CATALOGUE 0or NEW4 l`YOI{-K STATE LIBRARY:, 18560 X AFS, MIANUSCRIPTS, ENGRAVINGS, COINS, &c. ALBANY: CHARLES VAN BENTHUYSEN, PRINTER. 1857. CONTENTS. PAGE. PREFACE.. iii LAWS AND REGULATIONS.... vii 1. CATALOGUE OF MAPS 1. ATLASES, GENERAL........ 1 2. ATLASES, MARINE..... 5 3. ATLASES, ANCIENT AND SCRIPTURE, 13 4. MAPS OF PORTIONS OP THE GLOBE..... 13 II. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS9. 5.. 95 HI. CATALOGUE OF ENGRAVINGS, &c.: 1. ROMAN ENGRAVINGS........ 117 2. MISCELLANEOUS ENGRAVINGS AND LITIOGRAPHS 180 3. TABULAR CHARTS, etc..... 1..7 4. PORTRAITS...138 5. PAINTINGS........ 145 6. BUSTS 146 IV. CATALOGUE OF MEDALS, COINS, &c.: 1. MTEDALS........... 149 2. COINS....S......... 173 3. PAPER MONEY.... 201 4. SEALS AND IMPRESSIONS OF SEALS.... 212 V. CATALOGUE OF DONJATIONS OF BOOKS, &c. DURING THE YEAR 1856.... 215 PREFACE, THE Trustees of the State Library are required by law to report annually. to the Legislature the additions to the Library, and also at the end of every five years a full catalogue of its contents. The Catalogue of 1850 was comprised in one octavo volume of nearly eleven hundred pages; but the additions to the Library have since been such, as to render it expedient to issue the present Catalogue in three volumes, of a size more convenient than the former. The present volume contains the Catalogue of the manuscripts, maps, engravings, coins, etc. in the General Library. The remaining two volumes contain, one, the Catalo'Tue of the Law IBooks and State Papers in the Law Library; the other, the Catalogue of the printed books in the General Library. The number of volumes in th.e Library at the time of the publication of the Catalogue in 1850 was 23,274. The whole number now on the shelves of the Library is 43,634; of which,' 30,011, including 144 volumes of manuscripts, are in the General Library, and the remaining 13,623 in the Law Library. This shows an increase of 20,360 volumes in five years; of which, 16,607 appertain to t he General Library, and 3753 to the Law Library. [Misc. LIB-]Z vi PREFACE. While this result has been produced chiefly by purchases made from the annual appropriations by the State for the enlargement of the Library, much of it has arisen from donations made by foreign governments and authorities, principally through the system of international exchange conducted by M. VATTEMARE; by the Government of the United States; by the several States of the Union; by learned societies; by individuals, both at home and abroad; and by the deposit of the library of the late Hon. HARMANUS BLEECKER, consisting of about 2700 volumes. These additions have been specially acknowledged in the Annual Reports of the Trustees. The additions since 1850 in the department of American History, to which the Trustees have given special attention, have been very considerable. In 1854, the Library was removed to the substantial and appropriate building in the rear of the Capitol, constructed by the wise liberality of the Legislature for its reception. The extent of the collection, and the convenience of the arrangements of the Library are such, that the number of readers who avail themselves of its privileges is constantly increasing; and it is a source of just pride to the citizens of the State, that those who are engaged in learned, scientific or useful inquiries, may here find liberal provision made by public munificence to aid them in their labors. STATE LIBIRARY, October 1856. TRUSTEES OF THE STATE LIBRARY. THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW-YORK, EX OFFICIO., GERRIT Y..LANSING, Chancellor. JOHN GREIG, Vice-Chancellor. MYRON H. CLARK, Governor. HENRY J. RAYMOND, Lieut. Governor. JOEL T. HEADLEY, Secretary of State. VICTOR M. RICE, Superintendent of Public Instruction. GULIAN C. VERPLANCK, LL.D. JOHN K. PAIGE. ERASTUS CORNING. PROSPER M. WETMORE. JOHN L. GRAHAM. JOHN M'LEAN. GIDEON HAWLEY, LL.D. DAVID BUEL. JAMES S. WADSWORTH. JOHN V. L. PRUYN, LL.D. ROBERT CAMPBELL. REV. SAMUEL LUCKEY, D.D. ROBERT G. RANKIN. REV. JOHN N. CAMPBELL, D.D. ERASTUS C. BENEDICT. GEORGE W. CLINTON. (One vacancy.) MR. PRUYN, REV. DR. CAMPBELL, MR. VERPLANCK, THE LIEUT. GOVERNOR, MR. M'LEAN. S. B. WOOLWORTH, LL.D., Secretary of the Trustees, and of the Library Committee. ALFRED B. STREET, Librarian. ELISHA W. SKINNER, HENRY A. HOMES, Assistant Librarians. JOHN H. HICKCOX, ) THE LAWS AND REGULATIONS RELATIV14 TO THA NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. I. EXTRACTS FROM THE LAWS OF THE STATE, RELATIVE TO THE LIBRARY. SECTION 1. The Regents of the University of the State of New-York are hereby constituted, and shall continue, the Trustees of the State Library. Laws of 1844: Chap. 255, sec. 1. ~ 2. The trustees herebyappointed shall have power from time to time to appoint a librarian to superintend and take care of said library, and to prescribe such rules and regulations for the government of the library as they shall think proper, and to remove the librarian at any time when they shall deem it expedient; but for the purpose of removing or appointing a librarian, twelve of the said trustees shall be required to form a quorum. Same chapter, see. 3. ~ 3. The assistant librarian and messenger shall be appointed by the trustees of the library. Laws of 1848: Chap. 262, see. 2. For Second Assistant, see Laws of 1855, chap. 538, sec. 1; and chap. 539, sec. 1., ~ 4. The State Library shall be kept open every day in the year, Sundays excepted, during such hours in each day as the trustees of the said library may direct. Laws of 1844: Chap. 255, sec. 5. ~ 5. The librarian shall be constant in his personal attendance upon the library during the hours it shall be directed to be kept open, and shall perform such other duties as may be imposed by law or by the rules and regulations which may be prescribed by the said trustees. Same chapter, see. 6. ~ 6. The acting trustees will from time to time give directions to the librarian in relation to the proper and safe keeping of the books, maps, charts, and other property belonging to the said library; and may, by way of amercement for every violation or neglect of duty, suspend or deduct from his salary or emolument any part thereof, not exceeding half of it in any one year. Laws of 1840: Chap. 381, sec. 3. ~ 7. The trustees of the State Library may from time to time sell or exchange duplicate or imperfect books belonging to the library, not necessary for the use thereof. Laws of 1845: Chap. 85, sec. S. * The sections are, for coA'7enience, numbered without reference to their original numbers. x LAWS AND REGULATIONS ~ 8. It shall be the duty of the trustees of the State Library annually to report to the legislature the manner in which the moneys by them received during the year preceding have been expended; together with a true and perfect catalogue of all the books, maps and charts which have been added to the library since the date of the last preceding annual report; and whether any, and, if so, what books, maps and charts have been lost; and, also, at the end of every five years, to report in like manner a full and perfect catalogue of all the books, maps and charts then remaining in the library. Laws of 1844: Chap. 255, sec. 7. ~ 9. It shall be the duty of the trustees to provide, in their regulations, that any member of the senate or assembly, during the session of the legislature, or during the sitting of the court for the correction of errors*, or of the senate only, shall be permitted, under proper restrictions, forfeitures and penalties, to take to his boarding-house or private room any book belonging to the library, except such books as the trustees shall determine are necessary always to be kept in the library as books of reference; but no member of the legislature shall be permitted to take or detain from the library more than two volumes at any one time. R. S. Part 1, chapter 8, title 8, sec. 6. ~ 10. Before the President of the senate, or the Speaker of the assembly, shall grant to any member a certificate of the time of his attendance, he shall be satisfied that such member has returned all books taken out of the library by him, and has settled all accounts for fines for injuring such books or otherwise. Same title, sec. 7. ~ 11. It shall also be the duty of the trustees to provide in their regulations that no book, map, or other publication shall be at any time taken out of the library by any other person than a member of the legislature, for any purpose whatever. Same title, sec. 8. ~ 12. The heads of the several departments, and the trustees of the State Library, shall have the same right to take books from the library, as is now enjoyed by members of the legislature. Laws of 1845: Chap. 85, sec. 1. ~ 13. The judges of the court of appeals, and the justices of the supreme court, shall be allowed to take books from the library under the same regulations as the members of the legislature. Laws of 1848: Chap. 262, see. 3. Concurrent Resolution of the Senate and Assembly, April 9, 1856. ( Laws of 1856, p. 364.) Resolved, That the Trustees of the State Library be authorized and required to close the said library for the period of fifteen days in each year, to wit, from the fifth to the twentieth day of August, for the purpose of cleaning and dusting the books of the said library, and for making such internal arrangements as the trustees may think proper. II. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE GOVERNMIENT OF THE LIBRARY, PRESCRIBED BY THE TRUSTEES. 1. The Library shall be open to the public daily as required by law ( Sundays and fifteen days from the fifth to the twentieth of August excepted ), from the hour of nine in the morning till five in the afternoon; and during the sessions of the Legislature, till eight in the afternoon, except on Saturdays, when it will be closed at five. While the Court of Appeals, or any general term of the Supreme Court, is in session in the Capitol during the recess of the Legislature, the Law Library will also be open till eight o'clock in the afternoon, except on Saturdays as aforesaid. *-This Court was abolished under the State Constitution of 1846. OF THE LIBRARY. xi 2. It shall be the duty of the Librarian and the Assistant Librarians,. carefully to preserve the books, maps, charts, engravings, manuscripts, medals, furniture, and other property belonging to the Library. They will be severally held accountable for the full value of every article missing from their respective departments, and for every injury except from ordinary use, unless it can be shown that some other person is responsible for such loss or injury: the amount of such loss or injury to be deducted from the salary of such officer, pursuant to section 3 of chapter 381 of the Laws of 1840. 3. Whenever the Library is open, the Librarian and Assistant Librarians shall be in attendance: they shall preserve order, and exclude, if necessary, any disorderly person: they shall prevent smoking, loud talking, and all noise inappropriate to the quietness of a place of study. 4. Any person who wishes to obtain any book for perusal in the General Library, will be furnished at the desk of either of the Librarians in attendance, with a card, on which he will inscribe from the Catalogue the title of the book desired, and his own name. The book thus received must not be taken from the library hall: on returling it to the Librarian's desk, the card will be given up; otherwise the party will remain responsible for the book. The Librarians will exercise a proper discrimination as to the delivery of such books as they may judge liable to be injured. Manuscripts, rare and valuable books, and plates are excluded from this rule: they will be shown only on special application to the Librarian in charge, and under such regulations as the circumstances of each case may in his judgment require. 5. In compliance with the provisions of the statute above set forth, any member of the Senate or Assembly, during the session of the Legislature or of the Senate only, is permitted, under the restrictions, forfeitures and penalties hereinafter mentioned, to take to his boarding-house or private room any book belonging to the. Library, except such as are herein determined to be necessary always to be kept in the library as books of reference. The Judges of the court of appeals, the Justices of the supreme court, the Heads of the several departments, and the Trustees of the Library, have by statute the same right to take books from the Library, and under the same regulations as the members of the Legislature. No book, map, manuscript, or other article belonging to the Library, shall be at any time taken out of the library by any other person, for any purpose whatever. The restrictions and terms above referred to are contained in the next three rules. 6. No book can be taken from the Library, until its title, and the name of the person taking it, have been registered by the Librarian. A card must also be given for it, in the manner required by the fourth rule. 7. No person can take or detain from the Library more than two volumes at any one time, or for a longer period than two weeks. 8. If, on reasonable notice from the Librarian or either of the Assistant Librarians that the time for which any book or books taken or detained has expired, any person shall omit to return to the Library any such book or books for more than three days after such notice shall have been given i or if any book, map, chart, engraving, medal, or other article belonging to the Library be 16st or destroyed, or so fhr injured as to be equivalent, in the judgment of the Librarian or Assistant Librarian in charge, to a total loss for the purposes of the Library; the person by whom such loss, destruction or injury has been occasioned, or who shall fail to make such return, shall be. charged the full value of the book or article so lost, destroyed, injured or not returned; and in case of the loss of a book, or its not being returned, if it belong to a set of two or more volumes, he shall be charged the value of the whole set, or as much as it may cost to perfect it, at the election of the Library Committee. For any injury not amounting to destruction to any book, map, chart, engraving, medal or other article as aforesaid, the person causing the same shall pay a sum sufficient to compensate for such injury. This rule shall be of general application. xii LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 9. The Trustees hereby declare, agreeably to the provisions of the Revised Statutes, that the following books are always to be kept in the Library as books of reference, to wit: All the books in the Law Library; and, in the General Library, all dictionaries, encyclop-edias, registers, directories, newspapers, maps and engravings, and books which are valuable for their rarity or antiquity. 10. Books of reference referred to in the preceding article, cannot be taken from the Library; except that during the sessions of the Legislature. or of the Courts, any member thereof may take to any room in the Capitol any such book, on leaving a card for the same as required by the fourth rule, after being duly registered. The book must be returned on the same day on which it is taken. 11. No books belonging to the Law Library can be taken to the General Library for perusal; nor are books, maps, engravings, or any other article belonging to the General Library, to be taken to the Law Library for perusal or examination. 12. For the better preservation from injury of the more costly collections of engravings, and the rare works and maps belonging to the Library, neither the Librarian nor the Assistant Librarians shall exhibit them to any-person other than those authorized to take books from the Library, except on a written request from a member of the Joint Library Committee of the Senate and Assembly, the Speaker of the Assembly, or one of the Trustees or the Secretary of the Library. 13. Three days before the day fixed for the adjournment of any session of the Legislature, or of the Senate only, the Librarian shall address a note to each member of the Legislature or of. the Senate, as the case may be, having any book belonging to the Library, requesting the return thereof within twentyfour hours. 14. After the expiration of the said twenty-four hours, the Librarian shall immediately make out a list of the members of each house who have omitted to return any books belonging to the Library, specifying the volumes retained by each; and a list of those against whom any charges for any injury to or loss of books exist, stating the amount of them; which list shall be alphabetically arranged according to the names of the respective members, and shall be certified to be correct. To the President of the Senate, the Librarian shall forthwith deliver the list relating to that body; and the list containing the names of the members of the Assembly, he shall forthwith deliver to the Speaker; and upon each list shall be written a copy of the section of the Revised Statutes in regard to this matter above set forth. 15. Twenty days before the opening of any annual session of the Legislature, the Librarian shall report in writing to the Trustees the title of every book, map, chart, print, engraving, or other article missing from the Library since the catalogue of the previous year was made out, or, if no such catalogue has been made, then since the date of the said Librarian's last annual report to the trustees; together with the name or names of the persons who appear, from the entries of the Librarian, to have borrowed or detained the same, to the end that such list may be submitted to the Legislature by the Trustees. 16. All penalties imposed under any of these rules may be remitted by the Library Committee, either wholly, or on such terms as they may deem proper. CATALOGUE OF MAPS. [LiB. Ill.] NOTEM. Atlases, general, marine and ancient., are classed at the commencement of the.Catalogue; but atlases of particular portions of the world are classed with the single maps, and both are arranged alphabetically after the general atlases, under headings derived from the name of the country, town or region, and not from that of the author or publisher. Atlases and maps connected with printed works in the General Library are rarely noticed. The signs 1 f., 2 f.., f.5 f., refer to the size of the sheet on which the map is printed, estimating a sheet at about two feet square. CATALOGUE OF THE NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. -4*t--------- ATLASES AND MAPS. ATLASES, GENERAL: - See Ptolomaeus, 1552; Munster, 1588; Ortelius, 1608. G. L. - Historia Mundi, or Mercator's Atlas; containing his cosmographical description of the fabricke and figure of the world, etc. Englished by Wye Saltonstall. 2d ed. London, 1635. 1 vol. fol. - See Fer (N. De), 1717. G. L. - Cartes du Monde. Paris, 1660, 61. 76 maps. With Le Monde Chrestion, ou sont les cartes des archeveschez et des eveschez de l'univers: Par P. Du Val, Geog. du Roi. Paris, 1662. 16 maps. 1 vol. 12~. ---- Janvier and Desnos: Maps, 1753, 1763. See Arctic Regions. - See Sanson d'Abbeville, 1683. G. L. ---- A Collection of ninety-five geographical maps, published chiefly by G. De L'Isle, Paris, 1700-18; including fifteen maps from other sources, 1716 - 1803: in 1 vol. fol. Contents: 1. Mappe Monde, 1700. 2. Hemisphere M6ridional, 1714. 3. Hemisphere Septentrional, 1714. 4. Hemisphere Occidental: Dezauche, 1782. 5. Hemisphere Oriental, Dezauche 1782. 6. L'Europe, 1700. 7. Isles Britanniques, 1702. 8, 9. Couronnes du Nord, 1706. 10. Royaume de Danemarc, 1710. 11, 12. Moscovie, 1706. 13. La France, 1703. 14. France en 108 departemens: Dezauche, 1803. 15. La Pr6vost6 et Vicomt6 de Paris, 1711. 16. La Ville et Fauxbourgs de Paris, 1716. 17. Diocese de Senlis, 1709. 18. Diocese de Beauvais, 1710. 19. Picardie M6ridionale, 1712. 20. La Champagne, 1713. 21. La Champagne Meridionale, 1718. 22. Orleans, etc. 1718. 23. Anjou, Maine et Perche: Nolin,1756. 24. Franche Comt6, Besangon, 1788. 25. Berry,. Bourbonnois et Nivernois: Crepy, 1767. 26. Anjou et Saumarois: Nolin, 1759. 27. Normandie, 1716. 28, 29. Duch6 de Bourgogne, 1709. 30. Bourdelois, P6rigord, 1714. 4 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. 31. Nivernois: De la Fosse, 1760. 32. Duch6 de Bretagne: N. de Fer, 1700 (?). 33. Bearn, Bigorrc, etc. 1712. 34. Diocese de Narbonne, 1704. 35. Diocese de Beziers. 86. Provence, 1715.. 37. Pays-bas Catholiques, 1702. 38. Provinces Unies des Pais-bas: N. de Fer, 1716. 39. Artois, 1711. 40. Flandre, 1704. 41. Hainault, Namur, Cambresis, 1706. 42. Brabant, 1705. 43. Provinces Unies des Pays-bas, 1702. 44. L'Allemagne, 1701. 45, 46, 47. Le Cours du Rhin, 1704. 48, 49. Souabe, 1704. 50. Suisse. 51. Neuchatel et Vallangin leux. 52. La Pologne. 53. L'Espagne, 1701. 54. L'Italie, 1700. 68. Egypte, Nubie et Abissinie, 1707. 69. Congo, Payes des Cafres, 1708. 70. AmBrique Septentrionale, 1700. 71. Canada ou Nouv'elle France, 1703 72. Loulsiane, Cours du Mississippi,1718. 73. Mexique, Floride, 1703. 74. Etats Unis d'Amerique: Delamarche, 1785. 75. Antilles Frangoises, 1717. 76. Ambiique Meridionale, 1700. 77. Terre-ferme, P'rou, Bresil, 1703. 78. Paraguay, Chili, Detroit de Magellan, 1703. 79. Orbis veteribus noti tab. 1714. 80. Theatruni Hist. Imp. Romani: Pars occidentalis, 1705. 81. Idem: Pars orientalis, 1705. 82. Africe tab. in notitiam ecclesiasticam 1700. 83. Gracie Pars septentrionalis, 1708. 84. Gracia antiqua, 1707. 85. Sicilia antiqua, 1714. 86. Italia antiqua, 1715. 87. Regionum Italie med'arum tab.1711. 88. Germanie, France, Italie, Espagne, Isles Britanniques: D'Anville, 1771. 89. Civitas Leucorum, sive Pagus Tullensis: Diocese de Toul, 1707. 90. Tabula Delphinatus (Dauphiny)1710. 91. Imperil Orientalis sub Const.Porphyrogenito descriptio. 92. Orbis Romani descriptio sub Imp. Constantinopol. 93. Carte physique et hydrographique de la France: Tardieu. 94. Palestine: D'Anville, 1767. 95. Tables chronologiques et historiques: S. C. Delisle. 4 f. De Merveil 55, 56. Pi'mont et Monferrat, 1707. 57. Hongrie, 1703. 58. Hongrie, Transilvanie, Croatie et Sciavonie, 1717. 59. La Grice Moderne, 1707. 60. L'Asie, 1700. 61. Turquie, Arabie et Perse, 1701. 62. Les Indes et la Chine, 1705. 63. Tartarie, 1706. 64. L'Afrique, 1700. 65. C0te occid. d'Afrique: Lapie, 1802. 66. Egypte: Mentelle, l'an vii. 67. Barbarie, Nigritie et Guinee, 1707. - _ Nieuwe Natuur-Geschied-en handelkundige Zak-en Reis-Atlas.. door G. Brender & Brandis.... Amsteldam, 1780. 80. G. L. - L'Europe, l'Asie, I'Afrique et 1'Am'rique en plusieurs cartes, par N. Sanson d'Abbeville, 1783. 1 vol. 4o0. G. L. - Encyclopedie M6thodique: Atlas encyclop'dique, contenant la g4ographie ancienne, du moyen age, et la g6ographie moderne: Par M. Bonne et M. Desmarest. Paris, 1787, 8. 2 vol, 40. G. L. - New General Atlas; consisting of a series of geographical designs on various projections, exhibiting the form and component parts of the globe; and a collection of maps and charts... With a memoir on the progress of geography. Edinburgh, John Thomson and Company, 1817. 74 maps in 1 vol. fol. - Modern Atlas on a new plan, to accompany the System of Universal Geography, by William Channing Woodbridge.... Third ed. Hartford, 1829. 1 vol. 4o, ATLASES AND MAPS. 5 - Bos'on School Atlas. 4th ed. Boston, 1831. sm. 4o. G. L. - A New Universal Atlas; comprising separate maps of all the principal empires, kingdoms and states throughout the world, and forming a distinct atlas of the United States.... By David H. Burr. New-York, 1833. 63 maps. 1 vol. 40. -- A New Universal Atlas, with a special map of each of the United States.... By H. S. Tanner. Philadelphia, 1836. 1 vol. 40. - A Universal Illustrated Atlas; exhibiting a geographical, statistical, and historical view of the world. Ed. by T. G. Bradford and S. G. Goodrich. Boston, 1842. 1 vol. fol. - odern Atlas, physical, political and statistical.. by William C. Woodbridge. Hartford, 1843. 1 vol. 40. ---- aps of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. London, 1844. 1 vol. fol. Contents: No. 1-160. Maps of States and Islands. 160- 212. Plans of Cities. 213 - 218. The Stars, by Rev. W. R. Dawes. New Universal Atlas; containing maps of the various empires, kingdoms, states and republics of the world, with a special map of each of the United States;.... comprehended in 70 sheets, and forming.... one hundred and seventeen maps. By S. Augustus Mitchell. Philadelphia, 1847. 1 vol. fol. - The Physical Atlas: A Series of Maps and Notes illustrating the geographical distribution of natural phenomena, by Alex. Keith Johnston. Based on the Physikalischer Atlas of Prof. G. Berghaus, with the co6peration of Sir David Brewster, Prof. Forbes, etc. etc. Divisions: Geology, Hydrography, Meteorology, Natural History. Edinburgh, 1848. 1 vol. fol. - Atlas de Physique et de Me6torologie agricoles, par H. Nicolet. Paris, 1855. 1 vol. fol. S A New Universal Atlas, containing Maps of.... the World: one hundred and twenty-nine maps, plans and sections. S. A. Mitchell? Philadelphia: Cowperthwait, Desilver and Buller, 1844. 1 vol. 4". - Colton's Atlas of the World, illustrating physical and political geography: By George W. Colton. Accompanied by descriptions geographical, statistical and historical, by R. S. Fisher, M.D. Vol. 1, North and South America, 1855; vol. 2, Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceanica, etc. 1856. New-York. 2 vol. fol. - See Geography, in Index to Gen. Lib. ATLASES, MARINE: - Marine Atlas, or Seaman's Complete Pilot for all the principal places in the known world; comprising a new and elegant collection of charts......for the use of the mariners of Great Britain. By W. Heather. 3d edition. London, 1802. 38 charts. 1 vol. fol. - Charts drawn and engraved at various periods, in the Hydrographic.Office, Admiralty, London. 1 vol. fol. Contents: .NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. 1. Gulf of Bothnia. 2. Baltic Sea. 3. Makiloto Bay, 1809. 4. South Coast of Sweden, Hanno Sound, Carlscrona. 5. Slito Harbor in Gothland, Gottska Sands and Faro Islands, 1800. 6. Nargen Island and Revel Harbor; East Coast of Gothland; Heel of Dantzic, 1809. 7. Gulfof Bohus, 1806. 8. Pater Nosters, 1795. 9. Sprce Island, 1809. 10. Channel in the Texel, 1799. 11. Goerhee and the Quax Deep. 12. West Scheldt, 1794. 13. Scheldt River. 14. Smith's Knowl, 1803. 15. Bridlington Bay, Aberlady Bay. 16. Boston Deeps, 1807; The Humber, 1797. 17. Coasts of England. 18. North Coast of Kent, 1775. 19. The Downs, 1775. 20. British Channel. 21, 22, 23, 24. South Coast of England, 1806. 25. Owers, Chichester. Emsworth Harbors, 1786. 26. St. Helen's Road, Spithead, Portsmouth and Langston Harbors. 27. Isle of Wight, 1783. 28. S6uthampton River, Cowes' Road, 1783. 29. Isle of Wight and Hampshire, 1781. 30. South side of Isle of Wight, 1775. 31, 32. South Coast of England, 1785, 87. 33, St. George's Channel etc. 34. South Coast of England, Lyme Cobb, Bridport Harbor, 1787. 35. Torbay, 1781. 36. Plymouth Sound, 1779. 37. South Coast of England, Fowey Harbor, 1774. 38. Falmouth Harbor, 1806. 39. Carrick Road, Falmouth Harbor, 1781. 40. Coast of Cornwall, 1792. 41. Coast of Cornwall and Devonshire, 1792. 42. Scilly Isles, 1782. 43. Dublin Bay. 44, 45, 46. Coast of France, 1792. 47. Mouth of the Seine, 1788. 48. Coast of France, from Cap Barfleur. 49. Islands of Guernsey, Sark, 1806. 50. Bay of Brest and Ushant Islands, 1807. 51. New Channel, Bay of Brest, 1807. 52. Bay of Biscay. 53. Quiberon Bay. 54. St. Sebastians, Port of Passage, 1788. 55. Port of Santander, 1788. " Entrance to Bilboa, 1789. 56. Port of Santona, 1789. 57. Port of Gijon, Bay of Biscay, 1787. " Entrance of Barquero, 1787. 58. Port of Cedeira, Ribades, Port Vivero, 1788. 59. Inlets of Vigo and Pontevredo, 1807. 60. Coast of Spain and Portugal, Lagos Bay, Plan of Ceuta, 1786. 61. Mouth of the Tagus, 1807. 62. Bay of Brest and Ushant Islands. 63. Mouth of the Thames. 64. Coasts of England and France. 65. Dungyness Roads, 1803. 66. Soundings about Ushant, 1806. 67. Carrick Roads and Falmouth Harbor. 68. Island of Walcheren, 1803. 69. Great Belt, 1807. 70. Falmouth Harbor, 1805. 71. Coast of Normandy, 1801. 72. Survey of Scilly, 1803. 73. Cape of Good Hope, 1806. 74. Mount's Bay. 75. Esquirques and Keith's Reef, 1805. 76. Port Philip, King's Island, 1803. 77. Plettenburg Bay, 1801. 78, 79. Bass's Straits, 1803. 80. Port St. Vincent, 1805. 81. Kent's Group in Bass's Straits. 82. Mersea, Essex, Eng. 1808. 83. Brest, 1803. - Hydrographie Frangaise: A Series of Marine Charts, executed by order of the French Government. Paris, 1758 - 1853. 13 vol. fol. Contents: VOLUME 1. No. 3. 4. Mer du Nord. No. 818. Parties connues de la terre. 18. Skagerak. 871. Mers du Nord. 19. Cattegat. 800. Ocean Atlantique Septen. 21, 25, 27- 30. Mer Baltique. 801. Ocean Atlan. M6rid. 35, 86. C6tes des Pays Bas. ATLASES AND MAPS. - Hydrographie Frangaise continued: 7 VOLUME 1. No.1023 - 25. Sondes de'la Manche. 948. France: Calais - Dunkerqiie. 947. " St. Quentin - Calais. 946. " FEcamp - St. Quentin. 945. " St. ValBry - La Seine. 944. " Barfieur - Le Havre. 881. " Carteret - Barfleur. 879. " Frehel - Brehat. 970. " Ile de Bas - Brehat. 880. " Frehel - Carteret. 971. " Ouessant - Ile de Bas. 104. " Environs de Brest. 878. " Brehat - Barfieur. 124. " Ras de Sein - Orient. 131. " Orient - St. Nazaire. 140. " Embouchure de la Loire. 150. " Ile de Yeu, Pte. des Baleines. 154. " Pertuis, Br6ton et d'Antioche. 165. C Embou. de La Gironde. 167. " Cours de La Gironde. 172. " Bassin d'Arcachon. 174. " Mimizlan - Espagne. 86. Sondes d'Att6rages des c6tes occ. de France et des c6tes septen. d Espagne. 734, 735. C0te septen. d'Espagne. 190. Espague; La Galicie. 197. Portugal; Silleiro - Huelba. 1006. M6editerran'e: Gibraltar - Sardaigne. 733. Medit. Marseille - Piombino. 983. C tes occid. cl'Italie. 939. Bassin entre Sardaigne et la Sicile. 907. Entree de 1'Adriatique. 906. Sicile et Tunis. 268. Venise et Trieste. 203, 204. La M'diterran6e. 281, 282. L'Archipel Grec. 284. Mer de Marmara. 285. Mer Noire. 286. M6diterran6e orientaleo. VOLUME 2. No. 838, 841. Afrique septen. 290. Iles Agores. 292. Iles Canaries. 295, 791, 736, 793. Afrique occid. 874. Afrique Meridionale. 875, 876. Mozambique; Madagascar. 955, Mers australes. No. 863. NAer des Indes. 865. Mer de Chine. 889. Sumatra, Java, Born6o. 899. Hindoustan. 900. Golfe de Bengale. 901, 902. Mer Rouge. 903. Arabie et Perse. 926. Archipel d'Asie. 927. Philippines, C61ebes, Moluques. 957 Chine Orientale. 310. Terre Neyve. 797, 798. AmBr. Septen. (orientale). 976. Golfe du Mexique. 963. Les Antilles. 396. La Guyape. 959, 399, 782, 783. BrBsil. 784. R. de La Plata. 738. No. 1. Oc6an Pacifique. 417. Am rique Meridionale. 424. Chili. 426. Perou. 435, 436, 437. Am6rique occidentale. 985. Taiti, Pomoton, Noukarliiva. VOLUME 3. No. 351. Panama, Carthagene. 352. C te N. O. du Darien. 353. Amer. merid. Venezuela. 354. C Oruba - Barcelona. 355. " Trinidad - Barcelona. 356. " Margarita, Cariaco. 357. Florida. 358. Mexique: Bales. 359. Mosquitos, Honduras. 361. Cuba, Mexique. 362. Panama, Mosquitos. 363. Terre Ferme, Darien. 364, 365, 366, 367. Terre Ferme, Ports. 368. Ile de Cuba. 370. La Havanne. 371. La Jamaique. 372, 374, 375. St. Dominique. 376. La Gonave. 377. Porto Rico. 378. Ile St. Martin. 379. St. Christophe. 380. Antigua. 381. La Guadeloupe. 382. Iles des Saintes. 383, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 889, 390, 391. La Martinique. 892. Sainte Lucie. 393. La Barbsoe. S NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. ilydrographie Francaise continued: VOLUME 4. No. 1337 No. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Isiande. 134. 11. Is. Fero6, 136, 12 - 17, 20. Norwe~ge. 137. 22. Carte dui Sund. 138. 23. Carte du Grand Belt. 141, 24. Lubeck. 145. 2 5. Rade de Dantzick. 147, 3!.L'ElL~e. 149, 32. Le We~ser. 12 33. L'Ems. 155, 34. Le Texel, Le Helder. 37, 38, 39. Wester Schelde, Anvers. 161. 40. Rade d'Ostei-ide.4 162, 41. lies Shetland. 164. 42. Iles Orcades.16 43. C 0te Orien. d1E cosse. 16 44, 45, 46. C 0,t~e Orien. d'Anglcterre. V 47. Entre~e de la Tamise. No. 169. 48. Racle des Dunes. 10 49 -52, 61 -63, 66. C 0teMAe'id. d'Angleterre. 173. 53. Angleterre: Selsea-Bill, etc. 176. 54, 55. "1 Spithead. 177. 5,58, 59, 60. "Ilie de Wight. 179. 57. " Southampton. 179. 64, 65. 11 Torbay, Dartmouth. 181. 67. " Plymouth. 182. 68. " Fowey. 183. 69. " Falmouth. 184. 70,171. Extremit6 occid. 185. 7. "C6te occid. 17 7r3. " Entre'e de la Mer d'Irlande. 188. 7 4. " Canal de Bristol. 189.1 VOLUME 5.191;, VOLUE 5.193. No. 75, 76. Mer d'Iriande. 194. 78 -82. Irlande. 195.* 82 -84. Ecosse. 196.* 85. L'Entre'e de la Manche..198.* 89 -91, 105, 110. C dtes Nord de 199. France. 112. France: Brest. 200. 1, 113, 114, 115, 116. Brest - 202.( Douarnen~ez. 205. 1 117, 119. " Finisterre. 206.1 120,1122. " Bale d'Audierne. 207.3 123. Roches de Penmarcb. 208. 1 125. 'Ilies de Gienan. 209,)2' 126, 127. "1 L'Entr6e de l'Odet. 213.1 128. C6 Concarneau. J 215, 2 129, 130, 131, 132. " Port dle 20.i 1'Oricn et2.001 0 135. France: Baie de Quiberon. 11M)orbihan. 139. 11 Grand-Mont -Croisie. 11Eade de Penerf. ccEntree de la Vilaine. 142, 143, 14 4." La Loire. Bale de Bourgucuf. 1148. "Ilie de Yeu. p150." Saint Gilles sur Vie.,153." Sables d'Oionne. 156, 157, 15-8,2159. cc Pertuis de Breton et Antioche; Ilie de Re'. "Rochelle. 163. "1 La Charente. "i Pertuis de Maumusson. 168. "1 La Gironde. )LUM E 6. France: La Gironde. 171." La Garonne~, La Dordogne. "Bassin d'Arcachon. "L'Adour. CCBayonne - Espagne. Espagne: St. Jean de Luz. "Fontarabie. "Port du Passage. "St. Se'bastien, "Bilbao. CCSantona. "Santander. CCGijon. Vivero, Ribadeira, Cedeirm. Espagne: Barquero. 192. "Ferrol, Corognue, Camarinas. "Corcubion. Pont'evedra. "Vigo. Portugal, Lisbone. C Ote me'rid. de Portugal et d'Espagne. Espagne, Cadiz. Gibraltar. iEspagne, CO~te mn'rid. Tarifa, Algesiras. M1alaga, Nerja. lerradura, Beililia. 112. Espagne, C Ote m6rid. Espagne, Carthageune. 119. Espagne, Cdte ni6rid. rarragone, Barc~ione. ~.Espagne, C Ot~e p6rid, I 4 ATLASES AND MAPS. -Hydrographie Fran~aise continued 9 VOLUME 6. No. 225, 226,5 228. 1230. France, C Ote merithionale. 232, 234, 238, 240. Ilie de Corse. 233,'235, 239. Bouches de Bonifacio. 236, 237. Sarclaigyne (Ilie de). VOLUME, 7. No. 588. No. 1. Nouvelle Holiande et los Archipels do Grand Oc'aln-. 589. Ilie Amsterdam. 590. Nou veile H-ollande. Van Di rOoin. 591-601. Nouvelle Hollande,' C te nieridionale. 602. Nouvelle Cale'done. 603. Nonvelle Ze6lande, CO~te septen. 604. Ilies Kermadec. 605. Tongatabon. 606, 607. Archipel. do Santa, Cruz. 608-615, 618. Ilies Salomon, La Louisiade, La Nouvelle BreS. tagneIlies (10 Bongrainville. 616, 617, 619, 621. Nouvelle. Gnince. 620. Nonvelle Iriande, Nouvelle Ha. novre,Ilies do 1'Amiraut6". 622-626. Grand Archipel d'Asia, deconvert par D'Entrecasteaux. 627. Nouvelle Hollande. 628, 629, 630, 631. Terre do Diemen,.6321 633, 634, 635. Detroit do Bass. 636-644. Nonvelle Hollande, Terre Napole~on. 645, 646. Nonvelie Ilollande, Terre do Nuyts. 647, 6-48. Nouveile Hollande,, Terre do Lenwin et d'Edei. 649. 11 Bale des Chiens Telarins. 650- 654. 11 Terre do Witt. 655. Port Jackson. 656. "Sydney. 657,-658. Grand Archipel d'Asie.. VOLUM E 8. No. 659. Nonv. Hollande, Baie des Chiens marins. 660. Ilie Timaor. 661. Archipel d'Asie. 662, 66d3, 664. Ilies Papou. 665. Iles Caroline. 666 - 673. Ilies Mariannos, Gnyam. 67 4 -677. Ilies Sandwich. 67 7. Ilies des Navigateurs. 678. Terre do Feu. 679, 680.Ilies AMalonines. 681. hlots, Martin.-Vaz et L4 T~initM. r T.,TT T I No. 682. Pe~rou, Payta. 683, 684. Iles Poinotou. 685 - 690. Ilies do la Soci6t6, 691. Ilie BoulKa. 692, 693. Ilie Torobara. 694. Nouvelle Gniniee. 695, 696, 697,698. Ile Waigion. 699. De" troit d'Omibai, Timer. 700. Ilie Sayu. 701, 702. Nouv. Ze'iande,Baie des Ilies. 7103. Iles St. Auigustin, IRotouma. 704, 705, 708. Iles Gilbert. 706, 707, 708. Ilies Marshall. 709- 711. Ilie Onalan. 712 - 715. Ilies Caroline. 716 -718. Nouvelie -Guin6e. 7119. Detroit do Wangi-W~angi. 720. Ile'St. Il6ie'ne. 7221, 722. lie do l1Ascension. 723. Bre'sil, lie Santa- Catharina. 724. Chili, Valparaiso. 725. Colornbie, A bany, Tacam-es. * 72)6. Nouv. lioliande, Brisbane R. 72)7. Vani Die'ien, Macquarie. 7(28, 729. Nouy. ZC'iande. VOLUMIE 9. Voles navigable qui mettent en i,-omnimDcatiun, Pails, le N4ord do la Francee, etc. No. 264. Sidile: Palerme. 26.5. "Syracuse. 2-66. "Trapanii. 267. les Lipari. 269. Dalmiatie: Pirano. 270. Porto-Qnieto. 271. "Pareuzo. -272, 273. '" Pola.. 274. Pasman, Zara" 275. "Sebenico. 276, 277. Dalmatie, CO~tes do. 27-8.' Raguso. 279. " olonta. 280. "Cattaro. 288, 289. Afriqae, Co~te do Tripoli, 290, 291. Iles Aqores. 2)93, 294. Iles Canaries. 296, 297. Afrique, Barbarie. 298, ý99, 300. Cap Verd, et losIlies, 301. Afrique: Bissagos. 302. "Naze-Hoxo. 305." Santo Antonio. 309. Cape of Good Hope, False and, Table Bays. 10 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. Hydrographic Francaise continued: VOLUME 9. No. 553. Californie: St. Franqois. No. 310, 312, 313, 318,324. Terre Neuve: 554. AMonterey. Carte reduite. 555. " St.Diego, St. Blas. 326. Ie de Fogo. 556. Ile Necker. 327. Terre Neuve. 557 - 566. D6couvertes dans les MAers 328. Ile de St. Jean. de Chine et de Tartarie, 1787: La Pe'rouse. 329. Bale des Chaleurs. La Prouse. 30, 331. ILe Royale, Carte r~dnite. 567. Archipel des Navigateurs. 333. Louisbourg, Port Royal. j VOLUMiE 11. 384, 335. Nova S Chihoucton, N e85 ovaScotia, Chibouctou No. 568. Archipeldes Navigateurs. 336. Havre de Boston, 1780. 337. Baie de Narraganset. 338. Baie de Ddlaware. 339. Riviere d'lludson. 340. Baie de Chesapeake, 1778. 341. Riy. de Cape Fear, Charleston. 342. Port Royal, Dawfoskee. 343. Port d'Amelia, Floride. VOLUME 10. No. 397, 398. C tes de la Guyane. 401 - 403. Bresil, ilaranhanm. 404- 406. Bresil, Pernambuco, 407. Bresil, Todos os Santos. 408. C Frio - Seguro. 409. " Des Abroihos. 410. " Baie de Espirito Santo. 411, 415. " Santa Catharina. 412. Rio Janeiro. 414. " Ile St. Sebastiano. 416. " R. e la Plata. 418. Patagonie, Ste. 1161nc. 419. Iles Falkland. 421. Ile de Chiloe. 422, 423. Chili: Valdivie. 425. " Baie de Conception. 427 - 433. Pbrou, 439-442. Ile de Hainan, Chine. 443 - 458. Cochin-Chine, Cte et 'ies. 459. Manilie. 463 -466. La Mer Rouge. 467. Iles de France et de Bourbon. 468. Port Louis, Ile Ste. Marie. 539. Grand Ocean on Mer du Sud. 540. Chili, Bale de la Conception. 541. lie de Paque. 542. Iles Sandwich. 543-546. COtes de l'Am6rique Nordouest. 547, 548. Port dcles Frangais et de Bucarelli. 549 - 552. Amerique, C te dii Nord. puest, 569. Iles Philippines - Californie. 570. Nouvelle Guinjee - Navigateurs. 571. Iles Kuriles ( Vancouver). 572, 582. Nouv. Hollande, sud-ouest. 573, 583. Iles Sandwich ( Vancouver). 574 - 581, 584 - 587. Nord-ouest de I'Am6rique. 731. Alg6rie, Bale d'Oran. 732. Terre Neuve, St. Jean. 733. M6diterranee, M.arseille - Piombino. 734, 735. C te septen, d'Espagne. 780, 781. Bresil, Ste Catherine. 785, 787. La Plata: Montevideo. 786. " Maldonado. 788. " La Colonia. 789. " Buenos Ayres. 790. " Barragan. 791, 793. Afrique: Cap Formose - B. d'Algoa. 792. " Golfes de Stora et Collo. 794. Nicaragua, Conchagua. 795. Angleterre, Sidmouth - Plymouth. 796. Algrrie, Bougie. 799. Iles du Prince et St. Thomas. 802. Ceylon, CSte nord. 803. Ile de la Galite. 804. Iles Zafarines. 805. Algerie: Arzeu, Bone. 807. Indian Oc.: Les Seychelles. 808-11. Cochin-Chine, C te de. 812- 815. Mer de Chine, Natunas, Ananabas. 816. Nouv. Ze1ande, Bale des Iles. 817. Terre Neuve septen. 819. Guyana, Iles du Salut. 820. Algerie: Oran. 821. " Bone. 822. France: Rade de Cancale. 823. " Iles Chausey, Minquiers. 824. " Baie Mt. St. Michel. 825. " 3ricqueville - Geffosse. ATLASES AND MA PS. 11 VoLUMnE 11. No. 826-830. France: Jersey - Chausey 831- 835. " C0tes du 7Nord. 836. " Granville, 837. L'Islande. 840. Mexique, C0te occid. 842. Afrique, Tripoli. 813. P'rou, Iquique: Chili, Coquimbo. 848. France: Barfoeur. 849. " Rade de la Hogue. VOLUME 12. No. 850. Alger. 851. Madagascar, Diego - Suarez. 852. Afrique, Tanger. 854. Sumatra, C8te occid. 855. Mer de Chine, partie de. 856, 857. Les Anambas. 858. Java, Detroit de Madura. 859. Indian Oc.: Lombok. 860. Nouv. IHollande, Port Jackson 861. Vues de Manille. Malacca, etc. 862. Yues de Sidney, Rio Janeiro, etc. 864. Ile de Bourbon, St. Gilles. 865. Mer de Chine. 866.. Terre Neuve, Att6rages de. 867. France: Granchamp - Fonte. nailles. 868, 869. " Fontenailles - Lan. grune. 870. Riviere d'Hoogly. 872. Alexandrie, Egypte. 873. Naples, Pouzzole. 877. Magellan, Ddtroit de. 879. France: Frdhel - Br hat. 881. " Carteret - Barfieur. 882. " Ile Brehat.. 886. Grece, Le Piree, etc. 888. Courans dans la Manche. 889. Sumatra, Java, Bornedo. 890. France: Langrune - Dives. 891. " RadedeCaen. 894. " Pointe ' Pitre. 895. St. Thomas, Indes Occid. 896. Alexandrie, Egypte. 897. Liverpool, Angl. 897. France, Emb. de la Seine. 899. Hindoustan me id. 900. Golfe du Bengale. 901, 902. Mer Rouge. 903. Arabie et Perse, c6tes de. No. 904. Sicile et Tunis. 907. Adriatique, Entr de d 1'. 916, 917. Ile de Sardaigue, N. E. et N. 0. 918. Bombay. 919. France: Berek - )Dannes. 920. " Dannes - Arnbleteuse. 921. " Boulogne. 922. " Ambleteuse - Blanc-Nez. 923. " Gris Nez - Calais. 924. " Calais - Gravelines. 925. " Gravelines - Zuydecoote. 928. Guadeloupe, Port Louis. 929. Spitzberg, B. La Madeleine. 930. France: Le 11avre - Etretat. 931, 932. " Antifer - Conteville. 933- 936. Pierre-en Port - Trdport. 937, 938. ", Trport - St. Quen. tin. 939. Italie, Sicile, Bassin entic. 942. Iles Maldives. 943. Iles Chagos. 944 - 948. France: Barfieur - Frontitre die la Belgique. 949. " La Seine. 950. " Ile de Bas - Beg an Fry. 951. " Rade de Morlaix. 952. " Rade de Toulon. 953. " Iles d'Hlybres. 954. Isl4ande, Reikiavik. 956. France, Beg an Fry - TomB. VOLUME 13. No. 959. Br6sil, COtes septen. 960. Afrique, Mogador. 964-975. France: Cate du Nord, Fi. nistdre, Ile de Bas, Trdguier, etc. 977, 978. Malacca, de'troit de. 979- 981. France, Dept. du Var. 982. Terre Neuve, Ile St. Pierre. 983. Italie, Cate occid. 984. Sicile - Cap Bon. 986, 987. Afrique, Ile Mayotte. 988 - 991. Madagascar, N.O. 992. Ile Bourbon, St. Denis. 994. Afrique, N. E. Socotra. 995. Ner Rouge, Aden, etc. 996, 997. Vues, Ocdan Indien. 1006. Gibraltar Sardaigne. 1007 - 1009. France: Dept. du Var. 1010. " Dept. Bouches du Rhone. 1011. Perou, Iles sur la cote. 12 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. --- Hydrographie Franqaise continued: VOLUME 13. No 1012. Turquie, Scala Nova. 1013. Perou, Callao. 1014. Iles Wallis, Fortuna. 1016. Archip. des Carolines, Bonne. bey. 1017. Chin-Hae, Chine. 1021, 1022, 1026. Ta'iti, Papeiti. 1023-1025. Sondes de la Manche. 1027. Californie, Ile Guadeloupe. 1028. Iles Hull, et Raratonga. 1029. Ile de Paqne, Juan Fernandez. 1030. Kamtschatka, B. d'Avatscha. 1031. Sardaigne, Canal San Pietro. 1034. France, Bouc. dept. du Rhone. 1035. Canton, Chine. 1036. Californie, B de la Magdeleine. 1037. Nouv. Zelande, B. des Iles. 1038. Galapagos, Floriana. 1039. Bolivie, Cobija. 1010. I. Sandwich, Kearakekoua. 1041. France: Dept. du Var. SNo.1042. France: Marseille. 1043. " Port Vendres. 1044. Islande, Patrix-fiord. 1045. Acapulco, Mexique. 1046. Afrique, lie Mayotte. 1047. I. Canarie, B. de Palmas. 1048. Afrique occid.: Portudal, etc. 1049. " Senegal. 1050. " R. Mellacorie. 1051. " Mesurade, Cap de Monte. 1052. " Butteaux ( Sinou). 1053, 1054. " Rio Nunez. 1055. " Garroway. 1056. " R. San Pedro. 1057. " Gd. Bassam et Assine. 1058. C Vieux- Calebar. 1059. " Fl. de Gabon. 1066. Sardaigne: B. de Palmas. 1067. " Cote orientale. 1068. Afrique, Tamatave. 1069. Java - Sumatra, detroit de. 1070. Sondes de la Manche. United States IIydrographical Office: Wind and Current Charts, compiled at the National Observatory, from materials in the Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography, by M. F. Maury, Lieut. U. S. N. Washington, 1848 - 54. 67 charts, bound in 1 vol. fol. Contents: Wind and Current Chart of the South Atlantic. Sheet No. 1, 1848. 2 copies. Wind ard Current Chart, etc. Sheet No. 2. The same (later edition). No. 22 - 25. Wind and Current Chart, etc. 1853. Series A: No. 1 - 4. Wind and Current Chart of the North Atlantic, 1848. Sheets No. 1 - 3, 5 - 8. No. 1 - 8. Wind and Current Chart, etc. 1849 and 1852. 3d ed. Series A: No. 1 - 6, 8. 2 copies of No. 6. No. 54, 55, 57-59. Wind and Current Chart of the North Pacific, 1852. Series A: No 6, 7, 9, 10, 11. No. 43, 48. Wind and Current Charts of the South Pacific, 1852. Series A: No. 5, 10. No. 31, 32. Wind and Current Charts of the Indian Ocean. Series A: No. 4 5. 2 copies of No. 4. Chart of the Northeast Trade Winds: Maury's Wind and Current Chart of the Atlantic Ocean. Series B. 2 copies. Trade and Wind Chart of the Atlantic Ocean, Jan. 1851. Series B. No. 117, 118 Pilot Chart for Cape Horn, 1852. Series C: No. 1, 2. Pilot Chart of the Coast of Brazil, 1849. No. 11. Pilot Chart of the Coast of Brazil, 2d edition, 1849. No. 12, 13. Pilot Chart of the South Atlantic, 1853. Series C: No. 1, 2. Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic, 1849. Series C: No. 1, 2. Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic, 2d edition, 1853. Series C: No. 1, 2. No. 66 - 68, 70, 71. Pilot Chart of the North Pacific, 1853. Series C: No. 1 - 3, 5, 6. No. 60, 61. Pilot Chart of the South Pacific. Series C: No. 1, 2. No. 65. The same, 1851. Series C: No. 6. ATLASES AND MAPS. 13 No. 14 - 21. Wind and Current Chart of North Atlantic: Thermal sheet, 1852. Series D: No. 1 - 8. No. 72 - 715. Thermal Sheet of the South Atlantic., Series D: No. 1 - 4.' No. 110. Storm and Rain Chart of the North Atlantic, 1853. Serius E. No. 120. Storm afld Rain Chart of the South Atlantic, 1854. Series E. No. 79 - 82. Whale Chart of the World, 1852. Series F: No. 1 - 4.,No. 78. A Chart showing the favorito resort of the spermi and right whale.... Constructed from Maury's Whale Chart of the World, by R. 11. Wyman. 1853. See North America; Pilote Amnericain, North Am. Atlantic Neptune,' Neptune Americo-septen. See U. S. Coast Survey; France.. ATLASES, ANCIENT AND SCRIPTURE GEOGRAPHY: Maps, maade for Mr. iRollin's History, by Mr. D'Anville. Boston, Etheridge*and Bliss. 1 vol. 40. B. ýC. Scripture Atlas; or a Series of M~aps to illustrate the Old and New Testament. London, Mathews & Leigh, 1813. 20 maps. 1 vol.40.. Wilkinson'Is Atlas Classica; being a Collection of Maps of the countries mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane. London, 1830. 1 vol. 40. Thc Explanatory Bible Atlas and Scripture Gnzettcer. By William- Jenks, D.ID. B~jston, 1847. 19 maps. 1. vol. 40. G. L. See Sanson d'Abbeville, Geographia, sacra; also Worldi. MA PS A. ACHERY. Map of the Road from Achery to Warr~e: By Lieut. Thomas. MS. ~f. Maps, vol. 3. AFRICA. Afrique.... par le Sr. D'Anville, 1749. 2 f. Maps, vol. 10. IL'Afriquc, divise'e en 505 principaux e't....... Par le Sr. Jan-vier. Paris, 1769. 1 f. Maps, vol. 10. Africa, by Arrowsmith. Philadelphia, Kimber' & Sharples~s, 1818. Maps, vol. 3'. Missionary Map of Africa; carefully compared with the most accurate surveys, and embracingy the most recent discoveries...By 0. B..Bidwell. New-York, 1851. IRol. No. 3. 2 copies. AFRICA, EAST. Carte do la Coste orientale d'Afrique, depuis le xiiie dd'gre6 de lat. me~rid. jusqu'au xvi e'dar6 de lat. septen.: Tire~e de la Carte do M. Maurepas do 1740. 1 f. Maps, vol. 11. Carte do la Coste orientale d'Afrique, depuis lo Cap do Bonne Eisp~rance jusqu'aui (Cap delI Gada, 1740. 1 f- Maps, vol. 11. 14 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. - Plan de l'Isle et Ville de Quiloa: Tire de l'anglois.: f. Maps, vol. 11. - See Mombas, Monomotapa, Mozambique, Zanzibar. AFRICA, NORTH. See Spain; Atlases, Hydrog. frang. AFRICA, SOUTH. Plan de 1'Exp6dition de Mr. le Cor. Govert Knol, sorti de Soerabaja pour aller recevoir Pangerang Depati Anom, 1708. 1 f. Maps, vol. 11. - Le Pays des Hottentots aux environs du Cap de Bonne Esp6rance.... Par N. Bellin. f. Maps, vol. 11. - Carte de la Baye de Saldana...... Par N. Bellin. 1 f. Maps, vol. 11. - See Africa, East; Cape of Good Hope, Table Bay, Capetown. AFRICA, WEST. Costes d'Afrique, et les isles comprises entre le Cap Rouge et la Riviere de Nunho. - f. Maps, vol. 11. --- Entree de la Riviere de Sestos. f. Maps, vol. 11. - The Western Coast of Africa, from Cape Blanco to Cape Virga, exhibiting Senegambia proper: By T. Jeffreys, 1768. 1 f. Maps, vol. 10. - Carte d'une partie de la Coste d'Afrique, depuis Tanit jusqu' la Riviere de Senegal. I f. Maps, vol. 11. - Carte de la Coste occidentale de l'Afrique, depuis le Cap Blanc jusqu'a Tanit.: f. Maps, vol. 11. - Map of the Windward Coast of Africa, from"the Rio Grande to Cape Palmas. London. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. - Carte de la Coste occidentale de l'Afrique, depuis le xie degr6.. jusqu'au Cap de Bonne Esperance: Tiree de la Carte frangoise de 1738.. et augmentee. 1 f. Maps, vol. 11. Carte de la Coste occidentale d'Afrique, depuis le xiie d6grb de la latitude septentrionale jusqu'au xie degre de latitude m6ridionale, avec les isles voisins: Tiree de la Carte frangoise..... pub. en 1738; augment6e. f. Maps, vol. 11. S The English Pilot; describing the sea-coast, capes, headlands, bays, harbors, rivers and ports: Together with the soundings, sands, shoals, rocks and dangers on the west coast of Africa, from the straits of Gibraltar to the Cape of Good Hope.... The Seventh edition, with new additions. London, J. Mount and T. Page, 1776. 1 vol. fol. ---- A New Survey of that part of the Coast of Africa comprised between Cape Verga and Cape Formoso.. From... the Memoirs of Mr. R. Morris. London, Laurie & Whittle, 1797. 3 f. in 1. Maps, vol. 6. - Five Maps of the Coast of Africa, from Gibraltar to the Cape of Good Hope: by A. Arrowsmith. London, 1803. 1 vol. 40. - See Congo, Gambia, Goree, Guinee, Portendu, Benguela, Arguin, Judda, Cape Verd, Sierra Leone, Senegal, Liberia. - See Spain, Atlas maritime. MAPS. 15 ALABAMA. Map of Alabama; constructed from the surveys in the general land-office and other documents, by John Melish. Philadelphia, 1818. col. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - See Mississippi. ALBANY. Two Plans of Forts in N. Y., with Sketches of a fort endorsed "Albany." 3 f. Maps, vol. 4. - Map of 1760. See North America, A set of plans. ---- Plan of Albany, 1764. MS. - ap of the City of Albany, surveyed by Evert Van Alen, 1818. Maps, vol. 15. - Map of the Albany Pier and Basin: E. Van Alen, surveyor, 1825. Maps, vol. 15. - Map of the City of Albany, drawn by John Bradt from the late surveys of George W. Carpenter, engraved by George W. Merchant; with a plan of the city in 1794. 1843. Maps, vol. 15. - Map of the City of Albany, from original surveys, by J. C. Sidney. Published by M. Dripps, New-York, 1850. Maps, vol. 15. - -Map of the vicinity of Albany and Troy, from original surveys, by J. C. Sidney. Albany, R. H. Pease & Co. 1851. Rol. No. 33. ALBANY Co. Map of Albany County, N. Y., from actual surveys by Jay Gould and J. B. Moore. Albany, 1854. Rol. No. 22. ALGIERS. Plan gen6ral de la Ville d'Alger et de ses faubourgs: Dress6.... par Mr. A. Berbrugger.... Paris, Alger, 1847. Maps, vol. 19. - See Atlases, Hydrog. francaise. ALLEGAN. A Plan of the City of Allegan..... Allegan Co., Michigan. Maps, vol. 14. AMAZON R. Cour du Fleuve Maragnon, autrement dit des Amazones: Par le P. Samuel Fritz, missionaire. A f. Maps, vol. 2. AMBOYNA. See Indian Ocean. AMELIA Is. See St. Mary's R. AMERICA. A New and exact Map of North and South America, according to the best and latest observations.... To.... Caroline, Queen of Great Britain.... by Henry Overton. London, 1714 (?). 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. M- aps of, 1752. See Arctic Regions. - Map of the whole Continent of America, divided into North and South, and West Indies; with a Table showing the several Possessions of European Princes and States, as settled by the definitive treaty concluded at Paris, February 10, 1763; the clauses of which, relative thereto, are inserted. Compiled from M.D'Anville's Maps of that Continent, 1772. Published by Robert Sayer, London. Maps, vol. 1. - 'Am6rique divisee en ses principaux etats, assujettie aux observations astronomiques; par le Sr Janvier, g6ographe. A Paris, 1780, 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. 16 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. A-Comnplete Historical, Chronological and Geographical American Atlas; being a guide to the history of North and South Amierica, and the West Indies....Plan of Le Sage's Atlas. Philadelphia, 1822. 1 Vol. fol. America, published October 18, 1822 By Robert Wilkinson. London. 1 f. Maps, vol. 24. American Military Plans. See, North America; Marshall's Life of Washbington; and various headings. Maps, vol. 4. Plan of Battle at Quebec. See Quebec; St. Lawrence R. AM~STERDAM. Plan tre~s exact do la fimeuse Ville marchande d'Arnsterdarni Grave' et fnis. au jour par Henry Do Leth. Amnsterdamn, Covenis & Mortier, B. C. Maps, vol. 16. See Engravings; Am'sterdamn. ANDAMAN IS. See Sumatra. ANGOLA. Carte de la Coste cl'Angrola. -1 f. Maps, vol. 11. See Congo. ANGOSTURA. Plano, del Sitio de la Angostura, donde so ha eistablecido ci Quartel GrAl do R. Orinoco.....par Lisposicion de D. J. Moreno de Mendoza. See South America. ANTARCTIC REGIONS. Finis nester sit tantum. ostendere nbi sit Terra Australis et quanta. illS. I f. Maps, vol. 3. ANTICOSTI IS. Plan of the Island. MS. j- f. Miaps, vol. 3. ANTIGUA. H-et Eyland Antigua....gcelecgen in West India onder de Carlbis Eylanden. Amsterdam, Johannes V~an Keulen. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. Insula Antegoa.. excusaIlomanni anos Heredes. sin. f. Maps, Vol. 9. A New and exact Map of the Island of Antigua in Amnerica, 1746-48....By Robert Baker, surveyor general of lands in said island. J. Mynde so. London 4 f. in 1. Maps, vol. 2. The Road and Harbor of St. John in the Island of Antigua, with the adjacent coast, 1790: By E. H. Columbine'. Pub. by Faden, 17193. 1 gr. f. Maps, vol. 13. Views of the Landmlarks referred to in the Survey of St. John's Harbor. Faden, 17193.. 1 f. Maps, vol. 13. AINTILLES I.s. See Caribbee Is. ANTWERP, Plan of Antwerp. -1 f. Maps, vol. 19. ARABIA. Carte do la Coste d'Arabie, Mer Rouge et Golfe do Perse. Tirde do la Carte.... de M. Manrepas, 1740. f. Maps,.vol. 11. Torrin Ycrnemei Maxima pa~rs.. Auctore C. Niebubr - Desehrt so. Hafaive, 1771, 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. ISee Plersia; R~ed Sea. A R-cTIc REqIONS. '12 eartos concernant los nouvelles dedcouvertcs aunonrd do la Grande Mer appel~e vulgairemcnt la Mer du Sud. Paris, 1752 - ATLASES AND MAPS. 17 entre le 160'" degr6 de longitude et le 287me, et depuis le 43me degr6 de latitude septentrionale jusqu'au 80me; Decouvertes des Russes, D6 -couvertes des Frangois; Resultat de diverses Recherches faites par feu G. De L'Isle et Philippe Buache, G6og. de sa Majest6 et de l'Acad'mie des Sciences; Decouvertes de l'Amiral De Fonte. Paris, 1755. With Maps of the four quarters of the World by Janvier and Desnos, Paris, 1753, 1763. 1 vol. 4o. -- The Russian Discoveries; from the Map published by the Imperial Academy of St. Petersburg. London, R. Sayer, 1775. Col. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - A Chart of North and South America, including the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, with the nearest coasts of Europe, Africa and Asia. Inperfect: Arctic Regions only. R. Sayer, London, 1775. 2 f. Maps, vol. 1. ---- A Map exhibiting all the new discoveries in the interior parts of North America, 1795: By A. Arrowsmith. 4 f. in 2. Maps, vol. 5. - A Map of America between latitudes 40 deg. and 70 deg. north, and longitudes 45 deg. and 180 deg. west; exhibiting Mackenzie's track from Montreal to Fort Chipewyan, and from thence to the North Sea in 1789, and to the West Pacific Ocean in 1793. London, 1801. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - See Europe; Eng. Atlas, 1768, vol. 1. ARGOVIE. Canton d'Argovie: Campagne des corps francs, 1845. 1 f. Maps, vol. 19. ARGUIN. Plan du Fort d'Arguin: Pris.... 1721. f. Maps, vol. 11. - Plan de la Baye et Isle d'Arguin. ~ f. Maps, vol. 11. ARKANSAS R. Military Reconnoissance of the Arkansas, Rio del Norte and Rio Gila, by Lieut. W. H. Emory, made in 1846-7, with the advanced guard of the Army of the West, under Brigadier General Kearny, 1847: Map of the Seat of War in Mexico, being a copy of General Arista's, taken at Reseca de la Palma, with additions and corrections. New-York, 1847. Maps, vol. 14. ASIA. Premiere partie de la Carte de 1'Asie; contenant la Turquie, 1'Arabie, la Perse, l'Inde en deqa du Gange, etc.. Par le Sr. D'Anville, 1751. 2 f. Maps, vol. 10. - Seconde partie de la Carte d'Asie; contenant la Chine et partie de la Tartarie.... les Isles Sumatra, Borneo.... et du Japon: Par le Sr. D'Anville, 1752. 2 f. Maps, vol. 10. Troisieme partie de la Carte d'Asie; contenant la Sib6rie, et quelques autres parties de la Tartarie: Par le Sr. D'Anville, 1753. 2 f. Maps, vol. 10. S L'Asie, divisee en ses principaux tats: Par M. Bonne. Paris, 1780. Maps, vol. 9. - Asia, by A. Arrowsmith: Engraved by R. & H. S. Tanner. Philadelphia, 1818. Maps, vol. 3. - Map of Asia, carefully compiled from the latest maps and charts and other geographical publications, by A. Finley. Philadelphia, 1828. Maps, vol. 3. [ LIB, III.] 3 is 18NEW-YORKI STATE LIBRARY. Karte von iloch-Asien zu C. Ritter's Erdkunide: Buchi II, Asien,, Th. 1 & 2, bearbeitet von J. L. Grimm, herausgegyeben von C. hitter -und- F. A. 0. Etzel, Berlin, 1833. With ll6hen-verhaltnisse vom. Ostlichen Hochi-Asien in vier durchs~chnitten und einer' Projections-ansieht. 6 f. Maps, Vol. 16. Karte vomn Russischen Altai Zn C. Ritter's Erdlkunde: Buch II, Ost-Asien, Th. 2. Berlin, 1839. 1 f. Maps, vol. 16. Uebersiehts-karte von Ost-ioch-Asien, zu. C. Ritter's Erdk-unde. Berlin, Reiner, 1840. laps, vol. 16. Profile durch den Aitai, Asam, Vorderindien, etc. zn C. Ritter's 'Erdkunde. Berlin, Mahlmann. Maps, yel. 16. See Assarn; Rittcr's map. See Toncquin, Siam, China, India, Persia, Arabia. ASIA MINOR. See Greek. Islands. ASSA31. Karte von Asam, Ost-Bengaleni uncl Nord-Birma, nebst Bhutan, MAunipur, Catsehar, etc., zu C. Ritter's Erdkunde. Berlin, Reimer, 1840. 1 f. M1aps, vol. 1-6. ASTRONOMICAL MAPS. A Celestial Planisphere, or Map of the M. R. Bartlett. Utica, N.Y..1825. Misc. fol. vol. 1. See Atlases, Soc. for TDif. U. K. ATLANTIC OCEAN. Representation du Cours ordinaire des vents de travers~e qui regnent lec long des Cotes clans' le Mer Atlantique et Celle des Indes. A f. Maps,'vol. 11. Chart of the Atlantic Ocean; with the British, French and Spanish smettlements in North America and the West Indies, as also on the Coast of Africa. L~ondon, T. Jefferys. I f. Maps, vol. 2. Carte Mlarine ye'duite, oi" sont les ctes d'une partie de l'Europe, de l'Afriquc, et, de l'Anmerique: Par M'. Beaurain. Paris, 1741. 1 f. Col. Maps, Vol. 9. Carte de l'Oce'an meridional.... Bellin, 1746. f. Maps, vol. 11. Carite de l'Oce~an occidental, dressee pour servir 'a1'llistoire gdu&rale des voyages,. Bellin, 1746. f. Maps, Vol. 11. A New General Chart of the Atlantic or Western Ocean and adjacent seas, including the coasts of Europe and Africa, from 600 north lat. to the Equator; also the* opposite coa~st of America.. with the determinations 'Qf the longitude as given by the marine clocks of M. F. Berthoud in the voyage performed by order of the Governmnent, of France in 1768, 69, in the ship Isis: By M. de Fleurieu, of-* fleer in the French Navy. London, Sayer, 1777. Maps., vol. 3. Chart of the Atlantic. Ocean, exhibiting the Seat of War, both in Europe and America. London, Davis, 1780. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. ____A Chart of the Atlantic or Western Ocean, from the parallel of 3 degrees to 590 30' N. lat.....By W. Faden, 1807. gr. f. Maps, vol. 12. A Chart of the E~ithiopic or Southern Ocean and part of the Pacific Ocean, from the parallel of 3 degrees N. to 560 20' 5. lat. -180Qn r6.'By__WNIT d0n-1808.1 Q r11fQ eATs vli2 ATLASES AND MAPS. 19 Blunt's New Chart of the South Atlantic Ocean, revised and improved according to the latest Spanish and other surveys: By Edmund M. Blunt. New-York, 1826. Maps, vol. 14. S Blunt's New Chart of the Atlantic or Western Ocean, extending from the Equator to lat. 74% 40' N., long. 310 45' E. to long. 91o W.: By Edmund M. Blunt. New-York, 1826. Rol. No. 13. See Barbadoes; also, North Amer. Atlan. Nept. AUSTRALASIA. See Pacific Ocean. AUSTRALIA. Carte reduite des Terres australes: Par le Sr. Bellin... 1753. A f. Maps, vol. 11. - Carte d'une partie de la Nouvelle Hollande et des Isles Arsacides, d6couverte par MM. De Bougainville, De Surville, Shortland, etc.: Par M. De Laborde, 1791. 2 f. in 1. Maps, vol. 3. ----- See Hydrog. francaise. AUSTRIA. See Belgium, Carte chorographique. AVA R. Map of Ava River, from a MS. communicatad by Major Rennell...... By A. Dalrymple, 1791. - f. Maps, vol. 3. - See Siam. AVIGNON. Plan g6eomtrique de la Ville d'Avignon: Dress5 par Lemenager, 1849. Maps, vol. 18. AZOF SEA. See Black Sea. AZORES Is. See Spain, Atlas maritime. B. BAHAMA BANKS. Chart of the Old Bahama Channel... By J. Foss Dessiou. London, Faden, 1808. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2, - Chart of Bahama Banks and Gulf of Florida: By Edmund Blunt. New-York, 1827. Maps, vol. 14. - See Florida, Chart of Gulf; Cuba. BAHIA. Sinus Omnium Sanctorum. Amstelodami, Covens & Mlortier. Maps, vol. 9. BALTIC SEA. Charte r6duite de la Mer Baltique, 1785. 2 f. Maps, vol. 6. - See Hydrog. frangaise. BANCA. Chart of the Banca, Gasper and Clement's Straits.... By G. Robertson, 1788. 1 f. Maps, vol. 8. BANDA Is. See Indian Ocean. BARBADOES. Insula Barbadoes in suas parochias distincta. sm. f. Maps, vol. 9. - A New and exact Map of the Island of Barbadoes, 1717 - 21, by W. Mayo: Eng. by J. Senex, 17221 A Plan of the Bridgetown. 4 f. in 1. Maps, vol. 10. ---- A Plan of Carlile Bay in Barbadoes, and the Bridgetown. MS. - f. Maps, vol. 2. 20 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. - A New Map of the Island of Barbadoes....... Sold by Philip Lea. London. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. - A New and exact Map of the Island of Barbadoes in America...... made by W. Mayo: Approved by the Royal Society. 1 qr. f. Maps, vol. 2. BARCELONA. Plafno de la Real Ciudadela de Barcelona, 1726. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. BECONYA. See Bequia. BELGIUM. Carte-chorographique des Pays-bas Autrichiens, dediee & Leurs Majestes Imperiales et Royales: Par le Comte de Ferraris, 1777. With Plan de la Ville de Bruxelles, grav6e par L. A. Dupuis. 25 f. Maps, vol. 18. Carte topographique des Frontieres Belges et Hollandaises, d'apres le protocole de la conference de Londres du 20 Jan. 1831.... Par le Col. J. E. Van Gorkum. Bruxelles, Vandermalen. 12 sm. f. Maps, vol. 18. - Carte de la Navigation de la Belgique et des pays limitrophes, divisee en bassins. Bruxelles, J. B. Vifquain, 1842. 1 f. Maps, vol. 18. - Belgique: Echelle de 1 a 700,000. Etab. g6og. Bruxelles. Maps, vol. 18. - Carte topographique des Rives de l'Escaut occidental et du Canal de Gand a Terneuzen: Par A. E. G. 1832. Bruxelles, Vandermalen. 1 f. Maps, vol. 18. - ommunications entre l'Angleterre, l'Allemagne et la France, par les chemins de fer belges. 1 f. Maps, vol. 18. - Carte pittoresque des Chemins de fer de la Belgique. Etab. geog. Bruxelles. 1 f. Maps, vol. 18. - Comparative Map of distances between Paris and Cologne, and likewise between Dover and Cologne, by railway. Bruxelles. I f. Maps, vol. 18. --- Plan du Chemin de fer compris entre Liege et Aix-la-Chapelle, 1843. Bruxelles. Maps, vol. 18. - Carte du Chemin de fer de la Grande Jonction projete par D. Marchal, reliant entre elles les provinces de Brabant, Hainaut, Liege, Limbourg et Namur.... Bruxelles. Maps, vol. 18. - Carte des Chemins de fer Belges. Etab. geog. Bruxelles. f f. Maps, vol. 18. - See Holland. BEDFORD FORT. Fort Bedford on Juniata Creek. MS. Maps, vol. 4. BEMIS'S HEIGHTS. See Stillwater. BENGAL. A Map of Bengal and its dependencies, published 1772, by W. Bolts: Engraved by T. Jefferys. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. BENGAL BAY. Chart of the Northern Part of the Bay of Bengal... surveyed by Plaisted & Ritchie, 1772. Dalrymple. I.f. Maps, vol. 3. BENGUELA. Carte de la Rade de Benguela et Riviere de Canton Belle. A f. Maps, vol. 11. ATLASES AND MAPS. 21 See Congo. BENNINGTON, VT. Position Of the Detachment under Lieut. Col. Baum at Walmscock near Bennington, showing the attacks of the enemy on the 16th of August 1777: Drawn by Lieut. Durnford, engineer. London, Faden, 1780. -1f. Maps, vol. 4. BENSE. V'ue de l'Isle et du Fort de Bense. I f. Maps, Vol. 11. BEQUJA. Plan of the Island of Bequia, W. IL, laid down by actual survey under the direction of the commiissioners for the sale of land in the ceded island: By John Byres, chief surveyor, 1776. London. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. BERMUDA. Insukee Bermudes in snas tribas divisao. sin. f.. Maps, Vol. 9. 1A Mapp of the Sommer Ilands, once called the Bermudas. Sold by Christopher Brown, London. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. 1Map of the Bermuda or the Summer C. H. Lempriere and W. H. Toins, 1738. London. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. BETHLE11EM, N. Y. Map of Mr. White's land. MS. Portf. BIBLE MAPS. See Atlases, Ancient, and World. BIRMAII. See Assam. BIsOAY, BAY OF. See English Channel. BLACK SEA. A New Draft of the Black Sea, with the Sea of Azof and the Sea of Marmora. London, Sayer, 1788. 1 f. Maps, vol. 6. BOMBAY. Carte de Bombay et ses environs. -1 f. Maps, vol. 11. BORNEO. Map....of Part of Borneo and the Sooloo Archipelago, laid down chiefly from observations in 1761 - 4, by A. Dalrymple. London. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. A Chart of the Passage along the west coast of Borneo: By G. Robertson, 1788. 1 f. Maps, vol. 8. See Asia; Java; Indian Ocean. BOSPIORituS STRAIT. Thrakikos, Bosphorus, meth tes Konstantinop oleos schediastheis kata to etos 1818. Maps, vol. 19.. Carte topographiquc du Bosphore de, Thrace et des environs, do Constantinople, levee par MM. Thomassin et Vincent....Paris, 1828. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. See Marmora, Sea. BOSTON. A New Survey of the Harbour of Boston, in New-England. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. Plan of the Town, 1774. See New-England. Plan of the Town and Chart. of the Harbor of Boston; wi~th a view of the island, castle, forts and entrances, February, 1775.. - f. Maps, vol. 4. A Map of 100 miles round Boston, 1775,() f. Maps,. vol. 4. A Plan. of the Town of Boston; with the- intrenchments, etc. of his Majesty's forces in 1775: From the observations of Lieut. Page, of the Royal Engineers. London, Faden', 1777. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. 22 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. --- A Plan of the Town and Harbor of Boston and the Country adjacent, with the road from Boston to Concord; showing the place of the late engagement: Surveyed by J. De Costa. London, 1775. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. Boston, its environs and harbor; with the rebels' works raised against that town in 1775: By Licut. Page, with additions from sundry American plans. London, Faden, 1778. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. - Plan particulibre du Havre de Boston, 1780. See North Amer. Nept. septen. - Plan du Havre de Boston, tire d'un Plan anglois fort exact. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - See North Amer. Atlan. Nept. vol. 1, 2. BOURBON Is. Carte de 1'Isle de Bourbon, autrefois Mascareigne.... Par M. Bellin. 1 f. Maps, vol. 11. BOURO. See Indian Ocean. BOYLSTON, OSWEGO Co. Map of the town: Surveyed by B. Wright. See Pierrepont ( H. B.). BRABANT. See Holland. BRANDON, FRANKLIN CO. Map of the town.. Surveyed by B. Wright, 1800. See Pierrepont (H. B.). BRANDYWINE. Battle of Brandywine, in which the rebels were defeated, Sept. 11, 1777, by the army under the command of Gen. Sir W. Howe: From a plan drawn on the spot, by S. W. Werner, Lieut. of Hessian artillery. London, Faden, 1778. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. BRAVA Is. Plan des Isles Brava. Yver Calmar, 1755. MS. I f. Maps, vol. 3. BRAZIL. A New Chart of the North Coast of Brazil.... by John Patriceo. Pub. by W. Faden, 1809. 1 f. Maps, vol. 12. - A New Chart of the Coast of Brazil from 230 40' to 260 south lat... Pub. by W. Faden, 1807. gr. f. Maps, vol. 12. - See Santa Catharina; Bahia. BREST..General Chart of the Iroise Passage or Bay of Brest, from Ushant to the Isle of Saints: By Capt. John Knight, R. N. 1800. London, Faden, 1802. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. BRPTAGNE. Map, 1700. N. de Fer. See Atlases, De L'Isle. - A Chart of the French Coast from Quimperlay to St. Gildas. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. - See Houat Is.; Glenan Is.; L'Orient, BRETON Is. See New-Foundland. BREWERTON FORT. See North America, Set of Plans. BROOKLYN, N. Y. Map of the City of Brooklyn, as laid out by commissioners and confirmed by acts of the legislature of the State of NewYork.. By W. Day, city surveyor. Containing also a Map of the Village of Williamsburgh, and part of the City of New-York: Published by J. H. Colton, 1846. New-York, 1846. Rol. No. 34. ATLASES AND MAPS. 23 - Abstract Map of the City of Brooklyn, showing the water line and high water mark from Fulton-street to Red Hook. Miller, NewZ ork. Maps, vol. 15. BRUGES. Essai d'un Plan de Bruges et de sa banlieue, vers 1303: Par A. E. G. Bruxelles, Vandermaelen. - f. Maps, vol. 18. BRUNSWICK. See Hanover. BRUSH ( Mr.). Map of his Land on Hudson's River, by T. Palmer. MS. Portf. BRUSSELS. Plan g6om6trique de la Ville de Bruxelles, dress6 en 1835 par W. B. Graan....Publi6 par les soins de Ph. Vandermelen. 4 f. Maps, vol. 18. - Plan de la Ville de Bruxelles et de ses environs. Bruxelles, Vanderminlen, 1830. Maps, vol. 18. BUACHE (P.). Atlas, 1752-55. See Arctic Regions. BuINOS-AYRES. Plan of the City of Buenos-Ayres. London, H. D. Syinonds. f. Maps, vol. 2. - Carte geographique, statistique et historique de Buenos-Ayres, ou des Provinces Unies de l'Amerique du Sud. Beaupr6, Paris. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. BUFFALO, N. Y. A New Map of the City of Buffalo, from actual survey by H. Lovejoy. Buffalo, 1853. Maps, vol. 15. ---- Map of the Village (now City) of Buffalo, under the following description: "Map of the Village of New-Amsterdam, made for the Holland Land Company by Joseph Ellicott, surveyor, 1804." N. Y. Doc. Hist. Maps, fol. BUNKER'S HILL. Plan of the Action at Bunker's Hill, on the 17th of June 1775, between his Majesty's troops under Major General Howe, and the rebel forces: By Lieut. Page. The ground plan from an actual survey, by Capt. Montresor. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4, -- A Sketch of the Action between the British Forces and the American Provincials, on the heights of the Peninsula of Charlestown, June 17, 1775. Jefferys & Faden, 1775, 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. - A Plan of the Battle on Bunker Hill, fought June 17,1775: By an officer on the spot. With Gen. Burgoyne's description of the battle, in a letter to his nephew, Lord Stanley, London, Sayer & Bennett, 1775. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. BURGOYNE'S CAMPAIGN. See George, Lake; Stillwater; Saratoga. C. CALABAR. See Guinee. CALIFORNIA. La Californie ou Nouvelle-Caroline. Teatro de los trabajos apost6licos de la Compania de Jesus en la America septentrional: dressee sur celle que le Vice-roi de la Nouvelle-Espagne envoya il y a peu d'ann6es a Messieurs de l'Academie des Sciences, par N. de Fer, g6ographe de Sa Majest6 catolique. Paris, 1720, 1 f, Maps, vol. 1, 24 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. -- La Paz (Lower California) and its environs, showing the positions of the U. S. troops in 1847: from Ehrenberg's survey. 1 f. Maps, vol. 17. S Topographical Sketch of the gold and quicksilver district of California, July 25, 1848. E. O. C. O., Lieut. U.S.A. Maps, vol. 17. - A Series of six Charts of San Francisco Bay, and the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers: By Cadwalader Ringgold, Commander U. S. Navy. Washington, 1850. 1 vol. fol. With Sailing directions, 1851. 44 pp. 80. Contents: A General Chart, embracing the entire Survey, &c. Sheet No. 1. Farallones and Entrance to San Francisco. No. 2. Bays of San Francisco and San Pablo, Napa Straits and Entrance to Carquines Straits. No. 3. Straits of Carquines, and Suisun Bay. No. 4. Confluence and Delta Branches of the Sacramento and San Joa. quin Rivers, and the Sacramento River, including the cities of Sacramento and Boston. No. 5. Plans of the principal harbors on enlarged scales. --- The same. Fourth edition, with additions. Washington, 1852. 1 vol. imp. 80. - See Oregon, Fremont's and Duflot de Mofra's Maps. CAMPEACHY. Plan de la Villa de S" Franco de Campeche: Afio de 1726. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. CAMDEN, N. C. Sketch of the Battle of Hobkirk's Hill, near Camden, on the 25th of April 1781: Drawn by Capt. Vallancey. Faden, 1783. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. S See Guilford. - See North Amer. Atlan. Nept. CANADA. Carte de la Nouvelle France....par le Sr. de Champlain, 1632: Reprinted, Albany, 1850. See N. Y. Doc. Hist. Maps, fol. vol. - Partie orientale de la Nouvelle-France on du Canada; aveo l'Ile de Terre-neuve et de Nouvelle-Ecosse, Acadie, Nouvelle-Angleterre, avec le Fleuve de St. Laurence: ReprBsent6 par Matth. Seutter: Dress6 par Alb. Charl. Seutter. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - Partie occidentale du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France, out sont les nations des Ilinois, de Tracy, les Iroquois et plusieurs autres peuples; avec la Louisiane nouvellement ddcouverte.... Par le P. Coronelli.... et augment6e par le Sr. Tillemon. Paris, 1688. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. ---- Partie de la Nouvelle-France: dedie Monseigneur le Marquis de Seignelay et Lonve, Baron de Sceaux..... Hubert Jaillot, 1700. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - Map, 1703. See Atlases, De L'Isle. - arte des Pays connus sous ]e nom de Canada.... Par le Sieur Robert de Vaugondy. Paris, 1753. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - Partie occidentale de la Nouvelle-France ou du Canada, par M. Bellin.... Communiqude au public par les h6ritiers de Homan..... 1755. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1, ATLTASES AND MAP9S. 25 - Partie orientale de la Nouvelle-France ou du Canada, par M. Bellin... Communiquee au public par les h6ritiers de Homan, 1755. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - Partie orientale du Canada: Traduit de l'anglois de la Carte de Jefferys.... 1765, par Le Rouge. 1 f. Maps, vol. 10. - A New Map of the Province of Quebec, according to the royal proclamation of the 7th of October 1763: from the French surveys... by Capt. Carver. London, R. Sayer, 1776. 1 f. col. Maps, vol. 1. A Map of the inhabited part of Canada, from the French surveys; with the frontiers of New-York and New-England, from the large survey by Claude Joseph Sauthier: Eng. by Wm. Faden, 1777. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - Partie occidentale de l'Amerique septentrionale, oui sont compris la Baie de Baffins, la Baie de Hudson: Carte particuliere de l'Am6 -rique septentrionale, oiu sont compris le Destroit de Davis, le Destroit de Hudson, etc. Amsterdam, chez P. Mortier. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - e Canada, ou partie de la Nouvelle-France; contenant la Terre de Labrador, la Nouvelle-France, les Iles de Terre-Neuve, de NotreDame, etc. Amsterdam, chez Covens et Mortier. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - ap of the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, with the adjacent parts of the United States of America: By Joseph Bouchette. London, 1815. Maps, vol. 2. - Topographical Map of the Province of Lower Canada: By Joseph Bouchette. With Plans of Quebec and Montreal. London, W. Faden, 1815. Rol. No. 6. - A Map of Canada, compiled from the latest authorities, by Edward Staveley. Montreal, 1848. 1 vol. 12o. ---- Map of Canada West, or Upper Canada: Compiled.. by Donald McDonald. Toronto, 1854. 8o. --. With Coast of Nova Scotia. See Boston; Gaspe; St. Lawrence River; North America. CANARY Is. Carte des Isles Canaries..Par N. Bellin, 1746. - f. Maps, vol. 11. -See Madeira Is.; Teneriffe; Spain, Atlas Maritime. CANNANOEE. Plan of Cannanore, 1784; with Plan of Fort, 1709 ' Malabar. A. Dalrymple, London, 1792. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. CANTON. Carte des Isles qui sont a l'embouchure de la Riviere de Canton.... Par N. Bellin. - f. Maps, vol. 11....--- Carte de l'Entr6e de la Riviere de Canton...Par N. Bellin. ~ f. Maps, vol. 11. CAPE FEAR R. Plan de la RiviBre, 1778, See North Amer. Nept. septen, --- A Chart of the Entrance of Cape Fear River, surveyed by order of the Secretary of the Navy: Executed by Lieut. James Glynn and his assistants. 1839, Washington. 4 large sheets in 1. Maps, vol. 1. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. A View of the Cape of Good Hope: With a Plan of the town of the Cape of Good Hope, by Bourset, 1770. London, Faden, 1795. 1 f, Maps, vol. 5. [ LIB, II.] 4 26 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. Plan du Fort ct de la Ville du Cap de Bonne Espe'rance. I f. Maps, Vol. 11. Jardin'de la Compagnie au Cap de Bonne Esp drance. 11. Maps, Vol. 11. Soundingrs of Table Bay at the Cape of Good Hope, as taken in 1786, by order of Governor Van de Graaff. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. The Dutch Colony of the. Cape of Good Hope: By L. S. de la Rochette, 1795., London, T. Jefferys, 1795. 1 f. Maps, vol. 6. -___Dutch Colony of the Cape of Good Hope: By L. S. de la Rochette. Faden, London, 1795. 1 f. Maps, vol. 5. Plan of Naval Eng-agement under Sir Home Popham, 1806; with autograph letter of Sir H. P. MS. f. Maps, vol. 3. Table Bay, with the Road of the Cape of Good Hope. MS. f. Maps, vol. 3. Chart of False Bay, Cape of Good Hope. MS. I f. Maps, vol. 3. Vue du Cap do Bonne Espe'rance. f. Maps, vol. 11. CAPE VERD. Cape De Verd: Draught by F. Swaine in 1750, in search of the Duke of Cumberland wreck. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. Vues du Cap Verd 'a trois licues en mer. TI f. Map s, vol. 11. Carte exacte de la'Cote du Cap Verd, avec la vue. de l'Isle do Gore'e. Af f. Maps, vol. 11. CAPE VERD IS. Carte des Isles du Cap Verd. Par N. Bellin, 1746. Sf. Maps, Vol. 11. Plan de la Baye de l'Isle de St. Vincent Tire' do Frosier.;1 f. T Maps, Vol. 1.1. See Brava Is. CARANJA IS. M ap of the Caranja Island: Drawn by John Lendrum, lieutenant, 1776. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. A Chart of Pen Abtah and Nagotana -Creeks: Drawn by' John Lendrum, 1776. b-MS. 1I f. Maps, vol.- 3. CARIBBEE ISLES. Carte re'duite des Isles Antilles, pour le service des vaisseaux du roi.... Par M. Bellin, 1758. Map~s; vol. 9'. --A Map of the Caribbec, Grenadilles and Vir'gin Islands: By M. Richmond. London, Wilkinson, 171ý9. 1 f. Mapsý, o'l.2. An.Attempt to correct the errors in the charts hitherto published of the Caribbean Islands, by Lieut. E. H. Columbine... 1787 -90. Faden,. 1796. 1 f. Maps, vol. 13. Carte des Antilles: Andre" scripsit. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. Carte des Isles Antilles: Par J. B. Poirson, 1802. 1 f. Maps, V ol. 9. See St. Eustatia; West Indies, General Chart. CArOLINE IS. Carte des Isles Carolines et des Marianes, ou Isles des Larons. lust. Univ. 1 f. Maps, Vol.; 9. ATLASES AND MAPS. 27 CAUTHAGENA. Plan of the Harbor of Cartagena, as found by Pedre Fullid~e in 1705, and HIerrera in 1723" and 1724: E. Bowen sc. I f. Maps, vol. 2,. Neu und Verbesserter Plan des Hafens von (Iarthageia.... Hovzann. h'ered. 1740. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. Neu rind Verbesserter Plan des Hafens- von Cart~hagena: Norimbergoo, ab Homan. heredibus, 1741().- f. Maps, vol. 2.. A New and exact Plan of the Harbor, town and Forts of Carthagena, from a Spanish draught taken by the Sieur D'Anviile; with an exact prospect of the town. H1. Overton, 1740. 1 f. Mlaps, vol. 2. Carte topographiqu'e de la Baie, Yille et Faubourg de Cartagene: avec los forts et batteries nouvellement dtahlis pour servir 'a sa d 'efense: Par M. Beaurain, Gedogr. ordin. dui Roi. Paris, 1741. 1 f. Col. Maps, vol. 9. --The sa me. Maps, vol. 2. A Plan of the Harbor, Town and Castles of Carthagena. Dedicated to Edward Vernon, Admiral: By Captain Durrell, 17-41. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. IA Plan and Prospect of. the Harbour, Town and Castles of Car. thagena, presented to Admiral Ver-non by Capt. Philip Durroll. WV. H. Toms, London, 1743. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. 1An exact Plan of Carthagena, March 22, 1740: By Lieut. Bontein. London, 1744. 2 f. in 1. Maps, vol. 2. -Plaiio do la Canal de' Bocachica, unica, entrada de Navios " a1g Bahia de Cartegena, 1792: Antonio de Erebalo. MS. 2 f. in 1. Maps, vol. 2. -Plan do la Bayc de. See South America, Grand Thedatre. CAYENNE. Carte do l'Jsle do Caienne: Par le Sr. Bellin, 1753. I f. Maps, vol. 11. Plan of the Town of Cayenne and Fort St. Michael, by Do Marechais, 1760: By T. Jefferys. 1 f. M3aps, vol. 10..Tlýe Island and Colony of Cayenne: By T. Jefferys, 1760. 1 f. Maps, vol. 10. La Ville do Cayenne. -1 f. Maps, vol. 11. CAYMANS. The Grand Caymans, by G. Gould, 1773. Faden, 1790. f. Maps, vol. 13. CELEBES. Carte do l'Isle Celebes cii Macassar. f. Maps, vol. 11. See Philippine Is. CELESTIAL PLANISPHERE, by M. IR. Bartlett. See Astronomy, Maps. CENTRAL AMERICA. The Bay of Honduras. Robt. Sayer, London, 1775. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. Map of Central America, showing the different lines of Atlantic and Pacific communication: By James Wyld, Geog. to the Queen. London, 1850. Maps, vol. 17.. 28 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. - See West Indies, General Chart; Yucatan. CERRO G-ORDO. Battle of Cerro Gordo, April 1847.... Drawn by Capt. McLellan. Maps, vol. 17. CEYLON. Carte de 1'Isle de Ceylan... Par N. Bellin, 1750. - f. Maps, vol. 11. ---- Map of the Island of Ceylon, by A. Arrowsmith, 1805. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. - Jaffnapatam. - f. Maps, vol. 11. CHAMPLAIN (Le Sieur). Map of New-France, 1632. See Canada. CHAMPLAIN CANAL. Map and Profile of the Champlain Canal, as made from Lake Champlain to the Hudson, and surveyed thence to the tide at Waterford: By James Geddes, engineer, 1825. 8~. - The same. Maps, vol. 15. CHAMPLAIN, LAKE. Map of the French and English Grants on Lake Champlain, from the original in the Department of State. Reprinted Albany, 1850. See N. Y. Doe. Hist. Maps. - Carte du Lac Champlain, depuis le Fort Chambly jusqu'au Fort St. Frederic: Levee par le Sr. Anger, arpenteur du roy en 1732. Fait a Quebec le 10 Octobre 1748: Sign6 de Lery. Reprinted Albany, 1850. See N. Y. Doe. Hist. Maps. -- A Map of Lake Champlain, Lake George, Fort Frederick, etc.: From the French. MS. 1760? Maps, vol. 4. - Chart of Lake Champlain in North America: Taken by Josias Lambert, from an original by Capt. A. M. Shields. MS. 1770? Maps, vol. 17. - The Attack and Defeat of the American Fleet under Benedict Arnold, by the King's Fleet commanded by Capt. Thomas Pringle, upon Lake Champlain, the 11th of October 1776. London, Faden, 1776. 1 f. Maps, vol.4. - Map, 1776. See North America, Amer. Mil. Pock. Atlas. CHARLESTON, S. C. A Plan of Charleston...with the harbor, islands and forts; the attack on Fort Sullivan in 1776; the position of the land forces under Gen. Clinton, and the Rebel Camp..... f. Maps, vol. 4. - A N. W. by N. View of Charlestown from on board the Bristol, Commodore Sir Peter Parker; taken the day after the attack on Fort Sullivan. London, Faden, 1776. Maps, vol. 4. - The same. f. Maps, vol. 7. - Plan de la Barre et du Havre, 1776. See North Amer. Nept. Septen. - Sketch of the Environs of Charleston in South-Carolina: By Captain George Sproule, Ass't. engineer. London, 1780. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. - Plan of the Siege of Charleston in South-Carolina. London, 1787. Sf. Maps, vol. 4. -- See Sullivan Fort; North Amer. Atlan. Nept. vol. 1, 2. ~-- Bar and Harbour. See North-Carolina. ATLASES AND MAPS. 29 CHARLESTOWN, Ms. See Bunker's Hill. CHEDDUBA. Plan of the Island of Shedduba, Bay of Bengal. MS. - f. Maps, vol. 3. CHENANGO, N. Y. Map showing the ownership of lots in the Tenth town Chenango. MS. Portf. - Map of the Chenango Canal Route: D. H. Burr del. MS. Maps, vol. 15. - Map of Chenango County. MS. Maps, vol. 15. CHESAPEAKE BAY. Carte de la Baie, 1778. See North Amer. Neptune Septen. - A Map and Chart of those parts of the Bay of Chesapeak, York and James Rivers, which are at present the seat of war. London, J. Bew, 1781. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. CHERBOURG. Carte de la Rade de Cherbourg, levee en l'ann6e 1786. Paris, ches Chereau. With MS. notes. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. - Disposition de 1'Escadre venue a Cherbourg i l'occasion du voyage qu'y a fait le Roy le 23 juin 1786. Paris, Tilliard. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. Carte topographique du Port et de la Ville de Cherbourg et de ses environs, lev6e sur les lieux: Par J. G. B., 1787. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. - Nouveau Plan de la Rade de Cherbourg, avec les environs et de ses deux digues pour en operer la ferm6ture. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. - Vue de la Ville et de ]a Rade de Cherbourg, et Ie d6part du premier cone pour la construction du nouveau port. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. CHILCA LAKE. Plan of Chilca Lake; Part of Orixa, India. MS. } f. Maps, vol. 3. CHILI. Spherical Chart of the Coast of the Kingdom of Chili, between the parallels of 240 45' and 380 of S. lat..... 1790. Pub. by W. Faden, 1805. 1 gr. f. Maps, vol. 12. - Mapa de uha porcion de Chile, indicando el Curso del FerroCarril progectado entre Valparaiso y Santiago: Alexander y Allen Campbell, 1852. Maps, vol. 14. CHINA. Villes de la Province de Chensi. - f. Maps, vol. 11. - Carte de la Baye de Chin-chew ou Changchew, avec les isles. A f. Maps, vol. 11. - Plan de la Ville de Hang-Tcheou-fou: Tire du P. Du Halde. 2 f. Maps, vol. 11. u- sihyen: lHu-Chew-fu, or Hou-Tcheou-fou. - f. Maps, vol. 11. - Carte de la Baye d'Hocsieu.... dans la Province de Fokyen. Sf. Maps, vol. 11. Plan de quelques villes de la Province de Hou-Quang. A f. Maps, vol. 11. - Lan-tcheou ou Lanchew dans la Province de Chensi. f. Maps, vol. 11. 30 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. Plan de Long-men-hien, pre's de la Grande Muraille: Plan d'une partie de la grande murailic.j f. Maps, vol. 11. ____Plan de l a Ville de Su-Tcheou.-fou. I f. Maps, vol. 11. La Chine, avec la Kore~e et les parties de la Tartarie les plus voisines, tire~e des- cartes que les Miss. Je'suites ont levees, 1708 - 17. 1 f. Maps, Vol. 11.a L'Empire de la Chine.... Par N. Bellin, 1748. 1 f. Maps, vol. Charts of the China Navigation, principally laid down upon the spot....... By GI. Robertson. London, 1788. See Maps, vol. 8. Sketch of a Journey from Zhe-hol in Tartary, by land to Pekin, and from thence by water to Ilang-Tchoo-foo in China: By J. iBarrow. London, Nicol, 1796..1 f. Maps, Vol. 3. See Canton; Chusan; Cochin; Formosa; Macno; Nankin Pekin; India, Chart of Islands. CizILOE Is. Plan of the Harbour of Sn. Carlos, or St. Charles, situated on the north part of the Island of Chiloe.... Pub. by W. Faden, 1808. 1 f. Maps, vol. 12. CILUSAN. Carte de l'Tsle de Cheu.-Chan, ou l'Isl e de Chusan.... avec les costes et isles voisines.... Par N. Bellin, 1750 () f. Maps, Vol. 11. CLINTON, FORT, N.Y. Plans of the Attacks of Forts Clinton and Montgomery upon Hudson's' River, which were stormed by his Majesty's forces under Sir H-enry Clinton, Oct. 6th, 1777: Drawn from the surveys of Verplank, Holland and Metcalfe, by Lieut. John Hills. Faden, 1784. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. COCHIN. Ville de Cochin. 1 f. Maps, vol. 11. CCHdIN-CHINA. Plan du Port du Coumong, situe' ' la Co~te do Cochinchine. MS. f. Maps, vol. 3. Carte des Costes de Cochin-chine, Tunquin, et parti'e de celle de la Chine. I f. Maps, vol. 11. COLOMBIA. See Venezuela. COLONIA. Piano de la Plaza de la Colonia del Sacramento situada sobre la costa septentrional del Plata: Por D. Tomas Lopez. Madrid, 1777. I f. Maps, vol. 2. COLUMBIA Co. N.Y. A Map of the Towns of Livingston, Germantown and Clermont in the County of Columbia.... 1798: John Wigram. Reprinted, Albany, 1850. See N.Y. Doct. Hist. Maps. COMORtO Is. Carte des Isles de Comore.. Par N. Bellin. I f. Maps, Vol. 11. Carte de l'sle Anjouan Par le Capt. Cornwall. I f. Maps, Vol. 11. COMPIýIGNE. Plan de Ia Foret de Compeigne et des sea, environs, pre'aente6 a sa majeste' en 1772 - LeveS par Sicur Bussa. Maps, vol. 9. COnGOTt. n0C14a rte de l'mbl-oueure de aIn.Rivire do (p.Congo, ou de Zayre. ATLASES AND MAPS. 31 - Carte des Royaumes de Congo, Angola et Benguela, avec les pays voisins: Tir6 de l'anglois. - f. Maps, vol. 11. CONNECTICUT. A Map of Connecticut and Rhode-Island, with Long Island Sound, etc. 1780 (?). I f. Maps, vol. 2. Connecticut from actual survey, by Moses Warren and George Gillet. Hartford, 1812. Maps, vol. 14. CONSTANTINOPLE. Map in Turkish of Constantinople and the Bosphorus. A. H.1265. 1 f. Maps, vol. 19. - Carte topographique de Constantinople et de ses faubourgs, pour servir a l'histoire du cholera en 1848: Par le Dr. Verrollot. Constantinople. 1 f. Maps, vol. 19. - See Bosphorus. COPENHAGEN. Plan of Naval Engagement under Lord Nelson, 1801. MS. ~ f. Maps, vol. 3. CORE SOUND, NORTH-CAROLINA. Surveyed by J. Lee, L. Sitgreaves and A. M. Mitchell, 1839. Cong. Doct. 4 maps. See Alexandria Aqueduct, Gen. Lib. COREA. See China. CORFU. The Harbour of Corfu. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. COROMANDEL. The Seat of War on the Coast of Coromandel, accommodated with a memoir, 1754: T. Jefferys. 1 f. Maps, vol. 10. CORsICA. Isle de Corse: The Island and Kingdom of Corsica.... By T. Jefferys, 1769. 1 f. Maps, vol. 5. - See Atlases, Hydrog. Fr. COYLAN. Plan de la Forteresse de Coylan. f. Maps, vol. 11. CRANGANOR. Plan de la Forteresse de Cranganor, 1709. - f. Maps, vol. 11. CREMONA. Plan de la Ville, 1702. See Pelet, vol. 1. CRIMEA. Physical Map of the Crimea; with enlarged Maps of the seat of war, and Views of Sebastopol and Balaklava: By Ernest Sandoz. Boston, 1854. Maps, vol. 19. CUBA. Carte de 1'Isle Cuba et des Isles Lucayes: Andre scripsit. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. - Neu und verbesserter Plan de St. u. Hafens Havana auf der Ins. recusa. Norimb. a Homann hered. 1739. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. - A Map of the Isle of Cuba, with the Bahama islands, Gulf of Florida and Windward passage: Eng. by T. Jefferys. 1 f. Maps, vol. 10. - The West end of the Island of Cuba, and part of the Colorados.... By G. Gauld, 1773. Faden, 1790. 1 f. Maps, vol. 13. - See Bahama, Florida, Havana, St. Jago, West Indies. CURA9AO. Nouvelle Carte de l'Isle. See South America, Grand theatre. CURZOLA. The Straits of Curzola. f. Maps, vol. 3. 32 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. D. DALMATIA. See Curzola, Durazzo, Lessina, Lodrino, Narento, Spalatro. DAMPIER'S STS. Chart of Dampier and Pitt's Straits. By G. Robertson, 1788. 1 f. Maps, vol. 8. DANSBURG. 4 Views of the fortress. 2 quarter f. Maps, vol. 11. DELAWARE BAY. A Chart of Delaware Bay and River; containing a full and exact description of the shores, creeks, harbours...... By Joshua Fisher; with the tide table from the Capes to Philadelphia. London, Sayer and Bennett, 1776. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - The same. Maps, vol. 2. A Chart of Delaware Bay and River..... from the Capes to Philadelphia...... By J. Fisher: Eng'd by W. Faden, 1776. 1 f. Maps, vol. 7. DELAWARE RIVER. The Course of the Delaware River from Philadelphia to Chester: exhibiting the several works erected by the Americans to defend the passage, with the attacks made upon them by His Majesty's forces. Faden, 1778. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. S The Course of the Delaware River from Philadelphia to Chester; with the several forts and stockades raised by the Americans, and the attacks made by His Majesty's land and sea forces: With A Plan of Fort Mifflin on Mud Island. Faden, 1783. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. - 1778. See North Amer. Nept. septen., and Atlan. Nept., vol. 1,2. DENMARK. Chart of the Straits between Denmark and Sweden: Compiled from the survey of C. C. Lewis and Admiral Nordennankar. London, Faden, 1801. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. ---- - See North Sea; Germany; Carte de 1'Allemagne. DICKINSON, FRANKLIN CO. N.Y. Maps of the town, surveyed by W. L. Gilbert, 1841. See Pierrepont ( H. B.). DOMINICA. A Map of the Island of Dominica, and also part of Martinico and Guadalope: By Thomas Bowen. i f. Maps, vol. 2. Plan of the Island of Dominica.... under the direction of the Hon. the Commissioners for the sale of lands in the ceded islands: By John Byres, 1776. London. 4 f. in 1. Maps, vol. 2. Plan of Prince Rupert's Bay at the Island of Dominica. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. Du QUESNE FORT. Plan of Fort Pitt, at the junction of the Monongahela and Ohio. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. - 1755. See New-England. - General Braddock's Encampments in his March to Fort Du Quesne, in June to July 9, 1755. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. - See North America, A Set of Plans. DURAZZO. The Gulf of Durazzo. I f. Maps, vol. 3. ATLASES AND MAPS. 33 DUTCHESS Co. Map of Dutchess County, N. Y.; from original surveys: J. C. Sidney, civil engineer, Author of 12 miles around New-York, 1850. E. EAST-ALBANY. Map of Property of J. Van Rensselaer, 1850. Maps, vol. 15. EAST INDIA. See India. EDWARD, FORT. Plan of Fort Edward. MS. Maps, vol. 4. Plan for compleating Fort Edward: Will. Eyre, engineer, 1755. See Johnson MSS. See North America, Set of Plans. EGYPT. A New Plan of Egypt, showing the entrance to the Nile.... W. Heather, London, 1798. 1 f. Maps, vol. 5. "------ Lower Egypt and the adjacent deserts, with a part of Palestine; with the Nomenclature of the Roman age: By L. S. de la Rochette, 1802. Faden, London. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. See Description de l'Egypte, Cartes topog. G. L. ELEPHANTA Is. An Actual Survey of Hog and Elephanta Islands, 1775 ~ By J. Lendrum. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3, See Caranja Is. ELIZABETHTOWN, N. J. Sketch of the Position of the British Forces at Elizabethtown Point, after their return from Connecticut farm in the Province of East-Jersey, under the command of Gen'l Knyphauscn, on the 8th of June 1780. London, Faden, 1784. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. ENGLAND. The Silurian region, and adjacent Counties of England and Wales, geologically illustrated: By R. I. Murchison, F. II. S. From the Ordnance Survey, 1831-38. London. Rol. No. 8. New Map of England and Wales, compiled from the latest surveys. Published for the Proprietor by J. and C. Walker, 9 Castle-st. Holborn, London, 1849. With 28 portraits on steel. Rol. No. - See Atlases, Marine Charts. ENGLISH ATLAS. See Europe. ENGLISH CHANNEL. A Chart of the British Channel, Bay of Biscay, and the Entrance to St. George's Channel: By Mons. 1'Abb6 Diquemare. London, 1794. 1 f. Maps, vol. 5. - A Chart of the British Channel; comprehending the Southern coasts of England and Wales, with the coasts of France.,.. By T. Jefferys, London, 1775. 1 f. Maps, vol. 5. ERIE CANAL. Statistical Profiles of Erie Canal; shewing the enlargement on the eastern, middle and western divisions, 1851. 6 f. Maps, vol. 15. EUROPE. The English Atlas. Vol. 1 by M. Pitt; vols. 2, 3, by William Nicolson; vol. 4, by Richard Peers. Oxford, M. Pitt, 1680 - 83. 4 vol. fol. Contents: [ LIB, III.] 5 34 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. Vol. II Containing a description of the places next the North Pole; as also of Musco y, Poland, Sweden, Denmark and their several dependencies. Vol. 2. Contaiining the description of part of the Empire of Germany. Vol. 3. Containing the description of the rcmaining part of the Empire of Germany. Vol. 4. Containing the description of the seventeen Provinces of the Low Coun. tries or Netherlands. -- Map, 1771, D'Anville. See Atlases, De 1'Isle. -- Carte physique, routiere et politique de l'Europe; indiquant les limites des etats d'apres les derniers trait6s de paix: Par A. H. Brue. Paris, 1824. Rol. No. 7. M-- ap of Europe, carefully compiled from the latest maps and charts and other geographical publications, by A. Finley. Philadelphia, 1827. Maps, vol. 3. - Carte des Cominunications continentales par chemins de fer. Etab. geog. Bruxelles, Vandermmlen. I f. Maps, vol. 18. -- See Atlases, Marine. F. FALKLAND Is. Map of the Falkland Islands, from the Gent. Mag. 1770. ~ f. Maps, vol. 2. - Carte reduite des Isles Malouines, ou Isles Nouvelles, que les Anglois nomment aujourd'hui Isles de Falkland: Par M. Bellin, ing6nieur, 1771. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. See South America, Chart of the Coasts. FERROL. Plan of the Mouth and Harbor of Ferrol, surveyed by Don V. T. De St. Miguel, 1789. London, Faden, 1801. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. --- Plan of the Inlets of Ferrol, Coruna and Betanzos, geometrically surveyed in 1787, by Don V. T. De St. Miguel. London, Faden, 1801. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. FLORIDA.' Carta particolare della Costa di Florida e di Virginia: D'America, Carta III. A. Lucini fece, 1634 (?). 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. -- Carte de la Floride et de la Georgie. Valet sc. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - Chart of the South End of East-Florida and Martiers: By W. Gerard De Brahm, His Majesty's Surveyor General for the Southern District of North America. - f. Maps, vol. 2. - East-Florida, from Surveys made since the last peace: Adapted to Dr. Stork's Hist. of that country, by T. Jefferys. 1 f. Map, vol. 10. _- - The Coast of West-Florida and Louisiana; with The Peninsula and Gulf of Florida, or Channel of Bahama... By T. Jefferys, 1775. 2 f. Maps, vol. 7. - The Coast of West-Florida and Louisiana: By Thomas Jefferys, 1775.. 2 f. Maps, vol. 9. The Peninsula and Gulf of Florida, or Channel of Bahama; with the Bahama islands, by Th. Jefferys,.geographer to His Majesty. London, 1775, 1 f. Maps, vol. 1, ATLASES AND MAPS. 35 Plan d'une partie des Cbtes de la Floride et de la Louisiane, 1778. See North Amer. Neptune septen. - Carte reduite des Cotes et de l'interieur de la Presqu'lle de la Floride, 1780. See North Amer. Neptune septen. - Plan de 1'lle d'Amelia, 1779. See North Amer. Neptune septen. --- An Accurate Chart of Tortugas and Florida Kays or Martyrs: Surveyed by G. Gauld, 1773-5. Pub. by W. Faden, 1790. 3 gr. f. Maps, vol. 13. - See St. Augustine, Cuba, Virginia. FLORIDA, GULF. A Chart of the Gulf of Florida, or New Bahama Channel, commonly called the Gulf Passage.. From the journals and surveys of Chas. Roberts and George Gauld. London, Faden, 1794. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. - A Chart of the Gulf of Florida, or New Bahama channel.... C. Roberts and G. Gauld. Pub. by W. Faden, 1794. 1 f. col. Maps, vol. 13. - See West Indies, General Chart; Bahamas. FORMOSA. L'Isle Formose, et partie des Costes de la Chine: Par N. Bellin. f. Maps, vol. 11. Chart of Luconia and Formosa: From C. Lyman, 1797. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. FRANCE. Carte des Costes de France et d'Espagne: Par N. Bellin. ' f. Maps, vol. 11. - Map, 1703. See Atlases, De Lisle. - Carte physique et hydrographique de la France: Tardieu. See Atlases, De Lisle. - A New Map of France, divided into 83 departments, as approved by the Constitutional Committee of that Kingdom...London, Wallis, 1791. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. - Map of the Northern part of France, to facilitate the knowledge of the operations carried on by the allied armies against the French conventional troops. London, Faden, 1793. 1 f. Maps, vol. 5. - Map of, 1803 D6zauche. See Atlases, De 1'Isle. - Carte g6ologique de la France: Par MM. Dufresnoy et Elie de Beaumont. Paris, 1840. Folded. 1 vol. fol. G. L. - Carte Spdciale des Voies navigables qui mettent en communication Paris, le nord de la France, et la Belgique.....avec un tableau synoptique: Par E. Grangez. Paris, 1843. 2 f. See Hydrog. franc. vol. 9. ---- Carte Topographique de la Republique Francaise, gravde a l'6chelle de 1 pour 80,000. Cette Carte, assujettie aux observations trigonometriques et astronomiques les plus precises, et accompagn6e de tableaux des positions geographiques, ainsi que des hauteurs absolues des principaux lieux, a 6t6 commencee par le Corps des Ingenieurs geographes militaires et continude par le Corps d'Etat-Major: etant Directeur general du D6p6t de la Guerre, le Gendral de division Pelet; Chefs de la Section de la Carte de France, les Colonels Puissant et Coraboeuf; Chef de la Section Topographique interieure, le Colonel 36 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. Lapie. Paris, 1833-53. 198 f. in 3 vol. imp. fol.; with the geographical positions and tables of heights. 1 vol. 4~. 4 vol. The third volume not completed. -- Dpartements, 1700-1767. See Atlases, De l'Isle. - See St. Cloud, Compiegne, Bretagne; R6 Is.; Houat Is., etc. - See Atlases, Atlas Physique de Nicolet. - See Isle de France. FREDERICK-FORT, ST. JOHNS R. See North America, Set of Plans. FREMONT'S MAPS. See Rocky Mountains; Oregon. FRENCH WAR. See Ticonderoga; George, Lake; Shegnekto Bay, etc. FRIESLAND. T. Hoogh-Heemractschap van de uytwaterende Sluysen in Kennemerlant ende West-Frieslant. 2 f. in 1. Maps, vol. 3. - The same, half size. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. FRONTENAC, FORT. See North America, Set of Plans. G. GAMBIA. Carte de la RiviBre de Gambra ou Gambie.... Par le Capitaine Jean Leach, en 1732. 2 half sheets. Maps, vol. 11. Plan de l'Isle James sur le Gambra, en 1732. f f. Maps, vol. 11. - See Senegal. GASPe. Plan of the District of Gasp6: By Joseph Bouchette, Surveyor general. London, William Faden, 1815. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. GENESEE. A Map of the Genesee Lands in the County of Ontario and State of New-York, according to an accurate survey which. was made of the same, 1790. Judge Porter's map. Maps, vol. 15. - The same, fac simile, 1850. See N. Y. Doc. Hist. GENOA. Genova, messa in pianta topografica, per cura del Cav. C. L. Foppiani: incisa.... di N. Armanino, 1846. 1 gr. f. Maps, vol. 18. GEODESY. Carte des diff6rentes operations faites pour d6terminer la figure de la terre: Grave par Berger a Berlin. 1 f. Maps, vol. 10. GEOLOGICAL MAPS. See United States, North America, Massachusetts, New-York, Scotland, England, France, Paris. GEORGE, LAKE. Plan of Lake George and the country adjacent. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. -- - A Prospective View of the battle fought near Lake George on the 8th July 1755: T. Jefferys scul. 1756. 1 f. Maps, vol. 10. - Plans of Fort William Henry on Lake George, with the attacks by the French in 1757. MS. With notes. 3 f. Maps, vol. 4. - Map of the Country, in which the army under Lieut. Gen.Burgoyne acted in the Campaign of 1777; showing the marches of the army, and the places of the principal actions: Drawn by Mr. Wm. Medoalfe. Faden, 1780. A f. Maps, vol. 4. ATLASES AND MAPS. 37 Map of Lake George, 1845.. Miller's lithog. N.Y. 1 f. Maps, vol1 Forts. See North America, A Set of Plans. GEORGIA. Plan von Neu Ebenezer, overlegt van M. Seutter, Augsburg, 173!5 (?). Col. I f. Maps, vol. 1. Map of the State of Georgia, compiled under the direction of his Excellency George W. Crawford, by WV. G. Bonner, civil engineer: Milledgyeville, 1847. Eng'd by Sherman and Smith, New-York. Rol. No. 30. See Florida', South-Carolina, St. Mary's River. GERMANTOWN. Sketch of the Surprise of Giermantown, by the American forces commanded by Gen. Washington, Oct. 1777: By Lieut. J. Hills, Asst. engineer. London, Faden, 1784. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. GERMANY. Carte do l'Allemagnie, 20 fenilles, 'a l'eehelle do 1 'a 600,000.. ]Rtablissement ge'ographiqne do Bruxelles, fonde6 par Ph. Vander Maelen. 20 f. Maps, vol. 18. The~atre do la guerre, 1701 - 07: Places do l'Allemagne me'rid. See Pelet, vol. 3. See Europe; Eng. Atlas, 1680, vol. 2, 3a. See Rkhine, Eisenbahn. GHIENT. Plan of Ghent, Belgium. -1 f. Maps, vol. 19. GIBRALTAR. Drawings, endorsed, Sections of the Devil's Bowling Greeni, Gibraltar. MS. 2 f. Maps, vol. 3. IPlan of the Bay and Town of Gibraltar, from a survey. 1769 - 75; with the batteries of the Spanish Army, 1782. London, Faden, 1783. 1 f. Maps, Vol. 5. GLENAN IS. Chart of the Glenan Islands, Coast of Brittany, surveyed in 1800 by Capt. J. Knight. London, Faden, 1802. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. GLOBES. The Terrestial and Celestial Globes, by J. Wilson and Son, Albany. Goum-E'. Plan do l'Isle do Gore'e, sur los dessins du Sr. Compagnon. Maps, Vol. 11. Plan do l'Isle do Gore'. avec sos fortifications. AL f. Maps, Vol. 11. See Cape Verd. GOTHENBURG. See Baltic Sea. GREECE.- La Gr~e'e Moderne, 1707. See Atlases, Do Lisle. GREEK ISLANDS. Chart of the Greek Islands, and adjacent coast from, Smyrna to Lagos, by A. Arrowsmith: Additions to 1812. 2 gr. f. Maps, vol. 9. Map of the Grecian Archipelago. Arrowsmith, London, 1790. 1 of 2 f. Maps, vol. 3. GREENBORO, OSWEGO CO. Map of the town: Surveyed by B. Wright, 1802, 03. See Pierrepont (IH. B.). 38 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. Carte reduite des Isles de la Guadeloupe, Marie-Galante et les Saintes, pour le service des vaisseaux du roi: Par M. Bellin, 1759. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. Survey of Fort Royal in the Island of Guadeloupe, including the town of Basse-terre: By Arch. Campbell, Engineer, 1759. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. - Plan of the Attack against Basseterre on the Island of Guadaloupe...... 1759: By T. Jefferys, 1760. 1 f. Maps, vol. 10. - Guadaloupe; done from actual surveys and observations of the English, whilst the island was in their possession: By T. Jefferys. London, 1795. 1 f. Maps, vul. 5. GUILFORD. Battle of Guilford, fought March 15, 1781. 1 f. And Plan of the Battle fought near Camden, August 16, 1780. London, 1787. f f. Maps, vol. 4. GUINEE. Carte du Golfe de Guinee, et les Costes comprises entre le Cap Formosa et le Cap de Lopes Consalvo.... Par N. Bellin, 1746. f. Maps, vol. 11. - Partie de la Coste de Guinee, depuis le Cap de Monte jusqu'au Cap des Basses: Tiree de Barbot. - f. Maps, vol. 11. - Suite de la Coste de GuinBe, depuis le Cap de Palme jusqu'au Cap des Trois pointes.... Par N. Bellin, 1746. 1 f. Maps, vol. 11. - Suite de la Coste de Guinee, depuis le Cap Apollonia jusqu'a la Riviere de Volta: Par N. Bellin. f. Maps, vol. 11. Suite de la Coste de Guinee, depuis la Riviere de Volta jusqu'a Jakin: D'Anville. - f. Maps, vol. 11. Carte de la Riviere de Calbar...... ou Rio REal: Tiree des Remarques de plusieurs pilotes en 1699. - f. Maps, vol. 11. Carte du Golfe de Benin et partie de la Cote de Guinee: Par N. Bellin.. f. Maps, vol. 11. - Carte du Royaume de Juida on Whidah. f. Maps, vol. 11. - Plan du Fort anglois de Cap Corse, situ6 a la Coste de Guinee. I f. Maps, vol. 11. - Plan du Fort anglois de Sukonda, situe6 la Coste de Guinee: Tire de Smith. f. Maps, vol. 11. Plan du Fort anglois de Commendo, situ6 a la Coste de Guinee: Par Smith, 1727. 1 f. Maps, vol. 11. Plan du Fort anglois et de la Ville du Cap de Corse..... f. Maps, vol. 11. - Plan du Fort anglois de Dickscove, situe a la Coste de Guinee. ~ f. Maps, vol. 11. SPlan du Palais du Roi a Xavier ou Sabi, dans le Royaume de Juida, tire de Des Marchais; Plan du Fort frangois de Whidah, ou Juida; Plan du Fort anglois de Juida, on Fort Williams. f. Maps, vol. 11. --- See Africa, West. ATLASES AND MAPS. 39 GUYANA. La Partie m6ridionale de 1'Amerique, appel6e Terre-firme, etc.; le Pays et le Cours de la Riviire des Amazons.. 1'Istme de Panama: Par N. De Per. Paris, 1719. 1 f. col. Maps, vol. 9. - as Kaart van't inkomen de Rivier Marawyne, geteekend door Capt. J. Morcomb in't yaar 1754. Te Amsterdam, Joannes Vankeulen. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. The Coast of Guyana, from the Oronooko to the River of the Amazons, and the inland parts: From.. E. Thompson... by La Rochette, 1783. Pub. by Faden, 1783. 1 gr. f. Maps, vol. 13. - See Cayenne, Venezuela. H. HALFMOON FORT. Plan of the Fort at the Halfmoon: With Plan of the buildings at the Halfmoon. MS. With notes. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. HALIFAX, N. S. Plan of the Town of Halifax, in Nova Scotia. London, John Rocque, 1750. A f. Maps, vol. 2. - Plan of the Town of Halifax in Nova Scotia. Plantation office, 1755: John Pownall, Sec. Maps, vol. 1. - he same. See Louisbourg, Vorstelling, etc. SSee North America, A Set of Plans. HALL (J.). Geological Chart. See North America. HAMILTON COUNTY. Map of Hamilton County, and the north part of Herkimer; ordered by the Supervisors of Hamilton County: From original surveys, by William D. Jones, 1851. Maps, vol. 15. Carte nouvelle de l'Electorat de Hannover, ou les Domaines du Roi de la Grande Bretagne en Allemagne.< A Amsterdam, chez Reinier et Josue Ottens, 1757. 1 f. Maps, vol. 19. - Topographischer Atlas des Konigreichs Hannover und Herzogthums Braunschweig...... auf den grund der von dem Geheimen Hofrath Gauss geleiteten vollstandigen triangulirung.... Bearbeitet von A. Papen. Hannover, 1832 - 47. 76 sm. sheets. 1 vol. fol. HAVANA. Sketch of the Harbour, Town and Fortifications of Havanna, as it was in 1696: By C. Lilly. MS. - f. Maps, vol. 2. An exact Plan of the City, Fortifications and Harbor of Havana:...... Universal Magazine. J. Hinton, London. - f. Maps, vol. 2. A Plan of the City and Harbor of Havana: By Thomas Milton, according to the plan of J. Rentone. London, 1739. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. Neu und verbesserter Plan der St. u. Hafens Havana.... von Pr. Chassereau, 1739. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. The Havana.... improved from a Plan of Admiral Vernon's: The observer Don M. Ant. de Gamboa. London, 1739, G. Foster. I f. Maps, vol. 2. A Plan of the Town and Port of the Havanah; with A Plan of the Moro fort enlarged, 1763. MS. 2 f. Maps, vol. 2, 40 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. - Plan del Puerto de la Havana, 1777. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. --- Plan of the Harbor and City of the Havana...... by D. J. del Rio, 1798. Pub. by W. Faden, 1805. 1 f. Maps, vol. 12. S See North Amer. Atlan. Nept. HAYTI. See St. Domingo. HELIGOLAND. Map of Heligoland; shewing the island as it existed in the 7th, 13th and 17th centuries. This map was found in Heligoland, and a copy given to Sir William Gell. L. A. B. fecit, 1819. MS.. f. Maps, vol. 3. - Chart of Heligoland, surveyed by order of the College of Commerce of Hamburg: By J. T. Reinke & J. A. Lang. London, Faden, 1808. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. HERKIMER, FORT. See N.Y. Doc. Hist.; also Hamilton Co. HOLLAND. See Europe; English Atlas, 1680, vol. 4. - Th6atre de la guerre; Places des Pays-bas, 1701-12. See Pelet, vol. 2, 3. - Map, 1716, N. De Fer. See Atlases, De l'Isle. - Map of the Seven United Provinces; with the land of Drent, and the generality land: By W. Faden. London, 1789. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. - Neue geographische special Karte von dem Fiirstenthum Ostfries; und dem Harrlingerlande, ingleichen den herrschafften Jever und Kniphausen als dem ietzigem xit"m Departement des Konigreichs Holland, 1798-1802. W. Camp, Berlin, 1804. 2 gr. f. Maps, vol. 16. - Choro-topographische Kaart der Noordelijke Provincien van bet Koningrijk der Nederlanden: Uitgevoerd aen het Topographisch Bureau van dezen Staat; volgens het ontwerp, de geodische en astronomische waarnemingen van den Lt. Gen. Kraijenhoff....1829. 9 gr. f. Maps, vol. 16. ---- Algemeene Kaart van het Koningrijk der Nederlanden, in 1816 zamengesteld, en uitgegeven door wijlen Casparus Muller, destyds Chartermeester by het Archief van Oorlog. 1830. 2 f. Maps, vol. 16. - Atlas van het Koningryk der Nederlanden, en de Overzeesche Bezittingen, verdeeld in Arrondissementen en regterlyke Kantons: Dresse.... par F. Desterbecq. La Haye, 1841. 1 vol. fol. B. C. S A Collection of nine Marine Charts of the Coast of Holland, published by the Minister of Marine Affairs: Hague, 1846 - 51. With a description of each map in 8~. Maps, vol. 16, viz: Hydrographische Kaart van de Zuider Zee, Noorderlijk gedeelte: Door A. Van Rhijn, Capt. Lieut. 2 sheets. --- van de Zuiderzee, Zuiderlijk gedeelte: Door A. Van Rhijn. 2 sheets. - van het Brouwershavensche Zeegat, Roompot en Oosterschelde: Door S. J. Keuchenius, herzien door A. Van Rhijn. - der Zeegaten van de Monden der Schelde, met de Reeden van Vlissingen en Veere: Door A. Van Rhijn. - der Zeegaten van Goeree en de Maas: Herzien door A. Van Rhijn. --- deer Vaarwaters van het Haringvliet, Krammer, Volkrak en Hollandschediep......Door A. Van Rhijn. -. der Monden van de Eems met de uithezer en Groninger, wadden tot Hornbuizen; Door S, J, Keucheuius en A. Van Rhijn. .ATLASES AND MAPS. 41 -van bet Friesehe zeegat, met een gedeelte der Friesehe en Groninger wadden: Door S. J. Keuchenius, herzien door A. Van Rhijn. der Texelsehe zeegaten en vaarwaters: Door A. Van Rh~in. 2 sheets. --Carte du Territoire ol'i l'on pario la langue fiamande on has-nilemande: Etab. ge'og. Bruxelles, Vandermoelen. f. Maps, vol. 18. Topographisehe Kaart van bet Koningrijk. der Nederlanden: Ministe"re van Oorlog. Schanal van 5 f. Maps, vol. 16. No. 39. Rhenen. No. 45i.'Sllertogenbosch. 69 40. Arnhem. j 1" 50. Breda. Versamelings-blad der topographisehe kaart. --See Belgium, Carte des frontieres, and Carte Chorograpbique; Friesland. HomER, N. Y. A Map of the Corporation of Homer, Cortland Co. N. Y.: By D. McCarthy. Philadelphia, 1855. Rol. No. 16. HONDURAS. See Yucatan; Omoa;, Central America. HOUAT. Plan van de Honat Bay; with The Mountain to the southward. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. --Plan of a circular Fort, taken and thrown up by the English on the Isle of Houat, 1746. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. --Chart of the Isle of llouat, describingp the Beneguet and Teignense passes.... Surveyed by Capt. John Knight, 1801. London, W. Faden, 1802. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. HUBERTON. Plan of the Action of Huberton, under Brig. Gen. Frazer, supported by Major Gen-, Reidesel, July 7, 1777: Drawn by P. Gerlach, D. Q. M. G. Faden, 1780. A f. Maps, vol' 4. HUDSON'S RtIVER. American Revolution. See New-York State. Map of part of the North and West branches of Hudson's river, 1771. MS. See Sir W. Johnson's MSS. vol. 21.,Rough Draft of the Lands purchased for Jessup and associates. MS. See Sir W. Johnson's MSS. vol. 21. -Rough Map, showing the land petitioned for by Isaac Low and others whose namnes are inserted in each tract; also a Sketch of the Patent of Kayaderosseras, the town of Schenectady, etc., 1771. MS. See Sir W. Johnson's MSS. vol. 21. -Diagram of the Manic farm. Sir W. Johnson's MSS. vol. 21. "De Noord Rivier, anders R. Manhattan, off Hudson's river, genaamt in t'Groodt." Copied from the original Dutch Map. NewYork, 1854. A Topographical Map of Hudson's river, with the channels, depth of water, rocks, sho ils, etc., and the country adjacent, from Sandy Hook, New-York and Bay, to Fort Edward; also the communication with Canada by Lake George and Lake Chamnplain, as high as Fort Chambly on Sorel River: By Claude Joseph Sauthier. Engraved by William Faden. London, 1776. 1 f. Maps, vol. 15. --The same. Maps, vol. 7. 42 4NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. - Panorama of the Hudson river, from New-York to Albany: Drawn from nature, and engraved by W. Wade. New-York, 1845. 12~. HUNGARY. Maps, 1703, 1717. See Atlases, De L'Isle. - - Mappa novissima Regnorum Hungarive, Croatim, Sclavonim, neenon magni principatus Transylvanie...Societatis Artarianse. Vienna, 1792. 4 f. in 1. Maps, vol. 6. HuRRY-HuRR. Plan of the Fort and Petah of Hurry-Hurr, Mysore: By Ensign Thomas Arthur, 1800. MS. I f. Maps, vol. 3. I. IBBEVILLE R. Draught of. See Mississippi R. ILLINOIS. Map of Illinois, constructed from the Surveys in the General Land-office...... By John Melish. Philadelphia, 1818. 1 f. Maps, vol. 17. - - New Sectional Map of the State of Illinois, compiled from United States surveys: By J. M.Peck and J. Messinger. New-York, 1836. Maps, vol. 14. -- Map showing the location of the Toledo and Illinois, Lake Erie, Wabash and St. Louis railroads, and their eastern and western railroad connections. Maps, vol. 14. INDIA. Plan de la Loge hollandoise d'Oughly. Ao 1721. - f. Maps, vol. 11. ---- Thatre de la Guerre, sur la Cbte de Coromandel. - f. Maps, vol. 11. - - Hindoostan, by J. Rennell, P.R.S., 1752: southern half. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. - - The East Indies, with the roads: By Thomas Jefferys, 1768. 4 f. in 1. Maps, vol. 3. -- The Peninsula of India from the Kistnah river to Cape Comorin.... according to the Partition Treaty made at Scringapatam, 1792: By J. Rennell. London, 1792. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. _-- Bay de Trinquemale..f. Maps, vol. 11. - - Ville de Tranquebar, et Fort Danois de Dansbourg.- f. Maps, vol. 11. See also Dansburg. -Carte du District de Tranquebar. f. Maps, vol. 11. -Die Halbinsel Vorderindien's, mit Ceylon: Zu Ritter und (Etzel's Atlas. Berlin, Reimer, 1840. Maps, vol. 16. -_ See Acheree, Bengal, Bombay, Chilca lake, Madras, Coromandel, Penella, Pondicheri, Coylan, Caranja Is., Hurry-Hurr, Surat, Malabar, Nellorc, Cannanore, Cambay, Versova. Also see Persia. INDIAN OCEAN. Isle de Bachian. ~ f. Maps, vol. 11. - Carte do 1'Isle de Bouro. ~ f. Maps, vol. 11. -- Isle de Machien.: f. Maps, vol. 11...--- Suite de 1'Oc6an Oriental; contenant les Isles de la Sonde, les Costes de Tunquin et de la Chine, les Isles du Japon: Par N. Bellin. I f. Maps, vol. 11. ATLASES AND MAPS. 43.... Carte do l'Oo'a-n Oriental, ou met des Indes... Par N, iBellin, 1744 (?). f. Maps, vol. 11. Carte partioulie're deoi'slo Amiboine. -1 f. Maps, vol. 1-1. Isles do Banda. I f. Maps, vol. 1I. Carte du Goiphe do Bengalo Tir~e do in l Carte do Maure-Pas, 17140. jý f. Maps, vol. 11. Arohipol dos Indos Oriontalos qui coniprennent los Isles do ia Sondo, Moluquos, et Philippines Par lo Sr. Robert, 1750. 1 f. Naps, Vol. 1 0. Views in the Indian Archipelagro, by G. Robertson, 1788. 1 f. Maps, voi. 8. 1A Chart of the Straits of Allass, by 0G. Robertson, 178S8. 1 f. Maps, Vol. 8. Voyage round the World, 1790-92: By E. Marohand. 4o. G.L. Carte des Isles do la, Sondo ct du D etroit de Malaoca, drossec sur los Mernioires do K. Do Surville: Par M. Do Labor-de, 1791. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3a..Chart, with the comparative tracks of. ships in the difforent monsoons.... By Benjamin Lacam. London, Lawrio and Whittle, 1.794. 1 f. Maps, vol. 6. Chart of the East India Islands, exhibiting the several passagres between the Indian and Pacific Oceans: By A. Arrowsmith; additions to 1812. 4 f. Maps, vol. 9. Algomoene Kaart van Nederiandsehe Oostindie...... te Zanengestold door 0G. F. Baron von Dorfolden van Hiinderstoin: Uitgegevon op last dcs Konings, 1842. 8 f. Withi Yorzarnolingsblad der kaart in aoht bladon..... I f. In all 9 f. Maps, Vol. 16. Knart van do Eihanden en vaarwaters beoostcn Java, tezamengestolci op last van den Schout, bij nacht E. B. van don Bosch Door den Luit. II. 0. A. Smnits..9 ae....Batavia, 1848. Maps, vol. 16. Bane do Corgados Garajos: Situ6" par 16 388' do latitude et 5"-o 35, do longyitude. MJS. jý f. Maps, vol. 3. See J.ava, Borneo, Banon, Colebes, Philippine Is., Comoro Is., Madagascar, Moluccas, Mergul Arohip., Sumatra. Winds. See Atlantic Ocean. IONIAN IS. See Corfu. IR'.E LA ND. Ireland from the best authorities, with distances in miles from.Dublin: By J. II. Colton. Now-York, 1.835. M1aps, vol. 3. ISLE OF FR AN C E. Plan du Port Louis do l'sle do France, leveý en 1771 do basso mer, et reva en 177,5, par M. Do Boisqjnenay.. MS. 1 f. Maps, Vol. 3. ITALY. Thehatro e dlan 0uerre; Places do In guerre, 1701- 7. See Pelet, vol. 3, 4, 6. Seat of War in Italy: A Map of the Duchy of Mantua, the Ter 44 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. ITHACA, N. Y. Map of Ithaca, Tompkins Co. N. Y. New-York, John Bevan, 1851. Maps, vol. 15. J. JAMAICA. Nova Designatio Insulei Jamaica...... A Matth. Seuttero. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. - Jamaica, Americne Septentrionalis ampla insula a Christ. Columbo detecta: Per Nicolaum Visser, Amst. Bat. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. - Insula Jamaica in suas parochias divisa. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. - Tabula Jamaicze Insulae, par Edwd. Slaney, 1678. W. Berry, London. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. - New Map of Jamaica.... drawn or corrected from actual surveys made by Mr. Sheffield and others, from 1730 to 1749: By Patrick Brown, 1755. gr. f. Maps, vol. 9. - Carte particuliere de l'Isle de la Jamaique, dressie au Depbt des cartes, plans et journaux de la marine, etc.: Par M. Bellin, 1758. gr. f. Maps, vol. 9. ---- Map of the Island of Jamaica (from the papers of Henry Moore, esq.), 1756- 1761: By Thos. Craskell, engineer, and Jas. Simpson, surveyor. London, 1763. 4 f. in 1. Maps, vol. 2. - A New Map of Jamaica.... Made by Mr. Sheffield and others. Pr. for C. Bowles, 1771. 1 f. Maps, vol. 10. - A General View of the Harbours of Port Royal and Kingston, Jamaica...... By G. Gauld. Pub. by Faden, 1798. 1 gr. f. Maps, vol. 13. Plan of Fort Charles, Port Royal, Jamaica: By J. Watson. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. - See Kingston. JAPAN. Carte de 1'Empire du Japon: Par Mr. Bellin, 1752. f. Maps, vol. 11. S Carte des Isles du Japon et la Presque-isle de Coree.... Par N. Bellin. - f. Maps, vol. 11. - lan de la Ville de Meaco. - f. Maps, vol. 11. ---- Plan de la Ville et du Port de Nangasaki. - f. Maps, vol. 11. - See Jeddo. JAVA. Carte des Isles de Java, Sumatra, Borneo, etc.; les Detroits de la Sunde, Malaca et Banca; Golfe de Siam, etc.: Par N. Bellin. f. Maps, vol. 11. ---- See Samarang; Indian Ocean. JEAN DE NOVE. Plan des Iles de Jean de Nove. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. JEDDO. Plan de Jedo. - f. Maps, vol. 11. JEFFERSON Co. N.Y. Map of Lyme and Orleans. MS. Maps, vol. 15. JoHNSON (Sir W.). Royal Grant. See New-York. ATLASES AND MAPS. 45 JOHNSTON'S PHYSICAL ATLAS. See Atlases. JUAN FERNANDEZ. Plan of the Road of St. John Baptist, on N. E. part of the inner island.... By W. Faden, 1807. 1 f. Maps, vol. 12. JUDDA. See Guinea. K. KAISERSWERT. Siege de, 1702. See Pelet, vol. 1. KAYERDEROSSERAS PATENT. See Hudson's River. KANZAS. Map of Eastern Kansas: By E. B. Whitman and A. D. Searl. Lawrence lith. Boston, 1856. Maps, vol. 19. KENTUCKY. A Map of the State of Kentucky, from actual survey; also, part of Indiana and Illinois, compiled principally from returns in the Surveyor General's Office: By Luke Munsell. Frankfort, 1818. 6 f. Maps, vol. 17. KINDERHOOK. Rough Sketch of the Patent of Kinderhook, etc.: By Mr. H. Van Schaack. MS. See Sir W. Johnson's MSS. vol. KINGSTON, JAM. Plan of the Town of Kingston, Jamaica: By J. G. Yonge, surveyor. London, 1783. 2 f. Maps, vol. 2. L. LABRADOR. Chart of part of the Coast of Labrador, from Cape Charles to Sandwich Bay, surveyed by order of Hon. Commodore Byron: By Michael Lane, surveyor. 2d ed. W. Faden, London. March 24, 1809. 2 f. Maps, vol. 2. LADRONE Is. Carte de l'Archipel de St. Lazare, ou les Isles Marianes: Par le Sr. Bellin, 1752. ( f. Maps, vol. 11. -- See Caroline Is. LA GUAYRA. See Yenezuela. LANDAU, 1703-13. Plan. See Pelet, vol. 1. LA PLATA. Le Paraguay, ou les RR. PP. de la Compagnie de Jesus ont repandu leurs missions: Par le Sr. D'Anville, 1733. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. --- Spherical Chart of the River La Plata from its mouth up to Buenos-Ayres.... 1789.... Pub. by W. Faden, 1807. gr. f. Maps, vol. 12. - Carte ge6nrale du Bassin de La Plata, dressie.. par M. Coffinibres, Montevideo, 1850. Depot de la guerre, 1853. Maps, vol. 14. - See Sacramento, Colonia, Montevideo, Buenos-Ayres. LAWRENCE, K. T. Lawrence city, Kanzas territory: Surveyed, Oct. 1854, by A. D. Searl. Bradford, lith. Boston. Maps, vol. 19. --- Chart of the Road of Leghorn, by J. Knight; and Plan of the town and harbour, 1795. London, Faden, 1797. 1 f. Maps, vol. 6. 46 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. L ESSINA. The Ports of Lessina and Spalmadore. I f. Maps, vol.- 3. LEOGANE. See St. Domlingo. LE RiOUGE. Atlases. See W~est Indies; Noith America. LEXINGTON. Plan of battle. See Boston. LIBERIA. Partie de la Costo do Guine'e, depuis la Ttivii're de Sierra L~one, juscj'au Cap das Palinas.... Par N. Bellin, 1746. 1 f. Maps, Vol. 11. -Carte des Entre-es. de la IRivit''re do Sherbro, on Serhera..f Maps, voi. 11. - Yue, du Cap Mesurado et sos environsý, par Marehais: Autre Vene du Cap Mesurado, tire"doeIBarbot.,:1 f. M1aps, vol. 11. See Sierra Leone; Africa West. LIGONIER FORT, Plan of the Retrenchment at Fort Ligonier, 1758. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. --Plan of Fort Ligonier, with part of the retrenchiment: Richard Dudgyeon, engineer. MAS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. -See North America, Set of Plans. LIMA. A Scenographic Plan of the Cit~y of the Kings, otherwise called Lima... as it was befire the late earthcquakes. London, John ]3ocque, 1755. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. LITHUANIA. See Poland. LIVINGsToN. Map of part of Livingston Patent, Bear Sacondagga river. M1S. Portf. LODRINO.- The Gulf of Lodrino. I f. Maps, vol. 3. LONG ISLAND. The Scat of Action between the British and American iurees, or an Authentic P-lan of the western part of Long Islar. d, with the engagemenint of the 27th of August 1776; containingr also Staten Island and the environs of Amboy and New-York, with the course of Hudson's river from Courtland, the great miagazine of the American armiy, to Sandy Hook: From the surveys of Major Holland. Sayer & Bonnet, London, 17176. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. Sketch of the Country, illustrating the late engagements on Long Island, 17 77(?) f. Maps, vol. 4. -- 177-6. See New-York City, and North Ameor. Atlan. Nept. vol. 1, 2. -- A Plott of ye situation of ye towns and places on ye wester end of Longy Island to Jlempstead bounds, July 3, 1666: By Mr. Hubbard. MS. Maps, Vol. 15. ý-A. Map of Long Island, with the Environs of New-York nnd the Southern part of Connecticut... By J. Calvin Smith, New-York, 1I847. With Plans of New-Haven, New-Brighton, Newark zand Brooklyn. Maps, vol. 15. LOMBARDY. Places et Postes, 17 03. See Pelet, vol. 3. -Carta compendiata dello Stato di Milano: M. Fornari Lauden del. 1790. 1 f. Map,)nq vol. 19 - ATLASES AND MAPS. 47 LONDON. New Plan of London, 29 miles in circumference:John Stockdale, 1797. 4 f. in 1. Maps, vol. 3. -Moggs's New London Guide: A map. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. - ondon and environs, 1854. See Memoires. G. L. L'ORIENT. Eye Draught of our Attack on the Town of Port L'Oricnt, 1746. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol.3. LORRAINE, JEFFERSON Co. Map of the town: Surveyed by B. Wright, 1801. See Pierrepont ( H. B.). LOUISBOURG. A Plan of the City and Harbor of Louisburg, showing that part of Gabarus Bay in which the English landed, also their encampment during the siege in 1745. 1 f. Maps, vol.4. SA Plan of the City and Fortifications of Louisburg: From a Survey by Lieut. Col. Gridley, in 1745. London, Jefferys, 1758. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. -- Plan du Port et Ville de Louisbourg dans 1'Isle Royale. Plantation office, 1755: John Pownall, see. Maps, vol. 1. ---- The same. Vorstellung einiger Gegenden und Plaetze in NordAmerica unter Franzbsische und Englische Jurisdiction, gehorig zu finden bey den H-omannischen Erben in Nuirnberg: Ao 1756. Plans of Louisbourg, Quebec and Halifax. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - - Plan of the Harbor.... with the Attack under the command of Gen. Amherst. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. - - General and Particular Plans of Louisburg and public buildings, 1758. MS. 10 f. Maps, vol. 4. ---- Plan, 1765. See North America, A Set of Plans. _--- Plan de la Ville et du Port, 1779. See N. Amer. Nept. sept. LOUISIANA. Map, 1700. See Atlases, De 1'Isle. --- A Map of the State of Louisiana, with part of the Mississippi territory, from actual survey, by William Darby. Philadelphia, 1816. 4 f. Maps, vol. 17. - - A Map of Louisiana and Mexico: Carte de la Louisiane et du Mexico, dress'e par P. Tardieu fils aine. Paris, 1820. Maps, vol. 14. - - See U. S. MS. Map, and Amplissimse regionis. - - See Florida, Mississippi River, New-Orleans, North America. LUCONIA. See Formosa. M. MACAO. Plan de la Ville ct du Port de Macao: Par N. Bellin.: f. Maps, vol. 11. MACOMB ( A.). Macomb's Purchase, 1791. See N. Y. Doe. Hist. Maps. MACOUPIN COUNTY, ILLINOIS: By Joseph C. Howell. Phil'a, 1851. Maps, vol. 19. MADAGASCAR. Isle de Madagascar, autrement Isle de St. Laurent: Par N. Bellin, 1747. - f. Maps, vol. 11. 48 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. ---- Plan du Fort Dauphin, construit par les Frangois dans 1'Isle de Madagascar...1750. 1 f. Maps, vol. 11. -Plan of that part of Madagascar from which the French islands draw their principal supplies: Surveyed by Captain Russell, 1771. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. - See Zanzibar. MADEIRA. Carte des Isles de Madere et Porto Santo. I f. Maps, vol. 11. - Geo-hydrographical Survey of the Isle of Madeira, with the Dezertas and Porto Santo islands, 1788: By W. Johnston. London, Faden, 1791. With View of Funchal, etc. 2 f. in 1. Maps, vol. 6. ---- A Chart of the Madeiras and Canary Islands, according to the surveys...Madrid, 1780.... London, 1794, Laurie & Whittle. 1 f. Maps, vol. 6. MADRAS. A Plan of Madras and Fort St. George, taken by the French... 1746. Pub. by John Rocque, 1751. 1 f. Maps, vol. 10. - - Plan de Madraz et du Fort St. Georges, pris par les Frangois... 1746. - f. Maps, vol. 11. MADRID, N. Y. Map of Columbia village, Madrid, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y.: By E. A. Dayton, 1852, Albany. Maps, vol. 15. MAGELLAN. Carte reduite du D6troit de Magellan... Par le Sr. Bellin, 1753. A f. Maps, vol. 11. -- - Cartes des Detroits de Magellan et de Lemaire: Par M. De Laborde, 1790. Maps, vol. 2. - See Terra del Fuego. MALABAR. Plan de la Partie de la Cote Malabar, comprise entre le Cap Comorin et la Pointe de Veniam. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. MAINE. Map of the District of Maine, compiled from actual surveys, made by order of the General Court, by Osgood Carleton. Boston, 1801. Maps, vol. 2. - - Map of the State of Maine, with the Province of New-Brunswick, by Moses Greenleaf. Portland, Shirley & Hyde, 1829. Rol. No. 32. ---- See United States, Map of Boundary. MALACCA STR. Chart of the Straits of Malacca, by Arch. Blair. London, A. Dalrymple, 1805. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. See Prince's Is. MANILLA. See Philippine Is. MANTUA. Plan de Mantua, 1701. See Pelet, vol. 1. MAPS. A Collection of ancient and modern maps, bound in 19 vols. fol. Principal contents of each volume: Vol. 1. Ninety-five Maps relating to North America, 1688-1844. Vol. 2. Sixty-six Maps relating to North America; Forty-one Maps relating to the West Indies; Thirty-eight Maps relating to South America. Vol 3. One hundred and eleven Maps of Europe and the Eastern Hemisphere. Vol. 4. Thirty-two Military Plans relating to the French war, 1745-1760; and Fifty-three Plans relating to the Revolutionary war in America. ATL~ZASES AND MAPS.S 49 Vol. 5. Twenty-one Maps chiefly of Europe and the West Indies. Vol. 6. Twenty Miscellaneous Maps of the Eastern Hemisphere. Vol. 7. Twenty-two Maps of the British North-American Colonies, previous to 1776. Vol. 8. Two Charts of the Red Sea, 1781, 85; with Six Charts of the China Navigation, by G. Robertson. London, 1788. Vol. 9. Seventy-one Maps of Mexico, the West Indies, South America, Asia, etc. 1717-1832. Vol. 10. Forty-one Maps, relating chiefly to North America and the West Indies, 1746 - 66. Vol. 11. A Collection of Maps, chiefly Dutch copies from N. Bellin, designed to accompany Pr6vost d'Exilez's Hist. Ge6nrale des Voyages. Vol. 12. Twenty-eight Maps of the West India Islands, and of South America: Faden, 1803 - 09 Vol. 13. Maps of the Gulf of Florida and the West India Islands. Vol. 14. Maps of States, counties and towns of the United States of America, chiefly of recent date. Vol. 15. Maps of counties, towns, and of the State of New-York. Vol. 16. Maps of Holland, Dutch Colonies, East Indian Ocean, etc. Vol. 17. Maps relating to North America, chiefly previous to the year 1800. Vol. 18. Maps relating to Belgium and various countries of Europe. Vol. 19. Maps of various countries of the world. MARIANE IS. See Caroline Is. MARINE ATLASES. See Atlases, Marine. MARMORA SEA. The Sea of Marmora or Propontis, with the Straits of Constantinople. London, Faden, 1786. 2 f. Maps, vol. 6. MARSEILLES. Plan de la Ville de Marseille.... r"duit du plan lev6 en 1808 par Mr. Demarest, comprenant.... les principaux changemens operes jusqu'en 1851. Marseille, Raibaud. Maps, vol. 18. MARTINIQUE. Representation la plus nouvelle ct exacte de l'ile Martinique, la premiere des iles de l'Amerique Antilles, nommees Barlovento: M. Seutter, Augsbourg. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. - Carte de 1'Isle de la Martinique: Present' a M. le Comte de Maurepas, par P. Buache. Paris, 1745. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. - Carte reduite de l'Isle de la Martinique, dressee au Depbt des Cartes, etc.: Par M. Bellin. gr. f. Maps, vol. 9. Carte de 1'Isle Martinique, par T. Jefferys. Paris, 1762. Maps, vol. 9. - Plan of the Town and Citadel of Fort Royal, the capital of Martinico: By Mr. De Caylus. Pub. by T. Jefferys. 1 f. Maps, vol. 10. Map, 1781. See St. Lucia. Martinico, done from actual surveys and observations made by English engineers whilst the island was in their possession: By T. Jefferys. London, 1794. 1 f. Maps, vol. 5. ----- Plan of the Harbour, Fort, Town and environs of Fort Royal in Martinique: Drawn by Lieut. W. Booth. London, W. Faden, 1795. 2 f. Maps, vol. 5. - The same, 1795. Maps, vol. 13. [ LIB. III.] 7 50 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. - Martinico, one of the Caribbee Islands...London, H. Overton. A f. Maps, vol. 2. ----- Carte generale de la Martinique, par M. Monnier...... Publi e par ordre du Roi, sous le Ministere de M. le Comte de Rigny, 1831. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. MARTINSBURGH. Townships 4 and 5, Lewis Co.: Map of the town, surveyed by B. Wright, 1805. See Pierrepont ( H. B.). MARYLAND. See Virginia. MASSACHUSETTS. Map of Massachusetts, compiled from actual surveys made by order of the General Court.. By Osgood Carleton. Boston, 1801. Maps, vol. 14. - Topographical Map of Massachusetts; compiled from astronomical, trigonometrical, and various local surveys made by order of the Legislature: Simeon Borden, superintendent, 1844. With A Geological Map of Massachusetts, made by order of the Legislature, by Edward Hitchcock, 1844. Boston, C. Hickling. Rol. No. 27. S A Map of Massachusetts, showing the Congressional districts as proposed.. 1852. With, Plan of the principal triangles of the trigonometrical survey. Maps, vol. 14. -- See New England. MAURY (M. F.). Current Charts. See Atlases, Marine. MEDITERRANEAN SEA. Carte des Pays qu'occupe maintenant la Mer M6diterranbe depuis l'epoque ou l'ocean separant l'Afrique de 1'Espagne, forma le d6troit de Gibraltar et inonda les pays qui forment aujourdhui cette mer: Par M. De Laborde. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. - See Spain; Atlases, Hydrog. frang. MERGUI ISLANDS. Chart of the Island of St. Matthew and adjacent islands, by Capt. Thomas Forrest, 1783. London, A. Dalrymple, 1788. Sf. Maps, vol. 3. Chart of the Islands and Straits situated in the south of the Mergui Archipelago: By Capt. Forrest, 1783. Published by A. Dalrymple, London, 1788. f. Maps, vol. 3. MESSINA STR. Chart of the Strait or Faro of Messina, surveyed.... by order of the King of the Two Sicilies, by Zannoni, 1792. London, Faden, 1806. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. -MEXICO. Map, 1720. See California. - Le Nouveau-Mexique, appele aussi Nouvelle-Grenade et Marata, avec une partie de Californie par le P. Coronelli........corrigde et augmentee par le Sr. Tillemon. Paris, 1742. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. -- The same. A present Rue Saint Jacques, 1768. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - exico, or New Spain, in which the motions of Cortes may be traced. For Dr. Robertson's History of America: By Thos. Kitchin, London, 1777. - f. Maps, vol. 2. - Carte du Mexique et des pays limitrophes situes au nord et a l'est: Dressee d'apres la grande carte do la Nouvelle-Espagne de M. de Humboldt, et d'autres materiaux, par J. B. Poirson, 1811, Paris. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. ATLASth8ES ~ AND MAPS. 51 A Correct Map of the Seat of War in Mexico; being a copy of G-en. Arista's Map, taken at Rcsaca de ]a Palna:Embellished with diagrams of the battles of 8th and 9th May, and capture of Monterey, etc. New-York, J. Disturneil., 1847. 120. B. C. Mapa de los Estada Unidos de Mejico.. Lo publican J. Dis'turnell, Nueva York, 1847. With Diagrams of Buena-vista, Monterey, Palo Alto, Vera Cruz, etc. -Maps, vol. 14._ Map of Mexico, Texas, Old and New California, and Yucatan Hartford, 1849. W47ith Mlaps of Vera Cruz, an 'd Operations at the Battle of Monterey, Sept. 1846. -Maps, vol. 14. See North America, Piano geografico; Cerro Gordo; Vera Cruz; Louisiana, Tardieu; Arkansas Ri. MEXICO CITY. -Panoramic View of the City. - f. Maps, ye1. 9. Plano del Vallo de Mexico, sus lagunas y rios. MIS. Maps, vol. 17. Plane corografico dcl Yalle de Mexico, sus lagunas, rios y abenidas en la circumferencia de 90 leguas....... Diego Panez. MS. I f, Maps, vol. 17. Battles of Mexico: Survey of the line of operations of the U.S. Army undcr Maj. 0-en. Scott, Aug. 19, 20, 'and Sept. 13, 14, 1847. Drawn by Capt. McLellan. Maps, ye1. 17. MEXICO, GULF OF. Le Golfe do Mexique, et les provinces et isles qui * 'enviro-nncnt.... Par N. IDe For, G-dographe do Sa Majeste' Catholique,_ 1717. 1 gr. f. Maps, vol. 9. Carte rd~duite des Cestes do la Lonisiane et do la Fleride, dressede, etc. pour le' service des vaisseaux du keoy: Par le Siour Bellin, 1764. Maps, vol. 2. 0Golfe do Mexique. Amnsterdamz. 1 f Maps, vol. 9. Sinus Mexicanus. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. Carte des Co~tes du Golfe du Mexique, comnpris entre la peinte sud do la presqu'ile do la Floride, et la pointo nerd do la presqu ile d'Yu-' catan: Dressede d'apre's les observations et los plans des Espagnols, et publiede par ordre du Ministre do la Marine et des Colonies. An lix (1801). 1 gr. f. Maps, vol. 9. Chart of West-Florida. MS. 2 f. Maps, vol. 2. -Map, 1700. See West Indies; Florida. MICHIGAN. Map of the Territories of Michigan and Ouisconsin, by John -Farmer. With Au Improved Map of the surveyed part of the terri-_ tory of Michigan, 1830. Maps, vol. 14. An Improved Map of the Territories of Michigan and Ouisconsin, by John Farmer. Detroit, 1835. Maps, vol. 14. MILAN. See Lombardy. MILITARY PLANS. See American Wars, 1745 - 83. Maps, vol. 4. See Pelet, Medm. Mil. 0-. L,, See IRousset, Veldslagen. G-. L. 52 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. MISSissIPPI. An Accurate Map or Delineation of the State of Mississippi, with a large portion of Louisiana and Alabama...... Pub. by John La Tourrette, Mobile, Alabama, 1845: Eng'd by Stiles, Sherman & Smith, New-York. Rol. No. 24. MISSISSIPPI R. Draught of the River Ibbeville; being a short communication from the sea to the first of the English settlements on the Mississippi: Thos. Kitchin sculp. A f. Maps, vol. 2. -- A Draught of the River Mississippi, from the Balise up to Fort Chartres: Thos. Kitchin sculp. 3 f. in 1. Maps, vol. 2. - Course of the River Mississippi, from the Balise to Fort Chartres: Taken on an expedition to the illinois, in the latter end of the year 1765, by Lieut. Ross of the 34th regiment. Rob. Sayer, London, 1775. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. ~---- River Mississippi, from the Balise to Fort Chartres: Taken on an expedition to the Illinois, in the latter end of 1765, by Lieut. Ross, 34th Regt.; considerably improved from the French and American surveys. London, Laurie & Whittle, August, 1800. 2 f. Maps, vol. 17. - See New-Orleans, Louisiana. - ouths of. See Mexico, Gulf of. - The Upper Mississippi, 1843. See Nicollet. G. L. MISSOURI. A Sectional Map of the State of Missouri, compiled from the United States' surveys and other sources, by the publisher, Edward Hutawa, St. Louis, Mo. 1844. Rol. No. 19. MISSOURI TO OREGON. See United States, Fremont's Map. MOBILE. A Plan of Mobile: Thos. Kitchin sculpsit. - f. Maps, vol. 2. MOHAWK CANAL. Survey of the Mohawk and Catskill Canal, including the route of the Canajoharie and Catskill Railroad: By E. Beach and I. V. Germain, 1837. MS. Maps, vol. 15. MOHAWtK R. Map of the Country between Mohawk River and Wood Creek, with the fortifications and buildings thereon in 1758. MS. Maps, vol. 4. - Outline of the Mohawk River and Wood Creek; showing the relative positions of Fort Bull, Fort Williams, and the German fiatts. Reprinted Albany, 1850. See N.Y. Doe. Hist. Maps. MOLUCCAs. Carte des Isles voisines des Moluques. I f. Maps, vol. 11. - Carte particuliere des Isles Moluques. Maps, vol. 11. - See Philippine Is. MOMBAS. Carte de l'Isle de Mombasa...... f. Maps, vol. 11. MONOMOTAPA. Empire du Monomotapa et Etats voisins: Tire de M. Delisle. - f. Maps, vol. 11. MONTEVIDEO. Piano del Fuerte de Sta Teresa, 1777: Miguel Juares. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. ---- Plan y Perfiles de una parte de la Muralla de Montevideo, 1796: B. Lecocq. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. --- Plano y Perfiles de una parte de la nueva fortificacion de la Plaza de Montevideo. 1797: B. Lecocq. MS. 2 f. in 1. Maps, vol. 2. AhTLASES AND M~APS. 53 See La Plata. MONTGOMERY CO. N. Y. Map of the Estate of Arthur Noble, Esq., situate in Montgomery Co. N.Y.: Drawn A. D. 1788, by Robt. Bell. MONTGOMERY, FORT. See Clinton, Fort. MONTREAL. Plan of the Town and Fortifications of Montreal, or Ville Marie, in Canada. London, Jefferys, 1758. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. - See Canada, New Map of Province of Quebec. MOSQUITO. Mosquitia, or the Mosquito shore, with the eastern part of Yucatan. Faden, 1787. See Yucatan. Maps, vol. 13. MOZAMBIQUE. Plan du Fort de Mozambique: Tire de Faria. ~ f. Maps, vol. 11. - Carte de la Baye de Mosambique... Par N. Bellin. f. Maps, vol. 11. - Chart of Mozambique Harbour: Surveyed by David Inverarity, 1802. London, A. Dalrymple, 1806. - f. Maps, vol. 3. MURCIA. Mapa de la Costa Maritima del Reyno de Murcia, 1770. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. MUSCAT. Plan of Muscat Cove and Mutrah Harbour: Surveyed in 1785, by John McCluer. London, 1786. j f. Maps, vol. 3. N. NAMUR, 1704. See Pelet, M6m. Mil. vol. 4. NANKIN. Plan de 1'Enceinte de la Ville de Nanking ou Kyang-ning-fou. f f. Maps, vol. 11. NARRAGANSETT BAY. A Topographical Chart of the Bay of Narraganset in the Province of New-England, with all the isles contained therein, among which Rhode-Island and Cannonicut have been particularly surveyed..... to which have been added the several works and batteries raised by the Americans: Taken by order of the principal farmers on Rhode-Island, by Charles Blaskowitz. London, W. Faden, July 22, 1777. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. See Rhode-Island. NARENTO. The Port of Narento. I f. Maps, vol. 3. NAUTICAL ATLASES. See Atlases, Marine. NELLORE. Sketch of the Roads into the Combum and Cudapah countries, from observations by W. C. Lennon. London, Orient. Repos. 1791.. f. Maps, vol. 3. NEREAD. Plan of Neread, Chandarow's capital, 30 miles N.N.E. of Cambay: Surveyed by Lieut. M'Neil. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. NEU-EBENEZER. See Georgia. NEW-BRUNSWICK. Provinces of New-Brunswick and Nova-Scotia, including Breton Island, Prince Edward's Island, etc., compiled from the latest surveys. London, Robert Wilkinson, 1825. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. S See Nova-Scotia. 54 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. NEW-CALEDONIA. Carte des Decouvertes faites dans la Mer Pacifique, sur le vaisseau du Roi, La Risolution, commande par le Capitaine Cook, en 1774. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. NEW-ENGLAND. Nova Anglia Septentrionali Americae, implantata anglorumque coloniiL florentissima; geographice exhibita a J. B. Homann, Norimbergae, 1715 (? ). Maps, vol. 1. 2 copies. - See New-York, Carta particolare. A Map of New-England and ye country adjacent, extending northward to Quebec, and westward to Niagara on Lake Ontario; shewing Gen. Shirley and Gen. Johnson's routs.... By a gentleriman who resided in these parts. London, W. Owen, 1755. See American War, A Poem. G. L. - Map, 1755. See Nova-Scotia. - A Map of the most inhabited part of New-England; containing the Provinces of Massachusetts Bay and New-Hampshire, with the Colonies of Connecticut and Rhode-Island, divided into counties and townships. London, Jefferys, 1774. Maps, vol. 1. - A Map of the most inhabited part of New-England.... divided into counties and townships. London, T. Jefferys, 1774. 2 gr. f. Maps, vol. 7. -- The Seat of War in New-England, by an American Volunteer; with the marches of the several corps sent by the colonies towards Boston, with the attack on Bunker's Hill. London, Sayer & Bennet, 1775. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. - A Map of the Province of Massachusetts Bay and Colony of Rhode-Island, with part of Connecticut, New-Hampshire and Vermont. London, J. Bew, 1782. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. - Map of the Southern part of New-England: Compiled for Dwight's Travels, by G. Gillett, 1821. Portf. - Map of the Northern part of New-England: Compiled for Dwight's Travels, by George Gillett, 1824. Portf. - A Map of the New-England States: Maine, New-Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode-Island and Connecticut, with the adjacent parts of New-York and Lower Canada: By Nathan Hale, Boston, 1826. Maps, vol. 14. S Railroad Map of New-England and Eastern New-York: Compiled from the most authentic sources, by J. H. Goldthwait, Boston, 1849. 12o. NEW-FOUkNDLAND. A Plan of Ferryland Harbour and Capeling Bay. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. - Plan of the Batteries and other buildings belonging to His Majesty on the Admiral's Point at the entrance into Trinity Harbour. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. - A Draught of the Coast and the chief part of the settlements belonging to His Majesty's subjects in New-Foundland, from Cape Race to Cape Francis. MS.! f. Maps, vol. 2. - Plan of Harbour Grace, Musquito Cove, and Carboniere Harbour and Barracks. MS. Two - f. Maps, vol. 2. ATLASES AND MAPS. 55 Carte des Co"tes m~ridionalcs de l'Isle de Terre-neuve, compresnant los Isl~es IRoyale et de Sable, avec la partie du Grand Bane oi\ se fait lapehe de la morue: Dresse~e par Philippe Buaehe. et comparke avec le plan do ces m emes cbtes et isles de la carte de M. Popple de l'an.1733. Paris, 1741.If. Maps, o.1 A Chart of the Banks of Newfoundland. London, 25th March, 1755. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. A Chart of the Bay of Placentia, on the South Coast of Newfoundland: Surveyed by order of Commodore 8huldham, Governor of Newfoundland, Labradore, etc., by Mich. Lane, 1772. London, T. Jefferys, 1773. 1 f. Maps, -vol. 1. * A Chart of part of the Coast of Newfoundland, from Point Lance to Cape Spear: Surveyed by order of Commodore Shuldham, Governor of Newfoundland, Labrador, etc., by Michael Lane, 1773. London, T. Jefferys, 1774. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. A General Chart of the Island of Newfoundland, with the rocks and soundings: Drawn from surveys taken by James. Cook 1-nd Michael Lane, surveyors, and others, by T. Jefferys, London, 1775. 1 f. col. Maps, vol. 1. The same. London, Jefferys, 1775. Maps, vol. 7. A Chart of the Banks of Newfoundland, from.... surveys of Chabort, Cook and Fleurieu. London, Sayer and Bennett, 17 75. 1 f. Maps, vol. 7. Le Pilote do Terre-neuve.... d'apres los plans leve~s par MM. James Cook & Lane: Pr'ce'de' do deux cartes do Terre-neuve d'apre's les observations do MM. le M'8 Do Chabert on 1750, 17 51; J. Cook et autros officiers anglois en 17 66; le Mil;Do Verdun, le Cher Do Borda et Pingre' en 1772.. Publi6' par ordre daulloi.... 1784. 1 vol. fol. Instructions Nautiques relatives aux cartes et plans du Pilote do Torre-nenve, publie' aux Depot ge-neral des cartes, plans et journaux de'la Marine en, 1784, pour l'usage des vaisseaux du rci: Instructions pour naviguer sur la eote occidentale do Torre-neuve. A Paris, 1784. 1 vol. 4o. W. C. 998. Chart of the Island of Fogo, on the Coast of Newfoundland Surveyed by order of Vice Adm. Campbell, Lieut. Michael Lane, 1785. London, W. Faden, 1787. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. View of the East Coast of Newfoundland, from Cape Spear to Cape St. Francis: Drawn on the spot, by Capt. Joseph Sidney Yorke. Lon-don, W. Faden, 1797. -1 f, Maps, vol. 2. 1Chart of part of the Coast of Newfoundland froM' Cape Spear to Cape Bonavista: Surveyed by order of C'ommod. Shulhdarn and Adm. Duff, 1-774, 75, by M. Lane. 2d ed. W. Faden, April 12, 1809. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. See St. Johns; St. Lawrence. NEW-FRA NCE. See Canada; North America. NEW-GRANADA. Colombia, from Humboldt's and other receiit observations. Baldwin, Cradock & Joy, London, 1823. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. 56 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. ---.Carte g6nerale de Colombia, dressie par A. H. Brue, d'apres des observations de M. A. De Humboldt. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. S See South America, Spherical Chart; Porto Bello; Guyana; Central America; Venezuela. NEW-GUINEA. 14 Vues des Terres Arsacides, on Nouvelle-Guinee, d6 -couverte par le Vaisseau S. Jean Batiste, Capte. Surville, 1769. 4 f. Maps, vol. 3. - See Australia. NEW-HAMPSHIRE. A Topographical Map of the Province of New-Hampshire: Surveyed agreeably to the orders of the Lords Commissioners of trade and plantations, unto Samuel Holland, surveyor general of lands in the Northern District of North America, by the following gentlemen, his deputies: Messrs. Wright, Sproule, Grant, Wheeler and Blaskowitz. London, William Faden, 1784. 2 gr. f. Maps, vol. 17. - See New-England. NEW-HOLLAND. See Australia; Atlases, Hydrog. frang. NEW-JERSEY. Plan of the Operations of General Washington against the King's troops in New-Jersey, from the 26th of Dec. 1776, to the 3d day of January 1777. Faden, London, 1777. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. - The Province of New-Jersey, divided into East and West, commonly called the Jerseys. Second edition. London, Faden, 1778. In this second edition, great use has been made of several military surveys, generally communicated by officers of British troops, and the regiments of Hesse and Anspach. Maps, vol. 17. - A Map of the State of New-Jersey, with part of the adjoining States: Compiled by Thomas Gordon, Trenton, 1828. 3 f. in 2. Maps, vol. 14. - See New-York, 1776, Sauthier. - See Virginia, Pennsylvania. - m. Revolution. See Pennsylvania; Elizabethtown point. NEW-MEXICO. Map of the Territory of New-Mexico, compiled by Bvt. 2nd Lieut. J. G. Parke.. Santa F6, N. M. 1851. Lith. E. D. Major, New-York. Maps, vol. 14. - See Mexico; Arkansas R. NEw-ORLEANS. Plan of New-Orleans. N. B. No plan published like this, being its present state. Thos. Kitchin sculp. - f. Maps, vol. 2. - Plan of New-Orleans, the capital of Louisiana.... by Mr. De La Tour, 1720. The Course of the Mississippi from Bayagoulas to the Sea; the east mouth of the Mississippi. London, 1759, T. Jefferys. 1 f. Maps, vol. 10. NEW PALTZ. Boundaries of the New Paltz Patent as mentioned in the Indian Purchase. MS. Portf. NEWPORT, R. I. 1776. See North Amer. Atlan. Nept. vol. 2. --- Plan of the Town of Newport, Rhode-Island, surveyed by Charles Blaskowitz. London, Faden, 1777. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. ATLASES AND MAPS. 57 NEW-YORK. Carta particolare della Nuoua Belgia e parte della Nuoua Anglia La longitudine comincia da 1'isola di Pico d'Asores. D'America, Carta II. A. Lucini fece (1634? ). 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - arta particolare della Nuoua Belgia e parte della Nuoua Anglia. Reprinted Albany, 1850. See N. Y. Doc. Hist. Maps. - Map, 1656. See Donck ( Van Der). G. L. - Totius Neo-Belgii nova et accuratissima tabula: Apud R. et J. Ottens, Amstelodami. With a View of Nieuw-Amsterdam, onlangs Nieuw-jorck genannt. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - ecens edita totius Novi Belgii, in America septentrionali siti Matt. Seutter. Aug. Vind. With a View of Neu-Yorck sive NeuAmsterdam. Col. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - Map, 1755. See New-England. - Map of part of the Province of New-York, on Hudson's river; the west end of Nassau Island, and part of New-Jersey: Compiled, pursuant to the orders of the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Londoun, Commander-in-Chief, Sept. 17, 1757. Endorsed, Drawn by Capt. Holland. MS. Maps, vol. 15. - ap of the Country of the VI Nations proper, with part of the adjacent colonies: Inscribed by Guy Johnson, 1771, to William Tryon, Captain General and Governor in Chief of the Province of the New-York. MS. - The same. Reprinted, 1850. See N. Y. Doc. Hist. Maps. - A Map of the Province of New-York, reduced from the large drawings.... by C. J. Sauthier: To which is added New-Jersey.. from C. J. Sauthier and B. Ratzer. W. Faden, 1776. 1 f. Maps, vol. 7. -- A New and Correct Map of the country in which the army under Lt. Gen. Burgoyne acted in 1777..... By an officer of distinction. 4 f. See American War, A poem. G. L. - A Plan of the Operations of the King's Army under the command of Sir William Howe, in New-York and East New-Jersey, against the American forces commanded by Gen. Washington, from the 12th of Oct. to the 28th of Nov. 1776; wherein is particularly distinguished the engagement on the White Plains, the 28th of October: By Charles Joseph Sauthier. London, Faden, 1777. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. A Map of the Provinces of New-York and New-Jersey, with a part of Pennsylvania and the Province of Quebec; From the topographical observations of C. J. Sauthier. Augsburg, engraved and published by Albert Lotter, 1777. 1 f. Maps, vol. 15. Province de New-York: En 4 feuilles par Montr6sor. A Paris, chez Le Rouge, 1777. Maps, vol. 15. - A Chorographical Map of the Province of New-York in North America, divided into counties, manors, patents and townships; exhibiting likewise all the private grants of land made and located in that Province: Compiled from actual surveys deposited in the Patent Office at New-York, by order of his Excellency Major General William Tryon, by Claude Joseph Sauthier. London, W. Faden, 1779, 8 f. in 2, folded 80. SLIB, III.] 8 58 58NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. NIEW-YORK, continued: -The same. London, engraved and published by William Faden, 1779: Reprinted, Albany, 1849. See N.Y. Doct. list. Maps. Province de New-York, par ordre du Gouverneur. Paris, Le Rouge. I f. Maps, vol. 1. Map of the Head-waters of the Rivers Susquehanna and Delaware, embracing the early patents on the south side of the Mohawk river: From the original drawn about the year 1790, by S. De Witt, Surv. Gen. of N.Y.; with the date of each patent now appended from the Ree. in Surv. Gen's Office by E. B. O'C. Reprinted Albany, 1850. See N. Y. Poet. Hist. Maps. A Map of part of the land of the royal grant devised by Sir William Johnson to some of his natural Indian children: Surveyed by Lawrenee Vrooman, 1797. MS. Maps, Vol. 15. The names of the children, and the quantity of l.and devised to each, are noted on the map. Map of the Northern Part of the State of New-York: Compiled from actual survey, by Amos Lay and Arthur J. Stansbury, 1801. Maps, vol. 15. A Map of the State of New-York, by Simeon DeWitt, Surveyor General, 1802, Albany. Rol. No. 2. A Map of the State of New-York, compiled from the latest authorities-------.intended as well for the student in geography, as a directory to the traveller: By William MeCalpin, Oxford, 1808. Maps, Vol. 15. Western New-York in 1809. See N.Y. Poet. list. Maps. Map illustrative of a Communication between the Great Lakes and Atlantic Ocean, by means of a canal from Lake Erie to Hudson's river: By John H. Eddy, 1816. Maps, vol. 15. Map of the State of New-York, with parts of the States of Pennsylvania, New-Jersey....- By Amos Lay, 1817. Maps, vol. 15. Map of the State of New-York: Engraved for Dwight's Travels, 1822. Portf. Map of the Western part of the State of New-York, 1823: By P. H. Vance. 2 f. in 1. Maps, vol. 15. An Atlas of the State of New-York, containing a Map of the State and of the several Counties: By David H. Burr, New-York, 1829. 1 vol. fol. ____The same. 1 vol. fol. B. C. Map of the State of New-York, with parts of the adjacent country, embracing plans of the- cities, etc.: By David H. Burr, NewYork, 1834. Maps, vol. 15. IThe same, by David HI. Burr. Pub. by J. H. Colton, New-York, 1838. Rol. No. 23. Carte hydrographique do l'Etat de New-York Ernst Granger d6lin. Paris, 1836 (?). 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. ____A Map of the State of New-York-------&.and -the number of in'habitants, according to the census of 1840- PrepDared for tbe Le ATLASES AND MAPS. 59 The same, with the new districts for 1842 in MS. Maps, vol. 15. Geological Map of the State of New-York:By legislative authority, 1842. Eng'd by Sherman and Smith, New-York. Maps, vol. 15. 2 copies. -----. Agricultural and Geological Map of the State of New-York: By legislative authority, 1844. New-York. Maps, vol. 15. Map of the State.... exhibiting the population upon which the apportionment of senators and members of assembly is based...... Prepared for the Legislature, 1846. Maps, vol. 15. Map of New-York, exhibiting its population by counties and towns: Prepared for the Senate of New-York, 1850. Maps, vol. 15. Maps and other illustrations accompanying the Documentary History of the State of New-York: E. B. O'Callaghan, editor, Albany, 1850, 51. Collected in I vol. fol. Colton's Railway and Township Map of the State of New-York, with parts of the adjoining States and Canada. New-York, J. H. Colton, 1852. Maps, vol. 15. Map of the State.... by J. Calvin Smith. New-York, Disturnell, 1852. 1 f. Maps, vol. 15. -- Census of the State of New-York, 1855: Prepared 1856, Albany. Maps, vol. 15. See Pennsylvania, Seutter. See New-England, Nova Anglia. American Revolution. See Plattsburg; Saratoga; New-York City; Long Island; Edward, Fort; Stillwater; Clinton, Fort; George, Lake; Stoney Point; Half-moon, Fort. NEW-YORK CITY. View of, in 1656. See Donck (Van Der). G. L. Plan of New-York in 1729, surveyed by James Lyne: Reprinted, Maps, vol. 15. A Plan of the City of New-York, from an actual survey, A. D. 1755, by F. Maerschalck. Dedicated to Lieut. General De Lancey: EdWard Holland, -mayor. Printed by G. Duykinck. Maps, vol. 15. Plan of the Northeast Environs of the City of New-York: Performed by order of the Earl of London, by Samuel Holland, September 17, 1757. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. This map embraces that part of the island lying between the rivers, and between Chambers and Delancey streets, and is apparently incomplete. A Plan of the City of New-York and its environs to Greenwich on the North, and to Crown Point on the east: Surveyed in the winter, 1766, by John Montresor. With A Chart of the entrance to New-York, etc. 1 f. Maps, vol. 10. ---- A Plan of the City of New-York and its environs to Greenwich on the North or Hudson's River, and to Crownpoint on the East or Sound river.... Surveyed in the winter of 1775, by John Montresor, engineer. Dedicated to General Gage. Sold by A. Dury, London. 1 f. Maps, vol. 15. 60O NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. Nrw-YORK. CITY, continued: IPlan of the City of New-York, by Bernard Ratzer, Lieut. 60th Rcg.: Surveyed in 1767. London, 1776, Jefferys, and Faden. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. Plan of the City of New-York in North America, surveyed in 1766- and 1767. Dedicated to Sir Henry Moore, Governor. ** Lieut. Ratzer. London, Jefferys and Faden, 1776. Maps, vol. 15. Plan of the City of New-York and its environs: Surveyed by B. Ratzer. Faden and Jefferys, 1776. 11f. Maps, vol. 7. Plan of New-York Island, with a part of Long Island., Staten Island, and East New-Jersey; with a particular description of the engagement on the Woody Heights of Long Island between Flatbush and Brooklyn, August 27, 1776, between Gen. Howe and. Gen. Putnam. Engraved and published Oct. 19, 1776, by W. Faden, London. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. With Gen. Howe's Official Letter to Lord George Germaine. A Map of the Progress of -His Majesty's armies in New-York during the late campaign; illustrating the accounts published in the London Gazette, 1 779(?) Maps, vol. 4. A Topogyraphical Map of the North Part of New-York Island, exhibiting the plan of Fort Washington, now Fort Knyphausen, with the rebel lines to the southward, which were forced by the troops under the command of Earl Percy, Nov. 16, 1776: Surveyed finmnediately after by order of his Lordship, by Claude Joseph Sauthier. To which is added, the attack made to the northward by the Hessians, surveyed by order of Lieut. Genl. Knyphausen. Published by W. Faden, 1777. -1 f. Maps, vol. 4. Chart and Plan of the Harbour of New-York and the country adjacent from. Sandy -Hook to King's Bridge; co mprehen ding* the whole of New-York and Staten Islands, and part of Long'Island and the Jersey shore, and showing the defences of New-York both by land and sea. London, J. Bew, 1,781. -1 f. Maps, vol. 4. Actual Map and Com-parative Plans, showing 88 years growth of the city of New-York: David Longworth, 1817.. Maps, vol. 15. Topographical Map of the City and County of New-York and the adjacent country, by J. H. Colton. New-York, 1836. MMaps, vol. 15. Topographical Map of the City and County of New-York and adjacent. country: By Sherman and Smith, 1836. Roil. No. 28. ____ A Map of the City of New-York: Published by Ferris and Hutchinson., surveyors, New-York, 1849, 50. Maps, vol. 15. --.-View of. See New-York State, -Recens edita, and Toting NeoBelgii; also see Engravings, Views. American Revolution. See Long Island; New-York State. NEW-YORK HARBOUR. Plan of the Pass between Staten and Long,Island, 1757; or the Project to place s 'ome batteries for the defence -of the entrance of the harbor of New-York. MS. 4 ~ Maps, vol. 4. See Atlases, North Amer. Atlant. Nept. vol. 1, 2; and U. S. C oast Survey. NE0 DTHERLQ'T.ANMDT.1See Holland, Belgiium, Frieslatnd. ATLASES AND MAPS. 61 NIAGARA RIVER AND FORT, 1760. See N.Y. Doc. Hist. Maps. NOBLE (A.). See Montgomery Co. N.Y. NORTH AMERICA. Piano geografico de la Norde America septentrional, que los Indios Gentiles nombraron Tierra de Anahuac..Diego Paries. MS. Maps, vol. 17. --- Americque septentrionale: Par le Sieur Sanson d'Abbeville, g6ographe du roy.. Paris, 1699. f. Maps, vol. 1. Three out of four sheets of an English Map of North America, the parts embracing Louisiana and Mexico. 3 f. Maps, vol. 2. - Tabula Mexice et Floride, Terrarum anglicarum et anteriorum Americe insularum; item cursuum et circuituum fluminis Mississippi dicti. Amstel. Petrum Schenck. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. --- Mappa geographica: Regionem Mexicanam et Floridam terrasque adjacentes, ut et anteriores Americae insulas. M. Seutter, Aug. Vind. Col. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - Dominia Anglorum in America septentrionali specialibus mappis: Londini primum a Mollio edita, nune recusa ab Homannianis hered. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - Map, 1700. See Atlases, De L'Isle. -- Amerique septentrionale divis6e en ses principales parties, oui sont distingues les uns des autres les 6tats suivant qu'ils appartiennent pr6 -sentement aux Frangois, Castillans, Anglois, Suedois, Danois, Hollandois.... Par le Sr. Sanson. Hubert Jaillot, Paris, 1719. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - Carte de la Nouvelle-France, oil se voit le cours des grandes rivieres de Saint-Laurent et de Mississippi, aujourd'hui Saint-Louis; aux environs desquclles so trouvent les etats, pays, nations, peuples, etc. de la Floride, de la Louisiana, de la Virginie, de la Marielande, etc. A Amsterdam.... chez la Veuve de Jo. van Keulen et fils. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. Carte nouvelle de l'Amerique angloise; contenant la Virginie, Maryland, Caroline, Pensylvania, Nouvelle-Yorck, N.-Jarsey, Nouvelle-France, et les terres nouvellement decouvcrtes: Par le Sieur S. A Amsterdam, chez P. Mortier. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - A New and Correct Map of the Trading part of the West Indies..... likewise the British Empire in America; with the French and Spanish settlements.... Printed for Henry Overton, London, 1741. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. - A Map of North America; with the European Settlements, and whatever else is remarkable in ye West Indies.... R. W. Seale delin. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. - North America....By the Sieur D'Anville, greatly improved by Mr. Bolton, 1752: For Mr. Postlethwayt's Dictionary of Commerce. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - Carte des Possessions angloises et franqoises du Continent de l'Amerique septentrionale: Kaart van de Engelsche en Fransche Bezittingen in bet vaste land van Noord America, 1755. A Amsterdam, chez R. et J. Ottens. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. 62 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. NORTH AMERICA, continued: - Carte de 1'Am6rique septentrionale, depuis le 28e degr6 de latitude jusqu'au 720: Par M. Bellin, 1755. Col. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - North America, from the French of Mr. D'Anville improved, with the back settlements of Virginia and course of Ohio: Illustrated with geographical and historical remarks. London, T. Jefferys, 1755. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. -- The same. America septentrionalis, a Domino d'Anville in Galliis edita, nunc in Anglia: Coloniis in interiorem Virginiam deductis, nec non fluvii Ohio cursu aucta notisque geographicis et historicis illustrata. Sumptibus Homannianorum heredum. Noribergm, anno 1756. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - Map of the British and French Dominions in North America; with the roads, distances, limits, and extent of the settlements: By Dr. John Mitchell. Amsterdam, Covens and Mortier. 7 f. in 1. Maps, vol. 1. - A Map of the British and French Dominions in North America; with the roads, distances, limits and extent of the settlements...... Inscribed to the Earl of Halifax... by John Mitchell. London, 1755. Rol. No. 14. - Carte des Possessions angloises et francoises du Continent de l'Amerique septentrionale, 1755: Atlas methodique. 1 f. Maps, vol.2. Amerique septentrionale; avec les routes, distances en milles, limites et 6tablissements francois et anglois: Par le Docteur Mitchel. Traduit de l'anglois. Paris, Le Rouge, 1756. 8 f. in 1 vol. fol. S An Accurate Map of North America; describing and distinguishing the British, Spanish and French Dominions on this great continent, exhibiting the present seat of war and the French encroachments; also all the West India islands, belonging to and possessed by the several European Princes and States: By Eman. Bowen and John Gibson. London, Rob. Sayer. Maps, vol. 1. -- A New and Accurate Map of the English Empire in North America, representing their rightful claim as confirm'd by charters and the formal surrender of their Indian friends; likewise the encroachments of the French, with several forts they have unjustly created therein: By a Society of Anti-Gallicans. London, 1755. Sold by W. Herbert. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. Carte des Possessions francoises et angloises dans le Canada, et partie de la Louisiane. Paris, ches le Sieur Longchamps, 1756. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - A Map of the British Empire in America, with the French and Spanish settlements adjacent thereto: By Henry Popple, 1752 (? ). 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. --- A Map of the Britisch Empire in America; with the French, Spanish, and the Dutch settlements adjacent thereto: By Henry Popple, a London. Grave par Jean Conr. Back, 1756. With a French title, Nouvelle Carte particuliere, etc. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - The same: at Amsterdam, printed for I. Covens and C. Mortier. French title, Carte particuliire de l'AmBrique septentrionale. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. ATLASES AND MAPS. 63 Nouvelle Carte particulii~re de l'Amerique; oui sont exactement marquees la Nouvelle-Bredtagne, le Canada. ou Nouvelle-France, la INouvelle-E cosse, la Nouvelle- Angleterre, la Pensylvanie, Maryland, la Caroline Sept., l'le de Terre-neuve, le Grand Bane, etc.: By H. Fopple, Amsterdam? 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. -Nouvelle Carte particulie're de l'Arndrique; ou\ sont exactement marque-es une partie de la Baye d'Huadson, le Pays des Kilistinons, la source de la grande Riviere de Mississippi, le Pays des Illinois, etc.: By Henry Popple. In English. Amnsterdam,? 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. Nouvelle Carte particulie're de l'Amerique; oii sent exactement marque~es les Provinces suivantes, comme la Caroline me'ridionale, la Floride, la Louisiane, le Mexique, le Jucatan, le G-uatimala, le Darien, et une partie de Cuba. Amsterdam (with an English title), printed for John Covens and C. Mortier. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. The Claims of the French in T1756. Impeifect.;1 f. Maps, vol. 2. Imperfect Map of North America, in opposition to the English claimns. In, French. 2 f. Maps, vol. 1I. The French Dominions in America,'as proposed by M. de Bussy in 1761. Imperfect. I f. Maps, vol. 2. A New Map of North America, showing the advantages obtained therein to England by the Peace, 1761 () 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. _1A New Map of North America, from the latest discoveries. London, 1763. J. Spilsbnrg so. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. 1A New and Correct Map of North America; with the West India islands, divided according to the last Treaty of Peace concluded at Paris, Feb. 10, 1763... Corrected from the original materials of Governor Pownall, 1777. Maps, vol. 1. Les Principales Forteresses, Ports, etc. de l'Amerique septentrienale. Maps, vol. 1. A Set of Plans and Forts in America, reduced from actual survey, 1.765: Published.... by Mary Ann liocque, Topographer to His Royal Highness the Duk~e of Gloucester. 1 vol. 120. Contents 1. City of New-York, 1763. 18. Fort Bedford. 2. City of Albany,'1760. 19. Blockhouse at the east of Oneda lake. 3. City of Montreal. 20. Fort at Saratoga. 4. City of Louisbourg. 21. Fort William Henry, with the English 5. City of Quebec, 1763. camps. 6. Fort Frederick, St. John's R. 22. Royal Blockhouse, with the Environs 7. Hlifa, Fort Edward. 7. Hali fax oaSchoetiad. 23. Forts and Recdoubts at New Crown S. Twn o Schnectdy.Point. 9. Fort Niagara. 24.- Fort Frontenac. 10. Fort Fredrick, at Albany. 25. Fort and Redoubts at Crown Point. 11. Fort of Ticonderoga, 1759. 26. Fort William Henry. 12. Fort Stanwix, 1758. 27. Stockade fort, Oswego falls. 13-. Fort Edward. 28. Fort at Pittsburgh, or Du Quesne, 14. Part of Fort George, 1759. 1759. 15. The Narrows near New-York. 29. Fort Brewerton, at west end of Oneda 16. Fort Ligonier. lake. 17. Entrenched Work round Harkemer's 30. Fort Ontario. house, German-flats, 1756. 64 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. NORTH AMERICA, continued: ---- An Accurate Map of North America; describing and distinguishing the British and Spanish dominions on this great continent, according to the definitive Treaty concluded at Paris, Feb. 10, 1763; also all the West India islands belonging to and possessed by the several European Princes and States, etc.: By Eman..Bowen, Geographer to His Majesty, and John Gilson, engraver. London, printed for Rob. Sayer, 1775. Maps, vol. 1. - North America, from the French of Mr. D'Anville, improved with the English surveys made since the Peace. London, Sayer & Bennett, 1775. 1 f. Maps, vol. 7. - American Military Pocket Atlas; being an approved Collection of Correct Maps, both general and particular, of the British Colonies, especially those which now are or probably may be the theatre of war: From the Surveys of De Brahm & Romans, Jackson & Collet, Major Holland, etc. London, Sayer & Bennett, 1776. 1 vol. 80. W. C. 997. Contents: 1. North America. 4. The Middle Colonies. 2. The West Indies. 5. The Southern Colonies. 3. The Northern Colonies. 6. Lake Champlain. - Map, 1776. See United States, Pownall's Map. - Atlas Ameriquain septentrionale.... Traduit des Cartes lev6es par ordre du Gouvernement Britannique, par LeRouge, Ing. geographe du Roi. Paris, 1778. 26 maps. 1 vol. fol. - Le Pilote Americain septentrional pour les Cotes de Labrador, Nouvelle-Ecosse, Nouvelle-Angleterre, New-York, Pensilvanie, Maryland, Virginie, les deux Carolines et Florides: Par Jefferys, Lane, Morris, Chev. des Barres, Smith, Blaskowitz et Scull. Publie a Londres en 1776: traduit de l'anglais. A Paris, Le Rouge, 1778. 60 charts. 1 vol. fol. W. C. 1000. - tlantic (The) Neptune: Published for the use of the Royal Navy of Great Britain, by Joseph F. W. Des Barres, esquire, under the direction of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. London, 1780, 81. Vol. 1, 2. 2 vol. eleph. fol. Contents: VOL 1. No. 1 - 3. Titles and Table of contents, wanting, No. 4. General Chart of Nova-Scotia, Gulf of St. Lawrence, and to the Gulf of Mexico. " 5. Nova-Scotia. " 6- 35. Charts of the Coast, and Views of the harbours and towns of Nova-Scotia. " 36. Four Maps of Sable Island. " 37. Cape Breton and St. John's islands. " 38 - 42. Gulf and River of St. Lawrence. " 43. Quebec: 2 plates., 44. Coast of New-England. " 45. Buzzard's Bay. S46. Boston, and Harbour: three views. t 47. Rhode-Island Harbour. ' 48. New-York Harbour. 2 f. " 49. Delaware Bay and River. ' 60. Port of York and Gloucester. " 61. Battle of Camden. ATLASES AND MAPS. 65 No. 52. Charleston (S.C.), and environs; Siege of Savannah. " 53. Port Royal (S.C.). " 54. Harbour of St. Augustin., 55. Harbour, etc. of Pensacola. " 56. Havannah: two views. VoL. 2. Part 1. Charts of the Coasts and Harbours in the Gulph and River of St. Lawrence. " Part 2. Charts of the Coasts and Harbours of New-England. " Part 3. Charts of several harbours and divers parts of the Coast of North America, from New.York southwestwards to the Gulf of Mexico. --- Neptune Americo-septentrional; contenant les cStes, lies et banes. de cette partie du monde..,. ou Recueil de Cartes hydrographiques Q l'usage des vaisseaux du Roi. 26 Charts and Plans of the Eastern coast. DBpSt de la marine, 1778-80. 1 vol. fol. - A New Map of the United States of North America, with the British dominions on that continent, etc.: By Samuel Dunn, mathematician. Improved from the Surveys of Capt. Carver. London, Laurie and Whittle. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. Carte de la Partie septentrionale des Etats-Unis; comprenant lo Canada, la Nouvelle- Ecosse, New-Hampshire, Massachusets- Bay, Rhode-Island, Connecticut, New-York et Etat de Vermont, avec une partie de la Pensilvanie et de New-Jersey: Andre so. I f. Maps, vol. 1. - A Map of North America, by H. S. Tanner. Philadelphia, 1822. Maps, vol. 14. 2 copies. - The Northeastern Coast of North America from New-York to Cape Canso, including Sable Island: By Edmund Blunt. New-York, 1828. Maps, vol. 2. - A Chart giving an ideal section of the successive geological formations from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.. By James Hall. Albany, 1851. Rol. No. 35. - New Map of that portion of North America exhibiting the United States and Territories, the Canadas, New-Brunswick, Nova-Scotia, Mexico; also Central America and the West India Islands. Pub. by Jacob Monk, Baltimore, Md. 1854. Rol. No. 26. - North America; showing the proposed railrQad routes from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans. J. H. Colton, New-York, 1854. Maps, vol. 19. - North American Atlas: W. Faden. See Maps, vol. 7. - Geol. Map. See United States, Marcou. - See Pacific Ocean; Atlantic Ocean; Arctic Regions. NORTH-CAROLINA. A Compleat Map of North-Carolina, from an actual survey by Capt. Collet, Governor of Fort Johnston: Eng'd by J. Bayly. London, S. Hooper, 1770. 2 f. Maps, vol. 17. - An Accurate Map of North and South Carolina, with their Indian frontiers., the several townships and other divisions.... By Henry Mouzon and others. Sayer and Bennett, London, 1775. 2 parts. 4 f, Maps, vol. 7. [ LIB, III.] 9 66 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. The same, 1775. Maps, vol. 17. A New and Accurate Map of North-Carolina and part of SouthCarolina, with the field of battle between Earl Cornwallis and General Gates. London, J. Bew, 1780. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4., A New Map of the State of North-Carolina, by Robert HI. B. Brazier. Fayetteville, John McRac, 1833. Maps, vol. 14. See South-Carolina. American Revolution. See United States, Marches of Lord Cornwallis; Camden; Guilford. NORTHEASTERN BOUNDARY. See U. S., Maps of Boundary. NORTH SEA. The North Sea, with the Cattegat: From the Chart of De Verdun, iDe Borda and Pingred, made public in 1777 by order of Louis XVI, and now enlarged by L. S. De La Rochette. London,, Faden, 17 96. 1 f. Maps, vol. 5. NORTHTRtoY. Map of the City of North Troy: Messiers lithog. N.Y. Maps, Vol. 15. NOVA-SCOTIA." A New Map of Nova-Scotia and* Cape Britain, with the adjacent parts of New-England and Canada. London, Thomas Jefferys, 1755. 1 f. Mlaps, vol. 1. Map of Nova-Scotia or Acadia, with the Islands of Cape Breton and St. John's: From actual surveys by Capt. Montresor, 1768. Sold by A. IDury.- 4 f. Maps, vol. 10. A New- Map of Nova-Scotia and Cape Breto'n island, with the adjacent parts of New-England and Canada: T. Jefferys. Sayer and Bennett, 1775. 1 f. Maps, vol. 7. A New Map of Nova-Scotia' and Cape Britain, with the adjacent parts of New-England and Canada, from the latest authorities. London, J. Murray, 1785. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. Map, 1825. See New-Brunswick. Map of the Province of Nova-Scotia, including the Island of Cape Breton.... under th~e authority of the Provincial Legislature: By William Mackay, 1834. Published and sold, London, Edinburgh and Halifax.- 2 f. in 1. Maps, vol. 17. Map of Nova-Scotia and Prince Edward's Island, compiled from the latest surveys, by Abraham Gesuer, 1849. Bufford's litb. Boston. Maps, vol. 17. ____Nova-Scotia and Prince Edward's Island. Second edition, with 200. additional names, 1852. Pub. by James IDawson, Pictou, N. S.. 1 f. Maps, vol. 17. ____29 Charts, 1780. See North Amer. Atlan. Nept. See North America, Nept. Ame'r. Septen.; Canada; Shegnecto. 0. ODESSA. Attack of the allied forces on Odessa, 1854. Maps, vol. 19. ATLASES AND MAPS. 67 Map of Ogdensburgh: John W. Tary, 1849. Maps, vol. 14. OHIO. Plan des Achats des Compagnies de l'Ohio et du Scioto. Col. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - A Topographical Plan of the Indian Country, through which the Army, under the command of Col. Bouquet, marched in the year 1764: A General Map of the country on the Ohio and Muskingham, by Thomas Hutchins, Assistant engineer. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. OLLERON Is. See R6 Is. OMOA. Plan of the Harbor of Omoa, Honduras, and of the fortification now erecting there: By Capt. J. S.Speer. T. Bowen sc. I f. Maps, vol. 2. ONONDAGA Co. N.Y. Map of the County of Onondaga: By D. H. Burr. Albany, 1829. Maps, vol. 15. ONTARIO. English Plan of the Forts Ontario and Oswego; with part of the River Onondago and Lake Ontario, 1756. Reprinted Albany, 1850. See N.Y. Doe. Hist. Maps. S French Plan of Forts Ontario and Pepperell or Chouaguen, 1756. Reprinted Albany, 1850. See N.Y. Doc. Hist. Maps. S See North America, A Set of Plans. ONRUST. Plan de l'Isle Onrust. f. Maps, vol. 11. ORANGE CO. N.Y. A Map of Orange County, N.Y.: By J. C. Sidney, C. E., Author of 12 miles around New-York. New-York and Philadelphia, 1850. Rol. No. 9. OREGON. Exploration des Territoires de l'Oregon, des Californies et de la Mer Vermeille, 1840 - 42. 26 maps. See Duflot de Mofras. G. L. - ap, 1846. See Texas. - ap of Oregon and Upper California, from the Surveys of John Charles Fr6mont and other authorities: Drawn by C. Preuss. Sen. Doct. 1848. Maps, vol. 17. - See U.S., Fremont's Map. ORISKANY. Map of Oriskany Patent: Allotments 1- 6. MS. Portf. ORWELL, OSWEGO Co. Map of the town: Surveyed by B. Wright, 1797. See Pierrepont ( H. B.). OSCEOLA, LEWIS Co. Map of the town (townships 8 and 13): Surveyed by B. Wright, 1797, 1805. See Pierrepont ( H. B.). OSTEND. Plan of Ostend, Belgium. ~ f. Maps, vol. 19. OSWEGO. Plan of Oswego and the adjacents. The Old Fort and Fort Ontario. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. ---- Entr6e de la Riviere Chouaguen, scituee a la cBte du sud du Lac Frontenac; faite & Montr6al ce 17 de Juillet 1727: Signed, Chass6gros de L6ry. Plan of Fort Oswego. Reprinted Albany, 1850. See N.Y. Doe. Hist. Maps. OSWEGO Co. Map of Township No. 10 in Oswego County, N.Y.: Surveyed by B. Wright, 1797. See Pierrepont ( H. B.). ---- See Seneca; Ontario. '68 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. P. PACIFIC OCEAN. Representation.... des vents.. dans la gr ande Mer du SucL f. Maps, -vol. 11. Carte re'duite de la Mer du Sud Par Mr. Bellin, 1753.A f Maps, -vol. 11. Carte re~duite des Mers comprises entre l'Asic et l'Ame'rique, appel 6es par les navigateurs Mer du Sud on Mer pacifique; pour ser vir aux vaisseaux du Roi: 1742. Corrige~e en 1756. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. Chart containing the greater part of the South Seas to the south of the line, with the islands dispersed through the same; with South America, 17175. Sayer and Bennett. 1 gr. f. Maps,'vol. 9. Carte de ]a Co-te Nord-est de Ia Mer du Sud: Par M. De Laborde. Plans of Cook, Be La Pe'rouse, and Meair. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. Chart of the Northwest Coast of America, with the tracks of the King George and Queen Charlotte in 1786 and 1787: By George Dixon, London; Decemher 1788. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. Carte d'une partie de Ia Mer du Sud; avec des de'tails sur Ics principales. isles de cette mer: Par M. IDe Laborde, 1791. Maps, vol. 3. Carte pour servir au Voyage de M. le Capitaine* De Surville, dresse'e sur ses mlemoires: Par M. IDe Laborde, 1791. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. Voyage round the World, 1790-92: By E. Marchand. 40. G.L. Chart of North Pacific Ocean: By A. Arrowsmith, London, 1795. 2 f. in 1. Maps, vol. 5. Carte d'Oceanie, on Australasie et Polyne'sie: Par He'risson. Paris, 1820. 1 gr. f. Maps, vol. 9. See World; Atlantic Ocean; New Caledonia. PACIFIC RAILROAD. See North America. PALESTINE. Map, 1767 D'Anville. See Atlases, De L'Isle. PARAGUAY. See La Plata. PARIS. Constitution gdologique du Terrain de Paris. Puits arte'sien de l'Abattoir Grenelle. Certifi6' par M. Mulct Ch. de Me~rindol del. E. Ollivier so 1845?) Map, 1716. See Atlases, De L'Isle. Map, 1839. See Seine, De~partemeiA de la. PANAMA. See West Indies, Mappa Geographica; New Grenada. PATAGONIA. Carte re~duite de Ia partie la plus m e-ridionale de l'Ame'rique Par le Sr. Bellin. I f. Maps, vol. 11. IBescripcion de Ia Bahia do S. Gregorio, sitnada en Ia Costa Patagonica. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. Bescripcion del Puerto deseado cituado en Ia Costa Patagonica. MS. A f. Maps, -vol. 2. ATLASES AND MAPS. 69 Plan of the Harbour of Melo, 1795: Plan of the Port of St. Helena...... Pub. by W. Faden, 1809. 1 f. Maps, vol. 12. - See South America; Chiloe; Magellan; Terra dcl Fuego. PEKIN. Plan de la Ville de Peking. ~ f. Maps, vol. 11. PELET (Gen.). Memoires Militaires. G. L. PENELLA. A Map of the Country round Penella: By Lieut. D. Thomas. Parchment MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. PENNSYLVANIA. Pensylvania, Nova-Jersey et Nova-York; cum regionibus ad Flumen Delaware in America sitis..... Per M. Seutterum, Aug. Vind. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - A Map of the Province of Pennsilvania, containing the three counties of Chester, Philadelphia and Bucks.. By Tho: Holme, Surveyor General. Sold by R. Green, London, 1681. Fac-simile reproduced. Philadelphia, 1.846. Maps, vol. 1. - Map of the improved part of the Province of Pennsylvania.... By Nicholas Scull. Dedicated to Thomas Penn and Richard Penn, proprietaries and governors of the Province of Pennsylvania and counties of New-Castle, Kent and Sussex, on Delaware. Published 1759, and sold by the author, in Second-street, Philadelphia. Eng'd by Jas. Turner. 2 f. Maps, vol. 17. - A Map of Pennsylvania; exhibiting not only the improved parts of that province, but also its extensive frontiers.. From the Map of W. Scull.. London, Sayer and Bennett, 1775. 2 f. Maps, vol. 7. - A Plan of part of the Provinces of Pennsylvania and East and West Jersey; showing the operations of the Royal Army under the command of Sir W. Howe and Sir Henry Clinton, from the landing at Elk River in 1777, to the embarkation at Navisink in 1788: By Lieut. Jno. Hills. Faden, 1784. A f. Maps, vol. 4. S Outline Map of railroads through Pennsylvania, 1855. } f. Maps, vol. 14. - ee Virginia; New-York. - American Revolution. See Trudruffrin; Philadelphia; Germantown; Delaware River; Du Quesne; Ligonier. PENSACOLA. See North Amer. Atlan. Nept. vol. 1, 2. PERSIA. Carte des Costes de Perse, Guzarat, et Malabar: Tiree de la Carte.... de M. Maurepas de 1740. 1 f. Maps, vol. 11. - A Mercator's Chart of part of the Coast of Arabia Petraea and Persia: A. Blair fecit. MS. A f. Maps, vol. 3. - Carte g6n6rale de la Perse et des contrees limitrophes, accompagnee d'un essai historique et statistique...... Par Adr. Brue et A. Balbi. Paris, 1826. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. PERU. Peru. Amstelodami, apud Joan. Janssonium. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. - Spherical Chart of part of the Coast of Peru, from the parallel of 7o to 210 45' S. lat.: 1790...... Pub. by W. Faden, 1805. 1 f. Maps, vol. 12. -- See South America. 70 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. PETERSBURG, VA. Sketch of the Skirmish at Petersburg, between the Royal Army under Genl. Phillips, and the American army commanded by Genl. Stewben, in which the latter were defeated, April 25, 1781: By Lieut. J. Hill. London, Faden, 1784. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. PHILADELPHIA. A Map of Philadelphia, and parts adjacent: By N. Scull and G. Heap. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. - An East Prospect of the City of Philadelphia, taken by George Heap, from the Jersey shore, under the direction of Nicholas Scull, Surveyor-general of the Province of Pennsylvania, 1755 (?). London, T. Jefferys. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. - Seat of War in the environs of Philadelphia: Drawn by Thomas Kitchin senr., hydrographer, 1775. - f. Maps, vol. 4. - Plan of the City of Philadelphia.... from an actual survey by Benj. Easburn, Surveyor-general, 1776. London, Dury, 1776. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. --- A Plan of the City and Environs of Philadelphia: Surveyed by N. Scull and G. Heap. London, W. Faden, 1777. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - A Plan of the City and Environs of Philadelphia.... Surveyed by N. Scull and G. Heap. Engraved by William Faden, London, 1777. 1 f. Maps, vol. 14. - The same. Maps, vol. 7. -- A Plan of the City and Environs of Philadelphia, with the works and encampments of His Majesty's forces under the command of Lieut. Gen. Sir William Howe. London, Faden, 1779. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. - See Delaware River. PHILIPPINE Is. Carte des Isles Philippines, dressee sur la Carte du R. P. Murillo de Velarde. 1" feuille.. par le Sr. Bellin, 1752. j f. Maps, vol. 11. - Carte des Isles Philippines, dressee sur la Carte du R.P. Murillo de Velarde. 2me feuille, par le Sr. Bellin, 1752. f. Maps, vol. 11. - Carte reduite des Isles Philippines, pour servir aux vaisseaux du Roy. A Paris, chez M. Bellin, 1752. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. - Carte des Nouvelles Philippines. j f. Maps, vol. 11. - Carte des Isles Philippines, Cl6ebes et Moluques. I f. Maps, vol. 11. - Plan of Manilla, Capital of the Philippine Islands, taken by storm the 6th Oct. 1762.... 1 f. Maps, vol. 10. PIEDMONT. Carte de la Chaine occid. des Alpes. See Pelet, vol. 6: Map, 1707. See Atlases, De Lisle. PIERREPONT (H. B.). Maps of Township No. 10, Oswego County; of West Turin, Dickinson, Osceola, Brandon, Lorraine. Greenboro, Martinsburgh, Boylston, Orwell, Pierrepont, and of certain farms or pieces of land in the towns of Fort Covington, Westville and Constable in Franklin Co.; Denmark and Harrisburgh in Lewis Co., and Rodman in Lewis Co.; indicating the property belonging to the estate of H. B. Pierrepont. Lith. R. P. Smith, Philadelphia, 1847. 16 maps, 1 vol. fol. ATLASES AND MAPS. 71 PITTSBURGH, PENN. See Du Quesne, Fort. PLATTSBURG. Plan of the Siege of Plattsburg, and Capture of the British fleet, 1814: To accompany B. Tanner's Print of Macdonough's victory. Maps, vol. 17. PLYMOUTH, ENG. Plan of the Fortifications on St. Nicholas Island, 1760. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. POLAND. Map, 1710. See Atlases, De Lisle. - A Map of the Kingdom of Poland and of the Grand Dutchy of Lithuania: By William Faden, 1792. 1 f. Maps, vol. 5. POLYNESIA. See Caroline Is.; Pacific Ocean. PONDICHeRI. Plan de Pondichere en 1741. 1 f. Maps, vol. 11. PORTENDIC. Plan du Portendic, appel6 aussi Portudaddi: Tire de Labat. | f. Maps, vol. 11. PORTo BELLO, Harbour of. See South America, Grand Theatre. - Plan of the Harbour, Town and Forts of Porto Bello, taken by Adm. Edward Vernon.... 1739, with six men of war only: Drawn by Lieut. T. Durell. London, Ja. Rentone, 1740. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. - Scenographia Portus Belli (Porto Bello), ex prototypo Londinensi: Recusa per Hered. Homann. 1740. 2 views. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. PORTO CABELLO. See Venezuela. PORT ROYAL, S. C. See North Amer. Atlan. Nept. PORTO Rico. Geometrical Plan of the principal harbor in the island of Porto Rico: By D. C. de Churuca, 1794.,... Pub. by W. Faden, 1805. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. - A Mapp of St. John's Island, alias Porto Rico...... with the Virgins and other adjacent islands. MS. - f. Maps, vol. 2. PORTUGAL. See Spain, Atlas maritimo. POTOMAC RIVER. A Hydrographical Survey of a part of the Potomac River (?). J. Callender sc. Boston. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. POTOMAC AQUEDUCT. Twenty-eight Drawings illustrating the works for the aqueduct at Georgetown: By W. Turnbull, Capt. U. S. Top. Engineer's Exec. Doct. 1837, 1838. With Core Sound, North-Carolina, bound in 1 vol. fol. PRESENTATION ( FORT LA). See Ogdensburgh. PREVESA. The Gulf of Prevesa. I f. Maps, vol. 3. PRINCE EDWARD Is. A Map of the Island of St. John in the Gulf of St. Lawrence: Improved from the late survey of Captain Holland; published April 6th, 1775. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - See Newfoundland; St. Lawrence; St. John. PRINCE OF WALES Is. Prince of Wales's Island: Taken by J. M. Aubert, on a Voyage from Batavia to Colombo, 1752. MS. f. Maps, vol. 3. PRIOR. Cape Prior, Spain. - f. Maps, vol. 3. PUNTO GALE. ( f. Maps, vol. 11. 72 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. Q. QUEBEC. Plans of Quebec and the 1buntry adjacent. MS. 2 f. Maps, vol. 4. Plan de la Ville de Quebec. Plantation Office, 1755. John Pownall, Sec. Maps, vol. 1. The same. See Louisbourg. ---- A Plan of Quebec, the Capital of New-France or Canada. London, Jefferys, 1758. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. -- A Plan of Quebec: Pub..... by E. Oakeley, London, 1759, and sold by J. Roque. 1 f. Maps, vol. 10. The same, 1759. Maps, vol. 4. ---- A Correct Plan of the Environs of Quebec, and of the battle fought on the 13th of September 1759. London, Jefferys. 2 f. in 1. Maps, vol. 4. The same. Maps, vol. 10. Rough Sketches of the Batteries and Works on Point au Pares and Levi, at the Siege of Quebec. MS. 4 quarter sheets. Maps, vol. 4. An Authentic Plan of the River St. Lawrence, from Sillery to the Fall of Montmorenci; with the operations of the siege of Quebec, under the command of Gen. Wolfe and Admiral Saunders, 1759: Drawn by a Captain in the Navy. London, Jefferys. Maps, vol. 4. - Map, 1762. See North America, A Set of Plans. Plan of the City and Environs of Quebec; with its siege and blockade by the Americans, from the 8th of December 1775, to the 13th of May 1776. London, Faden, 1776. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. The same, 1776. 1 f. Maps, vol. 7. Plan of the Naval and Military Operations under the command of the immortal Wolfe and Vice-Admiral Saunders, before Quebec: By Alfred Hawkins, Quebec, 1841. London, Jas. Wyld, 1841. Maps, vol. 4. - Plan de la Cit6 de Quebec, fond6 par Samuel de Champlain de Brouage en 1608: P. L. Morin. Paris, 1854. 2 f. in 1. Maps, vol. 14. See North Amer. Atlan. Nept.; St. Lawrence; Canada. R. RAILROAD MAPS. See Belgium; New-York; Illinois; Rochester, etc. RAMILLIES, 1706. See Pelet, vol. 1. Rt Is. Carte des Isles de Re et d'Olleron, les Pertuis d'Antioche, Breton et de Maumusson; avec partie des Costes de Poitou, Aunis et Saintonge.... pour le service des vaisseaux du Roi...... Par le Sr. Bellin. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. ATLASES AND MAPS. 73 RED SEA. Plan of the bRd Sea, by Lieutenant Ringrosc, 1777. Parchment MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. - A Chart of the Arabian Gulf or Red Sea: By L. S. Do La Rochette and Col. J. Capper. London, W. Faden, 1781. 4 f. in 2. Maps, vol. 6. - The same, 1781. Maps, vol. 8. - The Northwest Branch of the Red Sea, called by the ancients Heroopolitan Gulf..... By L. S. De La Rochette, 1785. London, Faden, 1785. 1 f. Maps, vol. 6. ---- The same, 1785. Maps, vol. 8. RHINE R. Weiterfahrung der Rheinischen Eisenbahn: Gencral-iibcrsicht. Etab. geog. Vandcrmaelen, Bruxelles. 2 f. Maps, vol. 18. - Cours du Rhin. See Atlases, De 1'Isle; Pelct, vol. 1. RIODE-ISLAND. An Exact Plan of the Seacoast of the Continent from Paucautuck river eastwards to Point Judith, etc. By order of His Majesty's Court of commissioners, Jas. Htclme, Win. Chandler, surveyors: Providence, June 24, 1741. The lines A. B. C. D. 1. F. G. IH. were drawn by order of Court, June 30, 1741. MS. Maps, vol. 1. -- -- An Accurate Map of Rhode-Island, part of Connecticut and Massachusetts, showing Admiral Arbuthnot's station in blocking up Admiral Ternay. London, Bew, 17b0. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. - Map of the State of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations, from surveys under the direction of H. F. Walling; with Plans of some of the towns, 1855. Rol. No. 11. - See Narraganset Bay; Connecticut; New-England; North-Amer. Atlan. Nept. and Nept. Septen. Rio GRANDE. Plano des los Caminos desde la Villa del Rio Grande de S. Pedro hasta el Faerte de Sta Teresa, 1772. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. Rio JANEIRO. Plano del Puerto y Ciudad del Rio Janeiro en ]a Costa del Brasil..... 1760: Phelipe Antonio de Lordi. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. ROCHELLE, town and harbour. See R. Is. ROCHESTER, N. Y. Map of the City of Rochester: by Silas Cornell, city surveyor, 1839. 4 f. Maps, vol. 15. - Plan for the Aqueduct of the Erie canal enlargement. MS. Portfolio. - Map of the Site of the Western House of Refuge for Juvenile delinquents: D. Marsh, surveyor. Maps, vol. 15. - Plan and Profile of the proposed continuation of the Tonawanda railroad in the city of Rochester. MS. Maps, vol. 15. - ap of part of the City of Rochester, showing the terminations of the Tonawanda, Auburn and Rochester railroads. MS. Maps, vol.15. ROCKY MOUNTAINS. Map of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in 1842, and to Oregon and North California in 1843-44: By Capt. Fremont, U. S. Topographical engineer. Maps, vol. 14, [ L~ B. III.] 10 74 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. ROME. Nuova Pianta di Roma, data in Luce da Giambattista Nolli, l'anno 1748. 1 vol. fol. The City of Rome, from the Plan of G. Nolli. London, 1799. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. RUATAN. A Plan of a Harbor in Rattan, with notes on the island. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. -- A Draught of the Island of Rattan: By Henry Barnesley, Lieut. of His Majesty's Ship Litchfield; with notes. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. - See North America, Pilote Americain. RuSSIA. See Poland; Atlases, English Atlas. RUSSIA IN ASIA. See Asia; Arctic Regions. S. SACKETT'S HARBOR. A Map of Sackett's Harbor, with explanatory notes by Patrick May...... Bristol, Conn. 1814. Maps, vol. 4. SAINT AUGUSTINE. Plan of the Town of St. Augustine, the capital of East-Florida; with Bay of Espiritu Santo on the western coast of East-Florida. Eng'd for W. Faden: T. Jefferys sc. 1 f. Maps, vol. 7. -- 'Map, 1776. See United States, A General Map. - See North Amer. Atlan. Nept. vol. 1, 2. SAINT CLOUD. Plan general du Chateau, Jardins et Pare de Saint Cloud. Paris, chez J. Mariette. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. --- _ Plan de St. Cloud, par M. 1'Abb6 Delagrive, Geog. de la ville de Paris, 1744. Maps, vol. 9. SPlan de la belle et magnifique maison de Monsieur aSt. Cloud: Par N. De Fer. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. SAINT CHRISTOPHER. Delineatio Insulse St. Christophori, alias I. Kitts.. curis Homann. Hered. Sm. f. Maps, vol. 9, - Plan of Brimstone Hill and its Environs. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. -- - Carte r6duite de l'Isle de Saint-Christophe, par le Sr. Bellin... pour le service des vaisseaux du roi: Par le Sr. Bellin, 1758. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. --- St. Christopher's, surveyed by Anthony Ravell, esq...,. Eng'd by T. Jefferys. I f. Maps, vol. 10. -- A New and Exact Map of the Island of St. Christopher in America, according to an actual and accurate survey made in the year 1753...... By Lieut. Samuel Baker. London, C. Bowles. 4 f. in 1. Maps, vol. 17. - An Accurate Map of the Island of St. Christophers: J. Bew, London, Polit. Mag. 1782. I1f. Maps, vol. 2. SAINT DOMINGO. Carte reduite de oisle de Saint Domingue et de ses debouquements, pour servir aux vaisseaux du Roi, 1750: Corrigee en 1754, par M. Bellin. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. ----- The Island Hispaniola, called by the French St. Domingo: Bj T. Jefferys. 1 f. Maps, vol. 10. ATLASES AND MAPS. 75 - An Authentic Plan of the Town and Harbor of Cap Francois in the Isle of St. Domingo: By T. Jefferys. 1 f. Maps, vol. 10. The Bite of Leogane, engraved from an original drawing: By Thomas Jefferys. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. - Carte des Postes aux Lettres de l'Isle de Saint Domingue, 1778. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. - The Island of St. Domingo, called by the Spaniards Hispaniola....... Political Magazine, Jan. 1785. J. Bew, London, 1783. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. - Le Pilote de l'Isle de Saint-Domingue, par MI. de ChastenetPuysegur: Publi6 par ordre du Roi. Paris, 1787. 1 vol. fol. I- sle of St. Domingo or Hispaniola. London, W. Faden, 1794. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. - The same, 1794. Maps, vol. 5. - Isle of St. Domingo. Faden, 1796. 1 gr. f. Maps, vol. 13. See West Indies. SAINT EUSTATIA. The Island of St. Eustatius, corruptly St. Eustatia: By W. Faden, 1795. Maps, vol. 13. SAINT HELENA. Carte de la Baye de Ste H6lene: Par N. Bellin. I f. Maps, vol. 11. SAINT JAGO. Veue de l'Isle St. Jago ou St. Jacques: Le Havre de Praya. I f. Maps, vol. 11. Plan de la Ville et des Forts de St. Yago. Maps, vol. 11. SAINT JOHN'S Is. A Plan of the Island of St. John; with the divisions of the counties, parishes and the lots as granted by Government. Jefferys and Faden. 1 f. Maps, vol. 7. - See Prince Edward's Is. SAINT JOHN'S, N. F. Plan of the Harbor of St. John's, Newfoundland; shewing the situation of the present fort.... By Hugh Debbieg, engineer. August, 1769. MS. 2 f. in 1. Maps, vol. 2. Plan of the Town and Harbor of St. Johns: By W. Green. MS. 1755. 2 1. Maps, vol. 2. - lan, Sections and Elevations.. of Fort William in St. Johns: By W. Green, 1755. MS. 4 f. Maps, vol. 2. - Plan of the Harbour. MS. f. Maps, vol. 2. ---- Plan.... of King's Wharf... By W. Green. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. ST. LAWRENCE, GULF AND EIVER. Carte reduite du Golphe de St. Laurent, contenant 1'Isle de Terre-neuve.... pour le service des vaisseaux du Roi: Par Ordre de M. Rouill6, 1754. A Paris, chez M. Bellin. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - Suite de la Carte reduite du Golphe de St. Laurent, contenant les Costes de Labrador, etc.; pour le service des vaisseaux du roi: Par M. Bellin, ingenieur, Paris, 1753. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. 7ulft 70NEW-YORKP STATE LTBIRAEY. An English Chart of the R11iver St. Lawrence and of the Coast of Nova-Scotia. 1 of 2 f. M),aps, vol. 2. An Authentic Plan of the River St. Lawrence.. with the Operations of the Siege of Qucbcc, 1759. -Pub. by T. Jefferys. 1 f. Maps, Vol. 10. IAn E xact Chart of the River St. Lawrence, from Fort Frontenac to the ~liand of Anticosti.... Dcdieatecl to Richard, Earl Tcmple, by Thomas Jefferys,.1760 (? ). I f. Maps, vol. 2. - An Exact Chart of the 'Rivcr St. Lawrcnce from Fort Frontenne, to the soundings), rock~s, shoals, etc.; with views of the lands.... all necessary inmtruetions for navigating that river to Quebec: By Tb. Jefferys, London, 1775. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. A Chart of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, composed from a grc-at numnber of actual surveys and other materials, reg-ulated and Connected by astronomical observations. London, Sayer & Bennett, 1.775. 1 f. Col. Maps, Vol. 1. The same, 1775. Maps, Vol. 7. See Quebec; North Ameor. Atlan. Nept. vol. 2., SAINT LucIA. A Map of the -Islandls of St. Lucia and Martinique, with parts of Doininic.-a and St. Vincent, shewing the two passages between Martinique and Ste Lucia. Polit. M1agazine, J. Bow, London, 17181. f. Maps, vol. 2. Carte deo-l'sle de St. Lucie, par Jefferys. Paris, An x, 1802. 1 f. Ma~ps, Vol. 9. ST. MARY'S RIVER. A Chart of the Entrance into St. Mary's River, taken by Capt. W. Fuller, Nov. 1769: View of the Entrance; Plan of Amelia island; Chart of Mouth of INassau River. Pub. by T. Jefferys. I f. Maps, Vol. 10. A Chart of the Entrance into St. Mary's River... by W. Ful1cr, 1769. W1it/i.. Amelia [slan~d, and.. Nassau River, 1770 T. Jefferys. 1 f. Maps, vol. 7. ST. TLioMrAS. St. ThornS. f. Maps, Ve1. 11.. SAMARANG. Carte du Chemin entre Samarang c-t Cartasoera. f. Maps, Vol. 11. SAN GREGORTO BAY. See Patagonia. SAN JOSEF BAY. Demo'nstracion topografica dcl Puerto do S. Joze', situado en la Costa Patagonica. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. SANTA CATIJARINA. Piano dcl Puerto y Isla do Santa Catalina en la Costa dcl Brasil. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. Plan de Ia Isla, y Puerto do Sta. Catalina, situada en la Costa dcl Brasil, 1777. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. 1Piano dcl Fuerte do S. Barbara en la, Villa, de N. S. do Destierro do la, Ysla, do S. Catalina, 17717: Juan Eseofet. MS. f. Ma-ps, vol. 2. Piano do la, Isla y Fuerte do S. Cruz, situado a la entrada del Puerto do Sta. Catalina, 1777' J. Eseofet. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. Plane dcl Armnazon do Balienas, en cl Puerto do S~ta. Catalina, ATLASES AND MAPS. 77 - -- Plan del Fuerto de S. Luis, situado en la Ysla de S. Catalina do la Costa del Brasil, 1777. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. - lano del Castillo o Fuerto do S. Ana, situado en el Estrecho del Puerto dc S. Catalina en la Costa dcl Brasil, 1777: Juan Escofct. MS. - f. Maps, vol. 2. -- Piano de la Isla y Fuerte do Mataratones, dentro del Puerto de S. Catalina do la Costa del B]rasil, 177: Juan Escofet. MS. A f. Maps, vol. 2. --- Plano del Fuerte de la Concepcion en la Ysla de Flores, situado en la Bara del Sur del Puerto de la Ysla de S. Catalina, 1777: Juan Escofet. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. - lano del Castillo o Fuerte de S. Francisco, situado en la Ysla do S. Catalina, 1777: Juan Escofet. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. - Plano del Castillo do Sn Joseph do Punta Grosa, en el Puerto de Sta Catalina de la Costa del Brasil, 1777: Juan Escofet. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. - Chart of the Island and Harbor of Sta. Catharina, situated on the Coast of Brazil: J. J. da Rocha.... Pub. by W. Faden, 1809. 1 f. Maps, vol. 12. - See Atlases, Hydrog. fran. SANTA CRUZ Is., PATAGONIA. See Santa Catharina. SANTIAGO. Plan do la ville. See South America, Typus geographicus. SARATOGA. Plan of the Position which the army under Lt. Gen. Burgoyne took at Saratoga, Sept. 10th, 1777, and in which it remained till the convention was signed. London, W. Faden, 1780. -- f. Maps, vol. 4. SARATOGA, FORT. See North America, A Set of Plans. SARDINIA Is. Chart of the Islands Magdalen and Barelino, surveyed by Capt. Iyves in 1802. London, A. Dalrymple, 1804. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. SAVANNAH, GA. Plan of the Siege of Savannah, with the joint attack of the French and Americans on the 9th of October 1779: From a survey by an officer. London, Faden, 1784. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. - Siege of. See North Amer. Atlan. Nept. SCHENECTADY. Plan, 1763. See North America, A Set of Plans. - Map of new streets and lots adjoining Union College grounds. Portf. SCOTLAND. The County Atlas of Scotland, in a series of 32 maps... A. Fullarton & Co. Edinburgh. 1 vol. 80. A Geological Map of Scotland, by J. MacCulloch. London, S. Arrowsmith, 1832. Rol. No. 5. SEBASTOPOL. City of Sebastopol.... Positions of all the fortifications. New-York, 1853. Maps, vol. 19. SECOND NINE PARTNERS TRACT. Map. MS. Portf. SENECA R. Maps and Profiles of the proposed improvement on the Seneca and Oswego rivers, surveyed 1823: H. Iutchinson; with Plans of Syracuse and Oswcgo. 12 sheets, MS. Maps, vol. 15. 78 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. SENECA Co., N.Y. Topographical Map of Seneca County, N.Y.: Made for J. Delafield. by W. T. Gibson, 1852. Rol. No. 31. SENEGAL. Riviere de Senegal; Isle Saint Louis; Plan du Fort Saint Joseph. I f. Maps, vol. 11. - Cours de la Riviere de Senegal depuis son embouchure.... avec toutes les branches et isles qu'elle forme dans cet cspace.; f. Maps, vol. 11. - Cours de la Riviere de Senegal, depuis le desert jusqu'a l'isle de Morfil.... Tire de Labat. I f. Maps, vol. 11. - ours de la Rivibre de Sanaga on Senegal.... jusqu'a l'Isle de Bilbas: Lev6 par un ingenieur frangois en 1718. Suite.... depuis Bilbas jusqu'au Sault du Rocher de Govina. -f f. Maps, vol. 11. - arte du Cours des Rivieres Fal6me et Sanaga dans les Pays de Bambuc et Tamba Awra: Leve sur les lieux par M. Compagnon. f. Maps, vol. 11. - Plan du Fort St. Louis dans l'Isle de Sanaga ou du Senegal. -a f. Maps, vol. 11. Carte de 1'Entree de la Riviere de Sanaga ou Senegal. - f. Maps, vol. 11. - arte des Pays voisins des Rivieres de Sanaga et Gambra. ~ f. Maps, vol. 11. General Plan of the Mouth of the River Senegal and Fort St. Lewis, taken from the French, 1758. MS. - f. Maps, vol. 3. - See Africa, West. SEINE (LA). Carte du Departement de la Seine: Execut6e en 1839 au Depbt general de la Guerre, sous la direction du Gen. de Division Pelet, d'apres les leves des officiers du Corps d'Etat-major. 10 f. in 1 vol. fol. - arte hydrologique et geologique du Bassin de la Seine: Dressde par M. Belgrand, Ingenieur en chef du service hydrom6trique de ce bassin, et publiee sous l'administration de M. Haussmann, Pr6fet de la Seine. Paris, 1854. See Paris, M6moires. G. L. SHEGNECTO BAY. A large and particular Plan of Shegnecto Bay.... and the circumjacent country; with the forts and settlements of the French, till dispossessed by the English in June 1755: Drawn on the spot by an officer. Thomas Jefferys, London, 1755. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. --- The same, 1755. Maps, vol. 10. - The same, 1755. Maps, vol. 1. - L'Isthme de l'Acadie, Baye du Beaubassin, en anglois Shegnecto; Environs du Beaus6jour. Paris, Le Rouge, 1755. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. SIAM. Carte des Royaumes de Siam, de Tunquin, Pegu, Ava, Aracan, etc. f. Maps, vol. 11. C arte du Cours du Menam depuis Siam jusqu'a la Mer. 1 f. Maps, vol. 11. Plan de la Ville de Siam, capitale duroyaume: Leve.... en 1687. f. Maps, vol. 11. ATLASES AND MAPS. 79 - Judia, capitale de Siam. - f. Maps, vol. 11. Plan de la Ville de Louvo, demeure ordinaire des rois de Siam. Maps, vol. 11. SIBERIA. See Arctic Regions. SICILY. The Island and Kingdom of Sicily.... improved from the Map of Baron De Schmettau, etc.: By R. Mylne, 1757. Laurie and Whittle, 1794. 1 f. Maps, vol. 6. -- A New Map of Sicily the First, or the Kingdom of Naples: Drawn with several additions from Zannoni's map. Laurie and Whittle, London, 1794. 1 f. Maps, vol. 6. SIERRA LEONE. Carte de l'Entree de la Riviere de Sierra Leone. f. Maps, vol. 11. - Carte de la Coste et des Pays voisins des Rivieres de Sierra Leone et de Sherbro. Maps, vol. 11. - Baye de Sierra Leone: Veue de l'entree. f. Maps, vol. 11. SILISTRIA. Plan officiel du Siege de Silistrie par les Russes, et leiur retraite le 23 Juin 1854. Smyrne. Maps, vol. 19. SOOLoo ARCHIPELAGO. The Sooloo Archipelago, laid down from observations in 1761-4. By A. Dalrymple, London, 1771. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. - See Borneo. SoUTH AFRICA. See Africa, South. SoUTH AMERICA. Grand Th6atre de la Guerre en Amerique, suivant les plus nouvelles observations des Espagnols, Anglois, Francois et Hollandois. R. et I. Ottens, Amsterdam. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. An Imperfect Map, five sheets in three parts; With Plano del sitio de la Angostura. MS. Maps, vol. 2. Typus geographicus Chili, Paraguay, Freti Magellanici: ex PP. Alfonso d'Ovalle et Nicol. Techo.... Homann. Heredibus, Norimb. 1733. 1 f. col. Maps, vol. 9. - Tabula America specialis geographica Regni Peru, Brasilie, Terrm Firme, et Reg. Amazonum.... Per Homann. Heredes. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. --- Amerique M6ridionale, divisee en ses principales parties, suivant qu'ils appartiennent presentement aux Frangois, Castillans, Anglois, Su6dois, Danois, Hollandois.... Par Sanson, Geog. du roi. H. Jaillot, 1719. 1 gr.f. Maps, vol. 9. --- A Map of South America, with all the European Settlements.. R. W. Seale delin. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. - South America from the best maps and charts: T. Kitchin sculp. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. - Le Pays de Perou et Chili, selon les observations nouvelles: Dessind par M. Seutter, Geog. de 1'Empereur, d'Augsbourg. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. S A New and Accurate Map of South America: Universal Mag. J. Hinton. A-f. Maps, vol. 2. 80 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. -- A Map of South America; containing Tierra Firma, Guayana, New Grenada, Amazonia, Brasil, Peru, Paraguay, Chaco, Tucuman, Chili and Patagonia: From MI. d'Anville, with improvements ai:d the newest discoveries. London, Robert Sayer, 1775. Maps, vol. 2. - outh America, with the adjacent islands in the Southern Ocean and South Sea. London, 1775, Sayer and Bennett. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. - The same; with Pacific Ocean, South, which see. --- Spherical Chart comprehending the West Coast of America from 7~ S. lat. to 9~ N. lat.: 1791. Pub. by W. Faden, 1805. 1 gr. f. Maps, vol. 12. - Chart of the Coasts of South America from Rio de la Plata to Cape Horn, and fiom Cape Horn to Valparayso. Pub. by W. Faden, 1802. 2 gr. f. Maps, vol. 12. - Colombia Prima, or South America; in which it has been attempted to delineate the extent of our knowledge of that continent.. from the maps of Chcv. Pinto, etc........ By L. S. d'A. De La Rochette. Pub. by Faden, 1807. 8 gr. f. col. Maps, vol. 12. - Carte de l'Amhrique Meridionale: Par A. H. Bru6. Paris, 1820. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. ---- Carte g6nerale de l'Amerique Meridionale, et des iles qui en d4 -pendent: Par A. H. Brus. Paris, 1826. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. - Map of South America, carefully compiled from the latest maps and charts and other geographical publications, by A. Finley. Philadelphia, 1829. Maps, vol. 2. - See Patagonia, Terra del Fucgo, Guyana, Brazil, Peru, Chili, Amazon R. SOUTH-CAIOLINA. Carte do la Caroline m&ridionale ct septentrionale, et de la Virginie: Valet sc. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - A Map of South-Carolina and a part of Georgia...... from surveys by the author, William de Brahm. Eng. by T. Jefferys, 1757. 4 f. Maps, vol. 10. --- Maps, 1755. See North-Carolina. A New and Accurate Map of the chief parts of South-Carolina and Georgia. London, J. Bew, 1780. o- f. Maps, vol. 2. - Plan do Port Royal et de la Riviere de D'awfoskee. See North Amer. Nept. septen. See North-Carolina, Charleston, Sullivan's Is. SPAIN. Carte geografica de Espana y Portugal: Por Don Sebastian Miniano, de la Real Academia de la Historia. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. - A Chart of the Coast of Spain and Portugal, and the Balenric Islands: By L. S. Dc la Rochette. London, Faden, 1780. 1 f. Maps, vol. 5. -- Carta esferica de la Costa de Espana en el Mediterranco, y de su correspondicnte do Africa... Por D. V. T. de St. Miguel, 1786. 1 f. Maps, vol. 6. ATLASES AND MAPS. 81 Carta esf6rica de la Costa de Cantabria desde Malpica hasta el Rio de Bayona. Por D. V. T. do St. ligfuel, 1788. With Parte de la Costa de Francia. 1 f. Maps, Vol. 6. Carte esf6rica de la Costa de Espaii-a desde Cabo de Sa. Vicente hasta Punta de Europa.... Por 1). V. T. de St. Miguel, 1786. 1 f. laps, Vol. 6. IAtlas Maritimo de Espafia. Madrid, 1789: Inventado.... por D. Rafael Mengs. 26 mlaps. 1 vol. large fol. ILithographed Map of a portion of the Sierra Morena: Printed from the stone in the Quarter-master General's office, h1orse Guards. -1 f. Maps, ye1. 3. --Carta Esf6rica desde Punta do Europa a Calbo do Gata vV desde Ceuta hasta Cabo Hone en la Costa de Africa.... Por D. V. T. do St. Miguel. 1 f. Maps, Vol. 6. See France, Prior, Ferrol, Barcelona, Murcia. See Atlases, Hydrog. fran. SPALATRO. The Port of Spalatro in Dalmatia. 1; f. Maps, vol. 3. STANWIX, FORT. Plan of a Fort at the Oneida Carrying-place, with MS. instructions for building the same, 1758. MdS. I f. Maps, vol. 4. Plan endorsed, Fort Stanwix. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. See North America, Set of Plans. See N.Y. iDoct. list. Maps. STATEN IS. Map of New-Brighton, Tompkinsville, Stapleten. and Clifton C. H. Blood, New-York, 1845. Maps, Vol. 15. STEUBEN Co. Map of the County of Steuben, by D. H. Burr. Stone and Clark, republishers, Ithaca, N.Y. 18239. Maps, vol. 15. STONEY POINT. A Plan of the Surprise of Stoney Point by a detachment of the American Army under Goa'l Wayne, on the 15 th of July 17 79; also of the works erected on Verplanok's Poin't *for the defence of King's Ferry, by the British forces in July 1779: From the Surveys of Lients. Simpson, Campbell and Hills. L~ondon, Faden, 1784. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. STILLWATER. Plan of the Encampment and Position of the Army under Lieut. Geni. Burgoyne, at Sword's House on Hudson's river near Stillwater, Onl Sept.. 17; with the position of that part of the armiy engaged on the 19th of September 1777: Drawn 'by Lieut. W. C. Wilkinson. W. Faden, 1780. 1 f. Maps, Vol. 4. Plan of the Encampment and Position of the Army under H1. E. Lt. Genl. Burgoyne, at Broemus's Hleights on Hudson's river near Stillwater, on the 20th of September; with the, position of the dotacbiment in -the action of the 7th of October, and the position of the army on the 8th of October 1777: Drawn by W. C. Wilkinson, Asst. engineer. Faden, 1780. -1 f. Maps, vol. 4. SUEZ. Plan of Suez Harbour from anl actual survey, 1777: By bient, John Ringrose. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. 11 82z NEWT-YORK STATE L IBRARtY. SULLIVAN, F ORT. A Plan of the Attack on Fort Sullivan, near Charlestown in South- Carolina, by a squadron of his Majesty's ships, on the 28th of June _177T6; with the disposition of the King's land forces, and the encampment and entrenehmenets of the rebels: Fromi drawings made on -the spot. W1ith Plan of the Platform in Sullivan's fort,. by Lieut. Col. Thomnas James. Enigraved by William Faden, London, 17'76. f. Maps vol. 4 The samne, 1776. -N f. )Maps, Vol.. 7. A N. by E. View of the Fort on the 'Western end of Sulivan's Island; with the disposition of His TMajesty's Fleet commnanded by Commnodore Sir Peter Parker, dutring, the attack on the 28th of June 176By Lt. Col. Thomnas James, Rloy al Rout. of Artillery. London, Faden, 1`776.- f. Maps, Vol. 4. - The samne, 1776. f. M aps, Vol. 7. A Birdscye View from part of Mount Pleasant: A, To the Eastern point of Longy Island......ID, The fort on Sulivan's island.C7, he 1ncorge of Comm. Sir Peter Parker.... By Lt. Col. T. James. London, W. Faden, 1776. j f.. Maps,vol. 4. The samne, 1776. -1f. Maps, vol. 7. SMUATRA. Carte dae l'Islc do Sumatra... Par le Sr. Bellin. 1. f. Maps, Vol. 11. Twenty Views of parts of the Coast of Sumatra, the Andaman Ls., Nicobar Is., etc. MS. 4 f. Maps, vol. 3. See Java; Indian Ocean. SURAT, INDIA. Plan of Surat - City: By Lie-Lt. J. Lendrum. MS. 1 f. Maps, Vol. 3. - Plan of Surat River and Bar: By J. Lendram. MS. 1 f. Maps, Vol. 3. SUSQUEHIANNAH1 R. See New-York, State, 1790. Head waters of. See N.Y. Doe. IHist. Maps. SYRACUSE, N.Y. Village of Syracuse, by Hugh Lee, surveyor, 1839. M8aps, Vol. 15. T. TABLE BAY. Carte do la Bayc de la Table, et Rade du Cap de Bonne Espc~ra~nee: Par N. Bellin. f. Maps, vol. 11. TARRYTOWN, N.Y. Map of the Village of Tarrytown and its vicinity By Ward Carpenter and S. P. Swartwont. Tarrytown, 1847. Maps, Vol. 15. TARTARY.. See Asia;- China. TE NER I FFE. Vuc dit Pie do Teneriffe. f. Maps, vol. 11. Carte do l'Isle do Teneriffe.. f. Maps, vol., 11. TENNESSEE. M1ap of Tennessee, constructed from the surveys of John ATLASES AND MAPS. 83 a" TERRA DEL FUEGO. Carte du D6troit de Le Mairc: Par Ic Sr. Bellin, 1753. Maps, vol. 11. - See South America; Magellan; Patagonia; Atlases, Hydrog. fran. TERRA FIRMA. See Venezuela, New-Granada, Guyana. TEXAS. Map of Texas and the country adjacent: Compiled.... for the State Department under the direction of Col. Abert, by Lieut. W. Emory, 1844. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - A New Map of Texas, Oregon and California, with the regions adjoining. Philadelphia, S A. Mitchell, 1846. Maps, vol. 14. TICONDEROGA. A Plan of the Town and Fort of Carillon at Ticonderoga, with the attack made by the British army.... 1758.... By T. Jefferys. 1 f. Maps, vol. 10. ---- See North America, Set of Plans. TOBAGO Is. Plan of the Island of Tobago, laid down by actual survey.... By John Byres, chief surveyor, 1776. London, S. Hooper. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. -- A Map of the Island of Tobago, drawn from an actual survey, by Thos. Bowen, 1779. f. Maps, vol. 2. TONQUIN. Carte du Cours de la Riviere de Tunquin. ( f. Maps, vol. 11. - See Siam; Cochin China. TORTOLA. Plan of Tortola, from actual survey...B... By R. Wilkinson, 1798. 1 f. col. Maps, vol. 13. TORTUGAS. See Florida. TOULON. Plan des attaques, 1707. See Pelet, Mem. mil. - Geometrical Survey of the Environs of Toulon: By William Faden, London, 1794. 1 f. Maps, vol. 5. TRANQUEBAR. See India. TRANSYLVANIA. See Hungary. TRINIDAD, Chart of the Island of Trinidad, from the documents of the Spanish vessels employed in surveying, 1793. London, Faden, 1798. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. - Chart of the Isle of Trinidad, 1793. Pub. by Faden, 1798. 1 f. Maps, vol. 13. - Plan of the Peninsula and Harbour of Chaguaramas.... with the position of the British and Spanish squadrons, 1798. Pub. by Faden, 1798. 1 f. Maps, vol. 13. - Carte de l'Ile de Trinidad et du Goife de Paria, dressee pour lo voyage de Dauxion Lavaysse, et d'apres les observations astronomiques de MM. Churucca et De Humboldt: Par J. B. Poirson. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. TRINQUEMALE. See India. TRUDRUFFRIN. British Camp at Trudruffrin, from the 18th to the 21st of September 1777; with the attack made by Major General Grey against the rebels, near White Horse Tavern, on the 20th of September: Drawn by an officer on the spot. London, Faden, 1778. A f. Maps, vol. 4. 84 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. TROY, ASIA MINOR. Map of the Plain of Troy and the District of Ida, with the sources of the Simois and Scamander, from an actual survey by Kauffer, Engineer for Count Ludolf. London, Arrowsmith, 1803. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. TaoY, N.Y. Map of the City of Troy, by S. A. Beers, civil engineer, 1845. Lith. of G. & W. Endicott, New-York. 1 vol. 180. - The same, 1845. Maps, vol. 15. -- See North Troy. TURIN. Siege de, 1707. See Pelet, vol. 6. TURKEY. Atlas to illustrate the Travels in the Ottoman Empire, Egypt and Persia.... by G. A. Olivier. 2d ed. London, 1802. First delivery: Turkey. 1 vol. 4~. - Carte physique et politique de la Turquie d'Europe et d'Asie.. d'apres Lapie, Brue, etc. Bruxelles, 1840. Maps, vol. 18. - Map of the Places in Turkey, where the Eclipse of the Sun of A. H. 1267 will be visible: By Dr. C. H. F. Peters. Maps, vol. 19. - ap in Turkish of the appearance in Turkey of the eclipse of the sun, A. H. 1267: By Dr. C. H. F. Peters. Maps, vol. 19. U. ULSTER Co. N.Y. Map.... from original surveys by O. J. Tillson and P. H. Brink. Saugerties, Rosendale, 1852. Maps, vol. 15. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Illustrated Atlas, geographical, statistical and historical of the United States and the adjacent countries: By T. G. Bradford. Boston, 1838. 1 vol. fol. - urvey of the Coast of the United States: Charts published under its direction by F. R. Hassler, and revised or superintended by A. D. Bache, LL.D. 1844- 53. 83 maps bound in 1 vol. fol. Contents: I. CHARTS. Richmond's Island harbor, Maine. Nantucket harbor, Massachusetts. Edgartown harbor, Massachusetts. Hyannis harbor, Massachusetts. Holmes's Hole harbor, and Tarpaulin cove, Massachusetts. New-Bedford harbor, Massachusetts. Gay Head to Cape Henlopen, general coast chart. Fisher's Island Sound, Connecticut. Connecticut river, mouth, Connecticut. New-London harbor, Connecticut. New-Haven harbor, Connecticut. Black-Rock and Bridgeport harbors, Connecticut. Huntington bay, New-York. Sheffield and Cawkin's Islands, harbors, New-York. Oyster or Syosset bay, New York. New-York bay, harbor, and the environs. 6 sheets. New-York bay, etc on 1 sheet. Long Island, western part of southwest coast, N.Y. Little Egg harbor, New-Jersey. Delaware bay and river, Pennsylvania. 3 sheets. Delaware and Maryland, sea coast. Chester river, Maryland. Annapolis harbor, Maryland. Pasquotank river, North-Carolina. Cat and Ship islands, Mississippi. Mobile bay, Alabama. Monterey to mouth of Columbia river, California. 3 sheets. San Francisco to San Diego, California. Trinidad bay, California. Humboldt bay, California. Monterey harbor, California. Iell Gate and its approaches, New York. ATLASES AND MAPS. 8'5 II. SKETCHES AND PRELIMINARY CHARTS. Nantucket, Davis's South Shoals, Mass. Boston Harbor, current chart, Mass. Sandy Hook, changes in, New-Jersey. Chincoteague Inlet, Virginia. Ocracoke Inlet, North-Carolina. Hatteras Shoals, North-Carolina. HIatteras Inlet, North-Carolina. Beaufort Harbor, North-Carolina. Fryingpan Shoals, North-Carolina. New River and Bar, North-Carolina. North Edisto river, North-Carolina. Bull's Bay, South-Carolina. Savannah River, Georgia. Savannah City, front and back rivers. St. Andrew's Shoals, Georgia. Western Coast of Florida. Key West harbor, Florida. Mosquito Inlet, Florida. Cape Canaveral, Florida. Rebecca Shoal, Florida. Cedar Keys, vicinity of, Florida. Cedar Keys, Channel No. 4, Florida. Mobile Bay, Alabama. St. Mark's bar and channel, Florida. Mississippi River, Passes of the Delta, Louisiana. - Horn Islands pass, Louisiana. - Pass Christian, Louisiana. Galveston bay, Texas. Aransas pass, Texas. Catalina harbor, California. Prisoners' and Cuyler's harbors, S. Clemente Is. California. San Pedro harbor, California. Santa Cruz, San Simeon, Coxo, San Luis Opispo, California. Marc Is. Straits, California. Point Conception, California. Point Pinos, California. Santa Barbara, California. Cape Hancock, Oregon. Gray's harbor to Admiralty inlet, Washington territory. Cape Flattery and Neeah harbor, Washington territory. False Dungeness harbor, Washington ter. Shoalwater bay, Washington ter. - ap of the Country north of the Gulf of Mexico, to Lake Michigan. Manuscript in French. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. -- Maps of 1634. See New-England, Virginia, Florida. - 1688. See Canada. -- Amplissime Regionis Mississippi, seu Provincia Ludovicianae a 1. P. Ludovico Hennepin, Francisc. Miss. in America septentrionali, anno 1687 detectwe. J. Bapt. Homanno, Norimbergm, 1716 (?). 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - Map, 1718. See Atlases, De L'Isle. - Map of the Frontiers of the Northern Colonies; with the Boundary Line established between them and the Indians, at the Treaty held by Sir William Johnson at Fort Stanwix in Nov. 1768: Corrected and improved from Evans's Map, by Guy Johnson, Deputy agent of Indian affairs. Reprinted Albany, Gavit and Duthie, 1850. See N.Y. Doc. Hist. Maps. - A New Map of the English Plantations in America, both continent and islands...... By Robert Morden.... London. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. - A Map of the Middle British Colonies in North America, first published by Mr. Lewis Evans of Philadelphia in 1755, and since corrected and improved, as also extended; with the addition of NewEngland and bordering parts of Canada, from actual surveys now lying at the Board of Trade: By T. Pownall, M. P.... London, J. Almon, 1776. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. - The same, with Description in 1 vol. fol. See Pownall ( T.). G. L. 86 86 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRIARY. UNITED STATES, continued: IA General Map of the Middle British Colonies in America, containing Virginia, Maryland, the Delaware counties,, Pennsylvania and New-Jersey, with the addition of New-York and of the greatest part of' New-England, as also of the bordering parts of the Province of Quebec, improved from actual surveys and corrected: From Gov. Pownall's late mnap. London, 1776, Sayer and-Bennett. I f. Maps, vol. 2. A General Map of the Southern British Colonies in America, comprehending North and South- Carolina, Georgia, East and WestFlorida, with the neighboring Indian countries: From. the modern surveys.... By B. Romans. Sayer and Bennett, London, 1776. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. The Seat of War in America: Supiple~ment an Courier de l'Europe, No. xxxii, vol. 2. 1 f. Mlaps, vol. 1. The Marches of Lord Cornwallis in the Southern Provinces, now States of North America, comprehending the two Carolinas with Virginia and Maryland, and the Delaware counties: By AV. Faden, London, 1785. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. Map, 1785. De ]a Marche. See Atlases,,Dc L'Isle. Carte gene'rale des Rtats-Unis de l'Ame'rique septentrionale, renferm~ant aussi quelqucs provinces anglaises adjacentes: Androd se. 1 f. Maps;- vol. 1. Military and Topographical Atlas of the United States; including the British Possessions and Florida....... with a List of the military distri 'cts, a register of the army, and a list of the navy of the United States: By John Melish. Philadelphia, 1813. 1 vol. 80. G. L. ___- A Map of the United States of North America, drawn from a number of critical researches, by A. Arrowsamitb. London, 1796, with additions to 1819. Maps, vol. 14. The Traveller's Guide: A new and. Correct Map of the United States, including portions of Missouri Territory, Upper and Lower Canada, Nova-Scotia, New-Brunswick, the lFloridas, Spanish Provinces, etc., -by Samuel Lewis. Philadelphia, 1824. Maps, vol. 14. Map of the United States of North America.. By David I-I. Vance. Philadelphia, 1825. Maps, vol. 14. IThe Coast of the United States of Nortb America, from NewYork to St. Augrustine, drawn and regulated according to the latest surveys and astronomical observations: By- Edmund Blunt. NewYork, 1827. Rol. No. 10. Nouvelle Carte, des IEtats-Unis, du Hlaut et Bas-Canada, do la Nouvelle-Vicosse... Par A. II. Bru6'. Paris, 18032. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. ____United States of America, by 11. S. Tanner, 1834. Maps, vol. 14.:Reference and Distance Map of the United States; With A *General Map of the. United States and the contiguous British and Mexican possessions: By J. HI. Young. Published by S. A. Mitchell, Philadelphia, 18386. Rol. No. 20. Chapin's Ornamental Map of the United States; witht Plans of the World, British possessions,. West Indies and Colombia: By W. ATLASES AND MAPS. 87 - Map of the Boundary Lines between the United States and the adjacent British Provinces, from the mouth of the River St. Croix to the intersection of the parallel of 45 degrees of north latitude with the river St. Lawrence near St. Regis.... as settled in 1842: By Maj. J. D. Graham. Compiled by Lieut. T. J. Lee and W. M. C. Fairfax, 1843. Maps, vol. 14. - Profile with the spirit level of the due north line from the monument at the source of the River St. Croix, to the river St. John: By Major J. D. Graham. Maps, vol. 14. -- - Map of the United States of America, including Canada and a large portion of Texas.... By J. Calvin Smith. New-York, 1843. Rol. No. 18. - Topographical Map of the Road from Missouri to Oregon, commencing at the mouth of the Kansas in the Missouri river, and ending at the mouth of the Wallah-wallah in the Columbia. In 7 sections, from the Field Notes and Journal of Capt. J. C. Fremont, and from Sketches and Notes made on the ground by his assistant Charles Preuss: Compilel by C. Preuss, 1846, by order of the Senate of the U. S. Lith. Baltimore. 1 vol. fol. - ilitary Reconnaissance of the Arkansas, Rio del Norte, and Rio Gila, by W. H. Emory, 1847. See Arkansas. S Map of the United States and their Territories between the Mississippi and the Pacific Ocean, and of part of Mexico: Compiled in the Bureau of the Corps of Topog. Eng. under a resolution of U.S. Senate, 1850. Maps, vol. 14. - Map of the United States and their territories, showing the routes of the proposed Pacific Railroad: Compiled at the general Landoffice, 1852. Maps, vol. 14. - Geological Map of the United States and the British Provinces of North America, by Jules Marcou; with a volume of text. Boston, 1853. 2 vol. 80. G. L. - See Canada; North Amer. Atlan. Neptune; North Amer. Pilote Americain; North Amer. Nept. Amer. septen. - Forts in the U. S. in the French War. See America, A Set of Plans, etc. UNITED STATES OBSERVATORY. See Atlases, Marine. UNIVERSAL ATLASES. See Atlases. V. VANCOUVERS Is. Engraved Views of the Mountains on Vancouver's Island. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. VALDIVIA. Plan of the Harbour of Valdivia on the west coast of South America...... by D. J. Moraleda, 1788: By W. Faden, 1807. 1 f. Maps, vol. 12. VENEZUELA. Plan of Porto Cabello; Plan of the Bay of Barcelona; Plan of the Road of La Guayra: Pub. by W. Faden, 1807. 1 f. Maps, vol. 12. 88 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. - See West Indies, Spherical Chart; Guyana; Cayenne. VERA CRUZ. La Vera Cruz, or San Juan de Ulua; the Barrador or Port of Mexico. 2d ed. London, E. Bowen, 1740.: f. Maps, vol. 2. - Plan of the Harbor of Vera Cruz...... by D. Bernardo de Orta, 1798: Pub. by W. Faden, 1805. 1 f. Maps, vol. 12. - Lithographic Plan of the Siege of Vera Cruz by the U. S. Troops under Major Gen. Scott, in March 1847: From the Surveys made by Major Turnbull, Captains Hughes, McClellan and Johnston, and Lieuts. Derby and Hardcastle, Top. Engineers. Maps, vol. 17. VERMONT. American Revolution. See Huberton, Bennington, Champlain. VERSOVA. Plan of Versova Fort, India: By Lieut. McNeil. MS. 1 f. Maps, vol. 3. VIRGIN Is. See Tortola; West India, General Chart. VIRGINIA. Carta particolare della Virginia Vecchia e Nuoua: D'America, Carta III. A. Lucini fece, 1634 (? ). Maps, vol. 1. - Map of Southern Va. 1634. See Florida. - Carte particuliere de Virginie. Maryland, Pensylvanie, la Nouvelle Jarsey orient. et occidentale. Amsterdam, chez P. Mortier. 1 f. Maps, vol. 1. - A Map of the most inhabited part of Virginia, containing the whole province of Maryland, with part of Pensilvania, New-Jersey and North-Carolina: Drawn by Joshua Fry and Peter Jefferson in 1751: Dedicated to the Earl of Halifax, by Thomas Jefferys. Printed for Robt. Sayer and T. Jefferys, London, Maps, vol. 17. - A Map of the most inhabited part of Virginia, containing the whole Province of Maryland, with part of Pensilvania, New-Jersey and North-Carolina: Drawn by Joshua Fry and Peter Jefferson in 1775. To the.... Earl of Halifax.. by Thomas Jefferys. Printed for Robert Sayer, London. Maps, vol. 1. -- The same: Robert Sayer. 4 f. in 2 parts. Maps, vol. 7. Map of the State of Virginia, constructed in conformity to law, from the late surveys authorised by the Legislature, and other original and authentic documents: By Herman Boye, 1826. Eng'd by H. S. Tanner. Rol. No. 15. - American Revolution. See Petersburg, Yorktown. W. WASHINGTON. Maps of the District of Columbia and City of Washington, and Plats of the Squares and lots of the city of Washington. 159 plates. Official Document, Washington, 1852. 1 vol. imp. 80. WASHINGTON CITY. Map, 1854: C. Bohn. Maps, vol. 19. WALLACE. Map of Wallace's tract, in ten lots: Protracted by G. Clinton. MS. Portf. WATERPORT. Drawings endorsed " Estockade at Waterport." MS. 2 f. Maps, vol. 3, ATLASES. AND TMAP-S. 89 WE'STCHESTER Co. N. Y. Map, by D. 1-1. Burr, 1829.- Stone and Clark, republishers, Ithaca, 1839. Maps, Vol. 15. WEST INDIES. The West India Pilot.... illustrated with a number. of copperplates by- an officer ( Smith Speer) who has served upwards of twenty years in the West Indies. London, 1766. 11 Maps, 1 Vol. fol. W. C. 1001. -A Collection of 13 maps, lettered" West India Atlas; " chiefly translated from the-English by Le Rouge, Paris, 1779. In I Vol. fol. Contents 1. Les Antilles et le Guayanne: Par La Rochette, it176. 2. Les Bermucles: Par Lempriere en 1775, 3. Les Isles Turques, d'apre's des leve's de 11753. 4. Les Vie'rges, leve~es par les Anglois et les iDanois. 5. Isle St. Christophe: Par Ravell et par Jefferys, 1775. 6. Antigue, leve6 par Baker. 7. Sainte Lucie Par Jefferys, 1775. 8. La Barbade Par G. Mayo, 1775. 9. Bequla ou. Becouya, levyS en 1763. 10. Tabago: Jefferys, 1775. 11. Cura~ao, tike" des Originaux hollandais- par Van Keulen. 12. iRuatan on Rattan: Par Barnsley, 1775. 13'. La Martinique: Par Jefferys, 1775. Eleven Maps of the West India Islands Tanner sc. J. JHumphreys, Philadelphia. 1 vol. 40. B. C. Dominia Anglorumu in proacipuis Insulis Americre.... singulari mappa, omnia exhibita, et edita Ab oioannianis heredibus. I f. Maps, Vol. 9. Nova Tabula exhibens Insulas Cubam et H-ispaniolam... Insulna Lucaias sen Baharnanas, ac Peninsulam Florida3. 0ttens, Amistelodamii. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. Le Golfe de Mexique,. et les Isles voisines. Amnsterdami, Pierre Mortier. Maps, vol. 9. Plan of Grand Key. MS. Maps, vol. 2. 2 copies. Nouvelle Carte particulie're de l'Amd~rique, o Ui sont exactemient mnarquees les Iles do Bermude, la Jamaique, Saint Domingue, les Antilles, la Terre-Firn-i, etc. J. Condet se. 1 f. Maps, vol. 9. Spanish Chart of the West Indies, by Miguel Martin de la Fuente a Sail Francisco do Campeche, 1728. MS. parchmient. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. -A Chart of the West India Islands, Gulf of Mexico, and the coast, in, Spanish. Ms. (1700?) 1 f. Maps. vol. 17. Carte d'une partie do l'Ame'rique,- pour la navigation des Isles et du Golfe do Mexique, avec l'intd'rie'nr des terres depuis la lBerrnude jusqu'a' Cayenne, partie md'ridionale:iReduite do la carte angloise en 20 fenilles par M. Popple,. avec quelques corrections et augmentations par Phil. Buache en" 1740. 2 f. in 1. Maps, vol. 10. The same, 1740. Maps, vol. 9. [ Lip, III.] 90 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. - rchipel du Mexique.... Par le P. Coronelli, Cosmographe de la Sereniss. Ripublique de Venise: Corrigee et augmentee par le Sr. Tillemon. Paris, 1742. 1 gr. f. Maps, vol. 9. - appa geographica, complectens, 1, Indie Occidentalis partem mediam circum isthnium Panamensem; 2, Ipsum Isthmum; 3, Ichnographiam precipuarum locorum et portuum ad has terras pertinentium. Tradita a Homannianis hueredibus, 1742. 1 f. col. Maps, vol. 9. - Carte reduite du Golphe du Mexique, et des Isles de l'Amerique, par Ordre de N. Comte de Maur6pas, 1749: Par I. Bellin, Paris. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. - The Seat of War, in the West Indies or the Islands of America, in the North Sea, together with the adjacent dominions... By R. Morden and H. Moll. 2 f. in 1. Maps, vol. 2. The West Indies.... from the best authorities, 1777: From Middleton's Geography. A f. Maps, vol. 2. - Eleven Plans and Sections of batteries, blockhouses, etc., proposed in the West Indies, in the Islands of Dominica, St. Vincent's, Grenada and Antigua; with notes, 1787. MS. Maps, vol. 2. --- A General Chart of the West India Islands, with the adjacent coasts of the Spanish continent, by L. S. De La Rochette, 1796. Pub. by W. Faden, London, 1796. 1 gr. f. col. Maps, vol. 13. -- A Chart of the Windward Passage, between the Islands of Jamaica, Hispaniola and Cuba; with the other passages to the northward of Hispaniola..... Roberts, Puys6gur and- Bellin. Pub. by Faden, 1795. 1 f. Maps, vol. 13. - A General Chart of the West Indies and Gulf of Mexico, describing the Gulf and Windward passages, Coasts of Florida, Louisiana and Mexico; Bay of Honduras and Musquito shore, likewise the Coast of the Spanish main to the mouth of the Orinoco..... By J. Foss Dessiou.... Pub. by W. Faden, 1808. 4 gr. f. Maps, vol. 12. ---- A Spherical Chart of the Sea of the Antilles, and of the Coast of Terra Firma from the island of Trinidad to the Gulf of Honduras.... 1805.... Pub. by W. Faden, 1808. gr. f. Maps, vol. 12. - New Chart of the West Indies, including part of the Gulf of Mexico, compiled from the most recent Spanish and other surveys: By Edmund Blunt, New-York, 1829. Rol. No. 4. - Carte gendrale des lies Antilles, des lies et Banes de Bahama, des Etats-Unis, l'Amerique Centrale, et de la Mer du Mexique: Par A. H. Brue. Paris, 1833. 1 gr. f. Maps, vol. 9. - See Bequia; Antigua; Mexico, Gulf of; Caribbean; Jamaica, Cuba, St. Domingo, Martinique, St. Christopher's, etc. WEST INDIA HARBORS. See North America, Les principales forteresses. WEST-TURIN, LEWIS Co. Map of the town ( Townships No, 1, 2, 3): Surveyed by B. Wright, 1797, 1807. See Pierrepont ( H. B.). WILLIAM HENRY, FORT. See North America, A Set of Plans. WINDS. See Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean; and Atlases, U. S. Observatory, etc. ATLASES AND MAPS. 91 WIscoNsiN. Map, 1835. See Michigan. WOLFE ( Gen.). Military Operations. See Quebec. WORLD. Carte du Monde primitif a I'epoquc de la fondation des premiers empires connus. 1 f. col. Maps, vol. 9. -- aps, 1703, 1705, etc. See Atlases, Delisle. - ap of the Countries found in sacred, classical and ecclesiastical writers, in their ancient and modern names: By C. Wiltberger. With a Vocabulary. Philadelphia, 1829. Maps, vol. 14. - ap of the Countries mentioned in the Sacred Scriptures, and in the Greek and Roman Classics...... Edited by the Rev. John MicArthur, professor. St. Clairsville, Ohio, 1845. Rol. No. 17. - Chart containing the Coasts of California, New-Albion, and Russian discoveries to the north; with the Peninsula of Kamschatka in Asia opposite thereto, and islands dispersed over the Pacific Ocean, North America and the West Indies, with the opposite coasts of Europe and Africa. Sayer and Bennett, 1775. 2 f. in 1. Maps. vol. 1..--- Dezauche, 1782. See Atlases, De L'Isle. - orthern Hemisphere, and Southern Hemispheres. London, W. Faden, 1802. 2 f. Maps, vol. 3. - The World, on a globular projection, exhibiting the geographical researches of modern travellers and navigators: By David H. Vance. Philadelphia, A. Finley, 1826. Rol. No. 21. - A Map of the World on Mercator's projection, exhibiting the researches of the principal modern travellers and navigators: Pub. by S. Augustus Mitchell, Philadelphia, 1837. Rol. No. 29. - Johnson's Illustrated and Embellished Steel-plate Map of the World, on Mercator's projection; exhibiting the recent arctic and antarctic discoveries and explorations: By D. Griffith Johnson. NewYork, 1848. Rol. No. 25. S Guyot's Mural Atlas, adapted to Guyot's Courses on Physical Geography: Map of the World, drawn by H. De May. Boston, Gould and Lincoln, 1851. Rol. No. 38. - See Globes, Atlases. Y. YORK, PORT OF. See North Amer. Atlan. Nept. YORKTOWN, VA. A Plan of Yorktown and Gloucester in the Province Virginia; showing the works constructed for the defence of those posts by the British army, under the command of Lieut. Gen. Earl Cornwallis; together with the attacks...... of the American and French forces: By Lieut. John Hill, 1781. London, Faden, 1784. 1 f. Maps, vol. 4. - Plan of the Siege of Yorktown, Virginia. London, 1787.. f Maps, vol. 4. 92 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. YUCATAN. A Map of a part of Yucatan, or that part of the eastern shore within the Bay of Honduras allotted to Great Britain for the cutting of logwood, in consequence of the Convention signed with Spain, July 14, 1786: By a Bay Man. London, W. Faden, 1787. With, Mosquitia, or the Mosquito Shore; with the eastern part of Yucatan as far as the 20th degree of north latitude, by W. Faden. 1 f. Maps, vol. 2. The same, 1787. 1 f. Maps, vol. 13. See Central America; Mexico. Z. ZANZIBAR. Carte de toutes les Isles connues sur la Coste de Zanguebar et de Madagascar.... 1740: Augmentee. 1 f. Maps, vol. 11. See Mozambique; Africa, East. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS, CATALOGUE OF THE NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. MANUSCRIPTS. ALBANY CITY and COUNTY. Petition of 87 Inhabitants of Albany County, concerning the appropriation of moneys for the new college in the city of New-York, 1754 (? ). Parchment. - Petition of 71 Inhabitants of the County on the same subject, from Schenectady, 1754 (?). Parchment. Deed of Vincent Mathews, Michael Duning and Daniel Denton, to Frances Salisbury, of three several tracts of land in the county of Albany, on the west side of the Kaatskill mountains, containing in the whole 6000 acres: Dated 1736. See MSS. vol. 2. - The Original Terms of Agreement of the Corporation of the City of Albany, to convert the north building of the fort at the head of State-street into an academy; with the subscription for the expense of the same: Dated May, 1767. - Subpoena in the Mayor's Court, Albany, in the 8th year of George III: Sigred by Stephen De Lancey, clerk, and Robert Yates, attorney. See MSS. vol. 1. - inutes of the Proceedings of the General Committee of Correspondence of the Association for the safety of the city and county of Albany, from Jan. 24, 1775, to June 10, 1778. 2 vol. fol. - Letter of the Albany Committee of Safety to Capt. Henry MarseLis, dated June 27, 1776. See MSS. vol. 1. - Returns of the Electors of the Wards of the City of Albany, 1814. 1 vol. 80. - Statement of the Duties on licenses and manufactures arising in Albany and Schenectady counties, under the Act of Congress of July 24, 1813; with Schedules of names: T. Lenington, collector, 1814, 15, 16, 17. 3 vol. fol. - Bonds given by manufacturers, etc. in the County of Albany, to the U. S. Collector, under the law of Jan. 18, 1815, for payment of the domestic duties, 1815. 1 vol. fol. -- Names of persons in Albany to whom licenses were granted for carriages, on payment of tax under the Act of Congress of July 24, 1813. 1 vol. fol. 96 06 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. Entries of the Names of Owners of carriages in Albany city and county, with the taxes to which they are subject, for 1816 and 1817. 1 vol. 40. Albany Mechanics' Society: General Register of the members, 1793 - 1824; with the Minutes of the Proceedings of the Board of Trust appointed by the Act of the Legislature dissolving the Society, 1824 - 1826. 1 vol. fol. Presentation of a Stand of Colors by the Ladies of Albany to the Veterans of the War of 1812: 1854. AM~ERICAN REVOLUTION. See New-York; Albany. AmHERST ( Gen. Sir J.).- Letters. See Bradstreet ( Col.).ANDRE' (John). Papers found in the 'boots of Maj. John Andre', when captured by Pauddiný, Williams and Van Wart, on his return from his visit to Benedict Arnold at West P oint; with his passes and other papers, viz: 1. "Artillery Orders, West Point, Sept. 5, 1780."1 " Disposition of the Corps in ease of' alarm." In Arnold's hand-writing. 2. "cReturn of ordnance in the different forts, batteries, etc. at West Point and its dependencies, September 5, 1780.'1 Signed S. Banman, Major Comumandant of artillery. 3. Statement of the construction of the various redoubts of the fortress. In Arnoldl's handwri ting, and endorsed by him, " Remarks on the Works at West Point; a copy to be transmitted to His Excellency General Washington, September 1780." 4. "1Estimate of the number of men necessary to man the works at WestPoint." Signed Villefranche, engineer, September 1780.. 5. "Estimate of the Forces, at West-Point and its dependencies." Sept. 13, 1780. 6. Letter from Joshua H. Smnith~, the intermediar-y of Arnold and Andre, to his brother at Haverstraw; dated I" Robinson's House, Sept. 25, 17'80." 7. Pass, from General Arnold, dated Sept. 20, 1780, to pcermit Joshua Smith and Mr. John Anderson to pass the geards at King's Ferry. 8. Pass from General Arnold, dated Sept. 21, for Joshua Smith to go to Dobb's Ferry to carry letters for New-York. 9. Pass from General Arnold, dated Sept. 22, for Joshua Smith to go Dobb's Ferry and return. 10. Pass from Gen. Arnold, dated Sept. 22, for X4% John Anderson to pass to the White Plains, "tand below if he chuses."' *11. Pass from Arnold, dated Sept. 22, for Joshua Smith to pass to the White Plains and return. 12. Sundry Memnorandumis of addresses, etc. "M IAemo"1 13. Engraving of the pen sketch of a portrait of Major Andre", drawn in pri. son, by himself, the day before his execution. B. BLEiFmECKr,(ilarmanus). Notes of Legal Study, by the Hon. ilarmanus Bleecker. 1 vol. 4o. Law Lib. BRADSTREET (Col. John). Letters of Ccl. John Bradstreet, Deputy Quarter-master General, and of General Sir Jeffrey Amherst, Commanderin-Chief of the forces in America: Dated New-York, Albany, etc. 1755 to 1771. 1 vol. fol. MANUSCRIPTS. 97 BRITISH AnRY. List of the Detachment of the Royal Regiment of Artillery in North America, commanded by Capt. Thomas Ord, March 20, 1757. See MSS. vol. 1. - Orderly Book of the 41st Regiment of the British Army at Montreal, from Nov. 1809, to Dec. 1810. 1 vol. 40. BURR (Aaron). Receipt-book of Col. Aaron Burr, for moneys paid by him: New-York, 1812-1820. 1 vol. ob. 12f'. BUCK (Amasa). Treatises on Trigonometry and Geometry, by Amasa Buck; with eclipses calculated for 1837. Norwich, 1833-36. 1 vol. 4', C. CALDWELL ( J.). See Land Patents; and Phoenix Fire Office. CANAJOHARIE INDIANS. See Croghan, Glen. CARDIGAN ( Earl of). Indenture of Lease to J. Casson, County of York, Eng. 1735. CARTIER ( Jacques). Account of the Discoveries of James Cartier. 1798. 10 pp. MSS. vol. 3. CASH-BOOK of Sales with prices, of a New-York city Merchant, 1729. 1 vol. fol. CHUcH ( D. W.). Official Manuscripts of Daniel W. Church, Adjutant of the Regiment of Col. Thomas B. Benedict of De Kalb, who was stationed at Ogdensburg during the summer and fall of 1812; consisting of letters, returns, orders of the day, etc. 1 vol. fol. CHASSANIS (P.). Association pour la possession et exploitation de six cens mille acres de terre conced6es par 1'Etat de New-York, et situees.... sur le Lac Ontario. Paris, 1792. 40. With Cancelled Papers, containing a Description of said property, from the office of the Secretary of State; the Indenture made between Alex. Macomb and William Constable, of the date of Jan. 6, 1792; the Indenture between William Constable and Peter Chassanis, of the date of August 31, 1792; and the Autograph of Gouverneur Morris, Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America, certifying that William Constable acknowledged that the last named instrument was executed by him, Sept. 1792. - See also Land Patents, 1791; A. Macomb. CLINTON ( De Witt ). Oath of Office. See Oaths of office. CLINTON (Gov. George). Conferences with the New-York Indians. See Indians. ---- Letters and Papers formerly belonging to George Clinton, First Governor of the State of New-York, extending from the year 1763 to the year 1800. 23 vol. fol. CLINTON (Sir H.). An Autograph Letter from Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germaine, dated New-York, Jan. 11, 1779, transmitting heads of intelligence from the rebel country. 4 pp. 1 vol. fol. COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Petitions, 1754. See Albany, Suffolk, [ LIB. III.] 13 98 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. CROGHAN (George), et al. Deed from the Indians of Canajoharie, of the land purchased by Col. Croghan and others, June 10, 1768: In the presence of G. Johnson, C. Yates and Sir H. Moore, governor. Parchment. CoMMISSIONS (Royal), and MANDAMUS: - Commission from William and Mary to Henry Slater, as Captain General, Governor in Chief in and over the Province of New-York, Nov. 14, 1689. This commission is illuminated in the style of the day, and ornamented with their 1Majesties' portraits: It has attached to it the public seal; but certain parts of the MS are, on account of age, difficult to be read. The name was generally spelit " Sioughter." - ommission to Pichard, Earl of Belamont, and others, for trying of pirates at New-York; dated November 23, 12th year of William 111, 1700. This is on two sheets of parchment, the seal wanting. It is recorded in the 2d volume of Commissions, in the Secretary's office. It is also endorsed erroneously: "Governor Nanfen's Commission." - ommission in Latin, from Geo. II to Gov. Cosby, appointing him Vice-admiral in and over New-York, Connecticut, and both of the Jersies: 1702 - 03. Appears to be incomplete. - Royal Mandamus to admit John Lawrence as member of the Council of the province; with Queen Anne's Sign Manual, Aug. 10, 1702. - Commission from Queen Anne to George Clarke, esq., Somerset, England, to be Secretary during the pleasure of the Colony of NewYork: March 16, 1703. This commission is illuminated,.but wants the seal. - ommission from King George the First, to Robert Hunter, as Captain General and Governor in Chief of the Province of Nova Cesaria, or New Jersey: March 17, 1710. This ancient MS. is in a high state of preservation, and is a beautiful specimen of penmanship. It has the king's portrait, but no seal. - Royal Mandamus to admit Thomas Byerley as member of the Council of New-York; with Queen Anne's sign manual: June 2, 1711. ---- Royal Mandamus to admit Archibald Kennedy a member of the Council of New-York; with the Sign manual of George I: April 25, 1726. - Commission from George II to Direk Ten Broeck, to be Recorder of the City of Albany: Dated April 12, 1728. - Commission to George Clarke jr., to be Secretary of the Province of New-York: March 8, 1738. - ommission from George II to Dirck Ten Broeck, to be Mayor of the City of Albany: Dated Oct. 3, 1747. - Commission from Geo. II to Sir Danvers Osborn, Bart., as Captain General and Governor in Chief of the Province of New-York: Aug. 1, 1753. Seal wanting. MANUSCR.I CIIVTS 99 - Commission to Geo. Clarke to be Secretary of the Province of New-York: April 10, 1761. A renewal of that of 1738. CONNECTICUT.. See New-York, Ordinance of Geo. III. D. DE PEYSTER (Abraham). Indentures of Lease and Release; embracing, with other documents, seventeen parchments connected with the estate of A. De Peyster of New-York city and his heirs, and commencing with one dated New-York, Feb. 26, 1696, and ending with one dated Aug. 28, 1772. DONGAN (Thomas). Letter to Madam Van Renssaelcr, 1687. See MSS. vol. 3. DUBLIN. Descriptions and Observations written in the Model School, Kildare place, Dublin, by Thomas Morton, between the eighteenth day of February and the eleventh day of May 1830. 1 vol. fol. DUTCHESS COUNTY. See Land Patents. G. GEORGE, FORT. Orderly Book of James McGee at Fort George, July 1776. See MSS. vol. 1. GLEN ( Henry). The Letter-book of Henry Glen, esq., Deputy Commissary General during the Revolutionary war; containing copies of his letters on public business, from Schenectady, from July 6, 17J76, to Feb. 24, 1780. 1 vol. fol. - Deed from the Indians of Canajoharie, of the land purchased by H. Glen of them: June 11, 1768. Parchment. GRISWOLD, FORT. Narrative of Avery Downer, M. D., eighty-six years old, prepared to be read at the Groton Monument, Sept. 6, 1849; containing incidents of the attack on the fort by Arnold in 1781, with a map of the localities by G. Middletown, who was a witness of the storming of the fort. 1 vol. 80. GUEST ( Mary). Will of Mary Guest, County of York, Eng. 1794. HOLDSWORTH ( S.). Will of Sarah Holdsworth, England, 1770. -IOLLAND. Secrete Resolution van de Heeren Staaten van Hollandt ende Westvriestandt, genomen in haer Ed. Groot. Mog. Vergaederinge den 26e" May 1653- Dec. 17, 1658. 1 vol. fol. - Secrete Resolutien van de Heeren Staaten van Hollandt ende Westvrieslandt, in haer Ed. Groot. Mog. Vergaederinge genomen... den 28 November 1651 - 17" Januarii 1653. With an ind.ex detached. 1 vol. fol. The two volumes above mentioned belong to a set of 260 printed volumes: Re. gister Generaale der Resolutien van de Heeren Staaten van Holiandt ende West-vrieslandt, 1524 - 1797; among which are included the Secrete Besolutien, 1651-1795. The indexes to several of the volumes are also in manuscript. See List of Donations. 100 10NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. H-OLLAND COMPANY. Contract between Asa Ransomi and the Holland Company, for the purchase by the former of. 150 acres of land; dated Sept. 1, 1799. This appears to be' the -ilrst contract of sale of lands on the, Holland Purchase. HOLLAND ( Henry). An Account of H. H~olland, dated June 23, 1770, showing the wholesale price of coffee. See iMSS. vol. 2. ____Bill of the Funeral Expenses of Mr. Holland, Aug. 29, 1787. See MISS. vol. 2. INDIANs. Letters, Conferences, etc. concerning the Affairs of the Onondaga, Cattarangus, Mohawk, Oneida, etc. Indians of New-York, embracing speeches and letters to them from Gov. George Clinton; with speeches, petitions and letters of Joseph Brant and other Indian chiefs, from 1785 to 1827. With the Journal of S. Kirkland, Mission'ary to the Five Nations, 1786. 1 vol. fol. ____The Mythology of the Iroquois, or Six Nati ons of Indians:A true copy of the original manuscript account, by the late Hon. James Dean senior, of Westmoreland, Oneida Co. N. Y. 12 pp. 1 vol. 4o. See Seneca nation, Caunjoharie. J. JAY (John). Oath of Office. See Oaths of office. JOHiNsON ( Sir William). Letters and Papers formerly belonging to Major General Sir William Johnson, His British Majesty's Agent for Indian Affairs in the American Colonies, extending from the year 1755 to the year 1774: Purchased by Lieut. Gov. John Tayler at the sales of confiscated property during the Revolution. 22 vol. fol. K. KAYADEROSSERAS PATENT, 1763. See Land Patents. KORAN (Al), in Arabic, Neskhi character. 8o. G. L. The same in Arabic, CuLfic character. 180. G. L. LAND ENTRIES, CERTIFICATES OF: Certificate in favor of Arendt Bratt, for 800 acres of land lying behind Cannajoharie, on a small branch of the Susqnehannah river 1738. Certificate in favor of Arendt Bratt and others for 6000 acr~es of land, west of Schoharie, on the branches of the Susquehannah river Oct. 18, 1739. MANUSCRIPTS. 101 - Certificate in favor of Sarah, Catharine, George, Elizabeth, and Mary, children of Richard Bradley, Attorney-general of the Province of New-York, for 6000 acres of land in the County of Orange: Aug. 14, 1749. - Certificate in favor of David Seaman and others, for 720 acres of land, in Queen's county, west of Hempstead and east of Oyster Bay: April 11, 1750. - Certificate in favor of Richard Durham, for 2000 acres of land in the County of Ulster: Aug. 20, 1752. -- Certificate in favor of Goldsbrow Banyar and others, for 4000 acres of land; eight miles west of Schoharie: Dec. 18, 1752. With a map. - Certificate in favor of Archibald McBride and others, for 4000 acres of land on the west side of the Walkill, Ulster county: January 16, 1761. ---- Certificate in favor of Philip Philipse, Beverly Robinson, and Robert Morris, for 4725 acres of land in Dutchess county; beginning at Anthony's Nose and running northerly to the Great Fishkill, thence easterly to the Connecticut line, being bounded on the west by the Hudson: February 7, 1761. - Certificate in favor of Cadwallader and David Colden, for 720 Sacres of land, in the county of Ulster: May 16, 1761. - Certificate in favor of Abraham Lott jr. and others, for 20,000 acres of land in the County of Albany, north of the Mohawk river, between Garoge creek and Caioharon, otherwise called Canada creek: Aug. 13, 1761. - ertificate in favor of Alexander Colden and others, for 4000 acres of land on the Mohawk river: Sept. 8, 1761. - Certificate in favor of Philip Livingston and others, for 20,000 acres of land on the south side of the Mohawk river: Sept. 24, 1761. - Certificate in favor of Frederick Young, Cornelis Ten Broeck and others, for 20,800 acres of land on the south side of the Mohawk river: Jan. 29, 1762. - Certificate in favor of Hendrick Schneyder and others, for 10,000 acres of land in the county of Albany, on the east bank of the Hudson river, immediately north of the Manor of Rensselaer, and east of Hoosick: Feb. 2, 1762. - Certificate in favor of John Anderson, for three small islands in the East river, near Byram river, known by the name of " Tle Captain's Islands." Sept. 28, 1762. They lie opposite the town of Greenwich, Conn.; and a map designating their situation very minutely, accompanies the certificate. - Certificate in favor of Thomas Moore and Lewis Pintard, for land in the county of Orange: Dec. 17, 1762. - Certificate in favor of William Cockroft and others, for 26,000 acres of land lying between Fort Edward and Wood-creek falls, and including part of the carrying place between Fort Edward and Fort Anne: Feb. 14, 1764. With a map and trust deed. 102 102 NEMT-YOBtK STATE LIBiRARY. LAND ENTRIEs, CERTIFICATES OF, con1tinued:. Certificate in favor of John Tabor Kemape and others, for 10,200 acres of land on the Hudson river east of Fort Edward:' March 13, 1764. With a map. Certificate in favo 'r of Joseph Walton and others, f-or 24,000 acres of land in Albany county, on the east side of the Hudson R iver: Sept. 25, 1764. Certificate in favor of Ph. De Lancey and others, for - acres of land in Mlinisink: May 14, 1765, Certificate in favor ofI John Montre'sor and others, for 3000 acres of land lying on the west side. of Lake Champlain', called Ligonier point, between the Lake and the Bay of Pezon, including four small islands east of Point Ligonier, called- Les Isles des quatr-e vents. May 13, 1765'. Certificate in favor of Josiah W~illard and others, for 17,200 acres of land on the Conniecticut river, to be erected into the Town of Putney: July 7, 1766. With a mL-ap. Certificate in favor of Peter ilasenclever, for 1000 acres of land in Orange county Nov. 8, 1766. With a map. Certificate in favor of John Kathan and others, for 19,360 acres of land on the Connecticut, north of Brattleboro', to be erected into the Town of Fullum:N ov. 14, 1768. With a map. Certificate in favor of John Brackan, of' the Mohawk river, for 280 acres of land onl the north side of said river, nearly opposite Fort Hendrick, bounded west by the Canada creek, called by the natives Dekayuharouwvee: Feb. 22, 1768. 1Certificate in favor of Michael Byrne and others, for 18,000 acres of land between the Second Beckabeen creek and Stony creek at Schoharie, Albany county: Feb. 26, 1768. ICertificate in favor of John MecNeile and others, for 5900 acres of land on the south side of Mohawk river, east of Caniadaragie lake Nov. 25, 1.768. Certificate in favor of David Prnyn, for 150 acres of land in Albany county, on Schoharie. creek: Dec. 24, 1768. Certificate in favor of Peter Hasenclever and others, for 18,000 acres of land on the Mohawk river, near the Canada creek: Jan. 26, 1769. 1Certificate in favor of John Butler and others, for 47,000 acres of land in the nihoho of the Susquehannah river: Dcc. 21, 1769. Certificate in favor of John Morin Scott and others, for 35,000 acres of land in the County of Gloucester, on the west side of the Connecticut river, 19 miles N.W. of Newbury, to be erected into the Township of King-sborougoh: June'12, 1770. Certificate in favor of Archibald Hamnilton and others, for 20,000 acres of land in the County of Glousester, N.Y.: Sept. 29, 1770. --Certificate in favor of 'William Shirreff and Samuel Bayard, for 1760 acres of land, being part of the Minisink Patent: Jan. 31, 1772. MANUPNSCRIPTS. 103 --- Certificate ia favor of William Bishop and others, for 24,000 acres of land in Tryon county, to be called the Township of MVarkham: March 23, 1774. -- Certificate to Sir Jeffery Amherst, Knight of the Bath, for 22,000 acres of land in the County of Tryon, to be erected into the Township of Riverhead: March 24, 1774. This Grant was in the present County of Hamilton. - Certificate in favor of John Small, for 5000 acres of land in Charlotte county, on the west side of Lake Champlain: March 26, 1774. - Certificate in favor of Rev. Jno. Ogilvie and others, for 1200 acres of land, being part of the Minisink Patent: July 28, 1774. - Certificate in favor of Edwd. Jessup and others, for 40,000 acres of land on the N. E. branch of the Hudson's river, to be erected into the Township of Hyde: Aug. 25, 1774. - Certificate in favor of Josiah Willard and 24 other persons, for land in the County of Charlotte, on the east of Lake Champlain; township to be called Meath: July 15, 1774. - Certificate in favor of Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, James Abel and others, for Indian lands purchased on the Sachendaga river; part thereof to be erected into the Township of Dartmouth: Aug. 27, 1774. - Another for the same, dated 29 Aug. 1774. - Certificate in favor of Daniel Whipple and others, for 40,000 acres of land, 15 to 20 miles east of the mouth of Otter creek, on the east side of Lake Champlain and in the County of Charlotte, to be erected into the Township of Whipplebuxgh: Sept. 13, 1774. Whipple dying, a new certificate was made on the 1st May 1775, for these lands, in favor of Samuel Avery and his associates, whose names are recorded in the instrument as is usual in all these cases. Vermont, however, repudiated all New-York titles to land east of the lake. - Certificate in favor of Jacob Walton and others, for 22,000 acres of land lying on the west side of the Connecticut river, to be erected into the Township of Colden: Sept. 17, 1774. - Certificate in favor of Thomas Ord, Lieut. Col. of Artillery, for 5000 acres of land in Tryon county: Jan. 4, 1775. -Certificate in favor of Thomas Moore, for 150 acres of land in Orange county: Jan. 23, 1775. S Certificate in favor of John Peters and others, for 24,000 acres of land in Charlotte county, east of Otter creek, between Connecticut river and Lake Champlain: Jan. 30, 1775. - Certificate in favor of William Rhinelander junior and others, for certain land called Westford, on the River LaMoelle, in the County of Charlotte, east of Lake Champlain: Dec. 6, 1775. - Certificate in favor of Frederick Rhinelander and others, for certain lands, called Underhill, in Charlotte county: Dec. 6, 1775. 104 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. LAND ENTRIES, CERTIFICATES OF, continued: Certificate in favor of Samuel Holland and others, for 23,040 acres of land in the county of Glocester, on the west side of the Connecticut river, to be called the Township of Topsham: Dec. 20, 1775. Certificate in favor of James Leadbetter and others, for 3275 acres of land, south of the Paltz in Ulster county: Jan. 12, 1776. - Certificate in favor of Charles Ward Apthorp and others, for 23,000 acres of land on the west side of the Connecticut river, and in the County of Gloucester, to be called the Township of Lunenburgh: Jan. 22, 1776. LANDS IN N.Y. Certificate of the Chief Justice Dan Horsmanden, of the quit-rents due the Crown on the lands advertised June 1, 1767. LAND PATENTS. Original Drafts for Land Patents as submitted to the Council of the Province of New-York, from 1664 to 1751. Bound in 6 vol. fol. Original Drafts for Land Patents as submitted to the Council of the Province of New-York, from the year 1752 to the year 1775. Bound in 5 vol. fol. - List of the Patents, name of governor, date, patentees, denomination and description of the patentees for Orange county, from 1685 to 1772; and the same for Dutchess county, from 1685 to 1775. In 1 vol. fol. LAND PATENTS. Patent to Peter Whinney for 86 acres of land on the Esopus kill, fronting on the Platt kill; being within the limits of the Towne of Kingstowne, Ulster county, at a yearly quit-rent of a bushel of merchantable wheat: 1686. With Gov. Dongan's signature. - Patent to Mrs. Ann Bridges, Roger Mompessom and others, for certain lands in Westchester county: 1708. Patent to Harman Van Slyk, of 2000 acres of land on the Hudson, near Anthony's Nose: Dated Sept. 1, 1716. - Patent to Lewis Morris and others, for 6450 acres of land on the Mohawk river, about 13 miles above Fort Hunter: June 20, 1723. Patent to George Ingoldsby and others, for 10,000 acres of land on the south side of the Mohawk river, between Schoharie and Schenectady: July 28, 1737. Patent to John Schuyler, Stephen Bayard and others, for 12,000 acres of land on the east side of the Hudson's river, above Saraghtoga, near the Great Carrying Place: 1740. - Patent to Edward Collins and others, for 5000 acres of land in the County of Albany: July 16, 1742. - Patent to Richard Durham, for 2000 acres of land in Ulster county: Oct. 13, 1752. A Confirmation of the Deed by Queen Anne of the Kayaderosseras or Queen's Borough Patent, granted by George III, May 25, 1763; Gen. Robert Monckton being Governor of the Province of New-York. MANUSCRIPTS. 105. Patent to Peter De Lancey, Lady Susannah Warren and others, for land in Miuisink: May 23, 1765. Patent to Lieut. Thomas Etherington, " a reduced subaltern officer, having served in North America during the last war, and last belonging to the 47th Reg't of Foot," for 2000 acres of land on the west side of the Connecticut river, in the Township of Springfield, Weathersfield, Hertford and Hartford: Oct. 30, 1765. - Patent to Jacob Starnberger, G. Zimmer et al., for 8000 acres of land in Albany county: Aug. 1767. Patent to Edward Jessup and 39 others, for 40,000 acres of land in Charlotte county, on the west side of the Hudson river, and erecting the same into the Township of Hyde: Sept. 10, 1774. -- Patent to Stephen de Lancey jr., for houses and lots in NewYork, in trust for the devizees of Rachael Smith deceased: Sept. 13, 1774. Patent to Jeremiah Van Rensselaer and others, for 2964 acres of land in Charlotte county, on the north side of Sachendago or west branch of the Hudson's river, and erecting the same into the Township of Dartmouth: Oct. 4, 1774. Patent to Rev. John Ogilvie and the heirs of Lancaster Symes, for 1250 acres of land in Orange county: Nov. 11, 1774. Patent to Lieut. Col. Ord, for 500 acres of land in Tryon county, being part of the Totten and Crossfield purchase: Jan. 31, 1775. ----- Patent to James Stephenson (in right of his deceased father, late Commissary of Stores), for 3000 acres of land in Charlotte county, on the west side of Lake Champlain, 4 miles N, W. of the landing at the northend of Lake George: Dec. 7, 1775. Patent to Frederick Rhinelander and others, for 21,370 acres of land in Charlotte county, and erecting the same into the Township of Underhill: Jan. 12, 1776. This is a confirmation of one of the N. Hampshire grants. Patent to Henry Franklin and others, for 21,370 acres of land in Charlotte county, and erecting the same into the Township of Milton: Signed by Gov. Tryon, Jan 12, 1776. Patent to Alexander Grant, "a reduced officer, having served in North America during the late war," as Commander of H. M. ships, for 5000 acres of land in Charlotte county, west of Lake Champlain, between Crown Point and Ticonderoga: Feb. 7, 1776. Letters Patent to James Caldwell, for 155, 360, 485 and 1000 acres of land on the west side of Lake George: Dated Sept. 29, 1787. ---- Patent to Alexander Macomb, for land on the River St. LawrenQe and Lake Ontario: Nov. 17, 1791. [ LIB. III.] 14 106 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. M. McGEE (James). Orderly Book, 1776. See George, Fort. MCKEE (A.). Process to the Sheriff of Otsego, to sell certain lands in a patent to Alexander McKee and others, for quit-rent and charges: Aug. 22, 1800. MARSHALL ( C.). Letter from Capt. Marshall to Capt. H. Marselis, urging the necessity of expresses to carry out Gen. Stark's order: Dated Oct. 11, 1781. See MSS. vol. 1. MASSEY( Hart). Official Correspondence of the United States Government with Hart Massey, Collector of the District of Sackett's Harbor, during the time of the embargo, non-intercourse and war, 1808 -15; and other papers of H. Massey, of the same period. 578 pp. 1 vol. fol. MATHEWS ( V.), et al. Deed of 6000 acres. See Albany. METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. See New-York. MOORE ( Sir H.). Commissions in blank to Officers of the seven regiments of militia raised in Albany county, dated Oct. 1768, signed by Sir Henry Moore, and countersigned by Philip Livingston jr. 1 vol. fol. MORRIS ( R.). Note from Richard Morris, Clerk of the Circuits, to Judge Nicoll, Judge Ten Eyck and Ald. Abraham Yates: No date. See MSS. vol. 2. N. NEW-YORK COLONY AND STATE. Royal Charter or. Grant from King Charles the Second, to his Brother James, Duke of York and Albany, of sundry lands in America: Dated March 12th, 1664. This Ancient Patent is beauitfully engrossed, and in quite a good state of preservation. The territory it conveyed is described thus: "All that part of the main land of New-England, beginning at St. Croix, next adjoining to New-Scotland in America,.and extending from thence along the sea-coast to Pemequid, and so up the river thereof to the furthest head of the same as it tendeth northwardly, and extending from thence to the River Kinebe. quen, and so upwards by the shortest course of the River of Canada northwardly; and also all that island or islands commonly called by the name of Meitowacks or Long Island, situate and being towards the west of Cape Cod and the narrow Highgansetts, abutting upon the mainland between the two rivers called or known by the several names of Connecticut and Hud. son's river, and all the land from the west side of Connecticut river to the east side of Delaware Bay, and also all those islands known by the names of Martha's Vineyard or Nantucks, otherwise Nantucket." Reference is made to this grant in N.Y. Colonial History, London Doc. xvi, where Lord Cornbury quotes it as authority to subvert many of the liberties then claimed by the legislative assembly, particularly the control of the public purse. ---- An Abridgment of the Records of Indian Affairs, contained in four folio volumes, transacted in the Colony of New-York from the year 1678 to the year 1751; with a preface by the compiler, Peter Wraxall, Secretary for Indian Affairs: Dated New-York, May 10, 1754. 224 pp. 1 vol. fol. Rolls of Laws passed by the Legislature of the Province of New-York between the years 1691 and 1754, See Law Lib. Cat. MFANUSCRI]CtPTS..107 - ong Island, 1704- 09. See Society for the Propagation, etc. -- Entries of Writs sealed, issued out of the Supreme Court of the Province of New-York, commencing April 1757, to Sept. 1762. 1 vol. fol. - Account-book of Clothing, etc. purchased for the Provincial Troops raised in the pay of the Colony of New-York for the Campaigns of 1762 - 63. 1 vol. - n Ordinance of George III, erecting certain lands on the west side of Connecticut river in the Province of New-York, into a separate county by the name of the County of Gloucester, etc.: Under the Seal of C. Colden, Lieut. Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Province. March 16, 1770. Parchment. - Minutes of the Proceedings at the Meetings of the Commissioners appointed by the Legislature of the State of New-York, for enquiring into, detecting and defeating all conspiracies, which may be formed in the said State against the liberties of America. These Minutes commence Albany, April 13, 1778, and end with the 29th of August 1781. 2 vol. fol. Pay-roll of Captain Abraham Livingston's Company, in the service of the United States; of Lieut. Vosburgh's Company; of Capt. Dirck Hansen's Company; of Capt. James Robichaux's Company, and of Col. James Livingston's Company, for 1780, in monthly tables. 1 vol. 4o. List of the Names of the officers and men of the New-York Regiment in the revolutionary war; with the military townships, lots, and number of acres of land to which they were entitled. Labelled Military Ballotting Book. 1 vol. fol. - Original Minutes of the Commissioners of the Land-office of the State of New-York, from July 1785, to Sept. 27, 1798. 1 vol. fol. - Journals of the Assembly of the State of New-York: 16th Session, commencing November 6, 1792 - March 12, 1793, 1 vol.; 17th Session, January 7, 1794 - March 27, 1794, 1 vol.; 19th Session, November 1, 1796 - April 3, 1797, 1 vol. 3 vol. fol. - Three Writs addressed to the Sheriffs of Westchester and Rockland, 1791- 92. Parchment. - Entries of the Delivery of civil and military commissions and supersedeas to the various counties, from 1803 to 1814. 1 vol. fol. S Collection District of the State of New-York: Lists of Taxes payable under the Act of Congress of Aug. 2, 1813, on property within the State of New-York, by persons not residing within the collection district where the same is situate; Lists for Albany, Clinton, Delaware, Madison, Montgomery, Cayuga, Seneca, Herkimer, Onondaga, Otsego, etc. counties, for 1814, containing names of owners and valuation of estates; with other papers relating to the same. Bound in 1 vol. fol. - A Collection from the Journals and Documents of the Assembly, of the Reports of Committees on privileges and elections; with the Proceedings thereon from the 1st session, 1777, to the 60th, 1837, inclusive: Prepared by A. Clarke, Clerk, by Order of the Assembly. 1 vol. fol. 108 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. SCENSUSS: Returns of the Electoral Census of the State of NewYork for the year 1801: incomplete. 1 vol. fol. - Returns of the Electoral Census of the State of NewYork for the year 1807: incomplete. 3 vol. fol. - - Returns of the Census of the State of New-York for the year 1814: incomplete. 1 vol. fol. -- Returns of the Census of the State of New-York for 1821: incomplete. 1 vol. fol. - - The Original Returns of the Seventh Decennial Census of the United States, 1850: Taken by the Marshalls for the State of New-York, and delivered back to the State from the Census Bureau at Washington. 83 vol. fol. - - 1814. See New-York City. Common School Returns of the Commissioners of towns to the Superintendent of Common Schools, for the years 1821, 1822. 1 vol. fol. - Meteorological Observations made in obedience to instructions from the Regents of the University, at sundry academies in the State of New-York, from 1826 to 1850 inclusive. Collected in 25 vol. fol. - The same: Observations at Mount-Pleasant Academy, and Fredonia Academy, 1833; at Onondaga Academy, Cortland Academy, North-Salem Academy and Plattsburgh Academy, 1836. Bound in 1 vol. fol. - See Commissions, Royal; Land Entries and Patents; Oaths of Office and Allegiance; Indians. NEW-YORK CITY: - Marine Bonds and Obligations, signed by Masters of Vessels, conditioning not to carry out of the province "any servant or servants, debtor or debtors, or any person or persons whatsoever, but what has a ticket from the Secretary's office of this Province": Commencing Sept. 1753, and ending June 1767. 5 vol. fol. ---- Minutes of the Proceedings of the Committee of the Congress of the Colony of New-York, to execute certain resolutions of said Congress of the 5th day of June 1776, relative to persons dangerous and disaffected to the American cause, and persons of equivocal character: At their Meetings held in the City of New-York, from June 15, 1776, to July 12, 1776. 1 vol. fol. - Confirmation by H. M. George III, July 28, 1773, of an Act of the Legislature of the Province of N.Y. of March 1772, concerning the Boundary between New-York city and the township of Harlem. Parchment. - Reports of Convictions in the Court of General Sessions of the Peace, held in and for the city and county of New-York, Dec. 1798 -Nov. 1802. 1 vol. fol. Law Lib. - Minutes of the Meetings of the Society of the Associated Tea. chers of New-York City, from 1790 to 1807. 1 vol. fol. MANUSCRIPTS. 109 R--- eturn of Electors in New-York City for the year 1814; with Returns made pursuant to an "Act for taking a census, and for other purposes," passed March 16, 1821, from the city and county of NewYork. Incomplete, in 1 vol. fol. The Original Remonstrance of 13,000 inhabitants of the city of New-York, against the repeal of the present police law: Jan. 1855. NICOLL (R.). Letter in Dutch from Jacob Marius Given to Rensselaer Nicoll at Bethlehem, dated April 6, 1744. See MSS. vol. 2. Letter in Dutch from -- to Rensselaer Nicol at Shelter Island, dated Oct. 8, 1747. See MSS. vol. 2. 0. OATHS OF OFOFFICE AND ALLEGIANCE. Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration subscribed by the members of the Assembly of the Province of New-York, in 1698. Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration subscribed by Lord Cornbury, Governor of the Province of N.Y. and others, in 1703. Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration subscribed by members of the Assembly of N.Y. in 1726. Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration subscribed by divers public officers of N.Y. from 1749 to 1753. Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration subscribed by Sir Charles Hardy, Governor; Daniel Horsmanden, Samuel Seabury, Cadwallader Colden, et al.: New-York, 1755. -- Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration subscribed by a number of Naturalized Germans, in the years 1761, '62 and '63. Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration subscribed by a number of Naturalized persons, German and Dutch. N. D. --- Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration subscribed by R. Monckton, Gov. of the Colony of N.Y.; Samuel Auchmuty et al. in 1764. Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration subscribed *by Sir Henry Moore, Gov. of the Province of N.Y., and other officers, 1765. Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration subscribed by a number of persons, in 1768. -.--- Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration subscribed by Lord Dunmore, Gov. William Tryon, Gouverneur Morris, Peter W. Yates et al. 1776. Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration subscribed by various Officers of Government, and other persons, in the years 1775, 1776, 1777 and 1780, to His Majesty George III. Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration subscribed by sundry persons, 1780, 81: New-York. Two rolls. Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration subscribed by divers persons: Tempore Geo. III. N. D. --- Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration, subscribed to the Constitution of the United States in 1789. 110 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. -- Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration subscribed to the Constitution of the U. S. by Members of the Legislature of N.Y., in 1794. Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration subscribed by several persons, in 1796. Oath of Office, subscribed by Sanders Lansing, as Master in Chancery, June 27, 1797. ---- -Oath of Office of Ezekiel Robin, June 6, 1797. Oaths of Allegiance, etc., subscribed by several persons in 1798. Oath of Office and Abjuration of John Jay, as Governor of the State, July 2, 1798; with autograph. - Oath of Office of Robert McClallan, Treasurer of the State of New-York: March 22d, 1798. Oaths of Office of M. Clarkson, John Cosine, Henry Remsen, Samuel Bayard: May 21, Sept. 5, Oct. 27, 1798; April 1799. - Oath of Office subscribed by Jer. Van Rensselaer, as Lieut. Governor of the State of New-York: 1801. -- Oaths of Office of the Secretary of State, of the Comptroller, of Masters in Chancery and others, for 1801. - Oath of Office of James Kent as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Judicature: 1804. -- Oaths of Office of Treasurer, of Comptroller, of Canvassers of Elections and others, for 1804. Oath of Office subscribed by Abraham Van Ingen, as Master in Chancery, 31st of April 1807. Oath of Office subscribel by Francis Arden, Master in Chancery, and Gerard Steddeford, Commissary of Military Stores: April 1807. --- Oath of Office subscribed by Louis Hasbrouck and James Wilkin, November 1807. Oath of Office of Daniel D. Tompkins as Governor of the State, July 1, 1810; with autograph. Oaths of Office*of Sec. of State, of District Attorney, of Masters in Chancery, of Canvassers of Elections, and others, for 1810. f- Oath of Allegiance, subscribed by Members of the Legislature of New-York, in 1810. Oaths of Office, of Military Officers, of District Attorneys, Mas ters in Chancery, etc., for 1815. Oath of Office of Gardner Stone, 1819. The Oath of Office of DeWitt Clinton, as Governor of the State of New-York: Sworn before J. V. N. Yates, Secretary of State, January 1, 1825: Endorsed by Archibald Campbell, Deputy Secretary; with the autograph of DeWitt Clinton. On parchment. OGDENSBURGH PAPERS. See Church ( D. W.). ORANGE COUNTY, N. Y. Confirmation by H. M. George III, Dec. 13, 1769, of an Act of the Legislature of New-York, for the settling of the boundaries between the patented lands called Cheescocks and Kakiate: 1769. - See Land Patents. MANUSCRIPTS. 111 P. PASSPORT for the Ship " Thomas Gordon," dated Dec. 11, 1802; with the Signature of Thomas Jefferson, President, and James Madison, Secretary of State. PASSPORT for the Ship Parnasso, June 1804; containing the Autographs of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. S. SALE, by John Heron to Mrs. Nicoll, of a negro girl, named Hester, for ~67 10: dated April 6, 1796. See MSS. vol. 2. SCHENECTADY. Petition of the Inhabitants of Schenectady, complaining of Ryer Schermerhorn and John Wemp, and praying for the privilege of electing five trustees annually: Oct. 10, 1702. - Petition of 147 Freeholders of Schenectady, praying for an Act for the continuation of the patents and sales therein mentioned, and to be incorporated the township...... Read N. Y. Assembly, July 2, 1757. Parchment. - harter incorporating the Village of Schenectady into a borough and town corporate, under a mayor and aldermen: Oct. 23, 1765. On six skins of parchment. - pplications from Inhabitants of Schenectady to the Deputy Collector of the revenue for the State of New-York, for licenses to retail merchandize, wines and spirits: from Dec. 1813, to Dec. 1816. 1 vol. fol. - List of Duties payable on household furniture, and on gold and silver watches, under Act of Congress of Jan. 18, 1815; with names of owners in Schenectady and Duanesburgh: 1815. 1 vol. - Petition concerning the College in New-York City. See Albany. ScoTT (John M.). Process to the Sheriff of Schoharie, to sell certain lands in a patent to John M. Scott and others, for arrearages: Aug. 12, 1800. Parchment. SENECA NATION. A Copy of the " Treaty of the Big Tree," made at Geneseo, September 15, 1797, between the sachems, chiefs and warriors of the Seneca Nation of Indians, and Robert Morris of the city of Philadelphia: Attended by General William Shepard as Commissioner on the part of the State of Massachusetts, and Col. Jeremiah Wadsworth on the part of the United States, and certified by the latter to be a true copy of the original. Engrossed on parchment: size 22 x 24 inches. SILL ( G. C.). Papers selected from manuscripts belonging to George C. Sill. See MSS. vol. 2. SOCIETY for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts: Extracts from Correspondence of the Venerable Society, with the Missionaries T. Poyer, S. Seabury and others, relating to Long Island, N.Y,, and extending from 1704 to 1709. 107 pp. 1 vol, fol, 112 NEW-YORKaI STATE LIBRARY. SOUTH AMERICA. Army of Gen. Rosas in La Plata: Libro de Entradas y Salidas de Presos. Montevideo, del ano del 1850, 51. 1 vol. fol. SOUTH-CAROLINA. Minutes of the, Commissioners appointed by the General Assembly of South-Carolina, in pursuance of an Act passed October 4, 1776, to superintend and direct the naval affairs of the State, from October 9, 1776, to March 23, 1780. Rough minutes. 1 vol. fol. - The same. Copy of the Rough Minutes, extending from Oct. 9, 1776, to March 1, 1779. 257 pp. 1 vol. fol. - Naval Pay-book of the Officers and Crews of the vessels Notre Dame, General Moultrie, Rutledge, Revenge, Rattlesnake, Wasp, Hornet, Beaufort, Crisis, Congress, etc. employed by the State of South-Carolina from Dec. 20, 1777, to Jan. 4, 1780. 1 vol. fol. SUFFOLK Co. Two petitions of 211 inhabitants of Suffolk County, concerning the appropriation of moneys for the new college in the city of New-York. 1754 (?). Parchments. T. TRINITY CHURCH. Charter of Trinity Church, in the City of New-York, under the great seal of the Province: Benjamin Fletcher, Commander-in-Chief, May 6, 1697. The folds of this ancient MS. are worn or eaten away at the corners; the instrument is, consequently, somewhat injured. TREATY of the Big Tree at Geneseo. See Seneca. TRYON (Gov. William). Correspondence between W. Tryon, Gov. of the Province of New-York, and the Rev. Samuel Buell, D.D. of EastHampton, L. I.; with other papers, from 1776 to July 20, 1780. 1 vol. fol. TOMPKINS (Daniel D.). Oath of Office. See Oaths of Office. U. UNITED STATES. See New-York, Albany, Schenectady. - See New-York, Lists of taxes payable in N. York under act of Aug. 2, 1813. V. VAN RENSSELAER (J.). A Copy of the Will of Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, recorded March 5, 1810. See MSS. vol. 2. VAN RENSSELAER ( Col. K.). A Deed of land now in the city of Troy, signed by Col. Killiaen Van Rensselaer, to Andries Bratt, dated November 3, 1707: Witnessed by David Schuyler and Anthony Bratt. See MSS. vol. 3. VAN SLYK. See Land Patents. MANUSCRIPTS. 113 W. WALTERS ( Robert). See Westchester County. WESTCHESTER CO. Warrant from Chief Justice Horsmanden to the Sheriff, to sell lands of Robert Walters and others, for quit-rents, 1768. WESTERLO ( Rev. E.). A Collection of the Sermons and Writings in the Dutch and Latin languages, of the Rev. Eilardus Westerlo, Pastor of the Reformed Dutch Church, Albany, from 1760 to 1787. 9 vol. 4o. WEST-INDISCHE COMPAGNIE. Vertoogh over den Toestant der WestIndische Compagnie, in haer begin, ende eynde; met een remedie tot redres van deselve. Eerste deel: Gedruct tot Rotterdam, 1651. Copied from the printed copy in the British Museum. 27 pp. 1 vol. 40, WETHERHEAD (John). Indenture of Release from Allen McDougal and Wm. Kane, 1771: Recorded, Herkimer Co. 1804. Parchment. WORMALD ( Harry), B. GOTT et al. Conveyance of land near the German-flatts, by the parties in England, to John Thurman: dated March 19, 1803. WRAXALL (P.). Records of Indian Affairs. See New-York. WYNKOOP ( T.). A Bill in Chancery, addressed to his Excellency William Tryon, Captain General and Governor in and over the Province of New-York and the territories dependent thereon in America, Chancellor and Vice Admiral of the same: Signed by James Duane, of Counsel for the Complainant. This purports to be'a Copy of the Bill in the Case of Tobias Wynkoop and others v. Jacob Schermerhorn, 1772 (? ). 1 vol. fol. [ Lii. l.] CATALOGUE OF ENGRAVINGS, ETC. ENGRAVINGS, &C. I. ROMAN ENGRAVINGS. II. MISCELLANEOUS ENGRAVINGS AND LITHOGRAPHS. III. TABULAR CHARTS, etc. IV. PORTRAITS. V. PAINTINGS. VI. BUSTS. NOTE. The volumes of engravings included in the Catalogue of the General Library are not noticed in this list. CATALOGUE OF THE NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. -4*--- ENGRAVINGS, &c. I. ROMAN ENGRAVINGS. A COLLECTION OF TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SIX ENGRAVINGS, from Paintings and Statuary chiefly in the Palace of the Vatican at Rome, by Roman Artists: From the Bureau of Engravings of the Pontifical Government. " Roma, Presso la Calcografia Rev. Camerale Apostolica." Distributed in four portfolios, arranged alphabetically following the names of the masters. PORTFOLIO No. 1: 57 ENGRAVINGS, viz. PAINTINGS IN THE SISTINE CHAPEL IN THE PALACE OF THE VATICAN. BUONAROTI (Michael Angelo): b. 1474, d. 1563. - ENERAL VIEW of the Interior of the Sistine Chapel. Veduta della Cappella Sistina nel Palazzo Apostolico Vaticano, edificata dal Pontefice Sisto Iv, etc. Francesco Panini del. Francesco Barbazza incise. This and the rest of the engravings under this head are from Michael Angelo's frescos. " MICHAEL ANGELUS BONAROTIUS pinxit in Sixtino Yaticano Sacello." - GENERAL VIEW of the Frescos on the Ceiling; including all the figures of the prophets, etc. from the commencement of the arch. Opus elegantissimum in Vaticano Sixtino Sacello, a Michael Angelo Bonarotio coloribus expressum. V. Dolcibene del. D. Cunego sc. Rompa. - SERIES of Nine Engravings representing separately, and on a larger scale, the pictures on the ceiling, viz: 1. CREATION of Day and Night. Divisit lucem a tenebris, appellavitque lucem diem, etc.: Gen. cap. 1. Aloys. Agricola del. D. Cunego sculp. 2. CREATION of the Great Lights, and of Plants. Germinet terra herbam virentem...... Fecitque Deus duo luminaria magna: Gen. cap. 1. V. Dolcibene del. Dom. Cunego sc. Romne. 113 1NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. 3. CREATION of Living Things in the Waters. Producant a~quw reptile animm viventis: Gen. cap. 1. V. Dolcibene del. D. Cunego sc. Roiuan, 4. CREATION of Adam. Formavit Dominus Deus honi-nem de limo terrm: Gen. cap. 2j. Dornin. Cunego scuip. Roiwe. 5. CREATION of Eve. -/-dicavif Dominus Dens costarn, quam tulerat de. Adami, in miulierem: Gen. cap. 2. D. Cunego del. et se.. 6. TEMPTATIO-N in the Garden, and Expulsion. Ttdit igitur mulier de fructu illius et comiedit, etc.: Gen. cap. 3. D. Cunego dcl. et senip. 7. COMMENCEMENT Of the Deluge. Factum est duluvium super terrain, etc.: Gen. cap. 7. F. Giangiacomo del. A. Fabri scul. 8. NOAH offoring Sacrifice. -IEdicavit Nod altare Domino, tollens de cunctis pecoribus, etc.:- Gen. cap. 8, Hier. Carattoni scuip. 9. N~OAH's Intoxication. Evigilans antem Nod cx vino, cumn didicis set qum fecerat, etc,: Gen. cap. Deangelis dis. Hier. Carattoni inc. THE LAST JUDGMENT. O-iudizio Universale: Da Michel Angelo Buonarroti dipinto a fresco al Yaticano nella. Cappella Sistina. N. La Volpe dis. ccl inc. E LEVEN ENGRLAVINGS representing separate portions of the fresco painting of the Last Judgment: Charon transporting souls across the River of Death; Christ as Judge, etc. Without name of engraver. IPROPHETS AND SIBYLS. Twelve Engravings of the Figures of the Prophets and Sybils, in the order in which they are painted in the triangular comnpartments of the curved portion of the ceiling, viz 1. ZACcuARAHr. Zacherias. Jacob Conca del. Leoni Duodecimo Pont. Opt. Max. Aloys. Fabri D.D.D. 2. JOEL. Joel. V. Dolcibene del. Pio Septimo Pont. Opt. Mlax. An. 1802. D. Cunego sc. Roma-, 3. THE ER.YTHRXAN SIBYL. Erythroea. V. Dolcihene dcl. Pio Septimo Pont. Opt. Max. D. Cunego se. 4. EZEKIEL. Ezakiel. V. Dolcibene del. D. Cunego so. homoe. 0. THE PERSIAN SIBYL. Persica. J. Conca clelin. Leoni Duodecimo Pont. Opt. Max. A. Fahri D.D.D. 6. JEREMIAH. Iliereinias. Aloys. Agricola del. Pio Septimo Pont. Opt. M1ax. 1 1802. Dom. Cunego sc. Romw. 7. JONAH. Jonas. Teod. Mancini del. Leoni Duodecimo Pont. Opt. Max. Al. Fabri D.D.D. 8. THE LIBYAN SIBYL. Libica. Franc. Giangiacomo del. Gregorio Decimosexto Pont. Mlax. Al. Fabri scul. 9. DANIEL. Daniel. Teod. Mancini dcl. Pio Septimo Pont. Opt. Max. Aloys. Fabri D.D.D. 10. THE CUMIE AN SIBYL. Cumma. Jacob Conca dcl. Leoni Duodecimo Pont. Opt. Max. Aloys. Fabri D.D.D. 11. ISAIAH. Esalas. Ford. Cavalleri del. Plo Septimo. A.. Fabri D.D.D. 1 2.. THE DELPHIAN SIBYL. Deiphica. J. Conca del. Plo Septimo Pont. Opt. Max. Aloy. Fahri D.D.D. SKETCHi representing the locality in the soffits over the windows of the Chapel, of the following twelve Compositions of Kings, and of other Old Testament themes. They are numrbered as in the sketch. 1. DA.VID SLAYINO GOLIATH. Proevaluitque D~avid adversum, Philistounm tniit gladium ejus.... prseciditque caput ejus: 1 Reg. 17. Luigi Fabri inc.1 2. ZOROBABEL. Zorohahel. Petrus Savorelli del. e scuip. Rome.T 3. UZZIAR. Ozias. V. Dolcibene del. Dom. Cunego scalp. Romoe. 4. REHOBOA3M. Rohoam. Vincentins Dolcihene del. Dom. Cunego so. Romam. 5. SALMON. Salmon. V. Dolcihene del. Plo Septimo Pont. Opt. Max. Dom. Cunego scailp. Romas. Ei~NGRfAVINGS,~:S &c. 119 6. HANGING OF HAMAN. Suspensusest itaque Aman in patibulo quod paraverat Mardochoeo: Esther, cap. 7. Dom. Gunego sculp. Rome, 1796. 8. THE BRAZEN SERPENT. Fecit Moyses serpentem eneumr, et posuit eum pro signo, etc.: Num. cap. 21. Fran. Giangiacomo del. Aloys. Fabri sculp. 9. JEsSE. Jesse. Pio Septimo Pont. Opt. Max. Petrus Savorelli sc. Romne. 10. Ass. Asa. Petrus Savorelli del. e sculp. Romx. 11. HEZEKIAH. Ezekias. Pio Septimo Pont. Opt. MIax. Petrus Savorelli sculp. Romlc. 12. JosIAH. Jozias. V. Dolcibene delin. Dom. Cunego sculp. Romne. 13. DEATH OF HOLOFERNES. Hiolofernes jacebat in lecto....stetitque Judith.. et tradidit caput Holofernes ancillk sur: Judith, cap. 13. Aloysius Fabri sculp. Romne. - PATRIARCHS. Four Engravings from the Pictures of the Patria.rchs and Scripture Characters, painted at the side of the arch rising from the corner windows, viz: 1. JACOB, JOSEPH. NO name of artist. 2. ELEAZAR, MIATHAN. Ang. De Angelis del. Pio Septimo Pont. Max. Aloysius Cunego sculp. Rornae. 3. Azoa, NAAsoN. Franc. Giangiacomo del. Gregorio Decimo-sexto Pont.Opt. Max. Aloy. Fabri sculp. 4. Acuna, AMINADAB. V. Dolcibene del. Pio Septimo Pont. Opt. Max. Dom. Cunego sc. Rommze. BOTTICELLI (Alessandro Filipepi): b. 1437, d. 1515. Descent of fire from heaven, when the sons of Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, offer strange fire. Sandro Botticelli dip. P. Guglielmi dis. Nicolo Aurely inc. This and the four following are engravings of five of the twelve fresco paintings which cover the side walls of the Sistine Chapel, executed, not by Michael Angelo, but by other painters. - Moses slaying the Egyptian. Sandro Botticelli dip. Po Guglielmi dis. Berno Consorti inc. GHIRLANDAJO ( Dominico): b. 1451, d. 1495. - Calling of St. Peter and Andrew. ID. Ghirlandajo dip. P. Guglielmi dis. Ant. Banzo inc. ROSSELLI (Cosimo): living in 1496. -----Christ preaching to the People on the Shores of Lake Tiberias. Cos. Rosselli dip. P. Guglielmni dis. Giuseppe Marcucci inc. SIGNORELLI ( Luca) da Cortona: b. 1440, d. 1521. Repromulgation of the Ancient Law by Moses before his death. L. Signorelli dip. P. Guglielni dis. Lud. Ferretti inc. PORTFOLIO No. 2: 59 ENGRAVINGS, Viz. CAMUCCINI (Barone Vincenzo): ITHE DEATH OF VIRGINIA. La Morte di Virginia: quadro esistente nel Reale Palazzo di Napoli. Gio. Batta Borani dis. Gio. Folo inc. No. 1. - THE DEATH OF JULIUS 0CiESAR. La Morte di Giulio Cesare; quadro esistente nel Reale Palazzo di Napoli. G. B. Borani dis. P. Fontana inc. No. 2, 120 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. CAMUCCINI, continued: - THE CONSTANCY OF REGULUS. La Costanza di Attilio Regolo, nel partire da Roma per ritornare in Cartagine. Quadro operato per S. E. ii Sig. Bar. Barintiuski. Borani dis. Marchetti inc. No. 3. - ROMAN WOMEN BRINGING THEIR JEWELS. Le Donne Romartne presentano agli Edili le proprie gioje per le spese della Guerra. G. B. Borani dis. Dom. Marchetti inc. No. 4. - CORNELIA, THE MOTHER OF THE GRACOHI. Cornelia mnadre de' Gracchi che presenti suoi tesori, cioe i Figli alla Dama Capuana. Borani dis. P. Bettelini inc. No. 5. - THE MAGNANIMITY OF SCIPIO. La magnanimith di Scipione nel rendere la Prigioniera. Borani dis. Dom. Marchetti inc. No. 6. - HORACE OPPOSING THE ARMY OF PORSENNA. Orazio che sole. si oppose all' esereito di Porsenna. Nella Galleria del Principe della Pace. Dom. Marchetti inC. No. 7. - LUCRETIA AMONG HER HANDMAIDS. Lucretiarm nocte sera deditam lane inter lucubrantes ancillas in medio edium sedentem inveniunt: Tit. liv. Borani dis. P. Fontana sc. No. 8. -- POMPEY receives the command of the Armies. Pompeo ii Grande riceve dai Consoli ii comando delle Armate. Borani dis. P. Fontana se. No. 9. - PSYCHE receives the Nectar-cup from Jupiter. Psiche prende la tazza del nettare da Giove. Quadro operato per S. E. il Duca di Bracciano. Borani dis. P. Fontana inc. No. 10. CURIus DENTATUS refusing the Gifts of the Samnites. Curio Dentato che ricusa i doni dei Samniti. Borani dis. A. Bertini inc. No.11. THE CONVERSION OF ST. PAUL. La Conversione di S. Paolo. V. Caiuccini inv. e dip. Borani dis. Dom. Marchetti inc. --- ST. FRANCESCO DI PAOLO. V. Camuccini inv. e dip. Borani dis. Ang. Bertini inc. I_ JOASH AND ATHALIAH. Athalia: 2 Chron. cap. 23. Produxitque filiurm regis.... Educite eamn extra septa templi. V. Camuccini inv. e dip. P. Gujlielmi dis. A. Bertini inc. - COMPASSION. La Pieta. V. Camuccini dip. G. B. Borani dis. P. Bettelini inc.. THE PRESENTATION OF JESUS IN THE TEMPLE. La Presentazione. V. Camuccini dip. Ant. Ricciani Rom. dis. e inc. Napoli. ST. THOMAS AND THE SAVIOUR. V. Camuccini dip. Borani dis. A. Ricciani inc. Napoli, 1821, di anni 45. CARAVAGGIO (Amerighi Cay. M. Angelo da): b. 1569, d. 1609. ENTOMBMENT OF JESUS. Involvens in Sindone mIunda posuit eum in Monumento. Matth. 27. Mich. Ang. a Caravaggio pin. Aloysius Cochetti del. Petrus Fontana sculp. CLAUDE GellBe of Loraine: b. 1600, d. 1682. APOLLO THE SHEPHERD AND MERCURY. Dum Sonat in silvis cithara crinitus Apollo, Mercurius mira subripit arte boves. Clandius Gel' vulgo Lorense pinx. Tab. asservata in celeb. Dorive Pinacotheca. HE. Voogd dcl. J. Volpato so. ENGR~PAVINGtS, &c. 121 - CEPHALUS AND PROCRIs. Occurrit Cephalo Procris fidissimo conjux cui comites lateri virgo canisque simul... Claudius pinx. In Dorie Pinacotheca. J. Volpato sculp. - TEMPLE OF DELPHI. Heic claro surgit Delphorum marmore templum, etc. Claudius Gel6 vulgo Lorense pinx. Tabula asservata in celeberrima Dorie Pinacotheca. Henricus Voogd delin. et fecit aq. fort. J. Volpato inc. et vend. Romre. - FOUNTAIN OF EGERIA. IEgeria est quee proebet acquas Dea Grata Camoenis, etc. Claudius Gel.e..-..pinx. 6. Tofanelli del. Antonius Porretta so. 1794. J. Volpato direx. et vendit. Rome. - EVENING. Juniperi gravis umbra, nocent et frugibus umbre, etc.: Virg. Eel. x. Claudius Gelee vulgo Ltorense pinx. Ex tabula adservata in adibus Rospigliosis. S. Tofanelli delin. J. Volpato direxit et vendit, Romae. THE FLIGHT INTO EaGYPT. Ille Puer Deus est, humanas temnit et iras, etc. Claudius Goele pinx. Tabula adservata in celeberrima Doriae Pinacotheca. H. Voogd delin. J. Volpato sculp. THE FLIGHT INTO EGYPT. Fuga in Egitto. Claudio Gelee detto Lorense dipinse. L'Originale esiste in Dresda nella Galleria elettorale. W. F. Gmelin dis. ed incise. THE MILL. II Molino di Claudio, im Pallast Doria zu Rom. Gezeichnet und gestocken in Romn von W. F. Gmelin, 1804. AcIs AND GALATEA. Aci e Galatea. Claudio Gelbe detto Lorense dip. L'originale esiste in Dresda nella Galleria elettorale.. W. F. Gmelin dis. ed inc. TEMPLE OF VENUS. Templum Veneris. Claudius Gellie Lotharing. pinx. Ex tabula inter primas celebri Rome adservata in edibus Columnensium. Guil. Fred. Gmelin del. et sculps. Rome, 1805. CORREGGIo (Antonio Allegri ): b. 1494, d. 1534. - EccE Homo. Ex originali tabula Antonii Allegri vulgo Correggio, olim in vedibus Columnosibus, nune penes D. Joannem Gherardum de Rubeis. S. Tofanelli delin. P. Bettelini sc. Rome, apud J. Volpato. DOMENICHINO ZAMIPIERI: b. 1581, d. 1641. - DIANA HUNTING. Deliva tutela Dece fugaces, Lyncas et cervos cohibentis arcu. Domenicus Sampieri vulgo Dominichino pinx. Raphel Morghen so. Rome. - TRIUmparH OF DAVID OVER SAUL. Percussit Saul mille et David decem millia: 1 Reg. cap. 18. Dom. Zampieri dip. In vedibus Rospigliosi. Ant. Cavalucci dis. Lud. Ferretti inc..TRIUMPH OF DAVID OVER SAUL. David autem et omnis Israel ludebant coram Domino, etc.: Reg. ii, cap. 4. Domenico Zampieri dipin. A. Barufaldi dis. Gio. Balestra inc. L'originale esiste in S. Silvestro a Monte Cavallo. This and the three following engravings are from paintings in the dome of the Church of S. Silvestro. [ Lb]. III.] 16 12 2 122'NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. DOMENICHINO, continued: -ý QUEEN OF SHEBA AND SOLOMON. Adarnavit earn Rex plus quarn omnes mulieres, etc.: Ester, cap. ii. Dorn. Zampieri dip. L'originale esiste in S. Silvestro 'a Monte Cavallo. Angelo Bertini inc. ESTHER in aSwoon before Ahasuerus. Cumque Assuerus elevasset faciern, Regina corruit, etc. Dorn. Zampieri dip. L'originale esiste in S. Silvestro "a Monte Cavallo. Nicola Aureli inc. JUDITH showing the head of ilolofernes. Ecce caput llolofer-! nes....... per manum fernine percussit ilium Domninus Deus noster. born. Zampieri dip. L'originale esiste in S. Silvestro 'a Monte Cavallo. Raff. Bonajuti dis. Ignazio Bonajuti inc. THEF CUXMEAN SIBYL. Sybilla Cumvea. E tabula Dornenici Zampieri in vedibus Burghesianis Romreo asservata. S. Tofanelli delin. Pet. Fontana Venetus scuip. Romoo, 1797. THE CUMAXAN SIBYL. Sibilla Cumana. Dornenico Zampieri dip. Francesco Floridi dis. e inc. -DEATH OF ST. CECILIA. S. Cecilia Alexandro imperatore duplici Yirginitatis et niartyrii palma decorata evolavit in Ccelum. Ex Act. Siac. born. Zampieri pin. In Ecciesiam S. Aloysii Gallorum. P. Trasmondi del. et sculp. SAINT -MATTHEW. S. Matteo Evangelista. D. Zampieri dip. Dipinto in S. Andrea della Valle'. G. B. Borani dis. G. Buonafede inc. This and the three following paintings are in the dome of the Church of S. Andrea della Valle. SAINT MARK. S. Marco Evangelista. ID. Zampieri dip. Dipinto in S. Andrea della Valle. P. Guglieinii dis. Tgn. Pavon inc. SAINT LUKE. S. Luca Evangelista. ID. Zampieri dip. Dipinto in S. Andrea della Valle. G-. Marcucci dis. e inc. ISAINT JOHN. S.. Giovanni Evangelista. ID. Zamnpieri dip. Di. pinto in S. Andrea della Valle. P. Guglielmi dis. R. Persichini inc. MARTYRDOM-N OF ST. ANDREW. bivi Andrewe Apost. Martyrium. bominicus Zampieri vulgo Domenichino pinx. S. Tofanelli del. J. Fobo sc. Romoo, anno 1799. MARTYRDOM OF ST. SEBASTIAN. Subito sagittabunt eum et non timebunt, etc.; Psal. 63. Domenichino Zampieri dip. born. Marchetti inc. L'originale esiste in S. Maria degli Angeli. COMMUNION OF Sr. JEROME. S. Hieronymus. Domenico Zampieri dip. Ignazio Bonajuti dis. ccl inc. Il quadro originale esiste nella Galleria Vaticana. GAROFALO (Benvenuto Tisio da): b. 1481, d..1559. ____HOLY FAMILY. Sagra Farniglia. Ben. Garofalo dip. L'originale esiste presso ii Sig. Cte di Bisenzo. iLudovico Ferretti inc. THE, HOLY FAMILY, with Zacharias and Elizabeth. Et Ips~e proecedet ante illum in spirita et virtute Elire, etc.: Lucre 1. Ben. Garofalo dip. Ig. Podio di*s. Bern. Consorti inc. ADORATION OF THE SHEPHERDS. Invenerunt Mariam et Joseph et infintem positumn in presepio. B. Garofalo dip. Makeb Berlini inc. EN GRAVINGIT~S,. ic. 123 - CHRIST AND THE WOMAN OF SAMARIA. Scio quia Messias venit, qui dicitur Christus...... Ego sum qui loquor tecum. Benv. Garofolo pinx. Ignaz. Podio delin. Giov. Balestra sculp, I- DESCENT FROM THE CROss. Vulneratus est propter iniquitates nostras: Isai. c. 53. Benvenuto Tisio da Garofalo inv. e dip. Ign. Barufaldi dis. Raf. Persichini inc. GHIRLANDAJO (Domenico). Calling of St. Peter and Andrew. See Portfolio No. 1, Sistine Chapel paintings. GMELIN (Guglielmo Pederico). THE FALLS OF TERNI. La Cascata decl Velino a Terni. Altezza della colonna d'acqua 372 pal. Row. W. F. Gmelin ad nat. fec. 1816. In Roma presso l'autore. S THE GREAT AND LITTLE FALLS of Tivoli. Veduta principale delle grandi e piccole Cascatelle di Tivoli e loro adiacenze, presa d'appresso la villa d'Orazio, come viene dal medesimo indicata nella sua celebratissima Ode vii, lib. 1. Dis. dal vero ed incisa da G. F. G-melin, a 1808. F- ALLS OF TIVOLI. Veduta reale delle grandi Cascatelle di Tivoli presa dal piano delle medesime. Disegnata dal vero ed incisa da Gugl. Fed. Ginelin, a 1807. GROTTO OF NEPTUNE AT TIVOLI. La Grotta di Nettuno Tivoli, coi Tcmpii di Vesta e della Sibilla, etc. -. F. Gmelin ad nat. fee. 1816. In Roma presso l'autore. - Engravings by Gmelin. See Claude; Poussin. GUERCINO (Cay. Gio. Francesco): b. 1590, d. 1666. STHE AURORA. Rore mnadens multoque renidens flore rosarum, etc. Franciscus Barbieri vulgo Guercino pinxit Romea in aedibus Ludovisiis. S. Tofanelli delin. J. Volpato so. Romee. - THE PERSIAN SIBYL. Sibylla Persica. E tabula Francisci Barbieri Vulgo Guercino in vedibus Capitolinis Rome asservata. S. Tofanelli delin. P. Bettelini sc. Romee, 1797. - THE HOLY VIRGIN. Mater Dolorosa. F. Barbieri detto 11 Guercino inv. e dip. Nicola Aureli incise in Roma, 1825. - EccE Homo. F. Barbieri detto 11 Guercino inv. e dip. Franc. Fontana dis. P. Fontana Veneto inc. in Roma. M- ARTYRDOM OF ST. SEBASTIAN. S. Sebastiano. G. F. Barberi detto Ii Guercino inv. e dip. L'originale esiste presso il Marchese A. Curti Lepri. A. Tofanelli dis. G. Folo incise in Roma. PORTFOLIO No. 3: 63 ENGRAVINGS, viz. GUIDo RENI: b. 1575, d. 1642. - THE AURORA. Quadrijugis invectus equis Sol aureus exit, etc. Guidus Reni pinx. Petrus Fontana sculp. In cedibus Rospigliosiis. - ST. MICHAEL AND THE DRAGON. Michael et Angeli ejus proliabantur cum dracone: Apoc. Ex tabula Guidi Reni asservata in Ecclesia Cappuc. urbis. Bernardinus Nocchi del. Joan. Folo sc. Rornme, apudi J. Volpato. - ANNUNCIATION. Spiritus Sanctus superveniet in to: Luc. 1. Guido Reni dip. Travalloni dis. e inc. 124 2NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. - JOHN THE BAPTIST IN THE WILDERNESS. Ego vox clamantis in deserto: Dirigite viam Domini. Guido Reni pinx. Raph. Morghen so. Rome. - THE CRUCIFIXION. In manus tuas commendo spiritum meum. Guidus Reni pinx. in Ecclesia S. Laurentii in Lucina. Teodoro Matteini delin. J. Volpato so. Rome. - THE DESCENT FROM THE CROSS. Attendite et videte si est dolor sicut dolor meus: Jerem. cap. 1. Guido Reni dip. L'originale esiste presso ii Cav. Domenico Venuti. A. Tofanelli dis. A. Ricoiani Romano incise. ASSUMPTION OF THE VIRGIN. Assumpta est Maria in coelum. Tabula a Guido Reni in edibus Sancte Crucis asservata. B. Nocehi del. Petr. Bettelini so. J. Volpato, Romae. - BEATIFICATION OF THE VIRGIN. Beata Virgo Maria, Dei Genetrix. Guido Reni dip. Pietro Battellini inc. I'anno 1829. - MARTYRDOM OF ST. ANDREW. Divi Andrew Apost. Martyrium. Guidus Reni pinxit. S. Tofanelli del. J. Volpato so. Romee. MENGS (Anton. Raffaello): b. 1728, d. 1779. S APOLLO AND THE MUSES. Ludunt Aonie Parnassi in colle sorores, Stat medius lauro, cytharaque insignis Apollo. Ant. Raph. Mengs pinx. Raphael Morghen so. Rome. A. Giuseppe Nicola de Azara... J. Volpato D.D.D. MURILLO (Bartolonmeo-Estevan): b. 1613, d. 1682. MARY MAGDALEN. Sic Magdelana mcerens coelica gaudia querit. B. S. Murillo pinx. S. Tofanelli del. J. Balestra Venetus so. Romae, J. Folo direxit. PERUGINO (Pietro Vanucci, Il): b. 1446, d. 1524. ENTHRONEMENT OF THE VIRGIN. Gloria hec est omnibus sanctis: Is. 4. Petrus de Castro, plebis vulgo Perusinus (Perugino) pinxit. Domn. Marchetti sculp. In Pinacotheca Vaticana. PIOMBO (F. Sebastiano del): d. 1547. - BIRTH OF CHRIST. Ab initio et ante secula creata sum: Eccl. c. 24. Sebastiano del Piombo dip. Benv. del Vecchio inc. POiYSSIN (Gaspare Dughet, called): b. 1613, d. 1675. DIDO AND ZENEAS. Speluncam Dido dux et Trojanus eandem deveniunt, etc. Gaspar Poussin pinxit. Voogd del. J. Volpato sculp. et vendit, RomIe. S RINALDO AND ARMIDA. Rinaldo e Armida. Torq. Tasso Gerusa. lib. Gasp. Poussin pinx. In Roma nella Galleria Corsini. W. F. Gmelin del. e sculp. Romee, 1816. THE S'ToRM. II Temporale del Pussino. Gaspare Dughet detto Pussino dip. D'appresso il quadro una volta in Roma, nella Galleria Colonna. G. F. Gmelin inc. in Roma, 1813. POUSSIN (Nicholas): b. 1594, d. 1665. I THE SEPULCHRES. I Sepolchri del Pussino, d'appresso il quadro una volta in Roma nel Palazzo Falconieri. W. F. Gmelin so. 1814. ENGRAVINGS, &c. 125 - MERCURY restoring the Cattle to Apollo. Saltibus in riguis Io dum pascitur Argum, etc. N. Poussin pinx. H. Voogd del. J. Volpato sc. et vend. Rom.e. - THE SACRIFICE OF NOAH. IEdicavit autem No6 altare Domino.... et obtulit holocausta super altare: Gen. cap. 8. Nicolaus Poussin pinxit. Step. Tofanelli delin. J. Volpato sc. et vendit, Romee. MASSACRE OF THE INNOCENTS. Tune Herodes.... iratus est valde et mittens occidit omnes pueros, etc.: Matt. cap. 2. Nicolaus Poussin pinx. Bern. Nocchi delin. J. Volpato sc. et vendit. Romee, P. Betteini perfecit. PETER RECEIVING THE KEYS. Quodcumque ligaveris super terram erit ligatum et in coelis, etc.: Matt. cap. 18. Nicolo Pussino dip. Michale Kech dis. Ant. Banzo inc. RAFFAELLO SANZIO d'Urbino: b. 1483, d. 1520. Fourteen Engravings from the large paintings in fresco by Raphael upon the walls of apartments ( Dell Segnatura, Sala di Costantino, Stanza del Incendio, and Stanza del Heliodoro), in the Vatican Palace. SCHOOL OF ATHENS. Raphael Santius pinx. in edibus Vaticanis. Joseph Cades delineavit. Pio sexto Pont Max. Joannes Volpato sculpsit et vendit. No. 1. - DISPUTATION on the Sacrament. Joseph Cades del. Pio sexto Pont. Max. Joannes Volpato sculpsit et vendit, Romte. No. 2. - EXPULSION of Heliodorus from the Temple at Jerusalem. Bernardinus Nocchi delin. J. Volpato sculp. et vendit. No. 3. ATTILA arrested at the Gates of Rome by the miraculous appearance of Peter and Paul. Bern. Nocchi del. Pio Sext. Pont. Max. J. Volpato D.D.D. No. 4. --- APOLLO and the Muses on Mount Parnassus. Steph. Tofanelli del. Pio Sext. Pont. Max. J. Volpato D.D.D. No. 5. - THE CONFLAGRATION OF BORGO, arrested by a Miracle of Leo IV. B. Nocchi delin. Pio Sext. Pont. Max. J. Volpato D.D.D. No. 6. - MIRACLE of the Holy Eucharist at Bolsena. Steph. Tofanelli delin. Pio sexto Pont. Max. J. Volpato D.D.D. No. 7. - DELIVERANCE of St. Peter from Prison. Bernardinus Nocchi delin. Pio sexto Pont. Max. Joannes Volpato D.D.D. No. 8. - DONATION of Rome to the Pope by Constantine. Jacobus Concha delin. Pio septimo Pont. Max. Aloysius Fabri D.D.D. No. 9. JUSTIFICATION of Leo III before Charlemagne. Thomaso Minardi del. Pio Sept. Pont. Max. Aloysius Fabri D.D.D. No. 10. - CORONATION OF CHARLEMAGNE. Raphael Santius pinx. Ferdinardus Cavalleri delineavit. Leoni duodecimo Pont. Max....... Aloysius Fabri sc. Romme. No. 11. - VICTORY of Leo IV over the Saracens. Thomaso Minardi delineavit. Leoni duodecimo Pont. Max. Aloysius Fabri sc. No. 12. 126 16NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. RAFFAELO, continued: ____THE BAPTISMI OF CONSTANTINE. -F?-. Penni? Ferdinandus Cavalleri delineavit. Leoni duodecimo Pont. Max. Vincentius Salandri so. iRomoo. No. 13. THE CROSS appearing tQ Constantine. Caijetanus Palmaroli delin. Gregorio deoimo-sexto.... Vin. Salandri scuipsit. Romee. No. 14. BATTLE OF CONSTANTINE. Raffaello inv. Giulio Romano piax. Luigi Fabri inc. O-regorio decimo-sexto Pont. Max. JBonarum Artium Restitutori et Vindici, J. Volpato ID.D.D. No. 15. JUR ISPRUDENCE personified, supported by Force and Moderation. In the Halal Della Segnatur-a. liaph. San. piuxit. Raph. Morghen so. J. Volpato direxit. JUSTICE. Justitia: Picta in fornice imminet tabuim (vulgo) la Giurisprudenza. Bernardinus Noochi del. Raph. Morghen scuip. J oh. Volpato direxit. IPOETRY. Po~sis: Picta in fornice imminet Parnasso. Bernardinus, Noechi del. Raph. Morghen scuip. Joh. Volpato direxit. THEOLOGY. Theologia: Picta in fornice imminet tabuhve (vulgo) la Disputa del Snio Sacramento. Raph. Santius pinxit. ]3ernardinus Nocchi del. Raph. Morghcn scuip. Joli. Volpato direxit..PHILOSOPHY. Philosophia: Picta in fornice imniinet tabulva (vulgo) la Scuola d'Atene. liaph. Santius pinxit. Bernardinus Nocohi del. Raph. Morghen scuip. Joh. Volpato direxit. FORTITUDE. La Fortezza. Michele Kech dis. Carlo Pestrini inc. This engraving with the fourteen which follow, are from frescos in the same apartments as the preceding pictures, and are usually designated as, The Virtues of Raphael. PRUDENCE. La Prudeuza. Antonio Baruff-aldi dis. Ludovico Ferretti inc. INNOCENCE. L'Innocenza. Michele Kech dis. Carlo Pestrini inc. MODERATION. La Moderazione. Antonio Baruffaldi dis. Ladovico Ferretti inc. JUSTICE. Justitia. A. Barruffaldi dis. L. Ferretti inc. MEEKNESS. Mansuetudo.. Joseph Lazzarini delia. Steph. Tofanelli perfecit. Joan. Volpato scuip. recognovit. IHOPE.. La Speranza. Raffaclo Bonajuti dis. Raffaclo Persichini inc., FAITH. La Fede. Gioacchino Lepri dis. ed. inc. FAITH. La Fede. Antonio Baruffaldi dis. Ludovico, Ferretti inc.......... CHARITY. La Carith'. Gio. Antonio Baruffaldi dis. Antonio Banzo inc. CHARITY. La Carita'. Michele Kech dis. Carlo Pestrini inc. PEACE. La Pace.. Michele Kech dis. Carlo Pestrini inc. RELIGION. La Religione. Antonio Baruffaldi disegn6. Filippo Cenci incise. 0; ENGtRAVINGS, &C. 127 - THE CHURCH. La Chiesa. Antonio Baruffaldi disegn6. Filippo Cenci incise. - ETERNITY. L'Eternita. Francesco Kech dis. Filippo Cenci incise. - THE HOLY TRINITY. Raff. Sanzio dip. Sanguinetti dis. Domn. Marchetti inc. - THE ADORATION OF THE MAGI. Procidentes adoraverunt eum, et apertis thesauris suis obtulerunt ei munera aurum, thus et myrrham. Raff. Sanzio dip. Ign. Podio dis. Ant. Banzon inc. - THE PRESENTATION OF JESUS IN THE TEMPLE. Ecce positus est hic in ruinain et in resurrectionem niultorurm in Israelem, et signum cui contradicetur. Raff. Sanzio dip. Ign. Podio dis. Raff. Persichini inc. - THE DESCENT FROM THE CROSS. Deponentes eum de ligno, posuerunt eum in monumento. Raph. Sanet. pinx. in vedibus Borghesianis. Steph. Tofanelli del. Joan. Volpato sculp. - SIBYLS. Sybille Quatuor a Raphaele Santio Urbinate, Romae in Ecclesia S. Mariv de Pace depicts. Jo. Bapt. Borani del. Max. Gregorio xvI, Pont. Max. Nic. Guidetti et Ang. Bertini sculp. - THE HOLY VIRGIN. Virgo Mater Dei. Madonna del Pesce. Raphael Sanctius pinx. Philippus Cenci sculp. ----- GREGORY IX. Gregorio Ix approva la Raccolta delle Decretali. Raff. Sanzio dip. P. Marchetti dis. e inc. ROSSELLI ( Cosimo). Christ preaching on the shores of Lake Tiberias. See Portfolio No. 1, Sistine Chapel Paintings. PORTFOLIO No. 4: 47 ENGRAVINGS, viz. RUBENs (Peter Paul): b. 1577, d. 1640. - THE VIRGIN AND CHILD. Ego dormio, et cor meum vigilat: Cant. cap. 5. Petr. Paulus Rubens pinxit. Ricavato del quadro originale esistente nella Galleria di S. E. Milord Clive in Londra. P. Angeletti del. Raph. Morghen sc. Romee. SASSOFERRATO ( Giov. BattiSta Salvi): b. 1605, d. 1685. THE HOLY VIRGIN. Mater Dolorosa. Sassoferrato dip. Michele Torres inc. -- THE VIRGIN AND CHILD. Salus Infirmorum. Sassoferrato dipinse. Pietro Folo incise. SCHIDONE (Bartolommeo) da Modena: d. 1615. - - THE HOLY FAMILY. Santa Famiglia. Il quadro originale esiste in Napoli, della medesima grandezza del presente intaglio presso ii chiarissimo pittore G. Cay. Cammarano. Ant. Riciani disegn6 ed incise. Napoli. SIGNORELLI (Luca). Reading of the Law by Moses. See Portfolio No. 1, Sistine Chapel Paintings. 128. 1NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. SPAGNUOLO (Giov. Maria Crespi, I1): b. 1665, d. 1747. S REJOICING OF THE ANGELS. Natus est vobis hodie Salvator. Giovanni Spagnuolo detto dipse. Giuseppe Mochetti inc. Ant. Baruffaldi dis. SWANEFELD (Erman): b. 1620, d. 1690. - THE RITES OF LUCINA. Constitit ad ramos mitis Lucina dolentes, etc. Erman Swanefeld pinx. Tabula asservata in celeberrima Doria3 Pinacotheca. H. Voogd del. J. Volpato so. et vendit. Romae. - THE BIRTH OF ADONIS. Laudaret faciem livor quoque; qualia namque corpora nudorum tabula pinguuntur Amorum: Ovid. Metam. lib. x. Erman Swanefeld pinx. Voogd del. J. Volpato sculpsit. VOLTERRA( Daniele Ricciarelli da): d. 1566. - DESCENT FROM THE CROSS. La Deposizione di Croce. Daniele da Volterra dip. Borani dis. Po Folo inc. CANOVA (Antonio), Sculptor: b. 1757, d. 1822. PERSEUS. Al Chiarissimno Cavaliere Giuseppe Bossi Pittore, Antonio Canova. Statua in marmo di Perseo in Museo Yaticano. G-. Tognoli dis. Dom. Marchetti inc. - HECTOR. Ettore. A. Canova inv. e scolpi. G. Tognoli dis. Ang. Bertini inc. PARIS. Statua di Paride esistente nella G-alleria della M. S. & Malmaison. Ant. Canova inv. e scolpi in marmo. Gio. Bat. Balestra inc. - AJAX. Aiace. A. Canova inv. e scolpi in marmo. G. Tognoli dis. P. Fontana inc. - HERCULES. Per un de'piedi ii furibondo Alcide, afferra e scaglia lica: Sofocle nelle Trachin. v. 792. A. Canova inv. e scolpi. Gruppo in mrarmo esistente in Roma nella Galleria di S. E. ii Sig. Torlonia..... Tognoli dis. G-. Tolo inc. DAMOSSENUS, the Wrestler. Damosseno: Pausanias in Arcadia. A. Canova inv. e scolpi. Statua in marmo di palmi romani dieci nel Museo Vaticano. G-. Tognoli dis. P. Fontana inc. G- RETJGAS, the Wrestler. Creugante: Pausanias nell'Arcadia. A. Canova inv. e scolpi. Statua...... nel Museo Vaticano. See the counterpart above. G. Tognoli dis. A. Bertini inc. BENEFICENCE. La Beneficenza: All Autore delle Notti Romani et della Italiana Saffo, Antonio Canova. Gruppo in marmo nel Mausoleo dell'Archiduchesa Maria Christina in Vienna. Tognoli dis. Dom. Marchetti inc. -- THESEUTS overcoming the Centaur. Teseo vincitore de'Centauri. A. Canova inv. e scolpi. Gruppo in marmo per la Citta di Milano. Tognoli dis. P. Bettelini inc. -- RELIGION. Pro felici reditu Pii Septimi Pont. Max. Religionis formam sua impensa in marmore exculpendam, Antonius Canova libens fecit et dedicavit. L. Durantini dis. Domr. Marchetti inc. ENGRAVINGS, &c. 129 ITALY at the Tomb of Afleeri. Statua dell'Italia nel marmoreo Sepolcro di Alfieri, nella Chiesa di Santa Croce di Fircnze. A. Canova inv. e scolpi in marimo. L. Durantini dis. P. Fontana inc. - ToN B of CLEM.ENT XIII. Deposito di Clemente PP. xiin. A. Canova inv. e scolpi. L'originale esiste nel Vaticano. S. Tofanelli di,. Ant. Banzo inc. SWASHINGTON ( G.). Giorgio Washington. Ant. Canova inv. e scolpi. Statua in marmo al quanto maggiore del naturale, destinato ad esser posta nella Sala del Senato di Carolina [North] in America. G. Tognoli dis. Ang. Bertini inc. PIo-CLEMENTINE MUSEUM. Twenty-four Engravings of the apartments and halls of the Pio-Clementine Museum in the Vatican Palace, illustrative of the ancient statuary and other antiquities therein preserved, viz: - THE CIRCULAR VESTIBULE. Veduta Prospettiva del Vestibolo rotondo. F. Miccinelli del. V. F6oli inc. - THE INNER COURT. Veduta Generale in prospettiva del Cortile. V. F6oli incise. - THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE PORTICO OF THE COURT. Parte destra del Portico che adorna el Cortile. F. Miccinelli del. V. Feoli inc. - THE LEFTIIAND SIDE OF THE PORTICO OF TIHE COURT. Parte sinistra del Portico che adorna el Cortile. Fr. Miccinelli del. V. Feoli inc. - VIEW OF THE APARTMENT OF THE MUSES. Veduta prospettiva della Stanza delle MiUse. F. Costa disegn6. V. Feoli inc. - RIGHTHAND SIDE OF THE APARTMENT OF THE MUSES. Parete destra della Stanza delle Muse. F. Costa disegn6. V. F6oli inc. - LEFTHIAND SIDE OF THE APARTMENT OF THE MUSES. Parete sinistra della Stanza delle Muse. F. Costa dis. V. Feoli inc. - VIEW OF THE HALL OF ANIMALS, from the Tiber side. Vednta prospettiva della Stanza degli Animali dalla parte del Tevere. Fr. Mincinelli del. V. Feoli inc. - VIEW OF THE HALL OF ANIMALS, from the Nile side. Veduta prospettiva della Stanza degli Animali dalla parte del Nilo. V, Feoli dis. ed inc. - VIEW OF THE GALLERY OF BUSTs. Veduta prospettiva della Galleria de' Busti. Francesco Miccinelli deline6. V. Feoli inc. - VIEW OF THE CABINET. Veduta prospettiva del Gabinetto. V. F0oli dis. ed inc. - VIEW OF THE ROUND ROOM WITH THE CHARIOT. Veduta prospettiva della Stanza rotonda ove e situata la Biga. F. Miccinelli del. V. Feoli inc. - VIEW OF THE CIRCULAR APARTMENT. Veduta principale della Stanza rotonda. Francesco Costa disegn6. V. Fholi inc. -- STAIRCASE LEADING TO THE VESTIBULE Of the GREEK CRoss. Veduta prospettiva della magnifica Scala che introduce nel Vestibolo a Croce greca. V. F6oli incise. - VIEW OF THE VESTIBULE OF THE GREEK CRnoss, with the door. Veduta prospettiva del Vestibolo a Croce greca, colla magnifica Porta che introduce nel Museo. F. MAiccinelli del. V. F Soli inc. - GALLERY OF VASES AND CANDELABRA. Veduta prospettiva della Galleria de' Vasi e Candelabri. V. Fboli dis. ed incise. - VIEW OF THE STAIRCASE opposite the above gallery. Veduta della parte superiore della magnifica Scala dirimpetto la Galleria de' Vasi e Candelabri. V. F6oli incise. - VIEW OF THE LONG GALLERY, from the Jupiter side. Veduta prospettiva della Galleria lunga dalla parte dcl Glove. FrancescoCosta disegn6. Vincenzo F oli incise. [ LIBi. LI. 1J 17 130 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. PIO-CLEMENTINE MUSEUM, continued: - IEW of the first part of the right side of the LONG GALLERY. Parte prima della parete destra della Galleria lunga. F. Costa dis. V. Feoli inc. - VIEW of the second part of the right side of the LONG GALLERY. Parte seconda della parete destra della Galleria lunga. Vincenzo Feoli dis. ed incise. ---- IEW of the first part of the left side of the LONG GALLERY. Parte prima della parete sinistra della Galleria lunga. Vincenzo Feoli dis. ed incise. ---- IEW of the second part of the left side of the LONG GALLERY. Parte seconda della parete sinistra della Galleria lunga. Vincenzo Feoli dis. ed incise. -- VIEW OF THE LONG GALLERY, from the Cleopatra side. Veduta prospettiva della Galleria lunga dalla parte della Cleopatra. Franco Miccinelli delin. V. F6oli incise. - GEOMETRICAL VIEW OF THE ARCADE. Veduta geometrica della Loggia. Vincenzo Feoli dis. e inc. CHIARAMONTI MUSEUM. Engravings of the Chiaramonti Museum in the Vatican Palace, viz: 1. VIEW TAKEN FROM THE ENTRANCE. Veduta del Museo Chiaramonti presa dall'ingresso. Ang. Toseili dis. Gio. Balzar principib. Giust. Bianchi ultimi. 2. CENTRAL VIEW OF THE HALL. Veduta centrale del Museo Pio-Chiaramonti. Angelo Toselli dis. Gio. Balzar inc. II. MISCELLANEOUS PRINTS AND ENGRAVINGS. ALBANY. A View of the late Protestant Dutch Church of the City of Albany. This venerable edifice was situated at the junction of State, Market and Court-streets: it was erected in 1715, and pulled down A.D. 1806. It included within the walls the site of a church, the corner stone whereof was laid by Rutger Jacobson, 1656. Eng'd by Scoles. - Church and Market-streets, Albany, 1805: From original sketches in the possession of Gen. John Tayler Cooper, by James Eights: Lithographed by R. H. Pease, Albany. - State-street, Albany, 1805: From original sketches in the possession of Gen. John Tayler Cooper, by James Eights. Lithographed by R. H. Pease, Albany. --- See Maps. Albany Academy. D. S. Peirce del. J. E. Gavit so. Albany, N.Y. Drawn by J. W. Hill. On stone by Hatch and Severyn. New-York, Smith Bros. & Co. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Engravings of Battles. See Godefroy. G. L. AMERICAN STONE-DRESSING MACHINE. Patented August 8, 1854. 4 plates. Portf. AMSTERDAM. Alle de Huizen en Gebouwen op de Heeren- en Keizersgrachten der Stad Amsterdam, van den Binnen-Amstel tot aan de Brouwers-gracht... Door Caspar Philips Jacobsz., Kunstplaatsnyder. Te Amsterdam, J. B. Elwe. By Bernardus Mourik. I vol. fol. B. C. ENGRAVINGSFS &c. 131X AMSTERDAMA, IN.Y. Plan of the Sidecut and Aqueduct at Amsterdam Peter Stewart. Portf. ANDRE ( John). The Capture of Major Andre": From a Painting by A. B. Durand. Figures engraved by Alfred Jones. Landscape by:Smuillie and Ilinshelwood. Amcrican Art-Ujnion, New-York, 1846. ARMY PORTFOLIO. By Capt. D. P. Whiting, U.S. Army. No. I, Five plates. Contents 1. Encampment of U.S..Army at Corpus Christi, Oct. 1845. 2.Monterey, after its Capture by the American Army. 3. Heights of Monterey, with Gen. Worth's Division. 4. Valley towards Saltillio. 5. View of Monterey fromu Independence Hill. ARTE SIAN WELL at Grenelle. See Maps, Paris. ARTIST'S ( The) DREAM. Painted by G. HI. Comegys. Engraved by S. Sartain. Apollo Association. ASPERN. The Battle of Aspern, May 22, 1809: From a Painting in the Hospital of Invalids at Vienna; with a key. AURORA, N. Y., from the North Poplars, 1848. Drawn by H. W. P. Lith. R. H-. Pease, Albany. BELGES ( Les) ILLUSTRES. Peint par H. De Caisne. I mp. Lith. Royale de P. Degobert, Bruxelles. Key to the Portraits in Belges Illustres. BELLEISLE, FORTRESS. Seven Views. See Scenographia Americana. BELZONI ( G.). Six New Plates illuistrative of the researches and operations of G. Belzoni in Egypt and Nubia. London, 1822. 1 vol. fol. BERDAN. Section of Berdan's Broadway ( N.Y.) Suspension Railway, 1855. BOSTON. See Scenographia, Americana. BUFFALO, N.Y. A View of the Port of Buffalo on Lake Erie, 1815. See N.Y. Doe. list. Maps. BUNKER'IS HILL. The'Battle of Bunkier's Hill, June 17, 1775. Painted by John Trumbull, esq. Engraved by J. G. Mtiller, London, March 1798. BURLINGTON, VT. View of Burlington, Vermont, from the hill. T. Wood, New-York, 1846. CAIUS MARIUS On the Ruins of Carthage. J. Vanderlyn pt. S. A. Schoff se. Pub. by the Apollo Association. CASCONCRIIAGON. Southeast View of the Great Cataract oni Casconchiagon or Little Seneca's river., Lake Ontario, 1768: From the original, by Mazell. See N.Y. Doe. Hist.. fol. --Southeast View of the Lower Cataract on Casconchiagon or Little Seneca's river, Lake Ontario: From the Orig. Eng. by Morris, 1768. Tho. Davies del. See N. Y. Doc. list. fol. --Three Views. See Scenographia Americana. 132 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. CAvf (iM. E.). Cours de Dessin sans maitre. Paris, 1850. 40 plates. 1 vol. fol. COLUMBus unveiling the New to the Old World: From the original model by Prof. Costoli. Corradi lith. New-York, 1852. Portf. -- Tombeau de Christophe Colomb a la Havane, 1822; avec un Buste ideal du grand navigateur: Hommage.... offert par Isidore L6wcnstern, 25 Octobre 1845. Idanta fecit. CONSTANTINOPLE. Diagram of the appearance of the Sun in eclipse at Constantinople, A. H. 1263: in Turkish, by E. Sang. Portf. - Diagram of the appearance of the Sun in eclipse at Constantinople, A. H. 1267: in Turkish, by Dr. C. H. F. Peters. Portf. CRUcIFIXION (The). Mon Pare, pardonnez leur. Peint par Van Dick. Grav6 par Lelli et Calamatta. Bruxelles, 1848. Pub. at London and Paris. DARLEY (Felix O. C.). Illustrations of Rip Van Winkle, designed and etched by Felix O. C. Darley, for the members of the American ArtUnion. 6 plates. New-York, 1848. 1 vol. 40. DE CHAUMONT ( James Donatien Le Ray). Lith. from Hough's Hist. of Jefferson Co. DECLARATION (The) of Independence of the United States of America, July 4th, 1776. Painted by John Trumbull. Engraved by A. B. Durand, 1820. With an explanatory sheet of the portraits, in fac similes of the signatures of the signers. DECLARATION of Independence of the United States of America: In Congress, July 4, 1776, originally designed by John Binns. Fac similes of signatures; Arms of the thirteen States, etc.; Portraits of Washington, Hancock and Jefferson. Pennsylvania, 1818. ---- In Congress, July 4, 1776: The Unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America. Fac simile W. J. Stone, Washington. Portf. ESCAPE of Capt. Wharton: From Cooper's Spy. F. Hoppin del. J. F. E. Prud'homme sc. Am. Art-Union, New-York, 1844. EXHIBITION. Plan of the Building of the Great Exhibition, London, 1851. Day & Sons, Lith. to the Queen. London, 1851. 12o. FARMERS NOONING: From the original picture...... painted by W. S. Mount. Engraved by Alfred Jones. Published by the Apollo Association. FIRST (The) PRAYER in Congress, September, 1774, in Carpenter's Hall, Philadelphia. Painted by T. H. Matteson. Eng. by H. S. Sadd. NewYork, John Neale, 1848. ---- Key to the First Prayer in Congress. FIRST (The) TRIAL by Jury. Painted by C. W. Cope. Engraved by H. S. Sadd. ENG-131AVINGS, &Tc. 133 FITCH (John). " Honor to whom Honor is due." Origin of Steam Navigation. A View of the Collect Pond and its vicinity, in the city of New-York, in 1795; in which pond the first boat, propelled by steam with paddle-wheels or screw-propellers, was constructed by John Fitch, six years before Robert Fulton made trial of his boat upon the River Seine in France, and ten years prior to his putting into operation his boat Clermont in New-York; with a representation of the boat and its machinery, on the Collect Pond: By John Hutchings, No. 3 Wesley Place, Williamsburgh, Long Island, 1846. Lithographed from the original. N. Y. Doct. Hist. Maps. FRANCE. Collection des Papicrs Monnoyes qui ont eu cours depuis l'ann6e 1789, epoque ou a commence la Revolution Francaise, jusques et compris l'an 1796. A Paris, chez Bance. Maps, vol. 9. GEORGE, LAKE. Perspective View of the Battle, 1755. See Maps, vol. 10, and N.Y. Doct. Hist. Maps. GUADALOUPE. Three Views. See Scenographia Americana. GUDIN (Th.). Vues maritimes et pittoresques, dessinees sur pierre par Th. Gudin, Paris. 16 plates. 1 vol. fol. HALIFAX, N. S. Views. See Engravings, North America; Scenographia Americana. HAVANA. See Scenographia Americana. HUDSON's RIVER. View near Jessup's Landing. No. 3 of the Hudson River Portfolio. Painted by W. G. Wall. Engraved by J. Hill. Megarey and Gilley, New-York. --- View near Fort Miller, Washington County, N.Y. No. 10 of the Hudson river portfolio. Painted by W. G. Wall. Engraved by J. Hill. Pub. by H. I. Megarey, New-York. HOLLAND. Fac simile van de Unie van Brussel, 1577. Vergeleken.... door J. C. de Jonge. Gravenhage, 1827. 1 vol. fol. JAMAICA, W. I. See Engravings, North America. JEUNES FILLES AU BOIS. Peint par F. Verheyden. Lith. par Ch. Billoin. P. Degobert, Bruxelles. JOLLY ( The) FLAT-BOATMEN. Painted by G. C. Bingham, esq. Engraved by T. Doney. American Art-Union, New-York, 1847. LANGUEDOC. Voyages pittoresques et romantiques dans l'ancienne France: Languedoc. Par MM. Charles Nodier, J. Taylor et Alph. De Cailleux. Paris, Firmin Didot freres, 1834. 584 engravings. 4 vol. fol. LE RAY (James) De Chaumont. See Portraits, De Chaumont. LORD'S (The) PRAYER: Matt. oh. 6, v. 9-13. In upwards of fifty different languages, arranged mostly geographically according to Fr. Adelung's View. New-York, 1841. Compiled by F. A. Strale. Lith. of Endicott. Louis PHILIPPE. Voyage de S. M. Louis Philippe I".... au Chateau de Windsor.... Par Edouard Pingret. Paris, 1846. 1 vol. fol. 1634 1NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. LOUVRE. Vuc Perspective de, la Reunion des Palais du Louvre et des Tuileries, et Plan historique, des deux monuments d'apres les plans officiels de M. L. Visconti, Arehiteete de l'Empereur: Dessine's et graves par -R. Pfnior. Paris, 1853. 2 plates fol. MACDONOUGH'S VICTORY of Lake Champlain....... Sept. 11, 1814. R-einagle, painted. Tanner, engraved. Philadelphia, 1816. With a Key to the engraving. MARION. General Marion in his swamp encampm-ent inviting. a British officer to dinner. Painted by John B. White, Charleston, S.. C. Engraved by John Sartain. Apollo Association, New-York,. 1841. MARITIME FLAGS of all Nations. Pub. by Monson & Co. New-Haven, 1826. Portf. Plate descriptive of the Maritime flags of all Nations, by W. Heather. London, 1800. See Atlases, iTlarine. MExico., The War between the United States and Mexico, illustrated by G. W. Kendall; with pictorial drawings (12) of all, the principal conflicts. 1 vol. fol. G. L. MEXICO. View of the City, 1 760 () Maps, vol. 9. MONTGOMERY. The Death of General Montgomery, in the Attack of Quebec,: Dee. 1775. Painted by John Trumbull, esq. Engraved by I. T. Clemens. London, March 1798. MONTREAL. See Scenographia Americana. NASHVILLE, ENNESSEE. State Capitol: W. Strickland, arehitect. Lith.. of P. S. Duval & Co. Philadelphia. With a Description in 80. NIAGARA FORT': Taken from the British side of the river at Newark, 1814. See N.Y. Doe. list. fol. vol. NIAGARA FALLS. Falls of Niagara, 1760(?) Maps, vol. 9. NEW-YORK, State Library. Proposed Plan of the elevation of the NewYork State Library. MS. 1852. Portf. Plans of the seats of the Senate and Assembly chambers, 1853. 1855. NEW-YORK CITY. So utheast View of the City of New-York: From the original engraving by P. Canot, 1768. See N.Y. Doe. list. vol. fol. See Seenographia Americana; also Views of thirty cities. Views of the New-York Post-office: Front, north and south, three views. Endicott's lith. New-York, 1843. NORTHAMERICA. Six Remarkable Views in the Provinces of New-Y~ork, New-Jersey and Pennsylvania in North America: Sketched on the spot by H. E. Gov. Pownall. London, T. Jefferys, 1761. 1 vol. fol. Contents 1. Entrance of the Topan sea, Hudson's river. 2. Falls on -the Passaick. 3. Pakepsey and the Catt's-kill. Mts. 4. The Great Cohoes Falls. 5. Bethiem. Pennsylvania. ENGRAVINGS, &c. 135 6. An American settlement. With also 7-10. Four Views: of the town and harbor of Halifax, Nova-Scotia, by R. Short. London, John Boydell, 1777. 11. Governor's house and St. Mather's meeting-house, etc. Halifax, R. Short, 1777. 12. Church of St. Paul, Halifax. R. Short, 1777. 13 -18. Six Views in the island of Jamaica, drawn by J. Robertson: London, J. Boydell, 1778, viz: River Cobre near Spanish town. Bridge over Cabaritta river. Roaring River estate. Spring-head of Roaring river. Fort William estate. Bridge over Cobre river. S See Scenographia Americana. PENN ( William). Guillaume Penn traite avec les Indiens, 1681. B. West pinxit. See North Amer., Atlas Amer. PHILADELPHIA. Fac simile of the Autographs of the Merchants and other Citizens of Philadelphia, as subscribed to the non-importation resolutions, October 26, 1756. Lithographed: published by Thomas Fisher, Philadelphia, 1846. PHILADELPHIA HOUSE OF REFUGE. View looking from the Northeast. P. S. Duval's steam lith. press. Phil'a. PHYSIONOMIE DE- LA GARDE IMPERIALE. Peint par Lorentz lith. par Louis Lasalle. Paris, Deforge. PIC DE LA MIRANDOLE: Education maternelle. Peint par Paul Delaroche. Dessine et grav6 par A. Francois. Goupil & Compie, Paris, New-York. PIEDMONT. Guerra dell'Indipendenza Italiana: Campagna dell Esercito Piemont6se nel 1848. Stanislas Grimaldi dis. Imp. Lemercier, Paris. With a double title in French. 10 engravings, viz: 1. Combattimento di Goito, 8 Aprile. Jules Gaildreau lith. 2. Battaglia di Pastrengo, 30 Aprile. Ch. Bour lith. 3. Battaglia di Santa Lucia, 6 Maggio. Bayot lith. 4. Combattimento di Calmasino, 29 Maggio. Ch. Bour lith. 6. Battaglia di Goito, 30 Maggio. Ch. Bour lith. 6. Resa di Peschiera: Entrata vittoriosa delle Truppe Piemontesi nella piazza, 31 Maggio. A. Bayot lith. 7. Combattimento di Governolo, 18 Luglio. A. Bayot lith. 8. Combattimento di Rivoli, Luglio 23. Jules Gaildreau et E. Ciceri lith. 9. Combattimento di Cavalleria sotto Volta, 27 Luglio. A. Bayot lith. 10. Carlo Alberto, alla testa dell Esercito Piemontese, varca il Ticino al Ponte di Gravelone, entra sul territorio Lombardo, e distribuisce il vessillo tri. colore. Torino, addi Marzo 1848. Bayot lith. PINGRET ( E.). See Louis Philippe. POWNALL (Gov.). Views. See North America. QUEBEC. Twenty-two Views. See Seenographia Americana. RALEIGH. Sir Walter Raleigh parting with his wife. Painted by E. Leutze. Engraved by Charles Burt. American Art-Union, New-York, 1847. 136 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. REMBRANDT. L'(Euvre de Rembrandt, reproduit par la photographic, de'crit et commentS' par M. Charles Blanc. Paris, Baudry, 1853. 10 livraisons of 4 plates each, fol. RIP VAN X INKLE illustrated. See Darley ( F. 0. C.). SACKFETT'S HARBOUR. Southeast View of Sackett's Harbour: T. Birch del. Copied from the original engraving by W. Strickland in t~he Portfolio, 1815. See N.Y. Doe. list. Maps. SAINTE CdCILE. Van Eycken pinxit. Lelli et Calamalta sculp. Bruxelles, 1850. SARDINIA. See Piedmont. SOENOGRAPRIAA AMERICANA; or a Collection of Views in North America and the West Indies. Engraved by Messrs. Snndby, Grignion, Rock-er, Elliot, Cainot, etc. from drawings taken on the spot by officers of the British army and navy. London, 1768. 74 engravings. 1 vol. fol. Contents Map of North America. Belleisle, town and fortress: seven views. Sauzon, town of, Landing of the New-Engfland Expedition against Cape Breton. Halifax, Nova-Scotia, 1764: six views. Quebec: 22 Views of the city, public buildings and vicinity, 1759; with Views of the Battle between Wolfe & lMontcalm; Falls of Montmorenei. M ontreal. Louisbonrg. New-York city: two views. -Boston, Massachusetts. Charlestown, S.C. Hudson's river, Topan sea. Passaick falls. Pakepsey and the Catt'sleill mnts. Great Cohoes falls. Be thlemi, Pa.: Moravian settlement. Beginning and Completion of an American settlement. Pisaiack falls, N.J.: north view. Niagara falls. Cataracts on the Casconchiagon, or Little Seneca' s river on Lake Ontario: three viewvs. Pensacola, West-Florida. Havana, Cuba -. ten views. Roseau, Island of Dominica. Fort Royal, Island of Guadalonpe: three views. Antigua island - three Oviews. Carthagena - SEARS ( Robert). Presentation of Mr. Sears's, Pictorial Works to H. M. Queen Victoria,- 1847., 0 SEBASTOPOL. A View of the Harbor and City: Drawn from nature by.Ph. Benoit. Pub. by W. Sehaus, New-York, 1854. SIBYL (A.). Painted by Daniel Huntington. Eng'd by J. WV. Casilear. American Art-Union, New-York, 1847. SIGNING ( The) of the Death-warrant of. Lady Jane Grey. Painted by Daniel Huntington. Eng. by Charles Burt. American Art-Union, New-York, 1848. SPARKING. F. W. Edmonds, painted 1839. Engraved by Alfred Jones. American Art-Union, 1845. New-York. TEMPERANCE. Certificate, on total abstinence from ardent spirits', signed by nine Presidents of the United States; with Engraving of the proposed Washington Monument. Lith. of R. H. Pease, Albany, 1854. Portf. TH AXES. Panorama* of the River Thames. See Illust. London News. G.L. ENGRAVINRAIGS, &c. 137 TRUMBULL (John). See Bunker's Hill, Decl. of Independence, Montgomery. UNITED STATES SENATE CHAMBER. Engraved from Daguerreotype likenesses in the National Miniature Gallery of Anthony, Clark & Co. Broadway, N. Y. Designed by J. Whitehorne. Eng'd by T. Doney. With an engraved key to the same. VIEWS of upwards of thirty cities and towns in Asia, Africa, and America; e. g. Nieu Amsterdam, al. New Yorck; Havana, Cartagena, St. Francisco de Campeche, etc. Carolus Allard excudit cum priv. ord. Holl. et Westfr. T. Doesburgh fe. (1675?). Without title. 1 vol. sm. fol. - Vues maritimes. See Gudin. WASHINGTON delivering his Inaugural Address, April 1789, in the Old City Hall, New-York. Painted by T. H. Matteson. Engraved by H. S. Sadd. New-York, John Neale, 1849. - Key to the Picture of Washington delivering his inaugural address. ---- See Portraits; Paintings. III. TABULAR CHARTS, ETC. BRADFORD (W.). See New-York. DE L'ISLE ( S. C.). Tables Chronologiques et historiques, 1714: Par S. C. De L'Isle. 4 f. See Atlases, De L'Isle. DISTURNELL'S United States National Register, 1847 and 1850, on two broad sheets; with an Engraving of the Capitol at Washington. Misc. fol. vol. 1. HENRY (James) jr. The Family and School Monitor. Pub. by James H. Colton. New-York. Misc. fol. vol. 1. HOLGATE ( Jerome B.). A genealogical, geographical, historical, biographical and chronological Chart. New-York, 1838. Rol. No. 36. JOHNSON (Frank G.). Philosophical Charts designed for the use of schools: Nos. 1-10. Published by A. Ranney, New-York, 1855. 10 sheets. Misc. fol. vol. 1. KNAPP AND R- IGHTMYER. Practical and Ornamental Penmanship. Lithograph. New-York. Misc. fol. vol. 1. LACHEVRE ( L'Abbe). Metrochrone Francois: Style Carolin, Cycle equinoxial, commencant en 1814, recommengant en 30614, 59414, etc. Par Mr. l'Abbe Lach6vre. Lith. de Engelmann. Maps vol. 9. NEW-YORK CITY. New-York Public schools: Eight blank forms of engraved diplomas, testimonials, etc. for the pupils, 1853, etc, LIB. IIIJ14? 18 138 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. NEW-YORK. Proclamation by His Excellency Benjamin Fletcher, Captain General and Governor in chief of their Majesties' Provinces of New-York, Pennsilvania, New-Castle, etc., warning the inhabitants of New-York to arm against the French: Aug. 25, 1693. Printed and sold by William Bradford, Printer to their Majesties King William and Queen Mary at the city of New-York, 1693. It is supposed to be the earliest specimen extant of Bradford's printing after he settled in New-York. Vide Thomas's History of Printing, vol. 2. See Law Library, Cat. p. 314. RUDDOCK (S. A.). A Statistical and Geographical Atlas of North America; showing the latitude and longitude of the capital cities, their distances from each other in every direction, from Quebec to Panama: By Samuel A. Ruddock, Mil. and Topog. engineer. New-York, 1825. Misc. fol. vol. 1. PHENIX FIRE OFFICE, London. Policy of Insurance of J. Caldwell of Albany, 1804. TAYLOR ( A. S.). Thermometrical Table..... comprising the most remarkable phenomena, chemical and physiological, connected with temperature, by Alfred S. Taylor...... London, 1845. 1 sheet. Miseo fol. vol. 1. ------- ^e -- ------- IV. PORTRAITS. ADAMS (John), Late President of the United States. ADAMS (John Quincy). Engraved by F. Kearny, from a Portrait by King, from Delaplaine's National Gallery. ALEXANDER of Russia. See Nicholas. BAINBRIDGE (Comm. William). See Naval Galaxy. BECK ( Theodric Romeyn). Engraved by H. B. Hall, from a Daguerreotype by H. McBride. BENTON (Caleb), Member of Assem. 1798. See New-York. BENTON (Thomas H.), Senator from Missouri. Published at Washington, Chs. Fenderich & Co. 1837. BIDDLE ( Clement C.). On Stone by A. Newsam, from a Daguerreotype by McClees and Germon. P. S. Duval lith. Philadelphia. BIRD (John), Member of Assem. 1798. See New-York. BLANC (Louis), Membre du Gouvernement provisoire. M. Alophe dess. Paris: Goupil, Vibert et Ci. BLUNT (N. Bowditch). E. Teel sc. Printed by Wellstood and Peters. BONAPARTE (Napoleon), NO le 9 7bre 1822, Membre de 1'Assembl6e Nationale 1848 (Corse). Dessine d'apres nature par La Fosse. Paris': Goupil, Vibert et CG., PORTRAITS. 139 BONAPARTE ( Pierre Napoledon), Nd' le 10 octobre 1815, Membre de l'Assembid'e Nationale 1848 (Corse). Dessin6' par Lianta. Paris: Goupil, Vibert et Cie. BOUK ( W. C.), Governor of the State of N.Y. Gavit & Duthie so. BOWEN (Benjamin), Member of Assern. 1798. See New-York. BOWMA 'N (Phineas), Mem. of Assembly, 1798. See New-York. BROWN (Maj. Gen. Jacob). J. W. Jarvis pinxit. Eng. J. C. Buttre', for the list, of Jefferson Co. by F. B. Hough. BROWN (Matthew) jr., Member of Assemu. 1798. See New-York. BUEL (Jesse), Editor of the Cultivator. Fred. Fink painted.. Ths. CnShman eng'd. BUONARROTI ( Michael Angelo). Le Tableau original appartient a Mr. Chaix d' Est Ange. Michel Ange pinxit. Alph. Fran~ois sculpsit., Paris, Goupil et Vibert. BURNET (William), Governor of New-York and New-Jersey, 172,0-2,8 From an original sketch by John Watson. Lith. ofI Sarony & Co. NewYork. CALHOUN (John C.), 1837. CANTINE ( Hon. Peter) jr., Senator of Middle D t. 1798. See N ew-York. CARTIER (Jacques), Native of St. Malo, France, discovers Canada in 1534 - 5. L'original existe 'a St. Malo. Lith. par F.- Davignon, d'apres le dessia de Thie Hamel. CAUSSIDItPRE ( Marc), Nd ' Gend've le 10 mai 1808 (Seine), Membre de l'Assemblede Nationale 1848. Dess-ind' par Lafosse. Paris: Goupil, Vibert et Ce'. CAVAIGNAC (Gen. E.), Nd ' Paris le 15 octobre 1802, President du Conseil-, Chef du Pouvoir executif: Assemhlede nationale, Galerie des IRcprdsentants du Peuple. Lith. par Lafosse. Paris: Gonpil, Vibert et Cie. With autograph. CLAY ( Henry), Late Speaker of the United States H-ouse of IRepresentatives, the Advocate of South-American Independence. Painted by Charles King. Eng'd by P. Maverick, N ew-York. With a title, otc. in Spanish. Washington, B. 0. Tyler, 1822. CLAY ( Henry). Engraved by J. Sartain from original drawings- a nd daguerreotypes. Pub. by U. B. Evarts, Louisville, Ky. 1853. Printed by Jas. Irwin, Phil'a. CLIFT (Lemuel), Member of AssemD. 1798. See New-York. CLINTON (IDeWitt), Member of Assem. 1798. See New-York. CLINTON ( DeWitt). In H~onour of DeWitt Clinton, late Governor of the State of New-York, etc. Designed and engraved by C. P. Harrison, New-York, 1828. CLINTON (George). See N. Y. Doe. lis~t. vol. 3. COLDEN (Cadwallader). V. Balch so. 140 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. COLUMBUS. Christophe Colombe. S. S. A. S. X. M. Y. Chrs. ferens. Ch. Bazin, Imp. Lith. Formentin. Edidit J. D. 1845. "From an authentic painting at Vicenza." See also Engravings II and V. COPE ( Thomas P.). Engraved by T. B. Welch from a daguerreotype by McClees and Germon, 182 Chestnut street. CRAWFORD ( William H.). Painted by J. W. Jarvis. Engraved by A. B. Durand. DECATUR (Comm. Stephen). See Naval Galaxy. DE CHAUMONT ( J. D. Le Ray): From Hough's Hist. Jefferson Co. DE LA MONTAGNIE (Jacob). Mem. of Assem. 1798. See New-York. DE LANCEY ( Right Reverend William H.), D.D. LL.D. Engraved by R. W. Dodson, from a sketch taken at Rome in 1835. DENNING (William), Member of Assem. 1798. See New-York. DEWEY (Joshua), Member of Assem. 1798. See New-York. FAIRBANKS ( Jason). Eng. by J. C. Buttre, from a daguerreotype for the Hist. of Jefferson Co. by F. B. Hough. FERDINANDO, Duca di Genova. G. Gonin figlio, 1851, fecit. Torino, Fratelli Doyen e comp. Proprieta artistica. FINE (John), LL.D. Eng. by J. C. Buttre, for Hough's Hist. of St. Lawrence and Franklin Counties. FONDA ( Douw I.), Member of Assembly, 1798. See New-York. FOOT (Isaac), Member of Assem. 1798. See New-York. FORD ( N.). Eng. by J. C. Buttre, for Hough's Hist. of St. Lawrence and Franklin Counties. FORT (Jacob A.), Member of Assem. 1798. See New-York. FRANKLIN ( William): From a small basso-relievo in the possession of Archer Gifford, esq. Lith. of Sarony & Co. New-York. GANSEVOORT ( Leonard), Member of Assembly, 1798. See New-York. GARZON (Su Exa D" Eugenio), General en Jefe del Ejercito del Estado Oriental. Lit. Isola y Valpetre, Montevideo, 1851. GELSTON ( David ), Senator Southern Dist. 1798. See New-York. GOLD ( Hon. Thomas R.), Senator Western Dt. 1798. See New-York. GRAHAM (James G.), Senator Middle Dt. 1798. See New-York. GRISWOLD (Gaylord ), Member of Assem. 1798. See New-York. HALL (Amos), Member of Assembly, 1798. See New-York. HANCOCK (John). See Eng. Decl. of Independence. HARRISON (William H.), President of the United States: From an original painting by Thomas Sully jr. Engraved by Sartain & Tucker, Philadelphia, 1841. HEATHCOTE (Caleb): From the original painting in possession of Rt. Rev. W. H. Delancey, Bishop of Western New-York. V. Balch eng. PORTRAITS. 141 HEERMANCE ( Andrew N.), Mem. of Assem. 1798. See New-York. HENRY (Alexander); with Sketch of his Life, from the New-York Merchant's Magazine for Jan. 1856. HENRY (Francis), Member of Assem. 1798. See New-York. HILDRETH (James), Member of Assembly, 1798. See New-York. HOAG ( Jonathan), Member of Assem. 1798. See New-York. HOGEBOOM (John C.), Member of Assem. 1798. See New-York. HOLLY (Luther), Member of Assem. 1798. See New-York. HOLT (Elijah), Member of Assem. 1798. See New-York. HOPKINS ( Jesse). J. B. Gavit sc.: From Hough's Hist. of Jefferson County. HOVEY (Benjamin), Member of Assem. 1798. See New-York. HOWARD (John), Member of Assembly, 1798. See New-York. HULL (Capt. Isaac). See Naval Galaxy. HUNGERFORD (Orville). Eng. by J. C. Buttre, for Hough's Hist. of Jefferson Co. JACKSON ( General Andrew), New-Orleans, Jan. 8, 1815. Painted by John Vanderlyn. Engraved by A. B. Durand. New-York, 1828. ---- Andrew Jackson, 1837 (? ) JAY ( His Excellency Gov. John). JEFFERSON (Thomas). See Eng. Decl. of Independence. JENKINS (Elisha), Member of Assem. 1798. See New-York. JOHNSON ( Richard M.), Vice-President of the United States. Published Washington, Chs. Fenderich & Co. 1837. JOHNSON ( Sir William), Bart., Major General of the English forces in North America. Copied from the original engraving published in the London Magazine, 1756. Eng'd by Gavit and Duthie. JONES (Capt. Jacob). See Naval Galaxy. JONES ( Hon. Samuel), Senator Southern Dr. 1798. See New-York. JUDSON (David C.). Eng. by J. C. Buttre, for F. B. Hough's Hist. of St. Lawrence and Franklin Counties. LA FAYETTE (Gen. Gilbert Motier de). Painted by A. Scheffer, Paris. Engraved by M. I. Danforth, New-York, 1825. LA FAYETTE ( G. M.). Engraved by F. Kearny, Philadelphia, 1824. - Lafayette. Maurin sc. LA GRANGE (Th.), N6 a Paris 28 f6vrier 1804: Assemblee nationale, Galerie des Representants du Peuple, 1848 (Seine). Dessine par La Fosse. Paris: Goupil, Vibert et Cie. With autograph. LEOPOLD, Premier Roi des Belges. Lithographie d'apres nature, par Baugniet, Dessinateur de S. M. LEWIS ( William), esq. Eng. by C. Goodman, from the picture by Stuart for the Analectic Magazine. 142 12NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. L'HOMMEDiEU (lion. Ezra), Senator Southern Dt. See New-York. LIVINGSTON (Philip), One of the Signers of the' Declaration of Independence. New-York, engraved by E. Pnudhomme from a pencil sketch. 6 copies. LYON (Caleb), of Lyonsdale. Lith. by D'Avignon, New-York, from daguerreotype by Brady. MACDONOUGH ( Comm. Thomas), of the U. S. Navy. Engraved by T. Gimbrede. Pub. by MT. H. Bowyer, New-York. MACDONOUGH ( Comm. T.). See Naval Galaxy. MCFARLAND (Robert), Member of Assem. 1798. See New-York. MONLEL ( Henry), Member of Assem. 1798. See New-York. MARCY (William L.), Ex-Governor of the State of New-York, and ExSecretary of War. Daguerreotype of Meads Brothers: Engrav ed by H. S. Sadd. MARRA5T (Armand), No' ' St. Gaudens, Haute Garonne, en 1802 Membre dui Goavernement Provisoire, Maire de, Paris, Predsident de l'Assemblh'e nationale.... Lith. par E. Desmaisons. Paris: Goupil, Vibert et Cie. With autograph. MASON (Daniell), Member of Assembly, 1798.' See New-York. MORRIS (Jacob), Senator Western Dist. See New-York. MORSE ( Timothy), Member of Assem. 1798. See New-York. NAVAL GALAXY. Portraits of Capts. Hull, Jones, Decatur, Bainbridge, Perry, Macdonough, Porter: Designed, written and published by L. Jackson, New-York. NEW-YORK. A Series of fifty-four engraved Portraits of the Members of the Senate and Assembly of the State of New-York in 1798; emnbracing 15 Portraits of the 33 members of the Senate, and 40 of the 109 members of the Assembly. Copies of the same. See New-York Doe. list. NICHOLAS, Emperor of Russia. The Imperial Family of Russia; embracing Portraits of the late Emperor Nicholas, the Emperor Alexan-" der, etc. Painted by Horace Vernet. Engraved by Jazet. Pub. by Goupil, Vernet et C'-. Paris. OGDEN (Nathaniel), Member of Assembly, 1798. See New-York. OGILVIE (John): Obit N ovr. 26th, 17174. Engraved by J. Duthie, from the painting by Copley in the possession of Trinity Church, NewYork. Print of R. H. Pease, Albany. PAGE (David P.), A. M. Principal of the State Normal School, Albany, New-York. Eng. by T. H. Welch, from a daguerreotype by S. D. Humphrey. Philadelphia, V. F. iHarrison, 1848. PARISH (David). Gavit & Co. Albany. From Hough's list, of Jefferson Co. PASTORET (Claude Emmanuel Joseph Pierre, Marquis de), Chancelier de France, Ministre d'Etat. Peint par Paul De La Roche. Grav6" par PORTRAITS. 143 PERRY (Comm. Oliver H.), of the U. S. Navy. Engraved by Thomas Gimbrede. Pub. by M. H. Bowyer, New-York. PERRY (Comm. Oliver H.). See Naval Galaxy. PHELPS (Seth), Sen. Western Dist. See New-York. PIERREPONT (Hez. 13.), of Brooklyn, L. I. Painted by H. Inman. Eng. by J. C. Buttre, for Hough's History of St. Lawrence and Franklin Counties. PORTER (Comm. David ). See Naval Galaxy. POTTER (Alonzo), D.D., LL.D., Bishop of the P. E. Church, Pennsylvania. Painted by William E. Winner. Engraved by William Warner. Philadelphia, V. F. Harrison, 1847. PRATT ( Hon. Zadock), of Prattsville, N.Y. J. D. Francis painter. T. Doney engraver. PRINCE (John), Member of Assem. 1798. See New-York. RAYMOND (Benjamin). Eng. by J. C. Buttre, from a painting by Ames for the Hist. of St. Lawrence Co. of F. B. Hough. ROSAS EL GRANDE. Pintado de el mismo grandor natural por Cayetano Descalzi. Lith. Julien. Paris, Lemercier. SANGER ( Jedediah), Senator Western Dist. See New-York. SCHUYLER ( Philip J.), Member of Assem. 1798. See New-York. SEARS (Robert). Engraved by A. L. Dick, from a daguerreotype by Chilton & Co. SEWARD ( William H.), U. S. Senator from N. Y. L. Grozelier lithographer. SILVESTER ( Peter), Senator.Middle Dist. 1798. See New-York. SMITH (Nathan), Member of Assem. 1798. See New-York. STUYVESANT (Peter). Engraved by Gimbrede, from an original by Van Dyke. TEN BROECK ( The Honorable Dirck), Speaker of the House of Assembly, State of New-York, 1798. THOMPSON (William), Senator Middle Dist. See New-York. TIOMAS (John), Mem. of Assembly, 1798. See New-York. TITIAN. Le Titien: Le Tableau original appartient a M. Chaix d'Est Ange. Titien pinxit. Alp. Francois sculpsit, 1842. Paris, H. Gache editeur. URQUIZA ( El Exo Sor G11 D" Jo. De ), Gobernador de Entre- Rios. Lit. Isola y Valp6tre, Montevideo, 1851. VAN ALSTYNE (Philip), Member of Assem. 1798. See New-York. VAN BUREN (Martin), President of the United States. From life, and on stone, by Chs. Fenderich, Washington. Lehman and Duval lith. Philadelphia, 1837. YAN RENSSELAER. (Jeremias), of Rensselaerwyck. Gavit and Duthie se, 144 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. VAN RENSSELAER (His Hon. Lt. Gov. Stephen). VAN RENSSELAER (Stephen). Painted by A. Dickinson. Eng. by A. B." Durand. VAN VEOLITEN (Abraham), Senator Eastern Dist. See New-York. VAUGHAN ( Rev. Edward), Missionary to New-Jersey, from the Soc. for the Prop. of the Gospel, 1709. From an original sketch. by John Watson. Lith. of Sarony & Co. N. Y. VERPLANOK (William B.), Member of Assem. 1798. See New-York. VICTOR EMMANUEL II. Vittorio Emanuele II, Rle di Sardegna. F. Gonin dis. del vero, 1850, Proprieta" artistica. Torino, Lit. IDoyen e Comp. VIVIEN p(AreFO'8Ale), Membre de la Commission de Constitution: Assemble'e nationale, 1848 (Aisne). Dessine' d'aprets nature par Gigoux. Paris: foupil, Vibert et Cie. WARNER (George), Mem. of Assem. 1798. See New-York. WASHINGTON (George), Late President of the United States of America. Painted by W. Birch, esq. of South-Carolina.-. aee..London, April 1800. Eng'd by P. Roberts. With aisketch of his life. WASHINGTON (George). From a Copy by M. A. Swett, taken from the original picture by Stuart in Fanueil Hall, Boston. Eng'd by T. Kelly, N.Y. 1836. WASHINGTON (George). Eng'd by J. Sartain, from the original painting from life by James Peale. See Washington ( G.). G. L. WASH INGTON (.George). Engraved by John Sartain; the original picture by Gilbert Stuart. See Washington ( G.). G. L. WASHINGTON (George). Maurin d'apres Stuart. WASHINGTON ( G.). See Misc. Eng., Dccl. of Independence, Binns. WATSON ( John), Portrait Painter 1715-68, 11 First limner in America." From an original sketch in the possession of W. A. Whitehead. Lith. of Sarony & Co. New-York. WHITE (Joseph), Senator Western Dist. See New-.York. WHITE (Rt. Rev. William), D.D. By A. Newsam. P. 5. Duval lith. Philadelphia, T. Latimer, 1838. WHITE ( Rt.. Rev. William), D.D., First President of Penn. Institution for the deaf and dumb. Drawn on stone by Albert Newsam, late pupil P...PS, Duval lith. WILLIAM III. William III, Koning der Nederlanden. WILLIAMSON (Charles), Member of Assem. 1798. See New-York. WINTHROP (John), Governor of Massachusetts. From' an original portrait in the Senate chamber of Massachusetts. Vandyke painter. C. W. Sharpe engraver. WOOD (Silas), Member of Assem. 1798. See New-York. WRIGHT (Silas). Engraved by F. Halpin. Entered according to Act of ENGRAVINGS, &c. 145 V. PAINTINGS. BECK ( T. R.). Portrait of Theodric Romeyn Beck, late Secretary of the Regents of the University and of the Trustees of the Library. BLEECKER ( H.). Portrait of Harmanus Bleecker, of Albany: Painted by Ames. COLUMBUS. Portrait of Christopher Columbus, at the age of 23 years. There is p:inted upon the portrait, "'Ano 1592, Aet. 23." The frame bears the inscription, " The Gift of Maria Farmer to the Senate of New-York, 1784." Mrs. M. Farmer was daughter of Abraham Gouverneur, and grand-daughter of Jacob Leisler, Governor of the Province of New-York in 1689 The Journal of the Senate of March 12, 1784, contains the following record: "A Letter from Mrs. Maria Farmer, directed to His Honor the President, offering to the acceptance of the Senate an ancient portrait, of the celebrated discoverer of America, Christopher Columbus, taken from an original painting, anno 1592, and which has been in her family for upwards of 150 years, was read. "Resolved, That this Senate do accept, with grateful acknowledgments, the ancient and valuable portrait offered by Mrs. Maria Farmer. "Ordered, That the acceptance thereof be signified by the President, in a letter to that lady, with the thanks of the Senate." See, also, Journal of the Senate, 1850: Appendix, by W. H. Bogart, Clerk. MARCY (W. L.). Portrait of William L. Marcy: Painted by A. W. Twitchell, Albany. WARDEN ( D. B.). Portrait of David Baillie Warden, formerly U. States Consul at Paris: Painted by Vanderlyn. WASHINGTON ( George). View of the ancient Residence of Lawrence Washington, an ancestor of George Washington, at Sulgrave Manor, Northamptonshire, Eng. It is an ancient residence of about the time of Edward IV. - Interior View of the Stair-case of the same mansion. Accompanying the above paintings, in frames, there are the following memorials of the family: 1. A Plaster Cast taken from the inscriptions on the monumental brasses of the family of Lawrence W ashington in the parish of Sulgrave. 2. Views transferred on paper of the figures of the deceased members of the family, found on the brasses. 3. Genealcgy of George Washington: The Coat of Arms of Washington. En. dicott's lith. New-York, W. A. Coleman, 1844. 4. The Genealogy of the Washington family from the remotest times, taken from " Baker's History of Northamptonshire." 5. A Piece of Oak from the family pew of the Washington family in the church of the same parish. - Washington's Head-quarters at Newburgh, N.Y. 1782: Painted by C. W. Tice. Camp-ground of the Army under General Washington near Newburgh, N.Y. 1782: Painted by C. W. Tice. [ LIB. III.] 19 146 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. VI. BUSTS. BEARDSLEY (Samuel). By Edward A. Clute, of Utica: in plaster. BECK ( Theodric Romeyn). By Tozoni, of Albany: in plaster. CAMPBELL ( John N.), D.D. By John Gott, of Albany: in plaster. CAMPBELL (John N.), D.D. Alt-relief, by Tozoni. CLINTON ( DC Witt). Copy in plaster by Tozoni, from H. K. Brown's. HAMILTON (Alexander). Copy in plaster, by Tozoni. LANSING ( Gerrit Y.). By John Gott, in plaster. PARKER (Amasa J.). By John Gott, in plaster. SEWARD ( William H.). WRIGHT (Silas). By Tozoni. CATALOGUE OF MEDALS, COINS, ETC. MEDALS, COINS, &c. I. MEDALS. II. COINs. III. PAPER MONEY. IV. SEALS, AND IMPRESSIONS OF SEALS. NOTE. In addition to the coins in the Catalogue, there are several hundred duplicate coins, silver and copper, which will be exchanged for others not in this collection. CATALOGUE OF THE NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. MEDALS, COINS, &c. I. MEDALS, American Medals. ADAMS ( John). Face, A bust of John Adams. Legend, John Adams, President of the United States.- Reverse, Two hands grasped, a hatchet and pipe. Legend, Peace and Friendship. Bronze. No. 70. ADAMS (John Quincy). Face, A bust of J. Q. Adams. Legend, John Quincy Adams, President of the United States.-Reverse, Two hands grasped; a hatchet and pipe. Legend, Peace and Friendship. Bronze. No. 74. ALLSTON ( Washington). Face, A bust of Allston.- Reverse, American Art-Union, 1847. Bronze. No. 67, BAINBRIDGE (William): FOR THE CAPTURE OF THE BRITISH FRIGATE JAVA. Face, Bust of Captain Bainbridgc. Legend, Gulielmus Bainbridge, patria, victisque laudatus.- Reverse, Two ships, one dismantled. Legend, Pugnando. Exergue, Inter Const. nav. amer. et Jav. nav. angl. Die xxix decemb. 1812. Bronze. No. 98. BIDDLE (James): FOR THE CAPTURE OF THE SLOOP OF WAR PENGUIN. Face, A bust of Captain Biddle. Legend, The Congress of the U.S. to Capt. James Biddle, for his gallantry, good conduct, and services.- Reverse, Two ships engaged. Legend and Exergue, Capture of the British Sloop Penguin, off Tristan d'Acunha, March 23, 1815, by the U.S. Ship Hornet. Bronze. No. 110. BLAKELEY (Johnston): FOR THE CAPTURE OF THE BRITISH SLOOP OF WAR REINDEER. Face, A bust of Captain Blakeley. Legend, Johnston Blakeley, Reip. foed. am. nav. Wasp dux. - Reverse, Two ships engaged. Legend, Eheu! bis victor: patria tua te luget, plauditq. Exergue, Inter Wasp Nav. amer. et Reindeer Navy angl. Die xxviii jun. 1814. Bronze. No. 108, 150 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. BLISS ( William W. S.): FOR HIS MILITARY SERVICES IN MEXICO. Face, A bust of Colonel Bliss. Inscriplion, Presented to Lieut. Col. Bliss of the U.S.A. for his gallant services in Mexico, by the State of New-York.-Reverse, The Arms of the State of New-York. Legend, Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, Monterey, Buena Vista. Gold of California. No. 124. This copy is deposited in the New-York State Library, by order of the Legilature of the State of New-York. BROWN (Jacob): FOR GALLANT CONDUCT AT ERIE, NIAGARA AND CHIPPEWA. Face, A bust of Gen. Brown. Legend, Major General Jacob Brown.- Reverse, The Roman fasces, the top encircled with a laurel wreath, from which are suspended three tablets with the inscriptions " Erie, Niagara, Chippewa," encircled by stands of British colors: eagle with wings outspread. Legend, Resolution of Congress, November 3, 1814. Exergue, Battles of Chippewa, July 5, 1814; Niagara, July 25, 1814;,Erie, September 17, 1814. Bronze. No.111. BuRRows ( W.): FOR THE CAPTURE OF THE BRITISH SLOOP OF WAR BOXER. Face, An Urn with military ornaments, and on it inscribed W. Burrows: Victoriam tibi claram patrice mestam.- Reverse, Two vessels engaged. Legend, Vivere sat vincere. Exergue, Inter Enterprise Nav. amer. et Boxer Nav. brit. Die iv sept. 1813. Bronze. No. 101. CALIFORNIA. Face, Head of Liberty, 1849.- Reverse, A Gold-digger. Exergue, California, 1849. Sm. brass. No. 154. CASSIN (Stephen): VICTORY oN LAKE CHAMPLAIN. Face, A bust of Lieut. Cassin. Legend, Steph. Cassin, Ticonderoga prcefect. Quwe regio in terras nos non plena lab.- Reverse, Fleets engaged. Legend, Uno latere percusso, alterum impavide vertit. Exergue, Inter Class. amer. et brit. Die xi sept. 1814. Bronze. No. 106. CLAY ( Henry). Copy of a Gold Medal presented by Citizens of NewYork to Mr. Clay, 1852. Face, A bust of Henry Clay, within a wreath. - Reverse, A wreath enclosing a list of his public acts and services. Bronze. No. 125. This copy was presented to the Senate of the State of New-York, and by that body ordered to be placed in the State Library. An account of the proceedings on presenting the gold medal to Mr. Clay, and also of the Senate, Feb. 14, 1853, on parchment, accompanies the above. CLAY ( Henry). Face, A bust of Clay.- Reverse, A wreath. Legend, The Champion of Republicanism and the American System. White metal. No. 157. CLAY ( Henry). Face, A Bust. Legend, Henry Clay.- Reverse, Clay and Frelinghuysen, Protection and Union. Sm. brass. No. 143. CROGHAN (George): FOR THE DEFENCE OF FORT SANDUSKY. Face, A bust of Colonel Groghan. Legend, Presented by Congress to Colonel George Croghan, 1835.- Reverse, Fort of Sandusky besieged. Legend, Pars magna" fuit. Exergue, Sandusky, 2d August, 1813. Bronze. No. 121. DECATUR (Stephen): CAPTURE OF THE BRITISH SHIP MACEDONIAN, Face, Bust of Captain Decatur. Legend, Stephanus Decatur, Navarchus pugnis pluribus victor.- Reverse, Two ships in fight. Legend, Occidit signum hostile, sidera surgunt. Exergue, Inter Sta. Uni. nay. amer. et Macedo, nav. ang. Die xxv octobris 1812, Bronze, No. 97. MJIEDALZS, &c. 1115 ELLIOT (Jesse ID.):'VICTORY ON LAKE ERIE. Face, Bust of Captain Elliot. Legend, Jesse ID. Elliot, T~il aetum reputans, Si quid superesset agendumi.- Re:verse, The fleets eng-aged. Legaend, Viamn invenit virtus, aut facit. Exergue, Inter Class. amer. et brit. Die x sept. 1.813. Bronze. No. 100. FILLMORE ( Millard ). Face, A bust of Mr. Fillmore. Lelgend, Millard Fillmore, President of the United States. 1850.- Reverse, Man conversing with an Indian. Legend, Labor, virtue, honor (within 3 links). Silver. No. 160. FILLMORE (Millard ). Fate, Bust of Fillmore. Legfend, Millard Fillmore for the whole country.- Reverse, American Eag le, Exergue, United States of Amnerica. C31 S. Sm. brass. No. 1A27. FLEURY (ID. De):For. TAK.-ING STONY POINT. Face, A soldier helmeIted, standing on the ruins of a fort, etc. Leg-end, Virtutis et audacim monum. et prm-mium. AD de Fleury, Equiti gallo primo super muros, reip. americ. d. d.- Reverse, Two water batteries firing, etc. Legend, Aggeres paludes. hostes victi. Exergue, Stony Point expugn. xv jul. 177 9. Bronze. No. 86. FRANKLIN ( Benjamiin). Face, A bust of Franklin. Leg-end, Benj. Franklin, natus Boston 17 jan. 1706.- Re'verse, Eripuit ceolo fulmien, seeptrumque tyraninis. Bronze. W. C. No. 42. GAINES (Edmund P.): FOR GALLANT CONDUCT IN THE, BATTLE' OF ERIE. Legenid, Edmund P. Gaines.- Reverse, Victory standing on a shield, placing a laurel crown on' the top of a cannon fixed upright, and inscribed 11 Erie.." On one trunnion rests a stand of British colors, and from the other is suspended a broadsword: various other military arms. Legend, Resolution of Congrress, November 3, 1814. Exergue, Battle of Erie, Aug. 15, 1814. Bronze. No. 116. GATES ( Horatio): SURRENDER AT SARATOGA. Face, Head of General Gates. Legend, Horatio Gates, duce strenuo, Comitia americana.-Reverse, 'The Surrender of Burgoyne to Gates, in front of the America~n and British troops. Legend, Salus regionum, septentrional. Exergue, Hoste adt Saratogam. in dedition. accepto. Die 17 Oct. 1777. Bronze. No. 82. GREENE (Nathaniel): FOR GALLANT CONDUCT AT EUTAW SPRINGS. Face, Head of General Greene. Legend, Nathanieli Greene, egregio duel Comitia, americana.- Reverse, Victory lighting on the earth. Legend, Salus regionum. australium. Exerga e, Hostibus ad EAutaw debellatis, die viii sept. 1781. No. 92. GREENE ( Gen. Nathaniel ). The same. The obverse. In lead. No. 4.1. The same. The Reverse. In lead. No. 44. IJA'SKINS (W. P.): WOODWORTII'S PATENT PLANIN"G MXCRINE. Reverse, Plank planed and matched by W. P. Haskins, Troy, N.Y. 1834. Sm. copper. No. 150. HARRISON ( William H.): FoR. CONDUCT AT THE BATTLE OF THE THAMES. Face, A bust of General Harrison. Legend, Major Gene. ral William H.1J-iarrison.-Reverse, A female piaciugr a wreath around bayonets fixed on muskets, and a eolor staff stacked over a drum and -cannon, how and quiver; her right hand resting on a shield,, bearing 152 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. the arms of the United States. From the point of union, hangs a badge inscribed " Fort Meigs, Battle of the Thames." Legend, Resolution of Congress, April 4, 1818. Exergue, Battle of the Thames, Oct. 5, 1813. Bronze. No. 119. HARRISON ( W. H.). Face, A bust of Harrison. Legend, William Henry Harrison, President of the United States. - Reverse, Two hands grasped, a hatchet and knife. Legend, Peace and friendship. Bronze. No. 77. HARRISON ( W. H.). Face, Bust of Harrison. Legend, Maj. Gen. W. H. Harrison, 1841.-Reverse, American Eagle, with Go it Tip, Come it Tyler. Sm. brass. No. 152. HARRISON ( W. H.). Face, Bust of Harrison. Legend, Maj. Gen. W. H. Harrison, born Feb. 9, 1773.- Reverse, Log Cabin. Exergue, The People's choice in the year 1840. Sm. brass. No. 153. HENLEY (Robert): FOR THE VICTORY ON LAKE CHAMPLAIN. Face, A bust of Capt. Henley. Legend, Rob. Henley, Eagle prefect. Palma virtu. per mternit. florebit.- Reverse, Fleets engaged. Legend, Uno latere percusso, alterum impavide vertit. Exergue, Inter class. amer. et brit. Die xi sept. 1814. Bronze. No. 105. HOPPER ( Isaac T.). Face, A bust. Legend, Isaac T. Hopper.-Reverse, Legend, To seek and to save that which was lost. Bronze. No. 145. HOWARD (John E.): BATTLE OF COWPENS. Face, A mounted officer pursuing an officer on foot; Victory descending with a wreath. Legend, Joh. Egar Howard, Legionis peditum preefecto, Comitia americana.Reverse (enclosed in a wreath ): Quod in nutantem hostium aciem subito irruens, proeclaikum bellice virtutis specimen dedit in pugna ad Cowpens, xvii jan. 1781. Bronze. No. 90. HULL (Isaac): FOR THE CAPTURE OF THE ENGLISH FRIGATE GUERRIERE. Face, Head of Captain Hull. Legend, Isaacus Hull, peritos arte superat jul. 1812, Aug. certamine fortes.- Reverse, Two ships in fight. Legend, Horse momento victoria. Exergue, Inter Const. nav. amer. et Guer. angl. Bronze. No. 95, JACKSON (Andrew): FOR THE VICTORY AT NEW-ORLEANS. Face, A bust of General Jackson. Legend, Major General Andrew Jackson.Reverse, Victory seated, and holding a tablet before her with her left hand, on which she has commenced the record with the word " Orleans;" but is interrupted by a female personifying Peace, who holds an olive branch in her right hand, and directs Victory to record the peace. Legend, Resolution of Congress, February 27, 1815. Exergue, Battle of New-Orleans, January 8, 1815. Bronze, No. 118. JACKSON (Andrew). Face, A bust of Andrew Jackson. Legend, Andrew Jackson, Pres. of the United States.- Reverse, Two hands grasped, a hatchet and pipe. Legend, Peace and friendship. Bronze. No. 75. JEFFERSON (Thomas). Face, A bust of Jefferson. Legend, Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States.- Reverse, Two hands grasped, a hatchet and pipe. Legend, Peace and friendship. Bronze. No. 71. JONES (Jacob): CAPTURE OF THE BRITISH SLOOP OF WAR FROLIC. Face, Bust of Captain Jones. Legend, Jacobus Jones, virtus in ardua tendit.--Reverse, Two ships in fight. Legend, Victoriam hosti majori celerrime rapuit. Exergue, Inter Wasp nav. amer. et Frolic nav. ang. Die xviii oct. 1812. Bronze. No. 96. MEDALS. 153 JONES ( John Paul): CAPTURE OF THE ENGLISH FRIGATE SERAPIS, BY LE BON HOMME RICHARD. Face, Head of John Paul Jones. Legend, Joanno Paulo Jones, classis prmfecto, comitia americana.Reverse, Two frigates engaged. Legend, Hostium navibus captis aut fugatis. Exergue, Ad oram Scotim, 23 sept. 1778. Bronze. No. 83. JONES ( John Paul). The same. In lead. No. 45. LAWRENCE ( James): FOR THE CAPTURE OF THE BRITISH BRIG PEACOCK. Face, A bust of Captain Lawrence. Legend, Jac. Lawrence. Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.-Reverse, Ships engaged; one sinking. Legend, Mansuetud. maj. quam victoria. Exergue, Inter Hornet nav. amer. et Peacock nav. aug. Die xxiv feb. 1813. Bronze. No. 103. LEE (Henry): ATTACK AT PAULUS HOOK. Face, Head of Henry Lee. Legend, Henrico Lee, Legionis equit. prmfecto, Comitia americana.Reverse (enclosed in a wreath): Non obstantibus fluminibus vallis, astutia et virtute bellica, parva manu hostes vicit, victosque, armis humanitate devinxit. In mem. pugn. ad Paulus Hook, die xix aug. 1779. Bronze. No. 88. LIBERTY. Face, Figure of Liberty. Legend, Libertas americana, 4 juil. 1776.- Reverse, Pallas holding a shield in her left hand, with three fleurs-de-lis on it, and opposing it to a leopard, which is springing against it; her right hand drawn back, and holding a barbed javelin, as if in the act of plunging it into the leopard: under the shield, an infant strangling a serpent, which he is holding up, and at the same time stooping to pick up another at his feet. Legend, Non sine Diis animosus infans. Exergue, 17-19 oct. 1777-1781. Bronze. No. 39. LIBERTY. Face, Figure of Liberty: Libertas americana, 1783.-Reverse, A figure representing the American Union, with these words: Communi consensu. Lead. No. 46. McCALL (Edward R.): FOR THE CAPTURE OF BRITISH SLOOP OP WAR BOXER. Face, A bust of Lieutenant McCall. Legend, Navis Enterprise prmfectus: sic itur ad astra.-Reverse, Two vessels engaged. Legend, Vivere sat vincere. Exergue, Inter Enterprise nav. amer. et Boxer nav. brit. Die iv sept. 1813. Bronze. No. 102. MACDONOUGH (Thomas): FOR THE VICTORY ON LAKE CHAMPLAIN. Face, A bust of Capt. Macdonough. Legend, Tho. Macdonough, Stagno Champlain clas. reg. brit. superavit.- Reverse, Fleets engaged. Legend, Uno latere percusso, alterum impavide vertit. Exergue, Inter Class. amer. et brit. Die xi sept. 1814. Bronze. No. 104. MACOMB (Alex.): FOR THE VICTORY AT PLATTSBURGH. Face, A bust of General Macomb. Legend, Major General Alexander Macomb.- Reverse, A battle: Plattsburgh in sight; troops are crossing a bridge; vessels engaged on the lake. Legend, Resolution of Congress, Nov. 3, 1814. Exergue, Battle of Plattsburgh, Sept. 11, 1814. Bronze. No. 117. MADISON (James). Face, A bust of Madison. Legend, James Madison, President of the United States.- Reverse, Two hands grasped: a hatchet and pipe: Legend. Peace and friendship. Bronze. No. 72. r L" II.1 HI. 8Q 154 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. MILLER (James): FOR GALLANT CONDUCT AT CHIPPEWA, NIAGARA AND ERIE. Face, A bust of General Miller. Legend, Brigadier General James Miller. Exergue, " I'll try." - Reverse, Two armies engaged on a hill; troops advancing at a distance. Legend, Resolution of Congress, Nov. 3, 1814. Exergue, Battles of Chippewa, July 5, 1814; Niagara, July 25, 1815; Erie, Sept. 17, 1814. Bronze. No.113. MONROE (James). Face, A bust of Monroe. Legend, James Monroe, President of the United States.--Reverse, Two hands grasped: a hatchet and pipe. Legend, Peace and Friendship. Bronze. No. 73. MORGAN (Daniel): BATTLE OF THE COWPENS. Face, An Indian Chief crowning an officer with a laurel wreath. Legend, Danieli Morgan duci exercitus, comitia americana.- Reverse, A Battle; an officer charging a flying enemy. Legend, Victoria libertatis vindex. Exergue, Fugatis, captis aut caesis ad Cowpens hostibus, xvii jan. 1781. Bronze. No. 89. PAULDING, WILLIAMS AND VAN WART, Captors of Major Andr6 ( This medal is an exact copy in silver). Device, a Shield. Legend, Fidelity.- Reverse, a Wreath. Legend, Vincit amor patriee. No. 87. PERRY (Oliver): FOR THE VICTORY ON LAKE ERIE. Face, Bust of Capt. Perry.- Legend, Oliverus H. Perry, Princeps Stagno Eriensi classim totam contudit.- Reverse, The fleets engaged. Legend, Viam invenit virtus, aut facit. Exergue, Inter Class. amer. et brit. Die x sept. 1813. Bronze. No. 99. POLK ( J. K.). Face, A bust of Polk. Legend, James K. Polk, President of the United States.- Reverse, Two hands grasped: a hatchet and pipe. Legend, Peace and friendship. Bronze. No. 79. PORTER ( Peter B.): FOR GALLANT CONDUCT AT CHIPPEWA, NIAGARA AND ERIE. Face, A bust of General Porter. Legend, Major General Peter B. Porter.- Reverse, Victory holding a palm branch in one hand, and three stands of colors, inscribed " Niagara, Erie, Chippewa," in the other; the Muse of History recording. Legend, Resolution of Congress, Nov. 3, 1814. Exergue, Battles of Chippewa, July 5, 1814; Niagara, July 25, 1814; Erie, Sept. 17, 1814. Bronze. No. 114. PREBLE ( Edward):FOR THE ATTACK ON THE DEY OF TRIPOLI. Face, Head of Commodore Preble. Legend, Edwardo Preble, Duci strenuo, Comitia americana.- Reverse, The American fleet bombarding Tripoli. Legend, Vindici commercii americani. Exergue, Ante Tripoli, 1804. Bronze. No. 94. PREBLE ( Edward ). The same. Bronze. No. 40. PROHIBITORY LIQUOR LAW. Face, A wreath. Legend, To commemorate the Passage of the Prohibitory liquor law.-Reverse, An inverted cup. Exergue, State of New-York, July 4, 1855. No repeal. Sm. brass. No. 132. PROHIBITORY LIQUOR LAW. The same. Brass. No. 133. RIPLEY (Eleazer W.): FOR GALLANT CONDUCT AT CHIPPEWA, NIAGARA AND ERIE. Face, Bust of Gen. Ripley. Legend, Brigadier General Eleazer W. Ripley.- Reverse, Victory holding up a tablet on the branches of a palm tree, inscribed " Niagara, Chippewa, Erie." Legend, Resolution of Congress, Nov. 3, 1814. Exergue, Battles of MEDALS.)ICS 15 - Chippewa, July 5th, 1814; Niagara, July 25th, 1814; Eric, Sept. 17, 1814. Bronze. No. 112. ROBINSON ( R. & W.). Obverse, American Institute, 1New- York.-R everse, Copy of a Gold Medal awarded to 1R. & W. Robinson for the best military, naval and sporting flat buttons, 18-36. Smn. copper. No. 142. ROBINSON, JONES & CO. Obverse, American Institute New-York.-Reverse, Copy of a medal awarded to Robinson, Jones & Co. for the best military, naval, sporting and plain flat butth'ns, 1833". Smn. copper No. n136. ROBINSON, JONES & Co. The same. Sin. copper. No. 137,. SCOTT (Winlfleld): FOR GALLANT CONDUCT AT CHJIPPEWA AND) NIAGARA. Face, A bust of General Scott. Leg-end, Major Genieral1 Winfield Scoftt-Reverse, Resolution of Congress, November 'a,18.14, Battles of Chippewa, July 5, 1814; Niagara, July:25, 1814: surrounded by a wreath of laurel and palm, entwining a snake. Bronze. No. 115. SCOTT ( Winfleld) Fop. CONDUCT DURING THE MEXICAN WVAR. Face, A bust of General Scott. Le-gend, Major General Winfleld Scott. Exergite, Resolution of Congress, March 9, 1848.- Reverse, Various battle-fields, inscribed "1Ver-a Cruz, Cerro Gordo, Contreras, San Antonio and Churabusco, Molino del Roy, Chapultepec: in the centre, City of Mexico. Bronze. No. 123. SCOTT (Winfleld ). Face, Head of Scott. Le gend, Major General Winfield Scott. -Rev erse, Chippewa, Lundy's Lanec, Cerro Gordo, Conti-eras, Cherubusco, Chapultepec, Mexico. Smn. brass. No. 128. SHELBY ( Isaac):FOR CONDUCT AT THE. BATTLE OF THE THAMES. Face, A bust of Governor Shelby. Legend, Governor Isaac Shelby. -Reverse, Battle of the Thames: Governor Shelby charging with the mounted rangers. Legend, Battle of the Thamies, October 5, 1813. Exergue, Resolution of Congress, April 4, 1818. Bronze. No. 120. STEWART (Charles):FOR THE CAPTURE OF THE CYANE AND LEVANT Fac, Abust of Captain Stewart. Legend, Carolus Stewart, Navis a-mer. Constitution dux.-. Reverse, Three ships-engaged. Legend, Una vietoriamn eripuit ratibus binis. Exergue, Inter Constitut. nay. amer. et Levant et Cyin'e a-v. aug. Die xx febr. 1815. Bronze. No. 109. STEWART ( John): TAKING OF STONY POINT. Face, Au Indian Queen presenting a palm branch to Captain Stewart. Legend, Joanni Stewart' cohortis prmfeoto, Coniitia, americana. - Reverse., A fortress on an eminence; an officer cheering his men, etc. Exergae, Stony Point oppugnatunl xv jul. 1779. Bronze. No. 85. STUART ( Gilbert ). Face, A bust of Stuart. - Reverse, American ArtUnion, 1848. Bronze. No. 68. TAYLOR (Zachary): Fort CONDUCT DURING THE MTEXICAN WVAR. Face, A bust of General Taylor. Legend, Major General Zachary Taylor. Exergue, Resolution of Congress, May 9, 1848.- Reverse, Armies in conflict. Legend, Buena Vista, Feb. 22 & 28, 1847. Bronze. No. 122. 156i 156 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. TAYLOR (Zachary). Face, A bust of Taylor. Legend, Zachary Taylor, President of the United States.- Reverse, Two hands grasped: a hatchet and pipe. Legend, Peace and friendship. Bronze. No. 80. TRUXTON ( Thomas): CAPTURE OF THE FR,,IGATE LA VENGEANCE BY THE FRPtIGATE CONSTELLATION. Face, Head of Captain Truxton. Leg-end, Patriva patres filio digno.- Reverse, Two 'ships engaged in action. Legend, The United Statcs Frigate Constellation of 38 guns, puseattacks, and vanquishes the French ship La Vengreance of 54 'guns. 1 Feb. 1800. Bronze. No. 93. TYLER (John). Face, A bust of Tyler, President of the United States. -Reverse, Two hands grasped: a hatchet nnd pipe. Legend, Peace and friendship. Bronize. No. 78. VAN BUREN ( Martin). Face, A. bust of Van Buren. Legend, Martin Van Buren, President of the United States.- -Reverse, Two hands grasped: a hatchet and pipe. Legend, Peace and friendship. Bronze. No. 76. VERPLANOKC (Gulian C.). Face, Head. Legend, Gulian C. Verplanek, our next Governor.- Reverse, American Eagle. ELkergue, A faithful friend to our country. Sm. brass. No. 135. WARRINGTON (Lewis): FOR THE CAPTURE OF THE, BRITISH BRIG L'E PERYIE-R. Face, A bust of Capt. Warrington. Legend, Ludovicus, Warrington, Dux navalis ainer.-Reverse, Two ships engaged. Legend, Pro patria paratus aut vincere ant mori. Exergue, Inter Peacock nay. amer. et Epervier nav. angl. Die xxix mar. 1814. Bronze. No. 107. WASHINGTON (George): EVACUATION OF BOSTON BY THE BRITIsH FORCES, 1776. Face., The Head of General Washington. Legend, Georgio Washington supremo duci, Exercitnum adscrtori libertatis: comitia americaaa.-Reverse, Troops advancing towards a town, which is seen at a distance; troops marching to a river; General Washington on horseback, with his staff. Legend, Hostibus primo fugatis. Exergite, Bostonium. recuperatum xvii martii 1776. Bronze. No. 81. WASHINGTON (George). Face, A bust of Washington. Legend, George Washington, President of the United States. -Reverse, Hands grasped, a hatchet "and pipe. Legend, Peace and friendship. Bronze. No. 69. WASHINGTON (George). Face, Head of Washington. Legend, George Washington.- Reverse, Success to the United States. Sm. brass. No. 134. WASHINGTON (William A.): BATTLE OF' COWPENS. Face, A mounted officer at the head of a body of cavalry, charging; 'Victory over the head of them. Legend, Gulielmo Washington, Legionis equit. preefecto, Comitia americana.-Reverse, Quod parva militum manu,, strenue p 'rosecutus hostes, virtutis ingenitoo prawclarum specimen dedit in pugna ad Cowpens, xvii jan. 1781. Bronze. No. 91. WASHINGTON ( William A.). The same. In lead. The reverse only. 43. WAYNE (Anthony): TAKING OF STONY POINT. Face, An Indian Queen presenting a Wreath to General Wayne. Legend, Antonio Wayne, Duci strenno, Comitia americana.-Reverse, A fort on the top of a hill, troops advancing, etc. Legend, Stony Point oppugnatum. Exergue, xv ju?"l. 11 1779.Broze.No.Q84 MEDALS. 157 WEBSTER (Daniel): COPY OF MEDAL PRESENTED BY CITIZENS OF NEW-YORK TO MR. WEBSTER. Face, A bust of Daniel Webster. Legend, Daniel Webster.- Reverse, A column supporting a globe; on the base of the column, " I still live." The Capitol at Washington in the distance. Legend, Liberty and union, now and forever, one and inseparable. Bronze. No. 126. WOODWORTH'S PATENT, PLANING MACHINE. Reverse, This machine is capable of planing, etc. 18 feet of boards in a minute, 1834. Sm. copper. No. 151. Belgian Medals. ACADIEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES, etc. Prize Medal. Face, A bust of King Leopold. Legend. Leopold Premier Roi des Belges.- Reverse, A female figure presenting a laurel wreath with one hand, and extending the other. She is surrounded by several other female figures or muses. Legend, Acad6mie des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts. Excrgue, Arret Royale du 1r mars 1845. Bronze. No. 62. SURLET DE CIOKIER. Face, Bust of the Baron. Legend, Baron E. L. Surlet de Chokier, Regent de Belgique.-Reverse, La Belgique Ind6 -pendante au R6gent, Decret du Congres National du xx juillet 1831. Bronze. No. 63. VERVIERS AND AIX-LA-CHAPELLE RAILROAD. Face, A bust of Leopold I. Legend, Leopold I, Roi des Belges.-Reverse, Three standing figures holding each other by the hand, and their respective shields. On the right, the cathedral church of Antwerp; and on the other, that of Colla.In the foreground, the river gods, the Rhine and the Scheldt, resting on their urns. Legend, La guerre les a divisees: la paix les rdunira. Exergue, Inauguration du chemin du fer de Verviers a Aixla-Chapelle, xv octobre 1843. Deschamps, Ministre des travaux publics. Bronze. No. 64. VERVIERS AND AIX-LA-CHAPELLE. Face, A locomotive. Legend, Inauguration du chemin du fer de Verviers a Aix-la-Chapelle, xv oct. 1843.-Reverse, A wreath, and two hands clasped. Sm. brass. No.156. British Mledals, ANNE, Queen. Struck at her coronation. Face, A bust. Legend, Anna D. G. Mag. Br. Fr. et Hib. Regina.- Reverse, Hercules destroying Hydra. Legend, Vicem gerit illa tonantis. Exergue, Inaugiirat xxiii ap. MDCCII. Sm. silver. No. 2. BETTY ( W. H.). Face, A bust. Legend, William Henry West Betty.Reverse, A wreath. Legend, British tragedian, aged 13 years, A. D. 1804. White metal. No. 7. BROCK (Isaac). Face, A monument. Legend, Sir Isaac Brock, the Hero of Upper Canada.- Reverse, Success to commerce, and Peace to the world, 1816. Sm. copper. No. 138. BROCK (Isaac). The same. No. 139. CAROLINE, Queen. Face, A bust. Legend, Caroline D. G. Brit. Regina. -Reverse, Hail! Britain's Queen! Thy virtues we acknowledge, and lament thy wrongs. Exergue, Returned to England, June 5, 1820. Sm. bronze. No. 5. 158 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. CHARLOTTE, PRINCESS: Struck on occasion of her death. Face, A bust. Legend, I. IR. H. the Princess Charlotte.-Reverse, Monument. Legend, Britannia mourns her' Princess dead. Exergue, Died, Nov. 6, 1817; aged 21. Sm. brass. No. 4. EDINBURGH AND GLASGOW RAILROAD. Face, The great viaduct over the valley of the Almond. Exergue, To commemorate the opening of Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway, Feb. 18, 1842.- Reverse, Entrance to the Glasgow Railway station and Tunnel. White metal. No. 36. EDWARD I. Face, Engraved Portrait.--Reverse, British arms. Sm. silver. No. 14. EDWARD IV. Face, Engraved Portrait.- Reverse, British arms. Sin. silver. No. 16. EDWARD VI. Face, Engravel Portrait.- Reverse, British arms. Sm. silver. No. 18. ELIZABETH, QUEEN. Face, Engraved Portrait.-Reverse,. British Arms. Sm. silver. No. 19. GEORGE AND CHARLOTTE: Struck at Coronation. Face, Bust of George and Charlotte. Legend, Geo. & Charlotte, Crowned Sept. 22, 1761.Reverse, A wreath. Legend, Virtue and Beauty crown our King, Freedom his People. Sm. brass. No. 3. GEORGE III. Face, Bust of King George. Legend, Georgius Tertius Rex.- Reverse, Bust of Queen Charlotte. Legend, Chariotta Britannim Regina. Sm. bronze. No. 1. GEORGE III. Face, A bust of George III. Legend, Georgius III, Dei Gratia. Reverse, The British Arms. Lead. No. 66. GEORGE IV: Coronation Medal. Face, A bust of George IV. Legend, Georgius IV, D. G. Rex.- Reverse, A Herald proclaiming. Legend, God save the King. White metal. No. 34. GEORGE IV: Visit to Scotland. Face, A bust. Legend, Georgius IV, Britanniarum Rex.- Reverse, The Thistle. Exergue, Visit to Scotland, Aug. 1822. Sm. brass. No. 144. HAROLD. Face, Engraved Portrait.-Reverse, British Arms. Sm. silver. No. 8. HENRY I. Face, Engraved Portrait.-Reverse, British Arms. Sm. silver. No. 10. HENRY II. Face, JEngraved Portrait.- Reverse, British Arms. Sm. silver. No. 11. HENRY III. Face, Engraved Portrait.- Reverse, British Arms. Sm. silver. No. 13. HENRY IV. Face, Engraved Portrait.- Reverse, British Arms. Sm. silver. No. 15. HENRY VIII. Face, Engraved Portrait.- Reverse, British Arms. Sm. silver. No. 17. REFORM MEDAL. Face, Salus Populi suprema lex: Patron William IV Rex, Earl Grey, Ld. Brougham, Ld. John Russell and the People, 1831.-Reverse, Reform, Commerce, Trade, Cheap Bread, Happiness, 'The Rights of the People. Bronze. No. 146. MEDALS. 15.9 RICHARD I. Face, Engraved Portrait.- Reverse, British Arms. Sm. silver. No. 12. WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR. Face, Engraved Portrait.- Reverse, British Arms. Sm. silver. No. 9. WILLIAM III. Face, William III mounted. Legend, The Glorious Memory, King and Constitution.- Reverse, Crown, Sceptre and Sword. Exergue, God save the King. Sm. silver. No. 37. WILLIAM, DUKE OF CUMBERLAND: Struck for Services rendered during the Rebellion of 1745. Face, A bust. Legend, Gulielmus Dux Cumbrioa.-Reverse, Melioribus uterv fatis, 1746. Sm. bronze. No. 6. WELLINGTON, DUKE OF. Face, Head of Wellington. Legend, Hispaniam et L usitaniam restituit Wellington.-Reverse, Viiniera, Talavera, Almeida, Cuidad Rodrigo, Badajoz, Salamanca, Madrid, St. Sebastian, Pampluno. Sm. copper. 7With dates. No. 140. S The same. No. 141. Daniish Medal. CHRISTIAN, KING OF DENMARK. Face, A bust. Legend, Christianus, D. G. Rex. Dan. Norv. vand. Goth.- Reverse, Stabili foedere junxit. Exergue, D. xxvii VMart. MDCCXCIV. Silver. No. 29. Erench iiedais. SOfEREIGNS OF FRANCE: A SERIES OF SEVENTY-FOUR MEDALS OF THE SOVEREIGNS OF FRANCE, from Pharamond to Louis Philippe. Struck by order of Charles X, up to the period of his own reign. In bronze. - PIIARAMOND. Face, A bust. Legend, Pharamond Roi de France. - Reverse, Pharamond le' Roi: N....'. Roi, 420. Pharamond fils pr6sume de Margomir, Chef de la Ligue Franke, stationn6 sur le Mayn. Ce prince aurait succ6de' a son pere apres avoir 6te 61u ' Treves par ses soldats dans le Palais de Constantin, 420. Tournai sur l'Escaut aurait QtB la residence de Pharamond, et le sicge de son gouvernement. Publication de la Loi Salique, 422. Mort 428. No. 161. CLODION. Face, A bust. Legend, Clodion Roi de France.--,Reverse, Clodion dit le Chevelu, 2ne Roi: Ne.... Roi, 428. Defait des Francs par Etius General Romain, 432. Paix avec les Romains, 433. Rupture de la paix par Clodion; prise de Bavai et autres places sur les Romains, 438. Prise de Tournai, de Camnbrai et d'Anmiens, 445. Irruptions sur les Terres des Atrebates, 446. Mort 448. No.162. MIOV- aOV E. Face, A bust. Legend, Merovde Roi de France.Reverse, M6rov6e, 31ne Roi; fils ou proche-parent de Clodion: N e.. Roi, 448. Ligue entre Merov6e, ]Etius et Thbodoric, contre Attila Roi des Huns. Difaite d'Attila dans les plaines de Chalons sur Marne, 454. Excursions de Merov~e jusqu'aux bords de la Seine. Commencement de la premiBre Race dite des Merovingiens. Mort 458. No. 163. - CHILDERIC I. Face, A bust. Legend, Child0ric I, Roi de France. -Reverse, Child6ric I, 41e Roi; fils de Merovie: N 437, Roi 458. D"position de Child6ric, et Remise du pouvoir ia fgidius Grnrall bo 160 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. FRENCH MEDALS - SOVEREIGNS OF FRANCE, continued: main', 459. Cruaut~e' d'Egidius et Rappel de Childe~rie, 464. Partage des villes et du butin pris sur les 0-allo-Romains, 465. Guerro avec lee, Saxons et lee Visigoths. Bataill~e d'Orle'ans, 473. Prise de Paris, 474. Mort 481. No. 164. CLOVIS I. Face, A bust. Legend, Cliovis I, dit lo Grand, Roi do France.- Reverse, Clovis I, dit le Grand, 5'u- Roi: Fils de Childe'ric IN046 Roi 481. Bataillo de Soissone, 486. Prise de Tongyres, 492. Maniage de Clovis avec Clotilde, 493. Bataille de Tolbiac; Clovis embrasee le Christianisme; Bapteme de Clovis par St. Remni, 496. Prise de Paris. Soumission des Bretons et des Bourguignone_, 497-500. Victoire do Vouille6 cur lee Visigoths, 507. Extension de l'autorit6' de Clovis jusqui'aux Pyre'n'es, 508. Nouvelle redaction de la ici salique, 511. Mort 511. No. 165. CIIILDEBERT 1. Face,'A bust. Legend, C hildebert I, Roi do France.- Reverse, Childobert I, 6m, Roi.: Fils de Clovis I, Ne6 498, Roi 511. Partagop des Eitats de Clovis entre see quatre file. Childebert regne a Paris, 511. Expe'dition eontre lee Bourguiguoiis, de concert avee Clodomir et Clotaire, 525. Mort do Clodomir; Partago de ses 6tats, 526. IDefaite d'Arnalaric Roi des Visigoths, 531. Conqueto de la Bourgogne par Childebert et Clotaire, 534. Expedition de Childebert et do Clotairo contre los Visigoths d'Espagne, 543. Traite' avec Crainne file de Clotaire, 555. Mort 558. No. 166. CLOTAIRE I. Face, A bust. Legenzd, Clotairo I, Roi de France. -Reverse, Clotaire 1, T7e Roi: Fils de Clovie I, N6" 497, Roi t558. Chuldebert 6tant mnort sans poste'rite' male, Clotaire re'unit sous son pouvoir touto la monarchic, 558. Guerres avee los Thuringions et los Saxons, 558 'a 560. Revolto ot de~faite do Chramn file de Clotaire, 560. Visite de Clotairo au tombeau do St. Martin 'a Tours, 561. Mort 561. No. 167. CARIBERT. Face, A bust. Legend, Caribert, Ro'i do France.Reverse, Caribert, 8010 Roi: File do Clotairo, Ne6 519, Roi 562. Apr~e' la mort de Clotairo, partago do sese 6tats entre see quatre file. Caribert obtient l'Aquitaine et Paris, Gontran lo Bourgrogno, Chilperic la Neustrie, ot Sigobort 1Austrasie, 562. Premie~ro mention does Maires du Palais, 566. Mort 567. No. 168. CHILPRIC I. Face, A bust. Leg end, Chilpe'ric I, Roi do France. -RevrseChip~ri I,9~ Ri: ile do Clotaire I, N' 537, Roi 567. InimitieS do Frede'gonde et do Brunehaut. Guerre civile qui divise lee France pendant un domi-sie~cle. Conf6rence entre Chilpe'rie, Gontran ot Sigebert, 574. Siege do To'urnay par Sigebert, 575. Trait6' avec Childebert, 583. Mort 583. No. 169. CLOTAIRE II Face, A bust. Legendi, Clotaire 11, Roi do France. -Reverse, Clotaire IT, 1.0mt Roi: File de* Chilp eric, Ne' 583, Roi 584. Rge'ance do Fre'degondo et do Gontran, 584. Traite6 d'Andelot, 587. Agression' do Childebort, 592. Bataillo do Droissy, 592. Re~union do touto la monarchie, 614. Capitul-aires, 615. Assemble~o des Seigneurs do Bourgogne, 616. Creation do Plaids, 617. Association do Dagyobert au trono, 622. Mort 628. No. 170. 1DAGOBERT I. Face, A bust. Legend, Dagobert I, dit 10 Grand, Roi do France.-Reverse, Dagobert IL dit le Grand, limo, Roi: File do Clotnire I 'i, N4 A96Q2 19oR28.Fondr~ion ndo P Abbaycr do St. Denis, MEDALS. 161 630. S6jour on Austrasie, 630. Reunion de toute la monarchie apres la mort de Caribert, 631. Sigebert fils ain de Dagobert nommn par son pare Roi d'Austrasie, 633. Soumission des Gascons revolt's, 635 et 636. Mort 638. No. 171. - CLOVIs II. Face, A bust. Legend, Clovis II, dit le Fain6ant, Roi de France.- Reverse, Clovis II, 12me Roi: Fils de Dagobert I, Nd 634, Roi 638. Tutelle de la Reine Nautilde et d'Ega, Maire du Palais. Convocation ' Orlians des Seigneurs de Bourgogne, 641. Mort de la Reine Nautilde, 642. Reunion de toute ]a monarchic aprds la mort de Sigebert, 650. Assemblde ' Clichi des Grands et des Evdques du Royaume, 653. Mort 656. No. 172. - CLOTAIRE III. Face, A bust. Legend, Clotaire III, Roi de France.-Reverse, Clotaire III, 13 e Roi: N6 650, Roi 656. Rdgence de Batilde, Reine mdre, de 656 ' 666. Ebroin succede a Erohinoald dans la dignitd de Maire du Palais, 666. Orgueil, violence et cruautes du nouveau maire. Retraite de Batilde a l'Abbaye de Chelles, 670. Mort 670. No. 173. - CHILDItRIC II. Face, A bust. Legend, Childdric II, Roi de France.-Reverse, Childdric II, 14'me Roi: Fils de Clovis II, Nd 651, Roi 670. Roi d'Austrasie de 660 ' 670. Proclamd Roi de France en 670, par les soins du Due Vulfoad et de St. Leger Eveque d'Autun. Exil de St. Leger au Monastdre de Luxeu, 673. Assassinat de Childeric dans la fordt de Livri par Bodillon, 673. Mort 673. No. 174. - THIERRI I. Face, A bust. Legend, Thierri I, Roi de France.Reverse, Thierri I, 15n3 Roi: Fils de Clovis II, Nd 652, Roi 673. Ebroin, ancien Maire du Palais, fait proclamer roi un prdtendu fils do Clotaire III, 673. Il marche sur Paris, et en ravage les environs, 674. Thierri retablit Ebroin dans sa charge de Maire du Palais, 675. Adalric se ligue avec les Austrasiens pour detroner Thierri, 676. Bataille de Lafau, 680. Bataille de Testri, 687. P pin rdgno sous le nom de Thierri, 688. Mort 691. No. 175. - CLOVIs III. Face, A bust. Legend, Clovis III. Roi de France. -Reverse, Clovis III, 16"8 Roi: Fils de Thierri I, No 681, Roi 691. Pepin Maire du Palais, rdgne sous le nom de ce prince: ii force Radbod, Due des Frisons, a demander la paix, et a payer tribut; et ii affermit son pouvoir par ]a d6faite des Souabes et des Saxons. Mort 695. No. 176. - CHILDEBERT II. Face, A bust. Legend, Childebert II, dit le Juste.-Reverse, Childebert II, dit le Juste, 17ime Roi: Fils de Thierri I, Ne 683, Roi 695. Pdpin profite de la faiblesse de Childebert pour nommer Grimoald, le plus joune de ses deux fils, Maire du Palais, et etablir Drogon, son aind, Due de Champagne. lort 711. No. 177. - DAGOBERT II. Face, A bust. Legend, Dagobert II, Roi' de France.-Reverse, Dagobert II, 18m Roi: Fils de Childebert II, Nd 700, Roi 711. Theodoald, petit-fils de Pepin, remplace Grimoald son pere dans la dignitd de Maire du Palais, et devient tuteur de Dagohert, 714. Revolte des Frangais, et Bataille dans la Foret de Guise, 715. Mort 715. No. 178. CLOTAIRE IV. Face, A bust. Legend, Clotaire IV, Roi de France.- Reverse, Clotaire IV, 1.9"" Roi, Prince du Sang Mdrovingien: Roi 715. Apris Pagobert II, le trbne appartenait a Chilpdrio [LviW? ITT. 162 1NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. FRENCH MEDALS - SOVEREIGNS OF FRANCE, continued: II, que Rainfroy avait tire du cloitre, et voulait faire reconnaitre roi. Charles Martel, vainqueur de Rainfroy, place Clotaire IV sur le trbne, et r6gne lui-mrme sous le nom de Maire du Palais. Mort 716. No.179. ------ CHILPtRIC II. Face, A bust. Legend, Chilperic II, Roi de France.- Reverse, Chilp6ric II, 20'n Roi: Fils de Child6ric II, No 670, Roi 716. Apres la mort de Clotaire IV, Charles Martel r6tablit Chilperic sur le trbne, en conservant sous le titre de maire toute l'autorit6 royale. Bataille d'Amblef, 716. Bataille de Vincy, 717. Bataille de Soissons, 719. Siege de Toulouse par les Sarrasins. Mort 720. No. 180. - THIERRI II. Face, A bust. Legend, Thierri II, dit de Chelles, Roi de France.- Reverse, Thierri II, dit de Chelles, 21" Roi: Fils de Dagobert II, Ne 712, Roi 720. Charles Martel, Maire du Palais, regne sous le nom de ce prince. Guerre contre les Saxons, 722. Victoires remportees par Charles Martel sur les Allemands, les Souabes, les Bavarois et les Saxons, 725 a 730. D6faite des Sarrasins entre Tours et Poitiers, et mort d'Abd6rame leur chf, 732. Mort 837. No. 181. - CHILDTRIC III. Face, A bust. Legend, Childeric III, Roi de France.-Reverse, Childeric III, 22m" Roi: Fils de Chilperic, Ne 733, Roi 742. Place sur le trone en 742 par Carloman et Pepin le Bref, fils de Charles Martel, Childeric III ne gouverne que sons la tutelle de ces princes. Soumission de l'Aquitaine, 744. Claustration de Carloman a Rome, 746. Deposition de Childeric III, et election de Pepin, 752. Mort 754. No. 1z2. P- PIN. Face, A bust. Legend, Plpin dit le Bref, Roi de France. - Reverse, Pepin dit le Bref, 23"'3 Roi: Fils de Charles Martel, NO 714, Roi 752. Revolte et defaite des Saxons, 752. Guerre avec Astolphe Roi des Lombards, 754 a 756. Parlement tenu a Verneuil, et Assemblee du Champ de Mai, 755. Nouveau soulevement des Saxons, 757. Prise de Narbonne et ConquSte de la Septimanie, 759. Expulsion des Sarrasins de la Gothie. 759. Guerre contre Waifre Due d'Aquitaine, 760 a 768. Mort 768. No. 183. - CHARLEMAGNE. Face, A bust. Legend, Charlemagne, Roi de France.-Reverse, Charlemagne, 241"" Roi: Fils de P6pin le Bref, No 742, Roi 768. Soumission de l'Aquitaine, 769. Bataille du Torrent, 772. Guerre en Italie contre Didier, 773. RBception du Roi a Rome, 774. Charlemagne Roi d'Italie, 774. Guerres contre les Saxons, 775 a 783. Soumission de Witikind et d'Albion, 785. Code Th6odosien, 788. Diete a iRatisbonne, 791. Nouvelles guerres avec les Saxons, 791-797. Grand Concile de Frankfort, 794. Charlemagne Emp. Occident, 800. Premi.ire descente des Normands, 808. Association de Louis a l'Empire, 813. Mort 814. No. 184. - Louis I. Face, A bust. Legend, Louis I, dit le D6bonnaire, Roi de France.- Reverse, Louis I, dit le Debonnaire, 25me Roi: Fils de Charlemagne, N' 778, Roi 814. Serment de fidelit6 pret6 par les Romains, 816. Couronnement a Reims par le Pape Etienne IV, 816. Hommage de Hiarald Roi de Danemarek, 826. Revolte des Grands et de l'Armee, 830. Arrestation et deposition de Louis, 833. Diete do Thionville, 835. Assemiblee d'Aix-la-Chapelle, 837. Desceute des Danois on Nornands, 838. Mort 840. No. 185, MEDALS. 163 - CHARLE-S II. Face, A bust. Legend, Charles II, dit le Chauve, Roi de France.- Reverse, Charles II, dit le Chauve, 26"e Roi: Fils de Louis le D6bonnaire, Ne 823, Roi 840. Bataille de Fontenai en Puisaie, 841. Entrevue de Charles et de Louis de Baviere " Strasbourg, 842. Partage des Etats de Lothaire leur frdre, 842. Levie du siege de Toulouse, 843. Assemblie des trois frdres a Verdun, et partage de la monarchie frangaise, 843. Invasion des Normands, 843 ' 857. Soulivement des Grands, 858. Nouveau partage des dtats de Lothaire, 870. Couronnemient du rui comme Empereur par le Pape Jean VIII " Rome, 875. Assemblke a Quierzi sur Oise, 877. Mort 877. No. 186. - Louis II. Face, A bust. Legend, Louis II, dit le Bdgue, Roi de France.-Reverse, Louis II, dit le Bdgue, 27me Roi: N6 846, Roi 877. Distribution des trisors de Charles le Chauve, 877. Donations do fiefs a titre h brditaire, 877. Reception du Pape Jean VIII, 878. Concile de Troyes; Renouvellement par le Pape du couronnement du Roi, 878. Repression des courses -des Normands, 879. Mort 879. No. 187. Louis III and CARLOMAN II. Face, Two busts in profile. Legend, Louis III et Carloman, IRois de France.- Reverse, Louis III et Carloman II, 28'a Rois: PFils de Louis le Bdgue; Nes, Louis III, 860; Carlominan II, 865: Rois 879. Entrevue de Louis et de Carloman avec Charles le Gros, 873. Defaite des Normands, 879. Alliance avec Louis de Saxe, 870. Partage de la monarchie entre Louis et Carlomnian, 880. Assemblie a Gondreville, 880. Victoire remportde sur Hugues le Batard par Louis et Carloman, 880. Prise de Macon par Louis et Carloman, 880. Bataille de Saucourt gagnue par Louis III sur les Normands, 881. Paix entre Carloman et les Normands, 884. Morts, Louis III, 882; Carloman II, 884. No. 188. - CHARLES LE GRos. Face, A bust. Legend, Charles le Gros, Roi de France.- Reverse, Charles le Gros, 29me Roi: Fils de Louis le Germanique, Nd 832, Roi 884. Sidge de Paris par les Normands, sous la conduite de Sigefroi et de Sinrich. HiroYque ddfence de l'veque Gozlen en l'absence de Charles le Gros, 885-886. Paix ondreuse avec les Normands, 886. Didte de Tribur, et Deposition du Roi par les Grands, 887. Election d'Eudes, fils de Robert le Fort, 887. Mort 888. No. 189. - EUDES. Face, A bust. Legend, Eudes, Roi de France.-Revewse, Eudes, 30on Roi: Fils de Robert II, N0 858, Roi 887. Guerre avec les Normands, 889. Bataille de Montfaucon, 889. Rdvolte du Conite Waltgaire neveu d'Eudes, 892. Sidge et prise de Laon, 802. Guerre en Aquitaine, 892-3. Guerre avec Charles le Simple, 893. Paix conclue avec Charles le Simple, et partage de la monarchic, 896. Mort 898. No. 190. - CHARLES III. Face, A bust. Legend, Charles III, dit le Simple, Roi de France.- Reverse, Charles III, dit le Simple, 31ne Roi: FPils do Louis II, Nd 879, Roi 898. Guerres avec les Normands, 900 ' 911. Paix avec Rollon leur chef, 911. Reconnaissance du Roi par la Lor. raine, 912. Rdvolte des Seigneurs assemblds a Soiasons, 920. Soumission de 1'Alsace et de la Lorraine, 920. Nouvelle r6volta des Grands. Deposition du Roi & Soissons, et olection de Robert, 922. Combat livrd a Robert, et sa mort, 923. Captivitd du Roi &a Chateau Thierri et a Peronne, 923-929. Mort 929. No. 191. 1644 64NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. FRENCH MEDALS - SOVEREIGNS OF FRANCE, continued: I RAOUL. Face, A bust. Legend, R aoul, Roi de France. -Rever7se, iRaoul, t32rn" Roi: Fils de Richard Due de Bourgogne, Ne' 893, Roi 923. Invasions des Normands ct des ilongrois, 924. Traite6 avec Charles le Simple, 928. Guerre en Aquitaine, ct Victoire remporte~e sur Guillaume Duc de Normandie, 930. Soumission du Languedoc, 932. -Ligue entre les Rois de F rance, d'Allemagne et de Bourgogne, 935. Mort 936. No. 192. -Louis IV. Face, A bust. Legend, Louis IV, dit d'Outremer, Roi de France.- Reverse, Louis IV, dit d'Outrem-er, 33me Roi: Fils de Charles le Simple, Ne 9,21, Roi 936. Sc-Jour en Angleterre, 924 'a 936. Invasions des Hongrois, 937. Ligue des Seigneurs, 938. Prise de Reims par lese Rebelles, 940, Guerre en Normandie et captivit6' du roi, 942 "a 945. Restitution de ln Normandie, 945. Fin de in captivite6 du roi, 946. Ligue avec Otton et Arnould, 946. Concile 'a Ingeiheimi, 948. Traite6 avec ilugues, le Grand, 950. Guerre en Auvergne, 951. Mort 954. No. 193. 1LOTIIAIRE. Face, A bust. Legend, Lothaire, lici de France.Reverse, Lothaire, 34,ne Roi: Fils de Louis d'Outremer, Ne' 941,1 Roi 954. Guerre en Aquitaine centre le Due Guillaume, 955. Voyage du Roi 'a Rome, 953. Guerre avec l'Empereur Otton. Surprise d'Aix-laChapelle, et prise do Metz, 978. Bataille de Soissons, 979. Traite' avee Otton, 980. Guerre en Lorraine, 984. Secours 'a Borel, Conmte do Barcelonne, 985. Mort 986. No. 194. 1Louis V. Face, A bust. Legend, Louis V, dit le Faine'ant, Roi de France.- Reverse, Louis V, dit le Faine~ant, 35rne Roi: Ne6 967, iRoi 986. Sie'e et prise de Rheims, 986. Arme'e levee pour marcher au secours de Borel Comite de Barcelonne, dans une guerre contre lee, Sarassins, 886 'a 987. Dissensions entre le Roi et in Reine Blanche, 987. Mort 987. No. 195. IIUGUES CAPET. Face, A bust. Leg~end, ilugues Capet, Rol do France. -Rev ers e, Hugues Capet, 36m38 Roi: Fils do Hugues le Grand, Ne' 941, Roi 987. Guerre avec Charles Due de Lorraine, 984 "a 994. Association de Robert son fils At la cou'ronne, 988. Prise de Laon, 990. Reunion 'a in Couronne du Duch6 'do France, et des Comte's do Paris et d'Orleians. Invention do l'horloge 'a balancier par Gerbert. Mort 996. INo. 196. ROBERT. Face, A bust. Legend, Robert, Roi do France. - Reverse, Robert, 37me Roi: Fils doeilugues Capet, N6' 970, Roi 996. Excommunication du Roi et interdit du royanme, 998. Guerres avec Landry Comte do Nevers, 1000; et avec Otto Guillaume, 1.002. Guerre avec Henri II, 1007. Reunion du Duch6 de Bourgogne, 1015. Voyage 'a Rome, 1019. Secte des Maniche'ens, 1022. Renouvellement do l'Alliance avec Henri 11, 1023. Troubles dane in famille royale, 1023 et 1030. Mort 1031. No. 197. ____HENRI I. Face, A bust. Legend, Henri I, Roi do FranceReverse, Henri I, 38m"0 Roi: Ne" 1005, Roi 1031. Prise des Chateaux do Poissi et de Puiset, 1031. Famine en France,- 1032. Don du Duceh6 do Bourgogne 'a Robert son frere, 1032.. Cession du Vexin fran~ais an Duc do Normandie, 1032. Prise du Chateau do Gournai, 1033. Treiwe do Dieu, 1041. Mal des ardents, 1042. Bataille do Mortemer, 1054. Nouvelie famine, 1059. Mort 1060. No. 198. MEDALS. 165 - PHILIPPE I. Face, A bust. Legend, Philippe I, Roi de France. -Reverse, Philippe I, 39m1e Roi: N6 1053, Roi 1060. Acquisition du Gatinais, du Vexin frangais, et de la Vicomt6 de Bourges, 1068. Bataille de Montcarrel, 1071. Paix avec Robert Comte de Frise, 1071. Guerre avec Guillaume le Conquerant, 1075. Conciles de Rheims et d'Autun, 1094. Concile de Clermont, 1095. Premiere Croisade, 1095. Concile de Poitiers, 1100. Reception du Pape Pascal, 1107. Mort 1108. No. 199. - Louis VI. Face, A bust. Legend, Louis VI, dit le Gros, Roi de France.- Reverse, Louis VI, dit le Gros, 40me Roi: Fils de Philippe I, Ne 1077, Roi 1108. Guerre en Normandie, 1109 a1111. Paix de Gisors, 1113. Nouvelle guerre avec 1'Angleterrc, 1116. Bataille de Brenneville, 1119. Prise d'Yvri, 1119. Treve, 1119. Autre guerre, 1121. Prise du Comte de Mantes, 1123. Agression et retraite de 1'Empereur Henri V, 1124. Paix avec l'Angleterre, 1124. Soumission du Comte d'Auvergne, 1126. Mort 1137. No. 200. - Louis VII. Face, A bust. Legend, Louis VII, dit le Jeune, Roi de France.-Reverse, Louis VII, dit le Jeune, 41me Roi: Fils de Louis le Gros, N6 1120, Roi 1137. Prise et sac de Vitry, 1142. Paix avec le Comte de Champagne, 1144. Cour pleniere & Bourges, 1145. Croisade, 1147. Retour en France, 1149. Mort de Suger, 1152. Reception du Roi d'Angleterre a Paris, 1158. Pose de la premiere pierre de 1'Eglise Notre Dame, 1163. Guerre avec l'Angleterre, 1173 a 1175. Paix, 1176. Mort 1180. No. 201. - PHILIPPE II. Face, A bust. Legend, Philippe II, dit Auguste, Roi de France.-Reverse, Philippe II, dit Auguste, 42me Roi: Fils de Louis VII, Ne 1165, Roi 1180. Edit contre les Juifs, 1182. Defaite des Brabangons, 1184. Pavage de Paris, 1184. Assembl~e du Champ Sacre, 1188. Armes donneesa la Ville de Paris, 1190. Croisade, 1190 - 1191. Combats de Gisors, 1197, 1199. Conquete de la Normandie, du Maine, de 1'Anjou, de la Touraine et du Poitou, 1203, 1204. Bataille de Bouvines, 1214. Mort 1223. No. 202. - Louis VIII. Face, A bust. Legend, Louis VIII, dit ]e Lion, Roi de France.-Reverse, Louis VIII, dit le Lion, 43me Roi: Fils de Philippe Auguste, Ne 1187, Roi 1223. Prise de Niort, de Saint Jean d'Angcli, et de la Rochelle, 1224. Conquete du Limosin et du P6rigord, 1224. Treve avec l'Angleterre, 1225. Prise d'Avignon, 1226. Soumission du Languedoc, 1226. Mort 1226. No. 203. - Louis IX. Face, A bust. Legend, Louis IX, dit Saint Louis, Roi de France.- Reverse, Louis IX, dit Saint Louis, 44"me Roi: Fils de Louis VIII, Ne 1215, Roi 1226. Soulevement de l'Universit6, 1229. Assemblee des Grands du Royaume a St. Denis, 1235. Bataille de Taillebourg, 1242. Croisade, 1248. Captivite et d6livrance du roi, 1250. Retour en France, 1254. Assemblee des Etats du Royaume a Abbeville, 1259. Hopital des Quinze-vingts, 1260. Pragmatique Sanction, 1269. Nouvelle Croisade, 1270. Mort 1270. No. 204. - PHILIPPE III. Face, A bust. Legend, Philippe III, dit le Hardi, Roi de France.- Reverse, Philippe III, dit le Hardi, 45m~ Roi: NO 1245, Roi 1270. Treve avec Tunis, 1270. Reunion du Comte de Toulouse a la Couronne, 1271. Lettres d'anoblissement, 1272. R6volte et chitiment de Roger Bernard, 1272. Remise du Comtat Venaissin au Pape, 1274. Paix avec l'Angleterre, 1279. Guerre avec Pierre III, Roi d'Aragon, 1285. Mort 1285. No. 205. 166 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. FRENCH MIEDALS - SOVEREIGNS O-FFRANCE, continued: PHILIPPE IV. Face, A bust. Legend, Philippe IV. dit le Bel, Roi de Franc-..-Reverse, Philippe IV, cut le Bel, 46fle Roi: N6" 1268, Roi 1285. Honimage dui Roi d'Angleterre, 1286. Guaerre avec 1'Angleterre, 1292 'a 129-6. Guerre en Flancire, 1297. Traite6 avec l'Ang-leterre, 1303. JBitaille do Mons en Puelle, 1304. Paix avec la Flandro, 1304. E~dits sur los monnalies, 1306, 1307. Proce's des Templiers', 1307. Guerro et Tre've avec la Flandre, 13813. Mort 1314. No. 206. Louis.X. Face,, A bust. Legend, Louis X, dit le. Hutin, Rol de' France.- Reverse, Loifis X, dit le ilutin, 47""0- Roi:N e 1289, Roi 1314. Condamnnation d'Enguerrancl de Marigny, 1315. Enq ~e sur los, privile'ges des nobles et des 1315. Aifranchissement des serfs moyennant finance, 1315. Edit de rappel des Juifs, 1315., Guerro et Paix avec les Flamnands, 1315 et 131-6. Mort 1316. No. 207. PHILIPPE V. Face-, A bust. Legend, Philippe V, cut, le Long, Roi de France.- Reverse, Philippe V, dit le Long, 4811,e Roi: N6 1.284, Roi 1317. Concilo de Senlis; Aifranehissement des serfs, 1319. Poursuites contre les Albigyeois, les, Vaudois et 1es Be'gards, et contro les, Lepreux. et los. Juifs, 1319 'a 1321. Mort 1322. No. 208. ICHARLES IV. Face, A bust. Legend, Charles IV, dit le Bel, Rol de France.- Reve'rse, Charles IV, dit le Bel, 49rn'e Roi: Fils de Philippe le Bel, Ne' 1295, Roi 1322. Rdglemens, sur les monnaies. Repression des ahus, de justice et. des entreprises de la noblesse, 1322. Conquete de l'A~renois et de la Guyenne, 1324. Paix avec l'Angleterre, et main-levL~e de la Guiyenne, 1325. Nouvelle guerre avec l'Angleterre, guerre cite des Bhtards, 1326. Mort 13'28.. No. 209. PHILIPPE VI. Face, A bust. Legend, Philippe VI, Roi do France.- Reverse, Philippe VI,_ dit de Valois, 5Oflre Roi: Fils de Charles de Va 'lois, Ne 1293, Roi 1328. Bataille de Cassel, 1328. Hommage dui Roi d'Angrleterre, 13-29., Etablissoment des greniers 'a sel et de la gahelle, 1331. Guerre. et. tredves avec l'Angleterre, 1336 'a 13941. JBataille de Cre'ei, 1346'. Siedge de Calais par 1es, Anglais, 1346. Tredve avec l'Angleterrc, 1348. Acquisition du Dauphin6, 1349. Mort' 1350. No. 210. JEAN. Face, A bust. Legend, Jean le Bon, Roi de France.Reverse, Jean dit le Bon, 5111, Roi: Fils de. Charles de Valois, Ned 1319, Roi 13-50. Institution de l'Grdre do l'Etoiie, 1:351.. Convocation des R tats-ge'neraux, 1355. Bataille de Poitiers et. Captivite' du roi, 1356. R tablissoment de la Cour des aides, 1356. Commencement doeIk Jacquerie,1 1358. Le Dauphin Charles, R egent, 1358. Paix do Bredtigny, et Retour du Roi en France, 1360. M1ort hi Londres, 1364. No. 211. CHARLES V. F'ace, A bust. Leg-end, Charles V, Roi do France. - Reers, Carle V,52-e Roi: Fils do Jean le Bon, N' 1337, Roi 1364. Bataillo doe Cocherol et d'Aurai, 1364. Guerre avee, l'Espagne', 1366. Guorros ave c los Anglais, 1368h 1375. Pose do la irepired la Bastille, 1370. Fixation do la majorite' des rois do France 'a 14 ans, 1374. Redduction do Ia Guyonne et do' la Bretagne, 11377., Entreviie avec l'Empereur, 1378. Mort 1380. No. 212. CHARLES VI. Face, A bust., Legend, Charles VI, Roi do France. -Reverse, Charles VI, 53me Roi: Fils do Charles V, No' 1368, Roi 1380. Bataille do Rosebeeq, 1382. Re~volte dit des M1aillotins, 1382. Paci.;ficationn do % Ia Flanre,1383. Gueirre en Breagnfne, 1392. f)Idit+ MEDALS. 167 contre les Juifs, 1394. Factions des Armagnacs et des Bourguignons, 1410. Confdrence de Pontoise, 1413. Bataille d'Azincourt, 1415. Bataille de Bauge, 1421. Mort 1422. No. 213. - CHARLES VII. Face, A bust. Legend, Charles VII, Roi de France.- Reverse, Charles VII, 54mn Roi: Fils de Charles VI, Nei 1403, Roi 1422. Combat de Gravelle, 1423. Delivrance d'Orl6ans par Jeanne d'Arc, et Bataille de Patai, 1429. Bataille de la Croisette, 1430. Prise de Paris, 1436. Etablissement de la Pragmatique sanction, 1438. Armees permanentes en France, 1445. Bataille de Formigny, 1450. Reunion des anciennes pairies & la couronne, 1451. Mort 1451. No. 214. - Louis XI. Face, A bust. Legend, Louis XI, Roi de France.Reverse, Louis XI, 551e Roi: N6 1423, Roi 1461. Suppression de la Pragmatique sanction, 1461. Guerre dit du Bien public, 1464. Bataillo de Montihery, 1465. TraitBs de Conflans et de St. Maur, 1465. Assemblie des Etats-generaux ' Tours, 1468. Institution de l'Ordre do St. Michel, 1469. Alliance avec les Suisses, 1474. Treve avec l'Angleterre, 1475. Guerre avoc les Pays-bas, 1477. Treve avec Maximilien, 1480. Mort 1483. No. 215. -- CHARLES VIII. Face, A bust. Legend, Charles VIII, Roi de France.- Reverse, Charles VIII, 56'0 Roi: Fils de Louis XI, N6 1470, Roi 1483. Assemblee des Etats, 1484. Bataille de St. Aubin, 1488. Paix accordde 'la Bretagne, 1491. Ligue contre la France, 1492. Conquete de Naples, 1495. Nouvelle ligue contre la France, et Bataille de Fournoue, 1495. Ordonnance sur les coutumes, 1497. Edit sur le Grand conseil, 1497. Mort 1498. No. 216. - Louis XII. Face, A bust. Legend, Louis XII, Roi de France. -Reverse, Louis XII, 57me Roi: Fils de Charles Due d'Orleans, N6 1462, Roi 1492. Conquete du Milanais, 1499. Convocation des Etatsg~neraux e Tours, 1506. Ligue avec 1'Empereur et le Pape contre les Venitiens, 1508. Bataille d'Agnadel, 1509. JournBe de la Bastide, 1511. Bataille de Ravennes, 1512. Ligue do Henri VIII et du Papo contre la France, 1513. Paix avec l'Angleterre, 1514. Mort 1515. No. 217. - FRANOIS Ter. Face. A bust. Legend, Frangois I'r, Roi de France.-Reverse, Frangois 'er, 5 Sne Roi: Fils de Charles de Valois, N' 1494, Roi 1515. Bataille de Marignan, 1515. Concordat avec Leon X, 1517. Ligue contre la France, 1522. Bataille de Pavie, 1525. Etablissement de I'Imprimerie royale, 1531. Entrevue avec Charles Quint, 1540. Batailles de Cerisolles et de Crepy, 1544. Mort 1547. No. 218. - HENRI I. Face, A bust. Legend, Henri II, Roi de France.Reverse, Henri II, 59me Roi: Fils de Frangois e', N6 1518, Roi 1547. Union pour la d6fense de la libertS germanique, 1551. Prise de Metz, de Toul et de Verdun. Mariage de Marie Stuart avec Frangois, Dauphin de France, 1558. TraitS de Cateau-Cambresis, 1559. Mort 1559. No. 219. F- RAN9OS II. Face, A bust. Legend, Francois II, Roi de France. - Reverse, FranGois II, 60me Roi: Fils de Henri II, No 1543, Roi 1559. Chambre ardente, 1559. Conjuration d'Amboise, 1560. Entreprise sur Tripoli, 1560, So-awission dos revoltes en Ecosse,1560. Mort 1560. No. 220, 168 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. FRENCH MEDALS - SOVEREIGNS OF FRANCE, continued: - CHARLES IX. Face, A bust. Legend, Charles IX, Roi de France. - Reverse. Charles IX, 61"i Roi: Frere de Francois II, Ne 1550, Roi 1560. Etats d'Orleans, 1550. Colloque de Poissy, 1561. Bataille de Dreux, 1562. Assemblee du Clerg6, 1567. Batailles de Jarnac et de Moncontour, 1569. St. Barthelemy, 1572. Prise de La Rochelle, 1574. Mort 1574. No. 221. - ENRI III. Face, A bust. Legend, Henri III, Roi de France et de Pologne.-Reverse, Henri III, 62"' Roi: Fre re de Charles IX, Ne 1561, Roi 1574. Etats de Blois, 1577. Institution de l'Ordre du St. Esprit, 1578. Ligue des Catholiques et des Huguenots, 1585. Batailles de Coutras et d'Auneau. 1587. Journ6e des barricades, 1588. Mort 1589. No. 222. - HENRI IV. Face, A bust. Legend, Henri IV, Roi de France et de Navarre.- Reverse, Ne 1553, Roi 1589. Entree a Paris, 1594. Paix de Vervins, 1598. Conquite de la Brcsse et du Bugey, 1600. Mort 1610. No. 223. - Louis XIII. Face, A bust. Legend, Louis XIII, Roi de France et de Navarre.- Reverse, Ne 1601, Roi 1610. Prise de La Rochelle, 1628. Defaite des Imperiaux, 1638. Retablissement de Jean II sur le trone de Portugal, 1640. Mort 1643. No. 224. - Louis XIV. Face, A bust. Legend, Louis XIIII, Roi de France et de Navarre.-Reverse, Ne 1638, Roi 1643. Abolition du duel, 1699. Revocation de l'Edit de Nantes, 1685. Philippe V, Roi d'Espagne, 1700. Paix generale, 1715. Mort 1715. No. 225. Louis XV. Face, A bust. Legend, Louis XV, Roi de France et de Navarre.- Reverse, Ne 1710, Roi 1715. Reunion de la Lorraine, 1737. Bataille de Fontenoy, 1745. Acquisition de la Corse, 1768. Mort 1774. No. 226. - Louis XVI. Face, A bust. Legend, Louis XVI, Roi de France et de Navarre. - Reverse, Nd 1754, Roi 1774. Suppression des Corvees, 1776. Alliance avec los Etats Unis, 1778. Assemblee des Notables, 1787. Etats g6nbraux, 1789. Abolition des privileges, 1789. Nouvelle Constitution, 1790. Mort 1793. No. 227. - Louis XVII. Face, A bust. Legend, Louis XVII, Roi de France et de Navarre.-Reverse, 68"" Roi: Ne 1785. Succedd, 1793. Mourut prisonier des bourreaux de son pere, 1795. Neveu de Louis XVIII. Exergue, Galerie numismatique des Rois de France, executee par ordre de Charles X. No. 228. - REPUBLIC. Face, A Bust of Liberty. Legend, Republique Frangaise.- Reverse, Convention, 21 septembre 1792. Directoire, 27 octobre 1795. Consulat, 24 d6cembre 1799. No. 229. - NAPOLEON I. Face, A bust. Legend, Napoleon I, Empereur des Frangais, Roi d'Italie.-Reverse, Ne 1769; Consul, 1799; Empereur, 1804. Milan, Turin, Le Caire, Rome, Naples, Vienne, Amsterdam, Berlin, Madrid, Lisbonne, Varsovie, Moscou. Code Civil, 1804. Abdication, 1814. Isle d'Elbe, 1815. St" He6lene. Mort en 1821. No.230. - NAPOLEON II. Face, A bust. Legend, Napoleon II, Empereur des Frangais. - Reverse, Ne A Paris le 20 mars 1811. Parti pour Yienne, avril 1814. Proclame par les Chambres le 23 juin 1815. Mort i Vienne le 22 juillet 1832. No. 231. MEDALS. 169 - Louis XVIII. Face, A bust. Legend, Louis XVIII, Roi do France et de Navarre.- Reverse, Ne 1755. Charte constitutionelle, 1814. Guerre d'Espagne, 1823. Mort 1824. No. 232. S CHARLES X. Face, A bust. Legend, Charles X, Roi de France et de Navarre.-- Reverse, Ne 1757. Succede, 1824. Bataille de Navarin, 1827. Prise d'Alger, 1830. Abdication, 1830. No. 233. - Louis PHILIPPE Ie. Face, A bust. Legend, Louis Philippe I', Roi des Francais. - Reverse, Louis Philippe I", Ne 1773: Lieut. Gen"' du Royaume, 30 juillet 1830; Roi, 9 aoit 1830. Charte de 1830. Independance de la Belgique. Citadelle d'Anvers. No. 234. French a edals: Iiscellaineous. BAILLY ( J. S.). Struck by the French Academy. Face, A bust. Legend, J. Silvain Bailly, n6 a Paris le xv septembre iDCCXXVI.- Reverse, Half a wreath. Legend, Merite reconnu: Membre des trois Acad6 -mies Frangoise, des B. Lettres et des Sciences; Pr6sident de l'Assemblee Nat. le 17 juin. Elu d'un vceu unanime, Maire de Paris, le 15 juillet 1789. Bronze. No. 21. FRENCH-AMERICAN COLONIES. Face, A crowned and veiled bust. Legend, Franco-Americana Colonia. Castorland, 1796.-Reverse, Female figure with a cornucopia. Exergue, Salve magna parens frugum. Silver. No. 27. FRENCH REVOLUTION. Face, A figure of a man attempting to break a bundle of rods. Legend, Les Frangais Unis sont invincibles. L'An iv de la liberte.- Reverse, Medaille qui se vend Cinq-sols. Exergue, R6volution Franqaise, 1792. Bronze. No. 22. INTRODUCTION OF STEAM. Face, A steamer at full speed. Legend, A la gloire des savans et des industriels, 1845. Exergue, La puissance de la vapeur brave le calme des mers, etc.- Reverse, Railroads with cars, locomotives, etc. Inscription, Le genie des chemins de fer applanit les montagnes, etc. Bronze. No. 48. LA FAYETTE. Struck for the National Guard. Face, A bust. Legend, M. P. J. R. I. G. Motier, MuP" de La Fayette, n6 le 6 sept. 1757.Reverse, Major General dans les armees des Etats Unis d'Amerique en 1777; Mareschal de Camp, Vice Presid. de l'Assemblee Nationale le 12 juillet; Commandant General de la Garde Nationale: Paris, le 15 juillet 1789. Exergue, Vengeur de la Liberte dans les Deux Mondes. Bronze. No. 20. Louis XV. Face, A bust. Legend, Lud. XV, Legitimam astatem adeptus.- Reverse, Dabit loetos adolescere fructus. Exergue, Com. occit. 1774. Sm. silver. No. 23. Louis XV. Face, A bust. Legend, Lud. XV, Rex Christianiss.- Reverse, Laborers at the mines. Exergue, Inexhaustis generosa metallis, 1732. Sm. silver. No. 24. Louis XV. Face, Bust of Louis XV. Legend, Lud. XV, Rex christianiss.-Reverse, Comitia Artesim. Sm. brass. No. 25. Louis XVI. Face, A bust. Legend, Ludov. XVI, Rex christianiss.Reverse, Crown and Arms. Exergue, Jeton des titats de Bretagne, 1784. Sm. silver. No. 26. [ LIB. III.] 22 170 NEW-YORLK STATE LIBRARY. Louis PHILIPPE: ENLARGEMENT OF THE PALACE OF THE CHAMBER OF PEERS, 1838. Face, A bust Of, with an inscription stating the above.- Reverse, Portrait of Marie de Mdodicis. Inscription, Palais de Marie de le'dicis, construit en 164), sur le terrain de l'Hotel Luxemibourg.~r, par Jacques Pebrosse. Bronze. No. 50. Louis PHILIPPE: LAYING CORNER STONE Of the New Palace of the D~epartment of.loreign Aufairs, Paris. Face, A bust of Louis Philippe. Inscription, "1Loi du 15 juillet 1845."-Reverse, View of the Palace. Legend, Proit des gens. Inscription, Date of the laying Af the corner stone, etc. Bronze. No. 53. Louis PHILIPPE: ON LAYING OP THIE.CORNER STONE of the New Building for thne Library of St. Genevieve. Face, A bust of Louis Philippe, supported by figures of Science and Literature. Inscription, Loi du 19 juillet 1843, etc.- Reverse, Interior View of the Library. Legend, Proit des gens. LIscriplion, 12- aou't 1844, etc. Date of the laying of the corner stone. Bronze. No. 53. Louis PHILIPPE: SURRENDER OF THIE CASTLE OF SAN JUAN D1. ULLOA. Face, A bust. Legend, Ludovicus Philippus I, Francoruni Rlex.- Reverse, The Genius of Frnnce planting the National Flag on the Castle. Leg end, Jus gentiumi armnis gallicis vindicatum. B ergace, ItCastello S. Joannis d'Ulua expugnato die xxvii nov. 1838." Bronze. IN.,O. 54. Louis PHILIPPE: LAYING OP TiHE CORNER 'STONE of the New Stamp 0ffcc. Face, A bust. Legend, Louis Philippe Roi des Fran~ais. Loi du 15 juillet 1845.- Reverse, Representation of the official stam-p issued in public proceedings, with an inscription commemorative of the laying of the corner stone by the Mlinisters of Public Works and Finance. Bronze. No. 52. Louis PHILIPPE: VISIT OF THE ROYAL FAMILY OF FRANCE TO THE MINT. Face, Busts of Louis Philippe and Marie, Portraits of the Princesse Adelaide, Duo d'Orle'ans and all the Rloynl Fam-ily. Bronze. No.. 51. MAZAGRAN: FOR THE BRAVE DEFENSE OF MAZAGRAN. Face, The Genius of, Victory distributing crowns. Leg-end, Souscription pour elever une colonne 'a Ia gloire des cent-vingt-six braves qui d~fcndirent le 5 et 6 f~vricr 1840, le poste de Mazagran contre douze mille Arabes. Exerg~ue, Louis Philippe r~gnant.- Reverse, Ilonneur 'a la garnison do Maza~gran. Le Lie'vre Capitaine, and the names of 125 others of the, 10em-- C0, ler Bataillon d'Infante'rie le'gere d'Afrique. Bronze. No. 49.1 MNAZARIN. Julius Cardinalis MAZARINUS. Face, A bust. Lead gilded. No. 147. RIGNY (De): BATTLE OF NAVARINO. Face, A bust of Admiral Do' Rigny. Legend, Comte H. De Rigny, Vice-Amiral, De-putS-,. Ministre do la Marine, ned a Toul. en 17 83: mort en 1835.- Reverse, The. Genius of the French Navy, with a thunderbolt in one hand, and a ship and palm leaf in the other. Inscription, Bataille de Navarin, 20 octobre 1827. Bronze. No.*47. VOLTAIRE. Face, A bust. Legend, Voltaire, n6' le xx f~vrior '&DCXCIV Reverseo A monumental table1t. BRras. qNo. 148. MEDALS. 171 Germa~s Medals. BEM ( Jozef). Face, Bust of Bem. Legend, Rusini, Polacy, Litwini, Trzy, Ludy, Jeden Narod.- Reverse, Head of Henryk Dembinski. Exergue, Henryk Dembinski, Wezlem, Milosci, Zlagzeni, Bedziemy, Wolni i Niepodlegli, 1849. Sm. brass. No. 131. FREDERICK OF PRUSSIA. Face, A bust. Legend, Frederick King of Prussia.- Reverse, An Eagle over a city. Exergue, Protestant Defender. 1757. Bronze. No. 30. FREDERICK THE GREAT OF PRUSSIA. Face, Frederick on Horseback. Legend, Fredericus Borussorum Rex. - Reverse, An Engagement. Exergue, Rosbach, Nov. 5, 1757. Brovze. No. 31. GAUss ( Ch. Fr.). Face, A bust. Legend, Carolus Fredericus Gauss, Nat. MDCCLxxvii, April xxx; Oh. MDCCCLV, February xxiii.--Reverse, A. wreath. Legend, Georgius V, Rex Hannoverm mathematicorum principi. Exergue, Academim sum Georgie Augusts decori mterno. Silver. No. 158. GAUss ( Ch. Fr.). The same. Bronze. No. 159. IMITATION. Face, A Bee Hive. Legend, Sich und andern nitzlich.Reverse, Zur Nachahmung, in a wreath. Sm. silver. No. 33. KOSSUTH ( Louis). Face, A bust. Legend, Louis Kossuth the Washington of Hungary.- Reverse, " Now in the name of eternal truth, and by all that is sacred and dear to man, since the history of mankind is recorded, there has been no cause more just than the cause of Hungary." Sm. brass. No. 130. KOSSUTH ( Louis). Face, A bust. Legend, Louis Kossuth the Washington of Hlungary.-Reverse, American Eagle. Exergue, United States of America. Sm. brass. No. 129. MARIA THERESA. Face, A. bust. Legend, Archiducum Genetrix Divumque Hominumque voluptas.- Reverse, Legend, Maria Theres. Aug. Novies fecunda. Exergue, Nat. Css. Princ. MDCCXLVII. Silver. No. 28. PIus IX: ELECTION OF PIUS IX. Face, A bust of Pius IX. Legend, Pius IX. P. M. El. die xvii. Cor. die xxi: Jun. Anno 1846.- Reverse, Bust of the Holy Apostles, with nimbus. Legend, Romm parentes arbitrique gentium. Gold. No. 56. A medal coined for the Festival of the Apostles, to perpetuate the memory of the election, and coronation of POPE Pius, which last ceremony took place at St. Peters, on the twenty-first of June 1846. PIUs IX. Face, A bust of Pius IX. Legend, Pius IX, Pontifex Maximus Anno I.-Reverse, Three figures. Legend, " Sacros Sedis Later. Posses." Exergue, VI Idus Nov. 1846. Gold. No. 57. Although St. Peter in Vaticano is the largest and noblest church in Rome, St. John in Laterano is considered as preceding it in dignity: it is more ancient than the Vatican, and was before it the residence of the Pope. This medal was coined in honor of the ceremony of taking possession of the cathedral church. The three figures on the reverse represent Justice, Peace and Concord, in friendly union: these form an allegory of the am. nesty granted by the Pope to political offenders, in the edict of July 16, 1846. 172 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. PIus IX. Face, A Bust of Pius IX. Legend, Pius IX. Pont. Max. An. 1847.-- Reverse, The Interior of the Cottage of Nazareth, with the Holy Family engaged in labor and domestic duties. Legend, " In laboribus a juventute mea." Exergue, " Bene merentibus ex sodalitio S. Jos. Edinensi." Gold. No. 58. This medal was struck by order of the Pope, for the Holy Guild of St. Joseph at Edinburgh, on the occasion of the arrival of two members of the Guild, charged with the honor of paying its respects to the Pope. " In laboribus," etc. is the motto of the Brotherhood of St. Joseph, instituted for the reli. gous, moral, and physical improvement of the working classes. PIUs IX: CHURCH OF ST. PAUL. Face, A bust of Pius IX. Legend, Pius IX, Pontifex Maximus.- Reverse, A Prospective View of the Ostian Basilica, or Church of St. Paul, dedicated to the Apostle of the Nations as it was found after the terrible fire which injured it in 1823. Exergue, Basilic. S. Pauli ex incendio 13 Jul. 1823. Silver. No. 59. This medal, which was coined in the pontificate of Gregory XVI, is now re. coined, to remind posterity of the ruin of so magnificent a monument, on whose rebuilding the Roman pontiffs are bestowing every care and labor. Pius IX. Face, A bust of Pius IX. Legend, Pius IX, Pont. Max. Anno II.- Reverse, Legatione perfunctis ad Pius IX, Pont. Max. electum nomine magni turc. domini, an. 1847. Bronze. No. 61. The inscription forms the subject of the medal which the Pope ordered to be coined expressly for the decoration of those who accompanied His Excel. lency CHEKIB EFFENDI in his mission as Ambassador Extraordinary from the Sublime Porte to the Holy See. PIus IX. Face, A bust of Pius IX. Legend, Pius IX. Pont. Max. Anno II.- Reverse, Two Colossal Statues. Legend, Basilice Vaticanae decus additum 1847. Bronze. No. 60. The colossal statues of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, erected by the Pope in the piazza of the Vatican, upon noble pedestals of marble, at the two extremities of the steps of the Basilica. Russian M1~edal. ALEXANDER I. Face, A bust of Alexander I. Legend, Alexander I, Emperor of all the Russias. - Reverse, A wreath inclosing " The Avenger of Europe." Legend, The Heroic Defender of his country, 1812. White metal. No. 35. lIiscellaneous Medals. AsMI ACHMET. Face, A bust. Legend, Asmi Achmet effendi.-Reverse, Zum andencken bey seiner Anwesenheit als Gesandter nach Berlin im Feb. 1791. Silver. No. 32. MARRIAGE. Face, Connubium felix amor et labor efficit ardens.--Reverse, Prolebeat casta et constans concordia nuptos. White metal. No. 149. ToM THUMB. Face, Head of Victoria. Legend, Victoria Regina 1846. --Reverse, Tom Thumb. Exergue, General Tom Thumb, 15 lb. weight. Sm. brass. No. 155. VIRGIN MARY. Face, A veiled head. Legend, Mater Christi.-Reverse, The Crucifix. Exergue, SS. Crucifixus Vetero Boleslavim. Sm. brass. No. 38. COINS. 1b7.3 II. COINS. AMERICAN COINS. See United States; Mexico; Central America; South America; ilayti. AuSTRIAN. See G-ermany. BELGIAN. No. REIGN. Denomination. 1 LEOPOLD I, King of Belgium... 5 francs, 1848.. 2 LEOPOLD I...................~ franc, 1834. 3 LEOPOLD I.................. 10 Centimes.... 4' LEOPOLD I.................. 5 centimes.... 5 LEOPOLD I.................. 5 centimes, 1834.. 6 LEOPOLD I.................. 5 centimles, 1837.. 7 LEOPOLD I................... 5 centimes, 1848.. 8 LEOPOLD I.................. 2 centimes, 1842.. 9 LEOPOLD I.................. 2 centimes, 1845.. 10 LEOPOLD I.................. 2 centimes, 1846.. 11 LEOPOLD I.................. Centime, 1847.... 12 LEOPOLD I.................. Centime, 1850... See Holland. Metal. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper..Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Donor, etc. J. J. Cole. Purchased. E. D. Wait. Dr. Kennedy. H. H. llickcox. E. D. Wait.Dr. Kennedy. Exchanged. H. H. Hickcox. Exchanged. H. H. Hickcox. Exchanged. CENTRAL AmERICAN. 1 REPUBLIC of Central America. 2 REPUBLIC of Central America. 3 REPUBLIC of Central America. 4 STATE of Guatemala......... 8 reals, 1824. 2 reals, 1831. Real, 1830.... Real, 1829.... Exchanged. Exchanged. Exchanged. Exchanged. CHINESE. 1-6 CHiINEusE...................... Pice............ Brass.. J. Greig. DANISH. 1 FREDERIc 3d................ 4 marks, 1661.. 2 FREDERIC 3d................ 2 marks, 1660. 3 CHRISTIAN 4th............... Mark, 1614.... 4 CHRISTIAN 4th.........ark, 1616.... 5 CHRISTIAN 5th............... 4 shillings, 1693. 6 CHRISTIAN 5th............... 2 shillings, 1690. 7 CHRISTIAN 5th................ 2 shillings, 1690. 8 FRE.DERIiC 4th................ 12 shillings,5 1711 9 FREDERIc 4th................ 8 shillings..... 10 F.REDERIC 4th................ 8 shillings..... 11 FREDERIc 4th................ 8 shillings, 1705. 12 FREDE Ric 4th................ 2 shillings, 1702. 13 FEEDEEIc 4th................ Shilling, 1703.... 14 FREDERIc 4th..................... 1705. 15 FREDE Ric 4th..................... 1709. 16 FREDEE.IC 4th...............1720. 17 CHRISTIAN 6th.............Shilling, 1718.. 18 FREIDERIC 5th................ 24 shillings,18 19 FREIDERIC 5th................ 24 shillings, 1718. 20 FREDERIC 5th................ 12 shillings, 1733. 21 FREDERIC 5th..6,100............12 shillings. 1'763. 22 FREDERIC 5th................ 2 shillings, 1761. 23 FRED)ERIC 5th............... Shilling, 1765.... 24 CHRI'STIAN 7th............... Dale'r. 1788.... 25 CHRISTIAN 7th............... 12 shillings, 1767 26 CHRISTIAN 7th............... 2 shillings, 1807.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver Silver. Silver. Silver. Silver.. Copper. Copper. Copper. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. 'Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. J. Greig. J. Greig. Purchased. J. Gebhard. J. Greig. J. Greigo. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. W. C. Miller. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. Purchased. J. Greig. Purchased. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. Purchased. Purchased. A. S. Johnson. 174 NEW-YORK DANISH COINS, continued: No. REIGN. 27 CHRISTIAN 7th............. 28 CHRISTIAN 7th............... 29 CHRISTIAN 7th............... 30 CHRISTIAN 7th............... 31 CHRISTIAN 7th............... 32 FREDERIC 6th............. 33 FREDERIC 6th.............. 34 FREDERIC 6th................ 35 FREDERIC 6th............... 36 CHRISTIAN 8th............... 37 CHRISTIAN 8th................ 38 FREDERIC 7th................ 39 DANSK AumERIK MYNT........ 40 DANSK AMERIK MYNT........ EDESSA, Mesopotamia. - ABGARUS, Toparch............. ENGLISH. See Great Britain. STATE LIBRARY. Denomination. Metal. Donor, etc. 2 shillings, 1805.. Silver.. C. Bulger. Shilling, 1781.... Silver.. E.D. Wait. Shilling, 1771.... Copper. A. S. Johnson. Shilling, 1771.... Copper. J. Greig. Shilling, 1787.... Copper. J. Greig. Daler, 1820...... Silver.. Purchased. Daler, 11818...... Silver.. Purchased. 2 shillings, 1810.. Copper. J. Greig. 2 shillings, 1811.. Copper. J. Greig. 1I shilling, 1841.. Silver.. C. F. Bushnell. 2 shillings, 1842.. Copper. C. F. Bushnell. Shilling, 1853.... Copper E. Bulger. 5 stivers, 1845... Silver.. F. J. Hawley. 1 stiver, 1848..... Silver. F. J. Hawley................. Copper. J. Greig. FRENCH. 1 GAUCHER 2d, Count of Porcien 2 WATERAN 3d, Count of St. Paul and Ligny.............. 3 HENRY 4th.................. 4 Louis 13th.................. 5 Louis 13th.................. 6 Louis 13th.................. 7 Louis 13th................... 8 GASTON, Duke of Dombes... 9 Louis 14th.................. 10 Louis 14th................... 11 Louis 14th................... 12 Louis 14th................ 13 Louis 14th.................. 14 Louis 14th................... 15 Louis 14th................ 16 Louis 14th.................. 17 Louis 14th.................... 18 Louis 14th................... 19 Louis 14th................. 20 Louis 14th................... 21 Louis 14th................... 22 Louis 14th................. 23 Louis 14th................... 24 Louis 14th................. 25 Louis 14th................ 26 Louis 14th.................. 27 Louis 14th................. 28 CHARLES, Duke of Nevers..... 29 CHARLES, Duke of Nevers..... 30 FRANCIS, Prince of Conti....... 31 Louis 15th................. 32 Louis 15th................. 33 Louis 15th.................. 34 Louis 15th................... 35 Louis 15th.................. 36 Louis 15th.................. 37 Louis 15th.................. 38 Louis 15th................... 39 Louis 15th.................. 40 Louis 15th................... 41 Louis 15th................... 42 Louis 15th.................................. Silver.. J. Greig,.................. Silver.. J. Greig.................. Copper. J. Greig. Double tournois.. Copper. J. Greig. Double tourn. 1615 Copper. J. Greig. Double tourn. 1642 Copper. J.Greig. Double tourn. 1643 Copper. J. Greig....... 1642...... Copper. J. Greig. Crown, 1694..... Silver.. Purchased. Crown, 1704..... Silver.. Purchased. Crown, 1713..... Silver.. Purchased. I crown, 1649.... Silver.. Purchased. i crown, 1693.... Silver.. Purchased. 30 sous, 1711.... Silver.. J. Greig. 15 sous, 1704.... Silver.. J. Greig. i livre, 1710...... Silver.. J. Greig. 4 sous.......... Silver.. Purchased. 4 sous, 1675...... Silver.. J. Greig................. Copper. J. Greig. 6 deniers........ Brass... J. Greig. 6 deniers........... Brass... J. Greig. Liard............ Copper. J..Greig. Liard........... Copper. J. Greig. Liard, 1655...... Copper. J. Greig. Liard, 1656...... Copper. J. Greig. Liard........... Copper. J. Greig. 2 deniers, 1696... Copper. J. Greig....... 1662...... Copper. J. Greig....... 1613...... Copper. J. Greig.................. Copper. J. Greig. Crown, 1726...... Silver.. J. Greig. 20 sous, 1741..... Silver.. J. Greig. 20 sous, 1720..... Silver.. J. Greig. 10 sbus, 1719..... Silver.. J. Greig. 10 sous........... Silver.. J. Greig. 10 sons.......... Silver.. Purchased. 10 sous, 1731..... Silver.. J. Greig. Sou, 1719........ Copper. J. Greig. Sou, 1771........ Copper. J. Greig....... 1743...... Copper. J. Greig. i sou........... Copper. J. Greig. Ssou, 1774....... Copper. J. Greig. COINS. No. REIGN. Denomillation. 43 Louis 15th.................. so, 1770....... 44 Louis 15th.................. 4 sou, 1721..... 45 Louis 15th................... sou, 1721....... 46 Louis 15th................ Sou............. 47 Louis 15th........................ 1774...... 48 Louis 15th....................... 1771...... 49 Louis 15th.......................... 1721...... 50 Louis 16th....... rown, 1790.............Crown 51 Louis 16th.................. crown 1792.... 52 Louis 16th.................. 30 sous, 1792.... 53 Louis 16th.................. 30 sous, 1791.... 54 Louis 16th.................. 15 sous, 1791.... 55 Louis 16th................... Livre, 1778...... 56 Louis 16th................... livre, 1782...... 57 Louis 16th................... 2 sous, 1792...... 58 Louis 16th................ 2 sous, 1792...... 59 Louis 16th................ 2 sous, 1779.... 60 Louis 16th................... 3 sous, 1779...... 61 Louis 16th................ 3 sous, 1781...... 62 Louis 16th................. 2 sons, 1782.... 63 Louis 16th................... 2 sous, 1789...... 64 Louis 16th.................. 2 sous, 1789...... 65 Louis 16th................... sou, 1789... 66 Louis 16th......................... 1789..... 67 Louis 16th.................. 12 deniers, 1792.. 68 Louis 16th................... 4 sou, 1779..... 69 Louis 16th.................. Sou, 1791........ 70 Louis 16th.................. 12 deniers, 1791.. 71 Louis 16th................... Sou, 1791........ 72 Louis 16th.................. Sou............. 73 Louis 16th.................. 2 sous, 1792...... 74 Louis 16th................... 2 sous, 1791...... 75 REVOLUTION.................. 5 sous, 1792...... 76 REVOLUTION................... 5 sous, 1792...... 77 REPUBLIC................... 2 sous, 1798...... 78 REPUBLIC.................... Decime......... 79 REPUBLIC.................... D6cime......... 80 REPUBLIC.................... D6cime......... 81 REPUBLIC................... 2 decimes........ 82 REPUBLIC.................... 5 centimes....... 83 REPUBLIC.................... 5 centimes....... 84 REPUBLIC.................... 5 centimes...... 85 REPUBLIC...................... Centime......... 86 REPUBLIC.................... Centime......... 87 REPUBLIC..................... 2 sous.......... 88 NAPOLEON, 1st Consul........ 5 francs.......... 89 NAPOLEON, 1St Consul........ Franc........... 90 NAPOLEON, Emperor..........5 francs, 1811.... 91 NAPOLEON, Emperor......... 2 francs. 1813.... 92 NAPOLEON, Emperor....... 2 francs, 1806.... 93 NAPOLEON, Emperor.......... Franc, 1810...... 94 NAPOLEON, Emperor........ Franc, 1808...... 95 NAPOLEON, Emperor.......... Franc,1806...... 96 NAPOLEON, Emperor.......... franc, 1808..... 97 NAPOLEON, Emperor...... franc, 1809..... 98 NAPOLEON, Emperor......... franc, 1809..... 99 NAPOLEON, struck at Antwerp.. 10 centimes, 1814. 100 NAPOLEON, struck at Antwerp.. 10 centimes, 1809. 101 NAPOLEON, struck at Antwerp.. 10 centimes, 1808. 102 NAPOLEON, struck at Antwerp.. 10 centimes, 1808. 103 Louis 18th.................... 5 francs, 1814... 104 Louis 18th.................. 2 francs, 1817.... 105 Louis 18th................... 2 francs, 1817,.... 106 Louis 18th................... Franc, 1817...... 107 Louis 18th................... Franc, 1817...... 108 Louis 18th................... franc, 1817..... 109 Louis 18th................... franc, 1824..... 110 CHARLES 10th................ 5 francs, 18380..., 175 Metal. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Silver. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Copper. Alloy.. Alloy.. Alloy.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver. Donor, etc. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. F. Bulger. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. Purchased. Purchased. A. S. Johnson. E. J. Miller. Mrs. Taylor. E. D. Wait. Mr. Taylor. Exchanged. G. Brinley jr. G. Brinley jr. J. Greig. E. J. Miller. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. G. Brinley jr. W. M. Fee. J. Greig. A. S. Johnson. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. Exchanged. Exchanged. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Gebhard jr. J. Greig. J..Greig. A. S. Johnson. Purchased. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. Purchased. Purchased. J. Greig. Purchased. Purchased. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. Mrs. Taylor. Exchanged. Purchased. Purchased. Purchased. Purchased. Purchased. Purchased. Purchased, 176 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. FRENCH COINS, continued: No. REIGN. 111 CHARLES 10th............... 112 CHARLES 10th................ 113 CHARLES 10th................ 114 CHARLES 10th............... 115 CHARLES 10th............... 116 CHARLES 10th................ 117 CHARLES 10th............... 118 CHARLES 10th................ 119 Louis PHILIPPE.............. 120 Louis PHILIPPE............. 121 Louis PHILIPPE.............. 122 Louis PHILIPPE.............. 123 Louis PHILIPPE.............. 124 Louis PHILIPPE.............. 125 Louis PHILIPPE............... 126 Louis PHILIPPE.............. 127 REPUBLIC.................... 128 REPUBLIC.................... 129 REPUBLIC.................... 130 REPUBLIC.................... 131 REP. Louis NAPOLEON........ 132 REP. Louis NAPOLEON........ 133 NAPOLEON 3d................ 134 NAPOLEON 3d................ Denomination. Metal. Donor, etc. 2 francs, 1829.... Silver.. Purchased. 2 francs, 1829..... Silver.. Purchased. Franc, 1828...... Silver.. Purchased. Franc, 1829...... Silver.. Purchased. 4 franc, 1828..... Silver.. Purchased. - franc, 1828..... Silver.. Purchased. 5 centimes, 1827.. Copper. E. J. Miller. 5 centimes, 1827.. Copper. E. J. Miller. 5 francs,1831.... Silver.. Purchased. 5 francs, 1841.... Silver.. Purchased. 2 francs, 1845.... Silver.. Purchased. Franc, 1831...... Silver.. Purchased. 50 centimes, 1848. Silver.. Purchased. 10 centimes, 1839. Copper. Dr. C. Martin. 5 centimes, 1843.. Copper. Dr. C. Martin. 5 centimes, 1839.. Copper. F. B. Williams 20 francs, 1851... Gold... Purchased. 5 francs, 1849..... Silver.. Exchanged. 5 francs, 1850..... Silver.. Exchanged. 50 centimes, 1850. Silver.. Exchanged. 20 francs, 1852... Gold... Purchased. 50 centimes, 1852. Silver.. C. S. Hickcox. 10 centimes, 1853. Copper. Exchanged. 5 centimes, 1854.. Copper. Exchanged. GERMAN. 1 CHARLES 6th, Emp. of Germany, 6 kreutzer, 1714.. Silver.. 2 CHARLES 6th................. 8 schilling, 1728.. Silver.. 3 CHARLES 6th................. 2 schilling, 1727.. Silver.. 4 CHARLES 6th................. 2 schilling, 1727.. Silver.. 5 FRANCIS I, Emp. of Germany.. 17 kreutzer, 1751. Silver.. 6 FRANCIS I.................. 20 kreutzer, 1754. Silver.. 7 FRANCIS I.................. 1 kreutzer, 1754.. Silver.. 8 MARIA THERESA, Empress of Crown, 1765..... Silver.. Germany 9 MARIA THERESA.............. Crown, 1765...... Silver.. 10 MARIA THERESA.............. Crown, 1780...... Silver.. 11 MARIA THERESA.............. Crown, 1780...... Silver.. 12 MARIA THERESA.............. O crown, 1780.... Silver.. 13 MARIA THERESA.............. 30 kreutzer, 1751. Silver.. 14 MARIA THERESA................... 1751...... Silver.. 15 MARIA THERESA.............. Kreutzer, 1778,. Copper. 16 MARIA THERESA............... kreutzer, 1776.. Copper. 17 MARIA THERESA.............. i kreutzer...... Copper. 18 JOSEPH 2d, Emperor of Germany, 4 crown, 1789... Silver.. 19 JOSEPH 2d......................... 1790.... Silver.. 20 JOSEPH 2d................... Kreutzer, 1789... Copper. 21 LEOPOLD 2d, Emp. of Germany. Kreutzer, 1792... Copper. 22 FRANCIS 2d, Emp. of Germany. Crown, 1796...... Silver.. 23 FRANCIS 2d.................. Crown, 1799...... Silver.. 24 FRANCIS 2d........................ 1807..... Copper. 25 FRANCIS 2d.................. 6 kreutzer, 1800.. Copper. 26 FRANCIS 2d................. 3 kreutzer, 1812.. Copper. 27 FRANCIS 2d................. 1 kreutzer, 1800.. Copper. 28 FRANCIS 2d.................. 1 kreutzer, 1812.. Copper. 29 FRANCIS I, Emperor of Austria. 3 kreutzer. 1828.. Silver.. 30 FRANCIs I.................... lira, 1822...... Silver.. 31 FRANCIS I.................... Kreutzer, 1816... Copper. 32 FRANCIS I................... Kreutzer, 1816... Copper. 33 FRANCIS I.................... kreutzer, 1816.. Copper. 34 FERDINAND I, Emp. of Austria. 20 kreutzer, 1848. Silver.. 35 FERDINAND I................ 20 kreutzer, 1848. Silver.. 86 FERDINAND I................ 10 kreutzer, 1838. Silver.. 87 FERDINAND I................. 6 kreutzer, 1849.. Silver.. 88 FERDINAND I,....,,,........ 2 kreutzer, 1848.. Copper. A. S. Johnson. J. Greig. Exchanged. Exchanged. J. Gebhard jr. J. Greig. J. J. Cole. Purchased. Purchased. Purchased. Exchanged. J. Greig. J. Greig. Exchanged. J. Greig. J. Greig J. Greig. Purchased. Purchased. J. Greig. J. Greig. Purchased. Purchased. A. S. Johnson. Exchanged. A. S. Johnson. A. S. Johnson. A. S. Johnson. A. S. Johnson. A. S. Johnson. A. S. Johnson. J. V. L.Pruyn. Exchanged. H. A. Homes. H. A. Homes. H. A. Homes. Dr. Kennedy. Exchanged. COINlS. 177 - No. REHI GN. Denomination. Metal. Donor, etc. 39 JOHN~, GEORGE and AUGUSTUS.......... 1603....Silver.. J. Greig.Dukes of Saxony 40 FREDERIC AUGUSTUS 3d, Duke if thaler, 1773 Silver.. Purchased. of Saxony 41 FREDERICK~ AUGUSTUS.......... Thaler, 1800. Silver.. Purchased. 42 FREDERICK AUGUSTUS 3d, King Thaler, 1823....Silver.. Purchased. of Saxony Dk fni,13..Cpe Ecagd 43 FREDERICK AUGUSTUS 3d,DuePeig185 Cpr.Ecaed of Saxony 44 ANTHONY, King Of Saxony.. 6 kreutzer, 1829. Silver.. Exchanged. 45 FREDERICK AUGUSTUS 4th, King Keugrosehen, 1841, Silver.. Exchanged. of Saxony 46 FREDERICK AUGUSTUS 4th..... nenLgrosChen,1842, Silver.. Exchanged. 47 FREDERICK AUGUSTUS 4th. 2 pfennige, 1841 Copper. Exchanged. 48 FREDERICK AUGUSTUS 4th....1 pfenuig, 1843. Copper. Exchanged. 49 MAXIMILIAN HENRY, Archhishop Crown, 1668....Silver.. Purchased. of' Cologne 50 HENRICUS, Epis. et Abb. Fulda........ 1763....Silver.. Purchased. 51 CHARLES, Duke of Brunswick.. -1 thaler, 1764.. Silver.. Purchased. 52 CHARLES WILLIAM FERDINAND, 24 mariengroschea, Silver.. Purchased. Duke of Brunswick 1793 53 CHARLES WILLIAM FERDINAND. 24 rnariengr. 1800. Silver.. Purchased. 54 CHARLES WILLIA-31FERDINAND. 1-12 thaler, 1795... Silver.. Dr. C. Mfartii 55 CHARLES, Duke of Brunswick.. 1-12 thaler, 1823.. Silver.. J. J. Cole. 56 CHARLES.................1 pfennig, 1826... Copper. A. S. Johnsc 57 CHARLES...................... 6 pfennige, 1846.. Silver.. Exchanged. 58 CHARLES...................... 6 pfennige, 1853'.. Silver.. Exchanged. 59 ALEXANDE R, Margrave of Bran- Crown, 1766. Silver.. -Purchased. denhur~ah 60 WILLIAM, King of Wirtemburgh, Kreutzer, 1825... Silver.. A. S. Johnsc 61 WILLIAM,....*.* 6 krentzer, 1844.. Silver.. Exchanged. 62 WILLIAM, Duke of Nassau....6 kreutzer, 1832.. Silver.. A. S. Johnsc 63 WILLIAM..................... Kreutzer, 1832... Copper. Exchanged. 64 FREDERICK 2d, Lando~rave of thaler, 1767.... Silver.. J. Greig. Hanover 65' ERNST AUGUSTUS 5th, Kingy of Thaler, 1841. Silver.. Purchased. H-anover 66 ERNST AUGUSTUS 5th........... thaler, 1851 Silver.. E. D. Wait. 67 MAXIMIILIAN JOSEPHi, King of Crown, 1816. Silver.. Purchased. Bavaria 68 MAXIMILIAN JOSEPH............ 6 kreutzer, 1800. Silver.. A. S.- Johnsc 69 LUDWIG 1, King of Bavaria.... Gulden, 1839.. Silver... Purchased. 70 LUDWIG I..........Gulden, 1844.... Silver.. Purchased. 71 CHARLES Louis, Grand Duke of 3 kreutzer, 1808.. Silver.. Prof. Dakin, Baden 72 INTERREGNUM, Baden........... Kreutzer, 1814... Copper. Exchanged. 73 LUDWIG, Grand Duke of Baden. Kreutzer, 1828.. Copper. A. S. Johns( 74 LEOPOLD, Grand Duke of Baden, Kreutzer, 1832.. Copper. H. H.Hickcc 75 LEOPOLD...................... Krentzer, 1843.. Copper. Exchanged. 76 LEOPOLD............. &......... Kre itzer, 1845..Cpe.Ecagd 77 LEOPOLD...................... Krentzer, 1849.. Copper. Exchanged. 78 DUCHY of Hesse-Darmstadt....0 Pfennige, 1737.... Copper. J. Greig. 719 DUCH Y of Hesse-Darmstadt.... Pfennige.......... Copper. Exchanged. 80 DUCHY of Hesse-Darmstadt.... 6 kreutzer, 1819.. Copper. Exchanged. 81 DUCHY of Hesse-Darmstadt...Silhergroschen,1841, Silver. Exchanged. 82 LUDWIG 2d, of Hesse-Darnmstadt, Crown, 1836....Silver.. Purchased. 83 CITY of Osnabnrgh............38 pfeanige, 1752.. Copper. J. Greig. 84 DUCHY of Oldenhurigh......... 4 grote, 1840.... Silver.. Exchanged. 85 DUCHY of Mecklenhurgh.....Schilling, 1772.. Silver.. Exchanged. 86 FREDERICK FRANCIS, Duke of Schilling.......Silver.. Prof. Dakin. Mecklenburg 87 FREDERICK FRANCIS... g.......1-48 thaler, 1853.. Silver.. Exchanged. 88 FREDERICK FRANCIS........3 pfennige, 1848.. Copper. Exchanged. 89 TOWN of Restock............. 1-16 thaler, 1661.. Silver.. J. Greig. 90 CITY of Bremen.............. 2-2 schwaren, 1853, Copper. E. Bulger. 91 CITY of Hamburgh............ Schilling, 1750.. Silver.. - Kurg. 192 CITY of Hamhnrgh............ Schilling, 1794.. Silver.. - Knrg. 93 CITY of Hamburgh.......... Schilling, 1794.. Silver.. Exchanged. a. on. on. onl. on. 178 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. GERMAN COINS, continued: No. REIGN. Denomination. 94 CITY of Hamburgh............ Schilling, 1855... 95 CITY of Hamburgh............ Sechsling, 1846.. 96 CITY Of Hamburgh............ Sechsling, 1855... 97 CITY of Hamburgh............ Dreiling, 1841.... 98 CITY of Frankfort............. Kreutzer, 1848... 99 CITY of Frankfort............. Kreutzer, 1855... 100 CITY of Frankfort............. Heller, 1844...... 101 CITY of Lubeck.............. Schilling........ 102 CITY of Rostock............... 3 pfennige, 1855.. Metal. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Copper. Silver.. Copper. Donor, etc. Exchanged. Exchanged. Exchanged. - Boyd. Exchanged. Exchanged. Exchanged. Exchanged. Exchanged. GREAT BRITAIN. No. REIGN. Denomination. Mint. Metal. Donor, etc. 1 EALRED........ Styca.......................... Copper. J. Greig. 2 EALRED........ Styca........................ Copper. J. Greig. 3 EALRED........ Styca........................... Copper. J. Greig. 4 ETHELRED...... Styca....................... Copper. J. Greig. 6 HENRY 3d....... Penny............ London........ Silver.. J. Greig. 6 EDWARD 1st.... Penny............ London........ Silver.. J. Greig. 7 EDWARD 1st... Penny............ London........ Silver., J. Greig. 8 EDWARD 1st.... Penny........... Durham....... Silver.. J. Greig. 9 EDWARD 1st..... Penny........... Durham....... Silver.. J. Greig. 10 EDWARD 1st..... Penny.......... Cantor......... Silver.. J. Greig. 11 EDWARD 1st.... Penny.......... Cantor......... Silver.. J. Greig. 12 EDWARD 1st.... Penny............ Berwick....... Silver.. J. Greig. 13 EDWARD 1st..... Penny............ Berwick....... Silver.. J. Greig. 14 EDWARD st.... Penny........... Bristol........ Silver.. J. Greig. 15 EDWARD 1st.... Penny.......... Bristol......... Silver.. J. Greig. 16 EDWARD 1st.... Penny............ York.......... Silver.. J. Greig. 17 EDWARD 1st.... Penny........... Arleus......... Silver.. J. Greig. 18 EDWARD 1st..... Penny........... Lincoln........ Silver.. J. Greig. 19 EDWARD 1st..... Penny............ Lincoln........ Silver.. J. Greig. 20 EDWARD 1st.... Penny........... Dublin......... Silver.. J. Greig. 21 EDWARD 1st.... Penny............ Newcastle...... Silver.. J. Greig. 22 EDWARD st.... Penny........................... Silver.. J. Greig. 23 EDWARD 1st.... Penny.......................... Silver.. J. Greig. 24 EDWARD 2d.... Penny........... London........ Silver.. J. Greig. 25 EDWARD 2d.... Penny........... London........ Silver.. J. Greig. 26 EDWARD 2d.... Penny............ Durham........ Silver.. J. Greig. 27 EDWARD 2d.... Penny............ Durham......... Silver.. J. Greig. 28 EDWARD 2d.... Penny........... Berwick....... Silver.. J. Greig. 29 EDWARD 2d.... Penny.....or............ York.... Silver.. J. Greig. 30 EDWARD 2d.... Penny......... York........ Silver.. J. Greig. 31 EDWARD 2d.... Penny............ Cantor......... Silver.. J. Greig. 32 EDWARD 2d.... Penny..........& Cantor......... Silver.. J. Greig. 33 EDWARD 3d.... A groat........... London........ Silver.. J. Greig. 34 EDWARD 3d.... groat...........London........ Silver.. J. Greig. 35 EDWARD 3d.... Penny........... Berwick........ Silver.. J. Greig. 36 EDWARD 3d..... Penny............ London........ Silver.. J. Greig. 37 EDWARD 3d..... Penny.......... London........ Silver.. J. Greig. 38 EDWARD 3d... Penny........... Durham...... Silver.. J. Greig. 39 EDWARD 3d.... Penny.......... Durham.......Silver.. J. Greig. 40 EDWARD 3d.... Penny............ Cantor......... Silver.. J. Greig. 41 EDWARD 3d.... Penny............ Cantor......... Silver.. J. Greig. 42 HENRY 8th...... Groat............ Irish........., Silver.. J. Greig. 43 HENRY 8th...... Groat........... Irish.......... Silver.. D. Stewart 44 EDWARD 6th.... Shilling......... Ton........... Silver.. J. Greig. 45 EDWARD 6th.... Shilling......... Ton.......... Silver.. J. Greig. 46 EDWARD 6th.... Shilling.......... Y............. Silver.. J. Greig. 47 MARY.......... Groat.............. Pomegranate... Silver.. J. Greig. 48 MARY.......... Groat............ Pomegranate... Silver.. J. Greig. 49 PHILIP & MARY.. 6 pence, 1554................... Silver.. J. Greig. 50 PHILIP & MARY.. 6 pence, 1557...... Irish.......... Silver.. J. Greig. 51 ELIZABETH...... Shilling........... Bird.......... Silver.. J. Greig. 52 ELIZAIETH.... Shilling......... Cross Crosslet., Silver., J. Greig. COINS. 1.79 N"'. RE-GEi. 53 ELIZABETH.... 54 ELIZABETH.... 55 ELIZABETH.... 56 ELIZABETH.---- 57 ELIZABETH.... 58 ELIZABE TH....,59 ELIZABETH-I.0a.0a 6 0 ELIZABETH.... 61 ELIZABETH. 62 ELIZABETH.... 63 ELIZABETH.... 64 ELIZABETH.... 6 5 ELIZABETH ý.... 66 ELIZABETH.... 67 ELIZABE TH.... 68 ELIZABETH.--- 69 ELIZABETH.... 70 ELIZABETH.... 71 ELIZABETH.'---a 72 ELIZABETH.... 73 ELIZABE.TH.-- 74 ELIZABETH.... 75 ELIZABETH... 76 ELIZABETH.... 77 ELIZABETH.... 78 ELIZABETH. 79 JAMES 1st.. 80 JAME' S1t.... 81 JAMES 1st.... 82 JARME S-t.... 83 JAMES 1st..'. 84 JAtMES 1st,.... 85' CU-ARLESISt... 86'; CHARLES 1st. 87 CHARLES 1st... 88- CHARLES 1st..... 89ý CHARLES 1st... 90' CHTARLES 1lst... 91 CHARLES 1st... 92 CHARLES 1st.... 93 CHARýLES Ist... 94 CHARLES 1st... 95 CHARLES'1st... 961 CHARLES 1st. 97 CHARLES 1St. 98 CIIARLES'1st. 99 CHlAICLES1st. 100 CHARLES 1st... 101. CHARýLES1st... 102 CHAkLE S'1t.... 103 COMMOtrWEAL!Ai. 104, C'OMM~ONW'EALtA. 105 CHARLES- 24... 106 CH-iARLES 2d.. 107 CHIARLES 24. 108' CH'ARLES 2d:... 109 CHARLES 2d, *. 110' CHARLES 24."** 111 CIIARE s 24'-..... 112' CHFARLES 2d.* 113- CHARLES 24.. 114 CHARLES 24'.... 11-5: CHARýLESl 24... 116: CHARLES 24' 117 CHAR~LES 2d... 118 CHARLES,24,(I... 119'CHARLES-24. 1201 CHARLES,2d'. Sh illing........... Cross Crosslet. Silver.. Shilling........... Ton............ Silver.. Shilling...........Scallop........*S il ver.. Shilling........... A.............. Silver.. 6 pence, 1.568.....Coronet........ Silver.. 6 pence, 1569....Coronet.....Silver.. 6 pence, 1582.- Sword......... Silverl.. 6 pence, 15'82. Sword.........;Silver.. 6 pence, 1583. Acorn....... P.-.Silver'.. 6 pence, 1587. Crescent.... Silver. 6 pence-,1564... Pheon..... Silver. 6 pence' 1561.... Pheon... Silver. 6. pence',1575... *Cinquefoil....Silvero 6 pence, 1575.... Cinquefoil..:--oSilver. 6 pence, 1566. Lion..Po Silver. 6 pence, 1593.... Ton....... Silver. 6 pence, 1593..... Ton.......Stiver. 6 pence -1585.... Scallop.... Silver. 6 pence, 1579.... Cross......Silver. 6 pence' -,. Crs.......CrsP1.t..Silver.. 6 pence, 1566....Por'tcnllis. Silver.. 6 pence,- 1601. Star............ Silver.. 6 pence, - Irish.......... Silver.. 3- pence, 157.5. Cinquefoil.....Silver.. 3 pence,. 1574-. Cinquefoil,'..---Silver.. Penny........................... Silver.. Shilling........... Fleur de 118'.... Silver... Shilling.-......Thistle.........Silver.. Shilling........... Thistle.......... Silver.. 6 pence, 1605....Fleur de us Silver.. 6 pence........... Bird...." Silver.. Farthing token...................' Copper. Shilling......................... Silver.. Shilling......................Silver... Shilling.o......... Reo............ Silver.. Shilling................ OP*...0Silver.. &-pence........Coronet........ Silver.. 6' pence..'. Thistle.... 0.....Silver..P 2) pence....... o... Coronet........ Silver.. 2 pence.......14. 0...........Silver.. Penny.......'...........'.'Silver.. Pennyo.......................... Silver.. 40 pence sicoteh................Silver.. 40 pence scotch......... o... o....... Silver.. Siege Icrown...........B-rass'.. Siege 3 pence..............Silver.. 2 pence scotch................ o..o.. Copper*. Farthing................ ý.4......Copper'. Farthing.......................o. Copper. Belfast fdtfthing9.............Copper'. 3- pence....................... 4. S ilver.. 2 pence.............Silver.. Crown, 1676.......... Silver..: Crown, 1663.....-00.4- Silver.. Crown, 1662..... Rose............. Silver.'. 50 shillings, 1682... Scotch!.......:.. Silver..P 4 marks;, 1670...-o.Thistle'......... Silver.. Scrown, 1676-.............Silver..P Scrown.s 1672P.oo................... Silver.. Sdollar s'cots, 1676'.o............... Silver. U'dollar scots, 1677................. Silver. Shilling, 1668'..................o.. Stives. Shilling, 1663................ *.... Silver. 6 pence, 1-669...........Stlver. 6 pence,. 1670...........silver. 14'6 dol. scots, 1,676,........... Po.... Silveto. 1-16'dol. sco'ts',, 16771............... *Silver. 4,'pence, 1679..................... Stixe'r' l.ýoner, etc. J'. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig'. Jý. Greig. J. Greig,. J. Greig. J. G-reig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. G-reig. 'J. Greig'. j. Greig. J. Greig. j. Greig. JT. Greig. J. Gr~eig,. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Grebig'. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. Purchased J. Greig. j. Greig. J. Grieig. Purchiased J. Greig. J. Greig.: j. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig:. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greg Jr. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J.. Greig. J. Grig6., J.. Greig. J. Grebig. J. Grei. J. Gri. Purchasedd J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig.. J. Greib0. Jý. Greig. J -. Gtrieg.' J'. Greig.. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. JT. Greig. J. Greig., Pu ch'ea sed i 180 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. BRITISH COINS, continued: No. REIGN. Denomination. Mint, Metal. Donor, etc. 121 CHARLES 2..... Mark, 1670........ Thistle........ Silver.. J. Greig. 122 CHARLES 2d..... Mark, 1669........ Thistle......... Silver.. J. Greig. 123 CHARLES 2d..... Mark, 1675........ F.............. Silver.. J. Greig. 124 CHARLES 2d..... Mark, 1673........ Thistle........ Silver.. J. Greig. 125 CHARLES 2d..... - mark, 1675...... Thistle......... Silver.. J. Greig. 126 CHARLES 2d..... - mark, 1690...... Thistle......... Silver.. J. Greig. 127 CHARLES 2d..... I penny, 1680...... Hibernia....... Copper. J. Greig. 128 CHARLES 2d..... 4 penny, 1681...... Hibernia....... Copper. J. Greig. 129 CHARLES 2d..... - penny, 1680...... Hibernia....... Copper. J. Greig. 130 CHARLES 2d..... penny....... Britannia...... Copper. J. Greig. 131 CHARLES 2d..... - penny.......... Britannia....... Copper. J. Greig. 132 CHARLES 2d... Farthing, 1672..... Britannia....... Copper. J. Greig. 133 CHARLES 2d..... Farthing, 1697..... Britannia....... Copper. J. Greig. 134 CHARLES 2d..... Bawbee, 1678...... Scotch........ Copper. J. Greig. 135 CHARLES 2d..... Bawbee, 1677...... Scotch......... Copper. J. Grieg. 136 CHARLES 2d..... Bothwell......... Scotch........ Copper. J. Greig. 137 CHARLES 2d..... Bothwell......... Scotch......... Copper. J. Greig. 138 CHARLES 2d..... Bothwell, 1677..... Scotch......... Copper. J. Greig. 139 CHARLES 2d..... Bothwell, 1677..... Scotch......... Copper. J. Greig. 140 CHARLES 2d..... 2 pence.......... Scotch......... Copper. J. Greig. 141 CHARLES 2d..... 2 pence........... Scotch......... Copper. J. Greig. 142 CHARLES 2d..... 2 pence........... Scotch......... Copper. J. Greig. 143 CHARLES 2d.... Fanam 2-10rup.1667,For Bombay.... Silver.. J. Greig. 144 CHARLES 2d..... Yarmouth token................... Copper. J. Greig. 145 JAMES 2d........ Crown, 1687..................... Silver.. J. Greig. 146 JAMES 2d....... crown, 1686.................... Silver.. J. Greig. 147 JAMES 2d....... crown, 1686........................ Silver.. Purchased 148 JAMES 2d........ Shilling........................... Silver.. J. Greig. 149 JAMES 2d........ Shilling, 1688..................... Silver.. J. Greig. 150 JAMES 2d........ 3 pence, 1687.................. Silver.. J. Greig. 151 JAMES 2d........ penny........ For Plantations. Tin.... J. Greig. 152 JAMES 2d........ penny........... For Plantations. Tin.... J. Greig. 153 JAMES 2d....... penny.......... Hibernia....... Copper. J. Greig. 154 JAMES 2d........ penny..... Hibernia....... Copper. J. Greig. 155 JAMES 2d........ penny, 1697...... Britannia....... Copper. J. Greig. 156 JAMES 2d........ Shilling gun money, June........... Copper. J. Greig. 1697 157 JAMES 2d........ 4 crown gun money, August......... Copper. J. Greig. 158 JAMES 2d........ I crown gun money, August......... Copper. J. Greig. 1689 159 JAMES 2d........ Sh. gun money,1689, August......... Copper. J. Greig. 160 JAMES 2d........ Sh. gun money.1689, August......... Copper. J. Greig. 161 JAMES 2d........ Sh. gun money,1689, September..... Copper. J. Greig. 162 JAMES 2d........ Sh. gun money,1689, October....... Copper. J. Greig. 163 JAMES 2d........ Sh. gun money,.... October........ Copper. J. Greig. 164 JAMES 2d........ Sh.gun money,1689, November...... Copper. J. Greig. 165 JAMES 2d........ Sh. gun money.... January........ Cpper. J. Greig. 166 JAMES 2d........ Sh. gun money, 1689,January....... Copper. J. Greig. 167 JAMES 2d........ 6d. gun money, 1689, January........ Copper. J. Greig. 168 JAMES 2d........ Sh. gun money, 1689................ Copper. J. Greig. 169 JAMES 2d........ Sh. gun money, 1689,............... Copper. J. Greig. 170 WILLIAM 3d... Crown, 1695..................... Silver.. J. Greig. 171 WILLIAM 3d.. Crown, 1696..................... Silver.. J. Greig. 172 WILLIAM 3d.... crown, 1697...... Chester........ Silver.. J. Greig. 173 WILLIAM 3d..... crown, 1696................... Silver.. J. Greig. 174 WILLIAM 3d... crown, 1698..................... Silver.. J. Greig. 175 WILLIAM 3d... 40 shillings, 1695... Scotch........ Silver.. J. Greig. 176 WILLIAMd..... 10 shillings, 1698.. Scotch......... Silver.. J. Greig. 177 WILLIAM 3d..... 10 shillings, 1698... Scotch......... Silver.. J. Greig. 178 WILLIAM 3d..... Shilling, 1697..................... Silver.. J. Greig. 179 WILLIAM 3d..... Shilling, 1697..................... Silver.. J. Greig. 180 WILLIAM 3d.... Shilling, 1697...................... Silver.. Purchased 181 WILLIAM 3d..... 6 pence, 1697................... Silver.. J. Greig. 182 WILLIAM 3d.....6 pence, 1696..................... Silver.. J. Greig. 183 WILLIAM & MARY, 60 shillings, 1691... Scotch......... Silver.. J. Greig. 184 WILLIAM & MARY, - crown, 1689..................... Silver.. J. Greig. COINS. 181 No. REIGN. Denomination. Mint. Metal. Donor, etc. 185 WILLIAM & MARY, O crown, 1689..................... Silver.. Purchased 186 WILLIAM & MARY. 40 shillings, 1691... Scotch......... Silver.. J. Greig. 187 WILLIAM & MARY, 10 shillings, 1691... Scotch........ Silver.. J. Greig. 188 WILLIAM & MARY, 6 pence....................... Silver.. J. Greig. 189 WILLIAM & MARY, 3 pence, 1689..................... Silver.. J. Grieg. 190 WILLIAM 3d..... penny......... Britannia....... Copper J. Greig. 191 WILLIAM 3d..... penny......... Britannia....... Copper. J. Greig. 192 WILLIAM 3d...... penny........... Hibernia....... Copper J. Greig. 193 WILLIAM 3d..... penny........... Hibernia...... Copper J. Greig. 194 WILLIAM 3d... 6 pence........... Scotch........ Copper J. Greig. 195 WILLIAM 3d..... bawbee, 1695.... Scotch........ Copper. J. Greig. 196 WILLIAM 3d..... 4 bawbee, 1695.... Scotch......... Copper. J. Greig. 197 WILLIAM & MARY. 4 penny.......... Britannia....... Copper J. Greig. 198 WILLIAM & MARY, penny, 1694...... Britannia...... Copper. J. Greig. 199 WILLIAM & MARY, penny, 1693...... Hibernia....... Copper. J. Greig. 200 WILLIAM & MARY, 4 penny, 1693...... Hibernia....... Copper. J. Greig. 201 WILLIAM & MARY, 4 penny.......................... Copper J. Greig. 202 WILLIAM & MARY, Farthing........ Britannia....... Copper. J. Greig. 203 WILLIAM & MARY, Farthing, 1693..... Britannia....... Copper. J. Greig. 204 WILLIAM & MARY, bawbee.......... Scotch....... Copper. J. Greig. 205 WILLIAM & MARY, i bawbee, 1694.... Scotch........ Copper. J. Greig. 206 ANNE........... Crown, 1708....... Edinburgh.... Silver.. J. Greig. 207 ANNE........... Crown, 1707....... Edinburgh..... Silver.. J. Greig. 208 ANNE........... 1 crown, 1708...... Edinburgh.... Silver.. J. Greig. 209 ANNE........... 4 crown, 1707...... Edinburgh.... Silver.. J. Greig. 210 ANNE........... crown, 1708.................... Silver.. Purchased 211 ANNE.......... Shilling, 1708...... Edinburgh.... Silver.. J. Greig. 212 ANNE........... Shilling, 1708...... Edinburgh..... Silver.. J. Greig. 213 ANNE.......... Shilling, 1711..................... Silver.. J. Greig. 214 ANNE.......... Shilling, 1705................... Silver.. J. Greig. 215 ANNE...........6 pence, 1711.................... Silver.. J. Greig. 216 ANNE...........6 pence......................... Silver.. J. Greig. 217 ANNE........... 4 pence, 1706..................... Silver.. J. Greig. 218 ANNE........... 2 pence, 1710.................... Silver.. J. Greig. 219 ANNE........... 5 shillings, 1706.... Scotch......... Silver.. J. Greig. 220 GEORGE I........ ' guinea, 1718................... Gold.. J. Greig. 221 GEORGE I........ Crown, 1726....... Welch & English, Silver. J. Greig. 222 GEORGE I........ crown, 1715...... Welch & English, Silver.. J. Greig. 223 GEORGE I........ crown,.......cro...... South Sea Comp. Silver.. J. Greig. 224 GEORGE I........ Shilling, 1717...... Welch & English, Silver.. J. Greig. 225 GEORGE I....... Shilling, 1725...... Welch & English, Silver.. J. Greig. 226 GEORGE I........ Shilling, 1723...... South Sea Comp. Silver.. J. Greig. 227 GEORGE I........ Shilling, 1723...... South Sea Comp. Silver.. J. Greig. 228 GEORGE I....... 4 pence......................... Silver.. J. Greig. 229 GEORGE I........ Rupee, 1741....... For Bombay.... Lead.. J. Greig. 230 GEORGE I....... Rupee........... For Bombay.... Lead.. J. Greig. 231 GEORGE I........ Penny........... For America.... Copper. J. Greig. 232 GEORGE I........ penny, 1722...... For America.... Copper. J. Greig. 233 GEORGE I........ penny, 1723...... Hibernia....... Copper. J. Greig. 234 GEORGE I........ 4 penny, 1723...... Hibernia....... Copper. J. Greig, 235 GEORGE I........ penny, 1723.... Britannia....... Copper. J. Greig. 236 GEORGE I........ Farthing, 1721..... Britannia....... Copper. J. Greig. 237 GEORGE I........ Farthing, 1712..... Britannia....... Copper. G. Brinley. 238 GEORGE I........ Farthing, 1723..... Hibernia....... Cop.. W.Corbould. 239 GEORGE 2d...... Crown, 1746....... Lima.......... Silver.. J. Greig: 240 GEORGE 2d...... a crown, 1741.................... Silver.. J. Greig. 241 GEORGE 2d...... 4 crown, 1745...... Lima.......... Silver.. J. Greig. 242 GEORGE 2d..... 4 crown, 1745.... Lima........ Silver.. J. Greig. 243 GEORGE 2d...... 2-3 thaler, 1729.... For Hanover.... Silver.. J. Greig. 244 GEORGE 2d...... Shilling, 1743..................... Silver.. J.Greig. 245 GEORGE 2d...... Shilling, 1745................ Silver.. J. Greig. 246 GEORGE 2d..... Shilling, 1741..................... Silver.. J. Greig. 247 GEORGE 2d...... Shilling, 1739.....................Silver.. J. Greig. 248 GEORGE 2d...... Shilling, 1758................. Silver.. J. Greig. 249 GEORGE 2d...... Shilling, 1758....................Silver.. J. Greig. 250 GEORGE 2d...... Shilling, 1736......English & Welch, Silver.. J. Greig. 251 GEORGE 2d...... Shilling, 1735...... English & Welch, Silver.. J. Greig. 252 GEORGE 2d...... Shilling, 1745...... Lima.......... Silver.. J. Greig. 253 GEORGE 2d...... Shilling, 1745...... Lima......... Silver.. J. Greig. 182 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. BRITISnH COINS, continued: No. REIGN. 254 GEORGE 2d..... 255 GEORGE 2d...... 256 GEORGE 2d..... 257 GEORGE 2d..... 258 GEORGE 2d4...... 259 GEORGE 2d..... 260 GEORGE 2d...... 261 GEORGE 24d...... 262 GEORGE 2d...... 263 GEORGE 2d...... 264 GEORGE 2d...... 265 GEORGE 2d...... 266 GEORGE 2d...... 267 GEORGE 2d...... 268 GEORGE 2d...... 269 GEORGE 24, by Duke of Athol 270 GEORGE 2d, " 271 GEORGE 2d, " 272 GEORGE 2d, "I 273 GEORGE 2d, by Earl of Derby 274 GEORGE 2d, " 275 GEORGE 2d, " 276 GEORGE 3d...... 277 GEORGE 3d...... 278 GEORGE 3d....... 279 GEORGE 3d....... 280 GEORGE 3d...... 281 GEORGE 3d...... 282 GEORGE 3d...... 283 GEORGE 3d...... 284 GEORGE 3d...... 285 GEORGE 3d......... 286 GEORGE 3d...... 287 GEORGE 3d...... 288 GEORGE 3d..... 289 GEORGE 3d...... 290 GEORGE 3d...... 291 GEORGE 3d...... 292 GEORGE 3d....... 293 GEORGE 3d...... 294 GEORGE 3d..... 295 GEORGE 3d...... 296 GEORGE 3d..... 297 GEORGE3d...... 298. GEORGE 3d...... 299 GEORGE 3d...... 300 GEORGE 3d...... 301 GEORGE 3d...... 302 GEORGE 3d...... 303' GEORGE 3d...... 304. GEORGE 3d...... 305 GEORGE 3d...... 306 GEORGE 3d...... 307 GEORGE 3d...... 308 GEORGE 3d...... 309 GEORGE 3d...... 310 GEORGE 3d...... 311 GEORGE 3d...... 312 GEORGE 3d...... 313 GEORGE 3d...... 314 GEORGE 3d...... 315 GEORGE 3d...... 316 GEORGE 3d...... Denomination. 6 pence, 1757...... 6 pence, 1758...... 6 pence, 1759...... Penny, 1732...... Penny, 1732....... Halfpenny, 1760.... Halfpenny, 1760..... Halfpenny, 1729.... Halfpenny, 1729.... Halfpenny, 1730.... Farthing, 1749..... Farthing, 1754.... Farthing, 1754..... Farthing, 1760..... Farthing, 1760..... Halfpenny for 1758, Halfpenny, 1758... Farthing, 1758..... Farthing, 1758..... Halfpenny, 1753... Mint................ English & Welch, Hibernia....... Hibernia....... Britannia...... Britannia....... Britannia....... Britannia...... Britannia....... Britannia...... Hibernia....... Hibernia....... Isle of Man.... Isle of Man.... Isle of Man.... Isle of Man.... Isle of Man.... Metal. Dondij etd. Silver.. J. Greig. Silver.. J. Greig. Silver.. J. Greig. Silver.. Purchased Silver.. J. Greig. Copper. J. Greig. Copper. J. Greig. Copper. J. Greig. Copper. J. Greig. Copper. E. Wait. Copper. G. Brinley. Copper. J. Greig. Copper. J. Greig. Copper. J. Greig. Copper. J. Greig. Copper. J. Greig. Copper. J. Greig. Copper. J. Greig. Copper. J. Greig. Copper. J. Greig. Copper. J. Greig. Copper. J. Greig. Copper. J. Greig. Copper. E.J.Miller Silver.. J. Greig. Silver.. J. Greig. Silver.. Purchased Silver.. J. Greig. Silver.. J. Greig. Silver.. J. Greig. Silver.. J. Greig. Silver.. J. Greig. Silver.. J. Greig. Silver.. J. Greig. Silver.. J. Greig. Silver.. J. Greig. Silver.. Purchased Silver.. J. Greig.,Silver.. Purchased Silver.. J. Greig. Silver.. Purchased Halfpenny, 1753... Isle of Man.... Farthing, 1753..... Isle of Man.... Crown, 1818....... by Pistineci..... Crown, 1820....... by Pistineci..... Scrown, 1818....................... - crown, 1819..................... Scrown, 1817.................. - crown, 1816.................... Shilling, 1817................. Shilling, 1820..................... Shilling, 1787................... Shilling, 1787................... 6 pence, 1817................... 6 pence, 1816................. 6 pence, 1787.................. 6 pence, 1787..................... 4 pence, 1800...................... 3 pence, 1762..................... 4 dollar, 1791...... For Sierra Leone Penny.......................... 5 shillings Bank of............... England token, 1804 5 shillings, "............... 3 sh. B'k token, 1812,...... 3 sh. B'k token, 1811,.............. 3 sh. B'k token, 1813,............... 3 sh. B'k token, 1812,.............. 6 shillings Irish Bank.............. token, 1804 10 pence 1805,............... 30 pence " 1808,.............. 30 pence " 1808,............... 10 pence " 1813,............... 10 pence, " 1813,.............. 5 pence, " 1805,.............. 1 s. 6d. B. t. 1812................ 1 s. 6d. B. t. 1811............... 48 stivers, 1805.... For Ceylon.... 48 stivers, 1804.... For Ceylon.... 4 stiver. 1809..... For Demerary.. 4 stiver, 1809...... For Demerary.. 4 stiver, 1818...... For Demerary.. 2 stiver, 1818...... For Demerary.. 4 stiver, 1809...... For Demerary.. Stiver, 1813....... For Demerary.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Copper. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. Purchased Purchased Purchased Purchased: J. Scott. J. Greig: J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. Purchased Purchased Purchased Purchased J. Greig. Purchased COINS. Denomination. 183 Mletal. Donor, 0 te. No. REIGN. 317 GEORGE 3d...... 318 GEORGE 3d...... 319 GEORGE 3d...... 820 GEORGE 3d...... 321 GEORGE 3d... 322 GEORGE 3d...... 323 GEORGE 3d..... 324 GEORGE 3d..... 325 GEORGE 3d... 326 GEORGE 3d 327 GEORGE 3d.... 328 GEORGE 3d... 329 GEORGE 3d..... 330 GEORGE 3d...... 831 GEORGE 3d...... 332 GEORGE 3d...... 333 GEORGE 3d.... 334 GEORGE 3d..... 335 GEORGE 3d...... 336 GEORGE 3d...... 337 GEORGE 3d...... 338 GEORGE 3d...... 339 GEORGE 3d...... 340 GEORGE d..... 341 GEORGE 3d...... 342 GEORGE 3d...... 343 GEORGE 3d...... 344 GEORGE 3d... 345 GEORGE 3d...... 346 GEORGE 3d..... 347 GEORGE 3d...... 348 GEORGE 3d..... 349 GEORGE 3d... 350 GEORGE 3d...... 351 GEORGE 3d...... 852 GEORGE 3d...... 353 GEORGE 3d...... 354 GEORGE 3d..... 355 GEORGE 3d...... 356 GEORGE 3d...... 357 GEORGE 3d...... 358 GEORGE 3d..... 359 GEORGE 3d...... 360 GEORGE 3d...... 861 GEORGE 3d...... 362 GEORGE 3d...... 363 GEORGE 3d...... 364 GEORGE 3d..... 365 GEORGE 3d...... 866 GEORGE 3d...... 867 GEORGE 3d...... 368 GEORGE 3d...... 369 GEORGE 3d...... 870 GEORGE 3d...... 371 GEORGE 3d...... 372 GEORGE 3d...... 873 GEORGE 3d...... 374 GEORGE 3d...... 375 GEORGE 3d...... 376 GEORGE 3d...... 377 GEORGE 3d...... 378 GEORGE 3d...... 379 GEORGE 3d......... 380 GEORGE 3d...... 381 GEORGE 3d...... 882 GEORGE 3d...'.. 3883 GEORGE 3d...... 384 GEoRGE 3d...... Mint. Stiver. 1813....... For Demerary.. Copper. J. S. Buck a stiver, 1813...... For Demerary.. Copper. MrsTaylor 4 stiver, 1813...... For Demerary.. Copper. Exchanged 12 pence, 1811..... Norfolk token.. Silver.. Exchanged Shilling token, 1811, Whitby Assoc... Silver.. Exchanged 6 pence token, 1811, Sheffield....... Silver.. Exchanged 2 pence, 1797................. Copper. Exchanged Penny, 1806....... Britannia....... Copper. Exchanged Penny, 1806....... Britannia....... Copper. Exchanged Penny, 1797....... Britannia....... Copper. Exchanged Penny, 1797....... Britannia....... Copper. Exchanged Penny, 1797....... Britannia....... Copper. Johnson. Halfpenny, 1773.. Britannia....... Copper. J. Greig. Halfpenny, 1774.. Britannia....... Copper. J. Greig. Halfpenny, 1774.Britannia....... Copper. J. Greig. Halfpenny, 1775.. Britannia....... Copper. J. Greig. Halfpenny, 1773.. Britannia....... Copper. J.Gebhard Halfpenny, 1799.. Britannia....... Copper. Mrs.Taylor Halfpenny, 1795.. Britannia...... Copper, W.Corbould. Halfpenny, 1788.. Britannia....... Copper. J.Gebhard Halfpenny, 1806.. Britannia....... Copper. MrsTaylor Halfpenny, 1807.. Britannia....... Copper. MrsTaylor Penny, 1805...... Hibernia...... Copper. J. Greig. Penny, 1805....... Hibernia....... Copper. J. Greig. Halfpenny, 1805.. Hibernia....... Copper. J. Greig. Halfpenny, 1805.. Hibernia....... Copper. J. Greig. Halfpenny, 1769.. Hibernia....... Copper. J. Greig. Halfpenny, 1775.. Hibernia....... Copper. J. Greig. Halfpenny, 1781.. Hibernia....... Copper. J. Greig. Halfpenny, 1782.. Hibernia....... Copper. M. Eames. Farthing, 1806..... Hibernia....... Copper. G. Brinley Farthing, 1806..... Hibernia....... Copper. J. Greig. Farthing, 1773..... Britannia....... Copper. J. Greig. Farthing, 1773..... Britannia..... Copper. J. Greig. Farthing, 1799... Britannia....... Copper. J. Greig. Farthing, 1799..... Britannia....... Copper. J. Greig. Penny, 1786...... Isle of Man.... Copper. J. Greig. Penny, 1786....... Isle of Man.... Copper. J. Greig. Halfpenny, 1798... Isle of Man.... Copper. J. Greig. Halfpenny, 1773... For Virginia.... Copper. J. Greig. Halfpenny, 1773... For Virginia.... Copper. Johnson................... For Sumatra... Copper. Dr. Martin.................. For Sumatra... Copper. Dr. Martin.................. For Sumatra.. Copper. Dr. Martin............. For Sumatra... Copper. Dr. Martin Halfpenny, 1760... At Coronation.. Copper. J. Greig. Halfpenny, 1760... At Coronation.. Copper. J. Greig................ For Sumatra. Copper. MrsTaylor.................. For Sumatra..Copper. J. Greig................... For Sumatra.. Copper. J. Greig................ For Sumatra... Copper. J. Greig. 20 cash......... For Madras.... Copper. MrsTaylor Rupee............ For Madras..... Silver.. J. Greig. Rupee............ For Madras..... Silver.. J. Greig. Half rupee........ For Bengal..... Silver.. J. Greig. Half rupee........ For Bengal..... Silver.. J. Greig. Rupee............ For Bengal... Silver.. J. Greig. Rupee............ For Bengal.... Silver.. J. Greig. Rupee........... For Bengal.... Silver.. J. Greig. Rupee........... For Bengal..... Silver.. J. Greig. Rupee............. For Bengal..... Silver.. J. Greig. Rupee............ For Bengal.... Silver.. J. Greig. Pice.............. For Bengal..... Silver.. J. Greig. Rupee........... For Madras..... Silver.. J. Greig. Rupee............ For Madras.... Silver.. J. Greig. Half rupee........ For Madras..... Silver.. J. Greig...... 1791....... For Bombay... Copper. MrsTaylor... 1819....... For Ionian Isles, Cop., Dr.KenSnedy, 184 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. BRITISH COINS, continued: No. REIGN. Denomination. Mint. Metal. Donor, etc. 385 GEORGE 4th.. Half crown, 1820................. Silver.. Purchased. 386 GEORGE 4th.. Half crown, 1823................. Silver.. Purchased. 387 GEORGE 4th.. Half crown, 1824................ Silver.. J. Greig. 388 GEORGE 4th..... Half crown, 1825................. Silver.. J. Greig. 389 GEORGE 4th Shilling, 1824....................Silver.. J. Greig. 390 GEORGE 4th..... Shilling, 1825.................... Silver.. Puichased 391 GEORGE 4th..... Shilling, 1826..................... Silver.. Purchased 392 GEORGE 4th.. Shilling, 1827.....................Silver.. Purchased 393 GEORGE 4th..... 6 pence, 1825...... Britannia...... Silver.. A.Hickcox 394 GEORGE 4th.... 6 pence, 1828...... Britannia....... Silver.. A.Hickcox 395 GEORGE 4th........... 1822...... Mauritius...... Silver.. Mrs.Gray. 396 GEORGE 4th...........1822...... Mauritius...... Silver.. Purchased. 397 GEORGE 4th...........1822...... Mauritius...... Silver.. Purchased. 398 GEORGE 4th........... 1822...... Mauritius...... Silver.. Purchased. 399 GEORGE 4th........... 1822...... Mauritius...... Silver.. E.J.Miller. 400 GEORGE 4th..... Penny, 1822...... Hibernia....... Copper. E.J.Miller. 401 GEORGE 4th... Penny, 1823...... Hibernia....... Copper. Dr. Martin 402 GEORGE 4th... Penny, 1826...... Britannia...... Copper. Dr. Martin 403 GEORGE 4th.. Halfpenny, 1826.. Britannia....... Copper. E.J.Miller.404 GEORGE 4th.. Halfpenny, 1825.. Britannia....... Copper. MrsTaylor 405 GEORGE 4th..... Halfpenny, 1822.. Hibernia...... Copper. MrsTaylor 406 GEORGE 4th.. Halfpenny, 1823.. Hibernia....... Copper. MrsTaylor 407 GEORGE 4th... Halfpenny, 1821... For St. Helena.. Cop.. W.Corbould. 408 GEORGE 4th.. Farthing, 1821..... Britannia....... Copper. G. Brinley 409 GEORGE 4th.. Farthing, 1822.... Britannia....... Copper. G. Brinley 410 GEORGE 4th..... Farthing, 1822... Britannia....... Copper. MrsTaylor 411 GEORGE 4th.. Farthing, 1825.... Britannia....... Copper. G. Brinley 412 GEORGE 4th.... Farthing, 1826.... Britannia........ Copper. G. Brinley 413 GEORGE 4th..... Farthing, 1827.... Britannia....... Copper. J. Greig. 414 GEORGE 4th..... Farthing, 1819.... Britannia....... Copper. J. Greig. 415 GEORGE 4th..... Farthing, 1830.... Britannia..... Copper. J. Greig. 416 GEORGE 4th... Penny token, 1824. For Nova Scotia, Copper. E.J:Miller 417 GEORGE 4th..... Halfpenny, 1824.. For Nova Scotia, Copper. Dr. Martin 418 GEORGE 4th.. Halfpenny, 1832... For Nova Scotia, Copper. Dr. Martin 419 GEORGE 4th.. Halfpenny, 1823... For Nova Scotia, Copper. MrsTaylor 420 GEORGE 4th... Halfpenny, 1832... Upper Canada.. Copper. Dr.Martin. 421 WILLIAM 4th.... 6 pence, 1837..................... Silver.. Purchased 422 WILLIAM 4th.... 1I penny, 1832.................. Silver.. Dr.Martin. 423 WILLIAM 4th... penny, 1834.................. Silver.. Dr.Martin. 424 WILLIAM 4th.... 1 penny, 1835.... For Demerary.. Silver.. J. Greig. 425 WILLIAM 4th... Penny, 1831...... Britannia...... Copper. Dr.Martin. 426 WILLIAM 4th. Penny, 1831...... Britannia...... Copper. Mrs.Taylor 427 WILLIAM 4hh...Farthing, 1831.... Britania...... Copper. Exchanged 428 WILLIAM 4th.... Penny, 1837...... For L. Canada. Copper. Exchanged 429 WILLIAM 4th.. Penny, 1837...... For L. Canada. Copper. Exchanged 430 WILLIAM 4th.... Penny, 1837...... For L. Canada. Copper. J. J. Cole. 431 WILLIAM 4th.... 12 penny, 1837.... For L. Canada. Copper. J. J. Cole. 432 WILLIAM 4th. 2 penny......... For Nova-Scotia, Copper, E. D.Wait. 433 WILLIAM 4th.... Farthing, 1835.... For Ionian Isles. Cop.. C.I.Bushnell. 434 WILLIAM 4th.... Guilder, 1836...... British Guiana.. Silver.. Purchased 435 WILLIA 4th.... Rupee, 1835....... East India Comp. Silver.. Purchased 436 WILLIAM 4th.... anna, 1835...... East India Comp. Copper. Exchanged 437 VICTORIA....... Shilling, 1839...... Britannia...... Copper. Purchased 438 VICTORIA....... Shilling, 1839...... Britannia...... Copper. 439 VICTORIA...... Shilling, 1845...... Britannia...... Copper. Exchanged 440 VICTORIA....... 3 pence, 1841...... Britannia...... Copper, W.C.Miller. 441 VICTORIA....... 3 pence, 1841...... Britannia...... Copper. Exchanged 442 VICTORIA....... Halfpenny, 1854... Britannia...... Copper, W.C.Miller 443 VICTORIA.,..... Halfpenny, 1854... Britannia...... Copper. Exchanged 444 VICTORIA.,..... Farthing, 1853.... Britannia...... Copper. Exchanged 445 VICTORIa........ farthing, 1844.... Britannia...... Copper. Exchanged 446 VICTORIA,,.... 1-13 shilling, 1851.. States of Jersey, Copper. Exchanged 447 VICTORIA....... Penny, 1839...... Isle of Man.... Copper. Exchanged 448 VICTORIA....... Farthing, 1851.... Ionian Isles.... Copper. J.Gebhard. 449 VICTORIA...... Rupee, 1840...... East India Comp. Silver.. Exchanged 450 VICTORIA:,.... 2 annas, 1841...... East India Comp. Silver.. Exchanged 4.51 VIxcToo,,,,., 1 cent, 1845,,... East India Comp. Copper. W.C.Miller COINS. 185 No. REIGN. Denom~ination. Mint. Metal. Donor. etc. 452 VICTORIA.... Penny, 1845.... Niew-Brunsvvtek. Copper. Exchanged 4.5 VICTORIA.....hlalfpenny, 18438.. ew-Brunswtea Copper. Exchianged 4.4 A IcTORIA.....Penny, 1852....Bank UL Can" da. Coppet. Dr.Hough. 45;5 V IC";TIII, 1A....Pennyt. 18.52....Bank L. Canada Copper. Exchanged. 4o6 VICTORIUA. Hat ipenny, 1850... Bank U. Canada, Copper. H. Homes. 4.,-7 VICTORIA.....naitpenny, 18051... Bank U. Canada, Copper. 11. Hromes. 4) 8 VICTORIA. l...1 taopennly, 1844. Bank of Montrea',Coppet. Dr.Hough. 4 59 VIcTRouA... H.1a ipienny, 1814.Bank of Mtontteal Coppet. Exchanged 460 VICTORIA........Penny, 1840.....Nova-Scotia.... Copper. Exchanged 461 VICTORIAa........ Penny, 18.52....Quebec, B. token, Copper. Exchanged 462 VICTORIA........ halfpinny. 1852 Quebec, do. Copper. Exchanged See Scotland. GREiAT BRITAIN - Tokens: No. NATME Denomination. Metal. Donor, etc. 1 ANGLESEY MINES........... Penny token, 1788.... Copper. J. Greig. 2 ANNCGL ESE YdMI N ES......Pnny toklen, 1788.. Copper.- J. G re ig.w 3 AN GL E S EY llI Ni S,11 tl'.pclnn token, 1(91. Copper. J. Greio 4 ANGLESEY MINES. Halfpenny token, 1781.. Copper. J. Gre-ig. 5 ANGLaESEY COPPER I 1oKSIhltpenny token, 1(93. Copper. J.. Greigc.. 6 ANGL E SEY........ i......... Farthilng token, i9o.. Copper. J. Greizg. 71 BtRITISH COPPER COM3PANY.Penny tokeni 1813.. Copper. J. Greig 8 IRINCHAAI COINING-and Hlalfpenuy token, 17 92.. Copper. J. Greig. Copper Company 9 B~xxixMINI NkG, and i1alf'penny token, 1794. Copper. J. Grein. Copper Company 10 UPPER CA1NADA............ Halfpennx token, 1820. Copper. Dr.C. Maritm 11 EDWARD BEwvLEY..... Penny token, 1814... Copper. J. Gtetg. 121 EDWARD BEWLEY Penny token, 1814... Copper.- J. Gretg. 13COVENXTRY.................Halfpenny token, 1i Cper.)tt 14 CRONEBANE................. Hilfp 'enny token, 1(89. Copper. J. Greig 15CRONEBANE................. Halfbnctny token, 1789. Copper. J. Greig. 160 COIMEREC IA L............... Halfp~enny token, l797. Copper. J. Grieto 17 CAMIPBELL................. Hilt ennv token, 1~96. Copper. J. Gleig. 18 W. Caoo-ms................ Halfpech'y token.... Copper. J. Gteig. I19- CAM1AC, KYAN & CAMAC...lalf penny token..... Copper. J. Gtetg. 20 CARAC, KYAN & CARMAC.. Haltpcinny token.... Copper. J. Greig. 21 EDINBURGHI...............11alnfpenny token, 179'. Copper. J. Gtetg. 22 EDINBURGH................ Halfpenny token. 17(,02. Copper -D. DiC. Marit 23 GLASGOW.................. Halfobenny token, 1(91. Copper. J. Gteig. 24 HALIPAX.................. Hahipenny token, 1810o. Copper. E. J. Millet. 25. J. HOWARD............... Halfpenny token, 194. Copper. E. J. Mtller. 26 LIVERPOOL.................. Hatftfpenn11ytoken, 17491. Copper. J. Griete 27 LIVERLPOOL............... Halfpenny token,1791. Copper. J. Grieg. 28 LANCASTER................. Halfpenny token, 19L. Copper. J. Greig. 29 LANCASTER.................. Halfpentnytoken, 1(-61. Copper. J. Gteio' 3 0 LAý_c T INO GTO0N............... Ilaltpenny token, 179.5. Copper. J. (xreig. 8 l LACKINOTON............... Halfpenny token, 179.5. Copper. Mrs. Taylot. 32 MANCHESTERa.............. Halfpennay token, 1793. Copper. J. -Greig 38 MACCLESFIELD............. Halfpeniny token, 17191. Copper. J. Gtetg. 34 'NEWTON.............arthing token, 1793. Copper. J. Gtetg 35 No0 L A B0ItTOR,*NOB*R"E'A*D lalfpcnny toke'n. Copper. J. Gtet n 36StEFFPIELD................ Penny token, 18138). Copper. J. Gteig. 87 E. STEPHENS............... Penny token, 1814.. Copper. J. Gretg. 38S TRADE.................... Halfpenny token. 1818. Copper. Dt.C. Matrtin, 39 TRA DE and NAVIGATION Penny token, 18388-.... Copper. J. Gretao 40 VINCIT AITToR PATRIE... Halfpenny token, 1811. Copper. J. Greig. 41 PRINCE oP, WALES.........HI-alf'penny token, 17'90. Copper. J. Greig. 42 PRINCESS oP WALES....Half'penny token, 1796. Copper. J. Greig. 4 3 BRISTOL............... Farthing, 1652........ Copper. J. Gebhard. 44 SOUTH WALES............. Farthing, 1793........ Copper. J. Grei~.w 45 YORK....................... Farthing, 1814........ Copper. Exchanged. 46 WELLINGTON............... Halfpenny token, 1814. Copper. Dr. C. Mfartin. 47 WELLINGTON..............HIalfpenny token, 1814. Copper. E. J. Miller. [L.IBT. 24, 186 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. BRITISH TOKENS, continued: No. NAME. Deuomination. Metal. Donor, etc. 49 JOHN WILKINSON......... Halfpenny token, 1791. Copper. J. Greig. 50 JouN WILKINSON......... Hal'fpenny token, 1792. Copper. J. Greig. 51 JOHN WHITE............. Halfpenny token, 1796. Copper. J. Greig. 52 JOHN WHITE............. Halfpenny token, 1796. Copper. J. Greig. 53 BaOKE, Halifax......... Halfpenny token, 1814. Copper. Mrs. Taylor. 54 BRITIsu COLONIES...... Halfpenny token, 1825. Copper. Mrs. Taylor. 55 T. S. BROWN, Montreal.... Halfpenny token...... Copper. Mrs. Taylor. 56 COMMERCE............... IHalfpenny token, 1814. Copper. Exchanged. 57 COMAIERCE~............... iHalfpenny token, 1813. Copper. Exchanged. 58 CANADA.................. Halfpenny token, 1841. Copper. Mrs. Taylor. 59 FOWLER................ Halfpenny token, 1794. Copper. Mrs. J. Gray. 60 GENERAL ACCOMMODATION. Halfpenny token...... Copper. Mrs. Taylor. 61 GENUINE BRITISH COPPER. Halfpenny token, 1815. Copper. Mrs. Taylor. 62 HIBERNIA................ Halfpenny token...... Copper. Mrs. Taylor. 63 JUSTICE.................. Halfpenny token, 1812. Copper. Mrs. Taylor. 64 JUSTICE................. Halfpenny token, 1812. Brass.. Mrs. Taylor. 65 JUSTICE.................. Halfpenny token, 1815. Copper. Mrs. Taylor. 66 LESLIE & SONS............ Halfpenny token...... Copper. Mrs. Taylor. 67 MONTREAL BANK.......... Halfpenny token...... Copper. Exchanged. 68 MONTREAL..............Halfpenny token, 1816. Copper. Exchanged. 69 NORTH AMERICAN Token... Halfpenny token, 1781. Copper. Exchanged. 70 No A-ScoTIA Hardware store, Halfpenny token, 1816. Copper. Exchanged. 71 NOVA-SCOTIA, Com. change, Halfpenny token, 1815. Copper. Mrs. Taylor. 72 PEACE...................Halfpenny token, 1813. Copper. Exchanged. 73 PEACE................... Halfpenny token, 1814. Copper. Exchanged. 74 PEACE................... Halfpenny token, 1815. Copper. Exchanged. 75 PURE COPPER preferable... Halfpenny token...... Copper. Exchanged. 76 SHAKESPEARE............ Halfpenny token...... Copper. Mrs. Taylor. 77 SHips, Colonies & Commerce, Halfpenny token...... Copper. Mrs. Taylor. 78 JAMEi SPITTLES.......... I-alfpenny token, 1820. Copper. Mrs. Taylor. 79 STARR & SHANNON......... Halfpenny token, 1815. Copper. Mrs. Taylor. 80 E. STEPHENS............. Penny token, 1816.... Copper. Exchanged. 81 SUCCESS TO NAVIGATION... Halfpenny token, 1815. Copper. Exchanged. 82 TRADE and NAVIGATION.. Stiver, 1838......... Copper. Exchanged. 83 TRADE and NAVIGATION.. Halfpenny token, 1813. Copper. Exchanged. 84 UPPER CANADA, Com. change, Halfpenny token, 1821, Copper. Mrs. Taylor. 85 UPPER CANADA........... Halfpenny token, 1820. Copper. J. Gebhard jr. 86 UPPER CANADA, Trade.... Halfpenny token, 1823. Copper. Mrs. Taylor. 87 UPPER CANADA, Trade.... Halfpenny token, 1837. Copper. Mrs. Taylor. 88 VICTORIA NOBIS EST....... Halfpenny token...... Copper. Mrs. Taylor. 89 WATERLOO............... Halfpenny token, 1816. Copper. Mrs. Taylor. 90 WATERLOO.............. Halfpenny token, 1816. Copper. Exchanged. 91 WELLINGTON, F. Marshal.. Halfpenny token...... Copper. Mrs. Taylor. 92 WELLINGTON,.. Halfpenny token, 1805. Copper. Exchanged. 93 WELLINGTON,.. Halfpenny token...... Copper. Exchanged. GREEK EMPIRE. No. NAME. Metal. Donor, etc. 1 CARTHAGE..................... Copper. J. Greig. 2 PTOLEMY 2d................... Copper. J. Greig. 3 PTOLEMY 2d.................. Copper. J. Greig. 4 CALENO...................... Copper. J. Greig. 5 ACARNANIA.................. Copper. J. Greig. 6 NAPLES........................ Copper. J. Greig. 7 NAPLES....................... Copper. J. Greig. 8 NAPLES.................... Copper. J. Greig. 9 PANORMUS.................... Copper. J. Greig. 10 PANORMUS................. Copper. J. Greig. 11 METAPONTUM................... Copper. J. Greig. COI NTS. 187 HIAYTI, REPUBLIC OF. No. REIGN. Denominaaliona Metal. Donor, ele. 1 REPUBILIQUE D'1{AITI..... 245 centimes. an 18. Siavae. Purchased. 2 REPUBLIQUE, A. PETrION, Pre~st., 12 ceutnmes,-aaa 14. Silver..Purch ased. 3a REPUBLIQUE, J. P*. BOYERt, Piest. 100 centhini. an'2 Silver..1 urcltased. 4REPUBLIQUE, ILibert', Egralitd..2 ceaatimles. an 26 (oppera-G. Brinley jr. 5 BEPUBLIQUE, Liberte', Egalite..2 centaimes. 1829 Copper -G. Briaaley jr. 6 fPBIULibert6, DEatte 1I centime.u an. -..Copper. G. rinley Jr. 7REPIUBLIQUE, LibertS, Fo-alfte" 6 centiniLIs an 43 (opper. Unknown. 8 IREPUBLIQC i,, Libert 6, )Boatate. 2 ccntimes, 1846..Copper. Ukuowni. HJOLLANDJ. 1 UNITED PILOVI'XCiESOr the (Guilder, 1793 - Silver..Purchascd. IN e-therltands 2 UNITED PROVINCES.... C.. ua d,.r,1802. Sailver. Purchased. 3UNITE] PR9OV IN C ES.........guilder......Silv'er. Purchased. 4 UNITED PROV INcEs (....... 1gulder Salver. Purchased. 5 UN IrE D P It 0vYIN,E....... guilder, I1759.... Silver. Puachac-sed. 6~~~~~~~~ -.uI rOICS ~ StNcs16 ~ St i Judge Johnson. 7 UNITED P R,9)VI N C E,8........ gilder,1774.... Silver-J. acag. 8 UNITED P 0VI-XUES...... guailder, 1802)...Sailver..1.Gr 0) UNITED 1) P R, 0mc s.............guilder,11302...Sailver..3J(Treat 110 UNITE]) iROIINCES..... a.. Yulder 1802... Slvera.J C- Geag 11 UNITE'D iiROATINC)ES.......2centaines)1884...Coppea. Exclianged. 1.2 UNITED PROVINCE S........ýta) ea....... Copper. Exeliangedl I1-' UNITED IPIIt VYI NC E S...... 1 Stcsea 1804...Copp~er. Mrs. TA a)1 1I IUNITED PROIVNlCES........stayer 1820 o Copper.1E. 1D. Wast. 1s --]UNITED PROV-INCES....... stiver, 18280...Coppiea. A.S. Joluasoaa 1.6 UNITED PROYINCES........ stn ive 1825...Copapea.1-1. 1-1.laickeox 17 UNITED PROvI7NCEs....tay.. ier, 1826...Colpperl-Exelanued. 18 UNITED PROVINCES -.... stiver 1880 Copper Excliaaaged 19 UNITED PROVINCES........staver 1834... Copper.I xchanioed. 20 UNITED PROVINCES........1stavea I-87... Coppea. Exchanged. 21 UNITED PIIOVINCEs........stines 18~88...CopperaPxchaanged. 22 UJNITED PROVIXICEE........staver,1824... Coppea. Exchangeda 243 PROVINCE.O.FR.SLAN 2 stavers 1766...Salvea..J. Greao' 24 POICE OF FIrTE LAND o CperPchsd 24 PROVINCE OFUTRIECET.ND....................78.Copper. A.u.rJhnson. 260 PROVINCE OF UTRECATn.....................68..... Copper. J. Gei. Jhsn 276 PROVINCE OF ZEALLAND.................176....177. Copper. J. Greig. 28 PROVINCE OF ZEAkLAND....................1747... Copper. J. Greig. 2 9 PROVINCE OF GRONINGEN.............. 77.....U t Copper. J. Greig. 30 PROVINCE OF OVERYSSEL....... o........18 1.....111. Copper. J. Gacig. 3WaaAa,i King of Holland....10 centimes, 1828. Silver..- A. S. Johnson. 321 WILLIAM, 1King of Holl and. ---.5 centimnes, 1826.. Silver.. A. S..Johnsonl. -33 WILLIAM, King of Holland. ----Centime, 1821... Copper. A. S. Jolanson. 34 WILLIAMTN, Kiang of Hollaand....Ceaataime, 1806... Copper. H. H..Ilickcox. '5 WILLIAM, ýKino- of Hollansd....Centime 1847... Copper. W. Al. Fee. 36 WILLIA.M. Kang of Hlolland....4 centame 1801. Copper. -1ir. Boyd. 3WIIAKaaar of Holland....4 centame 1824... Copper. Exchanged. 38 WILLIAM, Kaag of' Holland. -1cenOtaime 1846... Copper. Exchanged. 30 9 WILLIAM '2d, 1. gulden, 1845... Silver.. Purchased. 40 WILLIAM 2(1.'. 10 centames, 1849.. Silver.. E. D. Bulger, 41 WILLIAMI 3d.. 10 centaimes, 1849.. Silver.. Exchaanged. 42 WILLIAM '3d'. 4 centames, 1850.. Silver.. J. J. Cole. 43' For, JAVA.....$.* 1 stivea, 1(99.... Silver.. Exchanged. 44 FORc LuXEMBOIJRO....... 10 centaMesIl80'5.. Copper. Exchangyed. See Belgium. ITALIAN. 1 PORE CLEMTENT 11th........... 2 panls........... Silver~.. A. S. Johinson. 2 POPE BENEDICT 14th........... Balocco, 1750. Copper. J. Grei0. 3 r Po. -ENDCT 4t-...... aul..............Silver.. A. S. Johinson. 1 POPE BCLEMENIT 14th...........2 ais 77 Sle..Ceg 188 INE'W-YORIK STATE LIBRARY. ITALIAN COINS, continued. No. REIGN. Denominantion. Ie talt. Donor, etc. 6 POPE CLEME-NT 13th.......Paul, 17 620....S iler.. A. S. Johnson. 7 POPE Plus Rth.................Sýcudo,1li.....Silver.. Purchased. 8 POPE Plus 6th................. SCudo, itc.....Stilver.. Purchased. 9 POPE Pius 6th................... 2baiocehi.... Copper. J.- Gr e ig. 1t) POPE Pius 7th................. Scudo to01)... Silver.. Purchased. 11 POPE Pius 7th................ Baiocco, 1816... Copper. A. S. Johnson. 12, POPE GREGORY 16th...........'. h biocco,1844...Copperi-1Dr.Kennedy. 13 R EP U BBL-1CA o A I INA NA..........S8 haioceln, 1849...Silver..H. A..Homes. 11 REPUBBLICA ROMAANA...........3 bhuoceln 1849..Copperi J."V. L.Priiy n 1- ItEPPBBMiCA ROMt03ANA.......... Baiocco, 1849...Copiper. C. I.Bushnell. 161 POPE Pius 9th................. Scudo, 18053... Silve.i.Di 'C. Marcin. 17 POPE Pius 9th................. 20 haiocehi, 1848..Silver..J.'V. L ' Preyn. 18 POPE PIUS 9tis................. 5 haioccn,1850...Copper. J. Y.L.Pruyn. 19 POPE Pius 9th................ 2 haioechi, 1850.. Copper. Dr. Kenne-dy. 20 POPE Pius 18,)0. Copper. J. V-L. Prnyn. 21 POPE Pius 9th................ baiocco, '80.-oO. Copper. J.'V. I Pruvn. 622 POPE PIUS 9thl.................'.hL bioeeo,1850...Copper. Dr. Kennedy. 243 CSIAIrES, King of the two Siciliesi3 tarinisl750... Silver.. Purchiased. 244 CHARiLES Kino of the two Sicilies6tiis1c-sl i.Prhsd 2ýji5 CITARIES, King of the two Sicilies'3 tarins, 1708... Silvor.. J. Greig. 2)6 FEPDINAND 4ti................. tarns, l787 Silvor..' Parcliaseoi 27 FERDINAND 4th................ 6 losnesi, 178... Copper. J. 'V. L. Pruyn. 28 FPEPR'DI NAND 4 1i............... 6 toii~esi, 1800.. Copper. J.- V. L. Prny.13,. 2Z9 FERDJI-NAN 4th............. 6 toinsi, 1801.. Copper. J. V. L. Prelyn. 30 FERDINAND 4th...............6 torness, 1802'). Copper. G. Brinley jr. 01 FERDINAND o'd................. 12 taiins, 1810.. Copper. Purchiased. 3.)2 GiOAeCCHINo NAPOLEONE. 12 earlini, 1810.. Copper. Purchased. '3FERDINAND I.................... 120 grani, 1818.. Silver..- Purchiased. 31 FERDINAND 2)d............... 6 tornesi, 18321.. Copper. Dr. Kennedy. 35 FERDINAND 2d............... 6 tornesi, 1840. Copper. J. 'V. L. Pruyn. 36 FE RDINAND 2d................ 2 tornesi, 1843.. Copper. A. S. Johnson. 37 FERDINAND 2d................ Tornesi, 1853....Copper. C. 1. Bushnell. 38 CHARLES EM11ANUEL, Kn f................. Siler. Puchased. Sardinija 39 ~ AAES " 20 soldi 1796....Silver.. Exchanged. 40 'VICTOR AsrADIUS,..S soldi, 1795....Copper. A. S.. Johnson. 41 VICTeur EMANUEL..............5 lire 1818. Silver.. Purchased. 42 CHIARLES FELIX................ 5 lire, 1822.....Silver'.. Purchased. 43 CHARLES FELIX................ 5 lsuel18025. Silver..' Purchiased. 44 CHARLES FE LIX...............2 hirel8080.....Silver.. Purchased. 45 CHARLES FELIX................nO0 centinies, 18251. Silver.. Exchanged..46 CHARLES FE LIX, King of Sardiuia,5 ceutessini, 1826. Copper. A. S. Johnson. 47 CHA2ýRLES F ELIX,&) ".. ceutessimii, 182G.. Copper. C. 1. Bushnell. 48 CHARLES FELIX, 3 centessinii, 1826. Silver.. Exchanged. 49 CHIARLES F ELIX, " Centessinsi, 1826.. Silver.. A. S. Johnson. 50 CHARLES FELIX,... Centessimi, 1826.. Silver.. Exchanged. '51 FELIX and ELIZA. Prince and 'a francs, 1807......' Silver..- Purchased. Princess of Lucca 52 RE PUBLIC or, GENOA............. 2 lire, 1795.....Silver.. Purchased. 53 REPUBLIC or, GE;N~OA............!-lire, 1671.....Silver.. Purchased. 54 REPUBLIC OF GENOA............ 5 soldi,7 1793. Copper.- A. S. Johnson. 55' REPUBLIC OF GENOA............ 4 soldi, 1814....Copper. A. S. Johnson. 56 REPUBLIC OF'GENOA............. 2 soldi. 1814....Copper. A. S. Johnson. 57 F _P, &cis, Grand Duke of Tuscany, 5 pauls, 1746....Silver.. Puarchased. 58 LEOPOLD........................ Francesconi, 1773". Silver.. Purchased. 59 FE.RDINAND 3d.............. 2 soldi, 1822....Copper. A. S. Johnson. 60 FERDINAND 3d....... I......... Soldi, 1822. )....Copper. A. S. Johnson. 61 LEOPOLD 2d, Grand Duke of.. 5 quattrini, 1826.. Copper. A. S. Johnson. Tuscany 62 LE OPOLD, 5 quattrini., 18230.. Copper. J. 'V. L. Pruyn. 63 LEOPOLD, 3.... quattrini, 1839.. Copper. Dr. Kennedy. 64 LEOPOLD,.. 3. quattrini, 1846.. Copper. Dr. Kenniedy'. 65 LEOPOLD,.... Quattrini., 1827.... Copper. A. S. Johnson. 66 ALaovs Mo0CE NIGOo, D oge of'Venice......1722.... Silver.. J. Greig. 67 EM 7ANUTEL B-E ROHAN, Knight of.......... 1786.... Copper. J. Greig. COINS. 189 No. REIGN. 69 NAPOLEON, Emperor of Italy... 70 NAPOLEON,...... 71 NAPOLEON,. 72 NAPOLEON, 73. NAPOLEON,...... 74 NAPOLEON, " 75 NAPOLEON....76 NAPOLEON,...... 77 NAPOLEON,..... 78 NAPOLEON,...... 79 REGNO LIOBARDO VENETO..... 80 REGNO LOMBARDO VENETO..... 81 REGNO LOMBARDO VENETO..... 82 REGNO LOMBARDO VENETO......83........ FRANCIS, AusT....... 84 DUCHY OF PARMA............... See Roman Empire. MEXICAN. 1 AUGUSTIN, Emperor of Mexico 2 AUGUSTIN....... 3 AUGUSTIN,....... 4 AUGUSTIN....... 5 AUGUSTIN,...... 6 AUGUSTIN,....... 7 AUGUSTIN....... 8 REPUBLIC of MEXICO.......... 9 REPUBLIC of AEXICO.......... 10 REPUBLIC of MIEXICO.......... 11 REPUBLIC of MEXICO.......... 12 REPUBLIC of MEXICO.......... 13 REPUBLIC of MEXICO.......... 14 REPUBLIC of MEXICO........... 15 ZACATECAS................... Denomination. Metal. Donor, etc. 5 lire, 1808...... Silver.. Purchased. 5 lire, 1812....... Silver.. Purchased. Lira, 1810........ Silver.. J. Greig. 10 soldi,1810..... Silver.. Purchased. 10 soldi, 1814..... Silver.. Exchanged. 5 soldi, 1810...... Silver.. Exchanged. 5 soldi, 1812...... Silver.. Exchanged. 5 soldi, 1814...... Silver.. Exchanged. 8 soldi, 1813...... Copper. C. I. Bushnell. Centessimi, 1810.. Copper. Exchanged. 5 centessimi, 1849. Copper. Dr. Kennedy. 3 centessimi, 1843. Copper. Dr. C. Martin. Centessimi, 1849.. Copper. Dr. Kennedy. Centessimi, 1822.. Copper. G. Brinleyjr. Slira 1822....... Silver.. Exchanged. 10 soidi, 1816..... Silver.. Exchanged. 8 reals, 1822...... Silver.. Purchased. 8 reals,1822..... Silver.. Purchased. 8 reals, 1823..... Silver.. Purchased. 2 reals, 1823...... Silver.. Purchased. 2 reals, 1823...... Silver.. Purchased. Real, 1822........ Silver.. Purchased. Sreal, 1822....... Silver.. Dr. C. Martin. 8 reals, 1823...... Silver.. Purchased. - real, 1832....... Copper. Dr. C. Martin. Sreal, 1835....... Copper. Exchanged. 4 real, 1836....... Copper. Exchanged....... 1843....... Silver.. Exchanged. A real, 1842....... Copper. Exchanged. Quartillo, 1848.... Silver.. Exchanged. 2 reals.......... Silver.. Purchased. NETHERLANDS. See Holland; Belgium. POLAND. 1 SIGISIUND 3d................. 2 SIGISMUND 3d................. 3 SIGISMUND 3d.............. 4 FREDERICK AUGUSTUS.......... 5 STANISLAUS AUGUSTUS......... PORTUGUESE. 1 PETER 2d.................... 2 JOHN 5th..................... 3 JOHN 5th.................... 4 JOHN 5th.................... 5 JOHN 5th..................... 6 JOHN 5th................... 7 JOHN 5th................... 8 JOSEPH I..................... 9 JOSEPH I..................... 10 JOSEPH I..................... 11 JOSEPH I.................. 12 JOSEPH I.................... 13 JOSEPH I..................... 14 MARIA I and PETER III....... 15 MARIA I and PETER III........ 16 MARIA I and PETER III........ 17 MARIA I and PETER III.............. 1598............ 1626............. 1626....... 1-24 thaler, 1738........ 1768....... Silver.. Mrs. J. Gray. Silver.. J. Greig. Silver.. J. Greig. Silver.. J. Greig. Silver.. J. Greig. 160 reis, 1701..... Silver.. Purchased. 10 reis, 1727...... Copper. J. Greig. 10 reis, 1732...... Copper. E. J. Miller. 10 reis, 1734...... Copper. Exchanged. 5 reis, 1736....... Copper. J. Greig. 5 reis, 1736....... Copper. J. Greig. 3 reis,1724....... Copper. J. Greig. 4 macutas, 1763... Silver.. Purchased. 10 reis, 1763...... Copper. Exchanged. 10 reis, 1764...... Copper. Exchanged. 10 reis, 1765...... Copper. J. Greig. 5 reis. 1754....... Copper. J. Greig. 5 reis, 1776....... Copper. J. Greig. 10 reis.......... Copper. E. J. Miller. 10 reis........... Copper. Dr. C. Martin. 160 reis, 1781..... Silver.. Purchased. 40 reis........... Silver.. Purchased. 190 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRIA PORTUGUESE COINS, Continued: No. REI G.N. D0dnonijoation. 18 MIARIA I............. 10 reis, 17-92.... 19 MIARIA I..................... 10 reis, 1799.... 20 TMARIA I..................... 5 reis, 1799.... 21 JOHN 6th.................... 4000 reis,1 1810.. 22 JOHN 6th....................3020 reis, 1820... 23 J OffN 6thl.................... 4Oicis, 161-3....,24 JOHN 6th.................... 40 reis, 1824.... 25 JOHN 6th- i.................... 40 riuti 1813.... 265 JoHfN 6th.h................... 40 rics, 182o0.... 27 JOHN 6th.....................20 reis, 1121.... 28 JOHN 6th.................... 10 reis, 1821.... 29 JOHNi 6th.................... 10 reisl 1822. 30 JOHN 6th...................... aeis, 1M).... 31 MARIA 2d.................... 10 tel's 1836.... RtY. Metal. Donor, et(-. Copper. J.(xreig. Copper. E.J.Wliter. Gold..J. Griet Sihver.Pur chased. Copper. Judge Johnson Copper. E.J. Miller, Copper. 'changed. Copper. Exchanged. Copper. Exchiangwed. Copper. Exchanged. Coppet. Exclhanged. Copper. A. S. Johngon. Copper. Purchased. PRUSSIAN. 1 FREDERIC 2d................. Thaler. 17'81. 2 FREDERIC 2d.................I IL LlA h 159. 8 FREDEIRIC -9d............... 1-6 thalc.1779... 4 FREDEIIC 2d....................... 11u5.... 5 FREDERIc 2d.........................1-17.... 6 FREDERIC 2d.................38 pfentenge, 1763. 7 FREDERICK WILLIA-M 2cd..... Tioait1791.... 8 FRE'DERICK AWILLIAM 2d...... TIacter,1795.... 9 FREDERICK WILLIAM 2 d.....thtac r1798... 10 FREDERICK WILLIAM 3 d....1) acat, 1607. 11 IFREDERICK W-IrLLI AM 3 d....Ihater, i818.... 12i FREDERICK WILLIAM 3I d....Thaler,1819.... 13 FREDERICK WILLIAM 3d.......1803.... 14 FREDERICK WILLIA-M 3-d...... 1-6 thalet, 1816i... 1.5 FREDEIRICK WI'L L IAM-A 3d.....1-6 thaiert 1817.. 16 FREDERICK WILLIAM.3d...1-6 thalcr, 1823... 17 FREDERICK WILLIA11 3d....Silbero'-roscheu.1821 18 FREDERICK WVILLIAM 3~d....Sthbergrr1826... 19 FREDERICK WILLIAMM.3d...Slberg. 1830... 20 FREDERICK W.1 L L IAR 3d. ~ Silbergt. 1827' 21 FREDERICK WILLIAM 8d.... o0 pfenninlee 1826.. 22 FREDE RICK W ILLIAM 38d..... pfentnine, 1823.. 2)3 FREDERICK WILLIA-M 3d....Pleontuc,1838.... 21 FREDERICK WILLIAM 3d.... Pfennbuoa 1833... 25 FREDERICK WILLIA-M 4th....2'- Silbe rgr. 1842).. 26( FREDERICK WILLIAMIf 4th....'21Stlbetgr. 1842... 27 FREDERICK WILLIAM-v 4th....SilbergI. 184,1... 28 FREDERICK WILLIAM 4th.... 3 pfcnntnge. 18-42.. 29 FREDERICK WILLIA-M 4th....Plennln~e, 1844.. 20 FREDERICK WILLIA-M 4th....Pfetminge, 1846.. 31 FREDERICK WILLIAM 4th....Pfeiinin~e, 1847 See Germany. ROM3AN EMuPIRu Silver..Fvcham vd. Silver..J. Greig. Sit, vet I. xchanaged. Silver..J. Greig. Silver..J.Greto.* Copper. Exchang)ed. Silvr.ct Purchased. Silver.. IPurchalsed. Silver..J ieto. Gold.. J. Greig. Silver.. Purchased. Silver.. Purehased. Silver.. Exchanged. Silver.. A. S. Johnson. Silver.. Exehang-ed. Silver.. H. 11i. Hickeox. Silver.. J. V. L. Prnyn. Silver.. Exchanged. Silver.. Exchanged.' Silver.. A. S. Johnsotn. Copper. Exchanged. Copper. Exchanged. Copper. Exchan ged. Copper. Exchanlged. Silver.. J. V. L. Pruy n. Silver.. C. I. Bushnell. Silver.. Exchanged. Copper. Exchanged. Copper. Exchanged. Copper. Exchianged. Copper. Exchanged. No. REIGN. 1AUGUSTUS................ 2AUGUSTUS.............. 3AUGUSTUS............ 4 AUGUSTUS.............. a AUGUSTUS................ 6 AUGUSTUS................ 7 AUGUSTUS................ 8 AUGUSTUS............. 9 AUGUSTUS................ 10 AGRIPPA................. 11 TIBERIUS................ iDenominiation. 2ad bronze.... 2d bronze... 2d bronze.... 2d bronze.... 2d bronze.... 2d cbronze.... 2d bronze.... 2d bronze.... 2d bronze.... 2d bronze.... 1st bronze... Donor, etc. WY. C. Johinson. WV. C. Johnson. WV. C. Johnsotn. W. C. Johnlsonl. W. C. Joh-nson. W. C. Johnson. WV. C. Johnson. J. Gret,(,. J. Greig. W. C. Johnson. J. Gret0'M. COINS. 191 No. REIGN. Dclnomna ion, Don 1r, etc. 12 DRusTs................ 1st bronze... W. C. Johnson. 13 Dausus................ Ist bronze... -W. C. Johnson. 14 CLAUDIUS............... Ist bronze... WV. C. Johnsoo. 15 CLAUDIUS............. 1st bronze... W. C. Johnson. 16 NERO.................. 2d bronze.... W. C. Johnson. 17 NERO..................... 2d bronze.... W. C. Johnson. 18 NEiO.................. 2d bronze.... J. Greig. 19 NERO.................... 2d bronze.... W. C. Johnson. 20 NERo.................. 2d bronze.... W. C. Johnson. 21 OTI-o................. 2d bronze.... J. Greig. 22 VITELLIUS............. Denarius.... J. Greig. 23 VESPASIANUS........... 1st bronze., J. Greig. 24 VESPASIANUs........... 1st bronze... W. C. Johnson. 25 VEsPAsIANUS........... 1st bronze... W. C. Johnson. 26 DOMITIANUS............ 2d bronze.... XV. C. Johnson. 27 DOMIIITIANUS............ 2d bronze.... J. Greig. 28 DOMITIANUS............ Denarius.... J. Greig. 29 NERVA..................Denarius.... WX. C. Johnson. 30 NERVA................ Denarius.... J. Greig. 31 TRAJAN................ Denarius.... WV. C. Johnson. 32 TRAJAN................ 1st bronze... TV. C. Johnson. 33 TRAJAN................ 1st bronze... J. Greig. 34 TRAJAN................ Ist bronze... E. J. Miller. 35 HADRIAN.............. 1st bronze... W. C. Johnson. 36 HADRIAN 1............. Ist bronze... W. C. Johnson. 37 IHADRIAN.............. 1st bronze... W. C. Johnson. 38 HADRIAN.............. Ist bronze.. J. Greig. 39 HInaRIAN.............. Ist bronze... J. Greig. 40 TELIUS CAýSAR....................... WV. C. Johnson. 41 ANTONINUs Pius..................... W. C. Johnson. 42 ANToNINUs PIus.................... W. C. Johnson. 43 ArNTONINUS PIus..................... W. C. J011ohnson. 44 AwroNINZUs PIus.................... W. C. Johnson. 45 ANToNIoNUs PIus.................... W. C. Johnson. 46 ANToNINUS Pius.................... W. C. Johnson. 47 FAUSTINA senior......... Denarius.... W. C. Johnson. 48 FAUSTINA senior...................... WV. C. Johnson. 49 FAUSTINA senior....................... W. C. Johnson. 50 FAUSTINA senior..................... J.TGreig. 51 MARcuS AURELIUS...... ist bronze... W. C. Johnson. 52 MARCUS AURELIUs...... 1st bronze... W. C. Johnson. 53 MARCUs AURELIUS...... 1st bronze... W. C. Johnson. 54 MAicUs AURELIUS...... 2d bronze.... W. C. Johnson. 55 MARCUs AURELIUS...... 2d bronze.... W. C. Johnson. 56 MARCUS AURELIUS...... 2d bronze.... J. Greig. 57 MARCUss AURELIUS.. 2d bronze.... J. Greig. 58 MARcus AURELIUS.. 2d bronze.... J. Greig. 59 FAUSTINA junior..................... Wt. C. Johnson. 60 FAUSTINA junior........ 1st bronze.... W. C. Johnson. 61 LUCILLA............... 1st bronze... J. Greig. 62 CorMoDus............ 1st bronze.... J. Greig. 63 ALEXANDER SEVERUS... Denarius.... W. C. Johnson. 64 ALEXANDER SEVERUS.... Denarius.... X. C. Johnson. 65 ALEXANDER SEVERUS... 2d bronze.... J. Greig. 66 ALEXANDER SEVERUS.... 2d bronze.... J. Greig. 67 JULIA MAREA.........................V. C. 0Johnson. 68 MAXIMINUs I....................... W. J. Johnson. 69 M1AXIMINUS I..................... C.J. Johnson. 70 MAXIMINUS I....................... W. C. Johnson. 71 GonRIANUs Pus........ Denarius..... W. C. Johnson. 72 GORDIANUS PIUS........ Denarius..... W. C. Johnson. 73 GoinuANus PIsU........ Denarius..... V C. Johnson. 74 GORDIANUS PIUs........ Denarius..... W. C. Johnson. 75 GORDIANUS PIUS........ 2d bronze,... W. C. Johnson. 76 GoRDIANUs PIUS........ 2d bronze.... W. C. Johnson. 77 GORDIANUS PIUS........ 2d bronze.... E. J. Miller. 78 GORDIANUS PIUS........ 2d bronze.... J. Greig. 79 GORDIANUS PIUS........ 2d bronze.... J. Greig. 80 P9ILIPPUS I...'.... 2d bronze,,, J0 Greigw 192 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. ROMAN COINS, continued: No. REIGN. Denomination. 81 PHILIPPUS I............. 3d bronze.... 82 PACATIANUS............. 3d bronze.... 83 GALLIENUS............. Denarius.... 84 GALLIENUS............. 3d bronze.... 85 GALLIENUS..............3d bronze-.... 86 GALLIENUS............. 3d bronze.... 87 GALLIENUS............. 3d bronze.... 88 GALLIENUS............. 3d bronze.... 89 GALLIENUS............. 3d bronze.... 90 GALLIENUS............. 3d bronze.... 91 GALLIENUS............. 3d bronze.... 92 GALLIENUS............. 3d bronze.... 93 GALLIENUS............. 3d bronze.... 94 GALLIENUS............. 3d bronze.... 95 SALONINA.............. 3d bronze.... 96 VICTonINus............ 3d bronze.... 97 TETRICUS.............. 3d bronze.... 98 TETRICtiUS.............. 3d bronze.... 99 TETRICUS.............. 3d bronze.... 100 TETRICUS.............. 3d bronze.... 101 TETnRICUs.............. 3d bronze.... 102 TETRICUS................. 3.d bronze.... 103 TETRICUS.............. 3dc bronze.... 104 TETRICUS junior........... 3d bronze.... 105 TETRICUS junior......... 3d bronze.... 106 TETRICUS junior......... 3d bronze.... 107 TETrJCus j1unior.......... 3d bronze.... 108 TETRICUS junior......... 3d bronze.... 109 CLAUDIUS GOTHICUS.................. 110 AURELIANUS........... 3d bronze.... 111 AURELIANUS........... 3d br6nze.... 112 AURELIANUS............ 3d bronze.... 113 AURELIANUS........... 3d bronze.... 114 AURELIANUS............ 3d bronze.... 115 AURELIANUS............. 3d bronze.... 116 AURELIANUS............3d bronze.... 117 AURELIANUS........... 3d bronze.... 118 AURELIANUS........... 3d bronze.... 119 AURELIANUS........... 3d bronze.... 120 AURELIANUS........... 3d bronze.... 121 SEVERINA.............. 3d bronze.... 122 TACITUS............... 3d bronze.... 123 TACITus.................. 3d bronze.... 124 TACITUs................ 3d bronze.... 125 FLORIANUS............. 3d bronze.... 126 Ponus................... 3d bronze.... 127 PROBUS................. 3 bronze.... 128 PoBus................... 3d bronze.... 129 CARUS.................. 31 bronze.... 130 NUMERIANUS........... 3d bronze.... 131 CARINUs............... 3d bronze.... 132 DIOCLETIANUS.......... 3d bronze.... 133 DIOCLETIANUS.......... 38d bronze.... 134 MAXIMTIANUS........... 3d bronze.... 135 MAXIMIANUS............. 3d bronze.... 136 MAXIMIANUS........... 3d bronze.... 137 MTAXIMIANUS............ 3d bronze.... 138 CARusIus.............. 3d bronze.... 139 CONSTANTIUS I........ 3d bronze.... 140 MAXIMINUS DAZA....... 3d bronze.... 141 MAXENTIUS............ 3d bronze.... 142 MAXENTIUS............. 3d bronze.... 143 MAxENTIUS.............. 3d bronze.... 144 MAXENTIUS.............3 8c bronze.... 145 LicliNIUs senior......... 3d bronze.... 146 LicINIius junior......... 3d bronze.... 147 CONSTANTINUS Ia I.,,.,., 3q d bronze.... Donor, etc. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. rW. C. Johnson. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greit. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Grei,. J. Greig. J. Greig. 1. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. W. GreiC. Johnson. W. GreigC. Johnson. J. Greig. NV. C. Johnson. W. C. Johnson. J. Greig. J. Greig. W. C. Johnson. W. C. Johnson. Mr. C. Johnson. J. Greig. J. Greig. W. C. Johnson. WX. C. Johnson. W. C. Johnson. M. GreigC. Johnson. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. W. GeigC. Johnson. W. C. Johnson. Wr. C. Johnson. WV. C. Johnson. W., C. Johnson. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. Johnson W. C. Johnson. W.C' C. Johnson. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. GrPeig. Je Gr-leig. COINS.#9 No. REIGN. Denomination. Donor, etc. 148 CONSTANTINUS I........ 3d bronze....- J. Greig. 149 CONSTANTINUS I........ 3d bronze.... J. Greig. 150 CONSTANTt NUJS 1.....3d bronze.... J. Greig. 151 CONSTANTINUS I........38d bronze.... J. Greig. 152 Coa STANTINUS I........ 3d bronze.... J. Greig. 153 CONSTANTINUS I........ 3d bronze.... J. Greig. 154 CONSTANTINUS I. '.. 3d bronze.... J. Greig. 155 CONSTANTINUS 2d..... 3d bronze.... J. Greig. 156 CONSTANTINus 2d..... 3d bronze.... J. Greig. 157 CONSTANTINUs 2d....... 3d bronze.... J. Greig. 158 CONSTANTINUS 2d.......38d bronze... W. C. Johnson. 159 CONSTANTINUS 2d.......38d bronze.... WT. C. Jobnson. 160 CONSTAN-S...............38d bronze.... W. C. Johnson. 161 CONSTANS...............38d bronze.... J. Greig. 162 CONSTANTIUs 2d......... 3d bronze....W. C. Johnson. 163 CONSTANTIUs 2d......... 3d bronze... J. Greig. 164 CONSTANTIUS 2d.........38d bronze.... E. J. Mliller. 165 MAIANENTIUS.........d bronze.... J. Greig. 166 VA LENS.................31d bronze.... W. C. Johnson. 167 VALENS.................3Od bronze.... J. Greig. 168 GRATIANIUS..............38d bronze.... J. Grieg. 169 IloNoRres...............38d bronze.... W. C Johnson. 170 LEO 6th................38d bronze.... W. C. Johnson. 171 PART of Romnan Ass....3d bronze... J. Greig.m RUSSIAN. No. REIGN. Denomination. Metal. Donor, etc. 1 PETER the Great.............IRouble, 1725....Silver.. J. Greig. 2 PETER the Great.............. Copeck........... Silver.. J. Greig. 3 PETER the Great.............. Copeck........... Silver.. J. Greig. 4 PETER 2d.................... Rouble, 1728....Silver.. J. Greig. 5 ANNE........................... Rouble, 1734....Silver.. J. Greig. 6 ANNE........................... Copeck, 1739 -.... Copper. J. Greig. 7 ANNE........................... Copeck, 1735.... Copper. J. Greig. 8 ELIZABETH...................... Ronble, 1748....Silver.. Purchased. 9 EIZAETH.................1 coeek, 1748.. Silver.. J. Greig. 10ELIZABETH.......................5 copecks 158..Slve. Geg 11 ELIZABETH...................... 5 copecks, 17578.. Coppler.. J. Greig. 11 ELIZABETH......................35 copecks. 1757. Copper. J. Greig. 13 ELIZABETH...................... 3 copecks, 175867 Copper, J. Greig. 14 ELIZABETH...................... 3copecks, 1759... Copper. J. Greig.9 15 ELIZABETH.................... Copeck, 17,59...., Copper. J. Greig. 16 ELIZABETH................Copeck; 1756.... Copper. J. Greig. 17 ELIZABETH..................Copeck, 17516.. Copper. J. Greig. '18 ELIZABETH.......Copeck, 1767.. Copper. J. Greig. 19 PETIAERT3d....................i oubek, 1762. Silvoper.. J.Greig. 20 PETE R 3d................... 10Ropbeck, 1762.... Copper.. J. Greig. 21 PETER3d................... 40 copecks, 1762... Copper. J. Greig. 22 CAPTHERINE 2d....................4 opbeck,1767. Silvoper.. J. Greig. 23 CATHERINE 2 d................ Rouble', 17674...,.? Silver.. J. Greig. 24 CATHERINE 2d................ Rouble, 17964.... - Silver.. J. Greig. 25 CATHERINEM 2................ 1rouble, 1792.... Silver.. J. Greig. 26 CATHERINE 2 d...............~ rouble, 17882.... Silver.. J. Greig. 27 CATHERINE 2id...........00....10 opbeck, 1779....Copper.. J. Greig. 28 CATHERINE 2d................ 10 copecks, 1780.. Copper. J. Greig. 29. CATHERINE 2d................ 10 copecks, 1775.. Copper. J. Greig. 30 CATHERINE 2d................10copecks, 1788..Copper. J. Greig. 31 CATHERINE 2d............... Copeck, 1770....Copper. J. Greig. 32 PAUL RI.....................ICopbe....77......Silver.. J. Greig, 33 PAUL I.....................2 opbecks 199.. loper. E. J. Miller 34 PAUL...................... 2 copecks, 1800.. Copper. Mrs..Tayloer. 35 PAULEXADE......................Icopbeck, 1804. Silvper,..Mrei.Talr 36 ALEXANDER......................2 opbeck, 1811...., Copper..J. Johnson 37 ALEXANDER................... 2 copecks, 1814... Copper. J. Joreig. 38 NICHOAS..R......................3 ropbeks, 1826... Cplatin. J. Greig. 39 NICHOLAS...................... 3 roubles, 1828..,. Platina. J. Greig. 'D40~nrT AC NIHLA........... 5 cpck,1847., Sfivr. PrcasT LTB. ITT 25 194 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. SANDWICH ISLANDS. No. REIGN. Denomination. Metal. Donor, etc. 1 KAMEHAMEHA 3d............. Hapa Haneri, 1847. Copper. Purchased. SCOTLAND. No. REIGN. Denomination. 1 ALEXANDER 3d.. Penny............ 2 ALEXANDER 3d.. Penny.......... 3 ALEXANDER 3d.. Penny........... 4 JOHN BALIOL.... Penny........... 5 ROBERT 2d...... Groat............ 6 ROBERT 2d..... Groat............ 7 ROBERT 2d...... groat.......... 8 ROBERT2d...... Groat............. 9 ROBERT 3d...... Groat............ 10 JAMEs 1st....... Groat............ 11 JAMES 3d......................... 12 JAMES 3d...................... 13 JAMES 5th....... Groat............. 14 JAMES 5th........................ 15 JAMES 5th..................... 16 MARY........... Ryall, 1567........ 17 MARY............. Testoon........... 18 MARY............................. 19 M ARY...........................# 20 MARY and HENRY, Ryall, 1565....... 21 MARY and HENRY, Ryall, 1566........ 22 MARY & FRANCIS. Testoon........... 23 MARY & FRANCIS. testoon, 1559.... 24 JAMES 6th....... Ryall, 1567........ 25 JAMES 6th....... Ryall, 1591........ 26 JAMES 6th....... 20 shillings........ 27 JAMES 6th....... 20 shillings, 1582... 28 JAMES 6th....... 30 shillings, 1583... 29 JAMES 6th....... Noble........... 30 JAMES 6th....... Nobie............ 31 JAMES 6th....... - noble........... 32 JAMES 6th....... mark........... 33 JAMES 6th....... mark........... 34 JAMES 6th..................... ---- See Great Britain. SOUTI- AMERICAN. Mint. Metal............. Silver................ Silver........ Silver.. Silver................. Silver.. Edinburgh..... Silver.. Edinburgh..... Silver.. Edinburgh..... Silver.. Edinburgh..... Silver.. Perth........ Silver.. Edinburgh..... Silver............... Silver.................. Billon.................. Billon.. Edinburgh..... Silver.. Edinburgh..... Billon.. Edinburgh..... Billon.... Silver............ Silver.. Edinburgh..... Billon.. Edinburgh..... Billon........ Silver............. Silver................. Silver........ ilver....... Silver............... Silver........... Silver...... Silver................ Silver........ Silver.............. Silver............. Silver.............. Silver.............. Silver............. Billon.. Donor, etc. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig, J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. No. REIGN. Denomination. Metal. Donor, etc. 1 REPUBLIC of Bolivia........... 8 reals, 1827.....Billon.. Purchased. 2 REPUBLIC of Bolivia........... 8 reals, 1827...... Billon.. Exchanged. 3 REPUBLIC of Bolivia........... 4 reals, 1830...... Billon.. Dr. Campbell. 4 REPUBLIC of Bolivia........... Real, 1830....... Billon.. J. J. Cole. 5 JOHN, Regent of Brazil........ 960 reis, 1810..... Billon.. Exchanged. 6 JOHN, "........ 400 reis, 1816..... Billon.. Exchanged. 7 JOHN,...... 20 reis, 1802...... Billon.. Exchanged. 8 JOHN,...... 20 reis, 1803...... Billon.. Exchanged. 9 JOHN, "........ 20 reis, 1817...... Billon.. Exchanged. 10 PETER I, Emperor of Brazil.... 960 reis, 1824..... Billon.. Purchased. 11 PETER I,.... 80 reis, 1825...... Copper. Exchanged. 12 PETER I,.... 80 reis, 1830...... Copper. J. Gebhard. 13 PETER I,.... 80 reis. 1831...... Copper. G. Brinley jr. 14 PETER I,.... 40 reis, 1824...... Copper. G. Brinley jr. 15 PETER I, 1... 40 reis, 1826...... Copper. C. I. Bushnell. 16 PETER I,,,.. 40 reis, 1830...... Copper. C. I. Bushnell. 17 PETER I,... 40 reis, 1830...... Copper. C. I. Bushnell. 18 PETER I,.... 40 reis, 1825...... Copper. G. Brinley jr. 19 PETER I,... 20reis, 1827..... Copper. G. Brinley jr. 20 PETER I,... 20 reis, 1829.... Copper. G. Brinley jr. 0C1INLS'. 195 N~o. REIGN IJDiomillal.ii Metial. Donor "CO, 211 PETER 1, Emperor of Brazil. 2J0 ims,18'0... Copper. G. Binle j r, 22 PETER 2d, Emperor of Brazil.. 500 reis, 1850. ilxui.G.Cr binley ii 233 PETER1 2d. Emperor of Brazil... 40 reis, 1882... Copper. G. Sweet. 24 PETER 2d, Emiperor of Brazil... 40 reil 18832. Copper. G Swecet. 25 BUENxos AYRES..............5-10-182J8 Copper. Dr.C. Martin. 2)6 REPUBLIC of Chili............. 2 reols, 184")... Copper-Di. C. Martn. 2Ai7 REPUBLIC of Chili............ Centavo, 1851- Coppei. P.haynolds. 28 REPUBLIC of Chili............. centav o 1851.. Coppei. Excb'io'ged. 30 REPUBLIC of Colombia......... 8 reals, 182~1... Coppei. Exchanged. 31 REPUBLIC Of Colombia......... Real 1827.... Coppei. Excban.DrC. U2 REPUBLIC of Colomabia......... Real, 1831.... Coppei. Purchased. 413o REPUBLIC of Ecuador.......... 2 reals, 1813... Copper. Exchaniged. 3)4 REPUBLIC of Ecuador...........2ý reals. 18471 (Gopper. Exchaniged. 35 REPUBLIC of Lnia.............. 2 reals 19 opt vhne 36 REPUBLIC of' Limna...........4-184.).... Copper. Ex ch aingDeuCI 37 REPUBLIC of Grenada..........S8 re'ils, 1844.... ilver. Exehanged. 388 REPUBLIC of'Grenada........ real, 184o.... ilver. Exehaiigeu 3'D9 REPUBLIC of Grenada.........1f-10 real,14 CpciL Ch)o 40 REPUBLIC of Greiiada.......... 1-20 real, 18471.. Copper. Exehanged. 41 REPUBLIC of Peru............. 8 reals, 1822....Silver.. I ne'ich ded. 42 REPUBLIC of Peru............. 8 reals, 1825.....Silver.. Exehwn ed. 43 REPUBLIC Of Peru............. 8 reals, 1837....silver.. Exchanged. 44 REPUBLIC of Peru............. 2 reals, 1823....Silver.. LIrs.J io. Cray 45 REPUBLIC of Peru............ 62 reals., 1826....Silver.. Exchianged. 46 REPUBLIC of Peru............. 2 reals, 1828. Silver.. Di. Campbell. 47 REPUBLIC of Peru............. Real, 1827........ Silver.. Pmcliased. 48 PROVINCES of Rio do la Plata 8 reals, 1813D....Silver.. Exehano'ed. 49 PROVINCES of Rio do la Plata 2 realls, 1826....Silver.. Exchanged. SPANISH. 1 PHILIP 4th................... Real......... 2 PHILIP 4th................... Real............ 3 PHILIUi.4t..............................;..0&1 4 CHARLES 24.................. 2 eals, 1686.... 5 CHARLES 2d..............................4 1 6 CHARLES, 24................................ 7 CHARLES 2d......................... 8 CHARLES 2d................. - 1695..... 9 PHILIP 5th.................. 20 reals, 1730.. 10 PHILIP 5th.................. 20 reals, 17304.. 11 PHILIP 5th.................. Real, 1737..... 12 PHILIP 5th... *..*beo...*........2 reals, 1723.... 13 PHILIP 5th................... 2 reals, 1717.... 14 PHILIP 5th.........6. 0*a... #...Real, 17387....4 15 PHILIP f5th.................... *.......e.4....4 16 PHILIP 5th....... 4..... o-si................... 17 PHILiIP 5th.----a-&o........... 18 PHILIP 5th...... *.........6.. a............... 19 PHILIP 5th................................ 20 PHILIP 5th.................................... 211 PHILIP 5"th........... 22 FERItDI NAND 6th................ 2 reals, 1759.... 23 FERDINAND 6th.......,...i... 2 reals, 1758.-6.. 24 FERDINAND 6th............... Real, 1743)..... 25 FERDINAND 6th............... Real, 1'712..... 26 FERDINAND 6th real, 1748.... 27 CHARLES 3d.................. 2 reals, 1755.... 28 CHARLES 3~d................. 2 reals, 1771.... 29 CHARLES 38d.................. 2 reals, 1771.... 30 CHARLES 3d................. Real, 171 72..... 31 CHARLES 3d.................. real, 1781.... 32 CH11A RIEs 03d..................~ real, 1776.... 33 CHARLES 33d................................. 34 CHARLES 03d..........0*0.............. *....... 35 CHARLES 3d o...................... 36 CHARLES 3d......................... 87 CHA RLES 4th.................2ý 0 1real s, 179. 38 CHARLES 4th................. - 17-8-9..... Silver.. Purehuased. Silver.J. JGieig Copper. J. Gieig Silver.. J. Gieir Coppr. JCri* Copper. J. Gieig Copper. J.Crieig. Copper. J. Gieig Silver.. Pureha'se'd. Silver.. 1Puichaised. Silver.. Pureh'ised. Silver.. J. Gieiy Silver.. J.Crieiof Silver.. J. Creic',, Copper. J. Gieig Copper, J. Geig. Copper.. J.Gieig Copper1 J.Crieig Copper, J. Gielc Copper. G. Brinic~y jp Copper, J. i eig Silver.. J. Criel Silver.. J. Greic Silver.. Pmrchased. S ilver.. J. Grei Silver-.. G(reig Silver.. Pin chasedJ -Silver.. Puirchased. Silver.. J. Greig. S ilver...1J. Greig. Silver.. J. G-reig. Silver.. J. Greig. Copper. J. Greig. Copper. A. J. Johnsoll. Copper. J. Greig. Copper. J. Creig. Silver.. Purchased. Silver.. Puirchased. 196 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. SPANISH COINS, continued: No. REIGN. 39 CHARLES 4th................. 40 CHARLES 4th,............... 41 CHARLES 4th................. 42 CHARLES 4th.................. 43 CHARLES 4th................... 44 CHARLES 4th.................. 45 CHARLES 4th................. 46 JOSEPH NAPOLEON............ 47 JOSEPH NAPOLEON.............. 48 JOSEPH NAPOLEON............. 49 JOSEPH NAPOLEON............. 50 JOSEPH NAPOLEON............. 51 JOSEPH NAPOLEON............ 52 JOSEPH NAPOLEON............ 53 JOSEPH NAPOLEON............. 54 JOSEPH NAPOLEON............. 55 JOSEPH NAPOLEON............. 56 FERDINAND 7th............. 57 FERDINAND 7th............ 58 FERDINAND 7th............... 59 FERDINAND 7th.............. 60 FERDINAND 7th............... 61 FERDINAND 7th.............. 62 FERDINAND 7th............... 63 FERDINAND 7th............. 64 FERDINAND 7th.............. 65 FERDINAND 7th............... 66 FERDINAND 7th............... 67 FERDINAND 7th.............. 68 FENDINAND 7th............... 69 FERDINAND 7th............... 70 ISABELLA 2d................. SWEDISH. Denomination. 4 reals, 1789.... Real, 1789........ Real, 1790.................................. 20 reals, 1810..... 20 reals, 1812..... 5 pesetas, 1810.... Peseta, 1810...... 10 reals, 1813.... 10 reals, 1812... 4 reals, 1810...... 4 reals, 1810...... -- 1810...... -- 1812........ 20 reals, 1823..... 20 reals, 1808.... 2 reals, 1808...... 2 reals, 1808...... 10 reals, 1821..... 10 reals, 1821..... Real, 1808....... Real, 1808........ -- 1816........... - 1824........ - 1826........ - 1827........ - 1845........ Metal. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Copper. Copper. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Donor, etc. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. J. Greig. Purchased. Purchased. Purchased. A. J. Johnson. Purchased Purchased. Purchased. Purchased. J. Greig. J. Greig. Purchased. Purchased. Purchased. J. Greig. Purchased. Purchased. Purchased. Purchased. J. Greig. Exchanged. Mrs. Taylor. G. Brinley jr. G. Brinley jr. G. Brinley jr. Exchanged. 1 CHARLES 11th................ 2 CHARLES llth................ 3 CHARLES 11th............. 4 CHARLES 11th................. 5 CHARLES 12th................. 6 CHARLES 12th................. 7 ULRICA......................... 8 ULRICA..................... 9 ULRICA..................... 10 ULRICA...................... 11 ULRICA..................... 12 GusTAvUS ADOLPHUS 4th.... 13 GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS 4th...... 14 CHARLES JOHN 14th........... 15 CHARLES JOHN 14th.......... 16 CHARLES JOHN 14th........... 17 CHARLES JOHN 14th........... 18 CHARLES JOHN 14th........... 19 CHARLES JOHN 14th........... 20 CHARLES JOHN 14th........... 21 CHARLES JOHN 14th........... 22 OSCAR....................... 23 OSCAR........................ 24 OSCAR........................ SWITZERLAND. 1 CANTON LUZERNE.............. 2 CANTON LUZERNE.............. 3 CANTON VAUD................ 4 CANTON VAUD.....:.......... 5 CANTON VAUD................ 6 CANTON VAUD................ 2 marks, 1670.... 1690........... 1667......... 1686....... - 1718.......... 1718........ 1725............ 1749............ 1738............ 1750........... 1719.......... 1802............ 1807........ - skilling, 1819.... Sskilling, 1822... 4 skilling, 1820.... 2-3 skilling, 1836.. Daler, 1842..... Sdaler,1844...... Sdaler, 1833...... 1-16 daler, 1852... 1-6 daler, 1852... Skilling, 1847..... 4 francs. 1814..... Batzen, 1806...... Batzen, 1831...... 1 batzen, 1818.... Batzen, 1813...... ~ batzen, 1805.... Silver.. J. Greig. Silver.. J. Greig. Copper. J. Greig. Copper. J. Greig. Copper. J. Greig. Copper. J. Greig. Silver.. J. Greig. Copper. J. Greig. Copper. J. Greig. Copper. Exchanged. Copper. J. Greig. Copper. J. Greig. Copper. G. Brinley jr. Copper. G. Brinleyjr. Copper. J. S. Buck. Copper. C. I. Bushnell. Copper. C. I. Bushnell. Silver.. Exchanged. Silver.. Purchased. Silver.. JJ.J. Cole. Silver.. Exchanged. Silver.. Exchanged. Silver.. HI. I. Hickcox. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Silver.. Copper. Copper. Purchased. Dr. Kennedy. A. S. Johnson. A. S. Johnson. Dr. Kennedy. Dr. Kennedy. COINS. No. REIGN. Denomination. 7 CANTON VAUD........~ batzen, 1813.. 8 CANTON -VAUJD................4 atzen, 1818. 9 CANTON BERN................. Batzen, 1826 10 CANTON BERN...................... 1754..... 11 CANTON TICINO................ 3 soldi, 1813.... 12 CANTON TICINO................ 3 denari.......... 13 CANTON ST. GALL............. Batzen, 1807. 14 CANTON ST. GALL......... batzen, 1808.... 15 CANTON SCHWYZ............... 2 rappen, 18123.... 16 CANTON GENE VA............... 25 centimes, 1847.. 17 CANTON GENEVA............... Six D. 182.5.... 18 CANTON GENEVA............... Sol, 1819......19 CANTON NEUOHATEL........... Batzen, 1807... 20 CONFEDERATION................ 5 francs, 1850.. 21 CONFEDERATION................ 2 francs, 1850.. 22 CONFEDERATION................ Franc, 1850.... 23 CONFEDERATION...............4 franc, 1850.... 24 CONFEDERATION............... 20 centimes, 1850.. 25, CONFEDERATION................ 10 centitnes, 1850. 26 CONFEDE RATION................S5 centimes, 185"0... 27 GONFEDERATIONT...............2 centimes, 1850.. 28 CONFEDERATION................ Centime, 1850.... 197 Metal. Donor, etc. Copper. Dr. Kennedy. Copper. J. V. L. Pruyn. Silver.. A. S. Johnson. Silver.. Mrs. Taylor. Silver.. A. S. Johnson. Copper. A. S. Johnson. Silver.. Dr. Kennedy. Copper. A. S. Johnson. Copper. A. S. Johnson. Silver.. Dr. Kennedy. Silver.. A. S. Johnson. Copper. A. S. Johnson. Silver.. Dr. Kennedy. Silver..) Silver.. Silver..* Silver..* SilPVer. * Silver..* Silver.. Copper., C Copper. Sil 'ver.. H. A. Homes. S ilver.. H. A. Homes. Silver.. H. A. Homes. Silver.. H-. A. H-omes. Gold... H. Van Dyck. Silver.. H. Van Dyck. Silver.. H. Van Dyck. Silver.. P. 0. Powers. Silver.. P. 0. Powers. Silver.. P. 0. Powers. Copper. P. 0. Powers. Copper. P. 0. Powers. Silver.. Unknown. Copper. Unknown. Copper. Unknown. TURKEY. A1 MARMO U D............. 2 MlARO310U D.............. 3 MIAHIFOUD.............. 4 MARMOUD........5 MAIMOTJD......... 6 MII-ARMOUD.......... 7 MARMOUD.......... 8 MARRNOTJD......... 9) MNARMOUD....* *......... 10 AnD UL MEJID. 11 ABDDUL MEJID. 12 ABDDUL MEJID. 13- ADED UL MIEJID. 14 ABDD DL MEJID. 15 AnDD UL MEJID. Yegirmilik, 1223 A. H..... Vegirmilik, 1255 A.H... Yegirmilik, 1252 A. H Yegirmilik, 1218 A. H Beshlik, 1241 A.HII.... 10 paras, 1262 A. H 10 paras, 1259 A. H.... 241 piastres, 1247 A. H... 6 piastres, 1253 A. H.... Piastre, 1265 A. HI..... 'piastre, 1267 A. H. Piastre, 1273 A. H..... 20 paras, 1271 A. H.... 5 paras, 1267 A. H.. 1 para, 1264 A. H. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. No. DENOMINATION. Metal. Donor, etc. I FIVE DOLLARS, 1805............................. Gold... Purchased. 2 DOLLAR, 1799................................... Silver.. J. Greig. 34DOLLAR, 1811....................Silver.. J. Greig.4 1 DOLLAR, 1807..................................Silver.. J. E. Gavit. 5 PINE TREE SHILLING, 1652...................... Silver.. H. H. Cooper. 6 3 CENTS, 1852................................... Silver.............. 7 NOVA CONSTELLATIO, 1783........................ Copper. H. C.Lodewick. 8 NOVA CONSTELLATIO, 1783....................... Copper. Daniel Vedder. 9 NOVA CONSTELLATIO,-1785........................ Copper. Mrs. Taylor. 10 NOVA CONSTE LLATIO, 1785......................9.00Copper. Mrs. Taylor. 11 MIND YOUR BUSINESS, 1787....................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 12 MIND YODR BUSINESS, 1787.................... Copper. J. Gehhard jr. 13 CONNE CTICUT CENT, 1785....................... * Copper. E. J. Miller 14 CONNECTICUT CENT, 1787......................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 1 '5 CONNECTICUT CENT,.1787..................... *8..... Copper. G. Brinleyjr. 16 CONNECTICUT CENT, 1787......................... Copper. J. J. Cole:17 CONNECTICUT CENT, 1787......................... Copper. J. Gehhiard jr. 18 CONNECTICUT CENT, 1787......................... Copper. J. Gehhard jr. 119 CONNECTICUT CENT, 1787....................... Copper. J. Gehhard jr. 20 CONNECTICUT CENT, 1787........................ Copper. J. Gehhard jr..121 CONNECTICUT CENT, 1787......................... Copper............... 22 CONNECTICUT CENT, 1788...................Copper. J. Gehhard jr. 23 CONN-ECT'ICUT CENT, 1788........................ Copper. J.!Gebhard jr. 198 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRLARY. AMERICAN COINS, conitinlUed No. DEi NOMINATION. Metal. Donor, etc. 124 MASSACHUSETTS CE NT, 1787...................... Copper. Dr. Hlough. 2.5 MASSACHUSETTS CENT, 1788..................... Copper. W. C. Miller. 26 MAhSSACHUSETTS CENT............................ Copper. R. W. Murphy. 27 NEW JERSEY CENT, 1786.............. *......... Copper. Mrs. Taylor. 28 NEW JERSEY CENT, 1787................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 29 NEW JERSEY CENT, 1787........................ Copper. G. Brinley jr. 30NEWJRE ET 1787........................ Copper. J. Gebhard jr. 31 NEW JERSEY CENT,. 1788........................ Copper. Mrs. Taylor. 32 VERMONTsE CENT, 1787........................ Copper. J. Gebbaid jr. 34 WASHINGTON CENT, 1796- eleetrotyped........... Copper. R.. W. Davids. 85 WASHINGTON CENT, 1791................... Copper. J. Gebhard jr. 36 CENT, 1793................................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 37 CENT. 1794....................... 0...... Copper. E. J. Miller. 38 CENT. 1795'............................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 39 CENT, 1796.......................Copper. E. J. Miller. 40 CENT, 1797................................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 41 CENT, 17-98.....*.............................. Copper. E. J. Miller. 42 CENT, 1799........ 09..*....................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 43 CENT, 1800................................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 441 CENT, 1801.....................Copper. E. J. Miller. 45 CENT., 1802...................Copper. E. J. Miller. 46 C E NT, 1803-.4................................. Copper. E. J. Miller. 47 CENT, 1804................................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 48 CE~NT, 18050....... *......#................. Copper. E. J. Miller. 49 CENT, 1806................................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 50 CENT, 1807................................... Copper. E. J. Miller.. 51 CENT, 1808.................................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 52 C 'NT, 1809............................... Copper. E. J. Millet. 53I' CENT. 1810............................ 0.... Copper. E. J. Mfiller. 51 CENT, 1811................................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 05 CENT, 1812.................................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 55 CENT, 1813................................... Copper. E. J. Miller 507 CENT, 1814.................................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 58 CENT, 1815j...*...... s..*...................... Copper. IR. G. Rankin. 59 CENT,, 1816.................................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 60 CENT, 1817................................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 6.1 CENT, 1818.................................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 62 CENT. 1819.................................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 6.3 CENT, 1820................................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 64 CENT, 1821.......................Copper. E. J. Miller. 65 CENT, 1822.................................... Copper. E. J. M~iller. 66 CENT, 18 2,83...... *.... *........*..a............. Copper. E. J. Miller,, 67 CE NT, 1824............................00... Copper. E. J. Miller. 68 CENT, 1825...................a..*.......... Copper. E. J. Miller. 69 CENT,ý 1826................ *...........*... Copper. E. J. Miller. 70 CENT, 1827................................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 71 CENT, 1828................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 72 CENT, 1829................................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 73 CENT, 1830.................. *................ Copper. E. J. Miller. 74 CENT, 18031.......... 0.... 0....... 0.........0... Copper. E. J. Miller. 75 CENT, 1832.................................*. Copper. E. J. Miller. 76 CENT, 18833................ 9.0................ Copper. E. J. Miller. 77 CENT, 1834................................... Copper. E..J. Mfiller. 78 CENT, 183.5................................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 79 CENT, 1836.................................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 80 CENT, 1837................................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 81 CENT, 1838................................... Copper'. E. J. Miller. 82 CENT, 1839.................................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 83 CENT, 1840.................................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 84 CENT, 1841.................................... Copper. E. J. Mfiller. 8 5 CENT, 1842.................................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 186 CENT, 1843"................................ Copper. E. J. Miller. 87 CENT, 1844................................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 88 CEN, vVr1RV V"184.....................Cppr EJ inller COINS. 199 No. DENOMINATION. 0Metal. Donor, etc. 90 CENT, 1847..................................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 91 CENT, 1848................................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 92 CENT, 1849..................................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 93 CENT, 1850.................................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 94 CENT, 1851............................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 95 CENT, 1852..................................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 96 CENT, 1853.................................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 97 CENT, 1854...................................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 98 CENT, 1855.................................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 99 CENT, 1856...................................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 100 HALF CENT, 1803.............................. Copper. J. E. Gavit. 101 HALF CENT, 1804............................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 102 HALF CENT, 1805................................ Copper. C. I. Bushnell. 103 HALF CENT, 1807........................... Copper. C. I. Bushnell. 104 HALF CENT, 1808.............................. Copper. C. I. Bushnell. 105 HALF CENT, 1809............................... Copper. E. J. Miller. 106 HALF CENT, 1810............................... Copper. C. I. Bushnell. 107 HALF CENT 1825................................ Copper. C. I. Bushnell. 108 HALF CENT, 1826............................... Copper. C. I. Bushnell. 109 HALF CENT, 1828............................. Copper. E. J. Miller. 110 HALF CENT, 1829............................ Copper. C. I. Bushnell. 111 HALF CENT, 1832............................. Copper. C. I. Bushnell. 112 HALF CENT, 1833............................. Copper. C. I. Bushnell. 113 HALF CENT, 1834............................. Copper. C. I. Bushnell. 114 HALF CENT, 1835.............................. Copper. E. J. Miller. 115 HALF CENT, 1849............................ Copper. C. I. Bushnell. 116 HALF CENT, 1850............................ Copper. C. I. Bushnell. 117 HALF CENT, 1851............................... Copper. C. I. Bushnell. 118 HALF CENT, 1853................................ Copper. C. I. Bushnell. 119 HALF CENT, Pure copper, 1837................. Copper. Exchanged. 120 CALIFORNIA, dollar, 1854....................... Gold... Mrs. R. Davids. 121 CALIFORNIA,: dollar, 1855.................. Gold... Mrs. R. Davids. 122 FEUCHTWANGER, Cent, 1837.................... G. silver. Mrs. Taylor. 123 FEUCHTWANGER, Cent, 1837...................... G. silver. E. D. Wait. 124 POLITICAL CENT Perish Commerce, etc. 1834..... Copper. Exchanged. 125 POLITICAL CENT:..... Copper. Exchanged. 126 POLITICAL CENT I take the responsibility....... Copper. E. J. Miller. 127 POLITICAL CENT Executive experiment, 1837.... Copper. J. J. Cole. 128 POLITICAL CENT "..... Copper. J. J. Cole. 129 POLITICAL CENT Specie payment suspended..... Copper. Exchanged. 130 POLITICAL CENT:...... Copper. Exchanged. 131 POLITICAL CENT: Not one cent for tribute........ Copper. Exchanged. 132 POLITICAL CENT: "..... Copper. Exchanged. 133 POLITICAL CENT: Benton experiment............ Copper. Exchanged. 134 POLITICAL CENT Bentonian currency............Copper. Exchanged. 135 POLITICAL CENT: Webster currency............. Copper. Exchanged. 136 POLITICAL CENT Van Buren currency........... Copper. Exchanged. 137 POLITICAL CENT Webster and Van Buren Currency, Copper. Exchanged. 138 POLITICAL CENT: an Buren sub-treasury........ Copper. Exchanged. 139 POLITICAL CENT: Agriculture and Commerce...... Copper. Exchanged. UNITED STATES - Tokens: 1 At I NOT A WOMAN, etc.? Col. Soc. 1838.......... Copper. Exchanged. 2 AM. Col. SOCIETY, 1816........................ Copper. J. J. Cole. 3 ANDERSON, N.Y.: Boots, etc. 1837.............. Copper. Exchanged. 3 ADAMS, Boston: Brushes....................... Copper. Exchanged. 4 CROSSMAN, N.Y.: Umbrellas, 1837............. Copper. Exchanged. 5 BUCKLIN'S BOOKKEEPING, Troy, 1835........... Copper. Exchanged. 6 BROWN. Cong. Hall, Saratoga...............,,,. Brass.. Exchanged. 7 CLARK & ANTHONY, Jewellers, Prov. 1835......... Copper. P. VanBergen. 8 DAYTON's WASHING EST. N.Y. 1837............. Copper. Exchanged. 9 DEVEAU'S BOOTS, N.Y. 1837...................... Copper. Exchanged. 10 FOSTER & PARRY: Stoves, Grand Rapids......... Brass.. Exchanged. 11 HOPKINS, Publisher, Milwaukee, 1851........... Brass.. Exchanged. 12 HALLOCK & BATES: Dry goods, N.Y............ Brass.. Exchanged. 13 JARIS: Wines, N.Y. 1837...................... Copper. Exchanged. 14 JOHNSON'S SOAP, N.Y.......................... Brass,, Dr, C. Martip, 200 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. UNITED STATES TOKENS, continued: No. DENOMINATION. Metal. 15 JUDSON, Watchmaker, Syracuse................. Copper. 16 MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, N.Y. 1835............... Copper. 17 MOFFET, Brass foundry, N.Y.................... Copper. 18 MEADE & BRo. Daguerreotype, Albany........... Brass.. 19 MILTON, Tailor, Boston....................... Copper. 20 MAYCOCK & Co.: Pencils, N.Y. 1837.............. Copper. 21 N.Y. CENTRE MARKET ACCOM. 1837.............. Copper. 22 N.Y. MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE Co................. Copper. 23 NO LABOR, NO BREAD........................... Copper. 24 PHALON'S HAIRCUTTING, N.Y. 1837............... Copper. 25 PECK & BURNHAM: Dry goods, Boston.......... Copper. 26 PECK. Machinist, Troy........................... Copper. 27 PATTERSON BROS. Hardware, Buffalo............ Copper. 28 RICHARDS, Jeweller, Attleboro, Mass.............. Copper. 29 SIZE & Co. Commissioners, Portsmouth, 1837..... Copper. 30 SIMES & Co.: Groceries, Portsmouth, 1837........ Copper. 31 SAFFORD'S TEMP. HOUSE, Albany............... Copper. 32 STARBUCK & SON: Ploughs.................... Copper. 33 SUCCESS TO THE FISHERIES...................... Copper. 34 VAN COTT: Matches, Racine.................... Copper. 35 WALSH, Lansingburgh, 1835...................... Copper. 36 WALSH, Lansingburgh, 1836..................... Copper. 37 WEST'S TRAINED DOGS, 1853.....................Copper. 38 WASHINGTON and INDEPENDENCE, 1783............ Copper. 39 WASHINGTON and INDEPENDENCE, 1783........... Copper. 40 WILLARD: Combs, Boston..................... Copper. 41 WILBUR. Auc. and Cor. Merch. Charleston....... Copper. 42 WEBB, Congress Hall, N.Y...................... Copper. Donor, etc. Exchanged. Exchanged. Exchanged. P. VanBergen. Exchanged. Dr. C. Martin. Exchanged. Exchanged. Exchanged. Exchanged. Exchanged. Exchanged. Exchanged. Exchanged. Dr. C. Martin. Exchanged. Exchanged. Exchanged. Exchanged. Exchanged. J. Gebhard. Exchanged. Exchanged. W. H. Teare. Exchanged. Exchanged. Exchanged. Exchanged. ENUMERATION OF THE COINS. COUNTRY. Number. BELGIAN...................... 12 CENTRAL AMERICAN.......... 4 CHINESE..................... 6 DANISH...................... 40 EDESSA...................... 1 FRENCH..................... 134 GERMAN......................102 GREAT BRITAIN.............. 462 GREAT BRITAIN - Tokens..... 93 GREEK EMPIRE................ 11 HAYTI....................... 8 HOLLAND.................... 44 ITALIAN...................... 84 MEXICAN.................... 15 POLAND..................... 5 COUNTRY. Number. PORTUGUESE................. 31 PRUSSIAN.................... 31 ROMAN EMPIRE.............. 171 RUSSIAN..................... 40 SANDWICH ISLANDS........... 1 SCOTLAND................... 34 SOUTH AMERICAN............ 49 SPANISII.................... 70 SWEDISH..................... 24 SWITZERLAND................ 28 TURKEY..................... 15 UNITED STATES.............. 139 UNITED STATES - Tokens..... 42 1697 PAPER MONEY. 201 III. PAPER MONEY. ALBANY CITY and COUNTY. Twenty shillings. June 22, 1775. J. J. Cole, donor. No. 17. - Ten shillings. June 22, 1775. North Dutch Church, donor. - One dollar. February 17, 1776. Same donor. - Fourpence. February 18, 1793. Same donor. ---- Threepence. August 28, 1790. Same donor. - Threepence. September 5, 1791. Same donor. - Threepence. February 18, 1793. Same donor. - Twopence. July 3, 1790. Same donor. - Twopence. March 26, 1791. Same donor. - Twopence. September 5, 1792. Same donor. - Twopence. February 18, 1793. Same donor, - One penny. August 28, 1790. Same donor. - One penny. March 26, 1791. Same donor. - One penny. September 5, 1792. Same donor. - ne penny. February 18, 1793. Same donor. - Bank of Albany. Two dollars. August 24, 1804. Bank of Albany, donor. No. 12. --- Bank of Albany. See Specimens, and Counterfeits. - echanics' and Farmers' Bank. See Counterfeits. AMSTERDAM VILLAGE. Three cents. February 1, 1816. North Dutch Church, donor. AUSTRIA. Ten kreuzers. August, 1849. H. A. Homes, donor. No. 174. - Five florins. Hungary: Signed by Louis Kossuth, Sept. 1848. H.. Homes, donor. No. 175. BALLSTOWN. One penny. No date. North Dutch Church, donor. - Twopence. No date. Same donor. - Threepence. No date. Same donor. ---- Fourpence. No date. Same donor. - Sixpence. No date. Same donor. BALTIMORE. Fell's Point Savings Institution. See Counterfeits. BUENOS-AYRES. One peso, 1844. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 164. BUFFALO. Bank of Niagara. See Counterfeits. CANADA. See Counterfeits. T LIB. ITI.] 26 202 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. CANAJOHARIE. Reformed Dutch Church. One penny. February 4, 1793. North Dutch Church, donor. - eformed Dutch Church. Twopence. Feb. 4, 1793. Same donor. - eformed Dutch Church. Threepence. Same date. Same donor. - Reformed Dutch Church. Fourpence. Same date. Same donor. CONNECTICUT. Forty shillings. June 1, 1775. A. S. Johnson, donor. No. 6. - Twenty shillings. May 10, 1775. S. Van Rensselaer, donor. No. 103. - Ten shillings. June 7, 1776. North Dutch Church, donor. - Six shillings. June 7, 1776. A. S. Johnson, donor. No. 7. - ix shillings. June 1, 1775. North Dutch Church, donor. -- Two shillings and sixpence. June 1, 1773. Same donor. - wo shillings and sixpence. May 10, 1775. Same donor. - Two shillings and sixpence. June 7, 1776. Same donor. - Two shillings. July 1, 1775. Same donor. - One shilling and threepence. June 19, 1776. Same donor. - One shilling. June 7, 1776. S. Van Rensselaer, donor. No. 102. --- One shilling. June 19, 1776. North Dutch Church, donor. -- Ninepence. June 19, 1776. Same donor. - Sixpence. June 19, 1776. Same donor. - Sixpence. June 19, 1776. A. S. Johnson, donor. No. 8. - erby Bank. See Specimens. -- See Counterfeits; and Norwich, New-London. COOPERSTOWN. One cent. July 1, 1815. North Dutch Church, donor. - One cent. February 28, 1816. Same donor. COUNTERFEITS. Bank of Bennington, Vermont. Five dollars. L. Vanderheyden junior, donor. No. 177....-.. Bank of Bennington. One dollar. August 6, 1840. L. Vanderheyden junior, donor. No. 178. ----'Bank of Hudson. Fifty dollars. Sept. 6, 1813. R. G. Rankin, donor. No. 27. - Bank of Niagara, Buffalo. Three dollars. October 1, 1816. R. G. Rankin, donor. No. 26. - Bank of Penn Township, Philadelphia. Ten dollars. July 5, 1835. L. Vanderheyden junior, donor. No. 186. - Bank of Smyrna, Delaware. Ten dollars. November 23, 1835. L. Vanderheyden junior, donor. No. 187. ---- Canal Bank, Albany. Three dollars. April, 1845. L. Vanderheyden junior, donor. No. 181. PAPEI' MONEY. 203 - Commercial and Farmers' Bank, Baltimore. Ten dollars. November 10, 1833. L. Vanderheyden junior, donor. No. 188. - Farmers' Bank, Troy. Five dollars. April 3, 1805. R. G. ankin, donor. No. 21. - Farmers' and Merchants' Bank, Memphis, Tenn. Two dollars, 1843. L. Vanderheyden junior, donor. No. 183. - Fell's Point Savings Institution of Baltimore. One dollar. April 22, 1847. E. G. Rankin, donor. No. 30. - ersey Bank. Five dollars. September 10, 1807. R. G. Rankin, donor. No. 29. ---- MainBank. Five dollars. November 4, 1803, and December 3, 1804. 1%. G. Rankin, donor. No. 18 & 19. - Manufacturers' Bank, Ulster, N.Y. One dollar. September, 1840. L. Vanderheyden junior, donor. No. 180. - Marblehead Bank, Mass. Three dollars. February 10, 1845. L. Vanderheyden junior, donor. No. 182. - echanics' and Farmers' Bank, Albany. July 29, 1800. R. G. Rankin, donor. No. 25. - Morris Canal Banking Company. Three dollars. June 7, 1841. John Gray, donor. No. 150. - ew-Haven Bank, Conn. Five dollars. October 4, 1847. L. Yanderheyden junior, donor. No. 184. - New-London Bank. Two dollars. Nov. 1, 1821. R. G. Rankin, donor. No. 28. New-York State Bank. Five dollars. April 10, 1804.. G. Rankin, donor. No. 20. N-orwich Bank. Five dollars. June 10, 1803; June 10, 1806, and December 19, 1806. R.. G. Rankin, donor. No. 23, 24 & 32. - Phenix Bank, Phillipsburgh, Lower Canada. Two dollars, 1841. L. Vanderheyden junior, donor. No. 179. ---- Providence Bank. Ten dollars. Dec. 17, 1798. G. R. Rankin, donor. No. 31. - Providence Exchange Bank. Three dollars. February 14, 1804. R. G. Rankin, donor. No. 22. - Rhode-Island Union Bank, Newport. Ten dollars. January 2, 1844. L. Vanderheyden junior, donor. No. 185. State Bank, Rhode-Island. One dollar. July 1, 1850. L. Vanderheyden junior, donor. No. 176. - Union Bank, Montreal. Fifty dollars. January 1, 1840. L. Vanderheyden junior, donor. No. 189. - Vermont Glass Factory, Salisbury. One dollar and a quarter. DELAWARE. Ten shillings. Jan. 1, 1776. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No.121. --- Five shillings. January 1, 1776. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No.120. ---- See Counterfeits. 204 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. DELAWARE and HUDSON CANAL COMPANY. See Specimens. DOMINICA. Republica Dominicana. One peso, 1844. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 165. DUTCHESS COUNTY CONSTITUTIONAL SOCIETY. Twopence. January 11, 1791. North Dutch Church, donor. - Threepence. January 11, 1791. Same donor. --- Sixpence. Same date. Same donor. ELIZABETH BOROUGH. One penny. March 25, 1790. North Dutch Church, donor. - Threepence. March 25, 1790. Same donor. - Sixpence. Same date. Same donor. FEDERAL CITY. Lottery ticket. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 163. FLORIDA. Reformed Dutch Church. Three cents. November 14, 1814. North Dutch Church, donor. FRANCE. Republique. Assignat de cinquante sols. Mai 23, 1793. A. S. Johnson, donor. No. 4. - Republique. Assignat de cinquante sols. Mai 23, 1793. A.S. Johnson, donor. No. 5. - Rpublique. Assignat de cinquante livres. Decembre 14, 1792. A. S. Johnson, donor. No. 1. - Rpublique. Assignat de cent francs, I'an 3. A. S. Johnson, donor. No. 3. - Rpublique. Assignat de dix livres. Octobre 24, 1792. A. S. Johnson, donor. No. 2. - Collection des Papiers-monnoyes qui ont eu cours depuis l'ann@e 1789, epoque ou a commence la Revolution francaise, jusques et compris 1'an 1796. With Cours de la valeur du louis-d'or en assignats, etc. Paris, chez Bance. See Maps, vol. 9. GEORGIA. Augusta Insurance and Banking Company. See Specimens. - Merchants' and Planters' Bank, Augusta. See Specimens. HERKIMER. Reformed German Church in Herkimer town, on the flatts. Fourpence. June 3, 1793. G. Brinley junior, donor. No. 45. HUDSON. Eightpence. October 26, 1790. North Dutch Church, donor. - Sevenpence. October 26, 1790. Same donor. - ourpence. Same date. Same donor. S Threepence. Same date. Same donor. - Threepence. November 5, 1792. Same donor. - Twopence. October 26, 1790. Same donor. - Twopence. November 5, 1792. Same donor. - One penny. October 26, 1790. Same donor. - One penny. November 5, 1792. Same donor. --- Bank of Hudson. See Counterfeits. PAPER MONEY. 205 - Society of Mechanics. One penny. Jan. 17, 1793. North Dutch Church, donor. HUNGARY. See Austria. KINGSTON. One penny. September 8, 1790. North Dutch Church, donor. - Twopence. September 8, 1790. Same donor. ---- Threepence. Same date. Same donor. LANSINGBURG1H MUSEUM. One penny. October 20, 1792. North Dutch Church, donor. - Twopence. October 20, 1792. Same donor. - hreepence. Same date. Same donor. - ourpence. Same date. Same donor. LOUISIANA. Consolidated Association of the Planters. See Specimens. MAINE. Maine Bank. See Counterfeits. MARYLAND. Eight dollars. April 10, 1774. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 119. - Six dollars. March 1, 1770. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 118. - our dollars. April 10, 1774. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 116. S Four dollars. Dec. 7, 1775. S. Van Rensselaer, donor. No. 117. - Two dollars. April 10, 1774. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 115. - One dollar. April 10, 1774. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 114. - Two-thirds of a dollar. March 1, 1770. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 113. - Two-thirds of a dollar. December 7, 1775. North Dutch Church, donor. - One-half of a dollar. March 1, 1770. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 112. - One-third of a dollar. March 1, 1770. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 111. - One-sixth of a dollar. March 1, 1770. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 110. - One-sixth of a dollar. April 10, 1774. A. S. Johnson, donor. No. 9. - Two-ninths of a dollar. April 10, 1774. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 109. - One-ninth of a dollar. April 10, 1774. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 108. See Baltimore; Counterfeits. MASSACHUSETTS. Forty-eight shillings. Dec. 17, 1775. S. Van Rensselaer, donor. No. 106. - Five dollars. June 18, 1776. S. VanvRensselaer, donor. No.107. - Seventeen shillings. August 18, 1775. Philip Wendell, donor. No. 48. 206 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. - Sixteen shillings. May 25, 1776. Philip Wendell, donor. No.47. - Twelve shillings. May 25, 1775. S. Van Rensselaer, donor. No. 105. - Nine shillings. May 25, 1776. Philip Wendell, donor. No. 46. - See Counterfeits. NEWARK, N.J. First Presbyterian Church. One penny. North Dutch Church, donor. NEW-BRUNSWICK, N.J. Fourpence. March 10, 1776. North Dutch Church, donor. - Twopence. June 1, 1791. Same donor. One penny. January 1, 1791. Same donor. NEW-HIAMIPSHIRE. Eightpence. Jan. 26, 1787. North Dutch Church, s donor. NEW-JERSEY. Six pounds. April 12, 1760. Rev. Dr. E. H. Cressy, donor. No. 138. - Thirty shillings. April 23, 1761. S. Van Rensselaer, donor. No. 137. - Fifteen shillings. June 22, 1756. S. Van Rensselaer, donor. No. 133. - Fifteen shillings. October 20, 1758. S. Van Rensselaer, donor. No. 134. - ifteen shillings. April 8, 1762. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 135. - Twelve shillings. April 12, 1760. S. Van Rensselaer, donor. No. 132. - Six shillings. March 25, 1776. S. V. Talcott, donor. No. 54. - Three shillings. Dec. 31, 176-. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 131. ---- Eighteenpence. April 12, 1760. S. Van Rensselaer, donor. No. 136. - One shilling. Dec. 25, 1762 (?). Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 130. ---- Jersey Bank. Sec Counterfeits. --- Morris Canal Banking Company. See Counterfeits. - Washington Banking Company, Hackensack. See Specimens. - ee New-Brunswick, Newark; also Counterfeits. NEW-LoNDON. New-London Bank. See Counterfeits. NEW-YORK. Five pounds. April 21, 1760. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 147. - Five pounds. Feb. 16, 1771. S. Van Rensselaer, donor. No.148. - ive pounds. Feb. 16, 1771. G. Brinley junior, donor. No. 40. - Three pounds. Feb. 16, 1771. S. Van Rensselaer, donor. No.146. Three pounds. Fef. 16, 1771. G-. Brinley junior, donor. No. 41. ---- Two pounds. April 21,1760. S. Van Rensselaer, donor. No. 142. PAPER MONEY. 207 Two pounds. Feb. 16, 1771. S. Van Rensselaer, donor. No. 143. Two pounds. Feb. 16, 1771. S. Van Rensselaer, donor. No. 144. One pound. Feb. 16, 1771. S. Van Rensselaer, donor. No. 145. One pound. Feb. 16, 1771. G. Brinley junior, donor. No. 42. - Ten dollars. August 13, 1776. North Dutch Church, donor. Five dollars. August 13, 1776. Same donor. Five dollars. September 2, 1775. Same donor. Two dollars. September 2, 1775. Same donor. Two dollars. March 5, 1776. Same donor. Two dollars. August 13, 1776. Same donor. Ten shillings. Feb. 16, 1771. S. Van Rensselaer, donor. No.140. Ten shillings. Feb. 16, 1771. S. Van Rensselaer, donor. No.141. --- One dollar. September 2, 1775. North Dutch Church, donor. One dollar. March 5, 1776. Same donor. --- Five shillings. Feb. 16, 1771. S. Van Rensselaer, donor. No.139. -- Five shillings. April 18, 1786. North Dutch Church, donor. Two-thirds of a dollar. March 5, 1776. Same donor. One-half of a dollar. March 5, 1776. Same donor. One-half of a dollar. September 2, 1775. Same donor. One-half of a dollar. August 13, 1776. Same donor. One-third of a dollar. March 5, 1776. Same donor. - One-third of a dollar. March 6, 1776. G. Brinley junior, donor. No. 43. One-quarter of a dollar. March 5, 1776. North Dutch Church, donor. One-quarter of a dollar. August 13, 1776. Same donor. One-sixth of a dollar. March 5, 1776. Same donor. One-eighth of a dollar. March 5, 1776. Same donor. One-eighth of a dollar. August 13, 1776. Same donor. One-sixteenth of a dollar. August 13, 1776. Same donor. Bank of Buffalo. See Specimens. - Bank of Newburgh. See Specimens. Clinton Manufacturing Company. See Specimens. New-York State Bank. See Counterfeits. Ontario Bank, Utica Branch. Twelve and a half cents. November 1, 1815. A. S. Johnson, donor. No. 173. Woodstock and Saugerties Manufacturing and Mining Company. See Specimens, 208 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. NEW-YORK, continued: - See Albany, Amsterdam, Ballstown, Buffalo, Canajoharie, Cooperstown, Dutchess county, Florida, Herkimer, Hudson, Kingston, Lansingburgh, New-York city, Pleasant-valley, Schenectady; also see Counterfeits, Specimens. NEW-YORK STATE ROAD LOTTERY, May 20, 1799. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 162. NEW-YORK CITY. Twelve and a half cents. July 3, 1815. John Gray, donor. No. 152. - Threepence. February 20, 1790. North Dutch Church, donor. - hreepence. February 20, 1790. Daniel Vedder, donor. No. 36. --- Twopence. February 20, 1790. North Dutch Church, donor. NEW-YORK CITY WATERWORKS. Two shillings. August 25, 1774. A. S. Johnson, donor. No. 10. - Two shillings. January 6, 1776. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 171. S Two shillings. January 6, 1776. North Dutch Church, donor. - Farmers' Association. See Specimens. NORwicI BANK. See Counterfeits. PENNSYLVANIA. Forty shillings. December 8, 1775. S. Van Rensselaer, donor. No. 125. - Eighteenpence. April 3, 1772. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 124. --- Ninepence. April 10, 1777. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 123. - Sixpence. March 20, 1777. North Dutch Church, donor. ---- Fourpence. April 10, 1777. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 122. - ew-Hope Delaware Bridge Company. See Specimens. Society for the relief of the poor. Two shillings. March 10, 1769. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 172. - See Counterfeits. PLEASANT-VALLEY. Three cents. June 22, 1816. North Dutch Church, donor. PRINTED NOTES of INDIVIDUALS and COMPANIES: - N. Aldridge, Fort Herkimer. Threepence. January 16, 1792. North Dutch Church, donor. - Michael Borst, Middleburgh, Schoharie county, N.Y. October 12, 1815. One cent, two, three, six and a quarter, twelve and a half, twenty-five, fifty and seventy-five cents. Mrs. H. L. Parmelee, donor. No. 153 -160. --- T. H. & M. Baker, Schoharie. March 9, 1791. One penny, two and three pence. North Dutch Church, donor. - Calvin Cheesman. January 1, 1816. One cent, three, six, twelve and a half, twenty-five and fifty cents. North Dutch Church, donor. --- Calvin Cheesman. June 1, 1816. Six cents, twelve and a half, twenty-five, fifty, seventy-five. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 166 - 170. PAPER MONEY. 209 - W. Cooper, Cooperstown. Jan. 25, 1790. Threepence, sixpence. North Dutch Church, donor. - Hamilton Glass Factory, Albany. Twelve and one-half cents. John Gray, donor. No. 151. - Jones & Dole, Lansingburgh. One penny. December 31, 1790. North Dutch Church, donor. - Parkman & Paine. Six and a quarter cents. April 1815. Same donor. - A. Platt, Lansingburgh. December 31, 1790. One penny, twopence, threepence. Same donor. - J. Portions, Littlefalls. One penny, twopence. No date. Same donor. S W. Radcleft & Co. Rhinebeck. May 2, 1791. One penny, threepence and fourpence. Same donor. - hepard & Allen, Germanflatts. One penny. February 8, 1793. Same donor. ---- S. Tryon, Ballstown. One penny, threepence. No date. Same donor. PROVIDENCE, R.I. Exchange Bank. See Counterfeits. PROVIDENCE (R.I.) BANK. See Counterfeits. RHODE-ISLAND. One shilling. June 29, 1775. S. Van Rensselaer, donor. No. 104. SCHENECTADY. Reformed Dutch Church. One penny, Sept. 6, 1790. North Dutch Church, donor. - ne penny. August 8, 1793. Same donor. - One penny. August 8, 1793. Daniel Vedder, donor. No. 33. - Twopence. August 8, 1793. Daniel Vedder, donor. No. 34. - Threepence. August 8, 1793. Daniel Vedder, donor. No. 35. SOUTH-CAROLINA. Ten pounds. June 1, 1775.. Brinley junior, donor. No. 44. SPECIMENS. Augusta Ins. and Banking Co. Georgia. One dollar. John Gray, donor. No. 149. - Bank of Albany. One dollar, two dollars, three dollars, fifty dollars, twenty dollars, 1810. Bank of Albany, donor. No. 13. - Bank of Buffalo. Five dollars. John Gray, donor. No. 149. - Bank of Burlington, Vt. Three dollars. John Gray, donor. No. 149. S Bank of Newburgh. Ten dollars. John Gray, donor. No. 149. - Clinton Manufacturing Co. Mechanicsville. Five dollars. John Gray, donor. No. 149. - Consolidated Assoc. of the Planters of Louisiana. Ten dollars. John Gray, donor. No. 149. [I Lin. 111.] 210 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. SPECIMENS continued - elaware and Hudson Canal Co. One dollar. John Gray, donor. No. 149. - Derby Bank, Connecticut. One dollar. John Gray, donor. No. 149. --- Farmers' Association, City of N. York. One dollar. John Gray, donor. No. 149. ---- Merchant's and Planter's Bank, Augusta, Georgia. Four dollars. John Gray, donor. No. 149. - New Hope Delaware Bridge Co. Penn. Five dollars. John Gray, donor. No. 149. - Washington Banking Co. Hackensack, N. J. One dollar. John Gray, donor. No. 149. - Wisconsin Territory. Twenty-five cents. L. Vanderheyden, donor. No. 11. - Woodstock and Saugerties Manufacturing and Mining Co. Five dollars. John Gray, donor. No. 149. TENNESSEE. See Counterfeits. TRoY. Village of Troy. Two cents. October 19, 1814. Dr. 0. Martin, donor. No. 161. ---- Farmers Bank. Two hundred dollar scrip issued to the people of the State of New-York. July 1, 1802. Farmers Bank, Troy, donor. No. 15. - Farmers Bank. Ten dollars. Feb. 22, 1802. Farmers Bank of Troy, donor. No. 14. - Farmers Bank. See Counterfeits. - Presbyterian Congregation. One penny. Aug. 28, 1792. North Dutch Church, donor. UNITED STATES. Fifty-five dollars. January 14, 1779. No. 16. - Forty dollars. April 11, 1778. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 101. - Forty dollars. Sept. 26, 1778. A. Starrs, donor. No. 55. -- Thirty dollars. May 20, 1777. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 99. --- Thirty dollars. April 11, 1778. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 100. - Twenty dollars. April 11, 1778. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 98. -- Eight dollars. November 29, 1775. G. Brinley jr. donor. No. 37. - Eight dollars. April 11, 1778. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 97. - Eight dollars. Sept. 26, 1778. S. V. Tallcott, donor. No. 50. - Seven dollars. Feb. 17, 1776. E. D. Wait, donor. No. 49. - even dollars. May 9, 1776. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 95. - Seven dollars. November 2, 1776. S. Van Rensselaer, donor. No. 96. - Six dollars. May 20, 1777. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 94. PAPER MONEY. 211 - Six dollars. Nov. 2, 1776. S. Van Rensselaer, donor. No. 93. - ive dollars. November 29, 1775. G. Brinley jr. donor. No. 38. Five dollars. Nov. 2, 1776. S. Van Rensselaer, donor. No. 92. - ive dollars. April 11, 1778. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 91. - Four dollars. November 29, 1775. North Dutch Church, donor. - our dollars. May 9, 1776. Same donor. --- Four dollars. May 20, 1777. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 90. - hree dollars. November 29, 1775. S. V. Talcott, donor. No. 51. - Three dollars. November 29, 1775. G. Brinley jr. donor. No. 39. - Three dollars. March 5, 1776. North Dutch Church, donor. - Three dollars. May 9, 1776. Same donor. - Three dollars. August 13, 1776. Same donor. - Three dollars. May 20, 1777. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 89. - Two dollars. February 17, 1776. North Dutch Church, donor. - Two dollars. May 20, 1777. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 88. - One dollar. November 29, 1775. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 84. - One dollar. Feb. 17, 1776. S. Van Rensselaer, donor. No. 85. - One dollar. February 17, 1776. North Dutch Church, donor. ---- One dollar. May 9, 1776. Same donor. - One dollar. May 9, 1776. S. Van Rensselaer, donor. No. 86. - One dollar. May 9, 1776. S. Van Rensselaer, donor. No. 87. - Two-thirds of a dollar. February 17, 1776. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 76. - Two-thirds of a dollar. Feb. 17, 1776. S. Van Rensselaer, donor. 7 copies. No. 77- 83. - One half of a dollar. February 17, 1776. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 70. - One half of a dollar. February 17, 1776. S. Van Rensselaer, donor. 5 copies. No. 71-5. --- One third of a dollar. February 17, 1776. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 59. - One third of a dollar. February 17, 1776. S. Van Rensselaer, donor. 10 copies. Nos. 60 - 9. - One sixth of a dollar. February 17, 1776, S. Van Rensselaer, donor. No. 57. -- - One sixth of a dollar. February 17, 1776. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 58. VERMONT. Bank of Burlington. See Specimens. ---- See Counterfeits. 21'2 NEW-YORK STATE LIBARARY. VIRGINIA. Three pounds. April 5, 1759. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 129. - Two thirds of a dollar. October 7, 1776. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 128. - One third of a dollar. October 20, 1777. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 127. - One sixth of a dollar. May 5, 1777. Dr. C. Martin, donor. No. 126. WISCONSIN TERRITORY. See Specimens. IV. SEALS AND IMPRESSIONS OF SEALS. SEALS formerly in use in Courts of the State of New-York, viz: 1. Court of Chancery: 5 seals. Brass. 2. Seal of the Supreme Court of the State of New-York. Steel. 3. Seal of the Court of Probates: State of New-York. Brass. SEAL formerly in use in the Office of the Secretary of the State of NewYork. Silver. ENGRAVED IMPRESSIONS of Ancient Seals in the Office of the Secretary of the State of New-York, containing: 1. Seal of New-Amsterdam, 1654. Sigillum Amstelodamensis in Novo Belgio. 2. Seal of the City of New-York, 1686. Sigill. Civitat. Nov. Eborac. 1686. 3. Seals of Colonial Governors, with fac similes of their autographs, viz: BENJAMIN FLETCHER. Sir HENRY MOORE. JAMES DE LANCEY. GEORGE CLINTON. ROBERT MONCKTON. CADWALLADER COLDEN. ROBERT HUNTER: "Arte non impetu." WILLIAM TRYON. Earl of DUNMORE: " Furth. Fortune."i IMPRESSION of the Seal of Governor William Burnet, 1721. - of the Seal of Governor William Burnet, 1724. - of the Seal of James De Lancey, Lieutenant-Governor, 1758. of the Seal annexed to the Commission of Martin Beekman, as Lieutenant, 1758. ELIZABETH, QUEEN. An impression from a wood-engraving of the rigidly suppressed broad-piece of Queen Elizabeth, and of which, according to Walpole, only one clip fragment of the face is in existence. The face of Elizabeth is copied from one engraved for Walpole. BORNEO. Engraving of the Seal of the Sultan of Borneo: Taken from the cover of Capt. Mundy's Narrative of Events in Borneo and Celebes, 1848. CATALOGUE OF DONATIONS IN 18561 CAT ALO0GU E O F T HE, DONATIONS TO THE NEW-YORK STATE LIBRA R-Y DURtING 1856. GOVERNMENT OF BAVARIA: llandsehriften-Katalog der K6nigcliehen Universitats-Bibliotbhek u Erlangen: Bearbeitet yon Dr. J.C.Irwischer. Franfurtah31. 1852. 80. K. HOF- JND STAATS-BJBLIOTHEK: Abhandlungen der Philosophi-philologisohen Classe der Ki~niglich Bayerischen Akademie der Wissensehaften. Siebenten bandes, zweito unci critte Abtheilung. Mftnchen, 1851 - 5. 4o. Abbandlungen der llistorischen Classe. Siebenten bandes, dritte abtheiluno; und achten bandes, ergte abtheilung. M1ixuohen, 1855-6. 40, Abbandlungen der Mathemnat-physikalischen Classe. Siebenten bandes, dritte abtheilung. Munchen, 1855. 4o. Gelehrte Anzeigen: ilerausgegeben von Mitgliedern der K.Bayer. Akad. Bandes 39, 40, 41. Miinehen, 1854-5. 3 vol. 4o. Almanach der K. Bayer. Akad. der Wissensohaften far 1855. Miiuchen. 120). Annalen der K~niglliehen Sternwarte bei Mi~nehen: Von Dr. J. Lamont. Bandes 7, 8. Miinehen, 1854-5. 2 vol. 80. Rede ilber der K~nig und die Akadem-ie, am. 28 Nov. 1854: Von F. von Thiersoli.AMiinchen, 1855. 4o. Denkred e zur Feier ilires seehs-und-neunzigsten stiftungstages, am 28 Marz 1855: Von Dr. IT. Beokers. Mtfinohen, 1855. 40. 216 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. BAVARIA, continued: ---- Denkrede auf die Akadimer Dr. T. Siber und Dr. G. S. Ohm: Von Dr. Lamont, am Marz 28, 1855. Miinchen, 1855. 4o~ - Rede gehalten von F. von Thiersch zu ihrer 96 stiftungsfeier, Marz 28, 1855. Mtinchen, 1855. 4~. -. Wissmahr: Biographische Charakteristik, von Dr. Lorenz Hubner. Miinchen, 1855. 4'. ---Ueber die Glioderung der Bevolkerung: Von Dr. F. B. W. von Hermann. Manchen, 1855. 4~. - Denkrede auf Johann von Fuchs: Von F. von Kobell. Manchen, 1856. 40. - Ueber den Begriff und die Stellung des Gelehrten: Von F. von Fiersch. Miinchen, 1856. 4~. BAVARIAN AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY: - aus-Landwirthschafts.Kalender, 1856. Miinchen, 1856. 4o. Belgium. ACADEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES, &C. DE BELGIQUE: ---- Annuaire de l'Academic Royale des Sciences, etc. de Bclgiquc, 1854. 120. Canada. PARLIAMENT OF CANADA, by Mr. Todd: ---- Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada, Session 1854-5. Vol. 13, parts 1 and 2, and index. 3 vol. 80o -- Appendix to Vol. 13 of the Journals of the Legislative Assembly, Session 1854-5. No. 1 - 14. 14 vol. 8~. - Common Pleas Reports: By E. C. Jones. Vol. 5, No. 1 - 12. Toronto, 1856. 80. - ueen's Bench Reports: By J. Lukin Robinson. Vol. 14, No. 1- 7. Toronto, 1856. o. - Reports of Cases in Chancery of Upper Canada: By Alexander Grant. Vol. 5, No. 1 - 9. Toronto, 1856. 80. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION: - Annual Report of Common Schools in Upper Canada for 1845-6. Montreal. Fol. - Annual Report of Model, Normal and Common Schools in Upper Canada, for 1850 and 1854. Toronto. 80. LAVEL SEMINARY, QUEBEC: - Le Canada, et 1'Exposition universelle de 1855. Toronto, 1856. 80. - Lower Canada Reports. Decisions des Tribunaux du Bas-Canada: Redacteurs MM. Lelipvre et Angers. Quebec, 1851-56. Vol. 1, 2. 3, 4, 5. 5 vol. 80. DONATIONS IN 1856. 217 - Revue de L6gislation et de Jurisprudence: Par S. LeliBvre et F. R. Angers. Quebec, 1846-7-8. 3 vol. 80. - Liste Chronologique des Eveques et des Pretres employds au service de l'Eglise du Canada. Quebec, 1834. 8~. CANADIAN INSTITUTE, TORONTO: The Canadian Journal: A Repertory of science, industry and art; and a Record of the Proceedings of the Canadian Institute. Vol. 1, New series. Toronto, 1856. 80. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY, Toronto: S Laws of the University College Literary and Scientific Society, established February 22, 1854. Toronto, 1857. 12~. GEORGE BUCKLAND, TORONTO: - Journal and Transactions of the Board of Agriculture of Upper Canada. Vol. 1. Toronto, 1856. 80. - Canada at the Universal Exhibition of 1855. Toronto, 1856. 8~. HON. PIERRE J. O. CHAUVEAU, MONTREAL: -- Report of the Superintendent of Education for Lower Canada, for 1855. Toronto, 1856. 8~. - -The same in French. 80. - Tables of Trade and Navigation of the Province of Canada, for 1850, 1852, 1854, 1855. Toronto, 1851-6. 4 vol. 80. T. STERRY UNT: - Esquisse G6ologique du Canada: Par W. E. Logan et T. Sterry Hunt. Paris, 1855. 12. L. A. HUGUET LATOUR, M. P., MONTREAL: - Tables of Trade and Navigation of the Province of Canada, for 1855. Toronto, 1856. 80. Canada at the Universal Exhibition of 1855. Toronto, 1856. 8~. ---- eport of the Superintendent of Education for Lower Canada, for 1850, 1851, 1854, 1855. Toronto. 80. - Rapport Annuel de l'Ecole Normale, des Ecoles ModUles, etc. du Haut-Canada, pour l'annee 1854. Quebec, 1855. 8~. - nnual Report of the Normal, Model, Grammar and Common Schools of Upper Canada, for 1855. Toronto, 1856. 80. - Twenty-eighth Annual Report of the Natural History Society of Montreal, 1856. 8~. Extraits des Tableaux Statistiques des Inspecteurs d'Ecole dans le Bas-Canada, pour 1854. An Act to regulate the militia of this province. Quebec, 1855. 80. Rapport Annuel des Inspecteurs dn Penitencier Provinciel, pour l'ann6e 1855. Toronto, 1856. 80. [ LIB. III. 28 218 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. CANADA, continued: - eport of the Commissioners of Public Works, for 1856. Toronto, 1856. 8~. - Public Accounts for the Province of Canada, for 1855. Toronto, 1856. So. REV. E. G-. PLANTE, QUEBEC: - elation de ce qui s'est pass6 en la Nouvelle France en l'ann6e 1642 et 1643: Envoybe au R. P. Jean Filleau, Provinciale de la Compagnie de Jesus, par R.. P. Barth41emy Vimont. Paris, 1644. 120. REv. E. RYERSON, D.D., LL.D., TORONTO: ---- Annual Report of Normal, Model and Common Schools of Upper Canada, for 1854. Quebec, 1855. 80. Laws relating to Common Schools in Upper Canada, with forms, etc. Toronto, 1855. 12~. - Laws relating to Grammar and Common Schools in Upper Canada, with forms, etc. Toronto, 1855. 120. - Descriptive Catalogue of Maps and Charts, etc., for sale at the Educational Depository in Upper Canada. Toronto, 1856. 80. --- Memorandum of the steps which have been taken to establish a system of meteoro'ogical observations in Upper Canada:By J. G. Hodgins, M.A. Accompanied by a map. - Progress of the Common School System of Upper Canada: By J. G. Hodgins, M.A. - Laws relating to Roman Catholic separate Schools in Upper Canada. Franice. His MAJESTY NAPOLEON III: - Voyage de S. M. Louis Philippe Ir" au Chateau de Windsor: D6did ~ S. M. Victoria: Par Edouard Pingret. Paris, 1846. Folio. - Description M6thodique du Musee Ceramique de la Manufacture Royale de Porcelaine de SBvres: Par MM.A. Brongniart et P. Riocreux. Paris, 1845. 8~ H__ istoire des Etats G64edraux de France: Par E. J. B. Rathery. Paris, 1845. o8. His EXCELLENCY THE MINISTER OF STATE: SLes (Euvres de Rembrandt reproduit par la photographie: Decrit et commente par Charles Blanc. Paris, 1853. 10 livraisons, folio. - Histoire des Peintres de toutes les Ecoles depuis la renaissance jusqu'a nos jours: Par MM. C. Blanc, Th. Gautier et P. A. Jearron. In continuation. No. 141 - 150, folio. SDictionnaire Liturgique, Historique et Theorique de Plein-chant et de Musique de l'Eglise du moyen age et dans les temps modernes P-r M, J. D'Ortigue. Paris, 1854. 80, DO2NATIONNS I.N 1856. 219 Manuel de liistoir e de 1'Art ehez les ancions 1 Par le Comtc tDe Clarac. Paris, 1847F -49. 13 vol. 120. His EXCELLE-NCY THE MINISTERI OF WAR Carte Topographicjne do la l{Spubliquc Fraiwaise. 19th issue, Nos. 75, 90, 175, 182. Talauda, Situiation des ~tablissen-ents Prancais dmns l'Alg6 -nie, 18 52 - 4. P aris, 18~5'-. 2 v ol. fol. Alman-ach de l'Aige'rie, 185-6. Paris. 180. Catalogue de l'Exposition permnanente des produ~its do l'Algc~rio suivie dun Catalogue des Produits 'a l'Ecxposition universelle do Paris 0en 1855. So. Rvapport, prCSsente6 a l'Emp~reur sur la, situation do l'Algr1rio on 1853) Par Il. lIc ~a~r6chial Vaillant. Paris, 1854-.'. 8,. Hise EXCELLENCY TIHE TMINISTER OF COMMERCE, AOS1ICULTIJRE AM) PUBLIC WORKS: Atlas de Physique et dle Me"te"orologie Agrioioles - Par 11. 1Nýioolct. Paris, 1855'. Vol. Instructions Pratiques sur le drainage. Paris, 18055. 120. Sur lea IEchelles Thcrmome'triques auijourd'hni en us-age: Par Al. Walferdin. Paris, 1855. 80. The Law of Nature and iNations as affcted by Divine Law By Leone Levi. London, iS1855. 80. Die Banken: Von Otto Hftbncr. Lcipzio0, 18533- 4. 2 vol. 8o. Commission do Pisciculture: Travaux et ltapports. 80. Catalogue (10 Ia Colleetion des Produits Agricoles par John WilN son, et exposesa par le Board of Trade h l'Exposition universelle do Paris, 1855. 8o. Eloge do J, Marie Baron Do Ge~rando: Par M. Bayle-Mouillard. Paris, 1846. So. Tableau General des -NTJouveiuents du C abotage pendant l'ann~eo 1854. Paris, 1855. 40. Concours R6gionaux d'animiaux repro dueteurs, d 'instrumentis, machines, etc. en 1853 et 1854. Paris, 1853 - 5. 2 vol. 80. Concours d'Animaux do boucherie en 1853 et 18454 Cornipte rendu. Paris, 1853 - 5.5. 2 vol. So# ITableaux do la Situation. morale et mnate'rielle en France des jeunes de~tenus et des jeunos libe'rees Par Paul IBucquot. Paris, 1853. 4() Rapport 'a sa Ma est u osCiss d'Epargne, annee 1854. Paris, 1855. 40. Description des Machines et Proce'des pour lesquels des Brevets d'iuvention ont e6te pris. Paris, 1850 - 55. 21 vol. 40.L Catalogue des Brevets d'Invention, pm'is du 9 Oct. 1844, an 31 220 NEW-YORK STATE LIBIRAlY. FRANCE, continued - Annales du Commerce exterieur, du Jan. 1843, au Mai 1856 inclusive. ( 17 vols. completed.) - Tableau General du Commerce de la France, pendant l'annSe 1854. Paris, 1855. 4o. - Bulletin du Ministre de l'Agriculture et du Commerce, 18-3-4 -6-7-8-9-50-1. Paris, 1843-51. 8 vol. 8. 1845, and No. 8 for August 1851 wanting. - Exposition universelle, 1855: Catalogue officiel. Paris, 1855. 80. His EXCELLENCY THE MINISTER OF JUSTICE: - Bulletin des Lois, Empire francais. 11me serie, vols. 5, 6, 7, 8, and the supplemental volumes. 8 vols. 80. Coup-d'poil Geologique sur les Mines de la Monarchic Autrichienne: Ridige par le Chev. Fr. de Hauer et Fr. Foetterle. Viennc, 1855. 80. His EXCELLENCY THE MINISTER OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION: S Collection de Documents Inedits sur l'Histoire de France. Preminire serie, contenant: No. 31. Correspondance administrative sous le Regne de Louis XIV: Par G. B. Depping. Tome 4. Paris, 1855. 4to. No. 17. Memoires Militaires relatifs a la Succession d'Espagne sous Louis XIV: PubliSs par GSn. Pelet. Tome 9. Paris, 1855. 4to. No. 34. Privileges accord6s a la Couronne de France par le Saint Siege. Paris, 1855. 4to. HIs EXCELLENCY THE MINISTER OF THE INTERIOR: Projets-Specimens pour servir a la Construction des Prisons Departementales: Par MM. L. Grillon et Al. Normande. Paris, 1854. Fol. Des Colonies Agricoles etablies en France et en Algerie, en faveur des enfants trouves et abandonnes, etc.: Par J. de Lamarque et G. Dugat. Paris, 1850. 8~. S Bains et Lavoirs publics: Commission institue par ordre de M. le President; Projet, actes, rapports, plans, etc. Paris, 1850 and 1852. 40 aid fol. - Statistique des Etablissements Penitentiares, 1852 et 1853. Paris, 1854-6. 2 vol. 80. -- apport sur la Situation des Societ6s de Secours mutuels: Present6 par la Commission, annee 1854. Paris, 1855. 4~. His EXCELLENCY THE MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS: --- Congres de Paris, 1856. 4~. INSTITUT IMPERIAL DE FRANCE: - Memoires de 1'Academie des Sciences de l'Institut de France. Tome 23, 24. Paris, 1853-4. 2 vol. 40. - Mmoires pr6sent6s par divers Savants a l'Acad6mie des Sciences do 1'Institut Imperial de France. Tome 12. Paris, 1854. 40. DONATIONS IN 1856. 221 Dictionnaire Universel Frangois et Latin. Nouvelle ddition, corrigde: Dedi6 au Roy de Pologne, Duo de Lorraine et de Bar. Nancy, 1740. 6 vol. fol. - Acadimie des Sciences: Discours d'ouverture, Rapports et D6 -cisions sur les prix decern6s pour 1855. o80 -- Henri IV, Econoiniste. Introduction de 1'Industrie de la soie en France: Par M. Wolowski. Paris, 1855. 4o. - - ~loge Historique de M. Leopold de Buch: Par M. Flourens. 40. IMPERIAL LIBRARY OF FRANCE: -- - Mmoire sur les Avantages que la Province de Languddo peut retirer de ses grains: Par M. Parmnentier. Paris, 1786. 40. *__-__ Jacobi Theodori Klein tentamen metodi ostracologiem. Leyden, 1753. 4o0 - - Ml6anges de Critique et de Philologie: Par S. Chardon de la Rochette. Paris, 1812. 3 vol. 8., - - Addle et Theodore, ou Lettres sur l'Education. Paris, 1782. 3 vol. So. -- Die Theorie und Praxis der Geburtshilfe: Dargestellt von Albert Krause. Berlin, 1853. 2 vol. 80. SOCIATi, GiOLOGIQiE DE FRANCE: - Bulletin de la Soci'tS G6ologique de France. Deuxieme serie, Tome 12. 1855. SOCITP, ZOOLOGIQUE D'ACOLIMATATION: --- Bulletin de la SocistS Zoologique d'Acclimatation. Paris, 1854 - 5. 2 vol. 80o SOCI0T1 DE L'HISTOIRE DU PROTESTANTISMNE FRAN9AIS: - - Bulletin de la Societ6 de l'Hlistoire du Protestantisme Frangais: Premiere et deuxibme annees. Paris, 1853 - 4. 2 vol. 80. Soci Ta PROTECTRICE DES ANIMAUX: Bulletin de la Societ6 protectrice des animaux. No. 5. Janvier, Octobre 1855. 80. DR. 1I. MILNE EBWARDS, PARIS: - - A Monograph of the British Fossil Corals: By H. Milne Edwards and Jules Haime. London, 1854. 40. C. ESTIENNE, PARIS: - - Souvenirs et Impressions, ou Lettres a Lady * *: Publis par C. Estienne. Paris, 1855. 120. F. E. GuIRIN MaNAtVILLE: - - Note suir un Procdde cultural et eflicace employ6 par N. Paul Thdnard pour faire perir l'eumolpe de la vigne, on ecrivain: Par M. F. E. Guerin MdnBville. 8,. 222 INEW-YORIK STATE LIBIRARY. FRANCE, continued: ____-Reeherehes sur les Maladies des vdgetaux, et part-ienlidrernent stir la maladie do la vigne: Par M. F. E. %luhdrin Mednd"ville. Paris, 18,54. 8,. --Description cda Genre Ilypoconcha: Par M. Gudrin M Ondville. Paris. 8(0. -r~eeherchies stir los Vers-ic-soie sauvages et domestiques: Par TM. Guedrin Mene'ville. 1854 et 1855.94 80. -Observations theoriques et pratiques stir l'industrie de la soic Par MM. Gue'rin Medneville et E. Robert. 1853. 80. -Observations pour servir aIc listoire naturelle de l'Ilyk"sine philperde: Par M. F. E. 0-udrin Mednevilleo. 1852. 80. --Moyen de predserver los Bid's des attaques die l'alucitc: Par M. E. Guedria lidud~ville. 1852. 8' K. ANTOINE PAssy, PARIS: - ITManuel. de Mddecine pratique, royale et bourgeoise: Par M. Buc~hoz. Paris, 1771. 18,-. ___- Avis au. Peuple stir ia Sante': Par M. Tissot. Paris, 1776. 2 v ol. in 1. 1 20. -Lettrea' TAM. le Monnior, sur la Culture~du caf6. Amsterdam, 1770". 120. -- Description et Usage des tdlJescopes et microscopes de passemaut. Paris, 1737 ().120. -- Do la Santed des C-ens do Lettres: Par M. Tissot. Lausanne, 1769. 2 vol. in 1. 120. -- Observations Physico-meddjcales sur. les Vers qui so forruent dans los intestins: Par M. Van Doeveren. Lyon, 1764. 120. -- Dissertations Physico-meddica-les: Par Claude Chevalier. Paris, 1758. 120. - Nouveau TraitS" du. Rhumatisme et des Vapeurs: Par M. Dun-ioulin. Paris, 1710. 120. --Nouvelles Observations thd~oriqnes et pratiques sur la Goutte Par M. Chavy do Mongerbet. Paris, 1764. 120. Manuel Usuel et E1 conomique des Plantes: Par 1. Buc'hoz. Paris, 1782. 120. - Le Me'decin des ilonmes, depuis la puberted jusqu'da ' 1extredme vieillesse. Paris, 1772. 120. -Md'decine Experimentale, on Resultat do nouvelles observations. Paris, 1755. 120. - Nouveau Traite' du Pouls: Par X. Mednuret. Amsterdam, 1768. 2 0, - Ouvrage touchant los 1-ernies ou Descentes: Par M. Dejean. Paris, 1762. 120. - - Maide ur e fcie e rato4ls aAd1 I Ie- - rI:-e-:Pa DONATIONS IN 1856. 223 - - Manuel Anti-syphilitique; on le Me'decin de soi-meme dans la cure des maladies v6n(riennes: Par M. de Cezan. Gcneve, 1789. 120. --- Discours Anatomique sur la structure des viscres, etc. Par M. Malpighi. Paris, 1783. 12o. - De la Vieillesse: Par IM. Robert. Paris, 1777. 120. -_- IManuel Alimentaire des Plantes: Par NMI. Buc'hoz. Paris, 1781. 120. - - Cours d'Anatomie, a l'usage des artistes: PIar M. Bottman. Paris, 1788. 120. - - Precis d'Observations sur la nature, etc. des maladies 6pid6 -miques qui r6gnent tous les ans ' Rochefort: Par M. Retz. Paris, 1787. 12o. - - Le Progres de la Medecine pour l'annoe 1697: Par MI. Brunet. Paris, 1698. 120. -- Nouveau Recueil de differens Traitez de medecine. Paris, 1744. 120, --- Priceptes de Sant6, ou Introduction au Dictionnaire de Sante. Paris, 1772. 120. - - Secrets et Remides 6prouvez: Par MI. l'Abb6 Rousseau. Paris, 1718. 120. __-- Essai sur la Physiologie, ou Physique du corps humniain: Par M. Bordenave. Paris, 1778. 2 vol. in 1. - - Essai sur les Moyens de perfectionner les &tudes de m.decino Par Tissot. Lausanne, 1784. 120. - - Recherches sur les Causes particulieres des phenomenes 61cctriques: Par MI. 1'Abb6 Nollet. Paris, 1754. - - De la Digestion, et des Maladies de l'estomac. Paris, 1712. 120. - Emmenologie, on Trait6 de l'evacuation ordinaire aux femmes: Par MI. Freind. Paris, 1730. 120. - - Manuel Anti-syphilitique, on Essai sur les maladies v6neriennes: Par NM. de Cezan. Londres, 1774. 120. L-- ettre de M. Portal h IM. A. Petit. Amsterdam, 1771. 120. - Oraison Funebre de Louis XV: Par Jean-Baptist Ch. Marie De Beauvais. Paris, 1774. 120. - - Essai de la M6thode de gu.rir les fievres putrides, etc.!: Par NI. de Reynal. Paris, 1763. 120. - Essai de la NMIthode de guerir les hernies: Par M. Delagenevribre. Paris, 1767. 12o. --- Description d'un nouveau bandage propre aux descehtes: Par 3i. DelagenevriBre. Paris, 1768. 12o. - - Avis au Peuple sur les asphyxies: Par J. J. Gardane. Paris, 1774. 120. - - Le Secret des suttons devoil6, on I'Inoculation: Ptar J. J. Gardanne. La Hiaye, 1774. 120. 2-4 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. FRANCE, continued: - Rapport par M. Portal sur les effets des vapeurs miphitiques dans le corps de l'homme. Paris, 1775. 12~. --- Observations sur les Moyens que l'on peut employer, etc.: Par M. Vicq d'Azyr. Bordeaux, 1774. 12o. ALEXANDER VATTEMARE: - - A Walk through the Universal Exhibition of 1855. Paris, 1855. 180. - - Visites et Etudes de S. A. I. Le Prince Napoleon au Palais de l'Industrie. Paris, 1855. 12~. --- Catalogue des Produits exposes dans la Section Espagnole de 1'Exposition universelle, 1855. 80. ---- Catalogue des Objets exposes dans la Section Grecque de 1'Exposition universelle, 1855. 80. - - Catalogue des Produits pr6sentcs par le Royaume de Sardaigne, Exposition universelle, 1855. 120. --- Catalogue des Objets exposes dans la Section des Etats Unis d'Amerique. Paris, 1855. 8~. - Catalogue de Livres originaux publies dans le dernier temps on Hollande, et exposes en 1855 a Paris. 80. - Collection des Charbons de terre du Royaume Uni de la Grande Bretagne: Exposition universelle, 1855. 8o. - Objets du Japon: Exposition universelle de Paris, 1855. 8o. ----- Exposition des Produits de Portugal et de ses colonies. Paris, 1855. 8J. Catalogue des Exposants de la Confederation Suisse. Paris, 1855. 80. - Catalogue Special des Villes Anseatiques: Exposition universello, 1855. 80. - Typus de l'Espece Bovine: Par M. O. Delafond. Paris, 1856. 80. - Dock Modele de la vie a bon marche. 80. Des Institutions de Prevoyance fondes par les industriels du Haut Rhin en faveur de leurs ouvriers: Rapport par Dr. Penot, Mai 20, 1855. 80. - Societ6s d'Epargne pour l'achat en gros des denrees: Rapport par A. Hennequin. Paris, 1855. 8o. Notes of some Remarkable Objects exhibited in the Department of the Paris Exhibition. London, 1855. 8~. - Notices sur les Instruments et Appareils de Chirurgie, exposes en 1855 par Charriere fils. Paris, 80. Catalogue des Articles exposes par les Fabricants du Royaume de Wurttemberg. Stuttgart, 1855. 40. Exhibition of the Works of Industry in Paris, 1855: Kingdom of Wurttemberg, Catalogue, 1855. 40. DO0NATIONS IN 185"G. 2'25 Notice sur ics 1Travaux do Ml. Fichet., Serrurier nicdeanicien. Juillet, 185-5. 80). Narrative of the Origin and Formation of the International Assýoejat~dion for obtaining a uniformn decimal system of measures, weiglhts and coins: By James Yates. London, 1856. 80. Spheres Terrestres en relief, par Thiery: Admise's pour I'Ex.b position Uce 1855. 40. Description de ia Ce'lobre Serrure Ame~ricaine, oxpose~e pa'r Hobbs, Ashley &. Co. London. 8 Autonile Machine for cuttingr and carving busts, etc.: By, T. Blanchard, of Boston. Exposition universdfle, 1855. 4,). - Objets de Pr."ision:Nouveau myn a1grpicuinet par Siriet. Exposittion, 18550. 4--. Essai des Soics'a Turin. Paris, 18.55. 80. --Recucil. des Pi%"ces et Documents ofliciels coneernant l'Exposition universelle, 1855. 26 sheets. Decrees, Regulations and Inst41ruct-ions of th--e Imperial CommisSion, 1855. 80. Syst"Cm1e do Classification: Exposition universelle, 1855. 8o. Liste des TMembres coruposant le Jury mnixte international, 1855. 80. Euecucil des Pie'ces et Documents oflicicls concernant l'Exposition unliverselle de 1855. 4c). ilapports du Jury International:lRe'ompenses, 1.855. 4o. Collection of Handbills distrihuted during the Paris Exhibition, 1855. 165 sheets. -- Collection of 116 Cards of manufacturers, mechanics, etc., distributed in the Palace of Industry. Paris, 1.855. -_ Contributions do l'Ag-enee centrale des Exchanges internationaux au Coneours Agricole Universel do 1856. Paris. 4o. VARIOUS SOCIETIES, AUTHORS, PUBLISHERS, &C.: --Prix do Vertti, fondes par M. do Montyon; Diseours pronence's par MIM. Do Noailles, Vitet, Viennet, Salvandy, le Due do Noailles, etc. Par-is, 18511-5. 120. -- Journal des REconomistes* Revue de la Science eSconomaique ot do la Statistique, 1855. 80. --Exposition Universelle do 1855: Beaux Arts, par Claude Vig-non. Paris, 1855. 180. --Paul of Virginie. Text in Greek. Paris, 1824. 8o. Considerations The~oricqucs et Pratiques sur l'aetion des engrais. ___-Voyage Agricole dans l'1.ntl--rieur do la France: Par M le Comteo Conrad do Gourey. Paris, 1855. 80. I ýB. III~ 2 226 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. CITY OF METZ: --- uvrcs de Louis Napoldon Bonaparte: Publics par Ch. Ed. Temblaire. Paris, 1848. 3 vol. 8~. Gr,'eat Britain. GREENWICII OBSERVATORY: ---- Astronomical and Magnetical and Meteorological Observations, made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, for 1854, under the direction of G. B. Airy. London, 1856. 40. LONDON LIBRARY: -- Supplement t tthe 2d Volume of the Catalogue of the London Library. London, 1856. 8~. PHILOLOGICAL SOCIETY, LONDON: - - Proceedings of the Philological Society, from 1842 to 1853. London. 6 vol. 80. SALFORD BOROUGH ROYAL MUSEUM AND LIBRARY: --- Seventh Annual Report to the Council from the Committee of the Royal Museum and Library, Nov. 1855. Salford, 1855. 80. SOCIETY OF ARTS, LONDON: - - Journal of the Society of Arts. Vol. 3, No. 137 - 201. So. SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL: -- Reports of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts, for 1855 and 1856. London. 2 vol. 8~. - - Quarterly Papers of the Society for the Propagation of the gospel. --- Speech of Lord Bishop of Lincoln, 1856. ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON: - - Transactions of the Zoological Society of London. Vol. 4, Parts 1, 2, 3. London, 1850-3. 4. --- Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. Parts 17 - 22: 1849, 50, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 80o -- Reports of the Council and Auditors of the Zoological Society of London, 1851, 2, 3, 4, 5. 80. C. WENTWORTH DILKE, LONDON: -- Catalogue of a Collection of Works on or having reference to the Exhibition of 1851, in the possession of C. Wentworth Dilke. Printed for private circulation. London, 1855. 80. J. O. HALLIWELL, LONDON: - - Early English Miscellanies in prose and verse, selected from unedited manuscripts of the 15th century: Edited by J. O. Halliwell. London, 1855. 120, DONATIONS IN 1856. 227 SAMPSON Low, LONDON: ---- American Catalogue of Books; or English Guide to American Literature, etc. London, 1856. 120. JOHN M'CLELLAND, M.D., SURGEON of the HON. EAST-INDIA COMPANY, BENGAL: ---- Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bootan, Affghanistan, etc.: By the late William Griffith, F.L.S. Arranged by John M'Clelland. F.L.S. Calcutta, 1847. 8o. ---- Itinerary Notes of Plants collected in Khasyah and Bootan mountains, 1837-8; in Affghanistan, etc. in 1839-41: By the late William Griffith. Arranged by John M'Clelland. Calcutta, 1848. 8o. -- Notule ad Plantas Asiaticas. Parts 1, 2, 3, 4: By the late William Griffith. Arranged by John M'Clelland. Calcutta, 1847-54. 4 vol. 8. --- Icones Plantarum Asiaticarum: By the late William Griffith. Arranged by John M'Clelland. Calcutta, 1847 - 54. Parts 1 - 4. 4 vol. fol. - - Palms of British East India: By the late William Griffith. Arranged by John M'Clelland. Calcutta, 1850. Fol. The above works consist of posthumous papers bequeathed to the lion. the East-India Company, and printed by order of the Government of Bengal. JOSEPH SCOTT, LIVERPOOL: - - Four Silver Coins, viz: Skilling, Geo. III, 1787; 5 Pence Irish Bank Token, 1805; 2 Skillirg Dansk ( Chas. VII, Denmark), 1805; and an Ancient Persian coin. Hi~anovere. UNIVERSITY OF GOTTINGEN: - A Silver and a Bronze Medal. Face, a bust. Legend, Charles Fridericus Gauss, nat. 1777, ob. 1855.-Reverse ( within a wreath), Georgius V, Rex Hannoverm. mathematicorum principi. Legend, Academia sum Georgim Augustm decori seterno. HIolland. GOVERNMENT OF HOLLAND: - egister Gehouden, by Meester Aert van der Goes, Avocan van de Staten's Lands van Hollandt, van alle die Dachuaerden by deselve Staten gehouden; mitsgaders die resolutien, propositien, ende andere gebesongneerden in de voirsz Dachuaerden gedaen: Beginnende den lesten Januar 1524-1543, 1557-8, 1559-60, 1563-4-5, 1566-7-8, 1569-70, 1575. 7 vol. fol. - Register van Hollandt en West- Vricsland: Seedert den jaare 1557-64, 1576-7 (imperfect), 1582-3, 1585, 1587, 1589, 1593-4 to 1794. Total 221 vols. fol. - General Index op de Registers de Resolutien van de Heeren Staaten van Holland en West-Vriesland, 1600 - 1609, 1628 - 1790. 14 vol. fol. 228.. NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. HOLLAND, continued: - - Secrete Resolutien van de Edele Groot Mog. Heeren Staaten van Holland on West-Vriesland: Beginnende met den jaare 1651, en eindigende mniet den jaare 1795. 18 vol. fol. 1651-58 in MSS. - - Generale Index op de elf gedrukte deelen der Secrete Resolutien van de HIeeren Staaten van Holland en West-Vriesland, 1653 - 1751. 2 vol. fol. - - Algerneen Woordenboek va.n Kunsten en Wetenscehappen: Door Gt. Nieuwenhuis. Vol. 6, 7, 8. Zutphen, 1826-9. 2 vol. 80. B- eginselen der Dynamica, ten gebruike van de kadetten. Amsterdam, 1825. 8o. - - Beginselen der Statica, ten gebruike van de kadetten: Door I. R. Schmidt. Amsterdam, 1823. 80. - Beginselen der Hoogere Meetkunst, bevattende de toepassing van de stelkunst op bepaalde meetkunstige vraagstukken: Door I. t. Schmidt. Amsterdam, 1826. 80. - - Graaf Orlof's Reizen en Lotgevallen. Hellevoetsluis. So. - - Verbond en Smeekschriften der Nederlandsche Edelen, van Baron MI. D'Yvoy van Mijdrecht: Door Jonkheer G. J. Beeldsnyder. 80. - - Verhandeling over Scheikundige Metaalverbindingen: Door J. H. Crooekewit. Amsterdam, 1848. 8,). - - Nieuwe Theorie van den Dampkring: Door 1-I. D. A. Smits. Batavia, 1849. 80. - - Theoremata Geometrica: Door J. H. Van Swinden. Amsterdam, 1786. 80. - - Staat- en Handelkundige Besehouwing van het Koloniaal Systhema in Frankrijk: Door D. van Hogendorp. Amsterdam, 1817. 8,. - - Geschiedenis van Java, van T. S. Raffles: Vertaald, etc. door J. E. de Sturler. Amsterdam, 1836. 80. - Reis door Engeland, Walles en Schotland, gedaan in het jaar 1816: Door S. H. Spiker. Amsterdam, 1818. 2 vol. 80. - - lEngelands Wereldhandel, Verslag der Comniissie van onderzoek nit het Engelsehe Parlement omtrent de working der scheepvaartwetten. 'SGravenhage, 1849-51. 5 vol. 80.S - - Verhandelingen Redevoeringen en Staatkundige Geschriften, van J. I1. Kemper. Amsterdam, 1835-6. 3 vol. 80. - - De Middelaer, of Bydragen ter bevordering van tael, onderwys en geschiedenis, 1840-43. Leuven. 3 vol. 80. -- Het Microscoop gemakkelyk gemaakt: Door Henry Baker. Amsterdam, 1744. 8. - - Tijdschrift voor Neerlands Indie: Derde jaargang. Batavia, 1840. 8 0 -- Staatkundig en Staathuishoudkundig Jaarboekje voor 1852 en 1854. Amsterdam, 1852-4. 2 vol. 120. DONATIONO IN 1856. 229 Institutio Astronornica juxta hypotheses tarn veterurn quarn Copernici et Tyohonis: Diotata Parisiis a Petro Gassendo. Haga, ComituIn,1 1656. 4o. -- Novum Jesu Christi D. N. Testamentuin, in Greek. Lyon, 1 601. 240. - Tweotal Eenvouciige Leerredenen: Door W. C. van der Zwaagr. Groningen, 1836. 8o. -- Leerredenen door IR. W. van iRossurn. Rotterdamn, 1849. 80, __- Het Boek der Natuur: Door J. J. Bange. Groningen', 1839. 80. --Het tweehonderd vijftig jarig bestaan der hervormnde gemeente to Noorddijk: Door P. Boeles jr. Gironingen, 1846. 80. --Auswahl. von Predigten der Bruhwitesten Il1ollandisohen Kanzelrednor: Door Dr. E. G. Lagornans. Haag, 1844. 80. --De Oalfeilbaarheid der Apostelen in do Verkondiging* van bet Evangelie, betoogcl door H. van Hleijuinging. Utreclit, 1845. 80. --Zestal Leerredenen: Door J. L. J. Hallo. Hensden, 1847. 3o ___-,Nagelaten Leerredenenl Van J. S. Nijhoff. Arnbem, 1845. 80. --Bonwstoffen voor cene Fauna van Nederland: Door J. A. Herkiots. Eerste deel. Leiden, 1853. 8o~ Overzigt van hot Nederlandsche Pliks - archief: Eersto stuk. 'SGravenhage, 1854. 80. -- Gedioliten van Hubert Korneliszoon Poot. To Deift, 1722 - 35. 3 vol. 40. --Brooders Gevangrenisse. Dagboek -van Willem do Groot: Door H. Vollenhoven. 'SGravenhage, 1842. 80, --Levens-Besohrijving, van John en Cornelis Evertson: Door J. C. do Jonge. 'SGravenhage, 1820. 80. -Memorie betreffenide do Verdeeling van hot Fonds der Riddersohaf van do Province Zuid Holland. 'SGravenhage, 1851. 8o. --\erhandelingen in Geleerde Genootschiappen van Jonas D. Meyer. 'SGravenhage, 1844-46. 2 vol. 80. -Speoimon Theologiourn; continens Vitas ac Gesta Abbatum Adwerdensium. Auotore Fr. Koppius. Groningve. 80. Nagelatene Leerredenen van Hendrik H. D.Cnrtius: Door Pieter van der Willigen. Arnhem, 1840. 80. -- Zestal Nagelaten Leerredenen, -van J. J. Hordersohee. Hoorn, 1845. 8. --Nagolatene Leorredenen over do Gosohiedenis van Abraham Door A. van Bemmoelen. Amsterdam, 1843. 8o. Verspreide Letteryrnobten van S. I. Mulder. Leyden, 1844. 8o. -Mnemosyne:,Tijdsohrift voor Classieke Littoratnur. III Deel. Leyden, 1.854. 3 vol. 81. --Versiag aan den Konig aangebodon door den Minister van Fi 230 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. HOLLAND, continued: - - Sacred Dramas: By Hannah More. London, 1805. 120. -- Hlandelingen der Nederlandsche Entomologische Vereeniging. Eerste deel, Eerste stuck. Leyden, 1854. 4-. - - Pomologia; dat is, Besebryvingen en Afbeeldingen van de beste zoorten van appels en peeren: Door J. I. Knoop. Leeuwarden, N.D. Folio. And, ---- Dendrologia, of Beschryving der Plantagie-gewassen: Door J. H. Knoop. Leeuwarden. Folio. - Joannis Bosseha: Oratio Historiwe et Literarum necessitudine. Amstelodami, 1 839. 40, - - Claudii Claudiani Opera; cum Notis integris Delrii, Claverii et Dempstcri: Auctioribus N. Heinsii, et ineditis Petri Burnianni. Amsterdam, 1760. 4o Beginsels der Natuurkunde: Beschreeven ten dienste der Landgenooten, door Petrus van Musschenbroek. Leyden, 1739. 400 - - Tuinbouw-Flora van Nederland en zijne overzeesche bezittingen. Eersto deel, Tweede-zevende afievering. Leyden, 1854. 80. - Cornelii Nepotis Vite excellentium imnperatorum; cum Notis addidit Augustinus van Staveren. Lugduni, 1773. 8). --- Reize naar Surinamen; Verblijf aldaar en terugtogt over NoordAmerika, naar Europa, van den Baron Albert von Sack. Derde deel. Haerlem, 1821. 8. - - Geschiedenis van Java, van Thomas Stamford Raffles. 'SGravenhage, 1836. 80o - - Waare Oeffening der Planten; waar in de rebchte aart, natuur, etc.: Beschreeven door Ab. Munting. Lecuwarden. 40. - - Tweetal Leerredenen, door C. van Schaick. Amsterdam, 1846.80. - - Aanprijzing der Onthouding yan sterken drank, in een Leerrede over I Cor. ix, 25: Door C. S. A. van Scheltema. Hoorn, 1848. 80. - - Leerrede, uitgesproken door den 1leer P. 11aesebroeck. Nieuwediess, 1848. 8 0 - Bijbel voor de Israelitische Jeugd: Door S. J. Mulder. Leyden, 1843. 17 vol. 120. - T. Livii Patavini Historiarum ab urbe condita. PFolio. - - J. Bleuland: Otium Academicum; continens Descriptionem speciminum nonnullarum partium corporis humani. Utrecht, 1828. 40. - Hebreuische Nederduitsch Handwoordenboek: Door Mi. Leemans en S. I. Mulder. Amsterdam, 1831. 80.O -___- Kort Begrip der Wetenschappen en Kunsten: Door A. J. L. Lempe. Amsterdam, 1850. 2 vol. 80. --- P. Rutilii Lupi de Figuris sententiarum et Elocutionis. Leyden, 1768. 80. - - Orde voor de Feestdagen, naar den Ritus der NederlandschPortugeesche Israeliten: D)oor S. I. Muldey. Amsterdam, 1843. 805 DONATIONS IN 1856. 231 - De Invloed der Kcerkrings Leichtstreken of Europesche gestellen: Door James Johnson, M.D. Amsterdam, 1824. 2 vol. 80. ___- Aanwijzing ter Verbetering van den Scheepsbouw en der zeevaart, van Jan Abraharms Nanninga. Amsterdam, 1812. 8S. - De Practicale Zeeman, of Goede Raad aan Scheepsbevelhebbers: Door J. A. Nanninga. Emden, 1815. 80. - Maleisch en. Nederduitsch Woordenboek: Door P. P. Roorda van Eysinga. Batavia, 1825. 80. - - Gedichten van A. "van der Woordt, en Levensberigt van C. J. Wenekeback. 'SGravenhage, 1843. 80. -__- De Wet op de Convoijen en Licenten voor het Koningrijk der Nederlanden van Oct. 3, 1816: Gebragt door J. C. Delprat. Rotterdam, 1817. 120. -__- Nouvelle Grammaire pour apprendre le Flamand. Anvers. 120, -__- Beknopte Handleiding tot de Kennis der Hoogduitsche Taalregelon: Door J. C. F. Scherber. Amsterdam, 1846. 120, - - Maatschappij tot nut der Israeliten in Nederlanden. Versiag, 1852-3. 8). -- Verhandeling over het Puntdicht: Door P. G. Wetsen Geysbeek. Amsterdam, 1810. 80. - - Hugo Grotius de Veritate Religionis Christianme. Jlagve Comitis, 1729. 120. - - Chronologische Handboekje vor de Geschiedenia der Israeliten Door S., J. Mulder, 1846. 120. - - Tijdschrift van de Maatschappij tot nut Israeliten in Nederland: Deel 3, No. 1. 1854. 80. Adeka of de Nederlanders, of Banda: Treurspel, door S. P. O. Poor. Amsterdam, 1834. - - Die Liebe und Leben: Aufgefasst von Dr. W. Kiehl. Haag, 1831. 80. - Leesboelije voor do Israelitisehe Jeugd: Door S. I. Mulder. Amsterdam, 1846. 120. -- - De Eerste Profeten op Nieuw in bet Nederduitsche: Vertaald door S. J. Mulder. Tweede druk. Amsterdam, 1841. 120. -- Christophori Helvici Theatrum historicum et chronologicum. Editio quarto. 1642. fol. S De Vijf Boeken van Moses, benevens de Hapstaroth; met cene Nederdaitsche vertaling: Door G. I. Polak. Amsterdam, 1841. 10 vol. 80. - - Koren-Bloemen: Nedcrlandsche Gedichten van Zuylichen. Amsterdam, 1672. 2 vol. 40. ACADETMIE 1ROYALE DES SCIENCES A AMSTERDAM: V- erhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschaften, T Aweede deeo. Amsterdam, 1855. 4o, 23102 NEW-YORK STATE LIBR'ARY. HOLLAND, Continued: --xerslageu en Mededeclingen Koninlklijk-e Akademie van Wetensehappen. Tweede deel, Derde stuk; Derde deel, Eerste en tweede stuk. Amsterdam, 1854-5. 3 vol. 8o. Catalogus der Boekerij van de Koninklijide Akademnie van Wetensehappen gerestig'd te Amsterdam. Eerste aflevering, 1855. 8c0. __-.Koninhldik Bestuit tot Vorming der Akad. Organiek Reglement Memoire van treleebiting, pcrsonele, staat, etc. Amsterdam, 8555. 4ýý. AMSTERDAM SOCIJIT~E )POUR LE SECOURS DES Nori~s -~Aperqu Historique au Sujet de la Soci e6t6 pour secourir los noy -s: Par J. A. Kool. Amsterdam, 185ý5. 8(). GOVERNMENT OF NOVA-SCOTIA: Statutes of Nova-Scotia, passed at the 4th and 5th sessions 7th and 8th Vict. 1854 - 5. Halifax. 2 vol. 80. -- Journal of the Legyislative Council, 1854 - 5. 40. --Journal of the H-ouse of Assembly, 1854-- 5. 40, ___- Belcber's Farmers' Almanac, 1856. 2 copies. - New-Brunswick; with a Brief O utline of Nova-Scotia and Prince Edward's Island: By Alexander Monroe. Halifax, 1855. 80. --Acadian Geology: An Account of the Geological Structure of Nova-Scotia: By J. W. Dawson. Edinburgh, 1855. 120. --Nugent's Nova-Scotia People's Almanac, for 1856. Halifax. 120. --Prize'Essay on thle History of the Settlement of Halifax: By T. B. Akins. Halifax, 1817. 180. 2 co~pies. His MAJESTY THlE KINGa --l uvres de Frederic le Grand. Continuation. Tome 6, 7, 8, 9. Berlin, 1847-8. 4 vol.- 40. MINISTER OF COMMIINERCE, PRUSSIA: --Die im Bau hegriffenen Brideken fiber die Weiehsel bel Dirsehau, -und ftber die Nogat bei Maricnhurg: Eatworfen und in der Ansfahrnng geleitet von Ljeutze. Berlin, 1855. Obi. fol. PRINCE MAXIMILIAN DE WIED: --Liste des Fautes d'Impression et de Traduction do 1'iEdition franfaise de ba Description du Voyage dans 1'inte'rieur du Nord do 1'Ame~rique: Par be Prince Maximilien do Wied. 80. -- Bre'sil: Quebques Corrections indispensabbes 'a la Traduotion, DONATIONS IN 1856. 233 ---- Brasilien. Nachtrage, Berichtigungcn und Zusaitze zu dcr Beschreibung meiner Reise imn stlichen Brasilien: Von Max. Prinz zu Wied. Frankfurt, 1850. 81. T~usc'any. GOVERNMENT OF TUSCANY: - - Rapporto Generale della Pubblica Esnosizione dei Prodotti naturali e industriali della Toscana. Firenze, 1851. 2 vol. 8o. L'Asphodele, sa culture et ses applications industrielles. Paris, 1855. 8 United States. GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES: -- Statutes at Large of the United States: Edited by George Minot. Vol. 10. Boston, 1855. 80. - - Statutes at Large: 34th Congress, 2d session, 1856. Boston, 1856..8. - - Annals of Congress: 17th Congress, 1st and 2d sessions; 18th Congress, 1st session. 1821- 24. 5 vol. 80. ---- Senate Documents: 33d Congress, 2d session, 1854-5. 12 vol. 8,.; vol. 13, pt. 1, and vol. 14, 40. Total 14 vols. - - Senate Miscellanies: 33d Congress, 2d session, 1854-55. 3 vols. -- Senate Reports: 33d Congress, 2d session, 1854 - 55. 80. ---- Executive Documents: 33d Congress, 2d session, 1854-55. 14 vols. in 17, S8.; vols. 6 and 11, pt. 1, 40 (vol. 11, pt. 2 wanting). - - Reports of Committees of the House of Representatives: 33d Congress, 2d session, 1854 - 5. 8~. -- - ouse Miscellanies: 33d Congress, 2d session, 1854 - 5. 80. --- Digested Summary of Private Claims presented to the House of Representatives from the 1st to 31st Congress. Washington, 1856. 3 vol. 4~. - Works of John Adams, vol. 1 and 10. Boston, 1856. 8". ---- Reports and Experiments with small arms for military service Published by authority. Washington, 1856. 12.0 ALABAMA: ---- Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Alabama: By J. W. Shepard. Vol. 27. Montgomery, 1856. 8(. - Acts of the 5th Biennial Session of Alabama General Assembly, 1855. 8'. -- Journal of the Senate and House of R.epresentatives of Alabama, 5th biennial session, 1855 - 6. 2 vol. 8~, [ L:r. IIT,] 80 234 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. UNITED STATES, continued ARKANSAS: -- - Reports of Cases at Law and in Equity in the Supreme Court of Arkansas. Vols. 13, 14, 15, 16: By L. E. Barber. Little-Rock, 1844- 6. 4 vol. 80. CALIFORNIA: S Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of California, in 1854. Vol. 4: By H. P. Hepburn. San Francisco, 1856. 8o. - Statutes of California, passed at the 7th session, 1856. 3 copies. S Journal of the 6th and 7th Sessions of the Assembly of California, 1855,and 1856. Sacramento, 1855 - 6. 3 copies. 80. Journal of the 6th Session of the Senate of California, 1855. Sacramento, 1855. 3 copies. 8~. - ppendix to Assembly Journal, 6th and 7th sessions. 3 copies. - Appendix to Senate Journal, 6th session. 3 copies. CONNECTICUT: - Connecticut Reports in 1854 and 1855: By W. N. Matson. Vol. 23. Hartford, 1856. 80. ---- Transactions of the Connecticut State Agricultural Society, for 1854 and 1855. Hartford, 1855 - 6. 2 vol. ---- Public Acts, Resolutions and Private Acts, passed May session, 1856. 3 copies. 8o. -- Journal of the House of Representatives, May session, 1856. New-Haven, 1856. 80. - Journal of the Senate, May session, 1856. New-Haven, 1856. 8). - Messages, Reports, &c. to the Legislature of Connecticut. May, 1856. 8o. - Public Records of the Colony of Connecticut from 1665 to 1678; with a Journal of the Council of War, 1675 to 1678: Edited by J. H. Trumbull. Hartford, 1852. 80. - Report of the Superintendent of Common Schools of Connecticut, 1856. 8~. 3 copies. - Report of the Commissioners on Idiocy in Connecticut, 1856. 80. 3 copies. ---- Fourth Report of State Reform School of Connecticut, 1856. 80. 3 copies. - ortieth Report of the American Deaf and Dumb Asylum at Hartford, 1856. - hirty-second Report of Retreat for Insane at Hartford, 1856. 8o. DELAWARE: - Revised Statutes of the State of Delaware to 1852. Dover, 1852. 80o DONATIONS IN 1850. 235 - Laws of the State of Delaware, passed in 1856. Milford, 1855. - Journal of the State of Delaware, Session of 1855. Dover, 1856. 80. FLORIDA: - Acts and Resolutions of the General Assembly of Florida, passed at an adjourned meeting of the 7th session, 1855. Tallahassee. 8~. 2 copies. -- ouse and Senate Journal of the adjourned meeting of the 7th session, 1855. 3 copies. 6 vol. 80. - eports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Florida: By M. D. Papy. Vol. 6, No. 1. Tallahassee, 1855. 8o. GEORGIA: - Reports of Cases in Law and Equity in the Supreme Court of Georgia: By T. R. R. Cobb. Vols. 12 and 16. Athens, 1853 - 6. 2 vol. 80. ----- Acts of the General Assembly of Georgia, Biennial session, 1855 - 6. Milledgeville, 1856. 80. - Journal of the Senate and House of Representatives of Georgia, Biennial session, 1855-6. Milledgeville, 1855. 2 vol. bo. ILLINOIS: --- Transactions of the Illinois State Agricultural. Society. Vol. 1. 1853 - 4. Springfield, 1855. 80. - The Illinois Digest of Decisions in the Supreme Court: By N. L. Freeman. Cincinnati, 1856. 2 vol. 80. - Laws of Illinois, 19th General Assembly, 1855. Springfield, 1855. 8~. - Illinois Reports. Vol. 16: By E. Peck. Chicago, 1856. 8". KENTUCKY. - Kentucky Reports. Vol. 15: By Ben Monroe. Frankfort, 1855. 8. - Acts of the General Assembly of Kentucky, passed in 1855 - 6. Frankfort, 1856. 2 vol. 80. - eport of the Superintendent of Public Instruction for 1855. Frankfort, 1856. 8'. LOUISIANA: - eports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Louisiana. Vols. 9, 10, for 1854 and 1855: By W. M. Randolph. New-Orleans, 1855-6. 2 vol. 80. -- Acts of the General Assembly of Louisiana, Session 1855 and 1856. New-Orleans, 1855 - 6. 80. 2 copies. - evised Statutes of Louisiana, compiled by U. B. Phillips. NewOrleans, 1856. 2 copies. 2 36T NE-jW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. UNiTED STATES, Continued: MAINE IMaine Reports. Vols. 338 and 39: BY SolyDman Heath. Italicwell, 18856. 2 vol. 8. Acts and Resolves of the 38-,5th. Legislature of MA-ainle, 1856. Augusta, 18-56. 80. 2 copies. Second Annual Report of the. Superintendent of Common Schools 'fof Maine, 1855-. Auqusta, 1855. 8i Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the District of Maine, with Articles of separation, etc. 1819 - 20. Augusta, 1856. 8(). MARYLAND: Maryland Reports. Vols. 7, 8, for 18,54-5-6: By Oliver Miller. Annapolis, 1855. 2. vol. 8'. ____Laws passed by the General Assembly, 1856. Dover, 1856. 80. Senate and House of Delegrates' Journal for 1856. 2) vol. 80. House of Delegates: Documents for 1856. 80~ MASSACHUSETTS Reports of Cases in the Supremg, Court of Massachusetts. Vol. 9, by L. S. Cushing; vol. 2, by Horace Graiy jr. Boston, 1856. 2 -vol.830. Acts and Resolves of the General Court of Ma'ssaehusetts -for 1856. Boston, 18056. 80. S tatistical In.formation relating? to certain Branches of Industry in Massachusetts, for the year ending June 1855. Boston, 1856. 80. 'Laws of Mississippi, passed at the Session of the Legisilature, in 1856. Jackson, 1856. 8(). MISSOURIl -First and Second Reports of the Geological Survey of Missouri: By G. C. Swallow. Jefferson City, 1855..'9 copies. Reports of Cases in the Supremie Court of Missouri. Vol. 22: By Horatio M. Jones. St. Louis, 1856. 80. NEBRASKCATERRITORY: J____,ournal of the Council at the fir-st Session of the General Assembly of the Territory of. Nebraska, 1855. Omaha City, 1855. 8(). Journal of the' House of Representatives, first Session of the General Assembly, 1855. Oma-ha City, 1855". 8o. NEW-H-AMNPSHRurE: IJournals of the Senate and House of Representatives of NewHampshire, June session, 1855. 2 vol. 80. 2 copies. DONATIONS IN1 180~ 237 - Reports of Cases in the Superior Court of Judicature of NewHampshire. Vols. 8, 9, 10: By W. L. Foster. Concord, 1855 - 6. 3 vol. 80. - eports of Cases in the Superior Court of Judicature of NewHampshire. 2d series, vol. 7; or vol. 19, old series. Concord, 1806. 8o. NEW-JERSEY: - eports of Cases in the Supreme Court of the State of NewJersey. Vol. 4: By A. O. Zabriskie. Trenton, 1856. 8o. R- eports of Cases in the Court of Chancery of New-Jersey. Vol. 1: By J. P. Stockton. Trenton, 1856. 8S. - Digest of the Laws of New-Jersey: By Lucius Q. C. Elmer. 2d edition, by J. T. Nixon. Philadelphia, 1855. 8~. - Laws of New-Jersey, passed in 1856. Trenton, 1856. 80. NEW-MEXICO TERRITORY: - Journal of the House of Representatives of the Territory of New-Mexico: First Session, first Legislative Assembly, 1851. Santa Fe, 1855. 80. --- The same in Spanish. - Laws of the Territory of New-Mexico, passed 1855 - 6. Santa Fe, 1856. 80. NEW-YORK CITY: - A Compilation of the Laws of the State of New-York, relating to the City of New-York: Prepared by H. E. Davies. New-York, 1855. 80. - See Valentine ( D. T.). NORTH-CAROLINA - Reports of Cases at Law in North-Carolina in 1853, 4, 5. Vols. 1, 2: By Hamilton C. Jones. Raleigh, 1854-5. 2 vol. 8~. - eports of Cases in Equity in North-Carolina, 1853-4, Vol. 1: By Hamilton C. Jones. Raleigh, 1855. So. - Revised Code of North-Carolina, enacted in 1854: Prepared by B. F. Moore and Asa Biggs. Boston, 1855. 80. 3 copies. OHIO: R- eports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Ohio: By R. B. Warden and J. H. Smith. New series, vol. 3. Cleveland, 1855. 80. OREGON TERRITORY: Statutes of Oregon, enacted by the Legislative Assembly at the fifth and sixth sessions. Oregon, 1855. 80. - Laws of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Oregon: 7th session, 1855-6. Salem, 1856. 80. S Journal of the Council of the Legislative Assembly of Oregon: 7th session, 1855-6. Salem, 1856. 80. 238 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRAlY. UNITED STATES, continued Journal of the House of Representafives of Oregon: 7th session, 1855-6. Salem, 1856. 8". PENNSYLVANIA: -- Pennsylvania School Architecture. Manual of Directions and Plans for constructing school-houses: Thos. H. Burrowes, editor. Harrisburgh, 1855. So. -- Laws of Pennsylvania, passed in 1856. Harrisburgh, 1856. 80. Pennsylvania State Reports, vol. 23, 24, 25: By Harris. Philadelphia, 1856. 3 vol. 80. Annual Report of the Superintendent of Common Schools of Pennsylvania, 1855. 80. 3 copies. RHODE-ISLAND: ---- Records of the Colony of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations in New-England: Transcribed and edited by John Russell Bartlett. Vol. 1, 1636 - 63. Providence, 1856. fol. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Rhode-Island. Vol. 3: By J. P. Knowles. Providence, 1856. 8o. Acts and Resolves of the General Assembly, passed during the January session, 1856. Providence, 1856. 8~. SOUTH-CAROLINA:.- Reports of Cases in Equity in the Court of Appeals of SouthCarolina. Vol. 6: By J. S. G. Richardson. Charleston, 1855. 8o. ---- Reports of Cases at Law in the Court of Appeals of South Carolina. Vol. 8: By J. S. G. Richardson. Charleston, 1855. 80. - Acts, Reports and Resolutions; and Senate and House of Representatives' Journal of the General Assembly of South-Carolina., ~ December, 1855. 8o. TENNESSEE: Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Tennessee, 1854- 5: By J. L. T. Sneed. Vol. 2. Nashville, 1856. 8~. TEXAS: Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Texas, 1854-5. Vol. 13 and 14: By 0. C. and R. K. Hartley. Galveston, 1855-6. 2 vol. 8. - Digest of Decisions of the Supreme Court of Texas, 1840 -53: By William Alexander. Philadelphia, 1854. 8~. UTAH: Acts, Resolutions, etc., passed at the several Annual Sessions of the Legislative Assembly. Great Salt Lake City, 1855. 120. VERMONT: - Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Vermont. Vols. 26, 27: By J.F.Deane and C.L.Williams. Brattleboro, 1854-6. 2 vol.80. DONATIONS IN 1856. 239 - Laws of Vermont, 1855. 8~. 2 copies. - enate Journal of Vermont, Session of 1855. Concord, 1856. 80. - ouse of Representatives Journal, Session of 1855. Concord, 1856. 8'. VIRGINIA: - Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia: By Peachy R. Grattan. Vol. 12. Richmond, 1856. 80. Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia, passed in 1855-6. Richmond, 1856. 8~. -Journal of the House of Delegates of Virginia, Session 1853-4. Richmond, 1853-4. 80. - Documents of the House of Delegates, Session, 1853-4. Parts 1, 2, 3. Richmond, 1853-4. 3 vol. 8'. WASHINGTON TERRITORY: - Statutes of- the Territory of Washington, being the Code passed at the 1st session, 1854. Olympia, 1855. 8o. - cts of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Washington, passed at the 2d regular session, 1854-5. Olympia, 1855. 80o - Journal of the Council of the Territory of Washington, 2d session of 1854-5. Olympia, 1855. 80. Journal of House of Representatives, 2d session of 1854-5. Olympia, 1855. 8'. Societies, &c. ACADEMY OP NATURAL SCIENCES, PHILADELPIIIA: Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences. Vol. 7, No. 12; Vol. 8, Nos. 1-5. 8o. ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY: - Transactions of the Alabama Historical Society, at the Annual Meeting, July 9 and 10, 1855. Tuscaloosa, 1855. 8o. 2 copies. AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY: - Catalogue of the American Bible Society Library, 1855. NewYork. 80. --- Bible Society Record: Vol. 1, 1856. 8~. - Testimony of distinguished Laymen to the value of the Sacred Scriptures. New-York, 1855. 80. - Report on the H-istory and recent Collation of the English version of the Bible: Adopted May 1, 1851. 8x. Thirty-ninth Annual Report of the American Bible Society: May 10, 1855. New-York. 80. 240 NEW-YORK S'ATE LIBRARY. SOCIETIES, continued: AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY: - roceedings of the American Philosophical Society. Vol. 6, No. 54, 55. AMHERST COLLEGE: - Catalogue of Officers and Students of Amherst College for 1856 -7. Amherst, 1856. 80. BOSTON MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION: - Thirty-sixth Annual Report of the Boston Mercantile Library Association, 1856. 8.o BOSTON PRISON DISCIPLINE SOCIETY: - eports of the Boston Prison Discipline Society, 1826 to 1853. Boston, reprinted 1855. 8 vol. 8'. BOSTON SOCIETY OF NATURAL HISTORY: P-roceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History: Vol. 5, No. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26; Vol. 6, No. 1, 2, 3. CINCINNATI MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION: - Twenty-first Annual Report of the Directors of the Cincinnati Mercantile Library Association, 1855. 8. ---- Catalogue of the Young Men's Mercantile Library Association of Cincinnati, 1855. 8~. CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY: - Transactions of the Connecticut State Agricultural Society, for 1855. Hartford, 1856. 8c. Thirty-second Report of the " Retreat for the Insane," at Hartford, 1856. 8o. - Fortieth Report of the American Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb at Hartford, 1856. 8). DARTMOUTH COLLEGE: - Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Dartmouth College, 1856-7. 80. DORCHESTER ANTIQUARIAN AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY: - History of the Town of Dorchester, Massachusetts: Nos. 4 and 5. Boston, 1856. 80. ELLIOT SOCIETY OF NATURAL HISTORY, CHARLESTON, S. C.: Proceedings of the Elliot Society of Natural History: Nov. 1853, and Jan. 1856. 8. ESSEX INSTITUTE, SALEM, MASS.: ---- Act of Incorporation, etc.; with a Catalogue of the officers and members of Essex Institute. 1855. 80. DONATIONS IN 1856. 241 Account of Lester's Retreat at North-Bridge, Feb. 26, 1775: By Charles M. Endicott. Salem, 1856. (From the Proceedings of the Essex Institute.) - Annual Report of the School Committee of City of Salem Feb. 1856. 80. - Account of Newspapers and other periodicals, published in Salem, from 1768 to 1856: By G. L. Streeter. Salem, 1856. 80. S Address at the Dedication of the School-house in Broad-street, Salem, March, 1856: By H. R. Oliver. Salem, 1856. 8~. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, PHILADELPHIA: - Journal of the Franklin Institute. Vol. 30, 31, 32: 3d series. Philadelphia, 1856. 3 vol. 80. GROTON PUBLIC LIBRARY: Catalogue of the Groton Public Library, with by-laws. Groton, 1855. 80. - - Report of.a Committee of Groton on a High School. Boston, 1856. 8,. HAMILTON COLLEGE: --- atalogus Senatus Academici in Collegio Hamiltonensi. Utica, 1855. 80. HARTFORD YOUNG MEN'S INSTITUTE: ---- Eighteenth Annual Report of the Hartford Young Men's Institute: June 3, 1856. 8~. MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY: ---- Collections of the Maine Historical Society. Vol. 4. Portland, 1856. 80. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY: ---- Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society. 4th series, vol. 3. Boston, 1856. 8~. MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY: - Annual Report of the Regents of the University of Michigan, October 1856. Ann-Arbor, 1856. 8~. NEW-BEDFORD CITY LIBRARY: Fourth Annual Report of the Trustees of the Free Public Library of New-Bedford, 1856. 80. NEW-JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Proceedings of the New-Jersey Historical Society: Vol. 1 to 7, 1847-55. Newark, 1847-55. 7 vol. 80, and vol. 8, no. 1, 80. Selections from the Correspondence of the Executive of NewJersey, 1776-86. Newark, 1848. 8~. S[LIB. III. I 31 2412 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. NEW-ORLEANS ACADEMY OF SCIENCES: - Constitution and By-laws of the New-Orleans Academy of Sciences, 1854. 80o - Proceedings of the New-Orleans Academy of Sciences: Vol. 1, No. 1. 80. Annual Address before the New-Orleans Academy of Sciences: By Prof. Riddell. February 25, 1856. 80. - Report of a Special Committee of the Academy, on the importance of a Geological Survey of Louisiana: February 1856. 80. Report of the Sanitary Commission on the epidemic yellow fever of 1853. New-Orleans, 1854. 80. NEW-YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Sermons preached before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts, in 1701-2, 1706-7, 1707, 1709-10, 1713-14, 1737-8, 1745, 1756, 1822. London. 9 vols. NEW-YORK MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION: - Thirty-fifth Annual Report of the Trustees of the New-York Mercantile Library Association, 1856. 8~. NORTH DUTCH CHURCH, ALBANY: Continental Paper Money, viz: One-sixth of a dollar: February 17, 1776. 13 copies. One-third of a dollar: Same date. 5 do. One-half of a dollar: Same date. 14 do. Two-thirds of a dollar: Same date. 5 do. One dollar: May 9, 1776, and February 17, 1776. Two and four dollars: February 17, 1776. Three dollars: May 9, 1776. Four dollars: November 29. 1775. - COLONY OF NTEW-YORK: One-sixteenth of a dollar: August 13, 1776. 9 copies. One-eighth of a dollar: March 5, 1776. 5 do. One-eighth of a dollar: August 13, 1776. 9 do. One-sixth of a dollar: March 5, 1776. 3 do. One quarter of a dollar: August 13, 1776. 20 do. One quarter of a dollar: March 5, 1776. 8 do. One-third of a dollar: Same date. 7 do. One half of a dollar: Same date. 2 do. One half of a dollar: August 13, 1776. 2 do. One half of a dollar: September 2, 1775. 3 do. Two-thirds of a dollar: March 5, 1776. 6 do. One dollar: September 2, 1775. One dollar: March 5, 1776. 7 do. Two dollars: September 2, 1775. 3 do. Two dollars: March 5, 1776. 2 do. Two dollars: August 13, 1776. 22 do. Three dollars: March 5, 1776. 3 do. Three dollars: August 13, 1776. 9 do. DONATIONS IN 1856. 243 Five dollars: Same date. 2 copies. Five dollars: September 2, 1775. Ten dollars: August 13, 1776. COLONY OF CONNECTICUT: Sixpence: June 19, 1776. 3 copies. Ninepence: Same date. One shilling: Same date. 5 copies. One shilling and threepence: June 19, 1776. Two shillings: July 1, 1775. Two shillings and sixpence: June 1. 1773. Two shillings and sixpence: May 10, 1775. 2 copies. Two shillings and sixpence: June 7, 1776. 2 copies. Six shillings: June 1, 1775. 2 copies. Ten shillings: June 7, 1776. - COLONY OF NEW-IHAMPSHIRE: Eightpence: January 26, 1787. COMMIONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Sixpence: March 20, 1777. COLONY OF MARYLAND Two-thirds of a dollar: December 7, 1775; STATE OF NEW-YORK: Five shillings: April 18, 1786. COUNTY OF ALBANY: One dollar: February 17, 1776. 2 copies. CITY AND COUNTY OF ALBANY: Ten shillings: June 22, 1775. CITY OF ALBANY: One penny: August 28, 1790. 4 copies. One penny: March 26, 1791. 4 do. One penny: September 5, 1792. 4 do. One penny: February 19, 1793. 10 do. Twopence: July 3, 1790. Twopence: March 26, 1791. 2 do. Twopence: September 5, 1792. 3 do. Twopence: February 18, 1793. Threepence: August 28, 1790. 2 do; Threepence: September 5, 1791. 2 do: Threepence: February 18, 1793. Fourpence: Same date. CITY OF NEW-YORK: Two shillings (Water-works): January 6, 1776; Twopence and threepence: February 20, 1790. ---- CITY OF NEW-BRUNSWICK: One penny and twopence: January 1, 1791. 3 copies. Fourpence: March 10, 1796. - CITY OF HUDSON: One penny: October 26, 1790. 17 copies. One penny: November 5, 1792. 9 do. Twopence: October 26, 1790. 9 do. Twopence: November 5, 1792. 2 do. 244 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. NORTH DUTCH CHURCH, continued: Threepence: October 26, 1790. 4 copies. Threepence: November 5, 1792. 3 copies. Four, seven and eight-pence: October 26, 1790. 7 copies. - CORPORATION OF KINGSTON: One penny; two and three-pence: September 8, 1790. 14 copies. -----VILLAGE OF COOPERSTOWN One cent: July 1, 1815. One cent: February 28, 1816. -----VILLAGE OF AMSTERDAM: Three cents: June 22, 1816. --- BOROUGH OF ELIZABETH: One penny: March 25, 1790. 10 copies. Threepence and sixpence: March 25, 1790. -- LANSINGBURGH MUSEUM: One penny; two, three and four-pence: Oct. 20, 1792. 45 copies. REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH, SCHENECTADY: One penny: September 6, 1790. One penny: August 8, 1793. 9 copies. -- REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH, CANAJOHARIE: One penny; two, three, and four-pence: February 4, 1793. 4 copies. S REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH, FLORIDA: Three cents: November 14, 1814. SFIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, NEWARK: One penny ( Date defaced). S PRESBYTERIAN CONGREGATION, BALLSTOWN: One penny; two, three, four and six-pence. 12 copies. - PRESBYTERIAN CONGREGATION, TROY: One penny: August 28, 1792. - CONSTITUTIONAL SOCIETY OF DUTCHESS COUNTY: Twopence, three and six-pence: January 11, 1791. 26 copies. --o- SOCIETY OF MECHANICS, HUDSON: One penny: January 17, 1793. 2 copies. -. CALVIN CHEESMAN: Two cents; three, six, twelve and a half, twenty-five, and fifty cents: January 1, 1816. 33 copies. -- T. HI. & M. BAKER. SCHOHARIE: One penny, twopence, threepence: March 9, 1791. 6 copies. --,ANANIAS PLATT, LANSINGBURGH: One penny, twopence, threepence: December 31, 1790. 4 copies. S. TRYON, BALLSTOWN: One penny, threepence: No date. 3 copies. - W. COOPER, COOPERSTOWN: Threepence, sixpence: January 25, 1790. 3 copies. -- W. RADCLEFT & CO., RHINEBECK: One penny, threepence, fourpence: May 2, 1791. 5 copies. -- JANES & DOLE, LANSINGBURGH.: One penny: December 31, 1790. 3 copies. DONATIONS IN 1856. 245 JOHN PORTIONS, LITTLEFALLS: One penny, twopence: No date. 3 copies. N. ALDRIDGE, FORT HERKIMER: Threepence: January 16, 1792. SHEPARD & ALLEN, GERMANFLATTS:.One penny: February 8, 1793. - PARKMAN & PAINE: Six and a half cents: April, 1815. PHILADELPHIA LIBRARY COMPANY: Catalogue of the Books belonging to the Library Company of Philadelphia: Vol. 3. Philadelphia, 1856. 8.o PROVIDENCE ATHENIEUM: - wenty-first Annual Report of the Directors of the Providence Athenmeum, 1856. 8o. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION: ---Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge: Vol. 8. Washington, 1856. 40. WORCESTER YOUNG MEN'S LIBRARY ASSOCIATION: - Third Annual Report of the Young Men's Library Association of Worcester: April, 1856. 120. Individuals. J. J. ABERT, CAPT. U. S. CORPS TOPOGRAPHICAL ENGINEERS: Reports of Explorations and Surveys for a Railroad Route to the Pacific, 1853-4: Vol. 1. Washington, 1855. 4~. - Map of the Straits of Mackinac, with the approaches thereto from Lakes Huron and Michigan; from Surveys under the Topographical Bureau, 1853-4. S. ALOFSEN, JERSEY CITY: V aderlandsch Woordenboek: Door Jacobus Kok. Amsterdam, 1785 - 96. 35 vol. 80. Byvoegzels op het Vaderlandsch Woordenboek: Door Jacobus Kok. Amsterdam, 1797-9. 2 vol. 8~. De Voorvaderlijke Levenswijze en Gewoonten hier te-Lande Door Cornelis de Koning. Haarlem, 1810. 8~. - rieven betreffende het Bestuur der Kolonien ( By Rogier Gerard van Polanen, former Minister Resident of the Batavian Republic to the United States). Amsterdam, 1816. 8~. EDWARD ATKINSON, BOSTON: - Letter to the York and Cumberland Railroad: By F. 0. J. Smith. Portland, 1851. 8~. 246 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. INDIVIDUALS, continued: - Second Annual Report on the Geology of Vermont: By C. B. Adams. Burlington, 1846. 8~. - Remarks on the Cotton plant, as cultivated in Alabama. Boston, 1850. 8'. - Niagara Falls, the Great Manufacturing Village of the west: Circular of the Niagara Falls Hydraulic Company. Boston, 1853. 8~. - Providence Tax-book, 1854. 12-. - Catalogue of the Mere. Library Association of Boston, 1850. 8o. - Sketches of Slave Life: By Peter Randolph. Boston, 1855. o8. -. C. Winthrop's Address before the Boston Mercantile Library Association, 1845. 8~. - Rev. Dr. Cox's Discourse before the American Board of Commissioners for foreign missions: Pittsfield, September 11, 1849. - ortieth and Forty-first Reports of the American Board of Commissioners for foreign missions, 1849 & 1850. o8. - Report of Salem City Missions for 1849, 1850, 1851: By John Ball. 8o. S Boston City Documents: Various Reports. - orcester and Nashua Railroad Company Reports for 1849, '50, '52-3-4, '56. 8o. - ailroad Companies: Various reports. - Yale College Catalogue, 1849-50; and Oberlin College Catalogue, 1850-51. S Addresses on various occasions. JAMES J. BARCLAY, PHILADELPHIA: - Annual Report of the Philadelphia Athenaeum, 1856. 8~. Annual Report of the Pennsylvania Institution for the Deaf and Dumb for 1855. Philadelphia, 1856. o8. - wenty-eighth Annual Report of the House of Refuge of Philadelphia, 1856. 80. --- Annual Report of the Philadelphia Society for the support of charity schools, 1856. o8. - Second and Third Annual Reports of the North Pennsylvania Railroad Company, for 1855 & 1856. 8~. - Third, Sixth and Sixteenth Reports of the British and Foreign Bible Society, 1807 - 20. o8. ---- Pennsylvania Journal of Prison Discipline: Vol. 11. o8. -- - Report of the Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane, for 1855. Philadelphia, 1856. 8~. ---- Twenty-seventh Report of the East State Penitentiary of Pennsylvania, 1856. 8~. ------ Fifth Report of the House of Refuge of Maryland: January, 1856. 80. DONATIONS IN 1856. 247 - Journal of the Seventy-second Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Pennsylvania, 1856. 8~. - Eleventh Annual Report of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church, 1848. - Charter and By-laws of the Philadelphia Apprentices' Society, 1856; and Annual Report of 1856. 8o. - igest of the Acts of Assembly relative to the first school district of Pennsylvania, 1852. - Philosophia Moralis; seu Tractatus de Ethica in Scholis Philosophim Lovanii dictatus. Lovanii, 1820. 120. R emarks on the Penal System of Pennsylvania: By W. P. Foulke. Philadelphia, 1855. 80. ----- Flavi Vegeti Renati: De Re Militari. Accessit G. Stewechii Commentarius. Lugd. 1692. 12~. -- Engraved Portrait of William Lewis. ---- Engraved Portraits (2) of Bishop White. ---- Engraved Portrait of Thomas P. Cope. ---- Engraved Portrait of Alexander Henry. - - ngraved Portrait of C. C. Biddle. - - Engraved View of the Philadelphia House of Refuge. REV. J. S. BARRY, ROXBURY, MASSACHUSETTS: - istory of Massachusetts: The Provincial Period, by John Stetson Barry. Boston, 1856. 8~. THE FAMILY OF THE LATE DR. T. ROMEYN BECK -- - The Cheap Repository. Philadelphia, printed by Johnson, 1800. 7 vol. 12~. --- An Essay on Man: By Alexander Pope. Brattleborough, 1819. 18o. - An Authentic Narrative of the Shipwreck and Sufferings of Mrs. Eliza Bradley. Boston, 1821. 120. --- istory of the Garret, etc. Gotham. 12o. --- Historical Guide to Westminster Abbey. London, 1814. 12o. ---- Pride of Britannia humbled, "by the American Cock-boats ": By W. Cobbett. Philadelphia, 1815. 12o. -- Picture of London for 1815. 18~. ---- Signs of the Times: By J. Bicheno. Albany, N. D. 120. ---- The Home Missionary: Vol. 1. London, 1821. 8~. - Rules of English Syntax: Extracted from Murray. Albany, 1818. 18o. ---- Oral Grammar, or Ready Grammarian: By F. H. Miller. Dansville, 1845. 12~. --- Picture of Philadelphia for 1824: By Thomas Wilson. 8o, 248. NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. INDIVIDUALS, continued: ---- Prefixes and Suffixes in the English language. Edinburgh. 18~. - - Principles of English Punctuation: By G. Smallfield. London, 1838. 18.. ---- View of the United States, historical, geographical and statistical: By William Darby. Philadelphia, 1828. 12~. --- Exercises in Orthography and Composition, on an entirely new plan: By Henry Hopkins. London, 1837. 12~. ---- American Missionary Register: By Z. Lewis. Vol. 2 - 6. New. York, 1822-5. 5 vol. 8L,. --- Missionary Herald: Vol. 22-3-4. Boston, 1826-8. 3 vol. 8~. ---- Catalogue of the Library of the Rev. J. B. Romeyn, D.D. NewYork, 1825. 80. - Sermon by Rev. J. M. Bradford before the Albany County Bible Society, 1817. 8. - Address of James Kent before the Phi Beta Kappa Society: New-Haven, 1831. 8. -- Missionary Register: January, July, 1818. 8~. - Christian Herald. Parts of vol. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. _--- Map of the Totten & Crossfield Purchase in the State of NewYork. ---- Map of Albany Basin and Pier: June 6, 1825. - Engraved View of Macdonough's Victory on Lake Champlain, September 11, 1814: By B. Tanner (and a Key). - Plan of the Siege of Plattsburgh, and Capture of the British on Lake Champlain, September 11, 1814. ---- Map illustrative of a Communication between the Great Lakes and the Atlantic by means of a canal: By John H. Eddy. 1816. --- MS. Map of the Royal Grant and Glen's Purchase. --- Letters Patent to James Caldwell, for 1000 acres of land on the west side of Lake George: Dated September 29, 1787. --- Ditto for 155 acres, 360 acres and 485 acres.[ The above letters patent are deposited.] --- MS. Map of the Estate of Arthur Noble, situate in Montgomery county, N.Y. 1788. - orty-five Volumes of Scrap-books ( deposited). --- Hand-book of Geology. London, 1840. 18~. -- Text-book of the Protestant Church of the United Brethren for 1855. Bethlehem, 1854. 18~. -- - Analytical Guide and Authentic Key to the Art of Short-hand writing: By M. T. C. Gould. Albany, 1823. 12~. ---- English Army and Navy List for July 1811. 12~. ---- Transactions of the Maryland Academy of Science and Literature: Yol, 1, Baltimore, 1837. 8~, DONATIONS IN 1856. 249 - - A Collection of Maps in one volume folio. - our Volumes of Autographs (deposited ). ---- ACatechism of Mineralogy. London, 1828. 18~. -__- The Insolvent Register: Vol. 1. New-York, 1811. 4. --- Medical Pocket-book for 1837 and 1840: By John Foote. London. 18'. ---- Literary and Scientific Register for 1842, 1845, 1847, 1848: By J. W. G. Gutch. London. 18-. - - Transactions of the Society for the Promotion of Useful Arts, in the State of New-York: Vol. 3, and vol. 4, part 2. Albany, 1819. 8o. -- - Militia Law of New-York, 1823 and 1835. 80. - roceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science: Sixth Meeting. Albany, 1851. 8o. --_ - Trial of Prof.. J. W. Webster, for the Murder of Dr. Parkman. Boston, 1850. 8:. - - Year-book; an Astronomical and Philosophical Annual, 1836: By Marshall Conant. Boston, 1836. 12o. -Thoughts on the Annexation of Texas: By Theodore Sedgwick; and an Address by Albert Gallatin. New-York, 1844. 80. - Remarks on the Penal System of Pennsylvania: By W. P. Foulke. Philadelphia, 1855. 8~. - Trial of John Hendrickson junior, for poisoning his wife: March, 1853. Albany, 1853. 8~. --- The Jubilee of the Constitution: A Discourse, by John Quincy Adams, 1839. 8~. - The Hypocrite; or Sketches of American Society: By,Esop. New-York, 1844. 8. - Journal of Facts, descriptive of scenes and incidents in Maryland, Pennsylvania and New-Jersey. Philadelphia, 1839. 12o. --- Catalogue of the New-York Hospital Library. 8o. - Military Companion; being a System of company discipline, founded on the Regulations of Baron Steuben. Newburyport, 1808.120. -- Laws of the State of New-York, relative to the City of Schenectady, and Laws of the Common Council of that city, to July 1817. 80o - Account of the People called Shakers; in the Case of Eunice Chapman and her children. Albany, 1817. 120. - Ohio Gazetteer, or Topographical Dictionary: By John Kilbourn. 3d edition. Columbus, 1817. 8~. - Notes on the Revised Statutes of New-York. Albany, 1830. 80. - T. R. Beck, on the Statistics of the Deaf and Dumb. - Insanity of King George III: By Dr. Isaac Ray. Utica, 1855.80. S The True Defence of Prof. Webster. New-York, 1850. 80. ---- Review of the Webster Case. New-York, 1850. 80. [LaB. II.] 3 250 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. INDIVIDUALS, continued: - Statement of Reasons, showing the illegality of the verdict upon which sentence of death was passed upon Prof. Webster. New-York, 1850. 8~. - Constitution of Missouri. St. Louis, 1820. 18~. - Apostacy of Mr. Newman; and some Traces of Newmania on Jersey soil: By a Presbyterian. Burlington, 1845. 8~. S Trial of Barker, Vermilyea and Davis, for conspiracy. New-York, 1827. 81. - Argument of W. H. Seward, in Defence of W. Freeman. Auburn, 1846. 8o. - Collection of Sermons and Addresses. - Observations on the Laws governing the communication of contagious diseases: By David Hosack, M.D. New-York, 1815. 4o. - Shin-plasters. Michael Borst, Middleburgh, Schoharie county; October 12, 1815: 1 cent, 3 copies; 2 cents, 14 copies; 3 cents, 27 copies; 61 cents, 34 copies; 121 cents, 49 copies; %5 cents, 63 copies; 50 cents, 69 copies; 75 cents, 56 copies. W. H. BOYD, NEW-YORK: - ingston and Rondout Directory for 1857: By W. H. Boyd. New-York. 12~. - Appleton's Railway and Steam Navigation Guide: December, 1856. 12o. - Two English, one Gcrman, one Belgian, and Dutch coin. GEORGE BRINLEY JUNIOR, HARTFORD: - Reijs van A. Jenkinson, om een weg door Tartarie naar Catay in 1558. Leyden, 1707. 12~. - Caesar Frederick, Agtien-jarige Reijs na en door Indien: Anno 1563. Leyden, 1706. 120. - Letter from B. J. Bettelheim, M.D., of Lewchew; giving an account of his labors. Canton, 1850. 8~. - Minutes of the General Association of Massachusetts for 1839, '40, '41, '42, '43, '45, '46, '47, '48, '49. 8o. - Proceedings of the General Association of Connecticut for 1831, '35, '36, '37, '38, '39, '40, '41, '43, '44, '45, '46, '47, '48, '49, '50. so, - Acts and Resolutions of the General Assembly of South-Carolina: 1805, '06, '07, '09, '10, '11. 6 vol. 8o. CHARLES BROWN, NEW-YORK: - ashington Token, 1783. W. G. BROWN, EDITOR - The Kansas Herald of Freedom. Vol. 1, and part of vol. 2 January 1855, to March 1856. Lawrence City. Fol. DONATIONS IN 1856. 251 H. B. BunaR, HOMER, CORTLAND COUNTY: Map of the Corporation of Homer, Cortland county, N.Y.: By D. M'Carthy. Philadelphia, 1855. On rollers. CHARLES I. BUSHNELL, NEW-YORK: - he Biographical Magazine; or Complete Historical Library: By a Society of Gentlemen. London, 1776. 4. ---- A Priced Catalogue of coins and medals sold at auction in NewYork, June 6, 1855. 8~. - Catalogue of Coins and Medals belonging to Mr. W. Sculthorpe, Walter Wilson, Rev. J. Mockler, G. R. Smith, and several auction sale catalogues. - History of the Issues of Paper Money in the American Colonies anterior to the Revolution. St. Louis, 1851. 80. - A Collection of Copper Coins, viz: 8 Danish, 10 English, 10 Austrian, 18 Netherlands, 20 Prussian, 13 French, 17 Spanish and South American, 4 Italian. REV. J. N. CAMPBELL, D.D.: - Keokuk City Directory for 1856-7. Also a Sketch of the Black Hawk War, and History of the Half-breed Tract: By Orion Clemens. - First Annual Report of the Church Extension Committee of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.: May, 1856. o8. -- Catalogue of the Theological and Miscellaneous Books, for sale by Smith and English. Philadelphia, 1856. 80. CARLTON AND PORTER, NEW-YORK: - National Magazine: Vol. 8 and 9. New-York. 1856. 8~. HIRAM C. CLARK, NORWICH: - History of Chcnango County, N.Y.; containing the Divisions of the county, and Sketches of towns, Indian tribes and titles, etc.: By Hiram C. Clark. Norwich, 1850. 80. C. COMSTOCK, ALBANY ATLAS AND ARGUS: Facts and Considerations for the Democracy of the Empire State: New-York, 1852. 80. - Proceedings of the Democratic Convention at Syracuse, 1856. 80. - Statement of Facts and Suggestions in review of political action in Missouri, 1856. 8~. - Annual Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction of California, 1856. - Fifth Annual Report of the Superintendent of Public Schools of San Francisco, 1855. - Ordinance providing for the Establishment of a Police in San Francisco, 1855. 8~. - Speeches of P. B. Van Valkenburgh and John H. Reynolds on bridging the Hudson river at Albany, 1856. 80. 252 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. INDIVIDUALS, continued: - Transactions of the Wisconsin Fruit-growers' Association for 1855. Milwaukie, 1856. 80. - Oration of W. H. Seward at Plymouth, December 1855. Albany, 1856. 80. - Facts and Arguments against the Election of Gen. Cass. NewYork, 1848. 8~. - Progress, Resources and Prospects of the City of Joliet, Illinois. 1856. 8o. - isconsin and the City of Racine, its advantages, etc.: By Witbeck and Rowley, 1856. 80. - Correspondence between the United States and the British Government, as to recruiting for the British Army within the U. States. 1856. 80. - Several Political Pamphlets. SAMUEL H. CONGAR, NEWARK, N.J.: S Historical Discourses relating to the First Presbyterian Church in Newark: By Jonathan F. Stearns, D.D. New-York, 1853. 80. GEORGE H. COOK, NEW-BRUNSWICK: Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Rutgers College, 1855 -6. 8~. A. S. CUMMINGS, M.D., ROXBRY, MASS.: - Report of the Examination of the Public Schools in Roxbury for 1856. 80o T. E. DAKIN, ALBANY: - Turkish Coin, found in an Indian mound in Onondaga county, N.Y., among bones, a pot, kettle, etc., in a pouch of deerskin. HON. C. P. DALY, NEW-YORK: - Reports of Cases in the Court of Common Pleas for the City and County of New-York: By E. Delafield Smith. Vol. 1. New-York, 1855. 8,. REV. J. R. DAVENPORT, ALBANY: Sermons and Addresses on the Death of Eliza Hale Paine. Albany. 80. WILLIAM J. DAVIS, NEW-YORK: - Reminiscences of the City of New-York and its vicinity: By W. J. Davis and H. B. Dawson. New-York, 1855. 120. GEN. J. WATTS DE PEYSTER, TIVOLI: - History of the Life of Leonard Torstensen, Chief of the Swedish Artillery, etc.: By J. Watts De Peyster. Poughkeepsie, 1855. 8~. DONATIONS IN 1856. 253 SAMUEL DOWNER, DORCHESTER: - Massachusetts Agricultural Repository and Journal: Various Nos. of Vols. 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 8.o - merican Gardener's Magazine: Nos. 13 - 23. Boston, 1836. 80. - Massachusetts Horticultural Society, Constitution and By-laws, 1836; and Addresses before the Society for 1829, '30, '32, '33, '36, '37, '38, '42-3. 1845. 80. - New-England Farmers' Almanac for 1833-4-5-6, '45-7-9, '53. 12o. - Several Catalogues of trees, fruits, and plants, ---- Speeches at the Annual Dinner of the Massachusetts Medical Society for 1856. 80o DAVID DUDLEY FIELD, NEW-YORK: - Law Reform Tracts, No. 5: A Short Manual of Pleading under the Code. Albany, 1856. 8~. HON. HAMILTON FISH: - United States Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere during 1849, '50-1-2: Under Lieut. J. M. Gilliss. Washington, 1855. 2 vol. 4o. - Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, on the Commerce and Navigation of the United States for 1854-55, 1855-56. 2 vol. 80. Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey, showing the progress of that work during 1854. 4o. - Message from the President, embracing Correspondence between Great Britain and the United States, relative to the" Enlistment of British soldiers within the United States. Washington, 1856. 8~. - Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the Finances, 1854-5. Washington, 1856. 8o. - Message of the President, and accompanying documents: 34th Congress, 1st session, parts 1, 2, 3. 80, and maps 4~. - Map of Central America: Executed at the Office of the U. S. Coast Survey, March 1856. - Message from the President, on the Dismissal of the British Minister: May 29, 1856. 80. Patent Office Report, 1825: Parts 1, 2, On mechanical arts, 2 vols.; Agriculture, 1 vol. Washington. 3 vol. 80o - Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan in 1852-3-4, under Commodore M. C. Perry, U.S. Navy. - Tenth Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution. Washington, 1856. 8o. - Statistical Report on Sickness and Mortality in the Army of the U. S. for a period of 16 years, 1839 - 55: Prepared by R. H. Coolidge, M.D. Washington, 1856. 40. 254 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. INDIVIDUALS, continued: FISKE.& LITTLE, ALBANY: - Thirty-first Annual Report of the American Tract Society: May 7, 1856. New-York. 8-. - Fortieth Annual Report of the American Bible Society: May 8, 1856. New-York, 1856. 80. - orty-seventh Annual Report of the American Board of Commissioners for foreign missions, Oct. 1856. Boston, 1856. o8. And Pr. Bethune's Sermon before the Board, Oct. 1856. 80. As& FITCH, M.D., EAST-GREENWICH: - First and Second Reports on the noxious, beneficial, and other insects of the State of New-York: By Asa Fitch, M.D. Albany, 1856. 8,. 11 copies. CHARLES L. FLINT, BOSTON: -- Third Annual Report of the Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Agriculture, 1856. Boston, 1856. 80. - Statistical Information relating to certain branches of industry in Massachusetts: By Francis De Witt. Boston, 1856. 80. HON. SOLOMON FOOT, RUTLAND: - Narrative of an Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan in 1852-3-4, under Commodore M. C. Perry, U. S. Navy. Vol. 1, 3. Washington, 1856. 40. LEANDER FOX, FORT-PLAIN: - A Gun, presented by Gen. Schuyler to J. H. Klock, grandfather to Christopher Klock of St. Johnsville, N.Y.: Presented by Christopher Klock to Mr. Fox. The length of the gun is 7 feet 5- inches, and has inscribed on it " P. D. S. 1728 ". WILLIAM Fox, DORCHESTER, MASS.: --- A Collection of Tracts and Publications of the American Unitarian Association (29). 120. - Seventh and Thirteenth Annual Reports of the American Unitarian Association, 1832 & 1838. 12~. HIRAM FULLER, NEW-YORK: - The Evening Mirror: Vol. 22, April to October 1855. 1 vol. fol. J. M. GALT, M.D., WILLIAMSBURGH, VA.: - Report of the Eastern Lunatic Asylum in Williamsburgh, Va. 1853-4 & 1854-5. 8o. DANIEL E. GAVIT, NEW-YORK: - The Historical Picture Gallery; or, Scenes and Incidents in American History: By John R. Chapin. Vol. 5. Boston, 1856. 40. C. GLEN, ALBANY: ---- Laws and Ordinances of the City of Albany, 1773. 4~. DONATIONS IN 1856. 255 DANIEL GOODWIN, HARTFORD: ----- Genealogical Notes; or Contributions to the Family History of some of the First Settlers of Connecticut and Massachusetts: By Nathaniel Goodwin. Hartford, 1856. 80. S Descendants of Thomas Olcott, one of the first settlers of Hartford: By Nathaniel Goodwin. Hartford, 1845. 80. JOHN A. GRAY, NEW-YORK: - Acts and Proceedings of the General Synod of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, June 1856. New-York, 1848. 80. JOHN GRAY, NEW-YORK: - Geological Memoir of Upper California: By J. C. Fremont. Washington, 1848. 8(. - American Institute Catalogues for 1851 and 1855. - uneral Obsequies in Memory of General Taylor, in the City of New-York, 1851. 8~. Several Addresses and Educational Reports. - Official Catalogue of the New-York Exhibition, 1853. New-York, 1854. 12o. ---- Washington Guide: By William Elliot, 1837. Washington. 120. - Proceedings of the 16th and 17th Annual Commencement of Rutgers Female Institute. New-York, 1855 & 1856. 80. ---- Specimen Bills of the following Banks, viz: Derby Bank, Connecticut: 1 dollar. Farmers' Association, New-York: 1 dollar. Delaware and Hudson Canal Company: 1 dollar. New-Hope Delaware Bridge Company, Pennsylvania: 6 dollars. Bank of Buffalo: 5 dollars. Washington Banking Company, Hackensack, N.J.: 1 dollar. Augusta Insurance and Banking Company, Georgia: 4 dollars. Merchants' and Planters' Bank, Augusta, Ga.: 4 dollars. Bank of Burlington, Vermont: 3 dollars. Bank of Newburgh: 10 dollars. Consolidated Association of the Planters of Louisiana: 10 dollars. Clinton Manufacturing Company: 5 dollars. Woodstock and Saugerties Manufacturing and Mining Company: 1 dollar. Morris Canal and Banking Company: 3 dollars. Hamilton Glass Factory: 12- cents, 1815. Corporation of the City of New-York: 124 cents, 1815. - Patent Office Reports for 1847, '49, '50. 2 vol. 8). MRS. JOHN GRAY, NEW-YORK: --- Historical and Geographical View of the United States: By W. Winterbotham. New-York, 1796. 4 vol. 80. - -- A Selection of all the Laws of the United States, relative to commercial subjects: By John Brice. Baltimore, 1814. 80, 256 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. INDIVIDUALS, continued: - Sketch of the First Settlement of Long Island: By Silas Wood. Brooklyn, 1828. - - Complete Reference Gazetteer of the United States: By William Chapin. New-York, 1839. 8~. ---- New-York as it is, in 1833: Edited by E. Williams. New-York, 1833. 180. -- nRed Book of the N.Y. Legislature for 1836. Albany, 1836. 180. -- Universal Preceptor: By Rev. D. Blair. Philadelphia, 1822. 180. -- American Selection of Lessons in Reading and Speaking: By Noah Webster junior. New-York, 1802. 12~. - - The Fashionable Tour in 1825: An Excursion to the Springs, Niagara, Quebec, and Boston. Saratoga, 1825. 180. SSenate Journal and Senate Documents of New-York for 1836. 3 vol. 8o. ---- Laws of New-York, 1836. 80. GEORGE S. GRAY, NEW-HAVEN: --- - Catalogue of Officers and Students of Yale College, 1856 - 57. New-Haven, 1856. 8~. B. FRANKLIN GREENE, TROY: -The Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute: Its organization in 1849, '50; present condition; also the statement of a committee appointed to present its interests to Troy. 1855. 80o REV. WILLIAM HAGUE, D.D., ALBANY: --- Christianity and Statesmanship; with kindred topics: By William Hague, D.D. New-York, 1855. 12~. - Home Life: Twelve Lectures, by William Hague, D.D. NewYork, 1855. 12o. HON. GIDEON HAWLEY: - A File of the Albany Morning Express, from Nov. 20, 1854, to Sept. 12, 1855. Dr. B. A. Gould's Address before the Connecticut Beta of the Phi Beta Kappa Society at Trinity College, July 1, 1856. 80. E. C. HERRICK, NEW-HAVEN: - Catalogus Collegii Yalensis, 1856. New-Haven, 1856. 8. I. H. HICKCOx, ALBANY: - New-York Daily Times, from Sept. 1855, to Jan. 1857. REV. FRANCIS HOMES, WESTFIELD, MASS.: - Church Extension: Two Sermons, by the Rev. Emerson Davis, D D. Westfield, 1856. 80. DONATIONS IN 1856. 257 - Catalogue of Dr. Abbott's Collection of Egyptian Antiquities. New-York, 1854. 80. - Address before Porter Rhetorical Society, Andover Theological Seminary: By Edward Hitchcock, D.D., LL.D. 1853. 8~. --- Discourse in the Andover Theological Seminary: By Austin Phelps. 1853. 8o. ---- Annals of the Church in Brimfield: By the Pastor of the Church. Springfield, 1856. So. Thirteenth Annual Report of the American and Foreign AntiSlavery Society, N.Y. May 11, 1853. 80. -- - Songs of the Alpha Delta Phi, 1855. 12o. - - Catalogue of the Pictures in the Picture Gallery of the Crystal Palace, N.Y. 1852. 120. ---- The Voyage of Life: By Cole. Description of the Paintings, 1856. 80. HENRY A. HOMES: -- ddress to the 72d Convention of the P. E. Church: By Rev. Horatio Potter, D.D., Sept. 1855. New-York, 1855. 80. - - Catalogue of the Library of the Calliopean Society of Yale College. New-Haven, 1846. 8o. SCatalogus Collegii Yalensis. Novo-Portu, 1853. 80. - - Catalogue of Paintings belonging to Yale College. New-Haven, 1852. 8~. - - Triennial Catalogue of the Theological Department in Yale College. New-Haven, Aug. 1850. 8~. --- Catalogue of the Society of the Brothers-in-Unity, Yale College. New-Haven, 1854. 80. ---- Catalogue of the Connecticut Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa, Yale College, 1852. 120. - Historical Discourse, one hundred and fifty years after the founding of. Yale College: By T. D. Woolsey. New-Haven, 1850. 8o. ---- 'Address to the Alumni of Yale College, August 16, 1848: By Leonard Bacon. 8~. - Discourse before the Convention of Congregational Ministers of Massachusetts, May 30, 1850: By E. A. Park. Boston. 8o. - - Sermon on the Death of Albert Hebard: By T. D. Woolsey. 'New-Haven, 1851. 8~ ---- Tribute to the Memory of Rev. N. W. Fiske: By Rev. Heman Humphrey, D.D. Amherst, 1848. 80. ---- Narrative of the Adventures of Joseph H. Jackson in Nauvoo. Warsaw, 1844. 80. - - Discourse on the Moral Aspect of the City of New-York: By Rev. William Barnard. New-York, 1851. 8~. [ LI. III.] 33 258 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. INDIVIDUALS, continued: ---- Address before the Porter Rhetorical Society of Andover Theological Seminary: By Edward Hitchcock. Andover, 1853. 8^. --- - Plan of the Attack of the Allied Forces on Odessa, 1854. - Plan officiel du Siege de Silistrie par les Russes, et de leur retraite, Juin 23, 1854. ---- Sacred Poems of N. P. Willis. New-York, 1843. 80. -- - Historical Address at Monticello, Illinois, June 27, 1855: By Rev. T. Baldwin. New-York, 1856. 8'. ---- The Shorter Catechism, composed by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster. Albany, 1801. Sm. 4o. -- Plan of an Agricultural School: By J. A. Porter. 8. ---- Scientific Schools in Europe: By D. C. Gilman. 8o. - - Circular concerning Mr. Seropyan's patent bank notes, 1856. --- A Collection of 50 Presidential Political Pamphlets, 1856. --- Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Yale College, 1854 - 5-6-7. ---- Reports of several Railroad Companies. ---- Minutes of the Conference of Missionaries at Constantinople, Nov. 1855. Boston, 1856. 80. - The Catholic Work of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America: By a Presbyter. New-York, 1855. 8~. S Report of the Deputation to the India Mission, made to the American Board, MIarch 4, 1856. 8~. - - Several Addresses. - - Sermons by the Rev. Dr. Sprague, on the Death of Mrs. Lee, and on his 25th Anniversary at Albany. - Memorial of John Townsend: By Rev. Dr. Sprague. Albany, 1854. 80o -- Facts against Fancy; or, A True and Just View of Trinity Church: By Dr. Berrian. New-York, 1855. 8.o - Shirley: By Currer Bell. New-York, 1850. 8~. - Congressional Directory: 1st Session, 33d Congress, 1854. 12o. ---- Report of the Special Committee of the American Board, on the Deputation to India. 2d edition. New-York, 1856. 8~. C. V. R. HORTON: --- The Log Cabin (newspaper): Horace Greeley, editor. Vol. 1, 25 numbers: May to October, 1840. Fol. - - The Columbian Star (newspaper). Washington city, 1823 - 26. Vol. 2, 3, 4, 5. fol. ---- Brief Account of the Lives of the three brothers Thayer, who were hung at Buffalo, June 17, 1825, for the murder of John Love. Watertown, 1825. 80~ DONATIONS IN 1856. 259 _--- Oration by Daniel Shepard, at Colchester, July 4, 1843. 80. --- A Particular Account of a monstrous. Sea Serpent, the largest ever seen in America, which appeared at Gloucester harbor, Cape Ann, Mass. Brattleboro, 1817. 12-. -- -- Fair and Candid Exposition of the Doctrines of Universalism: By Ephraim Wood junior. Sacket's-Harbor, 1823. 8~. ---- Official Record from the War Department of the Court-martial which tried, and the Orders of Gen. Jackson for shooting the six militia men. 1838. 8~. ---- Authentic History of the celebrated Horse "American Eclipse" By C. W. Van Ranst. New-York, 1823. 58o --- The New-York Baptist Register, from 1835 (vol. 12) to 1852 ( vol. 31); with sundry deficiencies. Fol. --- The New-York Recorder and Register: Vol. 32, for 1855. Fol. - - The Examiner, for 1855. Fol. - - The New-York Reformer: Vol. 1, for 1851. Fol. -- - The Christian Advocate and Journal: Vol. 18-20, 1843-5. Fol. - Sketches of Life, &c. of W. H. Harrison. New-York, 1836. 8o. -- Review of the President's Message on Mexican War, 1847. 8~. ---- The Temperance Lecturer: By S. Chipman. Albany, 1845. 80. ---- The Crisis: An Appeal to our Countrymen on foreign influence in the United States. New-York, 1844. 8~. ---- Letters on the Colonization Society, and its probable results: By M. Carey. Philadelphia, 1832. 8o. -- The Genesee Farmer, edited by D. Lee and James Vick jurior. Rochester, 1847 & 1852: Vol. 8 & 13. 2 vol. 80. ---- The Cultivator, edited by L. Tucker: Vol. 7, new series. Albany, 1850. 8.o FRANKLIN B. HOUGH, M.D., ALBANY: - - Preliminary Report on the Census of New-York for 1855. AlbanY, 1855. 8~. ---- Dye's Bank-note Plate Delineator. New-York, 1855. Fol. - - Electro-magnetism: being an Arrangement of the principal facts of thit science: By Jacob Green, M.D. Philadelphia, 1827. 180. -- - A Summer in Brittany, by T. Adolphus Trollope: Edited by Frances Trollope. London, 1840. 2 vol. 8~. ---- An Address before the Agricultural Society of Franklin county, N.Y. 1853: By J. H. Titus. 8S. - Discourse before the N.Y. Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa, at Union College, July 27, 1852: By Rev. B. N. Martin. Schenectady. 80. --- Report of the Northern R.R. Company (Ogdensburgh to Rouse's Point), June 16, 1852. Boston. 8~. -- Carte Nouvelle de l'Electorat de Hanover, ou les Domaines du Roi de la Grande Br6tagne en Allemagne. Amsterdam, 1757. Fol. 260 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. INDIVIDUALS, continued: -- Papers relating to Pemaquid and parts adjacent in Maine, &c.: Compiled by F. B. Hough. Albany, 1856. 80. ---- Files of the St. Lawrence Advertiser, St. Lawrence Free Press, The Laborer ( Gouverneur), Chenango Free Democrat, Ohio State Journal, New-York Family Courier. - A Short Account of the Rise and Progress of the Lancasterian System of Education: By Joseph Lancaster. 80. - Elements of the Theory and Practice of Chemistry: Translated from Macquer. London, 1775. 2 vol. 80. - Travels through. Europe: By Neville Wyndham. London, N.D. Vol. 1, 3. 8o. - Exercises to assist the Young to pronounce and spell correctly, etc.: By Peter Peyto Good. Woodstock, 1830. 1'o. - - Compendium of Geography: By W. A. Thayer. Utica, 1816.120. - Sherwood's Manual for magnetizing with the vibrating magnetic machine. New-York, 1850. 180. - he Principal Stage, Steamboat, &c. Routes in the United States. Philadelphia ( Mitchell ), 1834. 180. GEORGE F. HOUGHTON, ST. ALBANS, VT.: - An Inquiry into the theory and law of solar attraction: By Augustus Young. St. Albans, 1856. 80. - reliminary Report on the Natural History of Vermont: By Augustus Young. Burlington, 1856. 8~. T. STERRY HUNT: - Esquisse Geologique du Canada: Par W. E. Logan et T. Sterry Hunt. Paris, 1855. 120. JOHN C. HURD, NEW-YORK: - Topics of Jurisprudence connected with the conditions of freedom and bondage: By John C. Hurd. New-York, 1856. 2 copies. WILLIAM HYDE, WARE, MASS.: - An Address at the Opening of the New Town Hall, Ware, Mass.; containing the early history of that town: By William Hyde. Brookfield, Mass. 1847. EDWARD JARVIS, M.D., DORCHESTER, MASS.: --- The Taxable Valuation of polls and estates in the Town of Dorchester, for 1855. Boston, 1855. 8~. - Rules and Orders of the General Court of Massachusetts, 1856. Boston. 18o. - Report of Births, Marriages and Deaths in Boston in 1855. - Thirty-third Report of the Receipts and Expenditures of Boston, 1844-5. 80. --- Report of the Boston Lunatic Hospital for 1855. 80. DONATIONS IN 1856. 261 --- Report of the School Committee and the Superintendent of Public Schools. Boston, 1855. 80. - - Seventeenth and Eighteenth Reports on the Finances of Dorchester, to February 1855 and 1856. 8). - Report of the School Committee of Dedham, 1855. 8o. ---- Report of the School Committee of Roxbury for 1855. 8~. - Report of the School Committee of Concord for 1849. 8o. ---- Report of the Massachusetts State Library for 1856. 80. ---- Report of the Massachusetts School for idiotic and feeble-minded youth, 1856. 80. ---- Report on the Registration of births, marriages and deaths in Massachusetts for 1854. 80. ---- Abstracts of Massachusetts Insurance Companies for 1846. 80. - Abstracts of Returns of Massachusetts Banks for 1845 and 1848. 8o0 -- Abstracts of Criminal Cases in Police Courts throughout Massachusetts during 1855. 8o. -- A Collection of Massachusetts Legislative Documents for 1856. --- - Acts of Incorporation of the Massachusetts Medical Society. Boston, 1850. 80. --- Medical Communications to the Massachusetts Medical Society: Vol. 8, No. 5. 8o. --- Second Annual Report of the Agriculture of Massachusetts: By Henry Colman. Boston, 1839. 8~. - Third Annual Report of the Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Agriculture. Boston, 1856. 80. ---- Several Railroad Corporation Reports. -- Report of the Investigating Committee of the Vermont Central Railroad: July 1, 1853. 80. - - Several Sermons and Addresses, printed at Boston, and a Miscellaneous Collection of pamphlets (32). ---- Statement of the Votes in Congress given by the Hon. Ebenezer Seaver. Boston, 1812. 8o. --- Address to the Citizens of Norfolk County, on the absurdity of the war: By a Republican. 1812. 80. ---- Impartial Statement of the Case of the Rev. G. Witherell, Pastor of the Baptist Church in the Town of Hartford, Washington county, N.Y. 1831. -- General Laws of Massachusetts: Session of 1856. 8o. ---- Report of the Commissioners on the sources of pure water for Boston, 1845. 80. --- Massachusetts General Hospital By-laws, etc. 1856. ---- Tenth Report of the Commissioners in Lunacy of Great Britain, 1856. 80 262 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. INDIVIDUALS, continued: ---- Speeches of Webster at the National Republican Convention, Worcester, 1832; and on Curreney, 1840. 8~. HON. A. S. JOHNSON, ALBANY: - The History of the Flagellants, or the Advantages of Discipline: Being a Paraphrase and Commentary on the Historia Flagellantium of the Abb6 Boileau. London, 1777. 4o. - - Petri Cunei Orationes; cum quibusdam Epistolis. Ch. Cellarius adjecit Notas, etc.; accedunt Aug. Buchneri Orationes. Lipsie, 1735. 120. --- G. Cuperi Observationum libri tres. Ultrajecti, 1670. 12o. - Satire Due: Hercules tuam fidem, sive Munsterus Hypobolinmus. Leyden, 1617. 180. - Discours d'aucuns propos rustiques facecieux et de singuliere recreation, etc.: Par L. Ladulfi. 1732. 120. ---- Longworth's New-York Directory for 1800. 12o. --- - The Meaning of Words; analyzed into words and universal things: By A. B. Johnson. New-York, 1854. 12~. -- - hysiology of the Senses: By A. B. Johnson. New-York, 1856. 12o. ---- Encyclopedia of Instruction; or Apologues and Breviats on men and manners: By A. B. Johnson. New-York, 1857. 120. --- Appollonii Dyscoli, Alexandrini, Grammatici, Historim Commentitim liber. Lugduni, 1620. 4~. And, ---- Joannis Meursi Denarius Pythagoricus; sive de numerorum, etc. Lugduni, 1631. 4~. --- Descrizione delle prime scoperte dell'antica citta d'Ercolano, ritrovata vicino a Portici, villa della Maesta del Re delle Due Sicilie, distesa dal Don Marcello de Venuti. Roma, 1748. 4o. And, -- Lettre de M. l'Abb6 Winckelmann sur les Decouvertes d'Herculanum. Dresden, 1764. 40. ---- Nicolai Klimii Iter subterraneum. [ Author, Ludovicus de Holberg.] Hafnie, 1766. 120. B. P. JOHNSON, ALBANY: - - First, Second, and Third Reports of the Indiana State Board of Agriculture, for 1851-2-3. Indianapolis, 1852-4. 3 vol. 8o. - Transactions of the New-Hampshire State Agricultural Society for 1854. Concord, 1855. 80o - Transactions of the New-York State Agricultural Society for 1855: Vol. 15. Albany, 1856. 8o. - Address before the New-York State Agricultural Society at Watertown, Oct. 3, 1856: By Hon. William Jessup. Albany, 1856. 80, - First and Second Reports on noxious, beneficial, and other insects of New-York: By Asa Fitch, M.D. Albany, 1856. 8o. 11 copies. DONAhTIONS IN IS56. 263 F. G. JOHNSON, M.D., NEW-YORK: - Johnson's Philosophical Charts, designed for schools and academies: Ten charts on rollers, and a key, 120. THOiMAs LAWSON, SURGEON GENERAL, U.S. ARMY: - rmy Meteorological Register from 1843 to 1854; compiled from observations made by the officers of the Medical Department of the Army, under the direction of Brevet Brig. Gen. Lawson. Washington, 1855. 40 ISAAC LEA, LL.D., PHILADELPHIA: - On the New Red Sandstone Formation of Pennsylvania; on the new Sub-genus of Naiades; on a new Species of Triquetra; on California freshwater shells; and on 25 new species of exotic Uniones: By Dr. Isaac Lea. Philadelphia, 1856. 8~. SAMPSON Low, SON & Co., LONDON: - American Catalogue of Books; or English Guide to American Literature, etc. London, 1856. 4~. AMASA M'COY, ALBANY: Funeral Oration on the Death of Hon. Daniel Webster, at Ballston Spa, Nov. 8, 1852: By Prof. A. M'Coy. Boston, 1853. 12o. HON. G. W. MANYPENNY, WASHINGTON: - Information respecting the History of the Indian Tribes of the United States: By H. R. Schoolcraft. Part 5. Washington, 1855. 40. HON. CHARLES MASON, WASHINGTON: - eport of the Commissioner of Patents for 1855: Vol. 2. Washington, 1856. 8o. J. MAURAN, M.D., PROVIDENCE:.--_-- First Report relative to the Registry and Returns of births, marriages and deaths in Rhode-Island. Providence, 1855. 8~. BRANTZ MAYER, BALTIMORE: - Captain Canot; or Twenty Years of an African Slaver: By Brantz Mayer. New-York, 1856. 120. A. D. MAYO, ALBANY: - Pedantry and Power: An Address before the Literary Societies of the N.Y. State Normal School, July 7, 1856: By Rev. A. D. Mayo. Albany, 1856.8 o. S. MEAD, ALBANY: S Catalogue of Stoves and Hollow-ware manufactured by Rathbone & Kennedy, Albany. Plates, 80. RUTGER B. MILLER, UTICA: - etter and Authentic Documentary Evidence in relation to the Trinity Church property in the City of New-York: Submitted to the Commissioners of the Land-office, by R, B. Miller. Albany, 1855. 8~, 264: NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. INDIVIDUALS, continued: DAVID E. E. MIX, BATAVIA: -- Contract between the Holland Company and Asa Ransom, for the purchase of 150 acres of land: Dated Sept. 1, 1799. ( This is the oldest contract for land on the Holland Purchase, as it appears to be the first one executed.) JULIAN MOLINARD, ALBANY: - Courier des Etats Unis, from Jan. 1855, to Dec. 31, 1856. Fol. LEWIs H. MORGAN, ROCHESTER: - Penal Ordinances of the City of Rochester, enacted in 1853. 80. - Proceedings of the Common Council of the City of Rochester, for 1852-3, 1853-4, 1854-5. 3 vol. 8.S - Public School Regulations of Rochester, 1851. 80. - Eleventh and Twelfth Annual Reports of the Superintendent of Public Schools of Rochester, for 1854-5. 85. - Catalogue of the Rochester Athenaeum. Rochester, 1854. 8o. - Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of Monroe county, for 1854. 80o - Rochester City Treasurer's Report for 1853-4. 80. - Narrative of the Mysterious Disappearance of Miss Emma Moore. 3d edition. Rochester, 1855. 80o -- Discourse on Ancient and Modern Divination: By J. H. M'llvaine. Rochester, 1855. 18~. - Prof. Anderson's Inaugural Address: July 11, 1854. 8o. -- Several Canal, Railway, and Insurance Publications. JAMES MUNRO, ELBRIDGE, N.Y.: - Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of Onondaga county for 1854-5-6. 80. JOEL MUNSELL, ALBANY: - A Chronology of Paper-making: [ By Joel Munsell.] Albany, 1856. 80. A number of German Catalogues. HENRY R. MYGATT, OXFORD: - The Oxford Academy Jubilee, held at Oxford, Chenango county, August 1854. New-York, 1856. 8~. C. B. NORTON, NEW-YORK: Norton's Literary Book Register, or Annual Book List for 1856. New-York, 1856. S8. DONATIONrS IN 1856. 265 WILLIAM CURTIS NOYES, NEW-YORK: - Argument of William Curtis Noyes, Counsel in the Case of the Mechanics' Bank of New-York vs. the New-York and New-Haven R.R. Co.: In Court of Appeals. New-York, 1856. 80. - Address of W. C. Noyes before the Law Class of Hamilton College: July 16, 1856. New-York, 1856. 8o. E. B. O'CALLAGHAN, M.D., LL.D., ALBANY: - The Case of Nicholas Nugent, late lieutenant in the first regiment of Foot Guards. London, 1776. 8o. - Brief Reflections on the Correspondence between Lord Grenville and M. Otto in 1800. London. 80. -Considerations on the approaching Dissolution of Parliament, with some account of the existing parties. London, 1790. 8~. - An Impartial Enquiry into the Legal Constitution of the College of Physicians in London, 1753. 8~. - eport of the Formation of the Cambridge Auxiliary Bible Society, 1812. 80. - Speech of Thomas Lister, in Stafford, 1812, as chairman of the meeting for forming the above society. 8~. S A Word of Advice to Churchmen on the manner of promotion of christianity. Coventry, 1812. 80. - Letters to Sir John Wrottesley, Bart.; being an Answer to his Letter addressed to the Inhabitants of the County of Stafford. Litchfield, 1811. 8o - pposition Dangerous: By Thomas Lister. London, 1798. 80. SReply to the Animadversions of the Edinburgh Reviewers on some papers published in the Philosophical Transactions: By Thos. Young, M.D. London, 1804. 8~. Sermon before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, 1740-1: By the Bishop of Oxford. London. 4~. Itinerarii per diversa Gallim ac Italim loca memores note. Montibus, 1639. 12o. _ The Cyclopedia of American Literature: By E. A. Duyckinck. A Review ( By Dr. R. W. Griswold ). New-York, 1856. 8o. MARTYN PAINE, M.D., NEW-YORK: A Review of Theoretical Geology: By Martyn Paine, M.D., LL.D. 8~. REV. THEODORE PARKER, BOSTON: Sermons of Theism, Atheism, and the Popular Theology: By Theodore Parker. Boston, 1856. 12o. - Additional Speeches, Addresses, and Occasional Sermons: By Theodore Parker. Boston, 1855. 2 vol. 120. ---- Ten Sermons of Religion: By Theodore Parker. Boston, 1855. 120. [LIB. III.] ~4 266 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. INDIVIDUALS, continued: - Trial of Theodore Parker for the " Misdemeanor " of a Speech in Faneuil Hall, against kidnapping, before the U.S. Circuit Court, Boston, April 3, 1855; with the Defence: By Theodore Parker. Boston, 1855. 80. FRANCIS PARKMAN JUNIOR, BOSTON - The Berkshire Jubilee, celebrated at Pittsfield, Mass., August 22-3, 1844. Albany, 1845. 80. - Prairie and Rocky Mountain Life; or the California and Oregon Trail: By Francis Parkman junior. New-York, 1852. 180. - The Knowledge and Practice of Christianity; or an Essay towards an Instruction for the Indians: By the Lord Bishop of Sodor and Man. London, 1792. 12~. -Epitaphs from the Old Burying-ground in Cambridge; with notes: By W. T. Harris. Cambridge, 1845. 180. - History of the Counties of Berks and Lebanon: By J. D. Rupp. Lancaster, 1844. 8. - istory of Lancaster and York Counities: By J. D. Rupp. Lancaster, 1844. 80. - Delaplaine's Repository of the Lives of Distinguished American Characters. Philadelphia, 1815. 4:. Life of James Otis, of Massachusetts: By William Tudor. Boston, 1823. 8~. Miss E. P. PEABODY: - rimes of the House of Austria against Mankind: Edited by E. P. Peaboly. 2d edition. New-York, 1852. 12o. JONATHAN PEARSON, SCHENECTADY. - Catalogue of Officers and Students of Union College: 3d term, 1856. 2 copies. - First Annual Report of the Board of Education of Schenectady: April, 1856. 80. ERASTUS H. PEASE, ALBANY: -- - emarks on the Penal System of Pennsylvania: By W. P. Foulke. Philadelphia, 1855. 80. GEORGE R. PERKINS, LL.D.: Lcccioncs de Aritmetica Elemental: Por Jorje R. Perkins. Nueva-York, 1856. 12,. HENRY E. PIERREPONT, BROOKLYN: - _- Maps of the Estate of H.B.Picrrepont, viz: Town of West-Turin, Lewis county (3); of Dickinson, in Townships No. 7 & 10, Franklin county; of Oceola, Lewis county (2); Brandon, Franklin county; Lorraine, Jefferson county; Greenboro, Oswego county; Martinsburgh, Lewis county; Boylston and Orwell, Oswego county; Pierrepont, St. Lawrence county; Township No. 10, Oswego county; Pieces of land DONATIONS IN 1856. 267 in Towns of Fort-Covington, Westville, Constable, Denmark, Harrisburgh and Rodman. 1 vol. fol. REV.. N. POHILMAN, D.D., ALBANY: SMinutes of the Evangelical Lutheran Ministerium of the State of New-York: 33d, 34th, 41st, 42d, 43d, 44th, 45th, 47th, 48th, 49th, 51st, 53d, 54th, 55th, 56th, 57th, 58th, 59th, 60th sessions. 1829 - 1855. 8 ~ - Addresses at the 35th Commencement of Hartwick Seminary, 1850. 80. - eports of the Foreign Missionary Society of the Lutheran Church in the United States, for 1853 and 1855. 80. REV. P. 0. POWERS, TREBIZOND, TURKEY: Several Turkish Coins. GEORGE W. PRATT, PRATTSVILLE, N.Y.: - he Bible, translated according to the Ebrew and Greeke: Imprinted by Robert Barker, London, 1608. 4~. - Cours Diplomatique; ou Tableau des Relations exterieures des Puissances de l'Europe: Par G. F. de Martens. Berlin, 1801. 3 vols. - Europe and America in 1821: Translated from the French of the Abbe de Pradt, by J. D. Williams. London, 1822. 2 vol. 8o. - Proceedings of the State Military Convention at Syracuse, Jan. 11, 1853, '4, '5, '6. 80. J. F. RATHBONE, ALBANY: --- The Annual Register and Albany Directory for 1815 [ by J. Fry], and 1822 [by Klink]. 2 vol. 120. JAMES REESE, UTICA: - Journal of the Proceedings of the Supervisors of Oneida County for 1855. Utica, 1855. 8. JOHN H. REYNOLDS, ALBANY: - Arguments of John H. Reynolds and N. Hill junior, of Albany, Counsel for Defendant, on Motion of Complainants for a preliminary injunction in the Case of the Hudson River Bridge Company. Albany, 1856. 80. 2 copies. - Speeches of R. B. Van Valkenburgh and J. H. Reynolds, before the Senate Committee, in the matter of bridging the Hudson river at Albany. Albany, 1856. 80. JOHN GILMARY SHEA, NEW-YORK: The Catholic Church in the United States; a Sketch of its Ecclesiastical History, by Henry de Courcy, translated and enlarged by John Gilmary Shea. New-York, 1856. 120. - The Metropolitan Catholic Almanac for 1856 & 1857. Baltimore. 2 vol. 120. 268 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. INDIVIDUALS, continued: SHEAR & PACKARD, ALBANY: - Catalogue of Stoves and Hollow-ware manufactured and sold by Shear, Packard & Co. Albany. 8~, plates. NATHANIEL B. SHURTLEFF, M.D., BOSTON: - Decimal System for the arrangement and administration of libraries: By Nathaniel B. Shurtleff. Boston, 1856. Fol. - Proceedings at the Cushman Celebration at Plymouth, Aug. 15, 1855. Boston, 1855. 80. - Proceedings on the Occasion of laying the corner stone of the Boston City Library, Sept. 17, 1855. Boston, 1855. 81. - Twelfth and Thirteenth Massachusetts Registration Reports, for 1853 & 1854. Boston, 1854-5. 2 vol. 80. - unicipal Register and City Officers of Boston for 1856. Boston, 1856. 8~. - Fourth Annual Report of the Boston Public Library, 1856. o8. E. W. SKINNER, ALBANY: -- Brass Seal of the Albany Mechanics Institute, incorporated March 6, 1800, and dissolved Nov. 25, 1824: Deposited by Mr. S., who was the last secretary of the society. HARVEY D. SMITH, GOUVERNEUR: Family Register of the Descendants of Nathaniel Smith junior. Utica, 1849. 120. - Sermon before the St. Lawrence County Society, auxiliary to the American and Foreign Christian Union, at Gouverneur, January 16, 1856: By Rev. L. M. Miller. 80. THOMAS N. STANFORD, NEW-YORK: - Catalogue of the Officers and Students of the Geneva Theological Seminary of the P. E. Church in the U. S. 1855-6. New-York. 8~. S. J. W. TABOR, M.D.: Ml- anges de Litterature, d'Histoire et de Philosophie ( Par D'Alembert ). Amsterdam, 1760. 3 vol. 12,. - Coins of the German Emperors (A fragment). GEN. S. V. TALCOTT, ALBANY: - Dutch Bible. Titlepage of the Old Testament wanting; that of the New Testament is as follows: " Hiet Nieuwe Testament, ofte alle Boecken des Nieuwen Verbonts onses HIeeren Jesu Christi, etc." Dordrecht, 1741. Fol. - Discourse in Commemoration of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, at Boston, Aug. 2, 1826: By Daniel Webster. Boston, 1826. 8o. - Military Academy at West-Point unmasked; or Corruption and Military Despotism exposed: By Americanus. Washiigton, 1830. 80. DONATIONS IN 1856. 269 - Register of the Militia of the District of Columbia: By Brooke Williams. Washington, 1831. 120. - Comparison of Weights and Measures of length and capacity: By F. R. Hassler. Washington, 1832. 80. - eport of Campbell P. White, on gold and silver coins: House of Representatives Doe. March 17, 1832. 8). - Official Army Register for 1832. 12~. - Report on Steam Carriages, by a Select Committee of the IIouso of Commons of Great Britain. Washington, 1832. 8S. - Report on the Commerce and Navigation of the United States for 1831-2. 8. - Elementary Treatise on the forms of cannon, and various systems of artillery: Translated for the use of the Cadets of the U.S. Military Academy, from the French of Prof. N. Persy of Metz. Lithographed at the U.S. Military Academy, 1832. Fol. LANSING THURBER, UTICA: - ythology of the Iroquois, or Six Nations of Indians: A True Copy of the original MSS. account, by the late Hon. James Dean sen. of Westmoreland, Oneida county, N.Y. TREADWELL & PERRY, ALBANY: - List of Stoves and Hollow-ware made and sold by Treadwell & Perry. Albany, 1856. Eight plates. DAVID T. VALENTINE, NEW-YORK: - Manual of the Corporation of the City of New-York for 1856: By D. T. Valentine. New-York, 1856. 12. 2 copies. - Proceedings of the Board of Aldermen of the City of New-York, froM January 6, 1851, to March 6, 1856: Vol. 44 to 61 inclusive. New-York, 1851-6. 20 vol. 8~. - Proceedings of the Board of Aldermen, Assistants and Councilmen, from January 7, 1851, to January 10, 1856: Vol. 19 to 23 inclusive. New-York, 1851-6. 5 vol. 8~. Documents of the Board of Aldermen: Vol. 22, Jan. to Dec. 1855. 80. CHARLES VAN BENTHUYSEN, ALBANY: - Testimony of Christ's Second Appearing, exemplified by the Miracles and Practice of the True Church of Christ: Published by the Society of Shakers. 4th edition. Albany, 1856. 80o Mns. C. E. VAN CORTLAND, CROTON: - The Moral and Intellectual Last Will and Testament of John Stewart, the Traveller. London, 1810. 18o. S The Family Adviser; or, A Plain and Modern Practice of Physic: By Henry Wilkins, M.D. New-York, 1804. 80. A Brief Explanation of the principal terms made use of in astronomy: By R. Goodacre. Richmond, 1824. 80. 270 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. INDIVIDUALS, continued: - Catechism for the Use of the Schools in the alms-house and penitentiary: By John Stanford. New-York, 1819. 80. - The Annual Register and Military Roster: By B. Thalhimer. Albany, 1821. 80. - Laws relating to the Military Establishments of the U. States, in force July 1, 1813. New-York, 1813. 12). S A Treatise on Martial Law and Courts-martial, as practised in America: By Alexander Macomb. Charleston, 1809. 80. S An Act for establishing Rules and Articles for the government of the armies of the United States. Washington, 1812. 12~. - The same; and Laws of the U.S. relating to military establishments, in force 1808. Washington, 1812. And, - cts passed at the 12th Congress, increasing the military establishments of the United States, 1812. - General Geography and Rudiments of Useful Knowledge: By H. G. Spafford. Hudson, 1809. 8>. - The Principles of the Christian Religion, as taught in the R. P. Dutch Churches: Collected by R. Alberthoma. Translated by E. Westerlo, at Albany, 1799. 80. - The Lord Jesus Christ's Sermon on the Mount; with Questions and Answers for young persons: By Rev. John Eyton. Baltimore, 1808. 8~. The Crisis! An Appeal to our Countrymen on foreign influence in the United States. New-York, 1844. 8o. - Catalogue of Catlin's Indian Gallery. New-York, 1837. 80. -- The Ethics of Funerals: A Vindication of the M. E. Church and Rev. J. B. Wakely against the N.Y. Churchman, with regard to the Funeral of W. Poole. New-York, 1855. 80. - The Lives and Opinions of B. F. Butler and Jesse Hoyt: By W. L. Mackenzie. Boston, 1845. 8o. - The Sacrament of Responsibility; or Testimony of Scripture to the teaching of the church on holy baptism. New-York, 1832. 80. - Seventh Annual Report of the Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, for 1852. 8~. --- An Essay on the Temperance Method of treating epidemic cholera: By H. Sherrill, M.D. New-York, 1849. 8o. - Acts passed at the 1st Session of the 30th Congress. Washington, 1848. 80. - An Account of the Asylum for the Insane near Frankford: By Robert Waln junior. Philadelphia, 1825. 80o - Outline of Eight Lectures on Astronomy: By Mr. Goodacre.12o. Narrative of Facts on the Presentment of the Rt. Rev. B. T. Onderdonk: By Paul Trapier. New-York, 1845. 8o. --- Notice des Tableaux expos6s dans la Galerie du Mus6e. Paris, 1814. 120. DONATIONS IN 1856. 271 - n Exposition of France towards America, illustrated by Cases decided in the Council of Prizes in Paris: By L. Goldsmith. NewYork, 1820. 8o. - Spirit of Missions, edited for the Board of Missions of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States: Vol. 9, 10, 11. NewYork, 1844-6. 3 vol. 80. - The Jewish Chronicle: Edited by John Lillie. New-York, 1846 -7. Vol. 1 - 4. 8~. - The Maternal Physician: By an American Author. New-York, 1811. 120. - Self-Knowledge: By John Mason. Philadelphia, 1801. 180. S Sword's Pocket Almanac for 1816. 240. - Sanitary Condition of the laboring population of New-York: By Dr. J. H. Griscom. New-York, 1845. 80. - Claims of the Missionary Enterprise on the medical profession By Dr. D. J. Macgowan. New-York, 1842. Report of Meteorological Observations at St. Helen Island, opposite Montreal, 1842. 8~. - Exclusiveness: A Lecture, by Rev. Dr. T. W. Coit. Troy, 1856. 80. -- Catalogue of the Cabinet of Materia Medica collected by Dr. J. Smith Rogers. New-York, 1826. 8~. - Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of New-York for 1852. Albany. 80. - De Sheboygan Nieuwsbode: J. Quintus, editor. 1850. Fol. ---- The Policy of Insurance of James Caldwell of Albany, on his Store in State-street: Phoenix Assurance Company of London. - - The American Chesterfield; or Way to wealth, honor, etc.: By a Member of the Philadelphia Bar. Philadelphia, 1827. 180. HION. STEPHEN VAN RENSSELAER, ALBANY: ---- Commission to Dirk Ten Broeck, from Geo. III, to be Mayor of the City of Albany: Signed by George Banyar, Dep. Sec., and dated Oct. 3, 1747. Seal attached. -- - Commission to Dirk Ten Broeck,'from Geo. II, to be Recorder of the City of Albany: Dated April 12, 1728. Seal attached. --- Bill of Lading to Dirk Ten Broeck, of 28 casks of flour shipped to Curagoa, May 25, 1747. SLetter addressed to Madam Rensselaer by Gov. Dongan, requesting 800 bushels of wheat for the King's use: Dated Nov. 8, 1687. - - New-York Gazette, Feb. 23, 1730, and Jan. 1, 1740; and NewYork Weekly Journal, Jan. 9, 1740. -- Continental Paper Money, viz: One-sixth of a dollar: February 17, 1776. One-third of a dollar: Same date. 18 copies. One-half of a dollar: Same date, 10 do, 272 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. INDIVIDUALS, continued: Two-thirds of a dollar: Same date. 13 copies. One-third of a dollar: May 9, 1776. 2 do. One-third of a dollar: February 17, 1776. 2 do. Five dollars: November 2, 1776. 8 do. Six dollars: Same date. 6 do. Seven dollars: Same date. 7 do., CONNECTICUT--Twenty shillings: May 10, 1775. Do. One shilling: June 7, 1776. IMARYLAND-Four dollars: December 7, 1775. MASSACHIUSETTs-Twelve shillings: May 25, 1775. Do. Forty-eight shillings: December 7, 1775. Do. Thirty shillings: June 18, 1776. NEW-JERSEY-Thirty shillings: April 23, 1761. Do. Thirteen shillings: June 22, 1756. Do. Fifteen shillings: October 20, 1753. Do. Eighteen pence: April 12, 1760. Do. Twelve shillings: April 12, 1760. NEW-YORK-One pound: February 16, 1771. 6 copies. Do. Two pounds: Same date. 4 do. Do. Three pounds: Same date. 3 do. Do. Five pounds: Same date. 5 do. Do. Five shillings: Same date. 2 do. Do. Ten shillings: Same date. 2 do. PENNSYLVANIA-Forty shillings: December 8, 1775. RHoDE-ISLAND-One shilling: June 29, 1775. REV. C. VAN SANTVOORD: ---- Discourses on Special Occasions, and Miscellaneous papers: By C. Van Santvoord. New-York, 1856. 12o. HION. GULIAN C. VERPLANCK, NEW-YORK: - - Charter of the Society of the New-York Hospital, and Acts relating thereto; an Historical Sketch, etc. New-York, 1856. 8o. - An Address to the People of the American States, who choose electors, etc. of president and vice-president; to which is added a Short Sketch of the Biography of Gen. George Clinton. Washington, 1808. 120. ---- A Gazetteer of the Province of Upper Canada, and an Appendix describing the principal towns, etc. in Lower Canada. N. York, 1813. 80. - - Eulogy on Gen. Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, delivered before the Society of Cincinnati of South-Carolina, 1825: By Alexander Garden. Charleston, 1825. 8". - The Washington Exhibition in Aid of the New-York Gallery of Fine Arts, 497 Broadway. New-York, 1853. 40. - The British Possessions in North America: Samuel Lewis, 1812. Sheet. - Plan of the City of New-York: Drawn and engraved for D. Tjongworth, May 1803, One sheet. DONATIONS IN 1856. 273 VOSE & Co., ALBANY: ---- Illustrated Books of Stoves manufactured by Vose & Co. Albany. 1 vol. 40, plates. ION. R. H. WALWORTH: --- Order of Reference of the Supreme Court of the United States, in the Case of the State of Pennsylvania against the Wheeling and Belmont Bridge Company; with proofs taken: R. H. Walworth, commissioner. Saratoga-Springs. 18~. R. H. WATERMAN, ALBANY: - A Copy of the New-England Courant, No. 80, Feb. 11, 1723: Struck off on Franklin's old press at the Boston Celebration at Boston, September 1856. JOHN WATSON, M.D., NEW-YORK: - The Medical Profession in Ancient Times: By John Watson, M.D. New-York, 1856. 80. H-ON. P. M. WETMORE, NEW-YORK: - Catalogue of Second-hand Books, English and Foreign, on sale by George Willis. London, 1855. 80. WILLIAM A. WHITEHEAD, NEWARK, N.J.: - Contributions to the Early History of Perth-Amboy and adjoining country: By William A. Whitehead. New-York, 1856. 8~. C. S. WILLIAMS, CINCINNATI: W illiams's Cincinnati Directory and City Guide; or Cincinnati in 1856. 80. WILLIAM WILLIS, PORTLAND, ME.: - Journals of the Rev. Thomas Smith and the Rev. Samuel Deane, Pastors of the First Church in Portland; with Notes and Biographical Notices, and a Summary History of Portland: By William Willis. Portland, 1849. 80. HON. ROBERT C. WINTHROP, BOSTON: S Oration at the Inauguration of the Statue of Franklin in Boston, Sept. 17, 1856: By Hon. R. C. Winthrop. Boston, 1856. 8o. SAMUEL B. WOOLWORTH: - The Infallibility of Human Judgment; its dignity and excellency: being a new art of reasoning. 4th edition, by Mr. Lyons. London, 1724. 120. - The Results of three Synods held by the Elders and Messengers of. the Churches of Massachusetts and New-England. Boston, 1725. 12~. - The Young Mathematician's Guide; being a plain rnd easy introduction to the mathematicks. 5th edition. By John Ward. London, 1728. 80. [ LIB. III.] 35 274 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. INDIVIDUALS, continued: - The History of the County of Worcester, in Massachusetts: By Peter Whitney. Worcester, 1793. 80. - The General Gazetteer, or Compendious Geographical Dictionary: By R. Brookes, M.D. 5th edition. London, 1782. 80. --- M. T. Ciceronis de Natura Deorum. Antvcrpire, 1546. 12o. - Summa de Exemplis et Rerum Similitudinibus locupletissima: F. Joanne a S. Germiniana ordinis praedicatorum auctore. Antverpise, 1597.120. - A Short Introduction of Grammar of the Latin Tongue. Oxford, 1673. 12o. - Notes on the Construction of Sheepfolds: By John Ruskin. New-York, 1851. 8-. - Rapports de l'Asile des Aveugles de Lausanne, par le Comite, etc. de cet etablissement pour 1850-2-3. Lausanne, 1853-4. 8~. - eport on the Free School System in South-Carolina: By R. F. W. Alston. 1847. 8. - A Narrative of the Embarrassment and Decline of Hamilton College: By Henry Davis, D.D., President. 8~. The Cortland Academy Jubilee, celebrated at Homer, N. York: July 7 & 8, 1846. Syracuse, 1846. 80. - Tobacco; a Prize Essay: By Elisha Harris, M.D. New-York, 1853. 12o. - The Railroads, History and Commerce of Chicago, 1854. 8o. -- A Collection of Pamphlets. --- Nineteenth Annual Report of the Massachusetts Board of Education, 1856. 8~. -- The New-York Observer: From vol. 9, 1831, to vol. 29, 1851 (with sundry deficiencies). The same for the year 1856. - An Oration delivered at Lockport, July 4, 1856: By Hon. J.O. Putnam. Lockport. 8o. REV. ASHER WRIGHT: - Sermons by the Rev. Reuben Tinker, in Westfield, N.Y.; with a Biographical Sketch, by M.L.P.Thompson, M.D. N.York, 1856. 8~. FINIS.