824; containing the Picture of Philadelphia for 1811, by James Mease. Philadelphia, 1823. 120. WILSON (Walter). Memoirs of the Life and Times of Daniel De Foe. London, 1830. 3 Vol. 80. B. C. WILSON (William). Protest against the Gen. Syn. of the Ref. Presb. Church. Cincinnati, 1850. Pam. vol. 81. WILSON (W. D.), D.D. An Elementary Treatise on Logic. New-York, 1856. 12~. WILSON ( William Rae). Travels in the Holy Land, Egypt, etc. 4th ed. London, 1847. 2 vol. 80. C., L. Records of a Route through France and Italy, with Sketches of Catholicism. London, 1835. 80. WIMPFFEN (F. A. Stanislaus, Baron de). Voyage a Saint-Domingue en 1788- 90. Paris, 1797. 2 vol. 80. W. C. 977. WINCHESTER ( Elhanan). The Three Woe Trumpets; being two discourses, in 1793. 2d ed. London. 8o. - The Universal Restoration, exhibited in four dialogues.... London printed: Litchfield, Conn. reprinted, 1794. 18o. ----- ~ Oration on the Discovery of America, London, Oct. 12, 1792. 2d edition; with appendix, containing a description and engraving of the City of Washington. 1792. 80. WINCKLEMIANN ( John J.). The History of Ancient Art: trans. from the German, by G. H. Lodge. Vol. 2. Boston, 1849. 80. 814 NEW-YORK STATE Sendschreiben von den Herculanischen Entdeckungen. Dresden, 1792. 4o. WINDUS'S Journey to Mequinez. Coil. of Voy. 6; and Pinkerton, vol. 15. WINFIELD (Rev. A. B.). Two Sermons on Infant Baptism. Auburn, 1849. Pam. vol. 82. Sermon; with History of the Ref. D. Church.. Paramus, N.J. New-York, 1853. 8~. WING ( Charles). Evils of the Factory System demonstrated by parliamentary evidence. London, 1837. 8~,. WINSLOW ( Rev. Benjamin D.). Sermons and Poetical Remains; with Notes, and a Sermon preached on his decease, by Rt. Rev. G. W. Doane. New-York, 1841. 80. WINSLOW (Forbes). Anatomy of Suicide. London, 1840. 80. WINSLOW (Rev. Hubbard). Sermon, Ant. and Hon. Artil. Comp. Boston, 1853. Pam. vol. 93. WINSOR (Justice). History of the Town of Duxbury, Mass.; with genealogical registers. Boston, 1849. 80. WINTERBOTHAM (W.). Historical View of the American United States, and of the European Settlements in America and the West Indies. London, 1795. 4 vol. 80. W. C. 978. WINTHROP ( Gov. John). Journal of the Transactions and Occurrences in Massachusetts and other New-England Colonies, from 1630 to 1644. Ed. by Noah Webster. Hartford, 1790. 80. History of New-England, 1630 to 1649: from his original manuscripts, with notes, by James Savage. Boston, 1825. 2 vol. 80. The same. New ed. Boston, 1853. 2 vol. 80. " — and others. The Humble Request of His Majesties Loyall Subjects, the Governor and the Company late gone for New-England, to the rest of their brethren in and of the Church of England. London, 1630. 12). W. C. 680. WINTHROP ( Robert C.). Addresses and Speeches on various occasions. Boston, 1852. 85. Oration, July 4, 1848, on the laying the corner stone of the National Monument, to the Memory of Washington. Washington, 1848. 80. - An Address, Maine Hist. Soc., at Bowdoin College, 1849. Boston, 1849. 80. Address, Bristol Co. Agric. Soc. 1852. Pam. vol. 88. WIRGOMAN ( Thomas). Principles of the Kantesian or Transcendental Philosophy. Pampi:l1tecr, vol. 23. WIRT (William). Letters of the British Spy. 4th ed. Baltimore, 1811. 180. B. C. - The same. 5th ed. Baltimore, 1813. 160. W. C. 979, The same. 10 th edition; with a biographical sketch of the author, by Cruse. New-York, 1832. 120. GENERAL LIBRARY. 815 _ The same, 1832. 120. B. C. Life of Patrick Henry. 3d ed. Philadelphia, 1818. 80. The same. 4th ed. New-York, 1831. 80. B. C. The same. Revised ed. Philadelphia, 1841. 12~. B. C..-..- The Old Bachelor. Baltimore, 1818. 2 vol. 18o...-.-. 1, Discourse on the lives of Jefferson and Adams, Washington, 1826; 2, Address at Rutgers College, 1830. 1 vol. 80. The same: first title. Pam. vol. 10. B. C. The same, last title, Pam. vol. 19; and 4th ed. 1852. Pam. vol. 77. WIscoNsIN. Geolog. Survey. See Owen (D. D.). - Geol. Surv.: 1st Report, by E. Daniels. Madison, 1854. 80....- Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, E. Root, to the Legislature, 1849. 80..-. — Report of Public Instruction for 1852,,53. Pam. vol. 172. Second and Third Annual Reports of the Board of Regents of the University. Madison, 1850 - 51. 8o. Deaf and Dumb Institute: Report for 1852. Pam. vol. 168. See also Law Lib. WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY: ist Ann. Report, and Collections for 1854. Vol. 1. Madison, 1854. 80. WISCONSIN STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY: Transactions, vol. 1, 2; 1851- 52. Madison, 1851, 53. 2 vol. 80. WISCONSIN: Statistical Account of the State; with Statistics of Dane County, Wis., with a Sketch of the growth of the village of Madison. Madison, 1852. 80. - Statistics of Dane County, Wisconsin; with a Business Directory, in part, of Madison. Madison, 1851. 80. WISE ( Lieut.), U. S. A. Los Gringos, or an Inside View of Mexico and California; with Wanderings in Peru, Chili, and California. New-York, 1849. 12o..... Tales for the Marines. By Harry Gringo. Boston, 1855. 120. WISE ( H. A.). Speech, H. of R. U. S., on Removal of deposites, 1834. Pam. vol. 60. WISE ( Rev. Isaac M.). The End of Popes, Nobles, and Kings: Address, Hebrew Y. M. L. Assoc. N.Y. 1852. Pam. vol. -77. History of the Israelitish Nation, from Abraham to the present time. Albany, 1854. vol. 1. 80. WISEMAN (Nicholas), D.D. Card. Twelve Lectures on the Cannexion between science and revealed religion. 1st Am. ed. Andover, 1837. 8o. WISrAW ( Francis). Analysis of Railways; with a copious glossary. 2d ed. London, 1838. 80. WISLICENUS ( G. A.). Aus Amerika: Meine Reise nach Amerika, ihr Anlass und ihr Verlauf. Two parts. Leipzig, 1854. 120. 816 NEW-YORK STATE WISLIZENUS ( A.), M.D. Memoir of a Tour to Northern Mexico, with Col. Doniphan's Expedition, 1846, 47, with 3 maps. Sen. Doct. Washington, 1848. 8,. WITHERING (William), M. D. A Systematic Arrangement of British Plants. 4th ed. London, 1801. 4 vol. in 2. 80. WITHERS ( Alexander S.). Chronicles of Border Warfare; or a History of the settlement by the whites, of Northwestern Virginia. Clarksburg, Va. 1831. 12o. WITHERSPooN ( John), D.D. Considerations on the Legislative Authority of the British Parliament. Philadelphia, 1774. 80. irW. C. 980. ----- STWorks; with an Account of his Life, by Rev. John Rodgers, of New-York. Philadelphia, 1800 - 1801. 4 vol. 80. Miscellaneous Works. Philadelphia, 1803. 80. Lectures on Moral Philosophy and Eloquence. 3d ed. Philadelphia, 1810. 120. WITHINGTON ( Rev. Leonard). Sermons, Salem, 1832, and Newbury, 1846. Pam. vol. 106. WITSEN (Nicholas). See Orleans (P. J. d'). WITT ( De). See DeWitt (John). WITTMAN ( Dr.). Die Germanen und die R15mer in ihrem wechselverhaltnisse vor dem Falle des Westreiches. Manchen, 1851. See Bav. Acad. Mem. vol. 1. WOART ( Rev. John). Sermon before A. and II. Artil. Company. Boston, 1850. Pam. vol. 62. WODROW (Robert), History of the Sufferings of the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1721 - 22. 2 vol. fol. WOLCOTT (Alexander). The Cup of Trembling.... the approaching millennial jubilee. New-York, 1835. Pam. vol. 56. WOLCOTT (Oliver) jr. Address to the People, defending his conduct as Secretary of the Treasury. pp. 112. Boston, 1802. Pam. vol. 39. WOLF (Jo. Christian). Monumenta Typographica; que artis hujus prnestantissimoe originem, laudem et abusum posteris produnt..... Hamburgi, 1740. 2 vol. 120. WOLFE ( Gen. James). Instructions to Young Officers, and a Placart to the Canadians. London, 1768. 120. W. C. 981. WOLFE (John). Account of Java, 1595. Churchill, supp. 2. WOLFE-TONE ( Theobald ). Life.. written by himself; with his political writings.... ed. by his son. Washington, 1826. 2 vol. 80. - The same, abridged. London, 1828. l vol. 180. WOLFE-TONE (William Theobald ). School of Cavalry; or a Systemfor Instruction,.. proposed for the Cavalry of the United States. Georgetown, 1824. 8o. WOLFF (Joseph). Narrative of a Mission to Bokhara, in 1843 - 45, to ascertain the fate of Col. Stoddart and Capt. Conolly. New-York, 1845. 80. GENEIRAL LIBRARY. 817 WONDERLIJKE BEWARING en Redding, uit een noodlottig ongeluk op Zee, op de Engelsehe Kust, opgeteekend uit den mond van den Stuurman A. van der Toorn. Pam. vol. 32. B. C. WOOD ( Anthony). Athenm Oxonienses: History of Oxford Writers; to which are added the Fasti Oxonienses. London, 1691, 92. 2 vol. fol. WooD (Rev. Benjamin). A Centennial Address, Upton, Mass. 1835. Boston. 80o. WooD ( BIradford R.). Speeches, H. of R. U. S., on the Wilmot proviso, 1847; on the Oregon question, 1846. Pain. vol. 60.. —- The same: first title, Pam. vol. 50, B. C.; second title, Pam. vol. 44, B. C. WOOD (George). Modern Pilgrims, to the Celestial City. Boston, 1855. 2 vol. 120. WTOOD ( Geo. B.), and F. Bache. Dispensatory of the United States of America. 4th ed. Philadelphia, 1839. 8o. - An Address, Centennial Celebration of Pennsylvania Hospital, 1851. Philadelphia. 80. WooD ( Helen). Grammatical Reading Class-book, or Easy Introduction to English Granmmar. London, 1841. 120. WooD ( Jesse C.). Essay on Banking. See Pam. vol. 154. WOOD (John). A Full Exposition of the Clintonian faction,- and the Society of the Columbian illuminati.... Newark, 1802. 8o. - History of the Administration of John Adams, late President of the United States. New-York, 1802. 80. WooD ( John). Personal Narrative of a Journey to the. Sources of the River Oxus, in 1836 - 38. London, 1841. S~. WooD ( John S. and B.). See American MIagazine and Repository. WOOD (Robert). Journey to Palmyra. See Coell. Voy. vol. 6. WOOD ( Searles V.). A Monograph of the Crag Mollusca: Description of Shells from the middle and upper tertiaries of the East of England. 2 parts. See Palmeont. Soc. WOOD ( Silas). A Sketch of the first settlement of the several towns on Long Island.... to the end of the American Revolution. Brooklyn, 1824. 80. - The same. A new ed. Brooklyn, 1828. So. Speeches, 11. of R. U. S., on tlie Panama Mission, 1826; on Mr. Foot's resolution, 1830. Pain. vol. 60. Speeches, H. of R. U. S. 1826. Pam. vol. 13. B. C. WooD ( W.). Index Testaceologicus; or a Catalogue of Shells, British and Foreign, according to the Linnsean System; with 2300 figures. 2d ed. London, 1828. 80. WooD (William). Survey of Trade. 2d ed. London, 1722. 16~. WooD ( William). New-England's Prospect. London, 1634. See Young (Alexander). [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 103 818 NEW-YORK STATE WOOD ( William B.). Personal Recollections of the Stage.... during a period of forty years. Philadelphia, 1855. 12o. WOOD (Win. Maxwell), AI.D., U.S._N. Wandering Sketches of people and things in South America, Polynesia, California, and other places visited. Philadelphia, 1849. 12o. WOODBRIDGE (Rev. W.). Sermon on Absolute Predestination. Middletown, 1805. Pain. vol. 82. WOODBRIDGE ( William C.). See American Annals of Education. Rudiments of Geography. Hartford, 1833. 18o. WOODBURY (Rev. A.). Sermon, 2d Cong. Soc. Concord, N. H. 1853. Pain. vol. 95. WOODBURY ( Levi), LL.D. Writings, political, judicial, and literary.... Boston, 1852. 3 vol. 8. Tables and Notes on the cultivation, manufacture and foreign trade of cotton. Washington, 1836. 8o. - Eulogy on the Life and Public services of President Polk. Boston, July 25, 1849. 8'. Address, American Institute. New-York, 1849. Pain. vol. 52, 63. WVOODBURY ( P. P.), T. Savage and W. Patton. History of Bedford, N.H..... Boston, 1851. 8~. W~OODCROFT ( Prof. Bennett). A Sketch of the Origin and Progress of steam navigation, from authentic documents. London, 1848. 4o. WOODaMAN ( David ) jr. Guide to Texas Emigrants; with a map. Boston, 1835. 120. WOODS ( Rev. Daniel B.). Sixteen Months at the gold diggings. N.York, 1851. 120. WooDs ( Edward ). Report on Railway constants. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1841. WooDs (John). Two Years' Residence in the Settlement on the English Prairie, in Illinois. London, 1822. 80. W. C. 982. WooDs (Leonard), D.D. Works. Boston, 1851. 5 vol. 8o. -- A_ — -A Reply to Dr. Ware's Letters to Trinitarians and Calvinists. Andover, 1821. 80. Letters to Unitarians, occasioned by the Sermon of Rev. W. E. Channing at the ordination of Rev. J. Sparks. Andover, 1826. 80. WOODWARD (George H.). A Sermon, 1845, at Stafford, Conn. Hartford, 1 846. 80. WV OODWARD ( S. P.). A Manual of the Mollusca; or a Rudimentary Treatise of recent and fossil shells. London, 1851. 12~. WVOODWORTI ( John). On the Attorney Gen.'s Report to the Senate, 1851. Pam. vol. 67. WOODWORTIt (John). Reminiscences of Troy, from. its settlement in 1790 to 1807. Albany, 1853. 80. WOODWORTH ( Samuel ). See Parthenon, periodical. M Melodies, Duets, Trios, Songs, Ballads. 2d ed. N.York, 1830. 180. GENERAL LIBRAR-TY. 819 WOODWORTH (WV.). Planing Patent, 1828. Pam. vol. 92. WOOLMAN (John), late of MDount Holly in the Province of New-Jersey. Journal of the Life and gospel labors of. Dublin, 1794. 8o. WOTOLRYCH (Humphrey W.). Memoirs of the Life of Judge Jeffreys, sometime Lord High Chancellor of England. London, 1827. 80. WOOLSEY (T. D.), LL.D. See Euripides; Sophocles; ZEschylus. WOOSTER ( Gen. David ). Proceedings of the 3M. WT. Grand Lodge of Conn., called for the purpose of laying the chief stone of the monument to D. WT. New-Haven, 1854. With H. C. Deminig's Oration, Hartford, 1854. 80. WORCESTER ( Joseph E.). Universal Gazetteer, ancient and modern. Andover, 1817. 2 vol. 80. A Universal and Critical Dictionary ofthe English Language. Boston, 1847. 80. WORCESTER (Noah), D.D. A Familiar Dialogue between Cephas and Bereas; with Remarks on pamphlets written by Dr. Moore and Dr. Linn. Worcester, 1792. 80. Bible News; or Sacred Truth relating to the Living God, his only Son, and Holy Spirit. 3d ed. Boston, 1825. 120. B. C. - Last Thoughts on important subjects, in three parts. Cambridge, 1829. 120. B. C. The Atoning Sacrifice; a Display of Love, not of wrath. Cambridge, 1829. 12o. B. C. See Solemn Review, etc. WORCESTER MAGAZINE and HISTORICAL JOURNAL: Ed. by W. Lincoln and C. C. Baldwin. Worcester, 1826. 2 vol. 80. WORCESTER ( Samuel), D.D. Sermons, 1812, 1818. Pam. vol. 106. WORCESTER (Samuel A.) vs. The State of Georgia: Opinion of C. J. Marshall and J. M'Lean. Washington, 1832. Pam. vol. 29. B. C. WORCESTER ( Samuel M.), D.D. Discourse, First Centennial Anniversary of the Tabernacle Church, Salem, Mass. 1835. Salem. 80o. Discourse, Plymouth, Mass. 1848. Pamin. vol. 106. WORCESTER: State Lunatic IIospital. See Massachusetts. WORCESTER SUNDAY SCHOOL SOCIETY: Report, 1852. Pam. vol. 97. WORD at Parting, to the Earl of Shelburne. London, 1782. Pam. vol. 121. WORD to Federalists, and to those who love the memory of Washington. pp. 62. Pam. vol. 44. WORDSWORTH (Christopher). Discourses on Public Education. London, 1844. 120. --- Memoirs of William Wordsworth: ed. by Henry Reed. Boston, 1851. 2 vol. 120. WORDSWORTH (William). Poetical Works. Boston, 1824. 4 vol. 120. The same. 4 vol. 120. B. C. 820 NEW-YORK STATE - Yarrow revisited; and other poems. New-York, 1835. 120. B.C. WORKINGTON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY: Proceedings, 1809. Workington, 1809. 80. WORKMAN ( James). Essays and Letters on various political subjects. 2d Am. ed. New-York, 1809. 120. W. C. 983. WORrKS of the Learned. See HIistory of. WORLD ( The) of Science, Art and Industry, illustrated from examples in the New-York Exhibition, 1853, 54. Ed. by B. Silliman jr. and C. R. Goodrich, esq. New-York, Putnam, 1854. 4~. 2 copies. VORNUAI ( Ralph N.). Lecture on Painting. See Barry. WORPERI TYIERDA ex Renismageest, Prioris in Thabor; Chronicorum Frisie, libri tres: edidit Societas Frisiaca. Leovardie, 1847. 80. WORSLEY ( Israel ). A View of the American Indians, showing them to be the descendants of the Ten tribes of Israel. London, 1828. 120. WORTLEY ( Lady Emmeline Stuart ). Travels in the United States.... during 1849 and 1850. New-York, 1851. 120. WRANGELL (Admiiral Ferdinand von). Narrative of an Expedition to the Polar Sea in 1820-23: ed. by Lieut. C(ol. E. Sabine. London, 1840.80. The same, with additions: edited by Lieut. Col. Sabine. London, 1844. 120. WRAXALL ( Sir Nathaniel W.). The History of France, under the Kings of the Race of Valois. 2d- ed. London, 1785. 2 vol. 8o..*- 3{Me moirs of the Courts of Berlin, Dresden, Warsaw and Vienna, etc. Dublin, 1799. 2 vol. 80. B. C. The same. 3d ed. London, 1806. 2 vol. 80.: — Tour round the Baltic, and through the Northern Countries of Europe. 4th ed. London, 1807. 80. ~- - An Answer to the calumnious misrepresentations of the Quarterly Review, the British Critic, and the Edinb. Review. London, 1815. 8o. Historical Memoirs of his own time. London, 1836. 4 vol. 8o. - The same. Philadelphia, 1837. 80. B. C. Posthumous Memoirs of his own time. 2d ed. London, 1836. 3 vol. 8:. --- The same. Philadelphia, 1845. 8~. B. C. WVRAXALL ( Peter). An Abridgment of the Records of Indian affairs, contained in four folio volumes, transacted in the Colony of New-York, from the year 1678 to the year 1751. See [MSS. WRIGHrT ( Asher). Interesting Narrative of Mary Jemison, who lived nearly seventy-eight years among the Indians. Buffalo? 1834? 120. WRIGHT ( Benj.), and J. L. Sullivan. Report...... of proposed canal from the Hudson to.... Lackawaxen river. Philadelphia, 1824. Pam. vol. 5. B. C. WRIGHT ( Edward). Observations made in travelling through France, Italy, etc. in 1720- 22. London, 1730. 2 vol. 4o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 821 WRIGHT (Frances). See Arusmont ( Frances W. D'). aWRIGHT (Rev. G. N.). The Life and Reign of William the Fourth. London, 1837. 2 vol. 80. C. L. See Cream of Scientific Knowledge. WRIGHT (H. C.). Man-killing, by individuals and nations, wrong...... Boston, 1841. Pamn. vol. 97. WVRIGHT (J.). The American Negotiator; or the Various Currencies of the British Colonies in America, as well the Islands as the Continent, reduced into English money. 2d ed. London, 1763. 80o. A Complete History of the Late War, etc., in Europe, Asia and America. London, 1765. 2 vol. 80. Several plates and maps wanting. WRIGHT (J.), and J. Hall. Plants in vicinity of Troy, 1830. Pam. vol. 188. WRIGHT ( Joseph WT.). Hours of Idleness improved. N.York, 1843. 180o. - Philosophical Grammar of the English language. New-York, 1838. 120. WRIGHT ( Silas). A Collection of thirteen of his Speeches in Congress, from 1828 to 1841, in 1 vol. 8'. Speech, U. S. Sen., on Removal from office, 1835. Pam. vol. 28. B.C. Speech, U. S. Sen., on Col. Benton's resolutions, 1836. Pam. vol. 29. B. C. WRIGHT ( Stephen). History of the Shaftsbury Baptist Association, 1781 - 1853. Troy, 1853. 120. WRIGHT ( Thomas). The Archxological Album, or Museum of National Antiquities. London, 1845. 4~. - England, under the House of Hanover, illustrated by the caricatures and satires of the day. London, 1848. 2 vol. 80o. Narratives of Sorcery and Magic, from the most authentic sources. New-York, 1852. 120. WRIGHT (Thomas). The Universe and Stars, or Theory of the visible and invisible creation; with Notes by Prof. Rafinesque. From Lond. ed. of 1750. Philadelphia, 1837. 80. WRIGHT ( Lieut. W. H.). A Brief Practical Treatise on Mortars, with an account of the processes at the public works in Boston Harbor. Boston, 1845. 120. 2 copies. WRITER'S ( The) and Student's Grammar. London, 1838. 120. WROTTLESEY ( Lord). Navigation. See Lib. U. K. Nat. Phil. vol. 3. WSELLINX. Vertoogh, hoe nootwendich, nut ende profytelick het sy voor de vereenighde Nederlanden te behouden de Vryheyt van te handelen op West-Indien, inden vrede metten Coninrek Van Spaignen. 1608. sm. 40. WtmuTz ( Georges C.). Me3moire sur le inoyen de reparer les torts faits an Commerce de la France, par l'Insurrection de Saint-Domningue. Paris, 1820. 8~. W. C. 985. 822 NEW-YORK STATE Second M Smoire relatif aux Anciens Colons de Saint-Domingue. Paris, 1822. 80. W. C. 986. WYATT ( Matthew D.). Report of the Eleventh French Exposition of the products of industry. London, 1849. fo1. WYATT (Thomas). Manual of Conchology, according to the System of Lamarck; with the late improvements by De Blainville. New-York, 1838. So. Synopsis of Natural History, embracing the Natural History of Animals: from the French of C. Lemmonnier, Cuvier, etc. Philadelphia, 1839. 80. - A Description of the National Medals of America, presented to the officers of the Wars of the Revolution and of 1812. New-York, 1854. 120. —. —-- - Memoirs of Generals, Commodores, and other commanders who distinguished;themselves in the American army and navy..... and who were presented with medals; with engravings of the medals. Philadelphia, 1.848. 8o. WYATT (Rev. W. E.). Discourse on Christian Education, 1833. Pam. vol. 63. WYCHERBLEY, Congreve, Vanbrugh and Farquhar. Dramatic Works; with biographical and critical notices by Leigh Hunt. London, 1840. 80. WYCKOFF ( Rev. I. N.), D.D. Christian Example: A Sermon, on Death of Christian Miller. Albany, 1844. Pam. vol. 56. B. C. The same. Serm. vol. 6. B. C. Address at Rutgers College, 1840. Muns. Pam. vol. 2; also Pam. vol. 83. WYDLER ( Henri ). Sur le Genre Scrofularia. See Candolle (De). WYLIE (Samuel B.), D.D. Memoirs of Alexander M'Leod, D.D. NewYork, 1855. 80. WYMAN (Jeffries), M.D. Anatomy of the Nervous system of Rana pipiens. See Smithson. Contr. vol. 5. WYMAN (Morrill). A Practical Treatise on ventilation. Boston, 1846. 12o. WVYN ( IH. van). See Wagenaar: Byvoegsels en Aanmerkingen voor der Vaderl. Hist. WYNKOOP ( J. M.). Anecdotes and Incidents...... and amusing adventures of the officers and privates of the Army in Mexico. Pittsburgh, 1848. 120. - Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of America. N.York, 1850. 12o. WYNNE (James), M.D. Memoir of Maj. S. Ringgold, 1847. See Maryland Hist. Soc. WYNNE ( John Huddleston). General History of the British Empire in America. London, 1770. 2 vol. 8O. WYsE (Francis). America; its realities and resources. London, 1846. 3 vol. 8o. GENERAL LIBRARY. 823 WYTFLIET (Cornelius). Descriptionis Ptolemaica augmentum; sive occidentis notitia, breui commentario illustrata. Lovanii, 1597. fol. X. XANCTOIGNE (J. A. de). Voyage. See Sec. Litt. Quebec. XENOPHON. Works: translated by Ashley Cooper, Spelman, Smith, Fielding, and others. Philadelphia, 1840. 8~.: The Anabasis, or Expedition of Cyrus; and the Memorabilia of Socrates: trans. by J. S. Watson, with Geog. commentary by W. F. Ainsworth. London, Bohn, 1854. 12o....- The Cyropoedia and the Hellenics: trans. by Rev. J. S. Watson and Rev. Henry Dale. London, Bohn, 1855. 120. The Anabasis, trans. by Edward Spelman, vol. 1; The Cyropredia, trans. by Hon. M. A. Cooper, vol. 2. New-York. 2 vol. 18~. B. C. Cyroppedia; or the Institution of Cyrus. London, 1803. 80. B. C. Minor Works. London, 1813. 80. B. C. XEREts (Frangois). Relation Viridique de la Conquete du Perou, et de la Province du Cuzco nominme Nouvelle-Castille. Salamanque, 1547. See Ternaux, Voyages, vol. 4. XIV.REY. See Berger do Xivrey. Y. YAJNADATTABADA; OU la Mort d'Yadjnadatta: E]pisode, extrait du Ramnayana, pobme 6pique sanscrit. Donne avec le texte grave, une traduction frangaise et des notes par A. L. Chezy: suivi d'une traduction latine par J. L. Burnouf. Societe Asiatique. Paris, 1826. 40. YALE COLLEGE: 1, Catalogues of officers and students, 1827, 42, 44, 45, 47; 2, Catalogus Collegii Yalensis, 1835; 3, Circular of the Medical Institution, 1840; 4, Catalogue of the Conn. Alpha, 1847. 1 vol. 80. Catalogus Collegii Yalensis, 1838, 44. 2 vol. 80. - Catalogue of the Officers and Students, 1844-45. Pam. vol. 11. ------- Catalogue, 1848- 49. Pam. vol. 50. B. C. Catalogues, 1852 - 54; Catalogus.... 1817. 80. Reports on the Course of Instruction. New-Haven, 1828. Pam. vol. 12. B. C. - Society of Brothers in Unity: Catalogue of the Library. NewHaven, 1846. 80. - Index to subjects treated in the reviews and periodicals: prepared for the Library. New-York, 1848. 80. B. C. Linonian Society: Catalogue, Library, 1836. 80. 824 NEW-YORK STATE Calliopean Society: Catalogue, Library, 1846. 80o YALE (Elisha). Eldership in the Church of-God. Albany, 1852. Pam. vol. 90; also MIuns. Pamin. vol. 10. YARRELL (Williamr). History of British Fishes. London, 1836. 2 vol. 80. Supplement to the History of British Fishes. London, 1839., 80. YATES ( Christopher C.), M.D. Observations on the Epidemic.... Cholera. New-York, 1832. Pam. vol. 22. B. C. YATES ( G. F.). Masonic Oration, Schenectady, 1821. Pam. vol. 58. YATES ( John A.), D.D. Discourse in 1st Dutch Church of Albany, 1839. Serm. vol. 6. B. C. Thanksgiving Sermon, Albany, 1839. Pam. vol. 82. YATES ( John B.). Address, Union College Alumni, 1827. Pam. vol. 58. and A. M'Intyre. Statement of Objections to the Lottery tickets bill. 1826. Pam. vol. 12. B. C. YATES ( John V. N.), and J. W. Moulton. History of the State of NewYork, including its aboriginal and colonial annals. New-York, 1824. Vol. 1, part 1. 80. W. C. 987. T- he same. Vol. 1, part 1. New-York, 1824. 80. The same. Part 2, 1826. See Moulton (J. W.). YATES (Robert ). Secret Proceedings and Debates of the Convention, assembled at Philadelphia, in the year 1787, for the purpose of forming the Constitution of the United States: from the notes of R. Yates: copied by J. Lansing jr. Albany, 1821. 80. B. C. YATES (William). Rights of Colored Men to suffrage, citizenship, and trial by jury; being a book of facts.... with notes. Philadelphia, 1838. 104 pp. 80. Pain. vol. 185. YATES ( William Holt), M.D. The Modern History and Condition of Egypt; its clinmate, diseases..... a Personal Narrative of travels. London, 1843. 2 vol. 80. YEAR-BOOIK of FACTS, in Science and Art. See Timbs (John). YELLOW FEVER at Philadelphia, 1793, 97. Pain. vol. 177. YEOIANs ( Rev. John W.). Dedication Sermon at Trenton, N. J. 1840. Painm. vol. 82. - Inaug. Address, La Fayette Coll. Pa. 1841. Pain. vol. 83. YORK ( Archbishop of). Sermon on Rebellion in Scotland, 1745. See Pain. vol. 189. YoRK ( James, Duke of ). Memoirs of the English Affairs, chiefly naval, fromn 1660 to 1673. London, 1729. 80. YORKE (Charles). See Athenian Letters. YOUATT (William). Cattle; their breeds, management, and diseases. London, Soc. Diff. U. K., 1834. 80. Sheep; their breeds, management and diseases. With the Mountain Shepherd's Manual. London, Soc. Diff. U. K., 1837. 8~. GENERAL LIBRARY. 825 The Horse; with a General History of the horse, and Essay on the ass and mule. Philadelphia, Soc. Diff. U. K., 1845. 80. The Dog: a Treatise, with additions by E. J. Lewis, M.D. Philadelphia, 1847. 80., The Pig: a Treatise on the breeds and management...... of swine. Philadelphia, 1847. 12~. YOUMANS (Edward L.). A Class-book of Chemistry, designed for the use of academies and schools. New-York, 1852. 120. - Alcohol and the Constitution of Man. New-York, 1853. 120. YOUNG (The) EMIGRANT: a Tale for young persons. Boston, 1830. 12o. B. C. YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE, Pittsfield, Mass. 1849. Pam. vol. 51. B. C. YOUNG MAN'S MANUAL: The Authenticity of the New Testament, by T. Dwight; and Answer to the question, Why are you a Christian? by J. Clarke. Hartford, 1838. 180. B. C. YOUNG MEN'S ASSOCIATION, Albany: Reports, 1841, 42, 43, 48; see Muns. Pam. vol. 6. Reports, 1840, 51, 52: Pam. vol. 169; also Muns. Pam. vol. 11. Catalogue of the Library, 1853. 80. 2 copies. YOUNG MIEN'S Assoc. Buffalo: Reports, 1852, 53. See Pam. vol. 169. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN Assoc. San Francisco, Cal.: Constitution, etc. 1853. Pam. vol. 97. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN UNION: By-laws. Boston, 1852. Pam. vol.'91. YOUNG MEN'S INSTITUTE, Hartford: Catalogue of the Library and Reading-room. Hartford, 1844, 47. 8e. Reports, 1850, 52, -53. Pam. vol. 169. YOUNG MEN'S INSTITUTE, Philadelphia: Report, 1853. Pamin. vol. 170. YOUNG MEN'S MISS. SOCIETY Of N. Y. 1st Report, 1824. Pam. vol. 5. B. C. YOUNG MEN'S TEMPERANCE SOC. Albany: Proceedings, 1836. Pam. vol. 176. YOUNG (The) PATROON, or Christmas in 1690 a Tale of New-York. New-York, 1849. 12~. YOUNG AND MINNS: Defence before the House of Representatives of Mass. for breach of privilege, 1805. Pam. vol. 36. YOUNG (Alexander), D.D. Sermon on Death of W. Prescott, LL.D., at Boston, 1844. Serm. vol. 6. B. C. A Discourse on the Life and Character of the Hon. Nathaniel Bowditch, LL.D. F.R.S. Boston, 1838. So. A Discourse on the Life and Character of J. T. Kirkland, D.D. Boston, 1840. 8o. - Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers of the Colony of Plymouth, 1602 -25; now first collected, etc. 2d ed. Boston, 1844. 80, [GEN. IIB. 1855.1 104 826 NEW-YORK STATE...:: -Chronicles of the First Planters of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, 1623 - 36; now first collected, etc. Boston, 1846. 8~. YOUNG ( Andrew W.). Introduqtion to the Science of Government; with a brief treatise on political economy. 10th ed. Rochester, 1842. 120. The American Statesman: a Political History. N.York, 1855. 80. YOUNG ( Arthur). Inquiry into the Rise of Prices in Europe, during the last twenty-five years, compared with that which has taken place in England. Pamphleteer, vol. 6. Tour in Ireland. Pinkerton, vol. 3. Travels in France, 1787o- 89; with the Register of a Tour into Spain. Dublin, 1793. 2 vol. 80. See American Husbandry. YOUNG ( Augustus). On the Quadrature of the Circle. St. Albans, Vt. 1852. Pain. vol. 79. YOUNG ( Edward ), D.D. Works. London, 1802. 3 vol. 80. The Complaint; or Night Thoughts on life, death and immortality. Glasgow, 1796. 180. B. C. The same. London, 1802. 80. B. C. The same; with Memoir and Notes by Rev. J. R. Boyd. NewYork, 1851. 80. YOUNG (Philip), M.D. History of Mexico; her civil wars, and colonial and revolutionary annals, from 152u to 1847. Cincinnati, 1847. 80. YOUNG ( Samuel). 1, Discourse before the Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa, Schenectady, 1826; 2, Lecture, Y. M.'s Assoc. Albany, 1837; 3, Lecture, Y. M.'s Assoc. Saratoga-Springs, 1841; 4, Considerations on the Bank of the U. S. 1832. 1 vol. 80. Suggestions on the best mode of promoting civilization and improvement; or the Influence of woman on the social state: a Lecture. Albany, 1837. 80. The same. Pam. vol. 24. B. C. Address, Phi Beta Kappa, Schenectady. Pam. vol. 10. B. -C. Considerations on the Bank of the United States from the Saratoga Sentinel. Albany, 1832. 80. - See Treatise on Internal Navigation. YOUNG ( Thomas), M.D. Course of Lectures on natural philosophy and the mechanic arts. New edition, with.... Notes by Rev. P. Kelland. London, 1807. 80. YOUNG ( Thomas). Narrative of a Residence on the Musquito Shore during 1839 - 41; with an Account of Truxillo and the islands of Bonacca and Roatan. London, 1842. 120. YOUNG ( Sir William). West-India Common-place Book, compiled from parliamentary and official documents. London, 1807. 40. YOUNG (William T.). Sketch of the Life of Gen. L. Cass; with the Pamphlet on the Right of search, and several speeches. Detroit, Mich. 1852. 80. GENERAL LIBRARY. 827 YOUTH'S TEMPERANCE ENTERPRIZE, vol. 5. Albany, 1844. 1 vol. 80. See also N. Y. S. Temp. Soc. Temp-. Roec. YPEIJ (A.), and I. J. Dermont. Geshiedenis der Nederlandsche Hervormde Kerk. Breda, 1819-27. 4 vol. 8&. B. C. -YSABEAU (M.). Arbres fruitiers; Engrais et amendements-; Operations agricoles. See Encyc. populaire. YS'BRANT. See Ides (E. Ysbrant). Harris, vol. 2. YVAN ( Doctor). Lettre sur la Pharmacie en Chine. Paris, 1847. 80. Z. ZABRISKIE ( J. C.). Oration, July 4, 1843, Princeton, N. J. Pam. vol. 83. ZAHN (Wilhelm). Les Plus Beaux Ornemens et les Tableaux les plus remarquables de Pompii, d'Herculanum, et de Stabie, d'apres les dessins originaux eX6cutes sur les lieux. Berlin, 1829 - 42. 2 vol. elephant fol. ZANxCHIUS (J.). On Predestination. See Toplady. ZARATE ( Augustin de). Histoire de la Decouverte et de la Conquete du Perou; trad. de l'espagnol. Paris, 1774. 2 vol. 120. W. C. 988. ZAVALA (Lorenzo de). Ensayo Historico de las Revoluciones de Megico, desde 1808 hasta 1830. Vol. 1. Paris, 1831. 80. W. C. 989. Viage a los Estados Unidos del Norte de America. Paris, 1834. 8. ZEA ('Francisco Antonio). Constitution de la l6Republique de Colombia. Paris, 1822. 80. W. C. 990. ZEE-TOONEELtEN. See Sproig ( H. van der).: ZEISBERGER ( David). Essay of a Delaware-Indian and English Spellingbook, for the use of Schools of Christian Indians on Muskingum River. Philadelphia, Miller, 1776. 120. r A Collection of Hymns in the Delaware language, for the use of the Christian Indians of the Missions of the United Brethren in North America. Philadelphia, 1803. 120.......- See Lieberkuhn, Hist. of our Lord- in Delaware Indian. ZEEUS (Jakob.). Gedichteh. With: plates. Delf, 1721. 4o0. -—;; Overgebleve Gedichtenm Rotterdam, 1726. 4o0. ZENGER ( John Peter). A Collection of Pamphlets and Sheets chiefly from the Press of J. P. Zenger, and of W. Bradford. New-York, 1733-36. fol Contents: 1. LEWIS MORRIS, Chief Justice: Opinion on the Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, in the Case of Van Dam. New-York, 1733. 2, Letter from (P. P.) in New-York, to his Friend; in London. 1i738,3. 4'pp. sm. 40. 3. Head of Articles of Complaint by Rip Van Dam, esquire, against Governor Cosby, etc. Boston, 1734. 28 pp. fol. 828 NEW-YORK STATE 4. B. Capedevilla vs. Hon. Col. Cosby, Governor of Minorca. His complaint: to be heard at Whitehall. London, 1723(?). 4 pp. fol. 5. Complaint of Lewis Morris vs. W. Cosby, governor, to be heard at Whitehall. Signed J. Welles: endorsed, 1735. 8 pp. fol. 6. Charge of Hon. James De Lancey to the Grand Jury, 1733. Bradford. pp. 6. fol. 7. Observations on Judge De Lancey's Charge. New-York, P. Zenger, 1733-4. 18 pp. fol. 8. Report of the Committee of H. M.'s Council.... touching a letter found in the house of Mr. Alexander in New-York, 1733, 4. W. Bradford. 11 pp. fol. 9. Letter from F. Harrison, to the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of NewYork, concerning the above, 1734. Bradford. 9 pp. fol. 10. To the Author of those Intelligencers published at Dublin.... New-York, Zenger, 1733. 10 pp. fol. 11. The Account stated in respect to the Province, for the costs and profits in the building 100 sail of vessels, etc. By order of the Gov.: F. Morris, Sec. New-York, Bradford, 1734. 4 pp. fol. 12. Charge of C. J. J. De Lancey to the Grand Jury, 1734. New-York, Bradford. 8 pp. fol. 13. The Vindication of J. Alexander.... and of W. Smith, from the matters charged and suggested against them in two pamphlets lately published.... With Supplement containing Case of W. Trusdell vs. F. Harrison, for illegal imprisonment. New-York, 1733. Zenger. 20 pp. fol. 14. The Arguments of the Council for the Defendant.... Rip Van Dam, in the \ Supream Court of New-York; with three Letters of Rip Van Dam, and other proceedings. New-York Zenger, 1733. 73 pp. fol. 15. A Word in Season. New-York, Sept. 28, 1736. Zenger. 2 pp. fol. 16. H. M.'s R. Commission to W. Cosby for the Government of the State of New-York. New-York, Zenger. 17. Two Songs made upon the election of new magistrates for the city. 18. Proclamation by the Governor, to discover the author of seditious papers in Zenger's N.Y. Weekly Journal, 1734. 1 p. fol. 19. A Brief Narrative of the Case and Trial of J. P. Zenger, 1736. 42 pp. fol. 20. The Complaint of J. Alexander and W. Smith, to the Comm. of the Colony of New-York, 1735. 19 pp. fol. 21. Letter from Rip Van Dam to Members of the Gen. Assem. 1736; with Proceedings at a meeting of members, April 29, 1736. 4 pp. fol. 22. Proclamation against Rip Van Dam, 1736. Bradford. fol. sheet. 23. Affidavit of J. Alexander: March 27, 1735-6. 24. Two Letters from Timothy Wheelwright and John Chissel, enclosed to Mr. Zenger, 1734. 4 pp. fol. Trial. See Political Tracts, vol. 2. ZENO ( Apost0olo. Dissertazioni Vossiane.... cioe giunte e osservazioni intorno agli Storici italiani che hanno scritto latinamente, rammentati dal Vossio nel lib. iii de Historicis latinis. Venezia, 1752. 2 vol. 4o. ZENONE ( S.) Memorie interno alla vita, agli scritti, al culto, ed al corpo di S. Zenone the fu ottavo Vescovo di Verona. Verona, 1839. 80. ZIEGLER (J.). Etudes Ceramiques: Recherche des principes du beau dans l'architecture, l'art ceramique, et la forme en general.... Paris, 1850. 80. ZIMMERMANN (E. A. W. VOn). Specimen Zoologise, Geographicae, quadrupedum domicilia et migrationes sistens. Lugduni, 1777. 4o. W. C. 992. GENERAL LIBRARY. 829 Essai de Comparaison entre la France et les Etats-Unis de l'Amerique septentrionale: trad. de l'allemand. Leipzig, 1797. 2 vol. 12o. W. C. 991. Political Survey of the Present State of Europe. London, 1787. 80. ZIMMERMANN ( J. G. von). Solitude considered with respect to its influence upon the mind and the heart. Albany, 1796. 80. B. C. ZIMMERMANN (W. H). Neerland's Letterroem bij vreemden gehandhaafd, aan ken engelschen dichter en geleerden J. Bowring. Amsterdam. Pam. vol. 32. B. C. ZODIAC (The): A Monthly Periodical, devoted to science, literature and the arts. Ed. by H. Webster. Vol. 2, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5. Albany, 1836. 40 B. C. ZONARAS ( Johannes), MlIonachus. In Canones SS. Apostolorum et Sac. Cone. tam (Ecum. quam Provincialium Commentarii, a viris doctissimis latinitate donati et annotationibus illustrati. Adjectum est, Cone. Constantinopol. sub Menna Patriarcha. Lutetiae Par. 1618. fol. ZOOLOGICAL (The) MISCELLANY; being descriptions of new and interesting animals, by W. E. Leach, M.D. With coloured plates, drawn by R. P. Nodder. London, 1814, 15. 2 vol. 80. ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY of London: Proceedings of the Committee of Science and Correspondence, 1830 - 32. Parts 1, 2. London, 1830 - 32. 2 vol. 80. - Proceedings, 1833-48. Parts 1-16. London, 1833- 48. 16 vol. 80. Transactions, vol. I - 3. London, 1835 - 49. 3 vol. 40. ZORGDRAGER ( C. G.). Bloeyende Opkomst der aloude en ledendaagsche Groenlandsche Visschery.... Met byvoeging van de Walvischvangst. Amsterdam, 1720. sm. 40. 2 copies. ZSCHOKKE ( Heinrich). History of Switzerland, for the Swiss People: trans. by F. G. Shaw. New-York, 1855. 120. ZUBLY (John J.), D.D. The Law of Liberty: A Sermon on American Affairs, preached at the opening of the Provincial Congress of Georgia.... with an Appendix, giving a concise account of the struggles of Swisserland to recover their liberty. Philadelphia: London, reprinted 1775. Pam. vol. 117. ZUCCARINI (Dr.). On the Morphology of the Coniferre. See Ray Society, 2d year. ZUICHEaMUS (Vigilius). See H. (V. D.). ZUINGLIUS (Ulrich). De Vera et Falsa Religione Commentarius. Tiguri, 1525. 180. ZURICH (The) LETTERS. Correspondence of several English Bishops and others with some of the Helvetian Reformers, during the early part of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth: trans. for the Parker Society, by H. Robinson, D.D. 1st series, 1558 - 79; 2d series, 1558 - 1602. Cambridge, 1842, 45. 2 vol. 8o. 830' NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY..O riginal Letters relative to the; English Reformation., written during the Reigns of King Henry VIII, King Edward VII, and Queen M5ary; chiefly from the Archives of Zurich: trans. by H. Robinson, D.D., and edited for the Parker Society. First and second portions, 1557 - 58. Cambridge, 1846 - 47. 2 voL 80. ZuRITA (Alonzo de). Rapport sur les diff6rentes classes de chefs de la Nouvelle-Espagne: ine'dit. See Ternaux, Voy. vol. 11. 'INDEX TO THE BOOKS IN THE PRECEDING CATALOGUE, ARRANGED ACCORDING TO THE SUBJECTS. A. ABBOT.(G.). Abbot (A.), Genealogy of ADAMS J.): family. - Hamilton (A.), Letters concerning his ABEEL (D.). Williamson (G. RP.), Life of. public conduct. ABERNETHY (John). Macilwain (G.), Life. - Pickering (T.), Review of Correspondence. ABORIGINES. Engel, L'Amerique, comment - Rowan (S. N.), Eulogy on. peuplie? - Hornius, De Originibus Americanis.- Webster (D.), Discourse on. - Rafinesque, American Nations. - Wood (J.), Hist. of his administration. - Rio, Cabrera's Research. ADAMS (J. Q.). Allen (J. H.), I)iscojrse on death of. - Sanford (E.), United States History. - Hammond (J. ].), Sketch of life. - See Indians;Antiquities; - Knapp (S. L.), Eulogy on. ABYSSINIA. Gobat, Journal of residence in._ - Lathrop (L. E.), Discourse on. - Lobo, Voyage to Abyssinia. - Lunt (W. P.), Discourse on. - Ludolfus, Historic van Abissinia. - Seward (W.H.), Eulogy on. Poncet, Journey to. - Sketch of public service of. - Roth, Schilderung der Natur in. ADAMS (S.). Thacher (T.), Serinon on. - Russell (M.), Abyssinia. ADDINGTON, Viscount Sidmouth. Pellew, S- alt (H.), Voyage to. Life of. - See Egypt; Africa. ADDRESSES. See Historical, Literary, Medical, and Orations. ACTON, MASS. Adams (Josiah), Centennial ADiscourse. ADULTERATIONS. Beck (L. C.), Adulterations in Med. and the arts. ADAM. Adam (W.), Genealogy of Adam ADVENTURES. Davenport ~(R. A.), Perilous -family. adventures. ADAMS (J.). Cranch (W.), Memoirs of. - Harriot (G.), Struggles through life, -- Cushing (C.), Eulogy on. Travels of. - Duer (W. A.), Eulogy on. - Trenck (Baron), Life and Adventtures. - Everett (E.), Eulogy on. AFFGEANISTAN. Burnes (Sir A.), Cabool, - Gibbs (G.), Memoirs of Administration etc. of. - Conolly, Journey through, 832 INDEX TO AFFGHANISTAN: AFRICA, WEST: - Eyre, Mil. operations at Cabul. - Alexander (A.), Hist. of colon. of W. - Harlan, Memoir of India and. Africa. Masson, Journes in Beloochistan etc. - Allen (W.), Expedition to the Niger, - Masson, Journeys in Beloochistan etc. 1841. 1841. - Rose (Sir G. H.), The Afghans, etc. - Angelo, Voyage to Congo. - Sale (Lady), Journal of disasters in. - Benezet, Hist. acct. of Guinea. - Vigne, Visit to Cabul and. - Bosman, Descr. of coast of Guinea. AFRICA, with CENTRAL AFRICA: - Bowdich (E. T.), From Cape Coast - American Colonization Soc. Reports. Castle to Ashantee. - - African Repository. -- Duncan (J.), Travels in, 1845. - Beke, on the Geog. of Africa. - Durand, Voyage au Sen6gal. - Boteler, Voy. of discov. to, and Arabia. - Foote, Africa and the American flag. - Bruce, Trav. to source of the Nile. - Hawthorne, Journal of an African - Burchardt, Travels in Nubia. Cruiser. - Labat, Voyage en Guinee, 1725-27. - Damburger, Travels from Good Hope to, Voyage n Morocco. - Lajaille, Voyage au Senegal. - Denham, Discoveries in. - Leonard (P.), Voy. to western coast, 1830- 32. - Gregoire, Intell. faculties of negroes.. - Liberia, Const., gov't and laws. - Horneman, Trav. from Cairo to Mourzouk. ~~zouk. ~ ~ — Lopez, Account of Congo. - Journal d'un voy. sur les cates d'. - Mayo, Kaloolah. - Kunstmann, Afrika vor den Entdeck. - Mayer, Capt. Canot, an African slaver. der Portugiesen. - Phillips (Capt.), Voy. to Montserrado. - Legion of Liberty. - Riley's Narrative. - Murray (H.), Narr. of discovery in. - Tams (G.), Portuguese possessions in. - Levaillant, Voy. par le cap de Bonne - Thompson (T.), Miss. voy. to Guiney. Esp6rance. - Voy. aux cstes de Guinee. - Park (M.), Travels in the interior of, - Wadstrom on Colonization. 1795. - - Journa of a mission to, 1805. AFRICA, SOUTH. Barrow (Sir J.), Travels in the interior of, 1797. - Recueil de divers voyages. - Bunbury, Residence at Cape of Good - Relation du voyage. Hope. - Taylor (B.), Journey to Central. - Cumming, Five years of a hunter's life. - Werne, African wanderings. - Latrobe, Visitt o, 1815, 16. AFRICA, NORTH. Algiers, Rapport sur les - Moffatt, Missionary labors in. Tribus Arabes. - Moodie, Ten years in South Africa. - Ali Bey, Travels in Morocco. - Pringle (T.), Narrative of a residence - B3otticher, Geschichte der Carthager. in. - Browne (W. G.), Travels in Africa and - Rhyne (Ten), Account of. Egypt. - Thunberg, Cape of Good Hope. - Hodgson (W. B.), Notes on Northern - Tuckey, Exped. to R. Zaire or Congo. Africa. Jowe ChAfrCica ian.Researc. esAFRICA, EAST. Barnard, 3 years cruise, -. Jowett, Christian Researches. - Mozambique channel. - Keatinge, Trav. in Eur. and Morocco. - Cauche, Voyage a Madagascar. - Lempriere, Tour through Morocco. - Valentia, Voy. and trav. to Red Sea, - Mauroy, Commerce de l'Afrique meri- Abyssinia. dionale. - See Abyssinia; Egypt; Africa. - Mouette, Trav. in Fez and Morocco. Russell (M)aAGRICULTURE. Agricola, Experimental - Russell (M.), Barbary states. Husbandman. - St. John (B.), Adven. in Lybian desert. - Agricultural societies of Mass. Trans. - Shaw (T.), Travels. - Agricultural Soec. of Eng. Journal. - Sumner (C.), White Slavery in. - Agriculture Fran-aise, 1843-47. - Tornberg, Annales regum Mauritaniae. - Allen (R. L.), American Farm-book. - Urquhart (D.), Pillars of Hercules. - Amand-Malo, Comptabilite rurale. - See Algiers; Slavery. - American Farmer, Skinner, 1820, 21. AFRICA, WEST. Adams (R.), Narrative of - American Agr. Assoc. Trans. 1846. wreck. - American Agriculturist. - Aanson, Voy. to Senegal. - American Husbandry, SUBJECTS. 833 AGRICULTURE: AGRICULTURE: - Am. Quar. Journal of Agricul. and Sc. - Farmer's Library and Journal. Albany. ~Alba~~ny. F~- armer's Magazine. - Annales de l'Institut Agronomique. - Farmer's Mech. Man. and Sportsman's - Annales des Haras et de 1'. Mag. - Armstrong (J.), Treatise on. - Fellenberg, Landwirthschaftliche Blat- Bath and West of Eng. Agr. Soc. Papers. ter. - Barclay (Capt.), Agri. Tour in U. S. - Forsyth (W.), Management of Fruit - Bavaria, Agr. Soc. Central bla., 1844. Trees. - Becquerel, Des engrais inorganiques. - Gardener's Chron. and Agr. Gazette. - Belgium, Defrichement de la Campine. - Gardener's Magazine. - -- Exposition des produits d'agr. - Gardner (D. P.), Farmer's Dictionary. - - Inspec. des Ecoles d'aor. - Gasparin, Cours d'Agriculture. - - lletin d conseil superieur. - Gaylord, American Husbandry. - Bement, Amer. Poult~erer's companion. - Genesee Farmer and Gardener's Jour. Bentz (L.), Elements l'Agriculture. - Gera, De la fabrication du fromage. - Biblioth'que Rurale, Bruxelles, 1849. - Giovanetti, Des eaux qui servent aux irrigations. - Booke (A)... how to plant and graffe, ~~~~~~etc. -Gourcy, Notes ~gricoles. etc. - Bordley (R.), Rotation of crops, etc. - Gossia, De la reunion territoriale. - Boussingault, Rural economy. - Hall (H. C. van), Landhuishoudkun-.dige school. - British Husbandry. B - Highland Soc. of Scotland, Proceedings. - Browne (D. J.), American Muck Book. - Holdridge (W.), Essay on the Weeds of. - Buel (J.), Farmer's Companion. - Holland (H.), View of agr. of Cheshire. - Farmer's instructor. - oughton, I-Ilusbandry and Trade imCanada, Reports on Agr. proved. Candolle (Aug. de), Deux voy. agro- - Jamet, Cours d'Agriculture. nomiques. - Journal of Agriculture. - Cato (M. P.), De re rustica. Agriculture - Kervyn, Agriculture Flamande. - Colmtan (H.), European Agriculture. -r. Kollar, Insects injurious to farmers. Columella, De re rustica. n- Columella, Dc re rustica. - Ladoucette, Influence de location sur le - Congres central d'agriculture. produit. - Communications to Board of Agr. - Le Clerc-Chouin, L'agr. de l'ouest de - Connecticut, State Agr. Soc. la France. - Country Gentleman. - Le Couteux, Agr. du d:partemient de la - Cultivator (The). Seine. - Darlington, Agricultural Botany. - Le Docte, Mem. sur l'agriculture. - Davis (N.T.), Text Book on Agricul. - - Agriculture Luxembourgeoise. - Davy, Agricultural Chemistry. - Lascallier, Cilture des terres basses dans la Guyane. - Debeauvoy, Guide de l'apiculteur. -- Liebig, Organic Chemistry. - Deby, Agr. en Europe et en Amerique. Bde - - Relations of chemistry to. - Delafond, Pleuro-Pneumonie des B:tes Delafbovines.d Pleuro-Pumonies -- Loudon (J. C.), Encyc. of Agriculture. bovines. - Maladiede poitrine dugros btail. - Mac Neven (W. J.), Application of chemistry to. DeWitt, on an Agr. College. Diet.~istt, oNanA. Copl lege.cul - Malo, Elements de comptabilit6 rurale. - Dict. d'Hist. Nat. appl.l'agriculture. - Marshall (W.), Minutes on a farm of - Dombasle, Ann. Agricoles de Roville. 300 acres. - Duhamel, Plantations des arbres. - Martinelli, Manuel d'agriculture. - Dumas, on Manure. -- IMauny, Irrigations dans l'Allemagne. - Ecoles d'Agriculture, Belgium. - Michigan, State Agr. Soc. Trans. Eenens, Fertilisation de la Campine. - Mitchell (J.), Man. of agr. analysis. - Einhof, Grundriss der Chemie ftir - Morin, Castration des vaches. Laindwirthe. LanMdwirthe. dA.pos10 - Morton (J. C.), Cyclopedia of Agri- France, Min. d'Agr. Rapports, 1850. culture. - - Min. d'Agr. Animaux deboucherie, - Nadault dce Buffon, Trait6 des irriga1849, 51. tions. - - Colonies Agric. de l'Algerie. - New-Eng. Soc. for Poultry. - Farmer (The) and Mechanic. - NewHaven Agr. Soc. Trans,!GEN: LIB. 1855.] 1O5 834 INDEX TO AGRICULTURE: AGRICULTURE: - New-York, Board of Agr. Memoirs, - Wells (D. A.), Year Book of 1855, 56. - 1821-24. Whitley, Applications of Geol. to. - N. Y. State Agr. Soc. Journal, 1850-55. - Transactions, 1841 - 54. - Workington Agr. Soc. - New-York, Nat. Hist. E. Eimmons. - Nicholson (J.), Farmer's Assistant. Youatt Cattle. - Norfolk Co. Agr. Soc. Transac. - he Pig. - Sheep. - Normandie (La) Agricole. - Ysabeau, Engrais. - N. A. Pomological Convention.. -- -- Operations agricoles. - Norton (J. P.), Mem. of Sci. Agricul- U. S. Patent-office reports, Hortiture. - See U. S. Patent-office reports, Horticulture. - Ohio, Board of Agr. reports. 205~ ~ AGRICULTURE. ADDRESSES ON: - Ossaye, Les veill6es Canadiennes. - Colman (H.) Monroe Co. N. Y. Palladius, De re rustics. - Palladius, Be re rustica. - De Chaumont (J. L.), Jefferson Co. -- Pennsylvania Agr. Soc. Memoirs. P- Featherstonhaugh(G.W.), Schenectady. - Perrine, Raising tropical plants in Florida. - - Phil'a Soc. for promoting Agr. - Hallett (J. W.), Ontario Agr. Sec. - Picard, L'Agriculture raisonee. - Kirby (E.), Jefferson Co. - Royer, De l'Agricul. Allemande. - Norton (J. P.), Albany and Buffalo. - Royer, Notes 6conomiques. - Sedgwick (T.), Berkshire Co. - Ruffin (E.), Essays on. - Spencer (J. C.), Buffalo. - Rural Mag. Hartford. - Thomas (D.), Aurora. - Salisbury (J.I-I.), Prize Essays. - Winthrpp (R. C.), Bristol Co. Mass. - Analyses of vegetables. ALABAMA. Baldwin (J. G.), Flush times of Alabama. Sauzeau, Agr. du Poitou. Alabam. n- Darby, Geog. description of. Schmit (J. P.), Des.. engrais. - Schlippf, Manuel populaire d'. - Shippf, Mel popit iulaired. ALBANIA. Hobhouse, Jour. through, to Seringe, Le petit agriculteur. Constantinople. - Sinclair (Sir J.), Code of Agriculture. - Holland (H.), Travels in. - Slingerland, Report on. - Hughes (T. S.), Travels in. - Soc. Centrale d'Agriculture, Paris. - Pouqueville, La Grecia. Soc. d'Agriculture de.... Lille. Sec Sclavonia, Turkey. Soc. for advance. of Agr. N. Y. - Soc. for advance. of Agr. N. Y. ALBANY. Albany Trade Directory, 1852, 3. - Soc. for promot. of Agr. N. Y. - Barnes (W.), Early History of. - Soc. liCl. dAgr. du Bep. sdo lEure. - Child (E. B.), Directory, 1831, 32. - South Carolina, Agr. survey. - Spurrer, The practical farmer. - ry, irectory, 1813,15. -- Harrington (H. F.), Statistics of Al- Stafford (J. R.), Production of cereal bany, 1846. g- Hoffman (L. G.), Directory, 1839- 52. - Stefano, Agri. nuova, 1591. -- Hunt (W.), Commercial Directory, - Stephens (H.), Book of the farm. 1848, 49. - Stoltz (J. L.), Manuel Elmentaire. - Loomis, Adv. and Directory, 1834, 5. - Talpa, or Chronicles of a clay farm. - Munsell, Annals of Albany. - Taylor (J.), Arator. - - Birectory, 1852-55. - Thaer (Alb.), Principles of. - Preston (J.), Statistics of the County, - Grundsatze der Landwirthschaft. 1820. - Thomas (J. J.), Amer. Fruit Culturist. - Random Recollections of. - - Farm implements. - Scott, Directory, 1831, 32. - Thomson (R. D.), Food of cattle. - University of Albany, Pam. vol. 73. - Travanet, Agromanie empirique. - Wilson (S.), City guide, 1844, 45. - Tull, Horse-hoeing husbandry. ALBIGENSES. Faber, History and Theol. of. - Tusser, 500 points of husbandry. F- aureil, Hist. de la Croisade contre. - Varo (M. T.), De re rustica. - Roger (P.), Archives historiques des. - Vermont Conv. of fruit growers. - Sismondi, Crusades against. - Washington (G.), Letters on. ALCHEMY. Crollius, Mysteries of Nature. Watson (E.), Progress of Agr. Soc. - See Delusions, SUBJECTS. 835 ALEXANDER (A.). Alexander (J. W.), Life ALEANACS: of. - Church Almanac, 1849 - 50. ALEXANDER (W.), Earl of Stirling. Duer - Collot, Aim. du Pere Girard, 1792. (W. A.), Life of. - Congressional Almanacs. ALFRED (King). Asser, Life of. AL lRED (Ling). -Asser, Life of.- Connecticut Almanack, 1778, 79. - Pauli, Life of. - Connoissance des Temps, 1696. ALGERIA, ALGIERS. Almanac d'Algerie, - De Morgan, Book of Almanacs. 1849 - 53. - Desilver's, 1827. - Barth(lemy, Etudes sur l'Algerie. - Dietrichsen and Hannay, 1845 - 54. - Chasseurs d' Afrique, Pam. vol. 10 - Disturnell,U.S.Nat. register, 1850-52. - Fournel, Richesse minerale de. - Downes, U.S. Almant. registerack, 1843-45. - France; Tableau de 1', 1839-52. Dublin Almanac, 1834. - Hunt (G. G.), American Algerine war. Dublin University Calendar, 1833. - Knight (F.), Seven years slavery in. - Edinburgh Almanac, 1822. - Mauroy, Question d'Alger. 1844. Gaines N. Y. Pocket Aim. 1802. - Moll, Colonization et Agriculture de - George's Almanack, 1781. George's Alinanack, 1781.!:Alg rie. - Pulszky, The Tricolor on the Atlas. - Giddins, Anti-masonic Almanac, 1829. - St. Marie, Algeria in 1845. - Gravenhaagsche Stads. Aim. 1841, 42. - Shaler, Sketches of. - Guatemala, Kalendario, 1805. - Stevens (J.W.), Hist. account of. - Holt's New-York Register, 1804, 6. - Vaillant, Culture du coton. - Hone (W.), Every Day Book. - Ville, Recherches sur les roches, etc. de. - Hutchins, New-York, 1770- 95. - Wagner (M.), On Algeria. - Illustrated, London, 1850-55. Jaarboekje Amsterdam~ 1826 - 53. ALIENS. Lowell (J.), Review of Hay on Jaarbokje, Anterdam, 1826-53. Expatriation. - Longworth's Aim. 1796-1841. - Reeves (John), Two tracts on Ame- - Merchants and Bankers, N.Y., 1852-55. ricans.... not aliens. - Metrop. Catholic Almanac, 1842 - 55. Review on expatriation. - Montreal Aim. 1851. - See Emigration, Naturalization. - Muller (J. H.), Katholisches Yahrbuch, ALLEN (Ethan). De Puy, E. Allen and 1853 Green mountain heroes. - Nautical Almanac, London, 1769- 58. - Moore (H.), Memoirs of. - Nautical Almanac, New-York, 1816. - Sparks (J.), Life of. - Nederlandsche Israelit. Jaarboekje, ALLEN (S.). Allen (E.), Biography of. 1851-54. ALLEYN (E.). Alleyn Papers. - Netherlands, Staatkundig jaarboekje, - Collier (J. P.), Memoirs of. 1853.7. - North American's Alm. 1777. ALLSTON (W.). Jameson (Mrs.), Memoirs - Phonetic Almanac, 1852. of Art, etc. o- Poor Richard's Almanack, 1850. ALMANACS. Albany Pocket Alm. 1784. - Presbyterian Alm. 1846 - 56. - Almanacs, six vol. miscel. - Rider, British Merlin, 1747. -- Almanac for the Blind. - Royal Kalandar, 1819, 29, 33, 36. - Almanach de Gotha, 1852-56. - Scobie's Canadian, 1851. - Almanach d'Algerie 1849-53. - Smith ( J. V. C.), American Medical - American Ephemeris, 1855. Almanack. - American Almanac, 1830- 55. 1- Soc. de l'Hist. de France, Annuaire, - American Kalendar, 1795, 98. 1839. - Annuaire de l'Industrie Belge, 1838. - Studenten Almanak, 1841. - Bankers' Almanac, 1851- 55. - Sweriges Calendar, 1847. - Bavaria, Agr. Soc. Kalender, 1854. - Sword's, New-York, 1845- 51. - Belcher's Farmer's, HIalifax, 1852. - Treble Almanac, Dublin, 1756. - Boston Alm. Dickinson, 1839 - 51. - United States Alm. 1843 - 45. - Brady, Clavis Calendaria, 1815. - Virginia and N. C. Aim. 1802. - British Almanac and Companion. - Walton's Vermont Register, 1806-46. Browne's.... for 1794- 1801. - Webster's Calendar, 1797-1855. - Caroline Almanack, 1840. - Whig Almanack, 1843-54. Catholic Register, London, 1851. - See Registers. 836 INDEX TO AMAZON RIVER. Acuna, Relat. de la riv. AIERICA: des Amazones. dedwards (Am.H.),azones. Voyagep rive- Ulloa, Memoires sur la d6couverte de. - Edwards (W. H.), Voyage up the river. - Wyoviet ( C.), Desr. Ptolem. ag_ Wyovl~iet ( C.), Descr. Ptolem. aug- Gombarville, Relation de la riviere. mentunm. - Herndon, Exploration of the valley of. - See Voyages, Discoveries; Columbus, - La Condamine, Voy. de la riviere de. Vespucius. - Sece South-America; Brazil. AMERICA, HISTORY OF, TRAVELS IN, ETC: AMERICA, DISCOVERY IN: - Acosta, De Natura Novi orbis. - Amirique Dfcouverte. - Alcedo, Die. geog. hist. de las Indias - Anghiera (P. M. d'), De rebus oceani- occid. cis, Lat. and Eng. - American Gazetteer, 1762. - Benzoni, Hist. de reperta India a Co- - Alexander (J. E.), Transatlantic lumbo. sketches. H- ist. Indie Occidentalis. - Bercy, L'Europe et l'Am. comparfes. - - Novi Orbis Historite; and in Ita- - Blome, His Majesty's territories in lian. 1684. - Bergh ( Van den), Ontdekking voor - British Empire in America, Oldmixon. Columbus. - Burke, European settlements in 1770. - Bry (De), Collection of Voyages. - Callender, Sketches of the history of. - Bisselius, Argonauticon Americanor. - Campbell (J.), Span. Empire in Am. - Burney, Voy. of Disc. of the Russians. - Chumacero, Excesss contro las natu- Cartier (J.), Voyages to New France. rales. - Castle (W.), A short discovery of. - Chambo, Commerce de, par Marseille. - Darby, Lect. on Disc. of. - Charlevoix, Hist. et Desc. de la nouv. - Davis (A.), Disc. of N. B. by the France. NQrthmen. - Chateaubriand, Recollections of. - Grynenus, Novus Orbis. - Clune, Dutch Colonies in. - Hakluyt, Divers voyages of discovery. - Codice Dipl. Colombo-Americano. - Herrera, Hist. gen. of the continent of - Cortes (H.), Expeditions. America. - Cramer, Natur-wunder in Nord-Amer. Herrera, Hist. des voy. des Castellans. - Dapper, Die unbekannte Newe Welt. - Herrera, Novus Orbis. - Dassie, Desc. gen. des costes de 1'. - Iving (W.), Voy. of Companions of - Delafield, Origin of antiq. of. Columbus. - Description (Exact) of the West-Ind. - Jones (G.), Hist. of ancient America. - Ebeling, Erdbeschreibung und Ges- Joutel, Journal du voyage pour le chichte von. Mississippi. M- Engel, Comment a-t-elle 6t6 peuplee? - Laet (De), Hist. du Nouveau monde. - Lact (Dc), lst. du Nouveau monde.- - Situation des pays septentrionales. Novus Orbis. - Everett (A. H.), Gen. Surv. of Wes- Lafitau, Decouvertes des Portugais. tern powers. - Las Casas, Decouvertes des Indes Occi- - Frost (J.), Remark. events in hist. of. dentales. dLeryn, Hist. Nay, in Brasiliam. - Genty, L'influence de la d6couverte de. - Lery, Hist.Nav. in Brasiliam. Mndrillo5 Le Spectt Am6ricain. - Goodrich, Pict. Hist. of N. and S. Am. - Mandrillon, Le Spectateur Americain. -Mandrlon., Le peter tothen — Gordon (T. F.), History of America. - Mather (S.), Am. known to the an- - Gottfriedt (J. H.), Newe Welt. cients. - Gottfriedt (J. H.), Newe Welt. - Montanis, De Nieuwe en Onbekende - Grassett, Encyclopedie des voyages. Weereld. -- Green (J.), Remarks on new chart of, - Navarette, Descubrimentos que hicie- 1753. ron los Espanoles. - Herrera, History of the Continent of America. - Smith (Capt. J.), Travels in Virginia, N. E. - - Novus orbis, descriptio. - Smith (John T.), Discovery by the - - Historia general de lo Hecho, etc. Northmen. - Hist. Nat. y moral de las Indias, Span. - Soto, Narr. of Flor. Exp. Eng. and Fr. - Steward (J.), Hist. of. - Hornius, De Originibus Americanis. - Ternaux, Voyages etc. pour servir - Hughes, American Physitian. l'hist. etc. - Humboldt EList. de la Geog. du Nou- Tonti, Dicouvertes de La Salle, Eng. veau Continent. and French. - Jefferys (T.), Hist. of Spanish and Fr. - Trumbull (H.), Hist. of disc. of Am. Dominion. SUBJECTS. 837 AIERICA: AMERICAN ANTIQUITIES. See Antiquities; - Josselyn, 2 voy. to N. England, 1672. Aborigines. - Kip, Early Jesuit missions in. AMERICAN COLONIES. See British, French, - Las Casas (B. de), (Euvres. and Spanish Colonies. - - Istoria della distruttione etc. A3EiRICAN INDIANS. See Indians; Abori- Laon d'Aigremont, Relation du voyage gines. au cap de Nord. AIMERICAN WARS, 1751 - 45: - La Roche-Tilhac, AlmanachAmericain, - Craig (N. B.~, Washington's first Cametc. paign. - Lery, Hist. Nav. in Brasiliam. - Chauncy, Braddock's defeat. - Long, Amer. and W. Indies geographi- Clarke (W.), Obs. on conduct of the cally descr. French. - Macgregor, Progress of, from its disc. - Gibson, Siege of Cape Breton, LouisMarmier, Letters sur l'Amrique. burg, etc. Munoz, Historia del Nuevo Mundo, - Lettres d'un Fran-ois, 1755. Span. and Eng. - Loudon, Conduct of a commander reviewed. Nuix, Humanidad de los Espanoles., - Mmoire contenant le precis des faits. - Pereira, Compendio narrativo. Memoires des commissaire du ro[. - Pernety, Examen des recherches de ~~~~Pauw.~~- Memoirs of the war from 1744. - Pradt, L'Europe et I'Amdrique. - Peuple (Le) Juge. - Pritts (J.), Mirror of Olden Time. - Poullin, Hist. de la guerre, etc. 1759. -- Reminiscences of the French war. - Rafinesque, American Nations. - Rafn, Antiq. Americantines.. - Review of the military operations. - Robertson (W.), in Eng. and Fr. - Sargent (W.), Braddock's Expedition. - Robrinson (W. C.), Cursory View. - Shirley (Gov.), Conduct of. Robinson (W. C.), Cursory View. - Russell (Wm.), Hist. of America. - Louisbourg Siege. Saa p q. AMERICAN WAPR OF THE REVOLUTIONS 1775- Saintard, Roman politique. 1783: - Schrer, Recherches HIist. et Geog. sur. - Adams (J.), A Collection of State Pa- Schmidt-Phiseldek, Europe and Amer. pers, 1782. - Simms (W. G.), Views and Reviews. - - Twenty-six letters on. - Smith (J. J.), American list. and Lit. - Affaires de PlAngleterre et de l'Amer. curiosities. - Allen (P.), History of. - Snowden (R.), Hist. of N. and S. Am. - Almon (J.), The Remembrancer. - Society of Northern Antiquaries. - Amer. Military Biog. - Solorzano, Politica Indiana. - Andrews (J.), Hist. of the war with - Speed, Epitome of Great Britain. Am., Fr. etc. - Staden, Veritable Histoire. - Andros, Captivity on the Jersey prison - Stokes (A.), Views of America. ship. - State of Great Britain and. - Appeal to the World, 1769, Boston. Th6vet, La France antarctique. - - to the People of Great Britain. - Torquemada, De la Monarquia Indiana. - Articles of Confederation, 1777.. - Touron, Hist. generale de, 1769. - Auberteuil, Administration de Lord North. - Ulloa, Noticias Americanas. - Vries (D. P.), Voy. to Amer. 1632-44. - - Essais.... surles Anglo-Americains. - Wakefield, England and America. - Bancroft (E.), Remarks on the ConW- alton (W.), State of Span. Colonies. troversy, 1769. - Warburton (E.), Hochelaga. - Bernard (Gov.), Letter on government - Ward (M.), Simple cobler of Aggawam. and trade of. - Waterton (C.), Wanderings in 1812-24. - - Letters to the Ministry. - West Indische.... Reizen door Nieuw -- Black List of the attainted, etc. Nederland. - Bland Papers. - Williamson (H.), Obs. on Climate of. - Bland (R.), Inquiry into the rights of - Winthrop (J.), Journal of N. E. colo- the Col. nies, 1630 - 44. - Bloodgoodl, The Sexagenary, or Remi- Wood (W. M.), Sketches of South Am. niscences of. and California. - Boston Orations; Massacre of 1770. - See North America; Central America; - Boston Massacre, 1770. South America; United States; Florida; West-Indies; Voy. etc. - Botta, Storia della guerra, etc. 838 INDEX TO AMERICAN WAR OF THE REVOLUTION: AMERICAN WVAR OF THE REVOLUTION: - Hist. of the War of Independence. Howe (Gen.), Report on his conduct - Boucher (J.), Causes and consequences in 1779. of. - Hubbard (J. M.), Border adventures. - - Hist. de la guerre, 1787. - Hubley, History of the Am. Rev. - Bnrgoyne, Exp. from Canada. - Hull's (W.), Revolutionary services. - Case (W.), Revolutionary memorials. - Humphreys (D.), Miscellaneous works. - Cha~lmers (G;.), Polit. annals of. - Indians (The), or Massacres in Wawa-- - Introd. to IjHst. of revolt. sink. - Chas, Hist. de la Revolution. - Ingersoll (J.), Letters on stamp act, - Clarke (T.), Naval History of U. S. 1766. - Clinton (Sir H.), Let. on his conduct. - Izard (R.), Correspondence. - Coghlan (Mrs.), Memoirs, with anec- - Jenkins (J. S.), Lives of Patriots and dotes of. Heroes. - Collection of papers 1764-75 by Almon. - Johnson (S.), Taxation no Tyranny. - Considerations on the rights of the co- - Jour. d'un officier de l'Armee Navale. lonists. - Judson (L. C.), The Sages and heroes - Cowell, Spirit of'76 in Rhode-Island. of. - Crisis (The), 1776. - Knox ( W.), Controversy with G. B. reviewed, 1769. - Curwen, Journal, 1775-84; Loyalists. reviewed, 1769. - Dr e, Jr. aiss — Lamb (R.), Journal of occurrences to - Dalrymple, Rights of G. Britain asser- 1783. ted. - Lee (H.), Campaign of 1781 in the Ca- Detail of Services in 1776 - 79. rolinas. - Dickinson (John), Political writings. - Lee (H.), Mem. of Southern Dept. of - Drayton, Memoirs of. the U. S. - Dulaney, Taxation of British Colonies. - Lendrum (J.), Hist. of the Am. Rev. - Ellet, The Women of the Am. Rev. - Lossing, 1776, or the War of Indepen- Estaing, Extrait d'un Journal. dence. - Estwick, Letter to Dean Tucker. - Lossing, Pictorial Field-book of. - Fall of Brit. Tyranny, 1776. - McAlpine, Advent. from 1773 to 1779. - Pox (E.), Revolutionary advent. of. - Macaulay (C.), Address to Great Britain on the crisis. - Freneau, Poems during the war. Freneau, Poems during the war. -- Mackenzie (R.), On Tarleton's Hist. of - Free thoughts on the Cont. Congress. 1780, 81. - Gage (T.), Letters. - Magoon, Orators of the. - Galloway, Exam. of neutral claims, _ Marshall (C.), Passages from his diary. 1775. 1775. rfeonhrblo,80- Mayer, Ligues Acheenne, etc. compa-.- - HIist. reflec. on the rebellion, 1780. roes avec. -- ~ — Exam. before House of Commons, - Memorial of Common Sense on, 1778. 1779. - Montgomery (Gen.), Conv. with Prince - Garden, Anecdotes of the revol. war. of Orange. - Gentz, Principles of, compared with - Morse (J.), Annals of the Am. Rev. French rev. - Moser, Nord Am. nach den fried, 1783. - irod, Voyage d Eun Suisse pendst. - Moultrie, Memoirs of, N. and S. Caro. - Godefroy, Estampes des Evenemens de la Godefroy, Estampes des Ev.n de- Murray (J.), Hist. of the present war, la guerre. 1778-82. - Graydon (A), Rem. of men and events Narrative, exange of prisoners; of of. - Narrative, exchange of prisoners; of - Grenville (G.), Taxes on the Colonies. the Cedars. - Griffith (W.), Hist. notes from 1754-75. - Nature of parliamentary power. - Hall (Capt.), History of civil war in - Niles (H.), Principles and Acts of. America, 1780. - Neilson ( C.), Burgoyne's campaign; - Heath (W.), Military events during. Bemis's Heights. - Henry (J. J.), Hardships in Campaign - Newburgh letters. against Quebec. - New-Jersey, Executive correspondence. - Hewes, Traits of the Tea Party, Boston. - New-York, Jour. of Prov. Cong. 1775 - - Historical anecdotes, 1777. 77. - Hist. of the War in Am. to 1778. - Onderdonk (H.), Incidents in Queen's Co. - Hist. of the War to 17'79. - - Incidents in Suffolk and Kings Co. - Hist. of the war, Boston, 1783. - Other side of the question. - Hist. de la derniere guerre. SUBJECTS. 839 AMERICAN WAR OF THE REVOLUTION: AERICAN WAR, 1812 - 14: - Paine (T.), Letter to the Abbe Raynal. - Armstrong, Notices of the war. - Pennsylvania Col. Re. Min. of iExec. - Atcheson, Points to be discussed with Coun. the U. S. - - Archives. - Barbarities of the Enemy exposed. - Peterson, Heroes of the Revolution. - Baring, Brit. Orders in Council. - Plain truth, to the Inhab. of Am. 1776. _ Brackenridge, Hist. of the late war. - Potter (J. R.), Life and adventures of. - Brannan (J.), Letters of Officers du- Price (R.), Obs. on nature of civil lib. ring the war.. - - Importance of the Am. Rev. Eng. - Brown (S. R.), Campaigns of N. W. and Dutch. Army. - Pulteney, Thoughts on present state of - Burges, Battle of Lake Erie. affairs. - Christie, Operations in the Canadas. - Putnam (J.), Mem. of the life of. - Claiborne, Notes on the war in the Sou. - Ramsay's Hist. Rev. S. Carolina. - Cobbett (W.), Letters on. - Raynal, Revolution de Amerique. - Cooper (J. F.), The Bat. of Lake Erie. - Riedesel (Mme), Memoirs. - Dallas (A. J.), Causes and character of. - Rochambeau, Memoirs. - Dwight (T.), Hist. of Hartford Conv. - Sabine (L.), The American Loyalist. Fay, Off. accounts of battles by sea and - Sampson (Deborah), A Continental land. Soldier. S- Gilleland, Hist. of the late war with - Sears, Pictorial Iist. of. G. B. - Sewall (Jona.), Origin of Am. contest. - Gleig, Campaigns at Wash. and N. O. - Shepherd (Rev. Dr.), Hist. of Rev. - Headley (J. T.), The Second War with - Simeoe, Military Journal. Eng. - Sketches of Bunker Hill. - Hist. (A compendious) of the late war. - Snowden (R.),.... in scripture style. - Hist. (Impartial) of the war of 1812. - Soulls, Hist. des troubles de l'Amer. - Hist. of the Am. war of 1812. - Sparks (J.), Corresp. of Atm. Rev. - History of Phil'a and operations in the war. - Sprengel, Die Geschichte der. - Sprengel, Die Gesehibte der. - Hunt (G. J.), The late war; and Alge- Stedman (C.), Hist. of rise, prog. etc. rine war. - Stone (W. L.), Border wars. - Hull (M.), History of, by Clarke. - Sullivan (W.), The Public men of. - Hull (W.), Campaign of North Wes- Talbot's (S.), Life. tern Army. - Tarleton, Campaigns of 1780. - Ingersoll (C. J.), Hist. Sketch of. - hchr(J) Military Jo- Izard (G.), Correspondence with Sec. - Thacher (J.), Military Journal. of War. - Thatcher (B. B.), Tales of the Revol. - James (W.), Military occurrences of. - - Traits of the Tea party. - Jenkins (J. S.), The Gen'ls of the war. - Tracts, Pam. vol. 112-122. - Journal of a Dartmoor Prisoner. - Trescot, The diplomacy of the revolu.- Latour, Hist. of War in Louisiana. - Tucker (J.), Tracts on. - McAfee, History of, in the West. - Tumultibus (De) Americanis, 1776. - McLeod, Scriptural view of. - United States, Observations on. - Massachusetts, Leg. docts. on. - Declaration by Congress, 1775. - Mass. Legisl. report on. - - Votes and proceedings of Congress, 171. - Naval (The) Monument. - View of the Controversy, 1776. - Otis (H. G.), Defence of Hartford Con. - Warren (Mrs.M.), Hist. of. -- Palmer (J. T.), Hist. Reg. U. S. 1812- Watson (H. C.), Campfires of the Rev. - Parsons (U.), Hist. of Battle of Lake - Washington (G.), Writings. Erie. - Wilkinson (E.), Letters, Charleston, - Perkins (S.), Hist. of War with Great S. C. Britain. - Wilmot (J. E.), Losses of the loyalists. - Prisoner's Memoirs, Dartmoor Prison. - Wilson (S. FI.), History of. - Porter (D.), Cruise of the Essex. - Witherspoon, Misc. works. - Richardson (Major), Canadian Army. See under the several States; United - Russell (J.), History of. States; Orations, July 4. States; Orations, July 4. - Stephen (J.), War in disguise. AaMERICAN WAR, 1812 - 14. Address to the Subaltern (The) in Aer Clergy of New-England. Subaltern (The) in Americ~, 840 INDEX TO AMERICAN WAR, 1812 - 14: ANIAWiLCULES: - Thomson (J. L.), Sketches of. - Mantell, Thoughts on animalcules. - Thompson (D.), Hist. of. - Pritchard, Hist. of Infusoria. - Turner (O.), Reminiscences of. - Siebold, Anat. of the Invertebrata. - United States, State pap. on the peace. - Se~ Microscope; Entomology. - Van Rensselaer, Affair of Queenstown, 1815. ANIMALS. See Zoology; Ornithology; EnAMERICAN WAR IN MEXICO. See Mexican tomology; etc. War. ANNAPOLIS, MD. Ridgely, Annals of, to AmiERST COLLEGE. Hitchcock, Inaug. Ad- 1812. dress. ANNUALS. See Registers; Almanacs. - Stearns, Inaug,,Address. ANNUITIES. See Insurance. AIISTAD CAPTIVYES. Barber (J. W.), Hist. ANTILLES IS. See West Indies. of. - ANTIQUITIES. Adam (A.), Roman Antiqui- United States, Message of Pres't, 1840. ties. A3iPERE. Galerie des Contem. vol. 10: Vie - Aegyptische Monumenten. de. - American Antiquarian Soc. Trans. AMSTERDAM. Wagenaar, Amsterdam in - Antiquitatum Variorum Auctores. zyne opkomst, etc. - Antiquitds Mexicaines. A3iUSEMENTS. Bohn (H. G.), Handbook of Gamnes. - Antiquities of Attica. - Clericus, on Dancing. - Antonides, Olymp-Speelen. - Desormeaux, Les Amusemens de la - Atwater(C.), Writings, W-estern Anti campagne. quities. - Field Book, or sports and pastimes. - Begerus, Lucernse ex cavernis Romeo. - Handbook of Garnes. - - Ulysses syrenes praetervectus. - Heliodore, Discours des plaisirs. - - PEena infern. Ixionis. - Herbert (H. W.), Frank Forester's - Botta(P. E.), Monument de Ninive. Field sports. - Bradford (A. W.), Am. Antiquities. -- - Frank Forester's Fish and Fishing. - Camden ( W.), Remaines concerning - Hone (W.), The Every Day Book. Britaine. - - Year Book of Recreation. - Cappele, Comment de ant. Pergamenis. - Peche (La) a la ligne. New-York - Pbche (La) 4 Ia ligne. - Clinton ( D)e W.), Ant. of Western - Smith (H.), Festivals and Games. - Cochin, Herculaneum. Staunton (H.), Chess Players Handbook. - Coleman, Ant. of Christ. Church. - - The Chess Tournament. -- Davis (A.), Antiq. of Cent. America. - Sec Drama, treatises on. - Delafield, Origin of Antiq. of America. ANATOMrY. Bele (J.), Anatomy of the hu- - Deville, Cceur de Saint Louis. man body. - - Musie des ant. de Rouen. - Hildreth (C. T.), Case of Notencephale. Dupaix, Antiquits. Mexicaines. - Keill, The Anat. of the human body. -'Ellis, Townley gallery of sculpture. - Ruysch, Werken. - Elgin Marbles, Pamphleteer, v. 8. - Soemmering, De l'organe de l'Ouie - Eccleston, Introd. to Eng. antiquities. - See Surgery; Medicine. - Eschenburg, Classical antiquities. ANDOVER, MASS. Abbot (A.), History of. - Fellowes, Discoveries in Lycia. - Andover fuss. - Ferguson, Nineveh and Persepolis re- Dana (D.), Remonstrance. stored. ANDRE ( J.). Barb6-Marbois, Complot - Fleetwood, Inscriptionum antiq. Syld'Arnold. loge. - Smith (J. HI.), Narrative of causes of - Fordyce, Mem. concerning Herculanehis death. lmn. ANGELO (M.). Duppa, Life of. - Fosbroke, Encyc. of Antiquities, - Eastlake, Contribu'ns, Sistine Chapel. - Gen- ve, Curiositds de la Bihliothbque publique? - Vasari, Lives of Painters. publique - Hamilton ( W.), Researches in Asi4 ANIMALCULES. Baird, The Entomostraca. Minor, etc. - Bailey, Inf. of fain. Bacillaria. - Hearne, Coll. of Antiquarian discour- Catlow, Drops of water. ses. - Ehrenberg, Infusionsthierchen. - Herculaneum et Pompei,Roux et Barre..- -. Mikiogeolq9ieO, - Hone, Every Day Book. SUBJECTS. 841 ANTIQUITIES: APPLETON (S.). Jewett (J. A.), Memorial of. - Humboldt, Monuimens des peuples in- AQUEDUCTS. See Bridges; Water; Engineerdigenes de l'Amdrique. ing. - Kennett (B.), Antiquities of Rome. ARABIA. Ante-Mahometan Hist. of. - Kinnersley, Sepulchral curiosities, Boteler., Voy. of discovery to. Eng. and America. Eng. and America.- Clayton, Tour to Mount Sinai. - Landseer (J.), Sabwean researches. - Layard, Inscriptions at Nineveh. Crichton, History of. - Landseer (J.), Sabtean researches. - Lebas, Obelisque du Luxor. - Lepsius, Letters from Egypt and Sinai. - Lenoir (Alex.), Monumens Am.ricains et Egyptiens. - Niebuhr, Travels through Arabia. - Long (G.), Egyptian Antiquities. - Wellsted, Travels in. - Longperier, Antiquitis Am.ricaines au- See Syria; Egypt; Mohammed. Louvre. ARBUTHNOT. Narrative of voy. and exec. of - Lumisden, Antiquities of Rome. Arbuthnot and Ambrister. - MoCulloh, Researches on Aborig. hist. - United States, Mess. of Prest. of America. ARCHEOLO~GY. See Antiquities. - Mallet, Northern antiquities. ARCHITECTURE. Allen (L. F.), Rural Ar- Mitchill (S. L.), Antiq. and Ethn. of chitecture. Amer. - Aviler (D'), Cours d'Architecture. - Musde des Antiques du Louvre. - Belidor, La Science des ingonieurs. - Palin, Cat. d'objets dans son Cabinet. - Ceruti, Portici a Magazzini. - Petrie, Round Towers of Ireland. - Civil Eng. and Arch. Journal. - Pompeii, Lib. E. K. - Dallaway, Architecture in England. - Priest, American antiquities. - Davy, Artificial foundations. - Rivero, Peruvian antiquities. - Downing, (A. J.), Designs for rural - Rouge, Principales collections Egypti- cottages. ennes. - Ferguson, Assyr. and Pers. Architec- Smith (C. J.), Lit. and Hist. curiosi- ture. ties. - Field (M.), City architecture. - Smith (W.), Classical Dictionary. - Glossary of Architecture. - Society of Antiquaries, London. - Garbett, Rud. treat. on principles of - Society of Northern Antiquaries. design in. - Squier, Publications on Am. Antiq. - Goodwin, Rural architecture. - Stephens, Anc. Mon. of Central Ame- - Hart (J.), Construction of oblique rica. arches. - Ternite, Wandgemalde aus Pompeii. - Hunt (T. F.), Architettura campestre. - Tindal, Hist. of Evesham. - - Examples of Tudor architecture. - Tod, Antiq. of Rajasthan. - - Picturesque domestic architecture. - Turner (W. W.), IHimyaritic inscrip- Johnson (S.W.), Rural Economy: Pise tions. building. - Warden (D. B.), Recherches surl'Am6- - Leeds (W. H.), Rudimentary architecrique. ture. - Weber, Illust. of Northern Antiq. - Le Noir, Architecture monastique. - Whittlesey (C.), Ancient works in - Nicholson, Treatise on Projection. Ohio. - Owen (R. D.), Hints on public archi- Willis' Current Notes. tecture. - Willson (M.), American History. - Palladio, L'Architettura. - Winckelmann, Sendschreiben von Her- - Pasley, Obs. on limes, cements. culaneum. - Peake, Rudiments of Naval Archit. - Wright (T.), Archaeological Album. - Prony, Architecture hydraulique. - Zahn, Herculaneum et Pompei. - Ranlett (W. H.), The Architect. See Classical, Herculaneum, etc. - Rudiments of ancient. ANTI-RENT. Harrington (H. F.), Serm. on. - Ruskin, Stones of Venice. - Helderbergia, or the Apotheosis. - Robinson (P.T.), Ornamental cottages. - Makgill, Rent no robbery. - Scamozzi, CEuvres d'Architecture. - Pepper (C.), Manor of Rensselaerwyck. - Schinkel, Sammlung Archit. Entwarfe. APALACHICOLA LAND CoxP. Blatchford, - - Werke de hWheren Baukunst. Report to. - Schlegel (F.), Misc. works, On Gothic APHORIsMS. See Maxims. Architecture. [ GN. TIB, 1855.]1 106 842 INDEX TO ARCHITECTURE: ARMENIA: - Shaw, Civil architecture. - Layard, Travels in Armenia. S- imms (F. W.), Public works of Great - Parrot, Journey to Ararat. Britain. - Porter (Sir R. K.), Travels in Georgia - Smart (R.), Dictionary of Archit. and. - Sineaton, Builder's Companion. - Southgate (H.), Tour in. - Smith (W.), Origin and progress of, - See Turkey. 1831. ARMENIAN CHURCH. Goode, Mechitaristi- Soravia, Le chiese di Venezia. can Soc. Venice. - Theory.... of bridges, IVeale. - Arm. Ch. Liturgie. - Towers, Illus. of Croton aqueduct. ARNOLD (B.). Barba - Marbois, Complot - Tredgold, Principles of carpentry. d'Arnold. - Tuthill, Hist. of Architecture. - Sparks (J.), Life of. - Vitri, Le Vignole de poche. ARNOLD (T.). Stanley (A. P.), Life of. - - Diet. d'Architecture civile. ASHMUN (J.). Bacon (L.), Discourse on. Di L'Architettura. -iGu Vitruvius, L'Architettura.,- Gurley (R..), Life of. - Weale, Diet. of civil and naval Archit. ART. See Fine Arts, Painting, Taste, En- Wheeler (G.), Homes for the people. graving. - Wightwick, The Palace of Architect. ARTHUR (Mrs.). IHough (A.), Sketch of. - - Hints to young architects. ARTS. Aikin, Illust. of Arts and Manuf. - Ziegler, Etudes ceramiques. - Amer. Inst. of the city of N. Y. Trans. ARCTIC TRAVELS. Erman, Travels in Sibe- - Antisell, Handbook of the Useful Arts. ria. - Appleton's Mechanics Magazine, 1852- Hearne, Journey to Northern Ocean, 54. 1769. -- Arcana of Science and Art, 1828-38. - Leslie, Discoveries in Polar Seas. - Art Jour. Illust. Cat. of Lond. Exhib. - Scoresby, Description of. - Bennett (J.), Artificer's Lexicon. - Simpson (S.), Discov. on North coast - Bigelow (J.), Elements of Technology. of America. O- Browne (D. J.), Etymological Ency- Tytler (P. F.), Progress of disc. clopiudia. See Voyages (Arctic), Russia. - Buchanan (R.), Mill work, etc. ARGENTINE CONFEDERATION. Rosas, De la - Burgoyne, Quarrying of stone. d- Byrne, Metal-worker's Asst. -- Rosas: Correspondencia. - Rosas, Correspondencia. - Denison, Treatise on clock-making. - See La Plata, Paraguay; Buenos Ayres. - Dobson (E.), Manuf. of bricks. ARGYLE ( Duke of). Conduct reviewed, - Dunlap (W.), Progress of Arts of Design in America. ARITHMETIC. Bezout, Theor. and Pract. Arithmetic. - Emporium of Arts and Sciences. - Brion, Arith. indtustrielle. - Elliot (S.), American Museum. - Bullock, Hist. and Rudiments of. - Evans, Young Millwright's Guide. - Davies (C.), Arithmetic for Schoolfs. - Ewbank, Hydraulic and other machines. - - Grammar of. - Franklin Institute Journal. - De Morgan,-Elements of Arith. - Gilroy, Art of Weaving. - Gelder, De Cyferkunst. - Gill's Technological Repository. Gordon (W.), Universal Accountant. - Gregory (G.), Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. - Hadden, Rudimentary arithmetic. n- Gregory (O.), Treatise on Mechanics. - Lardner, Treatise on Arithmetic. Guilry, Technology. - Mailly, Science du Calcul. - - Arts c-ramiques. Muelder, Calcul mental. - Hay (D. R.), Nomenclature of colours, - Parke (U.), Lect. on Philosophy of. etc. - Perkins (G. R.), Arithmetics. - History of Silk, cotton, wool, etc. - Pike (N.), Complete system of. - Holland (J.), Manufactures in metal. - Rihouey, Nouveau traite. - Holtzapfel (C.), Turning and Mechan. - Walsh (M.), Mercantile Arithmetic. manipulation. - See Mathematics. - Jamieson (A.), Mech. for practical men. ARKANSAS. Nuttall (T.), Travels in, 1819. - Journal of Design and Manufact. - Schooleraft, Journal of a tour. Journal des Connaissances usuelles. A.1)IENIA. Curzon, Armenia and Erzeroum. - Leonard, The Mechanical Principia. SUBJECTS. 843 ARTS: ASIA: - Lardner. Treatise on Mechanics. - Tavernier, Six Voyages. - Mass Char. Mech. Assoc. Addresses. - Texeira, Tr. from India to Italy. - Mechanics' Magazine, London. - Turkish evening entertainments. - Monge, Treatise on Statics. ASIA, CENTRAL. Burnes (A.), Travels to - Mosely, Illustrations of Mechanics. Bokhara. Treatise on Mechanics. - Carpini, Travels in. - Nicholson (J.), Operative Mechanic. - Conolly, Journey to North of India. - Pilkington (J.), Artist's Guide. - Wolf (J.), Mission to Bokhara. - Potter (A.), Science applied to Arts - Moorcroft, Himalayan Provinces. and Manuf. W- ood (J.), Sources of the River Oxus. - Repertory of patent inventions, period. - See Persia; Affghanistan, Tibet. - Repertory of Arts. ASIA MINOR. See Turkey. - Soc. of Arts, London. ASIA, SOUTHERN. Baron (S.), Descript. of - Soc. for encour. of arts. Tonqueen. - Soc. for promot. of use. arts, N.Y. - Crawford, Embassy to Ava. - Soc. Cen. d'Agric. Moulins a bras. - - Embassy to Siam and Cochin China. - Scientific American, period. -- Malcom, Travels in South Eastern Asia. - Spafford, Wheel carriages. - Roberts (E.), Embassy to Cochin China, - Stearns (S.), American Oracle. etc. - Stokes,Cabinet-maker and Upholsterer. - Saw (S.), Journals. - Swindell (S. G.), Well-digging and- Valentia, Voy. and trav. to India. pumpwork. - See India; China; Voyages. - Symons (J. C.), Arts and Artisans. ASIA, WESTERN. Chandler (R.), Hist. of - Timb's Year Book. Troy. - Tomlinson (C.), Rudimentary mecha- - Shaw (T.), Travels. nics. - Southgate (H.), Tour in Armenia, etc. - Totten, Hydraulic and comm. mortar. - Stephens (J. L.), Incidents of Trav. in. -- Lime-burning. - Taylor (B.), Land of the Saraceh, - Turner (R.), Introduction to Arts and - Welsted, Travels to the cities of the Sciences. Caliphs. - Treatise on dyeing and calico-printing. - See Turkey. - Ure, Diet. of Arts, Man. and Mines. ASTROLOGY. Chyromancie. - United States Mag. of Science, Art, etc. - Christmas, Cradle of the Twin giants. - United States Patent off. reports. - Forman, Autobiog, and Diary. - Ward (G. G.), Essay on the lever. - Robach's Almanac. - Weisbach, Mech. of Machinery. - See Delusions. - Wright (W. H.), Treatise on mortars. ASTRoNoMy, Airy ( G. B.), Reports of the - Whittock, Decorative painter's guide. Astron. Royal. - Wyatt, 11th French Exposition. Arago, Tract on Comets. - Young (T.), Lecture on Mech. Arts. - - Astronomie populaire. - Ziegler, Etudes ceramiques. - - CEuvres. - See Engineering, Hydraulics, Machine- - Astronomical Jour., Cambridge, Mass. ry, etc. - Baillie, Hist. de 1 Astron. ancienne. ASIA. Bell (J.), Tr. to various parts of. - Hist. de l'Astron. moderne. -ist. de I'Astron. indienne. - Bergeron, Voy. en Asie, xI-xv siecles, - Hist. de l'Astron. indienne. W.C. 98. - Bentley (J.), Hindoo system of. - Bernier, Tr. in the Mogul Empire. - Bowditch, Mdean. cileste of La Place - Buckingham, Tr. in Oriental World. - Bradford (D.), Wond. of the Heavens. - Cartwright (J.), Travels in. - Cassini (J.D.), E16mens de 1', verifi6s. - Dapper, Beschryving van Asie. - - Lumiere c6leste dans le Zodiaque. - Drummond (Sir W.), Origines. - - Satellites de Jupiter. - Engel, Situation des pays septentrion- - - Voyage avec montres marines. ales. - Chapp6, Observations de Venus, 1769. - Keppel, Journey from India to Eng. - Dick, Practical Astronomer. - Ousely, Travels in the East. - Downes, Occultations in U. S. - Polo (M.), Travels in the13thcentury. - Eclipse (The Annular) of 1854. - So. Asiatique. -- Exam. of doct. of moon's rotation. 844 INDEX TO ASTRONOMY: AUSTRALIA: - Ferguson, Introd. to Astronomy. - Blosseville, Colonies Penales d'Angle- - Astronomy explained. terre. - Fleurieu, Voy. pour eprouver lesh or- - Braim (T. H.), Hist. of New S. Wales. loges marines. - Brosses, Hist. des Nav. aux terre aust. Gassendi, Institutio astronomica. - Byrne, Twelve Years Wanderings. - Georgetown Coll. Annals of Observat. - Collins (D.), New South Wales and - Gilliss, Obs. at Observatory, Wash. New Zealand. - Goodzacre, Expl. of the terms of. -- Fleurieu, Voy. sud-est de la Nouv. - Gould (B. A.), Hist. of Disc. of Nep168. tune. - Flinders, Voy. to Terra Australis. - Grant (R.), Hist. of Physical Astron. - Gandrey Exped. of disco.. in northwest and west of. - Herschel, Outlines of Astronomy. - Haygarth, Bush life in, for eight years. - Treatise on Astronomy. -- History of New South Wales. - - Obs. at the Cape of Good Hope. - Howitt, Land, labor, and gold. - Obs. of Nebulw at Slough.' -- King (P. P.), Intertrop. and western - Hind, The Solar system. coasts of. - Humboldt, Observations astronomiques. - Lyon (E.), Wright's three years in Van - LeVerrier, Mouvement de Mercure. Diemen's land. - Loomis (E.), Progress of, in U. S. - Oxley, Two exped. to the interior, 1817. - Lubboch, Researches in phys. astron. - Phillip (A.), Voyage to Botany Bay. - Marca, Systeme de l'univers. - Reid (T.), Two voyages. - Malkin (Sir B. H.), Astronomy. - Strzelecki, Disc. of N. S. Wales and - Maury, Obs. at Astr. Ob. Washington. Van Dieman. - Mitchel (O. M.), Planetary and stellar - Tench, Botany Bay and New S. Wales. worlds. - White (J.), Voyage a la Nouvelle- Morgan, Aurora Borealis, Cambridge, Galles du Sud. 1847. AUSTRIA. Austria and the Austrians. - Nichol (J. P.), Thoughts on the system - Coxe (W.), Mem. of House of Austria. of the world. - Dodge (R.), Austria and its polity. - - The Planetary system. - Hall (B.), Schloss Hainfield, Lower Quetelet, Encyc. Pop. Astronomie. Styria. - Rothman, Hist. of. - Hartig, Late Austrian Revolution. - Richer, Observations astron. Caienne. - Istoria della Casa d'Austria. - Russia, Observatoire central. - Kohl (J. G.), Austria. - Smyth ( W. H.), A Cycl. of celes. obj. - Koubrakiewicz, Revelations of Austria. - Somerville (M.), Mechanism of the - Pellico (S.), My imprisonments. heavens. - Pillersdorf, Political movement 1848, 9. - Turner (P.), Astron. Obs. in Hudson's - Schimmer Sieges of Vienna. Bay Comp. Possess. - Voiron, Hist. de, 1781 - 1811. - Stiles (W. H.), Austria in 1848. - Whewell, Astron. and Gen. Phys. - Trollope, Vienna and the Austrians. - - Plurality of worlds. AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Alfieri (Vittorio). ATHENS. Colton (W.), Visit to. - Bailey (Robert). - Leake (W. M.), Topog. of Athens, etc. - Barnum (P. T.). - See Greece. - Barrington (Sir Jonas). ATHOL, MASS. Clark (S. F.), Centennial - Barrow (Sir John). discourse. - Bassompierre (Mareschal de). ATTLEBOROUGH, MASS. Crane (J.), Hist. - Beaumarchais (P. A. Caron de). sketches of. - inns (John) AUCTIONS. Remarks on system in N. Y. Black Hawk. AUDUBON. Webber, Hunter naturalist. AUDUBON. Webber, Hunter naturalist. - Bownes, Acct. of life and travels of. AUGSBURG CONFESSION. Schott, with introd. and notes.'- Brydges (Sir E.). AUGUSTA, ONEIDA Co. N. Y. Bartholomew, Burton (T.), Diary, 1656 - 59. Hist. address. - Caldwell (Charles). AUSTRALIA. Barrington (G.), Voy. a Bo- - Campbell (Sir J.). tany Bay. Caussidiere (Citizen). - Behrens, Exped. des Prov. Unies, 1721. Cellini (B.). - Bennett (G.), Wanderings, New South Champlin (J.). Wales. SUBJECTS. 845 AUTOBIOGRAPHY AUTOBIOGRAPHY: - Chase (Bishop). - Waterton (C.). - Churchman (John). - Wikoff (H.). - Claxton (T.), Memoirs of a mechanic. -- Wilkinson (Gen. J.). - Colby (John). - Willett (M.), His military actions. -- Colburn (Z.). - Woolman (J.). - Coleridge (S. T.). - See Diaries; Letters. - Congar (0.). AVIGNON. Grosjean, Pr6cis historique sur la ville d'. - Cumberland (Richard). - De Quincey, Writings, vol. 13. AVON SPRINGS. Salisbury(S.). AZORES. Bullar, Winter in the. - D' Ewes (Sir Simonds). - Digby (Sir K.). - Douglass (Frederick). B. - Durand (J. R.) BACON (Francis). Mallet (D.), Life of. - Dutens (Rev. L.). BACON (N.). Ware (W.), Life of. - Edgeworth (R.L.). BAcoN (Sam.). Ashmun (J.), Mem. of. - Edmundson, Journal of. Fedmundson, (Journal)of.BAHAMA IS. Catesby, Nat. Hist. of. - Fennell (J.). - Edwards (B.), Hist. of Brit. West Ind. -~Forman (S.). ~- McKinnen (D.), Description of. Frederica, Margravine of Bareith. -- Townsend (P. S.), Topog. and diseases - Freytag (Gen. J.D.). of. - Gardiner (H.). - See Florida. G- enlis (Madame de). BAILEY (Jacob). Bartlett (W.iS.), Mem. - Gibbon, Miscellaneous works, vol. 10. of. - Glendenning (W.). BAINBRIDGE (W.). Harris (T.), Life of. - Godoy (Manuel de). BAINES (E.). Baines (E.), Life of. - Goethe (W. J.), BAIRD (Sir D.), Hook (T.) Life of. - Grammont (Count), Memoirs. BALTIMORE. Griffith (T. W.), Annals of - Hamilton (A.), Count Grammont. Baltimore. - Hangar (Col. George). - Interesting Papers, on riot, 1812. - Herbert (Edward). - Lowell, Tables of Mortality. - Heron (Sir R.), Notes. - Purviance, Events in, during the revolution. - Hicks (Elias). H- Varle, View of. Hodgson (John). Vae, Vew of. - Holoroft (Th). BALTIMORE FAMILY. Browning (C.), Ap- Holroft (T.). peal from heirs. - Hunt (Leigh). *BANKING AND BANKS. Allen (S.), On the - Huntington (W.), Bank of Faith. Safety Fund. - Hutton (W.). - Bank of the U. S. Cong. Docts. 1820 - - Iturbide (Augustin). 34. - Jarratt (D.). - Banker's Common Place Book. - Jerdan (W.). I — Banker's Magazine, 1846 - 54, N. Y. - Ker (John) of Kersiand. -- Bollman (E.), Paragraphs on Banks. - Lamartine, Memoirs of my youth. - Carey(M.), Nine Letters on Bank of U. S. - Lafarge (Madame).. - Crombie, Depreciation of bank notes. - Lamb (R.). - Digest of Evidence on Bank of Eng. - Lancaster (Joseph). - Duncombe's Free Banking. -- Lighten (W. B.). - Lighten (W. B.). Life begunbySi- - Francis (J.), Hist. of the Bank of Eng. - Lockhart (J. G.), Life begun by Sir Gilbart, History of Bankingin Amer. W. S. - Louis XVIII. - - Hist. of Banking in Ireland. -- rsden(J.), Grace displayed. - - Pract. Treatise on banking. - MilIer(Hugh). -- Goddard (T. H.), Hist of the Banks of Europe and U. S. P-ennant (Thomas). - Gouge, Pap. Money and Bank. in U. S. - Pepys (S.). - - Journal of Banking. - Priestley (Joseph). - Hardcastle, Banks and Bankers. - Trumbull (J.). - - Hare (R.), Reformation of the Bank- Thomson (C.).. ing system. 846 INDEX TO BANKING AND BANKS BARNSTABLE, MS. Cape Cod Cent. CelebraHomans (J. S.), Banker's Com'n Place tion. Book. BARRINGTON (Viscount). Shute (Bishop), - Johnson (A. B.), Treatise on Banking. Life of. _ Journal of Banking. BARRON (J.). Decatur (S.), Correspondence with. - Kellogg (E.), Labor and other capital. BARTON (W.). Williams (Mrs.), Life of. Manchester Chamber of Commerce on BARTRAM (J.). Darlington, Memorial of. Bank of England. BATAVIA, N. Y. Seaver (W.), list. Sketch - Martou, Institutions de prevoyance. BATAVIA, Nof. Searer (W.), Hist. Sketch - Massachusetts, Bank returns, 1803-54. BATHURST (H.). Bathurst (H.),Memoirs of. - Moulton (R. K.), Hist. of the Banks BAVARIA. Barrow (J.) jr., Tour in 1840. of U.S. - iermann, Ueber die Bewegerung der - Parnell, Paper money and banking. Bewegerung imder - Quin, Trade of Banking in Eng. - Sec Germany. - Raquet's Treatise on. BEATTIE (J.). Forbes (W.), Account of life - Rafinesque, Safe banking. - Remarks by a merchant on Bank U. S. BEAUCLERC (Lord). Bird (J.), Letter to. - Remarks on Banks of New-England. BEAUMONT. Darley, Life of. - Rush (R.), Report against Bank U. S. BEAVER (P.). Smyth (W. H ), Life of. - Salomons, Defence of joint stock banks. BECKET (Thomas). Froude, His controversy - Van Buren (M.), Message. with Henry II. - View of.. the Bank of England, 1821. BEDFORD, N. H. Woodbury (P. P.), Histo- Watt, Theory of joint stock banking. ry of. - Wood (J. C.), Essay on Banking. BEES. Bevan (E.), Nat. Hist. etc. of the - See Currency; Finance. honey bee. BANKS (T.). Flaxman, Address on death of. - Debeauvoy, Guide de l'apiculteur. BAPTISTS. Backus (I.), Hist. of New-Eng. - Miner, American Bee-keeper s manual. to 1784. BEHAIM (M.). Ghillany, Geschichte des - Beckwith (G. C.), On the mode of Bap- Seefahrers. tism. BELCHERTOWN, Ms. Doolittle, Hist. Sketch of Cong. Ch. - Belcher (G.), The Baptist pulpit in the U. S. BELGIUM. Annuaire de l'Industrie Belge, 1838. - Benedict (D.), Hist. of, in the U. S 1838. - Bradbury (T.), Duty and doctrine of - Dobson (E.), Railways of. baptism. - Faslier, Description de la Belgique. - Caveat against Anabaptists. - Gachard, Anciennes Assemblies de la - Clough (S.), Christian denomination. Belgique. - Cox (F. A.), The Baptists in America. - Heusbling, Publications on Belgian - Gammell: Hist. of Baptist For. Mis. -- Jottrand, Des rapports de la Belgique - Hall (Robert), Works, Open commun. et de la France. - Hunt (T. P.), The Bible Baptist. - Revolution en, 1830. - Judson (A.), Sermon on Baptism. - Tennent (J. E.), 1841. - Massachusetts Baptist Convention. - See Holland. - Presb. Church, Discipline of Baptized BELISARIUS. Mahon (Lord), Life of. children. - Rues (S. F.), Staet der Mennoniten. - Marmontel, History of. - Taylor (J. B.), Lives of Va. Bap. Min. BELL (Andrew). Southey (R.), Life of. - Truair, Plain Truth on Baptism. BELLES-LETTRES. See Literature, Poetry, - Wright (S.), Hist. of the Shaftsbury Drama, etc. Assoc. BENEDICT XI, Pope. Scoti (A.), Memorie BARBADOES. History of Barbados, 1768. del. - Ligon, Histoire de l'isle. BENNINGTON, VT. Butler (J. D.), Address - Sketches (Desultory) of. on Battle of. - See West Indies. BENTINCK (Lord G.). D'Israeli, A political biography. BARBARY. See Africa, North; Algiers. PENN. Rupp, BERKS AND LEBANON COS. PENN. Rupp, BARKER (G. P.). Bryan (G.), Life of. Hist. of. BARNES (A.). Junkin (G.), Hist. of trial BERKSHIRE CO. Ms. History of the Counbefore Synod. ty of. BARNEY (Joshua). Barney (M.), Memoirs - Hopkins (M.), Jubilee Sermon. of. SUBJECTS. 847 BERRYER (M.). Galerie des Contem. vol. BIBLE: 1: Vie de. - Stuart (M.), Defence of 0. T. Canon. BERTRAND (G6n.). Galerie des Contem.:- Spring (G.), Bible not of man. Notice sur. - Turner (S.), Sacred Hist. of the World. BERZELIUS. Galerie des Contem., Vie de. n - Wette, Introd. to Old Testament. BEVERLY, Ms. Stone l(. M.)orae Hst, of.E. - Whately, Difficulties in Ep. of St. Paul. BIBLE. Abrege de la morale des Evangiles. - See Concordances; Commentaries; Cos- Anderson (C.), Annals of Eng. Bible. mogony; Christ. evid. - Benson (C.), On Scriptural difficulties. BIBLE REFORMED. Finck, Seven Seals bro- Biblical Emendations. ken open. B- uchanan (G.), Paraph. Ps. Dayv. Poet. BIBLE SOCIETIES. Am. Bib. Soc. Reports. - Bush (G.), Illustrations of. - Am. and For. Bib. Soc. Reports. - Butler (C.), Horze Biblice~. - Brit. and For. Bib. Soc. Reports. - Calmet, Dictionary of. - Daubeny, Connexion with the Bib. Soc. - Castalio, Dialog. Sac. libri iv. - Jay (W.), Letters on, to Bp. Hobart. - Chandler (S.), Vindication of Old Tes- Owen (J.), Hist. of Brit. Bib. Soc. tament. - Soc. Belge. - Chalmers (T.), Scripture readings. - Soc. Prot. de Paris. - Chillingworth, Works. - Strickland, Hist. of Am. Bib. Soc. - Cyprianus, Opera. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Abkoude, Naamregister: - Dwight (T.), Genuineness of the N. T. Nederduitsche boeken, 1600-1761. - Eichorn, Inleiding in het Oude Testa- - Alegambe, Bibliot. Script. Soc. Jesu. ment. 1608-42. - Furness, Remarks on the 4 gospels. - Antonio, Bibliotheca Hispana. - Gleig, History of the Bible. - Aretin, Beytrage zur gesch. und litera- Harcourt, Doctrines of the Deluge. tur. - Hawks, Egypt a witness for the Bible. - Bartlett, Preservation of pub. archives. - Hieronymus, Opera omnia. - Bavaria, Renseignements sur la Bib. Roy. - Hodge ( C.), Importance of Bib. Lite- rature. - - Bibliografia.... opere nelle collez. de Classica Italiani. - Horne (T. H.), Introd. to the Holy ic Scriptures. - Bibliographie agronomique. - James, Bellum Papale: Hieron. editio- - Bibliographie de la France, 1844. nem. - Bibliotheca Americana: Homer. - Jenks (W.), Bible Atlas. - Brunet, Manuel du Libraire. - Jahn, Introd. to the Old Testament. - Brulliot, Diet. des Monogrammes. -. Kitto, Scripture Lands described. - Brydges (Sir E.), Censura Literaria. Kitto, Cyclopsedia of Bib. Literature. - Buxtorff, Biblioth. Rabbin. nova. - Livermore (G.), Circulation of the - Cailleau, Dict. bibliographique. Scriptures. - Cat. of Books on Masonry. - Luther: Prmefatio in Ep. ad Roman. -Luther, Profatio in Ep. ad Roman. -Cat. of Voyages and Travels. - McClelland, On the canon of the Scrip-imprimri armninn tu -. Cat. de l'imprimerie armnnienne. tures. Montanus, Communes Hebr. ling. idi- - Churton, Book Collector's hand-book. tismi. - Dana (J. D.), Mineralogical Bibliogra- Newcome, Harmony of the 4 Evange- phy. lists. - Decanver, Catalogue: Works against - Newton (S.), Dissert. on the Prophe- Methodism. cies. - De Morgan, Arithmetical Books. - Nott (J. C.), Bib. and Phys. Hist. of - Dibdin, Bibliomania. Man. - - Cat. of books, 15th century, Lib. - Palfrey, Lect. on the Jewish Scriptures Cassano. - Paley, Horse Paulinse, works, vol. 2. - - Library Companion. - Palm (Van der), Aantekeningen tot de Rare editions of the Classics. vertaling des. - - Bibliophobia. - PIanche, Introd to sacred philology. Reminiscences of a Lit. Life. - Rafinesque, Genius of Heb. Bib. - Dictionnaire bibliographique, Cailleau. - Rendell (E. D.), Treatise on the pecu- - Drake (S. G.), Cat. of Lib. Ant. of liarities of. America. - Simon, Hist. crit. du Vieux Test. _ - Ed;vads (E.), Libraries in England. 848 INDEX TO BIBLIOGRAPHY: BIBLIOGRAPHY: - Escurial Lib. Bib. Arab. Hisp. - Willis's Current Notes. - Foppens, Bibliotheca Belgica. - Zeno, Dissertazioni Vossiane. - Girard, Bib. Am. Historico-naturalis. - See Catalogues; Literary IHistory; Ty- Greswell, Early Greek Press. pography. - Hannett, Art of Book-binding. BIDDEFORD, ME. Folsom (G. R.), Hist. Sketch of. - History of the Works of the Learned. - Horne (T. H.), Introd. to the study of BIDDLE (N.). Waldo (S. P.). Life of. Bibliog. BICKERSTETH (E.). Birks (T. R.), Memoir - Jewett (C. C.), Notices of Pub. Lib. in of. the U. S. BILLERICA, MS. Farmer (J.), Hist. Memoir of. - Kayser, Index lib. 1750-1846 in Germ. of. BIOGRAPHY. COLLECTIVE. Allen (W.), Am. - Kennett (W.), Bibliot. Amer. Primor-iog. Dictionary. dia. - Amer. Military Biog. 1825. - Klaproth, Verzeichniss der Chinese und Mandschu Bucher. - Annual Biog. and Obituary, 1817-37. - La Borde, Organisation des Biblioth. Appleton's Encyclopsdia of Biog. -, La Rue, Geletterd Zeeland. - Arago, (Euvres: Notices biographiques. - Livermore (G.), Remarks on public li- - Bailey (J.), Amer. Naval Biog. 1815. braries. - Baker (D. E.), Biographia Dramatica. - Lowndes, Bibliog. Man. of Eng. Lite- - Baldwin (J.G.),Party Leaders Sketches. rature. - Belknap, American Biography. - Ludewig, Lit. of Amer. local history. - Bell (R.), Lives of Eng. Dramatists. - McCulloch (J. R.), Literature of Polit - Biographia Americana, N. Y. 1825. Econ.Y. 1825. -Macray, Manual of iBrit. Historians. - Biog. Diet. of Soc. U. K. vol. 1-4. - Maittaire, Annales typographici. Biographie Etrangere. - Martin, Cat. of privately printed books. - Biographie Universelle. - Mengarelli, Grseci Cod. MSS. apud Na — Biog. of Self-taught men. nios. - Blake (J. L.), Gen..Biog. Diet. - Moss (J. W.), Manual of Classical Bi- - Blanc, Peintres des fates galantes. bliog. - Bradford (A.), Biog. of disting. men of - Notes and Queries, 1849-54. N. E. - Oakley, Course of English reading. - Brown (W. tI.), Portrait Gallery of Am. citizens. - Observations on Authors for a select library. - Brougham, Sketches of Statesmen in - Oliveyra, MWmoires: Bibliot. des eeri- eo. II, III. vains sur le Portugal. - - Lives of Men of lett. and science. - Osmont, Diet. typog. hist. et crit..- Brydges, Censura Literaria. - Panzer, Annalen der altern Deutschen - Bush, Queens of France. Litt. - Bungay, Off-hand takings. - Pinelo, Bibliot. nautica et geografica. - Calamy, Nonconformist's Memorial. - Pinkerton (J.), Cat. of Books of Voy. - Campbell (J.), Lives of the Admirals. and Trav. - Campbell (J. W.), Biograph. Sketches. - Poole, Index to Reviews and Periodicals. cals. - Chancellors of England. - Potter (A.), Handbook for readers and - Chalmers, Gen. Biog. Diet. students. - Characteristics of Men of genius. - Retrospective Review. - Clark (S.), Lives of eminent persons. - Revue de Bibliographie analytique. - Coleridge, Worthies of Yorkshire and - Rich, Biblioth. Americana, etc. Lancashire. -- -- Catalogue of Spanish books on - Coffin (C.), Lives and Services. America. - Cooper (J. F.), Lives of Naval Am. - Schooleraft (H. It.), Bib. Cat. of books Officers. in Indl. Lang. - Cormenin, Orators of France. - Schotel, Archives en Hlollande. - Cox (S H.), Interviews memorable and - Silvestre, Universal Palheography. useful. - Simms, Handbook of Lib. of Brit. Mus. - Craik (G. L.), Romance of the Peerage. - Ternaux, Bihliotheque Amdricaine. - Cunningham (A.), British painters and sculptors. - Trubner, Bibliog. Guide to Am. Lit. sculptors..aent, Sp.. bibliogu. do AmaLit. - Curwen, Ward's Notices of Am. loyal- Valentingflli, SpeQ. bibllog. de ]balmat. ists. SUBJECTS. 849 BIOGR-APH1Y, COLLECTIVE: BIOGRAPHY, COLLECTIVE: - Davenport (R. A.), Dictionary of. - Judson (L. C ), The sages and heroes of. - Delaplaine, Lives of Disting. Amer. - Kay (J.), Portraits and Biog. Sketches. - Doran, Lives of the Queens of Eng. - Kippis (A.), Biographia Britannica. - Drake (S. G.), Biog. of Indians of N.A.- Kirby's Wonderful Museum. - Dunham, Lives of Sci and Lit. Men in - Knapp (S. L.), American Biography. Gl. B. - - Biographical Sketches. - - Lives of Eng. Dramatists. - Knickerbocker Gallery. - Duyckinck, Cyclopscdia of Amer. Litt.. - empniere,Universal Biography. - Eliot (J.), Biographical Dictionary. - Lester, Gallery of illust. Americans. - Everest, Poets of Connecticut. The Artists of America. - Flint (T.), Indian Wars of the West. - Library E. K. Biog. of eminent men. - Forster (J.), Eminent Statesmen. - Lives of the Ital. Poets. - Foucand, Book of illustrious mechanics. Lives of British Drmatists. Lives of British Dramatists. Fox (J.)~ Book of Martyrs. Fox (J.), Book of Martyrs. - Livingston, Biog. of Am. now living, - Francis (G. H.), Orators of the age: 1853. Biog. etc. - Lodge (E.), Portraits of personages of - Fuller (T.), Worthies of England. Great Britain. - Galerie des contemporains illustres. |- Lossing, Sketches of signers of Decl. of - Gallery of Portraits with Memoirs. Independence. - Georgian Era. - Macgillivray, Lives of eminent geologists. - Gleig, Eminent Brit. Mil. Commanders. l - Magoon, Orators of the Am. revolution. - Godwin, Hand-book of Univer. biog. - Magoo Orators of Am. revolution.'.. - ~Living Orators of Amlerica. -'Gorrie, Lives of Methodist ministers. - Manning, Lives of Speakers of the Lives of Mem. of Black River Con- House of'Commons. ference. - - Marshall (J.), Royal Naval Biog. 1835. - Griswold (R. W.), The Repub. Court. -- Maury, Amer. Statesmen of 1846. - The Biographical Annual. - M'Crie, Miscellaneous writings. - Hardie, New Univ. Biog. Dictionary. - Men of the Time, 1852. H- all (J. E.), Memoirs of eminent persons. - Montgomery (J.), Lives of European Scientific men. - Harsha, Eminent Orators and Statesmen. (E) - IMoore (J. B.), Lives of American Governors. Hart Female Prose Writers of Amer. - Nichols (G.), Lit. Anecdotes, Illustra- Harwood (E.), Biographica Classica. tions. - Hazlitt (W.), Spirit of the age; or - O'Byrne, Naval Diet. of living officers. Contem. portraits. - Philippart, Royal Military Calendar. - Herring, Portrait gallery of Americans - Physic and Physicians. -- Physic and Physicilans. - Hoffmann (J. J.), Lexicon universale. -- Pilkington (M.), Gen. Diet. of Pain- Homes of American authors. ters. -- IIomes of American Statesmen. I — Powell (T.), Living Authors of Eng. - HIoussaye, Men and Women of the 18th - - Living Authors of America. century. ~~~century..- Public Characters, 1828. - Howe (H.), Disting. Amer. and Europ. - b mechanics. -- Robin, Galerie des gens de lettres. - Howitt, Homes of the Poets. - Robinson (F.), Lives of disting. officers U. S. A. - Hunt (W.), Amer. Biog. Sketch Book. Rogers (T. J.), A - Rogers (T. J.), American Biog. Dict. -- - Amer. Biog. Panorama. - Rose, Biographical Diet. - IHunt (L.) Works, vole 1, 2. n- Roscoe (H.), Lives of Brit. Lawyers. - James (G. P. R.), Lives of For. States- Sanderson (J.), Biog. of Signers to men. -- Sanderson (J.), Biog. of Signers to Pecl. of Independence. - Jameson (Mrs.), Beauties of Court of Charles II. -- Saint Edme, Biographie des hommes du jour. - Jenkins (J. S.), Lives of Governors of jour. N. Y. - Soc. Diff. Use. Knowl. Biog. Dict. A. -- --- Lives of Generals of War of 1812. - Scott (Sir W.), Biographies. -- Johnson (S.), Works, vol. 6, 7, 8, Lives - Seward (W.), Anecdotes of disting. of the Poets. persons. - Works,vol. 9, Lives of eminent persons. - Shelley (Mrs.), Lives of em. French- Jones (A. D.), Illust. Amer. Biog. men. [GEN. LIEB. 1855.] 107 850 INDEX TO BIOGRAPHY, COLLECTIVE: BOERHAVt. Fabricius: Schulten's discourse - Sheill (R. L.), Sketches of the Irish bar. on. - Smith (W.), Classical Dictionary. - Schultens (A.), Lykrede. - Southey (R.), Lives of Uneducated BOKHARA. Moorcroft, Trav. in Himalayan poets. provinces and. -- -- Lives of Brit. Admirals. BOLIVAR (S.). Morello (Gen.), Memoires - Sprague (W. B.), Visit to Europ. Cele- du Gen. Morillo. brities. - Holstein, Memoirs of, and his generals. - Stephen (Sir J.), Essays in Eccl. Biog. BONNEVILLE. Irving (W.), Adventures of. - St. John (J. A.), Lives of travellers. BOOK-BINDING. Walker (E.), Hist. of. - Taylor (W. C.), Mod. Brit. Plutarch. BOOK-CEEPING. See Arithmetic, Finance. - Thatcher (B. B.), Indian Biography. BOOK OF JUDGMENT. Wilson (E. S.). - Tuckerman (H. T.), Sketches of Am. BooNE (D.). Bogart (W. H.), Dan'l Boone, painters. etc. - Walton (I.), Lives. - Bryan, The Mountain muse. - Washington and the Generals of the - Flint (T.), Biog. memoir of. Am. rev. - Peck (J. M.), Life of. -- Watkins, Biog. Hist. and Chron. Diet. BORDEAUX. Bordes, Hist. des monumens de. - Wealth and Biog. of wealthy citizens - Cocks, Bordeaux, its wines. of N. Y. - Costello, Bearn and the Pyrenees. - Welsby, Lives of English Judges. BORNEO. Beeckman, Voyage to. - West, Sketches of Wesleyan Preachers. - Brooke (J.), Narrative of events in. - Wheeler (H. G.), Hist of Cong. biog. - Keppel (HI.), Expedition to Borneo. - Wilson (T.), Heroes of Rev. and late - Low (H.), Sarawak, its inhabitants. wars. - Marryatt, Borneo and Indian Archipe- Williams (S. W.), Am. Med. Biog. lago. - Wood, Athense Oxonienses. BoscAwEN, N. H. Price (E.), Chronol. re- Wynne, Lives of eminent lit. men in gister of. America. BOSTON. Boston, City Documents, etc. - Updike, Memoirs of Rhode-Island bar. - Bowen, Picture of, 1838. - Vasari, Lives of the most eminent pain- - Dana (J. F.), Geology of: and vicinity. ters, etc. - Dearborn (N.), Boston notions. - See AUTOBIOGRAPHY, and under the _ - Reminiscences of Boston. names of individuals. n- Drake (S. Gt), Hist. and antiq. of. BIRDS. See Ornithology. BD.SOtol.. - Emerson (W.), Hist. First Church in. BIRNEY (J. G.). Green (B.), Life and Wri-gham, Siege of. tings of. - rothingham, Siege of. BLACK HAVWK. Smith (E. H.), Hist. of. - Hancock (J.), Oration, March 5, 1774. - Black Hawk, Life by himself. - Lothrop (S. K.), Hist of Brattle-street Church. BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE. Hypocrisy unveiled'. - Quincy (J.), Centennial Discourse. BLAIR (H.). Hill (J.), Account of life of. History of, to 1830. BLENNERHASSETT (H.). Safford. (W. H.), - Shattuck, Report on the census of. Life of. - Shaw, Description of. BLESSINGTON (Countess of). Madden (R. - Sketches of Boston and vicinity, 1851. R.), Life of. - Snow (C.H.), History of. BLIND. Almanac for the Blind. BOSTON ATHEN.DUI. Quincy (J.), History - Atlas for the blind. of. - De Kroyft (Mrs.), A place in thy me- BOSTON MASSACRE, 1770. Boston, Short mory. Narrative. - Guide to devotion: for the use of. - Clark (J.), Sermon on, 1776. - Mahony, Musical notation for. - Boston Orations on. - N. Y. Institute for the Blind, Reports, BOTANY. Barton (W. P. C.). Florse Phil'a, 1845- 50. Prodromus. - Pennsylvania Institution for: Reports. - - Account of Holcus bicolor. - Perkins Instit. and Mass. Asylum for. - Baster, Voorteeling der dieren en Plan- Guide to Devotion, arnd Atlas. ten. - Reynolds, Address Eye and Ear infirm. - Beck (L. C.), Bot. of the U. S. North Taylor (W.), Printing for the blind. of Va. B- Bentham (G.), Plantes des Pyrenees. BOARDMAN (G.D.). King (A.), Life of. S UBJECTS. 851 BOTANY: BOTANY: - Bigelow (J.), Florula Bostoniensis. -- Houghton (D. D.), Plants from NorthBonaparte (C. L.), Progress of Botany. west expeditions. - Hough (F. B.), Plants of Lewis Co., - Bordley, Queries of B. of agr. answered, N. Y. on veg. phys. - Humboldt, Des Melastomacees. - Brereton, Flore Columbianse Prodro- - Irvine, The London Flora. innUS. - Browne (D. J.), The Trees of America. - Jackson (Sir W. J.), Botan. Misc. and - Candolle (Aug. de), Various memoirs. Jour. of Bot. Flora Boreali-Americana. - Candolle (Alph. de), Geographical Bo- Botany of Capt. Beechey's voy. tany. - Catalogues of Botan. Libraries. Flora of South America. - Clayton, Connubia Florumn, Carmine - Jardin d'Hiver, Catalogue des Serres. dem. - Landsborough, Hist. of British weeds. - Coxe (J. R.), Agaricus atramentarius. - Laterrade, Flore Bordelaise. - Darby, Botany of the Southern States. - Lefibure, M'thode.. a l'etude du nom -- Darlington, Plants of West-Chester. des plantes. -- - Lecture on study Of. - Lee (C. A.), Med. plants growing in - Agricultural Botany. - FloAgriculturerl Bo.eny. - Linnean Soc. of London, Trans. -- - Flora, Chester Co. Penn. - Dewey, Herbaceous plants of Mass. - Lincoln (Mrs.), Familiar lectures on. D Dewey, Herbaceous plants of ass. - Lindley, Orchidearum sceletos. - Don, Hist. of Dichlamydeous plants. - - Introd. to natural system of. - Donn, Hortus Cantabrigiensis. The Vegetable Kingdom. - Eaton (A.), Botanical Dictionary. - Link, Prog. of Physiological Bot. - - Manual of, for Northerin States. - London ( J. C.), Trees and shrubs of -- - Manual of, for N. America. Britain. F- aton (II. H.), Plants near Troy. - - Encyc. of Plants. - Elliott (S.), Bot. of South-Carolina. - M'Murtrie, Florula Louisvillensis. - Emerson (G. B.), Trees and shrubs in - Marshall (H.), Arbustrum american. Mass. - Marlius, Botan. Garten in MiUnchen. -- Fburier, Ph'enomenes de la vegetation. - Furier, Ph n dav tati - - Bot. Erforschung des k. Bayern. - Feuillee, Obs. bot. sur l'Am. miridio- - Massachusetts Survey, reports on. hale et linde ocq. n- Mercklin, Prothallium der Farrnkrau- Fischer, Sertum Petropolitanum. ter. - Flora Napolitana. - Meyen, Outlines of geog. of plants. - Flors, Pla Coluntbiesis. - Meyer, Flora-Hannover. - Gibbes, Plants near Columbia, S. C. - Michaux, Flora-Boreali Americana. - Graham, Plants. 13ot. Garden Edin. - - Ilist. des chines de l'Am. septen- Gray (A.), Chloris Boreali-Americana. trionale. - M- an. of Eot. of the United States. - - North American Sylva. - - The Genera of the plants of U. S. - Muhlenberg, Cat. of plants of N. Am. --- Plantee Wrightianoe Texano-Neo- - Gram. et Calamar. Amer. Septen. Mexicanv-. - - Gram. et Plant. calam. Am. Septen. - Griffith (R. E.), Medical Botany. - Nageli, On vegetable cells. - Grisebach, Botanical Geography. - New-York Nat. I-ist. J. Torrey. - Hartinger, Paradisus Vindobonensis. - Nuttal, Genera of N. A. plants. - Harvey (W. H), British Alg - - North Am. SylvA. plants. - - Marine AlgN of N. A. - Oeder, Icones Plantarum Daniae et - - Sea Side Book. Norvegie. - Hasskarl, Cat. P1. in Hor. Bot. Bogo- - Olney (S. T.), Cat. of Rhode-Island riensi. plants. - Henslow. Cat. of British Plants. - Paxton's magazine of Botany. - Desc. and Physiological Botany. - - Flower Garden. H- enfrey, Botan. and Physiol. Mem. - Persoon, Synopsis Plantarum. - Hill (John), History of Plants. - Pesneawu Plantes de la Loire Infirieure. - Hitchcock, Cat. of plants near Amherst - Plants, Bot. Garden Edinburgh. Coll. Plants of New-Castle Co. Del. - Hooker, Bot. of Capt. Beechey's voy, - Plants near Yale College. 852 INDEX TO BOTANY: BowDoIN (J.). Buckminster (J. S.), Sermon on. - Plumier, Nova plant. Amer. genera. R (W.). Nichols ( Biog. anec- Providence Frank. Soc. Cat. of Plants dotes of. in R. I. -Pitney, PRog. ofBot.inEg 1. 0. BRADDOCK'S AFFAIR. Peuple (Le) Juge. - Pultney, Prog. of Bet. in Eng. 1790. See American war 1744 - 59. - Pursh, Flora Amer, septentrionalis. BRADFORD FAB. Fessenden, Gen. Mem. of. - Rafinesque, Flora Telluriana. BRADSTREET (Martha). Jackson (J.), Bill - - Alsographia Americana. of Exceptions. Genre Eustachia etc. BRAINERD (D.), Dwight (S. E.), Life of. - - Flora of Louisiana. - Edwards (J.), Life of. - - Medical flora. - Peabody, Life of. New flora of N. A. - Styles (J.), Life of. - Ray soc. publications. BRANDT (G.). Haes, Het Leven van. - Riddell, A collec. of his west. floras. BRANT (J). Stone (W. L.), Life of. - Ruiz, Flor Peruv. et Chil. Prodromus. BRAZIL. Adalbert, Travels in Europe and - Rumphius, Comment. Botanicue. Indiae Brazil. Orient. - Armitage, Hist. of, 1808 - 31. - Russia, Bib. horti imp. - Barlaeus, Rerum in Brasilia historia. - Schleidenj Principles of Scient. Bot, - Baro, Voy. au pays des Tapuies. - Schrenk, Enumeratio plantarum nova- - Beauchamp, Hist. du, 1500 - 1810. rum, 1841. - Beauchamp, L'Independance du Bresil. - Schultze, Uber den organ. der Poly- Brazil, Constitucao. thalamien. - Schhwgriechen, Species Muscor. Fron- - Conder, Brazil and Buenos Ayres. dosorum. Delafayc, Les Portugais d'Amerique. Schweinitz, Syn. fungorum Carolinvl. - Eschwege, Journal von Brasilien. - - Monograph, N. A. genus Carex. - Gardner (G.), Trav. in the interior of. - - Spec. flore Amer. Sept. Cryptoga- - Gioseppe, Guerre tra Portogallo e micte. Olanda. - S6ringe, M6langes botaniques. - Graham (M.), Voy. to and residence in. - Short, Plants of Kentucky. - Henderson ( J.), Iist. of Brazil. Siebold, Flora Japonica. Kidder, Residence and Travels in. - Soc. lib. d'Agr. de l'Eure. - Koster (H.), Travels in Brazil. - Stark (L. G.), Aphorismi Botanici. - La Beaumelle, De l'empire du Bresil. - Synopsis of Coniferous plants in G. B. - Lindley (T.), Narr. of voy. to Brazil. - Thornton (R. J.), The British Flora. - Magalhanes, History de Sancta Cruz - Torrey, N. Y. Nat. Hist. Botany. (Brisil.). -- Mawe, Travels in Brazil. California plants. - Moreau, Derniers troubles entre les - - Flora of North America. Hollandais. Plants within 30 miles of N. Y. - Patriota Brasileiro. - Turner ( D), Muscologiva Hibern. Spi- - Pedro I., Corresp. pendant les troubles cileg. de. - Tuinbouw, Flora van Nederland. - Planta, Mauritiados. - Vriese (W. I1. de), Het gezag van - Remontrances de negocians du Bresil. Kaempfer et anderen. - Rendu ( A.), Etudes, top., med., et - Iortus Spaarn Bergensis. agron. - Vrolik (G.), Ziekte der Aardappelen. - Saint Hilaire, Voyage dans le dist. do Diamans. - Walter (T.), Flora Caroliniana. Diaans. Walter (T.), Flra Caroin- - Voy. dans Rio Janeiro et Minas. - Waterhouse, The Botanist. - Waterhouse, The Botanist.- Southey (R.), Hist. of Brazil. - Withering, Syst. Arrangement of Brit. plants. - Spx, Travelsin, 181 -20. -- Wright (J.), Plants near Troy, New - Staden, Mem. Brasilie Hist. York. - Walsh (R.), Notices of. - Wydler, Genre Scrofularia. - Warren (J. E.), Para, or banks of the - Zuccarini, Morphology of the Coniferae. Amazon. BOTANY BAY. See Australia. - Wied-Neuwied, Reise nach, 1815 -17. BoWDITcr (N.). Pickering (J.), Eulogy on. - See South-America, Guyana, Amazon. -; Young (A.), Sermon on. BREWING. Baverstock, Obs. on the state of the brewery. SUBJECTS. 853 BREWING: BUCCANEERS: - Booth (D.), Art of Brewing. -- Esquemeling, Hist. of the Buccaneers. - Byrn, Practical Brewer. - Hist. of the Bucaniers of America. BRICKS. Dobson (E.), Manuf. of bricks - Johnson (C.), General History of the and tiles. Pyrates. BRIDGES. Annales des ponts et chaussees. - (Exmelin, Histoire des Boucaniers. - Buck, Oblique bridges. - Raveneau, Journal du voyage. Clark (E.), Britannia tubular bridges. - Tonti, Montauban's adventures. - Dempsey, Iron girder bridges. - See Voyages. - Drewry, Suspension bridges. BUCKMINSTER ( J. and J. S.). Lee (E. B.), - Iann, Architecture of bridges. Lives of. - Lehardy de Beaulieu, Ponts en fonte. BUENOS AYRES. Andrews, Journey from to Cordova. - Montreal Railway, Bridge over the St. Lawrence. Conder, Brazil and B. Ayres. - Pope (T.), Treatise on bridge architec. - Five years residence in. - Poncelet, On draw-bridges. - F'unez, Victoria de Ayacucho. - Theory, Pract. and Arch. of. - Gerstacker, Travels, 1850. - Town (J.), Improvemeut in construe- - ing (A. J.), Argentine Republic. tion of. - Monarchical projects of the Bourbons. BRIDGEWATER, MASS. Mitchell (N.), His- - Nunez, Esquisses historiques. tory of. - S (E. de G.), La R6publique de. BRITAIN. See Great Britain. See La Plata. BRITISH COLONIES IN AME RICA: BUFFALO, N. Y. Barton (J. L.), Commerce - Andrews (J. D.), Report on Comm. of. of the Lakes. - British Empire in America. -- Henderson (T. J.), Trade and comm. - Buckingham, Travels in 1841. of, 1854. - Burton (R.), Eng. Empire in America. BUGEAUD. Galerie des Contem., Vie de. - Colonial Policy considered. BUILDING. Alderson, On Kyan's process. - Durham, Dispatches concerning. BUNKER HILL. Bradford ( A.), Account of the battle. - Edwards, Hist. of Brit. West-Indies. the battle. - Martin (M.) st of Bit. Colonies. - Emmons (C. P.), Sketch of the bat. on. - Martin (M.), Hist. of Brit. Colonies. - Relation of.. - New-England, 189. -- Everett (E.), Oration, 76th Anniv. epresentation on Amer. trade, 1721. - Fellows, Notice of Swett's sketch of - Representation on Amer. trade, 1 721. battle. battle. - Review of Rise of New-England. - Frothingham, Battle of. - Walsh, Appeal from the judgments, etc. - Humphreys' Putnam's Life. - Wynne, Brit. Empire in America. - Swett (S.), Hist. of. BRITISH NORTHr AMERICA. See America, - Sec Charlestown, Mass. Hudson's Bay; Canada; Voyages, BUNYAN (-J.). Cheever, Lect. on Pilgrim's Progress, etc. BRITISH INDIA. See India. BUONAPARTE. See Napoleon.' BRITISH MUSEUM. British Museum. BURGES (T.). Bowen (IH. L.), Memoirs of. -- Ellis, Townley Gallery in. BURGHLEY (Lord). Nares (E.), Memoirs - - Elgin marbles in. of administration. - Sims, Hand-book of the Library. BURKE (E.). Bisset (R.), Life of. BROCK (Sir Isaac). Tupper (F. B.), Lifek (C.) Memoirs of. of., - McCormick (C.), Memoirs of. BROGLIE (Duchess of). Baird (H.), Me- - Prior (J.), Life of. moirs of. BURLESQUE. See Hllmour. BROOKE (J.). EKeppel (H.), Extracts from BURLINGTON, VT. Ingersoll (G. G.), AdJournal of. dress, 1st Cong. Soc. BROOmFILD, Mass. Foot (J. I.), Hist. BURMAH. See India, China, Asia (South.). discourse. BURNET (Bp.). Braddon (L.), Burnet's BROOKLINE, MAss. Pierce (J.), Hist. disc. Hist. on Arthur, Earl of Essex. BROWN ( C. B.). Dunlap (W.), Life of. BURNEY (C.), Arblay (F. B. d'), MIem. of. - Prescott (W. H.), Life of. BURNS (R.). Chambers (R.), Life of. BRY (De). Camus, Memoire sur sa collec. - Cunningham (A.). Life and land of. BUCCANEERS. Archenholtz, Hist. des Fili- BuRn (A.). Clark (D.), Gen. J. Wilkinson bustiers. and A. B. - Burney, Hist. of Buccaneers. - Cheetbham, Letters on his defection. - Edin. Cab. Cyc. vol. 5. - Davis (M. L.), Memoirs of. 854 INDEX TO BURR (A.): CALIFORNIA: - Examination of charges against. - Foster (G. G.), Gold region of. - Knapp (S. L.), Life of. - Fremont, Exploring expeditions. - Safford (W. 11.), Life of Blennerhas- - Gerstacker, Travels, 1850. sett. - Greenhow, Geography of. BURR (Rev. A.). Livingston (W.), Eulo- - Harris (J. M.), A paper upon. gium on. - Johnson (T. T.), Sights in the gold reg. BURRITT (E.). Thoughts and things, etc. Kelly (W. J. P.), Excursion to, over - Kelly (W. J. P.), Excursion to, over BUSHNELL (H.). What does Dr. B. mean? Prairie. BUTCIIERS. Bizet, Du commerce de la - King (T. B.), Report on, 1850. boucherie. o- Kip (L.), California Sketches. - France, Anita. de Boucherie. BUTL neR (B.F.). MaBckenzieio. - Marryatt, Mountains and molehills. BUTLER (B. F.). Mackenzie, Life of. - Notes on California, 1850. BUTLER (F. A. K.). Kemble ( Fanny) in America. - Parkman, California trail. BYBERRY, PENN. Comly (J.), History of. - Revere (Lieut.), Tour of duty in. BYRON (Lord). Byron (C.), Life and ge- - Robinson (A.), Life in. nius of. - Robinson (F.), Calif. and gold region. - Dallas (R. C.), Recollections of. - Rovings in the Pacific. - Galt (J.), The Life of. - Ryan (W. R.), Personal adventures. - Iunt (L.), Lord Byron and contempo. - Scenes in Rocky Mountains, etc. - Medwin, Jour. of Conversations with. - Seward (W. H.), Admission of. - Moore (T.), Life of. - Sitgreaves, Expl. Colorado river. - Murray (J.), Notes on Medwin's Con- - Taylor (B.), Eldorado. versations with. rsations with. - Thornton (J. Q.). Oregon and Calif. - Tracts on California, W. C. 170. C. - Tyson (J. L.), Diary of physician in. - Tyson (P. T.), Geol. and industrial CABOT (S.). Biddle (R.), Memoirs of. resources of. - Hayward (C.), Life of. - Van Voorhies, Orat. Soc. of Cal. Pio- Sparks's Am. Biog. Life of. neers. CABUL. Elphinstone, The King. of Cabul. - Venegas, Nat. and Civil Hist. of, 1759. - Sec Af-fghanistan. -- Willard (E.), Last Leaves of Am. Hist. CALDWELL (C.). Coates (B. H.), Biog. not. - Vilkes (G.), Western America. CALDWELL (J.). Miller (S.), Address,nia. Monument to. - Woods (D. B.), Sixteen months at the CALENDARS. See Almanacs. Diggings. CALHOUN ( J. C.). Jackson (A.), Corres- - See Rocky Mountains, Oregon. pondende with. CALVERT (G.). Kennedy (J. P.), Discourse of the life of. CALIFORNIA: CALVERT (L.). Spark's Am. Biog. vol. 19, - Bartlett (J. R.), Nat. of explorations, Life of. - Brooks (J. T.), Four months in. CALVIN (J.), Audin, Histoire de la vie de. - Bryant, What I saw in. - Buffum (E. G.), Six months in the - Beza (T.), Life of. mines. - Burriel, Hist. Nat. et civ. de. - Waterman, Memoirs of. - Caron(E.S), Hist of. CAMBACERES. Langon, Evenings with. - Capron (E. S.) History of. - Chpp, Voyage en, 1709. CAMBRIDGE, ENG. Dyer, Hist. of the Univ. - Colton (W.), Three years in. 1 - Fuller (T.), History of. - Colleccion.... civilizacion de, 1827. alwel, The Rarities of. - Cooke (P. St. G.), March from Mex. to. - ekeux, Buildings of Univ. and Town. - Lekeux, Buildings of Univ. and Town. - Coulter (T.), Notes on. - Maiden (H.), King's College Chapel. Coulter (J.), Adventures in..), Adventures in. CM IDGE, MASS. Adams (G.), Directory, - Cutts ( J. M ), Conquest by U. S. 1848. - Disturnell, Guide to. - Harris (T. W.), Epitaphs from burying - Duflot de Mofras, Exploration de, 1840. ground. - Emory, Mil. Recon. from Miss. to Cal. - See Harvard University. - Farnham (T. J.), Travels in the Cal. CAIPAIGNS. Gleig, Light Dragoon. - Forbes (A.), I-ist. of upper,and lower. - Guillemard, Adven. of a Fr. Sergeant. SUBJECTS. 855 CAMPAN (Mme.). Maigne, Journal anecdo- CANADA: tique de. CAMIIPBELu (T.). Beattie (W.), Life and- Jameson (Mrs.), Winter rambles in. letters of. - Johnston (J. F. W.), Notes on North - Irving (V.), Life of. America. - Journal of Education. CAMPBELLISnr. Jennings (0.), Debate on. CAMPBLLI5S[. AJennings (.), Debate on. - Kierzkowski, Seignorial tenure in. CtANAAN, ME. Hanson, History of. CANAAN, Mr' Hann - Lambert (J.), Travels through, and the CANADA. Account of Proceedings at Quebec, U. S. 1175. - Landmann, Adventures of. - Anderson (D.), Canada, importance of. - Laman, Adventuro the Sagenay. - Beauclerk, Mil. operations in, 1839. - ianman, Tour to the Saguenay. - Beaucler l. operations in. I. _ Le Beau, Aventures; descr. du Canada. Beavan, Visit to Indian missions in. - Le Beu, Aventures; descr. d Canada. - Beyard, Actions of the French at Ca- - Le Brun, Tab. Statis. des deux Canadas. nada, 1693. - Le Clercq, Relation de la Gasperie. - Bibaud, Hist. de, sous la France, 1837. - Lescarbot, Hist. de Ia nouvelle France. Bigsby, The Shoe and the Canoe. - Lille, Canada, physical, etc. - Bonnycastle, Canada in 1846. - Little (0.), Trade in the Northern CoBouchette, Brit. Dom. in N. America. lonies. L- yon (C.), Wright's Narrative, battle Descr. of Lower and Upper. of Prescott. Buckinghiem, Travels in. -- Buckinghamrr, Travels in. -- Mackay, Stranger's guide to. Canada and the Colonists. Mackay, Stranger's guide to. C- Mactaggart, Three years in Canada, - Canada Directory, 1837. 1828. - Canada in 1849. - Magrath, Letters from Upper Canada. - Canadian Freeholder. - Masires, Proceedings of Protestants in. Canadian Guide Book. - Monts (De), Description of New France. - Carroll (C.), Visit to, 1776. - Moodie(Mrs.), Roughingit in the bush. - Cavendish, Parl. Debates, 1774. - O'Callaghan, Relations des Jdsuites. Champlain, Voy. de la Nouvelle France. - Official Documents, war of 1759-60. - Christie, Hist. of Lower Canada. - Parkman (F.) jr., Hist. of conspir. of - Charlevoix, Voyage to North America. Pontiac. Creuxius, lIist. Canadensis, lib. x. - Perrault, Abregi de l'histoire de. - Crespel, Voyage dans le Canada. - - Quest. sur le droit civil du Bas Ca- De Veaux, Traveller's own book. - Preston (T. R.), Residence in, 1837-39. - Diereville; Voyage de l'Acadie. -- Prevost (Gen.), Public Life in the Ca- Duncan (J. M.), Travels in 1818. nadas. - Dunlop(W.), Statis. Sketches of Upper. - Political and Hist. account of, 1830. - Dunkin, Discours, sur les droits des - Review of Leg. proceed. 1831. seigneurs. - F seigne, Tour inCanas. da.- Richardson (Major), Eight years in. - Ferguson, Tour in Canada. - FinausonVoyg Tou Q e Cnan - Roebuck (J. A.), Existing difficulties Finan, Voyage to Quebec, and war of in. 1812, 13. Galt (J.), The Canadas, 1836. - Roy (Jennet), History of, for schools. G arneau, istoire du Canada. - Ryerson, Missionary tour. - Garin, Catehisme dpolitique.- Sagard, Voyage du Pays des Hurons, G6rin, Cat6chisme politique. 1630. - Gilenelg, Dispatches to Sir F. B. Head. - Sansom (J.), Sketches of Lower Canada. - Gourlay, Statist.acct. of Upper Canada.s life of Lord Sydenham. - Scropes life of Lord Sydenham. G- ray (H.), Letters from Canada, 1806. Selkirk, Red River settlement. - Griffin (C.), Letter on his miss'y labors. - Sleih, Pine forests, etc. -- Hall (F.), Travels in Canada and the - Smith (W.) esq., to 1791. - Harmon, Voyage.. - Smith (W. H.), Canadian Gazetteer, - Head (Sir F. B.), The Emigrant. - Smyth (D. W.), Top. des cr. of Upper A Narrative. Canada, 1799. - Howison, Sketches of Upper Canada. - Stoddard, Expedition to. - Heriot (G.), Travels through the Cana- - Strachan (J.), Visit to Upper Canada. das. - St. Valier, Estat de l'dglise de la Nou- - History of Canada to 1804. velle France. Henry (A.), Travels in, and the Indian - Soc. litt. et hist. de Qutlbec. territories. 856 INDEX TO CANADA: CANTON, CONN. Phelps (N. A.), History of. - Tache (J. C.), Esquisse (economiste) CAPE OF GoOD HOPE. See Africa, South. sur le Canada. CAPITAL PINISRiMENT. Armstrong (L.), Ten - Talbot (E. A.), Five years residence in. lectures on. - Theller, Canada in 1837. - Cheever, Defence of. - Thdvet, La France antarctique. - Great Britain, Report on Capital punishment. - Trail (C. P.), Canadian crusade.nishment - Walker (Sir 11.), Late exp. to Canada. ontagu (B.), Punishment of death. - Warburton, Conquest of Canada. New York Leg. Rep. 1851. - Weld (.), Travels through. - O'Sullivan, Report for abolition of. - WVelcl (J.), Travels through. - See Jesuit Missions: North Ameri - Polidori, On the punishment of death. See JesuLit Missions: North America; British Colonies; Nova Scotia; - Richmond, My concise opinion, etc. United States. - Strictures on the right of. CANALS. Armroyd, Internal Navig. of the - Wright (H. C.), Man-killing, wrong. U. S. - See Prisons. - Barlow, On the strain of lock-gates. - Barlow On the strain of lock-tes. CARACCAS. Flinter, Hist. of revolution of. - Dearborn (H. A. S.), Internal improve- - Poudeux, Hist. de la revolution de, ments west. 1814. - Dehay, Canal des Pyrenees. - Doin, Canal a la Garonne. CARAFAS (The) os MADDALONI. Reumont, - Frisi, On rivers and torrents. Naples. - Gallatin, Report on roads and canals. CAROLINE (Queen). Diary, with original - Genet, Address on rivers and canals. letters of. - Hist. of canal navigation in Penn'a. CARPENTRY. See Architecture, Arts, BuildK- eefer, The Canals of Canada. ing. - McAlpine, Ship canal from Albany. CARRIAGES. Adams (W. B.), English Pleasure carriages. - Massachusetts, Canals from Boston to sre carriages. Massachusetts, Canals from Boston to CARROLL (J.). Brent (J. C.), Biog. sketch Conn. river, of. - Molineau, Jonction du Danube an CARTIAGENA. Journal of the expedition to. - New York State, Canals, Reports, etc. - Account of expedition, 1743. CARTWRIGHT (John). Cartwright (F. D.), P-~amphlets, vol. ~ 145. ~Life of. - Phillips (J.), Iist. of inland naviga- C..) C ( ry)Memoirs of. tion. CAR (H. F.). Cary (Henry), Memoirs of. - Phillpotts, Canal nav. in Canada. CARY (Lott). Gurley (R. R.), Life of. - Ruggles, New York Canal policy. CAss (L.). Schoolcraft (H. R.), Outlines of the life of. - Strickland (W.), Reports on. Young (W. T.) Sketch of. - Sullivan(J. L.), Inland nav. to Boston. C CASTRIOT (G.). Moore (C. C.), Life of. - Tanner, Descr. of canals of U. S. -Treanne Den snterofcanals oa. CATALOGUES OF BOOKSELLers, etc. Apple- Treatise on internal navigation. ton's Library Manual. - Troup, Canal policy of N.Y. - Bent (H.), London Cat.1814-39. - Watson (E.), Progress of Western Bca-: Bibliotheca Londinensis1 1814-46. hals. eenals. ErieCana.- Blake (A. V.), Booksellers' trade list, - See Erie Canal.1847. CANARIES Is. Bethencourt, Decouverte et - Bohn (H.G.), Catalogue, 1748, pp.1841. conqueste des. - G Hconqueist. of des. of. - Bossange, Sale catalogues, 1845-50. - Glas, Hist. of conquest of. 3-:Ledr, Voy. auconliest dof Tnrif - Bon, Theol. lib. for sale, Amsterdam. - A edru, Voy. ax ileside Teanedriffe. - Brown(W.), Eng. and For. books, 1840. CANDIA. DU* Cros; Siege de Candle. - Catalogues, Miscellaneous, 76 vol. - VYlle, Voyages et Sidge cdu. - Cooper (C. P.), Library for sale. CANDOLLE (De). Martius, On the life of. _ Dodd (J.W.), Library, and prices at CANNING (G.). Bell (R.), Life of. the sale. - Hobhouse (J. C.), Letter to, and his, - Doyle (J.), New York, 1848. answer. I- Dutch catalogues, Pam. vol. 38, 39, 40. - Stapleton (A. G.), Life of. B. C. CANOT (Capt.). Mayer, Twenty years of an - Godd6, Cat. de livres relatifs aux arts. African slaver. - Halliwell, Mss. rarities at Univ. of CANovA. Quatremere de Quincy, Mem. sur Cambridge. vie. - Hodgson (T.), Books pub. in Great - Flaxman, Address on death of. Britain, 1814-51. ]Britain,11-. SUBJECTS. 857 CATALOGUES OP BOOKSELLERS: CATALOGUES OF PUBLIC LIBRARIES: - Harper and Brothers, 1847. - Lyceum of Nat. Hist. N. Y. Library. - Kerslake, Books for sale at Bristol. - Maine State Library. - Low (S.), Brit. cat. 1837-52. - Manchester Free Library. - Iongman, Brown & Co. Old books. - MIanuscripts in public libraries in Fr. See Law Library. - Nattali, Cat. with prices, Lond. 1842. See Law Library. - Massachusetts, Cat. of State Library. - Norton's Literary Advertiser, 1851-54.. Assoc. Boston. - Nutt (D.), Theol. Books, Lond. 1837. - Mere. Lib. Assoc. New York. - Publisher's circular, 1838. - Putnam (G. P.), For. and Am. 1850. - M i nnesota State L ibrary. M- Minnesota State Library. - - Book-buryer's Manual. - Morellius, Cod. Mss. Bib. Nanianwe, - Rodd, relating to America. Venet. - Roorbach (O. A.), Bibl. Am. 1820-55. - New Haven Y. M. Institute. - Smith (J. R.), Bibliotheca Americana. - New Jersey, State Library. - Stewart (C. J.), Cat. of bibles, etc. - New York, Maps and Surveys. Lond. 1849. - New York Society Library. - Thorpe (T.), Curio-uLs books. - Oxford Univ. MSS. in Bodleian Library. - Weigel, Apparat. lit. 1832. - Palm (Van der), Lib. ac. Mss. Bib. Cat. Sammlung von Bibchern. Schultensiana. CATALOGUES OF PUBLIC LIBRARIES: - Providence Atheneum Catalogue, 1853. - Amer. Antiqc. So. - Rochester Athenaeum; City Library. - Amer. Philos. Soc. - Salford Borough.... Library. - Amherst College, 1855. - Smithson. Cont. vol. 7, Trans. of Sci. Astor Library Index. societies. - Oriental Languages. - Society of friends, Library. - Athenaeum of London. - Stowe (The) Catalogue. Bavaria, Bib. Bavar. Cat. Mss. Gr. - Vermont, State Library. - Belgium, Chambre. Cat. de la biblio- - Vienna Imp. Lib. Cat. Manuscriptoth'que. rum. - Berlin Royal Library. - United States, Library of Congress. Bibliotheca Uffenbachiana Mss. - United States, Mil. Acad. library. - Bibliotheca Chethamensis. - See Bibliography. Bibliot. D. Marci Lat. et Ital. Mss. CATHERINE DE ST. AUGUSTIN. Ragueneau, - Bibliot. D. Marci Graec. Mss. Vie de. - Bordeaux, Bibliotheque de la ville. CATHARINE II. Tooke (W.), Life of. Boston Athenaeum, 1827, 40. CATSKILL MTS. Scenery of. Brand (J.), Cat. of lib. for sale, 1807. - See Hudson River. British MiLuseum. CAUCASUS. See Circassia, Persia. - Bure, Bibliot. de M. le Due de la Val- CAVENDISH (T.). Edin. Cab. Lib. Life of. liere. CAXTON (W.). Knight (C.), Life of. Canada, Library of Parliament. CAYENNE. Biet, Voyage en l'Isle de CayCanada, Books relating to America. enne, 1652. - Catalogue(New) of living Eng.authors. - Vignal, Coup-d'oeil sur. France, Bibliot. de la Marine et des - AimS, Deportation to Cayenne, 1800. Colonies. - Prifontaine, Maison Rustique de. F- rieschgenootschap.Cat.der Bibliothek. - See Guyana. Geol. Soc. of London, Library. CEMETERIES. Albany Rural Cemet. Assoc. - Gesner, Bibliotheca, redact. per J. Sim- - Alden (T.), Coll. of Amer. epitaphs. lerum. - Bridgman (T.), Inscriptions at North- Great Britain, Library of House of ampton, etc. Commons. - Halliwell, MSS. in Library at Ply- Harris, Cambridge, Epitaphs. mouth, Eng. - Camden, Remaines. - Hardt, Mss. Grecorum Bib. Bavarim. - Greenwood illustrated. L arenaudiere, Cat. de livres de sa bi- Kinnersley, Sepulchral curiosities. bliotheque. - MacDonald (A. J.), Monuments and - Library Company of Philadelphia. gravestones. Loganian Library, Philadelphia. Memoirs of the dead. - London Library, by J. G. Cochrane. - Mount Auburn illustrated. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 108 858 INDEX TO CEMETERIES: CEYLON: - Parr (S.), Works, vol. 4, Inscriptions. - Marshall (H.), Description and history. - Puccinelli, Memorie sepolcrali. - Pridham (C.), Hist. and Polit. account - Sargent, Dealings with the clead. of. - See Antiquities. - See India; Voyages, India. CENTRAL AMERICA. Baily (J.), Central CERTOSA. Visita alla Certosa. America, 1850. CHALMERS (T.). Hlanna (W.), Memoirs of. - Byam, Wild life in. - Sprague (W. B.), Discourse on. - Cassani, Historia de Granada. CEAMPLAIN. Mercure Franiois, Voyages. - Catherwood's Views in Central Amer. CHAMPLAIN (Lake). Palmer (P. S.), Hist. - Cockburn's Journey from Honduras. of. Coup-d'ceil sur. CHANNING (W. E.). Aspland, Sermon on. - Davis (A.), Antiquities of. - Bellows (H. W.), Discourse on. - Dunn (H.), Guatemala. - Channing (W. II.), Memoir of. - Edwards (B.), Hist. West Indies, vol. - Hazard (R. G.), Philosophical charac5. ter of. Gallatin, Indians of Central America. CHARENTE INFERIEURE. Gautier, Statis- Geog. (Royal) Soc. Jour. vol. 3, 5, 11, tique du. 14, 15, 23. CIHARLEMONT (Earl of). tIardy, Memoirs of. - ICale (J.), Six month's residence in. CHARLES I. Ashburnham, Narrative of his attendance on. - Hardman, Scenes in. Henderson Account of Brit. Honduras - D'Israeli, Commentaries on the life of. - Henderson, Account of Brit. Honduras - Salmasius, Defensio regia. - Hodgson, Acct. of Mosquito territory. Responsio ad J. Miltonum. - Juarros, Hist de la Cuidadde. - Statis, t. adela Comm.his. o. CHARLES II. Reresby, Memoirs and travels. - Statist. and Comm. hist. of. - La Bastide, Passage de la Mer du Nord - See England, History of. a la Mer du Sud. CHARLES V OF GERMANY. Robertson (W.), Hist. - Mfmoire Statistique sur. -- Bradford, Correspondence of the Empe- Modern Traveller, Guatemala. ror. - Mosquito Kingdom. d- Stirling (W.), The Cloister life of. - Oviedo, Histoire du Nicaragua. CCHARLES XII. OF SWEDEN. Nordberg, His- Rio, Ruins near Palenque. toire de. - Pitman, Practicability of a ship canal. - Voltaire, Vie de. - Poyais, Constitution de la nation. CuHARLES, PRINCE OF WALES. Review of - Roberts (0O. W.), Narrative of voyage. Rebellions. - Sampson (M. B.), Central America. CHARLESTOWN, MASS. Adams (G.), DirecSeatsfield, Scenes in. tory, 1848. - Squier (E G.), Mosquito Quest. Whig- England (Bp.), Docts. on Convent in. Rev. Feb. Mar. Nov. 1850. - Everett (E.), Oration, arrival of Gov. Nicaragua; and Interoceanic canal. Winthrop. C5O v. ~_- Frothingham, History of. - - Notes on Central America. e CHARLESTON, S. C. Wilkinson (E.), Letters Democratic review, Nov. Dec. 1852. of Rev. War. - Stephens (John L.), Incidents of trav. CHAUCER (G.). Godwin (W.), Life of. in. nCHEMISTRY. Accum, Essay on chemical re- Strangeways, Sketch of Musqui. shore. agents. - Thompson (G. A.), Official vist to Gua- - Booth (J. C.), Improvements in the tesnala. chemical arts. - Tomes, Panama in 1855. - - Encyclopaedia of Chemistry. - N. S. Cong. Docts. 1853, Mason's report - Bowman (J. E.), Introd. to pract. cheon Ruatan. mistry. - Trautwine, Interoceanic canal route. - Brande (W. T.), Prog. of chemical phi- Villagutierre, Conquista de el Itza. losophy. - Wafer-s Voy. to Isth. of Darien. - Conversations on Chemistry. - Waikna, or Adventures in Mosquito. - Daniel (J. F.), Chemistry. - Young (T.), Musquito shore. - Davy (H.), Elem. of Chem. philosophy. CEYLON. Baldmus, Description of. - Daubeny, Inaugural address. - Forbes (Maj.), 11 years in Ceylon. - Draper (J. W.), Introd. Lectures. - Hoffmeister, Travels in, and Continen- - - Text-book in. ajl India.- Donovan, Treatise on Chemistry. SUBJECTS. 859 CHcEMISTRY: CHILI. Brawern, Voyage to Chili. - Dumas, La Chimie app. aux arts. - Byam, Wanderings. - Eaton (A.), Chemical Instructor. - Discovery and conquest of. - Faraday, Chemical manipulation. - Fr zier. Voy. to the coast of, and Peru. - Forsten, De sthere et naphthis. - Gay (G.), Historia fisica y politica. - Fownes, Elementary Chemistry. - - Historia physica. - Gerhardt, Trait6 de Chimie organique. - Gerstacher, Travels, 1850. - Gregory (W.), Organic Chemistry. - Graham (M.), Residence in Chili. - Hare (R.), On the explosiveness of - Hall (B.), Journal on coasts of, and of nitre. Peru. - Henry (W.), Epit. of exper. chemistry. - Journal of a residence in. - Hoefer, Hilst. de 3a Chinmie. - Miers, Travels in Chili and La Plata. - Horsford (E. N.), Publications. - Molina, Storia naturale del. K- ane (R.), Elements of Chemistry. - Ovaglie, Hist. relation of Chile. - Kirwan (R.), Essay on phlogiston. - Ruiz, Flora Peruviana et. - Knapp (F.), Chemical Technology. - Schmidtmeyer, Travels to. - Johnston (J. F. W.), Report on Pro- - Smith (E. R.), The Araucanian. gress of. - Wise, Los Gringos. - Laurent, Mdthode de Chimie. CHINA. Abeel, Residence in, 1829-33. - Le Docte, Memoire sur la Chimie. - Barrow (Sir J.), Travels in. - Liebig, Organic Chemistry. - Baudier, Hist. of Court and King of. - --- Familiar letters on. - Chinese Repository. - Mac Neven (W. J.), Atomic theory of - China, with aect. of Siam and Anam. chemistry. c- Cunningham (J.), Obs. at Chusan. - Miller (W. A.), Elements of Chemis- Davis (J. F.), China. try. Dvis J..) China. - Noad, Lectures on. -- Duhalde, Description of. - - Chemical manipulation. -- Du Ponceau, Diss. on the Language. - Normandy, Commercial hand-book of - Ellis (H.), Journal of embassy to. Chem. anal. - Forbes (F. E.), Five years in. - Parkes (S.), Chymical Catechism. - Fortune, Three year's wanderings in. - Parnell, Applied chemistry. - Goez, Tr. from Lahore to China. - Payen, Precis de la chimie industrielle. - Gutzlaff, Sketch of Chinese history. - P6louze, General notions of chemistry. - Hue, Journey through China. - Pettenkofer, Die Chemie und Physiolo- - Kircher (A.), Tooneel van China. gie. - Lay, The Chinese as they are. - Rammelsberg, Krystallographischen - Ljungstedt, Portugese settlement in. Chemie. - Renwick (J.), Application to arts. - Mackenzie(K. S.), Second campaign in. - ichter (.), Leitfaden...... analyt. - Mendoza, Hist. of the kingdom of. Chemie. - Medhurst, China, its state and pros- Silliman (B.) jr. First principles of. pects. - Smith (T. P.), Revolutions ill. - Murray (H.), Hist. and descr. acct. of. - Orleans (P. J. d'), Two Tartar conque- Solly (E.), Rural Chemistry. rors of. - Stockhardt, Principles of. - Renaudot, Travels of Two Mohamme- Thomson (T.), History of. dans. - Turner (E.), Elements of. - Rubruquis, Voyage. - Ure, Dictionary of. - Shuck (G. L.), Chinese State-papers. - - Spurious Chemistry. - Smith (G.), Visit to the consular cities. - Valerius, Fabrication de la fonte. - Staunton (Sir G.), Brit. embassy to. - Watson (R.), Chemical essays. - Tiffany (O.), The Canton Chinese. - Will (H.), Chemical analysis. - Timkowski, Travels through Mongolia. - Youmans, Class-book of. - Williams (S. W.), The middle kingdom. - See Natural Philosophy. - See Asia, Southern. CHEROKEES. Relations.... with U. S. gov- CHIPIAN (N.). D. Chipman, Life of. ernment. CHIPPEWA. Treat, Vindication of conduct - See Indians. in battle of. CHESS. See Amusements. CHIROGRAPHY. Astle, Origin and prog. of CHESTER Co., PA. Darlington, Flora Ces- writing. trica. 360 INDEX TO CHIROGRAPHY: CHRISTIANITY, EVIDENCES OF: - Knapp and Rightmyer's Copy-books. - Boudinot, The Age of Revelation. - Maes, Schriftuurlyk School-boekje. - Butler (J.), Analogy of Religion. CHIVALRY. James (G. P. R.), History of - Channing (W. E.), Sermons on InfiChivalry. delity. - Mills (C.), History of Chivalry. - - Discourse on the evidences. - Michelet, Proces des Templiers. - Chalmers, Revelation and astronomy. - Scott (Sir W.), Hist. of. See Crusades. - Examiners examined. CHoLERs. Acad. de M.decine, Rapport sur. -- Everett (E.), Defence of Christianity. - Beck (L. C.), Report on, 1832. - Erskine (T.), Remarks on the internal - Boston Health Comm., Report on. evidence. - Broussais, Clinical lectures. - Fuller (A.), Works, Christianity and Deism. - Caspar, De Berhandeling der. - Coventry, C. B., Hist. and Treatment. Frayssinous, Difesa del Cristianesimo. - Dubrueil, Cholira dans le midi de lea- Forbes (D.), Works. France. - Galatinus, De arcanis cath. veritatis. - Etienne, Memoire sur le cholera. - Gregory (O.), Letters on the evidences. - France, Report on the cholera in Paris. - Griffin (G.), Gospel its own advocate. - Gazette Mddicale de Paris. - Grotius, De Veritate Rel. Christ. - Grardin, Cholera en Russie, etc. 1831. - - Truth of the Christian religion. - Kirk (J. B.), Observations on. - Guillon, Exam. de Gibbon, Strauss et - Legons sur le cholera. Salvador. - Montreal, Report of sanitary commit — alley (E.), ThePantheism of Germatee. ny. - New York City, Report on, for 1849. all (R.), Works, vol. 4, 5, 6. Vachs, Letters o n. - Lackington (J.), Confessions. - Yates, Obs. on. - Lardner (N.), Works. See Medicine, ontagion.- Leland, View of Deistical writers of See Medicine, Contagion. England. CHRIST. Bartoli, Delle grandezze di. - Locke (J.), Works, vol. -- Locke (J.), Works, vol. 7. Bush, Resurrection of. - Loftus, Reply to the reasonings of - Farmer (H.), Christ's temptation. Gibbon. - Fox (W. J.), Sermons on Jesus of Na- - Malebranche, Recherche de la vdrite. zareth. - Marin, II Barone van Hesden. - Greuve, Het Leven van Jesus.. tegen - Middleton (C.), Letters to Waterland. Strauss. and Bentley. - Ludolphus, Vita Christi. - - Variations of the Four Evangelists. - Phelps (A.), The Crucifixion of Christ. Nelson (D.), Cause and Cure of infi- Priestley, Early opinions respecting. delity. - Putnam (E.), Crisis, or last trumpet. - Owen (R.), Debate on, with A. Camp- Roy (Rammohun), The Precepts of bell. Jesus. - Paley, Works, vol. 1, 2. Taylor (J.), Life of. - Parkinson, Hulsean Lectures. - Ware (H.), Offices and character of. - Priestley, Discourses on the evidences CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS. Evans, Deno- of. minations of the Christian world. - Reinhard, Plan of founder. - Clough (S.), Account of. - Smith (S.S.), Lectures on the eviden- See United States, Religion in. ces. CHRISTIANITY. Fox (W. J.), Lectures on. - Southwick, Layman's Apology. - Whately, Rise.... and corruptions of. - Taggart (S.), Evidences of. - Peculiarities of. - University of Virginia, Lectures. -- - The Kingdom of Christ. - Verplanck, Essays on. - Sec Church; Church history; Theology. - Warburton, Divine Leg. of Moses. CHRISTIANITY, EVIDENCES OF. Addison(J.), - Watson (R.), Letters to Gibbon. Evidences of. Letters to T. Paine. - Benson (C.), Twenty discourses on. - Webster (D.), Defence of, in case of - Beattie (J.), Evidences of. Girard's will. - Belsham (T.), A summary view. - Wette, Skeptic's conversion. - Berkeley (Bp.>, Works. - Whately, Hist. doubts on Napoleon. - - Wilson (D.), Evidences.of. SUBJECTS. 861 EVIDENCES OF CHRISTIANITY: CHURCH HISTORY: - Wiseman, Connex. of Sci. and revealed - Batavia Sacra. rel. - Brigham, Origines Ecclesiastiem. CHRONOLOGY. Darby, Mnemonika. - Boyle (I.), Hist. of Council of Nice. - Hardie (J.), American Remembrancer. _ Brady, Clavis Calendaria. - Haskel, Chron. View of the world. - Burnet, Hist. of Ref. of Ch. of Eng. - Holgate, Geneal. Geog. and chronolo- - Campbell (G.), Lectures on. gical chart. - Coleman, Antiq. of Christ Church. - Hone, Every Day Book. - Collier, Eccl. Hist. of Great Britain. - Mnemonika, or chron. tables. Mnemonika, or chron. tables. - Erskine (J.), Sketches and hints of. - Munsell, Every-day-book of Chronol. EusIhe, Lett. I Mor/nas sur lhist. de - Nicolas (Sir N. I-I.), Chron. of history. Fleuri. - Petavius, Rationarium temporum. - Eusebius, Eccle. History. - Phillips (Sir P.), A Million of facts. - Flaccus Illyricus, Cent. Magdeburgen- Putnam's Cycl. Diet. of dates. sis. - Shallus, Chronol. fables. - Greek Eccl. Historians, 1st 6 cent. - Steuart(Sir J.), Works, chronological. - Gregory (G.), Hist. of the Chris. Ch. - Tegg's Dictionary of. - Gieseler, Text-book of. Warden (D. B.), L'art de vurifier des - Gillies, Historical Collections. dates. - Hales (J.), Remains, Letters from - Watkins, Biog. and Chronol. Dict. Dort. - Wilford, Chronol. of the Hindus. - Hase, Hist. of the Christian Church. - Sec Registers. - Hawks, Cont. to Eccl. Hist. of U. S. A. CHURiCH FATHERS. - Hetherington, Westminster Assem. of - Apostolical Fathers. Divines. -- Jones (W.), History of. Augustinus, Opera. Chrysostomus, D Virgnitate. - Jortin (J.), Remarks on. -- Kip (W. I.), Early Conflicts of Chris- Cyprianus, Opera. tianity. - Damascenus, Sanct. imag. oppug. - Morenas, Abreg6 de l'Hist. de Fleuri. - Eusebius, Eccl. Hist. -- Mosheim, Eecl. Hist. by Murdock. - Greek Eccl. Historians. Hist. Comm. for 325 years. - Gregorius, De Virginitate. - Milman, Hlist. of Christianity. - - Comm. in Hexsemeron. - Naldini, Corographia ecclesiastica. - Hieronymus, Opera. - Neander (A.), Hist. of Christ. rel. and - Justinus, Opera. church. - Socrates Sozomen, Eccl. History. - - Memorials of Christian life. - Theophylactus, Opera. - - Planting and training of the Ch. CHURCH GOVERNMENT. Bowden, Apostolic - Nicephorus, Eccl. Historical lib. 18. Origin of Episcopacy. - Pastorini, Gen. Hist. of Christ. Church. - Chauncy, View of Episcopacy. - Priestley, Gen. Hist. of the Church. - Cotton (J.), The keys of the kingdom.- - Hist. of Corruptions of Christian. - Hobart, Apology for apostolic order. - Schott, The Augsburg Confession. - Homes (W.), Proposals on.... Church - Seabury, Continuity of the Church of government. England. - Hooker, Ecclesiastical polity. - Socrates Scholasticus.... to 445. - Jarvis (S. F.), The Church of the Re- - Sozomen, Hist. A.D. 324-440. deemer. ~~deemer. ~- Spotswood, Church of Scotland. - Milton (J.), Works, Of Prelatical Episcopacy. - Stebbing (H.), Hist. of. - Noel, Union of Church and State. - - Hist. of Christ. Church. - Pradt, Les quatre concordats. - Strype, Reformation in England. - Rutherfurd, Surveys of Hooker's disci- - Thackeray (F.), Eccl. state of Ancient pline. Britain. - Wilson (J.), Apostolic Church govt. -- Theodoret and Evagrius, 322 - 594. - Wigglesworth, Sober remarks. - Vergilius, De rerum inventoribus. - See Church of England; Presbyterian; - Vitalis, Eccl. Hist. of England and Church of Scotland; Congregat. Normandy. CHURCH HISTORY. Apostolical Fathers. -- Waddington, Hist. of the Church. - Armenian Church, Liturgie.. - Waylen, Eccl. reminiscences of. 862 INDEX TO CHURCH HISTORY. CIVILIZATION: - Westminster Assembly of Divines. - Goguet, Origin of laws, arts and scien. - Ypeij, Nederlandsche Hervormde-Kerk. - Guizot's Hist. of Civiliz. in Europe. - Sec Protestant. - IHome (H.), Sketches of the History CHURCH OF ENGLAND. Anderson (J. S. M.), of Man. Rist. of, in the Colonies. - Lord (J. C.), Progress of civilization. - Bede, Exel. Hist. of Eng. A - Mackay, Progress of the Intellect. -- 1Burnet, Exposition of xxxix Art. - Richard, Voyages chez les peuples sau- Christmas, Hampden controversy. vages. - Cobbett, Legacy to parsons. - Seaman (E. C.), Essays on the pro- Cooper (C. B.), Tracts concerning. gress of nations. - Discourse, troubles at Frankfort, 1554. - Southey (R.), Colloquies on.... Soc. - Gorham (The great) case. - Taylor (W. C.), Nat. Hist. of Society. -- H'iall (Robert), TW7Corks, vol. 4, 5, - Vaughan (R.), Age of great cities. - Lander, Popery, English and Foreign. Vestiges of civilization. - Lingard, Hist'of Anglo-Saxon Church. - Warren (S.), Intel. and Mor. devel. of the age. - Milton ( J.), Civil power in eccl. caus. - See Reform; Social questions. - Phillpotts (H.), Letters on the Edin. CLRENDOq (Lord) Lister (q.), Life of. Rev. CARENDON (Lord). Lister (CH.), Life of. - Seabury, Continuity of. CLARKE (E. D.). Otter, Life and Rem. of. - Seymour (M. A.), The Talbot case. CLASSICAL LITERATURE. Anthon, Classical - Squire (F.), Answer to Ind. Whig on. Dictionary. Anthon (C.), Manual of Greek Lit. - Weaver View of Puseyism. - Wheaver, Vithew CofmPuspyism r - Begerus, Ulysses Sirenes prietervectus. - Wheatly, On the Common prayer. Bentley Works vol. 1, 2. - See Episcopal Church.,,, - Episcop Bonstetten, Voyage sur la scene de 1'CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. Argyll, Presbytery Entide. examined. - Cleveland, First Lessons in Latin. - Beattie (J.), Hist. of. - Coleridge (H. S.), Study of Greek - Church of Scotland. Poets. - Crookshank, History of sufferings. - Corderius, Colloquies. - Kirkton, History of Church to 1678. - Crombie, Gymnasium sive sim. crit. - Spotswood, Hist. of Ch. and State of. - Damm, Lexicon Etymol. - Sydow (A.), Scottish Church guest. - Dunlop (G.), Hist. of Roman Lit. - Wodrow, Hist. of sufferings of. - Eschenberg, Classical antiq. - See Scotland. - Fosbroke, Arts of Greeks and Romans. CICERO. Manutius in Epist. Cic. commen- - Gellius, Attic Nights. tarius. - Grifolius, Ciceronis defensiones Celii - Middleton (C.), Life of. disquis. - Nunnesius, Epitheta collecta. - Haldeman, Elements of Latin pronunCIRCASSIA. Ditson, Tour in Circassia. ciation. - Longworth ( J. A.), A year among the - Harwood, Biographia classica. Circassians. Krabinger, Die klassischen studien. - Spencer (E.), Travels in. - Linacre, De emendata structure lat. - Taitbout de Marigny, Voyages en. serm. - See Caucasus; Russia. - Lobeck, Questionum Ionicarum liber. CINCINNATI. CiSt, Cincinnati in 1841, 51. - Lyne (R.), Latin Primer. - Drake (D.), View of, and the Miami - Manutius, Orthographise ratio collecta. country. - Middleton (C.), Books, vol. 4. - Recollections of Albany. - Millin, Dizionario delle favole. CINCINNATI SOCIETY. Soo. gen. of Cincin. - Mnemosyne, period. - Mirabeau, Consid. sur l'ordre. - Moore (N. F.), Pronunciat. of Greek. CIVIL ENGINEERING. See Engineering, - Museum Criticum, Cambridge. CIVIL OFFICERS. See Officers. O- uthof, Cebes, tabula. CIVILIZATION. Doctrine (De la) du Progr's - Parr (S ), Works, vol. 3. c- Preston (W.), Ancient amatory writ. - Dunbar (J.), Essay on hist. of man- Ray (R.), Two lectures - Ferguson, Hist. of civil society - Schomann, Assemblies of the Athenians. -Fite, Characteristics of the pr e. Sigonius, Soholia Livii Historie. - Fichte, Characteristics of the pres. age. -- SUBJECTS. 863 CLASSICAL LITERATURE: COAST SURVEY: - Slmith (W.), Classical Dictionary. I- Kraijenhoff, Operation g'odesiques en - Sophocles ( E. A.), Hist. of Greek Al- Hollande. phabet. - La Condamine, Voy. a l'quateur. - Thomas, De vocis atticis. - U. S. Coast Survey. - Turner (D. W.), Notes on Herodotus. - See U. S. Coast Survey. - Verplanck. Use of liberal studies. COBBETT (XW.). Bradford ( S. F.), The im- Weld (A. H.), Latin lessons. postor detected. - See Greek and Latin Authors; Antiq. COCNIN CHINA. Borri (C.), Account of. CLAY (EI.). Colton (C.), Life of. COFFEE. Chevallier, Falsification de la Chi- Lathrop (J. H.), Eulogy on. corte. - Mallory, Life and speeches of. CaEUR (Jacques). Costello, Memoir of. - New-York City, Funeral Ceremon. of. CoINs. Burn, London Tokens. - Prentice (OG. D.), Biography of. - Durandl, Fab. des Monnaies francaises. - Sargent (E.), Life and services of. - IHumphreys, Coin Manual. - Sketch of public services of. - Riddell, Monograph of the dollar. CLINTON, ONEIDA CO. Williams ( O. S.), - Sece Numismatics; Currency. Hist. of. COKE (Rev. T.). Drew (S.), Life of. CLINTON (De Witt). Campbell (W. W.), COLE (F. W.). Fisher (S. W.), Life of. Life of.. COLE (T.). Bryant (W. C.), Oration on. - Clinton (DeWitt), Tribute to. - Noble (L. L,), Life of. - Conkling (A.), Discourse on. COLERIDGE (S. T.). Cottle, Reminiscences - Hosack (D.), Memoirs of. of. Manley (J. R.), Eulogium on. COLLEGES. Jay (Sir J.), Collection for, in P- ell (F.), Review of the civil admin. En-land. of N. Y. - Pam. vol. 155 - 157. Catalogues, etc. - Proudfit (A.), Sermon on. - See Education. - Renwick (J.), Discourse on. COLOJMBIA. Bache (R.), Notes on, 1822, 23. Life of. - Cochrane (C. S.), Jour. of a resid. in. - Wood (J.), The Clintonian faction. - Duane (W.), Visit to, 1822. CLINTON (G.). Morris (G.), Oration on. - Hall (F.), Colombia, its present state, CLINTON (Sir IH.). Germaine, Correspon- etc. dance avec. -- amilton (J. P.), Tr. through interior CLIVE (Lord). Gleig, Life of. provinces of. - Malcolm (Sir J.), Life of. - Lallement, Histoire de la Colombie. CLOCK —KuIAKING. Denison, Treatise on. Mollien, Voyage dans la repub. 1823. CLowNs (Rev. Mr.). Controversy in St. - Recollections of a service. Peter's Ch. - State of. COAL. Bull (M.), Value of varieties of fuel. - Walker, Colombia. - Directions, Use of anthracite. - Zea, Constitution de la. - Elucidation of frauds in the trade. - See New Granada; Venezuela. - Fournel, Gites houillers du Bocage COLONIES. Ashley (J.), Trade of the BriVend en. tish Colonies. - Hair (S. H.), Collieries of Northum- - Bovis, Esprit des lois coloniales. berland.- Colonial Policy of Great Britain. - JHildreth ( S. P.), Bituminous, in the - Colonial Policy, milit. settlements. valley of the Ohio. - Haliburton, Rule and misrule of the - Holland (J.), Hist. of fossil fuel, etc. English in America.' - James (T. C.), Discov. of Anthracite. - lEowison, European Colonies. - Johnson (W. R.), Alleg. Coal Comp. - Postlethwayt, Britain's Commer. in- - Report on Am. coals. terest. - - Report on coals in North Carolina. - Pradt, Les trois ages des colonies. - Manes, Terrains de gres avec houille- Supremacy of the Brit. Legislature. dans le Ta rn. - See British, French, Spanish Colonies; - Remarks on the origin of. Indian Ocean. - Taylor (R. C.), Reports on Penn. coal COLoNIzATION. Am. Colonization Soe. Rep. lands. o- Wadstrom, Col. of West Africa. - - Statistics of coal. - Carey (M.), Letters on. COAST SURVEYt B6gat, Operations geodesi- - ue en France. Gr.goire, Intel. faculties qf negroes, ques en France. 864 INDEX TO COLOUR (People of.). Hammon, Address to COMMENTARIES: negroes. -- McILeod (A.), Lectures on the Prophe- Legion of Liberty. cies of the Revelation. - Stat. Inq. on people of color in Phila. - Melancthon, In Evang. Joann. at Matt. - Paul (N.), Address at Albany. - Oecolampadiis, In Epist. Joannis. - Wheatley (P.), Elegiac Poem.n the Bible.. - Patrick, Comm. on the Bible. - Yates, Rights of colored men. - Porteus, Lect. of Gosp. of Matthew. - See Slavery; Liberia; Colonization. - Priestley, Notes on all the books of SS. COLOURS. Bancroft (E.), Philosophy of per-' Rivetus, Med. in Psal. cxix. manent colours. mannt colours. - S. (D. M. B.), Explication du CanCOLTON (W.). Cheever (II. T.), Mem. of. tique des Cantiques. COLUMIBIA (District of). Martin (J.), Gaz. - Schleiermacher, On Gospel of St.Luke. of Virginia and. - Theophylact, Comm. Greek and Latin, - Warden (D. B.), Description of. Opera. - See Washington City. - Tholuck, on Gosp. of St. John. COLUMnBIA COLLEGE. Moore ( N. F.), Hist. _ See Bible; Theology. sketch of. CO3MMERCE. Arnould, De la Balance de - Raymond (S. G.), Address. Commerce. - Renwick (J.), Inaug. Address. - Anderson (A.), Hist. deduction of oriCOLUMBIA COUNTY, N. Y. Raymond (W.), gin of. Biog. sketches. - Barton (J. L.), Commerce of the lakes. COLUMBUS ( C.). Belknap, Discourses on COLUS (C.). Be lkap, Discourses on - Bowring, Commerce of G. Britain and discovery by. France. - Benzoni, De-reperta.... India' a. - Bernard (Fr.), Hist.]phil. du Comm. - Bossi (L.), Vita di, Ital. et Fr. des Europeens. - Bourgeois, L'Amarique Decouverte, - Child (Sir J.), Discourse of Trade. po~me. - Commer. Reg. of Europ. nations. - Campe, Columbus, or Discov. of Am. Davenant, Po and Comm. works. - Davenant, Polit. and Comm. works. - Codice Dipl. Colombo-Americano. - Columbus (F.), Life of. - Dehay, Sucre exotique. - Dodge (R.), Memorials of. indge (R.), Memorials of. _- Depons, Commerce de la France avec - Durazzo, Elogi Storici di. les deux Indes. - Irving (W.), Life and Voyages of. - Depping, Arts et Metiers de Paris. - Langeac, Colomb dans les fers. - Dictionnaire de Commerce. - Napione (G. F. G.), Della patria di. - Du Bois, Etab. Hollandois aux Indes. - Navarette, Relations des 4 voy. de. - Dufrene, Hist. de la Comp. des Indes. - Spotorno, Hist. mem. of. - Edwards (B.), Trade of West Indies - See America, Discovery of. with U. S. A. COMBE (A.). Combe (G.), Life of. - Elemens du Commerce. COMMENTARIES ON THE BIBLE. Amers- - Ellis (R.), British Tariff, 1833 - 39. foordt, Annot. Nov-Foed. - Fisher's Colonial Magazine. - Augustinus, Sur le Nouveau testament. - Gee, Trade and Navigation of G. Brit. - Ballon (II.), Notes on the Parables. - Heeren, Intercourse and trade of An- Calvin, On Epist. to Romans. tiquity. - Colton (J.), Comm. on Ecclesiastes. - Heguerty, Interets du Comm. maritime. - Doddridge, Family Expositor. - Doederlein, In vetus Test. Auctarum. - Holgate, Conversations on the present age. - Erasmus, In Novum Testamen. annot. - Houghton, Husbandry and Trade im- Gregorius, Comm. in Hexoemeron. proved. - Gregory I. Opera.' - Huet, Hist. du Comm. et de la Naviga-. - Grotius, Annot. in Vetus Test. tion des Anciens. -- -- Annot in Novum Test. -- Hunt (N.), The Library of Commerce. - Hieronymus, Opera omnia. - - Merchant's Magazine. - Horne (G.), Comm. on the Book of - Inquiry.... effects of foreign trade. Psalms. - Interets des nations d'Europe. - Jona, Annot. in Acta Apost. - Jackson (J.), Commerce of the Medi- Henrick, Exp. of Hist. books of N. T. terranean. - Lawson, Lectures on Ruth. - Jobard, La marque ou la mort.; Luther. Prmf, in Ep. Pauli ad Rom. -- Kauffmana Diet. of Merchandize, SUBJECTS. 865 COHI[ERCE: CONCORD, MASS.: - Keith (Sir W.), Collection of Papers. - Ripley, Fight at Concord. - Kelly, Universal Cambist. - -- Sermon on execution at. - Lauraguais, MCm. sur le Commerce. - Shattuck, Hist. of. - McCulloch (J. R.), Diet. of Commerce. CONCORDANCE TO BIBLE. (Cruden A.). - -- On Commerce. - Englishman's Greek Cone. of the N. T. - M'Konochie, Commerce of the Pacific - Hugues de St. Cher. S. S. Bib. vulg. Ports. ed. Concord. - Macpherson, Annals of Commerce. - Trommius, Nederl. Concord. - Mercantile Manual of Book-keeping. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCHES: - Mortimer (T.), Lectures on Commerce, - Am. Cong. Union, Year-book, 1854. etc. - Backus, Church Hist. of New-Eng. - Mun, England's foreign trade. - Clap (T.), Doctrines of the Churches of - Oddy (J. J.), European Commerce. New-England. - Palmer (A. H.), Commerce with Ori- - Cotton (J.), The Way of the churches ental Nations. of N. E. - Peuchet, Commerce dans les deux Indes. - Congregat. churches, testimony. 1743. - Pope (C.), Yearly Jour. of Trade, 1842. - General Association of New-York. - Raynal, Hist. du Commerce des Indes. - Homes (W.), Proposals on eccl. gov. - Recueil dipl. du commerce, 1784.. - Hooker (T.), Way of the New-Eng. - Sheffield (Lord), Comm. of Am. with Churches. Europe. - Mather (C.), Magnalias. - Stevenson (W.), Hist. of. - Neal, Hist. of New-England. - Stirling (P. J.), Philosophy of trade. - Pages from Eccl. History of New-Eng. - Swan (J.), Causes.... opposes au pro- - Prince, Christian History. gres du. - Wiggleworth (E:), Sober remarks. - tableau du Comm. de l'Eur. 1763 - 83. - Sec Church Government; Puritans. - Tibbets, Memoir on home markets. CONNECTICUT. Bradley (C.), Connecticut - U. S. Treas. dept. Trade with Brit. col. Register for 1847. - Vaughan (W.), Mem. and Miscellanies. - Barber (J. W.), H-list. Collections. - Vincent, Commerce of the Ancients. - Carpenter (W. H.), Hist. of. - Waterston, Cyclopsedia of Commerce. - Charter Oak. - Wood (W.), Survey of trade. - Dwight (Theo.), Hist. of. - Young, West India Common-Place - Fitch (Gov.), Reasons against taxation book. of the Colonies. - See Finance; Tariff; Free Trade. - Hinman, Hist. of Conn. in the'Revol. COMPAGNIES DES INDES. See Brit. Fr. aind - - Letters of Eng. Kings to Gov.'s of Span. Colonies; Indian ocean. Conn COMPOSITION. See Rhetoric. - - Names of first settlers of. CONDE. Mahon (Lord), Life of. - Hollister (G. H.), Hist. of. CONCHOLOG Y. Brown (T.), Land and Fresh- - Pease, Gazetteer of, 1819. water, G. B. - Peters (S.), History of, 1781. - Clark (W.), Brit. Testat. Mollusca. Porter (W. S.), list. notices of. - Carpenter (W.), Microscopic structure. - Right to Western Reserve, 1773. - Hunt (W.), The Cabinet of shells. - Riseof Connecticut Gore Claim. - Jones, Catalogues of recent shells. - Trumbull (B.), list. of, 1630 -1764. - Journal de Conchyliologie. - - Title to lands in New-York. - Lasnzarek, Conchology. ~ I — Trumbull (J. H.), Public records of. - Lea (J.), Syn. of the fam. of Naiades. CONNECTICUT LOCAL HISTORIES. Sec Can- Rafinesque, Ohio river bivalves. ton; Danbury; East Haddam; East - Say (T.), Am. Conchology. Haven; Granby; Hartford; Litchfield Co.; Middlesex Co.; Middle- Swainson (W.), Treat. on M4lacology. town; New-Haven; New-London; - Wood (W.), Cab. of For. and British Norfolk; North Coventry; Norshells. walk; Norwich; Simsbury; Staf- Wyatt (T.), Manual of. ford; Stamford; Woodbary. -See Mollusks. CONSTANTINOPLE. Bouldin, An American among the Orientals. CONCORD, N. IH. Bouton, Hist. sermons. Colton (W) Visit to. CONCORD, MASS. Everett (E.), Oration. - Pancirolus, Notitia utraque dignitatum - Emerson (R. W.) Centennial address.! ec. [GEN, LuI. 1855,1 109 866 INDEX TO CONSTANTINOPLE: COSMOGONY: - Pardoe, City of the Sultan. CSec Geology. - Porter ( D.), Constantinople and envi- COSTA RICA. See Central America. rons. COSTUMIE. Planche, British Costumes. - Post (H. A. V.), Visit to Greece and. - See Customs. - Smith (A.), A Month at. COTTON. Chapman (J.), Cotton of India. - See Turkey. - Cotton is King. CONSTRUCTION. See Architecture; Hydrau- - History of silk, cotton, wool, etc. lies; Engineering; Bridges; etc. * lies; Engineeing; Bridges; etc.- Montgomery (J.), Cotton man. of U. CONSULS. Lester, The Artist, Merchant, etc. S. and G. B. compared. vol. 2. - Remarks on cotton in Alabama. - Warden (ID. B.), Consular Establish- - Ue, Manufact of in Geat Bitain ments. - See Diplomacy. - Vaillant, Culture du... en Alg6rie. CONTARINI (Card.). Beccatello, Vita del. - Woodbury (L.), Tables on cult. and CONTAGION. Francis, On febrile contagion. Se Manufactures. - Maclean, Evils of quarantine laws. COwPER (n~.)~ Grlmshawe (T. S.), Life and - - Suggestions on pestilent. diseases. letters of. - MacMichael, Opinion on Contagion. - Hayley, Life and Posthumous writ. of. - Webster (N.), On Pestilential diseases. CRAWFoRD Co. PA. Huidclecoper, History of. - See Yellow fever; Cholera; Medicine. CRIMEA. Guthrie (M.), Tour through the COOKE (G. F.). Dunlap (W.), Life of. Taurida. COOKE (James). Forster ( G.), Voy. with, - Hell (X. H. de), Travels in Caucasus 1774. and Crimea. - Ellis (W.), Narr. of voy. of, 1776-80. - Pallas, Travels through southern pro- awkesworth, Account of his voyages. - Hawkeswort — Russell (W. H.) The War, 1854.' - Ledyard (J.), Journal. of his last voy. s - Spencer (E.), Travels in. COOKERY. See Domestic Economy. - See Russia; Circassia. COOPER (A.). Cooper (B. B.), Life of. See Russia; Circassia COOPERSTOWN, N.XY. Cooper (J. F.), Chro- CRITICISM. See Rhetoric; Dramatic; LiteCOOP icles ofNNY.. E.), Chrary Hist.; Classical Literature. nicles of. Coos COUNTY, N. H. Powers (G.), Hist. CROMWELL (O.). Headley (J. T.),. Life of. sketches of. -- Merle, The Protector, a vindication. CoPY-RIGHT. France, Commission. - Nicholls, Letters addressed to. - Jottrand, Socifti des gens de lettres. - Noble (M.), Mem. of the protectorate house of. Jobard, Le Monautopole. - Vaughan (R.), Protectorate of. CORNEILLE (P.). Guizot, Corneille and his times. CROSELL (J.) jr. Norton ( J.), Sketches of the life of. CORNWALLIS (Lord). Clinton (Sir H.), On CROS ofLL () Croswehe ll (.), Mlifeem of. his conduct. CROSELL (W.). Croswell (H.), Mem. of. CORRESPONDENCE. See Letters. CROTON AQUEDUCT. King (C.), ConstrucCORSA (A.). Macdonald (J. N.), Life oftion and cost of. - Schramke, Descr. of, in Eng. Germ. CORTES (F.). Gomara, Hist. di Don F. and Fr. Cortes. - Tower (F. B.), Illustrations of. CoSoOGONY. Anderson (J.), The Course of See Water for cities. Creation. - Explanations, Sequel to Vestiges. CRUSADES. Chronicles of the Crusades. - Harcourt, Doctrines of the Deluge. - Mills, History of Chivalry. - Harris (J.), The Preadamite Earth. - See Chivalry. - Lewis (T.), The Six days of creation. CRYSTALLOGRAPd Y. Rome de l'Isle, Essai de, - Lord (E.), The Epoch of creation. - Miller (.), The Foot-printsSee Mineralogy. -Miller (.), The Foot-prints of the CUBA. Dallas (R. C.), History of the Ma, roons. - -The two records: Mosaic and geol. - Huber, Statistique de l'Isle de Cuba. - Powell, Essays on.. Phil. of creation. - Kimball (R. B.), Cuba and the Cuzbans. - Vestiges of Creation. -- Norman, Notes of trav. in, and Mexico. - Whewell, Plurality of Worlds. I- Turnbull, Travels in. W- hitehurst (J.), Orig. and Formation See West I of the Earth. Wright (T.), The Universe and stars. CUMMsINGc (H.). Chester, Trial, Presb. of Albany. SUBJECTS. 867 CURRAN (J. P.). Curran (W. -.), Life of. - Phillips (C.), Recollections of Curran. D. CURRENCY. Appleton (N.), Remarks on, DAM PIER (W.). Edin. Cab. Library, vol. 5, and Banking. Life of. - Alison (A.), England in 1814, 15. DANBURY, CONN. Robbins (T.), Cent. serm. - Bailey (S.), Mon. and its vicissitudes. DANUBE. Quin (M. J.), Steam voy. down - Bell ( G. M.), On the currency ques. the Danube. - Comstock. Hist. of the precious metals. DANYERS, MAss. King (D. P.), Danvers men at Lexington battle. - Duncombels Free Banking. men at Lexington battle. - Felt (G. B.), Hist. of Mass. currency. - Hanson, History of. DARIEN. Houston, Scotch expedition to. - Finch, Town dues, currency, etc. - Fleetwood, Acct. of English money. DARTMOUTH COLLEGE. Dartmouth Coil. - Gilbert.State. of the bullion question. Sketches of. -- Goddard (T.H.), McDuffie's reports on -- Webster (D.), Plea in Case of, Works. currency. Wheelock (E.), Collec. of pamphlets. - Halliwell, Collection of some thou, nd- - Indian charity school. bills, etc. DARWIN (Dr.). Seward (Anna), Life of. - Hare (R.), Credit preferable to Coin. DAVID DANGERS. Galerie des Contem. No- Harley, The Currency, its influence. tice sur. - Haskins, Effects of increase of money DAVIDSON (L. M.). Sedgwick (C. M.), Life metals. of. - Hayes, Interest tables. DAVIDSON (M. M.). Irving (W.), Biogra- Humboldt, Fluctuation in supplies of phy of. gold. DAVISON (W.). Nicolas (Sir N. 1I.), Life Hunter (R. M. T.), Reports on coinage of. of the U. S. DAvIE (WT. R.). Hubbard (F. M.), Life of. - Kelly (P.), Universal Cambist. DAvY (Sir H.). Davy (J.), Memoirs of. - Law (J.), Money and Trade considered. - Paris (J. A.), Life of. - Leake (S. M.), Hist. of Paper money. DEATH. Reid (John), Philosophy of Death. - Le Long, Wissel-styl tot Amsterdam. - See Soul. - Lock (G.), Pap. relating to mon. etc. DEAF AND DuABl. Am. Asy. for, Hartford; - Phoonsen, Wissel-styl tot Amsterdam. Reports. - Taylor, Gold and silver coin exam. Am. Annals of the Deaf d Dub. Clerc (L.). Address, Hartford. - Thompson (J.), 750 fac-similes of - Clerc (L.). Address, Hartford. coins. - Connecticut Asylum for. - Tooke (T.), History of prices. - Convention of Instructors of. - Thornton (H.), Paper credit of Great - Gallaudet, Addresses on. Britain. - Glasgow Society for Education of. - Webster (P.), Nature of money, etc. - Illinois, Asylum for. - White (C. P.), Report on coins. - Institunt voor Doofstommen. - Wright (J.), The Amer. Negotiator. - Lieber, Vocal sounds of L. Bridgman. - See Banking, Finance, Numismatics. - N. Y. Institution, Reports:lxxxiv. CJUSTOMiS. Berry, Social life in Eng. and Fr. - Ohio Asylum reports. - Bulwer, France, Social. - Pam. vol. 167, 168. - Charles, American manners. - Peet, Statistics of. - Glen, Des habits.... del'Europe. - - Report on Educationof. - Planche, British costume. - Pennsylvania Inst. for, Reports. - Renneville, Coutumes gauloises. - PLuybonnieux, Mutisme et surdite. - Reviewers reviewed. - Wisconsin, Reports of Institute. - Sauzeau, Usages locaux dans les deux Sdvres. D ARBORN (IH.). Coffin (C.), Life of. - Soc. lib. dlAgr. de 1'Eure,'Usages lo- DECATUR (S.). Mackenzie, Life of. caux. - Waldo (S. P.), Life of. - Trollope, Domestic manners of the DECRETALS. Gregory IX, Pope. Americ 5s. DEDHAM, MASS. Haven (N. A.), Hist. ad. Vergilius, De rerum inventoribus. - Mann (H.), Hist. of, to 1847. - See Etiquette; Travels; Voyages. DEERFIELD, MASS. Taylor (John), Cent. CuvIER (Baron). Lee (:Mrs.), Memoirs of. sermon. CZARTORYSKI (M.). Gal. des Contem. vol. DE FOE (D.). Wilson (W.), Life of. 6, Vie de. 868 INDEX TO DEHON (T.). Gadsden (C. E.), Life of. DICTIONARIES OF LANGUAGES: DELAROCHE (P.). Galerie des contem. No- - Blusse, Diet. Franc-Hollandois. tice sur. e- Booth ( D.), Analyt. Diet. of English DELAWARE. See Wilmington; Penn. Lang. DELUGE. See Cosmogony. - - Bosworth, Anglo-Saxon and Eng. Diet. DELUSIONS. Apocatastasis, 1854. - Boyer (A.), French Diet. Boston. 1841. - Browne (T.), Works, Vulgar errors. - Bulloker, An English Expositour. - Christmas, Cradle of the Twin giants. - Burke (W.), Gr. Eng. Dictionary. - Defoe, Hist. of apparitions, vol. 13. - Calepinus, Diet. Latinum. - Keightley, Fairy mythology. - - Dict. undecim ling. - Mackay, Mem. of popular delusions. - Cicero, Epitheta. - Polydorus, De rerum inventoribus. Ciceronianum Lexicon. - Salverte, The Occult Sciences. - Cobb (L.), Abridgement of Walker. - Whittier, Supernaturalism of N. E. - Damm, Lex. Etymol...... Homer. et - See Witchcraft; Mythology. Pindar. DEMOCRACY. Birdsall, IIistory of the Loco- - Dialect of Craven. foco party. - Diet. of Armeno-Turkish lang. - Camp (G.S.), Democracy. Ditionarium Latinu. - Carey (M.). The Olive Branch. - Dictionnaire Allemand-Frangois. - Cobbett (W.), New-years gift. - Donnegan, Greek and Eng. Lexicon. Hist. of Jacobinism. -- Dozy, Diet. des Vetemens Arabes. - Consolatory odes. - Ende, Gazophilace, Francoise et Fla- Guizot, Democracy in France. mande. - Tocqueville, Dem. in America. - English-German Diet. Phila. 1834. - See Republics; Liberty; Government; - Entick, Latin English Diet. Revolution. ~Revolution. - Fabricius, Diet. Syro-Chaldaioum. DENMARK. Berlien, Der Elephanten-Orden. F i -- Fleming, Complete Fr. and Eng. Diet. Bo}isgelin, Tr. through, and Sweden. - Fliigel, Diet. of Germ. and English. - Crichton, History of. -DCriehton, History of. - Gesner, Lexicon Groeco-Latinum. - Dunham, History of. - Goldenthal, Clavis Talmudica. - Harris, Voy. vol. 1. Danish East Ind. - Grimm, Deutsches Worterbuch. - Keith (R. M.), Mem. of Queen Matil- - Grimshaw, Gentleman's Lexicon. da of. - Wheaton (H.), Hist. of the Northmen. - - Etymological Diet. - See Sweden; Scandinavia. - Guignes, Diet. Chinois, Fran?. et Lat. DEWITT (J.). James (G. P. R.), Life of. German-Eng..... and Eng-Ger. Diet. DEXTER (S.).'Knapp (S. L.), Life of. MuhlenBerg. - Hall (B.), Account of Loo Choo Isl. DIARIES. Arblay (F. B. d'). vocab. - Caroline (Queen). - Halloway, Gen. Diet. of English pro- Dodge (Robert). vincialisms. - Dodington, Diary, 1749 - 61. - Hedericus, Lexicon Man. Gr. Latinum. - Evelyn (John). - Heldoren, Eng. and Nether-Dutch diet. Extracts from diary of a lover of Lit. - Highland Soc. of Scotland, Diet. Gnelic. - Pepys (Samuel ). - Hoogstraten, Nieuw Woordboek, Dutch - Thoresby, Diary and Corresp. and Latin. - See Letters; Autobiography. - - Gebruikelykste Naemwoorden. DICTIONARIES OF LANGUAGES: - Johnson (S.), Eng. Diet. 4 vol.. 8vo. - Acadimie FranVaise, Diet. de lalangue. and 2 vol. 4to. __ Improved by Todd. - Adler, Germ. and English Diet. n- Kaltschmidt, Geom. diet. Leipsic, 1837. -- Kilianus, Etymologicum Teutoniew - Andrews (E. A.), Lat. Lex. of Freund. Linguoe. - Angelus, Gazophylacium ling. pers. - Klaproth, Vocab. de la Langue Geor- Antonini, Diet. Fran. Lat. et Ital. gienne. - Bailey (N.), Univ. Etym. Eng. Diet. - - Asia Polyglotta. - - - Leipsic, 1792. - Leverett, New Lexicon of the Latin. Baretti, Diet. of Eng. and Ital. - Lexicon Graecum, Antverpiee, 1592. - Barr6, Complement du Diet. de l'Aead. - Lexicon Graecum et Syro-Chaldaicum. - Bolles (W.), Phonographic Diet. 1845. - Heb. Lex. Greec. Thes. Heb. Pagnino. SUBJECTS. 869 DICTIONARIES OF LANGUAGES: DICTIONARIES OF SCIENCE, GEOGRAPHY and HISTORY: Mandosio, Vocab. Italiano-Latino. - Hebert, Engineer's and Mech. Ency- Marin (Pierre), Diet. Franc-Hollan- clopedia. dois. - Hoffman (J. J.), Lexicon Universale, - Martin ( H.), Beredeneerd Nederd. hist. chron. Woordenboek. W- Hubner, Kouranten-Tolk: and Kunst- Mason (G.), Supplement to Johnson's. Woorden-boek. - Meidinger, Diet. Etym. langues. Teuto- - Humble, Diet. of Geol. and Mineralogy. Gothiques. - Johnson (G. W.), Diet. of Mod. Garde- Morrone, Vocab. Cochin-Chinese. ning. - Meyen (L.), Woordenschat. - Kitto, Cyclopoedia of Bib. Literature. Neuman (H.), Diet. of Sp. and Eng. - Ladvocat, Diet. Hist. Portatif. Lang. - La Martiniere, Le Grand Diet. geog. - Oswald, Etymolog. Dict. of ug.D hist. et crit. - Parkhurst, Gr. and Eng. to the N. T. - Lempriere, Classical Dictionary. - - Heb. Lex. and Grammar. - Luiscius, Alg. hist. geog. Woordenboek. - Pickering (John), Greek and English - McCulloch, Dictionary of Commerce. Lexicon. - Macdonnel, Diet. of Quotations. - Polyglott Lex. French, Dutch, German, - Millin, Dizionario delle favole. and Eng. - Robinson (E.), Gree and g. Lex. Moreri, Grand Diet. historique, French Robinson (E.), Greek and Eng. Lex. and English. - Riddle (J. E.), English-Latin Lexicon. Murray (II.), Encyc. of Geography. - Richardson (C.), Eng. Diet. 1838-1846. olsons British Encyclopdia i Wicholson's British Encyclopaedia. Rigfgs (S. R.), Dakota Lang. -- Nieuwenhuis, Woordenbock van Kun- Sagard, La Langue Huronne. sten. - Schrevelius, Lex. Masnuale Gr. Lat. - Nuttall (P. A.), Diet. of nations of an- Seward (W.), Eng. and Dutch, 2 parts. tiquity. - Stephens (H.), Thes. Groec. ling. - Ogilvie, Imp. Technolog. and scientific. - Uhlemann, Gram. and Diet. Syr. - Political Dictionary. - Velasquez, Span. and Eng. Diet. - Smart, Diet. of Architecture. - Vieyra, Diet. of Portuguese and Eng. - Smith (W.), Classical Dictionary. lang. - Ure, Dictionary of Chemistry. - Webster (N.), Am. Diet. of Eng. lang. - - Dictionary of Arts, etc. - Werninck, Pocket Diet. Dutch and Eng. - Weale, Diet. of civil and naval Arch. - Wilcocke, Pocket Diet. of English and - See Encyclopsedias. Dutch. DIETETICS. See Health. - Wilson (J.), French and Eng. Diet. DIPLOMIACY. Adair, Negotiations, 1808-09. - Worcester (J. E.), Universal Diet. of - - Avaux Negociations. English. DICTIONARIES OF SCIENCE, GEOGRAPHY and - - Capefigue Diplomatistsof urope. HISTORY: - Chateaubriand, Congress of Verona. - Anthon, Classical Dictionary. - Coalition (La) et la France. - Appleton, Diet. of Mechanics. - Demeunier, Economie diplomatique. - Bayle, Diet. Hist. et Crit. Fr. and Eng. - Estrades, Lettres et N6gotiations. - Bouillet, Diet. d'Hist. et de Geog. - Flassan, Hist. de la Dipl. Francaise. - Browne(D. J.), Etymol. Encyc. of arts. - France, Negociations dans le Levant. - Crabb, Univ. Technological Diet. - - N6gociations avec l'Autriche, 16me - - Diet. of General Knowledge. siecle. - Dozy, Diet. des Vetements Arabes. - Goertz, La Neutralite arm'e. Evans, Denominations of the Christian - Grotins, Rights of War and Peace. world. - Hill (R.), Diplom. Correspond. - Falconer, Univ. Marine Diet. - Koch, Hist. des traites de paix. - Fosbroke, Eneyc. of antiquities. - Martens, Guide diplomatique. - Gardner, Farmer's Dictionary. - Portfolio, Lend. 1843. - Glossary of Heraldry. - Pradt, Congress of Vienna. - Glossary of Architecture. - Forcy, Nfgotiations from the treaty of - Gregory (G.), Dictionary of arts and Ryswiek. sciences. - Trait8 diplomatique. -- Hall (B. H.), Collection of College - Trescot, The Diplomacy of the revoluwords. tion. 870 INDEX TO DIPLOMIACY: DRAMA, ENGLISH and TRANSLATIONS: - Warden (D. B.), Consular establish- - Congreve, Dramatic Works. ments. I — Dryden, Works. - Wheaton (H.), International law. - Dunlap (W.), Dramatic Works. DISCOVERIES, -GEOGRAPHICAL: - - The Archers. - Clarke (J. S.), Prog. of Maritime dis- - Edgeworth (M.), Comic Dramas. covery. - Euripides, Tragedies. - Cooley (W. D.), Hist. of Marit. discov. -- Iarfquhar, Dramatic Works. - Edinburgh Cab. Lib. vol. 5, 9, 21, 34. - Fielding, Works vol. 1 23. - La Popelliniere, Les trois mondes. Ford (J.), Dramatic Works. - Retrospect of the origin of. Goethe Faust. - Robinson (C.), Discoveries in the West - ramGatich'e s. to 1519.c Works - Stevenson (W.), Hist. of. - Goldsmith, Miscellaneous Works. - Trait- de la Na-. et ces voy. de des- - Halliwell, The Poetry of witchcraft. couvertes. - Home (J.), Works: Agis, Douglas, etc. - Tytler (P. F.), Progress of disc. - Jonson (B.), Works. - United States Exploring Expedition. - Joor, Independence. - See Voyages; America, Discovery of. - Knowles (J. S.), Select dramatic works. DIVING. Hough (IH.G.), Supply of air - Lamb (C.), Specimens of Eng. Dram. under water. Poets. DOANE (G. W.). Doane (G. W.), Contro- - - Works, vol. 1. versy concerning. - Massinger, Plays. - Vindication of the four laymen. - Paulding, American Comedies. DODDRIDG H (P.). Buckley (J.), Life of. - Plautus, Comedies. DoGS. Clayton (Sir R.), Treatise on Grey- - Rush(J.), Hamlet. hounds. - Youatt, The Dog. - Schiller, Works. - Sheridan (R. B.), Dramatic Works. DOMESTIC ECONOMyY: - Shakspeare's Plays. - A. (L. E.), La Cuisiniere de'la cam- kspars Plays. pagne. - Sophocles, Tragedies. - Donovan, Domestic Economy. - Terence, Eng. and Fr. - Hollandsche Keuken-Meild. - Vanbrugh. - Patissi're (La) de la campagne. - Warren (Mrs. M.), Poems, dramatic. - Robert, La grande cuisine. - Wycherley. - Rosny, Parfait oeconome.l DRAM1AS, FRENCH, DUTCH, ITALIAN and -GERMAN: * - Rumford, Essays. GERMAN: - oSylvester (C.), Philosophy of. - Alvin, Beausire, Education: la mode. -:Sylvester (C.), Philosophy of. -;Beaumarchais, (Euvres. - Webster (T.), Encyc. of domestic econ. -B DONICA Is. Atwood (T.), istory of. - Boissy,i3Euvres de Theatre.:DoMI~IcA Is. Atwood (T.) E-istory of. DONIPHAN (Gefi). Edwards (T. S.), Cam- Chamfort, La Jeune Indienne. paign of, in Mexico. - Collet, L'Isle deserte. DORCHESTER, MS. Blake (J.), Annals of. - Corneille, (Euvres. - Dorchester, Town documents. - Dutch Dramas. - Drake (S. G.), Early history of. - Engelant, Tooneel-Poezy. DOUGLASS (D. B.). Hale (B.), Sermon on - Gherardi, Le Theatre Italien. DOWNING (Jack). Davis (C. A.), Letters of. - Guarini, I1 Pastor Fido. DRAKE (D.). Mansfield (E. D.), Memoirs - Holberg (L.), Blyspelen. of. -.Hooft (P. C.), Werken. DRAMA, ENGLISH and TRANSLATIONS. - Kailay, on les Jeunes Sauvages. - ZEschylus, Tragedies. - Le Blanc, Manco-Capac. - Aristophanes, Comedies. - Lucas, Thlatre Espagnol. - Armstrong (J.), Misc. The forced mar- - Mendcs da Costa, Le Dey d'Alger. riage. riage.| - ~Moliere, (Euvres. - Baillie (J.), Dramatical Works. - Miller, De Aduv ir l Pie Hei - Butler (F. A. K), Francis the First. - Philippe II. Portrait de. Star of Seville. ~- - Star of Seville. - Piron, Fernando Cortes. - Burgoyne (J.), Dramatic Works. Polcastro, Opere, vol. 1. - Beaumont and Fletcher, Works. - P s sur rique. - - FinPoest sur of.Amrque. -- -- Finest scenes of. SUBJE CTS. 871 DRAMAS, FRENCH, DUTCH, ITALIAN and DUELLING: GERMIAN: - Sega,. Essay on. - Racine, (E uvres. DUMas (A.). Gal. des contem. vol. 5, vie de. - Raynonard, Les Templiers. DUNBAR (R.). Dunbar (M.), Phren. charac- Regnard, (luvres. ter of. Rozoi, Azor ou les Pdruviens. DUNIKERS. Conyngham, On the Dunkers. - St. Evremond, Melange curieux. DUNSTABLE, N. H. Fox (C. J.), History of. - Sauvigny, Hirza. Du PONCEAU (S.). Dunglison, Commem. Discourse on. - Scribe, Les Huguenots. Diseourse on. - Guido et Ginevra. DUPUYTREN (M.). Galerie des Contem. Vie de. - T~afereel (De), etc. I DUTCH CHURCH. Reformed Protestant Dutch - Teatro Moderno. Church. - Treuerspelen. DUTCH COLONIES. See Indian Ocean; Guy.- Voltaire, (Euvres. na; Voyages to india; Java,; Suma- Vondel, Treuerspelen. tra. - - Jerusaleim. DUTCH HISTORY, ETC. See Holland. - - Palamedes. DUXBURY, Ms. Winsor (J.), Hist. of. DRAMATIC ESSAYS, ETC. Cradock (J.), Li- DWIGHT (T.). Silliman (B.), Eulogium on. terary Memoirs. - Sprague (W. B.), Life of. - Aikin (S. C.), Sermon on Theat. exhib. DYCKEAN (J.). Ducachet (H. W.), A Tri- Calcraft, Defence of the Stage. bute to. - Cibber (C.), Apology for the life of. DYEING. Berthollet, Elements of the art of. - Collier, Immorality of the Eng. Stage. Lasteyrie, Treatise on pastel or woad. - Dunlap (W.), IHist. of Amer. Theatre. - Napier (J.), Art of Dyeing. - Destrem, Projet de rdforme thiatrale. - Smith (D.), Dyer's Instructor. -- Hazlitt, Drain. Lit. of Queen Elizabeth's age. E. - Houssaye, Philosophers and Actresses. Hunt (L.), Works, vol. 1. EARTH. Guyot, Earth and Man. - Hunt (L.), Works, vol. I. - Lawrence (J.), On the state of the - Humboldt, Kosmos. Theatres. - See Cosmogony; Geology. Lives of British Dramatists. EARTHQUAKES. Auldjo, Sketches of Vesu- Schlegel (A. W.), Lectures on. vi1s. - Wemyss, Chronol. of the Amer. Stage. Daubeny, Deser. of Volcanoes. Dolomieu, Earthquakes in Calabria. - Wood (W. B.), Recollections of the - Dolomi, Eathquakes in alabria. Stage. - Hales (J.), Causes of. See Amusements. - Hist. des tremblemens de terre a Lima.. DRAWING. Cave, Le Dessin sans maitre. - Mitchill (S. L.), Earthquakes of 1811. - Pyne (G.), Treatise on perspective. EASTBURN (J.). Green (A.), Memoirs of. - Clarke (H.), Practical perspective. EAST IIAIDDAM, CONN. Parsons (J.), Hist. - DeWitt (S.), Elements of perspective. Sermons. -Nicholson's Treatise of projection. EAST HAMPTON (L. I.). Hedge (H. P.), CenNicholson's Treatise of projection. tennial Discourse. tennial Discourse. See Painting; Engraving. RSeS Painting; Engraving. Beecher (L.), Historical Sermon. DREAMS. RTaylor (W.m Sketches. of Uni- EAST HAVEN, CONN. Dodd (S.), East HaDU veBLIN. Taylor (W. B..), ist. of Uni- ven Reg. versity of. EAST INDIA COMPANIES. See India; Corn- Walsh (R.), History of. merce; Colonies. - Warburton (J.), History of. EATON (H. H.). Short (C. W.), Life of. - Whitelaw (J.), Hist of Dublin. EATON (W.). Felton (C. C.), Life of. See Ireland. EDDY (T.). Knapp (S. L.), Life of. Du DEFFAND (Mine). Berry, Memoirs of. EOINBURGH UNIVERSITY. Bower (A.), HisDUDEVANT (Mine). Galerie des contem. vol. tory of. 2, Vie de. - Great Britain, Report on Univ. of ScotDUELLING. Cauchy, Du Duel. land. - Colton (W.), Remarks on. EDUCATION. Amer. Annals of Education. - Ebssa~y on Duelling. - Amer. Inst. of Instruction, Lectures. - Sabilne (L.), Duels and Duelling. - American Jour. of Educ. M'Kean. Bache, Education in Europe. - Sampson (W.), Trial of Lieut. Ren- - Bache, Education in Europe. shaw. - Barnard (H.), Norlal Schools, 872 INDEX TO EDUCATION: EDUCATION: - Belgium, Educ.Etat de l'enseignement. - Mayo, On Infant education. - Boone (J. S.), Educ. economy in Eng. - Memorial on National University. - Bouillon, Objet moral de l'education. - Mercer (C. F.), Disc. on popular educ. - Braun (T,), Principes d'Education. - Neigebauer, Preussischen Gymnasien. - Bristed (C. A.), Lett. to Horace Mann. - New Jersey, Reports on public schools. -- - Five years in an Eng. Univ. - New York Normal School reports. - Brougham, Pract. observations on. - N. Y. State Teachers' Assoc. Advocate. Burgh, Dign. of human nature. - New York, Reports of common schools. - Bushnell (H.), Christian Nurture. - New York City, Board of education, Castalio, Dial. Sac. lib. iv. Reports. - Castille, Nouvel Eraste. - New York Teacher, Albany, 1853-55. C- North Western Journ. of Education. - Cave, Le dessin sans maitre. - Central Soc. of Education, Papers. - Olins, Works, vol. 2. - Chambers, Educational Course. - Ohio Teacher, 1850, 51. - Chambers, Educational Course. - Charte (La) VWrit. -. Page (D. P.), Theory of Teaching. -- Chiosso, Gymnastics. - Pestalozzi, Education of Infancy. Convention of friends of. - Peers, American Education. -Cousin, Instruction en Hollande. - Phelps (L.), On Female education. - - Instruction in Prussia. - Phillips (J. T.), Of Teaching lang. - Crandall, Talks with-the People. - Popular Education. - De Quincey, Letters to a young man. - Quarterly Jour. of Education, ondon, Education dans les Etats Unis. 1831-35. - Education Reports, 829-54. Pam. vol.- Rollin, Method of Teaching Belles171, 174, 190. lettres. - - Des Etudes des enfans. - Euen, Early education of children. ) ~~~~~~- Remarks on Educ. in Canada, 1848. - Fox (W. J.), Lect. on National Educa- -R tion. -- Roman States, Organisation des Universites. - Gelliers, Trap der Jeugd. -- Saint Marc Girardin, Instruction inter- Genlis, Addle et Thdodore. midiaire. - Girard, Meth. Instruction in the mo- - Schmidt (H. J.), History and Plan. ther tongue. - Simpson (J.), Necessity of pop. educ. - Goodrich (S. G.), Sow well and Reap.), well. - Smith (S. H.), Remarks on. - Great Britain, Council of education, - Schoolmaster (The), from Ascham, etc. Minutes. - Sedgwick (A.), Studies of the Univ. - Hall (B. R.), Teaching, a Science. - Seward (W. H.), Discourse on. - Henry (J.), The family and school mo- Shuttleworth, Public education. nitor. - Slaney, Reports to Parliament. - Address on Education in Common - Sovet, Ed. physique de l'enfance. Schools. ~~~Schools. ~- Spurzheim, Elemen. principles of. -- Heun, Briefe an JUnglinge die auf Universititen, etc. - Steffens, Deutch, Prot. Universitieten. - Hill (F.), Prospects of national educa- - Sweet (S. N ), Temporary Normal tion tion. Schools. - IEuber, The English Universities. - Symons. (J. C ), School Economy. - Ingestre, Meliora. - Tappan (H. P.), University Education. - James (G. P.R.), Educ. Institutions - Taylor (J. 0.), Digest of Cousin's Reof Germany. port. - Jardine (G.), Outlines of Philosophical - Temple (Sir W.), Works. education. - Thiers, Instruction secondaire. - Journal of Ed. for Canada, Ryerson. - Thoughts on domestic - Jullien, Mithode d'Education de Pes- - Tweed (D.), Teacher's and Pupil's asst. talozzi. - Universitas Regia Fred. - Locke (J.), Works, vol. 9. - University of London. - Louisiana, Report on public instruct. - University of Upsal. - Mansfield (E. D ), American education. - Wayland, Present collegiate system. - Martineau (H.), Household edcation. - Whewell, Of a liberal education. - Massachusetts, Superintendent's Re- Eng. Univ. Education. ports, SUBJECTS. 873 EDUCATION: ELECTRICITY: - Willard (E.), Addresses. - Priestley, Hist. and present state of. - Wordsworth, Public Education. - Roget (P. M.), Electro-magnetism. - See Schools; and Law Lib. Cat. - Secchi, Elect Rheometry. EDWARDS (Jonathan). Miller (S.), Life of. - Smee, Electro-metallurgy. - Wynne, Life of. - Whewell, Progress of. EnDWARDs (Pres't). Dwight (S. E.), Life of. - See Natural Philosophy; Magnetism. EGYPT. Antes, Obs. on the Egyptians, the ELIOT (Comm.). Burges, Conduct on Lake Nile, the plague. Erie. - Bruce, Travels to source of the Nile. ELIOT (J.). Francis (C ), Life of. - Cooley (J. E.), American in Egypt. - Moore (M.), Memoirs of. - Curtis (G. W.), Nile Notes. - Whitfield (H.), Letters of. - Description de 1 Egypte, 21 vol. fol. ELIZABETIRTOWN, N. J. Murray (N.), Hist. - iFurniss, Waraga. 0notes concerning. - Gliddon, Otia Egyptiaca. ELOCUTION, ELOQUENCE. Bingham, Columbian Orator. - - Ancient Egypt. - Chapman, Select Speeches. - Greaves, Description of the Pyramids. - Dwyer, Essay on. H- and-book for Travellers. - Fenelon, Works, vol. 2. - Hawks, The Monuments of Egypt. - Hamilton (W. G.), Parliamentary Lo- Henniker, Visit to Egypt, Nubia, etc. gic. - Irby, Travels in Egypt, etc. - Hazlitt, Eloquence of the Brit. Sen. - Lambert, etc. Trois relations d'Egypte. - Maury, The Principles of Eloquence. - Lane (E; W.), Modern Egyptians. - Pulpit Orator, Boston, 1804. - Lepsius, Letters from Egypt. - Vandenhoff, Art of Elocution. - Maillet, Beschryvinge van Egypte. - Walker, Elements of. - Olin, Tr. in Egypt and Holy Land. - - Rhetorical Grammar. - Puckler-Muskau, Egypt under Mehe- - - Academic Speaker. met Ali. - Williston, Eloq. of the U. S. - Relations vtritables. - Witherspoon, Works, vol. 3. - St. John (J. A.), Egypt and Nubia. - See Rhetoric; Speeches. - - Egypt under Mohammed Ali. ELWES (J.). Topham (E.), Life of. - Sharp (S ), History of. EMIGRATION. Canada, Report on emigration - Smith (J. V. C.), Pilgrimage to. from. - Stephens (J. L.), Incidents of Tr. in. - Dangers of foreign immigration. - Volney, Travels through. - Fish (H.), Mortality on board emigrant - Wilkinson (G.), Manners of anc. Egyp- ships. tians. - Marcus, Address on Emigration. - - Hand-book for Travellers in. - Iolph (T.), Emig. and Colonization. - Wilson (R. T.), Brit. Exp. to Egypt, - Sons of the Sires. - Wilson (W. R.), Travels in. - See Aliens; Naturalization. - Yates, Hist. of. EsIMET (T. A.). Haines ( C. G.), Memoir - See Turkey; Africa. of. ELDON (Lord) Surtees (W. E.), Life of. - Mitchill (S. L.), Discourse on. - Swiss (1H.), Life of. -ENCYCLOPEDIAS. Browne (D. J.), Etymo- S~iss (H.) Life ological Encyc. of technical words. ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. See Telegraph. - o - Collier, Historical Dict. ELECTRICITY. Arago, (Euvres; Notices sci.- Crabb, Univ. Hist. Diet. _ Crabb, Univ. Hist. Diet. - Du Bois, On animal electricity. Diet. of Gen. Knowl. - Electrical Magazine. - - Univ. Technolog. Diet. - Faraday, Researches in. - Faraday, Hesearches in. - Dictionnaire de l'Indus. Manuf. Comm. - Franklin (B.), Experiments of. et Agr. - Hare (HR), Anal. of his Lectures on. - Edinburgh Cab Lib. - Harris (W. S.), Nature of Thunder - Edinburgh Encyclopsedia. storms. storms. Encyclo. Americana. - - Rudimentary Electricity. - Encyclo. Britannica. - - Elementary Laws of. - Encyclo. Dobson, Phil'a. - Henry (J.), Pub. on; and Galvanism. Encyclo. Metropolitana. - Hortensius, Observations on. - Encyclo. Mdthodicue. - Lardner, Treatise on. [ GN. LIB. 1855.1 110 874 INDEX TO ENCYCLOP2EDIAS: ENGLAND, HISTORY OF: - Encyclo. Populaire. - Adolphus, Hist. of, to death of George - Iconographic Encyclopaedia.III. -- Loudon7 Enyc. of Agr. - Aikin (J.), Annals of George III. - Loudon, Encyc of. - Aikin (L.), Memoirs of Court of Eli-- Encyc. of Plants. zabeth. - Nicholson's British Encyclopiedia. - - Mem. of Court of James I. - Ogilvie's I~mper. Dictionary. -- - Mem. of Court of Charles I. - Penny Cyclopcedia.s Allen (J.), Battles of the Brit. Navy. - Bees (A.), Cyclopadiap. - Auberteuil, Admin. of Lord North. - Soc. pour l'Eman. intell., Encyc. pop. _ Bacon (Lord), King Henry VII. - lire, Diet. of Arts, Man. and Mines. - Baker (Sir R.), Chron. of the Kings of - Supplement to Diet. Eng. - Waterston, Cyclopaedia of commerce. - Baring, Orders in Council. - See Dictionaries of Sci., Hist. etc. - Bede, Eccl. Hist. of Eng. ENGINEERING, CIVIL and cECHANICAL: - Bell (R.), Memorials of the Civil war. - Appleton's Diet. of Mechanics. - Be)sham (W.), Mem. of Kings of H. of - Aeneae, Verhand om afstanden te meten. Brunswick. - Alexandria aqueduct. - - Reign of George III. - Barlow, On the strength of timber. - Birch (T.), Reign of Queen Elizabeth. - Byrne, Model Calculator. - Bisset (R.), Reign of George III. Civil Engineer's Journal. - Buckingham, Court of George III. - Clark (E.), Britannia tubular bridges. - Bunbury, French War, 1799-1810. Cole (G.), The Contractor's Book. - Burke (E.), Works. - Cresy, Encyclopwedia of civil eng. - Burnet, Hist. of his own times. - Davy, Artificial foundations. - Butler (C.), Hist. of Brit. Catholics. - Downes, Marine Railway. - Camden, Reoum Aug. annales. - Eaton (A.), Direct. for Surveying and. - Carrel (A.), Counter-Rev. in: Charles - Ecole R. des Pouts et Chaussees. I. - Galbraith, Surveying and Railway en- y, Civil War in, 164-52. gineering. - Cavednish, Parl. Debates, 1768-74. Gillespie, Treatise on Land surveying. - Clarendon (Earl of), Hist. of Rebel- Hebert, Engineer's and Mech. Encyc. lion, 1641. - Hoppus, Tables for measuring. - - State Papers, 1621-45. - Institution of Civil Engineers, Trans — Coll of Proclam. of the Pretender. actions. - Coll. of State Tracts, Rev. of 1688. - raijenhoff, Operations geodesiques en Craik (G. L.), Pict. I-list. of. Hollande. - Crawfurd (G.), Lives of State officers. - Mahan, Elementary course of. - Cromwell (O.), Letters and speeches. - Millington (J.), Elements of Civil en- - Dahlman, Hist. of the English Rev. gineering. - Devereux, Lett. of the Earls of Essex. N. Y. State Inst. of Civil Engineering, - Dodington, Diary, 1749-61. Transactions, 1849. - Nicholsohns:treatise on proj ection. *- Doleman, Succession to the Crown. -Nicholson's onprojeci DoomsI-Day book. - Pasley, Obs. on limes, cements.ooms y book. L- Roads, Railroads and Bridges. - Doubleday, Finan. and Statis. hist. of. - Sganzin, Elementary course of. - Echard Hist. of Rev. to 16. - Simms (F. W.), Public Works of Great- Ellis (H), Original Letters, illustraBritain. - Eustace, Lettres sur les crimes do - Smeaton's Reports. George II. - Stuart (C. B.), Naval Dry-docks of Evelyn (J.), Memoirs and Diary. - Whewell, Mechanics of- Florence of Worcester, Chronicle. Weisbach, Mechanics of Engineering. - onblanque, Eng. under 7 administra- WT~eisbach, ~Mee-h ios of ~ngineering, tions. - See Railways; Bridges; Steam Engine; Machinery; Military Science: Cro- - Fox (C. J.), History of James II. ton aqueduct. - Geoffroy of Monmouth's Brit. Hist. ENGLAND (Church of). See Church of Eng. - George, Prince of Wales, Tracts concerilNGLAND, HISTORY or. Account of the ning. young Chevalier. - Granger (J.), Biog. History of, SUBJECTS. 875 ENGLAND, HISTORY OF: ENGLAND, HISTORY OF: - Godwin (W.), Hist. of Commonwealth. - Nicholls, Public Affairs under George - Grant (R.), Recollections of House of Commons. - Nickolls, Letter, to Cromwell. -- -- Recoll. of House of Lords. N- icolas (Sir N. IH.), History of Royal - Guizot, Hist. of the Eng. Revolution. Navy. - - Hist. de la, Rpub. d'Angleterre. - North (R.), Examen. Vind. of Charles - Hallam, Constitutional Hist. of..- Hallam, Constitutional st, of. -- Orleans (P. J. d'), Rev. d'Angleterre. - Hamilton (A.), Mem. of Count Gram- Palgrave, Hist. of Normandy and. mont. — Hamilton (Lady), Secret Hist.e and Prog. of Eng. Commonof George III. IV. wealth. - Hayward (J.), Reign of Elisabeth. - Pamphlets, Vol. 123-141. -- Paris (Matthew), Eng. Hist. 1235-73. - Henry of Huntingdon, Chronicles. - Parliaments Chronolog. arranged. - Hervey, Reign of George II. - History of Eng and France. - Paston Letters. - istory-of Eng- and France. - Pauli, Life of King Alfred. - Hobbes (T.), Works, vol. 6, Civil wars. Paui, Life of King Afred. - Holland (Lord)), /e1m. of the Whig - Pitt (W.), Anecdotes of the Life of. party. - Raynal, Hist. of Parliament. - Holt (E.), Life of George III. - Rapin, Hist. of Eng. - Hoveden, Annals of, 732-1201. - Roebuck (J. A.), History of Whig Mi- Hume (D.),, History of Eng. to Rev. nistry. of 1688. - Roger of Wendover, Flowers of Hist. - Ingulph, Chron. of Abbey of Croyland. - Rushworth, Hist. Collections. - Jesse (J. H.), From 1688 to death of - Sainte Croix, Hist. de la Puissance naGeorge II. vale.:- -- Memoirs of the Pretender. - St. John (Lord Bolingbroke), Works. - Johnson (G. W.), Fairfax Corresp. - Sadler (Sir Ralph), State Papers. - Kennett (W.), Hist. to Death of Wil- - Salmasius (C.), Defensio Regia. liam III. - Secret Hist. of Reigns of Charles II - King (W.), Polit. and Lit. anecdotes. and' James II. - Lediard (T.), Naval IIist. of, to 1734. - Sidney (H.), Diary of Times of Charles - Lexington Papers. - Lingarcd, History of. - Six Old English Chronicles. -Vindiction of his Hist. of. Slingsby, Memoirs of Civil War. Vindication of his Hist. of. -- Smollett (T.), History of. - Lodge (E.), Illustrations of Brit. hist. Somers, Collection of Tracts. - Somerville (T.), From Rest. of Charles - Ludlow (E.), Memoirs of Charles William. - Lyttleton (G.), Life of Henry II. - Sophia, Consort of George I. Memoirs. - Macaulay (T. B.), History of, from - State Tracts, 1660-93. James II. - Steel, Naval Chronologist, 1793-1801.; - Mahon (Lord), Insurrection of 1745. - Steele (Sir R.), Political Works. - - Hist. of Eveng. 1713-83. - Stiles, Hist. of three of the Judges, etc. - Marchmont, Events from 1685-1750. - Strickland, Lives of Queens of. -- Strickland, Lives of Queens of. - Marlborough (Duke of), Letters. - Stuart (The) Papers. - Massey, Hist. under George III. - Martineau (H.), Hist. of, 1816-46. - Thierry, Hist. of Conquest by Normans. -- -- Introd. to hist. of Peace, 1800-15. I- Thomson (A. S.), Memoirs of the Jaco- Matthew of Westminster, Chronicle. bites, 1715-45. - MIm. des Commissaires du roi. - - Life of Sarah, Duchess of Marlbo-- Mmoires touchantle gouvernement de. rough. - Millar (J.), Hist. View of Eng. gov. - Thomson (R.), Hist. of Magna Charta. - Miller (T.), History of the Anglo- - Thurloe, Coll. of State Papers. Saxons. - Townsend (W. C.), Hist. of House of - Milton (J.), History of Britain. Commons. - Mortimer (T.), History of. - Train, Hist. of Isle of Man. - Neale (E.), Life of Edward, Duke of - Turner (S.), Hist. of, during Middle Kent. ages. - Nelson (Lord), Dispatches. - - Modern Hist. of. ~876 INDEX TO ENGLAND, HISTORY OF: ENGLAND, POLITICS OF: - - Hist. of Anglo-Saxons. - Anti-Jacolbin. - Tyler (J. E.), Mem. of Henry of Mon- - Bulwer, Letters to John Bull. mouth. - French (The) Politician found out. - Tytler (P. F.), Reigns of Edward IV, - Glover, Meim. of a eel. polit. character. and Mary. - New Miscellany for 1837-39. - - Life of Henry VIII. - Pamphlets, Vol. 123-141. - Vaughan (R.), Protec. of (Sir J.), Works, political.'- Steuart (Sir J.), Works, political. Hist. under the Stuarts. - st under the Stuarts. - Twiss (T.), Letters of Pius IX, and - Vicars, England's Worthies, 1042-47. Laws of England. -- Waldegrave's M-emoirs. ENGLAND, TRAVELS IN. Angleterre (L') en - Walker (C.), Hist. of Independency of 1800. Parl. ~~~Pan~-. - Bray(W.), Tour, Derbyshire and York- Walpole (H.), Mem. of George II. shire. -- - Mem. of George III. - Dickinson (A.), My First Visit to Eu- Walpole (R.), Crit. Hist. of his admi- rope. nistration. - Dibdin (C.), Obs. on a Tour. -- -- Rapport du Comite secret. - Goede, A Foreigner's Opinion of. - Walsh (Sir J.), Chap. of Contemporary - Granville, The Spas of England. Iist. Lester, Glory and Shame of. - Ward (R. P.), On the Revolution of - Lester, Glory and Shame of. - 1688. - Mackenzie (A. S.), The American in. Welwood, Mem. for last 100 years, 1700. Miller (H.), First Impressions of. - Whitelock, Memoir of the English Af- -Mirabea, Letters from. fairs. M- isson, Memoirs in his Trav. in 1719. - Wiffen, Mern. of House of Russell. - Montgaillard, Situation of, in 1811. - William of Malmnesbury, Chron. - Moritz, Travels in. - Witherspoon, Authority of Brit. Parl. - Olmsted (F. L.), Walks of an American Wraxall, H-list. Mem. of his time. Farmer. -- Posthumous M emoirs -- Raumer (F. Von), England in 1835. Posthumous Memoirs. - Wright (T.), Eng. under Heouase of Ha- - Rush (R.), Memoranda of a residence. nover. - Sedgwick (T.), Public and private EcoYork (Duke of), Mem. of Eng. Affairs, nomy. 1660-73. - Silliman (B.), Travels in. - Zurich Letters, 1537-58. - Southey (R.), Letters of Espriella ENGLAND; MISCELLANEOUS: fuom. - Britannia.... Chorog. descriptio. - Tuckerman (H. T.), A Month in Eng. - Bulwer, England and the English. - Tyng, Recollections of Eng. - Eccleston, Introd. to Eng. Antiquities. - Ward (Matt. F.), English Items. - Etat de l'Angleterre, 1822, 23. ENGLISH DICTIONARIES. See Dictionaries. - Gilpin (W.), Observations on England ENGLISH GRA~IIMAR. See Grammar, English. etc. ENGLISH LANGUAGE. See Language, Eng. - Johnson (W.), England as it is, 1851. ENGRAVINGS. Album Cosmopolite. - Lowe (J.), Present State of. - Albums Petits) pour rire. - Mem..... a l'R:gard des neutres. - B. (H.), Political Sketches. - M6zaque, Bilan general de l'Angle- Bordes, Monumens de Bordeaux. terre, 1600-1761. - Catherwood, Views in Cent. Amer. - Pigot, Cheshire, etc. Directory, 1829. Cen - Prynne, Opening of the great seale of. - - Registrar Gen., Births, marriages and - Flaxman, Illustrations. deaths. - Gilpin, Essay on Prints. - Reresby, Memoirs and Travels. - Greenwood illustrated. - Smith (J. T.), A Book for a rainy day. - Herring, National Portrait Gallery. - Stone (Mrs.), Chron. of Fashion. - Hogarth (W.), Works, from the origi- Tomlinson (R.), Letters on Naval inte- nal plates. rests of. - Jackson (J.), Treatise on wood-engra- Uncle Tom in England. ving. -Vivard, La V6rit6 sur 1 - Journal of - Jubinal, La Danse des Morts. ENGLAND, POLITICS OF. Abbey of Kilk- - binal, La Dnse des Morts. hampton.- Lester, Gallery of Americans. SUBJECTS. 877 ENGRAVINGS: ENTOMOLOGY: - Lodge, Portraits of Personages of Great - Harris (T. W.), N. A. Coleopterous inBritain. sects. - Mount Auburn illust. H- Hope (F. Wi.), Coleopterist's Manual. - Mus~e Populaire de Belgique. - Jaeger, Life of N. American Insects. - Thomason, Mem. during half a century. - Jardine, Naturalist's Lib. - Vattemare, Cat. des 1200 Dessins de sa - Melsheimer, Cat. of the Coleoptera of Coll. - U. S. - Walpole (H.), Works, Engravers. -- Philippi, Orthoptera Berolinensia. - See Catalogue of Maps and Engravings. - Reaumur, Konst om Tamme-vogelen EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Address by Plain optebrengen. Truth, 1827. - Say (T.), Amer. Entomology. - Blackburne (F.), On Bishops in Amer. - Swainson (W.), Hist. and Nat. Arrang. 1770. of. - Chase (Bishop), Reminiscences. - Westwood, Entomologist's Text-book. - Collection of Essays on. - Insects. - Comment. of F. Blackburne, on bishops - See Zoology; Animalcules. in America. EPITAPHS. See Cemeteries. - Doane (G. W.), Collection of publica- ERASMUs. Jortin (J.), Life of. tions on. ERIE CANAL. Beach (S. B.), Against con- Hawkins (E.), Mission of Ch. of Eng. tinuing, 1819. in America. - Fact and observations, 1825. - Hawks, Episc. Ch. in Virginia, Mary- -_ Fulton (R.), Correspondence with G. land. Morris. - Hobart, Companion to Festivals and - Haines (C. G.), Considerations on. Fasts. -- -- Candidate for Confirmation. - N. Y. State Canals - Randel (J.), Description of a route for. - Hopkins (J.), Letters to the Bishops, etc. of. - Kenwick (J.), Water for. - Ives (L. S.), The Trials of a mind, etc. See Canals. - -- Pastoral Letter. ERIE (Lake). Parsons ( U.), Hist. of Battle of. - Letter from a Congregationalist. Letter Editor of Essays in Albany ERSKINE (Andrew). Boswell (J.), Letters - Letters to Editor of Essays in Albany between. Centinelk Dr. HoksHstr f ESPARTERO (M.). Gal. des Contem. vol. 3, - iM'Vickar, Dr. Hook's History of. Vie de. - Miller (S.), Const. and Order of the ESSAYS. Abercrombie (John), Essays. Ministry. M- Addison, Spectator. - Onderdonk, Hist. of. in N. Y. City. The Freeholder. - Prot. Episc. Church, Jour. of Conv. - Seeker, Bishops in America. - Alison (A.), Miscel. Essays. - White (W.), Memoi-s of. - Ames (Fisher), Works: Polit. Essays. - White (W.)r Memoirs of. - Arnold (T.), Misc. Works. - Wilberforce (S.), History of. See Church Government; Church of - Bacon (Lord), Essays, Works, vol. 2. England. - Bailey (Samuel), On pursuit of truth. ENTOMOLOGY. Abbot (J.), Lepidopterous - - On formation of opinions. Insects of Georgia. - Barbauld (A. L.), Works. - Agassiz, Classification of Insects. - Barnes (A.), Miscel. Essays. - Burmeister, Manual of. - Beattie (J.), On nature of truth. - Curtis (John), British Entomology. - Belsham (W.), Ess. phil. mor. hist. - Denny, Monog. Pselaphidarumet Scyd- - Browne (T.), Works. rmunidarum. - Bruen (M.), Ess. descr. and moral. - Duncan (J.), Introduction to; Beetles. - Carlisle (T.), Crit. and misc essays. - - Brit. Butterflies and Moths. - Castilio (B.), De curiali. - Foreign Butterflies and Mloths. - Chalmers (T.), Miscellanies. - Drury, Exotic Entomology. - Characteristics of Men of genius. -* Entomllologist's Annuail. - Croly, Histor. sketches and characters. - Episodes of Insect life. - Dana (R. H.), Prose writings. - Fitch, Hessian Fly, Winter Insects of - Dennie (J.) The Lay Preacher. Now-York. - Harris (T W.), Insects injurious to De Quincey, Writings. vegetation. - Dewey (O.), Works. 878 INDEX TO ESSAYS: ESSAYS: - Downing (A. J.), Rural Essays. - Witherspoon, Misc. Works. - Emerson (R. W.), Essays. - See Literature. - Essays from London Times. ESSEX ( Earl of). Elizabeth, Secret Ilist. - Everett (A. H), Essays, crit. and misc. of the Queen. - Fichte, The Vocation of the scholar. ESSEX, MAss. Felt (J. B.), History of. - Foster (John), Essays. ETHER. Edwards's Reports on Morton's - Fox (W. S.), Lectures to the working discovery. classes. -. Ether Controversy, a collection. - Freneau (P.), Miscel. Works. - Forsten, Responsio de sthere. - Froude, Remains, Part 2, vol. 1. - Morton (W. T. G.), Rep. in Cong. on. G- oldsmith, Miscel. Works. - Claim as discoverer, etc. - Grimk6, Reflect. on character and ob- - SLdillot, Chloroforme et Ether. jects of lit. - United States Reports on Dr. Morton's - Harmilton (Sir W.), Discussions in claim. philosophy, etc. - Wells (H.), Use of, in Surg. operat. - Hare (C. J.), Guesses at Truth. ETHICS. See Moral Philosophy; Morals. - Ioffman (D.), Miscel. Thoughts. ETHIOPIA. Santos, History of. -- Hazlitt, Table Talk. ETHNOLOGY. Agassiz, Origin of the human - - Political Essays. races. - Headley (J. T.), Miscellanies. - American Ethn. Soc. Trans. - Hume, Essays on several subjects. - Bartlett (J. It.), Prog. of Ethnology. - Hunt (L.), Works, vol. 2. - Bronson, Unity of the race. - - Works, vol. 4, Indicator. - Ethnological Journal. - Jeffrey (F.), Contrib. to Edin. Rev. - Gcerres, Die Japhetiden. - Johnson (S.), Works, vol. 2, 3, 4. -- Gliddon, Types of Mankind. - Judson (L. C.), The Probe. - Hale ( H.), Ethnography, U. S. Expl. - Lamb (Charles), Essays of Ella. Exp. - Lounger (The). - Hodgkin, On Inquiries into the races. Lounger (The). Latham (R. G.), Ethnol. of the rit. Macaulay (T. B.), Crit. and Hist. MCrie, Miscel. Writings. olonies. - Martineau (H.), Life in the sick room. - Mastman, Deutsch und Weltsch. - - Miscellanies. - Morton (S. G.), Pigmy Race of the Miscellanies.~~~ lMississippi. Melancthon, Select. declamationum, tom. 5. -- Crania Egyptiaca. - Mercier, Fragments of politics, etc. - Crania Americana. - Mere, (Euvres. - Nott (J. C.), Types of Mankind. - Montaigne,( Michel), Essais. - - Bib. and Phys. Hist. of Man. - Montesquieu, (Euvres: Essais. - Pickering (C.), The Races of men. - Oxford English Prize Essays. - Prichard (J. C.), Applicat. of Philol. researches to. - Oxford Essays, 1855. researches to. - Parker (T.), Crit. and Misc. writings. - - Ethnog. of High Asia. - Playfair, Works, vol. 4. - Pruner, Der Altsegyptisch. Menschenrace. - Prescott (W. H.), Biog. and Crit. Misc. raft, Agic Researches. -- Schoolcraft, Algic Researches. - Smith (Sydney), Works. Oneota - Stephen (Sir J.), Crit. and Misc. Ess. T -- Smyth (T.), Unity of races proved. - Sterling (John), Essays and Tales. - Van Amringe, of Man. - Story (Joseph), Misc. writings. - See Indians (American); Man. -- Taylor (H.), Notes from life. ETIQUETTE. Chapone (Mrs.), Works. -Notes from books. - Chevigni, La Science des personnes de - Taylor (Jane), Contr. of Q. Q. la cour. - Trumbull ( S.), The Patriot, Repub. - Dinocourt, Cours de Morale sociale. essays. - Dodd (C. R.), Manual of Etiquette. e- Tuckr (H. -S.), Es. on taste, mor - Galateo, or Treatise on politeness. - Walsh (R.), Didactics. - Gayot, Esprit des convers. agreables. -- Webster (N.), Essays. - Gracien, L'I-omme Universel. - Whipple (E. P.), Essays and Reviews. - Laws of Etiquette. SUBJECTS. 879 ETIQUETTE: EUROPE, POLITICS OF: - Wagstaff, Collection of conversations. - James (G. P. R.), Hist. of Chivalry. - See Customs. - Laing, Notes on France, Prussia, etc. ETON. Jesse (E.), Favorite haunts. - Musgrave, Balance of power in. EUGENE (Prince). Dumont, Veldslagen den - Portfolio, Lond. 1843. Prins. I - Rousset de Missy, Les intdrfts presens EUROPE, HISTORY OF: des puissances. - Abbott (J. S. C.), Kings and Queens. - Schmidt-Phiseldek, Europe and Amer. - Alison (A.), Hist. from French Rev. - Thdremin, Des interlts des puiss. con- Beamish, Hist. of the King's German tinentales. Legion. - Urquhart (D.), Myst. of the Danube. - Bradford (W.), Corresp. of Charles V. - Zimmerman, Political survey of. - Brougham, Hist. Sketc. of Statesmen. - See Diplomacy. - Boucicaut, IHistoire, 1378 - 1415. EUROPE, TRAVELS IN: - Comyn, Rise of the Western Empire. - Baird (R.), Visit to Northern Europe, - Du Mont, Veldslagen den P. Eugenius, 1840. etc. - Bartol (C. A.), Pictures of Europe. - Dunham, Hist. in the middle ages. - Benjamin (Rabbi), Trav. through, to - Entick, Gen. History of the late war, China. 1'775. - Bernard (R. B.), France, Switzerland, - Froissart, Chronicles of; Fr. and Eng. etc. - Gibbon, Decl. of Roman Empire. -- Breckenridge; Memoranda of for. trayv. - Gould, Alison's Europe abridged. - Brooks (C.), Remarks on Europe. - Guizot, HIist. of civilization in. - Browne (E.), Travels on Continent. - Hallam, View of, in the middle ages. - Bruen (M.), Essays.... on scenes in. - Koch, Hist. des traites de paix. - Bryant (W. C.), Letters of a traveller. - Manley, Memoirs of Europe, by Egi- - Brydges (Sir F.), Recoil. of for. trav. nardus. - Buckingham, Belgium, Switzerland, - Merle d'Aubigne, Germany and Great etc. Britain. - Burnet (G.), Travels in. - Monstrelet, Chron. of England, France, - Burr (Aaron), Journal of residence in. Spain, etc. - Butler (Mrs. F. K.), Year of Consola- Robertson (W.), Hist. of Charles V. tion. - Russell (Win.), Hist. of, anc. and mod. - Calvert, Scenes and thoughts in. - Russell (M.), View of, anc. and mod. - Carter (N. H.), Letters from. - Swinburne ( H.), Courts of Europe, - Catlin, Eight years residence in. 1800. -- Colman (II.), Eur. life and manners. - Ungewitter, Europe, past and present. - Clarke (J. F.), Eleven weeks in. - Walkenier, )t Verwerd Europa, 1675. - Colton (W.), Notes on Fr. and Italy. - Wright (J.), Hist. of War in Europe, Cooper (J. F.), Recollections of. Asia and America,. - Copway (G.), Running sketches. EUROPE, POLITICS OF: Coryat, Crudities. - Adair (Sir R.), Mission to Vienna, - Cor 1806. ~~~~~-1806. -Corson, Loiterings in. - Barnard (D. D.), Aspect of, 1854. - Cox, (S. S.), A Buckeyeabroad. - Bignon, Les Cabinets depuis 1815. - Coxe (W.), Tr. in Russia, Sweden, etc. - Brougham, Colonial Policy of. - Dewey (O.), Old World and New. - -Coalition (La) et la France. - Dodge (R.), Sketches in Eur. tour. - Chateaubriand, Congress of Verona. - Durbin, Observations in. - Echard, The Gazetteer's or Newsnan's - Fish (W.), Travels in. Interpreter. - Furniss, The Old World. - Eustaphieve, Predic. of the events of. - George (W. C.), A Year abroad. - Everett (A. H.), Gen. Survey of Eur. - Greeley (H.), Glances at. powers. -- Griscom, A year in. - Freelichilus, Biblioth. sive Cynos. Per- roelighrus Blioth. sive Cynos. Pe- EHaight, Letters from the Old world. - Genlis, Memoirs of. - Headley (J. T.), Rambles and sketches. Genlis, Memoirs of. - Humphrey ( H.), G. Britain, France, - Heeren, Man. hist du systeme politique Humphey (H.) G. Britain, France, olland(Lord),or. Reminiscences. JacoB elgir. M. - Holland (Lord), For. Reminiscences. Jacob (W.) View of tbe Agr. Maii. etc. 880 INDEX TO EUROPE, TRAVELS IN: EXHIBITIONS: - Keatinge, Trav. in Eur, and Afr. - World of Science, N. Y. Exhib. - Keysler, Tray. in Germany, Hungary, - Wyatt, 11th French Exposition. Bohemia. - Kimball (R. B.), Romance of student life. F. - Kirkland (Mrs.), Holidays abroad. FACETIAE. See Humour. - Matthews (II.), Diary of an invalid. - Mitchell (D. G.), Fresh Gleanings. FALCK (A. R.). Kestelout, Hulde a.n de Nagedachtenis van. - Mitchell (J.), Notes from over sea. FALRLAND IS. Bougainville, Voyage to. - Mott (V.), Travels in Europe and the FARMINGTON, CONN. Porter (N.) jr., Iist. East. discourse. - Moore (J.), Soc. and manners in Fr. FAROE ISLANDS. Edin. Cab. Lib. vol. 28. etc. Landt (G.), Description of. - Murray (N.), Men and things.... in. FEDERALISTS. See U. S. Government; De- Pollnitz, Trav. through Poland, Germ. mocracy; Republic; Am. War 1812. Eng. etc. etFELTUS (Rev. Mr.). Jones (C.), Appeal to - Prime (S. J.), Travels in Eur. and the the church. East. FENELON. Butler (C.), Life of. - Ray, in1 Harris, vol. 1. FICIITE. Wieland, De Hoogduits. Clarissa. - ives, Residence in. - Rives, Residence in. FICTION, ENGLISH AND TRANSLATIONS: - Rolamb (N.), Jour. to Constantinople. - Ainsworth, Windsor Castle. - Sansom (Joseph), Letters from. - Sansom (Joseph), Letters from. - Alexis, or the Young adventurer. - Schroeder, Shores of the Mediterranean. - Amadis of Gaul of Lobeyra. - Sedgwick (C. M.), Letters from abroad. -Arabian Nights Entertainments. - Sherlock, Lettres daun Voyageur An- Arblay (D'), The Wanderer. - Smith (Sir J. E.), Tour on the Cont. - Borrow, Lavengro. - Smith (J. J.), Jaunt across the water. - Brackenridge (H. H.), Mod. Chivalry. - Smith (J. J.), Jaunt across the w ater. - - Stephens ( J. S.), Incidents of Tr. in Bremer (F.), Works. Turkey and lRussia. -- Bront6, Wuthering Heights. - Talfourd (T. N.), Vacation Rambles. - Brown (C. B.), The Novels of. - Taylor (B.), Views a-foot. - Br-Lnton, Self Control. - Thackeray (W. M.), Cornhill to Cairo. - Bulwer, Pilgrims of the Rhine. - Tour in Germany, Eng. etc. 1826 - 28. - - Harold. - Upham (T. C.), Letters from. - Bulwer (Lady), Cheveley. - Wall-st. Bear in. - Bunyan, Pilgrim's Progress. - Wallace (H. B.), Art and Scenery in. - Carleton, Traits of the Irish Peasantry. W- are (W.), Sketches of Eur. capitals. - Carlyle (T.), German Romance, trans. - Wilson (W. R.), Records of a route - Cervantes, Don Quixote, through. Exemplary Novels. Wraxall, Tour in Northern. - Chateaubriand, The Martyrs. - Wright (E.), Tr. in France, Italy, etc. - Children's Week. - See Travels in the several countries of. - Cooper (J. F.), Novels and Tales. EVARTS (J.). Tracy (E. C.), Life of. - Cunningham ( J. W.), World without EVESH.Ar. Tindal, Antiquities of. Souls. EwING (C. J.). Southard (S. L.), Eulog.- - Velvet Cushion. on. - - Pneumanee. EXCHANGE. See Finance; Currency; Curtis (N. M.), Bride of the Northern Banking. Wilds. EXHIBITIONS. Amer. Inst. of City of N.Y. - Dana (R. H.), Prose Writings. Art Journal, Illus. Cat. Lond. Exhib. - Day (T.), Sandford and Merton. - Exhibition of London, Catalogues. - De Foe, Works. Reports of Juries. - Diary of Lady Willoughby. Exposition des Prod. de l'Ind. Fran9. - Dickens, Battle of life. - Mass. Char. Mech. Assoc. Exhib. - - Oliver Twist. New-York Exhibition, 1853. - - Bleak House. Johnson ( B. P.), Report on London - D'IsraEli, Henrietta Temple. Exhib. - Dixon (C. H.), Scenes in Practice. SUBJECTS. 881 FICTION: FICTION: - Eastman, Aunt Phillis's Cabin. - Kip (L.), The Volcano diggings. - Elton (P. S.), The Piedmontese envoy. - Knapp (S. L.), Tales of the Garden of - Edgeworth (M.), Belinda. Kosciusko. - Castle Rackrent. - Lamartine, Raphael. -- Le Brun, History of Tekeli. Harrington. - Leggett (W.), Naval Stories. - Fenelon, Adventures of Telemachus. - Lc Sage, Gil 3las. - Fielding (H.), Works. - Lights and Shadows of German life. - Florian, Eleazar and Naphtali. - Locke Amsden, or the Schoolmaster. - Galt (J.), Annals of the Parish. - Locke ( R. A.), Discov. at Good Hope. - - Ayrshire Legatees. - Lookhart (J. G.), Reginald Dalton. - ASir Andrew Wylie. - - Passages in the life of Adam Blair. -- The Provost and other tales. Longfellow, Kavanagh. - - The Entail. - Hyperion. - Gebel Teir, Mountain of birds. - Longstreet (A. B.), Georgia scenes. - Goodwin, Caleb Williarims. - Mackenzie (H.), Man of Feeling; Julia - odwin, Calb Roubign6. - Goethe, Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship. - McLeod, Pynnshurst. - - Novels and Tales. - Martineau (H.), Times of the Saviour. - - Sorrows of Werther. - Mary Hollis. Goldsmith, Vicar of WVakefield. - Maturin, Fatal Revenge. - Grattan ( T. C.), Agnes de Mansfield. - Mayo (W. S.), Romance Dust. Haliburton, Nature and Human Nat. - - The Berber. - Hall (B. R.), Frank Freeman's Bar- - Melville, Mardi. ber's Shop. - - oby Dick, or the Whale. - Hall (J.), Wilderness and War-path. - - Israel Potter. - Legends of the West. - Moir, Life of Mansie Wauch. The Soldier's Bride. - Moore (J.), Zeluco, Works, vol. 5. - - Harpe's Head. - - Edward, Works, vol. 6. Tales of the Border. - - Mordaunt, Works, vol. 7. Hawkstone, A tale of England. - Moore (T.), Epicurean. - Hawthorne, House of the seven gables. - More (H.), Coelebs. - The Scarlet letter. -- Paulding, The Dutchman's Fireside. - - The Blithedale Romance. - The Old Continental. Twice-told Tales. - - The Puritan and his Daughter.,- Mosses from an old Manse. - Peacock, Headlong Hall; Night-mare - Hesitation. Abbey. H- Poe (E. A.), Works, vol. 1. - Hoffman (C. F.), The Greyslaer. -- Porter (W. S.), Quarter Race in Ken- Hoffman (D.), CLron. of Cartaphilus. tucky. - Hogg (J.), Tales and Sketches. - Pulszly, Tales of Hungary. - Hook (T.), Sayings and doings. - Rabelais, Works. - Hope (T.), Anastasius. - Robinson (S.), Hot Corn. - Howitt, Our Cousins in Ohio. - Roche, Children of the Abbey. - - Stories of Engl. and For. life. - Ruth Hall. - Hunt (HR), Panthea, the Spirit of nat. - Scott (Sir W.), Novels. - Independent (The). - Seatsfield,Works. - Ingelo, Bentivolio and Urania. - Selgwick (. M.), New Eng. Tales - Irving (J. T.), The Attorney. - - The Traveller. - James (G.R.P.), Rose d'Albret. - - Hope Leslie, - Johnson (S.), Rasselas, Works, vol. 5. - - Clarence. Judson (E.), The Kathayan Slave. - Sedgwick (T.), Alida. - Justina, or the Will. - Sims (W. G.), Southward Ho! - Kennedy (J. P.), Rob of the Bowl. - - The Maroon. - Swallowbarn. - - Richard Hurdis. - - Horseshoe Robinson. - Sir Roger de Coverley. - Kimball (R. B.), Saint Leger, -- Sixty Years of Jeremy Lewis. [GEN. LIB, 1855,1 111 882 INDEX TO FICTION: FICTION, IN FRENCH, DUTCH, ETC: - Smollett (T.), Works. - Villedieu, Les Exilez. - Stael (Dc), Corinna. FILIBUSTIERS. See Buccaneers. - Sterne (Laurenclc) Works. FILL3ORE (M.). IFillmore (J.), Biog. of. - Stoe (W..) Ups ancle o's Cn. FINANCES. Bristed (J.), Bankruptcy of Gt. - Stone (X. L.), Ups and downs. Britain. - - Tales and Sketchcs. - Browne's Bank. and Mere. Table. Swift (J.), Works. - Swift (J), Works. - Cohen, Compendium of. - Thaclkcray ('Winl.), The Newcolnes. - Cory, Treatise on Accounts. - - The Luck of Barny Lyndon - Dew, Law of Credit. - Things by their right names. Diet. de Comm., Banque, etc. - Tupper (MiI. F.), Works. - Elliot (J.), Funding System of U.S. - Walpole (H.), Works, Cas. of Otranto. and G. B. - W~ard (R. P.), Ilust. of lhurnmn life. - Francis (J.), Chron. of the Stock Ex- Ware ( W.), Aurelian, or IRome in 3d change. cent. - Gallatin, Sketch of Finances of U. S. - - Letters froln Palmyra. - Grenville (G.), Admin. des Finances - Julian, or Scenes in Judc. d'Angleterre. - Warren (S.), TWrorks. - Jcerres, Equation of Payments. - ~W~atterston, The Lawvyer. - Josseau, Cr'dit foncier et agricole. -- White ('l'he) Slave. - McCulloch, Principles of taxation. - WVhittier, Leaves froni M. Smiths Jour.. - Nolte, Fifty years in both hemispheres..167. - Rosaz, Elmens.... des changes Etran. - Wirt, Letters of the British Spy. gers. - Wood (G.), Modern Pilgrims. - Rvlett, Tables of Interest. -- Young (The) Eato grant. - Young (The) Emlgrant. - Sedgwick (T.), What is Monopoly? - Young Patroon, 1690. - Tate, Modern Cambist. -'Sec Litera-ture. - Trotter, Observations on Public debt of FICTION, IN FRENCII, DUTCn, ETC. the States. - Adeline et Solignac. - Turgot, (Euvres. - Arlincourt (DI), De Pelgrim. - Usury Explailed. - Balzac, Les Petits Mlan6 es. - Waterston, Cyclopsedia of Commerce. - Barclay (J.), Argenis. - See Banks; Currency; Polit. Econ. - Chauveau, Charles Guerin. FINE ARTS: - Dudevant, Jeanne. - Agincourt, Hist. of Art. - Dumas, Le Batard de Mauldon. - Allston (W.), Leptpres on Art. - Femrn (Les) Militaires. - Alphen ( Van), Theorie der Schoener Fenelon, Aventures de Telemaque. K.dnsten. - Genlis, Alphonsu-s. - Am. Art Union, Trans. and Bulletin. - Gilbert, oun le Po' te malheureux. - Art Journal, Lond. 1847-54. - Goethe, Hermann und Doro.thea. - Barbarigo-Pisani, Lettere su le belle - Janhen, De Dienstmeid. arte. - Leven van Till Uilenspiegel. - Bromley, Hist of. - Libertin (Le) devenu vertueun. - Cary (T. G.), Address on. -- Marmontel, Les Incas. - Cleghorn, Ant. and Modern Art. - Mayer, Asgill, ou les disordres des - Decker, Der Friedhof. guerres civiles. - idron, Christian Iconography.. - Mouhy, La Paysanne parvenue. - Eastlake, Lit. of the Fine Arts. -- Onderaardsche Reis van Klim. - Eidwards (E.), Administ. Economy of. - Paiih, Voyage au hasard. - Ellis, Elgin:and Phigaleian Marbles. - Petrarch, Le Sage r'solu. -- - Towviley Qallery of Sculpture. - Princesse (La) de ClOves. - Elmes, Letterto'T. Hope on. - Puymaigre, Aquarelles. - Explan. of painted Windows at Gonda. - Roomangnesi, Collection des Romances, - Flaxman, Illustrations of Danti, He. etc. siod, e~c. - Rousseau (J. J.), (Euvres. - - Lectures on Sculpture. - Saint Pierre (J. H. B.), (Euvres. - Forbin, Portefeuilledu Comte Fo - Stael (De), Corinne. - Fougeroux, Fabrique des mosasiques. SUBJECTS. 883 FI-N ARTS: FLAX. Claussen, The Flax Movement. - Great Britain, Report on the Elgin - Kindt, Industrie Linire. Marbles..FLETCHER. Darley, Life of. - Godd6, Cat. de livres, etc. relatifs aux FLOOD (H ). Flood (W.), Memoirs of. arts. FLORENCE, Bruto, IHistoria Florentina. Goethe, Essay on Art; -- Napier (I I. E.), Florentine IHist. to - Huntington (D.), A General View of. - er (. II. - Jahn, Vasensammlung.. zu M.;nchen. - Machiavelli, -ist. of Florence. - Jarves (J. J.), Art lints. - Poggio, Historia Florentina. See Italy. Jonge (J. C. de), M/dailles et Pierres FLORIDA. Bartram (.), Account of East gravces, La Haye. Florica. - K6ratry, Du beau dans les arts, etc. - Cardenas, Ensayo Cronologico. Klotz, Der alten geschnittenen Steine. - Citri, ist. e a Conquestede. Lefvre, Ls Muss en FraCohen, Campaigns in, 1836. Lester, The Artist, Merchant, etc. - Mines, Hist. of Sculpture, Painting - lorida Dicov. by D Soto. and Architecture. - Florida, Discoy. by De Soto. and Architecture. - - Morse (S. F. B.), Discourse on, and- Fontaneda, Memoir onl. Reply. - Forbes (J. G.), Sketches of. -- M;ller (E.), DonaustaufundWalhalla. - Garcilasso, ConquPte de la. Musie de Bordeaux. - Gourges, La Reprinse de la. M- usfe du Louvre. - Iutchins (T.), Description of West. - Musie du Luxembourg. - Irving (T.), Conquest of Florida. - Musfe de Peinture, etc.-de Belgique. - Jackson (A.), Corresp. on Seminole War. - Nat. Acad. of Design, N. Y. aar. - Nat. Gallery, Ljondon. - ulonniere, Histoire de; ct trois Voy. - Netherlands, Schilderijen van het K. - Leoyne, Brevis Narr-tio. Kabinet. - Menendez, Mendoza:s Voyage to. - Paterson (M. C.), Address, An. Acad. - Nunez, Narrative of, 1527. Quatrem're de Quincy, Essai sur - Ribaut, Voyage, 1566. - Roberts (W.),Account of Discovery of. - Reynolds (Sir J.), Literary Works. - Sewall, Sketches of St. Augustine. - Ripley, Hand-book of Lit. and. - Soto, Narrative of Exp. to. - Schlegel. Letters on Christian Art. - Sprague (J. T.), Origin, etc. of War. - Sulzer (J. G.), Alg. Theorie der Schce- - Stork (W.), Description of 1769. nen Kinste. - Vignoles, Observations on. - Trumbull (J.), Encouragement of. - Verplak Ad.) c d - Williamls (J. L.), West Florida. - Verplanck, Add. Am. Acad. - - Sketches of lorida. - Waagen, Treasures of Art in Gt. Brit. - Waagn, Treasures of Art in Gt. Brit. FLORIS (Graaf). Becloo, Orde van St. Jacob. - Wallace (H. B.), Art.... in Europe. FOOTEFAMILY. Goodwin, TheFootefamily. -Wincklemann, Hist. of Anc. Art. Wincklemann st of An Art. FOOTE (S.). Cooke (W.), Memoirs of. Visconti, (Euvres; Musfc Pie Cl6men- Visconti, n. uvres; Muse Pi Clmen- FORBES (D.). Burton (J. H.), Life of. - - Monumens du Musge Chiaramonti.J FORD. Coleridge (H.), Lives Brit. Dram. See Engraving; Music; Painting; FORT GRnISWOLD. Downer's Narrative of ~~~Taste. ~Capture. PINLEY (R.). Brown (I. V.), Memoirs. FossILs: FISHERIES. Browne (J. R.), Etchings of - Agassiz, Monographiedes poissons foss. Whaling Cruise. - - Recherches sur les poissons foss. - Cheever, The Whale and its Captors. - Ansted (D.'P.), The Ancient World. - Macpherson, Annals of Commerce and. - Artis, Antediluvian Phytology. - Macy, Hist,. of Nantucket. - Barrande, Graptolites de Boh- me. - Sabine (L.), Report on the principal. - Blainville, MIm. sur les Belemnites. Walton (I.), Complete Angler. - Boeck, Graptolitherne - Zorgdrager, Groenlandsche Vischery. - Brander (G.), Hampshire Foss. 1829. FISHES. See Ichthyology. - Braun, Verzeichniss der.. zu Bayreuth FISK (Wilbur). HIoldich (J.), Life of. befirndl. Petrefacten FITCH (J.). Whittlesey (C.), Life of. Brongniart, Hist. des V-g'taux foss. FITZGERALD (Lord E.). Moore (T.), Life of. - Buckland, Reliquie Diluvians. FLATBtSH, N. Y. Strong (S. M.), Rist. of. - Burmeister, Organiz. of Trilobites. 884 INDEX TO FOSSILS: FOSSILS: - Conrad, Tert. Form. of N. America. - Trotter (J. B.), Life of. - Crawfurd, Ava, Fossils in..- Walpole, Recollections of. - Cuvier, Recherches sur les ossemens FRAMINGHAM, Ms. Barry (W.), History of. foss. - Darwin (C.), Fossil Lepadidto. FRANCE, HISTORY OF. Abrantes (Duchesse d'), Memoirs. —. -- Fossil Cirripedia'; - - Fossil Cirripedia. - Adolphus, Hist. of, 1790-1802. - Edwards (F. E.), Eocene Mollusca, - A ~~~~~Eng. -- Avausx (D'), Negotiations. - Edwrds (I. M.), Recherches sur les - Barante, Hist. des Dues de Bourgogne. Polypiers. - Bassompierre, Memoires. British Fossil Corals. - Blanc (L.), History of, 1830-40. - Ehrenberg, Mikrogeologie. - Bonaparte (N.), Istoria di Napoleone. - Forbes (E.), Echinodermata of Brit. - Bonfils, Hist. de la Marine Francaise. Tertiaries. - GibbTertiaries. Mosasanr- Bush, Memoirs of the Queens of. - Gibbes: On Mosasaurus. - Campan, Court of Marie Antoinette. - Goldfuss, Petrefacta Germanieyet, Gerre sous Henri IV. - Green (J.), Monog. on the Trilobites. - Hist. de 1a Paix. - Inferior surface of Trilobites. Choisy, Memoires de Louis XIV. - Haldeman Writings. - Haldeman, Writings. - Collezione di Carte, Venezia, 1806-07. - Hall(J.), Castoroides Ohioensis. Commines, Memoirs, Louis VI, Charles - Hill (John), History of, VIII. - Hisinger, Lethea Suecica. - Comyn, Hist. of the Western Empire. - Hodgson ( W. B.), Megatherium of - Cooke (J. H.), Narrative of Events in. eorgia. - Costello, Bearn and the Pyrenees. - Jones (T. R.), Entomostraca of Cretac. - Crowe, History of. formation. - Cuvelier, Chron. de Bertrand du Gues- King (W.), Permian Fossils of Eng. clin. - Koninck, Monogr. des genres Productus Dangean, Memoirs of the Court, 1684et Chonetes. 1720. - Lea (I.), Fossil Footmarks, Pottsville, - Davila, Hist. of Civil Warres of. Pa. - Depping, Correspondance sous Louis - -- Mollusk from Red Sandstone. XIV. - Leidy, Ancient Fauna of Nebraska. - Du Bouchet, Seconde et troisidme ligne - Lindley, Fossil Flora of G. B. royale. - Mantell, Fossils of Sussex. - Du Hausset, Private Memoirs of. - - Fossils and their Teachings. - Etudes Politiques et historiques. - Martin (W.), Knowledge of Extrane- - Fantin, Hist. de la Ripub. FranVaise. ous Fossils. - Flassan, Hist. de la Diplomatie Fran- Mitchill (S. L.), Organic Remains, Cat?aise. of. - France, Documents sur l'Histoire de. - Morris (J.), Mollusca from the great - Grasse, Combat Naval du 12 Avr. 1796. Oolite. - Headley (J. T.), The Imp. Guard of - New-York Nat. Hist. Palseontology. Napoleon. - Owen (R.), Brit. Foss. Reptiles and - Hist. of Eng. and France, under House Mammalia. of Lancaster. - Parkinson, Exam. of Mineral Remains. - James (G. P. R.), Lives of Henry I, - Phillips (J.), Fossils of Cornwall, and Louis XIV. Devon. - Lamartine, Hist. of Rest. of the Mo- Pritchard (A.), History of Infusoria. narchy. - Wood (S. V.), Crag Mollusca, Eng. - Langon, Evenings with Cambaceres. - Warren (J. C.), Mastodon giganteus. - Lettres de l'Armfe en Egypte. - Woodward (S. P.), Manual of the Mol- - Margaret de Valois, Memorials. lusca. - Michelet, History of. - Seae Geology. - Money, History of Campaign of 1792. FOSTER (N.). Simms (J. B.), Life of. - Mornay (P. de), Histoire de la Vie de. FOURIER (C.). Gal. des Contem. vol. 10, - Palgrave, Hist. of Normandy and Eng. Vie de. - Pardoe, Louis XIV and the Court of. - Pellarin (C.), Life of.. - - Court of Francis I. Fox (C. J.). Parr (S ), Character of. - Philippe d'Orleans, Regent. SUBJECTS. 885 FRANCE, HISTORY OF: FRANCE, REVOLUTION, 1830: - Pradt, La Restauration en 1814. - Sarrans (B.), Mem. of Lafayette. Les Quatre Concordats. FRANCE, REVOLUTION, 1848. Corkran, Hist. R- aikes, France since 1830. Nat. Assem. - Ranken (A.), Hist. of. - Lamartine, Hist. of Rev. of 1848. - Read (Charles), Henri IV. - Mitchell (D. G.), The Battle Summer. - Recueil de Pi!ces officielles. - St. John (P. B.), French Rev. in 1848. - Rets (Card.), Memoirs. FRANCE, MISCELLANEOUS: - Segur (Le Comte de), Hist. de. - Adams (J.), Discourses on Davila. - Sihorne, Hist. of War, 1815. - American Claims on France. Siborne, Hist. of War, 1815. Aristocratie en France. - Smedley (E.), Hist. of France. - Aristocratic en France. - Soc. de l'Hist. de France. - Berry, Social Life in Eng. and France. - Solulavie, Hist. Mem. of Louis XVI. - Bulwer (H. L.), France, social. - Sully (Due de), Memoirs. - - Monarchy of the Middle Ages. - Taylor (W. C.), Mem. of House of Or- - Calonne, De l'tat de.... a venir. leans. - Charriere, Negotiations dans le Levant. - Thierry, Hist. Ess. Scenes of 6th Cen- - Claviere, France et les Etats Unis. tury. - Cormenin, Orators of France. - Thizrs, Hist. of Consulate and Empire. - Duplessy, Chemins de fer de l'Alsace. - Tommaseo, Relations.. au xvi' siecle. - Duvergier, Politique de la - Turgot, (Euvres. - Estrades, Lettres et NKgotiations. - Varin, Archives, Ville de Reims. - Golnitz, Itinerarium Belgico-Gallicum. - Wraxall, Hist. under House of Valois. _- Guizot, Democracy in. See Napoleon I, III. - Harper (R. G.), Works; U. S. and Fr., FRANCE REVOLUTION, 1789-93. Baines(E.), 1797, 98. Hist. of the Wars of. - Holstein (Baroness), Appeal, against - Barruel, Mem. on Hist. Jacobinism. the Continental System. - Jal, Mem. sur les trois couleurs natio- Bouille, Memoirs relating to. nales. - Burke (E.), Reflections on. - La Serre, Essais sur la Marine de. - Carlisle (T.), French Revolution. - Mairobert, L'Espion Anglois. - Dumas (Count), Memoirs of his own - aurent, Cours ds receveurs des comTime. m s Time. - Laurent, Cours des receveurs des communes. - Dumourier, Correspondance avec Pache. - in H a. — Necker, Finances of, 1781. - Fantin, Hist. Phil. do la. - Overbury (Sir T.), Observations on. - Fasti della. - Renneville, Coutumes Gauloises. - Lamartine, History of the Girondists. - Satyre Menippie. - Latude, Account of the Bastille. Sketch of Military System of - Mackintosh (Sir J.), Defence of. - United States, Mess. of Prest. 1836-48. - Mallet du Pan, Mem. and Corresp. il - Walsh (H.), Genius of the French Govt. lustrative of. FRANCE, TRAVELS IN: - Mignet, History of. FRANCE, TRAVELS IN: - Moore (J.), Caluses and Progress of. - Berrian (W.), Travels in, and Italy. - Paine (T.), Answer to the Attack of - Blessington (Countess), Idler in Fr. Mr. Burke. - Breval, Tr. through, and the Low Coun-tries. - Playfair, History of Jacobinism. - Proyart, Louis XVI dccapiti. - Cass (L.), Its King, Court, etc. - HahautPicis Histriquedo. - Cooper (J. F.), Residence in. - Rabaut, Prgcis Historique de. - Reign of Terror. - Cradock (J.), Lit. Mem. Travels in. - Dumas, Pictures of Travel in. - Sketch of, and of Napoleon. - Somerville (W. C.), Letters from Pa- Faber, Sketches of France. ris on. - James (J.), Sketches of Travel in Italy and. - Stael (Mme. de), Considerations on. - Thiers, Hist. of French Revolution. Louis XVIII, Voyage Bruxelles -- lrime, Voy. dans l'0uest de. FRANCE, REVOLUTION, 1830. Blanc ( L.), Hist. of, 1830-40. - - Voyage en Auvergne, - Cochrane, The Great Week in Paris. - Moore (J.), Journ. of Residence in. - Corbiere, Les Trois Journues. - Pardoe, The River and the Desert. - Events in Paris, July 1830. - Pinkney (Col.), Tr. in South of. - Morgan (Lady), France in 1829, 30. i — Simpson (J.),:Paris after Waterloo. 886 INDEX TO FRANCE, TRAVELS IN: FREE TRADE: - Stearns (S.), Tour from London to, - Report of Comm. of Citizens of Boston, Paris. 1828. Steffens, Adventures, 1813, 14. - Review of II. G. Otis's Speech. - Thicknesse, Journey through. - Turgot, (Euvres, Libert6 du comm. des - Youni (A.), Travels in, 1787. grains. - Willard (E.), Jour. and letters from.erce; Polit. Econ. - See Europe, Travels in. FRIENDS (Society of). Barclay (R.), Apology for the.... Quakers. FRANCE, COLONIES OF: FRANCE, COLOgNIES Oe: I- Benezet, Sur lOrigine de Quakers. - Besse, Collection of the sufferings of. - Dcpons, Commerce avec les deux Indes. _ - Bishop (G.), N. E. judged: answer to - Expos5 de la situation actuelle, 1822. C. Mather. - Jeffery, Iist. of Sp. and Fr. dominion - Cockburn (J.), Disorders and divis. of. in Axmerica. - Cox (S. H.), Quakerism and Christian. - Malouet, M6m. sur l'administration de. - Croese Gen. Hist. of the. Mntmoires des Commissaires. - Greer, Quakerism. - Petit, Sur le gouv. des esclaves. - Petit, Surdle gouvdes esciaves. - Gurney (J. J.), Relig. peculiarities of. - Recueil de difrentes pieces. - Sewell (W.), History of. - Recueil dipl. du commerce, 1784. -- Society of Friends. - See Amer. Wars 1743-59; Colonies; - St Guyana; St. Domingo; Voy. etc..), Life of. FRANCE, REFUGEES FRO.M. Discov. of slan. - Truth Vindicated. against, 1708. - Vindication firom "Quakerism". - See Protestantism. FRIGNANO. Tondini, Meom. della vita. FRANKLIN (B.). Franklin (B.), life of. FROISSART. La Curne (De), Life of. - Holley (0. L.), Life of. FRUIT. Downing, Fruit trees of America. Smith (W.), Works, Eul. on. - Forsyth, Management of fruit trees. - Weems, Life of. - Hovey (C. M.), The Fruits of America. - Weld (H. H.), Narr. of his life. - Lindley, Pomologia Britannica. - Wynne's Lives. - North Am. Pomolog. Convention. FRANKLIN Co. N. Y. Hough (F. B.), His- - Thomas (J. J.), Am. Fruit-culturist. tory of. - Vermont Fruit Conv. FRANKLIN (Sir J.). Kennedy ( W.), Voy. - See Agriculture; I-orticulture. of the Prince Albert. FRYEBURG, ME. Davies( C. S.), Address, - Weld (C. R.), The Search for. commeon. at. - See Arctic Travels; Voyages, Arctic. FUEL. Bull (Marcus), Compar. value of. FRANKLIN (W.), Whitehead (W. A.), Life - Prideaux (F. S.), On Economy of. of. - See Ventilation; Coal. FREDERICK I OF PRUSSIA. Jablonski, Me- FULTON (R.). Cartwrigfht's (E.), Mem. of. moria.... Mlonumentum. - Colden (C. D.), Life of. - Kugler (F.), Campaigns of. - Kuglr (F.), Capns of. - Duer (W. A.), Letter to C. D. Colden FREDERICK II. Dover (Lord), Life of. on his life of. *- Grimm et Diderot, Correspondence. - Livingston, Petition respecting steamFREE MASONRY. See Masonry. boats. FREE TRADE. Assoc. Belge, Libertr com- - Morris (G.), Correspondence with. merciale/. - Renwick (J.), Life of. - Brown (C. B.), Address to Congress. - Wynnes lives. - Carey (M.), Views on the Lib. system. FUTURE STATE. See Christian evidences; - Chaptal, Impost duti:es. Soul; Universalism. - Dunckley (A.), The Charter of the Nations. - Essay on. G. - Finch, Town dues.... free trade, etc.), Letter concer- Free Trade convention. ning. - Gladstone, Intended repeal of the Corn GALILEO. Brewster (Sir D.), Life of. laws. GALLAUDET (T. H.). Barnard (H, ), Dis- Lherbette, De la libert5 comnmer. course on. Pamphlets, vol. 153. GALVANISM. See Electricity. - Raguet, Principles of. GAMES. See Amusements. SUBJECTS. 837 GANGES. Raper, Narrative.... source of GENEALOGY AND GENEAL. MEMIOIRS: GARDENING. SeC Horticulture. - Lower, English surnames. GARDINER (J.). Doddridge (P.), Life of. - Moody, Moody family. GAS. Clegg, Manuf. and Distribution of. - New-Eng. Hist. Geneal. Soc. Register. - New-Orleans Gas-light Comp. report. - Nichols (J.), Collec. of Royal wills. GAY-LUSSAC (M.). G.1. des Contem. vol. -- Otis (H. N.), Family of Richard Otis. 6, vie de. -- Pease (F. S.), Geneal. of I. Lawrence. GAZETTEERS, UNIVERSAL: - - Descendants of J. Pease. - Baldwin (T.), Universal Gaz. 1845. - Playfair, British family antiquity. - Blackie (-vV. G.), Imperial Gazetteer.- Reed (W. D.), Leonard family. Brooke's Universal Gaz. - Smith (T.), Journal, Portland, Me. Corneille ( T.), Diet. Univ. Geog. et - Thayer (E.), Family Memorial. -list - Thomas (W. J.), The Book of.... the Crutwell, Universal Gaz. 1800. English gentry. Dizionario di Geog. 1797. - Topographer andgenealogist. - Edinburgh Gazetteer. - Turner (J.), Fain. of 11. Turner. - Harper's Statist. Gaz. 1855. - Ward (A. H.), Ward family. - Hubner, Kouranten-Tolk, of. - Warren (J. C.), Warren fam. Landmann (G.), Universal Gaz. - Williams (S. W.), Williams family. McCulloch, Universal Gaz. - Winsor (J.), Hist. of Duxbury. Malham's Naval Gaz. - See Heraldry. Morse, Universal Gaz. GENESEE. Williamson, Description of. - Peuchet, Diet de la Geog. commercante. GEODESY. Cassani, Montres marines. - Scott, United States, 1795. - Chabert, Horloges marines. - Thomas (J.), Complete pronouncing, La Condamine, Voy. - 1'Equateur. 1855. - Massachusetts Surv. trigonometrical. - Universal Gazetteer, London, 1760. S W;Patson Geow. Dict. 1773. - See Coast Surveys; Geography. Gs..GEOGRAPHY. Ansted, Elem. Course of - Worcester (J. E.), Universal Ga. phys geog. - See Geography; History; U. States - Anville (D'), Ancient Geog. and the Several States, etc. GENEALOGY AND G;ENEAL,. MEuICEo r-ns: - Audiffret, Geog. anc. mod. et hist. - Belle-Forest, L'Hist. univ. du monde. Abbot (A.), Reg. of G. Abbot. - da (.) Aamfmily. - Bigland (J.), Geog. View of the world. -Adam (WV.), Adam family. - Botero, Le Relationi universali. ]Barry (J. S.), Stetson family. - Barry (J. S),. Stetsonf.. -Bouillet, Diet. Univ. d'Hist. et do - Bealson, Political Reg. of Great Brit. G- og. - Burke (J.), Geneal. and Heral. Diet. - Brender a Brandis, Zk-en Reis-Atlas. of Peers. -- Br3mme, Atlas zu Von tlumboldt's -- Geneal. and Heral. Diet. of Baro- Brome, Atlas Von umots Kosmos. nti.Busing, New System of. -- Geneal. and lIeral. of Landed Gent. B-ushing, New System of. - Callicott, Handbook of Univ. geog. -- Family Romance. - Campe, Biblioth'qque G og. - Checkley family pedigree. C.-Cellarius, Geog. antiqua. Collectanea Topog. et Geneal. - Cities and towns of the world. - Craik (G. L.), Romance of the Peerage. - Davenport (A. B.), Hist. and Geneal. - Cluverius, Introd. in Univ. Geog. of. - Comeiras, G-eographe manuel. - Day (R.), Day o? Hartford. - Coulier, Positions gionomiques. - Deane (S.), Jour. Portland, Me. - Fer (N. De), Introd. a la Geog. - Dodd (S.), East-Haven Register. - Fosbroke, Foreign Topography. - Dudley (D.), Dudley Geneal. - Geogr. Soc. of London, Journal. - Farmer, Geneal. of settlers of N. E. - Giustiniani, El Nuevo atlas univ. - Fessenden, Bradford family. - Goodrich (S. G.), Comp. geog. and hist. - Hlolgate, Geneal. chart. - Goodrich, The Universal Traveller. - American Genealogy. - Gordon (P.), Geography anatomized.. Lastborn, Geneal. of noblemen-of Swea - Guthrie (W.), New System of Modern and Goth. Geog. - Locke (J. G.), Locke family. - Hamilton (W. R.), Progress of. - Lodge (E.), Peerage of the Brit. Emp. - HI-eylin, Ooslmographie, 888 INDEX TO GEOGRAPHY: GEOLOGY: - Higgins (W. M.), The Earth. - Akerly, Geol. of Hudson river. - Hoffman (J. J.), Lexicon Univ. - Am. Jour. of Geol. Featherstonhaugh. - Hubner, Oude en Nieuwe Geog. - Anderson (J.), The Course of Creation. ~- Humboldt, Tableaux de la Nature. - Ansted, Elem. course of min. geol. etc. - Humboldt, Cosmos, Phys. dese. of the - Assoc. of Am. Geol. and Nat. 1844. Universe. - Bertrand (A.), The Revolutions of the - Johnston (A. K.), Physical Atlas. Globe. - Jourdan, Cosmographie, 1669. - Boase (H. S.), Treat. on primary geol. - Lacroix, Geog. moderne. - Bourrit, Glacieres de Savoie, 1785. - La Martiniere, Grand Diet. giog. - Buckland, Reliquim Diluvianme. - Le Rouge, Introduction a la Geog. - Conybeare, Report on progress of. - Linda, Descriptio orbis. - Cordier, Temperature of the Earth. - Lloyd, Physical Geog. - Cozzens (J.), Geolog. Hist. of Man- - Mathematical Geography. hattan. - Luiscius, Alg. hist. geog. woordeub. - Cuvier, Theory of the Earth. - Maclot, Prdeis sur le globe terrestre. - Dana (J. D.), U. S. Expl. Exped. - Mahlmaann, Gesellschaft fir Erdkunde - Dana (J. F.), Geol. of Boston and vie. zu Berlin. - Darwin (C.), Voy. of H. M. S. Beagle. - Mallet, Description de l'univers. - Davis (C. H.), Deposit of flood tide. - Malte-Brun, Universal Geog. - De La Beche, Geol. of Cornwall, De- Maury, Amazon and Atlantic slopes of vonshire. S. America. Geol. Memoirs, Selections. - -- Physical Geog. of the sea. - - How to observe Geology. Melish, Descrip. of the World. - - Goological observer. - Mitchell ( S. A.), General view of the - Dixon, Geology of Sussex, Eng. world. - Dufrinoy, Exp. de la carte g'ol. de la - Mercator, Historia Mundi. France. - Morden (R.), Geog. of the world. - Eaton (A.), Index to Geol. of Northern states. - Morse (S. E.), New System of modern geography. - - Survey of Renss. and Albany Cos. - Munster, Cosmography. - - Geological Text-book. - Murray (H.), Encyclopoedia of. - Ehrenberg, Mikrogeologie. - Notions prfliminaires de. - Emmons (E.), The Taconic system. - Ortelius, Teatro del mondo. - - Bones of the Zeuglodon cetoides. - Olney, Prac. system of. - - American Geology. -- Ostervalt (F.), De geographische On- - - Second Geol. Dist. N. Y. derwyzer. - Foster (J. W.), Geol. of Lake Superior - Pennant (T.), Le Nord du Globe. lands. - Pinkerton (J.), Modern Geog. - Frisi, On rivers and torrents. - Porcacchi, L'Isole del mondo. - Geol. Soc. of Pennsylvania, Trans. - Ptolemeeus, Geographia, lib. viii. - Geologist (The), C. Moxon. - Robert de Vaugondy, Essai sur l'his- - Geol. Soc. of London, Proceedings. toire de. - - Journal. -- Institutions Geographiques. - Gesner, Geol. and Min. of Nova-Scotia. - Sanson (N.), Geographia sacra, - Gray (A.), Elements of Geology. - Sanson (L.), Maps of the World. - Greenough, Exam. of first princ. of. - Soc. de GWographie, Paris. - Hamilton (W.), Researches in Asia - Somerville (Mary), Phys. Geog. Minor and Armenia. - Strabo, Geog. of. - Hayden, Geological Essays. - Taylor (J.), Select. from Humboldt. - Hall (J.), Key to Chart of geological Thivet, Cosmographie. formations. - Thavet, Cou~~sm- - Geology of New-York. Totius Orbis... Deseriptio, 1643. Te Statist. - - Niagara Falls, geol. and topog. Tuckey, Maritime Geog. and Statist. - Harcourt, Doctrines of the Deluge. - Vaissette, Geog. Hist. Eccl. et Civile. - Vaissette, Geog. Hist. Ecel. et Civile. - Hayes (J. L.), Influence of icebergs on - Wells (E.), Ane. and Present Geog. drift. - Wilson (J.), Hist of Mountains. - Hitchcock, Reports on the Geol. of See Gazetteers; Earth; Geodesy. Mass. SUBJECTS. 889 GEOLOGY: GEOLOGY: - Elementary Geology. - Tyson (P. T.), Geol. and Ind. resour. of California. -- - On Ichnolithology. — On Ichnoithology- Van Rensselaer (J.), Lectures on. - Hopkins (W.), Resear. in Phys. geol. - VanuRemn Geol. of N. Y. - Hovey (S.), Geol. of St. Croix and An- - V tigua. - Ville, Recherches sur.... l'Alger. Humble, Diet. of Geol. and Mineral. - Whitney (J. D.), Metallic wealth of U.S. - Jukes (J. B.), Popular physical geol. See Minerloy; Fossils; Cosmogony; - See Mineralogy; Fossils; Cosmogony; - Kranz, Cat. of specimens for sale. Earthquakes. - Lea (J.), Contributions to. GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS OF STATES; - Lee (C. A.), Elements of. - Alabama, Reports of, by Tuomey. - London Geological Journal. - Booth (J. C.). Survey of Delaware. - Lyell (Sir C.), Lectures on. - Canada, Reports by W. E. Logan. - - Principles of, - California, Tyson, Geology of. - - Manual of. - California, Reports of J. B. Trask. - McClelland, Geol. of Kemaon, India. - Connecticut, C. U. Shepard's report. - Maclure (W.), Geol. of the U. S. - Delaware, by Booth (J. C.). - Manes, M.m. g'ologiques sur l'Alle-.- Dufrenoy, Survey of France. magne. Great Britain, Geol. Survey. - Mantell, Excursions, Isle of Wight,- Indiana, Reconnoissance. and Devonshire. - MacCulloch, Memoir of Surv. of Scott - Geology of Sussex.. - - Medals of Creation. - Mantell, Geol. of Sussex. Eng. Marcou, of U. S. and Canada. Maryland, Rep. of Ducatel, 1835, 40. Mather (W. W.), Elements of Geol. - Maine, 2d and 3d Reports. - Geol. of New-York. - Mass. Surv. by E. Hitchcock, etc. - - Geol. New-London, etc. Conn. - Mass Survey of lands in Maine. - Mease, Geol. acct. of the U. S. - Michigan, Survey by D. Houghton. - Miller (H.), Geology of the Bass Rock. - Minnesota, Survey by D. D. Owen. - - Old Red Sandstone. - New-Hampshire, C. T. Jackson's rep, - - The Foot-prints of the Creator. - New-Jersey, H. D. Rogers's reports. - Murchison, The Silurian system. - New-York, Reports 1837- 51. -- - Oldest rocks with organic remains. - New-York, Nat. Hist. Four Districts. - New-York, Nat. Hist. Four districts. _- Ohio, Reports of W. W. Mather. - Page (D.), Elements of Geology. - Pennsylvania, Rep. of H. D. Rogers. - Phillips (J.), Geol. of Yorkshire. - Phillips, Geol. of Yorkshire. -- -- Treatise on Geology. - Rhode-Island Geol. and Agr. sur. - Playfair, Works, 1, Huttonian Theory. - Rogers (H. D.), Report on North Am. - Portlock, Gcol. of Londonderry, etc. - South Carolina, Geol. survey. - Randall(S.S.), Incentives to the study - Tennessee, Troost's reports. of. O- United States, Exam. between Missouri- Richardson (G. F.), Introduction to. and Red R. -- For Beginners. - - Report on California. - - Rogers (H. D.), Am. Geol. Assoc. - - Reports on Iowa and Michigan. Addrress. Address.Illinois, Minnesota and Nebraska, - Rooke (J.), Reclamation of land from - sea. S),Eeetof — Lake Superior land districts. - St. John (S.), Elements of. - Report of Geol. of Wisconsin. - Schafheutl, Die Geologic in ihrem ver- - Vermont, Reports by C. B. Adams. haltnisse. - Virginia, Reports of W. B. Rogers. - Schoolcraft, Geology of Missouri. - Wisconsin, Report by E. Daniels. - Smith (J. P.), Relations between Bi- GEORGE II. Hervey, Reign of George II. ble and. - Walpole (H.), Memoirs of. - Soc. Geol. de France. GEORGE III. Aikin (J.), Annals of. - Sopwith, Treatise on Isomet. drawing. - Belsham, Reign of George III. - Thompson (T.), Outlines of. - Bissett, Reign of George III. - Travanet, Physiologie de la terre. - Eustace, Lettres sur les crimes du rol - Trimmer, Pract. Geol. and Mineral. Holt (E.), Life of. [ G9N. JLB. 1855.1 112 890; INDEX TO GEORGE IV. Hamilton (Lady), Sec'ret hist. GERaMANY, TRAVELS IN: of reigns of George III, IV. - Howitt, German Experiences. - Croly (G.), Memoirs of. - Hugo, The Rhine. - Diary, Illustrative of times of. - Jacquemont, L'Allemagne agr. indust. - See England, Histoiry'of. et pol. GEORGE (Lake). Thompson: (L.), Guide to. - Lights and Shadows of German life. GEOROGI:A. Acet. of causes retarding, 1743. - Mdller, Donaustauf und Walhalla. - Arthur (T. S.), History of. - Planche, The Danube from Ratisbon. - Cherokee Land lottery. - Riesbeck; Travels through.. - Enquiry into State of, 1741. - Russell (J.), Tour in. - Hewatt, Rise and progress of. -- Spencer (E.), Sketches of.. - Longstreet (A. B.), Georgia Scenes. - Stael (Madame de), Germany. - McCall (H.), History of. - Varnhagen von Ense, Sketches of Ger- Martyn, Reasons for estab. the colony. man life. - Narrative of the Colony, 1741. - Wheaton (I.), Address on Progress. - Reasons for estab. the colony, 1733. See Prussia; Austria. - Sibbald, Pine lands of. GERRY (E.). Austin (J. T.), Life of. - Sicilius, Sale of Western lands of. GHOLSON (T. S.). Colli'er (R. R.), Reply to. - Sherwood,. Gazetteer of. GIBBON (E.). Chelsum, Remarks on tw(o - Sherwood, Gazetteer of. chapters. - State of, London, 1'742. GIBRALTAR. Boland, On the Straits. of. - State of facts.... on lands, 1795. Drinkwater, Siege of. - Stevens (W. B.), Hist. of, to 1798. James (T.), Hist. of the Herculean - Tailfer (Pat.), Narrative of, 1741. straits. - Urlsperger, Nachrichten der Staltzburg. - Urquhart, The Pilliars of Hercules. Emigranten. GILMANTON, N. H. Lancaster, History of. - Voyage to Georgia. GIPSIES. Borrow, Gipsies in; Spain. - White (G.), Hist. Collections of. - Grellman, Histoire des BQhemiens. - - Statistics of,. 1850. GIRARD (S.). Simpson' (S.), Life of. -- Whitefield (Gl.), Journal. l GIRARD COLLEGE. Lieber (F.), Plan of GERMAN CATHOLIC CIIHURCI. Ronge, (J.), education for. The Holy Coat. GIRONA (P.).- Leti, Het Leven. van. GERMAN LANGUAGE. See Language; Gram- GLASGOW. Cleland, Census of Lanark and. mar; Diet. A REORMED H. Mayer, History of. GLASGOW UNIVERSITY. Great Britain, ReGERkMtA~N REFOP{IED. Maye'r, Eistory of. port on- Univ. of Scotland. GERMAINY, HISTORY OF: GLASS. Manuf. of, for optical purposes. - enina Revoluzione della. - Haudicquer; L'Art de la verrcrie. - Dunham, I-ist-. of tbhei Empire. - Merrifield, Art of painting on. - Gerres (Prof.), Germany andl the Re- - Pellatt (A.), Improvement of glass volution. manuf. - Hawkins, Germaiy,. the Spirit of her G..), Manf. of porcelain Porter (G. R.), Manuf, Of: porcelain history. and. - Holstein (Baroness), Germany. - Whittock's Glazier's Guide. John of Austria, Het Leven van. - KJohn of Anstria, Hi et Leven van. GOD. See Natural Theology; Theology. - Kohlrausch, History of. GODMAN (Dr.). Sewall (T.), Life of. - Kugler, Pictorial History of. GODOLPHIN (Mrs.). Evelyn, Life of. IV.o, Geman y unde GOETHE. Eckermann's conversations with. IV. - Menzel, History of. - Lewes (G.), Life of. - Mussati, Hist. Henrici VII. GOFFE (W.). Plan for seizing the regicide. - Schiller, Hist. 30 years war. GOLD. Ansted,. Gold-seeker's Manual. - Wraxall, Memoirs of principal courts. - Fisher, Alcinda gold mi-e. GERMANY, TRAVELS IN: - Jacob (W.), Consumption of precious metals. - Adams (J. Q.), Letters on Silesia. metals. - Anthon (C. E.), Pilgrimage to Treves Jk es, etc. Lectures on Gold. - Belgium and Nassau, Tourists' guide. Symons (W.), On weighing gold. - Dwight (I. E.), Trav. in North of. - See Metals; California; Australia. - Dwight (. E.), Tra in North GOLDSIIT (O.). Forster (G.), Life of. - Gleig, Germany and Bohemia visited. _ Irving (W.), Life' of, - Granville, Spas of Germany. - Hodgskin, Travels in the north of. SUBJECTS. 891 GORTON (S.). Mackie (J. M.), Life of. GOVERNMENT: GOVERNM{ENT. Ahrens, Das Naturrecht. - Talleyrand, Reminiscences of. Barclay (G.), Argenis. - Young.(A.), Introd. to Science of. - Bentham (J.), Theory of Legislation. - See Officers; U. S. Government. - - Fragment on Government. GRAHAM (J.). Qulincy (J.), Memoirs -of. - Brougham, Political Philosophy.. GRAMARR. Harris, Hermes, or Univ. Gram. - Burgh, Political disquisition. -- Saecy (S. de), Gen. Principles of. - Cartwright (J.), Rights of the Com- - See Language. monalty. GRAMMARS, ENGLISH. Alexander.(Caleb). - Consideratie van een vrye en geheymen - Alger (Israel) jun. Staets -regering. - Allison (M. A.). - Condorcet, CEuvres. - Cousin, (Euvres; Discours. - Angel (Oliver). - Conkling (A.), Young Citiz. manual. - Angus (William). - Filmer, Collection of his tracts. Arnold (Thomas K.). - Force (La) armce et l't1tat de la societt. - Ash (John). - Fonf-rsde,C tuvres. - Babbit (A.). - Franklin (B.), Works. - Gelstrupius, Trifolium politicum. Baldwin (.). - Baldwin (E.). - Godwin (W.), Political Justice, vol. 2.- Barnard (F. A. P.). - Guizot, Origin of represent. gov. in Europe. - Barnes (W.). - Harrington, Oceana. - Barrett (Solomon) jr. - Hildreth, Theory of Politics. - Bell (J.). - Hobbes (T.), Works, vol. 2, 3. - Blair (John). - Hurlbut, Essays on Human Rights. - Blair (D.). - Hume (D.), Political Essays. - Booth (D.). - Johnson (A. B.), The Philosophical - Booth (L.). Emperor. - Brace (Joab). - Johnson ( S.), Works. vol.. 1:2, Polit. - Bradley (C.), Grammat.,Ques-tions. TIracts. - Brightland (John). - Locke (J.), VWorks, vol. 5. - Bron (Goold), New-York. -Machiavelli, Opere. - Brown (J.), Difficulties in present sya. - Maistre. (De), Generative principle-of - - An American Grammar. polit. const. - Bucke(C.). - Mandeville, The Fable of the Bees. B- Bullions (P.). - Marmontel, History of Belisari. - Butler(Noble). - Mercier, Fragments:of politics. - Cadell (W. S.). - Millar, Distinctionof ranlksin society. Champlin (J. T.). - Milton, Works, Pro: popula Angl. de- - Chandler (J. R.). fensio.. - Churchill (T.-O). - Montesquieu, (Euvre.s, Esprit des lois. -- -(S.W.) - More (Sir T.), Utopia. Clark (S. W.). - Napoleon III, Works, vol. 1, 2. - Cobbett (W.). - Northcote (T.), Civ. rights of mankind. - Cobbin (I.). - Comic English -Grammar. - Paine (T.), Political Writings. - Comly (J.). - Pastoret, Histoire de lIgislation. -- Cooper(J.'G. - Ricard, De la souverainti indi'viduelle. - Roebiuck (J. A.), Pamphlets for the - Coote (C.). People. - Corner (Miss), The-Play grammar. - Rousseau (J.J.), On the social com- - Dalton (J.). pact. - Davenport (B.). - Sismondi, Polit. Economy. - Dearborn (B.). - Sinclair (Sir J.), Lucubrations, 178'3. - Del Mar (C.). - Somers (Lord), The judgment ofwhole - Devis (Ellen). kingdoms. - Doherty (H.). - Sonsbeeck, Zelfstandigbeid derlrqgterl. - D'Orsey (Alex.). Magt. - Dowd (J.N.) - Sydney (A.), Discourses conuerning. - 892 INDEX TO GnAMrARS, ENGLISH: GRAMMARS, ENGLISH': - Dyche (T.). - Marcet (Jane), Mary's Grammar. - Earnshaw, Grammat. Remembrancer. - Martin (T.). - Elmore (D. W.). - Mennye (J.). - Elphinstone, The principles of. - Millen (J.). - Emmons (S. B.), Grammat. Instructor. - Miller (The Misses). - English Gram. for classical schools. - Miller (Alexander). - Farnum (C.). - Milligan (George). - Felch (C.). - Morgan (J.). - Felton (O. C.). - Morley (Charles). - Fenning (D.). - Morey (A. C.). - Fisher (A.). - Mudie (George). - Fisk (A.). - Murray (Lindley). - Flint (A.). - Mylne (A.). - Flint (J.). - Newberg (John). - Fowle (W. B.). - Nixon (H.). - Flower (M. and W.). - Oliver (James). - Frazee (B.). -- Oram (Miss E.). - Frost (J.). - Palmer (Mary). - Gartly (G.). - Parker (R. G.). - Gillcs (Rev. Dr.). - Peirce (O. B.). - Gilleade (G.). - Pengelly (E.). - Gough (J.). - Pictorial Grammar. - Goodrich (J. and A.). - Pinnock (W.). - Grammar (A new) of. - Pond (Enoch). - Grant (J.). - Priestley (Joseph). - Guy (J.). - Productive Grammar. - Green (M.), - Putnam (Samuel). - Green (R. W.). - Putsey (Rev. W.)- Greene (C. R.). - Rand (A.), Teacher's Manual. - Greenwood (J.). - Reid (A.), Rudiments of. - Grey (J.). -- Ross (R.), The Amer. Grammar, 1782. - Hall (S. R.). - Russell (J.), London 1835. - Hamlin (L. F.). - Ryland (J.), 1767. - Hart (J. S.). - Sabine (H. A. M.), London, 1802. - Hazen (E.). - Sanborn (D. H.). - Hiley (R.). - Shatford (W.), London. - Hornsey (John). - Sheridan (T.), Rhetorical Gram. Of. - IIort (W. J.). - Simmonite, Self-teaching Gram, - Inductive Grammar. - Smart, London, 1811, 41. - Ingersoll (C. M.). - Smith (C. J.), London, 1846. - Irving (C.). - Smith (P.), Edinburgh, 1826. - Jenkins (Amaziah), System. Lect. on. - Smith (R. C.). - Juvenile, Boston, 1829. - Spencer (G.). - Key to Murray. - Sullivan (R.). - King (W. W.), Grammatical Chart. - Sutcliffe (J.). - Kirkham (S.). - Tower (D. B.). - Latham (R. G.). - Turner (B.). - Lennie (W.). -- Treatise on the Eng. tongue. - Lewis (J.), The Essentials of. - Usher (G. N.). - Little (The) Grammarian. - Wallis (J.), Gram. Ling. Angl. - Locke (J.), Cincinnati. - Ward (W.). - Loughton (W.). - Webber (S.). - Lovechild (Mrs.), Parsing lessons, etc. - Webster (N.). - Lowth (R.). - Weld (A. H.). - McCulloch (J.M.). - - Parsing book. - MacGowan (James). - Wells (W. H.). SUBJECTS. 893 GRAIMIARS, ENGLISH: GRAMMARS, MISCELLANEOUS: - Wilkes (E. W.). - Masits, Gramm. Ling. Syricn. - Williams (Mrs.). - Moberg, Larobok for...... Engelska - Willymot (W.), English particles. sproket. - Wilson (J. P.), Essay on Grammar. - Moor, Elements of the Greek Lang. - Wilson (T.), First Catechism of. - Pfizmaier, Grammaire Turque. -- Rask (E. C.), Gram. of the Danish. - Wood (H.), Grammat. reading book. - Wright (J. W.). - - Grammar of Anglo-Saxon. - Writers' and Students' Gram. R- iggs (S. R.), Dakota Grammar. GRAMMARS, DUTCH. Janson (B.), Pract. - Rodriguez, Japanese Grammar. Grammar of, 1803. - Schreuder, Grammatik ffir Zulu spro- Pyl (Van der), A practical gram. of. get. -- Uhlemann, Syriac Grammar. GRAMIMARS, FRENCH. Beauzee, Grammairer. et Litt rature. -- See Languages; Dictionaries. Bc uff (J. and A.), Gram. of the Fr. GRANBY, CONN. Phelps (N. A.), History of. - Bolmars Levizac. GREAT BRITAIN, HISTORY OF: - Comenius, Janua aurea. - Belsham (W.), I-ist. of. - Ggnin, Grammaire de Giles de Guez. - Dalrymple, Memoirs of, and Ireland. - Heusch, Practical French Grammar. - Forbes (R.), Mem. of Rebellion of 1745. - L'Homond, Grammaire Fran~aise. - Goodman, Social History of. - Perrin (J.), Gram. of the French. - Henry (R.), History of, 1771-96. - Rogissard, Nouv. Math. pour appren- - lHolinshed, Chronicles of Eng., Ireland dre. and Scotland. - Wanostrocht, Gram. of Fr. Lang. - Leckie, Hist. Survey of Affairs of. GRAMMARS, GERMAN. Bokum (Hermann), - Macpherson (J.), Introd. to Hist. of. Introd. to Study of. - Mante, Hist. of War in N. A. 1763, 4. - Follen (C.), Gramm. of the German. - Moleville, Chron. Abridg. of Hist. of. - Hartmann, Nouv. Methode, etc. - Plowden, Short History of. - Meidinger, Nouv. Gram. Allemande. - Wade, Brit. Hist. chron. arranged. GRAMMARS, HEBREW. Buxtorf (J.), Epi- - See England, Scotland; Ireland; Britome Heb. Gram. tish Colonies. - Bythner, Lingua Eruditorum. GREAT BRITAIN, MISCELLANEOUS: - Danzius, Comp. Gramm. Hebrai. - Adolphus, Political State of, 1818. GRAMBMARS, LATIN: - Aristocracy of Great Britain. Bullion's Jacobs' Lat. Reader. - Brand (J.), Obs. on Pop. Ant. of. - Cooper (J. G.), New Latin Grammar. - Bristed (J.), Resources of Brit. Emp. - Grant (J.), Instit. of lat. Gram. - Callender, The Political Progress of. - Introduction to the Latin Tongue. - Campbell (J.), Political Survey of. - Kenrick (J.), Key to Zumpt's Gram. - Chalmers (G.), State of, 1815. - Mair, Latin Syntax, - - Comp. strength of. - Milton (J.), Works, vol. 6. - Chamberlayne, Present state of, 1743. - Ruddiman, Rudiments of. - Clavel, Brit. Dominion of the Seas. - Tricot, Les Rudiments de la Langue - Colquhoun, Treatise on Resources of. Latine. - Datos sobre algunas Leyes Inglesas., GRASMMARS, MISCELLANEOUS: - Ellis (R.), British Tariff, 1833-39. - AcademiaEspanola:Gram.LenguaCas- - Hamilton (R.), Inquiry concerning tellana. National debt. - Aucher, Gram, of the Armenian Lang. - Heeren, Continental Interests of. - Boller (A.), Sanskrit Grammatik. - Long, Geography of. - Du Ponceau, Gram. of the Delaware. - Macpherson, Opposition in Parliament, - Ende, Le Gazophilace Fran. et Flam. 1799. - Gwilt (Joseph), Anglo-Saxon. - McCulloch, Statistical Account of. - Howse, Gram. of the Cree and Chippe- - M'Queen, Statistics of. wa. - Moreau, Statist. of Commerce of. J- ones (Sir W.), Works, vol. 6, Persian - Montesquieu, Consid. sur le Commerce Gram. de. Josephus (A.), Syriac Grammar. Murray, Hand-book of Church and -- Klaproth, Gram. de la Lang. Georgi- State. enne. iI- Napier, The Navy, past and present. :894 INDEX TO GREAT BRITAIN, MiISCELLAN:EOUS: GREECE, MODERN: - NewHaven (W. L.), Reduction of the' - Dodwell, Class. and topographical tour Debt of. through. - Oldfield, Representative History of. - Duer (J.), Controversy on the Greek - Pebrer, Extinction of the Whole debt Frigates. of. - Emerson (J.), Letters from the Egean. - Political Essays concerning, 1772. - Gell, Itinerary of the Morea. - Political Tracts (A Collection of). - - Journey in the Morea. - Porter (G. R.), Progress of the.Nation - Gordon (T.), Hist. of the Revolution. to 1836. - Greek Frigates'Controversy. - Postlethwayt, Britain's Commer. inte- - History of Modern. rests, 1757.. - Howe (S. G-.), Hist. of Revolution. - Povey, Unhappiness of England, etc. Researches in.'- Leake (W. M.), Researches in. - Simms, Public Works of. Travels in the Morea. - Webster (N.), Political Progress of. Post (1. A. V.), Visit to Greece. - Whitworth, Commerce de la. - Perdicaris, The Greece of the Greeks. - See British Colonies; Statistics. - Pouqueville, La Grecia. GREAT BRITAIN, TRAVELS IN: -- Savary (N.),:Letters on Greece. - Carus:, King of Saxony's Journey. Travel - Colton (C.), Four Years in. -- Strong('F.),:Greece as a Kingdom, - Gonzales, Voy. to Eng. and Scotland.a Kingdom, 1840. - Head (G.), Tour through the United - See Turkey; Ionian Islands; Candia. Kingdom. - Kohl (J. G.), Ireland, Scotland and GREEI AUTHORS: England. - Aeschylus, Tragedies.; Translations. - Simond,'Tour, 1810. - Archimedes, (Euvres. -'Stewart (C. S.), Sketdhes of'Soc. in. - Aristophanes, Comedies, Translation. - towe (H.'B.), Sunny Memories. - Aristotle,'Works, Translations. Sece England; Scotland; Ireland. - Arrianus, Opera. GR}EECE, ANCIENT. Athenian Letters. - Athenmus, The Deipnosophists. - Barthelemy, Travels of A'nacharsis.'- Anacreon,'Carmina; Gr. Eng. and Fr. - Becker (W. A.), Charicles, Private Life - Bion with Sappho, in French. of. - Callimachus, in Italian. - Boeckh, Public Economy of Athens. - Demosthenes, Orations, translated. - Chalcondile, Hist. de la Dec. de l'Emp. - Diodorus Siculus, Biblioth.'Historicea. - Finlay (G.), Greece under the Romans. - Dionysius Halicarnas. Opera. Gillies, Hist. of Ancient Greece. -'Dioscorides, De Materia Medica. - Grote, History of'Greece. - Euripides.... Tragedies,'Trans. - Heeren, Politics of Ancient. - - Alcestis, Trans. - Hobbes (T.), Works, vol.:8, 9, Trans. - Herodotus, Translations. of Thuyeidi'des. h- Homer, Iliad and Odyssey,-Gr. and Eng. K Keightley:H-istory of. - t- Longinus, DeSubtlimitate, Gr. and Lat. - Mably, Osservazioni sopra i Greci. - Lucian, Translations. - Malkin (F.)., History of Greece.:- Iercurius, Pimandras, Gr. and Lat. - Mitford (W.), History of Greece. - Moschus with Sappho, in French. - Muller (O.), lHist. of the Dorie Race. 0uthof, Cebes, Tabula. - Patsanias, Description of.,- Pausanias, Description of Greece. - Potter (J.), Antiquities of. )-:Philo-Judweus, Works; translation. - Thirl~wa/ll ~Iist. -ot. -- Pindarus, Odes,:translation. - See Antiquities; Greek Authors. - Plato,-pera, Greek, LatLn gndEng.'G.REECE,>MIODERN.'Anderson'(R ), Obs. on - Plotinus, Opera,:in Latin. the Peloponnesus. - Beaujour,'View iof'the Gommerce of, - Plutarchus, VitM, Latin andEng. 1800. - Polybius, HiTstory.; translation. - Carlisle'(Earl of)., Diary in GCreek wa- - Sappho, in French. ters..- Sophocles, Translation. - Chateaubriand, Travels in. - Strabo, Geog. Trans. - Contostavlos, Building of Greek Fri- - Theocritus,'Bion and Moschus, Eng. gates. Cgaooptesr (Rev.),History'f. -'Theophrastus, The Characters. - Cooper (Rev,.) list;or-y of. SUBJECTS. 895 GREEK AUTHORS: GUYANA: - Thuycidides, PeI. War, trans. - Raleigh (Sir W.), Discovery of, 1595. - Xenophon, Trans. - Tableau de Cayenne. - See Antiquities;. Classical Lit. - Stedman (J. G.), Expedition against. GREEK CRITRCHI. Curzon, Monasteries in the Negroes of. Levant. - - Voyage a Surinam. - See Greece, Travels in. - Vignal, Coup-d'ceil sur Cayenne. GREELEY (H.). Parton, Life of. See Cayenne; Amazon. GREEN (A.). Jones (J. H.), Life of. GUNN (W.). Lintner (G. A.), Memoirs of. GREENE (N.). Caldwell, Campaigns of. GURNEY (J. J.). Braithwaite (J. B.), MeGREENE (G. W'.). Greene (N.), Life of. mors of. - Johnson (W.), Life of. GREENLAND. Cranz, History of. H. GREGORY VII. Greisley, Life of. - Edin. Cab. Lib. vol. 28. HAGUE (The). Does,'S Gravenhage. Egede, Dyp, Itin'raire de la Salle d'Oranje. Egede, Description of. - Iane(E. K.), Exp. for Sir J. Franklin. - Netherlands, Schilderijen te's. - La Peyrcre, Account of. - Riemer, Beschryving van Gravenhage. - La Peyrere, Account of. - Manby, Voyage to, 1821. HAIR. Boucheron, Systeme pileux des cheveux et de la barbe. -- O'Reilly (B.), Greenland and the adja- HALL (David). hompson (J. P.), Memoira cent Seas. of. - Saabye (H. E.), Extracts from a Jour- of. nal, 1770-78. HALE (Sir MI.). Williams (J. B.), Life of. - Scoresby, Voy. to Northern Whale Fi- HAMILTON, Ms. Felt (J. B.), History of. shery. HAMIILTON (A.). Coleman (W.), Collection - See Arctic, and Voyages, Arctic. of Facts on his Death. GRESHAM (T.). Burgon (J. W.), Life of. - Hamilton (J. C.), Life of. GRONINGEN. Roskes, Intree-rede.: - M'Donald, Selmon on. GROTIUS (H.). Brandt (C.), Het Leven des - Mason (J. M.), Oration on, 1804. Heeren. -- Otis (H. G.), Eulogy on. GROTON, Ms. Butler (C.), Hist. of. - Renwick (J.), Life of. GROTON FORT. Rathbun (J.), Massacre. HAMILTON COLLEGE. Davis (H.), Narrative GU.ATEM3ALA. See Central America. of Decline of. GIUYANA. Bajon, Hist. de Cayenne et de la. HAMILTON ( Duke of.). Burnet (G.), Memoirs of. - Voy. a 1, et a Cayenneors of. - Bar bois, Journal d'un d HAMPDEN (J.). Nugent (Lord), Memorials Barb6-Marbois, Journal d'un de-porte. - Bargre, LaFreane Equinoxiale. rrre La rae Eqinxia. HAMPDEN CONTROVERSY. Christmas., Hist. - Bellin, Desc. Geographique de. of. - Bolingbroke (H.), Voy. to the Deme- HANNIBAL. Wickham and Cramer, Passage rary. over the Alps. - Brett (W. H.), Indians of Guiana. HANBiER (Sir T.). Bunbury, (J.) - Catineau, La Guyane Frangaise, HANOVER, Ms. Barry (J. S.), Hist. Sketch - Cayenne, Official Documents. of. - Caz6, Compagnie de Colonisation. HARDWICKE (Lord). Harris (G.), Life of. Essai sur la Colonie de Surinam. HARLINGEN, N. J. Hoagland, History of Dutch Ch. in. - Fermin, Deseription de Surinam. Dutch Ch. in. -- Freytag, Memoirs of. HARRIS (Gen. Lord). Lushington, Life and - Grillet, Voyage dsans la G~oyan~e.. HARRISON (W. H.). Burr (S. J.), Life of. - Guisan, Terres de la Guiane.,- Carpenter (H. S.), Eulogy on. - Hartsinck, Beschryving van Guiana. - Dawson (M.), Narr. of Civ. and Mil. - Keyen, Von Neu Niederland und Gua- services of. jana, 1672. - Hall (J.), Public Services of. -- Lahat, Voyages - Cayenne. - N. Y. City, Funeral Ceremonies of. - Le Blond, Dese. delaGuyaneFran aise. - Niies(J..), Lifeof. - Lescallier, Moyens d'Administrer la Guyane. - Potter (H.), Sermon on. - Malouet, M6m. sur l'Administration de - Van Rensselaer, Sermon on. la. HARTFORD, CONN, Convention of Delegates, - Mfm. sur la Guyane Franjaise. 1814, 896 INDEX TO HARTFORD) CONN.: HEALTH: - Hawes, Centen. Address. - Martineau, Life in the sick room. - Porter (W. S.), Hist. Notices of Conn. - Mass. Health Ins. Comp. HARTSHORNE (J.). Evans, Biog. Notice of. - Massachusetts, Health Survey. HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Eliot, Hist. of. - MTlier, Sur les Marais salants. - Farmer (J.), Memorials of the Gradu- - Neison, Vital Statistics. ates. I — Newton (J. T.), Defence of Vegetable - Everett (E.), Speech on Memorial of. Regimen. - Gray (F. C.), Letter on, to Gov. Lin- - Owen (R.), Improvement of Manuf. coln. System. - Harvard University, Reports. - Paris, Rapports du conseil de salubritd. - Hollis and others, Facts and -documents. - Piquet, Cat chisme de Sante. - Quincy (J.), Hist. of. - Santd (La), Journal d"HygiPne. - Peirce (B.), Hist. of, to 1776. - Sauveur, De la Police des d&c's. - Ticknor, Changes proposed. - Scalpel (The), Period. - See Cambridge, Mass. - Sinclair (Sir J.), Code of Health. HASTINGS (Wi.). Burke (E.), Works, vol. - Sykes, Vital Statistics.... Scotland. 6, 7, Impeachment. - Ticknor(C.), The Philosophy of Living. - Gleig, Memoirs of. - Tracts for the People. - Letters on Impeachment of. - Versluys, Construction des Egouts. HAUSER (Caspar). See Stanhope (Earl). Willich, Lect. on Diet HAVEN (N. A.). Ticknor (G.), Life of. HEAT. Lardner, Treatise on Heat. HAVERHILL, MASS. Mirick (B. L.), History Metcalfe (S. L.), Caloric, Agency in of. Nature. HAYDON (B. R.). Taylor (T.), Life of. - Ogg, On Heat. HAYTI. See Saint Domingo. - Powell, Science of Radiant Heat. HEALTH. Armstrong, Art of Health. - See Ventilation and Warming; Nat. - Becquerel, Hygiene privEe et publ. Phil. - Belgiuim, Comm. de Salubrit- publ. HEBER (R.). Taylor (T.), Memoirs of. - - Hygiene Publique. HEBREWS. See Jews; Grammars; Diet. - Belinaye, The Sources of Health. HECKEWE LDER (J.). Rondthaler (Rev. E.), - Bernard (Sir T ), Comforts of Old Age. Life. - Brigham (A.), Influence of Mental HENRY II OF ENG. Becket, Hist. du Ddmele Cultivation upon. de, avec T. B, - Chadwick, Interment in Towns. HENRY IV OF FRANCE. Berger, Lettres de. - Chevallier (A.), Nettoiement de Paris. - James (G. P. R.), Life of. - Chiosso, Gymnastics. - Read (Charles), Henri et D. Chamier. - Chloride of zinc. - See France, Histories of. - Cicero, On Old Age. HENRY V. Tyler'(J. E.), Memoirs of. - Combe (A.), Principles of Physiology HENRY (P.). Everett (A.H.), Life of. applied. - Wirt (Wm.), Life of. - - Physiology of Digestion. HERALDRY. Burke (J.), Dictionary of Cuisine (La) de Santi. Peerages in G. B. Cuisine (La) de Sant~,'. - - Encyclopsedia of Heraldry. Curtis (J. L ), Manhood. - - EncylopfBdia of Heraldry. - Conaro, Sure Means of. - Glossary of Brit. Heraldry. Cornare, Sure Means of. - Day (G. E.), Diseases of advanced life. - Mapleson, Handbook of. - Duhring, Art of Living. - Reusnerius, Symbola Imnp. et Heroica. - Easy Way to prolong Life. - See Geneslogies. nHdes yeux. ERCULANEUM. Fougeroux, Recherches sur - Goulin, Hygi ne des yeux. les Ruines de. - Great Britain, Report on Preserved Ternite, dgemde aus Pomp.und - Ternite, Wandgemeelde aus Pomp. und meats. - Hassall, Food and its adulterations. See Antiquities; Pompeii. -- See Antiquities; Pompeii. - Hosking, Reg. ofb uildings for. HERODOTUS. Turner, Notes on. - Jarvis (E.), Mass. Sanitary Survey. HRETOLO. Baird, Catalogue of N.A. - Johstn J.F.W., he.fomonHERPETOLOQ-Y. Baird, Catalogue of N. A. - Johnston (J. F. W.), Chem. of Common Reptiles. Life. - Kitchiner, Directions for Invig Life. - Barton, Fascination of rattlesnake. -- Kitchiner, Directions for Invig. Life. - - Fase. of serpents. Marchant, Trav;Lau2 du Conseil de laI — Bell, Hist. of Brit. Reptiles. SUBJECTS. 897 HERPETOLOGY: HISTORY, DICTIONARIES OF: - Bonnaterre, Ophiologie. - Bouillet, Diction. Univ. d;Hist. et do - Gibbes, New Sp. of Salamander. Gog. - Holbrook, N. A. Herpetology. - Collier, Hist. Diet. - Mass. Surveys, Reptiles. - Corneille (T.), Diet. Univ. Grog. et - Mass. Surveys, Reptiles. Hist. list. - N. Y. Nat. Hist. - SieboldN. Y. Nat. Hist. J- Crabb, Univ. Hist. Diet. - Siebold, Fauna Japonica. - Hoffmann,Lexicon Univ. - Storer, M.ass. Survey. - Ladvocat, Diet. Hist. Portatif. HEWES (G. K. T.). Thatcher(B. B.), Traits - La Martinire, Grand Diet. Glog. et of the Tea Party. Hist. HIcKS (E.). Society of Friends. - Luiscius, Alg.Hist. geog. woordenboek. HIEROGLYPHICS. See Antiquities; Egypt. - Moeri, Grand Diet. Hist. HILL (owland). Sidney (E.), Life of. - Nuttall, Diet. of Nations of Ant. HILL (Lord). Sidney (E.), Life of. HIISTORY, UNIVERSAL. Anquetil, Summary HINDOOS. Colebrooke, Ceremonies of the of Univ. Hist. hindus. Belle-Forest, Hist. Univ. du Monde. -- -- Mythology of the Hindoos. - Bjornten hgy of the Hidoos. - Bossuet, Disc. sur 1'Hist. Univ. B- jornstjerna, Theogony of the Hindoos. Discourse on. - Bower (H.), Essay on Hindu Caste. - Ellis (T. F), Outlines of. Jones (Sir W.), On the Gods of India. - Herrera, ist. Gen. del Mundo. Lib. E. IK., The Hindoos. - Histoire Universelle. ~ Religions ~(All). ~ - Keightley, Outlines of. Ward (F. de), India and the Hindoos. - Lmbert (C.F.), istoiren - Lambert (C. F.), Histoire GZ:nfralo do W- ilson, Religion of. tous les peuples. HINDOSTAN. See India. - Millot, Elements of. HIPPOCRATES. Petersen (C.), Hipp. nomine - Moke, Histoire Universelle. scripta. A- Muller (J. Von), Universal Hist. HIISTORICAL ADDRESSES: - Ogilby, Hist. Coll. Africa, Asia, Amer. - Bacon (E.), Recoil. of 50 years, Utica.n. et Pol. - Barlow (J.), Conn. Soc Cincin.1787. - Ramsay (D.), Univ. History America- Benson (E.), Mem. N. Y. Hist. Soc. nized. - Betts (W.), St. Nicholas Soc. - Raleigh (Sir W.), Hist.of the World. - Blunt (J.), N. Y. Hist. Soc. - Rotteck, Hist. of the World. - Bradford(A. W.), N.Y. Hist. Soc. 1845. - Roubaud, Hist. Gen. de l'Asie, Amer. - Brodhead (J. R.), N. Y. Hist. Soc. et Africa. - Butler (J. D.), Vt. Hist. Soc. - Thou, Histoire Univ. 1543-1607. - Clinton (De W.), N. Y. Hist. Soc. Tytler, Elements of. - Cushing (J. P.), Virginia Hist. Soc. HISTORY, ANCIENT: - Day (T.), Conn. Hist. Soc. - Baillie, Sur l'ancienne Hist. de iAsieo. - Drake (D.), Disc. on Hist. of the West. - Cappele, De Regibus Pergamenis. - Gallagher, Hist. Soc. Ohio. - Drummond (Sir W.), Origines. - Gammell, R. I. Hist. Soc. - Echard, Roman History. - Greene (G. W.), R. I. Hist. Soe. - Fosbroke, Arts of the Romans and - Hazard (R. G.), R I. Hist. Soc. Greeks. - Kent (J.), N. Y. -liJst. Soc. - Gillies, History of the World. - Marsh (G. P.), Union Col. - Heeren, Manual of Ancient History. Marsh (G. P.), Union Coll. - Miller (S.), N. Y. Hist. So. - Leland (T.), Hist of Philip of Mace- Potter (E. R.), Providence, R.-I. - Potter(E..), Providence, - Riedel, Algem. geschied.... der Oud- Reed (W. B.), Address, Historical Soc. heid. Penn. StPenor n. (Jseh) ssx it.So. - Rollin, History of Egypt, Carth. and -- Story (Joseph), Essex Hist. Soc. Assyr. - Vaux (R.), Hist. Soc. Pa. - Schomann, Assemblies of the Atheni- Verplanck, Discourses. ans. - Winthrop (R. C.), Maine Hist. Soc. - See Antiquities. HISTORICAL SOCIETIES. See United States HISTORY, MODERN AND MISCELLANEOUS: Hist. Societies. - Arnold (T.), Introd. Lect. on Modern. HISTORY, DICTIONARIES OF. Bayle, Diet. - Bav. Acad. of Sci. Mem. Hlist. et Crit. Fr. and Eng. - Bigland (J.), Study and Use Qf, [GEN, L3B, 1855,] 1 3 898 INDEX TO HISTORY, MODERN AND MISCELLANEO-S: HOLLAND: - Colvin, Historical Letters. - - Notable Revolutions, 1650, 51. - Hist. Register, 1714-38. - Batavia Sacra. - Hubner, Kouranten Tolk. - Beaumarchais, Le Hollandois. - Koch-Sternfeld, Betrachtungen iuber. - Belgium, Coll. de Docts,.sur les Ano. - Keppen (A. L.), World in the Middle Assemblees. Ages. - Beverningk, Verbael Gehouden, etc. - Lenglet du Fresnoy, MIithode pour etu- - Beijerman, Geschiedenis der Nederlandier. den, 1830. - Lieber, Great Events described. -- Breval, Hist. of the House of Nassau. - Mahon (Lord), Hist. Essays. - Butler (C.), Minutes of Civ. and Eccl. - Malkin, Hist. Parallels. Hist. of. - Muller (G.), Hist. philosophically il - C. (H. J. Z.), Nasporing van, 1567lustrated. 1672. - Miller (S.), Retrospect of the 18th - Carr (Sir J.), Tour through. Century. - Carleton (Sir D.), Embassy to. - Prideaux, Old and New T. Hist. con- - Costerus, Hist. V.erhaal, 1572-1673. nected. ~- Davies (C. M.), History of. - Priestley, Lectures on. - De Witt (J.), Brieven, 1652-69. - Polydorus, De Rerum Inventoribus. Secrete Resolution, 1653-68. - Raumer (F. Von), Contributions from -.-. Polit. Maxims of the Republic. Brit. Museum. -- Estrades, Lettres et N6gotiations. IHist. 16th and 17th Centuries. Eustace (J. S.), Letter on Emancipa- St. John (Lord Bolingbroke), Works. S.), Letter on Emanipa tion of. - Salmon (T.), Mod. History. - Frederick Henry, HTet Leven. - Schlegel (F. von), Philosophy of. - Froger, Verdediging der Landgrenzen. - Schlosser, Hist. of 18th Cent. - Grattan (T.), History of. - Schroeder (E. A.), Handbok i Philoso- - rodwettige Herstelling van Nederphiens Hist. lands Staatwezen. - Shedd, Lect. on Philosophy of. Grimestone, Hist. of, to 1608. - Shuckford, Sac. and Prof. Hist. con- Grotius, Apologeticus eorum qu Holnected. landise, etc. - Smyth (W.), Lect. on Mod. Hist. - Giustiniano, Delle Guerre di Flandra. - Surius, Comment. gest. ab 1500 ad - Hall (F. A. van), Publications. - Hedendaagsche Historie.... Friesland. Two (The) Americas, Great Brit. and Holy Alliance. - Overyssel. -- Vestiges of Civilization. -- Hooft (P.C.), Nederlandsche Historien. - Volney, Lectures on History, - H. V., Gravelike Regeering in. - Voltaire, (Euvres. - Jonge ( J. C. de), Rfsolutions des Wassener, Hist. Verhael, 1621-32. Etats gne6raux, 1576. - Wickham, Hannibal's Passage over the - Kampen, Beschrijving van het k. der Alps.. Nederl. - See Registers; Chronology; Statistics, - Kernoux, Abr6g6 de l'histoire de la. etc. e- Keverberg, Vom Konigreiche der. HOBART (J. H.). Guion (J. M.), Discourse La agra, Voy. en, et en Belgique. on. -- La Sagra, Voy. en, et en Belgique. on. - M'Vickar, Early Life of. - Lauts, Ontdekkingen der Nederl. - Oddn T.), Sermon on. - Le Clerc, Hist. des Provinces-Unies. - Onderdonk (B. T.), Sermon on. - Leeuwen, Batavia illustrata. - WVainright, Sermon on. - Ligtdal, Despotisme de la maison d,HOHENLORE (Prince), Badely Extraordi:ange. nary Cure by. - Limburg, Betrekkingen van het hertogHOLLAND. Aa (Van der). Leven van Willem dom. den V. L- uzac, La Richesse de la. - Abbink, Proevevan Staat-kundige Fa' - beln. - Maatschappij der Ned. Letterkunde. - - Leven van Wille~m II.. - Martinet, Het Vaderland; beschryving. -Aitzema, Saken v.n Staat en Oorlogh, - Meerten, Reis door het k. van Nederl. etc. 1621-97. - Meteren, Histoire van de Oorlogen der. - - Nederlantsche Vrede-handeling. - Netherland Historian, 1671 - 74. - - Herstelde Leeuw, 1650, 51. - Nederl. Historic, 1572 - 1611. SUBJECTS. 899 HOLLAND: HIORTICULTURE: - Nederl. Jaarboeken, 1766:-87. - Booth and Sons', Catalogue of plants Palm (V. d.), Gedenkschrift van Ne- for sale. derl. Herstelling. - Champlain Hort. Soc. - Pars, Catti Aborigines Batavorum. - Downing (A.J.), Landscape Gardening,. - Paulus, Unie van Utrecht. - Duhamel, Culture des arbres. - Prinsterer, Proeve over de z-amenstel- - Ecoles d'Horticulture, Belgium. ling, etc. -- Florist (The) and Hort. Journal, - Quetelet, Statist. des Pays Bas, Gardener's Chronicle. - Rechteren', Pesehouwingen. Gardener's Magazine. - Recueil de pieces diplom. 1830 - 32. - Holley (M.), Address, G'enea. -- Rhiyn, Hydrogr. Kaart van de Zuider- Hort. Soc. of London, Journal. -Romans(B.),Annalsofee, fromCharle- Horticulturist, Downing. - Romans (B.), Annals of, from Charles V. - Hosack (D.), Inaug. Disc. N. Y. 1ort. - Royaards, Bijdragen der Nederl.ovey C. M.) S- Hovey (C. M.), Fruits of America. Schiller Hist. RevolU of Netherl. - Johnson (G. W.), Dict.~ of Modern -: Sjoerds, Jaarboeken van Friesland. gardening. -; St~rada, De Bello Belgico, 1578 - 90. - Leuchars, ConstruLction of hot-houses. - Stuart (M.), Vaderl. Historic. - Lindley, Theory f. - Wagennar, Va~d'erl. Historie. - Longworth (N.), On the! Strawberry. By- Byvoegsels der - Magazine of Hort. (Hovey). - Watson (E.), A Tour in. - Mass. Hort, Soc'. Reports, etc. - Wicquefort, nRtablissement de ha 1 re- Miller, Diet. des Jardiniers. publiqcue. - Morren, Hort. de Belgique. - William I, II, IV of Holland, Leven. - Poiteau, Couts d'ltort. - Worper, Chronicon Frisie. Revue Horticole. - See Belgium; Indian Ocean; Voyages, - Soc.Cei. d''orticlture. India; Commerce. - Soc. Cen. dHorticulture. HOLLAND PURCHASE. Turner (O.), Pioneer - Verniont Hort. Soc. proceedings. Hist. of. - Watelet, Essai sur les jardins. Erie Co. N.Y., Conv. on Holland Land - See Agriculture; Fruits. Comp. HOUGH (A. P. G.). Green (B.), Memorial HOLLEY (Horace). Caldwell (C.), Discourse of. on. HtOUSTON (Sam). tester, Iouston and his - Pierpont (J.), Sermon on. republic. HOLT (J.). Croker (T. C.), Memoirs of. HUDSON CITY. Recollections of Albany. HOiERa. Chandler (R.), fHist. of Troy. HUDSON (H.).- Cleveland (H. R.):,. Life of. - Damm, Lex. Etymol. HUDSON RiVtYn. Genet, Mem. oin obstruc-, - Hobbs (T.), Works, vol. 10, Trans. of. tions of navigation of. HoaceoPATRY. Gray (J. F.), Inaug. ad. - Hunt (F.), Letters concerning. Hahnemann Acad.. - Irving (W.), Book of the Hudson. - Guidi, Letter on, 1824. - New-York State Tourist. - Homceop. Med. Soc. Proc. 1851 - 55. - Wade's Panorama of. - Rosenstein (J. G.), Treatise upon. HUDSON RIYVER R. R. Jervis, Reports to. - Sherrill, Manual for prescribing. - Morgan (R. P.), Reports to. - Vanderburgh, An appeal for. HUDSON)s BAY. Ballantyne, Hudson's Bay, HONDURAS. See Central America. Life in. HOrKINTON, MASS. Howe (N.), Hist. dis- - Coats, Geography of. course. - Dobbs (A.), Countries adjoining. HOPPER (I'. T.). Child (M.), Life of. - Ellis (H.), Voyage to, 1746, 47. HoRSt. Boigne, Du Cheval en France. - Fitzgerald, Exam. of Charter of comp. - Bouley, Discours i l'Ecole vdt'rinaire. - Jeremie, Relation du_ ddtroit, etc. - Girardin, Population chevaline en Fr. - McKeever, Voyage to, 1512. - Jewett, New-England Farrier. - McLean (J.), Twenty five years service - Tuffnell, Pocket Farrier. in Territory of. - Vegetius, Artis Veterinarise. - Martin (iR. N.), Territories and corporation of. - Youatt, The Iorse. ration of. - Monck, Voys. ffo IHudsrnsi street's. HORTICULTURE. Albany tort. Soc. Rep. - Browne (T.), Works, Cyrus-gardten. - Robson, Six years residence. 900 INDEX TO HUDSON'S BAY: HUNGARY: - Ryerson, Missionary tour. Paton (A. A.), The Goth and the Hun, - Selkirk (Lord), Statement respecting. 1849. - Umfreville, Present state. -- Pragay, Outlines of the struggle, 1848. - See Arctic Regions; Greenland. - Pulszky, Tales and Traditions of. HUGO (V.). Gal. des Contemp. vol. 1: Vie - Quin, Steam voyage. de. - Sandor, Farkas. Utazas Eszak AmeriHULL (W.). Forbes, Report of the trial of. kaban. - Hull (M.), Revolutionary services of. - Stiles (W.H.), Austria in 1848. HuMIBoLDT (A.). Cotta, Briefe Kiber A. von - Ujhazy, Termination of revolution. H.'s Kosmos. - Sece Austria. HUMAN RIGHTS. See Civilization; Repu- HUNTING. See Amusements. blics; Social questions. HUNTINGDON PEERAGE. Bell (H. N.), ReHUaANE SOCIETIES. Caan, Redevoering etc. storation of. -- Cunningham, On Friendly Societies. HUTCHINSON (Anne). Ellis (G. E.), Life. - Soc. Protec. des animaux. HUTCHINSON (Col. J.). Hutchinson (Lucy), Memoirs of. - Soc. Montyon et Franklin. Memoirs of. HYDRAULICS. Coulomb, Travaux sous l'eau. HUME (D.), Burton ( J. H.), Life and correspondence of. - Dempsey, Drainage of districts and HUMOUR. Album pour rire. sands. - B. (H.) Political Sketches. - Dobson, Founda. and Concrete works. Gr am. mar.olit c - Ewbank, Deser. acet. of hydraulic ma- Comic English Grammar.chines. - Davis IDowningville letters. - Davis, Downingville letters. - Glynn, Power of water applied to flour Doyle (R.), Manners of ye Englyshe. mills. - ElitS des Bons-mots. - Hughes. Drainage of low lands. Erasmus, L'Eloge de la Folie. - - Hydraulic works of Holland. - Gilbray, Caricatures. - Jamieson (A.), Mechanics of fluids. - Haliburton, The Clock-maker. - Milligan, Hydraulics. -- -,- The Letter-bag of the Great Wes- - Morin, Roues hydrauliques. tern..- Hogalt s Wtorks.- Prony, Architecture hydraulique. - See Engineering; Canals; Croton Aqu. - Kay (J.), Original Portraits. HYDROMETER. Me Culloh, Hydrometrical - Moeet, Lucina sine concubitu. tables. - Preston (W.), Essay on Wit and Hum. HYDROSTATICS. Amsden's HIydrostat. scale. - Pigott, Political Dictionary. - Brougham, Lib. U. K. Nat Phil. - Satyre MdnippEe. - Genet, Upward forces of fluids. - Stephens (H. L.), Comic Nat. Hist. - Lardner, Treatise on. - Smith (A.), Nat. Hist. of the Gent. - McCulloh (R. S.), Hydrometr. tables. - Smith (S.), Jack Downing's letters. - Hough (H. G.), Principles of liquid Swift (J.), Art of Punning. attraction. - Tale of a Tub. - See Hydraulics; Natural Philosophy. - Sterne (Laurence), Works. HYGROMETER. See Meteorology. - Tafereel (De), or Mississippi schemes. HYMrNS. Hazen, Chris. Psalms and Hymns. Wright (T.), England Illustrated. - New-England Psalm Book. - See literature. - See Psalms. HUNGARY. Brace (C. L.), Hungary in 1851. - Bright (R.), Travels through Lower, I 1814. - Depuy, Kossuth and his Generals. ICELAND. Barrow (J.)jr. Visit to, in 1834. Gleig, Hungary visited. - Edin. Cab. Lib. vol. 28. - Georgei, My life and acts in. -- Mackenzie, Travels in, 1810. - Harris, vol. 2: Travels in. - Miles (P.), Rambles in. - Hist. des Rev. de. - Pfeiffer, Journey to. - Hungary and its revolutions. - Troll, Letters on. - Isthuanffius, Regni Hungarici Histo. - See Scandinavia. - Klapka, War in, 1848. ICHTHYOLOGY. Bushman, Naturalists' Lib. - Merin, Mines in Hungary. - Hamilton (R.), British fishes. - Paget, Hungary and Transylvania. - Jardine, Naturalists' Lib. SUBJECTS. 901 ICHTHYOLOGY: INDIA, TRAVELS IN, ETC.: - Mitchill (S. L.), Fishes of America. - Barr (W.), Travels to Cabul and the - Smith (J. V. C.), Fishes of Mass. Punjab. Swainson (W.) Nat. ist of fishes. - Bontekoe, Journal van Ost-Indische - Swainson (W.), Nat. Hist. of fishes. Reize, 1618. - Ya rrcll, British fishes. - Coryat, Journey to Hindostan. - See Natural History; Zoology. - Dubois, Desc. of the people of. IDIOTS. Boston Lunatic Hospital. - Forbes, Oriental memoirs. - Howe, Prevention of idiocy. - Fitch (R.), Voy. to Ormus and E. Ind. - N. Y. State Idiot Asylum. - Fraser (J. B.), Himala mountains and - Mass. Educa. for Idiots. sources of the Ganges. - See Insanity. - Gama (V. de), First voyage to. ILLINOIS. Beck (L. C.), Gazetteer of, 1823. - Godman: Coates voyage to India. Birkbeck, Letters from, 1818. - Groot, Reis in Nederl. Indie door Prins - Brown (H.), History of. Willem. - Carpenter (W. H.), Hist. of. - Hamilton ( F. B.), Journey from Ma- Cooley (H. S.), Appeal for schools in. dras. - Harlan, Memoir of, and Afghanistan. - Ford, History of Illinois. - Ford, History of Illinois.' - Heber ( R.), Jour. in upper provinces - Illinois in 1837. of. - Jones (A. D.), Illinois and the west. - Hoffmeister, Contin. India and Nepal. - Peck (J. M.), Gazetteer of, 1834. - India, pictorial, descriptive. - Shepard (C. U.), Geology of. - Jacquemont, Letters from. - Welby, Visit to North America. - Kaye, Corresp. of Lord Metcalfe. - Woods (J.), Resid. at English prairies. - Lancaster (Sir J.), First Voy. to. IMMORTALITY. See Soul. - Linschoten, Nav. in Lusitanor. Indiam. IMPRESSMENT. Butler (C.), Legality of. - - Voy. to, and West Indies. Essay on the pernicious practice of. - Lowrie, Two years in Upper. - Impressments unlawful. - Mackenzie (Mrs.), Six years in. - Right and practice of. 1 — Malcolm (Sir J.), Memoir of central. - Taggart (S.), Addresses, 1813. - Moorcroft, Travels in Himalayan Prov. IMAPRISONsMENT FOR DEBT. Sec Prisons. - Mundy, Pen and Pencil sketches in. INDIA, HISTORY OF. Castagneda, Histoire - Niuhof, Travels to. de'. e- Oliphant, Journey to Nepaul. C n Coppier, Voy. des1. - Orlich, Travels in India, Sinde and - Dirom, Campaign in, to 1792. Punjaub. - Dow (A.), History of Hindostan. - Renaudot, Travels of two Mohamme- Dufrene, De la Comp. des Indes. dans. - Edinb. Cab. Lib. vol. 6, 8: Hist. ac- - Rochon, Voyage to. counts of. -- Roe (Sir Thomas), Jour. to Hindostan. - Elphinstone, History of. - Sleeman, Rambles of an official. - Garcilasso, Guerres des Espagnols dans. - Verthema, Travels to. - Guyon, History of the East Indies. - Ward (F. de W.), India and the Hin- Hist. Nat. y moral de las Indias. Span. doos. En-. and Fr. - Vries (S. de), Reysen door Oost In- Murray (HI.), Hist. and descr. acct. of; dien, 1675 - 86. - Maurice (T.), History of Hindostan. - See Voyages; Indian ocean. - Maffei, Historiarum Indicarum lib. 16. INDIA, MISCELLANEOUS: - Martin, History of Eastern India. - Burnes (J.), Court of Sinde. - Mill (J.), History of. - Chapman (Jo), Cotton and Comm. of. - Orme (R.), Hist. Fragments of the - Compagnie des Indes. Mogul Empire. - Du Pont, Compagnie des Indes. - Robertson (W.), Histor. Disquisition. - Illustrations of the Thugs. - Tod, Annals of Rajasthan. - Kerr, voy. Vol. 2, Portuguese Discov. - War in India, 1845. - Morellet, Mfm. sur la compagnie des - Wilson (H. H.), History of. Indes. - See Hindoos; Commerce. - Stavorinus, Voyages to. INDIA, TRAVELS IN, ETC. Acland, A popu- - Tennant, Brit. Gov. in. lar account of. - Valentini, Museum Museorum. - Barbosa (O.), On the East Indies. - Welsh, Military Reminiscences. 902 INDEX TO INDIA, MISCELLANEOUS: INDIANS, AMERICAN: -- See British, French, Spanish Colonies; - Gookin, Doings and sufferings of NewCommerce. Eng. Indians. INDIAN OCEAN. Argensola, Conquista de la- _ Halkett, Hist. Notes respecting. Molucas. Sp. -t,'r. and LriEtg.... d. - Hall (J.), Wilderness and War-path. - Begin ende Voortgan:gh Ned. Oost Ind. Comp. - Brooke, Events in Borneo and Labuan. - Hayes (D.), Captivity by. - Constantin, Recueil des Voyages. - Heckewelder, Morav. mission among, - Crawfurd, Hist. of Indian Archipelago. - Harrison (W. H.)., Aborigines of Ohio valley. - Groot, Reis in Nederl. Indie. -- Henry (A.), Travels.... in the Indian - Hinderstein, Expl. de' la carte des colonies neerlandaises. territories. - Nederlandsche: Natuurlylke geschieide-l - Hough (F. B.), Visit to St. Regis Ind. nis. - Hoyt, Indian wars on the Connecticut. - See Java; Sumatra; Voyages, Indian. - Hubbard (W.), Indian wars, 1609 -77. INDIANS, AaMERICAN. Account of the Mich- - Hunter (J. D.), Indians- west of Mismakis, Cape Breton. sissippi. - Adair (J.), History of.- - Indian Board, Improvement of. - Alden ( T.), Missions to the Senecas - Indians (The), or Massacres in Wawaand Munsees. sink. - Apes (W.), Life of. - Inquiries respecting the Hist. of. -- -- Indian Nullification. - Iroquois, by Minnie Myrtle.. - Barton, Origin of the tribes of. - Irving (J. T.) jr., Indian Sketches. - Bosczna, Indians of California. - Jackson (H.), Civilization of. - Bouquet, Expedition against, in Ohio,. - Jarvis (S. F.), Religion of. 1764. - Johnson (Sir W.), Conferences with. - Bowles, Ambassador of Cherokees to __ ~London.~ -- ~ Johnston (C.), Capture and ransom London. from. - Bradford (A.. W.),- Origin and hist. of. Laet (D e Origine. -- Laet (De), De Origine Gent. Amer. - Brainerd (D.), Journal among. Laftau, Meeursldes sauvages. - Brett (W. H.), Indians of Guiana. Las Casas, MCEuvres, vol. 1, 2. - Buchanan (J.), Hist. Man. andeust. of. - Latrobe, Missions of Unit. Brethren - Case of the Seneca; Indians. among. - Catlin, Notes on N, A. Ind. - Long (J.), Travels of an Indian In- -- N. A. Indian Portfolio. terpreter. - Church, History of Philip's war. - McCoy, Baptist Indian Missions. - Clark (J. V. HI.), Lights and Lines of - McIntosh, Origin of. Character. - McKenney (T. L.), Tribes of N. A. - Colden (C.), Five Indian Nations. - - Memoirs of Travels among. - Copway (G.), Life, by himself. - Mayhew, Indian converts. - - Sketches of the Ojibways. - Milfort, Voy. dans la Nation Crack. - Cusick (D.), Hist. of the Six Nations. - Mitchill (S. L.), Ethnology of. - Documents, Abor. Protec. Soc. - Moneypenny, Rapport sur les hommes - Drake (S. G.), Biog. and Hist. of. rouges. - - Catalogue of his library. - Morgan (L. H.), League of the Iro- - Tragedies of the Wilderness. quos - Morse (J.), Report on Indian affairs. - - Old Indian Chronicle. -- Morton (S. G.), Crasnia Americana. - Eastman, Am. Aboriginal Portfolio... -- - Inq. into Aborig. races. - - Dahcotah legends.. - Narrative of Seminole campaign. - Events in Indian Hist. with Biog. - Parkman (F.) jr., Hist. of conspir. of - Fisher (W.), Trav. among, from Lewis Pontiac. and Clark. a- Penhallow, Wars of New-Eng. with. - Flint (T.), Indian Wars of the West. Rowlandsons (Mrs.)I Captivity by. - Frisbie, Journal of Mission to. -Frisbie, Journal of Mission to. - Schoolcraft (H. R.), Thirty years resi- Gallatin, Indians of Mexico, etc. dence among. - - Synopsis of Tribes. - - Hist. and Statis:. information, 4 - Garcia, Origen de los: Indios: del Nuevo vol. Mondo. - Notes on the Iroquois. - Georgia,. Controversy with the Creeks. SUBJECTS..903 INDIANS, AMERICAN: INSANITY: - Scouler, Observ. on tribes of N. W. - Great Britain, Lunacy, Metr. Comm. coast. Report. - Seneca Ind. Controversy.- - Mad-houses in England. - Shea, Hist. Cath. Miss. among. - Jarvis (E.), What shall we do with our - Shirley (Gov,.), Conferences with, 1742. Insane - Smet, Residence among. - - Causes of Insanity. - Smet, Residence among. - Smith (Col. J.), Captivity with. - Maryland Hospital, - Massachusetts, Lun. Hosp. Rep. - Speeches in Cong. Mon, 1830. - Millingen (J. G.), Considerations on - Speeches in Cont. on, 1830. hereditary. - Stanley (J. M.), Portraits of. - Mount Iope Inst., Baltimore. - Stone (W. L.), Brant and Redjacket. - tone (W. L.), Brnt and Redjet. - New-Jersey, Reports on Lunatics and - Tanner (J.), Narrative of Captivity. Idiots. - Treaty with the Creeks. - New Hamp. Asy. for. - Thatcher (B. B.), Indian Biography. - New-York Lun. Asy. Reports, 1844-53. - Timberlake's Memoirs. - Ohio, Lunatic Asylum reports. - Traits of Amer. Indian life. - Opal (The), Utica, 1852-54. - Vide, American Tableaux. - Pennsyl.I Hosp. for the Insane. - Vindication of the Cherokee claims. - Prichard (J. C.), Treatise on Insanity. - Walcot, Account of HI. Gelashmin. - Retreat at Hartford. - West (J.), Mission to, in New-Bruns- - Symons (T. Y.), Mental Alienation. wick, etc. )- Thurnam, Statistics of. - Wheelock, Indian Charity School. - Upham, Disordered Mental Action. - Whitfield (II.), Indians of New-Eng. - Virginia, Lunatic Asylums. 1651. - Wharton (J.), De Mania. - Williams (J.), Captivity by. -Williams (SW.) Captivity of b. Wib- - Winslow, Anatomy of Suicide. - Williams (S. W.)-Catptivity of S. -Wil - liams. - See Physiology; Idiots. - Wilson (T.), Instruction for. INSURANCE. Bard (W.), Letter on Life In- Worsley (J.), View of Amer. Indians. surance. - See Aborigines; Ethnology; Langua- - Baylis (E.), Arithmetic of Annuities, ges; Grammars; Diet. etc. INDIANA. Dillon, History of. - Bethune (J. D.), Annuities. - Ellsworth, Valley of the Wabash. - Convention of Ins. Comp. - Topog. Desc. of, 1818. - De Morgan, Essay on Probabilities. INDUSTRY. See Exhibitions; Labor; Polit. - Farr, Finance of Life Ins. Econ. - Francis (J.), Annals of Life Assur. INFIDELITY. SeC Christianity, Evidences of. - Jones (D.), On the Value of Annuities. INFUSORIA. See Animalcules. - Johnston, Life Ins. Examiner. INQUISITION. Mem. on Portuguese Inquis. - Mass. Insurance Returns, 1838-54. - Sarpi, Opere. - Pam. vol. 142. - See Roman Catholic Church. - Pocock, Explan. of Life Assur. INSANITY. Amer. Journal of Insan., Utica. INTELLECTUAL PHILOSOPHY. Abercrombie, - Asylum at Frankford, Pa., Reports. Inquiries; Intellect. Powers. - Bloomingdale Asylum, Reports. - Buchanan (J.), Phil. of Human Nat. - Boston, Lunatic Hospital, Reports. - Beasley, Search after Truth. - Brierre de Boismont, Directions for - Browu (T.), Lectures on. Gov't of. - Edwards (J.), Works, Freedom of the - Brigham (A.), Inq. on Diseases of the Will. Brain. - Fearn, Physiol. of the Mind. - - Utica Asylum Souvenir. - - Essay on External Perception. - Butler Hospital. - Hume (D.), Treatise on HumanNature. - Connect. Retreat for the Insane. - Essays on the Human Understan- Conolly, Construction of Asylums. ding. - Dix (D. L.), Memorials for Hospitals - Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, for. R- Kinker (J.), Le Dualisme de la Raison - Earle, Visit to 13 Asylums in Europe. humaine. Bloomingdale Asylum. - Locke (J.), Works. - Forster (T.), Obs. on Insanity. - La Forge, De l'Esprit de }'Homrne, 904 INDEX TO INTELLECTUAL PHILOSOPHY: IRELAND: - Reid (T.), Works. - Foster (T. C.), Condition of. - Scott (R. E.), Limits of Metaph. and -- Irish Commercial Propositions. Phys. Sci. - King (W.), Protestants in, under King - Steuart (Sir J.), Works. James. - Stewart (D.), Works. - Kane (R.), Industrial Resources of. - Taylor (H.), Elements of Thought. - Leland (T.), History of. - Tissot, Causes des Idles. - Mac Nevin, History of the Volunteers. - Tucker (A.), The Light of Nature. - Mac Neven (W. J.), Pieces of Irish - Upham (T. C.), Disordered Mental Ac- History. tion. - Madden (D. 0.), Revelations of. - Wayland (F.), Elements of. - Madden (R. R.), The United Irishmen. - Wirgman, Kantesian Phil. - Mooney (T.), History of. - See Philosophy; Man; Soul. - Moore (T.), History of. INTERNATIONAL. See Diplomacy; Law; and - Moreau, Past and Present Statist. State the Law Lib. Cat. of. INTERNATIONAL EXCHIIANGES. Vattemare -- Nicholson (Miss), Ireland's Welcome (A.).. to the Stranger. INVENTIONS. Amer. Jour. of Improvements. - O'Brien, Trade and Manuf. of. - Beckmann, History of. - - O'Connell (J.), Recollections and Ex- Cartwright (E.), Memoirs. periences. - Dutens, Origin of Modern Discoveries. - O'Connell (D.), Memoir on. - Franklin Inst. Jour. - OConnor (R.), Address to the People, - History of Wonderful Inv. v- Petrie, Round Towers of. - Inventors' Advertiser. Plowden, I-ist. Review of the State of. - London Journal and Repertory of Patent Inv. - Revans(J.),Evils, and Remedy. - Mechanics' Magazine, London. - Sampson (W.), Memoirs. - Plough, Loom and Anvil. - Soc. of United Irishmen. - Remarks on Rights of Inventors. - Sketches of, 60 years ago. - Scientific American. - Temple (Sir J.), Hist. Rebell. in. - Society of Arts, Journal, London. Thompson (R.), Stat. Survey Co. of - See Arts; Scient. Journals; Patents. Meath. -- Ticheborne, Siege of Drogheda. IONIAN IS. Davy (J.), Notes on. -- Voyage of the Jamestown to. - Holland I(H.), Travels in. - Wilson (J. M.), Gazetteer of. - See Greece. - Young (A.), Tour in. IowA. Parker (N. H.), Iowa as it is in 1855. - S A r n - See Great Britain; England. Plunrbe Sketches of, and Wis. 1839.' IRoN. Bramah, Experiments on Strength of. - Sargent (G. B.), Notes on, 1849. Du Frrnoy, De l'Air chaud dans les - Williams (J.), U. S. Lands in. usines D fer. IPSWICH, MASS. Felt (J. B.), History of. - Hassenfratz, La Sidfrotechnie. - Kimball (D. T.), Centennial Disc. - Hodgkinson, Strength of cast-iron IRELAND. Annals of, The Four Masters. pillars. - Balch (W.), Ireland as I saw it. - Iron Workers' Conv. Albany. - Barnes (G.), Rights of the Imperial - Karsten, MFtallurgie. Crown in. - Needham, Manufacture of iron. - Barrington (Sir J.), Hist. Mem. of. - Overman, The Manufacture of steel. - - Legislative Union of. - Scrivenor (H.), Hist. of Iron trade. - Barrow (J.), jr, Tour round, 1835. - Tredgold, Strength of. - Bigelow, Rambles in, and North Brit. - Turnbull, Strength of cast iron. - Carr (Sir J.), Stranger in. - Valerius, Fabrication de la fonte. - Carey (M.), IrelaundVindicated. - See Metals; Mines; Engineering; - Cloncurry (Lord), Personal Recollec- Bridges. tions. ISLE OF MAN. Train, Hist of. - Curran (J. P.), Speeches in Irish Tri- ITALY.Abrg ist. et Po. de 1' als. ITALY. Abreg6 Hist. et Pol. de 1'. a- Adalbert, Tr. in South of Europe. - Daunt, Ireland and her Agitators. - Addison (J.), Remarks on various -- Addison (J.), Remarks on various - Dalrymple, Memoirs of. Parts of. -- Duigenan, Answer to Grattan, A- Annali della Liberta Padovana, 1797. SUBJECTS. 905 ITALY: JACKSON (A.): - Bakewell (R.), Travels in the Taren- - Waldo (S. P.), Life of. tine, etc. - Walker (A.), Jackson and New Orleans. - Beckford (W.), Italy, with Spaln and - See Seminole Campaign. Portugal. JAMAICA. Beckford (W.), Descriptive Ac- Botta (E.), Italy, under Napoleon. count of. - Chateaubriand, Recollections of. - Bigelow (J.), Jamaica in 1850. - Cooper (J. F.), Excursions in. - Blome, Descr. de l'Isle de. - Coppi, Annali d'Italia, 1750-1838. - Browne (P.), Civ. and Nat. History of. - Eustace, Classical Tour through. - Histoire de la. - Ferber, Travels through in 1771, 72. - Long (E.), History of. - Forsyth (J.), Excursion in. - Roughley, Jamaica Planters' Guide. - Galenga, Italy in 1848. - Stewart (J.), View of, and Slavery. - Goethe, Letters fromn. - State of. - Guicciardini, History of, 1490-1532. - See West Indies. - Headley (J. T.), Italy and the Italians. JAMAICA, L. I. Macdonald, Sketch of Presb. - Leti (G.), L'Italia Regnante. Church in. - Machiavelli, Hist. of Florence and. JAMES II. Reresby, Memoirs and Travels. -- Opere. - See England, History of. - Mahoney, Six Years in the Monasteries. JANSENIS.I. Boursier, Hist. du Livre de - Mariotti, Italy in 1848. I-action de Dieu - - Italy, Past and Present. - Dissertation sur les Bulles contre Baius --- See Roman Catholic Church. - Mazzini, Royalism and Republicanism in. JANUARIUS (S.). Mazochius, Actorum.... - Moore (J.), Soc. and Manners in. Vindici. — M-ssati, list.Henrici vJAPAN Caron, Account of. - Mussati, Hist. Henrici VII. - Newspapers of Rome and, 1848, 49. P- Hildreth, Japan as it was and is. - Pacca, Historical Memoirs, 1808-14.,- Ksempfer, History of. - Peale, Notes on, during a Tour.,- Mac Farlane, Geog. and Hist. of. - Pepe, Memoirs, Events of Modern - Memorials of, Ed. by T. Rundall. -- Memorials of, Ed. by T. Rundall. Italy. - Raumer (F. von), Italy and the Itali- - Siebold's Flora and Fauna of. ans. Manners and Customs of. - Sismondi, Italian Republics. - Taylor (J. B.), Visit to China and. - Spalding (W.), Italy and the Italian - See China. Islands. JAVA. Bennett, Wanderings in Batavia. - Turnbull, The Genius of Italy. - Kussendrager, Aardrijkskundige van - Valery, Voy. Hist. et litt. 1826-28. het eiland. - Volkman, Historie van, en Reisboek - Nahuijs, Oorlog op Java, 1825-30. door. - Raffles (Sir T. S.), History of. - Whiteside, Italy in the 19th Century. Selberg, Reise nach. - See Rome; Florence; Sardinia; Naples. - Wolfe (J.), Account of. ITHACA, N. Y. Goodwin (H. C.), Ithaca as __ See Indian Ocean; Voyages to India. it is and was. JAY (John). Renwick (J.), Life of. - Ithaca, Views of its Environs. - King (H.), Early History of. - Jay (.), Life of. JEFFERSON CO. N. Y. Hough (F. B.), Hist. ITURBIDE. Gilliam, Tr. in Mexico; Life of. JEFFERSON Co. N. Y. Hough (F. B.) of. JEFFERSON (T.). Baldwin (J. G.), Party Leaders. - Bayard (R. H), Refutation of Two JACXSON (A.). Aristides, Invasion of Flo- passages of. rida. - Biddle (N.), Eulogium on, 1827. - Dusenbery, Twenty-five Eul. on. - Croswell, Trial for Libel on. - Eaton (J. H.), Life of. - Cushing (C.), Eulogy on. - Frost (J.), Pictorial Life of. - Danvers (J. T.), Picture of. - Jackson, Wreath and Biog. of. - Duer (W. A.), Eulogy on. - Jenkins (J. T.), Life of. - Dwight (T.), Character of. - Mayo (R.), Polit. Sketches of 8 years. - Everett (E.), Eulogy on. - N. Y. City, Funeral Ceremonies. - Hammond (J. D.), Sketch of L-fQj [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 112 906 INDEX TO JEFFERSON (T.): JESUIT MISSIONS: - Lee (H.), Obs. on the Writings of. - Mercure (Le) Frangois. -- Linn (W.), Life of. - Muratori, Missions du Paraguay. - Mitchill (S. L.), Discourse on Charac- - Murr, Reisen einiger Miss. in Amer. - ter of. -- Pelleprat, Miss. dans l'Am'r. merid. - Rayner, Life of. - Padilla, Hist. de Santiago de Mexico. - Tucker (G.), Life of. - Relation abr6gfe. W- irt (W.), Discourse on. - Stocklein, Brief Schriften von denen - See Adams (J.). Miss. 1642-1731. JEFFREYS (Judge). Woolrych, Memoirs of. - Tanner (M.), Sive Vita et Mors eorum. JEFFREY (Lord). Cockburn (Lord), Life of. - Travels of several Learned Miss. JEMXISON (Mary). Seaver (J. E.), Narra- - See Missions, Rom. Cath. Church. tive of. JESUIT MISSIONS, IN NEW FRANCE. Le - Wright (A.), Captivity of, with the In- Jeune, Relation, 1635. dians. - Le Mercier, Relation, 1637, 38. JENNER (E.). Baron (J.), Life of. - Vimont, 1642. JERSEY CITY. Gavit, Directory of. - Lalemant, Relation, 1645-48. JERSEYS IS. Plees, Account of. - Ragueneau, 1649-51. JERUSALEM. See Palestine; Jews. - Dreuillette, Narr6 du Voy. 1650, 51. JESUITS. Bernardin, Pers'cution par. - Le Mercier.......1653, 54. - Caradeuc, Constitutions des. - Copie de deux Lettres, 1656. - Jesuites (Les) dans l'Anc. et Nouveau - Le Jeune.... 1656, 57. Monde. - Relation, 1657-60. - Jezuiten (De) de Troon der Nederlan- - Lalemant, 1659. Sec Copie de. den. -- Le Jeune.... 16605 61. - Lockman (J.), Travels of. - Le Jeune.... 1660, 61. - Lalemant.... 1662-64. - Mercure (Le) Francois. - Le Mercier... 1664, 65. - Michelet, The Jesuits. -Nicolini, History of. - D'Ablon, Relation, 1670, 71. Pamphleteer, vol. 9: Account of. - - 1671-73. - Pascal, Provincial Letters. - Relation, 1676, 77. Se. Copie de. - Proc's contre. - Relation, 1676, 77. MS. ~- Relation ahrfg'e. - Bress y, e s io ab. 6gfe. relation abregfe. Secreta Monita. - Mercure Frangois. - Seylour (M. H.), Mornings among. - O'Callaghan, Relations des Jesuites. -Se u (MIS. H a.), Morn JEWS. Boudinot, A Star in the West. JESUIT MISSIONS. Acosta (E.), Rerum Ges- of. tarum in Oriente, ad 1568. - Brown (W.), Antlqudties of. - Assoc. de la Prop. de la Foi, Annales. Bcxtorf, Opers Talmudici recensio. - Avisi dal Indie Portogllo, 1558. - Cockayne, Civil.History of, to Hadrian. -:Epistole I~ndicc. - Essai sur Surinam: La Colonie Juive. - - Japaniczc. - Galatinus, De Arcanis Cath. Veritatis. - Histoire.... de la Chine, 1624; Tibet, - - Reuchlin, De Arte Cabalistica. 1626. - Grant, The Nestorians or Lost Tribes. d'Ethiopie, 1624-26. - History of the Hebrew Monarchy. - Kip (W. I.), Early Jesuit Missions in - Hoffman (D.), Chronicles of CartaphiN.A. lus. - Lettres Edifiantes. - Jahn, Hist. of the Hebrew Common- Lettres Nouvelles, de la Chine et des wealth. Indes. -- Jarvis (S F.), Church of the Redeemed. Nouvelles des Missions, Amerique. - Jennings (D.), Jewish Antiquities. - Litterse Annuse, 1584-1654. - Josephus (F.), Opera, Lat. and Eng. -- -- Japonenses. -- Martineau, Providence Manif. through. - In Regno Sine. - Mendelsohn, Ritual Gesetzte der Ju-- In Prov. Peruana. den. - Ljungstedt, Roman Catholics in China. - Michaelis, Laws of Moses, Law Lib. - Maoistris (H. de), Relation de Madure, - Milman, History of, to the present. Tanjeor. - Narrative of Mission of Inquiry to. -- Marquette, Recit 1673-75. Noah, On Restoration of the Jews. - Mmnoiresdes Miss.dans le Levant. - - Translation of Book of Jasher. SUBJECTS. 907 JEWS: KEENE, N. HI. Hale (S.), Annals of. - Palm (Van der), Apokryfe Boeken. KEmPIS (T. a). Navarette, Diss. autore "De - Prideaux, Old and New Test. I-ist. con- Imitat. Christi." neeted. KENT (J.). Duer (J.), Discourse on. - Priestley, Comparison of the Institu- KENT (Edward, Duke of). Neale, Life of. tions of Moses. KENTUCKY. Arthur (T. S.), History of. - Religions (All). - Butler (M.), History of. - Smith (E.), View of the Hebrews. _- Collins (L.), Hist. Sketches of, etc. - Sulpicius, Opera. - Cuming, Tour in. - Tappan (D.), Jewish Antiquities. - Davidson (R.), Mammoth Cave; The - Wise (I. M.), Hist. of Israelitish Na- Barrens, etc. tion. - Description of. - See Bible; Theology: Christ.Evidences. - Flson, Desc. and present State of. JOHNSON (R. M.). Johnson (R. M.), Life - Kentucky State Register, 1847. of. -Van Buren (M.), Life of. - Marshall (H.), History of. - Morehead, Add., First Settlement of. JOHNSON (S.). Boswell (J.), Life of. - Butler, Life of. - -- - Rafinesque, Ancient History. - Butler, Life of..-'-. - Voyage au Kentoukey. - Hawkins (J.), Life of. - Johnson (S.), His Religious Life. See Louisville; Boone. JOHNSON (S.), DD. Chandler (T. B.), Life KEPLER (.J.). Brewster (Sir D.), Life of. of. KOrRASAN. Fraser (J. B.), Journey into. JOHNSON (Sir W.). Simms (J. B.), Account KILBOURN FAN. Kilbourn (P. K.), Geneal. of. of, in U. S. and Canada. JONES (D. S.). Jones ( W. A.), Memorial KING (James). Campbell (J. N.), Discourse of. on. JONES (J. Paul). Jones (J. P.), Memoirs lING (W. R.). Pierce (F.), Memoirs of and Life. their Lives. - Mackenzie, Life of. KINGSTON UPON HULL. Timperley, Harbor - Sherburne (J. II.), Life of. and Dock of. Wald (S.P.),Lifeo.KIP (W. J.). Schneller, Letters in Answer - Waldo (S. P.), Life of. to Christmas Holidays. JONES (Sir W.). Teigumouth (Lord), Lfe KIRKLAND (S.). Lothrop (S. K.), Life of. - Wilks (S. C ), Life of. KIRKLAND (J. T.). Young (A.), Sermon. JONSON (Ben). Gifford (W.), Memoirs-of. KNOWLTON (T.). Coffin (C.), Life of. JOSEPHINE (Empress). Le Normand, ist. KNOX COLLEGE. Gale, History of. and Secret Mem. of. KNOX (John). M'Crie, Life of. JUDSON (A.H.). Knowles (J. D.), Memoir KOSSUTH (L.). De Puy, Kossuth and his of. Generals. JUDSON (A.). Middleditch (R. T.), Life of. - Hungary, and its Revolutions. - Wayland (F.), Memoirs of. - New-York City, Reception of. JUNIUS. Barker, Claims of Sir P. Francis. Glover, Mem. of a Cel. Lit. and Pol. character. L. - Girdlestone, Gen. Lee, Author of. - Junius, Inquiry respecting. LABOR. Carey (M.), Essay onWages. - Michelet, The People. K. - Wing (C ), Evils of Factory System. - See Reforms; Political Economy. KA3rTSCHATKA. Grieve, Hist. of, and the LABRADOR. Anspach (L. A.), History of. Kurilski Is. K- obell Travels illn. - Chappell, Voyage to New Foundland. - Dobell, Travels in. - See IHudson's Bay. KANzAS. Fremont, Exploration on Kansas River.ABUAN. See Borneo; China. - Hale (E. E.), Kanzas and Nebraska. LACEY (Dr ). Notes on the Sayings of. - Pacific Railroad Reports. LACORDAIRE (Pere). Gal. des Conten. vol. - Parkman (F.), The California Trail. 5: Vie de. B.)', Wild Scenes in. LAMIB (C.). Talfourd (T. N.), Literary - Sage (R. B.), Wild Scenes in. Sketches of. - Walter (G.), History of. LAMB (J.). Leake (I. Q.), Memoir of. - See United States, West. L LABRECHSTEN (N. C'.). Citters, Lofrede iEATS (J.). Milnes (R. M.), Life of. op. 908 INDEX TO LA MENNAIS. Gal. des Contem. vol. 1: Vie LANGUAGE, ENGLISH: de. - Elphinstone, The Principles of. LAMPS. Barrachin, Lampe hydrostatique. - - Anal. of the French and English. LANCASTER AND YORK COS. PENN. Rapp, - Evans, Leicestershire Words. ist. - Flugel, Literariache Sympathien. LANCASTER, MS. Harrington (T.), Century Serm. -- Fowler(W. C.), Eng. Lang. in its Elements. LANDON (L. E.). Blanchard (L.), Life of. S - Frost (J.), 500 Exercises in Parsing. LAFAYETTE (G. M.). CloqUet, Souvenirs surLAFAYETTE (. M.). Cloquet, - Gilchrist, Philosophic Etymology. - Cutter (W.), Life of. - Girard, Meth Instr. in Mother tongue. - Everett (E.), Eulogy on. - Greene (C. R ), Treatise on Structure of. - Lafayette, Life of. e —. ~~~- Grimshaw, Etymological Dictionary. - Levasseur, Reise durch Amerika, 1824. - M- Guy, Exercises in English Syntax. - Mack (E.), Life of. n - - Outlines.... in English Themes. Sarrans, Memoirs of. - SpraguMemo(W. B f.)Oration. — Harrison (M.), Structure, etc. Sprague (W. B.), Oration on. -SpraguWBre, FOrmation m e.. - Halloway, General Diet. of ProvincialLANGUAGES. Brosses, Forimation mecanique isms. des Langues. - Hiley (R.), Treatise on Grammar. - Du Ponceau, Diss. on Chinese Writing - Hurd (S. T.), Common Errors of --- Hurd (S. T. ), Common Errors of - Fearn (J.), Anti-Tooke. Speech. - hlarris, Hermes, or Univ. Gramm. - Ingersoll (C. M.), Cony. on Etymol. - Johnson (A. B.), Treatise on. - Jamieson (J.), Etymolog. Diet. with - Language: By a Heteroscian. Supp. - Michaelis, Influence of Opinions on. - Kennion, Etym. and Synt. of Murray's - Sherman (John), Philosophy of. Gram. - Schlegel (F.), Philosophy.... of Lan- - Ker (J. B.), Archoaology of our popuguage. lar phrases. - Smith (A.), Origin of. - Latham (R. G.), The English Lang. - Talvi, Lit. of Slavic Nations. - - Hand-book of. W - Thornton (W.), Cadmus; or Elements - Lower, English Surnames. of written. Lyon (C J.), Analysis of Parts of - Tytler (A. F.), Principles of Transla- Speech of. tion. - Matheson (J.), Theory of Eng. Gram- Sec Oriental Lit.; Philology; Classical mar. Lit. - Nares, Elements of Orthoepy. LANGUAGE, ENGLISH. Amer. System of Ed. - Odell (J.), Essay on the Elements of. Hand-books of Anglo-Saxon. - Reed (H.), Lectures on English Litera- - Hand-book of engrafted words. tu re - Anti-Spelling-book. - Talbot (H. F.), English Etymologies. - Barclay (J.), Sequel to Diversions of - Tooke (Horne), Diversions of Purley. Purley. - Town (S.), Analysis of Derivative - Barrett (S.) jr., Principles of Lang. Words. - Bartlett (J. R.), Diet. of American- - Treatise on the Eng. Tongue. isms. - Trench, On Study of Words. - Bearcroft, Practical Orthography. - - English PastandPresent. - Booth (D.), Prin. of English Composi- -Walker, Key to Pronunciation. tion. - Camden, Remaines.- - Rhyming Diet. - Cardell, Essay on Language. - Ward (J.), Four Essays upon. - Carey, Pract. Prosody and Versifica- - Webster (N ), Obs. on Language. tion. - Whately, English Synonyms. - Chambers (R.), Hist. of. - Welsford, Ramifications of the Eng. Cobb (L.), Webster's Orthography. Lang. - Crabb, Engalish Synonymes. - Wilson (J.), Gram. Punctuation. -- Crombie (A.), Etymol. and Syntax of. - Wright (J. W.), Hours of Idleness. - Davidson, Difficulties of Eng. Gramm. Sec Grammars; Rhetoric; Dictionaries. - Dialect of Craven. LANGUAGE, DUTCH. Quintus, Leerwijze der - Du Ponceau, English Phonology. Engelsche. - Elements of English Composition. - See Grammars; Diet. SUBJECTS. 909 LANGUAGE, FRENCH. Art (L') debien parler LANGUAGES, INDIAN: Frangais. - Seneca Indian Hymns. - Binns Exercises in False English. - Zeisberger, Delaware Spelling-book. - Elphinstone, Anal. of the French and - - Indian Hymns. English. - nin, L'Eclaircissement de la Langue. - See Dictionaries; Grammars; Indians. - Genin, L'Eclaircissement de la Langue. - Lehman, Hand-boek ter beofening der LANGUAGE, LATIN. Sec Classical Liter. Fransche taal. LANGUAGE, SWEDISH. Moberg (P.), For- Manesca, Course of Lessons in French sok for nybegnnare i engelska. - Martinet, New Dialogues, French and - Rydquist, Svenska sprakets lagar. English. LAPLAND. Buch (L. von), Travels through. Palsgrave, Sur la Grammaire. - Leems, Account of Danish. - Perrin (J.), Entertaining Exercises. -- Regnard, (Euvres. - Fables Amusantes. - Regnard (J. T.), Journey. - Picot, Scientific Narrations in French. - See Sweden. - Schttz- Eng. Franz. Rasirspiegel. Schiltz, Eng. Franz. Rasirspiegel. LA PLATA. Miers, Tr. in Chili and La Plata. - Trav. Man. of Conv., Eng. Ger. French and Italian. - - Nunez, Noticias historicas de. - Vijver, Chrestomathie, French. - See Argentine Confederation; Buenos - Wanostrocht. Recueil Choisi. Ayres. LARNED (S.). Gurley (R. R.), Life of. - See Grammars; Dictionaries. LANGUAGE, GER.MAN. Adelung, Anweisung LARREY (Baron). Gal. des Contem. vol. 5: zur Deutschen Orthog. - - Worterbuch fur die Ausprache, etc. LA SALLE. Falconer, Memoirs of his discov. - Follen (C.), Deutsche Lesebuch. - French, list. Coll. - Kinder Tafel. - Sparks (J.), Life of. - See Grammars; Dictionaries. LA SOLOGNE. Becquerel, Amelioration de. LANGUAGE, HEBREW. Noah, Trans. of bookl LATIN AUTHORS. Apuleius, Works, trans. of Jasher. f Jasher. - Ammianus (M.), Rerum gestarum lib. - Montanus, Communes Hebr. Ling. idio- xviii. tismia. t- Coesar (C. J.), Lat., Fr. and Eng. -- See Jews; Grammars; Dict. - See, Jews; Grammars; Dict. - Cato (M. P.), De re rustica. LANGUAGES, INDIAN. Barratt, Lang. of New Catullus and Tibullus, trans. Eng. - Beatty, Two Months' Miss. Tour in - Cicero, Opera, and translations. Penn'a. - Claudianus, Opera. - Belcourt, Langue des Sauteux. - Columella (L. J. N.), De re rustica. - Bible, N. T. St. John's Gospel in Mo- - Curtius Rufus, Historiarum libri. hawk. - Eutropius, Hist. Roman, cum Vers. Dakotah Friend, Newsp. Anglica. - Davies (J.), Caribbian Vocabulary. - Florus, Rerum Romanarum. - Deuche, John's Epist. in Delaware. - Horatius, Opera, and Trans. English - Du Ponceau, Gram. of the Delaware. and Ial. - Justinus, Historito Philippicee. - Durocher, Catech. for the Montagnars. - Edwards (J.), Obs. on Muhkeekaneew Juvenalis, Lat. Eng. and Dutch. Lang. - - Dryden's Works, trans. E- Elliot (J.), Indian Bible. - - Persius, Sulpicia and Lucilius, - Fisher (W.), Travels, Dict. of Indian trans. tongue. - Livius (T.), Latin, Eng. and Dutch. - House, Cree language and Chippewa. - Lucan, The Pharsalia, English. - Lieberkuhn, Hist. of Christ in Dela- - Lucretius, De rerum natura; also in ware. Eng. and Ital. - Long (J.), Trav. of an Indian Inter- - Martialis, Epigrammata. preter. - Nepos (C.), De Vitis Imperatorum. - McKenney, Vocab. of Chippewa lang. - Ovid, Latin, English and Dutch. - Prufontaine, Dictionnaire Galibi. - - Dryden, Works, trans. of. - Prot. Episc. Ch. Prayer-book in Mo- - Plautus, Comcedioe, Latin and Eng. hawk. - Plinius, Historioe Mundi. - Rochefort, Vocab. Cara"be. Letters. - Roman Cath. Ch. Catechism of the Abe- - - atural History. naqui. 910 INDEX TO LATIN AUTHORS: LAW-ADRRESSES: - Petronius, Satyricon, Lat. and Eng. - Story (Joseph, Harvard University. - Propertius, Petronius and Secundus: - Sullivan (W.), Ad. to Suffolk bar. trans. - Thacher (P. 0.), Suffolk bar. - Quintilianus, Institut. Oratorise. LAW (John). Hunt (F.), Lib. of Comm. - Sallustius, Bellum Catal. et Jugurth. Mississippi Scheme. - Scriptores Rei Rustic. - Tafereel (De). - Scriptores Romani, 23 vol. LAWRENCE ( Amos). Lawrence~ (W. R.), - Seneca, Operao-mnia. Diary of. - Silius Italicus, Punica. LAWRENCE (Capt.), Niles (G. M.), Life of. - Statius (P. P.), Sylvse, Thebais, Achil- LAWRENCE (I.). Pease (F. S.), Geneal. of. h~is. LAWRENCE (Sir T.). Williams (D. E.), - Suetonius, Opera. Life of. - Tacitus, Opera, Lat. Eng. and Ital. LEDYARD (J.). Sparks (J.), Life of. - Terentius, in Eng. and Fr. LEE (A.). Lee (R. H.), Life of. - Varro (M. T.), De re rustica. LEE (C.). Girdlestone, proving him Junius. - Virgilius, Opera. Lat. Eng. and Dutch. - Lee (C.), Memoirs of. LATIN CRITICISM. See Classical Literature. - Langworthy (E.), Life of. LAW, AND LAW LITERATURE; chiefly in the - Sparks (J.), Life of. volumes of pamphlets. LEE (R. H.). Lee (R. H.), Life of. - Blue Laws of New-Haven, etc. LEECHES. Chevallier, Comm. des sangsues. - Butler (C.), Horse Juridicas. LEIBNITZ (G. W. von), Huygens, Epistolse. - Closset (A. de), Droit civil. - Mackie (J. M.), Life of. - Dissertations: Droit public des Colon. - Mmoires surle Jugement de 1'Acad. Mlmirs. sur Lc gend - Field (D. D.), Practice of the Courts. - Petsch, Het Leven van. LEICESTEn, MASS. Washburn (E.), Hist. of. - Fleury, Inst. au Droit ecclesiastique. - nFl ieryI a Droit cmerciase. LEISLER (J.). Hoffman (C. F.), Admini- Gendebien, Droit commercial. stration of. Grotius, Rights of War and Peace. LEO THE TENTH. Roscoe (W.), Life of. - Jones (Sir W.), Law of Bailments, WC~orks, vol. 8. LEONARD FA.~ILY. Reed ( W. D.), Geneal. Works, vol. 5. - Jottrand, Des Avocats en Belgique. - Lampredi, Du Commerce des Neutres. LETTERS. Adams (Mrs. Abigail). - Lapouyade, Contrat de Mftayage. - Adams (Miss Abigail). - Luzac, Du Droit naturel, civil et pol. - Adams (John). - Puffendorff, De Jure Nature. - Ames (Fisher), Works, vol 1. - Rawle (W.), Addresses to the Bar. Baldwin (W.). - Sampson (M. B.), Rationale of crime. - Sampson against the Philistines. - Barbaro (F.). Epistolsa, 1425 - 53. - Sanford (I S.), Penal Codes in Europe. Bedford (J. Duke of). - Bland Papers. - Sheil (R. L.), Sketches, legal and polit. Boilea, Euvres. - Simons (C.), Droit civil. n - Story (Joseph), Misc. Writings. - Bunbury, Corresp. wondenceith 1744 - 97. - Strictures on educat. for the Bar. Burke (E.), Correspondence 1744 - 9t - Townsend (W. C.), Lives of Twelve -Burr (Aaron). eminent Judges. - Byron (Lord). - Updike, Memoirs of Rhode-Island Bar. - Caro (Annibale), Lettere. - Veder, De Antiq. juris notione. - Chalmers (T.). - Hist. Phil. juris apud veteres. - Chapone (Mrs.). - Welsby, Lives of eminent Eng. Judges. - Chesterfield (Earl of). - Wheaton (H.), Internationalslaw. - Cicero, Epistolse. - Woodbury (L.), Writings, judicial. -- Castlereagh, Marq. of Londonderry. LAw-ADDRESSES: - Clarendon (Earl of). - Butler (B. F.), Law school, N. Y. - Collingwood (Lord). - Graham (D.), Law school N. Y. - Cowper (W.), Works. - Kent (J ), Colum. Coll. New-York. - Cromwell (Oliver). - Kent (W.), Law school, N. Y. - Davis (C. A.), Jack Downing's Letters. - Quincy (J.), Dane Law College. - D'Ewes (Sir Simonds). SUBJECTS. 911 LETTERS: LETTERS: - Devereux (W. B.), Letters of Earls of - Randolph (J.), to a young relative. Essex. - Richlieu (Cardinal), Lettres. - Dudley (Earl of). - Rathbun (D.), to J. Whittaker. - Doddridge (Philip). - Schiller, Corresp. with Goethe, etc. - Du Deffand (Madame). - Schotel, a M. de Wal. - Espriellavs, by Southey (R.). - SLvign. (Mine), Recueil. - Fenelon, Works, vol. 3. - Sharp (Richard). - Franklin (B.), Works.' - Sidney (Sir Philip). - Frederick II of Prussia. - Smith (John C.). - Gibbon, Miscellaneous' works. - Stuart (The) Papers, Bp. Atterbury's - Goethe, Corresp. with Schiller. letters. - Grant (Mrs.), Letters from the Moun- - Suffolk (Henrietta, Countess of). tains. - Swift (J.), Works. - Gregory I, Epistolve. - Temple (Sir W.), Works. - Grenville (The) Papers. - Thoresby, Diary and Correspondence. - Grimm et Diderot, Corresp. litteraire. -. Walpole (H.). - Grotius, Epistole. - Wilberforce (W.). - Henry VIII, to Anne Boleyn. - Wilkes (John). See also Diaries. - Hieronymus, Epistolae. LEVANT. See Turkey; Syria. - Hume (D.). LEWIS (Gen.). Account of Dissolution of - Humboldt (W. von). Committee on. - Izard (R.). LEYDEN ACAD. Fabricius, Redenvoering. - Jefferson (T.), Works. L'HoPITAI,. Butler (C.), Life of. - Johnson (G. W.), Fairfax Corresp. LIBERIA. Alexander, Hist. of Col. in West - Junius: pseud. > Africa. - Kaye, Corresp. of Lord Metcalfe. - Amer. Col. Soc. Reports. - Keith (Sir R. M.). - Ashmun, Life of S. Bacon. - Lamb (Charles). - Bacon (L.), Life of Ashmun. - Lexington papers. - Gurley (R. R.), Report on. Life of Ashmun. - Louis XVIII, Correspondance privee.- - Life of Ashmun. - Luxborougah (Lady)s. - Mass.Col. Soc. Reports. - Lytte~lton(Lord). - New-York Col. Soc. Reports. - News from Africa, 1832. Malherbe, (Euvres. - Manut us, Epistolarum lib. xii. - Sec Africa, West. - - Tre libri di lettere. LIBERTY. Bedenkingen over de vryheid. -- Marlborough (Duke of). - Eliot (S.), The Liberty of Rome. Marlborough (Duke of). - Grimk6, Tendency of Free institutions. - Mary Stuart, Queen. - Guizot, Democracy in France. Melanethon, Epist. selectiores. - Milizia (Francesco), Lettere. - Keith (.), Colletion of Papers. - Mirabeau, Lettres k Sophie. - Knox (V.), Spirit of Despotism. -'Mirabea (Count), From England. - Mirabeau, Essai sur le despotisme. - Mirabeau (Count), From England. M- Price (R.), Obs. on the nature of. *- Monti, Oerel vournal.:Mie 1,. y - Prinsterer, Vrijheid, Gelijkheid, Broe- Monti, Opere, vol. l, 5. ders1hap. - Montague (Mrs. Elizabeth). - Wilkes (J.), North Briton. - Wilkes (J), North Briton. - Montague (Lady Mary W.). M- Montague (Lady Mary W.). — See Democracy; Toleration; Republics; - Montesquieu, (Euvres, Lettres Per- Government. sanes. LIBERTY OF PRESS. See Press. - Moore (T.), Byron's Letters. LIBOURNE. Guinodie, Histoire de Libourne. LIBRARIES. Bartlett, Preserv. of Pub. Ar- Napoleon I, CEuvres choisies. chives. - Newton (Sir I.). - Jewett, Pub. Lib. in the U. S. - Oxenstiern (J.), Epistolae. - La toTde, Organization des Bibliot. - Parr (S.), Works, vol. 7, 8. - Livermore, Remarks on Pub. Libraries. - Paston Letters.- - Ludewig, Zur Bibliothekonomie. - Pitt (Will am). - Mass. Report on State Lib. - Rabutin (Le Comte), Lettres. - Schotel, Lettre, M. de Wal. 912 INDEX TO LIBRARIES: LITERARY HISTORY: - See Bibliography; Catalogues. - Butler (C.), Lit. Hist. of Netherlands. LIGHTHOUSES. Fresnel, Nouveau systeme - Chambers, Hist. of Eng. Literature. d'eclairage. - Chambers (Robbins), American Litera- Smith (J. L.), On lighthouses. ture. - Stevenson (A ), Treatise on. - Chasles, Am. Lit. and Manners. - United States, Lighthouse Board. - Colle, Storia Sci. Lit. di Padova. LILLEBONNE. Rever, Mem. sur les ruines - Collet (S.), Relies of Literature. de. - Cradock (J.), Literary Memoirs. LIirA. Hist. des tremblemens de terre a. - Dacier, Progrs de l'Hist. et de la Litt. - Relation of the dreadful earthquake, Anc. 1746. ] — D'Israeli, Amenities of Literature. - Sec Peru. - - Curiosities of Literature. LINCOLN (B.). Bowen (F.), Life of. - - Miscellanies of Literature. LINGARD (Dr.). Allen (J.), Reply to his - Dunlop (J.), History of Fiction. vindication. LINK (H. F.). Mvindicationus, D e. a - Dutens, Memoirs of a Traveller. LINK (H. F.). Martius, Denkrede auf. LINNK (H. Edinb. Cab. Lib. Lives of Zool. - Gazette Litteraire de l'Europe. LINN~EUS. Edinb. Cab. Lib. Lives of Zool. - Gilfillan, Sketches of Mod. Lit. - Jarvis (S. F.), Address on. - Gravenweert, Hist. de la Litt. Neer- Smith (Sir J. E.), Selection of his landaise. correspondence. H- Iallam, Introd. to Lit. of Europe. LITCHFIELD Co. CONN. Morris (J.), Sta- tist. acct. of towns in. tist. acct- of towns in. Haneberg, Lehrwesen der Muhamedaner. LITERARY ADDRESSES: - Hart (J. S.), Female Prose Writers of - Adams (J. Q.), Inaug. Add. as prof. America. - Bard (W.), Alumni, Columbia Coll. -- Hunt (L.), Works, vol. 1, 2. - Barnard (D. D.), Rutgers Coill. - Hunt (F. K.), Ilist. of Newspapers. -- Phi Beta Kappa. - Jones (W. A.), Essays upon Authors B- ethune (G. WV.), Orations. and Books. - Everett (E.), Orations. -- Kay (J.), Series of Original Portraits. - Everett (A. HI.), Rutgers Coll. - King (W.), Polit. and Lit. Anecdotes. - Grimk) (T. S.), Phi Beta Kappa. - Knapp (S. L.), Lect. on Amer. Literatare. - Hillhouse (J. A.), Phi Beta Kappa.ure. - Kent (J.), Phi Beta Iappa.- La Rue, Geletterd Zeeland. - Kent (J.), Phi Beta Kappa. - Raymond (H. J.), Univ. of Rochester. Lockhart, Peter's Letters. - Savage (J.), Mass. Lyceum. - Loungers Common-place Book. - Seward (W. H.), Ne-York. - Menzel, German Literature. - Sprague (W. B.), Phi Beta Kappa. - Mills (A.), Literature and Lit. Men of - Stanton (H. B.), Williams Coll. - Mitford (Mary R.), Recoil. of a Lite- Story (J.), Phi Beta Kappa. rary Life. - Sumner (C.), Orations. - Mohdano, Hist. Lit. de Espana. - Verplanck (G. C.), Columb. and Amh. Miiler (I,. 0.), Hist. Lit. of Ancient Coll. Greece. - Walker (T.), Harvard Univ. - Notes and Queries, 1849-54. - Winthrop (R. C.), Addresses. Nichols (J.), Lit. Anecdotes of 18th - Wheaton (H.), N. Y. Atheneum. Century. - Young (S.), Phi Beta Kappa. - Illustrations, Sequel to Anecdotes. - See Speeches. - Patmore, My Friends and acquaintance. LITERARY CRITICISEM. See Rhetoric; Clas- - Puibusque, Hist. Comp. des Litt. Esp. sical Literature; Language. et i ranc. LITERARY HISTORY. Aretin, Beytrlege zur - Ripley, Hand-book of Lit. Gesch. und Literatur. - Schlegel (F. von), Lect. on Hist. of - Barbaro (F.), Diatriba praeliminaris. Lit. - Beloe, Recollect. of a Literary Life. - Simms (W. G.), Views and Reviews. - Berington, Lit. History of the Middle - Sismondi, Lit. Hist. of South of EuAges. rope. - Bouterwek, Hist. of Span. and Port.,- Smith (C. J.), Lit. and Hist. CuriosiLit. ties. - Bowring, Poetry of the Magyars, - Smith (J. J.), Amer. Hist. and Lit. Cu- Brydges, Censura Literri, riosities. SUBJECTS. 913: LITERARY HISTORY: LITERATURE, ENGLISH AND TRANSLATIONS: - Soane (G.), Curiosities of Literature. - Country Margins. - Soc. Litt. et Hist. de Quebec. - Hart, Female Prose Writers of Amer. - Talvi, Lit. of Slavic Nations. - Hazlitt, Characteristics. - Thackeray (W. M.), The English Hu- - - The Plain Speaker. mourists. - Head (F. B.), Bubbles from the Bru- Thomason, Mem. during Half a Cen- nen. tury. - Hints to My Countrymen. - Ticknor, Hist. of Spanish Lit. - Hoffman, Viator, or a Peep into my - Vericour, Mod. French Literature. Note Book. - Vail (E. A.), De la Litt.... des Etats - Hook (T.), Sayings and Doings. Unis. -- Hopkinson (F.), Misc. Essays and Wri- Villemain, Souvenirs de Litt'rature. tings. -- Zeno, Dissertazioni Vossiane. - Houssaye, Philosophers and Actresses. - See Bibliography; Poetical Treatises; - hIowitt, Pictorial Calendar of the SeaRhetoric; Classical Literature; sons. Copy-right. - Hunt (L.), Works. LITERATURE, ENGLISH AND TRANSLATIONS: - - Men, Women and Books. - Addison (Joseph), Works. - Irving (W.), Works. - After-dinner Table-talk. - Knight (C.), Half-hours with Best Au- Atlantic Club Book. thors. A- Ladd (J. B.), Literary Remains of. - Atlantic Souvenir. - Baldwin (J. G.), Flush Times of Ala- Lamb (C.), Works. bama. - Landor (W. S ), Works. - Baltimore Book. - - Imaginary Conversations. - Bancroft (G.), Liit. and Hist. Misc. - Legare (H. S.), Writings. - Barnwell, New Orleans Book. - Longfellow, Outre Mer. - Beecher (H. W.), Star Papers. - Lorgnette (The) or Studies of the Town. - Blanchard (L.), Sketches from Life. - Lynch (W. F.), Naval Life; Sketches - Boston Book, 1836, 37, 41, 50. - Lyttelton (Lord), Dialogues of the - Bowen (B. B.), Blind Man's Offering Dead. B- Mackinnon, Atlantic and Transatlantic - Bradford (Mrs.), Ups and Downs. Sketches. - Browne (T.), Works.. - - Maginn, The Odoherty Papers. - Buckingham (J. T.), Newsp. Litera — Mayo (W. S.), Kaloolah. tare. tBuwar, Conversations ith a Student.- Mitchell (D. G.), Reveries of a BacheBulwer, Conversations with a Student. lor. - Carlisle (T.), Sartor Resartus. - Mitford (M. R.), Our Village. Chateaubriand, Sketches of. - Noah, Gleanings from a Gathered Har- Charleston Book. vest. - Cheever, Am. Common-place Book. - New-Hampshire Book. - Cooper (Miss F.), Rural Hours. - Oakley, Course of English Reading. - Davy (H.), Consolations in Travel. - Parthenon, Papers by Am. Authors. - De Quincey, Writings. - Philadelphia Book. - Desultoria. - Portland Sketch Book. - Drake (N.), Mornings in Spring. - Pratt (S. D.), Inklings. - Doran, Habits and Men. - Rhode-Island Book. - - Table Traits. - Rogers (H.), Essays from Ed. Rev. Elegant Extracts. - Roscoe (W.), Discourse on the Origin - Fick, Elegant Extracts. of. - Frost, Book of American Literature. - St. John (Lord Bolingbroke), Works. Gallaher, The Western Sketch Book. - Salad for the Solitary. - Gibbon, Miscel. Works, vol. 3. - Salmagundi. - Gilmer (F. W.), Sketches, Essays, etc. - Sands (R. C.), Writings. Griswold (R. W.), The Prose Writers - Scrap Table for 1831. of America. - Smith (H.), Gaieties and Gravities. - Hall (B.), Patchwork. - Southey (R.), Common-place Book. - Hammond (S. H.), Hills, Lakes and - - The Doctor. Forest Streams. - Sterne (L.), Works. [GEN. LIn. 1855.1 1.15 914 INDEX TO LITERATURE, ENGLISH AND TtRANSLATIONS: LITERATURE, IN FRENCH: - Thackeray (W. M.), Mr. Brown's Let- - St. Evremond (C. M. de St. D.), (Euv. ters, etc. - Turgot, (Euvres. - - Paris Sketch Book. - Vijver, Chrestomathie. - Tudor (W.), Miscellanies. - See Poetry, French; Languages. - Up Country Letters. LITERATURE, IN ITALIAN: - Verplanck, Discourses and Addresses. - Giordani, Prose. - Warburton (W.), Literary Remains. - Leoni, Dialoghi di Amore. - Warren (S.), Miscellanies. - Machiavelli, Opere. - Webber, Hunter Naturalist. - Monti, Opere. - Webster (N.), A Collection of Essays, Polcastro, Opere, vol. 1, 4. etc. - Pezzoli, Prose e Poesie. - Whipple (E. P.), Lectures on. - Willis (N. P.), Dashes at Life. - Roerti, Opere. - Vannetti, Opere. -- -- Rural Letters. - Villardi, Operette. - Willmott, Journ. of Summer Time. LIlAr, pE E LITERATURE, IMISCELLANEOUS: - Wirt (W.), The Old Bachelor. -- Hedge, Prose Writers of Germany. - See Fiction; Poetry: Maxims; Essays. - Muller (P. L. S.), E ae Nagt-geD- Muller (P. L. S.), Eenzame Nagt-geLITERATURE, IN DUTCH: dagten. - Bowring, Batavian Anthology. - Schurman (Anna M.), Opuscula. -.Diligentize Omnia Kunstgenootschap. LITTLETON, N. H. Foster (E.), Century - Douwama, Geschriften. Sermon. - Duyse, Nederlandsche Versbouw. LIVERPOOL. Pigot's Directory, 1829. - Erasmus, Samenspraken. LIVES. See Biography. - Haogen (J.), Verzameling van Bruil- LIvINGsTON (E.). Gilpin (IH, D.), Biograoftsverzen. phy of. - Hoeven(A.) des Amorie v.d. Addresses. LIVINGSTON (J. H.). De Witt (J.), Funeral - Jonckbloet, Op de Rym-Kronyk. Disc. on. - Kolyn (K.), Historia of Rym-chronik. - Gunn (A.), Memoirs of. - Maatschappij der Ned. Letterkunde. LIVINGSTON (R. R.). Francis, Life of. - Maerlant, Spiegel Hist. of Rijmkronik. LIVINGSTON (W.). Sedgwick (T.), Life of. - Vereen ter bervord. Oude Nederl. Let- LOCAL HISTORIES. See under the several terkunde. States. - Vries (J. de), Nederduitsche Dicht- LOCKE (J.). King (Lord), Life of. kunde.. LOCKE (W.). Locke (J. G.), Geneal. ReSee Poetry; Drama. cord of. LITERATURE, IN FRENCII: LOGIC. Blakely (R.), Hist. Sketch of. - Beaumarchais, (Euvres. - Brerewood, Tractatus de Prssdicalibus, etc. - Besmier: Le Mexique Conquis. - Besmier, Le Mexique Conquis. - Burgersdicius, Instit. Logicarum lib.ii. - Brantome, Les Dames Galantes.'. — De Morgan, Formal Logic. - Cartier, M61ange Curieux. -- Devey Logic. - Chateaubriand, (Euvres. - Duncan (W.), Elements of. - Chevreau, (/uvres Mel( es. - Duns, Scriptum super 4 Sententiarum. - Ch nier, (Euvres Diverses. - Chnirer, C~uvres. Diverses.- Lacretelle, Logique et MEtaphysique. Condorcet, (Euvres. - Courie r (P. L.) (Euvres Complees. - Latham(R. G.), Logic applied to Gram. - Melancthon, Erotemata Dialectices. - Erasmus, L'Eloge de la Folie. n- Erasmus, L'Eloges do IaFolio. - Mocenicus, Univ. Instit. ad Hom. per- Fenelon, iEuvres. fectionem. - Fonfrcde, (Euvres. - Mill (J. S.), System of. - Jay (A.), Le Glaneur. - Milton (J.), Works, vol. 5. - La Harpe, Cours de Litterature. - Neil (S.), Art of Reasoning. - Lambert (Marquise de), (Euvres. - Tappan (H. P.), Elements of. - Le Brun, Etudes de Litterature. - Wilson (W. D.), Elementary Treatise - M r6, (Euvres. on. - Ottfavi, Recueil des Travaux de. - See Philosophy; Intell. Phil.; Lang. - Revue du Nouveau Monde. LOMBARDY. Barrow (J.) jr., Tour in, 1840. Salm (La Princesse de), (Euvres. - See Certosa; Milan; Padua; Pavia; - St. Pere (J.V I. i5.), &uvres. Venice; Vevqna; Vicenza. St. Pierre (J. ff.) (Envies. SUBJECTS. 915 LONDON. Colquhoun, Commerce of the' Louis XIV of France. James (G. P. R.), Thames. Life of. - Cooper (J.F ), Eng'd. Society in the Louis XVI. Williams (II. M.), CorresponMetropolis. dence of. - Change for the Notes of Dickens. Louis PHILIPPE. Poore, Rise and Fall of. - Cunningham (P.), I-Hand-book of. - Victoria and L. P. Private Letters. - De Foe, Works, Plague in. - Sece France. - Deykes, Pavement of the Streets. LouiSBouRG. See American Wars, 1743-59. - Elmes, Survey of Harbor of. LOUISIANA. Baudry de Loziere, Voyage a, - - Topog. Description of. -Gerard, London and New-Yorrk. - Barbe-Marbois, Hist. de; et de la Cession. - Graunt, IN'at. and Pol. Obs. on. - Grant (R.), The Great Metropolis. - Berquin-D lon, Coloie du Missis-- Berquin-Duvallon, Colonie du Missis- Hogg (J.), London as it is. sippi. - Howard (L.), The Climate of. - Bossu, Travels through.... Louisiana. - Hughson, Walks through; and West- - Brackenridge, Views of; and Voy. up minster. the Missouri, 1811. - Illustrated; View of the Thames. - Bullard, Disc. before Hist. Soc. - Jesse (J. H.), Lit. and Hist. Memoirs - Bunner, History of. of. - Coxe, Of the River Meschacebe. - Lappenberg, Des Hansischen Stahlhofes - Champigny, Memoir on. - London; Pictorially Illust. - Darby, Ueog. Description of. -- -- Description of. e- Davis (J.), Travels in. - Low (S.), The Charities of. - Dumont, Memoires tist. sur. - Marshall (J.), Statistics of the Metro- - - History of. polis.- -History of. Me Culloch, London in 1850, 51. Duvallon, Voyage i la Louisiane. - Mayhew, London Labor and London - Forstall, Documlents in Libraries on. Poor. - French, Hist. Collections of. - Murray (J. F ), The World of London. - Gayarre (C.), Histoire de la. Pictorial Hand-book of. - - Romance of the HIistory of. - Redding (C.), Stranger in London. - - History of, 1854. - Reports on Wet Docks. - Hennepin, Description de la. - Smith (J. T.), Antiquarian Ramble in. - Hutchins (T.), Description of. - Stone (W.), Franchises of the Corpora- - La Salle, On taking possession of. tion. - Laval, Voyage de, 1720. Watkins, Direct. for 1855. - Lepage du Pratz, Histoire de. LONDONDERRY, N. H. Parker (E. L.), His- - Marbois, Hist. of Louisiana. tory of. t- Marcy (R. B.), Expl. of Red River. LONG Is. De Sille, New Utrecht, Hist. of. Marcy (H. B.), Expi. of - Onderdonk (H.), Long Island in Olden Times. - Pittman, Europ. Settlements on the - Prime (N. S.), History of. Mississippi. - Riker, Annals of Newtown. - Robin (C. C.), Voyage dans. - Thompson (B. F.), Hist. of. - Sauvole, Etablissement des Franiais a. - Wood (S.), Settlement of Towns on. Stoddard (A.), Sketches of. Loo CHoo Is. Hall (B.), Account of Voyage - Topog. Dese. of, 1818. to. - Valette, Journal d'un Voyage, 1720. LoPEz (G.). Losa (F.), Vie de. - Vergennes, Mim. Hist. et Pol. sur. LOREDANO (L.). Navagero (A.), Funeral - See Mississippi; New Orleans. Oration on. LOUISVILLE, KY. M'Murtrie, Sketches of. LOTTERIES. Cherokee Land Lottery. L'OUVERTURE (T.). Beard (J. R.), Life of. - Explan. of PermutationuPlan. LOVAT (Lord). Burton (J. H.), Life of. - Pennsylvania, Reports on. LOVAT (M.). Ruggieri, Narrative of Execu- Report.... in Pennsylvania. tion of. - Spencer (A.), Lottery Contractors. LoVEJOY (E. P.). Lovejoy (J. C.), Life of. - Tyson, Lott. System of U.S. LOWE (Sir H.). Forsyth (W.), Extracts - Yates (J. B.), Statement of Objections. from his Letters, etc. Louis (Saint). Berger, D)couverte du Cceur LUDwICK (C.). Rush (B.), Life of. de. LUTHER (M.). Audin, History of Life of. 916 INDEX TO LUTHER (M.): MAGNETISM, Arago, (Euvres: Notices Sci- Meurer, Life of. entifiques. - Michelet, Life of. - Barnard (F. A. P.), Recent discoveries - See Protestant. in, 1837. e- Christie, Magnetism of the Earth. LUTHERAN CHURCH. Hazelius, Hist. of Am. Luth. Ch. - Harris (W. S.), Rudimentary Magnetism. - Schmucker, Am. Luth. Ch. delineated. ism. - Locke (J.), Obs. on Terrestrial. - Smith(J. F.),Appeal.,- Loomis (E.), Mag. Dip. in the U. S. LUZENBERG (C. A.). Phys. Med. Soc. of N. Orleans. -- Makerstoun Mag. and Meteor Obs. Orleans. LYMAN (J.). Ellis (R.), Sermon on. - Quetelet, Obs. des Ph nomenes pLriod. LYNN, Ms. Lewis (A.), History of, and Na- - Sabine (E.), Contributions to, etc. hant. - See Electricity; Natural Phil. LYTTELTON ( George, Lord). Phillimore, MAGNETISM, ANIMIAL. Atkinson, Letters on Memoirs of. Man's Nature. LYON. Monfalcon, Hist. de la Ville de. - Dendy, Phil. of Mystery. - Christmas, Cradle of the Twin Giants. M. - Du Bois, On Animal Electricity. - Elements of. MACHINERY. Babbage, Economy of Machi- - Gregory (W.), Letters to an Enquirer nery. on. - Barlow, On the Manuf. and Machinery - Key to Electrical Psychology. of G. B. - Martineau (H.), Letters on Mesmerism. - Buchanan (R.). Mill-work, etc. - Smee(A.), Electro-biolofy. -- Hachette,Trait o element. des machines. - Soussalier, L'Ami de la Nature. - Townsend (C. H.), Facts in Mesme- Weisbach, Mech. of Machinery. rism. - See Arts; Engineering; Hydraulics. - See Spiritualism. MACKINTOSH (Sir J.). Mackintosh (R. G.), MAHON (Lord). Sparks (J.), Letter and Memoirs of. Reply to. Mc LEOD (A.). Wylie (S. B.), Memoirs. MAINE. Chronicles of Casco Bay. MACOIMB (A.). Richards (George H.), Me- - Consid. on N. E. Boundary. moirs. - Gallatin, On the North-eastern BounMACREADY. Rejoinder, Astor Opera House. dary. MACURDY (E.), Elliott (D.), Life of. - Greenleaf (J.), Eccl. History of. MADAGASCAR. Boothby (R.), Description - - Survey of State of Maine. of. - Jackson (C. T.), Geol. of Public Lands. - Cauclh, Voyage a. - Statement of Kennebec Claims. - Copland, History of. - Sullivan (J.), Hist. of District of. - Ellis (W.), History of. - United States, Mess. of Prest. North- Everard, Sufferings near. east Boundary, 1836. - Madagascar, Past and Present. - - Statement on Boundary to King of - Relations Vfritables. Holland. - Rochon, Voyage to. - Williamson (W. D.), History of. - See Africa. - See New-England; Massachusetts. MADEIRA. Bowdich (S.), Excursions in MAINE LOCAL -HISTORIES. See Biddeford, Madeira. Canaan; Norridgewock; Portland; - Dix (J. A.), A Winter in. Saco; Union; Warren; Winthrop. MAINTENON (Madame de). Genlis (Madame - Steele (R.), Tour. de). MADISON (J.). Adams (J. Q.), Eulogy on. MALDEN, MS. Malden, Bi-cent. Celebration. - Barnard (D. D.), Lecture on. MALIBRAN (Mme.). Merlin (De), Memoirs. MADISON. Wisconsin, Statistics. of. MAGAZINES. See Periodicals. MALTA. Bigelow (A.), Travels in. MAGIC. Ennemoser, History of. - Brydone's Tour. - Godwin, Lives of the Necromancers. - Davy (J.), Notes on: See Sicily. - Salverte (E.), Philosophy of. MAN. Atkinson, Leet. on Man's Nature. - Porta, Magime Naturalis. - Blanc St. Bonnet, De l'Unit6 SpirituW- right(T.), Narratives of Sorcery and. elle. See Delusions. - Bory de St. Vincent, L'HImme, Essai zoologique. SUBJECTS. 917 MAN: MARTHA'S VINEYARD. Mayhew, Indian - Chalmers, Constitution of Man. converts. -Guyot, The Earth and Man. MARTINIQUE. Bouton, Etablissement des - n~~~~~~ ~ ~FranFais dans. - Home (H.), Sketches of the Hist, of. Chanvlon, Voyage - Johnes, Philolog. proofs of Unity of - sai sur l'Etat actuel. race. - Moore (G.), Man and his motives. - Gardiner, Expedition against, 1759. -- Schouw, Earth ancd Man. - Sainte Croix, Statistique de. -- See West Indies; French Colonies. Smith (C. A.), Nat. Hist. of. - Van Amringe, Nat. Hist. of. MARY (Queen). Bell (H. G.), Life of. MARYLAND. Account of settlement of, 1735. See Philosophy; Soul; Ethnology; Physiology. - Bozman, Hist. of, first three years. MAN (Isle of). Robertson (David), Tour in. - - Hist. of, 1633 - 60. MANN (Horace). Bristed, Letter to. - Brown (G. W.), Civil liberty in. MANCHESTER. ENG. Aikin (J.), Descr. of - Griffith (T. W.), Sketches of Hist. of. country around. - Kennedy (J. C. G.), History of. - Pigot's Directory, 1829. - M'Mahon, Hist. View of Gov't of. - Prentice (A.), Hist. Sketches of. - M'Shcrry, History of, to 1848. - Wheeler (J.), History of. - Memoirs of the Dead. MANNERS. See Customs; Etiquette. - Streeter (S. F.), Hist. Discourse. MANSFIELD (Lord). Butler (C.), Life of. _ Sketch(Brief) of. - Holliday (J.), Life of. - See Annapolis; Baltimore. MANUFACTURES. Aikin, Illust. of the Arts MASON ND DIXON'S LINE. Maryland, Goand. vernor's Mess. - Macpherson, Annals of Commerce and. MASON (J.). Ellis (G. E.), Life of. - Persoz, De l'impression des tissus. MAsoN (J. M.). Van Vechten (J.), Me- Repertory of Arts and Man. period. moirs of. London. eLe Cotton; Wodo:ik;Iron;. A r s~ MASONRY (FREE). Adams (J. Q.), Letters - See Cotton; Wool: Silk; Iron; Arts, on the Institution. etc. - Amer. Masonic Record, Albany, 1827 - MANZONI ( M.), Gal. des Contem. vol. 6: 31. Vie de. - Anti-Masonic State Conv. 1829. MAPPA (A. G.). Specimens of Dutch type foundries. _ Barruel, Hist. of Jacobinism. MAPS. New-York, Catalogue of Maps. - Bradley (J.), Address to Masons. MARIE ANTOINETTE. Polignac, Mdmoires; - Brown (H.), Anti-Mas. Excitement in Anecdotes de. MARIE LOUISE. MIneval, Excursion de, - Catalogue of books on. dans la Savoie. - Collection of letters on. MARION (F.). Horry (P.), Life of. - Convention of Anti-masons, Leroy. - Simms (W. G.), Life of. - Crary (J.), Statement to Anti-masons. MARLBOROUGH (Duke of). Alison (A.), - Dallaway, Hist. account of Master and Military life of. Free masons. - Coxe (W.), Memoirs of. - Grand Chapter: Grand Lodge. MARQUETTE (J.). Sparks, Am. Biog. vol. - Masonry the same, etc. 10: Life of. - Massachusetts, Leg. Report on. MARRIAGE. Facts; Marriage with wife's - Mass. Anti-Mas. Convention. sister. -LsivingstonJer. H.),Mariagewith- Marshall (J.), Opinions on Free Ma- Livingston (J. H.), Marriage with sonry. sister-in-law. - Morgan (W.), Rep. on his abduction. - Marriage and Div~oce. - - Narrative of kidnapping. - Milton (J.), Doctrine of Divorce. - Illustrations of Masonry. - Opinions: Marr. with deceased wife's - Mother (The) of Masons. sister. - Michelet, Procis des Templiers. - Reasons.... deceased wife's sister. Odiorne (J. C.) Opinion -- Odiorne (J. C.), Opinions on. - See Woman; Social Questions. MARSEILLES. Berteaut, Marseille et les in- Pratt (L.), A defence of. ter-ts nationaux. - Robison, Proofs of a Conspiracy. MARSHALL (H.). Darlington, Memorial of. - Stearns (J. G.), Inquiry and.... Dialogue on. MARSHaLL (J.). Binney ( H.)) Eulogy on. ogue on. MARSHALL (J.). Binney (United States Anti-Mas. Conv. 1830. - Wynne's lives. 918 INDEX TO MASONRY (FREE): MATHE ~ATICS: - See Secret Societies. - Alembert (D'), Trait6 de Dynamique. MASSACHUSETTS: - Archimede, (Euvres. - Allen (E.), Claims of N. H. and Mass. - Berkely (Bp.), Works, vol. 2 BavY. - - Bowditch, M can. C leste of Laplace. - Barry (J. S.), Hist. of the Colony. Byrne, Model calculator, Logarithms. - Bradford (A.), History of, 1764- 1820. _ Church, Elementsofthe.. Calculus - Byfield, Revolution in N. E. 1689. - Comte, Philos. of Mathematics. - Capen, Mass. State Record. - Davies (C.), Mathematical Dict. - Carpenter (W. H.), Hist. of, 1853. - Delambre, Progrcs des, depuis 1789. - Chickering (Jesse), Stat. view of popu-,- D Morgan, Mathematics. lation of. -- -Calculus. - Church, History of Philip's war. - - Calculrs. - Felt (J. B.), Hist. of Mass. currency. - Des Cartes, Geometria. - Gorton (S..), Simplicity's Defence. - Hayward (J.), The Mass. Directory. - Encyc. Mtthodique. 1Gaetteer -of.- Euclid, De ses eerste boeken, door La - - Gazetteer of. Bordus. Bordus. H- olland (J. G.), Hist. of West. Mass. _ _ Les Elmens d'Euclide. - Hutchinson (T.), Speeches in Assem- - Euler, In analysin infinitorum. bly, 1773. - - Letters sent to Great Britain. - Fleming (P.), Quadrature of the Circle. -- Hist. of the Colony of. - Galloway, Treatise on Probability, - Massachusetts Bay, and State. - Gill (C.), Angular Analysis. - Massachusetts Reg. and Record, 1803 - - Gregory (0.), Math. for practical men. 52. -- Iackley, Treatise on Trigonometry. - Minot (G. R.), Hist. of Mass. Bay, - Hamilton (Bishop), Works, De sectio1748 - 65. nibus conicis. - - Insurrection in, 1786. - Hann, Plane Trigonometry. - Review of Rise of New-England. - Integral Calculus. - Sargent, Dealings with the Dead. - Heather, Treat. on Math. instruments. - Savage (J.), Address, Hist. of Const. - Huygens, Opera Varia. of. - Exercit. M-athematice. - Sullivan (J.), Land titles in. - La Lande, Mathlmatiques. - Thoreau, A week on the Concord and - La Place, (Euvres. Merrimack. - Lardner, Treatise on Geometry. - Thornton (J. W.), Landing at Cape - Monge, Treatise on Statics. Ann. A- Newton (Sir I.), Principia. - Towle and Foster, Enlargement of Pascal, C _ Pascal, Cours de ggometrie. State House. - Sec Plymouth; Puritans; New-Eng.; Pasley, Courseof pract. geometry. Bunker Hill. - Paterson (J.), Calculus of Operations. MASSACHUSETTS LOCAL HISTORIES: - Perkins (G. R.), Elements of Geom. See Acton; Athol; Barnstable; Bel- - - Elements of Algebra. chertown; Berkshire Co.; Beverly; - - Plane and Solid Geometry. Billerica; Boston; Brookfield; Brookline; Cambridge; Concord; - - PlaneTrigonometry. Danvers; Dedham; Duxbury; Es- - Playfair, Works, 2, 3, Math: Science. sex; Framingham; Groton; Ha- - Robinson (H. N.), Math. recreations. milton; Hanover; Hardwicke; Ha- Simms (F. W.), Seto-planography. verhill; Hopkinton; Ipswich; Lan - me~it m Hokineto~n * Ipssvich- Lsn — Simms (F. W.), Sectio-planography. caster; Leicester; Lynn; Maiden; - Sopwith, Trea. on Isomet. drawing. Martha's Vineyard; Nantucket; - Stanley (A. D.), Tables of logarithms. Natick; Newbury; Newburyport; Strachey, I-ist. of Algebra. Northampton; Pittsfield; Ply- - mouth; Plainfield; Quincy; Reho- - Whewell, Doctrine of Limits. both; Roxbury; Salem; Scituate; - Wilkins (John), Math. works. Shrewsbury; Stoneham; Sturbridge; Upton;Watertown; West- - Young (A.), Quadrature of the circle. field; Weston; Whately; Worces- - See Arithmetic. ter; Worthington. MATHER (C.). Peabody, life of. MASSINGRER. Cdoleridge (H.), Life of. lMATTHIAS. Stone (W. L.), His impostures. MATHEMATICS: - Vale (G.), Fanaticism. - 2Enece, Verhand. om afstanden temeteno MAXIMS. sopus, Fables of EYsop. SUBJECTS. 919 MAXIM~IS: MEDICINE: - Colton (C. C.), Lacon. - Beck (L. C.), Misc. med. publications. Dictionary of Popular quotations. - Beck (T. R.), Elem. of Med. Jurispru- Erasmus, Adagiorum 4000. dence. - Fenelon, Works, vol. 2. - - Address on Insanity, Ha'nd-book of Proverbs. - Hand-book of Proverbs. - Collection of Misc. med. pub. a- Bell ( B.), Treatise on Gonorrhoea. - Home (H.), The art of thinking. - Bernardeau, Hist. Phthisis pulmon. -Jameson, Common-place Book. Bird (F.), Sanguinaria canadensis. ingr xions t Mximes Blatchford, On feigned diseases. - Laonics. -- Bliss, Strictures of the urethra. Laconics. -Lycosthnes, Apohe t - Boudin, Trait6 des Fievres intermit- Lycosthenes, Apothegmatum ex opt tentes. tentes. script. - Macdonnel, Diet. of Quotation -. Boylston, Hist. of Small-pox in NewMacdonnel, Diet. of Quotations. Eng. - Montague, Works, vol. 3. Brgra, Sopra i vermi del corpore umano. - Oxenstiern, Pens6es sur divers sujets. Bouchardat, Annuaire de th -'aTT(S:),Aphorisms, ec — Bouchardat, Annuaire de therapeuParr (S.), Aphorisms, etc. tique. - Pascal, Pensdes. - Boucheron, Du Syst:'me pileux. - Phenix, Coll. of rare fragments. - Bouteille, Trait- de la Chor e. Poynder, Literary Extracts. - Braithwaite (W.), Retrospect of Me- Reusnerius, Symbola Imp. et Heroica. dicine. - Selden, Table Talk. - Bronson, Medical Reasoning. - Southey, Common-place Book. - Brit. and For. Med. Chir. Review. - Walsh (R.), Didactics. - Buchan,'Domestic Medicine. - Webster (N ), The Prompter. - Burns, Prin. of Midwifery. - See Essays; Literature. - - Observ. on Abortion. MECHANIC ARTS. See Arts; Engineering; - Caldwell, Med. and phys. memoirs. etc. - Cartwright ( S. A.), Jussieua grandiMECHANICS. See Natural Philosophy; Hy- flora. drostatics, etc. - Cavallo, Properties of factitious airs. MEDICINE: - Chevallier (A.), Sur les empoissonne- Acaddmie de Mid. Rapports sur vacci- ments. nations. - Christison, Hemlock and Conia. - Acosta, Arom. et medic. in Orient. In- Clark (H. G.), Ship-fever. dia. - Clark (T.), Scarlatina anginosa. - Ag., Le Medecin des campagnes. Connecticut Mel. Soc. - Allen (J. A.), Pharmacology. - Cours des Etudes Medicales. - Am. Jour. of Med. Sciences, Phil'a. Cullen, Practice of Physic. - Am. Med. Assoc., Trans. Phil'a. - Cunier, Maladies oculaires en Belgiqe. - Amussat, Anus artificiel: tumeurs fi- Dana (S. L.) Lead diseases. breuses. - Anderson (A.), IrEu-patorium. t — Davis (N. S.), Diseases of Spinal col. - Averill, Disinfecting by chlorine. Deguise, Effets de l'acetat de Morphine. Averill, Disinfecting by chlorine. - Archives de Physiologie, etc. 1854. - Aretus, Opera omnia Ducachet, Action of Poisons. - Aretmus, Opera omnia. - Astruc, Dc Morhis venereis. Duncan (A.) Pulmonary Consumption. - Eble Maladies de la conjonctive. - Asylum for cure of scrofula. -- Asylum fo crofsoul.Edinburgh Univ. Med. diss. 1778-1819. - Balfour, Sol-lunar influence in India fevers. - Esculapian (The), period. - Bard (S.), Compendium of Midwifery. - Fallot, Medecine. - Barton (W. P. C.), Veg. Mat. Med. of - Family Phys. and Surgeon. the U. S. -- Farvacque, Medecina pharmaceutica. --- -- Mat. Med. of the U. S. - Flores, Specifique pour la guerison du - Barry (D.), De phlegmasia dolente. chancre. - Bancal, Lettres mfdicales. - Fox (E. L.), De Voce humana. - Baumes, Science Mfthod. des Maladies. - Francis (J. W.), On Mercury. Beck (J. B.) Misc. med. publications. - Frost, Orat. Mied. Botan. Soc. London-; H- ist. of Med. before Am. revol. - Forry, Endemic influences of the U. S. - - Infant Therapeutics, -- Gabucinius, Dp CPoitiGai nogbq, 920 INDEX TO MEDICINE: MEDICINE: - Galen, Opera omnia. - Olliffe, Sur la Methode ectrotique. - Gallup, Epidemic diseases in Vermont. - Paine (M.), Materia Med. and Thera- Garcia, Medicamentorum apud Indos. peutics. - Gardane, Maladies veneriennes. - - Institutes of Medicine. - Gardner (D. P.), Medical Chemistry. - Parrot, Epidemie de la suette miliaire. - Gates, Fumigations sulfureuses. - Pharmaceut. Conv. 1852, 3. - Gourard, Etudes sur la Fievre inter- - Phil'a Med. Soc. Quack medicines. mittente. - Pison, De medecina Brasiliensi. - Haly filius Abbas, Liber medicinee. - Pollard, Obstetrical Supporter. - Hand-book of Domestic medicine. - Purple, Medical Observations. - Henry (W. C.), Our knowledge of con- - Quincy, Lex. Physico-medicum. tagion. - Rafinesque, Medical flora. - Herisson, The Sphygmometer. - Rayner (John), Cod-liver Oil. - Herpin, Sur l'enfance et l'adolescence. - Reply...... on a new Corporation of - Hippocrates, Opera omnia. flhysicians. Trad. des ZEuvres mEdicales. - Rogers (J. S.), Catalogue,7Mat. Med., - Hooper (R.;, Physician's Vade-mecum. - Rogerson (J.), De sang. detract. abusu. - Hosack (D.), Emetics in constipation. - Rossi (F.), Meddcine operatoire. - - Miscellaneous publications. - Rougier, De la morphine. -- Essays on Medical subjects. - Roussel, De la pellagre. - - Obs. on Contagious diseases. - Royle, Materia Med. and Therap. - Jackson ( S.), Gangrene of the cheek. - Rush ( B.), Med. inquiries on the mind. - James (R.), Pharmacopoeii. - Samuells (P. S.), De Hoemoptysi. - Kuhn, Med. Grsecorum Opera. - Sauveur, De la vente des medicaments. - Labarraque, Use of Chlorides of soda - Schcepf, Mat. Med. Americana. and lime. - Seutin, Maladie syphilitique. - Ledoyen's Bisinfecting fluids. - Soc. des Sci. Med. de la Moselle. - Lemery (N.), Verhand. der Enkele- Solly (E.), The human brain: diseases Droogeryen. of. Leroy d'Etiolles, Lettres ii l'Acadfmie- Spence De vasis absorbentibus. des sciences. - Long (St. John), Discoveries in heal - Spencer (T.), Epidemic Diarrhoea. ing. - Strobel, Med. Prop. of the Arabia spi- Lettsom, Hints on temperance and nosa. med. science. - Tanquerel, Lead diseases. - Magendie, Formul. de nouv. mfdicam. - Thacher (J.), Am. New Dispensatory. - Mass. Med. Soc. Diss. - Thomas (R.), Mod. Practice of Physic. - Mead (R.), Medical works. - Thomson (T.), De Adre atmosphierico. - Morel, Traitd des maladies mentales. - Tully, On Sanguinaria canadensis. - Medical Repository, 1800 - 24. - - On Narcotine and Sulph. of Quinine. - Med. Soc. of New-York, Transactions. - Turner (W.), Triumphs of Young Med. Sec. of Pennsylvania. Physic. - Meding, Vade-mecum des medecins - Uwins (D.), Modern Maladies. e trangers. - Van Solingen, Worms in the intestines. - Middleton (C.), De Medicorum apud. Vet. Rom. Cond. Diss. Works, vol. - Vigne, De la Morte apparente. 4. - Warren (J. C.), Diseases of the heart. - Mitchell (J. K.), Cryptogamous origin - Watson (W.), Exper. in inoculation. of epidem. fevers. - Watt, De Scarlatina anginosa. - Monardus, Remedies brought from Am. - Whitney (D. H.), The Fam. physician. - Morris (C.), Med. Hist. of Penn. - Wildrik (W.), Kinderpokjes, Mazelen, - Murray (J. W. B.), Essay on Neural- Loop, etc. gia. - Wilson (A. P.), Febrile diseases. - National Med. Convention. - Yvan, Pharmacie en Chine. - New-York Med. and Phil. Jour.,Ho- See Cholera; Ether; Yellow Fever; Contagion; Surgery; Quarantine; - New-York Med. and Phys. Jour., Fran- Insanity; cis. MEDICAL ADDRESSES. Abernethy (J.), - NQnnus, De curatione Morborum. Hunterian Orat. 1819. SUBJECTS. 921 MEDICAL ADDRESSES: MESOPOTAMIA. Fraser (J. B.), History of. - Armsby (J. H.), Albany, 1851. - See Turkey; Niniveh. - Baily (R. W.), Pittsfield. METALS AND METALLURGY. Byrne, Metal- Bard (S.), On Med. education. worker's Ass't. - Bedford (G. S.), N. Y. 1834, 39. - Comstock, Hist. of the precious metals. - Bigelow (H. J.), Boston, 1849. - Huron, Des itaux en France. - Brownell (P.), On animal heat. - Holland (J.), Manufactures in metal. - Carr (E. S.), Castleton, Vt. - Hughes ( G. W.), Working of copper - Channing (W.), N. Y. Phys. Soc. 1.838. Jars, Voyages m - Coates (R.), Med. instruction. v r Le Ray, L'affinage par cristallisation. Cook (S. A.), Rensselaer Co. - Cook (S. A.), Rensselaer Co. - Lieber (0. M.), The Assayer's Guide. - Cutbush (E. M.), Geneva N. Y. - Manes, Mem. geologiques sur lAlle- Delafield (E.), Coll. Phys. aud Sur. N. Y. magne. - Drake (D.), Cincin. Med. Lib. Assoc. - McCulloh (R. L.), Memorial, refining gold. - Emmons (E.), Albany. - See Iron; Gold; Mines. - Gibson (W.), Univ. of Pa. IMETAPHYSICS. See Philosophy; Intell. and Gilman (C. R.), New-York. Moral Philosophy. - Green (J.), Jefferson Med. Coil. METEOROLOGY. Amer. Philos. Soc. Direct. - Hamilton (F. H.), New-York. for Ohs. - Hosack (D.), Rutgers Med. Coll. - Annuaire M:teor. de la France. - Hull (L.), N. Y. Med. Soc. - Bache, Obs. at Girard Coll. - Hun (T.), Albany Med. Coll. - Bellville, Manual of the barometer. - Jackson (S.), Univ. of Pa. - Birt (W. R.), The Hurricane Guide. - Jenkins (C. J.), Med. Coll. Georgia. - Brocklesby, Elements of. - Johnson (W. R.), Penn. Coll. Phil'a. - Coffin (J. H.), Winds of North. Hem. - McCall (J.), N. Y. Med. Soc. - Dalton, Meteor. obs. and essays. - McClintock, Castleton, Vt. - Daniel (J. T.), Elements of. - McCready (B. W.), New-York. - Dove, Im Preussischen Staate: Beob- M'Naughton (J.), Western district. achtungen, 1849. - Espy, Philosophy of Storms. - Morgan (J.), On Med. education. - Reports on eteorology. - Mottan (V.), Onew-Yr catit. - Exam. of Col. Reid's Work. - Mott (V.), New-York city. - Onderdonk (J.), Med. Soc. of N. Y. Forbes, Reports on progress of. - Garnier, Trait6 de mdteorologie. - Rhoades (S.), Geneva. - Reodese (D..), Albva-. Giddins, Rise and fall of Lake Ontario. - Reese (D. M.)y Albany. - Romayne (N.), New-York, 1808. - Glaisher, Hygrometrical tables. - Spencer (T.), Geneva. - Gilliss, Obs. observatory, Washington. - Spencer (T.), Geneva. -- Guyot, Meteorol. Tables. - Smith (J. MA.), N.1831 -- Hare (R.), On Dove's Essay on Storms. - Smith (J. M.), Baltm1831 - 50- On the Water-spout.: Smith (N. R.), Baltimore, 1829. - Stevens (A. H.), N. Y. Med. Soc. - Ticknor (L.), Yale Colil. - - On Espy's Meteorolog. Report. - Townsend (H.), Albany Med. Coll. - IHarris (XW. S.), Nature of Thunder storms. - Ware (J.), Disc. on Med. education. n - - On Whewell's anemometer. - Watson (J.), Pract. education in med. _ Herschel, Instr. for Obs. in S. Africa. - hite (S.), N. Y. State ed. Soc. - Hopkins (T.), Atmospheric changes. - Wood (G. B.), Penn. Hospital. - IIoward (L.), The Climate of London. MEDICI (Lorenzo de). Roscoe (W.), Life of. - - Seven Lectures on. MEERMANN (J.). Cras, Eulogium. - Huette, Ohs. Metdorol.' Nantds. MELBOURNE (J.). Hammond (J. D.), Life _ — Hutchinson ( G.), Causes of Meteor. of. ~~of ~~~. ~phenomena. MELVILLE (A.). M'Crie, Life of. Komtz, Complete Course of. MENEFEE (R. -H.). Marshall (T. F.), Life - Kirwan (R.), Temp. of different latiof. tudes. MENNONITES. Rues, Staet.... der Menno- - _- Kupffer, Corresp. Mdteor. St. Petersniten, 1745. MENTAL PHILOSOPHY. See Intellec. Phil. [ G-FN. LPR. 1]855.] 116 922 INDEX TO METEOROLOGY: MEXICO: - Lardner, Treatise on. - - Conquest of Mexico. - Mahlmann, Instr. fir die Beobachter. - FarnLam (T. J.), Mexico, its geog. etc. - Makerstoun, Mag. and meteor. obs. - Ferry, Voyage et aventures au. - Maury, Magnetism and the circulation - Folsom (G.), Mexico in 1842. of the atmosphere. - Gallatin, Notes on uncivilized nations - - Winds and currents of the sea. of. - Mi;ller (J.), Prin. of physics and. - Gage (T.), Voy. dans la Nouvelle Es- N. Y., Regents of the Univ. Meteoro- pagne. logy of the state. - Gilliam, Travels in Mexico, 1843. - Nicollet, Essay on Meteorol. obs. - Gomara, Historia del Mexico. - Piddington, Sailor's Hornhook. - Graham, Boundary of, with the U. S. - Quetelet, Obs. des Phenomenes pfriod. - Gregg, Commerce of the Prairies. - Redfield (W. C.), Course of hurricanes. - Gusman, Account of New-Spain. - Regnault, Hygrometrical tables. - Heller (C.), Reisen in Mexiko, 1810. - Reid (W.), Law of Storms. - Humboldt, Vues des Cordill6res. - Report on Mr. Espy po.on stiur la Nouv. Espagne. - Selys-Longchamps. Obs..Louvain, etc. - - Selections from his works on. - Smithsonian Inst., Directions for Obs. - Iturbide (A.), Mdmoires autographes, - Thom (A.), Course of storms in Indian - Political life. Ocean. - Ixtlilxochitl, Cruautds des conque- Thomson (D. P.), Introduction to. rants du. - United States, Meteorol. Reg. 1826-51. - Hist. des Chichimdques. - - Directions for observations. - Jordan (J.), Danger to foreigners in, 1326. - Vraughan, Causes of rain. a- Ker (IH.), Travels in U.S. and Mexico. - WValker (S. C.), Meteors of Aug. and Latrobe, The Rambler in. Nov. Latrobe, The Rambler in. - Se:Natural Plilosophy. -- Losa, Vie de Lopez. METHODISTS. Dixon, Tour in U. S. Hist. - Lyon (G. F.), Residence in Mexico. of Meth. - Mill (N.), History of Mexico. Decanver, Works in refutation of. - Mayer (B.), Mexico as it was and is. - Fox and Hoyt's Quadrennial Reg. of. - Niles (J. M.), History of. - Gorrie, Black River Conference. - Norman, Rambles in Yucatan. - - Episcopal methodism as it was and - Ortiz, Mexico. is. - Padilla, Hist. de Santiago de Mexico. - Huff, The Government of. - Poinsett, Notes on Mexico. - Lee (J.), Hist. of Meth in the U. S. - Prescott (WV. H.), Hist. of Conquest of.:~Methodist Church in -,U. S. - Methodist Church in U. - Ranking, Conquest of, 13th cent. Methodist Chlurch-in Canada. - Reid (Mayne), The Rifle Rangers. Parks (S.), Troy Conference Miscel. - Robertson (W. P.), Visit to. - Scott (O.), Appeal to. - Robinson (F.), Mexico and her chiefSketches and incidents. tains. - Southey (R.!); Life-of Wesley. - - - Ruxton, Adventures in and the Rocky - Stevens (A.), Memorials of, in East. Mountains. states. -: - Seatsfield, Scenes in. West, Wesleyan preachers. - Simpson (J. H.), Mil. Reconn. from - Whitehead (J.), Lives of the Wesleys. New-Mexico. MExIco. Artiquityfs Mexicaines. - Solis Conquest of. - Alarchone, Voy. to New-Spain. - Stephens (J. L.), Incidents of Tr. in. - Barnard, Isthmus of Tehuantepec. - Thompson (W.), Recollections of. - Beaufoy, Mexican Illustrations. - Trip to Mexico, 1849, 50. - Bullock, Six months residence in. - Tudor (H.), Travels in. - Calderon de la Barca, Life in. - University of Mexico, Constituciones. - Carpenter (W. W.), Adventures, 2500 View of South America and. miles i. - Villaigutierre, Conquista de el Itza. - Clavigero, History of Mexico. - Ward (H. G.), Mexico in 1825. - Cortes (H.), Expeditions. - -Webber, Adventures in the Camaneho Claimants on. country. - Diaz, Conquista de lo Nueva-Espana. - Wislizenus, Tour to Northern Mexico. SUBJECTS. 923 MEXICO: MIDDLETOWN, CONN. Barratt, Early work- Wise, Los Gringos. ing of the mius. - Young (P.), list. of. MILAN. Reina, Arch of Peace at. - Zavala, Revoluciones de Megico. MICKIEWICZ (M.). Gal. des Contemp. vol. - Zavala, Revoluciones de Meglco. 3: Vie le. 3: Vie de. - See New-Mexico; Span. Col.; Texas; MILITARY SCIENCE, ETC. Aide. minmoire to North America. the Military sciences. MEXIco, WAR WITH U. S. Buhoup, Army - Army and Navy Chron 1833-41. of Chihuahua. - Carleton (J. H.), Bat. of Buena-vista. - Army List. British. - Cutts, Conquest of, by the.. - Artillery for U. S. Land Service, Mor- Cutts, Conquest of, by the U. S. deosi. decai. - Edwards (F. S.), Campaign with Doni- - B. ( D. L. C. D.), Dit. Mil. Portatif, phan. 1759. - Furber, Twelve Month's volunteers. - Belidor, La science des ing-nieurs. - Galletin, Peace with. - Brancatio, Nuova disciplina militare. - Henry (W. S.), Sketches of the War. - Campbell (E. S. N.), Diet. of Mil. Sci. - Jenkins (J. S.), Hist. of the War. C- Cathcart, Comm. on the War in Russia, - Kendall (G. W.), War between the U. 1812. States and. - Cavalry (British) Regulations. - Livermore, War with, reviewed. - Corps of R. Engineers, Papers. - Mansfield (E. D.), History of. -- Colby, Ordnance Surv. of Londonderry. - Mayer (B.), History of the War. - Conolly, Ifist. of R. Sappers and Mi- New-York city, reception of volunt. ners. - Observations on the origin of. - Dalliba, Improvements in U. S, Mil. - Parker (T.) Sermon on. Estab. - Ramsey (A.), The other side. - Denison, Charges of Mil. Mines. - Reid (S. C.) jr., The Scouting expedi- - De Peyster, Reports to ov-t of N. Y. tion, 1846. - Desbordeliers, D)u Tir du fusil. - Remarks on Questions at issue, 1849. - Documents: Champ d'Isly. - Republic of U. S. A...... with Mex. - Donkin, Military Collections. war. - Douglas (Sir IH.), Military Bridges. - Ripley, War with. - Duane (W.), Hand-book for Infantry. - Rough and Ready Annual. - Du Mont, Veldslagen den P. Eugenius, - Semmes, Service afloat, etc. etc. - Stevens (I. I.), Campaigns of. - Dundas (Sir D.), Field Exercises of H. Taylor (F. W.), The Broad Pennant. M.,s forces. - Thorpe, Our Army on the Rio Grande.l - Eclaireur(The), Period. Our Army- Fav6, Recrutement de l'Armfe. — Our Army at Monterey.-Field of Mars, Nav. and Mil. Engage- United States, Message of Pres't, with - Field of Mars, Nav. and il. Engagetreaty, 1848. mets. - Upham (y.), Speech on. - Folard, L'Esprit du Chev. Folard. - Webster (D.), Speech on. - France, Ecole Polytechnique. - Wynkoop; Anecdotes and Incidents. - FulGton (R.), Torpedo War. - Willard (E.), Last Leaves of Am. hist. - Greener, Science of Gunnery. - See Texas; California; Scott; Taylor. - Hamilton (J. S.), Mil. Volunteer Guide MICHEL (W.). Barclay ( R.), W. M. un - masked. - Hallett, Elem. of Mil. art and science. MICHIGAN. Blois, Gia~zetteer of. -- Herries, Inst. for Volunteer Cavalry. -- Ohio and Michigan ~boundary. -- Jackson (R.), Med. Depart. of British MICROSCOPE. Bailey, Micr. exam. of soun- my. dings. - Jomini, Summary of the Art of War. - Catlow, Drops of water. - Le Blond, La GEometrie de l'officier. - Ehrenberg, Mikrogeologie. - - Essai sur la Castramentation. - Improvements in the. - - El6mens de Fortification. - Queckett, Treatise on the use of. - Machiavelli, Art of War. - See Natural Philosophy; Animalcules. - Manoeuvres of Artillery, Metz. MIDDLEBURY, VT. hlall (F.), Account of. - Marshall (H.), Mil. Miscellany. MIDDLESEX Co. CONN. Field ( D. D.), Sta- - Memoir on Artillery, Metz. tist account of. - Military Pyrotechny: U. S. Mil. Acad. MIDDLETON (Capt.). Dobbs (A.), Voyage Mnthly Mil. bpository, N; Y i?906. fbr North pamsage. 924 INDEX TO MILITARY SCIEtNCE,'TC.: MINERALOGY: - Mordecai, Experiments on Gunpowder. - Cleaveland, Elem. Treatise. - Napier, Lights and Shades of Mil. Life. - Comynet, Onyx, Albatre antique. - O'Connor (J. M.), Treatise of War and - Dana (J. D.), Manual of. Fortification. - Delesse, Extraits de Mineralogie. - Pam. vol. 10: Cavalerie d'Afriqne. - Emmons (E.), Manual of, and Geol. - Pasley, Copper Pontoons. - Faure, Anal. de tuf. - Reed (T. B.), Address at West Point. - Feuchtwanger, Treatise on gems. - Reid (W.), Assaults; Intrenchments. - Gobet, Anciens min'ralogistes de Fr. - Richard (J.), Atlas, Manoeuvres van - Gras, Statist. Mineral. des BasseAlpes. de Troepen. - Hall (F.), Cat. of Min.found in Ver- Rochambeau, Mdmoires Mil. mont. - Royal Horse Artillery, Instructions. Jackson (J. R.), Minerals and their - Scott (Winfield), Infantry Tactics. uses. - Smyth (A,), Infantry Exercises U. S. - Jameson (R.), Mineralog. Travels in - Steuben, Regulations, U. S. Troops. the Hebrides. - Stevenson (R.), Mil. Instr. for field. - McLure (W.), Cat. of Specimens at - Sumner (W. II.), Importance of. New-Harmony.,wtoWar. - Mineralogical Soc. of St. Petersburgh. - Swett (S), Rogniat's Art of War. n- Moore (N. F.), Ancient Mineralogy. - Torcy, Des Remontes de l'Armde. - icol, Manual of. - United States Mil. Phil. Soc. - Overman, Practical Mineralogy. - U. States Corps of Engineers, Pract. Papers. - Phps (W.), Elem. Treatse on. - Vigny, Lights and Shadows of military Schmeisser, System of. life. - Sohopf, Miner. Kenntniss von Nord- Whitman (Z. G.), Hist. Anc. and Hon. Amerik. Art. Comp. - Sowerby, Popular Mineralogy. - Williams (J.), Fortifying the Narrows. - Thomson (T.), Outlines of. - Elements of Fortification. - Vanbercheml-Berthout, Principes de. - Wilkinson (H.), Anc. and Modern En- - Widenmann, Oryktognostischen th. gines of war. - Williams(J.), Nat. Hist. of Min. KingW- olfe (J.), Instruct. to young officers. dom. - Wolfe-Tone, School of Cavalry. - See Geology; Fossils. MILLER (C.). Kip (F. M.), Memoirs of. MINES. Budge, Pract. Miner's Guide. MILLS (S. J.). Spring (G.), Life of. - Instruction pratique sur les Lampes de MILNOR (J.). Stone (J. S.), Memoir of. surete. MILTON (J.). Channing (W. E.), Essay on. - Keating, Art of Mining. - Leonhard, Bergbaukunde. - Tod (H. J.), Life of. Orton (J W.), Miner's Guide. MINERAL SPRINGS. Allen (R. L.), Analy — Orton (J W.), Miner's Guide. sis, at Saratoga. - Quarterly Mining Review. - Bell (J.), On Baths and Min. waters. - Whitney (J. D.), Metallic Wealth of U. S. - Daubeny, Report on our Knowledge of. See Metals; Iron; Coal. - Fontan, Eaux Mine, des Pyrenres. - Se Metals; Iron; oal. Granvie, The Sp es of era. MINNESOTA. Bond (J. W.), Minn. and its - Granville, The Spas of Germany. Resources. - - The Spas of England. - Putnam (J. W.), Description of. Huntt (H.), Red ulphur Spring, Va. - Seynour (E. S.), Sketches of. - Mitchill (S. L.), Schooley's Mountain - See United States, West. Spring. MINORcA. Armstrong (J.), Hist. of the Is- Min. Spring at Niagara. land. - North (M. L.), Analysis of Saratoga MIRABEAT (H. G..). Dumont, Recollecwaters. tions of. - Pighes, Trait6 des eaux thermales d'Ax. MIRAND ExPEDITION. Biggs (J.), At- Salisbury (S.), Avon Springs. tempts at Revolution. - Seaman (V.), Saratoga. - Smith (M.), Sufferings in. -- - Ballston. - See South America. - Steel (J. H.), Anal. of Waters of Sa- MISSIONS, CITY. Albany City Miss. Soc. ~ratoga. - Boston City Miss. Soc. - See Saratoga. - Channing (W. E.), Ministry for the'MaIE A'L'OGY. Aner. Mineralo.. Journal, oor. 1814.. SUBJECTS. 925 MIISSIONS, CITY: MISSISSIPPI RIVER: - Charleston, Ministry at large. - Joutel, Journal Historique. - Everett (0. E.), Min. at large. - Monette, Hist. of Disc, and Settlement - Lowell, Ministry at large. of. - Roxbury, Ministry at large. - Navigator (The). -- Tuckerman (J.), Ministry at large. - St. Louis Chamber of Commerce, 1812. - Tuckermsn (J.), Ministry at large. MIssIoNs, DOMESTIC. Amer. lHonme Miss. - Schoolcraft, Travels to Source of. Soc. Reports. - Shea, Discov. and Exp. of. - Bushnell (H.), Home Missions. - Tonti, Discovery of. - See Episcopal, Presb., Baptist, Cong. - View of the Valley of: A Guide. Churches. - See Louisiana. MISSIONS, FOREIGN. Amer. Baptist Maga- MIssoURI. Beck (L. C.), Gazetteer of, 1823. zine.. - Schoolcraft, Geology of. - Amer. Board C. F. M. Reports. Lead Mines of. - - Missionary Herald. - - Scenes in the Ozark Mts. - Buchanan, Christian Researches. - - Journey to Interior of. - Campbell (J.), Maritime Discipline and Wetmore, Gazetteer of, 1837. Christ. Miss. lChrist. Miss. _ MWetmore, Gazetteer of, 1837. - Chapin, Missionary Gazetteer. See United States, West. - Coke, Hist. of West Indies. MITCHELL (Sir A.). Bisset (A.), Mem. and - n~~~' CoW nPapers of, - Gamimell, Hist. of Baptist Missions. MITCHILL (S. L.). Pascalis (F.), Eulogy - Grant (A.), The Nestorians. on. - Humphreys, Hist. of Soc. for Prop. the MNEMONICS. Fauvel-Gouraud, PhrenoGospel. Mnemotechny. - Heurnius, De Leg. Evangel. ad Indos. - Miles, American Mnemotechny. - Holmes (J.), Missions of the United MOHAMMED AND HIS RELIGION. Bush (G.), Brethren. Life of. - Hist. of Am. Miss. to the heathen, 1840. - Dollinger, Muhammed's Religion. - Judson (E.), The Kathayan Slave. - Iianeberg, Lehrwesen der Muhameda- Latrobe, Miss. U.B. among the Indians. ner. - Lowrie, Man. of Miss. of Presb. Ch. - Irving (W.), Mahomet and Successors. - Marsden (J.), Narr. of Miss. to Ame- - Jones (Sir W.), Works, Mohammedan rica. Law. - Newcomb, Cyclopoedia of. - Korans, In Arabic, Eng., and Dutch. - Me Coy (J.), Baptist Indian Miss. - Martineau (H.), Essay, for Disciples of. - Martyn (H.), Journal and Letters. - Nestorians of Persia. - Mills (C.), Hist. of Muhammedanism. - Presb. Ch., Board of Missions. - Mohammed, Vita di. - Prot. Episc. Ch., Spirit of Missions. Murphy, Mahometan Empire in Spain. - Soc. for the Prop. of the Gospel, Lon- - Ockley, History of the Saracens. don. - - Conquest of Syria and Egypt by. - United Brethren: Missions. - Pomponius, De Exortu Maomethis. United Dom. Miss. Soc. Reports. - Price (D.), Events of Mahommedan - Ward (, Miss. among the Hindoos. History. - RaIeigh (Sir W.), Life of. - Western For. Miss. Soe. Reports. Raleig (Sir W.), Life of. - Williams (J.), South Sea Missions. - Religions (All). - Wilson (J.), Voy. in the Pacific of thele of the Cid. Duff. -- Sprenger (A.), Life of. MISSIONS, ROMAN CATHOLIC: - See Arabia; Egypt; Turkey. - Assoc. de la Prop. de la Foi, Annales. MOHAWK. Simms (J. R.), Hist. of Schohatie. - St. Valier, Estat de l'Eglise de la Nouv. France. MOLIERE (J. B. P.). Colet, Le Monument de. - Shea, Miss. among the Indians. MOLLUSKS. Alder and Hancock, Mon. of - Smet, Residence with the Indians. Brit. Nudibrnchiata. - See Jesuit Missions. - Clark (W.), Brit. Test. Mollusca. MIssIssIPPI. Darby, Geog. Description of. - Darwin, Cirripedia. MISSISSIPPI LAND COAIPANY. Tafereel (De). - Gould (A. A.), Mollusca and Shells. M tISSISSIPPI RIVER. Beltrai, Sources of - Edwards, Reoherches sur les polypes. the Mississippi. 926 INDEX TO MOLLUSKS: MORAL PHILOSOPHY: - Forbes, Brit. Naked-eyed Meduse. |- Follen, Works, vol. 3: Lectures on. - Lamarck, }list. Nat. des Animaux sans: - Gioja, Elementi di Filosofia. Vert bres. -- Godwin (W.), Political Justice. - Landsborough, British Zoophytes. - Gros, Treatise on. - U. S. Expl. Exp. Dana and Gould. - Hildreth, Theory of Morals. - Woodward, Manual of Mollusca. - James (II.), Moralism and Christianity. - See Zoology. - - Nature of Evil. MOLUCCAS. Argensola, Conquest of. Jouffroy (T.), Introd. to Ethics. - See Voyages, East Indian; Indian - Mackintosh (Sir J.), Progress of. Ocean. Malebranche, De la Recherche de la V&MONK (G.). Guizot, Memoirs of Duke of ritz. Albemarle. - Mandeville, The Fable of the Bees. MONK (Maria). England (Bp.), Documents - More (H.), Enchiridion Ethicum. concerning. MONOPOLIES. Sedgwick (T.), What is Mo — Paley, Works, vol. 3. nopoly?- Pavonius, Summa Ethiese. - See Tariff; Free Trade; Commerce. - Payne (G.), Elem. of Ment. and Moral MONROE (James). Adams (J. Q.), Eulogy ience. on. - Penrose, Discipline of human motives. - Jackson (A.), Correspondence with. - Price (R.), Principal Questions in mo- Narrative of a Tour of, in the U. S. ras. MONTAGUE (Duke of). Uring (N.), list. of - Richter (J. G. 0.), Vischkundige Onhis Voyages. MONTEVIDEO. Almanac del Commer. del- Rousseau (J. J.), Fuvres. Plata, 1851. - Sampson (Ezra), Brief Remarker. - La Sota, Rep. Orient. del Uruguay. - Senault, De lUsage des passions. - See La Plata; Buenos Ayres. - Shaftesbury, Characteristics. MONTGOMERY (Gen.). Smith (W.), Oration - Smith (A.), Theory of Mor. Sent. on, 1776. - Smith (J. A.), Monograph on the moMONTREAL. Bosworth (N.), History of. ral sense. - Mackay, Montreal Directory, 1842-53. - Smith (S. S.), Lect. on. - See Canada. - Spirit of hIumanity. MOORE (Sir J.). Moore (J. C.), Life of. - Stewart (D.), Works. MONTROSE (Earl). Napier (M.), Life and — Taylor (I.), Nat. Hi-ist. of Enthusiasm. Times of. - Tucker (A.), The Light of Nature. MoRocco. See Africa, North. - Wayland (F.), Elements of Mor. Sci. MORAL PHILOSOPHY. Abercrombie, Phil. of- Whewell, Four Sermons. the moral feelings. - - Elements of Morality. - Adams (J.) Elements of. -- Winslow (F.), Anatomy of Suicide. - Ahrans, Das Naturrecht. -- Witherspoon, Lectures on. - Aristotle, Ethics. - See Philosophy; Soul: Social Ques- Bailey (S.), Essays on the Pursuit of tions. Truth. MORALS, PRACTICAL. Alexander (J.W.), - Beattie (J.), Elem. of Moral Science. The American Mechanic. - Bentham (J.), Principles of Morals. - Austin (J. M.), Voice to Youth. - Deontology. - Browne (T.), Works, Religio Medici. - Boyd (J. R.), Eclectic Mor. Phil. - Castilio (B.), De Curiali. - Buchner, Eth. Elem. in Rechtsprincip. - Chapone (Mrs.), Works. - Burgh, Dign. of Human Nature. - Cicero, Offices. Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy. - Cobbett (W.), Thirteen Sermons. - Butler (J.), Works. - Croiset, Reflexions sur la Morale. - Coleridge (S. T.), Works; The Friend. - De Foe, Works; Family Instructor. - Aids to Reflection. - Dewey, Mor. Views of Comm. Soc. and - Combe (G.), Lectures on. Politics. - - Moral Const. of Man. - Dinocourt, Cours de Morale sociale. - Chalmers (T.), Pol. Econ. in connexion - Edgeworth, Early Lessons. with. - Erasmus, Lingua. Dyer, Theory of'Benevolence. - Feltham, Resolves. - Dymond, Principles of Morality. - B elejfionsfrom. Faelne1n Solections,fr~m. SUBJECTS. 927 MORALS, PRACTICAL: MUHLENBERG (P.). Muhlenberg (HI. A.), - Fox (W. J.), Lectures to the Working Life of. Classes. MUNICH. Kuhn (C.), Das Klima von Miin-- - Morality of the Scriptures. chen. - See Bavaria. - Franklin (B.), Works- Gracien, L'Homme universel.IMUNRO (Sir (T.). Gleig, Life of. - Guide du iBonheur. MURRAY (A.). Waldo (S. P.), Life of. - La Colonie, Trait6 en'Morale instruc- MURRAY (J.). Eddy (T.), Memoir of. tive. MURRELL. Stewart (V. A.), Trial and Exe- Lieber, Man. of Political Ethics. cution of. - Mann (H.), Thoughts for a young man. MUSIC. Bawr, -list. de la Musique. Mason (J.), Self-knowledge. - Bayley (D.), The Essex Harmony. - Mather, Essays to do good. - Bertelmann, Mass to Music. - Moral Societies in the State of N. Y. - Coles, Juvenile Instructor. - More (H.), Christian Morals. - Estienne, Lettres sur la. - Nott (E.), Counsels to young men. - Fidelio, Operade Beethoven. - Opie, Illustrations of Lying. - Hand-book for the Piano-forte. - Owen, Fashionable World. - Hastings (T.), The Musical Reader. - Patrilii, De Discorsi. - Higgins, The Philosophy of Sound. - Plutarchus, Morals. - Hood, Hist. of, in New Eng. - Questions Traities. - Inquiry....Nature and Design of Music. - Seneca, Morals. Southwick (Seneca,ssons to young - Jones (Sir W.), Musical Modes of the - Southwick (S.), Five Lessons to young Hindus. men. tohen.e - Kiesewetter, Verhandelingen, German Sprague (W. B.), Lectures to the and French. Young. - - Hist. of Modern Music. - Torrey (.T.), The Moral Instructor. Nederlandsche Muzij. - Nederlandsehe Muzijk. Tracts for Cities. - Trcts for Citices. in Life- Nevin (J. W.), Address on Sacred. - Tuthill Success in Life. - Romagnesi, Romances, Chansonnettes, - Webster (N.), Letters to a young gen- Nocturnes. tieman. - Wetleman. Life.- Regnier (J.), L'Orgue. - Roussier, Sur differens points de l'har- Young Man's Manual. monie. - Zimmermann, Solitude considered. Sculo, Critique et Litt-rature musi- See Maxims; Essays; Religion, Prac- cales. tical. Spencer (C. C.), Treatise on. MORAVIANS. Heckwelder, Missions among - Vocal Companion. Indians. - Holmes (J.), Hist. Sketch of Missions Se Fine Arts. of. MYTHOLOGY Colebrooke, Mythology of the - Latrobe, Missions of the Uni. Breth. Hindus. - Dwight (M. A.), Grecian and Roman - United Brethren, Missions. Mythology. MORE (Hannah). Roberts (W.), Memoirs - Jones (Sir W.), Works; Gods of Greece of. and India. MORE (Sir T.). Mackintosh (Sir J.), Life _ Keightley, Fairy Mythology. of. -- Hamilton (A.), Fairy Tales. - More (C.), Life of. MORMSONS. Bennett (J. C.), History of the - Rolle, Recherches sur le Culte de BacSaints. - Gunnison (J. W.), Latter-day Saints - Taylor (T.), Eleusin. and Bacchic Mys. at Great Salt-lake. - Thorpe, Yule-tide Stories. - History of the Mormons. - Tooke (A.), Pantheon. - Ferris, Utah and the Mormons. -. Vestiges of Civilization. - Female Life among. - See Antiquities; Religions; Hindoos; Classical Litt.; Delusions. - Mormons or Latter-day Saints. - Stansbury, Exploration of Utah. MORRIS (G.). Sparks (J.), Life of. N. MORTON (S. G.). Meigs (C. D.), Memoir of. NANTUCKET, MS. Cr vecceur, Letters of an MOSQUITO COUNTRY. See Central America. Amer. Farmer. MOZART. Holmes (E.), Life of. - Macy (Q,), History of, 928 INDEX TO NASHUA, N. H. Fox (C. J.), History of. NAPOLEON I: NATICK, MS. Biglow (WV.), History of. - Pelet, Napoleon in Council. NAPIER (John). Napier (M.), Memoirs of. - Peltier, Trial for a Libel on. NAPLES. Capecelatro, Istoria della Citt2 e - Poore, Early Life and Campaigns of. Regno. - Relation de la derniere campagne. - Costanzo, Istoria del Regno di. - Scott (Sir W.), Life of. - Descrizionedel Monast. di Mon. Casino. - Villemain, Svenirs d'tistoire. - Dolomieu, Earthquakes in Calabria. - See France, History of. - Gia~nnone, Anecdotes eccldsiatstiqnes. NAPOLEON III. Briffault (F. T.), The Pri- Gladstone, Letters on Persecutions of. soner of Ham. - Gondon, La Terreur dans le Royaume. - De Puy, L. Napoleon and his Times. Grant (J.), Adventures of an Aid-de- - Napoleon III, Works, vol. 1-4. Camp. - Pascal (A.), Histoire de. - Mazochius. Actorum S. Januarii vindi- - Schbelcher, Hist. du Deux Decembre. c- See France, Revolutions. - Spallanzani, Travels in the Two Sici- - See France, Revolutions. lies. NARRAGANSET, H. I. Updike, Hlst. of Ch. - See Sicily; Italy; Rome. NAsHOTAH. Kip, A few Days at Nashotah. NAPOLEON I. Abbott (J S. C.), History of. NATURAL HISTORY. Adams (A.), Notes on; Belcher's Voyage. - Abell (E,), Recollections of, at St, Helena. - - Abrantes (Duechesse d'), Memoirs of. Azara, Quadrup.3des dn Paraguay. - Answer to O'Meara's Napoleon. - Bancroft (E.), Nat. Hist. of Guiana. - Antommarchi, The Last Days of. - Barrington (D.) Miscellanies. - Bausset, Private Mem. of Court of. - Barton, Nat. Hist. of Penna. - Bonaparte Family: by the Berkely Bingley, Useful Knowledge. Men. - Boston Soc. of Nat. Hist. Journal. - Bonaparte (Lucien), Memoirs. - Catesby, Nat. Hist. of Carolina, etc. Bourrienne, Life of. - Cooper (Miss), Rural Hours. Cathcart, Comm. on the War in Russia. - Cuvier, Animal Kingdom. Caulincourt, Recollections. - Prog. des Sciences Naturelles. - Cevallos, Usurp. of Crown of Spain. - Darwin (C.), Voy. of H. M. S. Beagle, - Channing (WV. E.), Essay on. - Dekay, Progress of the Nat. Sci. in the - Chateaubriand, On Bonaparte. U. S. - Edwards (E.), Napoleon Medals. Descourtilij Voy. d'un Naturliste. - Forsyth (W.), Captivity of, at St. He- - Diet. d'Histoire Nat., 36 vol. lena. - Ed. Cab. Lib., Lives of Zoologists. - Goldsmith, Secret Hist. of Cabinet of. - Essex Co. Nat. Hist. Soc. - Gourgaud, Napoleon and the Army in Flint (T.), Lectures on Natural Hist. Russia. - Geoffroy, Directions for preparations - Haley, Abbott unmasked. in. - Hall (B.), Voy. to Eastern Seas; and - Godman, American Nat. Hist. Interview with. - - Rambles of a Naturalist. - Hazlitt, Life of. - Goldsmith, Hist. of Earth and Animated - Headley (J. T.), Napoleon and his Nature. Marshals. - Good, The Book of Nature. - Holland (Lord), Foreign Reminiscen- - Gosse, The Canadian Naturalist. ces. - - The Wonders of the deep sea. - Humblet, Accomplissement de la Pro- - Hall (J.), Addresses, Auburn and Camphitie. - Langon, Evenings with Cambaceres. bridge. - Las Casas, -Mm. de Sainte Ilne. - Harvey (W. H.), Sea-side Book. - Lee (H.), Life of. - Hernandez, Plantarum Anim. et Min. Mexi. Historia. - Maitland, Narrative of Surrender of. -- Housset~ Memoires d'Hist. Nat. - Manuscript brought from St. Helena. - Huhes, Nat. Hist. of Brbadoes. - Hughes, Nat. Hist. of Barbadoes. - Meadley, Two Pairs of Hist. Portraits. - Josselyn, New-England's Rareties dis- Milffling, Campaign of 1813, 14. covered. - Napoleon and the Marshals. - Kabinet der Natuurlijke Historien. - Ney (Marshal), Memoirs of. - Kirby's Wonderful Museum. 0'Meara, Napoleon in Exile, - Knapp, Journal of a Naturalist. SUBJECTS. 929 NATURAL HISTORY: NATURAL PHILOSOPHY: - Leuwenhoek, Send-brieven, aan de K. - Eaton (A.), Philosophical Instructor. SOc. - Edwards (J.), Tremors affecting Tele- Lyceum of Nat. Hist. of N. Y. Annals. scopes. - Magazine of Nat. Hist. (London). - Hamilton (Bishop), Works. - Martyn ( W. F ), New Dictionary of, - Herschel, Prelim. Disc. on Study of. 1785. - Horsford (E. N.), Publications. - Molina, Storia Nat. del Chili, and ix _ Hunt (R.), Elementary Physics. - Poetry of Science. - Nat. Hist. Soc of Hartford. Trans. -.- - Researches on Light. - Naturalist's Library: Jardine. -- Imison, Elements of Science and Art. - Naturalist's Miscellany. - Joyce, Scientific Dialogues. - N. Y. Regents; Rep. of Cab. of Natural -J History. *- Johnston (J.), Manjual of Nat. Phil. - New-York, Nat. Hist. of the State. - Lardner, Pop. Lectures on Science and Art. - Nicolson, Hist. Saint Dominguele - Oken(L.), Allgemeine Naturgeschichte. -- Magnen, Democritus Reviviscens. - Peck, On the Slug worm. - Marcet, Introduction to. - Pontopidon, Nat. Hist. of Norway. - Rafinesque, st. of Nat. fSciencer. - Martin (B.), Philosophical Grammar. - Ruschenberger, Hist. Acad. Nat. SSi. - Melancthon, Initia Doctrinse Physicse. Phil'a. - Metcalfe (S. L.), Caloric, Agency in - Schouw, The Earth, Plants and Man. Nature. Miscellanea Curiosa. - Seba (A.); Rerum Nat. Thes. Descrip - Miscellana Criosa. tio. - Muller (J.), Prin. of Physics and Me- Selys-Longchamps, Ph6nom. pfriod. du teorology. Regne animal. - Newton (Sir I.), Nat. Phil. Principia. - Siebold (C. T.), Comparative Anatomy. - O'Gallagher, Investigation of Nature. - Siebold (F ), Schinesischer Naturge-| - Oken (L.), Elements of Physio-Phil. schichte. - Ogg, Heat. - Sloane, Nat. Hist. of Jamaica. - Pike, Catalogue of Instruments. - Smiths. Inst., Preserving specimens of. - Playfair, Prog of Math. and Phys. Sci. Stark (John), Elements of. - Porta, Magise Naturalis. - Sullivan (J.), Cat. of his Cabinet of. - Powell, Science of Radiant heat. - Surgy, Hist. Nat. de la Penn'a. - Dispersion of light. - Swainson (W.), Discourse on. - - Iist. of Nat. Phil. - Townsend (P. S.), Disc. Lye. of Nat. - Pratt (J. H.), Prin. of Mechanic. Phil. Hist. N. Y. H- Pritchard, Optical Instruments. - Turner (S.), Sacred Hist. of the World. uestions trites. - Yalentini; Museum Museorum. - aentini), MuseumMuseorum. de - Rose (H ), Qual. Analysis of Inorgan. - Wagner (A.), Andeutungen.. des Org. substances. - WatLeben.),Essayson — Smeaton, Misc Papers, to Royal Soc. -- Somerville (M.), Connection of the. - White (G.), Nat. Hist. of Selborne. - White (G.), Nat. st of Selborne - Stallo (J. B.), General Principles of. - See Man; Zoology; Botany; Mineran logy B — Stamkart, Burgerlijke Tijdsbepaling. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Adams (G.), Lec- - Taylor (Janet), Dirnal Register. tures on, 1794. - Taylor (R.), Scientific Meme. of Learn. Soc. - Arnott (N.), Elements of Physics. S - Bailey (S.), On Berkeley's Theory of - Tomlinson, Pneumatics. vision - Wal, Prijsverhandeling. - Bartlett (W. H. C.), Elements of: Me- - Wandelaincourt, Man. des Jeunes Phychanics. siciens. - Bird (G.), Elem. of Nat. Phil. - Whewell, Researches on the tides. - Brewer, Guide to Scientific Knowl. Wilkins (J.), Math. and Phil. Works. - Bridgewater Treatises. - Young (T.), Lectures on. - Brisson, Principes de Physique. - See Optics; Hydrostatics; Electricity; - DImonville, Examen des Ouvraoes de Magnetism, etc. M. Aza;s. NATURAL THEOLOGY. Babbage, Ninth - Desaguliers, De Natturkunde. Bridgewater Treatise. - Draper (J. W.), Text-:book olf. - Bentley, Works: Confut. of Atheism. [GEN. LIB. 1855.1 117 930 INDEX TO NATURAL THEOLOGY: NAVAL AND NAVIGATION: - Bell (B.), The Hand. - Clavel, Brit. Dominion of the Seas. - Bergier, Esame del Materialismo. - Chabert, Horloges marines. - Berkeley, Minute Philosopher. - Estancelin, Destruction des bois de construction. - Bridgewater Treatises. - -Brougham, Discourses on. - Falconer, Univ. Marine Diet. - Buckland, Geol. and Min. in Reference - Field of Mars, to 1801. to. - Fleurieu, Voy. pour eprouver les hor- Chalmers (T.), External Nature and loges marines. Const. of Man. - Forbes (R. B.), New Rig for Ships. - Cicero, Nature of the Gods. - Fournier, Hydrographie. - Cudworth, Intel. System of the Uni- - Francis, Metallic Life-boats. verse. - Genet, Upward Forces of Fluids. - Hamilton (Bishop), Works. - Gietermaker, It Vergulde licht der Zee- Kate (L. Ten), Den Scheppen, etc. vaart. - Magalotti, Lettere contro l'ateismo. - Givry, Pilote Frangais. - Nairne, Atheism and Pantheism. - Greenwood, The Sailor's Sea-book. - Nieuwentyt, Gebruik der Werelt Bes- - Griffiths (J. W.), Treatise on Marine chouwingen, etc. and Naval Archit'. - Paine, Theological Works. - Heather, North American Pilot. - Paley, Works, vol.4. - Hist. Gen. de la Marine. - Plato, Against the Atheists. - Instruction Nautique.... pour le Mis- Prout (W.), Chemistry. etc. with re- sissippi. ference to. - Jal, Archeologie navale. - Sharpe (G.), On the Law of Nature. K- imball (H.), Amer. Naval Battles. - Smith (F.), Princip. of Nat. and Re- - Macpherson, Annals of Commerce and. vealed. - Maury, Explan. Directions of Wind - Whewell, Indications of a Creator. Charts. - See Christianity (Evidences of): Soul. - - Abstract Log. NATURALIZATION. Hay, Treatise on Expa- - Morisot, Orbis Marit. Gen. Historia. triation. - Peake, Rudiments of Naval Archit. - Lowell, Rev. of Hay on Expatriation. - Pecquet, Plan de Compatibilit6 pour la - Mass. Leg. Report on Aliens. Marine. - Republic (The), Period. - Pilote (Le) de Terre Neuve. - Sons of the Sires. - - de Saint Domingue. - See Aliens; BEmigrants. - Seixas, Theatro Naval Hidrographico. MNATURnE. Good, Book of Nature. - Sullivan (J. L.), Naval Architecture. - Howitt, Pictorial Calendar of!the Sea- - Thysius Historia Navalis. sons. - Truxtun (T.), On Lat. and Long.; and - Humboldt, Aspects of Nature. the Compass. - - Kosmos. - United States Coast Survey. - tErsted, The Soul in Nature. - Wrottlesey (Lord), Navigation. - St. Pierre (J. H. B.), Studies of' Na- Zorgdrager, Groenlandsche Vischery. re. See Comrerce; Gt, Britain; Voyages; R- afinesque, Analyse de la. United States. - See Earth; Man; Nat. Hist., Tbeol.,-:NEBRASKA.: HalB (E.:E),ICKansas and Neand Phil. braska.,,i. NAVAL AND NAVIGATION: < — Sage (R. B.), Wild Scenes in. - Annesley, Syst. of Naval Archit. "- See United States, West. - Atkinson(J.), Artof Navigation, 1778. NELSON (Lord). Clarke (J. S.), Life of. - Bouvet de Cresse, Hist. de la Marine de - Pettigrew, Memoirs of.' tous les Peuples. NESSELRODE. Galerie des Contem. Vie de. - Bo:wditch (N.), Amer. Pract Navigator. NESTORIANS. Grant, The Nestorians or Lost - Blunt (E. M.), Guide du Navigateur. Tribes. Nestorians of Persia. - Blunt (J.), Shipmaster's Assistant. - Nestorians of Persia. - Brady, Young Sailor's Assistant. - Perkins (J.), Eighteen Years in Persia. - Busby, Propulsion of navigable Bo- NEWARK, N. J. Condit., Hist. 2d Presb. dBusby. Propulsion of navigable Bo- Ch. of Newark. dies. Cassini, Montre. s marines. - Henderson (M. HI.), Centen. Disc. Tri—.. Cassini, Montres m~arines. nity Ch. SUBJECTS. 93:1 NEW-BRUNSWICK. Gesner, Hints to Emi- NEw-FRANCE. See Jesuit Miss.; Canada. grants concerning. NEW-GRANADA. Cassani,HIistoria del Nuevo - Sketches of. Granada. - Springer, Forest Life. - Tomes, Panama in 1855. - See Canada; Nova Scotia. - See Carthagena; Central America. NEW-BRUNSWICK, N. J. Davidson (. ), NEW-HAMPSHIRE. Barstow, History:of, to Presb. Church in. 1819. - Janeway, Hist. Discourse, 1840. - Belknap, History of N. H. NEWBURY, Ms. Coffin (J.), History of. - Farmer (J.)3 Gazetteer of. NEWBURYPORT. Cushing (C.), History of. - - Hist. Collections. New-ENGLAND. Adams (Amos), View of - Festival of the Sons of, 1849. the Hardships, etc. -- Wallace (C.), Geog. of. - Adams (H.), Hist. of New-England. - Whiton, Hist. of. - Backus (I.), History of, to 1784. NEw-HAMPSHIRE GRANTS. Allen (E.), Re- Barker (J. W.), Hist. and Antiq. of. futation of N. H. Claims. - Bradford (A.), New-England Chronol. - Defence of N. H. Grants. - Chauncy, State of Religion. - Resolves of Conv. 1778. - Dillingham, Orat. N. E. Soc. Phila. - Houghton (G. F.), Address on. - Dreuillette, Narr6 du Voy. 1650, 51. - New-York Colony, Boundary Question. - Dummer, Defence of N. E. Charters. State (Present) of tue Controversy, 1782. - Dwight (T.), Travels in. 1782. NEw-HAIMPSHIRE LOCAL HISTORIES. See - Exam. of Commercial pretensions of. Beclford; Concord; Coos o.; Dun- Farmer, Geneal. of First Settlers. stable; Giilmantown; Keene; Lit- Felt (J. B.), The Customs of N. E. tleton; Londonderry; iashua; New - Gillies, Hist. Collections: Revivals,pswich. 1740. - See also N. H. Hist. Sec. Coll. - Gorges (Sir F.), Planting of. NEW-HAVEN, CONN. Bacon(L.),13 Discourses, Centennial. - Hall(J. P.), Discourse, N. E. Soc. N.Y. - Barber (J. W.), liist. and Antiq. of. - Hayward (J.), New-EngI'd Gazetteer,n 1839.' - - ~3Beecher (C.E.), Truth stranger than i iction. - Higginson, New-England's Plantation. _ K- Kingsley, Hist. Disc. 200th Anniv. - Hoyt, Hist. of Indian Wars on the Connecticut river. - Dw.ght (T.), Statist. Acet. of, 1811. - Hubbard (W.), Gen. Hist. of New-Eng. NEW-IPSwIcR, N. H. History of New-Ips- Josselyn, Two Voyages to, 1674. NEw-JERSEY. Armstrong, History of Fort - Keith (G.), Tr. from N. Hampshire to Nassau. Caratuck. - Barber (J. W.), Historical Collections. - Levett, Voy. to New-England, 1623.) Histor - Mather, Magnalia Christi Americana. arpenter (W. H.), History of. --- Elizabethtown, Bill in Chancery. - Mauduit, Hist. of New-Eng. Col. 1776. - - Morse (J.), History of. - Field (R. S.), Prov. Courts of. - Morton (M.), N. England's Memorial. - Gordon (T. F.), Gazetteer of; and History. - Neal (D.), History of. - Green (A.), Baccalaureate Addresses in - News from New-Eng. 1676. College of. - Pages from Eccl. History of. - Howe, N. J. Hist. Collections. - Penhallow, Wars with the Indians. - Lloyd, N. J. Annual Registet. - Prince (T.), Chronolog. History of. - Lawrence (W. B.), Colonization of, - Review of the Rise of, etc. 1774. - Morris (L.), Letters, 1738-1846. - Robbins (T.), Hist. View of Planters - Mulford, Civ. and Polit. Hist. of. of. - Smith (S.), Hist. of Nova-Caesaria. - Wood (W.), NewEngland's Prospects. - Tath N. J.Monopolies. Tatham, N. J. Monopolies. - See Puritans: Massachusetts; Cong.onay Voy to, Churches. Churches. -- Thompson (T.), Missionary Voy. to, NEWFOUNDLAND. Anspach (L. A.), History of. -- Whitehead (W. A.), East Jersey. - Bonnycastle, Newfoundland in 1842. - - Robbery of Treasury of. - Chappell, Voyage. NEW-JERSEY LOCAL HISTORIES. See Harlingen; Jersey City; Elizabeth- Jukes (J. B.), Excursions in, 1839. towng Newarks New-Brunswicka - Whitbourne's Discourse, 1622. Paterson; Raritan; Salem. 932 INDEX TO NEW-JERUSALEM CHURCH. Swedenborg NEWSPAPERS: (E.), Works. - Evening Mirror, New-York. NEW-LONDON, CONN. Brainard (W.F.), Ad- - Examiner (The), London, 1810-20. dress at Groton Heights. d- Examiner (The), Toronto, 1850. - Caulkins, History of. Cakns History- Family Newspaper, Albany. NEw-MEXIO. Abert, Examination of. N.w br, —. Franco-AmEricain (Le), New-York. - Report; with Cook's and John- a ston's. -- Galignani's Messenger, Paris. - Gregg, Commerce of the Prairies. - Gazette Franfaise, Phil'a. Pike (Z. M.), Voy. au Nouveau Mex- - Globe, Toronto. ique. - Herald, 1797, New-York. - U. S. War Dept. Reports. - Herald (Weekly), 1838-54: New-York. - See Mexico: Rocky Mts. - Home Journal, New-York. NEW-ORLEANS. Cooke (J.H ), Narrative of - Hudson Weekly Gazette, 1785-1803. Attack, 1814. - Hunt (F. K.), Fourth Estate: Hist. of - Hall (A. 0.), Manhattaner in New Or- Newspapers. leans. - Illustrated American News, N. Y. - See Am. War, 1812-14; Jackson (A.). IllustrtedLondn News. Illustrated London News. NExWPORT, R. I. Cahoone, Visit to Grand- Illustrated N. Y. News. ppa. Ps. Ilpa.~~- Illustrated News, P. T. Barnum. - Controversy on the Old Stone Mill. - Independent Chronicle, Boston, 1776NEW-ROCHELLE, N. Y. Bolton (R.) jun., 82. Guide to. NEW-SOGuide to. See Australia. - Jefferson and St. Lawrence Cos. 1812NEW-SOUTH-\WALES. Soee Australia. 52. NEWSPAPERS: - Jeffersonian (The), Albany. - American Citizen, Albany, 1842-44. Journal Politique, Leyde, 1805-09. - American Weekly Messenger, Philadel- - Liverpool Chronicle. phia, 1814, 15. London Gazette. - Albany Argus, 1813-54. - Massachusetts Spy, 1795-99. - Albany Daily Advertiser, 1815-45. Minerve (La), Montreal, 1848-50. -- Minerve (La)~ Montreal, 1848-50. - Albany Dutchman, 1849, 50. Missori Repblican. - Missouri Republican. - Albany Evening Atlas, 1850-55. - Mist's Weekly Journal. Albany Evening Journal, 1835-55. Monite'r Canydien. - Albany Freeholder, 1845-47. - National Gazette, Phil'a. - Albany Gazette, 1784-1822. - Albany Herald, 1846. - National Police Gazette, N. Y. - Albany Herald, 1846. - National Recorder, Phil'a. - Albany Register, 1793-1819. - New England Palladium, Boston, 1801- Albany Spectator, 1844-47. 27. - Alta California, San Francisco, 49-52. - N. Y. Daily Times, 1851-1855. - Asmonean, N.Y. 1852-54. - N. Y. Daily Tribune, 1842-51. - Balance and Repos. Hudson and Alb. - N. Y. Evangelist. 1802-11. - - N. Y. Evening Post, 1810-12-30. - Boston Atlas, 1841-52. -- New-York Gazette 1805-20. - Buenos Ayres Newsp. 1849, 50. - New-York Gazette, 1805-20. -- N. Y. Newspapers of 1851. - Canada Newspapers, 1848-51... Newspapers of 1851. - New-York Observer. - Canadien (Le), 1850. -- New-York Statesman, 1824-28. - Christian Intelligencer. - Christian Visitant Albany. - New-York Herald, 1804-11. -- Christian Visitant, Albany. - Newspapers, Misc. 13 vol. fol. - Church Journal, New-York. - Niles's National Register. - Church Register, Philadelphia. - North American, Watertown, N. Y. Churchman, N. Y. - Connecticut CoNrant, 1774-1817. - Northern State Journal, Watertown. - Connecticut Courant, 1774-1817. n- Northern Whig, Hudson, 1811-23. Courier du Bas Rhinr 1789-94. aCourier das Erp, 178- Nouvelles Extraordinaires, 1784-98. -- Courier van Europa, 1783, 84. - Nouvelles Politiques, 1799-1804. - Courier des Etats Unis,:N. Y. - Old Settler, Keeseville, 1847-54. - Dunlap's Maryland Gazette, 1777. -- Pennsylvania Chronicle, Philla, 1767Dakotah Friend. 71. - Europische Staats Secretaris, 1763. - Pennsylvania Gazette, 1779-80. Evening Courier, Montreal. - Pennsylvania Packet, 1771-79. SUBJECTS. 933 NEWSPAPERS: NEW-YORK STATE, HISTORY OF, ETC.: - Peoples' Democratic Guide. j- Chassanis, Land company. - Phare (Le) de New-York, 1852, 53. - Child (L. M.), Letters from. - Plaindealer, Leggett. - Clinton (De W.), Nat. Hist. and Re- Plebeian, Kingston, N. Y. 1805, 06. sources of. - Post ( De) van den Neder Rhijn 1781- - Clune (A.), Dutch colonies, 1769. 87.' - Colden, Completion of Canals. - Presbyterian, Phil'a, 1841-53.' - - Vindication of Steamboat right. - Progr s (Le), N. Y. 1855. - Crfvecoeur, Voyage dans l'Ctat de. - Protestant Churchman, 1843-48. - Democratic Conventions. - Spectator, London, 1831-33. - Denton (D.), Desc. of New-York, 1670. - Spectator, N. Webster, 1797-1802. - Donck (A. v. d.), Beschr. van Nieuw Nederlant. - Standard, Albany, 1829. -- Dunlap (W.), History of. Times, London, 1841-56. - United States Gazette, 1804-17. Dwight (T.), Travels in. -- Eastman, History of the State of. - United States Telegraph. - Watertown Register, 1830-50. - Fowler (J.), Tour in New-York, 1820. -- Gerard: London and New-York. - Weekly Inspector, New-York. Gerard, London and New-York.'- Se Periodicals. - Hammond (J. D.), Hist. of Political - See Periodicals. parties in. NEWTON (Sir I.). Brewster (Sir D.), Life _ Harperqs iew-York Class-nook of. - Hleadley (J. T.), The Adirondack. NEWTOWN, N.Y. Riker, Annals of. NEWTOWN N.Y.- hoffman (C. F.), The Pioneers of. NEW-YoRK STATE, GAZETTEERS, GUIDES, - ETC.: ETC.: -- Horsmansden: New-York Conspiracy, - Brockett (L. P.), Geography of. 1741. -- Hotchkin, Hist. of Settlement of Wes- Disturnell, Gazetteer of. tern N. Y. - Dewey, Buffalo and N. York Railway - Hurlbut, Civil office and Polit. ethics. Hand-book. Ha- GoodenowTop.and stat. Manual of.- Jenkins (J. S.), Hist. of political par- Goodenow, Top. and stat. Manual of. ties in. - Gordon (T. F.), Gazetteer of, 1836. - - Lives of the Governors of. - Holley (O. L.), N. Y. State Reg. 1843 - Jottrand, Comm. sur la nouvelle con- 47. stitution de. - Holt, N. Y. State Register, 1804 - 06. - Keyen, Von Neu Niederland und Gua- Hough, N. Y. Civil List. jana, 1672. - Mather (J. H.), Geography of. - Lambrechsten, Ontdekking van Nieuw - N."Y. State Register, 1847, Disturnell. Nederlanl. - New-York State Tourist. - Macauley, History of New-York. - Pocket Guide, Hudson R. and Erie ca- - Massachusetts Bay,- The case of..... na~l., boundary. - Spafford, Pocket Guide on the Canals, Miller (J.), Deser. of Province and 1824. city, 1695. - - Pocket Book of the towns, etc. - Moulton, Hist. of State of N. Y. - - Gaetteer of, 1813, 24. -- Munro, Descr. of the Geneseecountry. - Williams (E.), New-York in 1833. - Murphy ( H. C.), Representation of, 1650: trans. - - Register, 1830-45. - New-York Colony. NEw-YORK STATE, HISTORY OF, ETC.: -Ne-York State. - Allen (E.), On the Claims of N. York. - O'Callaghan, Hist. of New-Netherland. - Account of a Journey to Niagara, Quebee, 1765. - O'Reilly, Sketches of Rochester and Western N. Y. - Account of settlement of, 1735. I- Republican Convention. - Barber (J. W.), Pictorial History of. - e - State of Controversy with N. H. - Barton (J. L.), Remin. of West. N.. Y. _ Smith (W.), Hist. of, to 132. - Beck (N. F.), Road from Erie to the Hudson. Hist[ of, to 1762. - Belden, New-York. past and future. - Tibbets, Finances of the Canal fund. - Brodhead (J. R.), Hist. of. - Turner (O.), Hist. of Phelps and Gor- Butler (B. F.), t. of N.Yham's purchase. - (. Warfare of - Uncle Philip's Conversations. -- Campbell (W. W.), Border Warfare of. ermont Contrversy - Crpenter, (W.Vermont ontroversy. - Carpenter, (W. H.), History of. 934 INDEX TO NEW-YORK STATE, HISTORY OF, ETC. NEW-ZEALAND: - Vertoogh (Een), van de Colonie, 1676. - Library E. K. The New-Zealanders. - Vertoogh van Nieu Nederland, 1650. - See Australia; Voyages. - Yates, Hist. of. NIAGARA FALLS. De Veaux, Traveller's - Zenger, Libel controversy, 1732. own book. - Sea Erie Canal; New-Hamp. Grants. - Hulett, Every man his own guide to. NEW-YORK STATE LOCAL HISTORIES: - Maude, Visit to the falls, 1800. See Albany; Augusta; Batavia; Buf- - Mineral Spring at. falo; Champlain (Lake); Clinton; - Orr (J. W.), Pictorial Guide to. Columbia Co.; Cooperstown; East- Parsons (H. A.), Book of. Hampton; Genesee; Holland Pur- - Peck, Tourists Companion. chase; Hudson; Ithaca; Jamaica; - Jefferson Co.; Long-Island; New- - Steele's Western Guide-book. Rochelle; Newtown; New-Utrecht; - Tivoli, Guide to falls of. Oneida Co.; Onondaga Co.; Orange NICARAGUA. Squier (E. G.), Nicaragua. Co.; Oswego; Otsego Co.; Putnam Co.; Queens Co.; Rochester; Rome; - See Central Ameriea. St. Lawrence Co.; Saratoga; Sche- NIEBUHR (B. G.). Lieber (Fr.), Reminisnectady; Schoharie Co.; Seneca cences of. Co.; Staten Island; Suffolk Co.; Botta, Monument de Ninive. Troy; Tryon Co.; Washington Co.; Westchester Co.; West Point. - Fletcher, Notes from Niniveh. NEw-YORK CITY. Cozzens (J.), Geolog. - Layard (A. H.), Niniveh and its reHist. of. mains. - De Forest, New-York in olden time. See Antiquities. - Davis (A.), Hist. of New-Amsterdam. NISBET (C.). Miller (S.), Memoirs of. - Disturnell, Description of. NODIER (C.). Gal. des Contem. Notice sur. - Dix (J. A.), Sketches of, 1827. NORFOLK, CONN. Roys, History of. - Duer (W. A.), Hist. Address. NORFOLK, VA. Forest, Hist. Sketches of. - Ely, Journal of Alms-house preacher. - Directory of, 1851. - Glentworth, Election frauds, 1838. NORSMANDIE ( Dues de). B5noit, Chronique - Great Metropolis, Doggett, 1846. des. - Greenleaf, Hist. of Churches of all de- NORRIDGEWOCK, ME. Hanson, History of. nominations. NORTH (Hon. D. and J.). North (R.), - Hardie (J.), Description of, 182-7. - King (C.), Progress of last fifty years. NORT AMERICA. Bellin Carte de: 28 72? de lat. - Moulton: View of New-Orange, 1673. - Moulton View of New-Orange 1673. - Bossu, Voy. dans l'Am. septentrionale. - New-York as it is, 1837. v -'Affairso New-Yoraitis 7- Bourgeois, Voy. interessans dans diff. Paulding, Affairs of New-Amsterdam. colonies. - Picture of New-York, 1807, 28, 48. - Brissot, Examen des voy. de. - Skillmann, Police reports. - Brommine, Nordamerica's Bewohner. - Thorburn (G.), Reminiscences of. - Butel-Dumont, Hist. des Col. Anglais. - Valentine, Manual of the corporation. - Burnaby, Travels 1759, 60. -- Hist. of the city. - Carver, Travels, 1766 - 68. - Watson (J. F.), Historic tales of olden - Chabert, Voyage dans, 1750. time. - Chastellux, Voyage, 1780 -82. NEW-YORK CITY DIRECTORIES. Rode, 1850 Coke, Subaltern's Furlough. - 55. - Doggett, Directory, 1842 - 52. - Cooper (R.), History of. - Franks, 1786. - Davenport, Gazetteer and Geog. Dict. of. - Longworth, Aim. and Directory, 1796 -ist. des costes 1841. 1841. -- Denys, Desc. gEog. et hist. des costes - Low, 1796. -- Description de l'Amerique, 1638. - New-York City Directory, 1854, Rode. - Douglass (W.), British settlements in, - New-York Business Direct. 1840. 1755. - New-York Mere. Un. Direct. 1850 - 51. - Doyle (W.), Brit. Dominions in. - N. Y. Pictorial Directory, 1851. - Force (P.), Tracts on the colonies of. NEW-UTRECHT, L. I. De Sille, Hist. of set- - Gordon (J. B.), Hist. and Geog. Mem. tlement of. of. NEW-ZEALAND. Earle, Residence in. - Hall (B.), Travels in. - Ferry (C.), Advantages as a Brit. Col. - Harmon, Voy. and Tr. to the Pacific. SUBJECTS. 935 NORTH AMERICA: NORTHEASTERN BOUNDARY: - Hist. of the Brit. Dominions in, 1773. - North American Boundary, Brit. parl. - Hodgson (A.), Remarks during a jour- papers. ney in. - Remarks, St. Johns, 1838. - Humphreys, Hist. Soc. Prop. Gosp. to, - U. S. Message of Pres't, 1838. 1728. - United States, State Department. - Johnston (J. F. W.), Notes on. NORTHWESTERN BOUNDARY. See Oregon. - Knox (J.), Campaigns in N. A. 1757 - NORWALK, CONN. Hall (E.), Anc. Hist. re60. cords of. - La Hontan, Voyage to. NORWAY. Laing, Residence in. - Laon, Voy. au Cap de Nord. - Lamotte, Voy. principalement en Nor- La Potherie, Hist. de l'Amerique sep- wege. tentrionale. - Price (E.), Norway and its Scenery. - Lyell, Travels in. - See Sweden. - Marquette, Recit des voyages, 1673. NORWICH, CONN. Caulkins, History of. - - Voy. et Decouverte. - Morgan, Centenary sermon. - Moser, N. A. nach den fried, 1783. NOTT (Sir W.). Stocqueler, Memoirs of. - Murray (C. A.), Travels in. NOUVELLr FRANCE. See Canada; Jesuit - Murray (Hugh), Hist. of travels and missions; North America. discov. in. Nova SCOTIA. Dierereville, Voyage de 1'- Murray (H. A.), The land of the slave Acadie. and free. - Gesner, Indust.Resources of. - North Amer. and W. I. Gazetteer 1778. - Haliburton, Hist. and Statist. acct. of. - Rafinesque, Travels. - Hist. Gcog. de la Nouvelle Ecosse. - Robin, Nouveau voyage, 1781. - Little (O.), Tradein Northern Colonies, - Rogers (Robert), Account of, 1755. and Deser. of. - Saxe-Weimar, Travels through. M- arrant's Journal. - Shirreff, Tour through. - Marsden, N. S. - Smith (M.), British Possessions in, - Mdmoires des Comm. du roi. Eng. and 1814. Fr. - Stansbury (P.), Pedestrian Tour in. - Moorson, Letters from Nova Scotia. - State of Brit. Col. 1755. - Pichon, Memoires du Cap. Brdton. - Stuart (J.), Three years in. - Robertson (J.), Hist. of Miss. of Se- Sutcliff (N.), Travels in, 1804- 6. ession of, hurh. - Talbot (J.), History of North Amer. - Se Canada; British Colonies; New -- See Canada; British Colonies; New - Tudor (H.), Travels in. Brunswick. - mWel0by, Visit to. NUBIA. Burckhardt, Travels in. - See Louisiana; Florida; S. Carolina;, Russell (M.), Nubia. New-England; United States; Mexico; British Colonies; etc. -- See Egypt; Abysinnia. NORTHAMPTON, MASS. Williams (S.), list. NUMISMATICS. Akerman, Numismatic Maof. nual. NORTH-CAROLINA. Brickell (J.), Nat. hist. - - Introd. to Study of coins. of, and customs. - Tradesmen's Tokens, 1648 - 72. - Byrd, The Westover MSS. - Begerus, Regum Roman. numis. aurea. - Cooke (W. D. CD..), Revolut. Hist. of. - - Numis. Pontif. Romanorum. - Foote (W. H.), Sketches of, hist. and - Bolland, Cat. of the Coll, of coins of. biog. - Bonicelli, De Numis. "Lucillam Aug. - Jones (J. S.), Defence of rev. hist. of. fil." - - Memorials of. - Burn, London tokens, 17th Cent. - Martin (F. X.), History of. - Conder, British coins last 20 years, - Mechlenburgh Gold Mining Comp. 1798. - Wheeler (J. W.), Hist. sketches of. - DuBois, Coins at Mint of U. S. - Williamson (H.), History of. - Durand, Fabrication des Monnaies NORTH-COVENTRY, CONN. Calhoun (G. A.), Francaises. Centen. Disc. - Eckfeldt, Coins within the last century. NORTHEASTERN BOUNDARY. Colonial Po- - - New varieties, etc. 1850. licy, London, 1835. - Edwards (E.), Napoleon Medals. - Considerations of the claims, London. - - French medals, 1789 -1830. - Maine Leg. docts. - - Erizz, Le mredaglie deli antichi. 936 INDEX TO; NUMISMATICs: OHIO: - Folkes, Tables of English coins. - Sackett (N.), Memorial for grant of - Hennin, Manuel de Numismatique an- land, 1785. cienne. -- Topograph. desc. of, 1818. - Humphreys, Coin Collector's manual. W- alpole's Grant on the Ohio. - - Coinage of G. B. to the present - See United States, West; Tallmadge. time. OLD SOUTH. Austin (B.) jr., Letters. - LeClerc, Medailles des Provinces Unies. OLIVE BRANCH. Allen (J.), Capture of the - Leipzig, Stadtbibliothek, Munzkabi- ship O. B. net. OLIVES. Bompard, Sur la culture de l'oli- Loon (Van), Nederlandsche Histori- vier. penningen. OLNEY (S.). Williams (Mrs.), Life of. - Riddell, Monograph of the dollar. ONDERDONK (Bp.), Trapier, Narrative of R- uding, Annals of Coinage of G. Bri- facts. tain. ONEIDA CO. Tracy (W.), Notices of men Simon (J.), Irish coins. and events in. - Taylor, Gold and silver coin exam. - Jones (P.), Annals of. - Thomason, Memoirs during half a cen- ONONDAGA CO. Clark ( J. V. H.), RIteministury. cences of. - Thompson (J.), 750 fac-similes of OPIUix. Allen (N.), The Opium Trade. coins. OPTICS. Berkeley (Bp), Works, vol. 6. - Wyatt (T.). Nat. Medals of America. - Brewster (Sir D.), Treatise on Optics. - See Currency. - Faraday, Glass for optical purposes. NUNEZ DE BALBOA. Hodson (Mrs), Life of. - Jackson (J. W.), Treatise on Optics. - Lardner, Account of Newton's Optics. - Thomin, TraitS d'Optique mecanique. - See Natural Philosophy. OATHS. Junkin, The Oath, a divine ordi- ORANGE CO. N. Y. Eager, History of. nance. ORANGE (Prince d'), Montgomery ( Gen.), OCEANICA. Sec Voyages, Pacific; Polyne- Entr tiens du. Sla. ORATIONS. See Speeches; Agr. lIist., Law O)CONNELL (D.). Huish (R.), Memoirs of. and Med. Addresses. - O'Connell (J.), Life of'. ORATIONS, JULY, 4. Abbot (D.), Nashua, N. II. 1803. ODD FELLOWS. Madison ( J. M.), Exposition of the forms of. tion of the forms of. - Adams (J. Q.), Boston, 1831. - Odd Fellow's Lit. Mag. - Allen (Thomas), 1803: Pittsfield, Mass. OFFICERS, PUBLIC. Burgh, Political Dis- - Atherton (C. I.), 1798. quisitions. - Austin (J. T.), Lexington, 1815. - Brown (B.), Duties of public officers. - Bates (I. C.), Northampton, 1812. - Clark (A.), Parliamentary Rules. - Bidwell (B.), Sheffield, Conn. 1805. - Hurlbut, Civil offices. - Blake (F.), Worcester, Mass. 1812. - L'Herbette. Le fonctionnaire citoyen. - Bradford (Alden), Wiscasset, Me. 1804. - Observations on duties and emoluments - Callender (J.), Boston, 1797. of. -- Cogswell (N.), Newburyport, 1808. - See Government. - Cushing (C.),Newburyport, 1832. OGLETHORPE (J.). Harris (T. D.), Biog. of. - Dana (S.), Groton, Mass. 1807. - Peabody, Life of. - Danforth (T.), Boston, 1804. OlrIo. Bouquet, Exped. against Indians in - Douglass (F.), Rochester, N. Y. 1- Drayton (W.), Charleston, 1831. - Carpenter (W. H.), History of. - Dutton (W.), Boston, 1805. - Cuming, Tour in. - Cuming, Tour in. - Everett (D.), Amherst, N. IH. 1804. - Description du sol.... entre la Pen- - Everett (E.), Cambridge, 1826. sylvanie, etc. - Everett (E.), Cambridge, 1826. - Great Britain, Report on Pet. of - Fondey (W. H.), Albany, 1838. Franklin for land. - Forest (E.), New-York, 1838. - Howe (H.). Historical Collections of. - Grimk (T. S.), Charleston, S. C. - Jenkins (W.), Ohio Gazetteer, 1837. - Grosvenor (T. P.), Hudson, 1808. - Kilbourn (J.), Ohio Gazetteer, 1817. - Hammond (Wells S.), Cherry-valley. - Navigator (The). - Hall (J.), Boston, 1800. Olden Timre, period: ~. - Hunter (W.), Newport, R. I. 1801. SUBJECTS. 937 ORATIONS, JULY, 4. OREGON: - Ingersoll (C. J.), Phil'a. - Library (E. K.), Backwoods and Ore- Johnson (J. B.), Albany, 1798. gon. -- Nicolay, Account of the country, 1846. - Linn (A. L.), Schenectady, 1822. - Oregon, Claims to, London, 1846. - Livermoren (E. S.), Boston, 1813. Palmer (J.), Rocky mountains, 1845, - Livermore (E. S.), Boston, 181-3. 46. - Lowell (J.), Boston, 1799. Parker (S.), Tour beyond the Rocky - McClay (W. B.), New-York, 1839. mountains. - Maxcy (M.), Schenectady. - Parkman (F.), California and Oregon - Miles (W. P.), Charleston, S. C. trail. - Mitchell (N.), Charleston, S. C. - Robertson (W.), Our right and title. - Otis (H. G.), Boston, 1788. - Ross (A.), Adventures of the first settiers. - Paine (C.), Boston, 1801. tiers. - Pickering (,John) Salemt, 1804. - Rush (R.), Memoranda of a residence. — Pickering(John), Salem, 1804. - Potts (George), Phil 1826. - Scenes in, by a New-Englander, 1846. - Potts-(George), Phil'a, - Smet, Oregon missions. - Quincy (Josiah), 1798. 1826. - Quincy (Josiah), 17981826 - Thornton (J..), Oregon and Califor- Richardson (Luther), Roxbury, 1800. nia. - Ritchie (A.), Boston, 1808. - Townshend (J. K.), Rocky mountains - Savage (J.), Boston, 1811. and Columbia river. - Starr (G.), Schenectady, 1831. - Twiss (T.), On the Oregon question. - Sullivan (W.), Boston, 1803. - U. S. H. of R., Report on Military Posts to. - Sumner (C.), Boston, 1845. Posts to. - Thacher (P.), Boston, 1807. - Warre (H.), Sketches of N. A. and Thacher (P.), Boston, 1807. Oregon. - Tower (C.), Frankfort, 1843..), Cncise iew f. - White (E.), Concise view of. - Tuft (J.), Charlestown, 1814. Tell years in. - Ten years in. - Van den Heuvel (J. A.), Ogdensburgh. - Wilkes (G.) Western America. - Verplanek (G. C.), New-York. - See Rocky mountains; California. - Wells (J.), New-York, 1798. ORIENTAL LITERATURE.. Adelung, Iist. of - Whipple (E. P.), Boston, 1850. Sanscrit Literature. - White (W. C.), Rutland, 1802. Amer. Orient S. ournal. - Whittlesey (F.), Rochester, 1842. - Bible, N. T. in Bengali, Sanscrit, etc. - Winthrop (R. C.), Washington, 1848. - Brosset, Chronique Georgienne. - Zabriskie (J. C.), Princeton, 1843. - Chinese Repository. OREGrON. Cox, Adventures on Columbia R. - _ Dow, Hist. of Hindostan, from the Per- Cross (Maj.), Journal by land to. sian. - Disturnell, Guide to. - Colebroke (H. T.), On the Sanscrit. - Dodge ( H.), Exped. to Rocky moun- - Diez, Denkwirdigkeiten von Asien. tains. - - - Ermahnung an Istambol. - Dragoon Campaign to the Rocky moun- - Des Kceniglichen Buchs. tains. - -Buch des Cabus. - Duflot de Mofras, Exploration de, 1840. - Dunn (J.), gist. of, and of the Fur trade. - - Unfug und Betrug in der morg. litt. - Falconer, On the Oregon question. - - Wage der BlUmen. - Farnham (T. G.), Tra. in the Prairies - Dozy, Diet. des V-tements Arabes. and Oregon. - Jones (Sir W-), Works. - Fremont, Exploring expedition. - - PoEsie Orientale. - Gallatin, The Oregon question. - The Moallakat, Nadir Shah. - Gass, Journal of Lewis and Clark's - Koran in Arabic. Eng. and Dutch. travels. - Morrone, Vocab. of Cochin-Chinese - Greenhow, Geography of. lang. - Hines, Oregon, its history, etc. - Perron, Lett. sur Tarafah et Mouta- HIowison, Report of Examination of. lammis. - Irving (W.), Astoria. P4Azmaier, Ein Japanischer Roman. - - Rocky mountains. - Recherches.... du despotisme Oriental. - James (E.), Exped. to Rocky moun- - Schlechta, Frulingsgartenvon Dschami. tains, 1819. - Tassy, Aventures de Kamrup. K- Ielley (II. J.), Circular to emigrants. - Tornberg, Annal. Regum Mauritanie. I (3EN, lTI. 1855.1 18 938 INDEX TO ORIENTAL LITERATURE: OXFORD UNIVERSITY: - Turkey, Treaties with Austria. - Sandford (D. K.), Letter on, 1822. - Turkish Proverbs in Eng. - Wood, Athene Oxonienses. - Turner (W. W.), HIimyaritic inscrip. - Yajnadattabada. - See Philology; Language; Grammars; P. Turkey. ORINOco It. Gumilla, Hist. de las Naciones PACIFIC OCEAN. Palmer (A H.), Asiatic en la riveras del. Isles of Northern Pacific. - Hippisley, Exped. to the river, 1817. - Reynolds (J. N.), Letter on islands, - See Venezuela; Guyana. reefs in, etc. Rovings in the Pacific. ORNITHOLOGY. Audubon, Birds of America. Rovings in the Pcific. - Barrington (.), Miscellnies. - See Voyages (Pacific); Sandwich Is.; - Barrington (D.), Miscellanies. Polynesia. - Bechstein, C~ae and Chamber birds. PACIFIC RAILROAD. Heap, Central route to - Bonaparte, American Ornithology. the Pacific. - - Les Ordres de pigeons. - U. S. War Depart. Reports on. - - Notes ornithologiques. - Whipple's Exploration. - Giraud, Birds of Long Island. - Whitney (A.), Project for. - Gosse, The Birds of Jamaica. - Williamson (R. S.), Explorations for. - Popular British Ornithology. PADUA. Colle, Storia sci. lit. di Padova. - Jardine, Humming-birds. Nat. Lib. PAGE (S.). Willis (Madam), Letters. Gallinaceous Birds, Nat. Lib. PAINE (C.). Gannett, Funeral sermon of. — ~ -- Game Birds, Nat. Lib. PAINE (R. Troup). Paine (M.), Memoirs - - British Birds, Nat. Lib. of. Sun-birds, Nat. Lib. PAINE (T.), Cheetham (J.), Life of. - Knox (A. E.), Rambles in Sussex. - Examiners Examined. - Latham (J.), Gen. hist. of birds. - Paine (T.), Writings, etc. - Le Vaillant, Des Oiseaux d'Afrique. - Watson (R.), Letters to T. Paine. - Morris (F. 0.), Hist. of British birds. PAINTING. Barry, Lectures on. - Malherbe, Faune ornith. de la Sicile. - Blanc (C.), Les Peintres des Ftes galantes. - Mudie (R.), Feathered tribes of G. B. lantes. - Nuttall, Manuals of, of U. S. and Ca- - D o s, Os. on D esno nada. - Peale (T. R.), U. S. Expl. Exp. - Du Fresnoy, De Arte graphica. --- I)utch Painters of 15th cent. - Selby, Illustrations of British. - - Parrots, Pigeons, ~N~Iat. Lib. - Eastlake, History of Oil painting. Entwilrfe..Nederlandisehen meisters.. - Strickland (H. E.), Rep. on Prog. of. xv jahrhundert. - Swainson (W.) Nat. Hist. of Birds. n- Field (G.), Rudiments of the Painter's - Birds of W. Africa. art. - - Flycatchers. - Fuseli, Lecture on. - Waterton (C.), Essays on Nat. Hist. - Gilpin, Essays on Picturesque beauty. - Wilson (A.), American Ornithology. - Hand-book for young artists. - See Natural History. - Hay (D. R.), A Nomenclature of coOSWEGO Co. Clark ( J. V. H.), Remin. of lours, etc. OTIS (Ja8mes). Tudor (W.), Life of. - Koning, Notice des Tableaux... t la OTIS (Richard). Otis (H. N.), Geneal. of. Haye. OTSEGO Co. N. Y. Beardsley (L.), Remi - niscences, etc. - Latilla, Fresco, encaustic and tempera. OUDINOT ( Gen.). Galerie des Contem. Vie - Merrifield (Mrs.), Original treatises on. de.. - Michiels, Histoire de la peinture FlaOxFORD UNIVERSITY. Chalmers (A.), Hist. mande. of the Colleges. - Munich, Verzeichniss der gemlelde in. - Copleston, Reply to Edinb. Rev. - Phillips ( T.), Lect. on hist. and prin- Great Britain, Report on University of. ciples of. - Ingram, Memorials of Oxford. - Reynolds (Sir J.), Literary works. - Laud (Archbp.), Letter to the Univ. - Ruskin, Modern Painters. - Nicklin (P. H.), Report concerning. - Tofanelli, Pitture nel Mus. Capitol. - Oxford University, SUBJECTS. 939 PAINTING: PARIS: - Tuckerman (H. T.), Artist Life. - Gunrard, Cartulaire de l'Eglise Notre - Vasari, Lives of the most eminent Dame. painters. - Head (F. B.), Paris in 1851. - Vernon Gallery, Catalogue. - Le Noir, Statist. monumentale de. W- Walpole (H.), Works, Anecdotes of. - Library E. K., Paris and its historical - Whittock, Decorative Painter's Guide. scenes. - Memoires sur Ia Bastille. - See Drawing; Fine Arts. - Sanderson (J.), American in Paris. PALESTINE. Early Travels in Palestine. Sanderson (J.), American in Pari. - Hahn-Hahn, Letters from the Holy Tricolored Sketches in, 1851, 53. Land. - Valpy, Sketch of a trip, 1788. - Headley (J. T.), The sacred mountains. PARR (S.). Field (W.), Memoirs of. - Henniker, Visit to Mt. Sinai and Je- PARRY (Capt.). Lyon (Capt.), Journal of rusalem. Voy. of the Hecla. - La Brocquiere, Travels in 1432-33. PARSEES. Lord (Henry), Discovery of. - Millard, Tr. in Petra and Holy Land. PARSONs (L.). Morton (D. 0.), Mem. of. - Montague (E. P.), Exped. to the Dead PARKER (T.). Position (The true) of, 1845. sea. - Questions addressed to. - Olin, Tr. in Egypt and Holy Land. PARLIAMENTARY RULES. Clark (A.), Ma- Robinson (E.), Biblical Researches. nual of. - Schwarz (Rabbi), Geography and Hist. PASTORET (Jean de). Blosseville, Notice de. of. PASTORET (Marquis de). Montor, Notice - Strauss, Helon's Pilgrimage. du. - Upham (T. C.), Letters from. PATAGONIA. Byron (John), Sufferings in. - Wilson (W. R.), Travels in. - Coyer, Letterconcerning. - Sce Syria; Turkey. Falkner, Description of. PALEY (W.). Meadley ( G. W.), Memoirs See Voyages. South Seas. of. PATENTS. Christian, Brevets, dont la duPALFREY (W.). Palfrey (J. G.), Life of. ree est expir-e. PALISSY (Bernard). Morley (H.), Life of. - Elliot (S.), Am. Museum and List of PALM (Van der). Hengel, Meritorum com- patents. memoratio.- Jobard, Organon sur la proprint5 intellectuelle. PALIMYRA. See Syria. tellectuelle - Pritchard (A.), List of, in England of PAPER. Arrowsmith, Paperhanger's com- 19th Cent. panion. PANAMA. Houston, Scotch Exp. to Isthmus - epertory of Patent inventions, Lond. of Darien. - U. S. Patent Office, Reports. - Tomes, Panama in 1855. See Inventions. - See Central America; New Granada. PATERSON, N. Y. Archdeacon, Descr. of Passaic falls. PAMPfrLETS. Harleian Miscellany. Passaic falls. PATRIOTISMS. Price (R.), Discourse on love PARAGUAY. Charlevoix, Histoire de. of country. - Davie (J. C.), Letters from. PAUL (ST.). History of Paul the Apostle. - Dobrizhoffer, Account of the Abipones. - More (H.), Essay on Character of. - Lozano, Deser. del Gran Chaco. PEACE. Brittan (S. B.), Discourse on. - Mc Kinnon, Steam warfare in the Pa- - Channing Seron on wr. rana. du Paragua. - Dymond, Accordance of war with Chri- Muratori, Relat. des miss. du Paraguai. stianity. - Relation.. la Rpublique des Jfsuites. - Chandler (J..), Address. - Rengger, Essal hist. - engger, Essai hist. - Jay (WV.), Address, Peace Society. - Sepp, Voyage a. - - Causes of Mexican war. - Techo, Hist. provinci. - Thoughts on the doctrines of. See La Plata; Buenos Ayres. - Worcester (N.), Solemn Appeal. PARIS. Baily, Notice de l'Hotel de Ville. PEEL (Sir R.). Taylor (W. C.) Life of. -- Bizet, Du Commerce de la boncherie a. PELEW IS. Keate (G.), Account of. - Depping, Arts et metiers de. PELMAM (H.). Coke (W.), Memoirs of his - Gardner (A. K.), Old wine in new bot- administration. ties. PELLICO (Silvio). Gal. des Contem. vol. 4: - - The French metropolis. vie de. - Geraud, Paris sous Philippe le Bel. PENITENTIARIES. See Prisons. 940 INIDEX TO PENN (W.). Clarkson (T.), Life of. PENNSYLVANIA LOCAL HISTORIES: - Duche, Caspipina's letters with life of.1 - See Berks Co.; Byberry; Crawford - Dunlop, Controv. with Ld. Baltimore. Co.; Lancaster Co.; Philadelphia; Pittsburgh; Wyoming; York Co. - Ellis (Gi. E.), Life of. PEORIA, ILL. Drown, Directory and hist. - Fairbairn, Defence of. of. - Janney (S.M.), Life of. PEPPERELL (Sir W.). Parsons (U.), Life - Macaulay, Hist. of Eng. of. - Sargent, Dealings with the Dead. PERCEVAL (Spencer). Williams (C. V.), Life of. - Weems, Life of. PERFUMERY. Morfit, Manuf. of perfumery. PENN (Sir Wiliam). Penn (oG.), Memo- PERIODICALS, LITERARY, RELIGIOUS AND rials of. REVIEWS: PENNSYLVANIA. Acrelius, Beskrifning... - American Apollo, Boston, 1791. Nya Swerige. - Amer. Baptist Magazine. - Beatty, Two Months missionary tour, - Am. Educ. Soc. Am. Quar. Reg. 1768. - American Eclectic, N. Y. 1841, 42. - Boyle (R.), Viaggi ed Avventure. - American - Brackenridge, Insurrectionin, 1794. Amera ry Mag. Spr ague, 1842. - Breck (S.), Internal improvements in. - Am.Literary Mag. Sprague, 1847. n - Am. Magazine, N. Y. 1787, 88. - Campanius, NyaSwerige. - Carpenter (W. H.), eistory of. - Am. Mag. and Repos. Wood, 1841, 2..), the Delaware. Am. Mag. of Useful Knowl. Boston, - Clay (J. C.), Swedes on the Delaware. 1834- 37. - Connecticut Colony, boundary quest. - Am. Masonic Record. - Connecticut Gore Title. - Am. Mor. and Sent. Mag. N. Y. 1797. - Cr`vecoeur, Voy. dans la haute Penn'e. - Am. Museum: Carey, 1787 - 92. - Day (S.), Hist. Collections of. - Am. Monthly Mag. Herbert, Benjamin. - Descr. du so~l....... entre. I — Am. Monthly Mag. Willis. - Doddridge, Notes on. - Am. Monthly Mag. Holley. - Du Ponceau, Hist. of Penn's Treaty. Am. Quar. Observer. - - Early History of. - Am. Quar. Register, Stryker. - Etat present de la Pensilvanie. - Am. Quarterly Review, Phil'a. - Experience, the test of government. - Am. Register, Brown, 1807-10. - Explan. of Map of West Pennsylvania - Am. Register, Phil'a, 1817, 18. - Ferris, Settlements on the Delaware. Am. Review, Brown, N. Y. 1801, 2. Findley, Hist. of insurrection, 1794. - Am. Universal Magazine, 1797, 8. - Franklin (B.), Hist. of Constitution Am. Whig Review, N. Y. 1845-52. of. - Gordon (T. F.), list, of. - Anti-Jacobin, London, 1803. A- rchivo Americano, Buenos-Aires, - Gazetteer of. 1849, 50. - Graydon (A.), Mem. of a life in. Aretrus, N. Y. 1846. - Hammond (J. W.), Financial affairs - Art Journal, Lond. 1847, 54. of, 1844. - Associate Presb. Mag. Albany, 1838-42. - Hazard (S.), Annals of Penn'a. - Athenaeum Journal, Lend. 1828-54. - - Rebaster of Pennsylvania. - Atlantic Mag. N. Y. 1824. - list. Soc. of Pennsylvania. - Analectic Mag. Phil'a, 1813-20. - Pastorius, Geog. discription of. - Anglo-American Magazine, 1852-55, - Proud (R.), Hist. of Penn'a to 1742. Toronto. - Schuylkill Fishingcompany. - Antiquarian, Lansingburgh, 1845-47. - State of: London, 1755. - Baltimore Phoenix, 1841-42. - Surgy, Hist. Pol. de la Penn. - Bee, or Litt. Intell., Edinburgh, 1791- Susquehannah Title. 93. - Thomas (G.), Geog. Account of, 1698. - Belles-Lettres Repos.N. Y. 1819-21. - Transactions between the Indians, etc. - Bentley's Miscellany, Lond. - Trego, Geog. of. - Biblical Repertory, Princeton. - United States, Rep on rebellion, 1794. - Bibliotheca Sacra, New-York, 1844-54. - Watson (J. F.), Historic tales of olden - Blackwood's Edinburgh Mag. time. a.- Boston Monthly Magazine, 1825. -- Wheeling Bridge case. I — Brownson's Quarterly Review. SUBJECTS. 941 PERIODICALS, LITERARY, RELIGIOUS, AND[ PERIODICALS, LITERARY, RELIGIOUS, AND REVIEWS: REVIEWS - Campbell's For. Monthly Mag. - Hoggs' Weekly Instructor, London. - Chambers's Edinburgh Journal. - Halcyon Luminary. - Chinese Repository. -- Harper's New Monthly Magazine. - Christian Disciple. - Home (The), School and Church. - Christian Examiner. - Household Words, London. - Christian History: Prince, 1744. - Howitt's Journal of Literature. - Christian Journal: Swords, 1822-24. - Independent Reflector, N. Y. 1852. - Christian Magazine, 1806-11. - Indo-Chinese Gleaner. - Christian Palladium. - International Magazine, New-York. - Christian Review. Janus Verrezen, Utrecht, 1787-95. - Christian's Scholar's and Farmer's Mag. - Knickerbocker, New-York. 1789. - Knight's Penny Magazine. - Church Review, N. Haven. - Lit. and Sci. Repository, N.Y. 1820Churchman's Repository. 22. - Churchman's Magazine. - Literary Chronicle, 1823, London. Churchman's Monthly Magazine. - Literary Gazette, 1818-51, London. - Colonial Mag. and Commer. Mar. Jour. - Literary Gazette, 1821, Phil'a. - Colonizationist. - Literary Magazine, 1803-08, Phil'a. - Columbian Magazine, 1786. - Literary Miscellany, 1805, 6, Cambridge Columbian Phenix, 1800. - Literary World, 1847-53, New-York. Columbian Register, 1828. - Literary and Phil. Repertory, Middle- Comet (The), 1811, 12. bury, Vt. - Companion and Weekly Miscel. - Long Island Journal of Phil. - Companion to the Newspaper. - London Magazine, 1732-85, London. Cook (Eliza), Journal. - London Review, 1777, 78. Corsair (The), 1839, 40. - London Review, 1835, 36. - Critic (The), Leggett, 1828, 29. - Maandelyke Uittreksels. - De B3ow's Review. -- Magazine of the Ref. Dutch Church. - Democratic Review. - Massachusetts Quarterly Review. - Dublin Review. - Mechanic's Journal, Albany, 1846. - Dublin University Magazine. - Methodist Quarterly Review. - Eclectic Magazine. - Metropolitan Magazine. - Eclectic Museum. - Merchants' Magazine. - Edinburgh Review. - Military and Navy. Mag. of the U. S. - Edinburgh Monthly Review. - Minerva (The), New-York, 1824. - Edpiscopaln agazine. - Mirror of Taste and Dram. Censor, Phi~- Episcopal~ Magazine.ladelphia. - Emerald (The), Boston, 1807, 8. Missionary Herald, Boston. -- Missionary Herald, Boston. - Evangelical Guardian, 1817. - Mnemosyne,Leyden, 1852. - Evangelical Review-. - Monthly Anthology and Boston Review - Evergreen (The), New-Haven. - Monthly Chronicle of Events, Boston, - Fantasque (Le), Qu6bec. 1840. - Farmer's Mech. Man. and Sportsman's - Monthly Chronicle, Boston, 1842. Mag. - F ag. (The) and Mechanic. - Monthly Recorder, New-York, 1813. -Farmer-echanic Monthly Magazine, C. B. Brown, Phi- Family Magazine, New-York. ladelphia. - Farmer (J.), Collections and Month - Monthly Magazine, E. Sargent. Lit. Jour. - Monthly Military Repository, N. Y., - Foreign Quarterly Review. 1796. - Fisher's Colonial Magazine. - Monthly Register, Mag. and Rev. Bris- Fraser's Magazine. ted. - Gazette Litt. de Il'Europe, 1768-70. - Monthly Review, London. - General Repository and Review, 1812, - Monthly Repository, New-York, 183113. 34. - Gentleman's Magazine. - Montreal Museum, 1832. Gleason's Pictorial. - Minerve (La) Frangaise. - Gospel Missionary, London. - Museum of For. Lit. and Sci., Phil'a. 942 INDEX TO PERIODICALS, LITERARY, RELIGIOUS, AND, PERIODICALS, LITERARY, RELIGIOUS-AND REVIEWS: REVIEWS: -- National Government Journal, 1823, 4. -Portico, Baltimore, 1816-18. - National Magazine, Baltimore. - Presb. Church, Home and Foreign Re- National Magazine, A. Stevens, N. Y. cord. - New-Brunswick Review, 1855. Missionary Chronicle. - New-England Family Mag., 1845, 6. - Presbyterian Magazine. - New-England Mag., Boston. - Prot. Episc. Church, Spiritof Missions. - New-Englander, New-Haven, 1842-55. - Provincial, 1852, 53, Halifax, N. S. - New-England Quarterly Mag., 1802. - Putnam's Magazine. - New-Hampshire Repository, 1846. Quarterly Review, London. - New-Haven Gazette and Conn. Mag.,- QuaterlyTheol. Magazine, Burlinton 1786. - New Mirror of Literature, Morris and, - Questions trait-es, 1639-41. Willis. i- Rafinesiue's Atlantic Journal. - New Miscellany, London, 1737, 38, 39. - Utica Christ. Repos. - N. Y. Literary Gazette, J. G. Brooks. - U. S. Literary Gazette. - N. Y. Literary Journal. - U. S. Magazine, 1794. - N.Y. Missionary Magazine, 1800-03. - U. S. Review, Phil'a. - N. Y. Magazine, 1790. - U. S Review, N. Y. N. Y. Periodicals, 1851. - U. S. Rev. and Gazette, Boston. - N. Y. Quarterly, 1852-55. - Virginia Hist. Register. - N. Y Review, 1825, 26. - Western Monthly Review, 1827-29. - N. Y. Visitor, 1838-40. - Westminster Review. - N. Y. Weekly Magazine, 1795. - Worcester Magazine. -- Nightingale (The), Boston, 1796. - Zodiac (The), Albany, 1836. - Nineteenth Century, N. Y. 1848, 49. - See Scientific Journals; Education - North American Magazine, Fairfield. Agriculture; Arts; etc. Registers Almanacs. - North American Review, Boston. - North British Review. PERKINS (J. H.). Channing (W. H.), Meumoir of. - Norton's Literary and Educ. Register, 1854. PERRY (O. H.). Mackenzie (A. S.), Life of. -' Northern Light, Albany, 1842-44. - Niles (J. M.), Life of. - Observer, 1807, Baltimore. PERSIA. Chardin, Travels in. Observador Lusitano, 1815. - Contarini, Journey to. - Odd Fellows' Literary Magazine. - Flandin (E.), Voyage en Perse. - Olden Time, Pittsburgh, 1846. - Francklyn, Tour to Persia and Perse- Opal (The), Utica, 1852-54. polis. - Ordeal, Boston, 1809. - Fraser (J. B.), History of. - Parthenon, N. Y., 1827. - - Journey into Khorasan. - Parthenon, Union Coill., 1832-34 South of Caspian Sea. -- Pamphleteer. -- Freyer, Reyse door Oost Indien en Persien. Pastime, Schenectady, 1807. -- Hyde, Hist. Religionis veterum Persa- Pastorale Brieven, 1686, 87. rum. - Patriota Brasileiro. - Malcolm (Sir J.), History of Persia. - Panoplist, 1806-20, Boston. - - Sketches of. - Penny Magazine. - Ousely, Travels in the East. - People's Journal. - Perkins (J.), Eighteen years in Persia. People's and Howitt's Journal. - Porter (Sir R. K.), Travels in Georgia, - Periodicals, Miscellaneous. Persia, etc. -- Philadelphia Magazine, 1789. - Relation d'un Voyage, 1598. - Philadelphia Magazine, 1799. - Relations Vtritables. - Phil'a Monthly Magazine, 1798, 99. - Southgate, Tour in Armenia and. - Phil'a Repertory, 1810, 11. - Valle (P. della), Travels in. - Phil'a Repository, 1802-05. - Waring, Tour to Sheeraz and Hist. of - Philosooph (De), 1766-69. Persia. - Polyanthos, Boston, 1805-14. See Turkey; Asia. Portfolio: Dennie, 1801-27. PERSPECTIVE. See Drawing. SUBJECTS. 943 PERU. Aguero, Exposicion acerca de su PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Torrubia, DissertaConducta. cion de. Apollonius, De Peruviam Regionis in- - Guignes, Observations on. ventione. - See Span. Col; Indian Ocean. Balboa, Histoire de Perou. PEHILOLOGY. Adelung, Mithridates. - Betagh, Account of. - Bilderdijk, Geslachten der Naamwoor-- Bouguer, Voyage to. den. - Brande (C.), Voyage to, and Passage - Buchanan (F.), Languages of India; over the Andes. Asiat. Res. - Campe, Pizarro, or Conquest of. - De Vere, Outlines of Compar. Philol. - Cieca de Leon, Chronica del. - Holloway, Gen. Diet. of provincial- - Delle Historie del. isms. - Courte, Voyage fait au. - Hale (H.), Ethn. and Philology: U. S. Gareilasso de la Vega, Commentaries Expl. Exp. on. - Johnes, Philolog. proofs of Unity of -- Historia des Incas. race. Lettre sur l'Emeute en 1739. - Johnson (S.), Works, Phil. Tracts. - Monteagudo, Admin. Labors of the Go- - Klaproth, Asia Polyglotta. vernment. - Kraitsir, Significance of the Alphabet. - Montesinos, Mem. Hist. sur l'ancien. - Leibnitz, Collectanea etymologica. Morisot, Peruviana, 1645. - Lewis (J.), Comp. Etymol. of Euro- Prescott (W. H.), Hist. of Conquest of. pean languages. - Ranking, Hist. of Conquest of. - Meidinger, Diet. Etym. Langues teutoGothiques. - Rivero, Peruvian Antiquities. Rui, Flora Peruviana. - Merian, Etude comparative des langues. -- Moore (N. F.), Names of Anc. Mine- Sobreviela, Voyages au Perou, 1791-4. rals. - Temple (E.), Travels in. - Murray (A.), Hist. of European Lan- Tschudi, Travels in, 1838-42. guages. - Velasco, Hist. du Roy. de Quito. - Robbins (R.), Amer. Contr. to English - Xeres, Conqufte du Perou. language. - rate fnnqui) to du P~rou. - Roget, Thesaurus of English Words.,- Rydqvist, Svenska Sprakets Lagar. PESTILENCE. See Contagion; Yellow-fever. - Welsford, Mithridates Minor. PETERS (H.). Felt (J. B.), Defence and - See Languages; Orient. Lit.; Classical Memoir of. Lit. - Peters (S.), Life of. PHILOSOPHY. Abelard, Ouvrages inedits. PETRARCH. Campbell (T.), Life of. - Ahrens, Das Naturrecht. - Dobsonj Life of. - Alletz,Harmonies del'Intell. humaine. PETTENGILL (A.). Hart (L.), Memoir of. - Atkinson (H. G.), Letters on Man's Nature. PHELPS (M.). Haswell (A.), Mem. and Ad- - Bacon (Lord), Works. ventures of. - Bailey (S.), Essays on the pursuit of PHILADELPHIA. Boyle (R.), Viaggi ed av- Truth. venture, 1734. - sventureyof, 1734. Vicinity.- Barbay, In Aristot. Phil. Introductio. - History of, and Vicinity. Barruel l Viennesi. - Kayser, Commercial Directory, 1823. -, 1811.- Bates (E.), Rural Philosophy. - Mease, Picture of Philadelphia, 1811.- Bentha (J.), orks. - Picture of Phil'a, 1835. - Berkeley (Bp.), Works. - Smith (R. A.), Phil'a as it is, 1852. - - Bielfield, Elements of Universal Eru- Stephens's Phil. Direc. 1796. dition. - Wilson (T.), Picture of, for 1824. - Bo[:thius, Consolations of. - Watson (J. F.), Annals of. - Boyle (R.), Philosophical Works. -- -- Historic Tales of Olden Time. - Carlisle (T.), On Heroes. PHILIP II. Leti, Het Leven van. - Coleridge (S. T.), Works. - Philippe II, Portrait de. - Comte, Cours de Philosophie positive. - Prescott, Life of. - Condorcet, (Euvres. - Robertson, Life of. - Cousin, Destiny of Modern Phil. PHILIP OF MACEDON. Leland (T.), History - - History of Modern Phil. of. - Cudworth, Intell. System Qf the Uni. - Olivier, Histoire de. verso, 944 INDEX TO PHILOSOPHY: PHIPPS (W.). Sparks's Am. Biog. vol. 7: - Delavigne, Manuel.... au Baccalau- Life of. reat. P oPHOTOGRAPHY. Aubree, Trait6 pratique do. -- Dendy, Philosophy of Mystery. - Chevalier, Catalogue des Daguerreo- De Quincey, Writings, 17, 18. types. - Enfield, History of Philosophy. - Daguerrian Journal. - Fichte, Characteristics of the present - Herschel, On Photographic processes. Age. PHRENOLOGY. Barber (J.), Progress of. - Field (G.), Analogical Philosophy. - Barlow (T.), A Phrenological Guide. - Galloway, Treatise on Probability. - Chevenix (R.), From For. Quar. Rev. - Girard, Re6novation philosophique. Chyromancie 1619 - Giusti, Corso di Filosofia. -Giusti Cs..- Combe (G.), Constitution of Man. - Gruyer, Du Spiritualisme au xix siecle - Hamilo ( ) W. - - Crandall, Talks with the People. - Hamilton (Bishop), Works. - Hamilton(Sir W.), Discussions in Phi- - losophy. - Ethnological Journal. - Harris, Hermes or.. Universal Gram- - Forster (S ), Organology of the brain, mar. and Education. - Hartley, De l'Homme, ses facultt's. - Fowler (O. S.), Phrenology proved. - Hazlitt, Essays on the Principles of - Frcelichius, Biblioth. Physiognomia. human action. - MeVey, Philosophy of Human Nature. - Hobbes (T.), Opera Philosophica. - Olcott (T. W.), Address, at Albany. - Works, vol. 1, 4, 7. - Scott (W.), Harmony.... with Scrip- Hoppus, Bacon's Novum Organon. ture. - Hume (D.), Philosophical Essays. - Smith (J. A.), Functions of the Nervous system. Jardine (G.), Outlines of Phil. education. - Spurzheim, Exam. of Objections. - Jouffroy (T.), Philosophical Miscell. - - Phrenol. and Physiol. - Kirwan (R.), Metaphysical Essays. - Tomlinson ( J. C. ), Consistent with Christianity. - La Chambre, Systeme de l'Ame. - Melancthon, Select. Declamationum, PHYSICS. See Natural Philosophy. tom. 5. PHYSIOLOGY. Adamucci, Syst. MI can. des Comm. de Anima. fonct. nerv. - Mendelssohn, Philosophische Schriften. - Agassiz, Comparative Embryology. - Mocenicus, Univ. Instit. ad hom. per- - Barry (M.), Researches in Embryology. fectionem. - Bell (B.), Papers on Physiology. - Morell, Hist. of Spec. Phil. in the 19th - Bichat, Phys Researches on Life and Cent. Death.:- -- Philos. Tendencies of the Age. - Blatchford, On Equivocal Generation. - Naigeon, Philosophie Anc. et moderne. - Boucheron, Du Systeme pileux. - (Ersted, The Soul in Nature. - Buchanan (J.), Phil. of Human Nat. - Ogilvie, Philosophical Essays. - Carpenter(W. B.), Animal Physiology. Paine (T.), Age of Reason. Principles of human. -- Paracelsus, Three Books of. - Clark (W.), Report on Animal Phys. - Park (R.), Pantology. - Combe (A.), Physiology of Digestion. - Plotinus, Opera. - Douglas ( L.), Functions of Liver, - Prantl, Die Gegenwartige Aufgabe der. spleen, etc. - Priestley (J.), Discussionof Material- - Du Bois, On Animal Electricity. ism. - Dunglison, Human Physiology. - - Disq. on Matter and Spirit. - Edwards (H. M.), Outlines of Anat. - Purchot, Institutiones Philosophico. and Phys. - Ritter, Hist. of Ancient. - Hasselt, De Metamorph. Ranse tempo- Stewart (D.), Works. rarec. - Taylor (H.), Elements of Thought. - Henry (W. C.), Physiology of the NerTenneman, Manual of Hist. of. vous system. - Home (Sir E.), Lectures on compara- Volney, Les Ruines. tive Anatomy. - Voltaire, Euvres. -- Housset, MImoires physiologiques. - Whewell, Philosophy of the Induct. Sc. - Jarvis (E.), Primary Physiology. See Intell. and Moral Phil. Man; Soul; - - Practical Ph siology. a~Logical Physiology. Logic, SUBJEC I'S. 945 PHYSIOLOGY: PITTSBURGH, PA. Craig(N. B.), History of. - Joslin (B. F.), Phys. Explan. of beau- - Jones (S.), Pittsburgh in 1826. ty of form. PIus VI. Beccatini, Storia di Pio VI. - Kiernan, Anat. and Phys. of the liver PiUS IX. Newspapers, vol. 12, 13, Italian. - Le Cat, Couleur de la peau humaine. - Proceedings, New-York City, 1847. - Macnish, The Philosophy of sleep. - Twiss (T.), The Letters of, considered. - Matteuci, Physical Phenom. of living PIZARRO (F.), Hodson (Mrs.), Life of. beings. PLAGUE. See Contagion; Quarantine; Me- Moultrie, Organic Functions of ani- dicine. rals. m11al~s~. ~PLAYS. See Drama. - Oliver (D ), First Lines of Physiology. PL M. d, Ply th and' PLYrMOUTHr Ms. Banvard. Plymouth and - Ontijd, Verhandeling over het Verschil, the Pilgrims. etc. - Baylies (F.), Hist. of New-Plymoulh. - Paine (M.), Disc on Soul and Instinct. _ Everett (E.) Oration, Dec.22. - Reid (P.), Respiratio. -- Hunter (J.), Founders of New-Ply- Roget, Animal and Vegetable Phys. mouth. - Schmidt (J. HI.), De Corporum genesi. - Russell (W. S.), Guide to, 1855. - Smith (J. A.), Functions of Nervous - Thacher (J.), -lIistory of. system. - See Puritans; New-England; Mass. ith (Sthwd) Animal Ph PLAINFIELD, Ms. Porter (J.), Hist. Sketch - Smith (S. S.), Complexion and figure in of. manof. POETRY, ENGLISH AND TRANSLATIONS: - Spurzheim, Diseases of the mind. (A).Teua Brn. - Adams (J, Q.), Dermot M'Morrogh, - Solly (E.), The Human Brain. mt- ac-ly (~ e- - Poems on Religion and Society. - Upham (T. C.), Disordered mental action. -- Addington, Poetical Quotations. - Valentin, Lehrbuch der Phys. des Men- - Aikin (J.), Select Works of British chen. Poets. - Wallker (A.), Nervous System. - Akenside, Pleasures of Imagination. - Wheatstone, Phys. of Vision. Allston (W.), Lectures and Poems. - Williams (C. J. B.), Lungs and Ai- Alsop (R.), Poem to George Washington. tubes. - Wyman (J.), Nervous Sys. of Rana- American War, 1781. pipiens. - Ariosto, The Orlando Furioso. - Zoonomia, by Darwin. - Aristocracy. - See Man; Soul; Ethnology; Health. - Aytoun, Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers. PIEDMrONT. See Sardinia. - Baillie (J.), Poetical Works. PIERCE (F.). Bartlett (D. W.), Life of. - Ball (W.), Night Watches. - George (J. 11.), Speech concerning. - Baptistery (The). - Hawthorne, Life of. - Barbauld (A. L.), Works. - Papers for the People. - Barlow, The Vision of Columbus. - Pierce (F.), Sketch of. - - The Columbiad. - Whig (The) Charge, etc. - Barton (B.), Mem. and Poems. PIKE (Z. M.). Whiting (H.), Life of. - Batchelder, Border Adventures, etc. - Niles (J. M.), Life of. - Beattie (J.), The Minstrel and other PINKNEY (W ). Wheaton (H.), Life of. Poems. - Pinkney (Rev. W.), Life of. - Benjamin (P.), Infatuation. PIRATES. See Buccaneers. - Bethune (G. W.), Lays of Love and Faith PITCAIRN'S IS. Shillibeer, Nar. of Britons Bidlake (J.), Poems Voy -- Bidlake (J.), Poems. - Brodie ('WC.) 1850. -- Bigelow (J.), Poem, Phi Beta Kappa. PITTSFIELD, MS. Field, History of. - Bishop Bonners Ghost. PITT (William). Almon (J.), Anecdotes of - Blair (R.), The Grave. Life of. - Bleecker (A. E.), Works in. prose and - Gifford (J.), History of Political Life verse. of. - Boethius, Metres in Cons. of Phil. - 2Meadley (G. W.), Two pairs of Hist - Bonaparte (L.), Charlemagne. portraits. - Book of English Songs, 1851. - Thackeray kF.), Hist. of. - Book of Scottish Songs, 1854. - Tomline (G.), Life of. - Book of Scottish Ballads, 1853. rGEN. XIB. 1855.1 119 946 INDEX TO POETRY, ENGLISH AND TRANSLATIONS: POETRY, ENGLISH AND TRANSLATIONS: - Bourne (V.), Poetical Works. - Essay on Wind. - Bowring, Poetry of the Magyars. - Everest, Poets of Connecticut. - Batavian Anthology. - Extracts from Humbuggiana. Bryan, The Mountain Muse. - Faction displayed. - Bryant (W. C.), Poems. - Fairfield, Last Night of Pompeii. Bucktail Bards. - Fay (T. S.), Ulric-or the Voices. - Bulkley, Niagara. -- essenden, Terrible Tractoration. - Burgoyne (J.), Poetical Works. - - Democracy unveiled. Burns, Poetical Works. - Freneau (P.), Miscellaneous Works. - Butler (S.), Poetical Works. - Friendship. - - Hudibras. - Genin, The Napolead. - Byron (Lord), Works. - Goethe, Select Minor Poems. - Burger, See Uhland. - Goldsmith, Practical Works. - Campbell (T.), Poetical Works. - Gray (T.), Works. - Channing (W. E.), The Woodman, etc. - Griswold (R. W.), The Female Poets of - Chase (Elizabeth), Miscellaneous. America. - Chatterton, Poetical Works. - Hall (Mrs.) jr., Phantasia. - Chaucer, Works. - Halleck'(F.), Poetical Works. - Cheever, Am. Common-place Book of - - Alnwick Castle. Poetry. - Hazlitt, Select British Poets. - Cole (F. W.), Poems. - Heber (R.), Palestine. - Coleridge (S. T.), Works, vol. 7. - Hemans (F.), The League of the Alps, Coll. of Poems on the Pretender. etc. - Colton (G. H.), Tecumseh. - Herbert (G.), Poems, and Country - Columbian Muse, 1794. Pastor. Colvil, The WVhigs' Supplication. Hogg (J.), Poetical Works. Consoltory Odes: P ce. - Holford (Miss), Margaret of Anjou. - Cowper (W.), Works. - - - Astrea, the Balance of illusions. - Coxe (A. C.), Athanasion. - Home: A Poem. - Crabbe (G.) Poetical Works. Crae (G.), Poetical Works. - Honeywood (St. John), Poems, with - Dante, La Comedia, in Eng. Prose. - Darwin (E.), Temple of Nature. Hosmer (W. H. C.), Pioneers of WesDana (R. H.), Poems. tern N. Y. - Davis (J.), The American Mariners. - - Yonnondio or Warriors of the Ge- Davis (R. B.), Poems. nesee. - Diabo-lady, 1777. - Howard (M.), The Conquest of Quebec. - Diaboliad, 1777. - Hoyt (R.), The Koh-i-noor. - Dizx (S. A.), Poem, Boston. - Humphreys(D.), Miscellaneous Works. - Dodsley, Coll. of diff. Authors. - Hutchinson Family, Book of Words. - Dryden, Works. - Keble (J.), The Christian Year. - Dwight (T.), Conquest of Canaan. - Kettell, Specimens of Am. Poetry. - - Greenfield Hill. - Know-Nothing. - Denison (C. W.), The American Vil- - Korner, See Uhland. lage. - La Fontaine, Fables. -- Eastburn (J.W.), Yamoyden. - Landis, Life of the Messiah. - Echo (The) and other Poems. - Liberal (The), Hunt and Byron. - Effigy (The) Burning. - Linn (J. B.), Miscellaneous Works. - Elegant Extracts. - - Valerian. - Elliot (E.), Corn Law Rhymes. - Longfellow (H. W.), Poems. - Elliot (J.), Poet. and Misc. Works. - - Poetry of Europe. - Ell's (G.), Early Eng. Met. Romances. - - Waif and Spanish Student. - - Early English Poets. - Belfry of Bruges. - Ellis (W. R ), Brit. Narr. with Poems. - - The Estray. -- Emmons (R.), Battle of Bunkerhill. - - Evangeline. - - Thle Fredoniad. - - Golden Legend. Epistle to Zenas. Hiawatha. SUBJECTS. 947 POETRY, ENGLISH AND TRANSLATIONS: POETRY, ENGLISH AND TRANSLATIONS: - Longland (R.), Vision of Pierce Plow- - Spenser (E.), Works. man. - Sprague (C.), Curiosity. - Lowell (J. R.), Fable for Critics. Centennial Ode. - Macaulay (T. B.), Lays of Ancient - Story (Joseph), Power of Solitude. Rome. - Story (W. W.), Nature and Art. - McCarty, Am. Nat. Song-book. n - McLeod (C. D.), Plasmion. - Street (A. B.), Drawihgs and Tintings. Frontenac. - Makarony Fables. -S- - vePoems at Hamilton, Yale Coll. and - Marjoribanks, Slavery. Pittsfield. - Markoe (P.), The Times. - Tasso, Jerusalen delivered. - Mathias, Ptursuits of Literature. Taylor (J. B.), Poems of the Orient. - Milton, Poetical Works. - Thackeray (W. M.), Ballads. - Montague (Lady), Works, vol. 3. - Thompson (J.), The Seasons. Montgomery (J.), Poetical Works. Travellers (The): A Satire. - Moore (T.), Poetical Works. - Trumbull (J.), Poetical Works. More (11.), Ode to Dragon, etc. McFingal. -- Nation (The), Ballzads and Songs of. -- Tupper(M. F.), Proverbial Philosophy, - New Foundling Hospital for Wit. etc. - New-York Book of Poetry. - Uhland, German Songs. - Nichols (Mrs.), Songs of the Hearth. - Ward (T.), England s Reformation. - Old Things and New. -- Warren (Mrs. M.), Poems. - Osborn (S.), Poems. - Wheatley, Elegiac Poem. - Paine (R. T.), Works in Verse and - Whig Banner Songster. Prose. ThProse. Ruling Pass- Whitney (T. R.), The Ambuscade. a- Whitwell, Experience. - Percival (J. G. ), Poem, Phi Beta Kap- - Williams (Sir C. h.), torks. pa Soc. Williams (Sir C tI.) Works - Percy, Relics of Ancient English Poe- - Willis (N. P.), Fugitive Poetry. try. -- Woodworth, Melodies, Songs, Ballads. - Pierpont (J.), Airs of Palestine. - Wordsworth (W.), Works. - Pleasures of Religion. - - Yarrow revisited. - Pope (A.), Works. - Young (Edward), Works. - Power (T.), Secresy. - - Night Thoughts. - Praed (W. M.), Poetical Works. POETRY, DUTCH. Alphen (H.), Gedigten. -- Lillian and other Poems. - Apollo's Nieuwe-Jaers Gift. - Pratt (S. D.), Inklings. - - Kermis-Gift. - Prior (M.), Poetical Works. - Bosch (M.), Stichtelyke Gedichten. - Poe (E. A.), Works, vol. 2. - Broeckhoff, Dichtkundige Bespiegelin- Rafinesque, The World. gen. - Rowson (Susanna), Poems. - Cats (J.), Dichterlyke Werken. - Sands (R. C.), Yamoyden, etc. - Costa (I. Da), Aan Nederland. - Schiller, Minor Poems. - Does,'S Gravenhage. - Schoolcraft (H. R.), The Rise of the - Elzevier, Drie Dichtproeven. West. - Hagen (J.), Verzameling van Bruil- Scott (Sir W.), Minstrelsy of Scottish oftsverzen. Border. - Hoogvliet (A.), Zydebalen. - Senators (The), London, 1772. - - Eerkroon. - September, London. - - Abraham, de Aaartsvader. - Sharp (R.), Letters.... in verse. - - Lof de Drukkunste door Coster. - Shenstone, Works. - - Vervolg der Mengeldichten. - Smith (Seba), Powhatan. - Hoogstratten, Republyk van Venetie. - Smith (H.), Poetical Works. - Janssonius (R. B.), Lentebladen. - - Rejected Addresses.. - Kraeyvanger, Dichtlievende lente en - Snowden, The Columbiad. zomer. - Snelling, Truth. -- Lodensteyn, Uytspanningen. - Song of the Sexton. - Moonen (A.), Po-zy. - Southey (R.), Roderick. - Overbeke, Rym-Werken. - Southwick, Pleasures of Poverty. - Parnassus Kunstkabinet. 948 INDEX TO POETRY, DUTCH: POETRY, ITALIAN: - Pluimer, Gedichten. - Conti, Scelta di Poesie del sec. xvi. - Poot, Gedichten. - Cotta, Dio, Sonetti. - Opregte(De) ZandwoorderSpeel-Wagen - Contarini, Poesie. - Smits (D.), Gedichten. - Fantoni, Poesie. - - Izraels Baalfegorsdienst. - Fortiguerri, II Ricciardetto. - - De Rottestroom. - Franceschinis, La Morte di Socrate. - Sprong (H. van der). - - L'Atenaide. - Swaanenburg (W. van), Parnas. - Giorgini, I1 Mondo Nuovo. - Tafereel (De). - Grazia-ni, II Conquisto di Granata. - Volks-Liedjens. - Marino, LAdone. - Vondel, I-ekeldigten. - MIonti, Opere, vol. 2, 4. - - Poizy of verse. Gedichten. - Pezzoli, Prose e Poesie. - - Trans. of Virgil and Ovid. - Pimbiolo, Opere Postume. - Treuerspelen. - Poetiche Bernesche. - Zeeus (Jakob), Gedichten. - Polcastro, Opere, vol. 3, 4. - Sec Dramas, Dutch. - Pyrker, La Tunisiade. PoE'TRY, FRENCH. Aix (D'), Annales po,- -- Raccolta Poesie Veneziane. tiqus -.... do la -Franc~e. - Tasso, Gerusalemmne Liberata. And in - Am rique D. livrl e. Eng. - Avrigny (D'), Le Dipart de la P rouse. - Teatro Moderno. - Besnier, Le Mexique Conquis. - Vannetti, Opere. Boileau, (Euvres. - Villardi, Operette. - Bourgeois, Christophe Colomb. - Vittorelli, Opere. Canonge, Po. mes Nouvelles. POETRY, VARIOUS LANGUAGeS. Augurello, Colet, Le lonuinent doe Moliere. Iambicus. - Dante, La Divina Comedia. - Boethius, The Metres in Consol. of PhiDion, Tableau d:Hist. Universelle. losophy. - Camoens, Os Lusiadas. Dualt, Po sies..- Ercilla, L'Arancana. Du Boccage, La ColomZbiade. - Ercilla, LAracana. - Follen, Works, vol. 1. - urao, Caramuru, Polne BrC'silien. - FolleoWorks,vol.1. - Felulon, iutvres, vol. 3. - Klopstock, Der Messias.'.nl n ( ves 3 - ~Neuhofer, Gedichte. La Fontaine, Contes et Nouvelles, Fr. - and lEng. - Nibelungenlied. - La Motto, Odes. - Planta, Mauritiados. - Le Merciie, L'Atlantiade. - Polignac, Anti-Lucretius. - Le Suire, Le Nouveau Monde. - Sehurman (Anna M.), Opuscula. - IAalherbe, (Euvres. - St. John ( T. P.), Annus Mirabilis, - Ilarmontel, Les Incas. 1848. - Vitrioli, Xiphias. - Martin -Maillefer, Les Fiancs de Cara- - cas. - Wieland, Oberon. - Po:mes sur l'AmCrique. POETRY, TREATISES, ETC. ON: - Roure, La Conqute du Mexique. - Aristotle, Treatise on Poetry. - Rousseau (J. B.), (Euvres Poetiques. - Blom, Friesche Dichtkunst. - Salm (La Princesse de), (Euvres. - Burman, Poetische Verrukking. - Tr sor (Le) du Parnasse. - Campbell (H. Y.), Ossiana. - Villiers, L'Art de Precher a un abbS. - Campbell (T.), Essay on Eng. Poetry. - Voltaire, (Euvres. - Carey, Pract. Versification. - Voyage d'Amtrique. - Caz`, Syst;'me de Versification. POETRY, ITALIAN. Ariosto, L'Orlando Fu- - Chevreau, (Euvres MHE'es. rioso. - Dwyer, Poetry of the Hebrews. -- Poesie Burleschi. - Duyse, Nederlandsche Versbouw. - Bartolomei, L'America. - Elzevier, Drie Dichtproeven. - Berni, etc., Opere Burlesehe. - Hazlitt, Lectures on the Eng. Poets. - Botta (C.), II Camillo o vejo Conquis- - Hunt(L.), Works, Criticisms, vol. 1, 2. tata. - Hurd, Works, Notes on Horace. - Callimacho, La Chioma di Berenice. - Jone3 (Sir W.), Works, Posie OrienO- attuffio, Baiamonte Tiepolo. tale. SUBJECTS. 949 POETRY, TREATISES, ETC. ON: POLITICAL EcoNo3rY: - Maerlant, Spiegel of Rijm-kronik. - Colton (C.), Public Econ. of U. S. - Montgomery (J.), Lectures on General - Colton (R.), Disc. of Foreign war. Literature. - Condorcet, tEuvres. - - Lectures on Poetry, etc. - Conversations on. - Pasquali, Istituzioni di Estetica. - Cooper (T.), Lectures on. - Phrases Poeticoe. - Corbet, Causes of Wealth. - Reed (1-1.), Lect. on Eng. Lit. - Davenant, Polit. andComm. Works. - Swift (J.), Works; M. Scriblerus. - Demeunier, Economic politique. - Talfourd (T. N.), Poet. Talent of the - De Quincey, Logic of. alge. - Dunlop (A.), Sketches on. - Taylor (H.), Notes from Books. GermanN - Eisdell, On the Industry of Nations. - Taylor (W.), Hist. Survey of Germanv - Taylor (SW.), ist. Survey of Ge)r.- _Eon de Beaumont, Impot des Egyptiens - Temple (Sir W.), Works. et Babyloniens. - Walker, Rhyming Diet. - Everett (A. H.), New Ideas on Popula- Warton, Hist. of English Poetry. tion. See Rhetoric'; Literary History; Dra- - Fonfrede, (Euvres. ma; Treatises on. - Ganilh, Political Economy. PoIsoNs. Accum, Chemical re-agents. - Gasparin, Des petites propri.tes. - Chevallier, Sur les empoissonnements.e National - Hooke (A.), Essay on the National - Christison, Hemlock and Conia. Debt. - Ducachet, Action of Poisons. - Hume (D.), Political Essays. - Orfila, Trait5 des Poisons. - Jobard, Le Monautopole. - See Chemistry; Medicine. - Joplin (T.), Outlines of a system of. POLAND. Connor, Accolunt of. I- Joyce, Anal. of Smith's wealth of Na- Dunham, History of. tions. - KIraitsir, Hist. of Slavonians and Po- - Kellogg (D.), Labor and other capital. land. - Lauderdale, Nature and origin of pu- Johnston (R.), Trav. through Russia blic wealth. and Poland. - Lawrence (W. B.), Two Lectures on. - Memoeres IHistorifues de Pologne. - Lieber, Essays on property and labor. - Remembrances of a Polish Exile. - McCullagh, Industrial history of free - Tochman (G.), Poland and Russia. nations. - See -Rssia. - McLure ( W.), Opinions for industriPOLICE. Colquhoun, Police of the Thames. ous producers. - - Police of London. - Makgill, Rent no robbery. - Deylkes, Pavements of Loncdon. - Malthus, On the Principle of popula- Ducp tiaux, Question des Mort-ns. tion. of. - - Principles of Political economy. Fielding vol., Works; Increase - Marcet, John Hopkins' Notions on. bers, vol. 10. - FrEgier, Des Classes dangereuses dans- Mill (J.),Elemerts of. les grandes villes. - Mill (J. S.), Principles of. - Gerard, London and New-York, Police - O'Connor, Monopoly, the cause of all of. evil. - Great Britain, Report on Constabulary - Opdyke, Treatise on. force. Opinions of Ricardo and Smith. - Sauveur, De la Police des Deces. Petty, Treatise on Taxes. - Vidoeq, Memoirs, as Agent of. - Essays in Polit. arithmetick. - Vivien, Le PrLfet de Police. - Phillips (W.), Manual of. - See Prisons; Statistics. - Potter (A.), Political Economy. POLITICAL ECONOMY. Alison (A.), Princi- _ Quetelet, Sur l'homme. ples of Population. - Rae (J.), Statement. - Baring, On the Commutation Act. -- Raymond (D.), Elements. - Brydges (Sir E ), What are Riches? PRicardo, Works. Cadetde Vaux, Dcs Disettes. -- Rossi (P.), Cours d'Econ. Pol. - Carey (M.), Essay on Rate of wages..- Royer, Des Inst. crefdit foncier. Principles of. -- Principles of. - Rumford, Essays. - Chalmers(T.), Connection with morals.- ay Treatise on. Comber (W. T.), State of National - 9ubsidtaon@e. Senior, Leotures on. 950 INDEX TO POLITICAL ECONOMY: POOR: -- - Provision for the poor. - See Political Economy; Labor; Social Sismondi, Polit. Economy. Questions. -- Smith (A.), Causes of Weaslth of Na- POPE (A.). Bowles (W. L.), Final Appeal, Smitions.), Causes of Wealth of Na- relative to. tions. - Smith (E. P.), Manual of. POPES OF ROME. Bower, History of. - Stirling (P. J.), Phil. of Trade. - Popes, Portraits of. - Torrens, On the Production of wealth. Ranke's History of. - - Twiss (T.), Progress since the 16th - See Roman Cath. Ch. Pius IX. cent. POPULATION. See Political Economy. - Urbain, Introd. a l'tude de. PORTER (P. B.). Baylies (F.), Reply to - Walras, De la nature de la richesse. Address of. - Wayl~and (F.), Elements of. )PORTLAND, ME. Freeman (S.), History of. - Whately, Lectures on. - Willis (W.), History of. - Young (A.), Rise of Prices. PORTO-RICO. Turnbull, Travels in. - See Free Trade; Tariff; Commerce; PORT ROYAL. Racine's Hist. of. Labor; Poor, etc. - See Jansenism. POLITICS. See Government; U. S. Govern- PORTUGAL. Balbi (A.), Essai Statist. sur. ment; Great Britain. - Beawes, Civ. Comm. and lit. hist. of, POLK (J. K.). Chase (L. B.), Hist. of his 1793. administration. - Bush, History of. - Jenkins (J. S.), Life of. Colmenar, Annales de. -- Woodbury (L.), Eulogy on. - Cudena, Von Portugieschen Amerika. POLO (M.). Murray (II.), Travels of. - Cunha, Essay on the Commerce of. POLYNESIA. Ellis (W.), Polynesian Re- - Du'zoteux, Admin. du Mar. de Pombal. searches. -- Faria, History of. - Melville, Typee, Polyn. life. Observador Lusitano, 1815. - Russell (M.), Polynesia. - Oliveyra, Mfm. hist. pol. et litt. con- See Voyages, Pacific; Sandwich Is. cernant. POLYPES. See Mollusks. - Osorio, History of the Portuguese. POMBAL (Marquis de). D zoteux, L'admi- - Quillinan, Jour. of residence in. nistration du. - Relation abr'gfe. POMPEII. Ternite, Wandgemnlde aus. -- Twiss (H.), Trav. through, and Spain. - Library E. K., Pompeii. - Vasconcellos, Actorum Regum Lusita- -Zahn, Les Tableaux de. niey. - See Herculaneum; Antiquities. - - Vida delReyJuanII. POOR. Boston Asylum and Farm school re- - See Spain. port. PORTUGUESE DISCOVERIES. Kerr, Voy. vol. - Boston. Sec. for preventing pauperism. 2, 6. - Bowles, (W. L.), Thoughts on the in- POSEY (T.). Sparks's Amer. Biog. vol. 9: crease of crime. Life of. - Crumpe, Employment for the people. POST-OFFICE. Bowen (E.), U. S. P. Office Guide. 1851. -r Ducp tiaux, Farmes-Hospices. Dup tuFaesHsle. - Leavitt (J.), Cheap Postage. A- Eden, The state of the poor. - U. S. Post-ofce. - Fielding (H-.), Effectual provision for. Efculpoiino POTATOE. Bonjean, De la pomme de terre. - Gould (J. S.), Food for alms-houses. -. Grea-Brin PR — Goodrich, on the Culture of. - Great-Britain, Poor Law Comm. Reports. - Phillips (G ), The Potatoe disease. - Head (F. B.:, English Charity. - Vrolik, Ziekte der Aardappelen. - Jee, IM\Ianagemnt of the Poor. POTTERY. Brongniart, Trait6 des arts cEra— e, Manag,,er~nt of the Poor. miques. - Lurieu, Colonies de Mendiants, jeuns miques detenus. - Guillery, Arts ceramiques. Massachusetts, Poor overseers, returns. - Marryatt (J.), Hist. of pottery and porcelain. - Mayhew, London labor and Loend. poor. - Merrifield, Arts of Painting. - New-York City, Alms-house returns. - See Glass; Arts. - Philadelphia, Reports. POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y. Luyster ( C. P.), - Rhode-Island, Report. Directory, 1850. - Soc. for preven. of pauperism, N. Y. POULTRY. Bement, Poulterer's Compan. - Waterston, Address on. - New-Eng. Soc.... for poultry. SUBJECTS. 951 PRACTICAL RELIGION. See Religion; Mo- PRISONS: rals. - Crawford (W.), Report of inspectors PREBLE (Corn. E.). Sabine (L.), Life of. of. - Waldo (S. P.), Life of. - Dix (D. L.), Remarks on prison disciPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: pline. - Alexander (A.), Biog. Sketches of the - Dugat, Champs d'asile en Alg-rie. Log College. - Fay, Imprisonment for debt. - Argyll (Duke of), Presbytery exa- - Field (J.), Prison Discipline. mined. -- Fry (E.), Memoirs. - Davidson (R.), Plea for. - Good, Letter on the tread-wheel. - Hist. of, in Ky. and Va. - Gray (F. C.), Prison Discipline in Am. - Ely, Proceedings conc. 3d Presb. Ch. - Gurley (R. R.), Prisons in Scotland. Philadelphia. - Holford, Penitentiary at Milbank. - Hetherington, Hist. Westminster As- - sembly. House of Refuge, Phladelph - Hodge (C.), Constit. History of. - Howard (J.), Prisons of England. - otchklin, Ch. in Western New-York. - Inquiry.... on separation of convicts. - Judd (G. N.), Hist. of Division of. - Ingestre, Meliora. -Miller (S.),Coast.andr - Jebb, Ventilation and construction of. - Miller (S.), Const. and Order of the ministry. - Jongh, Het Gevangeniswezen in de - Presb. Ch. U. S. of America, Records. Nederlanden. — Smith (J.), Old Red-stone Presbytery. La Farelle, R' gime p niten. du Nou- Smith (J.), 0)ld Red-stone Presbytery. veau monde. veau monde. - Stearns, Hist. Disc. Newark, N. J. - Lieber (F.), Subjects of penal law. See Church of Scotland; Church Go- - Svernmentb.of Scotland; ChurchGo — Livingston (E.), Letter on Penn. syst. vernment. PRESCOTT (W.). Young (A.), Sermon on. - Luckey, Prison Sketches. PRES, —LIBERTY OF. Chateaubriand; Cen- - Maconoehie, Benevolence in punishsorship of. ment. - Constant, Liberty of. - Marquet-Vasselot, Moralit6 des lois - C~onsta~nt, Liberty of. penaleS. - Gentz, Liberty of, Great Britain. - Massachusetts, Prison inspectors rep. - Hunt (F. K.), Hist. of Newspapers, Huand ib(F. ofK.), Hist. f Newspap - Massachusetts, Reform schools, reports. and Lib. of. - Mechanic's State Conv. Utica. Milton (J.), For unlicenced printing: - Works, vol 2. - Mirabeau, (Euvres, Lettres de cachet. - Morris (R.), Letter, on doctrine of li- - Moreau, Reforme des prisons de la G. bels. Br6tagne. - Sullivan (J.), Diss. on Lib. of. - - Mortalite dans le regime piniten. PRIESTLEY (J.). Twig of birch, emigration - Neild (J.), Prisons of Great Britain. of Dr. P. I — Nelson ( R. J.), Value of convict and - Cuvier, Eulogium on. other labor. PRINCE EDWARD'S IS. Account of, 1839. - N. Y. Leg. Rep. Pardons by the Gov. - See Nova Scotia; Newfoundland. 1852. PRINCETON, N. J. Schenck, History first - N. Y. State Reports of inspectors, etc. Presb. Church. - Pam. vol. 164. Penn. Peniten. Syst. PRINTING. See Typography. - Penn. Reports of the Peniten. PRISONS. Albany Co. Peniten. Reports. - Penn. Journ. of Prison Disc. - Adshead, Prisons and Prisoners. - Penn. System in France. - Beaumont, Systeme Peniten. aux - Pentonville, La Prison de. Etats-Unis. - Phil'a County Prisons. - Blosseville, Colonies Penales d'Angle- - - House of Refuge. terre. ~~terre ~. ~- Powers (G.), Auburn State Prison. - Boston Soc. for discharged convicts. - Prison Assoc. of N. Y. Reports. - Boston-Houses of Industry and Reform, Reports. - Prison Disc. Soc. Boston: Reports. - Bowring, Prisons in Spain and Portu- - Prisons (Des) de Philadelphie. gal. - Providence, R. I. House of Reforma- Buxton (T. F.), Inq. on Prison disci- tion. pline. - Smith (G. W.), Defence of solitary - Carey (M.), Thoughts on Penitentia- confinement. ries. - Soc. for Reform. of Juv. delinq. N. Y. - Chipman, Report of Examination of. - Soc. pour le patronage des jeunes deteComments on N. Y. State 952 INDEX TO PRISONS: PRUSSIA: - Sumner (G.), The Pennsylvania Syst. - la Maison de BrandePrison Discipline in France. bourg. - Suringar, Bestaan, Nederl. Genoots.. - Mirabeau, De la Monarchie prussienne. tot.. Gevangenen. - - Secret hist. of court of Berlin. My Visit to Mettray. - - Miiffling, Passages: Campaign of 1813, - Thoughts on prison labor. 14. - Whately, Thoughts on secondary pu- - Ranke, Iist. of. nishments. - See Germany. -see Police. PSALaS. Barlow, Dr. Watts imitation of, PROGRESS. See Civiiization; Social Ques - corrected. tions. - Barnard (J.), New Version of. PROTESTANTISMI. Amer. Prot. Assoc. - Dwight (T.), with Hymns. - Balmes, Protestantism and Catholicity. - Greenwood (F. W. P.), Coll. of Psalms - Blackburne (F.), The Confessional. and Hymns. - Bossuet, Hist. of Variations of Prot. - Hazen (J.), Chris. Psalms and Hymns. churches. - Reformed P. Dutch Church version. - Browning ( W. S.), Hist. of the Hu- PUBLIC WORKS. See Great-Britain; United guenots. States; Engineering; Architecture; - Burnet, Hist. of Ref. of Ch. of Eng. Railways. - Campbell (J. N.), The Reformation. PURITANS. Bushnell (H.), Fathers of NewEngland. - Carey ( M.), Views on Catholic Con- Englanl. spiracy.- Cheever, Journal of the Pilgrims, 1620. - Chillingworth, Works. - Coit (T. W.), Puritanism. - Fox (J.), Boolk of Martyrs. - Dudley (T.), Letter, 1631. - Harmony of Protestant Confessions. - Hall ( E.), The Puritans and their - HarmonofPrtestanConfesions- Iprinciples. - Heidelberg Catechism.' i - Hawes, Tribute to Memory of the Pil- Knibbe, Catechisatie. grins. - Kcefler, Refornmbewegung in Deutsch- - Neal (D.), History of the Puritans. land, 5. - Sewell (W. H.), Puritans in England. - Labadie, Des Geloofs de gereformeerde - Iere. - Stoughton (J.), Spiritual Heroes. - Luther, Bulla in cena domini. - Sullivan (W.), Disc. at Plymouth. - - Wittemberg Theses. Thornton (J. W.), Landing at Cape Ann. - - Life of, illustrated. Crie Hist. of Refor. in Italy - Webster (D.), Plymouth Address. I -lie ist. of Refor. i ln Spain. - White (H.), Early Hist. of New-Eng. - M-kr (J. ofA.), Symholismp. - Wilson (D.), The Pilgrim fathers. - Msekler (J. A.), Sylllbolismu. - Merle d' Aubionm, Hist. of the Reform. - Winthrop (J.), Hist. of New-Eng. Hu mble Request, 1630. - Ranke's Hist. of Ref. in Germany. - Hun b le Request, 1630. - Sleidan, Hist. de la R'f. Lat. and Fr. - Young (A.), Chronicles, 1602-36. - De Stat. R.el. Car. V. See New-England; Mass.; Plymouth; Congregational. - St'rype, Reforrnation inl Englancl. PULASKI (Count). Sparks (J.), Life of. - Synodes des Egl. Wallones. PUTNAM Co. N. Y. Blake (W. J.), Hist. of. - Weiss, Hist. of French Prot. refugees. PUTNA3M (G.). Remarks on his sermon. - - Hist. do laRforation. IUTNAMr (I.). Cutter (W.), Life of. - Zurich (The), Letters, 1537 -1602. - Fellows (J.), Humphrey's Essays on - See Church; Presbyterian; Puritans; his life. Rtonma-n Catholic Church, etc. - Humphreys (D.), Misc. works, on life PROUDFIT (A.). Forsyth ( J.), Memoirs of. of. Peabody, Life of. PROVIDENCE, R. I. Pitman ( J.), Centen- y, Life of. nial discourse. - Swett, Bunker's Hill battle. PRUSSIA. Campbell (T.), Court of Frederick. - Denina, Vita di Frederick II. - Dover (Lord), Life of Frederick II. QUADRUPEDS. See Zoology. - Franckel, Thanksgiving Serm. on vic- QUAKIERS. See Friends (Society of). tory of. QUARANTINE. Henry (W. C.), Laws of conFrederick II, (Euvres, tagion. SUBJECTS. 953 QUARANTINE. New-York, Leg. Rep. on RAILWAYS: Quar. laws. - Navier, On railways and locomotive - Maclean (C.), Quarantine laws. engines. - - Suggestions on the Plague. - New-Jersey, Report on Camden and - MacMichael, Opinions on Contagion. Amboy. - Papon, De la Peste. -- Nicholson (P.), Railway masonry. - See Contagion; Yellow Fever; Cho- - Pacific Railroad Reports. lera. R- ailway Chronicle. QUEBEC. Hawkins (A.), Directory, 1844, 5. - Railway Magazine. - Picture of Quebec. - Reports, 1829-54. Pam. vol. 146-152. QUEEN'S CO. N. Y. Onderdonk, Sketches of. - Scrivenor, Railways of Great Britain. QUINCY, MAss. Lunt (W. P.), Century - Strickland (WV.), Reports on. discourses. - Squier, Inter-oceanic Railway. - Whitney (G.), History of. Tredgold, Treatise on. QUINCY (J.) JR. Quincy (J.), Mem. of the Toer's tia and Binghamton. Life of. |- Tower's Utica and Binghamton. rQUITO. See Peru. -- Weale, Ensamples of railways. QUOTATIONS. See Maxims. - Wishaw, Analysis of arilways. - Woods (E.), On Railway constants. - See Engineering; Hudson R. R. R. RALEIGH (Sir W.). Harris (J. M.), Life of. RAFFLES (Sir T. S.), Raffles (Mrs), Me- - Raleigh, Collection of four tracts. moir of. - Thomson (Mrs. A. T.), Life of. RAILWAYS. Am. Railroad Journal, N. Y. - Tytler (P. F.), Life of. 1831-53. - Austria, Eisenbahn Coursbuch, 1851. RANDOLPH (J.). Baldwin (J. G.), Party Leaders. - Barlow, On the Liv. and Manch. R. R.- Garland, Life of. - Booth (II.), list. of Liv. and Manch.- Sawyer (L.), Biography of. R. R. - Borden (S.), Useful formula in con- RANSOM (T. B.). Hopkins (F. W.), Eulo- struction. Jhiegy at Norwich. RAPHAEL. Eastlake, Contributions, Life of - Boston, Railroad Jhbilee, 1851. Raphael. - Bradshaw's Railway Companion, 1847, - Quatremtre de Quincy, Life: Fr. and Eng. - Brees (S. C.), Railway Practice, 6 vol.. 4Q. _ Vasari, Lives of the Painters. RARITAN (N. J.). Messler, Hist. of Dutch - Carey (M.), Railroad monopoly. Church in. - Chicago railroads. RAWLE (W.). Wharton (T. I.), Memoir of. - Cobb, Am. Railway Guide. RAWSON (E.). Rawson (S. S.), Mem. of. - Day (J.), Treatise on construction of. RAY (John). Lankester, Memorials of. - Dempsey, On Railways. REDJACKET. Stone (W. L.), Life of. - Dobson (E.), Railways of Belgium. RED RIVER. Selkirk (Lord), Statement. Great-Britain, Report on iron in rail- REED (Joseph). Reed (Joseph), Life of. ways. - wGreat Western Railroad. REED (W.). Cozzens (S. W.), Sermon on. Great Western Railroad. - Guild, Boston and Western R. R. REFORMS. Burgh, Political Disquisitions. - Chart of, from Boston to N. York. Buckingham, Era of reform. Harper's New-York and Erie Railrod - Carlisle (T.), Latter Day Pamphlets. Guide. - Comte, Positive Philosophy. H- lead (F. B.), Stokers and Pokers. - Greeley (H.), Hints towards Reforms. - Jervis (J. B.), Report on Michigan - - Association discussed. R. R. - Ingestre (Viscount), Meliora. - Lardner, Railway economy. - Michelet, The People. - Lecount, Treatise on Railways. - Smith ( C. B.), Philosophy of Reform. - Lord ( E.), History of N. Y. and Erie - See Social Questions; Polit. Economy; R. R. Civilization. Manchester R. R., Description of. REGISTERS, GENERAL, HISTORICAL, ETC. - Mass. Returns of companies, 1837-52 - Am. Annual Reg. 1796. - Marivault, Des chemins de fer. - Am. Annual Reg. 1825 - 33. - Northern Lines of Railway Conv. 1851. - Am. Educ. Soc. Am. Quart. Reg, r Gi',r-. TIB. 1855,] 120 954 INDEX TO REGISTERS, GENERAL, HISTORICAL, ETC. RELIGION: - Am. Register, 1807 - 10. - Sismondi, Progress of relig. opinions. - Am. Weekly Messenger, Philadelphia. - See Christ; Theology. - Annual Register, Dodsley, 1758-1853. RELIGION IN A-fERCA. See United States, - Annuaire des Deux Mondes, 1850 - 55. RELIGION, PRACTICAL. Alardin, de Geluk- Archives Diplomatiques, Stuttgart, saligheyd, etc. 1- Alberthoma, Leere der Waarheid. - Baird (R.), Christian Register, 1800 - - Alleine, Alarm to the unconverted. 50. - Edinburgh Annual Register. - Baptistery (The). - Examiner (The), New-York, 1813-16. aptistery (The). - Bartoli, L'Eterniti consigliera. - Gentleman's Magazine. - ee' nd London Mag. - Baxter (R.), Select prac. writings. -- Gentleman's and London Mag. a-ndePout. Mercurynd 1715.- - Saint's Everlasting rest. - Historical and Polit. Mercury, 1715. Historical Regir Call to the Unconverted. - Historical Register. - Bernard (S.), Opera. - Hone, Every-day Book. - B - Lesur, Annuaire Historique, 1818-24. - Bijesch agschrift. - Bunyan, Pilgrim's Progress. - London Magazine. - Massachusetts Register, Record: 1801 - - Burgh, Gereformeerde Bloem-Hof 56.' - Burgh, Gereformeerde Eloem-tlof. 55. - Mercure (Le) Frangois. - Carson (J.), Revealer of grievances. - Monthly Chronicle of Events, Boston. - Clarke (J.), Why are you a Christian? - Monthly Register, J. Bristed. - Doddridge, Rise and Progress. -- Nederlandsche Jaarboekje 1776 - 87. - Drelincourt, Vertroost. der Ziele. - Nederlandsche Post Ryder, 1776 - 70. - Gebruyk van des Avondmael. - National Gov. Jotr. -- Drexelius, Palmstra Christiana, etc. - National Register, Washington, 1816 - Edwards (J.), Conversions in North19. ampton. - New-York Register. - - Treatise on the affections. - Niles's National Register. - Fenelon, Works vol. 1. - Palmer (J. T.), Hist. Reg. of U. S. - Guthrie (W.),iDes Christens groot in 1812-14. terest. Soc. de l'Hist. de France, Annuaire. - Iagen Husseyk Haoe v Christenen. - Societ4 Philotechnique, Annuaire. - - Verborgenheyt der Godsaligheyt. - United States Kalendar, 1813. Herbert (G.), Works. - - Army Register, 1815 - 51. - Hopkins, Exposition of the Ten Comn- - Mil. Acad. Registers, 1828-50. mandments. - - Navy Register, 1817-53. - Huysinga, Nodinge Betragtinge. - Register of all officers. - James (J. A.), The Anxious inquirer. - Vacher, Parl. Comp. for 1845. - Jay (W.), Morn. and Eve. Exercises. - Virginia Repos. and An. Reg. - Joli, (Euvres mleles. - Walton's Vermont Register. - Jules Chr6tien, ou Dialogues, etc. - See Almanacs; Periodicals; Statistics: - Jenks (B.), Prayers for families. History: U. S. Registers. - Immens, The Pious communicant. REROBOTLI, MASS. Bliss (L.), History of. - Johnson ( A. B.), Religion in the preREID (F.). Reid, Works: Life of. sent life. REmIcS, FRANCE. Amiel, Archives de. - Kemp (Van der), Drie Brieven. RELIGION. Am. Tract Soc. Reports. - Kempis, The Christian pattern. - Am. Unitarian Assoc. Reports. - Law (W.), Address to the Clergy. - Constant, De la Religion. - Letters on Revivals of religion. - Greenwood (F. W. P.), Lives of the - Loys, (Euvres spirituelles. 12 Apostles.. - McLeod, Power of true godliness. Moore (G.), Man and his motives. - Martineau (H.), Devotional exercises. - Morell, Philosophy of Religion. - Martineau (J.), Endeav. after Christ. - Norton (A.), Thoughte on true and life. false. - Melmoth, Importance of rel. life. - Presb. of Albany, RIievival of. Mollerus, Handt-Boecrken. 4p Presb. of Oneidat, Revival of. 1 — More (IH.), Reflections on prayer. SUBJECTS. 955 RELIGION, PRACTICAL: RESHID PACHA. Galerie des Contem. vol. 7: Vie de. - - Practical piety. RESURRECTION. See Soul; Theology; Uni- Niel, Balsem uit den Room des Leve- s. versalism. - Ogden (U.), Theological Preceptor. RETZ (Card de). James (G. P. R.), Life - Osorio, De gloria: de Nobilitate christi- of. ana. REVIEWS. See Perihdical 3. - Palmer (R.), Closet Hours. REVOLUTIONS. History of all revolutions - Renesse, De Voorsienigheyt. and rebellions. - Schortinghuis, Het innigeChristendom. - Macintyre, Influence of aristocracies. - Scougal, The Life of God in the soul of - Roland (Mme), Appeal to Posterity. man. - Sketches of Popular tumults. - Shepard (T.), Sonnd el ever. I- See Liberty; France, revolutions; - Sherlock, Discourse on Death. American revolution. - Slie, The Closet. REYNOLDS (Sir J.). Northcote, Life of. - Smytegelt, Pract. Leer-Reedenen. RHETORIC. Adams (J. Q.), Lectures on, and Orat. - Soc. Belg. Traites evang. and r rat. -- Aristotle, Treatise on. - Turlot, ThrEsor de la doct. chreti4nne. - Baron (A.), Rh-torique. - Spring (G.), Ess. on Christ. character. Blair (H.), Lectures on. Boileau, (Euvres. - Taylor (H.), Saturday evening. Boileas, Euvres...-1 |. - Burrowes, Essay on Style. - Taylor (J.), Holy living and dying. - Upham (T. C.), Interior or hidden life. Campbell (G.), Philosophy of. - Valsecchi, Fondamenti della rel. - - Copleston, Prvelectiones Academica. - ~ rloren (Den) Zondaar. - Comenius, Ars Oratoria. - WVilberforce, Practical View of. - Wiletc Meditactien op den Ps. 12. - Edwards (T.), Canons of Criticism. - Willet, Meditatien op den Ps. 122. n. -~ lFarnabius, Index Rhetoricus, - Wilson (T.), Knowl. and practice of. - b - Worcester (N.), Last Thoughts. - See Theology; Christ; Morals. RHome (H.), Elements of Criticism. - - The Art of Thinking. RELIGIONS. Adams (iH.), Compendium of Hurd Works Critical dissertations. various sects. - LaMotte Refiexions sur la critique. - Coleman, Mythology of the, Hindus. LaMotte, lexions sur la critique. >.-~- ~Melancthon, Elem. rhetorices. - Chiniac, La Religion Gauloise. - Hyde, Hist. religionis veterum Persa- - Morley (C.), Guide to Composition rum. - Parker (R. G.), Rhetorical reading. - Religions (All). - Parsons (S. H.), Grammatical Reader. - Ross (A.), Les religions du Monde. - Reed (H.), Lect. on Eng. Lit. - Rupp, Hist. of Relig. denominations. - Reid (A.), English composition. U- phaim ( E.), Sacred and Hist. Books - Riccius, De imitatione. of Ceylon. - Sheridan (T.), Rhetorical Grammar. - See Mythology; Antiquities; Hindoos. - See Classical Literature; Elocution; REPTILES. See Herpetology. Language; Taste; Poetry, treaREPUBLICANISS. Austin, Constitutional ises on Republicanism. RHINE. Hooff, Navigation du RLin. - Barlow ( J.), Advice to privileged or- - Hugo, the Rhine. ders. RHODE-IsLAND. Arnold ( S. G.), Spirit of - Barruel, History of Jacobinism. R. I. Hist. - Bokkalini, Kundschappen van Parnas. - Coell, Spirit of'76 in R. I. - Brackenridge ( H. H.), Mod. Chivalry. - Durfee, Disc., Hist. Soc. - Ceba, Rights and Priv. of citizens of. - Goddard, Change in Gov't of R.I. 1843. - GrimkS, Nature and tendency of free - Gorton (S.), Simplicity's defence. institutions - Pease, Gazetteer of, 1819. Harrington, Oceana. - Peterson (E.), History of. - Peace Republican's Manual. RHODE-ISLAND LOCAL HISTORIES. See R. - Poussin, Principe d6mocratique aux I. Hist. Soc. Coill.; Narragansett; Etats-Unis. Newport; Providence. - Progressive democ. in religion. RIBAULT (J.). Sparks (J.), Life of. - See Democracy; Liberty; Government. RICcd (Scipio Cdo). Roscoe (T.), Mem. of. 956 INDEX TO RICHARD III. James (G. P. R.), Life of. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH: RrICHMOND, VA. Beaurepaire, Acad. des - Diss. de apost. sedis imperio in urb. Sciencss a, 1788. Comacli. RINGGOLD (S.). Wynne (J.), Life of. - Diss. sur les Bulles contre Baius. RIO DE JANEIRO. Baker (J. M.), Commerce - Emilianne, Frauds of the monks. with the U. S. -. England (Bp.), Works. - See Brazil. - Familiar Letters to Bp. Fitzpatrick. RITTENHOUSE (D.). Barton (W.), Life of. Fenelon, Works, vol. 1. - Renwick (J.), Life of. - Franceschinis, della relig. cattolica. - Wynne's Lives. - Gavazzi, Twenty Orations on, etc. RoADS. Annales des Ponts et Chaussies. - Gregorius, Decretales. - Colles, Roads of the U. S. 1789. - Hist. View of Rel. and Mil. orders in. - Ecole R. des Ponts et Chaussdes. - Hospinianus, HistoriHe sacramentarise. - Gautier, Trait6 de la construction des. - Index Expurgaorius. - Gillespie (W. M.), Principles of ma- - Kirk ( J.), Rom. Cath. Principles on king. - God and the King. - Hughes (T.), Making and repairing. - Laing, Progress of the Schism from. - Kingsford, History, etc. of plank. - Lonicerus, Stand und Orden der. - McAdam, Present system of making. - Luther, Propositiones theol. - Navier, Police du Roulage. - Mahoney, Six years in the monasteries. - Parnell, Treatise on. Marnix, De Byen-korf. - See Railways; Bridges; Engineering. - Memoirs con. the Portuguese inquis. ROBERTSON (W.). Robertson (W.), Life of. - Michelet, Spiritual direction. ROBINSON (Henrietta). Wilson (B.). - Middleton, Works, vol. 5: Popery and ROCHESTER, N. Y. Daily Am. Directory, Paganism. 1847 - 52. - Moehler, Differences between Cath. and - Canfield's Directory, 1846. Prot. O-'Reilly (H.), Sketch of, and Western - Moore ( T.), Travels of an Irish genN. Y. tleman. - Rochester in 1827. - Muller (J. H.), KatholischesJahrbuch, - Swift (W.) jr., Directory, 1838. 1853. - Univ. of Rochestsr. - Murray (N.), Romanism at Home. ROCEING~HAH ( Marcq.). Albemarle ( Earl- 9 Observations by a Protestant, 1816. of), Memoirs of. - Officium Beatse Marike. ROCKY MOUNTAINS. Altowan, Incidents and - Pastorale Brieven. life in. - Quinet, The Roman Church. - Keating, Narrative of Maj. Long's Ex- - Roman Cath. Church. pedition. - Romano (D.), Hist. del Cone. Trid. di - Lewis and Clark, Exped. to, 1804 - 6. P. Soave. - Long ( S. H.), Exped. to the Rocky - Roomschen (Den) Uylen Spiegel. Mountains. - Sarpi, Opere varie. - Pattie, Exp. from St. Louis to. Hi- - st. del Cone. Trident. - See Oregon; California; Voy. Pacific; U- S. west- PncifiG Rt. R. -- Smith (S. B.),Renunciation of Popery. U. S. west; Pacific R. R. RODNEY (Admiral). Mundy, Life of. - Uilenspiegel. ROEBECK (J.). Allen (E.), Biography of. - Wescombe, Fabule Pontificoe. ROGERS (J.). Miller (S.), Memoirs of. - White (J. B.), Doblado's Letters. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. Alet, Rituel du - Zenone, Mem. intorno al corpo di. Dioc'se. -- Zonaras, Sac. Cone. Commentarii. - Balmes, Protestantism and Catholicity. - See Missions, Catholic; Jesuit miss.; B- rooks (E.), Controversy withArchbp. Popes; Protestantism. Hughes. ROME, ANCIENT. Adam (A.), Roman Anti- Brooksiana. quities. - Butler (C.), Book of the. - Arnold (T.), Hist. of the late Commonwealth. Hist. Mem. of British Catholics. - History of. Cerri, Etat present de le'glise, 1716. - - History of. - Cerni, Eta.t present de gliise1716. - Becker (rW. A.), Gallus, or Roman - Channing (W. E.), Catholicism. Scenes. - Cooper (C. B.), Tracts concerning. - Blackwell, Mem. of the Court of Au- Corsini, Sacri corpi de S. Ciriaco, etc. gustus. - Disconzi, Santuario di Maria Vergine. - Cooper (Rev.), History of. SUBJECTS. 957 ROME, ANCIENT: ROUSSEAU (J. J.). Hume, Account of dis- Eliot (S.), The Liberty of. pute between. - Ferguson, Hist, of prog. and termina- AN ( H.). MaNevi Life and tria tion of Republic. ROXBURY, MAss. Adams ( G.), Directory, - Gibbon, Decline and Fall of Empire. 1848. -- Hooke (N.), Roman History. ROYAL SOCIETY. Grew, Cat. of Nat. and - Kennett (B.), Antiquities of. Art. curiosities of. - Livius, Hist. of. - Kippis (A.), Late conflicts in, 1784. - Lumisden, Antiquities of. - Miscellanea Curiosa. - Mably, Osservazioni sopra i Romani. - Royal Society. - Malden (Prof.), History of. - Smeaton, Misc. papers to. - Manutius, De quaesitis. - Thomson (T.), History of. - Ant. Rom.: de legibus. - Weld (C.W.), Hist. of. - Merivale, Hist. of Romans under the ROYER-COLLARD (M.), Gal. des contem., Empire. Vie de. - Michelet, Hist. of the Republic. - Ellis (C. M.), History of. - IMontesquieu, Consid. sur la grandeur RUDDIMAN (T.). Chalmers (G.), Life of. des Romains. RUMFORD (Count). Renwick (J.), Life of. - Niebuhr, Roman History. RUMPFrF (Mrs.). Baird (R.), Memoirs of. - Nieupoort, Rituum apud Rom: expli- RusH (B.). Hosack (D.), Tribute to RSSELL (Lady R.). Berry, Memoirs of. - Pancirolus, Notiti utraque dignita-). Russell (Rachel) tllm, etc. RUSSELL ( Lord Wm. ). Russell (Rachel)) ~~~~~~tum, etc. ITrial of. - Rollin (Ch.), Hist. Rom. Eng. and Fr. - - Russell (Lord John)) Lfe of. - Schlosser; Iist. of. - Schlosser, Hist. of. RUssiA. Ackersdijck, Verhaal eener Reize - Sismondi, Fall of Roman Empire. in, 1835. - Schmitz, Hist, of, to 192. - Bell (R.), History of. - Sketches of domestic manners of. - Bulgarin, Ivan Vejeeghen, or Life in. - Suetonius, Lives of Twelve CeLsars. - Beauplan, Description of the Ukraine. - Tacitus, Works. - Cathcart, Comm. on War of 1812. - Vertot, Hist. des rev. de la rfpublique. - Cottrell, Recollections of Siberia. - See Classical Literature; Italy. - Custine,Russia. Ro&ME, MODERN. Bonaparte (J.), Sac de - Granville, Travels to St. Petersburg. Rome, 1527. - Guagnino, Della Sarmatia Europea. - Chumacero, Excessos que se cometen en - Gurowski, Russia as it is, 1854. Roma. - EatRoma.), Rome in t e 19 cent. - Hell (X. de), Travels in Crimea, the - Eaton (C. A.), Rome in the 19th cent. Caucasus, etc. - Gillespie, Rome in 1843, 4. - Hanway, Accountof. - Head (G.), Rome, a tour of many days. - Harper (R. G.), Corresp. on the Rus- Kip (W. I.), Christmas Holidays in sian victories, 1813. Rome. - Herberstein, Notes upon Russia. The Catacombs of Rome. - History of Eudoxia. - Newspapers, vol. 12, 13, Italian, i848, - Johnston (.), Travels through, and 49. Poland. - Tofanelli, Sculture e pitture, nel Mus. - Kelly (W- R.), History of, 1854. Capitol. - Labaume, Campaign of, 1812. ROME, N. Y. Knox (W. E.), Semi-centen- - Le-Perski, Verwisselingevan Russland. nial Sermon. n- Maxwell (J. S.), The Czar, his Court RoiMEY (J. B.). Rowan (S. N.), Serm. on. and People. ROGERS ( Josias). Gilpin ( W.), Mem. of. - Milton (J.), Works, History of MoscoRoscoe (W.). Bowles (W. L.), Lessons in via. Criticism to. - Muscovy, Churchill, Supp. vol. 1. Roscoe (H.), Life of. - Niemcewicz, Captivity in, 1794-96. RosE. Buist, the Rose Manual. - Pallas, Voyages dans plusieurs provin- Parsons (S. B.), History of, and cul- ces de. tivation.- Pinkerton (R.), Misc. Obs. on the pre- see Horticulture. sent state, 1833. - Russia under Nicholas I. ROSSINI (M.). Gal. des Contem. vol. 3: Vie de. - Pradt, Comparison of, with England. 958 INDEX TO RUSSIA: SAINT-DOMINGO OR HAYTI: - Revelations of. - Rainsford (M.), Hist. Acet. of Hayti. - Schnitzler, Aperiu General de, 1844. - Recueil de Pieces, rem es, 1788. - - Secret History of. - Rural Code of Hayti. Schrenk, Reise nach dem Nordosten. - Seul (Du) parti a prendre. Staat van't Russische Keizerryk. - Toledo, Objeciones. - Timkowski, Travels to China. Wim pffen, Voyage a, 1788. - Tochman (G.), Russian Policy to the - Wurtz, Mdmoires: 1, 2. U. S. - See West Indies; French and Spanish - Urquhart (D.), Mystery of the Da- Col. nube. ST. JOHN (Lord Bolingbroke). Cooke ( G. - Walsh ( R.), Correspond. with R. G. W.), Memoirs of. Harper. ST. HELENA. Selberg, Reise nach. - Wilbraham, Transcaucasian Prov. ST. GEORGE, VA. Slaughter, History of. - Willoughby (H.), Travels in. ST. LAWRENCE CO. N. Y. Hough ( F. B.), - See Crimea; Poland; Circassia. History of. RUTLAND CO. VT. Williams ( C. J.), Sta- ST. LUCIA. Uring (N.), Hist. of his Voyatistics of. ges. ST. PETERSBURG. Plan en relief de. S. SAINTE BEUVE. Galerie des Contem. vie de. SAINTE CROIX. West, Beschreibung von. SABBATH. Am. Sunday School Union, Re- SALEM, MS. Felt (J. B.), Annals of. ports. - Considerations on the Sabbath mails. Salem, City Documents. - Worcester (S. M.), Centennial Dis- Edwards (J.),, Sabbath Manual. course. - Exposition of unconstitutional law of SALEM, N. J. Johnson (H. G.), Historical N. Y. acct. of. - Higgins, Errors respecting. SALT. Beck (L. C.), Onondaga Salt springs. - Hughes (T. S.), Letter to Higgins re- Brownrigg, Art of making. specting. Humspeting.), OnSanctification - Edwards (1. M.), Emploi du sel en - Humphrey (H.), On Sanctification of. Angleterre. - Jay (-Y.), Prize Essay on. - Houghton, Husbandry improved. - Logic of Col. Johnsons Report. - Howard (R.), A Treatise on Salt, its - N. Y. State Sabbath Convention, 1844. effects. - Whately, On the Sabbath question. - MXlier, Sur les marais salants. SACO, ME. Folsom (G.), Hist. Sketch of. - N. Y. Onondaga Salt springs. SAFETY LAMP. Instruction pratique. - Strive (H.), Mdmoires sur les Salines. SAINT-DoiIINGO, OR HAYTI. Auberteuil, SALT (H.). Halls (J. J.), Life and CorresEtat pr6sent de, 1776. pondence of. - Bellin, D[hbouquemens au Nord de. SANDWICH Is. Bingham (H.), Residence of - Charlevoix, Histoire de, 21 years in. - Charmilly, Answer to B. Edwards. - Cook (J.), Voyages. - Chastenet, Nav. aux cites de. Honolulu, 1848. - Cri (Le) d'un Colon de. - Jarves, History of. - Dalmas, Hist. de la Revolution de - - Scenes and Scenery in. - Ducceurjoly, Manuel des Habitans. - Sandwich Island Notes. - Edwards (B.), Hist. Survey of. - Stewart (C. S.), Visit to the South Sea. - France, Dgbats.... dans l'Affaire des - See Polynesia; Voyages, Pacific. Colonies. SAN FRANCISCO. Soul6, Annals of. - Gouy, Jour. Hist. de toutes les assem- SANTA ANNA. Gilliam, Tr. in Mexico: Life blues. of. - Guillermin, Precis des Evenemens. SARAH, DUCHESS OF MARLBORO'. Thompson - Journal de St. Domingue. (A. T.), Life of. - Laujon, Hist. de laderniere Expedition SARATOGA. De Veaux, Traveller's own de. Book. - Malenfant, Des Colonies et de. - Emmons, The Empire Spring. - Moreau de St. Mfery, Deser. of Spanish - Peck, Tourist's Companion. part of. - See Mineral Springs. - Pons, Situation politique, 1790. SARDINIA. Histoire de Genes. - Pradt, Pieces relatives a. - Hill (R.), Diplomatic Correspondence. SUBJECTS. 959 SARDINIA: SCHOOLS: - Santa Rosa, Piedmontese Revolution. - Wisconsin, Reports of Superintend. - Tesauro, Campegg. del S. Prin. Tomaso. - See Education. - - Historia di Torino. SCRUNEM3AN (J.), Vlierden (P. van), Lyk- Sece Italy; Waldenses; Newspapers, reden op. vol. 12: Italian, 1848. SCIENCE. Abr~eg de toutes les sciences. SARpI (P.). Fontanini, Storia arcana della _- Annual of Scientif. discov. Wells, 1850vita di. 55. SATIRE. See Humour. - Baillie, Sur l'Atlantide de Platon. SAUMAREZ (Admiral de). Ross, Memoirs of. - Bielfield, Elements of Univ. erudition. SAVOY. Sc Sarcliniar. - - Brougham, Dis. on the Objects of, etc. SAXONY. Stanford (J. F.), Rambles in. - Browne(D. J.), Etymological EncycloSCAMMELL (A.). Coffin (C.), Life of. pedia. SCANDINAVIA. Edinb. Cab. Lib. vol. 23, 24. - Comte, Philos. of the Sciences. - Mallet, Northern Antiquities. - Cream of Scientific Knowledge. - Rietz (J. E.), Skanska Skolvasendets -- Garnett, Annals of Philosophy. I-list.- Gregory (O.), Oration, Phil. Soc. Lon- See Sweden; Denmark; Iceland. don. SCHILLER (F.). Carlisle (T.), Life of. - HIerschel, Manual of Scientific Inquiry. - Follen, On Life and Dramas of. - Lardner, Museum of Science and Art. SCHENECTADY. Toll, Hist. of first settlers. - Timbs, Year-book of Science, 1839-55. SCHOHARIE Co., N. Y. Simms (J. R.), Hist. - See Philosophy; Arts; Nat. Phil.; Nat. of. Hist. SCHooLs. Boston, Reports on. SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS. Amer. Journ. Sc.i: - Barnard (H.), School Architecture. Silliman. Common School Controversy, Boston. Am. Min. Jour.: Bruce. -Comm. School Assistant. -- Am. Repertory of Arts, Sci. and Man.: Comm School Assistant.Mapes, N. Y. Comm. School Journal, Boston.'Comm. School - Am. Polytechnic Journal. Comm. School Journal, Hartford. - Annals of Philosophy: T. Thompson. Connecticut; Reports. - DiscticutSeb pournaltofsN.- Annals of Science, Cleveland, 0. District Sch. Journal of N. Y. - Appleton's Mechanic's Magazine. France; Rapport par A. Thiers. - rHickso, Dupport pan GrAn Schols. - Arcana of Science and Art, 1828-38. Hickson: Dutch and German Schools. - ickson., Sutchol laws Reprts. Soo - Astrom. Journal, Camb. Mass.: Gould. - Illinois, School laws, Reports. Boston Jour. of Phil. 1824-26. -Indiana, Reports on Pub. Instrue. - anacdian Journal. Irish School system. - Daguerrian Journal. - Maes, Schriftuurlyk School-boekje. Michigan, Reports on Pub. Instr. -- Edinburgh Philos. Jour.: Brewster. - Michigan, Reports on Pub. Instr. - Penitential Tears "by the 31." - Edinburgh New Phil. Jour.: Jameson, - Penitential Tears: "by the 31,;; - Emporium of Arts and Sciences. - Pennsylvania, Reports of Superintend. E mporium of Arts and Sciences. - Philadelphia, Reports of public schools. Elliot ican Museum. - Ethnological Journal. - Phil'a Soc. for Charity Sch. c - Farmer and Mechanic. - Public Sch. Soc. N. Y. Reports. -- Geologist (The). Moron: London. - Publication of Books at the public expense. - Gill's Technological Repository. Randall (S. S.), Digest of N. Y. Sys- - Journal des Connaissances usuelles. tem. — S Journal of Design and Manuf. - Report on Ragged Schools, Phil'a. - Journal of Organic and Med. Chem. - Rhode-Island, Reports. -- Journal of Botany: Hooker. - Russell (A.), Account of New-York - London and Edinb. Phil. Mag. Schools. Russell (W.), Harper's N. Y. Class- London Geolog. Journal. book. - London Journ. of Arts, Sciences, etc. - Smith (M. H.), The Comm. Sch. Con- Long Island Journ. of Phil. troversy. - Magazine of Nat. History, London. - Vermont, Superintend. Reports. - Mechanic's Magazine, London. - Taylor (J. 0.), The District School. - N. Y. Med. and Philosoph. Journal. - Virginia, Reports, 1842. - Nicholson's Journal of Nat. Phil. Wickham (G.), Hertford Sohool, Eng. - North Western Jour, of Edun. Sc, etc. 960 INDEX TO SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS: SCIENTIFIC AND LEARNED SOCIETIES, TRANSACTIONS: - Paxton's Magazine of Botany. TRANSACTIONS: - McLurian Lyceum, Contr. - Philosophical Magazine and Journal. - Manchester Lit. and Phil. Soc. Mem. - Plough, Loom and Anvil. - National Institution, Washington. - Quarterly Jour. of Sci.: W. T. grande.- National Institution, Washington. - Quarterly Jour. of S: W. T. Brande. - Natuur en Geneeskundige Soc.: Ver- Quarterly Mining Review. handelingen. - Repertory of Patent Inventions. - Neder). Instituut, Jaarboek, Verslag. - Repertory of Arts and Manuf. - New-York State Instit of Civil Eng. - Scientific American. Trans. - Timb's Year-book. - Palveontographical Soec. Publications. - United States Magazine of science, art, - Ray Society, Publications. etc. ~ I -. Royal Irish Acad. SCIENTIFIC AND LEARNED SOCIETIES, - Royal Soc. of Edinburgh. TRANSACTIONS: - Royal Soec. of London. - Acad. Coes. Leop. Car. Nat. Cur., 1818 - Smithsonian Institution, Contr. - Acadcmie de Bordeaux, 1839-53. - Sc. Acad. de Nantes, Annales. - Acad-mie des Sciences, France, 1692- - Soc. Asiatique. 1853. - Socint6 de G6ographie, Bulletin. - Academia Groningana, 1815-37. - Soc.... de Lille. - Acadfmie de Metz, 1821-48. - Soc. de Moselle. - Acade'mie de Belgique, 1846-52. - Soc. des Sci. Nat. de Neuchatel. - Acad. of Nat. Sci. Phil'a, 1817-54. - SOc. G6ologique de France. - Albany Institute, Trans. -- Soc. Ielv: tique des Sci. Nat. - Amer. Acad. of Arts and Sci. Memoirs, Soc. Libre le l'Eure. 1785-1850. - Society of Arts, London. - Am. Antiquarian Society. - Soec. for Encour. of Arts, London. - Am. Assoc. for Adv. of Science. - Soec. for Prom. of useful Arts, N. Y. - Am. Ethnological Soe. Trans. - Society of Antiquaries, London. - Am. Inst. of the City of N. Y. 1842-53. - Society of Northern Antiquaries. - Am. Oriental Soc. Journal. - Statistical Soc. of Loend. Jour. - Am. Philos. Soec. Trans. and Proc. - Taylor (R.), Scientific Memoirs. - Am. Statist. Assoc. Coll. - Zoological Soc. of London, 1830-49. - Annales Academici, HIaga, 1837-40. - See Arts; Agriculture; Horticulture; - Bataafsch Genootschap te Rotterdam. Medicine; Education; History. -- Bavarian Academy of Sciences, 1763- SCITUATE, Ms. Dean (S.), ffistory of. 1852. SCLAVONIANS. Wilkinson ( G.), Dalmatia - Boston, Soc. of Nat. Hist. Journal. and Montenegro. - British Assoc. for Adv. of Sci. - See Albania; Servia; Russia; Poland. - Connect. Acad. Arts and Sci. SCOTLAND. Abbott (J.), A Summer in. Essex Nat. Hist. Soo. Jour. - Anderson (J.), Collections on Mary, Queen of. - Franklin Institute, Journal. - Bannatine Club, Publications. - Geographical Soc. of Lond. Journal. Geolog. Soc. of London, Tr. and Proc. - Bigelow (A.), Rambles in, and Ireland, 1817. -- Geolog. Soc. of Penn'a. - Boswell (J.), Tour to the Hebrides. -~ Georgetown Observatory: Annals. - Brand (J.), Descr. of Orkney and Zet- Hollandsche Maatsch.der Weetenschap- land. pen. pen. - Browne (J.)' Highland Clans. - Hollandsche Maatsch. van Fraijekun- - Browne (J.), Highland Clans. sten. - Buchanan (G.), Rerum Scot. Historia. - Mineralogical (Imperial) Society of St. - Burt, Uncommon Customs of. Petersburgh. - De Foe, Hist. of Union with England. - Institution of Civil Engineers, Jour. - Description of the Regalia. Lond. - Forbes, Jacobite Memoirs of, 1745. - Lit. and Phil. Soec. of N. Y. Trans. - Home (J.), Works, Rebellion of 1745. -- Linnean Soc. of London, Trans. I — Hooke, Secret Negot. for the pretender. - London Society of Arts: Trans. - Johnstone, Rebellion of 1745. - Lyceum of Nat Hist. of N. Y. Jour. - Gilpin (W.), Obs. on the Highlands. -- Maatschappij der Nederi. Letter-kunde. - Grant, Mem. of J. Kirkaldy. SUBJECTS. 961 SCOTLAND: SEMINOLES: - Great Britain, Report on Universities - See Jackson (A.); Florida. of. SENECA Co., N. Y. Sacket, Early History - Labanoff, Lettres de Marie StuartJ of. Reine, Reine. SENECA INDIANS. Case of, 1840. - Laing, History of. - Nonville, Expedition against, 1687. -- Lindsay, Lives of the Lindsays. - LnsyLieothLid- Massachusetts, Leg. Report on. - M'Crie, Sketches of Scottish History. - Seneca Indians. - M'Lellan (I.), Residence in. - Martin (M.), Descr. of Western Islands n SERMONS, VOLUMES Or. Adams (J. W.). - Miller (H.), Scenes and Legends of - Alison (Archibald). North of. - Balguy (Thomas). - Napier (M.), Montrose and the Cove- - Beard (J. R.). nanters. -- Bedell (G. T.). - Pinkerton (J.), Inquiry into the Hist. - Beecher (Lyman). of. ~of ~~. ~- Blair (Hugh). - Review of the two late Rebellions. - - Bossuet, Oraisons Funebres. - Richmond (A. B.), Condition of Manufact. Pop. - Bourdaloue, (Euvres. - Robertson (W.), History of. - Bridge(W.). - Scott (Sir W.), Hist. of. - Buchanan (C.). - Skene, Highlanders, History of. - Buckminster (J. S.). - Stewart (D.),:Sketches of the HighIan- - Calvin (J.). ders. - Cappe (N.). - Sykes, Report on Vital Statistics of. - Chalmers (T.), - Tytler (P. F.), Jlist. of. - Chevallier, Hulsean Lectures. - See Great Britain; Eng Clarke (S.), Works. SCOTLAND (Church of). See Church of. - Clowes (T.). SCOTT (Sir W.). Adolphus, On Authorship - Colman (H.). of Waverley. - Davies (S.). - Ballantyne and Lockhart Controversy. - Dewey (O.), Works. - Chambers (R.), Life of. - Duch(J.). - Lockhart (J. G.), Life of. - Dufield, Princeton Pulpit. - Robberd's Mem. of W. Taylor, Letters - Dwight (T.). of. - Scott (Sir W.), Autobiography. Edwards (J.) SCOTT (Winfield). Mansfield (E. D.), Life - Emmons (.). of. -- Fawcett (J.). - New-York City, Reception of. - Follen, Works, vol. 2. - Papers for the People. - Foster (James). - Scott (W.), Life of. F- roude, Remains, 2d vol. - See. Mexico, War with the U.S. Gill (J.). SCULPTURE. See Fine Arts. - Gregory I, Opera. SEAMEN. Boston Seaman's Friend Soc. Re- Hall (Robert), Works. ports. - Hales (J.), Remains of. - See Naval and Navigation. - Heliodore, Discours sur les Desordres SEBASTIANI. Gal. des Contem. Vie de. du Monde. SECKER (Ab'p), Porteus, Review of life of. - Hitchcock (E.). SECRET SOCIETIES. Library E. K. - Horsley (S.). - Opinions on, of distinguished men. - Irving (Edward). - Secret Soc. of the middle ages. - Jay (William). - See Masonry (Free). - Lathrop (J.). SELDEN (J.). Johnson (G. W.), Memoirs - Linn (William). QI. -- Logan (John). SELWYN (G.). Jesse (J. H.), G. S. and his - Ludovicus, Conciones, 1585. Contemporaries. - Luther (M.). SEMINOLES. Narrative of the Seminole campaign. — Mangin, Annonces dominicales. - Overton, Vindication of, 1819. - Mason (J. M.). - U. S. Pres. Messages: Floridv~. - Nott (Eliphalet~) [GEMN. 14I. 185,5.1 121 962 INDEX TO SERMONS, VOLUMES OF: SHAKSPEARE (W.): - Olin (S.), Works, vol. 1. - Evans (J.), Shakspeare's seven ages. - Osgood (David). - Farmer (R.), Essay on the learning of. - Paley (W.), Works, vol. 5, 6. - Hazlitt, Characters of his plays. - Palfrey (J. G.). - Shakspeare, Merry Tales of. - Parker (T.). - See Drama, Treatises on. - Parr (S.), Works, vol. 2, 5, 6. SHATTUCK ( G. C.). Bartol (C. A.), Dis- Pemberton (E.). course on. - Pepin (Gulielmus), Sermones Domini- SHEEP. Bakewell (R.), Obs. on Wool and cales. Sheep. - Livingston (R. R.), Essay on Sheep. - Price (Richard). - Mackenzie (Sir G. S.), Diseases, etc. of ~~~~- Price (Richard).Sheep. - Proudfit (Alexander). Morrell (L. A.), The American Shep- Richards (James). herd. - Robinson (R.). - Randall (H. S.), Sheep Husbandry. - Romeyn (J. B.). - Youatt, Sheep, breeds, etc. - Saurin (J.), Fr., Eng. and Dutch. - See Wool. - Scott (Sir W.), Works, vol. 8. SHEIL (R. L.). McCullagh, Memoir of. - Seeker (T.), Works. SHERIDAN (R. B.). Moore (T.), Memoirs of. - Smith (William). - Watkins (J. B.), Memoirs of. - Sprague (W. B.). SHERMAN (R.). Edwards (J.), Sermon on. - Taylor (Jeremy). SHIPS, AND SHIPBUILDING. See Naval. - Thatcher (S. C.). SHIPWRECKS. Adams (R.), Narrative of. - Things new and old. - Chase, Shipwreck of the Essex. Tillotston (J.). - Oliver (J.), Wreck of the Glide. - Whitefield (G.). - Perthes, Histoire des Naufrages. - Winslow (B. D.). - Riley, Narrative. - Witherspoon, Works. - Smith (T. W.), Narrative. - See Theology; Religion, practical. Steam-boat disasters. SERVETUS (M.). Alwoerden, Historie van. - See Voyages, Miscellaneous. SERVIA. Ranke, IIist. of. SHREWSBURY, Ms. Ward (A. H.), Hist. of. - Talvi, Slavic Nations. SHIRLEY (Gen.). Review of Military Operations. - See Sclavonians; Turkey; Hungary. SIAM. Turpin, Hist. of. SEWARD (W. H.). Baker (G. E.), Life'of. - See Asia, Southern. SEYMoun (D.). Kelly (R.), Address on SIBERIA. Dobell, Travels in. Character of. SHAFTESBURY (Earl of). Brown (J.), Es- - Erman, Travels in. says on Characteristics of. - Fischer, Nations dtablies en Siberie. - Cooke (G. W.), Life of. - See Russia. SHAKERS. Account of the Shakers. SICILY. Baroncourt, Politique des Normands. - Brown (T.), Account of. - Darrow, Christ's Second appearing. Bigelow (A.), Travels in. -- Brydone's Tour through Sicily. -- Forbin, Souvenirs de la Sicile. - Green (C.), A View of the Millennial - Church. - Hughes (T. S.), Travels in. - Rathbun (V.), Some Brief Hints. - James (J.), Sketches of Travel in. - Rathbun (D.), Letter. - Pietra Santa, Le antichita della Sicilia. - Society of Believers: A Declaration. - Spallanzani, Tr. in the Two Sicilies. SHIAKSPEARE (W.). Ayscough, Index to - Spaulding, Italy and Italian Islands. passages and words. - Swinburne (H.), Travels in the Two. - Campbell (T.), Life of. - See Naples. - Clarke (Mrs.), Concordance to. SIDDONS (Mrs.). Campbell (T.), Life of. - Craft (Z.), Monument to Shakespeare. SIDMOUTH (Lord Viscount). Pellew, Life of. - Dodd (W.), Beauties of, selected. SILK. Boullenois, Aux edueateurs de vers aL -- Dictionary.soie. DQlby, Shakespearian Dictionary. -- Boyer (F.), Culture du mufrier. - Edwards (T.), Supp. to Wrrburton's - Charrel, Culture du murier. edition of. - Chartier, Trait: des Magnandries. SUBJECTS. 963 SILK: SLAVERY: - Convention of Silk-growers. G- Gregoire, Intell. and Mor. faculties of - Filature (De la) de la soie. negroes. - Hazzi, On the Rearing of silk-worms. - Gurney (J. J.), A Winter in the West Indies. - History of Silk, Cotton, Wool, etc. - Hildreth Despotism in America. - Julien,'raits chinois surles miiriers. - Inquiry, Prospects of Africans in U.S. - Porter (G. R.), Present State of manufacture of. nufacture of. - Jay (W.), Amer. Colon. and Anti-sla- Pullien, The Culture of silk, 1758. very Soc. Tr. - Koster (HI), Amelioration of. - Silk, Letter of Sec. of Treas.ett, Political Writings. S~ze Manufactures. -- Leggett, Political Writings. - See Manufactures. - Legion of Liberty. SILLIMAN (B.). Jackson (I.W.), Remarks - Liberty, 1837. on his Chemistry. SIEOn hiC.s) Carhems(istry. - Marshall (T.), Abolition of, in VirgiSIMEsoN (C.). Carus (W.), Life of. nia. SIMPsoN (I.). Simpson (Alex.), Life of. - Memorial of Boston to Congress, 1819. SIMSBURY, CONN. Phelps (N. A.), History - Murray (H. A.), The Lands of the of. Slave and Free. SINAI. See Arabia; Syria; Palestine. - Nebraska (The) Question: Speeches U. SISMONDI (De). Gal. des Contem. Vie de. - N. Sen. - N.Y. Anti-slavery Cony. 1835. SLADE (Maria). Imposture detected. N. Y. Soc. for Manumission, 1808 SLATER ( S.). White ( G. S.), Memoirs of. - Northrup (S.), Nrrative of kidnapSLAVERY. Adams (N.), South-side View of. ping of. - Am. Col. Boo. Reports. - Parker (T.), Letter to the People. - Am. Slavery as it is. - Paulding, Slavery in the U. S. - Barclay, Slavery in the West Indies, - Practicability of Abolition of. 1826. - Priest (J.), Slavery in the light of his- Baroncourt, Dangers de l'6mancipation. tory. - Beecher (C. E.), Essay on Slavery. - Petit, Sur le Gouvernement des esclayes. - Bettle (E.), Slavery in Penn'a.claves. - Blanchard (J.), Debate on, at Cincinnati. - Romilly (Sir S.), Speech. - Bondage a moral institution. - Sacy, L'Esclavage des Amfricains et - Bushnell (HI.), A Discourse on. des Negres. - Case of the oppressed Africans. - Schwartz, Rdflexions sur l'esclavage. - Channing (W. E.), Slavery. - Slave Representation, by Boreas. - Clarke (W.), Obs. on the Conduct of - Smith (G.), Address at Capitol. the French. - Society of Friends. - Clarkson (T.), Rise and Abolition of - Spencer (J. S.), Sermon, Obedience to the trade. Law. - - Letter to the Clergy, etc. - Stanley (E.), Speech, Slavery Agita-- On Improving the Cond. of slaves. tion. - Stearns (E. J.), Notes on Uncle Tom's..- Le Cri des Africains. Cabin. - Colonization and Abolition. - Stroud (G. M.), Sketch of laws on. - Conquerors (The) of the New World. - Sumner (C.), The Anti-slavery enter- Consid. on the Missouri Quest., 1820. prise. - Davenant, Polit. and Com. works, vol. - Thompson (J. P.), Sermon, Nebraska. 5. - Turnbull, Travels in the West. - Emerson (R. W.), West India emanci- - Webster (D.), Memorial on Missouri, pation. 1819. - England (Bp.), Works, Letters on. - Wilberforce ( Bp.), Reproof of Amer. - Essays, Commercial and Political, 1777. Church. - Fermin, Possession des esclaves dans - Wilmot, Speech on Proviso. les Colonies. - Woolman (J.), Life: Keeping of ne- France, Debats dans l'Affaire des Colo- groes. nies. - Young, West India Common-place - -- Resultats du Patronage des es- book. claves. - See Colonization; Liberia; Colour, - Giles(W.B.),Polit. Misc. Slave labor, People of; United States; Travels, etc. south. 964 INDEX TO SLAVONIANS. See Sclavonians. SOUL: SLIDELL (Mackenzie). Cooper (J. F.), Re- - Cicero, Immortality of the Soul. view of Trial of, - Coxe, Recognition in Heaven: Soul in SLOAN (A.). Boardman (H. A.), Sermon brutes. on. - Fine, Resurrection of the body. SMITH (J.). Hillard (G. S.), Life of. - Melancthon, De anima. - Simms (W. G.), Life of. - Mendelssohn, Unsterblichkeit der seele. - Smith (J.), Life-of. - Moore (G.), Power of the Soul over the SMITH (J. A.). Manley (J. R.), Exposition body. of Character of. - Paine (M.), Disc. on Soul and Instinct. SMITH (J. B.). Blair (S.), Discourse on. - Plato, Phsedon. SMITH (J. E ). Andrews (W. W.), Corres- - Pomponatius, De immortal. animae. pondence, etc. of. - Reid, Philosophy of Death. SMITH (Jeremiah). Monson (J. H.), Me- - moirs of. - See Intell. and Moral Phil.; Philoso-.phy; Man; Theology; UniversalSMITH (Sidney). Holland (Lady), Memoirs i Man Theolog of. SITH ( T.). Willis (W.), Journals of SOULT (M.). Galerie des Contem. Vol.:. Smith and Deane. SOUTH AMlERICA. Acuna, Voy, and Disc. in SMITH (W.). Phillips (J.), Memoirs of. SOUTH AMERISouth America. and Disc in SMITH (Sir W. S.). Barrow (Sir J.), Life - Azara, Voy. dans l'Amer. Mfridionale. of. SMaITHSONIAN ~INSTITUTION. Barlow ( W.), - Brackenridge, Voy. to South America, Address and Outlines of a plan for. - Varnum (J. B.), Notice of. - Brown (C.), Patriotic Expedition to, 1819. SOCIAL QUESTIONS. Audiganne, Les Popula- tions ouvridres. - B:yron (John), Sufferings in Patagonia, - Bancal, Du nouvel Ordre Social. - Caldeleugh, Travels in, 1824. Barhydt, Industrial Exchanges. - Coleti, Diz. Stor-Geog. dell'. - Brisbane (A.), Social Destiny of Man. - Coulter, Adventures on Coast. - Brun, Triomphe diu Nouveau Monde. - Cudena, Von Portugieschen Amerika. - Burke (E.), Vindication of Natural - Depons, Voy. to Eastern part of TerraSociety. Firma in. - Buret (E.), Misere des classes laborieu- Gilij, Saggio di Storia Americana. ses. - Gumilla, Las naciones en la riveras del Orinoco, Carel, Enfans trouves. - Dinocourt, Cours de morale sociale. - Head (F. B.), Journeys across the Pam- Fichte, The Vocation of the Scholar. pas. -- Helms, Voy. dans l'Amer. merid. - Fregier, Des Classes dangereuses dans- Helms,Voy.dansl'AmPr.morid. les villes. - Julian, Hist. de la Province de Santa Marta. - Magdalen Facts. - La Condamine, Voy. dans l'Amdrique - Merson, Du Communisme; Refutation. merid. - Millar, Distinction of.ranks in society. - Mathison, Visit to Brazil, Chile, Peru. - Owen (R.), New View of Society. - Morillo (Gen.), Mimoires. - Sismondi, Etude sur les Sciences soci- Miranda, Hist. of his Revolution, and ales. Life of. - Tayler (C. B.), Social Evils and reme- Newspapers, vol. 8, 9. W dies. - Nieuhoff, Travels to Brazil. - Thonissen, Le Socialisme et ses pro- - Niles (J. M.), History of. messes. - - Socialisme dans le passe. - Noel, L'Amirique Espagnole. - See Reforms; Polit. Econ.; Civiliza — Nunez(A.), Commentaires. tion; Labor; Woman. - Palacio, Outline of the Revolution in. SOMERS (Lord Chanc.). Maddock, Life of. - Pagan, Deser. of country of the AmaSOTO (F. de). Irving (T.), Conquest of Flo- zones. rida by. - Pazos, Letters on theU. Provinces of. SOUL. Batey (J.), Thoughts on the Immor- - Pointis (De), Expedition de Carthagetality of man. na. - Bakewell (F. C.), Nat. Ev. of a future - Pradt, Des trois derniers mois, 1817. life. - Pricis sur la Revolution de. - Bush, Scripture Psychology. - Proctor(R.), Journey across the Andes: -- -Anastasis. Lima. SUBJECTS. 965 SOUTH AMERICA: SPAIN, HISTORY OF: - Robertson (W.), History of. - Hughes (T. M.), Revelations of, 1845. - Rodney, Present State, 1819. - Impugnacion del Codigo para la AmeR- olt (R.), History of. rica. - Stevenson (W. B.), 20 years residence - Irving (W.), Conquest of Granada. in. a- Leti, Leven van Filips den II. - Terry, Tr. in Equatorial region of. - Mahon (Lord), Hist. of War of Succs- Ulloa, Relacion del Viage i la: Span. sion in. and Eng. - Manifesto.... des de 17 Marzo hasta - View of South America and Mexico. 15 Mayo 1808. - See also the several States of: Voyages; - Marcellus, Politique de la restauration, Miranda expedition; Amazon R.; 1823. Span. Col. -- Mariana, Historia general de. SOTH CaoINA. Ardale, Description of - Mayerne, Hist. GFn. des Espagnoles. Carolina, 1702. Carolna., 1702- M.rimee Ilist. of Peter the Cruel. - Carroll (B. R.), Hist. Collections of. - Cat t. R)Hist. Co_ — Mignet, Succession d'Espagne sous - Catesby, Nat. Hist. of. Louis XIV. - Chalmers (L.), Weather and Diseases - Moore (J.), Brit. Army in, under Sir of. J. Moore. - Coxe (D.), Description of Carolina. - Coe (D.), Description of Caroli. - Murphy, Mahometan Empire in Spain. - Dalcho, Hist. Prot. Episc. Ch. in. - Napier (W. F. P.), War in, 1807-14. - Drayton, Mem. of Am. Revolution. - Nellerto, Mim. de la revolution d'. - - Beschreibung von. - Onis, Negotiations with the U. S. - Great Brit., Address respecting, 1705. - Philip V, His Manifesto. - Green (A.), A Yankee among the Nul- - Philippart, Royal Military Calendar. lifiers. n- Hewatt Rise and progress of. - Philippe II, Portrait de. - eLawson, Histoandpry of.essof- Pradt, M6m. sur la revolution de. - Lawson, History of. - Prescott (W. H.), Reign of Ferd. and Letter from a Gentleman, 1718. Isabella. - Mills (R.), Statistics of, and History. _ Reumont, The Carafas of Maddaloni. - Naval Pay-ook. -- Rosseuw St. Hilaire, Hist. jusqu'i - Nicholson(F.), Gov. Vindication, 1724. Ferd. VII. - Ramsay's (D.) Hist. of Rev. - Silva, De Rebus gestis Joannis II. - Hist. 1670-1808. - Southey, Chronicle of the Cid. - S. C., Minutes of the Commissioners, - - list. of Penin. war. 1776. - Toledo (J. A. de), Objeciones... etc. - United States, Mess. of Prest. 1833. - Vane, Story of the peninsular war. - Wilson (S.), Account of, 1682. - Vault, M-moires Militaires. SOUTH SEAS. See Voyages, South Seas. - Verardus, Historia Betica. SOUTHEY (R.). Southey (C. C.), Life of. - Watson, Philip II and III. SPAIN, HISTORY OF: - Wellesley, Ambass. Dispatches. - Abella, Coleccion diplomatica de. - Adams (J.), History of. - Adams (J.), History of. - Bacon (J. F.), Six Years in Biscay: - Azanza, Memoire, 1808-1814. Sieges of Bilboa, 1830. - Beawes, Civ. Com. and Lit. Hist. of, - Borrow, Bible in Spain. 1793. 1- Carleton (G.), Memoirs of ax English - Bush, Hist. of. officer. - Cond6, Dominion of the Arabs in. - Clarke (E.), Account of. - Colmenar, Annales d'Espagne. - Cushing (C.), Reminiscences of. - Coxe (W.), Memoirs of the Kings of. - Dix (J. A.), A Summer in. - Dunham, History of. - Ford (R.), Hand-book for trav. - Dunlop (J.), Memoirs of, 1621-1700. - - Spaniards and their country. -- Estrada, Dissensiones do la America - Gleig, The Light Dragoon. con. - Mackenzie (A. S.), A Year in. - Garcilasso, Guerres des Espagnols dans les Indes. - - Spain revisited. - Grant, The Highlanders in. - Scenes in Spain. -- Hamilton (T.), Annals of the Peninsu- - Urclhart (D.), Pillars of Hercules. lar campaigns. - Wallis (S. T.), Glimpses of. - Henegan, Seven Years campaigning in. - Willoughby, Travels in. 966 INDEX TO SPAIN, TRAVELS IN: SPEECHES, VOLUMES OF: - Warren (J. E.), Vagamundo. - Webster (D.). - See Portugal; France. - Williston, Eloquence of the U. S. SPANISH COLONIES: - Winthrop (R. C.). - Account of Span. sett. in Amer. 1762. - Woodbury (Levi). - Bonnycastle, Domin. of Spain in Am. - Wright (Silas). Burke (W.), Emancipation of Col. in - See Orations, July 4; Addresses. America. SPENCER (A.). Barnard (D. D.), Discourse - Campbell (J.), Span. Emp. in Amer. on. - Coreal, Voy. aux Indes d'Espagne. - Potter (11.), Sermon on. - Herrera, Conquftes des Castellans. - Sprague (W. B.), Discourse on. R- obinson (W. C.), Cursory View of SPINOZA (B.). Jaquelot, Het Leven van. Span. Amer. SPIRA (F.). Brownlee (W. C.), Fearful - Ulloa;, Retablissement du commerce de. state of. - Veitia, Norte de la contrataccion de. SPIRITUALISM. Apocatastasis. - Walton (W.), State of the Spanish Co- - Bush (G.), Davis's Revelations. lonies. - Capron (E. S.), Explan. and Hist. of. - - Dissensions of Span. Amer. - Dendy, Philosophy of Mystery. - Ward (W.), State of Spanish Colonies. - Edmonds (J. W.), Spiritualism. See Mexico; North AmericaAme, etc. - Incidents of Personal experience. America, etc. -- Newton (A. F.), Charges of belief in. SPEECHES, VOLUMES OF. Adams (John Q.)m (A.). Spirit works. -- Putnam (A.). Spirit works. - Barnard (D.D.). - See Magnetism, animal. - Beauties of the British Senate. - Benton (T. H.). SPRAGUE FAMILY. Soule, Memorial of. - Brougham (H.). SPURnzHEIRi (J. G.). Carmichael, Life of. - Buchanan (J.). STAFFORD, CONN. Woodward (G. H.), Historical sermon. - Burke-(E.), Works. STAMFORD, CONN. Alvord, Centen. Disc. - Burrowes (P.),. London.STANLEY (E.). Stanley (A. P.), Life of. STARK (J.). Everett (E.), Life of. - Calhoun (J. C.). - Caelhount (J. C.), Select American. STATEN Is. Tyson (R. M.), Hist. of. - Carpenter (S. C.), Select American. STATISTICS. Albany, Census, 1814. - Cass (Lewis). — Amer. Statist Annual, 1854. - Cicero, Orations. - Cicero, Orations. - Amer. Statist. Assoc. Collect. vol. 1. - Clay (C.M.). - Clay (C. M.). - Baltimore, Tables of mortality. - Clay (Henry)- Banfield, Statistical Companion, 1848, - Chapman (N.), Select Speeches. 50. - Dickinson (D. S.). - Banker's Magazine. - Dix (J. A.). - Belgium, Bulletin de la Comm. cen- Erskine (T.). trale. - Everett (E.). - Boston, City Documents. - Grattan (H.). - Canada, Census, 1851, 52. - Hazlitt, Eloquence of the Brit. Senate. - De Bow's Review. - Hill (Isaac). - - Indust. Resources of South. states. - Hilliard (H. W.). - Dehay, Soc. Fran. de Statist. universelle. - Huskisson (William). selle. - King (Lord). - Graunt, Natural and Political obser- Macaulay (T. B.). - Great-Britain, Population returns, - Mackintosh (Sir J.), Works vol. 3. 1831. - Marsh (G. P.). - Heuschling, Belgian statistics. - Mirabeau (H. GG. R.). - Lowell, Tables of Mortality. - Sergeant (J.). - Marshall (J.), Statistics of Europe and - Seward (W. H.). the U. S. 1833. - Sheil (R. L.). Massachusetts, Census Reports. - Sheridan (R. B.). - - Registration Reports, 1837, 43-51. - Smith (Gerrit). - Miles, Statistical Register, 1846. - Sumner (C.). - Neilson, Vital Statistics. - Talleyrand(A. A. de). - New-York, Census. SUBJECTS. 967 STATISTICS: STEAM-ENGINE: - Paris, Recherches statistiques. - Tredgold, Progressive improvement of. - Petty, Essays in Polit. arithmetick. - Woodcroft (B.), Progress of steam na- Phillips (Sir R.), A Million of facts. vigation. - Quetelet, Statist. des Pays Bas. - See Naval; Engineering; Railways. - - Sur l'Homme. STENOGRAPHY. Gurney (T.),Brachygraphy. - Registrar Gen. of England, reports. STEPHENS (H.). Greswell, Early Greek - Reid (John), Philosophy of death. Press. - Rhode-Island, Reports. STERLING (John). Carlisle (T.), Life of. - Royer, Notes Economiques. STETSON FAMILY. Barry (J. S.), Geneal. - Russell (A.), Principles of statistical mem. of. inquiry. STEUBEN (Baron). Bowen, (F.), Life of. - Sadler (M. T.), The law of population. STILES (E.), Holmes (A.), Life of. - Seybert (A.), Stat. Annals of U. S. - Kingsley (J. L.), Life of. - Shattuck, Report on census of Boston. STIRLING (Lord). Duer (W. A.), Life of. Statistical papers. STONER (N.). Simms (J. B.), Life of. - - Family registration. STONEHAM, MASS. Dean (S.), History of. - Statist. Soc. of London, Journ. STORMS. See Meteorology. - Statist. Tables of N. Y. STORY (J.). Greenleaf (S.), Disc. on life of. - Thurnam, Statistics of insanity. - Story (W. W.), Life of. - United States Census, 1790 - 1850. STOWELL (Lord). Surtees (W. E.), Life of. - - Compendium of Census, 1850. STRATFORD (Earl of), Trial, Rushworth's - See Almanacs; Registers; U. S. Sta- Hist. Coll. tistics; Great-Britain; Commerce; STRAWBERY HILL. Walpole (H.), Cataetc. logue of contents of. STEAM ENGINE. Armstrong (R.), Treatise STRONG (Caleb). Bradford (A.), Biog. of. on Steam-boilers. - On Steam- ( bB. oil.)Maeris. bole STURBRIDGE, MASS. Clark (J. S.), Hist. - Bartol (B. H.) Marine boilers of the sketch of. U. S. SUCRE (Gen.). Funez, Resumen de la vita - Bourne (J.), A Catechism of the steam del. engine. SUFFOLK CO. N.Y. Onderdonk, Sketches of. - Byrne, Model calculator. SUFFRAGE. Hume (J.), On household suff. - Ewbanck Desr. of Machinesa etc. - Hurlbut, Essays on Human rights. - France, Machines a vapeur. - See Republics; Government. - Great-Britain, Report on Steam car- S. Dehy, Sre exotique et indig. riages. SUGAR. Dehay, Sucre exotique et indig. riages. - Guthrie (A.), Explosion of Steam- - Evans, Sugar-planter's Manual. boilers. - Huzard, Sucre de bett6raves. - Hodge (P. R.), Its origin and improve- - Melsens, Sucre de la canne et de la betment. terave. - Kindt, De lavapeur et ses applications. - Napoleon III, Works, vol. 2. - Lardner, Explosion of Engine at Rea- - Young, West-India Common-place ding, Pa. Book. - Long (S. H.), Improvementsin Loco- SULLIvAN (J.). Buckminster (J. S.), Sermotives. mon on. - Macfarlane, History of propellers and - Peabody, Life of. ~ steam nay. SULLIVAN (W.). Pickering (T.), Corresp. - Norris (S.), Hand-book for Locomotive SUVrATRA. Korthals, Topog. Schets van. engineers. - Marsden (W.), History of. - Pambour, Engines on railways. n. - Theory of the Steam engine.- See Indian Ocean; Voyages, Indian. - Parkes (J.), Steam boilers and engines SMNER( Increase). Sumner (W. H.), MeSUMNER(Increase). Sumner (W. H.), Me- Partington, Popular Account of. moir of. - Renwick (J.), Treatise on. SUPERIOR (Lake). Agassiz, its Physical - Russell (J. S.), Treatise on. character. - - On the nature of, and steam navi- - Jackson ( C. T.), Copper at Kewenaw gation. point. - Steam-boat disasters. - St. John (J. R.), Description of the - Stuart (C. B.), Naval Mail-steamers of country. U. S. SUPERSTITIONS. See Delusions, - Sullivan (J. L.), Steam-boat rights. SURINAX, See Guyana, 968 INDEX TO SURGERY. Bell (B.), System of Surgery. SWEDEN: - Brainard (D.), Traitement des frae- - Suecica Ant. et Hodierna. tures, etc. - Svenska Fornskrift Sallskapet. - Cheselden, Anat. of Human body. - Svenska Samlingar, 1845 - 53. - Civiale, Retrfcissemens de l'urdtre. - Thomson (T.), Travels in. -- Trait6 de la Lithontritie. - Universitas Regia Fredericiana. - Gibson (W.), Introd. Lect. Penn'a. - University of Upsal. - Hamilton (J.), On regulating the prac- Weber, Illust. of Northern Antiq. tice of. - Whitelock, Journal-of Eng. 3Embas. -to - Heurteloup, Hist. de la Lithotripsie. Sweden. - Hoogvliet (J.), Konst om Wonden te - See Norway; Scandinavia. Sohowen. - HoSchowen.) Tumors fromthenose. SWIFT (B.). Smith (W.), Oration on. - IHosack (D.), Tumors from thenose. n hernia. SWIFT (Dean). Barrett (J.), Essay on. - Hull (S. G.), On the nature of hernia rery (Earl of), Life of. - Orrery (Earl of), Life of. - Larrey, Military Surgery.:- Lrry, Militry Surgry. SWITZERLAND. Cheever, Shadow of Mt. - Le Roy d'Etiolles, Hist. de la Lithon- Blanc. tritie. - - Shadow of Yungfrau Alp. - Sanson (L. J.),'Trait' de la Cataracte. -- Sanso (L.)atrai deiaCt te. - Cooper -(J. F.), Residence in Fr. and. - Sweet (W.), Natural Bone-setting. - - Velpeau, Elements of operative. - Coxe (W.), Travels in. - Vigo, Opera.... in chyrurgia, 1521..), Forbes (J.), Physician's Holiday in. - Walker (W. J.), Compound fracture. - G Lettersfrom. - Warren (J. C.), Disloc. of hip joint. - - Headley (J. T.), The Alps and the - See Anatomy; Medicine; Physiology; Rhine. Teeth. Sui TeethNG. AlR T)Hsoyfth- Kinlock, Letters from Geneva and Fr. SURREY, ENG. Allen (T.), History of the, County. - Luc, Lettres sur la Suisse. SURVEYING. Lee ( T. J.), Tables and for- - Mugge, Switzerland in 1847. mula for. - Napoleon III, Works, vol.:1. - Perkins, Trigonometry. - Saussure, Mont Blanc. - See Mathematics; Engineering. - Simond, Tour, 1817-19. SWARTZ (C. F.). Pearson (H.), Memoirs of. - Viesseux, Hist. of. SWEDEN. Arkiv till upplysning om Sven- Zschokke, History of. ska.... historia. SYDENNHAI (Lord). Scrope (G. P.), Life of. - Arwidsson, Coll. of Swedish national SYDNEY (A.). Van Santvoord (G.), Life of. songs. SYRIA. Browne (W. G.), Travels in Africa -- -- Anders Schdnbergs historiska bref, and Syria. etc. -- Chasseaud, -The Druzes of Lebanon. - Handlingar, 1846 - 53. - Curtis (G. W.), Howadji in Syria. - Aslak Bolts Jordabog. Dandini, Voyage to. - Boisgelin, Tr. through, and Denmark. - Fletcher, Notes from. - Brunius, Skiines Historia. Irby, Travels in Egypt and. - Buck (L. von), Travels through. - Jones (G.), Excursions to Damascus, - Cavallius, Sveriges Hist. och Pol. visor. Balbec. - Crichton, History of. - Jowett, Christian Researches. - Dunham, History of. - Kelly (W. K.). Syria and the Holy - Falkman, Halllndska Kyrkshemmanen. Land. - Fortia, Travels in. - Lamartine, Pilgrimage -to the Holy Land. - Fryxell, History of Sweden. - Fryxell, History of Sweden. - Lynch (W. F ), Expedition to the Jor- Gaimard, Voyage en Scandinavie. dan and Dead Sea. - Gustavus Vasa, History of. - Maundrell, Jour. from Aleppo to Je- Handlingar rlrande Sveriges inre fur- rusalem. h1llenden. - Napier, The war in, 1841. - Laing, Tour in. - Robinson (E.), Biblical Researches. - Munch, Symb. ant-rerum Norvegica- - Rose (Sir G. H.), The Afghans, the rum. Druses. - Nordberg, Hist. de Charles XII. - Volney, Travels through. - Pfeiffer, Jour. to Iceland and Sweden. - Warburton, Crescent and Cross. RIambles in Sweden. - Wood, Journey to Palmyra. S, mling af I.structioner, 1852. See Palestine; Turkey. SUBJECTS.'969 TEETH. Boddaert, Verh. over de OngemakT. ken der Tanden. - Brockway, On decay of teeth. TALBOT (S.). Tuckerman (H. T.), Life of. - Brown (W. S.), Treatise on. TALLEYRAND. Galerie des Contem.: Vie de. - Hunter (J.), Hist. Nat. dentium. TALLHADGE (O.). Whittlesey (C.), Hist. - Skinner, Treatise on. of. TEIGNMOUTH ( Lord). Wilks (S. C.), Life TARIFF. American (The) System. of. - Bastiat, Sophisms of the protect. pol. TEKELI. Le Brun, The history of. - Colton (C.), Puhlic Econ. of U. S. TELEGRAPHS. Atlantic.... Teleg. Comp. - Cooper (T.), Proposed alteration in. - Davis (D.), Book of the Telegraph. - Friends of domes. indust.: proceedings. - Lardner, Telegraph popularized. - Lawrence (A.), Letters to W. C. Rives. - Marryatt, Signal numbers. - Pamphletsvol. 153. - O'Reilly (H.), Telegraph. - Slade (W.), Speech. - Parker (J.P.),Semaphoric Signal-book. - Verplanck, Letter to Col. Drayton. - Sargent (C. L.), System of Signals. - See Free Trade; Polit. economy; Comn- - Smith (F. O. J.), The Secret Vocab. merce. S- teinheil, Ueber Telegraphie. TARTARY. HUc, Travels in, and Thibet. - Vail, Am. Elec. Mag. Telegraph. - Rubruquis, Voyage. TELESCOPES. See Nat. Philosophy. - See Asia; Tibet; China. TEMPLE (Sir W.). Courtenay, Memoirs of. TAsso (T.). Black (J.), Life of. TENNENT (G.). Alexander (A.), Biograph. - Wilde (R. H.), Researches concerning. sketches. TASTE. Burke (E.), Idea of the Sublime, TENNESSEE. Carpenter (W. H.), Hist. of. etc. - Ramsey (J. G. M.), Annals of. - Cousin, The Beautiful and the Good. - Smith (J. G.), Descriptive Review of. - Crousaz, Trait6 du Beau. TEMPERANCE. Affschaffings-Genootschap. - Gilpin, Picturesque beauty: Forest - Am. Quar. Temp. Magazine. scenery. - Am. Temp. Mag.: Cary, 1851. - Home (H.), Elements of Criticism. - Am.Temp.Soc. Reports. -- Am. Temp. Soc. Reports. - Hunt (R.), Panthea, the Spirit of Na~~ture. ~ ~ — Am. Temp. Union, Journ. period. - Jardine,On Education. - Arthur (T. S.), Sons of Temp. offering. - Pasquali, Istituzioni di Estetica. - Barnes (A.), Traffic in ardent spirits. - Rapin, Les Idees du suhime. - Buckingham, Hist. of the Reformation. - Rapin, Les Idles du sublime. - Tucker (H. S.), Essays on Taste, etc. - Burne (P.), Teetotaller's companion. - See Fine Arts Rhetoric. - Channing (W. E.), Address on. eTAYLOR (J.). Inehr (R.), Life of -- Conn. Med. Soc. Asy. for inebriates. TAYLOR (WilliaJ.). Heber (R.), Life of. Edwards (.), Temperane Maual. TAYLOR (William). Robberds, Memoir of. TAYLOR (Z.). Bullions, Sermon on - Enquirer (The), Dr. Nott's Ten Lect. - Grindrod, Essay on Intemperance. - Frost (J.), Life of. - Hitchcock, Essay on Alcohol. and Naro. - Fry (J. R.), Life of. sustances. - Hpalley (E.), Sermon on. - Huydecoper, Een woord van ernste, etc. - Hopkins (J. H.), Address on. - - Intemperance, An Address, 1813. - Ingersoll (J. R.), Eulogy on. - Kittredge (J.), Address on Ardent - Montgomery (H.), Life of. spirits. - Potter (H.), Sermon on. - Eleine Geschriften. - Powell (C. F.), Life of. - Lettsom, Hints to promote, etc. - Smith (C. A.), Sermon on. - Macnish, Anatomy of drunkenness. - Taylor (Z.), Lives of. - Morewood, Hist. of inebriating liquors. - See Mexican War. - N. Y. State Soec. Reports, 1830-33. TEA. Ball (S.), Manufacture of. - N. Y. State Temp. Soe. Mag. 1833, 34. Fortune, Wanderings in China. - N. Y. State Temp. Soc. Recor. 1832-43. - Nye (G.), Tea and the Tea trade. - Nott (E.), Ten lectures, Enquirer. - Sigmond, Its effects. -- Pamphlets, vol. 176. TECHNOLOGY. See Sciences;' Arts; Die- - Penn'a Soe. for disc. use of ardent tionaries. spirits. TECUMSEH. Drake (B.), Life of. - Pelton, Correspondence with L. Sherwood. r god. L;r, 1855.1 122 970- INDEX TO TEMPERANCE: THEOLOGY: - Porter (E.), Sermon on, 1813. - - Tabula Questionum. - Prohibitionist, 1854. -- Augustinus, Opera. - Rational appeal on despotic legislation. - Bad Effects of Speculative Theology. - Resurrection of the blue-laws. - Baronius, Phil. theologive ancillans. - Sargent (L. M.), My Mother's gold - Barrow (Sir J.),Works. ring. - Bay (J. de), Instit. Rel. Christianro. - West.Assoc. of New-Haven, 1813. - Bellamy (J.), Works. - Youmans, Alcohol. - Bellovissius, Decl. term. theologian, - See Wine. etc. TEXAS. Adams (J. D.), Annexation of. - Bernard (Saint), Opera. - Arisp", State of Coahuila. - Beza, Conf. Christ. fidei. - Bartlett (J. R.), Narrative of Explo- - Bibliotheca Sacra, Andover, 1843. rations. - Boston ( T.), A View of the covenant - Channing (W. E.), Annexation of. of grace. - Considerations on annexing. - Brothers, Revealed Knowledge. - George (W. M.), The Fiscal Hist. of. - Bunyan (J.), Works. - Green (T. J.), Texian Exped. against - Butler (J.), Works. Mier. - Burnet, Exposition of xxxix Articles. - Edward (D. B.), History of. - Bush, Anastasis. - Foote (HI. S.), Texas and the Texans. - Cudworth, Intel. Sys. of the Universe. - Gallatin, Annexation of. - Calvin, Opuscula. - Hunt (R. S ), Guide to the republic of. Canisius, Do fide, spe et charitate. - Kennedy (W.), Rise and prospects of. _ Carmichael, Theol. and Metaphysics of - Kendall (G. W.), Texan Santa F6 Ex- SS. pedition. - Chalmers (T.), Institutes of. - History of, or Emigrant's guide. - Chillingorth, Works. - HRolley (iMary A.), Observations on, - Christmas, Hampden Controversy. 1833. 3- Chrysostom, De virginitate. - Houstoun (i Mrs.), Texas and the Gulf i rke (S.), virginitate. of Mexico. - larke (S.), Works. - Lh. (L. F.), Le champ d'asile. - Copleston, On Necessity and Preclestination. - McCalla, Adventures in. -- Cyprianus, Opera. - Maillard, History of, 1842. - - Maixlard, HStory on, 1n.- Damascenus, Sanct. imag. oppugna-- Paxton, Stray Yankee in. tores. - Prairiedom, by a Southron. - De Ronde, Princ. of the Christ. rel. - Rambles and Scrambles in. - De Quincey, Writi:, 15, 16. -- Repub. of U. S. A., The late war. - Dewey (O.), Disc. on Controv. Theol. - Scatsfield, The Cabin Book. - Dwight (T.), Theology explained. - Sedgwick (T.), Annexation of. - Edwards (J.), Works. - Smith (A.), Notice sur la g6ographie - Ely, Calvinism and Hopkinsianism. de. - England (Bp.), Works. - Stiff (E.), The Texan emigrant. Erskine (E.), Works. - War (The) in Texas.... a review - -ar (The) il Texas ~ant t review - Fenelon, Works, vol. 1. Woodman, Guide to Texas Emigrants. Fenelon, Works, vol. 1. - Forbes (D.), Works. - See Mexico; Mexican war; New-Me- - Fuller (A.), Works.. xico. TIAXTER ( Dr.). Hall ( N.), Sermon on - Gill, Doctrine of Predestination. death of. - Gray (J.), Mediatorial Reign. THEATRE. See Dramatic treatises. - Gregorius, De Virginitate. THEOLOGY. Abelly (L.), Medulla theolog. - I-ooker (I.), Works, vol. 2. - Alfonsus, Adversus omnes hoereses. - Horsley, Contr. with Dr. Priestley. - Allen (E.), Reason the only oracle. - Hospinianus, HistoriHe sacramentarise. -- Altenstaig, Lexicon Theologicum. - -: C n ordia discors. - Ames, Bellarminus Enervatus. - Hurd, Works, vol. 5, 8. - Andover Fuss. - James (H.), Lectures and Miscellanies. A- nnato, Apparatus ad pos. theol. - Jansenius, Augustinus, de Hum. nat. - Apostolical Fathers. Sanitate. Aquinas (T. d'). Catena Aurea. - Jenks (F.), Reply to Beecher on Infant damnation. SUBJECTS. 971 THEOLOGY: THOUGHTS. See Maxims. - La Paluelle, Resolution de Cas de con- TIBET. Duhalde, Description of. science. - Hue, Trav. in Tartary, Thibet, etc. - Lardner (N.), Works. - Turner (S.), Embassy to the court of. - Letters, Agency of fallen spirits. TICONDEROGA. Allen (J.), Capture of Olive - Lindsey (T.), Conv. on Divine Govern- Branch and. melt. TIDES. Davis (C. H.), Deposit of the flood - - Inquiry into the Doctrine of the t de. S. S. TIECK (L.), Gal. des Contem. Vie de. - 7 ombardus, Sententiarum lib. iv. TILGHMAN (W.). Binney (H.), Eulogy on. - Magalotti, Contro l'atismo. - Du Ponceau, Eulogium on. - Martineau (H.), Faith of the Univer- TITIAN. Northcote, Life of. sal Church. ToBAcco. Allen (J. A.), Use of Narcotic - Melanethon, Corpus Doetrinse Christi- substances. anHe. Loci Communes Theol. - Diary of Rev. S. Spittle. -- Everartus, De herba panacea. - Milton, Treatise on Christ. Doctrine. -- Hitchcock, Essay on Alcoh. and N c. - Morell, Philosophy of Religion. substances. - Norton (J.), The Orthodox Evangelist. - James I, Misocapnus. - Pastorale Brieven, 1688. - Lane (B.), The Mysteries of Tobacco. - Price (R.), Four dissertations. - Neander, Tabacologia. - Priestley, Letters to Dr. Horsley. - Reply: Planters of, Virginia, 1733. Roman Cath. Church, Canons, Cate- - Reply to the Planters of Virginia. chisms. - Schoon (T.), De culture van de tabak, - Sarpi, Opere. 1692. Sparks (J.), Comp. Tend. of Unit. and - Thorius, Hymnus Tabaci. Trin. Doct. r- Virginia, Case of the planters of. - Spirit of the Pilgrims, period. - Villeneuve, Trait5 du culture du. - Spring (G.), Diss. on Rule of faith. TOBAGO. Memoires des commiss. du roi. - Sulpicius, Opera. - Poyntz, Present prospects of, 1695. - Taylor (J.), Works. - Rochefort, Le tableau de l'isle. - Theol. and Lit. Jour. D. N. Lord. la France, 1791. - Tobago, Adresse a 1la France, 1791. - Theol. Repository, London. - Theol. Repi y, Blo. TOLERATION. Backus (J.), Secular force in - Theol. Review, Baltimore. religion. - Tillotson (J.), Works. - Canning (G.), Catholic emancipation. - Toplady, On Predestination. - Findley, Obs. on "The two sons )f - Tucker (A.), The Light of Nature. oil". - Upham, Letters on the Logos. - Gregoire, LibertS de Conscience a Ha ti. - Velleus, De Gratia universali. - Herttell, Religious doctrines as qualif. - Vindiciarum pars 1, Adv. Libavii de of witnesses. haeret. priedest. - Jottrand, Les Eglises d'Etat. - Watson (R.), Theological institutes. - Locke (J.), Works, vol. 6. -- Westminister Assemb. Catechism. - Remarks on liberty of conscience. - Whelpley, The Triangle. - Taylor (J.), Works, Lib. of propheW- hite (J. B.), Obs. on Heterodoxy, sying. etc. - See Liberty - Wilson (J.), Concessions of Trinitari- TONQUIN. Richards, History of. ans. —. See Asia, Southern; China. - Witherspoon, Works. TOOKE (J. Ht.). Stephens (A.), Memoirs of. -- Woods (L.), Works. TORREY (C. T.). Lovejoy (J. C.), Memoir - Worcester (N.), The atoning sacrifice. of. - Zuinglius, De vera religione. TRADE. See Commerce; Navigation; Free See Nat. Theol.; Bible; ~Christ; Ch.; Trade. Soul; Religion, practical; and va- TRANSACTIONS. See Scientific Societies. rious Churches. TRAVELS, GENERAL. New Universal TraTHERMOMIETER. Traill (Prof.), Lib. U. K. veller. THIERnRY (M.). Galerie des Contem. Vie de. - Clarke ( E.), Travels in Europe, Asia THIERS (M.). Gal. des Contem. Vie de. and Africa. THOMAS (Gen.). Coffin (C.), Life of. - Costello, Jacques Cceur. T1HORWALSDEN. Gal. des Contem. Vie de. - Hall (B.), Patchwork. 972 INDEX TO TRAVELS, GENERAL: TRIALS: - Harriot (J.), Travels and adventures - Peltier, Libel on Napoleon I. of. - Phillips (Capt. J.), U. S. Navy. - Houston, Works, Mem. of his travels. - Pillow's (Gen.) Defence. - LaMotraye, Tr. through Europe, Asia - Porter (D.), Foxardo Expedition. and Africa. - Sampson (W.), Trial of Lieut. Ren- Langsdorff, Voy. and Trav. 1803-07. shaw. - Martineau, How to observe. - Wheeler (E.), For Rape. - Mocquet, Trav. in Afr. Asia and Am. - See Law Library Catalogue. - Ogilbie, Hist. Collections. TRINIDAD. Political Acc't of, 1807. - Over the Ocean: by a lady. TRINITY CI. N. Y. Berrian (W.), Hist. of. - Pages, Travels round the World, 1767- - Hobart, The Charter of, defended. 79. - Troup, Remarks on bill, 1813. - Sargent (E.), American adventure. - Troup, Remarks on bill, 1813. TROY, N. Y. Buel (D.), Troy for 50 years. - Simpson (Sir G.), Overland journey around the world. - Smith (Capt. J.), Trav. in Eur., Asia, TRYON Co. Campbell (W. W.), Annals of. Afr. and Am. TURIN. See Sardinia. - Smith (T. W.), Narrative of life, tra- TURKEY. Austria, Treaties in Turkish. vels, etc. - Baltimore (Lord), Tour to the East, - Thompson (E.), Sailor's letters. 1763. - See Voyages (Collections of) and Tra- - Blount (H.), Voy. to the Levant. vels; and the several countries. - Carlisle (Earl of), Diary in Turkish TREATIES. Austria: Treaties with Turkey. waters. - British Treaty. - Chalcondile, Hist. de l'6tablissement - Jay (J.), Treaty, 1795. Chate. - Chateaubriand, Travels in. - Johnson (Sir W.), Indian Treaties. - Charriere, Negociations dans le Levant. - See Diplomacy. - Chesney, The Russo-Turk. Campaigns, TRENT. See Roman Catholic Church. 1828. TRENTON FALLS. Willis ( N. P.), Descrip- - Combi, Guerra a Venetia. tion of. - Cox (S. S.), A Buckeye abroad. TRENTON, N. J. Southard ( S. L.), Centen. Cros, Voyages de address. address. -- Cros, Voyages de Ville en Levant. TRIALS. Aram (Eugene), Pam. vol. 23. - Dawson (Mrs.), Diary of a tour. - Andre (J.), Proceedings of gen. officers, - Dekay, Sketches of. 1780. - Durbin, Observations in the East. - Beale ( R.), Report of trial of Comm. - Egnatius, De origine Turcarum. Porter. - Fowler, Hist. of War with Russia, 1855. - Blanchard (J. H.), Whitelocke's court - Fraser, Journal. from Constantinople martial. to Tehran. - Cooper (J. F.), On Mackenzie's court - Griffitt, Jour. across the desert. martial. - Hammer, Storia dell Impero Ottomano. - Craik (G. L.), English Causes celehres. - Haes (J.), Religion of the East. - Croswell (H.), Libel on T. Jefferson. - Kinnear) Cairo, Petra and Damascus - Curran (J. P.), Speeches in Irish. Kinglake, Eothen. - Feuerbach, Remarkable Criminal. - Knolles, Historie of the Turkes. - Gardner (Maj. C. K.), Court martial - La Brocquiere, Travels to Palestine. on. -Gibbons vs. Ogden, Steamboa ontro- Lake (W. M.), Geog. tour in Asia Mi- Gibbons vs. Ogden, Steamboat controversy. - Lamartine, Hist. of Turkey - Gordon (C.), Court martial, London, - Lavenden Travels to Syria and Asia 1783. - Lavenden, Travels to Syria and Asia Minor, 1605. - Harmer (Gen.), Exped. against Miami Minor, 160. Indians. - MacFarlane (C.), Turkey and its desJardine (D.), Criminal Trials. t - Martineau (H.), Eastern life. - Lambert and Perry; with Cobbett's. X- La t and P; wh Cob - Moltke, Russians in Roumelia, 1828. L- Lloyd, Trial of A. Addison. -- Montague (Lady), Letters during tra- Loring (Capt. S.), Exhib. of facts on. Montague (Lady), Letters during tra- Mackenzie, Case of the Somers mutiny. - Monro (V.), Ramble in Syria and to - Maffit (J. N.), Buckingham acquitted. Stamboul. -- Pennsylvania vsi John Smith, 1809. - Morris (E. J.), The Turkish Empire. SUBJECTS. 973 TURKEY: -- -- Tour through, and Egypt. U. - Nicholay, Travels in Turkey, 1550. UNION COLL. Nott (E.), 50th Anniv. of his - Pococke (R.), Travels in the East. Presidency. - Porter (Sir J.), Obs. on the Turks. - New-York, Regents of Univ. - Reid (J.), Turkey and the Turks, 1846. - Union Coll. Pamphlets. - Ricaut, Hist. of Turk. Emp. 1623-77. UNION, ME. Sibley, History of. - Robertus, Christ. Prin. Bello contra UNITARIANISM. Amer. Unit. Assoc. Tracts. Turcas. - Belsham (T.), Amer. Unitarianism. R- ussell ( W. H.), War to the death of - Channing (W. E.), Works. Raglan. --- Fuller (A.), Works, Unit. and Calvi- Slade (A.), Sketches of trav. 1828-31. Fuller (A.), Works Unit. and Calvi - Thevenot, Voy. - Maimbourg, Hist. de l'Arianisme. - Thomson (C.), Asia, Holy Land and - Martineau, Faith of the Univ. Church. Egypt. Eg~~ypt.* -- Miller (S.) Letters on. - Turkish evening entertainments. - Norton, Statement of Reasons. - See Syria; Palestine; Armenia; Albania; Egypt; Mohammedanism; - Price, Christian Doctrines. Wallachia; Sclavonians. - Priestley, Disquisitions, Tracts. TURKISH LITERATURE. See Oriental Lit. - Review of Tracts of Am. Un. Soc. TYCHO BRAHE. Brewster (Sir D.), Life of. - Sparks's Essays and Tracts. TYPOGRAPHY. Auer, Raumverhiltniss der- - Unit. and Calvinism. Buchstaben. - Stuart (M.), Letter to Channing. -- -- Das Unser Vater in 608 lang. - Unitarian Miscellany. - Dibdin (T. F.), Typographical antiq.- Wilson, Illustrations of. - Follett, History of the Press of West. _ orcester (N.), Bible News; Atoning ~~~~~~N. Y.~ ~Sacrifice. - Fournier, Manuel typographique. - See Theology. G- reswell, Early Greek Press at Paris. UNITED BRETHREN. See Moravians. Geschichte der kk. Druckerei in Wien. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.: - Hannett, Art of Bookbinding. - Hannett, TArt of Bookbindting. and- Beaujour, Aperqu des E. U. 1800-1810. - Hansard, Treatise on Printing and - Sketch of the U. 1800-1810. Typefounding. B-Sketch of the U. S 1800-1810. - Hoffman (F. L.), Liste des ouvrages - Bonnet, Etats Unis i la fin du XVIII sur l'imprimerie en Italie. - Hoogvliet, Lof de Drukkunste, 1440. - Brissot, De laFrance et des Etats Unis. - Knight (C.), The Old Printer and Mo- - British (The) Treaty, 1795. dern Press. - Chalmers (G.), Opinions on interesting - - Life of Caxton. subjects. -Johnson (J.), Typographia. - Claviere, France and the U. S. - Laborde (L. de), De l'imprimerie a - Cobbett (W.), Porcupine's Works. Strasbourg. - Collection of State Papers, Hague, - Lambinet, Origine de l'imprimerie. 1782. - Maittaire, Annales typographici. - Craveceur, Letters from an Am. Farmer. - Munsell (J.), Typographical Miscel.'. Hisor r. ~ - Duhring, Remarks on, and on Europe. c- - Hiestoriy of Printing. i - Dwight (T.), U. S and England. - Munch, De origine typographic. — M nc D oiietpgah. - Eddis, Letters from Amer. 1769-77. - Nichols (J.), Anecdotes of William Bo- -EliottJr Deermnto wyer. -- Ellicott, Journal, Determination of Notice de l'Imprimerie Roy. Paris. 1796. - Elsner, Befreiungskampf der N. A. - Savage (W.), Dit. of Printing. Staaten. - Specimen Typog. de l'imprimerie roy. - England and Amer., A comparison, etc. Spec. of Dutch Typog. 1760-80. - Essays, Commercial and Political, 1777. - Thomas (I.), Hist. of Printing. - Extra-official State Papers:Knox(W.). - Vries, Uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst. - Furstenwarther, Der Deutsche in Nord - - Brief over Guichard's notice. Amer. - Westreenen, Voortgang der Boekdruk- - Goldsmith, Conduct of France in the kunst. Council of Prizes. - - Imprimerie Stereotype. - Great Britain, Debate in Parl. on the - Wolff, Monumenta Typographica. Peace, 1783 - See Bibliography; Catalogues. -- Grund, The Americans, Eng. and Ger. 974 INDEX TO UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: UNITED STATES GAZETTEERS: - - Die Aristokrat'e in Amer. - Chapin, Reference Gazetteer of. - Hale (S. J.), Sketches of Amer. charac- - Darby, New Gazetteer of the U. S. 1833. ~ter. t- Fisher (R. S.), Complete Gaz. of the - Importance of the Brit. Plantations, U. S. 1853. 1731. 1- Harper s Gazetteer of the World, 1855. - Ingersoll (C. J.), Inchiquin's Letters. Haskel, Gazetteer of the U. S. 1843. M Haskel, Gazetteer of the U.S. 1843. - View of Rights and Wrongs of, etc. - Hayward (J.)5 Gazetteer of the U. S, - Loher, Aussichten fir Deutsche in N.A. 1853. - M'Henry, Letter to Speaker of H. of - Lippincott, Gazetteer of the World, R. 1803. 1855. - Mandrillon, Le Spectateur Amiricain. - Scott (J.), U. S. Gaz. 1795. - Mease, Descr. of medals of important UNITED STATES, GEOGRAPHY OrF. Bradford events. (T. G.), Illustrated Atlas. - Mirabeau, Consid. sur l'ordre de Cin- Ellet, Physical Geography of. cinnatus. - Evans (L ), Analysis of Map of Brit. - Murat (A.), United States of N. A. Col. 1755. -- -- America and the Americans. - Foerry, Climatic features of U. S. - Nord-Amerika: Von einem Wiirtem- - Morse (J.), American Geography. berger. - - American Gazetteer. - Notes on the U, S. of America., Geog. description of. - Melish, Geog. description of. - Onis, Negotiations with Spin - Volney, Tab. du Climat et du Sol. - Picture (A True) of the U. S. A. 1807. View of the Soil and Climate of. - Poussin, De la Puissance Americaine. - See North America; Geography. - - Tr~avanx adamliorations UNITED STATES, GOVERNMENT. Adams (J.), - Pownall, Administration des Colonies. A Defence of the Gov't of the U. S. - - Memorial on America. - - Letters from Quincy, 1809. -- Republic of U. S. A. 1848. - Ames (Fisher), Works. - Roux de Rochelle, E. U. d'Am'r. - Benton (T. H.), Thirty-years View. - Schmidt, Die vereinigten staaten, 1821 - Burleigh, The American Manual. - Talleyrand, Relat. Commer. avec lAn- Carey (M.), New Olive Branch. gleterre. - -'The Olive Branch. - Thomas (E. S.),; Reminiscences of 65 years, 1840. of 65 - Colton (C.), Public Economy for the U.S. - Treaty with G B. 1795. - Constitution, Pam. vol. 19. - Tremenheere, Notes on public subjects. C Cooper (J. F.), Notions of the Ameri- Turre'u, Aparou sur la situation poli- cans. tique. - - The American Democrat. - IUnited States. Curtis (G. T.), History of the Constitu- United States of A. as they are, 1828. tion. - Zimmerman, Comparaison entre la Fr. - Dickinson (John), Political Writings. - Sec Northeastern Boundary; Oregon. - Duane (W.), Narrative of Removal of UNITED STATES AruMY. Force (P.), Regis- deposites. ter of, 1830. - Duden, Nordamerikanische Demokra- Gardner, Dictionary of Officers, 1789- tie. 1853. - Exposition of the Weakness of Gov't - -- Recollections of, 1845.' P of. - Robinson (F.), Account of Organiza- - Giles (W. B.), Political Miscellanies. tion. - Granger, Vindication of the Adminis- Thalheimer, An. Reg. and Mil. Roster. tration. - U. S. Army; U. S. Mil. Acad. -- Grimk(, Nature and tendency of Free UNITED STATES COAST SURVEY: Inst. - Bache, Reports to Congress on. - Hamilton (A.), Works. Hassler, Papers on. - - The Federalist. - Pearce, Speech on. - Harper (R. G.), Dispute with France, C U.S. Coast Survey. - Hartford Convention of Delegates, - See Coast Surveys. 1814. UNITED STATES GAZETTEERS: - Hickey, The Constitution, Electoral - Brown ( S. R. ), Western Gazetteer, votes, etc. 1820. -- Hist. of Congress, 1789-93. SUBJECTS. 975' UNITED STATES, GOVERNMENT: UNITED STATES, HISTORY OF: - list. of Congress of 1801. - American Pioneer - Hulsemann, Geschichte der Democratic - American Remembrancer, 1795. in. - Bancroft (G.), History of. -.Jay (J.), Address on, to the People. - Barbaroux, R1sum. de l histoire de. - Kent (J.), Speech on Veto power. - Barber (J. W.), Incidents in Am. Hist. - Leggett, Political Writings. - - History of. - Livingston (W ), Gouvernementd'An — Blunt (J ), Hist. of formation of. gleterre compare. -- Bradford (A.), Hist. of the Fed. Gov't, - Lyman (T.), Diplomacy of the U. S. 1789-1839. - Mably, Remarks on the Gov't and laws - Butler (F.), Complete History of. of. ~O~~~~~f. ~- Callender, Hist. for 1796. - Mansfield (E. L.), Political Grammar of U.. -- Davis (E.), The Half Century. - Moulton (R K.), Constitutional guide - Fergus, Hist. of the U. S. - Observations on proposed Const. 1788. - Farmer (J.), Collections, Historical, - Plan of the New Const. 1792.etc..Planolitic Mirr Cor st. 1.. - Gilii, Saggio di Storia Americana. - Gordon (W.), Hist. of Rise and Inde- Presidents' Messages. pendence of. - Puglia, The Federal Politician. - Grahame, History of, to Independence. - Story (Joseph), Const. Class-book. - Grimshaw (W.), Hist. of the U. S. - Strictures by Massachuttensis. - Guernsey (E.), Hist-of, for Schools. - Sullivan (J.), Observations on. - Hale (S.), istory of, to 1837. - Taylor (J.), Inquiry into principles of. - Hazard (E.), ist. Coll. of State Pa. - - Tyranny unmasked. pers of. -.- New Views of Constitution. - -Iildreth, Hist. of the U. S. A. - Tocqueville, Democracy in Amer. - Hinton (J. H.), Hist. of the U. S. - Trescot, Foreign Policy of. -- History (New and Universal) of, 1827. - Wheeler, Hist. of Congress. - Holmes (A.), American Annals. - Williams(E.), The Statesman's manual. - Knapp (S. L.), Lib. of Amer. Hist. - Yates, Convention of 1787. - Latrobe (J. H. B.), Hist. of Mason and - Sec Democracy; Republic; Govern- Dixon's line. ment. - Lossing, Pict. tIist. of, for Schools. UNITED STATES, GUIDES. Cobb, Am. Rail- - McCartney, Origin and Progress of. way Guides. - McCulloch, Concise Hist. of. - Cooper (T.), Information respecting. - Madison (J.), Papers of. - Colton (J. H.), Western Tourist. - March, Reminiscences of Congress. Curtis (D. S.), Western Portraiture. - Mazzei, Recherches Hist. sur. - Darby, West and Southwest Guide. - Monroe (J.), On Mission to France, Disturnell, Guide, Eastern and Middle 1794-6. States. - Murray (H.), Pictorial Hist. of. - - Railway and Steamship Guide. - - History of the U. S. - Doggett. U. S., R. R. and Steam Nav. Guide. Pelet, Prlcis de lbistoire de. Emigrant's Guide, 1818. - Perkins (S.), Hist. from 1815 to 1830. - Hewett, Am. Traveller, or Nat. Direc- - Philippi, Geshichte der V. F. tory. - Pitkin (T.), Polit. and Civ. Hist. of. - Hinckley, Traveller's Pocket-guide. - Pritts (J.), Mirror of Olden Time. - Lorain, Hints to Emigrants. - Ramsay, list. to 1808 - Moore (S. S.), Traveller's Directory. - Sanford (E.), History of. - Northern Traveller. - Scheffer, Hist. des Etats Unis. - Smith (J. C.), Guide for Travellers. - Sena, Hist. de los Estados Unidos. - Tanner, The Central Traveller or guide. - Trumbull (B.), IHist of. - Thompson (Z.), Guide to Lake George, - White (H.), Early IIist. of New-Eng. Montreal, etc. - Willson (M ) Hlist for Schools. - See the several States; U. S. Travels - Winterbotham, Hist. View of U. S. west. - Winthrop (J.), Hist. of New-England. UNITED STATES, HISTORY OF: - Wraxall, Records of Indian Aff. 1678- American Archives, 1774-76. 1751. - American Historical Mag. 1836, New- - See American Wars Noxign W, - - Haven. 976 INDEX TO UNITED STATES, HISTORICAL SOCIETIES: UNITED STATES, STATISTICS: - Alabama Hist. Soc. Trans. - Coxe (T.), View of, 1787-94. - Amer. Antiquarian Soc. Coill. - - Arts and Manufactures of, 1810. - Georgia Hist. Soc. Coll. - Darby, View of the United States. - Hist. Soc. of Penn'a Coill. - De Bow, Statist. View of the U. S. - Maine State Hist. Soc. Coil. - Edwards (B.), Trade of Brit. W. Indies - Maryland Historical Society. with U. S. A. - Massachusetts Hist. Soc. Coli. - Financial Register of. - Minnesota Hist. Society. - Fisher (R. S.), Census for 1850. - New-Eng. Hist. Geneal. Soe. Register. - Force, National Calendar. - New-Jersey Hist. Soc. Coll. - Geographical, Histor. Comm. and Agr. view of, 1820. - New-Hampshire HHist. Seo. Coll. - Hadley, U. S. Hist. and statist. index. - New-York Historical Soc. Coll. -- Hall (J.), Statistics of the West. - Ohio Hist. and Phil. Soc. - Hazard, U. S. Comm. and Statist. Re- Prot. Epis. Hist. Soc. Coll. gister. Rhode-Island Hist. Soc. - Ousely, Remarks on Statist. and Instit. - Wisconsin Hist. Soc. of. UNITED STATES NAVY. Clark (T.), Naval - Outline of, her Resources, etc. Phil'a, History of. 1825. - Cooper (J. F.), History of. - Picket, Tableau de la Situation actuelle - Goldsborough, Naval Chronicle. es, - Kimba(H.), Nam r.ona tle. - Pitkin, Statist. View of Commerce of. - Kimball (H.), Amer. Naval Battles. -- a.Putnam, American Facts. - Lawrence (J.), Chesapeake and Shan- -e non. - Seybert (A.), Statist. Annals. - Naval Monument: Bowen. - Stryker's Amer. Register. - U. S. Navy Register. - Tazewell, Negot. on Commerce with W. Indies. - See American Wars; Mexican War; Indies. Naval. -- Tucker (G.), Progress of, in 50 years. UNITED STATES, REGISTERS. Congressional - Warden (D. B.), Statist. account of. Directories. - Watterston, Statist. Views of. - Downes's U.S. Almanac. - Williams (E.), Statist. Companion. - Elliot (J.), Supp. to U. S. Register, - See Statistics; Commerce; Registers. 1829. UNITED STATES, TRAVELS IN. Abdy, Resi- Gaines, Univ. Register, 1776-86. dence and Tour in, 1833, 34. - Homans (B.), U. S. Register, 1843) 44. - American Memoranda. - United States Register. - Anburey, Travels through Interior, - See Registers; Almanacs; U. S. Army; 1789. Navy; Washington City. - Arusmont (F. W. d'), Voy. aux Etats UNITED STATES, RELIGION IN. Baird (R.), Unis. Religion in America. - - Views of Society in. - Belcher (J.), The Clergy of America. - Bartram, Tr. from Penn'a to Canada, - Caswall, Amer. and the Amer. Church. 1751. - Gorrie, The Churches and Sects of. - Buckingham, Eastern and Western States. - Gi~randpierre, Parisian Pastor's glance - Bradbury (J.), Tr. in the interior of, at. 1809-11. LewAmer (G.) Imchurchession of, and the Bremer (F.), The Homes of the New World. - Reed and Matheson's Visit to American churches. - Briefe aus den V. Staaten van N. Amer. - Rupp, Hist. of Relig. denominations. Bunn, Old and New England. - Schaff (P.), Amer. polit. and religious. - Burns (Jabez), Tour in U.S. and Canada.. Schermerhorn, View of Relig. and morality of. -- Busch, Wanderungen, 1851. See the various Churches of U. S. - Butler (F. K.), Journal. UNITED STATES, STATISTICS: -- Carlisle (Earl of), Travels in Amer. - American Statistical Ann. 1854. Carli, Lettres Amdricaines. - Am. Statist. Assoc. Coil. 1847. - Castiglioni, Viaggio negli Stati Uniti. Blodgett, Statist. Man. for 1806. - Chambers, Things as they are in. - Brion, Almanach intjressant, 1778. - Chasles, American Manners. Briosted, Res oure e f, Cbhstellux, Voyage de Newport. SUBJECTS. 977 UNITED STATES, TRAVELS IN: UNITED STATES, TRAVELS IN: - Chevalier,%Lett. sur l'Amerique. - Montlezun, Voy. de N. Y. aN. Orleans, - -- Society and Manners in. 1816. - Cobbett (W.), A Year's residence in. Ossoli, Summer on the Lakes. - Coles (G.), Seven Years in Amer. - Palmer (J.), Tr. in U. S. and Canada, 1817. - Collot, Voyage dans l'Am. Septentrio-, 17. nale. -- Parkinson, Tour in, 198-1800. - Combe (G.), Notes on the U. S. - Power(T.) Impressions of Amer. 1833- Cunynghame, Glimpse of. 35. - Darby, Tour from N. Y. to Detroit. - Priest (W.), Travels in, 1793. - Davis (J.), Travels of 4 years and a - Pulszky, White, Red, Black; Sketches, half in. etc. - De Roos, Narrative of Travels in. - Raumer (F. von), America, etc. - Dickens, American Notes. - Reviewers reviewed. - Dixon, Tour in U. S. and Canada. - Robertson (W. P.), Visit to. - Duncan (Mrs.), America as I found it. - Roy-ll (Mrs.), Black-book, etc. - Duncan (J. M.), Travels in, 1818. - Schopf, Reise...... nach Ost Florida, - Dwight (Theo.), Summer Tours. - Schultz, Travels in N. Y., Penn., Va., - Edmundson, Journal of, 1654-95. etc. - Eyre, The European Stranger in Amer. - Scoresby, American Factories and Ope- Faux, Memorable Days in Amer. ratives. - Fearon, Sketches of America. - Seward (W.), Journal with Whitefield. - Ferrall, Ramble of 6000 miles. - Silliman (B.), Tour, Hartford to QueF- Fidler, Observations.... in U. S. and bec, 1819. Canada. - Shillitoe, Journal of labors, etc. - Finch, Travels in U. S. and Canada. - Sketches of Hist., Life, etc. - Forest (P.), Voyage aux Etats Unis, - Sturge (J.), Visit to, in 1841. 1831. - Things as they are, 1834. - Gall, Auswanderung nach den V. S. Tourn e a la mode, 1829. - Gilman (C. and S.), The Poetry of Tra-, Transatlantic Tracings, Lond. 1853. veiling. - Trollope, Domestic manners of the Am. - Godley, Letters from America. GdGrant (A.), Mem. of anAmer. Lady. - Tudor (W.), Letters on Eastern States. - Hall (B.), Travels in North Amer. - Vigne, Six Months in America. - Wan-sey, Excursion in, 1794. - Hamilton (T.), Men and Manners in. Wansey, Excursion in, 194. Hm- anor in.- Watkin (E. W.), A Trip to the U. S. - Eowitt (E.), Letters during a Tour in.Canada. - Janson (C. W.), The Stranger in Amer. - Weld (C. R.), Tour in. - Jones (Maj.), Tour from Georgia to - Weld (J.), Travels through. Canada. - Wortley (E. S.), Travels in. - Kalm (P.), Travels in; German and - Wortley (E. S.), Travels in. English. -- Zavala, Viage a los Estados. - Kendall ( E. A. ), Travels through, - See New Eng., and the several States; 1809. Canada; Pacific Railroad. - Lanman, Letters from the Alleghanys. - TRAVELS SQUTE. Adams (N.), South- La Rochefoucault, Voyage dans, 1795- 97. - Bartram (W.), Tr. N. and S. Carolina, Ga., Florida, 1792. - La Sagra, Cinco meses en los E. U. Am. G B- uckingham (J. S.), Slave States. - Latrobe, The Rambler in N. A. - Featherstonhaugh, Excursion in Slave - Lieber (F.), Letters to a Gentleman in States. Germany. yGermanyl(SirC.),Travelsin,1844. -- Knight, Letters from South and West. c- Lilly, Early Hist. of Southern States. Mackay (A.), The Western World. - Olmsted, Seaboard Slave States. - Marquette, Recit des Voyages. - Paulding, Letters from the South. - Marryatt, Diary in America. - Martineau (H.), Society in Amer. R- TRAVELS WEST. Ashe, Travels inAmeRetrospect of Western travel. rica, 1806. - Maxwell (A. M.), A Run through the - Atwater (C.), TourtoPrairieduChien. Melish, Telin the U. S1806-11. - Brackenridge, Recoll. of persons and M- Melish, Travels in the U. S. e806-11. places [GCs. Li, 1855.1! 23 978 INDEX TO UNITED STATES, TRAVELS WEST: - TRAVELS WEST: - Bradford (W. J. A.), Notes on the - Thomas (D ), Travels in West, 1816. Northwest. - Thorpe (T. B.), Mysteries of the Back- Burnet (J.), Settlement of N. W. Ter- woods. ritory. - See Canada; North America; Missis- Carleton (R.), The New purchase. sippi River; Rocky Mts.; Oregon; - Cuming, Tour in Ohio, Ky. etc. United States Guides. - Dana (J.D.), Geog. Sketches; Western UNITED STATES WARS. Thomson (J3 L.), States. Hist. of the Wars of, 1854. - Duden, Reise nach den Westlichen Staa- - Thrilling Incidents in. ten. - See American Wars; Mexican. - Ellis, New-Britain, Plain of the Mis- UNIVERSALISM. Balfour, Doctrine on Satan. souri. - Balloun, On the Atonement. - Evans (E.), Pedestrian Tour, 1818. - Empie (A,.), On Universalism. - Farnham, Life in Prairie land. - Foster (John), Letters on Future Pu- Flagg, The Far West. nishment. - Flint (J.), Letters from America. - Hopkins (S.), Future State of Sinners. - Flint (T.), Ten Years in Mississ. Val- - Johnson (Rev. S.), Everlasting punishley. ment. - - Geog. of the Western States. - Stuart (M.), On Future punishment. - Hall (J.), Letters from the West. - Winchester (E.), Universal Restora- - The West, its Comm. and product. tion. - - Notes on the Western States. - Whitman (B ), Letters to M. Stuart. - Sketches of the West. - See Theology. - Harris(T. D.), Tour to Northwest Ter- UNIvERSITIES. See Cambridge; Oxford; ritory. Edinburgh, etc. - Haswell, Phelps, Voyage to the Missis- UNIVERSITY OF N. Y. CITY. Anthon, Greek sippi, 17'73, Professorship. - Hart (A. M.), Hist. of Valley of the - History of the Controversy in. Mississippi. UPTON, MS. Wood (B.), Centenn. Address, - Hawley, Tour from Mass. to Ohio. URUGUAY. La Sota, Rep. orient. del Urnu- Heart, The Western Country. guay..- See La Plata. -- Hildreth (S. P.), Pioneer History. - See La Plata. - Hoffman (C. F.), A Winter in the West.USAGES. See Customs; Etiquette. - Houstoun, HIesperos, Travels in the USURY. Bentham (J.), Defence of Usury. West. UTAH. See Mormons. - Imlay, Topog. Descr. of West. Terr. UTICA RAILROAD. Cooper (B. F.), Report - Ker (H.), Travels in the West, 1808- on. 16. - Kirkland (Mrs.), A New Home, Who'll V. follow? - Lanman (C.), Summer in the Wilder- VAN BUREN (M.). Crockett (D.), Life of. ness. - Emmons (W.), Biog. of. - - Haw-ho-noo. - Grund (F. J.), Als Staatsman. - Lederer, Marches to *the West of Caro- - Holland (W. M.), Life of. lina, 1669. A - Hopkins (G. W.), Letter on. - McClung, Western Adventure. Michaux, Voy. ouest des Allegha- - Mackenzie (W. L.), Life of. Michux Voy. ouest des Alegh- VAN CAMrPEN(M.). Hubbard (J.N.), nys. *Border Adventures of. - Mills (S. J.), Miss. Tour, west of the VANCOUVERS IS. Martin(R. R.) Hudson's Alleghanys. VNCOV R IS Martn( R.), Hudson's Allegba —nys.~ ~Bay Comp. territories. - Nicollet, Report, Basin of Upper Mis- B sissippi. VAN DIErEN'S LAND. Parker (H. W.), - Pages, Travels, 1767-71. Progress of Perkins (J. H.), Writings. - See Australia; Voyages, South Seas. VANE (Sir H.). Upham (C. W,), Life of. Annals of the West. VAN POLANEN (R. G.). Bryant (W. C.), - Pike (Z. M.), Exp. to Sources of the Notices of. Mississippi. VAN OLINDA (A.)? Sharts (Col. John), Eu- Ruxton, Life in the Far West. logy on. - Steele (Mrs.), Journey in the West. VAN RENSSELAER (S.). Barnard (D. D.), Steele's Western Guide-book. Discourse on. SUBJECTS. 979 VAN RENSSELAER (.): VERSRONT: - Griswold (R. W.), Biog. Annu.l. - Bradley (S. R.), Vermont's Appeal, - Vermilye, Sermon on. 1780. VAN SCHAACK (P.). Van Schaack (H. C.), Catalogue of Officers, ~~~~~Life of. ~1778-1851. VAUDOIS., See Albigenses. - Gallup, Epidemic Diseases in. VAUx (R.). Pettit, Memoir of. - Graham (J. A.), Sketchof present state of. VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY. See Botany. VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY. kSee Botany. 8- State (Present) of the Controversy, VENEZUELA. Hackett, Exped. 1817 pour 1782. joindre los patriotes de. joindre los patriotes ded - Thompson (D. P.), Address, Hist. Soc. Reco L avaysse, Voyage de. - Thompson (Z.), History of, and Ap- Recollections of a Service. pendix. - Robinson (J. H.), Expedition up: the - Walton's Vermont Register, 1806-46. Orinoco. O- Williams (S.), list. of. - See Nem-Glranada; Guyana; 0rinoco. See New-Granada; Guyana; Orinoco. - See New-Hampshire Grants; BenningVENICE, Bembo, Storia Vinitiana. ton; Burlington; Middlebury; Rut- Collezione di carte pubb. 1806, 7. land Co. - Combi, Guerra da Selim a. VERNET (H.). Gal. des Contem. vol. 4, Vie - Contarini, Della repubblica, 1591. de. VERONA. Privilegiis (De) Cathedralis diss. Daru, Hist. de la republique. - Hist. de la Ryv. de la rEpublique de. VEsPUCIus (A.), Bandini, Vita e lettere -ist. de la R~. de lar~publi de.di. - Howell (J.), Survey of the signorie of. - Bartolozzi, Richerche circa ale sco- Mauroceni, Hist. Veneta, 1521-1615. perte d". - Memoria della Repubblica di. - Lastri, Elogio di. - Raccolta cron. 1799. - Lester, Life and Voyages of. -- Raccolta di carte, 1797, 98. - Santarem (Viscount), Researches re- Raccolta (Nuova) di leggi, 1799. specting. - Sanuto (M.), Itinerario per. VICENZA. Disconzi, Santuario di Maria Sketches from Venetian Hist. Vergine. - Soravia, Le Chiese di Venea. VIENNA. -Ellesmere, Sieges of, by the Turks. -See Italy.- - Trollope, Vienna and the Austrians. See Italy. VENTILATION. Beek (Van), Beschrijving, - See Austria. etc. VILLE (Le Marquis). Du Cros, Hist. de seos Voyages. - Bell (L. V.), Method of ventilating buildings. VILLE:IATN(M.). C;al. des Contem.: Vie de. - Bernan, Hist. and Art of warming and. VIRGIL. Dryden, Works, trans. of. - Inman, Ventilation, Warming, etc. - Ramnius, preelectiones in. - Kelland, Laws of Conduction of heat. VIRGINIA. Account of Settlement of, 1735. K- irkbride, Heating and Ventilating - Arthur (T.S.), History of. hospitals. - Bayard, Voy. dans l'Interieur des E.U. - Jebh, Ventilation of prisons. - Beverley (R.), Hist, and present state La Cambre, Le SyWst'me a Paris. of, 1705. - - Divers Systemes de. - Birkbeck, Jour. from, to Illinois, 1817. - Peelet, Traite de la Chaleur, etc. - Burk (J.), History of Virginia. -- -- Nouveaux Docts. rel. a la. - Byrd, The Westover Mss. - Reid ( D. B.), Illastrations of the - Campell (C.), Introd. to Hist. of. Theory. - Campbell (J. W.), Hist. of, to 1791. - Richardson ( (C. Gj.), Popular Treatise — Davidson (R.), Presb. Ch. in Valley of. on. Davis (J.), First Settlers of. - Tracts for the People. - Tracts forthe People.- Declaration of State of, 1620. - Tredgold, Principles of Warming and. - Do Hass, Settlement and Wars of Wes- Watson (J.), Thermal Ventilation. tern Va. - Wyman (M.), Treatise on. - Doddridge, Notes on. - See Heat, Natural Philosophy. - Fisher, Alcinda Gld mine. VERMONT. Allen (E..), Claims of N. H. and - Foote (W. H.), Sketches of. Mass. Bay. - nMass.(I. Bayt. and Volit- Hakluyt, Virginia richly valued. - Allen (I.), Nat. and Polit, Hist of.,A ~~~~- Harriot, De commodis incolarum. - Arthur (T. S.),,I iistory of. - Alrthur T. S.), HEistory of,. - Hartwell, Present state of, 1727. - Beckley (H.), History of, 1846. 980 INDEX TO VIRGINIA: I VOYAGES TO AMERICA. See America; Ame- Howe (H.), Historical Collections of. rica, discoveryof; Discovery; North America; West Indies; Columbus; - Howison (R. R.), History of. Vespucius. - Hunter (R. M. T.), Obs. on the History VOYAGES, ARCTIC. Arctic expeditions,Parl. of. 0YGspap. - Hutchins (T.), Topog. Descr. of Va., Bac, Arctic and Expedition. Penn., Md.) etc. -Back, Arctic Land Expedition. Penn., Md., etc. - Barrington, Possib. of approaching the - Jefferson (T.), Notes on. Pole. - - Observations sur la. - Barrow (Sir J.), Chron. Hist. of, 1818. - Jones (H.), Present state of, 1724. - - Voy. to, to present time, 1846. - Keith (Sir W.), Hist. of Brit. Planta- - Beechey, Voy. towards the North Pole. tions. - Burney, N. E. Voy. of Russians. - Kercheval, Hist. of the Valley of. - Coxe, Russ. Discov. between Asia and - Le Page du Pratz, Louisiana, or Wes- Amer. tern Va. - Fisher (A.), Voy. of Disc. to, 1818. - Martin (J.), G~azetteer of. - Force (P.), Remarks on English maps - Norwood (Col.), Voyage to. of. - Reply, Case of Tobacco planters, 1733. - Forster (J. H.), Hist. of Voy. to the - Reply to Planters of tobacco. North. - Rouelle, Treatise on Va. Min. waters. - Fox (L.), Northwest Voy. - Stith, Discov. and Settlement of. - Franklin (Sir J.), Exped. to the Polar - -Strachey, Hist. of Travaile into. - Taylor (J. B.), Lives of Va. Bap. Min. - Frobisher, Voy., Disc. of N. W. pas- Williams (E.), Va. truly valued, 1650. - The same, Latin and -Sf The same, Latin and French. - Withers, Settlement of N. W. Va.. - Gatonbe, Voy. for N. W. passage. VIRGINIA LOCAL HISTORIES. See- Norfolk; GINIAhALond; St. George; Mineral - Goodsir, Voy. in Search of Sir J. FranRichmond; St. George; Mineral klin. Springs. James (T.), Strange and Dangerous VOLTAIRE. Houssaye, Philosophers and ac-T.), Strange and Dangerous tresses. AE AND TRAVELS, COLLECTIONS OF: - Kane (E. K.), The U. S. Grinnell Ex~~VOYAGES AEND TRAVELS, COpedition. - Barrow (J.), Collection of Voyages and - Kennedy (W.), Voy. of the Prince AlDisc. bert. - Begin ende Voortgangh, Nederl. ost- King (R.), Journey under Capt. Back. Ind. Compagnie. - Kotzebue, Voy. to Beering's Straits, - Churchill (A. and J.), Collection. 1815-18. - Coil. of Voy. Disc. and Travels. - Leslie (Prof.), Discov. in Polar Seas. - Coll. of Voy. by Dutch E. I. Comp. - Lyon (Capt.), Journal of Disc. under - Constantin, Recueil des Voy. Parry. - Drake (E. C.), Collection of Voy. and - - Voy. in the Griper. Travels. - Mackenzie (A.), Voyages to the Frozen - Du P&rier, Gen. Hist. of Voy. and Tr. Oceans. - Grasse, Encyclopedie des voyages. - Maupertuis, Journey to Polar Circle. - Hakluyt, Principal Navigations of the - MUller, Summary of Russ. N. E. voy. English. - Miller (G. P.), Decouvertes des Rus- Hakluyt Soc., Publications of. ses. - Harris, A complete Coll. of Voy. and - Pages, Voyages, 1767-76. Travels. - Parry, Voyages, 1819-25. - Kerr, Gen. Hist. and Collection of. - Petermann, Search for Franklin. - Montemort, Hist. Univ. des Voy. par - Phipps (C. J.), Voy. towards the North mer et par terre. Pole, 1773. - Pinkerton (J.), Collection of Voy. and-,Rae (J.), Narrative. Travels. - Richardson (Sir J.), Arctic Searching - Prevost' d'Exiles, Hist. Gen. des Voy. Exp. - Ramusio, Raccolte. - Ross (Sir J.), Voyages, 1825-33. - Recueil de divers Voyages en Afrique et - Rundall (T.), Narr. of Voy. to N. W. en Amlerique. - Seeman, Voy., Herald, 1845-51. - Thivenot, Relations de divers voy. coresby, The Frankin Expediion. - See Travels - Sncoresby, The Franklin Exped Albert. -- Snow (W. P.), Voy. of Prince Albert. SUBJECTS. 981 VOYAGES, ARCTIC. VOYAGES AROUND THE WORLD: - Veer (G.), Descr. of Three voy. - United States Expl. Expedition. - Wrangell, Voy. to Polar Sea, 1820. - Vancouver, Voy. to N. Pacific, 1790. - See Arctic Travels; Hudson's Bay; - Voyages around the World. Greenland. - Wallis, Kerr, vol. 12. VOYAGES AROUND THE WORLD: - Weert, Nav. Fretum Magellanicum. - Adventure and Beagle, Voy. 1826-36. - Wilkes (C.), U. S. Exp. Exped. - Anson (G.), Voyage, 1740-44. VOYAGES, INDIAN OCEAN: - Arago(J.), Voy. under Freycinet, 1817- - Belcher, Voy. East Indian Archipel. 20. 1843-46. - Banks (Sir J.), Voyage autour, etc., - Forrest (T.), Voy. aux Moluques et N. 1768-71. Guin.`e. -- Belcher (E.), Voy. in Ship Sulphur, - Hall (B.), Voy. to the Eastern Seas. 1840-41. - Jukes (J. B.), Voy. of Fly, New Gui- Betagh, Voy. 1719. nea, etc. - Bougainville (Baron), Jour. de la frE- - Kolff, Voy. through Moluccan Archip. gate Thetis, 1824. 1825-26. -- Bougainville (L. de), Voy. 1766-69. - Leguat, Reyzen.... Oost Indische ey- Campbell (A.), Voy. 1806-1812. lander, 1690. - Careri, Voyage du tour du monde. - Linschot, Voy. to East and West InCarteret (Philip), Kerr, vol. 12. dies. - Cavendish (Sir T.), Lat. and Eng - Prior (James), Voy. in the Indian Seas, 1810, 11. Circumnavigation, and Prog. of discov. SeE Indian Ocean. - Clipperton (J.), Kerr, vol. 10. VOYAGES, MISCELLANEOUS. Atkins (J.), - Cook (J.), Voy. 172-745. To Guinea, Brazil and West Indies. - Cooke (E.), Voy. 1708-11. - Chase, Shipwreck of the Essex.- Dampier, New Voyage around. - Chappell, Voyage to New-Foundland. - Dixon, Voy. 1785-88. - Chastenet, Navigation aux c3tes de St. - Drake (Sir F.), The World encom- Domingue. passed. - Cleveland (R. J.), Narrative of Voya- - Descrip. trium itinerum. ges. - Fanning (E.), Voyages around. - Coggeshall (G.), Various Voy. 1799- Forster (J. H.), Obs. in a voy. around. 1844. - Foster (G.), Voy. with Capt. Cook. - Colton (W.), Cruise of U. S. Fr. ConKotzebue, Voyage, 1823-26. gress. -V- Columbus (C.), Letters, and, Personal - Krusenstern, Voyage, 1804-06. Narrative. - La Prouse, Voy. 1785-88. - Coreal, Voy. aux Indes d'Espagne. - La Place, Cireumnav. de l'Artemise. - Dana (R. H.) jr., Two years before the - Legentil, Nouveau Voy. 1725. mast. - Lisiansky, Voy. 1803-06. - Delano (A.), Voy. in N. and S. Hemi- Marchand (E.), Voyage en 1790-92. spheres. - Noort (O. van), Beschryvinghe von de - Dunham (J.), Journal of Voyages. voyagie, etc. - Durrett, Voy de Marseille a Lima. - - Descr. peric. navigationis. - Froger, Voy. Africa, Brazil, etc. 1695. - Pages, Voyages, 1767-76. - Ghillany, Geschichte der M. Behaim. - Pfeiffer, A Lady's Voy. around. - Hawkesworth, Voyages of Cook, Wallis - Pigafetta, Premier Voyage, 1519-22. and Byron. - Portlock, Voyage, 1785-88. - Lade (R.), Voy. en Afrique, Asie et l'Amerique. - Read (G. C.), Narrative. - - Lee, Cruise of the Dolphin, 1852. - Reynolds (J. N.), Voyage of Potomac. R- Le Maire, Speculum Orien. et Occid. - Rogers (W.), French, Dutch and Eng. Nav. - Roquefeuil, Voyage, 1816-19. - Lynch, Naval Life. - Ruschenberger, Voyage, 1835-37. - Melville, Redburn, his first voyage. - Sack, Voyage to Surinam, etc. - Miroir Oost et West Indical. - Seemann, Voy. Herald, 1845-51. - Morrell, Nar. of Four voyages. - Shelvocke, Voy. 1719-22. - Patterson (S.), Narrative of voy. - Spilbergen (G.), Voy. 1614. - Pyrard de Laval, Voy. aux Indes ori- Taylor (F. W ), Voy. U. S. Ship Co- ent. et au Brisil. lumbia. 982 - INDEX TO VOYAGES, MISCELLANEOUS: VOYAGES, SOUTH SEAS: - Relation d'une traversee d'Angleterre, - Campbell ( A.), Sequel to Bulkley's 1812. Voy. - Sauer, Geog. and Astron. Exp. of Bil- - Cano (Juan S. del), Magellan's Voy. lings to Russia.......... - Cockburn (J.), Journ. from Honduras. - Steele (R.), Tour. -- Colnett, Voy. to South Atlantic, 1797. - Uring (M.), itst. of his voyages. - Cook (J.), Voy. 1772 - 75. - Viaud, Strane Avventure. - Crozet, Voy. sla Mer du sud, 1783. - Wafer, Voy. to Isthmus of Darien. Dalrymple, Voyages dans par les Es- Willis (N. P.), Cruise in the Mediter- pagn. et Holland. ranean. - Dillon, Voy. aux iles de la mer du Sud. - Wilson (H.), Account of the Pelew Is. - Frazier, Voy. to the South Sea, 1712. - See Buccaneers; Shipwrecks' - Fleurieu, Decouvertes, S. E. de la VOYAGES, PACIFIC OCEAN. Alcala-Galiano, Nouvelle Guinee. Viage, para el Estrecho de Frica. - Gambtia, Viage al Estrecho de Mage- Beechey, Voy. to Pacific, and Beering's llanes. Straits. n - Hawkins (R.). Obs. in his voy. 1593. - Bligh, Mutiny on board the Bounty. - Hawkesworth, An Act. of voyages to. - Broughton, Voy. to North Pacific, 1795. - Kerguelin, Voy. dans les Mers austra- Brouwer, Journael.... naer de custen les. van Chili. - Kotzebue, Voyage to, 1815.-1. - Browne (J. R.), Etchings of a Whaling - Labillardiero, Voy. in search of La PeCruise. rouse. - Cheever, The Island World of the Paoi- - La Borde, Hist. de la Mer du Sud. dofie~~-. - Morrell (B.), Four voy. to, and to PaCook (J.), Voy. 1776-80. cific Ocean. - Coulter, Adventures in the Pacific. - Moulton (W.), Voy. to Staten Island, - Ellis (W.), Voy. of Cook, 1776-80. 1799. - Entreeasteaux (D'), Recherche de La - Parkinson (S.), Journal of a voy. Pt:rouse. 1773. - Franchore, Voy. to N. W. Coast, 1811- - Parkinson, Voy. to the South Seas, 14. 1768, 9. - Jacobs (T. J.), Scenes in the Pacific - Pernety, Voy. to the Falkland Is. Ocean. - Peron, Voy. aux terres australes. - Jefferys (T.), Voy. from Asia to Ame- - Ravenau, Journ. du Voy. 1705. rica. - Relacion.... viage... S. M. de Ia - Jevett (J. R.), Adventures on N. W. Cabeza. Coast. - Reynolds (J. N.), South Sea Exped. - M'Konochie, Statist. and Comm. of Shores of. -- Ross (J. C.), Voy. 1839-43. - Ledyard, Journ. of Capt. Cook's voy., - Stewart (C. S.), Voy. of Vincennes, 1776 - 79. 1829, 30. - Maurelle, Voy. North of California, - Tasman, Voy. of Disc. 1775. -- Voy. du Wager. - Meares (J.), Voy, to N. W. Coast of - Webster (W. H. B.), Voy. under H. Am. 1788. Foster, 1828. - Melville, Omoo, Adventures in. - Weddell, Voy. to South Pole, 1822. - Miller (S.), Voy. N. E. Coast of Am. - Oliver (J.). Wreck of the Glide: The Fijiis. W. - Porter (D.), Cruise of the Essex. - Smith (W.), Voyage of Ship Duff, 1796 AlbigSES Faber, His t of Valeses and Albigenses. -1802. - Vancouver, Voy. of Disc. 1790-95. - Hill (R.), Correspondence diplomatic.. -- Jones (W.), History of. - Walpole (F.), Four Years in Pacific. - Matchlesse Crueltie 1655. - See Polynesia: Sandwich Is., VOYBAGES, SOUTHI SEAS: - Roger, Archives de l'Albigeois. - Bulkley, Voy. 1740, 41. - Stouppe (J. B.), Narrative of persecu- Burney, Hist. of Disc. in. - Burney, 1ist, of Disc. in. - See Sardinia; Protestantism. - Calluander, Voyages to the Southern WALES. Gilpin (W.), On the River Wye, hemis. etc. etc. SUBJECTS. 983 WALES: WASHINGTON (GEORGE): Obs. on North Wales. - Dubroca, Eloge de. - Malkin, Tour through. - Fontanfs, Eloge de. - See England. - Frost (J.), Pictorial Life of. WALHALLA. Miller, Donastauf and Wal- - Germanicus, Letter to the People, 1793. ha-lla described. - Gibbs (G.), Memoirs of administraWALLACHIA. Chesney, Russian Campaign, tion of. 1828. - Glass (F.), Life of, in Latin. - Colson, Etat present de, et de Molda- - Greene (B.), Eulogy on. vie. -- Guizot, Etude hist. sur. - Danubian sur. - Harper (R. G.), Oration on, Feb. 22, - Hagemeister, Commerce of, and Black 1810. Sea. - eyer, Progrs des Sciences natuelles. - Headley (J. T.), Washington and his - Meyer, Progre's des Sciences naturelles. - Generals. - Quin, Voy. on the Danube. WALLENSTEIN. Aretin, Seines Characters. - Houdin (M. G.), Oration on. - Mitchell (J.), Life of. Irving (W.), Life of. - Redhbrt, Wallensteins Schuld. - Kirkland (J. T.), On Death of. Lee (H.), Eulogy on. WALPOLE (H.). Coxe (W.), Memoirs of. Linn (W.), Eulogy on. - Du Deffand, Letters to. WALPOLE (Sir R.). Coxe (W.), Mom. of. - Lowell (J.), New-England Patriot. - MIGuire, Religious Opinions of. WAR. See Peace; American wars; Mexi- can war; France, revolutions. - Madison (J.), Discourse on. WARD (Samuel). Sparks's Am. Biog., Life - Mahon (Lord), Letter to J. Sparks. of. -- Marshall (J.), Life of. WARD (1. P.). Phipps (E.), Memoirs of. - Mason (J. M.), Oration on, 1800. WARDLE (Col.). Clarke (M. A.), The Ri- - Miller (A.), Sermon on. val Princes. - Miller (S.), Sermon on. WARE (H.) jr. Ware (J.), Memoir of. - Minot (G. B.), Eulogy on. WARMING. See Ventilation. - Morris (G.), Oration on. WARNER ( Col. Seth). Houghton (G. F,), - New-Eng. Patriot, Comparison of a_Address on. ministration. WARREN (J.). Everett (A. H1.), Life of. - Paulding, Life of. WARREN, ME. Eaton (C.), Annals of. - Ramsey (D.), Life of. WASHINGTON Co. N.Y. Corey, Gazetteer of. Reed (W. B.), Reprint of letters of. - Fitch (A.), Hist. of. - Richardson (L.), Eulogy on. WASHINGTON CITY. Elliot (W.), Washing- - Ritner, Vindication of, on secret soc. t u- Smith (S. S.), Eulogy on. Gaither, Directory, 1846. Smith (S.), ulogy on. 3 Sparks (J.), Life of. - Mills (R.), Guide to the Capitol, 1847. - Upha (C. W.) Life of. Washington, Reintzel (A.), Directory.,- Van der Kemp, Lofrede op. - Varnum (J. B.), The Seat of govern- - Warner (H. W.), Oration on. ment. - Warden, Deser. of Dist. of Columbia. - Washington (G.), Eulogy on. - Watterston, Wanderer in Washington. -Washington and the Gn. of Am. Rev. -- New Guide to. - -Weems, Life of. - Winchester (E.), Descr. of, 1792. - Whipple (E. P.), Oration, July 4.: —Winchester (E.), Iescr. of, 17,92. - See Columbia, District of. - Word to Federalists. WASHINGTON (GEORGE). Alsop, Poem on. - See Anerican Revolution; U. S. Government. - Ames (F.), Oration on, 1800, Boston. WASHINGTON (Mary). Conkling (I C.), - Bancroft (A.), Life of, Memoirs of. - Beers (W.), Oration on, 1800, - Tator, Oration on. - Blake (G.), Eulogy on. WATER, FOR CITIEr, ETC, Albany, Reports - Chaudron, Oraison fun6bre. of Water commiss. - Clark (J.), Life of. A- Alexandria aqueduct. - Corry, Life of. -- Annuaire des Eaux de la France.. - Craig (N. B.), His first campaign. - Bordeaux, Distribution de.... dans la Cumming (H.), Oration on. ville. - De Witt (C.), Histoire de. - Boston, Cochituate water, reports. 984 INDEX TO WATER, FOR CITIES: WEIGHTS AND MEASURES: - Essay on boring for water. - - Report upon. - Ewbank, Descr. Acet. of Hydraulic - Observations on, 1814. machine. - Silbermann, Rapport sur. - Hale (M.), Spring water vs. River wa- - U. S. Treas. Dept. Comparison of. ter for N. Y. WELLESLEY (Duke of Wellington). Max- Jebb, Theory of Artesian wells. well (W. H.), Life of. - Jervis (J. B.), Desc. of Croton Aque- - Wellesley, Life of. duct. WELLESLEY (Richard, Lord). Pearce, Mem. - MeAlpine, Supply of Albany, report. of. - - Supplying Brooklyn; Chicago. WESLEY(C.). Whitehead (J.), Life of. - New-York City, Water Commiss. Rep. - Southey (R.), Life of. - Paris, Memoire sur les eaux de. WESLEY (J.). Whitehead (J.), Life of. - Phil'a, Reports of Committee. - See Methodism. - Prestwick, Water-bearingstrata around WEST (B.). Galt (J.), Life of. London. WEST (G. W.), Impostures of. - Sari,Distribution des eaux dans Paris. WESTCHESTER Co. Bolton (R.) jr., History - Sullivan (J. L.), Submarine aqueduct. of. Terme, Des eaux pour le service pub. a - - Hist. of Prot. Epis. Ch. in. Lyon. WESTERN RAILROAD. Guild, Descrip. of. -- Water, Pam. vol. l'5. WESTFIELD, MAss. Davis (E.), Hist, - See Croton Aqueduct. ~Sketch of. WATERLOO. Gleig, Story of the battle of. WEST-INDIA COMPANIES. See India; ComWATERTOWN, MASS. Francis (C.), Hist. merce; French, etc., Colonies. Sketch of. WEST-INDIES. Alcedo, Geog. and Hist. WATSON (E.). Troup (R.), Vindication of Diet. of. his claims. - Baird (R.), Impressions of, in 1849. WATT (J.). Arago, Eulogy on. - Bellin, Descr. g6og. des Antilles. - Muirhead, Correspondence of, on com- - Bossu, Voy. aux Indes occidentales. position of water. - Calveton, Nov. Orb. Nov. Hist. ex WATTLES (N.). Bacon (J.), Sermon on. Benzoni. WAYNE (A.). Moore (H. N.), Life of. - Caribbeana, Dissertations in. - Sparks's Am. Biog, Life of. - Coke (T.), History of. WEALTH. Brydges (Sir E.), What are - Coleridge (H. N.), Six months in. riches? - Coreal, Voy. aux Indes d'Espagne. - Rafinesque, Pleasures of. - Davies (J.), Hist. of Caribby Islands. - Torrens, On the produc. of. - Description of the West Indies. - See Political Economy; Finance. - Dorvo-Soulastre, Voy. de Santo DoWEAVING. Murphy, Art of Weaving. mingo. WEBSTER (D.). Adams (N.), Sermon on. - Edwards (B.), Hist. of British Colonies in. - Barnard (D. D.), Discourse on. nies in. - Choate (R.), Eulogy on. - Ens, Indise occid. Historia. - Choate (R.), Eulogy on. - Junius, Letter to: on illegality of - Expos.. des Colonies Fran-aises. State Bonds. - Gage, New Survey of. - Knapp (S. L.), Life of. - Gomara, Hist. des Indes occidentales. - Lanman (C.), Private life of. - Gurney (J. J.), A Writer in. - Lyman (S. P.), Life of. - Halliday, The West Indies; Nat. and - McCoy (Prof.), Oration on. phys. hist. - Parker (T.), Discourse on. - Hamilton (A.), Sixteen Months in the Danish Isles. -- Webster (G. W.), Sermon on. - Webstr (G. W.), Sermon- Herrera, Descr. Indim occidentalis. - Van Santvoord, Discourse on. - Hist. et Comm. des Antilles angloises. WEIG:H]TS AND MEASURIES. (Adams (J. Q.), - Jeffery's (T.), Descr. of Span. islands. Report on.. - Knox (J. P.), St. Thomas, St. Croix, - Airy (G. B.), Extracts of papers on. St. Johns. - Alexander (J. IH.), Dictionary of. - Koromantyn slaves. - Arbuthnot's Tables of ancient coins, - La Borde, Origine des Cara'ibes. etc. - Labat, Voy. aux isles de l'Amerique. - Blainville, De la jauge universello. Blaiville, De jauge univesee. - Laet ( De), Beschrijvinghe van West }{assler, Comparison of, Indien. SUBJECTS. 985 WEST-INDIES: WILLIAMS (E.). Hanson, Identity with - Geoctroyeerde W. I. Compagnie. Louis XVII. - Las Casas, Distruttione delle Indie oc- WILLIAMS (J.). Williams (S. W.), Life of. cidentali. WILLIAMS (O. H.), Tiffany (O.), Life of. - Lavaysse, Voy. de Trinidad, Tobago,' WILLIAMS (Roger), Gammell, Life of. etc. f t- Knowles (J. D.), Memoir of. -- Linschot, Voy. to East and West Indies. WILLIA MS (T. S.). Sprague (W. B.), Dis- Maffei, Historiarum Indicarum lib. 16. course on. - Pinckard (G.), Notes on the West- WILLIAMSON (H.). Hosack (D.), Memoir Indies. of. - Rochefort,Hist. nat. et mor. des An- WILLOUGHBY (Mrs.). Pierce (J. B.), Sertilles. mon on. - Recueil d'arrests. IWILMINGTON, DEL. Ferris, Settlements on - Ribaut, Voyage, 1569. the Delaware. - Schmidel, Verissima.... Descriptio. - Montgomery (E.), Reminiscences of. - Solorzano, Politica Indiana. WILSON (Alex.). Ord (G.), Life of. Southey (T.), Chronolog. Hist, of. - Peabody, Life of. - West Indische Compagnie, 1651. WILSON (H.). Keate (G.), Account of Pelew Is. - West Indische Zee en Land Reizen. WINES. Buchanan (R.), Culture of the - Willis (N. P), Health Trip to. grape, etc. Willyams, Campaign in, 1794. - Cocks, Bordeaux; its wines. - Wsellinx, Vertoogh van te hand. op - M'Mullen, Hand-book of Wines. West-Indien: 1608. W- Morewood, Hist. of inebriating liq. - Young, West-India Commonplace book. P - Parmentier, L'art de faire les eaux de - See Voyages; Columbus; America; vie. Florida; France, colonies. See Barbadoes; Cuba; Dominica; Ja- Rafinesque, Manual of the vine. - Sec Barbadoes; Cuba; Dominica; Jamaica; Martinique; Porto Rico; - Redding (C.), Hilst. and description. Ste. ('roix; St. Domingo; Tobago; - Rolle, Recherches sur le culte de BacTrinidad. chus. WESTERN, MAss. Kendal (S.), Century - Spooner (A.), Cultivation of grape Sermon. wine. WEST POINT. Colton (J. H.), Guide to. - See Temperance. - Hudson Tourist. WINDSOR, ENG. Jesse (E.), Favorite - Park (R.), Hist. and Topog. of. haunts. - Reed (T. B.),Address. WINDS (W.), Tuttle (J. F.), Life of. - United States Mil. Acad. WINTHROP (J.). Drake (S. G.), Review of his Journal. See HIudson River. T- See YHMASudson River. ( J. 11.), EccWINTHROP, Mn. Thurston (D.), Hist. of. WHATELY, MAss. Temple ( J..), Eecl. WIRT (W.). Kennedy (J. P.), Memoirs of. WHEAT. Coles (B. U.), Wheat of New- WISCONSIN. Featherstonhaugh, Lead and York. copper mines of. - Mildew on wheat.. - Hunt ( J. W.), Wisconsin Gazetteer, 1853. - See Agriculture. Lapham, Geog. and topog. descr. of. WHEELOCK (E.). McClure (D.), Mem. of. - Lea (A. M.), Notes on the territory of. WHITE (W.). Wilson (B.), Memoirs. - McLeod, History of Wisconsan. WHITEFIELD (G.). Robert (T.), Narrative - Martin (. L.), Hist. address at Mivea~~~~~~~of. ~dison. WHITELOCKE (Gen.). Blanchard (J. H.), Sketches of the West. Trial of. WHITNEY (Eli). Olmsted (D.), Memoirs of. - See U. S., Travels West. - Wynne's Lives. ISELIUS (S. J.). Brouwer, Leven van. - Wynne's Lives.fe of. WIGHT (T.). Wight (D. P.), Life of. WOLSEY (Card.). Cavendish (G.), Life of. WILBERFORCE (W.). Wilberforce (R. J.), - Galt (J.), Life of. Life of. WITCHCRAFT. Calef, More wonders of the WILKESON (S.). Lord (J. C.), On death of. invis. world. WILKINSON (Jemima). Hudson (D.), Hist. - Christmas, Cradle of the Twin giants. of. - Chyromancie, 1619. WILLIAM IV. Wright (G. N.), Life of. - Filmer, to the Jurymen. of Eng. reWILLIAMS COLLEGE. Wells (D. A.), specting. Sketches of.: - Halliwell, The Poetry of witchcraft. [ GEN. LIB. 1855.] 124 986 INDEX TO WITCHCRAFT: ~ YALE COLLEGE: - Random sketches. - - Religious Const. of Colleges. - Scott (Sir W.), Demonology and - Day (T.), Class of 1797. Witchcraft. - - Reminiscences of Scenes at. - Upham (C. W.), Letters on. - Yale College, Catalogues, etc. - Wright (T.), Sorcery and Magic. YELLOW-FEVER. Brown (S.), Pam. vol. 39. - See Delusions. - Carey (M.), Account of, at PhiladelWOMAN.'Child (L. M.), Condition of, in phia, 1790. all ages. - Condie, History of, at Philadelphia. -- Houssaye, Men and Women of the 18th - Deveze, Traits de la fievre jaune. century. century. - - Mmoire contre la Comm. sani- Hurlbut, Essays on Human.yights. taire. - Ossoli, Woman in the 19th century. - Hastings (J.), Lectures on. - Purple, Influenceof dress on. - Leblond, Obs. sur la fievre jaune. - Rupert, Rbhabilitation de la femme. - Moreau, Fi'evre jaune des Antilles. - Young (S.), Influence of. - Potter (N.), Memoir on Contagion. - See Marriage; Social questions. - Romaine (B.), Contagion of. WOODBURY, CONN. Cothren, History of. - Vach, Letters on. - VachS-, Letters on. WOODRULL (N.). Marsh (L. R.), Orat. on - See Contagion; Quarantine; Medicine. life and services. YORK (Duke of), Clarke (M. A.), Authen- Onderdonk (H.), Lett. on his capture. tic Memoirs. WOOL. Essay upon trade. - Review of charges. - Hist. of silk, cotton, wool, etc. - Sheffield (Lord), Trade in. - Statist. of wool manuf. U. S. - See Manufactures; Sheep. ZOOLOGY. Agassiz, Principles of. WoOL (Gen). Baylies (F.), Narrative of - Audubon, Quadrupeds of North Amer. his campaign. I- Bachman, Changes of color in animals. WOOSTER (D.). Deming (H. C.), Oration - Baird (W.), British Entomostraca. on. WOORCESTERn. M~ss.Bancroft(A.),Half — Bell (T.), HIist. of Brit. Quadrupeds. WORCESTER, MASS. Bancroft (A.), Half century serm. - Bewick (T.), Gen. Ilist. of Quadru- Lincoln (W.), History of. - Bonaparte, Fauna Italian. WORCESTER CO. MAss. Whitney (P.), Hiis- - Bonnaterre, Encyc. Methodique. tory of. - Broderip, Zoolog. Recreations. WORDSWORTH (W.). Wordsworth (C.), - Memoirs of. -Cuvier, Animal Kingdom. WORTHINGTON, MASS. Rice, Secular and - Darwin (C.), Voy. of I. M. S. Beagle. Eccl. Hist of. - Darwin (E.), Zoonomnia. WRIGHT (S.). Clarke (D.), Report to - De Kay, Zoology of New-York. Med. Soc. on his death. Med. Soc. on his death. - Eaton (A.), Zoolog. Syllabus. - Hammond (J. D.), Life and times of. Zoolog. Text-book. - Jenkins (J. S.), Life of. - Edinb. Cab. Lib., Lives of Zoologists. - Sprague (W. B.), Discourse on. - Edwards (H. M.), Notions prlimiWRITING. See Chirography. naires. WYOMING. Chapman (J. A.), History of. - Emmons (E.), Quadrupeds of Mass. - Miner (W. P.), History of. - Frim6ry, De Casuario novn-hollandiae. - Stone (W. L.), Hist. of. - Gould (A. A.), Invertebrata of Mass. - Haldeman, Writings. x. -- Hamilton, Amphibious carnivora. -- Harlan, Fauna Americana. XAVIER (F.). Dryden, Works, Life of. - Hill(John), Hist. of animals. - Epistol Indicae. ~ - Jardine, Nat. Lib., Monkeys. - Epistolve Japanicie. Feline. - - - Ruminating Animals. Y. - - - Pachydermes. Cetacea or Whales. YALE COLLEGE. Baldwin (E.), Annals of, - - to 1831. - Jenyns, British Vertebrate Animals. - Clap (T.), Annals of. - - Progress of. SUBJECTS. 987 ZOOLOGY: ZOOLOGY: - Low (D.), Domestic Anim. of G. B. - - Nat. Hist. of Quadrupeds. - Macgillivray, British Quadrupeds. - - Taxidermy. - Mass.Survey, Reports on. - - Geography of Animals. - Peale (T. R.), Mammalia, U. S. ExpI. - - Zoological Illustrations. Exp. - Wagner, Progress of. - Ray Society Publications. - Waterhouse (G. R.) Hist. of Mamma- Richardson (J.), Fauna Boreali Amer. lia. - Saint-Hilaire, Domestication des ani- - White (A.), I-ist. of Mammalia. malusX utiles. - Wyatt (T.), Syn. of Nat. Hist. - Schomburgh, Nat. Hist. of Fishes of - Youatt, The Hors, Dog, Sheep. Guiana. Zimmdiman, Specimen Zoologine. - Siebold (C. T.), Comparative Anatomy. S Z g - Zoological Miscellany. - Siebold (P. F.), Fauna Japonica. - Zoolog Soc. of London. - Smith (C.E.) Dogs; Horses. Smith (C., Dogs; orses. -- See Animalcules; Entomology; IIer- - Mammalia petology; Ichthyology; Mollusks; - Steenstrup, On the alternation of geo- Ornithology; Natural History; nerations. Physiology. - Swainson (W.), Animals. in Menage- ZOOPHYTES. See Mollusks. ries. - Habits of Animals.' ZUCCARINI (J. G.). Martius, Denkrede auf. FINIS.