CATALOGUE OF BOOKS ADDED TO THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, FROM DECEMBER 1, 1866, TO DECEMBER 1, 1867. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFF' ICE 1868. NOTE. The publication of the present annual catalogue has been delayed by two principal causes: 1. The large extent of the additions to the Library which it was deemed important to include in it; and, 2. The adoption of a full and accurate system of collation in describing the works catalogued. Up to the year 1867, the annual accessions to the Library of Congress were embraced in pamphlet catalogues of 50 to 200 pages, printed in large type, and distributed near the commencement of each session of Congress, The very large additions embraced in the present volume rendered necessary the use of smaller type, and the adoption of a different form for the,catalogue. It has been the purpose of the Librarian to include in it not only all the regular accessions of the past year, but also the chief portion of the books of the Smithsonian Library and of the Force collection, both of which are now incorporated with the Library of Congress. So great is the extent of these collections, (the titles,embraced in the Force library alone being estimated at 55.,000.,) that it has been necessary to reserve for future catalogues the great body of pamphlets in both libraries, together with all the maps, manuscripts, and the larger portion of the tncunalula of the Force collection. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, Afarelh, 1868. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS EMPLOYED. pp. Pages. pseudon. Pseudonymous. 1. Leaves. ed. Edition. p. 1. Preliminary leaves. pamn. Pamphlets, pl. Plates. sinm. Small, n. p. No place of publication, sq. Square. unp. Unpaged. obl. Oblong. n. d. No date of publication, fol. Folio. 40~. Quarto. 8~. Octavo. 12~. anon. Anonymous. Duodecimo, etc. The letter s, affixed to any title, denotes that the work belongs to the library of the Smithsonian Institution. The books are described as folio, quarto, octavo, duodecimo, etc., according to the apparent size of the volume, and not according to the printer's designations derived from the fold of the sheets. In the alphabetical arrangement, the prefix Mc, M', or Mac, is treated uniformly as a component part of the word, as if spelled Mac. Thus, McLeod or M'Leod precedes Macluire. In like manner, the prefixes New, La, Du, etc., are treated as component parts of the words to which they belong. Thus New England follows Newell instead of preceding it, as it would do if the prefix New were treated as a separate word. It is one of the aims of the present catalogue to furnish with the titles a sufficiently full collation of each work. Thus it is made a part of the description to give the number of pages in the case of all works not exceeding two volumes, together with the number of maps and plates, if any, and the name of the publisher. The information thus conveyed will, it is believed, be found of practical value to readers, as conveying at a glance some idea of the extent of each work, while the addition of publishers' names is useful as supplying a guide to the identification of editions. In the case of books printed without date, the actual or approximate date is uniformly supplied, in brackets. Brackets in any part of a title indicate that the words included in them are not found in the title, but are inserted. The employment of capital letters in titles has been strictly confined to proper names, and to the initial letter of each sentence, Although this departs from a very general usage in printing the German and some other languages, it secures a uniform and elegant typography. The capitalization of substantives was not practiced in the earlier days of German typography, and high modern authorities (including the new Wdrterbuch of the brothers Grimm) have abandoned it for a uniform type. CATALOIGUE. CATALOGUE. Abbeville (Nicolas Sanson d'). See Sanson (English and Malay characters.) 159 pp. 8~. d'Abbeville, (Nicolas). Singapura, press of A m. mission, 1838. s. Abbey (Alonzo J.) The triad; a new collection Abel (Clarke). Narrative of a journey in the of vocal music, sacred and secular. 380 interior of China, and of a voyage to and from pp. Oblong 80. NAew York, H. G. Abbey, that country, 1816-17. xvi, 420 pp. 4 maps. 1866. 19 pl. 4~. London, Longma~n, 1818. Abbot (George, D. D., Archbishop of Canter- About (Edmond Frangois Valentin). Lettres bury). A brief description of the whole d'un bonjeune homme A sa cousine Madeleine. world. 6th ed., 187 pp. index, ms., 16 pp.; 393 pp. 16~. Paris, Levyfr'Oes, 1861. sin. 4~. London, John ZMarriott, 1624. La vieille roche: les vacances de la comThe same. 332 pp. 18~. London, Wil- tesse. 8~. Paris, L. Hachette & Co., 1865. liam Sheares, 1634. Le marquis de Lanrose. 8~. The same. 5th ed., 340 pp. 24~. Lon- Paris, L. Hachette &, Co., 1865. don, Margaret Sheares, 1664. Germaine. Translated by Mary L. Booth. Abbott (Jacob). China and the English. 341 pp. 120. Boston, Tilton & Co., 1860. [anon.] 264 pp. 18~. New York, Leavitt, -— The man with the broken ear. TransLord & Co., 1835. lated from the French by Henry Holt. 254 Editor). Harper's school history; from pp. 16~. New York, Leypoldt & Holt, 1867. the earliest times to the establishment of the Abraham (Henry A.) Whom do you worAmerican constitution. 120. N1ew York, Har- ship? A popular treatise on reasonable religpers, 1856. s. ion. 44 pp. 12~. New York, 1867. ~- HIistory of king Alfredof England. 160. Abreu (Antonio Jos6 Alvarez de). Victimna New York, Harpers, 1849. real legal; discurso uno juridico-historicoHistory of Cyrusthe great. 160. New politico sobre que las vacantes mayores y York, Harqpers, 1850. menores de las iglesias de las Indias Occi- History of king Richard the first of dentales pertenecen A la corona de Castilla y England. 160. New York, Harpers, 1857. Leon con pleno y absoluto dominio. 2a ed., History of William the conqueror. 160. 18 p. 1. 374 pp., 14 1., sinm. fol. Madrid, A. New York, Harpers, 1849. s. Ortega, 1769. Abdallatif. See Mowaffak eddin, etc. s. Abreu de Galineo (Juan de). History of Abd-el Kerim Ben Abd-el-jebbar. Voyage the discovery and conquest of the Canary de l'Inde' la Mekke, traduit de la version islands. [With] a description of the island anglais, avec des notes, etc., par L. Langlis. and the modern history of the inhabitants. 180. Paris, 1797. s. By George Glas. viii, 368 pp. 3 maps. 4o. Abd-er-rezzak, Kemal eddin. Voyages de London, Dodsley, 1764. la Perse dans l'Inde. Traduit du persan par The same. 2 v. xvi, 227 pp; 223 pp. 1 L. Langlis. 2 v. 18~. Paris, 1798. s. map. 180. Dublin, D. Chamberlaine, 1767. Abdulkurreen or Albdoul-fKerym. See Abd- i Abstract of the sufferings of the people called el-Kerim Ben Abd-el-jebbar. s. quakers, for the testimony of a good conAbdullah. Bahwa ini Kesah-Pui-Layar-an science, from 1660 to 1666. [anon.] 2 v. Abdullah, ben Abdulkadir, Munshi Deri xii, 575, xl pp.; xxxii, 522, xlv pp. 8~. Singapuri Ka-Kalantan. TiurzarongUlihnya. London, Assigns of J. Sowle, 1733-38. ACARETE. ADAMS. Acarete dlu Biscay. A relation of Mr. R. Acrelius (Israel). Beskrifiling om de swenM.'s voyage to Buenos Ayres; and from ska f6rsamlingars forna och ndirwarande thence by land to Potosi. [Abridged and tilstiind, uti det sii kallade Nya Swerige, altered from account of a voyage up the river sedan Nya Nederland, men nu f6r tiden Pende la Plata]. v, 117 pp. 1 map. 16~. Lon- sylvanien, samt niistliggande orter wid alfdon, John Darby, 1716. wen De La Ware, WiTst-Yersey och NewAccount of the customs and manners of the Castle county uti Norra America. 10 p. 1. Micmakis and Maricheets, savage nations, 534 pp. sm. 40. Stockholm, Harberg c& Hesnow depending on the government of Cape- selberg, 1759. Breton, from a letter written by a French Adair (D. L.) New system of bee-keeping; abbot. [With] pieces relative to the savages, adapted to the habits of the honey-bee, with to Nova Scotia, andto North America. [anon]. improved methods of artificial swarming. 74 viii, 138 pp. London, S. Hooper & A. Morley, pp. 80. Cincinnati, R. Clarke & Co., 1867. 1758. Adair (Robert Alexander Shafto, F. R. S.) Account of an expedition to the interior of Ireland and her servile war. 72 pp. 8~. New Holland. [anon]. 2d ed. xi, 235 pp. London, Ridgway, 1866. 180. Londorn, R. Bentley, 1849. s. Adams (Arthur), Baikie (William Balfour), Account (An) of Jamaica, and its inhabitants. and Barron (Charles). Manual of natural B3y a gentleman long resident in the West history for the use of travellers. [With] indies. [anon]. 2d ed. 213 pp. 1 pl. 80. directions for collecting and preserving. viii, KCingston, Jamaica, 1809. 749 pp. 120. London, J. Van Voorst, 1854. s. A count of the state prison or penitentiary Adams (F. Colburn). Our world; or, the house in the city of New York. By one of democrat's rule. By Justia, a know-nothing. the inspectors of the prison. [anon]. 97 In 2 v. v. 1. viii, 398 pp. 4 pl. 12~0. London, pp. 2 pl. 8~. New York, Isaac Collins & S. Low, son & Co., 1855. Son, 1801. The siege of Washington, written exAccounts and papers relating to Mary, queen pressly for little people. Illustrated by A. W. of Scots. Edited by A. J. Crosby and J. Wand. 130 pp. 8 pl. sq. 18~. New York, Bruce. xxiii, 134 pp. iph sm. 40~. London, Dick & Fitzgerald, 1867. 1867. [Camden soc. pub. No. 93. ] Adams (H. G.) Cyclopoedia of female biogAcharius (Erik, M. D.) Methodus qua omnes raphy. iv, 788 pp. 1 pl. 160. London, detectos lichenes, secundum organa carpo- Groombridge & Sons, 1857. morpha, ad genera, species et varietates re- Adams (Henry and Arthur). The genera of digere atque observationibus illustrare tenta- recent mollusca; arranged according to their vit. lv, 393 pp. 8 pl. 80. Stockholmice, organization. 3v. xl, 484 pp; 661 pp; 138 Ulrich, 1803. s. pl. 8~. London, J. Van Voorst, [1853-58.] s. Adams (John, President of the U. S.) CorresNOT:E: appended, pondence; originally published in the Boston Supplementum, species quamplures novas descriptas Patriot, in a series of letters. iv, 572 pp. 8C. necnon observatas variis complectens, etc. 5 pp.Everett M Boston, Everett & Mlufqnroe, 1809. Acland (Rev. Charles). Popular account of Defence of the constitutions of governthe manners and customs of India. xii, 156 ment of the United States of America. 3d pp. 16~.' London, J. Murray, 1847. ed. 3 v. 8~0. Philadelphia, William Cobbett, Acland (Henry W.) and Ruskin (John). 1797. The Oxford museum. 111 pp. 3 pl. 120. Discourses on Davila; a series of papers London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1859. on political history, published 1790, in the Acosta (Jos6 de). Historia natvrale e morale Gazette of the United States. [anon.] 248 delle Indie. Nouamente tradotta della lingua pp. 8~. Boston, Russell & Cutler, 1805. spagnuola nella italiana da G. P. Galvcci. Adams (John Quincy). The duplicate letters, 23 p. 1. 173 pp. sm. 40. Venetia, B. Basa, the fisheries and the Mississippi; documents 1596. relating to transactions at the negotiation of De natvra novi orbis libri dvo. Et de Ghent. 2d ed. 223 pp. 8~. Louisville, S. promvlgatione evangelii apvd barbaros, sine, Penn, Jr., 1823. de procvranda Indorvm salute, libri sex. 8p. 1. Adams (Nehemiah). Broadcast. [Religious 640 pp. 18~. Coloniae Agrippince, Mylius, reflections.] 210 pp. 16~. Boston, Ticknor 1596. & Fielcls, 1863. ADAMS. AGARDIIH. Adams (Robert). Narrative of R. A., an Addresses of the Philadelphia society for American sailor, wrecked on the western the promotion of national industry. 4th ed. coast of Africa in 1810, detained three years xi, 248 pp. 120. Philadelphia, M. Carey in slavery by the Arabs of the Great Desert, & Son, 1819. and [who] resided several months in Tom- The same. 5th ed. xii, 299 pp. 120. buctoo. [Ed. by S. Cock]. xxviii, 200 Philadelphia, J. Maxwell, 1820. pp. 1 map. 80. Boston, Wells and Lilly, Adelung (Johann Christoph). Geschichte der 1817. menschlichen narrheit, oder lebensbeschreiAdams (Samuel). See Hunt (Leigh) and bungen beriihmter schwarzkainstler, goldAdams (S.) Book of the sonnet, etc. macher, teufelsbanner, etc. [anon]. 8 v. Adams (Rev. Seymour Webster). Memoir. 120. Leipzig, Weygand, 1785. (v. 8 wanting). [WVith sermons]. Edited by J. P. Bishop. Adhelmus (Saint). See Aldhelm. 237 pp. 160. Cleveland, (0.,).Fairbanks, Adlard (George). The Sutton-Dudleys, ot Benedict 4 Co., 1866. England and the Dudleys of Massachusetts Adams (William T.) The boat club; or, the in New England. From the Norman conquest Bunkers.of Rippleton; a tale for boys. By to the present time. xvi, 160 pp. 2 pl. 80. Oliver Optic. (pseudon). 160. Boston, NewU Yrk, C. B. Richardson, 1862. Brown, Bazin & Co., 1855. s. Adlzreiter (Johann). Annalium Boicae gen~ — i Haste and waste; or, the young pilot of tis partes iii, quibus historia a prima BojoLake Champlain. A story for young people. rum origine ad mdeli continetur. AccesBy Oliver Optic. [pseued]. 313 pp. 4 pl. sere Andrere Brunneri annalium Boicorum a 160. Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1867. primis initiis ad annum mcccxi partes iii. ~ — Hope and have; or, Fanny Grant among Cum praefatione G. G. Leibnitii. Ed. nova. the Indians. A story for young people. By 5 p. 1. 296 pp., 261., 123pp, 5]. fol. FranOliver Optic. [pseudon]. 283 pp. 4 pl. 160. cofurti ad Manum, J. F. Gleditsch & flii, 1710. Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1867. Adresse (Une) illisible. ParFanjot. [pseudon]. Outward bound; or, young Amelrica 220 pp. 160. Paris, Anyot, 1862. afloat. A story of travel and adventure. Adventures of a German toy. [anon]. 171 By Oliver Optic. [pseudon]. 336 pp. 4 pl. pp. 180. Boston, W. V. Spencer, 1866. 160. Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1867. Aegidius Columna, or, Romanus. See Colon- The starry-flag; or, the young fisherman na (Egidio). of Cape Ann. By Oliver Optic. [pseudon]. 2Elianus (Claudius). Various histories. Ren312 pp. 8 pl. 160. Boston, Lee & Shepard, dered into English by Thomas Stanley. 1868. 7 p. 1. 314 pp. 14 1. 180. London, T. Basset, Work and win; or, Noddy Newman on 1670. a cruise; a story for young people. By Aepinus or Hock? (Fr. Johann). Die geschOliver Optic. [pseudon]. 160. Boston, ichte von Meklenburg fur jedermann, in einer 1866. folge von briefen. [anon]. 3 v. 12~. NeuYankee Middy; or, adventures of a brandenburg, C. G. Korb, 1791-93. s. naval officer. [A sequel to the " Tailor Boy]." Aesopus. Esopo volgarizzato per uno da Siena. By Oliver Optic. [pseudon]. 160. Boston, (Pietro Berti.) Testo di lingua. Padova, nel 1866. Seminario, 1811. [Printed on vellumi]. Adanson (Michel). Voyage to Senegal, the African (The) observer. Edited by Enoch isle of Goree, and the river Gambia. Trans- Lewis. [April, 1827, to March, 1828.] V. 1. lated from the French. xiii, 337 pp. 1 map. 80. Philadelphia, J. Ashmead & aclam Waldie 120. London, J. Nourse, 1759. & Co., 1827-28. Addison (Henry R.) Traits and stories of Agapetus, diaconus. Expositio admonitoria Anglo-Indian life. viii, 284 pp. 8 pl. 160. ad Justinianum imperatorem. (With IsocraLondon, Smith, Elder & Co., 1858. tes. Paraenesis, ed. 1699.) s. Addison (Joseph). Dialogues sur l'utilit6 des Agardh (Jakob Georg). Species, genera et anciennes m6dailles. ( Iith Winckelmann ordines algarum. 2 v.; viii, 363 pp.; xii, (J.J.) and others. De l'all6gorie. v. 2.) 1291 pp. 8~. Lundce; C. W. K. Gleerup, Poetical works. 80. Edlinburgh, 1793. 1848-63. s. (Anderson's Brit. Poets, v. 7). Address to farmers. [anon]. 64 pp. 160. CONTENTS. Salem, John Dabney, 1796. V. 1. Fucoideae. V. 2. Floriideae. 4 AGASSIZ. ALBERTUS. Agassiz (Alexander). Embryology of the Aitken (William). Science and practice of starfish. [From v. 5 of Agassiz. Nat. hist. of medicine. From the 4th London ed., with U. S.] 66, ix pp. 8 pl. 40. [Boston, 1865.] s. additions, by M. Clymer. 2v., 955 pp.; xliii, Agathias. De imperio et rebvs gestis Jvstiniani 1114 pp. 80. Philadellphia, Lindsay & Blakisimperatoris libri qvinqve. [ Gr. et Lat. ] Inter- ton, 1866. pretatione B. Vvlcanii. Accesserunt epigram- Aitzema (Leeuw van). Saken van staet en mata grmca [latine reddita per J. Scaligervm oorlogh, in, ende omtrent de Vereenigde Nedet J. Dovsam]. 388 pp. fol. Lvgdvni Bat- erlanden, beginnende met 1621, ende eyndiavorvm, F. Raphelengius, 1594. gende met 1669. 7 v. fol. Graven-Haghe, Agnew (David Hayes, M. D.) Practical anat- J. Veely, 1669 —72. omy. A new arrangement of the London Ajokaersutit illuartut Gudimik pekkorsijnidissector. VWrith additions, illustrations, [etc]. glo innungnut. [Esqeuimaux. Knowledge of 2d ed. 307 pp. 12~. Philadel2phia, J. B. the righteous God. anon.] 158 pp. 16~. Lippincott, 1868. Kib'benhavninze, C. F. Skubartimit, 1818. Agostin-i (Leonardo). See Paruta (Filippo) Akenside (Mark). The pleasures. of imaginaand Agostini. Sicilia nvmismatica. tion. [With] odes. vi, 116 pp. 16~. EdinAgrippa von Nettesheim (Heinrich Cornelius). burgh, Ruddliman & Co., 1758. [Select De occvlta philosophia libri tres. 6 p. 1. unp., collection of modern poems]. ccclxii pp. fol. [Colonice,] 1533. Poetical works. 8~0. Elinburgh, 1794. Agustin (Antonio), and Orsini (Fulvio). [Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 9]. De Romanorvm gentjbvs et familiis scriptores Akerly (Samuel). An essay on the geology of dvo prmstantissimi. 4p. 1. 156 pp. 40, Lvg- the Hudson river, and the adjacent regions. dvni, F. Faber, 1592. 69 pp. 1 map. 120. New York, Goodrich & Agustin de Escudero (J.) See Escudero. Co., 1820. Ahmed Ibn Mohammed Al-Makkari (Shihbib- Alabama, University of. Catalogue of the ed-din). History of the Mohammedan dynas- library. By W. G. Richardson. 80. TVsties in Spain. Trans. by Pascual de Gayangos. caloosa, 1848. s. 2v. xxxix, 548, xev pp.; xii, 544, clxxii Alauzet (Franqois Isidore). Essai sur les pp. 40~. London, Oriental translation fund, peines et le systame p6nitentiaire. xviii, 295 1840. pp. 8~. Paris, im3primerie royale, 1842. s. Ahn (F.) Rudiments of the German language: Traite g6n6ral des assurances maripronouncing, spelling, and translating. Am. times, terrestres, mutuelles et sur la vie. 2 v. ed. 89pp. 160. New York, E. Steiger, 1867. xi, 496 pp.;5527 pp. Paris, Cosse, 1843. s. Aikin (John, Surgeon). Biographical memoirs Albany (N. Y.) Directory for 1867. 338 pp. of medicine in Great Britain, from the revival i map. 8~. Albany, Sampson, Davenport & of literature to the time of Harvey. xi, 338 Co., 1867. pp., 6 1. 8~. London, J. Johnson, 1780. Alberi (Eugenio). Vitadi Caterina de'Medici. Aikin (Lucy). The arts of life. New ed. xi, viii, 473 pp., 19 pl. 8~. PFirenze, Batelli, 1838. 228 pp. 18~. London, Longman, 1858. Albers (Johann Christian). Heliceen nach naAilly (Pierre d'). CScordgtia astronomie ci tiirlicher verwandtschaft systematisch geordtheologia, cil hystorica narratione, et eluci- net. Zweite ausgabe, besorgt von Eduard darit duorum precedentium. sm. 40. Vene- von Martens. xviii, 359 pp. 8~. Leipzig, tiis, 1490. s. Engelmann, 1860. s. Aimard (Gustave). Curumilla. 336 pp. 16~. Albert(von Bollstaidt). See Albertus Magnus. Paris, Amnyot, 1860. Alberti (Leon Battista). Of statues. TransLa loi de Lynch. 3e 6d. 464 pp. 12~. lated from the Italian by John Evelyn. 61Paris, Arnyot, 1859. 75 pp. [ With Evelyn (J.) Account of archAiry (George Biddell). Essays on the inva- itects and architecture. fol. London, 1706]. sion of Byritain by Julius Coesar, by Plautius, Albertus Magnus. Liber de natura locorum and by Claudius Cuesar; the early military 461. sm. 40. Argentorati, Matthice Schurerii, policy of the Romans in Britain; the battle 1515. of Hastings. 4~. Londlon, 1865. s. Liber de ad herendo Deo et vltima et suPopulare physische astronomie. Aus perna perfectione hominis ad Deum qutitui posdem Englischen von K. L. Edlem von Lit- sibile 6. 91. unp. fol. [Eslingce, Conrad Fytrow. xxiii, 216 pp., 4 pl. 120. Stuttgart, ner. n. d.; about 14731] ('With ChrysosLHofinann,~ 1839. s tomus, In Job de paciencia sermones. n. d.) 5 ALBERTUS. ALLEN. Albertus Magnsus. The same. fol. [Esling'me, 21 pl. 4~. London, Parbulry, Allen & Co., Conrad Fyner, n. d.] ( With Aquino 1827. (Tommaso d'). Postilla in Job.) s. Alexander(Rev. John). Jesuitico-quakerism Albric, or Albricius. Libellvs de deorvm examined, or a confutation of the blasphemimn-aginibvs. 9 1. unp. Small 4~. Vienne, ous and unreasonable principles of the quaH. Victor, 1510. (W ith Fiocchi (A.D.) De kers. 16 p. l., 219 pp., 4 1. sm. 40~. London, Romanorum magistratibus. Vienne, 1510.) Dormnan ANewman, 1680.' Alcedo y Bexarano (Antonio de). Diccion- Alexander (John Henry). Engineer's reario geogrifphico-hist6; ico de las Indias Oc- ports on topographical survey of Maryland, cidentales 6 Am6rica: es d saber: de los for 1834-36. 80. Annapolis, 1835. (With reynos del Perfi, Nueva Espala, Tierra Maryland geology, v. 1.) Firme, Chile, y nuevo reyno de Granada. 5 v. Report on the manufacture of iron; ad80. Madclrid, B. Cano, 1786-89. dressed to the governor of Maryland. 269 Alciati (Andrea). Emblemata: opera et vigi- pp., 3pl. 80. Annapolis, 1840. ( With Maliis IoannisThlvilii. Acceserunt Federici Mo- ryland geology, v. 2.) relli corollaria et monita ad eadem emblemata. Alexander (John Henry). Catena dominica: ixxx; 1001 pp. 40~. Patauii, P. _Frambotti, a series of Sunday idyls. 2d ed. v, 177 pp. 1661. 160~ New York, A. D. F. Randolph, 1867. Alcock (Thomas). Travels in Russia, Persia, Alexander (Sir William). An encouragement Turkey, and Greece, in 1828-9. vi, 227 pp. to colonies. 2 p. 1. 47 pp. 80. London, W. 1 map. 8~. London, Clarke & Son, 1831. Stansby, 1625. Aloripe (Philippe d'). La nouvelle fabrique Algarotti (Francesco). Saggio sopra il comdes excellens trait6s de v6rite; livre pour ercio. (Scrittori class. ital. di econ. pol. inciter les resveurs tristes et m6lancoliques h v. 1.) vivre de plaisir. Nouv. 6d. Augment6e des Algerf(Horatio, jr). Charlie Codman's cruise; nouvelles de la terre de Prestre Jehan. xvi, a storyfor boys. 231pp. 1pl. 16~. Boston, 220 pp. 16~. Paris, P. Jannet, 1853. Loring, 1867. Alden (Joseph, D. D.) Christian ethics; or, ~ Helen Ford. [A tale]. 297 pp. 12~. the science of duty. 170 pp. 12~. New York, Boston, Loring, 1866. Ivison &, Co., 1866. Paul Prescott's charge. A story for Text-book of ethics for Bible classes. boys. 224 pp. 2 pl. 160. Boston, Loring, 92 pp. 16~. New York, A. D. F. Rando7lph, 1865. 1867. Alger (William Rounseville). The solitudes The young citizen's manual. A text- of nature and of man; or the loneliness of book on government for common schools. human life. 3d ed. 412 pp. 120. Boston, 134 pp. 12~0. New York, Sheldon & Co., Roberts Bros., 1867. 1867. Ali Jelebi. See Diez (Heinrich Friedrich). Alden (Timothy, D. D.) Account of sundry Aliaco or Alliaco (Petrus de). See Ailly missions performed among the Senecas and (Pierre d'). Munsees. 180 pp. 1 pl. 180. New York, Alice and her fiiends. (Prize stories.) 310 J. Seymour, 1827. pp. 160. Boston, 1866. Aldhelm (Saint). Sancti Aldhelmi ex ab- Alig (Rev. Mathias). Die sieben zeitalter der bate Malmesburiensi episcopi Schireburnensis kirche Jesu Christi auf erden bis zu ihrem opera quae extant omnia e codicibus mss triumphe im himmel. Geschichte der ereigemendavit. Ediit J. A. Giles. xxiii, 392 nisse mit bezug auf der kirche Christi. 398 pp. 80. Oxonii, J. H. Parker, 1844. pp. Ipl. 80. Washinygton, author, [1865]. Alessandri (Alessandro). Genialivm diervm i All the year round: conducted by Charles libri sex. 14 p.1. 175 pp. fol. Parisiis, C. Dickens. July, 1866, to June, 1867. v. 16-17, Guillard, 1539. 80. London, Chapman & Hall, 1867. Alexander ab Alexandro. See Alessandri Allen (Harrison, H,. D.) Monograph of the bats (Alessandro). of North America. xxiii, 85 pp. 8~. WashAlexander (Sir James Edward). Travels ington, 1864. (Smithsonian miscel. coll. from India to England; comprehending a v. 7.) visit to the Burman empire, and a journey Allen (J. Adams, M. D.) Medical examinathrough Persia, Asia Minor, European Tur- tion for life insurance. 143 pp. 8~. Chicago, key, etc., 1825-26. xvi, 301 pp. 2 maps. 1867. Horton &i Leonard. ALLEN. AMERICAN. Allen (Rev. Wilkes). History of Chelmsford, plantis Egypti liber, et dissertatio de laser[Mass.] from 1653 to 1820. 192 pp. 8%. Hiav- pitio, et loto gyptia. Accedunt Joannis Veselhill, (Mafss.) P. N. Green, 1820. lingii parieneses ad rem herbariam et vindicike Allen (William, D. D., President Bowd. Coll.,) opobalsami. 2 v. 9 p. 1. 248 pp. 6 1. 25 pl; American biographical and historical diction- 306 pp. 12 1. 72 pl. 40. Lugduni Bcataary. 2d ed. 80. Boston, 1832. S. v,orun, G. Potldiet, 1735. S. Lectures to young men, with the Dud- Alsop (Richard), and Dwight (Theodore). leian lecture delivered at Harvard University. The echo, with other poems. [anon]. xv, 272 pp. 1 pl. 12~. Boston, 1833. 331 pp. 5 1. 7 pl. 80. New Yorkc, Pasquin Alletz (Pons Augustin). L'esprit des femmes Petronius, 1807. c6lbres du si6cle de Louis XIV, et de celui Althamer (Andreas). Eyn predig von dem de Louis XV jusqu'i pr6sent. [anon]. 2 v. teiiffel das er alles vngltick in der welt viii, 469 pp. 1 1; 2 p. 1. 156 pp. 16~. Paris, anriehte. 6 1. unp. [n. p.] 1532. Pissot, 1768. Alvarado (Pedro de). Proceso de residencia Allgeimeine deutsche bibliothek. See Nico- contra Pedro de Alvarado y Nufiez de Guzlai (C. F.) man. Por Jos6 Fernando Ramirez. 80. Alliaco or Aliaco (Petrus de). See Ailly Mexico, 1847. s. (Pierre d'). Alvarez (Jos6 Justo), and Duran (Rafael). Allin (Abby). Home ballads: a book for New Itinerarios y derroteros de la republica mexEnglanders. 238 pp. 160. Boston, Mzunroe icana. 8~. Mexico, 1856. s. & Co., 1851. Alvarez y Baena (Jos6 Antonio). Hijos de Allix (Peter, D. D.) The judgment of the de Madrid, illustres en santidad, dignidades, ancient Jewish church against the unitarians armas, ciencias y artes; diccionario historico. in the controversy upon the holy trinity and 4 v. Sm. 40. Macadrid, 1789-91. s. the divinity of our blessed saviour. 2d ed. Alvear y Lara (Francisco de). Memoria sobre xx, 371 pp., 5 1. 80. Oxford, Clarendon el proyecto de conduccion a la Habana de las press, 1821. aguas de los Manantiales de vento. 2 1. xii, Allonville (Armand Frnncois, comte d'). See 149,47 pp. 2 pl. 40. Habana, 1856. Memoires d' un horoine d' 6tat. Alvernia (Petrus de). See Aquino (Tommaso Al-Makkari (Ahmed Ibn Mohammed). See d'.) Ahmed Ibn Mohammed. Amat (Felix Torres). Memorias para ayudar Almanach du comnmerce et de l'industrie. a formar un diccionario critico de los esPubli6 par le Messager franco-am6ricain. critores catalanes. xliv, 720 pp. 80. Bar255 pp. 80. New York, H. De Mareil, 1865. celona, J. Verdaysqer, 1836. s. Almanach et directorium franqais des ]ttats- Ambler (A. I.) Jessie Eeed, and other poems. Unis pour 1865-67. 3 v. 120. New York, 160. Philadelphlia, 1867. J. D. L. Zenlder, 1865-67. Ambrosoli (Francesco). Manuale della letAlmanach de Gotha. Annuaire diplomatique teratura italiana. 2" ed. 4 v. 12~. Tfirenze, et statistique pour 1' aln6e 1867. 1116 pp. G. Bar'bra, 1863-64. s. 320. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1867. Ame6 (Ldon).: tude 6conomique sur les Almanach imp6rial, pour 1866-67. 2 v. 8e. tarifs de douanes. ii, 448 pp. 8~. Paris, Paris, Guyot & Scribe, 1866-67. Guillauemin & Ce., 1859. s. Almeloveen (Theodor Janssen ab). Bibli- The same. 2e 6d. vii, 540 pp. 8~. otheca promissa et latens. 16~. Gandce, Paris, Guillaumnin et C", 1860. s. 1683. s. American anecdotes, characters and incidents; --- The same. Accessiones. See Meelfiihr. revolutionary and miscellaneous. v, 148 pp. Aloysius Gonzaga, (St). Opera omnlia, partim Philadelphia, John Conrad, 1823. Italice, partim Latine. Edidit A. Heuser. 116 American anecdotes, original and select. [Atpp. 1 pl. 240. Colonice, J. M. Heberle, 1850. tributed to Freeman Hunt]. 2 v. 300; 300 Alpha (The), or first principle of the human pp. 120. Boston, Peutnamn & Hunt, 1830. mind; a philosophical inquiry into the nature American annual encyclopaedia and register of truth. [tanon]. xvi, 362 pp. 8~. Lon- of important events for the year 1866. v. 6. don, Chapmana & fHall, 1851. 89. NLew York, D. Appleton & Co., 1867. Alpino (Prospero). Historioe 2ggypti naturalis American antiquarian society. Catalogue of pars prima, qua continentur rerum 2Egypti- books in the library. 80. Worcester, (Mass.,) arum libri ]quatuo: pars secunda, sive de H. J. Howland, 1837. s. 7 AMERICAN. AMYOT. American colonization society. Memorial of American (The) magazine and monthly chronithe semi-centennial anniversary, celebrated at cle for the British colonies. Vol. 1, from Oct., Washington, Jan. 15, 1867. With documents 1757, to Oct., 1758, by a society of gentlemen. concerning Liberia. 192 pp. 8~. Washing- 654 pp. 80. Philadelphia, W. Bradford, ton, Colonization Society, 1867. 1757-58. American gazetteer. 11 gazzettiere americano; (Imnp. pp. wanting at the end.) continente un distinto ragguaglio di tutte le American (The) magazine of useful and enterparti del nuoo mondo, della loro situazione, taining knowledge. v. 1-3. Sept., 1834-Sept., clima, terreno, prodotti, stato antico e mo- 1837. 80. Boston, John L. Sibley, 1834-37. derno, mercy manifatture, e commercio. 3 v. American poems, selected and original. v. 1. xxiii, 217 pp.; 254 pp., 257 pp.; 21 maps, viii, 304 pp. 41. 120. Litchfield,(Conln.,) 57 pl. 40. Livorno, MI. Coltellini, 1763. Collier &.Bel, [about 1793]. American (The) farmer; a monthly journal American (The) shooter's manual, comprising devoted to agriculture, horticulture, domestic [matters relating] to the dog, and theuse of the and rural economy. Illustrated. [1866.] gun; also a description of the game of this V. 1. 384 pp. 80. Rochester, (. YA)., J. country. By a gentleman of Philadelphia Turner, 1866. county. (anon.) 251 pp. 80. PhiladelAmerican (The) historical magazine, Janu- phia, Carey, Lea & Carey, 1827. ary to June, 1836. (V. 1.) 240 pp. 80. American sketches; by anative of the United [New Harzenl,] 1836. States. xviii, 412 pp. 120. London, J. American homceopathic review. July, 1865, Miller, 1827. to Jan., 1866. v. 6. 80. New York, J. T. American (The) statistical association. CollecS. Smith &S Sons, 1866. tions. v. 1. 596 pp. 8~. Boston, T. B.. arAmerican (The) Hoyle; or, gentleman's hand- vin, 1847. book of games. By " Trumps." [anon.] American (The) weekly messenger, or reg4th ed. 525 pp. 120. New York, Dick & ister of state papers, history and politics. Fitzgerald, [1867]. [Sept. 25, 1813, to Sept. 17, 1814.] 2 v. viii, American institute library; alphabetical and 473; vii, 408 pp. 80. Philadelphia, John analytical catalogue. 80. New York, 1852. Conrad, 1814-15. American (The) journal of horticulture and Ames (Joseph). Typographical antiquities; florist's companion, January to June, 1867. being an historical account of printing in Engv. 1. viii, 392 pp. 1 pl. 8~. Boston, J. land, with an appendix concerning printing.E. Tilton & Co., 1867. in Scotland and Ireland. 40. London, W. American journal of the medical sciences. Faden, 1749. Edited by Isaac Hays, M. D. January to The same; or, an historical account of October, 1867. New series. v. 53-54. 80. the origin and progress of printing in Great Philadelphia, H. C. Lea, 1867. Britain and Ireland. Augmented by William American (The) kalendar; or, United States Herbert. 3 v. 40. London, printed for the register for 1798. [anon]. 211 pp. 18~. editor, 1785-90. London, J. Debrett, 1798. Amiens. Catalogue m6thodique de la bibliAmerican literary gazette and publishers' othbque communale-belles-lettres. viii, 646 circular, Nov. 1866 to Nov. 1867. v. 8-9. pp. 8~. Amiens, Duval et EIrment, 1854. s. 8~. Philadelphia, G. W. Childs, 1867. Amunategui (Miguel Luis). La dictadlulra American Lloyd's register of American and de O'Higgins. iv, 495 pp. 80. Santiago, foreign shipping. R. T. Hartshorne & J. F. (Chile,) J. Belin i Ca, 1853. H. King, proprietors. xxxii, 730 pp. 5 pl. ~ and (Gregorio Victor). Biografias de Xew York, J. We. Pratt & Co., 1867. Americanos, [viz: Andres Bello, Simon RodAmerican Lloyd's universal register of ship- riguez, Camilo Henriquez, Manuel Salas, Jos6 ping, from June 1, 1867, to May 31, 1868, Rodriguez Ballesteros]. 80. Santiago, under the approval of the board of under- (Chile), 1854. s. writers. Thos. D. Taylor, proprietor. xlii, De lainstruccion primaria en Chile. xii, 693 pp. 8 pl. obl. 80. New York, C. Vogt, 1867. 391pp. 8~. Santiago, Ferrocarril, 1856. s. American (The) magazine and historical Amyot, (C. J. B.) and Audinet Serville (Jean chronicle. [Pub. by S. Eliot & J. Blanchard.] Guillaume). Histoire naturelle des'insectes. 3 v. 80. Boston, Rogers & Fowle, 1744-46. H1dmipteres. lxxvi, 675 pp. 80. Paris, Roret, (Isp. v. 1 v-ants title.) 1843. (Plates wanting.) ANACREON. ANDRAL. Anacreon. Odes and epigrams. Translated by Anderson (John J.) Pictorial school history F. Fawkes. 8~. Ecdinbhurgh, [1792-94]. of the United States; with the declaration of (Anderson's: British poets, v. 5). independence, and the constitution of the Works, translated into English verse, United States. 363, 38 pp. 120. New York, with notes; to which are added odes, frag- Clark & Maynard, 1867. ments and epigrams of Sappho. By [J]. - Introductory school history of the United Addison. 11 p. 1. 279 pp. 2 pl. 160. Lon- States. 16~. New York, Clark & Maynard, don, J. Watts, 1735. 1867. and Sappho. Les ceuvres, traduites de Anderson (RoberttM..D.) Select British poets grec en vers franvois par [H. B. de R., baron and translations, with prefaces, biographical de] Longepierre. 9 p. 1. 398 pp. I pl. 180. and critical. 9 v. 80. Edinburgh, Mundell Paris, C. Clouzier, 1692. & Son, 1792-94. [London, 1810]. Sappho, (and others). WVorlks; with pieces from ancient authors, and essays on their lives and writings; with the Classic, an Addison, v. 9. Ki ug, v. 6. e Akenside, v. 9. Lucretius, [Creech], v. 5 introductory poem [by Barnaby Edward Anacreon, [Fawkes], v, 5. Mallet, v. 9,..Greene]. xxii, 287 pp. 18. London,. Apollonins Rhodius, [Faw- Moschus, [Fawkes], v. 5. Greene]. xxii, 287 pp. 18~. London, J- ies], v. 5. M lsaeus, [Fawkesj, v. 5. kes], v. 5. Musaeus, [Fawk es], v. 5. ~Ridley, 1768. Bion, [Fawkes], v. 5. Otway, v. 6. Blackmore, v. 7. Ovid, [Garth], v. 1. Ancell (Samuel). Journal of the blockade and Blair, v. 8. Parnell, v. 7. siege of Gibraltar, 1779 to 1783. 3d ed. 274 Broome, v. 8. Pattison, v. 8. Browne, v. 4. Philips, A., v. 9. pp. 7 pl. _Edinburgh, 1786. Carew, v. 3. Philips, John, v. 6. Ancona. See Atugustinus de Ancona. Collins, v. 9. Pitt, v. 8. Coluthus, v. 5. Pomfret, v. 6. Andagoya (Pascual de). Relacion de los suce- Congreve, v. 7. Pope, v. 8. Crashaw, v. 4. Prior, v. 7. sos de Pedrarias D).vila en las provincias de Daniel, v. 4. Rochester, v. 6. Tierra firme 6 Castilla del Oro, y delo ocurrido Davenant, v. 4. Rosommon, v. 6. Davies, v. 2. Rowe, v. 7. en el descubrinmiento de la Mar del Sur y costas Donne, v. 4. Sappho, [Fawkes], v. 5. delPerily Nicaragua. (Navarrette. Colec- Dorset, v. 6. Savagre, v. 8. Drayton, v. 3. Shakspeare, v. 2. cion de los Viages, etc. V. 3, pp. 393-459.) Drummond, v. 4. SheWlleld, v. 7. Dryden, v. 5. Shenstone, v. 9. The same. Narrative of the proceedings Duke, v. 6. Smith, v. 6. of Pedrarias Davila in the provinces of Tierra Dyer, v. 9. Somerville, v. 8Fenton, v. 7. Spenser, v. 2. Fi-me or Castilla del Oro, and of the discovery Fletcher, G., v. 4. Sprat, v. 6. of the South Sea and the coasts of Peru and Fletcher, P., v. 4. Stepney, v. 6. Nicaragua. Translated, with notes and in- Gay, v. S. Suckling, v. 3. Granville, v. 7. Sulpicia, [Grainger], v. 5. tiroduction, by C. K. Markham. xxix, 88 Halifax, v. 6. Swift, v. 9. pp. 1 map. 8~. London, 1Hakluyt Society, Hall, v. 2. Theocritus, [Fawkes], v. 5. Hamilton, v. 9. Thomson, v. 9. 1865. Hammond, v. 8. Tibullus, [Grainger], v. 5. Alndersen (J. A.) A Dane's excursion in Harte, v. 9. Tickell, v. 8. neIeI(.Hesiod, [Cooke], v. 5. Walsh, v. 6. Britain. 2 v. in 1. viii, 224 pp; 155 pp, 61. Hill, v. 8.. Watts, v. 9. Horace, [Francis], v. 1. West, v. 9. 160. London, Mathews & Leigh, 1809. Hughes,v. 7. Yalden, v. 7. Anderson (,Eneas). Narrative of the British Jonson, V. 4. embassy to China, 1792-94. xxiv, 278 Anderson (Mr.) History of lifie and advenpp.; 13 1. 80~. Dublin, William- Porter, tures in Europe and America, compiled from 1795. his own papers 2413 pp. 160. Glasgow, Anderson (Andreas). A tour in Zealand in William Neilson, 1799. 1802, with sketch of the battle of Copenhagen. Andersson (Charles John). The Okavango By a native of Denmark. [anon]. 131 pp. river; a narrative of travel, exploration, and -160. Philadelphia, Bartraln & Reynolds, adventure. 80. New York, Harpers, 1861. s. 1807. Andover Theological Seminary. Catalogue of Anderson (Elbert). Claims on the United library. By 0. A. Taylor. 8~0. Andover, States, by the late contractor for the State of (Mass.,) 1838. s. New York, for services during the late war. Triennial catalogue [of officers anti grad179, 24 pp. 8~. NAew iYork, 1824. nates]. 1867. 229 pp. 80. Andover, W. Anderson (James, LL. D.) Recreations in F. Draper, 1867. agriculture, natural history, arts, and miscl- iAndral (Gabriel). Pr6cis d'anatomie patholaneous literature. 6 v. 80. London, T. logique. 2 v. 479 pp; 364 pp. 8~. Bruxelles, Bensley, 1799-1802. Soc. typographique belge, 1837. s. ANDREA. ANNUAL. Andrea Vivano; or, the Italian poisoner. Angelis (Pedro de). Coleccion de obras y [anon]. 11 pp. 8~. London, 1841. [Hazlitt's documentos relativos a la historia antigua y romancist and novelist's lib'y, v. 3]. moderna de las provincias del Rio de la Andreana. Containing the trial, execution, Plata. Ilustrados con notas y disertaciones. and various matter connected with the history 6 v. fol. Buenos Aires, Imp. del estado, of Major John Andr6, adjutant general of the 1836-37. s. British army in America, A. D. 1780.'2 p. 1. - Memoria sobre el estado de la hacienda 67 pp,. 2 1. 12 pl. fol. Philadelphia, H. publica. 219 pp. 80. Buenos Aires, 1834. s.. W. Smith, 1865. Angelus (Johann). Astrolabium planiu in tabuAndreini (Giovanni Battista). L'Adamo, sacra lis ascendens cum quodia tractatu natiuitatu rapresentatione. 13 p. 1. 177 pp. 40 pl. vtili ac ornato. 174 1. unp. 40~. Auguste [in text]. 40. Milano, G. Bordoni, 1617. Fi- ndelicorit, Erhardt Ratdolt, 1488. Andrew (William). Constitution of nature. Angeville (Adolphe, comnte d'). La v6rit6 Theories intended to unfold nature. 100 pp. sur la question d'orient et sur M. Thiers. iv, 8~. Milwaukee, Jermain & Brightman, 368 pp. 8~. Paris, Delloye, 1841. s. 1863. s. Angreville (J. E., d'). La flore vallaisanne. Andrew (William P.) Memoir on the Eu- viii, 218 pp. 120. Geneve, M. Mehling, phrates valley route to India; with official 1862. s. correspondence. xvi, 267 pp. 2 maps. 8~. Annales des ponts et chauss6s. M6moires et London, WV. H. Allen & Co. 1857. documents relatifs t l'art des constructions ct Andrews (Charles). Prisoners' memoirs, or, au service de l'ing6nieur; lois, etc. concernant Dartmoor prison; a complete history of the 1' administration des ponts et chaussees. 108 v. captivity of the Americans in England from 8~. Paris, Carilian-Goeury, etc., 1831-65. the commencement of the late war until the treaty of Ghent. [anon]. 283 pp. 12~. CONTENTS. New BYork, author, 1815. le s6rie, 1831-40. Mmoires et documents. 20 v. Andrews (Charles C., teacher). History of the Lois, decrets, etc. 10v. Tables gdn6rales, 1831-1840. New York African free schools, from their es- 2e serie, 1841-50. M6moires et documents. 20 v. tablishment in 1787. 148 pp. 160. New - Lois, d6crets, etc. 10 v. — ta ni17 4p 1.N- Tables g6n6rales. 1841-1850. York A M. Day, 1830. 3e s6rie, 1851-60. M(moir6s et documents. 20'v. Lois, d6crets, etc. 10 v. Andrews (Rev. C. W.) Memoir of;Mrs. Anne Tables gentrales, 1850-1860. R. Page. 101 pp. 1pl. 180. Philadelpha, 4e serie, 1861-65. MWmoires et documents. v. 1-10. Herma Hookera18- Lois, d(crets, etc. v. 1-5. Herman HBooker, 1844. Andrews (John, LL. D.) Historyof the revo- Annals and magazine of natural history, inlutions of Denmark, with an account of the eluding zoology, botany, and geology. 3d present state of that kingdom and people. 2 v. series, v. 18-19. 80. London, Taylor 5 viii, 416 pp; 446 pp. 80. London, J. Nourse, Francis, 1866-67. 1774. Annius Viterbiensis, or Nanni (Giovanni). Anecdotes. The Holy Scriptures. 5th ed. Comentaria super opera diuersorum auctorum viii, 214 pp. 18~. London, Rel. tract soc., de antiquitatibus loquentidi. fol. Rome, E. [about 1840]. Silber, 1498. s. Anecdotes, medical, chemical, and chirurgical; Annuaire-almanach du commmerce: ou alcollected, arranged, and transmuted by an manach des 500,000 adresses de Paris, des adept. [anon]. 2 v. xii, 204 pp. 231 departments, et des pays 6trangers. Pour pp. 16. London, J. Callow, 1816. 1867. 3,600 pp. 8~. Paris, Didot, 1867. Anecdotes of the family circle. [anon]. vi, Annuaire de l'6conomie politique et de la statis244 pp. 21. 16~. London, Orr & Smith, 1836. tique pour 1866-67. Par M. Block. V. 23-24. Anecdotes of the house of Bedford, from the 180. Paris, Guillaunzin, 1866-67. Norman conquest to the present period. Table g6n6rale, 1844-67. 180. Paris, [anon]. vii, 284 pp. 8~. London, J. S. Guillaumin, 1867. Bar?; [1797]. Annuaire encyclop6dique. 1865-66. 8~0. Anecdotes parisiennes. 240. Londres,Law Paris, bureau de l'encyclopidie du 19e siccle, & others, 1815. 1866. Angela de Pulginio. Visionum et instruction- Annual (The) register. A review of public um liber. Recensuit J. H. Lammertz. 391 events for the year 1866. New series. vii. pp. 24~. Colonie, J.. Heberle &F Co., 1851. 337, 340 pp. 80. London, Rivinytons, 1867. 2 10 -NU-AL. APPLETON..Amnnai of -scientific discovery;'', oryea-bobk:Antohnin.s'(Marc:Sui elihs). The- cm-;f-facts in:science:and:'art for 1865, nad 1866- menta-ries. Coltaining his maxims of science 67.:2 v. 12~'. Bostot,'Gould & Lincoln, and rules of life. Wrote for his -ow1n use, and 1865-67..akddregssed'to h-i-mself. Translated -from the Anfiquetil (Louis Pierre). A:summary of uni- Giieek, by'Jamens Thomsony gent. xii, 234 versal history; exhibiting the rise, decline, -and pp. 8O. L-ndon, T. Parker, 1747. revolutions ofthe differentunatiOnsoftheworld,'Apelt (E:rnst Friedch). Die epochen der from the creation to the:ireseit time. Trans- geschichte der menschheit, eine historischla;ted froim: the Frencih. 9 v.:8~. oin;Ododn, philosophische skizze. 2 v. l~8. Jena, HockG-. "& t J. Robinson, 1800. -hausen:, i845-46. s. AA:l-selm:(Saint;, Archbishop'bf C'anterbuery).'Aplhthonina, s opohizsta. Progynnasmata, a R. Liber meditatifonuim. T-extnum recogn6ovit [et] A"gricola,[et]: MI M. C-atanaeo latinitate donata: vita s. doctoris:exornavit-A.. Buse.'i, 272;eum Cillfdiis R. Lorichii. 2;p. 1. 2i8 1, 5 1. pp. 24o. COlonie,'J. -. Heberie & Co.,1851. 18q. Londirni, T. Madrsh, 1583. Ansted (David Thomas). tlementary course'ApolloiUus Bhodius. The Argonautics. f geology, mrineralogy,:aid physical geogra- Translated by F. Fawkes. 80. Edinburgh, p'hy. 2d- ed.:Xvi, 60:6 pp. i20. london, f[1792]. [Aidirscn':s'British Poets, v. 5]. J. Van Voorst, 1856.'s. Apolloni-us reis. The,Anglo-saxon version --- Geological science, including t~he:practice of thesto6ry of Ap-o:iloniu-s of Tyre, upon which ofgeoldogy andtheeeinemesil sof hysical geogra- is founded the play of Pericles, attributed to phy.:x, 302pp. 8. Lodo,,'Or', 1r855.:s. Shakespeaire; with a iteerl translation by a and icolay (BRe. Ch'arles'renfell). Benj. Thorpe. v, 92:pp. -12. London, J. Atla's:of'physical -'ad historical geography. &:A. Arch, 1834. 6 maps. 4~. London, J. W. Parker & Son,;:or. —Baithascrib'isithis'work toSymposi:us, achris(1852). tian author. (1852). S. Anstey (Christopher). Thle ~patriot; a pin- Apophthegmata giaeca.:Studio et labore daric'address to Lord Buckhoir se, with ap- -Mathi;Gothi. (With Neander (Mihael). pendix. [ainon.]:67 pp.' 4 CM. - A c m Opius:aureum.) a. bridge, Fletcher & Hodson, 1:768. AJppiaiinus -Alexandrinius. Romanorum libri Anstey (John). Pleader's -guide, a didactic qui Libicus, Syrius, Parthicus, Mithridaticus poem, in By J. J. S.'[anon.] inscributtur. Traductio P. iCaindidi. 131 1.'tth ed. xvi, 212 1pp.. London,'Cadell Uip. 4O. Venetiis, B. Pictor,& B. B.atdolt, & Davies, 1804. 1477. A —;nteque/ra (Jos6 Ma ria). Histoia de la legis-'.:Ciuilu beill6or libri 1-5. Traductio:. lacion espafola, desde -los tienipos nmas re- Candidi.:2111. unp. 4o. Venetiis, B. Pictor miotos hasta la poca presgente. 290 pp.'80.'& B..atd6lt, 1477.: ( With -Ap-ppianus Madrid, Martinez y Minnes'a,:i849.: -lexandnirius. Romanorum libri,!Venetiis,:Anthing:(Friledrich). History'fthe campaig-is 1477.) of'Count Alexander Suworow-Rleyn-ikski. ". Rmanrorim libri qui lyrius et:Celticus -[or IRimninskoi.] Translateid'from the Ger- insciribbuntur. TradiuctioP. Candidi. 101.:iinp. man. [anon.] 112 pp. 8~. Londoin, J. 4~. Venetiis, B. Pictor & E. BRatdolt, 1477. Davis, 1813. [Royal military chi6nicle,:.:2.] (:Wit-hppianusAlexandrisisus. Romanorum:;A&ntine or Dantine (Maur Franvois:d}. See. libri, Venetis, 1477.) -[Art de v6rifie'r les dates.'-' Romanaivm historiarvni celtica, libyca, Anti qit'es [u Bosphore cimnidiIen, conseirv6es illyrica, s y'riaca, p-arth-ica, mithridatica, ciuilis, au misi6e i i'iprial del'Erimitage: [Parle'com- quincie librisfdistincta. Ex bibliotheca:regia. -te:Oivaroff ifrancais et:ruse.] texte 2 v.,. 393':pp. 11.'fol. Lvtetice,. Stephanus, avec atlas desiplanches. Tol.'St. Ptersbbourg,::1581. 1854.- A. -:pltegatih (Robeit').;A theological survey Anton (Jehan d'). See Aton (J0ehan d'). of the human understanding. [anoln. 3 -Antoninus Augustus. Vet'era HRomanorurm, p. 1. 276 pp.. 7 1. 8o. Salisbury, Wallis & i:tineraria, icum J. Simleri, etc., notis. -Itiner-;Stonehouse, 1776. arium hierosolymitanum. et Hieroclis gram- Appletons' (D. & Co.) Hand-book of Amerimatici synecdemus curaite- PctroWesselitgio. canti itavel-: southern tour. With:maps, etc. 11 p. 1. 762 pp.:28 1.'4~. iAmstelaedami,;By;EdwardiI H. Hlall. xii, 142 pp., 7 maps.'pud J. wetstenitmr' & G.'Smith, 1735 s. 12..12~ New- Yo ~k, D:. Apleton'& Co.,:1866. APPLETON. ARAT-US. Appletons' (,. & Co.) Hand-book of Ameri- Aquino, (Sain T mmao d'). L)e corpore can travel: northern tour. With aps, [etc.] Cristi. 171. 4.. [olonicx, Arnold By Edward H. Hail. 9th ed. xvi, 318 pp., Therhoern, about 1480.] 11 maps. 12. New Yor, D. Aplet..................... De deertione anime a Deo. 2 1. unp,. 1867. sm. 4~. [Leydis, peL r HBeynrici Heynri ci, Appleton (Elizabeth H.) Insurrection at Ma- 1484.] (With Aquino. Tractatus de bugellan.; -Nalarative of the imprisojnment and manitate Christi. Leydis, 1484.) escape of Capt. Chas.. Brown from the. De d4obus proeceptis charitatis, et decerm Chilian convicts.. 228 pp. p1. 129. Bos- legis pr.epptis, ejusdemque de venerabili sacton, Geo. C. Rand, 1854. ramento altaris. Recognovit C. Martin. vii, Appleton (William S.) Ancestr of Mary 340 pp. 24~. Colonice, J. M. Ieberle & 3Co., Oliver, who lived 1640-1698, and was the 1852. wife of Samuel Appleton, of Ipswich. 29 pp... Glosa continua sup. quatuor euange3 tables. 40. Cambridge, (Mass.), JW. itson listas. fol. [Basile.ej] 1476. 8. Son, 1867. -. In libros meteorologicorvm Aristotelis Aprosio (Angelico). La visiiera alzat; heca- proeclarissima commentaria, cum duplici textoste di scrittori, che vaghi d'andare in mas- tus interpretatione, vna Francisci Vatabli, anchera fuor del tempp di carnouale sono tiqua altera. 2 L., 270 pp. in 68 1. fol. H. scoperti da Gio. Pietro Giacomo Villani. ScOttus, FVeitiis; 1561. (Wit preceding.) s. [pseudon]. 90pp. 189. Parma, VFgna, 1689. In qvator libros Aristotelis de cvclo et r..... P-entecoste d altri scrittor, che andan dq undo comnment'ria, quae cum morte praein maschera fuor del tempo dii careuale, sono uentus perficere non potuerit, absoluit Petrus scoperti da Gio. Pietro Giacomo Villani. de Aluernia; cvm dvplici textus translatine, [pseudo ]. 45 pp. 189. Parma, Yigna,.antiqua videlicet, et Joannis Argyropili nova 1689. (With Aprosio, La visiera alzata diligenter recognitis. 6 p. 1., 176 pp. fol. hecatoste di scrittori. Parma, 1689.) Venetiis, haeredes H. Scoti, 1575. S. Apuleius Miadaurensis (Lucius). Les meta- Postilla in Job. fol. [Eslingae. 1474. morphoses, ov l'asne d'or. Nouvellement re- 8. veves, corrig6es, et mises en meilleur ordre..The same. fol. (I. p., Conrad Fyyner.) [Engravedtitle.] 8p.1.382 pp. 16 pl. 120. 1476. 8. Paris, N. & J. de La Coste, 1648... Primapars summe sacre theologie. [v. 1]. Commentaires sur la m6tamorphose de fol. Inurbe Venetiar, B. Locatellus, 1494. s. l'asne d'or de l'Apul6e. [anon.] 270 pp. - Prima pars secunde partis summe theolo20 1. [ With Apuleius, Paris, 1648.] gir. fol. Venetijs, B. Locatellus, 1495. (With The birth of pleasure, the story of C upid prece.ding.) S. and Psyche. [Translation.] 110 pp. t16~. Secfida secSide partis thieologie New York, James Porteus, 1867. summe [et] id est de ptibus pnie, et primo de Cupid and Psyche; a mythological tale, stritione. [v. 2.] fol. [n. d. or p.] s. from the "Golden Ass.? F om the 2danony- Tertia pars, additiones tertie partis. moust London ed. of 1800; with the life of [v.3.] fol. enetijs, B. de Tridino,, 486. S. Apuleius, by J. L. Wilson. 88 pp. 3 pl. -- Remedil circa carnal] delectationeim. S,. Charleston, (S. C.,) B. B. Iussey, 1842. 21. unp. sin. 40. [Leydc, per Heynrict HeynL'asino d'oro, traslatato da messer. Ag- rici, 1484.] (With Aquino. Tractatus de n0lo Firenzu'ola dilatino i lingua toscano. humanitate Chriti. Leydis, 1484.) (Firenzuola. Opere,. 3.). Tractatus de humanitate Christi. 97 1. Apuleius JBarbarus. Herbarium. [Anglo-sax- sin. 40. Leydis, per Heynrici H eynrci, 1484. on text, with English translation.] ( With Anrago (Jacques tienne Victor). Promenade Leechdoms, wortc#unning, and stacraft of autour du monde, pendant 1817-1820, sur early England. Ed. by 0. Cockayne.. 1. les corvettes l'Uranie et la Physicienne. 80. London, 1864.) 2 v. 8Q. Pars, 1822. 8. Aquila Romanus. See Rutilius Lupus (P.) Aratus. [Phtenomena et diosemeia, cum'TheDe figuris sententiaru. onis scholiis et Eratosthenis catasterismis, etc. Aquinas, (Saint Thomas). See:Aquino. [Grcece.] Accesserunt annotationes in EraAquino (Saint Tommaso dh). %lavtena aurea tosthenem et hymnos Dionysii: curante J. [patrum] in quatuor eyangelistas. fol. Fell.] 238 pp. 12~. Oxonii, e theatro S/el[Aug. Find., G. Zaner, n. d. ] s. doniano, 1672. ARCHAMBAULT. ARISTOTELES. Archambault (P. J.). See Violette (J. H. subjects, by the marquis d'Argens. [With] M.) and Archambault. Dictionnaire des'two novels, Count de Ronancourt and Isabella analyses chimiques. Mendosa, and thoughts on the art of beauArcher ( Mrs. Ann). Authentic and interesting tifying the face, by Mlle. Cochois. 2 v. xxii, memoirs df Miss Ann Sheldon,. [afterwards 261 pp.; 71., 274 pp. London, D. Brown aCnd Mrs. Archer]. 4 v. 16~. London, 1790.[ others, 1747. Archer's (The) guide. [With] instructions for Argensola (Bartolom6 Leonardo de). Conthe use of the bow; [also] a history of the qvista de las islas Malvcas. 6 p. 1., 407 pp. long-bow. By an old toxophilite. [anon.] fol. Madrid, A. Martin, 1609. xii, 178 pp. Ipl. 160. London, T. Hurst, ~ Discovery and conquest of the Molucco 1833. and Philippine Islands. 3 p. 1., 260 pp., 4 1., Archiac (Ptienne Jules Adolphe, J7comte d'). 1 map. sm. 4~. London, 1708. (In SteHistoire des progrs de la g6ologie de 1834 vens, John. New collection of voyages and a 1845. 5 v. 80...Paris, L. Martinet, 1847-53. travels.) s. Argensola (Lupercio Leonardo de). InforArchilochus. Iambographorum principis re- macion de los sucesos del reino de Aragon, en liquime. Edidit J. Liebel. Ed. repetita. xvi, los anios de 1590 y 1591. 8 p. 1. 232 pp. 8~. 280 pp. 8~. Lipsice, I. C. Somnme, 1818. Madrid, imp. real, 1808. Archimedes. I teoremi sulla sfera, e sul ci- Argenville (Antoine Joseph D6zallier d'). lindro; quello della misura de cerchio; e le See Dezallier d'Argenville. note critiche e geometriche, [da V. Flauti]. Argis (Antoine Gaspard Boucher d'). Prin75pp. 80. Najpoli, 1852. ( With Euclid. cipes sur la nullit6 du mariage, pour cause Elemienti di geometria, ed. Napoli, 1852, v. d'impuissance. Par M "' avocat en parle2.) s. ment. Avec le traitd de J. Bouhier, sur les Archivio storico italiano. Serie III. 1866. proc6dures qui sont en usage en France, pour V. 4-5. 8~. Firenze, 1866. la preuve de l'impuissance de l'homme. Et Arco ( Giambattista Gherardo, Conte d'). quelques pieces: curieuses sur le meme sujet.' Dell' armonia politico-economica tra la citt' e [anon.] xiv, 388 pp., 3 1. 160. Londres, il suo territorio; 1, sulla populazione. 2, 1756. dell' annona. (v. 30.) Dell' influenza del Argosy (The); a magazine, of tales, travels, coinercio sopra i talenti e i costumi; Risposta essays, and poems. v. 2-4. 80. London, al quesito, se in una stato di terreno fertile, Strahan, 1866-7. favorir debbasi maggiormente l'estrazione del- Argiielles (Agustin de). ExSmen historico le materie prime, ovvero quella della mani- de la reforila. constitutional que hicieron las fatture; Del diritto ai transiti. v. 31. (Scrit- c6rtes generales y estraordinarias, 1810tori class. ital. di econ. pol. v. 30-31.) 1813. 2 v. viii, 479 pp.; vii, 459 pp. 8~. Arenhold (Silvius Johannes). Conspectus Londres, Carlos Wood e hijo, 1835. bibliothecte universalis epistolarvm. [Epis- Argumentum anti-Normanicum; or, an artolographi.] 4~. lrHainoverice, 1746. s. gument proving from ancient histories and Aretin (Johann Christoph Anton Maria, Frei- records that William, Duke of Normandy, herr von). Beytriige zur geschichte und lite- made no absolute conquest of England by ratul, vorzfiglich aus don Scbhitzen der Cen- the sword. [anon]. 5 p. 1. 164 pp. 1 pl. tralbibliothek zu Mfinchen. [Codices greeci 12~. London, John Darby, 1682. MSS. recensiti et notis illustrati ab I. Hardt.] Aristoteles. De animalibvs, interprete Theo9 v. 8~. Miinchen, 1803 —07. s. doro Gaza. 6 p. I. unp. 106 1. fol. VeArfwedson (Carl David). Colonia Nova netiis, J. & G. de Gregoriis, 1492. Svecia in Americalm borealem deducta, his- - Commentary illustrating the poetic'of toriola. 2 pl. 34 pp. 1 map. 4~. Upsalice, Aristotle, by examples f, orm the modern poets. 1825. - [With] a new and corrected edition of the Argens (Jean Baptiste de Boyer, Marquis d'). translation of the poetic. By Henry James Philosophical visions. Translated from the. Pye. xvi, 564 pp., 5 1. [1 pl. inserted.] French. [anon]. xxvi, 235 pp. 160. Lon- 4~. London, J. Stockdale, 1792. don, R. Grifiths, 1757. On fallacies; or the sophistici elenchi. and Cochois (Mllee-). New memoirs, [Gr.] With a translation and notes, by Ed — a critical inquiry into the-nature of friendship' ward. Poste. viii,'252 pp. 80. London. and happiness, and essays on other important. Macmillacn & Co., 1866. 13 ARIZONA ASHER. Arizona. Journalsofthesecondandthirdlegis- partie des actes de la diplomatie franCaise, lative assembly. December sessions, 1865-66. 1784-1830. 2e 6d. vii, 576 pp. 8~. Paris, 258 pp.; 269 pp. 8~. Prescott, 1866. A. Le Clerc & Ce., 1839. s. Arlincourt (Victor,'Vicomte d'). Ipsibo6, -Histoire de pape L6on XII. 2 v. xxvii, translated from the French. 2 v. viii, 284pp.; 449 pp.; 465 pp. 8~. Paris, A. Le Clerc, 270 pp. 180. London, J. Robins & Co., 1823. 1843. S. -. The renegade, translated from the Histoire de pape Pie VIII. xl, 469 pp. French. 2 v. viii, 256 pp; 272 pp. 18~. 80~. Paris, A. le Clerc, 1844. s. London, J. Robins & Co., 1822. Artedi (Peter). Bibliotheca ichthyologica, seu Armstrong (John, poet and physician). The historialitteraria ichthyologie. Emendata et art of preserving health; a poem. 59 pp. 16~. aucta a Iohanne Iulio Walbaum. 3 p. 1. 230 London, 1756. [Select collection of modern pp. 80. Grypeswaldicl, A. F. Roese, 1788. poems. 16~. Edinburgh, 1758.] (Artedi, Ichthlyologime, part I.) s. ~- -The same. 99 pp. 16G. London, T. ------ Philosophia ichthyologica. Emendata Cadell, 1763. - et aucta a Iohanne Iulio Walbaum. 3 p. 1. Armstrong (M. K.) History and resources of 196 pp. I pl. 8~. Grypeswaldice, A. F. Roese, Dakota, Montana, and Idaho. 72 pp. 1 map. 1789. (Artedi. Icl!thyologie, partII. With 16~. Yankton, (D.T.,) G. W. Kingsbury, 1866. preceding.) s. Armstrolng (Robert, C.E.) Chimneys for fur - Synonymia piscium grmca et latina naces, fire-places, and steam boilers. 64 pp. emendata, aucta atque illustrata. Accedit 1 pl. 16~. London,. E.& F. N. Spon, 1866. disputatio de veterum scriptorum hippopoArmy, and Navy Journal, August, 1866, to tamo. Auct. Ioh. Gottl. Schneider. viii, 352 August, 1S57. v. 4. 4. 4~. ew York, W. F. pp., 4 1. 3 pl. 40.- Lipsic, 1789. s. Ch'r)ch, 1867. -Arthur (Robert, M. D.) Some suggestions Arnold (George). Poems, grave and gay. 214 concerning the nature and treatment of decay. pp. sq. 160. Boston, Ticknor & Fields, 1867. of the teeth. 70 pp. 12~. Baltimore, J. Arnold (Isaad N.) The history of Abraham M-Turphy & Co., 1867. Lincoln and the overthrow of slavery. 736 - Treatise on the use of adhesive gold foil. pp. 1 pl. 8~. Chicago, Clarke & Co., 1866. 86 pp. 80~. Philadelphia, Jones, White & Arnold (Matthlew). Heinrich Heine. 64 pp. McCurdy, 1857. 18~. Philadelphia, F. Leypoldt, 1863. Articles of agreement between the lord proArnoudt (Rev. P. J.) Imitation of the sacred prietary of Maryland and the proprietarys of heart of Jesus. Translated from the Latin Pensilvania, &c., touching the limits and by Rev. J, A. M. Fastre. xxii, 774 pp. 1 pl. boundaries of the two provinces, with the 12~. Cincinnati, J. P. Walsh, 1865. commission constituting certain persons to Arretinus. See Aretinus. execute the same. 19 pp. folio. Map. PhilaArrianus. Voyage round the Euxine sea;. delphia, B. Franklin, 1733. translated and accompanied with a geographi- Asbjbrnsen (P. Christian). Norske huldrecal dissertation. Added, discourses: I. On eventyr ag folkesagn. 2en udgave. v. 1. the trade to the East Indies; II. On the dis- xxx, 301 pp. 120. Christiania, P. F. Steenstance. which the ships of antiquity usually balle, 1859. s. sailed in 24 hours; III. On the. measure of Ash (Simeon). See Ball (Rev. John). Letter the Olympic stadium. [By William Fal- of many'ministers in old England. 1643. coner, M.-D.] 222 pp. 1 pl. 2 maps. 40. Ash (Thomas). Carolina; or a description of Oxford, J. Cooke, 1805. s. the present state of that country, and the natuArt (l') de v6rifier les dates des faits historiques, ral excellencies thereof. [anon.].2 p. 1. 40;etc. [anon;] 3e6d.,C[parAntine,Cl6mentetc.] pp. sm. 40. London, 1682. 3 v., fol.. Paris, A. Joinbert, 1783-87. s. Ashburner, (W.) See California. GeologiArt Journal [of London]. New series. v. 5. cal survey. Jan.-Dec., 1866. 40. London, Virtue, 1866. Ashe (Thomas). The spirit of " The book";'or Artaud de Montor (Alexis - Fran9ois, le che- memoirs of Caroline, princess of Hapsburgh. valier), Histoire de Dante Alighieri. vi, 2d ed. 3 v. 80. London, Allen & Co., 1811. 635 pp. 3 pl. 8~. Paris, Adrien. le Clerc, Asher (A.) Bibliogra-phical essay on the col1841. -.. s. lection of voyages and travels edited by Le- Histoire de la; vie et des travaux poli- vinus Hulsius and his successors, 1598 to 1660. tiques du comte d'Hauterive, comprenant une 1118 pp. 4G. - Berlin, A. sher, 1839. 14: ASHER. AUCHER.. Asher (G. M.) A list of the maps and charts Containing sketches of the ministerial laborof New-Netherland, and of the views of New- ers, [etc.,] of that period. 2d ed. 435 pp. Amsterdam. A supplement to his biblio- 1 p]. I, hkiliacl. eltpaa, Pekip ne & ggraphical essay on New-Netherland. 22, 120 gins, 1860. pp.,'251. 40, Amsterdam, F. iiller, 1855. Atlantio Monthly; a magazine of literature, Asher (Rev. Jeremiah). An autobiography; art, and politics. January to Dec. 1867. v. with details of a visit to England, and some 19-20, 80. Boston, Ticknor & Fields, 1867. account of the Meeting st. Baptist church, Atlas de 1' arch6ologie du nord, repr6sentant Providence, R. I., and of Shiloh Baptist des &chantillons de l'age de bronze et de church, Philadelphia. x, 227 pp. 1 pl. 16~. l'age de fer, 10 pp. V2 pl. 4,. Copenague, Philadelphia, J. Asher, 1862. Thiile, 1857. Asheton (William, D..D.) The royal apology; Attersoll (RevWilliam). The badges of chrisor, an answer to the rebel's plea. 2d ed, 4 tianity; or, a treatise of the sacraments fully p.l., 59 pp. London, Robert Clavel, 1686. declared out of the word of God. 11 p. 1.; Ashhurst (Joln, Jr.,. D.) Injuries of the 392 pp., 24 1. sm. 40. Lon.don, W, agspine, with an analysis of nearly 400 cases. gard, 1606. 127 pp. 12o, Phila.delphia, J. B. Lippincott Atwater (Caleb). Essay on education, 123 d& Co., 1867. Cincinnati, Kendall & Henry, 1841. Aslak Bolt. Jordebog: fortegnelse over jor-..Mysteries of Wgashington c:ty, during degods og andre herligheder tilllhrende several months of the session of the 28th Conerkebiskopstolen, i nidaros, Efter original- gress. 218 pp. 18. Washington, G. ASage, haandskriftet udgivet af P. A. Munch. vii, 142 1844. pp. 8o. Christiania, C: Grdndahl, 1852. s. Atwater'(Lymgn H, ) Manual of eleimentary Assigny (Marius d'), See Gaultruche. logic. 244 pp. 120. Philad~elphia, J. B. Assuranoe (The) Magazine. V, 1-2, 80~. ippincott & Co., 1867, Lonidon, 1850-51. (Institute of Actuaries.) Atwell (Rev. B, W.) Principles of elocution Asta-Buruaga (Francisco Solano). Diccion- and vocal culture; [with] rles for correct ario jeografico republica de Chile. reading [etc]. 98 pp. 12:. Providence, viii, 421 pp, 120. Xueva York, D. Apple- Bangs Williams News Co., 1867. ton & Co., 1867. Atwood (D. T., Architect), Rules of proporAstley (Philip). System of equestrian educa- tion; compiled and original; and adapted to tion, exlibiting the beauties and defects of the modern practice. v. 1. 71 pp. 5 pl. 12., horse. 7th ed. xii, 197 pp., 0 lOp. 8~. Dub- [New York], Author, 1867. lin, T. Burnside, 1802. Atwood (George, F. RI. S.) Treatise on the Astonishing (An) affair. The Rev. Samuel rectilinear motion and rotation of bodies. xv, Arnold cast and tried for his cruelty. By 436 pp. 8 pl. 80, Cambridge, (Eng) J. Philandros. [pseeedon.] 168 pp, 1 pl, 18~. Archdeacon, 1784, s. Concord, (X. H.,) Luther Roby, 1830. Aubert (E.) Omn mundtlig rettergang og Astrop (Robert Francis), Original poems, edsvorne. v, 688 pp. 8~, Crstaiania, P. interspersed with tales. 132 pp. 16~. Phila- T. Malling, 1849. delphia, Carey & Hart, 1835. Aubeuf (Vertot d'), See Vertot d'Aubeuf. Athenaeumn (Tle); a journal of literature, Aubigne (Thdodore Agrippa d'), Aventures science, and the fine arts, July, 1866 to du baron de Faeneste. ouv. dd revue et June 1867, 2 v. 40. London, 18i6-7. annotee par Prosper WMrim6e. xx, 348 pp. Atheneum (Tle); or spirit of the English 16~. Paris, P. Jannet, 1855. magazines, [!st series.] v. 1-11. 8~. -Bos- Aubinac (F-rpnois Hddelin, abbe d'). Des ton, 1817-22. (v. I and 8 wanting.) satyres, brvtes, moastres, et d mons; de Athenian sport; or, two thousand paradoxes levr nature et adoration. 16o. Paris, 1627. merrily argued, to amuse and divert the age. Auburn (N, Y.) Boyd's Auburn directory, By a.ember of the Athenian Society. [anon.] [with] business directory of Cayuga co., xxxii, 544 pp. 12~. London, B. Bragg, 1707. 1867-68, Compiled by A. & W. H. Boyd. Atkinson (Edward), On the collection of 286 pp. 1 map, 12 A. Auburn, A. & W. H. revenue. 70 pp, 8~. Boston, A. Williams Boyd, [1867.] & Co., 1867. Aucher (Paschal, D. D.) A grammar, ArAtkinson (Riev John). Memorials of Method- menian and English. [2d ed.] 2j31 pp. 129. ism in New Jersey, from 1770 to [1790]. Venice, Armenia press, 1832. s. :AUCTORES. AY-ORA. Auoctores Historie Ecclesiastie'a..:fol. Basilee, viii, 304 pp. 1 pl. 16~. London, Long1523.:s. man, 18192. CONTENTS. Aurifodina:; or, adveitures in the gold:region. By Cantell-A. -Bigly. [pseudon.] 120. New Eusebii Pamphili libri ix. tuffino interiprete. York, 1849. s. uffini Aq~uileiensis libriii. W Austtra., Notes sur 1' 61evage du b6tail des Item ex Theodoreto, Sozomeo, et Socrate libri xii. Versi ab Epiphanio scholastico, abbreviati -per espces bovine, ovine et porcine de lempire Cassiodorum. d'Autriche. xv, 102 pp. 6 pL 8~. 80. Paris, Didot, 1856. s.'Andiniet-Serviile (3Jean Guillaume). His- Topographisches post lexicon des kron-toire naturelle des d insectes. Orthopttres. landes Oesterreich unter der Enns. xii, 305 xviii, 776 pp. 14 pl. col 80. P8. aris, Boret, pp. 8~. Wien, k. hof-und staatsdr'uckerei, 1839. s. 1864. -—..-:See Amiyot andi Audinet'-Seirville.;Austrius Ru eaquensis (Sebastian). See CorAudouiin (Jean Victor), and ldwards ('Henri nelius. De pu'erorum norbis. Milne). Recherches pour servir a l'histoire Authentic biography of Colonel -Richard M. nahturelle dulittoral de la France. 2 v. 406 pp. Johnson. f[anon.] -107 pp. 12~. New York, 6 miaps, &c.; 290 pp. 4 tab. 8 pl. 80. Henry Mason, 1833. Paris, Crocharl, 1832-34. s. Authentic:and interesting memoirs of Mrs.:Clarke, [with] Wardle's chabrges relative to CONTENTS.:the Duke of York, and minutes of evidence. From authentic documents. [anon.] 371 pp V. 1. ~Voyage i'ranvill'e, aux iles'Ghausey:et d 80. Boston,:J. Belcher, 1809.'Saint Malo. SAuthentic;narrative:of the Seminole war and V. 2. Ann6lides.:Considtrations sur 1'6tat actuel des:pches maritimes en France, par -M. Milne miracUlous escape of Mrs. Mary Godfrey and Edwards. her four children, [also] nmassacre of wvhites'moire' surla'pche dle la'morue' Terre neu've, par by indians and negroes in Florid. [anon.] M.% M:inm'e'Ediwlards., 24 pp. 8~. Providence, (1R. I.) 1836. Authentic (The) records of the court of Eng-;Aughey (;Rev. John H.) -The iron fiurnace: or land, for the last seventy years [1761-1831 ]. slavery and secession. 296-pp.:12. Phil- [anon.] 395 pp. 8~. Liondon, J. Phillips, adelphia,:J. S. Claxton, 1865. 1832. August (E. F.) Vollstaindige logaritlmische Auton, Autun, Authon, -(Jehan d') or Danton. und'trigonometrische tafeln, &c.' 4e anfl.;Chroniques, avec une notice, et des notes, par x, 225 pp. 180. Berlin, Veit & Co., 1857. P. L. Jacob, bibliophile. [:Paul Lacroix.] s. 4 v. 80. Paris, Silvestre, 1834-5. Augusta, Hallowell, and Gardiner directory, Aviler (Augustin Charles d').. Cours d' arclli-for 1867-68. By Langford & Chase. 182, tecture, qui:comnprend les ordres de vignole, 32 pp. 12~. Augusta, (Me.,) Pierce Bros.,:avec des commentaires, et tout ce qui:regarde i867. 1' art de:btir. Nouv.6-d. 4~. Paris, J. Masr-:A:ugustin (Antonio). See Agustin (Antonio). riette, 1738. s. Augustinus (Aurelius, Saint). Sermones de AVogadro (Amedeo). Fisica de corpi ontempore. fol. Basilee, 1495. s derabili; ossia trattato della costituzione general de cori. 4 v. 8% TYorino, stamperia Sermones de sanctis.'fol. Basilee, 1495. eral d rp (With preceding.) s. reale, 1837-4. -A:wful: calamities,:or the shipwreclks of Decem-'SUguStilnus Triumhphus~ de Ancona. Summa u tnus nphus, de Ancona. Su her, 1839, on the coast of Massachusetts. 5th:de suima potestate ecclesiastica. 469i1.'fol. Aucguqste, [J.:Sch-uisslt:er]3, 141-3. s. ~ sAydelott (B. P., 1D. D.) -Ethics:fr our'counlt try and.the times. 9214 Ppp. i120. i Cintorique,:;g6ographiqu, et biographique des nati, B. W. Carroll & Co, 1866. croisades, upubi *par;J. P. M-ligne. cxcv,, Ayora (Gonzalo). Cartas escribialas al rey 1042- pp. 8~. TParis, J. P. Miyne, 1852. Don Fernando en el:afio;1503 desde el RoselAuintiint lere,;containing aphoristical:andpre- Ion, sobre el estado de -la guerra con los ceptive paissges friinm trhe works of enminent Franceses. Dalas a luz D. G. V.:-88 pp. 8~. English autholrs of the l6th and 1i7th cenituries. M1adrid, jSancha, -1794. s. 16 BABBAGE. BAERLE. Babbage (Charles). Observations on the tem- Considerations touching the pacification of the church of England. pie of Serapis at Pozzuoli, near Naples, etc.; Considerations touching the plantation in Treland. with a supplement, Conjectures on the phys — Discourse of the union of England and Scotland. t Fragment of an essay, of famre. ical condition of the surface of the moon. 42 Letter and discourse to Sir H. Savill, touching helps h80. London, athor, 1847. ~~ol.S. for the intellectual powers. pp. 8~. London, ator, 1847. s. Letters. Babbidge (Rev. Charles). The claims of con- Observations upon a libel, 1592. Proposition to the King, touching the compiling and gregational churches; a centennial address, amendment of the lawes of England. being a vindication of the rights of the first Report of Dr. Lopez, his treason. church in Pepperell, Mass. 8~. 44 pp. Bos- c. ton, -s l14Bacon (George Washington), and Larkins ton, Crosby& 2~richols, 1847. Bab b de Becny. F (William George). Descriptive handbook of Babie de Bercenay (Franuois), and BeauAmerica. viii, 392 pp. 2pl. 2 maps. 12. mont (L.) Galerie militaire, ou notice hisLondon G. W. Bacon & Co. [1866]. torique sur les g6neraux, les amiraux, etc., aco mma ls armes aaises depuis Bacon (Leonard, D. D.) Slavery discussed qui ont commande les armdes franpaises aepuis.. in occasional essays, from 1833 to 1846. 241 le commencement de la r6volutionjusqu'A pre-, sent. 7 v. 160. Parcis, 1805. -. pp. 12~. New York, Baker & Scrbibn er, 1846. sent v 1. Pais, 18. S Baddeley (F. H.) Geognosy of a part of the:Eachaumont (Franvois le Coigneux de). Saguenay country. 79, 116 pp. [ With Que(Euvres. See Chapelle (C. E. L.) Bachiller y Morales (Antonio). Protuario bec, Lit. & hist. soc. Transactions. v. 1.] Bachiller y Morales (Antonio). Prontuario --- — The same. Partie gcognostique d'une de agricultura general para el uso de los lab- The same. Partie go t exploration du territoire du Saguenay. 7-66 radores i haciendados de Cuba. 8~. Habana % Bache (Alexander P.) D1856scussion of the pp. [ With Canada, Rapport des commissaires pour explorerle Saguenay.] Bache (Alexander D.) Discussion of the magLocalities of metallic minerals in the netic and meteorological observations made Canadas. 332to426 pp. [With Quebec, at Girard College in 1840-45. Third section, lit. & hist. sec. Transactions. v. 2.] comprising parts vii-ix. Vertical force. 70 lit. & st. soc. Transactions. v. 2.] Baden (Gustav Ludvig). Dansk-norsk histo-,pp.4 [W n Sin. t]. 1863. (I rislk bibliothek, indeholdende efterretning om Sillithsonian contrib. to knowl. v. 14.) ithsonian contrib. to knowde skrifter, som bidrage til dansk-norskl hisThe same. Fourth section. Parts x-xii. *i *n totaf 4p.4toriekundskab. 7 p. 1. 358 pp. 18~. Odense, Dip and total force. 41pp. 40. [ Washing- a..S. Heurpel, 1815. s. ton, Sm. Inst]. 1864. (In Smithsonian conBaden (Jacob). Fuldstaendig tydsk og danssk trib. to knowl. v. 14.) ordbog. Med en fortale om det tydske sprogs, -~ - Observations at the magnetic and meteorological observatory at Girard college, etc. 2 v. xxiv 1536 pp.; 1224 pp. 1840-45. 1 v. in 3. 8~. 3,213pp. atlas, 210 Kjjbenhavt, Gyldendal, 1787-97. - -- [See Amberg (H. C.) Fuldstnendig pl., oblong fol. Washington, Topographical - phical 7dansk og tydslk ordbog]. bureau, 1847. s. *..Baden. Amtliche beitrige zur statistik der Backer (Augustin et Alois). Bibliothsque des staats finanzen des grossherzogthums Baden. 5crivains de la compagnie de Jesus, ou notices. xi, 392 pp. 40. HKarlsruhe, C.. F Miiller, bibliographiques. v. 1-7. 80. Litge, 1853-61. 1851. s. Bacon (Francis, lord). Essays, with annota- Uebersicht der strafrechts pflege im tions by Richard Whately. xx, 536 pp. 80. Yor, C.. rans * CD grossherzogthum Baden wahrend das jahr New York, C. S. Francis & Co. 1857. s. 1829. xiv, 96 pp. 40. Carlsruhe, C. F. Essays, with a skletch of his life and 12i.xer 1830 s character, [etc. ] and portions ofthe annotations A I The same for 1830. xii, 131 pp. 4~ of Archbishop Whately. By J. R. Bovd. 426 Heidelberg, C..F. WiFter, 1831. ( With precedpp. 120. New York, A. S. Barnes & Co. 1867. ing). s Resuscitatio; or, bringing into public Baer (Friedrich Carl). Essai historique et light several pieces of the works, hitherto sleep- 2e 6d. critique sur l'Atlantique des anciens. 2~ d. ing, of Francis Bacon, with life. By William 114 pp. 2 maps. 8~. Avignon, Seguin, 1835. -s. Rawley. 12p.. 282, 122 pp. 1 pl. fol. Wl y. 12 p. 1. 282, 122 pp. 1. fol. Baerle (Caspar). Rervin per octennivm in London, W. Lee, 16557. Brasilia et alibi gestarum, sub prefectura CONTENTS. CONTENTS. illustrissimi comitis I. Mauritiu historia. Editio Advertisement touching the controversies of the church of England. 2a. Cui accesserunt Gulielni Pisonis tractatvs Advice to the King, touching Mr. Sultton's estate. do aribus et locis ii Brasilia. 5 p. 1. 644 pp., Beginning of the history of Great Britain. Confession of the faith. 10 1. 2 maps. 5 p1. Clivis, T. Silberling, 1660. 17T BAEYEI. BALDINUCCI. Baeyer (J. J.) Die kiistenvermessung und Baird, (Spencer Fullerton.) Mammals, [of ihre verbindung mit der Berlinier grundlinie. Chile] [ With Gilliss (J. IM.) U. S. ast. exped. Ausgeftthrt von der trigonometrischen abthei- v. 2]. lung des generalstabes. xx, 587 pp. 1 map. M- Mammals: birds: reptiles. [ F'ithE:mory 2 pl. 40. Berlin, F. DUiisnmler, 1849. (W. H.) Report on the U. S. and Mexican Baffled schemes. A novel. 159pp. 8~. [anon]. boundary survey. v. 2, pt. 2] Boston, Loring, 1867. -[Editor.] Outlines of general zoology. Bagay (V.) Nouvelles tables astronomiques [Reprinted from lthe Iconographic encyclopeet hydrographiques. 7, xxvi, 615, 125 pp. dia.]: xi, 502, xvipp. 8~. Atlas, 40. Tew 5 pl. 40. Paris, F. Didot, 1829.- s. Yor,. Garrigz e, 1851. 5. Bagehot (Walter). The English constitution. CONTENTS. 345 pp. 12g. London, Chcepiaan. ff11 Baird (S. F.) Fishes and Reptiles. viii, 348 pp.: 120. London, Chalnman & Itall, Cassin (,ohn). Birds. 1867. Girard (Charles). MIammals. Hialdeman (S. S.) Invertebrates. Bagster (C. Birch). The progress and pros- [Atlas wanting]. pects of Prince Edward Island. 139, xxxvi Baker (Charles). Contributions to publications pp. 120. C/harlottetotwn, J. Ings, 1861. s. of the society for the diffusion of useful knowBailey (lRev. B.) A dictionary, English and ledge, and the central society of education. Mi~alnayalim. viii, 546 pp. 80. Cottayany, Privately reprinted. vi, 404 pp. 80. [DonChurch Mission Press, 1849. S. caster, Yorkshire Inst. press.] 1842. s. Bailey (John C. WV.) Series of practical ma- Baker (George M.) Amateur dramas for parlor sonry. The secretary's special help; a mon- tleatricals, etc. 252 pp. 160. Boston, Lee itor for the secretary of the lodge. 2d ed. 95 4 Shepard, 1867. pp. 160. Chicago, J. C.. Bailey, 1867. Baker (Lafayette C.) History of the United The senior deacon's special help; a States' secret service. 704 pp. 17 pl. 80. monitor for the senior deacon of the lodge. Philadelphia, L. C. Baker, 1867. 63 pp. 160. Chicago, J. C. T. Bailey, 1866. Baker (Sir Richard). Theatrum redivivum; The worshipful master's special help; a or, the theatre vindicated. In answer to monitor for the master of the lodge. 127 pp. Alr. Pryn's histrio-mastix. 4 p. 1. 141 pp 160. Chicago, J. C. W. Bailey, 1866. 18~. London, F. Eglesfield, 1662. Bailey (J. W.) Notes on fossil fresh water Baker (Thomas). Reflections upon learning, infusoria from Oregon. [eWith t Freo mont [showing] tlie insufficiency thereof, in order (J. C.) exploring expecdition to Rocky monu- to evince the usefulness and necessity of revtains in 1842, &c., (p. 302). Ed. Washington, elation. By a gentleman. [anon].; 4th ed. 1845. s. 8 p. 1. 295 pp. 120. London, A. Bosvile, 1708. Bailey (Loring Woart). Observations on the Bakewell (Frederick C.) Great facts: a popgeology of southern New Brunswick, 1864. ular history and description of tile most 159 pp. 8. Firederickton, Assembly, 1865. s:. remarkable inventions during the present Bailey (Samuel). On the received text of century. xii, 304 pp. 1 pl. 120. London, Shakespeare's dramatic writings and its im- Koulston c T Wright, 1859. s. provement. v. 2. vi, 413 pp. 80. London, Bakewell (Robert). Introduction to geology, Longmans, 1866. comprising the elements of the science, with Baillie (Joanna). A collection of poems, chiefly an outline of the geology of England ald manuscript and from living authors. xliv, 330 Wales. Edited by Prof. Benjanin Silliman, pp. 80. London, Longsnman, 1823. with an appendix containing an outline of his --- Fugiive verses, new ed. viii,58 pp., course of lectures on geology. 1st Am. ed. 80. London, E. Moxon, 1842. xx, 400 pp. 7 pl. 8~. New Karven, K. Howe, Baiihie (Captain William). [Works: a series 1829. s. of prints and etchings, after Rembrandt, Balbuena (Bernardo de). El Bernardo, poema Ostade, Teniers, Gerard Dow, Terburg, heroyco. 3 v. 160. Madrid, Sancha, 1808. Poussin, and other old masters]. 2 v. in 1. Baldinucci (Filippo). Opere. Con note ed 60 pl., 53 pl., fol. n. p. Awthsor, [1792]. aggiunte. 14 v. 80. Milano, Soc. de clas. Baillie (William Balfour). Natural history, etc. ital., 1808-11. s. See Adams, (Arthur, etc.) CONTENTS. Baird (Spelcer Fullerton). The mammals of V. 1. Cominciamento progresso cldell'arte dell'intagliare North America. xxxiv, 764, 55 pp. 87 pl. in rane, colle vite. V. 2-3. Vocabolario toscano dell'arte del disegno. 40. Philadelphia, J. B. Lipoincott 4 Co., 1859. V. 4-14. Notizie de'profcssori del disegno da Cimabue. 9 18 BALDWIN. BANKS. Baldwin (Edward). Fables, ancient and priest of tile church of England. [anon]. modern. 4th ed. 2 v. viii, 206 pp; iv, 219 lxxxvii, 275 pp. 13 120. London, R. Sare, pp. 18~. London, Godwin 4 Co. 1815. 1710. Baldwin (Thomas). Universal pronouncing Balzac (Honor6 de). Mother and daughter; gazetteer. 8th ed. 648, 56 pp. 120. Phil- or, la Marana. iii, 36 pp. 8~. London, adelphia, E. H. Butler 4 Co., 1849. s. [1841?] [Hazlitt's romancist and novelist's Ball (John, editor). Peaks, passes, and gla- libr., v. 5.] ciers: a series of excursions by members of Balzac (Jean Louis Guez de). Letters. Transthe alpine club. 5th ed. xiii, 328 pp. 1 map. lated out of French into English by Sir Richard 12~. London, Longmacn, 1860. s. Baker and others. 4 v. in 1. 8 p. 1. 477 pp. Ball (Rev. John). A letter of many ministers 1 pl. 160. London, J. Williams, 1654. in old England, requesting the judgment of Bampton lectures, 1865. See Mfozley (Rev. their reverend brethren in New England con- J. B.) cerning nine positions, written A. D. 1637. Bancroft (Aaron, D. D.) An essay on the life Together with their answer thereunto re- of George Washington. vii, 552 pp. 1 pl. turnedl, 1639. And the reply made unto the 8~. Worcester, Thomas 4 Sturtevant, 1807. said answer, and sent over, 1640. Published ~ Life of George Washington. 2 v. 223, by Simeon Ash and William Rathband. 6 p. 1. 218 pp. 180. Boston, T. Bedlington, 1826. 90 pp. sm. 40. London, Thomas Vnderhill, Bancroft (Edward, M. D.) Experimental 1643. researches concerning the philosophy of perBallantyne (Robert Michael). Hudson's Bay; manent colours; and the best means of proor, every-day life in the wilds of North Amer- ducing them, by dyeing, calico printing, etc. ica, during six years' residence in the terri- 2 v. xlv, 401 pp; 394 pp. 8~. Philadelphia, tories of the Hudson's Bay company. 3d T. Dobson, 1814. s. ed. 16~. Londonv, T. Nrelson 4- sons, 1859. Bancroft (George). Joseph Reed; a historical s. essay. 64 pp. 8~. NSew York, W. J. WidBallier (Gertrude). A week on an iceberg. Nar- dleton, 1867. rative of the sufferings of Herman and Gertrude Bandello (MIatteo). Romeo and Juliet; or, the Ballier, who, eloping firom England, sailed on lovers of Verona. Translated from the Italian. the ill-fated ship Monarch of the Sea, which 18 pp. 8~. London, 1841. [Hazlitt's romanstruck an iceberg in mid-ocean and sunk, with cist and novelist's libr., v. 3.] over 700 souls. 48 pp. 80. Philadelphia, Bandiera (Alessandro M.). Novelle. (Novelle C. WT. Alexander, [1866]. de autori senesi. v. 2. 18~. Miiilano, 1815.) The same. Woche auf einem eisberge. Bandini (Angiolo Maria). Catalogvs codievwn Begebenheit der leiden von Hermann und Ger latinorvm et italicorum bibliothecae mediceae trude Ballier. 48 pp. 80~. Philadelphia, lavrentianae. 5 v. fol. i'lorentice, 1774-78. s. C. WV. Alexander, [1866]. Bandini (Salustio Antonio). Discorso economBaltimore. 1st, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 12th, 17th, ico; con elogio, scritto da G. Gorani. (Scrit20th, 21st, 23d to 30th, and 32d annual reports tori class. Ital. di econ. pol., v. 1.) of the commissioners of public schools. 18 v. Bankers' magazine and statistical register. (in 3). 8~0. Baltimisore, 1829 —61. s. Edited by J. S. Homans. 3d series, July, Baltimore Bar. Catalogue of the law library 1866, to June, 1867, v. 1; complete series, v. of the library company of the Baltimore bar, 21. 80~. Newz York, J. S. Homans, 1867. compiled by S. Campbell Dolry. 143 pp. 8~. Bankes (John). A short critical review of the Baltimolre, J. D. Toy, 1860. s. political life of Oliver Cromwell. [anon]. 4 Baltimore city directory, 1859-60. By W. p. 1. 272 pp. lpl. 12~. London, J. Hodges, 1739. Eugene Ferslew. 237 pp. 80. Baltimore, Banks (Abraham). Medical etiquette. xvi, Sherwood 4 Co. 1859. s. 104 pp. 160. London, C. Pox, 1839. Baltimsore library company. Catalogue of Banks (John). Cyrus, the great; or, the tragbooks, etc. xxvi, 196 pp. 80. Baltimore, edy of love. 4 p. 1. 57 pp. 2 1. sin. 40~. Edes 4c Leakin, 1809. s. London, B. Bentley, 1696. Baltimore mercantilelibrary. Catalogue, 1851. Destruction of Troy; a tragedy. 4 p. 1. 338 pp. 80. Baltimore, J. T. Woods, 1851. 75 pp. I 1. sm. 4~. London, C. Bloeunt, 1679. Baltus (Jean Fran9ois). A continuation of the The innocent usurper; or, death of Lady answer to the history of oracles, [of Fonte- Jane Grey. A tragedy. 4 p. 1. 60 pp. sin. nelle]. Translated from the Flrench. By a 4~. London, R Bentley, 1694. BANKS. BARGRAVE. Banks (John). Mary, queen of Scotland. A volunteer. [anon]. 312pp. 1 pl. 120. Ncew tragedy. (orig. ed.). 2 p. 1. 70 pp. sm. 4~. York,. A. Brady, 1864. [London, about 1696]. [imp.; title wanting]. Barberi (J. Philippe). Grammaire des gram~-. The same. The Albion queens. (al- maires italiennes, 61dinentaire, raisonnde, tered). 3 p. 1. 64 pp. sm. 40. London, B. rnmthodique et analytique; ou cours complet Wellington, [about 1696.] de langue italienne. 2 v. xxxii, 401 pp; 482 The rival kings. A tragedy. 5 p. 1. 54 pp. 8~. Paris, Eymnzery, 1819. s. pp. sm. 40~. London, L. C., 1677. Barbeyrac (Jean). Trait6 de la morale des The unhappy favorite; or, Earl of Essex. pbres de l'dglise. xliv, 334 pp. 40. AmsterA tragedy. 4 p. 1. 73 pp. 2 1. sm. 4~. Lon- dam, Pierre de Coup, 1728. don, B. Bentley, 1682. Barbier (Hippolyte). Biographie du clerg6 Vertue betray'd; or, Anna Bullen. A contemporain, par un solitaire. [pseudonr]. tragedy. 4 p. 1. 79 pp. 1 1. Sm. 40. Lon- 10 v. 18~. Paris, A. Appert, 1840-51. don, B. Bentley, 1682. [V. 10 wanting.] Banks (T. C.) Copies and translations of the Barchou do Penhodn (Auguste Thdodore royal charters by which the territories of Nova Hilaire, baron). L'Inde sous la domination Scotia and Canada, with the islands and seas nglise. 2v. xii, 82pp;455pp. Paris, adjacent, were granted, in 1621, 1625, and Guiraulet et Jouaust, 1844. 1628, to the Right Hon. Sir William Alexan- Barclay (John). Argenis, nnC primum illusder. 3, 62 pp. fol. London, Ridcagoy, 1831. trata. Archombrotus et Theopompus, sive Bannister (Rev. James). A view of the arts Argenidis secunda et tertia pars. 2 v. 13 p. 1. and sciences, from the earliest times to the 637 pp. 7 l; 16 p. 1. 624 pp. 81. 120. Lugd. ageof Alexanderthe Great. vii, 124pp. 12~. Batac., Hack, 1664-69. Londofn, J. eBell, 1785. Barclay (John). Memoirs of the rise, proBaptist (The) confession of faith, to which is gress, and persecutions of the people called added a short treatise of church discipline. qualers in the north of Scotland. (Appenldix, 108 pp. 180. Portland, Thomas Baker Wait, pp. 191-451, to Jaifay, (Alex.) Diary, etc. 1794. 3d ed. 40~. Aberdeen, 1856.) Baraga (Rev. Frederic). A dictionary of the vBarclay (Robet). An apology ior the quaOtchipwe language; spoken by the Chippewa kers; being a full explanation and vindicaInldiatns, as also by t~h~e Ota~was, Potawatamis, tion of their principles and doctrines. 4th ed. and Algonquins, with little difference. vii 8 ondon, 1701. 662 pp. 12~0. Cicinnati, J. A. Hemann, The same. 5th English ed. 7 p. 1. 574 1853. s. pp. 11 1. 8~. London, T. Sowle, 1703. Barbachano (Tomas Azmar), and Carbo Bdrdy(Rudolph C.) Das meuchelmdrdelische (Juan). Memoria sobre la conveniencia y haus Hapsburg-Lothringen; odel, der durch necesidad de eriger constitucionalmente en die oesterreichische regierung gegen Ludwig estado de la confederation miexicana el an- Kossuth, den gouverneur von Ungarn, beabtiguo distrito de Campeche. 8~. Mexico, sicltige, doch entdeckte und verhinderte 1861t.,. meuchelmord. Aus dem ungarischen original Barbarities of the enemy, exposed in a report ubersetzt von Slluel hudviggh. 198 pp. 160. of the committee of the house of represen- Baltimore, J. W. AMiidler, 1851. s. tatives of the United States, appointed to Baretti (Joseph). Dictionary, Spanish and enquire into the spirit and manner in which English, English and Spanish. New ed. 840 the war has been waged by the enemy. 192 pp. 40. London, F. Wringrave and others, 1794. pp. 160. WTorcester, Remark Dunnell, 1814. Barfuss (Friedrich W.). Optik, catoptrik und Barbault (J.) Les plus beaux monumens de dioptrik. Eim populires handbuch. xxiv, Rome ancienne, dessinds et grav(s en 128 526 pp. 41 pl. 120. Weimar, B. E. Voigt, planches, avec leur explication. viii, 89 pp. 1839. s. fol. -Rome, Boucharcd4 Gravier-, 1761. Bargagli (Scipione). Novelle. (Novelle di [Imp., wanting pl. 56.] autori senesi. v. 2. 180. Milano, 1815.) Barber (John W.) anld Howe (Henry). All Bargrave (John, D. D.) Pope Alexander the the western states and territories, their his- seventh and the college of cardinals. With tory, with geographical descriptions, etc. 704 catalogue of Dr. Bargrave's museum. xxviii, pp. 8~. Cincinnati, Henry Howe, 1867. 144 pp. 1pl. sm. 40. London, 1867. [CamBarber (Joseph). War letters of a cTisbanded dem soc. pub. No. 92.] 20 BARHAM. BARR. Barlaam (Rev. Richard Harris). My cousin Barnard (Henry). Practical illustrations of Nicholas. By Thomas Ingoldsby. [pseudon.] the principles of school architecture. 175 pp. New ed. viii, 360 pp. 160. London, Rout- 8~. Hartford, Case, Tiffany 4- Co. 1851. s. ledge 4- Co., 1856. editor. The American journal of educaBaring-Gould (Sabine). Curious myths of tion. v. 1-17. 80. Hartford, 1855-67. s. the middle ages. 241 pp. 1 pl. 120. Lon- Barnard (John, D. D.) Theologo-historicus; don, Rivingtons, 1866. or the true life of the most reverend divine and ---- On household stories: appendix, (pp. excellent historian, PeterHeylyn. [Reprint.] 298-344 of HIenderson (William). Notes on [ IW'ith Heylyn, (Peter) Ecclesia restaurata, the folk lore, etc.) etc. v. 1. Cambridge,'1849.] Barker (Jacob). Incidents in the life of J. Barnard (Rev. John, of Marblehead). The imBarker, from 1800 to 1855. v, 285 pp. 2 p]. perfection of the creature, and the excellency 80. Washington, [author,] 1855. of the divine commandment. 4p. 1. 248 pp. 8~. Barker (Robert). The unfortunate shipwright: Boston, Rogers c5 FFowle, and D. Gookin, 1747. or cruel captain. A faithful narrative of the Barnard (Rev. Mordaunt Roger). Sport in unparalleldd sufferings of Robert Barker, in a Norway, and where to find it. [With] a voyage to the coast of Guinea and Antigua. short account of the vegetable productions of 40 pp. 2 pl. 12~. Lozdon, author, [1756.] the country; a list of the alpine flora of the BD.rlaeus. See Baerle. Doore fjeld and the Norwegian ferns. xvi, 334 B3rlow (Henry Clark, M. D.) Essays on pp. Ipl. 12g. London, Chalman c-Hall, 1864. symbolism. x, 144 pp. 120. London, Wil- Barnard (W. D. W. and James). Price curliams 4 Norgate, 1866. rent of Barnard & Co., [ druggists, ] importers Barlow (Joel). The columbiad, a poem. 2 v. and jobbers, Saint Louis. 124 pp. 80. St. xiv, 258; 218 pp. 160. Philadelphia, C. S Louis, C. G. Baase y Co. 1859. s. A. Conrad 4 Co. 1809. Barnes (Frederick K. joint author). See. —-- See VWatts (Isaac). Psalms carefully Watts, (Isaac, and others.) Shipbuilding. suited to the christian worship. 240. Wil- Barnes or Berners (Juliana). The gentleman's nzington, 1797. academie, or, the book of S. Albans: containBarnard (Capt. Charles H.) Narrative of ing three most exact and excellent books. sufferings and adventures in a recent voyage The first of hawking, the second of all the proround the world, [with] account of residence per terms of hunting, and the last of armorie. for two years on an uninhabited island. 266 All compiled in 1486. And now reduced into pp. 1 map, 6 pl. 80. New York, J. P. Cal- method by G. M. [Gervase Markham.] 3 p. 1. lender, 1836. 951. sm. 40~. Londor, H. Lownes, 1595. Barnard (Daniel Dewey). Speeches and re- Barnet (James). Coast pilot for the lakes on ports in the assembly of New York, 1838. xi, both shores, from Chicago to Buffalo, [etc.] 228 pp. 12~0. Albay, Oliver Steele, 1838. Fourth issue. 8~. J. LBarnet, Chicago, 1867. Barnard (Rev. Frederick A. P., D. D.) Pro- Barns (Rev. William). Sermons on the most ceedings at [his] inauguration as president of important subjects in the book of God. 350 pp. Columbia college, Oct. 3,1864. [Including his 1 pl. 120. Philadelphia, J. G. Miller, 1866. inaugural discourse.] 106 pp. 8~. N'ew Yborek, Barnum (Phineas Taylor). The humbugs of Hurd 4- Houfghton, 1865. the world. 424 pp. 120. Neew York, CarleBarnard (George). The brunnens of Nassau ton, 1866. and the river Lahn. 2 p. 1. 28 pl. fol. Lon- Barocci or Barocius (F.) See Barozzi (F.) don, T. McLeanz, [a bout 1850.] Baron (Rev. Richard). The pillars of priestcraft Barnard (Henry). Discourse in commemora- and orthodoxy shaken. 2 v. xxiii, 349 tion of the life, character, and services of the pp; xi, 340 pp. 18~. London, B. Gri1Ziths, Rev. Thomas H. Gallaudet, Hartford, Jan. 7, 1752. 1852. With appendix on deaf mute instruc- Barozzi or Barocius, (Francesco). Admirantion and institutions. 80. Ht artford, (Conn.) dvm illvd geometricvm problema tredecim 1852. s. modlis demonstratvm, etc. 269 pp. 5 1. 40. --- Educational memoirs of teachers, educa- Venetiis, J. B. Fantini, 1586. s. tors, and promoters and benefactors of educa- Barr (Capt. James). Correct and authentic tion, literature, and science. Part I. Teachers narrative of the Indian war in Florida, with and educators. v. 1. U. S. 524 pp. 26 ports. a description of Maj. Dade's massacre, [etc.] 8~. ZNcew York, P. C. _Browacel, 1859. s. 32 pp. 1i~. rNew York'l J. Naerire, 1836. 21 BARREA. BARTOLI. Barra (Justo de la.) Los dos Robinsones 6 Barry (Martin, 3. D.) Zusitze [ With Kreber aventLuras de Carlos y Fanny dos nifios in- (G. A. F.) Mikroskopische untersuchultngen, gleses abandonados en una isla de America. 1854.] s. Relacion imitada del inglds. 2' ed. 3 v. Barry (P). Shoeburyness and the guls. xiii, 180. Madridcc Malcin, 1792-97. 232 pp. 4 pl. 80. London, Lozo, 1865. Barrande (Joachim). Systeme silurien du Bartas. See Du Bartas. centre de la Boheme. le partie; recherches Barth (Call). See Longhi (J.) and Barth paldontologiques. 2 v. text. Atlas, 2 v. in (C.) Die kupferstecherei, u. s. w. s. 3. 4~. Prague, l'auteur, 1852-67. Barth (Johann August). Pacis annis 1814 et CONTENTS. 1815 fcederatis armis restitutse monumentum, v. 1. Crustaces, trilobites, xxx, 936 pp.; atlas, 51 pl. orbis terrarum de fortuna reduce gaudia genv. 2. Classe des Inollusques, ordre des c6phalopodes. xxxiv, 712 pp. atlas, 244 pl. [in 2 v.] tium linguis interpretans principibus piis feliciBarreiros or Barros (Caspar). Commentarius bus augustis, populisque victoribus liberatode Ophyra regione. 42 1. unp. 180. Botero- ribus liberatis cldicatum. 501. unp. fol. Viatisdami, Berewozut, 1616. (TWith Novus orbis, lavice, Barth et Co., (about 1815?) Roterodami, 1616.) Bartholin (Albert). Liber de scriptis DanoBarrett (Solomon, jr). The principles of gramn- rum, Norwagorum et Islandorum. See mar: a compendious treatise on the languages, fafoller (Johann), Bibliotheca, etc. s. English, Latin, and Greek. Revised ed. 204 Bartholin (Caspar). Enchiridion physicum pp. 12~0. Albany, J. MItnsell, 1848. s. ex priscis et recentioribus philosophis accuBarringer (AMrs. M. M.) Dixey cookery; or, rate concinnatum, etc. 6 p. 1. 855 pp, 351. 240~. how I managed my table for twelve years. Argentiace, E. Zetzner, 1625. s. 121 pp. 12~. Boston, Loring, 1867. De studio medico inchoando, continuBarrington (Daines). Theprobability of reach- ando, et absolvendo-consilium. [ Witih Coning the north pole discussed. 1 p. 1. 90 pp. ring (II.) Introductio in universan artena 4~. London, C. Hieydinger, 1775. medicam.] ed. 1726. s. Barrois (J.) Bibliotheque protypographique, Bartlett (Elisha, AM. D.) The history, diagou librairies des fils du roi Jean, Charles V, nosis, and treatment of the fevers of the UniJean de Berri, Philippe de Bourgogne et les ted States. 547 pp. 80~. Philacdelphia, Lea siens. xl, 346 pp. 1 pl. 4~. Paris, Treut- 4 Blanchardc., 1847. s. tel c,' tiivtz, 1830. s. Bartlett (John Russell). Dictionary of AmerBarron (Charles). Natural history, etc. See icanisms. A glossary of words and phrases Adaems (Arthur), etc. regarded as peculiar to the United States. Barron (Rev. Richard). See Baron (Rev. R.) xxvii, 412 pp. 8~. Xew Yorve, Bacrtlett Barros (Caspar). See Barreirca (Caspar). Welford, 1848. s. B3arrows (Isaac). The mathematical works. ~ A history of the destruction of his BritEdited by W. Whewell. 2 v. in 1, xix, 414 nanic majesty's schooner Gaspee in Narraganpp; 320 pp. 27 pl. 8~. Cactbridge, uni- sett bay on the 10th of June, 1772. 140 versity press, 1860. s. pp. 86. Providence, A. Crcawford Greene, The usefulness of mathematical learning 1861. explained and demonstrated, being mathe- Bartlett (Samuel C. D. D.) Life and death matical lectures at Cambridge. xxxii, 440 eternal: a refutation of the theory of annihipp. 2 pl. 8~0. London, S. Austen, 1734. s. lation. 390 pp. 12~. Boston, Ams. Tract Barrovw (Sir John). Travels in China, con- Soc. [1866.] taiing descriptions, observations, and comn- Bartoli (Pietro Santi) or Santi-Bartoli (Pietro). parisons at the imperial palace of Yuew-min- Lucernae veterum sepulchrales iconiem, ex yuen, and on a journey from Pekin to Canton. cavernis romanis subterraneis collectom, cunl 1st Am. ed. 422 pp. 8~. Philadelphia, ft. observationibus J. Petri Bellorii, [et] studio P. A'Laug7hlin, 1805. L. Begeri. 3 v. in 1. 10 p. 1. fol. Colonice Barruel (abbe Augustin de). Memoirs illustra- Mar'c7hicce, U. Liebpert, 1702. s. ting the history of Jacobinism. Translated (Imperfect, wanting 3d part, 35 pl.) fromtthe French. [By R. Clifford.] Ist Am. CONTENTS. ed. 4 v. 8~0. ~Nez York, C. Davis, 1799. v. 1. Continens varios ritus, et ludos funebres, etc. 21. 16 pp. 37 pl. Barry (Rev. Henry Boothby). Ccsar and the v.2. Cit. ge. 7tilium deos. 2 1. 15 pp. 46 pl. Britons. 3 p. 1. 174 pp. 8~. Lonzdon, Bald- v. 3. Cont. symnbola et enblemata, simul eumln Icernis sacris veterLums christianiarlmls. 2 1. 12 pp. (WanLtuin r.' Carcdoc/c, 1831. illg 35 p1). 22 BARTOLI. BAUDIER. Bartoli (Pietro Santi) or Santi-Bartoli (Pietro). 24 1. unp., sm. 4~. L-iptzick, Jac. Thanner, See Bellori (G. P.), and La Chausse, Picturie 1508. antiquoe, etc. Basire (Isaac, D. D.) The history of the Bartonl (Benjamin Smith). Memoir concerning English and Scotch presbytery. [anon]. the disease of goitre, as it prevails in different 2d ed. 23 p. 1. 240 pp. 1 p1. 160. Villa parts of North America. viii, 94 pp. 80. Phil- Franca, 1660. adelphia, author, 1800. s. Basuage dle Beauval (Jacques). Dissertation Observations on some parts of natural historique sur les duels et les ordres de chevhistory: [with] an account of several remark- alerie. Par Monsieur B...... [anon]. 8 able vestiges, of an ancient date, wvhichhave p. 1. 173 pp. 16G. Amsterdamn, P. Braunel, been discovered in different parts of North 1720. America. Part I. 8~0. 2 p. 1. 76 pp. 1 p. Basnage de Flottemanville (Samuel). Annales London, printed for the author, [1787?] politico-ecclesiastici annorum dcxlv, a Bartram (William). Voyage dans les parties Cnesare Augusto ad Phocam usque. 3 v. fol. sud de l'Amriqtueseptentrionale. Traduit de Roterodcami, R. Leers, 1706. langlois par P. V. Benoist. 2v. 457 pp; 436 Bassanville (Anais Lebrun, comntesse de). Les pp. 4 pi. 8~. Paris, Cartaret et Brosson, salons d'autre fois. Souvenirs intinles. Sdries Maradan. 1799-1801. 4. 318 pp. 160. Paris, P. Brunet, 1866. Bartsch (Adam von). Anleitung zur klpfer- Bassini (Carlo). Method for the baritone stichkunde. 2 v. in 1. viii, 292 pp.; 296 pp. voice. 4~. New York, 1858. s. 11 pl. 8~. Wiefn, J. B. Wallishausser, 1821. s Twenty melodic exercises, in form of s. solfeggios, for soprano and mezzo-soprano Catalogue raisonne de toutes les estampes voices. 62 pp. 40. \Teiw York, Wnm. Hall qui formerut l'ceuvre de Rembrandt, et ceux 4 Son, 1865. de ses principaux imitateurs; compose par Bastard de Saulieu (Madalne). Derniere ann6e Gersaint, Helle; Glomy et P. Voer. Nouv. ed. du pensionnat; entretiens sur l'histoire sainte, 2 pts. in 2 v. xlii, 302 pp. 4 pl.; 208 pp. l'histoire profane, et la littdrature, entre une 1 pl. 8~. Vienne, A. Blemaueer, 1797. s. institutrice et ses jeunes 61lves. xii, 346 pp. Le peintre graveur. 21 v. 8~. Vienne, 4 pl. 160. Paris, L. Tanet, 1826. J. V. Degen, P. Merchetti, 1803-21. s. Batemnanl (C. 1'.) Noah, and other poems. CONTENTS. 170 pp. 12~. Cincinnati, Moore, TWilstacch 4 v. 1-5. Les 6coles flamande et hollandaise. Baldwin, 1865. v. 6-11. L'6cole allemnande. B v. 12-13. L'6cole d'italie. Bates (ElislIa). The doctrines offriends; or, v. 14-15. Mare Antoine et son fcole. the principles of the christian religion as held v. 16-21. La suite de l'6cole d'Italie. - Supplmelnts au peintre-graveur re- by the society of friends, commonly called cueillis et publids par Rudolph Weigel. v. 1. quakers. vi, 244 pp. 160. London, B. Ply Peintres et dessinateurs nlerlandais. viii,' Son, 1835. 350 pp. 120. Leipzig, B. Weigel, 1843. s. Bates (Ely). Christian politics. 2d ed. xvi, [No more published.] 445 pp. London, Longizan, 1806. Bary (VElnile Louis iranyois). Nouveaux prob- Bates (Henry Walter). Naturalist on the lbmes de physique, snuivis des questions pro- river Amazons. 2d ed. xii, 466 pp. 1 map. posees au concours genbral depuis 1805 12~. London, Murray, 1864. s. jusqu'i ce jour dans les classes des physique Batines (Colomb de). Bibliografia dantesca, et de chimie. xvi, 368 pp., 2pl. 8. Paris, traduzione italiana. 2 v. in 3. 4~. Prato, L. Hachette, 1838. s. Tipografia aldinal ed, 1845-46. Baseome (Rev. H. B.) Methodism and slavery; Batterly (Rev. John). Antiquitates rutupine. with other matter in controversy between the 4 p. 1. 92 pp. 1 map, 3 pl. 8~. Oxonice, north and the south; being a review of the theatro Sheldoniano, 1711. manifesto of the majority in reply to the Batuta (Abn Abdallah Mohammed Ebn). protest of the minority of the late general Travels in Bengal and China. 129 Pp. conference of the methodist E. church, in the ( Vith Yule (Henry), Cathay, etc., v. 2. case of Bishop Andrew. 8~. Franlimfort (Ky.), Baudier (Michael). The history of the admin1845. istration of Cardlinal Ximenes, trainslated from Basilius, Magnus (Saint). De poetarum, ora- French into English, by W[alter] Vaughan. torum, historicorlque ac)1philosophortllegendis 24 p. 1. 150 pp. 1 pl. 16~. London, John libris, croin cosmensotariolo Jolhannis IHonorti. }WTVilins, 1671. 23 BAUDRIMONT. BEAUFORT. Baudrimont (A.) and Martin Saint Ange 25 maps. 8~0. Philadelpia, B. B. Ho2pkins, (Gaspard Joseph). Recherches anatomiques 1815. [Imperfect; 2 maps wanting.] et physiologiques sur le developpment du Beale (Lionel Smith). How to work with the fcetus, et en particulier sur l'evolution em- microscope. xii, 124 pp. 120. Lonldon, J. bryonnaire des oiseaux et des batraciens. Churchill, 1857. s. 224 pp. 13 pl. col. 40~. Paris, 1850. s. The microscope in its application to Baungartner (Anldreas). Anfangsgrtinde der practical medicine. 2d ed. xix, 390 pp. 1 naturlehlre. iv, 233 pp. 8~. Tie;e, J. G. col. pl. 8~. London,, J. Churchill, 1858. s. leubner, 1837. s. Beard (Thomas, D. D.) The theatre of God's Baunrgartner (J.) Die Schweiz in ihren ivdlgements; revised and augmented. 3d ed. kilampfen und umgestaltungen von 1830 bis 7 p. 1. 592 pp. 6 1. sinm. 40~. London, A. 1850. 2 v. 496 pp; 470 pp. 80. Ziirich, F. Islip, 1631. Schulthess, 1853-54. Bearzi (Jean Baptiste, Chevalier de). CataBaunstark (Edward). Volkswvirthschaftliche logue de livres rares et pr6cieux composant erliauterungen vorztiglicll iiber David Ric- (sa) bibliothbque. 2 v. in 1. xii, 221, 192 ardo's system. 80. Leipzig, 1838. s. pp. 80. Paris, E. Tross, 1855. s. Bavaria. Landes-und volksk-unde des konigs- Beatson (Robert). Political index to the hisreichs Bayern. Iearbeitet von einem kreise tories of Great Britain and Ireland; or, a bayerischer gelehrter. v. 1-3 in 6 v. 80. complete register of the hereditary honours, 3iniichen, J. G. Cotta, 1860-65. s. public offices, and persons in office, from the Baxter (Richard). Petition for peace, with the earliest periods to the present time. 2d ed. reformation of the liturgy. (Imperfect.) 96 2 v. vi, 481, 16 pp; vii, 392, 20 pp. 8~. pp. sin. 40~. London, 1661. London, G. G. J. & J. Robinson, 1788. Barxter (Rev. R., of Richmond, Va.) The most Beauchalmnp (Alphonse de). Histoire de la important tenets of the Roman catholic church guerre de la Vendee et des Chouans, depuis fairly explained. 76 pp. 120. Washi-ngton, son origine jusqu't la pacification de 1800. Davis 4S, Force, 1820. 3e 6d. 3 v. 1 map, 3 pl. 120. Paris, Giguet Baxter (Thomas). An illustration of the Egyp- et Michaud, 1809. tian, Grecian, and Roman costume. 16 pp. An authentic narrative of the invasions 41 pl. 8~. London, W. Miller, 1810. of France in 1814 and 1815, comprising a Bay (Christian Friderich). Fuldstaendigt circumstantial detail of the battle of Waterloo. dansk og engelsk haand-lexicon. Anden 2d ed. 2 v. in 1. v, 360 pp; vi, 346, xiv, forbedret udgave. 2 p. 1. 1031. pp. 120. 52 pp. 80. London, H. Colburn, 1816. Kjdbenhavn, Sebastian Po2pp, 1807. Beauchamp (M rs. Jenny). Maplehurst; or, Fuldstaendig engelsk og dansk ordbog. Canmpbellism not christianity. With an intro2 v., 2 p. 1. 1235 pp. 8~. Kjdbenhavrn B. duction by A. P. Williams, D. D. 214 pp. K. Horrebow, 1806. 160. St. Louis, P. M. Pinckard, 1867. Bayfield(H. W.) Geology of Lake Superior. Beauchamnp (Jeroboam). Confession of J. 43 pp. [ With Quebec. Lit. and histor. soc. Beauchamp, who was executed at Frankfort, trans., v. 1.] Ky., for the lurder of Col. Solomon P. Sharp, Bayley (James Roosevelt, D.D.) Brief sketch late att'y gen'l of Ky; Lalso] some poetical of the history of the Catholic church of the pieces by [his wife] Mrs. Ann Beauchamp. island of New York. 156 pp. 160. New 100 pp. 8~0. Kentucky, H.. Goodsell, [1854.] York, Dunigan 4& Bro., 1853. Beauford (William). In Vailancey (C). Bayly (Mrs. M.) Workmen and their diffi- Collectanea de rebus Hibernicis. v. 1-5. 8~. culties. vii, 235 pp. 160. Nesw York, R. Car- Dublin, 1774-90. ter & Bros., 1861. CONTIETS. Baym2a (Joseph, S.,J.) Tlhe love of christian Of the origin and language of the Irish; and of the learning of the Druids. 30 pp. [v. 2, No. 7.] perfection. Translated from the Latin. 254 Ancient topography of Ireland. 173 pp., 1 map. pp. 180. Baliore, J. Mi Co., [v. 3M No. 11.1 uaJ r.phy 4- Co., Druidism revived; or, a dissertation on the charac1865. ters and modes of writing used by the Irish in their pagan state, and ai'ier their conversion to Bayne (Peter). English puritanism: its charac- christianity. 5( pp., 7 pL. [v. 2., No. 7.] ter and history. vi, 142 pp. 80. Lonzdon,, Beanfobrt (Louis dle). La rdpublique romaine, IF. Kent 4- Co., 1862. [ 7ith Documeints ou plan g6n6ral de l'ancien gouvernement de relating to settlement of the Ch. of England.] Rome. 2 v. 12, xxxvii, 430 pp; 434 pp. 40 Bazeley (C. XV.) New juvenile atlas. 2 pts. Lca cye, N.H vCran Daale2s, 1766. 24 BEAUMARCHAIS. BEECHEE. Beaumarchais (La Barre de). See La Barre Becker (Carl Ferdinand). Das wort ill seiner de Beaumarchais (Antoine de). organischen vervwandlung. x, 299 pp. 8~. Beaumnont (tlie de). See IBie de Beau- Frankfurt a A1., J. C. He'eaicn, 1833. s. mont.. A grallimmlar of tile Germaln language. Beaunont (Gustave de). Notice sur Alexis xii, 284 pp. 8 tab. 8~. London, J. surray, de Tocqueville. [ With Tocquevflle (A. de). 1830. s. (Euvres conpleetes. v. 5. Paris, 1866]. Becker (E. D. H.) Uebersichtliche darstelBeaumont (Jeanne Le Prince de). See Le lung der gegenwrrtigen ladxndwirtlschaftlichen Prince de Beaumlzont (Jeanne). verhiltnisse der grossherzogthtiierMecuklenBeaumonnot-Vassy (:Tdouard Ferdinand vi- burg. 78 pp. 8~0. ostock, J. M. Obery, comte de). Histoire des f tats Europdens de- 1841. s. puis le congres de Vienne-Su6de et Nor- B cker (Ferdinand). Sixty-three etchings wBge-Denmark. 206pp. 8-. Paris, A4syot, after nature, with fifteen etchings after F. 1843.,. Kobel. 54 pl. sin. fol.. Bath, 1821. Beaumont de Perrefixe. See P;6refixe. Beckford (Peter). Thoughts upon hunting. Beaunoir (Alexandre Louis Bertrand Rob- In a series of familiar letters to a friend. 3d ineaul, dit). Histoire secrete et anecdotique ed. 6 p. 1. 360 pp. 2 pl. sm. 40~. Saruln, B. de l'insurrection belgique, ou Vander-Noot; Eastoe, 1784. drame historique. Traduit du Flalnand de Beck-m ann (Johann). Ahistory ofinventions, van-Schoni-Swaartz, gantois, par M. D. B. discoveries, and origins. Translated from the [pseudo]. 80. Bru~. xelles, 1790. s. German, by William Johnston. Carefully Beauties and spirit of English tragedy. revised and enlarged by William Francis and [anon]. iv, 292 pp. 120. London, f. T. WV. Griffith, M. D. 5th ed. 2 v. 16~. Trenter, 1833. London, H. G. Bohn, 1846. Beaavais (Remi de). La Magdeleine. xlv, Becon (Thomas). Prayers and other pieces. 746 pp. 3 1. 18~. Tovr-aay, Charles Martin, Edited by Rev. J. Ayre. iv, 644 pp. 8~. 1617. Cambridge, (Eng.) univ. press. 1844. Beauvoi- (Madclame Roger de). Confidences de [Parker Society.] M'lle Mars. 160. Paris, Dondey-.Dupr4 1855. ]Bdcourt (R. de). The grave of human philosBeccaria (Cesare). Elemnenti de economia ophies, ancient and modern, or, the universal publica. 2 v. Della riduzione delle misure system of the Bramiins unveiled. Translated di lunghezza all'uniformithi per lo stato de from the French by A. Dalmas. ix, 95, xiii Milano. (Scrittori class. Ital. di econ. pol p.pp. pl. 8~. Lonsdon, Sherwood, 1827. v. 11-12). Becquerel (Antoine Cdsar). Traite des appliBeccharia (Antonio). Procemiti in Dionysii cations de l'dlectricitd it la therapeutique traductionem de situ orbis habitabilis. 17 1. mddicale et chlirurgicale. 2e ed. vii, 550 pp. unp. s. m.40 Venetiis, F. Pennuer de _ali- 80. Paris, G. Bailliire, 1860. s. brun, 1478. [ With Pomsnponius, Mela. De - Trait6complet dumagndtisme. cxi, 547 situ orbis libri tres. Vesetiis, 1478]. pp. 18 pl. Paris, Didot, 1846. S. Beche (De la). See De La Beche. a- nd (Alexandre Edmond). El6ments Beechstein, (Johann Matthius). Gemneinntit- de physique terrestre et deom6t6orologie. 2p. 1. zige naturgeschichte Deutschlands nach aller 706 pp. 14 pl. 8~. Paris, Didot, 1847. s. drei reichen. 20 atusg. 4 v. 8~. Leipzig, Traitd d'6lectricit6 etde lnagn6tisme; leur S. L. Crusius, 1801-09. s. applications aux sciences physiques, aux arts COxrTIxNTS. et, l'industrie. 3 v. 8~. _Paris, Didot, v. 1. Vorkenntuisse s5ugethiere. 1855-56. S. v. 2-4. Vogel. Beddarride (J.) Les Juifs en France, en Italie, Beck (Lewis C.) Adulterations of various et en Espagne. 3e 6d. viii, 611 pp. 8~. substances used in medicine and the arts, Paris, Ldey, 1867. with the means of detecting them. 333 pp. Beddoes (Thomas). Alexander's expedition 12~. ANrew York, S.S. & W. Wood, 1846. s. down the Hydaspes and the Indus to the InBotany of the United States north of dian ocean. [anon]. viii, 90 pp. 1 pl. 40~ Virginia; comprising descriptions of the London, J. Aferray, 1792. flowering and fernlike plants hitherto found IBeecher (Rev. George). Biographical remains. in those States. 2d ed. xiii, 480 pp. 12~. 345 pp. 160. NVew York, Learitt, Tsow & Co. TYewv York, HarTpers, 1848. s. 1844. 25 BEECHER. BELL. Beecher (Lyman, D. D.) A plea for the Beharrell (Rev. T. G.) Complete alphabetiwest. 2d ed. 190 pp. 120. CGincinnati, cally arranged biblical biography; a full hisTruman & Smith, 1835. tory of bible men and women, etc. 512 Beechey (Frederic William). Narrative of a pp. 8~. Indianapolis, Downey & Brously, voyage to the Pacific and Beering's strait, to 1867. co-operate with the polar expeditions, in the Behm (E.) Geographischesjahrbiucher. Band I. years 18'25-28. 2 v. xxiii, 392 pp; viii, 393- 1866. xi, 600, cix pp. 2 pl. 8~. Gotha, J. 742 pp. 3 maps. 23 pl. London, H. Col- Perthes, 1866. s. burn & R. Bentley, 1831. Beil (T. A.) Technologisclhes wOrterbuch der The same. 8~. Philadelphia, 1832. s. deutschen, franz6ischen, und eng]ischen Beeckmann (Daniel). Voyage to and from sprache; Gewxrbe, physik, chemie, nautik, the island of Borneo. 12~. London, 1718. s. bergbau, u. s. w. viii, 678 pp. 80. WiesBeelen (Jean Theodore). Chrestomathia rab- baden, C. W. Kreidel, 1853. binica et chaldaica, cum notis grammaticis, Beke (Mrs. Emily). Jacob's flight; or, a pilhistoricis, theologicis, glossario et lexico ab- grimage to Harran, and thence in the patribreviaturarum. 6 v. in 3. 80. Lovanil, Van- arch's footsteps into the promised land. xi, linthout & Vandlenzande, 1841-43. s. 360 pp. 1 map. 9 pl. 120~. London, LongBeer (August). Einleitung in die hohere optik. smans, 1865. xiii, 430 pp. 2 pl. 80. Braunschweig, Vie- Belgiumn. Discussion de la loi sur l'enseigneweg, 1853. s. ment superieur, du 27 Septembre, 1835, et de Einleitung in die elektrostatik die lehre la loi sur le jury d'examen, du 8 Avril, 1844. vom magnetismus und die elektrodynamik. xxvi. 1400 pp. 8~. Bruxelles,'. Lesigne, Herausg. von Julius Pldicker. xvi, 518 pp. 1844. s. 8o. Braunschweig, Vieweg, 1855. s. Expose de la situation de la province Beer (Wilhelm), and Miidler (Johann Hein- de la Flandre-orientale, pour 1843. 80. Gand, rich). Der mond noch seinen kosmischen 1843. S. und individuellen verhihltnissen: oder allge- Bell (Sir Charles). The nervous system of the meine vergleichende selenographie mit beson- human body. 230 pp. 9 pl. 8~. Washington, derer beziehung auf die mappa selenographi- Register, etc. of medical science, 1833. s. ca. xviii, 412 pp. 5 pl. 40. Berlin, S. Bell (J. Veterinary surgeon). Farriery taught Schropp & Co. 1837. s. on a new and easy plan; a treatise on the Beeton ( Isabella). How to dine: dinners diseases and accidents of the horse. By John and dining, with bills of fare. v, 138 pp. 160. Hinds. [pseudon.] With considerable adLondon, Ward, Lock & Tyler, [1866]. ditions by Thomas M. Smith, and a suppleHow to manage house and servants, and ment by J. S. Skinner. 2 v. in 1. xiv, 224 to make the most of your means. 120 pp. pp; 101 pp. 12~. Philadelphia, Grigg, Elliot 160. London, Wliard, Lock & Tyler, 1865. & Co. 1848. s. Beeton (S. O.) Beeton's book of anecdote, Bell (John, M. D. of Philadelphia,) and jokes, and jests. vii, 279 pp. 80. London, Stokes (William). Lectures on the theory S. O. Beeton, [1866]. and practice of physic. 4th ed. 2 v. 784 Shakespeare memorial. [anon.] 48 pp. pp; 967 pp. 80. Philadelphia, E. Barrington 1 pl. fol. London, Beeton, [1864]. and G. D. Haswell, 1848. s. Beever (WV. Holt). Notes on fields and cattle, Bell (Luther V. M. D.) The practical methods from the diary of an amateur farmer, [with] of ventilating buildings; with appendix on a prize essay on time of entry on farms. xv, heating by steam and hot water. 131 pp. 275 pp. 12~. London, Chapman & Hall, 1862. 5 pl. 80. Boston, Daminell and.Moore, Beger (Lorenz). Regum et imperatorum ro- 1848. s. manorum numismata, eri a Biseo incisa; Bell (Robert, Editor). Songs from the dramaRubenii commentario illustrata; subjectis tists. 2d ed. xii, 268 pp. 160. London, annotationibus. 10 p. 1. 103 pp; 9 1. 12 pp. Parker and son, 1855. 68 pl. fol. Coloniam Brandenburgicce, U. Lieb- -Bell (Thomas). See Owen (R.) Fossil reppert, 1700. s. tilia of the London clay, etc. Ulysses Sirenes pretervectus, ex delin- Bell (Rev. William). Hints to emigrants; in a eatione pighiana, dialogo illustratus. 24 pp. series of letters from Upper Canada. 236 pp. fol. Colonice Brandenburyicce,. U. Liebpert, 1 map. 120. Edinburgh, Waugh & Innes, 1703. s. 1824. 26 BELLAMY. BENEZET. Bellamy (Daniel). Ethic amusements; re- Bellot (Joseph Ren6). Journal d'un voyage vised by his son, D. Bellamy. 14 p. 1. aux mers polaires, en 1851 et 1852. Pr6c6d6 ix, 260, 86, 14 pp. 72 pl. 40~. London, W. d'une notice sur la vie de l'auteur par J. Faden, 1768. Lemer. lvi, 414 pp. 1 pl. 1 map, fac. sim. 80. Paris, Perrotin, 1854. s. CONTENTS. Belly (F6lix). Canal de Nicaragua. See Comforts of philosophy, from the Latin of Bo6tius, Gamond. by W. Causton, and Mr. Bellamy. Marriage, a theatrical dialogue by Mr. Bellamy. Belon (Pierre). Les observations de plvsievrs Court of Beauty; or judgment of Venus, after Fenelon. singvlaritez et choses memorables, trovvees The Projector, in Miltonic verse, by Mr. Holdsworth. Gratitude, an historical tale. en Grace, Asie, Inde, lIgypte, Arabie, et Damon and Celia; a cantata..,Esop at Court; or, the labyrinth of Versailles, in autres pays estranges. xii, 468 pp. p. French and English, with plates by Bickham. sin. fol. Paris, H. de 74Marnef, 1588. August: a serenetta. Belsham (Rev. Thomas). The epistles of Paul the apostle, translated, with an exposition and Bellamy (Joseph, D. D.) Theron, Paulinus, notes. 2 v. lvii, 574 pp; 721 pp. 1 map, and Aspasio, or, letters and dialogues upon 1 pl. 40. London, R. & A. Taylor, 1822. the nature of love to God, faith in Christ, as- Beltrami (J. C.) La decouverte des sources surance of a title to eternal life. 2 p. 1. v, du Mississippi et de la riviere sanglante. v, 227 pp. 160. Boston, S. KIneeland, 1759. 327 pp. 8~. _N'ouvelle Orleans, Benj. Levy, Eellamy (Thomas, 7. D.) Eoctes Sarnie; 1824. de jecinoris morbis, vel tractatio simul de mor- Bembo (Pietro). Rerumn venetarum historime bidis urinse signis. 690 pp. 1 pl. 320. Sarnia, libri xii. 19 p. 1. 311 1. 40~. Lutetice, M. W. Hamilton, 1850. Vasco, 1551. Eellarmino (Roberto). De ascensione mentis Benard (-). Cabinet de Paignon Dijonval, etc. in Deum per scalas rerum creatarum liber sin- See Morel de Vinde' (C. G). gularis. Curavit F. X. Dieringer. xxii, 389 Be6nard (-). lDloge de l'enfer, ouvrage critique, pp. 1 pl. 240. Colorice, J. M. Heberle, historique, et moral. [anon.] 2 v. viii, x, 1850. 265 pp.; vi, 353 pp., 14 pl. 180. La laye, Bellebon et Gu6rault. See Edmond (Charles). P. Gosse, 1759. Bellemare (Louis de). Scenes de la vie sauvage Benavente (D. J.) Memoria sobre las priau Mexique. 3e d. 347 pp. 12~. Paris, meras campanias en la guerra de la independChanrpentier, 1856. encia de Chile. viii, 200 pp. 80. Santiago, Bellew (H. W.) Journal of a political mission 1845. to Afghanistan in 1857,under Major Lumsden; Beneden (P. J. van). Les vers cestoides ou with an account of the country and people. acotyles, consid6r6s sous la rapport de leur xv, 480 pp. 8pl. 80. London, Smith, Elder classification, de leur anatomie et de leur de~' Co., 1862. veloppement. (Extract). 190 pp., 26 pl. Bellicard (J6rbme Charles), and Cochin 40. Bruxelles, Acad. royale de Belgique, (Charles Nicolas). Observations upon the 1850. s. antiquities of the town of HIerculaneum, with See Dumortier (B. C.) and Beneden, some reflections on the painting and sculpture Hist. nat. des polypes compos6s deau douce. of the ancients. 2d ed. 2 p. 1. vii, 236 pp, - See Gervais (P.) and Beneden, note 43 pp. 42 pl. 8~. London, tilson' Durham, sur la S6piole. 1756. Benedict (Erastus C.) The beginning of Belloni (Girolamo). Dissertazione sopra il America; a discourse before the New York comercio. (Scrittori class. ital. di econ. historical society, 1863. 64 pp. 8~. New pol. v. 2). York, J. F. Trow, 1864. Bellori (Giovanni Pietro). Le vite de pittori, Benedict (Lewis, Col. of 162d Reg. N. Y. V.) scultori, ed architetti moderni. xvi, 394 pp. Memorial. (A record of his services during 15 pl. 40. Roma, F. Ricciardo e G. Buono, the civil war). 155 pp., 1 pl. 8~. Albany, 1728. [Imp: 1 pl. wanting (F. Fiammingo)]. J. Munsell, 1866. s. Benezet (Anthony). Caution and warning to and La Chausse (Michel Ange de). Great Britain and her colonies, in a short Picturse antiquae cryptarum Romanorum et representation of the calamitous state of the sepulcri Nasonum descriptae. Delineatce a enslaved negroes in the British dominions. Petro Bartholi. fol. Romce, 1738. s. 35 pp. 160. Philadelphia, Henry Miller, 1766. 27 BENFEY. BERESFORD-HOPE. Benfey (Theodor). Sanskrit-English diction- v. 60-61. 80. London, Chapman & Hall, ary. xi, 1145 pp. 80. London, Longman, 1866. 1866-67. Benga (The) primer and hymns. By the Benton (James G.) A course of instruction Corisco mission, west coast of Africa. 200 in ordnance and gunnery. 3d ed. 585 pp. pp. 12~. New York, Am. Tract Soc., (about 80. New York, D. Van Nlostrand, 1867. 1850.) s. Benzenberg (J. F.) Die sternschnuppen. Benjamin (Park., Midshipman U. S. N.) xxiii, 357 pp. 9 pl. 80. Hamburg, Perthes, Shakings. Etchings from the naval academy, 1839. a. engraved by John Andrew. 61 1. obl. 12~. Benzoni (Girolamo), and Lery (Jean de). Boston, Lee & Shepard, [1867]. Historia Indime occidentalis, tomis duobus Bennet (Henry, 1st earl of Arlington). Let- comprehensa. Prior, res ab Hispanis in India ters of state to the dukes of Ormond and Occidentali hactenus gestas, acerbum illorum Buckingham; [277-440 pp. of Brown (T.) in eas gentes dominatum, insigneque in Gallos Miscellanea aulica. London, 1702]. ad Floridam insulam seeuitime exemplum deBennett (James Risdon). The causes, nature, scribit. Alter Brasilie (qune et America diagnosis, and treatment of acute hydroceph- dicitur) rerumque in ea obseruatione dignaalus. vii, 248 pp. 8~. London, S. Highley, rum a nobis penitus incognita descriptionem 1843. S. continet. 2 v. in 1. x, 6 p. 1. 480 pp. 6 1.; Bennett (John). Short-hand explained, being 31 p. 1. 342 pp. 8 1. 1 pl. 16~. [ Genevae,] a concise exposition of the art. 46 pp. 12~. E. Vignon, 1586. London, Longman, 1825. l and Martire d' Anghiera, (Pietro). Der Benoit (rilie). History of the famous edict of newenn weldt vnd indianischen nidergaingNantes, containing an account of all the per- ischen k6nigreichs newe vnd wahrhaffte hissecutions that have been in France during tory. Auss dem latein in das teutsch gebracht the reign of Lewis the XIII. Translated into durch Nicolaum Koniger. 10 p. 1., dcii pp. English [from the French]. 2 v. 9p. 1., 567 fol. Basel, S.:Henricpetri, 1582. pp., 7 1; xxxv, 561 pp., 11. 4~. London, John Berault (Rev. Peter). Treatise clearly shewDunton, 1694. ing God's existence; the certainty of the holy Benson (Egbert). Names, chiefly of places scriptures; and the immortality of our souls. once held by the Dutch (in) New Netherlands. With [logick, or] the key of sciences, and 2d ed., 127 pp. 12~. Jamaica, (N. Y.), [moral sciences, etc., in English and French. ] H. C. Sleight, 1825. s. 6 p. 1. 275 pp. 180. London, R. Redmayne, Benson (Rev. Henry C.) Life among the 1700. Choctaw Indians, and sketches of the south- Berendt (Georg Carl, editor). Die im bernwest. 314 pp. 120. Cincinnati, Swormstedt stein befindlichen organischen reste der vor& Poe, 1860. welt gesammelt, u. s. w. 3 v. in 2. fol. Berlin, Bentham (George). Flora Hongkongensis. Nicolai, 1845-56. s. A description of the flowering plants and CONTENTS. ferns of the island of Hong-Kong. ii, 482 v. 1. Abth. 1. Der bernstein und die in ihm befindlichen pflanzenreste der vorwelt, von H. R. Gceppp., 1 map. 80. London, L. Reeve, 1861. S. pert und G. C. Berendt. 3 p. 1. iv, 125 pp. 7pl. 1845. - and Hooker (Joseph Dalton). Genera v. 1. Abth. 2. Die im bernstein befindlichen crustaceen, myriapoden, arachniden und apteren der vorplantarum ad exemplaria imprimis in herbariis welt, von C. L. Koch und G. C. Berendt. iv, 124 Kewensibus servata definita. xii, xv, 1040 pp. pp. 17 pl. 1854. Kewensibus servata defiv. 2. Abth. 1. Die im bernstein befindlichen hemip80. Londini, A. Black, etc., 1862-67. a. teren und orthopteren der vorwelt. Von E. F. Germar und G. C. Berendt. 2 1. pp. 1-40, pl. 1-4. Bentley (Richard, D. D.) La friponnerie v. 2. Abth. 2. Die im bernstein befindlichen neuroplaique des pretendus esprits forts d'Angleterre: teren der vorwelt. Von F. J. ictet-Barabon und H. Hagen. pp. 41-125. pl. 5-8. ou remarques de Phileleuthere de Leipsick Berenger (Alphonse Marie Marcellin Thomas). sur le discours de la libert6 de penser [de Des moyens propres a g6n6raliser en France A. Collins.] Traduites de l'Anglois par N. lesystdme pnitentiaire. 3ed. 252pp. 2 pl. N. [Armand de la Chapelle.] xxxvi, 581 8~. Paris, Inprimerie royale, 1837. pp. 160. Amsterdam, Wetsteini & Smith, Beresford-Hope (Alexander J.) The report 1738. of her majesty's commission on the laws of Bentley (Samuel). Excerpta historica, or marriage, relative to marriage with a deillustrations of English history. xviii, 444 ceased wife's sister, examined in a letter to pp. 80. London, Richard Bentley, 1833. Sir R. H. Inglis. 183 pp. 8~. London, J. Bentley's Miscellany. July 1866 to June 1867. Ridgway, 1849. 28 BERGAMO. BERNHARDI. Bergamo (Jacopo Filippo). Supplementum Berling (Edward Wilhelm). Ofwersigt af chronicharum. 1 p. 1. unp., 256 1. paged, 121. stadens historia och 5piga markwardigheter. unp. fol. Venetiis, B. Ricius de Nouaria, [anon.] 12~. Lund, 1859. s. 1492. [Imperfect; wanting page 1.] Bermejo (Damian). Descripcion artistica del Bergeron (Pierre). Traicte de la navigation real monasterio de S. Lorenzo del Escorial, y et des voyages de descovverte et conqueste sus preciosidades despues de la invasion de modernes et principalement des Fran9ois. 5 los Franceses. vii, 400 pp. 160. Madrid, p. 1. 303 pp. 160. Jean de Hlevqveville et Roza Sanz, 1820. Michel Soly, 1629. ( With Bethencourt [J. de] Bernadotte (Charles XIV. of Sweden). ReHistoire des Canaries, Paris, 1630.) cueil des ordres de mouvement, proclamations Bergh (Henry). "Married off." (A Newport et bulletins de S. A. R. le prince royal de sketch). 75 pp. 8 pl. 12~. New York, Suede, commandant en chef de l'armene comCarleton, 1862. binee du nord de liAllemagne, 1813-14. 2e Ed. Berghaus (Heinrich). Allgemeine liTnder- 80. Stockholm, 1839. s. und v6lkerkunde, nebst einem abriss der Bernaldez (Andres). Historia de los reyes physicalischen erdbeschreibung. 6 v. in 7. 8~. catolicos, D. Fernando y Da. Isabel. 2 v. Stuttgart, 1837-44. s. sm. 4~. Granada, 1856. C:ONTEN~TS. Bernard (Francis, and others). Letters to the v. 1-3. Griindziige der physikalischen erdbeschrei- earl of Hillsborough from governor Bernard, -ung. general Gage, and his majesty's council for v. 4-5. Das europiische staatensystem nach seinem geographisch-statistischen hauptverhdltnissen. the province of Massachusetts Bay. 83 pp. v. 6. Das amerikanische stantensystem; das moham- fol. Boston, Bdes & Gill, 1769. medanische staatensystemn; die christlichen staaten Yon Abyssinien, das buddhaistische staatensystem: -- The same. [Ibmperfect; wanting pp. unod die heidenwelt. v. 7. Register. 81-83.] - Landbuch der mark Brandenburg und Bernard (Jean Frededric). R6flexions morales des mainrafthums Nieder-Lausitz in der satiriques et comiques sur les mceurs de notre mitte des19 jahrhunlets; odergeograpliisch- siecle. 29 ed. [cnon.] 15 p. 1. 311 pp. historisch-statistische beschreibung der pro- 21. 180. Amsterdam,J. F. Bernard, 1713. vinz Brandenburg. 3 v. sim. 40. Brandenburg, [7ith Passe-tems (le) agr6able. Bottercdam, 1854-56. s. 1742.] Bergnmann (Leo). Schule des zeichners; insbe- Bernard (Pierre Joseph). (Euvres. 80. Paris, sondere fiur ausiibende kiinstler im fache des 1823. stahl-und kupferstichs, des lithographie and Bernard (Thomas Dehany). Progress of docdes holzschnittes. 2e auflage. 80. Leipzig, trine in the New Testament. From 2d Lon1855. s. don ed. with improvements. 358 pp. 120~. Zehn tafeln s&iulen-ordnungen nebst Boston, Gould t Lincoln, 1867. [Bampton construction der architektonischen glieder. lectures, 1864.] 2e ausg. 4~. Leipzig, [1856.] Bernardus (Saint). De verbis Simonis Petri - Dns buch ler rbeit. 2 v. (in 1), vi, ad Jesd. 40 1. unp. sm. 40. [n. p. about 182 pp. 1 pl; vi, 178 pp. 1 pl. 120. Leiupzig, 1480.] O. SpLamer, 1854-5. Fs -'Floretus. See Garland (Jean de). Berlien (Johann Ieinrich Ferdinand). Der Bernd(ChristianSamuelTheodor). Diehauptelephanten-orden und seine ritter. 80. Ho- sticke der wappenwissenschaft. 2 abtheipenhagen, 1846. s. lungen in 2 v. 8~. Bonn, E. Weber, 1841-49. Berlin (k6nigliche bibliothek). Index librorum CONTENTS. manuscriptorum et impressorum quibus bibli- v. I. Wappenwesen der Griechen und Rimer, und otheca regia aucta est anno 1836 et 1839. anderer alter villker. 2 v. 40. Berolini, [1837-40.] S. v. II. Die allgemeine wappenwissenchaft. Die handschriften-verzeichnisse der kSn- Berneaud (Arsene Thie.baut de). See Thieiglichen bibliothek, herausgegeben von Dr. baut de Berneand. Pertz. v: 1. Verzeichniss der sanskrit hand- Berners (Juliana). See Barnes (Juliana). schriften, von Dr. Weber.:xxiv, 481 pp. Bernhardi (Carl). Sprachkarte von DeutschBerlin, Nicolai, 1853. (Wanting 6 pl.) s. land. 4 p. 1. 138 pp. 1 map col. 120. Kassel, k6niglichen gewerbe Akademie zu J. J. Bohne, 1844. s. Berlin. Katalog der bibliothek. vii, 371 pp. See Schonburg (C.) Briefwechsel, 1 pl. 8~. Berlin, A. W. Schade, 1866. s. U.. w. 29 BERNI. BEUDANT. Berni (Francesco). Tvtte le opere, in terza of the Tamil language, termed Shen-Tamil; rima, nvovamente con somma diligentia stam- to which is added an introduction to Tamil pate. [Con le terze rime del Molza, del Varchi, poetry. Tr. from the Latin, by Benjamin del Dolce et d'altri: et dialogo contra i poeti.] Guy Babington. v, xii, 117 pp. 40. Madras, 2271. 160. (n.p.) 154'2. College press, 1822. s. Betrqui A(Arnaud). L'ami des enfants. Nouv. Bessanion (Joannes). In calumniator6Platonis 6d., prlc6cde c'une notice biooraphique par libri iv. Correctio librorum Platonis de legiJ. N. Bouilly. Illustr6e de nombreuses vig- bus, Georgio Trapezuntio interprete. De nanettes dessinees par MM. G. Staal et Gerard tura et arte aduersus eundem Trapezuntid Seguin. xv, 480 pp. 10 pl. 80. Paris, tractatus. 8 p. 1. 112 1. fol. Venetiis, Aldus, [1858.] 1503. s. Berquin-Duvallon (-). Schilderung von Bessel (Friedrich Wilhelm). Untersuchungen Louisiana. Aus dem Franzbsischen, zxvecl- fiber die hinge des einfachen secundenpendels. miissig abgekiirzt. Mit einer einleitung und (Extract.) 3 p. 1. 254 pp. 2 pl. 4o. Berlin, zusditzen herausgegebenen von Theophil 7c. akad. der wissenschaften, 1828. s. Friedrich Ehrmann. xxviii, 344 pp. I map. Tabulae regiomontanae reductionum 80. Weimar, coeeptoirs, 1804. observationum ab anno 1750 usque ad annum Berry (HMrs. Martha E.) Celesta; a girl's 1850 computatae. lxxxiii, 542 pp. 8~. Regibook. 257 pp. 3 pl. 160. Boston, WY. V. omonti Prussorum, Borntraeger, 1830. s. Spencer, 1867. BesLuhungen des hochheiligsten altarssakra-- Crooked and straight, or Jothlam and mentes. Eingebet-und-erbauungsbuch. BearAnnette at home. 291pp. 3 pl. 160. Bos- beitet von F. Willam. 414 pp. 18 pl. 240~. ton, W'... Spencer, 1867. New York, Benziger Bros., 1867. Bert, or Bertius (Pierre). Brevis ac suc- Bethanm (Matilda). Biographical dictionary cincta Americm descriptio, excerpta e tabulis of the celebrated women of every age and geographicis P. Bertii. 11 1. folio. [With country. vi, 852 pp. 1 pl. 8~. London, HIIersera (Antonio de). Novvs orbis. A nste- B. Crosby & Co., 1804. loda,7i, 1622.] Bethamli (Rev. William). The baronetage of The same. Description d'Am6rique. England, or the history of the English baro229-254 pp. folio. ['With Herrera (Anto- nets, and such baronets of Scotland as are of nio de). Description des Indes Occidentales. English families. 5 v. 52 pl. 40. Ipsivswich, Ed. Amasterdam, 1622.] Burrell & Bransby, 1801-05. Berthiaud (-). Nouveau manuel complet de Bethencourt (Jean de). Histoire de la prel'imprimleur en taille douce. R6dige par M. miere descovverte et conqueste des Canaries, Boitard. 320 pp. 3 pl. 180. Paris, Roret, faites d6s l'an 1402. Escrite du temps mesme 1837. s. par Pierre Bontier et Jean le Verrier. Et Berthold (Arnold Adolph). Lehrbuch der mise en lumiere par Galien de Bethencourt. zoologie. vi, 591 pp. 80. Gottingen, Fan- 10 lP. 208 pp. 6 1. 16~. Paris, Jean de denhoeck, 1845. s. levqveville, 1630. Berriee (Lady Georgina). Five generations of Bethune (Philippe de). Covnsellor of estate, a loyal house. Part i., containing the lives of contayning considerations seruing for the Richard Bertie and his son Peregrine, Lord managing of publicke affairs. [anon.] TransWilloughby. lx, 544 pp. 4 pl. 80. London, lated from the French by E. G[rimeston.] Livingtons, 1845. 16 p.1. 336 pp. sm. 4~. London, Nicholas Bertius (Petrus). See Ber-t (Pierre). Okes, 1634. erto-tn (Jean Michel). Inter6ts rivaux de la Betta (Edoardo de). Erpetologia delle proFrance et de l'Angleterre en Europe et en vincie venete e del Tirolo meridionale. xvi, Orient. xvi, 3566 pp. 80. Paris, Paclin, 1841. 365 pp. 1 pl. 8~. Verona, Ficentini e s. Feranchini, 1857. s. Berltrand (Fran9ois AMarie). Chrestomathie -- Ittiologia veronese ad uso popolaree hindoustani. See Parie (T.) per servire all' introduzione della piscicultura Berzelius (Johanln Jacob). Lehrbuch der neilaprovincia. 2"ed. 153pp. 80. Verona, chemie, aus der schwedischen handschrift des Vicentini e FTranchini, 1862. s. verfassers iibersetzt von F.Woehler. 4e aufl. Beudant (Fran.ois Sulpice). Voyage mindr10 v. 8~. Dresden, &c., Arnold, 1835-41. s. alogique et g6ologique en Hongrie, 1818. 4 v. Beaechi (C.) A grnmmar of the high dialec 7 pl. 7 maps. 4~. Paris, Verduire, 1822. s. 30 BEURARD. BIBLE. Beurard (Jean Baptiste). Dictionnaire alle- Bianconi (Giovanni Lodovico). Briefe ilber mand-frangais, contenant ]es termes pro- Celsus. [C]esus.'Uber die arzneiwissen pres A I' exploitation des mines, d la m6tal- schaft. Ed. 1846.] s. lurgie et la mineralogie. 696 pp. 80. Paris, Bible (Cherokee.) Translation of Genesis into Mongie, 1819. s. the Cherokee language. Dinetlvanvhi goweli Bevan (Edward, M. D.) The honey bee; its didalenisgv wosi uwowelanvhi. [By Evan natural history, physiology, and management. Jones. 4th to 50th chap. In Cherokee xxiv, 447 pp. 12~. London, Van Voorst, messenger. 12 nos. 8S. Cherokee, 1844-6.] 1838. [1-3 chap. in Bible, Cherokee. Select pasBevan (Samuel). Sand and canvas; a narra- sages from the holy scriptures. 24~.] tive of adventures in Egypt, with a sojourn I Gospel according to Matthew, translated among the artists in Rome. xii, 370 pp. 8 pl. into the Cherokee language. Oedvlkanohedv 8~. London, Charles Gilpin, 1849. maduuwowelanlvhi. 4th ed. 120 pp. 24~. Beverland (Adraan). De stolate virginitatis Park 1ill, Mission Press, 1844. jure lucubratio academica. 6 p. 1. 223 - Gospel according to Luke. Dinetlvtanpp. 18~. Lugdleni in Batavis, J. Lindan, vhi osdv kalnoledv lgauwonvhi. [Translated 1680. into Cherokee byEvan Jones. In Cherokee De fornicatione cavenda admonitio, sive messenger, Nos. 8-12. 80. Cherokee. 1844-46.] adhortatio ad pudicitiam et castitatem. Ed. Gospel according to John. Osdvkanonova,juxta exemplar Londinense. 109 pp. hedv tsani uwowelanlvhi tsoine digaleyvtano180. [Hollande], 1698. hi. 3d ed. 101 pp. 240. Park Hill, MisPeccatum originale kat' exochen sic sion Prsess, 1847. [With Bible, Cherokee, nuncupatum philologice elucubratum. v, 146 gospel according to Matthew. Park Hill, pp. 18~. Eleutheropoli, 1678. 1844.] Beverley (Thomas). A scripture-line of time I Acts of the apostles, translated into the drawn from the lapsed creation to the restitu- Cherokee language. Getsinvsidv nunadvnetion of all things, discoursed upon Dan. 3, 14. litolvi taline digaleyvtanvhi. 2d ed. 124 pp. 5 p. 1. 93, 190 pp. 4~. [n. p.] 1684. 240. Park Hill, Mission Press, 1842. [ With Bey (Hekekyan), or Hekkeyan bey. Treatise Bible, Cherokee. Gospel accordingto Mathew. on the chronology of Siriadic monuments, de- Park Hill, 1844.] monstrating that the Egyptian dynasties of Epistle of Paul, the apostle, to the Manetho are records of astrogeological Nile Ephesians. Translated into Cherokee by observations. 8~. London, 1863. s. Evan Jones and John B. Jones. Quola atsiBeyer (August). Memoriae historico-criticfe nosidv etlusi anehi widuwowelanelvhi. 24 pp. librorum rariorum; accedunt Evangeli cosmo- 240~. Cherokee, Bapt. Miss. Press, 1848. politani notee ad Menclkenii de charlataneria 1 First epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians. eruditorum declamationes. 8 p. 1. 304 pp. Igvyiyequola duwowelanelv desaloniga anehi. 160. Dresdoe et Lipsice, P. Hekel, 1734. s. In Cherokee messenger, No. 12. 8~. CheroBeyle (Henri). De l'amour. Par de Stendhal kee, 1844-46.3 [pseudon.] xxiii, 371 pp. 120. Paris, Levy, Epistles of Paul to Timothy, translated 1856. into the Cherokee language. Quola tsuwoLa chartreuse de Parme. Nouv. ed, welanvhi, dimaditsuwowelanelvhi. 28 pp. prec6dee d'une lettre et d'une etude litteraire 240. [Parkk Hill, 1844. With Bible, Cher'okee, sur Beyle, par [H.] de Balzac. lix, 479 pp. gospel according to Matthew. Park Hill, 12~. Paris, A. Delahays, 1856. 1844.] Rome, Naples, and Florence in 1817. The general epistle of James. TransBy the count de Stendhal. [pseudon.] xi, lated into the Cherokee language. Tsimiuwo339 pp. 80. London, H. Colburn, 1818. welanvhi. 16 pp. 240. Park Hill, 1847. Bha&gavata (Le) Purina. Ou histoire poetique [ With Bible, Cherokee, gospel according to de Krichna, traduit et publi6 par Eugene Matthew. Park Hill, 1844.] Burnouf. 3 v. fol. Paris, Imprimerie royale, I Epistles of John translated into the 1840-47. [Collection orientale.] Cherokee language. Tsani tsuwowelanelvhi. Bianconi (Giovanni Battista). Cenni intorno tsunandodi. 20 pp. 240. Park Hill, 1840. all' origini, ed i progressi dell' arte galvano- I The same. 3d ed. Park Hill, 1848. plastica. (Extract.) 67 pp. 2 pl. 80. [Bolog- [With Bible, Cherokee, gospel according to na, about 1842.] Matthew. Park Hill, 1844.] 31 BIBLE. BIBLE. Bible-continued. Bible-continued. (Cherokee). General epistle of Jude. - The new testament, translated into EnTsuda naniv tsunanelodi tsuwowelanelvhi. glish, with annotations by the English college [ In Cherokee messenger, No. 11. 80. in Rhemes. 5th ed., (the first in folio.) xix, Cherokee, 1844-46.] 646 pp.; 16 1., 4 pl. fol. [n. p.] 1738. Select passages from the holy scriptures. ~ New testament of our lord and saviour 24 pp. 240. [n. d.] [With Bible, Cherokee, Jesus Christ. 232 1. unp. 8~. Trenton, gospel according to Matthew. Park lill, 1844. ]1 (N. J.) Isaac Collins, 1788. Choctaw. Gospel according to Matthew, ~ A commentary on the New Testament. translated into the Choctaw language. Uban- By Lucius R. Paige. v. 5. I. and II. Corinumpa mahlu vt holissocchi tok. [WVith alpha- thians. 383 pp. 120. Boston, Univ. Pub. bet.] 198 pp. 160. Boston, Am. Board _For. _House, 1867. Miss., 1842. The apocryphal new testament. xvi, English. Holy bible, conteyning the old 184 pp. 8~. New York, H. G. Daggers.[n. d. ] testament and the new. Newlie translated out I An harmony of the four gospels, with of ye originall tongues and with the former historical and doctrinal notes; by John Chaintranslations diligently compared and revised, bers. xxiii, 884, 30, 6 pp. 80. Betford, E. by his majesties speciall commandement. fol. G. Woodhead, [about 1814.] London, Robert Barker, 1633. s. ~ A harmony of the four gospels, in the Complete analysis of the holy bible; English authorized version, arranged accordcontaining the old and new testament, col- ing to Greswells "Harmonia evangelica" in lected and systematically arranged by Rev. N. Greek. Intended to accompany Mimpriss's WVest, D. D. lxiv, 1035 pp. 1 map. 80. New pictorial chart. x, 351 pp. 80. London, S. York~, A. J. Johnson, 1868. Low, 1833. The same. Ezekiel and Daniel; with I Disquisitions and notes on the gospels. notes, by H. Cowles, D. D. 472 pp. 120. Matthew, by J. H. Morrison. 2d ed. 538 New York, D. Appleton 4' Co., 1867. pp. 12~. Boston, Walker, Wise 4' Co., Minor prophets; with notes. By Rev. 1861. Henry Cowles. 120. New York, 1867. The epistles of Paul translated, with an Notes on the epistle of Paul to the He- exposition and notes by Rev. T. Belsham. brews. [With the authorized English ver- 2v. 40. London, 1822. sion]. By Joseph Longking. 480 pp. 240. The second epistle of Peter, the epistles New Yorc, Carlton 4 Porter, [1,867]. of John and Judas, and the Revelation: tranisThe same. 720 pp. 160. Newburyport, lated from the Greek, on the basis of the com(Ms.) W. B. Allen 4 Co. 1815. mon English version. [Revised version ot Commentary on the holy scriptures: the Am. Bible union.] xi, 253 pp. 40. New critical, doctrinal, and homiletical, with spe- York, Am. Bible union, 1854. cial reference to ministers and students. By E'squimaux. Genesis. Testamentitokamit J. P. Lange, D. D., and others. Translated Mosesim aglegij siurdleet. Pellesifinermit from the German by P. Schaff, D.D., [and Ottomit Fabriciusimit. 202 pp. 160. Kidbenothers.] New Testament. v. 9. Containing havnime, C. F. Skubartimit, 1822. the epistles of James, Peter, John, and Jude. Psalms. Testamentitokamit Davidim [Translated by J. I. Mombert]. 80. New wngerut6j. Pellesimit Nielsimit Wolfimit. York, Scribner, 1867. 238 pp. 16~. Kli'benhavnime, C. R. SchuJob, Ecclesiastes and Canticles. New bartimit, 1824. [With Bible, Esquimaux. translation, withintroductions and notes. By Testamentitokamit Mosesim. [Genesis.] 160~. George R. Noyes. 3d ed. 351 pp. 12~. HKibenhavnime, 1822.] Boston, Am. Unit. Assoc., 1867. Isaiah. Testamentitokamit profetib EsaiPsalms and Proverbs. New translation, asim aglegej. PellesimitN. G. Wolfimit. 200 with introductions and notes. By George R. pp. 16~. Kjbbenhavnime, C. F. Skubartimit, Noyes. 3d ed. 421 pp. 12~. Boston Am. Unit. 1825. (WithBible, Esquimaux. TestamenAssoc., 1867. titolkamit Mosesim. [Genesis.] Ki6benhavProphets. New translation of the Hebrew nime, 1822. prophets, with introduction and notes. By ~ Testamente nutak. [New Testament.] George R. Noyes. 3d ed. 2 v. 12~. Boston, [Translated by Otho Fabricius.] 1072 pp. Am. Unit. 4ssoc., 1866. 16~. 7Ki-benhavniome, C. 1. SkXbar tizit, 1799. BIBLE. BIGELOW. Bible-continued. Bibliographie de la France. See Journal - Gothic. The Gothic and Anglo-Saxon gdn6rale de l'imprimerie. gospels in parallel columns, with the versions Bibliophile (Le) belge. Par M. de Reiffenof Wycliffe and Tyndale; arranged, with pre- berg. v. 1-9. 8. Bruxzelles, 1845-52. s. face and notes, by Rev. J. Boswrorth, assisted Bibliotheca Americana. Catalogue raisonn6 by G. Waring. xxxvi, 584 pp. 1 pl. 80. Loe- d'une trds-pr6cieuse collection de livres andon, J. B. Smith, 1865. ciens et modernes sur lFAm6rique et les Phi---- — Greek. )Divinme scripture veteris nouaeq. lippines. Classds par ordre alphab6tique de omnia. 4 p. 1. 275 pp. 180. Argentorati, V. noms d'auteurs. R6dig6 par Ch. Leclerc. vii, Cephal, 1529. 407 pp. 8~. Paris, Maisonneuve 4' Cie., Bibliorum codex sinaiticus petropolita- 1867. nus. Auspiciis Alexandri II. edidit Tischen- Bibliotheca politica, or a discourse by way of dorf. 4 v. fol. Petropoli, 1862. s. dialogue whether monarchy be jure divino. FHawaiian. Kekarioha hou a kokakou [anon.] 4 p. 1. 64 pp. sm. 4~. London, haku e ola'i a Jesu Kristo. 504 pp. 12~. Richarcd Baldwin, 1691-2. Oahuc, Misionari i poi, 1835. S. Bibliotheca (The) sacra. Edited by E. A. ~ — Indian, Massachusetts. Mamvsse wun- Park and S. H. Taylor. Jan. to Oct. 1867. neetupanatamwe up-biblum God naneeswe v. 24. 8~. Boston, D c'aper 4' Ealliday, nukkone testament kah wonk wusku testa- 1867. ment. Ne quosh-Kinnumuk nashpe wutti- Bickhamn (George). The British monarchy, or neumoh Christ noh asoowesit John Eliot. a new chorographical description of all the [2d ed.] 575 1. sm. 40. Canmbridge, Samuel dominions subject to the king of Great BritGreen, 1685. ain, comprehending the British isles, the ------- The same. Wuskv wuttesta mentum American colonies, etc. Engraved. 190 pl. nul-lordumun Jesus Christ nuppoquohwussu- fol. London, 1748. aeneumum. [New testament. 2d ed.] 170 1. Bicknell (Alexander). Doncaster races; or sm. 40. Cambridge, for the cospor'ation inLon- the history of Miss Maitland. 2 v. 272 pp; don, for thepropagation of the gospel among the 275 pp. 160. London, C. Stalker, [1790.] Indians in N. E., 1680. [ ith the preceding]. Bie (Cornelis de). Het gulden cabinet van de --- Psalms andJohn. [Miassachusetts psalter; schilderconst inhovdende den lof van de verasuh, Uk-kuttooho-mlaongash David weche maerste sclhilders, architecten, beldthowers winnaunchemookaonk ne ansukhogup John. ende plaetsnyders, van dese eevw. 40. AntIndian and English. Translated by Expe- werpen, 1661. s. rience Mayhew.] 212 1. ulp. 18~. Boston, Bienville (J. D. T. de, %. D.) La nymphoB. Green, for soc. propag. Gospel, 1709. manie, ou traite de la fureur utdrine. iNouv. [Imperfect: wants title and 13 leaves.] dd. xxviii, 198 pp. 24~. Londres, 1789. Latia. Biblia [sacra.] Interprete Se- The same. Nymphomania, or, a disserbastiano Castalione. Una cum eiusdem an- tation concerning the furor uterinus. Transnotationibus. fol. Basilece, 1551.. lated by E. S. Wilmot, M. D. 189, 16 pp. Mohawk. The gospel according to St. so8 J. Bew, London., 1775. Marlk. St. Marle Raorighwadogea ghty.... Biffi (Serafino). Sulla vita scientifica e sulle Translated by Capt. Joseph Brant, [T'hayen- opere di anatomia e fisiologia comparata del danllegea. ] [ With 176 to 341 pp. of the book of dottor Mauro Iusconi commentario. 167 pp. common prayer, according to the use of the 1 pl. 80. Mioano, ed. annal niv. di melici6z, church of England. In the Mohawk lan- 1853. s. guage. 8~. Lorzdon, 1789.t] Reminiscenzi di un viaggio in Germania. - Nene karighyoston tsinihorighhoten ne 4p.1. 127 pp. 7 tab. 40 Jfilfano, G. ChuRsi Saint John. Gospel according to Saint John. 1858. s. 116, 116 pp. 240. New York, Am. Bible soc., Reminiscenzi di un viaggio nel Belgio e 1818. lnella Francia. 2 p 1. 144 pp. 40. Milano, Ne totyerenhton kahyatonlsera ne roy- G. Chiusi, 1856. s. atadogenhllti Paul shagohyatonni ne Corinth- Bigelo (Abijabl). Voters guide, or, tle ians. First epistle of Paul the apostle to the power, duty, and privileges of the constitoCorinthians. Translated by H. A. Hill. 50, tional voters in the commonwealth of Massa50 pp. 120. Neuw Yor'k, young men's bible soc., chusotts. 156 pp. 16. Leoninster, (Mass.a 1834S. 5. - J. Wlder, 180'7. 33 BIGELOW. BIOGRAPHICAL. Bigelow (Jacob, M. D.) Modern inquiries; corvette G-alathea um die welt, 1845-47. classical, professional, and miscellaneous. xi, Aus dem ditnischen iibersetzt von WV. v. Rosen. 379 pp. 120. Boston, Little, Brown 4' Co. 1867. 2 v. xiv, 464 pp. 7 pl. I map; x, 517 pp. 7 pl. -.- -Remarlks on classical and utilitarian 1 map. 8~. Kopenhagen, C. A. Ieitzel, 1852. studies, read befiore the American academy of s. arts and sciences, Dec. 20, 1866. 57 pp. 12~. Billet (F.) Traite d'optique physique. 2 v. Boston, 1867. xv, 540 pp. 7 pl; 640 pp. 7 pl. 8~. Paris, Some account of the White mountains Mallet-Bachelier, 1858-59. s. of New Hampshire. [From the New England Bilscn (Thomas). The trxve difference betweene journal of medicine and surgery, for October, christian svbiection and vnchllistian rebellion. 1816.] 18 pp. 80. [Boston, 1816.] 5 p. 1. 820 pp. 40. Oxford, J. Barnes, 1585. Bigelow (L. J.) Bench and bar: a complete Binder (Christian). Wiirttelmbergische miinzdigest of the wit, humor, asperities, and und medaillen-kunde. viii, 628 pp. 80. Stuttamenities of the law. 364 pp. 1 pl. 8~. gart,. H. HKhler, 1846. s. New York,, HaBcprs, 1867. Bindley (Charles). The sportsman's friend in Biggs (James). The history of Dom Francisco a frost. By Harry Hicover. [pseudon.] 4 p. 1. de Miranda's attempt to effect a revolution in 416 pp. 8~. London, T. C. Newby, 1857. America. In a series of letters. With life of Bingham (William). Grammar of the Latin Miranda, and geographical notices of Caraccas. language, with exercises. 388 pp. 12o. xv, 312 pp. 8~. London, auth7or, 1809. Philadelphia, E. H. B utler 4 Co. 1867. Biglow (William). History of Sherburne, Bingle.y (Rev. William). Biographical converMass. 1674 to 1830. 80 pp. 80. Milford, sations on celebrated travellers. x, 360 pp. (Mass.) Balloztn c Stacy, 1830. 160. London, J. Shcarpe, 1819. Bigly (Cantell A.) [pseudon.] See Aurifo- ----— Biographical conversations on the most dina, etc. eminent British characters. xii, 348 pp. 16~. Bigney (M. F.) Theforest pilgrims, and other London, J. Sharpe, 1818. poems. 258 pp. 120..Nrew Orleans, J. A. Biographical conversations on the most Greeshanm, 1867. eminent voyagers of different nations. xii, Bigorie de Laschamps (F.) Michel de Mlon- 348 pp. 160. London, J. Sharpe, 1818. taigne. 326 pp. 12~. Paris, A. Vatou, 1855. Bini, (Gianlfrancesco). Le terze rime, 1542. Bigot de Morogues (Pierre Marie S&bastien). ( With Berni (F.) Tutte le opere, etc). Recherches th6oriques et pratiques de la meil- EBinney (Amos). The terrestrial air-breathing leure mdthode pour faire fermenter 6cono- mollusks of the United States. Edited by A. miquement le vin, le cidre et les autres liqueurs A. Gould. 4 v. 4~. Boston, Little, Browcn,F du mme e genre. 237 pp. 12~. Paris, Huzard,c Co. 1851-60. s. 1825. Binuin-ey (William G.) Land and fresh water Bill (a) in the chancery of New Jersey, at the shells of North Ameer ica. Part ii. Pulmonata, suit of John, earl of Stair, and others, pro- limnophila, and thalassophila. ix, 161 pp. prietors of the eastern division of New Jersey, 80. TWashington, 1865. (Smithsonian miscel. against Benjamin Bond and other persons of coll. v. 7). Elizabeth-town. [With] the publications of -The same. Part iii. Amnpullaridae, valvathe council of prop ietors of east New Jersey tidae, viviparidae, fresh-water rissoidae, cyconcerning the riots. 124, 39 pp. 3 maps. clophoridae, truncatellidae, fresh-water nerifol. 2ATew York, Janmes Parker, 1747. tidae, helicinidae. viii, 120 pp. 80. Was7hBill (Ledyard). Pen pictures of the war. ington, 1865. (Smithsonian miscel. coell. v. 7). Lyrics,incidents, and sketches of the rebellion, j See Binney (A.) Terrestrial air-breath[with] a comlplete historical record. 6th ed. ing mollusks. Supp. [v. 4.] 368 pp. 1 pl. 8~. New York, 1866. Biographical memoirs of Gen. G. Washington, History of the Bill family. 368 pp. 1 pl. containing a history of the principal events 8~0. New York, [author], 1867. of his life, with extracts from his journals, Billaut (Adam). Le vilebrequin de Mr Adam, speeches to Congress, and public addresses. moenvisier de Nevers, contenant toutes sortes 3d ed. 217 pp. 240. Philadelphia, B. i/elde poesies gallantes, etc. [pseudon.] 295 pp. well, 1801. 57 1. 160. Paris, G. de Lwrye, 1663. Biographical memoirs of George Washington. [Imp: wanting pp. 133-4.] [anon.] 160 pp. 24~. Barnard, [ Vt.] Jo Bille (Steen). Bericht iiber die reise der seph Dix, 1813. 5. 34 BIOGRAPHIE. BLAINVILLE Biographie moderne, ou galerie historique, Bishop (Rev. Robert H.) Outline of the hiscivile, militaire, politique, etjudiciare. [anon.] tory of the church in Kentucky, during a 2v. 80. Paris, A. Eymery, 1815. period of forty years [1783 —1823]; containBion. Works. Translated [by F. Fawkes]. ing memoirs of Rev. David Rice, [with his 18~. London, 1760. ( With Anacreon, etc. two epistles to presbyterians, and a tract in Works. Ed. London, 1760). opposition to slavery]. 420 pp. 160. Lex-- The same. Translated by F. Fawkes. ington, (Ky.) F. T. Skillman, 1824. 8~. Edinburgh, [1792]. [Anderson's British Bishop's (The) council; with reminiscences of poets, v. 5]. an annual conference of the methodist episco- The same. (In Greek pastoral poets. palchurch. By an ex-presiding elder. [anon.] Done into English by M. J. Chapman. 3d ed. 338 pp. 12~. St. Louis, P. M. Pinckard, 1867. 120. London, 1856). Bitaube (Paul J&r6mie). Joseph. [Poeme en Biondo (Flavio). Roma instaurata, libri tres. prose]. 2 v. in 1. 5e 6d. 194, 271 pp. 9 pl. 43 1. unp. fol. Veronae, per Boninum de Beo- 240. Paris, Didot, 1786. ninis de Ragusia, 1481. Bjornson (Bj6rnstjerne). Arne, a sketch of -- De origine et gestis Venetorum. 14 1. Norwegian life. Translated from the Norunp. fol. Veronae, per Boninum de Boninis de wegian, by A. Plesner and S. Rugeley-Powers. Ragusia, 1481. (With preceding). xvi, 202pp. 12~. London, A. Strahan, 1866. - Italia illustrata. 931. unp. fol. Veronae, Black (The) book of England; exhibiting the Boninum de Boninis de Ragusia, 1482. (With state policy and administration of the united preceding). kingdom. xii, 384 pp. 16~. London, C. Biot (Jean Baptiste). M6langes scientifiques Mitchell, 1847. et litt6raires. 3 v. 80. Paris, 1858. s. Black (The) crook, a most wonderful history. [anon.] 148 pp. 6 pl. 8~. Philadelphia, CONTENTS. Barclay c Co. 1867. Blackburn (Rev. W. M. editor). See KirkV. 1. Voyages; operations g(od6siques. ]ltudes sur patrick (Rev. Jacob). KirkNewton. (iv, 472 pp). patrick (Rev. Jacob). Kirkpatrick memoV. 2. Critique litt6raire et scientifique. Esquisses rial, etc. biographiqclues. (462 pp). V. 3. lconomie sociale. Voyages de d6couvertes. Blackburne (Francis). The confessional; or, (r532 pp.). a full and free inquiry into the right, utility, edification and success, of establishing system- La razionale scoperta del pianeta de Le atical confessions of faith and doctrine in Verrier logicamente presentata; recata itali- protestantchurches. [anon.] 2d ed. xliii, anamente con prefazione e note da Giuseppe xciii, 410pp. 80. Lonon, S. Bladon, 1767. Bianchi. xxiii, 238 pp. 16~. Parma, P. Pliac- Blackley (Rev. Frederick R.) The Greenland cadori, 1854. s. minstrel; a poem, with introductory narrative Birch (Thomas, D. D.) An inquiry into the and notes. 160. London, 1839. share which king Charles I had, in the trans- Blackmore (Sir Richard). Creation; a poem. actions of the Earl of Glamorgan, for bring- 80. Edinburgh 1793. ing over a body of Irish rebels, in 1645-46. [Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 7.] [anon.] 2d ed. viii, 376 pp. 80. London, Blackson (Lorenzo D.) The rise and progress A. Millar, 1756. of the kingdoms of light and darkness; or Birgitta (Saint, of Sweden). See Brigitta. the reign of kings Alpha and Abaddon. 288 Birkinshaw (Maria Louisa). The chevaliers; pp. 13pl. 12~. Philadelphia, J. Nicholas, a tale. 416 pp. 8~. London, Sinopkin, Miar- 1867. shall c Co. 1860. Blackwell (Robert). Original acrostics on Bischoff (Theodor Ludwig Wilhelm). En- some of the southern states and the most twicklungsgeschichte des hunde-eies. 134 pp. eminent men of the southern confederacy, 15 pl. 40. Braunschweig, Vieweg, 1845. s. and on other subjects. 24pp. 160. Loudon * — Entwicklungsgeschichte des kaninchen- Co. Va. 1863. eies. 134 pp. 15 pl. 40. Braunschweig, Vie- Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, July 1866 wieg, 1842. s. to June 1867. v. 100-101. 80. Edinburgh, Bishop (Abraham). Georgia speculations un- W. Blackwood 4 son, 1866-67. veiled. In two parts. 144 pp. 8~. Hart- Blainville (- de). (Euvres diverses ud ford, Elisha Babcock, and Hudson 4.' Goodwin, sieur D"i. [anon.] 8 p. 1. 283 pp. 15 1. 1797 —98. 1 pl. 18~. Paris, D. Thierry, 1683. 35 BLAIR. BLOWE. Blair (Rev. David). A grammar of chemistry. Blaney (Capt.) An excursion through the Revised by B. Tucker. 180 pp. 1 pl. 180. United States and Canada, 1822 —23. By an Philadelphia, D. Hogan, 1810. English gentleman. [anon]. 2 p. 1. 511 pp. Blair (Rev. Robert). The grave; a poem. 8~. 2 maps. 8~. London, Baldwin, Cradock g Edinbuergh, 1794. Joy, 1824. [Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 8.] Blanford (H. F.) See Salter, John William The same. Illustrated by twelve etch- and Blanford, (H. F.) ings [from designs by William Blake]. Blatchly (A.) Mining and milling in the xiv, 36 pp. 12pl. 4~. London, T. Bensley, Reese river region, central and southeast 1808. s8 Nevada. 48 pp. 12~. Xew York, Slote $ Blake (Alexander V.) American bookseller's Janes, 1867. complete reference trade list and alphabetical Bledsroe (Albert Taylor, LL. D.) Is Davis a catalogue of books published in the U. S. traitor; or, was secession a constitutional With an article on the law of copyright by P. right, previous to the war of 1861 1 vi, 264 T. Washburn. 4~. Claremont, (N. H.) 1847. pp. 12~. Baltimore, Innes 4 Co. 1866. - The same. Supplement. 4~. Clare- Bleile (Joseph). leitrage zur kaltwassermont, (N. H.) 1848. s. heilkunde. Mit einemi anhang, entlialtend Blake (Rev. Mortimer). A centurial history Nutzen und gebrauch des kalten badens nach of the Mendon association of congregational P. J. Ferro; W X " Virkungen des kalministers, with the centennial address deliv- ten badens, und trinken nach J. Floyer; ered at Franklin, Mass. Nov. 19, 1851. Natur und heilkrl-fte der milch, nach J. 344 pp. 120. Boston, Sewall Harding, 1853. Floyer. xxiii, 382 pp. 16~. Kempten, P: Blake (William). Designs illustrating The Dannheimner, 1852. grave; a poem. See Blair (Robert). s. Blenkarn (John). British timber trees: their Blanc (Jean Joseph Louis). History of the rearing and subsequent management, in French revolution of 1789. Translated from woods, groves, and plantations. xii, 276 pp. the French. v. 1. (Introduction and first 120. London, Routledge, 1859. s. year). 8~. Philadelphia, Lea ~ Blanchard, Blesensis (Peter). See Pierre de Blois. 1848. s. Bloch (Mark Elieser). Ichtyologie, ou his[No mere published in English]. toire naturelle, gdalrale et particuliire, des Blanchard (Imile). See Cuvier (G. L. C. F. possons. poissons. 19 V. in 6. fol. Berlin, auteur, D.) R~gne animal-zoophytes. 1785 —97. Blanchard (P.) and Dauzats (Adrien). San - Oeconomische naturgeschichte der Juan de Ulat, ou relation de l'expddition fische Deutschlands. 3 v. 40~. atlas fol. frangaise au Mexique, sous les ordres de lverfasser, 1782 —84. S. contre-amiral Baudin. Suivi de notes et d'un Blone (Richard). Description of the island of aper~u surl'6tat actuel du Texas parE[ug(ne] Jamaica, with the other isles and territories Maissin. xii, 591 pp. 18 pl. 8~. Paris, Gide, 1839aissin. xii, 591 pp. 18 p. 5 Paris, Gide, of America, to which the English are related. 4 p. 1. 192 pp. 1 map. 240. London, T. Blanco (Manuel). Flora de Filipinas. lxxviii, ilbourn, 1672. 887 pp. 80, Manila, C. Lopez, 1837. S. Blondel (Francois). Histoire du calendrier Bland (Robert, M. D.) Observations on human romain, qui contient son origine et les divers and comparative parturition. xv, 223 pp. 8~. changemens qui luy sont arrivez. 312 pp. 41. London, J. Johnson, 1794. [ With Fowler 4~ Paris auteu 1699. (Thomas). Effects of blood-letting, etc. (Thomas)ndon 1795. Effects of blood-letting, etc. Blot (Pierre). Hand-book ofpractical cookery; containing the whole science and alrt of preBlandin (Philippe Fr6d6ric). Trait6 d'anato- p., paringhumanfood. 478pp. 12~. Newu Yor7, mie topographique, ou anatomie des r6gions D. Appleton 4 Co. 1867. du corps humain, etc. 2e 6d., xxxii, 680 pp. Blount (Thomas Pope). Censura celebriorum 1 tab. 8~. Germer Bailli~re 1834. s. b. GererBailre, 1834.. authorum. Ed. nova. 4 p. 1. 1070 pp. 40~ [Wanting atlas, 20 pl. fol.] G-enevae, De Tournes, 1710. s. Blane (William). Cynegetica; or, essays on Genevae De Tournes, 1710. sporting: consisting of observations on hare Blowe (Daniel). Geographical, commercial, and agricultural view of the United States of hunting. With The chase: a poem, by William Somerville. New ed. a9e pp. 80W America, with account of Canada. 758, xxxvi pp. 2 maps. 80~. Liverpool, I. Fisher, (about [London, 1781]. 1820). 1890). BLOWE. BODLEIAN. Blowe (Daniel). The same. [anon.] 746, Italian, [by Edwacrd Dubois]. 4 v. 24~. xvi pp. 1 pl. 1 1 map, 1 table. 80. London, London, S. Richlards, 1822. [Liverpool], Ecldwacrcs & Knibb, 1820. Bochart (Samuel). Hierozoicon, seu de animalBlumi_ (J. Reinhard). Lithurgik, oder miniera- ibus scripture compendium. 2 v. in 1. 10 lien und felsarten nach ihrer olonomlischer p. 1. 332 pp; 468 pp. 121. 4~. _irancequercae l.insicht systematisch abgebandelt. 501 pp. J. Gyselaer, 1690. s. 8~. Stuttgard, E. Schweizerbart, 1840. (Natur- BEok (Christian P. Bianco). Iubersichlt der geschichte, supplement). s. bisher in Norwegen gefundenen formen der _____ -Lehrbuch der oryktognosie. 2e. aufl. trilobiten-familie. [ JYith Keilhau (B. M.) xxii, 706 pp. 80. Stuttgard, E. Schweizerbart, Gma norvegica, 1.] s. 1345. (Naturgeschichte, v. 2). s. BSol (Wilhelm). Syphilisationen studeret ved Bl.mne (Friedrich). Iter italicvm; archive, sygecengen. 211 pp. 8~. Christianiac B13ryLibliotheken, und inschriften. 4 v. in 2. 16~. ger cf Christie, 1854. s. Berl in, Nicolai, 1824 —30. s. R echerches sur la syphilis, appuy6es de B!undell (John W.F.) Themuscles and their tableaux de statistique tirds des archllives des story, from the earliest times. xvi, 304 pp. hb6pitaux de Christiania. 509pp. 40. Chris1 pl. 160. London, Chlapman (' tHall, 1864. tianict, H. J. Jensen, 1862. s. Blunt (Edmund M.) American coast pilot. Bbckh (Augnst). MAetrologische untersuchun21st ed. 84, 842 pp. 3 charts. 8~. New York, gen iiber gewichte, mfinzfisse unlc masse des G. W. Blunt, 1867. altertllums. xxviii, 481 pp. 8~. Berlin, Veit Stranger' s guide to the city of New York. (t Co. 1838. s. 3'6 pp. 240. -NTew York, B. M.. Blunt, 1817. l Untersuchulgen fiber das kosmische Blunt (GeorgeWV.) The way to avoid the centre system des Platon, mit bezug auf Gruppe's of our violent gales. [Also, observations on kosmische system der Griechen. vi, 152 pp. the hurricanes and storms of the West Indies 80. Berlin, Veit, 1852. s. and the coast of the U.S. By WV. C. Red- BoddingtonL(Ms.) Sketchesin the Pyrenees; field.] 31 pp. i chart. 80. New York2 G. with some remarks on Languedoc, Provence, W. Blmnt, 1866. and the Cornice. [anon]. 2 v. xii, 440 Blunt (Rev. John James). The veracity of pp.; xi, 486 pp. 12~. London, Longrman, the gospels, and Acts of the apostles, argued 1837. fr om their undesigned coincidences. lstAm. Bode (Johann Elert). Allgemeine betrached. 127 pp. 1~V. Boston, Perkins 4f Mar- tungen fiber das weltgebitude. 3e ausg. 16~. yin, 1829. Berlin, [ 1807.] s. Blyton (Emima). The pleasures of freedom. Anleitung zur kenntniss des gestirnten A poem. 53 pp. 80. London, Scaunders' himmnels. 9e aufl. xvi, 662 pp. 5 pl. 80. Otle?, 1860. Berlin, Nicolai, 1823. s. Boaden (James). Memoirs of the life of John ~ Nachtrag zn J. E. Bode's anleitung, etc. Philip Kemble. 2 v. in 1. xxvii, 607 pp. von Jabbo Oltmanns. iv, 168 pp. 8~0. Berlin, 80. Pilcadelphia, Robert H. Small, 1825. Nicolai, 1833. s. (Mr's. M. M.) Haps and nlishaps BodemaLnn (Eduard). Xylographische und of the Brown family. 319 pp. 4 pl. 160. typographische incunabeln der k6niglichen Philadelphia, Perkinpine 4' Higgins, [1865]. offentlichen bibliothek zu Hannover. vi, 130 Nellie Gates and the little missionary. pp. 41 pl. 40. Hannover, Hahn, 1866;. s. 357 pp. 4 pl. 160. 1hiladelphia, Perkin- Bodemann (Friedrich Wilhelm). Sammlung pine 4 Hjiggins, [1867]. liturgischer formulare, aus tilteren und neuThe mother-in-law. Sequel to Nellie erVen agenden. 2 v. in 1. ix, 245, 4 pp; xvii, Gates. 402 pp. 4 pl. 150. Philadelphia, 238, 58 pp. 8~0. Gttingen, Vandenhoeck' Perkinpine 4- Hiygins, [1867]. IRuoprecht, 1845-46. Bobert (Carl F.) Uiber serpentengebilde im Bodenhamer (Williamr). A practical treatise urgebirge auf' Modun. 1838. [ WJith Keil- on the metiology, pathology, and treatment of hau (B. M.) G,-a norvegica, I]. s. the congenital malformations of the rectum Boccaccio (Giovanni). Decamerone. [Per and anus. 368 pp. 16 pl. 8~0. New York, cura di Ugo Foscolo, con un discorso storico S. S. & W. Woodl, 1860. s. sul testo.] 3 v. 8~. 11 pl. Londra, W. Pick- Bodleian library, Oxford. Catalogues of books ering, 1823. purchased 1806-1824. [With prices]. fol. -- Tlhe (lecameron. Translalted from the [Oxford, 1806-24.] s. 37 BODLEIAN. BONAPARTE. Bodloian library, Oxford. Catalogue of the Malabar, etc. 3d ed. 3 pts. 8 pl. lxviii, 309 books relating to British topograply, and pp. 16G. London~, J. Downing, 1718. Saxon and northern literature, bequeathed in BdSlhne or Boemius (Johann). Repertorivm 1799, by Richard Gough. iv, 459 pp. 40~. librorvm trivm de omnivm gentivm ritibvs. Oxford, Clcarendon press, 1814 s. 6 p. 1. unp. 81 1. 4~. Aujgstace zFindelicoru)n, Catalogue of the printed books and manun- 1520. s. scripts bequeathed by Francis Douce. 2 p. 1. B3hnenbiberge- (J. G. F.) Anleitung zur 311 pp. fol. Oxford, Univ. press, 1840. ( IWith geographischen ortsbestimmLung vorztiglich preceding.) s. mittels des spiegelsextanten. Neu bearbeitet ---- - Catalogue of the early English poetry and von Dr. G. A. Jahn. xx, 346 pp. 5 pl. 80. other works illustrating the English drama, Gttincgen, Vandenlh'ck' Rul2preclt, 1852. s. collected by Edlond Malone. viii, 52 pp. - Astronomie. 3 p. 1. 710 pp, 8 pl. 8. fol. Oxfo rd, Univ. press, 1836. (Wit7h pre- Tiibingen, J. G. Cotta, 1811. s. ceding.) s. Bohun (William). A brief view of ecclesiasCatalogus dissertationuni acadernicarum, tical jurisdiction, as it is at this day practiced 1832. 448 pp. 31 1. fol. Oxonii, 1834. s. in England. [anon.] 13pp. 123. BPoston, Catalogus librorum hebraeorum. Diges- Thozmas and Jo7in Fleet, 1765. sit M. Steinschneider. cxxxi, 3104, xc pp. Boileau de Bouillon (Gilles). La sphllre des 40. Berolini, A2. Pliedlaendcer, 1852-60. s. deux mondes, compos6e en Franlois, par Boeckh (See Bcki). Darinel, pasteur des Amadis. [pseztdon.] Boehnoe (Anton Willelm). See Bbhnse. 4 p. 1.. unp. 60 1. paged as 57 1. 18 maps. Boemius (Johannes). See Bdhmne (Johann). sin. 40. Anvers, Jean Flchart, 1555. Boerhaave (Hermann). Praelectiones acade- Boinvilliers (gdouard). L'dtat et les chemins micae in proprias institutiones rei mnedicae. de fer en 1865. 40 pp. 80. Paris, 1865. Edidit et notas addidit Albertus Haller. [Ext. die la Revue contemporaine.] 6 v. in 7. 12~. Gottingae, A. Vaendenhoeck, Boisard (J. J. F. M.) Fables. 2 v. in 1. 2e 6d. 1744. s. 220 pp; 307 pp. 9pl. 12~. Par'is, LaCconbe, 177 7. CONTENTS. Boiste (Pierre Claude Victoire). Dictionnaire v. 1. Chylificatio. de gdographie universelle, ancienne, du m oyen v. 2. Arteria, cor, pvlmo, sangvis, glandvia, cerebrum. age et moldrnoe compardcs; rclig6 sur 1I v. 3. Lien, hepar, renes, musculi, cutis, nutritio. v. 4. Senses externi, interni, somnvs. plan de Vosgien. 3 p. 1. 629 pp. 8~. Paris, v. 6. Respiratio, loqvcla, semen Imasculinvm.esy, 18. V. 7. M5enstrva, conceptvs. v. 6. PIathologia, semeiotice, hygiene, therapeutice. Boitiard (Pierrc). Guic-lmanuel de In bonne Consultationes medicae; sive sylloge epis- comlpagnie, du bon ton, et de la politesse. 478 tolarunm cum responsis. Adeesselmnt ejusdedm pp. 16i. Paris, P:assardl, 1851. de calculo libellus, et introductio ad praxin I Nouveau manuel complet d'entomologie, clinicam. 3 v. in 1. 160. Gottingae, A. on histoire naturelle des insectes et des myriVandenhoeckc, 1744. s. apodes. 3 v. 18~. Pcaris, RBoret, 1843. s. B:nethius (Anicius M. T. S.) Comforts of Bolanden (Conrad von). Barbarossa; an hisphilosophy: in five boolks. From the Latin, torical novel of thexii. century. 486 pp. 120. by W. Causton and Mr. Bellamy. 150 pp. Pthiladelphia, E. Cusnzniskey, 1867. 4~. [ T;ith Bellamy (Daniel). Ethic amuse- Bolingbroke (lord). See St. John (Hlenry). ments, London, 1768]. Bolton (Robert, jr.) Guide to Newv Iochllee Boettiger (CarlAugust). See Bdttiger(C.A.) and its vicinity. [anon.] 67 pp. 2 1. 1 p1. Bogota. Almanlaque de Bogota i guia de foras- 18~. Nlew York, A. Hianford, 1842. teros para 1867. Por J. M4. Vergara i J. B. Bolts (William). Considerations on India Gaitan. 320. xx, 384 pp. Bogota, Gaitaz, affairs, particularly respecting the present 1866. state of Bengal and dependencies. [part 1.] Bohadsch (Johann Baptista). Bescllreibung xxxii,'228, 165 pp. 1 map. 40~. London, J. einiger minderkannten seethiere, und ihren Almon, 1772. eigenschaften. Aus dem lateinischen von Boinaparte (Charles Lucien). American orniNathanael G. Leske. xii, 160 pp. 12 pl. 40~. thology. [See Wilson (A.) and Bonac parte. Dresden, Walther, 1776. s. American ornithlology. 4 v. 1831.] s. B3hlle (Anton Wilhelm, editor ). Propagation I Observations on the nomenclature of of the gospel in the east: being an account of Wilson's ornithology. 128 1. unp. 80. i'lzilathe success of two Danish missionarlies in delphia, A. _Finley, 1826. s. BONAPARTE. BORRING. Bonaparte (Charles Lucien) cand Schlegel Bontier (Pierre). IIistoire des Canaries. (Hermann). Monographie des Loxiens. xvii, Paris, 1530. See Bethencourt (Jean de). 55 pp. 54 pl. 4~. Leiden et Diisseldorf, Arnz, Book of bubbles; a contribution to the New 1850. York fair in aid of the sanitary commi;ssion. Bonaparte (Louis). See Louis, King of bol- [anon.] iv pp. 63 pl. obl. 180. New York, land. Endicott 8& Co. 1864. Bonaparte (Louis Napol6on). See Napoleon Book of psalms in metre. Newly translated, III. by William Barton. 11 p. 1. unp. 407 pp. Bonaparte (Napol6on). See Napoleon I. 18~. London, Tho. Snowden, 1692. Bonar (Horatius, D. D.) Hymns of faith and Bookseller (The); a handbook of British and hope. 9th ed. 3 v. 160. London, Jas. Nis- foreign literature, [and] Bent's literary adbet & Co. 1862-66. vertiser. Jan. to Dec. 1866. [v. 9.] 8~. -- ~Words old and new; or gems from the London, E. Tucker, 1867. christian authorship of all ages. 356 pp. 160. Bookworm (The). An illustrated literary and London, JTas. Nisbet & Co. 1866. bibliographical review. Jan. to Dec. 1866. Bonarelli ( Conte Guid'Ubaldo). Filli di Sciro, 8~. London, 1866-67. favola pastorale. 2 v. in 1. xviii, 110 pp; Boone (H. H.) Life sketches of the state offi152 pp. 8. 8 Londra, L. NVcrdini, 1800. cers [etc.] of New York in 1867. See HarBonaventura (Giovanni di Fidanza, Saint). low (S. R.) and Boone (1-I. II.) Breuiloquidi de scriptura. 68 1. unp. fol. Boone (Rev. Thomas Charles). The book of Nurmberge [J. Sensenchnzid], 1472. churches and sects; or the opinions of all de[Imperfect; wanting last page of table.] nominations of christians differing from the Liber profectuum religiosorum. 169 1. church of England. xxiv, 560 pp. 8~. Lonunp. sm. 4~. [Daventriae, about 1480]. don, C. & J. Bivington, 1826. - Meditacoes vite dlli firi ihu Xti. 71 1. Boone (Rev. William J. D. D.) An essay on unp. fol. Augustce, Zeyner deReutlingen, 1468. the proper rendering of the words elohim and Bond (John J.) Handy-book of rules and ta- theos into the Chinese language. 69 pp. 80. bles for verifying dates of historical events Canton, 1848. [etc.] giving tables of regnal years of Booth (James C. ) The phonographic insovereigns, [etc.] 10663-1866. xxxii, 344 structor. 78 pp. 12~0. Philadelphia, E. H. pp. 120. London, Bell &' Daldy, 1866. Butler & Co. 1849. s. [Also, calendar card, with preceding]. and Morfit (Campbell). On recent imBond (J. Wesley). Minnesota and its re- provements in the cheemical arts. 216 pp. 80. sources. 364 pp. 2pl. 1 map. 12~. New Washington, Smithsonian Inst. 1851. s. York, Beclfield, 1853. s. Booth (Mary L.) History of the city of New Bond (Thomas E. M. D.) A practical treatise York. Illustrated. 2 v. 892p. I pl. 8~. on dental medicine. 22d ed. 366 pp. 80. Phil- New York, W. I. C. Clark, 1867. adelphia, Lindsay & Blakiston, 1852. s. Boothby (Sir Brooke). Fables and satires, Bondy (Pierre Marie Taillepied, comte de). with a preface on the Esopean fable. 2 v. M6moire sur la n6cessit6 de reviser le d1gisla- lxiii, 192 pp; x, 241 pp. 8~. Edinburgh, tion actuelle, concernant les enfans trouv6s, Constable & Co. 1809. abaindonn6s, et orphelins pauvres. xii, 236 Bordoni (Benedetto). Isol]ario nel qual si pp. 80.`Auxerre, Gallot-Foursnier, 1835. ragiona di tutte l'isole del mondo. 4 p. 1. Bonner (James). A new plan for speedily in- unp. 72 l1. 4 maps. fol. Vinegia, Nicolb d'Arcreasing the number of beehives in Scotland, istotile, 15341. and which may be extended to England, Ire- Borkhausen (Moriz Balthasar). Deutsche land, America, etc. xviii, 260 pp. 80. Edclin- fauna, oder kurzgefasste naturgeschichte der burgh, WV. Creech, 1795. thiere Dentschlands. lcr theil; saugethicre Bonneval (Henri, vicomte de). ltudes diplo- und viogel. xxiv, 620 pp. 8~. 1frankfutrt matiques. viii, 350 pp. 80. Paris, Didot, am Aayn, Varrentrapp & Wenner, 1797. s. 1857. [No more published.] Bonomi (Joseph). Nineveh and its palaces; Borring (L. S.) Fransk-dansk og danskthe discoveries of Botta and Layard, applied fransk haand-ordbog. FOrste deel, fralnskto the elucidation of holy writ. xxii, 402 pp. dansk. 2 v. in 1. 476 pp.; 496 pp. 12~. 80. London, Ill'd library, 1852. s. Kjiibenhavn, A. Soldan &c Cie. 1841-45. s. 39 BORY. BOTFIELD. Bory de St. Vincent (Jean Baptiste Marcellin). Boston. Report of the joint standing committee Trait6 l16mentaire d'6rp6tologie, ou d'histoire on Boston harbor for the year 1852. 79 pp. naturelle des reptiles, etc. 3 p. 1. 292 pp. 2 pl. 8~. Boston, J. -U. Eastburn, 1853. 320~. Paris, Mairet dc PFournier, 1842. s. Boston almanac for 1867. v. 32. 180. Boston, Iconlographie des reptiles, etc. 20 pp. G. Coolidge, 1867. 52 pl. 32~. Paris. A. Fournier, 1843. s. Bcston board of trade. Thirteenth annual re[ Atlas to the preceding.] port, Jan. 1867. By Lorenzo Sabine, sec'y. Bose (Louis Augustin Guillaume). Histoire 8~. Boston, J. 1Wilson & son, 1867. naturelle des coquilles. 5 v. 18~. Paris, Boston (The) directory. 117 pp. 1 map. 160~. 1830. s. Boston, Manning &. Loring, 1796. Histoire naturelle des vers. 2e 6d. 3 v. The same, for the years 1846-1853, 180. Paris. 1830. s. 1855, 1856, 1861, and 18G7. 12 v. 80~. Bosquier (Philippe). Tragcedie nouvelle dicte Boston, 1846 —67. Le petit razoir des ornemens mondains. 1589. Boston library society. Catalogue of books. x, Rdimpression. 16~. lMlons, 1863. 335, 73 pp. 8~. Boston, T B. Marvin, 1844. s. Bossange (Hector). Extrait du catalogue Boston (The) magazine, [Oct. 1783, to Dec. g6n6ral (pp. 273-402, 841-864), sciences 1786.] v. 1 —3. 27 pl. 80. Boston, NTormana naturelles, sciences m6dicales. 80. Paris, & White, [1783 —86]. H. Bossange, 1845. s. Boston (The) medical and surgical journal. Liste alpllabdtique des ouvrages p6iiod- v. 1-21, bound in 11 v. 8~. Boston, 1829 — iques, journaux religieux, scientifiques, pol- 40. (v. 4 —5 wanting). itiques, litt6raires et des beaux-arts publi6s Boston public library. Catalogue of books. iv,'a Paris. 5e supploldment au catalogue g6n6ral 180 pp. 80. Boston, J. Wilson & Son, 1854. s. [extrait. pp. 1467-1516]. 80. Paris, Index to the catalogue of books in the H. Bossange, 1853. s. Bates hall. First supplement. v, 718 pp. B3osse (Abraham). De la manibre de graver 80. Boston, J. E. PFarwell & Co. 1866. a l'eau forte et au burin, et de la gravfre Index to the city documents, 1834 to en maniare noire. Nouv. 6d. 80. Paris, 1865. 21 pp. 8~. [With preceding.] 1745. s. Boston social law library. Catalogue. 3d ed. Bossi (Giuseppe). Del cenacolo di Leonardo vi, 281 pp. 80. Boston, 1865. da Vinci libriiv. 40. Milano, 1810. s. Bosworth (Rev. Joseph). Origin of the EnBesso (Matteo). Dialogi, o: ationes et epistolee; glish, Germanic, and Scandinavian languages [sunt eiusdem recuperationes fesulanae]. and nations, etc. with a map of European 1616 1. unp. sin. 40. Bononice, Bazalerus, 1493. languages. ccviii pp. 1 col. map. 8~. LonBossu (N. or F.) Nouveaux voyages aux Indes don, Longfman, 1836. [Title wanting]. s. Occidentales; une relation des diff6rens peu- - Gothic and Anglo-Saxon gospels. See ples qui habitent ]es environs du grand fleuve Bible-Gothic. Saint-Louis, appell vulgairement t le Missis- Bosworth (Newton). The accidents of human sippi. 2 pts. in 1. xx, 244; 264 pp. 4 pl. life; with hints for their prevention, and re160. Paris, Le Jay, 1768. moval of their consequences. x, 247 pp. 7 pl. Bost (Jean Augustin). History of the Bohe- 18~. Ncew York, S. WFood, 1814. mian and Moravian brethren. Translated Hochelaga depicta; thle early history fiom the French, and abridged. 2d ed. v, and present state of the city and island of 428 pp. 180. London, Rel. Tract Soc. 1838. Montreal. 284 pp. 2 maps. 16 pl. 120. Boston. Annual report of the school commit- Montreal, Wriilliasr Greig, 1839. tee of Boston for 1858 and 1863. 8~0. Boston, Botelho de Moraes y Vasconcellos (Fran1859-64. s. cisco). El nuevo mundo, poemma heroyco, List of persons, copartnerships, and con las alegorias de Pedro de Castro. 16 p. l. corporations who were taxed on $10,000 and 476 pp. sm. 40. Barcelona, _F'rancisco Barupwards in 1861. 164 pp. 8~0. Boston, J. E. nola, 1701. Partwell & Co. 1862. Botfield (Beriah). Stemmata Botevilliana. - a- ailroad jubilee; commemorative of the Memorials of the families of De Boteville, opening of railroad comml unication between Thynne, and Botfield, in the counties of Salop Boston and Canada, September, 1851. 283 and Wilts. Withappendix. xvi,204, dxlviii pp. 1 map. 80. Boston, J. H. Eastburn, pp. 25pl. 40; ~Westminster, J. B. Nichols & 1851. s. sons, 1858. s. 40 BOTTA. BOUVET Botta (Vincenzo). Dante as philosopher and Boullenois (Frdd6ric de). Colrscils aux patriot. Withll an aalysis of the divina comn- nouveaux 6dncateLurs de vers a sole. xi, 216 media, its plot and its episodes. x, 113 pp. pp. 1 pl. 8~. Paris, Bouchard-Hauzard, 12~. NATew York, Charles Scribner & Co. 18637. 18.12. s. *Bittiger (Carl August). Les furies, d'aprbs Boulter (I-lugh, D. D. archbishop of Armagh). les pobetes et les artistes anciens. Traduction Letters to several ministers of state in Engde 1'Allemand par T. F. Winckler. viii, 126 land, contaihing an account of the most interpp. 4 pl. 8~. Paris, Al. Delalain, 1802. esting transactions in Ireland from 1724 to Botto (G. D.) Catechismo agrologico, ossia 1739. 2 v. in 1. viii, 288 pp; 193 pp. 7 1. principii di scienza applicata all'agricoltura. 80. Dublin, G. Faulkner & J. Williams, 3 p. 1. 256 pp. 3 pl. 8~. Torino, Stacnperia 1769-70. reale, 13i6. s. Boulton (D'Arcy). Sketch of his majesty's - Ellementi di fisica generale esperimentale. province of Upper Canada. xi, 99 pp. 1 map. 432 pp. 8~. Torino, Stamperia reale, 1850. s. 40~. London, C. BIickaby, 1805. Boturini-BenaduLci (Lorenzo). Idea de una Bouquet (The). A selection of poems from nueva historia general de la America septen- the most celebrated authors. [anon.] 2 v. trional. 167 pp. 98. sin. 4~. 20 p. 1. 167 200, 192 pp. 180. London, J. Deightoen, pp. 4 1. Lactdrid, JTuan de Zaitiya, 1746. 1792. Bounbe (Ncr6e). Cours abr6gd de geologie, Bourdon de Sigrais (Claude Guillaume). Hisonu d6veloppement du tableau de 1'6tat du toire des rats, pour servir a l'histoire univerglobe hi ses diffdrens ages. viii, 200 pp. I pl. selle. [anon.] xvi, 140 pp. 6 1. 120. Bat8~. Paris, Bulletin d'iist. nat. de Plrance, opolos, [Paris?] 1738. 1834. S. Bourget (Jean). History of the rovyal abbey Boucheporn (F6lix de). DoI principe g6ndral of Bec, near Rouen in Normandy. Translated de la philosophie naturelloe. 468 pp. 80. from the French [by Dr. A. C. Ducarel]. Paris, Carilian-Gocury & V. Dalmont, 1853. viii, 140 pp. 120. Lozndon, J. Nichols, Bouchet (Jean). Les triumphes de la noble 1779. et alnovrevse dame, et l'art de honnestement Bourne (Vincent). Miscellaneous poems, conaymer, compos6 par le trauerseur des voyes sisting of originals and translations. xvi, perilleuses. Nouuellement imprim6. 12 p. 1. 352 pp. 4~. London, WT. Ginger, 1772. unp. cccxc i. paged. 18~. Paris, Pierre Bourriennze (Louis Antoine Fauvelet de). Life Sergent, 1545. of Napoleon Bonaparte. 669 pp. 8~. PhilBoudin (Jean Christiern Marc Franqois Jo- adelphia, Carey & Lea, 1832. sephl). Trait6 de g6ographie et de statistique Boutigny (G. H.) Studien tiber die klrper mddicales et des maladties end6miques. 2 v. im sphitroidalen zustande, nach der 3e auflage lvi, 575 pp. 4 pl; 744 pp. 9pl. 80. Paris, tibersetzt von R. Arendt. xii, 301 pp. 80. J. B. Bailli're, 1857. s. Leipzig, Brockhaus, 1858. s. Boudrye (Rev. Loufis N.) Historic records of Boutruche (A.) Tableaux synoptiques de the fifth New York cavalry, first Ira Harris l'histoire d'Angleterre, et de l'histoire g6ndrale guard, during the rebellion of 1861-65. Also, comparees, depuis la premiere invasion des accounts of prison life and of the secret ser- Roemains jusqu' en 1837. 92 pp, 1 map. obl. vice. 2d ed. 358 pp. 11 pl. 120. Ailbany, 4~. Paris, Daubree, 1843. S. B. Gray, 1865. Boutnwell (George S.) Manual of the direct Bougeant (Guillamne Hyacinthe). Voyage and excise tax system of the United States; me veilleux du prince F'an F6r6din dans la including the forms, regulations, decisions, -Romancie. [anon.] 7 p. 1. 275 pp. 160. etc. of the commissioner of internal revenue. Parcis, P. G. Le Mercier, 1735. 4th ed. 8~0. Boston, Little, Browe & Co. Bouhier (Jean). Sur la preuve de l'impuis- 1861. sance de l'homme. See eArgis (A. G. B. d'). - Speeches and papers relating to the rcPrincipes, etc. bellion and the overthrow of slavery. vii, Bouillet(MarieNicolas). Dictionnlaireuniver- 6)28pp. 120. Bostoez, Little, Brown j Co. sel d'histoire et de gographie. 20 6d. viii, 1867. 8, 1924 pp. 80. Paris,L. i achette, 1843. Bouvet (Joachim). Icon regia monarchm SiBoulard (S.) Trait6 dhmnentaire de biblio- narvm nlun regnantis, ex Gallico versa. 6 p. 1. graphie. 2 pts. in 1 v. 140, 131 pp. 8~. 128 pp, 1 pl. 180. 1699. [ Tith Leibn-itz Parisl, Boedard, 1804. s. (G. WV.) Novissima sinica. Ultrojecti, 1699.] 41 BOUVIER. BRACKEN. Bouvier (Hannah M.) Familiar astronomy; Boyd (Hugh). Miscellaneous works. With or, an introduction to the study of the heavens. account of his life and writings by L. D. Illustrated. [Also] a treatise on the globes. Campbell. 2 v. xii, 291, 323 pp; 495 499 pp. 83. Philadelphia, Sower, Barnes & pp. 1 pl. 80. London, Cadell & Davies, Potts, [1833]. 1800. - The same. [Except parts v. and vi. Treatise on the globes, and history of astron- CONTENTS. omy]. 28.3 pp. 8~. Philadelophia, Sower, v. 1. Life and writings. ~Bargnes & Potts, [1858]. Letters of Democraticus, Freeholder, and Whig.:Barnes & 2Potts, [ 1858]. Abstracts of Chatham's speeches. Bowreln (Rev. John). Norway: its people, Poems. products, an institutions. v. 2. Embassy to Candy. products, and institutions. xii, 250 pp. 12~. Indian observer, essays. London, Chapelan & Hall, 186'7. Bowden (Samuel, M.D.) Poems on various Boyd (Robert, D.D.) Wee Willie; or, truth subjects; with some essays in prose. xxi, sought and found. 324 pp. 180. Chicago, 390 pp. 80. Bath, T. Baddeley, 1754. Church & Goodman,, 1867. Bowdich (T. Edward). Analysis of the natu- Boye (Johan). America: om af de gamle ral classifications of mammalia, for the use of kiendt, af de nyere hvorledes opdaget; og i students and travelers. 115 pp. 165 1. 14 pl. sin natur tildeels hvorledes befundet. 54 pp. 8~. Par'is, J. Smjith, 1821. 120. Kihbenhavn, J. Riise, 1829. Elements of conchology, including the Boyer (Lieut. ). Journal of Wayne's fossil genera and the animals. 2 pts. in 1 v. campaign against the northwestern Indians, 75 pp. 6 1; 33 pp. 4 1. 27 pl. 8~. Paris, from July 28 to Nov. 2, 1794. 23 pp. 40~. J. Smith, 1822. Cincinnati, Wkn. Dodge, 1866. Bowdiitch (Nathaniel Ingersoll). Memoir of Boyer (Abel). Foreign tales, witty and merry Nathaniel Bowditch. [anon.] xiii, 158 pp. sayings, repartees, etc. from the best authors. 12o. Boston, Jamnes Mrunroe & Co. 1811. In French and English. [anon.] 195 pp. Bowdoin College. Catalogus senatus aca- 160. London, S. Ballard, 1719. demici [etc.] in collegio bowdoinensi, [1867]. Boyle (John, 5th earl of Cork and Orrery). 89 pp. 80. [Brunsvici], J. Griffin, 1867. Letters from Italy in 1754-55. xlvi, 267 pp. Bowles (John). The retrospect; or, a collec- 1~0. London, B. White, 1773. tion of tracts published at various periods of Boyle (Robert). Opera varia. 19 v. [in 1.] the war. xl, 387 pp. 8~. London, T. N. 4~. Genevce, S. De Tournes, 1680-88. s. Lonrgqan, 1798. - See Grew (N.) and Boyle (R.) "ReBowles (William). Introduzione alla storia cueil d'exp6riences," etc. naturale e alla geografia fisica di Spagna. Boyle (Roger, 1st earl of Orrery). Collection Pubblicata e commentata dal Giuseppe Nic- of state letters, with life by Thomas Morrice. cola d'Azara, e dopo la seeonda ed. spagn- 2 v. xxi, 133, 287 pp; 445 pp. 8~. Dublin, uola, etc. tradotta da Francesco Milizia. G. FG.aulkner, 1743. 2 v. xvi, 330 pp; 358 pp. 80. Pacrma, Staa- Boynton (Charles Brandon, D.D.) The four peria reale, 1783. great powers: England, France, Russia, and Bowles (Rev. William Lisle). Sonnets and America; their policy, resources, and probaother poems. 9th ed. 2 v. vii, 180 pp; 165 ble future. 520 pp. 80. Cincinnati, C. F. pp. 8 pl. 180. Bath, B. Cruttwell, 1803. Vent & Co. 1866. Bowman (Hildebrand). See Travels of H. - The history of the navy during the reBowman, etc. bellion. Illustrated. v. 1. 576 pp. 15 pl. 80. Bowman (Rev. Thomas). The principles of New York, D. Appleton & Co. 1867. christianity; discourses on our lost state in Boynton (Rev. J.) Sanctification practical; a Adam, our recovery by Jesus Christ, and the book for the times. With an introduction by necessity of regeneration and sanctification by Mrs. Palmer. iv, 142 pp. 180. New York, the holy ghost. 175 pp. 18~. Boston, Philip Foster c Palmer, 1867. Freeman, 1769. Bracken (Henry, M. D.) Farriery improved; Boxhorn (Marc Zuer). Arcana imperil de- or, a compleat treatise upon the art of fartecta: or, divers select cases in govern- riery. 7th ed. 2 v. x, 363 pp. 171; xvi, ment. [Translation of Disquisitiones politi- 298pp. 101. 160. London, J. Shuckburgh, cme. anon.] 8 p. 1. 366 pp. 80. London, 1752. J. Knapton, 1701. See Burdon (William). Pocket farrier. BRACKENRIDGE. BRARD. Brackenridge (Henry M.) Voyage to South Brainard (John Gardner Calkins). Fugitive America, performed by order of the American tales, No. 1; Fort Braddock letters. 97 pp. government, in 1817-18, in the frigate Con- - 180. Washinyton, Charles Galpin, 1830. gress. 2 v. 351 pp; 381 pp. 1 map. 80. Braithwaite (Richard). See Brathwait Baltimore, author, 1819. s. (Richard). Brackenridge (William D.) Living plants Braithwaite (William, M. D.) On cholera; and seeds of Chili. [With Gilliss (J. M.) its pathology and treatment. 27 pp. 160~. U. S. astron. exped. v. 2.] Leeds, D. I. Roebuck, 1866. Bradbury (Charles). History of Kennebunk- Braithwaite (W. and James). The retrospect port [Maine], from 1602 to 1837. 301 pp. 120. of medicine. July, 1866, to June, 1867. v. Kennebunk, James K. Remich, 1837. 54-55. 120. London, Simnpkin, MIarshall & Bradbury (Osgood). Isabelle; or, the emi- Co. 1866-67. grant's daughter. 100 pp. 80. Boston, F. Branch (William, jr.) Life, a poem in three Gleason, 1848. boolks. xii, 218pp. 160. Richmond, W. W. Braddon (Lawrence). Essex's innocency and Gray, 1819. honourvindicated. 4 p. 1. 62 pp. sinm. 40. Lon- Brande (William Thomas) and Cox (George don, author, 1690. W.) Dictionary ofsciince, literature, and art. [Imperfect; wanting plate.] New ed. 3 v. xi, 945 pp; 952 pp; 1,068 pp; Bradford (Rev. James). An address delivered 80~. London, Longman, Green 4~ Co. 1865-67. Sept'r 5, 1839, the second centennial anni- Brandes (Carl). Sir John Franklin, die unversarv of the settlement of Rowley. 114 ternelmungen ftir seine rettung, und die nordpp. [ With Gage (Thos.) History of Row- westliche durchfahrt. viii, 312 pp. 1 map. ley. Boston, 1840.] 2 tables. 80. Berlin, _icolai'schen buchBradley (Abraham). A philosophical retro- handlung, 1854. spect on the general outlines of creation and Brandon (Raphael and J. Arthur). Parish providence. 194 pp. 2 1. 160. Wilkesbarre, churches; being perspective views of English (Pa.) Charles Miner, 1808. ecclesiastical structures. 2 v. 74 pp.; 75 pp. Bradley (Rev. James). Miscellaneous works 161 pl. sm. fol. London, D. Bogue, 1851. and correspondence. [With memoir of Brad- Brandt (Johann Friedrich). Beitrtige zur ley, by S. P. Rigaud]. cviii, 528, 7 pp. 4~. niihern kenntniss der sdiugethiere Russlands. Oxford, University press, 1832. (Extract). 2 p. 1. 365 pp. 19 pl. 40. St. Bradley (Richard, F. B. S. ) The virtue and Petersburg, K. akad. der ivissenschaften, 1855. use of coffee, with regard to the plague, and s. other infectious distempers. 34pp, ipl. 8~. Brann (Rev. Henry A.) Curious questions [in London, E. Matthews, 1721. philosophy]. 120. Newa'rk, (N. J.) 1866. Bradstreet (Mrs. Anne). Several poems cohA1- Brannan (William P.) Vagaries of Vandyke piled with great variety of wit and learning, Browne. An autobiography in verse. 230 pp. full of delight. 2d ed. 7 p. 1. 255 pp. 240. 16~. Cincinnati, R. IV. Carroll ~4 Co. 1865. Boston, John Foster, 1678. Branson (L.) First book in composition; ap- -- Works in prose and verse. Edited by plying the principles of grammar to the art J. H. Ellis. lxxvi, 434 pp, 2 pl. 1 fac. sim. of composing. 140 pp. 120. Raleigh, (N. 40. Charlestown, [Ms.] A. E. Cutter, 1867. C.) Branson, Farrar 99 Co. 1863. Brady (James T.) Christmas dream. Illus- Brant (Capt. Joseph, or Thayendanegea). See trated by Edward S. Hall. 41 pp. sq. 16~. Bible, (Mohawk). New York7, Appleton, 1861. Brants (A.) Het geslacht der muizen door Brady (Nicholas), and Tate (Nahum). New Linnaeus opgesteld, infamilien geslachten en version of the psalms of David. 216 pp. 240. soorten verdeeld. xii, 190 pp. 1 pl. 8~. London, 1776. Berlin, akad. bockdrukkery, 1827. s. Brady (William). The naval, apprentice's Brard (Cyprien Prosper). ]Tl6mens pratiques kedge anchor: or, young sailor's assistant. d'exploitation. xi, 363 pp. 32 pl. 18~. Brux328 pp, 9 pl. 12~0. New York, Frye & Shaw, elles, Hauman, Cattoir et Cie. 1837. 1841. Nouveaux 616ments de min6ralogie. ]d. Braid-wood (James). Fire prevention and revue et augmentee d'un indicateur min6rafire extinction. With a memoir and portrait of logique par Drapiez. 2 v. in 3, 672 pp; 332 theauthor. vi, 197 pp. I pl. 12~. London, pp. 1. 16 p. 16~. Bruxelles, Hauman & Cie Bell & Daldy, 1866. 1838. s. 43 BRASBRIDGE. BREMIKER. Brasbridge (Joseph). The fruits of experi- l'imprimeur lithographe. Nouv. 6d. xxxvi, ence; or, memoir written in his 80th year. 304 pp. 3 pl. 18~. Paris, Roret, 1839. s. 258 pp. 80. London, Shnpkin 4' Marshall, Brehm (Alfred Edmund). Das leben der vogel. 1824. Dargestellt ffir haus und familie. xx, 707 Brashears (Noah). Columbia's wreath; or, pp. 27 pl. 8~. Glogauc, C. Flemmning, 1861. s. miscellaneous poems. 2d ed. 120 pp. 12O. - Ergebnisse einer reise nach Habesch im Washington, S. A. Elliot, 1830. gefolge des herzogs Ernst II. viii. 440 pp. Brathwait or Braithwaite (Richard). The 8~. Hamburg, 0. Mieissner, 1863. s. English gentleman: containing sundry excel- Illustrirtes thierleben. Eine allgemeine lent rules how to demeane himselfe in publike kunde des thierreichs. Mit abbildungen, or private affaires. 3d ed. 5 p. 1. 262 pp. por- ausgefilhrt unter leitung von R. Kretschmer. trait. fol. London, 1641. v. 1-4. 8~. Hildburghausen, Bibliographische The English gentlewoman. 3d ed. 6 institut, 1864-67. s. p.l. pp. 271-417. fol. London, 1641. [ With CONTENTS. the preceding]. v. 1-2. Die saugethiere. xl, 696 pp. 15 pl; viii, 901 pp. 19 p1. Ladies' love-lecture. 2 p. 1. pp. 423- v. 3-4. Die vgel. 2 p. 1. 970 pp. 30 pI; 2 p. 1. 1036 454. fol. London, 1641. [With the pre- pp. 21 pl. ceding]. - and Rossm~issler (Emil Adolf). Die Turtle's trivmph: a supplement to the thiere des waldes geschildert. v. 1. Die "English gentleman." fol. London, 1641. wirbelthiere. xiv. 658 pp. 20 pl. 80. Lcip[ With the preceding]. zig, C. F. Winter, 1864. s. Braun (Alexander). Das individuum der Brehm (Christian Ludwig). Die kunst, vogel pflanze in seinem verhaltniss zur species. als biilge zu bereiten, auszustopfen, aufzuGenerationsfolge, generationswechselundgen- stellen und aufzubewvahren. Nebst einer erationstheilung der pflanze. (Extract). 106 kurzen anleitung schmetterlinge und kiifer pp. 6 pl. 40. Berlin, k. akad. der wissen- zu fangen, zu prdipariren, aufzustellen und schaften, 1853. s. aufzubewahren. 20 aufl. xii, 145 pp. 16~. Braun (August Emil). Introduction to the Wei7nar, B.F. Voigt, 1860. s. study of art-mythology. Translated by John Lehrbuch der naturgeschichte aller Grant. 56 pp. 100 pl. 4~. Gotha, J. Perthes, europiiischen v6gel. 2 pts in lv. xii, viii, 1047 1856. s. pp. 1 pl. 80. Jena, A. Schizid, 1823-24. s. Braun (Carl). Monographie des eaux min- --- Die naturgeschichte und zucht der rales de Wiesbaden. v, 117 pp. 2 maps. 80~. tauben, oder vollsttindige beschreibung aller 7Wiesbaden, C. G. Kreidel, 1852. s. europiischen wilden und zabhmen taubenarten Braxton (Carter M.) Map of the battle field und ihrer abiinderungen, u. s; w. xii, 177 pp. of Fredericksburg, explained by extracts from 80. Weinzar, B. E. Voigt, 1857. s. official reports; also, Gen. Rob. E. Lee's re- Brehon laws of Ireland. 24 pp. 8~. [Valportofthebattle. [anon.] 44pp. 8~. Imap. lancey, (C.) Collectanea de rebus hibernicis, Lynchburg, Virginian, 1866. nos. 4. 5, 10, and v. 5.] Bray (Charles). On force, its mental and Bremer, (Fredrika). Fatherl and daughter. moral correlates; and on that which is sup- A portraiture from the life. Translated by posed to underlie all phenomena; with spec- Mary Howitt. 348 pp. 12~. Philadelphia, ulations on spiritualism, [etc]. vii, 164 pp. T. B. Peterson & Bros. [about 1860.] 8o. London, Longmates, [1866]. The four sisters. A tale of social and Bray (Thomas, D. D.) Bibliotheca parochialis, domestic life in Sweden. Translated by etc. or, a scheme of such theological and other Mary Howitt. 393 pp. 12~. Philadelphia, heads as seem requisite to be perused.... by T'. B. Peterson & Bros. [about 1860.] the reverend clergy, [with] the books which Homes of the new world; impressions may be profitably read on each of those points, of America. Translated by Mary Howitt. 2 v. in order to promote the forming and erecting 12. New York, Harper, 1853. s. libraries....throughout her majesty's domin- Bremiker (Carl). Logarithmorum sex decimaions. 2d ed. v. 1. 34 p. 1. 412 pp. 8~. Lon- lium nova tabula berolinensis, et numerorum don, R. fWilkin, 1707. vulgarium ab 1 usqne ad 100,000, et functio[No more published.] num trigonometricarumn ad decades minutoBr6geaut (L. R.) Nouveau manuel complet rum secundorum. 82 pp. 263 1. 80. Berolini, thorique et pratique dtu dcessinateur et de 1F. Nicolai, 1852. s. 44 BREMSER. BRIIGANTI. Bremser (Johann Gottfi'ied). ijber lebende Brewster (Charles W.) Lecture on printing, wirmer in lebenclden menschen. xii, 284 pp. April 11, 1835. 16 pp. 80. Portsmouth, 4 ool. pl. 40. Wien, C. Schaiumbery & Co. 1835. 1819. s. Brewster (Sir David). Manuel d'optique, ou Bresson (Jacques). Des fonds publics fran- traite complet et simplifie de cette science. dais et strangers, et des operations de la bourse Trad. par P. Vergnaud. 2 v. iv, 268 pp; de Paris. 8~ 6d. vii, 279 pp. 120. Paris' ii, 289 pp, 5 pl. 18~. Paris, Roret, 1833. s. Bithune et Plon, 1843. s. Bricknell (Rev. William Simcox). The judgHistoire financiere de la France. 2e 6d. meat of the bishops upon tractarian theology. 2 v. 586 pp; 486 pp. 80. Paris, F. Locquin, viii, 753 pp. 80. Oxford, J. Vincent, 1845. 1840. s. Bride (The) of Fort Edward, founded on an B-etagine pittoresque; ou choix du monuments, incident of the revolution. [anon.] 174 pp. (le costumes, et de scones. Dessin6s et litho- 16~. lew York, S. Colman, 1839. graphies par MM. Rouarge et Saint-Germain, Bridgeport library association. Catalogue of avec un texte par Inmile Souvestre. 11 1. the library, Jan. 1830. 88 pp. 80. Bridclgeunp. 10 pl. fol. Nantes,.Mellinet et Ban- port, (Conn.) Pomeroy & Morse, 1860. s. doux, [about 1840. ] Bridger (Charles). Index to printed pedigrees, B;eton (Nicholas). A poast with a pacquet of contained in county and local histories, the letters. [anon.] 2 pts. in 1 v. 3 p.1. 90 heralds' visitations, and in the more impor)p. sin. 40. London, T. Fabian, 1685. tant genealogical collections. 384 pp. 80. Breton (Raymond). Dictionaire caraibe-fran- London, J. B. Smith, 1867. qois et franqois-caraibe.'2 pts. in 1 v. 8 p. 1. Bridges (JohnHenry). France undlerRichelieu 480 pp; 415 pp. 180. Avxerre, Gilles Bov- and Colbert. xi, 201 pp. 12~0. Edinburgh, qvet, 1565. Hamilton, 1866. Brett (Thomas). Achronological essay on the Bridgman (E. C.) A Chinese chrestomathy sacred history, from the creation of the world in the Canton dialect. xxxvi, 698 pp. 40~. to the birth of Christ; being a defence of the Macao, S. W. Williams, 1841. s. computation of the septuagint. 94 pp. 80. Bridgman (Thomas). Memorials of the dead London, F. Gyles, 1729. in Boston, containing exact transcripts of the A general history of the world, from the sepulchral monuments in the king's chapel creation to the destruction of Jerusalem by burial ground. 12~. Boston, 1853. Nebuchadnezzar. xvi, 320pp. 80. London, Brief (A) account of the proceedings of the F. Gyles, 1732. [ With Brett ( Thomas ). committee, appointed 1795, by the yearly meetChronological essay on sacred history, etc. ing of friends, of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, London, 1729.] etc. for promoting the improvement and Brettes(Martin de). ]Etudessurles appareils civilization of the Indian natives. [anon.] 6lectro-magnetiques destin6s aux expdriences 48 pp. 80. London, 1806. de lartillerie en Angleterre, Russie, France, Brief (A) account of the proceedings of the comPrusse, Belgique, Suede, etc. 388 pp, 6 pl. mittee appointed by the yearly meeting of 80. Paris, J. Corrierd, 1854. s. friends, held in Baltimore for promoting the Breviarium romanum. 698 1. unp. sm. 40~. improvement and civilization of the Indian Venetijs, J. de Rubeus, 1474. natives. [ anon.] 47 pp. 80. London, Brevint (Daniel, D. D.) Saul and Samuel at 1806. Endor, or the new ways of salvation and ser- [With the preceding.] vice, which usually temt men to Rome, and Brief notice of the settlement of Newton, predetain them there. 8 p. 1. 413 pp. 8~. Ox- pared by the committee charged with erecting ford, 1674. a monument to its first settlers. 80. 38 pp. Brevoort (James Carson). Notes on some Boston, C. C. P. Moody, 1852. figures of Japanese fish, taken from recent Brief (A) relation of the state of New England, specimens, by the artists of the U. S. Japan from the beginning of that plantation to 1689. expedition. [Extract, Perry's Japan exp.] In a letter to a person of quality. [anon.] 36 pp. 12 pl. col. 40. Washington [.Phila- 18 pp. sm. 4~. London, B. Baldseine, delphia], 1856. s. 1689. Brewer (E. Cobham). A guide to the scientific Briganti (Filippo). Esame economico del knowledge of things familiar. 490 pp. 16~. sistema civile. [Scrittori class. ital. di econ. Newt York, C. S. Francis & Co. 1853. s. pol. v. 28-29]. 45 BRIGHAM. BROCKHAUS. Brigham (Amariah, AM. D.) Remarks on the Bristow (Henry William). A glossary of influence of mental cultivation and mental mineralogy. xlvii, 420 pp. 120. London, excitement upon health, with a preface by Longrnan, 1861. s. James Simpson. 7th ed. 86 pp. 160. London, British almanac and companion; or, year-book T. WTashburne, 1847. s. of general information, for 1866-67. 2 v. Bright (John). Speeches on the American 160. London, Knight & Co. 1866-67. question. With introduction by F. Moore. British (The) grammar: an essay towards xv, 278 pp. 1 pl. 120. Boston, Little, Brown speaking and writing tlhe English language & Co. 1865. grammatically, and inditing elegantly. 30, Brightwell(Cecilia Lucy). Memorials of the 281 pp. 12~. Boston, John Nor man, 1784. early lives and doings of great English law- British institution, London. An account of all yers. 251 pp. 16~. London, T. Nelson & the pictures exhibited in the rooms, from 1813 sons, 1866. to 1823, belonging to the nobility and gentry Brigitta (Saint, of Swveden). Revelationes of England. xxxvi, 320 pp. 80. London, selectae. Textum cognovit A. Heuser. 351 Priestley & Weale, 1824. s. pp. 1 pl. 24~0. Colonice, J. M. Hleberle, 1851. British military biography, from Alfred to WellBrinsley (Rev. John). The arraignment of ington. [anon-.] x, 638 pp. 1 pl. 18~. the present schism of new separation in old London, Scott & Co. 1841. England. 2 p. 1. 75 pp. sin. 40. London, British museumn. Catalogue of the specimens Ralph Smith, 1646. of heteropterous-hemiptera in the collection Briscoe (John). A discourse on the late funds of the British museum. By F. Walker. of the million-act, lottery act, and bank of Part i. Scutata. 240 pp. 80. London, TrusEngland, with proposals for a national land- tees Br. mus. 1867. bank. 3d ed. iv, 187 pp. 8~. London, Catalogue of the Hebrew books in the Andrew Bell; 1696. library. [Compiledby Joseph Zedner.] viii, Brisson (Mathurin Jacques). Dictionnaire 891 pp. 80. London,Longmanand Co. 1867. raisonn6 de physique. 3 v. xvi, 708 pp; List of specimens of birds in the collec768 pp. Atlas 90 pl. 40. Paris, hdtel de tion. Part v. Galliume. By G. R. Gray. Thou, 1781. s. 120 pp. 160. London, 1867. Observations sur les nouvelles decou- British (The) quarterly review, Jan. 1866 to vertes anrostatiques, et sur la probabilit6 de Oct. 1867. v. 43-46. 8~. London, Jackson, pouvoir diriger les ballons; suppl6ment'i son Walford & Hodder, [1866-67]. dictionnaire, etc. 34 pp. 40. Paris, Le Broaddus (Rev. William F.) Centennial serBoucher, &c. 1784. s. mon of the Potomac baptist association, ot [Witlthe prcceding.] Virginia. 5Spp. 160. [Alexandria?] 1867. Brisson (Pierre Raymond de). Voyage to the Brocchi (Giovanni Battista). Conchologia coast of Africa. See Saugnier, ~ and fossile subapennina, con osservazioni geoBrisson. logiche sugli Apennini e sul suolo adiacente. Brissotdie Warville (Jean Pierre). [Address] 2 v. 56, lxxx, 712 pp. 16 pl. 40. lilano, to his constituents. Translated froml the Stamnperia reale, 1814. s. French. New ed. xl, 121 pp. 80. London, Broch (Otto T.) Lehrbuch der mechanik. J. Stockdale, 1794. xvi, 700 pp. 3 1, 3 pl. 80. Berlin, Veit &c Co. See Clavibre (E.) and Brissot. De la 1854. s. France et des:Itats-Unis. Brockett (L. P. M. D.) Philanthropic results Bristed (John). Les l2tats-Unis d'Am6rique; of the war in America. By an American ou tableau de l'agriculture, du commerce, des citizen. [anon.] 160 pp. 18~. New York, manufactures, des finances, de la politique, de Sheldon ac Co. 1864. la litt6rature, des arts, et du caractbre moral i and Vaughan (A2hs. Mary C.) Woman's et religieux du peuple anglo-am6ricain; tra- work in the civil war; a record of heroism, duit de l'Anglais. 2 v. 380 pp; 320 pp., 80. patriotism, and patience. 799 pp. 8~. P/ilaParis, A. Eymery, 1826. adelphia, Zeigler, Ml cCurly & Co. 1867. Bristol County [Mass]. Directory and gazet- Brockhaus (Friedrich Arnold). Zur erinncrteer for 1867-68. Compiled by Dudley & ung an das ftinfzigjithrige jubilitum der firma Greenough. 223, 84 pp. 80. Boston, Dud- F. A. Brockhaus in Leipzig, 1856. 67 pp. ley & Greenozgh, 1867. 9 pl. 4~. Leipzig, l... Brocklaus, 1857. 46 BRODIE. BROOKLYN. Brodie (George). History of the British em- Bronn (Heinrich Georg). Lethma geognostica, pire, from the accession of Charles I. to the oder abbildungen und beschreibungen der fMir restoration; with anl introduction tracing the die gebirgs-formation bezeichnendsten verprogress of society and of the constitution, steinerungen. 2 v. 1346 pp. 8~0. Atlas, from feudal times. 4 v. 80. Edinburglh, 40. Stuttgart, E. Schlweizerebcrt, 1835-38. Bell & Bracclfute, 1822. s. Broecke (J. C. Van den). See Van den Morphologische studien fiber die gestalBroecke (J. C. ) tungs-gesetze der naturlkSrper iiberhaupt, und Brogden (J. Ellett). Provincial words and der organischen insbesondcler. ix, 481 pp. expressions current in Lincolnshire. 241 pp. 8 Lepzig, C. P. Winter, 1858. s. 160. London, B. Hiaecrdicke, 186 6. Untersuchungen fiber die entwickelungsBroggia (Carlo Antonio). Trattato de' tributi. gesetze der organischen welt wahrend der Trattato della monete. (Scrittori class. ital. bildungs-zeit unserer erd-oberfliche. x, 502 de econ. pol. v. 45-46.) pp. 8~. Stuttgart, Schweizerbart, 1858. s. Brolo. See Lancia di Brolo. Brdnsted (Peter Olaf). Reisen und unterBrome (James). Travels over England, Scot- suchungen in Griechenlanl, lebst darstellung land, and Wales. 2a ed. 6 p. 1. 315 pp. 4 1. und erlirn vieler neuentdecktel delkmii120. London, B. Gosling, 1707. ler griechischen styls, u. s. w. 2 v. xx, 318, Bromfield (William Arnold, M. D.) Flora xxiPP. 62pl. 4~. Paris, [Dilot], 1826-30. vectensis: a systematic description of the S. phemnogamous or flowering plants and ferns ~ Tie same. Voyages dans la Grece, indigenous to tle isle of WVight. Edited by accompagn6s de recherches archbologiqlues, Sir W. J. Hooker and Thomas B. Salter. et suivis d'un apeoru sur toutes les entrexxxv, 678 pp. 1 pl. atlas, 1 map. 8~. Lon- prises scientifiques qui ont eu lieu en Grace dcon, W. Pamtpln, 1856. s. depuis Pausanias. Livr. 1-2. xx, xxii, 314 Letters from Egypt and Syria. xv, 230 pp. 62 pl. 40~. Pais, Didot, 1826-30. s. pp. 1 pl. 8~. London, [privately printed], (No more published.) 1856. s. Brook (Mary). Reasons for the necessity of Bromley (W.) Severalyears' travelsthroughh silent waiting in order to the solemnl worship Portugal, Spain, Italy, Germany, Prussia, of God. 6th ed. 32 pp. 80. Boston, Jacob Johwnsonl & Co. 1795. Sweden, Denmark, and the United Provinces. Brookes (L. De Garmo). Mo(lern dancing, [anon.] iv, 280pp. 12~. Londonb A. RoperJ 1702. i with an essay on etiquette. 104 pp. 120~. Bronn (Heinrich Georg). Essai d'une r6polnse New York, [author], 187..i la question do prix propos6e en 1850, par Brookes (Richard, 1. D.) A new and accul'acad6mie des sciences, savoir; 6tudier les rate system of natural history. 6 v. 132 pl. lois de la distribution des corps organis6s 120. London, Newbery, 1763. fossiles dans les diffdrents terrains s6dimentaires, suivant l'ordre de leur superposition, etc., (Extract). 542 pp. 8 tab. 40~. Paris, v. 1. Quadrupeds, including amphibious ainmals, frogs, cadl. des sciel~ces, ~ 186~1. ~and lizards. Acad. des sciences, 1861. s. v. 2. Birds; with the method of bringing up and man- Handbuch einer geschichte der natur. aging those of the singing kind. v. 3. Fishes and serpents, including sea turtles, crusta4v. (in 5 pts.) 80. Atlas, 40. Stuttgart, B. ceous and shell fishes. Schweizerbart,. 1841-49. (Naturgeschichlte, v. 4. Insects. v. 5. Waters, earths, stones, fossils, and minerals. v. 13-15). s. v. 6. Vegetables. (CONTENTS. Brooklyn (L. I.) Documents and plans, subneitted by the water committee to the common v. 1. Einleitung. i. Theil. Kosmisches leben. ii. Th. council, 1854. 145 pp, 27 pl. 40. Brooklyn, Tellurisches leben. v. 2. iii. Th. Organisches leben. Ergeblnisse haupt- Heigjhway & Co. 1864. sdichlich aus der lebenden welt iiber entwickelung; I hi as er Brooklyn city directory for 1867 and 1868. verbreitung und untergang der f'iiheren bevalkerungen der erde. Compiled by J. and G. T. Lain. 2 v. 8~. v. 3. Abth. i. iii. Th. Organisches leben. (Fortset- Brooklyn, J. Lain & Co. 186F-67. zunng)-Index paleontologicus, bearbeitet unter mitwirkung der H. R. GSppert und Herin. v. Brooklyn mercantile library. Catalogue. 3 p. 1. Meyer: A. Nomenclator pal' ontologicus. v. 3. Abth. ii. B. Enumerator pahleontologicus. iv. 138, 76pp. 8~. Booklyn M e rcatlil e lib. aess. Tih. Verntmftlcben. 18, 7 as. 1859. e. 47 BROOKLYN. BROWNE. Brooklyn water-works and sewers. [ByJames Brown (Rev. J. Newton). Encyclopedia of P. Kirkwood, C. E. and others.] xxvi, 160 religious knowledge; or, dictionary of the pp. 60pl. fol. New York, D. Van Nostrand, bible, theology, religious biography, all re1867.' ligions, ecclesiastical history, and missions; Brooks (J. Tyrwhitt, 1. D.) Four months. with a missionary gazetteer, by Rev. B. B. anmong the gold-finders in Alta California. Edwards. 1,275 pp. 8~. Brattleboro, lPesxviii, 207 pp. 1 map. 80. London, David senden &c Co. 1836. Loglue, 1849. Brown (John William). Life of Leonardo da The same. 94 pp. 80. New York, D. Vinci, with a critical account of his worls.,Appleton & Co. 1849. xv, 256 pp. 1 pl. 12~. London, IV. PickerBroome (WXilliam). Poetical works. 8~. Edin- infg, 1828. s. burgh, 1794. Brown (Dr. O. Phelps). Complete herbalist; [Anderson's British poets. v. 8.] or, the people their own physicians by the use Brotuff (Ernst). Chronica und antiquitates of nature's remedies; and new system of hydes alten stiffis (ler romiischen burg colonia, gienic principles. 408 pp. 120. Jersey City, und stadt Marsburg an der Salab in obern 1867. Sachssen. 8 p. 1. cvi l. 121. fol. Leipzig, Brown (Thomas). A collection of all [his] G. lcantzsch, 1557. s. dialogues, with translations and imitations of Brougham (Henry, lord). Political philosophy. the odes of Horace, etc. 388 pp. 80. London, New ed. 3 v. 8~. London, H.G. Bohn, 1861. s. J. N'utt, 1704. Broughton (Thomas Duer). Costume, charac- IBrown (Capt. Thomas). The taxidermist's ter, manners, domestic habits, and religious manual; or, the art of collecting, preparing, ceremonies of the Mahrattas. 6 p. 1. 358 pp. and preserving objects'of natural hlistory. 10 pl. col. 40. London, J. lMur-ray, 1813. 10th ed. xii, 150 pp. 6 pl. 120. London, Browln (Charles F.) Artemus Ward in Lon- -A. Fullarton (P Co. 1851. s. don, and other papers. Illustrated by J. H. Brown (T.) Miscellanea aulica; or, a collecHoward. 229 pp. 6 pl. 120. New York, tion of state tleatises never before published. G. IV. Carleton & Co. 1867. Faithfilly collected from their originals. 8 Brown (MIrs. D. C.) Memoir of Rev. Lemuel p. 1. 440 pp. 80. London, J. Hartley, 1702. Covell, and of his son Rev. Alanson L. Covell. Brown (William Wells). The negro in the 2 v. in 1. 174; 223 pp. 160. Brandon (Vt.) American rebellion; his heroism and his 1839. fidelity. xvi, 380 pp. 120. Boston, Lee & Brown (Edward). Travels and adventures, Shepard, 1867. containing his observations on France and Brown university. Triennial catalogue of the Italy; voyage to the Levant; account of the library and the members of the Philermenian isle of Malta; journies thro' lower and upper society. 92 pp. 80. Providence, (B. 1.) Egypt; [and] brief description of the Abys- 1849. s. sinian empire. xvi, 431 pp, 71. 80. London, Browne (Isaac Hawkins). Poems upon variBettesworth & Hitch, 1739. ous subjects, Latin and English. 5 p. 1. 160 Brown (G. W.) Ladies' friend, containing the pp. 80. London, I. HI. Brown, 1768. ceremonials of the adoptive degrees of ma- Browne (J. Ross). The land of Thor. 542 sonry. 128 pp. 2:i~. Ann Arbor (Mich.) pp. 12~. INew York, Harpers, 1867. A. V. Chase, 1866. Browne (Patrick, LM. D). The civil and natuBrown (Rev. IsaacV.) Historical vindication ral history of Jamaica, in three parts, conof the abrogation of the plan of union by the taining, 1, an accurate description of that Presbyterian church. 325 pp. 8~. Phila- island, etc. 2, a history of the natural prodelphi3a, V. S. & A. Martien, 1855. ductions, etc. 3', an account of the nature of Brow-n (Rev. John, D. D.) Dissertation on the climates in general, etc. with a detail of the rise, union, power, progressions, etc. of poetry diseases arising from this source, particularly and music, [with] The cure of Saul, a sacred within the tropics. viii, 506 pp. 2 maps, 50 ode. 244 pp. 40. London, L. Davis & Co. pl. fol. London, author, 1756. s. Reyters, 1763. Browne (Rev. Peter, bishop of Colrk and Ross). Essays on the characteristics [of Shaf- A letter in answer to a book [of John Toland], tesbury]. viii, 408 pp. 8~. London, C. entituled, "Christianity not mysterious." 188 Davis, 1751. pp. 80. London, B. Clavell, 1697. 48 BROWNE. BRYANT. Browne (Sir Thomas). Woreks. Edited by Briick (R.) Dlectricit6, ou magn6tisme du Simon Wilkin. 3 v. 12~. London, H. G. globe terrestre. 295 pp. 8~. Bruxelles, Bohn, 1852. Delavingaue & Callewaert, 1851. s. CONTENTS. The same. 2e partie. 2 v. xv, 298 pp. 2 tab. 6 maps; ix, 542 pp. 2 tab. 80. v. 2. The three last books of vulgar errors, religio Br~uxelles, Delavingue & Callewaert, 1855-58. medici, and the garden of Cyrus. v. 3. Urn-burial, christian morals, miscellanies, correspondence, etc. Bruen (Rev. Mathias). Essays, descriptive Certain miscellany tracts. 4 p. 1. 215 and moral, on scenes in Italy, Switzerland, pp. 31. 1 pl. 120. London, Charles Mearne, and France. By an American. [anon.] 1684. xi, 285 pp. 12~. Edinburgh., Constable, 1823. EHydriotaphia, urne-burial, wvith the gar- Bruhns (C.) Die astronlomische strahlendaen of Cyrus. 4 p. 1. 73 pp. 1 pl. 40 Lon- brechung in ihrer historischen entwickelung. -don, H. Brome, 1658. [ With his Pseudodoxia xiv, 181 pp. 4 pl. 80. Leipzig, Voigt 4 epidemica. London, 1658]. Giinther, 1861. s. ----- FPseudodoxia epidemica; or, enquiries Brunet (Jacques-Charles). Manuel du libraire into very many received tenets and commonly et de l'amateur de livres; contenant, un presumed truths. 4th ed. 8p. 1. 468 pp. 8 1. nouveau dictionnaire bibliographique, une 40. London, E. Dod, 1658. table en forme de catalogue raisonn6. etc. - The same. 6thled. 10p. 1. 440pp. 61. 2e 6d. 4 v. 8~0. Paris, 1814. 40. London, Nath. Ekins, 1672. Bruni (Leonardo Aretino). See Aretinus. Religio medici, with annotations. Also, ]Brunius (C. G.) Nordens tildsta metropolobservations by Sir Kenelnl Digby. 4 p. 1. itankyrka, eller historisk ock arkitektonisk 144 pp. 40. Londoen, Andrew Crook, 1672. beskrifning om Lunds domkyrka. 80~. Lund, [ 7Vith his Pseudodoxia epidemlica. London, 1854. S. 1G72.. -] Slines konsthistoria f6r medeltiden. Browne (Thomas Gunter). Hermes unmasked; viii, 704 pp. 16 p. 80. Lundl, G. TV. K. or, the art of speech, founded on thle associa- GleeruZp, 1850. tion of words and ideas. 128 pp. 180. Lon- Brunner (Andreas). Annalium boicorum libri don, T. Payne, 1795. iii. See Adlzreiter (Johann). Annalium Browne (William). Britannia's pastorals and boicme gentis partes iii. fol. Francofurti acl other poems. 80C. Edinburgh, 1793. [Ander- Manum, 1810. son's Brit. poets, v. 4.] Briinnow (Dr. F.) Lehrbuch der sphiirischen Browne (W. H. Lieut. R. N.) Ten colored astronomie, mit einem vorwort von J. F. views taken during the arctic expedition of Encke. xxiv, 591 pp. 1 pl. 8~. Berlin,'. Sir Janmes C. Ross, with summary of the Diimmler, 1851. s. expeditions in search of Sir John Franklin. 8 Brunswick-Liineburg (August herzog von). pp. 7 pl. fol. Londonz, Ackernlann & Co. 1850. See Mantua, della. Brownell (Charles DeWolf). The Indian Bruscambille. [pseudon.] See Deslauriers. races of North and South America. 720 pp. Brush (George T.) Supplements (viii to x). 40 pl. 8o. New York, H. & S. Scranton, 1853. With Dana (James Dwight). Supplements [Imperfect; 4 plates wanting.] to mineralogy. s. Brownell (Henry Howard). The people's Bruzen de La Martiniere (Antoine Auguste). book of American history. 2 v. in 1. 8~. Introduction c l'histoire de l'Asie, del'Afrique, JHartford, L. Stebbins, 1854. s. et de l'Amdrique. 2 v. xxii, 504 pp. 2 Bruce (D.) Poems, chiefly in the Scottish maps. 2 pl. 12~. Amstercdal, Z. Chatelain, dialect, originally written under the signature 1735. of the Scots-Irishman. xii, 126 pp. 6 1. 120. Bryan (James, M. D.) Treatise on the anatoWI;ashington, John Colerick, 1801. my, physiology and diseases of the human Bruce (George). Specimen of printing types ear. 124 pp. 12~0. Philadelphia, author, and ornaments. 113 1. np.unp 0. New York, 1851. s. 1827. Bryant (Charles S.) History of the great The same. 180 1. unp. 8~. New York, massacre by the Sioux Indians in Minnesota, 1828. [in 1862; with] narratives of many who The same. 124 1. unp. 8~. New York, escaped. 504 pp. 6 pl. 120. Cincinnati, 1848. s. Rickey & Carroll, 1864. BRYANT. BUCKLER. Bryant (Jacob). Observations uponthe poems Buchanan (James, British consul). Sketches of Thomas Rowley: inwhich the authenticity of the history, manners and customs of the of those poems is ascertained. 2 v. 2 p. 1. North American Indians. 2 v. 182 pp; 156 593 pp. 8~. London, Payne & son, 1781. pp. 160. New York, Borrcadaile, 1825. A treatise upon the authenticity of the: Buchanan (Robert). Idyls and legends of scriptures and the truth of the christian Inverburn. 206 pp. 180. London, A. Strahan, religion. xii) 194 pp. 8e. [London,] 171. 1865. Bryant (William Cullen). Letters of a traveller; Biichele (Dr. C. ) Land und volk derVereinigin Europe and America. 02d ed. 442 pp. 120. ten Staaten von Nord Amerika. viii, 622 pp. New York, G. P. Putnamn, 1850. s. 80. Stuttgart, Halberger, 1855. s. --' Voices of nature. With illustrations. 91,Buchon (Jean Alexandre). La GrBce contipp. sq. 18~. New York, D. Appleton & Co. nentale et la Morde. vii, 568 pp. 16~. Paris, 1865. C. Gosselin, 1843. Bryce (T. A. LL. D.) American commer- Buchschriften (Die) des mittelalters mit becial arithmetic. 341 pp. 80. Erie, (Pa.) sonderer beriicksichtigung der deutschen, T. Cook & Co. 1867. und zwar vom sechsten jahrhundert bis zur Brydges (Sir Samuel Egerton). Cimelia: seun erfindung der buchdruckerkunst historischexamen criticum librorum, ex diariis literariis technisch begrfindet. 45 pp. 23 pl. 80. lingua prsecipue gallica, 1:665-17,92, scriptis, Wien, k. hof undstaatsdruckerei, 1852. [ With selectum. xxxvi, 415, xlvii pp. 80. Genevae, Hagen (T.) Urkendenbuch fiir die geschichte G. I'ick, 1823. des stiftes Kremsmuenster.] s. (75copies printed.) Biichsel (Carl, D. D.) My ministerial exBrydges (Thomas) See Homer. Burlesque periences. ix, 290 pp. 12~. London, A. translation. 2 v. 16~. New York, 1809. Strahan, & Co. 1863. Buch (Das): der geologic, oder die wunder der Buckingham(Dukeof). See Villiers(George). erdrinde und der urwelt. Unter benutzung See Sheffield (John). von "Jukes' popular geology' bearbeitet von Buckingham (James Silk). America, histoeinem alten geologen. Durchgesehen von C. rical statistic, and descri von. tistic, and descriptive. 2 v. 515 pp.; C. ritter v. Leonhard. 2 v. in 1. viii, 192 516 pp. 1 80. New York, Harpers, pp. 8 col. pl. vi, 160 pp. 10 col. pi. 60. 1841. S. Leipzig, O. Spamer, 1855. _ National evils and practical'remedies, Buchanan (1lev.. Claudius). Memoir on the with the plan of a model town. xxx, 512 pp. expediency of an ecclesiastical establishment 2 pl. 80. London, P. Jackson, [1849]. s. for British India. xvii, 126 pp. 40. Lon-. Travels in Assyria and Persia. xvi, 545 don, Cadell & Davies, 1805. pp. 1 map. 1 pl. 40~. Lonrdon, H. Colburn, Buchanan (George). Opera omnia, curante 1829. Thoma Ruddimanno. 2 2v. 1 portrait. fol.'Buckingham (Joseph Tinker). Miscellanies EdiC ilburgi, B. Freebairnr, 1515. selected from the public journals. 2v. 268, CONTENTS. 256 pp. 120. Boston, J. 7'. Buckingham, v.. Vita, ab ipso scripta. Testimonia. Buckland (William, D. D.) Geology and Editionum catalogus. 1erum scoticaruin historia. mineralogy considered with reference to natuDe jure regni apud Scotos. De juret reg niregi Scotorum.. ral theology. 2 v. 443 pp; viii, 131 pp. 69 Detectio Marine reginto Scotorum. Ane admonition to the trew lordis. pl. 80. Philadelphia, Carey, Lea & Blanchv. 2. De metris Buchananais. Poemata omnia. arcl, 1837. S. Rudimenta gram-matices. Reliquike diluvianae; or observations on Lodoicus de ratione studii. De prosodia libellus. the organic remains contained in caves, fisEpistolae. sures, and diluvial gravel, and on other geoRerum scoticarum historia: ejusdemque logical phenomena, attesting the action of an dialogus de jure regni apud Scotos. 12~. universal deluge. 2d ed. vii, 803 pp. 1 tab. Edinburgi, 1827. s. 27pl. 40~. London, J. Murray, 1824. s. Buchanan (Harrison Gray). Asmodeus;. or, Buckler (John Chessell). Sixty views of enlegends of New York. Being a complete ex- dowed grammar schoolq, firom original drawpos6 of the upper ten thousand. 96 pp. 80. ings. 1 p. 1. 60, pl. 40~. London, Hurst, New York, Munson & Co. 1848. 1827. s. 50 BUCKLEY. BULLETIN. Buckley (S. B.) A preliminary report of the v. 5-9. poques de la nature. v. 10. Experiences sur v6gttaux. geological and agricultural survey of Texas. v. [10] 11. Histoire des animaux. [Also] Description of new Texas grasses. v. 11-13. Histoile de i'homme. v. 14-18. Mammifdres. 81pp. 80. Austin,.J. Waller, 1866. S. v. 19-2i6. Oiseaux. The me. itTa JournalH. v. [27.] Table des matieres. Thie s~lame. [~Withl Texas. Journal H.;Suppl. v. 1-2. Mammifdres. Par F. Cuvier. R. 8~. Austin, 1866.] [Atlas imperfect; wainting pl. 1, 2, 7, 8.] Buckmaster (J. C.) The elements of me- ~ Naturgeschichte der vogel, aus dent chanical physics. 222 pp. 12~. Philadel- franzbsischen iibersetzt, mit anmerkungen, phia, H. C. Baird, 1865. s. zusatzen und vielen kupfern vermellrt durch Buckner (-Rev. H. F.) and Herrod (G.) A H. Martini undBernhard C. Otto. 39 v. 80. grammar of the Maskoke, or Creek language, IBerlin, J. Pauli, 1722-1806. s. etc. 139 pp. 120. lcMarion, (Ala.) So. Bap- [Wanting v. 19, 33-37, and 2 v. supp.] tist Domn. cand Ind. mnission board, 1860.;s. Natural history abridged. A new ediBuddeus (Aurelio). Schweizerland. Natur tion by Rev. W. Hutton. 2 v. 80. London, und menschellcben. 2 v. 246 pp; 320 pp. editor, 1821.s. 12V. Leipzig, Avenariusund 7iendcelssohn,1853. [V. 1 with new title, viz: G. Virtmte, etc. 1828.]' and Daubenton (Louis Jean Mlarie). Bude (Guillaume). De cotempta rerumln fortui- a tarumll libri tres. 57 1. sn. 4~. [Parisiis Histoire atuelle gnrle et particulire. in officina Asensiana, 126] Tholrie de la terre, histoire de l'homme et des il ogci-a Ascensiana, 1526 J?] quadlrupbdles. 15v. 4~. Paris, In yrimeri e Buder (Christian Gottlieb). Bibliotheca scrip- primerie torum rerum germanicarum. See Struve royale, 1749-67. S. Bugg (Francis). The picture of quakerism (B1urldhard Gotthielf ). Corpvs historke GerJene 1730. drawn to the life. 2 pts. in 1 v. 7 p. 1. 123 ma-luice. Jence. 1730. s. Budge (Julius). ber die beegng e ii. pp; 6 1. 196 pp. 160. London, IF. Kettleby Budge (Julius). Uber die bewegung der iris. x,'206 pp. 3 pl. 8i. and W. Rogers, 1697. x 206 pp. 3pl. 8. Brauenschweig Vicweg, 1, Buhoup (Jonathan W.) Narrative of the cen1855.. s. Budgell (Eustace). Memoirs of the life of tral division, or army of Chihuahua, colimanded by brigadier general Wool. 168 pp. Charles, late Earl of Orrery; and llkewise of: 12~. Pittsburgh, Mi. P. Morose, 1847. the family of Boyle. 2d ed. [With] an acBuilder (The); an illustrated weekly magacount of Hon. Robert Boyle. xl, 258, 34 pp. 12~count zofnon -W. Robert Boyle. x] 34 pp. zine, for the architect, engineer, archmologist, 120. London, W. Mears, 1734. constructor, and art-lover. Conducted by Budington (William Ives, D. D.) History George Godwin. Jan. to Dec. 1866. [V. 24.] of the first church, Charlestown, [Mass.] 258 pp. 1 p. 0. Boston, Charles Ta fol. London, [ Wlyman & sons, 1866. 258 pp. I pl. 8~. tBoston, CIrarles Taopar, Buisson (,. G. du). See Ednlond (Charles). 1345. Buff(Dr. Heinrich). GrundziigeBuist (Robert).' American flower-garden diBuff (Ds. Heinrich). Grundziige der experirectory. 4th ed. 339 pp. 12~. Philadelmental physik, mit rticksicht auf chemnie und phia. A. H1art, 1851. pharmacie. viii, 676, 53 pp. 6 pl. 80. HeiBulger (George E.) Leaves from the records delberg C.F. EWinter, 1853. s. of St. Hubert's club; or, reminiscences of Lehrbuch der stbchiometrie. 2e aufl. sporting expeditions in many lands. viii, 336 x, 213 pp. 80, Niirnberg, J. L. Schrag, pp. 80 London, L. Booth1864. 1842. s. Bulkeley (Rev. Peter). The gospel-covenant; Zur physik der erde. Vortriige f/ir geor, the covenant of grace opened. 8 p. 1. bildete fiber den einfluss der schbwere und 383 pp. 41. 40o 383 pp. 41. 4. London, Benjamin Allen, 1646. wvrme auf die natur der erde. 3 p. 1. 521 w The same. 7 p. l. 432 pp. 5 1. 4~. pp. 80. Braunschweig, Vieweg, 1850. s. Buffon (George Louis Leclerc, comte de). Bullard (Mrs. Anna Tuthill Jenkins). Sights (E4uvres complbtes, augment6es par F. Cuvier and scenes inEurope. 255 pp. map. 12~ de deux volumes suppl6mentaires, offrannt la, 1. St. Louis, Chambers & Krnapp, 1852. s. description des mammifdres et des oiseaux les Bullard (Rev. Asa). The children's album of plus remarquables decouverts jusqu'A ce jour. pituresandstories. 28pp. pl. 80. Springfn~3v..0 picturesandstories. 208pp. lpl. 8~. Spring29 v. 8~. Atlas, 236 pi. large 8~. Paris, F. field,'(Mass.) W. J. Holland & Co. 1867. D. Pillot, 1829Bulletin du bibliophile. Publi6 par J. TecheCOSN'TENTS. ner. 2e-10e serie, 1836-1851,1855-56. 17 v. v. 1-2. Th6orie de la terre. v. 3-4. Histoire des mindraux. 80. Paris, Tcchenes' 1836-56. s. BULLETIN. BURET. Bulletin de la socikt6 de g6ographie; r6dig6 Bunyan (John). The holy wvar. 252 pp. 2 par MM. Maltebrun, Barbi6 du Bocage, et: C. pl. 16~. New York, J. H. Terney, 1832. Maunoir. 5e s6rie. Ann6e 1866. v. 11-12 in Translation of [part of] Pilgrim's pro1 v. 544, 527 pp. 5 maps. 8~. Paris, Soc. gress [into the Cherokee language]. Tsunede geographie, 1866.. lodi dunigisvsvi. [In Cherokee messenger. Bullinger (Edwin W.) Guide to-skating; a nos. 1-4. 8~. Cherokee, 1844-46.] complete manual of the art. Illustrated. 60 Buonaparte, sa famille et'sa cour: anecdotes pp. 180. New York, Dick & Fitzgerald, 1862. secretes, etc. Par'un chambellan forc6 a Bullions (Peter, D. D.) A practical grammar'l'etre. [anon.] 2 v. iri 1. xviii, 378 pp. 362 of the English language; with analyses of pp. 12~. Paris, Meizard et Desenne, 1816. sentences. Revised ed. x, 336 pp. 120. New - See Napoleon. York, Sheldon & Co. 1867. Buonarroti (Filippo). Osservazioni sopra Bullock (William). Virginia impartially ex- -alcuni frammenti di vasi antichi di vetro, amined, and left to publick view, to be con- ornati di figure trovati ne' cimiteri di Roma. sidered by all iudicious and honest men. 6 p. 31 pl. fol. Firenze, 1716. 1. 66 pp. sm. 4~. London, John Hammmond, Burchard (C. W. T.) Die landwirthschaftliche 1649. buchhaltung, mit besonderer riicksicht auf die Biilow (Adam Heinrich von). Histoire de la wirthschaftsmethode in Mecklenburg und der campagne de 1800 en Allemagne. See Okou- angrenzenden lindlen. xvi, 128, 138 pp. 4~. neff (N. A.) Op6rations de ]a campagne de Rostock, F. Behnm's erben, 1840. s. 1812, en Russie. Bruxelles, 1841. [Imperfect; wanting pp. 1-8.] Bulstrode (Sir Richard). Memoirs and re- Burchiello (Domenico). Rime. Comentate flections upon the reign and government of dal Doni. 8 p.1. 261, 25 pp. 160. Vicenza, king[s] Charles i and ii. 11 p. 1. 439 pp. Penin, 1597. 8~. London, N. Mist, 1721. Burdett (Charles). Arthur Martin; or, the Bulstrode (Whitelock). Essays. xviii, 264 mother's trials. 225 pp. 18~. New York, pp. 1 pl. 8~. London, -A. Bettesworth & Harpers, 1847. -. J. Clarke, 1724. Burdett (Sir Francis). Speech in tle house Bulwer (Sir'Hejryv Lytton Earle). An autumn of commons, [on parliamentary reform]. in Greece. 231 pp. 12~. London, J. Ebers, 16 pp. 8C. London, B. Carlyle, 1817. [With 1826. Sherwin, ((W. T.) Political Register. v. 1. Bulwer (John, D. D.) Ant-hropometamor- London, 1817]. phosis: man transformed; or, the artificial Burdick (William). The Massachusetts manchangling historically presented, in the mad ual, for 1814-15. v. 1. 219 pp. 120. Boston, and cruel gallantry... and loathsome loveli- Charles Callender, 1814. ness of most nations,... altering their bodies Oration on the nature and effects of the from the mould intended by nature...; with art of printing, July 5, 1802. 120. 31 pp... the pedigree of the English gallant. 25 Boston, Munroe and Francis, 1802. p. 1. 559pp. 151. sm. 4~. London, W. Hunt, Burdon (William). The gentleman's pocket1653. farrier. With remarks by Henry Bracken. 8 Biinau (Heinrich, graf von). Catalogus bibli- p. 1. 82 pp.. 3 1. 18~. -Dublin, S. Powell, 1733. othecae bvnavianae, [cura M. Francke]. 3 v- Bureaud-Riofrey (A. M.)) Curabilit6 de la in 7. 4~. Lipsice, Fritsch, 1750-56. s. phthisie et des scrofules appuyde sur des Bunsen (Christian Carl Josias). Egypt's place preuves authentiques. 216 pp. 80. Paris, in universal history. An historical investiga- Baillilre, 1847. s. tion. Translated from the German by C. H. Londres et les Anglais des temps modCottrell, with additions by S. Birch. v. 5. ernes. 2 v. 432 pp; 416 pp. 80. Paris, 8~. London, Longrnans, 1867. Truchy, 1846. s. Bunsen (Robert). Gasometry, comprising the Physical education; especially adapted leading physical and chemical properties of' to young ladies. 2d ed. xxii, 574 pp. 1 p]. gases. Translated by Henry E. Roscoe. xii, 8~. London, Longman, [1838]. 298 pp. 8~. London, Walton & Maberly, Buret (Antoine Eugene). De la misere des 1857. s. classes laborienses en Angleterre et en France, M6thodes gasom4triques. Traduction avec l'indication des moyens propres a en par Schneider. x, 320 pp. 8~0. Paris, V. affranchir les soci6t6s. 2 v. viii, 432 pp; vii, Masson, 1858. s. 492 pp. 8~. Paris, Paulin, 1810. 52 BURETTE. BURMEISTER. Burette (Th6odore). Histoire de France Burke (Edmund, of Nr. H.) Report of the comdepuis l'6tablissement des Francs dans la missioner of patents oi the subject of steam Gaule jusqu' en 1830. [Ilustr6e.] -2 v. boiler explosions. 80. Washington, 1849. s. 629, 684 pp. 80. Bruxelles, Haumacen CCie, Burke (Rev. John). Chivalry, slavery, and 1842. young America. By Sennoia Rubek. [anaBiirger (GottfriedAugust). Lenore; or deathll gran]. 183 pp. 80. Ne York, F. A. Brady, and the maiden. [Eng. and Ger.] Trans- 1866. lated by J. W. Grant. With some original Stanzas to queen Victoria, and other poems. 52 1pp. 16. London, iluray & Co.::poems. By Sennlia Rubek. [anagram]. 1865. 208 pp. 1 p. pl. 8. New York, F. A. Brady, The same. Translated by Albert Smith. 1866. (English and German text). [With Smith Burke (Sir John Bernard). Genealogical and (Albert) Wild oats and dead leaves. -'pp. 341- heraldic dictionary of the peerage and baron359.] etage of the British impire. 29th ed. xlviii, The same. L6nore. Traduit de i'Alle- 1316 pp. 80. London, Harrison 1867. mand par E. de Lab6dolliBre. 20 pp. 1841. Burke (Peter). The public and domestic life [En Pleiade (La). Ballades, etc.) of Edmund Burke. xvi, 315 pp. 2 pl. 12~. Burger (Johann). Agriculture du royaume London, Ingram, Cook & Co. 1853. lombardo-v6netien. Trad. de l'Allemand et Burkitt (Lemuel), and Read(Jesse). Concise anlnot par Victor Rendu. viii, 360 pp. 8~. history of the Kehukee baptist association, 1'aris, Bouchard-Huzard, 1842. s. from its rise to the present time. 319 pp. Burgess (Rev. Anthony). The doctrine of 16~. Halifax, N. C. A. Hodge, 1803. original sin, asserted and vindicated, in four Burmeister (Hermann Carl Conrad). Erliuparts. 17 p. 1. 555 pp. 10 1. fol. London, terungen zur fauna Brasiliens, enthaltend Thomas Underhill, 1658. abbildungen und ausfiihrliche beschreibungen Burgess(Ebenezer). See Surya-Siddhainta. neuer oder ungentigend bekannter thierarten. Burggraeve (Ad. AM. D. of Ghent). Les appa- viii, 115 pp. 32 col. pl. fol. Berlin, G. Reimer, reils ouat6s, ou nouveau systeme de d6liga- 1856. s. tion'pour les fractures, les entorses, les luxa- Genera quvedam insectorum iconibus tions, les contusions, les arthropathies, etc. illustravit et descripsit Burmeister. v. 1. 83, viii pp. 21 pl. fol. Bruxelles, A. Labrone [Rhynchota.] Berolini, 40 pl. 80~. auctor, & Cie. 1857. s. 1838-46. s. etudes sur Andr6 V6sale, pr6c6dees [No more published.] d'une notice historique sur sa vie et ses 6crits. Handbuch der entomologie. 5 v. 8~. xxxiii, 16, 439 pp. 1 pl. 8~. Gand, C. An- Berlin, Reimer, u. s. w. 1832-55. s. nzoot-Broeckman, 1841. s. [Wanting v. i, 1832. iv, 1844-55. (2 pts.) v, 1847.] Burgoyne (Lieut. Gen. John). The lordofthe Reise durch die La Plata staaten, mit manor. Comic opera. [anon.] 3 pp. 160. besonderer rticksicht auf die physische bePhiladelphia, Henry Taylor, 1791. schaffenheit und den culturzustand der argenBurke (Edzmund). Miscellaneous -worlks. 2 v. tinischen republik. Ausgeftihrt in den jabren 588 pp; 622 pp. 8~. New York, Eastburn, 1857-60. 2 v. vi, 504 pp. 1 pl. 1 map; Kirk & Co. 1813.!v, 539 pp. 1 map. 8~. Halle, H. W. Schmidt, 1861. s. CONTENTS. OTENTS. Systematische uebersicht der: thiere Brav. I. Letters, miscellaneous. siliens welche wthrend einer reise durch die Letters on a regicide peace. pp. 11-76. e i enei Address to the British colonists in North America. provinzen von Rio de Janeiro und Minas pp. s15-123. * Geraes gesammelt oder beobachtet wurden. 3 Tracts and letters on Ireland, pp. 185-262. Fragments and notes of speeches in parliament. V. 80. Berlin, G. Reinmer, 1854-56. s. pp. 263-343. Abridgment of English history. pp. 355-588. CONTENTS. v. 2. Administration of justice in India. Ninth report. v. 1.'Silug'ethiere. x. 341 pp. pp. 9-225. v. 2-3, Vgel. x, 436 pp; xiv, 466 pp. Articles of charge against Warren Hastings. pp. Zoologischer hand-atlas zum schulge brauch und selbstunterricht, mit besonderer Philosophical enquiry into the origin of riicksicht auf seinen "Grundriss," und sein our ideas of the sublime and beautiful. "Lehrbuch der anaturgeschichte." 2e ausg. [anon.] ix, 7, 342pp. 8~. London, J. Dods- besorgt durch C. G. Giebel. 2 p. 1. 192 pp. ley, 1770. 42 pl. 4~. Berlin, G. 1Reisner, 1860. s. 53'BURMEISTER. BURRO WES. Burmeister (Hermann Carl'Co nrad). Zoono- gers impending over protestants in Great mische briefe. Allgemeine darstellung der Britain. 54 pp. sm. 40. [n. p.] 1689.'thierischen organisation. 2 v. viii, 367; x, [With his collection of eighteen papers. Lon470 pp. 80. Leipzig, O. If'igand, 1856. V. don, 1689]. Burn (Andrew, Maj. Gen. B. N.) Memoirs, Six papers, (against repealing -the test collected from ~his journals [by O. Gregory, and concerning his citation,) with an apology and others.] 2 v. xxiii, 287 pp; 248, 55 forthe church ofEngland, andan enquiryinto pp. 1 pl. 120. London, Winchester &son, 1815. the measures of submission to the supream Burn (Jacob Henry). Descriptive catalogue authority. 68 pp. ssm. 40. London, 1689. of the London traders', tavern, and coffee- Some letters containing an account of house tokens current in the 17th century. what seem'd most remarkable in travelling Presented to the corporation library by H. B. thro' Switzerland, Italy, some parts of GerH. Beaufoy. xlv, 238 pp. 1 pl. 8~0. Londlon, many, etc. in 1685-86. [With] appendix. A. Taylor, 1853. s. xxvi, 355 pp. 12~0. London, J. Lacy, 1724. Burn (John Southerden). History of parish 3Burnet (Thomas, LL. D. master of Charter registers in England; also, of.the registers of Iouse). The theory of the earth.; containing Scotland, Ireland, East and West Indies, etc.:an account of-the original of the earth, and of 2d ed. viii, 296 pp. 8~. London, J. B. Smith, all the changes which it hath already under1862. gone, or is to undergo till the consummation of Burnell (George R. C. E.) Rudiments of allthings. [Fromthe Latin.] 9:p. 1. 327pp. hydraulic engineering. v, 184 pp. 160. Loin- 2:pl. 80. London, W. Kittilby, 1684. s. don, J. Weale, 1852. [W ith Law (Henry). Burnet (William, Gov. of New York). An Civil engineering. London, 1859.] essay on scripture prophesy. [anon..] 2 p. 1. See Law (Henry). 167ipp. sm. 4. [n. p.] 1724. Burnet (Gilbert, D. D. bishop of Srum).'A Burnett (George). Specimens of Elnglish/prose collection of eighteen papers relating to the writers, from the earliest times to the close of affairs of church and state during the reign of the seventeenth century, with sketches, bioking James the second. 3.p. 1. 244 pp. sm. graphical and literary. 2d ed. 3 v. 12~. 4~. London, John Starkey & Richard Chis- London, J. Bsumpus, 1813. well, 1689. Burnouf (Eugane). Commientaire sur le Lotus Enquiry into the present state of affairs, de la bonne loi, et mmeloircs relatifs au buddand inparticular, whether we owe allegiance to hisme. (See Saddharlma pundarika. 40~. the king in these circumstances?'16 pp. sm. Paris,:1852.) 40. London, John Starkey, 1689. [ With his - Commentaire surle Yagna, l'un des livres collection' of eighteen papers. London, 1689.] religieux des Parses, attribu6 i, Zoroastre. An essay on the memory of the late queen (See Zendavesta. 40. Paris, 1833). [Mary, consort to King William III.] 197 I — ntroduction'i l'histoire du buddhisme pp. 80~. London, Ric. Chliswell, 1695. indien. Tome 1. 3'p.1. v, 648pp. 40. Paris, The lawfulness of taking the new oaths 1844. asserted. 13 pp. sm. 40. London, J. Mills, [NIo more published]. 1689. [ With his collection of eighteen papers. See Bha.gavata Puriana. London, 1689. ] Burns (Robert). The cotter's Saturday night; - Life and death of Sir Matthew Hale, Kt. a poem. With illustrations, drawn by F., A. 9 p.-l. 218 pp. portrait. 160. London, W. Chapman; engraved by J. Filmer. 48 pp. Shrowsbery, 1682. 4 pl. sam. 40. 2New York,' C. Scribner & Co. A pastoral letter to the clergy of his 1867. diocess, concerning the oaths of -allegiance Burroughs (John). Notes on Walt Whitman, and supremacy. 29 pp. sm. 40. London, as poet and person. 108 pp. 160. -New. York, J. Starkey, 1689. [ With his collection of Amer. news co. 1867. eighteen papers. London, 1689.] Burroughs (Stephen). Memoirs, [byhimself]. Reflections on a paper, intituled, his 2 v. in 1. 356 pp. 21. 18~. Boston, C]harles majesty's reasons for withdrawing himself Gaylord, 1832. from Rochester. 8 pp. sinm. 40~. London, Burrowes (Thomas H.) Pennsylvania school John Starkey, 1689. [ With his collection of architecture; a manual of directions anld plans eighteen papers.'London,, 1689.] for common school houses. 276pp. 1 pl. 80~. A representation of the threatning dan- Harrisurg, A.. B. Hamilton, 1855. s. 54 BURT. BUTLER. Burt (N. C. D. D.) National character; a Busawun (Lal). Memoirs of the Puthan solthanksgiving discourse, delivered 1855, in the'.:dier of fortune, the Nuwab Ameer-ood-Doulah Franklin street presbyterian church. 28 pp. Mohummud Ameer Khan, chief of Seronj, 8~. Baltimore, John6 D. Toy, 1855. Tonk, and other places in Hindostan. [TransBurton (John, D. D.) The genuineness of Ld. lated from the Persian by H. T. Prinsep]. Clarendon's history oftherebellion vindicated. xxii, 508 pp. 1 map. 1 pl. 80. Calcutta, Mr. Oldmixon's slander confuted. 173 pp. G. H. Huttmann, 1832. 8~. Oxford, J. Fletcher, 1744. Busch (A. L.) Systematisches verzeichniss The present state of the navigation on der in der bibliothek der k6nigl. universithe Thames considered; and certain regula- tsits sternwarte zu K6nigsberg enhaltenen tions proposed. [anon.] 2d ed. 54 pp. 40~. biicher. 8~. Ki'nigsberg, 1852. S. Oxford, D. Prince, 1767. [ With the pre- Busch, (Hermann). Decimationvm plavtinaceding]. rvm pemptas, sive qvintana secvnda. 18 1. Burton (Richard F.) Personal narrative of a unp. sinm. 40~. Colonice, apud Helisabet viduam, pilgrimage to El-medinah and Meccah; with 1518. introduction, by Bayard Taylor. 492 pp. 1 Decimationum plautinarum pemptades, map. 120. New York, G. P. Putnam & Co. sive quinariee. 24 1. unp. sin. 4~. Colonitce, 1856. s. [about 1518.] Burton, alias Crouch (Robert, or Richard). Buschmann (Johann Carl Eduard).- VerThe history of the kingdoms of Scotland and gleichende grammatik der Indsee-sprachen, Ireland. By R. B. 230 pp. 1 pl. 18~. Lon- u.s. w. [ TWith Humboldt ( C. W. von). don, N.,Crouch, 1685. Uber die Kawi-sprache, v. 3.] s. [Imperfect.J Bushnell (Horace, D.D.) Christ and his salThe wars in England, Scotland, and vation. 3d ed. 456 pp. 120. New York, Ireland, during the reign of king Charles I. C. Scribner & Co. 1865. 10th ed. 18~. London, 1737. Busk (George). Monograph of the fossil poBurton (Thomas de, abbot). Chronica monas- lyzoa of the crag. 40. Lozdon, 1859. [Paterii de Melsa, ad annum 1396. Accedit con- leont. soc.] s. tinuatio ad annum 1406, a imonacho quodam Busk (Hans). Hand-book for Hythe; comipsius domus. Edited by E. A. Bond. v. 2. prising a familiar explanation of the laws of xliii, 394 pp. 8~. London, Longmans, 1867. projectiles, and an introduction to the system [ Chronicles of Great Britain in the middle ages]. of musketry. viii, 184 pp. 9 pl. 180. LonBurton (William). Commentary on Antoni- don, Routledge, 1860. nus, his itinerary, or journies of the Roman Busti (Bernardino de'). Secunda pars rosarii. empire, so far as it concerneth Britain. 11 p. i. [Compendium sermonum.] 17 p.1. unp. 4091. 266 pp. 31. 1 map. 1 pl. fol. London, H. & T. sim. 40. Venetiis, Georgius de Arriuabenis, Twiford, 1658. 1498. Burtt (John). Horce poeticme, consisting of Butel-Dumont (George Marie). IHistoire et poems and songs in English and Scotch. 183 commerce des colonies angloises, dans l'Am6rpp. 180. Bridgeton, [N. J.] William Schultz, ique Septentrionale. [anon.] xxiv, 336 pp. 1819. 16~. Lonldres, 1755. Burty (Philippe). Chefs d'oeuvre des arts Butler (Charles). The book of the Roman industriels. 598 pp. 54 pl. sm. fol. Paris, Catholic church. 295 pp. 12g. Baltimore, Ducrocq, [1866]. James Myres, 1834. Bury (Lady Charlotte Maria). The three great Butler (James). American bravery displayed, sanctuaries of Tuscany; Valombrosa, Camnal- in the capture of fourteen hundred vessels of doli, Laverna: a poem, with historical and war and commerce, since the declaration of legendary.notices, [and] engravings by Ed- war by the president. 322 pp. 16G. Carward Bury. xi, 139pp. 7 pl. obl. 4c. Lon- lisle, (Pa.) George Phillips, 1816. don, J. Murray, 1833. Butler (Samuel). See Secret history of the Bury (T. Talbot). Rudimentary architecture; calve*-head club. for the use of beginners. History and descrip- See Vindication (A) of the royal martion of the styles of architecture in various tyr. countries. 4th ed. vii, 201 pp. 16~. London, Butler (William Allen). Nothing to wear: an J. W.cale, 1857. [ Vith Leeds, (W. H.) Rudi- episode of city life. [anon.] 68 pp. 8 pl. 160. mentalry architecture. London, 1854]. New York, Ruddl & Carleton, 1857. 55 BUTLER. CABANIS. Butler (William Allen). Two millions. 93 Byrom (John). The universal English sllortpp. 160. New York, Alppleton & Co. 1858. hand. ix, 92 pp. 80. Manchester (Eng.) Butterworth (Rev. John). New concordance Joseph HaIrrop, 1767. tothe holy scriptures. First Amer. ed. viii Byron (George Gordon Noel, lord). The corpp. 33`2 1. 8~. Tew York, W. W. Wood- sair. 96pp. 18~. Philadelphia, Moses Thomas, ~ward, 1811. 1814. Butterworth (William). Three years' adven- Don Juan. [canto 1 and 2]. New ed. tures of a minor. vi, 492 pp. portrait. 80. 2 p. 1. 227 pp. 80. London, T. Davison, 1819. Leeds, Edwluad lBaines, [about 1820]. - The same. 2 v. 2 p. 1. 343 pp; 4 p. 1. Buttmann (Philipp Carl). Mythologus, oder 371 pp. 18~. London, T. Davison, 1828. gesammelte abhandlungen iiber die sagen des T The Giaour, a fragment of a Turkish altertllums. 2 v, 352 pp, 1 map; 378 pp, 1 pl. tale. [1st ed.] 3p.1. 41pp. 80~. London, 80. Berlin, Mylius, 1828-29. s. J. lurray, 1813. Buxton (Thomas Fowell). The African slave -- Hours of idleness, a series of poems, trade and its remedy. viii, 582 pp. 1 map. original and translated. [1st published ed.] 80. London, J. Murray, 1840. xiii, 187 pp. 160. Newark, S. 4f J. Ridge, Buxtorf (Johann, the father). De abbreviaturis 1807. hebraicis liber; cvi accesservnt operis talmu- Lara, a tale. [anon. 1st ed.] 4p.]. dici brevis recensio et index; item bibliotheca 93 pp. 180. London, J. Murray, 1814. rabbinica. 180. Herbornce Nassavice, J. N. Manfred, a dramatic poem. [1st ed.] Andrea, 1708. s. 80 pp. 8C. London, J. Murray, 1817. [ With Buys Ballot (C. H. D.) Les changements the Giaour. ed. of 1813]. p6riodiques de temp6rature. d6pendants de la - Marino Faliero, doge of Venice. 179 pp. nature du soleil et de la lune, mis en rapport 180. Philadelphia, M. Carey 4' Sons, 1821. avec le pronostic du temps, d6duits d'observa-.- Poems on llis domestic circumstances. tions n6erlandaises de 1727 ii 1846. 5 p. 1. 2d ed. 36 pp. 1 pl. 8~. London, TV. Hone, 123pp. 10 tab. 4~. Utrecht, Kemink, 1847. s. 1816. [ With the Giaour. ed. of 1813].! Byam (William). An exact relation of the The vision of judgment. [anon.] 1sted. most execrable attempts of John Allin, corm- 38 pp. 160. London, T. M. Rowe, 1822. mitted on the person of Francis lord Wil- [With the Giaour. ed. of 1813.] lougllby of Par!lam, captain general of Gui- Bysshe (Edward). The British Parnassus; ana, etc. 12 pp. sin. 4~. London, Richacrd or, a compleat common-place-book of English Lowndes, 1665. poetry. With a dictionary of rhymes. 2 v. Byfield (Nathanael). An account of the late 3 p. 1. 986 pp. 160. London, J. Nutt, 1714. r'evolution in New England. 20 pp. sin. 40. Bywater (Abel). The Sheffield dialect. 2d ed. London, R. Chiswell, 1689. 295 pp. 180. London, TV. Evans, Co. 1854. Byford (William H. M. D.) Practice of med- Cabanis (Pierre Jean Georges). (Euvres comicine and surgery applied to the diseases and plbtes; accompagn6es d'une notice sur sa vie accidents incident to woman. 2d ed. 616 pp. et ses ouvrages. 5 v. 80. Paris, Bossange, 8~. Philadelphia, Lindsay & Blakiston, 1867. 1823-25. s. By-Laws, muster-roll, and papers selected CONTENTS. from the arcllives of the first troop Philcadtel- v. 1. R6volutions et r6forme de Ia m6dicine. Rapport sur l'organisation des 6coles de m6dicine. phia city cavalry, from 1774 to 1840. 64 pp. Du degre de certitude de la m~dicine. 2Journal de la maladie et de la mortde Mirabeau. 80. Philadelphia, C. Sherman & Co. 1840. Observations sur les affections catarrhales. Byrd (William). History of the dividing line Note sur le supplice de la guillotine. Quelques principes et quelques vues sur les and other tracts. 2 v. xix, 233 pp; 276 pp. secours publics. Observations sur les h6pitnux. - 40..Richmond, Va. [J. Munsell, pr.] 1866. Travail sur 1'6ducation publique. CONTENTS. Note sur un genre particulier d'apoplexies. v. 3-4. Rapports du physique et du moral de l'homme. v. 1. History of the dividing line between Virginia v. 5. Lettre sur les causes premidres. and North Carolina, as run in 1728-29. Discours sur Hippocrate. v. 2. Journey to the land of Eden and other tracts. floge de Vicq-d'Azyr. Notice sur Benjamin Franklin. Byrnl (M. Lafayette, M. D.) The family phy- Lettre sur les po1mes dad'Honre. Fragments do ia traduction de l'Iliade. sician, and household companion; a treatise, Serment d'un m6dicin. in plain language, on health and diseases, with Rapports du physique et du moral de treatment. 377 pp. 11 pl. 80. New York, l'homme. 2e 6d. 2 v. xliii, 569 pp; 720 pp. M. L. Byrn, 1867. - 8~. Paris, Crapeclet, 1805. s. CABANIS. CALIFORNIA. Cabanis (Pierre Jean Georges) Sketch of Calamy (Edmund). An abridgment of Mr. the revolutions of medical science, and views Baxter's history of his life and times, with an relating to its reform. Translated from the account of the ministers, etc. who were ejected French, with notes, by A. Henderson. xii, after the restauration of king Charles ii. 421 pp. 8~. Londoz, J. Johnson, 1806. [With the reformed liturgy.] 2d ed. 2 v. Cabeza de Vaca (Alvaro). See Nuiiez 12p. 1. 726, 82pp; 16p. 1. xxxii, 864 pp. 1 pl. Cabeza de Vaca (Alvaro). 12~. London, J. Lawrence, 1713. Cabinet (The); or, works of darkness brought - A continuation of the account of the minto light; a retrospect of the anti-christian isters [etc.] who were ejected and silenced conduct of some of the leading characters in after the restoration in 1660, by or. before the the society of friends, towards Elias Hicks. act for uniformity. 2 v. lxxii, 1,005, 63 pp. [By L. P. anon.] 2d el. 36pp. 8~. lP7hila- 120. - London, R. Ford; 1727. delphia, John 7 Mortinmer, 1825. The church and the dissenters compar'd Cabinet of Momus; a choice selection of hu- as to persecution, [with remarks upon Dr. mourous poems, from P. Pindar, Freneau, Bennett's essay on the thirty-nine articles]. Ladd, Swift, etc. viii, 136 pp, 6 pl. 160. 145 pp. 120. London, 1727. [ With v. 2 of Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1809. Calamy (E.) Continuation of the account of Cabinet de l'6loquence fran9oise, en forme de ministers ejected. ed. 1727]. dialogue; tres utile et n6cessairc pour ap- Calcott (Wellins). A candid disquisition of prendrle h bien parler en toutes compagnies, the principles and practices of the most antient etc. [anon.] 47 pp. 18. Troyes, Garnier, and honourable society of free and accepted [about 1695. With La Valliere (duchesse masons. [London, 1769; reprinted], xvi, 158 de). Vie, 1695.] pp. 8~0 New York, J. W. Leonard 4 Co. Cabrera. See Cayetano de C abreia. 1855. Cadwalader (John). Reply to. Gen. Joseph Calderini (Carlo, AM. D.). Prospetto clinico Reed's remarks on a late publication in the sopra le mlalattie veneree, e particolarmente Independent gazetteer; with some observa- sulla cura di esse senza rmercurio. 123 pp. tions on his address to the people of Pennsyl- 4 tab. 8~. Xilano, TIamburini e Jraldoni, vania. With the letters of Washington, Ham- 1835. ilton, etc. [pp. 15-54 of Smith (Horace W.) Caldwell (Charles, M. D.) Elements of phrenNuts for future historians to crack.] ology. viii, 100 pp. 1 pl. 80. Lexington, Caesar (Caius Julius). Commentariorum de (Ky.) author, 1824. s. bello gallico, libri vii; Hircii additio. Coin- Calef (Robert). More wonders of the invisible mentariorum de bello ciuli, libri iii. Hirtii worldE; [containing] an account of the stfferde bello alexandrino, africo, hispano, iv-vi. ings of Margaret Rule, written by the Rev. fol. Venitiis, Bernardinus, 1498. [With An- Mr. C[otton] M[ather]. Several letters to niue. Cmentaria, etc. fol. 1498.] s. the author and his reply relating to witchQuee extant, interpretatione et notis illus- craft, etc. London, N. Hillar, 1700. Reprint. travit Johannes Godvinus, in usum Delphini. 212. 167 pp. sm. 40. 1866. New edition by William Mann. 304 pp. 3 maps. [With DRAKE (S. G.) Witclhcraft delusion in New 80. Phliladelphia, Desilver, Thomas c (Co. 1836. England, v. 2-3.1 The commentarlies of his warres in Gal- Calendar of letters, despatches, and state lia, translated into English, wvith meany obser- papers, relating to the negotiations between vations thereupon by Clement Edmonds, withl Englalld ad Spain, preserved in the archives the life of Coesar and an account of his medalls. at Simancas and elsewhere. v. 2. Henry viii, 23 p.1. 196 pp. 6pl. fol. London, R. Daniel, 1509.-1525. Edited by G. A. Bergenroth. 1655. ccxix, 863pp. 8~.o London, Lonzmans, 1866. Observations upon Cesar's commenta- Calfhili (James, D. D.) Answer to John Marries of the civile warres betwixt him and tiall'streatise of the cross. Edited by Rev. Pompey, by Clement Edmonds, [with the Richard Gibbings. xii, 418pp. 8~. Camart of our tactick practice]. 142, 10 pp. 6 bridge, univ. press, 1846. p1. fol. Lonzdon, B. Daniel, 1655. [i'th [Parer society publications.] California. Geological survey. J. D. WhitCesar (C. J.) Commentaries of his warres ney, state geologist. Geology. v. i. Report in Gallia. London, 1655]. of progress, and synopsis of the field-work, Caesius (Fredericus). See Hernandez (F.) PhilC-all. See Derosne. adellphia, Sherman S' Co. 1865. s. 57 CALIFORNIA. CAMERARIUS. California. Geological survey.-Continued. neuvimne sicele. 2 v. viii, 534 pp. 8~. Paris, CONTIENTS. J. B. Baillitre, 1845. Ashburner (W.) Tabular statement of the operations Calvert (George H.) First years iu Europe. of the principal quartz mills running in California in 303 pp. 12~. Boston,. V. Spencer, 1866. 18(;1. (app. A.) Meek (F. B.) Descriptions of fossils from the aurifer- Calvert (James). Mission history. See Wilous slates of California. (app. B.) liams (Thomas) and Calvert, (J.) Fiji, etc. Whitney (J. D.) Preface. Geology of the coast range. pt. 1. Geology of the Sierra Nevada. pt. 2. Calvin (Jean). Institvtionvm christiane reli gionis libri iv. Praemissa est vita, authore The same. Palmontology. v. i. xx, 243 pp. 32 1.:32 pl. 40. Philadelphia, Sheer- T. Beza. 16 p. 1. 544, 54 pp. fol. Luzgduni maln 4 Co. 1864. s Batavorum, P'. Hack, 1654. s. Calvo (Charles). Amd6rique latine. Recueil CONTENTS. historique complet des trait6s, conventions, Gabb (William M.) Description of the triassic fossils capitulations, armistices, questions de limites, of California and the adjacent territories. ~ 2. Description of the cretaceous fossils. ~ 4. et autres actes diplomatiques et politiques de lMeek (F. B.) Description of the carboniferous fossils. tousles tats compris entre leolfe exique ~1. Description of the jurassic fossils. ~ 3. Whitney (J. D.) Preface. et le cap de Horn, depuis l'annie 1493, jusqu'h Geographical catalogue of the mollusca nos jours. le p6riode. v. 7-10. 80. Paris, found west of the Rocky Mountains, between Durand, 1865-66. latitudes 330 and 490 north. By J. G. Cooper. Thesame. 2ep6riode. Annales histo40 pp. 4~. San Francisco, Towne & Bacon, riques de la r6volution de l'Am6rique latine, ac1867. s. compagndes de documents a l'appui. De l'anCalifornia and her gold regions, compiledfrom nde 1808, jusqu'h la reconnaissance de l'ind& the best sources. [anon.] 70 pp. 160. Phila- pendence. v. 4-5. 8~. Paris, Durand, 1865-67. delphia, G. B. Zieber, 1849. Calwer (C. G.) Recensio avium in academici California gold regions, with a full account of liberi baronis de Mueller ornithologico museo their mineral resources, and skletches of Cali- stuttgardiauo collectarum. 2 p. 1. 77 pp. 80. fornia. 48 pp. 80. New York, F. M. Pratt, Stuttarcice tJpis octn regicc, 1854. [about 1850.] Cambridge (Eng.) University. Calendar for California state library. Catalogue, Jan. 1, 1867. xxxviii, 614 pp. 1 chart. 12. Cam1855. 172 pp. 8~. Sacramento, B. B. Red- bricge, Deighton, Bell & Co. [1867.] dingd, 1855. s. Graduati cantabrigienses: sive catalogus, C~alliat (Victor), and Lance (tAdolphe). exhibens nomina eorunm quos, ab anno MDCLIX[editors]. SeeS Encyclopedie d'architecture. 2IDCCCXXIII, gradu quocunque ornavit acadCallisen (Adolph Carl Peter). Medicinisches enia cantabrigiensis. 537, 28 pp. 8. Canschriftsteller-lexicon derjetzt lebenden aerzte, tabrigiae, J. Smith, 1823. u. s. w. 33 v. 16~. Copenhagen unce d Altona, - Mechanical problems, adapted to the 1830-45. S. course of reading pursued in the university CONTENTS. of Cambridge. [anon.] vi, 184 pp. 80. v. 1-21. A-Z, 1830-35. Lodondo, G. B. Whittaker, 1828. s. 2. 22-23. Die anonymischen schriften, mit einschluss Camden society publications. Nos. 92 and der cholera, der homoopathie, und der pharmacopoen, arzneitaxen, und allgemeinen medicinal ordnungen. 93. sm. 40. London, 1867. v. 23-25. Die zeitschriften, gesellschaftschriften, und die gesammelten schriften mehrerer verfasser. A-Z. CONTEN TS. v. 26-33, Nachtrag; enthaltend berichtigungen, ergdn- Accounts and papers relating to Mary queen of Scots. zungen, die neuere literatur, und die seit 1830 vers- Edited by A. J. Crosby and J. Brace. [No. )3]. torbenen medicinischen schriftsteller. Mit einigen Bargrave (John). Pope Alexander the seventh and beitrtagen von Choulant, Koberweiu, Richter, und the college of cardinals, with a catalogue of Dr. A. von Schonberg. A-Z. Bargrave's museum. Edited by J. C. Robertson. v. 33. Die periodischen und gesammelten schriften. [No. 92]. A-Z. Camden (William). Britannia, newly transCallistratus. See Philostratus. Quoe svper- lated into English, by Edmund Gibson. 17 p. 1. svnt omnia. Lipsiae, 1709. cxcv, 1116 pp. 22 1. fol. London, A. Swalle, Calmberg (Ernst Philipp Ludwig). Katalog 1695. s. der [seiner] hinterlassen bibliothek. 3 p. 1. Camerarius or Iammermeister (Phlilipp). The 275 pp. 8~. Hamburg, Meissner, 1851. s. living librarie, or, meditations and observaCalmeil (L. F. M1. D.) De la folie considdrde tions historical, natvral, moral, political and sous le point de vue pathologique, philoso- poetical. [Trainslated from] Latin iIlto English que, historique et judiciaire, depuis la renais- by John Molle. 2d ed. 5 p. 1. 428 pp. 21. sance des sciences en Europe, jusqu' au dix- fol. London, A. Islip, 1625. 58 CAMERON. CANDID. Cameron (Charles Hay). Address to parlia- Campbell (Lawrence D.) Life of Hugh Boyd. ment on the duties of Great Britain to India See Boyd (Hughl). in respect of the education of the natives, and Campbell (Mark). Self-instructor in thle art their official employment. 175 pp. 8~. Lon- of hair work, dressing hair, [etc.] and hair don, Lonznman, Brown c' Co. 1853. jewelry. 276 pp. incl.- 50 pl. 8~. Newz York, Campaign (The) of general Moreau, in Ger- M. Campbell, 1867. many, in 1796; with the retreat through the Campbell (Thomas). Gertrude of Wyoming; Blaclkforest. [anon.] 78pp. 80. London, aPennsylvaniantale. And other poems. 40~. J. Davis, 1813. London, T. Bensley, 1809. [Royal military chronicle, v. 1]. Campe (Joachim Heinrich). Le nouveau RobCampanella (Tomasso). His advice to the inson, pour servir' l'am Lsement et ah'instrucking of Spain for attaining the universal tion des enfalis. Traduit de l'Allemand. 240~. monarchy of the world. Translated into xiv, 436 pp. Londres, Darton & -Harvey, English by Ed. Chilmead, with preface by 1807. William Prynne. 7 p. 1. 232 pp. sin. 4~. Campo or Campi (Antonio). Cremona rapLondon, Plilemzon Stephens, 1659. presentata in disegno, col suo contado, et illusCampbell (AlbertH.) Report upon the Pacific trata d'una breve historia et dei ritratti de wagon roads. 125 pp. 6 maps. 80. Wash- duchi et duchesse di Milano, e comnpendio ington, government press, 1859. s. delle lor vite. 2'1 ed. 40. Milano, Bidelli, Campbell (Rev. Alexander). Debate on chris- 1645. s. tian baptism with Rev. W. L. Maccalla, a Camps (William, M. D.) Railway accidents presbyterian teacher, October 1823; with or collisions; their effects upon the brain and animmadversions on treatises on the same sub- spinal cord, and other portions of the nervous ject, written by J. Mason, S. Ralston, etc. system. 18 pp.. 80. London, H. K. Lewis, 420 pp. 160. Buffaloe, (Va.) Camrapbell' 1866. Scala, 1824. Canada. Geologicalsunvey. Report ofprogress --- Familiar lectures on the pentateuch; from commencement to 1863, with maps and delivered [at] Bethany college, 1849-60. sections. 42pp. 31. 10nmaps. 80. Montreal, Also extracts from his sermons, [and] sketch Davwson, 1865. of [his] life. Edited by W. T. Moore. 379 pp. ---- The same. Report of progress from 1863 1 pl. 12~. Cincinnati, H. S. Bosworth, to 1866. viii, 321 pp. 8~. Ottawa, G. E. Des1867. barats, 1866. and oth7ers. The christian hymn book. Seventh report from the select committee 840 pp. 240. Cincinnati, H. S. Boswzorth, of the house of assembly on grievances. 1S867. [With] report on the petition of William Campbell (A. D.) Dictionary of the Teloogoo Forsyth, late proprietor of the Niagara falls language, commonly called the Gentoo, pecu- pavilion. W. L. Mackenzie, chairman. 5 p. 1. liar to the Hindoos of thle N. E. provinces of 372, 26 pp. 8~.~ Toronto, M. Reynolds, 1835. the Indian peninsula. 5 p. 1. 601 pp. 40~. Canadas (The) as they now are, comprehendMadras, 1821. s. ing a view of their climate, rivers, lakes, Campbell (E. R.) Scientific reader and key. canals, trade, etc. Byalate resident. [anon.] 2 v. in 1. 120. Cincinnati, 1854. s. xv, 116pp. 16~. London, JamesDtancanand Campbell (Gabriel). NTew practical course in others, 1833. the German language. part 1. 44 pp. 120. [Map wanting]. Chicago, 1867. Canadian guide book. [anon.] With a map Campbell (J. Allan). Design book [for funeral of the province [by E. Staveley]. 154 pp. monunlents], 1867. Containing 91 designs. 16~. Montreal, lrmour & Ramnsay, 1849. s. 33 1. unp. obl. 16~. [Chicago,] J. A. Cancellieri (Francesco Girolamo). DissertaCampbell, 1867. zioni epistolari bibliografiche sopra CristoCampbell (J. F.) Frost and fire; with skletches foreo Colombo, e Giovanni Gersen, avtore del takeln at home and abi oad by a traveller. 2 v. libro De imitatione Clristi. xi, 415 pp. 8~. xxxi, 506 pp; xii, 519 pp. 2 maps. 80. Romaa, R. BovrliE, 1809. s. Edinburgh, Eclzonston & Douglas, 1865. Candid (The) retrospect; or, the American Campbell (J. L.) Manual of scientific and war examined, by whig principles. [anon.] practical agriculture. 442 pp. 1 pl. col. 120. 28 pp. 180. Charlestown printed, New York Philadellphia, Lindzclsay & Bla7iston, 1859. s. re-printed, 1780. 59 CANDOLLE. CARACCIOLI. Candolle (Alphonse de). G6ographie botani- de Henri iii. 2 p. 1. viii, 233 pp. 1 pl. 16~. que raisonnee. 2 v. xxxii, 1,365 pp. 2 maps; Paris, Amyot, 1864. 8o. paris, V. Mas, oab 1855. s. AMadame la comtesse Du Barry. 2 p. 1. Candolle (Augustin Pyramus de). M6moires vii, 276 pp. 160. Paris, Amyot, 1858. et souvenirs; 6crits par lui-meme et publids Madame la marquise de Pompadour. par son fils. xvi, 599 pp. 80. Geneue, J. 2 p. 1. iii, 296 pp. 18~. Paris, Arnyot, 1858. Cherbuldiez, 1862. s. BMademoiselle de la Vallibre, et les favorCandy (Thomas and George). See Moles- ites des trois ages de Louis xiv. xi, 276 pp. worth (J. T.) and Candy. 16~. Paris, Amiyot, 1859. Canina (Luigi). L'architettura antica descritta I Ninon de Lenclos, et les pr6cieuses do la e dilnostrata coi monumenti. 3 v. fol. Place royale. 2 p. 1. viii, 218 pp. 1 pl. 16~. Romna, Canini, 1830-44. s. Paris, Anzyot, 1864. Capel (Arthur, 1st earl of Essex). Letters written.CONTENTS. [by the] lord lieutenant of Ireland, 1675, v. 1. L'architettura egiziana. vii Pp. 197pl1. 1839-44. v. 2. L'architcttura greca. vii pp. 168 pl. 1830-40. [with] historical account of his life. xvi, 428 v. 3. L'architetturaroinana. viiipp. 25 )pl. 1830-40. pp. 40. Lozdon, J. Dodsley, 1770. Canning (George). See Poetry of the Anti- Capmany y Montpalau (Antonio de). Miejacobin. morias historicas sobre la marina, comerCanthu (Cesare). Storia di cento anni (1750- cio, y artes de la antigna ciudad de Barcelona. 1850). 4a ed. 5 v. 16~. Tobrino, 1863-64. 4 v. 4~. MIadrid, lAnt. de SanXha, 1779-92. s. Capodieci (Giuseppe Malria). Antichi monuCantui (Ignazio). L' Italia scientifica contem- menti di Siracusa. 2~ ed. 2 v. 304 pp. i pl. poranea; notizie sugli Italiani ascritti ai cinque 1 map; 376 pp. 1 pl. 1 ma;p. 4~. Siracusa, primi congressi. 6 p. 1. 320, 172 pp. 8~. P F.M. Pdlejo, 1816. s. Milano, Stella, 1844. s. Capper (James). Observations on the passage Cap (Paul Antoine). Camille Montagne, bota- to India, through Egypt, and across the great niste. viii, 98pp. 1 portrait. 8~. Paris, J. B. desert. xx, 110 pp.'2 maps. 40. London, Bailliire, 1866. s. TV. Faden, 1783. Capefigue (Jean Baptiste Honord Raymond). Capucins (Les) sanis barbe, histoire napoliAgnds Sorel etlachevalerie. xi, 227 pp. 16~. taine. [anon.] 64pp. 180. [n. p.] 1761. Paris, Anyot, 1860. Caquets (Les) de laccouch6e. [anon.] Nouv. - Aspasie et le siicle de P6ricl/s. xvi, 6d. revue sur les pisces originales, et annotde 216 pp. 16~. Paris, -Amyot, 1862. par Idouard Fournier; avec une introduction Les bacchantes et les jeunes patriciens par Le Roux de Lincy. xlvii, 298 pp. 160~. sous les Cesars. xxiii, 178 pp. 16~. Paris, Paris, P. Jannet, 1855. Amyot, 1864. - Caracci. See Carracci. La belle Corisande et les galanteries du Caraccioli, (Domenico,?marchese di VillaB6arnais. 2 p. 1, viii, 214 pp. 1 pl. 160. Paris, maCna). Riflessioni sull' economia e l'estraAnyot, 1864. zione de fiumenti della Sicilia fatte in occaLa comtesse de Parabhre et le palais royal sione della carestia dell' indizione iii, 1784-5. sous la r6gence. 2 p. 1. vii, 204 pp. portrait. (Scrittori class. ital. di econ. pol. v. 40.) 160. Paris, Amyot, 1863. Caraccioli (Louis Antoine). De la gayet6. Les cours d'amour, les comtesses et Nouvelle 6d. [anon.] x.221pp. 160. Liege, chatelaines de Provence. 2 p. 1. vii, 204 pp. J. -. Bassompielrre 4 J. Vaa den Berghen, 1 pl. 8~. Paris, Amyot, 1863. 1763. ----— Les deesses de la libert6. 8, 260 pp. Lelivre la mode. Nouvelle6d. [anozn.] 1 pl. 160~, Paris, Amyot, 1862. xxxviii, 88 pp. 180. [Paris]. Les libraires, Diane de Poitiers. v, 305 pp. 16~. 1759. Paris, 4Amyot, 1860.. See Clement xiv. Lettere. La duchesse de Portsmoutla et la cour )Caraccioli (Roberto). Quadragesimale de galante des Stuarts. 2 p. 1. xxiv, 199 pp. peccatis. 191 1. 40. Venetiis, A. de Toreportrait. 16~. Paris, Aayot, 1861. sanis de Asznla, 1488. Gabrielle d'Estr6es, et la politique de -- Sermones quadragesimales de aduetu, de Henri iv. xx, 278 pp. 160. Paris, A`nyot, timorej diciorum Dei, ct lbusdd aliis amnexis. 1859. 331, l2.unp. 40~. Veletiis, J. de Porlittio, Les hl6roines de la ligue, et des mignonls 1490. C Tith tle preceding.] CARACCIOLI. -CAROLINA. Caraccioli (Roberto). Sermones de laudibus languages of India; with the present and past ganctorum. 219 1. unp. fol. Auguste, A. of "to be" in 34 languages. 38 pp. 80. Sorg. Serampore, 1816. Caracciolo (Henrietta). The mysteries of the Carey. See Cary. Neapolitan convents; with a slketch of the Carle'er (L6on Henri Marie). Examen des early life of the authoress. Translated from principales classifications adopt6es par les 4th Italian ed. by J. S. Redfield. With an zoologistes. [Extract.] 284 pp. 1 pl. 80. introduction by J. Dowling. 484 pp. 1 pl. Bruxelles, T. Lesigne, 1861. s. 12~. Hartford, A. S. Hale,4 Co. 1867. Carleton (Capt. George, pseud.] See Defoe Caradoc (of Lhancarvan). The history of (Daniel). Wales, written originally in British, englished Carlier (Auguste). Marriage in the United by Dr. Powell, and augmented by XV. WVynne; States. Translated from the French by B. J. with a description of Wales, by Sir John Price. Jeffries. 3d ed. xvi, 179 pp. 16~. Boston, 21 p. 1. xlii, 396 pp, viii 1. unp. 8~. London, De Vries, Ibarra 4 Co. 1867. T. Evans, 1774. Carlisle (Nicholas). Concise description of Carayon (Auguste). Bibliographie historique the endowed grammar schools in England de la compagnie de J6sus, ou catalogue des and Wales. 2 v. xliv, 856 pp; 883 pp. 8~. ouvrages relatifs A Phistoire desj6suites, depuis London, Bacl;win, Cradock & Joy, 1818. leur origine jusqu'/ nos jours. viii, 612 pp. Carlisle (Pa.) Charter and ordinances of the 4~. Paris, Durand, 1864. borough of Carlisle, with incidents of its Carbo (Juan). See Barbachano (T. A.) and early history, and a notice of its present conCarbo (J.) Memoria, etc. dition. 64 pp. 2maps. 8~. Carlisle, 1841. Care (Henry). The history of popery: with Carlyle (Thomas). History of Friederich ii of alterations and additions, [and a supplement Prussia, called Frederick the great. 7 v. carrying on the history to the end of the sq. 18~. Leipzig., B. Tauchnitz, 1858-62. council of Trent]. By several gentlemen. Passages selected from [his] writings; [anon.] 2 v. 3 p. 1. 481 pp, 6 1; 3 p. i. 676 with a biographical memoir, by Thomas pp. 5 1. 2pl. 40~. London, J. Oswvald, 1735-36. Ballantyne. xii, 351 pp. 12~. London, ChapCarew (George, earl of Totness). Calendar of man & Hall, 1855. the Carew Mss. preserved in the archiepisco- Carmnnoly (l:liacin, M. D.) History of the pal library at Lambeth, 1515-1574. Edited Jewish physicians. From the French, with by J. S. Brewer and W. Bullen. cxix, 572 notes. [With notes on surgery.] ByJohn R. pp. 8~. London, Longmans, 1867. TW. Dunbar. 94 pp. 8~. Baltimore, J. MurCarew (Richard). Survey of Cornwall; [with] phy, [about 1845]. s. notes of its history and antiquities by Thomas Carnell (P. P.) A treatise on family wine Tonkin. Published by Francis Lord de Dun- niaking; from' the various firuits of this counstanville, [and] journal of the parliament of try. 160 pp. 8~0. London, Sherwcood Co. tinners, held at Truro, 1710. xxxix, 459 pp. 1814. 1 pl. 40. London, T. Bensley, 1811. Carnot (Lazare Nicolas Marguerite, camte). Carew (Thomas). Poetical worlks. 80. Edin- R6flexions sur la m6taphysique du calcul burgh, 1793. infinitesimal. 4e 6d. 160 pp. 1 pl. 80~. IAnderson's Brit. poets, v. 3.] Paris, Mallet-Bachelier, 1860. Carey (George Saville). The balnea: or an. An exposition of [his] political conduct impartial description of all the popular water- since July 1, 1814. Translated by Henry ing places in England. 2d ed. xii, 275 pp. Wheaton. 72pp. 180. Arew York, Van Winkle 12~. London, W. West, 1799. 4 Wiley, 1815. Carey (Mathew). Address before the Phil- Carnot (Lazare Hippolyte). M6moires sur adelphia society for promoting agriculture, Carnot, par son fils. 2 v. 592 pp; 640 pp. July20th, 1824. 4th ed. 108 pp. 24~. Phila- 1 pl. 80. Paris, Pagnerre, 1861-63. delphia, B. A. Skerrett, 1824. Caro (Ramon Martinez). Verdadera idea de Carey (William, D. D.) Dictionary of the la primera camparia de Tejas y sucesos ocurMahratta language. vii, 652 pp. 80. Seram- ridos despues de la accion de San Jacinto. pore, 1810. s. vii, 162 pp. 8~. Mexico, S. Perez, 1837. (and others). Memoir relative to the Carolina. [Charter, fundamental constitutions, progress of the translations of the sacred etc]. Nos. 1-14. 67pp. si.4A London, 1705 scriptures, in the year 1815, into the various [Title wanting.] CARPENTER. CARVER. Carpenter (F. B.) Inner life of Abraham 576 pp. 2, xiii pp. sm. 4~. Padoua, P.P. Lincoln. 24th ed. 359 pp. 16~. Nlew York, Tozzi, 1615. Hurd & Houghton, 1867. Cart6e (Cornelius S.) A school atlas of phy[Same as his "Six months at the white house"]. sical geography. 3 p. 1. 13 col. maps. 8~. Carpenter (Philip P.) Lectures on mollusca; Boston, Hickling, Swan & Brown, 1856. s. or, shell-fish and their allies. 8~. Washing- Carter (Charles L.) Treatise on general paton, 1861. s. thology and its relation to practical medicine. Report on the present state of our knowl- 149 pp. 80. St. Louis, G. Knapp 4' Co. 1867. edge with regard to the mollusca of the west Cartier (Jacques). Trois voyages au Canada coast of North America. [Extract]. iv, 1534-40. 77 pp. 8~. Que'bec, William Cowan pp. 159-368 4 pl. 8~. London, Taylor 4' etfils, 1843. [ With Voyages de d6couverte Fr ancis, 1857. s. au Canada, 1534 et 1542. Quebec, 1840]. Carr (George P.) The contest; a poem. 115 Voyage de Jacques Cartier av Canada pp. sq. 18~. Chicago, P. L. lanscoin, 1866. en 1534 [avec] documents in6dits sur Jacques Carr (John). Early times in middle Tennessee. Cartier et le Canada. Nouv. 6d. vii, 71, 53 248 pp. 180. Nashville, E. Carr, 1857. pp. 2 maps. 120. Paris, Tross, 1865. Carra (Jean Louis). M6moires historiques et Cartier de Saint Philip (-). Le je ne sgai authentiques sur la bastille. 3 v. in 1. 8~. quoi, on m6langes curieux historiques et Paris, Buisson, 1789. critiques de bons mbts et pens6es choisies. Carracci (Annibale). Aedium farnesiarum Par Mr. C. D. S. P. [anon.] 2 v. in 1. tabulae ab Annibale Caraccio depicte, a v, 310 pp; 4 p. 1. 270 pp, 31. 160. La Haye, Carolo Coesio eori insculptwe, atque a Lucio 1724. Philarchreo explicationibus illustrate. 6p. 1. Cartouche (Louis Dominique). Histoire de lxxiv pp. 35 pl. fol. Ronce, V. MZonaldini, la vie, et du proc6s de. See Histoire. 1753. Carus (Carl Gustav). Trait6 616mentaire Carrera (Pietro). A treatise on the game of d'anatomie compar6e, suivi de recherches chess. Translated fiom the Italian, with d'anatomie philosophique ou transcendante. notes, by WV. Lewis. 3 p. 1. 300 pp. 80. Trad. de l'Allemand, sur la 2e 6d. par A. J. London, J. M. Richardson, & B. Triphook, L. Jourdan. 3 v. 8~. Atlas, 31 pl. 40~. 1822. Paris, J. B. Bailli~re, 1835. s. Carrey (Igmile). L'Amazone. Les r6volt6s & The same. 808 pp. 80. Atlas, 31 pl. du Para. 337 pp. 160. Paris, Livy, 1857. 40. Bruxelles, Soc. typog. belge, 1836-37. s. Carriere (Moriz). Die kunst im zusammen- Carus (Julius Victor). System derthierischen hang der culturentwickelung und die ideale morphologie. xii, 506 pp. 8~. Leipzig, W. der menschheit. v. 1-2~.80. Leipzig, F. A. Engclmann, 1853. s. Brockhaus, 1863-66. s. Carvajal (Bernardo de). Oratio super preestanda solenni obedientia sanctissimo Alexandro papse vi, ex parte christianissim orum v. 1. Die anfdnge der cultur und das orientalische alterthum in religion, dichtung und kunst. dominorum Fernandi et IIelisabe regis et rexxi,.i dich- ginre Hispanive: habita Romae in consistorio v. 2. Hellas und Rom in religion und welshelt, dichtung und kunst. xvi, 612 pp. publico, xix Iunii. m.cccc.xciii. 8 1. unp. Carrington (H. E.) The Plymouth and Devon- sm. 40. [Romoce, Besicken, aut Silber, 1493.] port guide. 4th ed. viii, 316 pp. 7 pl. 18~. Carve (Thomas). Itincrarium, cum historia Devonport(Eng.) W. Byers, 1837. s. facti Butleri, Gordon, Lesly et aliorum. Carrington (Richard Christopher). Observa- Nova ed. xx, 432 pp. 1 pl. sin. 40. Londini, tions of the spots on the sun from Nov. 9, B. Quaritch, 1859. 1853, to March 24, 1861, made at Redhill. Carver (Capt. Jonathan). Travels through the 248 pp. 166 pl. 40. London, Williams P interior parts of North America, in 1766-68. Norgcate, 1863. s. 10 p. 1. 543 pp. 4 pl. 80. London, 1778. Carruthers (William). The [British] diat- --- The same. 22, xvi, 543 pp. 2 maps. 6 pl. omacese. [With Gray (J. E.) Handbook 8~. London, C. Dilly, 1781. of British waterweeds. 1864]. s. - The same. Three years' travels through Cartari (Vincenzo). Le vere e nove imagini the interior parts of North America for more degli dei delli antichi. Ridotte da Lorenzo than five thousand miles, with appendix. xx, Pignoria, [con] annotationi. Con le allegorie ix, 360 pp. 80. Philadelphia, Key & Simpsopra le imagini di Cesare Malfatti. 16 p. 1. sonr, 1796. 62 CARVER. CASTELMAN. Carver (Capt. Jonathan). Voyage dans les 7. Address, May 10, 1704, of the dissenters to his excellency John G ranville. parties int6rieures de l'Amdrique Septentrio- 8. Letter of Mrs. Blake, widow of the late govnale, pendant les ann6es 1766-68. Traduit ernor, tothe lords proprietors, Mlay 16t, 1704. 9. Petition of the committee of the Pennsylvania sur la 3e 6d. angloise, par MI. de C -. 23, company, and other merchants trading to Caxxviii, 451 pp. 1 map. 80. Paris, Pissot, rolina. 10. Act for the establishment of religious worship 1784. in this province according to the church of Enghland, etc. Nov. 4, 1704. The same. Aventures chez les sauvages 11-14. [Papers respecting the persecution of;Rev. de l'Amaerique Septentrionale. 5c 6d. 236 pp. Edward Marston, rector of church of St. l'hilip, in Charleston, S. C.] 2 pl. 160. Tours, lane et Cie, 1852., Cary (Alice). The bishop's son; a novel. 416 Casgrain (-IH. R.) Un contemporain.-F. X. pp. 12~0. N2ew York, G. IF. Carleton & Co. Garneau. 135 pp. 1 portrait. 180. Quebec, 1867. J. N. Duqstet, 1866. Alover's diary. With illustrations. ix, Casiri (Michael). Bibliotheca arabico-hispana 240 pp. sq. 160. Boston, Ticknor 4' TFields, escurialensis, sive librormn omniutn mss..quos 1868. arabice bibliotlheca conobii escurialensis comSnow-berries: a book for young folks. plectitur rccensio et explanatio. 2 v. 8 p. 1. With illustrations. x, 206 pp. 6 pl. sq. 160. xxiv, 544 pp; 3 p. 1. 352 pp. 108 ]. fol. AlaBoston, Ticktor & Flields, 1867. triti, A. P. de Soto, 1760-70. Cary (Phcebe). Poems of faith, hope, and love. Caspari (C. P.) Ungedruckte, unbeachtete und v, 249 pp. 160. Ebewv York, HIrd' Hougyk- wenig beachtetete quellen zur geschiclhte des to n, 1868. taufsymbols uncl der glaubensregel. v. 1. ix, Cary (Rev. Samuel). See Freeman (James, 248 pp. S8. Christiania, P. T. MAalling, D. D.) and Cary (Rev. S.) Funeral sermons. 1866. s. Boston, 1820. Caspipina (Tamoc, pseudon.) Letters. See Cary. See Carey. Duche' (Jacob.) Casa (Giovanni della.) Le terze rinme, 1542. Casseday (Ben.) History of Louisville, [Ky.] [ II'ith Berni (F.) Tutte le opere.] from its earliest settlement to 1852. 255 pp. Casanova de Seingalt (Jacques). Memoirs. 1 map. 160. Louisville, llll andl brother, 1852. From the French by A. Tolliab. 6 v. sq. 18~. Cassin (John). Birds. [ Tith Baird (SpeanBreunswick, HE. Ne/zshoff Co. 1863. cer F.) Outlines of zology.] s. Casaregi (Giovanni Bartolommeo). Sonette e - - Birds of Chili. L WIith Gilliss (J. AM.) canzoni. See Salvini (Salvino.) U. S. astronomical exped. v. 2.] Case (The) of the planters of' tobacco in Vir- Castalione (Sebastiano). See Bible, Latin. ginia, as represented by themselves; signed fol. Basilece, 1551. by thle president of the council and speaker of Castell (RBe. Willianl). A petition of W. C. the house of burgesses. [With] a vindication exhibited to the high covrt of parliament now of the said representation. [anon.] 64 pp. assembled, for the propagating of the gospel 8~. London, J. Roberts, 1733. in America arnd the West Indies. 19 pp. Case (The) of protestant dissenters in Carolina, sm. 40. [n. p.] 1641. [ With Higginson shoewing howv a law to prevent occasional con- (Rev. Francis). New England's plantation, formity there has ended in the total subver- 1641.] sion of the constitution in church and state. A short discorerie of the coasts and con[To which are appenlded, documents respect- tinent of America, fiom the equinoctiall northing Carolina, in 14 nos]. 42, 67 pp. sinm. 4~. ward, and of the adjacent isles. [With] the London, 1706. author's petition to parliament, for the propaCONTENTS. gation of the gospel in America; ordinance of No. 1. First charter of Carolina. larch 24, 1663. parlinmeIt for the better governl ent of 2. Fundamental constitutions of Carolina, IMarch Englisl plantatioss there, and Sir Benjamin 1, 1669. 3 Fundamental constitutions of Carolina, agreed Rudyer's speech ir parliament concerning on Apr. 11, 1089. Amelica. 12 p. 1. 48, 54 pp. sm. 40~. Lo4. The present state of affairs in Carolina. By John Ash, gent. don, 1644. 5. Representation and address of several of the The same. [nperfet; pp. 17-25 sp members of this present assembly for Colleton - The eano. [lusperfect; pp. 17-2 supcounty, etc. to his excellency John Granvill, plied in s11.] London, 1614. esq. palatine. (i. Act requiring all hereafter chosen members of Castelman (Richard). Voyage, etc. witll dethe house of assembly to tatie the oaths and scription ofPlliladelphia. [ Wit/ Chetwood subscribe the declaration appointed by thisi act, to conternm to the church of Eeglancl, etc. (WV. R.) Voyages of' Capt. Robt' Boyle]. 63 CASTLENrAU. CAVELIER. Castelnau (Fran9ois L. de Laporte, comte. de), Catlin (George). Last rambles amongst the and Brulle (Auguste). Monographic du genre Indians of the Rocky mountains and the Andes. diaperis. 90 pp. I1pl. 80. Paris, Thuanu, 1831. s. x, 361 pp. 8 pl. 160. ~New York, D. Appleton [Two manilscript catalogues of his in- & Co. 1867. sects. 40. n. p. 1822 —26]. s. Life amongst the Indians. A book for Caste6ra (Jcan Henri). Les baisers de Zizi, youth. xii, 339 pp. 8 pl. 160. New York, poibme. 2e 6d. [anon.] 93 pp. 240. Paris, D. Appleton & Co. 1867. leoycz, 1786. Cato (Dionysius). Catllonem glosatti et moCastiglione (Baldassare). I1 libro del corte- ralisatum. 69 1. unp. sinm. 40. [~. p. or d.] giano. 7, 215 pp. 18~. Venetia, Aldo et Moralissimus Cato ci elegantissimo A.. d'Asola, 1533. cOmento Roberti de Euremodio. 41 1. sm. Castiglioni (Cesare). Risposta al tema pub- 40. A- 4rgtimne, 1487. blicato dalla societ't medico-chirurgica di Cato (Marcus Portius). (Witlt Libri de re Bologna, 15 Maggio, 1842. [Arteritis. Ex- rustica.) tract]. 209 pp. 40.' Bologna, Soc. medico- Catskill association, formed for the purpose of chirurgicc, 1844. improving the town of Catskill, New York, Castillioneus (Johannes), or, Castiglione December 28, 1836. [anon.] 47 pp. 1 map. (G. M. M. Salvimeni di). (See Newvton (J.) 160. NTewv York, Mittchell Ic Turner, 1837. Arithlmetica universalis, commentarius). Catton (Charles, jr.) Animals, drawn from Castle builders; or, the history of William nature, and engraved in aqua-tinta. [Re-pubStephens; with a vision of a child left in awood lished from the London ed. of 1787.] 36 1. to be fed by ravens. [anon.] 2d ed. xv, 320 unp. 36 pl. fol. New Havenb, H. Howe,- 1825. pp. 12~. London, E. Cabe and others, 1759. Catullus (Caius Valerius). Opera, ex recenCastlenman (Harry). [pseuccdo]. See Frank sione Isanci Vossii, cuml ejusdem notis ac obseron the lower Mississippi. vationibus. Ed. 2'. 3 p. 1. 332 pp. 12 pl. 40. Cantlelan (1Rer. T. T.) Plain sermons for Lugclni Batarormzn, D. e. Gaesbeeck, etc. 1691. servants. 433 pp. 12 N. New York, Stanford s. &e Delisser, 1858. Poems, in English verse: [translated Castrucci (Giuseppe Emmanuele). Viaggio da by George Fredericl Nott] with the Latin Lima ad alcune tribiu barbare del Pernt e text revised, and classical notes. 2 v. in 1. lungo il filume delle Amlazzoni. xvi, 115 pp. xxxvi, 221, 4 pp. I 1.; 236 pp. 1 1. 2 pl. 8~. 2 1. 9 pl. 80. Gezova, Ponthenier, 1854. Lonvdon, J. Johnson, 1795. [pp. 173-6 of v. 2 Catalogue (A) of books printed in England ian Iss.] since the dreadful fire of London in 166S, to Caualli (Louis). Verzeichniss der ornitolothe end of Michaellnas term, 1695, with an gischen sammlling. 2 p. 1. 30 pp. 1 col. pl. abstract of the general bills of mortality since 40. Darmstacdt, J. J. Sch.cnidt, 1829. 1660. [With a catalogue of books printed Caulkins (Frances Manwaring). History of 1696-99. cnon.] 127 pp. 791. fol. London, Norwich, Conn. [2d ed. 80. Hartfordcl,],. Clarel, 1696 —[99 ] author, 1867. Catalogue of a costly and choice collection of Caumront (Arcisse de). Ab6c6daire ou rudiment rare, curious, and valuable books on the his- dyarch6ologie. [L'arclitectinredu moyen-age.] tory of America. 62 pp. 86. New York, iv, 416 pp. 80. Caen, Haclrde, 1850. s. Bangcs, 1853. Causton (H. Kent Staple). Howard papers: [With prices at salej. with a biographical pedigree and criticism. Catalogue of friends' books. [anon.] 238pp. 690 pp. 80. Londlon, Causton, & son, [1863.] 12~. London, J. Sowle, 1708. Cavalcanti (Bartolommeo). La retorica in vii Catcott (Rev. Alexander). Treatise on the libri. 16 p. 1. unp. 563 pp. 40. Vinegia, deluge. 2d ed. enlarged. viii pp. 4 1. 423 G. Giolito da' lFerrari, 1560. pp. 1 pl. 8~. London, E. Allen, 1768. Cavelier (Jean). Relation du voyage entreCatechism on the foundations of the christian pris par La Salle, pour d6douvrir dans le golfe faith; [with] the conversation of Mr. de clu Mexique l'embouchure du fleuve Missisipy. Felnelon with Mr. de Ramsey on the existence 54 pp. 160. Mlcanate, J. M. Slhea, 1858. of God, and the worship which is due to him. - Account of La Salle's voyage to the [anon.] 113, 55 pp. 120. New York, 1811. mouth of the Mississippi, etc. Translated into Catesby (Mark). See Edlwards (G.) and English. (pp. 13-42 of Shea (J. S.) Early Catesby. Salmmlung verschiedener vogel. voyages. 4~. 1Alban?, 1861.) CAVENDISH. - C HABRIER. Cavendish (Georgiana, duchess of Devonshire). elis, cura et studio Th. J. ab Almeloveen. The passage of S. Gotthard, a poem. pp. Accedunt J. Rhodii vita C. Celsi, etc. itemque 79-92. [ lWith Sketch of a journey through loci aliquot Hippocratis et Celsi ab Henrico Switzerland. [anon.] Berne, 1816.] Stephano 7rapaiPylac concinnati. ed. 2a. 3S Cavendish (Margaret, duchess of Newcastle). p. 1. 749 pp. 12~. Basileae, J. 1. Thurneisen, Poems and phancies. 2d ed. 12 p. 1. 299 1748. s. pp. sin. fol. London, I. TWilson, 1664. The same. Ex rec. L. Targae. 2 v. True relation of the birth, breeding, and 678 pp; 463 pp. 40~. Lugduni Batavorm, S. & life of Margaret Cavendish, duchess of New- J. Luchtmans, 1785. castle. Written by herself. With preface - Uber die arzneiwissenschaft,in acht btichby Sir E. Brydges. 5 p. 1. 9, 36 pp. portrait. ern, iibersetzt und erklitirt von Eduard Schel8~. Lee P'riory, Kent, Johnsorn and Walker, ler [Nebst Bianconi's briefe fiber Celsus.] 181.4. 2 v. 304 pp; 423 pp. 8~. Braunnschweig, Cayetano de Cabrera y Quintero ( —). Escudo Vieweg, 1846. S. dearmasdeMexico:celestialprotecciondeesta Cent (Les) nouvelles. nouvelles; publi6es d' nobilissima ciudad, de la Nueva-Espafta, y de aprhs le seul manuscrit connu, avec introduccasi todo el nuevo mundo, Maria santissima, tion et notes par Thomas Wright. *2 v. xliii, en su portentosa imagen del mexicano Guad- 303 pp; 323 pp. 160. Paris, Jannet, 1857-8. aiupe, milagrosamente apparecidaen el palacio Centenary (The) singer: a collection of hymns arzobispal el afno de 1531. Y jurado su prin- and tunes popular during the last one hundred cipal patrona el passado de 1737, en la angus- years; compiled for the [M. E.] Sunday tia que ocasionci la pestilencia. 18 p. 1. 522 school union. vi, 419 pp. 16~. New York, pp. 12 1. fol..Mexico, Viuda de Joseph Carlton PF Porter, 1867. Berznardo de Hoyal, 1747. Cerisier (Antoine Marie). Tafereel der algeCazeaux (Paulin). Theoretical and practical meene geschiedenissen van de ver6dnigde Netreatise on midwifery, including the diseases derlanden, [tot 1752] gevolgd naar't Fransch. of pregnancy and parturition. Translated 10 v. 8~. Utrecht, B. Wild, 1787. s. from the second French ed. etc. by Robert Cervantes Saavedra (Miguel de.) The history P. Thomas. 765 pp. 2 pl. 8~. Philadel7phia, of the valorous and witty knight-errant, Don Linclsay & Bl7akiston 1850. s. Quixote, of the Mancha. Translated out of Cean-Bermudez (Jean Agustin). Memorias the Spanish by Thomas Shelton, etc. 2 pts. para la vida de Gaspar Melchor de Jove- in 1 v. 8 p. 1. 273 1. fol. London, B. Scot, and llanos, y noticias de sus obras. 4 p. 1. 395 B. Hodgcinson, 1672-75. pp. 16~. Madrid, 1814. The same. History of the most reCebes. Tabla de Cebes. [ With Veen, (0. van). nowned Don Quixote of Mancha, and his Theatro moral de la vida humana. 1701.] trusty squire Sancho Pancha. [anon.] Now Cedrenus (Georgius). Compendivm historia- made English. By J[ohn] P[hilips]. With rvm. Ex versione Gvillelmi Xylandri: acce- plates. fol. London, 1687. dvnt notae Iacobi Goar et Caroli Annibalis The same. The history of the valorous Fabroti; glossarium item Ioannis Scylitzee and witty knight-errant Don Quixote of the curopalatae, (Gr. et Lat.) 2 v. 33 p. 1. 868, Mancha. Translated into English by Thomas 60 pp. 26 1. Parisiis, S. Cramoisy, 1647. s. Shelton, and printed from the 40 ed. of 1620. Cellarius (Christoph). Breviarium antiqui- 4 v. 16~. London, B. JKnaplock, etc. 1725. tatum romanorum, accurante H. Freyero. I The wit and wisdom of Don Quixote. xii, 192 pp. 16~. Augustee Tausrinorugn, v, 161 pp. 16~. New York, D.`Appleton & Co. Typ. regia, 1742. s. 1867. Notitia orbis antiqvi, sive geographia, Cesena (Amedde Gayet, dit de). Les C6sars etc. Ed. alt. 2 v. 108S pp. 135 1. 20 maps, et les Napolhons. 80. Paris, Anyot, 1856. 1 pl; 990 pp. 40 1. 4~. Lipsiae, Gleditsch, Cevallos (Pedro Ordoiiez de). See Ordciiez. 1731-32. Chabrier (J. chevalier). Essai sur le vol des Celsus (Aurelius Cornelius). Medicinae libri insectes, et observations sur quelques parties viii. xcii. 41. unp. fol. Venetiis, P.Pinzi, 1497. de la m6canique des mouvemens progressifs The same. De medicina libri octo, cum de l'homme et des animaux vert6br6s. iv, notis integris Joannis Ceesarii, Roberti Con- 328 pp. 14 pl. 4~. Paris, A. Belin, 1823. s. stantini, Josephi Scaligeri, Isaaci Casanboni, - Id6es nouvelles sur le systeme solaide. Johannis BaptistL Morgagni, ac locis parall- viii, 64 pp. 4~. [ With the preceding.] CHADBOURNE. CHANVALON. Chadbourne (Paul A. M. D.) Lectures on 7 p.l. unp. 158 pp. 4pl. 16~. Paris, Clavde naturaltheology, delivered before the Lowell Collet, 1620. institute, Boston.- 320 pp. 12~. New York, Les voyages de la NTovvelle France occiG. P. Putnam & son, 1867. - dentale dicte Canada, 1603-29. Auec vn Chaillot (P. jeune). Manuel du libraire, du traitte des qualitez requises d vn bon nauigabiblioth6caire, et de l'homme de lettres. - Par teur. Ensemble ce qui s'est pass6 en ladite un libraire. [anon.] 180. Paris, Chaillot, Nouuelle France en l'annde 1631. 16, 310, 8, 1829. s. 54 pp. 4~. Paris, Lovis Sevestre, 1632. Chaix (Paul). Histoire de l'Am6rique M6rid- Champollion-Pigeac (Jean Jacques). Nouionale au 16e siicle, comprenant les d6cou- velles recherches sur la ville gauloise d'Uxelvertes et conquetes des Espagnols et des Por- lodunum. 116 pp. 7 pl. 40~. Paris, impr. tugais. Premiere partie. P6rou. 2 v. xvi, royale, 1820. s. 344 pp. 2 maps; 348 pp. 3 maps. 16~. Texte historique et descriptif. See Pfnor Geneve, J. Cherbuliez, 1853. s. (Rodolphe.) Monographie du palais de FonChalmers (Alexander). The projector; a tainebleau. periodical paper, originally published in Chancourtois (E. B. de.) See Edmond monthly numbers, Jan. 1802 to Nov. 1809. (Charles). 3 v. 80. London, Longman, Hurst & Co. Chandler (Henry C. &Co.) Illinoisdirectory. 1815. (See Illinois). Chalmot (J. A. de). Biographisch woorden- Chandler (Richard, D. D.) The life of Wilboek der Nederlanden. A-Dre. 8 v. 8~. Am- liam Waynflete, bishop of Winchester. xvi, sterdam, J. Allart, 1798-1800. 428 pp. 5 pl. 8~. London, White & CochChamberlain (N. B. &.D. dealers). A cata- rane, 1811. logue of pneumatic instruments, etc. 2 p. 1. Chandler (Samuel, D. D.) The history of 63, xiv pp. 80. Boston, B. Perkins, 1844. persecution, viz: amongst the heathens; under s. the christian emperors; under the papacy and Chamberlain (N. H.) The autobiography of inquisition; amongst protestants. xcii, 468 a New England farm-house. 365 pp.. 12~. pp. 9 pl. 8~. London, J. Gray, 1736. New York, Carleton, 1865... A vindication of the antiquity and auChamberlayne (Edward). L'6tat pr6sent de thority of Daniel's prophecies, and their applila Grande Bretagne et de l'Irlande. Traduit cation to Jesus Christ. xxiv, 220 pp. 8~. de l'Anolois; rev. et augm. par H. Scheur- London, J. Gray. (With his Reflections on leer. 3 v. 16~. La Haye, H. Scheurleer, the conduct of the modern deists, 1727.) 1728. s. - A vindication of the history of the old Chambers (John). Harmony of the four testament, in answer to Thomas Morgan. gospels. See Bible, English, gospels. -xxxi, 610 pp. 8~. London, J. Noon, 1741. Chambers (William and Robert). Treasury Chandler (Thomas Bradbury, D. D.) An of knowledge. Edited by D. M. Reese. 3 v. appeal to the jublic, in behalf of the church in 1. 12~. New York, A. S. Barnes & Co., of England in America. xi, 127 pp. 8~0. New 1849. s. York, James Parker, 1767. Chambers' journal of popular literature, Life of Samuel Johnson, D. D. the first science, and-arts. 1866. 8~..Edinburgh, president of King's college, in New York. 3 W. 4. B. Chambers, [1866]. p. 1. 208 pp. 12~. New York, T. & J. Swords, Chambray. See Freart de Chambray (Ro- 1805. land). Channing (William Ellery, D. D.) Works. Champfleury (Jules Fleury, dit). Histoire 17th ed. 6 v. in 3. 120. Boston, Am. unit. des faiences patriotiques sous la revolution. assoc. 1867. 2e 6d. xii, 404 pp. 28 pl. 16~. Paris, A selection fiom Lhis] works. v, 480 Dentu, 1867. pp. 120. Boston, Am. unit. assoc. 1855. Champion (Maurice). Les inondations en Chanvalon (Jean Baptiste Thibault de). VoyFrance depuis le vie sibcle jusqu'. nos jours. age A la Martinique, contenant diverses ob6 v. 8~. Paris, Dalmont et Dunod, 1858-64. servations sur la physique, l'histoire naturelle, Champlain (Samuel de). Voyages et descov- l'agriculture, les mceurs, et les usages de cette vertvres faites en la Novvel]e France, depuis isle, faites en 1751, et dans les anndes suih'annee 1615, iusques di la fin de l'ann6e vantes. viii, 192 pp. 40 1. 1 map. 40. Paris, 1618. J. B. Bauche, 1763. s. 66 CHAPELLE. CHASE Chapelle (Claude Emmanuel Liuillier) and ova, [from The Dial]; Machiavelli, [by G. Chapelle (Clalude WEmmanuel Lhuillier) and w. Greenel; Louis IX, [by J. H. Perkins]; Bachaumont, (F. le C. de). (Euvres. Nouv. Peter the Great, [by J. L. Motley]. 6d. revue et corrig6e sur F'6d. de 1732. Pr6- Charito Aphrodisiensis. De Chberea et Calc6dee d'une notice par Tenant de Latour. 285 lirrhoe. J. P. d'Orville publicavit, animadpp. 160. Paris, P. Jannet, 1854. versionesque adjecit. J. J. Reiskius vertit. Chapin (Stephen). The duty of living for the 2v. xx, 168, 233 pp; 788pp. 281. 4~. Amgood of posterity; sermon at North Yarmouth, stelodcami, P. Mortier, 1750. Dec. 22, 1820, in commemoration of the close Charles xiv [Jean Baptiste Jules Bernadottc], of the 2d century from the forefathers. 48 (of Sweden). Choix de discours tenus en 1843, pp. 80. Portland, Thomas Todd & Co. 1821. l l'occasion du jubil6 de [son] regne. (Par Chapin (S. R.) Stray leaves. 78 pp. sq. Atel Eure, J. C. Soderberg et le prof. Hvas160. [Boston, 1867]. ser). 140 pp. 8~. Stockholm, 1843. s. C~lapman (Rev. Frederick W.) The Chapman Charles (Mrs. Elizabeth). Winifred Bertram, family; or, the descendants of Robert Chap- and theworld she lived in. [anon.] 476 pp. man, one of the first settlers of Saybrook, 120. London, Nelson & sons, 1866. Conn. 414 pp. 10 pl. 80. Hartford, Case, Charleston (S. C.) Apprentices' library socieTiffany & Co. 1854. s. ty. Catalogue of the books. 336 pp. 12~. Chapman (John M. D.) Diarrhoea and chole- Charleston, (S. C.) B. B. Hussey, 1840. s. ra, their nature, origin, and treatment, through Charlestown (The) directory, containing the the agency of the nervous system. 2cl ed. names of the inhabitants for the year 1834. xix, 248 pp. 8~0. London, Triibner & Co. 1866. 76 pp. 1 map. 180. Chlarlestown, [Mass.] Chapman (Maria Weston). Right and wrong A. Quimby, 1834. in Massachusetts. 177 pp. 16~. Boston, Dow Charlevoix (Pierre Fran9ois Xavier de). Let& Jackson, 1839. ters to the dutchess of LesdiguiBres, giving an Chappe d'Auteroche (Jean). Voyage en account of a voyage to Canada, and travels Sib6rie; contenant la description du Kamt- through Louisiana to the gulf of Mexico. chatka, par Kracheninnikow, traduit du Translated from the French. xiv, 384 pp. Russe. 2 v. in 3. xxxii, 767 pp. 36 pl; xvi, 12~. London, B. Goadclby, 1763. 632 pp. 17 pl. 40~. Paris, Debure, 1768. s. Geschichte von Paraguay. 2 v. 4 p. 1. Chapter (The) and council manual; a ritual 332 pp; 370 pp. I map. 120. Wien, 1830. s. of the master, [etc.] degrees [of masonry]. Charley Chalk; or, the career of an artist; [Also] a monitorial ritual for the order of being sketches from real life. [anon.] 310 high priesthood, compiled by Win. Hacker. pp. 8~. London, G. Berger, 1841. 192 pp. 1 pl. 24~. Cincinnati, J. Ernst & [ Hazlitt's romancist and novelist's library, v. 6]. Co. 1867. Charma (Antoine). [Reponses aux] questions Chapuy (Nicolas Marie Joseph) and Ramee de philosophie contenues dans le programme (Daniel). Le moyen age monmnental et arch- adopt6 pour l'examen du baccalaur6at is 6ologique; vues, details et plans des monu- ]ettres. 3e 6d. 225 pp. 160. Paris, L. ments les plus remarquables de l'Europe, de- Hachette, 1841. s. puis le 6e jusq'au 16e siicle, lithographi6s. Charnay (D6sir6). See Cites et ruines am6Avec un r6sum6 et des notices sp6ciales par ricaines, etc. photographi6es. D. Ram6e. 5 pts. in 2 v. 444 pl. fol. Paris, Charpentier (Toussaint de). Orthoptera deHauser, 1813. scripta et depicta. iv, 54 1. unp. 60 pl. col. Characteristics of men of genius; a series of 4~. Lipsice, Leopold Voss, 1841 —45. s. biographical, historical, and critical essays, Chartier (Jean). Chronique de Charles vii, chiefly from the North American Rieview. roi de France. 3 v. 160. Paris, P. Jannet, Selected [by John Chapman]. 2 v. xix, 316 1858. pp. 120. London, Chapman, 1847. Chartrouse (baron de). See Meiffren-LauCONTENTS. gier (baron de Chartrouse). Chase (A. W. M. D.) Recepte, oder belehv. 1. Gregory VII, [by J. H. Perkins]; Loyola, [by J. H. Perkins I; Pascal, [by F. Bowenj; Dante, rung fiir jedermann. In's deutsche iibersetzt [by S. G. Brown]; Petrarch, [by (. W. vonC. F.Spring. 282 pp. 120. Ann Arbor, Greene]; Milton, [by R. W. Emerson]; Shelley, [from The Dial]; Byron, [by E. P. (AMich.) 1865. Whipple]. v. 2. Walter Scott, [by W. H. Prescott]; Words- Chase (Enoch). Merchants' tables of advance worth, [ by E. P. WVhipple]; Poets of Germany, on British sterling, with other calculations. 60 [ by J. H1. HIacklie; Goethe, [ from The Dial]; lichael Angelo, [by R. W. Emelrson]; Can- 1. unp. sim. 4~. Bostobn, Josiah Loring, 1822. 67 CHASE. CHENEVIX. Chase (Ezra B.) Teachings of patriots and Chauncy (Charles, D. D.) The validity of statesmen, on slavery. 495 pp. 1 pl. 12~. presbyterian ordination asserted and mainPhiladelphia, J. W. Bradley, 1860. tained: discourse at the anniversary Dudleian Chase (Stephen). A treatise on algebra. 335 pp. lecture, Harvard college; with an appendix 12~. New York, D. Appleton & Co. 1849. s. giving an account of the epistles ascribed to Chase (Willilam S. ) 1848, a year of revolutions. Ignatius. 118 pp. 80. Boston, R. Draper, 1762. With an appendix containing the revolution- Chaussard (Pierre Jean Baptiste, dit Publiary events of 1849, [and] a brief survey of the cola). Fetes et courtisanes de la Grice. Supcauses of the third French revolution. 285 pp. pl6ment aux voyages d'Anacharsis et d'An4 pl. 16~. Hartford, Robins & Co. 1850. t6nor. [anon.] 2e 6d. v. 1-3. 8~. Paris, Chasles (Victor Euph6mion Philarbte). See Barba, 1803. Roche (Antonin). Chautard (Ldon). Escapes from Cayenne. Chassant (L. Alphonse). Dictionnaire des 63 pp. 8~. Salem, (Ms.) Observer office, 1857. abr6viations latines et frangaises usit6es dans Chauvenet (William). Binomial theory and les inscriptions lapidaires et m6talliques, les logarithms. 92 pp. 80. Philadelphia, Permanuscrits, et les chartes du moyen age. 3e kins 4 Purves, 1843. s. 6d. iii, 170 pp. 160. Paris, A. Aubry, 1866. - - A treatise on plane and spherical trigoChasseriau (Fr6d6ric Victor Charles). Vie nometry. 256 pp. 80. Philadelphia, H. Perde l'amiral Duperr6, ancien ministre de la kins, 1850. s. marine et des colonies, etc. vii, 531 pp. 8o. Chayer (Christophe). Les doux et paisibles Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1848. s. d6lassemens de l'amour. [anon.] viii, 117 Chatelet (duc de). See Desoteux de Cor- pp. 16~0. Au temple de VFnus, 1770. matin (Pierre Marie Felicit6, baron). Checkley (Rev. John). Speech upon his tryal Chatelain (Henri Abraham). Atlas historique, at Boston, for publishing [Charles Leslie's] ou introduction a l'histoire, A la chronologie, short and easy method with the deists. 40 et A la g60ographie, ancienne et moderne. pp. 80. London, J. Wilford, 1730. [anon.] Avec dissertations par Mr. Gueude- [With LESLIE (Rev. C.) Short method with the deville [et] H. P. de Limiers. 7 v. fol.ists. Ldn, 1723.] ville[et]H.P.deLile 7v. fol. - Cheever (George Barrell, D. D.) The elements sterdam, Honore f Chatelain, 1705-20. sterdana, Holexanore4- Shaela, 1705-20. of national greatness, an address before the Chatrian ( Alexandre ). See Erokmnann Chatrileand (Alexandre. See rckrann New England society of the city of New York, C(hadnile) and M Chatrian. M61nbire sur la Dec. 22, 1842. 40 pp. 8~. New York, J. S. Chaudoir (baron Max de). M6moire sur la Taylor 5 Co. 1843. famille des carabiques. Supplement 3, la Cheever (Rev. Henry T.) Autobiography and faune des carabiques de la Russie. (Extract.) mlemorials of Captain Olbadiah Congar. 18C. 3 v. in 1. 8~. Moscou, Soc. imp. des natu- N ralistes 1848-50. s. ae 1- Island world of the Pacific; being travel Chaudon (Esprit Joseph). Dictionnaire inter- through the Sandwich Islands and other parts through the Sandwich Islands and otler parts prate-manuel des noms latins de la g6ographie of Polynesia. 406 pp. 120. New York, Harancienne et moderne. [anon.] vii, 444 pp. pers, 1851. 8~. Paris, L~acombe, 1777. 8. Ch6neier (Louis Chauveur de). Present state Chaudon (Louis Mayeul). Nouveau dictionof the empire of Morocco; history of the dyaire historique, ou histoire abr6g6e de tons les e. 9. an nasties since Edris, etc. 2 v. vi, 377 pp; hommes, etc. 7e 6d. 9 v. 80. Caen, G. 427 pp. m 8~p. 80. London, G. G. J. & J. Leroy, 1789. Robinson, 1788. Chaumonot (Pierre Joseph MIarie). Copie Che-nier(MarieAndr6de). Po6sies. Pr6c6d6es d'un 6crit i son confesseur. pp. 45-66. d'une notice par H. de Latouche, suivies de [ With Suite de la vie de Chaumonot. 1858.] [With Svite. de viedeCharu-monot. 1.88.1 s notes et jugements extraits des ouvrages de Sa vie. Icrite par lui-meme, 1688. sm. Cateaubriand, etc. Nouv 6d xv 3 4~. NTouvelle York, J. M. Shea, 1858. Chateaub etc.. 12pp. I portrait. 16~. Paris, Charpentier, 1841. Chauncy (Charles, D. D.) A letter to a friend, 1 portrait. 160. Par, C tie 1841 Chenevix (Richard). Phrenology article of containing remarks on certain passages in a sermon of [John Ewer] the bishop of Landaf J Foreign quarterly revie4. ithnotes by J.G. Spurzheim. 4, 112pp. 12~. lBoston, before the society for the propagation of the, 1.Marsh, Capen & Lyon 1833 gospel in foreign parts. 56 pp. 80. Boston, i en E LyoJ, 1833i [ TWith Sr nzHE3 (J. G.) Examination of objections, Thomas Leverctt, 1767. etc. 1833.1 68 CHENU. CHILD. Chenu (Jean Charles), Des Murs (Parfait Cheve (lZmile). Le dernier mot de la science 0.) and Verreaux (Jules). Legons 616men- officiale. Examen des leeons de lecture taires sur l'histoire naturelle des oiseaux. 2 v. musicale de M. F. Haldvy. 160 pp. 80. 3 p. 1. 384 pp; 380 pp. 120. Paris, V. las- Paris, auteur, 1857. s. son etfils, 1862. s. Chevreau (Urbain). Histoire du monde. 2 v. Cherokee hymns. Compiled from several in 1. 6 p. 1. 702, 84 pp.; 628, 92 pp. 40. authors. Tsalagi dikanogisdi hilosgi iyanidv Paris, Martin & Boudot, 1686. tsunowelanvhi. 69 pp. 240. Park Hill, 1844. Chevreul (Michel Eugene). De la loi du con[With BIBLE, Cherokee. Gospel according to Mat- traste simultan6 des couleurs, et de l'assortithew. Park Hill, 1844.] ment des objets colori6s, etc. xv, 735 pp. 2 tab. Cherokeemessenger. Tsalagiatsinvsidv. 12 8~. Paris Pitois Levrazlt& Cie 1839. s. nos. August, 1844, to May, 1846. [Edited 80. Paris, Pitois, Levrault & Cie, 1839. s. Chevrolat(Auguste). ColkoptBresduMexique. by Evan Jones.] 192 pp. 8~. Cherokee, Bapt. vii pp. 207 1. unp. 12~. Strasbourg, G. miss. press,, 1833-35. s. Silberman 1833-35. s. Cheruel (A.) Dictionnaire historique des in- Cheyne (Andrew). Description of islands in stitutions, moeurs,/ et coutumes de la France. the western Pacific ocean, north and south of 2e 6d. 2 v. lxxvi, 1271 pp. 120. Paris, the equator, with sailing directions, vocabulaiHachette, 1865. laries of their languages, etc. vii, 198 pp. 8~. M6moires sur la vie publique et priv6e London, J. D Potter, 1852. s. de [Nicolas] Fouquet,surintendant definances, Cheyne (George). Philosophical principles of d'aprds ses lettres et des pieces inddite, 2 v. religion, natural and revealed. 4th ed. 2 pts. 2p.1. xv, 519 pp.; 2p. 1,563 pp. 160. Paris, in 1 v. 15 p. 1. 353 pp; 12 p. i. 189 pp. 12~. Cha:pentier, 1862. London, G. Strahan, 1733-34. Chesebrough (Rev. A. S.) Home work; or, Chiaie (Stefano delle). Compendio di elmninparochial christianization. 235 pp. 160. Bos- tografia umana. xiv, 180 pp. 6 pl. 8~. ton, -Amn. Tract Soc. [1867.] -Napoli, Fibreno, 1833. [Imperfect.] s. Chesterfield. (4th earl of). See Stanhope Chicago. Hall & Smith's Chicago city directory (Philip Dormer). for 1853-54. 2d annual ed. xii, 254 pp. 12~.' Chicago, 1R. Fergus, 1853. s. Chetwood (William Rufus). The voyages Chicago illustrated. (Issued in parts.) Parts and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, 1-13. obl. 4~. Chicago, Jevne & Almini, in several parts of the world. [anon.] 1866-67 WVith the adventures of Richard Castelman,, Chicago young men's association. Catalogue gent. and a description of the city of Phila- Chi young men's association. C atalogue of the library. 8~. Chicago, (Ill.) 1856. -s. -delphia, and the country of Pennsylvania. [anon.] 3 p. 1. 317 pp. 16. Wolverhamton Child (A. B. M. D.) Christ and the people. neo. Wilson, 1744. 3p.6 Wlr ton 203 pp. 160. Boston, W. WhLite & Co. Geo. Wilson, 1744. 1866.. _____- The voyages, travels, and adventures Child (David Lee). Review of a report to the -of ~William Owen Gwin Vaughan, with house of representatives of the commonwealth the history of his brother, Jonathan Vaughan. of Massachusetts, on the case of William f2d ed. 2 v. vi, 282 pp; ~276 pp. 3 p.~ Vans. With observations upon the dispen120. London, T. Lownds, 1760. sing power of the legislature, and upon a Chevalier (C. l'abbe) and Charlot (G.) decision of the supreme judicial court, nullify-:tudes sur la Touraine; hydrographie, geolo- ing the said power. 97, 11 pp. 8~.- Boston gie, agronomie, statistique. iv, 391 pp. 3 pl. 1 1833. map. 80. Tours, Guilland- Verger, 1858. s. Child (. Chaplin, M. D.) The great architect: Chevalier (E.) See Darondeau (B.) and Benedicite; illustrations of the power, wisdom Chevalier. and goodness of God, as manifested in his Chevalier (Michel). Essais de politique in- wolrks. 2 v. in 1. 376 pp. 120. New York, dustrielle: Souvenirs de voyage, France, R6- 1867. publique. d'Andorre, Belgique, Allemagne. Child (John). New England's Jonas cast up 451 pp. 80. Paris, C. Gosselin, 1843. s. at London. 22atpp sm. 4. London, 1647. Chevalier -(Charles).; See Fau (J.) and Child (Mrs. Lydia Maria). Autumnal leaves: Chevalier, Nouveau manuel complet du tales and sketches in prose and rhyme. 365 physicien-pr6parateur. pp. 160. New York, Francis & Co. 1857. CIHILD. CHRYSOSTOMUS. Child (Mrs. Lydia Maria). Looking toward litical state of Lower Canada, with memoirs sunset. From sources new and old, original of the administrations of the colonial governand selected. ix, 455 pp. 12~. Boston, ment of Lower Canada, by Sir Gordon DrumTicknor &' _Fields, 1865. mond, and Sir John Coape Sherbrooke. - A romance of the republic. 442 pp. 120. 92 pp. 8~. NTewv York, W. A. Mercein, 1818. Boston, Ticknor & Flsields, 1867. Christison (Robert). A dispensatory, or Childs (C. G. engraver). Views in Philadel- commentary on the pharmacopoeias of Great phia and its environs. 38 p. 1. unp. 25 pl. sin. Britain (and the United States).:- Revised by fol. Philadelphia, C. G. Childs, 1827-30. R. E. Griffith. 2d ed. 1008 pp. 8~0. PhilChili. Curso de lectura por el m6todo de en- adelphia, Lea- & Blanchard, 1848. ^ s. sefianza mfitua: mandado imprimir por el Christy (David). Letters on geologyj origisupremo gobierno de Chile. 256 pp. 80. nally addressed to Dir. John Locke, giving Santiago, Imprenta del estado, 1841..s. an outline of the geology of the west and Estadistico comercial correspondiente al southwest, with an essay on the erratic rocks aio de 1844. 40~. Santiago, 1845. s. of;North America. 68 pp. 21. 11 pp. 6 pl. Estadistico comercial correspondiente al 8~. Rossville, (Ohio,) J. M. Christy, 1848. segundo trimestre del afno 1850. 40. Val- Chronica de Mailros. [anon.] fol. Oxonice, paraiso, 1850. s. 1684. Chipman (Samuel). Report of an examination [GALE (Thomas), and FELL (John). Ilerum anglicarum scriptores veteres. Oxonice, 1684-9l. v. 1.] of poor-houses, jails, etc. in the state of New Crroicles (Te)rof the kins of E1 gl-n. York, and in the counties of Berkshire, Mass. Cro from Wil am the conqueror to 1795, in imitaLitchfield, Conn. and Bennington, Vt. etc. tion of the holy writings. By Nathan Ben 69.pp. 120. Albany, N. Y. S. temp. soc. 1834. Saddi. [pseudon?] 196 pp. 18~. Worcester, Chladni (Ernst Florens Friedrich). Die -Isaiah Thomas, 1795. akustik. Neue ausg. xxvi, 242 pp. 12 pi. Chronicles (The) of Cooperstown. [anon.] 40. Leipzig, Breitlcopf Bc Hirtel, 1830. s. 100 pp. 120., Cooperstowm, H. 4' E. Phinney, [Imperfect: wanting pl. 2, 9, 10, 12]. Choiseul-Stainville (Claude Antoine Gabriel 1838. de). Ristoire du procbs des nanufrag1s de Chronicles of the great rebellion against the de). Histoire du procbs des naufragds de I Calasi..Extraits de ses.m6moires in6d-its. United States of America; a concise [chronoCalais. Extraits de ses m6moires in6dits. (,Mmoires des contemporains. 4e livraison. logical] record and digest of events, April 23, 80. Paris, 1824). 1860-Oct. 31, 1865. 136 pp. 8~. Philadel80. Paris, 18A24). Chonrel (Auguste Frangois). Elements of phia, A. Winch, 1867. Chronicurn Scotorum. A chronicle of Irish general patlhology. Translated from the renlch by F. E. Oliver and W. V. Morland. affairs from the earliest times to A. D. 1135; 3cl ed. xix, 458 pp. 80. Boston, 1'icknor & with a supplement containing the events from'3d ed. xix, 458 pp. 8~. Boston, Ti"cknor & 1141 to 1150. Edited, with a translation, by Co. 1848. S. Choulant (Dr. Ludwig). Die vorwelt der Wm.M. Hennessy. lvii, 419 pp. lfacsim. organischen wesen auf der erde. 1 p. 1. 8. LondnonL ans, 1866. 90 pp. lG~. Dresden, P. d. Kilsher, 1830. [Chronicles of Great Britain in the middle ages.] 90 pp. 160. Dresden, P. G. Kilscher, 1830. Chronological account of remarkable occurrences from the commencement of the -[ITYith HOTL (F.) Handbuch der petrefacten, lnde.] [Wfristh HLL (F.)ndn h der pet refactenkunde.]. French revolution to Dec. 1815. Extracted Christ (Johann Friedrich). Mvsei richteriani from the Belfast News letter. xi, 324 pp. dactyliotheca gemmas scalptas opere antiqvo plerasque complexa. 9 p. 1. unp. 34 pp. 1 pl. 120. Belfast, Mackay, 1816. -fol. Lipsic, B.- C. Breitkopf, 1743.- Chronologist (The) of the present war; a faithful series of the events which have ocWB~it& iaEENSThEIT(J. E.) Musevmx richterianum.] Christian (The) examiner. Jan. to Nov. curred in Europe, etc. from the commence1867 v. 8283. New [6th] series, v. 3-4. ment of the French aevolution, to the e1nd of 80.. Nesq York, J. Millcer, 1867. the year 1796. 2d ed. xi, 348 pp. 160. Christian (The) history, containing accounts London, G. C. 4. J. Robinson, 1797. of the revival and propagation of religion in ------ e same. Continued to 1798. 144 pp. Great Britain and America, for the year 160. London, Robinson, 1799. 1743[-4. Edited by Thomas Prince, jr.] Chrysostomus (Johannes, St.) In Job de vi, 416 pp. 80. Boston,. Prince, jr. 1744. paciencia sermones. 21]. unp. fol. [slng Christie (Robert). A brief review of the po- Conrcl Fyner? about 1473.] 70 CHRYSOSTOMUS. CICOGNARA. Chrysostomus (Johannes St.) Sermones-de DelphiniediditP. CarolusMerouille. xxviii, paciencia beati Job. fol. Esslingce, Conrad 433 pp. 8~. Philadelphice, Desilver, Thomas Fyner, n. d. & Co. 1836. S. [With Aquino (Saint Thomas d'),Postilla in Job.1474.] ~ Select orations, translated into English; Traductio librorum. super Matheunm e with the original Latin. By William Duncanl. Grecain Latinun editaa Georgio Trapezoncio. New ed. 3 p. 1. 671 pp. 80. New York, E. fol. [Argentorati, Joh. Mentelin. n. d.] s. Duyckinck, 1811. Church (A) of Christ vindicated. [anon. Orator, Brutus, topica de optimo genere Result of the council at Eastham.] 56 pp. oratorum, cum annotationibus Caroli Beieri. 180. Boston, 1721. Denuo recensuit Io. Casp. Orellius. Proemit[Imperfect: title wanting.] titur epistola critica, etc. cxxii, 469 pp. 80. Church (Benjamin). The entertaining history Tarici, Orellt, Puesslin - socii, 1830. 8. of king Philip's war; also of expeditions moremous orators: ~ Brutus; or, lhistory of famous orators: lately made against the common enemy, and also, his orator. Translated by E. Jones. vi, Indian rebels, with some account of Col. Ben- 412 pp. 8~. London, B. White, 1776. 4l2ipp. W0c 2ded ihite,vrp jamin Church. 2d ed. iv. 198 pp. 1 pl. 120. 1 ~ Cato major, or discourses on old age, xewplort (R. I.) S. Southwick, 1772. [translated by James Logan.] With notes by The same. History of king Philips' Benjamin Franklin. 2 p. 1. 163 pp. 8s. war, part 1; with introduction and notes by,Londonz, Fieldtin & aclke?', 1778. Henry M. Dexter. sm. 4~. Boston, J. 1. M. D- Cato and Lelius; or, essays on old age Wiggin, 1865. [Library of65. N El hsyo2and friendship. With remarks by William [Library of New England history, No. 2.1 [History of kiNng Philip's war, p.rt 2.. Melmoth. New ed. 2 v. 4 p. 1. 318 pp; 3 p. 1. [History of king Plili p's war, part 2.]., The history of the eastern expeditions of 1689- 343pp. Tw. London, J. Dodsley 1785. 1704, against the Indians and French. With 1704, anainst the Indians and French. Xv~ith --- Two last pleadings against Verres; transintroduction and notes by H. M. Dexter. lated, and illustrated with notes, by C. Kelintroduction and notes by H. Ml. Dexter. xxxii, 203 pp. 1 map. sm. 4~. Boston, J. sall. With remarks on the state of modern Sicily. xi, 368 pp. 4 pl. 8~. London, White, E. Wiggin & Lunt, 1867. [Library of New England history, No. 3.] Cochrane & Co. 1812. Church (Mrs. Ross, born Florence Marryat). V I f'aammenti de' sei libri della republica. Forever and ever: a drama of life. 3 v. 12~. Volgarizzati dal prilcipe Pietro Odescalchi. London, R. Bentley, 1866. xxiii, 194 pp. 1 pl. 8~. Ronia, Salviucci, Churchill (Fleetwood). On the diseases of 1826. s. pregnancy and childbed, with notes by D. F.. Livres acad6miques; traduits et 6claircis Condie. 663pp. 8~. Philadelphia, Blanch- par M. de Castillon. 2 v. in 1. 8 p. 1. 311 ard 8i Lea, 1852. S. pp; lxii, 288 pp. 22 1. 80. Berlin, C. J. On the theory and practice of midwifery. Decker, 1779. s. With notes, etc. by D. Francis Condie. New Am. from last Dublin ed. 510 pp. 8~. Phil-CONTNTS. adelphia Blanchc ad & Lea, 1851. s. adelphia, Blanchard & Lea, 1851. s. v. 1. Discours prhliminaire: 1. Histoire des acaddmiques Churchman (John). An account of [his] de Cictron. 2. ibauche d'une partie de in phiand christian experinces,[... with] losophie ancienne. 3. Traduction d'une partie du gospel labors and christian experiences, [witbh] livre vii de Sextus Empiricus contre ]es mathea short memorial of Joseph White. vii, 351 maticiens et contre les logiciens. Les acad6miques, pp. 80. London, J. Phloil des moyens de juger du vrai, par Pierre Valpp. 8~. London, J. Phillips, 1781. ence. v. 2. Lettres de Cic6ron, avec des notes, etc. Ciampi, (Sebastiano). Bibliografia critica delle antiche reciproche corrispondenze polit- Locvtioni dell epistole scielte da Aldo iche, ecclesiastiche, scientifiche, letterarie, art- Manutio, vtilissime al comporre nell'una, istiche dell' Italia colla Russia, colla Polonia, e l'altra lingua. 21 p. 1. 367 pp. 32 1. 18~-. ed altre parte settentrionali. 3 v. 80. Fi- Venetia, 1575. renze, L. Allegrini & Co. 1834-43. Cicognara (Leopoldo, conte). Memorie spetCicero (Marcus Tullius). Opera omnia ex tantiallastoriadellacalcographia.'62 pp. 80. recensione Io. Avgvsti Ernesti. [ed. 3a.] Atlas, 18 pl. fol. Prato, Giachetti, 1831. s. 5 v. (in 8.) 80. Halis Saxonvm, orphano- - Storia della scultura dal suo risorgitropheumi, 1774-76. s. mento in Italia fino al secolo di Canova. Ed. Orationes quedaml selectre, cum interpre- 2a. 7 v. 8~. Atlas, fol. Prato, Giachetti, tatione et notis quas in usum serenissimi 1824. s. 71 CIEZA DE LEON. CLARKE. Cieza de Leon (Pedro de). Chronica del gran Clark (George Edward). Seven years of a regno del Perv. Parte prima. Tradotta nella sailor's life. By Yankee Ned. 358 pp. 9 pl. italiana per Agostino di Cravaliz. 11 p.l. 120. Boston, Adams & Co. [1867]. 219 pp. 16~. Venetia, Francesco Lorenzini, Clark (John, F. S. A.) A letter to the right 1560. hon. Cha: les Jenkinson on the late mutinies. Seventeen years' travels through Peru, in the highland regiments. By the translator Cartagena, and Popayan. 4 p. 1. 244 pp. 61. ofthe Caledonian bards. [anon.] 31 pp. 80. 1 map, 1 pl. sm. 4~. London, 1709. - Edinburgh, C, Elliot, 1780. [Stevens (John). Voyages and travels. Imperfect; Clark (Rev. Jonas). The fate of bloodthirsty wanting pp. 118-121.] oppressors, and God's tender care of his disCincinnati. Ohio school library. Catalogue ressd tressed people. Sermon preached at Lexingof books and papers in the library and read- ton, Apr. 19, 1776, to commemorate the comton, Apr. 19, 1776, to commemorate the coming room. viii, 114pp. 80. Cincinnati, C. mencemient of hostilities between Great Britain F. Bradley & Co. 1856. S. F. Bradley Co. 1856. S and America, inthattown. 39pp. 80. BoaWilliams' directory, June, 1867. 80. to% Powars c Willis, 1776. Cincinnati, 1867. rs s, 1776. Clark (Rufus W. D. D.) Heroes of Albany. Cincinnati commercial (daily), Jan. 1861, to Junen 1867. 13 c. fo l Cincinnatiy), 181-67.1 A memorial of the patriot-martyrs of the city June, 1867. 13 v. fol. Cincinnati, 1861-67. With brief and county of Albany, 1861-65. With brief Cincinnati mercantile library association. Cat- histories of the Albany regiments. 870pp. histories of the Albany regiments. 870 pp. alogue of the young men's mercantile library. pl. 8. Alban, S. B. Gray, 1866. 260 pp. 8. Gincinnati,. L. association, Clark (W.) Concise history of England, to queen Victoria. Edited, with additions, by Cist (Charles). Cincinnati miscellany, from J.C.Moffat. Reviseded. 12~. Cincinnati Oct. 1, 1844, to April 1, 1846. 2 v. 272 pp; Moore C Anderson, 1853. s. 364, iv pp. 80. Cincinnati, Caleb Clark, Clark (William). A history of the British marine testaceous mollusca. lx, 536 pp. 8~. Cites et ruines am6ricaines, Mitla, Palenqu6, London, J. Van Yoorst, 1855. s. Izamal, Chichen-itza, Uxmal, recueillies et Clarke (. Edward). Letterscocening the Clarke (Rev. Edward). Letters concerning the Spanish nation, written at Madrid, 1760-61. un texte par M. Viollet-Le-Duc; suivi du 4 p.. xlix, 354 pp. 40. London, Becket & voyage et des documents de l'auteur. Texte, De Hondt, 1763. 543 pp. Atlas,49 plances photog. fo8~ Clarke (James). Catechism of the rudiments Paris, Morel, 1863. of music for teachers of the piano-forte. 93 Civil (The) engineer and architect's journal, pp. 24. Boston, 0. Ditson 5 Co. [1867]. 1866. v. 29. 4~. London, W. Lent 8' Co. J.. 1866]. v. 29. 40 London, W. Kent &, Co. Clarke (Rev. James Freeman). The christian [1866]. doctrine of forgiveness of sin; an essay. 2d Civilization, or the Indian chief and British pastor. [anon.] 335, 301, 259. 12. ed. 166 pp. 16~. Boston, Am. Unit. assoc. pastor. [anone.] 335, 301, 959 pp. 12~. London T. Egerton, 1818. London, TEgerton,1818. —- - The christian doctrine of prayer; an Clapp (A. M. D.) A synopsis, or systematic essay. 6th ed. xviii, 313 pp. 160. Boston, catalogue of the medicinal plants of the United Amin. Unit. assoc. 1867. States. (Extract.) 222 pp. 80. Philadel- __ Orthodoxy its truths and errors. xi ~hia~m. medical assoc. 1852. -- Orthodoxy; its truths and edlors. xi, phia Amn. tmedical assoc. 185f2. 8. 512pp. 12~. Boston, Amer. Unit. assoc. 1866. Clapp (Rev. Thomas). A letter to the Rev. Clarke (John, of Philadelphia). A treatise on Mr. Edwards, of North-Hampton, expostu- the mulberry tree and silkworm, and on the lating with him for his injurious reflections in production and manufacture of silk. 363 pp. his late letter to a friend. 11 pp. sm. 40~ 120. Philadelphia, Thomas, Cow Boston, T. Fleet, 1745. Co. 1839. Clarendon (Edward Hyde, 1st earl of). See Clarke (Rev. Richard). Jesus the Nazarene, Hyd(e. addressed to Jews, deists, and believers. xvi, Clark(Alexander, A.M.) School-daydialogues. 610pp. 8. London, B. Clarke, [17951] 352j pp. 12g. Philadel2phia, J. WI. Datygha- _ _ A series of letters, essays, dissertations, day k Co. 1867. and discourses, on various subjects. v. 1. v, Clark (Cllristopher). A shock to shakerism; 358pp. 8. ondoRihy, 1795. or, a serious refutation of the idolatrous divini- [No mere published.] ty of Ann Lee. 12~. Richmonl,( Va.) 1812. CLARKE. CLERMONT. Clarke (Rev. Samuel, the father). The mar- Clavers (Mrs. Mary, pseudon). See Kirkland row of ecclesiastical history, in two pa ts: (Mrs. Caroline M. Stansbury). the first, containing the life of Christ, of the Claviere (Ptienne) and Brissot de Warville fathers, school men, first reformers, and mod- (Jean Pierre). De la France et des Pltats ern divines; the second, the lives of christian Unis; ou de l'importance de la rdvolution de emperors, kings, and sovereign princes, [with] l'Am6rique pour le bonheur de la France. the lives of inferiour christians. 3d ed. 11 p. Nouv. dd. xxiii, 448 pp. 120. [n. p. about 1. 504 pp; 4 1 116, 104 pp. 1 pl. fol. Lon- 1787]. don, TV. Birch, 1675. Clavigero (Francisco Saverio). The history L- ives and deaths of most of those emi- of Mexico, collected from Spanish and Mexinent persons who, by their virtue and valor, can historians, from manuscripts, and ancient obtained the sirnames of magni, or the great. paintings of the Indians. Translated by 2d ed. 303 pp. 1 pl. fol. London, W. Birch, Charles Cullen. 2 v. xxxii pp. 2 1. 476 1675. [With the preceding]. pp; 2 p. I. 463 pp. 1 map. 26 pl. 40~. Clarke (Samuel, D. D. the son). Reply to Dr. London, G. G. J. &c J. Robinson, 1787. Waterland's defense of his queries, [relating to Clayton (Robert, bishop of Clogher). The Dr. Clarke's scheme of the Holy Trinity.] By chronology of the Hebrew bible vindicated. a clergyman in the country [anon.] xvi, 531 3 p. 1. 493 pp. 2 maps. 40. London, J. pp. 120. London, J. Knapton, 1722. Brindley, 1747. Clarke (Rev. W. B.) Researches in the south- Clebsch (A.) Theorie der elasticitiit fester ern gold fields of New South Wales. ix, 305 kdrper. xi, 421 pp. 8~. Leipzig, B. G. pp. 1col. map. 80. Sydney, Reading &} Well- Teubner, 1862. s. bank, 1860. s. Cleland (John). Specimen of an etimological Clarkson (Rev. Thomas). An essay on the vocabulary; or, essay by means of the analitic impolicy of the African slave trade. 2 parts method to reileve the ancient Celtic; with in 1 v. 2 p. 1. 79, 134 pp. 80. Philadelphia, additions. [anoa.] xvi, 231, xvii, 46 pp. P. Bailey, 1788. 12~0. London, L. Davis, 1748 —49. The history of the rise, progress, and Clemens (F. A.) Grundriss der naturlehre, accomplishment of the abolition of the Afri- etc. 2 v. vi, 110 pp. 2 pl; vii, 183 pp. 4 pl. can slave trade, by the British parliament. 80..K'nigsberg, Vorntriicer, 1839. 8. Abridged by Evan Lewis. 348 pp. 16~. Clemens (Samuel). The celebrated jumping WYilmington, (Del.) R. Porter, 1816. frog of Calaveras county, and other sketches. Classified mercantile directory for tle cities of I By Mark Twain. [pseeudon]. Edited by John New York and Brooklyn. 124 pp. 1 map. Paul. 198 pp. 16~. New Yorl, C. H.. ebb, 1So. Nevw York, J. Disturnell, 1837. [ With 1867. Niew York as it is, in 1837.] Clement XIV, pope, o' Ganganelli (Giovanni Clater (Francis). Every man his own farrier; Vincenzo Antonio). Lettere. Nuova ed. da with a treatise on diseases of dogs, by Francis Roemualdo. 2 v. x, 360 pp; viii, 304 pp. Clater and son. 24th ed. xii, 411 pp. 8S. 1 pl. 160. Londra, G. F. Dove, 1829. London, Baldclin, Cradock and Joy, 1823. Note.-By Luigi Antonio Caraccioli. Claudianus (Claudius). Opus de raptu Pros- Clene maydenhod. (From a ms. written abdut erpinim, commentariis, et italica versione ver- A. D. 1370.) A supplement to " Hali meidensibus tradita, illustratum a N. Bifflo. Ed. 2a. hed." 7 pp. 80. London, N. Triibner & Co. 4p. l. 648 pp. fol. Luca, A. Baldelli, 1751. 1867. [Early English text society, No. 25.] Translations from Claudian, by Rev. Clergyman's (The) companion in visiting the Henry Howard. 251 pp. 120. London, JoTn sick. [anon.] 9th ed. 6p.1. 228 pp. 12~. Murray, 1823.. London, Wilde and others, 1764. Clausius (R.) Abhandlungen itber die mechan- Clerical guide (The), or ecclesiastical directory, ische wairmetheorie. 2 v. xviii, 361 pp; xii, containing a complete register of the present 351 pp. 8~. Braunschweig, Vieweg, 1864 —67. prelates and other dignitaries of the church s. of England. 2d ed. xxxix, 299 pp. 8~. Clausson (Niels Christian). Undersdgelse, om London, F. C. & J. iRivinyton, 1822. Amerikas opdagelse lar mere skadlet eller Clermont (Thomas, Lord). A guide to the gavnet det melneskelige lkjn. 1,60 pp. 12~. quadrupeds and reptiles of Europe. viii, 277 Kidbenhtavn, L. C. Sinmelkice;r 1785. pp. 120. London, J. Van Voorst, 1859. s. 73 CLEVELAND. CODEX. Cleveland city directory, 1857-58. 343 pp. Cobb (Sylvanus, D. D.) Autobiography of 1 map. 80. New York, WV. H. Boyd, 1857. the-firstforty-one yearsof[llis]life. [With] [Imperfect; title wallting.] a memoir of his son, S. Cobb, jr. 552 pp. Cleveland (Charles Dexter). English litera- 1 pl. 12~. Boston, Univ. pub. house, 1867. ture of the nineteenth century. 2d ed. 798 Cobbett (James Paul). A grammar of the pp. 12~. Philcadelphia, J. A. Bancroft & Co. Italian language. xvi, 392 pp. 12~. Lonclon, 1867. author, 1830. s. Cleveland (Henry). Alexander H. Stephens Cobbett (Rev. Thomas). A practical discourse in public and private; with his letters and of prayer. 7 p. 1. unp. 551 pp. 18~. London, speeches before, during, and since the war. Joseph Cranford, 1654. 838 pp. 4 pl. 4 fac. simr. 80. Philadelp~hia, Cobbett (William). The bloody buoy, thrown National pub. co. [1866]. out as a warning to the political pilots of Clifford (Jeronimy). The case and replication America; [being] acts of the French revoluof [his] legal representatives, to the informa- tion. 3d ed. [anon.] x, 217 pp. 1 pl. tion of the directors of the society of Surinam. 120. Philadelphia, P. 1. Davis, 1323. 478 pp. 80. London, C. Say, 1763. Cobbold (Thomas Spencer). Entozoa; an Climbers (The). [A tale. anon.] 263 pp. introduction to the study of helminthology, 5 pl. sq. 16~. Nezw York,,Am. tract soc. with reference more particularly to the inter[1866]. nal parasites of man. xxvi, 480 pp. 21 col. Clinton (De Witt). An introductory discourse pl. 8~. London, Groolbridge, 1864. before the literary and philosophical society - On the present state of our knowledge of New York. [With copious notes.] 160 pp. respecting [human] entozoa. [Extract]. 4~. Teu York, 1815. 9 pp. 8%. London, B. Clowes, 1865. s. Clive (I. H.) Mayvor abbreviated by the ap- Coccius (Adolf). Ueber die ernliilrungsweise plication of a new principle to his system of der hornhaut und die serum ffihirenden stenography. Illustrated by fifteen copper gefisse i nenschlllichen k6rper. viii, 177 pp. plates. 3d ed. 96 pp. 120. London, Bald- 1 pl. 8~. Leipzig, J. Miiller, 1852. s.,win, Cradock & Joy, 1821. Cochin (Charles Nicolas). Antiquities of HerCloppenburg (Jan Everhardts). Le miroir de culaneum. See Bellicard (JdrBme Charles). la crucll et horrible tyrannie espagnole per- Cochois (M'lle.) Isabella Mendosa; and, Count petr6e au Pays Bas par le duc de Albe et deRomancourt. Two novels. See Argeans(J. aultres. 4 p.1. un. p. 871. sin. 40. Amsterdam, B. de Boyer, mcarquis cl') and Cochois. Joan E. Cloppenburg, 1620. Coclhrane (Archibald, 9th earl of Dundonald). Clotilde de Vallon Chalys (Marguerite Account of the qualities and uses of coal tar El16onore, dnalame de Surville). [pseudon.] and coal varnish, with certificates from shipSee Surville (Joseph tltienne, marquis de). masters and others. [anon.] 43 pp. 120. Clulow (William Benton). Aphorisms and London, T. & G. Wilkie, 1785. reflections; a miscellany of thought and Cochrane (Richard, and John). Acomprehenopinion. 522 pp. 120. London, J. Murray, sive system of practical geometry, with obser18413. vations on drawing, etc. 265 pp. 1 pl. 8~. Clusa (Jacobus de), or, Jacob de Junterbuk. Baltimore, B. Cochrane, 1857. s. Tractatus peroptimus de animabus exutis a Cockeram (Henry). English dictionarie; or, corporibus. 26 1. unp. sin. 40. [Esslingce, an interpreter of hard English words. 10th Conrad Fyner? about 1475]. ed. 114 1. unp. 240. London, TV. Bentley, Coates (George). Herd book; containing the 1651. pedigrees of improved short-horned cattle. Cockings (George). The American war; a 16 v. 8%. London and Doncaster, 1843-65. poem. [anon.] 2 p. l. 181 pp. 1 pl. 8~. CONTENTS. London, TfV. Richardson, 1781. v. 1-3 in 1, cows. - The same. The war; an heroic poem. v. 1-4 in 2, bulls. xvi, 190 pp. 120. London, 1762. [Imperfect.] v. 5 in 2, cows. v 6-16. Continued by H. Strafford. Cocteau (J. Theodore). 1tudes sur les scinCobb (J. IH.) A manual containing inform- coides. [lle liv.] 3 p. 1. 33 pp. 4 pl. 40~. ation respecting the growth of the mulberry Paris, auteuer, 1836. s. tree, with suitable directions for the culture [ No more publishecl]. of silk. 4th ed. 162 pp. 3 pl. 16~. Boston, Codex sinaiticus. dee Bible, Greek. Bibliorlmn Weeks, Jordan 4' Co. 1839. codex, etc. 4 v. 4~. 10 74 CODMAN. COLES. Codman (John). Tell months in Brazil; with tIes, from the writings of Dr. Adam Clarke, incidents of voyages and travels, etc. 208 pp. Rev. R. W. Clark, etc. 355 pp. 12~. Balti6 pl. 120. Boston, Lee & ShleparTd, 1867. more, A. Colby, 1867. Coetlogon (Dennis de). See De Coetlogon. -- True christian religion. 52 pp. 120. Coffey (WT. A.) Inside out; or, an interior Baltimore, A. Colby, 1867. view of the New York state prison. By one [ with the preceding]. who knows. [anon.] 251 pp. 12~0. 2New Colby (Rev. John). Life, experience, and York, printed for the author, 1823. travels, written by himself. 12~. 2 v. in 1. Coffin (Alexander, jr.) The death of general 248, 64 pp. 1 pl. Lowell, N. Thurston & A. Montgomery, or the storming of Quebec. Watson, 1838. 69 pp. 180. lTew York, 1814. Colden (Cadwallader). The history of the Ccggeshall (George). Voyages to various parts five Indian nations of Canada, which are deof the world, 1799 —1844. 80. Nrew York-, pendent on the province of New York in Appletons, 1851. America. 3d ed. 2 v. xii. pp. 21. 260 pp; 2p. I. The same. 2d series, 1802 —1841. 335 pp. 251 pp. 1 map. 160. London, L. Davis, 1755. Portrait. 80. VNeq York, Appletons, 1852. s. The same. Reprinted exactly from Coggeshall (William T.) The signs of the Bradford's New York edition, [1727]. With times; a history of the spirit-rappings in Cin- an introduction and notes by John G. Shea. cinnati and other places. 144 pp. 160. Cin- xl, xviii, 141 pp. portrait. 80. New York, cinnati, Bagley and Freeman, 1851. T1 H. Mo. lrell, 1866. Cohen (F6lix). I~tude sur les impots et sur Cole (John). The American war, an ode. les budgets des principaux 6tats de l'Europe. 123 pp. 8~. [Hull, Eng., 1779?J xiii, 650 pp. 80. Paris, Guillaumin et Cie. Miscellany of poems, odes, and songs. [1865]. 112, vi. pp. 8~. HuEll, Eng., 1791. Cohen (J. Solis, MA. D.) Inhalation; its thera- [ith the preceding]. peutics and plractice. A treatise on the inhala- Cole (Miriami). A rosary for lent; or devotion of gases, [etc. w-ith] description of the tionalreadings, originalan compiled. [cnon.] apparatus employed, [etc.] Illustrated. 305 360 pp. 120. Nez York, G.. Carleton pp. 80. Philadelphia, Lindsay & Blakiston, Co. 1867. 1867. Colebrooke (Henry Thomas). Grammar of Cohn (Albert). Shakespeare in Germany in the Sanscrit language. v. 1. xxii, 368 pp, the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries: ac- 2 1. fol. Calcutta, 1805. count of English actors in Germany and the Coleman (Seth, -M. D.) Memoirs, journal, Netherlands, and of the plays performed by and letters, with a sermon at his funeral by them during the same period. With two plates Rev. Nathan Perkins. 288 pp. 16~. -New of facsimiles. 5 p. 1. cxxxvii, 422 pp. 4~. Haven, TFlayg & Gray, 1817. London, Askher & Co. 1865. Colenso (John William, bishop of Natal). Coicy (MI'de de). Les femmes comlme il con- Natal sermons: a series of discourses. viii, vient de les voir, ou appereu de ce que les 373 pp. 12~0. London, Triibner df Co., 1866. femimes oat 6t6, etc. [anon.] 2 v. in 1. 146, Coleridge (Hartley). Essays and marginalia. 113 pp. 18~. Paris, Bacot, 1785. Edited by his brother, Derwent. 2 v. xii, 376; Coin (The) act, by way of dialogue [on genu- iv, 359 pp. portrait. 160. London, Ed. inereligion]. ByJ. C. [anon.] 24pp. 120. Moxon, 1851. London, Valclance & Simmons, 1775. Coleridge (Samuel Taylor). Biographia literColburn (Dana P.) The first book of arith- aia; or, my literary life and opinionls. 2 v. metic. 16~. Philadelphia, B. Cowperthwait in 1. 183 pp; 196 pp. 8~0. ew York, Kirk & Co. 1856. s. Mercei.n, 1317. Colburn (Warren). An introductionto algebra. Rime of the ancient mariner. Illustrated. 276 pp. 80. Boston, Hilliardl Gray, Little, 51 pp. 8~. London, Sampson Los & Co, 1857. acnd Wfilkins, 1828. Coles (Elisha.) An English dictionary. 1841. Colburn's new monthly magazine. See "2ew unp. 160. London, R. and J. Bonwicke and monthly magazine." others, 1724. Colburn's united service magazine, and naval [imperfect; leaf 184 wanting.] and military journal, Sept. 1866, to Aug. 1867. The same. Newly corrected and im3 v. 8. LoRndon, Hurst Black7ett, [1866-67]. proved. 1841. unp. 180. London, J. Walthoe Colby (Albert). Life of Christ and his apos- and others, 1732. 75 COLES. COLQUHOUN. Coles (Elisha). Dictionary, English-Latin, life. xii, 287 pp. 120. Edinburgh, W. P. Latin-English. 18th ed. 80. 2 p. 1. 650 1. Nitmmo, 1865. unp. London, J. Bonwicke and others, 1772. Collin de Plancy (Jacques Auguste Simon). [Imperfect, leaves wanting at the end.] Le diable peint par lui-mnme, ou galerie de Coley (Henry). Clavis astrologim elimata; or, petits romans et de contes merveilleux,extrait a key to the whole art of astrology, new filed et traduit des 6crivains les plus respectables. and polished. 62 p. 1, 759 pp. 120. [Lon- 2e 6d. xl, 318 pp. 1 pl. 8~. Paris, P. Mongie don, 1676?] ain6, 1825. [Title wanting.] Histoire du manneken-piss, racont6e par Collaert (Adriaan). Vita B. virginis Teresiie. lui-meme. Avecdesappendices. 192pp. 1 p. [25 estampes.] oblong fol. Antverpice, apud 24~. Bruxelles, A. Lacrosse, 1824. A. Collardlum & C. Galleum, 1613. s. Collings (Rev. John). Responsoria ad errati[With GALLAEUS (Philippe). Acta. etc. ca pastoris; the shepherds wandrings disCollecgao de opusculos reimpressos relativos covered, in a revindication of the gr covered, in a revindication of the great ordia historia das navega95es, viagens, e conhstora das navea vaen, e con- nance of God: gospel preachers and preachquistas dos Portuguezes. Publicada pela ing. 180 pp. sm.40. London,R. Tomlins, academia real das sciencias. v. 1. xii. 139, 41. 1652. sm. 4~. Lisboa, 1844. Collins (William). Poetical works. 80. EdinCONTENTS. burgh, 1794. [Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 9.] Relagam verdadeira dos trabalhos q ho governador d [Aderso's Brit. poets, v. 9.1 Fernido de Souto e certos fidalgos portugueses pas- Colmarn (Henry). European life and manners; sarom no descobrimnto da prouincia da Frolida. in familiar letters to friends. 2 v. xxiv, 360 Agora nouamete feita per hu fidalgo I)eluas [d' Elvas]. pp. xvi, 392 pp. 12~0. Boston, Little & Brown, 1849. Collection of nearly 500 fac-similes of the A Colombat de l'IsBre (Marc, 71M. D.) A water-marks used by the early paper makers, early treatise upon the diseases and hygiene of the during the latter part of the 14th, and early organs of the voice. Translated by J. F. W. part of the 15th centuries. [anon.] 25 p1. Lane. 2d ed. xii, 220 pp. I pl. 180. Boston, fol. London, 1840. ~~fol. London, 1840. ~Reddcing & Co. 1857. Collection of seventy-nine black-letter ballads Coee.ovu5 Colon, or Colombo, (Cristoforo). See ovus and broadsides, printed 1559 to 1597. With orbis Roterodami, 1616. introduction and notes. xxxvi, 319 pp. 120. Colon or Colombo (Fernando). Historie. Nelle London, J. Lily, 1867. quali s' h particolare, e vera relatione Collection of several treatises concerning the della vita e d fatti doll' ammiraglio, della vita e de" fatti dell' ammiraglio, reasons and occasions of the penal laws, viz: D. Christoforo Colombo, suo padre. Nuouai. The execution of justice in England, not mente di lengua spagnuola tradotta nell' italifor religion, but for treason: 17th Dec. 1583. aa dalAlfonso vlloa. 24p.l. 489 pp. 51. ii. Important considerations, by the secular 24. Venetic, Ise2po Prodocimo, 1678. priests: printed A. D. 1601. iii. The jesuits Colonial policy, with hints upon the formation reasons unreasonable. 4 p. 1. 131 pp. sn. 40. of military settlements, and observations on London, Richard Royston, 1677. ( WithJesuits' the boundary question pending between this loyalty, London, 1677.) country and the United States. [anon.] Collection de memoires et de relations sur 2d ed. 40 pp. 80. odo James Cochrae 2d ed. 40 pp. 8~. Lonlob Jcames Cochrcawe l'histoire ancienne du Canada. [anon.] 80. & Co. 1835. Quebec, Willam Cowan et ils, 1840. Quec, William Cowan etfils, 1840. Colonna (Egidio). Theoremata de corpore Collection orientale. Manuscrits inedits de la Christi. xxxx. paged. fol. [n. p.] Baldas bibliotheque royale, traduits et publi6s par l'ordredu roi. 8 v. fol. ParisImjirimerie Colonna (Fabio). De glossopetris. [ Withroyale, 1836-55. s. Scilla (Agustino), De corporibus, marinis. ] CONTENTS. Colonna (Francesco). Songe de poliphile, Le Bhagavata PurAna, traduit par E. Burnouf. 3 v. traduction libre de 1Italien, par J. G. Legrand. Firdousi (Abou'llasim). Le livre des roi6: traduit 2 V. in 1. 2 p. 1. 228 pp; 217 pp. 180. Paris, par J. Mohl. 4v. Didot 1804 Reshid-Eddin. Histoire des Mongols de la Perse. Didot, 1804. Tradulite par E. M. Quatremere. v. i. Colquhoun (John). Sporting days. vii, 255 Collier (William Francis, LL. D.) Pictures pp. 160. Edinburgh, Blackwood & sons, of.the periods: a sketch book of old English 1866. 76 COLTON. CONANT. Colton (Calvin). The Americans. xii, 389 pp. miscellaneous sketches of incidents during the 120. London, Westley 4' Davis, 1833. late American war, with poems. 240 pp. 12~. Colton (WValter). Deck and port; or, incidents New York, Angell 4' Engel, 1849. of a cruise in the U. S. frigate Congress to Comingo (IIenry G. D.D.) Memorial; conCalifornia, with sketches of Rio Janeiro, Val- taining his 25th anniversary discourse, proparaiso, Lima, Honolulu, and San Francisco, ceedings of the anniversary meeting, two ser12~. ArNew York, A. S. Barnes & Co. 1850. s. mons Nov. 24th, and funeral discourse by C. Columbia college, (N. Y.) Addresses of the C. Beatty. 62 pp. 8~. Steubezville, (O.) newly appointed professors, (Charles A. Joy, Herald, 1862. s. Francis Lieber, Charles Davies, C. M. Commercial (The) and financial chronicle; a Nairne, ) with an introductory address by W. weekly newspaper. July, 1866, to June, 186(7. Betts, February, 1858. 4 p. 1. 201 pp. 8~. v. 3-4. sm. fol. New York, IV. B. Dacna & New York, Trustees Col. college, 1858. Co. 1866-67. ---- Catalogue of the governors, trustees, and Commerelle (abbe' de). An account of the culofficers, and of the alumni and other graduates ture and use of the mangel-wurzel, or root of from 1754 to 1864. 112 pp. 80. N-ew York, scarcity. Translated from the French [by J..D. Van Nostrand, 1865. s. C. Lettsom]. 56 pp. 8~. London, C. DUlly, Ccalumbian eloquence, being the speeches of 1787. the most celebrated American orators, as de- Common sense cook book, containing plain livered in the trial of Hon. Samuel Chase. directions for all dishes, from soup to dessert; o v. 300, 220, 247 pp. 18~. Baltinmore, [with] a chapter on beverages, food for infants, B. Butler & S. Cole, 1806. etc. 113 pp. 12~0. New York, J. C. Haney C'olumbian (The) magazine; or, monthly mis- & Co. [1867]. cellany. [Sept. 1786 to Dec 1789.] v. 1-3. Companion (The)to thenewspaper; and jour8~0. Philadelphia, T. Seddon, TV. Spotswood, nal of facts in politics, statistics, and public and others, 1783-89. economy, 1833. 2 p.1. 234 pp. sin. fol. LonColumella (Lucius Junius Moderatus). De don, C. Knight, 1834. re rustica. (W7ith Libri de re rustics.) Company of royal adventurers of England - De arboribus. (With the same.) trading into Africa. Answer of the comColumna. See Colonna. pany to the petition and paper of certain Coluthus. Helenm raptus. Grece et Latine. heads and particulars thereunto relating and Wt tith NEoANDE (Mlichael). Opus aureum, etc.] annexed, exhibited to the honorable House of - The same. The rape of Helen. Trans- Commons by Sir Paul Painter, Ferdinando lated by Mr. C. 80. EdiYnburgh?, [1792.] Gorges, Henry Batson, Benjamin Skutt, and [Anderson's British poets, v. 5.] [vndersn's B.ritish poets, v. 5.1 Thomas Knights, on the behalf of themselves Colvin (John B.) Historical letters; a brief and others concerned in his majestie's plantsbut general view of the history of the world, tions i. America. 1 p.1. 18 pp. sn.40 civil, military, and religious, to 1820. 2d ed. [Loiedon,] 1667. i0[Loadon,] 1667. vi, 290 pp. 160. Georgetown, (D. C.) J. Miilli- [Imperfect.] gycn, 1821. Compleat (The) cook. [ anon. ] 123 pp. Combes (Francois). Histoire g6n6rale de la 41. 24. Lodon, N. Brooks, 1655. [ Fith diplomatie europ6enne. Histoire de la forma- Queen's closet opened. 1655.] tion de 1'6quilibre europ6en par les trait6s de Compleat (A) system of magick; or, the hisWestphalie et des Pyrelnoes. xii, 404 pp. 8~. tory of the black-art, compiled from the best Paris, E. I)entlu, 1854. authorities, ancient and modern. 5, 403 pp. - ~ The same. Histoire de la diplomatie 8~. London, J. Clarke and others, 1729. slave et scandinave; suivie des n6gociations Comstock (Joln Lee). Readings on zoology. de Ponce de La Gardie. D'apres des docu- Parti. Mammalia ad birds. 408 pp. 120 meats contemporains. 420 pp. 80~. Paris, New York, N~ewman & Ivison, 1853. B. Dentu, 1856. Conmte (Auguste). Trait6 philosophique d'asComestor (Pierre). Historia scholastica, tronomiepopulaire. x,48pp. Ipl. 80. Paris, magna sacre scripture partem, que et in serie Carilian-Goeury & V. Dalmont, 1844. s. et in glossis crebro diffusa erat, breuiter Conant (Mirs. H. C.) The English bible. Hiscoplectens. 2551. 160. Lugduni, 1543. [colo- tory of the translation of the holy scriptures phon 1542.] into the English tongue. xv, 466 pp. 2 pl. Comfield (IMrs. Amelia Stratton). Alida; o 10. Ne o rok, Sleldon, Blcakenaln 4d Co. 1856. CONCIONES. CONNECTICUT. Conciones, sive orationes, ex grecis latinisque Conference with the eastern Indians, Falhistoricis excerpte. 10 p. 1. 288 pp. 1. fol. mouth, July, 1727. 27 pp. sin. 40. Boston, [n. p.] -H. Stephlanus, 1570. s. S. Kneeland, 1754. Concise (A) historical account of all the British Conference of his excellency, Jonathan Belcolonies in North-America, comprehending cher, and the eastern Indians, Falmouth, 1732. their rise, progress, and modern state. [anon.] 23 pp. sm. 4~. Boston, B. Green, 1732. 196 pp. 80. London, J. Bew, 1775. Conference at the fort at St. George's, York Conduct (The) of the Dutch relating to their county, August 4th, 1742, between his excelbreach of treaties with England. With a full lency, William Shirley, and the sachems of account of the case of Jeronimy Clifford. the eastern New England Indians. 19 pp. [anon.] 220 pp. 80. London, W. Bristow, sin. 40. Boston, J Draper, 1742. 1760. ~ The same. [imp: p. 19 in ms.] Conduct (The) of the two B -rs [Barriers] Confession (A) of faith owned and consented vindicated. [anon.] 37 pp. 120. London, to by the elders and messengers of the 1M. Cooper, 1749. [With E.xamination of churches in the colony of Connecticut in New principles and conduct of the two Barriers. England, assembled at Say-brook, September 120. London, 1749. 9th, 1708. [anon.] 99 pp. 18~. New Londost, Cone (Solomon). The harmionia; a new col- Thomas Short, 1710. lection of easy songs. obl. 18~. Albany, J. Congar (Capt. Obadiah). See Cheever (Rev. BErnst, 1850. Henry). Autobiography, etc. Confederate (The) first reader; containing se- Congress (library of). Alphabetical catalogue lections in prose and poetry, as exercises for of the library of congress. Authors. 1236 pp. younger children. [anon.] 1920 pp. 16~. 80. Was7hinyton, government printing qoice, Richrmond, G. L. Bicdgood, 1861. 1864. Confederate States (so called). Army regu- i Catalogue of additions, for the years lations, with the articles of war. 120. Rich- ending Dec. 1, 1864, 1865, and 1866. 3 v. mond, 1861. 80. FWashington, government pr'inting oqice, General orders from the adjutant and 1864-66. inspector general's office for 1863. Compiled I Catalogue of the library of congress. under authority by R. H. P. Robinson. 16~. Chap. i. Ancient history, 77 pp. 80. TWas.:,Ric7hnzond, 1864. imgton, Smithsonian institution, 1854. Instructions for the guidance of the mecldi- Congressional (The) globe: containing the cal officers of the navy. 40 pp. 12~0. ich- debates and proceedings of the 39th congress, mond, AMacfarla'ne & Bergusson, 1864. 1st and 2d sessions. (Dec. 1865 to March Official reports of battles. Published by 13G67). By F. and J. Rives. 8 v. 40. TWashorder of congress. 671 pp. 80. Richmnzond, ington, Cong. globe oice, 1866-67. Enquirer press, 1862. Congreve (William). Essay concerning huOrdnance instructions for the navy. 3d mor in comedy. pp. 66-73. [Appended to ed. xix, 171, cix pp. 21 pl. 80. London: Morris (Corbynl). Essay, etc. London, Sauncders, Otley & Co. 1864. 1744.] Regulations for the arimy, 1863. 2d ed. - Poetical w orks. 80. 8 Edinburgh, 1793. 120. Richmnond, 1863. [Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 7]. Regulations for the navy, 1862. iv, 239 Connecticut. An account of the number of pp. 160. Richmond, Mi/acfarlane & Fergus- inhalbitants in the colony of Connecticut, Jan. son, 1862. 1, 1774. [with the same] for Jan. 1, 1756. Regulations for the subsistence depart- 9 1. fol. Hcartford, E. Watson, 1774. ment. 54 pp. 16~. Richmond, Ritchie J& Dun- - The code of 1650, a compilation of the narant, 1862. earliest laixs and orders of the general court Conference of the governor of Massachusetts of Connecticut, also the constitution adopted bay with the sachems of the eastern Indians, by the towns of Windsor, Hartford, and Arrowsick island, August 9-12th, 1717. 13 Weathersfield in 1638-9, and estracts from pp. sin. 40~. Boston, B. Green, 1717. the blue laws. 119 pp. 18~. Hartford, Silas Conference with the eastern Indians, Fal-.Andlrus, 1830. mouth, 1726. 20 pp. sm. 40. [Boston, The same. 199 pp. 180. Hartford, 1726?] Silas Andrucs and Son, 1843. 78 CONNECTICUT. CONYNGHAIM. Connecticut. Journal of the house of repre- 80. Paris, Bibliothigque conchyliologique, sentatives. May session, 1867. 80. Hartford, 1845. s. Case, Lockwood 4p Co. 1867. Considerations on the choice of public rulers; Journal of the senate. May session- on the extent of their powers; and on the 1867. 80. Hartford, Case, Lockwood & Co. best means of securing the advanntages and 1867. reforming the abuses of popular elections. Public documents of the legislature. [anon.] vi, 156 pp. 8~. -New York, T. S. May session, 1867. 80. Hartford, Case, Lock- Arden, 1805. wood 8& Co. 1867. Constable (H. Strickland). Observations sugThird to sixth annual reports of the gested by the cattle plague, about witchcraft, superintendent of common schools, 1848-51. credulity, superstition, parliamentary reform, 4 v. in 1. 8~. Halcrtforcd and New Harven, and other matters. 99 pp. 8~. London, 1848-51. S. Dalton 4 Lucy, 1866. Reports of the commissioner of the Constant de Rebecque, (Henri Benjamin). school fund, 1818, 1819, 1825, and 1849. 8~. Adolphle; anecdote trouv6e dans les papiers Hartford, 1819-49. d'un inconnu. Nouv. ed. suivie des ouvrages: Fourth annual report of the board of Quelques r6fiexions sur le th6iatre allemand et commissioners of common schools. 60 pp. sur la trag6dlie de Wallstein, et de l'Esprit doe 80. Hartford, Case & Co. 1842. conqulte et de l'usurpation. 388 pp. 160. [ With the preceding]. Paris, C72 arpentier, 1839. Connecticut historical society. Collections.: De la religion, consid6rde dans sa source, v. 1. xii, 332 pp. 8~. Hartford, 1860. ses formes, et ses d6veloppements. 5 v. 8~. Conner (James). Specimens of light face Paris, Bossange, 1824-31. printing types and ornaments. 209 1. ulp. Du polythdisme romain, considerd dans 8~. New York, S. Hoyt & Co. 1832. ses rapports avec la philosophie grecque et la (and sons). Specimens of printing religion chrdtienne; precddd d'une introductypes, and ornaments. 191 1. nap. 40~. tion de J. Matter. 2 v. lix, 283 pp; 384 pp. Nezw Yorkc, 1855. s. 8~. Paris, PB&het aine, 1833. Conrad (Timothy Abbott). Checl list of the Contarini (Alvise). Relazione del congresso invertebrate fossils of North America. Eocene di Munster. 103 pp. 40. Venezia, Antonelli, and oligocene. iv, 41 pp. 8~0. Washington, 1864. s. 1866. Controversy (The) touching the old stone I Smlithsonian miscel. coll. v. 7.] mill, in the town of Newport, R. I. with - Description of cretaceous and tertiary remarlks. [anon.] 91 pp. 160. Newport, fossils. [Emory (WV. H.) Report on the E. Hacmmett, jr. 1851. U. S. and Mexican boundary survey, v. 1.] Contzen (Adam). Disceptatio de secretis Fossil shells [of Chile]. With Gilliss societatis Jesv. 190 pp. 160. Mogrntice, (J. M.), U. S. astron. exped., v. 2.] J. Voutsar, 1617. Fossils of the miocene forlmation of the Conversations ol ritualism. 77 pp. 120. United States. xvi 80 pp. 44 pl.. ~. Plil- Yo rd ad ton 187. l-ew Yo~'k, Hyhd and Howjhton 1867. adelpicia, J. Dooson, 131.. 5. Conversations-lexikon. Allgemeine dent[Imperfect; wavnting lplate 33.] sche real-encyclopitdie ffir gelbildeten stUinde. Fossils of the tertiary formations of the United States. 80 pp. 49 pl. 80. Philadcle- phia, J. Dobson, 1838.. has, 1864-66. [Imperfect; 6 plates wanting.] Conybeare (William John). Essays, ecelesiastical and social. Reprinted, with addiThe same. [Imperfect; 5 plates wanting.] siastical a social. Repte, with acidiNew fresh water shells of the United tions, from the Edinbugll review. xi, 440 States, with colored illustrations, and a mon- pp. 8~. London, Lonytcan, 1855. s. ograph of the genus anculotus; also a synopsis CONTEINTS. of the American naiadles. 120. PPhilaclphia, Essay i. The church in the mountains. 1834. S. ii. Church parties. iii. Ecclesiastical economy. Nouvelles coqluilles d'eau donece des iv. Vestries and church rates. Igtats-Unis, suivis de la monographie du V. MorInonism. vi. Agitation and legislation against intemperance. genre anculotus de Say et du tableau synoptique des uniades d'lAmdriqule. De l'Anglais C Conyngham (Ccpt. D. P.) Thle Irishl brigalde par J. C. Chelu. [Extracct.] 6 pp. ph. and its campaigns, with [lsketchll of the Cor 79 CONRRING. CORDA. coran legion and the principal officers. 599 pp. trine of predestination unto life. Preface by 120. New York, W. MeSorley L4 Co. 1867. [B. Colman and others.] 4, 140 pp. 18%. Conring (Hermann). De antiqvitatibvs acad- Boston, J. Edclards & H. Foster, 1740. emicis dissertationes septem, vna cvm eivs - The same. iii, 142 pp. 160. London, svpplementis. Recognovit Christoph Avg. E. & C. Dilly, 1765. Hevmannvs, adjecitqve bibliothecam histori- Coote (Henry Charles). A neglected fact in cain academicam. xxxii, 399 pp, 36 1. unp. English history. [An essay on the Anglo40. Gottingee, Bib. acad. 1739. Saxon polity.] xi, 183 pp. 160. London, Dissertatio ad L. I. codicis Theodosiani Bell & Daldy, 1864. de stvdiis liberalibvs vrb. RomTe et Constan- Copenhagen. Forlagsforeningen. Almindetinopolis. 68 pp. 8 1. unp. 4~. Gottingce, ligt dansk-norsk forlagscatalog. 1-2 supple[1739.] s. ment. 233 pp; 112 pp. 8~. Hlauniae, Soc. [With the preceding.] bibliop. 1841 —45. s. Introductio in universam artem medicam ( Bibliotheca regia. Codices orientales bibsingulasqve ejus partes, etc. consiuiflis nargU- liothecm regie hafniensis. Pars 1, Codices inmenti commentationes, cura ac studio Gun- dicos continens. Pars2, Codices hebraicos et theri, Christophori Schelhammeri, cum proefa- arabicos continens. 2v. x, 122 pp; xi, 18 tione Friderici Hoffminanni, etc. 2 v. in 1. pp. 40. Hcavnioe, Schultz, 1846-51. s. 16 pp. 8 l1. 424 pp. 121; 163 pp. 40. Halae, Copineau (l'abbe). Essai syntlh6tique sur E. G. Crugius, 1726. s. l'origine et la formation des langues. [anon.] Cook (Ann, late Alrs. Beauchamnp). Letters to xv, 464 pp. 2 1. 8~. Paris, Rouault, her friend in Maryland, containing a short 1774. history of her life. 91 pp. 120. Washing- Coppe (Henry). Select academic spealker. ton, 1826. s. 572 pp. 80. Philadelphia, E. H. ButlerS & Cooke (C.) Curiosities of occult literature. Co. 1830. xii, 275 pp. 120. London, A. Hall, [1863.] Copway (George). Organization of a new Cooke (Charles Turner). Observations on the Indian territory east of the Missouri river; efficacy of white mustard seed in affections of arguments and reasons submitted to the mernthe liver, internal organs, and nervous sys- hers of the 31st congress of the United States. tem, and on general management of health 32 pp. 8~. New York, S. W. Benedict, and life. 5th ed. 160. London, 1823. 1850. Cooke (John Esten). Wearing of the gray; Copy of the resolves of a council of churches, being personal portraits, scenes, and adven- met at Northampton, 1742. 6 pp. 240. Boston, tllresofthe war. 601pp. 10pl. 80. Nezw S. Kneeland & T. Green, 1742. York., E. B. Treat & Co. 1867. Coquelin (Charles), and Guillaunmin (Urbain Cooke (Rev. Samuel, of Camnbricdge). The vio- Gilbert). Dictionnaire de l'6conomie polilent destroyed and the oppressed delivered. tique, contenant l'exposition des principes de Sermon preached at Lexington, Apr. 19, 1777, la science, l'opiuion des 6crivains qui out le a memorial of the tragedy in that town, 1775. plus contribu6 ci sa fondation et it ses progrls, 31 pp. 8~. Boston, T. Leverett & N. Bozues, la bibliographie g6n6rale de l'6conomlie poli1777. tique, etc. 2 v. xxvii, 791 pp; 2 p. 1. 896 Coolidge (Austin J.) and Mansfield (J. B.) pp. 8 pl. 80. Paris, Guillaumein et Cie, History and description of New England, 1864. general and local. v. 1. Maine, New Hamp- Coquerel (Athanase Josu6). Les forqats pour shire, and Vermont. xxv, 1023 pp, 3 maps, la foi. (1684, 1775.) 377 pp. 16~. Paris, 22 pl. 8~. Boston, A. J. Coolidge, 1864. s. Leuy, 1866. Cooper (Rev. Edward). The crisis; or, an First historical transfor mations of chrisattempt to show from prophecy the prospects tianity. [Translated] by E. P. Evans. 264 and duties of the church of Christ. With in- pp. 160. Boston, Win. V. Spencer, 1867. quiry into the probable destiny of England. Corcoran (Pete:). The fancy; a selection from 1stAm. ed. xxx, 196pp. 12~. Cincinrnati, [his] poetical rem ins, with a memoir of his Hiorgan, Fisher & L'Hominiedieu, 1827. life. xxx, 107 pp. 1'20~. London, Taylor & Cooper (James G.) Catalogue ofmollusca west Hessey, 1820. of the Rocky Mountains, etc. s. Corda (August Joseph). Beitrihge zur flora With C:ALIFortNIA. Geological survey, 1867. der vorwelt. viii, 128 pp, 60 pl. 4~. Prag, Cooper (Rev. William, of Boston). The doc- J.. Calve, 1845. s. CORDIER. COSTA. Cordier (Pierre Louis Antoine). An essay on Coronation anecdotes; or, select and interestthe temperature of the interior of the earth' ing fragments of English coronation ceremo94 pp. 12~. Amherst, J. S. & C. Adams, nies. By Giles Gossip. [pseudon. ] viii, 334 1828. s. pp. 160. London, R. Jennings, 1823. Cordner (Rev. John). The vision of the pil- Corradi (Sebastiano). Qvaestvra. Partes dvae, grim fathers; an oration before the New qvarvm altera de Ciceronis vita et libris, item England society of Montreal, on 22d Decem- de ceteris Ciceronibvs agit; altera Ciceronis ber, 1856; with the proceedings at the dinner. libros permvltis locis emendat. 6 p. 1. 398 pp. 54 pp. 80. Montreal, H. Rose, 1857. 0~. Lipsice, J. Wendler, 1754. Cork and Orrery (John, 5th earl of). See Correal (Francisco). Voyages aux Indes Boyle (John). Occidentales, de 1666-97, traduits de l'EspagCormnatin Desoteux (Pierre Marie Felicit6, nol, avec une relation de la Guiane de WValter ba'ron de). See Desoteux de Cormatin. Raleigh, et le voyage de Narbrough t la mer Cornmenin (Louis Marie de La Haye, vicomnte du sud par le d6troit de Magellan. Nouv. 6d. de). De la centralisation. Par Timon. 2e 6d. 3 v. 160. Paris, Andlre Callieau, 1522. 159pp. 24~. Paris, Pagnerre, 1842. The same. Traduits de l'Anglois. 3 v. Livre des orateurs, [de la France] par 180. Amsterdaim, J. F. Bernard, 1722. Timon. [p1seudon.] 13e ed. 547 pp. 27 pl. Corry (John). [Life of George Washington. 80. Paris, Pagnerre, 1844. s. Ist ed. vii, 349 pp. 1 pl. 12~0. New Yor; Cornalia (Emilio). Monografia del bombice 1807]? del gelso. (Bombyx mori Linn.) (Extract). [Title wanting]. ix, 19, 288 pp. 15 pl. 4~0. Milano, I. R. Is- Cortada (Juan). HIistoria de Portugal, hasta tituto lombarclo de scienze, etc. 1856. s. 1839. 433, 4 pp. 6 pl. 80..Barcelona, A. Cornay (Joseph:mile, de Rochefort). 1~6- Brusi, 1844. ments de morphologie humaine. 246 pp. 2 [I portrait wvaLting]. pl. IG6. Pais, Gicde, Lce, 1847. s. Cortarobert (L.) and Tranaltos (F. de). BI6moire sur Pl'ulnitd doe ~s}pcialite des ~Ilistoire de la guerre civile am6ricaine, 1860esphces hlumaines, et en particulier sur la con- 65. 2v. 390pp; 350(pp. 2pl. 311apS. 80. cordance des vues des physiologistes relatives Paris, zAmyot, 1867. a I'dtat d'unit6 et de pluralitd de ces e.(Fernando). La preclara narratione 81 pp. 160. Paris, J. B. Baillire, 182. della Nuoua Hispagna del mare oceano, per s. Pietro Sauorgnano dal iddiomia hispagniuolo Principes de physiologie et exposition de in lingua latinaconuersa. 77 1. sm. 40 Vela loi divine d'harmonie; ou traitc de la dis- netia, Bernardino de Fiano de Lexon, 1524. tribution 16gale des espdces dans la nature. Aliquot narurationes. See Novus orbis 146 pp. 120. Paris, J. B. Bailli'-e, 1862. (Roteroclami), 1616. S. Ccsiin (John, D. D.) Scholastical history of Cornelius Mlec7llenbursgensis. De puerorum the canonoftheholy scriptvre. 18 p. 1. 224 morbis, et symptomatis tum dignoscendis, pp. 23 1. Sm. 40. Londlo, T. Garthwait, turn curandis liber, ex griecorumn, latinorum et [ With SPARROW (Anthony). Coll. of articles, etc. arabum placitis excerptus'i Sebastiano Avs- Lond. 16751. trio, Rubeaquensi, etc. 338 pp. 14 1. 240. Cosmographiae introdvctio cvm quibvsdam Lvgdu'ni, G. Rouillid, 1549. s. geometric ac astronomite principiis ad eamrn [With DUBOIS (J.) Ratio inedendi, ete.l rem necessariis [auctore Hylacomyla, i. e. Cornhill(The) magazine, July, 1866, to June, M. Waldseemiller]. Insuper quatuor me1867. v. 14-15. 80. Lolndon, Snit/c, Elder rici Vespucii nauigationes. 48 1. unp. sm. 4~. & Co. 1866-67. [Deodate], 1507. Corniani (Giambattista). Riflessioni sulle [Imperfect; wanting probably 4 leaves.] monete; della legislazione relativanmente all' Cosmopolitanus (Evangelus). [pseudon.] agricoltura. See Beyer (August). [Scrittori class. ital. di econ. pol. v. 39]. Cosmopolite (The). [Jan. to April 1866]. CornnUt (Jacques Philippe). Canadensivm 8~. Baltinoere, De Leon & Co. [1867.] plantarvm aliarumque nondum editarum his- [No more issued.] toria; cui acliectuin est enchiridion botanicvm Costa (Ethbin IHeinrich). Bibliographie der parisiense. 8 p. 1. 233 pp. 1 1. 40. Paris, deutschen rechtsgeschichte. 4 p. 1. 312 pp. S. Le Mkoyne, 1635. 8~. Brazunschwiciy, C. A. Schwetsclke, 1858. s. 81 COSTA. COUSIN. Costa (Oronzio Gabriele). Microdoride medir of God in Newfoundland, North America. terranea; o descrizione de' poco ben conosciuti 192 pp. 16~. London, W. Gilbert, 1776. ed affatto ignoti viventi, minuti e micoscropici Coulanges (Plillippe Emanuel, marquis de). animali del Mediterraneo. v. 1. xviii, 80 pp. M6moires, suivis de lettres in6dites de 13 pl. 8~. N2apoli, Stamperiadell' iridle, 1861. madame de Sdvign6, de son fils, d'Arnauld de s. Pomponne, de Jean de La Fontaine, et d'auCosta. See Da Costa. tres personnages du meme siocle. Publide Coste (Fran;ois Auguste). Manuel de gree- par M. de Monmerqu6. xii, 512 pp. 4 pl. ment, ou l'art d'6quiper les vaisseaux et autres 8~. Pteris, J. J. Blceise, 1820. batimens de mer, de tout ce qui est n6cessaire Counsel for emigrants, with original letters A leurs mouvemens. xvi, 281 pp. 8 tab. from Canada and the United States. 2d ed. 8~. Paris, Dezceuche, 1829. s. [anon.] 156 pp. 1 map. 12~. Aberdeen, Costigan (Arthur William). Sketches of so- John Mathison, 1835. ciety and manners in Portugal. 2 v. vi Country (The) bard; or, the modern courtiers; 424 pp; iv, 424 pp. 8~. London, T. Fernor, a poem. [anon.] 2 p. 1. 31 pp. 40. London, 1787. 1741. Cotolendi (Charles). Arlequiniana, on les bons Course of psalms, selected from the new version mots, les histoires plaisantes et agrdables. for tle services of the united church of'England Recueillies des conversations d'Arlequin. and Ireland, etc. by J. T. Barrett, D. D. [anon.] 27 p. 1. 354 pp. 6 1. 1 pl. 240. 4th ed. corrected, with set of tunes selected Paris, [Delaulne & Brunet], 1694. by B. Jacobs. 252 pp. 16~. Lambeth, (Eng.) Cotta(Bernhard). Die Alpen. 2v ausgabe. viii, 1825. 328pp. 6 pl. 80. Leipzig, T. 0. Weigel, 1851. Course (A) of sermons on the creed of pope s. Pius IV, preached at Bilston, 1840, by fourteen Deutschlands boden, sein geologischer clergymen of the church of England. xxviii, bau und dessen einwirkungen auf das leben 659 pp. 8o. Volverehampton, T..Siinmpson, 1841. der menschen. 2 v. in 1, xi, 614 pp; 283 pp. Court anecdotes. [anon.] iv, 380 pp. 1 pl. 3 pl. 1 map. 80. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 120. London, W. Samns, 1825. 1854. s. Court (The) of Atlantis. Containing a four Die gesteinlehre. iv, 255 pp. 80. Frei- years' history of that famous island, political berg, J. G. Engelhardt, 1855. 8. and gallant. By several hands. [anoni.] The same. 2e auf. vi, 333 pp. 80. vi, 310pp. 11. 120. London, J. Roberts, 1714. Freiberg, J. G. Engelhzardt, 1862. s. Court (The) of Neptune, and the curse of libRocks classified and described; a treatise erty; with other poems, on subjects connected on lithology. English translation by P. H. with the late war. [anon.] 106 pp. 18~. Yew Lawrence. xii, 425 pp. 12~. London, Long- York, Van Winkle, Wiley & Co. 1817. mans, 1866. Courtenay (Franci's Burdett,.il. D.) A Cotton (Charles). See Walton (Isaac). practical essay on the debilities of the generaCotton (Edward, sergeant major.) A voice tive system, their varieties, causes, treatment, from Waterloo; a history of the battle. 4th and cure. 74.pp. London, T. Hill, 1838. ed. enlarged. xix, 278 pp. 4pl. 16~. Mllont Courtisane (La) vertueuse. Histoire veritaSt. Jean, 1852. ble. [anon.] 120 pp. 18~. Lyon, 1786. Cotton (Rev. Henry). Typographical gazetteer. [ Waith CAPUCINs (Les) sans barbe.] 2d ed. xviii, 393 pp. 8~. Oxford, Univ. Cousin (Victor). Histoire g6n6rale de la press, 1831. s. philosophie depuis les temps les plus anciens Cotton (John). Letter to Mr. [Roger] Wil- jusqu'au xixe siecle. 7e 6d. vii, 598 pp. liams. Wherein is showed that those ought 8~. Paris, Didier et Cie. 1867. to be received into the church who are godly, Jacqueline Pascal. Premibres 6tudes etc. [Edited by R. A. Guild.] 28 pp. 40~. sur les femmes illustres et la socidt6 du xviie Providence, R. I. 1866. sidcle. 3e 6d. xxiii, 467 pp. 1 fac. sim. [Narragansett club publications, v. 1. pp. 285-312.] Didier & Cie. 1856. Answer to master Roger Williams. La jeunesse de Mazarin. xxiv, 616 pp. Edited by J. L. Diman. 240 pp. 40. Provi- 80. Paris, Didier et Cie. 1865. dence, R. I. 1867. ~ La socidt6 franqaise au xviic sietcle. 2 v. [Narragansett club publications, v. 2. pp. 1-240.] xxiii, 444 pp; 2 p. 1. 480 pp. 8~. Paris, Coughlan (Rev. L.) An account of the work Didier et Cie. 1858. 11 COUSTELIER. CRAIG. Coustelier (Antoine Urbain). Lettres d'une ~ the Eirenicon of Dr. Pusey. 129 pp. 120. demoiselle entretenue A son amrant. [anon.] New York, -H. B. Durand, 1866. 2 p. 1. 43 pp. 16~. Cologne, [Paris] P. Coxe (John Redman). See Eippocrates MVlarteau, 1749. and Galenus. [ With VARENNES DE MONDASSE. Lettres de M. a Coxe (Richard S). A new critical pronouncingson ami. 160. Amsterdam, 1750.J Couts (Joseph). Practical guide for the dictionary of the English language. Comtailor's cutting. room. v, 166 pp. 44 p. 40 piled from authors of the most improved reptalor's cutting rooml. Vii, 166 pp. 44 pl. 4~. utation: with considerable additions. [anon]. Glasgow, Blackie ~ son, [about 1850]. xiv, 85 pp.. 470 1. unp. 80. Burlington, Couvret (Auguste). Calembours et jeux de (N. J.) D. llinson & Co. 1813. mots des hommes illustres, anciens et moderne, p d d e. 2. Coxe(Williamn). Travels intoPoland, Russia nes, precedMs d'un 6loge historique. 2 v. in 1. e211 pp. l202 pp. 160. Paris, Auby 1806. Sweden, and Denmarl. 3d ed. 4 v. 8~. 16~. Paris, Aubry, 1806. London, Cadell, 1787. S. Covelli (Niccolb). See Monticelli (T.) and Covelli. Coyer (Gabriel Franuois). A supplement to Covyn (Jak.ob). Biblioteca idissia, sive lord Anson's voyage round the world, conCovaryll (Jakob). Bibliotheca nitidilssima, sive catalogus prestantissimorum et insignium li- aming a discovery and description of the brorum. 242 pp. 80. Amstelcedami, A. island of Frivola. xl, 63 pp. 80. London, Schouten, [abouct 1747.] A. Mlillar and others, 1752. OCwell (Benjamin). Spirit of'76 in Rhode Coyner (David H.) The lost trappers; a collecIsland. 352 pp. 8~. Boston, A. J.P Wright, tion of interesting scenes and events in the 1850. s Rocky Mountains; with a short description ot California. 255 pp. 120. Cincinnati, J. A. C:)wles (Rev. Henry, D. D.) Ezekiel and Daniel; with notes. See Bible, English. & U. P. James, 1847. Cowper (William). Private correspondence. Cozens (Alexander). Plinciples of beauty 1st Amer. ed. 3835 pp. 8~. Phtiladlelphia,.relative to the human head. With a French 1sE. Littell, 1824. 385pps.80.Philade a. translation. 3 p. 1. 15, 15 pp. 19 pl. fol. B. Littell, 1824. s. ----- See Guyon (Jeanne Marie Bouvier de Lonldon, J. Dixell, 1778. La Mothe) and Cowper, (Williaml). Poems. Cozzens (Frederic S.) Col. Peter A. Porter:'24g. 18(01. a memorial delivered before the century, Cox (1MWs. Ann C.) Family directory; or, 1864. 54 pp. 80.,New York, D. Van Nostrand, forty years' experience of a practical house- 1865. keeper; with hints on healtll, farming [etc.] The sayings of Dr. Bushwhacker, and Selected froml the best authors. xvi, 80 pp. other learned men. 8, 213 pp. 120. New 120. Col~umbucs, (O.) 186S7. York, A. Simpson & Co. 1867. Cox (Edward). Report on geology (in Owen's The wine press. [published monthly.] geology of AXrkansas). June 20, 1854 to May 20, 1855. v. 1, 96 pp. Cox (Francis Augustus, D. D.) and Hoby, 8~. New York, T. A. Gray, 1855. (Rev. J.) The baptists in America; a narra- Crabb(George). English synonymes. 10th ed. tive of the deputation from the baptist union lxiii, 535 pp. 8S. New York, Harpers, 1849. of England to the United States and Canada. Universal technological dictionary; or, 476 pp. 1~2~. 1New Yor k, Lea;itt, Lordcl & Co. familiar explanation of the terms used in all 1836. arts and sciences. 2 v. vii pp. 3401; 296 l. Cox (George VW.) Dictionary of science. See 60 pl. 4~. London, Baldwin, Cradock and Joyi 1823. Branlde (William Thomas). Joy, 1823. Cox (Ross). Adventures on the Columbia Crabb (James). The gipsies' advocate; or, river, including a residence of six years observtions on the origincharacter, nianners, among various tribes of Indians. 335 pp. and habits of the English gipsies. 3d ed. 80. New Yorkl, Haspers, 1832. 199 pp. 160~. London, Nisbet, 1832. Cox (Williamn E. ) Viage en las rejiones CEracraft (Rev. J. W.) Judaizing teachers, ancient and modern: or sacramental error septentrionales de la Patagonia, 1862-3. viii 273 pp. 1 map. 80. Santiago cde Ch7ile, refuted. vii, 156 pp. 120. Chicago, C. Scott & Co. 1858, Imnprenta nacional, 1863. s. Co. 1858. Coxe (Arthur Cleveland). The criterion; a Craig (B. F.) WVeights and measures, accordmeans of distinguishing truth friom error in ing to the decimal system, with tables of conversion. 49 pp. 18~. zYew York, Van Nosquestions of the times. With four letters on trdz, 1867. CRAIG. CRITICAL. Craig (Neville B.) Memoirs of major Robert Crawley (Rawdon). Billiards; its theory and Stobo. 180. [anon.] Pittsburgh, John S. practice. 5th ed. vi, 180 pp. 180. London, Davidson, 1854. Bickers & Bush, 1860. Sketch of the life and services of Isaac Crazy tales. [In verse. By A. S. anon.] 2d Craig. 70 pp. 18~. Pittsburgh, J. S. David- ed. xi, 151 pp. 180. London, 1764. son, 1854. Crebillon, (Claude Prosper Jolyot de). M6Craik (George Lillie.) The English of Shakes- n moires de madame la marquise de Pompapeare; illustrated in aphilological commentary dour. lcr'its par elle-meme. [anon.] 2 v. on his Julius Cresar. Edited from 3d Lonud. in 1. 160, 136 pp. 160. Lidye, 1768. ed. by W. J. Rolfe. xvi, 386 pp. 12~0. Boston, NOTE.-This work is attributed to Cr6billon by OctCrosby & Ainswzorth, 1867. tinger, but its authorship is uncertain. Cramler (Jolln Anthony). Geographical and Creecy (James R.) Scenes in the south, and historical description of ancient Greece. 3 other miscellaneous pieces. 294 pp. 12. v. 1 map. 80. Oxford, Clat~rendon plWessJ F'ashington T. McGill, 1860. s. V.1828a. O d a o sCregeen (Archibald). Dictionary of the Manks Cranich (Wvilliam). BMemoir of the life, char- language. 188 pp. 120. Douglas, J. Quigacter, and writings of John Adams, read gi(n, 1835. o. Creigh (Alfred). History of the knights tempMarch 16, 1827, in Washington, at the request of the Colulmbian institute. 70 pp. 8~. lar of the state of Pennsylvania; with constiWast/hCiton, S. A. Elistot, 1827. tUtion. etc. 394 pp. 12~. Philadelphia, J. [ With SMnIrr (Samuel H.) Memoir of Thomas B. Lippincott & Co. 1867. Jefferson. Washington, 18'7.1 Creighton (Henry). Ruins of Gour described, Cranmer (Thomas). Miscellaneous writings and represented in 18 views; with a topograplhand letters. Edited by Rev. J. E. Cox. xv, ical map. iii, 12 pp. 36 1. 1 map. 18 col. 592 pp. l fac-sim. 8~. Cambridge,~ (Eng.) pl. 40~. London, Black, Parbury & Allen, 1846. 1817. [Parker society publlications.] Cres-awell (Daniel, editor). [See Buclides. -. — N-Writings and disputations relative to Geometry. Canbricge, 1819.] the sacrament of the Lord's supper. Edited by Rev. J. E. Cox. xxxi, 444, 99 pp. 8~. by Rev. J. E. Cox. XXXi, 444, 99 pp. 8. dclerbund. 2 v. 536 pp; 540 pp.;S. Pacis, Camd'iidge. (Eng.) univ. press, 1814. Plon 1850. [Parlker society publications.] Crarrz (Dsivid). pHistorie von Gs oenland en- Cretzschmar (Philipp Jakob). Sliugethiere, Cranz (Datvid). IHistorie von Groenland, en n und vogel, von Africca 2 v. 18'26. s. thaltend die beschreibung des landes und der Witv [ 2Ilith RijPPELL (W. P. E.) Atlas zu reise il i leinwohner. 2 v. 16~. Barby, H. Ebers, Elichen Afrilal. 1765. Crichton (Alexander). Ueber den climatiscllen Crashaw (Richard). Poetical works. 8~. zustand der erde vor der allgemeinen ueberEdcinburgh, 1793. schwemmunug, etc. s. [ Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 4]. [ jWith CuvIEt (G. L. C. F. D. baon). Ansichten von Cr-ashawe (William). The Jesvite's gospel. der urwelt, v. 2]. 113 pp. 160. London, 1610. Cricket field (The); or, the history and thle Crauford (David). Ovidius britannicus; or, science ofcricket. [By J.P. anon.] 238 pp. love epistles in imitation of Ovid. 6 p. 1. 152 1 pl.. 16~. Boston, Mcaythe & Baker, 1859. pp. 16~. London, J. Chantry, 1703. Cristofcris (Luigi de). Relazione sopraalcune Crawford (J. Marshall). Mosby and his men. macchine all' esposizione di Londra del 1851. 375 pp. 120. New York, Carleton, 1867. 140 pp. 1 pl. 80. Milano, G. Bernardoni, Crawford (Rev. William). History of Ireland 1852. s. from the earliest period to the present time. Critic (The) in parliament and in public since 2 v. xxx, 350 pp; 387 pp. 8~. Strabane, J. 1835. [anon.] 188 pp. 120. London, G. Bell,.Bellew, 1783. 1841. Crawfurd (John). Journal of an embassy Critical (A) commentary on archbishop Seckfrom the governor general of India to the er's letter to the right hon. Horatio Walpole, courts of Siam and Cochin-China; exhibiting concerning bishops in America. [anon.] 111 a view of the actual state of those kingdoms. pp. 8~. Londclon, E. f C. Dilly, 1770. 2d ed. 2 v. viii, 475 pp. 7 pl. 1 map; v. 459 Critical and social essays; reprinted from the pp. 6pl. I map. 8~. London, Colburn & Bent- New York Nation. iv, 230 pp. 160. New ley, 1830. s. York, Leypolclt & Holt, 1867. 84 CRITO. CRUMMELL. Crito Cantabrigiensis. [pseudon]. See Tur- Crown (John). Andromache: a tragedy. 4 ton (Thomas, lM. D.) p.1. 48pp. sm. 4~. London, B. Bentley, 1675. Croker (Thomas Crofton). Landscape illus- Caligula: a tragedy. 4 p. 1. 55 pp. trations of Moore's Irish melodies; with com- sm. 40. London, R. Wellington, 1698. ments for the curious. 64 pp. 4 pl. 80. Lon- - Calisto; or, the chaste nimph. 9 p. 1. don, J. Power, 1835. 82 pp. sm. 40~. London, J. lMcagnes & R. Cromxbie (Alexander). Gymnasium, sive sym- Bentley, 1675. bola critica. 3a ed. 2 v. cvii, 342 pp; 2p. 1. City politiques: a comedy. 4 p. 1. 80 486 pp. 8~. Londzclini, B. Hunter, 182S. pp. sinm. 4~. London, R. Bentley, 1683. The same. Clavis gymnasii, editioni ~ Countrey wit: a comedy. 4 p. 1. 92 quartee accomodata; sive exercitationes in pp. sinm. 40~. London, J. Maynes & B. Bentsymbolam criticam. p.l. 122 pp. 80. Lon- ley, 1675. dini, R. Hunter, 1832. Darius, king of Persia: a tragedy. 6 [With CROIIF, (A.) Gymnasium. 3a ed. 80. Lon- p. 1. 71 pp. sm. 40~. London,. Bentley, dini, 1828.] 1688. Cromwell's bloody slaughter-house; or, his nr~~~.. -- English frier: a comedy. 6 p.l 1. 54 pp. damnable designes laid and practiced by him and his negro s, in contriving the murther of o J t.'.. History of Charles the eigllth of France; his sacred majesty king Charles I, discovered. of the or, invasion of Naples by the French. 4 p. 1. By a person of honor. [anon.] 240. London, 79 pp. sm. 40. Isted, 1672. JcYames Davis, 1660. Jae i, 1Juliana; or the princess of Poland: a Crook (Rev. John). The design of christianity, tragicomedy. 6 p. 1. 3 pp. sin. 40. Lontragicomedy. f p.l. 63pp. sm. 4~. Lonwith other books, epistles, and manuscripts; don,. Cademan 1671. [and] a short account of his life, written by; or, curious impertinent -. Married beau; or, curious impertinentt: himself. lx, 416 pp. 80. London, J. Phila comedy. 5p. 1. 68 pp. sm. 40. London, its, 1791. lilm~~~~~, 1791.~R B.entley, 1694. Crooke (Hilkiah). Mikrokosmographia. A Misery of civil war: a tragedy. 2 p. 1. description of the body of man, collected and London, B. Bentley, 1680. 72pp. sI. 4~. Lonldon. Bentleyl, 1680. translated out of all the best authors of anato- The same. (Henry the sixth, the second The same. (Henry the sixth, the second my. 7 p. l. 1011 pp. 1 1. fol. [London,] part.) p. 1. 72 pp.n part.) 2p~l. r~pp. si.4~. London, 17. WT. Jaggard, 1688. Croquet; its principles and rules. By A. Bentley, 1681. Rover, [pseudon 2] 66 pp. 2pl. 18 ~. Spring- i Regulus: a tragedy. 2p. 1. 63 pp. sm. 4~. London, J. inapton~ 1694. field, (Mass.) AM. Bradley & Co. 1867.. napton 1694.,.. Sir Courtly Nice; or, it cannot be' a Crosby (Thomas). Builder's price book fo Sir Courtly Nice; or, it cannot be: a 1823. [-anon.] 24th ed. 170 pp. 120. London, comedy. 2d ed. 4 p. 1. 52 pp. sm. 40. LonBaldwin, Cradock & Joy, 1823. Bentley, 1693'Croserio (C.) Hom.opathic manual of oh- Thyestes: a tragedy. 3 p.1. 56pp. sm. Croserio (C.) Homoeopathic manual of ob4~. London R. Bentley~ 1681. stetrics. From the French, by M. Cot6. 153, B. Bentley, 1681. pp. 12. Cincinnati, ooreAnderson, Wil- Cruden (Rev. Alexander). A complete conpp. 912~. Cincinnati, Mloore, ztnderson, Jilstah & Keys, 1853. cordance to the holy scriptures. Condensed stccach & Kleys, 1853. edition. iv, 568 pp. 8~. 2lrew York, Lewis Cross (James). Journals of several expedi- edition. iv, 568 pp. 8 Colby, 1845. tions made in western Australia during the Colby, 1845. 1829-3. xx,263pp. mp. 180. Cruikshank (George). Bachelor's own book, years 1829-32. xxii, 263 pp. 1 map. 18~. yLonean, J. -ross, 1833. being the progress of Mr. Lambkin in the purLondon, J. Cross, 1833. Crosthwaite (John Clarke). Modern hag- suit of pleasure and amnusement, and also in Crosthwraite (John Clarke). Mlodern hagit search of health and happiness. 13 pl. obl ology: an examination of thle nature and ten- 24~. Londox7b D. Bogule, 1844. dency of some legendary and devotional workls n, lately published. 2 v. xxiii, 308 pp; viiiathome: a new family album of endless entertainment. 305 pp. 160. London J. T. Parker, 1846. 305 pnon, J) E y Parkne, 16. With illustrations. 1st, 2d, and 3d series. Crsouch (Louisa J.) Early crowned: a memoir of ry E. North. Wit introduction 3 v. 16~. London, TV. Kidd, [n. d. about moir of'Mary E. North, With introduction by R. S. Forster. 256 pp. 16g. New York, 1840.] Carlton & Porter, 1866. Crummell (Rev. Alexander). The future of Car lton & Porter 1866. Africa: addresses, sermons, etc. delivered in Crown (John). Ambitious statesman, or loyal fLon~ ~ the republic of Liberia. 354 pp. 12~. New favorite. 7 p. 1. 88 pp. sin. 40. London, YoTk C. Scribner 1861. W. binygton, 1G79. 85 CRUSE. CUSICK. Cruse (Englehart). Projector detected; or, Curiosite's anecdotiques. 404pp. 18~. Paris, some strictures on the plan of Mr. James Paulinz, 1855. Rumsey's steamboat. 14 pp. 18~. Baltimore, [Bibliothdque de poche]. J. Hayes, 1788. Curiosites de l'archl6ologie et des beaux arts. Cuba. Informe presentado a la real junta de Vi, 493 pp. 180. Paris, Paulin, 1855. fomento de agricultura y commercio de esta [Bibliothque de poche]. isla 1833. iv 153pp. 4 baa 1834. Curiosites des inventions et d6couvertes. 471 isla, 1833. iv, 153 pp. 40. -Habana, 1831. s. Materiales relativos a la historia de la pp. 18. li 1 [Bibliothqnue de poche]. isla de Cuba. Recogidos y redactados por Curiosites historiques. 380 pp. 18~. Paris, una comision especial. xvi, 274 pp. 2 I. Pauli, 1855 8~. [Habana], n. d. s. [Bibliothelque de poche]. Cuitt (George). Wanderings and pencillings Curiosit6s militaires. 416 pp. 18~. Paris, amongst ruins of the olden time; a series of Padlin, 1855. 73 etchings. With descriptive letter-press. [Biblioth6que de roche]. 38 pp. 52 pl. fol. London, tNattali & Bond, Curiosit's philologiques, g6o0graphiques, et 1855. etlnologiques. 370 pp. 18~. Paris, Paulin, Culm rock; the story of a year. What it 1855. brought and what it taught. By Glance [Biblloth6que de poche]. Gaylord. (pseudon.) 432 pp. 4 pl. 160. Currey (Richard 0.) Sketch of the geology Boston, H. Hoyt, [1867]. of Tennessee. x, 128 pp. 1 map.. 8~. KnoxCumberland (Richard, LL. D. ) The observer, ville, liinsloe & Rice, 1857. s. being a collection of moral, literary, and Currie (William). A synopsis, or general view familiar essays. [anon.] 2d ed. 5 v. 8~. of the principal theories of diseases. 172 pp. London, C. Dill?/, 1788-90. 12~. Philadelphia, E. Parker, 1815. s. Cumrming (John, D. D.) Last warning cry; Curry (John P.) Volunteers' camp and field with reasons for the hope that is in me. 327 boolk, containing inforimation on the art of pp. 80. NTew York, G. W. Carleton 5' Co. war. 144 pp. 18~. Richmond, Test & Johln1867. ston, 1862. Cundall (Joseph). Photographic tour. See Curtis's botanical magazine. Ed. by Sir W. J. Delamotte (Philip I-I.) and Cundall. Hooker. v. 92, (or 3d series, v. 22). 69 1. Cunningiham (J. W.) A world without 66 pl. 80. London, L. Rleeve & Co. 1867. souls. 170 pp. 18~. Philadelphia, E. Earl, Cur'tius (Ernst). Peloponnesos; eine bistorisch1815. geographische beschreibung der halbinsel.. The velvet cushion. 151 pp. 180. Phil- 2 v. vi, 495 pp. 9 maps; 639 pp. 21 maps. adelpahia, E. Earl, 1815. 80. Got/ha, J. ~Per~thes, 1851-52. s. [wTith his "WVonD without souls."] Curvren (John Christian). Observations on Cunningham (William MI.) Cross' masonic the state of Ireland, principally directed to chart, revised, containing the degrees of the its agriculture and rural population. 2 v. ancient York rite, as worked in the U. S. xix, 435 pp; xii, 355 pp. 80~. Londoz, Bald[With] historical sketch of the origin and wvin, Cradock & Joy, 1818. progress of free-masonry..2d ed. 332 pp. Cushing (Rev. David). Divinejudgmientsupon 49 pl. 8~. Philadelphia, Moss & Co. 1867. tyrants, and compassion for the oppressed; Manual of the ancient accepted Scottish [commemorative] sermon at Lexington, Apr. rite, arranged to correspond with the ritual 20, 1778. 28 pp. 80. Boston, Powacrs & of the supreme council of the 33cl degree for Willis, 1778. the northern masonic jurisdiction of the U. S. Cushmanl (Robert). The sin and danger of 3d ed. 286 pp. 120. Philadelphia, Moss & self-love described; a sermon preached at Co. 1867. Plimouth in New England in 1620. vi, 26 pp. Curiae canadenses, or the Canadian law courts; 18~. Boston, 1724. a poem, by Plinius Secundus. [anon.] 3 1. (Imperfect; title ptage, and pp. 23 to 26 wanting, sup126 pp. 8~. Toronto, H. & W. Rousell, 1813. plied in Ms.) Curione (Celio Secondo). Defe nce of the Cusick (David). Slketches of the ancient histrue and old authority of Christ's clrch. tory of the Six nations. 36 pp. 2 pl. 160. true and old authority of Christ's church. Translated by John Phl;ilpot. pp. 319-446. lockpo t, Cooley & Lat5h op, 18.28. [In PIIILPOT (John). Examinations and writings. The. 35pp. 41,p. 8~o LocoA1t, 8~. CaGbr-idge, 1842.] Tur er f McColluh:, 1348. CUTLER. DADD. Cutler (Elbridge Jefferson). War poems. 59 706 pp. 44 pi. 8o. London, A. Psullarton & Co. pp. sq. 160. Boston, Little, Brown & Co. 1849. s. 1867. See Guerin. Iconographie du r6gne Cutler (Henry Stephen). The masonic harmo- animal. nia; a collection of music for the use of the Cuvier (Frdd6ric). De l'histoire naturelle des masonic fraternity. 120 pp. 12~0. New York, cetaces, etc. lii, 416 pp. 22 pl. 8~. Paris, Masonic pub co. 1867. Boret, 1836.:s. Cuvier (Georges Ldopold Chretien Fr6delric Des dents des mamnmifOres, consid6r6es Dagobert, baron). Discours sur les r6volu- commoe caract6res zoologiques. lv, 258 pp. tions de la surface du globe. 5e 6d. vi, 400 pp. 103 pl. 8~0. Strasbourg, Levrault, 1825. s. 6 pl. 8~0. Paris, G. Dufour & E. D'Occagne, Description des mammif6ros et des ois1828. s. eaux les plus remarquables, etc. 2 v. 8~. s. ----- The same. Ansichten von der urwelt, [With BurIrON. Oenvvres completes. Suppl6ment, nach der zweiten originalausgabe verdettscht y183132].(Johitori conCyprian (Johann). Historito animalivmn con-....on. Nggerath. 2 v. in 1. viii, 340 tinvatio. pp; xii, 220 pp. 5O. Bonn, -E. Weber, 1822- [ Tith FRANZ (Wolfgang). Historia animalirm. v. 2]. 26. s. Cyrillus.(Saint, bishop ofJerusalem). Speculuin APPENDE.D. sapiencie, alias quadripartitus apologeticus [CRICHTON iiber das clima der urwelt]. vocatus. 591. unp. fol. [BL'asileae, 1473]. s. Histoire des sciences naturelles pendant 1.., la deuxibme moiti6 du xviiie sibcle et une roslin slkrytopleiowych lekarskich i przepartie du xixe; compl6tde par Magdeleine dech i przeit-Ag. 2. 2. 1. 351; 44yslowych. Botaniki szczegblndj. 3 v. 8~. Saint-Agy. 2 v. 2 p. 1. 351pp; 440 pp. 8, D zniestet, 184-59. s. Paris, PFortin, Masson & Cic. 1843. a9-59. s. [ ote.-The same as his tIistoire des sciences natu- ruge zu geo relles, depuis leur origine, etc. v. 4-5]. tischen klarte der umgebungeen Wiens. xxx - Leons d'anatomie compar6e, recueillies 104 pp. 8~. TFien, W. Blraalmiller, 1849. S. et publides par C. Dumsril. 5 v. 8~. Paris, Dablon (Claude). Relation de cc qui s'est Baudouin, 1800-05. pass6 de plus remarquable aux missions des CONTZENTS. p6res de la compagnie de J6sus en la Nouvelle v. 1. Organes du mouvement. xxxi, 521 pp. 9 tab. France, 1672 et 1673. v, 219 pp. 8I. ATouvelle v. 2. Organes des sensations. xvi, 697 pp. York, J. M. Shea, 1861. v. 3-4. Organes de la digestion, circulation, respirationt, voix. xxviii, 558 pp; xii, 539 pp. The same. 1673-79. v, 290 pp. 1 map. v. 5. Ora'anes de la g6n6ration, exr6mentielles. vii, 8~. Nouevelle York, J. M. Shea, 1860. 8 pp. 52 Dabey (Richard). Poems, original and trans-____- The same. [Revues par F. G. Cuvier, lated. 2d e. 172 pp. 180. Philadelphia, Laurillard, et G. L. Duvernoy]. 2e 6d. 8 v. in 9. 8~. Paris, Crochard & Cie. 1835-49. Mathes Carey, 1815. Dabney (Robert L.) Life of Lieut. Gen. CONTENTS. Thomas J. Jackson (Stonewall Jackson). v. 1. G6n6ralitds, et les organes du mouvement des 2 v. vi, 333 pp; xvi, 527 pp. 1 pl. 120. animaux vertgbrls. Edinburgh, Nisbet & Co. 1864. v. 2. Organes du inouveinent et ost6ologie de la f~te. v.. Systme nouvenerve t t ostoloiex, etc tte. Da Costa (Enfanuel Mendes). Historia natuv. 3. SysOdme nervexn, etc. v.. Organes d mastientation, etc. rli tstaceorum Britanmollusques, ani; or, the British v. 5. Organes d'alimentation des mollusques, aniinaux articul6s et zoophytes. conchology; in English and French. xii, v. 6-7. Description du fluide nourricier dans les qua- 254, vii pp. 17 pl. 40. Lonlon, at hor, 1778. tre types, etc. v. 8. Organes de g6n6ration et des s6cr6tions, etc. Da Costa (J. M.) Inhalations in the treat---- -Le regne animal distribu6 d'aprbs son ment of diseases of the respiratory passages, organisation. 4 v. 80. Paris, Deterville, particularly as affected by the use of atomised 1817. s. fluids. 86 pp. 12~0. Philadelphia, J. B. Lip------- The same. The animal kingdom arranged pincott & Co. 1867. in conformity with its organization. The crus- Dadd (George H.) Theory and practice of tacea, arachnides, and insecta, by P. A. La- veterinary medicine and surgery, containing treille. Translated from the French, [2d edl]. the curative treatment of diseases of horses -with notes, etc, by H. McMurtrie. 4 v. 8~. and cattle, sheep and swine, and embracing iezuw York, Carvill, 1831. s. all the latest information on the rinderpest _ The same. New ed. with additions by and trichina. 782 pp. 1 pl. 84. Cincinnati, XV. B. Carpenter and J. O. Westwood. xxii, B. W. Carroll ef Co. 1867. 87 DAELLI. DANA. Daelli (G.) A relic of the Italian revolution Sir Peter Parker. 111 pp. 4~. London, of 1849; album of engravings [illustrative of Longfmans, 1815. European politics], with descriptions in Eng- Dallas (William S.) A natural history of the lish, Italian, and French. 29 pp. 50 pl. obl. animal kingdom, etc. 817 pp. 2 pl. 8~. 40. New Orleans, Gabici, [1850?.] S. London, cfc., B. Griffin nc Co. 1860. s. Daggett (John). Sketch of the history of Dallaway (James). See Rundle (Thomas). Attleborough, [Ms.] from its settlement to the Dallington (Robert). Aphorismes. See Guicpresent time. 136 pp. 80. Dedham, H. ciardini (F.) Mann, 1834. Dalrymple (Campbell, Lieut. Col.) Extracts Daggett (Rev. Naphtali). Faithful serving of from a military essay on the raising, arming, God and our generation. A-sermon occasioned clothing, and discipline of the British infantry by the death of Rev. Thos. Clap, president and cavalry. 31 pp. 8pl. 120. Philadelphia, of Yale college. 39 pp. smin. 4. 4 ew Haven, Hunmphreys, Bell and Aitken, 1776. B.'! ecomn, [17671?] [With SIams (Thomas). New military dictionary. Dagley (Richard). Gems, selected from the 1776. Wanting 3 pl. Dalrylmple (Sir David, lord Hailes). Reantique, with descriptive illustrations by Rev. antirue, with. d[scroptiv 40Lusratdosnbmarks on the history of Scotland. vi, 284 George Croly. [anon.] 4~. London, 1704. pp. 180. Eceinb rgh, Bclfour 4 Smnele Daguin (P. A.) Trait6 616mentaire de phys- 1773. Dalton (John, D. C. L.) Meteorological obique thdorique et exp6rimentale, avec les servations and essays. 2d ed. xx, 244 pp. 8~. applications a la m6tdorologie et aux arts:0r~ ~Mafnchester, iHarrison & Crossfield, 1834. s. incdustriels. 3 v. 8~. Touloulse, E. Privat, 0industriels. 3 v. 80. Toulouse, E. Privat,.On the phosphates and arseniates; mic1855-G0. S. Daily (sWilnam M. D. D.) Discourses from rocosmic salt; acids, bases and water; and a Daily (W~illiam M. D. D.) Discourses from the pulpit. 306 pp. 1 pl. 120. Cnnnati, new and easy method of analysing sugar. the pulpit. 306 pp. I pl. 120. Ciuzcinnati, B. W. Carroll &t Co. 18f65. 4 v. in 1. 46 pp. 120. Manchester, J. Har~'ison, 1840-49. s. Daily national intelligencer. July 1866, to rison, 184042. S. Jue867. 2v. fol. Wshnton 186-67 Daly (Cesar). L'architecture privde an 19e,. sieele sous Napoldon iii. Nouvelles maisons Daily prayers. Part i. Revised and compiled de Paris t de ss environs. 2 v. in 3. ful. by the committee of the Cleveland conference. Paris A. Morel e2 Cie. 1864 Translated by Isaac M. Wise. 120 pp. 16~. Cincinnati, Block d& Co. [1857]. CONTENTS. [Same in Hebrew. 144 pp. 160. With the preceding.] v. 1. Hotels priv6s. Dalberg (Eric yon, editor). Suecia aritiqua et v. 2. Maisons at loyer., v. 3. Villas suburbaines. hodierna. 3 v. in 1. oblong fol. Holzniae, [1693-1714]. s. s. Dalzel (Andriew). History of the university [Wanting title page.] of Edinburgh from its foundation. With a Dalbiac (William Wilks). Law list [for 1861]; memoir of the author [by C. Innes. Edited comprising the judges and officers of the dif- by D. Laing]. 2 v. vi, 280 pp; x, 481 pp. ferent courts of justice in England and Wales, 1 pl. 8~. iclEdiinbughl, liEdlroonston & Douglass, [etc.] xxiv, 951 pp. 16~. London, V. & R. 1862. Stevens 4 sons, [1861]. Damberger (Christian Frederick [pseudon.] ). Dale (Rev. James W.) Classic baptism. An'ravels through the interior of Africa from inquiry into the meaning of the word iawirrt(o, the Cape of Good Hope to Morocco, in the as determined by the usage of classical Greek years 1781 to 1797. xxiv, 523 pp. 80. writers. 354 pp. 80. Philadelphia, Wno. Charlestovwn, (Mass.) S. Etheridge, 1801. RButter 4' Co. 1867. Dana (E.) A description of the bounty lands Dall, (Caroline H.) The college, the market of Illinois; also the principal roads and routes and the court; or, woman's relation to edluca- through the United States. 108 pp. 120. tion, labor and law. xxxv, 499 pp. 12~. Cincinnati, Looker, Reynolds 4(5 Co. 1819. Boston,'Lee 4' Shepard, 1867. Dana (James, D. D.) Two discourses: 1, on Dallas (E. S.) The gay science. 2 v. xviii, the commencement of a new year; 2, on the 334 pp; xvi, 331 pp. 8~. London, Chapman completion of the eighteenth century, deliv& Hcll, 1866. ered in New HIaven, January, 1801. 68 pp. Dallas (Sir George). Biographical memloir of 8~. ATew Haven, TV. 1;. Morse, 1801. DANA. 1)ANZ. Dana (James Dwight). System of mineralogy, Daniel (Samuel). The collection of the history comprising the most recent discoveries. 4th of England. 4th ed. With continuation unto ed. 2 v. in 1. 320,533 pp. 8~0. iew York, the raigne of Henry vii. By John Trussell. Appletons, 1858. s. 4 p. 1. 262 pp. sm. fol. London, J. Williams, Supplements to Dana's mineralogy. 1st 1850. to 7th, by the author; 8th to 10th, by Geo. J. ~ Poetical works. 8~. Edinburgh, 1793. Brush. 10 v. in 1. 80. New IHaqven, Az. r[Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 4.] journal of science, 1855-62. s. Daniell (Samuel). Sketches representing the Dana (T. Freem an, -Ml. D. ancl Samuel L. Al. D.) native tribes, animals and scenery of southern Outlines of the mineralogy and geology of Africa, engraved by William Daniell. 52 pp. Boston and its vicinity. With a geological 48 pl. 4~. London, TW. Daniell and Bir. Wood, map. 8~. Boston, 1818. 1820. Dancourt (Florent Carton). Les ceuvres de Daniell (William). Sketches of a voyager. th6atre. 4e 6d. 8 v. 16~. Paris, comnpagnie 27 pl. obl. 8~. [Lodlon, about 1814]. des lib raires, 1742. Danielssen (Daniel C.) See Koren (J.J and Danielssen. Pectinibranchiernes Udvik-:ONSTINTS. lihngs-historie. v. 1. Les fonds perdus; Le chevalier tL la mode; Les D.nische bibliothec; odler sammlung von alten bourgeoises ti la mode; L'6t6 des coquettes; La folle enchfre. und neuen gelehrten sachen aus Dtinnemarck. v. 2. La maisen de campagne; L'impromptu de 5ts in 2 v 160. Copenacgen 1738-44. s garnisml; Lalarisienne; La femrme d'intrigues; La dtsolation des joueuses; La gazette; L'olra. Danker-s (Jasper), and Sluyter (Peter) de village. Journl of a vo e to Nw, nd tour v. 3. Les venclanges; Le tuteur; La foire de Besons; Journal of a voyage to Now Yos-k, and a tour Les vendanges de Suresne; La fbire Saint Ger- in several of the American colonies in 1679-80. main; Le moulin de Javelle; Les eaux de Bourbon; Prologue et divertisseinens nouveaux Translated from the Dutch, by Henry C. po4 r Circe, ts;ragdie en manchinies; Murphy. xlv, 440 pp. 12 pl. 80. Brooklyn, v. 4. L5es vacances; Renaud et Armnide; La loterie; La charivary; Le retour des officiers; Les N. Y. 1867. eurieux de Comnpitgne; Le marl retrouv6; Nocurieux de Compilog ne; Le mau dirtisse- [Long Island hist. seo. publications, v. 1.] Nouveau prologue, et nouveaux divertissemens pour la com6die de l'inconnu. Dante Aligieri. Divine comedy, translated v. 5. Les f6cs; Les enfans de Paris; La feste de village; Les trois cousines; Colin-Maillard. by H. W. Longfellow. 3 v. 40. Boston, v. 6. L'op6rateur Barry; Nouveau prologue, et Tickcnor & Fields, 1867. nouveaux divertissemens pour la comedie des amans magnifiques; La galant jardinier; Le diable boiteux; Second chapitre du diable CONTENTS. boiteux; La trahison punic; Madame Artus. v. 7. Les agiotenurs; La cornodie des com6diens, on v. 1. The Inferno. xii, 413 pp. l'amour charlatan; L'amour charlatan; Cephale v. 2. The Purgatorio. viii, 410 pp. et Procris; Sancho Panqa. v. 3. The Paradiso. viii, 452 pp. v. 8. L'inpromptu de Suresne; L'inpromptu de Liv-y; Divertissement de Sceaux; Les festes nocturnes du cours; Le vert galant; Le prix de l'arque- - First canticle, (Inferno,) of the divine hbze; Ia mdtempsicse des amours; La deroarte comedy. Translated by T. W. Parsons. 216 pp. 4~. Bostos~, De Vrics, Ibarra. & Co. Danes (Peter Ludwig). Generalis temporum, 1867. notis ab orbe condito usque ad annum 1736. The new life. Translated by C. E. Nor474 pp. 160. Lovanii, L. van Overbeke, ton. 149 pp. 40. Boston, Ticknor 4. Fields, [1741]. 1867. Danet (Pierre). Magnum dictionarium latinum Danvers (Mass.) Account of the centennial et gallicumn. 40. 580 1. Parisiis, J. Barbou, celebration, June 16, 1852; with the proceed1744. ings of the town in relation to the donation Dangy (-.) See Daugis (-.) of George Peabody. 208 pp. 19 pl. 8~. Daniel (George). Catalogue of [his] library, Boston, Dutton 4f Wenstworth, 1852. s. and other objects of art and vertu, sold July, Proceedings at the reception and dinner 1864. v, 222 pp. 8~. Losndon, Sotheby, in honor of George Peabody, October 9, 1856. 1864. With an historical sketch of the Peabody in-.-... Democritus in London; with notes fes- stitute. vii, 195 pp. 18 pl. 80. Boston, 1856. tivous, etc. [anon.] 312 pp. 180. London, s. IW. Pickeringy, 1852. Danz (J. Anld.) Interpres Ebraeo-Chaldclmvs, Daniel (J.) Rinderpest, human plagues, and onlnes vtriusque lingure idiotismos dextere the small pox; their cause and prevention. explicans. Ed. 3s. 361 pp. 42 1. 16~. Jecia, 16 pp. 16~. liacclesfieldl (Eny.) author, 1865. J. F. Bielck, 1715. D'ARBLAY. DAVEIS. D'Arblay (Frances Burney, madame.) Evelina; pp.2 i. 144 pp. 8~. Baltimore, Bonsai l or, the history of a young lady's introduction Niles, 1804. to the world. xlix, 456 pp. 120. New York, Daubenton (Louis Jean Marie). See Buffon Derby, Jackson, 1858. (G. L. L. comte de), and Daubenton. HisDareste (Rodolphe). La justice administra- toire naturelle. tive en France; ou,.trait6 du contentieux de Daubr6e (Gabriel Auguste). litudes et exI'administration. viii, 688 pp. 80. Paris, p6riences syntbhdtiques sur le metamorphisme Durand, 1862. et sur la formation des roches cristallines. vii, Darlington (William, M1. D.) Agricultural 127 pp. 40. Paris, Acad. de sciences, 1860. s. botany; an enumeration and description of Daudin (Francois Marie). Histoire naturelle, useful plants and weeds which merit notice, or g6n6rale et particuliere des reptiles. 8 v. require the attention of American agricultur- 80. Paris, Dufart, 1802-03. s. ists. 120. Philadelphia, 1847. s. Trait6 d616mentaire et complet d'orniFlora cestrica; an attempt to enumerate thologie, ou histoire naturelle des oiseaux. and describe the flowering and filicoid plants v. 1-2. 474 pp, 8 pl; 473 pp, 21 pl. 40. Paris, of Chester county, Pa. xxiii, 640 pp. 1 map. Bertrandet, 1800. s. 120. West Chester, author, 1837. s. [No more published.l Florula cestrica; an essay towards a CONTENTS. catalogue of the pheenogamous plants, native v. 1. G6n6ralitds. v. 2. Oiseaux s6dilipdes. and naturalized, growing in the vicinity of the borough of West Chester, in Chester county, Daughter (The) of Zion awakened, and putPa. xx, 152 pp. 3 pl. 8~. West Chester, tingon strength. [By]M.F. [anon.] 19pp. author, 1826. sin. 4~. [n. p.] 1677. Darnuey (Sir Charles). See Vermont (mar- Daughters (The) of the prairie. [anon.] 301 quis de) and Daruley. London and Paris. pp. 3 pl. 160. Boston, Amer. tract soc. 1865. Lonbdon, 1823. ~~London, 1823. ~Daugis, or Dangy ( —). Traitd sur lamagie, Darondeau (B.) and Chevalier (E.) Phyle sortilege, les possessions, obsessions, et sique: observations m6t6orologiques et mag- mahofices. ParM.D. [anson.] 2p.1. xxiv, n'tiques. See Vaillant, (A. N.) Voyage, etc. 204, 18 pp ~.16 Pais P. Prault 1732. Daru (Pierre Antoine Noel Bruno, comte). Daunou (Pierre Claude Franvois). Analyse Notions statistiques sur la librairie. 44 pp. 40~. Pas F D-Idt 1827. des opinions diverses sur l'oligine de l'imprimerie. [pp. 311-424 of v. 1 of Lambinet's Darwin (Charles). Journal and remarks. With FITZROY (Robert) and others. Narrative of the Oriine, etc. s. ships Adventure and Beagle. v. 3. Daurignac (J. M. S.) History of the society Monograph on the fossil balanidme and of Jesus, from its foundation to the present verrucidee of Great Britain. 40. London, time. Translated by Jas. Clements. 2 v. xvi, 1854. s. 421 pp; 372 pp. 120. Cincinnati, J. P. [Palneontographical society publications.] Walsh, 1865. Monograph on the fossil lepadidie, or Dauton. See Auton (Jehan d'). pedunculated cirripedes of Great Britain. 40. Dauzats (Adrien). See Blanchard (P.) and London, 1851. s. Dauzats. San Juan de Ullua. Paris, 1839. [Palveontographical society publications.] Davaine (C.) Recherches sur la gednration On the origin of species by means of des huitres. 50 pp. 2 pl. 80. Paris, E. natural selection, or the preservation of favour- Thunot & Cie. 1853. 5. ed races in the struggle for life. 4th ed. with - Traitd des entozoaires et des maladies additions. 80. London, J. MHurray, 1866. vermineuses de lhomme et des animaux doThe same. 432 pp. 120. New York, D. mestiques. xcii, 838 pp. 80. Paris, Bailli&ee, Appleton 4 Co. 1860. s. 1860. Darwin (Erasmus). Phytologia; or, the phi- Davanzati (Bernardo). Lezione delle monete, losophy of agriculture and gardening, with con la notizia de'cambj. the theory of draining morasses, etc- viii, [SCRITTORI class. ital. di econ. pol. v. 43.] 556 pp. 12 pl. 80. Dzublin, P. Byrne, 1800. Daveis (Charles Stewart, LL.D.) An address s. delivered on the commemoration at Fryeburg, Temple of nature; or, the origin of so- May19, 1825, [ofLovel'sfight.] 64 pp. 80o. ciety; a poem, with philosophical notes. 200 Portland, Janmes Adclams, jr. 1825. 12 90 DAVENANT. DAVIS. Davenant (Sir William). Gondibert: an he- school room. 168 pp. 160. New York, A. S. roick poem. 88 pp, 2 1. 314 pp, 3 1. 40~. Barnes ~4 Co. 1867. London, John Holden, 1651. Davies (Sir John). Historical relations: or, a Poetical works. 80. Edlinburgh, 1793. discovery of the true causes why Ireland was [Anderson's British poets, v. 4.] never entirely subdued until the reign of king Davenport (A. Benedict). A history and gen- James I. 4 p. 1. unp. 123 pp. 16~.;Dublin, ealogy of the Davenport family, in England S. Hyde, 1733. and America, from A. D. 1086 to 1850. 398 [With DAVIS (Sisr John). Immortality of the soul. pp. portrait. 120. Nesw York, 1851. 160. Dublin, 1733.] ___. Letter to theearl of Salisbury [concernDavenport (Bishop). History of the United States; for the use of schools. New ed. 173 ing corbes, erenachs, and termon lands.] pp. 180. Philadelphia, 44 pp. 80. Dublin, T. Ewing, 1774_ VALLANCEY (C.) Collectanea de rebus Hibernicis. 1850. S. v. 1. No. 2.] Davenport (Rev. John). The profession of ~ Poem on the immortality of the soul. the faith at his admission into one of the With essay, by T. Sheridan. 96 pp. 160~. churches of God in New England. [anon.] Dublin, Hyde & Dobson, 1733. 8 pp. sm. 40. London, John Handcock, 1642. -- Poetical works. 80. Ecldinburgh, 1793. Davesies de Pontes (Lucien). ]ttudes sur [Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 2.] l'Angleterre; r6formes sociales. 2e 6d. xii, Davies (Rev. Samuel). Sermons on important 6l12 pp. portrait. 160. Paris, Levy, 1867. subjects, with an essay on the life and times The same. Social reform in England. of the author, by Albert Barnes. 4th ed. 3 v. Translated by the widow of the author. 120. 12~. Netw York, B. Carter, 1845. London, Cassell, Petter 4' Galpin, 1886. Davies (Thomas A.) How to make money David (l'abbe P.) History of the campaigns of and how to keep it. 322 pp. 120. New York, general Pichegru, 1794-5, with memoirs of Carleton, 1867. generals Pichegru, Jourdan, etc. Translated Daviler. See Aviler (D'.) from the French. xxiv, 268pp. 80~. Lonldon, Davis (Andrew Jackson). Arabula; or, the G. 4' J. Robinson, 1796. divine guest. Containing a new collection of Davidson (John,. R. S.) Notes taken during gospels. 403 pp. 12~. Boston, WV. White travels in Africa. 3p. 1. 218 pp. 3pl. 40. Co. 1867. Londons, T. L. Cox, 1839. Davis (Henry Winter). Speeches and addresses Davidson (Thomas). Monograph of the Brit- delivered in congress, etc. With sketch of his ish fossil brachiopoda. 8 v. in 3. 40. Lon- life, being an oration by J. A. J. Creswell. don, 1852-65. 596 pp. portrait. 80. N eov York, Harpers, [Palaontographical society.] 1867. CONTENTS. Davis (Isaac, of Dover, Del). The defence ot Introduction: i. On the anatomy of terebratula. By Davis, on the charge of using undue influRlichard Owen. ii. On the intimate structure of the ence over Laws, in devising his estate. 21 pp. shells of brachiopoda. By W. Carpenter. iii. On the classification of the brachiopoda. By Thomas 120. Dover, (Del). J. B. Wootten, (1806?) Davidson. v. 1. Parti. 3Monograph of British tertiary brachiopoda. v.1. Davis (John, judce of U. S. dist. court, Mass.) Part ii. MIonograph of British cretaceous brachiopoda. Discourse before the Massachusetts historical v. 1. Part iii. 3monograph of British oolitic and liasic bra- society, Boston, Dec. 22, 1813, in commemochiopoda. v. l. ration of the landing at Plymouth in 1620, Part iv. Monograph of British permian brachiopoda. v.. with notes. 31 pp. 8~. Boston, John Eliot, Part v. Monograph of British carboniferous brachi- 1814. opoda- v. 2. Part vi. Monograph of British Devonian brachiopoda. Davis, (John, of Salisbury, Eng.) The American Davies (Benjamin). Some account of the city mariners; or, the Atlantic voyage, [with] a of Philadelphia. 93 pp. 160. Philadelphia, vindication of the American character [and] B. Folwell, 1794. naval annals: or a summary of the actions Davies (Charles). Arithmetic. 360 pp. 120~. fought during the late war between the ships New Yor'k, A. S. Barnes 4' Co. 1848. S. of Great Britain and those of the United - The same. 52d ed. 360 pp. 120. Ne2s States. [anon. ] xii, 384 pp. 160~. Salisbur'y, York, A. S. Barnes & Co. 1850. s. Brodie & Downiink, [1822]. Intellectual arithmetic. 179 pp. 160. Davis (Jonas Abraham). Autobiography of a NXresv Yolkn, A. S. Basreas 4 Co. 1854. s. convert from Judaism to christianity. 119 pp. ---- Outlines of lmathematical science for the 1~. KIsoxville, (Tena.) Register o qcc, 1850. s. DAVIS. DECREMPS. Davis (Minnie S.) Rosalie and her two homes. brutes, introduced with observations upon (Round Hill stories). 191 pp. 16~. Boston, evil. 2 v. xxx, 113 pp; xxi, 118 pp. 160. R. zA. Ballon, 1866. Macnchester, J. Harrop, 1767. Davis (N. S.) A text-booli of agriculture. 187 Dean (Silas). A brief history of the town of pp. 120. New York, S. S. & W. Wood, 1848. Stoneham, Mass. 36 pp. 120. Boston, S. B. s. Hcart, 1843. Davis (AMrs. R. H.) Waiting for the verdict. Deane (Rev. Samuel, D. D.) See Smith (Rev. 361 pp. 4 pl. 8~. New York, Sheldon & Thomas), of Falmonth, Me. Journals. PortCo. 1863. land, 1849. Davis (W. W. H.) History of the 104th Penn- IDearing (Rev. Arthur). An essay on the fugisylvania regiment, from August 22, 1861, to tive slave law of 1850. See Lewis (John W.) September 30, 1864. 364 pp. 6 pl. 8~. Life of Charles Bowles. Philaclelphia, 1866. Dearn (T. D. WV. architect). Designs for Davity (Pierre). Descriptio orbis. See Linda lodges and entrances to parks, paddocks, (L. de). and pleasure grounds. New ed. 4 p. 1. 19 pp. Davy (Charles). Letters upon subjects of 20 pl. fol. London, J. Taylor, 1823. literature, with an explanation of the Greek Debes (Lucas Jacobson). Faerove and Faeroa musical modes. 2 v. xii, 423 pp; 541 pp. 15 reserta: a description of the islands and inpl. 8~. Bury St. Edmunds, J. Rackham, habitants of Foeroe. Englished by J(ohn) 1787. S(terpin). 12 p. 1. 408 pp. 2 maps. 18~. Davy (John Tanner). The Devon herd book. London, W. Iles, 1676. 4 v. in 1. 483 pp. 2 pl. 8~. Exeter, W. DeBow (James D. B.) Mortality statistics of Robl)rts, 1851-63. the 7th census of the United States, 1850. Dawson (John William). On the conditions 304 pp. 8~. Washington, A. 0. P. Nicholson, of the deposition of coal, more especially as 1855. s. illustrated by the coal formation of Nova - De Bow's review, July 1866, to June Scotia and New Brunswicl. [With] appen- 1867. New series. v. 2-3. [Complete series, dix. Descriptive list of carboniferous plants. v. 33-34]. 8~. New York, 1866 —67. (Extract). 77 pp. 9 pl. 80. [London], Geo- DeBure (Guillaume). Catalogue deq livres logical soc. 1866. s. de la bibliothbque de feu M. le duc de La ValDay (Albert, M. D.) Methomania; a treatise libre. le partie. 3 v. 80, Paris, DeBure, on alcoholic poisoning. With an appendix 1783. s. by H. R. Storer,. D. 70 pp. 160. Boston, De Bure (J. Jacques, and Marc Jacques). J. Campbell, 1867. Catalogue des livres rares et prcieux de la Day (Angel). The English secretorie; or, biblioth6que de le comte de MacCarthy methode of writing of epistles and letters. Reagh. 2 v. xxviii, 583 pp. 2 pl; 473 pp. [2d ed.?] 6 p. 1. 441 pp. 5 1. 16. London, 80. Paris, De Bure, 1815. s. W. Stansby, 1592. De Candolle (Augustin Pyramus). See CanDay (George Edward, D. D.) A genealogical dolle. s. register of the descenldants, in the male line, Decloux (A.) and Doury (-). Histoire archof Robert Day, of Hartford, Conn, who died 6ologique, descriptive, et graphique de la saintin the year 1648. 2d ed. 129 pp. 8~. North- chapelle du palais. 48 pp. 25 col. pl. fol. anipton, (Mass.) J. & L. Metcalf; 1818. Paris, A. Morel, 1865, Day (Henry N.) The art of discourse; a system De Coetlogon (Dennis). An universal history of rhetoric. xvi, 343 pp. 120. NZew York, of arts and sciences. 2 v. vi, 1203 pp. 121; C. Scribner & Co. 1867. 1244 pp. 13 1. 34 pl. fol. London, J. Hart, Elements of Logic. x, 237 p). 120. 1745. NTewe York, C. Sc~ribner & Co. 1867. De Coin (Robert L.) History and cultivation Grammatical synthesis. The art of of cotton and tobacco. vi, 306 pp. 1 map. English composition. xii, 356 pp. 120. NAew 120,~. London, Chapmnn & Mall, 1864. York, C. Scribner & Co. 1867. Decremps (Henri). Codicile de J6orme Day (Thomas). Reflections upon the present Sharpe, professeur de physique amusante. state of England, and the independence of 328 pp. 1 pl. 8~. Paris, Lesclapart, 1787. America. 3ded. 129pp. 120. London, J. ~ Les petites aventures de J6rBme Sharp. Stockdale, 1783. [anon.] 336 pp. 1 pl. 80. Brsexelles, D')jarDean (Richard). Essay on the future life of din, 1789. 92 DECREMPS. DELAFOND. Decremps (Henri). Supplement A la magie Defoe (Daniel), Richardson (Samuel) and blanche devoilee. viii, 287 pp. 80. Paris, others. A tour through the whole island of Lesclapart, 1788. Great Britain. Interspersed with useful obserDedu (-, 31. D.) De l'ame des plantes. 240. vations. 7th ed. 4 v. 160. London, Rivington, Leide, P. Vander Aa, 1685. s. 1769. [ With GRuw (N.) Anatomie desplantes. pp. 247-310]. De Forest (J. W.) Mis-s Ravenel's conversion Deems (James M.) Vocal music simplified. from secession to loyalty. 521 pp. 120. 2New 40. Baltimore, 1849. s. York, Harpers, 1867. Deeth (Sylvanus G.) Sale catalogue of valua- Degland (Come Maquet?) and Gerbe (Z.) ble books, containing over 100,000 volumes. Ornithologie europ6enne, ou catalogue de156 pp. 80. Washington, 1860. s. scriptif, analytique et raisonn6 des oiseaux Defence (A) of the protestant bible, as pub- observes en Europe. 2e 6d. 2 v. xxx, 610 lished by the bible societies, against the charge pp; xv, 637 pp. 8~0. Paris, J. B.. Baillitre, of Rev. Dr. Ryder, that it does not contain 1867. the whole of the written word of God. By Deguin (-, prof. of physics). Cours 616Akroatees. [anon.] 68 pp. 8~. New York, mentaire de physique. 6e 6d. 2v. viii, 484 Leavitt, Trow & Co. 1844. pp. 6 pl; 466 pp. 6 pl. 80. Paris, E. Belin, Defence of the settlers of Honduras against the 1848. s. unjust and unfounded representations of Col. Dehon (Rev. Theodore). Discourse, the SunGeo. Arthur. [With] an account of the de- day following the death of Gen. George Washscent of the Spaniards on the settlement, 1798. ington. 17 pp. sin. 40. Newport, H. Barber, [anon.] 101 pp. fol. Jamaica, [W. I.] A. 1800. Aiksman, 1824. De'jean (Pierre Franuois Marie Auguste, comte). Defence (The) of Stonington, (Connecticut), Catalogue des coleoptbres de la collection du against a Britishl squadron, August, 1814. 57 comte Dcjean. viii, 136 pp. 3 1. ns. 8~. pp. 40. Hartford, 1864. Paris, 1821. s. Defoe (Daniel). An account of the societies for [Imperfect; title page wanting.] reformation of manners in England and Ire- I The same. 3e 6d. 80. Paris, 1837. s. land. [anon.] 3d ed. 15-p. 1. 132 pp. 7 l. De Kay (James E.) Anniversary address on 16~. London, Aylmer, 1700. the progress of the natural sciences in the ------ Memoirs of [a cavalier] Col. Andrew United States, before the lyceum of natural Newport. [pseudon.] New ed. 439 pp. 8~. history, New York, 1826. 78 pp. 8~0. New London, -E. Jeffery & B. Faulder, 1792. York, G. and C. Carvill, 1826. LWanting portrait]. Dekker (G. J.) Beredeneerd woordenboek Memoirs of Capt. George Carleton, an voor de hollandsche en fransche talen; [ou] English officer; including anecdotes of the dictionnaire raisonne hollandais et francais, war in Spain under the earl of Peterborough. etc. 2 v. vi, 1127 pp; iii, 1371 pp. 160~. Written by himself. [pseudon.] 4th ed. Brussel, Meline, Cans 4 Cie. 1841. s. xxiii, 463 pp. 80. EdinZburgh, Constable & De la Beche (Sir Henry Thomas). A geologCo. 1809. - ical manual. viii, 535 pp. 8~0. Philadelhia, The same. 149 pp. London, J. Davis, Carey & Lea, 1832. 1811. _ _ The geological observer. xxxii, 846 pp. [Royal military ehroniele. v. 1]. 80. London, Longmanns, 1851. s. --- RMinutes of the negotiations of Mors'r Report on the geology of Cornwall Mesnager at the court of England, towards Devon, and WVest Somerset. xxviii, 648 pp. the close of the last reign. Written by him- 13pl. 8. Lon Longsnans, 1839. s. self. [pseucdon.] 326 pp. 120. London, S. Vorschule cler geologie. Nach dem eBagker, 1717. "geological observer," bearbeitet von Dr. -- Religious courtship; being historical Erst Dieffebach. xviii, 624 pp. 8~. discourses on the necessity of marrying relig- Bramschweig, Vieweg, 1853. ious husbands and wives only. With ap- Delafond (O.) Traite sur la maladie de sang pendix, of the necessity of taking none but des b&es i laine suivi de l'ctude compare religious servants. [anon.] 7th ed. 4 p. 1. de cette affection avec la fi''vre charbonneuse, 351 pp. 1 pl. 16~. London, J. Hodes, 1750. etc. viii, 1754 pp. 80. Paris,. Locquin, The same. vi, 274 pp. 180. Glascow, 1843. s. J. & iM. Robertson, 1789. 93 DELAMARCHE. DE MORGAN. Delamarcha (A.) and Dupre (J.) Me6torol- Delfico (Melchiorre). Memoria sulla liberth del ogie et magn6tisme. 4 v. 80. Pcaris, A. Ber- commercio. trand, 1847-50. s. [ScRITTorI class. ital. di econ. pol. v. 39.] [with CsCIc,LFL (J. B. F. MI.) Campagne dans les Delices (Les) et les galanteries de 1'Isle de mners de l'Inde et de la Chine.j France. [anon.] 2 v. inl 1. 6p.. 272 pp, Delamotte (Philip H.) and Cundall (Joseph). 276 pp. 21. 180. Cologre, P. cartea Photographic tour among the abbeys of York- 1709. shire. With descriptive notices by J. R. De Liefde. See Liefde. ~Valbran and ~V. Jones. 50 pp. 23 p]. fol.. Delille (Jacques, l'abbi). The gardens; a London, Bell and Daldy, 1856. poem. Translated from the French by Mrs. Delany (Martin Robison). The condition, Montolieu. 2d ed. 147 pp. 80. London, elevation, emigration, and destiny of the col- T. Bensley, 1805. ored people of the United States, politically Delmar (Alexander). International almanac considered. 215 pp. 120..Philadel Kin y considecl. 215 pp. 120~. Philadelphia, fLinY for 1866; or, hand-book of geographical + Banird, 1559.'5 Baird, 1852. [etc.] statistics, relating to every country. Delany (Patrick, D. D.) Revelation examined 128 pp. 50. New York 1866. with candor. Or, a fair enquiry into the 8 Statistics of the United States, compiled sense and use of the several revelations as under the authority of the secretary of the they are found in the Bible. [anon.] 3d ed. treasury, for the "Paris expositioera of 1867. 2 v. xxxi, 232 pp; lxxi, 296 pp. 80. Lon- 72 pp. 80. WTashington, 1867. don, C. Bivington, 1735. Del Mar (Emanuel). Guia para la conversaDelaunay (Charles Eucugne). Trait6 de m6Delauay (Charles n Trait de m- cion en Espaiol 6 Ingles. Habi6ndose afiadicanique rationelle. 619 pp. 8~. Paris, do, etc. par Francisco Javier Vingut. xlii, Langlzois &c Leclercy, 1856. 17, 157 pp. 120. New York, Lockwood & son, Delaval (Edward Hussey). An experimental 1854. s. inquiry into the cause of the permanent col- Delaotte (HenriFlorent). Voyace pittoresque ours of opake bodies. 128 pp. 8~. WI arring- -r et industriel dans le Paraguay-roux et ]a ton, W. Bres, 1785. Paling6n6sie Australe. Par Tridace-NTafDelaware (The) register and farmer's maga- Thaobrline e Iraolt't'Chouk, gentilhomme zine, [edited] by William Huffington. v. 1-2. breton. [pseudon.] 48 pp. 8~. Hens, b. breton. [pseudon.] 48 pp. 8~. Mons, _E. 3 p. l. 480 pp; 2 p. l. 490 pp. 8~. Dover, Hoyois-Derely, [1835]. [Del.] S. ~Kiounwey3, 1838-39. iDe Man (J. C.) See Van den Broecke (J. Delen (Carl.) Engelskt och svenskt lexikon. Ir~~~ ~~C.) ancd De Maln. De cholera asiatica. 40. Stockholm, 1806. s. 80. Ordbokl i fabelldiran, eller allmhn mythol- Demarest (John T.) and Gordon (William ogi. 2 v. 2 p. 1. 633 pp; 690 pp. 80. Stock- R.) Christocracy, or essays on the coming, nR.) Christocracy, or essays on the conting hol;n, C. Delfn, 1831-36. S. and kingdom of Christ; with answer to the -~- Swedish and English pocket dictionary. ojectionsof postmi objections of postmillenarians. 403 pp. 1~0. 2 p. l, 069 pp. 21~. Orebro, N.. Linddh, 18.29. NeT York, A. Lloyc, 1867. s. Demorests' monthly magazine, Jan. 1865 to Delepierre (Joseph Octave). An essay on the Dec. 1866. v. 1-t2. 40. New York, TV.,J. mythological and symbolical history of the Deinorest, 1865-66. rose. From the German by C. W. 35 pp. De Morgan (Augustus). Elements of trigo8~. London, Triibner ~' Co. [1865g] 80. London, Trilbner' Co..[1865] nometry and trigonometrical analysis. vii, Macaron6ana and~ra, o verum nouveaux 143 pp. 120. London, Taylor & Walton, m6langes de litt6rature macaronique. 179 pp. 1837. S sm. 4. Londcres, Trit;bner, 186f. sinc, Ti, 12- The connexion of number and magniDeleschamps (Pierre). Des mordans des Dee amp (Pierre). De ordas, des tude; an attempt to explain the fifth book of vernis, et des planches, dans l'art du graveur; Euclid. iv, 87 pp. 120. London, Taylor on trait6 complet de la gravure. xv, 284 pp. Walton, 1837. s 4 pl. 8~. Pne ris, Ha~zard, 1836. s. ~[ With his Elements of trigonometry.] Delezenne ( —.physicist). Notes surlapolar- -_ Preface to Ramchbundra. Treatise on isation: suite. 2 v. 108 pp, 2 pl; 104 pp, maxima and minima, etc. xxiii pp. 80. 2 pl. 8$. Lille, Soc. roy ale des sciences, Lolon, IV. I. Allen & Co. 1859. s. 1834-35. f With RAcICHUNDRA. Treatise on maxima, etc. 1850.] 94 DEMOSTHENES. DESCRIPTION. Demosthenes. The i. ii. iii. philippics. [Gr.] 2 v. 16 p. 1. 267 pp; 480 pp. 3 1. 18~. With historical introductions and critical and Paris, Louis Billaine, 1672. explanatory notes. By M. J. Smead. 3d Denyse (Nicolas). Gemmapredicantium. 16 ed. [.] xvi, 249 pp. 120. Boston, Win. H. p. 1. unp. clxvii l. 40. Basilee, Jacobus de Dennet, 1866. Pfortzen, 1516. Select popular orations. [Gr.] With Thesame. 16p.1. unp. ccxvil. 16~. notes and a chronological table by J. T. Parisiis, 1F. Regnacult, 1522. Champlin. 2d ed. vii, 237 pp. 12~. Bos- Depping (Georges Bernard), and Michel ton, J. M'leenroe 9 Co. 1855. (Francisque Xavier). Wayland Smith. A Denecourt (C. F.) Les ddlices de la foret de dissertation on a tradition of the middle ages. Fontainebleau. 3e dd. 126 pp. 1 map. 1 pl. From the French, with additions by S. W. 80. PFonatuinzebleau, chez l'auteulr, [1845.] Singer. 4 p. 1. xcii pp. 160. London, W. - Souvenirs historiques et pittoresques de Pickcering, 1847. Fontainebleau; avec l'itin6raire descriptif du De Puydt (R.) Rapport officiel de la compalais et de la fobrt. 89 pp. 31. 1 map. 1 pl. mission d'exploration dans l'Anmierique Cen80. Iontainebleau, chez /'auteur, [1845.] trale; au conseil ge6nral de la conipagnie [IWith the preceding.] belge dle colonisation. 203 pp. 3 pl. 8~. DIenham (Sir John). The true presbyterian [n. p. about 1840.] without disguise; or, a character of a presby- De Ronde (Rev. Lambertus). The true spiterian's ways and actions. 10 pp. 120. Lon- ritual religion, in two discourses. xvi, 262, don, 1705. 9 pp. 120. ATew York, John Holt, 1767. f With SECRaET history of the calves-head club. Lon- Derosle (-) and Cail (-), engineers.) De in don, 1705.] De1nier (Tolny). [pszeudonz?] ABmateusl's h:alnd- elaboracion del azucar en las colonias, y de los book, anld guide to home or draving room Luevos aparatos a mejorarla; tra0l. por JosOe theatricals. 86 pp. 160. NTew York, 1866. LuisCasaseca. 216pp. 4e. Ioabana, Lan. dfl Denina (Giacomo Maria Carlo). Istoria della gobierno, 1844 s. Itllia occidentale. 6 v. 8~. brino, G. Bal- Derrotero de las islas Antillas, de las costas biino, etc. 1809. de Tierra Filrme, y de las del Seno Mejicano. Denis (Michael). Annalivm typographicorvm 2'~ ed. 6 p. 1. 591 pp. sin. 40. Madrid, supplementvm. 2 pts. in 2 v. 40. Viennc, Inp. real, 1820. S. 1789. s. Desaguliers (Jean Thdophile). A course of Denis (Nicolas). See Denyse (Nicolas). experimental philosophy. 2 v. xii, 475 pp. Denman (Thomas). The obstetrical reinea- 32p.1; xv, 575 pp. 46 pl. 40. Londlon, W. brancer; or, aphorisms on natural and diffi- Innys, 1744-45. s. cult parturition, etc. augmented by Michael Descamps (Jean Baptiste). La vie des peinRyan; with additions by Thomas F. Cock. tres flamands, allemands, et ho!landois. Avcc 258 pp. 240. Aew York, S. S. c W. TFood, 1848. des portraits. 4 v. 8~0. Paris, C. A. JoinDennis (John). An essay on the navy. [anon.] bert, 1753-64. s. 53 pp. sm. 40. London, J. Dennis, 1702. Voyage pittolesque de la Flandre ct du Denny (major Ebenezer). Military journal. Brabant. 406 pp. 5 1. 160. Anmstercdan, May 1, 1781-May 31, 1795. With lmemoir et Bra.,zlles, J. Az/ris, 1772. s. by W. H. Denny. pp. 205-498. 8 pl. 8o. and Dezallier d'Argenville (Antoine PhWiladephia, 18G0. Joseph). La vie des peintres flamands et [Penna. hist. soc. menoirs, v. 7.] hollandais par Descalmps, r6unie, celle des Denny (IIenry). Monographia anoplurorum peintres italiens et firanlais par d'Argenville. Britannim; or, an essay on the British species 4 v. in 2.- 8~. Marseille, J. Barile, 1840-43. of parasitic insects belonging to the order Deschamps (Pierre.) Notice biographique et anoplura of Leach. xxiv, 262 pp. 26 pl. 8~. bibliographique sur Gabriel Peignot. Par P. Lozdon, H. G. Bohn, 1842. s. D. [anon.] 60 pp. 8~. Paris, J. 7echener, Dent (Capt. Digby). The defence to the com- 1857. plaint made against him by rear-admiral Description (A) of South Carolina. containing Knowles. 56 pp. 1$2~. Lontdon, 1749. many curious and interesting particulars reDenys (Nicolas). Description g6ographique et lating to the civil, natural, and commercial historique des costes de l'Am6riqve septen- history of that colony. [anon.] viii, 110pp. trionale. Avec l'histoire naturelle du pais. 80. Loendon, R1. 4 J. Doldsley, 1761. 95 DESCRIPTION. DE VOE. Description (A) of the windwlard passage and Des Moulins (Cllarles.) Catalogue raisonn6 gulf of Florida, with the course of the British des phan6rogames de la Dordogne. (Suite). trading ships to and from the island of Ja- 178 pp. 80. Bordeaux, Th. Lafargue, maica. 2d ed. [anon.] 23 pp. 2 1. 1 map. 1849. 40. London, J. Applebee and others, 1739. - - ltude sur les cailloux roulds de la DorDescroizelles (Franqois Antoine Henri.) No- dogne, 1865. 60 pp. 80. Bordeaux, Codere, tices sur l'alcali-metre, et autres tulbes chim- Degrdteau et Pozjol, 1866. s. ico-metriques, et sur un petit alambic, pour [Suite du bassin hydrographique du Conzeau.] l'essai des vins. 2e 6d viii, 144 pp. 1 pl. Des Murs (Parfait 0.) Trait gdn6ral d'oolo80. Paris, nanteur, 1818. gie ornithologique au point de vue de la clasDesdouits (L. M.) La physique en action; sification. xix, 640 pp. 80. Paris,. Klinkou applications utiles et intdressantes de cette sieck, 1860. s. science. 2 v. 443 pp; 453pp. 80. Paris, J. See Ghenu (J. C.) Des tiurs (P. O.) Leco'~re, et Cie. 1846. s. and Verreaux (J.) Deshayes (G6rard Paul). Description des Desoteux de Cormatin (Pierre Marie Feanimaux sans vertebres d6couverts dans le licite, baron). Travels of the duke de Chatelet bassin de Paris. Text, 3 v. Atlas. 2 v. 40. 1i1 Portugal, revised by J. F. Bourgoing. Paris, J. B. Baillielre, 1860-66. Translated by J. J. Stockdale. 2 v. viii, 295 CONTE1,NTS: text.' I pp.; 244pp. 10 1. 1 map. 1 pl. 8~. London, v. 1. Mollusques acephales dimyaires. 912 pp. J. & J. J. Stockdale, 1809. v. 2. Mollusques ac6phal6s monomyiaires et brachio- Desperiers (Bonaventure). Les contes, ou podes. Mollusques e6phal6s. le. partie. 968 pp. v. 3. Mollusques c6phal6s. 2e partie. Mollusques ce- nouvelles recrsations et joyeux devis. Avec phalopodes. 667 pp. un choix des anciennes notes tie Bernard de CONTENTS: atlas. La Monnoye et de Saint Hyacinthe, auLgmenv. 1. Mollusques acephalhs. 89 pl. tees par P. L. Jacob [Paul Lacroix]: et v. 2. Mollusques cephal1s et mollusques e6phalopodes. 107 pl. d'une notice littedraire par C. Nodier. 322 pp. Description des coquilles caracteristiques 160. Paris, Gosselin, 1843. des terrains. vii, 264 pp. 14pl. 8~. Paris, Despretz (Cesar Mansudte). Trait6 61sP. G. Levradlt, 1831. - s. mentaire de physique. 3e 6d. iv, 884 pp. 16 Description des coquilles fossiles des en- pl. 80. Paris, Micquignon-iarvis, 133:2. s. virons de Paris. 2 v. 390 pp- Atlas 15 pp. Destutt de T1acy (Antoine Louis Claude, 116 pl. 401 Paris, auteur, 1824. (Atlas csOste). Observations sur le syst6ze actuel bound withi v. 1. ) s. d'instruction publique. viii, 80 pp. 1 tab. 80~. CONTENtTS. Paris, Panckozcke, 1801. s. (With PRINCETON, NASSAU THALL COLLEGE. Catav. 1. Conchifires. logue of the graduates, 1805. v. 2. Mousques. Desvaux (A. N.) Essai d'ichtyologie des Desjardins (Mlarie C. H.) See Villedlieu, Dejar arie C..) See Villedieu tes oc6aniques et de l'intdrieur de la France. (Dedlaus Lese.) (e s 175 pp. 2 pl. S~. Angers, Cosnier et LaDeslauriers ( ~ ). Les faLtaisies de Brus- cse 1851. s. cambille. [pseudon.] Lyon, 1618. [Reprit.] D Too. (Aberto). See Toos I1 pp.r18tSDe Tornos (Alberto). Se tos. 315 pp. 18~. Bruxelles, A. Mertens etfils,1863. Deutnsher zeitungs-catalog. Verzeichuniss der Deslongchanmps (Auguste L.A. Loiseleur.) in deutscher sprache ersclleinendclen periodASee ELoiselenur-~~Deslongciharnpa ischen schriften. 3e ausgabe. 8~. Leipzig, Desmarest (Anselme Gadtan). Mammnlalogie; 185. s. oud lescription des espaces de mamomif res. ondecipin o eph d am rs Devens (Rev. Samuel Adams). Sketches of 2 pts. in 1 v. 555 pp. 40. Paris, Afasse, - 82 pts2. in 1 v.. 555 pp. 4. Paris, Agsse, Martha's Vineyard, and other reminiscences 1820~-22<. s. ~ ~of travel at home, etc. viii, 207 pp. 16~. Desmoulins (Camille). The history of the Boston, J annroe & Co 1838 Brissotius; or, part of the secret history of thee De roe (Thomas F.) The mallket assistant, revolution, in answer to Brissot's address to. rev olutionun tsTranswerato Brisot's adrest containing a brief description of every article his constituents.'Translated firom the Frennc h. of human foodsold in the public marlkets of 2d ecl. 2 p.1. 63 pp. 8~. Lonzdo%2, J. Olwen~, -2d d. 2 p. 1. 68 pp. S. Londona, J. Owen, New Yorlk, Boston, Philadelphia, and Brook17941. lyn. 455 pp. 1lpl. 12~. N~ewz; Yo'k, Hurcd [ WVith Brissot de Warville, (J. P.) Address to his constituents. 8. London, 1794.] & Houghtoan, 1867. 96 DEVONSHIRE. DICKENS Devonshire (Duchess of). See Cavendish polyglot bibles. 2d ed. lxiii, 572 pp. 8~. (Georgiana). London, 1804. Dewalque (G.) Description des fossiles, etc. Diccionario universal de historia y de geoSee Chapuis (F.) ancl Dewalque. grafia. 7 v. 8~0. Mexico, Andrade, 1853-55. D'Ewes (Sir Simonds). A compleat journal s. of the votes, speeches and debates, both of the Ap6ndice al diccionario universal de hishouse of lords and house of commons through- toria y de geografifa. Coleccion de articulos out the whole reign of Queen Elizabeth. [Re- relativos d la repfiblica mexicana. 3 v. 80. vised and published by P. Bowes.] 6 p. 1. Mexico, Andrclde, 1855-56. s. 689 pp. 8 1. fol. London, J. Robinson, [Forming v. 8-10 of the preceding.] 1708. Diceto (Ralph de). Historia compendiosa de De Wint (P.) See Light (Henry). regibus Britonum. fol. Oxonice, 1691. De Witt (Jan). Fables, moral and political, LGALE (Thomas) and FELL (.John). erin anglicarum scriptores veteres. Oxonix, 1.684-91. v. 3.] ith large explications. Translatecl from the Dickens (Charles). American notes for geneDutch. [a3nonl.] 2 v. 15p.1. 381pp.91; 1 ral circulation. 126 pp. 2 pl. 8~. Boston, vii, 391 pp. 81. i pl. 12C. Lonrdon, 1703. Ticlnor & liells, 1867. Dezallier d'Argenville (Antoine Joseph). The same. [Globe edition.] 335 pp. L'histoire naturelle 6claircie dans deux de 1 pl. 160. [New York, Hurd & foeghton, ses parties principales, la lithologie et la con- 1867.] (With Christmas stories, Globe ed.) chyliologie. [anon.] 4 p. 1. 491 pp. 33 The same. [Diamond ed.] pl. 40. Paris, De Bure, 1742. [With Oliver Twist. Diamond ed. sq. 16. Boston, Vie des peintres italiens et frainais. See Ticknor & Fields, 1867.] Descamps (Jean Baptiste), and Dezallier, Barnaby Rudge. [Globe ed.] IllustraVie des peintres. MZarseille, 1840-43. ted by Darley and Gilbert. 3 v. in 1. 160~. Dialogue (A) between Timothy and Philatheus. New Yor 1Z11ud & Houghton, 1867. In which the principles of a book entituled - Tlhe same. [With sketches by Boz. Rights of the christian church [by Tindal] part ii.] Riverside edition. Illustrated by are fairlystated and answrered. Bya layman. Darley [and others.] 4 v. in 2. 630 pp. [anon.] 2d ed. 2 v. 485 pp; 512 pp. 21 pl; 641 pp. 23 pl. 120. New York, London, B. Lintott, 1709-10. Hurd & Houghton, 1867. Dialogues in a library. [View of the creation, ~ The same, and Hard times. [Diamond and of the moral and political world. anon.] ed.] Illustrations by S. Eytinge, jr. 523 pp. vi, 278 pp. 120. London., G. G. & J. Robinson, 16 pl. sq. 180. Boston, Ticknor & Fields, 1797. 1867. Diaz de Fonseca. See Suasso Diaz de Fonseca. ~ Le baron de Grogzwig. Traduit de Theory of infantry movements, 1846. l'anglais par E. de La Bedolliere. 20 pp. 120. Diaz del Castillo (Bernal). Historia verda- Paris, 1841, dera de la conqvista de la Nueva Espafia. 6 [Included in PLEtADE, La.] p. 1.'254 1. 5 1. fol. Madtrid, 1632. 1Bleak House. [Globe ed.] Illustrated Dibdin (Charles). Observations on a tour by Darley and Gilbert. 4 v. in 1. 4 pl. 160. through almost the whole of England, and a New York, Hurd & Houghton, 1867. considerable part of Scotland, in a series of The same. [Diamonded.] With illusletters. 2 v. 404 pp- 408 pp. 61 pl. 4.0 trations by S. Eytinge, jr. ix, 498 pp. 16 pl. Lonldon, G. Goruldclng, [1801-2]. sq. 180. Boston, Ticknor 4- Fields, 1867. Dibdin (Thomas Frognall, D. D.) A biblio- Christmas books. [Riverside ed.] Illustrated. 2v. inl. 300, 300pp. 14pl. 120. graphical, antiquarian, and picturesque tou trated. 2. in 1. 300 300 pp. 14 p. 12 in France and Germany. 2d ed. 3 v. 12 New York, Hurd & Houghton, 1867. pl. 8~. London, Jennings & Major, 1829. - Christmas stories. Pictures from Italy - The history of Cheltenham, aud anl no- and Americannotes. [Globe edition.] Illuscount of its environs, with a concise display trated by Darley and Gilbert. 4 v. in 1. of the county of Glocester. xii, 358 pp. 1 pl. 1,295 pp. 4 p1. 160 New York, Hard 4 80. Cheltenhanm, H. Ruff, 1803. Hongyhton, 1867. An introduction to the knowledge of David Copperfield. [Globe ed.] Illsrare and valluable editions of the Greek and trated by Darley and Gilbert. 4 v. in 1. 4 pl. Latin classics. Precede by an account of 16~. NAew York, Hurd & Houghton, 1867. 97 DICKENS. DICKENS. Dickens (Charles). David Copperfield. [Dia- sketches by Boz. Part I. Riverside ed.] mond ed.] With illustrations by S. Eytinge, Illustrated byDarley [and others.] 2. jr. viii,494pp. 16pl. 18~. Boston, Ticknor 602 pp. 17pl; 636 pp. 35pl. 120. New York, 4' Fields, 1867. Hurd & Houghton, 1867. Dombeyandson. [Globe ed.] Illustra- ( OliverTwist. [Globeed.] Illustratedby ted by Darley and Gilbert. 4 v. in 1. 4 pl. Darley and Gilbert. 2 v. in 1. 318, 300 pp. 2 160. New York, Hurd & Houghton, 1867. pl. 16~. New York, Hurd 4 Houghton, 1867. The same. [Diamond ed.] With illus- - - The same. [Riverside ed.] 2 v. in 1. trations by S. Eytinge, jr. vii, 501 pp. 16 pl. 318, 300 pp. 160. New York, Huerd & H oughsq. 18~. Boston, Ticknor & Fields,'1867. ton, 1867. Great expectations. [Globe ed.] 2 v. in l The same. Also pictures from Italy, 1. 336, 334 pp. 2 pl. 16~. [NLew York,] Hurd and American notes for general circulation. & Houghton, 1867. [Diamond ed.] Illustrations by S. Eytinge, The same. [Diamond ed.] sq. 16~. jr. xi, 487 pp. 16 pl. sq. 180. Boston, Tick(With "Tale of two cities." Diamond ed. nor &.Fields, 1867. pp. 203-460. 19 pl.).Ourmutualfriend. [Globeedition.] I1- Hard times for these times. [Globe ed.] lustrated by Darley and Gilbert. 4 v. in 1. 333, 338 pp. 2 pl. 16~. [ENew York, Hu'rd 1,206 pp. 4 pl. 160. New York, HuIrd & & Hozughton, 1867.] Houghton, 1867. - The same. [Diamond ed.] sq. 18~. The same. [Diamond ed.] With illus( With Barnaby Rudge. Diamond ed. pp. 373- trations by S. Eytinge, jr. pp. 479. sq. 180. 523.) Boston, Ticknor 4' Fields, 1867. The haunted man and the ghost's bar- Pictures from Italy. [Globe edition.] gain. 34 pp. 8~. New Yorkc, Harpers, 1849. 250 pp. 1 pl. 160. [New York, Hurd & Little Dorrit. [Globe ed.] Illustrated Houghton, 1867.] (With Christmas stories. by Darley and Gilbert. 4 v. in 1. 1,231 pp. Globe ed.) 4 pl. 160. NTew York, Hurd & Houghton, 1867. The same. [The same. [Diamond ed.] With Oliver Twist. Diamonld ed. sq. 180. Boston, --- The same. [Diazmond ed.J With illlus- ficknor & Fields, 1867.1 trations by S. Eytinge, jr. ix, 480 pp. 16 pl. Reprinted pieces. [Globe ed.] 16~. sq. 18~0. Boston, Ticknor & Fields, 1867. (With " Hard times." pp. 63-338, and " Old Martin Chuzzlewit. [Globe ed.] Illus- curiosity shop." pp. 211-298. Globe ed.) trated by Darley and Gilbert. 4 v. in 1. 14 pl. The same. [Diamond ed]. sq. 180. 160. New York, Hurd 4' Houghton, 1867. ( ith "Old curiosity "shop, pp. 321-480. The same. [Riverside ed. ] Illustrated by Diamond ed.) Darley [and others]. 4 v. in 2. 44 pl. 12~. The same. [Riverside ed.] (With New York, Hurd 4 Houghton, 1867. "Old curiosity shop." Riverside ed. v. 2. Thesame. [Diamonded.] Illustrations pp. 211-298.) by S. Eytinge, jr. xiii, 480 pp. 16 pl. sq. 18~. Sketches by Boz. [Globe ed.] 2 v. in 1. Boston, Ticknor 4 Fields, 1867. 338 pp. 331 pp. 2 pl. 160. NAew York, Huard Nicholas Nickleby. [Globe ed.] 4 v. & Houghton, [1867]. in 1. 160. New York, Hurd Houhton, 1867. --- The same. [Riverside ed.] 338 pp. The same. [Diamond ed.] Illustrated 25 pl; 331 pp. 17 pl. 12~. New York, Hur'd by S. Eytinge, jr. sq. 18~. Boston, Ticknor & Houghton, 1867. & Fields, 1861. (Part I with " Old curiosity shop." v. 2. Part II with The same. [Riverside ed.] Illustrated Barnaby Rudge." v. 2. Riverside ed.) The same. [Riverside ed.] Illustrated A tale of two cities. [Globe ed.] Illusby Darley [and others]. 4 v. in 2. 43 pl. trated by Darley and Gilbert. 2 v. in 1. 259, 12. New York Hurcld Hoeughton, 1867. 1r,, H, 1. 256 pp.2pl. 16~. New York, Hurd' HoughOld curiosity shop. [Globe ed.] Illus- ton 1867. ton, 1867. trated by Darley and Gilbert. 3 v. in 1. 3 pl. The same; and Great expectations. The same; and Great expectations. 16~. New York- Hurd f Houghton, 1867. [Diamond ed.] Illustrations byS. Eytinge,jr. The same; and Reprinted pieces. [Diamond ed.] With illustrations by S. Eytinge, F pp, 5 pl sq 18. Boston Tckno jr. x, 480 pp. 4 pl. sq. 180. Boston, Ticknor d ~~& Fi~e7g 1867.~ ~- andcl others. Mugby junction. 32 pp. 80. London, 1866. [With "All the year The same. [With reprinted pieces and round," v. 16]. 13 DICKENSON. DIOGENES. Dickenson (Rev. Jonathan). God's protecting koniglichen buchs, aus dem tiirkisch-persischprovidence evidenced in the deliverance of arabischei des Waassi Aly Dschelebi. 214 pp. Robert Barrow, with other persons from the 80. Berlin, J. P. Weiss, 1811. s. sea, and also from the cannibals of Florida. I Denkwiirdigkeiten von Asien inktinsten 89 pp. 16G. London, 1700. und wissenschaften, alterthtiunern, religion D3Ckinson (Rev. Jonathan). Familiar letters und regierungsverfassung. Aus handschrifto a gentleman upon important subjects in re- ten, etc. gesammelt. 2 v. xxviii, 314 pp; ligion. v, 424 pp. 160. Boston, Royers 5 xii, 1079 pp. 8~. Berlin, Nicolai, 1811-15. I'owle, 1745. s. The reasonableness of christianity, in I Unfug und betrug in der morgenlaindisfour sermons. xiv, 175 pp. 24~. Boston, chen litteratur. 600 pp. 80. Halle, WaisenS. Kneeland, 1732. haus, 1815. s. Dicksonl (A. F.) Hazael; or, know thyself. Digby (Sir Kenelm). Observations upon Re130. Philadelphia, 1857. s. ligio medici. Dicksoln (Samuel, 211. D.) Principles of the [With BROWNE (Sir Thomas). Religio medici. Lonchlronothermal system of medicine; with fal- Diby (en elm Henry). Een1672.]g on th Digby (Kenelm Henry). Evenings on the iacies of the faculty. 1st Am. from 3d LonThames; or, serene hours, and what they re(doned. Withintroduction andnotesby Mrs. quire. [anon.] 2v. 345pp; 373pp. 16 Turner. 4 p. 1. 228 pp. 80. New York, London Longmans, 1860. London, Longmarns, 1860. J. S. RedfWeld, 1846. s. Digges (Thomas). Alre sev scale mathematiDickson (William S. D.D.) A narrative of c. 481. unp. s. 4 Londni, 1573. [his] confinement and exile. 2d ed. xv, 371 cil4ay(E.) Plain and concise metod of Dilday (E.) Plain and concise method of 1-PP 80. Dublin, John Stockdale, 1812. garment cutting. 24 pp. 80. St. Louis, auThree sermons on scripture politics. 118 thor 1856. s. pp. 80. Dublin, John Stockdale, 1812. Sketchesin islandofMa[ With his Narrative of confinement and exile. Duoblin, 1817.] deira. 14 pp. 12 pl. fol. London, Paul & Dictionnaire fran9ois-berbbre. [Dialect 6crit Dominic Colnaghi 4' Co. 1850. et parl6 par les kabailes de la division d'Al- Dillon (SWentworth, Earl of Roscommon). Poger.] [anon.] iv, 656pp. 4~. Paris, na - etical works. 80. Edinburgh, 1793. primnerie ~royale, 1844. s. [Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 6.] Didier (Franklin J.) Franklin's letters to his Dilworth (Thomas). A new guide to the kinsfolk, from Edinburgh, London, etc. dur- English tongue. New Amer. ed., with addiing the years 1818-20. 2 v. xii, 192 pp; 200 tions. 132 pp. 16~. Harrisburgh, John Wyeth, pp. 80. Philadelphia, J. Maxwell, 1822. 1811. Didot (Ambroise Firmin). L'Imprimerie, etc. Dilworth (W.. H.) Life of Alexander Pope, See Exhibition of 1851. with a view of his writings. 151 pp. 180. Diemerbroeck (Isbrand van). Disputationum London, Woolate 4' Brooks, 1760. practicarum pars prima et secunda, de morbis Dimmock (Charles H.) The modern; afragcapitis et thoracis. ed. 2". 4 p. 1. 326 pp. meit. 24 pp. 80. RIichmond, J. W. Davies 240. Trajecti-ad-Rhenum, T. ab Ackersdyck, & sons, 1866. 1664. s. Dinaux (Arthur Martin). Trouvbres, jong[With MARCHETTI (P.) Observationum medico-chi- leurs, et m6nestrels du nord de la France et rurgicarum sylloge.] du midi de la Belgique. 4 v. 80. Paris, Dierks (Th.) Prilfung der im herzogthum Tchener, 1837-63. Oldenburg errichteten wittwen-und waisencassen. Vom pupillenschreiber. Nebst einem CONTENTS. anbange, die untersuchungen des Dr. Tiarks. v. 1. Les trouv6res cambr6siens. 3e 6d. 3 p. 1. 193 pp. anthang dieuntesuhungen, dies Der.l T i ares. Dv. 2. Les trouvires de la Flandre et du Tournaisis. viii, 159 pp. 8~. Jever, D. Grosse, [Leipzig, Or- 374 pp. v. 3. Les trouvnres art6siens. vii, 483 pp. thaus], 1846. s. v. 4. Les trouveres brabanlons, hainuyers, li6geois, Dieu (Lodewick de). Rvdimenta lingvme Per- etnamurois. x1, 717 pp. sicme. Accedvnt duo priora capita Geneseos, Dinsmoor (Robert). Incidental poems, acex persica translatione Jac. Tawusi. 95 pp. companied with letters, and a sketch of the sm. 4~. Lvgduni Batavorvw, 1639. author's life. xxiv, 264 pp. 12~. Haverhill, [With WASMUTH (M.) Grammat. arab. 1654.] [Mll-ass.] A. W. Thayer, 1828. Diez (Heinrich Friedrich von). Uber inhalt Diogenes. [A weekly journal.] 1853-55. und vortrag, enstehungnd d schicksale es 5 v. [Illus-t.] 40. London, 1853-55. 99 DIONIGI. DOBSON. Dionigi (Marianna Candidi). Viaggi in alcune of authors. New ed. Edited by B. Disraeli. cittL del Lazio che diconsi fondate dal re vii, 552 pp. 120. London, Routledge, 1859. s. Saturno. 361. 30 pl. obl. fol. Roma, autore, Disturnell (John). A guide between Wash1809-12. s. ington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York Dionysius Areopagita. Opera omnia, et and Boston; also routes of travel from Boston commentarii quibus illustrantur. G. Pachy- to Buffalo, and from New York to Montreal. merae paraphrasis Groece et Latine, cun ad- 62 pp. 160. New York, J. Disturnell, 1846. notationibus B. Corderii. Ed. aucta. 2 v. S. xxxii, 674 pp; xvi, 475 pp. fol. Venitiis, A guide through the middle, northern A. Zatta, 1755-6. and eastern States. 18~. NVew York, 1847. s. Dionysius Periegetes. Geographia [Gr. et - The influence of climate in North and Lat.] emendata et locupletata additione scil. South America. 80. New York, 1867. geographie hodiernTe graeco carmine pariter I United States national register and caldonatts. [Ab Edwardo Wills.] Ed. 4a. ender for 1851-52. 120. New York, 1850. s. 4 p. 1. 124 pp. 4 1. 14 maps. 120. Londini, United States register, or, blue book for J. & J. Knapton and others, 1726. 1866. 100 pp. 80. New York, S. Tousey, 1866. (Imp.; 2 plates wanting.) The same for 1867, containing political De situ orbis cum Antonii Bechariae and statistical information. 102 pp. 12~. procemio in traductionem. 31 1. unp. sm. 40. New York, S. Tousey, 1866. Christoferus de Pensis dictus Mandello, 1498. Dix (Dorothea L.) Memorial to the legislature Dioscorides Pedacius or Pedanius. De of Massachusetts [protesting against the conmedica materia libri vi, interprete Marcello finement of the insane in almshouses and Virgilio: cii eiusd6 annotationibus; nuperque prisons.] 32 pp. 80. Boston, -Munroe & deligetissime excusi. 6 p. 1. 352 ]. 6 1. fol. Francis, 1843. s. Florentiae, Haeredes P. Iuntce, 1518. s. Dix (John A.) Sketch of the resources of the Directorium anglicanum, being a manual of city of New York. [anon.] 104 pp. 80. directions for the right celebration of the holy New York, G. & C. Carvill, 1827. communion, for the saying of matins and even Dixon (Edward H. AM. D.) Back-bone; song, and for the performance of other cere- photographed from "the Scalpel." 396, viii pp. monies, according to the ancient use of the Portrait. 120. New Yorks, B. M1. De Witt, 1866. church of England. 3d ed. Edited by F. - A treatise on diseases of the sexual sysG. Lee. li, 371 pp. 10 pl. 80. London, tem, adapted to popular instruction. 10th Bosworth, 1866. ed. with an appendix. xii, 312 pp. 120. Discourse (A) concerning generosity. [anon.] New York,1 R. M. De Witt, [1867.] 9p. 1. 143 pp. 240. [n. p. or d.] Dixon (William Hepworth). New America. [Title wanting.] With illustrations. 2 v. 80. London, Hurst D)iscourse (A) concerning the original of the & Blackett, 1867. powder-plot: together with a relation of the Dizionario dei termini di medicina, chirurgia, conspiracies against Queen Elizabeth, and the veterinaria, farmacia, storia naturale, botanica, persecutions of the protestants in France to fisica, chimica, etc. publicato in Francia da the death of Henry the fourth, collected [from Begin, Boisseau, Dupuy, Jourdan, Montgarny, various authors.] 4 p. 1. 19o pp. sm. 40. Richard, e Sanson. [Trad.] da dottori A. London, John Leigh, 1674. Leone, G. B. Fantonetti ed A. Omodei. Ed. ~With THou (J. A. de). History of the bloody massa- 2a. 856 pp. 80. Milano, soc. d. ann. zaiv. cres. London, 1674. Discourse (A) of the dukedom of Modena, con- d. scienze, etc. 1834. S. taining the origine, antiquity, government, Djami. See Jani. manners and qualities of the people, tempera- Dobell (Sydney). The Roman. A dramatic ture of the climate, and nature of soil. [anon.] poem. By SydneyYendys. [anaraczR]. 2d 30 pp. 8~0 Lonbdon, TV Crook, 1674. ed. 2 p.. 166 pp. 120. London4 R. BentDisraeli (Benjamin). Parliamentary reform: ley, 1852. a series of speeches delivered in the house of Dobslon (Edwxard). Rudiments of the art of commons, 1848-1866. Edited by M. Corry. building. xvi 174pp. 160. London, J..eale, 2d ed. xi, 478 pp. London, Longmans, 1867. 1849. s. The revolutionary epick. x, 176 pp. The same. 3d ed. xiv, 154 pp. 16 160. London, Longman, 1864. London, J. Weale, 1859. Disraeli (Isaac). The calamities and quarrels [With AnsETT (E. L.) Rudimentary treatise on the principles of design. 1~O. London, 1850]. 100 DOCTE. DONANDT. Docte (Henri Le). See Le Docte (Henri.) Dodge (William Sumner). A waif of the war; Doctrina christiana en lengua espanoloa y mex- or, the history of the 75th Illinois infantry, icana; hecha por los religiosos de la ord4 de embracing the entire campaigns of the army sets Domingo. Agora nueuamite corregida y of the Cumberland. 242 pp. 8~. Chicago, emedada. [anon.] 9 p. 1. unp. 147 1. sm. Church & Goodman, 1866. 40. Mexico, Jua Pablos, 1550. History of the old second division, army Documents furnished by the British govern- of the Cumberland-commanders McCook, ment under the third article of the convention Sill, and Johnson. 582, 51 pp. 10 pl. 4 of St. Petersburg, 1822; and Bayly's list of maps. 8~. Chicago, Church 4 Goodman, 1864. slaves, remaining on Tangier island, and H. Dogs' (The) plea; or, reasons submitted by B. M. ships of war, after the ratification of the barking fraternity of Great Britain to the treaty of Ghent. 112 pp. 80. Washing- the men, their masters, showing why dogs ton, Gales & Seaton, 1827. ought to be exempted from taxes. [anon.] Documents relating to the settlement of the 26 pp. 8~. London, R. Griftiths, 1753. church of England by the act of uniformity of Dolce (Lodovico). Le ter'ze rime, 1542. 1662. Edited by Rev. Geo. Gould. With [with BERNI (F.) Tutte le opere, etc.] historical introduction by Peter Bayne. vi, D611 (J. Ch.) Flora des grossherzogthums 142, 516 pp. 8~. London, W. Kent & Co. Baden. 3 v. 1429 pp. 80. Carlsruhe, G. 1862. Braun, 1862. s. Dod (Charles R.) Parliamentary companion. Domeyko (Ignacio). Tratado de ensayos, tanto 35th year [1867]. 319 pp. 32~. London, por la via seca como por la via humeda, de toda Whittaker, 1.867. clase de minerales y postes de cobre, ploms, Dodd (George). The curiosities of industry plata, oro, mercurio, etc. con descripcion de and the applied sciences. 16 v. in 1. 8~. los caracteres de los principales minerales y London, G. Routledge & Co. 1852. s. productos de las artes en America, y en parCONTENTS. ticular en Chile. 3 p. 1. 341, xviii pp. 2 pl. Calculating anld registering machines. 24 pp. 80. Serena, imprenta del colejio, 1844. s. Chemistry of manufactures. 24 pp. Corn and bread: what they are to machinery. 24 pp. The same. 20, ed. viii, 458, xviii pp. 5 Electricity: industrial applications of. 24 pp. p. 8. alaraso, imren de Fire and light: contrivances for their production. 24prenta dl Diario pp. 1858. s. Glass and its manufacture. 24 pp. Donald Fraser. (A novel). 224 pp. 160. Gold: in the mine, the mint, and the workshop. 24p. Donal Fraser. (A novel). 224 pp. 16. India-rubber and gutta-percha. 24 pp. New York, R. Calrter f Bros. 1867. Paper: its applications and its novelties. 24 pp. Printing: its modern varieties. 24 pp. Donaldson, (Paschal). Odc-Fellows' pocket Ship (A) in the nineteenth century. 24 pp. text-book. Revised by G. Bertram. 558 pp. Steam power and water power. 24 pp. Wool and silk. Fur and feathers. 24 pp. 1 pl. 32~. Philadellphia, Moss c4 Co. 1867. Dodd (Rev. William, LL. D.) Poems. viii, Odd-Fellows' text-book and manual. 271 pp. 12~0. London, D. Leach, 1767. Revised by George Bertram. 366 pp. 12o. Reflections on death. 240 pp. 16~. Philadeliphia, Moss & Co. 1867. Philadelphia, R. Johnson, 1806. Donaldson (Thomas Leverton). Architectural Dodd (William, A. M.) Three weeks in Major- maxims and theorems, and a lecture on the ca. viii, 169 pp. 160. London, Chapman & education and character of the architect. xii, Hall, 1863. 105 pp. 8~. London, J. Weale, 1847. Doddridge (Philip, D. D.) Some remarkable Donaldson (Walter). Recollections of an passages in the life of Col. James Gardiner, actor. [1800-1846]. viii, 360 pp. 16~. [with] the sermon occasioned by his heroick London, J. Maxwell 4- Co. 1865. death. 3d ed. 157 pp. 160. Boston, 1748. Donaldson (William). North America, a deThesame. 263pp. 16~. Boston, Lincoln scriptive poem, representing the voyage to c Edmands, 1811. s. America, etc. 19 pp. 40. London, J. Shepeard, Dodge (Joshua). Sermon at Haverhill, [on 1757. second centennial anniversary of the landing Donandt (Ferdinand). Versuch einer gesat Plymouth]. 28pp. 8~. Haverhill, Burrill chichte bremischen stadtrechts. Mit einer and Hersey, 1821. einleitung fiber die entstehung und fortbildung Dodge (Mary Abigail). Wool-gathering. By der bremischen verfassung bis zum jahre 1433. Gail Hamilton. [pseudon.] 335 pp. 12~. 2 v. in 1. xxi, 352 pp.; iv, 387 pp. 8~. BreBoston, Ticknor & Fields, 1867. men, J. G. Heyse, 1830. s. 101 DONI. DRAKE. Doni (Anton Francesco). La zvcca, divisa in Do uglass (C. C.) Report of the assistant geolcinqve libri di gran ualore. 8 p. 1. 316 1. ogist of Michigan. (Houghton (Douglass). 180. Venetia, P. Rampazetto, 1565. Reports on geology of Michigan. doc. No. 4). Donn (Benjamin). The British mariner's assist- Dove (Heinrich Wilhelm). Klimatologische ant. 424 pp. 120. London, B. Law, 1774. beitriige. ler theil. viii, 296 pp. 2 maps. 8~. Donne (John). Poetical works. 80. Edin- Berlin, D. Reimer, 1857. s. bzlrgh, 1793. [ No more published]. [Anderson's Pritish poets, v. 4.1 Dover (N. H.) and Great Falls directory; also Donne (William Bodham). Essays on the Salmon Falls (Me.) directory [for 1867]. By drama. vii, 256 pp. 120. London, Parker Dean Dudley. 115, 32 pp. 80. Dover, (N. & son, 1858. H.) D. Loth7rop & Co. 1867. Donoho (Thomas Se-aton). Ivywall. 348 pp. Dow (Alexander). History of Hindostan; 12~. Washington, HMcGill, 1860. [from the death of Akbar to Aurungzebe Dorat (Claude Joseph). Les sacrifices de 1612-66]. With an enquiry into the state of F'amour; ou, lettres de la vicomtesse de Senan- Bengal, etc. ges, et du chevalier de Versenai; suivies de [v. 3 of FERISHTA's history of Hindostan. 3 v. 4~. Lond on, 1770-72.] Sylvie et Mol6shoff. [anon.] Nouv. 6d. 2 London, 177 Dow (Rev. Lorenzo). History of cosmopolite; pts. in v. xii 300 pp; 276 pp. 16. or, Lorenzo's journal; containing his experiAnosterdasa?, 1772. ence and travels, to 1814. 360 pp. 1 pl. 16. Dorchester. The taxable valuation of the New York, John C. Totten 1814. polls and estates, and amount of tax in the The delins of God, man, and the devil, The dealings of God, man, and the devil, town, for the year 1850. 119 pp. 80. Boston, life, experience, and David Clapp, 1850. S. travels. 4th ed. 704 pp. 120. Norwich, (Ct.) Dore. By a stroller in Europe. 386 pp. 120. Tilliam Fadul/ner, 1833. Niew York, Hcapers, 1857. s. owling (Charles Hutton). Iron works. Prac9oris (Charles). Amours secrettes des quatre Doris (Charles). Amours secrettes des quatre tical formulre and rules for finding the strain freres de Napoldon. Par M. le baron B ~ " 3. on. Par and breaking weight of wrought-iron bridges. [anon.] 2v. in l. 2edd. 264 pp. 16~. Paris, 31pp. 16~. Lonlon, Jo/n Weale 1866. U. Mathiot, 1816. Downey (Stephen W.) Play of destiny, as Dornfeld (J.) Der rationelle weinbau und die played b actors from the kingdom of the weinbereitungs-lehre. xv, 472 pp. 8~. Heil-. veinheritungs-lhre v, 472 pp. 8. lil- dead in the theatre of the universe. 76 pp. 80. bronn, A. Scheurlen, 1864. s. New Creek, (. Va.) 1867. Dorr (David F.) A colored man round the Downing (Clement). A compendious history Downring (Clement). A compenclious history world. By a quadroon. [anon.] 192 pp. 1 of the Indian wars; with al account of'p. 8~. (n. p.) 1858. Angria the pyrate. Also an account of John Dorset (earl of). See Sackville (Charles). pyrate a Plantain, a pyrate at Madagascar. iv, 238 Dorsey (iMrs. Anna H.) The student of Blen- pp. 18. Lon don, T. Cooas 1737. pp.~ 18~. Londlon, T. Cooper', 1737. heim forest; or, the trials of a convert. 2d Do g (C. Toogood). Tger i revised ed. 346 pp. 16~. Baltimore, J. Mfurphy revised ed. 3B oChina; or, the Fanqui's visit to the celestial & Co. 1867. empire in 1836-7. 2 v. 248 pp; 232pp. 12~. Dorsey (Sarah A.) Recollections of Henry p 3 Philadelphia, Lea & Blanchard~ 1838. s. WVatkins Allen. 420 pp. 12~. XRew York, fLea & Bnc, 1838. WatkDooiadylle 1866420 pp. 120. York, A Dozy (Dr. F.) and irMolkenboer (J. H.) ProDoole Fady is Catalogueof, 1866.s,*etc. dromus florae bryologicae surinamensis. 54 Douce (Francis). Catalogue of books, etc. See Bodleian library. pp. 19 pl. 40. Harlesmi, Erven Loosjes, 1854. Douglas (Gawain, bishop of Dunkeld). Select Dragon (Le) rouge, o art d commander ls works. With memoirs o. the author by Rev. Dragoon (Le) rouge, ou lart de commander les orks With memoirSc ott.he author 150 pp. esprits c61lestes, a6riens, terrestres, infernaux. Scott. xi, 150 pp. 18~. Perth, Morison & some, 1787. 107 pp. 180. NYismes, Gaude, 1823. [With DUNBAR (Wrilliam). Poems. 1788. Title Drake (Benjamin). Life of Tecuumseh, and of wanting]. his brother, the prophet. With a historical Douglass (Amanda M.) In trust; or, Dr. sketch of the Shawanoe Indians. 235 pp. Bertrand's household. 383 pp. 12~. Boston, 12~. Cincinnati, E. Morgan 4, Co. 1841. Lee et& Shepard, 1866. Drake (Daniel, M. D.) Discourses before the Stephen Dane. (A novel). 353 pp. 120. Cincinnati medical library association. 93 pp. Boston. Lee & SXhepacrd, 1867. 12~. Cincinnati, Moore & Anderson, 1852. 102 DRAKE. DREYSS. Drake (Edward Cavendish). A new universal the organization of plants. With appendix collection of authentic voyages and travels, containing memoirs on capillary attraction, selected from the best writers. 796 pp. 10 electricity, and the chemical action of light. maps. 56 pl. fol. London, J. Cooce, 1768. xi, 216 pp. 4 pl. 40. New York, Hccarers,.The same. fol. London, J. Cooke, 1770. 1844. s. Drake (Sir Francis). Sir Francis Drake re- Drapiez (Augustc). Cours complet d'histoire vived. Being a summary and true relation naturelle m6dicale et pharmaceutique. 2 v. of foure severall voyages by the said Drake 342 pp; 498 pp. Atlas, 160 pl. 80. Breuxelles, to the West Indies. Collected out of the notes H. Dumont, 1835. s. of Sir F. Drake, P. Nichols, F. Fletcher, - Indicateur min6ralogique. and of divers other gentlemen. 1 pl. sm. 40. [W ith BRARD (C. P.) Nouveaux 616mens de min6ralogie, 1838.] London, _N. Bourne, 1653. aloie, 1838. Londn NNotice sur 1'6tablissement gdographique CONTENTS. de Bruxelles. 107 pp. 1 pl. 80. Bruxelles, Sir Francis Drake revived. 87 pp. 1842. S. The world encompassed. 108 pp. 1652. Drasche (Anton, A. D.) Die epidemische A summarie and tfrue discourse of Sir F. D's. West Indian voyage. 41 pp. 1652. cholera. xiv, 387 pp. 2 col. maps. 80. A full relation of another voyage into the West Indies. Wien, C. Gerold's sohn, 1860. s. pp. 43-60. 1652. pDraytona (Michael). Poetical works. 80. - The samLe. Edinburg7h, 1793. [Imperfect; title, 2 p. 1. and I pl. wanting.] [Anderson's Brit. poets, V. 3.] Le voyage cvrievx, faict avtovr du mon- Drennan (William). A letter to his excellende. [Trad. par F. de Louvencourt, sieur de cy, earl Fitzwilliam, lord lieutenant, etc. of Vauchelles.] 4 p. 1. 230 pp. 16G. Paris, Ireland. [anon.] 3d ed. 51 pp. 8~. Dub-A. 1obinot, 1641. lin, J, Chambers, 1795. D>rake (Samnuel G~ardner). IBiography and ~Dreuillette (Gabriel). Narr6 du voyage faict history of the Indians of North America. 3d pour la mission des Abaquois et des connaised. 518, xxx pp. 8 pl. 80. Boston, 0. L. sances tirez de la Nouvelle Angleterre. [Et] Perkins, 1834. epistola ad dominum Joannera Wintrop, etc. The same. 10th ed. xii, 696, xvi pp. 45 pp. 10 pl. 80. Boston, B. B. Mussey, 1848. [With RECUEIL de la n6gociation entre la N. France A brief memoir of Sir Walter Raleigh. et la N. Angleterre, 1648. lTeto Yoie7, 1866.] 35 pp. 1 pl. 80. Boston, 1862. Dreux-Breze (Scipion, mnarquis de). DocuMemoir of the life and writings of Rev. mens historiques on discours, pr6ced6s d'une Thomas Prince. 12 pp. 1 pl. 80. Boston, introduction sur les constitutions, par M. A. C. C. P. MXoodly, 1852. Delaforest. 2 v. 431 pp; 422 pp. 80. Paris, A memoir of Rev. Cotton Mather. 16 pp. C. GosseItn, 1842. s. 1 pl. 80. Boston, C. C. P. Mooy, 1851. Dreux du Radier (Jean Franqois, and others). - Th e witchcraft delusi on iln New Enlglan d: Essai historique, critique, philologique, politits rise, progress, and termination, as exhibi- ique, moral, litteraire et galant, sur les lantted by Cotton Mather and Robert Calef. ernes. Par ne soci6t6 de gens de lettres. With preface, introduction, and notes. 3 v. non xii 156 pp. 16 e Pas, Sm. 40. Roxbury, (Mass.) W. E. WToodward, Luclohile 4 Cie, 1755. 1866. Drewry (George Overend, M. D.) Cholera (Weoodward's historical series, Nos. 5-7.) and typhus. 17 pp. 8~. London, WVilliams Draper (Henry). On the construction of a and Norgate, 1866. silvered glass telescope, 15, in. aperture, and Dyspepsia and nervous derangement: its use in celestial photography. iii, 55 pp. their connection, causes, and treatment, wvith 40. Wfas7hington, [Smz. Inst.] 1864. hints on diet. 40 pp. 8~. London, TVilliiams [SMITHSOuNIAN contributions. v. 14.] & Norgate, 1865. Draper (John William). History of the Amer- Dreyss (Christian). Chronologie universelle; ican civil war. 3 v. v. i. Causes of the war suivie de la liste des grands 6tats anciens et to the close of president Buchanan's adminis- modernes, avec les tableaux g6n6alogiques tration. 567 pp. 80. NYew York, -Harpers, des familles de France et des principales 1867. maisons rdgnantes d'Europe. xi, 904 pp. A treatise on the forces which produce 160. Paris, Hachette; 1853. 103 DROWN. DSCHAMI. Drown (S. DeWitt). Record, and historical 40. [n. d.] [Imp; title and 1 p. 1. wantview of Peoria, [I11.] 164 pp. 120. Peoria, ing]. E. O. Woodcock, 1850. I Don Sebastian; a tragedy. 8 p. 1. 132 Droysen (Johann Gustav). Geschichte der pp. i 1. sin. 40. London, J. Hindmcarsh, 1690. preussischen politik. Zweiter theil: die ter- An evening's love; a comedy. 10 p. 1. ritoriale zeit. 20 abtheilung. vi, 520 pp. vi, 89 pp. 2 1. sm. 40~. London, H. Herrinnyman, 643 pp. 80. Leipzig, Veit & Co. 1859. s. 1671L Das leben des feldmarshalls grafen York I Fables, with engravings by lady Diana vonlWartenburg. Neue ausg. 2 v. iv, 432 pp; Beauclerc. xviii, 241 pp. 9 pl. fol. London, 636 pp. 120. Berlin, Veit & Co. 1854. s. J. Edwards, 1797. Druitt (Robert). The principles and practice The Indian emperour. 4 p. 1. 68 pp. of modern surgery. New Am. from last Lon- 1 1. sinm. 4~. London, H. Herringmzan, 1681. don ed. By F. W. Sargent. 576 pp. 8~. The kind keeper; a comedy. 6 p. 1. Philadelphia, Lea 4 Blanchard, 1848. s. 65 pp. 11. sn. 4~. London, R. Bentley, 1680. Drumann (Wilhelm). Ideen zur geschichte King Arthur; a dramatic opera. 6 p. 1. des verfalls der griechischen staaten. 776 pp. 51 pp. 1 1. sm. 40~. London, J. Tonson, 1691. 8~0. Berlin, Nicolai, 1815. - s. ~ Love triumphant; a tragi-comedy. 5 p. l. Drummond (William, of HBawthornden). Poet- 82 pp. 1 1. sin. 40~. London, J. Tonson, 1694. ical works. Edinburgh, 1793. Marriage-a-la-mode; a comedy. 4 p. 1. [Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 4.] 63 pp. 1 1. am. 40~. London, H. Herringman, Drummond (Sir William), and Walpole 1698. (Rev. Robert). Herculanensia, or archeolog- - The mistaken husband; a comedie. 4 p. 1. ical and philological dissertations, concerning 70 pp. 11. sm. 40~. London, J. Magnes, 1675. a manuscript found among the ruins of Her- Poetical works. 80..Edinburgh, 1793. culaneum. xv pp. 2 1. 198 pp. 3 pl. 40~. [Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 6.] London, W. Bulmer & Co. 1810. The rival ladies; a tragi-comedy. 6 p. 1. Drummond (Rev. William Hamilton). The 68 pp. smin. 4~. London, H. Herringizan, 1669. giant's causeway; a poem. xxiv, 204 pp. Secret love, or the maiden-queen. 4 p. 1. 2 maps. 6pl. 80. Belfast, Joseph Smyth, 1811. 57 pp. 2 1. sam. 40~. London, H. Herringnman, Dryden (John). Albion and Albanus. An 1679. opera. 6 p. 1. 30 pp. sm. fol. LoCLdon, J. Ton- - Sir Martin Mar-All; a comedy. [anon.] son, 1685. 2 p. 1. 59 pp. 1 1. sm. 40. London, H. HerAlexander's feast. 5 p. 1. 20 pp. sm. 40. rinegman, 1678. London, J. & BI. Tonson, 1736. The Spanish fryar. 5 p. 1. 83 pp. I 1. The same. 8 pp. sm. 40. Birminghcjam, sam. 4~. London, R. & J. Tonson, 1681. T. Chapman, 1774. The state of innocence, and fall of man; All for love; or, the world well lost. an opera. 8 p. 1. 38 pp. sm. 40. London, H. 10 p. 1. 78 pp. 1 1. sinm. 4~. London, H. Her- Herrigymnan, 1684. rinugman, 1678. ~ The tempest; a comedy. 3 p. 1l. 62 pp. Amboyna; a tragedy. 6 p. 1. 59 pp. sm. 4~. Lonldon, H. Herringzman, 1690. 1 1. sm. 40. London, H. HerringmLan, 1673. Troilus and Cressida; a tragedy. With Amphitryon; or, the two Sosa's. A preface containing the grounds of criticism in comedy. 2d ed. 3p. 1. 57pp. 11. sm. 40~. tragedy. 12 p.1. 69 pp. 1 1. m. 40. LonLondon, J. Tonson, 1694. don, A. Swuall, 1679. The assignation; or, life in a nunnery. Tyrannick love; a tragedy. 5 p. 1. 58 6 p. 1. 62 pp. sm. 40~. London, H. Herring- pp; I 1. sm. 40~. London, H. Her ringnan, mnan,, 1678. [Imperfect.] 1695. Aureng-zebe; a tragedy. 6 p. 1. 67 pp. The wild gallant; a comedy. 4 p. 1. 1 1. sm. 4~. London, H. HerringmLan, 1692. 78 pp. 11. Sm. 40~. London, H. Herringman, Cleomenes, the Spartan heroe. A tragedy. 1669. 8 p. 1. 72 pp. sm. 40. London, J. Tonson, 1692. Drysdale (C. R. M. D.) Prostitution mediConlquest of Granada. 5th ed. 9 p. 1. cally considered, with some of its social as124 pp. 1. sinm. 40~. London, H. Herqrinyman, pects. 41 pp. 80~ London, It. Hardwicke, 1695. 1866. The same. 7 p. 1. 158 pp. 11. sm. Dschamli. See Jami. 104 DUB. DUFRI2NOY. Dub (Julius). Die anwendung des elektro- his necessaria contineat. vi, 463 pp. 3 1. I pl. magnetismus, mit besonderer beriicksichti- 12~. Parisiis, C. Morell, 1606. s. gung der telegraphie. xvi, 645 pp. 80. Ber- Du Choul (Guillaume). Verhandeling van den lin, J. Springer, 1863. s. godtsdienst der oude Romeinen, verrijkt met Der elektromagnetismus. xxii, 516 pp. een groot getal medalien. Vit bet Fransch 80. Berlin, J. Springer, 1861. s. vertaelt door M. Smallegange. 4 p.l. 339 pp. DuBartas (Guillaume de Saluste). [Poetical 171. 40. Arnsteldacm, J. en G. Janssonius works]. Translated by Joshua Sylvester. van Waesberge, 1684. 17 p.. 617 pp. sm. 40. London, 1605. -- Verhandeling van de legerschikking en krygstucht der Romeinen, van de badstoven CONTENTS. en oude oeffeningen der Grieken en Romeinen. First weelke: or birth of the world. Uit hot Fransch vortaelt door M. Smallogange. Second weeke: or childhood of the world. Fragments and other small workes. 4 p. 1. 147 pp. 2 1. 4~. Amsteldam, J. en Dublin university magazine. July 1866 to G. Janssonius van Waesberge, 1684. June 1867. v.68-69. 80. Dublin, G. Herbert, Iudevant (Amandine Lucile Aurore Dupin, 1866-67. mnacldane). Le chateau des d6sertes. Par Dubois (E.) See Posthumous parodies. George Sand. [pseudon.] 251pp. 18~. BruxDubois or Sylvius (Jacques). Ratio medendi elles, Meline, Cans et Cie. 1851. morbis internis prope omnibus. 216 pp. 2 1. - Consuelo. Nouv. 6d. 3 v. 160. Paris, 240. Lvgdvni, G. Rouille, 1549. s. Ma. Levy flres, 1856. Ducatel (Julius T.) Report of the geologist [of Dudley (Dean). History of the council of Maryland, for 1834-36. 80. Annapolis,state Nice: a world's christian convention, A. ). printing office, 1835-37.] s. 325. 87 pp. 80. Boston, T. O. H. P. Burn[Maryland geology, v. 1.1 ham, 1860. -. nReport of the geologist [of Maryland, for Dudley (Miss Elizabeth). The life of Mary 1837.] 40 pp. 80. [Annapolis n stiate printing Dudley, including an account of her religious office, 1838.] s. engagements, and extracts from her letters. [Maryland geology, v. 1.1 [With] some account of the illness and death Du Chaillu (Paul B.) Explorations and ad- of her daughter, Hannah Dudley. 380 pp. ventures in equatorial Africa. 531 pp. 1 pl. 80. London, editor, 1825. 1 map. 80. New York, Harper & Bros. Duesberg. See Mannert (Conrad). 1861. s. Dufail (Noel). Discours d'aucuns propos rusJourney to Ashango-Land; and further tiques, fac6cieux et de singuli6re recr6ation: penetration into equatorial Africa. WVith map ou les ruses et finesses de Ragot. [Nouv. 6d.] and illustrations. xxiv, 501 pp. 22 pl. 1 4 p.1. 174 pp. 11. 160. [Paris,] 1732. map. 8~. -New York, D. Appleton & Co. 1867. Duff (P. merchant). North American accountDuch' (Rev. Jacob). Observations on a variety ant; embracing single and double entry bookofsubjects. By [Tamoc Caspipinla,pseedon.] keeping. 192pp. 80. New York, author, a gentleman of foreign extraction who resided 1848. s. some time in Philadelphia. x, 241 pp. 160. Dufferin (Harriot Georgina Hamilton BlackPhiladelphia, John Dunlcap, 1774. wood, lady). Lispings from low latitudes; or, Duchesne (]idouard Adolphe). De la prosti- extracts from the journal of the hon. Impulsia tution danslaville d'Alger depuis la conquete. -Gushington.[pseudon.] 98 pp. obl. fol. 23 pl. 231 pp. 80. Paris, J. B. Bailli/re, 1853. London, Joh7n urray, 1863. Duchesne (Jean). Essai sur les nielles, gra- Duflot de MA~ofras (-). Exploration de vures des orfdvres fiorentins dcu xve Sibcle. l'Ordgon, des Californies, et de la Mer Verxii, 381 pp. 8~. Paris, Merlin, 1826. s. meille, 1840-42. 2 v. 514 pp, 4 pl; 524 pp. Notice des estampes expos6es it la 4 pl. 80. Atlas, 14 maps. 3pl. fol. Paris, biblioth6que royale, formant un aperqu his- A. Bertrand, 1844. s. torique des produits de la gravure. 3e dd. Dufour (Guillaume Henri). Strategy and tacxx, 215 pp. 80~. Paris, Heideloff, 1837. s. tics. Translated from the French by W. P. Duchesne or Quercetanus (Joseph). Diseteti- Craighill. 400pp. 120. New York, D. Van con polybistoricon. Opvs vtiqve varivm, Nostrand, 1864. magnie utilitatis ac delectationis, quod multa Dufrenoy (Pierre Armand). Trait6 de min6historica, philosophica, et medica, thim con- ralogie. 2e 6d. 4 v. Atlas, 236 pl. 8~. Paris, seruandne sanitati, quitm varijs curanclis mor- V. Icalaont; 1856-59. s. 105 DU FRESNOY. DUMPRIL. Du Fresnoy (Charles Alphonse). The art of Du Marsais (C6sar Chesneau). Essai sur les painting, translated into English, by John pr6jug6s. Ouvrage contenant l'apologie de Dryden. 2d ed. 8 p. 1. lxviii, 397 pp. 31. la philosophie par Mr. D. M. 2 p. 1. 394 pp. 160. London, Bernard Lintott, 1716. 11. 160. Londres, [Amsterdam, Mich. Bey], Dufresnoy (Nicolas Lenglet). See Lenglet- 1770. Dufresnoy. Note.-Ascribed by Qu6rard to Holbach; by DelaulDu Fresny (Charles Rivihre). Amusemens,naye in the Biog. univ. to an unknown writer. Dumas (Alexandre Davy). Catherine Blum. srieux et comique. Par1. 288pp. de1. 18Fotenelle. iv, 184 pp. 16~. London, Routledge, 1861. [psC. Barn 2., 1701. Paris, Un Gil-Blas en Californie. 323 pp. 16~. C. Barbin, 1701. Paris, Ldvy, 1861. Dugdale (Sir William). Chronica juridicialia: Pa Les grands ho1861. es en robe de or, an abridgment and continuation of Dugore's Oriins jriicile. 2d ed. 7. 1. Louis xiii et Richelieu. 3 v. 24~. Bruxelles, dale's Origines juridiciales. 2d ed. 7 p.l. 209, 19 pp. 441. 120. London, J. Worrall, Kiessling, Schnee et Cie. 1855. 1739. Dumas fils, (Alexandre). Antonine. 319 pp. 160. Paris, Leuy, fries, 1856. Perfect copy of all summons of the noLa boite d'argent -un paquet de lettresbility to the great councils and parliaments ofargent - t de le prix de pigeons —le penclu de la piroche — this realm, from the xlix of king Henry iii, le rix d pigeonsce que l'on voit tous les jours —c'sarine. 304 until these present times. 6p. 1. 580 pp. l'on volt tons los jous-csarie. 304 13 1. fol. London, B. Clavell, 1685. pp. 16. Paris, ei yfrares, 1862. Duguay-Trouin, (Ren6). M6moires [depuis La vie 3 vingt ans. 320 pp. 120. Paris, 1689 jusqu'a 1712] publ. par Pierre de Ville- M. Le'vy, 1856. pontoux. Continues jusqu' en 1736 par P. F. Dumas (Alphonse). The lady with the golden Godard d Beaucamps. xviii, 288 pp. 8 hair. [A tale]. 314 pp. 160. London, Godarcd de Beauchamps. xlviii, 288 pp. 8 1866. p1. 129. Ainsterdanm, P. Mortier, 1748. pI. 120. Am~sterdam P. Mo tier, 1748 - 1 Dumas (J.) ]Ptudes sur les inondations: Duhaimel (Jean Marie Constant). Lehrbuch Du (J.) des sur los inondaions: der reinenmechanik. Deutsch bearbeitet cuses et rde pp.. 8. lence,.... von Wilhelm Wagner. 2 v. in 1. viii, auteur, 1857. 312 pp; viii, 300, 96 pp. 8~. Braunschweig, Dumas (Jean Baptiste). Le9ons sur la philosVieweg, 1853. s. ophie chimique recueillis par M. Bineau. 430 Duhamel du.Monceau (Henri Louis), and Pp. 80. Paris, Bechet, 1837. s. Tillet (-). Histoire d'un insecte que devore Die philosophie derchemie. Vorlesunles grains de 1'Angoumois. 3 p. 1. 314 pp. gen gesavmelt von Bineau nd...iber3 pl. 160. Paris, Guerin tp Delatour, 1762. tragen vonC. ammelsberg. viii,387pp. 80. S Berlin, C. G. Liideritz, 1839. s. Dujarday (Macdame H.) Resume' des voyages, Manures, ameliorators and stimulants; dicouvertes et collquhtes des Portuga~is en modes of manufacture and application. The Afiique et en Asie, aux xve et xvie siecles. nutritionofplants. Tr. by C. Morfit,etc. 40 2 v. iv, 400 pp; 331 pp. 80. Paris, H. Four- pp. 8~. Ne'w Yor, Greeley 4 3icElrath, nier, jeune, 1839. 1848. s. Duke (Basil W.) History of Morgan's cavalry. [FARAEMR'S library, v. 3]. 578 pp. 1 pl. 80. Cncinnati, iam Pub. Dunmay (Louis.) The estate of the empire; Co. 1867. or, an abridgement of the laws and governDuke (Richard). Poetical works. 80. Edin- ment of Germany. Translated into French. Dubue (Righ, 1793. Poetical worlis. 80. Edi Now rendered into English. 8 p. 1. 345 pp. [Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 6]. 9'1. 18. Lonlon, R. ioystoan, 1664. Du Laurens (Henri Joseph). Le compere Dumeril (Anldr6 Marie Constant). Zoologie Mathieu, ou les bigarrures de l'esprit humain. analytique; ou, maxthode naturelle de classi[anon.] 4 v. 24~. Paris, Andre 1S01. fication des animaux. xxxii, 344 pp. 8~. Imirce, ou la fille de la nature. [anon.] Paris, Allais, 1806. s. 3 p. 1. 378 pp. 16~. Berlin, [Hollande], -and (Auguste). Musdum d'histoire natu1765. relle de Paris. Catalogue methodique de la Dumarquez (Louis Joseph). Les dl6lassemens collection des reptiles. 1-2e livraison. iv, d'un paresseux. Par un C. R. D'E. A. C. D. 224 pp. 80. Paris, Gide & 2Badrcly, 1851. L. [anon.] vi, 224 pp. 240. Pigritiopolis, et s. se vend d Lille, Vanackr-e, 1790. [No more published.] 14 106 DUM:IRIL. DUNTON. Dumeril (Andr6 Marie Constant) and Bibron Dunbar (William). Select poems. Part first. (Gabriel.) Erpetologie gen6rale; ou, histoire From the ms. of Geo. Bannatyne. 100 pp. 180. naturelle complete des reptiles. 9 v. in 10. Perth, Morison & Son, 1788. Atlas, 120 col. pl. 80. Paris, Roret, 1834-54. Duncan (John, of Scotland). An essay on s. genius; or, the philosophy of literature. 264 CONTENTS. pp. 81. 80. Edinburgh, W7. Blackwuood, 1814. v. 1. GUn6ralit6s des reptiles, et celles des ch6loniens. Duncan (Jonathan). The religious wars of xiv. 446 pp. v. 2. Ch6loniens; g6n6ralit6s de sauriens. ii, 680 pp. France, from the accession of Henry the v. 3-5. Sauriens, iv, 518 pp. ii, 572 pp. viii. 855 pp. second to the peace of Vervins. viii, 340 pp. v. 6-7. Ophidiens. xii. 610 pp. xvi, xii, 1536 pp. v. 8. Batraciens. iii, 784 pp. 1 pl. 16~. London, J. Rickerby, 1840. v. 9. Batraciens urodeles; Catalogue m6thodique de Duncan (J. Matthews). Fecundity, sterility, tous les reptiles, xx, 340 pp. Durenril (Auguste.) Des poissons voyageurs and allied topics. xvi, 378 pp. 8~. Edinqui sont dits poissons an adromes et catadromes. bunrgh, A. c & C. Black, 1866. pp. 8. PasS. on Cie. [1861.] Duncan (William, prof. of philosophy, Abers. deen.) The elements of logick. 5th ed. Du Mersan (Marion). Histoire du cabinet les vi, 364pp. 160. London, R. cy J. Dodsley, m6dailles antiques et pierres gravdes, avec une 1764. Dundonald (9th earl of). See Cochrane notice sur labibliot-hdque royale, etc. iv. 191al pp. 8~. Paris, l. Du Mersan, 1838. s. (Archibald). Notice sur arion Duersan. extract. D'Unger (Robert). The historical cabinet. NoticesurMarionDuMersan. [extract.] 5 pp. 80. Psar~is, Ca~rpentier- rcourt [,n. d.] The American continent; its discovery and 5 pp. 8~. Pari ts, Car pentier-M&'icout [n. d.] [ With Du MERSAN, (3M.) Hist. du cabinet.] conquest, description, etc. 72 pp. 1 pl. 120. Dumont (G. M. Butel.) See Butel-Dunr ont. Philadel?hia, J. J.'Fudltier & Co. 1854. s. Dumortier (Bartl6le1emy Charles), and Ben- Dungergheim, Dungerstein, or, Tunlgereden (P. J. van.) Histoire naturelle des po- sheim (Hieronymus). Confutatio apologetici lypes composds d'eau douce, ou des bryozo- cuiusdd sacre scripture falso inscripti. cxxvii aires fluviatiles. 130 pp. 7 col. pl. 40. Braux- 1. paged, 5 1. unp. 40. Lipsiae, Vuolfgangus elles, Acad. royale de Belgique, 1850. s. Monacesius, 1514. Dun (R. G. & Co.) The mercantile agency I With DiNYSE (N.) Gemma predicantium. Basilee, ""OJ 1516. Imperfect; wanting all after5th leaf at end]. reference book. [v-21.] July, 1866. 432 pp. Dunglison( (Robley). Medicallexicon. A dic40. New York, B. G. Dun 4, Co. 1866& tionary ofmedical science. 927 pp. 80. PhilThe same. [v. 22.] Jan. 1867. 690 1. delphia, Blanchard 4 Lea, 1851. S. np. 40. NXew Yo7rk, R- G. Dun 8 Co. 1867. Dunker (WilhelmBernhard Rudlolph Hadrian). The samie. [v. 25. ] July, 1867. 4~ The same. [v. 25.] July, 1867. 40. Mollusca japonica descripta et tabulis tribus Ness York, R. G. Dun & Co. [1867.] iconumillustrata. iv, 36pp. 3 p1. 4~. StuttDulnart (Vmile). Histoire de manneken-piss, gartiae, E. Schweizerbart, 1861. s. d'aprs des documents inddits, suivie dune Dunlap (William). Andr6; a tragedy in five notice historique sur la fontaine de manneken acts. With autlhentic documents respecting piss. 120 pp. lpl. 24~. tBruxelles, J.B. pis. 12p. iAndre; consisting of Letters to Miss Seward, Tirche~'e 1847. Tinbrc 184. Social life informer The cow chace, Proceedings of the court marDunlbar (E. Dunbar). Social life in former tial etc. Ne York and J. Swords, 1798. days. Illustrated by letters and famlily papers. Dunn (ev. John). A collection of curious ob[1st series.] viii 422 pp. 8~. Edinclburgh, [1stseries.] uviii, 4226p. Ediu, servations on the nations of Asia, Africa, and Ednsonston & Douglas, 1865. The same. 2d series. viii 199 p. 80. America. Translated from the French. 2 v. The same. ~d serics. vnii 199 pp. 8~. Eibgdnso Dga 1866. vi, 411 pp; 404 pp. viii I. 120. London, 1750. Edzcinburgh~ Edcmoston & Douglas, 1866. Dunrning (A. G.) An ancient, classical, and Dunbar (Edward E.) Romance of the age; scriptural geography. 37 pp. I map. 4~. or, the discovery of gold in California. 134 pp. Yo k 1850 3 pl. 120. Xew York, D. Appleton, & Co. 1867. D ( R b 131111Dunton (John, bookseller). Dunton's ghost; Dauba r (John R.) Club-foot. s. [With CA~rMJov (R.) Hist-forof the Jew Sh physi. or, a speech to the most remarkable persons [Wtith1 CSRATOLY (E.) History of the Jewish physicians.] in church and state. [anon.] viii, 10 pp. sm. Dunbar (Sophia). Family tour around the 40~. London, Baker and others, [about 1733.] coasts of Spain and Portugal, 1860-61. viii, Dunton (John, mariner).. A true iovrnall of 184 pp. 160. Edinburgh, Blackwood & sons, the Sally fleet. 2 p. 1. 40 pp. 1 map. sm. 1862. 4~. London, J. Dawson, 1637. 107 DU PAN. 1DWIGHT. Du Pan (Mallet). See Mallet du Pan (J.) Durey de Noinville,(Jacques Bernard). DisDupin (Andr6 Marie Jean Jacques). Bibliothe- sertation sur les bibliotheques. [anon.] 156 que choisie des livres de droit. 8~. Paris, pp. 21. 16~. Paris, TH. Chcaubert, 1758. s. 1832. - Table alphabetique des dictionnaires, en [With CAMUS (A. G.) Profession d'avocat. v. 2]. toutes sortes de langues, et sur toutes sortes Dupin (Fran9ois Pierre Charles.) Constitution, de sciences et d'arts. [anon.] iv. 88 pp. histoire et aveinir des caisses d'6pargne de 16~. Paris, H. Chaubert, 1758. s. France. xxviii, 344 pp. 240. Paris, Didot, [WTith his Dissertation sur les bibliothhques.] 1844. s. D'urfey (Thomas). Stories, moral and comical, Du Plessis Mornay. See Mornay. in verse and prose. 6 p. 1. 257 pp. 160~. Duplex (George, pseudon?) See Matter; its London, F. Leach, 1691. forms and governing laws. Durieu (Jean Louis Marie Eugene), and Du Ponceau (Peter Stephen). Memoire sur Roche (Germain). R6pertoire de l'adminle systeme grammatical des langues de quel- istration et de la comptabilite des 6tablisseques nations indiennes de d'Amerique dut nord. mens de bienfaisance. 2 v. vii, 603 pp; 851 pp. xvi, 464 pp. 80. Paris, A. Piltan de La Forest, 80~. Paris, P. Dupont cf Cie. 1842. S. 1838. s. Durocher (J. Pirof. at Rennes). Essay on comDu Pont de Nemours (Pierre Samuel). Sur parative petrology. Tr. by Samuel Hougbton, l'dducation nationale dans les IStats-Unis d' 26 pp. 2 tab. 80. Dztblin, lMcGlashacn Amerique. [Ms. presented to T. Jefferson and Gill, 1859. s. dated 15 Juin, 1800]. 96 pp. 40. s. Dusseau (J. L.) Catalognte de la collection [TWith PRINCETON college; catalogue of the gradu- d'anatomlie humaine,comparee et pathologique ates of Nassau hall, 1805]. cde MM. G. et W. Vrolik. xvi, 464 pp. 8~. Dupotet de Sennevoy (J.) Cours de magAmsterdam, W. J. DeRoever Krliber, 1865. s. netlsme en sept leons. f2e Ed. vi, 503 pp. 8~. uBesanon,.Bintot 1840. Dutertre (H. B.) Annuaire de 1' imprimerie Besanvon, Bintot, 1840. s. Dupr (Alphonse). Relation d'un voyage en et de la librairie frangaises et etrangbres; rItalie. 2l e v.o xxiii, 445a;,e ppen52 1 80. annee 1845. 160. Paris, Leriche, 1845. s. Italie. 2 v. xxiii, 445 pp; 525 pp. 1 pl. 8~. Paris, A. PBoacer, 1826. Dutoit (Eugene). Die ovariatomie in England, Duprd (J.) SeeDeaarche(A.)an Deutschland und Frankreich. lx, 237 pp. Dupre (J.) See Delamarche (A.) and 8. Wz, el, 1864.. Dupr6. M6tdorologie, etc. Dure. M6torologie, etc. Dutrochet(Rcn6 JoaquimHenri). Memoires Dupuy (Miss Eliza A.) Ashleigh: a tale. 112 o0~ Ci ncinnatipour servir a l'histoire anatomique et physpp. ~. G~Cincinnati,. B. Pearson 1854.,pp. HCf. B. Pearson, 1854. iologique des vegetaux et des animaux. 3 v. Celeste: the pirate's daughter. 152 xxi 576 pp; 573pp pp. 30 p. 8. Paris, 8~. Cincinnati, Stratton ~ Barnard, 1849. 1837 S. Dura (Giuseppe). Catalogo di libri antichi e R- lecherches anatomiqlues et physiolorari vendibili in Napoli. 1007 pp. 80. Nagiques sur la structure intime des animaLux et poli, G. Carclanzone, 1861. s..Poli, G. Cardamone, 1861. des veg6taux, et sur leur motililt. 232 pp. Du~rand (Ursir). See Art(l') de verifier les -1 ltab. 2pI. 8~. Paris, J. B. Bailli&re, 1824. s. dates, etc.:IZDuttenhofer (Prof.) Ueber die emancipation Durande (Amd6d e). Joseph, Carle, et Horace 80. Noe'. 360' der neger. 94 pp. 8o. Noerdlingen, C. H. Vernet. Correspondance et biographies. 360 ec 1855. pp. 160. Paris, Hetzel, 1865. Duval (Guillaume). Synopsis analytica docDurazzo ( —, of Genoa). Catalogo della tri pripattice. trinme peripateticre. biblioteca di un amatore bibliofilo. [anon.] [With ARISTOTELES. Opera, ed. 1619.] 251 pp. 80. Italia, [about 1840]. s. Duvergier de Hauranne (Prosper). Histoire Durbin (John P. D. D.) Observations in the du gouvernement parlementaire en France, east, chiefly in Egypt, Palestine, Syria, and 1814-1848. v. 8. 8~. Paris, Levy, 1867. Asia Minor. 9th ed. 2 v. xi, 347; x. 299 Dwight (Henry E.) Travels in the north of pp. 2 maps. 12~. New York, fHfarpers, 1847. Germany in 1825 and 1826. iv. 454 pp. I pl. Dureau de La Malle, (Adolphe J. C. Auguste). 8~0. New York, Carvill, 1829. s. Province de Constantine. Recueil de renseig- Dwight (Theodore W.) Our municipal law nemens pour lFexpedition ou 156tablissemen t and the best mode of acquiring a knowledge des Frangais dans cette partie de l'Afrique of it. pp. 1-55. Septentrionale. xv, 315 pp. 1 map. 80. [COLUMBnIA college inaugural addresses. 80. NYetw Paris, Gide, 1837. s. YoeC, 1859.] 108 DWIGHT. EASTERN. Dwight (Timothy, D. D.) A discourse on Earle (John Milton). Land and fresh water some events of the last century, de'ivered in shells of Massachusetts. s. New Haven, Jan. 7, 1801. 56 pp. 80. Newo [In HITCHCOCK (E.) Catalogue of animals, etc. of IMass.] Haven, Ezra Read, 1801. Mass. Earle (Pliny, 11. D.) History, description, and Travels in New Englanld and News Yorlk. 4XTravels in New England and New York~. statistics of the Bloomingdale asylum for the 4 v. 8~. New Hayven, T. Dwight 1821-2. insne. 136pp. p. 80. Ne or, - insane. 136 pp. I pl. 8~. New York, EgDye (John Smith). History of the plots and bert, vey & King, 1848. S. crimes of the great conspiracy to overthrow Early English Text Society. Ayenbite of inliberty in America. vi, 388 pp. 8 pl. 8~. liberty in America. vi, 388 pp. 8 Pl. 80. wyt; or, remorse of conscience. In the KentN.w York, 1866. Dyer (Yeorge, boosele).Retortin6fe. ish dialect, 1340 A. D. by Dan. Michel. EdDyer (George, bookseller). Restoration of the ited by R. Morris. 6 p. l. c, 359pp. 8~. ancient modes of bestowing names on the pp Londorn, Tr~ibner?, 1866. [No.23.] rivers, hills, vallies, plains, and settlements of Clene maydenhod. [From ms. ah. 1370 Britain. 295 pp. 4 1. 8~. Exeter, G. Dyer, Clene madenod. [From ms. ab. 1370 Britain. 295 pp. 41.80.1805. Eeter.Dyer, A. D.] A supplement to "Hali meidenhad." Edited by F. J. Furnivall. 7 pp. 8~. LonIDyer (John). Grongar hill and other poems. 8~~. Eci~nbu~gh 1794. don, Triibner, 1867. [In No. 25.] 80. Edinbglwr, 1794. __ [Anderson's Brit. poets, v..- Hymns to the Virgin and Christ, the [Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 9.] Poems. v, 188 pp. 3 pl. 160. Lontdonz, parliament of devils, and other religious R1. 4c J. Dodsley, 1761. poems. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. xviii, - -— The same. Grongar hill; the ruhins of 139 pp. 80. London, Triibner, 1867. [No. Rome; the fleece. 190 pp. 3 pl. 120. Loz- 24.] don, J. Dolsley, 1770. Pilgrim's sea-voyage. A supplement to d1"The stacions of Rome." 8~. London, TY'iibDyer (Thomas H.) Pompeii: its history, build- "The stacios of Rome." 8. London, - ings, and antiquities. xvi, 579 pp. map. 186. No.; pp. 8 pl. 80. Londlon Bell7 & Daldy, 1867. Religious pieces in prose and verse.' PI'. London, Bell l, 1867. X Edited from,s. (cir. 1440,) by G. G. Perry. Dzialynski (Adam Titus, comes de K6oscielec).. (ir. 1440,) by G Collectanea, vitam resque gestas Joannis xi, 106 pp. 80. London, r1iibnzer 1867. Zamoyscii magni cancellarii et summi ducis [No. 26.] reipublicoe polonae illustrantia. 3 p. 1. 307 - Romans of Partenay, or of Lusignen: pp, 9 pl. 4~. Posnania, L. l erzbeel, 1861. otherwise known as the tale of Melusine.' s. Translated from the French of La Coudrette, Liber geneseos illustriss. familie Schid- (about 1500-1520, A. D.) Edited, with inlovicie, 1531. 161, 17 pl. fol. Pas'is, [acector, troduction, [etc.] by W. W. Skeat. xx, L848]. 299 pp. 80 London, Tri bner, 1866. [No. Lites ac res geste inter Polonos ordinem- 22.] que cruciferorum. 3 v. 40. Posnanice, L. ~ Stacions of Rome. [In verse, from MS. Merzbach, 1855-57. s. 1370 A. D. and in prose, from Ms. ab. 1460Dzondi (Carl Heinrich). Nuovo e sicuro me- 1470 A.D.] and the Pilgrim's sea-voyage; todo di guarire la sifilide in tutte le sue forme. with Clene maydenhod. [From ms. ab. 1370 Aggiuntivi altri metodi curativi antisifilitici A. D.] Asupplementto "Political, religious di rinomati medici, dal Pietro Lichtenthal. and love poems,"' and "Hali meidenhad." 2a ed. 224 pp. 12~. Milano, G. Pirola, 1846. xvi, 40, 8, 16 pp. 8~. London, Tiibner, 1867. [No. 25.] Eagle (G. Barnard). Mesmerism, clairvoy- Earnest (An) and affectionate address to the ance, and animal magnetism explained. Also, people called methodists. 2d ed. [canon. ahandcl-book of magic. 36 pp. 16~. Lonon, 4pp. 18. London, B.Dod, 1745. [With WILSON (Thomas). Christianity made easy. Chapman $ Co. 1858. 5th ed. London, 1743.] Ealtze (Frederick). The new table book. Pic- Eastburn (Rev. James Wallis), and Saxlds turesfor young and old parties. With " a copy (Robert C.) Yamoyden; a tale of the wars of of verses" to each picture, and a page for king Philip. xi, 339 pp. 160. New York, "everybody's favorite." Edited by Mark James Eastburn, 1820. Lemon. 52 1. 26 pl. 40~. Lonzdon, Brad- Eastern hospitals and English nurses. By a busry, Evans f Co. 1867. lady volunteer. [anon.] 2 v. xii, 328 pp; Earle (Jabez). Sacramental exercises. 103pp. ix, 273 pp. 2 pl. 12f. London, Hurst & 24~. Boston, D. & Z. Fosle, 1756. Blackett, 1856. 109 EAST. EDDA. East India Company. General report on the 120. Philadelphia, J. B. Liippincott c& Co. administration of the Punjab, for 1849-51. 1868. xvi, 336 pp. 2 maps. fol. London, East lEcclesiastical histories of Eusebius, Socrates, India Co. 1854. s. Sozomen and Theodoret. Translated and Eastman (F. S.) A history of the state of abridged by [Samuel] Parker. With their New York. viii. 279 pp. 160. NXew York, lives [and] an abridgment of Evagrius SchoE. Bliss, 1828. lasticus. 3d ed. 651 pp. 111. 5 pl. 40~. Eastman (Mrs. Mary). Dacotahb; or, the life London, C. Rivington, 1729. and legends of the Sioux around fort Snelling. Echard (Laurence). Gazetteer's or newsman's xi, xxxi, 268 pp. 3pl. 120. New York, J. interpreter; a geographical index of all the Wiley, 1849. empires, kingdoms, islands, provinces, peninEaston (Pa.) library company. Catalogue sulas, [etc.] in Asia, Africa, and America. of the books. 99 pp. 80. Phillipsburg, Cooley 6th ed. 2 parts in 1 v. 137, 1131. 160~. & Wise, 1855. s. London, J. & J. Knapton, 1732. Easy lessons in reading; with an English and [Title of part 1 wanting.] Mar~thi vocabulary. [acnon.] vi, 1'70 pp.:Echoes from the south;. comprising the most 120. Bombay, Am. mission press, 1851. s. important speeches, proclamations, and public Eaton (Amos). Geological nomenclature for acts during tle late war. 211 pp. 120. Nes North America, founded upon geological sur- York, 1. B. Treat F Co. 1866. veys taken under the direction of Stephen Van Eck (Heinrich). Ueber die formationen des Rensselaer. 31 pp. 3 maps. 80. Albany, buntens sandsteins und des muschelkalks in Packard' Van, Benthncysern, 1828. s. Oberschlesien, und ihre versteinerungen. Geological text-book, etc. with applica- viii, 149 pp 2 pl. 1 tab. 80. Berlin, J. IF tions to agriculture and the arts. 63 pp. 80. Star~ke, 1865. s. map. Albany, 1830. s. Eclectic (The) and congregational review. [ With BAKEWELL (R.) Introduction to geology. 8~. New series. July, 1866, to Dec. 1867. v. 11N'ew Haven, 1829.l 13. 8~. London, Jackson, Walfocrd & Hodder, Eaton (Rev. Asa.) Historical account of Christ [1866-67]. church, Boston. Discourse. 39 pp. 80. Bos- Eclectic (The) magazine of foreign literature, ton, J. r. Ingra iohasm, 1824. science,and art. W. H. Bidwell, editor. Jan. Eaton (Francis B.) History of Candia [N. H.] toDec.lS67. New series. v.5-6. 80. N.ezs once known as Charmingfare, with notices of York, 1867. the early families. 152 pp. 1 map. 80.:Eclectic (The) medical journal. Edited by J. ZManchester, J. 0. Adamns, 1852. M. Scudder, M. D. Jan. 1864 to Dec. 1867. Eaton (Paul). Stuart Sharpe: a romance. 78 v. 24-27. 80. Cincinnati, J. M. Scudder pp. 80. London, G. Berger, [1839.] 1864-67 [Hazlitt's romancist and novelists' libr. v. 6.] Economist, (The) weekly commercial times, Economist, (The) weekly commercial times, Eberhard (Johann August). Synonymisches ankers' gazette, and railway monitor bankers' gazette, and railway monitor; a handworterbuch der deutschen sprache. xvi, 583 pp. 8~. Wien, B. P.r Butses', 1807. Svi. political, literary, and general newspaper. 583 pp. 80. Wien, B. P. Batter, 1807. S. July, 1866, to June,1867. v. 24, part 2- v. 25 Ebert [Friedrich Adolf). Die bildung des bibpart 1. folio. London, [1867]. liothekars. Zur handschriftenkunde. 2e ausg. 3Ecsamen de los delitos de infidelidad a la 2 v. in 1. 68, xv. 238 pp22. 0 Leipzig, patria. Ed. espafi. 2 v. in 1. xi, 164, 170 pp. Steinaker 4' Wagner, 1820-25. 8~..adri~c Of. estab. ceztral~ 1842. Bi — bliothecae guelferbytanve codices graeciadrid, Of. tral, 1842. et latini classici. 179 pp. o8. Lipsi, Stein- Ecton (John). Thesaurus rerum ecclesiasticarumin. An account of the valuations of all [ With the preceding.] the ecclesiastical benefices in England and Eberth (C. Joseph). Untersuchungen iiber Wales. 2d ed. revised by Browne Willis. xl, nematoden. 3 p.l. 77 pp. 9pl. 40. Leipzig, 704 pp. London, J. c' P. lKnapton and others, W. Engelmann, 1863. s. 1754. Ecce Deus. Essays on the life and doctrine of - See Lloyd (John.) Jesus Christ, with controversial notes on Edda. Den veldre edda. En samling af de "Ecce Homo." [anosz.] 363 pp. 160. Boston, nordiske folks aeldste sagn og sange, ved Roberts Bros, 1867. Saemund Sigftisson kaldet bin Frode. Oversat Ecce Deus-Homo; or, the work and klingdom og forklaret ved Finn Magnusen. 4 v. 18~. of the Christ of scripture. [anon.l] 207 pp. Jjbenh7awn, Gyldendalsk, 1821-23. 110 EDDA. EDMOND. Edda. Den eldre edda. Samling af norrone Edgeworth (Richard Lovell). Essay on the oldkvad, indeholdende Nordens Teldste gude- construction of roads and carriages. [with og heltesagn. Udgivet af P. A. Muncll. xviii, appendices.] ix, 202, 81, 194 pp. 4 pl. 80. 216 pp. 40. Christiania, P. T. XMallings, London, Johnsoa, & Co. 1813. 1847. s. Edinburgh. Advocates' library. Catalogue of Eddius (Stephanus). Vita S. Wilfridi, episcopi printed books. Parts 1-2. A. —Beyle. 40. eboracensis. fol. Oxozice, 1691. Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1863-64. s. [GALE (Thomas) and FELL (John). Rerum anglica- Royal college of physicians. Catalogue rum sciptores veteres. Oxonim, 1684-91. v. 3.1 ofthe libray. 80. Eclinbugh 1863. s. Elddy (Daniel C. D. D.) The angels' whispers; EddyDane C. D. D.)The angels' whipe; Select subscription library. Catalogue. or: echoes of spirit voices. New ed. 258 pp. 580 pp. 8. Edinburgh ill Co. xvi, 580 pp. 8~. ~Edinburgh, 2eill & Co. 16G. Boston, H. Wentworth, 1866. 42. s The heroines of the church; or, lives and The same. 1st and 2d supplement to sufferings of female missionaries in heathen lad.0 Boston, the catalogue. 9, 5,40 pp. 8.. ldinburgh, lands. New ed. 290 pp. 160. Boston, J. Johnstone, etc. 1848-52. s. H. Wentworth, 1866. The young man's friend. FNew ed. 260 [With catalogue, 1842.] e youg as fiend. Ne e 260 Society of writers to his majesty's signet. pp. 160. Boston, H. Wzentwtuorth, 1866. Catalogue of the library. xxxi, 761 pp. 108 1. The young woman's friend; or, the 40. Edinburgh, kociety, etc. 1805. s. duties, trials, loves, and hopes of woman. The same. 4 pts. with a general index. New ed. 250 pp. 160. Boston, H. Went- 5 v. 40~ Edinburgh, 1826-37. S. 2Gworth, 1866. ITniversity. Academic annual for 1840, Eddy (Ber. Richard). History of the 60th consisting of contributions in literature and regiment New York state volunteers, from science. By alumnli ofthe university. lxviii, July 1861, to Jan. 1864. xii, 360pp. 120. 237 pp. 123. Edlinburzg, A. & C. Black, Philadelphia, Pz. Eddy, 1864. 1840. s. Ede (George). The management of steel. Catalogus librorum ad rem medica 4th ed. 221 pp. 120. New York,2 Appleton, spectantium in bibliotheca academie edin1867. burgene, secundum auctorum nomina dispoEdenl (Hon. Emily). "Up the country." Let- situr. Ed. altera. 80. Edinburgh, 1798. s. ters written to her sister, from the upper - Nomina eorum quigradum medicinae provinces of India. 2 v. vi, 302 pp; 263 pp. doctoris adepti sunt. 1705-1845. vi, 280 pp. 120. Lorndon, BR. Bentley, 1866. 80. Edinburgh, Neill & Co. 1846. s. Eden (~Williamn, afterwards lord Auckland). Edinburgh (The) encyclopedia; conducted by Four letters to the earl of Carlisle, on per- David Brewster, etc. A-Z. 18v. 40. -Edinversions of political reasoning; on the war burgh, W. Blackwood, etc. 1830. s. between Great Britain, and France and Spain; Edinburgh medical journal. v. 12. pts. 1-2. the public debts; the representations of Ire- July, 1866, to July, 1867. 2 v. 80. Elinburgh, land respecting a free-trade; population, rev- 1867. enue laws respecting commerce, public cecon- E9dinburgh (The) review, or critical journal. omy. 3d ed. 232, xi pp. 160~. Lonrbdon, B. Jan. to Oct. 1867. v. 125-126. 80. London, Wyite & T. Cadell, 1780. Longozans, 1867. Edged tools. By the author of the "Win and Ed. Lee and sailor Dick: a boy's trials and wear series." [anon.] 316 pp. 160. Neu triumphs. (Round hill stories.) 196 pp. 160 York, B. Carter and blrothers, 1867. Boston, B. A. Ballou, 1866. Edgeworth (Maria). The absentee. 234 PP. Edlin (A.) Treatise on the art of bread-making. 16~. London, Routledlge, 1856. xxiv, 221 pp. 16. London, Vernor & Hood, Ennui, and Emilie De Coulanges, being 1805. tales of fashionable life. 241 pp. 160. Los- Ednlold (Charles). Voyage dans les mers don, Routledge, 1856. du nord A bord de la corvette la Reine HorManceuvring, Madame de Fleury, and tense. 8. Paris, 1857. s. The dun. 237 pp. 160. London, Routledge, Ar uoiaN.-NetieeS scientifies. 1856. Relation nautique par A. G. Du Buisson. Vivian, and Almneria: being tales of Partic physiologiquce ct mt6dicale, par Drs. Bellebon fashionable life. 248 pp. 16. London et Curlt., Partie g6ologique, par E. B. de Chancourtois et FerriBioutleclde, 1856. Pisani. l1 EDMONDS EDWARDS. Edmonds (John W.) Report upon the dis- 7 v. in 1. 8~. Paris,. Annales des sciences turbance at the Potawatamie payment. 47 pp. naturelles, 1835-38. s. 8~.' Newv York, 1837. CONTENTS. Report on the claims of creditors of the WMmoire sur un nouveau genre, etc. (Alcyonides). 11 pp, 2 p1. Potawatamie Indians of the Wabash in 1836- Observations sur les alcyons proprement dits. 10 pp, 37. 95 pp. 8~. Scatcherd & dcas, 3 pl Inecherches sur les eschares. 49 pp, 5 pI. 1837. Observations sur les polypiers fossiles du genre esEdwards (BelaBates). Biogrphy of self- chare. 24 pp, 4 pl. Edwarcds (Bela Bates). Biography of s e lf- %Note sur un nouveau genre de polypiers fossiles eschataught men: with an introduotory essay. riens (Mdlic6rite). 12 pp, 3 pl. &16moire sur les crisies, les horn6res, etc. (Tubulipo642 pp. 160. Boston, Tilton & Co. 1859. riens). 46 rpp, llp. Edwards (Carlton). In memory: [being a Observations sur la nature et le mode de croissance des polypiers. [14] pp. selection from his writings, with a memoir]. ~ Blanchard (Eimile), and L.ucas (Hipiv, 272 pp. 1 photog. portrait. Albany, polyte). Mustumd'histoirenaturelledeParis. Printedfor 2rr3iv. cdistrib. 1863. s. Catalogue de la collection entomologiqueEdwards (Edward). Administrative economy classe des insectes. Orlre des colopt~res. of the fine arts in England. 376 pp. 8. iv pp. 8 1850. iv, 240 pp. 8. _Paris, Gide & Baudr'y, 1850. ZLondon, Saunders & Otleqy, 1840. s. [No more published.] Edwards (Frederic E.) A monograph of the ccand Haime (Jules). Monograph of the eocene mollusc%, or description of shells from British fossil corals. 4~. London, 1850-54. the older territories of England. pp. 1-330. [Palm]ontographical society.] S. pl. 1-33. 4~. London, Palceonbtographical soc. See Audouin (J. V.) and:Edwards 1849-50. s. (H. M.) Hist. nat. de la France. (No more published.) Edwards (John, D. D.) A comnpleat history, Edwards (George, M. D. of London). Ag- or survey of all the dispensations and methods grandisement and national perfection of Great of religion, as represented in the old and new Britain; the imeans of paying off its public testament. 2 v. xvi, 774 pp. 1 pl. 12~. debt within the space of 30 years; of ac- London, D. Brown, 1699. complishing the national improvements, etc. Edwards (John N.) Shelby and his men; or including the art of ameliorating land to the the war in the west. 551 pp. 1 p1. 1 map. greatest advantage. 2 v. in 1. vi, 384 pp; 80. Cineinnati, Miami pub. Co. 1867. 2 p. 1. 313 pp. 4~. London, J. Debrett, Edwards (Rev. Jonathan, senior). The dis[1787]. tinguishing marks of a work of the spirit of Eldwards (George, P. 1. S.) and Catesby God applied to that uncommon operation that (Mark). Sammlung verschiedener ausland- has lately appeared on the minds of many of ischer und seltener vogel; worinnen ein jeder the people in New England. With a preface derselben nicht nur auf das genaueste bes- by the Rev. Mr. Cooper, of Boston. 76 pp. chrieben, sondern auch in einer riclltigen und 120. londos, S. Mason, 1742. sauber illuminirten abbildung vorgestellet ~ A faithfull narrative of the surprising wird, von Johann M. Seligmainn [unld Georg work of God in the conversion of many hunLeonhard Huth.] 9 v. in 4. fol. Niirnberg, dred souls in Northampton, in a letter to Dr. J. J. Fleischmann, 1749-76. s. Colman. With prefaces by Drs. Watts and Edwards (H. Sutherland). The three Louisas: Guyse. xvi, 132 pp. 8~. London, J. Osiwald, a novel. 3v. 120. London, Tinsley, 1862. 1737. Edwards (Henri Milne). Histoire naturelle ~ The same. 125 pp. 16g. de coralliares, on polypes proprement dits. [Another edition; title wanting]. Text, 3 v. atlas, 0~. Paris, Roret, 18357-60. A history of the work of redemption. - Leyons sur la physiologie et l'anatomie 402 pp. 8~. NArew York, R. Hocle, 1786. compar6e de l'homlme et des animaux. ~ Humble attempt to promote an explicit v. I —VIII, pt. 1. $0. Paris, V. Masson, agreement and visible union of God's people 1857-63. s. thro' the world, in extraordinary prayer, for -- langes carcinologiques. (extract). the revival of religion and the advancement 2 v. 1 p. 1. 192 pp, 23 pl. 40. Paris, of Christ's kingdom on earth. 188 pp. 18~. Annales des sciences naturelles, etc. 1851-54. Boston, D. Hencchman, 1747. S. - A treatise concerning religious affections. Recherches anatomiques, physiologiques, 499 pp. 8~. Elizabet7toewn, (N. J.) SShepard et zoologiques sur les polypes. (extracts). Kolbock, 1737. 112 EDWARDS. EICHTHAL. Edwards (Rev. Jonathan, senior). Humble 1788. 6 pl. 284 pp. 3 pl. 1 map. 16~. HKi'inquiry into the rules of the word of God, benhavn, 1789. concerning the qualifications requisite to a Egger (]nmile). M6moires de litt6rature ancomplete standing and full communion in the cienne. xxiii, 520 pp. 80. Paris, Durand, visible christian church. With an appendix 1862. by Mr. [Thomas] Foxcroft. sin. 40~. v, 136, - M6moires d'histoire ancienne et de 16 pp. Boston, S. Kneeland, 1749. philologie. xi, 516 pp. 2 pl. 80. Paris, A farewell-sermon, preached in North- Durand, 1863. ampton, June 22, 1750. 36 pp. 16~. Boston, Eggerling (H. W. E.) Beschreibung der VerS. jneeland, 1751. einigten Staaten von Nord America, den Misrepresentations corrected, and truth deutschen auswanderern gewidmet. 2e aufi. vindicated, in a reply to Rev. Solomon Wil- 12~. Mannhei7, Llofter, 1833. liams's book, entitled The true state of the Egleston (Thomas,jr.) Catalogue of minerals, question concerning the qualifications neces- with their formulm, etc. xiii, 42 pp. 80~. sary to lawful communion in the christian Washington, Sm. Inst. 1863. sacraments. iv, 173 pp. 2 1. 1 pl. 8~0. (Smithsonian miscel. coll. v. 7.) Boston, S. BiKnieeland, 1752. - The same. 34 pp. 8~. New York, School Edwards (Rev. Morgan). Materials towards of mines, 1866. s. a history of the American baptists in Penn- A check list of the silicates, with their sylvania. v. i. 132 pp. 1 pl. 16~. Phila- formulce and crystalline systems, etc. 12 pp. delphia, Joseph Gr Ckshank 4 Isaac Collins, 8~. New York, 1866. s. 1770.. Diagrams to illustrate the lectures on Materials towards a history of the crystallography delivered at the school of baptists in Jersey. v. ii. 155 pp. 160. mines of Columbia college. x pp. 38 pl. 8~. Philadelphia, Thomas Dobson, 1792. New York, 1866. s. (IIazard coll. pain. v. 107). Egllin (Raphael). Captivitatis babylonice thisE3d-wrards (Pierrepont). Practical guide for toria. See Helwig (Christoph). Elenchi British shipmasters, to United States ports. judaici. Luydeni in Batavis, 1702. viii, 323 pp. 12~. London, Longrmans, 1866. Egyptian dream-book and fortune-teller, conEdclvards (William Frederic). Recherches sur taining an alphabetical list of dreams, with les langues celtiques. xix, 538 pp. 80. their signification. 160. New York, 1866. Paris, inmp. roycle, 1844. s. Elininger (J. W.) A series of etchings sug@Ean (Pierce). Boxiana; or, sketches of an- gested by Hood's bridge of sighs. 2 p. 1. 8 cient and modern pugilists. [Illustrated]. pl. obl. fol. -New York, G. P. Ptutnam, 1851. 80. Lonrdon, 1823-29. Ehrenstr6l (Marianne d'). Notices sur la The same. New series. 2 v. 8~. London, litt6rature et les beaux arts en Su~de. 7 p. 1. 1828-29. 317 pp. 83. Stockolm, Ecksteirn, 1826. s. Egede (Hans). Det gamle Grbnlands nye per- Ehrenteni pel des neunzehnten jahrhunderts. lustration, eller naturel-historie. 6 p. 1. 131 Inlbiographien beriihmter zeitgenossen. 3 v. pp. I map, 11 pp. sm. 40. Kiobenhavn, Groth, 80. Leipzig, Spacmer, 1852-55. s. 1741. - The same. Description et histoire nat- CONTENTS. urelle du Groenland. Traduite en Francois v. 1. Humboldt, von H. Klencke. xvi, 224 pp. 2 pl. par Mr. D. R. D. P. 160. Copenhague et 2. Wellinnton. xvi, 307pp. 7 pl. 3. Von Stein. ix, 217 pp. portrait. Geneve, 1763. Egede (Hans Saabye). Brudstykker af en Elichenfeld (Joseph von), and Endlicher dag-bog holden i Gr6nland i aarene, 1770- (Stephen). Analecta granmmatica, maximam 1778. 154 pp. 16~. Odense, 1816. partem anecdota. xxvi, 571 pp. 1 pl. 8~. - The same. Bruchsttikke eines tagebuches Vindlobonce, F. Beck, 1837. gehalten in GrInland 1770-78. Aus dem Eichstidt (Heinrich Carl Abraham). Opvscvla ditnischen iibersetzt von G. Fries, mit einer oratoria. Orationes, memorim, elogia. Ed. 2a. vorrede. xcii, 191 pp. 1 map. 120. Ham- xxxii, 804 pp. 83. Jece, Mtauke, 1850. s. burg, Perthes & Besser, 1817. s. Eichthal (Gustave d'). Histoire et origine des Egede (Paul). Efterretninger om Gr6nland, Foulabs, ou Fellans. xii, 296 pp. 1 pl. 80. uddragne af en journal holden fra 1721 til Paris, Dondey-Duprd, 1841. 113 EICHWALD. E. LLIS. Eichwald (Eduard). Naturhistorische skizze New-England. 18 p. 1. 46 pp. sm. 40. Lonvon Lithauen, Volhynien und Podolien, in don, Peter Cole, 1653. geognostisch-mineralogischer, botanischer, Eliot (William G reenleaf, D.D.) Discourses und zoologischer hinsicht. 3 p.1. 256 pp. on the doctrines of christianity. 16th [ed.] 3 pl. 4~. Wilna, J. Zawadzki, 1830. s. 168 pp. 16~. Boston, Amer. Unit. assoc. Eisenlohr (W.) Lehrbuch der physik. 6e 1867. aufl. vi, 657 pp. 8~. Stuttgart, Krais 4 - Early religious education considered as lonffmann, 1852. s. the divinely appointed way to the regenerate Ejercicio cotidiano, il horas divinas. [anon.] life. 128 pp. 16~. Boston, Crosby, Nichols v, 458 pp. 24~. Bogotci, F. TSrres Amaya, & Co. 1855. 1854. Lectures to young men. Sth ed. 190 Elcock (Ephraim). Animadversions on a pp. 16~. Boston, Amer. Unit. assoc. 1867. book called a Plea for non-scribers. 3 p. 1. 1 Lectures to young women. 8th ed. 196 61 pp. sm. 40. London, Richard Wodnothe, pp. 160. Boston, Am. Unit. assoc. 1867. 1651. Elis (Carl). Chronik der alten bischofstadt Elder (Cyrus). My gift. [Poems.] 104 pp. Halberstadt. 122 pp. 8~. Halberstadt, C. 120. Neiu York, N. Tibbals 4' Co. 1867. B. Elis, 1859. s. Elderfield (Christopher). The civil riglit of Ellen: a poem for the times. [anon.] 48 pp. tythes. ByC. E. [anon.] 4 p.l. 344 pp. 120. New York, Carleton, 1867. sm. 4~. London, J. Holden,. 1650. Ellet (Mrs. Elizabeth F.) Family pictures from Elderhorst (William). Chemical report. thebible. 2p.l. 223pp. 120. New York G. [ WVith Owen's first report on geology of Arkansas.] P. Putnam, 1849. s. Eldredge (Mira). Drops of water from many Elliot (Stephen). An address to the literary fountains. 216 pp. 160. New York, Foster and philosophical society of South Carolina, & Palmer, 1867. 1814. 20 pp. 40~. Charleston, W. P. Young, le6mens d'economie politique, suivis de quel- 1814. ques vues sur l'application des principes de:Elliott (Charles). The sabbatll. 106lpp. 120. cette science aux rbgles administratives. xxi, Philadelphia, Presbyt. bd. of pub. [1867]. 384 pp. 8~. Paris, Fantin, 1817. s. Elliott (Charles Boileau). Letters from the Elie de Beaumont (Jean Baptiste Armand north of Europe; or, journal of travels. xxiii, Louis L6once). Note sur les systbmes de 475 pp. 8~0. London, H. Colburn & B. Bentmontagnes les plus anciens de l'Europe. ley, 1832. [Extract.] 128 pp. 8~. Paris, Soc. giol. de Elliott (Charles W.) Remarkable characters Freance, 1847. s. and places of the holy land. 640 pp. 12 pl. Eliot (Rev. Andrew)., A burning and shining 1 map. 8~. Hartford, (Conn.) J. B. Burr 4light extinguished. Sermon [onthe death] of Co. 1867. Rev. John Webb, 1750. 42 pp. 12~. Boston, Elliott (Franklin Reuben). Fruit book; or, Joshua Winter, [1750?] the American fruit-grower's guide in orchard [With WALLEY (Rev. Thomas.) Balm in Gilead. and garden. 503 pp. 120. New York, C. M. Cambridge, 1670]. Eliot (Rev. John). The day-breaking, if not Saxton, 1854. the sun-rising of the gospell with the Indians Elliott (Robert) Original sketches.See in New England. [anon.] 25 pp. smin. 40 Views n ndi, China, etc. London, Fnilk Clpfton, 1647. Ellis (Alexander John). The alphabet of naA late and further.anifestation of the ture; or, contributions towards a more accugospel amongst the Indians in Now-England. rate analysis and symbolization of spoken 4 p. 1. 23 pp. sm. 40. London, 1655. sounds: with some account of the principal I Learned conjectures of John Eliot, touch- phonetic alphabets hitherto proposed. vii, 194 ing the Americans, of new and notable con- pp. 80. Bath, I. Pitman, 1845. sideration, written to Mr. Thorowgood. 2 p. Ellis (Benjamin). The medical formulary; 67 pp. 40. London, Henry Brome, 1660. 67~pp. 40 ~London, HenryBrome, 1660. being a collection of prescriptions. 8th ed. [Appended to THOiROWGOOD (Rev. Thomas). Jews With numerous additions. By Samuel George in America. London, 1660.] Morton. 272 pp. 80. Philcdelphia, Lea & - See Bible, Indian, Massachusetts. Blanchard, 1846. s. - and Mayhew (Rev. Thomas). Tears Ellis (Charles Mayo). The history of Roxbury of repentance; or, a further narrative of the town. part i. 146 pp. 8~. Boston,Sanauel progress of the gospel amongst the Indians in G. Drake, 1847. 15 ELLIS. EMORY.. Ellis (Daniel).6 Thrillinig adventures. of- D. vii, 143 pp. 16 London,: H. ~. Bohn, Ellis, the Union guide. of east Tennessee, 1850. S. during the- southern rebellion'. 430 pp. 12~; CONTENTS. New York, Hlarpers, 1867. Uses: of greatl men; Plato;: S:wedlnborg:;: Montaigne; Ellis (Henry). A. voyage to Hudson's. bay by Shakspeare; Napoleon; Gooethe. the Dobbs galley, and California, in 1746-7, Emerson (William)). System; of astronomy. for' discovering a: north-west passage. xxviii, xii, 368 pp. 12ipl. 8~. Londo,.J,. lNoerse, 336 pp. i map, 8pl. 80. Londbon, H:. W/ hit- 1769. ridye, 1748. Ermmich (Matthias:). G eneviiyve! de, Brahbant. Ellis (Sir Henry). Journal of the proceedings Traduit dl. Latin. par ]}. de La BWdolliBre. of the late embassy to China. 382 pp. 80. 24 pp. 120. Paris, 1841..Phi^adel7phia,.A. Smcsal 1818. s. t Emmons- (Ebenezeri. Birds oflMassachusetts.. E'i.s (Rev. J. D. D.) A defence, of the thirty- s. nine articles of the. church of. England, [In lHrcocHGOC (c:E.) Catalogue of animals; etc.. of Mass.] [with]- the Lambeth aricles. 3p.,.. 177 Mass.] Report on the geological survey of pp. 180-'. Lond1, RP Bonwicke adlL othersj Z D North Carolina. xvi, 314 pp. 80. Raleigh, 1710. H.. Tulrner 1852 s. E lis- (Samuel):. The history of the order of.. the sons of temperance, fro y 1842 to 1848. Report of the North Carolina geological the sons of. temperance- fiom 1842 to 1848. survey. Agriculture of the eastern counties; Revised ed. 23,8 pp. 12~. Boston Stacy.. [also], description of the fossils of the marl Richarcdson- & Co 1848-. beds: illustrated.. xvi, 315 p p. 8. Raleigh, El:_lis (Rev. William). Polynesian. researches H.D..,,Turner,, 858.=;during a residence of nearly eight years in the: ure,.15. Reports on the geology [of New York]. Society, and Sandwich islands. New ed!. 4 v.. [NEW YOIK. Annual reports on the geological sur160. Londo,. H. G. Bohen, 1859, s. vey. v. 1-5.] Elwes (Alfred). Legend of the mount; or, Emmons (Richard, M. D.) The battle of the days of chivalry. 95 pp. 1 pl. 160. Bunker bhill. 2d ed. 144 pp. 12~. New York, London, E. Wilson, 1866. Sackettr -Sargent, 1839.. Ely (Ezra Stilesj D. D.) The journal of the —. The same;- or; temple-of liberty.. 2d'ed. stated-preacher to the hospital andi almshouse 144 pp,. 1 pl, 120. Boston; 1841. in the city of New York, for 1811. [anon.].Thesamn-e. 6thled. 144 pp.: 1~2. Bos300 pp. 120. 12. New York, Whiting' 8, Watson, ton, 185:6. 181. 2. -- The same. An historie poem.. 10tlh ed. Emblemata anniversaria academie; altorfinme, 144 pp. ipl. 120. Boston, 1865. stvdiorvm' ivventvtis exercitandorvm: cavsa - -. The; defence of Baltimore [in 1814] and proposita et variorvm orationibvs exposita. death of general' Ross. 48 pp.. 16i 1. 16P. 6 pl. 153 1. 3 1. sm. 40. Norimbergce, Le- Washington, Willian? Emmonss 1831. vinus- Hvlsius, 1597:. Emory (William H.) Notes of a military reEmerson (CharlesN.) Internal revenue guide; connoissance from fort Leavenlwortlh, in. Miscontaining the law of June 30, 1864, as souri,: to, San Diego, in California, including amended March- 3, 1865, July 13, 1866. and parts of the Arkansas, Del Norte), and Gila March 2, 1867. 402 pp. 80. Springfield, rivers. 416 pp. 80. Washington, Wfendell.& (Mass.) S. Bowles 4- Co. 1:867. Van Benthuysen,, 1848..Emerson' (M-rs. Eleanor' Read). Memoirs, Report onthe United States and Mexican with: some of lier- writings. To which is bou.ndary survey,,made under the direction of added Rev. [Samuel] Worcester's sermon the secretary of the interior. 8 v. in 3. 40. occasioned by her deatl. 2d ed. 96 pp, 160. Washington, Government press,. 1857-59,. Boston, Lincoln & Edmands, 1809. Emerson (Ralph Waldo). May-day and other CONTENTS. pieces. ivr. 205- pp. 120. Boston., Ticnort v. 1. pt. 1. [Itinerary, etc.]. xi 253 pp. 1 map 57:pl. ~pieces.,~ i'~v.'205~pp~v. 1i, pt.,2. Geological reports of C. C. Parry and Fields, 1867. Arthur Scott. Palmeontology and geology, by James Hall. Description of cretaceous - Nature. [Including coammodity, beauty, and tertiary fossils, by T. A. Conrad. viii, language, and discipline. 1st ed.] 95 pp. 174: pp. 1 ol, map, 21 pl. v. 2, pt. 1. Botany of the boundary. Introduction 120. Boston. J. Mueroe 4 Co, 1836. by C. C; Parry. Botany by John Torrey. R —- Bepresentat2ive men; seven lectures. ~ 270-pp., Cactacete, by George Engel- Representative men;e seven. lectures. mann. 78pp. 75p1 EMORY. ERASMUS. Emory:(Williamn H.):Notes, etc.-C:ontinued. -English (The) compendium: or, rudiments of v.:2, pt.:2. Zoology of thre boundary. honour; containing tthe genealogies of tall:the Mammals, by S.'. Baird. 62 pp. 27-1]. a Birds, by S. F. Baird. 32 pp. 25 col. l. nobility of England, their titles, posts, and Birds, by S. F. Baird. 32 pp. 25 col. 1pl. Reptiles, by S. F. Baird. 35 pp. 41 p1.!Seats. 11th:ed. [anon.] 3 v.:24g, London, Ichthyology, by Char.les Girard. 85, i pp. 41 pl. C. Hitch, 1760. Enchyridion -Leonis [iiii] papWe. [pseudon.] English (The) constitution fully stated; with 162 pp. 180. RoBmna, 1670. -animadelsiions 1on Mr. Higden's mistakes Encyclopedie d'architecture: journal mensuel about it. [anon.] 108 pp. 80. London, 1710. publi6 sous la direction de VictorCalliat et English (The) pilot. Describing:the seacoasts, AdolpheLance. 12 v. 4~. Paris,Bance,1851-62. etc. in tile whole northern navigation. 78 ip. Encyclopedie des gens du monde: repertoire.31 maps.:fol. London, J. Mount, 1775. universel des sciences, des lettres, et:des arts. English.(George.Bethune). Five pebbles from Par une soci&6t de savans,:etc. [Sous l:a di- the brook. A reply to "a defence of christirection de J. H. Schnitzler.] 44 v. in 22.'8~. anity,"'by Edwvard Everett. vi, 124 pp. 160. Parls, Treuttel If Wiirtz, 1833-44. Philadelpitia, 1824. Enfieldc (William). A. general pronouncing Enquiry (An) into and detection of the barbadictionary. 5th ed. xxiv, 392 pp. 24~. Lon- rous imurther of [Arthur C apel,] the late earl don, Baldwinz, Cradocel 4. Joy, 1816. s. of Essex. [anon.].2 p. 1. 75 pp. sin. 4~. -:Institutes of natural philosophy. 5thl ed. [London], 1689. By Samuel Webber. xviii, 216 pp. 16 pl.:8. E8~. quEl iry (An) into the Caledonianlproject, with Boston, Hilliard, Gray. -Co. 1832. s. a defence of England's procedure in relation Engel (Carl). An introduction to the study of:thereunto. [anon.] 54pp. nunb. as-92 pp. national music.; comprising researches into' sm. 40. London, J. -Nutt, 1701. popular songs, traditions, and customs. xi, Enquiry (An):respecting the capture of Wash435 pp. 1 pl. 80. London, Longsmans, 1866. ingtonbythe British. By Spectator. [anon.] Engel (Ferdinand). Axonometrical projections 32 pp. 16c. Washtington, 1816. ron the most importanlt geometrical surfaces.' Elnslin (Theodor Johann Christian Friedrich). Drawings in descriptive geometry. Preface Bibliothek der handlungswissenschaft; oder byDr. Joachimsthal. 10 pp. 19 pl. obl. fol. verzeichniss der vom jabre 1750 bis 1845 in N'ew York, H. Goebeler, 1855. s. Deutschland erschienenen bticher fiber alle'Engel (Samuel). Extraits raisonn6s des voy-| theile der buchhandlungskunde und deren ages faits dans les parties septentrionales de hiilfsv.isse-nschaften. 2e auflage, von EngelI'Asie et de l'Amdrique. 4~. Lausanme, 1779. mann. vi, 225 pp.: 8~. Leipzig, TV. EngelEngelmann (George, M. D.) Cactacese of the mann, 1846. s. (U. S. and Mexican) boundary.:78 pp. 76 pl. |[: With GRXssu (J. G. T.) Bibliotheca magica]. 4~. [ Washington, 1859]. s. Ensor (George). On national government. 2 The same. v. vi, 456 pp; iv, 487 pp. 80. London, J. [.EMORY (W. tH.) Report on the U. S. and Mexican: Johnson, 181-0. bountdarfy survey. v. 2). pt. 1]. Epictetus. Works; consisting of his discourses, E-ngelmann (Wilhelm). Bibliotheca mechan-..Engeinn'(Wilhelm). Bibliothecamcn- in four books, the enchiridion, and firagments.'co-technologica oder verzeichniss-der bis -zur i-co-technoloica odor vereichniss deriszur A translation by T. W. Higginson. xvi, 437 mitte des jahres 1843 in Deutschland erschie- pp. L2S0 oston Little, Brown 4. Co. 1866. pp. 1'2~. Boston, Little, Brown c Co. 1 8 66. nenen btucher, iiber alle theile der mechanischen Eiriio Enchiridion. und technischen kiinste und gewerbe, Wl. s. w. [ ith VEEN (0. van). Theatro moral de la vida 2:e auflage. vii, 503 pp. 80. Leipzig, W. En- hunrana. 1701]. yelmann, 1844. s. lEpigrammatunmanith ologiapalatilna, cum planEngland and France; or, a cure for the -minis- udeis, et appendice nova epig'rammatumi- veteterialgallomania. [anon.] viii, 268pp. 120. rum ex, libris et marmoribus ductorum. London, J. Murray, 1832. Instruxit F. Dithbner. Grece et Latine. v. 1. England illustrated, or: a compendium of the xxiv, 572 pp.:8. Parisiis, Didot, 1864. natural history, geography, topography, and [DInOr, liblioth. grecque. V. 53.] antiquities, ecclesiasticalandcivil, of England E ras o, Gerhardt (Desiderius). Faliland Wales. [anon.] 2v. 4 p.l. xiii, 426 pp; iarvl colloqviorl formule, multis adiectis, non tantfi ad lingnain pvedilem expoliddani 2 p. 1. 490 pp. 51 maps. 27 pl. -4~. London, uon taru ad liaagum peiilem n expoliendnu B. & J. Dodsley, 1764.:utiles, uerum etiam ad uita instituendd; -nuper Englefield (Sir Henry C.) See Moses (H.en-. recognit ab catore, et locupletatn. [unp.] ry). Vases, etc. 16~. pBudl Basilea?, JaJo ans. Frob. 153. s. 116 ERATOSTHENES. ESPY. Eratosthenes. See Aratus. Phaenomena et wissenschaften und lhinste. 140 v. 40. Leipdiosemeia. Oxonii, 1672.. ziq, Gleditsch [und] Brockhaus, 1818-66. s. Ercilla y Zuniga (Alonso de). La araucana. CONTENTS. 2 pts. lvi, 298 pp; 413 pp. 1 map. 2 pl. 16. e section. A-G. N le section. A —G. v. 1-84. A —Griechenland, 1818-66. Madrid, A. de Sancha, 1776. 2e section. H-N. v. 1-31. H —Junius, 1827-55. Erckmann (],mile) and Chatrian (Alexan- (wanting v. 7, 18, 20.] 3e section. O-Z. v. 1-25. O-Phyxios, 1830-50. dre). L'amiFritz. 2e dd. 3 p. 1. 341 pp. [No more published.] 16~. Paris, Hachette, 1865. 1 —- Conres des bords du Rhin. 4 p. 1. 36 pp. Bibliograpbisches handbuch. See Geis-0Contes des bords du hn p1.6p. sler (C. 4..A.) 160. Paris, Hetzel, 1862. Histoire cd'un conscrit de 1813. 3e Ed. Erskine (Ralph). Gospel sonnets; or, spiritual 2 p. 1. 310 pp. 160. Pfaris, Ietzel et Lacaroix, songs, [with] account of the author's life and [1864]. ~c writings. 356 pp. 18~. Edinbu'gh, G. Caw, 1788. Histoire d'un homme du peuple. 2 p. 17. 374 pp. 160. Paris, Hetzel et Lacroix, A paraphrase; or, large explicatory [1865]. poem upon the song of Solomon. 144 pp. 180. L'illustre docteur Matheus. 3e Ed. 2 p. l. Glasgzow, R. Duncan, 1770. 337 pp..160.- Paris, etze et Lacroix, Erslew (Thomas Hansen). Almindeligt for337 pp. -160.- Paris, Hetzel et Lacroix, [1859]. fatter-lexicon for kongeriget Danmark med'invasion* on, le fou Y~ gof~ 9e Sd. tilhorende bilande, fra 1814 til 11840. 2 v. 8~. 2 p. 1. 318 pp. 160. Paris, HEetzel, [1862]. 1Kjfbenhasn, Forlegsforenigens forlag, 1843. Madame ThdrBse. 8e 6d. 2 p. 1. 377 pp. 16~. Paris, Hetzel et Lacroix, [1863]. (A.-R. oly. v. 3 wanting.) 160. Paris, lletzel et Laroix, [1863]. Erste dalmatinischl-lkroatisch-slavonisch aus--- Materloo; suite du conscrit de 1813. Waterloo; suite du consent d 1813. stellung abgehalten in Agram in 1864. 4 p. 1. 5e ed. 2 p. 1. 374 pp. 16~. Paris, Hetzel 271pp. 8 1864. s. 271 pp. 8~. Agrare, A. Jaki6, 1864. s. et Lacrioix, [1865]. Erzinger (Heinrich). Lesebuch fir landwirthErdl (Michael Pins). Entwvicklung des mensschaftliche fortbildungsschlulen, mit besondechen und des htihnchens im eie. Entwickrer beriiclsichtigung der verhtiltnisse und lung der leibesform. 140 pp. 30 pl. 40. bediirfisse des wtirttedb. bauernsa ndes. bedfirfifisse des wuirttemb. bauernstandes. Leipzig, L. Foss, 1845. s. viii, 175 pp. 12~. Stuttgart, Ebner 4' Secbert, Erichson (Wilhelm Ferdinand). Genera et 1860. s. 1860. s. species staphylinorum, insectorum coleoptero- Esche (Louise). Grandmother and grand-rumfamilie. viii,955pp. 5pl. 8~. Berolini, daughter. From the German, by C. R. Corson. pp. 79-112. The same. Pars prior. 400 pp. 3 pl. ITt STOI (Th.) Imnen-see. 160. P/la. 8~. Berolini, P. H. Morin, 1839. s. 1863.J Erlam (J. S.) Advice to builders, buyers, and Eschlricht (Daniel Friedrich). Zoologischrenters of houses. 70pp. 16G. London, W. anatomisch-physiologisch untersuchungen Shoberl, 1851. s. fiber die nordischen wallthiere. v. i. xvi, 205 Erman (Adolph). Travels in Siberia. Trans- pp. 15 pl. 4~. Leipzig, L. Voss, 1849. s. lated from the German by W. D. Cooley. Esenbeck (Nees von). See Nees von Esen2 v. xi, 495 pp; ix, 536 pp. 1 map. 80. beck. London, Longmans, 1848. s. Espinasse (Francis). Life and times of FranErnesti (Johanni August). Elements of inter- 9ois-Marie Arouet, calling himself Voltaire. pretation. Translated from the Latin, with v. i. iv, 620 pp. 80. London, Chapman notes, by Moses Stuart. 3d ed. vii, 124 pp. & Hall, 1866. 160. Andover, Ml. lewman, 1827. Esprit (Jacques). Discourses on the deceitful Erotopagnion. See Priapeia. ness of human virtues. Done out of French, E]rpenius or Van Erpe (Thomas). Rudiments by William Beauvoir. 8 p. 1. 432 pp. 8~. de la langue arabe; supplement indiquant les London, A. Bell, 1706. difflrences entre le langage littoral et le lan- E]spy (James Pollard). The human will; gage vulgaire, par A. E. Hebert. iv, 13. pp. essays on moral accountability, the legitimate 8~. Paris, Ismprimerie royale, 1844. s. object of punishment, and the powers of the Ersch (Johann Samuel), Gruber (J. G. and will. 95 pp. 8~. Ciincinnati, Dial office, others, editors.) Allgemeine encyclopiidie der 1860. 117 ESQUIROS. EUCLIDES..Esquiros (Henri Alphonse). Cornwall and its pide detort6s consutum. Matronis et aliorvm coasts. vii, 304 pp. 12~. London, Chapman parodiae. 4 p.1. 181 pp. 16~. H. Ste& Hall, 1865. phanus, 1573. Essais d'anatomie; ou Von expliqueclairement Ivith ESTIENNE (Henri). Epistolia, etc. [1577.1 la construction des organes et leurs op6ra- 1 Introdvction av trait6 de la conformit6 tions m6chaniques selon les nouvelles hypo- des merveilles anciennes auec les modernes; theses. [anon.] 5p.1. 189 pp. 240. Leide, ov, trait6 pr6paratif t l'apologie pour P. Van der Aa, 1686. s. H6rodote. 32 p. 1. unp. 680 pp. 16~. [ With GREW (N.) Anatomnie des plantes.] 1566. Essay (An) on laughter. Translated fronm the The same. A world of wonders: or, an French by P. Hiffernan. [anon.] xii, 140 introdvction to a treatise touching the conpp. 18C. London, T. Davies, 1769. formitie of ancient and moderne wonders. Essay (An) on trade and commerce. [anon.] Continued by the author himselfe. Translated xvi, 302 pp. 8~. London, S. Hooper, 1770. [from] the French. 2 pts. in 1 v. 9 p.1. Essays on the principles of charitable institu- unp. 358 pp. fol. London, John Norton, tions. [anon.] xi, 371 pp. 80. London, 1607. [Imperfect.] Longman, 1833. Etat pr6sent de la noblesse frangaise. [anon.] Essex, (Earl of). See Capel (Arthur). xxiv, 1230 pp. 8~. Paris, Brachelin-DefloEssex county (Mass.) Directory for 1866. 224, renne, 1866. 152 pp. 80. Boston, Briggs 4- Co. 1866. Ethiopic didascalia; or, the Ethiopic version [Title wanting.] of the apostolic constitutions. With an EngEstaing (Charles. Hector, conzte d'). D6cla- lish translation by T. P. Platt. xvi pp. 11. ration adress6e au nom du roi,t tous les 131pp. 5 1. 4~. London, 1834. anciens Franuois de l'Am6rique Septentrionale. [Oriental translation fund.] fol. broadside. A bord du vaisseau Langue- Etourneau (- ). Les mormons. Pr6face doc, en raclde de Boston, F. P. Demauge, 1778. par Pierre Vinlard. xi, 282 pp. 2 p. 1. 180. Estancelin (Louis). Reclerches sur les voy- Paris, Bestel, 1856. ages et d6couvertes des navigateurs normands Ettingshausen (Constantin von). Die blatten Afrique, dans les Indes Orientales et en skelete der dikotyledonen, mit besonderer Amdrique. xii, 261pp. 8~. Paris, Delaunay rticksicht auf die unltersiu-chtung und bestimet A. Pinard, 1832. mung der fossilen pflanzreste. xlvi, 308 pp.'Estell & Co. The Liverpool commercial list, 95 pl. 40. Wien, Hof-und-staatsdruckerei, 1867-68. fol. London, 1866-67. 1861. s. - The London commercial list, 1867-68. I and Pokorny (Alois). Physiotypia fol. Londoi, 1866-67. plantarum austriacarum. Der naturselbst-- - The Manchester commercial list, 1867- druck in seiner anwendung aulf die gefass68. fol. London., 1867. pfianzen des 6sterreichischen kaiserstaates, Estes (Matthew). Defence of negro slavery, mitbesondererberiicksichtigungder nervation as it exists in the United States.'260 pp. in den liichenorganen der pflanzen. 500 pl. 180. Mnotgomery, (Ala.) 1846. in 5 v. fol. Ifien, Hof-und-staatsdruckerei, Esteve (Joaquin, -and others). Diccionario 1855-56. s. catalan-castellano-latino. 2 v. in 1. 3 p.l. Etzel (Anton von). Grinland geog:aphisch 419 pp; 429 pp. fol. Barcelona, Tecla Pla, und statistisch beschrieben. Aus diinischen 1803-05. quellschriften. xiv, 655 pp. 80. Stuttgart, J. Estienne (Henri). De abvsv lingvee graece G. Cotta, 1860. s. in qvlibvsdam vocibvs qvas latina vsvrpat ad- Etzler (J. A.) The paradise within the reach monitio. Io. Henr. Kromayeri adnotationibus of all men, without labor, by powers of nature nondvm editis instructam pvblicavit F. G. and machinery. 2 v. in 1. viii, 119 pp; 98 Roloffivs. 16p. 1. cliipp. 41. 160. Berolini, pp. 160~. Pittsburgh, (Pca.) tathor, 1833. s. C. G. NAicolai, 1736. Euclides. The elements, viz: the first six Epistolia, dialogi breves, orativncvle, books, with the eleventh and twelfth; also, poematia, ex variis vtriusque lingurn scrip- the book of Euclid's data. By Robert Simson. toribus. 2 p. 1. 276, 120 pp.. 160. H. Ste- [Also ] Elements of plane and spherical phanuts, 1577. trigonometry, etc. By Rev. A. Robertson.'OIuvpoev cat'Hatodov aywv. Homeri et 24thed. xii, 482 pp. 80. London, Lozngmans, HIesiodi ceitamlen. Ex Homeri rersibus le- 1831. s 1.18. JEtCLI)DES. EVELYN. Eucl-ides. The:elements, -etc. 419 pp. 3 pl. Euripides. Tragedie, tradotte da Felice:Bel8~. Philadelphia~, DesilZver 1 & Thomas., 1834.. lotti. 477 pp.:8~. ilano, A....-Stella;&,tli, s. 1829. s. — The same. Geometry,-plane, solid, and Eusebius Pamphilus. Aiimadvadersiones in:spherical, in six books. With the:theory of Phi lostraii de Apollonio commenitarios, de -projection,- etc. [anon.] viii, 272 pp. 8~.i Ilierocle. See Philostratus. QuTe svpersvnt London, Soc. for dff. of useful knowledge,.omnia. Lipsiae, 1709. 1830.,s. Chronicon, id est temporvm breviariv-m. The same. The first six books. See 180 1. 40. Uenetijs, E. Ratdolt, 1483. s. LardL er (D.). -—.-.-Chronnicon quod Hieronymus latinii:facere'T.he same. The geometry of Euclid;:cua:Uit. 20 p. 1. l. 175 1. paged. 1- 1. l-1up. 40. with alnnotations -by Horatio Hubbell. 90 pp. Parisiis, H. SteLhanzets, 1512. -S.:8G. Philad.celpha:, J. B. Lippincott & Co. -.- Histboria ecclesiastica. J. Christophor~1861.:s. sonoloiuterprete. fol. Coloniae Agrippirne, 1581. The same. A treatise of geometry, con- s. taining the first six books of[t ucid'ssellts HISTORIAnE scriptores graeci, 15811. — ith th-e deineiets of solid geometrly. ]By D. ~ The same. Ruffino interprete. [ With;Creswell. xxiii,;503 pp. 80.. Canobridge, Auctores hist. eccl.:fol. Bcsileae, 1523]:. (Eng.) Deighton, 1819. s. Ecclesiastical history. Translated and The same. Elementi di geometria. abridged by S. Parker. Eimendati..... da V.'Plauti. 21R ed. 2 v. in [With Ecclesiastical histories, etc. 3ded. 4~. Lon1. lxxxviii, 341, c pp. 24 pl. 80. NXapoli, Evagrius scholasticus. Historia ecclesiastica. Flauti, 1852. s. fol. Col. Agrippinae, 1581. s. [FLAUTI, corso di geometria. v. ii. ii [ With HISTORIAE eccl. scriptores graeci, 1581]. E.ugene (Fran0ois Eug ne de Savoie-Carignan, Ecclesiast;ical history, translated'and prince). Life of prince Eugene of Savoy. abridged by'[Samuel] Parker. From his own original manuscript. Trans- L' With ECCLEsIAsTICcAL histories,:etc. i40. London, lated from the Frenh. 67 pp. 80. London, 1729]. -J. iDavis, 1812. Evans (Augusta T.) St. Elmo. A novel. 120. Je YDavis, 1182. f[Royal military:chronicle. v. 1]. Nezw York, Carleton, 1867. Euler (Leonhard). Opuscula varii argumenti. Evans (-Rev. Christmas). Sermons: a new -00 pp. 6 pI..40. Berolini, A. H-aude & J. translation from:the Welch; with a memoir C.f Spener, 1746. s. of the author, by Rev. J. Cross. 304 pp. 2:CONTENT S. p. 80. Chicago, 1867. 1.,lio problemnatis mineehanicie dootu corpouin Evans (D. Morier). Speculative notes, and notes tubis mobilibus inclusorum. Ol speculation, ideal and real. x, 240 pp. 2. Nov-e tabulme astronomicne motuin solis ac lunae. - 3. Nova theoria lucis:t:colorum. 12~. London, Groownbridge, 1864. 4. De erturbatione motus planetarum a resistentia Evans (John). Builders' price-book. 44'pp. uotheris orta.'5. Enodatio questionis; an materie:facultas cogitandi 16~. Washilngyton, 1804. tribui possit. --- See Rose (Philip) andcl Evans (John).:6. Recherches sur la:nature des moindres particules des corps. Evans (Lewis). Analysis of a gelleral map of - Elements of algebra. Translated from the middle British colonies in America; and'the French.; with the notes of Bernouilli, etc. of the country of the confederate Indians. 2d and the additions of Lagrange. [With] mem- ed. iv, 32 pp. sm. fol. Philadelophia, B. oir of Euler, by Francis Horner. 5th ed. Franklin:& D. Hall, 1755. xxx, 593 pp. 8O. London, Longnzans, 1840. Evans (-Oliver).. The young mill-wright and s. miller's guide. 5 pts. pp. 154, 175i, 90, x. Vollstiindige anleitung zur niedern und 80. Philadeiphiac, 1795. hihern algebra:; von Johann Philipp Griison. Eveleen Wilson, or the trials of an orphan girl. 2v. 7 p. 1. 312 pp;5 p. 1. 403 pp. 8~. Berlin, [anon.] 108 pp. 80. New York, H. Long G. C. aRauck, 1796. s. Co. 1853. Eumuenes; a collection of papers exhibiting Evelyn (John). Account of architects and some:of the errors alld emissions of the con- architecture. 3 p. 1. 75 pp. fol. London, stitution of New Jersey, to prove the necessity 1706. of a convention for its revision. [anon.] 149 [With FRtART de Chambray (Roland). Parallel of antient architecture with thle modern.'fol. Loedon. pp. 2 1. 80. Trenton, G. Craft, 1799. 1707.] E:;VENING. EYTON. Ev:ening: (JThe)t post: (New. York. daily:). July, iExhibitio- of 1862; London. Special-catalog 1866 to June, 1867.- 2 v. foL New York, dcer gewverblichen. ansstellung des. zollvereiils, 1866-67. herausgegeben von den commissarien der zollEveaning (The) star. (Washington daily)., vereins regierungen. Mit einem anhange Jan. 1:856 to June, 1867. 23 v-. fol. [ Wash- ent-ihaltend ainzeigen,, illustrationen,: undiempington, 1856-67]. febhlungen. viii, 196, cxv: pp. L col.. pl. 80~. Ev.erest. (Rev. Thomas R.)', A. popularl view Berlinv),.. Decker, 1862. s. of homneopathy:: exhibiting- the present state ExIlibition of 1865, Dublin. The illustrated of tihe science.. 2d4 ed. xxv, 151. pp. 86. record: and: descriptive catalogue. Compiled, Lond.oa, J.. Baillirej, 1836. s. and edited by Henry Parkinson, P. L, SimEverett (David). Common sense in, disha- Imonds, etc. under' the sanction of. the execubille —: or, the: farmer.'s moniftor. [With] a tive committee. xvi, 570 pp. 25 pl. 8~. perpetual calendari or economical! almanack. London,, &-1. E. F. Spon,, 1866. 120 pp. 18:0. Worcester', Isaiah Thomas,. 1799.'Explanationls of the church service:; or; a Ewbank (Thomas). Indian remains, [from series of thouglits on the lessons, collects, Chile]. epistles, and gospels, for youngg readers. By [IjVith:GInLIss (J. M.) U.. S;. astron. exped.. v. 2.1 A. J. [anonJ. 340 pp. 180... New York, Ewell (James). The medical. companion, or H., B. Durand, 1867. family physician. 10th ed. 692 pp. 1 pl. Expose (:An) of facts concerning recent: trans80. Philadelphia; T homas, Cowlperthwait &, actions relating' to the corps of cadets of the Co.. 1847.. s. United States military academy. [anon]. Ewell (Thomas, MA. D.)i Letters to ladies, vii,. 68 pp. 8~. AT eburgh, (N:. Y.) U. C. detailing, important: information: concerning Leiwis 1819. s. themselves and infants. 308 pp. 9 pl. 8~. Expounder (The) expounded: or, annotations Philadelphia, W.. Brown, 1817. upon a short account of God's dealing with the Ewington (H.): The arcana of short-hand. Rev. Mr. G-e W-f —d.. By R-ph New ed. 8 pp. 24G. London, Baldwin, iJ-ph-n of the inner temple. 82 pp. 16~. Cradock & Joy, I815.. Lonon, W. & T. Payne, 1740. Examination (An) of and' some answer to a Exquemelin (Alexandre Olivier). Histoire pamphlet,; entitled; a. narrative and defence of des. aventuriers. flibustiers. Nouv. fd. aul-. the proceedings of- the ministers of Hamp- ment6e de l'histoire des pirates angloisjusqa' shire, who disapproved of Mr. Breck's settle- ai pr6sent. 4 v.. 160~. Trevouxipar la comment at Springfield [by a Boston clergyman. pagnie,. 1775. anon]. 98 pp: 8~.: Boston,, H. Foster, 1736.:Extracts from humbugiana.: or, the world's Examination (An) of the principles and con- convention. A satire. By Quirk Ogee, LL. D.I duct- of the two B'rs. (Barriers,) [anon.] (pseudorn.) 24 pp. 16~.: Gotham, (New: Yo rk,) 3d ed. 79 pp. 12~. London, A. P'ice,, 1749. 1847. Exceptions against Will.. Rogers's cavills at Extracts from the reports of her majesty's inJ. P's, complaint, etc. taken out of his sixth spectors: of schools.. xix, 315: pp. 12~. part of his Christian: quaker. [anon.]. 14 pp. Warrington, Longmans; 1862. smll 40. London,, Benjamin Clark,. 1682. Extraordinary (The) life and adventures of Exhibition. of 1851, London. Art journal Robin: Hood;, with Edwards:. cross, or the illustrated.. Catalogue of the industry of all wife and the: friend. [anon.]. 71 pp. 24'. nations, 1851. 4~. London, G.. Virtue,s[1851.] Philadelphia, Freeman Scott,; 1827. s. lEye::(The):: by.Obadiah:Optic. [pseudon.] 2:v. Lectures on the results of the exhibi- vi,.316 pp; viii, 316 pp.. 16~. Philadeldphia, tion,: delivered before the society of arts, J. W..Scott, 1808. manufacturesn and: commerce;: 1-6, by Messrs. Eytelwein (Johann: Albert)i Summary of Whewell, De la Beche, Owen- Bell, Playfair, the most useful: parts of hydraulics:; chiefly Lihdley. 242.pp.. 120. Londonj 1852. s. extracted and abridged from Eytelwein's [Title- vanting=.] lhand-buch. By T. Young. s.. - L'imprimerie, la librairie et la papeterie ( With TEsncOLD (F.) Tracts on hydraulics),. l'exposition universelle. de 1851. Rapport Eyton (Thomas Campbell). Osteologiaavium-; du: xviie jury pr6sent6 par M. Ambroise Fir- or, a sketch of the osteology of birds.. vi.pp, min Didot. 2e e6d. 142 pp. 8~. Paris, 2 1, x, 229, vii pp, 114 pl. 40. TWellinton, i mprimerie royale, 1854. s. Salop, R. Hobsol, [1858-67.] s. FABER. FALCONIA. Faber (Frederick William). Hymns. vii, Fahnestock (George Wolff). A centennial me196 pp. 120. Northampton, (Mcass.) Bridg- morial of Christian and Anna Maria Wolff; mnan 4 Childs, 1867. with brief records of their children and r.elaFaber (Friedrich). Naturgeschichte der fische tives. 113 pp. 2 pl. fol. Philadelphia, HelIslands, mit einem anhange von den islhindis- fenzstein, 1863. chen medusen und strahlenthieren. 206 pp. Fairbairn (Williamr). Treatise on mills and 40.'rankfort am Main, H. L. Bronner, mill-work. part i. 2d ed. xvi, 306 pp. 9 pl. 1829. s. 80. London, Longnmans, 1864. Prodromus der islandischen ornithologie; Useful information for engineers. 3d oder, geschichte der vogel Islands. 2 p. 1. series. xix, 330 pp. 120. London, Longmans, 112 pp. 1 tab. 80. Kopenhagenr, Verfasser, 1866. 182'2. s. Pairbanks (George R.) The early history of Faber (Theodore). Sketches of the internal Florida; lecture before the Florida historical state of France. Translated. 256 pp. 160. society, April 15,1857. 31 pp. 18~. St. AugPhiladelphia, Humphreys, 1812. s. ustine, 1857. Fabre (FranCois Joseph). Descripcion de las Pairbanks (Lorenzo). Science and practice alegorias pintadas en las b6xvedas del real of book-keeping, by single and double entry. palacio de Madrid. 8~. M7adrid, 1829. 448 pp. 8~. Philadelphia, Sower, Barnes 4' Fabre (J. Antoine). Essai sur la th6orie des Potts, 1866. torrens et des rivibres. xxxii, 284 pp. 8 pl. Fairchild (Rev. Ashbel G.) Memoir of Mrs. 40. Paris, Bidac lt, 1797. s. Louisa A. Lowrie. With an introduction by Fabre d'Olivet (N.) Les vers dor6s de Pyth- Rev. E. P. Swift. 2d ed. 221 pp. portrait. agore expliqu6s, pr6cddes d'un discours sur 180. Philadelphia, T7. S. Martien, 1837. 1'essence de la po6sie. [See Pythagoras. s. Les vers dor6s. 80. Pais, 1813.]:Fairfox (Ferdinando). Memorial against the Fabricius (Otto). Bibelingoak merdlainnut extension of the patents granted to Robert imaloneet. [Bible teachings for children]. Fulton for improvements in propelling vessels 63 pp. 160..Ki'benhavnime, C. F. Skubart, by steam. 8 pp. 80. Washington, E. De 1822. Krafft, 1816. Favna grcenlandica. xvi, 452 pp. 1 pl. Fairfield (Sumner Lincoln). Abaddon, the 80. Hafniae et Lipsiae, Rothe, 1780. spirit of destruction, and other poems. 157 - Forsbg til en. forbedret gr6nlandsk pp. 80. New York, Sleight & Robinson, grammatica. Andet oplag.. 3~8 pp. 160. 1830. _Kib'benhavn, C. I1. Schuebart, 1801. (and Jane). The life of Sumner Lincoln ____- I)en gronlandske ordbog, forbedret og Fairfield. [With appendix: The sister of obroget. viii, 795pp. 160. Kjbbenhavn, C. saint Clara and other poems]. 132 pp. P. Schubart, 1804. 12!. New York,'1817. Okallnktuvmt opernartut tersauko Bibel- Fairholme (George). General view of the imit. [True narratives from the Bible.] 256 geology of scripture. xv, 493 pp. 3 pl. 80. pp. 160. -Kiibenhavniine, C. F. Skubart, 1820. London, Ridgwaccy, 1833. See Bible (Esquimsaux). Fairholt (Frederick W.) Miscellanea graphica: Fac simile di alcune imprese di stampatori representations of ancient, medieval, and reitaliani dci secoli xv e xvi. 2 p. 1. 24 pl. 40. naissance remains in the possession of Lord Milacno, P. A. Tosi, 1838. s. Londesborough. The historical introduction Fac similes of the memorial stones of the last by Thomas Wright. 84 pp. 50 1. 45 pl. fol. English ancestors of George Washington in London, Chacpmane & Hall, 1856. the parish church of Brington, Northampton- Falconer (Capt. Richard). The voyages, shire, England, permanently placed in the dangerous adventures and imminent escapes state house of Massachusetts. 15 pp. fol. of R. Falconer. 2 p. 1. 179 pp. 1 pl. 120. Boston, W. White, 1862. London, W. Chetwood and others, 1720. Faeneste [pseuedon.] SeeAubigne (Thbodore - The same. 4th ed. 3 p. 1. 216 pp. 3 Agrippa d'). Aventures, etc. 1. 1 pl. 160. Lonzdom, J. Marshall, 1734. Faerno (Gabriello). Centvm fabulme ex anti- Falconia Proba. Centones de vtriusque tesquis avetoribus delecte. 173 pp. 3;20. Ant- tamenti bystoriis ex carminibus Virgilii selecti. verpice, C. Plaentin, 1585. 19 l1. unp. sin. 40. Oppenheyml,, [n. d.] [With JUIUS (A.) E1mbleDmata. 1596.1 121 FALKENSTEIN. FAY. Falkenstein (Carl). Geschichte der buch- Farnham (Thomas J.) Travels in the great druckerkunst in ihrer entstehung und aus- western prairies, the Anahuac and Rocky bildung. Ein denkmal zur vierten sicular- mountains, and in the Oregon territory. 112 feier der erfindung der typographie. xiv, 406 pp. 8~. New York, Greeley 4 McElrath, 1843. pp. 37 pl. 4~. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, Farquharson (Martha). Allan's fault. 412 pp. 1840. s. 5 pl. 16~. Philadelph7ia, presby'n board of Palkmnan (Ludvig B.) Upplysningar om pub. [1866.] kronans, kyrkornas och presterskapets in- Farrar (Timothy). Manual of the constitution komster af andeligt gods uti skiiue, halland of the United States of America. xii, 532 pp. och bleokinge frin alidre tider till 1660, jem- 80. Boston, Little, Brown & Co. 1867. vtil innehlillande beskrifning ofuer och fork- Fasciculus temporfi omnes antiquorui cronicas laring af 1569 ars Lunds stifts landebok. 2 complectens. See Rolevinck (Werner). v. 10 p. 1. 328 pp; 344 pp. 8~. Lund, Ber- Fashionable (The) cypriad. Part 1. [anon.] lingska boktryceriet, 1848. s. 248 pp. 180. London, Henderson, 1798. Fall of British tyranny; or, American liberty [No more published.l triumphant. Tragi-comedy. [anon.] viii, 64 PFau (Julien), and Chevalier (Charles). Noupp. 12~. Philadelphia, 1776. veau manuel complet du physicien-prepara[Imperfect; title page i-n m. s.] teur; ou description d'un cabinet de physique. Fall river (Ms.) athenaeum library. Catalogue; 2 v. 406; 530 pp. 24~. Atlas, 88 pl. 80. with rules and by-laws. 36 pp. 16~. Boston, Paris, Boret, 1853. s. Damrell & Moore, 1855. s. Fauche (Pierre Frangois). R6flexions sur la Palle (Philip). An account of the isle of Jer- cession de la Guadeloupe it la couronne de sey. 10 p. 1. 216 pp. 1 map. 16~. London, Suide. 20 pp. 12~. Londres, J. C. de Boffe, J. Newton, 1694. 1813. [Imperfect; wanting map and pp. 1 and 2.] Faucher (Leon). ]itudes surl'Angleterre. 2 v. Fallen (Carl Fredrik). Monographia cimicum xxxi, 472 pp; 434 pp. 80. Paris, Guillaumin, Sveciae. 123 pp. 80. Hafniae, Proft, 1807. 1845. s. Fauques (Marianne Agnbs de). The last war Falloux (Frud6ric Alfred Pierre, vicomte de). of the beasts; a fable. Translated from the Life and letters of madame Swetchine. Trans- French. [anon.] vii, 244 pp. 12~. London, lated by H. W. Preston. xv, 369 pp. 12~0. C. G. Seyffert, 1758. Boston, Roberts Bros. 1868. F'auriel (Claude Charles). Chants populaires Family (The) and ship medicine chest com- de la Grbce moderne, avec une traduction panion; being a compendium of domestic frangaise,'des 6claircissements, et des notes. medicine, surgery, and materia medica. By 2 v. cxliv, 303 pp; 491 pp. 80. Paris, a practising physician. [anon.] 416 pp. 12~0. Dondey-Dupr, 1824-25. Philadelphia, Lindsay &, Blakiston, 1851. s. Favre (Alphonse). Notice sur les cartes guoloFamily (The) treasure; a religious and literary giques de l'Angleterre. [Extrait. ] 23 pp. 80. monthly for 1865-66. v. 2-3. 80. Pittsburgh, Geneve, Bibliothlque univ. 1847. s. (Pa.) 1865-66. Favre (Eugbne). Deutsches lesebuch. LecPanjat (pseudon.) See Adresse[une] illisi- tures allemandes; oun, choix de versions faciles ble. et graduees a l'usage des collMges et des gymFanning (Captain). A narrative oftheadvent- nases de la Suisse frangaise. 3e 6d. 216 pp. ures of an American navy officer, who served 120. Genlve, J. Kessmann, 1853. s. during part of the American revolution under Favyn (Andr6). The theater of honor and PaulJones. [aLnon.] 270pp. 12~. New York, knighthood; or, a compendious chronicle and 1806. historie of the whole christian world. [TransFanshawe (Sir Richard). Original letters lated from the French by W. I.] 2 v. in 1. during his embassies in Spain and Portugal. 9 p. l. 572; 538 pp. 11 pl. fol. London, W. 4 p. 1. 510 pp. 12~0. London, A. Roper, 1702. Jaggard, 1623. Farmer (Henry T. M. D.) Imagination; the Faxardo (Diego Saavedra). See Saavedra. maniac's dream, and other poems. 163 pp. Fay (H. A. Capt. U. S. A.) Collection of the 120. New York, Kirk 4" Mercein, 1819. official accounts in detail of all the battles Farmer's (The) magazine. July 1866, to June fought by sea and land, between the United 1867. 3d series. v. 30-31. 80. London, States and Great Britain, 1812-15. 295 pp. Roger'son & Tiexford, [1866-67]. 8~. New York, E. Conrad, 1817. 16 .122 FEARNSIDE. FERGUSSON. Fearnside (William Gray) and Harral (T.) Fenelon (Fran9ois de Salignac de La Mothe). editors. History of London. See Woods Demonstration of the existence and attributes (John), history, etc. of God. 263pp. 120. Hlarrisburgh, (Pa.) Febres (Andres). Diccionario hispano chileno, William Gillmor, 1811. [y chileno hispano]. iv, 108 pp; iv, 87 pp. The same. Extracts from letters on the 12~. Santiago, 1846. s. existence of God, [etc.] See Catechism on Peijoo y Montenegro (BenitoJeronimo). Obras christian faith. New York, 1811. escogidas. Con una noticia de su vida, [etc.] - Dialogues concerning eloquence; particpor V. de La Fuente. xliv, 609 pp. 80. Mad- ularly that kind which is proper for the pulpit. rid, Rivadeneyra, 1863. Translated by W. Stevenson. 174 pp. 160. [Bib. de autores espanioles, v. 56]. Boston, Farrand, Mallory c Co. 1816. s. Fe'libien d'Avaux (Andrd). The tent of Da- - Tales and fables, in French and English. rius explained; or, the queens of Persia at Translated by D. Bellamy. New ed. 2 p. 1. - the feet of Alexander. Translated by Col. 78,86 pp. 28 pl. 40~. London, J. Deighton,1789. Parsons. 7 p. 1. 51 pp. 1 pl. 4~. London, W. Fenestella (Lucius). [pseudon.] See Fiocchi Bedmayne, 1703. S. (Andrea Domenico). Fellenberg, (L. Rudolph von). Analysen von Fenl(Joseph). The complete accountant; antiken bronzen. [extract]. 120. Bern, being a system of arithmetic both theoretical 1860. - and practical. 1 p. 1. 168 pp. 51. 8~. Dublin, [Wiith MORLAT (A.) Articles]. S.Culloh [about 1790].. Fellens (Jean Baptiste). Louis Napoleon, sa TransatlanFenner Von Fenneberg (F.) Transarianvie politique et priv6e. Dessins par J. A. tische studien. 243pp. 12. Stttgat, C. tische studten. 243 pp. 120. Stuttgart, C.A. Beauce et H. ]my. 152 pp. 8~. Paris, Sonnewald, 1861 MYarescqet, 1852. leenton (Elijah). Poetical works. 8~. EdinFeller (F. E.) Das gange der kaufmannischen enton (Elijah). Poetical works. narithmetik. Herausgegeben von Carl Gustav Anbuerson's Brit. poets, [ Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 71. Odermann. 8e aufi. xii, 527 pp. 8~. Leipzig, Feraud (F. G.) A new Spanish grammar. iv, 0. A. Schuly, 1861. s. 392 pp. 8~. London, Dulaun 4 Co. 1809. Feller (Joachim). Oratio de bibliotheca acad- Pergola (Nicola). Dellainvenzionegeometrica; emice lipsiensis paulina, cui duplex subjunctus opera postuma ordinata dal V. F]auti. lviii, est catalogus manuscriptorum. 32 1. unp. 40 282, lxiv pp. 11 pl. 80. Napoli, Flauti, 1842. s. Li sice, Bucht, 1676. s. Trattati analitici delle sezione coniche e [With SCEIOTTGEN, (C.) Eistoire, etc. 1722.] CTTGEN, (C) istoire, etc.' loro luoghi geometrici. 3a ed. con nuove F'elt (Joseph Barlow, D. D.) The annals of Felt (Joseph Barlow, D. D.) The annals of note del Prof. Flauti. 6 p. 1. xxviii, 422, 62 Salem [Mass]. -611 pp. 8~. Salem, W. Salem. [Mass. 611 pp. 817. Sale, W. + pp. 9pl. 4~. Napoli, Flauti, 1840. s. S. B. Ive, 1827. _____ Trattato geometrico delle sezione coniche Statistics of towns, population, and tax- reprodotto da V. Flauti. lxxii 297 lx reprodotto da V. Flauti. lxxii, 297, lxx pp. ation in Massachusetts. 15pl. 8~. Napoli, Flauti, 1851. [AMERICAN statistical association, collections, v. 1.] Ferguson (Adam). Institutes of moral philosFelton (Cornelius Conway). Greece, ancient and modern: lectures before the Lowell insti- ophy. New Decker, i800. tute. 2 v. vi, 511 pp. portrait; iv, 549 pp. Decker, 800. 8~. Boston, Ticknor 5 t1 Fields, 1867. Ferguson (George). Table of the pay of com-, Boston, Ti r il, 1. missioned officers, U. S. A. See Jameson Fe'nelon (Franvois de Salignac de La Mothe). er Les aventures de Tel6maque. xxxv, (W. H. jr.) and Ferguson (G.) Les aventures de T616maque. xxxv, 234 pp. 2pl; 275 pp. 1 map. 18~. Londres, Ferguson(James). Lectureson select subjects C. Spilsbury, 1805. in mechanics, hydrostatics, pneumatics, and The same. The adventures of Telema- astronomy. New ed. xlvii, 463 pp. 11 pl. chus. Translated with notes, by J. Kelly. 2 v. 80.5 London, T. Tegg, 1843. s. 2 p.l. 295 pp; 304 pp. 26 p. 160. London, - Astronomical part. See Guthrie (WilWatlthoe & T.3 Wcller, 1742-43. halim). A new system of geography. ed. 1811. Court of beauty; or, judgment of Venus; Pergusson (James). Historical inquiry into Court of beauty; or, judgment of Venus; also, ethic tales and fables, invented for the the true principles of beauty in art, more espeeducation of a prince. From the French by cially with reference to architecture. Part 1, D. Bellamy. 89 pp. 26 pl. 40. London, [consisting of introduction, and essays on 1768. Egyptian, western Asiatic, Grecian, Etruscan, [t'ithY Bellamy, (Daniel), ethic amusements. 4~. andRoman art]. 8o. London,1849. s. Loezdon, 1768.3 [No more published]. 123 FERGUSSON. FIELDING. Fergusson (James). Rock-cut temples of Fessenden (G. M.) The history of Warren, India. One hundred illustrations of architec- (R. I.) from the earliest times, with parture and natural history in western India. ticular notices of Massasoit and his family. Photographed by major Gill. New ed. xii pp. 125 pp. 18~. Providence, H. H. Brown, 100 stereoscopic views. 8~. London, Cundall, 1845. Downes & Co. 1864. [With TUSTIN, (Rev. J. P.) Dedication of baptist church in Warren. Providence, 1845.)'erishta (Mohammed Kasim, surnamed).. estus (Sextus Pompeius). De verborum The history of Hindostan, translated from the estus (Sextus Pompeins). De verborum significatione fragmentum. See Fiaccus Persian. With continuation [up to 1666] by (Marcus Verrius). Alexander Dow. 2d ed. 3 v. 40. London, Fetis (Fran9ois Joseph.) Biographie univerernaneD1770-72ego. Primera [jr segunda] selle des musiciens, et bibliographie gen6rale ernadez (Diego). Primera [y segunda] de la musique. 8 v. 8~. Bruxelles, Leroux, parte de la historia del Peru. 2 v. in 1. 2 p. 1. 1421; 1301. sm. fol. Sevilla, H. Diaz, 1571.. -4. [Imperfect.1-4ofv.2wanting]. euillet (Octave). La petite comtesse. Le [ Imperfect; 1. 1-4 of v. 2 wanting]. Fernandez (Juan Patricio). Relacion historial pare. Onesta. 5e 6d, 352 pp. 120. Pa1is, de las missiones de los Indios, que llaman M. Levy, 1860. Chiquitos. Sacada a luz por Geronimo Her- Few (A) facts regarding the geological survey r3n. 7 p. 1. 452 pp. table, 2 1. sm. 40. Mcad- of Pennsylvania, exposing the erroneous staterid, M. Fernandez, 1726. ments and claims of J. P. Lesley. [By an Ferrario (Giulio). Le classiche stampe dal assistant]. 22 pp. 80. Philadelphia, author, cominciamento della calcografia, compresi gli 1859. s. artisti viventi. cxiii, 401 pp. 8~. Miilano, Few (A) plain directions for persons intending Bravetta, 1836. s. to proceed as settlers in Upper Canada. [With] Ferrario (Giuseppe). Statistica medico-eco- a journal of the author's voyage across the nomica di Milano dal secolo xv fino ai nostri Atlantic in 1819. lBy an English farmer. giorni. 2 v. xvii, 658 pp; vii, 546 pp. 1 [anon.] vii, 100 pp. 1 map. 12~. London, map. 80. Milano, Bernardoni, 1838-50. s. Baldwin, Cradock $ Joy 1820. Statistica delle morti improvvise, e par- Feyerabend or Feierabend (Sigmund or Sigticolarmente delle morti per apoplessia nella ismund). Theatrum diabolorum, das ist; warcitth e nel circondario esterno di Milano dall' hafte eigentliche vnd kurtze beschreibung anno 1750 al 1834. 8~. Milano, 1834. s. allerley grewlicher, schrecklicher, und Ferreri di Labriano (Francesco Maria). abschewlicher laster. 5 p. 1. 568 1. fol. Avgvst.e regioeqve Sabavdve domvs arbor Franckfurt-am-3'ayn, Peter Schund & Co. gentilitia. [898-1675]. [French and Latin]. 1575. 209 pp. 34 pl. fol. Avgvstce Tavrinoranm, J. Fichte (Johann Gottlieb). On the nature of B. Zappata, 1702. s. the scholar, and its manifestations. TransFerrero (Edward). The art of dancing, [with] lated by William Smith. 2d ed. 131 pp. a few hints on etiquette; also, the figures, 120. London, J. Chapman, 1848. s. music, etc. 181, 103 pp. 120. New York, E. Field (David Dudley, D. D.) A history of the Ferrero, 1859. town of Pittsfield, Mass. 80 pp. 1 map. 8~. Ferris (John Alexander). The financial eco- Hartford, Case, Tifany & Burnham, 1844. nomy of the United States illustrated, and A statistical account of the county of the causes which retard the progress of Cali- Middlesex, Connecticut. 154 pp. 8~. Middlefornia demonstrated. 356 pp. lpl. 12~. San town, Clark & Lyman, 1819. Francisco, -A. Roman & Co. 1867. Field (George). Rudiments of the painters' Ferro (Pascal Joseph). See Bleile (J.) art; or, a grammar of colouring. viii, 170 pp. Ferry (Gabriel, pseudon.) See Bellemare 6 pl. 16~. London, WVeale, 1850. s. (Louis de). Field (Henry M. D. D.) Additional chapters Ferussac (Andre6 tienne Just Paschal Joseph with appendix, to the second edition of The Frangois dAudebard, baron de) and Orbigny Atlantic telegraph. pp. 343-438. 160. (Alcide Dessalines d'). Histoire naturelle New York, C. Scribner & Co. 1867. g6n6rale et particulibre des c6phalopodes ac6- Fielding (Henry). Works; containing a jourtabulifres vivants, et fossiles. 24, 361 pp. ney from this world to the next; a voyage Atlas, 144pl. fol. Paris, A. Lacour, 1835-48. to Lisbon; the true patriot, etc. 297 pp. [Imperfect] 120. 12~. New York, W. Darrell, 1819. 124 FIELDING. 1 FIRENZUOLA. Fielding (Sarah). Adventures of David Sim- for the work by the most popular authors of pie; and familiar letters between the principal the day. 2 v. 209 pp. 61 pl. fol. London, characters in David Simple, and some others. T. G. March, 1843. [anon]. 5 v. 160. London, A. Millar, Fine (The) arts quarterly review, October, 1744-53. 1864, to January, 1865. v. 3. 8~. London, Fiery (The) cross; a tale of the great Ameri- Chapman 4 Hall, [1865]. can war. By the author of " The black an- -- The same. July, 1866, to June, 1867. gel," etc. [anon.] 411 pp. 180. London, New series. v. 1-2. 80. London, Day & C. Clarke, [1866]. son, [1866-67]. Figaniere (Jorge Cesar de). Bibliographia Finishing (The) stroke. Being a vindication historica portugueza. ix, 359 pp. 8~. Lis- of the patriarchal scheme of government; boa, typog. do panorama, 1850. s. wherein Mr. Hoadly's examination of this Figuier (Guillaume Louis). The vegetable scheme is considered. [anon.] 12~. London, world; being a history of plants, with their printed by the booksellers, 1711. botanical descriptions and peculiar properties. Pinlay (Hugh). Journal, during his survey Illustrated by M. Faguet. [Translated with of the post-offices between Falmouth and preface by W. S. 0.] 80. London, Chapman Casco bay, in the province of Massachusetts, & Hall, 1867. and Savannah, in Georgia; begun 13th Sep- --- The world before the deluge. 4th ed. tember, 1773, and ended 26th June, 1774. 8~0. London, Chapman & Hall, 1865. [With introduction by F. H. Norton]. 40~. Filangieri (Gaetano). Delle leggi politiche ed Brooklyn, privately printed, 1867. economiche. Finney (Rev. Charles G.) Lectures on revivals (Scrittori class ital. di econ. pol. v. 32.) of religion. 438 pp. 120. New York, Leavitt, Filelfo (Francesco). Epistole. 5 p. i. unp. Lord & Co. 1835. lxi 1. sm. 4. Argentine, 1495. ___ Sermons on important subjects. 3d ed. Orationes et nonnulla alia opera. clxvi. vi, 277 pp. 80. New York, J. S. Taylor, paged. 40~ B. de Zanis de Portesio, Venetiis, 1836. 1491. Finsch (Otto). Index ad C. L. Bonaparte Filelfo (Giovanni Maria). Epistolae. 1081. conspectum generum avium. 23 pp. 80. unp. sm. 40. Venetie, Joannes de Cereto, 1492. Lugduni-Batavorun, E. J. Brill, 1865. s. Fillmore (A. D.) Harp of Zion: a book of and Hartlaub (Gustav). Beitrag zur church music, [with] course of instruction, fauna Centralpolynesiens. Ornithologie der [etc.] 336 pp. obl. 16~. Cincinnati, R. Viti-Samoa und Tonga-inseln. xxxix, 290 W. Carroll & Co. [1867]. pp. 14 col. pl. 80. Halle, E.. Schmidt,. and (C. L.) The polyphonic, or 1867. s. juvenile choralist; containing music and Fiocchi (Andrea Domenico). Lucii Fenestele hymns. 128 pp. obl. 320~. Cincinnati, de Romanorum magistratibus liber. 22 1. R. W. Carroll & Co. [1863]. unp. sm. 40. In. p. about 1480]. Filson (John). The discovery, settlement, and Note. Falsely attributed to L. Fenestella. present state of Kentucke, with appendix The same. De Ro[manorum] magistracontaining the adventures'of Daniel Boon, tibus: restitutus industria Joannis Camertis. minutes of the Piankashaw council, account 35 1. unp. sm. 40. Vienne, H. Victor, of the Indian nations in the U. S. and the 1510. stages and distances between Philadelphia Piorentino (Paolo). See Paolo fiorentino. and the falls of the Ohio. 118 pp. 12~. Fiorillo (Johann Dominic). Geschichte der Wilmington, James Adams, 1784. zeichnenden kiinste in Deutschland und den Finch (Louisa Thynne, countess of Guernsey). Vereinigten Niederlanden. 4 v. 8~. HannoFairburn's genuine edition of the death-bed ver, Hahn, 1815-20. s. confessions of the late countess of Guernsey Firduisi (Abfu'l Kasim Hasan Ben Mohammed to lady Anne H......; with the q-'s et Tfisf, known as). Le livre des rois, par [queen Caroline's] last letter to the king. Abou'lkasim Firdousi. Publi6, traduit, et [anon.] iv, 50 pp. 8~. London, J. Fair- comment6 par Jules Mohl. 4 v. fol. Pacris, burn, [1821?J inp. royale, 1838-55. s. Finden (Edward and W.) Tableaux of national [Collection orientale]. character, beauty, and costume. With original Firenzuola (Agnolo). Novelle. tales in prose and poetry, written expressly [In POGGIALI, (G.) Novelle fiorentini. 18~. Milan, 18151. 125 FIRST. FITZWILLIAM. First (The) book of geometry, including plane Fisk (Rev. George). A memorial of Egypt, the and solid geometry, and an introduction to Red sea, the wildernesses of Sin and Paran, trigonometry. 3p. 1. 84 pp. 32~. London, Mount Sinai, Jerusalem, and other localities Soc. for prom. christ. knowledge, 1835. s. of the Holy Land, visited in 1842. 2d ed. First lessons in botany. By Theodore Thinker. 451 pp. 2 pl. 120. New York, Robert Car[pseudon]. 141 pp. 1 pl. 160. New York, ter, 1847. A. S. Barnes 4 Co. 1851. s. Fitch (George W.) Outlines of physical geFirst (The) settlers of New England; or, con- ography. Revised by A. J. Robinson. With quest of the Pequods, Narragansetts, and questions, etc. by C. C. Morgan. vi, 112 pp. Pokanokets. By a lady of Massachusetts. 15 maps. 40. New York, Ivison, 1867. [anon.] 282 pp. 1 pl. 180. Boston, Munroe Fitch (John). The original steamboat sup& Francis, [about 1822]. ported; or, a reply to Mr. James Rumsey's Firth (William). Remarks on the recent state pamphlet, shewing the true priority of John trials, and the rise and progress of disaffection Fitch, and the false datings, etc. of James in the country. 8~. London, 1818. Rumsey. 34pp. 8~. Philadelphia, Z. PoulFischer (Friedrich Ernst Ludwig). Enumer- son, 1788. atio plantarum novarum a cl. Schrenk lecta- Fitz-Geffrey (Rev. Charles). The life and rum. 113 pp. 2 pl. 8~. Petropoli, G. Fischer, death of Sir Francis Drake: poem. xxiii, 1841. s. 101 pp. 120. Lee Priory (Kent), John WarFischer (Kuno). Commentary on Kant's wick, 1819. critick of pure reason; translated from the Fitz Gerald (F.) An expanding currency, history of modern philosophy. With intro- for preventing injurious fluctuations in the duction, notes, etc. by J. P. Mahaffy. 120. rate of discount, and consequent stagnation of London, Longmans, 1866. trade. 2d ed. 20 pp. 8~0. London, Delizy, Fischer (Leopold Heinrich). Orthoptera eu- Davies & Co. 1866. ropoea. xx, 454 pp. 18 pl. 40. Lpsice, G. Fitzgerald (Percy). Charles Townshend, wit Engelmann, 1854. s. and statesman. xv, 360 pp. 1 pl. 120. LonFischer ( — major). Memoir fiber die karte don, R. Bentley, 1866. von Kleinasien. See Kiepert (H.) Fitzinger (Leopold Joseph). Bilder-atlas zur Fisher (A. quakeress). A few lines in love to wissenschaftlich- popularen naturgeschichte such that frequent the meetings of the quakers. der vogel. 1 p. 1. 164 pl. col. 40. Wien, 8 pp. sm. 40. London, T. Sowle, 1694. 1864. s. Fisher (Alexander). A journal of a voyage of Neue classification der reptilien nach discovery to the arctic regions, in H. M. ships ihren natiirlichen verwandtschaften. 4 p. 1. 66 Hecla and Griper, in 1819-20. 3d ed. xi, pp. 1 tab. 40. Wien, J. G. BHeubner, 1826. s. 520 pp. 2 maps. 80. London, Longman, 1821. - Systema reptilium, fasciculus primus: Fisher (George, accomptant). Arithmetic, in amblyglossTe. 110, vi pp. 8~. Vindobonce, the plainest and most concise methods hitherto Brauemiiller - Seidel, 1843. s. extant. 334 pp. 160. Paisley, A. Weir, 1780. - Wissenschaftlich -populdtre naturgesFisher (Joseph). Where shall we get meat? chichte der sdugethiere in ihren sammtlichen The food supplies of western Europe; being hauptformen. Nebst einer einleitung in die letters written in reply to the question, where naturgeschichte iiberhaupt. 6 v. 8~. Atlas, is England to get meat? during a tour in 123 pl. (in 248 col. fig.) 40. Wien, k. hof-uznd [western Europe] in 1865. [Also] a paper staatsdruckerei, 1860-61. s. on the production of food, read at the inter- Fitzmaurice (George William Hamilton, visnational social science congress at Berne, count Kirkwall). Four years in the Ionian 1865. xvi, 272 pp. 160. London, Longmans, islands. Their political and social condition, 1866. with a history of the British protectorate. xiii, Fisher (Thomas). Dial of the seasons; or, a 305 pp; viii, 336 pp. 12~. London, Chapportraiture of nature. 217 pp. 8~0. Phila- man & Hall, 1864. delphia, Carey & Hart, 1845. Fitzwilliam (G. W.) The pleasures of love; Fisk (Fidelia). Recollections of Mary Lyon, being amatory poems, original and translated, with selections from her instructions to the from the Asiatic and European languages. pupils of Mt. Holyoke female seminary. 333 xii, 188 pp. 4 pl. 160. London, J. Cundee, pp. 1 pl. 120. Boston, Am. tract soc. [1866]. 1806. 126 FLACCUS. FLINT. Flaccus (Marcus Verrius). Fragmenta post Flaxman, by Sir R. Westmacott. x. 303 pp. editionem augustinanam denuo collecta atque 52 pl. 8~. London, H. G. Bohn, 1838. s. digesta. Sexti Pompei Festi fragmentum ad Fleetwood (William, bishop of Ely). Chronfidem ursiniani exemplaris recensitum, etc. icon preciosum; or, an account of English Ediclit A. E. Egger. xxiv, 358 pp. 18~. money, the price of corn and other commodiParisiis, Bourgeois-Maze, 1838. s. ties, for the last 600 years. [anon.] 8 p. 1. Flack (Captain of the Texan angers). A hun- 181 pp. 31. 12~. London, C. Harper, 1817. ter's experiences in the southern states of Fleischmann (C. L. ) Erwerbszweige, fabrikAmerica; account of the quadrupeds and wesen und handel der Vereinigten Staaten von birds, the objects of chase in those countries. Nordamerika. 2e ausg. 2 p. 1. 617 pp. 8~. 2 p. 1. 359 pp. 8~. Londom, Longmans, 1866. Stuttgart, R. Kohler, 1852. SThe Texan rifle-hunter; or, field sports Fleming (Robert). The history of hereditary on the prairie. viii, 333 pp. 120 London, J. right, from Cain to Nero. 2d ed. 8 p. 1. 156 Maxwell' Co. 1866. pp. 12~. London, A. & W. Bell, 1717. Flanabo: a brief treatise on the persecuting and Fletcher (Ebenezer). Narrative of captivity dangerous character of popery. By a pres- and sufferings. 4th ed. 24 pp. 160. New byter of the diocese of New York. [anon.] Ipswichl, (N. H.) 1827. 80 pp. 12~. New York, Pcudney & Russell, The same. Narrative of a soldier of the 1855. s. revolution, written by himself. With introFlammen der liebe; ein katholisches gebetbuch duction and notes, by C. I. Bushnell. 86 pp. zur verehrung des gottlichen herzens Jesu, 80. New York, (privately printed), 1866. beimbesuche des heiligsten altarssakramentes; Pletcher (Giles). Christ's victory and triumph. bearbeitet von Joseph Peter. 349, 64 pp. 4 pl. 8~. Edinburgh, 1793. 320. New York, Benziger Bros, 1866. [Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 4.] Flanagan (Thomas). A history of the church Fletcher (Henry Charles). History of the in England, from the earliest period to 1850. American war. Third and fourth years of the 2v. xx, 633 pp; x, 549 pp. 80. London, C. war. v. 3. 80. London, B. Bentley, 1866. Dolman, 1857. [Completing the work.] Flanders (W. A.) Nature's bee book; a Fletcher (Phineas). Piscatory eclogues, with manual [of] bee culture. 3d ed. 64pp. 180. other poetical miscellanies. 8, 151 pp. 21. Mansfield (0.) L. D. Myers & Bro. 1867. 12~. Edinburgh, Hincaid & Creech, 1771. Flaubert (Gustave). Madame Bovary; moeurs Poetical works. 80. Ednburgh,1793 de province. 2 v. in 1. 490 pp. 16~. Paris, [Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 4.] LFleury (Claude). A short history of the IsraelLt~vy, 1858. ites. Translated from the French by Ellis Flauti (Vincenzio). Analisi algebrica delle Farneworth. vi, 240 pp. 8~. London J. quantith determinate. 5a ed. xviii, 256, xvi hriston 1756. pp. 8~. 2VNapoli, autor, 1844. s. ato l plano e nello spa- Fleury (Lam6). See Lame-Fleury (Jules Ray-, Geometria di sito sulplano e ello spa- ond). zio. Parte i, 3a ed. xlix, 208, xxiv pp. 18 pl. ndall (John Morris). Amateur's pocket 4Flindall (John Morris). Amateur's pocket 80. Narpoli, autor, 1842. S. De'lla trigonomet.i ret e e s a companion; or, description of engraved BritDella trigonometria rettilinea e sferica.. 2. xxxix,176, xviiipp. 7. ishportraits, curious books, etc. 141 pp. 24~. 8~libri sei. 14Na~, ed. xx84, 176. x pp. 7l. London, Gale, Curtis &_Fenner, 1812. s. 80. Napoli, autor, 1846. S.Flint (Austin, Ml. D.) The physiology of man; _ See Archimedes; also Euclid; alsoM.D.) Thephysiologyofman; designed to represent the existing state of Pergola (N.) PFlavel (Rev. John). Husbandry spiritualized; physiological science, as applied to the functions of the human body: alimentation, or, the heavenly use of earthly things, etc. tions of the human body: alimentation, 295pp. 12. Elizabeuethtown, (Ny. J.) S. ol-. digestion, absorption, lymph, and chyle. 556 lock, 1794. E pp. 80. New York, Appletons, 1867. lock, 17* * Flint (Henry M.) Mexico under Maximilian. Flaxman (John). Compositions of the "acts of mercy;" engraved by F. C. Lewis. 8pl. 258pp. 120. Philadelhia, [etc.] National obl. fol. London, Misses Flaxman & Denman, pub. co. [1867]. 1831. Flint (Timothy). Biographicalmemoir ofDan- Lectures on sculpture. 2d ed. [With] iel Boone, interspersed with incidents in the address on the death of T. Banks, and of early annals of [Kentucky]. 252 pp. 160. Canova; and an address on the death of Cincinnati, George Conclin, 1842. 127 FLINT. FONTENELLE. Flint (Timothy). Biographical memoir of Dan- rapports avec la science de l'homme, et priniel Boone, etc. 215 pp. 160. Cincinnati, cipalement avec la m6decine et l'hygiene pubGeorge Conclin, 1842. lique. 2 v. 508 pp; 520 pp. 80. Paris, J. Flloyd (Thomas). Bibliotheca biographica: B. Bailli&e, 1854. s. a synopsis of universal biography, ancient and Foix-Pino (F. L.) Galerie choisie d'hommes modern. 3 v. 8~. London, J. BHinton and c6lbbres de l'antiquit6 grecque et romaine. others, 1760. 357 pp. 100 pl. 16~. Amsterdac 1823. Flora parvula; or, gleanings from favourite Folard (Jean Charles de). Commentaire [sur flowers. [anon.] iv, 87 pp. 80. London, W. Polybe] oun un corps de science militaire. JMacintosh, [1860]? [With POLYBIUS, Histoire. Paris.] Florez (Henrique). Clave historial, con que - The same. Nouvelles d6couvertes.sur se abre la puerta A la historia eclesiastica y la guerre, dans une dissertation sur Polybe. politica, etc. Ed. 12". xxxviii, 447 pp. 1 map. 2e~ d. xxxii, 272 pp. 4 pl. 18%. Brusselle, 1 pl. sm. 4~. Madrid, Ibarra, 1786. F. Foppens, 1724. Florian (Jean Pierre Claris de). Guillermo Folengo (Teofilo). Orlandino di Limerno [o, Tell, libertador de la Suiza: y Andres Hofer, merlino.] pitocco. Nuovamente stampato, et el "Tell" del Tirol. Con la vida del autor. arrichito di annotazioni. xi, 249 pp. 18~. xx, 254 pp. 2 pl. 16~. Nueva York, Appletons, Parigi, Molini, 1773. 1866. Polger (Robert M.) Exchange tables of British [The life of Hofer is a compilation by the translator.] sterling in United States and English currenFlorida. Journal of proceedings of a conven- cy. 211 pp. 8~. New York, author, 1849. s. tion of delegates to form a constitution for the Follen (Theodor Christian Charles). Practical people of Florida, at St. Joseph, Dec. 1838. grammar of the German language. xvii, 120, 20 pp. 8~. St. Joseph, 1839. 282 pp. 12~. Boston, Hilliard & Co. 1828. Florus (Lucius Annaeus). See Justinus and Folsom (Benjamin). A compilation of bioFlorus. Epithome, etc. graphical sketches of distinguished officers in Plourens (Marie Jean Pierre). Cuvier. His- the American navy. 187 pp. 8~. Newburytoire de ses travaux. 2e 6d. 12~. Paris, port, Horatio G. Allen, 1814. Pasulin, 1845. s. Fonseca (Fabian de), and Urrutia (Carlos De l'instinct, et de I' intelligence des de). Historiageneral de real hacienda. 6v. animaux. 2e d. 207pp. 160. Paris,Paulin, smin. 40. Mexico, V. G. Torres, 1845-53. s. 1845. s. Fontaine, or La Fontaine (Jean). A tale of --- Recueil des 6loges historiques lus dans the Huguenots; or, memoirs of a French les s6ances publiques de l'academie des scien- refugee family. With an introduction, by F. ces. le serie. 412 pp. 120. Paris, Garnier, L. Hawks, D. D. 266 pp. 16~. New York, 1856. s. 1838. Plower (Benjamin). Flower's political review, Fontaine (P. Jules). Manuel de l'amateur and monthly register. Jan. 1807, to July 1811. d'autographes. 8~. Paris, Morta, 1836. S. 9 v. 8~. Harlow, M. Jones, 1807-11. Fontaine. See La Fontaine. Plower (William Henry). Diagrams of the Fontanini (Giusto). Biblioteca dell' eloquenza nerves of the human body. 8 pp. 6 pl. fol. italiana; con le annotazioni del signor [AposLondon, J. Churchill, 1861. s. tolo] Zeno. 2 v. 40. Venezia, Pasquali, Foa (madame Eug6nie). pseudon. for Rodrigues 1753. s. (Eugenie Rebecca). Boy artists; or, sketches Fonte (Bartolommeo). In Persivm poetam of the childhood of Michael Angelo, Mozart, explanatio [et opusculum de mensuris et ponHaydn, Watteau, and Sebastian Gomez. deribus.] 90 1. unp. sm. 40. Florentice, From the French. 176 pp. 2 pl. 16~. Bos- Sanctus Jacobvs de Ripoli, 1477. ton, E. P. Dutton 4- Co. 1868. Fontenelle (Bernard Le Bovier de). A disFodere (Frangois Emmanuel, M. D.) Trait6 covery of new worlds, from the French. de m6decine legale et d'hygidne publique, ou [anon.] Made English by Mrs. A. Behn. 22 de police de sante. [2e 6d.] 6 v. 8~. Paris, p.1. 158 pp. 160. London,. Wi. Canning, Mame, 1813. 1688. Poigny (Gabriel). New discovery of terra - History of oracles, and the cheats of the incognita Australis, or the southern world. pagan priests. Made English [by A. B.] 2 4 p. 1. 186 pp. 240. London, John Dunton, 1693. pts. in 1 v. 10 p. 1. 227 pp. 21. 16~. London, Foissac (Pierre). De la m -t-orologie dans ses 1688. 128 FONTENELLE. FORSYTH. Fontenelle (Bernard Le Bovier de). Lettres Forde or Ford (Thomas). A theatre of wits, galantes [du chevalier D'Her]. Translated ancient and modern, represented il a collection by Geo. Russel. of apothegmes. 3 p. 1. 90 pp. 16g. London, [With RUSSEL (George). Works. v. 2. 120. Cork, W. Granthanw, 1660. 1769.] [ V[ith his Virtus rediviva, etc. 160. London, 1660]. Fontenelle (Julia de). See Julia de Fonte- Virtus rediviva; or, a panegyrick on the neile. Footnelle. (Joseph I.) Historical ad at West late K. Charles I, second monarch of Great Foot(JosephI.) Historical address at West Britain. 5p.. 27pp. 31. 1. Londo Brookfield, Mass. Nov. 27, 1:28; with Capt. B. Grcnthan., 1660. Thomas Wheeler's narrative. 96 pp. 12~. Fordun (John de). Scotichronicon, sire ScoWest Brookfield, Merriam 4 Cooke, 1843. torum historia. fol. Oxonit, 1691. lForbes (Charles Stuart). A standing navy; its [GALE (Thomas) and FELL (John). Rerum anglicanecessity and organization. v, 120 pp. 160~. rum scriptores veteres. v. 3. Oxonio, 1684-91]. London, J. Murray, 1861. oForme (The) of prayers and administration of Forbes (Edward). Monograph of the echino- the sacraments, etc. used in the English dermata of the British territories. [Echino- congregation at Geneva. [anon.] 6 p. 1. 28 derms of the crag.] vii, 36 pp. 41. 4 pl. 4~. pp. sin. 4~. London, 1643. London, 1852. s. lForney (John W.) Letters from Europe. 406 [Palheontographical society. No more published.] pp. portrait. 12~. Phliladelphia, T. B. Forbes (Rev. John, of Alford). Certain re- Peterson 4 Bros. [1867]. cords, etc. See Socot (Rev. William, of C?- Florrest (James). Some account of the origin par). State of the kirk of Scotland. Edin- and progress of trinitarian theology in the 2d burgh, 1846. and succeeding centuries, and of the manner Forbin (Louis Nicolas Philippe Auguste, comte in which its doctrines supplanted the unitade). Voyage dans le Levant en 1817-18. 2e rianism of the primitive church. 4th Am. 6d. 5p. 1. 460pp. l pl. 8~. Paris, Delaunay, ed. x, 104 pp. 4 charts. 120. Boston, Nichols 1819. i 2 Noyes, 1867. Force (William Q.) The builder's guide. vi, Forster (Edward, F. R. S.) Collection of en80 pp. 160. WFashington, Peter Force, gravings from the Italian, Flemish, Dutch, 1842. and English schools. 52 pl. fol. London, Picture of Washington and its vicinity W. Miller, 1830. s. for 1850; also, the Washington guide. viii, Forster (Johann Reinhold). Observations made 188 pp. 38 pl. 18~. ~Washington, TW. Q. Force, during a survey round the world, on physical 1850. geography, natural history, and ethic phiFord (Edward). The most famous, delectable, losophy. iv, 649 pp. I map, 1 tab. 40~. and pleasant history of Parisinus, prince of London, G. Robinson, 1778. s. Bohemia. 12th impression. 2 pts. 2 p.l. 1. See Kalml (Peter). 184pp; 235 pp. 12 pl. sin. 40. London, J. Forster (Thomas Farleigh). Flora tonbriWright, 1684. giensis; or, a catalogue of plants growing Ford (E. L.) MadelaineDarth. [Anovel]. 71 wild in the neighborhood of Tonbridge Wells. pp. 8~. Chicago, Western news Co. 1867. vii, 216 pp. 12~. London, R. 4 A. -Taylor, Ford (Henry A.) History of Putnam and 1816. s. Marshall counties, embracing an account of Forster (Thomas Ignatius Maria). Recueil the settlement of Bureau and Stark counties. de ma vie, mes ouvrages et mes pensdes. 3e vii, 160 pp. 18~. Lacon, (Ill.) author, 1860. 6d. xxxvii, 122 pp. 180. Bruxelles, A. Staps. leaux, 1837. s. Ford (Richard). Hand-book for travelers in ~- eloge de chiens favoris. [anon.] Tra Spain. 2d ed. lxii, 645 pp. 2 maps. 120. duit de l'Anglais. 34 pp. 1 pl. 180. BruxLondon, 1847. s. elles, Deltomnbe, 1840. s. F'orde or Ford (Thomas). Foenestra in pec- (With his " Recueil de ma vie," etc.) tore; or, familiar letters. 3 p. 1. 158 pp.:Forsyth (Joseph). Remarks on antiquities, 160. London, W. Granthcam, 1660. arts, and letters, during an excursion in [With his Virtus rediviva, etc. 16~. London:, 1660]. Italy, 1802-3. 3d ed. xv, 672 pp. 16~. Fragmenta poetica; or, poetical diver- Geneva, P. G. Ledouble, 1824. s. siuns. 24 pp. 16~. London, W. Grantltan, Forsyth (William, surveyor'). Plats of subdi1660. visions of the city of Washington, D. C. 4 p. 1. [ With his Virtus rediviva, etc. 16~. London, 1660]. 62 pl. fol. Was7hington, RB. A. Waters, 1856. 129 FORTIA D'URBAN. FOX. Fortia d'Urban (Agricole Joseph Franrois fPo:rcroy (Antoine Franqois de). El16mens Xavier Pierre Esprit Simon Paul Antoine, d'histoire naturelle et de chimie. 50 6d. 5 v. marquis de). Essai sur l'origine de 1'6criture, 8~. Paris, Cuchet, 1794. s. sur son introduction dans la Grbce et son Fournier (iIdouard). Vari6t6s historiques et usage jusq'au temps d'Homire. 306 pp. 4 litt6raires; recueil de pieces volantes, rares et pl. 80~. Paris, H. Fomrnier, 1832. s. curieuses, en prose et en vers, revues et anFortini (Pietro). Novelle. not6es. v. 1-4. 160. Paris, P. Jarnnet, [In v. 1 of NOVELLE di autori senesi. 18~. Ai lano, 1855-56. 1815]. PF~owler (George). Wandering philanthropist;'ortmann (Heinrich). Abriss der oldenburgor, letters from a Chinese, written i during his ischen geschichte bis auf unsere zeit, ftir den residence in the Unit b re m 13p 6 Oe residence in the United States. Discovered biirger und lalldmann. 138 pp. 16~. Oldenand edited by George Fowler. 300 pp. 180. b6u, J. H. Stalling, 1836. s. Philadelplhia, Geo. Flowler, and B. Graves, Fortnightly (The) review. Edited by George 1810 Henrv Lewes. Au. 15, to Dec. 1, 1866. Henr y Lees. Aug. 5, Powler (John). Journal of a tour in the state v. 6. 8~. London, Chapmas & Tall, 1866. v. 6.. London, Chaman Hall, 1866. of New York, in 1830, and return to England - The same. Edited by John Morley. by the Western islands. 333 pp. 12~. London, Jan. to Dec. 1867. New series. v. 1-2. W1hittaker, Treacher and A4r~not, 1831. (Whole series v. 7-8). 80. London, Chapman W& hallse 1867. - Fowler (Orson S. and L. N.) Phrenology & fall, 1867. ~ Foss (H.) See Sagen (L.) and Foss (H.) proved, illustrated, and applied. 4th ed. 420 pp. 120. Philadelphia, Fowler & BreBergens beslrivelse. roort 1839. voort, 1839. Foss (John). A journal of captivity and suffer- Fowler (P. H. D. D.) Employers and the ings atAlgiers. 2d ed. 189 pp. 16~ Newemployed; their relation and duties to each buerypert, A. March, (1798?) other. 180 pp. 180. Utica, WIfn. S. Taylor, Foss (Dr. R.) Die geschichte des deutschen 1865. volkes. [Ein erlituterung zum] grossen bildern Powler (Thomas, H. D.) Medical report of dargestellt von Karl Heinrich HIermaun. the effects of blood-letting, sudorifics, and 8 p. 1. 434 pp. 80. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1854. blistering, in the cure of the acute and chronic s. rheumatism. xxi, 287 pp. 6 1. 8~. London, Foster (B. F.) The merchant's manual. 252 J. Johnson, 1795. pp. 12. Boston, Perkins & Miarvin, 1838. Pox (Charles). A portrait of George WashPoster (Rev. Benjamin F.) Debate on univerington, from an original drawing, as he apsalism. See Lozier (J. H.) and Foster., n peared while reviewing the army, Boston, Foster (G. G. editor). The gold regions of 1776; with its history anrd evidence of corCalifornia. 80 pp. 8~0. New York, Dewitt rectness. 37 pp. 1 pl. 8~. Boston, Crocker & Davenport, 1848. & Brewster, 1851. Foster (John Welch). Memorial. [Letters, Fox (Charles James). Speech at Shakespeare addresses, and religious writings]. Edited tavern, Covent Garden, Oct. 10, 1797, with by A. P. Peabody. vi, 400 pp. portrait. 120. speech of T. Erskine. 24 pp. 80. Lonon, Portsmouth (N. H.) J. F. Shores, jr. 1852. 197 S. [ With TURNBULL (Robert J.) Visit to the PhiladelFothergill (Samuel). Discourses, delivered phia prison. Lonldon, 1797.] extempore at several meeting-houses of the Pox (George). A collection of many select and people called quakers. xv, 270 pp. 16~. christian epistles, letters, and testimonies. Philadelphia, B. & J. Johnson, 1800. v. 2. 575 pp. fol. L.mndon, T. Sowle, 169. Poucaud (l2douard). Les artisans illustres. [Imperfect; wanting last two leaves.] 2 p. 1. 643 pp. 80. Paris, Bethune & Plon, A few words to all such (whether papists 1841. s. or protestants) as observe dayes contrary to Fcudras (-Marquis de). Soudards et Love- Christ and his apostles. Also, the quakel's laces. 317 pp. 16g. Pacris, Cadoet, [1860]. challenge to the papists; and the quaker's Fouqu6e. See La Moatte Pouque6. testimony concerning magistracy. By G. F. [anon.] 14 pp. sm. 4. London, 1669. Four (The) colonies of Australia; [with] an [anon.] 14 pp. sm.40 London, 1669. account of the discovery of gold. ano Gospel truth demonstrated, in a collection account of the discovery of gold. [anon.] o of doctrinal books. 7p. l. 1090pp. 21. fol. 64 pp. 160. London, Cradock & Co. [1852?] -1'7 Londono, T. Sowle, 1706. 1 7 130 FOX. FRANCOEUR. Fox (George). A journal, or historical account pline et le commerce des negres et esclaves of the life, etc. of George Fox. [With a pre- dans ledit pays. Donn6't Versailles au mois face by William Penn. ] 3d ed. lix, 679 pp. de Mars, 1685. 14 pp. sm. 4~. Paris, Yeuve 14 1. fol. Lolndon, W. Richardson & S. Clark, Saugrain, 1718. 1765.. - Commission pour l'examen de certaines Fox (Henry Richard Vassall, 3d lord Holland). questions de legislation commerciale. EnSome account of the lives and writings of quete sur les sucres. 324 pp. 40. Paris, Lope Felix de Vega Carpio, and Guillen de Mlinist&re dui conmnerce, etc. 1829. s. Castro. 2 v. xv, 261 pp; vii, 232 pp. 12 ~ The same. Enquete sur les fers. 368 pp. pl. 12~. London, Longmans, 1817. 4~. Paris, RZenard, [1828]. s. Fraas (Carl). Die ackerbaukrisen und ihre Ordonnance provisoire sur l'exercise et heilmittel. Einibeitragzur virthlschaftspolitik les manoeuvres de la cavalerie, r6digde par des ackerbauschutzes. ix, 255 pp. 80. Leipzig, ordre du ministre de la guerre. 3e 6d. xxiii, F. A. Brockhaus, 1866. s. 498; 8 pp. 16~. Paris, agiayel, 1815. s. Fraas (Oscar). Die nutzbaren minerale Wfirt- Rapport au roi sur l'instruction secondtembergs zusammengestellt. viii, 208 pp. aire. 358 pp. 4~. Paris, Imp. royale, 1843. s. 80. Stuttgart, Ebbner & Senbert, 1860.. s. Tableau gdndral numdriqlne par fonds Fracastoro (Girolamo). Opera omnia. Ac- des archives d6partementales ant6rieures A cesserunt Andrere Navagerii orationes dul, 1790. Publie par la commission des archives carminaque nonnulla. 6 p. 1. 285, 32 1. 4~. d6partementales et communales. 2 p. 1. 253 Venetiis, Ivnta, 1555. s. pp. 40~. Paris, Inmp. nationale, 1848. s. Tableau de la situation des 6tablissemnents CONTENTS. franais daLs l'Alg6rie en 1840, 1841, 1843-44. De stellis; de causis criticornm dierum, de sympa- thia et antipathia; de contagionibus-et de conta- 3 V. 40. Paris, Imp. royale, 1841-45. s. giosis morbtis; de poetics dialogus; de intellec- Franceson (E. F.) Grammatik der spanischen tione dialogus; de anima dialogus; de vini temperatura; syphilidis libri tres; Joseph, poema; sprache. 3e ausg. xii, 401 pp. 80. Leipzig,~ ca-milna. I F. leischer, 1850. Fragments of the history of Bawlfriedonia; Francis (Samuel W. M. D.) Biographical containing an account of the discovery and sketches of distinguished living New York settlement of that great southern continent, physicians. 228 pp. 160. NIew York, G. P. and of the formation and progress of the Pcutnans, 4 son, 1867. Bawlfredonian commonwealth. By HIermnan Francisci born Finx (Erasmus). Neu-polirter Thwackius. [anon.] 164pp. 8~. [Baltimore?] geschichtkunst-und sitten-spiegel auslandisAdnerican bookseller's, 1819. cher v6lcker. 15 p. 1. 1550 pp. 15 1. 52 pl. France. Affaires 6tralngres. Documents dip- fol. Nirnzberg, J. A. Endlters, 1670. lomatiques, 1866. (Livre jaunee, Nos. 6-7.) 1 Ost-und west-indischer wie auch sine2 v. fol. Pa;-is, 1866. sischer lust-und stats-garten. [Illustrated]..-..- The same. 1867. Nos. 8-9. 2 v. 3 v. in 1. 11 p. 1. 1762 pp. 17 1. fol. fol. Paris, 1867. Niirnberg, J. A. Endlters, 1668. Catalogue gedn6ral des cartulaires des Franck (Adolphe). Esquisse d'une histoire de archives d6partementales; publi6 par la com- la logique, pr6c6d6e d'une analyse 6tendue de mission des archives ddpartementales et com- l'organum d' Aristote. 316 pp. 8~. Paris, munales. viii, 285 pp. 40. PParis, IL2p. Hachette, 1838. s. royale, 1847. S. s. tudesorientales. xi, 477pp. 80. Paris, Catalogue g6d6ral des livres composant LEvy, 1861. les bibliotheaques du d6partement de la marine Francklin (William). Voyage du Bengal A et des colonies. 5 v. 8~. Paris, Ilnprimerie Chyraz in 1787-88. Traduit de l'Anglais par royale, 1833-43.t s. L. Langlds. 2 v. 180. Paris, Crapelet, 1798. Code de l'instruction primaire, contenant s. l'historique de la 16gislation primaire depuis Francoeur (Louis Benjamin). Uranographie, 1789, etc. 2e 6d. 392 pp. 80. Paris, P. on trait6 6l6mentaire d'astronomie. 5 6Ed. xiv, Dupont, 1834. s. 512 pp. 8pl. 80. Paris, Bachelier, 1837. s; Le code noir, ou, 6dit duroy, servant de An introduction to linear drawing. reglement pour le gouvernement et I'ad- Translated by Win. B. Fowle. (2d ed.) viii, ministration de justice et la police des isles 88 pp. 2 pl. 120.:Boston, Hilliard, Gray, fran9oises de l'Am6rique, et pour Ia disci- Little _ d 7 ilkinzs, 1828. s. 131 FRANCOEUR. FREDERIC. Francoeur (Louis Benjamin) Robinet (-) 4 p. 1. 59 pp. 1 map. 40. 2iirnberg, G. P. Payen (Anselme) and Pelouze (Edmond). Monath, 1762. Abregd du grand dictionnaire de technologie; Franze (Wolfgang). Historia animalivm; in ou, nouveau dictionnaire des arts et metiers, qua plerorumque animalium precipue proetc. Augmente par M. Drapiez. 2 v. 2 p. 1. prietates ad usum etloo2vloy)lcbv breviter ac617 pp; 2 p. 1. 678 pp. 80. Br'uxelles, soc. commodantur; crmn commentariis et supplebelge de librairie, 1837. s. mentis Johannis Cypriani. 4 parts in 2 v. Frank on the lower Mississippi. By Harry 17 p. 1. 3624. 12 1. pp. portrait. 103 1. 40. Castleman. (pseudon.) 236 pp. 3 pl. 160. iFrancofurti, G. Lesch7, 1712. s. Cincinnati, B. W. Carroll & Co. 1868. Fraser (Donald). The American magazine of PFr-nkel (Ludwig, M. D.) Practische heilmit- wonders and marvellous chronicle. 2 v. tellehre fiir die krankheiten des kindlichen 508 pp. 2 1; 510 pp. 2 1. 8 p1. 80. New alters. 2e aufi. x, 310 pp. 120. Berlin, Veit York, Southwick & Pelsue, 1809. & Co. 1840. f. Fraser (William). The Stirlings of Keir, and Fr-ankenheiiM (M. L.) V6lkerkunde. Cha- their family papers. 40. Edinburght, Stevensoa, rakteristik und physiologie der vOlker. viii, 1858. s. 559 pp. 8~. Brecslac, Trezuendt 4- Granier, Fraser's magazine for town and country. July, 1852. s. 1866 to Dec. 1867. v. 74-76. 80. London, Franklin (A. W.) American cottage library; Longmans, Green & Co. [1865-67]. or, useful facts, figures, and hints, for every- Firaunhofer (Joseph von). Bestimmung des body. 190 pp. 4 pl. 12~. 2Tew York, Burgess, brechungs und farbenzerstreuungs-verin6geins Stringer c' Co. 1848. verschiedener glasarten. [Extract]. pp. 193Franklin (Benjamin). Autobiography. Ed. by 226. 3 pl. 40. liinche?, K. k. cld. der wissenJared Sparks. vi, 154 pp. 120. London, H. schaften, 1814. s. G. Bohn, 1850. S. [With the following.] The same. 80. [n. p. or d.] Neue modification des lichtes durch [Imperfect; title wanting]. gegenseitige entwirkung und beugung der The same. Life of Franklin, written by strahlen, und gesetze derselben. [Extract]. himself. 2d Am. ed. 197 pp. 160. Philadel- 76 pp. 6 pl. 40. Miilachen, K. akad. der wissenphia, Benjamin Johnson, 1794. schaften, [ about 1810.] Experiments and observations on elec-:Freart (Roland, siecur de Chamnbray). Parallel tricity, [with] letters and papers on philo- of the antient architecture with the modern. sophical subjects. [4th ed.] iv, 496 pp. 8 1. made English [from the French] by J. Eve5pl. 40. ILondon, D. Henry, 1769. lyn. 2d ed. 10 p. 1. 115 pp. 40 p1. fol. Two tracts: information to those who London, D. Brown, etc. 1707. would remove to America; and remarks con- Frederic II, (kinfg of Preussia, surnamed the cerning the savages of North America. [anon.] great). Posthumous works. Translated from 39 pp. 80. London, John Stockdale, 1784. the French by T. Holcroft. 13 v. 80. London, Way to wealth, and advice to a young G. G. J. 4 J. Robinson, 1789. tradesman. [pp. 97 to 130 of WEEImS' (Mason L.) Immortal men- CONTENTS. tor. 321 pp. Philadelphia, 1796].' v. 1. History of my own times. Franks (David). The New York directory, v. 2-3. History of the seven-years' war. 1786. See New York, city. v. 4. Memoirs from the peace of IHubertsburg, to the partition of Poland, and of the Bavarian war; the BavaPrainque (Johann Baptistj. Dissertatio inau- rian succession; Bavarian state papers; present state of guralis ana.tomico-physiologica do serpentum politics in Europe. v. 5. Essay on forms of government and on the duties quorumdam genitalibus ovisque incubatis. 44 of sovereigns; dialogues of the dead; character of Charles XII; examination of the work Systdme de la pp. 2 pl. 40. Tabingce, L. F. Fuies, 1817. s. nature; commentary on Blue Beard of Deom Calmet; Prau-que (Otto von). Der vorfall der gebhr- innocence of errors of the understanding-; school.of the world, a comedy, by Satyricuns; elegy of the city of mutter in anatomischer und klinischer bezie- Berlin; preface to Voltaire's Henriade; Tantalus at law, hung. vi, 69 pp. 7 pl. 40~ Wirzburg, a comedy; portrait, epitaph, etc. of Voltaire. bnI 4. Wirzb;rgl v. 6-8. Correspondence with Voltaire. Stahel, 1860. s. v. 9. Correspondence with Jordan. Frahenz (Johan Michael). Abhandlun0 von v. 10. Correspondence with the marquis d'Argeni. Fralnz (Johann Michael). Abhandmung Von v. 11. Correspondence with d'Alembert, den grenzen der bekannten und unbeklanntell v. 12. Correspondence with d'Alernbert, Condorcet, Grimnm, and d'Arget. welt alter und neuer zeit, als eine kurze ein- v. 13. Correspondence with the prince of Prussia and leitung zu ciner parallelen erclb.eschr- eihun. Gen. Fouquet; miscellanies; essay on German literature; leitung zu ethner pDaralleleln erdcbes~chroeibug moral dialogue; eulogiuml on Voltaire. 132 FREDET. FREY. Fredet (Peter, D. D.) Modern history; from Washington. 15 pp. 8~. [ Washington, the coming of Christ to 1867. With questions. 1845?] 22d ed. 566, 38 pp. 120. Baltiimore, J. French (Benjamin Franklin). Biographia Muraphy & Co. 1867. Americana; or historical and critical account Free thoughts occasioned by the heads of agree- of the lives, actions, and writings of the most ment assented to by the United ministers in distinguished persons in North America. By and about London; formerly called presby- a gentleman of Philadelphia. [anon.] vii, 356 terian and congregational. [anon]. 35 pp. pp. 80. New York, D. Mallory, 1825. sam. 40. London, Tinm. Goodwin, 1691. Memoirs of eminent female writers, of [rWith HEADS of agreement, etc. London, 1691]. all ages and countries. [anon.] vii, 183 pp. F reebooter (The). v. 1, 1823-24. 4, 427 pp. 2pl. 240. Philadelphia, I. Desilver, 1827. s. 8~. London, J. Ch]appel S- son, 1824. Fre1nch (D'Arcy A.) English grammar sinmFreeman (James, D. D. acnd Cary, Bev. plified. In two lectures. 42 pp. 120. Galena, Samuel). Funeral sermons, preached at author, 1846. S. King's chapel, Boston. [Occasioned clby the French (George). History of Col. Parke's deaths of Mrs. Susan Bulfinch, Rev. Samuel administration, whilst he was captain general Cary, alLd Joseph Coolidge]. 68pp. 8~. and chief governor of the Leeward islands; Boston, Phelps, 1820. with account of the rebellion in Antegoa. F:eeman (Strickland). The art of horseman- 6 p. 1. 427 pp. 16G. London, 1717. ship, alteredclad abbreviated, according to the French-Onondaga (A) dictionary, from a manprinciples of Sir Sildney Medows. 3 p. 1. uscript of the seventeenth century. [anon. xix, 244 pp. 15 pl. 4~. London, W. B13ul- Edited] by J. G. Shea. viii, 103 pp. 8~0. New nzer,p Co. 1806. York, Cracmoisy press, 1860. FP eellason'. pocket companion. With a com- [Library of American linguistics, I.] plete collection of songs, etc. [anon.] 240 pp. French phraseology. [anon.] 2d ed. iv, 260 160. Glasgow, Tait, Brown & Tait, 1771. pp. 24~. London, author, 1814. s. Freer (Martha Walker). The regency of Anne 1F2reneau (Philip). Miscellaneous works, conof Austria, queen of France, mother of Louis taining his essays and additional poems. xii, xiv. 2 v. xxxii, 368 pp; 451 pp. 1 pl. 429 pp. 160. Philadelphia, Francis Bailey, 8~0. London, Tinsley Bros. 1866. 1788. Frejus (Roland de). The relation of a voyage FrerichE (FIiedrich Theodor). Die briglht'sche made into Mauritania in Africk. Englished nierenkranlkheit und deren behandlung. xii, out of French. 4 p. 1. 119 pp. 180. London, 286 pp. 1 pl. 8~. Blraunschweig, Fiewe., M. Pitt, 1671. 1851. s. Fre mont (John Charles). Geographical me- Fresenius (C. Remigius). Anleitung zur qualmoir upon upper California. 80.. Washington, itativen chemischen analyse, u. s. w. Mit 1848. eine vorwort von Justus Liebig. 8e auf. xxiv, [With EnORY (WV. H.) Notes of a military recon- 307pp 80* Brannschweig Vieweg 1853. 6. noisssance, etc.] R- eport of the exploring expedition to - Anleitung zur quantitativen chemischen the Rocky mountains in 1842, and to Oregon analye. 3e afi. xx, 619 pp. 8~. BrTunand north California in 1843-44. 693 pp. scwzeiy, Vices, 1853.. 2 maps. 23 pl. 8~. Woashingtoln, govern- TLehrbuch der chemie. xxiii, 657 pp. inent pr.1845 80. 1845.Brauschwceig, Vieweg, 1847. S. [Senate doc. 174, 2Sth congress, 2d session.] - A system of instruction in qualitative The same. 2d ed. 278 pp. 80. Wash- chemical analysis. 4th ed. Edited by J. L. inZton, Taylor, Wilde 4' Co. [1845?] s. Bullock. xxii, 310 pp. 8~. London, J. A report of an exploration of the country Churchill, 1855. s. between Missouri river and the Rocky moun- Fresny (C. R. du). See Du Fresny. tains, on the line of the Kansas and Great Freville (A. F. J.) Histoire des nouvelles Platte rivers. 207 pp. 1 map. 1 pl. 80. d6couvertes faites dans lamer du sud en 1767Printedlfor the senate, Washington, 1843. 1770. 2 v. xlviii, 522 pp; 572 pp. 2 1. 1 pl' French (Benjamin Brown). Fitz Clarence: a 8~. Paris, De Hansy, le jeune, 1774. poem. 31 pp. 8~. TWashington, Blair & ives, Frey (A.) Manuel nouveau de typographie. 1844. Imprimerie, contenantles principes thdoriques The changes of earth, a poem delivered et pratiques de lqimprimeur-typographe. 2 v. before the Capitol hill institute in the city of x, 518 pp. 7 pl. 18~. Paris, Roret, 1835. s. 133 FRE YTAG. FROTHINGHAM. Freytag (Gustav). The lost manuscript: a Frbbel (Julius). America, Europa uncd die novel. Translated [fiom the German] by politischen gesichtspunkte der gegenwart. Mrs. Malcolm. 3 v. 120. Lonzdon, Chalp- x, 213 pp. 12~. Berlin, J. Sp ringer, 1859. mna & call, 183}5. Frobisher (Prof. J. E.) New and practical Prick (Dr. J.) Die physikalische technik; system of the culture of voice and action; oder anleitung zur anstellung von physikal- withx readings and recitations. 262 pp. 18~. ischen versuchen und zur herstellung von NTewo York, Ivison c' Co. 1867. physikalischen apparaten. 2e aufl. xxiii, Frobisher (Martin). De Angli navigatione in 588 pp. 8~. Braunsciweig, Vieweg, 1856. s. regiones occidentis et septentrionis narratio Fridridksson (H. Cr.) See Ingersiev (C. F.) historica, ex gallico sermnone inlatinum transanzd c ridriksson. ]ata per Joan. Theo. Frcigivm. 441. unp. 18~. Friedreich (J. B.) Die realien in der Iliade NAoribergce, Cathlrin,c Gerlachin, et heredes und Odyssee. xl, 728 pp. 8~0. Erlangen, Johannis AMontani, 1580. i. Enke, 1851. Three voyages in search of a passage to Friedrich (Johannes Christoph.) Kritische Cathaiaand India by the northwest, 1576-78. erOrterungen zurn tibereinstimmenden orduen Edited by R. Collinson. xxvi, 376 pp. 1 pl. und verzeichlnen offentlicher bibliotheken. 1 map. 80. London, 1867. 110 pp. 80. Leipzig, Dyk, 1835.. [Haklunyt soc. publcations, v. 38.] Friedrike (Sophie Wilbelmine, of Prussia, Froebel. See Fribel. margravinc e of Baireuth). Memoires. 2 v. ii, F'rom dawn to dark in Italy; a tale of the ref405 pp; 352 pp. 80. Brunswick, Colbern, ormation in the 16th century. [anon.] 441pp. 1812. 120. Boston, Am. tract soc. [1865.] Friendly (The) disputants; or, future punish- Prom Mayfair to Marathon. [canon.] viii, 428 pp. merntreconsidered. ByAura. [anon.] x, 490 12. Lozdon, B. Bentley,1853. pp. 12~. London, Halln, Virtue ct, Co. 1859. Fromberg (Emanuel Otto). Essay on the art Friendlly (A) rebuke to one parson Benjamin of painting on glass. From the German. 116 [Hoadly]; particularly relating to his quar- pp. 160. London, J. Weale, 1851. s. rlliun with his own church, and vindicating:Fromherz (Carl). Geognostiche beschreibung the dissenters. By one of the people called des Schonbergs bei Freiburg in Breisgau. quakers. [anon.] 3.2 pp. 120. Lonlon, E. "viii, 35 pp. I col. pl. 40. Freiburg, Gron,7 WMoore, 1719. 1837. Frisch (Johann Leonhard). Nouveau diction- Frommann (C. ID.) Untersucllngen ii' Jr naire des passagers; franC.ois-allemand et die normale und pathologische anatomic des allemand-franvois. Noeue aufi. 2 v. in 1 rttckenmarks. 2 v. viii, 123 pp. 4 pl; 130 pp. 6 p. 1. 5081. 1861. 80. Leipzig, J. i. Gleditsch, 6 pl. 40. Jena, P. Fronmncna, 1864-67. s. 1746. s..Fronmiiler (G. F. Christoph). The epistles Frisch (Dr. P.) Die stanaton von Mexico, general of Peter and Jude. [Commentaries.] Mittel und Stidamerica in ihren geschichtlich- See Bible, English, Commentary, by Lange politischen, administrativen, handels-und (J. P.) ald others. l:zFrost (John). American generals, embracing cultur-beziehungen, seit ilhrer unabliingig- a (ohlete meritan gestry of e Uaited keitserlkzlrunng bis zum jahre 1850. xxiv, a complete military history of the United 297 pp. 80. Liibeck, A. Dittfter, 1853. States. 80. Philadelpyhia, 1848. s. Fris-well (T. Hain). Familiar words; an index The beauties of French history. 252 pp. verborum, or quotation hand-book, with par- 160. Veu York, Harpers, 1846. s. allel passages of phrases which have become Thrilling incidents of the wars of the imbedded in our English tongue. 2d ed. xvi, United States. [cnon.] 600 pp. 80. Phila 420 pp. 120. London, S. Low, son, & Mars- delhic, Ccrey S Hat, 188i. s. ton, 1866..[LTitle wanting.] Fritz (Th6odore). Esquisse di'un systaml:e Frothingham (Richard, jr.) History of the complet d'instruction et d'6ducation et de leur siege of Boston, and of the battles of Lexingbistoire. 3 v. 80. Strasbourg, S idt ton, Concord, and Bunker Hill. x, 420 pp. 3trasbozrg, Schmidt & Grs-cker, 1841. 3 pl. 3 maps. 8~. Boston, Little & Brownz, Fr6bel (Friedrich). L'6ducation de l'bomme. ~ Life and times of Joseph Warren. xix, Traduit de Allemand par la baronne de Crombrugge xv, 397 pp 1 80 Brxelles, 558 pp. portrait. 8~. Boston, Little, Browrn F. Claasen, 1861. 4- Co. 1865. 134 FROUDE. GAFFAREL. Froude (JamesAnthony). History of England, Funeral (The) sermons, orations, epitaphs, and from the fall of Wolsey to the death of Eliza- other pieces, on the death of Rev. Patrick beth. Reign of Elizabeth. v. 3-4. 8~. Lon- Forbes. From the original edition of 1635. don, Longrmans, 1866. With biographical memoir and notes by Short studies on great subjects. 2v. C. F. Shand. cxvi, 474 pp. 80. Edinburgh, 3 p. 1. 320 pp; 3 p. 1. 311 pp. 120. London, Spottiswoode society, 1845. Lonwmans, 1867. Furetiere (Antoine). Le roman bourgeois; The same. 534 pp. 120. New York, ouvrage comique. Nouv. 6t1. avec des notes C. Scribner & Co. 1863. historiques et litteraires par Indouard FourFry (Caroline). The listener.. 6th ed. 2 v. vi, nier. Prdc6dde d'une notice par C. Asselineau. 362 pp; 335.pp. 165. Edinburgh, Nisbet & Co. 350 pp. 160~. Paris, P. Jannet, 1854. 1836. Furmlan (xVood). History of the Charleston Fry (iMrs. Elizabeth). Elizabeth Fry; or, the association of Baptist churches in South Carchristian philanthropist. [A compilation. olina.. 238 pp. 160. Charleston, J. HoTf, aceon.] 450 pp. portrait. 120. Philadelphia, 1811. Am. S. S. union, 1851. s. PUirstenberg (M. H. F.) Die lkriitzmilben Fry (J. Reese). A life of Gen. Zachary Taylor. der meuschen und thiere. v, 240 pp. 15 332 pp. 12. 1. Phiicli-phuia, Grigg, Elliot & pl. 40. Leipziy, W. E~ngelbenann, 1861. s. Co. 1848. Puss (G.) Sawitsch (A.) and Sabler (G.) Fualihs (Christianl Joseph). Handbulch der all- Beschreibung der zur ermittelung des hOhengemeinen pathologie der hausstugethiere. untersechiedes zwischen dem schwarzen und xvi, 500pp. 80. Berlin, Veit & Co. 1843. s. dem caspischen eere. Im auftrag derkaiserPathologische anatomie der haussliuge- lichen akademie der wissensclhaften, 1836-37, thiere. xvi, 447 pp. 83. Leipzi, Veit & Co. herausgegeben von W. Struve. cxviii, 408 pp. 1859. s. 2 pl. 40. St. Petersburg, k. akad. der wissenFulohiron (Jean Claude). Voyage dans l'Italie chaften, 1849. s. m6ridionale. 2' 6d. 4 v. 8~. Paris, Pillet, Fuster (Justo Pastor). Biblioteca valenciana 1844. s. de los escritores que florecieron hasta nuestros uall (A) and accurate report of the proceedings dias. Con adiciones y enmiendas a la de in the case of the borough of Trinity college, Ximeno. 2 v. 7 p. 1. xxi, 356 pp; 4 p. 1. Dublin, as heard before a select committee of 548 pp. fol. Valencia, J. lomnpe, 1827. s. the house of commons, 1791. [anon.] 277 pp. Breve vocabulario valenciano y castellano 8. Deblinr, Chiarles Mills, 1791. de las voces mas obscuras 6 anticuadas. Full (A) reply to Lieut. Cadogan's Spanish [pp. 313-356 of v. 1 of the preceding]. hireling, etc. and Lieut. Mackay's letter con- Fyfe (Alexander). The royal martyr, Charles cerning the action at Moosa. WVherein the I. A tragedy. 3 p. 1. 64 pp. smin. 40. Lonimpartial account of [ Oglethorpe's] expedition don, J. Mforphew, 1709. to St. Augustine [Fla.] is clearly vindicated. [Imperfect; wanting pp. 65, etc. at the end. [anon.] viii, 63 pp. 1-2g. London, J. -Hcu - Gabb (William M.) Synopsis of the mollusca gonson, 1743. of the cretaceous formation. (Extract.) 201 Puller (Andrew S.) Forest tree culturist: a pp. 80~ Philadelphia, A1n. phil. soc. 1861. treatise oil the cultivation of American forest s. trees, with notes on the most valuable foreign See California. Geological survey. species. 188 pp. 120. INes York, G. E. c Gachard (Louis Prosper). Correspondance P. WF. i.oodwuarld, 1866. de Guillaume le taciturne, prince d'Orange; - The grape culturist. New ed. 286 pp. suivie de pisces in6dites sur l'assassinat de ce 120. Xnew York, O. Jucddl 4 Co. 1867. prince. 6 v. 80. Bruxelles, C. zHuquardt, The small fruit culturist. 276 pp. 120. 1847-66. Newo York, 0. Jcuddcl & Co. [18607]. Gadsden (Christophler Edwards, D. D.) An Fuller (Daniel). Political class-bool of the essay on the life of Rev. Theodore Dehon. state of Pennsylvania. 120 pp. 120. Philla- 341 pp. 80. Charleston, (S. C.) A. E. Miller, delopiia, Biddle, 1853. s. 1833. FPullorm (S. W.) Rome, under Pius IX. viii, Gaffarel (Jacques). Cvriositez inovyes, svr 312 pp. 12~. Lonlon, C. J. Skeet, 1864. la scvlptvre talismaniqve des Persans, horoFulton (Robert). [Letter to] Aaron Ogden. scope des patriarches, et lectvre des estoilles. 7 pp. 8. Ii. p. 1815 l] 7 p. 1. 315 pp. 160. Roven, Jean Bovley, 1631. [Tlitle-pagc wentilg']. 135 GAGE. GALILEI. Gage (Mrs. Frances Dana). Poems. 252 pp. Joannis Asserii chronicon fani Sancti Neoti., Polychronicon Ranulphi Higdeni. 160. Philadelphia, J. B. Liopincott l Clo. WiViielmus malmesburiensis de antiquitate Glas1867.r toniensis ecclesie. Willhelmi pontificibus. Elsie Magoon, or the old still-house in Historia ramesiensis. the hollow. A tale of the past. 324 pp. 120. Histori eliensis liter. Chronica Jeannie Wallingford. Philadelphia, J. B. Lip2pincott'F Co. 1867. Ranldulpli de liceto historia comnpendiosa dole regibus Britonunl. Gage (Thomas). The Ilistory of Rowley, an- De partitione provincina in schiras, et episcopaciently including, Bradford, Boxford, and tus et regna. -— 7 —-J "'"^"""'b Joannis Fordun Scoti chronicon. Georgetown. xvii, 484 pp. 1 pl. 12~. Boston, Flacci Alewini de pontificibus et sanetis eccleP. Andrea's, ~1840. ~sine eboracensis, poema. -F. Alndrewzs, 1840. Appendix antiquitatumn brittanicarum. Gailhabaud (Julius). Denkmiiler der baukunst. Unter mitwirle-uncgvon F.Kugleruild Galenus (Claudius). De simplicivm medicaJ. Burckhardt herausgegebeni von L. Londe. mentorvm facvltatibus libri vi. Theod. Gerardo 4 v. 40. Haceburg, 1852. s. goudano interprete. 12 p. 1. 352 pp. 240. Galatian (Andrew B.) History of Scranton, Lvgdwzi, G. Gazellus, 1589. S. --- See Hippocrates. Providence, Dunmore, Waverly, and Humhreysle, with accounts of the col com- Galerie des artistes; ou portraits des hommes phreysville, with account s of the coal com- l panics [etc.] Also, directory and business cglhres dais Ia peinture, la sculpture, la advertiser for 1867-68. 416 pp. 80. Scran- gravure et la musique, pendant les trois sicles de la renaissance. 110 pp. 52 pl. 8~. Paris, ton, (Pa.) author) 1867. Societe des camis cles arts, 1836. s. Galaxy (The). An illustrated magazine ofis des arts, 1836. Galerie inmp6riale et royale du Belveddre h entertaining reading. May 1866, to Oct. 1867.le et royle v. 1-4. 8~. NVew eorl,. C. & P. P. Churchz, VYienne, gravee par les meilleurs artistes, avec 1S66-67. Y W Pun texte explicatif de cllaque sujet, publide Gale (George, LL. D.) The Gale family records par Charles Haas. 4 v. in 2. 40. Franefort in England and the United States: [with] sur Maine, A. Osterrieth, [about 1850.] the Noett~igham tamily of iNowe England, and Galfridus le Balker de Swinbrolze. Chronicon B O Y ng f i Anglim, temporibus Edwardi ii, et Edwardi Bogardus, Waldron, and Young fimilies of ~ewvnrorB. f2i4pp. 4 pl. 12. Galeszblte iii. Edidit J. A. Giles. xi, 271 pp. 80. New Yor. 254.) pp. 4 pl. 12. Galesille Lonini, J. Bohn, 1817. ( 4"Is.) Leth, & Gae, 18.Galiani (Ferdinando). Correspondenice in6dite Gale (L. D.) Report on the geology of New liani (erdinndo). Corespndenc idit Yorko county.,avec MI'le dlEpinay, d'Holbach, Grimm, et autres personnagyes du 18e siocle. l2d. revue [,NewW YoRIC, STATE, annual reports on geol. sulmery. autres personnages d 18 il.. re v. 3.1 et accompagn6de do notes, par M"X'. Prdedd6 Gale (Thomas, surgeon). Certaine workes of d'une notice 1historique sur la vie de l'auteur, chlirmgerie, nevvie compiled. 8 pl. unp. 112 par Ginguend. et du Dialogue cur les fenmmes. p.l. 61. unp. 120. London, Thomcas East, 1586. 2 v. civ, 348 pp; 519 pp. 80. Paris, Tr~euttel With arIG (G. de), Whole work. 120. London, 4 Wiirtz, 1818. Gale (Thomas), and Fell (John). Rerum an- Un napolitain du dernier sihcle. Contes, glicarum scriptores veteres. 3 v. fol. Oxonice, lettres et pensdes de 1'bb6 Galinni. Avec in1684-91. troduction et notes par P. Ristelhuber. xi, - CONTENTS. 144 pp. 130. Paris, librairie centrale, 186. v. 1. Ferum anglicarum veterum, [opera J. Fell et W. Fulman] tom. 1. 1684. Della moneta;:. dialogues sur le comIngulfi croylandensis historia. Petri blesensis continuatio ad historiam Ingulfi. Chronica de Mailros. perfetta conservazione del grano. Annales burtonenses. v. 2. Ilistoriam annlicanne scriptores quinque. [nune [ScuTTORI class. ital. i econ. poi. v. 3-6.] prinmum in luccm editi a T. Gale.] 1687. Galiberti (Casimiro). Quien mal vive mal Annales de Margan muere. Tl. el idioo. itliano. 4 p. 1. Chronicon Theroe Wikes salisburiensis monas- muere. Trad. del dma alan. 4 p. 1. tecii. 250 pp. 40. Mc adrid, G. aneziez 1745. s. Annales waverleienses. GaufridusVinisauf. ItinerariumregisAnglorum. Galicia (Faustino C.) Silabario de idioma Richardi et aliorum in terram Hierosolylllorum. mexicano. 7 pp 18~. Mexco. Ccstro, Chronica Walteri Hemingford de gestis regumn. Anglim. 1849. v. 3. I-Iistoriae britanicae, saxonicae, anglo-danicae, scriptores xv. Opera 1'. Gale. 1691. Galilel (Galileo). Nuncius sidereus. See Gilcd de excidio Brittanita liber querulus. Gassendi (Pierre). Institutio astronomica. Vita S. Wilfridi auntore Edldio Stephano. Nennii historia Britonurn. Loncdilz, 16.3. 136 GALL. GAMBA. Gall (James). The first initiatory catechism, Histoire des journaux et des journalistes de with the ten commandments and the Lord's la r6volution francaise, (1789-96.) 2 v. 575 prayer in the Ojibwa [Chippeway] language. pp. 4 pl; 511 pp. 22 pl. 8~0. Paris, soc. de Translated by P. Dougherty and D. Rodd. l'industrie fraternelle, 1845-46. s. 69 pp. 16~. Grand Traverse Bay, [[Mich.] Gallois (Jean Le). (See Le Gallois (Jean). Presb. for. miss. 1847. Galloway (Joseph). An account of the war in Gallagher (Williamr D.) Erato, number iii. the middle colonies. Extracted from a late au(Cadwallen and other poems.) 60 pp. 160. thor. [anon.] 2d ed. 56 pp. 180. London, 1780. Cicincati, Alexander Flash, 1837. Gallup (Joseph A. M.D.) Outlines of the inFacts and conditions of progress in the stitutes of medicine. In three parts. 2 v. northwest; a discourse before the historical 416 pp. 1 pl; 460 pp. 80. Boston, Otis, society of Ohio. 85 pp. 80. Cincinnati,. Broadclers & Co. 1839. s. TV. Derby, 4' Co. 1850. CONTENTS. Galland (Antoine). Les paroles remarquables, Physiology, v. 1. les bans mots, et les maximes des Orientaux. Therapeutics, v. 2. Traduction de leurs ouvrages en Arabe, en - Sketches of epidemic diseasesin the state Persan et en Turc. Avec des reim-arques. of Vermont, from the first settlement to 1815, [anon.] 8 p. 1. 344 pp. 17 1. 240. La Haye, [with] remarks on pulmonary consumption. L.'f H. Van Dole, 1691. 419 pp. 8~. Boston, Wait & sons, 1815. Gallardo (Bartolom6 Jos6, assisted by others). Gally (Henry, D. D.) Some considerations Ensayo de una biblioteca espafiola de libros upon clandestine marriages. 2d ed. 4 p. 1. 164 raros y curiosos. v. 2. [Babia to Funes.] pp. 80. London, J. Hwye7s, 1750. 80. Aeadrid, Bsivadeneyra, 1866. Galt (John). The fatal whisper. HaddadGallatin (Albert). Ethnology, etc. ben-Ahab. 13 pp. 8S. London, 1811. [Lrit7c EiiorcY (Vt. H.) Notes of a military recon- [Hazlitt's romancist and novelist's lib. v. 2.] noissance, etc. Appendix I.] Gallaudet (Thomas H.) Picture defining and - The uguarded hour. Thepainter. The reading book. Also, Nev Testament stories in book of life. 20 pp. ~. London, 1841. [Hazlitt's romancist and novelist'slib. v. 4]. the Ojibwva [Chippeway] language. 123 pp. 1. Boston An. bodfo. ts. 1835 See George the third, his court, etc. 1[60. Bostony, An. boao'dfor. mniss. 1835.'Scripture biograph; from Adam to Galt (John M.. D.) The treatment of inScripture biography; from Adam to Noah. [Choctaw text.] 88 pp. 18~. New sanity. viii, 579 pp. 8. New York, Harpers, York7, Am. tract soc. [about 1850.]. 1846.s. Scripture biography; the history of Galtruchius (P.) See Gaultruche. Abraham. [Chloctaw text.] 88 pp. 183. ew Galvani (Luigi). Abhandlung iber die krifte der thierischen elelitrizitiit auf die bewegung Yorle, A?)?. tract soc. [about 1860.] s. [ With the preceding.] der muskeln, nebst einigen schriften der Valli, Scripture biography; the history of Carminati, und Volta. Herausgegeben von Joseph. [Choctaw text.] 42pp. 18~. ITYew Jollhann Mayer. xxviii, 183 pp. 4 pl. 16~. York, Amer. tract soc. (n. d.) Pracf, J. G. Calve, 1793. s. [ With the preceding.] Galvaco, or Galvano (Antonio). The discov- Scripture biography; the history of eries of the world unto the yeere 1555. TransMoses. [Choctaw text.] 207 pp. 18~. VTewv lated from the Portuguese by Riclhard lHakYork, -Am. tract soc. [about 1850.) s. luyt. 97 pp. sm. 4~. London, 1601. Galle (Philippe, engraver). Acta apostolorvm Gamnba (Bartolommeo). Delle novelle italiane delineata a Martino Hemskerchio et Iohanne in prosa bibliografia. xv, 22.5 pp. 8~. enezeia, Stradano. T. Gallinus edidit. 35 pl. obl. fol. Alvisopoli, 1833. s. Antuterpie, P. Gallaezus, [about 1600.] s. ~ Serie degli scritti impressi in dialetto Galletti (Johann Georg August). Allgemeine veneziano. 276 pp. 18~. Venezia, Alvisoweltkunde; oder encyklopkidie ftir geographie, poli, 1832. s. statistik und staatengeschichte, umgearbeite -- Serie dell' edizioni de testi di lingua von H. F. Brachelli unid M. Falk. 12e. autl. italiana. 2 pts. in lv. 72 pp. 18~. Milano, 1358 pp. 27 maps. 3 pl. 40. Wien, C. A. stamperia reale, 1812. s. Hartleben, 1859.. The same. Serie dei testi di lingua e di Gallichon (F. C. de La Roche). See La altre opere importanti nella italiana letteratura Roche Gallichon.. scritte dal secolo xiv al xix. 4a ed. xxv, Gallois (Charles Andr6 Gustave L6onard). 795 pp. 1 pl. 8~. Venezia, Gondoiere, 1839. 137 GAMBOLD. GAROVAGLIO. Gambold (Rev. John). Works. With the life gazette, 1864 to 1866. 3 v. fol. London, of the author. xxiii, iv, 276 pp. 1 pl. 120. W. Bradbury and FM.. Evans, 1864-66. Bath, S. Hazard, 1789. Gardenier (Barent, editor). See Examiner Gamgee (John). Dairy stock; its selection, (The); containing political essays, etc. diseases, and produce; with a description of Gardin-Dumesnil (Jean Baptiste). Synonythe Brittany breed. v, 311 pp. 21. 3 pl. 12~. mes latins, et leurs diff6rentes significations.:Edinburgh, T. C. Jack, 1861. xlviii, 526 pp. 16~. Paris, Simon, 1777. Gamond (Thom6 de), and Belly (F6lix). Gardiner (John, M.. D.) Untersuchung der Carte d'6tude pour le trac6 et le profil du canal beschaffenheit, ursache, und kur des podade Nicaragua, pr6c6d6e de documents publi6s gra's, und einiger damit verbundener kranksur cette question par F. Belly. 90 pp. 1 map. heiten; nebst dem guten rath fur podagrister 40. Paris, Dalmon.t 5 Dunot, 1858. von Dr. Kentish, aus dem Englischen iiberGand. See Ghent. setzt, und mit einiger anmerkungen begleitet Gandolfi (Giovanni). Sulla genesi e cura dello von Christian Friderich Michaelis. xxxii, scirro e del cancro. xiv, 410 pp. 80. Milano, 264 pp. 8~. Leipzig, J. F. Junius, 1792. s. G. Chiusi, 1845. s. Gardiner (John), and Hepburn (David). The Ganganelli (Giovanni Vincenzo Antonio). See American gardener. 3d ed. viii, 308 pp. 160~. Clement xiv, pope. Washington, W. Cooper, jr. 1826. Ganilh (Charles). Essai politique sur le revenu Gardiner (Lieut. Lion). A history of the Pequot public des peuples de l'antiqulit6, du moyen var. 36 pp. 40. Cincinnati, J. Harpel, 1860. age, des sidcles modernes, et sp6cialement de Gardiner (Capt. Richard). Account of the exla France et de l'Angleterre depuis le milieu pedition to the West Indies against Martinique, du 15e siacle jusqu' au 19e. 2 v. 420 pp; 503 1759. 2 p. 1. 75 pp. 2 maps. 40~. London, pp. 80. Paris, Giguet et Michaud, 1806. s. Z. Stuart, John Baskerville, 1759. Gano (Rev. John). Biographical memoirs, - The same. 3d ed. 91 pp. 40. Birmingwritten principally by himself. 151 pp. 160. ham, John Baskerville, 1762. New York, Southwick & Hardcastle, 1806. The same. Relation de l'exp6dition aux Ganot (A.) Trait6 616mentaire de physique Indes Occidentales contre Martinique, 1759. exp6rimentale et appliqu6e, et de mt6orologie. 3e ed. 91 pp. 40. Birmingham, John Bas6e 6d. 806 pp. 120. Paris, I'auteur, 1856. s. kerville, 1762. Garbet (Edward Lacy). Rudimentary treatise [ With the preceding]. on the principles of design in architecture. Gardiner (Me.) Directory for 1867-68. See viii, 264 pp. 160~. London, J. Weale, 1850. Augusta, Hallowell, and Gardiner directory Garcia (Francisco Gregorio). Origen de los for 1867-68. Indios de el nvevo mvndo, e Indias Occident- Garland or Garlandia (John de). Floretus ales. 14 p. 1. 535 pp. 12 1. 160. Valencia, sancti Bernardi in se continens sacre theologie Pedro Patricio ley, 1607. et canonum flores. 511. unp. sm. 40~. Colonie, Garcia (Pedro Andres), and Los Reyes (Jos6 1501. Maria de). Diario de la expedicion de 1822, NOTE.-This poem is placed under Garland on the authority of Rivet, Hist. litt. de France. v. 8. a los campos del sud de Buenos-Aires, desde Garneau (F. X.) Voyage en Angleterre et en Moron hasta la sierra de la Ventana. vii, 178 France, 1831-33. 252 pp. 160. Quebec, A. pp. iii p]. fol. Buenos-Aires, imprenta del Cotd & Cie. 1855. s. estado, 1836. Garnier (Rev. Thomas). Domestic duties. A Garcia de Palacio (Diego). See Palacios (D. series of sermons. viii, 123 pp. 160. London, U G. de). J. Laver, 1851. Garcia de Saavedra (Juan Gallego). See Garouville (-). L'amant oisif Contenant Saavedra. cinquante nouvelles espagnoles. [anon]. 3 Garcia y Cubas (Antonio). Memoria para v. in 1. 3 p. 1. 420 pp. 1 pl. 180. Brusselles servir A la carta general de la repfiblica mex- G. De Backer 1711. icana. 166 pp. 1 map. 80. Mixico, Andrade Garovaglio (Santo). Alcuni discorsi sulla y Escalante, 1861. S. botanica, fasc. iii. Ed. 2a. 81, 92 pp. 8~. Pavia, Garden (Alexander). Anecdotes of the Ame- Eredi Bizzoni, 1865. s. rican revolution. Second series. ix, 240 pp. Enumeratio muscorum omnium in Aus12~. Charleston, A. E. Miller, 1828. tria inferiore hucusque lectorum, etc. viii, 48 Gardener's (The) chronicle and agricultural pp. 8~. Vienna', U. Klopf, 1840. s. 18 138 GARRARD. GAUTHIER. Garrard (Lewis H.) Wah-to-yah, and the Taos Gattey (Francois). l16ments du nouveau trail. vi, 349 pp. 12~. Cincinnati,. W. systeme m6trique, suivis des tables de rapDerby, 1850. ports des anciennes mesures agraires avec les Garretson (Ferdinand V. D.) Carminayalen- nouvelles. 216 pp. 80. Paris, Bailly, 1801. sia; a complete and accurate collection of Yale s. college songs, with piano accompaniment. 88 Gaubil: (J.) Catalogue synonymique des pp. 8~0. New York, Taintor Bros i& Co. [1867]. col6optbres d'Europe et d'Algdrie. 296 pp Garth (Sir Samuel). Poetical works. 8~. Edin- 8~. Paris, Maison, 1849. s. burgh, 1793. Gauche ( —, architect). Divers projets d' [Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 7]. 6difices propos6s en 1841, pour transfdrer la Garwood (Rev. John). The million-peopled bibliothEque royale dans les xie ou xiie arcity; or, one-half of the people of London rondissemens de Paris. 6 p. 1. 5 pl. fol. [Paris], made known to the other half. x, 317 pp. Mantoux, 1845. s. 160. London, Werthein & Mllacintosh, 1853. Gaucherel (L6on).: Exemples de decoration Gascoigne (Sir Bernard). Description of Ger- appliqu6s I l'architecture et'A 1a peinture 1many, its government, [etc. ] depuisl'antiquit6 jusqu'd nosjours. 1e partie. [Pp. 1-63 of BROWN (T.) Miscellanea aulica. Lon- 4~. Paris, A. Morel, 1857. don, 1702.] Gascons (Les) en Hollande; ou, aventure sin- [No more published]. Gu s de p gn 2 Gaudin (Charles Th.), and Strozzi (marquis (rulires de plusieurs gascons. [anon.] 2 v. Z78 pp; 284 pp. 8~. [a. p.] 1767. Carlo). Contributions a la flore fossile ital-;178 pp; 284 pp. 8~. In. p.] 1767. ienne. 4e m6moire. Travertins toscans. Gasparin (Adrien I~tienne Pierre, comte de). [Extract]. 30 pp. 7 pl. 40. Zurich, soc. Cours d'agriculture. v. 1-2. 8~. Paris, helve'tique, 1860. s. Bureau de la maison rustique, 1843-44. s. Trait Gaudin (Marc Antoine Augustin). Trait6 [Wanting v. 3.] Gasparin (Val6rie Boissier, contesse de). Au pratique de photographie; expos complet des bord de la mer-reveries d'un voyageur. procddds relatifs au daguerr6otype. iv, 248 lanon.] 2e 6d. 353 pp. 160. Paris, Levy, pp. 8s. J. J.Dubochet, 1844. s. Gaultruche or Gautruche (Pierre, or Denis). The same. By the sea shore; reveries Poetical histories; a collection of stories of a traveller. Autlhorized translation. 2413 necessary for a perfect understanding of the pp. 16~. Edinbugh, Edmonsto~n & Douglas, Greek and Latine poets. Now Englisht. 1867.' With two treatises, one of the curiosities of Camille. [anion.1- 298pp. 16~. Paris, old Rome; the other containing the hieroLevy, 1866. glyphics of 2Egypt. By Marius d'Assigny. ___ The samne. Authorized tranlslation. 235 10 p. 1. 285, 200 pp. 10 1. unp. 16~. London, pp. 16~. Edinburgh, Edmonston 5 Douglas, Moses Pitt, 1671. 1867. Gauss (Carl Friedrich), and Weber (WilGassendi (Pierre). Institutio astrolomica; cui helm). Resultate aus den beobachtungen des accesserunt Galilei Galilei nuncius sideleus, magnetischen vereins imjabre 1836-38. 3v. et Johannis Kepleri dioptrice. Ed. 3". 8 p.. in1. 8C. Gottingen, Dieterich, 1837-39. 199, 173 pp. 4 pl. 12~. Londini, H. Dick- -— The same. Im jahren 1839-1841. 3 v. inson, 1683. ~inson, 1683. ~in 1. 8u. Leipzig, Weidmarn, 1840-43. s. Gassies (J. B.) TaLleau m6thodique et de- Gauthier (Aubin). Histoire du somnambuscriptif des mollusques: terrestres et d'eau lisme, chez tous les peup]es, sous les noms douce de l'Agenais. 209 pp.4pl. 8~. Pcaris, divers d'extases, songes, oracles et visions. J. B. ~Bailzlre, 1849. ~. 5. 2 v. 455 pp; 440 pp. 8~0. Paris, Malteste Gaston (William, LL. D.) An address be- et Cie. 1842. fore the American whig, and Cliosophic soci- - Introduction a magntisme.494 pp. ties of the college of New Jersey, 1835. 2d 8~. Pais, Dentu, 1840.. ed. 32 pp. 8~. Princeton, R. E. Hornor, Introduction philosophique a P'6tude de 1835. 7 la g6ologie. 292 pp. 8~. Paris, V. Masson, Gastrell (Francis, D. D. bishop of Chester). 1853. S. Considerations on the trinity. 44 pp.- 8o Gauthier (Fran.ois Louis). Trait6 contre ford, 1825. l'amour des parures, et le luxe des habits. Oxford, 1825. ith R-ANo-L-II (Je1u,; Bishop of Londo). En- 2e 6d. [anon]. xii, 250 pp. 24~. Paris, chliidion theologicfmrn, v. 1.] A. A.M. Lottin, 1780. 139 GAUTIER. 1 GEMELLI. Gautier (Th6ophile)-. -Po6sies nouvelles. l kinigreiche Saschen gelegene land, zwischen der Mulde und der Queiss und der vereinigten Bober. 1Emaux et cam6es: th6atre; po6sies diverses. and GUTBIER (Christian August von). Die verstein283 pp. 12~. Paris, Charpentier, 1863. erungen von Obersachsen und der Lausitz. NAUMANN (Carl). Geognostische skizze des kinigGautruche (Pierre, or Denis). See Gaultru- reichs Suchsen. chle. REICHENBACI (Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig). Vegethe. tationsverhSaltnisse innerhall) der grenzen der Gavarni or Chevalier (called Sulpice Paul). flora von Sachsen; Eigentliimlichkeitdervegetation einzelner districten. Madame Acker. Nouvelle. 25 pp. 120. Paris, SCHiFNEr,3 (Albert). Obersachsen und die Lausitz 1842. - in physikalisch-geographischer beziehung. [Included in PLIIADE, La.] and Liebe (Carl). Ueber ein aequivaGavarret (J.) Te1egraphie 6lectrique. 428 pp. lent der takonischen schiefer Nordamerikas, 12~.- Paris, V. Masson, 1861. s. in Deutschland und dessen geologische stelGay (Rev. Ebenezer, D. D.) The untimely lung. pp. 25-52. (extract.) iv, 52 pp. 81. death of a man of God lamented. Sermon 8 pl. 40. Dresden, K. Leopold. Carol. deutsche preach'd at the funeral of Rev. John Hancock, Akad. 1866. s. Braintree; who died May 7th, 1744. 25 pp. Geissler (Christian Anton). Bibliographisches 120. Boston, S. Kneeland 4 T. Green, 1744. handbuch der philologischen literatur der [With xVALLE Y (Rev. Thomas). Balm in Gilead, -Deutschen von der mitte des 18ten jahrhunCambridge, 1670.] derts. Nach J. S. Ersch bearbeitet. 3a auff. Gay (John).? The Mohocks; a tragi-comical fharce. -4p]. 21 pp. 12. L~ondon, Ber~nard xi pp. 2571. 8~. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1845. s. Lintott, 1712. - Poetical works. 8~. Edinurgh, 1794. Geldard (James). Hand-book on cotton manAnderson's Brit. poets, V. 8]. 9 [ [Anderson's Brit. poots, v. ]. uifacture; or,a a guide to machine-building, Gay (Marie Frain9oise Sophie Nichault de La- spinning and weaving, with examples, clcuvalette, Mine.) Physiologie:du ridicule,par lations andItables. 298pp. 12pl. 12. New une soci6dt de gens ridicules. 356 pp. 18~. YorX, J. iley & son, 1867. Brquxelles, J. P. Mieline, 1833. 1Gellert (Christian Fiirchtegott). Life; witll a Gayarr6e (Charles). History of Louiusiana. course of moral lessons. Taken from a French [v. iii.] The American domination. viii, 693 translation of the original Germal, by Mrs. pp. 80 New York, W. J. Widdleton, 1866. M. Douglas, 2d ed. 3 v. 180. London, Philip II. of Spain. With an introduc- iatchard & Son, 1810. tory letter, by George Bancroft. iv, 366 pp. Gelli (Giambattista). Discovrs fantastiques. 1 pl. 80.New York, W. J. Widdleton, 1866. Traduits en Franois, par C. D.. i. e. CI. Gaye (Giovanni). Carteggio inedito d'artisti de Kerquifinon.] 336pp. 18~. Lyon, Cledei secoli xiv, xv, xvi. Pubblicato ed illus- mnens Bavlin, 1575. trato con documenti pure inediti; con fac- Gelston (John). Education of the deaf and simile. 3 v. 80. Firenze, 7Molini, 1839-40. dumb poor of Ireland. See Ringland (J.) Gaylord (Glance, pseudon?) See Culm rock. and Gelston. Gayot (Eugbne). Hippologiques. iv, 349 pp. Gelzer (Heinricl). Die drei letzten jahrhun80. Paris, Guiraudet & Jouauest, 1845. s. derte der schweizergeschichte; mit besondrer Gazette de France. 3 Aoust, 1778 - 29 Juin, beriicksichtigung der geistigen und religi2sen 1779. 2 v. pp. 277-486; 246 pp. 40. Paris, zustinde und der sittengeschiclte. 2 v. xiv, 1779. 204 pp; xiv, 316 pp. 8~. Aarau u. T/lun, J. [Imperfect; v. i. Nos. 63 and 64 wanting. V. 2. J. Christen, 1838-39. No. 23 wanting.] GaNo.ettie23re wting.] amriano. eeAmrinGemelli-Careri (Giovanni Francesco). VoyGazzettiere (Il) americano. See American age autour du monde, traduit de l'italien par Gazetteer. [Eustache Lenoble]. 6 v. 16~. Paris, Geinitz (Hans Bruno). Das k6nigliche min- tienne Ganeau, 1719. Ptienne Ganeau, 1719. eralogische museum in Dresden, geschildert auf hohe veranlassung. 2 p. 1. 110 pp. 2 pl. CONTENTS. 80. Dresden, Blochmann, 1858. s. v. i. Turquie. v. ii. Perse. Gia von Sachsen. Enleitung in die flora v. iii. Indostan. von Sachsen von Ludwig Reichenbach. viii, v. iv. Chine. v. v. isles Philippines. 225 pp. 80. Dresden, Arnold, 1843. s. v. vi. Nouvelle. Espagne. CONTENTS. * - The same. Nouv. 6d. 6 v. 60 p]. 160. COTTA (Bernhard). Geognostische skizze von Thu- Paris,;tenne Ganeau, 177. GEINIZ (ns Bruno). Das nlic und stlich von iv imperfect: aneaup. 540-5531727. GEINITE (Hans Bruno). Das nirdlich und 5stlich von [v. iv. imperfect: wanting pp. 540-553 ] 140 GENEALOGY. GEORGIA. Genealogy (The)'of Corca Laidhe. Edited l'histoire naturelle des mammifbres.' 691 pp. byJ. O'Donovan. 144pp. 8~. Dublin,1849. 8~. Paris, Pichon et Didier, 1829. s. rCeltic soc. publ. No. 3.] Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire (Isidore). AcclimataGenealogy of the family of Anthony Stoddard tion et domestication des animaux utiles. of Boston. 23 pp. 8~. Boston, Coolidge 4' 4e 6d. xvi, 534 pp. 8. Paris, Librairie Wiley, 1849. agricole, 1861. General Taylor and his staff. 284 pp. 12~. Domestication et naturalisation des aniPhiladelphia, Grigg, Elliott & Co. 1848. maux utiles; rapport g6n6ral i la minist/re General (A) view of the fine arts, critical and de l'agriculture. 3e 6d. xi, 204 pp. 12~. Paris, historical. [By a lady. anon.] With an Dusacq, 1854. introduction by D. Huntington. 477 pp. 12~. Histoire g6n6rale et particulibre des New York, G. P. Putnam, 1851. s. anomalies de 1' organisation chez lhomme et Gengembre (Philippe W.) and Brown (J. H.) les animaux; on, trait6 de t6ratologie. 3 v. Elements of English grammar, on a progres- 8~. Bruxelles, Soc. belge de librairie, 1837. sive system. xii, 213 pp. 1'2~. Philadelphia, - — Histoire naturelle g6n6rale des rbgnes Hayes & Zell, 1855. organiques, principalement6tudi6e chezl'homGenius (The) of Erin, Columbia's freedom, me et les animaux. v. 2-3. 523 pp; 539 pp. Flights of fancy, Lucinda, etc. being part first 8~. Paris, F. Masson, 1859-62. of a series of poems, by a citizen of South Caro- _ Museum d'histoire naturelle de Paris. lina. [anon.] 190 pp. 12~. Charleston, Catalogue m6thodique de la collection des D. J. Dowling, 1835. manlmifbres, de la collection des oiseaux, etc. Genovesi (Antonio). Lezione di economia 2 p.l. xv, vii, 96 pp. 80. Paris, Gide' politica. Bauldry, 1851. s. (SCRITTORI class. ital. di econ. pol. v. 7-10.) (No more published.) Gentleman's (The) magazine and historical Geographia classica: the geography of the review. By Sylvanus Urban, gent. July, ancients, so far described as it is contained in 1866 to Dec. 1867. New series. v. 2-4. Com- the Greek and Latin classicks. 8th ed. 6 pp. plete series. v. 221-223. 8~. London, Brad- 29 maps. obi. 4~. London, J. & P. Knapton, bury, Evans 4 Co. 1866-67. 1747. s. Gentleman's pocket farrier, showing holw to Geological society of London. The quarterly use a horse on a journey. With remedies. journal. v. 22. 1866. 8~. London, 1866. [anon.] New ed. 36 pp. 24~. Louth, George III, (king of England). Correspondence J. Jackson, 1809. with lord North, from 1768 to 1783. Ed. from Genty (L.) Influence de la d6couverte de the originals, with an introduction and notes, l'Am6rique sur le bonheur du genre-humain. by W. B. Donne. 2 v. xcii, 307 pp; 452 3 p. 1. 352 pp. 1 pl. 12~. Orl6eans, 1787. pp. 8~. London, John Murray, 1867. [Title wanting.] Georgi (Carl August, AL. D.) Karl Heinrich Genuine account of the- life and actions of Ferdinand Schze auf Schweta E Ferdinand Schuitze auf Schweta. Emi bild James McLean, highwayman. [anon. ] 33 pp. nach seine eigenen iindlichen seines lebens,nach seinen eigenen mindliche 12~. [London, 1750?J und schriftlichen mittheilungen gezeichnet. Geoffrey de Vinsauf. Itinerarium regis 158 pp. 158 pp. 8~ -Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, Anglorum Richardi et aliorum in terram Hiero- 1861. s. solymorum. fol. Oxonice, 1687. Georgi (Johann Gottlieb, M. D.) Description [GALE (Thomas) and FELL (John). Rerum anglicarum scriptores veteres, Oxonire, 1684-91. v. 2.] de la ville de St. P6tersbourg et de ses enviGeoffroy (:ltienne Franvois). Tractatus de rons. Traduite de 1'Allemand, [par S. H. materia medica, sive de medicamentorum sim- Catel]. xvi, 404 pp. 1 map. 120. St. plicium historia, virtute, de lectu et usu. 3 v. Petersbourg, J. Z. Logan, 1793. 8~. Parisiis, J. Desaint -& C. Saiglant, 1741. Georgi (Theophilus or Gottlieb). Allgemeines s. europiiisches bficher-lexicon. 5 v. in 2. fol. Geoffroy (]tienne Louis]. Histoire abr6g6e Leipzig, auctor, 1742-53. s. des insectes de Paris. 2 v. 40. [Paris], Du- (Erste) - drittes supplement zu dessen rand, 1764. lexicon. 3 v. in 2. fol. Leipzig, T. Georgi, The same. Nouv 6d. 2 v. xxviii, 556 pp; 1750-58. s. 744 pp. 22 pl. 40~. Paris, Calixte-Volland, Georgia (University of). Catalogue of books 1799. s. in the library. By Williams Rutherford, jr. Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire (]tienne). Cours de 192 pp. 8~. Athens, (Ga.) college, 1858. s. 141 GEORGIA. 1 GIANNETASIO. Georgia (University of). Supplement to the xxiv, 622 pp. 2 p. 8~. Halce, J. C. Hendel, printed catalogue. 1849. [Mss. 8 1. 80.] s. 1824. s. Georgia Mississippi company. Grant to the [No more published.] Georgia Mississippi company, the constitution Die im bernstein befindlichen hemipthereof, and extracts relative to the company's teren und orthopteren. lands. Published by order of the directors. [ ith BrERENDT (G. C.) Die im bernstein reste, etc. 28 pp. 8~. Augusta, J.D lE. Smith, 1795. Gerstaicker (Friedrich). Wanderings and forGera (Francisco). De la fabrication du fro- tunes of some German emigrants. Translated mage. Trad. de l'Italien par V[ict]or Rendu. by DavidBlck. viii, 310 pp. 12. London L 2 p. 1. 251 pp. 2 pl. 80. Paris, Roret, D. Bogue, 1848. 1843. - Gervais (Paul). Histoire naturelle des mam-Geraldini (Alessandro). Itinerarivm ad re- mifares. 2 v. xxiv, 418 pp. 32 pl; 344 pp. giones svb Teqvinoctiali plaga constitvtas. 68 pl. 8~. Paris, L. Curmer, 1854-55. s. 20 p. 1. 284 pp. 181. 18~. Bomnce, Gulielmnus - Listes des ouvragcs et m6moires de zoPacciotti, 1631. ologie et d'anatomie compar6e. 8 pp. 8~. Gerard (Alexander). Account of Koonawur Montpellier, Boehm, 1852. 8. in the Himalaya. Edited by G. Lloyd. xiii, [With GERVAIS (P.) Mamnmiferes.l 308, xxvi pp. 1 map. 8~. London, Madden Gervaise (Nicolas). Hlistoire naturelle et poli& Co. 1841. tique du royaume de Siam. 8 p. 1. 324 pp; Attempt to penetrate the Garoo, etc. See' 4 i. 1 map. 40~. Paris, C. Barbin, 1688. Lloyd (Sir William.) s. Gerard (Pierre Auguste Florent). Ferdinand- Gesner (Abraham, F. G. S.) Third and fourth Rap'dius de Berg. M6moires et documents, reports on the geological survey of the propour servir A l'histoire de la revolution bra- vince of New Brunswick. 2 v. in 1. xiv, ban9onne [de 1787-89]. 2 v. 8~. Bruxelles,. 883pp. 101 pp. 8~. Saint-John, H. Chubb, Demanet, 1842-43. s. 1841-42. s. Gerardin (Sdbastien). Tableau 6dlmentaire: Geysbeek (P. G. Witsen). Biographisch, and' ornithologie; ou, histoire naturelle des- thologisch, en critisch woordenboek der nederoiseaux que l'on rencontre commun6ment en. duitscle dichters. 6 v. 8~. Amsterdam, C. France. 2 v. cxi, 396 pp; 2 p. 1. 523 pp.. J. Schleijer, 1821-27. 8~. Paris, Tourneisenfils, 1806. S. Gfrbrer (August F.) Kritische geschichte des Gerardus Cremonensis. See Gherardo. urchristenthums. Philo und diejtidisch-alexGerbe (Z.) See Degland (C. D.) and Gerbe. andrinische theosophie. 2e auflage. 2 pts. in Gerhard (Dr. Eduard). Neuerworbenle antike 1 v. lxxvi, 536 pp. 8~. Stuttgart, G. denlkmiiler des knIiglichen museums zu Ber- Schweizerbart, 1835. s. lin. 3 v. in 1. 80. Berlin, Druckerei der K. Ghent. Bibliotheca gandavensis. Catalogue iAkad. der Wissenschaften, 1836-46. s. m6thodique de la bibliothbque de l'universit6 de Gand; pr6c6d6 d'une histoire de cette bibCONTENTS. liothique, etc. par Aug. Voisin. Jurisprudence. ]xxxii, 394 pp. 1 pl. 80. C. nnootv. 1-3. Nachtrag zum verzeichniss der vasensammlung. Bnoeclman, 1839. s. v. 2. Vasensarmmlung~ Nho. 1630-1690. GGherardo da Cremona, or Gherardo di Sabbionetta. Astronomical geomancy. Translated Gerhard (James W.) Ostrea; or, the loves of by R. Turner. pp. 231-318. the oysters. A lay by A. Fishe Shelly. [With AGRcarA vou Nettesheim(H. C.) Occult phi[pseudon.] 72 pp. 120. New York, T. J. losoph. 1783.] Crowcen, 1857. Ghost stories; collected with a view to counGerhard (XV. ZW. HlE.~ D.) Clinical lectures. teract the vulgar belief in ghosts and appari: 80. -Philadelp7hia, 1848. tions. Illust. by Darley. 19S pp. 10 pl. 12~. [With GRAVES (R. J.) Clinical medicine.J Vew York, J. Miller, 1865. Gerlac (Pieter or Peterssen). Ignitum cum Ghostly colloquies. By the author of "letters Deo soliloquium. Edidit J. Strange. 132 pp. fromRome." tanon.] 267 pp. 12C. New 24~. Colonice, J. M. Heberle, 1849. York Apleton & Co. 1856. Germar ( Ernst Friedrich ). Coleopterorum Giannetasio (Niccolh Partenio). Piscatoria et species novme, anut minus cognitm, descriptioni- navtica. 4 p. 1. 347 p. 11 pl. 18~. Neapoli, bus illustratrc. [Insectorum species, v.l.] typis regiis, 1685. 142 GIANUTIO. GILES. Gianutio. See Mantia, Orazio Gianutio della. fastigii constitutiolie. 33 pp. 8~. Halis, Gibbon (Edward). History of the decline and Ploetz, 1848. s. fall of the Roman empire. 5th Amer. ed. 4 v. Palhiozoologie; entwurf einer system8~0. New York, Harpers, 1835. s. atischen darstellung der fauna der vorwelt. Gibbon (Lardner). Exploration of the valley viii, 359 pp. 8'3. Merseburg, Rulandt, 1846. of the Amazon. See Herndon (W. L.) and s. Gibbois. Die silurische fauna des Unterharzes Gibbons (J. S.) Public debt of the United nach C. Bischof's sammlung bearbeitet. 72 States, [comprising] its organization, its liqui- pp. 7 pl. 4~. Berlin, G. Bosselmann, 1858. dation, administration of the treasury, the Gilbert (Dr. J.) and Martin (C. A. F.) Pr6cis financial system. xii, 276 pp. 12~. Nrew York, d'histoire naturelle. 2 v. 549 pp; 500 pp. 8~. Appletons, 1867. Paris, bibliothkque ecclesiastique, 1839-40. s. Gibbs (George). Dictionary of the Chinook CONTENTS. jargon, or trade language of Oregon. xiv, v. i G6ologie, min6ralogie, botanique. 44 pp. 8~. Washington,1863 v. v. ii. Anatoinie, physiologie, zoologie.. Gilbert (James). Modern atlas of the earth, [smithsonsan mscel. coll. v 7). - Ilnstructions for research relative to the with an introduction to physical and historical ethnology and philology of America. iii, 51 geography, by Robert Mudie. xx, 228, 52 -pp. 8~. WVcashintlgton, 1863. pp. 56 maps. 2 pl. 4~. London, H. G. CoEl[Smithsonian miscel. coil. v. 7]. lins, [about 1810]. s. Gibbs (Josiah Willard). Teutonic etymology:. Gilbert (John T.) History of the viceroys of the formation of Teutonic words in the Eng- Ireland; with notices of the castle of Dublin. lish language. 139 pp. 160. New Haven, xxxvi, 613 pp. 80. Dublin, J. Duffy, (Conn.) Peca, WFhite 4- Peck, 1860. 1865. Gibson (Rev. Charles B.) Life among con- Gilbert (Joseph Henry). Growth of barley victs. 2 v. x, 304 pp; viii, 305 pp. portrait. and clover by different manures. See Lawes 12~. London, Hurst & Blackett, 1863. (J. B.) and Gilbert. Gibson (Edmund, bishop of London). Pastoral Gilbert (Linney). India illustrated; an hisletters to the people of his diocese. 192 pp. torical and descriptive account. viii, 232 pp. 8~. Oxford, 1825. 21 pl. 8~. London, [n. d.] [ With RANDOLrH (John, bishop of London). Enchi- Gilbert (Louis). La marbrerie; 120 planches ridion theologicum. v. 2].' ridion theologicom, v. 2]. grav6es representant des travaux de marGibson (William, M. D.) Institutes and prac- brerie; monuments fdn6rares, chem es, brerie; monuments fun6raires, chenini6es tice of surgery. 7th ed. 503 pp; 478 pp. 34 tice ofsurery. ed. 503 pp; 478 pp. utels, fonts baptismaux, dallages, etc. 40. pl. 8~. Philadelphia, Kay & Bro. 1845. Paris, A. M, orel, & Cie. 1860. Gibson (William Sidney). Miscellanies, Ilis- Gilbert (William, Al. D.) De mngnete, matorical and biographical; being a second series neti(isqve corporibus, et de magno magnete of essays, lectures and reviews. iv 385 pp. of essays, lectures, and reviews. iv, 385 PP. tellure. viii, 240 pp. fol. Londini, P. Short, 80. London, Longrnans, 1863. 1600 Giebel (Christian Gottfried Andreas). Allge- m). De profundis. A tale of i Gilbert (William). De profundis. A tale of meine palieontologie; entwurf einer systemthe social deposits. 2d ed. viii, 444 pp. 160~. atischen darstellung der fauna und flora der London, A. Strahan 1866. vorwelt. viii, 413 pp. 80. Leipzig, A. Abel, Gildas. De excidio Brittanive liber querulus. 1852. 8. fol. Oxoni c, 1691. --- litFauna der vorwelt, rit steter beriickauna dr oret, mit steter berk- GALE (Thomas) and Fell (John). Rerum anglicasichtigung der lebenden thiere. Monograph- rum scriptores veteres. Oxonie, 1684-91. v. 3.1 isch dargestellt. v. i. 1-4: ii, 1: iii, 1. 8o- Gildemeister (Johann). Scriptorum arabum Leipzigl, F.. Brocklhaus, 1847-56. s. [Masfidii, IbnHauqualis, Abulfadse, Qazvinii]!No more published, down to 1867. de rebus indicis loci et opuscula inedita. CONTENTS. [Latine et Arabice, cum commentatione.] v. i. Wirbelthiere. Fasciculus primus. xiv, 223, 80 pp. 8~. Abth. i. Saugethiere. xi, 281 pp. 1847. Bon B 2. Vogel und amphibien. xi, 217 pp. 1847. Bonce, H. B. K'nig, 1838. " 3. Fische. xii, 467 pp. 1848. [No more published.] v. ii. Gliederthiere. Ath. i. Insecten undspinnen. 511 pp.185. Giles (Rev. Chaulncey). Lectures on the nature v. iii. Mollusken. of spirit, and of man as a spiritual being. Abth. i. Cephalopoden. xvi, 856 pp. 1852. 206 pp. 12~. New York, oNew Jerusalem pub. -- De geognostica septentrionalis Hercyni-e 1867. 143 GILL. GIRAUD. Gill (John). The scriptures the only guide in [pseudoi.] 333 pp. 120. Boston, Lee 4 matters of religion. 44 pp. 16~. London, G. Shepard, 1867. Keith, 1751. Gilpin (Bernard). Sermon preached before [Imperfect; pp. 3 and 4 wanting]. king Edward vi, 1552. Gillet (Joseph A.) The Cambridge course of [ With GILPIN (William). Lives of Latimer and Gilpin. elementary physics. See Rolfe (W. J.) and 3ed. 8o. London, 1780]. Gilpin (William, M. A.) The life of Hugh CG-illett (RJ.. A.) Latimer, bishop of Worcester. 197 pp. 3 1. Gillett (Rev. E. H.) Ancient cities and em120. London, J. & J. Rivington, 1755. pires; their prophetic doom, read in the light 12~. Londo J. & J. Riington, 1755. The lives of Hugh Latimer and of Berof history and modern research. 302 pp. 20,. Ber nard Gilpin. 3d ed. viii, 368 pp. 8~. pl. 12~. PhLiladelphia, Presbyt. pub. com. London, R. Blamire, 1780. [:18671 - The lives of John WVickliff, and of lord England two hundred years ago. 363 Ennd to hundred years ago. 363 Cobbam, John Huss, Jerome of Prague, and pp. 5 pl. 160. Philadelphia, Presbyt. board 80. Zisca. 2d ed. 10, 272 pp. 51. 5 pI. 8~. of pub. [1866]. London J I? London, J. Robson, 1766. History of the presbyterian church illn.. Gilpin (William). The central gold region. the United States of America. 2 v. xxiv, The grain, pastoral, and gold regions of North 576 pp; xii, 605 pp. 80. lPhiladelphia' America. With some new views of its phvsPresb. pub. com. 1864. -.Life and times of John Russ. 2d ed. ical geography, and observations on the Life and times of John Huss. 2d ed. 2 v. xx, 632 pp; xiii, 651 pp. 8~. Boston, Pacific railroad. 194 pp. 6 maps. 80. Philadelphia, Sower, Barnes 4 Co. 1860. Goul ~ icolz, 1Gioacchimo calabrese. Vaticinia Joachimi Gilliland (William). Journal and other papers. [See WATSON (Winslow C.) Pioneer history of the Champlain valley, etc.] Girac (Emilius). Appendix and notes to Gilliss (James Melville). The U. S. naval Marx's theory of musical composition. vi, astronomical expedition to the southern hemis- 166 pp. 80. New York, Mason Bros. [1854 1. phere, during the years 1849-52. v. i, ii, iii, The same. andl vi. 40. Washington, Gov. print. 1855-56. [Supp. to MlARX'S theory of musical composition]. [No more published.] Girard (Charles, 1. D.) Ichthyology. [With EDioRY (W. H.) Report on the U. S. and CON TENT. Mexican boundary survey. v. 2, pt. 2]. v. i. Chile; its geography, climate, earthquakes, gov- Mammals. s. ernment, social condition, mineral and agricultural resources, commerce, etc. xiii, 556 pp. 3 maps, [With BAIRD (Spencer F.) Outlines of zoology]. 11 pl. Reptiles, fishes, and crustacea [of Chile]. v. ii. The Andes and pampas, by A. MacRae; minerals, by J. L. Smith; Indian remains, by T. [ With GILLISS (J. M.) U. S. astron. exped. v. 2]. Ewbank; mammals, by S. F. Baird; birds, by J. Girard college. See Bache (A. D.) MeteorCassin; reptiles, fishes, and crustacea, by C. Girard; shells, by A. A. Gould; dried plants, by ological observations, etc. A. Gray; living plants and seeds, by W. D. Girardin(I7mile de). De l'instruction publique B3raclienridge; fossil mammals, by J. Wyman; fossil shells, by T. A. Conrad. ix, 300 pp. 2 maps, en France. 464 pp. 320. Paris, A. Desrez, 35 pl. v. iii. Observations to determine the solar parallax. By J. M. Gilliss. cclxxxviii, 492 pp. Thesame. 3 d. 481pp. 160. Paris, v. vi. Magnetical and meteorological observations. ire ournie xlviii, 420 pp. Mairet et Fournier 1842. Girardin (Saint Marc). H'e l'instruction interGilman (Daniel Coit). A historical discourse, m6diare, et de son 6tata-dans le midi de l'Alledelivered in Norwich, Connecticut, Sept. 7, 1859, at the bi-centennial celebration of tle agne. 2 pts. in 1 v. vll, 415 pp. 8~. Paris, I E.G. Levrault, 1835-39. s. settlement of the town. 2d ed. with addi- F. G. Lerault, 1835-39. a tioal notes. Boston 1859. Giraud (Pierre Fran9ois F6lix Joseph). Camtional notes. 8~. Boston. 1859. pagne de Paris en 1814, prdc6d6e d'un coup Gilman (Rev. Samuel). A week among au- tographs pp 371-460 d'oeil sur celle de 1813. 60 6d. 124 pp. 8~. tographs. pp. 371-460.A1 [App. to GILMAN, (Caroline). Poetry of travelling in Paris, 4. Eymery, 1814. the United States. 16.. Y. 1838]. - The same. Official narrative of the camGilmore (James R.) Life of Jesus, according paign in France, 1814, preceded by a view to his original biographers, with notes. By ofthatof 1813.'With Buonaparte's bulletins Edmund Kirkle. [pseudon.] 297 pp. 160. from the armistice to [his] abdication. pp. Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1867. 493-576. 1 pl. 80. London, 1814. On the border. By Edmund Kirke. [Royal military chronicle, v. 3]. 144 GIRAUDEAU. GLOSSOGRAPHIA. Giraudeau (Bonaventure). Introductio ad Glascock (William N.) Naval sketch book; linguam graecam. Ed. nova. xii, 431 pp. 80.' or, the service afloat and ashore. [anon.] Avenione, F. Seguin, 1821. s. 2 v. in 1. xxiv, 251lpp; 283 pp. 120. LonGirault (A. L. A.) Astronomie simplifi6e. 236 don, H. Colburn, 1826. pp. 320. Paris, Librairie des ecoles, 1836. s. Glasgow university. Catalogus impressorum Girault (A. N. Prof. at Annapolis). The librorum in bibliotheca academiae glasguensis. French student's manual. 4th ed. 480 pp. Labore A. Arthur. 596 pp. fol. Glasyce, 12~. Philadelphia, H. Perkins, 1848. S. in aedibus academicis, 1791. s. Girault de St. Fargeau (Eusbbe). Bibliographie - A supplement to the catalogue of books historique et topographique de la France; ou in the university library. 2 p. 1. 520 pp. 8~. catalogue de tous les ouvrages depuis le xve 8~0. Glasgow, A. & J. M. Duncan, 1825. s. siicle jusq'au mois d'avril, 1845. 8~. Paris,. A second supplement to [same.] 2 p. 1. PF. Didot, 1845. S. 800 pp. 8~. Glasgow, University press, 1836. s. Girtanner (Christoph). Ausftihrliche darstel- ~ Catalogue of books bought from August lung des darwin'schen systems derpraktischen 20th, 1844, till August 20th, 1846, for the heilkunde, nebst einer kritik desselben. 2 v. university library, out of the compensation ivi, 599 pp; xxxviii, 468 pp. 8~. Gbttingen, fund allowed by government on the abolition J. G. Rosenbusch, 1799. s. of privilege under the copyright act. xxxviii, Gisborne (Thomas). The principles of moral 730 pp. 80. Glasgow, G. Richardson, 1846. s. philosophy investigated, and applied to the Glasl (Carl). Exculsionsbuch; oder, anleitconstitution of civil society. With remarks ung alle korper der drei naturreiche zu samon the decision of the house of commons, meln, zuzubereiten, in sammlungen aufzustelApril 2, 1792, respecting the abolition of the len und zu erhalten, etc. vii, 142 pp. 8~. slave trade. 4th ed. xi, 466 pp. 8~. Lon- TVien, T. Braumniiller, 1863. s. don, T. Cadell & W. Dacvies, 1798. Glasse (Francis). Memoirs of Andrew WinGislason (Conrad). DInskordabokmedislenz- penny, count de deux sous. 224 pp. 8~. kum thydingum. vi, 596 pp. fol. Eaupman- London, 1841. nahbfn, B. Luno, 1851. S. [Hazlitt's romancist and novelist's lib. v. 3.1 Gistel (Johannes). Die mysterien der euro- Glauber(Johann Rudolph). Operis mineralis pitischen insectenwelt. Ein geheimer schliis- partes i, ii. 16~. Amnsterodami, 1651-52. S. sel fur samnmler aller insecten-ordnungen und Glendenning (Robert). The pinetum. London, stinde, etc. xii, 530 pp. 12~. Kemnpten, T. 1858. See Gordon (George). Dannheimer, 1856. s. Glenn (James). The mysteries of nature reNaturforseher diess und jenseits der vealed; or, the identity of light, heat, and oceane. 372 pp. 16~. Straubing, J. Schorner, electricity fully established. 55 pp. 80. New 1856. s. York, author, 1846. s. Givry (-). Pilote frangais. Instructions Gliddon (George R.) Ancient Egypt; her nautiques (partie des cotes septentrionales de monuments, hieroglyphics, history, and arFrance comprise entre la pointe de Barfleur chieology. 66 pp. 8~. Newo York, J. Winet Dunkerque). viii, 493 pp. 12 pl. 4V. chester, 1843. s. Paris, Dpv6t de la nmarine, 1842. s. No. 2. An appeal to the antiquaries of The same. (Entre les casquets et la Europe on the destruction of the monuments point de Barfleur. Environs de Cherbourg.) of Egypt. 2 p. l 160 pp. 8~. London, J. vi, 139 pp. 2 pl. 40~. Paris, DJpot de la ma- Madden & Co. 1841. rine, 1815. s. Gloger (Constantin Lambert). Das abtindern The same. (Entre lephare des H6aux de der vogel durch einfluss des klima's, etc. Brehat et le phare du cap de la Hogue.) viii, xxxii, 159 pp. 8~. Breslau, A. Schulz & Co. 543 pp. 16 pl. 40. Paris, Depdt de la marine, 1833.. 1851. s. Gloria Patri. Prayers, chants, and responses Glaisher (James, F. R. S.) On the meteorology for public worship. [Universalist]. 214 pp. of England, the south of Scotland, and parts 12~. Boston, B. A. Ballou, 1866. of Ireland, 1851-1859. 21 pts. in 1 v. 8~. Glossographia auglica nova; or, adictionary London, British met. soc. 1851-59. s. interpreting hard words of whatever language, Glas (George). Canary islands. See Abreu used in English. [acnon.] 2d ed. 337 1. unp. de Galineo (Juan de). 80~.'London, D. Brown, 1719. 145 GLOVER. GOMARA. Glover (Anna). Glover memorials and gene- Civil and ecclesiasticall rites vsed by the Healogies. An account of John Glover of Dor- brewes. 3d ed. 4 p. 1. 332 pp. 61. sm. 4~. chester, and his descendants. ix, 602 pp. 8~. London, J. Hcaviland, 1628. Boston, D. Clapp 4 son, 1867. - Romanre historiae anthologia, recognita Gmnelin (Carl Christian). Flora badensis et aveta. An English exposition of the Roman alsatica et confinium regionum cis et trans- antiquities. [New ed. ] 4 p. 1. 277 pp. 111. rhenana, plantas exhibens. 4 v. 8~. Carls- sm. 40. Oxfo'rd, H. Cripps, 1628. ruhcae, Miiller, 1805-26. S. [With GODWIN (Thomas). Moses and Aaron. LonGmnelin (Samuel Gottlieb). See Histoire, etc. don, 1628.] Goedart (Jean). Metamorphoses naturelles; dauns la Russie. ou, histoire des insectes. 3 v. 18~. AmsterGneist(Rudolf). Das englische verwaltungs- dam, P. Mortie, 1700.. recht; mit einschluss des heeres, der gerichte Goepp (Charles). New Rome. und, deirb, ed G~oepp (Charles). Newv Rome. See Poesche und der kirche, geschichtlich und systemat- (Theo.) a Goepp (C.) isch. 2 v. xv, 1374 pp. 80. Berlin, J. Goeppert. See Gbppert..6,'iinger, 1867. odaSprger, 1867.' tudes sur laonor Goes (Bento de). Journey from Agra to Cathay. oldard (Ernest). ietudes sur la monorchidie 66 pp. et la cryptorchidie chez l'homme. [Extract.] [With YULE (Henry). Cathay, etc. v. 2.] 164 pp. 4 pl. 80. Paris, soc. de biologie, Goes (Damnio de). Chronica do serenissimo 1857. s. senhor rei D. Manoel, novamente dada a luz Godart (Jean Baptiste). Histoiire naturelle porReinerioBocache. 3a ed. 4p.1.609pp. des 1epidoptPres, ou papillons, de France. sin. fol. Lisboa, M. Manescal da Costa, 1749. v. 1-4. 8~. Paris, Crevot, 1821-22. s. Legatio magni Indorvm imperatoris [Wa`Cnting v. 5-8.] presbyteri Joannis, ad Emanuelem Lusitaniae Tableau m6thodique des l6pidoptbres, ou Tbleu thodiue de pioptres, ou regem, anno Domini, mdxiii. Item de Ind orum papillons, de France, etc. Diurnes. 64 pp..papillons, d France, etc. Diurnes. 64 pp. fide, ceremoniis, religione, etc. Item aliquot 80. Par is,C revot, 1823. r Cornelij Graphei, ad eundem Damianumm car[With. GODARr, hist. nat. des 16pidopt6res de France,. v. 2.] mina. 361. unp. 18~. rtvers, Joan. Grapheus, Godby (James). Italian scenery; representing 1532. the manners, customs, and amusements of the Goethe. See Gothe. states of Italy; containing thirty-two coloured Golding (Arthur). See Testaments (The) engravings, by J. Godby, from original draw- of the twelve patriarches. ings by P. Van Lerberghi: the narrative by Goldstein (Isaac). Jesus of Nazareth. An M. Buonaiuti. 411. unp. 32pl. fol. London, authentic ancient tale. 170 pp. 5 pl. 16~. T. I'Lean, 1823. Neow York, Goldstein c Co. 1866. Godet (Charles H.) inum6ration des v6g6- Goltz (Hubert). Vivae omnivm fere imperataux vasculaires du Jura suisse et frangais, torvm imagines, a C. Ivlio Coesare vsque ad plus specialement du canton de Neuchatel. vi, Carolvm v. et Ferdinandvm ejvs fratrem, ex 233pp. 8~. Neuchdtel, H. Wolfrath, 1851. s. antiqvis vetervm nvmismatis solertissime ac Flore du Jura; ou, description desv6g6- fideliter advmbratae. [anon.] 173 1. 139 pl. taux vasculaires, etc. xvi, 872 pp. 8~. fol. Antveipice, H. Goltz, 1557. NYeuchdtel, auteur, 1853. s. Gomara (Francisco Lopez de). Hispania vicGodey's lady's book. Edited by'Mrs. S. J. trix. Historia general de las Indias; c5 todo Hale and L. A. Godey. July 1866, to June el descubrimiento y cosas notables que han 1867. v. 73-74. 80. Philadelphia, Louis A. acaescido dende que se ganaron hasta el afio Godey, 1866-67. de 1551. Con la conquista de Mexico, y dela Godfrey (Thomas, jr.) Juvenile poems on Nueua Espafia. 2 pts. in 1 v. 2p. 1. cxxxviil. various subjects, with The prince of Parthia, fol. Medina, Guillermo de Millis, 1553. a tragedy. xxv, 223 pp. 4~. Philadelphia, - Historia de Moxico, con el descvbriHenry Miller, 1765. miento de la Nueua Espafia conquistado por Godwin (S. P.) Heart-breathings, or the Fernando Cortes. 349, 11 1. 180. Anvers, soul's desire expressed in-earnestness; a series Juan Lacio, 1554. of prayers, [etc.] for "the home circle." - The same. La segunda parte de la his123 pp. 18~. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott toria general de las Indias, que contiene la c& Co. 1867. conquista de Mexico, y de la Nueua Espaiia. Godwin (Thomas, D. D.) Moses and Aaron: 340 1. 180. -Anuerssj artiin Nucto, 1554. 19 GOMARA. 1 GORDON. Gomara (Francisco Lopez de). Histoire gen- tory, illustrating and describing the animal eralle des Indes Occidentales et terres nevves kingdom, with its wonders and curiosities: qui jusques A pr6sent ont est6 descouuertes. showing the habits, [etc.] of animals and Traduite en Fran9ois par M. Fum6e. [anon.] their relation to agriculture, [etc.] 2 v. xvi, 6 p. 1. 3551. 151. 16~. Paris, Michel Sonnius, 680 pp. 16 pl; viii, 680 pp. 16 pl. 80. New 1578. York, A. J. Johnson, 1868. The same. 5e 6d. 4 p. 1. 485 1. 18 1. Pictorial history of Greece; ancient and 16~. Paris, Michel Sonnius, 1605. modern. Revised cd. 371 pp. 1 map. 12~. - - The same. The pleasant historie of the Philadelphia, E... Butler & Co, 1855. s. conquest of the West India, now called New Histoire des ltats Unis d'Amerique. Spain. Atchieued by Hernando Cortes. 352 pp. 12~. Philadelphie, E. E. Butler Translated out of the Spanlish tonlgue, by & Cie. 1855. s. T[homas] N[icholss]. 4 p. 1. 305 pp. 5 1. Hlistorietas morales para la infancia. sm. 40. London, Thomas Creede, 1596. 352 pp. 12~. SNueva York, 1867. D.,Appleton Gomberville. See Le Roy de Gomberville. y Ca. Gonzague (Louis de, due de Nevers.) See - Petite histoire universelle. 331 pp. 12~. Nevers. Philadelphlie, E. H. Butler 4 Cie. 1855. Good stories. Parts i-ii. 200 pp. 6 pl. I Peter Parley's universal history. Elohi 223 pp. 4 pl. sq. 160. Boston,'icknor & nulistanitolv kanohesgi. [Common school Fields, 1867. history. Translated into Cherokee. 53 chap. CONTENTS. in Cherokee messenger. 8~. Cherokee, 1844Part I. DeQuincey (T.) The avenger. 46.] Hawthorne (N.) Peter Goldthwaite's treasure. Goodwin (Rev. Harvey). Elementary course Hood (T.) The defaulter. Spicer (H.) Madonna. of mathematics. 5th ed. xiv, 631 pp. 80. Vaugh (.) Love and skatesldtr. Cambridge, Deighton, Bell & Co. 1857. S. Winthrop (T.) Love and skates. Part II. Bellows-inender (The) of Lyons. Gippert (Heinrich Robert). Der bernstein Blacksmiths (The) of Holsby. Lee (H.) The Scotsman's tale. und die in im befindlichen pfanzreste der Macnish (R.) The metempsychosis. vorwelt. Penitent (A) confession. PeniteSmall-change (The) faessionly. [With BERENDT (G. C.) Die im bernstein reste, etc.] Uninvited (The). - Ueber die warme-entwickelung in den pflanzen, deren gefrieren, und die schutzGood thoughts for priest and people; or, short Mittel gegen dasselbe. xiv, 272 pp. 80. meditations for every day in the year, [etc. ] Breslau, J. Max & Co. 1830. Translated from the German by Rev. Thee.. o 1 Noethen. 383 pp. 12. Albany, Weed, Gorani (Giuseppe). Mdmoires secrets et criParsons & Co. 1866. tiques des cours, des gouvernemens, et des moeurs des principaux 6tats de l'Italie. 3 v. Goodale (S. L.) The principles of breeding: 160 Paris or, the reproduction and management of, Buisson, 1794. S. domestic animals. 164pp 120 Boston Gordon (Sir Cosmo). Life and genius of lord dCrosby, anichomal, ee ms Co. 168612. B Byron. 80 pp. 1 pl. 80. London, Knight Crosby, Nichols, Lee & Co. 1861. Goodrich (Charles A.) History of the United & Lacey, 1824. States of America to 1850, with the constitu- Gordon (George), and Glendenning (Robtion of the U. 8. Gordon (George), a.nd4 Glendenning (Robtion of the U. S. 418 pp. 120. Boston, ert). The pinetum: being a synopsis of all Jenks, Palmer & Co. 1850. S. the coniferous plants at present known, with The same. Revised to the present time, b descriptions, history, and synonymes. xxii, by W. H. Seavey. 320, 28 pp. 120. Boston, 353 pp. 80. London, H. G. Bohn, 1858. s. Brewer ~ Tileston, 1867. BrewerTiestonthhtyC, 16. Gordon (Rev. James). Terraquea; or, a new Stories on the history of Connecticut for system of geography and modern history. system of geography and modern history. young persons. 203 pp. 1. Hartford, 4 v. 8 maps. 80. Dublin, W. Porte;r, 1793-98. D. P. Robinson & (Cyo. 1829. [NOTE.-v. 1, 2d ed. v. 2-4, 1st ed.] Goodrich (Frank Boott.) The tribute book; a Gordon (Patrick). Geography anatomiz'd: record of the munificence, self-sacrifice, and or, the geographical grammar. 11 p. 1. patriotism of the American people during the 432 pp. 17 maps. 8~. London, Knapton war for the union. 512 pp. 7 pl. 80. New and others, 1733. York, Derby & ZMiller, 1865. Gordon (Thomas). Cato's letters. See TrenGoodrich (Samuel Griswold). Natural his- chard (John), and Goldon (T.) GORDON. GOUDAR. Gordon. A tale. A poetical review of Don IGosse (Philip Henry). Natural history. MolJuan. [anon.] 79 pp. 8~. London, T. & lusca. viii, 328 pp. 160. London, Soc. prom. J. Allman, 1821. christ. knowledge, 1854. S. [MAiscellaneous pam. v. 56.] -----— Natural history. Reptiles. iv, 296 pp. Gorges (Sir Ferdinando). America painted 160. London, Soc. prom. christ. knowledge. to the life. Publisht by F. Gorges, Esq. 396 1850. s. pp. 9 1. sin. 40. London, N. Brooks, 1659. _ - The ocean. xii, 360 pp. 2 pl. 120. LonCONTENTS. don, Soc. for prom. christ. knowledge, [1845]. A description of New England. 51pp. [Imperfect: S. 2 p. 1. wanting.] - The romance of natura history. xiv A briefe narration of the originall undertakings of theance of natural history. xiv, advancement of plantations into America. 57 pp. 1658. 372 pp. 12 pl. 120. Boston, Gould & Lincoln, A true history of the originall undertakings of planta- 1861. tions. [Running title: Wonder-working providence of Sion's saviour. By Capt. Ed. Johnson.] 236 pp. 1658. ~ A text-book of zoology, for schools. The history of the Spaniards' proceedings in America,, Soc from Columbus to the later times. 52 pp. 450 pp. 120. London, Soc.prom. christ. knowlGori (Antonio Francesco). Dactyliotheca edge, 1851. s. smithiana. Volumen primurn, gemimarum Gosselmann (Carl August). Resai Colombia, ectypa complectens. Volumen alterum, his- iiren 1825 och 1826. Andra uppl. 2 v. in 1. toriam glyptographicam exhibens. 2 v. xix, 275 pp. 1 pl. 1map; 302 pp. 1 pl. 80. Stock97 pp; 3, ccxcvii pp. 100 pl. fol. Venetiis, J. B. holmn, J. Hdrberg, 1830. Pasquacle, 1767. Gothe (Johann Wolfgang von). Faust, Eine Monumentum, sive columbarium liber- tragodie. Neue auflage. 288 pp. 18~, [Intorum et servorum Liviae Augustse et Caesa- terleaved as 40.] Stuttgart, J. S, Cotta, 1825. rum, Romae detectum in via appia, 1726. s. xxxvi, 254 pp. 21 pl. fol. Florentice, typis The same. Faustus, from the German. regice celsitudinis, 1727. viii, 86pp. 26 pl. 40. London, Boosey & Gorres (Johann Joseph). La mystique divine, sons, and Rodwell & Martin, 1821. naturelle, et diabolique, traduit de l'Allemand The same. A dramatic poem. Transpar M. Charles Sainte-Foi. 5 v. 8~. Paris, lated into English prose, with notes, by A. Poussielgue-Rusaud, 1854-5. Hayward. 2d ed. cviii, 350 pp. 89. London, Gorton (Samuel). Simplicitie's defence; or, E. Moxon, 1834. innocency defended, being unjustly accused The same. A tragedy. Translated into by that seven-headed church-government English verse, by John Hills. xii, 369 pp. united in New England. 8 p. 1. 111pp. sam. 160. London, Whittaker & Co. 1840. 40. London, John Macock, 1646. - The same. Part the second. From the Gosky (Martin). Arbustum, seu arboretum German, by A. Gurney. viii, 336 pp. 80. poetice; variis arborum figuris et signaturis, London, Senior, Heathcote & Senior, 1842. varioque carminis genere et variorumn autho- The same. A tragedy. Translated by rum applausu germinans et determinans vitam Lewis Filmore. 8~. London, 1866. cum fama Augusti ducis brunovicensis et lunae- [Masterpieces of foreign literature.] burgensis. 72 p. 1. unp. 5851. fol. Wolfen- Goethe's letters to Leipzig friends. biittel, J. & H. Satern, 18650. s. Edited by Otto Jahn. Translatedby R. Slater. Goss (Warren Lee). The soldier's story of the x, 305 pp. 3 pl. 120. London, Longmans, 1866. captivity at Andersonville, Belle Isle, and Gottlieb (D. J.) Lehrbuch der reinen und techother rebel prisons. 273 pp. 4 pl. 120. Bos- nischen chemie. xii, 756 pp. 80. Braunton, Lee & Shepard, 1867. schweig, Vieweg,1853. s. Gosse (Philip Henry). A handbook to the Gottwald (Christoph). Museum gottwaldiamarine aquarium. viii, 47 pp. 120. London, num. 1llpl. fol. [Gedani, auctor,1714]. s. J. Van Voorst, 1855. s. Goud (Clarkson). The plan of redemption. A manual of marine zoology for the See WTelcome (J. C.) and Goud (C.) British Isles. 2 v. xi, 203 pp; iv, 239 pp. 160. Goudar (madame Sara). Oeuvres mel6es. 2 London, J. Van Voorst, 1855-56. s. v. in 1. xii, 203 pp; 2 pl. 198 pp. 160. Natural history. Fishes. viii, 357 pp. 160. Amsterdam, 1777. London, Soc.prom. christ. knowledge, 1851. s. CONTENTS. Natural history. Mammalia. vi, 302 pp. v. 1. Lettres sur les divertissements du carnaval de 160. London, Soc. prom. christ. knowledge,. Naples et do Florence. 16~. London Sc. prom. chrit. 8owled~e v. 2. Remarques sur la musique italienne et sur la 1848. s. dnse. '148 GOUGET DES LANDRES. GRANT. Gouget des Landres (juge). Nouvelle l6gis- Amelot de La Houssaie. Translated from the lation de l'impot et du crddit public. vi, 232 Spanish by Mr. Savage. 2d ed. 14 p. 1. 280 pp. 8~. Paris, Delaunay, 1816. s. pp. 120. London, Jonah Bowyer, 1705. Gough (John). History of the people called Graesse. See Graisse. quakers. 4 v. 83. Dublin, R. Jackson, Grafstr6m (A.) Ett iriSverge. See Sandberg 1789-90. (J. G.) Gould (Augustus Addison). Crustacea of Graham (Sir James Robert George). Corn Massachusetts. and currency: in an address to the land [ With HITcHcocCK (E.) Catalogue of animals, etc. of owners. 2d ed. 116 pp. 8~. London, J. Mass.] History of New Ipswich. See Kidder Ridway, 1826. (Frederic) andU Gould (A. A.) Graham (Sylvester). Philosophy of sacred history, considered in relation to human aliShells [of Chile]. [With GILLISS (J. M.) U. S. astron. exped. v. 2]. ment and the wines of scripture. Edited by Gould (Edward S.) Good Englsh; or, popu- IH. S. Chubb. 580 pp. 120. New York, Fowler lar errors in language.. 12~. 2ew York, C. S& Wells, 1855. s. Scribner, 1867. Graham (Thomas). Elements of chemistry. Gould (James L.) Guide to the royal arch v. 1. 696 pp. 80. London, 1848. s. chapter. See Sheville (John) and Goulld [Imperfect; wanting title, table of contents, etc.l chapter. See Sheville (John) andl Gould,' (J. L.) The same. Part i. [Inorganicl. 2d (J.uL.-MacuT..)Tbarofhot-ad ) Am. from [2d London] ed. Edited, with Gould (Marcus T. C,) The art of short-hand notes, by Robert Bridges. 430 pp. 8~. writing. Revised stereotype ed. 40 pp. 18~. b. Philadelp7hiac, Blancha d1 & Lea, 1852. s. Phziladel7phti U. l, unt, 1841. PhiladelphBaia, U). Het 1841.Grahame (Thomas). A treatise on internal Gould (. Baring). ee Baring-oul. ntercourse and communication in civilized Gouldmlan (Francis). A copious dictionary states, and particularly in Great Britain. in three parts: i. The English before the] xiii, 160 pp. 80. on[Part 1, RaLilways.] xiii, 160pp. 8~. LonLatin. ii. The Latin before the English. donj Longmn ans, 1834. iii. The proper names of persons and places. Grainger (James). Thesugarcane: a poem. 4th ed. 767 pp. unp. 4~. Cambriddge, (Eng.) With notes. vii, 167 pp. 40. London, R. 4 John Hayes, 1778. Gouvion Saint-Cyr (Laurent, marquis). Journal des p1 rtinsd ar doCat- * Grammar of the Huron language, by a misJournal cles oparations de l'anlnde de Catasionary of the village of Huron Indians. logne en 1808 et 1809, vii, 503 pp. 8~. Paris, the Latin by J. Wilkie. Translated from the Latin by J.Wilkie. Anselin et Pochard, 1821. Government ofthe commonwealth of England, [With QUEBEC. Lit. and hist. soc. transactions, Scotland, and Ireland, as publicly declared at v. 2.J Westminster, Dec. 16, 1653, with the oath of Grant (Allan, pseudon.) See Wilson (James the lord protector for observing the same. 46 Grant). pp. sm. 4~. London, William Du Gard and Grant (Mrs. Anne). Memoirs of an American H-enry Hills, 1653. lady: with sketches of manners and scenery Gozzi (Carlo). M6moires 6crits par lui-meme. in America, as they existed previous to the Traduction libre par Paul de Musset. 300 revolution. viii, 344 pp. 160. New York, pp. 16~. Paris, Charpentier, 1848. Samuel Campbell, 1809. Graah (Wilhelm August). Undersogelses-reise The same. 295 pp. 120. NTew York, D. til ostkysten af Gronland. Efter kongelig Appleton & Co. 1846. befaling, udford i aarene 1828-31. xviii, 216 Grant (Asahel). The Nestorians; or, the lost pp. 8 col. pl. 1 map. 40. Kid'benhavn, J. D. tribes: containing evidence of their identity; Quist, 1832. with sketches of travel in ancient Assyria, Griberg af Hemsd (Jacob). Saggio istorico Armenia, Media, and Mesopotamia. x,' 338 su gli scaldi, o antichi poeti scandinavi. xvi, pp, 1 map. 80. London, J. zMurray, 1841. 253 pp. 80. Pisa, Molini, 1811. s. Grant (E. B.) Beet-root sugar and cultivation Specchio geografico e statistico dell'im- of the beet, 158 pp. 160. Boston, Lee 4 pero di Marocco. 364 pp. 8 pl. 1 map. 80. Shepard, 1867. Genova, Tipog. Pellas, 1834. s. Grant (James.) The king's own borderers. Gracian (Balthazar). Art of prudence; or, A militaryromance. 3v. 12~, London, Routcompanion for a man of sense. With notes by ledge, 1865. 149 GRANT. GRAY. Grant (Capt. John). London bills of mortality. Graunt (Capt. John). Natural and political See Graunt. observations upon the bills of mortality. 5th Grant (John W.) Lenore; translated, with ed. 19 p. 1. 150 pp. 160. London, J. Martyn, some original poems. 52 pp. 160. London, 1676. Murray 4- Co. 1865. Gravenhorst (Johann Ludwvig Carl). SysteGranville (or Greenville, George, viscount Lans- matische uebersicht und nachweisung der downe.) Poetical works. 80. Edinburgh, 1794. merkwiirdigsten gegenstiinde im zoologischen [Andersonl's Brit. poets, v. 7.] museum der universitiit Breslau. [anon.] 48 Grapheus (Cornelius). See Schryver (Cor- pp. 8~. [Breslau, 1823]. s. nelius). - Das zoologische museum der universitiit Graphic sketches illustrating the costume, Breslau. xviii, 288 pp. 1 pl. 80. Breslau, habits, and character of the aborigines of Gross, Barth & Co. 1832. s. America. [Part 1, The natives of Virginia, Graves (Rev. Richard). Euphrosyne; or, by John Wyth, 1585-88.] 15, 391. 8~. New amusements on the road of life. [anon.] 2d York, J. 4' H. G. Langley, 1841. ed. 2 v. viii, 308 pp; xvii, 211 pp. 2 pl. Grisse (Johann Georg Theodor). Bibliotheca 120. London,S. Dodsley, 1780. magica et pneumatica; oder, wissenschaftlich The festoon: a collection of epigrams, geordnete bibliographie der wichtigsten in das ancient and modern; with an essay on that gebiet des zauhber wunder und sonstigen aber- species of composition. [anon.] 2d ed. xxiv, glaubens werke. iv, 175 pp. 8~. Leipzig, TV. 213 pp. 160. London, Robinson & Roberts, Engelmzann, 1843. s. 1767. Bibliotheca psychologica; oder, verzeich- - The spiritual Quixote; or, the summer's niss der wichtigsten tiber der menschen und ramble of Mr. Geoffrey Wildgoose. 2 v. 331 thierseelen, und die unsterblichkeitslehre pp; 351 pp. 18~. Providence, (R. I.) Robinschriftsteller. vi, 60 pp. 80. Leipzig, W. son & Howland, 1816. Engelmann, 1845. Graves (Robert James, M. D.) System of clin[With his Bibliotheca magiea.] ical medicine. With notes and a series of Tresor de livres rares et precieux; ou lectures, by W. W. Qerhard. 3d Am. ed. nouveau dictionnaire bibliographique. v. 6. 751 pp. $o. Philadelphia)Bar~'ingto r & Hasin 2 parts. R-Z. 543, 523 pp. 40. Dresde, well, 1848. s. B. Kuntze, 1865-66. Graves (W.) Two letters respecting the conGrasse (Will deo, psee~don.) See Swallows duct of rear-admiral Graves in North Ameron the wving, etc. ica, from July to November, 1781. 39 pp. 40. Grassmann ( Hermann). Die ausdehnungs- [London, 1782]? lehre, vollstiindig und in strenger form bear- Gravesande (Tillem Jakobus). Mathematical beitet. xii, 388 pp. 80. Berlin, T. C. F. elements of natural philosophy confirmed by lEnslin, 1862. S. experiments; or, an introduction to Sir Isaac Gratton (John). A journal of [his] life. With Newton's philosophy. [From the Latin]. By a collection of his books and manuscripts. T. T. Desaguliers. 2 v. xxii, 259 pp. 33 pl; xxiv, 432 pp. 80. London, Assigns of J. xvi, 285 pp. 25 pl. 80. London, J. Senex,.Sowle, 17-20. etc. 1731-37. s. CONTENTS. [v. i, 5th ed. 1737; v. 2, 4th ed. 1731]. Journal of life; of baptism; prisoner's vindication; Gravier (Jacques). Lettre sur los affaires do of the Lord's supper; treatise of tithes. la Louisiane. 18 pp. 80. Nouvelle York, J.!L S/hea, 1865. Gratz. Statistischer ausweis der grazer handels-. Shea, 65. [ With RELATION des affaires du Canada 1696, 1865]. und gewerbekammer, 1855, 1856. 2 v. 8~. - Relation de ce qvi s'est pass6 dans la Gratz, J. A. Kienreich, 1857... mission de l'immaculde conception, au pays Gratz; (Clemens Lore~nz). Commelntatio de des Illinois, 1693-4. 65 pp. 160. Manate, J. codice sacro interpretando. Sacra scriptura. Shea, 1857. num eodera modo interpretanda sitM quo r enu odem odo interetnda sit, re- Relation ou journal du voyage en 1700, liquos antiquitatis libros interpretari solemus. depuis le pays des Illinois jusqcu'h 1embonch95epp. 80. ClelzapodZni, 1832. S. ureduMississipi. 68pp. -160. Youvelle York, Grauert (Wilhelm). Zweites deutsches lese- J. he, 1859. J.M. Shea, 1859. buch. [Turner-schiulb-cher, ii.],192 pp. 160. Gray (Asa, -M. D.) Dried plants [from Chile]. _New York, C. Steiger, 1867. [With GILLISS (J. AI.) U. S. astron. exped. v. 2]. 150 GRAY. GREAT BRITAIN. Gray (Asa, M. D.) A manual of the botany of petition therein mentioned. With her majesthe northern United States, etc. [The mosses tie's answer thereto. 4 pp. fol. London, and liverworts, by Wm. S. Sullivant]. xxviii, Charles Bill, 1705. 739 pp. 14 pl. 8~. New York, Ivison, 1859. s. A list of the general and field officers; Gray (John Edward). Manual of the land and of the officers in the several regiments; and fresh-water shells of the British islands. (See a succession of colonels, 1775, 1777. 2 v. 80. Turton (W.) London, J. AMillan, 1775-77. Gray (Maria Emma). Figures of molluscous -- The same. List of the officers of the animals, selected from various authors. 5 v. army. [With] the officers of the militia 8~. London, Longmans, 1859. s. forces, etc. 1781-82. 2 v. 80. [London, war Gray (Robert). Letters during the course of a qffce, 1781-82]. tour through Germany, Switzerland, and a - The same. List of the officers of the Italy, in 1791-92. ix, 468 pp. 80. London, army. 32d ed. 8~. [London, ar office, 1784.] F. - C. Rivingj/ton, 1794. - Minutes of the committee of council on Gray (Samuel Frederick). A natural arrange- education. Correspondence, financial, statement of British plants, according to Jussieu, ments, etc; and reports by her majesty's inDe Candolle, Brown, etc. With an introduc- spectors of schools. 1851-1866. 18 v. 8~. tion to botany. 2 v. xxviii, 824 pp. 1 pl; viii, London, W. Clowes, etc. 1852-66. 757 pp. 8~. London, Baldwin, C'radock, and - The same. Schools of parochial unions, Joy, 1821. England and Wales. Reports by her majesGray(Thomas). Poems. 12lpp. 120. London, ty's inspectors of parochial union schools. J. Dodsley, 1768. 1848-50, 1852-56. 3 v. 8~. London, W. Gray (William C.) Life of Abraham Lincoln. Clowes, etc. 1850-56. 200 pp. 3 pl. 160. Cincinnati, lI'estern tract - Navy list, from Dec. 1866, to Sept. 1867. and book soc. 1867. 4 v. 16. - London, J. Murray, 1866-67. Grayson (Eldred, pseudon.) See Standish, Reports from the commissioners apthe puritan. pointedto execute the measures recommended Grazzini (Antonfrancesco, detto il Lasca). Le by the house of commons, respecting the pubbene. [Novelle]. 3 v. in 2. 16~. Milano, lic records of Ireland: with supplements and G. Silvestri, 1815. appendixes. 1810-15. [nos. 1-5.] -571 pp. Great Britain. Calendar of the state papers 21 pl. fol. [London, Gov't. print. 1819.] relating to Ireland, of the reign of Elizabeth, Reports from the select committee of 1574-1585. Edited by H. C. Hamilton. cxliv. the house of commons appointed to inquire 718 pp. 8~. London, Longmans, 1867. into the state of the public records of the ------ A catalogue of the books in the admi- klingdom, [with analysis of the principal matralty library. 403 pp. 8~. London, admi- ters referred to in the records, rolls, etc. in ralty, 1858. s. the several public repositories]. 667 pp. _____- The same. A supplement, etc. 138 17 pl. fol. [London, L. Hansard, 1800.] pp. 8~. London, admiralty, 1865. S. [Imperfect; pl. v. a. v. b. and vi wantillg; 10 pl. of the - Catalogue of books belonging to the public records of Ireland inserted.] treasury library. 135 pp. 8~. London, Eyre - The report of the select committee [of &r Sottiswoode, 1853. the house of commons] on emigration in 1826, A collection of all the proclamations, with a brief analysis of the evidence and declarations, articles, and ordinances passed appendix. 177 pp. 8~. London, John Altrby his highness the lord protector and his ray, 1827. council. 766, 106 pp. fol. London,. Hills, Report from the select committee of 1654-55. l the house of commons] on the silk trade. Convention between the crowns of Great 1050pp. fol. London, 1832]. Britain and Spain, concluded at the Prado on --- Reports onnormal schools for 1855; by the 14th of January, 1739, N. S. 28 pp. sm. her majesty's inspectors of schools. 90 pp. 40 [n. p. about 1739.] 2 pl. 8~. London, Eyre & Spottisnoode, 1856. [Imperfect; title page wanting.] Reports received from her majesty's The humble address of the lords spiritual secretaries of embassy and legation, respecting and temporal, in parliament assembled, pre- coal. With an appendix, and reports as to sented to her majesty, 13th March, 1705, rela- coal production in British colonies. 136 pp. ting to the province of Carolina, and the 8~. London, Harrison & sons, 1867. 151 GREAT BRITAIN. GRELOT. Great Britain. Eleventh and twelfth reports the memoir'of Poisson tranlslated, by B. F. of her majesty's civil service commissioners. Greene.] 771 pp. 13 pl. 5 tables. 8~. Wash2v. 8~. London, Pyre,' Spottswoode, 1866-67. ington, Govt. printing office, 1867. —... Parliamentary reports and papers]: ses- Greene ( George Washington). Nathaniel sion of 1863. 77 v. fol. London, Eyre 4- Greene: an examination of some statements Spottiswoode, 1866. in the ninth volume of Bancroft's history of [V. 49, 62, wanting.] the United States. 86 pp. 8~. Boston, Ticknor Great (The) conspiracy: [with] full secret of o Fields, 1866. the assassination plot; and account of J. H. Greene (Samuel S.) A grammar of the English Sursratt, etc. 198 pp. 8~. Philadel2hia, Bar- language. 323 pp. 120. Philadelphia, Cowclay 4' Co. 1866. perthwait & Co. 1867. Great Falls, [N. H.] Directory for 1867. See Greene (Thomas A.) Marine shells of MassaDover and Great Falls directory. chusetts. Great (The) metropolis; or, guide to New York r ith HIITCHCOCE (E.) Catalogue of animals, etc. of for 1849. 179 pp. 1 map.'24~. new York, Mass.] -l. Wilson, 1849. Greenleaf (Rev. Jonathan). A history of the Greding (Johann Ernst). Vermischte medi- churches of all denominations in the city of cinische und chirurgische schriften. Heraus- New Yorl. 379 pp. 18~. New York, E. gegeben von K. W. Greding. 8 p. 1. 320 pp. French, 1846. 160. Altenbury, Richlter, 1781. s.Sketches of the ecclesiastical history of Greece to the close of 1825. A review of the thestateof Maine. 293,77pp. 12~. Portsrevolutionary state of Greece, etc. By a mouth, (N. H.) H. Gray, 1821. resident amongst the Greeks. [anon.] p. Greenwood (Isaac). A philosophical dis233-349.. course concerning the mutability and changes [W Vith BULvWER (Sir H. L. E.) Autumn in Greece. of the material world, read upon the news of London, 1826,] the death of Thomas Hollis. 2 p. 1. 24 pp. Greeley (Horace). Der grosse conflikt in SO. Boston,S.Gerrish, 1731. Amerika. Die geschichte der grossen rebel- [With WIGGLESWORTuH (Edward). Blessedness of lion in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord- the dead, etc. Boston, 1731.] Amerika nach ihren ursachen, fortschritten Greenwood (James). Curiosities of savage und resultaten. Aus dem Englischen iiber- life. 3d ed. v. 1. xiv, 418pp. 8 pl. 80. Lonsetzt von W. Grauert. v. 2. 749 pp. 10 pl. don, S. O. Beeton, 1865. 1 map. 8~. Hartford, 0. D. Case 4' Co. 1867. Greg (Robert Philips), and Lettsom (William Green (Francis). "Vox oculis subjecta;" a G.) Manual of the mineralogy of Great Bridissertation on the art of imparting speech, tain and Ireland. xvi, 483 pp. 80. London, and the knowledge of language, to the natu- J. Van Voorst, 1858. rally deaf, and (consequently) dumb. By a Gregg (Alexander, D. D.) History of the old parent. [anon.] xvi,'24 pp. 12~. London, Cheraws; containing an account of the aboriBS. Wathite, 1783. gines of the Pedee, the first white settlements, Green (Horace, 111. D.) Observations on the [etc.] A. D. 1730 to 1810. viii, 546 pp. 4 pathology of croup, etc. xi, 115pp. pl. maps. 8~0. New York, Richardson & Co. 1867. 120. New York, J. Wiley, 1849. s Gregory (James J. H.) Squashes; how to Green (Jonathan H.) Exposure of the arts grow them. 69 pp. 160. New York, O. Judd and miseries of gambling. 4th ed. 336 pp. & Co. [1867]. 120. Philadelphia, G. B. Zieber & Co. 1847. Gregory (Samuel). History of Mexico from Green (William Henry). Elementary Hebrew the earliest times to the present. 100 pp. 80. grammar. viii, 58, 26 pp. 120. New York, Boston, F. Gleason, 1847. John Wiley & son, s 1866. Greiss (C. B.) Lehrbuch der physik. viii, 559 Greene (Barnaby Edward). The classic: a pp. 80. Wiesbaden, C. W. Ereidel, 1863. s. poem. See Anacreon, Sappho, and others. Grellmann (Heinrich Moritz G.) Dissertation London, 1768. on the gipseys, with an historical enquiry Greene (B. F.) The magnetism of ships, and concerning their origin. 4 p. 1. xiii, 210 pp. the deviations of the compass. [A series of 8~. L on, Wf. Ballintine, 1807. papers from the transactions of foreign so- Grelot (Guillaume Joseph). A late voyage to cieties, by Poisson [and others,] with other Constantinople. Made English by J. Philips. papers and documents. Reprinted by order 7 p. 1. 43pp. 41. 14pl. 160 Lond J. of the secretary of the navy. Ecdited, and Playford, 1683. 152 GRESVWELL. GRIMM. Greswell (William Parr). A view of the early 529 pp. 1 mlap. 18 pl. 8~. Calcutta, bishop's Parisian Greek press; including the lives of coll. press, 1847. s. the Stephani; notices of other contemporary Posthumous papers, etc. Itinerary notes Greek printers of Paris, etc. Edited by E. of plants collected in the Khasyah and Bootan Greswell. 2 v. xix, 412 pp; vii, 413 pp. 8~. mountains, 1837-38; in Affghanistan, etc. Oxford, D. A. Talboys, 1833. s. 1839-41. Arranged by John McClelland. Greville (- esq.) British India analyzed. lxix, 435 pp. I map. 3 pl. 80. Calcutta, J. The provincial and revenue establishments of F. Bellamy, 1848. s. Mahomedan and British conquerors in Hin- - Posthumous papers, etc. Notulae ad dostan stated and considered. 3 v. 2 p. 1. plantas asiaticas. Arranged by John Mcviii, lxiii, 960 pp. 8~. London, B. Fadulder, Clelland. 4 v. 8~. Calcutta, bishops' college 1795. press, 1847-54. s. Greville (Robert Kaye). Botany of India. Posthumous papers, etc. Icones planta[pp. 117-157 of v. 3 of MURRAY (Hugh). Account of rum asiaticarum. Arranged by John McBritish India. N. Y. 1833-36]. e Clelland. 4 v. in 2. 28 pp. 661 pl. 40. Grew'(Nehemiah). Anatomie des plantes. 5 lelland. 4 v. i 2. 28 66 l. 4 p. 1. 246 pp. 111. 1 pl. 240. Leide, P. Van- Calcutta, bishops' college press, 1847-54. s. der Aa, 1685.. l[Plates to the preceding]. der Aa, 1685. s. Cosmologia sacra: or, a discourse of the CONTENTS OF NOTULAE, AND ICONES. universe as it is; the creation and kingdom of G-od. Portrait. fol. London, 1701. v. 1. Development of organs in phanerogamous plants. G~od. Portrait. fol. London, 1701. viii, 255 pp; pl. 1-62. - and Boyle (Robert). Recueil d'exp6ri- v.. On the higher cryptogamious plants. pp. 256628, viii; pl. 63-138. ences et observations curieuses sur le combat, v. 3. Monocotyledonous plants. 436, xii pp. pl. 139qui procdde du m6lange des corps, sur les 359. v. 4. Dicotyledonous plants. xli, 764 pp. pl. 360-661. saveurs, etsurlesodeurs. 108pp. 24~. Leide, P. Tander Aa, 1685. s. [ With GREW (N.) Anatomie des plantesl. Grillet(Jean),andBe'chamel(Franvois Jean). [With GREW (N.) Anatomie des plantes].A journal of travels intoGuiaealin 1674. 2p.. Grey, of Hoszick, (HIenry George, 3d earl). Par- A journal of travels intoGuiana in 1674. 2p. 1. liamentary government considered with refer- 68pp. 160. London,Buckley, 1698. nto reform. New ed. xxiii, 360 pp. 8. [With AcuRA (Cristoval d'). Relation of the great -enlce to reform, New ed. xxiii~ 360 pp. 8~. [ wt Ac river of the Amazons. viii, 190 pp. 160. LonLondon, John Mutrray, 1864. don, 1698.] Gridley (Rev. John). History of Montpelier, Grimaldi (Giuseppe Ceva).,Considerazioni [Vt.] a discourse delivered on thanksgiving sulle pubbliche opere della Sicilia di qua, dal day, Dec. 8, 1842. 48 pp. 80. Montpelier, faro dai Normanni sino ai nostri tempi. 247, E. P. WFalton & Sons, 1843. civ pp. 8~. Napoli, Tipogrcfa fnztina, Griffin (John J.) A practical treatise on the 1839. s. use of the blowpipe in chemical and mineral Itinerario da Napoli a Lecce, e nella proanalysis. xvi, 308 pp. 24~. Glasgow, Griffin, vincia di terra d'Otranto nell' anno 1818, di 1827. s. G. C. G. [anon.] 260 pp. 80. Napoli, Porcelli, Griffin (M.) Impressions of Germany. By an 1821. s. Americanlady. [anon.] 451 pp. 120. Dres- Grimes (J. Stanley). Geonomy; a theory of den, B. G. Teubner, [1866]. the ocean. currents and their agency in the Griffith (Mattie). Poems. Now first collected. formation of the continents; to which is added 167 pp. 120. New York, D. Appleton &8 Co. astrogenea; a new theory of the formation of 1853. planetary systems. 206 pp. 16~. Albion, Griffith (Robert Eglesfeld.) A universal form- (Mich.) 1866. ulary: containing the methods of preparing Grimm (Jacob Ludwig Carl). Geschichte and administering officinal and other medi- der deutschen sprache. 2 v. xvi, 1035 pp. cines. 567 pp.:80~. Philadelphia, Lea & Blan- 80. Leipzig, Weidmann, 1848. s. clhard, 1850. s. and Grimm (Carl Wilhelm). Deutsches - Dispensator-y. See Christison (R.); worterbuch. v. 1-3. v. 4. pt. 1. A-Fromm. also, Mayne (J.) portrait. 40~. Leipzig, S. irzel, 1854-63. Griffith (William.) Posthumous papers be- The same. Fortgesetztvon Rudolph Hilqueathed to the East India company. Journals debrand und Karl Weigand. v. 4. pt. 2. of travels in Assam, Burma, Bootan, Affghan- Fromm. —Ftil. v. 5. pts. 1-5. K-Klippe. 40. istan, and the neighboring coun-tries. xxxii, Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 1864-67. 153 GRIMSHAW. GRUNER. Grinshaw (William). An etymological dic- Cmesar, Cicero, Livius, Virgilius, Ovidius, etc. tionary, or analysis of the English language. illustrantur. Ac. vita auctoris. xxxvi, 398-pp. viii pp. 1541. 160. Philadelphia, Lydia B. 8~. Amstelcedami, J. Hoffman, 1740. s. Bailey, 1821. F-Flora virginica, exhibens plantas, quas --- An exposition of the situation, character Johannes Claytonius in Virginia crescentes and interests of the American republic. 31 pp. observauit, collegit et obtulit. 6 p. 1. 176 pp. 16~. Philadelphia, 1822. 4 1. 1 map. 4~. Lugduni Batavorum, The history of France, from the founda- 1762. s. tion of the monarchy to the death of Louis xvi. Grose (Captain Francis). Advice to the officers 302 pp. 16~. Philadelphia, lTozwar~ Hogan, of the British army: with some hints to the 1829. drummer and private soldier. [anon.] iv, H — istory of the United States, from their 134 pp. 1 pl. 16~. London, J. Kearsley, first settlement as colonies to the cession of 1783. Floridain 1821. 3d ed. 308pp. 12~. Phila- Gross (Dr. H.) Comparative materia medica. delphia, L. B. Bailey, 1822. Edited by C. Hering. xxxii, 520 pp. 8~. The same. To 1840. 336 pp. 120. Philadelphia, F. E. Boericke, 1867. Philadelphia, Gig Eioet & Co1847.. 1847. s. Gross (Samuel D.) A practical treatise on the The same. To the peace with Mexico, diseases and injuries of the urinary bladder, in 1848. 371 pp. 120. Philadeylphia, Grigg, prostate gland, and urethra. 826 pp. 80. Elliot 5c Co. 1849. s. Philadelphia, Blanchard & Lea, 1851. s. Grindlay (Robert Melville). Scenery, cos- Grove (Rev. Henry). A system of moral tumes, and architecture, chiefly on the western philosophy. Published by Thomas Amory. side of India. 2 v. 251. 18 pl; 371. 18 pl. tol. 2 v. 24 p. 1. 420 pp; 10 p. 1. 610 pp. 10 1. London, Ackerenann, and Smith, Elder 4' Co. 80. London, J. Wazgh,, 1749. 1826-30. Gruithuisen (Franz von Paula). AnthropoloGrisebach (August Ileinrich Rudolph). Spice- gie, oder von der natur des menschlichen leogium flora rumelicoo et bithynicae. 2 v. xii, lebens und denkens. xxxx, 478 pp.' 8~. 407 pp. 80. BrTunsvigae, Fieweg, 1843-44. s. AMiinchen, J. Lentner, 1810. s. Ueber die vegetationslinien des nord- ( Beytraige zur physiognosie und eautowestlichen deutschland. 104 pp. 8~. Gottingen, gnosie. xxiii 446 pp. 4 pl. 80. IMiinchen, Vandenhoeck & Rupr'echt, 1847. s. I. J. Lentner, 1810. s. Griswold (Rufus Wilmot). Napoleon and the -- Die naturgeschichte im kreise der ursamarshals of the empire. [anon.] 2 v. 348 pp. chen und wirlkungen; oder die physik histo372 pp. 16 pl. 120. Philadelphia, Carey & risch bearbeitet. xx, 276 pp. 1 tab. 83. Hart, 1848. s. Miinchen, J. Lentner, 1810. s. Gritti or (Rocco Gritti). Dell' ottalmoscope e Naturgeschiclte des gestirnten himmels. delle malattie end-oculariperl esso riconoscibili. xxxvi pp. 13 1. 428 pp. 80. iIiinchen, C. A. 446 pp. 6 pl. 80. Milano, Tipografiae del Fleischmaccn, 1836. $. patronato, 1862. s. - Organozoonomie; oder, ueber das nieGroans (The) of the plantations; or, a true ac- drige lebensverhtiltniss, als propaidevtik zur count of their grievous and extreme sufferings anthropologie. xxiv, 239 pp. 1 tab. 80. by the heavy impositions upon sugar, and lfiinchen, I. J. Lentner, 1811. s. other hardships. Relating more particularly Siegfried, oder Ikurze biographie des to the island of Barbados. 35 pp. sin 40~. verstandes his auf dem zwist mit seinen klinLondon, M. Clark, 1689. delln. 18~. iinwchen, Lentner, 1812. s. Groesbeck (John). Crittenden commercial - uber die natur der kometen. 368 pp. arithmetic and business manual. (Abridged 4 pl. 12~. iriinchen, I. J. Lent~ner, 1811. s. edition.) 216 pp. 12~. Philadelphia, E. C. Griindliche anweisung vogel auszustopfen, & J. Biddle, 1867. und besonders gut zu conserviren. [aCnon.] Gr6ningen university. Catalogus librorum xxiv, 88 pp. 16~. Leipzig, A. PF. Bohhme, bibliothecte universilatis quce Groningae est 1788. s. curante J. R. Van Eerde. 3 pts. in 3 v. fol. Gruner (Carl Ernst, editor). Hommeopathic Groningae, I. Oomkens, 1833-51. s. pharmacopoeia, compiled by order of the GerGronovius or GrSnhof (Johann Friedrich). man central union of homceopathic physicians. Lectiones plautinae, quibus non tantum fab- Authorized English, from 2d German ed. x, ulre plautium et terentiane, verum etiam 224 pp. 8. Leipzig, C. H. Arnolcl, 1855. s. 20 GRUNER. GUIDE. Gruner (Christian Gott.fiied). Censvra libro- Guerin (Fdlix P]douard). Iconographie du rvm hippocrateorvm, qva veri a falsis, integri "rdgne animal" de M. le baron Cuvier, ou a svppositis segregantvr. 9 p. 1. 206 pp. repr6sentation d'aprds nature, etc. 2 v. 8c. 4 1. 8~. 7'-atislaviae, J. F. Kornius, 1772. Paris, 1829, etc. s. S. [Imperfect; v. i, and title of v. ii. wanting]. Gruson (L.) Blicke in das universum, mit Guerin (Georges Maurice de). Journal, with specieller beziehung auf unsere erd. viii, an essay by Sainte Beuve. Editedby G. S. 351 pp. 3 p]. 80. Leipzig, Griibner, 1853. TrBbutien. Translated by E. T. Fisher. 153 s. pp. 16G. New York, Leyploldt 4 Holt, 1867. Gruter (Janus). See Seneca, and Publius Guerin-M6neville ( —). Insectes. Syrus. Singulares sententiae. [ With LEFEBVRE (C. T.) Voyage en Abyssinie. v. 6.1 Guarini (Giovanni Battista). Madvigavx Guernsey (Egbert). History of the United amovrevx. Traduits d'Italien en vers frannois. States of America. 7th ed. 456 pp. 120. Par monsieur Picot]. 6 p. 1. 178 pp. 18~. New York, Ceedy & Burgess, 1850. S. Paris, Gvillanvane de Lvynes, 1664. Guett6e (R6n6 Frannois). The papacy; its CG~uarini (Giovannll) ). Dizionlario farmaceutico historic origin and primitive relations with magistrale ed oficinale, etc. 6a erd. 6 p. 1. the eastern churches. Translated from the 400 pp. 80. Napoli, V. Puzziello, 1843. S. French, with biographical notice. With inGuasco (Ottavio de.) De l'usage des statues troduction, by A. C. Coxe. 383 pp. 120. chez les anciennes. Essaihistorique. [anon.] lew York-, Carleton, 1867. xxiii, 505 pp. 2 21. 14 pl. 4. Bruxelles, J. L. Guevara (Antonio de). Vita, gesti, costvmi, de Bo~ubers, 1768. discorsi, lettere di Marco Aurelio con la gionta Gubler (Adolphe). V tudes sur lorigine et les di molte cose, che nello spagnuolo non erano, conditions de d6veloppement de la muc6din6e e delle cose spagnuole, che macauano nella du mtuguet (oidctXiu9 aclbticans): m6nmloire. 75 tradottione italiana. [anon.] 1481. 3 1. 180. pp. 8~. Paris, Acad. imp. de melicine, Vinegia, F. di Aldo, 1546. 1858.. L Guggenbiihl (Louis). The Abendberg, an Gue'gan (Henri). A compendious and easy Alpine retreat for the treatment of infant grammar for teaching and learning the French cretins. By L. G. [anon.] With itroduction language. xx, 52 pp. 80. Washington, P. by J. Coldstream. 79 pp. 160. Edinburgh, bForce, 1831. s. PW. P. Kennedy, 1848. s. Tachygraphie; on, art d'crire aussi vite Guicciardinii (Francesco). Aphorisms, civill qu'on parle. 2e 6d. 32 pp. 3 pl. 8~. Paris, and militarie; amplified with authorities and l'auteur, 1818. exemplified with historie out of the first quarGue'non (Fran~ois). A treatise on milch cows. terne of Fr. Guiccardine. By Robert Dallington. 2d ed. 3 p. 1. 339 pp. sm. fol. London, Translated from the French, by N. P. Trist. ton. 2ded. 31. 339 With introductory remarlks on the cow and., --- A brief inference upon Gvicciardine's the dairy. By John S. Skinner. 32, 24 pp. 8~..New York, Greeley d McElrath, digression, in the fourth part of the first quarp 8 ew York- Greeley & M, cElrath, terne of his historie. Effaced out of the Guenot (C.) Vengeance of a Jew. [A tale]. originall by the inquisition. 61 pp. sm. fol. ftf24 pp. 180 7 7 7London, R. Allot, 1629. 224 pp. 120. Philadelphia, E. Cummiskey, Lith t.e preceding.] 1 [With the preceding.] Guichenot (Adolphe). Reptiles et poissons. Guer (Jeaol Antoine). Mcurs et usages des [WVith LErEBVRE, (C. T.) Voyage en AbyssinieTurcs, leur religion, leur gouvernement civil, v. 6]. militaire, et politiqve, avec un abr6g6 de l'his- Guide (A) to the Central park, New York. toire ottomane. 2 v. 493 pp; 547 pp. 27 pl. With a map of the proposed improvements. 40. Paris, Coustelier, 1746-47. [anon.] 30 pp. 120. New York, C. AM. Saxton, Gueranger (] douard). Leqons de chemie ap- Barker & Co. 1859. pliqu6es i l'agriculture. 3 p. 1. iv, 584 pp. Guide to the White mountains and the lakes 40. Paris, Julien, Lanier & Cie. 1850. s. of New Hampshire. [anon.] 72 pp. 160. Gueranger (Prosper). Life of Saint Cecilia, Concord, (2NV H.) Tripp & Osgood, 1851. s. virgin and martyr. Translated from the Guide to West Point and the U. S. military French. 404 pp. 120. Philadelphia, P. F. academy. 105 pp. 1 pl. 4 maps. 180. New Cunninghanz, 1866. York, D. Van Nostrand, 1867. 155 GUILD. GUSTAVUS. Guild (Reuben Aldridge). Biographical intro- tianity, and the attacks which are now being duction to the writings of RogerWilliams. 60 made upon it. Translated. ix, 367 pp. 12~. pp. 40. Providence, (1. I.) 1866. London, J. zMurray, 1866. [Narragansett club publications. v. 1. pp. 1-60]. Gulzara, princess of Persia; or, the virgin History of Brown university, with illus- queen. Collected from the original Persian. trative documents. xv, 443 pp. 5 pl. 40. [anon.] xiii, 248 pp. 80. London, J. Souter, Providence, Press Co. 1867. 1816. Guillaume d'Auvergne, (abp. of Paris). Pos- Gumaer (Peter E.) Thoughts and contemplatilla sup. epistolas et evangelia. 215 1. fol. tions in relation to the motions of the heavenly [Argentorati, about 1469]. bodies. 174 pp. 12~. New York, W.J. Baner, Tractatus de sacramentis, cur deus homo, 1851. s. et de penetencia. cxxxii 1. fol. [Norim- Gumlilla (Jos6). Histoire naturelle, civile, et beryce, Anton7 Koburger, 1496?] g6ographique de 1iOr6noque et des principales [Tractatus] doe vniverso. cxlix 1. 1 rivibres qui s'y jettent. Traduite de l'EspagI. unp. fol. [NorTinberyce, Anton Koburger, nol sur la 20 6d. par M. Eidous. 3 v. 160~. 1496?] Avignon, 1758. Guillaumnli (Urbain Gilbert). Dictionnaire doe Gundlach (Juan). Revista y catalogo de las l'6conomie politique. See Coquelin (C.) and aves cubanas. (Extract.) 110 pp. 1 tab. Guillauniin (U. G.) 80. Habana, Rep. fis. nat. de Cuba, 1865-66. Guillelmuse (Petrus). See Guillaume d'Au- s. vergne. ----- Revista y catalogo de los mamiferos Guillemin (Am6dee). Causeries astronomi- cubanos. Extract. (17 pp.) 80. Habana, ques. Les mondes; voyage pittoresque dans Rep. fis. nat. de Cuba, 1866. s. l'univers visible. xii, 336 pp. 120. Paris, Gunning g (J. W.) Leerboek der scheikunde. Levy, 1861. s. 2 v. viii, 231 pp. 5 pl; viii, 244 pp. 1 pl. Guiteras (Pedro J.) Historia de la isla de 120. Schoonhoven, S. E. Vanehooten, 1858. s. Cuba; con notas e ilustraciones. 2 v. xvi, 417 pp; vi, 421 pp. 120. Nueva York, Jorge CONTINTS. B. Lockuwood, 1865-66. Guizsot (g1lisabeth Charlotte Pauline de v. 1. De sclheikunde der nietmetalen. v. 2. De scheikunde der metalen. Meulan). Les enfants: contes. Nouvelle 6d. Augmentee de moralit6s en vers par Mlle. ]lise Moreau. xi, 268 pp. 8 pl. 8o. Gunning (W. M.) Onderzoekingen over Paris, Didier, 1862. bloedsbeweging en stasis. 61pp. 80. Utrecht, Guizot (Franlois Pierre Guillaume). Histoire Schryver, 1857. s. de la civilisation en France depuis la chute Giinther (Albert). Handbuch der medicinide l'empire romain. 3e 6d. 4 v. 80. Paris, schen zoologie. viii, 244 pp. 80. Stuttgart, Didier, 1843. s. E. Schweizerbart, 1858. s. Histoire g6n6ral de la civilisation en Gurley (Rev. Ralph Randolph.) AMission to Europe. 5e 6d. xiv, 435 pp. 1 pl. 8~. Paris, England, in behalf of the American colonizaDidier, 1842. s. tion society. xii, 264 pp. 120. WVashington, Histoire de la r6volution d'Angleterre, Win. 7W. Morrison, 1841. depuis l'av6nement de Charles Ier jusqu'A Gurney (John Henry). A descriptive catalogue sa mort. 3e 6d. 2 v. xxxi, 395 pp; vi, 464 of the raptorial birds in the Norfolk and Norpp. 2 pl. 80. Paris, Didier, 1841. s. wich museum. Part I, containing serpentaMemoires pour servir i l'histoire de riidse, polyboridse, vulturidee. 90 pp. 80. mon temps. 8 v. 80. Paris, Levy, 1858-66. Norwsich, author, 1864. s. History of the English revolution of Guriney (Thomas). Brachygraphy: or an 1640, from the accession of Charles I to his easy and compendious system of short-hand, death. Translated by William Hazlitt. 515 improved by Joseph Gurney. 14th ed. 76, 12 pp. pp. 12~. New York, Appletons, 1846. 180. London, W. B. Gurney, 1817. s. The last days of the reign of Louis Gurowski (Adam). Diary: 1863-64-65. Philippe. viii, 573 pp. 8~. London, B. 413 pp. 120. Washington, TV. H. & 0. Beztley, 1867. H. Morrison, 1866. [Forming v. 8 of the author's memoirs]. Gustavus Selenus. (pseudon.) See _Mantia - Meditations on the actual state of chris- _ad Brlnswick-Luneburg. GUTBIER. HAGEN. Gutbier (Aegidius). Lexicon syriacum, con- Guzman (Fernan Perez de). Cronica del tinens omnes n[ovi] t[estamenti] syriaci dic- sefior rey don Juan, segundo de este nomtiones et particulas, etc. vii p. 1. 146 pp. bre, en Castilla y en Leon. xx, 636 pp. fol. xxv 1. 160. Hamburg, Autor, 1667. Valencia, B. Monfort, 1779. Notme criticre in novum testamentum Haan (Willem de). Specimen philosophicum syriacum, etc. 55 pp. 16~. Hamburgi, 1667. inaugurale, exhibens monographiam ammoni[With his Lexicon syriacum. 160. 1667.] teorum et goniatiteorum. ii, 168 pp. 80. Gutbier (Christian August von). See Geinitz Lugduni Batavorum, H. T. Hazenberg; 1825. (H. B.) Gaa von Sachsen. s. Gutch (John Mathew). Observations, or notes, Haast (Julius, provincial geologist). Report on upon the writings of the ancients, and upon the formation of the Canterbury plains, [New the introduction of the art of printing. 170 pp. Zealand]. 63 pp. 3 maps, etc. fol. Christ 80. Bristol, J. 22l. Gutch, 1827. Church, J...Fitzgerald, 1864. s. Guthrie (William). A new system of modern Report on the geological survey of the geography; or, a geographical, historical and province of Canterbury. 31 pp. fol. Christ commercial grammar. 1st Am. ed. 2 v. Church, J. E. Fitzgerald, 1864. s. 572 pp; 704 pp. 49 maps. 40. Philadelphia, Hacker (William). Monitorial ritual for the M. Carey, 1795-96. order of high priesthood. The same. With astronomical part by [pp. 73 to 192 of "CIAPrTER and council manual." 240. Cincinnati, J. Ernst & Co. 18671. James Ferguson. x, 1,115 pp. 29 maps. 40. London, Rivitngton, 1811. Hacket (John, bishop of Lichfield). Scrinia Giitle (Johann Conrad). Kunst in kupfer zu reserata: a memorial of John Williams, keeper stechen, zu raidiren, und zu aezen, etc. von of the great sal of England, etc. 2 parts in Abraham Bosse. 3 v. in 1. 160. Niirnburg und 1v. 228, 239pp. Portrait, fol. London, Altdorf, J. C. Monath, und Kuszler, 1795-96. 1693. s E ackley (Charles W.) Elementary course of Gutteridge (William). The universal gauger geometry. 12~. New York, Harpers, 1847. of Great Britain and Ireland. xlvi, 504 pp. s. 12~. London, Baldwuin, Cradoc~k 4 Co. 1821. A treatise on algebra, containing the Gutterson (A. C.) Cantata of the months latest improvements. xv,504pp. 80. New and seasons; adapted to the closing of sing- York, Harpers, 1846.. ing classes, day schools, etc. -— School algebra. ri, 226pp. 8~. New [ With PALMER (H. R.) The song queen. pp. 71-96. York, Harpers, 1847. s. Guyetant (S6bastien). Le guide medical des A treatise on trigonometry, plane and maitres et maitresses de pension, cures, dames spherical, etc. with tables. xix, 372, pp. 601. de charite, et autres personnes, etc. 2e 6d. unp. 80. New York, G. P. Putnam, 1851. s. vii, 419 pp. 80. Paris, L. Haclhette, 1842. s. Hadley (George). Grammatical remarks on Le medecin de l'age de retour et de la the practical and current dialect of the jargon vieillesse; ou, conseils aux personnes qui out of Hindostan, with a vocabulary. 169 pp. passe l'age de 45 ans. xvi, 487 pp. 8~. Paris, 180. [London], 1797. s. Dufey, 1836. Haeser (Dr. Heinrich). Historisch-pathologGuyot (Arnold). A collection of meteorologi- ische untersuchungen. Als beitrage zur gescal tables, with other tables useful in practical chichte der volkskrankheiten. 2 v. xiii, meteorology. 4 v. in 1. 8~. Washington, 331 pp; xviii, 543 pp. 80. Leipzig, G. Smithsonian Inst. 1852. s. Fleischer, 1841. s. Guyot (Guillaume Germain)? Nouvelles re- Hagen (Friedrich Heinrich von der). Nibeluncreations physiques et math8ematiques. [4e] gen. Einzige handschrift der iltesten dars6d. 92 pl. 3 v. 8~. Paris, 1799. s. tellung. 60 pp. 2 facs. 8~0. Berlin, J. A. Stargardt, 1853. CONTENTS. T Hagen (Dr. Friedrich Wilhelm). Physiolov. I. Aimant; 6lectricit6. xvi, 553 pp; 32 pl. v. II. Ghomftrie et perspective: catoptrique; diop- gische untersuchungen. Studien im gebiete trique; feu; air; air inflammable; eau. iii, 380 pp. 48 pi. derlysiologische psychologi iv, 96 pp. v. III. Nombres; adresse et combinaisons; mcan der physioogishe psychologie. iv, 96 pp. ique; 6criture occulte. 399 pp. 22 pl. 83. Braunschuweig, Vieweg, 1847. s. Guys (Henri). Voyage en Syrie; peinture Hagen (G.) Uber wellen auf gew/issern von des muincers mussulmanes, clhrtiennes et isra6- gleichmtissiger tiefe. 79 pp. l pl. 40~. Berlin, lites. 412 pp. 8~. Paris, J. Rouvier, 1855. s. k. akad. der wissenschaften, 1862. s. 157 HAGEN. HALIFAX. Hagen (Hermann August).' Bibliotheca ento- Hale (Edwin M. M. D.) Homniopathic materia mlologica. Die litteratur fiber das ganze gebiet medica; or, the new remedies: their descripder entomologie his zum jahre 1862. 2 v. tion and application. 2d ed. 1142 pp. 80. xii, 566 pp; 512 pp. 8~. Leipzig, TV. Enzgel- Detroit, E. A. Lodge, 1867. mann, 1862-63. s. A systematic treatise on abortion. 347 Ionographie des calopt6rygines, etc. pp. 2 pl. 80. Chicago, Ci S. Halsey, See Selys-Longchamps and Hagen. 1866. Hagn (Theodoricll, editor). Urkundenbuch fur H-ale ( Rev, George, D.D. ) Sketches. See die geschichte des benedictiner stiftes krems- Kirkpatrick (Rev. Jacob, jr.) Kirkpatrick mftienster, seiner pfarreien und besitzungen, memorial, etc. 777-1400. viii, 404 pp. 8~. Wien, k. hof- Hale (Lucretia P.) The lord's supper and its und staatsdruckcerei, 1852. s. observance. [WVith preface by Rev. E. E. Haidinger (Wilhelm). Handbuch der bestim- Hale.] 181pp. 160. Boston, TValker, Fuller menden mineralogie. 2e ausg. xxxvi,630 pp. 4 Co. 1866. 8~. Wien, W. Braumiiller, 1850. The service of sorrow. v, 249 pp. 16~. Haig (James). Philosophy; or, the science-of Boston, American Unit. assoc. 1867. truth. xxvi, 303 pp. 120. London, Saunders, Iale (Sir Mattllew). Contemplations, moral Otley & Co. 1861. and divine. 2 pts. in 1 v. viii, 558 pp. 12~. Hailes (D. Dalrymple, lord). See Dalrymple. London, D. Brownz [and others,] 1711. Hair (T. H.) andcl Ross (AM.) A series of views The primitive origination of mankind, of the collieries in the counties of Northumber- considered and examined according to the land and Durham, with descriptive sketches, light of nature. 5 p. 1. 3380 pp. 1 pl. fol. and a preliminary essay on coal, and the coal London, TV. Godbidl, 1677. trade. iv, 51 pp. 42 pl. fol. _NAewcastle-upon- Hale (Salma). History of the United States, Tyne, Madden & Co. 1844. from their first settlement to the close of MIr. Hakluyt Society. Works issued by the society. Tyler's administration in 1845. 326, 28 pp. v. 31-38. 80. London, 1863-67. 12~0. Cooperstown, (_N. Y.) H. 34.E. Phinney, CONTENTS. 1846. S. ANDACOYA (Pascual de). Narrative containing the Halem (Gerhard Anton von). Geschichte des earliest notice of Peru. Translated [from the Spanish], and edited by C. R. Markham. v. 34. herzogthums Oldenburg. 3 v. 16~. OldcnBARBOSA (Duarte). The coasts of east Africa and burg, G. Stalling, 1794-96. Malabar in the 16th century. From the Spanish, by HI. E. J. Stanley. v. 35. Statistisches hand-buch fir das departeBARTIIEIMA (Ludovico di). Travers in Syria, Arabia, ment der Weserinundungen, 1813. xxri, 33 Persia, India, etc. 16th century. Translated [from the Italian], by J. W. Jones, and edited by Rev. G. pp. 12~. Bremen, G. Jdntzen, [1813.] s. P. Badger. v. 31. CIEZA DE LEON (Pedro). Travels in 1532-50, from Half tints. Table d'hbte and drawing room. Darien to La Plata. T'ranslated [fromthe Spanish], [anon.] 232 pp. 120. New York, D. Appe and edited by C. R. Markham. v. 33. FaROBISIIEr (Sir Martin). Three voyages, with a ton & Co. 1867. selection from letters in the state paper office. Edited Half-yearly (The) abstract of the medical sciby RH. Collinson. v. 38. JORDA-NUS or JOURDAN DE SERVREE ( —, friar). ences; being a-n analytical and critical digest Mirabilia descripta; wonders of the east. Translated from thlle Latin, and editedby I-. Yule. v. 32. of tile principal British and continental mediYULE (Henry). Cathay, and'the road thither. Trans- cal works, published in the preceding six lated and edited by H. Yule. v. 36-37. Haldat Du Lys (Charles Nicolas Alexandre). months. Jan. 1865, to June, 1867. v. 41-45. Exposition de la doctrine magnetique; ou, 120. London, J. Churchill & sons, 1867. traite philosophique, historique, et critique du Halhed (Nathaniel Brassey, M.P.) A calcumagnetisme. viii, 320pp. 8~;. Na:cncy, Grimi- lation on the commencement of the milennium; blot & Bcaybois, 1852. s. and a short reply to Dr. Horne's pamphlet Haldeoman ( Samuel Stemann ). Iverte- entituled "Sound argument, dictated by comhrates. mon sense," with observations on the "Age [With BAIRD (Spencer F.) Outlines of zoology.] of credulity." 28 pp. 18~. Philadelphia, It. Haldorsen (Bj6ori). Lexicon islandico-latino- Canmpbell, 1795. danicum. Cura R. K. Raskii editum. Pree- Haliburton (Thomas Chandler). The old fatus est P. E.Mller. M v.in1. xxxiv,488 judge; or, life in a colony. 239 pp. 8~. 1Yew pp; 520 pp. 4~0. avnice, J. H. Schuboth, Yor7k, Stringer & Townsend, 1849. 1814. Halifax, (1st marquis of, George Savile). See The same. 2 v. 40. Harnice, 1814. s. Savile (George). [Imperfect; title-page of v. 1 wanting.] Halifax (4th earl of). See IMontague(Challes). 158 HALL. HALLECK. Hall (A. Oakey). Old Whitey's Christmas Hall (John, D. D.) History of the presbyterian trot; a story for the holidays. 237 pp. sq. 16~. church in Trenton, N. J. from the first settleNew York, Harpers, 1857. s. ment of the town. 453, vii pp. 1 pl. 120~. Hall (Charles H. D. D.) True protestant ritu- New York, A. D. _F. Randolph, 1859. alisme; being a review of a book entitled Hall (Joseph, bishop of Norwich). Satires. "The law of ritualism." 210 pp. 16G. Phila- 8~0. Edinburgh, 1793. delphia, J. B. Lippincott 4 Co. 1867. [Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 2.] Hall (Charles W.) Twice taken: an historical Hall (Joseph). The iron question, considered romance of the maritime British provinces. in connection with theory, practice, and ex242 pp. 16~. Boston, Lee & Shelpard, 1867. perience, with special reference to "the HEall (David). An epistle of love and caution Bessemer process." 73 pp. 2 pI. 80. London, to the quarterly and monthly meeting of Hamilton, Aldams & Co. 1857. s. friends in Great Britain,or elsewhere. 3d ed. Hall (Marshall, M. D.) Apervu du systdme 46 pp. 120. London, L. Hinde, 1750. spinal. 2-146 pp. 16~. Paris, Masson, 1855. Hall (Edward Brooks, D. D.) Memoir of Mary Hall (Samuel Carter). The baronial halls, picL. Ware, wife of Henly Ware, jr. 11th [ed.] turesque edifices, and ancient churches ot vii, 434 pp. 1 pl. 12~. Boston, iAm. Unit. England. From drawings executed under Assoc. 1867. the superintendence of Mr. Harding. v. 1-2. ---- Sermons; with a brief memoir. xviii, 40. London, 1845-46. s. 1G2 pp. 16~. Boston, 1867. [v. 3 wanting]. Hall (Edvward H.) Northern tour. See Ap- Hall (William). The abominations of morpleto (D.-) Hand-book of Amelrican travel. lmonism exposed, containing facts and docHLall (Col. Francis). Colombia; its present trincs during seven years' residence among state in respect of climate, soil, productions, them, 1840-47. 155 pp. l60. Cincinnati, I. H lart 4' Co. 1852. population, government, commerce, revenue, manufactures, arts, literature, manners, edu- Hail See Halle. Hailam, (Henry). Introduction to the literature cation, and inducements to emigration. 131 pp. 120. Philadelphia, A. Smnall, 1825., of Europe. 2 v. 416 pp; 462 pp. 8~. New Hall (Frederick, M!. D.) Letters from the east York, HaTpers, 1841. and from the wvest. xi, 168 pp. 80. Washing- View of the state of Europe during the tonz, PF. Taylor 4f ItV. f. M9orrison, 1840. s. middle ages. 4 v. 8~. PItiladelphia, J. Dobson Hall (Rev. James). The pearl of great price. 4 son, 1821. 139 pp. 120. iNew York, J. Miller, 1867. - - The same. Supplemental notes. xvi, 418 HI-all (Prof. James, of Albany, N. Y.) Key to pp. 8~. London, J. Murray, 1848. s. a chart of the successive geological formations, Hnalle or Hall (Edward). [Union of the two noble and illustre famelies of Laneastre and with an actual section, fioln the Atlantic to th e Pacific ocean. 72 pp. 18. Boston, Gouldc Yorke, with all the actes done in the tymes Lincoln, 1852. of bothe the one linage and of the other, beGeological formations and organic re- ginlnng at the tyme of ki InHenry. te mains. fowerth, and proceadyng to the reigne of [WYith MONT (J. C.) Report of the e~xploring kyng Henry the eight. fol. London, Richard expedition to Rocky mountains in 1842, etc. Ed.. Grafton, 1548-50]. Washington, 1845.] Paleontology and geology. COLLATION. T With EiORY (W. H.) report on the U. S. and Mexican boundary survey, v. i.] Henry iv. xxxii I. table, 2 l. unp; Henry v. 51 pp. -— _ —- Ieports on geology. 21. Henry vi. cii, 3 1. Edward iv. Ixi, 41. Edward Reports ongeologxxiiii 1. Henry iv. xxxii, I 1. Iichard iii. 21. [NEW YORK. Annual reports on geol. survey. v. 2-5.1 HIcnry vii. lxi, 3 1. IIenry viii. cclxiii, 9 1. Hall (judge James). The romance of western [Imperfect; wanting leaves previous to fol. 1, and the history. 420 pp. 1 pl. 120. Cincizncnati, Ap- last 4 leaves of final table). plegate 4 Co. 1857. The same. Statistics of the west, at the close of the [Very imperfect]. year 1836. xviii, 284 pp. 129. Cincinnati, Halleck (Henry Wager). Papers on practical J. A. James 4 Co. 1837. engineering. Bitumen: its varieties and The west; its commerce and navigation. uses, compiled from various sources. 206 vii, 328 pp. 16~. Cincinnati, -HZ. W. Derby pp. 4 pl. 8~0. Washington, Peter Force, & Co. 1848. 1841. 159 HALLERI. HAMILTON. Haller (Albrecht von). Elementa physiolog Ie Halsted (rear admiral Edward Pellew). A corporis humani. 8 v. 40. Lausannce, M. lI. turret navy for the future; an appeal to the Bosquet, & Soc. 1757-66. s. parliament of 1866. 18 pp. 1 pl. 40. [London, author], 1866. Calsted (Oliver Spencer). Theology of the v. 1. Fibra; vasa; eircuitus sanguinis; cor. v ii. Sanguis; ejus motus; humorum separatio. Bible; itself the teacher, and its own interv. iii. Iespiratio; vox. preter. [A critical essay on the meaning of v. iv. Cerebrum; nervi; Inusculi. v. v. Sensus, externi et interni. the words, soul, spirit, ghost, death, paradise, v. vi. Deglutitio; ventriculus; omenta; lien; pan- hell satan d cress; hepar. ymll, satan, devil, heaven, and resurrection]. v. vii. Intestina; cllyls; urina; semen; muliebria. iv, 632 pp. 80. Newark, (N. J.) the author, v. viii. Fetus hominisque vita. 1866. Opera minora. 3 v. 4~. Lausannce, The same. 2d ed. With appendix. xvi, 1762-68. s. 632, xii pp. 8o. Newark, author, 1866. CONTENTS. Hamberger (Georg Christoph). Das gelehrte v. i. Anatomica: Partes corporis humani. Teutschland; oder, lexicon der jetzt lebenden v. ii. (eneratio. v. iii. Opuscula pathologies. schriftsteller. Fortgesetzt von J. G. Meusel, J. S. Ersch, und J. N. S. Lindner. 5te ausg. Letters to his daughter on the truths of 23 v. in 24. 12~. Lerngo, ieyer, 1796-1834. the christianll religion. 2d ed. xxxii, 278 amb r nrgische rath-und irgerHamburg. Hamburgische rath-und bfirgerpp. 160. London1, J. Miurray, 1793. schlisse, 1856, 1859, 1861. 3 v. 4~. HamHaller (Gottlieb Emanuel von). Conseils pour burg, [l athe,] 1857-62. s. former une bibliothbeque historique de la Hamburgische r botanischer garten. VerSuisse. 180. Berne, 1771. zeichniss von hauspflanzen, staudengewiichH-tallervord (Johann). Bibliotheca curiosa. sen, bumen ud gestrchen che abege4 p. 1. 415 pp. 40. Begiomonti et Franco- hen werden unen. 79 pp. 8~. bamburg furti, sumntibus Li. Hallervordi, 1676. s. J.. Meissner, 1853. s. H-lalliday (Samuel B.) The little street KaI(talo ler commerz-bibliothek. vi, sweeper; or, life among the poor. 356 pp. viii, 618, xix pp. 4. Hamburg, f. G. 1 pl. 120. New Yolk-, Phincny, Blakeman Voigt, 181. s. & l0auson, 15861. - S. 9H'amilton (Alexander). Letter concerning the HIalliwrell. (Jamles Orchard). Brief description public conduct and character of John Adams. of the ancient and modern manuscripts pre- 2d ed. 54 pp. 80. New York, Jo/n Lang, served in the public library, Plymouth, [Eng- 1800. land], with some fragments of early literature [ With ADArs (John). Correspondence, Boston, 1809.1 hitherto unpublished. 239 pp. 40. London, - nd Madison (James). Letters of PaC. & J. Adlard, 1853. s. cificus and IHelvidius on the proclamation of Catalogue of cllap-bookls, garlands, and neutrality of 1793, [with] the proclamation. popular histories. iv, 190 pp. 120. London, 102 pp. 8~. Washington, J. anzd G. S. 1849. Gideon, 1845. Dictionary of archaic and provincial -Hamilton (fMrs. Cospatrick Baillie). Views words. 2d ed. 2 v. vili, 960pp. 80. London, in the Mediterranean, Grecian archipelago, J. B.. Smith, 1850. Bosphorus, Black sea; etc. 12 pl. col. fol. - Some account of a collection of several London, Day e son, 1857. thousand bills, accounts, and inventories, Hamilton (G. AM. D.) Elements of vegetable illustrating the history of prices between the and animal physiology. Edited by D. M., years 1650 and 1750, with copious extracts Reese. 2 v. in 1. 162, 144 pp. 120. New from old account books. 40. London, pri- York, A. S. Barnes and Co. 1849. s. vatelypprinted, 1852. sa Hamilton (M-rs. Jane). Leaves gathered in [Note.-The originals of this collection form fifty-four the daily walks of life. By the compiler of volumes, alld are deposited in the library of congress.] "Drifted snow flakes," etc. [anon.] 224 pp. Hallowell (Me.) Directoryfor 1867-68. See sq. 180. Pliladelphia, authoor, [1867]. Augusta, IIallowell, and Gardiner directory Hamilton (William, of Bangour). Poems on for 1867-68. several occasions. 262 pp. 160. -EdinbusAgh, Halls of the Montezumas: or, Mexico in an- W. Gor-doa, 1760. cient andmodern times. [asnon.] 136pp. 4pl. Poetical works. 80. Edinburgh, 1791 5O. N\Tezu YIork, J. C. Buclrdick, 1848. [Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 9.] 160 IIAMILTON. HANIN. Hamilton (Sir William). Collection of Etrus- and gum, when singly and exclusively used as can, Greek, and Roman antiquities from [his] food. 79 pp. 8~. Philadelphia, author, cabinet rFr. and Eng. text, by D'Hancar- 1857. s. ville]. 4 v. fol. Naples, 1766-67. On sleep and insomnia. [Extract.] [Imperfect: v. 3-4 wanting.] 36 pp. 80. Arew York, Medicaljourn. 1865. s. Collection of engravings from ancient Treatise on hygiene, with special refervases, mostly of fine Greek workmanship, ence to the military service. 604 pp. 1 pl. discovered in the kingdom of the two Sicilies. 8~. Philadelpohia, Lippincott, 1863. s. [Fr. and Eng.] Published by W. Tischbein. Hamon (Henry). New York stock exchange 4 v. fol. Nuaples, 1791-95. i manual. 405 pp. 120. New York, J. F. [Continuation of the preceding. v. 4 wanting.] Tro 1865. Observations on mount Vesuvius, mount Hamon d (Walter). Paradox. Proving that Etna, and other volcanos. 2d ed. iv, 179 pp. the inhabitants of Madagascar, or St. Lau1 map. 4 pI. 120. London, T. Cadell, 1773. rance, (in temporall things,) are the happiest Hamilton (Rev. NWilliallm). Letters concer-ning people in thle world; with a briefe description the northern coast of the county of Antrim. ofthatisland. 2 p.. 16 1. Im. 40 London, Containing a natural history of its basaltes. N. Butter, 1640. viii, 195 pp. 1 map. 8~. London, G. Robin- Hampole, or, Pampolitaus (Richard). See son 5 C'o. 1786. S. Rolle, (of Hacnpole). Hamilton (Rev. William), and Irvin (Rev. S. Hampsorn (R. T.) Origines patricise; or a M.) An Ioway grammar, illustrating the deduction of European titles, of nobility and principles of the langunge used by the Ioway, dignified offices, from their primitive sources. Otoe, and Missouri Indians. 152 pp. 18~. xv, 428 pp. 80. London,. e. Cacston, 1846. loway & Sac mnission, (Iowa?) 1848. S. Harst (Olphar; anayram for Thomas Ralph, Hanmley (Edward Bruce). Lady Lee's widow- o Ralph Thomas?) A martyr to bibliography: hood. New ed. 416 pp. 12 pl. 1. a notice of the life and works of Joseph-Marie Edinbunrgh, Blackwncoodl sons, 1856. Qu6rard, bibliographer. 48 pp. 80. London, The same. [anon.] 148 pp. 8~. New J. Smth, 1867. Yorlk, HUarpers, 1853. Hanaford (Mrs. Phebe Ann). The captive Hamm (Dr. Wilhelm). Lust, lob und trost boy in Terra del Fuego; being an authentic der edlen landwirthschaft. Lieder und lebens- narrative of the loss of tle ship Manchester, buch fur die landwirth. xv, 30r7pp. 16~. and the adventures of the sole white survivor. Fr'ankfurt-a-AL'. J. D. Saucerldiilder, 1862. s. 231 pp. 4 pl. 16~. New York, Carlton Hammarsk16d (Laurentius). Svenska viiter- & Porter; [1867]. heten. Historiskt-kritiska anteckningar. 2a' Frank Nelson; or, the runaway boy. upplagan, af P, A. Sonden. xvi, 647 pp. 8~. 296pp. 160. Bosto,. I. Hill, 1866. StockDholm, Q. HFccrggstr om, 1833. S. Hancock (John). The constitution and govUtkast till de bildande konstei-nas histo- ernment of the United States; with questions ria, i foerelaesningar. x, 460 pp. 120.- Stock- and answers. With thelate amendments. xiv, holmn, O. Grahn, 1817. s. 130 pp. 1 pl. 180. Philadelphia, King & Hammer-Purgstall (Joseph von). Ijber die Baird, 1867. hinderverwaltung unter deml Chalifate. [Ex- Hancock (Sallie J.) The Montanas: or, under tract.] xiv, 264 pp. 8C. Berlin, K. akad. d. the stars. A romance. 320 pp. 120. New wissenschaften, 1835. s. York, Carleton, 1866. Hammond (James). Love elegies. 30 pp. Haney (Jesse C.) Guide to authorship; [with] 160. E dinburgh, T,. uclddimcan, 1759. instructions in composition, hints as to pre[SELECT collection modern poems. Edinburgh, 1758.] paration of mss. etc. 110 pp. 120. NAew Poetical works. 8~. Edinburgh, 1794. York Haney & Co. [1867]. [ANDERSON'S Brit. poets, v. 8.] [AND~as~s Bni. poet, v. 8.].Phonographic hand-book: being an introHammond (Samuel H.) Wild northern scenes; c Phoographicn and-bookm: beinganintroduction to Munson's complete phonographer. or, sporting adventures with the rifle and the: r 71 pp. 12~. New York, J. C. Haney & Co. rod. 341 pp. 4 pl. 12~. New York, Derby [1867] & Jackson, 1857. Hammond (William A. Z. D.) Experimen- Hanin(L.) Nouveaux 61dmens de bota2ique. 2e ed. xx, 204, 9 pp. 16~. Paris, Crochard, tal researches relative to the nutritive valuepp. 160 Pa roha 1812. s. and physiological effects of albumen, starch, 161 IHANKEL. HARDT.. Hankel (WV. G.) Elektrische untersuchungen. Hanway (Jonas). The revolutions of Persia. I. fiber die messung der atmosphiirischen [1707-1750]. 2 v. xv, 255 pp; vii, 301 pp. elektricititt nach absolutem mnaase. [Extract.] 101. 1 map. 1 pl. 4~. London, Dodsley, 1753. 222 pp. 2 pl. 80. Leipzig, K. S. Ges. d. wissen- [v. 3 and 4 of his historical account of British trade over the Caspian, etc.] schaften, [1857S. Hs. schaften, [1857]. s. Hapel (Eberharcl Guerner). Mundus miraHankey (Thomson). The principles of bank- bils tripartitus; oder, underbre elt in ing, its utility and economy; with remarks on einer kurtzen cosmographila fiirgestellet. 3 v. the working and management of the bank of n n 3 maps. sm. 4~. Ulm,, M. Wagner, 1687-89. England. 123 pp. 80. London-, E. Wilson, 1867. Harbaugh (Henry). Heaven; or, an earnest and scriptural inquiry into the abode of the Hanley (Sylvanus). An illustrated and desainted dead. 8th ed. 290pp. 12~. Philscriptive catalogue of recent bivalve shells. adelphia,c Lindsay c Blakisto ~w 1853. Forming an appendix to the index testaceolog- e a - Youth in earnest; as illustrated in the icus. xviii, 392 pp. 16 pl. 80. London, life of Theodore David Fibher. 238 pp. 16~. Williams & Norlate, 1842-56. s. -- Ipsa Linnmai conchylia. ThPhilade shellsr & Co. 1867. i ps h, deinedi fromi his man uscrls ts Harbin (George). The hereditary right of the Linnmeuss determined from his manuscripts and collections. 556 pp. 5 p1. col. crown of England asserted, and the true and collections. 556 pp. 5 pI. col] 80. London, Wlie oae,15.English constitution vindicated from the misZoncloX lYilltiacmns &' nTorgcate, 1855. s. Hanna (Johni Slit). A histoyt of the life representations of Dr. Higden. By a gentleman. [anzon. Attlributed to Hilkiah Bradford ]. and services of captain Samuel Dewvees. Also, 4 p. 1.1. 274,1xiii pp. fol. London, R. Smith, reminiscences of the revolutionary struggle 1713 and late war with Great Britain. 360 pp. "arbison (Massy). Narrative of [her] suffer1 pl. 160. Baltimnore, Robert INeilson, 1844. Hannett (John). Bibliopegia; or, the art of ingsfrom Indian barbarity. Communicated kbidi ill its h e. h e by herself. With some account of the history, bookbindhig, in all its branches. 4th ed. etc. of the Indians. Edited by John Winter. 166 pp. 11 pl. 120. London Simpin, ilMar4th ed. 120. Beaver, (Penn.) 1836. sh1al,( C'o. 1843. s. s/thall 4 (Co. 18483. S Earcourt (Robert). A relation of a voyage to Flansard's parliamentary debates. 3d1 series. Guiana. 8 p.l. 71pp.. si. 40. London, W. April 27, 1866, to June 17, 1867. v. 183-187. Welby, 1613. 5 v. 8~. London, C. Buck, 1863-67. 1 5v L C Bu T-ardcastle (Lewis B.) The young AmeriEIansen (Peter Andreas). Tables de la lune, cas ncan's elocutionist. viil 150 pp. 12o. _rewu construites d'aprhs la principe newtonien de pp. 1 York, C. Shepardcl, Co. 1854. s. la gravitation universelle. 10 p. 1. 511 pp. Co. 1854. _ Hardegg (Leopold Ferdinand). Dissertatio 4~. Londres, Eyre 4' Spottisvoocde, 1857. s. Ueher die chronometer, etc. 55. n 0 inauguralis, sistens observationes quasdamll de Ueber die cllhronometelr etc. 55 pp. 0.. Altona, Pert & Besse 1836. vario arsenici in animalia efectu. 28 pp. 80. with NAUMAINN (C. P.) Table of mineralogical Tubingc, auzctor, 1817. s. species, 1833]. iardeuberg (Carl August, prinz von). See Hlanson (J. W.) History of the old towns Me:moiresd'un lhornme d'etat. Norridgewock and Canaan, comprising Nor- H-larding (James D.) Picturesque views of ridgewock, Canaan, Starks, Slowhegan, and Ireland. See Newenhanm (R. O'C.) Bloomfield, [Maine], to the year 1849. 371pp. Harldinge (George). Miscellaneous works in 120. Boston, Coolidge & Wiley, 1849. prose and verse. Edited by J. Nichols. 3 v. Hanssen (Lorens). Gr6nlandsfarerne i aaret 80. London, J.'ichols, 1818. 1777, en fcedrenelandsk tildragelse. xix pp.- CONTENTS. 4 1.:143 pp. 16~. Fridericia, G. Eleercnhof; v. 1. Memoirs of the author. 1806. Charges in the courts of gencral sessions. Eighteen sermons by a layman. Hanway (Jonas). Historical account of the Speeches..o. Substance of letters to Edmund Burke. Britishn trade over tihe Caspian Sea; with Substce of letters to Edmund Bure. v.. Poetical works. journal of travels from England through v. 3. Miscellanies in prose. Russia and Persia and back; with the revolu- PHardt (Ignaz). Catalogus codicum manuscr.ptions of Persia and history of Nadir [Shah] torum bibliothece regix bavaricae. [Codices Kouli. 2d ed. 2 v. xxvii, 468 pp. 9 maps. grmeci]. Edidit, notisque illustravit 1. C. L. 20pl. 41; xx, 460 pp. 91. 1 map. 7 pl. baro de Aretin. 5 v. 40. Mocnachii, J. E. 4~0. London, T. Osborne, 1754. s. Seidel, 1806-12. s. 21 162 HARDWICH. HARRIS. Hardwich (T. Frederick). A manual of pho- and the East. By W. Pembroke Fetridge. tographic chemistry. 6th ed. 12~. London, 6th year. 120. YNew York, Harpers, 1867. J. Churchill, 1861. s. New monthly magazine, Dec. 1866 to Hardy (Philip Dixon). Wellington: a poem. Nov. 1867. v. 34-35. 8~. New York, Harper 103 pp. 40~. London, K. Causton, 1814.'. Bros. 1865-67. HYardy (Thomas Duffus). Report to the master i Weekly. A journal of civilization. Jan. of the rolls, upon the documents in the archives 1866, to Dec. 1867. v. 10-11. fol. NYew Yorq4, and public libraries of Venice. 107 pp. 80. Harjper & Bros. 1866-67. London, Longmans, 1866. Earrington (J.) Josephine; or, the Romisl Hare (Thomas). The election of representa- poison. 102pp. 8~0. New York, Burgess' tives, parliamentary and municipal. 3d ed. Day, [about 1850]. xlvii, 350 pp. 120. London, Lonymacns, H-arris (Mrs. Caroline). History of [her] cap1865. tivity and providential release [from the CaHarford (John Scandrett.) Life of Thomas manche Indians]. 24 pp. 1 pl. 8C. NXew York, Burgess, bishop of Salisbury. xv, 557 pp. Perry & Cook, 1838. 1 pl. 80. London, Longwacns, 1840. Harris (Chapin A. AM. D.) Dictionary of den_Harkness (Albert). An introductory Latin tal science, biography, bibliography and medbook. ix, 162 pp. 120. New York, D. -,p- ical terminology. 780 pp. 80. Philadelphlia, pleton &4 Co. 1866. Lindsay 4 Blakiston, 1849. s. Harleian miscellany (The): or, a collection of The same. A dictionary of medical scarce, curious, and entertaining pamphlets terminology, dental surgery, and the collateral and tracts, as well in manuscript as in print, sciences. 3d ed. revised by F. J. S. Gorgas, found in the late earl of Oxford's library. M.D. 743 pp. 80. Philadelplhia, Lindsay &0 Interspersed with historical, political, and Blakiston, 1867. critical notes [by W. Oldys. 1st ed.] 8 v. Harris (Elijah P.) The chemical constitution 4~. Londorn, T. Osborne, 1744-46. and chronological arrangement of meteorites. A selection from the Harleian miscellany 132 pp. 8~ Gbttingene, TW. iF. aestnelr 1859. of tracts, which principally regar d the English s. history; of which many are referred to by HEarris (George W.) Sut Lovingood. Yarns Hume. vii, 571 pp. fol. London, C. & G. spun by a nat'ral born durn'd fool. 299 pp. Kearsley, 1793. 120. NAew York, Dick & Fitzgerald, 1867. Harless (Emil, M.D.) Popullire vorlesungen Harris (John, D. D. F. B. S.) Remarks on some aus dem gebiet der physiologie und psycholo- late papers relating to the universal deluge, gie. x, 293 pp. 8~. B'r aunschweig, Vieweg, and to the natural history of the earth. 10 p. 1. 1851. 8. 270 pp. 120. London, B. Wilkin, 1697. Hariess (Gottlieb Christoph). Introdvctio in Harris (John, D. D. pres. of new college, Lonhistoriam lingve groeco. Ed. alt. 2 v. in 3. don.) Mammon; or, covetousness the sin of 80. Altenburgi, Richter, 1792-95. s. the Christian church. 10th ed. xvi, 311 pp. Supplementa ad introductionem in his- 80. London, T. Ward & Co. 1836. toriam lingvae Grece. 2 v. [in 1.] iv, 382 Harris (Thaddeus Mason, D.D.) A masonic pp; viii,3904pp. 80. Jence, Bibliop. acad. eulogy, 1794. 16 pp. 40. Worcester, Isaiah 1804-06. s. wThomas, 1794. Earlow (S. R.), and Boone ( H.H. ) Life ___ —A textuary; or, guide to preachers in sketches of the state officers, senators, and the selecting of texts. 4Opp. 80. Boston, members of the assembly of the state of New Cummings & Hilliard, 1818. YorIk, in 1867. 418 pp. 1 pl. 80. -Albany, Iarris (Thaddeus William). Insects of MasTWeed, Parsons & Co. 1867. sachusetts. a. Harnisch (C.) Bildliche darstellungen in [In HITCHCocK (E.) Catalogue of animals, etc. of arabeskeniorm zu G1ethe's Faust. Text, 4 Mass.] pp. 6 pl. fol. Berlin, G. RBeiner, 1832. A treatise on some of the insects of New Harpe- (L.) Preliminary report on the geolo- England, injurious to vegetation. 2d ed. viii, gy and agriculture of the state of Mississippi. 513 pp. 8~. Boston, White 4 Potter, 1852. s. vii, 351 pp. I col. map. 7 pl. etc. 8~. Jack- Harris (William, D. D.) Historical and critical son, state priinter, 1857. s. account of the life and writings of Charles I. Harper's hand-book for travellers in Europe 4 p. 1. 428 pp. 80. London, B. Griffith, 1758. 163 HARPRIS. HARTMANN. Harris (William D. D.) Historical and critical HEartford (Conn.) Geer's Hartford city direcaccount of the life and writings of James I. tory for 1867-68. Compiled by E. Geer. 533 xv, 255 pp. 2 1. 80. London, J. Waugh, pp. 1 map. 160. Hartford, (Conn.) steam 1753. printing co. 1867. Historical and critical account of the life Hartford young men's institute. Cataof Oliver Cromwell. With appendix. 2d ed. logue of the library and reading room. 359 4 p. 1. 543 pp. 80. London, WV. Strahan, 1772. pp. 80. Hartford, Case, Tiffany & Burnham, s. 1844. S. Harris (William Cornwallis). Wild sports of Catalogue of books added to the Southern Africa. 5th ed. xxvi, 359 pp. 1 map. library since 1844. 32 pp. 80. Hartford, Case, 26 pl. 80. London, H. G. Bohn, 1852. Tiffany Bmurnham, 1848..Harris (Sir William Snow). Rudimentary f With catalogue of 1844]. treatise on magnetism. 2 v. in 1viii 159pp. Hartig (Ernst). Untersuchungen fiber die 1 pl; vi, 186 pp. 120. London, J. Wfeale, heizkraft der steinkoblen Sachsens. Unter 1850-52. s. aufsicht von J. B. Schneider, ausgefiihrt und Htarrison (Capt. David). The melancholy bearbeitot. [Nebst] die heizversuche des Dr. narrative of [his] distressful voyage and mi- [P. W.] Brix. x, 589 pp. 4 pl. 40. Leipzig, raculous deliverance, on his voyage from Fayal W;. Engelmann, 1860. s. to New York. W~rittenby limself: 1p.l. [ With STEINKOHLEN (Die) deshknigreichs Sachsen, 67 pp. 80. London, James Harrison, 1766. Harting (Pieter). Das mikroskop. Theorie, HEarrison (Joseph, jr.) Essay on tihe steam gebrauch, gescllchte und gegenwDirtiger zusboiler; [also] report of committee, constituted tand desselben. Aus d. hollandischen von F. by the Franklin institute, on thle Harrison W.Theile. xix, 95 pp. 1pl. 80. Bramnboiler, andcl list of patents for improvements in schweig, Vieweg, 1859. s. steam boilers. 219 pp. 7 pl. 160. Philadel- The same. Deutsche originalausgabe phisa, J(W. B. Liopincott & o Co. 1867. voim verfasser revidirt und vervollstitndigt. Harrison (W. H.) Montfort: a poem. 94pp. Herasugegeben von F. W. Theile. 2e aufl. 160. London, Smith and Elder, 1818. 3 v. 80. Bratnschweig, F. Fieweg & sohn, [With TAYLOR (George). Mental claims of the sexes. 1866. S. London, 1821]. Harrisson (David, jr.) Voice from the Wash- Hartlaub (Gustav.) Systematischer index zu ingtonian home; an institution for the reform- Felix-de Azara's Apuntamientos para la histoation of the inebriate. xii, 322 pp. 1 pl. 120. ria natural de los pfxaros del Paraguay y Rio Boston, Redding & Co. 1860. de la Plata. vi, 29pp. 40. Bremen, C. SchilneHarsha (David Addison). Life of Philip Dod- mann, 1847. 5. dridge, D. D. with notices of some of his ~ See XFinsch (O.) and Hartlaub. cotemporaries and specimens of his style. Hartley (John). Researches in Greece and 249 pp. I pl. 80. Albany, J. Munsell, 1865. the Levant. 2d ed. 5 p. 1. unp. 383 pp. 2 Hart (Adolphus M.) Life in the far west; or, maps. 120 London, Seeley S Burnsice, the comical, quizzical, and tragical adventures 1833. of a hoosier. 131 pp. 80. Cincinnati, H. B. [Imperfect; 1 map wanting]l Pearson, [abot 1854]. Hartrnann (Carl Friedrich Alexander). Der autodidaktische mineralog; oder leichtfassH~art (Joseph C.) The romance of yachting: atodiaktische mineralog; oder leichtssvoyage the first. 2 pts in 1 v. 332pp. 12g. liche anleitung zum selbststudium der mineNewc York, Harpes~s, 1849. ralogie. vi, 286 pp. 7 pl. 80. Leipzig, F. Hartcliffe (John). Treatise of the moral and Sch/dfer, 1854. s. intellectual virtues. 24 p.. 414 pp. 16 Der heutige standpunkt des deutschen ~London1x, C. Hcariper, 1691.. eisenhbittengewerbes in statistischer und okonHarte (F. Bret, pseudon? ) Condensed noV- omisch-technischer beziehung; sowievergleiels, and other papers. Comic illustrations by chung der eisenhiitten-industrien in BritanF. Bellew. 307 pp. 6 pl. 120. New York, nien, Belgien, Frankreich, Schweden, u. s. w. Carleton, 1867. - xii, 263 pp. 6 tab. 8~. Leipzig, Veit & Co. Harte (Henry H.) Notes. See Laplace (P. 1861. S. S.) Treatise on celestial mechanics. Mineralogie, in sechs und zwanzig vorleH3arte (Walter). Poetical works. 8~. Edin- sunge.. xxvi, xlviii,452 pp. 8~. Ilmenan, burgh, 1794. B. F. Voigt, 1829. s. [Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 91. 164 HARTMANN. HAVANA. HIartmann (Moritz). Thle last days of a kiing; astings(Thomas), and Warriner(Solomon). an historical romance. Translated friom the Musica sacra; or, Springfield and Utica colGerman, by MI. E. Niles. 198 pp. i2~. lections united; consisting of psalin anld hymln Philadelphia, J. B. LipTpincoti & Co. 1857. tunes, anthems and chants. 2d ed. iv pp. tartshorne (Henry, M. D.) Essentials of the 136 1. unp. 80. Utica, Wil liam Willicins, 1819. principles and practice of medicine. A handy Hastiings (Warren). The answer to the articles book for students and practitioners. 417 pp. exhibited by the lknights, citizens, and bur120. Philadelp)hia, H-. C. Lea, 1867. gesses in parliament assembled, in miainteHartt (C. Frederick). Fossils, etc. nance of their impeachment against him for [ With BAILEY (L. YV.) Geology of southern New high crimes and misdemeanours. 261 pp. 80~. Brunswick]. Londo*, J. -Murray, 1788. F-arvard College. Catalogue of the library. [By B. Peirce]. With Ist supplement. 4 V as-el (Cales.) lglleers' nd -. W chanics' pocket-book. 21st ed. 663 pp. 160~. 80. Cambridgc, (Mass.) E. IV. Metcalf & Co.os. 1867. 1830-34. S. A catalogue of the law library 4th ed. atborough (Pa.) Union library company. The charter and laws, with a catalogue of 354 pp. 80. Ca:obrlide, Metcalf 4' Co; 1846. s. ooks. 6the. 116pp. 18. oiston, -Catalogus colet~ii halvaldalliJ seu n- books. 6th ed. 116 pp. 18~. Xrorristown, Catalogus collegii harvardiani, seu universitatis cantabrigiensis. xv, 110, 51 pp. 80. (Pa.) Loatuoal defe Bde oge, 18 h8. Cantabrigia, Acad. typogr. 1848. s. atin (Lous Eugne). Bibliog que et critique de la presse pdriodique fran— Thesam e. Ci ho talogus sacade mici st aise, [1631-1865]. 2 cxvii, 660 pp. pl. et eorum qui hionoribus academicis donaftit aunt xxi, 150, 48 pp. 80. Cantabricgic, 1860. s 8. P, Dot, 1866. -----— Pietas et gratulatio collegii cantabri- Rau Kiou choaan [or, clloaon, the accomplished giens apud No, c Grgis tertius woman], or the pleasing history. A translagiensis apud Novanglos, cum Georgius tertius regnare incipit. [anon.] xiv, 106 pp. 40 tion from the Chinese language. [Also] the argument of a Chinese play, a collection of Bostoni J. Green et J. Russell, 1761. Chinese proverbs, and fragments of Chinese Harvey (Gideon, H. D.) Morbus anglicus; p poetry. [Re-translated from a Portuguese or, the anatomy of consumptions. 2d ed. 128 poetry. e-tanslate from a Portuguese pp. 1 pl. 160. London, T. Johnson, 1672. Ms. by Tho. Percy, bishop of Dromore]. With -----— Discourse of the plague; its nature, notes. 4v. 12~. London, B. & J. Dodsley,1761. — H aug (Martin). See Rig-Veda-Sanhita. causes, etc. 2d ed. 16~. London, 1673. Haughton- (Rev. Samuel, prof. of geol. Dubin [Pp. 129-144 of his Moreus anglicus; imperfect.l Harrvey (Henry). History of the ShawnIee euniv.) Outlines of a new theory of muscular Indians, from 1681 to 1854. 316 pp. 160. -action. 27 pp. 120. London, Williams & Cincinnati, E. Mora.n & sons, 1855. Norgate, 1863. s. HIarvey (XWilliam Henry). A manual of the - The solar and lunar diurnal tides of the British mllarine algae. lii, 252 pp. 27 col. pl. coasts of Irelanld. (Extract). 109 pp. 40 80. Lontdon, J. Van Voorst, 1849. s. Dublisz, royal Irish acacemy, 1855. s. Hasler & Co. Beschreibung der minlstelrklirche Haupt (Leopold), and Schmaler (Johan und ihrer mlerk~wtrdigkeiten in Ea&sel, almit Ernst). Vollkslieder der Wenden in den Oberabbildungen. 22 pp. 18 pl. foI. Basel, Hasler und Nieder-Lausitz. 2 v. xvi, 392 pp; xii, & Cie. 1342. s. 332 pp. 5 pl. 40~. Grimma, J. M. Gebhardt, Hassaure-r (Friedrich). Four years among 1841-43. s. Spanish-Americans. x, 401 pp. 12~. Ives Hauranne (Prosper Duvergier de). See DuYork-, Hurd c Houghton, 1867. vergier de Hauranne. Hassell (J.) Drawing magazine. [plates. ] 4 v. Haureau (Jean Barthdlemy). Singularit6s his160. [Lolndon, aboutt 1850]. toriques et littdraires. iii, 325 pp. 16~. Paris, Hastings (Sally). Poems; to which is added Ley, 1861. an account of a tour to tile west in 1800. Haussez (Charles Lemercher de Longpr6, 220 pp. 16~. Lancaster, [Pa.] rV. Dickson, baron d'). Great Britain in 1833. 2 v. 212 18(08. pp; 200 pp. 120. Philadelphia, Carey, Lea Hastings (Thomas, engraver). Etchings from & Blanchard, 1833. the works of Ric. WVilson, with some inemoirs Havaina. Memoria acerca del estado de la enof lhis life. 19 pp. 39 pl. 40. Laosdon, sefianza en la universidad de la Habana desde HuIzrst, IRzobhinxson" c4V. Co. 1825. su fundacion hasta Octubre de 1864. 162 pp. 8~. Habaa, [universicdadc], 1865. as. HAVEN. HAYES. Haven (Alice Bradley). Good report: mlorning rior of that country. 179 pp. 1 pl. 18~. and evening lessons for lent. 318 pp. 160. Philadelphia, S. C. Usti;k &, Co. 1797. lNew York, Applctons, 1867. [Imperfect; pp. 65-68 wanting]. Haven (C. C.) Annals of the city of Trenton, H-!awkins (Sir Richard). A discourse of the [N. J.] with random remarlks and historic nationall excellencies of England. [anon,.] reminiscences. 31pp. 80. Trenton, N. J. 1866. 7 p. 1. 248 pp. 83. Lodlon, Henry Fletcher, [ With his Thirty days in N. J. ninety years ago]. 1658. - Thirty days in New Jersey ninety years Hawks (Fraicis Lister, D. D.) Romance ago: an essay revealing new facts in connec- of biography. [Richarde the lion-hearted]. 2d tion with Washington and his army, in 1776 ed. 273 pp. 6 pl. 160. New York, J. S. and 1777. 72 pp. 1 pl. 1 map. 8~. Trenton, Dickerson, 1855. s. [Ar J.] 1867. iHa-sin (F.) Report of the geological suivey Favenl (Samuel F.) Historical address before of Miami county, Kansas. See S wzallow the citizens of Dedham, Sept. 21, 1836. 80. (G. C.) acud Haw-n. 79 pp. Dedham, cHermans Mann, 1837. Hawitrey (Rev. Montague John Gregg). An Elaverhill (The) and Bradford [Mass.] direc- earnest address to New Zealand colonists, tory for 1867. By Langford & Chase, Bos- with reference to their intercourse witlh the ton. 138, 20 pp. 120. Hacever/ill, [Mass.] J. native inhabitants. vi, 140 pp. 160. London, F. Smiley, 1867. J. WT. Parker, 1840. Havet (Alfred). French manual: anewimethod Hay (John). De rebvs iaponicis, indicis et of acquiring a conversational knowledge of pervanis, epistolae recentiores. 4 p. 1. 968 pp. the Frenchlanguage; with a dictionary. Re-'25 1. 12. 1. Antverpiw, iartinus Nutins, vised ed. xxxii, 112 pp. 120. New York,. 1605. -Appletons, 1867. IHay (Richard). Vindication of Elizabeth More Hawes (Joel, D. D.) An address delivered at friom the imputation of being a concubine, and Hartford, Nov. 9, 1835, the close of the second her children firom the tache of bastardy. 1723. century from the settlement of the city. 80 pp. Reprinted. viii, 224 pp. 8~. Edinburgh, W. 120. Harltford, Belknap ancl Haemnesley, Adams, 1826. 1835. Hayden (F. V. L. D.) Palseontology of the Sermons, experimental and practical. upper Missouri. See Meek (F. B.) acnd An offering to home missionaries. 407 pp. 120. Hayden (F. V.) lNew York, R. Carter & Bros. 1867. Hayden (Horace H.) Geological essays; or,: —--- A tribute to the memory of the pilgrims, an inquiry into some of tile geological plleand a vindication of the congregational nonmena in America and elsewhere. viii, 412 churches of New England. 2d ed. 176 pp. pp. 80. Baltimore, J. Robinson, 1820. s. 120. CHartford, D. Burgess 4 Co. 1836. Haydn (Joseph). Dictionary of dates, for Hawker (Peter). Instructions to young sports- universal reference. American supplement, men in all that relates to guns and shooting. and biographical index, by G. P. Putnam. 1st Am. from 9th London ed. [With] the 61, 100 pp. 80. Neluv York, G. P. Putnan & hunting and shooting of North America, etc. son, 1867. By Winm. T. Porter. 459 pp. 12 pl. 80. Phil- Hayes (Isaac I. M. D.) An arctic boat journey adelphia, Lea & Blanchard, 1846. s. in the autumn of 1854. [2d ed.] xxv, 387 Hawkins (Benjamin W.) Comparative oste- pp. 12 pl. 2 charts. 120. B13osto, Ticknor -4 ology. See Huxley (T. H.) and Filawkins. Fields, 1867. Hiawkins (Sir Christopher). Observations on ---- The open polar sea: a narrative of a the tin trade of the ancients in Cornwall, and voyage of discovery towards the north pole, on the "Ictis " of Diodorus Siculus. 80 pp. in the schooner " United States." xxiv, 454 8~. Londo~n, J. J. Stockdale, 1811. s. pp. 10 pl. 80. New York, Hurd & Houghton, [Wanting 1 plate]. 1867. Hiawkins (John Sidney). An inquiry into the Hayes (John L.) Memorial of the iron mannature and history of Greek and Latin poetry; ufacturers of New England, asking for a more particularly of the dramatic species. xv, modification of the tariff of 1846. 39 pp. 80. 479 pp. 10 1. 80. London, E. Williams, Philadelphia, C. Shermtan, 1850. 1817..- The probable influence of icebergs upon Hawkinl (Joseph). History of a voyage to drift. 28 pp. 80. [in. p. about 1844 ] thie coast of Africa, and travels into the inte-. [With the preceding]. 166o HAYM. IHEATHI. Haym (Niccola Francesco). Biblioteca italiana; Esther, Ruth, Alfieri]. iv, 107 pp. 3 pl. 16~. ossia notizia de libri rari italiani. 4 v. in 2. New York, J. S. Taylor, 1850. 80. Milano, S. Silvestri, 1803. s. L The sacred mountains. 175 pp. 11 pl. Haynes (D. F.) The romance of the castle. 106 12~. NTew York, Bcaker 4- Sclribner, 1847. s. pp. 80. London, 1841. - Sketches and rambles. xi, 241 pp. 12~. [Hazlitt's romancist and novelist's lib. v. 3]. New York, Bake*r 4 Scribner, 1850. s. Haynes (Thomas). Treatise on improved cul- Headley (Rev. Phineas Camp). Life and ture of the strawberry, raspberry, gooseberry, military career of major-general William and currant. 5 p. 1. 112 pp. 4 col. pl. 8~. Tecumseh Sherman. 368 pp. 12~. _New York, London, Sherwood, Jones & Co. 1823. W. H. Apleton, 1865. Hayward (John). The Massachusetts direct- Massachusetts in the rebellion. A record ory; being the first part of the New England of the historical position of the commondirectory. 192 pp. 18~. Boston, John Hay- wealth, and the services of the leading statesvward, 1835. men, the military, the colleges, and the people, ~ — New England gazetteer. 9th ed. 257 in the civil war of 1861-65. xii, 688 pp. i. unp. 120. Cozncord, (N. H.) J. S. Boyd & 8 pl. 80. Boston, Waller, FPuller & C6. W. White, 1839. s. 1866. Hayward (J. Henry). Poetical pen-pictures Heads of agreement assented to by the united of the war: selected from our union poets. ministers in and about London, formerly 3d ed. 408 pp. 120. tew York, J. H. called presbyterian and congregational. czayward, 1864. [anon.] 2 p. 1. 161. smin. 40~. Lorndon, [1691 I] HFazlitt (William, editor). The romancist and [Title wanting.] novelist's library. New series. 6 v. 8~. ~ The same. Also articles for the adminLondon, J. Clenments, 1841. istration of church discipline agreed upon at [NTote.-The contents will be found in the catalogue Say-Brook, September 9th, 1708. [anon.] under the names of the authors]. 26 pp. 180. New London, L Short, 1710. Halitt (illiam Carew). British Columbia, [ith CONFESSION of faith, owned at Say-Brook, and Vancouver island. viii, 247 pp. 1 map. Nezw London, 1710.] 160. London, Routledge' Co. 1858. Heard (James). A practical grammar of the Hand-book to the popular poetical and Russian language, with a key. xiv, 323, 197 dramatic literature of Great Britain, from the pp. 120. St. Petersburg, Sleunine, 1827. s. invention of printing to [1660]. Parts 1-9. Hearn (William Edward). Plutology; or the A-M. xii, 564 pp. 8. London, J. Russell theory of the efforts to satisfy human wants. Smnzith, 1867. xii, 475 pp. 80. London, Mlacznillan, 1864. Head (Sir Edmund Walker). A hand-book of Eearne (Samuel). A journey from Prince of the history of the Spanish and French schools Wales's fort in Hudson's bay, to the northern of painting. Intended as a sequel to Kugler. ocean, in the years 1769-72. xliv, 458 pp. xiv, 373 pp. 160. Londont, J. Murray, 1848. 1 map. 8 pl. 40~. London, A. Strahaan & T. s. Cadell, 1795. Head (Sir Francis Bond). The emigrant. The same. 1, 459 pp. I mnap. 8 pl. 80. 5th ed. 3 p. 1. 441 pp. 12~. London, J. Dublinr, P. Byrne, 1796. Murray, 1847. Heath (Laban). Greatly improved and enHeadley (Joel Tyler). The Alps and the largedinfallible government counterfeit detecRhine; a series of sketches. New ed. vii, tor, with designs from original plates. 2d ed. 138 pp. 12~. NTvew York, Baker c4 Scribner, 39 pp. 16 pl. 16G. Bostol, L. Heath, 1866. 1848. s. The same. Banking house and counting Farragut, and our naval commanders. room edition. 39 pp. 15 pl. 40. Boston, With portraits, etc. 609 pp. 80. New York, L. Heath, [1867]. E. B. Treat & Co. 1867. Heath (Noble). The people's spelling book. The great rebellion; a history of the 168 pp. 12~. Philadelphia, author, 1857. civil war in the United States. 2 v. 506 pp. - A treatise on arithmetic. 455 pp. 12~. 15 pl; 702 pp. 12 pl. 80. Hartfordc, Am. Philadelphia, T. E. Chapocan, 1855. s. publishing co. 1866. ieath (Robert). Natural and historical acMiscellanies. viii, 298 pp. i pl. 12~. count of the islands of Scilly; [with] a genNew York, Baker & Scribnern 1850. s. eral account of Cornwall. viii, xvi, xiii, 456 The power of beauty. [Three essays, pp. 1 map. 80. London, MiAanby c Cox, 1750. 167 HEATHER. HEINSIUS. Hieather (John Fry). A treatise on mathe- CONTENTS. matical instruments. vi, 183 pp. 2 pl. 120. v. 1. Persians, Phcenicians, Babylonians. London, J. Weale, 1849. s. v. 2. Scythians, Indians. Appendixes. Heathside farlll. A tale of country life. A manual of ancient history with regard [anon.] 2 v. 291 pp; 299 pp. 120. London, to constitutions, etc. Translated from the Ger1'. C. Neirby, 1863. man. 6th ed. With a biographical sketch of Hebenstreit (Johann Ernst). Mvsevm rich- the author. xvi, xxx, 413 pp. 80. London, terianvmn; continens fossilia, animalia, vegeta- H. G. Bohen, 1854. s. bilia marina, illustrata iconibvs et commenta- Amanual ofthehistory ofthepolitical sysriis. 384 pp. 14 pl. fol. Li2siae, C. Fritsch, tem of Europe andits colonies. [1492-1776]. 1743. From 5th German ed. xxxii, 540 pp. 80. H-ebenstreit ( Wilhelm ). VWrissenschaftlich- London, H. G. Bohn, 1857. s. literiirische encyklopiidie der aesthetik. 20 Heider (Eduard J.) Systematische anleitung ausg. lxxxvii, 994 pp. 80. Wien, C. Gerold, zum tragiren der eisenbahnen. 2e autf. 8 p. 1. 1848. S. 167 pp. 8~. Leipzig, J. L. Schragc, 1860. s. EIibert(A.E. calpitaine desing'enieurs.) Diiffr- Heine-ken (Carl Heinrich von). Id6e g6n6ences elnt!e le langage litt6ral et le langage rale d'une collection complete dlestampes. vulgaire. s. Avec une dissertation sur l'origine de la gra[ithl EsrENIcs (T.) Rudiments de in langage vure. 8 p. 1. 520 pp. 161. 28 pl. 80. Leipsic, arabej. Heckel (Jakliob), and Knler (Rudolph). Die J. P'. KruaEs, 1771. s. siisswasserfische der ostreichischen mon- Heinem ann (H. von). Die schmetterlinge archie; mit riicksicht auf die angrlanzenden Dentschlands nd der Schweiz systematisch Zn' o'bebearbcitet,. I. Grossschmnettelrlilnge. xxiii 850 hinder. xii, 388 pp. 80. Leipzig, F. Engel- o mnaann, 18598. ps. Tabellen zur bestinmmung der schmetterHecker (John). The scientific basis of educatio demonstrated, 16, xiv pp.. linge Deutschlands und der Schweiz. 118 pp. tion demonstrated. xx, 167, Xxiv pp. 12 pl. 80. New York, ator, 1867. 80. Braunschwieig, Vieweg, 1859. s. 8~. Nezw York, acuthor, 1867. He6deiin (Fran9ois). See Aubignac (F. H6- I With the preceding aHeinrich (Carl). Tyskt och svonskt handdelin, abbe d'). lexikon. 3o upplagan. 2 v. in 1. 480 pp; Hedley (J. H.) Anviisning til hurtig og 598pp. sq. 18~. St'alsunct, L]b'er 1836. s. grundig at lere det engelske sprog. Efter Heinrich (J.) Landwirthschaftliche beschreiDr. Ahn's methode. 3e oplag. 222 pp. 12. bung der guts-wirthschaft Castell; nebst Bergen, E. B. Giertsen. 1864. s.. Bege,.B.G 1864. einein vorworte fiber bewirthschaftting grosHedwig (Johann). Theoria -generationis et serer giiter in den nordostlichen Schweiz unld fructificationis plantarvm cryptogamicarvnm den nachbarstaaten. xxiv, 357 pp. 9 p1. 80. Linnaei. 164 pp. 37 pl. 40. Petropoli, Acad. Ziirich, C. Beyel, 1845. s. iwio. scienticrcum 1784. s.. Heinsius (Johannes Wilhelm). Allgemneines Heeren (Arnold Hermann Ludwig). Ancient - buicher-lexicon, oder vollst.indiges alphabetisGreece. Translated from the German, by ches verzeichniss aller von 1700 his zu cnde George Bancroft. Also, three historical trea[1861] erschienenen biicher, velche in tises: 1. Political consequences of the reformaDeutschland und in den durch sprache und tion. 2. Rise, etc. of political theories. 3. Rise iteratur damit erndten duder n gedruckt literatur damint verwandten Litndern gedruckt and growth of the continental interests of worden sind. 20 v. in 15. 40. Leipzig, J. _Fi. Gre~at Britailn. Neaw ed. xii, 518 pp. 83. Gleditsch, 1812-28; E. A. Brockhaus, 1836-63. London, -H. G. Bohn, 1847. s. Historical researches into the politics, CONTENTS. intercourse, and trade of the Carthaginians, v. 1-4. A-Z. 1700-1810. Neue auflage. v. 5. A-Z. 1811-15. EthioCpians, andEgyptians. Translatedfrom. v. 6. A-Z. 1816-21. Herausgcgeben von C. G. the German. 2d ed. 8, xxxii, 520 pp. 2 pl. Kayser. v. 7. A —Z. 1822-27. Herausgegeben von C. G. I map. 8,. Londoz, -Z. G. BoThn, 1857.. Iayser. - I-istorical researclhes ilnto the politics, v. 8 in 2 v. A-Z. 1828-34. Hierausgegeben von O. A. Schulz. intercourse, and trade of the principal nations v. 9 in 2 v. A-Z. 1835-41. Bearbeitet von 0. A. of antiquity: ~Asiatic nations. 2v. xvi, 368 v. 10. A-Z. 1842-46. Bearbcitet von L. F. A. Schiller. pp. 1 pl. 1 map; 472 pp. 3 pl. 80. London, v. 11. A-Z. 1847-51. Von L. F. A. Schiller. v. 12. A-Z. 1852-56. Von L. F. A. Schiller. HIf. G. Bolon, 1854. 5. v. 13. A-Z. 1857-61. Von C. R. Ieumnan.. 168 IIEISS. IIHENNEPIN, Heiss(Johann von). Histoire de l'empire. 2 v. 214 pp. 22 1. fol. London, West & Crosley, 9 p. 1. Ixix, 523 pp. 3 p. 1. 740 pp. 10 pl. 40. 1687. Amsterdam, Wetsteins & Smith, 1733. Hemingford, or Hemingburgh (Walter of). Held (Josepll). Staat und gesellschaft vom Chronica de gestis regum Anglise, mlxvi — standpunlte der geschichte der menschheit mccc. fol. Oxonice, 1687. und des staats. 3 v. 8~. Leipzig, F. A. [GALE (Thomas), and FELL (John). Rerum anglicaBrock7laus, 1861-65. rum scriptores veteres. Oxonite, 1684-91. v. 2.] Hempel (Gustav). Geographische beschreiCONTENTS. bung der grossherzogthuimer Mecklenburgv. 1. Grundanschauungen fiber staat und gesellschaft. xiv, xxiv, 598 pp. > - Schwerin und Mecldenburg-Strelitz. xiv, v. 2. Volk und regierung, mit besonderer riicisicht 147 pp. 160. Neu Strelitz, L. Diimmler, 1829. auf die entwickelung der gesellschaft und des staats in Deutschlaind. xxix, 796 pp. S. v. 3. Der verfassunlgsmnissigo oder constitutionclie Henderson (John, comedian). Letters and staat. xxiv, 1,020 pp. Helena's household; a tale of Rome in the poems. With anecdotes of his life, by John first century. [anon..] 3 p. 1. 422 pp. Ireland. xii, 206 pp. 80. London, J. John12~. Newu York, B. Carter & brothers, 1867. SOn, 1786. Hellenbroek (Rev. Abram). A sermon from Henderson (Peter). Gardening for profit: Canticles, on taking the little foxes. Trans- guide to successful cultivation of the market lated fiom the Dutch. 31 pp. 160. Boston, and family garden. 243 pp. 12~. Nsew York, O. Judd & Co. 1867. S. Kneeland t5 T. Green, 1742. [With TENNEXNT (Rev. Gilbert). Necessity of hold- Henderson ( WTilliam). Notes on the folklng fast the truth. Boston, 1743]. lore of the northern counties of England and ieller (Joseph). Das leben und die werle the borders. With an appendix on household lbrecht Diirer's. 297, 983 pp. 3 P!. 80. stories, by S. Baring Gould. xxvii. 344 pp. Bcamnberg, E. F. Henclsz, 1827.. 1 pl. 12~. London, Longrnans, 1866. 6Hcllig (Johann Christian Lud)'ig). Tabhel- Henkel (Johann Friedrich). Anleitung zum larische uebersicht der ordnsungen,familien und chirurgischen verbande: umgearheitet und gattungen der situgethiere, nach Illiger's Pro- mit vielen zusuitzen versehen von J. C. Stark. dromlus systematis mammnalium. viii, 118 pp. Von neuem learbeitet und mit zustitzen ver80. ielmstaclt, C. G.'Fleckeisen, 1819. s. mehrt von J. F. Dieffenbach. 558 pp. 40 Helmrne (Elizabeth). The farmer of Inglewood p1. 8~. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1829. s. forest. 162 pp. 8~. London, 1841. [Wanting pl. xl.] [HAZLITT'S romancist and novelists libr. v. 4.] Henkle (W. D.) Algebra. See Stoddard Eienlont (Jean Baptiste van). Opera omnia. (J. F.) and Henkle. 19 p. 1. 765 p p. 361. 4~. Francoferti, J. J. Eenie (Julius). Handbuch der rationellen Em-ytrhropilus, [flothuet] 1682. s. pathologie. 2 v. in 3. 80. Braunschweig, L —- Opuscula medica inedita. 8p. 1. 275 pp. Vieweg, 1854-55. s. 21 1. 40. Fancofurti, J. J. Erythlropilus, CONTENTS. 1682. S. Wi2. the preceding.] v. 1. Einleitung und allgemeiner theil. 3e anuf. 4 p. 1. I l~ithL the. preceding.] 357 pp. HEel-er (Hinton Rowan). The impending v. 2. Specieller theil. Abth. 1. Pathogenie. 2e aufn. viii, 835 pp. -3 pl. crisis of the south: how to meet it. 15th Abth. 2. Symptomatogie und aetiologie. vi, -thousand. 12~. New York, J. B. Burdick, 1860. 493 p. - ojoque:: a question for a continent. IHennekeler (Gysbert van). See Van Hen479 pp. 12~. Neiw York, G.:W. Carleton & nekeler. Co. i837. Hennell (Sara S.) Christianity and infidelity; Helvicus (Christophorus). See Helvig an exposition of the arguments on both sides. (Christoph). xii, 173pp. 8~. London, fHall, Virtue & Co. Helwig, or Helvurich (Christoph). Elenchi 1857. judaici. Antonii Probi oratio de monarchia Hennepin (Louis). A new discovery of a vast regni Israelis. Raphaelis Eglini captivitatis country in America, extending above four babylonicm historia. Cum T. Crenii prrefa- thousand miles, between New France and New tione,notis et indice. 83, 466 pp. 3 1. 18~. Mexico. With the continuation; giving an Lugduni i n Batavis, A. de Swart, 1702. account of the attempts of the sieur La Salle The historical and chronological theat; e. upon the imles of St. Barbe. 2 v. in 1. 11 p. 1. Faithfully done into English according. to the 299 pp; 16 p. 1. 355 pp. 2 maps. 7 pl. 120. tw-o best editions, witlh additions. 11:l. Londo,, lL Bentley & othess, 1698. 1LO9 HENNEQUIN. HIHERMETICAL. Hennequin (Amand). Essai sur l'analogie rigiert vnd gebessert. [anon..] 1861. fol. des langues. 220 pp. 80~. Besangon, Bintot, Strassburg, Balthassar Beck, 1523. 1838. S. Herbert, Herbers, or Hebert. Extraits du Henrici (Moritz). Die kupferstechkunst und Dolopathos. Par Le Roux de Lincy. See der stahlstich; fiir mtinner vomn fach und Loiseleur Deslongehamps, (A. L. A.) kunstfreunde. iv, 168 pp. 16G. Leipzig, J. C. Essai sur les fables, etc. Hinrichs, 1834. s. Herbert (Henry William). Ruth Whalley; Henriques (A. D. Y.) Modern mercantile cal- or, the fair puritan. A romance of the Bay culator; a companion for the accountant and province. 72 pp. 80. Boston, H. L. Williams, book-keeper. xv, 369 pp. 80. New York, J. 1845. M. Bradstreet & Son, 1867. Herbich (Franz). Stirpes rariores bucovince; Henry (David). The curiosities of London and oder, die seltenen pflanzen der Bucovina. Westminster described. [anon.] 2 v. 198 pp. 65 pp. 8~. Stanislawon, author, 1853. s. 6pl; 213 pp. 6 pl. 180. London, J. Harris, Herborn (Nikolaus). De Indis convertendis. [about 1790]. See Novus orbis. Roterodami, 1616. Henry (James, M. D. pseudon?) Notes of a Herchenbach (Wilhelm). Aus der mansarde; twelve years' voyage of discovery in the first eine wvahre geschichte. 188 pp. 1 pl. 12~. six books of the Eneis. xvi, 586 pp. 8~. Dres- Regensburg, G. J. Manz, 1866. den, Meinholdl, 1853. s. Bagdad, die konigin der wiiste; erziihHenry (Matthew). Miscellaneous writings. lung. 192 pp. pl. 1 pl. egensburg, G. J. New ed. 4 p.1. 876pp. 4~. London, S. Manz, 1866. Bagster, 1811. lEmin verlorenes leben; erzhillung. 18S CONTENTS. pp. 1 p. 12~. Regensburg, G. J. Aianz, 1866. Life of Mr. Philip Henry. - In der mfihle; erzihlllung. 188 pp. 1 pl. Sermons, tracts, and biography of eminent christians; sermon on the author's death by Rev. W. Tong. 120. Regensburg, G. J. Manz, 1863. Henry (William, M. D.) The elements of ex- Hering (C. J.) De kultuur en de bewerlKing perimental chemistry. 2d Am. ed. With sup- van het suikerriet, benevens eene beschryving plement, and theory of galvanism, by R. Hare, van al de toestellen tot de suikerbereiding en M. D. 3 v. [illust.] 8~. Philadelphia, R. De- tot het destilleren van rum. 3 v. in 1. 21 pl. silver, 1823. 80. Rotterdam, H. lNijgh, 1858. s. Henschel (C. A.) Le systdme de mesures et Hering (J. HIE.) Bespiegeling over neerde poids le plus commode, bas6 sur le pas landsch waternood, 14-15 Nov. 1775. 2 v. naturel de l'homme, et projet6 d'apres l'analo- xvi, 38, 245 pp. 7 pI; viii, 335 pp. 3 pl. 8~. gie du systeme m6trique. Trad. de l'Allemand. Amsterdam, Lovering & Allart, 1776. s. 35 pp. 2 pl. 8~. Cassel, O. Bertram, 1855...The same. 21-22 Nov. 1776. xxviii, s. 32, 238 pp. 5 pl. 8~. Amsterdam, J. Allart, Hentz (N. M.) Araneides, of Massachusetts. 1776. s. [In HITCHCOCK (E.) Catalogue of animals, etc. of Herkern or Herkeren. Insha i }Herkern. The Mass.] Hen (Paul). TravelMass.slin England du ring forms of Herkern corrected from a variety of Hentzner (Paul). Travels in England during manuscripts, translated into English: with the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Translated by an index of Arabic words explained, by F. Horace [Walpole,] late earl of Orford; with Balfour. [Arabic and English]. 266 pp. 40. sir Robert Naunton's Fragmenta regalia; or, observations on Queen Elizabeth's times and Calcutta, 1781. favourites. viii, 152 pp. 11 pl. 8~. London, Hermann (Carl Heinrich). Geschichte des -E dward Jeffery, 1797. deutschen volkes. Erliiuterung zu einige Herald (The) of health, and journal of physi- bildern. See Foss (R.) cal culture, devoted to hygienic medication, Hermann (Paul). Lapis materim medicro lydivs. 1737. s. bodily development, and laws of life. M. L. [TWith TEICtIIMEYER (H. F.) Institutiones materia Holbroolk, M. D. editor. Jan. to Dec. 1867. medime.] new series, v. 9-10. (complete series, v. Hermannsen. See Herrmannsen. 43-44.) viii, 302, 304 pp. 8~. New York, Hermetical (The) triumph: or, the victorious.Miller, Wood & Co. [1867.] philosophical stone, translated from the Herbarius. Das kreiiter buch, oder herba- French. [With] the ancient x-'ar of the rius. Das buch von allen kreiitern, vurtzlen knights, translated from the German. [anon.] vnd andern dingen, wie mans bruchen soll zii xxvi, 147, 39 pp. 1 p]. 180. London, P. geslundtheit der menschen, von neiiwem cor- Hanet, 1723. 22 170 HERMOGENES. IHESIODUS. Hermogenes Tarsensis. De dicendi gene- de West-Indien: d'eerste, door Jean Ponce de ribvs, sive formis orationum libri ii. Latini- Leon, naar Florida in 1512. De andere tate donati, etc. scholiis explicati atque illus- gedaan door Pamphilio de Narvaes op't eiland trati, a Joan. Stvrmio. 16 p. 1. 399 pp. 8 1. Cuba, in 1513. In't Spaans beschreven door 160. [Argentorati], J. Iihelius, 1571. Antonius Herrera en nu aller-eerst in't Neder-.De ratione tractandae grauitatis occultoe duyts vertaald. 77 pp. 31. 4pl. 16~. Leyden, liber, latinitate donatus, etc. scholiis explica- P. Van der tAa, 1706. tus atque illustratus a Joan. Stvrmio. 12 p. 1. Herrick-Schsiffer (Gottlieb August Wilhelm). 79 pp. 16~. [Argentorati], J. Rihelius, 1571. Nomenclator entomologicus. Verzeichniss der [With the preceding.] europaiischen insecten. 2 v. in 1. iv, 116 pp; Hernandez (Francisco). Nova plantarvm, viii, 244 pp. 8 pl. 12~. Regensburg, F. Pustel, animalivm et mineralivm mexicanorvm histo- 1835-40. s. ria. A Nardo Antonio Reccho digesta, a Io. Herrmannsen (A. N.) Indicis generum maTerentio, Io. Fabro, et Fabio Colvmna notis lacozoorum primordia. Nomina subgenerum, illustrata. 14p. 1. 960 pp. 95 pl. fol. Romae, generum, familiarum, tribuum, ordinum, clas1651. s. sium, etc. 2 v. xxviii, 660 pp; xiii, 717 pp. Herndon (William Lewis), and Gibbon (Lard- 8~. Cassellis, T. Fischer, 1846-49. s. ner). Exploration of the valley of the Ama- [Imperfect.] zon. 2 v. 8~. Washington, public printer, --- Indicis generum malacozoorum supple1854. menta et corrigenda. vi, 140 pp. 80. CasCONTENTS. sellis, T. Fischer, 1852. s. Part 1. Herndon's report. iv, 417 pp. 16 pl. Herrod (G.) Gammar of the Maskoke or Part 2. Gibbon's report. x, 339 pp. 36 pl. Creek language. See Buckner (H. F.) and Herodotus. History, translated from the Herrod. Greek, by Isaac Littlebury. 2 v. xiv. 447 Herschel (Sir John Frederick William). Outpp. 8 1; 430 pp. 8 1. 80. London, E. Castle, lines of astronomy. 6th ed. xxiv, 714 pp. 1709. 7 pl. 8~. London, Longman, 1859. s. The samye. Translated from the Greek, I The telescope. [From the Encyclopaedia with notes. By J. Lempriere. vol. i. xl, Britannica.] vii, 190 pp. 160. Edinburgh, 459 pp. 8~. London, T. Cadell, 1792. Black, 1861. [No more published.] Treatise on astronomy. New ed. with Herrera y Tordesillas (Antonio de). Descrip- a preface by S. C. Walker. 417 pp. 120. cion de las Indias Occidentales. 2 p. 1. 96 pp.,, Philadelphic, Carey,.Lea ~ Blanchard, 1836. 14 maps. fol. Madrid, Juan Flamenco, 1601. phi 1 [With v. 1 and 4 of HERRERA, historia general de loshechos delos Castellanos, etc. 4 v. fol. 1601-15.] Hertz (B.) Catalogue of his collection of AsThe same. Description des Indes Occi- syrian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, Etrusdentales. Translat6e d'Espagnolen Fran~ois. can, Roman, Indian, Peruvian, and Mexican 4 p. 1. 103 pp. 14 maps. fol. Amsterdam, antiquities. 156 pp. 6 pl. 4~. London, M. Colin, 1622. Thimnm, 1851. s. The same. Novvs orbis, sive descriptio Hertz (Henrik). King R6n6's daughter, a Indite Occidentalis. Metaphraste C. Barlaeo. Danish lyrical drama. Translated by Theo6 p. 1. 44 1. fol. Amstelodami, M. C'olin, 1622. dore Martin. xii, 100 pp. 12~. New York, - Historia general de los hechos de los Leypoldt & Holt, 1867. Castellanos en las islas y tierra firme del mar Herz (Henri). Mes voyages en Am6rique. oceano. En quatro decadas, 1492-1531. 328 pp. Portrait. 16~. Paris, A. Faure, v. 1-2. fol. Madrid, Juan Flamenco, 1601. 1866. The same. [Continuation, 4 decades. Herzog (Dr. Eduard). Kurze andeutungen 1532-54]. v. 3-4. fol. Madrid, Juan de La ilber die kaltwassercur. iv, 102 pp. 1 pl. 80. Cuesta, 1615. Dresden, E. Pietzsch, 1842. s. The same. Histoire g6n6rale des voy- iesiodus. De opere et die, enarrationes Phil. ages et conqvestes des Castillans dans les Melancth. vna cvm elegantissima authoris isles et terre-ferme des Indes Occidentales. praefatione. 441. 160. Parisiis, Jac. Bogards, Traduite de lEspagnol par N. de La Costa. 1543. 9 p. 1. 789 pp. 6 1. 4~. Paris, De La Coste Works and days, Tleogony. Translated and others, 1671. by T. Cooke. 80. Edinburgh, [1792-94]. - Verscheide zee en land-togten gedaan in [Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 5.] 171 HESIODUS. 7 HEYLYN. Hesiodus. Les ceuvres, traduction nouvelle, tract.) 37 pp. 40. Bruxelles, Com. cent. etc. enrichie de notes et du combat d'Hombre et [1844.] s. d'H6siode, par [P. L. C.] Gin. viii, 303 pp. [With the preceding.] 160. Paris, Geffiegr, 1785. HIeuter (Pontus). Rerum bvrgvndicarvm libri annd Orpheus. Hesiods werke, und Orfeus sex. 4 p. 1. 192 pp. 61; 6 p. 1. 99 pp. fol. der Argonaut, von Johann Heinrich Voss. lAntverpice, C. Plante, 1583-84. s. 354 pp. 160. Heidelberg, Mohr & Zimmer,:Htewett (D.) The American traveller; or, 1806. s. national directory, containing an account of Heess (J.) Catalog des antiquarischen biicher- the roads in the United States, with a descriplagers. No. v. 292 pp. 8~. Etlwangen, tion of the country, and a geographical and J. Hess, 1861. s. statistical view of the U. S. 440 pp. 160. H-essische medicinalordnung und gesetze, Washington, Davis & Force, 1825. welche das sanitditswesen im lande iiberhaupt Self-taught stenographer; or, a new and betreffen. 498 pp. 160. Cassell, H. Schmiedt, complete system of short-hand. 2d ed. 16 pp. 1778. s. 120. Washington, James Wilson, 1824. Hessler (J. Ferdinand). Lehrbuch der tech- Hewett (James D.) The votary; a narrative nischen physik, fortgesetzt von Fr. Jo. poem. 123 pp. 120. New York, G. W. Carleton Pisko. 3e aufl. 2 v. xii, vii, 1373, lxx, f Co. 1867. 11 pp. mien, W. Braucmniiller, 1866. s. Hewitt (Girart). Minnesota; its advantages Hetheringtorn (William M. D. D.) Memoir to settlers. Being a synopsis of its history of Alexander Wilson. and progress, climate, [etc.] 6th ed. 30 pp. L With WILSON (A.) and BONAPARTE (C. L.) Ameri- 80. St. Paul, (Minn.) 1867. can ornithology. 4 v. 1831.] HIeyden (Carl Heinrich Georg von). ReptiHethum, or Haiton, or Aiton. Haithoni ar- lien. Atlas zur der reise im nordlichen Africa meni historia orientalis, quae et de Tartaris von Riippell. 24 pp. 6 col. pl. fol. Frankfort inscribitur. am Main, EH. L. Brbnnzer, 1827. s. [ With Marco Polo, libri tres de regionibus orientali- Heyfelder (J. F.) fiber resectionen und ambus. Colonice, 1671.1 Heuglin (Theodor von). Reisen in nord-ost putationen. 7p.1. 269pp. 4pl. 40. Breslau Afrika, von Chartum nach Abyssinien. x, und Bonn, k. leop. carol. acad. d. nat. 1854. s. vaeylyn or Ieylin (Peter, D.D.) Cosmogra136 pp. 3pl. 3 maps. 80. Gotha, J. Perthes, ieylyn or Heylin (PeterD.lD.) Cosmogra1857. s phie; containing the chorographie and hisEHeuschling (Philippe Franvois Xavier Thdo- torie of the whole world, and all the principall Heuschling.Philippe Fra s Xavier.b-,,.kingdoms, provinces, seas, and isles thereof. dore). Essai sur la statistique g6n6rale de la lsingdoms, provinces, seas, and isles thereof. Belgique. 2e06d. viii, 444 pp. 1 map. 80. [lstfol. ed.] 6p.i. 1052pp. 91. 4 maps. fol. Bruxelles, L'etabliss. ge'og. 1841. a. Lodon, The same. Supplement A la 2e 6d. 3 p. 1. Cyprianus anglicus: or, the history of 116 pp. 8~. Bruxelles, P. Vanderrnaelen, the life and death of William [Laud] lord 1844.. archbishop of Canterbury. 2 p. 1. 511pp. fol. Des naissances dans la ville de Bruxelles, London,. Seile, 1681. consid6r6es dans leur rapport avec la popula- Ecclesia restaurata; or, the history of tion. (Extract.) 41 pp. 40. Bruxelles, the reformation of the church of England. Com~7n. cent. de statistizque, 1843. a. With life of the author by John Barnard. mSur l'accroissement de la population de Edited by James C. Robertson. 2 v. ccxii, xvi, 302 pp; x, 496 pp. 80. Cambridge, _Eccles. la Belgique, 1831 A 1840. (Extract.) 20 pp. 302pp;x,49. 40. Bruxelles, Corn. cent. de statistique, [1843]. hist. soc. 1849. -Keimelia ecclesiastica. Historical and [With the preceding.] miscellaneous tracts, and an account of [his] Recensement g6n6ral. [Extract.) 21pp. life[byGeolgeVernon]. xxviiipp. 101. 747 40. Com. cent. de statistique, [18441] S. pp. 121. portrait. fol. London, Charles Hartper, [ With the preceding.] 1681. Sur le mouvement de l'dtat civil en Bel- CONTENS. Ecclesia vindicata, or the reformation of the church of gique, 1841 A 1844. (Extract.) 38 pp. 40. England justified. -History of the Sabbath. Bruxelles, Coin. cent. de statistique, (1844?] Historia quinquarticularis, or the judgment of the S. western churches on the five points of Arminianism. Discovery and removal of the stumbling block of dis[ With the preceding, i obedience and rebellion, cunningly laid down in the --- Statistique du oyaume de BaviBre. (Ex- slubject's way by Calvin. De jure paritatis episcoporum. 172 HEYSE. HILL. Heyse (Johann Christian August). Handwbr- legacy of peace. 5 p. 1. 205 pp. 18~. Boston, terbuch der deutschen sprache. Ausgefiihrt John Usher, 1686. von Dr. K. W. L. Heyse. 3 v. 8~.'Maydeburg, Higginson (Stephen). Ten chapters in the life W. Heinrichshofen, 1833-49. s. of John Hancock. The writings of Laco, as Heywood (James, F. R. S.) Academic reform published in the Mass. centinel,1789. [pseudon. and universityrepresentation. xv, 335 pp. 80. 2d ed.] 68 pp. 80. New York, 1857. London, E. T. WJhitfield, 1860. Higgons (Bevill). A short view of-English Heywood.(Joseph C.) Antonius: a dramatic history: to the revolution, 1688. 2 p. 1. 374 poem. 272 pp. 16~. New York, Hurd & pp. 12~. Hague, T. Johnson, 1727. Houghton, 1867. Hildebertus Cenomanensis. Hymn to the Herodias: a dramatic poem. 251 pp. trinity. See Benedict (E. C.) 16. New York, Hurd & Houghton, 1867. Hildebrand (Bror Emil). Anglosachsiska Heywood (Peter, captain Einglish navy). The mynt, i svenska konigl. myntkabinet, finna i:razil pilot. iv, 107, 3 pp. 8~. London, W. Sveriges jord; [or] monnaies anglo-saxonnes I'aden, 1818. du cabinet royal du Stockholm, toutes trouv6es Hibernia fire engine company, No. 1 [of Phila- en Subde. 5 p. 1. cxxv, 332 pp. 1 map. 10 pl. delphia]. Visit to the cities of New York, 40. Stockholm, P. A. Norstedt f sdner; 1846. Boston, Brooklyn, Charlestown, and Newark, S. in 1858. Memorial. 108 pp. 18 pl. 40. Phil- Hildebrand (Rudolf). Deutsches worterbuch. a lelphia, J. B. Charndler, 1859. s. See Grimm (Jacob L. C.) Hichborn (Benjamin). An oration, delivered Hildreth (Samuel Prescott). Biographical and 5[arch 5, 1777, at the request of the inhabi- historical memoirs of the early pioneer settlers tants of Boston, to commemorate the bloody of Ohio, with incidents and occurrences in tragedy of March 5, 1770. 18 pp. 4~. Boston, 1775. 539 pp. 6 pl. 8~. Cincinnati, H. W[. Edes & Gill, 1777. Derby & Co. 1852. Hickoox (John H.) History of the bills of HIill (Aaron). Works: consisting of letters credit, or paper money issued by New York, and poems, with an essay on acting. 2d ed. from 1709 to 1789. 3 p. 1. 150 pp. 8~. Alba- 4 v. 8~. London, 1754. ny, J. H. Hickcox & Co. 1866. CONTENTS. Hicks (T.) A complete treatise of urines. By v. 1-2. Letters. v. 3-4. Poems, and essay on acting. T.H. [anon.] 6 p. 1. 88 pp. 18. London, Poetical works. 80. Edinburgh, 1794. H. Bonwicke, 1703. [Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 8.] Hieover (Harry, pserudon.) See Bindley Hill (Mrs. A. P.) House-keeping made easy. (Charles). New family receipt book for the kitchen. Hierocles Grahmmaticsus. Syneedemus. Particularly adapted to the south; with it rariT. ENINU Augustus. Vetera Itmanu1735 directions for carving, etc. 427 pp. 12~. New itineraria. Ed. Amstelaedami, 1735]. Higden (Ralph). Polychronicon. fol. Oxonice, York, J. O'Kane, 1867. 1691. Hill (Carl Johann Daniel). Matheseos funda[With GALE (Thomas) and FELL (John). Rerum menta nova analytica. Pars la mathesin unianglicarum scriptores veteres. Oxonie, 1684-91. versalem comprehendens. 48, 226 pp. 40. V. 3]. Iigden (William). View of the English con- Londini Gothorum, Billow, 1860. s. stitution; with respect to the sovereign autho- Hill (H. A.) See Bible, Mohawk. ity of the prince, and the allegiance of the Hill (Ira). An abstract of a new theory of the formation of the earth. 211 pp. 120. Balsubject. 4p.l. 112pp. 120. London, S. Keble, formationoftheearth. 211pp. 12. Bal1709. timaore, N. G. 7Maxwell, 1823. Higgins (S. W.) Report on the topographyof Hill (John, LL. D.) The synonymes of the Michig(anS. pp. 45-65. sRLatin language, with critical dissertations [HOUGeTON (Douglass). Reports, etc. Doe. No. 3]. upon the force of its prepositions. xiv, 782, Higginson (Rev. Francis). New England's viipp. 4~. Edinburgh, Manners&M iller, 1804. plantation; or, a short and trve description HIill (Sir Richard). An apology for brotlhrly of the commodities and discommodities of that love and for the doctrines of' the church of country. [anon.] 111. unp. sm. 4%. London, England, in a series of letters to Rev. Charles Michael Sparke, 1630. Daubeny. [With] a sermon by bishop Bab[Map wanting.] ington. xv, 212, 42, 10 pp. 8~. London, Hligginson (Rev. John). Our dying saviour' s Cadell & Davies, 1798. HILL. 1HIPPOLYTUS. Hill (Richard, M. D.) Letters. See Smith H]ilton (William). A relation of discovery (John Jay). I made on the coast of Florida. 34 pp. sm. 40~. Hill (Rev. Rowland). A collection of psalms and London, Simon Miller, 1664. hymns. 4th ed. xv, 272 pp. 4~. London, Hind (Henry Youle). A preliminary report on.A. Paris, 1798. the geology of New Brunswick; together with Hill (S. S.) Travels in the Sandwich and a special report on the distribution of the Society islands. xii, 428 pp. 1 pl. 120.'Quebec group" in the province. 293 pp. London, Chapmanl & Hall, 1856. 8~. Fredericton, G. E. Fenety, 1865. s. Hill (William, D. D.) A history of the rise, Hinds (John, pseudon.) See Bell (J.) progress, genius, and character of American Iines (David Theodore). The life, adventures, presbyterianism. xv, 224 pp. 8. WTash- and opinions of D. T. Hines, written by himington, J. Gideon, jr. 1839. self. 195 pp. 12~. _New York, Bradley cp Hillard (George Stillman). Discourse before Clark, 1840. the New England society of New York, Dec'r Hinterhiuser (Johann Baptist). Christus, die 22, 1851, [on the pilgrim fathers of New fundamentalidee des alten und neuen testaEngland]. 31 pp. 8~. New York, George mentes. xv, 110 pp. 8~. -Eichstiitt, P. BrdnF. Nesbitt & Co. 1852. her, 1836. s. A first-class reader. 504 pp. 120. CHinton (Richard J.) The rebel invasion of Boston, Hickling, Swan & Co. 1856. Missouri and Kansas, and the campaign of Six months in Italy. 5th ed. xii, 563 the army of the border, against General Sterpp. 120. Boston, Ticknor & Fields, 1856. s. ling Price, 1864. 2d ed. 351 pp. 8 pl. 80. Hillhouse (Augustus L.) An essay on the Chicago, Church & Goodman, 1865. history and cultivation of the olive tree. [2d Hints on common politeness. [anon.] 96 pp. ed.] 54 pp. 1 col. pl. 80. Paris, L. T. Cellot, 180. Boston, D. C. Colesworthy, 1867. 1820. s. Hippisley (Sir John Cox). Prison labour, etc. Hillhouse (William). A dissertation, in answer Correspondence concerning the introduction to a late lecture on the political state of Amer- of tread-mills into prisons, with other matters ica, [with] a poem spoken at the same time. of prison discipline. iv, 228 pp. 1 pl. 8~. 23pp. 12~. New Haven, T. 4 S. Green, [1789?] London, W. Nicol. 1823. Hilliard d'Auberteuil (Michel Ren6). Essais Hippocrates. Opera omnia, greece et latine, historiques et politiques sur les Anglo-Am6ri- edita industria Ioan-Antonidee Van der Linlcains, [et sur la guerre del'Am6rique]. 2 v. den. 2 v. in 1. 18p. 1. 788 pp. 2 pl; 1034 pp. xii, 303 pp; vi, 307 pp. atlas, 8 maps. 10 67 1. 8~. Lugduni-Batavorum, Gaasbeeck, pi. 40~. Bruxelles, [auteler], 1782. 1665. s. Mis[s] Mac R6a, roman historique. xii, i Achte medizinische schriften, mit einem 146 pp. 180. Philadeljphie, 1784. alphabetischen repertorium der sitze und maHillier (George). Narrative of the attempted terien, herausgegeben von Fr. v. P. Gruithuiescapes of Charles I from Carisbrook castle, sen. xxx, 407 pp. 16~. Miinchen, l. J. Lentand of his detention in the isle of Wight, her, 1814. s. 1647-48. Including the letters of the king Aphorismi novi operibus nunc primum to Col. Titus. xiv, 335 pp. 2 pl. 120. collecti, studio Jacobi Sponii. 12 p. 1. 436 pp. London, R. Bentley, 1852. 9 1. 240. Lugduni, Anissonii & iligaud, Hillside (A. M.) A familiar compend of ge- 1689. s. ology. For the school and family. 150 pp. - The prognostics and crises. Translated 1 pl. 1 chart. 120. Philadelphia, Sower, from the Greek; with critical and explanatory Barnes 4' Potts, 1866. notes. By Henry William Ducachet. 126 Hilpert (Joseph Leonhard). Englisch- pp. 120. New York, J. Eastburn4 Co. 1819. s. deutsches und deutsch-englisches worterbuch; and Galenus. The writings of Hippo[or, ] a dictionary of the English and German, crates and Galen, epitomised from the original and the German and English language. 4 Latin translations. By John Redman Coxe. parts in 2 v. 40~. Leipzig, B. Hermann, 1846. 681 pp. 80. Philadelphia, Lindsay & BlakisCONTENTS. ton, 1846. s. v. 1. English and German. xvi, 464 pp; 624 pp. Hippolytus redivivus; id est, relnedium conv. 2. Deutsch-englisch. xx, 658 pp; 1010 pp. temnendi sexum muliebrem. Autore S. I. E. Hilton (David, pseudon.) See Wheeler (D. D.V.M.W.A.S. [anon.] 96 pp. 240. [n. Hilton.) p.] 1644. 174 HIRSCH HISTORY. Hirsch (A.) Longitude, etc. See.Plantamour 14 p.1. 944 pp. 131. fol. Colonlic Agrippinace (E.) and Hirsch.. hceredes Arnoldi Birckmanni, 1581. s. Hirtius (Aulus). De bello alexandrino, africo, Histories romance scriptores, latini et greeci, hispano. s. minores. Opera F. Sylburgii. 3 v. fol. Firan[ With ANs'IUS. Commentaria, ed. 1498.] cofvrdi, A. Wecheli hceredes, 1588-90. s. Histoire de l'ancien Tobie, et de son fils le jeune Tobie. L'histoire de la vaillantise de la CONTENTS. veufve Judith. Le vertueux fait de la noble v. 1. Fasti capitolini, a C. Sigonio suppleti. Messalla Coruinus; L. Florus; Velleius Paterculus; Sex. et honneste dame Susanne, avec la sentence Aurelius Victor; Sex. Rufus; Eutropius; Casiodori dujeune prophete Daniel. Ensemble l'histoire chronicon; Jornandis, lib. 1. Iulius Exsuperantius 4 p. 1. xxviii. 859 pp. de la belle reine Esther. [En caracteres de v.2. Suetonius Tranquillus; Aelius Spartianus; civilit6]. 40 1. 18~. Lille, Gilles-Eustache Julius Capitolinus; Vuleatius Gallicanus; Aelius Lampridius; Trebellius Pollio; Flavius Vopiscus; Vroye, In. d.] Ammianus Marcellinus; Pomponius Lwtus; Ioann. Baptista Egnatius; Ausonii epigrammata; ImpeHistoire de Foulques Fitz-Warin. [anon.] ratorum catalogus; Romante urbis descriptio. Publi6e d'aprhs un manuscrit du mus6e bri- 8 p.. 887 Pp. v. 3. Scriptores graeci minores, qvi partim ab vrbe tannique, par F. Michel. xx, 112 pp. 8~. condita, partim ab Avgvsto imperio, res romanas Pa\is, Sylvestre, 1840. memorima prodiderunt; Fasti greci ac latini; EuP~aris,~ Sylvestre, 1t40. tropius; Dionis epitome; Herodianus; Zosimus; Histoire de la vie, des amours, et du procks Juliani Cmsares; Olympiodorus; E Suida excerptme Cesarum vitre; Imperatorum series chrondu fameux Louis Dominique Cartouche. ologica duplex. 4 p. 1. 1052, 70 pp. [anon.] 89 pp. 1 pl. 180. Paris, [about Historical collections; or, a brief account of 1721]. the most remarkable transactions of the two Histoire des d6couvertes faites par divers sa- last parliaments, held and dissolved at Westvans voyageurs, [Pallas, Gmelin, Lepechin, minsterand Oxford. [anon.] 3p.1. 302pp. etc. ] dans plusieurs contr6es de Ia Russie et de 1 pl. 160. London, S. Neale, 1681. la Perse, [ abrg6e de l'Allemand par Frey des Historical (An) essay on the ambition and conLandres.] 6 v. 8~. Berne, 1779 —87. s. quests of France, with some remarks on the Histoire des vestales et de leur culte; d'aprs French revolution. [anon.] 355 pp. 81. 80. Plutarque, Tacite, Suetone, etc. Traduit de London, J. Debrett, 1797. l'Italien. Par B. Cartoux. [anon.] xv, 124 pp. Historical outlines of political catholicism: its 3 pl. 180. Paris, Le Fuel, [about 1830]. papacy, prelacy, priesthood, people. [anon.] Histoire d'un peuple nouveau; on, d6couverte xii, 220 pp. 80. London., Chapman ( Hall, d'une isle A 43 d6egr6s 14 minutes de latitude 1853. m6ridionale; par David Tomnpson, A son Historical (The) magazine, and notes and queretour de la Chine en 1756. [anonl.] 2 parts ries concerning the antiquities, history, and in 1 v. vi, 158 pp; 1 p. 1. 138 pp. 160. biography of America. Jan. to Dec. 1867. London, Socief(e de librailres, 1757. 2d series, v, 1-2. 8~. Morrisania, [N. IY.] H. 2Histoire g6n6rale des larrons. Par F. D. C. B. Dawson, [1867]. lyonnois. [anon.] 3pts. in lv. 16~. Paris, Historical(An)reviewanddirectoryofNortl A. Corlon, 1639. America, containing a geographical, political, Histoire litt6raire de la France; ouvrage com- and natural history of the British and other menc6 par des religieux benedictiris de la con- European settlements, the united and apocrygr6gation de saint Maur, et contiiu6 par les pphal states, etc; and an account of the Indian membres de l'acad6mie des inscriptions et nations. Byagentlemanimmediatelyreturned belles-lettres. v. 23-24. 40. Paris, Didot, from a tour of the continent. [anon.] 2 v. 1856-63. [At18556 23-63. has n idexto vls.18-3.]xxviii, 268 pp; ix, 377 pp. 16i. Cork, W. [2Vote. —v. 23 has an index to vols. 16-23.] ttews 180 Historia et cartulariumn monasterii sancti Petri Matthews, 1801. History (A) and description of the Baltimore Gloucestri.e. v. 2-3. Ed. by W. H. Hart. 80. Baltimore and Ohio railroad. By a citizen of Baltimore. London Lonygmans, 1865-67. London, Longmns1865-7 [anon.] 400 pp. 1 map. 6 pil. size? Baltimore, [Chronicles of Great Britain and Ireland during the.. middle ages]. J. urpy & Co. 1853. s. Histories ecclesiasticae scriptores graeci, History (The) of the American revolution, and nempe; Eusebius, Socrates scllolasticus, monthly register o:tthe United States. [Jan. Theodoretus, Sozomenus, Euagrius scholasti- 1805-June 1806]. v. i. vii, viii, 384 pp. 8~. cus, J. Christophorsono interprete. Recogniti Charleston, (S. C.) G. Ail. Bounetheau, 1806. a Suffrido Petro leovardiensi, adiecto indice. [No more published]. 175 HISTORY. HOADLY. History of the British empire from 1765 to ing the shade of Plato, knight and quack, and 1783, containing an impartial history of the the subtlety of foxes. xvi, 164 pp. 16~. Bosorigin, progress, and termination of the Ame- ton, Etheridge 4 Bliss, 1806. rican revolution. By a society of gentlemen IHitchcock (Edward). First anniversary ad[anone] 2 v. 475 pp; 452, 59 pp. 2 pl. 8~. Phil dress before the association of American adelphia, B. Campbell f Co. 1798. geologists, April 5th, 1841. 48 pp. 80. NHew History of the establishment and progress of ctaven, B. L. Hanlen, 1841. s. the christian religion in the islands of the I (editor). Catalogues of the animals and South sea. [anon.] x, 387 pp. 1 map. 160. plantsofMassachusetts. 142pp. 80..Amherst, Boston, Tappan, 4. Dennet, 1841. J. S. 4 C. Addoas, 1835. s. History (The) of faction, alias hypocricy, alias CONTENTS. moderation. [anon.] 4 p. 1. 176 pp. 16~. EARLE (John Milton). Land and fresh water shells. London, B. Bragg, 1705. Pp. 22-30. ERiuNONS (Ebenezer). Birds. pp. 8-14. History (The) of Francis-Eugene, prince of GOULD (Augustus Addison). Crustacea. pp. 28-30. voy. Byd an English officer. [,] 2ed. GREENE (Thomas A.) Marine shells. pp. 18-28.;Savo~y. By an English officer. [anon. ] d ed.NHARnnIs (Thaddeus William). Insects. pp. 33-81. 2 p. 1. 343 pp. 6 1. 1 map. portrait. 160. HENTz (N. M.) Araneides. pp. 30-32. HITCHCOCK (Edward). Mammalia, pp. 6-7. Radiata. London, J. Hodges, 1742. Catalogue of plants growing without cultivation History (The) of Jane Grey, queen of England: pp. 82-132. SrrsH (D. S.C. H.) Reptilia. p. 14. with a defence of her claim to the crown. SMITH (J. V. C.) Fishes. pp. 15-18. [anon.] xii, 168 pp. 1 pl. 180. London, T. Hitchcock (Enos). Memoirs of the Blooms-.Wilkins, 1792. grove family. In a series of letters containing History (The) of the late conspiracy against sentiments on a mode of domestic education the king and the nation. [anon.] 195pp. 160. suited to society, government, and manners London, D. Brown, 1696. in the U. S. of A. 2 v. 298 pp; 300 pp. History (The) of the new world, called Ame- 160. Boston, Thomlas &. Andrews, 1793. rica. [anon.] 180 pp. 240. Dublin, B. Jack- [Imperfect; pp. 277, 278, 299, 300, of v. 1, wanting]. son, [1776]? Hitopadesa. The bookt of good counsels: from History of North and South America, [with] the Sanskrit. By E. Arnold. xii, 167 pp. 4 impartial enquiry into the present American pl. 12~. London, Smith, Elder 4- Co. 1861. disputes. [anon.] 2 v. 4 p. 1. 276 pp; 3 p. 1. Hittell (John S.) The resources of California. 280 pp. 21~. London, J. Whitaker, 1776. 3d ed. xv, xvi, 462 pp. 120. San Francisco, History (The) of Robespierre, political and'A. lnoman & Co. 1867. personal. [anon.] iv, 136 pp. 1 pl. 8~0. Lon- Iittorff (Jaques Ignace). Architecture moddon, C. WFittinzgham, 1794. erne de la Sicile; oun, recueil des plus beaux History (The) of Theodore I, [Theodor Ste- monumens religieux, et des 6difices publics et phan von Neuhoff], king of Corsica. [anon.] particulibrs les plus remarquables de la Sicile. 139 pp. 8~. London, J. Boberts, 1743. 5 p. 1. 66 pp. fol. Paris, J. T. Hittorlt, 1835. History (The) of two acts, entitled an act for s. the safety and preservation of his majesty's j Description des c6r6monies et des fdtes person and government against treasonable qui ont eu lieu pour le bapteme de son altesse and seditious practices and attempts, and an royale mouseigneur Henri Charles Ferdinand act for the more effectually preventing sedi- Marie Dieudonn6 d'Artois, due de Bordeaux. tiousmeetingsand assemblies. [anon.] xlviii, Recueil des ddcorations ex6cut6es dans l'6glise 828 pp. 8~. London, G. G. and J. Robinson, de Notre Dame de Paris. 2 p. 1. ii, 19 pp. 12 1796. pl. fol. Paris, P. Renouard, 1827. s. Hlistory (The) of the war in America between Description de la rotonde des panoramas Great Britain and her colonies, from its com- 6dl6ve dans les Clhamps-4lysdes: pr6c6dde mencement to 1783. [anon.] 3v. 8~. Dublin, d'un apernu historique. 29 pp. 5 pl. 4~. Paris, booksellers, 1779-85. revue de 1' architecture, 1842. s. History of the war between the United States I-Hive (The), or weekly entertaining register. and Mexico. [anon.] 168 pp. 8 pl. 80. Pkl- 2 v. 432 pp; 428 pp. 80. London, J. Onwhyn, adelphia, Zicber & Co. 1847. [about 1830]. History of the Westminster election, 1784. -Ioadly (Benjamni, D. D. bishop of Bangor). [With 15 caricature plates by Gillhay. RPefutation of bishop Sherlock's arguments anon.] xi, 538 pp. 15 pl. 40. London, 1784. against a repeal of the test and corporation Hitchcock(David). Poetical works; contain- acts. vii, 78p. 8. 0 Lonon, C. Dilly, 1787. '176 HOADLY. HOEK. Hoadly (E. S.) Method for the piano-forte. Principia et problemata aliquot geometrica antehac desperata, nunc breviter explicata. See Mason (Wm.) and Hoadly (E. S.) Tractatus opticus. Hoare (Sir Richard Colt). The ancient history Obiectiones ad Cartesii meditationes. Epistolm. of South Wiltshire. 254 pp. 3 1. 76 pl. fol. Praefatio in Mersenni ballisticam. London, W. Bulmer, for.Wm. Miller, 1812. S e De miiabilibus Pecci, (seu, de caverna Peak dicta). - The ancient history of North Wiltshire. Historia ecclesiastica. 123, 127 pp. 6 1. 50 pl. fol. London,.W. Hobhouse (John Cam, lord Brougton). JourBulmer, for Lackington, etc. 1819. s. ney through Albania, and other provinces of Hoare (William Henry). The veracity of tile Turkey in Europe and Asia to Constantinople, book of Genesis, with the life and character of during 1809-10. 2d ed. 2 v. 1153 pp. 22 pl. the inspired historian. xxii, 303 pp. 80. Lon- 2 maps. 4~. London, [B. McMillan], 1813. don, Longmans, 1860. s. Hobart (Benjamin). History of tile town of Hodenberg (Wilhelm von). Calenberger Abington, Plymouth county, Massachusetts, urkundenbuch. le-9e abth. 4~. Hannover, from its first settlement. xix, 453 pp. 120. 1855-58. Boston, T. H1. Carte}r &i son, 1866. [Abtheilungen 2-4, not yet published.] Hobart (Nathaniel). Life of Emanuel Sweden-. Hoyer urkundenbuch. 8 pts in 3 v. 40~. borg, withl some account of his writings. tannover, 1855-56. [With] a lecture on the mission of Sweden- EHodge (ichael). An oration before St. Peter's borg, by Sampson Reed, and an article on the lodge, Newburyport, June 24, 1802. 15 pp. New Jerusalem church. 4th ed. iv, 246 pp. 40. NTewuryport, A. Marc/, 1802. 1 pl. 120. Boston, Wv. Carter o Bro. 1862. Hodges (Richard M. M. D.) Practical dissecHobart (Rev. Noah). A second address to the tions. 2d ed. 236 pp. 12~. P/iladetpEtic, members of the episcopal separation in New I. C. Lea, 1867. England, occasioned by the exceptions made Hodges (William). Voyage pittoresque de to the former by Dr. Johnson, Mr. Wetmore, l'Inde, 1780-1783. Traduit de l'Anglais, par Mr. Beach, and Mr. Caner. 172 pp. 1 l. 120. L. Langlds. 2 v. xxvii, 222 pp; 252 pp. 18~. Boston, D. Fowle, 1751. Paris, Delance, 1805. s. Hobart & Robbins. Specimens of printing.[Collection portative devoyages, v. 4-5. Atlas in 80. Hobart & Robbins. Specimens of printing wanting.] types and ornaments, from the New England Hodgkin (Thomas, M. D.) Lectures on the type and stereotype foundry. 151 1. 4~. morbid anatomy of the serous and mucous Boston, Dutton & IWentworth, 1851. s. membranes. 2 v. 10 p. 1. 402 pp; 12 p. 1. 541 Hobbes (Thomas). Opera philosophica quse pp. 8~. london, 1836-40. S. latine scripsit omnia. 2 v. 6 p. 1. 479 pp; Hodgson (William). The lives, sentiments, 661 pp. 7 1. 1 pl. 40. Amstelodami, J. Blaev, and sufferings of some of the reformers and 1668. martyrs before, since, and independent of the The same. Collecta studio Gulielmi Lutheran reformation. 465 pp. 12~. P/hilMolesworth. 5 v. 8~. Londini, J. Bohn, adelphia, J. B. Lippincott 4 Co. 1867. 1839-45. Hodson (MIrs. Margaret Holford). Wallace; or, the fight of Falkirk. 256 pp. 80. PhilCONTENTS. adelphia, J. & A. Y. Huznphreys, 1810. v. 1. T. Hobbes vita, authore seipso. Hoe (Robert, & Co.) Catalogue of printing Vitre Hobbianwe auctarium authore R. Blackbourne. presses, etc. 138 pp. 8~. New Yoesk, [186(7]. Tho. Hobbes vita, carmine expressa, authore Hoefer (Jean Chr6tien Ferdinand). Histoire seipso. Elementorum philosophia de corpore. de la chimie depuis les temps les plus recul6s v. 2. Elementorum philosophia de homine, de cive, v. xi, 510 pp; de imperio, de religione. jusqu'A notre 6poque, etc. 2 v. xi, 510 pp; v. 3. Elementorum philosophia de homine, de civi- viii, 518 pp. 8~. Paris, bureau de la revue tate, de civitate christiana, de regno tenebrarum. scientifique, etc. 1842-43. S. v. 4. Examinatio et emendatio mathematicoe hodi- Hoefle (Mark Aurel). Chemie und mikroskop erne. Dialogus physicus de natura a8ris. am krankenbette. x, 483, 200 pp. 3 pl. 8~. Problemata physica, propositiones xvi de magnitudine circuli, et duplicatio cubi. Erlangen, P. En/ce, 1848. s. De principiis et ratiocinatione geometrarum et Hoek (Martinus). De kometen van de jaren de mediis proportionalibus in genere. Quadratura circuli, cubatio spherae, duplicatio 1556, 1264, en 975, en hare vermeende identicubi. v. 5. Rosetum geometricum. tert. vii, 94 pp. 1 pl. 40.'s Gravenhaye, Lux mathematica. Van Cleef, 1857. S. 177 HOFF. HOLCOMBE. Hoff (Carl Ernst Adolf von). Geschichte der CONTENTS. durch iiberlieferung nachgewiesenen natfir- Abth. 1. Zeichnnngen mit der vollstandigen erkldirlichen verfinderungen der erdoberflche. 5 v. ung von G. C. Lichtenblerr nod einer lebensgeschichto von F. Kottenkainp. 3 p. 1. xxiv, pp. 1-539. 80. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1822-41. s. Abth. 2. Zeichnungen mit der vollsttindige erk1trung von F. Kottenkamp. 4 p. 1. pp. 561-994. CONTENTS. Hogrewe (Johann Ludwig). Beschreibung v. i. Vertnderungen in dem verhailtnisse zwischen der in England seit 1759 angelegten und jetzt land und meer. v. ii. Geschichte dervulcane und der erdbeben. grostentheils vollendeten schiffbaren kanaile. v. iii. Zusditzen zu den beiden ersten theilen. Nebst einem versuch einer geschichte der inv. iv-v. Chronik der erdbeben und vulcan-ausbriiche von 3460 [B. C.] bis 1832 [A. D.J l]indischen scliffahrt. 6 p. 1. vi, 164 pp. 12 pl. 4~. Hannover, H. a' PockEitzt, 1780. s. Hoffmann (Ernst Theodor Amadeus). Le con- 1o2 mann (Christian Ileinrich). Pr.ctic seiller Krespel. Traduit de l'Allemand par de Lable respel. Traduit d Aemand par. course of instruction in singing. Part 1, exer-. d abdoire. 40 pp. 12. Paris, L. cises and songs for younger classes. 38 pp. Curmet, 1841. sq. 180. Boston, O. Ditson, 1856. s. [In PLUADE, La.] Hoikehonua. He man palapala nina a me-na Hoffmann (Friedrich). De studio medico recte noakehonna. He ma palapala ai me-na pertr~actando~ mniele no ka hoikehonua. 16 pp. 8 col. maps. pertractando. [ With CONRING (H.) Introductio in universam artein 1 Lahainahztc, 1840. medicam. Ed. 1726.] Hoisington (Henry Richard, editor). The oriHoffmann (Dr. Hermann). Pflanzenverbreit- ental astronomer: a complete system of Hlindu ung und pflanzenwanderung. 144 pp. 80. astronomy, (Tamil and English). 2 v. in 1. Darmstadt, G. Jonyhaus, 1852. s. 2 p. 1. 177 pp; 145 pp. 8~. Jaffia, Am. missionr Hoffmann (Samuel Friedrich Wilhelm). Bib- press, 1848. s. liographisches lexicon der gesammten litter- Holbach (Paul Henri Thiry, baron d'). Le atur der Griechen. 2e ausg. 3 v. 80. Leip- bon sens du cur6 J[ean] Meslier. Suivi de zig, A. FF. Bhmze, 1838-45. s. son testament. [Publis parVoltaire.] 380 pp. Handbuch zur bticherkunde fur lehre 160. Paris & Bruxelles, [about 1792]. und studitum der beiden alten klassischen und Holbein (Hans). The dance of death, engraved deutschen sprache. x, 467 pp. 80. Leipzig, by WV. Hollar. [Preface and description of C. Cnobloch, 1838. s. plates by F. Douce, with the daunce of MacHoffmann (Dr. Wilhelm). Die geschichte aber, by John Lydgate.] 1 p. 1. 81 pp. des handels, der erdkunde und schifffahrt 32 pl. 23 1. 1 pl. 16~. Lonrdon, J. Simco, aller v61ker und staaten, von der friihesten 1792. s. zeit bis auf die gegenwart. 2e aufl. vi, 609 The same. [New ed. 120. London, pp. 4 tab. 80. Leipzig, 0. Wigand, 1847. s. 1804. s. Hoffmneister (Werner Friedrich Ludwig Al- Holberg (Ludvig). An introduction to unibert). Die bis jetzt bekannte arten aus der versal history. Translated by G. Sharpe. familie der regenwuiirmer. 43 pp. 1 col. pl. A new edition, revised by W. Radcliffe. xxv, 4~. Braunschweig, Vieweg, 1845. 354 pp. 8~. London, L. Davis [and others], Hofland (Barbara). The unloved one, a 1787. domestic story. 160 pp. 8~. New Yorks k, Nicolai Klimii iter svbterranevm, novam Harpers, 1844. tellvris theoriam ac historiam qvintve monarHofmann (Joseph, M. D.) Das regelwidrige chice adhvc nobis incogniti exhibens. [pseuweibliche becken. iv, 107 pp. 8~. XMiiinchen, don.] 380 pp. 4 pl. 16~. Hafni ae, J. Verfasser, 1839. s. Preuss, 1741. Hogan (Edmund). The prospect of Philadel- Holbrook (Rev. Anthony). Christian essays phia, and check on the next directory. 2 pts. upon the immorality of uncleanness and duelin 1 v. 180 pp. 12~. Philadelphia, Flrancis ling; two sermons. 46 pp. 120. London, and Robert Bailey, 1795. J. Wyat, 1727. Hogarth (William). Les satyres de Guillau- Holbrook (John Edwards). North American me.Hogarth. (English text.) 2 p. 1. 79 pl. herpetology; or, a description of the reptiles fol. Londres, R. Sayer, 1768. s. inhabiting the United States. 5 v. 147 col. Zeichnungen nach den originalen in pl. 40. Philadelphia, J. Dobson, 1842. stahl gestochen, etc. 2 abtheile in 1 v. 7 p. 1. Holcombe (Henry D. D.) The first fruits, in xxiv, 994 pp. 80. Stuttgart, Literatur-onzp- a series of letters. 228pp. 160. Philadelphia, toir, 1840. Ann Cochran, 1812. 23 HOLCROFT. IIOMA1NS. Holcroft (Thomas). Tales in verse. 2 v. x, state of Nova Scotia. [anon.] viii, 157 pp. 170 pp; 142 pp. 18~. London, H. D. 8~. Edinburgh, W. Creech, 1786. Symonds, 1806. Hollister (Hiel). Pawlet [Vt.] for one hunHolden (Frederic A.) Genealogy of the de- dred years. 272pp. 12~. Albany, J. Munscendants of Banfield Capron, 1660-1859. sell, 1867. 263 pp. 12~. Boston, G. C. Rand & Avery, Hollister (Ovando J.) The mines of Colorado. 1859. 8. vii, 450pp. 1map. 12~. SpringJfleld, (Mass.) Holden (Horace). A narrative of the shipwreck, S. Bowles & Co. 1867. captivity, and sufferings, of Horace Holden Holloway (Benjamin). Originals physical and Benj. H. Nute on the Pelew and Lord and theological, sacred and profane; or, essay North's islands. 133pp. 18~. Boston, Russell, towards a discovery of the first descriptive Shattuck 4 Co. 1836. ideas in things, by discovery of the simple or Holeman (Rev. F. R.) Christian poems. primary roots in words. [With discourses 227 pp. 180. Claremont (N. H.) Manuf. Co. on the hidden manna, and on the tree of life. ] 1865. 2 v. 13p. 1. 439 pp; 433 pp. 61. 80. Oxford, Holford (George). The destruction of Jeru- printed at the theatre, 1751. salem, an absolute and irresistible proof of Holmberg (Axel Emanuel). Nordbon under the divine origin of christianity. [anon.] 3d hednatiden. Popular framstalling af vira Am. ed. 132 pp. 16~. Pottstown, John forf/iders alsta kultur. 4 p. 1. 302 pp. 2 pl. 80. Royer, 1820. Stockholm, J. Beckman, 1852. s. Holford (Miss Margaret). See Hodson (Mrs. Holmboe (Christopher Andreas). Det norske Margaret H.) sprogs voesentligste ordforraad, sammenlignet Holgate (Jerome B.) American genealogy; med sanskrit og andre sprog afsamme aet. xx, being a history of some of the early settlers 496 pp. 40. Wien, k. hof og stats-trykkerie, of North America and their descendants. 1852. S. 244 pp. 40. Albany, J. Munsell, 1848. s. I Descriptio ornamentorum maximam parHoll (Friedrich). Handbuch der petrefacten- tem aureorum et numorum saeculi viii et ix in kunde. 2 p. 1. 489 pp. 4 pts. in lv. 16~. praedio Hoen, in parochia Eger, in diocesi Dresden, B. G. Hilscher, 1829-30. s. Norwegioe agershusiensi, anno 1834 repertoHolland (H. R. Fox, 3d lord). See Fox (Henry rum. 16 pp. 2 pl. 4~. Christianic, Lehmann, Richard Vassall). 1835. s. Holland (Josiah Gilbert). Christ and the ------ Det oldnorske verbum, oplyst ved samtwelve; as painted by the poets. 504 pp. 6 menligning med sanskrit og andre sprog af pl. 80. Sp2ringfield, (Mass.) G. Bill kS Co. samme aet. 4~. Christiania, 1848. s. 1867. Holmes (Rev. Abiel). Sermon preach'd at Kathrina; her life and mine, in a poem. Cambridge, first Lord's day in the nineteenth 14th ed. 287 pp. 12~. New York, C. Scribner century. 27 pp. 80. Cambridge, (Mass.) 4' Co. 1867. William Hilliard, 1801. Holland(Saba Smith, lady). Memoir of Sydney Holmes (J. H. H.) Treatise on the coal mines Smith, with a selection from his letters. Edited of Durham and Northumberland. xxii, 259 pp. by Mrs. Austin. 2 v. 378; 511 pp. 12~. 7pl. 80~. London, Baldwin, Cradock,' Joy, New York, Harpers, 1855. s. 1816. Holland. See Netherlands. Holmes (Mrs. Mary J.) The Cameronpride; Hollard (Henri). Pr6cis d'anatomie compar6e, or, purified by suffering. A novel. 415 pp. etc. 466 pp. 3 pl. 12~. Bruxelles, H. Du- 120. 2New York, G. WV. Carleton 4' Co. 1867. mont, 1836. s. Holmes (Oliver Wendell). The guardian angel. Holley (O. L.) A gazetteer of the state of xii, 420 pp. 120. Boston, Ticknor _ Fields, New York; with the census of 1840, and the 1867. tables of distances. [anon.] 479 pp. 1map. Holyoke (Edward). The doctrine of life; or, 1 pl. 12~. Albany, J. Disturnell, 1842. of man's redemption by the seed of Eve, the Hollick (Frederick). Neuropathy; or, the seed of Abraham, etc. 9 p. 1. 426 pp. ix l. true principles of the art of healing the sick. sam. 40. London, Nath. Ekins, 1658. 14, 193 pp. 1 col. pl. 160. Philadelphia, Homans (J. Smith). Merchants' and bankers' national publishing co. 1847. s. almanac for 1865-1867. 3 v. 8~0. New York, Hollingsworth (S.) An account of the present J. S. Homans, 1865-67. 179 HOME. HOOPER. Home (Sir Everard). Lectures on cornm- the laws of radiant and conducted heat, the parative anatomy.; in which are explained chemical constitution of coal, and the combusthe preparations in the Hunterian collection. tion of smoke. 2d ed. xii, 348 pp. 8~. Lon4 v. 4~. London, G. & W. Nicol, 1814. s. don, Whittaker, 1844. s.' - The same. v. 5-6. Supplement. 2 v. Hood (John W. M. D.) Principles and pracviii, 437 pp; vi, 68 pp. 68 pl. 40~. London, tice of medicine, in a series of essays. xvi, Longmans, 1828. s. 263 pp. 8~. Philadelphia, Thomas, CowperthHome evangelization; a view of the wants and wait & Co. 1848. s. prospects of our country. By one of the sec- Iood (Samuel). A brief account of the society retaries of the American tract society. 18~. of the friendly sons of St. Patrick; with bioNew York, [about 1850]. s. graphical notices of members, and extracts IHoler (James Lloyd). Nahant, and other from minutes. [anon.] 112 pp. 1 pl. 12~. places on the north shore. vii, 48 pp. 8~. Philadelphia, W. S. Young, 1844. Boston, William Chadwick, 1848. Hood (Thomas, jr. and others). Rates and Homerus. Opera grreco-latina quse extant taxes, and how they were collected. xi, 277 omnia. Operamcontulit S.Castalio. 10p. 1. pp. 1pl. 160. London, Groombridge & sons, 292, 318 pp. fol. Basiliae, Brylinger, 1567. s. 1866. The worls of Homer, including the Iliad Hook (Walter Farquhar, D. D.) Lives of the and the Odyssey, [translated by Pope; and] archbishops of Canterbury. v. 5. xvi, 524 pp. the battle of the frogs and mice, translated by 80. London, B. Bentley, 1867. Parnell. Revised by W. H. Melmoth. vi, Hooker(JosephDalton). Himalayanjournals. 7, 654 pp. 5 1. 1 map, 39 pl. 40. London, A. Notes of a naturalist in Bengal, the Sikkim Hogg, [about 1780]. and Nepal Himalayas, the Khasia mountains, The Iliad. Faithfully translated into etc. New ed. 2 v. 8~. London, John tMurunrhymed English metre. By F. W. New- ray, 1855. s. man. xxii, 435 pp. 120. London, Walton &..Generaplantarum. See Bentham (Geo.) -Maberly, 1856. and Hooker (J. D.) The same. Translatedinto Eng- Hooker (Worthington). The child's book of lish accentuated hexameters, by Sir J. F. W. nature. 3 v. in 1. 12~. New York, Harpers, Herschel. xvi, 549pp. 8~. Cambridge, Mac- 1857. s. millan 4 Co. 1866. - Burlesque translation [of the first twelve CONTENTS. books of the Iliad, by Thomas Brydges]. Part 1 Plants. Part 2. Animals. [anon.] From 4th London ed. 2 v. 189; 221 Part 3. Air, water, heat, light, etc. pp. 24pl. 16~. New York~ 1809. pp. 2pl 16. New York, 1809. Hookham's original circulating library. New Versione letterale dell' Iliade, [di Melcatalogue. 284 pp. 8~. London, [1805?] s. chior Cesarotti.] 7 v. in 8. 80. Firenze, b shopo MC 0Hooper (George, D. D. bishop of Bath and MGolini, Landi, e Cwati. 1804-07. Wells). Works. [With preface by T. Hunt]. [General index wanting.] Le combat des rats et des grenouilles. xiii, 693 pp. I pl. fol. Oxford, J. Fletcher, Traduit du Grec par M. Trianon. 34 pp. 12~. 1757. Paris, 1841. CONTENTS. [Included in PLUIADE, La.] Calculation of the credibility of human testimony. Homiliarjus doctorum. See Thierry (Jean, Church of Englandfree from the imputation of popery. De Valentinianorum haeresi conjecturae. of Langres). Discourse concerning lent. Hone (William). Facetioe and miscellanies, Discussion of the controversy between the church of England and the church of Rome concerning the with one hundred and twenty engravings, infallible guide. Emendationes ad Tertulliani adversus Valentinianos drawn by George Cruikshank. 2d ed. 8~. tractatum. London, Willtiam Hone, 1827. Enquiry into the ancient measures. Eight sermons. Table book. 2 v. 859; 888 pp. 8~. Lon- In benedictionem patriarchae Jacobi conjecturae. don, TW. Hone, 1827-28. An inquiry into the state of the ancient Honeywood (St. John). Poems, with some measures, the Attick, the Roman, and the pieces in prose. viii, 159 pp. 160. New York, Jewish, with appendix concerning our old T. & J. Swords, 1801. English money and measures of content. Hood (Charles). Practical treatise on Warm- [anon.] 12 p. 1. 475 pp. 8~0. London, B. ing buildings by hot water; on ventilation, Knaplock, 1721. 180 HOOPER. HORSE. Hooper (Robert, M. D.) Lexicon medicum; art, and people. v, 468 pp. 160. New York, or, medical dictionary. With additions by S. Hurd 4' Houghton, 1867. Akerly, M. D. 4th Amer. ed. 2 v. in 1. 472 lHoppus (E.) Hoppus's tables of measuring; pp; 367 pp. 231. 80..New York, Harpers, or, practical measuring made easy; with curi1829. ous observations on measuring timber. 18th E-Doper (William, M. D.) Rational recreations, ed. lx, 226 pp. 80. London, lRivinyton, in which the principles of numbers and natu- 1823. ral philosophy are elucidated; among which Horatius Flaccus(Quintus). Opera expurgata, are all those commonly performed with cards. notis anglicis illustrata. Cura Thomae Dug4 v. 80. London, L. Davis, 1774. s. dale,jun. xvii,359pp. 80. Philadelphie, S. Hope (A. J. Beresford). See Beresford-Hope. W. Conrad, 1815. s. HEope (Thomas). Costume oftheancients. New I Opera, cum notis gallicis. viii, 275 pp. edl. 2 v. xvi, 50 pp. 61. 300 pl. 80. London, 240 Parisiis, A. Delalain, 1832. s. H. G. Bohn, 1841. s. ~ The works of Horace, [Lat.] with EngHistorical essay on architecture. 3d ed. lish notes, etc. By Charles Anthon. A new 3 v. 80. London, J. Murray, 1836-40. ed. xxv, 731 pp. 120. New York, Harpers, 1849. s. CONTENT'S. Works, in English verse, by [W.] Dunv. 1. Text. xx, 526 pp. combe, J. Duncombe, and other hands. With v. 2. Plates. xii pp. 97 pl. hs v. 3. Index. 90 pp. notes, historical and critical, [and] many imitations. 2d ed. 4 v. 160~. London, B. White, Hcpf (Carl). Historisch-genealogischer atlas [and others], 1767. seit Christi geburt bis auf unsere zeit. Abth. I Odes, satires, epistles, and art of poetry. 1. Deutschland. v. 1. xvi, 449pp. fol. Gotha, Translated by P. Francis. 80. -Edinburgh, F. A. Perthes, 1858. s. [1792-94]. Hopkins (David). See Richardson (J.) Vo- [ Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 1]. cabulary, Persian, Arabic, and English, ----- Odes and epodes, satires, epistles, and 1810. art of poetry, construed literally, and word lHopkins (Jesse). The patriots' manual; inter- for word, by Rev. Dr. Giles. 352 pp. 18~. estingto everyAmerican citizen. 220 pp. 160. London, J. Cornish, [1859]. Utica,. WTfilliamns, 1828. Satiren aus dem lateinischen iibersetzt Hopkins (John Henry, D. D. bishop of Ver- und mit einleitungen und erl/tuternden anmont). History of the church, in verse. Com- merkungen versehen von C. M. Wieland. 2 v. posed for the use of bible-classes, [etc. ] in the in 1. 312 pp; 254 pp. 80. Leipzig, Weidmann, protestant episcopal church in the United 1804. s. States. 256 pp. 120. New York, W. I. Pooley, Horner (G. R. B. 1. D.) Diseases and inju1867. ries of seamen; with remarks on their enlistHopkins (Samuel, A. M.) Historical memoirs ment, naval hygiene, and the duties of medirelating to the Housatunnuk Indians; or, ac- cal officers. 252 pp. 12~0. Philadelphia, count of the propagation of the gospel among Lippincott, Grambo & Co. 1854. that tribe, under the ministry of John Ser- I-H6rnes (Dr. Moriz). Verzeichniss der fosgeant. 1 p. ]. 182 pp. 8~. Boston, S. Knee- sil-reste aus 135 fundarten des tertiar-beckens land, 1753. von Wien. 74 pp. 3 tab. 8~. Wien, W. BrauHopkins (Samuel, D. D.) All inquiry concern- miiller, 1848. 0 s. ing the future state of those who die in their [With Czjzek's erliuterlngen, etc.] sins. 2 p. 1. vi, 194 pp. 120. Newport, s. Horsburgh (James). India directory; or, direcSourthucicrk, 1783. tions for sailing to and from the East Indies, Hopkinsian (The) magazine, 1826-27. Rev. China, New Holland, Cape of Good Hope, Otis Thompson, editor. v. 2. iii, 583 pp. 8~. Brazil, etc. 2d ed. with supplement. 2 v. in Providence, -Field & Co. 1826. 1. 5 p. 1. xxvi, 446 pp; 3 p. 1. 551, 50 pp. Hopper (Edward). One wife too many; or, 40. London, author 1817-18. s. Rip Van Bigham. A tale of Tappan Zee. HIorse owner's friend; a treatise on all diseases 262 pp. 16~. New Yorek, Hurd & Hozoughton, and accidents of the horse, with their treat1867. ment. [anon.] 256 pp. 24~. Ann Arbor, Hoppin (James M.) Old England; its scenery, (Mich.) Chase, 1867. HORSFORD. HOUSTON. Horsford (Eben Norton). Report on the geolo- Hough (Franklin B.) History of Dury6e's gy of Cattaraugus county. brigade, during the campaign in Virginia With NEWYORK, State, annual reports on the geolog- under Gen. Pope, and in Maryland under iceal survey. v. 4.1 (vGen. McClellan, in 1862. 200 pp. I pl. 8~. Report on the phrenological classifica- Abany, J. nsell, 1864. tion of J. Stanley Grimes. Adopted by the The northerninvasionof October, 1780; Albany phrenological society. 28 pp. 12~. a series of papers relating to the expeditions Albany, J. Muinsell, 1840. s. from Canada under Sir John Johnson and -Untersuchungen fiber glycocoll uncl einothers, against the frontiers of New York. iger seiner zersetzungsproducte. [Extract.] t 57 pp. 8. Giessen, An d.chenze, 1846. s. WWith an introduction and notes. 224 pp. l pl. 57 pp. 8$. Giessen, Ann. d. cheenie, 1846. s. 1 map. 8~. New York, 1866. Horsmanden (Daniel). Ajournal of proceed[Bradford club publications, N{o. 6.1 ings in the detection of the conspiracy formed See New York, State, Convention by some white people, in conjunction with manual. negro and other slaves [at New York]. vi, (editor). See Washington (George). 205, xvipp. 40. New York, JamesParker, 1744. Washingtoniana, etc. 1865. tHortense de Beauharnais, (Eug6nie, queen of eHoughton (Douglass). First and second anHollande).~ Romances composies et mises en nual reports of the state geologist [of Michimusique. See Memoires sur madame la muque.See deMSt.mores sur m e gan], and documents. 3 v. 80. Lansing, duchesse de St. Leu. Londres, 1832. 1838-39. s. Horticulturist (The) and journal of rural art and rural taste. Jan. to Dec. 1867. New CONTENTS OF DOCUMENTS. series. v. 22. 80. Ne Yorok, -F. W. Wood- Douglass (C. C.) Report of assistant geologist. pp. 66-77. teward, 18367. Higgins, (J. W.) Report of topographer. pp. 45-65 Hortonl (R. G.) Youth's history of the great Hubbard (Bela). Report of assistant geologist. pp. 79-123 civil war in the United States, 1861-65. 2d Sayer (Abram). Report of zoologist. pp. 1-15. ed. 384 pp. 160. Newo YtobrkD Van~ Evrie, Wright (John). Report of botanist. pp. 17-44. Horton and Co. 1866. Houghton (J.) and Bristol (T. W.) Reports Horton (William, M. D.) Report on the geol- on the geography, topography, and geology ogy of Orange county. of the mineral region of Lake Superior. 109 [NIEW YORK, State, annual reports on the geol. pp. map. 160. Detroit, Charles Wilcox, 1846. survey. v. 2.] H Hoskins (Nathan). A history of Vermont, Ioughton (John,. R. S.) Husbandry and from its discovery and settlement to 1830. trade improv'd; revised by Richard Bradley. 316 pp. 160. Vergennes, (Incd.) J. Shedd, 1831. 3 v. 80. London, Woodmnn & Lyon, 1727. Hoskyns (Chandos Wren). Occasional essays. Houghton gallery. A set of prints, engraved 256 pp. 160. Lonlon., Longmnans, 1866. after the most capital paintings, in the collecHdst (Georg). Efterretninger onm ben Sanct tion of H. I. M. the empress ot Russia, lately Thomas og dens gouverneurer, fra 1769 indtil in the collection of the earl of Orford, at 1776. xx, 203 pp. 120. KIb'iob~en2havnr, N. Houghton, in Norfolk. [With plans of HoughMoller og son, 1791. ton hall and estate]. 2 v. 5 p. 1. 81 pl; 4 p. 1. Hostmann (F. Wn. il. D.) Over de bescha- 71 pl. fol. London, J. & J. Boydell, 1788. ving van negers in AmerikDa, door kolonisatie Hours at home; a popular monthly, devoted to met Europeanen. 2 v. lxvi, 346 pp; 463 pp. religious and useful literature. Edited by 80. Amsterdam, J. C. A. Sulpke, 1850. J. M. Sherwood. Nov. 1866 —Apr. 1867. v. 4. H=othkiss (Capt. Jed.) and Allan (William). 4~. NTew York, C. Scribner & Co. [1865]. The battlefields of Virginia. Chancellors- House carpenters' boo of prices, and rules for ville. 152 pp. 5 maps. 1 pl. 8~. New York, measuring and valuing work. 35pp. 120. D. -Van Nostrand, 1867. Philadelphia, B. Folwell, 1801. Hotho (H. G.) Die malerschule Huberts Van Household tales and traditions of England, Eyck nebst deutschen vorgangern und zeit- Germany, France, Scotland, etc. [anon.] genossen. v. i, ii, lief. 1. 120. Berlin, Veit 188 pp. 16~. London,E. Lumley, [about 1850]. 4 Co. 1855-58. s. Houstoll (Mrs. M. C.) Hesperos; or, travels CONTENTS. in the west. 2 v. viii, 293 pp. 120. London, v. i. Geschichte der deutschen malerei bis 1450. xvii, J. W. Parker, 1850. 490 pp.. Houston (Samuel). Letter to Gen. Santa Anna. v. ii. Flandriselle malerei des xv. jahrhhunderts. le lief. ix, 244 pp. 8 pp. 8~. Washington, 1852. 182 HOUTTEVILLE. IIHUBNER. Houtteville (Alexandre Claude Frangois). of his voyages and hardships. 200 pp. 160~. Religion chr6tienne prouv6e par les faits. Northampton, John Metcalf, 1848. Avec un discours sur la m6thode des princi- Hoyt (David W.) A genealogical history of paux auteurs qui ont 6crit pour et contre le John Hoyt of Salisbury, and David Hoyt of christianisme depuis son origine. cciv, 476 pp. Deerfield, (Mass.) and their descendants: 40. Paris, Greg. Dupuis, 1722. with some account of the earlier Connecticut Hovey (Alvah,D.D.) The state of the im- Hoyts. 144 pp. 3 pl. 8~. Boston, C. penitent dead. 168 pp. 160. Boston, Gould & Richardson, 1857. Lincoln, 1859. s. Hoyt (Epaphras). Practical instructions for How (Rev. Thomas Y.) A vindication of the military officers, [with] a new military dicprotestant episcopal church, in a series of tionary. viii, 480 pp. 14 pl. 12~. Greenfield, letters addressed to Rev. Samuel Miller. [Mass.] J. Denio, 1811. xxxvi, 492 pp. 8~. New York, Eastburn, Hoyt (Jesse). Letters fiom Jesse Hoyt, to Kirk & Co. 1816. the secretary of the treasury, explanatory Howard (Luke). Seven lectures on meteoro- of the action of George Poindexter and his logy. 2d ed. vi, 218 pp. 160, London, Har- colleagues, commissioners for the investigavey & Darton, 1843. s. tion of the affairs of the custom-house at New Howard (Robert). Revelations of Egyptian York. 139 pp. 8~. New York, Evening mysteries, and allegories of the Greek lyric post, [1842?] s. poets clearly interpreted. History of the Huarte de San Juan (Juan). Essame de works of nature, with a discourse on health, gl'ingeni de gl'hvomini per apprender le according with the wisdom of the ancients. scienze. Tradotto dalla lingua spagnuola da viii, 284 pp. 8~0. London, H. Colburn, 1850. C. Camilli. 12 p. 1. 367 pp. 16~. Venetia, Howe (Henry). Historical collections of Vir- Aldo, 1586. ginia, with sketch of the District of Columbia. Hubbard (Bela). Report of the assistant 544 pp. 19 pl. 1 map. 8~. Charleston, (S. C.) geologist of Michigan. s. W. B. Babcock, 1847. S. I With HOUGHTON (Douglass). Report on the geology Times of the rebellion in the west; a of Michigan, Doe. No. S.] collection of miscellanies. 22pp. 8. C- Hubbard (John N.) Sketches of border adventures in the life and times of Maj. Moses cinnati, lv. i. Howe, 1867. Hinowe (Nathaniel). Van Campen, a surviving soldier of the H1owe (Nathaniel). Century sermon in Hop- kinton Dec. 24, 1815. 2d ed. 80. 31pp. revolution. 310 pp. 8~. Bath, [N. Y.] B. L. kinton,,. ~~iUnderhill & Co. 1842. Andover, Flagg & Gould, 1817. Howell (George Rogers). Early history of Hubbard (S.) The temperance melodist. 120. Howell (George Rogers). Early history of Southampton, L. I. With genealogies. 318 pp. Boston, Kidder & Cheever, 1852. Hubbard (Rev. William). The present state 12O. N'ew York, J. N. Heellock, 1866. Howell (James). A German diet, or the of New England; a narrative of the troubles ballance of Europe. 4 p. 1, 187 pp. 4 l. 1 pI. with the Indians, from 1607 to 1677, with a fol. London, H. Mioseley, 1653. discourse about the war with the Pequods in Howells (William D.) Italian journeys. 320 1637, [and a narrative of the troubles with pp. 120. New York, Hurd c& Houghton, 1867. the Indians from Pascataqua to Pemmaquid]. Venetian life. 2d ed. 401 pp. 12sm. New 6p. 1. 131, xiii, 88 pp. sm.40. London, York, Hurd & Houghton, 1867. Tho. Parkhurst, 1677. Howitt (William). A country book; for the Hilbener (J. W. P.) Flora der umgegend field, the forest, and the fireside. 3d ed. viii, von Hamburg, stiidtischen gebietes, holstein392 Pp?. 8 p1. 160. London, Iloutledge & Co. lauenburgischen und luneburgischen antheils. 1858. xliv, 523 pp. 80. Hanburg, J. A. Meissner, Howse (Joseph). A grammar of the Cree lgge [with analysis ofthe Cippeay Huber (Therese). Die geschicllte des Cevenlanguage; nwitho e analysis of the Chippe4ay dialect. xx, 324 pp. 8~. Cirencester, J. G. nen-kriegs. 160. Stuttgart Cotta, 1834. s. ~F.,5 J. Rivington, 1844. HIubley (Benrard or Bernard). The history of Howson (Henry). Information and estimates the American revolution. v 1. 1774-75. [No relating to foreign patents. 48 pp. 120. more published.] 606 pp. 8~. Northumbetland, [Pa.] A. Kennledcy 1805. Philadelphia, U. S. and European Pat. berland, [Pa.] A. Kennedy, 1805. [18]iibner (Jacob). Verzeichniss bekannter IHoxae (John). The Ytankee tar. A narrative schmetterlinge. 431, 72 pp. 8~. Augsburg, Hiibner, 1816. s. 183 HUDSON. HUMBOLDT. Hudson (Thomas). Comic songs. 7th, 8tll, Hulot (-). Instruction sur le service de 9th, 11th, and 12th collections. 36 pp. each. l'artillerie. Revue et augment6e, par Bigot. 180. London, T. Hudson, 1826-31. 3e Ed. xii, 283 pp. 2 tab. 2 pl. 12~. Paris, Huerne de La Mothe (Franqois Charles). Magtimel, 1813. s. Libert6s de la France, contre le pouvoir arbi- Hulshoff (Maria Aletta). Peace republican's traire de l'excommunication. xxxvi, 255 pp. manual; or, the French constitution of 1793; 160. Amsterdam, 1761. the declaration of the rights of man and of Hufeland (Christoph Wilhelm). L'art de pro- citizens; debates on this constitution in the longer la vie humaine, traduit sur la 2e 6d. national convention, [etc.] vii, 161 pp. 80. de l'Allemand. 2 parts in l v. xvi, 358 pp. 80. New York, J. Tiebout, 1817. Lausanne, Hignon & Cie. 1809. Hiilsse (Dr. J. A. editor. ) Grbsseren logaHuffington (William). See Delaware Regis- rithmisch-trigonometrisch tafeln. s. ter. Dover, 1838-39. [ With VEGA (G. von.) Sammlung, etc.] Hug (Johannes Leonhard). Bemerkungen fiber Humbert (Jean). Mythologie grecque et rodie aeginetischen bildwerke. 4~. lrreiburg, maine; oun, introduction a lalecture des pobtes. W~agner, 1835. s. 3e 6d. viii, 295 pp. 12~. Paris, B. Duprat, Hugel (Julius von), and Schmidt (C. F.) Die 1847. gestfite und meiereien des konigs Wilhelm Humboldt (Carl Wilhelm von). Uber die von Wurttemberg. xvi, 220 pp. 7 col. pl. Kawi-sprache auf der insel Java. 3 v. 4~. 40. Stuttgart, Ebner & Seubert, [1861.] S. Berlin, k. Akad. der wissenschaften, 1836-39. Huggins (John Richard Desborus). Huggini- s. ana; or, Huggins' fantasy, being a collection of the most esteemed literary productions. CONTENTS. d1 ed. 288pp. 9 pl. 16~. New York, H. C. ed. 288 pp. 9 pl. 160. ew ork H. C. v. I. Einleitung fiber die verschiedenheit des menSouthuwick, 1808. schlichen sprachbaues, und ihren einfluss auf die Hughes (Jabez). Miscellanies in verse and geistige entwicklung des mIenschen-geslelits. Buch i. Verbindungen zwischen Indien und Java. prose. viii p. 1. 292 pp. 80. London, John v. II. Buch ii. Kawi-sprache. Buch iii. Malayischen sl)rachstamm. Abschnitt 1. Stammverwatndtschaft TWatts, 1737. der mldayischen sprachen. Abs. 2. Betrachtung Hughes (John). Poetical works. 8~. Edin- dereinzelnen sprachen des stammes, etc. v. III. Abs. 3. Sprachen der suidsee inseln. Abs. 4. burgh, 1793. Vergleichende grammatik der suidsee sprachen, [Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 7]. und beiltufig des malayischen sprachstammes iiberhaupt, von [J. C. E.J Buschmann. Hughes (Thomas Smart). History of England, from the death of George II. to the present time. [1760-1835.] 5 v. 8~. Paris, Baudry, Humboldt (Friedrich Heinrich Alexander 1835-36. s. von). Ansichten der natur, mit wissenschaftHughes (W.) The American physitian; or, a lichen erliuterungen. v. 1. viii, 334pp. 160. treatise of the roots, plants, trees, herbs, etc. Tiiingen, J. G. Cotta, 1808. s. in the English plantations in America. viii [No nore published.] p.1. 159 pp. 24~. London, William Crook, I The same. Aspects of nature in different 1672. lands and different climates. Translated by Hugo (Marie Victor). The king's fool; or, le Mrs. Sabine. 475 pp. 8~. Philadelphia, Lea roi s'amuse. iv, 44 pp. 8~. London, [1841?] & Blanchard, 1849. s. [Hazlitt's romancist and novelist's lib. v. 5.] The same. Views of nature; or, conLucretiaBorgia; a dramatic tale. Trans- templations on the sublime phenomenaof crelated from the French by W. T. Haley. viii, ation. Trans. from the German by E. C. Ott6 39 pp. 8~. London, [18417] and H. G. Bohn. xxx, 452 pp. 2 pl. 120. [Hazlitt's romancist and novelist's lib. v. 5. 1 London, H. G. Bohn, 1850. s. Hull (Joseph Hervey). English grammar, by The same. Tableaux de la nature, ou lectures. 107 pp. 160. Hagerstown, J. H. considerations sur les d6serts, sur la physiHull, 1823. onomie des v6g6taux, et sur les cataractes de Hullah (John), and Sharland (Joseph B.) l'Or6noque. Trad. de l'AllemandparJ. B. B. The grammar school chorus; containing Wil- Eyries. 2 v. x, 240 pp; 240 pp. 160. Paris, lem's method of teaching vocal music; also, F. Schoell, 1808. s. selections for devotional exercises, [etc.] in Humboldt (Friedrich Heinrich Alexander one, two, and three parts. 183 pp. 8~. Boston, von). Cosmos: sketch of a physical description 0. Ditsoa & Co. [1866]. of the universe. Translated from the German 184 HUMBOLDT. HUNTINGTON. by E. C. Ott6; [assisted, v. 4 by B. H. Paul, Humphreys (Col. David). The life and heroic v. 5, by W. S. Dallas]. 5 v. 1 pl. 120. exploits of Israel Putnam. 190 pp. 18~. New London, H. G. Bohn, 1849-58. Yo'rk, Ezra Strong, 1834. - Correspondance scientifique et litt6raire; Miscellaneous works. [Poems, and recueillie, publie6, et pr6dcde6 d'une notice, life of Israel Putnam]. 348 pp. 8~. New etc. par de La Roquette; suivie de labiographie York, Hodge, Allen 4- Canmpbell, 1790. des correspondants de Humboldt, etc. xliv, Hungerford (James). The old plantation, and 466 pp. 2 1. 2 pl. 80. Paris, E. Ducrocq, what I gathered there in an autumn month. 1865. s. 369 pp. 120. New York, Harpers, 1859. Kritische untersuchungen fiber die his- Hunt (Cornelius E.) The Shenandoah; or, the torische entwickelung der geographischen last confederate cruiser. 273 pp. 12~. New kenntnisse von der neuen welt, und die forts- York, G. W. Carleton & Co. 1867. chritte der nautischen astronomie in d. 15ten Hunt (Rev. Daniel). History of Pomfret, [Ct.] und 16ten Jahrhlundert. Aus dem Fran- A discourse delivered on the day of annual zosischen iibersetzt von J. L. Ideler. 3 v. 8~. thanksgiving, in the first church, in Pomfret, Berlin, Nicolai, 1836-52. Nov. 19th, 1840. 35 pp. 8~0. Hartford, Letters to Varnhagen von Ense, 1827- J. Holbrook, 1841. 58, with extracts from Varnhagen's diaries, Hunt (John, M. D.) Hours of reflection on and letters to Humboldt. Translated fiom honor and pleasure. 324 pp. 18~. (n. p.) the 2d German ed. by F. Kapp. 407 pp. por- 1845. trait. 12~. wNew York, Rudd 4' Carleton, Hunt (Leigh) and Lee (S. Adams). The book 1860. s. of the sonnet. [With preliminary essays]. and Bonpland (Aim6). Personal nar- 2 v. xiv, 340 pp; vi, 344 pp. 160. Boston, rative of travels to the equinoctial regions Roberts Bros. 1867. of the new continent during the vears 1799- HYunt (Robert). The poetry of science; or, 1804. Translated into English by Helen studies of the physical phenomena of nature. Maria Williams. 2 v. xii, li, 289 pp; 299 xxiv, 463 pp. 80. London, Reeve, Benham pp. 80. London, Longmans, 1814. f5 Reeve, 1848. s. The same. 432 pp. 8~. Philadelphia, Hunt (Thomas Sterry). See Logan (Sir WV. 1IM. Carey, 1815. E.) and Hunt (T. S.) Sketch of the geology Hume (David). The history of England, from of Canada. the invasion of Julius Cxesar to the revolution Hunt's merchant's magazine. See Merchant's in 1688, with his life, written by himself. 8 v. magazine and commercial review. portrait. 8~. Edinburgh, Hill f Doig, 1810. Hunter (Charles, M. D.) On the speedy relief The same. Continued to the death of of pain and other nervous affections, by means George II. by T. Smollett. 80. London, of the hypodermic method. 64 pp. 8~. Lon1832. s. don, Churchill, 1865. Humnphrey (1rs. E. J.) Six years in India, HIunter (John, surgeon). A treatise on the as seen by a lady missionary. 286 pp. 180. venereal disease, with copious additions, by New York, Carlton & Porter, 1866. P. Ricord, edited,' with notes, by F. J. BunzHumphrey (George). Museum calonnianum: stead. 520 pp. 8 pl. 80. Phtiladelphia, specification of the various articles which Blanchard and Lea, 1853. s. compose the magnificent museum of natural Hunter (JohnH.) Analytichistory, for schools, history collected by M. de Calonne in France. founded upon the Esquisses historiques of D. [anon.] 84 pp. 8~. London, 1797.. Levi Alvares. 312 pp. 120. New York, D. r[With nms. corrections, etc. by the author]. PFanshaw, 1848. s. Humphreys (Col. David). An essay on the Hunter (Robert, royal gov. of N. Y.) State of life of Israel Putnam. 187 pp. 160. Hart- the case in dispute between the queen and the ford, Hudson & Goodwin, 1788. late assemblies, of the province of New York The same. 144 pp. 180. Brattleboro', arising from the refusal of the latter to admit W. Fessenden, 1812. of any amendments from the council, to The same. With a (poetical) address money bills. [anon.] 8 pp. fol. New York, to the armies of the United States, and a W Bradford, 1713. poem on the happiness of America. 285 pp. Huntington (Prof. Ezra A.) Notes on the 1 pl. 160. Philadelphia, W. McCarty, epistle to the Hebrews. 134 pp. 80. Auburn, 1811. [N. Y.] Wne. J. Moses, 1866. 1 oo HURDIS. HYMNAL. -Hurdis (James). The village curate, a poem. CONTENTS. [anon.] 148 pp. 160. Newb6uryport, (LMass.) Biographical notice; image of God, orlaymans'book; sermons on the Lord's supper, etc. -Blunt f Robinson 1793. Blunt 4- Robinson, 1793. utton (Charles). The principles of bridges. Hurlbert (William Henry). General McClel- 2d ed. 104 pp. 80. London, author, 1801. s. lan aond the condluct of the war. 312 pp. 2 [With SMEATON (J.) Experimental enquiry, etc.] maps. 120. _Xew York, Sheldon & Co. 1864. Hutton (Rev. W.) Hutton's book of nature Hurrt (G. M1. D.) Epidemic cholera: its causes, laid open; revised and improved, by Rev. J. pathology, etc. and the best means for its L. Blake. 25 pp. 1 pl. 18i. New York, Hacrprevention and cure; with a glossary, ex- pes, 1846. s. plaining all technical terms. 127 pp. 80. Huxhamn (John, H. D.) Essay on fevers, with Saint Louis, P. M. Pinckard, 1867. a dissertation on the malignant, ulcerous sore Huss (Dr. Magnus). Chronische a~lklohols- throat. 4th ed. xvi, 336 pp. 80. London, J. krankheit, oder alcoholismus chronicus. Ein inton, 1764. beitrag zur kenntniss der vergiftungs-krank- Huxley (Thomas Henry). Lectures onthe eleheiten, nach eigener und anderer erfahrung. ments of comparative anatomy. On the classiAus deam Schlvedisch ibhersetzt mit aenderun- fication of animals, and on the vertebrate skull. gen und zusiitzen des verfassers, von Gerhard xi, 303 pp. 80. London, Churchill, 1864. S. van dem Busch. xix, 574 pp. 8~. Stockholra, - On our knowledge of the causes of the C. E. Fritze, 1852. s. phenomena of organic nature. 157 pp. 120. Husson (Henri Marie). Report on the mag- London, B. Hardwicke, 18682. s. netical experiments made by the commission ( and Hawkins (Benjamin Waterhouse). of the royal acad. of medicine, of Paris, read An elementary atlas of comparative osteology; June 21, and 28, 1831. Translated from the the objects selected and arranged by Prof. French, with aln introduction, by Charles Huxley, and drawn on stone, by B. W. HawPoyen St. Sauveur. 172 pp. 160. Boston, kins. 3 p. 1. 121. 12 pl. fol. London, Williams H. D. Hitchcock, 1836. & Norgate, 1864. Hutchings (Thomas Gibbons). The medical tHuygens or Iugenius (Christian). The cepilot; or, new system. 7 p. 1. 300 pp. 120. lestial worlds discovered: conjectures conNew York, [author,] 1855. s. cerning the inhabitants, productions, etc. vi, H-utchinson (Francis, bishop of Dozwn and Con- 160 pp. 5 pl. 160. London, T. Clhilde, 1698. nor). An historical essay concerning witch- IHyatt (T. Hart). Hand-book of grape culture, craft. xv, pp. 2 1. 270 pp. 80. London, B. [wine manufacture] etc. 279 pp. 120. San Knaplock, 1718. Francisco, Hf. 1I. Bancroft 4' Co. 1867. ZHutchinson (John). Philosophical and theo- HIyde (Mirs. Anne M.) The American boy's logicalworks. Edited byR. Spearman and J. life of Washington. 255 p. 12 pl. 160. New Bate. [3d ed.] 12 v. 2 pl. 8~. London, J. York, J. Miller, 1868. _Hodyes, 1748-49. Hyde (Edward, 1st earl of Clarendon). The hisCONTENTS, tory of the rebellion and civil wars in England, [with] an historical view of the affairs of v. i-ii. Moses's principia. v. iii. Moses's sine principleo. Ireland. New ed. 6 v. 80. Boston, Wells & v. iv. Confusion of tongues, and trinity of the Gentiles. Lill 1827 v. v. Power, essential and mechanical. v. vi. Glory or gravity essential, or cherubim ex- ~ State papers, 1621-[1674]; containing plained. v. vii. Tnde Hebrew writings perfect. the materials from which his history of the v. viii. The religion of Satan. great rebellion was composed. [Collected and v. viii-ix. The data in christianity. v. x. The human frame. edited by Richard Scrope,Thomas Monkhouse, v. xi. Glory mechanical.. John Douglas, bishop of Salisbury, and v. xii. Tracts. others]. 3 v. fol. Oxford, Clarendon press, The use of reason recovered by the data 1767-86. in christianity. Part ii. 371 pp. 12~. Lon- Hyde (J. Burrows). Treatment and uses of don, G. Strahan, 1739. peat and peaty material, designed expressly Hutchinson (Caqpt. John Hely). See Wilson for the instruction of farmers,. and owners of sir R. F. etc.) Trial of; 1816. peat lands. 81 pp. 180. Nezw York, Bailli&e Hutchinson (Rev. Roger). Works. Edited bros. 1866. by J. Bruce. xv. 350 pp. 8~. Cambridge, Hymnal of the presbyterian church. Ordered university press, 1842. by the general assembly. 598 pp. 120. P7hila[Parker society publications, No. 4.1 clel]hia, Presbytericn boarcl, 1867. 24 186 HYMNS. IMRAY. Hymns from various authors, for the use of the Idiomatic sentences, in English and Panjabi. unitarian church at Washington. 212 pp. 240. [Canon.] 130, 130, iv pp. 12~. Lodiana, Amer. Washington, W. Cooper, 1821. presbyt. miss. press, 1846. s. Hymns ofthehigherlife. [Selected byB. K. P.] Ierne; or, anecdotes and incidents during a 224 pp. sq. 180. New York, Broughton & life chiefly in Ireland. With notices of people Wyman, 1868. and places. By a retired civil engineer. [anon. ] IEymns to theVirgin and Christ, The parliament 1st series. xvi, 344 pp. 5 pl. 120. London, of devils, and other religious poems. Edited Partridge & Co. 1861. by F. J. Furnivall. xviii, 139 pp. 80. London, Ilicino (Bernardo). See Lapini (Bernardo). N. Triibner & Co. 1867. Illiger (Johann Carl Wilhelm). Versuch einer [Early English text society, No. 24.] systematischen vollstiindigen terminologie ftir HEyneman (Leon). The origin of freemasonry. das thierreich und pflanzenreich. xlvi, 469 pp. 177 pp. 8~. Philadelphia, Masonic Mirror, 8~. Helmstiidt, C. G. Fleckeisen, 1800. s. 1858. S. Illinois. Annual report of the adjutant general Ibn Batuta. See Batuta. for 1862. 80. Springfield, 1863. s. Ibn Zafer, or Djafer. See Mohammed ibn H. C. Chandler & Co.'s railway busiabi Mohammed ibn Zafer. ness directory and shippers' guide, for the Icazbalzeta (Joaquin Garcia). Documentos state of Illinois. xxiv, 936, 190 pp. 1 map. para la historia de Mexico. v. 1-2. 8~. Mexico, 80. Indianapolis, H. C. Chandler & Co. F. G. Torres, 1852-53. s. 1868. CONTENTS. - Reports of the Illinois state hospital for v. 1-2. Sunmario de la residencia tomada E D. Fernan- the insane. 1847-62. 422 pp. 80. Chicago, ~do Cortes. Fulton & Co. 1863. s. -- -The same. Documentos para la historia Illustrated arctic news. Facsimile of the Illusde Mexico. 4" sdrie. v. 1-7. 8~. MllexicoJ Vd Mexico. 4 s6ri57. v. 1-7. 80. Mexico, trated arctic news, published on board H. M. S. Resolute, in search for Sir John Franklin, CONTENTS. ~CONTENTS. ~ Lieut. S. Osborne, and G. F. McDougall, v. 1. Continuacion de los materiales para la historia de Sonora. editors. 2 p. 1. 57 pp. fol. London, Ackerv. 2. Sinaloa y Sonora. Materiales, etc. v. 3-4. Nueva-Vizgaya. Documentos, etc. man & Co. 1852. v. 5. Establecimiento i progresos de las'misiones Illustrated London news. July 1866, to June de la Antigua California. v. 6-7. Noticias de la Nueva California por el R. P. 1867. V. 49-50. fol. London, 1866-67. Fr. F. Palou. Agresiones y hazaiias de Illustration (An) of the wisdom and equity of tres Apaches. The same. cliii, 544 pp. 80. Mexico, an indulgent providence, in a similar treatJ. Mhe. sandramde, 1858. s. ment of all creatures on this globe. [anon.] CONTENTS. xxii, 247 pp. 80. London, John Noon, 1761. Historia de los Indios de Nueva Espaiia, por Fr. Tor- Impartial (An) historical narrative of those ibio Motolinia. pp. 1-277. momentous events which have taken place in Noticias de la vida y escritos de fray Toribio de Motolinia, por J. F. Ramirez. cliii. pp. this country from 1816 to 1823. [anon. ] 56 pp. Varios documentos del siglo xvi. pp. 279-537. 5 pl. 2 facs. fol. London, R. Bowyer, 1823. Iceland. Catalog over Islands stifts-bibliothek Impartial observations to be considered by the xxxvi, 180 pp. 12~. Kjdbenhavn, L. J. Jacob- king, ministers, and people of Great Britain. sen, 1828. S. [anon.] 27 pp. 40. [London, 1763?] Icilius (G.) Experimental physik. Ein leitfaden Imperiali (Francesco). La faoniade. Inni ed bei vortragen. 2 p.l. 704pp. 80. ilannover, odi di Saffo tradotti dal testo greco in metro Schmorl & von Seefeld, 1855. S. italiano, da S[osare] I[tomeio] P[astore] Ida Wilmot, "the queen of the household." A[rcade]. [pseudon.] xiii, 99 pp. 18~. Cri[anon.] 192 pp. 160. Boston, B. A. Ballo, sopoli, C. Bodoniani, 1792. 18Rond Hill stories.] Impressions of the west and south during a [Round Hill stories.] Idalia; anovel. By' Ouida." [pseudon.] 594 six weeks' holiday. [anon.] 83 pp. 80. Topp. 12~. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co. ronto, Armour Co. 1858. 1867. Imray (Keith, M.D.) A popular cyclopmdia Ides (Evert Ysbrandt). Three years travels of modern domestic medicine, etc. 1st Am. ed. from Moscow over-land to China. Printed in To which are prefixed by the editor, popular Dutch; now faithfully done into English. treatises upon anatomy, physiology, surgery, 6 p. 1. 110 pp. 1 map. 29 pl. 40. London, dietetics, etc. 855 pp. 1 col. pl. 8~. New WCP. Freenman, 1706. York, Gates, Stedman & Co. 1849. s. 187 INAJUT-ULLAH. INGEMISCO. Inajut-Ullah or Inatulla (of Delhi). Tales, memoranda of Indiana regiments. v. 6-7. translated firom the Persian, [by Alexander 699 pp; 781 pp. 80. Indianapolis, S. M. Dow]. 2 v. ix, xvii, 275 pp; 245 pp. 180. Douglass, 1867. London, T. Becket, 1768. ~ Report (thirteenth) of the superintendent Inatulla (of Delhi). See Inajut-Ullah. of public instruction, being the second biIncidents and sketches connected with the ennial report, for 1863 and 1864. By Samuel early history and settlement of the west. L. Rugg. 240 pp. 80. Indianapolis, J. J. [anon.] 72 pp. 9pl. 8~. Cincinnati, J. A. & Bingham, 1865. U. P. James, 1853. Report (annual) of the treasurer of state Independent (The). (A religious weekly). for the fiscal year ending Oct. 31, 1865. 11 pp. Dec. 1848, to Dec. 1867. 17 v. fol. New York, 80. Indianapolis, S. M. Douglass, 1866. 1848-67. Reports of the officers of state to the Index [expurgatorius] librorvm prohibitorvm, governor for 1860-61, 1863. 2 v. 8~. Incvm regvlis confectis per patres A tridentina dianapolis, 1862-64. synodo delectos. Avctoritate Pii iiii. prim/m Registry law, and an act regulating geneditus; postea ver Ai Syxto v. auctus, et nvnc eral elections, and prescribing the duties of demvm S. D. N. Clementis papTe viii. iussu officers in relation thereto. 20 pp. 8~. Inrecognitus, et publicatus. Instrvctione adiecta dianapolis, A. H. Conner, 1867. de exequendse prohibitionis, etc. 21 p.. School laws, as amended in 1865 and 551. 18~. Colonice, G. Cholinus, 1598. s. 1867; with opinions, instructions, andjudicial The same. Index librorum prohibito- decisions relating to common schools, and to rum a Sixto v. papa confectus et publicatus; the officers thereof. Prepared by the superinat vero a successoribus ejus in sede romana tendent of public instruction. 72 pp. 8~. suppressus. Edente Josepho Mendham. vi, Indianapolis, A. H. Conner, 1867. 47 pp. 40. Londini, J. Duncan, 1835. Indiana gazetteer; or, topographical dictionary Indian battles, murders, sieges, and forays in of the state of Indiana. 3d ed. 440 pp. 80. the southwest. Narratives of Gen. Hall [and Indianapolis, E. Chamberlain, 1849. others]. 100 pp. 80. Nashville, 1853. Indiana institute for the education of the blind. Indian songs of peace, with a proposal for Twentieth annual report of the trustees and erecting Indian schools, and a postscript in- superintendent. 93 pp. 80. Indianapolis, troducing Yariza, an Indian maid's letter. S. M. Douglass, 1866. [anon.] 27 pp. 120. New York, J. Parker Indiana state board of agriculture. Annual & W. Wayman, 1752. reports: 1st and 2d. 2 v. 8~. Indianapolis, Indiana. Brevier legislative reports; embrac- J. P. Chapman, 1852-53. ing short-hand sketches of the journals and de- Indiana state library. Catalogue. Compiled bates of the general assembly. By Ariel and by J. R. Bryant. 96pp. 8~. Indianapolis, W. H. Drapier, reporters. v. 6 and 8. 8~. J. C. Walker, 1859. s. South Bend, (Ind.) Foru umjob office, 1863-66. Indiana university. Annual report, including Documents and annual reports of the the catalogue for 1866-7. 48pp. 1 pl. 80. officers of public institutions for 1864. 858 pp. Indianapolis, A. H. Conner, 1867. 80. Indianapolis, J. J. Bingham, 1865. Indianapolis. Edwards's annual directory. Documents of the general assembly. 1867. 412, cxv pp. 8~. Indianapolis, Ed41st session, 1861, 42d, 43d, 1863, 43d regu- wards & Boyd, 1867. lar, 1865, 45th session, 1867. 7 v. 8~. Indian- - Logan's directoryfor 1867 [-68]. xxiv, apolis, 1861-67. 357 pp. 80. LIndianapolis,] Logan' Co. Journal of the house of representatives, 1867. special session 1861, 43d, 1863, 44th, 1865, Industrial and social position of women, in and called session, 1865. 4 v. 80. Indianapolis, the middle and lower ranks. [anon.] xv, 1861-65. 419 pp. 120. London, Chapman & Hall, - Journal of the senate. Called session 1857. 1858, 40th seas. 1859, special sess. 1861, 44th Ingelow(Jean). Story of doom, and other sess. 1865, called sess. 1865, 45th sess. 1867. poems. vi, 290 pp. 1pl. 160. Boston, Roberts 6v. 8~. Indianapolis, 1858-67. bros. 1867. Report of the adjutant general; contain- Ingemisco. [A novel.] By Fadette. [pseuing rosters of officers and men, and historical don.] 12N. Yew York, 1867. INGENHIOUSZ.' IRELAND. Ingenhouasz (Jean). Nouvelles exp6riences et to June, 1867. v. 5. 4~. New York, P. Vr. observations sur divers objets de physique. Vanwyck, [1867.] 2 v. xxvii, 498 pp. 4 pl; xx, 574 pp. 80. Invest6r's (The) monthly manual, in conlnecParis, P. T. Barrois, 1785-89. s. tion with the economist. A newspaper for IngerSe (Julie). Et aar i Utah; eller, mormon- investors in stocks. Jan. 1866 to Dec. 1867. ismens hemmeligheder. 62pp. 120. Chicago, v. 2-3. sm. fol. London, [D. Aird, 1866-67]. "Skandinavens" oice, 1867. Invisible (The) spy. ByExploralibus. [pseuIngerslev (C. F. ) and Fridriksson (H. Cr. ) don.] 4 v. 160. London, T. Gardncer, 1755. Stutt kennslub6k i landafredinni. vi, 304 pp. Invisibles: an explanation of phenomlena com12. Reykjavik, PrentzLidcjn Islands, 1854. s. monly called spiritual. [anon.] 331 pp. 120. Ingersoll (Jared). Letters relating to the Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1867. stamp act. iv, 68 pp. sin. 40. T2ew HeaIven, Iowa. The census returns of the different coun1766. ties. 1856, 59, 62, 65. 4 v. in 1. 120. Iowa ]'Fitle page wanting.] city, and Des Moines, State printer, 1857-65. Ingoesoll (Lurton Dunham). Iowa and the.'The debates of the constitutional convenrcbellion, a history. 3d ed. 743 pp. 80. Phil- tion, 1857. V. B. Lord, reporter. 2 v. ii, a(ielphia, J. B. Lippincott and Co. 1867. 1096, 103 pp. 80. DaLvenport, Luse, Lane Ing-Dldsby (Thomas, pseudon. ) See Barhlam & Co. 1857. (IH. H.) Journal of the constitutional convention, Inlgaham (Joseph IHolt). Beatrice, the gold- 1857. 406 pp. 120. Muscatine, J. MLahin, 1857slnith's daughter. 93 pp. 80. New York, Journals of the senate and house, 18557Williams brothers, 1847. 1866. 18 v. 80 and 120. Iowa city, and ~ —-— Edward Austin. 66 pp. 80. Boston, F. Des Moines, State printer, 1865-66. Gleason, 1842. - Legislative documents compiled by order Edward Manning. 120 pp. 80. NTew of the general assembly, 1857. [Sen. doe.], York, Villiams brothers, 1847. 1860-66. 7 v. 8~ and 120. Iowa city, and ~- -— Ringold Griffitt. 100 pp. 80. Boston, Des Moines, State priinter, 1857-66. F. Gleason, 1847. Report of the adjutant general, 1863-66. Spectre steamer, and other tales. 100 5 v. 8~. Des Moines, F. W. Palmes, 1863-67. pp. 8~. Boston, 1846. - Reports [ annual] of the state agricultural Ingraham (Joseph W.) Geographical index society, for 1857, 1859-65. 7 v. 8~ and 12~. to the historical map of Palestine. 96 pp. Des Moines, Teesdale & Palmer, 1858-66. 80. Boston, Thomas B. Wait and J. Ifi. Ingra- Irby (Charles Leonard), and Mangles ham, 1828. (James). Travels in Egypt and Nubia, Syria, Ingulph. Historia. fol. Ozoniwe, f1684. and the Holy Land. viii, 150 pp. 120. Lon[In GALrE (Thomas), and FELL (Juhn). Rerum angli- don, John Mleurray, 1847. carom seriptores veteres. Oxonie, 1684-91. v. 1.] lNote.-Sir Francis Palgrave has demonstrated that Ireland (Joseph N.) Records of the New York this work is an historical novel, composed y a stage, from 1750 to 1860. 2 v. iv, 663 monk of the thirteenth or fourteenth century, and therefore falsely attributed to Ingulph, who lived pp; vi, 746 pp. 8~. New York, 1: H. Mortin tie eleventh century. rell 1866-67 Ines (C osino ). RMemoir of' Tholas Thomsonl, Ireland (William Henry). Napoleon anecdotes: advocate. xi, 251 pp. 80. EJinlburgh, Bas- illustrating his mental energies; and the icatl yne c1lub, 1854. s. characters and actions of his contemporary Institut imperial dle France. Annuaire pouren and warriors. 3v. 16. Bosto, 1866-67. 2 v. 180. Paris, 1866-67. Wtelel & Lilly, 1830. Institut-ion (The) of civil engineers. Cata- Ireland. Report from tle committee of secrecy, logue of the library, etc. viii, 228 pp. 8~. of the house of commons in Ireland, as reLonldon, institution, 1851. 5. ported by lord Castlereagh, Aug. 21, 1798, The same. 2d ed. viii, 412 pp. 80. [on the united Irishmen's conspiracy]. 184, Lonlon, institsetion, 1866. S. 83 pp. 8~. London, J. Debrett, 1798. Intellectual (The) house-keeper; or, hints to - Report from the committee of secrec, of females. [anon3 47 pp. 160. Boston, Zus- the house of lords in Ireland, as reported by sell, Ocdiorne nancdl Co. 183,5. John, earl of Clare, chancellor, Aug. 30, 179.8, Internal (The) revenue record and customs [on the united Irishmen's conspiracy]. 53 pp. journal. A weekly register of official infor- so Locldon, J. Debect, 1798. lnatioLi on internal evenue anld customs, Jan. [ With the preceding.] 189 IRVIN. - JACKSON. Irvin (Christopher). Historime Scoticm nomen- Italy. Statistica del regno d'Italia. Istruzione clatura latino-vernacula. 7 p. 1. 253 pp. 18~. pubblica eprivata. Istruzione primaria, 1863Edinbruchii, Gideon Schaw, 1682. 64. cxv, 229 pp.j 4~. FPirenze, Tofani, 1866. Irvine (Alexander). The London flora. xvi, s. 340 pp. 120. London, Smith, Elder & Co. The same. Sanita pubblica. I1 cholera1838. s. morbus nel 1865. xxiii, 112 pp. 40. li7renze, Irving (C.) Catechism of practical chemistry; G. Barbrca, 1867. s.. a familiar introduction to that interesting Itinerarium Hierosolymitanum. science. 5th Am. ed. by M. J. Kerney. 85 pp. [ With ANTONINUS (Augustus). Vetera Romanorum itineraria. Ed..Amstelaedamni, 1735]. 1 pl. 24~. 13altizmore, J. 7Mu~rphy & Co. 1854. iineraria.. Amsteeai, 1735]. vernois (Frangois d', LL. D.) An historical and political view of the constitution and revIrving (David, LL. D.) Elements of English olutions of Geneva in the eighteenth century. composition. New ed. x, 318 pp. 8~. London,y J. Farrell. xxx, 374 pp. 80. Translated by J. Farrell. xxx, 374 pp. 8~. B. Phillips, 1809. Dublin, W. Wilson, 1784. Lives of Scotish writers. 2 v. in 1. vii, Ives (Edward, M. D.) A voyage from Eng384; 385 pp. 120. E dinburgh, A.& C. Black, land to India, 1754, and an historical narra1850. S. tive of the operations of the squadron and Irving (Theodore). The conquest of Florida, under Hernando de Soto. 2 v. xii, 296; 315 H ndo d, 35 Persia to England, by an unusual route. xii, pp. 8~. Lodzlon, Edclward Choerton, 1835. 506pp. 1 map. 11 pl. 4~. LonldonlDill~y Irving (Washington). A book of the Hudson. 506 pp. map. 11 p. 40 Ldn Dilly 1773. Collected from the various works of Diedrich Ives (Joseph C.) Report upon the Colorado Knickerbocker. Edited by Geoffrey Crayon. river of the west, explored in 1857-58. 367 [psecudon.] 215 pp. 16. NTAew Yorlc, G. P. pp. 1 map. 34 p pp. I map. 34 pl. 4~. ashinsygtonb gov. Putnam, 1849. S. printing qgice, 1861. A history of New York, by Diedriche, 1861. CONTENTS. Knickerbocker. [pseudon.] 2 v. xxiii, 268 Part. Generalreport. 131 Part 1. General report. 131 pp. pp; 258 pp. 1 pl. 12~. New York, Inskeep 2. Hydrographic report. 14 pp. 3. Geologicalreport. By J. S. Newberry. 154 pp. &.Bradford, 1809. 4. Botany. By A. Gray, J. Torrey. G. Thurber, Isenkrahe (Caspar). Helicinae titanicae anato- and G. Engelmann. 30 pp. 5. Zoology [birds]. By S. F. Baird. 6 pp. me. 27 pp. 1 pl. 80. Bonnae, Auctor, 1866. Appendix. Astronomical observations. 32 pp. S. Izard (Mcj. Gen. George). Official correspond[Wanting 1 plate.] ence with the department of war, relative to Isid orus Hisgpalensis. Ethimologiarum libri...Isidors ispalensis. Ethimologiarum libri the military operations of the American army viginti. fol. Augustae Vindelicorun, G. Zainer, under [his] command on the northern fron1472. S. tier of the United States in 1814 and 1815, Isla (Jos6 Francisco de). Historia del famoso vi,152 pp. 80. Philadelphin a 1 adbson, predicador fray Gerundio de Campazas, alias 1816. Zotes. Per Francisco Lobon de Salazar. [pseu-,Tackson (Andrew). Proclamation [on nullifidon.] 5 v. 18~. lMadrid Iaoeos, 1822. s. d v M R, 1cation, December 10, 183']. 25 pp. 8~. LonIslands landnamabok. Hoc est: liber originum don, d Pe illies. 1 1833?] Islandiae. rioeltiancnn icbs don, Richard Phillips, [18o331.] Isflandiae. Versione latin%, nec non indicibus [ With PRoTO (James). Narrative of a voyage in the illustratus [a Johanne Finnaeo]. 40. lHavniae, Indian seas. London.] A. P. Steir, 1774. Jackson (Charles Thomas). First annual reIsocrates. Parmnesis; hoc est prlecepta de port on the geology of the state of New Hampofficiis ad Demonicum; oratio ad Nicoclem de shire. 164 pp. 80. Concord, C. Barton, 1841. reglo, etc. (Gr. et Lat.) 4 p. 1. 147 pp. 240. s. Loncdini, J. Eleptinstall, 1699. s. ~ First, second, and third annual reports on the geology of the state of Maine. 3 v. in 1. CONgTENTS. 80. Augusta, 1837-39. s. Parmnesis, etc. Agapeti expositio admonitoria ad Jus-ackson (Frederick). The victim of chancery tinianum imperatorern. Jackso (Frederick). The victim of chancery: )De regno, ex Diogene et ex Ecphante. or, a debto's eperiece. 08pp.. e Senecee, Proverbia: De moribus. experience. 208 pp. 12 Theoctisti sententihe, adversus molles et negligentes. York, J. 1. Trow, 1841. Isselt (Michaelvoon). See Surius (Lorenz) and' Jackson (J. W.) Ethnology and phrenology, lsselt (M. von). Comienttarivs brevis rervmll as an aid to tle historian. 324 pp. 120. Loninl orbe gestarvim. Colonice, 1586. donb, TIilbner c& Co. 1863. 190 JACKSON. JAMES. Jackson (R. M. S.) The [Alleghany] mountain. health, [etc.] 244 pp. 21 pl. 120. New York, [Also, medical essays, entitled: AEsculapius, Miller, Wood t5 Co. 1867. Hygeia, AntEeus the giant, Pan a symbol of Jaeger (Georg Friedrich von). De ichthyothe universe]. xii, 632 pp. 12~0. Philadel- sauri sive proteosauri fossilis speciminibus in phia, J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1860. s. agro bollensi in Wiirtembergia repertis. Jackson (William, of Exeter). The four ages; 14 pp. 2pl. fol. Stutgardiw, Cotta, 1824. s. [with] essays on various subjects. 454 pp. Ueber die fossilen saiugethiere, welche in 8~. London, Cadell & Davies, 1798. Wiirtemberg aufgefunden worden sind. 2 v. Jackson (-Maj. William). Eulogium on the in 1. 3p. 1. 230 pp. 20 pl. 40~. Stuttgart, C. character of general Washington, pronounced Erhard, 1835-39. s. 22 Feb. 1800. New ed. 44 pp. 80. Philadel- I Ueber die wirkungen des arseniks auf phia, John Ornmrod, 1800. pflanzen. viii, 115pp. 80~. Stuttgart, E. Schwei[ With WASHINGTON (George). Monuments of patri- zerbart, 1864. s. otism. Philadelphia, 1800]. otism. Trlade i 1. Jaenisch (C. F. de). Chess preceptor; a new Jacob (P. L. bibliophile; pseudon.) See acroix (Paul). analysis of the openings of games. Translated by George Walker. xx, 291 pp. 8~. London, Jacob (Stephen). Poetical essay, delivered at by George Walker. xx, Bennington, on the anniversary of the 16th Lomans 1847. ofnnAuguto, 1777. 8 pp. anniversart e Wat- Jal (A.) Virgilius nauticus. Examen des pasof August, 1777. 8 pp. 8~. Hartford, Watsages de l'En6ide qui ont trait A la marine. son & Goodwin, 1779. Jacobaeus or Jacobsen (Holger). Museum [extract.] 107pp. 8. Paris p imprimerie regium; seu catalogus rerum tam naturalium, royale, 1843. s. quam artificialium, quse in basilica bibliothece Jamaica (The) movement, for promoting the Christiani v. Hafniaeasservantur. 8. 1 206 enforcement of the slave-trade treaties, and Christiani v. Hafniaeasservantur. 8p. 1. 206 the suppression of the slave-trade. [anon.] pp. 37 pl. fol. Hafniae, J. Schwetgen, 1696. s. Jacobi (Louis). Iddes g6n6rales surla maladie; 430 pp. 80. London, C. Gilpin, 1850. m6thodes qui en d6coulent; application du James I (king of England). BaatLcov apov; traitement des fiUvres graves. 113 pp. 4. or, king James's instructions to his dearest Strasbourg, Berger-Levrault, 1850. sonne, Henry the prince. [With portrait by Jacobs (Christian Friedrich Wilhelm). The R. White.] 160. London, 1682. James (George Payne Rainsford). Bertrand first part of [his] Latin reader adapted to de la Croix; or, the siege of Rhodes. 25 pp. Bullion's Latin grammar. By Peter Bullions. n 6th ed. 336 pp. 12~. New York, Pratt, Woodnford 4 Co. 1846. l[Hazlitt's romancist and novelist's lib. v. 3]. andfor Uk Co. 1846. s. B - Thirty years since; or, the ruined family. an.. 2d UTkert, (Friedrich August). Beit- sxi, 383 pp. 1 pl. 80. London, Simpkin, AJarriige zur altern litteratur; oder, merkwfurdig- shall Co. 1848. heiten der herzog. oenIltlichen bibliothek ketndr ezg ffulce bbite James (Henry). Old and new theology, and zu Gotha. 6 pts. in 3 v. 8~. Leipzigy Dyk Goth. pts. inv 80 pz, Dyk, the church of Christ not an ecclesiasticism. 1835-43. S. xv, 198 pp. 16~. London, Longmrans, 1861. Jacobs, (Rev. Peter). Journey from Rice James (John, M. D.) The American household lake to the Hudson's Bay territory, and returni 1 wl, abook of medicine: containing directions on ing, 1852; with account of his life, and his- diseases, bathing, diet, etc.; adapted to popYorky of theWesleyan mission. 96 pp. 160. New ular use and ready reference. 810 pp. 3 pl. Yorkem 1857.adle).'Alleniagne, agricole 8~. Cincinnati, R. W. Carroll & Co. 1866.;Jacquemin (lemile). L'Allemagne agricole, rImperfect; alnting P. 33-48]. industrielle et politique; voyages faits en 1840- James (Joseph), and Moore (Daniel). A sys42. iv, 459 pp. 8~. Pacis, buaeau d>'6agricul- tem of exchange with almost all parts of the ture, 1842. s. world; [with] the India directory for purJacquemont (Victor.) Correspondance avec chasing drugs and spices in the East Indies. sa famille et plusieurs de ses amis, pendant 180 pp. 16G. Neiv York, J. eruman, 1800. son voyage dans l'Inde. [1828-1831.] 2v. [Imperfect; wanting pp. 5-12]. 360 pp; 356 pp. 1 map. 160. Bruxelles, A. James (Thomas). Strange and dangerovs Peeters, 1834. voyage in his inltendecd discouery of the Jacques (D. H.) Philosophy of human beauty; northwest passage into the South sea. 3 p. 1. hints towards physical perfection: showing 120 pp. 11 1. 160. London, J. Partridge, how to acquire and retain bodily symmetry, 1633. JAMES. JEFFREY. James (William Dobein). A sketch of the life Janson (Christopher). Norske dikt. 5 p. ]. of Francis Marion, and history of his brigade. 195 pp. 160. Bjorgvin, E. B. Giertsen, 181, 39 pp. 80. Charleston, (S. C.) Gould 1867. s. & Riley, 1821. Jarves (James Jackson). History of the HaJameson (Mrs. Anna Murphy). Studies, stories, waiian islands, embracing their antiquities, and memoirs. 408 pp. 1 pl. 240. Boston, mythology, etc. 3d ed. 240 pp. 80. Honolulu, Ticknor & Fields, 1859. C. E. Hitchcock, 1847. Jameson (Horatio Gates, M1. D.) American Jay (Rev. William). Memoirs of the life and domestic medicine; or, medical admonisher. character of the Rev. Cornelius Winter. xxi, 2d ed. with additions. 574 pp. 80. Baltimore, 478 pp. 80. Bath, M. Gye, 1808. John D. Toy, 1818. Jay (Wil!iam, judge, Westchester co. N. Y.) Jamesoln (Robert). Climate, geology, and Slavery in America; or, an inquiry into the mineralogy of India. character and tendency of the American colo[pp. 158-257 of v. 3 of MURRAY (Hugh). Account of nization, and the American anti-slavery sociBritish India. 3 v. 8~. JV. Y. 1833-36]. eties. With an introduction by S. H. Cox. Jameson (William H. jr.) and Ferguson (George). Table of pay of the commissioned xiv, 198 pp. 12 officers of the [U. S.] army, under the law of A. H. Davis, 1835. the 39th Congress. 4. [Washington, 1867]. Jeaffreson (John Cordy). A book about lawyers. 2 v. Villi 359 pp; vii, 431 pp. 8~. Jamieson (Milton). Journal and notes of a2 v. viii, 359 pp; vii, 431 pp. 8 London, Hurst ~ Blackett, 1867. campaign in Mexico: containing a history of,, Jebb (John, D. D. bp. of Limerick). Works co. C, of the second regiment of Ohio volunteers. 105 pp. 80. incinnati, Ben. Franklin theological, medical, political and miscellateers. 105 pp. 8~. Cincinnati, Ben. BWranklin printing house, 1849. neous. With memoirs of the author, by J. 2rinting house, 1849. Janet's home. [A novel, anon.] 2 v. 411 Disney. 3 v. 80. London, T. Cadell, 1787. pp; 428 pp. 160. London, Macmillan, 1863. CONTENTS. Janeway (Jmes). Invisibles, realities, v. 1. Life; theological lectures at Cambridge; new harmony of the gospels; letters on subscription to monstrated in the holy life and triumphant the liturgy and thirty-nine articles. v2. Miscellaneous. and medical. death of John Janeway. 3d ed. 177 pp. 240. v. 3. Miscellaneous; every man his own priest; acadeBoston, B. _Eliot, 1703. mical papers, political papers, index. [pp. 25-26, and table of contents, imperfect.] Jefferson (Thomas). An essay towards faciliJaneway (Rev. James). A token for children: tating instruction in the Anglo-Saxon and an account of the conversion and exemplary modern dialects of the English language. lives of several young children; with a token 43 pp. 40. New York, J. F. T'row, 1851. for the children of New England. 156 pp. - Manual of parliamentarypractice, [with] 180. Boston, Z. Fowle, 1771. the rules and orders of the senate and house Janin (Jules Gabriel). B6ranger et son temps. of representatives, and joint rules of the two 2 v. 176 pp; 120 pp. 2 pl. 180. Paris, houses. 220 pp. 160. Washington, Davis Pincebourde. 1866. & Force, 1820. Un hiver'a Paris. Nouv. 6d. 282 pp. Notes on the state of Virginia. With 18 pl. 80. Paris, Ve. Janet, [1847]. an appendix relative to the murder of Logan's. —-- Prosper Chavigni and Letitia Laferti; family. 356 pp. 160. Trenton, Wilson & or, Le cllemin de traverse. 172 pp. 80. Blackwell, 1803. London, [1841?] Jefferson college, (Washington, Miss.) The [Hazlitt's romancist and novelist's lib. v. 51. charter and statutes, with a historical sketch Sketches of Genoa, Pisa, and Florence; of the institution, etc. [With] a catalogue of with a description of the cathedral of Milan. its library, appaatus etc. 90 pp. 8~. NtTranslated by Mrs. M. H. Robinson. 144 pp. chez, The bookr and job oice, 1840. a. 120. Philadelphica, Lippincott, 1854. S. Jefferys (Thomas). Natural and civil history Janita's cross. By the author of "St. Olave's." of the French dominions in North and South [anon.] 3 v. 120. London, Hurst & Blackett, America. 2 pts.iln lv. fol. London, 1760. s. 1864. Jeffrey (Francis). Extract of the review of Janse (L.) Bijdrage tot bet onderzoek naar de lord Byron's Hours of idleness, from the Edinoorzaken der geslachtsverhouding bij de ge- burgh review, No. 22. [anon.] 8 pp. 8~. boorten. viii, 171 pp. 2 pl. 8~. Midldleburg, London, Wilton & son, 1820. Abrahanms, 1853.. [ ith BYRON. - The Giaour. Ed. 1813.] 192 JEFFREYS. JEWETT. Jeffreys (John Gwyn). British conchology; Jephson (Robert). Roman portraits, a poem: or, an account of the mollusca which now in- with historical remarks and illustrations. habit the British isles and the surrounding xxiv, 277 pp. 20 pl. 40~. London, F. & J. seas. v. 1-4. 120. London, J. Van Foorst, Robinson, 1794. 1862-67. Jerdon (T. C.) The birds of India, being a CONTENTS. natural history of all the birds known to inv. 1. Landl and fresh water shells. 9 p1. habit contifental India etc. 2 v. in 3. 80. v. 2-4. Marine shells. 27 pl.. Jeffreys (Julius, F. B. S.) Views upon the Calcutta, aut7or, 1862-64. s. statics of the human chest, animal heat, and u r6me (J6rnme Bonaparte, king of TVestphadeterminations of blood to the head. xix, la). Mdmoires et correspondance du roi 233 pp. 80. Londo1n, Longscvsss, 1843. S. J6rome et de la reine Cath6rine. v. 7. 8~. Jenkins (Geoffrey, pseudon.) See Legislative Paris, Dent-, 186G. sketches. Jesse (John Heneage). Memoirs of the life Jeankizns (John). Art of writing reduced to a and reign of king George the third. 3 v. 80. plain and easy system. xlviii, 68 pp. 2 1. London, insley bros. 1867. 80. Camrbridge, [printed at Andover, Flagg Jessen (Carl F. W.) Botanik der gegenwart &D Goucld], 1813. und vorzeit in culturllistorischer entwickeJenlkins (John S.) History of political parties lung. sxii, 495 pp. 8~. Leipzig, F. A. Brockin the state of INew York, 1783 to 1849. 2d ed. 7has, 1864. s. 580 pp. 120. Auburn, Alden v Pasrsons, 1849. - jUber die lebensdauer d-r gewdichse. Jenkins (Thornton A.), and Bache (Richard). [Extract.] 188 pp. 40. Breslau, etc. k. Leop. Reports on inmprovements in the lighthouse Carol. akad. der nat. 1854. s. system, and collateral aids to navigation. 80. Jessein (Dr. P.) Versuch einer wissenschaft[ Wracshington, Gov't printe~r, 184G.] a. lichen begrtundung der psychologie. viii, 715 Jetanings (Isaac ML D.) The tree of life; or, pp. 80. Berlin, Veit & Co. 1855. s. human degeneracy: its nature and remedy, Jesuits' (The) loyalty, manifested in three treaas based ont orthopathy. 279 pp. 120. NYeU tises written by them against the oath of alleYork, Mfiller, Wood c9 Co. 1867. giance; with a preface, showing the perniJennings (James). A lecture on the history cious consequence of their priIciples as to and utility of literary institutions. xii, 122 pp. civil government. Also, three other treatises 80. Londlon, Shersvood, Jones & Co. 1823. concerning the reasons of the penal laws. Jenenimags (Louis J.) Eighty years of repub- [anon.] 48, 132 pp. sm. 40. London, 1. lican government in the United States. xv, Royston, 1677. 2838pp. 120. London, J. Mn7urcyt 1868. Jewel (Rev. John, bishop of Salisbury). Works. Jennings (Robert). The horse and other live Editedly Rev. Johl Ayre. 4v. 8. Canstock. With [their] diseases, and remedies bridge, Univ. press, 1845-50. [Parker society publications.] for each, their history and varieties, their crossing and breeding, etc. Horse, 384 pp. CONTENTS. Cattle, 340 pp. Sheep, 243 pp. Swine, 87 PP. v. 1. Sermon preached at Paul's cross; correspondPoultry, 170 pp. 1 pl. 80. Philadelphia, eonce with Dr. Cole; reply to Harding's ansver: J. E. Potter & Co. [1866]. of private mass; of communion; of prayers in a strange tongue; of the supremacy; of real Sheep, swine, and poultry; embracing presence; of being in many places; of elevation of thie sacrament; of adoration of the sacrathe history and varieties of each; the best ment. modes of breeding, etc. 490 pp. 160. Phila- v. 2. Reply to Harding, continued: exposition of St. Paul's epistles to the Thessalonians; sermons; delphia, Potter 4 Co. [1864]. of thesacraments. Jennin-iigs (Samuel K. M. D.) A compendium v. 3. Apology of the church of England, with defence of apoldgy. of medical science, or fifty years' experience v. 4. Defence of apology, continued; epistle to Scipio; *n of healing, etc. 592 pp. 1N,o view of a seditious bull; treatise on the holy in the art of healing, etc. 59 pp. i pl. 8o. scriptures; letters, and miscellaneous pieces. Tuskaloosa, (Ala.) M. J. S8lade, 1847. S. Jenny and the insects. [anon.] 298 pp. 7 pl. Apologia ecclesim anglicanre. 90 pp. 80o. 12~. Philadelphia, Am. S. S. union, 1857. Oxford, 1825. Jenyns (Soame). Free enquiry into the nature [With RANDOLPH (John, bishop of Londona). Enchiridion theologicmn, v. 1.] and origin of evil, and reflections on several ehiridio theologico, v. 1.N subjects. n Jewett (Charles Coffin). Notices of public subjects. [sWith iISCELLANEOUS pieces. v. 2. 12~. Lossdon, libraries in the United States. 207 pp. 8o. Dodsley, 1761.] 7Washingto n2 Snithsoniasn inst. 1851. 193 JEWETT. JOHNSON. Jewett (Charles Coffin). On the construction of Johnson (Charles). History of the lives and catalogues of libraries, and stereotyped titles. actions of the most famous highwaymen, vi, 78 pp. 8~. Washington, Smithsonian inst. murderers, street robbers, etc. with the voy1852. ages and plunders of the most noted pirates. Jewish nation; containing an account of their 484 pp. 17 pl. fol. London, 1734. manners and customs, rites and worship, laws [Imperfect; title wanting. Also pp. 21-22; 105-6; 477-84, and plates on pp. 91, 132; 136, 188, 203, and polity. [anon.] iv, 452 pp. 1 pl. 120. 228, 278, 372, and 483]. London, Rel. tract soc. 1848. Johnson (Cuthbert W.) Our house and garJobert (Antoine Claude Gabriel). Ideas; or, den; what we see, and what we do not see, outlines of a new system of philosophy. 141 in them. vii, 287 pp. 120. London, W. pp. 16~0. London, Simpkin, HMarshall 4 Co. Ridgway, 1864. 1848. s. Johnson (Capt. Edward). A history of New The philosophy of geology. [3d ed.] England, from the English planting in the 184 pp. 160. London, Whittaker 4 Co. yeere 1628, untill the yeere 1652. [Running [1852]. s. title: Wonderworking providence of Zion's Jobert de Lamnballe (Antoine Joseph). Des saviour in New England.] 2 p. 1. 239 pp. appareils 6lectriques des poissons 6lectriques. sm. 40~. London, Nath. Brooke, 1654. 2 v. in 1. xiii, 104 pp. 80. atlas, 11 pl. obl; I The same. sin. 4~. London, 1658. fol. Paris, J. B. Bailli/re, 1858. s. [IVith GORGES (Ferdinando). America painted to the life. sm. 40~. London, 1659. Purports to be Jobson (D. Wemys). History of the French written by Gorges.] revolution [to the death of Robespierre]. 3d I The same. WVonder-working providence ed. 338pp. 80. London, author, 1853. s. of Sion's saviour in New England. [Second J6cher (Christian Gottlieb). Algemeines ge- title:] A history of New England. Fron the lehrten lexicon. Fortzsetzung und ergifnzun- English planting in the yeere 1628, untill the gen; von H. W. Rotermund, K-L. v. 3. yeere1652. London,1654. [Reprinted] with 4~. Delmenhorst, G. Jd'ntzen, 1810. an historical introduction and an index by W. Joel (M.) Schlhissel zu den aufgaben in der rus- F. Poole. cliv, 265 pp. 1 fac-sim. sm. 4~. sischen grammatik nach Ollendorff's methode. Andover, W. i. Draper, 1867. 3e anfl. durchgesehen von Paul Fuchs. 2 p. 1. Johnson (Frank G. 1M. D.) Aid to teachers 205 pp. 120. _Frankfurt a. M. C. Jiigel, and students in natural philosophy; being 1865. s. the key to Dr. Johnson's philosophical charts. H. G. Ollendorffs neue methode in sechs 60 pp. 10 pl. 120. New York, A. Ranney, monaten eine sprache lesen, etc. Anleitung 1856. s. zur erlernung der russisehen sprache, etc. 3e I The Nicolson pavement, and pavements aufl. Durchgesehen von Paul Fuchs. viii generally. 128 pp. 80. Newu York, I. C. pp. 2 1. 669 pp. 120. _Frankfurt a. M. C. Rogers & Co. 1867. Jiigel, 1865. Johnson (George William). A dictionary of Jogues (Isaac). Novumn Belgium; description modern gardening. Edited, with additions, de Nieuw Netherland, et notice sur Ren6 by David Landreth. 635 pp. 120. PhilaGoupil. 44 pp. 1 map. 80. New York, J. delphia, Lea & Blanchard, 1847. s. M. Shea, 1862. Johnson (Henry). Introduction tologography; ~John, of Salisbury. Opera omnianunc primrnum or, the art of arranging and composing for in unum collegit et cum codicibus manuscriptis printing fwith words intire, instead of single contulit J. A. Giles. 5 v. 8~. Oxonii, J. H. letters. 65 pp. 8~. London, J. Walter, 1773. Parker, 1848. Johnson (L.) Specimens of printing types and CONTENTS. ornaments. 3881. 8~0. Philadelphia, 1844. s. v. i-ii. Epistolne. The same. Second supplement to the v. iliiiv. Polycraticus, sive de nugis curialium et ves- specimen book of plain and fancy types cast tigiis philosophorum. v. v. Opuscula; vita Anselmi cantuariensis; vita S. at the type and stereotype foundry of L. JohnThomae [Ca Becket]. son. 4~. Philadeljphia, L. Johnsonj, [1849]. s. John Bull. [A weekly newspaper]. Dec. 17, Specimens of printing types, plain and 18S20-Dec. 31 1859. v. 1-39. fol. Londo, ornamental. 382 1. 40. Philcadelphia, John1821-59. son & Co. 1859. Johns (Rev. Charles Alexander). British birds Johnson (Lorenzo D.) The spirit of Roger in their haunts. xxxii, 626 pp. 80. London, Williams. 94 pp. 16~. Boston, Cassady & Soc. for promoting christ. knowl. 1862. s. Macch, 1839. 25 194 JOHNSON. JOLIET. Johnson (Mrs. M. O.) The century plant, and British America, with researches on the charother poems. By the author of "Linwood." acters and practical values of American and [anon.] 144 pp. 12~. Boston, W. V.S~pencer, foreign coals. 179pp. 80. Washington, Taylor 1867. & Maury, 1850. Johnson (Overton), and Winter (William H. ) -- Notes on the use of anthracite in the manRoute across the Rocky Mountains, with a ufacture of iron, with some remarks on its description of Oregon and California. 152 pp. evaporating power. vi, 159 pp. 12~. Boston, 8~. Lafayette, (Ind.) J. B. Semans, 1846. Little 4 Brown, 1841. Johnson (Rev. Samuel, chaplain to lord W. RBus- Report on American coals. v, 607 pp. sell). Works. xxviii, 488 pp. fol. London, 3 pl. 8~0. Washington, Gales & Seaton, 1844. A. Bell, 1710. [ With United States patent office report, 1844.] Johnson (William, D. D.) Deus nobiscum: a CONTENTS. narrative of a great deliverance at sea. 4th ed. 5 p. l. 35 pp. 16~. London, J. MZarshall, Abrogation of king James according to the English 160. London, J. Marshall, constitution. 1734. Essay concerning parliaments at a certainty. [ With FALCONER (Capt. Richard). Voyages. London, Julian, the apostate, with a comparison of popery and 1734]. paganism. Sermons and tracts. Johnson (Sir William). [Letter giving an acSeveral reasons for the establishment of a standing count of the battle of lake George]. 3 pp. 40. army. Tracts on passive obedience. In. p. 1755]? Vindication of magna charta, with a true copy. Johnston (Adam S.) The soldier boy's diarybook; or, memorandums of the alphabetical An argument proving that the abroga- first lessons of military tactics, 1861-64. 139 tion of king James, and the promotion of the pp. 16c. Pittsburgh, 1866. prince of Orange, was according to theEnglish Johnston (Alexander Keith). The physical constitution. 62 pp. sin. 4~. London, 1692. atlasofnatural phenomena. 122 pp. 24pl. 40. Johnson (Samuel, the lexicographer). A dic- Philadelphia, Lea 4' Blanchard, 1850. s. tionary of the English language, etc. To Johnston (A. R.) Journal, [1846]. which are prefixed a history of the language, [ With EMORY (W. H.) Notes of a military reconnoisand an English grammar. 2d ed. 2 v. 27 p.. sance.] 2791; 3751. fol. London, J. 4 P. napton, Johnston (George, M. D.) The botany of the eastern borders. xii, 336 pp. 14 pl. 8C. Lonetc. 1755. s. - Schatzung keine tiranney. Ein antwort don, J. Van Voorst, 1853. auf die entschltisse und addressen des aneri- The flora of Berwick-upon-Tweed. 2 v. in 1. xxiv, 242 pp; 335 pp. 8 pl. 120. kanischen congresses. 58 pp. 80. Bcraun-... schweig, PF. WVaisenhaus, 1777. E:dinburgh, Carfrae, 1829-31. s. [With R1EMER (Julius August). Amerikanisches A history of the British zooph"ytes. xii, archiv. v. 2.] 341 pp. 44 pl. 80. Edinburgh, TW. H. Lizars, Johnson (S. W.) Rural economy: containing 1838. s. a treatise on pis6 building, on buildings in Johnston (James Finlay Weir). Elements of general, on the culture of the vine, and on agricultural chemistry and geology. 6th ed. turnpike roads. viii, 246 pp. 8 pl. 8~0. New xiv, 410 pp. 120. Edinburgh, Blackwood, Brunswick, Riley 4 Co. 1806. 1852. s. Johnson (Samuel W.) Peat and its uses, as - The same. With an American preface, fertilizer and fuel. 168pp. 120. New York, by Simon Brown. vi, 381 pp. 120. New O. Judd 4 Co. 1866. York, C. AM. Saxton, 1853. s. Johnson (Mrs. Susanna). A narrative of [her] Johnston (John, M. D.) See Jonston captivity, containing an account of her suffer- (Johann). ings, during four years, with the Indians and Johnston (Samuel B). Letters written during French. 2d ed. 144 pp. 180. WVindsor, (Vt.) three years residence in Chili, with an account Alden Spooner, 1807. of the revolutionary struggle of that province. ----- The same. 3d ed. 178pp. 16~. Wind- 204 pp. 120.:Erie, (Pa.) R. J. Curtis, sor, Thomas M. Pomroy, 1814. 1816. Johnson (Theodore T.) Sights in the gold re Joliet (-.) See Marquette (Jacques), and gion, and scenes by the way. xii, 278 pp. 120. Joliet. Voyage et dS couverte de quelques New York, Baker 4 Scribner, 1849. pays de l'Am6rique Septentrionale. Paris, Johnson (Walter Rogers). The coal trade of 1681. 195 JOLLIVET. JONES. Jollivet (Adolphe). Documents am6ricains. States. xiii, 277 pp. 120. Savannah, T. Annexion du Texas; 6mancipation des noirs; Purse, 1842. politique de l'Angleterre. [La d6peche de A catechism of scripture doctrine and M. Calhoun a M. King, A Paris; la lettre de practice. 154 pp. 18~. Philadelphia, Presbt. Hammond, etc.] 40 pp. 80. Paris; Bru- board of pub. [1852]. neau, 1845. Jones (Charles C. jr.) Monumental remains The same. 3e s6rie. Les ]tats-Unis of Georgia. Part 1. 119pp. I pl. 8~. Sad'Am6rique et l'Angleterre. Annexion du vannah, J. il. Cooper & Co. 1861. Texas, l'Or6gon. 74 pp. 80. Paris, Bru- Jones (Evan). Brief specimens of Cherokee neau, 1845. grammatical forms, [with alphabet]. Jomard (Edme Franvois). De la collection [CHEROKEE messenger, Nos. 1, 2, 6, 7, and 9. 80. gdographique cr66e A la bibliothbquie royale. Cherokee, 1844-46.] 104 pp. 8~. Paris, E. Duverger, 1848. s. ~ See, also, Cherokee messenger. Fragments sur l'uniformit6 a introduire Jones (George, M. S. I.) The first jubilee dans les notations g6ographiques sur les oration upon the life, character, and genius antiquit6s am6ricaines, et sur divers points of Shakspeare, originally pronounced at Stratde g6ographie. 45 pp. 80. Paris, L. Mar- ford-upon-Avon, April 23, 1836. 4th ed. 2 tinet, [about 1847]. p. 1. 38 pp. 80. London, Longocans, 1844. ~ Observations sur le voyage au Darfour, [App. to JoNEs (George). Tecumseh. London, 18441. [parle cheikh Mohammed Ebn Omar el I Thelife andhistory of General Harrison. Tounsy,] suivies d'un vocabulaire du langue 2 p. 1. 176 pp. 80. London, Lonymans, des habitants et de remarques sur le nil blanc 1844. sup6rieur. 76 pp. i map. 80. Paris, B. [APP. to JONES (George). Tecumseh. London, 1844.1 Duprat, 1845. s. Tecumseh and the prophet of the west; Jomini (Henri, baron d.). Atlas an original historical Israel-Indian tragedy. Jomini (Henri, baron de). Atlas militaire et 9 portatif pour l'intelligence des relations des 9 p. 1. 113 pp. 80. London, Long ans, 1844. dernitres guerres publiees sans plans; notamment pour la vie politique et militaire de Jones (Henry Bence). Ueber gries, gicht, und Napoleon. Planches; l6gendes. 1 v. 36 pl. stein; zuniichst eine anwendung von Liebig's fol. 40. Paris, 1827-40. s. thierchemie auf die verhiiting und behandHistoire critique et militaire des guerres lung dieser krankheiten. Uebersetzt von Herde tla rdvolntion, [le per~iode, 1792-94]. 6 v. mann Hoffinmann. xi, 136 pp. 8~. Brauenschweig, 8~. Paris, Anselin et Pochard, 1820. s. Vzeweg, 143. s. Jonas (S. F.) Die kr-ifte der erd und der Joines (Horatio Gates). TheLeveringfamily; a fsiie umg~ebenden weltkorper. xii, 227 pp. genealogical account of Wigard Levering and 4 pl. 8~. Liinebuqrg, Herold & Wahlstab, Gerhard Levering, and their descendants. 10, 1838. s. 193 pp. 7 pl. 8~. Philadelphia, Ki~ng 4 ~ —- Populaire anleitung zur praktischen und Baird, 1858. theoretischen astronomie. xiii, 239 pp. 12 Report of the committee of the Hist. Soc. pl. 80. Leipzig, A. Beimann, 1835. s. of Pennsylvania, of their visit to N. Y. at the Jonckbloet (W. J. A.) Geschiedenis der celebration of the two hundredth birth-day of middener-landsche dichtkunst. 3 v. 8~. Am- W. Bradforc. 14 pp. 8~. Philadlelhia, King sterdam, P. N. Van Kampen, 1851-55. 4 Baird, 1863. Jones (Amanda F.) Poems. 203 pp. 160. -Arew Jones (Ichabod Gibson, M. D.) The American York, Hurd & EHoughton, 1867. eclectic practice of medicine. To which are Jones (Charles A.) The outlaw, and other appended the posthumous writings ot T. V. poems. 72 pp. 160. Cincinnati, J. Drake, Morrow, M. D. 2 v. 788 pp; xi, 862 pp. 1835. 80. Cincinnati, Moore, Anderson, Wilstach & Jones (Charles C. of the middle temple). Recol- -Keys, 1853-54. s. lections of royalty, from the death of William The American eclectic practice of mediRufus, in 1100, to that of the cardinal of York, cile. Extended, by Wm. Sherwoo. 2 v. 806 the last of the Stuarts, in 1807. 2 v. xxxvi, pp; 806 pp. 8~. Cincinnati, Moore, Wilstach, 399 pp; xix, 490 pp. 3 ]1. 8~. London, Keys & Co. 1857-58. s. Saunders & Otley, 1828. Jones (James, and Henry, & Co.) Illustrated Jones (Charles Colcocik, D. D.) The religious catalogue of plumbers' materials. ix, 167 instruction of the negroes in the United pp. 80~. [New York, 1867]. 1U9 JONES. JONSTON. Jones (Rev. John G.) Appeal to all christians 2d Am. ed. 500 pp. 4 pl. 120. Philcadel7hica, against the practice of social dancing. 66 pp, Blanchard & Lea, 1856. s. 180. St. Lozuis, P. M. Pinckard, 1867. Jones (Rev. William). Memoirs of the life, minConcise history of the introduction of istry and writings of Rev. Rowland Hill. xiv, protestantism into Mississippi and the south- 368 pp. 2 pl. 8~. London, J. Bennett, 1834. west. 257 pp. 120. St. Louis, P. 3M. Pinckagrd, Jones (Sir William). A grammar of the Per1866. sian language.. 7th ed. xxiii, 198 pp. 40~ Jones (John Matthew). The naturalist in Ber- London, W. Bulmer & Co. 1809. s. muda; a sketch of the geology, zoology, and Jones (W. Alfred). Characters and criticisms. botany; with meteorological observations. 2v. viii, 289; iv, 268 pp.. 120. New York, I. Assisted by major J. W. Wedderburn and J. Y. Westervelt, 1857. L. Hurdis. xii, 200 pp. 1 map. 12g. London, --- emorial of David S. Jones. With noBeeves & Turner, 1859. s. tices of the Jones family of Queen's county. Jo-es (J. Seawell). Memorials of North Car- 99pp. 120. Nesw York, Stanford 4 Swoords, olina. 87 pp. 8~. New York, Scatcherd & 1849. Adaem, 1838. Jonghe or Junius (Adriaan de). Emblemata. J'ones (Sir John Thomas). Journaux des 167 pp. 320. Lugdvni Batavorvm, ex oqciina sieges entrepris par les alli6s en Espagne, Plantiniana, F. RaBp heleng, 1596. pendant les annees 1811-12; suivis de deux Jonnes (Alexandre Moreau de). See Moreau discours sur l'organization des arm6es ang- de Jonn'es. laises, etc. Trad. de l'Anglais, par G[osselin]. Jonson (Ben). Poetical works. 8~. Edinburrgh, viii, xvi, 464 pp. 9 pl. 80. Paris, Anselin & 1793. Pochar d, 1821. S. [Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 4.] [Wants rlate ix.] Jonston (Johann). Historime natvralis de arJones (Joseph,.11. D. of Athens, Ga.) Obser- boribvs et plantis libri x, tabvlis 137 ab illo vations on malarial fever. 84 pp. 80. Augusta, celeberrimo Mathia Meriano aeri incisis ornati, (Ga.) Soxth. need. and s**g. journalj i858. ex scriptoribvs tam antiqvis, qvam recentioris. bvs, etc. 2 v. 214 pp. 63pl; 274 pp. 74 pl. - Observations on some of the physical, fol. Heilbrvnn, F. J. Eckebrecht, 1768-69. s. chemical, physiological and pathological phe- I Historim natvralis de piscibvs et cetis nomena of malarial fever. (Extract). 419 pp. libri v, etc. 228 pp. 47 pl. fol. Heilbrsz nn, 80. Philadelphia, Collins, 1859. s. F. J. Eckebrecht, 1767. s. Jones (Lloyd). Progress of the worling class. - istorime natvralis de serpentibvs libri See Ludlow (J. M.) duo. 57 pp. 11 pl. fol. leilbronnce, F. J. Jones (Samuel, D. D.) A treatise of church BEkcebrecht, 1757. s. discipline, and a directory. By appointment Historive natvralis de exangvibvs aqvatiof the Philadelphia baptist association. 38p. cislibri iv,etc. 84pp. 20pl. fol. leilbrunn, 160. Philadelphia, S. C. Ustick, 1798. F. J. Eckebrecht, 1767. s. Jones (Shubael T.) Ready calculations upon [With JONSTON (J.) list. nat. de serpentibus.] Theatrum universale de avibus, etc. 4 business transactions; comprised in tables on Theatrm ni, p. 1. 247 pp. 62 pl. fol. Heilbrvnn, F. J. buying, selling, and manufacturing. 171 pp.. 247 pp.. lbrnn 16~. Boston, t/he author, 1855S. Eckebrecht, 1756. s. 1. os, ator, -15 - Theatrvm vniversale omnivm animalllivm Jones (Thomas Rupert). A monograph of the entomostraca of the cretaceous formation of insectorvl. 3 p. i. unp. 212 pp; r 1. p. England. 2 p.l. 40 pp; 7 1. 7pl. 40. London, 28 pl. fol. Deilbronn, F. Eckebrecht, 1768. s. a otoaia y7e y 1 89 7 @ d~ Theatrum vniversale omnivm animalivin Palqvadrvpedvm etc. 8 p.. 242 pp. 80pl. fol. A monograph of the fossil estheriae. x, 132 pp. 1 tab. 5 pl. 51. 4~. London, Palcaonto- fleilbrunn, F. J. Eckebrecht, 1755. a. gs-phictab soct 1i. Istoire naturelle et raisonn6e des diffirgrap sciet, 1863ens oiseaux qui habitent le globe, etc. Trad. - - A monograph of the tertiary entomos- du latin etc. Et p e do'histoire par-.du latin, etc. 1Et precedle de lhistoire partraca of England. xii, 68 pp. 6 1. 6 pl. 40~. London, Palceontographical society, 1856. s. ticuliere des oiseaux de la minagerie du roi, Lon~don, Palceonto#raphical societyr 85. s.ut [T ith JONES. Monograph of the entomostraca of the peints par [N.] Bobert. Pour servir de suite cretaceous formation]. it l'histoire des insectes, etc. de M6rian. 2 v. Jones (Thomas Wharton). Principles and in 1. 24 pp. 23 pl.; 2 p. 1. 64 pp. 62 pl. fol. practice of ophthalmic lmedicine and surgery. Pcaris, L. C. Desnos, 1773-74. s. 197 JOiRG. JUAN Y SANTACILIA. Jorg (Eduard). Darstellung desnachtheiligen adiers. [anon.] 24 pp. 160. Boston, Powle einflusses des tropenklima's auf bewohner 5 Draper, 1759. gemissigter zonen, und des verlaufes und der Journal (A) of a tour in Italy in 1821. With behandlung der tropenkrankheiten, des gelben a description of Gibraltar. By an American. fiebers und der asiatischen cholera. xvi, 576 [anon.] 468 pp. 10pl. 80. New York, A. pp. 80. Leipzig, Arnold, 1851. s. Paul, 1824. s. J6rg (Johann Christian Gottfried). Zeugung Journal of a tour and residence in Great Brides menschen und der thiere. xvi, 350 pp. tain, during 1810 and 1811, by a French tra80. Leipzig, P. G. Kummer, 1815. s. veller. [anon.] 2 v. xiii, 382 pp;. 360 pp. 80. Jorio da Paterno (Filippo). Della coltiva- Edinburgh, Geo. Ramsay 5 Co. 1815. zione delle cereali, con osservazioni relative Journal (A) of a young man of Massachusetts, a] regno di Napoli. viii, 308 pp. 8~. Na~poli, who was captured by the British, and confined Tipografa del Vesuvio, 1838. s. at Melville Island, Halifax, Chatham, Eng. Jornandes. De rebus Gothorum. fol. Aygus- and at Dartmoor prison. [anon.] 228 pp. tae Vindelicorunm, Miller, 1515..s 1 pl. 120. Boston, Rowe & Hooper, 1816. Joseohus (Flavius). Genuine works, contain- Journal de la guerre du Micissippi contre les ing xx books of the Jewish antiquities, vii Chicachas, 1739-40. Par un officier de l'arbooks of the Jewish war, and the life of Jo- mne de M. de Nouaille. [anon.] 92 pp. sephus, written by himself. Translated by sm. 40. Nouvelle York, J. M. Shea, 1859. William Whiston, revised by Samuel Bur- Journalg6n6raldel'imprimerieetdelalibrairie. der. 2 v. 572 pp. 15 pl; 541 pp. 13 1. 5 pl. 2e s6r. v. 7-10. 1863-66. le partie. Biblio4~0. New York, T. Kinnersley, 1821. s. graphie. 2e partie. Chronique. 8 v. 80. Wars of the Jews, with history of the Paris, Pillet, 1863-66. siege and destruction of Jerusalem. Epi- Journals of several expeditions made in westtomized and translated by Sir Roger L'Es- ern Australia during 1829 to 1832, under trange. 107 pp. 180. Glasgow, 1785. sanction of the governor, Sir James Stirling. Joubert (F. E.) Manuel de l1amateur d'es- xxii, 263 pp. 1 map. 160. London, J. Cross, tampes, faisant suite au Manuel du libraire, 1833. Prec6de d'un essai sur le genie, consid6re Joursanvault (-). Catalogue analytique comme principe des beaux-arts, etc. 3 v. 80. des archives de M. le baron de Jou sanvault, Paris, auteur, 1821. s. contenant manuscrits, chartes, et documens Joubert (Joseph). Some of the " thoughts" of originaux concernant l'histoire g6n6rale de Joseph Joubert. Translated by George H. France, etc. 2 v. xi, 373 pp; 298 pp. 80. Calvert. 163 pp. 160. Bostonr, V. V. Spen- Paris, J. Teclhener, 1838. s. cer, 1867. Joutel (-). Journal historique du dernier Jouher, Djauher, or Djewahir. The tezkereh al voyage que feu M. de Sale fit dans le golfe de vakiat; or, private memoirs of the Moghul Mexique, pour trouver l'embouchure, et le emperor Humadyun. Translated from the Per- cours de la riviere de Missicipi. xxxiv, 386 sian language by C. Stewart. pp. viii, 127. pp. 16~. Paris, Estienne Bobinot, 1713. 40. London, 1832. The same. A journal of thelast voyage [Oriental translation fund publ.] performed by De La Sale to the Gulph of Journal (The) of agriculture. July, 1863, to Mexico, to find the mouth of the Mississippi. April, 1866. New [second] series. 2 v. 80. Translated from the French. xxix, 205, v pp. London and Edinbuergh, 1865-[66]. I map. 12~. London, A. Bell and others, 1714. The same. July, 1866, to June, 1867. The same. [New ed. with altered title:] Third series. v. 1-2. 8~0. Edinburgh and Journal of his voyage to Mexico: his account London, [1866-67]. ofthegreat riverMissasipi, etc. 16 p.. 210 pp. Journal (The) of applied chemistry. Devoted 1 map. 80. London, B. Lintot, 1719. to chemistry as applied to the arts, manufac- Jouy (Victor Joseph ]tienne). VWtat actuel de tures, metallurgy, and agriculture. Jan. 1866, l'industrie frangaise, 1819. lxvi, 221 pp. 80. to Dec. 1867. v. 1-2. sm. fol. New York, Paris, L'fHuillier, 1821. s. Dexter & Co. 1866-67. Juan y Santacilia (Jorge), and Ulloa (AnJournal (A) of the expedition up the river St. tonio de). Voyage historique de l'Amerique Lawrence, from the embarkation at Louis- Meridionale, [voyage au P6rou]; qui contient bourg'til after the surrender of Quebeck. une histoire des Yncas du Perou, et les obserBy the sergeant major of Gen. Hopson's gren- vations astronomiques et physiques, faites 198 JUBINAL. JUNIUS. pour d6terminer la figure et la grandeur de la von der 6ffentlichen bib]iotheqve des fiirstl. terre, rtraduit de l'Espagnol par P1. Mauvil- gymnasii zu Eisenach; nebst einem discours on]. 2 v. 12 p. 1. 554 pp; 309 pp. 56 pl. 4~. von einigen in den thur und furstl. siichsischen Amsterdam et Leipzig, Arkstee & Merkus, 1752. landen 6ffentlichen bibliotheqven, etc. 102 pp. Jubinal (Michel Louis Achille). Lettres A M. 4~. Eisenach, MZ. Urban, 1709. s. ]e comte de Salvandy sur quelques-uns des [With SCIHOTTGEN (C.) Historie derer buchhiindler, manuscrits de la bibliotheque royale de La etc.I Junghuhn (Franz Wilhelm). Java; seine HIaye. 262pp. 8~. Partis, Ditron, 1846. s. Haye 2 p ais Drn, 1. S gestalt, pflanzendecke, und innere bauert. --- Mysteres in6dits du 15e sidcle. 2 v. lii 397 pp; xix, 411 pp. 80. Paris, si chener, Ins Deutsche tibertrag'en von J. K. Hasskarl. 1837. 3 v. 8~. Leipzig, Arnold, 1852-54. s. Jungmann (Josef). Historie literatury i(esk6. Nouveau recueil de contes, dits, fabliaux, et autres pi'ces in6dites des 13e, 14e, et Praze P. IRziwnatz 1849..Praze, F. Riziwnatz~ 1849. s. 15e sibcles, pour faire suite aux collections Le Grand dAussy, Barbazan, et M(3on. Mis au Junlg-Stilling (Johann Heinrich). Scenes in d dous a. et Mn Ms a4 the world of spirits. Translated from the 3d jour pour la le fois. 2 v. vii, 387 pp; 444 pp. 8. Pars E. Panner 1839-42. original ed. xiv, 282 pp. 16~. Arew M7arket, 80. Paris, E. Pannier, 1839-42. (N. C.) Henkel cf Co. [about 1815]. Recherches sur lFusage et l'origine des (N. C.) Henkel Co. [about 1815]. Junius (Adrian). See Jonghe (Adriaan van). tapisseries a personnages dites histories, d6- A complete collection of Junius's Junlius. A complete collection of Junius's puis l'antiquit6 jusqu'au 16e siecle inclusiveletters, with those of Sir William Draper. ment. 96 pp. 4 pl. 8~. Paris, Challamel 2 p, 1. 177 pp. 8~. London, A. Thomson, 1840. s. 1 Un nouvel 6pisode de l'affaire Libri. 1770Th same 2 v vii 20 pp 19 356 80 pp. 80~. Paris, Didron, 1851. s. L., p pp. 18~. Londor, Henry Sampson Woodfall, Judson (Adoniram, D. D.) Christian baptism; 1772 ] a sermon preached in the Lal bazar chapel, Thesame. st ed. p.. 283pp. Calcutta Sept. 27, 1812. 71 pp. 1 PI. 80.. The same. 1st Am. ed. 2 p. 1. 283 pp. Calcutta Sept. 27 1812. 71 pp. I pl. 8. Calcutta, Sept. 27, 1812. 71 rn~ 1 A 6 1. 160. Philadelphia, Richard and Hall, Boston, Lincoln & cEdmands, 1817. 1791 Judson (Mrs. Ann Haseltine). A particular The same2 v. xxxv, 274 pp; v, 318 relation of the American baptist mission to the!Burrmali empire. 315 pp. 21 pl. 8~. London, Vernor and Hood, ra empre. 315 pp. 120. Washngto, 1801. John S. Meehan, 1823. Jusohn (Ms. Emily Chubbuck). Memoir of 1 The same, with notes and illustrations, Judson (Mr~s. Emily Chubbucl). Memoir of 7 Sarah B. Judson. By "Fanny Forrester." by Robert Heron. v, vi, 613 pp; 2 p. 1. 466 Sarah B. Judson. By "Fanny Forrester.'. pp. 2 1. 8~. Philadehia, Robert Cart, 1804. [pseudon.] 8th ed. 250 pp. 180. New York, pp. 2 80 Philadelphia, Robert Carr, 1804. [pseudo~L. Colby & Co 950p. 1848. 24- The same. New ed. 2 v. xxxi, 252 pp; L. Colby & Co. 1848. s. 284 pp. 21 pI. 12~. London, Vernor and Julia de Fontenelle (Jean S6bastian Eugkne). 1. Hoocd and others 1805. Manuel complet du blanchiment et du blan-With otes a chissage, nettoyage et d-graissage, des fils et oges, dohanve linecoton lame, desois et concerning the real author, by John Almon. 6toffes de chanvre, lin, coton, laine, soie, etc. 2 v. lxxxiv 355 pp iv, 385 pp. 2 pl. 12. 2 v. lxxxiv, 355 pp; iv, 385 pp. 2 p1. 120. 2 v. iv, 295 pp; 231 pp. 3 p1. 18~. Paris, London, Phillips, 1806. Roret, 1834. s. The same. Including letters under Julien (F6lix). Courants et revolutions de other signatures (now first collected), confi-'atmospbhre et de la mer; comprenant une dential correspondence with Mr. Wilkes, and th6orie nouvelle sur les d6luges p6riodiques. private letters to Mr. H. S. Woodfall. 3 v. vi, 240 pp. 8~. Paris, Lacroix c& Baudry, xiii, 336, 248 pp; xi, 516 pp; xiii, 511 pp. 1860. S( 6 pl. 8~. London, F. C. & J. Rivington, 1812. Jullien (Marc Antoine). Essai gdndral d'edu- - Thesame. 300pp. 24~. NewYorkc,D. cation physique, morale, et intellectuelle. 2e Huntington, 1813. 6d. xvi, 496 pp. 8~. Paris, Dondey-Durpre, The same. 2 v. xii, 210, 279 pp; xiii, 1835. s. 513 pp. 6 pl. 8~. Philadelphia, Bradford and ---- EAExpos6 de la m6thode d'6ducation de rnskeep, 1813. Pestalozzi. 2p 6d. xl, 568pp. portrait. 80. - The same. 2d ed. 3 v. viii, 588 pp; xi, Paris, L. Hachette, 1842. s. 517 pp; xiii, 510 pp. 6 pl. 80. London, F. C. Junoker (Christian). Historische nachricht and J. IRivington, and others, 1814. 199 JUNIUS. KARLAMAGNUS. Junius. A complete collection of Junius's translated and illustrated, as well with sculpletters, with those of Sir William Draper. ture as notes, by Barten Holyday. 6 p. 1. 341 2 v. 216 pp; 215 pp. 2 pl. 18~. Boston, N. pp. 1 map. 3 pl. fol. Oxford, E. Oxlad and H. Whitaker, 1827. others, 1673. -— The same. With new evidence as to the The satyrs, translated into English verse, authorship, and analysis, by Sir Harris Nico- by [J.] Dryden. To which is prefix'd a dislas. [Ed. by John Wade.] 2 v. x, 480pp; course concerning satyr. 5th ed. cxi, 296 pp. xc, 458 pp. 120. London, Henry G. Bohn, 23 pl. 180. London, J. Tonson, 1726. 1850. Juvigny (Jean Antoine Rigoley de). See RigJiirgens (Friedrich?) Jedermann sein eigener oley de Juvigny. liqueur-fabrikant! Ausfiihrliche mittheilun- Juville (- surgeon). Trait6 des bandages gen fiber die fabrikation von liqueuren auf herniaires. xxxiv, 238 pp. 8~0. Paris, Belin, kaltern wege; nebst genauer anweisung zur 1786. S. bereitung verschiedener arten weine, extracte, Kabus, or Kawus, or Jawus (Kje, or Kai). etc. 44 pp. 120. Milvwaukee, (Wis.) author, Buch des Kabus, oder lehren des persischen 1867. konigs IKjek-Jawus fiur seinen sohn Ghilan Jurine (Louis). Histoire des monocles qui se schach, aus dem Tiirkisch-persisch-arabitrouvent aux environs de Geneave. xvi, 258 pp. schen. Uebersetzt und erlaiutert von H. F. von 22 pl. 40~. Gen~ve, J. J. Paschoud, 1820. s. Diez. 3 p. 1.867 pp. 80. Berlin,Nicolai,1811. s. --- Nouvelle methode de classer les hym6n- Kahl (Emil). Mathematische aufgaben aus der optbres et les dipteres. v. 1, Hym6noptbres. physik, nebst auflsungen. 2 v. in 1. x, 165; 320, 4 pp. 14 col. pi. 40. Geneve, J. J. 137 pp. 80. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner; 1857. s. Paschoud, 1807. s. Kai-Kabus, or Kje Kawus. See Kabus. [No more published.] Kalm (Peter). Beschreibung der reise nach Jussieu (- ). Catalogue de la bibliothbque dem Ndrdlichen Amerika; eine uebersetzung scientifique de MM. de Jussieu. (Sale cata- von J. A. Murray. 3 v. 80. G(;ttlinen, logue). xv, 464 pp. 8~. Paris, H. Labitte, Vandenhoeck, 1754-64. s. 1857. S. Hs - IIistoire naturelle et politique de la Pen Just (A) defence of the royal martyr, Charles I, sylvanie, et de l'6tablissement des quakers from the false aspersions in Ludlow's mem- dans cette contree. Traduite de l'Allemand oirs, and other virulent libels. [anon.] 2 v. [par J. P. Rousselot de Surgy]. xx, 372 pp. in 1. 8 p. 1. 199 pp; 223 pp. 120. London, 1 map. 160. Par'is, Ganeau, 1768. A. Roper [and others], 1699. Kamenski (Bantisch). Age of Peter the great. Justinus. Historire philippicme. Secundum vet- With notes and preface, by Ivan Golovin. ustissimos codices prius neglectos recognovit, viii, 272 pp. 120. London, T. C. Newby, 1851. brevi adnotatione critica et historica instruxit Kiimpz (Ludwig Friedrich). Prelezioni alla F. Duebner. xxv, 439 pp. 8~. Lipsiae, B. ineteorologia. Versione dal Tedesco di V. G. Teuzbner, 1831. s. Kohler e L. Del Re, con note di Martins e and Florus (Lucius Annaeus). Iustini Bravais. viii, 884 pp. 6 pl. 80. Najpoli, et L. Flori epithome. [Ed. Marcus Antonivs Stamnperia dell' Iride, 1846. s. Sabellicvs]. 681. fol. [n.p.about1475.]S. K[antl(Immanuel). Allgemeine naturgesbchiclte Juvenalis (Decimus Junius). Satyrae cum com- und theorie des himmels. Neue aufl. 12 p. 1. mentar. D. Calderi et G. Valle. clxiiii 1. 8~. 143 pp. 12~. Zeitz, W. Webel, 1798. s. Lugduni, J. de Vingle, 1495. Kao (Dionysius). Short description of the The satires, translated [by Thomas Sher- vast empire of China. pp. 113-210. 1 pl. idan? ] With notes [ on] the laws and customs [With IDES (E. Y.) Three years' travels from Mosof the Greeks and Romans. 2d ed. xvi, 416 cow, etc. London, 1706.] pp. 8~. London, D. Browne, 1745. Kapp (Friedrich). Geschichte der deutschen Tenth satire, in English verse, by Henry einwanderung in Amerika. v. i. Geschichte IIigden. 8 p. 1. 58 pp. 5 1. smin. 4. [Lo- der Deutschen im staate New York bis 1800. don, 1683]. vii, 411 pp. 1 map. 8~. New York, E. Steiger, Les trois satiriques latins traduits en 1867. vers franlais, par L. V. Raoul. I. Juvenal. IKarlamagnus saga olk kappa. Hans. I norsk 6e 6d. 424pp. 8~. Bruxelles, Wouters, Ras- bearbeidelse fra det trettende aarhlundrede. poet J5 Cie. 1842. s. Udgivet af C. R. Unger. cv, 567 pp. I pi. and Persius Flaccus (Aulus). [Satires] 8~. Christiania, H. J. Jensen, 1859-60. KARMAIRSCH. 2KEITH. Karmarsch (Carl). Handbuch der mechlan- Kayser (Wilhelm Carl). I-listoria critica tragischen technologie. 4e aufl. xiv, xii, 1715 pp. icorum graecorum. xxxviii, 332 pp. 80. 80. HLannover, Helhing, 1866-67. Gottingae, Dieterich, 1845. s. Karr (Jean Baptiste Alphonse). Contes et Keath (Sir William). See Keith. nouvelles. 270 pp. 160. Paris, L. Hachette Keating (Geoffry). General history of Ireland. et Cie. 1856. Translated from the original Irish by Dermod Sous les tilleuls. 2 v. in 1. 252; 228 pp. O'Connor. 556 pp. 12~. Dublin, J. Duffy, 1857. 180. Paris, Gamnier, 1850. - eating (William H.) Narrative of an expeVoyage autour de mon jardin. Nouv. 6d. dition to the source of St. Peter's river, lake 326 pp. 160. Paris, Levy, 1861. Winnepeek, etc. 2 v. xiii, 458 pp; 248, clvi Xarsten (Gustav C.) Lehrgang der mechan- pp, 9 pl. 8~. London, Geo. B. Whgitaker, 1825. ischen naturlehre. 3 v. in 1. 8~. JKiel, Akcad. Keber (Gotthard August Ferdinand). Mikrobuchlhandlung, 1851-53. S. s. skopische untersuchungen iiber die porositdit KEstner (Abraham Gotthelf). Geschichte der der korper. Nebst eiler abhandlung tiber den mathematik. 4 v. 8~0. Gittingen, J. G. Rosen- eintritt der samenzellen in das ei. Mit zubusch, 1796-1800. s. shitzen, von M. Barry. xvi, 183 pp. 2 pl. 4~. [Geschichte der kiinste und wissenschaften, abtheil Ke'nigsbery, Borntrdiyier, 1854. s. vii.].Kehoe (Simon D.) Indian club exercise, with Katekismuse Luterim aglega. [Lutheran Katekismuse Luterim aglega [Lutheran figures and positions; also, general remarks catechism, in the Esquimaux.] 24 pp. 18~. iobenvni, C; Scur,11on physical culture. 123 pp. 40. New York, Kiobenhavnivme, C. F. Schubart, 1816. F.. ray 1867. Kauffman (C. H.) The dictionary of merchan-.Outlines of universal dize and nomenclature in all European lan- Keightley (Thomas). Outlines of universal dize and nomenclature in all European lan- history; written for Lrdner's cyclopedia. guages. With history [etc. ] of such natural 540pp. 1wt PilfdelrLia, Hr gan cyThopmd productions as form articles of commerce. 1851. S. 4th ed. xlviii, 396 pp. 8~. London, T. Boosey, son, 1851. s. 14t815. Keilhau (Balthazar Mathias, editor). Gaea Kauffmann (Fran~ ois Joseph). Coniid.ra- norvegica, von mehreren verfassern. 4 p. 1. 516pp. 7 pl. etc. 4~. Christiazia, 1838-50. tions sur le diagnostic de quelques maladies Chistiania, 1838-50. du foie. 55 pp. 40. Strasbousrg, Berger-Lev- C S. CONTENTS. r'ault, 1848. s. Classification der Bbert (C. F.) Uber serpentingebilde im urgeKaup (Johann Jacob). Classification der s hu- birges af Modun. gethiere und vogel. x, 144 pp. 2 tab. 2 pl. Boeck (C.) Ubersicht der bisher in Norwegen gefundenen formen der trilobiten. 8o. Darmstadt, C. W. Leske, 1844. s. Keilhau (B. MI.) Christianias uebergangs territorium. Kaura (Johann B.) Bauentwiirfe im byzan- - Uber den bau der felsenmasse Norwegens. Munch (P. A.) Ubersicht ler orographie Norwegens. tinischen style, nebst projecten im dorischen Scheerer (Th.) Ueber den Norit und die auf der insel Hitteroe und in dieser gebirgsart vorkolnmenden style. 2 p. 1. 70 pl. fol. Leipzig, Spamrer, mineralien reichen granitganage. 1855. S. Vibe (A.) Hohenmessungen in Norwegen. - Zweite sammlung von hlhenmessungens in Nor-?Kavanagh (Julia). Daisy Burns; a tale. 3 v. wegen. 120. London, 1?. Bentley, 1853. Keily (A. M.) Prisoner of war; or, five Kavanaugh (Mfrs. Russell). Original dramas, months among the Y ankees. By A. Rifleman, dialogues, declamations and tableaux vivants, esq. gent. [pseudon. ] 120 pp. 80. Richmond, for school exhibitions, [etc.] 252 pp. 160~. West Johnston, 1865. Louisville, J. P. Morton & Co. 1867. KEeith (Rev. George). The presbyterian and Kay (Joseph). The s6cial condition and edu- independent visible churches in New England cation of the people in England. 323 pp. 120. and elsewhere brought to the test, etc. vi, NTew York, HarTpers, 1863. 230 pp. 18~. London, 1691. Kayser (Christian Gottlob). Index locuple- [Title page imperfect]. tissimus librorum qui inde ab anno mdccl Keith (Rev. Patrick). A botanical lexicon; usque ad annum nmdecclxiv in Germania et in or, expositor of the terms, facts, and doctrines terris confinibus prodierunt. Vollstitndiges of the vegetable physiology, brought down to bticher-lexicon, [etc.] Bearbeitet von G. the present time. 416 pp. 8~. London, Orr WV. WVuttig. A-Z. 1859-1864. v. 15-16. 567 & Co. 1837. pp; 592 pp. 40. Leipzig, T 0. Weigel, 1866. Keith (Sir William). A collection of papers Sachregister zum kayser'schen bticher- and other tracts, [concerning politics and lexicon. 1750-1832. VonL. Schumann. viii. commerce]. 2d ed. xxiv, 228 pp. 180. Lon511 pp. 4~. Leipzig, L. Schumcann, 1838. s. don, Jacob Loyseas, 1749. 201 KELLER. KENT. Keller (Ferdinand). Bauriss des klosters St. Paviamit Egedemit, narkingniarkikfarall6arh Gallen, vom jahr 820. Im facsimile heraus- A. F. Honnib. 6 p. 1. 168 pp. 240. Kjobengegeben und erlliutert. 41 pp. 1 pl. 40~. havnime, C. F. SkEubart, 1824. Ziurich, Meier & Zeller, 1844. s. Kemys (Lawrence). See Keyrnis. Kellerhoven (F.) and Michiels (Alfred). Kendall (E. Otis). Elementary treatise on Chefs d'keuvre des grand maitres reproduits descriptive geometry. s. en couleur, par F. Kellerhoven. Texte par A. [With WALKER (T.) Elements of geometry. Phila1843.] Nichiels. Premicbre s6rie. 13 1. 6 pl. fol. Kendall (Henry Edward, jr.) Designs for Paris, Didot, [1864]. Pa n~is Didot, C~864schools and school houses, parochial and Kelley (Hall J.) A geographical sketch of ne^ley (al. gorhc skt national. 161. 19pl. fol. London, J. Williams Oregon, [with] a new map of the country. Co. 1847 s. 80 pp. 8~. Boston, J. Howe, 1830. Kendall (James, D. D.) Sermon before the fKellogg (Edward). New monetary ~sys~tem. society for propagating the gospel among the Revised from his work on ~'labor and other Revised from his work on "labor and other Indians and others in North America, at their capital," with numerous additions. Ed. by anniversary, November 7, 1811. 44 pp. 8~. Mary K. Putnam. 366 pp. 120. lNew York, n John Eloot jr. 1812. RBoston, John Eliot, jr. 1812. Budd 4 Carleton, 1861. (T.D.) niteCSates en8le Kennaway (John H.) On Sherman's track; Kellogg (T. D.) United States mercntil or, the South after the war. x, 320 pp. 120. register for 1867-63. See United States. London, Seeley, Jackson 4. Balliday, 1867. Kells (David). "The ways of the world." Kennedy (Rev. John). A new method of Being a history of the life of D. Kells, the stating and explaining the scripture chrohero of seven battles. 24 pp. 8~. Adrian,. drian, noloy, upon Mosaic astronomical principles. (Mich.) author, 1867. - (Much.) aucthor, 1867. viii, 431 pp. 80. London, J. Kennedy, 1751. Kelly (Ebenezer Beriah). An autobiography. Kennedy (Joseph G. C.) Historyandstatis100 pp. 120. -Norwich, (Conn.) J. V. Sted- tics of the state of Maryland, according to the rmnan, 1856. - returns of the seventh census of the United Kelly (Hugh). The babler. [Periodical es- States, 1850. v, 104 pp. fol. Washington, says]. 2 v. x, 286 pp; xiv, 285 pp. 16. Gdeon Co. 1852. Gideon ~ Co. 1 52. London, J. Newbew'y and others, 1767. eLondon, J. Newbe(l ry atnd others, 1767. Kennedy (Patrick). Legendary fictions of the Kelly (Walter ating). Syria and the ly Irish Celts. xiv, 352 pp. 12~. Iondon, MacLand, their scenery and their people. viii, millan, 1866. 451 pp. 80. Lonldon, Chapman Hall, Kennedy (Samuel M.) First loves; with 1844. sketches of the poets. 502 pp. 12~. Chicago, Kelly (William). An excursion to Californi, autho,, 1867. over the prairie, Rocky Mountains, and great Kennedy (Thomas). Poems. 334 pp. 160. Sierra Nevada. 2 v. x, 342 pp; viii, 334 pp. Washington, Daniel Rapine, 1816. 120. _L~ondon, Chapman 4 Hall, 1851. Kennedy (William). A short narrative of the K4elsall (Charles). Remarks on the state of second voyage of the Prince Albert, in search modern Sicily, with notes on ancient Sicily. of Sir John Franklin. xiv, 202 pp. 4 pl. pp. 295-365. 1 pl. map. 120. London, W. H. Dalton, 1853. s. [With CICERO (AT. T.) Two last pleadings against Verres, translated. 8~0. London, 1812.j] ennet (White, bishop of Peterborough). A Kemble (John Mitchell). Horee ferales; or, sermon before thelords spiritual and temporal, studies in the archaeology of the northern at Westminster, 1719. 28 pp. sinm. 4~. Lonnations. Edited by R. G. Latham and A. W. don, W. Taylor, 1720. Franks. 251 pp. 34 pl. 40~. London, Lovell, Kenny (W. S.) Practical chess exercises. Reeve & Co. 1863. 239 pp. 16~. London, T. & J. Allman, 1818. Kemp (Heinrich). De loco etambituvermium Kenrick (William, LL. D.) Rhetorical gramclassis in systemate. 39 pp. 8~. Bonnae, mar of the English language: rudiments of formis carthusianis, 1864. s. articulation, pronunciation, and prosody disKempis (Thomas At). Of the imitation of played. 90 pp. 80. London, T. Cadell & Christ. Translated from the Latin by John W. Longman, 1784. Payne. xliv, 211 pp. 160. Philadelphia, Kent (James). Outline of a course of English J. Crukshank, 1783. reading. Edited with additions, by H. A. Oak-- Kristusimik mallinguaursut. [Esquim. ley. viii, 120 pp. 120. New York, G. P. PutOf the imitation of Christ]. Pelesiunermit nam 4. Co. 1853. s. 26 202 IKENTUCKIAN. IDDER. Kentuckian (The) in New York; or, the ad- Rio Bermego. 2 p. I. 138 pp. 1 map. 80. ventures of three southerns. By a Virginian. Berlin, Feit u. Co. 1854. s. [avno,.] 2 v. 223 pp; 219 pp. 12C. New York, Kessler (Hermann Friedrich). Die& lebensHacrpers, 1834. geschichte von ceut/horhynchus sulcicollis GylKentucky. Message of the acting governor, lenhal, und nemnatus ventricosus Klug. 65 pp. to the house of representatives, communica- 8~. Mlarburg, 1866. s. tingthe correspondence between the Kentucky Kett (Henry). Flowers of wit; or, a choice and Tennessee commissioners on the boundary collection of bon mots, antient and modern. line, with the reports of the Kentucky com- 2 v. in 1. xxiv, 216; 222 pp. 16~. London, missioners. 40 pp. 80. Frankfort, Kendall Lackington, Allen & Co. 1814. 4c Russells, 1820. Kettle (Rupert). Strikes and arbitrations. 48 Report of the adjutant general, 1861-66. pp. 120. London, Simnlpkin, Marshall & Co. 2 v. vii, 985 pp; 981, 178 pp. 40. Fran7kfort, 1866. T. H. -Harney, 1866-67. Kew gardens, a sketch; St. Mark's eve in Kepler (Johann). Opera omnia. Edidit Ch. Yorkshire, and other tales. Selected from Frisch. v. 1-6. 8~0. Francofusrti a. M. etc. Chambers' miscellany. vii, 144 pp. 120. Philileyder & Zimmer, 1858-66. s. adelphia, Lippincott, Grambo & Co. 1854. s. Tabulse rudolphinee, supputated to the Key of heaven; or, manual of prayer. New meridian of Uraniburge. Afterwards digested ed. 512 pp. 32~0. New York, P. J. Ken'edy, into a most accurate and easie compendium 1867. by Johannes Baptista Morinvs. 103 pp. 12~. Keye or Keyen (Otto). Kurtzer entwurff London, 1675. von Neu-Niederland vnd Guajana einander ZDioptrice. See Gassendi (Pierre). In- entgegen gesetzt, vmb den vntersclleid z-wisstitutio astronomica. Londini, 1683. chen warmen und- kalten landen herauss zu Ker (Mrs. Anne). Edric, the forester; or, the bringen. 10 p. 1. sm. 40. Leipzig, 1572. mysteries of the haunted chamber. 64 pp. Keyrois (Lawrence). Arelation of the second 80. London, 1841. voyage to Guiana, performed intheyeare 1596, [Hazlitt's romancist and novelist's lib. v. 3.] [by direction of Sir Walter Raleigh]. 32 1. Keralio Robert (Louise Flicit6 Giuinement de). unp. 16~. London, Thomas Dawson, 1596. See Robert (Louise F6licit6 Guinement). Keynotes of American liberty; comprising imKeiratry (Auguste Hilarion). Inductions mo- portant speeehes, proclamations, and acts of rales et physiologiques. 4 p. 1. ii, 451 pp. 80~. congress, from the foundation of the governParis, Maradan, 1817. ment; with a history of the flag. [anon.] Kerhallet (Charles Philippe de). Manuel de 273 pp. 2 pl. 120. lYew York, E. B. Treat & la navigation, la cate occidentale cl'Afrique. Co. 1866. 2e 6d. 2 v. xxviii, 430 pp. 2 maps; xv, 475 Keyserling (Alexander, Graf), and Krusenpp. 8~. Paris, P. Dupont, 1857-58. s. sternl(Paul von). Wissenschaftliche beobach_ _ The sanme. Vues de cotes. 3 p. l. 22 pl. tungen auf einer reise in das Petschora-landl 40. Paris, Depodt de la marine, 1852. s. 1843. iii, 469 pp. 4 St. Petersburg, C. Kerl (Simon). Treatise on the English lan- r4ay, 1846. C. guage. xx, 536 pp. 120. Philadelphia, J. CONTENTS. B. Lippincott & Co. 1859. s. WKerney (M. J. A. M1f.) A compendium of an- Geographischeortsbestimmungen, vonP. von Krusenstern. cient and modern history, to 1867. 30th ed. Geognostische beobachtungen, von A. von keyserling. 431 pp 12 Batimore & CoJ. Beitrage zur geographie und hydrographie des 431pp. 12. Batimor, Mrphy Co. Petschora latdes, P. v. Krusenstern. 1867. K8err (Orpheus C. pseudoKn.) See Newell Keysler (Johann Georg). Dissertatio de cvltv (Robert H.) Osolis, Freji et Othini. pp. 761-771. 160. s. [With SCHEDE (Elias). De diis germanis. Balae, Kerr (James). Domestic life, character, and 1728.] customs of the natives of India. xii, 381 pp. Kidder (Frederic). Expeditions of Capt. John 12~. London, Allen & Co. 1865. Lovewell, and his encounters with the InKerr (W.) Repoirt of the progress of the geo- dians; including a particular account of the logical survey of North Caroliua, 1866. 66 pp. Pequaket battle, with a history of that tribe; 80. Raleigh, W. E. Pell, 1867. s. and a reprint of Rev. Thos. Symmes' sermon. Kerst (S. Gottfried). Die Plata-staaten, und 138 pp. 1 map. 40. Boston, Bartlett and die wichtigkeit der provinz Otuquis, und des Hallidacy, 1865. 203 KIDDER. KINGSMILL. Kidder (Frederic). Military operations in ical cord at childbirth. 37 pp. 80~. Washingeastern Maine and Nova Scotia during the ton, (D. C.) WMn. H. Moore, 1867. revolution, with notes and memoir of Col. King (Charles William). Hand-book of enJohn Allan. x, 336 pp. 1 map. 80. Albany, graved gems; with illustrations. xiii, 396 pp. J. Munsell, 1867.- 29 pl. 8~0. London, Bell & Daldy, 1866. and Gould (Augustus A.) The history King (John, M. D.) American eclectic obsteof New Ipswich (N. H.) 488, iv pp. 2 maps. trics. 2d ed. 768 pp. 1 pl. 80. Cincinnati, 10 pl. 8~. Boston, Gould 4' Lincoln, 1852. Moore, Wilstach & Baldwin, 1866. Kidder (K. P.) Guide to apiarian science, - Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, pathology, being a practical treatise in every department and treatment of chronic diseases. 1,607 pp. of bee culture and bee management. 175 pp. 80. Cincinnati, Moore, Wilstach & Baldwin, 12~. Burlinyton, (Vt.) S. B. Nichols, 1858. 1867. s. King (Thomas). Shop fronts and exterior Kidgell (Rev. John). Fablesoriginales. Orig- doors, for the use of the architect, builder, inal fables. 2 v. 5 p. 1. 127, xviii pp; 2 p. 1. and joiner. 18 pl. fol. London, J. WYeale, pp. 128-221, xx pp. 160. London, J. Robson,' [1836]. 1763. King (William, LL. D. principal of St. Mary's Kielsen (Frederik Christian). Icones amphi- Hall). Apology or vindication of himself. biorum. iv pp. 42 pl. 80. Hafniae, C. Steen, 46pp. 40~. Oxford, S. Parker, 1755. 1835. s. Opera. viii, 327 pp. 1 pl. 40. [LonKiepert (Heinrich). Historisch-geographischer don, 1736-60]. atlas der alten-welt. 13e anufl. 30 pp. 13 maps. - The toast. An heroick poem, written obl. 40. Wneimar, Geog. institut, 1860. s. originally in Latin by Frederick Scheffer; (Editor). Memoir fiber die construction now done into English with notes by Pereder karte von Kleinasien und tiirkisch Arme- grine O'Donald. [pseudon.] lxvi, 232 pp. nien, in 6 blatt, von v. Vincke, Fischer, v. I pl. 40. London, 1736. Moltke und Kiepert. Nebst mittheilungen iiber [ 1ith the preceding]. die physikalisch, geographischen verliltnisse King (William, LL. D. of London). Poetical der neu erfarschten landstriche. Redigirt von works. 0. Edinburgh, 1793. Dr. H. Kiepert. 2 p. 1. 194 pp. 4 maps. 80. [ Aderson's Brit. poets, v. 6]. Berlin, S. Schropp & Co. 1854. s King (William, prof. at Galway). A monograph Berlin, S.o.. 185S. of the permian fossils of' England. xxxviii, Kieser (Dietrich Georg). Elemente der psychiatrik. Grundlageklinischer vortrdge. xvi, 258 pp. 29 pI. 40. London,palcontocgrap7ica 490 pp. lipl. 80. Bonn, E. Weber, 1855. s. society, 1859. s. Kimball (Harriet McEB enn. WHymns. 83pp. Kinglake (Alexander William). E6then; or, 120. Boston, E. P. Dutton & Co. 1867. traces of travel brought home from the east. 120. Boston, E. P. Dutton & Co. 1867. Kimball (James William). Friendly words 93 pp. 8~. ev York, W. H. Colyer, 1845. with fellow-pilgrims. 262 pp. 18~. Boston, Eingman (Bradford). History ofNorth BridgeAin. tract soc. 1867. water, Mass. from' [1645 to 1866], with family hKimber (Thomas). Life of Vauban. registers. xii, 696 pp. 36 pl. 1 map. 8~. [With VAUBAN (S. L. de). Fortification, etc. Ed. Boston, author, 1866. 1861.] Kingsbury (C. P.) An elementary treatise on Kincaid (Alexander). History of Edinburgh, artillery and infantry, adapted to the service [with] gazetteer of the county. viii, 336, 59 of the United States. x, 203 pp. 120. New pp. 2 pl. 16~. Edlinburgh7, N. B. Cheyne, 1787. York, G. P. Ptnam, 1849. s. Kinderling (Johann Friedrich August). Ges- Kingsbury (Harmon). Law and government: chichte der nieder-sdichsischen odersogenanten the origin, nature, extent, and necessity of plattdeutschen sprache, vornehmlich bis auf divine and human government, and of religLuther's zeiten. xxxii, 414 pp. 8~. Mayde- ious liberty. 235 pp. 160. New York, C. M. burg, G. C. Keil, 1800. s. Saxton, 1849. Kindersley (Mrs. N. E.) Letters from the Kingsley (Charles). Good news of God: serisland of Teneriffe, Brazil, the Cape of Good mons. vi, 370 pp. 16~. Nrew York, Burt, Hope, and the East Indies. 301 pp. 1 pl. LHutchinson c4 Abbey, 1859. 120. London, J. Nourse, 1777. Kingsmill (Joseph). Chapters on prisons and Kiing (Albert Freeman Africanus, M. D.) Essay prisoners, and the prevention of crime. 3d ed. on the ligation and umanagement of the umbil- viii, 508 pp. 8~. London, Lonzgnan & Co. 1854. 204 KINGSTON. 2KLAPROTH. Kingston (William H. G.) The cruise of the Kirkes (William Senhouse), and Paget "Frolic." xi, 395 pp. 4 pl. 12~. London, (James). Manual of physiology. 2dAm. ed.Lowv, son 4-' Marston, 1865. 568 pp. 120. Philadelphiia, Blanchard 4 Lea, Western wanderings; or, a pleasure tour 1853. s. in the Canadas [and the United States]. 2 v. Kirkland (iMrs. Caroline M. Stansbury). A xvi, 343 pp. 1 pl; viii, 324 pp. 1 pl. 120. new home: who'll follow? or, glimpses of London, Chapman 4 cHall, 1856. s. western life. 240. London, 1844. Kingston-upon-Hull. (Subscription library [With LEE (Mrs. Hannah F.) The log-cabin. London, at). A catalogue of the library. xxix, 672 1844]. p. 80~. Liverpool, library, 1822. s. Kirkland (Frazar). Pictoral book of anecdotes - A supplementary catalogue, containing and incidents of the war of the rebellion, emthe books admitted since 1822. xiv, pp. 673- bracing the most remarkable anecdotical 915. 80. Hull, library, 1836. s. events of the great conflict in the United The same. Containing the works ad- States, from 1830 to [1865]. Illustrated. 705 rmitted since 1836. xxviii, pp. 917-1470. 8~0. pp. 9 pl. 8~. Hartford, Hartford pub. co. Hull, library, 1855. S. 1867. A list of books admitted from November Kirkpatrick (Rev. Jacob, jr.) The Kirkpat15, 1859, to November 15, [1862]. 3 v. 80. rick memorial; or, biographical sketches of Hull, library, 1860-62. s. father and son, and a selection from the Kiunney (Elizabeth C.) Poems. viii, 226 pp. sermons of the Rev. Jacob Kirkpatrick, jr. 120. New York, Hurd & Houghton, 1867. The sketches by Rev. Georg'e Hale. Edited Kirby (Joshua). Dr. Brook Taylor's method byW. M. Blackburn. 312 pp. 120. Phila()f perspective made easy, both in theory and delphia, Westcott 4 Thomson, 1867. practice. 2d ed. 2 v. in 1. xvi, 78 pp. 22 Kirkpatrick (James, of Belfast). An historical pI; 84 pp. 8 1. 29 pl. 40. Ipswich, author, essay upon the loyalty of presbyterians in 1755. s. Great Britain and Ireland, from the reformThe perspective of architecture. [Also: ation to 1713. [anon.] xv, 564 pp. Index. a description and use ot a new architectonic. 2 1. sm. 40. [n. p.] 1713. sector]. 3 p. 1. ii, 82, 60 pp. 25, 74 pl. fol. [Index imperfect]. [London, 1761]. Kirkpatrick (Col. William). An account of Kirby (W. P.) A manual of European butter- the kingdom of Nepaul, in 1793. xix, 386 flies. xii, 153 pp. 2 pl. 12~. London, Wil- pp. 1 map. 15 pl. 40. London, W. Miller, 1811. liams & Norgate, 1862.. 1811. Kirby(VVilliam), andr Spelnce (William). In- Kirkwall (viscount). See Pitzmaurice (Geo. troduction to entomology. 7th ed. xxviii, 607 William Hamilton). pp. 12~ London, Longimnans, 1859. s. Kirkwood (Daniel, LL. D.) Meteoric astronKircher (Athanasius). Lingua aegyptiaca res- omy: a treatise on shooting-stars, fire-balls, titvta; opvs tripartitvm. Una cum supple- and anrolites. 129 pp. 2 pl. 120. Philadelmento. viii p. 1. 32 1. pp. 33-622. 32 1. 40. phia, J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1867. Romce, Hermn~zann Schequs, 1643. s. fKirkwood (James P. C. E.) See Brooklyn qomce, -Hermann Scheus, 1643. waterworks and sewers. ----- Magneticvm natvrae regnvm, sive dis- waterworks and sewers. ceptatio physiologica de triplici in natura Kittlitz (F. H. von). Kupfertafelnzurnaturrerum magnete. 138 pp. 4~. ome, I. de geschichte der vogel. 1-3 hefte, 28 pp. 36 Lazaris, 1667. col. pl. 80. Frankfurt am7 Main, J. D. Sauer_____- Prodromvs coptvs sive aegyptiacvs. Inder, 1832-33. xiii p. 1. 338 pp. 1 1. 40* Roce, Typis S. [No more published.l Cozng. de propag.jide, 1636. s.:Kitto (John). An illustrated history of the Kirchhoff (G.) Researches on the solar spec- holy Bible. Edited byAlvan Bond. xii, 701 trum, and the spectra of the chemical elements. pp. 4 pl. 3 maps. 80. Norwich, (Conn.) H. Translated by Henry E. Roscoe. iv, 36 pp. Bill, 1868. 3 pl. 40~. Cambridge, M, acmillan 4 Co. 1862. Klaproth (JulesHenri). Grammaire g~nrale. s. Th6orie des signes; apergu de l'origine des Kirchmaier (Georg Caspar). Disputatio geo- diverses Ocritures de l'aucien monde (extract). n d i96 pp. 8e. Paris, Ence'ie mod. de Courtin, graplico-historica de origine, aditu atqve fama gentium americanarum. 12 1. sin. 40 [1823.] s. itteberyge, J. TIak7ce, 1659. Title page wanting.] 205 KLAPROTH. KOENIG. Klaproth (Jules Henri). Verzeichniss der worship of Priapus, and its connection with chinesischen und mandschuischen biclher und the mystic theology of the ancients. New ed. handschriften der koniglichen bibliothek zu [With] an essay on the worship of the geneBerlin. viii, 188, 68 pp. fol. Paris, EKnig. rative powers during the middle ages of druckerei, 1822. s. western Europe. [anon. by J. O. Hlalliwell]. Klee(FrederikAlexanderGottlieb). Le d6luge; xvi, 254 pp. 40 pl. 4~. London, privately considerations g6ologiques et historiques sur printed, 1865. les derniers cataclysmes du globe. I d. fran- Knight (Samuel, D. D.) The life of Dr. John 9aise. 3 p. 1. 333 pp. 160. Paris, Masson, 1847. Colet; with some account of the masters and Klein (Jacob Theodor). Historite piscium more ancient scholars of St. Paul's school. naturalis promovendae missus i-v. 5 v. in 1. New ed. xx, 439 pp. 8~. Oxford, Clarendeon 40. Gedani, Schreiber, 1740-49. s. press, 1823. s. Tentamen herpetologioe. iv, 72 pp. 2 pl. Knight (Thomas F.) Shore and deep sea fish4~. Leidace, etc. E. Luzac, jun. 1755. s. eries of Nova Scotia. viii, 113 pp. 8~. HaliKleinschmidt (Samuel). Grammatik der fax, prov. gov't, 1867. S. gr6nldndischen sprache, mit theilweisem ein- Knighton (Rev. F.) Primary grammar. iv, schluss des Labrador dialects. x, 182 pp. 80. 67 pp. 16~. Philadelphia, 1. E. Peterson Berlin, G. Reimer, 1851. s. 4 Co. 1852. Klemm (Friedrich Gustav). Zur geschichte Knighton (William). Elihu Jan's story; or, der sammlungen far wissenschaft und kunst the private life of an eastern queen. vii, 210 in Deutschland. 2e aufl. 8~. Zerbst, Kum- pp. 12~. London, Longmans, 1865. mner, 1838. s. Knights (Sarah Kemble). The journal of madKlencke (P. F. Hermann). Alexander von name Knight [on ajourneyfrom Boston to New Humboldt; ein biographisches denkmal. 2e York] in 1704. 70 pp. 120. VNew York, Wilaufl. xii, 252 pp. 80. Leipzig, Spamer, 1852. der c& Campbell, 1825. s. Knutt (Frigida, pseudon.) See Snow angel. Klim (Nikolaus, pseudon.) See Holberg Kobell (Franz von). Tafeln zur bestimmung (Ludvig von). der mineralien mittelst einfacher chemischer Kloss (Dr. Georg). Catalogue of his library, versuche, etc. 3e aufl. 70 pp. 80. Miinchen, including many original and unpublished J. Lindauer, 1838. manuscripts, and printed books with ms. an- [ With NAUMANN (C. F.) Table, etc. 1833]. notations of Philip Melancthon. xxiii, 343 Koch (Albrecht C.) Reise durch einen theil der pp. 80. London, S. Sotheby & son, and others, Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika, 18441835. 46. 162 pp. 2 pl. 80. Dresden, Arnold, 1847. Kliipfel (Carl). Wegweiser durch die littera- s. tur der Deutschen. See Schwab (G.) and Koch (Christophe Guillaume de). Tableau des Kltipifl. r6volutions de l'Europe, depuis le bouleverseKnapp (Georg Ludwig). Beschreibung des ment de l'empire romain en occident jusqu't hallischen waisenhauses. See Schnlze (J.L.) nos jours. 4 v. 8~. Paris, F. Schoell, 1807. Knapp (Samuel Lorenzo). The picturesque s. beauties of the Hudson river and its vicinity, Koch (C. L.) Die im bernstein befindlichen in a series of views, from original drawings, crustaceen, myriapoden, arachniden und by distinguished artists. With descriptive apteren der vorwelt. s. illustrations. Part 1. 16 pp. 3 pl. 40. New [ With BERENDT (G. C.) Die im bernstein reste, etc. York, J. Disturnell, 1835. v. 1. 1854]. Knappe (Julius). Versuch einer entwickelung Koch (Fr. C. L.) Die mineral-regionen der des begriffes der exzeptionen, mit rticksicht obern halbinsel Michigan's (N. A.) am Lake auf die beweislast. x, 127 pp. 8~. Miinchen, Superior und die Isle Royale. 248 pp. 1 map. G. Jaquet, 1835. 80. Gottingen, Dieterich, 1852. s. Kner (Rudolph). Siisswasserfische. See Hec- Koch (Gabriel). Die indo-australische lepidopkel (J.) and Kner (J.) teren-fauna in ihrem zusammenhang init der Knight (H. lady Luxborough). Letters to Wil- europaeischen, nebst den drei hauptfaunen hiam Shenstone. iv, 416 pp. 8~. London, J. der erde. xii, 119 pp. 1 col. pl. 80. Leipzig, Dodsley, 1775. L. Denicke, 1865. Knight (Richard Payne). A discourse on the Koenig. See K6nig. 206 KOESTLIN. KOTSCHY. Koestlin (Carl Heinrich). Dissertatio inaugu- by Theoplhilus Stork. viii, 360 pp. 16 pl. 80~. ralis medica, sistens animadversiones de ma- Philadelphia, Lindsay & Blakiston, 1854. teriis narcoticis regni vegetabilis, earumque - and Thiter (Julius). G-ildenes A. B. C. ratione botanica. 76 pp. 80. Tubingae, litteris Gezeichnet von G. KInig; gestochen von J. hopfferianis, 1808. s. Thbiter. 251. unp. obl. 180. Gotha, J. PerKXihler (Carl). Briefe aus America. Ein lehr- thes, 1863. s. reicher wegweiser fiir deutsche auswanderer. Kolninok or De Koninck (Laurent Guillaume 20 anlfl. viii, 288 pp. 6 pl. 12~0. Dariestadt, de). Description des animaux fossiles qui se G. G. Lange, 1854. trouvent dans le terrain carbonifdre de BelKohli (Ludwig). Handbuch einer historisch- gique. iv, 650 pp. atlas, 63 pl. 4~. Lidge, statistisch-geographischen beschreibung des H. Dessain, 1842-44. s. herzogthums Oldenburg, sammt der erblherr- The same. Suppldment. pp. 651-746. schaft Jever, und Lfibeck und Birkenfeld. pl. 56-60. 4~. Liege, H. Dessain, 1851. 2e ausg. 2 v. in 3. 80. Oldenburg, Schulze, s. 1844. s. -- moire sur les fossiles pal6ozoiques Kohlman (Rev. Anthony). Unitarianism phi- recueillis dans l'Inde par Fleming. Suivi de losophically and theologically examined; a la description des brachiopodes fossiles de refutation of [its] leading principles. 2 v. l'Inde, parT. Davidson. [Extract]. 44 pp. viii, 296 pp; 265 pp. 80. Washington, Henry 12 pl. 8~. Liege, H. Dessain, 1863. s. Guegan, 1821-22. IRecherches sur les animaux fossiles. Kohlrausch (Friedrich). History of Germa- le partie. Monographie des genres Productus ny, from the earliest period to the present et Chonctes. xvii, 246 pp. 20 pl. 4. Liege, time. xv, 700 pp. 80. London, Chapiman H. Dessain, 1847. s. 4U Hall, 1844. s. [No more published.] Kokscharow (Nilkolai von). Materialien zur KIopp (Hermann). Geschichte der chemie. 4 v. mineralogie Russlands. 4 v. 80. atlas, pI. 80. Braunschweig, Vieweg, 1843-47. S. 1-64. 4~ St. Petersburg, A. Jacobson, 1853- - The same. 4 v. in 2. 80. Braunschweig, 58. s. Vieweg, 1843-47. s. [Wanting all after v. 4, p. 96, and pl. 64.1] Koppe (Johann Christian). Mecklenburgs Kolenati (Friedrich A.) Meletemata entomo- schriftsteller von den iiltesten zeiten bis jetzt. logica. 5v. in 1. 80. Petropoli, Imp. acad. sc. 95 pp. 160. lostock, Adler, 1816. 1845-46. s.. IKbrner (Friedrich). See Thomas- (Louis). Buch der welt, 1854-55. CONTENTS. IsKort begrijp der hollandsche schipvaerden v. 1. Insecta Caucasi, coleop. pentamera carnivora nae Nova Zembla. 88 pp. 2 p1. [pp. 103-114 of LA PPEYRkaRE (I. de). Nauwkeurigo 3. o. Hemiptera Caucasi, tesseratomid. 132pp. pl. beschrijvingh van Groenland. 1678.] 3-11. v. 3. Brachelytra Caucasi. 44 pp. pl. 12-14. Kort begryp seven persoonen op Spitsbergen v. 4. Hemiptera Caucasi, pentatomidme. 64 pp. p1. gestorven. 15-16. v. 5. Insecta Caucasi. 169 pp. p1. 17-19. [pp. 120-28 of LA PEYRaiRE (I. de). Nauwkeurige beschrijvingh van Groenland, 1678]. K-rte (Dr. Wilhelm). Die sprichworter und ZKdlliker (Albrecht). Handbuch der gewebclchre des menschen. x, 637 pp. 80. Leipzig, sprichwortlichen redensarten der Deutschen. TV. EngelmIann, 1852. s N Neue ausg. xl, 568 pp. 80. Leipzig, F. A. The same. 2e aufl. xx, 675 pp. 80. Brockhaus, 1847. Leipzig, ~W~. ~Engelmann?, 1855. s. Kosciusko (Tadeusz). Manceuvres of horseMikproskopiscle alatomie, oder gewe- artillery adapted to the service of the U. S. [Part ii of EXE RCISE for garrison and field ordnance. belehre des menschen, v. 2. Specielle gewe- By an officer of the U. S. artillery. 80. New York, belebre. 1 v. in2v. xi,555 pp. 4col. pl; xii,784 1812]. pp. 8~. Leipzig, W. ngelsnann, 1850-54. s. Kossuth (Lajos). Authentic life of Louis Kos[No more published]. suth, with a full report of his speeches delivDie schwimmpolypen oder siphonopho- ered in England. [anon.] 136 pp. 15 pl. 8~. ren von Messina. vii, 96 pp. 12 col. pl. 4~. London, Bradbury & Evans, 1851. s. Leipzig, W.E 7Sengelmau, 1853. s. Kotschy (Theodor). Reise in den cilicischen Kinjig (Gustav). The life of Martin Luther,iiber Tarsus. Mit vorwo-t von Carl and the reformation in Germany. [anon. Ritter. x, 443 pp. 1 pl. 2 maps. 80. Gotha, Adcaptecl from KInlig]. With an introduction J. Perlthcs, 1858. s. KOTZEBUE. KRUGER. IKotzebue (August Friedrich Ferdinand von). fiber den montanistischen staatsbeamten- geHistorical, literary, and political anecdotes werken-und gewerkschaftl. beamten-stand and miscellanies. 3 v. 160. London, I. Col- des osterreichischen kaiscrstaates fur 1849. burn, 1807. v. 1. 2'06 pp. 8~. W.ien, F. Ullrich, 1849. s. The noble lie; a comedy, being the conclu- Krause (Wilhelm). Allgemeine und specielle sion of the Stranger. Translated from the hydrotherapie; oder, die grundsiitze der prieszGerman. vii, 39 pp. 8~. London,l R. Pitkeath- nitz'schen heilverfahrens. 2e aufl. xii, 251 ley, 1799. pp. 80. Stuttgart, Scheitlin c EKrais, 1851. The negro slaves; a dramatic historical s. piece. Translated from the German. x, 142 Krauss (Christian Ferdinand Friedrich). Die pp. 80~. London Cadell & Davies, 1796. stidafrikanischen crustaceen. 68 pp. 4 pl. 40~. Kotzebue (Moritz von). Narrative of a jour- Stuttgart, E. Schweizerbart, 1843. s. ney into Persia, in the suite of the imperial Krebs (Henry J.) The West Indian marine Russian embassy. Translated from the Ger- shells, with some remarks. [anon.] 3 p. 1. man. 4 p. 1. 328 pp. 5 pl. 80. London, 137 pp. 120. Copenhagen, W. Laub, 1864. s. Longmian, Hurst & Co. 1819. Kreissle von Hellborn (Heinrich). Franz Kowalewski (Joseph Sgepan). Dictionnaire Schubert: a musical biography. From the mongol, russe, frangais. 3 v. xiii, 2690 pp. 40~ German, by Edward Wilberforce. 287 pp. Kasan, 1844-49. s. 160. London, FI. H. Allen, 1866. Kowalski (-). Recherches surles mouve- Krepp (Frederick Charles). The sewage ments de Neptune, suivies des tables de cette question, [with] a description of Captain plannte. 179 pp. 8o. K:asan, imprimerie de Liernur's system for daily removal of fmcal l'neiversiltei 1855. s solids fluids, and gases by pneumatic force. Kracheninnikow or Krascheninnikoff (Ste- xvi, 208 pp. 8~. London, Longsuans, 18G7. pan Petrovich). Besehreibung des landes Statistical book-keeping-: being a simKamitschatka. Mit landkarten und kupferbil- plification and abbreviation of the common lern, hceiausgegcben von T. Jefferys. Yn das system by double entry. vii, 180 pp. 40. deutsche iibersetzet und mit anmerkungen er- London, Longnzcans, 1858. liiutert, von J. KOhler. xvi, 344 pp. 3 pl. 4 Kresz (C.) Le pdchcur fiangais: trait4 do Ia maps. 4~. Lemyo, MJeyer, 1766. peche, h la ligne et aux filets, en eau douce. The same. Description du IKamtchatka. viii, 361 pp. 24 pl. 160. Paris, Audot, 1818. [v. 3 of CIuAPrE d'AuTEROCIuE. Voyage en Sib6rie. KreUiter buch. See Herbarius. Pa7ris, 17681. - Kryer (Henrik Nikolaj). Danmarlc's fiske. Krafft (Albreclht). Die arabischen, perslschen 3 v. in 4. 80. ]jdbenhavn, S. Trier, 1838-53. s. und tirlkischen handschriften der k. k. oriund trisce hanscriften de k. k. oi- - Forsog til en monografisk fremstilling entaliscben akademie zu Wien. xx, 208 af krebsdyrslegten sergestes. 85 pp. 5 pl. pp. 8~. Wien, HMec7titaristen, 1842. s. 40~ fodenhavn, Bnco Luno, 185G s Kraft (Jens Edvard). Norsk forfatter-lexicon. [ With K3RndvznR (H.) Monografisk fremstilling, etc. 1814-1856. Ordnet og udgivet af C. C. A. 40. Kjobenhavn, 1842.] Lange. 728 pp. portrait. 80. Christiania, Monografisk fremstilling af slaegten hipJohan Dahl, 1863. s. polyt's nordiske arter, med bidrag til dekapoKragh (Peter). OkalluktuAutit sajminubingmik dernes udviklings historie. 152 pp. 6 pl. 40 -au6kbingmiglo Jesuse-kristusikut. [Rela- Kjdbenfhavn, Bianco Luno, 1842. s. tion of salvation through the mnediatorship Naturhistorisk lmrebog for de f6rste of Christ Jesus]. 4 p.1. 292 pp. 18~. jfiiben- begyndere. 5en udgabe. 3 p. 1. 133 pp. 120. lhavnime, F. de Tengnagel, 1830.,j6ibenhavn, C. A. Reitzel, 1851. s. K:rascheninnikilrof. See Kracheninnikow. The same. 6e1 oplag'e. 120. Kjdbenhavn, Krasinski (Valerian count). Panslavism and 1855. s. Germanism. 3 p. l. 328, xxii pp. 1 map. 160. Kriidner (Juliane von, born, Wietinghoff). London?, T. C. XNewby, 1848. Valdrie. [Nouvelle]. xxxvi, 264 pp. 120. Kratz (Arthur). La guerre d' Amdrique. R6- Paris, Clarpenties, 1855. sumde des op6rations militaires et maritimes. Kruger (Dr. F.) The first discovery of America, [Extrait de la revue maritime et coloniale]. and its early civilization. Translated and 116 pp. 3 maps. 8~. Paris, Bestrand, enlarged from the German, by W. L. WVagener. 1866. 134 pp. 120. 2New York, Sheldon & Co. Kraus (Jolhann Baptist Carl). HaIdbuch 1863. 208 RRUGEIR. KUSTER. Kruger (Fr. J.) WVohin soil der Deutsche au- CONTENTS. swandern? Entwurfeiner deutschen kolonial- v. 1. Evangelium Matthai. politik. 75 pp. 16~. Hamburg, F. Schuberth, 2. Evangelium Marci et Lvcae. 3. Evangelium Johannis. 1857. 4. Acta apostolorum. Kruse (Friedrich Carl Hermann). Chroni- [v. 1-3. 3a ed. v. 4. 2a ed.] con Nortmannorum Wariago-Russorum, nec Kummer (S. Agnes). An epitome of English non Danorum, Sveonum, Norwegorum, inde history; with questions for examination. 129 ab 777, usque ad 1379. xvi, 478 pp. 40. pp. 120. Baltimore, J.S. Waters, 1866. Dorpati, auctor, 1831. s. Kunth (Carl Sigismund). Enumeratio planNecrolivonica; oder, alterthiimer Liv- tarum omnium hucusque cognitarum, secunEsth-und Curlands bis zur einfiihrung der dum familias naturales disposita, adjectis christlichen religion in den k. russischen characteribus, differeltiis et synonymis. v. 1Ostsee-gouvernments; nebst plainen und char- iv. in 5. 8~. Stutgardiae, J. G. Cotta, 1833-43. ten. 44 pl. 1 map. fol. Dorpat, 1842. s. [No more published.] S. Krusenstern (Adam Ivan von). Beytrtge zur CONTENTS. hydrographie der grdssern oceane, als erliu- v. 1. and supp. Agrostographia synoptica, sive enterung ei~ner kartfe der ganzen erdkreises. umeratio graminearum omnium, etc. 606 pp; t'rung eine kare de ganen edk436 pp. 20 1. unp. 40 pl. 4 p. l. 248 pp. 40. Leipzig, P. F. Kummer, v. 2, Cyperographia synoptica, sive enumeratio cy1819. S. peracearum omnium, etc. 592 pp. v. 3. Enumeratio aroidearum, typhinearum, pandaneThe same. Recueil de m6moires hydro- arum pluvialium, juncaginearum, alismaeearum, butomearum, palmarum, guniceaarum, philydreagraphiques, pour servir d'analyse et d expli- rum,restiacearum, centrolepidearum et eriocaucation k l'atlas de l'oc6an pacifique. Avec learum omnium, etc. 644pp. v. 4. Enumeratio xyridearum, mayacearum, commesuppl6mens. 3 v. 40. Saint Petersbourg, Imp. lynearum, pontederiacearum, melanthacearum; du depaert. de l'instr'uc. publ. 1824-25. s. uvularicaruin, liliacearum et asphodelearum omKrusepntertn (Paul von). Petschora-land. See rusenster (Paulvon). Petschora-land. See Kunze (Carl Ferdinand). Der kindermord. Keyserling (S.) viii, 288 pp. 8~. Leipzig, Veit & Co. 1860. s. Kiichenmeister (Friderich). On animal and Kunzek (August). s iElllzzek (Algust). Die lehre vom lichte. vegetable parasites of the human body. TransO..0~~~~~~~ 455 pp. 5 pl. 8~. Lembery, J. Millikowski, lated from 2d German ed. by E. Lankester. 1836. s. 2 v. xix, 452 pp. 8 pl; xvi, 287 pp. 6 pi. 80. Studien aus der hdheren physik. vi, 386 London, Sydenham society, 1857. Lonbom, Sydenham socit ety, 1857c. pp. 80. Wtien, W. Braumiiller, 1856. s. [Sydenham society publications]. Klugler (Franz Theodor). IIandbuch der kunst- rupffer (A. T. editor). Observations m6t6orgeschichte. xxiv, 920 pp. 8~. Stuttgart, ologiques faites A rkhangel. [extract]. Ebner 4 Seubert, 1842.. 243 pp. 4. Saint Petersbourg, acad. imn. des sciences, [1842]. s. Kuhl (Heinrich). Beitraige zur zoologie und vergleicendeanatomi. 2 v. in 1. 5p. Observations m6t6orologiques, faites A cPacad6mie imp6riale des sciences, etc. de 151 pp; 2 p. 1. 212 pp. 11 pl. 40. Frank- acadmie iprile des scieces, etc. de 151t am-M 2 Her1.m212 n 118id. 40 Ek 1822-33, et calcul6es. [extract]. 214 pp. 4c. furt-amz-Mairn, Hermann, 1820. s. Saint Pitersbourg, acad. inp. des sciences, Buffoni et DIaubentoni figurarum avium s coloratarum nomina systematica. Edidit Theo- 1836. dorusVan idere 2p1. 28pp. 4 Gro- urtz (Henry). The [united] brethren's enningae, J. Oomnkens, 1820. 4. cyclopedia. The united counsels and conclueJCoonspectus psittacorum. (Extract). 104 sions of the brethren at their annual meetings, pp. 3 col. pl. 40. k. Leop. Carol. akad. der [etc.] 202 pp. 8 natur wissensch]aften, 1820. s. author, 1867. Kiihn (Otto Bernhard). System der anorgani- Kurz (Franz Seraphine). Oesterreicls militirscheln chemie. xxii, 729 pp. 80. (ifttinge~n, verfassung in ilteren zeite. viii, 457 pp. 80. Vandenhoeck ~4 Ruprecht, 1848. s. Linz, C. Haslinger, 1825. s. lKiihne (Willie). Myologische untersuchungen. Kiistel (Guido). Nevada and California pro4 p. 1. 226 pp. 1 pl. 80. Leipzig, Veit & Co. cesses of silver and gold extraction. 327 pp. 1860. s. 11 pl. 80. San Francisco, lirank D. Carlton, ~~~~1860. S. I~863. Kuinoel or Kiihnil (Christian Gottlieb). 1863. Commentarivs in libros novi testamenti his- Euster (Charles de). Notice sur laseire de toricos. Ed 3a. 4 v. 8~. Lipsiae, J. A.Bartle pjlmiers. [ With FIsciHnR (F. E. L.) and MEAER (C. A.) Sertum 1823-27. petropolitanum, etc. Decas 2a. 1852]. KUTSCHER. LACeIPhDE. Kutscher (Franz Jacob). Amerika. Et bidrag Gutenberg dans cette ville. 83 pp. 5 pl. 80. til Vestindiens geographie- natur- og folkehis- Paris, Techener, 1840. s. torie, oversat af C. B. Hallager. v. 1. x, 446 Debuts de l'imprimerie A Mayence et A pp. 16~. KWibenhavn, M. J. Sebbelow, 1804. Bamberg; ou, description des lettres d'indulKysell (Melchior). Icones biblicae veteris et gence du pape Nicolas v, Pro regno Cypri, novi testamenti. 241 pl. 4~. Augustae Vin- imprim6es en 1454. 31 pp. 10 pl. 40. Paris, delicorumn, ML. Kysell, 1679. s. Techener, 1840. La Barre de Beaumarchais (Antoine de). --- Histoire de la gravure en maniare noire. Amusemens litt6raires; ou, correspondance 8~. Paris, Techener, 1839. s. politique, historique, philosophique, critique, - De l'organisation des bibliotheques dans et galante. 3 v. 18~. La Haye, Jean van Paris. Duzren, 1740. [Lettres 1, 2, 4 and 8. No more published.] Labarte (Jules). Histoire des arts industriels CONTENTS. an moyen'age et A l'epoque de ia renaissance. le Lettre. La bibliothlque royale occupe le centre topographique et intellectuel de la ville de Paris. Texte. v. 1-3. 80. Album. 2 v. 40. Paris, 24pp. 2 p. 85. Paris, A. Franck, 1845. 2e Lettre. Revue critique des projets pr6sent6s pour A. Morel & Cie, 1864-65. la d6placement de la biblioth6que royale. 56 pp. Labarthe (Pierre). - Voyage au S6n6gal, pen- 4 pl. 80. Paris, A. Franck, 1845. a. 4e Lettre. Le palais mazarin et les habitations de dant les ann6es 1784-5, d'aprds les m6moires ville et de campagne au 17e siecle. 124 pp. 7 pl. de Lajaille. Avec des notes sur la situation 80. Paris, A. Franck, 1845.. --- The same. [2e ptie. notes]. pp. 121-408. 2 facs. deo cette partie de l'Afrique jusqu' en l'an x. 8~. Paris, A. Franck, 1846. 8e Lettre. ]itude sur laconstruction des biblioth6ques. xii, 262 pp. 1 map. Paris, Dentu, 1802. 52 pp. 13 pl. 8~. Paris, A. Franc7k, 1845. S. -— Recherches sur ce qu'il s'est conserv6 Labat (Jean Baptiste). Nouveau voyage aux dans l'Egypte moderne de la science des isles [fran9oises] de l'Am6rique. Nouv. 6d. anciens magiciens. 23 pp. 4~. Paris, J. 8 v. 4 maps. 92 pl. 16~. Paris, Theodore Le?enouard & Cie, 1841. s. Gras, 1742. ------ Journey through Arabia Petr.ea to Mount Labbe (Philippe). Bibliotheca nummaria. See Sinai, and the excavated city of Petra. 2d ed. Teissier (A.) Catalogus, etc. s. xxviii, 340 pp. I map. 8%. London, John La Beche. See De la Beche. Murray, 1838. Labedollibre (]mile Gigault de). Histoire Laboulaye (]Edouard Ren6 Lefebvre). Hisde la guerre du Mexique, 1861 A 1866. 76 pp. toire des ]tats-Unis, 1620-1789. 2e 6d. 3 v. 2 maps. sm.fol. Paris, G. Barba, [1866]. 16~. Paris, Charpentier, 1867. Labillardibre (Jacques Julien Houton de). Fairy book: fairy tales of all nations. Voyage in search of La P6rouse, during the Translated by Mary L. Booth. 120. New years 1791-94, [with a vocabulary of the York, Harpers, 1867. Malay and other Polynesian tongues]. Trans- --- Finette: a legend of Brittany. Translated from the French, by John Stockdale. lated from the French. 90 pp. 3 pl. 80. 2 v. xxxii, 487 pp; 344, ciii pp. 46 pl. 8~. Boston, J. E. Tilton & Co. 1867. London, John Stockdale, 1800. La Bourdonnais (L. C. de). Nouveau trait6 [Imperfect; pl. 27, 42, 44, and 45 wanting.] dujeu des 6checs. xvi, 376 pp. 80. Bruxelles, Laborde (Alexandre Louis Joseph, comte de). Hauman et Cie. 1842. Description des nouveauxjardins de laFrance Labree (Lawrence). Rebels and tories; or, et de ses anciens chateaux. [En Fran~, en the blood of the Mohawk! A tale of the Anglais, et en Allem. Les dessins par C. Bour- American revolution. 202 pp. 80. Nesw York, geois]. 130 pl. fol. Paris, Bourgeois, 1808-15. Dewitt & Davenport, [1851]. s. La Cava; or, recollections of the Neapolitans. Laborde (Jean Benjamin de). Histoire abr6- [anon.] 338 pp. 80. London, Saunders, g6e de la Mer du Sud, orn6e de plusieurs Otley & Co. 1860. cartes. 3 v. 80. Paris, P. Didot, 1791. Lace'pde (Bernard Germain ]Wtienne- de La Laborde (Leon Emmanuel Simon Joseph, Ville, comte de). Histoirenaturelle,comprenant comte de). Commentaire g6ographique sur les cdtac6s, les quadrupddes ovipares, les serl'Exode et lesNombres. [Avec le texten Latin pents et les poissons. Nouv. 6d. prec6dee de eten Frangais]. fol. Paris,Renouardet Cie. 1'6loge de Lacdpede par Cuvier. Avec des 1841. notes de A. G. Demorest. 2v. xii, 668 pp. D6buts de l'imprimerie A Strasbourg; ou, 24 col. pl; 647 pp. 12 80. Paris, recherches sur lea travaux myst6rieux de Furne et Cie, 1855. s. 27 210 LACHMANN. LAFFORGUE. Lachmann (W..M. D.) Physiographie des contreM. Libri, etc. 64 pp. 8~. Paris, Paulin, herzogthumes Braunschweig und des Harz- 1849. s. gebirges, [etc.] 2v. inl. xix, 291pp; xii, Lacroix (Silvestre Franvois). Anleitung zur 316 pp. 2 maps. 8~. Braunschweig, Vieweg, ebenen und sph/irischen trigonometrie. Neu 1851-52. iibersetzt von Ludwig Ideler. xviii, 335 pp. Lackington (James). Confessions, in a series 6pl. 8~. Berlin, Duncker I Humblot, 1822. s. of letters to a friend. vii, 169 pp. 240. INew La Croix de ChevriBres (Jean Baptiste de). York, John Wilson & D. Hitt, 1808. Estat pr6sent [1688] de l'6glise et de la colMemoirs of the forty-five first years of onie frangaise, dans la Nouvelle-France. his life. New ed. 540 pp. portrait. 80. Lon- [2e 6d.] ix, 102 pp. 80. Quebec, A. Cotg & don, author, 1793. Cie. 1856. s. Lackland (Thomas, pseudon?) Homespun; La Croix du Maine (Frangois Grusd6, sieur or, five and twenty years ago. 346 pp. 16~. de). Premier volvme de [sa] bibliothbqve, New York, Hurd & iioughton, 1867. qui est vn catalogue g6n6ral de toutes sortes Laco [pseudon.] See Higginson (Stephen). d'autheurs, qui ont escrit en Fran~ois depuis Lacordaire (Jean Baptiste Henri). Vie de cinq cents ans et plus, etc. 22 p. 1. 558 pp. saint Dominique, prdc6d6e du m6moire pour fol. Paris, Abel L'Angelier, 1584. s. le r6tablissement en France de l'ordre des [No more published.] frdres precheurs; et suivie de la lettre sur le La Croze (Cornand de); or, La Croze (Jean.) saint si6ge. 3e Ed. 695 pp. 80. Paris, Sag- A historical grammar; or a chronological nier & Bray, 1844. s. abridgment of universal history. Translated Lacordaire (Jean Th6odore). Monographie from the French by Lucy Peacock. Revised des 6rotyliens, famille de l'ordre des col6op- and enlarged by Caleb Bingham. 228 pp. 160. tares.. xiv, 543 pp. 80. Paris, Roret, 1842. Boston, C. Bingham, 1802. s. Ladame (Paul, M. D.) Symptomatologie und Lacoste jpre et fils aine. Polytypie. 22 1. diagnostik der hirngeschwiilste. viii, 264 pp. [figures]. 4~. [Paris, about 1850]. 1 pl. 80. iirzburg, Stahel, 1865. s. Lacroix (Paul). Bibliotheque dramatique de Lady's almanac for 1867. 128 pp. 32~. Boston, monsieur de Soleinne. Catalogue r6dig6 par Lee & Shepard, 1867. P. L. Jacob, bibliophile. [pseudon.] 9 parts Laet (Jan de). Notme ad dissertationem Huin 4 v. 80. Paris, Alliance des arts, 1843-45. gonis Grotii de origine gentium americanas. rum. 3 p. 1. 223 pp. 18~. Amstelodami, CONTENTS. Elzevir, 1643. v. 1. The6tre oriental; grec et romaine; latine mod- - Novvs orbis; seu, descriptionis Indiae erne; ancien theatre frangois; theatre frangois Occidentalis libri xviii. 16 p. 1. 690 pp. 9 1. moderne jusqu' i Racine. xvi, 322 pp. Supplment au tome 1. 44 pp. [Wanting pp. 5-20]. 14 maps. fol. Lvgd. Batav. apud Elzevirios, v. 2. The6tre franqois depuis Racine jusqu' V. Hugo, 1633. th6etre des provinces; th6atre francois a l'6tranger. 391 pp. ---- The same. L'histoire dv nouveau monde; v. 3. Suite du theatre franqois; recueils manuscrits, etc. ballets; the6tre burlesque et de soci6te; pro- ou, description des Indes Occidentales. 14 p. 1. verbes dramatiques; pi6ces satiriques; piees en 632 pp. 61. 14 maps. fol. Leyde, B. & A. patois; dialogues. viii, 368 pp. v. 4. Th6atre italien, espagnol, portugais, allemand, Elseuiers, 1640. anglais, suddois, fiamand, hollandois, russe, Resonsio ad dissertationem secundam polonais, turc, grec et valaque. xi, 226 pp. v. 5. Appendice au tome 3. Autographes, 56 pp. Hvgonis Grotii de origine gentium americanTome 5. le partie. fcrits relatifs au th5adtre; estasmpes et dessins; autographes, vii, 260 pp. arum. 2 p. 1. 116 pp. 4 1. 180. Amstelodami, Dernidre partie. Livres doubles et livres omis; Elsevir, 1644. corrections et additions. vi, 88 pp. Table gn6erale [des auteurs] et table des ouvrages relatifs au Laetus (Pomponius). See Leto (Giulio Pomthd6tre; r6dig6e parM. Goizet. iv, 144 pp. Prix ponio). des livres du premier volume. 12 pp. ponlo). Lafayette (M. J. P. R. Y. Gilbert Motier, marCuriositds de l'histoire du vieux Paris. quis de). Memoirs, correspondence, and manPar P. L. Jacob, bibliophile. [pseudon.] 364 uscripts. 1777-81. Published by his family. pp. 180. Paris, A. Delahays, 1858. v. 1. xiv, 552 pp. 1 pl. 80. New York, Saun------ nigmes et d~couvertes bibliographiques. ders H Otley, 1837. Par P. L. Jacob, bibliophile. [pseudon.] viii, Lafforgue (Pierre C. Theodore, known as T. 371 pp. 16~. Paris, Lain, 1866. Robertson). The whole French language. ------ Lettres it M. Hatton, juge dinstruction Ed. by Louis Ernst. xi, 605 pp. 12~. New au sujet de 1' incroyable accusation intentde York, R. Lockwood, 1855. 211 LA FONTAINE. LA MARTINIERE. La Fontaine (Alphonse de). Faune du pays ledamoSter jemte fdrteckning 6frer secreterare Luxembourg; on, manuel de zoologie, conte- och advocat-fiscaler der stiides intill der 12 nant la description des animaux vertebr6s Nov, 1823, da nofratten firade sin andra secobserv6s dans le pays de Luxembourg.- ular-fest. (Abo hofrditts historia, delen i.) [Oiseaux.] 326 pp. 8~. Luxembourg, V. Buck, xxxiii, 596 pp. 8~. Helsingfors, J. C. lFrenckell 1865-66. s. & son, 1834. s. Lafontaine(AugustHeinrich Julius). Gemathl- Laing (John, surgeon). A voyage to Spitzdesammlungzur veredlung des familienlebens. bergen; an account of that country, of the [Die briider; oder, der wildfang.] 2 v. in 1. zoology of the north; of the Shetland isles, 435, 471 pp. 16~. Berlin, J. D. Sander, 1807. and of the whale fishery. 3d ed. 165 pp. 12~. -- Man of nature; or, nature and love; lEdinburgh, Tait, 1820. from the German of Miltenberg. [pseudon. ] Laing (John). The theory of business. viii, By W. Wennington. New ed. xx, xxvii, 240 pp. 12~. London, Longmans, 1867. 447 pp. 8~. London, W. Wennington, 1807. Laire (Fran9ois Xavier). Specimen historicum La Fontaine (Jean de). Contes et nouvelles typographise romance xv saeculi. xiv p. 1. en vers. Nouv. 6d. [avec dessins] par R. de 1l. 308 pp. 40. Romnce, Moncaldinin 1778. Hooge. 2 v. 7 p. l, 240 pp. 1 1; 4 p. 1. 273 pp. Lairesse (G6rard de). Het groot schilderbook. 11. 62 pl. 18~. Amsterdamn, Brunel 4 Lucas, 2 v. in 1. sin. 4~. Amsterdam, Willem de Coup, 1709-32. 1707. S. - Fables choisies, mises en vers par La Lajaille ( — de). See Labarthe (Pierre). Fontaine, et par luy reveu6s, corrig6es et Voyage au S6n6gal. s. augment6es de nouveau. 4 pts. in 1 v. 180. Lakenman (Seger). OntweTp van een onkostLac Haye, H. van Bulderen, 1688. baar en zeker middel, om de westvriesche [pp. 175-6 imperfect.] zeedyken, door het afknagen van't paalwerk Fables. Translated by E. Wright. jr. zeer gevaarlyk geworden, in de aanstaande 80. London, 1866. zomer 1733 te stellen, buiten eenig gevaar van (Masterpieces of foreign literature.] doorbrake, schoon de zeewormen voortragen, -- Opuscules in6dits. etc. 2 p.1. 23 pp. 2 maps. fol. Amsterdam, [pp. 451-557 of COULANGES, (P. E. marquis de). M6- even van J. Batelband & Co. 1733. s. moires, etc.] and others. Fables in6dites des 12e, 13e, Lallemant (Jerome). Lettres envoiees de la et 14e siecles, et fables de la Fontaine rap- Novvelle France au Jacques Renault. 49pp. prochdes de celles de tous les auteurs qui 2 1. 120.' Paris, Cramoisy, 1670. [Privately avoient, avant lui, trait6 les memes sujets. reprinted by James Lennox, New York, 1855.] Pr6c6d6es d'une notice sur les fabulistes, par [With Le MERCIEcIn (F.) Copiededevxlettres. 1656.] A. C. M. Robert. 2 v. cclxii, 368 pp; 601 pp. Lally (Thomas Arthur, comte de, baron de 80 p1. 80. Pacris, Ptienrne Cabin, 1825. Tollendal). Memoirs of count Lally; conLa Fontaine. See also, Fontailne. sisting of pieces addressed to his judges, La Force (Caumont de); or, La Force (Char- [with] accounts of the prior part of his life, lotte Rose de). Histoire secrkte des amours his condemnation and execution. 8 p. 1. 375 de Henri iv. roy de Castile, surnomm6 l'im- pp. 80. London, F. INewberry, 1766. puissant. [anon.] 180 pp. 180. Lca aye, M. Lama (Giuseppe de). Vita del cavaliere GiamIRoguet, [1736? 5] battista Bodoni, e catalogo cronologico delle Histoire secrJte de Bourgogne. [d. sue edizioni. 2 v. 4 Pcerma, 1816. s. publi6e par J. B. de La Borde]. 3 v. 18~. Lamartine (Marie Alphonse de). Biographies Paris, Didot, 1782. and portraits of some celebrated people. 2 v. La Gasca (Mariano). Genera et species plan- 384 pp; 424 pp. 12~. London, Tinsleybros.1866. tarum quae aut nova sunt, aut nondum recte CONTENTS. cognos.8 p.35p. T- v. 1. Lord Chatham, WVilliam Pitt, Shakspeare. - cognoscuntur. 8p.1. 35 pp. 50 Matriti, Y- ~v. 2. Shalkspeare, Charlotte Corday, madame Roland, pographia regia, 1816. s. Mirabeau, Danton, Vergniaud. Lagemans (E.) Recueil des trait6s et con- - The past, present, and future of the reventions conclus par le royaume des Pays-bas public. Trans. from the French. 163 pp. avec les puissances 6trang'eres, depuis 1813 120. New York, Harpers, 1850. s. jusqu' nos jours. 4 v. 80. La cHaye, A. - Raphael. Blitter aus dem zwanzigsten Belinfante, 1858-59. jahre. Deutsch von Friedrich Mtiller. 280 pp. Lagus (Wilhelm Gabriel). Biographiska an- 24~. Stuttgart, k. hofbucchdruckerei, 1849. s. teckningar om Abo hofrdtts presidenter och La Martiniire. See Bruzen de LasI Martinire. 212 LAMB. ILAMOUROUX. Lamb (lady Caroline). Poetical effusions, let- Stuttgart, Neue encyct. fiir wissensch. u. k7inters, anecdotes, and recollections. 12~. ste, 1851. s. [pp. 147 to 196 of NATHAN (I.) Fugitive pieces and Magnetische ortsbestimmungen ausgereminiscences of Lord Byron]. *emi o Lor Byro. ffbhrt an verschiedenen puncten des konigLamb (Edward Buckton). Studies of ancient hrt an verschiedenen pncten des nigreichs Bayern und an einigen ausw/artigen domestic architecture, with observations on application of ancient architecture to te stationen. 2 v. 199, cccc pp. 18 pl; 191, the application of ancient architecture to the ccxcii pp. 26 pl. 8~. Miilnchen, F. S. Eiibschpictorial composition of modern edifices. 30 mann~ 1854-56. s. pp. 20 pl. fol. London, J. Weale, 1846. CONTENTS. Lambert (Anne Th6rdse de Marguenat de bCourcelles, (nArnise do). Essays on friend- v. I. Allgemeinen grundlagen zur bestimmung des Courcelles, nmarqbuise de). Essays on Iriend- laufes der magnetischen curven in Bayern. ship and old age. Translated from the French v. II. Naihere bestimmungen itber den verlauf der by a lady. 142 pp. 8~. London, J. Dods- magnetischen curven. ley,' 1780. Untersuchungen iiber die richtung und ley, 1780. starke des erdmagnetismus an verschiedenen Lambert(Charles). Traitbsurlthygrientea etl puncten des siidwestlichen Europa. 198, cxv fa6decine des bains russes et orientaux. 2e pp. 13 pl. 40. Miinchen, FP.S. Hiibschmann, 6d. xiv, 406 pp. 80. Paris, C. Lambert, 1858. s. 1842. La Mothe (F. C. Huerne de). See Huerne Lambert (Charles R.) Poems, and transla- de La Mothe. lions from the German of Goethe, Schiller, Lamothe (L6once de). Compte rendu de la Chamisso, Uhland, etc. xii, 224 pp. 160. Gironcle, etc. See Rabanis (J.) and LamoLondon, Whittaker & Co. 1850. the (L. de). Lambert (T. S. M. D.) Human anatomy, Lamothe-Langon (:]tienne L6on, baron de). physiology, and hygiene. 456 pp. 8pl. 120. La duchesse de Grammont. Par la comtesse IHartford, Broclkett, lctch~inson & Co. 1854. O. D. [pseudon.] 2 v. 518 pp; 508 pp. 80. S Paris, Schwartz et Gagnot, 1843. Primary systematic human physiology, La Motte Fouque (Friedrich Carl Heinrich, anatomy, and hygiene. 178 pp. 120. New baron von). York, Wna. Wood 4 Co. 1867. The four seasons. 96, 52, 42, 120 pp. Lambin ( Denis ). In Q. Horatium Flaccum 18~. London, E. Lumley, [1846.] commentarii, etc. Ed. nova. 2 v. vi, 564 pp; NOTE.-Under this general title are included Undine, xxx, 641 pp. 80. Confluentibus, J. Hoelscher, [spring], Two captains, [summer], Aslauga's Y1829. y knight, [autumn], and Sintram, [winter]. 1829. S. Lambinet (Pierre). Origine de l'imprimerie, CONTENTS. d'aprbs les titres authentiques, l'opinion de Undine. A new translation, with illustrations, xxiv, d'apri~s les titres authentiques~ l'opinion de 96 pp. Daunou et celle de Van Praet; suivie de l'his- The two captains, a romance. From the German. 52 pp. toire de la st6reotypie. 2 v. 80. Paris, -H. Aslauga's knight, a romance. From the German. Nhicolle, 1810. 4. 42 pp. l. Sintram and his companions. 120 pp. Lambinus (Dionysius). See Lambin (Denis). - Sintram and his companions. From the Lame (Gabriel). Cours de physique de l1'cole German. 120 pp. 18~. London, E. Lt mley, polytechnique. 2e 6d. 731 pp. 17 pl. 8~. 1848. Bruxelles, H. Dumont, 1836. s. Undine; or, the spirit of the waters. - Leons sur la thborie mathmatique de Translated from the German by the Rev. l'6lasticit6 des corps solides. 335pp. 1'p. Thomas Tracy. 49 pp. 80. London, 1841. 80. Paris, Bachelier, 1852. s. [HAZLITT'S romancist and novelist'a lib. v. 2.] Lame-Fleury (Jules Raymond). L'histoire The same. Illustrations by H. W. Herde la d6couverte de l'Amdrique, racont~e a la rick. iv, 116 pp. 6 pl. 180. New York, Hurd jeunesse. 2e 6d. viii, 280 pp. 18~. Paris, 4 Houlghton, 1867. Dufart, 1844. --- The same. Esquisses pour servir ti illusThe same. 3e Sd. iv, 276 pp. 240. trerOndine. Dessin6esetgravees l'eauforte, Paris, Borrani et Droz, 1850. par J. E. G. [German andFrench.] 341. unp. La Mettrie (Julien Offray de). L'homme 57pl. 40. Londres, W. Nicol, 1843. machine. [anon.] 10 p. 1. 109 pp. 18~. Lamouroux (Jean Victor Felix). Histoire des Leyde, E. Luzacfils, 1748. polypiers coralligebnes flexibiles, vulgairement Lamont (Johann). Astronomie und erdmag- nommes zoophytes. lxxxiv, 559 pp. 19 pl. netismus. [Extract.] viii, 289 pp. 5 pl. 8~. 1 8~. Caen, F. Poisson, 1816. s. 213 LAMPORECCHI. LANGMAN. Lamporecchi or Ranieri-Lamporecchi ( —). Landstad (Magnus Brostrup). Norske folkeM6moire sur la persecution qu'on fait souffrir viser. xx, 868 pp. 221. 8~. Christiania, Chr. en France a M. Libri, accompagn6 des adh6- T'nsbergs, 1853. s. sions, etc. 2e 6d. 82pp. 8~. Londres, Barthes Lane (Charles). A dictionary, English and 4 Lowell, 1850. s. Burmese. 3 p. 1. 468 pp. 40~. Calcutta, Ostelle Lampredi (Giovanni Maria). Comercio de los & Lepage, 1841. s. pueblos neutrales eli tiempo de guerra. Tra- Lane(Horace). Wanderingboy, careless sailor, ducida al Castellano por don Cesareo de Nava and result of inconsideration. 224 pp. 240~. Palacio. 18~. Madrid, 1793. Skaneateles, (N. Y.) L. A. Pratt, 1839. [With MOLLoY (Charles). Derecho maritimos, etc. Lang (John Dunmore, D. D.) Religion and v. 4.] Lamson (Alvan). History of the first church education in America. viii, 474 pp. 160. and parish in Dedham. 104 pp. 80..Dedhanm, London, Ward & Co. 1840. (Mass.) Hermatn nMann, 1839. Lange (Christian C. A. editor). See Kraft Lamson (David R.) Two years' experience (Jens E.) among the shakers. 212pp. 1 pl. 180. est Lange (Johann Peter, D. D. and others). A Boylston,7 (Mass.) The author, 1848. s. Commentary on the holy scriptures. See Lancaster (Joseph). Improvements in educa- Bible, English. tion, as it respects the industrious classes of Langethal (Christian douard). Die gewdchse the community. 1st Am. from 2d London desnordlichenDeutschlands. Mitreinemblued. iv, 39 pp. 8~. NIew York, Collins, 1804. then kalenden. vi, 498pp. 8~. Jena, F. Lus. den, 1843. s. [With PRINCETON college. Catalogue of the gradu- Langhorne (John). Fables of Flora. 73 pp. ates of Nassau Hall, 1805.] 120. London, T. Rickaby, 1794. Lancelot (Claude). Tour to Alet and La Langland (William). The vision of William Grande Chartreuse. concerning Piers Plowman. [Also] Vita de [With7 SCnHIMMELPENNINCK (M. A). TourDowel, Dohet, et Dobest. Edited by W. W. Lancereau (]donuard, ed4itor). Chrestomathie Skeat. Vernon text. Part 1. xliii, 158pp. 80. hindie et hindouie. iv, 134 pp. 8~. Paris, London rber r Ci Imp. nationale, 1849. s. [Early English text soc. publ. No. 28]. - Vocabulaire hindi-hindoui-franqais. 144 pp. 8~. Paris Im. nationale, 1849. Langle (Joseph Adolphe Ferdinand). Lcs [ With the preceding.]'contes du gay sgavoir; ballades, fabliaux, et Lancet (The). A journal of British and foreign traditions du moyen age; orn6s de vignettes medicine, physiology, surgery, chemistry, imit6es des manuscrits, par Bonington et criticism, literature, and news. July 1866, to Monnier. [Avec des notes et un glossaire.] June 1867. 2 v. - 8~. London, 1866-67. 3 p. 1. cxlvi, 48 pp. 8o. Paris, P. Didot, Lancetti (Vincenzo). Pseudonimia; ovvero [1828]. tavole alfabetiche de' nomi finti o supposti Langles (Louis Mathieu). Contes, fables, et degli scrittori, con la contrapposizione de' veri. sentences, tir6s de diffirens auteurs arabes 4p. 1. 1, 449 pp. 8~. Milano, L. di G. Pirola, et persans, avec une analyse du poeme de 1836. s. Ferdoussy, sur les rois de Perse. [anon.] Lancia de Brolo (Federico). Statistica della xliv, 179 pp. 24~ Paris, Royez, 1788. istruzione publica in Palermo, 1859. 186 pp. Langlois (Eustache Hyacinthe). Essai his8~. Palermo, A. Bussitano, 1860. s. torique et descriptif sur la peinture sur verre, Landgrebe (Dr. Georg). Naturgeschichte der ancienne et moderne, [etc.] suivi de la biogvulcane. 2 v. viii, 499 pp; iv, 450 pp. 8~. raphie des plus c61lbres peintres verriers. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1855. s. xvi, 302 pp. 7 pl. 80. Rouen, C. _Frre, 1832. Landis (Simon M.) Sense and nonsense in s. relation to all topics concerning human Langman (Christopher, and others). A true affairs. 306 pp. 12~. Philadelphia, author, account of the voyage of the Nottingham gal1867. ley, of London, John Dean, commander, from Landrin (H. engineer). De 1' or: de son 6tat the river Thames to New England, near dans la nature, de son exploitation, de sa m6- which place she was cast away on Boon tallurgie, de son usage, et de son influence en island, Dec. 11, 1710, by the captain's obsti6conomie politique. xxiv, 300pp. 12~0. Paris, nacy. 4 p. 1. 36 pp. 160. London, S. PopA. -Pranck, 1851. ping, 1711. 214 LANGSDORFF. LA PRIMAUDAYE. Langsdorff (Georg Heinrich von). Voyages Lanzi (Luigi). Notizie della scultura degli and travels [of Cook, Forster, etc.] in various antichi i dei vare suoi stili. xxxi, 83 pp. parts of the world. 2 v. xxii, 362 pp. 3 1. 19 pl. 2a ed. 8~. [PFiesole], Poligrafcafitesounp; 4 p. 1. unp. 386 pp. 3 1. unp. 1 map. lana, 1824. 21 pl. 4c. London, H. Colburn, 1813-14. Histoire de la peinture en Italie, depuis ----- The same. 2 v. in 1. 617 pp. 91. 1 pl. la renaissance des beaux-arts,jusques vers la 8~. Carllisle, (Pa.) G. Philips, 1817. fin du 18e si6cle. Traduite de l'Italien sur la Langtoft (Peter). Chronicle of Pierre de 3e 6d; par Mme. A. Dieud6. 5 v. 80. Paris, Langtoft, in French verse, from the earliest H. Sequin, etc. 1824. s. period to the death of king Edward I. Edited La Peyrere (Isaac de). Bericht von Grohnland by T. Wright. v. 1. xxx, 497 pp. 80. London, gezogen aus zwo chroniken: einer alten ihsLonymans, 1866. landischen, und einer neuen danischen. Jetso [Chronicles of Great Britain and Ireland during the aber deutsch gegiben, und um desto ffirtiger middle ages.] ihn zu gebrauchen unterschihdlich eingeteihlet Von Henrich Sivers. 3 p. l. 70 pp. 1 map. of lieut. col. Charles Lee; with his political. rma 2 pl. smn. 40. Hamburg, Johan Naumran & and military essays andletters. [anon.] 2d J. Wolf, 1674. Amer. ed. viii, 284pp. 120. New York, T. - The same. Nauwkeurige beschrijvingh Allen, 1793. van Groenland; verdeelt in twee boecken, Langworthy (Lucius H.) Dubuque; its his-.t erste van't oud (nu verloorne) Groenlandt; tory, mines, Indian legends, etc. 82 pp. 8~.e van't Groenland.t tweede van't nieuw Groenland, door S. de Dubuque, literary institute, 1855. V. [anon.] 3 p. 1. 128 pp. 2 maps. sin. 40 Lanjuinais (Jean Denis, comte de). R6futation Amnsterdan Janr C(laesz tenz Hoor n~ 1678. du [8e] chapitre du Contrat social de Rous- - The same. Relation dv Groenland. 8 p.l. seau, entitul6: De la religion civile. [W ith TonoMBERT (C. L. H.) Principes du droit 278 pp. 1 map. 1 pl. 16. Paris, A. Covrbe, pol.] 1647. Lankester (Edwin M. D.) Cholera: what is The same. it? and how to prevent it. 93 pp. 18~. Lon- [Imperfect: wanting title, map and plate]. don, G. Routledge c sons, 1866. Relation de l'Islande. 20 p. 1. 108 pp. Lanman (Charles). Adventures of an angler 1 map. 160. Paris, T. Jolly, 1663. in Canada, Nova Scotia, and the United States. The same. xii, 322pp. 1 pl. 120. Londron, 1R. Bentley. [With LA PEYRninE (Isaac de). Relation dv Groen~~~~~~~~~~1848. ~land. Paris, 1647.] 1848.Dictionary of the United States congress. Lapini (Bernardo), calledGlicino, or Ilicino, or, --- Dictionary of the United States congress. 3d ed. Revised to July 28, 1866. 4 p. 1. 602 da Montalcino (Bernardo). Novelle. [NOVELLE di autori senesi. v. 2. 180~. Milano, 1815.] pp. 8~. Washington, government 6rinting La Place (Guislain Franqois Marie Joseph de). office, 1866. Leqons frangaises de litterature et de morale. ___ — Life of William Woodbridge. 236 pp. See Noel (F. J.) and La Place (G. F. M. J. de.) portrait. 80. Washington, Blancharl 4 Mohun, La Place (Pierre Simon, marquis de). A trea1867. tise of celestial mechanics. Translated from La Noue (Odet de). The profit of imprisonthe French, and elucidated with explanatory ment. Translated by Josvah Sylvester. pp. notes, by Henry H. Harte. 2 v. xii, 276 pp; ix, 619-662. 619t-2 Du Bartas (G. de S.) Poetical works. ed 419 pp. 40~. Dublin, University press, 1822-27. Lotdoun, 1605].. Laporte (Franqois L. de; comte de Castelneau). Lansdowne (Lord). See Granville (George). See Castelneau. Lansens (P.) Alouden staet van Vlaenderen, La Primaudaie (F. H6lie de). Le commerce voor en gedurende het leenvaevig bestier, etla Inavigation de l'Alg6rie avant la conquete geuolgd van bene beknopte etymologische en frangaise. 319 pp. 1 map. 8~. Paris, geschied-kundige beschryuing der steden, en Lahure, 1860. s. der parochien. xii, 498 pp. 41. 8~. Brugge, La Primaudaye (Pierre de). The French Van C. De Moor, 1841. s. academie. [Part first]. Wherein is discoursed Lantier (IEtienne Franqois de). The travels the institution of manners, and whatsoever of Antenor in Greece and Asia: including else'concerneth the good and happie life of some account of Egypt. Translated from the all estates and callings. Translated by T. B. French. 3 v. 8~. London, Longcman & 5th ed. 13 p. 1. 752 pp. 51. sm. 40. London, Rees, 1799. T. lAdams, 1614. 215 LA PRIMAUDAYE. LAS CASAS. La Primaudaye (Pierre de). The French reflections and maxims. Newly made English academie. Second part. Wherein as it from the Paris ed. xvi, 95, 8 pp. 80. London, were by a natural historie of the body and A. Bell, 1706. soule of man, all the parts of the frame of man [ With ESPRIT (J.) Discourses, etc.] are handled, and chiefly the nature, power, La Rochefoucault Liancourt (Fran9ois works and immortalitie of the soul. 12 p. 1. Alexandre Fr6d6ric, due de). Travels through 600 pp. sm. 40. London, George Bishop, 1605. the United States of North America, the coun[With the preceding.] try of the Iroquois, and upper Canada, in the The same. Third volume. Contayning years 1795-97. Translated by H. Neuman. a notable description of the whole world. 2 v. xxiii, 642 pp. 6 1; 1 p. 1. 680 pp. 8 1. Englished by R. Dolman. 8 p. 1. unp. 439 pp. 3 maps. 40. London, B. Phillips, 1799. sm. 40. London, G. Bishop, 1601. La Roche Gallichon (F. C. de). Sendschrei[With the preceding.) ben, betreffend die wiederfindung des alten Lara (Alvear y). See Alvear y Lara. Gronlands. 102 pp. 120. Kopenhagen, C. F. Larcom (Lucy). Breathings of the better Holm, 1787. life. [Extracts, chiefly in prose, from various Laromiguiere (Pierre). Leqons de philosowriters]. vii, 285 pp. 160. Boston, Ticknor phie, ou essai sur les facult6s de 1' ame. 20 & Fields, 1867. 6d. 2 v. 447:pp; 484 pp. 80. Paris, BrunotLardner (Dionysius). Hand-book of natural Labbe, 1820. philosophy. Hydrostatics, pneumatics, and Larousse (Pierre). Grand dictionnaire uniheat. xv, 408 pp. 1 pl. 120. London, versel du xixe siacle, franqais, historique, Walton 4 Miaberly, 1855. s. g6ographique, mythologique, bibliographique, The same. Optics. xvi, 432 pp. 1 pl. litt6raire, artistique, scientifique, etc. v. 1-2. 120. London, Walton & Maberly, 1856. s. A-Bzo. fol. Paris, Larousse et Boyer, 1866-67. The same. Electricity, magnetism and La Rue (Gervais de). Essais historiques sur acoustics. xix, 425 pp. 1 pl. 120. London, les bardes, les jongleurs, et les trouvares norWalton c Mlaberly, 1856. s. mands et anglo-normands. 3 v. 80. Caen, The same. Mechanics. xvi, 403 pp. Marcel, 1834. 1 pl. 120. London, Walton 8f Maberly, 1856. La Sale or La Salle (Antoine). L'hystorye et s. plaisante cronicque du petit Jehan de Saintr6 et The first six books of Euclid, with a deIajeune dame des belles cousines, sans autre commentary and geometrical exercises. A nom nommer. [anon.] Publi~e par J. M. Guitreatise on solid geometry, etc. 4th ed xx, chard. xxxi, 297 pp. 16~; Paris, Gosselin, 332 pp. 80. London, J. Taylor, 1834. s. 1843. The same. 7th ed. xx, 332 pp. 80. Les quinze joyes de mariage. Nouv. ed. London, J. Tcaylor,1840. s. avec une notice bibliographique et des notes. Railway economy; a treatise on the new xvi, 180 pp. 180. Paris, P. Jannet, 1853. art of transport, etc. 442 pp. 120. New La Salle (J. B. de). Conduite des 6coles chr6York, Barper & brothers, 1850. s. tiennes. 236 pp. 3 tab. 16~. Paris, J. Larmont (M.) Paris, London, and New York Moronval, 1838. medical adviser and marriage guide. 30thl ed. Las Casas or Casaus (Bartolom6 de). Aqui se 410 pp. 28 pl. 120. New York, B. Banister, contiene vna disputa, o controuersia: entre 1859. Bartholome de Las Casas y el doctor Hines La Roche-Aymon (Antoine Charles:tienne de Sepulueda. 61 1. sm. 40. Seuilla, Sebastid Paul, marquis de). Des troupes l6gdres; ou Trugillo, 1552. r6flexions sur l'organisation, l'instruction et Aqui se cotiene treynta proposiciones la tactique de 1'infanterie et de la cavalerie muyjuriicas. 10. sm. 40. Seuilla, Sebastil legares. xx, 610 pp. 2 pl. 8~. Paris, Trugillo, 1552. Magyinel, lanseltn & Pochard, 1817. - Aqui se cStienS vnos auisos y reglas La Roche Flavin (Bernard de). Treize lieures paa los confessores. 16 1. unp. sm. 40~ des parlemens de France, esqvels est ample- Seuilla, Sebastian Trugillo, 1552. ment traict6 de levr origine et institvtion, et Brevissima relacion de ]a destrvycion de des pr6sidents, conseillors, gens du roy, [etc]. las Indias [etc. ] 2141. sm. 40. Seuilla, Sebas14 p. 1. 1216 pp. 8~. Genlve, Mathiev Ber- tian Trugillo, 1552. jon, 1621. Note.-The above ed. of the "Brevissima relacion" La Rochefoucauld (Franqois, duc de). ~Mor/Pal contains also the following tracts, the leaves being paged continuously with the foregoing. 216 LAS CASAS. LATREILLE. Las Casas or Casaus (Bartolome de).-Con_ Las Casas or Casaus (Bartolome de). Entre tinued. los remedios para reformacio de las Indias. CONTENTS. 531. sm. 40. Seuilla, Jacome Criberger, 1552. Aqvi se contienen treynta proposciones muy juridicas. Este es vn tratado sobre la materia de 51-60 1. Aqvi se contiene vna dispvta, o controversia entre el los Yndios qui se han hecho esclauos. 36 1. obispo don fray Bartolome de Las Casas y el dotor Gines de Sepulueda. 60-121 1. sm. 40. Seuilla, Sebastid Trugillo, 1552. Este es vn tratado sobre la materia de los Indios que ~ La liberta pretesa dal supplice schiauo se han hecho en ellas esclauos. 122-157 1. Entre los remedios para reformacion de las Indias. 158- indiano. Tradotto in Italiano per opera di 11(9 1. Marco Ginammi. 155 pp. sm. 40.'Venetia, Peda(}o de vna carta, y relacion que escriuio cierto hombre de los mismos que andauK en estas esta- Marco, Ginammi, 1640. ciones. 210-2141. ciones. 210-214I svpplice schiauo indiano. Tradotto Breuissima relacion de la destruycion in Italiano per opera di Marco Ginammi. de las Indias. 541. sm. 40. Seuilla, Sebastano 118 pp. sm. 40. Venetia, Marco Ginammi, Trugillo, 1552. 1636. The same. The Spanish colonie, or --- Tratado cSprobatorio del imperio sobebriefe chronicle of the acts and gestes of the rano y principado un.uersal quo los reyes de Spaniardes in the West Indies. Translated Spaniardes iay the West 60adi es. Translated Castilla y Leon tienen sobre las Indias. 80 1. into English by M. M. 5. 60 1. unp. sm. 4~0 unp. sm. 40. Seujilla, Sebastian Trugillo, 1553. London, W. Brome, 1583. Las Cases (Emmanuel Dieudonn6 Marin -- The same. [Account of the first voy- Joseph, comte de). Memorial de sainte 116ages and discoveries made by the Spaniards 16ne; journal ou so trouve consign6, jour par in America. 3 p. 1. 248 pp. 2 p. 1. 80. London, jour, ce qu'a dit et fait Napol6on dura.t dix169911 huit mois. Nouv. 6d. 9 v. 160. Paris, H. [Title wanting. This vol. contains the dispute between Las Casas and Dr. Sepulveda.] L. Delloye, 1840. The same. Le miroir de la tyrannie Laschamps (F. Bigorie de). See Bigorie espagnole perpetr6e aux Indes Occidentales. de Laschamps (F.) 68 1.- sm. 40. Amsterdam, Jan E. Cloppen- Lasor a Varea (Alfonso, anagram). See Saburg, 1620. vonarola, (Rafaello). The same. [Imperfect, wanting 1. 68. Laterrade (Jean Fran9ois). Flore bordeWith CLOPPENBURG (Jan Everhardts), laise et de la Gironde. 4e 6d. 612 pp. 12~. MIiroir de la cruelle et horrible tyrannie es- Bordeaux, T. Lafargue, 1846. s. pagnole. Amsterdam, 1620]. Latham (John). A general synopsis of birds. The same. Tyrannies et crvavtez des 3 v. in 6. 40. London, B. White, etc. 1781Espagnols commises es Indes Occidentales. 85. s. 1 p. 1. 214 pp. sin. 40. Roven, Jacqves Cailloiie, The same. Supplement. 313 pp. 13 pl. 1630. 40. London, Leigh d4 Sotheby, 1787. s. The same. Relation des voyages et des --- The same. Supplement ii. 396 pp. 23 decouvertes que les Espagnoles ont fait dans pl. 40. London, Leigh, Sotheby & son, 1801. les Indes Occidentales. 4 p. 1. 354pp. 2 ]. s. 1 pl. 180. Amsterdam, J. Louis de Lorme, Index ornithologicus, sive systema 1698. ornithologim; complectens avium divisionem [This vol. contains the dispute between Las Casas in classes, ordines, genera, species, ipsarumand Dr. Sepulueda.] and Damr. Sepul.nIstoria, u b eda.] r que varietates. 2 v. xviii, 920 pp. 40. Lon- The same. Istoria, a breuissima rela- dini uctor 1790 dini, auctor, 1790. s. tione della distrvttione dell' Indie Occidentali. The same. S Tradotta in Italiano dall' Giacomo Castellani. Londini,. Leigh, J. S. Sotheby, 1801. 4~. Londini, G. Leigh, J. & S. Sotheby, 1801. 4 p. 1. 150 pp. sm. 40. Venetia, -Marco [With LATHAMr. Supplementii, ete. 1801.] Ginanamai, 1643. Latham (Wilfred). States of the river Plate; - The same. Narratio regionum indica- their industries and commerce. vi, 200 pp. rum per Hispanos qvosdam devastatarum ver- 80. London, Longmans, 1866. issima. 138 pp. sm. 40. Oppenheimii, Johan. Latin and English poems. By a gentleman of Theod. de Bry, 1614. Trinity college, Oxford. [anon.] 179 pp. 16~. The same. Regionvm indicarum per London, C. Batheerst, 1741. Hispanos olim devastatarum accuratissima Latreille (Pierre Andre). Crustacea, arachdescriptio. 112 pp. sm. 40. Heidelbergae, nides, et insecta. S. Gvilielmi Walteri, 1664. [With CUVIER (G. L. C. D.) Rgne animal. v. 3.] 217 LATREILLE. LAW. Latreille (Pierre Andr6). See Sonnini (C. N. Laval (Victor Lottin de). See Lottil de LaS.) and Latreille.Hist. nat. de reptiles. 1799. val (Victor). Latrobe (Rev. Christian Ignatius.) Journal of La Valliere (Louise Francoise de La Baume a visit to south Africa, with some account of Le Blanc, clchesse de). Vie. [anon.] 142 the missionary settlements of the United pp. 180. [Cologne, 1695.] Brethren. 2d ed. xi, 580 pp. l map. 4 pl. [Title page wanting.] 80. London, L. B. Seeley, 1821. s. jLavater (Johann Heinrich). Introduction to Latter (Thomas). A grammar of the language tle stucy of tle anatomy of the human bocy; of Burmah. lvi, 203 pp. 4~0. Cclctta, for the use of painters, sculptors, and artists. Thiackcer & Co. 1845. s. Translated from the German. vi, 120 pp. 27 Laudonnieire (Rend Goulainecde). L'histoire pl. 80. London, B. Ackermanc 1824. notable de la Floride sitYd es Indes Occidcen- La Vega (Garsias Laso de, the Inca). La tales, contenant les trois voyages faits en icelle Florida dcel Ynca. Historia del adlelantado per certails capitaines et pilotes fran9ois [sous Hernando do Soto, y de otros heroicos caunlJ. Ribaut, en 1562, 1564, et 1565]:'I laquelle leos espaioles c indies. 7 p. 1. 351 pp. 61. a este adioust6 vn quatriesme voyage fait par sin. 40. Lisbona, Pedro Crasbeeck, 1605. le capitaine Gourgues [en 1567], raise en ]u- lHistoire des Yncas rois dul Plrou, tramiere par M[artin] Basanier. 8 p. 1. 1241. duite de l'Espagfiol Cpar J. Baudouin]. On 160. Paris, Guillacmzc!e Awucarcy, 1586. a joint ti cette 6d. l'histoire de la conquete de Lmaughton (George, D.D.) The history of al - a Floride [traduite par P. Richelet. Sulivi cient Egypt. xiv, 362 pp. I pl. 8~. Loldon, de la decouverte d'un pays plus grand quc T. Cedetl, 1774. Il'Europe, situ6 dans 1'Am6rique entre Nouaugie (Andr6). Cours d chimi g. vau MAlxique, et la mer glacialo: par La 3 v. 8~. Parcis, Pichon & Didier, 1819. s. Hontan.] 2 v. 19 p. 1. 540 pp. 81; xxiii, 373 Launoi (Jean de). De scholiss a caro lo magno Pp 11. 2 maps. 16 p1~.4 Aoesterdcan, Jecb instauratis. See gMabillonl (Jean). Itcr ger- _Frederick Berncard, 1737. monacumlie. La Vega (Gonzales de). Review of the report Laurens (Col. John). Army correspondence of the coamittee ola foreign affairs, of the in the years 1777-8. Now first printed from senate of the United States, relative to the original letters to his father, Henry Laurens. Tehuantepec matters. [acton. ] 106 pp. 8~. With memoir by W. G. Simmsl. 2o50 pp. por- CIl p.] 1852. trait. 8~. Nows YoXrk, 1867. Lavoisier (Antoine Laurent). Elements of [Bradford club series, No. 7.] cllemistry. Translated from the JFrench by Laurens. See Du Laurens. Robert Kerr. 4th ed. 592 pp. 13 pl. 8~. P/hilLaurent (Paul Marie). La guerre du Moexiquc adel2hict, _M. Carey, 1799. s. de 1862 i' 1866. Journal de marchlee du 3c Lavy (Filippo). Musco numnismatic Lavy, apchasseurs d'Afrique. 352 pp. 160. Paris, partenlnte alla accadlemia delle scienze di Agnyot, 1867. Torino. 2 v. 3 p. 1. 447 pp. 7 pl; 483 pp. 2 Laurentie (Pierre Sdbastien). Lettres, un pl. 40. Torino, Stnc2periarecale, 1839-40. s. pire sur l'6ducation de son fils. 239 pp. 18o. Law (Andrew). The art of singing, in three 2Paris, Lagny, 1836. s. parts; to wit: 1. The musical primer. 2. The ~ —-Lettres A un cur6 sur l'6clucation dcl christian harmony. 3. The musical magazine. peuple. 248pp. 180. Paris, Layny, 1837. s. 4th ed. Printed upon a new plan. 3 parts Lalrop (C. P. ) Handbuch der forst-und ill 1 v. 160, 96 pp. obl. 18~. Camcbridge, jagdliteratur, voin jahre 1829 bis 1845. 2 v. [Mass.] IF. Hilliard, 1803. in 1. xiv, 180 pp; 134 pp. 80. Fcrankfurt Law (Henry, C. B.) The rudiments of civil am Mailcn, Scaerllindlenr 1844-46. s. engineering. 2 v. in 1. viii, 89 pp. 2 p. 1; Lausitz. Bibliotheok, der oberlausitzischlen ge- 152 pp. i p. 1. 160. London, J. Weale, 1848sellschaft der wissenschaften. 2 v. 4 p. 1. 635 49. S. pp; 580 pp. 2 1. 80. G'rlitz, Gescllschaft, Tle same. New ed. 2 pts. in 1 v. viii, 101 1819. s. pp; viii, 152 pp. 160. London, J. tWeale, 1859. La Vacque-rie (Jean de). De mvltiplici hae- a and Burnell (G. R.) Rudiments of civil reticorvm tentatione. Cvi accessit sermo per engineering; and the rudiments of hydraulic eundeml habitus, in baptismo duoruim adoles- engineering. iv, 126pp. 6p1. 16g. Loncdon, J. centiumt terre Almelicre. 681. 18~. Parisiis, Wecale, 1852. Chesmaeau, 1561. [With LAW (Henry). Civil enlgincering. London, 1859.] 28 218 LAW. LEAMING. Law (John, judge and lM. C.) Address before Lawson (George). On tile occurrence of "cinthe Vincennes historical society, 1839. 48 pp. chonaceous glands" in galiacem, and the rela1 map. 8~. Louisville, Prentice & Feissinger, tions of that order to cinchonacee. (Extract). 1839.. 8 pp. I pl. 80. (London,) Annals and snag. Law (Thomas). Considerations tending to of nat. hist. 1854. s. render the policy questionable of plans for Lawson (George C.) Sherman's campaign liquidating, within the next four years, the through the Carolinas. [22 verses]. 1 sheet six per cent. stocks of the United States. 22 fol. n. p. (1865?) pp. 8~. Washington, S. A. Elliott, 1826. [TWith SItARLA-D (George). Knapsack notes, etc. 8~. - - Proposition for creating means for commencing the Chesapeake and Ohio canal, Lawson (John). The history of Carolina: deof scription and natural history, with the present (Cumberland), with report of committee ter 1fol. sheet. [Washtinton, 1827] state thereof. And a journal of a thousand...thereon. 1. set ashingt 7 miles, travel'd thro' several nations of InA reply to certain insinuations published in.dians. 3 p. 1. 258 pp. si. 40. London, as an article in the sixty-eigllth number of the 10 W. Taylor,f' J. Baker', 1714. Quarterly review. 27 pp. 8~0. Wasington, 1824. - -New voyage to Carolina, [with rare (and others). Report of the proceedings plate]. 2p. 1. 258 pp. smn. 40. London 1708. (ccl otheRs). Report of the proceedings.. I With STEVENS (John). Voyages and travels. 1708. of thle committee appointed at a meeting in Title wanting]. Waslington, in 1824, to present a memorial Layard (Austen Henly). Nlineveh and its to congress praying for the establishment of remains. 2 v. in 1. 326 pp; ii, 373 pp. 40 a national currency. 40 pp. 80. WTashington, pl. 1 map. 80. YTew Yorlc, G. P. Putnaom, Way 4, Gideon, 1821. 1851. IS. Law(Rev. William). Anlhumble, earnest, nand Layres (Augustus). Belles-lettres. (Book ii affectionate address to the clergy. 2d ed. 3 of "Elements of composition.") 240 pp. 12c. p.l. 208 pp. 8e. London, M. R~ichardson, 1764. San Frazncisco, A. Romant & Co. 1867. Lawes (John Bennett), and Gilbert (Joseph - Elements of composition, belles-lettres, Henry). Experimental inquiry into the comrn- and oratory. 166 pp. 120. San _Francisco, position of some of the animals fed and A. Roman & Co. 1867. slaughtered as human food. [Phil. Trans. Lazarus (Emma). Poems and translations, 1859.] pp. 493-G00. 4~. London, Taylor & written between the ages of fourteen and Francis, 1860. s. seventeen. viii, 297 pp. 1~20. esew York, HTurd --- On the growth of barley by different 4 Hi:oughton, 1867. manures, continuously on the samne land. 80 Lea (Albert M.) Notes on Wisconsin territory. pp. 80. London, Roy. agricult. soc. 1858. s. 53 pp. 1 map. 180. Philadelphia, H. S. Report of experiments on the growth of T'anner, 1836. red clover by different manures. Part i. 24 Lea (Henry Carey). Historical sketch of sacerpp. 80. London, Roy. agricult. soc. 1860. s. dotal celibacy in the christian church. 601 Lawrence (George Alfred). A bundle of pp. 8~. Philadelphia, Lipincott & Co. 1867. ballads. [anon.] 141 pp. 12~. London, Lea(Isaac). Contributions to geology. 227 Tinsley bros. 1864. pp. 6 pl. 80. Philadelphia, Carey, Lea 4' Lawrence (William, surgeon). A treatise on Blanchard, 1833. s. the diseases of the eye. New ed. Edited, with CONTENTS. additions, by Isaac Hays. 859 pp. 12 pl. 8~. Tertiary formation of Alabama. New tertiary fossil Philadelphia, Lea & Blanchard, 1847. s. shells from Maryland and New Jersey. New genus of fossil [foranminiferous] shells from New Lawrence academy ( Groton, Mass.) Catalogue Jersey. Tufaceous lacustrine formation of Syraof the library. 207 pp. 1 pl. 8. Lowell, cuse, N. Y. S. J. Varney, 1850. s. Leach (William Elford). AMdlanges zoolo- Catalogue of the officers arnd students of giques, trad. de l'Anglais par J. C. Chenu. Lawrence academy, from the time of its in- (Extract). 21 pp. 9 pl. 8~0. Paris, Biblicorporation. 108 pp. 8~. Groton, academy, otheque conch yliologique, 1845. s. 1855. s. Learaing (Rev. Jeremiah). A defence of the W}Vith the preceding]. episcopal government of the church: containThe jubilee of Lawrence academny, at ing remarks on two late noted sermons on Groton, Mass. July 12, 1854. 76 pp. 5 pl. presbyterian ordination. 73 pp. 120. XeIw 8~. New York, acadcemy, 1855. s. York, J. Molt, 1766. LEAVITT. LEDRAN. Leavitt (Jonathan). Memoir, by a sister. dans le d6partement de Maine-et-Loire. xvi, [Witlh compositions in prose, and select 484 pp. 1 map. 8~. Paris, Bouchard-Huzardl, poems. anon.] 283 pp. 1 pl. 18~. New Haven, 1843. s. S. Converse, 1822. Leclerq (Chretien). Nouvelle relation de la Leavitt (T. H.) Facts about peat as,an article Gasp6sie; qui contient les mccurs et la religion of fuel. Its origin, localities, [etc.] 3d ed. des sauvages gasp6siens, Porte-Croix, et 316 pp.. 1 pl. 120. Boston, Lee & Shepard, d'autres peuples de l'Amdrique Septentrionale, 1867. dite le Canada. 14 p. 1. 572 pp. 180. Paris, Lebert (Hermann). Abhandlungen aus dem Arnable Auroy, 1691. gebiete der praktischen chirurgie und der Le Ccur (J. A.D.) Des bains de mer. Guide pathologischen physiologie. Mit besondere mddical et hygidnique du baigneur. 2 v. in riiclsicht auf die dieffenbaclh'sche klinik..1. x, 468 pp; 401 pp. 80. Caen,'cauteuzr, xxvi, 597 pp. 8~. Berlin, Veit 4' Co. 1848. 1846. s. s. Lecomte (Ferdinand). Guerre de la s6cesKlinik des acuten gelenlfileumatismus. sion. Esquisse des ev6nements militaires et viii, 149 pp. 8~. Erlangen, P. En7le, 1860. politiques des Etats-Unis de 1861-65. 2 v. s. 2 p. 1. 288 pp; 2 p. 1. 390 pp. 6maps. 8~. LaucLe Blanc (Vincent). Les voyages famovx, sanne, Tanera, 1866-67. qu'il a faits depuis l'aage de douze ails iusques Le Comte (Louis, Jesuit.) Memoirs and obhI soixante, aux quatre parties du monde. Le servations in ajourney through China. Transtout recucilly de ses mdmoires par lc sieur lated from the Paris edition. 12 p. 1. 527 pp. Covlon. 3 pts. in 1 v. 40. Paris, G. Cloy- 2pl. 120. London, Benj. Tooke, 1697. sier, 1648. Lecoiite (John L. M.D.) List of the coleopCONTENTS. tera of North America. Part I. 78 pp. 80. 1. L'Asie et les Indes Orientales. 4 p. 1. i76 r1p. 2. tFashington, Sin. inst. 1863-66. 2. L'Afrique. 179 pp. 2 1. [Smithsonian miscel. coll. v. 6.] 3. Constantinople, pp. 1-14; Italic, pp. 15-25; Guin6e, pp. 26-35; l'am6rique, pp. 36-136. 136 pp. 2 1. New species of North American coleoptera. Part I. 177 pp. 80. Washingtonz, Sm. Lecerf (Pierre Louis). La science et la raison inst. 1863-66. humaine, en pr6sence des maux et des dan- [Smithsonian miscel. coll. v. 6.] gers qui menacent l'ordre social. 100 pp. 8S. Lecouteux (Edouard). Trait6 6dlmentaire de Caen, [auteur,] 1851. s. lagriculture dclu d6partemcnt de Ia Seine. Le Cerf de LaVieville (Philippe). Bibliothbque [Extract.] xii, 215 pp. 160. Paris, Soc. historique et critique des auteurs de la con- royale centrale d'acriculture, 1840. s. gr6gation de St. Maur. 6p. 1. 492 pp. 51. 160. Lectures delivered before the Young men's La Kaye, P. Gosse, 1726. s. christian association, in Exeter Hall, London, Lechford (Thomas). Plain dealing; or, news from Nov. 1853, to Feb. 1854. viii, 485 pp. from New England [1642]; with introduction 120. New York, R. Carter & bros. 1855. s. and notes by J. Iammond Trumbull. xl, 211 Ladebur (Leopold von). Das klonigliche mupp. sin. 40~. Boston, WiggFin & Lunt, 1867. seum vaterlftndischer alterthfimer im schlosse [Library of N. England history, v. 4.] Molbijou zu Berlin. xi, 226 pp. 6 pl. 8. Le Cler (Jean). Account of the earl of Clar- Beri Druckerei de. axad. der wpssenscpaBerlin, Droclerei der i. alcd. ter oissenscltafendon's History of the civil wars. Done from ten, 1838. s. the French, by J. O. 2 parts in 1 v. 120. Lederer (John). The discoveries of John London, 1710. Lederer, from Virginia to the west of CaroFuneral oration upon the death of Philip lina. Translated out of Latin, hy Sir William a Limborch; also, an oration concerning the Talbot. 3p.. 27 pp. 1 p.. 40 Lonexcellence and usefulness of ecclesiastical his- doc, S. Heyrick, 1672. tory, pronou~nced Sept. 6, 1702. Le Docte (Henri). M6moire sur,la chemie et [In HUGHES (Jabez). Miscellanies, pp. 204-263. Lon- la physiologie v6g6tales, et sur l'agriculture. don, 1737.]J Le Clere (Joseph Victor). Discours sur l'6tat 900 pp. 8~. Brsuxelles, Hayez, 1849. s. des lettres en France, au quatorzihme siccle. Ledran (Henri Franqois). Tratado 6 reflex602 pp. 40~. Paris, F. Didot fires, 1863. iones sacadas de la practica acerca de las [V. xxiv of HISTOIIRE litt6raire de la France.] heridas de armas de fuego. Traducido al Leclerc-Thouin (Oscar). L'agriculture de Espanol, par Felix Galisteo y Xiorro. 6 p. 1. l'ouest de la France, dtudide plus sp6cialement 239 pp. 16~. Madrid, P. Mca rin, 1774. s. LE DUC. LEFEBURE. Le Due (WV. G.) Minnesota year book for mixt reflexions. [anon.] 4 p. 1. 194 pp. 1852. 98 pp. 120. St. Paul, (Minn.) I. G. 18~. Boston,, B. Grleen for BenjCmin Eliot, Le Duc, 1852. s. 1718. Ledwich (Rev. Edward). [I nVallancey (C.) Lee (Weyman). An essay to ascertain the value Collectanea de rebus hibernicis. v. 1-5. 8~. of leases and annuities for years and lives, Dublin, 1774-90]. and to estimate the chances of the duration of lives. xix, 470 Pp. S~. London, S. Birt, 1738. CONTENTS. S. i. Essay on the study of Irish antiquities. 3P2 pp. Leech (Snuel). Thirty years fo mhooe; or, [v. 2, no. 6.] Leec (Saluel). Thrty years fro hoe; o, ii. Dissertation on the round towers in Ireland. 23 pp.. a voice from the main deck: experience in [v. 2, no. 6.] iii. Memoirs of Dunamase and Shean castle. 12 pp. Bitish and American navies. 305 pp. 18~. [v. 2, no. 6.1 Boston, Johzn 3. WtVhittemoqre, 1847. iv. I-Iistory and antiquities of Irish town and Kilkenny. 212 pp. 4 pl. [v. 2, no 9.] Leechdoms, worteunning, and starcraft, of v. Observations on Irish antiquities with applicationng to the ship temple near Dundalk. 12 pp. lv. 3,ts llu trat no. 11.1 the history of science in this country before the Norman conquest. Collected and edited Ledyard (Joh n). A journal of Capt. Cook's by Oswald Cockayne. v. 3. 8~. Locldon, Longlast voyage to the Pacific ocean, and in quest of a northwest passage between Asia and mans, 1866. [Chronicles of Great Britain and Ireland in the midAmerica. 1776-79. 208pp. 120. H11artford, dlea-ges.] Nathaniel Patten, 1783. Leedom (B. J.) Voyage to Harlem thirty Lee (Gen. Charles), anldBurgoyne (Gen. John). years ago, ant otler poems. 111 pp. 120. Briefebey gelegenheit der anlkunft des letztern Philadelphia, T. E. Zelt, 1867. in Boston. 8 pp. 380 Braunsc7lsueig, F. Leeds (WV. H.) Rudimentary architecture: for T.EVacisenhacls, 1777. the use of beginners. The orders, and their [Viz.rEiER (Jullus AllgUSt). Amerilnises arciv. esthetic principles. 3d ed. rii, 139 pp. 16~. Lee (Mrs. Hannah F.) The log-cabin; or, the London, J. TJeale, 1854. world before you. [anon. Also,] A new Lees (Frederic Richard, M. D.) Argument for home: who'll follow? or, glimpses of western the legislative prohibition of the liquor traffic. life, by Mrs. Mary Clavers. [pseudon. for 320 pp. 120. Mlanchester, United kcingdom Mrs. Caroline M. Kirkland.] 448 pp. I pl. alliance, 1857. s. 240. Lonldon, J. S. Pratt, 1844. Inquiry into the reasons and results of Lee (Henry, D. D.) Anti-scepticism: or, notes the prescription of intoxicating liquors in the upon each chapter of Mr. Lock's Essay con- practice of.medicine. 144 pp. 160. London, cerning humane llderstanding. 16 p. i. 432 Triibne;r 1866. -pp. fol. London, Clael ancld Harper, 1702. - One hundred objections to a Maine law. Lee (Jesse). A short account of the life and 128 pp. 123. Macnchester, U. H. alliance, death of Rev. John Lee. 179 pp. 240. Balti- 1857. snore, J. W. Butler, 1805. [Tith his AncGUA1ENT for prohibition of the liquor traffic]. Lee (J. K. ceapt. 1st rey. Virginic voL.) Volun- Laeven en daden der doorluchtighstozee-helden teer's hand book: containing an abridgement en ontdeckers Va11ell deser eeuren. Door of Hardee's infantry tactics. 25th ed. 96 pp. V.D.B. [Caon.] 2v. ill. 344pp; 310pp. 160. Richmzond, (Va.) 1861. 27 pl. 4~. Aasterrlteac, J. Claesz ten Hoorn Lee (Margaret). Dr. Wilmer's love; or, a ques- J Boazsan4, 1676. tion of conscience. A novel. 416 pp. 120. Leewis or Leuwis (Dionysius de). Quattuor Newe York, D. Appleton 4 Co. 1868. nouissima, [dle morte videlicet, extremo juLee (Mary Elizabeth). Poetical remains. With dicio, inferno, et regno celorum], cUl nmultis a biographical memoir by S. Gilman. xl, 224 exemplis pulcherrimis. [ano s.] 56 1. sinm. 40~. pp. 1 pl. 160~. Charleston, TZal1ker & Rich- haDan iusPCeereet, 1502. ards, 1851. NOTE.-Also printed -with the title CORDIALE quattLee (Rev. Samuel). Contemplations on llor- nor, etc. tality. vii, 149 pp. 18~. Boston, (t.B E.) Lefebure (Louis F. H.) Concordance des trois Samselt Phillips, 1698. system es de Tournefort, Linneus, et Jussieu, E- eoLpeaeMogf; or, the triumph of mercy par. le systbme foliare. 75 pp. 2 1. 8~. Paris, in the chariot of praise. A treatise of prevent- Th. Desoer, 1816. a. ing secret and unexpected mercies, with some Lefebure. See, also, Lefebvre. 221 LEFEBVRE. LEIBNITZ. Lefebvre (Charlemagne Thdophile, editor). Translated into English, with preliminary Voyage en Abyssinie, exdcutd pendant les essays and explanatory notes. v. 1. The life anndes 1839-43, par une commission scienti- and teachings of Confucius. vi, 338 pp. 12~. fique, compos6e de T. Lefebvre, A. Petit, London, Triibner & Co. 1867. Quiartin Dillon, [et] Vignaud. Publi6 par Legh (Thomas). Account of a journey into ordre du roi. 6 v. 8$. atlas. 3 v. fol. Paris, Syria. A. Bertrand, 1845-50. s. [Chap. iv of bIMACAICIIAEL (W.) Journey from MAoscow to Constantinople. 4~. Lozdon, 1819.] CONTENTS.'. Legislative sketclhes from a reporter's note le. partie. Relation historique, Par T. Lfebvre. 2v. xci, 395 pp. 4 pl; 337 pp. 4 pl. 1 map 8~. book. By Geoffrey Jenkins. [pseudon.] Notice sur le commerce de la Mer RouLge ct de 93 pp 160. Albany, Weed, Palsons c Co. l'Abyssinie. 148 pp. [ With v. 2].'e. partie. Itin6raire. Description et dictionnaire 1866. g6ographiques. Physique et m6t6orologie, statis- egouv' tiquc, ethnologie, linguistique, arch6ologie. v.nest Wifri. Mdde tragie xxiii; 439 pp. atlas. 3 p. 1. 59 pl. fol. en trois actes et en vers. [Avec la] traduction 3e. partie. Histoire naturelle, botanique. Par A. Richard [alias] Tentamen florn Abyssinic-, [etc.] italienne de Joseph Montanelli. 155 pp. 12~. auctore Achille Richard. v. 4-5. xi, 472 pp; 515 pp Pais, Lcvy, 1856. atlas, 3 pp. 102 pl. fol. 4c. partie. Histoire naturelle, zoologic. Par 0. Des- Lo Grand (Antoine). Man without passion: Murs foiseaux], Florent Pr6vost [mammifdrcs], Guichenot I reptiles et poissons], ct Gu6rin-WMne- or, the wise stoickl, according to thle sentiville [insectes]. v. 6. 398 pp. atlas. 40 col. l. fol. ments of Seneca. Englishel by G. R. 8 p. l. Lefebvre(Tannegui). See Lefevre (Tannegui). 285 pp. 160. Loncon, C. Hacper, 1675. Lnfebvre Labovulaye (Idonard Rend). See Lehmann (J. G. C.) and Petersen (C.) Lefebvre Laboulaye (V~douard Ren6.. See Ansichten und baurisse der neuen geb:iude Laboulaye. fiir }tamburgs 6ffentliche bildmngsanstaltel n Le Fevre (Tannegui). Compendious way of f mbus tiche bi saste eahi. ttient and moden la, p - kurz beschrieben und in verbiudung mit dem teaching antlent and modern languages, practised by Tanlaquil Faber; observations by plan fir die kituftine aufstellung der statltbibliotbek. iv, 122 pp. 9 pl. 40. Hambtryj, Ascham, Carew, Milton, Locke, etc: essay on bibliothek. iv, 122 pp. 9 p 4 rational grammar, new method of domestick.. eissne 1840. s. education, etc. 4th ed. By T. Philips. 8pl. Lehflanowski (Lewis Ferdin5 ad). The fall 321 pp. 80. London, Wz. MicadeoWs, 1750. of Warsaw. A tragedy. 59 pp. 18~. Alnncpolis, Le Franc (, ancien supr'ieur des Geo. S. Mf'Kiiernan, 1840. Ecdistes de Caen). Le voile lev6 pour les Leibnitz (Gottfisied Wilhelm von). Causa Dei curieux; ou,le secret de lar6volution de France asserta per justitiam ejus, cum caeteris ejus rdvdl6, hi l'aide doe In frsaln-m~avolnneri snivi perfectionibus, cunctisque actionibus conciliade la conjuration contre la rdligion catholique tam. [anon.] 48 pp. 120. Aesterdaa, et les souverains. CPar le mele.] Nouv. 6d. 2 v. in 1. 115, 261 pp. 80. Paris, 1816. S. [Withl 7Lis " Essais de th6odic6c," 6d. 1710]. Le Gallois (Pierre). Traitc des plus belles bib- Essais de theodicde, sur le bonlt6 de Dieu, liothcdques de l'Europe. 6 p.. 240 pp. 240. la libertc de lhomme, et l'origine du mal. Paris, E. Mlichalles, 1685. S. [anon]. 3 v. in 1. 26 p... 660 pp. 120. Legende (Ye) of St. Gwendoline. [anon.] By Assterdam, I. Troyel, 1710. an American lady. With photographs by --- Piotoaea. Edita a C. L. Scheidio. Addis, from drawings by J. W. Ehninger. xxvi, 88 pp. 12 pl. 40. Goettinzye, J. G. 55 pp. 8 photogr. 40. Newu York, G. P. Put- Schmid, 1749. 8. nIace, 1867. - Rdtflexions sur l'ouvrage que M. Hobbes Legendre (Adrien Marie). Elements of geom- a publid en Anglais, de la libertO, de la necesetry. Translated from the French, by John sits et du hazard. [Cnon.] 99 pp. 120. Farrar. 2dc ed. xv, 224 pp. 12 pl. 80. Cam- [App. to his "Essa;s de th6odic6e," 1710 6d.] briclge, (N~. E.) Hilliard & MSetcalf, 1825. (Edclitor.) Novissima sinica historiam The same. With additions and modifi- nostri temporis illustratura. 2a ed. 14 p. 1. cations, by M. A. Blanchet. Translated from 175 pp. 61. 16, 128 pp. 2 pl. 18~. [ Ultrajecti, the French. 11th ed. by F. H. Smith. 312 pp. IF. BJroedeleth, ] 1699. 80. Baltimore, Kelly 1 4 Piet, 1867. Scriptores rervrn brvnsvicensivm Legends and traditionary stories. [anon.] illvstrationi inservientes, antiqvi omnes et re270 pp. 240. London, E. Lumnley, [1843]. ligionis reformationepriores. 3 v. 40. HanoLegge (James, D.D.) The Chinese classics. verce, lF. Poerster 1707-11. s. 222 LEICH. LE MOINE. Leaich (Johann Heinrich). De origine et in- editionunie et versionuin, cum notis criticis. crementis typographiae lipsiensis liber sinDg- [Curante Nic. Desmolets]. 2 v. in 1. xxvi, laris, ubi varia de litterariis urbis studiis et 1222 pp. fol. Parlisiis, F. Montalant, 1723. s. viris doctis inseruntur. Accedit libroruml sec. Lemaire (Charles). Manuel de l'amateur de xv. excusorum ad Maitairii annales supple- cactus. 125 pp. 160. Paris, Durverger, mentum. 5 p. 1. 147 pp. sin. 4~. Lipsiae, [1845]. s. Bern. Christoph, Breitkopf, 1740. Lemaire (C. L.) Hist. nat. des oiseaux. See Leidy (Joseph, L. D.) Cretaceous reptiles of Prevost (F.) and Lelaire. the United States. v, 135 pp. 20 pl. 4~. Le Maire (Jacques). Journal et miroir de la TIashington, Sam. Inst. 1864. navigation avstrale. pp. 104-178. 3 maps. [In Smithsonian contrib. v. 141. 6 p]. fol. Description of the reimains of extinct [}Vitr HERRERiA (A. de). Description des Indes Ocmammalia and chelonia. cidentales. fol. Amstertdamn, 1622]. (With OWEN (D. D.) Reporl of a geological survey The same. Ephemerides, sive descriptio of Wisconsin. 1852.1 - navigationis australis. 1. 45-75. fol. Leigh (Edward). A systeme or body of divini- [With HERREIRA (A. de). Nowvs orbis, sie descrliptio ty: consisting of ten books. 15 p. 1. 873 pp. Indi'e Occidentalis. fol. Amstelodami, 1622]. 9 1. sm. fol. London, WT. Lee, 1654, The same. Spieghel der avstralische Leipsic. Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum navigatie. 8 p. 1. 70 pp. 13 1. 3 maps. 4 qui in bibliotheca senatoria asservantur. Ed. p1. fol. Amlsterdacm, 1622. A. G. IE. Naumann. Codices orientaliull lin- [With HERRnERA, (A. de). Nievvoe werelt, etc. Ed. A7JIsterdanrz, 1622]. guarum descripserunt H. 0. Fleischer et F., Delitzsch1. xxiv, 562, lvi pp. 15 pl. 40 -o The same. Speevlvm Orientalis OcciGrimnae, J..% GIebharcldt, 1838. s. (ldentalisque Indite navigationvm, 1619. See Katalog des vom 15 Aug. his 15 Sept. 1853 Spilbeng (Georg von). difentlich versteigerten miinz kabinetes der La Maistred'Anstaing(J.) Rccherchessur stadtbibliothelk zu Leipzig. Von J. J. Leitz- lhistoire et l'rcllitecture de l'6glise cath6drale mann. vi, 508) 62 pp. 8~. ~Leipzlg, 1853. s. mannl. vi, 508, 62 pp. 8~. Leipzig, 1853. s. de Notre-Dame de Tournai. v. 1. xxvi, 403 Leland (Charles Godfrey). Union Pacific pp. 1 p'. 8~. Toztai, Masart & Jnssens, 1842. s. railway, eastern division; or, three thousand 1842. s. miles in a railway car. 95 pp. 80. Phila- Lemay (Lon Pamphile). Essais po6tiques. delphia, anLthor, 1867. [Avec l'Evangeline de Longfellow, traduite Lelewel (Joachim). Album d'un g'r- eur polo- r en vers franlais]. 320 pp. 8~. Que'bec, G. E. nais. 22 pp. 43 pl. obl. 4~. Posen, J. C. Desbarats, 1865. Zcpanskli, 1854. Lemlbeye (Juan). Aves de la isla dc Cuba. Dziejepolsli J. Leleowelpotocznym spos- 137 pp. 20 col. pl. 8~. lahbana, Imp. del obein opowiedzial,do nich dwanas'cie krajo- Iiencpo, 1850. s. braz'ow skres'lil. Wyd. 3e. 175 pp. 4 maps. Le Mercier (Fran9ois). Copie de devx lettres 2 tab. 240. Bratxella, Kalussowshki i Sp6dlki, envoi6es de la Novvelle France, au pbre pro1837. s. cureur des missions de la compagnie de' ~tudes numismatiques et archologiques. Jdsvs. Paris, Cranmoisy, 1656. [Reprint, 28 v. i. Type gaulois, ou celtiqne. 468 pp. 8~. pp. 120. New York, privately printed by Bruxelles, Voglet, 1841. s. James Lennox, 1855?] [No more publshed]. [No more published]. Ledmery (Louis, M. D.) A treatise of all sorts O'ographie dn inoyan. agoe. 4 v; in 3. of foods, both animal and vegetable; also, of drinkables. From the French, by D. Hay, 6 maps. 80. Atlas, 49 maps. fol. Bruxelles, ~~Pit~~~lliet, 1852. S.. D. 3d ed. xii, 372 pp. 121. 16~. London, Pilliet, 1852. s. Histoire de Pologne. 2 v. xx, 388 pp. TV. Innys, 1745. 1 p; 359 pp. 8~. Atlas, 12 pl. obl. 4. Le Moine (J. M.) Ornithologie du Canada. Lille, Vanack&re, 1844. Quelques groupes d'aprds la nomenclature du [Atlas wit/ his Albu11 doun gravelnr polonais, 1854]. Smithsonian institution, etc. le. et 2e. partie. N- Nulllismatique diu moyen-age, consid6doe [Les oiseaux de proie et les palmipbdes]. 398 sous le rapport du type. 2 v. in 3. 8~. Atlas, pp. 120. QeLbec, autecr, 1860-61. 40. Paris, J. Straszcawicz, 1835. s. a ine (Louis, le chevalier). Abrdgd de Le Long~ (Jacques). UBibliotheca sacra sen l'histoire de Suede. 2 v. vi, 429 pp; 450 pp..syllabus omniunm ferme sncrae scripturae 80 Paris, A. Betacncl, 1844. s. 223 LEMOYNE. LEPSIUS. Lemoyne (Pierre). La gallerie des femles [anoa.] vi, 433 pp. 1 map. 25 pl. 80. Bosfortes. 36 p. 1. 452 pp. 12 1. 20 pl. 240. ton, T. Wilson & son, 1855. Leiden, J. Elsevier; 1660. Te'onard (Nicholas Germain). CEuvres. 5 6cd. Lengerke (Alexander von). Beitriigo zur 3 v. in 1. 24~. Avignon, J. A. Joly, 1795. kenntniss der landwirthschaft in den kiDnigl. CONTENTS. preuss. staaten. v. 1-2. 12~. Berlin, Veit v. 1. Idylles. c& Co. 1846-47. v7.2. Les saisons, poeme. v. 3. Alexis, roman pastoral. [v. 3-6 wanting]. Po6sies diverses. Entwurf einer agricultur-statistik des Le temple de Gnide. Lcttre sur un voyage aux Antilles. preussischer staates, 1842-43. xii, 202 pp. Suppl6ment aux poesies. 8 tab. 80. Berlin, Veit 4. Co. 1847. s. Leonhard (Carl C/isar von). Lehrbuch der Lenglet Dufresnoy (Nicolas). Recueil de geognosie udcl geologic. 2e aufl. xxii, 1056 dissertations anciennes et nouvelles sur les pp. 9 pl. 8~. Stuttgart, E. Schveizerbart, apparitions, les visions, et les songes. Avec 1846. s. une prdface historique. 4 v. 160. Adrignon [Naturgeschichte, v. 3.1 et Paris, Leloup, 1751. Popular lectures on geology. TransTablettes chronologiques doe l'liistoire lated by J. G. Morris, and edited by F. Hall. universelle, sacr6e et profane, eccl6siastique 400 pp. 9 pl. 12~. Baltimore, _N Hickrnan, et civile, depuis la crdation du monde jusqui't 1839-41. s. lan 1775. 2 v. 10 p. 1. ccxxx, 623 pp; 2 - See Buch (Das) der geologie. p. 1. xvi, 872 pp. 160. Paris, frires De Leotaud (Antoinle,. D.) Oiseaux de l'ile Bure, 1778. de la Trinidad, (Antilles). xx, 560, viii, iv New melthod ofstudyinghistory. [With] pp. 80. P'ort dl'Espagne, (Trinidad,) Chrona catalogue of the chief historians of all na- icle pnublishing qioce, 1866. tions, their best editions, and chlaracters of Le Paulmnier de Grentemesnil (Julien). Dc their writings. Translatel from the French morbis contagiosis libri septem. 8 p. 1. 552 by R. Rawlinson. 2 v. 360 pp. 4 1; 550 pp. 16 1. 16~. lFrncofvrti, C. Marnius, 1601. 25 1. 120. London, W. TBurton, 1728. Lepechin (Ivan Ivanovitch, joint authlor). tenhossek (Michael von). Physiologia med- See Histoir-e des dcouvertes, etc. dans la icinalis. 5 v. 8~. Pestinzi, J. S. Trattnerl Russie et dans la Perse. s. 1816-18. s. Le Pelletier de Saint-Fargeau (Louis Michel). Lenning (C.) [pseudoln.] See Moscdorf Monographia tenthredinetarum, synonimia (Friedrich). extricata. xvii, 176pp. 80. Parisiis, F. G. Lenormand (Louis Sbbastien). Nouveau Levrault, 1823. s. manuel complet du relieur. Nouv. 6d. 254 pp. Le Pois (Antoine). Discovrs svr les m6dalles 180. Paris, Roret, 1840. s. et gravevres antiques, principalement roLenormant (Charles). Cours d'histoire an- maines. 10 pl. 159 1. sm. 4~. Paris, MVazeert cienne. Introduction 6 I'histoire de 1'Asie Patisson, 1579. occidentale. x, 384 pp. 1 map. 80. Paris, Le Prince (Nicolas Thomas). Essaihistorique C. Beideloff, 1838. s. sur la bibliothlbque du roi, et sur chacun des Le'nstrmr (Carl Julius, M. D.) Konsttheo- d6pbts quelacomposent, etc. [anoln.] xxii, riernas historia. 339 pp. 8~. Upsala, Lef- 343 pp. 180. Paris, Belin, 1782. s. tler & Sebell, 1839. s. Le Prince de Beaumont (Jeanne). Les Am6rLenthe (F. C. G.) Verzeichniss der grossher- icaines; ou la preuve de la religion chr6tienne zoglichen gemilde-sammlung welche sich par les lumibres naturelles. Nouv. dd. 6 v. auf dem alten schlosse in Schwerin befindet. 16~0. Paris,Saint-Mlichelet Brcnot-Labbe, 1811. vi, 173, 6 pp. 80. Scliwerin, Mofbuchldruck- Lepsius (Carl Richard). Die chronologie der erci, 1836. s. Aegypter. v. i. Einleitung und kritik der Leo (Heinrich). Geschiclhte der italienischen quellen. xxvi, 554 pp. 40. Berlin, Nicolai, staaten. 5 v. 8$. Hambburg, F. Perthes, 1849. s. 1829. s. Denlkmliler aus Agypten und Athiopien, [Imperfect; title of v. 2, wanting.] nach den zeichnungen der von seiner majestdit Leonard (Levi W. D. D.) History of Dublin, dem kSonige von Preussen Friedrich Wilhelm N. H. with address by Charles Mason, and iv. nach diesen liindern gesendeten, 1842-45, the proceedings at the centennial celebration, vwissenschaftliche expedition. 36 pp. 40 June 17, 1852; with a register of families. Berli, Nicolni, 1849. s. 224 LEPSIUS. LESLIE. Lepsius (Carl Richard). ijber einige beriihr- ventures of four Russian sailors iwzho were ungspunkte der hgyptischen, griechischen, cast away on the desert island of East Spitzund rimischen chronologie. [Extract]. 82 bergen. Translated from the German original. pp. 40. Berlin, K. Ackad. der wissenschaften, pp. 45 to 118. 80. London, 1774. 1859. S. [ With STAEIULIN-STORCKSBUlG, (J. von). Koenigliche musen; abtheilung der Le Roy de Gomberville (Maria). See Nevers aegyptischen alterthtimer; die wvandgemaelde (due de). Les mrdmoires. der verschiedenen raeume. 37 tafeln nebst Lery (Jean). Historia navigationis in Brasilerklaerung. obl. fol. Berlin, 1855. s. iam, quc et America dicitvr. 31 p. 1. 341 pp. Knig- }i;sbuch der alten Aigypter. 2 v. 81. 1pl. 160. [Genevae], E. Vignon, 1586. 4 p. 1. 178, 23 pp; 3 p. 1. 73 pl. 40. Berlin, The same. T. llertz, 1858. S [With BrnNzoNI (Girolano). Historia Indliae Occidentalis. [Genevae], 1586.] CONTENTS. Le Saint (L.) L'isthme de Suez. iv, 175 pp. v. 1. Text und dynastieentafeln. 1 map. 160. Paris, Hac7lette, 1866. v. 2. Die hieroglyphisehen tafeln. Zwei sprachvergleichende abhandlun- La Saulniar do Vauhollo Q). Mdmoiro ar gen.2 p. 1. 150 pp. 2 tab. 80 Ber liand PF. les attdrrages des cotes occidentales deFrance, gen.'2p. 1. 150 pp. 2 tab. S~. -Betlin,tE. et pr6cis des operations hydrographiques et _Diilmmler 1836. s. - Dastronomiques faites en 1828-29. 88 pp. 1 pl. CONTENTS. 40. Pcaris, Imp. eoyale, 1833. s. 1. iTber die anordnung und verwandtschaft des semi-. e tischen, indischen, tihiopischen, alt-persischcn, Lescarbot (Marc). Histoire de la Novvcllc unod alt-hgyptischeno alplhabets. France. Contellant les navigations% docou2. /Uber die ursprung unol die verwandtschaft der zahlwSrterin derindogermanischen, selnitischen, vertes et habitations faites par les Franlqois utrd der koptischen sprachc. ns Indles Occidentales et Nouvelle France souz Das todtenbuch der Agypter nach dem l'avceu et authorit6 de noz roys tirs chrdtiens, hieroglyphischen papyrus in Turin, mit-einem et les diverses fortunes d'iceux en l'execution vorworte zum ersten male herausgegebn. 40~. de ces choses, depuis cent ans jusqucs'i hli. Leipzig, 1842. s. 2e 6d. 24 p. 1. 877pp. 2 maps. 16~. Paris, Standard alphabet for reducing unwvritten Jean Millot, 1611. languages and foreign graphic systems to a Les mvses de la Novvelle France. 66 pp. uniform orthography in European letters. 160. Paris, Jean Millott, 1612. 2d el. xvii, 315 pp. 8~0. Berlin, TV. Hertz, [With, LESCARBOT (I.) Histoire do la Novvelle 1863. s. France, Par-is, 1611]. TLerch ( —, scurgeon). ~Unnersdtiksak cmni- -— ~ Noua Francia: or, the description of tlat.sksiortc umut kaldo)lit nun.on ndtannut. Ipart of New France which is one continent sulsiortunnut kalddlit nunden netunnut. Unrrtni for Joemdre i Gn. ih Virginia. Translated out of French by Underretnin-g for Jordemodre i Gronland. P~ierre] E[rondelle. ano?.] 307 pp. sin. [Danish and Esquimaux]. Pellesimit Peter 4P. London 1609. 40. London, 1609. Kraglhmit. 4 1. 63 pp. 160. jobenhavnine, Imperfect; anting title and p..] [Ilnperfect; wvanting title and p. 1.] P: de Trengnagei, 1829. TLescurel (Jehannot de). Chansons, ballades, Laerabours (Nicholas tMarie Panymal) and oect rondeaux. Publids pour la premiere fois, Secretan, opticians). Catalogue et prix des par Anatole de Montaiglon. 68 pp. 160. instruments d'optique, de physique, de chimie, Paris, P. Jannet, 1855. de mathematiques, d astronomie et de marine, L l etc. vthmatiqs, 244 pp. 8dstronomi et d mrine, sley (Joseph,jr.) Topographical and geologetc. viii, 244 pp. 80. Paris, 1853. s jcn1 eports. S. Leroy (Charles Fran9ois Antoine). Trait6 de [ ith OWEN, (D. D.) Repoits of the geological surgdomdtrie descriptive, suivi de la md6thode des vey of Kentucly, v. 4.] plans cot6s, et de la thdorie des engrenages Leslie (Rev. Charles). A short and easio cylindriques et coniques. 3e 6d. 2 v. texte, method with the deists, [and discourse conxx, 432 pp; atlas, 71 pl. 40~. Paris, Bache- cerning episcopacy]. 8th ed. [anon.] 132 pp. lier, 1850. 120. London, J. Appolebee, 1723. Traite de stdreotomie, comprenant la r The same. 38 pp. 8~. Oxford, 1825. thdolie des ombrles, la perspective lin6aire, Ia [With7 IANDOTPIH (John, bishop of London). Lnchiridion theologicumn, v. 2.] gnomonique, la coupe dos pierres et la char- Th e snake in the grass; or Satan transpento. Texte. xvi 483 pp. 40. atlas, 74. form'd into an angel of light; discovering the fol. Lidge, Avanzo et Cie. 1815. subtilty of many of the quakers. 3d ed. [Imperfect; atlas wanting.] [Iprfet;tla wantigxliv pp. 31. 370 pp. 12~. London, C. Broaze Leroy (P. L.) Narrative of the singular ad- 1698. LESN]1. LETTE. Lesne' (Mathurin Marie). Lettre d'un relieur ed. enlarged. 5 p. 1. 274 pp. 3 1. sin. fol. franqais A un bibliographe anglais. [T. F. London, H. Seile, 1656. Dibdin]. 28 pp. 80. Paris, l'auteur, 1822. s. L'Estrange (Sir Roger). Toleration discuss'd; Lesquereux(Leo). Botanical and palaeonto- intwodialogues. [anon.] 4p.1. 350pp. 18~. logical report. s. London, H. Bronze, 1670. [ With OWEN (D. D.) Second report on the geology of [ Tith MORE (Henry). Exposition of the seven episArkansas]. tles, etc. 180. London, 1669.] - On the origin and formation of prairies. Lesuire (Robert Martin), andl Louvel ( — ). [Extract.] 19 pp. 80. New Haven, rAmer. The savages of Europe. [anon.] From the journ. sci. 1865. s. French. iii, 144 pp. 4 pl. 16~. London, Dryden Palaeontological reports of the fossil Leach, 1764. flora of Kentucky. Letchworth (Thomas). Twelve discourses [ With OWEN (D. D.) Reports of the geological sur- delivered chiefly at the meeting house of the vey of Kentucky, v. 4J. people called quakers, in the park, South- Quelques recherches sur les marais wark. 248pp. 120. Sadem, (ass.) Tlomas C. tourbeux en g6n6ral. 80. Neuchatel, 1844. s. Cushing, 1794. Lesseps (Ferdinand, vicomte de). Percement Letera de la nobil cipta [Zhaval] nouamente de l'isthme de Suez. Expos6 et documents ritrouata alle Indie, con li costumii e modi del officiels. 280 pp. 2 maps. 80. Paris, IH. suo re et soi populi: li modi del suo adorare, Plon, 1855. s. con ]a bella vsanza de le donne loro: et de le Lesser (Friedrich Christian). Insecto-theodua persone ermafrodite donate da quel re al logia. Oder, versuch, wie ein mensch dnrch capitano de larmata. Data in Peru adi xxv betrachtung der insecten zur erkentniss Gottes di Nouembre del mdxxxiiii. [anon. 41. unp. gelangen kann. 2e aufl. 5 p.l 1. 528 pp.. 12071. [n. p. abot 1534]. 1 pl. 160. Frankfurt, Michael Block-berger, Leti (Gregorio). History of the cardinals of 1740. s. the Roman church, from the time of their first Les~s~ing (Gotthold Ephrainm). Laolkoon; odor, creation to the election of the present pope, fiber die grenzen der mahlerey und poesie, Clement the ninth. From the Italian, by G. H. [etc.] NeLie aufl. von C. G. Lessil. 8 p. 1. etc. Ne. von C.. 3 pts. in 1 v. 2 p. 1. 330 pp. fol. London, 380 pp. 80. Berlin, C. F. Voss 4- sohn, 1788. Jolhn Starkey, 1670. - Nathan the wise. A dramatic poem. Leto (Giulio Pomponio) De Romancra magisTranslated by Ellen Frothingham. Preceded tratibus: sacerdotiis: jurisperitis: etlegibus by a brief account of the poet and his works, adM.Pantagathum libellus. 101. sm. 43 and followed by an essay on the poem, by [n 2. about 1500.] s. Kuno Fischer. xxiii, 259 pp. 160. N, eiv Yo2rk, [With FIOCCHI (A. D.) De Romanorvm, etc.] Leypolclt & Bolt, 1868. Leypoldt & Hol1t, 1868. Letourneur (Thomas Marie). Mode de comLesson (Ren6 Primevdre). Manuel de mamll-.Lesson (Ren6 Primev. re). Manuel do main- mandement; ou, essai sur 1a th6orie ge6nrale malogie, ou histoire naturelle des mammifdres. de la manceuvre des vaisseaux et autres bati18~. Paris, Roret, 1827. s..18. Paris, Boret, 1827'. ments de guerre. 384 pp. 8~. Lefournier Trait6 d'ornithologie; ou, tableau mnth- & De odique des ordres, sous-ordres, familles, tribus, The same. Dp ctionnasre ds, commandegenres, sous-genres et races d'oiseaux, etc. ments, faits avec le sifilet, t bord des batiments xxxii, 659 pp; atlas, xii pp. 119 pl. 80. d,Paris, F G. Levrault, 1831. S. de guerre. 2e 6d. faisant suite au mode de ari F..Lerault 1. comnmandement. 42 pp. 80. Lefournier & Voyage autour du monde enterpris par Deperiers, 1834. s. Deperiers, 1834. s. ordre du gouvernement sur la corvette la [With the preceding.] Coquille. 2 v. 510 pp; 547 pp. 21. 41pl. etronne (Jean Antoine). Recherches pour 80. Paris, Pourrat, 1838-39. servir it l'histoire de l'lgypte pendant la L'Estrange (Hammond). Observator observed; domination des G~recs et des Romains, tirdes or, animadversions upon [Heylin's] observa- s inscriptions grecques et latines. x, 524 tions on the history of king Charles [the first], pp. 80. Paris, Boulland-Pardieu, 1823. with the observator's rejoinder. [anon.] 47, an. Lette (Adolph), ancl R6/nne (Ludwig von). pp. sinm. fol. London, E. Dod, 1656. Die landes-kultur-gesetzgebung des preus[With L'ESTRANGE (Hamon). Reign of king Charles. London, 1656.] sischen staates. 2er band mit le- abth. 2 v. --- The reign of king Charles [tlle first.] xi, 103 pp; x,868pp. 8~. Belhin, Veit An history disposed into annals. [anon.] 2d Co. 1853-54. s. 29 LETTER. LEUCKART. Letter (A) addressed to two great men on the Letters from the prisons and prison-ships of the prospect of peace. [anon.] 1 p. 1. 56 pp. 120. revolution. With notes by H. R. Stiles, M.D. London, A. Millar, 1760. 49 pp. 8~ New York-, privately printed, 1865. Letter (A) from a cobler to the people of Eng- [Wrallabout prison-ship series, No. 1.] land on affairs of importance. [anon. ] 17 pp. Letters (The) of Fabius, in 1788, on the federal 120. Ljondon, 1756. constitution; and in 1797 on the present situLetter (A) on the present state of the Spanish ation of public affairs. [pseudon. By John Vest Indies, to P. H. [by J. N. an Dicinson.] iv, 202 pp. 80. Wfilmington, sm. 40~. London, J. Applebee and others, 1739. (Del.). C. Snyth, 1797. [With DESCRIPTION of the windward passage and Letters (The) of Papinian; in which the congulf of Florida. London, 1739.l duct, present state, and prospects of the AmerLetter (A) to the author of the pamphlet called ican congress are examined. [pseudon.] v, an Answer to the Hampshire narrative [re- 130 pp. 160. New York, Hugh, Gaine, 1779. specting Rev. Robert Breck]. 84 pp. 120. Letters of a Nova Scotian, and of Scoevola on Bostown, 1737. Canadian politics. [anon.] 106pp. 8~0. Quebec, Letter (A) to Rev. Andrew Croswell on the T. Cary cF Co. 1828. satyrical drollery last commencement day. Letters on the internal political state of Spain, By Simon, the tanner. [anon.] 12~0. Boston, 1821-23. By G. G.D. V. Translated from Ezekiel Russell, 1771. the original French manuscript. [anon. By Letter (A) to general Hamilton, occasioned by Guillaume de Vaucdoncourt.] 8 p. 1. 412 pp. his letter to president Adanms. By afederalist. 80. London, L. Relfe, 1824. Aristides. [anon.] 10 pp. 8~0. [Boston, 1809. ] Letters on the subject of the concert of princes, [ With ADAeIS (John). Correspondence. Boston, 1809.] and the dismemberment of Poland and France. Letter (A) to a member of parliament, con- By a calm observer. [anon.] 2d ed. 4 p. l. taining a proposal for bringing in a bill to 991 pp. 8~. London, G. f' J. Robinson, 1793. revise, amend, or repeal certain obsolete stat- Lettieri (Francesco). Catalogus codicumn saeutes called the ten commandments. [anon.] culo xv impressorum qui in regia bibliotheca 38 pp. 120. London, B. Miinors 1738. borbonica adservantur, ordine alphabetico Letter (A) to Rev. Jedediah Morse, author of digestus notisque bibliographicis illustratus. the American universal geography, [a defence 3 v. fol. Neapoli, regia typog. 1828-33. s. of Williamsburg, Va.] By a citizen of Wil- The same. Supplementum. 276 pp. fol. liamsburg. [anon.] 16 pp. 80. Richmond, NeCpol, regia typogrchia, 1841. s. Ihomas Nicolson, 1795. Lettres d'un sauvage depayse; contenant une Letter (A) to the people of England on the critique des mceurs du si6cle, et des r6flexions present situation and conduct of national sur des matires de religion et de politique. affairs. [anon.] 58 pp. 12~. London, J. Scott, [anon.] 2 parts in 1 v. 205; 219pp. 24~. 1755. lAmtterdasn, Jean I'ranfois Jolly. [n. d.] Letter (A) to king William iii. on the English Lettres 6difiantes et curieuses concernant l'Asie, monarchy. 2cld ed. [anon.] 15 pp. sm. 4~. l'Afrique, et l'Am6rique. Publiees sous la London, J. Darby, 1699. direction de Louis Aim6 Martin. 4 v. 8~. Letter (A) written to Dr. Burnet, giving an Paris, Auguste Desrez, 1839 —43. account of cardinal Pool's secret powers. [v. 1 imperfect, wanting allafter p. 520.1 By WV. C. [Sir William Coventry. anon.] 40 CONTENTS., v. 1. Grce, Turquie, Syrie, Arm6nie, Perse, ilgypte, pp. sin. 4~. London, Richard Baldwitn. 1685. Am6rique Septentrionale. Letters and conversations on thle Indian mis- r. 2, nGuyanes, Perou, Californie, Chili, Paraguay, Brazil, Bu6nos Ayres, Indoustan, Bengale, Gingi, sions in the states of New York and Ohio. (Madras) Golcolnde, Madur6, Tanjaour, AMarhate. v. 3. Chine. [anon.] 112 pp. 18~. Boston, Mass. s. s. union, v. 4. Chine, Indo-Chine, Oc6anie. 1831. Lettsom (William G.) See Greg (R. P.) and Letters by a South Carolinian. Sketches of Lettsom, Mineralogy of Great Britain. some Virginians. [anon.] 89 pp. 18~. Norfolk, Leuckart (Friedrich Sigismund). Allgemeine C. Bonsal, 1827. einleitung in die naturgeschichte. 130 pp. 80~. Letters from an American loyalist in Upper Stuttgart, E. Scehweizerbart, 1832. s. Canada, to his friend in England, on a pam- [Naturgeschichte, v. 1.] phlet published by John Mills Jackson, en- I Neue wirbellose thiere des Rothen meers. titledaViewof theprovince of Upper Canada. See Riippells (WV. P.E.) and Leuckart [anon.] 104pp. 8~. [Halifax, 1807]? (F,.S.) LEUNIS. LEWISHAM. Leunis (Johannes). Analytischer leitfaden ftir Levison (J. L.) Mental culture. viii, 300 pp. den ersten wissenschaftlichen unterrichlt in 16~. London, author, 1833. der naturgeschichte. 3 v. in 1. 80. Hannover, Le'vizac (Jean Pons Victor Lecoutz de). See Hahn, 1852-57. s. Moysant (F.) and Levizac. Bib. port. des ecrivains francais. CONTENTS. Levy (Michel). Trait6 d'hygi6ne publique et v. 1. Zoologie. iv, 145 pp. 1852. privee. 4e ed. 2 v. viii, 924 pp; 2 p. 1. 992 pp. v. 2. Botanik. 2e anti. xii, 183 pp. 1857. 80]857. Pris, J. B. Baillire, 1862. v. 3. Oryktognosie uncd geognosie. 3. Orytgnsie nd geognosie. Lewes (Rev. Daniel). Thejoy ofchildrenwalkSchul-naturgeschichte. Eine analytische ing in truth. A sermon at the Boston-lecture, darstellung der drei naturreiche, etc. 3 v. in 1. August 15, 1723. 28 pp. 160. Boston, D. 8~. Hannover, Hachn, 1853-56. s. HTenchman, 1723. L[Vith WALLTE, (Rev. Thomas). B3alm in Gilead. CON'TENTS. Cambridge, 1670]. Lewes (George Henry). Life and worlks of v. 1. Zoologie. 3e aufl. vi, 330 pp. 1856. v. 2. Botanik. 3e aufti. xii, 332 pp. 1855. Goethe, with sketches of his contemporaries.. 3. Orykltog~nosie und geeognosie. 2 v. xx, 435 pp; xii, 478 pp. 120. Boston, Ticknor & Fields 1856. s. Synopsis der rei natrreihe. 3 ic r iels, 1856. v. Hannover Hahn, 1853-56. a. Lewis (Evan). An address to christians of all denominations, on the inconsistency of admitCONTENTS. ting slave-holders to communion and church membership. 19 pp. 16~. Philadellhia, S. C. A. Roemer. xiv, 464 pp. 4 pl. Atkinson, 1831. v. 3. Zoologie. 3e auft. 670 pp. The E [Wanting botanik and zoologie. Heft ii, abtlh. o.] Lewis (Henry). grammar and history. 82 pp. 160. London, Levasseur (A). Lafayette en Amerique en }illiams & Norgate, 1866. 1824 et 1825; oun, journal d'un voyage aux Lewis (John W.) Life, labors, and travels of 1]tats-Unis. 2 v. 509 pp; 632 pp. 9 pl. 1 elder Charles Bowles, with an essay on the map. 80. Paris, Baudouin, 1829. character and condition of the African race. Lever (Christopher). The historie of the de- Also, an essay on the fugitive law of the U. S. fendors of the catholique faith, Henry 8, Ed- congress of 1850, by Rev. Arthur Dearing. ward 6, queen Marie, queen Eliz. James 1; 285 pp. 12~0. Watertown, (N. Y.) Ingalls & [with] observations, divine, politique, morall. Stozoell, 1852. 31, 371 pp. sinm. 4~. London, N. Fussell & H. Lewis (Matthew Gregory). My uncle's garret IMoseley, 1627. window. 21 pp. 80. London, 1841. [ Imperfect; wanting 1 pl.] [HAZLITT'S romancist and novelist's lib. v. 1.] Levezow (Conrad von). Verzeichness der an- Raymond and Agnes; or, the bleeding tiken denkmtler im antiquarium des k6nigli- nun. 78 pp. 80. Londo~n, l841. chen museums zu Berlin. Erste abth. Gallerie [HAZLITT'S romnancist and novelist's lib. v. 4.] der vasen. 24 pl. 8~. Berlia, Duncker' Hum- Lewis (Meriwether). Documents accompanyblot, 1834. s. ing a bill making compensation to messieurs Levi (David). A defense of the old testament, Lewis and Clarkle, and their companions, in a series of letters, addressed to Thomas presented the 23d January 1807. 8 pp. 8~. Paine. 240 pp. 16~. Nzew York, N. Jucdah Washington, A. & G. Way, 1807. 1797. - and Clarke (William). Travels to the Levi (nliphas). Histoire de la magie avec une source of the Miissouri river and across the exposition claire et precise de ses proc6d6s, American continent to the Pacific ocean. de ses rites et de ses mystbres. xvi, 560 pp. Performed by order of the government of the 16 pl. 80. Paris, G. Baillie'e, 1860. U. S. in the years 1804-5-6. xxiv, 663 pp. Levi (Leone, editor). Wages and earnings of 1 map. 40~. London, Longmans, 1814. s. the working classes, with their economic ~ The same. New ed. 3 v. 80. London, condition, drawn from authentic and official Lonyman, 1817. sources, in a report to M. T. Bass, M. P. Lewisharm free grammar school. Bibliothlcae lix, 140 pp. 80. London, John Murray, 1867. colfanie catalogus. Catalogue of the library Levi-Alvare's (David Eugene). Analytic histo- [etc.] founded by Abraham Colfe. By W. H. ry, for schools. 12~. New York, 1848. See Black. lvi, 176 pp. 1 pl. 80. London, governors Hunter (John IH.) s. of the graeamar school, 1831. s. 228 LEXINGTON. LIDDON. Lexington (Ky.) Directory of the city of Lex- Morellus nunc primrum edidit, idemque latine ington and of the county of Fayette, for 1838 vertit. 2 v. 44 p. 1. 948 pp. 17 1; 8 p. 1. 735 and'39. By Julius P. B. MacCabe. 136 pp. pp. 121. fol. Parisiis, C. Morel, 1606-27. s. 160. Lexington, J. C. Noble, 1838. Liber facetiarum: a collection of curious and Lexington (Ky.) library company. A cata- ~ interesting anecdotes. [anon.] 1st Amer. ed. logue of books, [etc.] With its charter, laws, 336 pp. 240. Boston, G. Williams, 1811. and regulations. xvi, 172 pp. 120. Lexington, Liber librorum: its structure, limitations, and (Ky.) T. Smith, 1821. s. purpose. [anon.] 232pp. 160. New York, The same. Additions to the catalogue Scribner & Co. 1867. of books, [etc.] from 1821 to the present, Liber monasterii de Hyda: comprising a chron[etc.] 113 pp. 80. Lexington, (Ky.) A. TW. icle of the affairs of England, from the settleElder; 1852. s. ment of the Saxons to the reign of king [ With LEXINGTON Catalogue, 18211. Cnut; and a cllartulary of the abbey of Hyde, Leybourn (William). Dialing: plain, con- in HIampshire, A. D. 455-1023. Edited by cave, convex, etc. Shewing [also] how to E. Edwards. cxiv, 468 pp. 1 fac-sim. 8~. make dials. 5 pl. 330 pp. 23 pl. fol. London, London, Longmans, 1866. A. Churchill, 1682. [Great Britain: chronicles and memorials during the Leycester (John, pseudon?) Civil warres of middle agesl. England. See Ricraft (Josiah). London,1649. Liberty and property vindicated, and the Leyden university. Cataloguslibrorummanu- St-pm n burnt. By a friend to the scriptorum, qui inde ab anno 1741 bibliothecae liberty of his country. [Elizaphan of ParnLugduno Batavae accesserunt. Descripsit Ja- ach. pseudon.] 15 pp. 80. Boston, 1766. cobus Geel. 4 p. 1. 307 pp. 40. Lugduni Liberty of conscience; or, the sole means to' Bautasorzne, B. J. Brill, 1852. s. obtaine peace and truth. [anon.] 5 p. 1. Leydig (Dr. Franz). Naturgeschichte der 62 pp sin. 4~. (n. p.) 1643. daphniden, (crustacea cladocera). iv, 251 Libri-Carrucci della S maa (G pp. x pl. 4~0 7:Tiibingen, Laupp & Siebeck, Bruto Icilio Timoleonte). Lettre a M. Bar1860. s. thelemy Saint Hilaire. 31 pp. 8~. Londres, Lezay-Marnezia (Claude Franqois Adrien, Barth7s & Lowell, 1850. s. Lettre A M. de Falloux contenant le marquis de). Lettres 6crites des rives de Lettroe M. do Falloux, contenant l'Ohio. viii, 144 pp. 8~. Paris, au Fort- r6citd'uneodieusepers6cution, etlejugement Pitt, et se trlouve a' Prault, 1801. port6 SUm cette persecution par les hommes Levins (Peter). Manipulus vocabulorum: a les plus comp6tents, etc. 2e 6d. xvi, 327 pp. rhyming dictionary of the English language. 80. Paris, Paulin, 1849. s. Edited; with an alphabetical index, by H. B. Lettre i M. le pr6sident de linstitut de France. 72 pp. 8~. Londres, JBarth&'s & Wheatley. xv, 368 pp. 8~. LondonF, Triibner,Barts & 1867. Lowell, 1850. s. [Early English text soc. pub. No. 28]. Reponse au rapport de M. Boucly. 98 The same. A dictionary of English and pp. 80. Londres, Schulze & Cie. 1848. s. Latin words, arranged in the alphabetical Libri de re rustica. 54 p. 1. 295 1. 80. Tenetiis order of the last syllables. Re-edited, with Aldvs, 1533. an alphabetical index, by H. B. Wheatley. 3 Cato (Marcus Porcius). De re rustica. p. 1. xv, 370 pp. sm. 40. London, 1867. Columella(Lucius Junius MAoderatus). De re hortensi [Camden soc. pub. No. 95]. et villatec. Palladius (Rutilius Taurus fEmilianus). De insitioniL'Hermite (Franqois). Po6sies galantes et bus. Varro (Marcus Terentius). De re rustica. Lichtenthal (Peter). Manuale bibliografico Paris, J. B. Loysorr, 1662. Paris, J. B. Loyson, 1662. del viaggiatore in Italia concernente localitY, L'Huillier (Simon). Principiorum calculi difstoria, arte, scienze, antiquaria e commercio, ferentialis et integralis expositio elementaris. XX'iii3~ 3 9..J. etc. 2a ed. xiv, 412 pp. 120. Milano, L. xxviii 339 pp. 9 pI. 40. Tubinyw, J. G. di Giacomo Pirola, 1834. s. LianCotta, 179te duc de). See Ia Rou5.- Licteriis (F. de). See Lettieri (F. de). cult-iancourt (le due de). See La Rohefou- Liddon (Henry Parry). The divinity of our cault-_Liancourt. lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Eight lecLibanius Sophista. Praelvdia oratoria lxii. tures before the university of Oxford. xix, Declamationes xlv, et dissertationes morales. 776 pp. 8. Oxford, iitons, 1867. His accedunt monodiEe, inuective, etc. F. [Bampton lectures, for 1866.] LIEBE.2 LIFE. Liebe (Carl Theodor). Das alter der in reus- Life (The) and adventures of Joe Thompson. sischen oberlande brechenden dachschiefer. A narrative founded on fact. Written by s. himself. [pseudlon.] 3d ed. 2 v. xxiv, 310 I With GEINITZ (H. B.) Aequivalent der talonischen pp; xii, 348 pp. 2 p. 1. 160. London, J. Hinschiefer Nordamerika's in Deutschland, 1866.] ton, 1763. Liebe (Christian Sigismund). Gotha nvmaria; Life (The) and confession of John Johnson, the sistens thesavri fridericiani nvmismata an- murderer of James Murray, with some partiqva. Accedunt ex Andreae Morellii specim- ticulars of his family. [anon.] 26 pp. 80. ine vniuersm rei numariTe antiqume excerpta, New York, Browrn & Tyrell, 1824. et epistolm tres Ez. Spanhemii. 7 p. 1. xxvi, Life (The) and public services of major gel. 544 pp. 14 1. 2 pl. fol. Amstelcedani, Wets- Zachary Taylor, with graphic accounts of the tenii et Smith, 1730. s. battles [in Mexico, and] all his letters and Lieber (Francis). The ancient and the mod- despatcles. [anon.] 60pp. 7pl. 16~. PLilaern teacher of politics. An introductory dis- clephia, Turner 6 Fi6s7Ler, 1848. course to a course of lectures on the state. Life and remains of Vilnot Warwick. Edited Delivered, Oct. 10, 1859, in the law school of by his friend Henry Vernon. [pseudon.] 326 Columbia college. 35 pp. 8~. NYew York, 1860. pp. 12". London, J. iidyway, 1828. -—. — The character of the gentleman. 3d ed. Life in India; or, Madras, the Neilgherries, 121 pp. 160~. Philadlelphia, J. B. Lippincott and Calcutta. [anon.] 528 pp. 35 pl. 180. & Co. 1864. Philadelphia, -Am. S. S. Union, 1855. s. Inaugural address, Columbia college, Life in New York, in doors and out of doors. 1858. [History, political philosophy, politi- [anon.] 481. 80. New York, Bunce & bro. cal economy, and university education.] 1851. 1[With COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Addresses, etc. pp. 58. Life insurance; its nature, origin, and progress. 116. New York, 1858.] Reflections on the changes which may non.] 87 pp. 61. (tables.) 120. New York, seem necessary in the present constitution of C.LB. Norton, 1852. s. the state of New York; elicited and published Lif (The) of Oliver Cromwell. By a gentleman of Oxford. [anon. ] 247 pp. 160. Lonby the New York union league club. 50 pp. man of Oxford. non. pp. 160. 80. New York, 1867. - don, T. Tirompson, 1748. Life (The) of Daniel Dana, D.D. By members Liebig (Justus von). Anleitung zur analyse i he) of Diel Dana, D.D. y orgnischer krper. pp. 1 tab. 3. 80. of his family. With a sketch of his character, organischer korper. 72 pp. 1 tab. 3 pl. 8~. by WV. B. Sprague. vii, 279pp. 1 pl. 120~. Braunschweig, VReweff, 1837. [ With NAUIMANN (C. F.) Table of mineralogical Boston, J. E. Tilton, & Co. 1866. species, 1833.] Life (The) of the daanseuse Mlle. Fanny ElsThe same. 2e aufl. viii, 130 pp. 8~. sler. 32 pp. 8~. Philacelophia, [ about Braunschweig, Viewey, 1853. 1850.] Grundsiitze der agricultur-chemie, mit Life (The) of Thomas J. Jackson [C Stonewall riicksicht auf die in England angestellten Jackson"]. By an ex-cadet. [anon.] 2d ed. untersuchungen. 2e aufl. 3p.. 152 pp. 8~. 196 pp. 12~. Bichmond, J. E. Goode, 1864. Braunschweig, Vieweg, 1855. s. Life (The) of Sir William Phips. [anon.] 5 Animal chemistry; or, organic chemistry p. 1. 110 pp. 18~. London, Nathaniel Hiller; in its applications to physiology and pathol- 1697. ogy. Edited by W. Gregory. 48 pp. 40. Life (The) of William Merchant Richardson, New York, J. Winchester, 1842. s. LL.D. [anon.] 90 pp. 160. Concord, L[N..] Familiar lectures on chemistry, in its I. S. Boyd ITV. White, 1839. relations to physiology, dietetics, agriculture, Life (The) of gen. Zachary Taylor; with nucommerce, and political economy. 3d ed. merous illustrative anecdotes and embellishxx, 536 pp. 120. London, Taylor, Walton ments. [anon.] 214 pp. sq. 160. Philadel& Maberly, 1851. s. phia, Lindsay & Blakiston, 1847. Liefde, or De Liefdle (John). Six months Life (The) ofthe Rev. William Tennent; [with] among the charities of Europe. 2 v. xi, 421 an account of his being three days in a trance. pp; vi, 490 pp. 15 pl. 120. London, A. [anon.] 128 pp. 240. Hartford, S. -Andrus Strahan, 1865. & son, 1845. Life (The) and adventures of Paul Jones. Life (The) of George Washington. [anon]. [anon.] 64 pp. 8~. New Yorkk, W. IT. Gsra- 144 pp. 24~. Boston, Isaiah Thomnas, j9r. ham, 1846. 1815. 230 LIFE. LINNI. Life, speeches, and public services of John anno mirabili confirmantur. 8 p. 1. 176 pp. 61. Bell, [with a sketch of the life of Edward 4~. Hamburgi, J. Wool, 1591. s. Everett. anon.] 118 pp. 160. New York, [With his Chronicon rostochiense, etc. 1596.] Beudd & Carleton, 1866. Linden (Jan Antoonije van der). Manductio Liggins (Rev. John). One thousand familiar ad medicinam. phrases in English and Romanized Japanese. With CONRING (H.) Introductio in universam artem medicam. Ed. 1726.] 2d ed. 59 pp. 80. NTew York, Hurd 4c Hough- Lindley (John). Introduction to the natural ton, 1867. system of botany. First Am. ed. with an apLight (Maj. Henry), andl De WTint (P.) Si- pendix, by John Torrey. xxix, 393 pp. 2 pl. cilian scenery. 661. 62 pl. sin. fol. London, 80. New York, G. 4 C. Carvill, 1831. s. Rodwell M5' Mcartin, 1823. - The vegetable kingdom; or, the strucLightbody (James). The gauger and meas- ture, classification and uses of plants, illusunrer's companion. With a true method for trated upon the natural system. xviii, 911 pp. brewing strong ale. 5 p. 1. 120 pp. 161. 18~. 1 pl. 80. London, Bradbury & Evans, 1846. London, John Everinyharn, 1694. S. Liljeborg (Wilhelm). Bidrag till ktinnedom Lindsay (AlexanderWilliam Crawford, lord). onm den inom Sverige och Norrige f6rekom- Progression by antagonism; a theory involvmande crustaceer af tanaidernas familj. [Ex- ing considerations touching the present positract.] 31 pp. 40. Upsala, K. acad. 1864. s. tion, duties, and destiny of Great Britain. xii, Om den inom Skane f6relkommande crus- 110 pp. 3 tab. 8~. London, J. Murray, taceer af ordningarne cladocera, ostracoda och 1846. copepoda. xv, 222 pp. 27 pl. 8~. Lund, Ber- Lindsay (Rev. John). A voyage to the coast ling, 1853. s. of Africa in 1758, containing an account of Systematisk ofversigt af de gnagande the expedition to, and the taking of the island diiggdjuren, Glires. [Extract.] 59pp. 3tab. of Goree, by a squadron commanded by hon. 40. Uppsala, K. akad. 1866. s. Augustus Keppel. 4 p. 1. 110 pp. I map. Liljegren (Johan C.) Run-arkunder. xii, 307 7 pl. 4~. London, S. Paterson & olhr3, pp. 120. Stockholmu, Norstedt, 1833. s. 1759. Lilly (William). Merlini anglici ephemeris; or, Lindsay (Robert, of Pitscottie). Chronicles of astrological judgments for the year 1671. 48 1. Scotland. Published from several old manu180. London, J. Macock, 1671. s. scripts. [Ed. by J. G. Dalyell]. 2 v. xxxi, Linage Veitia. See Veitia Linage (J. de). 639pp. 80. Edinburgh, Constable, 1814. Lind (John). Anmerkungen fiber die vornelhm- Lines on the departure of a great poet [lord sten acten des dreyzehnten parlements von Byron], from his country. [anon.] 2d ed. Groszbritannien. 334 pp. 8~. Braunschweig, 15 pp. 80. London, J. Booth, 1816. F. Waisenhaus, 1778. [Misc. pamphlets. v. 56]. [With REMIER (Julius August). Amerikanisches Lingard (John, D. D.) Catechetical instrucarchiv. v. 3). tions on the doctrines and worship of the Linda (Lukasz de). Descriptio orbis et omnium atholic church. 2d ed. 2 p. 1. 139 pp. 16 catholic church. 2d ed. 2 p. l. 139 pp. 16~. ejus rerumpublicarum. 3 p. 1. 1448 pp. 7 New York, Casserly sons, 1842..New Yorkc, Casserly & sons, 1842. 18~. Jenae, Matthias Birckner, 1670. Linguet (Simon Nicolas Henri). Memoirs of [NoTE.-Lenglet-Dufresnoy asserts that thils book is merely a translated extract from Les 6tats et em- the Bastile. Translated from the French. pires du monde, of Pierre Davity.] 2 pts. in 1 v. iv, 114, 162 pp. 160. London, Linde (Samuel Bogumil). Slownik jezyka G. Kearsly, 1783. polskiego. Wydanie drugie, poprawne i pom- Linkopings bibliotheks handlingar. 2 v. nozone staraniem i nakladem Zakladu Naro- 10 p. 1. 378 pp; 3 p. 1. 426 pp. 16~. Linkddowego Imienia Ossolinskich. 6 v. 40. Lwvw, ping, G. W. Londicer & Bjdrckegrens, 1793. w drukarni Zakladu Ossolinskich, 1854-60. s. The same. v 1-4. [A-P. only]. 40. Linn (William, D. D.) Discourses on the signs Lw~6s, 1854-58. s. of the times. iv, 200 pp. 83. Neso York, Lindeberg (Peter). Chronicon rostochiense T/homas Greenleaf, 1794. posthumum. 174 pp. 91. 40. Rostochii, S. Linne' (Carl von). Egenhfindiga anteckningar Afyliander, 1596. s. af Carl Linnaeus om sig sielf, med anmlirk-. Commentarii rerum memorabilium in ningar och tillagg. xxviii, 248 pp. 13 1. Europa,-1786-91. Quibus Regiomontani, StoS- 1 tab. 6 pl. 40. Stockholm, A. Afzelius, fieri, Ranzovii, et aliorum praedictiones de 1823. s. LINNI. LISCH. Linne (Carl von). Museum Ludovicme Ulrice cvras emendata. 2 v. in 1. x, 860 pp; 476, reginme Suecorum, in quo animalia rariora, 351 pp. fol. Lipsiae, J. Wendler, 1757. exotica'imprimis insecta et conchilia descri- I Bibliothecee realis ivridicae svpplementa buntur, etc. 4 p.. 111 pp. 8~. Holmice, ac emendationes, cura A. F. Schott, R. C. L. Salvius, 1764. s. de Senkenberg, L. G. Madihn. 3 v. fol. Opera. v. 2. Systema, genera, species Lipsiae et yratislaviae, C. Fritsch, 1785-1820. plantarum uno volumine. Editio critica, ad- - Tractatus de navigatione Salomonis ophstricta, conferta, sive codex botanicus linnaea- irica. 1 p. 1. 28 1. 826 pp. 1 1. 18~. nus. Ed. Herrmannus Eberhardus Richter. Wittebergce, Hartmann, 1682. xxxii, 1102, 202 pp. 40. Lipsiae, 0. JWigand, Lippard (George). Blanche of Brandywine, 1835-40. a romance. 351 pp. 80. Philadelphia, G. B. LNo more published]. Zieber & Co. 1846. ~- Philosophia botanica; in qva explicantvr The midnight queen; or, leaves from fundamenta botanica, curm definitionibus par- New York life. 110 pp. 80. Newv York, tium, exemplis terminorum, observationibus Garrett & Co. [about 1850]. rariorum. 3 p.1. 362 pp. 10 pl. 8~. Stock- The Nazarene; or, the last of the Washholmice, G. Kiesewetter, 1751. s. ingtons. 240 pp. 80. Philadelphia, G. B. [With LINNg. Systema naturma. Lipsir, 1748J. Zieber Co. 1846. Reisen durch Oeland und Gothland, 1741. [Imperfect.] Aus dem Schwedischen. 16 p. 1. 364 pp. Paul Ardenheim, the monk of Wissahick1 map. 2 pl. 80. Halle, J. J. Curt, 1764. s. on. 2 v. 536 pp. 8~. Philadelphia, T. B. Systema naturve; in quo naturte regna Peterson, 1867. tria secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, I Washington and his generals; or, legends systematice proponuntur. Ed. 2a. 2 p. 1. of the revolution; with a biographical sketch 80 pp. 80. Stockholmice, G. Kiesewvetter, of the author, by Rev. C. Chauncey Burr. 1740. s. iv, 538, xxvii pp. 80. Philadelphia, G. B. The same. Cvrante Mich. Gottl. Ag- Zieber & Co. 1847. nethlero. Ed. altera auctior. 88 pp. 80. Lippe(Adolphe). Textbook ofnmateriamedica. BHalce Magdebvrgicce, 1747. s. 714 pp. 80. Philadelphia, A. J. Tafel, The same. Sistens regna tria natu- 1866. rme, in classes et ordines, genera et species Lippincott (Sarah J. Clarke). Records of five redacta, secundum sextam stockholmiensem years. By Grace Greenwood. [pseudon.] vi, ed. 3 p. 1. 224 pp. 15 1. 9 pl. 8~. Lipsiae, 222 pp. 160. Boston, Ticlknor' Fields, G. Kieseiwetter, 1748. s. 1867. The same. Secvndvm classes, ordines, - Stories and sights of France and Italy. genera, species, etc. Praefatvs est J. J. Lan- By Grace Greenwood. [pseudon.] With givs. Ad ed. 10m reformatam holmiensem. illustrations. vi, 291 pp. 6 pl. 160. Boston, 4 p. 1. 1380 pp. 8~. Balae Magdebvrgicae, Tickcnor ~4 Fields, 1867. J. J. Cvrt, 1760. s. Lipscomb (A. A.) Life of Rev. Charles W. The same. Ex editione duodecima Jacobs. 96 pp. 18~. Baltimore, Matchett in epitomen redactum, et praelectionibus & NYeilson, 1839. academicis accommodatum a J. Beckmanno. Lipsius (Richard Adelbert). De Clementis Animalia vegetabilia. 2 v. in 3. 240 pp; 356 Romani epistola ad Corinthios priore disquisipp. 80. Gottiagc, Vandenh6ck, 1772. s. tio. Pars prior. 107 pp. 8~. Lipsiae, F. Linoli (Odoardo). Se l'infiammazione abbia Brocichaus, 1855. s. facoltt di rigenerare o distruggere la fibra Lira (La) argentina; 6 coleccion de las piezas vivente; memorie tre. 152 pp. 8~. Lucca, po6ticas, dadas a luz en Buenos-Ayres durante L. Guidotti, 1844. s. la guerra de su independencia. vii, 515 pp. Linton (Mrs. E. Lynn). Lizzie Lorton of 1 chart. 8~. Buenos-Ayres, 1824. Greyrigg. 3 v. 120. London, Tinsley, 1866. Lisch (GeorgChristianFriedrich). Albrecht ii, Sowing the wind. A novel. 3 v. 12~. herzog von Mecklenburg, und die norddeutLondon, Tinsley, 1867. schen landfrieden; ein versuch bei der jubelWitch stories. 428 pp. 12~. London, feier der vollendeten funfzig-jahrigen regierChapman & Hall, 1861. ung des grossherzogs Friederich Franz von Lipenius or Lipen (Martin). Bibliotheca realis Mecklenburg-Schwerin, am 24 April, 1835. ivridica. PostF. G. Strvvii et G. A. Jenichenii 84 pp. 8~. Schwerin, Jiirschner, 1835. s. LISLE. LIVINGSTON. Lisle (James George Semple). Life; contain- mels. 87 pp. 3 pl. 80. Wien, F. Beck, ing a faithful narrative of his alternate vicis- 1835. s. situdes of splendor and misfortune. Written [With LITTROW. Geschichte der gravitation, etc. 1835]. by himselfi 2d ed. xxii, 382 pp. 1 pl. 80. --- Ueber lkometen. Mit einem anhange Loncon, W. Stezwart, 1800. London, T. Stewart, 1800..fiber den im jahre 1835 erscheinenden halleyList (A) of all places, pensions, sinecures, etc. with salaries and emoluments arising thereaufl. xvi, 223 pp. 2 pl. 8~. Wien, C. Geroll, from; also, a view of the national debt, wit 1835. s. account of the receipt and expenditure of the ~- Vernnischte schriften. Herausgegeben public money. By a commoner. [anon.]. von C. L. v. Littrow. 3 v. 8~. Sttgat xx, 213 pp. 120. London, J. Blacklock, Elo v.mann, 1846. s. 1816. -- Die wunder des himeels, oder gemeinList (A) of general and staff officers, and of fassliche darstellung des weltsystems. 2e officers serving in regiments in North America under Sir William Howe, K. B. [anon.] 56 pp. mann, 1837. 120. Philadelplhia, McDonald c Cameron, 1778. s Livermore (George). Remarks on the publiList of patents granted by the United States, for the encouragement of arts and sciences cation and circulation of the scriptures. 31 pp. 80. Cambridge, [ils.] 1849. from 1790 to 1828. 118n Xxiv) 8 pp. 8 PP- 80. Cambridge, [Ms.] 1849. from 0ton 12. 1fr 18 xli, 8 Liverpool free public library. Catalogue. vi, Washington, S. Alfred Elliot, 1828. f277, vlll pp. 4~. Liverpool, G. M'CorqutoLiterary leisure; or, recreations of Solomon dale $ Co. 1855. s. Saunter, esq. [A weekly publication. Sept. 26, 1799-Dec. 18, 1800.] 2 v. vi, 379 _' Catalogue of the free lending library for the south district. 132 pp. -8~. Liverpp; iv, 357 pp. 120. London, 7. Mie, Braellle, 1857 s. 12ool, T. Brakell, 1857. s. Lives (The) of the most eminent modern painLitterature (La) frangaise contemporaire; reters, who have lived since, or were omitted cueil de morceaux Ides] dcrivains du xixc byMons. De Piles. By J.B. [James Bursibcle. iv, 310 pp. 120. New York, Leypoldt gess. canzon.] 14 p. 1. 140 pp. 80. London, &~ Holt, 1868. T Payne 1754. Little (The) corporal. For boys and girls. [ With PILES (Roger de). Art of painting, etc. 3d July, 1865 to June, 1867. v. 1-4 in 1 sm. ed. 8~. London, 1754]. fol. [Chicago, A. L. Sewell, 1865-67.] Livingston (John). Livingston's law register, [Title-page wanting]. for 1852. With a list of newspapers in the Little Rock and Fort Smith railroad company. U. S. by J. C. G. Kennedy. 291, 1-48 pp. Annual report of the president, made to the 8~. New York, J. Livingston, 1852. governor; including the repor-t of the special [The "list of newspapers" is defective after p. 48.] agent. 96 pp. 80. Little Rock, state of - Portraits of elinent Americans now Arkansas, 1866. s. living, with biographical memoirs. 4 v. 8~. Littleton (Adam). Latine dictionary, in four New York, author; 1853-54. s. parts: i. English-Latine. ii. Latine-classi- CONTENTS. cal. iii. Latine proper. iv. Latine-barba- Alcorn, James L. v. 4. Brown, Aaron V. v. 1. Allen, Stephen M3. v. 3. Brown, Edwin R. v. 4. rous. 4th ed. 4 v. in 1. 40. London, T`F, Amonett, James J. v. 4. Brown, Samuel A. v. 1. Bawlins, etc. 1703. s. Anderson, Samuel. v. P. Brown, William G. v. 3. Anspach, John. v. 3. Bullock, William F. v. 1. Littre (Maximilien Paul Elmile). Diction- Ayer, Richard H. v. 1. Burnet, Jacob. v. 1. naire de la langue fran~aise. v. 1. A-H. Badger, Luther. v. 2. Calhoun, James M. v. 4. Barbee, William. v. 4. Campbell, David. v. 4. 2 p. 1. lix, 2080 pp. 40. Paris, Ilachette, Barnard, William T. v. 4. Campbell, James. v. 3. 1863. Barringer, Daniel A. v. 1. Campbell, John C. v. 1. Bash, Henry M. v. 3. Catchings, Thomas J. v. 4. Littrow (Joseph Johann von). Die doppel- Battle, William H. v. 2. Catron, John. v. 2. Baxter, Eli H. v. 3. Chamberlain, Ebenezer Mt. sterne. 174 pp. 1 pl. 8. Wien, F. Bec Bec ll, oll, ntgomery. v. 4. v. 4. 1835. S Biddle, Horace P. v. 1. Chapman, John B. v. 4. Bierce, Lucius V. 3. Chapman, John G. v. 4. [With LITTROW. Geschichte der gravitation, etc. Bottum, INathan It. v. 4. Christy, William. v. 3. 1835]. Bowles, Joshua B. v. 2. Church, Leonard. v. 1. Bowman, James L. v. 1. Clark, Lincoln. v. 4. Geschichte der entdleckung der allge- Boutelle, Timothy. v. 3. Clarke,.William B. v. 1. meine gravitation durch Newton. 100 pp. Briely, Benjamin. v. 4. Cleland, John lijah. v. 4. BeS Brigham, Josiah. v. 1. Coleveland, Elijah. v. 4. 8~. Wien, 1F. Beck, 1835. s. Brisbane, A. H. v. 3. Coale, James M. v. 3. Brooks, Charles. v. 3. Colt, James B. v. 1.. ——.. Sterngruppen und nebelmassen des him- Brooks, Nathan C. v. 3. Converse, E. A. v. 3. LIVINGSTON. LLOYD. Livingston (John). Portraits, etc.-Continued. Van Antwerp, Verplanck. Wheeler, Alfred. v. 2. v. 3. White, John B. v. 4. Cooper, David. v. 4. Knowles, John A. v. 2 v. White, John B. v. 4. Coopwood, Thomas. v. 2. Kook, Charles. v. 3. Walker, Henry C. v. 4. White, Philo. v. 4. Cothren, William. v. 4. Labauve, Zenon. v. 1. Waler, Thomas A. v. 4, Whittemore, Thomas v 1. Coxe, Richard S. v. 1. Landes, John. v. 2. Walkelis, John C. v. 4. Wiliamsor, Archibald. v. 2. Crawford, Joel. v. 3. L'Amoreaux, James. v. 4. Wal Crey, Frederick. v. 3. Lawrence, William. v. 1. worth, Reuben H. v. Wilson, aniel. v. 2. Croskey, Joseph R. K. v. 4. Layton, William E. v. 4. Warn, Marcus L... Woodrn, Joel W. v. 4. Cullom, E. North. v. 4. Lee, Oliver H. v. 3. Warren, Lott. v. 1. Woodson, David M. 2. Warren, Lott. v. 2. Woodson, David M{. v. 2. Culver, Caleuben. v. 1. Long, Stephen H v. 2. Washington, W. H. v. 3. Woodward, John L. v. 4. Cushing, Caleb. v, 3. Lumpliin, Joseph H. v. 2. Cushman, Henry W. v. 3. McClelland, Robert. v. 3. Cutler, Pliny. v. 1. McClure, William B. v. 1 Livingston (John Henry, D. D.) A dissertaDarby, John F. v. 1. MeDugald, John G. v. 4. Davis, Charles D. v. 4. McHenry, John H. v. 3. tion on the marriage of a man with his Davis, D. A. v. 4. McKay, Donald L. v. 3. Davis, Jefferson. v. 3. McLean, John. v. 2. Day, Joseph. v. 4. Mann, Horace. v. 4. Deare & Smith, 1816. Dean, Gilbert. v. 1. 1. archbanks,AndrewJ.v.2. Dean, Hosea J. v. 4. Marcy, William L. v. 3. Livingston (John R. and Robert J.) Memorial Deford, Benjamin. v. 4. Marsh, Mulford. v. 1. to the legislature of New York respecting Deforest, Richard. v. 4. Marshal, Benjamin. v. 3. Devens, David. v. 1. Mason, William. v. 1. steamboats. 43 pp. 8~. [n. p. 1814?] De Witt, Alexander. v. 1. Meeker, Bradley B. v. 1. Petition to the legislature of New Jersey Dexter, S. Newton. v. 2. Merrick, Pliny. v. i. Petition to t Dickerson,Cornelius S. v. 4. Mills, William H. v. 2. respecting steamboats, with the laws of New Diffenderffer, Henry. v. 4. Miner, Hiram J. v. 2. Dixon, Archibald. v. 2. Mlonkur, J. C. S. v. 3. York and New Jersey [concerning them]. 52 Dobbin, James C. v. 3. Moorla De 4ter. v. pp. pp. 8. ew York, Pelsue & Gould, 1814. Dobbins, Miles G. v. 4. Mi3oreland, John P. v. 3. Dobyns, John Porter. v. 1. Munn, Ira Y. v. 4. Livingston (Robert R.) Essay on sheep: their Dowdell, James F. v. 4. Nash, John W. v. 2. Downes, George. v. 1. Nelson, Thomas, v. 2. varieties; account of the merinoes of Spain, Duffee, Francis H. v. 4. Norton, George W. v. 2. France, etc. 186 pp. 81. New York8 State Dutton, Henry. v. 2. Orr, James L. v. 2.. o S Eaves, Nathaniel R. v. 2. Overton, Archibald. v. 2. 1809. Eddy, Zechariah. v. 3. Owen, C. M. v. 4. Livingston (Gov. William). A letter to John Edmonds, John W. v. 2. Paddock, Loveland. v. 1, Emmons, H. H. v. Parker, William. v. 1. [Ewer], bishop of Landaff, occasioned by his Everhart, William. v. 4. Parkhurst, Nathan C. v. 4. Everitt, Abraham. v. 4. Patterson, Angus. vr. 1. sermon on the 20th of February, 1767, in Farrar, Edwin. v. 4. Peabody, George. v. 3. vhiclh the American colonies are loaded with Finlayson, John. v. 3. Perry, Benjamnin F. v. 2. Fisher, George. v. 3. Perry, Horatio J. v. 4. great and undeserved reproach. 2 p. 1. 25 Fogg, Francis B. v. 2. Peters, Frederick G. v. 3. Fontaine, Edmund. v. 4. Phillips, Willard. v. 1. pp. 120. N Foster, Lafayette S. v. 1. Pickens, Ezekiel. v. 1. Livingstone (David). Travels and researches Fletcher, Elijah. v. 4. Pierce, Franklin. v. 3. fro te person Freelon, Thomas W. v. 4. Pillow, Gideon J. v. 2.fro te personal Fuller, Henry HI. v. 1. Pirtle, Henry. v. 2. narrative. 440 pp. 9 pl. 1-2. Pkiladclipiau Garland, HIugh A. v. 2. Pomeroy, Noah. v. 1. _ George, Robert. v. 4. Pope, John.. 2. J. W. Bradley, [1858]. s. Gilmer, John A. v. iL. I Pratt, O. C. Ae 4. -_ Missionary travels and researches in Goodwyn, Robert H. v. 1. Prentiss, Samuel. v. 2. Gordon, George H. v. 1. Prescott, William B. v. 4. South Africa. xxiv, 732 pp. 44 pl. 3 maps. Gott, James R. v. 3. Printup, Daniel S. v. 2. 80. Nea York, Harpers, 1857. Gould, Jacob. v. 1. Reeder, Robert S. v. 4. Gove, Charles F. v. 4. Rice, Harvey. v. 4. Livius (Titus). Ab urbe condita liber tricesimus Grace, William P. v. 1. Ross, William. v. 3. Graves, Calvin. v. 1. Rost, Pierre A. v. 1. tertius. Ad codicis bambergensis et editionum Gridley, Albert G. v. 1. Rothwell, Andrew. v. 4. a Grier, Robert C. v. 2. Rowland, John S. v. 4. Griswold, Hiram. v. 1. Russell, William J. v. 3. cxxiv, 400 pp. 8~. Misenae, Klinkicht, Guthrie, James. v. 3. Saunders, Isaac. v. 1. 1 Haldeoman, S. S. v. 4. Schaeffer, Emanuel. v. 4. 1839. S. Hall, Samuel. v. 1. Scott, Christopher C. v. 4. - -- The history of Titus Livius, with the Hall, Willard. v. 2. Seal, Roderick. v. 4. Hamilton, Allen. v. 1. Seibels, John J. v. 4. entire supplement of Freinsheim. Translated Hanlyrper, ThJoseph MB. v. 4. Sheillmaton, GeoR. D. v. 3. into English, with notes. 3 v. 8~. London, Harper, Joseph M. v. 1. Silliman, R. D. v. 4. Harrington, Samuel M. v.1. Simmons, James P. v. 3. J. Davis, 1814-15. Harris, James C. v. 4. Simon, Edward. v. 3.e historie. Oversat af J. Harris, Thomas. v. 4. Sisson, David. v. 4. Hayne, Isaac W. v. 1. Smith, John P. v. 4. mLyden. le Ihefte, indeholdende Iste og Hayt, Samuel A. rv. 3. Smith, Joseph. v. 4. Hlitchcock, Peter. v. 3. Smith, Joseph H. v. 3. 2den bog. 3 p. 1. 204 pp. 120. Bergen, Hogg, Joseph L. v. 4. Smith, William i. v. 1. B Gietsen 18. Hood, Charles C. v. 4. Snyder, Jacob R. v. 4.. Howard, WV. G. v. 4. Starr, Parley. v. 4. Llorente (Juan Antonio). Portrait politique Hoyt, Hiram. v. 4. Tallmadge, Darius. v. 1. Hubbs, Paul K. v. 4. Taylor, John. v. 4. des papes, jusqu' en 1822. 2 v. xi 359 pp; Hurnphreys, West H. v. 2. Taylor, William. v. 4. 320 pp. 8~. Paris, Beihet 1822. Hunt, Benjamin F. v. 2. Teall. Oliver. v. 1. January, Andrew M. v. 2. Toland, Hugh H. v. 4. Lloyd (David). Fair warnings to a careless Jones, Lazarus J. v. 4. Towson, Nathan. v. 3. world. [anon.] 240. York, 1666. Keith, Charles P. v. 2. Train, Asa W. v. 3. Knapp, Isaac. v. 4. Turner, Jesse. v, 1. [With PROGNOSTICATION forever. 240. London, 1653 1] 30 234 LLOYD. LOGAN. Lloyd (John). Thesaurus ecclesiasticus: an France, in 1708. [anon.] xxx, 420, 23 pp. improved edition of the Liber valorun, con- 80. London, J. Baker, 1714. taining an account of the valuation of all the Lockhart ( John Gibson ). Ancient Spanish livings in England and WVales. xi, 504 ballads; historical and romantic. Translated, pp. 80. London, T. N. Longman, 1796. with notes. New ed. With illustrations by [Note.-This work maybe considered as an improved Allan, etc. borders and vignettes by Owen form of Ecton's Tlhesaurus]. Jones. 1171. 6 pl. 3 illum. 40. London, J Lloyd (L.) The game birds and wild fowl of Murray, 1841. s. Sweden and Norway; together with an ac- - Peter's letters to his kinsfolk. By Peter count of the seals and salt-water fishes of those Morris. [pseudon.] 2d Am. ed. 520 pp. 80. countries. xx,599pp. 48 col. pl. 80. London, Nevw York7, Harpers, 1820. s. Day & son, 1867. s. Reginald Dalton. [anon.] 2 v. 258 pp; Lloyd (Samuel). The New Jersey annual 296 pp. 120. New York, Harpers, 1823. register for 1846. 143 pp. 240. Trenton, Robert Lockman (John). History of the cruel sufferGosmian, 1845. ings of the protestants, and others, by popish. Lloyd (Sir William). Narrative of a journey persecutions in various countries: with a view from Caunpoor to the Himalaya mountains; of the reformation. xii, 345 pp. 131. 16~. and captain Alexander Gerard's account of an London, J. Clarke, 1760. attempt to penetrate by Bekhur to Garoo and Lockwood (Luke A.) Masonic law and praclake AManas-arowara. xv, 347 pp; 323 pp. 2 tice, with forms. 144 pp. 120. Newv York, maps. 8'. London, J. -Madden c 4 Co. 1846. Masonic pub. & manuf. co. 1867. s. Loder (Justus Christian von). Anfangsgrilnde Lloyd (William, son of the bishop of Forcester). der chirurgie. 304 pp. 8~. Jena, Akad. buchSeries chronologica Olympiadaum, Pythiadum, handluwzng, 1799. s. Isthmiadum, Nemeadum, quibus veteres Gr,'eci ~ Anfangsgriinde der pllysiologischen antempora sua metiebantur. 4 p. 1. xlii pp. thropologie und der staats-arzneylkunde. 3e 31. fol. Oxonine, E tlecatro s7eldoniano, 1700. aufl. xvi, 674 pp. 8. ~ einzar, IncldustrieS. coMl toirs, 1800. S. ~Lobon de Salazar (Francisco). [psee.don.] Lodga (Edmund). The genealogy of the exSee Isla (Jos6 Francisco de). isting British peerage, vith brief skletches of Local loiterings, and visits in the vicinity of the family histories of the nobility. With Boston. By a looker-on. [anon.] 147 pp. engravings of the arms. viii, 410 pp. 88 pl. 120. Boston, Recdding & Co. 1845. 8~0. London, Saunders & Otley, 183'2. Locke (D. R.) Nasby papers. [pseudon. ] With Loeve-Veimars (Franiqois Adolphe). Rsunm6 an introductionl by G. A. Sala. viii, 88 pp. de l'histoire de la litt6rature allemande. viii, 120. London, Ward, Lock y4 Tyler, 1866. 476 pp. 240. Paris, L. Janet, 1826..-' "Swingin round the cirlle." By Pc- Loew (Hermann). See Low. troleumV. Nasby. [pseudon.] His ideas of Lfling (Peter). Reisebeschreibung nach den men, politics, and things, during 1866. Illus- spanischen lindern in Europa und America, t.rated by Nast. 299pp. 8 pl. 12~. Boston, 1751-1756, nebst beobachtungen iiber die'Lee & Shepard, 1867. merkwxirdigen gewitchse; herausgegebenl von L-ocke(E.) andcl Nourse (S.) The schoollmel- Carl von Linn6. Aus dlem Schwedischen odist. 160 pp. obl. 180.- Cincinnati, Moore, iibersetzt durch A. B. K6lpin. 2e aufl. 16 pp. Wilstach, Keys & Co. 1854. s. 8 1. 406 pp, 1 1. 2 pl. ~0. Berlin, G. A. Locke (John). Geological report. Lange, 1776. [ With OWEN (D. D.) Report of a geological explora- Logan (Thomas M.) Report on the medical tion of Iowa, Wisconsin, and Illinois, p. 116.] topography and epidemics of California. CExLocke (Rev. William Henry). The story of tract.] 75 pp. 8~. Philadelphia, Amn. need. the regiment, [11th Pa. vols.] 401 pp. 2 pl. assoc. 1865. s. 120. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co. Logan (Sir William E.) and Hunt (Thomas 1868. Sterry). Sketch of the geology of Canada, Lockhart (George). Memoirs concerning the etc. Translated from the French. 80. Paris, affairs of Scotland,.from queen Anne's acces- 1855. S. sion to the throne, to the union in 1707. [ With TACIPI. Canada at the universal exhibition of WVith an account of the design'd invasion from 1855, pp. 413-454.] 235 LOISELEUR. LONDON. Loiseleur Deslongchamps (Auguste Louis Ar- London. Catalogue of sculpture, paintings, enmand). Essai sur les fables indiennes et sur gravings, and other works of art belonging to leur introduction en Europe. Suivi du Roman the corporation, together with books not indes sept sages de Rome en prose, publi6, avec eluded in the catalogue of the Guildhall une analyse et des extraits du Dolopathos, par library. Part i. 98 pp. 8~. London, corpoLe Roux de Lincy. Pour servir d'introduc- ration, 1867. s. tion aux Fables des 12%, 13e, et 14e sibcles A catalogue of the library of the corpopubli6es par M. Robert. 186, xlv, 298 pp. ration of the city. iv, 376 pp. 80. London, 80. Paris, Teclhener, 1838. conporation, 1840. Lombard (B.) Tableaux synoptiques de l'his- I The same. An alphabetical index to the toire de France, depuis les Gaulois jusqu'en catalogue [etc.] up to the present time. 176 1840; avec les -ynchronismes de l'histoire pp. 58. London, corporation, 1846.. gdndrale. 4e 6d. 85 pp. 2 maps. obl. 40. General catalogue of books published Paris, Daubr&e, 1843. in London since 1700; with sizes and prices. (Imperfect; title wanting.] 152, 10, 14 pp; 80. London, 1779-83. s. Lombardini(Elia). Saggioidrologico sul Nile. [With appendix and supplement to 1783]. 74 pp. 3 maps. 40. Milano, B. istiteuto lonL- London (The) catalogue of books, with their brcdo di scienze e lettere, 1864. s. sizes, prices, and publishers, 1810 to 1831. Lome'nie (Louis L6onard de). Galerie des [anon.] 335 pp. 80. London, B. Bent, 1831. contemlnorains illustres; par un homine de London (The) catalogue of books published in rien. [pseudon.] 4e 6d. 10v. 18g. Paris, A. Great Britain, with their sizes, prices, and Bend & Cie. [1844-47]. S. publishers' names, 1814-1846. viii, 542 pp. CONTENTS. 80. London, T. Hodgson, 1849. s. Abd el-Kader, v. 8. Larrey, v. 5. - The same. Supplement, 1846-1849. 12g2, Ampire, v. 10. Manzoni, v. 6. Aragor, v. 4. Marmont,. 5. 56 pp. 80. Londorn, T. Hodgson, 1846-49. S. RAube, v. 4. M~arotiga, v. 9. Auber, v. 4. Martignac, v. 9. -— The same. Classified index, 1814-46. Ballanohe, v. 3. Mauguin, v. 3. Balzac, v. 3.. Maurocordatos, v. 5. vii, 283 pp. 80. London, T. Hlodgson, 1848. s. Branger, v. 1. Metternich, v. 2. The same. Classified index, 1816-51. 1Barante, v. 9. Meyerbeer, v. 3. Berryer, v. 1. Mickiewioz, v. 3. xiv, 285 pp. 8~. Loon, T. ocdson, 1853. s. Bertrand, v. 7. 31ohamnmed-Aly, V. 2. Berz6lius, v. 7. Mole v. 2 London as it is to-day; where to go and what Bosio, v. 6. ~~MoIce, v. 2. t Bosio, v. 6. Mioucey, v. 4. to see during the great exhibition. [anon.] Broglie, deo, v. 2. Montalembert, v. 10. Brougham, v. 5. Moore, Thos. v. 7. ii, 437, vi pp. 120. London, H. G. Clarke & Bugeand, v. 9. Nessclrode, v. 8. Co. 1851. S. Carrcl, v. 8. Nodlier, C. v. 7. Charles, l'archiduc, v. 4. O'Connell, v. 3. [Imperfect.] Chatea-ubriand, v. 1. Ondinot, v. 7. London athenmcum; rules and regulations; list Cherubini, v. 9. Palmerston, v. 3. Cobden, v. 10. Pasquier, v. 63. of members, 1850, and donations to the libraColettis, v. 7. Peel, v. 4. Constant, v. 8. Pellico, v. 4. ry, 1849; with addenda for 1851. 18~. LonCooper, v. 8. Phrier, v. 6. don 1851. s. Cormenin, v. 2. IReschid-Pacha, v. 7. Cousin, v. 5. Iosa, M. de La, v. 4. London board of trade. Catalogue of the Cuvler, v. 9. Rossini, v. 3. Czarvier, v. 9 2. Rlyeossini, v. 3. library. 2 p. 1. 648 pp. 80. London, board of Czartorisky, v. 12. Royer-Collard, v. 4. David (d' Angers), v. 8. Russell, Ld. John, v. 4. trade, 1866. s. Decazes, v. 8. Saint Simon, v. 10. n Dublin Delacroix, v. 6. Sainte-Benve, v. 9. ondon, Edinburgh, and Dublin philosophical Delaroche, v. 7. Salvandy, v. 10. magazine and journal of science. 4th series. DelavignO, v. 4. Sand, George, v. 2. I)umnas, (A.)~. 5. Schelling, v. 10. vols. 32-33. July, 186, to June, 1867 80. Duperro, v. 4. Schlegel, A. W. v. 9. Londoe, 1866-67. Dupin sine, v. i. Scott, Walter, v. 9. Dupuytreun,. 8. Scribe, v. 3. London (The little) directory of 1677. The Espartero, v. 3. Sebastiani, v. 8. sFourier, v. 10. Sebastiani, v. 7. oldest printed list of the merchants and bankGonrier,. 10. Sisonndi, v. 7. GaLrnierusPag, 0. 2. Soult, Vi. ers of London. Reprinted from the exceedGay-Lussac, v. 6. Spontini, v. 10. G(rard, v. 6. Talleyrand, v. 7. ingly rare original. [anon.] xxii pp. 64 1. G'oethe, V. 10. Thiers, v. 1. n Guizoethet, v. 5. ier, v.. 240. London, J. C. Hotten, 1863. Guizot, v. a. Thierry, v. 3. Hugo, (Victor), v. i. Thorwaldsen, v. 9. London (Tl'e) encyclopedia; or, universal Humboldt, v. 5. Tieck, v. 8. Ibrahim-Pacha, v. 1. Toreno, v. 6. dictionary of science, art, literature, and pracIng-res, v. 2. IUhland, V. 9. tical mechanics, [etc.] By the original editor Jackson (Andrew), v. 9. Vernet, v. 4. Lacordaire, v. 5 Vigny, A. de, v. 2. of the Encyclopaedia metropolitana, [Thomas Lafayette, v. 5. Vitlill, v. 6. Lafayette, v. 1. Villlem, v. 4. Curtis]. 22 v. (A-Z.) 80. London, T. Tegg, Lafifitte, v. 1. Villemain, v. 4. Lamartine, v. 1. Wellington, v. 2. etc. 1829.. S. Lamennais, v. 1. 236 LONDON. LORtD. London (The) gazette, Jan. 1859 to Sept. 1867. merveilleux dans le discours. Traduit du 27 v. sm. fol. London, Harrison f sons, Grec. [Avec des remarques sur' Longin]. [1859-67]. 8p.1. 190pp. 61.1pl. 180. [Paris, D.ThiLondon library. Catalogue. By Robert Har- erry, 1683]. rison. 3d ed. xxxii, 930 pp. 8~. London, [With BLAINVILLE (de). Oeuvres diverses du sieur, 1865. S D,* * *. 18~. Paris, 1683.] lZibrary, 1865. s.' L Long Island historical society. Memoirs. v. 1. London (Royal college of surgeons). Synopsis Journal of a voyage to New York, in 1679-80. of arrangement followed in the classed cata- viii, lvii, 440 pp. 2 pl. 8. Brooyn,(N. Y. viii, xlvii, 440 pp. 12 pl. 8~. Brooklyn,(N. Y.) logue of books, [etc.] 4p. 1. 36pp. 8~. Lon- L.I. hist.soc.187. don, 1838. s. [oWith CATALOGUE8.. 2. 1840.] Longking (Joseph). Notes on tlhe epistle to ~to[With the Hebrew. ee Bible. 2. 1840.]ish. London (Royal society of). Philosophical to the s. See Bible, En transactions for 1866. v. 156. 925 pp. 43pl. Longperier(Henri Adrien Prevost de). De 40. london, Taylor & Francis, 1856. scription des mrddailles du cabinet de M. de London,4 ~sancis,.. Magnoncour. 21. 139 pp. 2pl. 80. Paris, London and provincial medical directory, in- Magnoncour. clusive of the medical directory for Scotland, Didot, 1860. s. and the medical directory for Ireland, and Longstreet (Augustus B.) Georgia scenes, general medical register, 1867. 968 pp. 8a. characters, incidents, etc. in the first half cenLondon, J. Chaxrchill, 1867. tury of the republic. [anon.] 235 pp. 120. Long (George). Classical geography. See Augusta, S. R. Sentinel office, 1835. Hughes (William), cand Long (George). Lonicer (Philipp). Chronicorvmn tvrcorvm The conduct of life; a series of essays. tomi duo. 8 p.. 208 pp. 71. 160. Francofrt xi, 239 pp. 12~. London, J. Muzrray, 1845. Feyeralenct, 1584. - and Porter (Georde R.) Geography of Lonsdale (Edward Francis, M. D.) ObserGreat Britain. Part i, England and Wales. vations on the treatment of lateral curvature iv, 540 pp. 80. London, R. Baldlcin, 1850. of the spine. xvi, 116 pp. 80. London, J. Longfellow (Henry Wadsworth). Poetical Churchill, 1847. worOks. Complete edition. iii, 363pp. 180. ELoomis (Elias). Elements of plane and spherBoston, Ticknor m' eitelds, 1867. ical trigonometry, etc. vi, 148 pp. 80. NTew Outre-mer; a pilgrimage beyond the York, Hcapers, 1848. s. sea. 2 nos. in 1 v. [anon.] 208 pp. 8~0. Boston, The same. 14th ed. 193 pp. 80. NIew Hilliard, Gray & Co. 1833-34. York, carpers, 1858. s..Evangdline. [Traduite en vers fran- The recent progress of astronomy; espe9ais, par L. P. Lemzay].. cially in the United States. 257 pp. 120. New [ With LEIAY (L. P.) Essais poktiques]. York, Harpers, 1850. s. Longhena (Francesco). Notizie biografiche di Tables of logarithms of numbers, and of Giuseppe Longhi. lines and tangents for every ten seconds of [ With LONGHI (G.) La calcografia, 1830]. the quadrant, etc. xvi, 150 pp. 8~0. New Longhi (Giuseppe). La calcografia propria- York, Hasrpers, 1848. s. mente detta; ossia l'arte d'incidere in ramo coll'. Treatise on arithmetic. viii, 359 pp. 12~. acqua forte, col bulina, e colla punta; ragiona- New York, Harper s, 1856. s. menti. v. 1. concernante la teorica dell' arte. Loomis (Justin R.) Elements of the anatomy xxxii, 437 pp. 1 pl. 80. Milano, Stamperia xxxii, 437pp. 1pl. 8~. 7Wtano, Stnamp~eri~a and physiology of the human system. 211 pp. yrele, 1830. s. 4 col. pl. 12~. New York, Lainport, Blake The same. Die kupferstecherei; oder, man & Law, 1853. s. die kunst in kupfer zu stechen und zu /izen. Loomis (Rev. William Isaacs). Discovexy of 2 v. 4 p. 1. 368 pp; vi, 194 pp. 2 pl. 16~. Hild- the origin of gravitation, and the majestic burghausen u. M1Heiningen, Kesslring, 1837. s. motive force which generated the diurnal and CONTENTS. yearly revolutions of the heavenly bodies. 82 pp. 80. Martindale Depot, (N. Y.) T. v. 1. Theoretischer theil, aus dem italianischen ilber: setzt, von C. Barth. Holman, 1866. v. 2. Practischer theil, Yon C. Barth. Lord (David N.) Louis Napoleon. Is he to Longinus or Dionysius Longinus. Treatise of be the imperial chief of the ten kingdoms and loftiness or elegancy of speech. Translated the anti-christ? 551 pp. 120. NVew York, out of French, by J. Pulteney. 10 p. 1l. 167 F. Knight, 1866. pp. 18~. London, J. Holford, 1680. Visions of paradise: an epic. v. 1. 415 The same. Trait6 du sublime; ou, du pp. 12~. New York, author, 1867. LORD. LOW. Lord (John). Modern history, from Luther to committed by the Indians in their wars with the fall of Napoleon. xv, 544 pp. 120. Phila- the white people. [With] an account of their deliphia, Thomas, CowperthAwait & Co. 1849. s. manners, customs, traditions, etc. 2 v. xii, Lord (W. B.) Sea fish, and how to catchthem. 355 pp; 569 pp. 160. Carlisle, (Pa.) [print2d ed. viii, 118 pp. 180. London, Bradbury ed at Whitehall, N. Y.] A. Loudon, 1808-11. & Ezcvans, [1863]. - Wonderful magazine, and extraordinary Lorek (Dr. C. G.) Flora prussica. Abbild- museum. 504 pp. 80. Carlisle, (Pa.) A. Louungell sdimnmtlicher bis jetzt aufgefundener don, 1808. pflanzen Preussens. 4 p. 1. 210 pl. col. 80. Loudon (Mris. 3Margracia). Philanthropic econHKnigsberg, Unzer, 1826. omy; or, the philosophy of happiness, pracZur flora prussica. [Explanation of tically applied to the social, political and complates of Flora prussica.] 51 pp. 80. Kd'nigs- mercial relations of Great Britain. viii, 312 berg, Schultz, 1830. s. pp. 80. London, E. Churton, 1835. [With the preceding.] Loughridge (Rev. R. MI. and Winslett (DaLorenz (Eduard Georg Heinrich). De chorea vid). Nakcokv esyvhiketv. Muskokee [or St.Viti. 30 pp. 8~. Rostochii, auctor, 1842. s. Creek] hymns [in the original.] 3d ed. 216 Loring (Thomas, of Raleigh, N. C.) See Wil- pp. 240. N2ew York, Presb. mission house, 1859. mington (N. C.) Proceedings, etc. Louis (Bonaparte,) king of Holland. DocuLosa. See Loza. Ilents historiques et reflexions sur le gouvLosche (Gustav Eduard). Ueber periodische ernement delaHollande. [1806-10.] 3v. 8~. veritnderungen des windes an der erdober- Londres, Lackington, 1820. f-iche, nach beobachtungen zu Dresden, 1853- Louisiana. Debates in the convention for the 58. xix, 136, 205 pp. 1 pl. 8~. Dresden, revision of the constitution, 1864. 643pp. 80. Mieinhold, 1865. S. New Orleans, W. R. Fish, 1864. Los Rios (Jos6 Amador de). HIistoria critica Documents of the second legislature. de la literatura espafiola. v. 1-7. [Siglo 1st and 2d sessions. 2 v. 8~. NYew Orleans, i-xvi. ] 80. Madrid, J. Rocldriguez 1861-65. J. O. Nixon, 1856-67. Los Santos (Dorningo de). Vocabulario de la Louisville. Directory for 1838-9. By G. lengua Tagala. 2 pts. in 1 v. 4 pl. 738 pp; Collins. 6 p. 1. 180 pp. 160. Louisville, J. 118 pp. fol. [Manila? ] Tomas Oliva, 1835. s. B. Marshall, 1838. Lossing (Benson J.) The Hudson, from the Louvel (- ). The savages of Europe. See wilderness to the sea. Illustrated. sill. 40. Lesuire (R. M.) and Louvel. New York, Virtue c4 Yorston, 1866. Louvet (L.) Curiosit6s de l'conomie politique. Life and times of Philip Schuyler. v. 1. 4 p. 1. 440 pp. 160. Paris, A. Delachays, 1861. 504 pp. 2 pl. 8~. New York, Mason bros. 1860. Love (William De Loss). Wisconsin in the [No more published.] war of the rebellion; a history of all regiLife of Washington; a biography, per- ments and batteries sent to the field, and deeds sonal, military, and political. 3 v. 80. New of her citizens. 1140 pp. 27 pl. 8~. Chicago, York, Virtue & Co. 1860. s. Church & Goodman, 1866. Martha Washington. 24 pp. portrait. Loveday (Robert). Letters, domestick and 80. New York, J. C. Buttre, 1861. foreign. 7th ed. 7 p. 1. 272 pp. 160. London, Vassar college and its founder. 175 pp. O. Blayrave, 1684. portrait. 80. New York, C. A. lvordcl, 1867. Lovemore (Sir Charles, pseudon.).See ManLotharius dyaconus, or Lottario dei Conti, af- ley de La Riviere (Mrs.) terwzard pope Innocent iii.) Liber de miseria Lovzinski or Lowzinsky(baron de). History conditionis h5ane. 28 1. 40. Nurmberg, of, with remarkable occurrences in the life of TF. Creusner, 1477. s. count [Casimir] Pulaski. 108 pp. 240. N-Tew Lottin de Laval (Victor). Gallanteries du York, Robert Moore, 1807. mar6chal de Bassompierre. 4 v. in2. portrait. L.w (Hermann). Die europtischen bohr80. Pasis, Hortel &e Ozanne, 1839. fliegen (trypetidae). 2 p. 1. 128 pp. 26 phot. pl. Lotus of the good law. Lotus de la bonne loi, 8~. Wien, K. hof und staatsdruckerei, 1862. s. traduit du Sanscrit, par E. Burnouf, accom- ~ Monographs of the diptera of North pagn6 de m6moires relatif au buddhisme. See America. Edited by R. Osten-Sacken. 2 pts. Saddharma pundarika. xxiv, 221 pp. 2 pl; xii, 360 pp. pl. 3 to 7. 80. Loudon (Archibald). A selection of some of Washington, 1864-67. the most interesting narratives of outrages [Smithsonian Miscel. Coll. v. 6.] 238 LOW. LUCIA. L6w (Johann Franz). Tractatvs novissimivs Lowth (George T.) The wanderer in western de variolis, et morbillis, etc. Cui accessit France. viii, 360 pp. 1 map. 1 pl. 8~. Lonapodix medica de morbis infantum. 6 p. 1. don, Hierst & Blackett, 1863. 479 pp. 7 1. 40. Yorimbergce, J. Zieger, Lowville academy. Semi-centennial anniverG. Lehmeann, 1699. s. sary, 1858. 133 pp. 4 pl. 8~. Lowville, [N. Y. ] Low, (Sampson), son & Co. American catalogue home committee, 1859. of books; or, English guide to American lit- Loyalist (The) poetry of the revolution. [Edierature, since 1800. 8~. London, 1856. s. ted by Winthrop Sargent]. xi, 213 pp. 2 1. Lowe (Edward Joseph). Natural history of sm. 40. Philadelphia, Collins, 1857. new and rare ferns. viii, 192 pp. 72 col. pl. I Loza or Losa (Francisco). Vida del siervo de 80. London, Groombridge, 1862. s. Dios, Gregorio Lopez. A qve se ailaden los A treatise oin atmospheric phcenomena. escritos del apocalypsi, y tesoro de medecina. 375 pp. 120. London, Lonymans, 1846. 4a ed.12 p. ]. 441 pp. 1 pl. sm. 40. Madrid, Lowe (Martha Perry). Love in Spain, and Juan de Arzti6a, 1727. other poems. iv, 232 pp. 12.. Boston, Win. Lozier (Rev. John Hogarth). Debate on uniV. Spencer, 1867. versalism between Rev. J. H. Lozier and Lowell (James Russell). A fable for critics. Rev. B. F. Foster, July, 1867. 87 pp. 8~. [anon.] 78 pp. 12~. Nrew York, G. P. Indianapolis, Downey 4 Brouse, 1867. Putnam, 1848. Liibsen (Heinrich Burchard). Ausftihrliches Lowell (Mass.) City documents. 12 v. in 1. lehrbuch der arithmetik und algebra. Mit 8~. Lowell, Knapp & Morey, 1866. s. einem vorwort von H. C. Schumacher. xii, City school library catalogue. 3 p. 1. 319 pp. 120. Oldenburg, W. Berndt, 1835. 214 pp. 8~. Lowell, S. N. Merrill, 1868. s. s. Ldwenorn (Paul de). Beretning om en reise, Luca (Paolo Anania de). Esame e proposta foretageti aarene 1782 og 1783, med fregatten di cii che manca per la compilazione di un Proven, for at undersoge de i Dannemark trattato di acustica, compiuto ed applicabil]e forfcerdigee s6e-lengde uhrer. Udgivet af det alle arti. 144 pp. 80. Napoli, Fiblrcno; kongelige danske videIlskabers selskab. 4~. 1841. s. Ki6benhavn, 1785. Lucas (Charles Jean Marie). De la rdforme L6wenstern (Isidor). Le Mexique. Sou- des prisons; ou, de la thdorie de l'emprisonnevenirs d'un voyageur. viii, 467 pp. 80~. Paris, ment. 3 v. ciii. 390 pp; 463 pp; 631 pp. 8~. A. Bertrand, 1843. Paris, Legfrand & Descauriet, 1838. s. Lower Canada (The) watchman. 491 pp. 180. Lucas (Eduard). Kurze anleitung zur obst-Kingston, (7U. C.) Jcames Macfarlane, 1829. kultur. vii, 94 pp. 4 pl. 8~. Ravensburg, Dorn, Lbwig (Carl). Chemie der organischen ver- 1866. a. bindungen. 2e aufl. 2 v. xxxvii, 1023 pp; Lucas (Eliza). Journal and letters of Eliza xxxiv, 1754 pp. 80. Braunschweig, FViewe g, Lucas. [Ed. by Mrs. H. P. Holbrook]. 30 pp. 1846.. 40~. Privately printec, TFormsloe, (N. C.) Grundriss der organischen chemie. 1850. xxxiv, 474 pp. 80. Braunschweig, Vieweg, Lucas (Fielding, jr.) Specimens of printing 1852. s. types and ornaments cast at the Baltimore Low-life: or, one half of the world knows not type and stereotype foundry. 241 pp. 80. how the other half live. In a true descrip- Baltimore, F. Lucas, jr. 1851. s. tion of a Sunday as it is usually spent within Lucas (Hippolyte). Catalogues des coldoptares. the bills of mortality. [anon.] 2d ed. viii, See Edwards (H. Milne), Blanchard (E.) 103 pp. 8G. London, the author, [about 1740]. and Lucas (H.) I With HISTORY (The) of Theodore I, king of Corsica, Lucas (Jean Andr6 Henri). De la mindralogie. London, 1743]. Lowrie (John C.) Twoo years in upper India. [Extract]. 86 pp. 8~. Paris, nouv. dict. d'hist. Lowrie (John C.) Two years in upper India. 276 pp. 1 map. 120. New York, Carters, nat. 1818.. 276 pp1850. 1map. 120.NewYorkCarters' Lucas (Margaret). Account of the convince1850. s. Lowrie (Rev. Walter M.) The land of Sinim; ment and call to the ministry of M. L. 111 pp. 16~. Stanford, (N.Y.) -. & J. E7. Bull, or,an exposition of Isaiah xix, 12, together 1. t d (N. & J F B 1803. with a brief account of the Jews and christians. [pseudon.] in China. 2d ed. 147 pp. 180. Philadelphia, Lucia Dar. A novel. y Filia. [psedo.] TIT S. _a~rtienrAt, 1850. Q. 138pp. 8~. New York, Ml. Doolady, 1867. LUCIANUS. LYDGATE. Lucianus. Dialogus quomodo solus nudus per the Persian language; comprising a portion Acherontatransuehipotest; una ci contentione of the elements of Arabic inflexion, etc. 2 v. trium summorum ducum de artis imperatorive xxxiii, 458 pp; 582 pp. fol. Calcutta, T. presidencia apud inferos sub Minone judice. cWatley, 1810. s. [Per J. Aurispam in Latinum versus]. 5 1. Lund (Theodore). The children of the frontier. [unp.] sm. 40. Liptzik, Jacobus Thanner, (Edited by Mrs. L. B. Gow). 160. Newv York, 1500. 1867. Lucretius Carus (Titus). De rerum natura Lundie (Mrs. J. C.) America as I found it. libri sex. Accesserunt varice lectiones. 2 p. 1. [anon.] xii, 380 pp. 160. London, James 370pp. 7 pl. 40. Londini, J. Tonson, 1712. YNisbet 4' Co. 1852. The same. Interpretatione et notis illus- Lunn (John Robert). Of motion. xii, 132 pp. travit Thomas Creech. Ed. alt. 16, 367 pp. 8~. Cambridge, (Eng.) Deighton, Bell & Co. 511. 80. Londini, M1. Maictthews, 1717. s. 1859. S. The same. Of the nature of things; in Lunt (George). Three eras of New England, six books. Translated bv T. Creech. 80. and other addresses, with papers critical and Edinburgh, [1792-94]. biographical. 264 pp. 120. Boston, Tic7knor rAnderson's Brit. poets, v. 5.] 4' Fields, 1857. The same. Translated with comrnenta- Lussana (Filippo). Monografia delle vertigini, ries, by T. Busby. 2 v. clxxxiii, 242 pp; e ricerche di fisiologia nevrologica. [Extract]. cxxvii, 312 pp. I pl. 40. London, J. Rod- 471pp. 4 pl. 80. Milano, soc. delle scienze, etc.'well, etc. 1813. 1858. s. Lucubrations of Humphrey Ravelin, esq. - Monografia delle nevralgie bracchiali. [psezudon.] 414 pp. 80. London, Whittaker, Con appendice intorno alla angina pectoris. 1823. viii, 316 pp. 80. Milano, G. Chiusi, 1859. Liidecking (Heinrich). Englisches lesebuch; s. erster theil. Mit einem wSirterbuche. viii. l Sulla pellagra studj pratici. [Extract].'238 pp. 80. Wiesbaden, Kreidel & Neidner, 356 pp. 1 pl. 80. Milano, Ann. univ. cli med. 1858. 1859. s. Ludlow (Edmund). Memoirs. WTith a col- Luthardt (Christian Ernst). De compositione lection of original papers. 3 v. 1~20. Vevay, evangelii Joannei. xiii, 92 pp. 8~. Erlangae, 1698-99. Kunstmann, 1852. s. Ludlow (Fitz-Hugh). Little brother; and Liitke (Friedrich). Voyage autour du mondcle, other genre-pictures. 293 pp. 120. Boston, par ordre de lemp6reur Nicolas I, 1826-29. Lee & Shepard, 1867. 3 v. 7 maps. 80. atlas, fol. Paris, Didot, Ludlow (John Malcolm), and Jones (Lloyd). 1835. Progress of the working class, 1832-67. xv, Luxborough (lady). See Knight (H..) 304 pp. 160. London, Strahan, 1867. Luynes (Honor6 Th6odoric Paul Joseph d'AlLudvigh (Samuel). Der roman meines lebens bert, due de). M6moire sur le sarcophage et in Europa. 239 pp. 80. Baltimore, verfasser, l'inscription fun6raire d'Esmunazar roi de 1858. s. Sidon. 40. Paris, H. Plon, 1856. s. Luigi Gonzaga, (St.) See Aloysius Gonzaga, Luzan (Ignacio de). La poetica, 6 reglas de la (St.). poesia en general. 2 v. 160. Madrid, Lujan (Francisco de). Memoria de la comision 1789. encargada de formar el mapa geol6gico de la Lyall (Robert). Travels in Russia, the Krimea, provincia de Madrid y el general del reino. the Caucasus, and Georgia. 2 v. xxii, 527 88 pp. 2tab. 3 maps. 40. Madrid, Ministro pp; xv, 534 pp. 8C0. London, T. Cadell, de fomento, 1853. s. 1825. Luke Darrell, the Chicago newsboy. [anon..] Lycett (John). Supplementary monograph on 377 pp. 16~. Chicago, Tomlinson brothers, the mollusca from the Stonesfield slate, great 1866. 0olite, forest marble, and cornbrash. 40. Lully or Lulli (Raymond). Philosophical and London, Palaeontographical society, 1863. s. chymical experiments. [Translated] by R. See also Morris (J.) and Lycett. Turner. 160. London, J. Cottrel, 1657. Lydgate (John). The dance of Macaber, with [WVith PARACELSUS, of chymical transmutation. pp. preface by F. Douce. s. 97-166. 1657.] [With HoOLBEIN (H.) Dance of death. 16~. London, Lumsden (Matthew, LL. D.) A grammar of 1790]..... 240 LYELL. M'CLINTOCK. Lyell (Sir Charles). The geological evidences aliis tractatulis. 88 1. unp. 240. Colonie, of the antiquity of man, with remarks on theo- Hermanus Bomnart de Ketwych, 1495. ries of the origin of species by variation. x, Lyrics on love. With translations and imita518 pp. 2 pl. 80. Philadelphia, G. W. Childs, tions from the French and Italian languages. 1863. s. By J. J. M. [anon.] 14 p. 1. 109 pp. 180~. A manual of elementary geology. Re- London, J. F. Hughes, 1807. printed from 4th ed. xxxii, 512 pp. 1 pl. 80. Mabel Ross, the sewing girl. By the author New York, D. Appleton ~ Co. 1853. s. of "Luke Darrell, the Chicago newsboy." Principles of geology. 8th ed. xvi, 811 [anon. ] 432 pp. 5pl. 16~. Chicago, Tomlinson pp. 12 pl. 1 map. 8~0. London, J. Murray, Bros. 1866. 1850. s. Maberly (Joseph). The print collector: an Travels in Noith America in 1841-42; introduction to the knowledge necesssary for -with geological observations on the United forming a collection of ancient prints, [etc.] States, Canada, and Nova Scotia. 2 v. in 1. [anon.] viii, 211 pp. 4~. London, Saunders vii, 251 pp; vi, 197 pp. 120. New York, & Otley, 1844. s. Wiley & Halsted, 1856. s. Mabillon(Jean). Itergermanicum. Praemissa Lyman (Payson Williston). History of East- est proefatio J. A. Fabricii. 11 p. 1. 103 pp. hampton, [Mass.] its settlement and growth; 16~. Hamburgi, C. Liebezeit, 1717. s. its material, educational, and religious inter- McAlpine (John). Genuine narratives and ests; [also], a genealogical record of its concise memoirs, from his emigration to original families. 192, 2 pp. 12~. NTorth- America in 1773, to 1779, under command of ampton, (Mass.)' Trumbull 4 Gere, 1866. generals Carleton and Burgoyne. vi, 72 pp. Lynch (John, titular bishop of Tuam). Cam- 180. [n. p.] 1788. brensis eversus; seu potius historica fides in MI acaulay (Thomas Babington, baron). Hisrebus hibernicis Giraldo Cambrensi abrogata; tory of England from the accession of James ostendit Gratianus Lucius, hibernus. Edited, II. v. 1-4. 8~0. New York and Philadelwith translation and notes, by Rev. M. Kelly. phia, Harpers, and E. H. Butler & Co. 3 v. 12~. Dublin, 1848-51. 1849-56. s. [Celtic soc. publ. No. 2]. The same. 5th ed. v. 1-2. 8~0. London, Lynch (William F.) Narrative of the United Longmans, 1849. States expedition to the river Jordan and the McCabe (James D. jr.) Life and campaigns Dead sea. 6th ed. xx, 509 pp. 2 maps. 8~. of general Robert E. Lee. With maps. 717 Philadelphia, Lea & Blanchard, 1849. pp. portrait. 6 maps. 8~. ~elw York, Blelock The same. 332 pp. 120~. Philadelphia, e Co. 1867. Lea & Blanchard, 1850. s. Maccalla (Rev. W. L.) Debate on christian Lynn (The) directory, for 1867. Also, a di- baptism. See Campbell (Alexander). rectory of Swampscott. By Sampson, Daven- McClellanl (George, M. D.) Principles and port & Co.. 306 p map.. Lynn, (Mass.) practice of surgery. Edited by his son, John J. 7MV. 7Matnroe, [1867]. H. B. McClellan. 432 pp. 80. Philadelphia, Lynn library association. Catalogue of the Grigy, Elliot 4 Co. 1848. s. library. xii, 84 pp. 160. Lynn, (Mass.) McClelland (Alexander, D. D.) Sermons. W. W. Hellogg, 1856. s. Edited by R. W. Dickinson, D. D. xvi, 424 Lyon (George Francis). The sketch-book, pp. 120. New York, B. Carter 4' Bros. during eight months' residence in Mexico. 1867. No. 1. [No more published]. 3 p. l. 10 McClenachan (Charles T.) The book of the pl. fol. London, J. Dickinson, 1827. ancient and accepted Scottish rite of freeLyon (Sydney S.) Topographical geological masonry; containing instructions in all the reports, and palaeontological report. degrees. 624 pp. 2 pl. 120. New York, [With OWENS (D. D.) Reports of the geological M] sonicpub. and manuf. Co. 1867. survey of Kentucky. v. 1, 2, 3, 4]. Lyra or Lire (Nicolas de). Dicta de sacrameto M'Cleod [Malcolm, D. D. pseudon?] History [eukaristie]. 12 1. unp. sm. 40~. Colonie, of witches. 98 pp. 240. INew Haven, SidArnold Therhoern, [about 1480]. ney's press, 1811. [With AQUINO (Saint Tommaso 4'). De corpore [Imperfect; wanting pp. 98-107.] Christi. Colonixe, n.d.] M'Clintock (John D. D.) A second book in Preceptoriu; siue expositio tripharia Greek, etc. forming a sufficient Greek reader. breuis et utilis in decalogai legis diuine, cum 12~. New York, HLarers, 1850. s. 241 M'CLINTOCK. McGILL. M'Clintock (John D. D.) Second book in tables to be used by the revenue officers of Latin; containing syntax, and reading les- the U. S. with glass hydrometers indicating sons in prose. xl, 296 pp. 120. NTew York, the per cents by volume of alcohol in spirituHarpers, 1853. ous liquors. 212 pp. 16~. [n. p.] Treasury and Strong (James, S. T. D.) Cyclo- dept. U. S. 1849. s. predia of biblical, theological, and ecclesiasti- - The proceedings of the late director of cal literature. v. 1. A-B. vi, 947 pp. 8~. the mint, in relation to the official misconduct.New York, Harspers, 1867. of Franklin Peale, esq. chief coiner, and other M'Clung (John A.) Sketches of western ad- abuses in the mint. 79 pp. 8~. Princeton, venture; containing an account of the most (N. J.) author, 1853. s. interesting incidents connected with the set- Report of scientific investigations relatlement of the west, from 1755 to 1794; wyith tive to the chemical nature of saccharine subappendix. 360 pp. 160. Philadelphia, GriXg stances, and the art of manufacturing sugar. & Elliot, [printed at Maysville, Ky.] 1832. [Senate doc.] 212 pp. 7 p]. 8~. WashingThe same. 315 pp. 160. Cincinnati, ton, Government print. 1847. JU. P. Jamnes, 1839. Report of the computation of tables, to MS'Clure (Sir RobertJohn Le Mesurier). Des- be used with the hydrometer recently adopted patches from the discovery ship " Investiga- for Uise in the U. S. custom-houses. 168 pp. tor," off Point Warren and Cape Bathurst. 6 pl. 8~. IWashington, Gov. print. 1851. 45 pp. 1 map. 80. London, J. Betts, 1853. McCurdy (D.) The new American order of MacConmidhe or MacNamee(Gilla Brighde). arithmetic. 260pp. 160. Baltimore, ArmPoem on the battle of Dun. Edited by J. strong c Berry, 1850. O'Donovan. [Irish and Eng.] pp 145-183. M'Dermot (M.) A new and impartial history 80. Dublin, 1849. of Ireland, from the earliest accounts to the [Celtic soc. publ. no. 3.] present time. 4 v. 80. London, J. M' Gowan, McCorkle(JohnM. S.) Amanual of masonic 1820-23. jurisprudence; with decisions on masonic Macdiarmid (John). An inquiry into the law, and forms. 178 pp. 160. Louisville, system of national defence in Great Britain. author, 1867. 2 v. x, 448 pp; vi, 483 pp. 80. Lonclon, C. McCoy (Frederickl, prof. in the university of & 1. Baldivin, 1805. Melbourne, Australia.) Contributions to Brit- Mace (- ). L'abbe en belle humeur. Nouish palemontology, [etc.] Republished from velle galante. [aCnon.] 234pp. 323. Colojne, the "Annals and magazine of natural his- Pierre -Marteau, 1705. tory." viii, 272 pp. 1 pl. 80. Camtridge, Mao6 (.Jean). History of a mouthful of bread; Macmillan & Co. 1854. s. and its effect on the organization of men and Mol~cCrie (Thomas). Istoria del progresso e animals. Translated fiom the 8th French ed. dell' estinzione della riforma in Italia nel by Mrs. Alfred Gatty. 1st Amer. ed. 398 pp. secolo sedicesimo; tradotta dall' Inglese. vii, 120. INew York, Am. news co. 1866. 432 pp. 8~. Parigi, Bacdry, 1835.. s. Home fairy tales. Translated by Mary Macculloch (John, M.D.) System of geolo- L. Booth. 304 pp. 14 pl.- 12.. ew York, gy, with a theory of the earth, and an ex- Harper & bros. 1867. planation of its connexion with the sacred Maceuen (Malcolm). A mosaic from Italy, records. 2 v. 512 pp; 4S3pp. 80. Londo~, and other poems. 69pp. 120. Philadelphia, Longmans, 1831. Mason & co. 1867. McCulloch (John Ramsay). A dictionary, MI'Ewen (Rev. William). The mostremarkable practical, theoretical, and historical, of com- types, figures, and allegories of the old testamerce and commercial navigation, with sup- ment. 336pp. 16~. Danbury, S. Nichols, 1803. plement. New ed. xvi, 1269, 118 pp. 1 map. Mac-Geoghegan (J.) The history of Ireland, 80. London, Longmans, 1838. ancient and modern. Translated from the The same. New ed. xxiv, 1510 pp. 7 French by P. O'Kelly. 622 pp. 1 pl. 8~. maps. 8~. London, Longmans, 1852. Dublin, J. Duffy, 1849. A dictionary, geographical, statistical, McGill (John, D. D.) Our faith, the vietoand historical. New ed. revised by Frederick ry: or, a comprehensive view of the princiMartin. v. 4. 8~. Londo~n, Longmnans, 1866. pal doctrines of the christian religion, [i. e. of [Completing the uwork]l. the catholic church]. 493 pp. 12~. Baltimore, McCulloh (Richard S.) A manualcontaining Kelly & Piet, 1865. 31 242 McGILL. MACKAY. McGill (P.M. C. E.) The wrongs and rights scritti da Amadio Nicollvcci. [anagcra]. of labor shown, and a remedy proposed. 112 6 p. 1. 399 pp. 8~. Venetia, Marco Ginammai, pp. 80. Washington, Gibson bros. 1857. 1630. McGill university, Montreal. Calendar, 1862- Mlachin (John). The laws of the moon's mo66. Examination papers, 1861-65. 4 v. 8~. tion according to gravity. 71 pp. 8~. s. Mo2ntreal, J. C. Beclket, 1862-66. s. W[TVith NEWTON (Sir I.) Mathematical principles of [1863 mwanting.] natural philosophy. 2 v. ed. 1729]. ifacgowan (John). Infernal conference; or, Macilwain (George). Memoirs of John Abdialogues of devils on the many vices which ernethy. viii,434pp. 120. NezuYork, Harabound in the civil and religious world 2 v. pers, 1853. s. in 1. vii, 39 ppM; 243 pp. 1 p. 240 Lodon, acintosh (George). Biographical memoir of TV. Baynes, 1813. the late Charles Macintosh, F. R. S. [With hMachiavelli (Niccol6). Tutte [suel opere, fifty seven autographs]. xix, 188 pp. 10 pl. divise in v. patrti, et di nvovo con somma ac- S~. Glasgow, Blackie & Co. 1847. cvratezza ristampate. [Ed. dalla Testina]. McIntosh (John). The discovery of America 4~0. I[n~p.]~ 1550. by Christopher Columbus; and the origin of the North American Indians. 152 pp. 8~. CONTENTS. Toronto, TV. J. Coates, 1836. s. p. i. Historie florentine, 8 libri. 8, 351 pp. - The origin of the North American Inp. ii. Il principe. La vita di Castrvccio Castracani. Il dians; xwith a description of their manners modo che tenne il duca Valentino per ammazzare Vitellozzo Vitelli, Oliverotto da Fermo, il signor and customs. 311 pp. 120. les _Yor]Ck, NaCf s Pagolo, et ii dvca di Gravina. I ritratti della cose della Francia, et deli' Alamiagna. 2, 116 pp. & Cornis7, 1843. p. iii. I)iscorsi sopra la prima deca di T. Livio. 3 libri. McIntosh (R. M.) Tabor; or, the Richmond 14, 304 pp. p. iv. I sette libri dell'arte della guerra. 168 pp. collection of sacred music. 296 pp. oblong p. v. L'asino d'oro, con tvtte l'altre sve operette. 80. New YorJk, F. J. Huntington & Co. 170 pp. 86. 1866. The same. Opere. [Pubblicate daAntonio McIntosh. See 1Mlackintosh. Conti]. 10 v. 8~. portrait. Firenze, XT. COzti, Macirone (Francesco). Interesting facts rela1818-21. ting to the fall and death of Joachim Murat, CONTENTTS. king of Naples, the capitulation of Paris in 1815, and the second restoration of the Bourv. i-iii. Historic florentine. bons. 167 pp. 8~. London, Ricdgays, v. iii. Frammenti historici; vita di Castsruccio; discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio. 1817. v. iv. Discors [continued]; il primcipe. v. iv teze Discorsi verse; iscso s principe a; sm-'Iver (Colin). An essa'y concerning the unY. v. Sentenze diverse; discorso sulla riformna; sommario delle cose di Lueca; rittratti di Francia; lawfulness of a man's marriage with his sister ritratti dell' Alamagna; dell'arte della guerra; provvisioni per istituire milizie nazionali; visita by affinity; with a review of the various acts fatta per fortificare Firenze, etc. i~attn per fortificale Firenze, etc. of the Presbyterian church in America~ touchv. vi. Discorso sulla lingun; novella di Belfageor; des- ofhe Presbyterian church in A crizione della peste di Firenze, 1527; capitoli per ing this and similar connexions. 163 pp. 18. nna bizzarra compagnia; allocuzione fatta ad un magistrato, etc; discorso morale; commedlic. Philadelhia, H. ooker, 1812. v. vii. Poesie; canti carnascialeschi. M'Jilton (Rev. J. N.) Poems. 360 pp. 120. v. viii-x. Legazioni, spedizioni, cominissioni, etc. v. x. Lettere familiari; la mente di un uomo di stato. Boston, Otis, B'roaders & Co. 1840. Mack (Alexander). A short and plain view of The same. Opere, scelte da Giuseppe - the rights and ordinances of the house of God. Zirardini. 662 pp. 1 1. portrait. 8~. Parigi, Also [E. L. Gruber's] ground-searching quesBaucdry, 1851. tions answvered. English translation, accompanied with the original German. 148 pp. 8~. CONTENDTS. Colunzbiana, (Ohio), 1860. Istorie florentine. [ With IKURTZ (EH.) The united brethren's encycloIl principe. pred ia]. I discorsi sopra la prima deca cli Tito Liiove Mackay (Charles). Memoirs of extraordinary Vita di Castruccio. Ritratti delle cose di Francia e di Alamagna. popular delusions. 2 v. 384 pp; 384 pp. 1'20. Peste di Firenze. Philadelhia, 1851. Belfagor, novella. Lndsy Blaston, Dialogo sullalingua. The same. Memoirs of commercial deluMandragola, commedia. Poesie. sions: embracing historical sketches of the Lettere fadmilianio. saeMississippi scheme, and the South sea bubble. La mente di un uomo di stato.. pp. 233-342. 12~. N-ew York, 18415..D discorsi politici, e militari libri tre, [In HTUNT (Freeman). Library of commerce. v. 1.] 243 McKEEVE2R. M'NEMAR. McKeever (Harriet B.) Eleanor's three birth- land, from Bewclay to Berwick-upon-Tweed. days. Illustrated by Schell. 295 pp. 4 pl. 62pp. 8~. London,privately printed, 1864. s. 16~. Philadelphia, Porter & Coates, [1867]. 1McLeod (Alexander Charles). Acholic disLucy Forrester's triumph. Illustrated eases; comprising jaundice, diarrhcea, dysenby Schell. 298 pp. 4 pl. 160. Philadelphia, tery, and cholera, with a dissertation on bile, Porter' Cocates, [1867]. the bilious fiunction, and the action of cholaloMary Leslie's trials. Illustrated by gues. xxviii, 230 pp. 120. London, Churchill Schell. 301 pp. 4 pl. 160. Philadelphia, & sons, 1866. Porter & Coates, [1867]. McLeod (Donald). History of Wiskonsan; Sunshine; or, Kate Vinton. 2d ed. 372 including a geological andc topographical depp. 160. Philadelphia, Linldscy & Blcekisto o, scription of the territory, with a correct cata1859. logue of all its plants. 310 pp. I map. 120~. McoKeevor (Thomas, M. D.) A voyage to Bufcalo, Steele's press, 1846. Hudson's Bay dcluring 1812. 2 p. 1. 96 pp. Macleod (Rev. Xavier Donald). Devotion to 6 pl. 8Q. London, B. Phillips & Co. 1819. the blessed virgin Mary in North America, Mackenna (B. Vicuila). See Vicuhia Mac- with a memoir of the author, by John B. (Benjamin). Purcell. xxiii, 461 pp. portrait. 8~. Nezo MIackenzie (Alexander). Tableau historique York, Virtuce & Yorston, 1866. et politique du commerce des pelleteries dlans IMaclure (William). Essay on the formation le Canada, depuis 1608 jusqu't nos jours. Tra- of rocks. 32 pp. 80. P hiladelphia, J. Wildvuit de l'Anglais par J. Castdra. 310 pp. 8o. bank, 1838. s. lParis, Dentu, 1807. [[With MACLURE (W.) Observations on geology of Mackenzie (Colin). Ten thousand receipts, in the U. S. Ed. 1817]. 1 - ~~~Observations on the geology of the all the useful and domestic arts. New ed. reUnited States of Anmerica. 1B pp. 1 map. vised to April, 1867. 496 pp. 80. Philadel. Sal, 1817. h pl. 8~. Philadelpic,, A. Smaall, 1817. s. T. E. Zell, Co. 1867. ly of te t IMackenzie (Sir George). A defence of the Observations on the goo antiquity of the royal line ofbScotlau'd. With In(lia islands, from Barbadoes to Santa Coruz, antiquity of tle royal line of Scotfanldl. Wvitll.h. a true account when the Scots were govern'd 1832. 8. by kings in the isle of Britain. 4 p. 1. 204 pp.) bserations on the eogy [ 11 ith.7 MACLURE (W~.) Observations on the geolo1gy 16~. London, R. Chliswell, 1685. of the U. 8. 1817]. Mackenzie (George, iI. D.) The lives and MacMahon (Thomas O'Brien). The candor characters of the most eminent writers of the and good nature of Englishmen exemplified. Scots nation; with an abstract and catalogue xii, 292 pp. 83. London, Bew, 1777. of their iworls. 3 v. in 1. fol. Edineburgh, LacMahon (T. TV.) Cause and contrast: James Watson, 1708-22. an essay on the American crisis. xv, 190 pp. Mackenzie (Robert Shelton). Tressilian and 8~. Richmond, ( Va.) West & Johnston, 1862. his friends. 372 pp. 120. Philalelphia, J. B. [Imperfect: wanting anll after p. 190]. Lippincott cP Co. 1859. MIacmichael (William). Journey from MosMlackenzie (William L.) Sketches of Canada cow to Constantinople, 1817-18. vi, 269 pp. and the United States. xxiv, 504 pp. 8~. 5 pl. 4~. London, J. lioerray, 1819. Londosn, E..Wilson, 1833. Macmillan's magazine. Edited by D. MasMcKerrell (John). A gramnmar of the Carnd- son. Nov. 1865 to Oct. 1867. v. 13-16. 8~. taca language. vi, 196, 15 pp. 40. Madrclas, London and Cambridge, Macmillan 4 Co. college press, 1820. s. 186o6-67. Mackey (James L.) A grammar of the Benga Maclnamara (Capt. M. H.) Tile Irish ninth language. 60 pp. 1 tab. 12~. New York, in bivouac and battle; or, Virginia and Marymission hoouse, 1855. s. land campaigns. 306 pp. 120. Boston, Loe -Mackintosh (Sir James). Defence of the ~ Shepard, 1867. French revolution, [with the French constitu- Mac Namee (Gilla Brighhde). See Mac Contion of 1791]. 175, 22 pp. 8~. Philadelphia, midhe. t'illiam Youor, 1792. N'TNemar (Richard). The Kentucky revival; Mackintosh. See Mcintosh. with a brief account of the entrance and proMacLauchlan (Henry). Memoir written dur- gress of shakerism in Ohio and Kentucky. ing a survey of the eastern branch of the Newed. 118pp. 118pp. 16~. lbny, E. &. osWantling street, in the county of Northumber- ford, 1808. 244 MACOY. MAGA. Macoy (Robert). A cyclopedia of freemasonry; moiselle Mori. [anon.] 224 pp. 160. Lonembracing Oliver's dictionary of symbolical clon, J. & C. 7Mozley, 1864. masonry. Edited by Robert Macoy. Illus- Madden (Sir Frederick). Privy purse expentrated. 556 pp. portrait. 120. New York, ses of the princess Mary, with a memoir. ccv, Masonic pub. co. 1867. 285 pp. 80. London, TV. Pickering, 1831. The same. 2d ed. 628 pp. portrait. 120. Madden (Frederick W.) History of Jewish New York, Masonic pub. co. 1867. coinage, and of money in the Old and New McPherson (Edward). Political manual for Testament. xii, xi, 350 pp. 1 pl. 80. London, 1866 and 1867, of executive, legislative, judi- B. Quaritch, 1864. cial, politico-military, and general facts, from Madden (Samuel, D. D.) The reign of George Apr. 15, 1865, to Apr. 1, 1867, and including vi. xxi, 192 pp. 160. London, W. _Nicoll, the development of the presidential and con- 1763. gressional plan of reconstruction. iv, 262 pp. Madison (James). Letters of Helvidius. See 80. Washington, [author], 1867. Hamilton (A.) and Madison (J.) The same, for 1867, including a classi- Madison (Indiana) library association. Catafied summary of facts from July 4, 1866, to logue of the books. 106 pp. 8~. Madison, Apr. 1, 1867, including the action of congress (Indl.) Couricer oice, 1856. a. on reconstruction. 135 pp. 80. Washing- Madison (Wisconsin) directory, and business ton, Philp f Solotnons, 1867. advertiser. By Winm. N. Seymour. Ist annual Macpherson (James). See Ossian. ed. 192 pp. 180. Mlladison, W. N. Seymour, Macquart (J.) Facult6s intdrieures des ani- 1855. s. maux invertbbr6s. lxxxii, 272 pp. 80. T The same for 1866, compiled by B. W. Lille, L. Danel, 1850. s. Suckow, with a history of Madison by J. Y. Macquer (Joseph). Elements of the theory Smith. 175 pp. 2 maps. 12c. Madison, and practice of chymistry. Translated from B. TV. Suckow,1866. the French [by Andrew Reid]. 3d ed. 2 v. MaIdler (Johann Heinrich). Der moend, etc. xix, 416 pp, 6 pl; viii, 432 pp. 80. London, See Beer (WV.) and Midller. J. Nourse, 1775. s. Madrid. Repertorio general; 6 indice alfab6tico Macquereau or Macqueriau (Robert). His- de los principales habitantes de Madrid. vi, toire g6dnrale de l'Europe depuis la naissance 264 pp. 80. Madrid, J. M. Alegria, 1851. de Charles-Quint jusqu'an cinq juin lndxxvii. Maercker. See Mircker. [Publi6e avec des notes par l'abbe Jean Noel Maffei (Giovanni Pietro). HIistoriarvm indiPaquot]. xvi, 346 pp. 40. Louvain, Isa- carvm libri xvi. Selectarvm, item, ex India 2rimerie acad. 1765. s. epistolarum, eodem interprete, libri iv. AccesThe same. [Partie 2d.] Durant les sit Ignatii Loyolae vita. 2 p. 1. 541 pp. 18 1. aunnes 1527-1529. [Par J. Barrois]. xlii, 1 map. fol. C(oloniace Agrippinae, Arnold 366 pp. 40. Paris, Techener, 1831. s. Mylius, 1593. MacRae (Lieut. Archibald, U. S. N.) The Maffei (Scipione db). A comparison of the use Andes and Pampas. of inscriptions and imedals. [With GILLISS (J. M.) U.S. astron. exped. v. 2.] Ne method of [ With LENGLET Du Fr-esnoy (N.) New method of M'SL herry (Richard, LM. D.) El Puchero; or, studying history. v. 1. pp. 323-360. 120. Lona mixed dish from Mexico, embracing Gene-, 178. ral Scott's campaign, with sketches ofmilitary Maffitt (Rev. Jolln Newland). A voice from life. 247 pp. 120. Philactelphia, Liptin- the ocean, sermon, delivered July 31, 1842, cott, 1850. to the memory of Rev. George G. Coolkman. M'Ure alias Campbel (John). A view of the 31 pp. 80. Tashington, Peter Force, 1842. city of Glasgow; or, an account of its originl, Maga excursion papers. 304 pp. 160. Neso rise and progress. 8 p. 1. 381 pp. 160. Glas- Yorl, G. P. Putacm c son 1867. gosc, James Duncan, 1736. [Reprinted from Putnam's monthly]. [Imperfect: 5 pl. wanting]. Maga social papers. 296 pp. 160. Xew Yorlk, Mac Walter (J. G.) The modern mystery; G. P. Putnanz 4p son, 1867. or, table rapping; its history, philosophy, and [Reprinted from Putnam's monthly]. general attributes. viii, 175 pp.. 120. London, Maga stories. 325 pp. 160. NXew York, G. J. F. Shasw, 1854. P. Putnanm 4E son. Madame Fontenoy. By the author of Made- [Reprinted from Putnam's monthly.] 245 MAGDELEINE. MAITTAIRE. Magdeleine de Saint-Agy. See C UVIER (G. Maine. Catalogue of state library, 1850. With L. C. D.) Histoire des sciences naturelles. appendix, 1854. 248, 47 pp. 80. Augusta, W. Magician (The), and "the holy alliance," or T. Johnson, 1850-54. s. "the spirit of the book." Melodrama. 28 pp. - Documents published by order of the [anon.] 160. Philadelphia, 1820. legislature, 1867. 2v. 8~. zAugusta, Stevens & Magini (Giovanni Antonio). Commentarii in Sayward, 1867. Ptolemscum. See Ptolenmius (Claudius). Eleventh annual report of the secretary Geographia universa. Arnhemii, 1597. of the board of agriculture, 1866. 80. Augusta, - Novme coelestivm orbirvm theoricee con- Stevens & Sayward, 1866. gruentes cum obseruationibus N. Copernici. Fifth report of the board of education, 17 p. 1. 314 pp. 120. Mogvatiaci, J. Albinvs, 1851. 170pp. 12pl. 120. Augusta, W. T. 1608. Johnson, 1851. Maglathlin (Henry B.) New practical arith- [With the preceding]. metic. Prepared to accompazny the mathe- Fourth annual report of the superintenmatical series of Greenleaf. 120. Boston, R. dant of common schools, 1857. 143 pp. 8 pl. S. Davis & Co. 1866. 80. -Augusta, Stevens c5 Sayward, 1858. The same. 324 pp. 120. Boston, R. S. Laws relating to public schools. ComDavis &c Co. 1867. piledby E. Flint, sec. of state. vii, 64 pp. 160~. 1Magnan (Dominique). La ville de Rome; ou, Augusta, Stevens 4 Sayward, 1867. description abr6gee de cette superbe ville, Report of the adjutant general, for ornee de 425 planches en taille douce. 4 v. 1864-65. 8~. Augusta, Stevens & Scyward, fol. Iome, Casaletti, Venran, etc. 1778. 1866. s. Magnusen (Finn). See Edda. Den eldre Mair (John). Book-keeping methodized. With edda, etc. 1821-23. appendix. 3d ed. xiv, 288 pp. 12~0. EdinMahabarata. Saivitri; 6pisode du Mahabardta. burgh, TV. Sands arnd others, 1749. Traduit de Sanslrit par G. Pauthier. 53 pp. - The same. 5th ed. xiv, 416 pp. 80~. 120. Paris, 1841. Edinburgh, W. Sands and others, 1757. [Incluled in PL-fsIADE (La). I An introduction to Latin syntax, with an Mahan (Dennis H.) Elementary course of epitome of ancient history.. 311 pp. 16~. Balmilitary engineering. Part ii, permanent for- tiinore, S. &t W. Meeter, 1824. tifications. 80. New Yorlc, fWiley, 1867. - The same. Revised by A. R. Carson. Mahon (lord). See Stanhope (Philip Henry, With exercises by David Patterson. viii, 248 5th earl). pp. 160. NXewv York, Collins & Heannay,!Mahoney (James W.) The Cherokee phy- 1828. sician; or, Indian guide to health, as given Mairobert (Pidansat de). See Pidansat de by Richard Foreman, a Cherokee doctor. Mairobert (M. F.) 3d ed. 304 pp. 12~. Nzewv York, J. ll. Edney, Maissin (Etge'ne). Mexique et Texas. See 1857. s. Blanchard (P.) San Juan de Ullila. Paris, Mai(Emanuel). Catalog des bticher-lagers. v. 1. 1839. xiii, 430 pp. 80. Berlin, C. Schultze, 1854. s. Maistre d'Anstaing. See Le Maistre Maillard (Olivier). Histoire de la passion de d'Anstaing. Jesus-Christ, composde en 1490, publi6e en Maitland (Robert T.) Systematische beschrij1828, comme monument de la langue frangaise ving der dieren, welke in Noord Nederland of au xve sihele. Avec une notice sur l'auteur, aan deszelfs kusten voorkomen, etc. xxxviii, des notes, etc. par G. Peignot. 2' 6d. xxiv, 234 pp. 80. Leyden, Vander foek, 1851. s. 119 pp. sm. fol. Paris, Crapelet, 1835. Maitland (William). The hlistory of London, Mainmbourg (Louis). Libri tres de historia fromitsfoundationto the present time. [1737. Lutheranislni, 1517-46. See Seckendorf 1st ed.] 8 p.l. 800 pp. 5. 17 pl. fol. Lon(Veit Ludewig von.) Commentarius de Lu- don, S. Richardson, 1739. theranismno, Francofurti, 1692. Maittaire (Michael). Annales typographici. 6 Mainardi (Gaspare). Lezione di introduzione v. in 9. 40. tcjga-Comitum, etc. Vaillant, etc. al calcolo sublime. 2 v. vi, 208 pp; 173 pp. 1719-41. s. 1 pl. 80. Paris, Bizzoni, 1836-39. s. CONTENTS. Mqailne. Act to provide for the education of v. 1. Annales typographici ab artis inventas origine ad annum 1500. 6 p. 1. 388 pp. 1 pl. Hageyouth. 52pp. 120. Augusta, TV. T. Johnson, Comitum, J..Vaillant, 1719. v. 2. Annales typographici ab anno 1500 ad annum 1851. 1536 continuati. 1 v. in 2. 4 p. 1. viii, iv, 860 246 MAITTAIRE. MALTE-BRUN. Maittaire (Michael). Annales typographici.- Mallet (David). Poetical works. 80. EdinContinued. burgh, 1794. pp. 2 pl. Hagx- Comitu1s, Vaillant cd N. Prevost, [Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 9.] 1722. v. 3. Annales typographici ab anno 1536 ad annum Mallet (Paul Henri). Histoire de la maison 1557 continuati; cum appendice. 5 p. 1. 925PP et des etats de Mecklenboug. [Jusqu' Hagx- Conitum, Vaillant (& N. Prevost, 1725. v. 4. Annales typographici ab artis inventm origine ]'an 1503]. 2 v. in 1. 4 p. 1. 292 pp. 40~. ad annum 1664. Ed. nova. xiv, 791pp. 1 1. Amn- Sierin, G. Breensprvng, 1796. stelodami, P. Humbert, 1733. v. 5. Annalurm typographicorum tomus v ct ultimus; ~ Northern antiquities; or, a description indicem in tomos prmeuntes complectens. (A-KI.) viii, 536 pp. Losdini, V. Darres & C. Du Bosc, of the manners, customs, religion, anti laws 1746. of the ancient Danes and other northern v. G-7. Supplementum. 1 v. in 2. See DENTIS (M.) nations, with a translation of the Edda [of ~M~ajor (Thomas). Ruins of Pa~estum, otherwise Snorro Sturleson]. Translated, with GoranPosidonia, inl Magna Grmecia. 4:5 pp. 24 pl.. son's Latin version of the Edda. 2 v. 5 p. 1. fol. Lonadon, T. Major, 1768. lvi, 415 pp; 3 p. 1. xxxix, 356 pp. 8~. Makkari (Al). See Ahmed Ibn ohammed. 1770 Mako de Kerek-Gede (Palko). Compendiariaan. Mallet du Pall (Jacques). Considerations on matheseos institvtio in vsvm avditorvml ph- te nature of the rench revolution, and on losophiae. Editio alto.ra, emendata.'077 the nature of the French revolution, and on losophiae. Eclitio altera, emendata. 377 oph 20.E dii aler, e en ata the causes which prolong its duration. Trans6pp6..9 pl. 120. idobenee,. T de Trcetter, lated from the French. 4 p. 1. 114 pp. 80~. 1766. Londorb J. Owen, 1793. - Compendiaria physicae institvtio in vsvm Londen, J. Owen, 1793. [ With BRISSOT DE WARVILLE (J. P.) Address to his avditorvm philosophiae. Editio altera emen- constituents. So. London, 1794]. data. 2 parts. 10 p. 1. 348 pp; 2 p. 1. 419 Malmesbury (William of). De antiquitate pp. 1 1. 17 pl. 120. Vindobonae, J. T. de glastoniensis ecclesite. fol. Oxonice, 1691. Tractncr, 1766. - [GALE (Thomas), and FELL, (John). Rerum angliMalaguti (Fran~ois). Leqons de chemie agri- carmnscriptores veteres. Oxonio, 1684-91. v. 31. cole, 1847. iv, 456 pp. 1 tab. 120. Rennes, Liber V. de pontificiis. fol. Oxonice, Verdier, 1848. s. 1691. Malan (Rev. Ciesar Henri Abraham). The [GALE (Thomas), and FELL, (John.) lerum angliiss peasant. [In Cherokee]. Asuis carum scriptores voeteres. Ozonix, 1864-91. v. 3]. Swiss peasant. [In Cherokee-. Asuwisi ageyo. [With] The one thing needful. Sud- Malo (Amanld) Eldments de comptahilit6 Dalegi udlvdiyu. [8ne..] 24 pp. 240. Pak Irurale, th6orique et pratique. vii, 164 pp. 16~. alegi udulvdiyu. [anon. ] 24 pp.240. 4~.Park P Paris; L. Hacilette, 1841. s. Hill, mission press, 1848. e 1 lMsialcolme (Rev. David). An essay on the an- Malo (Charles, editor). Livre d'amour, ou folastiquities of'Great Britain and Ireland. [With] treries dn vicus temps. [Choix de lays, bal-,ados, etc. des xi —sv" sijclcs. anon.] 188 an attempt to show an affinity betwixt the ads, etc. des xixv languages, etc. of the ancient Britons and the pp. 3 pl. 8~. Paris, L. Jcenet, [1821.] > t, n.;] RMalone(Edmiond). Catalogue ofearlyEnglish Americans of the istlhmus of Darien. 256 pp. alo dmnd). C e ofearly English 120. Edclinbryh, T W. & T Ruddlimnans, 1738. poetry. See Bodleian library. Malespine(A.) Les tats-Unis enM865,d' prcs Maltby (Isaac). The elements of war. xxiv, les documents officiels communiques au COl- 208 pp. 18 pl. 160. Bostosz, Wacait c Co. gres. 48 pp. 8~. Paris, E. Dentu, 1865. 1. Malhama (Rev. John). Naval gazetteer; or, Malte-Brun (Malthe Conrad Brtun, called). seaman's complete guide. 1st Am. ed. 2 v. A system of universal geography: or, a description of the world, on a new plan, accordxlviy 436 pp; 573 pp. 17 maps. 80. Boston, nW. Spotswood & J.Nancrede, to the great natural divisions of the globe, W. Spotswood & J. NTancrede, 1797. Malherbe Fraois d). Le bouquetdo flurs with analytical, synoptical, and elementary ialherbe (FracnSois de). Le bouqluet de fieurs deo Senequeo. tables. With additions and corrections by [ With LA RUE (G. de). Essais hist. sur. les bardes, James G. Percival, [and memoir of the author etc. v. 3. pp. 357-3821. by J. J. N. Huot]. 3 v. 8$. Boston, S. Maling (E. A.) Song birds, and how to keep Walker, 1834. them. New ed. xii, 159 pp. 160. London, ~ The same. v. 1-3. 80~. Philadelphia, Smnith, Elder & Co. 1863. A. Finley, 1827. Mallard (Harriet). Thoughts of heaven. [In [Wanting, v. 4-5.1 verse]. 48 pp. 160. [NAews YorkBaker & Malte Brun (Victor Adolphe), Eyries (Jean Godwin, 1867.] B. B.) Klaproth (Henri J. de), and others). 247M MALTE BRUN. MANNE. Nouvelles annales des voyages, de la g6ogra- lating to the Arctic searching expeditions of phie, et de l'histoire. Annde 1865. 4 v. 5 maps. 1850-52. With maps. 2d ed. 80. London, 80. Paris, A. Bertrand, [1865-66]. 1852. s. Annales des voyages, de la gdographie, Travels in Egypt, etc. See Irby (C. L.), de l'histoire, et de l'arch6ologie. Ann6e 1866. and Mangles. 4 v. 7 maps. 8~. Paris, Challcumel, 1867. Manilius (Marcus). Astronomicon libri v. 165 Malton (WilliamD.) Company and battalion pp. 21. 240. Lvgduni, J. Tormaesius & G. drill illustrated. 4th ed. xv,242pp. 60pl. Gazeius, 1551. 80. London, Clowues 4- sons, 1860. - The same, [book first]. The sphere, made Maly (Joseph Carl). Nachtrige, zu Maly's an English poem; with annotations and an enumeratio plantarum phaneragamlicarum astronomical appendix. By Edward Sherimperii austriaci, etc. See Neilreich (Au- burne. 8 p. 1. 221 pp. 3 1. 4 pl. fol. Longust). don, N. Brooke, 1675. Manammatt (Edward). A collection of geologi- The same. The five books, containing cal facts and practical observations, intended a system of the ancient astronomy and astrolto elucidate the formation of the Ashby coal- ogy; together with the philosophy of the field, etc. xii, 101 pp. 1 map. 133 pl. 40~. stoicks. Done into English verse, [by Thomas Ashby-de-la-Zouch, TV. Hextall, 1836. s. Creech]. With notes. 68, 134, 88 pp. 4 1. Man and the conditions that surround him; 6 pl. 120. London, J. Tonson, 1697. his progress and decline, past and present. Manley de La Riviere (Mrs. N.?) The adven[anon.] 365 pp. 120. NYewo York, G. TV. Carle- tures of Rivella; or the history of the author ton & Co. 1867. of the Atalantis. By Sir Charles Lovemore. Manlassi (Niccol). Oracoli politici; cioi sen- [pseudon.] Done into English from the tenze, et docvmenti nobili, et illustri raccolti French. iv, 120 pp. 120. London, 1714. da tutti gli antichi, e principali auttori hebrei, M- emoirs of Europe, towards the close greci, et latini. Co i fiori de gli apoftemmi of the eighth century, written by Eginardus, di Plutarco. 4 p. 1. 92 pp. 160. Venetia, secretary and favourite to Charlemagne. Aldo, 1590. [psetldon.] 8 p. 1. 380 pp. 80. London, J. Mlanlby (George William). Essay on the pro- Morp7hevw, 1710. servation of shipwrecked persons. 94 pp. 80. - Secret memoirs and manlners of several London, Longmnans, 1812. s. persons of quality of both sexes. From the Manchester (England) free library. Cata- new Atalantis. [anon.] 2d ed. 2 v. vi, 264 logue of the books. Reference department. pp. 1 pl; 6 p. 1. 272 pp. 1 pl. 8~. London, Prepared by A. Crestadoro. vii, 975 pp. 80. J. Morphewu, 1709. London, S. Lowz, son, & Marstor, 1864. s. Mann (A. Dudley). Letter to the citizens of Manchester (VNewo _Hampshi~re) directory, etc. the slave-holding states, in relation to a weekWith an almanac for 1860. No. vi. By Adams, ly Atlantic ferry line between Chesapeake Sampson & Co. 192 pp. 160. Manchester, Bay and Milford Haven. 30 pp. 160. Lonz(N. H.) Flisk & Stearns, 1860. s. don, J. Miller, 1856. Mandeville (H. D. D.) An introduction Mann (Horace). Life and works. Edited by to the author's "Course of reading,m etc. Mrs. Mary Mann. v. 1-3. 80. Boston and 212 pp. 12~. Tequ York, D. Appleton & Co. Cambidge,. B. B. Fuller, and editor, 1865-68. 1848. s. CONTENTS. Mailer (Salvador Joseph). Defensa de la dis- v. 1. Life, by Mrs. Mary Mann. 602 pp. sertacion critico-historica sobre el juicio uni- v. 2. Lectures, and annual reports, on education. xii, 571 pp. versal, contra la impugnacion de un docto v. 3. Annual reports on education. xii, 758 pp. anonimo. 30p. 1. 168 pp. 40. Madricl, Im- Maiann (Nicholas). Of the true years of the prenta del reyrzo, [1742?] s. birth and of the death of Christ. 10 p. 1. Manesca ( L. ) The French reader, etc. to 212 pp. 8~. London, J. Wilcox, 1733. which is added a table of the French verbs, lM~ann's black book of the British aristocracy. etc. 286, 26 pp. 123. Philadelphia, Thomas, 72 pp. 180. Philadelphia, IE. looLker, 1848. Cowiperthwait & Co. 1851. s. Manne (Louis Charles Joseph de). Catalogue Mangin (Edward). The parlor window; or, des livres de fen M. de Manne suivi de mananecdotes, original remarks on books, etc. uscrits, lettres autographes, et autres docuvi, 179 pp. 180. London, E. L7mley, 1841. ments provenant du cabinet de M. d'Anville. Mangles (James). Papers and despatches re- viii, 264 pp. 8~. Paris, Franfois, 1863. s. 248 MANNERING. MARCELLUS. Mannering (May. pseudon?). Climbing the 1764. 35 pp. 12~. Philadelphia, Humnphreys, rope; or, "God helps those who try to help Bell, and Aitken, 1776. themselves." 224 pp. 4 pl. 16~. Boston, [With SIMES (Thomas). New military dictionary. Lee c Shepard, 177868. Lee pardShe~as~d,.1868. PManual (A) of flax culture and manufacture. Mannert (Conrad). G6ographie ancienne des 48 pp. 8n. Bochester D D dtats barbaresques, d'apres l'Allemand par s. L. Marcus et Duesberg. xxxvi, 803 pp. 8~. CONTENTS. Paris, Boret, 1842. s. BRAGDON (Charles D.) Hemp and flax in the west. Geschichte der unmittelbaren inachfolger BROOKs (Hugh T.) Flax as a domestic institution. DEWEY (Chester). Botanical descriptions of flax and Alexanders des grossen. xvi, 384 pp. 8~. hemp. GOODSELL (N.) Flax culture and manufacture in the Leipzig, Dy 1787. s. United States and Great Britain. Mannleville (William). English grammar NEWVcoMB (William). Practical essay on flax culture. NEW YORK State agricultural society (Committee simplified. xvi pp. 180. London, Siinmpi, of). Report on flax and machinery for making flaxMarshall ca Co. 1850. s. cotton. PHIN (John). The structure of textile fibres. Manni (Domenico Maria). Istoria del decalme- WILLIaTiTs (Samuel). Flax growing in Seneca counrone di Giovanni Boccaccio. xxx, 672 pp. ty, N. Y. 2one di Giovanni Boccaccio.0xxx, 672 pp. Manual (The) of rank and nobility; or, key to 2pl. 4~. Firenze, 1742. the [Brltish] peeragfe. [anon.] xx, 598 pp. Manning (Robert). England's conversion and 1 pl. 8~. -Londob Scaunders 4- Otley, 1828. reformation compared. [anon.] 1st A. from, 10Manual (A) prepared for the use of a private 5thDublin ed. 314pp. 101. 16~. Lancaster, school. [ anon. ] Prillted-llot published. 2 pl. (Pa.) George sDal, 1813. 152 pp. 12~0. Boston, J. Munroe & Co. T'he same; or, the young gentleman 1855. s. directed in the choice of his religion. [With] Manuzi (Polo), ndRgzzoi (Girolamo) n aluan zio (Paolo), canzclRagazzoni (Girolamoll). a brief enquiry into the general grounds of Commentarivs Pauli Manucii in M. Tvllii Cicthe catholick faith. Divided into four dianeronis epistolas, etc. Accedvntscholia ejvsdlem logues. [anon.] Iv, 330pp. 160. Antwverp, B.C.~and C.~ X 1725. et Hieronymi Ragazonii in easdem Ciceronis B. C. and C. F. 1725. Mansfield (Joseph). Hope: a poem delivered epistolas commentarivs. Cvravit Christ. Gottl. Mlansfield (Joseph). Hope: a poem deliveredc in the chapel of Harvard university at a pub- tervs 2 v vi, 606 pp; xxx, 609-1,048 lic exhibition. 15 pp. in. 40. Cambridge, pp. 68 1. 80. Lipsiae, S. L. Crvsivs, 1780. Manwaring (Christopher). Essays, historical, (Mliass.). _illlarcdl, 18~0. MasBlacmford). The log of the oral, political, and agricultural. 204 pp. Mansfield (Robert Blachford). The log of theGreen, 188. 12~. Irew London, XSamnuel Gree%, 1828. Water Lily, 1851-52, on the Rhine Neckar, Main, Mosel, Danube, etc. Riv1, 8', Marat (Jean Paul). A philosophical essay on Main, Moselle DanLuble etc. iv, 124 pp. 8pI. man. Being an attempt to investigate the 160. London, X. Cooke, 1854.. Instein (Christoph ermann von). Con- principles and laws of the reciprocal influence Manstein (Christoph Hermann von). Conof the soul on the body. Ianoa.] 2cl ed. 2 v. temporary memoirs of Russia, from 1727 to of the soul o the body. [anon.] 2d ed. 2 v. in 1. 271 pp; *263 pp. 8~. London,, H. Setchel, 1744. First edited inEnglish by David Hume, 8 London, etchel, 1775. and now re-edited by a Hertfordshire incum- r7. Marbach (Gotthard Oswavld). Enlzkyklopitdie bent. xv, 416 pp. 80. London, Longmnans, 1856. der experimental-physik, der astronomie, geographie, chemie, physiologie, chronologie, IMant (Richard, bishop of Down and Connor). nach dem grade ihrer verwandtschaft mit der Feriae anniversariae. Observance of the nach dem grade inrer ver. andtschaft mit der physik. 5 v. in 4. 8~. Leipzig, O. W7igand, church's holy-days no symptom of popery; 1. 1834-38. s. shown from the testimony of her most ap- Marban (Pedro). Arte de a lengva moxa, proved children, 1547-1800. vol. 1, the con su vocabulario, y cathecismo. 7 p. 1. 664, feasts; vol. 2, the fasts. 2 v. xi, 256 pp; xvi, 142 pp. 120. Lima, Joseph de Contreras, 1701. 142 pp. 12~. Liman, Joseph de Contr eracs, 1701. 315 pp. 18~. London, J. W. Parker, 1847. s. Mantia (Orazio Gianutio della), and Bruns- Marcellus (Marie Louis Jean Andr6 Charles wick-Lineburg(August, herzogvon). Wolks Demartin u Tirac, conte de). Vingt jours en of Gianutio and Gustavus Selenus on the game Sicile. xiv, 441 pp. 8. Paris, Debecourt, of chess. [pseudon. ] Translated and arranged 1841. s. by J. I. Sarratt. 2 v. xxi, 233 pp; 240 pp. ~ Souvenirs de l'Orient. 2 v. viii, 464 pp; 120. Londo1n, J. Ebers, 1817. 556 pp. 2 1. 1 map. 2 pl. 8~. Paris, Debd Manual exercise, as ordered by his majesty in court, 1839. s. 249 MARCET. MARLOW. Marcet (Jane Haldimand). Conversations on Margaret, the pearl of Navarre. [anon.] 239 chemistry. Revised by Thomas Cooper from pp. 16~. Ncw York, Am. tract soc. 1867. the 5th London ed. 2 v. 264 pp; viii, 264 pp. Mariana (Juan). Summarivm ad historiam Philadelphia, Mi. Carey, 1818. s. Hispaniae, eorvmqvae accidervntannisseqvenMarcgraf de Liebstad (Georg). Historite tibvs. 41pp. 5 1. unp. 4~. Mogvntice, D. ac rervm naturalivm Brasilice libri viii. s. D. Aubri & C. Schleich, 1619. [W ith PIso (W.) and MARCGRAF. Historia natvralis [With AGUSTIN (A.) and UnsINI (F.) De Romanorvm Brasiliae, 1648]. gentibvs. Mogvntioe, 1619]. March (Charles W.) Reminiscences of con- Marianini (Stefano). Memorie di fisica spegress. 2d ed. viii, 295 pp. 1 portrait. 12~. New rimentale. Anno I-IV, 1837-40. 4 v. 80. York, Baker & Scribner, 1850. s. Modena, tipografia camerale, 1838-41. s. March (Walter, pseudon.) See Shoepac re- - Saggio di esperienze elettrometriche. collections. 206 pp. 8o. Venezia, Alvisopoli, 1825. s. Marchesini(Giovanni). Mammetractus. [Sive, Marie de France. Lai des deux amants. Lai mammothreptus. Expositio in singulos libros du Bisclaveret. [Mise en prose.] 21 pp. 120~. bibliorum]. Omnium scriptorum veterum Paris, 1842. vsque in nos celebris est et nota traductio, etc. [Included in PLUIADE (La).] 1511. unp. fol. argentorati, [about 1500]. s. Marie Antoinette de Lorraine (Josephe Marchetti(Pietro de'.) Observationum medico- Jeanne, queen of France). Correspondance chirurgicarum rariorum sylloge. 112 pp. secrbte, avant et aprbs le voyage de Varennes. 240. Amstelodami, P. Le Grand, 1665. s. [ With SOUVENIRS historiques, I, 1835]. Mdircker (Traugott). Monumenta zollerana. Marieni (Luigi). Tavole di ragguaglio de' See Stillfried (R. von) and Maircker. principali pesi medici dell'Europa. 8~. Milano, Marcou (Jules). Le Niagara quinze ans aprbs. 1814. s. Addition, etc. [Extracts.] 15 pp. 1 pl. 8~. [ With SZERLECKI (L. A.) Dizionario di terapeutica]. Paris, Soc. geol. etc. 1865. s. Marignolli (Giovanni de'). Recollections of IUne reconnaissance gdologique au Ne- travels in the east. [India, 1838-53.] 83 pp. asa. [Extract.] 16 pp. 8. Paris, Soc. [With YULE (Henry). Cathay, etc. v. 2.] brkola. [etc. xtrac 1 6864. 8 Paris, c. Marigny. See Taitbout de Marigny (E.) N-ol etice sur4. lS. Maritime capture. Shall England uphold the - Notice sur les gisements des lentilles capture of private property at sea? By a trilobitifhres taconiques de la Pointe L6vis, au apture of private property at seao Bya lawyer. [anon.] 40 pp. 8~. London, Triibner Canada. [Extract.] 12pp. 8~. Paris,Soc. & Co. 1866. geol. etc. 1864. s. -cusoll (Johann, M.. D.) Die familie der Maritime scraps; or, scenes in the frigate Marcusen (Johann, L. D.) Die familie der mormyren; eine anatomisczoologische a United States, during a cruise in the Meditermormyren; eine anatomisch-zoologische abhandlung. 162 pp. 20 pl. 40. St. Po ters- ranean. By a man-of-war's-man. [anon.] halldlllng. 16f2pp. t20pl. 4. St. Peters- 108pp. 12~. Bosaon. burg, Acad. imp. des sciences, 1864. 108 12 Boston, 1838 Marcy (E. E.) Christianity and its conflicts, Markham (Clements Robert). Franklin's footancient and modern. xi, 480 pp. 1 Tew steps; a sketch of Greenland and of the Parry aYorkie Dnt adetodrn. x& o. 18670. 12. ew isles. vii, 143 pp. 1 map. 160. London, ChapYork, D. Appleton & Co. 1867. man 5 Hall, 1853. Mardochai (Isaac Nathan), or Natan (Isaak). man ( s o Ss, 1853..Markham (Mrs. pseudon.) See Penrose Concordantiarvm hebraicarvm capita, quae (Mrs. E. C.) sunt de vocum expositionibus. Translata per Markham (William, archbisho of York). A Antonium Reuchlinum. 10 p. 1. 981 pp. fol. Markham (Wlliam, archbshop of York. A.Antoium R eichlnum. -Petri, 105P. 198 fl sermon before the incorporated society for the Basilice, Henric-Petri, 1556. [Witht REUCHLIN (A.) Exegesis, etc.] propagation of the gospel in foreign parts, at ~M~ar~echal (Pierre Sylvain1). Pour et contre their anniversary, 1777, with abstract of the la Bible. xxxv, 404 pp. 8~. Paris, Louis, proceedings of the society, 1776-7. 104 pp. 1801. oMagmsm. 4~. London, T. Harrison, 1777. Margan or Margam abbey. Annales de Margan, Markoe (Peter). The reconciliation; or, the triumph of nature; a comic opera. 48 pp. sive chronica abbreviata a tempore sancti Ed- triumph of nature; a comic opera. 48. wardi.*12%. Philadelphia, Richard & Hall, 1790. wardi, regis ultimi de progenie Anglorum. hia,ichard, 90. [crnon. ] fol. O donpce, 1687. Marlow (Christopher), and Chapman (Geo.) [GALE (Thomas), and FELL (John). Rerum anglica- Hero and Leander; a poem. A new ed. rerum scriptores veteres. Oxonice, 1684-91. v. 2.] vised; with a critical preface, [by S. W. SinMargaretChester. [anon.] 316pp. 2pl. 16~. ger]. lxvipp. 2pl. 124pp. 160. Chisivick, Boston, Mass. S. S. sec. 1867. C. Whittinghamn, 1821. 32 MARLY. MARSIGLI. Marly; or, the life of a planter in Jamaica. miracle plays, or mysteries, with a historical [anon.] 2d ed. 2p. 1. 364 pp. 80. Glasgow, view of this description of plays. lxiii, 271 Grffin + Co. 1828. pp. 8~. Basel, Schwveighauser & Co. 1838. Marmion (Shakerley). Cupid and Psyche. Marryat (Florence). See Church (M7irs. Ross). A [poetical] legend. [Edited by S. W. Sin- Marsais (Du). See Du Marsais. ger.] xxxix, 105 pp. 16~. Chiswick, C. Marsden (William). A grammar of the MaWhittingham, 1820. layan language. lii, 225 pp. 40~. London, Marmocchi (F. C.) Raccolta di viaggi dalla Cox & Baylis, 1812. s. scoperta del nuovo continente fino a dl nostri. Marsden (William, M. D.) Symptoms and 19 v. 80. Prato, Giachetti, 1840-47. treatment of malignant diarrheea, better [Imperfect; wanting v. 19.1 known by the name of Asiatic or malignant cholera. 3d ed. 64 pp. 160~. London, ET. CONTENTS. Renshaw, 1865. Marsh (George Perkins). Apology for the v. 1-2. Navarrete, (M. F. de, editor). larrazione (lei studyof Engli. pp. 57-93. N. Y. 1859. quattro viaggi intrapresi da, C. Colonibo per la scoperta del nuovo continente. 1492-1504. [ With COLUIBIA COLLEGE inaugural addresses.] v. 3-4. Marcellus, (M. L. J. A. C. visconte di.) Rimem- Marshall (Rev. Charles). Sion's travellers branze intorno all' Oriente. v. 5. Xeres (F.) Relazione del conquisto del Perdl e comforted, and the disobedient warned. della provincia di Cuzco chiamata Nuova Castiglia; Yiaggi di A. Vespucci; Viaggi di A. di [With life of the author]. Compiled by W. Ojeda, trad. d' Inglese di W. Irving, da B. Poll; Penn. 63 p. 1. 332 pp. 160. London, T. Viaggio di P. A. Nino e di C. Guerra; Viaggio di V. Yales Pinzon; Viaggio di D. di Lepe e di R. Sowle, 1704. di Bastides; Viaggio de D. Nicuesa, trad. d'In- Marshall (John, c7hefjustice of the U. S.) Het glese di W. Irving, da B. Poll; Viaggi di Ponqe de Leon; Gomara (F. L. di). Viaggio di V. Nuliez di leven van George Washington, uit deszelfs Balboa; Avventvre di Valdivio e dei suoi compagni, e destino dell'astrologo Micer Codro, trad. oorspronglijke papieren onder toezigt van d'Inglese di W. Irving, da B. Poli; Viaggio delF. Bushrod Washington. Uit het Engelsch door Magellano. v. 6. Lafond di Lurcy (G.) Viaggio in Cina pell' J. Werninck. Met platen en kaarten. 10 v. AtEantico, il mare delle Indie, le isole della Sonda in 6. 80. Haarlers, A. Loosjes, 1805-09. e le Filippine. v. 7-9. Viaggi da Delhi a Lahora, Cabul, Buckara, Marshall (Joseph). Travels through Holland, ec. di Alessandro Burnes. v. 10. MIontesinos (F.) Memorie e tradizioni storiche Flanders, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Lapdell antieo Perf; Velasco (G. di.) Viaggi, rela- land, Russia and Poland, in 1768-70. 2d zioni e memorie relative al regno di Quito; Torozomoc (A. di.) Storia antiqua del Messico. ed. 3 v. 80. London, J. Almon, 1773. v. 11. Viaggi, lettere, relazioni e memorierelative alla Marshall (Nathaniel). The penitential disscoperta ed alla conquista del Messico di F. Hernandez e G. di Grigialva, F. Cortes, Alva Ixtlilxo- cipline of the primitive c urch for the first chitl, B. Las Casas, F. dca Bologna. v. 12. Lafond di Lurcy (G.) Viaggio nell' America 400 years after Christ: [with] its declension spaglnuola in tempore delle guerre dell' indepen- from the fifth century downwards to its presdeuza. v. 13. Robinson (Giovanni). Viaggio in Siria e in ent state. [anon.] xiv, 255, 59 pp. 2 1. 80. Palestina. v. 14. Lafond di Lurcy (G.) Viaggio nella Polinesia London, W. Taylor, 1714. e nelle isole circonvicine dell' Australia. Marshall (Stephen). Copy of a letter in vinv. 15. Burckhardt (J. L.) Viaggi in Arabia. v. 16. Mitchell (Sir T. L.) Viaggi nell' interno dell' dication of himself, and his ministry; with Australia o Nuova Olanda. Allstralia o Nuova Olanda. Lawfulnesse of the parliament's taking up v. 17. Saint-Pierre (J. B. de) e Legudvel (B. F.) Lawfulnesse of the parliament's taking up Viaggi al Madagascar, alle isole Comore ed all' arms demonstrated. 30 pp. sin. 40. London, isola di Francia. v. 18. Volney (C. F. C. de). Viaggio agli Stati Uniti Sanuel Gellibrandl, 1643. dell' America Settentrionale; Chesney (F. R.) Marshall (Rev. Walter). The scriptural docViaggio nelle contrade di Mesopotamia,di Chaldea, e di Assiria; Hoskins [CG. A]. Viaggio a Meroe trines of justification, faith, and holiness: e in Etiopia. being the substance of [his] treatise on gospel sanctification. xi, 180 pp. 16~. London, Marquart (John). United States key for J. Buckland & S. Gardner, 1766. mathematical self-instruction on the mechan- [ With LIVING christianity. ed. London, 1766]. ical sliding rule, commonly called the carpen- Marsigli (Luigi E'erdinando). Description du ter's rule. 66 pp. 1 tab. 18~. PPhiladelphia, Danube, depuis la montagne de Kalenberg en C. Slte'man, 1850. s. Autriche, jusqu'au confluent de la rivibre Marquette (Jacques), and Joliet (- ). Voy- Jantra dans la Bulgarie. Traduite du Latin. age et decouverte de quelques pays et nations 6 v. 283 pl. fol. La Haye, J. Swart, 1744. s. de l'Amerique Septentrionale. 43 pp. I map. - Histoire physique de la mer. [Trad. 160. Paris, Estienrne Michallet, 1681. parD.LeClerc]. 4 pl. xi,173 pp. 2maps. Marriott (William). A collection of English 44 pl. fol. Amsterldamn 1725. s. MARSTERS. MARTINI. Marsters (Thomas). The poetical manual; Martin (James H.) The orthoepist; containor, British and classical anthology of past ing a selection of all those words of the tinmes. 2 v. xxiv, 460 pp; 622 pp. 16~. English language usually pronounced imLynn, (Eng.) Neiwvman d Co. 1833. properly, etc. 151 pp. 120. New York, A. Mlartainville (-). Moniteur secret; ou,chron- S. Barnes 4 Co. 1851. s. ique scandaleuse de la cour de Napol6on, de Martin (Louis Aim6). See Lettres 6difiantes. safamille, et de ses agents. Nouv. 6d. 2 v. in 1. 4 v. 6d. 80. Paris, 1839-43. iii, 216 pp; 220 pp. 80. Paris, 1836. Martin (Luther). The genuine information 1Martenet (Simon J.) Map of Maryland. Atlas delivered to the legislature of the state of Maed. 151. 22 maps. 4~. Baltimore, author, ryland, relative to the proceedings of the gen1866. eral convention lately held at Philadelphia. Martens (Carl von). Geschichte der innerhalb viii, 93 pp. 160. Philadelphia; E. Oswald, der gegenwlirtigen griinzen des ko6nigreiclls 1788. Witrttemberg vogefallenen kriegerischen Martin (Robert Montgomery). History of the ereignisse A. C. 15-A. D. 1815. xvi, 845 pp. British colonies. 5 v. 8~. London, J. Coch8~. Stuttgart, K. Hofbuchdruckerei, 1847. s. rane & Co. 1834. Le guide diplomatique. 5e 6d. Entiere- Martin (W. C. Linneus). A general introducment refondue par M. F. H. Geffcken. 3 v. in 2. tion to the natural history of mammiferous 8~. Leipzig, F. A Brockhaus, 1866. animals, with a particular view of the physiMartialis (Marcus Valerius). [Epigrammata; cal history of man, and the more closely allied cum] Nicolai Perotti cornucopia, sive com- genera of the order quadrumana, or monkeys. mentariis lingute latinee. 48 p. 1. 634 pp. 11. Illustrated. 545 pp. 12 pl. 8~. London, fol. Mediolani, Nicolaus Gorgonzola, 1507. Wright & Co. 1841. s. Martigny (, l'abbe). Dictionnaire des an- - See Youatt (William), and Martin. tiquites chr6tiennes, contenant le r6sum6 de On cattle. tout ce qu'il est essentiel de connaitre sur les Martin de Nantes, (le pere.) Relation succinte origines chr6tiennes jusqu'au moyen'ge ex- et sincbre de la mission dans le Br6zil, parmis clusivement. 4 pl. viii, 676 pp. 8~. Paris, les Indiens appel6s Carivis. 8 p. 1. 233 pp. Bachette, 1865. 1 1. 240. Qvimnper, Jean Perie [about 1706]. Martin (Benjamin). Philosophia britannica: Martin. See also Martyn. or, a new and comprehensive system of the Martineau (Harriet). History of the peace; Newtonian philosophy, astronomy, and geog- being a history of England from 1816 to 1864. raphy. 4th ed. 3 v. 8~. London, Rivington, With an introduction, 1800 to 1815. 4 v. 80. 1788. s. Boston, Walker, Fuller & Co. 1865-66. New and compendious system of optics. ~ Household education. viii, 326 pp. 16~. xxiv, 295 pp. 34 pl. 80. London, J. Hodles, London, E. Moxon, 1849. 1740. s. artineau (James ). Endeavors after the Martin (BonLouis Henri). History ofFrance christian life. Discourses. [1st and 2d seto 1789. Translated by Mary L. Booth. v. 13, ries.] New ed. 551 pp. 120. Boston, J. 14: Age of Louis xiv; xxii, 563 pp; viii, 543 Muunroe Co. 1858. pp. v. 15, 16: Decline of the monarchy; xvi, Studies of christianity; timely thoughts 546 pp; viii, 623 pp. 8~. Boston, Walker, laFl- for religious thinkers. Edited by W. R. Alger. ler & Co. 1865-66. xlix, 494 pp. 12~. Boston, Am. unit. assoc. Martin (C. A. F.) Precis d'histoire naturelle. 1866. See Gilbert (J.) and Martin (C. A. F.) Martingale (Hawser. pseusdon.) See Sleeper Martin (David). Histoire de la bible, con- (Jacob S.) tenant le vieux et le nouveau testament. En- Martini (Francesco). Trattato di architettura richie de plus de 350 figures en taille-douce. civile e militare. Con dissertazioni e [vita 2 parts in 1 v. 4 p. 1. 310 pp. 1 pl; 4 p. 1. da C. Promis]. 2 v. xvi, 341 pp. 1 portrait; 198 pp. 1 pl. 40. Amsterdam, M. Schagen, 356 pp. 4~. Atlas. fol. Torino, Chirio e Mina) 1724. s. 1841. s. Martin (Frederick). Commercial handbook Martini (Lorenzo). Aemilivs; seu de vita inof France. x, 394 pp. 3 maps. 120. London, stituenda. 2 v. 309pp; 301 pp. 24~. Taurini, Longmans, 1867. P. Marietti, 1824. s. Martin ( Rev. James ). The angler's guide. | Elementi di polizia medica. 5 v. in 3. 80. xii, 191 pp. 1 pl. 16~. Londorn, G. Cox, 1854. Torino, 1824-25. s. 252 MARTINS. MARYLAND. Martins (Charles). Des climats de la France, meinem neunzig-jahrigen leben. xvi, 328 pp. et de leur influence sur son agriculture et le 8~. Leipzig, L. Voss, 1847. s. g6nie de ses habitants. [Extract.] 26 pp. Martyn (Benjamin). Reasons for establishing 80. Paris, mtedorologique de la France, 1850. the colony of Georgia. [anon.] 48 pp. 1 map. s. 1 pl. 40~. London, W. Meadows, 1733. M6moire sur les temperatures de la Mer - The same. 2d ed. 48 pp. 1 map. 1 pl. Glaciale, a la surface, A de grandes profon- 40. London, W. Meadows, 1733. deurs, et dans le voisinage des glaciers du [Map wanting]. Spitzberg. [Extrait.] 75 pp. 1 pl. 8~. Paris, Martyn (Mrs. S. T.) The English exile; or, Arthus Bertrand, 1848. s. William Tyndale at home and abroad. 237 [GAIMARD'S voyage en Scandinavie, etc.] pp. 160. New York, Am. tract soc. 1867. Martire d'Anghiera (Pietro). De rebvs oceani- I The Hopes of Hope castle; or, the times cis et novo orbe, decades tres. Item eivsdem of Knox and queen Mary Stuart. 16~. New de babylonica legatione, libri iii. Et item de York, Am. tract soc. 1867. rebus tetbiopicis, etc. liber Damiani a Goes. -- Lady Alice Lisle, the last of the English 24 p. 1. 655pp. 151. 160. Colonice, G. Cale- martyrs. [anon.] 276 pp. 16~. New York, nius, 1574. Am. tract soc. [1867]. The same. The decades [fyrst-thyrde] Martyn (W. Carlos). A history of the Enof the newe worlde of West India, conteynyng glish puritans. 496 pp. 120. New York, the nauigations and conquestes of the Span- Am. tract soc. [1867]. yards, with the description of the landes and I History of the Huguenots. 528 pp. 120~. ilandes lately founde in the west ocean per- New York, Am. tract soc. [1866]. taynyng to Spayne. Translated by R. Eden. Life and times of Martin Luther. 550 2p. 1. 166 l. 120. Guil. Powell, 1555. pp. 120. Am. tract soc. [1866]. _____- The same. Decades of the ocean. 7-184]. - The pilgrim fathers of New England. [In EDEN (Rich.) iHistory of trauayle. 120. 1577.] A history. 432 pp. 12~. New York, Am. _____- The same. The historie of the West Indies. Published in Latin by Hakluyt, and Martyr (Peter). See Martire d'Anghiera translated by Lok. [Eight decades.] 3.l. (Pietro). 318 1. 120. London, A. BHebb, 1597. Martyr (Peter, the reformer). See Vermigli -_ Der newen weldt, etc. Basel, 1582. See (Pietro Martire). Benzoni (Girolamo), and Martire. Marvin (Enoch M. D. D.) The work of _ De insulis nuperrepertis. See Novus Christ; or, the atonement considered in its orbis. -oterodami, 1616. influence upon the intelligent universe. 137 Mdartire Verlmigli (Pietro). See Vermigli pp. 160. St. Louis, P. M. Pinckard, 1867. (Pietro Martire). Marvin (Henry). Complete history of Lake Martius (Carl Friedrich Philipp von). Bei- George; intended as a guide. 102 pp. 1 map. triige zur ethnographie und sprachenkunde 18~. New York, Sibells & Maigne, 1853. s. Brasiliens. Wortersammlung brasilianischer Marx (Adolph Bernhard). Theory and pracsprachen. xxi, 548 pp. 8S. Ertangen, Junge, tice of musical composition. Translated from 1863. s. the 3d German ed. and edited by H. S. Saroni. ----- The same. 2 v. ix, 202 pp; xxi, 548 pp. 5th Amer. ed. With appendix and notes, by 80. Leipzig, F. Fleischer, 1867. E. Girac. 406, 166 pp. 8~. New York, Catalogue dela bibliothaque americaine. Mason bros. [1851]. s. 341. 4~0. Munich, 1848. Marx (Francis). The Serf and the Cossack. ______- Reise in Brasilien. fSee Spix (J. B.) A sketch of the condition of the Russian people. ------ Syllabus praelectionum de botanica 48 pp. 16~. London, Triibnerc & Co. 1854. pharmaceutico-medica. 34 pp. 8~. Miin' Maryland. (Province). Proceedings of the conchen, Verfasser, 1852. s. vention of the province of Maryland, held at --- Systema materiae medicae vegetabilis Annapolis, May 8, 1776. 29 pp. sin. 40~. brasiliensis. xxvi, 155 pp. 8~. Lipsiae, Annapolis, Frederick Green, [1776?] F. Fleischer, 1843. s. - The same. June 21, 1776. 33 pp. sm. 40~. Wegweiser fiir die besucher des k. Annapolis, Flrederick Green, [1776 T] botanischen gartens in Miinchen. vi, 169 pp. [ With proceedings of May 8, 1776.] 1 pl. 160. Miinchen, C. Kaiser, 1852. s. - The same. August 14, 1776. 91 pp. 40~. 1Martius (Ernst Wilhelm). Erinnerungen aus Annapolis, Frederick Green, [1776?] 253 MARYLAND. MASSACHUSETTS. Maryland (Province.) Proceedings continued. Masius or Maase (Hector Gottfried von der). June 22, 1774; November 21,1774; December Antiqvitatum mecllenburgensium schedias8,1774; April 24, 1775; and July 26, 1775. 26 ma historico-philologicum, cum notis Andreae pp. 40. -Annapolis, Frederick Green, [1775?] Borrichii. 8p. 1. 166 pp. 160. Lubec, J. -- The same. December 7, 1775. 62 pp. Weidemeyer, 1700. s. sm. 4c. Annapolis, FTrederick Green, [1776?] De existentia duemonis, qvatenus e na(State). Catalogue of the library of the turn lumine innotescit, dissertatio. 40 pp. state of Maryland. By David Ridgely. [With 16~. s. additions to December, 1840, in ms.] 8~. [App. to his A ntiqvitatum mecklenb. schediasma, etc.] Anncapolis, J. Hughes, 1837. MSason (Charlotte). The lady's assistant for Geological survey. Reports. 13 v. in regulating and supplying the table; being a 2. 80. Annapolis, sate printer, 1834-40. s. complete system of cookery: with appendix COINTENTS. on the breeding and management of poultry. ALEXANDER (John Henry). Engineers' reports on 10 p. 1. 422, 25 pp. 10 1. 8~. London, the topographical survey for 1834-36. J. Yalte 1801. DUCATEL (Julius T.) Reports of the geologist. 18:14-40. Report on iron manufacture. Mason (Miss Emily V.) The southern poems Journal of the proceedings, [including of the war, collected and arranged. 456 pp. "documents,"] of the senate and house of 120. Baltimore, J. Murphy & Co. 1867. delegates, January session, 1865. 2 v. 8e. - The same. 2d rev. ed. 524 pp. 1 pl. Anncapolis, R. P. Bayley, 1865. 12~. Baltimore, J. Murphy & Co. 1868. The same. Extra session, 1866. 2 v. MVIason (George). A supplement to Johnson's 8~. Annapolis, Haverstick4'Longneckers, 1866. English dictionary. vii, 134 pp. 8~0. New ~- -— The same. January session, 1867. 2 v. York~, H. Caritat, 1803. 80. -Annapolis, H. A. Lucas, 1867. MIason (George C.) Reunion of the sons and Report of the committee of grievances daughters of Newport, R. I. August 23, 1859. and courts of justice of the Maryland house 298 pp. 120. Newcport, F. A. Pratt & Co. of delegates, on the recent mobs and riots in 1859. s. the city of Baltimore. v, 347 pp. 8~. Annap- Mason (major John). A brief history of the olis, J. Green, 1813. Pequot war. Introduction by Rev. Thomas Report of the select committee appointed Prince. 4 p. 1. x, 22 pp. 160. Boston, to inquire into the expediency of repealing the S. Kneeland, 1736. act to provide for completing a new map and [Imperfect; 2 p. 1. in ms.] geological survey of the state. 4 pp. 8~. Mason (Rev. William). Heroic epistle to sir Annapolis, 1839.. s. William Chambers, [anon.] 16 pp. 40~. [With MARYLAND. Geological survey]. London, J. Almon, 1763. Votes and proceedings of the house of M ason (William), and Hoadly (E. S.) A delegates, November session, 1793. 124 pp. method for the piano-forte. American fingerfol. [Annapolis, 1794?] ing. 239 pp. 1 pl. 40. Newv York, Mason [Inmperfect; some pp. wanting at close]. bros. [1867]. Maryland institute for the promotion of the Massachusetts. (Colony). A journal of the mechanic arts. Catalogue of books in the proceedings of [the] commissioners appointed library. Classified and alphabetically ar- by Spencer Phips, lieut. gov. of Massachusetts ranged by titles. 176 pp. 8~0. Baltimore, bay, to treat with the eastern Indians. [anon.] J. Young, 1865. s. 16 pp. sin. 40~. Boston, J. Draper, 1752. Marzenado (Santa Cruz de). See Santa Journal of the house of representatives Cruz de Marzenado (A.) of his majesty's province of the Massachusetts Mascardi (Agostino). Dissertationes-de affec- bay, begun and held at Boston, May 28tll, tibvs sive pertvrbationibvs animi, et ethicse 1755. [72? pp.] fol. Boston, S. Kneeland, prolvsiones. 4 p. 1. 490 pp. 9 1. 180. Medi- 1755. olani, F. Vigoni, 1667. [Imperfect; some pages wanting at the end]. 1'iasch (G. M. C.) Geschichte des bisthums Commonsvealth. Debates, resolutions, and Ratzeburg. xvi, 780 pp. 80. Liibeck, F. other proceedings of the convention of the Aschenfeldt, 1835. s. commonwealth of Massachusetts, at Boston, Masini(Eliseo). Sacro arsenale; ouero, prattica Jan. 1788, for the purpose of ratifying the dell'officio della santa inqvisitione. Di nuouo constitution recommended by the grand fedcorretto, et ampliato. Canon.] 8 p. 1. 528 eral convention. 216 pp. 12~. Boston, Adams pp. 16~. Bologna, G. Longhi, 1679. & Nourse, and others, 1788. 254 MASSACHUSETTS. MATHER. Massachusetts. (Commonwealth.) Fourth to life of Mr. Jonathan Mitchel. xxxii, 100 pp. ninth annual reports to the legislature, relating 24~. Boston, B. Green and J. Allen, 1697. to the registry and returns of births, mar- [ Imperfect; title p. and 2 p. 1. wanting.] riages, and deaths in Massachusetts, for 1845- 1 Essays to do good. 108 pp. 24~. New 50. By the secretary of state. 6 v. in 1. 80. York, Am. tr'act soc. [about 1820]. Boston, Dutton' Weentworth, 1845-51. s. India christiana. A discourse delivered Reports and other documents relating unto the commissioners for the propagation of to the state lunatic hospital at Worcester, the gospel among the American Indians; Mass. Printed by order of the senate. 200 [with] several instruments relating to the pp. 80. Boston, Dutton & Wentworth, 1837. design of propagating our religion in the M1assachuse'tts college of pharmacy. Cata- eastern as well as the western Indians. 120 logue of the materia medica, and of the phar- pp. 18~. Boston, B. Green, 1721. maceutical preparations, with the uniform The life of the renowned John Eliot. 4 prices. 59 pp. 12~. Boston, college, 1854.. p. 1. 152 pp. 18. Boston, B. d J. Massachusetts historical society. Proceed- Allen, 1691. s. ings, 1866-67. xvi, 524 pp. 2 portraits. 8~. [Mandtio ad miniterium.] Student Boston, Tggigzn & Lunt, 1X867. and preacher; or, directions for a candidate Massachusetts horticultural society. A cata- of the ministry, [new ed. with] a literal trans logue of the library. 65 pp. 80. Boston, H. lation of [the] Latin preface [by H. Welford]. W. Dutton & son, 1867. S. xvi, 260 pp. 16~. London, T. Scollick & J. Massachusetts register, 1867, containing a Matthews, 1789. record of state and county officers, and a direc- The present state of New England; a tory of merchants, manufacturers, etc. v. 95. discourse ol the necessities and advantages 80. Boston, 1867. of a public spirit. 46 pp. 240. Boston, S. Massie (James William, D. D.) The slave: G' ee, 1690. hunted, transported, and doomed to toil; a Psalterium americanum; the book of tale of Africa. iv, 176 pp. 160. Manchester, psalms in blank verse. xxxv, 426 pp. 18~. J. Lowandes, 1846. Boston, Benj. Eliot, 1718. Massmann (Hans Ferdinand). Atlas zu demThe wonders of the invisible world; werke [von J. Scheible]: Die baseler todten- being an account of the tryals of several tainze in getreuen abbildlungen, [etc.] Sammt witches, lately executed in New England, etc. einem anhange: Todtentinze iln holzschnitten and of several remarkable curiosities therein des funfzehnten jahrhunderts. 1 p. 1. 49 pl. occurring. With observations upon the na40. Leipzig, Expedition des Rkosters, 1847. s. ture, number, and operations of devils. Narrative of a late outrage in Swedeland. Some M.W3asson (Alexander Fr6d6ric Jacques, marpqcis de Pezay). lpitre A monl ami. councels directing a due improvement of the terrible things lately done in New England. [With DORAT (Claude. Joseph). Le pot-pourri, etc. 80. 1764]. A discourse upon the more ordinary devices Masson (Jean). P. Ovidii Nasonis vita ordine of Satan, Boston, 1693. [Reprint, 247 pp. m. chronologico sic delineata, ut podte fata et 40. Boston, 1866. [With DRAKE (S. G.) Witchcraft delusion in New operaveris assignentur annis, notisquephilolo- England, v. 1.] gicis et historicis illustrentur, etc. 3 p. 1. 242 - and others. The principles of the protespp. 61. 18~. Amstelodami, Jansson, 1708. s. tant religion maintained, and the churches of Mastalier (Adolphus Edward). Ischel, [Switz- New England in the profession and exercise erland. A hygienic essay, with special ref- thereof defended, against all the calumnies of erence to the sanative advantages of Ischl]. one George Keith. viii, 156 pp. 24~. Boston, 106 pp. 80. Leipzig, B. Tasuchnitz, jun. 1850. Richard Pierce, 1690. Masters (Robert). History of the college of ~ The same. Corpus Christi and the b. virgin Mary in the [Imperfect: wanting 4 pp. at end]. university of Cambridge, of its principal memn- Mather (1ev. Eleazar). A serious exhortation hers, etc. Part 1. 4 p. 1. 212, 84, 54 pp. 6 pl. to the present and succeeding generation in 40. Cambridge, (Eng.) J. Bentham, 1753. s. New England. 4 p. 1. 31 pp. sm. 40~. CamThe same. Part 2. History of its prin-: bridge, (Mass.) S. Green and M. Johnson, 1671. cipal members. 3 p. 1. pp. 213-428. App. pp. The same. 2d ed. 2 p. 1. 31 pp. sin. 40~. 85-115. 91. 1 pl. 40~. [Cambridge, 1755]. s. Boston, John Foster, 1678. ather (Cotto, D..) Eccesiastes; or, the [ itWALLEY (Rev. Thomas). Balm in Gilead. Camn 255 MATHER. MATSON. Mather (Increase, D. D.) A brief history of erties of the churches in New England; [with] the war with the Indians in New England, discourse concerning congregational churches. from June 24, 1675, to August 12, 1676. 4 p. 1. 4 p. i. ix, 216 pp. 120. Boston, D..Henchman, 51, vii pp. sm. 40~. London,, Richard Chiswell, 1738. 1676. An attempt to show that America must [pp. 2, 43, 45, imperfect.] be known to the ancients, [with] appendix A discourse concerning comets. 6 p. 1. concerning the American colonies. 35 pp. 8~. 143 pp. 240. Boston, 1683. Boston, T. Leverett P H. Knox, 1773. [Imperfect; title page wanting.] pMather (Rev. Samuel, of Windsor, Conn.) The Doctrine of divine providence opened self-justiciary convicted and condemned. A and applyed; also, sundry sermons. 4 p. l. discourse concerning the necessity of re148 pp. 180. Boston, Joseph Brunning, noning our own righteousness. 82 pp. 240. The1684. greatest innersexhorted and e Boston, D. Henchman, 1740. The greatest sinners exhorted and en- [Imperfect: wanting pp. 3-4.] couraged to come to Christ now, [with other Mather (William W.) Reports on geology. sermons]. 3 p. 1. 146 pp. 240. Boston, Joseph [Nriw YonK, State. Annual reports on geol. survey. Brunning, 1686.. 1-5.1 *Mathetron (Philippe). Catalogue m6thodique The great blessing of primitive counsellours. 23 pp. suit. 40~Boston, B. Harris, et descriptif des corps organis6s fossiles du lours. 23 pp. sm. 4. Boston, B. HIarrtis 1693.' departement des Bouches du Rhone, et lieux ----- Heaven's alarm to the world. 2d ~im- circonvoisins; pr6c6d6s d'un m6moire sur les terrains superieurs au gres bigarr6 du S. E. de pression. 4 p. 1. 38 pp. 240. Boston, Samuel Sewate, 1682. de la France. [extract]. 269 pp. 41 pl. 80. ~S~eMarles 168.d [With MATHER (Increase). Discourse concerning larseilles, Soc. de statistique, 1842. s. comets. 240. Boston, 1653.] Mathews (Cornelius). Pen and ink panorama The latter sign discoursed of, in a ser- of New York city. 209 pp. 18~. New York, mon. 30 pp? 240. J. S. Taylor, 1853. s. [With MATHER, (Increase). Discourse concerning Mathias (Thomas James, editor). Componicomets, Boston, 1653.] comhets, Boster on, 1653.] opened and ~tp- menti lirici dB pit illustri poeti d'Italia. 3 v. The mystery of Christ opened and applied in several sermons. vi, 212 pp. 240. 1 pl. 16. Londra, B.lmer e Ca. 1802. Bostose, 1686. -- The same. Aggiunta ai comiponimenti A sermon wherein is shewed that the lrici. 3 v. 3 pl. 160. Londra, Bulse- e Ca. 1808. church of God is sometimes a subject of great persecution. 3p. l. 4pp. s. 4~. Boston, Poesie liriche e varie. Nuova ed. 3 v. persecution. 3 p. 1. 24 pp. sm. 40. Boston, in 1. 120. Napoli, A. Nobite, 1825. Samuel Sewall, 1682. in 1. 1%. Napoi, A._Nobile, 1825. A sermon, vherein is shewed that excess Mathieu (P. F.) Histoire des miracul6s et des in wickedness doth bring untimely death. 2d ed. 37 pp.- 180. Boston, J. BrLnning, pp. 160. Paris, Didier et Cie. 1864. 1685. Matienzo (Juan de). Dialogvs relatoris et adSome important truths about conversion. vocati pintiani senatvs, in quo varia proponxxii, 260 pp. 240. Boston, John Edwards, untur ad renunciatorum, advocatorumn et judiXXllJ 260 pp. 240. Boston, John Edwards, 1721. cumn munera. 6 p. 1. 151 pp. 201. fol. Pintice, The same. 2d ed. xxii, 258 pp. 18o. L. Sanchez, 1604. s. Boston, Boone, 1721. [ With VALDES (Juan). De dignitate, etc.] [Imperfect. Some pp. wanting at the close.] Matigny (Hubert do). Do la disparition do la -- De successu evangelii apud Indos Occi- monnaie d'argent et de son remplacement par dentales in Nova-Anglia: epistola ad Johan- la monnaie d'or; ou, situation monetaire de nem Leusdenum. 8pp. 18~. Ultrajecti, W. la France, en 1859. 2e 6d. 168pp. 80. Paris, - Broeleleth, 1699. auteur, 1859., S. [ With LEIBNITZ (G. W.) Novissima sinica, 1699]. Matlack (Timothy). An oration, 1780, before Mather (Richard). A reply to Mr. Ruther- the American philosophical society. 27 pp. ford or, defence of the answer to Mr. Herle's 40~. Philadelplhia, Styner & Cist, 1780. booke against the independency of churches. Matson (N.) Map of Bureau county, Illinois, 6p. 1. 109 pp. sm. 40. London, J. Bothwell with sketches of its early settlement. 88 pp. 4E H. Allen, 1647. 8 pl. 26 maps. sinm. 40. Chicago, G. H. Mather (Samuel,D. D.) An apology for the lib- Feryus, 1867. 256 MATTEI. MAXIMILIAN. Mattei (Paschal de'). Devotion to the holy 145, 10 pp. 15 pl. 120. Oxford, 1heatre, guardian angels in the form of considerations, 1732. prayers, [etc. From the Italian]. 230 pp. Maurepas (Jean Fr6d6ric Phelippeaux, comte 32~. Baltimore, Kelly 4' Piet, 1866. de). M6moires [depuis 1749 jusqu'en 1772, Matter; its forms and governing laws. By redig6s par N. N. de Sall6 et publ. par J. L. George Duplex. (pseudon?) viii, 166 pp. G. Soulavie]. 3 v. 8~. Paris, Buisson, 1792. 120. London, Bradbury & Evans, 1857. Maurice (Matthias). Faith encouraged, in a Matthlii (Johann Friedrich). Verzeichniss der plain exposition of Heb. vi, 4-6. x, 26, 1 kiniglich sachsischen gemiilde-galerie zu John v, 16. xvi, 262 pp. 160. London, J. Dresden. 2 v. in 1. x, 240, xii pp; 130, vi pp. Clark, 1726. 1 pl. 80. Dresden, [Galerie,] 1835. s. Maury (Mathew Fontaine). Explanations and Matthew (George F.) Geology. sailing directions to accompany the wind and [With BAILEY (L. W.) Geology of southern New current charts, etc. 318 pp. 12 pl. 40. Brunswick]. Matthews (James N.) My holiday; how I Washington, C. Alexander, 1851. s. spent it: being some rough notes of a trip to The same. 4th ed. 413pp. 19 pl. 40. Europe and back, in 1866. 275 pp. 12g. cs7hington,1e C. xlexander, 1852. _Buffalo, M. Taylor, 1867. BuXffalo, 11!. Taylor, 1867. The same. 7th ed. enlarged. xxvi, Matthiae(AugustlHeinrich). Animadversiones 869 pp. 34 1. 23 p1. 40. Philadelpha, E. in hymnos homericos, cum prolegomenis de C. J. Biddle, 1855. cujusque consilio, partibus, setate. xvi, 464 The same. 8th ed. 2 v. xxxvi, 383 pp. pp. 80. Lipsice, Weidmannr, 1800. s. 39 pl. 12 charts; vii, 874 pp. 6 pl. 40. Matthieu (Pierre). Concernant la mort d6- Washington, C. Wendell, 1858-59. plorable de Henry iv, roy de France. Ensem- 1 Investigations of the winds and currents ble vn pan6gyriqve et vn discovrs fvndbre. ofthesea. [FromtheappendixtotheWash216 pp. 16C. [Geniee, A. Pernet,] 1620. ington astronomical observations for 1846]. [v. 2 of MATTHIEU (Pierre). Histoire de France, 126 pp. 40. Washington, C. Alexander, 1851. Geneve, 1620]. S. Histoire de France et des choses mem- I A new theoretical and practical treatise orables aduenues aux prouvinces estrangbres on navigation. viii, 216, 174 pp. 9 pl. 80. durant sept ann6es de paix [1598-1604] dv Philadelphia, Key & Biddle, 1836. s. regne dv roy Henri iv, roy de France -et de o Wind and current charts. Gales in the Nauarre. 2 v. 20 p. 1. 728 pp. 39 1; 8 p. 1. Atlantic. 2 pl. 24 maps. 40. Washington, 844 pp. 160. Geneive, Balthazar & Pernet, 1857. 1620. Die physische geographie des meeres. Mattison (Hiram). The resurrection of the Deutsch bearbeitet von Dr. C. Boettger. xii, dead; considered in the light of history, 268 pp. 6 pl. 8~. Leipzig, G. Mayer, 1856. philosophy, and divine revelation. With an s. introduction by Rev. M. Simpson, D. D. 3d Maury (Sarah Mytton). An Englishwoman in ed. 405 pp. 120. Philadelphia, Perkcinpine America. An appendix contains the history and Higgins, 1866. of the emigrant surgeons' bill. cxviii, 251, Maturin (Charles Robert). Fatal revenge; 204, 16 pp. 80. London, Thomas Richardson or, the family of Montorio. 4th ed. 255 pp. 4 son, 1848. 80. London, 1840. Mauvillon (Jacques). The history of Prussia, [HAZLITT'S romancist and novelist's lib. v. 1.] particularly during the reign of the late king M~audsley (Henry, f. Dn.) Physiology and Frederick William. [anon.] 7 p. 1. 525 pathology of the mind. xv, 442 pp. 80. pp. 120. London, R. Janby. 1756. New York, D. Appleton & Co. 1867. NOTE.-A compilation from Mirabeau's writings upon Maunder (Samuel). The treasury of knowl- Prussia. edge. Part i. Being a new and enlarged Maximilian (Alexander Philipp, prinz von dictionary of the English language. Part ii. Wied-Nieuwied). Beitrdge zur naturgesComprising a new universal gazetteer. 2 v. chichte von Brasilien. 4 v. in 6. 8~. Weimar, in 1. 198 p. 1. 346 pp.2 pl. 180. London, S. Landes industrie comptoirs, 1825-33. s. Macunder, 1830. Maundrell (Henry). A journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, at easter, 1697. 5th ed. [-with] a. v. 1. Amphibien. xxii, 614pp. 3 pl. v. 2. l Stugthiere. 622 pp. 5 pl. journey to the banks of the Euphrates. 6 p 1. -. v 3-4. Vgel. 1280, xii pp. 1 pI; 946, viii pp. 2 p1. 20~ MAXIMILIAN. MAZZOCCHI. Maximilian (Alexander Philipp, prinz'onl Mayhew (Jonathan, D. D.) A discourse conWied-Nienuwied). Reise in dlas innere Nord- cerning unlimited submission and non-resistAmerica in den jahren 1832-34. 2 v. xvi, 654 ance to the higher powers, with reflections on pp; xxii, 687 pp. atlas, 81 pl. 1 map. 4~. the resistance made to king Charles i. 18~. Coblenz, J. Hoelscher, 1839-41. s. First printed at Boston, 1750. PReise nach Brasilien in den jahren [With BARON (R.) Pillars of priesteraft shaken. v 2. 1815-17. 2 v. xxxvi, 385 pp. 11 pl; xviii, pp. 259-335. Lond. 1752o]. 346 pp. 8 pl. atlas, 22 pl. 3 maps. 40. ~ The expected dissolution of all things, Frankfurt am M. ff. L. Bronner, 1820-21. s. a motive to universal holiness. Two serVerzeichniss der auf seiner reise in mons. 76, 5 pp. 160. Boston, Edes & Gill, Nord-Amerika beobachtetelu situgethiere. 1755. (Extract). 240 pp. 4 pl. 80. Berlin, Archiv [With ZIAYHENW (Jonathan). Striving to enter in, etc. filr naturyeschichte, 1862. s. Boston, 1761.] Maxims and observations, moral and physical, Observations on the charter and conduct wvith chcaracters from the most lapprovecl a.u- of the societyfor the propagation of the gospel tlhors. [anon.] viii, 184 pp. 12~ London, in foreign parts. 176 pp. 8~. Bostoie, B. & S. J. Bladon, 1788. Drcper, 1763. Maxwell (Alexander). Plurality of worlds. Remarks on an anonymous tract [by 2d ed. viii, 265 pp. 8~. Loidon, A. 31ax- archbishop Secker], entitled, An answer to well, 1820. Dr. Mayhew's observations on the charter M8axrwell (John S.) Thie czar, his coulrt and Iand conduct of the society for the propagation people, including a tour in Norway and of the gospel in foreign parts. 86 pp. 8. Sweden. 368 pp. 12~i. Yeav York, Baker Boston, B.. & S. Draper, 1764. ~' Scribner, 1848. s. [IWith MAYl7W (Jonathan). Observations, etc. Boston, 1763]. Maxwell (William). An oration commemorative of the Rev. Jolhnl Holt Ricl, D. D. 3>3 Striving to enter in at the strait gate, and Pp. 8. Bicleonc, ( Vcc.) B. ~J. Si4tl, the conne:-ion of salvation therewith. Two 1832. sernions. 83 pp. 16. Boston, R. Draper & May (Walter VW.) A series of' fourteen slketches otlers, 1761. made during the voyage tip Wellington chan- MIayhlew ( ler. Thomas ). Tears of repentnel in search of Sir J. Franklin, witll a short aice. See fl iot (Rer. John), n2d Mayhew account of each drawing. 7 pp. 14 pl. fol. (Thomas). Londo, Dy son, 8 Mayne (F.) Voyages and discoveries in the London, Day $' son, 18F5. Mayer (Carl von). Heraldisches A. B. C. bucl, arctic regions. 110p0p. 160. L ondon, das ist: wesen und begriff der wissenschaft- snaet s, 1855. s. lichen heralclik, ihre geschichte, literatur, lMayne (John). A dispesatory and therapeutheolie und praxis. xv, 523 pp. 65pl. tical remembrancer. Revised by R. Griffith. nheorieund praxis. xv, 523pp. 65 pl. W0. 3l 1950. lftiinch3en, C. Wolf, 1857. 39 pp. 12. Philadlelphia, Lea & Blanclasrld, Mayhew (Rev. Experience). Indian converts; 1848. or, some account of the lives and dying Mayne (Zachary). Two dissertations concernspeeches of a nuniber of t(le christialnized ilg sense and the imagination, with an essay Indians of Martha's Vineyard, in New Eng- on consciousness. [anon. 4p.1. 431pp. ~. land. xxiv, 275 pp. 12~. London, S. Gerrish, LonMoz, J, oson, 172e. 17-27. Mazaudier ( —, engineer). Guide pratique See Bible (Indicanl, Macssachesetts). d'architecture navale, avec un appendice sur les bateaux h vapeur. 492 pp. 80. 13 pl. 40. Mayhew (Jonathan, D. D.) A defence of the observations on the cliarter and conduct of Paris, DesauchSle, 1835. s. the society for the propagation of the gospel [Text and plates bound together.] in foreign parts, against an anonymous panm- MIazzini (Giuseppe). Life and writings. v. phlet, [by Rev. Henry Caner, ] falsely intitled 1-4. v. 1 and 3, autobiographical and politiA candid examination of Dr. Mayhew's ob- cal; v. 2 and 4, critical and literary. 120. servations. 144 pp. 8~. Boston, P. & S. London [printed at Edinbeurgh], Smitlt, Elder l)raper, and othesrs, 1763. & Co. 1864-67. The same. Mazzocohi (Jacopo). Epigrammata antiqvee W[ ith MAYniEW (Jonathan). Observations on the vrbis [Rolmie]. 10 p. 1.'clxxxi pp. 9 1. fol. charter of the soc. for the prop. of the gospel in oa, J. Maochius, 1521. foreign prts. Boston, 1763]., RoC J. zohus, 151. 33 258 MEAD. MEIKLE. Mead (H. E.) Kentucky and Tennessee. A Textull cognovit A. Heuser. 183 pp. 24~. complete guide to their railroads, stations and Colonire, J. M. tteberle, 1854. distances, connections north and south; their Meckel (Johann Friedrich). System der verrivers, landings, [etc.] 147 pp. 4 maps. 24~. gleichenden an-atomie. 5 v. 8~. tHalle, Louisville, 1. E. Mead, 1867. ienager, 1821-31. s. Mead (M-athew). The almost christian dis- Trait6 g6n6ral d'anatomie comparee. covered; or, tile false professor tried and cast. Traduit par MM. Riester et Sauson. (v. i-vii). Published by elder James Reid. 226 pp. 160. Alph. Sauson et Th. Schuster. (v. viii). Th. Winchester, (Va.) J. _Foster, 1819. Schuster..(v. ix-x). 10 v. 80. Paris ct Mead (Peter B.) An elementary treatise on Rouen, 1828-38. s. American grape culture and wvine maklin. IBedary (Samuel). The new constitution, [of 483 pp. 8~0. rew York, Harpers, 1867. Ohio]. 26 nos. in 1 v. 408 pp. sin. fol. Meade (George Gordon). Report of the sur- Columbus (O.) 1849. vey of the north and northwest lakes. 48 pp. Medleys (The) for the year 1711, with the 3 maps. 8~. Detroit, Daily free press, 1859. five Whig examiners. 59, 479 pp. 24~. LonS. dol, John, Darby, 1712. MlFeade (Thomas). A reply to a paper, circu- Medows (Sir Sidney). Art of horsemanship, lated under the name of the lord bishop of etc. See Freeman (Strickland). Lincoln [G. Pretyman Tomline]: the object Meek (Fielding Bradfolrd). Check list of the of which is to counteract a verdict in an ac- invertebrate fossils of North America. Miocene. tion brought by Thomas Meade against Rev. ii, 32 pp. 80~. Washington, 1864. Charles Daubeny, in 1792. viii, 347 pp. 8~. [SaMITIISONIAN miseel. coll. v. 7.] Bath, R. Cutthvell 1806. Bath, 11. CraltwYell, 1806. The same. Cretaceous and jurassic. Meade ( William, D. D.) Companion to the ii, 40 pp. 80. TVashington, 1864. font and the pulpit. 147 pp. 12~. accshin- v. 7. ton, J. 4' G. S. Gideon, 1846. Meadows (F. C.) A new French and English - - e Califoria geological survey. pronouncing dictionary, on the basis of Nu- and Hayden (F. V.) PaLeontology gen"ts. Iln two palrts, wTith an abJridged grm- of the upper Missouri: a report upon colleca. Corecte d ipro byGeorFo- tions made principally in 1855-56. Invertemroa. Corrected and improved by George Folsoml. 3 p.l. 50, 352, 376 pp. 18g. TNeso York, brates. Part 1. ix, 130 pp. 5 pl. 4~. [ WTashAlexander V. Blake, 1840. ington, Sm. inst.] 1865. Meares (John). Voyages in the years 1788-89, [SM.ITHSONIAN contrib. v. 14.1 from China to the northwest coast of America; Meelfiihrer (Rodolph Martin). Accessioncs ad [with] a narrative of a voyage in 1786, from T. J. ab Almeloveen bibliothecam prolissn Bengal, in the ship Nootka. 10 p. 1. xcvi, 372 t latentem. 8 p. 1. 176 pp. 160. loribee pp. 541. 3 maps. 23 pl. 4~. London, J. IWalter, et Lipsi, A. Oto, 199. 1790. [ With ALMELOVEErrN (T. J. ab.) Bib. promissa, etc.] Mears (John W. D. D.) The beggars of Hol- Mehegan (Guillaume Alexandre, chevalier de). land, and the grandees of Spain. A listory Zoroastre, histoire: [on, de 1' origine des Gudof the reformation in the Netherlands, A. D. bres]. Traduit du Chaldden. [anon. ] 60, x pp. 1200-1578. 477 pp. 8 pl. 1 map. 160. Phil- IS~. [Paris, about 1751]. adel2phia, Presb. pub. coin. [1867]. [ With CAPruclNs (Les) sans barbe, etc]. Mease (James, 1M. D.) A geological account M-eier (Georg Friedrich). The merry philosoof the United States; comprehending a de- pher; or, thoughllts on jesting. From the Gerscription of their animal, vegetable, and min- man. 2 p. 1. 213 pp. 18~. Lonzdo, J. Nes1eral productions, antiquities, and curiosities. berry, 1764. 4 p. 1. 496, xivpp. 5 pl. 18~. Philadelfphia, lMeiffren Laugier, baron de Chartrouse. See Birch 4' Ssnall, 1807. Telmmiinck (C. J.) Mechanics' (The) magazine and journal of Meigs (J. Forsyth, MA. D.) Practical treatise engineering, agricultural machinery, mannu- on the diseases of children. 675 pp. 1U2. factures, and ship-building. July, 1866, to Philadelphia, Lindsay -f Blakciston, 1848. s. Dec. 1867. New series. v. 16-17; complete Meikle (James, surgeon). Metaphysical mllaxseries, v. 85-87. 40. London, Robertson, ims: or, thoughts on the nature of the soul, Brooman & Co. [1866-671. free will, and the divine prescience. 2d ed. Mechthildis (Saint). Revelationes selectee. 142 pp. 16~. Edinbcuri, J. Ogle, 1811. MELA. M2I9MOIRES. Mela (Pomponius). Libri de situ orbis tres, [pscudom.] 310 pp. 18~. Philadelphiac, J. adiectis J. Vadiani helvetii in eosdem scholiis; B. Litppincott & Co. 1867. addita quoque in geographia catechesi, et Melton (Edward). Zeldzaame eln gedenkepistolaVadiani adAgricolam ldignalectu. 23 waardige zee- en landreizen door Egypten, p. 1. 133 1. fol. Fienrna Pacnnonice, Lucas West-Indien, Perzien, Turkien, Oost-Indien, Alaotse, per J. Liagreniuzn, 1518. s. en d'aangrenzende gewesten, 1660-1667. Melanchthon or Schwarzerd (Philipp). 3p.. 495 pp. 41. 20 pl. 40. Amlsterdanm, Jan Ethicte doctrince elementa., et enarratio libri ten Hoor'n, 1681. quinti ethicorvm [Aristotelis]. 8 p. 1. 301 pp. Melvil or Melville (Si' James). Memoirs: 160. Fitebcergte, 1566. s. containing an impartial account of the most - Initia doctrinm physicre, dictata in acad- remarkable affairs of state during the sixenia wvitebergensi. 6 p.. 2061. 16~. Vite- teenth century; more particularly relating to bergeae, 1567. s. England and Scotland. Published by George [ With his Ethie doelctrinv elenmenta]. Scott. 3d ed. xx, 408 pp. 15 1. S~. London, MIelbourn (Julius). Life and opinions. 239 D. Wilson, 1752. pp. 12). Syracase, Hall 4' Dickson, 1847. Melville (G. J. Whyte). Digby Grand: an Melchior (Hans Bchbman). Den dainslie stats autobiography. 2d ed. 120. London, J. IV. og Norges pattedyr. Udgivet af Sophus Parker & son, 1857. Zable. xvi, 298 pp. 13 pl. 83. Ixjdenehavln, (Kate Coventry: an autobiography. 2d ed. Gyldendalk, 1834. S. 322 pp. 12~. London, J. TV. Parker & son, Melcombe (lord). See Dodinggton (G. B.) 1856. Melho, Melo, or Mello (Francisco Manoel Melville (Herman). Omoo: a narrative of adde). Historia de los movimientos, separacion ventures in the south seas. 389 pp. 120. Asew y guerra de Catalu/la en tiempo de Felipe iv. York, Harpers, 1847. s. LCon Ia vida del autor. ] Nueva ed. xxvi, 475 Typee; a peep at Polynesian life, during pp. 160. Madrid, Sanechca, 1808. a tour months' residence in a valley of the Meline (James F.) Two thousand miles on Marquesas. Reviseld ed. 307 pp. 120. Ncw horseback. Santa F6 and back. A summer York, Wriley and Putnamc, 1847. tour through Kansas, Nebrasklia, Colorado, The same. xiv, 307 pp. 1~0. Nulw YorK', and New Mexico, in 1856. x, 317 pp 1 map. HCapeIs 1389. 160. Neqv York, flurd & HIoug7ton, 1867. Menemiinger (J. D. G. von). Besehreibung Melish (John). A geographical description of von WViirttemburg. 30 auflage. xvi, 848 pp. tile United States, Awith the contiguous British 1 table. 8~. Stuttygart, J. G. Cotta, 1841. s. and Spanish possessions. 2d ed. 180 pp. 8~. Memiioir of Charles Gordon LeIlox, fifth duke Philadelphia,c J. AMelish, 1816. of Richlnond. [acnon.] xi, 31i8 pp. 1 pl. 80. - — ~ The same. 3d ed. 8~. Plilacldeplicc, London, Chccpmase & ICftll, 1862. cauthor7;, 1818. as. Meimoir of the Rlev. WV. A. B. Johnson, 1misA statistical view of the United States; sionary il Sierra Leone, 1816-23. With precontaining a geographical description of the fatory remarks by Rev. W. Jewett. [anone.] United States, antd of each state and territory. xiii, 430 pp. 1 map. 160. London, Seeley, 45 pp. 18~. Philadelphia, cathor, 189922. 1852. [ With the preceding]. Mmlloire historiqute et instructif scur l'YIospice The traveller's directory throughl the de lamaternitS. [R6digO parMM. Hucherard, United States. [-2d ed.] xix, 183 pp. 2maps. Sausseret, et Girault]. xiv, 140 pp. 40~. Paris, 18S. Philadlcpkhia, cauthor, 1822. Inlprinmerie des lhospices civiles, 1808. s. Mellen (George S.) One thousand choice re- Medmoires de monsieur le marquis de.o cipes, mysteries and disclosures, touching Ecrits par uii-m1lne. [anom2.] 3 p. 1. 202 pp. every branch of business, [etc.] New ed. 103 180. Paris, Couestelier, 1728. pp. 18~.. TLetiston, (He.) G. S. Mellen, 1866. [Tit7 C(ArucINS (Les) sans barbe, etc.] _Mellin (Georg Samuel Albrecht). Encyclophi- MedJ~moires militaires sur la campagne de disches wv6rterbuch der kritischen philosophie. 1'arm6e belgique dans les Pays-Bas aun6 v. in 11. $0. Leipzi g, etc. PF. Fron7,amte, trichiens, penlant 1790. Par un officier de 1797 —1804. s. l'arm6e. [ano-n.] xi, 169 pp. 80. Londres, Mello (Francisco Manoel de). See Melho. Splbary, 1791. S. Mlelpomene divina; or, poems on christian IMedlmoires surle Canada, 1749-60. 207 pp. 2 1. themes. By Christopher Laomelon Pindiar. 8~. Qeccbc, b 1 CaLlG a' Cie. 1838. 260 MIMOIRES. 2i0 MERCATOR. Memroires sur mladame [Hortense Beauharnais guay d'Hilliers, the king of Greece, St. ArmBonaparte] la duchesse de St. Leu, ex-reine aud, ResechidPacha, Gortschakoff, Orloff, vicede Hollande; suivis des romances comlpos6es adm. Parseval-Deschenes, vice-adm. Hamelin, et mises en musique par elle-melme. [anon.] the Sultan, Omar Pacha, Mensehikoff. [anon. ] xi, 84 pp. 13 pl. obl. 40. Londres, Colburn' 2 p. 1.156 pp. 160. Londo, D. Bryce, [1864]. Bentley, 1832. Me'nant (Joachim). Observations sur la peine Menmoires tir6s des papiers d'un homme.d'dtat, de mlort. 2e 6d. 20 pp. 80. Pcaris, 1846. s. [le prince de Hardenberg] sur les causes se- Mendell (Miss -), and Hosmler (Miss Harcrdtes qui ont d6termin6 la politique secrbte des riet). Notes of travel and life [in the United cabinets dans les guerres de la rdvolution; par States]. 288 pp. 12~. Nrewc York, for the M. le comte d'Allonville, [Alphonse de Beau- authors, 1854. champs, etc]. 3 v. 8~. Bruxelles, Wahlen,, Mendham (Joseph). See nldex librorum pro1838-41. hibitorull a Sixto v. confectus. Memoirs of an unfortunate yonng nobleman Mendoza (Illigo Lopez de). See Lopez de [James Annesley], returned from thirteen Mendoza. years' slavery in America, where he had been Mengarini (Rev. Gregory). A Selish or Flatsent byhiscrueluncle. [anon.] 3v. 277 pp; head grammar, [or] grammatica lingure sel235 pp; 215 pp. 160. Londlon, J. Freeiman, ic. viii, 122 pp. 80. Net Yorkl, Cramoisy 1743-47. I press, 1861. s. Memoirs of Ferdinand VII, kiing of the Spains. [Shea's library of American linguistics, ii.l By Don.'... advocate of the Spanish tribu- Mengin-Fondragon (Pierre Charles Joseph, nals. Translated from the Spanish by M. J. baron de). Lettres'a ma fille; on, conseils Quin. [anon.] vii, 307 pp. 80. London, sur l'dducation. xii, 240 pp. 18~. Paris, Hurst, Robinson 4' Co. 1824. Debjcourt, 1843. s. [NOTE.-(Ettinger represents this book as written by Mengotti (Francesco). Del colmnercio de' Quin himself.] Romani dalla prima guerra punica a ConCMemoirs of Frederick and AMargaret SKlop- stantino; il colbertismo; ossia, della libertai di stock. Translated from the German [by Mhiss Elizabeth Smith. anon.] xii, 236 pp. 120. commercio de' prodotti della terra. ESlizabeth S1m1ith. anon. ] xii, 236 pp. 12~. [8ScITTonIs class. ital. di econ. pol. v. 3(;]. Bath, R. Cruttwell, 1808. Mengs (Anton Raphael). Opere. Aunmentate Memoirs of the dead, and tomb's reinem- dall' avvocato Carlo Fea. xlvi, 445 pp. porbrancer. [anon.] 300 pp. 160. B1altimore, trat. 40. Bona, Pgcsliarini, 1787. a. editors, 1806. Menke (Theodor). Orbis antiqui descriptio Memoirs of the life and adventures of Tson- iMnusu lllshorun. Ed 2s. 5 P. 1. 17 maps. nonthonan, a king of the Indian nation called 40. Gotha Perthes 1854. Roundheads. [arnon.] 2 v. xx, 189 pp; Mennechet (]idouard). Lceons de litt6rature viii, 210 pp. 16~. London, J. )Knox, 1763. franeraise classique, [etc.] Tirdes des Matin6es Memoirs of the life and times of Sir Thomas litt6raires. 393 pp. 120. Newu York, LeyDeveil. [anon. ] 83 pp. 80. Londoan,. poldt M. Holt, 1868. Cooper, 1748. Menon ( —). La cuisinidre bourgeoise; prdMemoirs of the Nutrebian court. [anon.] 2 v. c6cdde d'un manuel. 12 6d. 160. Pris, oin 1. 3 p. 1. 236 pp; 3 p. 1. 256 pp. 1 p.1 160. ronval, 1841. London, M. Lacughanre, 1747. I Meon (Dominique Martin). Nouveau recueil Memoranda concerning Baltimore city and its de fablianx et contes inddits des pottes fransurroundings. 93 pp. 1 map. 120. Baltimoore, 9'ais des xiie —xve siEcles. 2 v. viii, 500 pp; TV. M,. Innes, 1860. 482 pp. 2 pl. 80. Paris, Chass&riau, 1823. Memphis (Tenn.) City directory, 1867-8. Mercantile agrency United States business Also a classified business register [anld] city directory for 1 directory for 1867, containing the names of and county record. T. I. Halpin, compiler, merchants, manufacturers, and traders. By 339 pp. 8~.:Memphis, Bulletin pub. co. R. G. Dun & Co. 821 pp. 40. Newo York, 1867. John F. Troiv, 1867. Men (The) of the time; or, sketches of living Mercator, or Kaufnann (Gerlardt). Ihistoria notables. [anon.] 564 pp. 120. Xes York, mvndi; or, MIercator's atlas. Containing his Redfield, 1852. s. cosmographicall description of the fabricke Men (The) of the war. Francis Joseph, theure of orld. y the studious inprince ot Prussia, prince Paskiewitsch, Bara- dustry of Ivdocvs Hondy [Hondt]. Eng 261 MERCEY. METCALF. lished by W. S[altonstall]. 12 p. 1. 58, 930 pp. sociale; conjuration de Catilina. 430 pp. 16~. 16 1. 191 maps. fol. London,.AL Spar/ke & Paris, Levy, 1853. S. Cartwright, 1635. M61anges historiques et littdraires. 382 Mercey (Fr6d6ric Bourgeois de). Assyrie. pp. 160. Paris, Ldvy, 1855. 191. MIs. Merivale (Herman). Memoirs of Sir Philip [With GOBINE AU, (A. de). Essai sur l'in6galit6 des Fran1cis. See Parkes (Joseph). races lhmaines, v. v2.] Merleker (Carl Friedrich). Geschichte der Merchaint's (The) magazine and commercial geographie mid der geographischen entdeclreview. Edited by W. B. Dana. Jan. to Dec. ungen, in verbindung mit der'geschichte der 1867. v. 56-57. 80. Newv York, I. B. Dana schiffahrt, der kolonien, etc. xii, 214 pp. 80. & Co. 1867. Darinstadt, C. W. Leske, 1839. s. DMercier (Alfred). Biographie de Pierre Soul6, Merle dl'Aubign6 (Jean Henri). The protec101 pp. 120. Paris, Detuc, 1848. s. tor: a vindication. 3d ed. 426 pp. 80. LonMercier (Louis S6bastien). Tableau de Paris. don, Oliver 4- Boyd, 1848. [anon.] xi, 556 pp. 160. Hambozur, Vir- Merlin or Merdhyn (Ambrose). Prophetil:anchaux, 1781. s. glicana et romana, una cum libris explanaMIercure (Le) francois. [Compos6 par Jean tionvm Alani de Insvlis. Addita svnt vaticinia Richer jusqu'en 1635, et continue par Thdop. Joachimi abbatis calabri. 8 p. 1. 325 pp. Renaudot jusqu'en 1644.] 1605-1644. 25 v. 1 1. 180. Francofvrti, J. J. Porssiuzs, 1608. 120. Paris, 1617-48. Merrem (Blasius). Beitraege zur naturgeMercure historique et politique, contenant schibchte; [nebst beitraege zur geschichte des 1'6tat pr6sent de l'Europe, Nov. 1686 i Dec. alnphibien]. 3 v. in 1. 40~. Essen, etc. 17921777. [R6dig6 par Sandras de Courtilz, 1829. s. Bayle, La Brune, Saint lier, Guyot, Rousset, CONTE3NTS. Le FBevre et autres]. 183 v. 18~. Parnze et v. 1. Beitraege zur naturgeschichte, etc. 4 p. 1. La lHaye, 1686-1777.. 47 p. 12 col. pl.' Duisburg, author, 1790. B. 2. Beitraege zur geschichte der amphibien. 2e [Imperfect: v. 44, Jan.-June 1708, wanting]. anfl. 47 pp. 2 col. pl. Essen, G. D. Baedeker, 1829. Meredith (Hlenry). Account of the gold coast 1829. v. 3. Beitraege zu geschichte der sehlangen. ii, 141 pp. of Africa, with a brief history of the African 13 col. pl. Esseei, G. D. Baedeker, 1821. company. viii, 264 pp. 1 map. 80. London, Vermischte abhandlung-en aus der thierLonrsnmans, 1812. 8. geschichte. 3 p. 1. 172 pp. 7 pl. 40. GotMerewether (John, D. D.) A statement of tingen?, V. Vossiegel, 1781. a. the condition and circumstances of the cathe- I Versuch eines systems der amphibien. dral church of HIereford. 89 pp. 10 pl. 8~. xv, 191 pp. 1 pl. 80. i`arbv'brgi, J. C. Hereford, W. H.. Vale, 1842. Krieger, 1820. Mdrian (Marie Sibylle). Histoire gdn6rale des Merrill (Orsamus C.) An oration delivered insects de Surinam, et de toute l'Europe; con- at the meeting-house in Bennington, on the tenant les descriptions des plantes, fleucs et 4th of July, 1806. 56 pp. 16G. Benninltorn, fruits, dont ils se nourrissent, etc. 3e 6d. re- [ Vt. ] Bevjancin Snzeacl, [1806? ] vue, etc. par Buchoz. 3 v. fol. Paris, L. C. Merr-y (The) droll; or, pleasing companion. Desnos, 1771. s. Including some poetical recreations. [anon.] Merinmee (Prosper). Chronique du rgnue de vii, 184 pp. 18~. Londcon, GC. Parker, Charles ix. Suivie de La double m6prise, et 1769. de Ia G uzla; [ou, choix de po6sies illyriques]. Merryweather (George, psetedon?) Kings Nouv. 6d. 443 pp. 16~. Paris, Charpentier, the devil's viceroys and representatives on 1856. earth. 456 pp. 80. [zn. p.] author, 1838. Colomba; suivi de La mosaique et autres Merzdorf (J. F. L. Th.) 1ibliotfhekarische contes et nouvelles. Nouv. 6d. 450 pp. 160. unterhaltungen. 2 v. lxxxvi, 173 pp; vi, 239 Parcis, Charcpezntier, 1854. pp. 8. Oldenburg, 1. Berndt, 1844-50. s. Les dcux heritages; suivis de L'inspec- Metcalf (Samuel L.) A collection of somei of teur gelne6ral, et des Dcbuts cl'un aventurier. the most interesting narratives of Indian war369 pp. 160~. Paris, Le&y, 1853. fare in the west, containing an account of the Episode de l'histoire de Russie: les faux adventures of Daniel Boone; with the expediD6metrius. 452 pp. 160~. Paris, Levy, tions of generals Harmer, Scott, etc. [and Col. 1855. James Smith's narrative]. 270 pp. 120. ----— ltudes sur l'histoire romaine; guerre Lexington, (Ky.) Willianu G. Hunt, 1821. METCALFE. MICHAELIS. Metcalfe (Saimuel L. ll. D.) Caloric; its Mexico. Dimision del ministerio [1852]. imechanical, chemical and vital agencies, il 12 pp. 80. Mlexico, V. G. Torres, 1852. the phenomena of nature. [2d ed.] 2 v. Melmoria en cumplimiento del articulo 630 pp; 481 pp. 8~. Philadelphia, J. B. 120, de la constitucion federal. 28 pp. 8 tab. Liypincott c& Co. 1859. 83. MeAxico, Inj}pr. del supr. gobierno, 1825. Meteorological register for the years 1822- 1 Memoria leida en las camaras en 1851. 25, from observations made by the surgeons 43 pp. fol. Mexico,. G. G. orres, 1851. of the armyi, at the military posts of the Memnoria sobre el estado de la agricultura United States. 63 pp. 80. lYashington, 6 indfistria de la republica, 1845. 75 pp. 8~. E. DeKrafft, 1826. s. Mexico, J. MA. Lccra, 1816. s. Meteyard (Eliza). The hallowed spots of Meyendorf (Georg von). Voyage d'Orenancient London; made memorable by the bourg a Bo1ukhara, fait en 1820, L travers struggles of our forefathers for civil and re- les steppes qui s'6tendent i l'est de la rner d' ligious freedom. xii, 291 pp. sin. 40. Lon- Aral et au-dela d' l'ancien Jaxartes. Revu don, Macolboroughc & Co. 1862. par A. Janubert. vii, 508 pp. 1 map. 7 pl. Life of Josiah Wedgwood. With an 80. Paris, Dondey-Dujp-rd, 1826. introductory sketch of the art of pottery in Mieyer (Christian Friedrich Hermann von). England. Witll illustrations. 2 v. xxxv, Uber die reptilien und situgethiere der ver504 pp, 1 pl; xxiv, 643 pp. 4 pl. 83. London, schiedenen zeiten der erde. 150 pp. 8~. Heurst & Blackett, 1865. Fraenkfurt aC. A. S. Schmerber, 1852. s. MiMetz (Friedrich). Geschichte des buchhandels Zur fauna der vorwelt. Fossile saeugeund der buchdruckerkunst. 2 v. in 1. vi, 340 thiere, voegel und reptilien aus dem molassepp; 136 pp. 80. Darmstadt, Jonghaus, 1835. rlergel von Oeningen. viii, 52 pp. 12 pl. fol. s. Franlkfutrt aim Main, H. Keller, 1845. s. Meugy (Jules). De l'extinction de ]a prosti- -- The same. Die saurier des muscheltution. Pdtition anu s6nat-session de 1865. kalnkes, mit rticksicht auf die saurier aus Suivie dlu discours de M. Dupin sur le luxe buntem sandstein unmd keuper. viii, 167 pp. eiffi'nd des femmes. 3e 6d. 71 pp. 160. Paris, 70 pl. fol. _Franlcfurt am nlain, -H. Keller, Garzier, [1866]. 1847-55. s. Meuasel (Johann Georg). Das gelehrte Meyer(Cllristian Paul). Museum meyerianum, Tettsch]and, fortgesetzt..See Hamberger sire catalogus rerum naturaliun, et nonnul(J. G.) larum artefactarum, quas Meyer collegit. iv, Lexikon der vom jahr 1750 bis 1800 276 pp. 80. T'crajecti adl Rhenuoe, B. T;ild & J. verstorbenen teutschen schriftstellern. 15 v. Althecre, etc. 1802. 8~. Leipzig, G. Fleischer, 1802-16. Meyer (EI. A.) aizd MlSbius (Carl August). - - -- Teutsches kiinstlerlexiko l odler ver- Fauna der kieler bucht. v. 1. Die hinterzeichiniss der jetztlebenden teLtschen kliinst- kliemer, oder opistllobranchia. xxx, 86 pp. ler. Nebst einem verzeichniss sehenswiirdiger 26pl. 4~. Leipziy, W. Eyelnmann, 1865. s. hibliothelen, lkunst-mtitnz-und naturalienklab- Meyer (Hermann J.) Neues konversationsinete in Teutschland und in der Schweitz. lexikon, ein w6rterbLuch des allgemeinen wis2e ausg. 3 v. 8~. Lemgo, Meyer, 1808-14. s. sens. 2e anlf. 15 v. A-Z. 80. llildburg_Mexia (Pedro). The historic of all the Ro- hacsen, Bibliog7phisschlen inlstitut, 1861-67. mane emperors, beginning with Caivs Jvlivs Meyer (Dr. J.) Land, volk und staat der Cesar, and successively ending with Rodolph schweizerischen eidgenossenschaft. 2 v. 334 the second now raigning. Englished by W. pp; 209 pp. 180. Zurich, F. Schulthcesr, Traheron. 5 p. 1. 890 pp. fol. London; M. 1861. Lovvnes, 1604. Mezzofanti (Giuseppe, carcliale). Catalogo Mexicain letters. Containing humorous and della libreria; compilato da Filippo Bonifazj. satirical observations on the mannners, customs, 139 pp. 8Q. Romnje, Fratelli Pallotta, 1851.,;. religion and policy of the English, French, Micali (G-iuseppe ). Anticho monueniti per Spaniards, and Americans. [anon.] 2v. xii, servire all' opera intitolata l'Italia avanti il ix, 264 pp; 280 pp. 120. London, W. Gold- dominio deiRomani. xi pp. 60 pl. fol. 1'irensze, sinitl, 1773. [autore,] 1817. s. ~Mexico. C6digo fundamental do los estados- MIichaelis (H. C.) Questiones de bello punico unidos mexicanos. 92 pp. 21. 180. Mexico, primo. 188, xii pp. 80. Trajecti adl henumn, V. G. Tories, 1847. C. acn dler Post, jun. 1846. s. 263 MICHAUX. MILES. Michaux (Fran9oisAndr6). Voyage'.l'ouest session, 1862, 1863, 1865. 4 v. 80. Detroit des monts All6eghanys, dans les Btats doe'Ohio, and Lansing, 1835-65. du Kentucky, et du Tennessbe, et retour a - Reports of the superintendent of public Charleston par les Hautes-Carolines, 1802. instruction [school reports], 1855-57, 1859vi, 312 pp. 1 map. 80. Paris, Levrcault, 66. 9 v. 8~. Lansing, 1858-66. Schoell et Cie. 1804. Transactions of the state agricultural soMichel (Dan). Ayenbite of Inwyt; or, re- ciety, 1857. v. 9. 592 pp. 80. Lansing, 1859. morse of conscience. In the Kentish dialect, Third annual report of the secretary of 1340 A. D. Translated from the French of the state board of agriculture, 1864. 254 pp. Lorens, or Laurentius. Edited by R. Morris. 8S. Lansing, 1865. 6 p. 1. c, 359 pp. 8~. London, Triibner, 1866. Michigan (The) teacher; organ of the state [Early English text society publ. No. o3.] teachers' association, and of the department of Michel (Francisque Xavier). Wayland Smith. public instruction. W. HI. Payne [and others], See Depping (G. B.) and Michel. editors. Jan. 1866, toDec. 1867. [v. 1-2.] 0~. Michelet (Jules). Histoire d France aun dix- Ypsilanti, Pcayne, JWhitney & Goodisoz, huitinme siocle. Louis xv et Louis xvi. v. 17. 1866-67. 486 pp. 80. Chacmerot &' Lauoereyns, 1867. Middendorp (Jakob). Academiarvm orbis Michelet (madalme Jules). The story of my christiani libri dvo. 12 p. 1. 301 pp. 160. childhood. From the French by Mary F. CoZonice, Chotincs, 1572. s. Curtis. xii, 218 pp. 160~. Boston, Little, Middleton (Christopher). A vindication of Broswn,' Co. 1867. [his] conduct in a voyage for discovering a Michhailofski-Danilefski(Alexsaunder).His- northwest passage, in answer to ArthurDobbs. tory of the campaign in France, in 1814, trans- 206, 48 pp. 8~. London, 1743. lated froim the Russianl. 414 pp. 1 nap. 8 plans. Middleton (Conyers). A dissertation concern80. Loldon, Smith, Elde'4- Co. 1839. ing the origin of printing in England. 29 pp. Michiels (Alfred). Chefs d'muvres des grands sin. 4~. Cambridge, [nzg.] ZV. Thzsrlbozser, maitres. See Kellerhoven (F.) cand Mi- 1735. chiels. Miege (Guy). The new state of England under Michigan. Census and statistics, 1854. 413 their majesties li. William and q. Mary. pp. 83. Lansing, G. T,. Peck, 1854. s. By G.M. [anon.] 17 p. 1. 828 pp. 18~. LonDocuments accompanying the journal of dol, J. Robinson, 1691. the house of representatives: 1843, 748,'50, Miertsching (Johan A.) Journal de voyage'57, 59,'61,'65. 7 v. 8~. Dets oit acld Lan- au pole nord. 2e 6d. 143 pp. 1 malp. 1~. sing, 1843-65. Gensvee, J. Cherbdiez, 1857. [Wlitih Senate docunlents.] Miseville (Antoine). Manuel du citoyen van----- Documents accompanying the journal of dois, At l'usage des campagnes et des 6coles. the senate: 1843,'49,'50,'55, p57,'61,'65. 7 pp. 10. 7 v. 8~. Detroit and Lansing, 1843-65. 7 v. 5 Detroiumet andf Lanthesing,1 65 Mifflin (Samuel W.) Methods of location; or, Joint docunments of the legislature: 1850 )-51,'oist o53,'55, ~57, ~59-~65. 19t.~~imodes of describing and adjusting railway 51,'53,'55,'57,'59-.'65. 12 v. S~. Lansing, curves aand tangents, as practiced by the en1850-65. pgineers of Pennsylvania. 47 pp. 160. PhilF- irst biennial report of the progress of adctlelpia, Daniels &' Smith, 1850. the geological survey of Michigan, embracing Mignet (Francois Auguste Alexis). Me6oires observations on the geology, zo6logy, and historiques. 30 6d. 534 pp. 120. Paris, botany of the lovwer peninsula. 339 pp. Ckaspentier, 1854. Lansing, Hosner & Kerr', 1861. s rn. r8 Las oser Notices et portraits historiques et littdCONTE~N~TS. i~nraires. 3e 6d. 2 v. iv, 422 pp; 488 pp. 1.2. Paris, Charpentier, 1854. Part 1. Geology. By A. Wincell. Mignonette; found among the flowers and Part 2. Zoology. Report of the state zoologist, M. n Miles. weeds of Hillsdale. [anorn. 379 pp. 160. Part 3. Botany. By N. II. Winchell. Boston B. Smit, 1868. Journal of the house of representatives, Mikailofski-D aniefsli. See Michailofski. 1861; extra session, 1862, 1863, 1865. 7 v. Miles (James T.) Plilosoplic tlleology; o 8~0. Lansing, 1861-63. ultimate grounds of all religious belief based [With Senate journal, extra session.l in reason. xii, 234 pp. 8~. CharlPeston, [S. C.] -— Joulrnal of the senate, 1835-37. Extra J. Russell, 1849. 264 MILES. MILLER. Miles (M..lL D.) Zoology of Michigan. See Nach dem Englischen in's Deutsche tibertraMichigan. Geological survey. gen von J. hiel. lx, 654 pp. 80. BraunMiles (Pliny). American mnemotechny; or, schweig, Vieweg, 1849. s. the art of memory, theoretical and practical. Millar (John). An historical view of the Eng2 pts. in 1 v. 5th ed. 480 pp i20. 1NewT York, lish government, from the settlement of tlhe M1. H i. Nlewman 5' CI. 1848. s. Saxons in Britain to tile accession of the house Statistical register and book of general of Stewart. 5 p. 1. 506 pp. 101. 80. Dueblin, reference and quotations. A compilation. 2d Grueber & McAllister, 1789. ed. 200 pp. 1.2. New York, M. H. Nez;2wmanc Miller (Eli P. M1. D.) A treatise on the cause & Co, 1849. s. of exhausted vitality; or, abuses of the sexual Milet (Pierre). Relation de sa captivit6 parmi function. 131 pp. 120. NXewv York, J. A. Gray les Onneiouts en 1690-91. 56 pp. 80. Nourelle Green, 1867. York, J. Mi. Sheee, 1864. s. Miller (George). Latter struggles in tlhe jourMilitairische briefe eines verstorbnenn an seine ney of life; or, the afternoon of my days. noch lebenden freunde, historischen, wissen- [By a] country bookseller. 406 pp. 8~. Edschaftlichen, kritischlen, und humoristischen inburgh, J. Colston, 1833. inhalts. [anon.] 3 v. 80. Adorf, Verlays- Miller (Joe, pseudclon.forJohn Mottley? ) Jests; biireau, 1841-44. or, the wits' vade-mecum. 153 pp. 1 pl. 320~. NOTE.-Purports to be written by the spirit of C. von London, Allman 5' son, [n. dcl. ] Ci~laseuwitz. Joe Miller's jests, with copious additions. Milizia (Francesco). De l'art de voir dans les Edited by Frank Bellew. iv, 287 pp. 123. beaux arts. Traduit de l'Italien; suivi des New York', 1865. institutions propres'i les faire fleurir en Miller (Retv. John, chaplaiin to the forces in1 France, et d'un dtat des objets d'arts dont XrY Y.) Adescription of the province and city ses musdes ont 6t6 enrichis par la guerre de of New York; with plans of the city and sevla libert6, par le g6ndral Pomnmereul. 4 p. 1. eral forts as they existed in 1695. 43 pp. 8o. 316 pp. 80~. Paris, Bernard, 1798. s. London, 2 Roddl, 1843. Memorie degli architetti antichi e mod- 3Miller (J. R.) The history of Great Britain erni. 4a ed. 2 v. lxxix, 263 pp; 331 pp. 80. from the death of George ii, to the coronation Bassano, _emoaldini, 1785.. of George iv; designed as a continuation of Mill (David)'. Dissertationes selectae varia s. Hume and Smlollett. x, 464 pp. portrait. 80~. litterarum et antiq-itatis orientalis capita ex- London, Jones & Co. 1829. ponentes et illustrantes. 4 p. 1. 447 pp. 23 1. Miller (John Sebastian). An illustration of the 18i. Traject;i cld -Rhenzmo, J. Broedelet, sexual system of Linnaeus. v. 1. 106 pp. 106 1724. pl. col. 83. London, author, 1779. s. Mill (James). History of British India [to T The same. v. ii. An illustration of the 1805]. 3 v. 4~. London, Baldwcl-vin, Cradock, termini botanici of Lininaeus. 86 pp. 86 pl. & Joy, 1817. s. col. 8~. London, anZthor, 1789. s. Mill (John Stuart). Considerations on repre- Miller (Josiah). Our hymns; their authors sentative government. viii, 365 pp. 120. Nrewq and origin. xvi, 416 pp. 120. London, JackYork, Harpcers, 1862. son, Walford & Hodder, 1865. -Dissertations and discussions, political, Miller (31Mrs. O. D.) Twilight stories, for the philosophical, and historical. v. 3. 8~0. Lon- little ones. 191 pp. 160. Bostonz,. A. Baldon, Longmnans, 1867. lou, 1866. Inaugural address; delivered to the uni- [Round Iill stories.] versity of St. Andrews, Feb. 1, 1867. 99 pp. Miller (Samuel, D; D.) A sermon on the burn80. London, Loymanns, 1867. ing of the theatre at Richmond. 45 pp. 160. On liberty. 223 pp. 120. Boston, Tick- Yok, Whiting an YIewv York, Whiting and Watson, 1812. nol, c& Fieldcls 1863. [,.With WITHESPrOON (John). Serious inquiry into Thoughts on parliamentary refolm. 2d the nature and effects of the stage. New Ye ork, ed. 58 pp. 80. London, J. ITY. ParkLer 4' son, 1812.] 1859. 1Miller (Rev. Samuel). Treatise on Mercersburp Die inductive logik. Eine darlegung der theology; or, Mercersburg and modern theolphilosophischen principien wissenschaftlicher ogy compared. 131 pp. 160. Philadelphia, forschung, insbesondere der naturforschung. S. R. RFisher & Co. 1866. 265 MILLER. MINNESOTA. Miller (William Allen). Elements of chemis- Poems of many years. New ed. xi, 275 try, theoretical and practical. 3 v. 80. Lon- pp. 16~. Boston, Ticknor & Co. 1846. don, J. W. Parker & son, 1851-62. s. Milton (John). A defense of the people of England. In answer to Salmasius's defense COTENrs5. of the king. [Translated by Robert (?) v. 1. Chemical physics. Washington.] 160. [Amsterdanm,] 1692. v. 2. Inorganic chemistry. v. 3. Organic chemistry. EtcovofctacTzG, in answer to a book intitul'd Eticuv oaatXtlKc, the portraicture of king Millet (Joshua). A history of the baptists in Charles the first. 160. Amsterdam, 1690. Masine. 472 pp. 120. Portlabndy, Day & CGo. - - An old looking-glass for the laity and 1845. clergy of all denominations; being consideraMilligan (Robert). Reason and revelation; or, tions toucling the likeliest means to remove the province of reason in matters pertaining irelings out of the church of Christ. x 74 to divine revelation defined and illustrated, pp. 16g. Philadeiphicc, B. Bell, 1770. and the paramount authority of the holy Paradise lost. [With] an account of scriptures vindicated. 445 pp. 8~0. Cincinnati, Miltons] life. 12thed. [Elijah Fenton B. W. Carroll & Co. 1868. 1st ed.] xxviii, 350 pp. 23 1. 13 pl. 160. MNillin de Grand Maison (Aubin Louis). Peint- London, J. Tonson, 1725. ures de vases antiques, vulgairement appel6s The same. Illustrated by Gustave Dor. 6trusques, tir6es de diffirentes collections et Edited with notes and a life of Milton, by gravdes par A. Clener, accompagunes d'ex- Robert Vaughan. fol. London, Cassell, [1866]. plications par A. L. Millin. 2 v. xx, 124 Thesame. New ed ith explanatory The same. New ed. with explanatory pp. 72 pl; 146 pp. 78 pi. fol. Paris, P. notes. 160. New York, 1867. Didot, 1808-10. s. ______ Poetical works, with life of the author. - Voyage dans les dpartemens du midi 348pp. 160. Brookfield, [Mass.] I. Thomas, de la France. 4 v. in 5. 8~. Atlas, 4~. Paris, jr. 1810. L'imprimn. impesr. 1807-11. Pro popvlo anglicano defensio, contra Millon (Eugene.) Vl06ments de chimie organ- Salmasii defensionem regiam. 10p. 1. 244 pp. ique, comprenant les applications A ]a physi- 240. Londini, Dv. Gard. 1653. ologie a~nimale. f2 v. 636 pp; 771 pp. 80. ~ Story of our first parents, selected from Paris, J. B. BailliE&re, 1845-48. s. Milton's Paradise lost. By Mrs. Siddons. MlKillot (Claude Frangois Xavier). Elements iv, 190 pp. 1 pl. 8~0. London, J. Murray, 1822. of ancient history. Translated from the Milwaukee (Young men's association of the French. 2 v. viii, 504 pp; viii, 519 pp. city of). Catalogue of the library. 181 pp. 8~. New York, 7Mott & Lyon, 1797. 8~. Milwaukee, [ Wis.] Daily news printing Mills (Frederick C.) The wine guide; with establishment, 1861. s. remarks upon the treatmentof spirits, bottled Minding (Julius). Ueber die geographische beer, and cider: 64 pp. 240. London, Groom- vertheilung der siugethiere. 103 pp. 40. bridge 4' sons, 1861. Berlin, Enslin, 1829. s. Mills (Lewis E.) Glimpses of southern France Minifie (William). A text book of geometriand Spain. 2 p. 1. 153 pp. 16~. Cincinnati, cal drawing. 127 pp. 56 pl. 80. Baltinmore, R. Clarke & Co. 1867. W. Minifie 4' Co. 1849. s. Mills (Robert). American pharos; or, light- The same. With illustrations for drawhouse guide: with a general view of the ing plans, sections and elevations of buildings coast. 134 pp. 8~0. Washington, Thompson and machinery; and an essay on the theory 8, Homnans, 1832. s. of color, in its application to drawing, [etc.] Milman (Rev. Henry Hart). Belshazzar: a 162 pp. 56 pl. 8~. New York, D. Van dramatic poem. 126 pp. 16~. Boston, Wells Nostrand, 1868. & Lilly, 1822. Minneapolis, (Minnesota). Merwin's direcMilner (John, D. D.) The key of heaven; a tory, 1867. 264 pp. 8~. Minneapolis, H. Mermanual of prayer. New ed. 480 pp. 1 pl. win, 1867. 240. Baltimore, J. Murphy c Co. [1867]. Minnesota. Executive documents for 1866. 80. Milner (Mary). The life of Isaac Milner, D. D. St. Paul, Pioneer print co. 1867. 2d ed. xvi, 456 pp. 1 pl. 160. London, Seeley, Journal of the senate and house of repBurnside & Seeley, 1844. resentatives. 9th session. 2 v. 364 pp; Milnes (Richard Monckton, lord Hobughton). 406 pp. 8~. St. Paul, M. J. Clum, 1867. 34 266 MINNESOTA. MITCHELL. Minnesota historical society. Collections for Missa sancti Caroli [Borromsei] episcopi et the year 1864, and for 1867. 2 v. 84 pp; confessoris. 2 1. fol. Venetiis, Ciera, 1618. 62 pp. 80. St. Paul, [Society,] 1865-67. [With MISSALE romanvm. Venetiis, 1598.1 Minutes of the convention of delegates from Miss~e proprie festorvm ordinis fratrvm mithe synod of the presbyterian church of New norvm. 101. fol. Venetiis, B. Ciera, 1598. York and Philadelphia,. and from the associa- [ With MISSALE romanvm. Venetiis, 1598.] tions of Connecticut, held annually from 1766 Missee sancti Gregorii papTe, pro vivis et deto 1775, inclusive. 68 pp. 80. Hartford, fvnctis. 2 1. fol. JVenetiis, Ciera, 1617. E. Gleason, 1843. [ With MISSALE romanvm. Venetiis, 1598.] Minutoli or Menuminutoli (Julius, von). Die Missale romanvm. 20 p. 1. 12731. 1 pl. fol. canarischen inseln, ihre vergangenheit und Venetiis, B. Ciera, 1598. zukunft. 5 1. 259 pp. 80. Berlin, S. Wolff, Missale romanvm, ex decreto concilij tridentini 1854. S. restitutum. 31 p. 1. 640, cxvi, 7, 28, 3, 12 pp. Mirabeau (Honor6 Gabriel Riquetti, comte de). 8 pl. fol. Antverpice, Soc. lib. off. eccl. 1633. s. Histoire secrete de la cour de Berlin; oun, cor- Mission (La) moderne, par un prisonnier de respondance dPun voyageur fran9ois, depuis la Bastille. [anon.] 2ec d. 68 pp. 120. Paris, le mois de Juillet 1786 jusqu'au 19 Janvier 1790. 1787. Ouvrage posthume. [anon.] 2 v. in Missionary records. North America. [anon.] 1. xvii, 318 pp; 376 pp. 120. [Alengon, viii, 423 pp. 180. London, Relig. tract soc. Malassis,] 1789. [n. d.] Mirabella e Alacogne (Vincenzo). Dichiara- Missionary remains; or, sketches of the zioni della pianta dell' antiche Siracuse, e lives of [Jeremiah] Evarts, [Elias] Corned'alcune scelte medaglie d'esse, e de' principi lins, and [Benjamin B.] Wisner. [anon.] che quelle possedettero. 128, 126 pp. 16 pl. With an introduction by Samuel H. Cox. fol. Napoli, L. Scoriggio, 1614. 143 pp. 18~. New York, Taylor & Gould, Mirick (B. L.) The history of Haverhill, 1835. Massachusetts. 277 pp. 1 pl. 12~. Haver- Missirini (Melchior). Della vita di Antonio hill, A.. Thayer, 1832. Canova. Libri quattro. 523 pp. 3 pl. 80. Mirone (monsieur de, pseudon.) See Saumery Prato, frat. Giachetti, 1824. s. (- de). L'heureux imposteur. Utrecht, 1740. Misson (Franqois Maximilien). A new voyMirrour (The) of government, both ecclesiasti- age to Italy, with observations on Germany, call and civill. [anon.] 5 p. l. 151 pp. sinm. Switzerland, Savoy, Geneva, Flanders, and 40. London, Thomas Gibbs, 1658. Holland. 4th ed. 2 v. in 4. 120. London, Miscellaneous (A) collection, consisting of an R. Bonwicke [and others], 1714. original letter of Columbus, original poetry, Missouri. Journal of the state convention, etc. With selections, by M. H. [anon.] held in Jefferson city, July, 1861, Oct. 1861, 132 pp. 40. London, T. Davison, 1803. June, 1862, June, 1863. 4 v. 80. St. Louis, Miscellaneous pieces. v. i, containing poems, G. Knaplp 4y Co. 1861-63. translations and essays. v. ii, containing a Journal of the state convention, held at free enquiry into the nature and the origin St. Louis, Jan.-April. 1865. 287 pp. 80. of evil, and reflections on several subjects. St. Louis (Mo.) Democrat qofice, 1865. [anonr.] 2 v. 287 pp; xxx, 257 pp. 12~. Mistanguet (- ). Les plaisantes id6es du London, B. & J. Dodsley, 1761. sievr Mistanguet. Ensemble la genealogie Miscellany of knowledge; a new work, by de Mistanguet et de Bruscambille. [anon.] several gentlemen, on different subjects; viz: 79 pp. 16~. Paris, lean Millot, 1615. lectures on natural philosophy: poetry on Mitchel or Mitchil (Jonathan). Letter to his different subjects; a twelve-month's tour brother [on conviction of sin]. 17 pp. 18~. through America; political hints for the peru- [n. p. 1649?] sal of the legislature. [anon.] 6 p. 1. 302 pp. Mitchel (Martin), and Osborn (Joseph H). I 1. 12~. London, 1792. Geographical and statistical history of the Missa de sancto angelo cvstode. 2 1. fol. county of Winnebago; with a general view Venetiis, Cier~a, 1617. of the state of Wisconsin. 120 pp. 16~. [ With MISSALE romanvm. Venetiis, 1598.1 Oshkosh, Mitchel & Snith, 1856. Missa sacratissimi rosarii beatissimse virginis Mitchell (Donald G.) Rural studies, with Marine. 2 1. fol. Velnetiis, B. Ciera, 1617. hints for country places. viii, 295 pp. 12~. I WiTth MIISSALE romanvm. Venetiis, 1598.] New York, C. Scribner & Co. 1867. 267 MITCHELL. MOIR. Mitchell (Elisha). Elements of geology, with tales. 4 p.1. 442 pp. 6 1. 5pl. 16a. Roven, an outline of the geology of North Carolina. Jacqves Caillove, 1645. 141 pp. 1 map. 80. [n. p.] 1842. S. Moebius. See M6bius. 1Mitchell (John M.) The herring; its natural Moehring. See Mbhring. history and national importance. xii, 372 pp. Moeller. See Moller. 6 pl. col. 80. Edinburgh, Edmonston & Doug- Moerch. See Morch. las, 1864. Moffat (Mrs. A. S.) One-armed Hugh, the litMitchell (Joseph). Missionary pioneer; or, tle corn merchant; or, Ralph and Tib. 506 a memoir of John Stewart [a man of colour], pp. 5 pl. 160. Boston, Graves & Young, 1866. founder of the mission among the Wyandotts, Moffat (Rev. James C.) Life of Thomas Chalat Upper Sandusky, Ohio. 96 pp. 240. New mers. 2d ed. 435 pp. 120. Cincinnati, Moore, York, J. C. Totten, 1827. Anderson, Wilstach & Keys, 1853. Mitchell (S. Augustus). An accompaniment Moffitt ( Mrs. Mary Anna). The nobleman to Mitchell's reference and distance map of the and the teacher; or, the youth's defense. An United States, with a general view of the Irish story. 253 pp. 16g. New York, J. United States. 324 pp. 160. Philadelphia, Craft, 1867. Mitchell & Hinma~n, 1834. Mohammed ibn abi Mohammed ibn Zafer, Mitchell's geographical reader: a system or Djafer.' Solwan el mota; ossiano, conforti of modern geography. 600 pp. 120. Phila- politici. Versione italiana di M. Amari. lxxvii, delphia, Thomas, Cowperthwait 4 Co. 1840. 352 pp. 120. Firenze, F. Le Monnier, 1851. New traveller's guide through the United Mohammed Kasim, surnamed Ferishta. See States. 118 pp. 1 col. map. 240. Philadel- Ferishta. phia, Thomas, Cowperthwait 4 Co. 1850. s. Mohammed Wali Ullah. See Wali. Mitchell (S. Augustus,jr.) New general atlas; Mohan Lal. Travels in the Panjab, Afghancontaining maps of the various countries of istan and Turkistan to Balk, Bokhara, and the world, plans of cities, etc. together with Herat; and a visit to Great Britain and Gervaluable statistical tables. [New ed. ] 27 pp. many. xxvii, 528 pp. 80. London, Allen 91 maps. 40. Philadelphia, S. A. Mitchell, 4 Co. 1846. 1867. Mohl (Hugo von). Grundziige der anatomie ------ Easy introduction to the study of geog- und physiologie der vegetabilischen zelle. raphy. sq. 120. Philadelphia, S. A. Mitchell, 152 pp. 1 pl, 80. Braunschweig, Vieweg, 1866. 1851. s. Mitchell (Thomas). The gospel crown of life; Mohl (Jules de). Commentaires sur le livre a system of philosophical theology. xxv, 417 des rois. See Firdusi. pp. 1 pl. 120. Albany, J. Munsell, 1851. Mohr (D. M. Nicolas). Forsog til islandsk Mitre (Bartolom6). Historia de [Manuel] Bel- naturhistorie. xvi, 413 pp. 7 pl. 80. Kjdgrano. 2 v. 644 pp; 553 pp. 80. Buenos benhavn, C. F. Holm, 1786. s. Aires, Mayo, 1859. s. Mohr (Francis), and Redwood (Theophilus). Mittermaier (Carl, M.D.) Madeira und seine Practical pharmacy; the arrangements, appabedeutung als heilungsort. viii, 158 pp. 80. ratus, and manipulations of the pharmaceutical Heidelberg, J. C. B. Mohr, 1855. s. shop and laboratory. Edited by William Mnemonika: or, chronological tablets, ex- Proctor, jr. 576 pp. 8~. Philadelphia, Lea hibiting in a methodical manner the most, Blanchard, 1849. s. remarkable occurrences, from the creation of Mohr (Friedrich). Commentdir zurpreussischen the world to the present period. [anon.] pharmacopoe, nebst iibersetzung des textes. 346 pp. 180. Baltimore, E. J. Coale, 1812. 2e aufl. 2 v. xx, 485 pp; 459 pp. 80. Mbbius (August Ferdinand). Die elemente Braunschweig, Vieweg, 1853-[54]. s. der mechanik des himmels. xx, 315 pp. 2 pl.I Lehrbuch der pharmaceutischen technik. 80. Leipzig, Weldmann, 1843. s. 2e aufi. xii, 545 pp. 8~. Braunschweig, M6bius (Carl August). Das aquarium des Vieweg, 1853. s. zoologischen gartens zu Hamburg. 4e aufl. 55 Mohring (Paul Heinrich Gerhard). Avivm pp. 8C. Hamburg, Zool. gesellschaft, 1866. s. genera. 88 pp. 80. Bremae, G. G. Rump, ---— Fauna der kieler bucht. See Meyer 1752. s. (H. A.) and M6bius (C. A.) Moir (David Macbeth). The bridal of BorthMocquet de Meaux (Jean). Voyages en wick. 11 pp. 80. London, 1841. Afriqve, Asie, Indes Orientales et Occiden- [Hazlitt's romancist and novelist's lib. v. 4]. 268 MOLBECI. MONCRIEFF. Molbech (Christian). Om offentlige biblio- Nummos chalificarum et dynastiarum cuficos theker. 4 p. 1. 220 pp. 80. Kib'benhavn, exhibens. Ed. altera. iv, 188 pp. 1 pl. 40~. Gyldendalskce boghandlivgs forlag, 1829. s. Gothce, C. Glaeser, 1826. s. Molesworth (JamesT.),and Candy (Thomas I The same. Commentatio altera. Numos and George). A dictionary, Murathee and dynastiarum recentiores exhibens. 2 p. 1. English. xviii, 1162 pp. 40~. Bombay, authors, 62 pp. 4~. Gothce, C. Glaeser, 1830. S. 1831. s. I With the preceding.] Molina (Alonso de). Vocabolario en lengva Orbis terrarum antiquus. Schul-atlas castellana y mexicana. 2 v. in 1. 4 p. I 1211; der alten welt, nach D'Anville, Mannert, 3 p. 1. 162 1. fol Mexico, Antonio de S2inosa, Uckert, Reichard, etc. Mit kurzer abriss der 1571. alten geographie. 23e aufl. 14 pp. 15 maps. Molina, (Felipe). Bosquejo de la republica de 4o. Gotha, Perthes, [1851]. s. Costa Rica. 128 pp. 5 pl. 9 maps. 8$. Mollhausen (Baldwin). Tagebuch eine reise Nueva York, S. W. Benedict, 1851. s. vom Mississippi nach den kiisten der Siidsee. Costa Rica and New Grenada. An in- Eingeftihrt von A. von Humboldt. 5 p. 1. xv, quiry into the question of boundaries. 54 pp. 496 pp. 13 pl. 1 map. 40. Leipzig, ZMendelsI map 80. Washington, R. A. Waters, 1853. sohn, 1858. s. Memoir of the boundary question pending Molloy (Charles). De juire maritimo et navali; between Costa Rica and Nicaragua. 40 pp. or, a treatise of affairs maritime and of com1 map. 80. Washington, Gideon c4 Co. 1851. merce. 12 p. l. 433 pp. 71. 8~. London, Molina (Giovanni Ignazio). Versuch einer [1676?] naturgeschichte von Chili. Aus dem Italian- [Imperfect: wanting title-page.] ischen iibersetzt von J. D. Brandis. 9 p. l. The same. Derecho maritima ynaval; 328 pp. 1 map. 80. Leipzig, F. G. Jacobier, 6 tratado de los negocios maritimos y del 1786. s. comercio. Traducida al Castellano por D. Moll (C. L.), and Reuleaux (F.) Die festig- Cesareo de Nava Palacio. 4 v. 16~. Madcid, keit der materialien, namentlich des guss-und 1793. schmiedeisens. viii, 72pp. 80. Braunschweig, Moltke (freiherr von). Memoir fiber die karte izeweg, 1853. s. von Kleinasien. See Kiepert (H.) and Moll (Louis). Rapport sur 1'6tat de la produc- Moltke. tion des bestiaux en Allemagne, en Belgique, Mola (Francesco Maria). Le ter' rime, et en Suisse. [Extract.] 86 pp. 8~. Paris, 1542. Bureau d 7a maison rustiu 18 [With BERNI (F.) Tutte le opere, etc.] Burecau de la maisoxn rstiqze, 1842. S.Mommsen (Theodor). The history of Rome. Mollard (John). Art of cookery. New ed. xv, 323 pp. 12~. LodnWttae &C. Translated by Rev. W. P. Dickson. v. iv. xv18 323 pp. 120. London, Whittaker Co. parts 1 and 2. viii, 619 pp. 120. London, B. Bentley, 1866. Moller (Johann ). Bibliotheca septentrionis Momoo (Antey, oine ranois). Trait 1866meneruditi. i. Alb. Bartholini liber de scriptiso i a taire de 1limprimerie; ou. le manuel de l'imDanorum, Norwagorum, et Islandorum, a J; Mollero illustratus. ii. Joh. Schefferi Svecia literata, a Mollero illustrata. iii. Joh. Mol- Paris, Fe. Taiard f fits, 1796. leri introductio ad historiam ducatuum sles- Monardes (Nicolas). Joyfvll nevves ovt of vicensis et holsatici, rerum scriptores re- the newe foLnde worlde; wherein is declared censens, etc. iv. Ejusdemreftio de gen- the rare and singular vertues of diuerse and censens, [etc. ] iv. Ejusdem preefatio de gentium borealium scriptoribus. 4 v. in 1. 16~. sundrie herbes, trees, oyles, plantes, and Lipsice, G. Lzebezeit, 1698-99. stones, with their aplications as well for phyMoller (Johann Heinrich). Catalogus libro- sicke as chirurgerie. Englished [out of Spanrum tam (manuscriptorum quam imlpressorum ish] by John Frampton. 3 parts in 1 v. 3 p. l. a beato Seetzenio in oriente emti in bibliotheca 109 1. 1 i. si. 40 London, Willym Norton, gothana asservantur. v. 1. particulas i. et ii. 1577. complectens. [Theologia; historia; philolo- Monceau (Duhamel du). See Duhamel du gia; carmina; opera rhetorica; M8S.] vi, 278, Monceau. 28 pp. 40. Gothce, C. Glaeser, 1821-26. s. Moncrieff (John). An inquiryinto the medi[No more published.] cinal qualities and effects of aerated alkaline ----— De numis orientalibus in nummophy- water. 102 pp. 16~. Baltimore, Edward J. lacio gothano asservatis commentatio prima. Coale, 1810. 269 MONCRIF. MONTESQUIEU. Moncrif (Francois Augustin Paradis de). See Montagu (George). The same. Supplement. Paradis de Moncrif. - v, 183 pp. 14 pl. 40~. London, J. White, 1808. Mondasse (Varennes de). See Varennes de [With MONTAGU (G.) Testacea britannica]. Mondasse. Montague (Charles, earl of Halifax). Poetical Mone (Franz Joseph)., Quellensammlutng der workso. 80. Edin.buret, 1793. badischen landesgeschichte. Im auftrage der [Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 6.] n..ontalboddo or Fracanzano, da Montalbodregierung herausgegeben. v. i. viini, 564 pp. 40. Iacrlsruhe, C. MTace/dot 1848. a. do (-). Itinerarifi portugallesiii e Lusi[No more published.] Monfalcon (Jean Baptiste). Precis de biblio- ad aquilnem. 8 p. 1. 881. 40. iln, 1508. graphie mdicale, [etc.] viii, 554, viiipp. 18~ [Imperfect: wantingindex.]'ei e vThe same. Newe unbekanthe landte und ParlXs, Bailllgre, 1827. s. Paris, Bailire, 1897. S.-. ein newe weldte in kurtz zeythe verganger Mongitore (Antonino). Bibliothecasicula; sive e erfunden. 681. smn. 4~. XLu,'etnbergkc Georg de scriptoribus siculis, qui turn vetera, tum Strucezn 1508 recentiora saecula illustrarunt, notitime locupletissimee. 2 v. xxviii, 420 pp; 301, 108 pp. Mo1talembert (Mac Rene, narqjis de). La fol. Panormi, C. Bua, 1707-14. fortification perpendiculaire; ou, essai sur Monk (The) of the mountains; or, a description plusieurs manieres de fortifier la ligne droite, of the joys of paradise; with the destiny of le triangle, le carr6, et tous les polygones, de the nations of the earth for one hundred years quelqul 6tendue qu'en soient les cat6s, en donto come. By the hermit himself. [anon.] 256 nant a leur defense une direction perpendicupp. 1 portrait. 8~. Indianapolis, DowneyV & laire, etc. [L'art ddfensif, etc.] v. 1-5. 40~. Brouse, 1866, Paris, Barrois, 1776-84. s. Monneken (Karel). See Virulus (C.) Thesame. [v.8. Diversmemoires.] s. Monro (Alexander). New Brunswick; with a brief outline of Nova Scotia and Prince Ed- CONTENTS. ward island; their history, geography, and Observations sur les nouveaux forts qui ont et6 execut6s, et qui doivent l'etre pour la d6fense de la statistics. vii, 385 pp. 2 maps. 8~. Halifax, rade de Cherbourg, etc. viii, 26 pp. 40. Paris, RB. Nugent, 1855 [auteurl, 1790. u. M6moire sur les casemates ex6cute6s A Cherbourg, Monro (Alexander, jr. Ml. D.) The structure etc. vi, 76 pp. lpl. 4o. Paris, [auteur], 1790. Mb1Mmoire sur'effet du canon dans les casemates. and physiology of fishes, explained and corn- 10 pp. 4o. pared with those of man and other animals. Reponse an coL d'Argon, sur son Apologie des principes observes dans le corps du g6nie. 24 pp. 40. 128 pp. 44 pl. fol. Edinburgh, C. Elliot, Paris, [auteurj, 1790. 1785. S. [Wanting v. 6, 7, and 9-11]. Monroe (James, pres't U. S.) The people the sovereigns; being a comparison of the gov- Montanari (Geminiano). Della moneta. ernment of the United States with those of the [ SCRITTORI class. ital. di econ. pol. v. 44.J Molltauban (Jean). Relation du voyage en republics thene States wtho the Montauban (Jean). Relation du voyage en repub'lics which have existed before? witlh the Guinee, en l'annie 1695. 3 p. 1. 38 pp. 180~. causes of their decadence and fall. Edited by S.L. Gouverneur. 274 pp. 12~. PhiladelS. L. Gouverneur. 274 pp. 120. Philadel With LAS CASAS (B. de). Relation des voyages des phia, J. B. Lippincott 4 Co. 1867. Espagnols. Amsterdam, 1698.] Monselet (Charles). Retif de la Bretonne: sa Montefiore (Joshua). American trader's comvie, ses ouvrages, etc. 210 pp. 160. Paris, pendiurn; containing laws, customs, and regAlvars fils, 1854. ulations of the United States relative to comMonson (W. I.) Extracts from ajournal [dur- merce. xii, 304 pp. 8~. Philadelphia, Samuel ing a tour in Istria and Dalmatia, and in B. Fisher, jr. 1811. Sicily, Malta, and Calabria]. xiii, 254 pp. Mont6mont (Albert). Voyages en Amdrique; 2 pl. 8~. London, Nodwell & Martin, par Christophe Colomb, Fernand Cortez, 1820. Pizarre, Cabral, Humboldt, Basil Hall, MisMontagne (Jean Fran9ois Camille). Sylloge tress Trollope, Ross, Parry, Franklin, Bulgenerum specierunmque cryptogamarum, etc. loch, Watterton, Head, Walsh. Traduit par xxiv, 498 pp. 8~. Parisiis, J. B. Bailli/re, Albert Montemont. 320 pp. 1 map. 8 pl. fol. 1856. s. Paris, J. Bry aine', 1854. Montagu (George). Testacea britannica; or, Montesquieu (Charles de Secondat, baron de). natural history of British shells. xxxvii, 606 Le temple de Gnide. Nouv. 6d. vii, 104 pp. pp. 16 pl. 4~. London, J. AWhte, 1803. 9 pI. 80. Pcris, Le Mire, 1772. s. 270 MONTHLY. MOORE. Monthly register and review of the United semble la tragddie d'Isabelle. 5 p. 1. 400, States. See History (The) of the Am. rev- 634 pp. 24~. Paris, Gvil. des Rues, 1595. olution and monthly register of the U. S. v. 1. - - The same. Le cinqviesme livre. Suyte C(harleston, 1806. et conclusion des diuerses amours des bergers Monti (Luigi). A reader of the Italian lan- et bergbres. 6 p. 1. 808 pp. 240. Paris, guage. Extracts in prose and poetry: with A. Savgrain & G. des lves, 1598. notes. ix, 348 pp. 120. Boston, Little, Brown Montule (iVdouard de). Voyage en Am6rique, 4 Co. 1855. en Italie, en Sicile, et en lFgypte. 1816-19. Monticelli (Teodoro). Opere. [7 v. in] 3. 2 v. 80. 466pp; 448pp. Atlas, 59pl. obl. fol. 40. Naepoli, Stabl. tipog. dell' aquila. 1841-43. Paris, Delaunay, 1821. s. A voyage to North America, and the CONTENTS. West Indies in 1817. 102 pp. 2 pl. 8~. Lonv. 1. Su l'economia delle acque da ristabilirsi nel donSir B Phillps & Co. 1821. regno di Napoli. 4a ed, 59 pp. 1841. Memoria sull' origine delle acque del Sebeto, Monypenny (David). Remarks on the poor di Napoli antica, di Pozzuoli, etc. 44 pp. 1 pl. and on the method of providing for the 1840. laws, and on the method of providing for the In agrum puteolanum camposque phlegraeos poor, in Scotland. 2d ed. xxiii, 389 pp. 80. commentarium. 31pp. 1840. Su la pastorizia del regno di Napoli. 90 pp. 1840. Edinburgh, T. Clark, 1836. Del trattamento delle api in Farignana. 109 pp. Moodey (Samuel). Life and death of Joseph 1 pl. 1840. v. 2. Descrizione dell' eruzione del Vesuvio. 2a ed. Quasson, Indian. 2 p. 1. 41 pp. 180. Boston, 335 pp. 2, 4 pl. 1813. v. 3. Descrizione, cont'd. Vita P. Carolini; Elogio di V. Petagna. Prodromo della mineralogia Moody (James). Narrative of [his] exertions vesuviana. 431 pp. 19 pl. --- n~zcovesuviana. 431 ppi. 19 plo. d and sufferings in the cause of government and Covelli (Niccola). Prodromo della mineralogia vellsuvianaiccol). v. i. since the year 1776. Written by himself. mIneralogia vesuviana. v. 1. Orittognosia. xxxiv, 483 pp. atlas. 19 pl. 08~. Napoli, ith an introduction and notes, by C. I. xxxivy 483 pp. atlas. 19 pl. 80. NXapoli, Trarnater, 1825. s. Bushnell. 98 pp. 4 pl. 8~0. New York, priMontigny ( - de, and others). Relation de vately printed, 1865. la mission du Missisipi du s6minaire de Qu6- Moody (Joshua). A practical discourse conbec en 1700. Par MM. de Montigny, Buis- cerning communion with God in his house. bec en 1700. Par MM. de Montigny, Buis3 p. 1. 109 pp. 18~. Boston, J. lBrunni ng, son de St. Cosme, et Thaumur de La Source. 3 p. 1. 109 pp. 18, 1685. 66 pp. 8~. Nouvelle York, J. 3M. Shea, 1861. 1685. Moody (Sophy). What is your name? a popular account of the meanings and derivations Montoya (Antonio Ruiz de). See Rtuiz de of christian names. x, 313 pp. 12~. London, Montoya. R. Bentley, 1863. Montreux (Nicolas de). Athlette, pastovrelle; Moonshine. [Poems. ano. ] 2 v. viii, 260 pp;,Moonshine. [Poems. anon.] 2 v. viii, 260 pp; ov fable bocagBre. Par Ollenix du Mont271 pp. 61. 12~. Londonz Longanas, 1814. sacr6. [pseudon.] 35-1. 24~. Tovrs, I. Met- Moore (Clement C. LL. D.) Poems. 216 tayehhre 1592. pp. 120. New'York, Bartlett 4- Welford, [With the following]. 1844 Le premier livre des bergeries de Ivlliete. Moore (Cornelius). Leaflets of masonic biogAuquel par les amours des bergers et berraphy; or, sketches of eminent freemasons. gbres l'on voit les effects diffdrents de l'amour, 3ded. 420 pp. 2. Cincinnti, ico etc. avec plusieurs echoz, 6nigmes, chansons, Sickels 1864 Sickels, 1864. sonnets, etc. De l'inuention d'Ollenix du Moore Moore (David). A system of exchange. See Montsacr6. [pseudon.] 5e 6d. 6 p. 1. 2911. James (Joseph), ancl Moore. 240. Tovrs, G. Drobet, 1592. Moore (Frank, editor). Anecdotes, poetry, and The same. Le secondlivre des bergeries incidents of the war, north and south, 1860de Ivlliette, etc. Ensemble, les euures poet- 65. Collected by Frank Moore. 560 pp. 11 iques de la docte bergbre Ivlliette. 3e ed. portraits. 80. New York, J. Porteus, 1867. 4 r. 1. 482]. 240. Tovrs, de Mlontr'oeil Moore (George). Tales of the passions. [The lean Richer, 1592. married man: in which is attempted an illus- The same. Le troisieme livre. Auec tration of the passion of jealousy.] xi, 455 pareils enrichissemens de diuerses poesies et pp. 8~. London, G. ilkcie & J. Robinson discours. Ensemble la Diane, pastourelle ou 1811. fable. 4 p. 1. 4021. 240. Tovs, lamet Met- Moore (H. N.) Life and services of general tayer, 1594. Anthony Way ne. 210 pp. 8 pl. 180~. PhilT —- The same. Le quatriesme livre. En- adelphac, cJ. B. Perry, 1845. MOORE. MORE. Moore (James, M. D. surgeon, U. S. A.) Cornm- 416 pp; 646 pp. atlas, 54 pl. 8~. Paris, J. B. plete history of the great rebellion; or, the Bailliere, 1855. s. civil war in the United States, 1861-1865. Monographie de la famille des hirudiWith introduction by R. Shelton Mackenzie. ndes. 151 pp. 6 pl. 40~. Paris, Gabon et Cie. 12~. Philadelphia, 1867. 1827. s. - The Kimeliad. A poem. 65 pp. 18o. Mora y Villamil (Ygnacio de). Elementos Philadelphia, J. B. Rodgers, 1867. de fortification. 2" ed. 2 v. viii, 281 pp. Moore (J. Hamilton). The young gentleman 15 pl; 264 pp. 10 pl. 18~. Mexico, I. Cumand lady's monitor, and English teacher's plido, 1855. s. assistant. 6th ed. vi, 378 pp. 17 1. 4 pl. 16~. Morabin (Jacques). The history of Cicero's New York, H. Gaine, 1790. banishment. Translated from the French. [Imperfect; wanting pp. 343-52]. xxxii, 343 pp. 8~. London, J. Bowyer, 1725. Moore (Rev. James Lovell). The columbiad: Morcelli (Stefano Antonio). Inscriptiones an epic poem on the discovery of America and commentariis svbjectis. xvi, 418 pp. 1 1. 4~. the West Indies by Columbus. 455 pp. 8~0. Romce, Givnchi, 1783. s. London, F. &. C. Rivington, 1798. M6rch (Johan Christian). Kadallit pelleserMoore (John, M. D.) A view of society and kdngoseta Hans Egedib ok-allout'i unnukormanners in France, Switzerland, Germany, siutit ajoksersukkaminut. Kakortormiut and Italy. 2 v. in 1. 281 pp. 8~. Philadel- niuvertorigallouennit marnalo tithrnekartisiphia, B. Bell, 1783. marsut Peter Kraghmit. 188 pp. 160. KITjMoore (John M.) Adventures of Tom Staple- benhavnime, Fabritius, 1837. s. ton. 120 pp. 8~. New York, Garrett S& Co. M6rch (O. A. L.) Catalogus conchyliorum [about 1.850]. quae reliquit C. P. Kierulf; etc. 3 p. 1. 34 pp. Moore (John S.) Abrah, the conspirator. A 2 pl. 8~0. Hafnice, Trier, 1850. tragedy. 51 pp. 16~. ~Washington, W. Adam, Mordecai (Alfred). Artillery for the United 1847. States land service as devised and arranged Moore (Rev. Martin). Memoirs of the life and by the ordnance board. 13 pts. in 1 v. 141 character of Rev. John Eliot. 174 pp. 240. col. pl. 80. Washington, U. S. government Boston, T. Bedlington, 1822. print. 1848-49. s. Moore (M. B.) Dixie elementary spelling - Report of the military commission to book. 120 pp. 160. Raleigh, (N. C.) Branson Europe in 1855-56. With rifled infantry arms, & Fasrraa, 1864. Iby Julius Schon. 232 pp. 21 pl. 4~. Wash--- First Dixie reader. 63 pp. sq. 240. Ba- ington, U. S. government print. 1860. leigh, (N. C.) Branson & fParrar, 1863. More miseries! addressed to the morbid, the Moore (Rachel Wilson). Journal kept during melancholy, and the irritable. By Sir Fretful a tour to the West Indies and South America Murmur. [pseudon.] xv, 176 pp. 16~. Lonin 1863-64. With notes from the diary of her don, H. D. Symonds, 1806. husband; [and] his memoir, by G. Truman. More (Hannah). Christian morals. 332 pp. 274 pp. 120. Philadelphia, T. E. Zell, 1867. 180. New York, Eastburn, Kirk f Co. 1813. Moore (Thomas). Intercepted letters; or, the More (Henry). An antidote against idolatry: two-penny post bag; [with] trifles reprinted. with application to the doctrine of the council By Thomas Brown, the younger. [pseudon.] of Trent. 7 p. 1. 140 pp. 8~. London, J. xiii, 109 pp. 2 1. 180. Philadelphia, Moses Fllesher, 1669. 7Thomas, 1813. [ with MORE (Henry). Exposition of the seven episMoore (William V.) Indian wars of the United tles, etc. 180. London, 1669]. States, from the discovery to the present time. --- An explanation of the grand mystery of 321 pp. 120.'Philadelphia, B. W. Pomeroy, godliness; or, a representation of the gospel. 1840. xxx, 546 pp. 14 1. fol. London, W. Morden, Moorman (J. J. M. D.) Mineral waters -of the 1660. United States and Canada, and general di- I An exposition of the seven epistles to rections for reaching mineral springs. 507 the seven churches.;33 pl. 184 pp. 180. pp. 5 pl. 1 map. 120. Baltimore, Kelly - London, J. Flesher, 1669. Piet, 1867. - A modest enquiry into the mystery of Moquin-Tandon (Chretien Horace Bndclict iniquity; [with the apology for his writings]. Alfred). Histoire naturelle des mollusques 6 p. 1. 567 pp. 13 1. fol. London, W. Morterrestres et fluviatiles de France. 2v. viii, den, 1664. 272 MOREAU-CHRISTOPHE.; MORHOF Moreau-Christophe (Louis Malthurin). De tricity. 2 v. lxxxv, 247 pp; 477 pp. 2 pl. l'6tat actuel et de la reforme des prisons de 160. borwvich, [Eng.] J. March, 1794. s. la Grand-Bretagne. 340 pp. 1 pl. 80. Paris, [v. ii imperfect; title wanting]. Imporimerie royale, 1838. - s. Morgan (Rev. Henry). Ned Nevins, the newsMoreau de Jonnds (Alexandre). Statistique boy; or, street life in Boston. 15th thousand. de l'Espagne. 318 pp. 1 map. 80. Paris, 428 pp. 6pl. 160. Boston,Lee. Shepard, 1867. Cosson, 1834. s. lMorgan (John, 1. D.) A discourse upon the Morel (Andreas). See Liebe (Christian Sigis- institution of medical schools in America. mund). Gotha nvmaria. Amstelcedami, 1730. xxvi, 63 pp. 12~. Philadel.phia, W. BradMorel (Jules, abbe). l16ments de critique; ou, ford, 1765. recherches des diffirentes causes de l'alt6ra- Morgan (John, of Hobart, Van Diemen's Land). tion des textes latins. 276 pp. 80. s. Life and adventures of William Buckley, 32 [With QUANTINS (M.) Dictionnaire raisonn6 de years a wanderer amongst the aborigines of diplornatique ehrdtienne. Paris, 1846]. the then unexplored country around Port Morel (J. M.) Tableau de l'6cole de botanique Phillip, now the province of Victoria. xiv, du jardin des plantes de Paris. Par un botan-nia A. Macdougall 208 pp. 1 pl. 12~. Tasmanic~, A. Macdou-gall, iste. [anon.] 107 pp. 8~. Paris, Didot, 1852. S. 1800. s. l~Morgan (John Minter). The christian commonMorel Vinde (Charles Gilbert, vicomte de), and.. wealth. ii, 44 pp. 3 pl. fol. London, LongBe'nard (-). Cabinet de Paignon. Vltat d6- mans Green 4 Co. 1849. tail16 et raissonn6 des dessins et estampes The same. Colonie chrdtienne. Traduit dont ii est compos6, (etc.) 192, 420 pp. 40. de l'Anglais. pp. 46-90. fol. Londres,LongParis, Madame Huzard, 1810. s. mans, Green & Co. 1849. Morell (John Reynell). Russia and England. W ith the preceding]. Their strength and weakness. 2 p. 1. 95 pp. - Revolt of the bees. [anon.] 272 pp. 160. London, Triibner, 1854. 1 pl. 8~. London, Longmans, 1826. Morelli (Jacopo). Bibliotheca Mapheei Pinellii Morgan (Sydney Owenson, lady). Lay of an descripta et annotationibus illustrata. 6 v. Irish harp; or, metrical fragments. 152 pp. in 3. 8~. Ve~netiis, C. Palesio, 1787. s. 18~. New York, D. & G. Bruce, 1808. Moreni (Domenico). Bibliografia storico- - The O'Briens and the O'Flahertys; a ragionata della Toscana; o sia, catalogo degli national tale. 4 v. in 2. 120. Philadelphia, scrittori che hanno illustrata la storia delle Carey, Lea & Carey, 1828. citt't, luoghi, e persone della medesima. 2 v. Morgan (SirThomas Charles, and lady). Book xii, 531 pp; xii, 551 pp. 40. Firenze, D. without a name. 2 v. vi, 279 pp; 282 pp. 120. Ciardletti, 1805. New York, Wiley 4 Putnam, 1841. Moret (M. avocat). Le moyen age pittoresque; 1MVorgenstern (Carl von). Reise in Italien im vues et fragments d'architecture, meubles, jahr 1809. 3 pts in 1. 4p. 1. xxii, 806 pp. 1 pl. armes, decors, en Europe du 10e au 17e si8cle, 8~. Dorpat, M. G. Grenzius, 1811-13. s. avec une explication. 5 pts. in 2 v. 180 pl. Morgenstern (Philipp, editor). Tvrba philosofol. Paris, Veith & Hauser [1838-44]. s. phorum; das ist, das buch von der guildenen Moreton (J. B.) Manners and customs in the kunst, neben andern authoribus, welche mit West India islands; with the method of con- einander 36 biicher in sich baben. [Verducting a sugar plantation. Also, the treat- deutscht aus] der lateinischen sprach. 7 p. 1. ment of slaves and the slave-trade. 192 pp. 560 pp. 160. Basel, Kb'nigs, 1613. 80. London, W. Richardson and others, 1790. Morghen (Raffaele). Principes du dessein. Morfit (Campbell), and Muckle (Alexander). See Volpato (G.) and Morghen. Chemical and pharmaceutic manipulations. Morhof (Daniel Georg). Polyhistor literarius, 482 pp. 2 pl. 8~. Philadelphia,,indsay philosophicus, et practicus; cum accessioni& Blakiston, 1849. s. bus Joannis Frickii et Joannis Molleri. Ed. See Booth (J. C.) and Morfit. Re- 3a. Cui preefationem notitiamque diariorum cent improvements in the chemical arts. litterariorum Europe premisit Io. Albertus Morford (Henry). Over sea; or, England, Fabricius. 3 v. in 2. 21 p. 1. 1072 pp. 3p1; France and Scotland, as seen by a live Amer- 604 pp. 40. Lubecce, P. Broeckmann, 1732. s. can. 371 pp. I pl. 120. New York, Hilton & Co. 1867. CONTENTS. v. 1. Polyhistor literarius. Morgan (George Cadlogan). Lectures on elec- v. 2-3. Polyhistor philosophicus et practicus. o73 MORIGIA. MORRIS. Morigia (Paolo). Histoire de l'origine de Morogues (P. M. S. Bigot de). See Bigot de tovtes les religions qvi ivsqves A present ont Morogues. est aun monde. Traduit d'Italien. 8p. 1. 451 Morren (IPdouard). Dissertation sur les feuilles pp. 6 1. 180. Paris, B. Coulombel, 1578. vertes et colorides. 222pp. 2 pl. 8~. Gand, Morin (Arthur Jules). Aide-memoire de mn- C. Arnout Braeccmann, 1858. s. canique pratique. viii, 330 pp. 8~. Metz, Thiel, Morres (Hervey Redmond, 2d lord Mount1857. s. morres). The danger of the political balance ---- Leqons de mdcanique pratique. Rdsist- of Europe. Translated from the French of ance desmat6riaux. 456 pp. 6 pl. 80. Paris, the king of Sweden. xxiv, 201 pp. 180. L. Hachette, 1853. s. Dublin, Chamberlain & Rice, etc. 1790. Rapport sur les comparaisons des kilo- Morris (Corbyn). An essay towards fixing the grammes, etc. See Regnault (IH. V.) Mo- true standards of wvit, humor, raillery, satire, rin, and Brix. and ridicule, [with] an analysis of the charac3Morin (Jean Baptiste, editor). See Kepler ters of an humorist, Sir John Falstaff, Sir (Johann). Tabulre rudolphinse. London, 1675. Roger De Coverley, and Don Quixote. xxxiv, Morison ( John, D. D; ) Family prayers for xxxii, 75 pp. 8~. London, J. Roberts, 1744. every morning and evening throughout the Morris (Francis Orpen). A natural history of year. 3d ed. 780 pp. 1 pl. fol. London, the nests and eggs of British birds. 3 v. 8~. Fisher, son & Co. [1838]. London, Groomb'idgce, 1853-56. s. Moritz (Julius). See Thomas (Louis). Morris (I. J.) A philosophical and practical Morley (John). Edmund Burke: a historical grammar of the English language. xx, 192 study. xv, 312 pp. 8~. London, Macmillan, pp. 120. New York, Miller & BHolman, 1857. 1867. s. Morlot (A.) Allgemeine bemerkungen fiber die Morris (John, F. G. S.) A catalogue of Britalterthumskunde. 15 pp. 80. Bern, Baller, ish fossils; with references to their geological 1859. s. distribution and to the localities in which they [With MORLOT, "Some general views on archicol- have been found. 2d ed. viii, 372 pp. 8~. ogyl.]......."..... London author, 1854. s. -- -- 1 Erlliuterungen zur geologischen fibersichtskarte der nordastlichen Alpen. viii, and Lycett (John). A monograph of 212tpp. stcol.emap. 8~. FtenBratzzi~tle the mollusca from the great oolite, chiefly 212 pp. 1 col. map. 80. Wien, Braumiiller & Se~~~det,~1847. s. from Minchinhampton and the coast of York-: 32tuSeidel, 1847 ogico-arch.ologiqe, S. shire. 2 v. in 1. 40~. London, Palceontogtudes g6ologico-arch6ologiques, en Danemark et en Suisse. pp. 262-328. 8~0. Lau- grahical society, 1850-53. sane, Soc. vaudoise des sciences nat. 1860. S. CONTENTS. [With " Some general views on archmology]." v. 1. Univalves. viii, 130 pp. 15 1. 15 pl. A happy man. [Biography of Edward v. 2. Bivalves. 148 pp. 15 1. 15 pil. ~ A happy man. CBiography of Edward Meystre.] 11 pp. 8~. Lausanne, Pache,1855 Morris (J. C.) A dictionary, English and, Teloogoo. 2 v. 3 pl. 586 pp; 532 pp. 40~. [With " Some general views on archaeology]." Madras, 1835-39. s. Une premiere leqon de g6ologie. 15 pp. Morris (John G.) Life of John Arndt [Arnd]. 80. Lautsanne, Pacche, 1852. s. 237 pp. portrait. 180. Baltimore, T. N. [With " Some general views on archeology."] Kurtz, 1853. S, Some general views on archeeology. Morris (Lewis, chief justice of N. Y. and prov. [Reprinted from the "Geologist."] 12 pp. governor of N. J.) Observations on the rea120. London, Geologist, 1860. s. sons given by Mr. [John] Hamilton's adviMormons (The); or, knavery exposed. Giv- sers, for his detaining the seals of the province ing an account of the discovery of the golden of New Jersie, after the demand made of them plates, building a temple, establishment of a by Lewis Morris, president of the council and bank, [etc.] Documents printed by order of commander-in-chief of the province of New the senate of the U. S. 24 pp. 8~. Frankford, Jersie. 11 pp. fol. [New York, 1736?] (Pa.) E. G. Lee, 1841. Opinion and argument of the chief jusMornay or Duplessis Mornay (Philippe de, tice of the province of New York, concerning seigneur du Plessis Marly). The mysterie of the jurisdiction of the supream court, of the iniqvitie; that is to say, the historie of the said province, to determine causes in a court papacie. Englished by Samson Lennard. 9 of equity. 15 pp. fol. New York, J. Peter p. l. 661pp. fol. London, A. Islip, 1612. Zenger, 1733. 35 274: MORRIS. MOSDORIF. Morris (Lewis, hydrographer). Plans of the of the American universal geography. 214 principal harbours, bays, and roads, in St. pp. 18~. New Haven, 1784 George's and the Bristol channels; with hints [Imperfect; title wanting]. on improvements necessary for the security of ~ The same. 4th ed. 432 pp. 9 maps. navigation on the coast of Wales. New ed. 16~. Boston, J. Thomas & E. J. Alndrews, by William Morris. xii, 21 pp. 32 maps. 1794. fol. Shrewsbury, Sandford and Maddocks, - The same. 18th ed. 364 pp. 2 maps. 1801. 12~. Boston, Thomas & Andrews, 1816. s. Morris (Peter, pseudon.) See Lockhart (J.G. ) The same. 2dTroy,from the 16th Boston Morris (Robert, LL. D.) The dictionary of ed. 364 pp. 160. Troy, Parker 94 Bliss. freemasonry. 518 pp. 12~. Chicago, J. C. 1816. W. Bailey, 1867. - The same. 22d ed. By Sidney E. Morse. Morris (William). The life and death of Jason, 368 pp. 16~. Boston, Richardson & Lord, a poem. 363 pp. 120. London, Bell and 1820. Daldy, 1867. The same. A new system of geography, Morrison (John H. D. D). Disquisitions and ancient and modern, for the use of schools, notes on the gospels: Matthew. See Bible 25th ed. 342 pp. 160. Boston, Richardson 5 (English). New Testament. Lord, 1826. Morrison (Robert, D. D.) Vocabulary of the History of America, in two books: conCanton dialect. 2 v. in 1. 80. Macao, East taining, i, a general history of America; ii, a India Co.'s press, 1828. s. concise history of the late revolution. [anon.] Morrison (R. J.) The solar system as it is, 3ded. iv, 356pp. 2 maps. 12~. Philadephia, and not as it is represented. 214 pp. 10 pl. T. Dobson, 1798. 8~. London, Piper, Stephenson 4~ Spence, Morse (O. A.) Vindication of the claim of 1857. s. Alex. M. W. Ball to the authorship of the Morrison (William M.) Morrison's stranger's poem, Rock me to sleep, mother. 72 pp. guide to the city of Washington and its vicin- 80. New York, M. W. Dodd, 1867. ity. vi, 144 pp. 18 pl. 240. Washington, Morse (Sidney E.) A new system of modern TW. Mi Morrison, 1852. s. geography; or, a view of the present state of The same. Stranger's guide for Wash- the world. vi, 376 pp. 8~. Boston, G. Clark, ington city. Illustrated. [New ed.] 58 pp. 1822. 28 pl. 3 diag. 180. Washington, W.. 0. & O. Morton (A.) The charmed scarf. 8 pp. 80. H. Morrison, 1868. London, 1841. Morrow (T. V. M. D.) Posthumous writings. [ HAZLITT'S romancist and novelist's lib. v. 3.J v. 1. 1853. s. Morton (Nathaniel). New England's memo[ With JONES (I. G.) American eclectic practice]. rial; or, the most memorable passages of the Morse (Edward S. ) A classification of mollusca, providence of God manifested to the planters based on the principle of cephalization. [Ex- of New England, with special reference to tract.] 20 pp. 1 pl. 80. Salem, Essex insti- New Plimouth. 5 p. 1. 248 pp. 180. Boston, tute, 1865. s. Daniel Henchman, 1721. Morse (Jedidiah, D. D.) The American gazet- - The same. viii, 208 pp. 160. _Newport, teer; a full account of the American conti(1. I.) S. Southwick, 1772. nent; also ofthe West India and other append- Morton (Samuel George). Medical formulary. ant islands. 3d ed. 3121. 8:. Boston, Thomas See Ellis (B.) and Andrews, 1810. Morton (Thomas, of Clifford's inn). New -- American geography; or, a view of the English Canaan; or, new Canaan: containing present situation of the United States of an abstract of New England, composed in America. 3d ed. xvi, 536 pp. 2 maps. 80. three bookes. 188 pp. 21. sm. 40. AnsterDublin, John Jones, 1792. dam, J. F. Stam, [1637?] ------ The American universal geography; or, [Title-page wanting]. a view of the present state of the known Moschus. Idyllia. See Theocritus. Idyllia. world, and of the United States in particular. in. p.] 1579. 7th ed. 2 v. 898 pp; 859 pp. 6 maps. Idyls. Translated by F. Fawkes. 8~. 80. Charlestown, Lincoln 4- Edmands, etc. Edinburgh, [1792]. 1819. [Anderson's Brit. poets. v. 5]. Geography made easy. An abridgment Mosdorf (Friedrich). See Mossdorf. 275 MOSEL. MOZLEY. Mosel (Ignaz Franz Edler von). Geschichte der Mountain (George J.) Songs of the wilderkaiserl. k6nigl. hof-bibliothek zuWien. viii, ness. xxviii, 153 pp. 4 pl. 160. London, 398 pp. 2 pl. 8~. Wien, Beck, 1835. s. F. & J. Rivington, 1846. Moses (Henry). Vases from the collection of Mountmorres (lord). See Morres (Hervey Sir Henry Englefield, drawn and engraved. Redmond, 2d lord Mountmorres). [English and French texts]. 62 pp. 40 pl. Mouradja d'Ohsson (Charles,or Constantin). 80. London, Rodwell & Martin, 1819. s. Histoire des Mongols; depuis Tchinguiz-lkhan Mossdorf (Friedrich). Allgemeines handbnuch jusqu'A Timour Beg, ou Tamerlan. 4 v. 80. der freimaurerei. Zweite auni. von Lenning's La Haye, Les frdres Van Cleef, 1834-35. encyklopadie der freimaurerei. [pseudon.] Moureau (Jules). Le salaire et des associa3 v. 80. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1863-67. tions co-op6ratives; 6tude 6conomique. 254 Mot (Maurice Adolphe, pseudon?). A French pp. 160. Paris, Guillaumin, 1866. grammar and dictionary, with an infallible Mourey (C. V.) La vraie th6orie des quantitds method for learning the pronunciation. 248, pr6tendues imaginaires. 2e ed. xii, 106 pp. 17 pp. 120. Philadelphia, Moss & brother, 160. Paris, Mallet-Bachelier, 1861. 1853. Mourt (George). Relation; or, journal of the ~M/otherby (George, M. D.) A new medical plantation at Plymouth; with introduction dictionary, or general depository of physic. and notes, by Henry M. Dexter. xlvii, 176 Revised and corrected by George Wallis, pp. 2 maps. sm. 40. Boston, J. K. Wiggin, M. D. 5th ed. xii, 811 pp. 5 i. 33 pl. 1865. fol. London, J. Johnson, etc. 1801. [Library of New England history, No. 1]. [Imperfect; wanting plate 15]. Mousson (Albert). Die physik auf grundlage Mother's (The) thorough resource book: com- der erfahrung. 2 v. vi, 291 pp. 11 pl; 2 p. 1. prising self-discipline of the expectant mother; 424 pp. 13 pl. 80. Ziirich, Schulthess, 1858. general management during infancy and child- s. hood; also, children's complaints, etc. [anon. ] Mowaffak-ed-dinAbiMohammedAbd-el-latif iv, 252 pp. 120. London, Ward & Lock, [1862]. ben Yusuf. Relation de l'Egypte; suivie de hMotolinea (fray Toribio de, or de Bena- divers extraits d'ecrivains orientaux, et d'un vente). Historia de los Indios de Nueva Es- Btat des provinces et des villages de l'egypte pafia. See Icazbalzeta (J.) Coleccion, etc. dans le 14e sidcle; le tout traduit et enrichi Mott (Rev. George S.) The resurrection of the de notes, par Silvestre de Sacy. xxiv, 752 pp. dead. 230 pp. 160. New York, N. Tibbals, 40~. Paris, Treuttel et Wiirtz, 1810. 1866. - The same. Denkwtirdigkeiten Egyptens. Mott (John Thomas). The last days of Francis Aus dem Arabischen iibersezt von S. F. G. the first, and other poems. 147 pp. 160. Wahl. 160. Halle, ]Verlag des Waisenhauses, London, W. Pickering, 1843. 1790. s. Mott (Valentine). New elements of operative M1Vowris (James A. M. D.) History of the surgery. See Velpeau (A. L. M.) 117th N. Y. volunteers, (fourth Oneida), from Mouette (Germain). Travels in the kingdoms its organization, August, 1862, till June, 1865, of Fez and Morocco. 115 pp. 1 map. sm. 40. 315 pp. 120. Hartford, Case, Lockwood & [London, 1700]? Co. 1866. [fWith STEVENS (John). Voyages and travels]. Moxon (Joseph). Regulee trium ordinum Moufet (Thomas, Ml. D.) Health's improve- literarum typographicarum; or, the rules of ment; or, rules comprising and discovering the three orders of print letters. 2d ed. 2 p.1. the nature, method, and manner of preparing 52 pp. 7 pl. smi 40. London, James koxon, all sorts of food used in this nation. Corrected 1693. and enlarged by Christopher Bennet. viii, Moysant (Franvois), and Levizac (Jean Pons 296 pp. sin. 40. London, S. Thomson, 1655. Victor Lecoutz de). Bibliotheque portative Moulton (Joseph W.) History of the state des derivains frangois; on choir des meilleurs of New York, part ii. Novum Belgium. viii, morceaux extraits de leurs ouvrages. 3 v. pp. 333-428. 80. New York, E. Bliss & 8 Londres, Dylan et Co. 1803. E. White, 1826. Mozley (Rev. James Bowling). Eight lectures Mount Auburn cemetery. Catalogue of lots, on miracles. 2d ed. xxviii, 382 pp. 80. Lon with the names of the proprietors, etc. 120. don, Rivingtons, 1867. Boston, 1857. s. [Bampton lectures, 1865J. 276 MUDGE. MUtLLER. Mudge (Z. A.) The christian statesman; a de bepalingen der aequivalent-gewigten van portraiture of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton; 13 enkelvoudige ligchamen: (zwavel, seleniwith sketches of British antislavery reform. urn, tellurium, phosphorus, arsenicum, chloor, 268 pp. 4 pl. 160. New York, Carlton & kalium, zilver, bromium, iodium, fluorium, Porter, 1865. silicium, en borium). 157 pp. 8~. Utrecht, The forest boy: a sketch of the life of D. Post Uiterweer, 1853. 8. Abraham Lincoln. For young people. 321 Mulder (Gerhard Jan). Versuch einer allpp. 4 pl. 16~. New York, Carlton & gemeinen physiologischen chemie. xii, vi, Porter, [1867]. 1,291, 15 pp. 20 pl. 80. Braunschweig, Mudie (Robert). Attic fragments, of charac- Vieweg, 1849-51. s. ters, customs, opinions, and scenes. [anon.] Mulder (L.) Historisch-kritisch overzigt van 379 pp. 80. London, Knight & Lacey, 1825. bepalingen der aequivalent-gewigten van 24 - Pictures of India; geographical, histori- metalen. 2 p. 1. 336 pp. 1 pl. 80. Utrecht, cal, and descriptive. 2d ed. 2 v. xvi, 415 D. P. Uiterweer, 1853. s. pp; vi, 445 pp. 1 map. 1 pl. 16~. London, Mulgrave (C. J. Phipps, 2d. baron). See Whittaker, Treacher & Co. 1832. Phipps (C. J.) Mueller or Miiller (Ferdinand). Analytical Mullala (James, LL. D.) A delineation of the drawings of Australian mosses. Fasc. 1. British constitution, from the origin to the 7 pp. 20 pl. 80. Melbourne, J. Ferres, 1864. s. present period. 3 v. in 2. 80. Dublin, J. Australian vegetation in its bearings on Mullala, 1798-1801. the occupation of the territory, etc. 38 pp. Miiller (Adolf and Carl). Charakterzeichnun8~0. Melbourne, Blundell S Co. 1867. s. gen der vorziiglichsten deutschen singvogel. - Fragmentaphytographice Australie. 4 v. vii, 112 pp. 11 pl. 8~. Leipzig, C. F. Winter, 80. Melbourne, J. Ferres, 1858-64. s. 1865. s. The plants indigenous to the colony of Miiller (Dr. Carl). Synopsis muscorun frondVictoria, [Australia]. v. 1. Thalamiflorae. osorum omnium hucusque cognitorum. 2 v. viii, 242 pp. 23 pl. 40. Melbourne, J. Plerres, viii, 812 pp; 772 pp. 8~. Berolini, A. Foerst1860-62. s. ner, 1849-51. s. The same. Lithograms. [v. 2, atlas]. Muiller (C. H. of Breslau). Elemente der elek3 p. 1. 66 1. unp. 66 pl. 40. Melbourne, J. tricitat. See Singer (G. J.) Ferres, 1864-65. s. Muiiller (Carl Ottfried). Die Etrusker. 2 pts. or The vegetation of the Chatham islands. 4 books in 1 v. xiv, 456, 374 pp. 1 pl. 80. 2 p. 1. 86 pp. 7 pl. 80. Melbourne, J. Ferres, Breslau, J. Max & Komp. 1828. s. 1864. s. Handbuch der archaologie der kunst. Mueller. See also Miller. 2e ausg. 8~. Breslau, J. Max & Co. 1835. s. Muffett (Thomas, M. D.) See Moufet (T.) - Dissertations on the Eumenides of Miihlbach (Luise, pseudon.) See Mlundt lEschylus. From the German. 2d ed. xii, (Mrs. Clara). 224 pp. 1 pl. 12~. London, Parker & son, 1853. Miihry (A. M. D.) Allgemeine geographische Miiller (Dr. Friedrich, prof. at Vienna). Reise meteorologie; oder, versuch einer uebersicht- der Novara: linguistischer theil. lichen darlegung des systems der erd-meteora- [With WftLLERSTORF-URBAIR (B. von). Reise der Novara]. tion in ihrer klimatischen bedeutung. xiil, Miiller (Friedrich Max, prof. at Oxford). Lec203 pp. 2 maps. 80. Leipzig, etc. C. F. Winter, tures on the science of language. From 24 1860 raege zur geo-pbysi d s.. a London ed. 416 pp. 120. New York, C. Beitraege zur geo-physik und klimato- Scribner 1862. S graphie. Heft i-iii in 2 v. viii, 92 pp; xiii, The same. 2d series. pp. 120. New 213 pp. 8~. Leipzig, C. F. Winter, 1863. s. York, C. ScrTiber, 1865. s. CONTENTS. Miiller (Gerhard Friedrich). Voyages et d6v. 1. Zur geographischen meteorologie; zur klimatologie: couvertes faites par les Russes le long des v. 2-3. iUber das klima der hoch Alpen. cbtes de la mer glaciale et sur l'oc6an orienMuirhead (Lockhart). Journals of travels in tal, tant vers le Japon que vers l'Am6rique. parts of the late Austrian Low Countries, On y a joint l'histoire du fleuve Amur et des France, the Pays de Vaud, and Tuscany, in pays adjacens, depuis la conquete des Russes. 1787 and 1789. 4B28 pp. 8. London, T. N. Traduits de l'Allemand par Dumas. 2 v. xii Lonrnann 0. Bees, 1803.& p. 1. 388 pp; iv, 207 pp. 11 1. 1 map. 18~. Mulder (E.) Historisch-kritisch overzigtvan Amisterac, M. M. Beg, 176C. 277 MULLER. MUNDT. Miiller (Johannes von). Vier und zwanzig in 1. vii, 103 pp; 124 pp. 8~. Havnice et biicher allgemeiner geschichtens, besonders Lipsice, Weygand, J. G. Miiller, 1779-84. s. der europaischen meschhleit. Herausgegeben Miiller (Ferdinand). SeeMueller (Ferdinand). [von] J. G. Mtiller. 2e aunl. 3 v. 12~. Muloch((DinahMaria, Mrs. Craik). Two mrTiibingen, J. G. Cottc, 1811. riages. [anon.] 301 pp. 12~. New York, Muller (John, prof. at Woolwich). A treatise Harpers, 1867. containing the elementary part of fortification, MUniic.h (Friedrich). Amerikanische weinbauregular and irregular. 2d ed. xvi, 240 pp. schule. Anleitung zur anlegung des wein34 pl. 80. London, J. Nourse, 1756. berges, [etc.] 2e aufi. 142pp. 160. St. Louis, Muiller (Johannes, M. D. prof. at Berlin). tjber C. Witter, 1867. die bisher unbekannten typischen verschie- Munch (Peter Andreas). Det norske folks hisdenheiten der stimmorgane der passerinen. torie. v. 1. 3 p. l. 804, xii pp. 1 map. 8~. [Extract]. 71pp. 6 pl. 40. Berlin, k. ak/ad. Christiania, C. Tonsberg, 1851. der wissenschaften, 1847. s. Ujbersicht der orographie Norwegens. ~ and Troschel (Franz Hermann). Sys- 1850. s. temrn der asteriden. xx, 134 pp. 12 pl. 40. f With KEILHAU (B. M.) Gaea norvegica, iii]. Braunschweig, Vieweg, 1842. s. Munchausen at the pole; or, the surprising Muiiller (Johann, prof. of physics at Freiburg). and wonderful adventures of a voyage of disGrundriss der physik und meteorologie. vi, covery. By Capt. Munchausen. [pseudon.] 520 pp. 80. Braunschweig, Vieweg, 1846. s. 5 p. 1. 164 pp. 1 pl. 120. London, J. JohnThe same. 4eaufl. 534pp. 80. Braun- ston, 1819. schweig, Vieweg, 1853. s. Munck (Hans). Kort begrijp des reysThe same. Principles of physics and soeckende tusschen Groenland en America meteorology. 635 pp. 1 col. pl. 80. Phila- een wegh nae Ooost-Indien. gdelphic Lea 4 Blanchard, 15848. s [ With LA PEYRIRE (I. de). Nauwkeurige beschrijdeiphiad,18.. vingh van Groenland. pp. 87-100. 1678]. Lehrbuch der physik und meteorologie. Munde (Carl, hM. D.) Die grafenberger wasSee Pouillet (C. S. M.) Lehrbuch. serheilanstalt und die priessnitzische curmeMuiiller (Johann Georg). Aus dem kiinstleris- thode. viii, 256 pp. 120. Leipzig, Hartlechen nachlasse von J. G. M. Enthaltend ben, 1845. s. entwiirfe zu architektonischen abhandlungen, Mundt (Clara Miuller). Berlin and Sans-Souci; gedichte, und tafeln. Mit einer lebensskizze or, Frederick the great and his friends. By Miiller's und notizen herausgegeben von J. M. L. Miihlbach. [pseeudon.] 120. New York, Ziegler. 3 p. 1. 19 pp. 43 pl. fol. Winter- D. Appleton & Co. 1867. thur, J. Wurster & Co. 1860. s. - Bernthal; or, the son's revenge. From Mill'er (Johann Sebastian). See Miller (J. S.) the German. 80. New York,'D. Appleto n Miuller (Johann Wilhelm, baron von). Beitrage Co. 1867. zur ornithologie Afrika's. lief 1-5. 241. unp. - The daughter of an empress. An histori20 col. pl. 40~. Stuttgart, k'nigl. hofbuch- cal novel. Translated from the German, by druckerei, 1853-54. s. Nathaniel Greene. 255 pp. 4 pl. 8~. New [No more published.] York, D. Appleton & Co. 1867. The same. Description de nouveaux The empress Josephine. An historical oiseaux d'Afrique, nouvellement d6couverts et sketch of the days of Napoleon. From the dessin6s d'aprhs nature; pour servir de suite German, by Rev. W. Binet. Illustrated by G. aux planches enlumin6es de Buffon, etc. Fay. 280 pp. 8pl. 8~0. New York, D. Appleton livr. 1-5. 241. unp. 20 col. pl. 4~. Stuttgart, Co. 1867. imp. royale, 1853-54. s. Frederick the great and his court. An [No more published]. historical romance. Translated from the GerMUller (L.) Numismatique d'Alexandre le man of Louise M-ihlbach [ pseudon.] by Mrs. grand. Suivie d'un appendice contenant les C. Coleman and her daughters. iv, 434 pp. monnaies de Philippe ii. et iii. et accompagn6e 120. New York, D. Appleton 4 Co. 1866. de planches et tables. xiv, 402 pp. 8~. The same. 12o. New York, 1867. Atlas, 29 pl. 61. 4~. Copenhague, B. Luno, Frederick the great and his family. An 1855. historical novel. By L. Miihlbach. [pseudon. ] Miiller(Otho Friedrich). Zoologia danica; sev, Translated from the German by Mrs. C. Coleanimalivm Danice et Norvegioe rariorvm ac man and her daughters. iv,300 pp. 4 pl. minvs notorvm descriptiones et historia. 2 v. 80. New bork, D. A7ppleton 4 Co. 1867. MIUNDT. MURRAY. Mundt (Clara Muller). Henry viii. and his Munguia (Clemente de Jesus). Platicas doccourt; or, Catharine Parr, a historical novel. trinales y sermones, precedidos de una disertaFrom the German of Louise Miahlbach. cion sobre la oratoria sagrada. lviii, 193 pp. [pseudon.] By H. N. Pierce. 2 v. in 1. 142, 3 1. 80. Morelia, O. Ortiz, 1851. s. 143 pp. 12~. Mobile, (Ala.) S. H. Goetzel, 1865. Mufios de Castro (Pedro). Exaltacion magThe same. 418 pp. 120. New York, nifica de la betlemitica rosa de la mejor amerD. Appleton & Co. 1867. icana Jerico. Con octavario plenissimo de Joseph ii. and his court. An historical sermones predicados. 12 p. 1. unp. 84 1. novel. From the German of Louise Mihl- sm. 40. Mexico, M. de Benavides, viuda de J. bach. [pseudon.] by Adelaide De V. Chau- de Ribera, 1697. dron. 4 v. in 1. 120. Mobile, (Ala.) S. H. Munson (James E.) Complete phonographer,. Goetzel, 1864. 236 pp. 80. New York, 1?. K. Johnston, The same. iv, 343 pp. 4 pl. 80. New 1867. York, D. Appleton & Co. 1867. Miinster (Sebastian). Dictionarivm Hebraicum Louisa of Prussia and her times. An jam recognitum, et ex rabinis auctum et locuhistorical novel. 2 p. 1. 277 pp. 4 pl. 80. New pletatum. 4961. 16~. Basilece, Proben & EpisYork, D. Appleton & Co. 1867. copius, 1539. Marie Antoinette and her son. An his- Murchison (H.) Conservatives and'libertorical novel. 301 pp. 8 pl. 80. New York, als,' their principles and policy. 2d ed. xxix, D. Appleton & Co. 1867. 49 pp. 8~. London, Saunders, Otley P Co. The merchant of Berlin. An historical 1866. novel. Translated from the German by A. Murdoch (David, D. D.) The Dutch dominie Coffin. 12~. New York, D. Appleton & Co. of the Catskills; or, the times of the'bloody 1867. Brandt." 471 pp. 120. New York, Derby Napoleon in Germany.. Napoleon and 4 Jackson, 1861. Blicher. An historical novel. By L. Miihl- Murger (Henry). Le pays latin. Nouv. 6d. bach. [pseudon.] From the German by F. 353 pp. 120. Paris, M. Levy, 1857. Jordan. 301 pp. 8 pl. 80. New York, D. Ap- Murhard (Friedrich Wilhelm August). Litterpleton & Co. 1867. teratur der mathematischen wissenschaften; The same. Napoleon and the queen of bibliotheca mathematica. 2 v. xvi pp. 3 p. 1. Prussia. An historical novel. By L. Miihl- 256 pp; xii pp. 3 p. 1. 436 pp. 80. Leipzig, bach. [pseudon.] From the German by F. Breitkopf & Hdirtel, 1797-98. s. Jordan. 245 pp. 8 pl. 8~. New York, D. [- - The same. v. 3-5.] Litteratur der A4ppleton & Co. 1867. mechanischen und optischen wissenschaften. Munguia (Cl6mente de Jesus). Obras diversas. 3 v. in 1. 80. Leipzig, Breitkoypf & Hiirtel, Primera serie. 3 v. in 1. 8~. Morelia, [ Mexico, ] 1803-05. s. I. Arango, 1842. s. Murphy (Henry). The conquest of Quebec; CONTENTS. an epic poem. 2 p. 1. xix pp. 2 1. 308 pp. v. 1. Los principios de la iglesia cat6lica comparados 120. Dublin,. Porter, 1790. con los de las escuelas racionalistas en sus rela- Murphy (Henry C.) Jacob Steendam. A clones con la enseianza [etc.] Memoria instruetiva sobre el origen, progresos y estado actual de memoir of the first poet in New Netherland, la enselianza [etc.] en el seminario tridentino de with his poems descriptive of the colony. Morelia. Del pensamiento y su enunciacion considerado en si mismo, en sus relaciones, y en sus 59 pp. 1 pl. 8~. The Hcague, Giunta leyes. Parte la. 3 p. 1. 526 pp. v. 2-3. The same. 2a-3a parte. 509 pp; 385 pp.lba, 1861. The same. Segunda serie. 3 v. in. Murphy (Jacob). Uber die grundregeln der gothischen bauart. Aus dem Englischen 1852. Mexico, Ipreta de la oz de la religion, iibersetzt von J. D. E. W. Engelhard. vi, CONTENTS. 54 pp. 11 pl. 40. Darmnstadt, C. W. Leske, v. 1. Estudios fundamentales sobre el hombre, [etc.] [1828]. S. Examen filosofico sobre las relaciones del orden Murray (Charles Augustus). The prairienatural y el sobrenatural, [etc.] Parte la. 3 p. 1. 615, ix pp. bird. 207 pp. 8~. New York, HarTers, v. 2. The same. Parte 2a. 93, ii pp. e v. 3. Disertacion sobre el estudio de la lengua castel- 1847. lana. [etc.] Discurso sobre el establecimiento de Murray (Hannah and Mary). The toilet. [Emla catedra de bella literatura en el seminario de Morelia, [etc.] Disertacion sobre la elocuencia blematic illustrations, with moral precepts]. religiosa, [etc.] Arengas [etc.] Discurso civico Edited by Mrs. S. W. Smith. 20 pp. 80. pronunciado en la plaza principal de Morelia, [etc.] 1838. Ensayos de critica, [etc.] 423, iii pp. Washington, TV. Ballantyne, 1867. 279 MURRAY. MUSSCHIENBROEK. Murray (Hugh, and others). Historical and de l'Anglais, par Anatole Riffault. vi, 264 pp. descriptive account of British India. 3 v. 3 pl. 24~. Paris, Boret, 1831. s. 1 map. 18~. New York, Harpers, 1833-36. Murray (Lindley). An abridgement of [his] English grammar. With appendix. 95 pp. CONTENTS. ~CONTENTS. ~ 18~. Washington, D. Rapine, 1818. V. 1-2. Murray (Hugh). History. 296 pp; 333 pp. English grammar. xii, 282 pp. 16~. V. 3. Ainslie (Whitelaw). Medicalobservations. pp. 258-272. [n. p. n. d. ] Dalrymple (Clarence). Navigation between England I Title page wanting.] and India. pp. 326-370. Greville (Robert Kaye). Botany. pp. 117-157. The same. Adapted to the different Jameson (Robert). Climate, geology, mineralogy. classes of learners. 228 pp. 16. ndso, 9 ~~~~classes of learners. 22~8 pp. 160. Windsor, pp. 158-257. Rhind (William). Spasmodic cholera. pp. 273-278. (Vt.) N. C. Goddard, 1836. s. Wallace (William). Astronomy and mathematics. 279-325 pp. - Introduction to theEnglishreader,[with] Wilson (James). Zoology. pp. 1]-116. rules for assisting children to read with proMurray (Rev. James, of Newcastle). Sermons priety. Improved ed. 153 pp. 120. Georgeto asses. [anon.] 5th ed. 63pp. 18~. Phila- town, (D.C.)S.S.Rind,1830. delphia, J. Dunlap, 1770. [Imperfect] Sermons to doctors in divinity; being Mursinna (Friedrich Samuel). Geschichte der Sermons to doctors in divinity; being'. entdekkung von Amerika. 4 p. 1. 400 pp. l pl. the second volume of sermons to asses. viii, entdekkung vo Amerika. p. 1. pp. p. li120. Halle, Benger, 1795. 144 pp. 180~. Philadelphia J. Dunlap 1783. 12. ale, Renger, 1795. [Wit th preceding.]Musaus. The loves of Hero and Leander. [ With the precedinlg. ] With the preceding.] Translated by F. Fawkes. 8~. Edinburgh, Murray (John, London publisher). Hand-book Translated by F. Fawkes. Enburh, for travellers in southern Germany, Bavaria, [1792] n, ~~[Anderson's Brit. poets,. 5] Austria, Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, the Aus-, trian andrBa, aalpbrSt, etc. 3d Aed Musaeus (Johann Carl August). Selectpoputrian and Bavarian Alps, etc. 3d ed. xiv~ xl a a n s. e v, lar tales. From the German. 168 pp. 16~. 486 pp. 1 map. 12~. London, J. Murray, London L 184. s London, E. Lumley, [about 1850]. Hn-1hokforvelrih. S.oa Mus6e des Thermes et de l'hotel de Cluny. - Hand-book for travellers in the Ionian islands, Greece, Turkey, AsiaMinor, and Con- Catalogue et description des objets d'art de ~~~~~~~~~~~~l'tiquit6d d moye-ae e Turey lal renaissnance o-vo<. stantinople; including a description of Malta. l'antiquit6, du moyen-age et de la renaissance. New ed. lxix, 408 pp. 4 maps. 12~. London, 240 pp. 85. Paris, inchon, 1851. s. J.lufrray, 1845. s.Mus6e royal. Explication des ouvrages de Han-okfrtaelryn, 18 Swtea peinture, sculpture, architecture, gravure et Hand-book for travellers in Switzerland P..lithographic des artistes vivans expos6% 1er and the Alps of Savoy and Piedmont. lxii lithographi des artistes vivans expos, r Mars 1836. 228 pp. 18~. Paris Finchon, 420 pp. 3 maps. 3d ed. 12~. London, J.. 228 PP. 18. Paris, inchon, 1836. s. Murray, 1846. s.. S. Murray, 1846. The same. Ouvrages exposes le 15 - Hand-book for travellers in northern M 14p o... ~~~~~~Mars, 1844. 345 pp. 16~. lPari% Vinchwon, Italy: Sardinia, Lombardy and Venice, Parma. 345 p 16. Paris inch and Piacenza, Modena, Lucca,Massa-Carrara, 1844. S.'I~~',Mus6e royal bourbon. (Guide pour le); conand Tuscany, as far as the Val d'Arno. 3d ed. tenant les peintures anciennes, les monumens..' ~~~~~~~~tenant les peintures anciennles les monulmens xxxill, 608 pp. 3 maps. 120, London, J. Murray, 1847. s. 6gyptiens, les sculptures, etc. Par F. Verde, J. Hand-book for travellers on the conti- Pagano et C. Bonucci. Trad. par C. J. J.....Iand-book for travellers on the contixv, 235 pp. 8~. Naples, Fibreno, 1831. s. nent: Holland Belgium, Prussia and northern 2 p. pes iren. y,n I With PALMERINI. Opere di Morghenj. Germany. 8th ed. 12~. London, J. Murray, Museo capitolino. [Illustrato da Bottari e N. 1851. S. Foggini]. 4 v. fol. Roma, 1741-83. s. Hand-book for travellers in Spain. See Lv. 4 wanting]. Ford (Richard). CONTENTS. Official hand-book of church and state. v. 1. Immagines d'vomini illustri. 2p. 1. 48 pp. 90pl. 2. I busti imperiali. 2 p. 1. 83 pp. 83 pl. By S. Redgrave. 12~. London, J. Murray, 3. Statue. viii, 174 pp. 91 pl. 1854. Muses (The) choice; or, the merry follow. Murray(John, M. D. ofEdinburgh). Elements [anon.] 3d ed. 144 pp. 18~. London, J. of materia medica and pharmacy. 2 v. xv, Warcus, 1759. 394 pp; viii, 351 pp. 8~. Edinburgh, Neill Musschenbroek (Pieter van). Elementa. Co. 1804. physicae. Ed. alt. 8 p. 1. 600 pp. 26 pl. 1 Murray (John, of London, F. S. A.) Manuel map. 8~. Lugduni-Batavorum, S. Luchtmans, de l'electricite atmospherique, etc. Traduit 1741. s. 280 MUZIO. NARB3ROUGH. Muzio (Girolamo). La varchina. See Varchi many and sundrie histories, and principallie (Benedetto). L'ercolano. Padova, 1744. vpon those of Guicciardin. Done into French Mvskoke mopunvkv, nakchokv setempohetv. by Gabriel Chappuys, and out of French into Translation of Introduction to the shorter English, by W. T. 9 p. 1. 252 pp. 5 1. 4~. [presbyterian] catechism into the Creek lan- London, M. Lownes, 1601. guage, by R. M. Loughridge, [with alphabet]. Napier (Sir Charles James). Records of the 31 pp. 80. (lPark Hill, 1846. Indian command, comprising all his general Myers (Capt. John). Life, voyages, and trav- orders, remarks on courts martial, etc. Comels, with description of the northwest trade. piledby John Mawson. xiv, 244, lix pp. 1 pl. 410 pp. 80. London, Longman, Hurst. Co. 80. Calcutta, R. C. Lepage 4 Co. 1851. 1817. Napier (E. Elers). Excursions along the shores Myers (P. Hamilton). The emigrant squire. of the Mediterranean. 2 v. xviii, 352 pp; x, 109 pp. 80. Philadellhia, T. B. Peterson, 387 pp. 2pl. 12~. London, H. Colburn, 1842. 1853. Napier (James Robert, joint author). With Myles (William). A chronological history of Watts (Isaac, and others). Shipbuilding, etc. the people called methodists, of the connexion Napiersky (Carl Ed.) Index corporis historof John Wesley, from 1729 to 1802. 3d ed. ico-diplomatici Livoniae,Esthoniae, Curoniae; xii, 357 pp. 160. London, Jaques 4 Co. 1803. oder, kurzer auszug aus derjenigen urkunMyricio (Giovanni, knight commander of St. den-sammlung welche mit unterstiitzung AlJohn of Malta). Opuscvlvm geographicvm exander I zusammengebracht worden ist, etc. rervmtotiusejusnegotiirationem complectens. 1198-1631. 2 v. in 1. xvii, 375 pp; 414 pp. 3 p. 1. 136 pp. 1 map. sm. fol. Ingolstadii, fol. Riga & Dorpat,E. l.rantz, 1833-35. s. W. Eder, 1590. Naples. Catalogus bibliothecae latinae veteris Myritius(Johannes). See Myricio (Giovanni). et classicae manuscriptae, quae in regio neNack (James). The immortal; a dramatic ro- apolitano museo borbonico adservatur. Demance, and other poems. With a memoir, by scriptus a Cataldo Jannellio. xii, 302 pp. 40~ P. Morris. iv, 172 pp. 16~. New York, Neapoli, ex regia typographia, 1827. s. Stringer 4 Townsend, 1850. Codices graeci mss. regiae bibliothecae Nadar. [pseudon.] See Tournachon (Felix). borbonicae neapolitanse [descripti atque illusNagler (G. K.) Neues allgemeines kiinstler- trati a Salv. Cyrillo.] 2 v. 40. Neapoli, lexicon, [etc.] 22 v. 8~. Miinchen, E. A. Regia typog. 1826. s. Fleischmann, 1835-52. s. - Regii neapolitani archivi monumenta [V. 20-22 wanting]. - edita ac illustrata [A. D. 703-1000.] 2 v.:Na Haawina Kamalii. Na mea Eaoaina Ka- xlviii, 284, xxi pp; 3 p. 1. 198 pp. 40. Neapmalii, make kula sabati. 152 pp. 120. Hon- oli, Regia typog. 1845-49. s. olulu, Paipalapala a na missionari, 1838. s. Napoleon I. Correspondance in6dite, officielle 2Nalson (Rev. John, LL. D.) The counter- et confidentielle, avec les cours etrangbres, mine; or, a short but true discovery of the les princes, les ministres et les g6n6raux frandangerous principles, and secret practices of 9ais et 6trangers, en Italie, en Allemagne, et the dissenting party, especially the presbyte- en Vgypte. 7 v. 12~. Paris, C. L. P. Panrians. [anon.] 7 p. 1. 317 pp. 120. London, ckoucke, 1819-20. Jonathan Edwin, 1677. Military maxims. Translated by colonel Namur (Jean Pie). Bibliographie paleograph- D'Aguilar. 250 pp. 18~. Dublin, Milliken ico-diplomatico-bibliologique g6n6rale, [etc.] son, 1831. 2 v. xxvii, 227 pp; vi, 306 pp. 8~. Liege, Napoleon III. Extinction du paup6risme. P. J. Collardin, 1838. s. 27 pp. fol. Londres, 1849. H- istoire des bibliothbques publiques de [ With MORGAN (John M.) Christian commonwealth. la Belgique. 3 v. 8~. Bruxelles, li'. Parent, London, 1849]. 1840. B3 -- The same. Extinction of pauperism. CONTENTS. Translated from the French. 23 pp. fol. v. ]. Bibliothgques de Bruxelles. xi, 320 pp. London, 1849. v. 2. Bibliothhque de Louvain. xi, 282 pp. 1 pl. [ With the preceding]. v. 3. Bibliothtque de Liege. viii, 206 pp. 1 pl. Napoli-Signorelli (Pietro). Storia critica de' Manuel du bibliothdcaire, accompagn6 teatri antichi e moderni. 10 v. in 5. 80. de notes, [etc.] iv, 368 pp. 80. Bruxelles, J. Napoli, V. Orsino, 1813. B. Tircher, 1834. s. Narbrough(SirJohn). SeeCorreal(Francisco). Nannini (Remigio). Civil] considerations vpon Voyages aux Indes Occidentales. Paris, 1522. 281 NARRAGANSETT. NAUMANN. Narragansett club. PubIlications. (First se- G. W. Hastings. xliv, 810 pp. 80. London, ries.) v. 1-3. 4~. Providence, [BR. I.] press Longmans, 1867. Co. 1866-67. National quarterly review. Edited by E. J. CONTENTS. Sears. Dec. 1866, to Sept. 1867. v. 14-15. v. 1. Biographical introduction to the writings of Roger Williams. By R. A. Guild. National (The) republican. [Washington Key into the language of America. By Roger Key illiams. Edited by J. H. Trmbull. daily.] Nov. 1860, to Dec. 1867. v. 1-7, in Letter of Mr. John Cotton to Roger Williams, 14 V. fol. Washington, 1860-67. and Mr. Cotton's letter examined and answered, by Roger Williams. Edited by R. Natt (Rev. George W.) Plain sermons on A. G uild. personal religion. 408 pp. I pl. 120. Philv. 2. Answer to master Roger Williams, by John Cotton. Edited by J. L. Diman. cadelphia, J. 13. Lippincott' Co. 1867. Queries-of highest consideration. By Roger Williams. Eldited by R. A. Guild. Natter (Johann Lorenz). Trait6 de la mndthode v. 3. The blovdy tenent of persecution. By Roger antique de graver en pierres fines, comparee Williams. avec la m6thode nmoderne. xxxix, 54 pp. Narrative (A) of the case of Mrs. Mary Cath- 1 1. 37 pl. fol. Londres, J. Habeskorn c Co. erine Cadiere, against father John Baptist 1754. Girard, with father Girard's remarks thereon. Naturgeschichte der drei reiche. Allgemeine [anon.] 36 pp. 160. London, J. Wilford, einleitung in die naturgeschichte. 16 v. in 13. 1731. 80. atlas, 3 v. inll 1. 4~. Stuttgart, E. ScihweizerNarrative (A) of the circumstances which bart, 1832-46. s. attended the separation of lord and lady By- CONTENTS. ron: remarks on his domestic conduct, and BISCHOFF (Gottlieb W.) Lehrbuch der botanik. v. refutation of calumnies by public writers. iv-vi, 1838-40. BLUM (J. Reinhard). Lehrbuch der oryctognosie. [anon.] 22 pp. 80. London, R. Edwards, v. ii, 1845. 1 —6 Lithurgik, oder mineralien und felsarten nach 1816. ihrer ikonomisclher-hinsicht. v. xvi, 1840. [Misc. pamphlets. v. 56]. BRONN (H. G.) Handbhuch einer geschichte der natur. vNarrative of the extraordinary life of John v. xiii-xv, 1841-49. Nar-rative of the extraordinary life of Johln LEUCKART (F. S.) Allgemeine einleitung in die Conrad Shafford, the Dutch hermit. [anon.] naturgeschichte. v. i, 1832. LEOSHARD (Carl Casar von). Lehrbuch der geog24 pp. 1 pl.: 120. _Tewe York, C. L. Cacpen- nosie und geolQgie. v. iii, 1846. ter}, 1840. VOIGT (F. S.) Lehrbuch der zoologie. v. vii-xii, v. vii-xii. 1835-40. Narrative (A) of the life and sufferings of Mrs. Natiirliche geschichte der sch6pfung. See Jane Johns, who was wounded and scalped Vestiges of the natural history of cleation. by Indians in east Florida. [anon.] 24 pp. Naude (Gabriel). Bibliographia politica. 271 80. Baltimore, Lucas & Dearer, 1837. pp. 231. 320. Lugd. Batav. J. Maire, 1642. Narrative (A) of the loss of the Kent, by fire, Nauinasnn (Carl). Geognostische skizze des in the bay of Biscay, March, 1825. By a kdlnigreiches Sachsen. passenger. [anon.] 68 pp. 180. ~Nes York, [With GEINITZ (H. B.) Gaa von Sachsen.] Saxton & Miles, 1842. Naumann (Carl Friedrich). Elemente der Narrative [of travels in Europe], in two mineralogie. 5e aufl. xvi, 460 pp. 80. Leipparts: written in 1812. [anon]. 238 pp. zig, W. Engelmanssn, 1859. 1 map. 80. London, J. Comspton, 1813. Lehrbuch der reinen und angewandten Nasby (Petroleum Vesuvius, psezedoss.) See krystallographie. 2 v. x, 516 pp. 22 pl; vii, Locke (D. R.) 556 pp. 17 pl. 80. Leipzig,F. A. Brockhaus, Nash (E.) The farmer's practical horse-far- 1830. riery. 198 pp. 120. Auburn, E. Nash7, 1858. - A table of mineralogical species. 34 pp. 80. Cambridge, J. & J. J. Deighton, INfash (Francis H.), and Bristow (George 1833. s. F.) Cantara; or, teacher of singing. A com- Naumann (Johann Andreas). Naturgeschichte plete text-book for schools. 144 pp. 80. New der vogel Deutschlands, nach eigenen erfahYork, A. S. Barnes & Co. 1867. rungen entworfen, aufs neue herausgegeben Nation (The). A weekly journal, devoted von J. F. Naumann. [Mit 337 taf. col.] 12 to politics, literature, science, and art. July, v. 8. Leipzig, G. & E. Fleisc7her, 1820-44. 1866, to June, 1867. v. 3-4. 40. New York, _ The same. 13er theil: nachtrtge, zusiitze 1866-67. und verbesserungen, von J. H. Blasius, E. National association for the promotion of social Balcamus, und F. Sturm. 484, 316 pp. taf. science. Transactions: 1866. Edited by col. 338-391. 8~. Stuttgart, IHoffzann, 1860. 36 NAUNTON. NELLI. Naunton, Sir Robert. Fragmenta regalia. 8~. mar of the German language. 8 p. i. 223 pp. London, E. Jefery, 1797. 80. London, Williams & Nrorgate, 1847. s. [ Vith HENTZNER (Paul). Travels, etc. London, 1797]. Needham (John Turberville). Nouvelles ob Nautical (The) lmagazine and naval chronicle servations microscopiques, avec des d6coufor 1866. A journal of papers on subjects vertes interessantes sur la composition et la connected with maritime affairs. viii, 696 decomposition des corps organis6s. [Traduites pp. 2 pl. 2 maps. 8~. London, Simpkin, de l'Anglais par L. A. Lavirotte]. xviii, 524, Marshall & Co. 1866. xxix pp. 8pl. 160. Paris, Ganeau, 1750. s. INavagero (Andrea). Orationes duae, habitae Neel (Louis Balthasar). History of Maurice, una in funere B. Liviani; altera in funere count Saxe; and of the wars of Europe in L. Lavretani; carminaq. nonnulla. 40. Fe- which he was concerned. Translated from netiis, Ivnta, 1555. s. the French. [anon.] 2 v. vii, 302 pp; 284 [With FRACASTORO (G.) Opera omnia, 1555]. pp. 160. London, T. Osborne, 1753. Navarrete (Martin Fernandez.) Disertacion Nees Von Esenbeck (Christian Gottfried). sobre la historia de la ndutica, y de las cien- Die allgemeine formenlehre der natur als cias matem~ticas que han contribuido ii sus vorschule der naturoeschichte. xiv, 182 pp. progresos entre los Espafioles. 421 pp. 80. 6pl. 8 Bresla, E.Leuchart, 1852. s. Madrid, Real academia de la historia, 1846. s. Beobachtungen und betrachtungen auf Neal (Daniel). The history of the puritans, dem gebiete des lehbes-magnetislus, oder [1517-1688. 1sted.] xvi, 648pp. 8~. Lon- vitalismus. 136 pp. 240. Bremen, C. Schiirdon, Richard Hett, 1732. emann, 1853. s. The same. [2d ed.] 2 v. xxiii, 900 Genera et species asterearum. xiv, 309 pp. 16 1; xx, 883 pp. 141. 1 pl. 40. London, pp. 1 tab. 80. Norinmberae, L. SchLag, J. Buckland, 1754. 1833. s. Neander (Michael, editor). Opus aureum et Hymenopterorum ichneumonibus affinischolasticvm, in qvo continentvr Pythagore ma et species um monographiae, genera europaea et species carmina aurea, Phocylidis, Theognidis, et alio- illustrantes. 2 v. in 1. xii, 320 pp; 448 pp. rum poemata. [Graece et Latine]. 3 v. in 8~. Stuttgnrtiae, J. G. Cotta, 1834. s. 1. 789 pp; 268 pp; 81. l91pp. 40. Lipsiae, Nehiro-iriniui aiamihe massinahigan. [CathoJ. Steinnant, 1577. -~ S. lie church services in the Santeux dialect of CONTENTS. the Chippeway ]anguage.] 96 pp. 180. Apophtheginata. Libri duo. Uabistigtiatsh, (Quebec), Brown & Gilmore, Arion. Ilistoria poetica. Coluthus. Helenae raptus. 1767. Gnolnologici. Libri duo. Lucianus. Somnium, seu gallus. lNedhard (Charles, M..) Diphtheria, as it Mithridates, poema historicum. prevailed in the United States, 1860-69~, [ wit ] Nereus Inarinus de Troia excidio. Nilus episcopus. Praecepta de pietate et nloribus. historical account of its phenomena, its nature Phocylides. Poema admonitorium. and homoeopathic treatment. 176 pp. 80. Pythagoras. Carmina aurea. Quintus smyrnmaeus. De.Troiae excidio; reditus Grae- New York, Wm. Radde, 1867. corum. ooi On the efficacy of crotalus horridus in Theognis. Gnomologia. Tryphiodorus. De Troie excidio. yellow fever; also in malignant, bilious, and Nebraska territory. Journals of the council remittent fevers. 82 pp. 8~. lVew York, and house of representatives. 1st to 12th ses- W. Radde, 1860. s. sion, 1865-67. 23 v. 8~. Omaha, 1855-67. Neill (Edward Duffield). Terra Mariae; or, [Wanting, house journal, 1st session]. threads of Maryland colonial history...260 pp. 2Necker (Jacques). Of the importance of re- 120. Philadellhia, J. B. Lippincott & Co. ligious opinions. From the French. 230 pp. 1867. 160. Boston, Tlhomas Htall, 1796. Neill (Patrick). The firuit, flower, and kitchen Necker de Saussure (Albertine Adrienne). garden. Adapted to the United States. From L'6ducation progressive; ou, 6tude du cours the 4th ed. xii, 427 pp. 1 pl. 120. Philade la vie. 30 6d. 2 v. xxxii, 342 pp; 568 pp. delphia, H. C. Baird, 1851. s. 120. Paris, Garnier, 1856. Neilreich (August). Nachtulige zu Maly's Necrology: being memoirs of the lives of emi- enumeratio plantarum phanerogamicarum imnent and extraordinary characters. [anon.] perii austriaci universi. 348 pp. 80. Wien, 2d ed. v, 653 pp. 6 1. 80. London, Lacking- TV. Braceniiler, 1861. s. ton, Allen'F Co. 1805. Nelli (Giustiniano). Novelle. Neebe (Rev. Fr.) A complete practical gram- (NOVELLE di autori senesi. v. 2. 18~. Milano, 1815]. 283 NEMNICH. NEW. Nemnich (Philipp Andreas). Allgemeines Nieumann (Carl Friedrich). Geschichte der polyglotten-lexicon der naturgeschichte. I v. Yereinigten Staaten von America; bis zur inin 4. 9p. 1. 1591 pp. 40. Hamburg, lemnich,, auguration des Abraham Lincoln. v. 3. [1793-95]. s. xxxvi, 559 pp. 80. Berlin, C. Heymann, 1866. Nennius. Historia Britonum. fol. Oxonice, Neulmiiller (Anton, M. D.) De justa tartari 1691. emetici paratione dissertatio. 28 pp. 80~. [GALE (Thomas) and FELL (John). Rerum anglica- Landishuti, J. F. Rietsch, 1856. s. rum scriptores veteres. Oxonia, 1684-91. v. 3]. Ne- ve (Fdlix Jean Baptiste Joseph). Essai sur Neri (Ponipeo). Osservazioni sopra il prezzo le mythe des Ribhavas; premier vestige de legale delle monete; Discorso sopra la materia l'apotheose dans le Veda, avec le texte sanscrit frumentaria. etla traduction frangaise des hymnes, adresses [SCRITTORI class. ital. di econ. pol. v. 47-49]. A ces divinit6s. xvi, 479 pp. 80. Paris, B. Nervo (baron de). Les finances frangaises Duprat, 1847. s. sous la restauration, 1814-30. 3 v. 8~. Paris, I Itudes sur les hymnes du Rigveda, avec Levy, 1867. un choix d'hymnes traduites en fran9ais. viii, Netherlands. Bijdragen en mededeelingen 120 pp. 8~. Louvain, etc. J. B. AnslCau, etc. voor de statistick. I. Verslag over den staat 1842. s. der gestichlten voor krankzinnigen 1857-59. Nevers (Louis de Gonzague, duce de). Les 229 pp. 80. Gravenhage, Van Weelden en memoires. [Rddigd par Le Roy de GouberinyeleeA, 1861. s. ville]. 2 v. 13 p. 1. 937 pp; 20 p. 1. 596 pp. - Recueil van alle de placaten, ordonnan- portrait. fol. Paris, L. Billaine, 1665. tien, resolutien, instructien, etc. betreffende de Ne vin (Alfred, D. D.) Words of comfort for admiraliteyten, convoyen, licenten, en verdere doubting hearts. 71 pp. 240. New Yorc, A. zee-taaken. 12 v. 40~. Gravenhage, J. Schel- D. F. Randolph, 1867. tzus, 1730-73. S. New book of nonsense; a contribution to the Recueil des trait6s depuis 1813. See Philadelphia great central fair. [anon.] 53:Lagemans (E. G.) pl. obl. 180. Philadelphia, Ashmead 4 Evans, Staats almanak, 1860. 496 pp. 8~. Gra- 1864. venlhaye, Van Cleef 4 Belinfante, 1860. s. New (The) British theatre; selection of oriStatistisch jaarboek. 8 en 9e jaargang. ginal dramas, not yet acted; with critical re2 v. 445 pp; 489 pp. 8~. Graven7age, Van marks by the editor. 4 v. 80. London, H. Weelclen 4 Liingelen, 1859-60. s. Colburn, etc. 1814-15. Verslag aan den koning over de open- CONTENTS. bare werken, 1850 tot 1853, 1853, 1855-59. v. 1. The witness; the watch-house; intrigues of a 6 v. 5 maps. 1 pl. 40. Gravenhage, Van day; the prophetess; the masquerade; Theodora; the word of honor; the bandit; the forWeelden & Mingelen, 1854-60. s. gery; the genii. v. 2. Sulieman; manoeuvring; Villario; family poliVerslag over de verrigtingen aangaande tics; Thermopyle; the sailor's return; the last het armbestuur, 1858. 183 pp. 80. Graven- act; the way to win her. v. 3. The sorceress; a search after perfection; Villahage, 1860. s. rio; Gonzanga; the gondolier; the Spaniards; Verslag over de vermoedelijke gevol- love, honor, and interest; Orpheus; the apostate, or Atlantis destroyed; father and son, or genl der doorgraving von de landenzte von family frailties. Suez voor den handlel ien de reederijen von v. 4. Selim and Zuleika; woman's will; Hortensia; Apollo's choice; he must be married; fair Nederland. 2 p. 1. 260 pp. 2 maps. 80. Gra- crusader; Hector; the Savoyard; sixteen and venhage, Van Weelden & Mingelen, 1859. sixty. iNew (The) Buxton guide; a concise account:Netscher (Pieter Marinus). Les Hollandais of its mineral springs, hot baths, and curiosian Br6sil; notice historique sur les Pays-Bas tiesofnatureadart. nn. 8pp. map. et le Br6sil au 17e sicle. xxxii, 210 pp. 2 pl. 9pl. 160. Macclesfield, J. Swinnerton, [1823]. 1 map. 8. cLa EJeye, Be~linfa1nte, 1853. New (A) canto [to Don Juan. anon.] 16pp. Neuling (F.) Praktische elementar-naturlehre. 8~. London, W. Wright, 1819. Oder das wissenswertheste aus der physik [Misc. pamphlets, v. 56]. und chemie, mit besonderer beziehung auf das New (The) discussion of the trinity; containing praktische leben. xii, 232 pp. 2 pl. 80. notices of Prof. Huntington's defence of that Wiesbaden, iKreidel & 1Niedner, 1855. s. doctrine, reprinted from " the Christian examNleumann (Carl). Theorie der elektricitdts- iner," etc. With sermons by Rev. T. S. King und wiirme-vertheilung in einem ringe. x, 51 and Dr. O. Dewey. viii, 244 pp. 120. Bos-pp. 8~. talle, Waisenhaus, 1864. s. ton, Am. unit. assoc. 1867. 284 NEW. NEW HAMPSHIRE. New (The) foundling hospital for wit. Being mittee, of their proceedings for the civilization a collection of fugitive pieces, in prose and and conversion of Indians, blacks, and pa. verse. [Edited by John Almon]. New ed. gans, in the British colonies in America and 6 v. 16~. London, J. Debrett, 1784. the West Indies, 1829, 1832, 1840, 1846. 4 v. New (A) history of the Grecian states, from in 1. 3 maps. 12~. London, 1829-46. s. their earliest period to their extinction by the New England (The) historical and genealogiOttomans. [anon.] 140 pp. 2 1. 6 pl. 18~. cal register, Jan. 1865 to Oct. 1867. v. 19-21. Lansingburgh, (N. Y.) S. Tiffany, 1794. 8~. Boston, X. E. fist. gen. society, 1865-67. New (A) pocket companion for Oxford; or, New England mercantile union directory, guide through the university; with a tour 1849. 324 pp. 7 maps. 8~. New York, Pratt to Blenheim, Ditchley, Hythorp, Nuneham, & Co. 1849. s. and Stow. [anon.] New ed. 2 p. 1. 160 pp. New England patriot; being a candid corn1 map. 6 pl. 16g~. Oxford, Prince & Cooke, parison of the principles and conduct of the 1784. Washington and Jefferson administrations. New (A) pocket dictionary of the English and [anon.] 148 pp. 8~. Boston, Russell & CarDanish languages. English-Danish, Danish- ter, 1810. English. [anon.] 2 v. in 1. vii, 765 pp. sq. New England's first fruits; in respect, first, 24~. Leipzig, C. Tauchnitz, [about 1860]. ofthe conversion of some, conviction of divers, New school of arts, science and manufactures. preparation of sundry of the Indians. 2. Of [anon.] 2 v. iv, 683 pp; iv, 708 pp. 25 pl. the progresse of learning in the'colledge at 8~. Nottingham, B. Dowson, 1817. Cambridge, in Massachusetts bay. [anon.] New (A) system of practical domestic economy, 26 pp. sin. 4~ London, Henry Overton, [with] estimates of household expenses. 1643. [anon.] 3d ed. xii, 402, 76 pp. 11 1. 16~. Newenham(RobertO'Callahan). Picturesque London, Colburn & Co. 1823. views of the antiquities of Ireland, drawn on New and old principles of trade compared; or, stone, by James D. Harding. 2 v. in 1. 6 p. l. a treatise on the principles of commerce be- 25 pp. 111 pl. 4~. [London], T. & W. Boone, tween nations, with appendix. [anon.] 8~. 1830. London, 1788. s. Newes from divers countries: as from Spaine, Newark library association. Catalogue of the Antwerpe, Collin, Venice, Rome, the Turke, library. 148 pp. 8~. Newark, Douglass & and the prince Doria. 20 pp. sin. 4~. London, Starbuck, 1857. s. Valentine Sims, 1597. New Bedford (Mass.) Free public library. Newgate (The) monthly magazine; or, calenCatalogue. vii, 355pp. 8~. NewBedford, B. darofmen,things, and opinions. Sept. 1824, to Lindsey, 1858. s. Aug. 1826. Edited by William Campion. 2 v. Newberry (John S.) Geological report. viii, 568 pp; 2p. 1. 571 pp. 8~. London, R. [ With IVES (J. C.) Report upon the Colorado river, Carlile, 1825-26. etc.] New Hampshire. Articles in addition to and Newburyport (Mass.) Public library. Cata- amendment of the constitution of the state of logue. 207 pp. 8~. XNewivburyport, W. H-. Hase New Hampshire, agreed to by the convention, & Co. 1857. s. and submitted to the people [in 1792]. 33 pp. Newcastle (Margaret Cavendish, duchess of). 80. Exeter, H. Banlet, 1792. See Cavendish (Margaret). Journal of the house of representatives, New Castle (Delaware.) library company. July 1, 1767, to March 24, 1768. 60 pp. fol. A catalogue of books, [with] the act of incor- [n.p. 1768]? poration, and the by-laws of the company. 114 A journal of the house of representatives pp. 12~. New Castle, J. C. Clark, 1840. s. at the Concord session, June, 1787. Ports[Interleaved, and with manuscript additions]. mouth session, Jan. 1788. Concord session Newell (Robert H.) Avery Glibun; or, be- Nov. 1788. Concord session, June, 1793. tween two fires. A romance. By Orpheus C. Exeter session, Dec. 1793. Amherst session, Kerr. [pseudon.] 2 v. in 1. 301 pp. 8~. New June, 1794. 6 v. 12~. Portsmouth, 1787-94. York, G. W. Carleton & Co. 1867. - A journal of the senate at the Exeter New England agricultural society. Second session, Sept. 1786. Charlestown session, Sept. annual report, 1835. 268 pp. 45 pl. 12~. 1787. Portsmouth session, Jan. 1788. Exeter Boston, J. E. Tilton & Co. 1866. session, Nov. 1792. Concord session, June, NEIew nlngland company. Report by a com- 1793. 5 v. 12~. Portsmouth, 1787-93. 285 NEW HAMPSHIRE. NEWTON. New Hampshire. Report of the adjutant gen- dotes. [anoen.] 4 v. 80. London, Kerby 5 Co. eral, for the year ending June 4, 1866. v. 1. 1796-99. xxxii, 716 pp. 8~. Concord, G. E. Jenks, 1866. 1 The same. Anew volume ofthe lounger's New Hampshire (The) annual register and common-place book. [anon.] 2p. 1l. 252pp. United States calendar for 1867. By Edson 80. Loncdon, Longman, 1807. C. Eastman, No. 46. No. 23, new series. NlXewman (Samuel). A concordance tothe holy 142 pp. 18~. Concord, E. C. Eastman, [1866]. scriptures; [with] the books of the apocrypha. New Hampshire (The) political manual for By S. N. [anon.] 4th ed. 404 1. fol. Cam1867. Compiled by George E. Jenks. 231 pp. bridge, (Eng.) J. Hayes, 1698. 18~ Concord, McFarland & Jenks, [1867]. New (The) monthly magazine. Edited by W. New Hampshire (The) book, being speci- H. Ainsworth. Sept. 1866 to Dec. 1867. v. mens of the literature of the granite state. 138-141. 8~. London, Chacpman & Hall, 391 pp. 12~0. Nashville, Charles T. Gill, 1844. 1866-67. New Haven colony. Nevv Haven's settling New Orleans as it is. By a resident. [anon.] in New England, and some lawes for govern- 79 pp. 8~. [n. p.] 1850. ment. London, Chapman, 1656. Reprinted. Catalogue of the library of the lyceum 301. 40. Hartford, Case, Lockwood 4 Co, and library society, 1st district. 124 pp. 8~. 1858. New Orleans, R. C. Kerr, 1858. s. Newhouse (S. and others). The trapper's New Plymouth. See Plymouth. guide; a manual of instructions for capturing Newport (R. I.) Boyd's city directory, 1867. all kinds of fur-bearing animals, and curing Compiled by Andrew Boyd. 280 pp. 120. their skins; with observations on the fur Newport, A. J. Wardl, [1867]. trade, etc. Edited by J. HI. Noyes. 118 pp. New South Wales. Journal of the legislative 1 pl. 80. 8~. allingford, (Conn.) Oneida com- council. v. 13. Session 1865-66. xvi, 893 pp. munity, 1865. s. fol. Sydney, Thomas Richards, 1866. New hynmn and tune book; an offering of New Testament. See Bible. praise for the Methodist episcopal church. Newton (Charles T.) Travels and discoveries Edited by Philip Philips. 432, 63 pp. 8~. in the Levant. 2 v. xvi, 360 pp; xv, 275 pp. New York, Carlton & Porter, 1867. 3 maps. 38 pl. 8~0. London, Day & son, 1865. New Jersey. Analytical index to the colonial Newton (Sir Isaac). Arithmetica universalis; documents in the state paper offices of Eng- sive de compositione etresolutione arithmetica. land. Compiled by I1. Stevens. Edited, with Cum commentario Johannis Castillionei. 2 v. notes, etc. by W. A. Whitehead. xxx, 504 pp. xviii, 310 pp. 24 pl; 288, 134 pp. 3 pl. 80. 8~0. Neew York,J Appletons, 1858. Amsterdam, M. M. Rey, 1761. s. (N.:J. hist. coil. v. 5].. The mathematical principles of natural Documents of the ninety-first legislature philosophy. [Principia]. Translated by Anof the state, and twenty-third under the new drew Motte. [With] the laws of the moon's constitution. 1395 pp. 8~0. New Brunswick, motion, according to gravity. By John J. F. Babcock, 1867. Machin. 2 v. 191. 320pp. 25pl; 406, viii pp. Journal of the twentv-third senate; being 19 pl. 71pp. 80. London, B. Motte, 1729. s. the ninety-first session of the legislature. 1109 1 The same. [With] Newton's system of pp. 80. Newark, F. F. Patterson, 1867. the world. Ist Am. ed. with a life of the Minutes of votes and proceedings of the author, by N. W. Chittenden. 581 pp. 1 pl. ninety-first general assembly, 1867. 1456 pp. 08~. New York, D. Adee, 1848. s. 8~0. Camden, S. Chew, 1867. Opticks; or, a treatise of the reflections, New Jersey statelibrary. Catalogue of books. refractions, inflections, and colors of light. 8~. Trenton, 1853. s. 2d ed. 4 p. 1. 382 pp. 13 pl. 8~. London, TV. Newman (Edward). Sphinx vespiformis: an & J. Innys, 1718. s. essay [on zoological classification]. 54 pp. Newton (John, D. D.) Authentic narrative of 80. London, Westley & Davis, 1832. s. some remarkable and interesting particulars Newman (Francis W.) Handbook of modern in his life, in letters to Rev. Mr. Haweis. Arabic; a practical grammar, with examples, [anon.] 4th ed. 3p. 1. 160 pp. 1 map. I pl. etc. in a European type. xx, 190 pp. 120. 160. London, J. Johnson, 1775. London, Triibner 4' Co. 1866. The same. 180. Hudson, (N. Y.) 1808. Newman (JeremiahWhitaker). The lounger's Newton (Rev. Richard). Bible blessings. 318 common-place book; or, miscellaneous anlec- pp. 16~. New York, Carter & bros. 1866. 286 NEWTON. NEW YORK. Newton's London journal of arts and sciences. New York (City of). The same, and register, New series, July 1866 to June 1867. v. 24-25. for the year 1789. 144 pp. 160. New York, 8~. London, Newton & son, 1867. Hodge, Allen & Campbell, 1789. NewYol-rk (City of). Alms housecommissioner. The same. Longworth's American almaAnnual report for 1848. 166 pp. 6 pl. 80. nack, New York register, and city directory New York, ic cSpedon & Baker, 1849. s. for [1797]. 340 pp. 160. New York, T. y' J. The same. First-fifth annual report of Swords, 1797. the governors of the alms house, 1845-53. 5 v. - The same. Directory for 1815, 1839, 80. NTew York, 1850-54. s. 1842, 1847-48, 1851-52. 5 v. 8~. New York, Apprentices' and De Milt libraries. Doggett, 1815-51. Catalogue. xi, 248 pp. 120. New York, J. W. The same. Citizen and strangers' picnAmermazn, 1855. s. torial and business directory for the city of Central park. Third annual report of the New York and vicinity, 1853. Solyman board ofcommissioners, January 1860. 72pp. Brown, editor. 293 pp. sm. 40. New York, 2 maps. 12 pl. 8~. New York, W. C. Bryant C. Spalding 4' Co. 1853. 4 Co. 1860. --- The same. Trow's New York city diThe same. Tenth annual report, 1867. rectory. Compiled by H. W5ilson. v. 81. For 4 pl. 4 maps. 8~. New York, 1867. the year ending May 1, 1868. 1141, 156, 41. Chamber of commerce. Ninth annual pp. 8~. New York, Joh7n F. Trow, 1867. report for the year 1866-67. 80. New York, The same. Wilson's copartnership diJ. F. Trow 4 Co. 1867. rectory for 1867-68. 80. New York, J. iF. The same. Colonial records, 1768-1784. Tr~ow, 1867. With historical and biographical sketches by I Society library. A catalogue of the books J.A. Stevens,jr. 404,172 pp. 7pl. 2maps. belonging to the New York society library, 80. New York, J. _i?. Trow & Co. 1867. with the charter and by-laws. 2 p. 1. 240 pp. Free school society. Account of [its] Supplement. 135 pp. 80. New York, Library origin and progress. 70 pp. 80. New York, assoc. 1813. Collins & Co. 1814. New York as it is, in 1837; including General republican committee. A cir- the city of Brooklyn. [anon.] 250 pp. 18~. cular letter to their republican fellow-citizens New York, J. Disturnell, 1837. throughout the state, in vindication of the N:ew York daily tribune. July, 1866, to Dec. measures of the general government. xxiii, 1867. 3 v. fol. New York, 1866-67. 105 pp. 80. New York, Frank, Whlite & Co. New York gazette, from Monday, Oct. 18, to 1809. Monday, Oct. 25, 1736, Lcontaining the opinion Hospital. Catalogue of the pathological of the council of New Jersey given to John cabinet, classified and arranged by Robert Hamilton that the administration of the govRay, jr. With a memoir of the author. 364 ernment is lawfully vested in him]. 4 pp. fol. pp. 1 pl. 80. N8~ ew York, S. S. & W. Wood, Nelw York, W. Bradford, 1736. 1860. S. [pWith MORRIS, (Lewis). Observations on the reasons given by Mr. [John] Hamilton's advisers, etc. Manual of the corporation for the years 11pp. fol. [New York], 1736]. 1846, 1857, 1864, 1865, and 1866. By D. T. Neewr York herald (daily). July, 1866, to Valentine. 5 v. 16~. New York, 1847-67. Dec. 1867. 3 v. fol. New York, 1866-67. Mercantile library association. System- New York (The daily) times. Jan. 1862 to atic catalogue of books in the collection. xi, Dec. 1865. 8 v. fol. New York, 1862-65. 271 pp. 8~. New York, Harpers, 1837. s. New York (City and county). Board of The same. A supplementary catalogue education. Twelfth [and] fourteenth annual of books added, 1837-40. 1 p. 1. 271-386 pp. reports. 8~. New York, W. C. Bryant,& Co. 80. Association, 1840. 1854-56. [ With the preceding]. New York (Colony of). A narrative of the Metropolitan fire department. Annual proceedings subsequent to the royal adjudicareports of the board of commissioners for tion, concerning the lands lately usurped by 1865-66. 110pp. 4pl. 80. New York, Baker New Hampshire, [with] appendix, contain4' Godwin, 1867. ing grants, acts of government, and other New York directory for 1786. By David proofs, concerning the encroachments of New Franks. Republished. 80 pp. 1 map. 180. Hampshire. 28 pp. 33 1. sm. fol. New York, News York, John Doggett, j5'. 1851. John Holt, 1773. 287 NEW YORK. NEW YORK. New York. (Colony). [Proceedings] in con- under the direction of [the] secretary of state, vention of the representatives of the state. comptroller, and attorney-general. By F. B. 8~. Fishkill, (N. Y.) 1776. Hough. 2 v. x, 586 pp; xxii, 462 pp. i chart. Royal patent definingg the boundaries 80. Albany, Weed, Parsons 4' Co. 1867. between New York and Connecticut, and CONT:ENTS. granting lands to certain persons mentioned therein. 8 pp. fol. [New York], 1731. v. 1. Constitutions. A state of the right of the colony of New V. 2. Statistics. York, with respect to its eastern boundary on [Geological survey of the state. Annual Connecticut river, so far as concerns the late reports to the legislature on the.] 5 v. in 3. encroachments of New Hampshire, and also 8~. Albany, State printer, 1837-41. s. of [its] rights so far as concerns the grants formerly made by the French government of CONTENTS. Canada, of lands on lake Champlain, and at, BECK (Lewis C.) Reports on the mineralogical and and to the southward of Cr n Point. 28 pp. chemical departments (for 1836), v. i, p. 15; (1837), v. ii,. 7; (1838), iii,9, (1839), iv, 45; (1840), v, 5. sm. fol. New York, I. Gaine, 1773. CARn (Ezra S.) Appendix to L. Vanuxem's report. Economical geology, iv, 385. Votes and proceedings of the general CONsAD (T. A.) Report on the palaeontological deassembly of the colony of New York, Feb. partment (1837). ii, 107. Second do. (1838), iii, 57. Third do. (1839), iv, 199. Fourth do. (1840), v. 25. 15-26, 1757. 14 pp. fol. [New York], James First annual report on the geological survey of the third district (1836), vi, 155. Par~ker, 1757. DEKAY (James E.) Letters on the botanical and New York (State of). Annual reports of the zoological department. ii, 5. --- Reports on the zoological departments, (1836) i, regents of the university. 77th-79th. [1864- ii, (1838, 1839), iii, 7, 1.5. 66.] 3 v. 80. Albany1864-66. EanuIONs (Ebenezer). First annual report on the 2d geological district (1836i), i, 197; second do. (1837), Calendar of historical manuscripts in ii, 185; third do. (1838), iii, 201; fourth do. (1839), the ofce of the secretary of state. Edited by iv, 259; fifth do. (1840), v, 113. the office of the secretary of state. Edited by __- and HALL (James). Communication relative to E. B. O'Callaghan. 2 parts. Part i. Dutch a place of deposit for the different specimens collected by the geologists. iii, 5. manuscripts, 1630-1664. xi, 423 pp. Part GALE (L. D.) Report toVW. Wy. Blather on the geolo: ii. English manuscripts, 1664-1776. xiv, gy of New York county. iii, 177. HALL (James). Second annual report of the fourth 893 pp. 40. Albany, Weed, Parsons & Co. geological district (1837), ii, 287; third do. (1838), 1865-66. iii, 287; fourth do. (1839), iv, 389; fifth do. (1840), 1865-66. v, 149. Calendar of N. Y. colonial manuscripts, HORSFORD (Eben N.) Report to James Hallon the geology of Cattaraugus county. iv, 457. inldorsed land papers, in the office of the sec- Holrosn (WTilliam). Report to WV. W. Mather on the retary of state. 1643-1803. 1087 pp. 80. geology of Orange county. iii, 133. MATIEIR (William W.) First report of the first geoAlbany, Weed, Parsons 4c Co. 1864. logical district (1836), i, 61; second do. (1837), ii, Census for 1835.. 56 sheets. fol. Albany, 121; third do. (1838), iii, 69; fourth do. (1839), iv, CBenshuyse f o urt 18 365. 5 se211; fifth do. (1840), v, 63. Croswell, Van Benthuysen & B3,rt, 1836. TORREY (John). Reports on the botanical department, i, 9; iii, 113. Constitution, adopted in 1846. With a VANUXEM (L.) Second annual report of the third comparative arrangement of the constitutional district, etc. (1837), iit, 253; third do. (1838), iii, 241; fourth do. (1839), iv, 355; fifth do. (1840), v. provisions of other states, classified by their 137. subljects. Prepared [for the] constitutional - First annual report of the fourth district, etc. subjects. Prepared [for the] c onstitutional (1836), i, 185. convention of 1867, by F. B. Hough. 4, 239 pp. 40. A1lbany, WFeed, Parsons & Co. 1867. - Insurance department. lst-7th annual Documents of the senate and assembly. report of the superintendent. 8 v. 80. Albany, 89th session. 1866. 12 v. 80. Albany, C. 1860-66. WVendell, 1866. Maunual for the use of the legislature of General index to the documents of the the state of New York, for 1838, 1840, 1844, state, from 1777 to 1865. Prepared by O. 1845, 1854, 1856, 1858, 1859, 1861, 1863, Archer. 544 pp. 80. Albany, Weed, Par- 1865, and 1866; prepared by the secretary sons & Co. 1866. of state. 12 v. 180. Albany, State printers, Journals of the senate and assembly. 1838-66. 89th session. 1866. 3 v. 80. Albany, C. Natural history of New York, Part Wendell, 1866. 5. Palmeontology. By James Hall. v. III. List of lands to be sold in April 1830, Containing descriptions and figures of the for arrears of taxes. 240 pp. 120. Albany, organic remains of the lower Helderberg Croswell 4 Van TBenthuysen, 1829. group and the Oriskany sandstone. 1 v. in 2. New York convention manual; prepared 4~0. Albany, C. Van Benthuysen, 1859-61. 288 NIEW YORK. NICOLAI. New York (State). The official reports of the iii. 302 pp. 120. Philadelphica, H. C. Carey canal commissioners, and the acts of the legis- & I. Lea, 1822. lature respecting navigable communications Nichols (Francis). The British compendium: between the great western and northern lakes, or, rudiments of honour. The genealogy, etc. and the Atlantic ocean. 174,12 pp. 1 map. 80. of the present nobility of England, coats of New York, T. & W. Mercein, 1817. arms, etc. 4th ed. 2 p. 1. 363 pp. 2 1. A record of the officers and privates of 65 pl. 320. London, H. Meere, 1721. the regiments organized in the state of New The same. 9th ed. 2 v. iv, 596 pp. York, to assist in suppressing the rebellion, 240. London, J. & P. Knapton, 1751. as taken from the muster-in rolls. v. 5-6. [Wanting v. 2]. 40. Albany, Weedl, Parsons & Co. 1866. Nichols (John Gough). Autographs of royal, New Y'ork (The) almanac and weather book noble, learned, and remarkable personages for the year 1857. 226 pp. 240. -New York, conspicuous in English history, from the reign Mason brothers, 1857. of Richard ii to that of Charles ii, with some New York historical society. Catalogues of illustrious foreigners,engraved under the directhe books, tracts, newspapers, maps, charts, tion of Charles John Smith, [with] concise views, portraits, and manuscripts, in the libra- biographical memoirs. xiv pp. 63 1. iv pp. ry. 139 pp. 80. New York, J. Seymour, 55 fac-sim. pl. fol. London, J. B. Nichols & 1813. s. son, 1829. ------ Catalogue of books, manuscripts, maps, Nichols (Mrs. Mary Gove). Mary Lyndon; etc. added to the library since January, 1839. or, revelations of a life. An autobiography. 32 pp. 8~0. New York, J. W. Harrison, 1840. [anon.] 388 pp. 120. New York, Stringer s. & Townsend, 1855. New York state agricultural society. Trans- Nichols (Rebecca S.) Bernice, and other actions for 1841. v. i. iv, 411 pp. 8 p. 80. poems. 216 pp. 1 pl. 120. Cincinnati, Albany, T. Weed, 1842. Shepard & Co. 1844. The same. For 1861-1866. 6 v. 80. Nichols (William, D. D.) A conference with Albany, State printers, 1862-67. a theist; containing an answer to all the most New York state business directory. 1867. usual objections of the infidels against the By Sampson, Davenport & Co. 1036, 200 pp. christian religion. 3d ed. 2 v. xvi, 516 pp. 80. Albany, Sanmpson, Davenport & Co. 6 1; 486 pp. 5 1. 2 pl. 12~0. London, Hol1867. land & Bowyer, 1723. New York state library. Catalogue: 1865. Nicholson (N. A.) Science of exchanges. 3d Law library: first supplement. 180 pp. 8~. ed. 108 pp. 8~. London, E. Wilson, 1865. Albany, C. Van Benthuysen, 1865. Nicholson (Peter). The carpenter's new:New York state register, for 1843, 1844, 1845, guide: inclnding some observations and cal1846. Ed. by O. L. Holley. 4 v. in 3. 120. culations on the strength of timber. 13th ed. New York, 1843-46. By William Johnston. 117 pp. 83 pl. 40~. Nibelungenlied (Das). Uebersetzt von G. O. Philadelphia, Grigg, Elliott & Co. 1848. s. Marbach. Mit holzschnitten nach original- Nicholson (William). An introduction to zeichnungen von E. Bendemann und J. Huiib- natural philosophy. 2 v. xx, 383 pp. 6 1. ner. 207 1. unp. 40~. Leipzig, Wigand, 1840. 19 pl; xi, 441 pp. 7 1. 7 pl. 8~. London, J. s. Johnson, 1782. s. Nicely (Wilson). The great southwest; or, Nicholson. See, also, Nicolson. plain guide for emigrants and capitalists, em- Nicolai (Christoph Friedrich). Allgemeine bracing a description of Missouri and Kansas. deutsche bibliothek. 118 v. 8~0. Berlin, Kiel, Also a township map of Missouri and Kansas. cend Stettin, P_. Nicolai - C. E. Bohn, 1766-96. 115 pp. 1 map. 12~. St. Louis, B. P. Stud- ~ Anhang; [und] register, zum v. 1-12. ley & Co. 1867. 1 v. in 2. 1348 pp. 8~0. Berlin und Stettin, PE. Nicholas (Samuel Smith). Conservative essays, Nicolai, 1771. legal and political. v. 3. 155 pp. 80. Louis —-- Anhang; [und] register, v. 13-24. 3 v. ville, Bs'adley & Gilbert, 1867. 80. Berlin stnd Stettin, E. Ni colai, 1777. ---- See, also, Nicolas. Anhang; [und] register, v. 25-36. 6 v. Nicholls (John). Recollections and reflec- 8~. Berlin und Stettin, Ri. VNicolai, 1780. tions, personal and political, as connected Anhang; [und] register, v. 37-52. 4 v. with public affairs, during the reign of George 8~. Be-lin tend Stettin, F. Nicolai, 1785. 289 NICOLAI. NIGHTINGALE. Nicolai(Christoph Friedrich). Allnhang; [und] upper Mississippi river. 170 pp. 80. WVashregister, v. 53-86. 5 v. in 6. 80. Berlin uend ington, Blair & Rives, 1843. s. Stettin, F. lNicolai, 1791. [W ith FaRMONT (J. C.) Report. Was7ingto,, 1845]. Neueallgemeinedeutschel bibliothelk. 107 Nicolovius (Alfred). Johalm Georg Schlosv. in 106. 80. Kiel, Berlin, usnd Stettin., C. E. ser's leben und literarischen wirken. iv, 284 Bohn c F. NTicolai, 1793-1806. pp. 80. Bonn, E. Weber, 1844. s. Anhang zum v. 1-28, nebst den registern. Nicolson (William, archbishop of Cashel). The 6 v. 80. IKiel, C. E. Bohn, 1797-1801. English, Scotch, and Irish historical libraries. Anhang zum v. 29-68, nebst registern. 4 A short view and character of most of our v. 8~. Berlin 4- Stettin, F. Nicolai, 1802-3. historians, either in print or manuscript. With Die mitarbeiter an Friedrich Nicolai's a letter to White Kennet. 3ad ed. xvi, 590 pp. Allgemeiner deutscher bibliothek nach ihren fol. London, G. Strahass, 1736. namlen und zeichen in zwei registern, [von Nicolson. See, also, Nicholson. G. Parthey]. iv, 72 pp. 40. Berlin, Nicolai, Nieberding (C. H.) Geschichte desehemaligen 1842. niederstifts Mttnster, etc. Ein beitrag zur gesNOTE.-The register of Allgemeine deutsche biblio- chichte und verfassungWestphalens. 3 v. 120~. thek, v. 87-117, constitutes v. 118. The register echta C H 184052. of Neue allgemeine deutsche bibliothek constitutes eca.. Favel, 1840-52. s. v. 105-107 of the series. Niebuhr (Barthold Georg). Epitome of NieNicolaides (Georgos). Topographie et plan buhlr's history of Rome, with chronological stratdgique de l'Iliade, avec une carte. xiv, tables and appendix, by Travers Twiss. xliii, 271 pp. 1 map. 80. Paris, L. Hachette d& 359 pp. 80. Oxforcd D. DA. Talboys, 1836. Cie. 1867. Niecollucoi (Amadio, acnagrasms). See MachiNicolas (Sir Nicholas Harris). The court of avelli (Niccolo). queen Victoria; or, portraits of British ladies, Niemeyer (August Hermann). Beschreibung distinguished by birth and rank: with bio- des hallischen waisellhauses. 8. Halle, 1799. graphical and genealogical memoirs. 81 See Schulze (J. L.) etc. pp. 10 pl. fol. Londonb, ogarl'th, 1845. Niemneyer (Johann Christian). Plan d'une A full display of the whole peerage of acad'mie des beaux arts en Italie, present6 England, which has existed at any period aux 6tats respectifs de l'Amdrique. 20 pp. since the conquest. 2 v. 36, lxxxviii, 942 40. [n. p. or d.] pp. 160. London, J. Nichols & son, 1825. Nieremberg (Juan Eusebio). Firmamento The privy purse expenses of king Henry religioso de lvzidos astros en algvnos claros the eighth, front 1529 to 1531. xliv, 372 pp. varones de la compafiia de Jesvs. 6 p. 1. 808 8~. London, TVilliacne Pickering,. 1827. pp. sin. fol. Madrid, Mariac de Quii-ones, Privy purse expenses of Elizabeth of 1644. York; wardrobe accounts of Edward the Nierses IV. (KlaiStsi, patriarch of Alrsnenia). fourth. With a memoir of Elizabeth of York. Preces viginti quatuor linguis editte. [Ed. P. 2 p. 1. civ, 205 pp. 80. London, Williacn Auclher.] iii p. 1. 422 pp. 1 pl. 18~. Venetiis, Pickering, 1830. in insula S. Lazari, 1823. The siege of Carlaverock. See Walter, Nliess (Johannes). Adolescens evropeevs ab of Exeter. Indo, [Michaele Ayatvmo,] moribvs chrisNicolas. See, also, Nicholas. tianis informatus. 12 p. l. 450 pp. 8 1. 180~. Nicolay (Rev. Charles Grenfell). Atlas of Dilinyce, Caspar Sutor, 1629. physical and historical geography. See An- INieuwentyt (Bernhart). The religious phisteal (D. T.) and Nicolay. losopher; or, the right use of contemplating and other's. A manual of geographical the works of the Creator. Translated by J. science; mathematical, physical, hlistorical and Chlallberlayne. 2d ed. 3 v. [illustrated.] 80. (lescriptive. Maritime discovery. Theory of London, J. Senex, 1721. description an d geographical terminology. Night (The) side of New York. A picture of 2 v. 80. London, J. TY. Parcker & son, the great metropolis after night-fall. By 1852-59. members of the New York press. [anon.] Nicolet (II.) Atlas de physique et de metdor- Illustrations by P. Beard. 121 pp. 12~. New ologie agricoles. 10 pp. 6 1. 13 col. maps, York,, J. C. tHarvey & Co. 1866. fol. Paris, Bachelier, 1855. s. Nightingale (Florence). Notes on nursing. Nicollet (Jean N.) Report intended to illus- New ed. xv, 221 pp. 8~. London, Harritrate a map of the hydrogrlaphical basin of the sose, 1860. 37' NILSSON. NORCOTT. Nilsson or Nielsson (Sven). Illuminerade church. 2d ed. 538 pp. 120. Boston, WV. figurer till Skandinaviens fauna, need text Carter 4 bro. [about 1860]. utgifne. (DTiggdjur och foglar). 2 v, 140 1. _ The divine law of the ten commandments 100 col. pl; 155 1. 100 col. pl. 8~. Luind, explained, according to both its literal and its C. P. Berling, 1832-40. s. spiritual sense. iv, 446 pp. 8~. London, Si)mpPetrificata suecana formationis cretaceem. kin, Marshall, 4 Co. 1848. i. Vertebrata et molluscs. viii, 39 pp. 10 pl. 1 The plenary inspiration of the scriptures 4~. Londini Gothorum, Berling, 1827. s. asserted. In six lectures. 3d ed. xvi, 354, Prodromus ichthyologie scandinavicce. lxi pp. 8~. Londona, Hodson 4' son, 1359. 2p. 1. 124 pp. 160. Lundwc, typisBerlingianis, Nodal (Bartolomb Garcia de and Gonalo de). 1832. s. Relacion del viage al descubrimiento del estreSkandinavisk fauna. 4 parts in 5 v. 8~. cho nuevo de San Vicente, que hoy es nomLund, C. IT. K. Gleerups, etc. 1842-55. s. brado de Maire, y reconocimiento del de MaCONTENTS. galenes. 9 p. 1l. 162 pp. 1 1. 1 map. sm. 4~. ]. Ditgdjuren. 2e uppl. xviii, 656 pp. 1847. Caciz, Mancl Espinosca de los fouaterEos, 2. Foglara. 3e uppl. 2 v. xxxiv, 580 pp; 580 pp. [1766] 1858. [1766]?. Amibierna. 3 pl. xxiv, 768 pp. 1855. Nodier (Charles Emmanuel). Bibliographie nordens ur-invare,tt entomologique; oun, catalogue raisonn6 des -Slkandinaviska nordens ur-inv/itae ettn ouvrages relatifs 4 l'entomologie et aux infrjrsi6k e kompnarativa ethnografien och ett n tillmuis gt ets u chl sectes, [etc.] viii, 64 pp. 18~. Paris, Moubidrag till mennisko-slitgtets utvechlingshistoria. Fdrsta delen. 3 pl. xvi, 223 pp. tardier, 181.. 21 pl. 4'3 Lund, Berlinyska bolktryckerie, Contes d 1838-43. * Paris, Charpentier, 1853. Promenade de Dieppe aux monlltagnell s Nilus (asceta, St.) Praeceptiones de vita pie, d'Jgcosse. 334 pp. 1 map. 2 pl. 16~. Parls, christlane ac hloneste exigenda, grmeco-latine, cosse. 334 pp. a M. Neandro converse et expositTe, [etc.] J. N. Barba, 1821. With NEANDER (MI.) Opus aureum, 1577. v. 2]. Noel (Franqois Joseph Michel). Dictionarium iineteenth century; or, thle new dispen- latino-gallicum. Dictionnaire latin-franuois. Sationl An examilnation of the claims and Nouv. 6d. vii p. 1. 1,037 pp. 80~. Paris, Le assertions of E. S. By a layman. [anon. ] xi, Normant, 1820. 425 pp. 1 pl. 12. Newu York, J. Allen, 1852. - Nouveau dictionnaire francais-latin. 8e Nissen (Martinus). Norsk bog-fortegnelse. 6d. viii, 1,044 pp. 80. Paris, Leornant, 1813. 1813-47. Medl athanbg. viii, 215 pp. 8o. ~ and La Place (Guislain Fr. Mar. Jos. 11ristiania, Peilberg 4' Landcmark, 1848. s. de). Lemons franq.aises de littdrature et de Nitzsoh (Carl Wilhelm). Die Gracchen ulnd morale. 19ed. 2-v. xxiv,730pp. 80. Paris, ihre n/ichsten vorgilnger. 4 p. 1. 456 pp. 8~. Le Normant, 1832-33. Berlin, Veit & Co. 1847. S. Noinville (Jacques Bernard Durey de). See Nitzsch (Christian Ludwig). Pteryvlographie Durey de Noinville. avium pars prior. 52 pp. 40. Halace, Ge- lNolan (Frederick). The Egyptian chronology banter, 1833. s. "lanalysed. xxxi, 480 pp. 80. London, Seeleys, [No more published]. 1848. -- The same. Pterylography. Translated Noll (Henry R.) The botanical class-book, and fromn the German. Edited by P. L. Sclater. flora of Pennsylvania. 158, 452 pp. 160~. xi, 178 pp. 10 pl. fol. London, P. Hardclicke, Lewvisburg, (Pa.) O. N. Iorden, 1852. s. 1867. Nollet (Jean Antoine). Lectures in experi[Ray soc. publications]. mental philosophy. Translated by John ColNoad (Henry M.) Manual of electricity. 4th son. xlviii, 278 pp. 18 pl. 80. London, J. ed. 2 v. viii, 522 pp. 1 pl; 523-910 pp. 1 pl. Wren, 1752. s. 80. London, G. Knight & Co. 1855-57. s. Noorthouck (John). A new history of LonNoah (Mordecai Manuel). Correspondence don, including Westminster and Southwark. and documents relative to the attempt to ne- 2 p. 1. viii pp. 2 1. 902 pp. 21 1. 1 map. 41 gotiate for the release of the American captives pl. 40~. London, B. Baldiwin, 1773. at Algiers. 128 pp. 80. cWashisngton, 1816. N'orcott (Rev. John). Baptism discovered, Nloble (Rev. Samuel). An appeal in behalf of plainly and faithfully according to the word the views of the eternal worlcl and state, and of God. 5th ed. 47 pp. 16~. Philccadelphia the doctrines of faith and life, held by the New Andrew Stuart, 1764. 291 NORDHOFF. NORTON. Nordhoff (Charles). Stories ofthe island world. North (The) American review, for 1867. v. 315 pp. 3 pl. 160. New York, Har7pers, 1857. 104-105. 8~. Boston, Tic7nor c& Fields, s. 1867. W- Whalina, and fishing. 383 pp. 4 pl. 160. North (The) British review, Sept. 1866, to Dec. Cincicnnzati, Moore, Wilstach, Keys & Co. 1856. 1867. New series, v. 6-8. [Complete series, s. v. 45-47.] 80. Edinbzrgh, Ec7donstons & Noriac (Claude Antoine Jules Cayron, dit). Douglas, 1866-67. Humran follies. Translated from the 16th North Carolina. Journal of the house of cornParis ed. by G. Marlow. 221 pp. 160. Phil- mons, 1785. 52 pp. fol. [n~.p. 1786?] adelphia, Leypoldt, 1863. Journal of the senate, 1785. 44 pp. fol. Norman (W. H.) Exploration expedition. [n. p. 1786?] Letter reporting the return of the "Victoria" [Imperfect; wanting pp. 1-8]. from the gulf of Carpentaria; together with I The same, 1786-7. 76 pp. fol. [n. -p. reports and correspondence. 51 pp. fol. Mel 1787?] bomurce,. Ferrnes, 1862'.. North Carolina (Geological and natural hisExploration expedition. Report, together tory survey of). Part iii. Botany; containAwith copy of his journal on the late expedition ing a catalogue of the indigenous and naturalto the gulf of Carpentaria. 31 pp. fol. Mel- izedplalnts of the tate. ByRev. Mioses] A. bozrne, J. Perres, 1862. S. Curtis, D.D. 158 pp. 8~. Raleigh, N. C. inNormand (L. ainec). Monumlents fundraires stitation for the delf and dllb cnd the blindC choisis dans les cimetidres de Paris et des 1867. s. principales villes de France. 2 v. in 1. 5 p. 1. Nsrthoote (James). The life of Sir Joshua 72 pl; 1 p. 1. 72 pl. 40. Paris, -4. M, orel 4( Cie. Reynolds, [etc. ] 2d ed. 2 v. 339 pp; xii., 364 1863. pp. 5 pl. London, H. (Colbulrn, 1818. s.:Normandyr (A.) The comlmercial handboook lNorth'Miissouri and eastern Kansas business of chemical analysis. xii, 640 pp. 120. LoT, directory for 1857-8. 455 pp. 8D. Qnuiney don, Geo. Knight, 1850. S, (Ill.) S.B. WycOqf 1867. Practical introduction to H. Rose's trea- NortOn(er.Andrews). Astatement of reasons tor not believing the doctrines of trinitarians, rise on chemical analysis. Illustrated by synoptic tables and formulas. xii, 1141. 7 tab. concerning tle nature of Got and the person 0 London,. Tegg & Co. 1849. of Christ. 3d ed. With a [biography] of the authorp. 1, 499 pp. ~12:3. Boston, t, zlmr. Norris (Isaac). Journal during a trip to AlbaZ,~,it. assoc. 1857. ny, in 1745, arnd account of a treaty held there. eoit. assoe. 1807. iii, 31 pp. 4~. Philadelphia, Hawthornepress, annual book list, for 1856. 138 pp. 80. New York, C. B. Nortonb 1856. S. Norris (John). Practical discourses upon sev- Yorton, 18o6.. ral iie sHjects. 8 p.. 350 pp. 12. Norton (George). Commentaries on the hiseralodon, Mabjctsh 1691. 35tory, constitution, and chartered franchises of,OXdoa1, S. lCanship,p 1691. oris (Thaddeus). The American anglers' the city of London. xxiv, 541 pp. 80. London, H. Butterworth, 1829. book; embracing the natural history of sport-. north, 182 *9. Norton (Rev. John, of Boston). An answer to ing fish, and the art of taking them. 604 pp. a dialogue entituled The meritorious price of 8 pl. 8~. Philadelphia _E. t-U..Butler d) Co. man's redemption, [by William Pynchon]. 1864. s. S 7 p. 1. 270 pp. 291. 160. Londo7b [about -~. The same. With instructions in fly-fish-. 270 pp. 2 1. 16. ondo abo ilg, [etc.] New ed. 701 pp. 8 pl. 8~. Phil- 1648]. ing, [etc.] New. e.' 70l1 Opp. 8p.185. Pil- [Inperfect; title-page and 1 p. 1. wanting; 2 1. at adelphia, E. H. Butler 99 Co. 1865. the end imperfect]. North (Milo Linus, M. D.) Saratoga waters; A discussion of that great point in dior, the invalid at Saratoga. 70 pp. 16~. New vinity, the sufferings of Christ. 8 p. 1. 270 York, M. T. Dodd, 1840. pp. 16c. London, Geo. Calvert, 1653. Saratoga waters; or, the invalid at The orthodox evangelist; or, a treatise Saratoga. 2d ed. 72 pp. 160. New York, wherein many evangelical truths are briefly S-cxto, & M iles, 1843. discussed, cleared, and confirmed. 7 p. 1. 355.Nor-th American land co. Plan of association. pp. sm. 4~. London, Henry Cripjps, 1654. Established February, 1795. 25 pp. 80. Phil- Norton (William A.) A treatise on astronomy, acdelphia, R. Aitken cf son, 1795. spherical and physical; with problems and 292 NORWVAY. NOVA SCOTIA. tables. 4th ed. xiv, 443, 115 pp. 15 pl. 8~. sub titulo Pub. Victoris circumfertur; et altera Newv York, T. Wiley 4' son, 1867.' urbis constantinopolitanae incerto autoroe, Norway. Statistiske tabeller, udgivne efter [etc.] Svbiungitur, [etc.] Liber de rebvs foranstaltning af departemlentet for det Indre. bellicis, (etc.] Incerto autore. Item, [etc.] 9e rmlkke. 236 pp. obl. fol. Clhristicania, C. Disputatio Adriani Aug. et Epicteti philosoplli. C. Werner ~4 Co. 1849. s. [CuravitS. Geleniusvel Ghelen]. 1071. fol. INorwich. City directory; containing thenames Basiliae, capud tHieronynvm ln Fobceniv)m ct._ of the inhabitants of Norwich, Norwich town, Episcopivi?, 1552. s. Bean Hill,Yantic, Greenville, andclpart of Pres- XNott (Eliphalet, D. D.) MIiscellaneous works. ton, [etc.] 1857. Compiled by WVilliam HI. 240 pp. 8~. Schenectady, WilliccanJ. Ml' Cartcr, Boyd. viii, 157 pp. 1 pl. 8~. NATorcich, (Conn.) 1810. J. W. Stedrncmn, 1857. Nougaret.(Pierre Jean Baptiste). Anecdotes Norwood (Joseph G.) Geological report of a des beaux-arts. Par M' *. [anon.. ] v. 1. survey of portions of Wisconsin and Min- 180. Paris, Bastien, 1776. nesota. Londres, la cour et les provinces d'An[With OWEN (D.D.) Reportof ta geological survey gleterre, d'Icosse et d'Irlande; on, esprit, of Wisconsin, 1852]. mceurs, coutumes, habitudes privdes des habNotable women of olden time. [aC6non.] 301 p. itansdelaGrande Bretagne. [anon.] 2v. 93 p1. 160. Philadelphica, Amer. Snclcy school iv. 458 pp; 460 pp. 12~. Paris, Briandl, iniozn, 1852. S. 1816. Notes of a ramble through France, Italy, Swit- Nouveau dictionaile c'anecdotes Iistoriques de zerland, Germany, 1-olland, and Belgirum; l'amour. [anon.] 2 v. in 1. 18~. Paris, 1838. and of a visit to the scenes of "The lady of Nouveau guide de conversations modernes en the lake," etc. By a lover of the picturesque. Russe, Allemand, Anglais et Franlanis; ou, [canon.] (9 p. 1. 464 pp. 80. 2lon72don, Nac ai d clialogues usuels et familiers, etc. Par Boltz, 2ton, Alcaszs & Co. 1836. Fischer, Witcomb, et Bellillger. Nouv. 6d. Notes on California and the placers; how to v,2361. 210. Berlin, B.Bcllr, 18. a. get there, and what to do afterwards. By one Nouveaux m6moires secrets, pour servir h who has been there. [anon.] 128 pp. 2 pl.'histoiro cledo noetemps. 1823. [Con ] 457 8~0. NTewU York,.Y Long 4., cl0o. 1850. pp. 80. Paris, Brissot Thivars, 1829. Notes and quieries; a medium of intercomlmn- Nouvel abreg6 de g'ographie moderne, suivi nication for literary men, general readers, etc. d'un appedclice, et cldn abreg6 de gcographie 3d series. July, 1866, to Dec. 1867. v.10-12. sacrde. [anon.] 2e 6d. xii 277 xxxii, 16 cm. 40 Londopp. 1866-6. pp. 120. Qieibec, Neilson et Cosan,, 1833. Notice statistique sur ]a Guyanoe frangaise. Ex- Nouvelle biographie genirale, depuis les tellps trait des notices statistiques sur les colonies les plus reculds juisq'i nos joura. Publice' frian~aises, inmprimees en 1838, par ordre de -sous la direction de J. C. F. Hoeele. v. 45-46. M. le ministre des colonies. [1d. par Ternaux- 80. Paris, Didot, 1866. Compans, J. Lechevalier, Joly de Lotbiniere. ] [Completing the work.]. 3 p. 1. 176 pp. 1 col. map. 120. Paris, F. Nouvelles de la terre de Prestre Jehan. Didot, 1843. s. [ TWith Aleripe (P. d'). La nouvelle fabrique. etc.] Nlotices of Sullivan's campaign; or, the revo- NIova Britannia; offering most excellent fruites lutionary warfare in western New Yorlk, em- by planting in Virginia. Exciting all such as bodied in the addresses and documents con- be well affected to further the same. [anson.] nected with the funeral honors rendered to 18 1. 120. London, Smaivel ac/shass, 1609. those who fell with Boyd in the Genessee Nova Scotia. Journal of the proceedings of valley. 191 pp. 1 pl. 180. Rochester, TVil- the legislative council, 1866. fol. iHalifax, liara Alling, 1842. A. Grant, 1866. Noticias biogrtificas, [biografia necrol6gica,] Journal of the proceedings of the house del exmo. senior don Lucas Alaman. [anoon.] of assembly, 1866. fol. Halifax, Coiapton & 59 pp. 1 pl. fol. Mexico, n. Rafael, 1853. Co. 1866. Notitia vtraqve cvm orientis tvmn occidentis, Nova Scotia (The) magazine and comprevltra Arcadii I-Ionoriiqve Cmesarvm tempora, hensive review of literature, politics, andnews. [etc.] Priecedit Andreie Alciati libellus, de [July-Dec.1789. Edited by John Ilowe.] inagistratib, ciuilibusq; ac militaribus offlicijs, v. 1. viii, 480 pp. 3 1. 80. BHalifax, editor, [etc.] Succedit descriptio urbis Romae que 1789. NOVELLE. OATES. Novelle di autori senesi. [Pubblicate per cure Numla an (A. MI. D.) Verhanldeling over de di Gaetano Poggiali. ed. 21]. 2 v. xxxi, onvruchtbare runderen, belkend onder den 398 pp; xxii, 386 pp. 2 pl. 18~. Milanco, naam van kweenen, in verband tot sommige Giovacnni Silvestri, 1815. andere dieren met misvormde geslachtsdeelen. CONTENTS. xii, 85 pp. 40~. atlas, 23 pl. fol. Utrech7t, N. v. 1. Novelle dli Gentile Sermini et di Pietro Fortini. van der Miozde, 1843. s. v. 2. Novelle del Ilicino, del Nelli, del Bargagli, del Sozzini, del Bandiera. nTUinez (Alvar, surncaned Cabeea de Vaca). Novelties, inventions, and curiosities in arts La, relacion y comentariSs de lo acaescido en andmanufactures. [anonr.] 3d ed. 267 pp. 16G. las dos jornadas que hizo a las Indias. 2 parts London, G. BRoutledge & Co. 1853. s. in 1 v. lvi. 1. 2 1. 88 1. 12~. Vallcdolid, Novi (Giuseppe). 11 teatro della guerra dal Francisco Fernandez de Cordoua, 1555. Settembllre cal Novemlbre, 1860. iv, 116 pp. The same. Narrative of Alvar Nullez 8 tab. 80. Napoli, tipog. poliglotta, 1861. s. C abea doe Vaca. Translated from the SpanNovus orbis, id est, navigationes prime in ish by Bucklingham Smith. 138 pp. 9 maps. Americam. [Curn Balthasari Lydii]. 8 p. 1. 40. Tcashington, privately >printed by G. Il. 570 pp. 180. Roterodami, J. L. Berevwot, 1616. l-igs, jr. 1851. [Abridged from the collection of Gryncens]. iNuovo dizionario italiano-tedesco e tedescoCONTENTS. italiano. Schul- und reise-taschlen-worterbuch Columbus, C. Navigatio. der italienschen und deutschen spracle. Ed. Pinzon, V. Navigatio. Vesputius, A. Navigatio. nuova. [Ital-Deutsch, und Deutsch-Ital.] Martyr, P. De insulis nuper repertis. 159 pp. 240. Lipsia, C. Tacchnit, [Caout Cortes, P. De suis peregrinationibus. Herborn, N. De Indis convcrtendis. 1850]. Varrerius, J. de. Do Ophyra A x- utt (David). A catalogue of theological Nowell (Alexander). Cateclhismus, latine x-es. 00 books in foreign languages. 600 pp. 8~. plicata. 133 pp. 80. Oxford, 1825. Lo, 857. [W ith RANDOLIH (John, bishop of London). Enchi- odT 5. ridion theologieunm, v. 1.) ~ The same. Appendix. 100 pp. ~0. Noyea (Geor'e REapall, D. D.) A collection London, 1857. of theological essays from various authors. Nyerup (Rasmus), and Kraft (Jens Edvard). With an introduction. 5th ed. xlvi, 512 pp. Almindeligt litteraturlexicon for Danmarkl, 120. Boston, Asm. unit. assoc. 1867. Norge, og Island, etc. viii, 692 pp. 40~. Translations of Job, Psalms, etc. See ]rjbenhaevw, Gyldendcl, 1820. s. Bible (English). IHyst (P. H.) Description des coquilles et des Noyes (Rev. Nicholas). New England's duty polypiers fossiles des terrains tertiaires de la and interest to be an habitation ofjustice, and Belgique. [Extract]. 697 pp. 15 pl. 4~. mountain of holiness. xi, 88 pp. 180 Boston, Bruxelles, Acad. royale des sciences, 1813. s. B. Green c4. J. Allen, 1698. Oates (George). Ne plus ultra interest tables, The same. [With an account of Indian (seven per cent.) in which are shown thle inplantations in Massachusetts, by Rev. G. terest of any sum, from one 011dollar to five hunRawson, and S. Dallforth.] xi, 99 pp. 180. dred dollars consecutively, for any length of Boston, B. G1reen & J. Allen, 1698. time, from 1 to 360 days, by days. vi, 100 pp. Nubila jubila britannico-stuartica, oder son- obl. 160. Philadcelphia, Lippizncott, Grainbo & der vnd vulclderbare glticks-verwandlug so Co. 1850. s. sieh zwisehen den beyden Stuarten, Carln deem - The same. From one dollar to one i. vnld Carln dem ii, konigen fiber Gross- thousand dollars, [etc.] vi,202 pp. obl. 160. Britannien, vndl dem parlament. Vom 1625- PPhiladel2lphia, Lippiscott, Gramnbo & Co. 62. [anon.] 13 p. 1. 978 pp. 33 pl. 160. 1850. s. FranCfurlt Cnan Mayn, J. TV. Azmeons 1d tl. ------ The same. From one dollar to tell thouSerlins, 1662. sand dollars, for any length of time, from ol(e NugE criticr. Occasional papers wvritten at day to one year, by days, [etc.] vi, 183 pp. the seaside by Shirley. [psenadon. ] 492 pp. 40~. New York, D. Appleton & Co. 1851. s. 12~. Edinburgh,7 Ecdlnonaston &d) Douglas, 1862. - The same. (Six per cent.) in which are Nugant (Thomas). The grand tour; or, a shown the interest on any sum from one doljourney through the Netherlands, Germany, lar to five hundred dollars, for any length of Italy and France. [ With] the European time, from 1 day to 360 days, by days. vi, 112 itinerary. 2d ed. 4 v. 160. London, D. pp. obl. 160. ~. Philadelp2hia, L2ppincott, GranmBrowtie, 1756. be & Co. 1850. s. 294 OATES. ODERICO. Oates (George). Ne plus ultra interest tables, O'Callagihain (Charles Williamson). Descrip(six per cent.) in which are shown the inte- tion of the Genesee country. [anon.] 37 pp. rest of any sum, from one dollar to one thou- 1 pl. 2 maps. sil. 4~. Albany, (N. Y.) L. sand dollars, [etc.] 224 pp. obl. 160. Phil- Andrews & Co. 1798. adelphia, Lipt cott, Lipi t, Grabo Co. 1850. s. O'Callaghan (Jeremiah). Usury, or interest Tables of sterling exchange; in which proved to be repugnant to the divine and are shown the value of a sterling bill, in fed- ecclesiastical laws, and destructive to civil eral money, from Y ~1 to ~10,000, [etc.] 207pp. society. 206 pp. 120. New York, J. O'Cal8~. Aenv York, D. Anpleton & Co. 1851. s. laghan, 1824. Oates (Titus). Eikon basilikd; or, the picture Oceola Nikkanochee. Narrative of Oceola Nikof the late king James, drawn to the life. kanochee, a young Seminole Indian, with a 2d ed. 4 pts. in I v. 2 p. 1. 558 pp. sin. 4~. brief history of his nation and uncle. 4 p. 1. London, R. Baldcwin, 1696-97. 228 pp. 3 pl. 8~. Lozndon, Jatchard, 1841. O'Beirne (James). New views of the process Ochsenheinler (Ferdinand). Die schmetterof defecation, and their application to pathol- linge von Europa. (v. i-iv). Fortsetzung ogy; with an analytical correction of Sir von Friedrich Treitschlke. (v. v-x). 10 v. in Charles Bell's views respecting the nerves of 7. 8S. Leipzig, Pleischer, 1807-35. s. the face. 142 pp. 8~. Tafshintgto,, D. Green, Ockel (E.) Anleitung zur aufzucht, erhal1834. s. tung und benutzung der schafe. 20 aufi. viii, Oberbauer (Julius C.) America und die 192pp. 4pl. 80. Berlin, Veit u. Co. 1846. s. sklaverei. 32 pp. 8~. N~Tew York7, Helnlbich & Ockley (Simon). Introductio ad linguas ori-,'itar/,k 1854. entales. viii, 168 pp. 16~. Cantabrigiae, Obsequel.s (Julius). Qvae svpersvint ex libro J'gpis acadc7e7icis, 1706. de prodigiis. Cvm animadiiversionibvs Joannis O'Conrior (Henry). Connected essays and Schefferi et Francisci Ovdendorpii. Accedvnt tracts, being a series of inferences deduced svpplementa Conradi Lycostllenis, cvrante chiefly from the principles of thla most celeJoanne:IKappio. 24 p. 1. 250 pp. 27 1. 8~. brated sceptics. xxiv, 344 pp. 83. Dublin, Cvri ae lRegnitianace, j. G.. Vielingivs, 1772. Hodoges & Semith, 1837. Observatious on thle authenticity of the gos- O'Connor (WVilliam D.) The ghost. Illuspels. By a layman. [ancon.] viii, 101 pp. 16G. triated by T. Nast. 93 pp. 2 pl. sq. 16~. Chicago, H. P. Chandler, 186'7. Yew Yor7k, G. P. Putnaa, & sost, 1867. Obser" ationis on church government by the O'Coneor(Charles). [Writings;] InVallancey presbytery of Springfield, (Ohio.) With the (C.) Collectanea de rebus hibernicis. 8~. last will and testament of that body. [anon.] Dublin, 1774-90. 23 pp. 160. Albany, E. & E. lo.sford, 1808. CONTENTS. TI ithl I'ANEatAR (Richard), Kentucky revival. 16m. 1. Reflections on the history of Ireland during the Albaly, 1808]. times of heathenism. 22 pp. [v. 3, lNo. 101. 2. Second letter on the heathen state anti antient Observationis on lord Bathurst's speech, [ wilth topography of Ireland. 28 pp. [v. 3, No. 10]. official documents relative to Napoleon's im- 3. Third letter onil the samne. 27 pp. [v. 4, No. 13]. prisonment on St. Helena]. 173 pp. 16~. Tesw "Odd-fellowship examined, by the ligllht of York, 1,rlk 4 i2iiercein, 1818. scripture and reason, by Rev. Joseph T. Observations on the new constitution, and on Cooper, D. D." re-examined according to the the fcederal and state conventions. By a Co- word of God, and official documents of the lulmbian patriot. [anctn. 22 pp. 80. _izsc order. By a member of Harmony lodge, No. Yorkc, 1788. 16, I. 0. O. F. [Canoe2.] 172 pp. 120. PhilaObservatilon on public principles and charac- delphia, Higgins & Perkin2pine, 1856. s. ters; with reference to recent events. [anon..] Ode to afiiend, on onr leaving, together, South 62pp. 120. [n. p.] 1820. Carolina. [anon.] 15 pp. 40~. London, Observations on doctor Stevens's history of J. Doedsley, 1783. Georgia. [anon.] 28pp. 8~0. Savannah, 1849. Odeleben (Ernst Otto Innocenz von). RelObservations generales et impartiales sur tion circonstanciee de la campagne de 1813, en l'affaire du Scioto. [anon.] 27 pp. 120. Paris, Saxe. Traduite de l'Allemandpar M. Aubert Pr. Didot le jeune, 1790. dle Vitrny. 2 v. 308 pp; 334 pp. 8~0. Paris, Observations sur l'instruction relative. la Plancher, 1817. mort du duce de Bourbon, prince de Cond6. Odermainn (Carl Gustav). Arithmetik. 1861. [anon.] 272 pp. 8~. Pcaris, G. Ware, 1831. See Feller (F. E.) and Odermalnn. a. Oderico da Udine. See Odorico da Pordenonae. ODIORNE. OHM. Odiorne (Thomas). The progress of refine- O'Halloran (Sylvester). An introduction to ment; a poem, to which are added a poem on the study of the history and antiquities of' fame) and miscellanies. 176 pp. 1 pl. 1 18~. Ireland, [with] appendixes. 4 p. 1. xx, 384 Boston, Yooung,4' Etherildge, 1792. pp. 5 pl. 40. London, J. Ml urray, 1772. Odling (William). A manual of chemistry, Ohio. Annual message of the governor, to the descriptive and theoretical. Part i. 80. Lon- fifty-seventh general assembly, 1867. 69 pp. don, Lonymcans, 1861. s. 8~. Columbus, L. D. Myers & Bro. 1867. Odorico da Pordenone. The eastern parts of - Executive documents. Message, and rethe world described. 162 pp. ports to the general assembly, and governor [With YULE (Henry). Cathay, etc. v. 1]. of the state of Ohio, for the year 1865 and The same. [Text in Latin and Italian]. 1866. 4 v. 80. Columbus, P. Vev*ins, 1866-67. [ ith YULE (H.) Cathay, etc. v. 2]. Fifth aninual report of the state commisOehlenschlklger (Adamn Gottlob). Vaulun- sioner of common schools for year ending durs saga. A legend of Wayland Smith. August 31, 1858. [By Anson Smyth.] 213, 2 From the German, by Eliz. Kinnear. 64 pp. pp. 8~. Columbus, state printer, 1859. s. 160. Journal of the senate and house of rep[With D PPIN (tG. B.) and MICmHELT (F. X.) W;ay- resentatives of the state of Ohio for 1865-66. land Smith. Loedon, 18471. Oersted (Anders Sand6e). L'Amdrique Cen- 4 v. 8. Columbus, B. NTevins, 1867. trale. Recherches sur sa flora etsa gdogrraphie Report (20th annual) of the Ohio state physique. Liv. i. 3 p. 1. 18 pp. 22 pl. 40. board of agriculture, for 1865. 80. Columbus, Copenhcague, F. S. Muhle, 1863.. s..Nelevins, 1866. Dc regionibus marinis. Elementatopog- - Report (8th, 9th, and 10th annual) of the raphim historiconaturalis freti Oresundl. 5p.. ommissioner of statistic.s for the years 18il90 pp. 2 col. pl. 8~. HLauniae, J.t C.i Schar- 1866. 3 v. 8~. Columbus, R. _Nerius, 1865-67. luing, 1844.'s. Report of special committee on railroads Oersted (Hans Christian). Der imechanische and telegraphs, made to the senate, 1867. 197 theil der naturlehre. xxi, 349 pp. 8~. Braun- pp. 80. Columbus, L. D. Myers &c Bro. 186-7. scueweig, Viewueg, 1851. S. I W. W. Reilly & Co.'s Ohio state business Oesterlen (Friedrich). Historisch-kritische cliectory, [etc.] for 1853-4. Also, an adverdarstellung der streits fiber dlie einheit oder tising department. 425 pp; 328 pp. 2 maps. mehrheit der venerischen contagien. xii, 343 8e. Cincinnati, Mo1gcan d& Ove5encl, 1853. s. pp. 80. 8 Stuttgart, J. G. Cotta, 1836. s. Ohlenschhliiger. See Oehlenshliager. Official list of officers who nmarched with the Ohm (Georg Simon). Die galvanlische lkette, army under the command of major general mathematisch bearbeitet. iv, 245 pp. 1 pl. 8$. Winfield Scott from Puebla upon the city of Berlin, T. H. Riemann, 1827. s. Mexico, and who were engaged in the battles - Grundztige der physik, als compendium of Mexico. 13 1. obl. 120. /Mexico, Amz. zu seinen vorlesungen. x, 563 pp. 8. hu.rmstar print, 1848. hberg, J. L. Schrag, 1854. s. O'Flaherty (Roderic). Ogygia; or, a chrono- Ohm (Dr. Martin). Die analytische und logical account of Irish events: collected from hOhere geometrie in ihren elementen. AMit veiry ancient documents, and supported by vorziiglicher beriiclsichtigung der theorie der the sacred and prophane writings of the first kegelschnitte. x, 477 pp. 1 1. 80. Berlin, nations of the globe. Translated [from the T. H. Riemann, 1826. Latin] by Rev. Jas. Hely. 2 v. lxxxiii, 4 1. I Kurzes grilndliches und leichtfalssliches 292 pp; 2 p. 1. 419 pp. 12~. Dublin, j. rechenbuch, zum unterriclht auf gymnasien M'Kenzie, 1793. und btirgerschuletn, zunichst'fir (lie schulanOgden (E. D.) Tariff; or, rates of duties pay- stalten in Thorn. xxxvi, 111 pp. 160. Berlizn, able on goods imported into the United States Maurer,, 1818. s. of America; containing all recent circulars Lehrbuch (ler mechanik, zugleich mit and decisions of the treasury department, to den dazu nothigen lehren der h6hern analysis March 29, 1868. 158, 126 pp. 80. iNew Yorkc, und der hl6hern geometrie. 3 v. 80. Berlin, Bogert, Kidder, & NYexsen, 1867. T. C. F. Enslhin, 1836-38. Ogilvie (John, D. D.) Philosophical and critical observations on the nature, characters and various species of composition. 2 v. vi, 447 v. 1. Meehanik des atoms. v. 8. Statik fester kiorper. pp; 359 pp. 8~. Londons, G. Robinson, 1784. v. 3. Dynamik fester kIirper. 296 OHM. OLIVER. Ohm (Dr. Martin). Versuch einer kurzen, Oldbug (John, esq. pseudon.) See Withinggriindlichen und deutlichen, aucl nicht-math- ton (Rev. Leonard). ematikern verstdndlichen anweisung, etc. 0ldendorp (Christian Georg Andreas). Fuldxxiv, 160 pp. 2 tab. 8~. Berlin, T. H. lie- staendigt udtog af C. G. A. Oldendorp's nmismnann, 1827. s. sions-historie om de evangeliske broedres misVersuch eines volkommen consequenten sion paa de Caraibiske der St. Thomas, St. systems der mathematik. 2e ausgabe. 2 v. Crux, og St. Jan. 160. HjDbenhcivn, J. 1. xxxiv, 418 pp; xxx, 455 pp..2 pl. 120. Thiele, 1784. Berlin, T. H. Riemcann, 1828-29. Olderico da Udine. See Odorico dca lordenone. CONTENTS. Oldericus de Portu Naono. See Odorico v. 1. Arithmetilk und algebra enthaltend. dce Pordenolne. v. 2. Algebra und analysis desEndlichen entllhalten dio (Jondon and hitd. Oldmixon (John). Clarendon and Whitlock Ohssol, Mouradcja d'. See:Mouradja d' Olhsson. compar'd, [with a] comparison between the O-jib-ue spelling book, designed for the use of H-History of the rebellion and other histories of native learners. [canon.] 2d ed. 107 pp. 120. the civil war. [Cnon.] xxxvii, 344 pp. 9 1. Boston, Asa. board for. miss. 1835. 120. London, J. Peerton, 1727. Oken (Lorenz). Lehrbuch der natur-philos- Oldoini (Bernarclo). Ristretto dell'istorie del ophie. 3 v. 8~. TJe~na, F. Fromicnan, 18,09- mondo, 1635-50. See Torsellini (Orazio). 11. Olin (Stephen, D. D.) College life; its theory Okes (Thomas Verney). An account. of the and practice. 23pp. 120. New York, iarprovidential preservation of Eliz. Woodcock, pers, 1867. whoe survived ca confinement under the snowv ~ Travels in Egypt, Arabia Petrean, and the Holy Lancl. 8th ed. 2 v. xiv, 458; 478 of nearly eight days and nihlsts, in Feb. ed. 2 v. xiv 43 pp. 120. Cacbrcidge, F. Hodson, [17991 pp. 120. l Yor, arers, 1846. J' Olina (Giovanni Pietro). Vccelliera; overo Okotineff (Nicolaj Alexandrowitsch). Consid- I crations snr les grandles opdrations do la discorso della natvra e proplietL di diversi crations sur les grandes op6rations de la c e d, 1, vccelli, e in particolare di qve' che cantano; campagne de 1812 -en Russie; des mmoires.. 1,. 0~~con il modlo cldi plrendergli, conoscergli, alsur les pr-incipes de la stratdgie; de 1'examen con es trois es, etc. Nov. etee de leuargli, e mlantenergli. 6 p. 1. 81 pp. 66 p]. des trois armes, etc. Nouv. 6d. auggmentee de 40 Roiiw, A. Flei, 1622. l'histoire de la campagne de 1800 en Allemagne. Fe, 16. etetia uo Tradnit doAemadOliphant (Lawrence). Narrative of the earl of et en Italle par Bulow. Tm aduit de 1'Allemand C L S l. 4 p 8 eei Elgin's mission to China and Japan, 1857-59. par C. L. Sdvelnges. 449 pp. 8~. BruxellesJ pJarC.. 13. S iPetit, 1841. 449 pp.( Bruxelles 645 pp. 1 pl. 8~. New Yorkc, Har2pers, 1860. s. J. B. Petit, 1841. Olaf. Ola saga buss hielga. Efter et gammelt On the present state of political parties Olaf. Olaf' saga bhins helga. Efter et gmnmelt in Amerca. -30 pp. 8s. iEdinbbuc n Blackperglaments-l.aandskrift i ulniversitets-bibliowzoood, sons, 1866. theket i Upsala. Udgivet af R. Keyser og C. R. Unger. xi, 150 pp. 8~. CI istinlzz- Oliphant (Margaret 0. W.) Agnes. 3 v. 16G. C. R. Unger. xi, 150 Cristinia, London, Hurst ( EBlackett, 1866. LFeilberg & Landclarks, 1849. S. -— h ~zHarly Muir; a story of Scottish life. Olbers (Carl). Montanismeni, kyrkhistoriskarry Muir; a story of Scottis life. afhandling. 2 p. i. 140 pp. 8. lutcl, Bo^af hanidling. 2 p. 1. 140 pp. 80. Lsnsd, Eds- [anon.] 3 v. in 1. 313 pp. 120. New York, fettare, 1853D. Ap. 1 pleton & Co. 1853. Old (An) bushman, (psesdon.) See V heel- 11 Lilliesleaf; being a concluding series of ht(H ) Margaret Maitland. [anon.] New ed. 120. wright (H. W.) Old England forever, or Spanish cruelty dis- London, 1856.'.. MRadonna Mary. 3 v. 300 pp; 304 pp; play'd; vwherein the Spaniards right to Madonna Mary. 3 v. 300 pp; 304 pp; 280 pp. 12~. London, Hurst & Blackett, 1866. America is impartially examined and found 89 pp. 120. 5ondon H Blkett, 1866. defective. [anon.] 320 pp. 1 pl 16o The same. 225 pp. 8~. Boston, Littell, lefective. [atnon.] 320, pp. 1 pI. 10' [1867]. Londosb the booksellers, 1740. L~ondorz, the booksellelr, 1740. Oliveira (Francisco Xavier d' ). Mmnoires Old (The) guard: a monthly journal devotecl de Portugl, avec la bibliot de Portugal, avec la bibliothbeque lusitane. to the principles of 1776 and 1787. C. C. Burr, to the piilciples of 177i6 r211d l787. C. (J. -lu, 2 v. 12 p. 1. 384 pp; 8 p. 1. 384 pp. 16~. Almzeditor. Jan. 1865, to Dec. 1867. v. 3-5. 2 v. 1. 384 pp; 8.. 3S4. 16. A 80. LNev York, Vcan Evrie, Hortons & Co. tera, 1741. S. [1656 7].zu o3~~ cL~ ~!,n Oliver (George, D.D.) A dictionary of synm[1 865-617]. bolical masonry. 120. Nezv Yo k, 1867. QOld (The) red house. [anon.] 388 pp. 3 pi. [ MACO obet) Cycopedia o feemasor. 16~. Boston, H. Hoyt, [1860]. 1st ed. pp. 3-290. 2dC ed. pp. 341-628. 12o. 1867]. OLIVER. ORDO:IES DE CEVALLOS. Oliver (Isabella). Poems, on various subjects. graphiques. 2 v. 299 pp; 847 pp. 12~. 220 pp. 160. Carlisle, [Pa.] (A. Loudon's Paris, V. Masson, 1849-52. s. press, Whitehall,) 1805. Histoire naturelle des c6phalopodes. See Oliver Optic's magazine. Our boys and girls. Fe'russac (A. ]~. J. P. F. de) and Orbigny. Oliver Optic, [pseudon. for W. T. Adams,] - Pal6ontologie frangaise. Description editor. Jan. to Dec. 1867. v. 1-2 in 1. v, zoologique et g6ologique de tous les animaux 728 pp. 10 1. 80. Boston, Lee & Shepard, mollusques et rayonnes fossiles de France. [1867]. Terrains cr6tac6s. 6 v. in 12. 8~. Paris, Olivier (Antoine Guillaume). Entomologie. See auteur, 1840-53. s. Sturm (J.) Abbildungen, etc. 1802. CONTENTS. Olivier (J.) Fencing familiarized; or, a new v. 1. C1. pbalopodes. treatise on the art of small sword. [French v. 2. Gasthropodes. v. 3. Lamellibranches. and English.] xlvii, 205 pp. 15 pl. 80. Lon- v. 4. Brachiopodes. v. 5. Bryozoaires. don, J. Bell, 1780. v. 6. lchinocermes. Ollenix du Montsacr6. [pseudon.] See Mon- The same. Terrains oolitiques, o jurastreux (Nicolas de). siques. 2 v. in 4. 8~. Paris, auteur, 1842Ollyffe (Rev. George ). The madness of dis- 1860. s. affection and treason against the present gov- CONTENTS. erminent. 7 p. 1. 320 pp. 120. London, J. v. 1. C6phalopodes. Downing, 1724. v. 2. Gast6ropodes. Downing, 1724. Olmnsted (Denison, LL. D.) A compendium - Prodrome de pal6ontologie stratigraof astronomy. Revised by E. S. Snell. 194 phique universelle des animaux mollusques pp. 120. New York, Collins & bro. 1868. et rayonn6s. 3 v. 120. Paris, V. Masson, Olmsted (Frederick Law). A journey in the 1849-52. s. back- country. 492 pp. 120. New York, Orbigny (Charles). Keepsake d'histoire natuZMason Bros. 1860. s. relle. Description des mammifhres. IntroOltmanns (Jabbo). Nachtrag zu J. E. Bode's duction. 48 pp. 8~. Paris, Bazouge-Pigoreau, anleitung zur kenntniss des gestirnten him- [1840]. s. mels. See Bode (J. E.) Orbis lumen, et Atlantis ivga tecta retecta. Omalius d'Halloy (Jean Baptiste Julien d'). 5p.1. 1,450pp. 51. 12~. Pranckfurt-amPrecis 6lementaire de g60ologie. vi, 790 pp. 7Mayn, W. Serlin und G. FEickwirth, 1656. 1 tab. 3 p1. 80. Paris, A. Bertrand, 1843. Orchestral journal. 25 1. in 1 v. 300 pl. 8~. S New York, [Firth, Pond f Co.] 1856. s. O'Meara (Barry Edward). Exposition of Order (The) for morning and evening prayer, and some other offices of the church of some of the transactions that have taken place at St. Helena, since the appointment England. Ne Yakawea. Niyadewighniferage, of Sir Hudson Lowe as governor. xiv, Yondereanayendakhkwa. Translated into the o215 pp. 8~. London, Janes BRidway, Mohawk language [by Rev. Andrews 1819. - - and Rev. H. Barclay]. 3d ed. 208 pp. 120. Opinions of Napoleon Bonaparte of na- Quebec, 1780. tions and persons, as delivered by him, from Order of worship for the reformed church. 388 the years 1815 to 1818. Alphabetically pp. 120. Philadelphia, S.. Fisher 4' Co. 1867. arranged by W. IIough. 86 pp. 8~. Cal- Orderly (The) book of that portion of the Amecutta, J. Pereira, 1848. rican army stationed at or near Williamsburg, Once a month: a magazine of miscellaneous Va. under gen'l Andrew Lewis, March 18th selections. Oct. 1866 to Sept. 1867. v. 1-2. to August 28th, 1776. With notes and intro80. Springfield,(Mass.) W. J. Holland & Co. duction by Charles Campbell. xi, 100 pp. sin. [ 1866-67 ]. 40. Richmond, ( Va.) 1860. O 6e step, or, to what will it lead? [anon.] lHist. documents from the Old Dominion, No. 1]. 125 pp. 1 p. Phladelpia, m. Sn- Ordones de Cevallos or Zeballos (Pedro). day school uenion, 1853. s. Descriptio Indiae Occidentalis. 9 i. fol. Opposite neighbors; or, the two lives, and [ With HERRERA (A. de). Novvs orbis, sive descriptio Indiae Occidentalis. fol. Amnstelodami, 1622]. their end. [anon.] 400 pp. 4 pl. 160. Philadelphia, Am. S. S. union, 186. The same. Particvlilre description de delphia, Am. S. S. union, [1867]. Orbigny (Alcide Dessalines d'). Cours 16- l'IndeOccidentale. pp. 201-227. fol. I With HEnRERA (A. de). Description des Indes Ocmentaire de paldontologie, et geologie strati- cidentales. fol. Ansterdamn, 16221. 38 298 ORDON/ES DE CEVALLOS. ORIENTAL. Ordofies de Cevallos or Zeballos (Pedro). Gholam Hussein, Khan. Mlir. Siyar-ul-mutakherin: a history of the Mahomedan power in India during Eygheintlychebeschryvinghe vanWestIndien. the last century. Revised from the translation of 29pp. fol. AAmsterdacn, 1621. Haji Mustefa, and collated with the Persian original, by John Briggs. v.. 8. London, 1832. [With, HERRERA (A. de). Nievwe Werelt, etc. Ed. HIji Khalfa (Mustafa Ben Abdallah, surnaomed). HisAmsterdam, 1621J. tory of the maritime wars of the Turks. From the Oregon. Journal of the house of representatives Turkish, b)y J. Mitchell. Part I. 4~. London, 1831. -- Lexicon bibliographicum et encyclopnedicum. of tlhe territory, 1855-6. 219, 179 pp. 8c.:Edidit, latin6 vertit, et comnmentario indicibusque Scalem, A..BuscE 1856. s. instruxit G. Fliigel. 7 v. in 6. 4~. Leipzig, 1835-58. Han Kocng-Tsew; or, the sorrows of Han. A Chinese Journal of the council of the legislative tragedy. Translated by J. F. Davis. 40~. London, 1829. assembly of the territory, 1-55-6. 195, 72 pp. Hariri (Abaf Mohammed Kdsim Ben All, surnamed 80. Salemn, A. Bush, 1856. s. Al). Makamat; or, rhetorical anecdotes of Al Hariri of Basra. Translated from the Arabic, by Orfila (Matthieu Joseph Bonaventure). Lehr- T. Preston. 80. London, 1850. buch der toxicologie. Nach den 5en aufl. aus Harivansa, ou histoire de la famille de Hari; ouvrage formant un appendice du Mahabharata. Traduit dem Franzdsischen mit selbsthindigen zusiitzen sur 1' original Sanscrit, par S. A. Langlois. 2 v. 40~. bearbeitet von Dr. G. Krupp. 2 v. vii, 601 pp; Patis, 1834-35. Hatir Tai. Adventures of H-Iatim Tai. A romance. 720 pp. 8~. Braunschiweigl, Viewey, 1854. s. Translated from the Persian, by Duncan Forbes. 40. London, 1830. Orford (Horace Walpole, 4th earl of). See Hoei-Lan-Ki; ou, l'histoire du cercle de craie: drame WValpole. en prose et en vers. Traduit du Chinois, par S. Julien. 8~. London, 1832. Oriental portfolio. Illustrations of the scenery, Hudsailian poems. Edited in Arabic, and translated etc. of the East, from original drawings by by J. G. L. Kosegarten. v. 1. 40. London, 1854. Hussein Ali Khan Kirmani. History of Hydur Naik, Thomas Bacon. Ed. by H. H. Wilson. Nos. otherwise styled Hydur All. Translated from the Persian, by W. Miles. 8~. London, 1843. 1-2. engr. title, 10 1. unp. 10 pl. fol. Lon- - History of the reign of Tipt SultaLn [Tippoo don, Snith, Elder & Co. 1838-40. Saib.] Translated from the Persian by W. Miiles. 80. London, 1844. Oriental translation fund. Publications. 40 v. Ibrahim, Basmajee. History of the war in Bosnia 40. 46 v. 80. London, etc. 1829-58. during 1737-39. Translated from the Turkish by C. Fraser. 8~. London, 1830. COSNTIENTS. Iswara Krishna. SAnkhya KIsrik, or memorial verses on the S,/nkhya philosophy. Translated from the Ali Mohammed Khan. Political and statistical his- Sanscrit by H. T. Colebrooke. Also, the Bh/Sshya, tory of Gujar/t. Translated from the Persian by or commentary, of GaurapAda. Translated by James Bird. 80. London, 1835. H. H. Wilson. 40. Oxford, 1837. Apostolical constitutions; or, canons of the apostles, Jahangueir (emperor of Hindotstan). Memoirs writin Coptic. With an English translation, by H. ten by himself. Translated from a Persian Ms. Tattamn. 8~. London, 1848. by David Price. 40~. London, 1829. Batuta (Abu Abdallah 3Mohammed Ebn). Travels. Jel]Al Ed din Abd-er-rahman Ben Abi Bekr Es-Soyfiti. From the Arabic by S. Lee. 4~. London, 1829. History of the temple of Jerusalem. Translated Chodzko (Aleksander). Specimens of the popular from the Arabic Ms. by James Reynolds. 80. poetry of Persia. Translated, with notes. 8~. London, 1836. London, 1842. Jelal Ed-din Mohammed Ben Asad Es-Sadikl; Ed DeCritical essay on various Ms. works, Arabic and Per- w/sni. Practical philosophy of the muhammadan sian, illustrating the history of Arabia, Persia, people; being a translation of the Akhlak-i-Jalbly India, Egypt and Spain. Translated by J. C. 80. from the Persian. By W. F. Thompson. 80. London, 1832. London, 1839. Cureton (William). Spicilegium syriacum; remains Joseph ben Joshua ben Meir. Chronicles of the of Bardesan, Meliton, Ambrose, and AIara Bar Sphardi, [to 1553]. Translated from the Hebrew Serapion. With English translation. 80. London, by C. H. F. Bialloblotzky. 2 v. 8~. London, 1836. 1855. Jonher. The Tezkereh al vakiat; or, private memoirs Customs and manners of the women of Persia, and of the Moghul emperor Humlayin. Translated their domestic superstitions. Translated from the from the Persian by C. Stewart. 40~. London, 1832. Persian manuscript, by J. Atkinson. 8~. London, K/lidAsa. Birth of the war-god. A poem. Translated [ Yith7 Ibrahim, Basnmajee. War in Bosnia, etc.] from the Sanscrit into English verse by R. T. H. Dabistan; or, school of manners. [Ascribed to Moh- Griffith. 80. London, 1853. san Funi]. From the Persian, with notes, by D. Kum/ra Sambhava. Carmen, sanskrite et Shea and A. Troyer. 3 v. 8~. Paris, 1843. latine. Edidit A. F. Stenzler. 40. Berlin, 1838. Elisaeus. History of Vartan; an account of the reli- Raghuvansa. Carmen, sanslrite et latine. gious wars between 1he Persians and Armenians. Edidit A. F. Stenzler. 40. London, 1832. Translated from the Armenian, by C. F. Neumann. Kalpa Sfttra, and Nava Tatva: illustrative of the Jain 40. London, 1830. religion and philosophy. Translated from the Ethiopic didascalia; or, the Ethiopic version of the Magadhi, with remarks, by Rev. J. Stevenson. apostolical constitutions, with an English transla- 80. London, 1848. tion, by T. P. Platt. 40. London. 1834. Khallikan (Shems ed-din Abu'l Abbas Ahmecl Ben Evliy/ Efendi Jelebi. Narrative of travels in Europe, Mohammed, surnamed Ibn). Biographical dictionAsia. and Africa, in the 17th century. From the ary. Translated from the Arabic by baron Mac Turkish, by J. von Hammer. V. 1 in 2 parts, and Guckin de Slane. v. 1-2. 40. Paris, 1842-43. v. 2. 40~. London, 1834-50. Livre des recompenses et des peines, en chinois et en Firduisi, Firdausi, or Firdousi (AbAl K/sim Hasan fran(ais. Accompagn6 de 400 16iendes, anecdotes Ben Mohammed Et-Tftsi, surnamned). The Shah et histoires de la secte des Tao-ss6. Traduit par N/Imeh. Translated and abridged, with notes. By S. Julien. 80. Paris, 1835. J. Atkinson. 8~. London, 1832. Makkari (Shihab-ed-din Ahmed Ben Mohammed, surFortunate (The) union; a romance, translated from named Al). History of the Mohammedan dynasthe Chinese original, with notes. To which is ties in Spain. Translated with notes by Pascual added, [Han Koong Tsew], a Chinese tragedy. de Gayangoz. 2v. 40. London, 1840-43. By J. F. Davis. 2 v. 80. London, 1829. Makrizi (Taki Ed-din Abf'l Abbas Ahmed Ben All, Garcin de Tassy (Joseph H6liodore). IHistoire de surnam7ed El). Histoire dles sultans mamloulis de litterature hindoui et hindoustani. 2 v. 8~. Paris, l'lgypte. Traduit de l'Arabe, par Quatremtre. 1839-47. v. 1-2. 4~. Paris, 1837-45. 299 ORIENTAL. O9I STED, Oriental translation fand —Continued. Tahcin-Uddin. Aventures de Kamrup; tradluites de 1' Hlindoustani par Garcin de Tassy. 8$. Paris, 3fMik, (Jemal ed-din Abfi Abdallah Mohammed Ben 1834. Ahdablalh1 suc namled TIbn). Alfidyya, oU (la quintes- Timnir. Mulffizat Timtiry; or, autobiographical mesence de'la grammaire arabe. Publid en original, moirs of the Moghul emperor Timdr. Translated avec un comnmentaire, par Silvestre de Sacy. 80. by C. Stewart. 40. London, 1830. Paris, 1833. Vishnu purdna; a system of Hindu mythology and Marsden, (AV dillam, tsansloator). Memoirs of a lMlayan tradition. Translated from the Sanscrit, and illusfamily. Written by themselves, and translated trated with notes, by H. II. Wilson. 40 Londos, from the original. 80. Lonzdon, 1830. (With 1840, Ibrahim, Basmnoajee. War in Bosnia.) Yakkun Nattannawa7; a Cingalese poem, descriptive Mlas'fidi (Abs'l HIasan), Ali Ben Hosein, called El. of the Ceylon system of demonology, [with] the Historical encyclopedvia, entitled " Meadows of practices of a eapua or devil priest; and Kolan gold and mines of gems." Translated from the Nattannawd: a Cingalese [masquerade] poem. Arabic by Aloys Sprenger. v. 1. 80. London, 1841. Translated by John Callaway. 8. London, 1829. Matthew of Edessa). Chronique (962-1136) avec la Zeen-dc-deen. Tohfut-ul-MuLjahideen; an historical continuation doe Grfgoire le pyltre jusqu'en 1162. work [ou Malabar] in the Arabic language, [1498(Bibl. hist. armdnienne.) 80. Paris, 1858. 1579]. Translated into English by M. J. RowlandMemoires sur les contrees occidentales, traduits tdu son. 50. ondo? 1833 Sanserit en Chinois, en 648, par Iliouen-Thsang, [ ith Tahoin Uddil. Les aventures, etc.] et du Chinois en Frangais par S. Julien. [Index des moots sanscrits-chinois, v. 2.] 2 v. 8~. Paris, 1857-58. Origin (on the) and progress of the north-west Mirkhond, (Mohammed Ben Khondshah Ben Mah- compaby of Ca.ada with a history of the mifd, surnamed). History of the early kings of Persia. Translated from the Persian by David fur trade. [anon.] 38 pp. 80. London, Cox, Shea. 80. London, 1832. Miscellaneous translations from the oriental lan- son & Baylis, 1811. guages. 2 v. 8~. London, 1831-34. [ With GRAY (H.) Letters from Canada, 1809]. Mlohamined Ali Hazin. Life, 1692-1742, written by himself. Edited from two Persian manuscripts by Orion (The): a monthly magazine of literature, TFh. C. salfoaur. 8. Lotdon, 1831.. science, and art. Ed. by William C. Richards. --- The same. Translated, with notes, by F. C. Balfour. 80. London, 1830. v. 1-3. 80. Penfield and Athens, (Ga.) W. [ With the preceding.] ichads, 1842-43. Mlohammled Ben Mfis. Algebra. [Arabic and Eng- Riccards, 1842- 43. lish]. Translated by F. Rosen. 80. London, 1831. Orlandini (Niccolo). Annvae litterae societatis Mohammed Moost'ujab khan buhadoor. Life of Hafiz ool Moolk, Hafiz Rehmut khan, by his son. Iesv, anni M. D. lxxxv, 362 pp. 180. Romace, Abridged and translated from the Persian by I cl societtis, 1587. C. Elliot. 8~. London, 1831. Naima. Annals of the Turkish empire, from A. D. Orleans (Pierre Joseph d'). The history of the 1591 to 1659. From the Turkish by C. Fraser. av. 1. [to 1617]. 40. London, 1832. revolutions in England under the family of Naz'lmi, or Nizami (Abu Mohammed ben Yusuf). the Stuarts, 1603-1690. 11 p. 1. 328 pp. 7 1. Laili and Magn-ln, a poem; from the Persian, by James Atkinson, 80. London, 1836. 12. ondon E. ll 1 NeametUllah. History of the Afghans. Translited Orme (Robert). Historical fragments of tle from the Persian by B. Dorn. 2 v. 40. London, 1829-36. Mogul empire, of the Morattoes, and of the Neumann (Carl Friedrich). Translations from the Chinese and Armenian, [History of the pirates of English concerns in Hindostan. [anon.] 1 p. 1. the China sea, from 1807 to 1810; catechism of the 234 pp 22 1 clxxiv pp. 3 maps. 120. London Shamans, or laws of Buddha; Vahram's chronicle of the Armenian kingdom of Cilicia;] with notes. C. Nourse, 1782. 8~. London, 3831. Orme(William), Memoirsofthelife, ritigs, Nipon o Dai Itsi Ran; ou, annales des empereurs du Japon. Traduites par I. Titsingh. Precede d'un and religious connexions of John Owen. viii, apergu de l'histoire mythologique du Japon, par J. Klaproth. 40. Paris, 1834. 524 pp. 1 pl. 80. London, T. Hamilton, Otbi or Utbi (AbA'n Nasr Mohammed Ben Abdel jeb- 1820. bar, El'). Kitab i-yamini; historical memoirs of the amir Sabalitagin and the sultan Mahmftd of Ormerod (Oliver). The pictvre of a puritarse, Ghazna. Translated from the Persian version, hazna. Translated fro the Persian version, proving that the puritanes doe resemble the by Rev. J. Reynolds. 8~. London, 1858. Ouseley (Sir Gore). Biographical notices of Persian anabaptists. [With] a discovery of puritan poets. With a memoir of Sir G. Ouseley, by J. Reynolds. 8~0. London, 1846. papisme 5 p. 1. 81, 32pp. sin 4~. London Paul (of Aleppo). Travels of Macarius, patriarch of Nathaniel Fosbrooke, 1605. Antioch. 2 v. 40~. London, 1829-36. R&m REz. Essay on the architecture of the Hindas. Orosius (Paulus). Chronica, das ist: xvarbafftWith 48 plates. 40. London, 1834. leeigentliche vnd kurtze beschreibung dess Rigveda-SanhitA. Liber 1. Sanskrite et latine. Edidit F. Rosen. 40. London, 1838. vmbkreiss vnd gelegenheit der ganzen welt. Rinsifde de Sendal. San Kokf Tsou Ran To Sets on aperqu gdndraldestrois royaumes. [Coree, Lieou Von H. Boner verteutscht. 1311. 3 1. fol. Khieou, et Yeso.] Traduit de l'original japonais- Franckfert a. A. P. Kesseler, 1576. chinois, par J. Klaproth. 80. Maps andplates. 40~. Paris, 1832. Orpheus. Der argonaut. See Hesiodus and Sadik IsfahAni. Geographical works. Translated O from the Persian by J. C. [Edited by Sir G. rpheus von J.. Ouseley.] 8~. London, 1832. Orrery (Roger Boyle, 1st earl of). See Boyle Sangermano (-). Description of the Burmese empire, translated from his Ms. by W. Tandy, D.D. (Roger). 40. Romne,- 1833. Orsato(Sertorio) Monvmentapatavina 9p. 1 Sanhita of the Shma Veda. Translation by J. Stevenson. 80. London, 1842. 352 pp. 14 1. 1 pl. fol. Patavii, P. F'anmTabari (Abi Jafar Mohammed Ben Mohammed, sur- bottus 1652 szameed El). Chronique; traduite sur la version o 1. persane, par L. Dubeux. 4~. Paris, 1836. Orsted. See Oersted. 300 ORTEL. OTTER. Ortel (Abraham). Epitome theatri terrarvm. vera and poems of Ossian, and a discourse on De nouo recognita a Michaele Coigneto. 267 their authenticity. 2 v. 346 pp; 348 pp. 4 pl. pp. 138 maps. obl. 240. Antveriae, in off- 160. New York, Ezra Sargeant, 1810. cinae plantiniana, 1612. Ostervald (J. F.) Recueil de hauteurs des Ortes (Giammaria). Opere. [In Scrittori pays compris dans le cadre de la carte g6n6class. ital. di econ. pol. v. 21-27. v. 50]. rale de la Suisse. 123 pp. 131. 8~. Neuchdtel, CONTENTS. H. Wolfrath, 1844-47. 1. Della economia nazionale. v. 21-23 and 50. See, also, Select views in Sicily. 2. Riflessioni sulla popolazione delle nazioni per rap- Ostervald (Jean Rodolphe). Nourriture de porto all' economia nazionale; delle scienze utili e delle dilettevoli per rapporto alla felicitA umana l'ame; on, recueil de prires pour tous les ragionamento; calcolo sopra. il valore delle opinioni, e sopra i piaceri e i dolori della vita umana;, [etc.] Pr lettere. v. 24 and 50. traitd de la pridre. 540 pp. 8~. Jersey, Ph. 3. Errori popolari intorno all' economia nazionale considerati sulnile presenti controversie tra i laici e i _falle, 1842. chierici in ordine al possedimento de' beni; lettere Ostgbthe (Thorgeir, pseudon.) Rest-ransaksulla religione e il governo de' popoli. v. 25-26. 4. Dei fidecommessi in proposito dei termine di ningmed den S. k. fria pressen. 124 pp. 80. mani-morte. v. 27. Stockholm, P. A. Norsted 4. soner, 1839. Osann (G. W.) Grundziige der lehre von O'Sullivan (Rev. Mortimer). A guide to an dem magnetismus und der elektricitit. viii, Irish gentleman in his search for a religion. 183 pp. 8~. Wiirzburg, Stahel, 1847. s. 304 pp. 160. Philadelphia, Carey, Leca & Osborn (Francis). Works, in four tracts. 8th Blanchard, 1833. ed. 6 p. 1. 628 pp. 160. London, B. D. 1682. Other (The) side of the question; or, an attemptto rescue the characters of the two royal CONTENTS. Advice to a son. sisters, Q. Mary and Q. Anne, out of the hands Memoires on queen Elizabeth and king James. of the dCuches]s d[owager] of - [MarlMiscellanies. Political reflections on the government of the Turks, borough]? By a woman of quality. [anon.] Osborn (Laughton). Alice, or the painter's 2 p. 1. 467 pp. 120. London, T. Cooper, story. 262 pp. 120. New York, Doolady, 1867, 1742. Arthur Carryl, a novel, and other poems. Otho or Otto (bp. of i'reisingen). Rerum ab [anon.] lvii, 357 pp. 80. New York, D. origine mundi ad ipsius vsq. tempora [A. D. Appleton & Co. 1841. 1146] gestarum libri viii. Eivsdem de gestis Calvary. Virginia. Tragedies. 4 p. 1. Friderizi primi Aenobarbi Caes. Aug. libri ii. 200 pp. 120. New York, Doolady, 1867. Radevici libri ii, prioribus additi, de eiusde Handbook of young artists and amateurs Friderici imp. gestis. 14 p. 1. unp. cv 1. 8 l. in oil painting. By an American artist. unp. lxxxivl. fol. Argentorati, MI. Schvrer, [anon.] xxxvii, 398 pp. 120. New York, 1515. s. Wiley & Putnam, 1845. s. Otis (Belle, pseudon?) The diary of a milThe silver head; The double deceit: liner. viii, 200 pp. 160. New York, _Hurd comedies. 262 pp. 120. New York, Doo- & Houghton, 1867. lady, 1867. Otis (F. N. MZ.D.) History of the Panama Osgood (Lucius). Progressive first reader. railroad, and the Pacific mail steamship com108 pp. 160. Pittsburgh, A. H. English & pany. [Also], a traveller's guide and business Co. 1855. s. man's hand-book for the Panama R. R. [etc.] Osorio (Jeronymo). De rebvs Emmanvelis 317 pp. 30 pl. 1 map. 120. New York, Harregis Lvsitanise, annis sex ac viginti, domi pers, 1867. forisq. gestis libri duodecim. 16 p. 1. 412 1. Otis (Harrison Gray). Eulogy on Alexander 180. Colonice Agrippince, apud hceredes Ar- Hamilton. 23 pp. 8~. New York, Isaac Colnoldi Birckmanni, 1574. lins & son, 1804. The same. The history ofthe Portuguese Ott (Adolph). The art of manufacturing soap during the reign of Emmanuel. Translated and candles, embracing the modes of detectfrom the Latin by James Gibbs. 2 v. 2 p. 1. ing frauds, [etc.] 193 pp. 1 pl. 120. Phila376 pp; 388 pp. 8~. London, A. Millar, 1752. delphia, Lindsay 4 Blakiston, 1867. Ossian. Poems of Ossian, the son of Fingal. Otter (Rev. William). Life and remains of [pseudon.] Translated by James Macpher- Edward Daniel Clarke, professor of mineralson. New ed. 2 v. 306 pp; 315 pp. 6 pl. ogy in the university of Cambridge. xii, 16~. New Haven, Duyckinck 4 Ronalds, 1806. 670 pp. 1 pl. 80. London, J. PF. Dove, The same. With dissertations on the 1824. 301 OTTER. OVIEDO Y VALDES. Otter (William, senior). History of my own Ovidius Naso (Publius). FPastorumn libri sex. times. 357 pp. 18~. Enmitsburg, (Mdl.) Editore et interprete R. Merkelio. ccxciv, 1835. 320 pp. 80. Berolini, G. Reimer, 1841. s. Ottley (William Young). A collection of 129.: Ibis. Translated into English verse: fac-similes of scarce and curious prints, by and the histories therein conteined, explained, the early masters of the Italian, German, and by John Jones. 2d ed. 140 pp. 180. Oxford, Flemish schools, illustrative of the history of B. Davis, 1667. engraving. xxxvi, xxv pp. 117 pl. 40~. Lon- Metamorphoses. Recensvit, varietate don, author, 1828. s. lectionis notisqve instrvxit Gottlieb Erdmann Otto (Friedrich Icilius). Ausfiihrliches lehr- Gierig. 2 v. xxxii, 550 pp; 959 pp. 8o. buch der anorganischen chemie. 3e aufl. 1 v. Lipsice, E. B. Schwickert, 1804-7. s. in 3. 80. Braunschweig, Vieweg, 1855. s. The same. Metamorphoses, [Latin text] [ItRAHAlI-OTTO'S ausfiihrliches lehrbuch der chemie. with an English translation by J. Clarke. eViscous). * See Oth. 4th ed. viii, 479 pp. 80. London, W. Clarke, Otto (Phrisnzgensis episcopus). See Otho. Otway (Thomas). Poetical works. 80. Edin- 1760. burgh, 1793. The same. Metamorphosis, Englished [Anderson's British poets, v. 6]. by G[eorge) S[andys]. 326 pp. 2 1. portrait. Oudin (Casimir). Supplementumnde scriptori- fol. London, WVilliam Stansby, 1626. bus vel scriptis ecclesiasticis a Bellarmino The same. Englished, mythologiz'd, omissis ad annum 1460. 10 p. 1. 720 pp. 661. and represented in figures. [With] an essay 80. Parisiis, A. Dezallier, 1686. s. to the translation of Virgil's 2Eneis. By G. S. Our farm of four acres, and the money we made [George Sandys]. 9 p. 1. 303 pp. 9 1. 16 pl. by it. [anon.] 6th ed. 124 pp. 1 pl. 12~. fol. London, Andrew BHebb, 1640. London, Chcapman & Hall, 1859. - The same. With notes of Minellius, and Our maid servants: a few friendly hints and prose version, by Nathan Bailey. xiii, 576 pp. counsels. By A. F. G. [anon.] 68 pp. 160. 2 1. 120. Dublin, J. E'xshaw, 1774. London, S. IV. Partridge, 1866.: Metamorphoses, epistles, amours, art of Our summer retreats: a hand-book to all the love, remedy of love, and art of beauty. Transchief waterfalls, springs, and other places of lated into English verse by several eminent interest in the United States. [anon.] 64 pp. hands. [Published by Sir S. Garth.] 8~. 12 pl. 180. Newv Yorkl, NTelson & sons, 1858. Edinburgh, 1792. Our young folks. An illustrated [monthly] [Anderson's Brit. poets. v. 1]. magazine for boys and girls. Edited by J. -- The same. Metamorphoses. [TranslaT. Trowbridge, Gail Hamilton, and Lucy Lar- ted into English verse] by John Benson Rose. com. Jan. to Dec. 1867. v. 3. 80. Boston, 160. London, 1866. Ticknor 4 Fields, 1857. The same. Traduction en vers, avec des Ouseley (Sir William Gore). Remarks on the commentaires, par F. de Saint Ange. 2 v. xlv, statistics and political institutions of the United 406 pp; 495 pp. 16 pl. 8~. Paris, DeterStates, with some observations on the eccle- ville, 1800. siastical system of America, her sources of Les ceuvres galantes et amoureuses, conrevenue, etc. 226pp. 80. Philadelphia, Carey tenant l'art d'aimer, le remede d'amour, les 4. Lea, 1832. 6pitres et ]es 6legies amoureuses. Nouv. 6d. Outline (An) history of an expedition to Cali- 2 v. in 1. 8, 215 pp; 204 pp. 80. Cythgre, fornia, containing the fate of The get all you 1774. can mining association. [anon.] obl. 180~. Amori. [Traduzione anacreontica di F. New York, 1849. Cavriani]. 3 v. 180. Sulmona, 1794. Ovid in London; a ludicrous poem, in six can- Oviedo y Valdes (Gonzalo Fernandez de). tos. By a member of the university of Oxford. Natural hystoria de las Indias. li, 2 1. fol. [anon.] 120 pp. 12~. London, W. Ander- Toledo, Remno de Petras, 1526. son, 1814. Historia general de las Indias. 4 p. 1. Ovidius Naso (Publius). Excerpta ex scrip- cxciii 1. fol. Seeuilla, Juam Cromaberger, 1535. tis. [By B. A. Gould]. vii, 287 pp. 120. ~ The same. Coronica de las Indias. La Boston, Hilliard, Gray 4 Co. 1835. hystoria general de las Indias, agora nueuaFastorvm libri vi. Recensuit notisqve mente impressa corregida y emendada. 4 p. 1. instrvxit Gottlieb Erdmann Gierig. xviii, ccii pp. 1 1. fol. Scalamanca, Juan de Junta, 371pp. 8~. Lipsica, E. B Schwickert, 1812. s. 1547. 302 OVIEDO Y VALDES. OWEN. Oviedo y Valdes (Gonzalo Fernandez de). 54 pp. 80. Indiancapolis, Osborn c5 Willets, The same. Historia general y natural de 1839. las Indias, islas y tierra-firme del mar oceano.[ With his REPORT of a geological reconnoissance of Enriquecida con las enmiendas y adiciones del Indiana in 1837. 8~. Indianapolis, 1839]. E- Report of a geological reconnoissance of autor, 6 illustrada con la vida del mismo por J. Autor, Lls Rios. rina var. delismo63 por ~ the Chippewa land district of Wisconsin, and A. de Los Rios. Primera parte. cvii, 632 pp. 5p1. fol. M of a portion of the Kickapoo county, and of a 5 pl. fol. Madrid, Real acadenmia de la historia, 1851. part of Iowa and Minnesota. 131 pp. I map. 37 pl. 8~. Was7higtton, gov. print. 1848. Owen (David Dale). First report of a geologi[Senate U. S. 30th Cong. 1 sess. ex. doc. 57]. cal reconnoissance of the northern counties of' [With his REPORT of a geological reconnoissance of Arkansas, 1857-58. 256 pp. 9 pl. 8~. Little Indiana in 1837. So. Indianapolis, 1839]. Rock, Johnrson e:& Yes-kes, 1858. Report of a geological survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota; and incidentCONTENTS. ally of a portion of Nebraska Territory. 638 Cox (Edward T.) Report (on geology). pp. 192-224. pp. 21 maps, etc. 15 pl. 40. Philadelphia, ELDERU-ORST (Wiliam). Chemical report. pp. 143- J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1852. 191. OWEN (D. D.) General report. pp. 1-142. CONTENTS. LEIDY (Joseph). Description of the remains of extinct Second report of a geological reconnois- mammalia and chelonia, from Nebraska Territory. sance of the middle and southern counties of NORWOOD (Joseph G.) Geological report of a survey of portions of Wisconsin and Minnesota, 1847-50. Arkansas. 433 pp. 1 map. 16 pl. 8~. Phila- OWEN (David Dale). Geological survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, and'Miuinesota; description of new and imdelphia, C. Sherman & son, 186.. perfectly known genera and species of organic remains; additional chemical examinations. CONTENTS. and SHUMARD (Benjamin F.) Descriptions of one new genus, and twenty-two new species of criCoX (Edward T.) Second report (on geology). pp. noidea, from the carboniferous limestone of Iowa. 401-420. PARRY (C. C.) Systematic catalogue of plants of WisLESQUEREUX (Leo). Botanical and palaeontological consin, Iowa, and Minnesota. report. pp. 295-400. PRATTEN (Henry). Systematic catalogue of birds of OWEN (D. D.) Geologicalreconnoissance. pp. 1-153. Wisconsin and Minnesota. PETER (Robert). Chemical analysis, etc. pp. 163-287. SHUMARD (Benjamin F.) Local details of geological sections on the St. Peters, Mississippi, Wisconsin, [First], second, third, and fourth reports Barraboo, Snake, and Kettle rivers. of the geological survey of Kentucky, nade WHITTLESEY (Charles). Geologicalreport of that porof the geological survey of Kentucky, made tion of Wisconsin bordering on the south shore of during the years 1854-1859. 4 v. and atlas, Lake Superior, 1849. 2 maps. 10 pl. 80. Frankfort, (Ky.) A. G. Owen (John, D.D. the puritan divine). The ~Hodlges, etc. 1856-61. advantage of the kingdom of Christ. Sermon preached to the parliament, Oct. 24, 1651, a CONTENTS. day of thanksgiving for the destruction of the Cox (Edward T.) Palkeontological report of coal measure mollusca, v. 3. Scots army at Worcester. 2 p. 1. 34 pp. sm. LESLEY (Joseph, jr.) Topographical and geological 40. Oxforcd, L. Licsfleld, 1651. report of the country along the outcrop base line, following the western margin of the eastern coal Owen (Rev. N.) British remains; or, a colfield.ESQU (Leo). Palvon4.tological lection of antiquities relating to the Britons. LESQUEREUX (Leo). Paloeontological report of the fossil flora of the coal measures of the western viii, 184 pp. 160. London, J. Bew, 1777. Kentucky coal field. v. 3. Report of the fossil flora, and of the stratigraphi- Owen (Richard). On the anatomy of terebracal distribution of the coal in the Kentucky coal tula. 40~ London, 1852. fields. v. 4. LYON (Sydney S.) Topographical geologicalreports, [With DAVIDSON (T.) Monograph of the British fosetc. v. 1, 2, 3, 4. sil brachiopoda. Introduction. v. 1]. Palmontological report. v. 3. --- On the classification and geographical OWEN (David Dale). General reports. v. 1, 2, 3, 4. o PETER (Robert). Chemical reports. v. 1, 2, 3, 4. distribution of the mammalia, [with] appendix "on the gorilla,'" and " on the extinction Report of a geological exploration of part and transmutation of species." 103 pp. 80. of Iowa, Wisconsin, and Illinois, made in tho London, J. W. Parker &F son, 1859. autumn of 1839. 191 pp. 24 pl. 80. Wash- Lectures on the comparative anatomy ington, gov. tprint. 1844. and physiology of the invertebrate animals. [Senate doe. 28th cong. 1 sess. No. 407]. 2. [ With his REPORT of a geological reconnoissance of d ed. viii, 689 pp. 8~. London, Losgman Indiana in 1837. Indianapolis, 1839]. & Co. 1855. S. Report of a geological reconnoissance of Monographs on the British fossil reptilia, the state of Indiana, made in 1837. 34 pp. 80. from the oolitic formations. Parts 1-2. 44 pp. Indianapolis, Osborn & Willets, 1839. 111. 11pl; 28 pp. 121. 12pl. 40. London, The same. Second report of a geological 1861-62. survey of the state of Indiana, made in 1838. [Palteontographical society publications]. OWEN. PAGET. Owen (Richard). A monograph on the fossil Oyarvide (Andres de). Memoria geografica reptilia of the cretaceous formation. 7 p. 1. de los viajes practicados desde Buenos Aires 175 pp. 59 pl. 40. London, 1857-64. s. hasta el salto grande del Parani, por las pri[Palaeontographical society publications]. meras y segundas partidas de la demarcacion Monograph on the fossil reptilia of the de limites en la America Meridional, en conW7ealdlen and Purbeckl formations. 128 pp. formidad del tratado preliminar de 1777, entre 37 1. 37 pl. 4~. Lozdon, 1853-64. s. las coronas de Espafia y Portugal. 1a y 2't [Palaeontographical society publications]. parte. [1784-91.] 4 v. 8~. Paris, 1865-66. and Bell (Thomas). Monograph on the [With CALVO (C.) Am6rique latine. le p6riode. fossil reptilia of the London clay, and of the v. 7-10. 1865-66]. Bracklesham and other tertiary beds. 2 v. in Pacific coast business directory for 1867; also 1. 5 p. 1. 79, 4pp. 401. 40 pl; 68 pp. 17 1. a gazetteer of the counties, cities, and towns, 17 pl. 40~. London, Patceontographical society, etc. Compiled by Henry G. Langley. 80. San 1849-58. s. lFrancisco, H. G. Langley, 1867. Packard (Frederick A.) A life of Robert CONTENTS. Owen. 2d ed. 264 pp. 160. Phliladelphia, Part 1. Chelonia. By Owen and Bell. v. 1. J. B. Lippincott J& Co. 1868. Part 2. Crocodilia. By Owen. v. 2. pp. 5-50. pl. 1-11 Packard (John H. AM. D.) Lectures on inand 2 a. Part 3. Ophidia. By Owen. v. 2. pp. 51-68. pl. 12-16. flamimation. Delivered before the college of physicians of Philadelphia, under the bequest Owen (Robert Dale). Footfalls on the bound- of Dr. Mtitter. 276 pp. 12~. Philadelphia, ary of another world. 528 pp. 12~. Phila- J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1865. delphia, J. B. Lippincott 4- Co. 1865. Paez (gen. Jose Antonio). Autobiografia. v. 1. The wrong of slavery, the right of eman- xiii, 576 pp. 2 pl. 80. AxTueva York, Hallet cipation, and the future of the African race in & Breen, 1867. the United States. 120. Philadelphia, J. B. Paffenrode (Jan van). Der grieken en romeyLippincott 4 Co. 1864. nen krijs-handel. 15 p. 1. 392 pp. 7 1. 5 pl. Owens (G.) A general directory and business fol. Leyden, P. Van der Meersche, 1686. s. guide of the principal towns in the upper Page (David). Elements of geology. Edited country, embracing a portion of California; by D. M. Reese. 332 pp. 120. New York, together with mining and statistical informa- A. S. Bar-nes & Co. 1849. s. tion concerning Idaho territory. 171 pp. Page (Richard). A critical examination of the 1 map. 8~. San Francisco, A. Gensoul, twelve resolutions of Mr. Joseph Hume, re1866. s. specting the loan of fifteen millions for slave Owenson (Sydney). See Morgan (S. Owen- compensation; also, a review of the financial son, lady). operations of the British government since Oxenden (Rev. Ashton). Our church and her 1794. viii, 278 pp. 8~0. London, Pelham services. Adapted to the services of the pro- Richardson, 1839. testant episcopal church in the United States, Pages (Fran9ois Xavier). Nouveaux dialogues by Rev. F. D. Huntington, D. D. viii, 179 pp. des morts entre les plus fameux personnages 180. Boston, E. P. Dutton & Co. 1866. de la revolution franmaise et plusieurs hommes Oxford ( University of). Catalogue of all gradu- c6lebres, anciens et modernes, morts avant ates in divinity, law, medicine, arts, and la revolution. viii, 232 pp. 8~. Paris, Laumusic, who have regularly proceeded, or been r'ens, 1800. created in the university of Oxford, between Pages (L6on). Bibliographie japonaise, ou October 10, 1659, and December 31, 1850. catalogue des ouvrages relatifs au Japon, qui vi, 808 pp. 8~. Oxford,, 1851. s. ont 6t6 publies depuis le xve siecle jusqu'I Catalogus codicum mss. qui in colle- nos jours. 67 pp. 40. Paris, B. Duprat, giis aulisque oxoniensibus hodie adservantur. 1859. Confecit H. O. Coxe. 18 v. in 2. 40~. Oxonii, Paget (James). Manual of physiology, 1853. Typographeo acadeonico, 1852. s. See Kirkes (W. S.) and Paget. Oxholm (Peter Lotharius). De danske Vestin- Paget (John). Hungary and Transylvania: diske oers tilstand i henseende til population, with remarlks on their condition-social, pocultur og finance-forvaltning, in anledning litical, and economical. 2 v. 324 pp; 324 af nogle breve fra St. Croix. 84 pp. 5 pl. pp. 120. Philadelphia, Lea & Blanchcard, 160. Ki Tbenhawn, J. F. Schultz, 1797. 1850. s. 304 PAGLIARDINI. PALLAS. Pagliardini (Tito). Une visite au familistbre, Palacio (Diego Garcia de). Carta dirijida al ou maison de travailleurs de M. Godin-Le- rey de Espana; aflo 1576. Being a description inaire, A Guise (Aisne). Traduit de l'Anglais. ofthe ancientprovinces of Guazacapan, Izalco, Extraite de la Revue des sciences sociales, Cuscatlan, and Chiquimula, in the audiencia Oct. 1865. 160~. Paris, 1866. of Guatemala, 1576. [With MouREAu (Jules). Le salaire et des associations. With SQuIER (E. G.) Docuinents and relations concooperatives, pp. 203-236]. cerning the discovery and conqulest of America. Pagnini (Giovanni Francesco). Saggio sopra il 40 New York, C. B. Norton, 1860]. giusto pregio delle cose; della moneth e sop a Palacky (Frantisek). Dejiny npirodu ceskeho ii colnrmercio dei Romani. w Cechich a w Moraw6 die piwodnich pra[SCRITTORI class. ital. di econ. pol. 2Y. menuf wyprawuje. Dilu i. 2 v. xvi, 406 pp; Paic ( - ) and Scherb (-). Chrmagora. viii, 500 pp. 80. wv. Praze, J. G. Kalve, Eine umfassende schilderung des landes und 1848-54. s. der bewohner von Cbrmagora (Montenegro). --- Djiny husitsk6 die puwodnich pramenfi 2e aun. 253 pp. 120. Agrain, F. Suppan, wyprawuje. 2 v. xiv, 542 pp; viii, 447 pp. 1851. s. 8~. qu. Praze, J. G. Kalve, 1850-51. s. Paige (Rev. Lucius Robinson). An address CONTENTS. at the centennial celebration in Hardwick, v. 1. Od roku 1403 do 1424. Mass. Nov. 15, 1838. 76 pp. 80. Cambridge, v. 2. Od roku 1425 do 1439. Metcalf, Torqy & Ballouz, 1838. ----- Commentary on the new testament. See -Altesten denkmaler der bdhmischen Bible (English). sprache. See Schafarik (P. J.), and PaPaine (John A. jr.) Catalogue of plants foundcl lacky. in Oneida county and vicinity. (Extract.) 140 Paley (William, D. D.) Moral philosophy; pp. 8~. Albany, [Regents of the university,] with annotations by Richard Whately. vii, 1865. S. 246 pp. 80. London, J. W. Parker 4 son, Paine (Thomas). Works. 2 v. vi, 391 pp; 4 1859. s. p. 1. 368 pp. 8~. Philadelphia, J. Carey, 1797. A view of the evidences of christianity. WCONTNT. With annotations by Richard Whately. viii,.CONTENTimSm. axose.407 pp. 80. New York, J. Miller, 1860. s..Epistle to qnakers. - - The samne. 3d ed. viii, 424 pp. 129. The crisis. Brunswick, (Me.) J. Grifin, 1860. Public good. Letter to the abbe Raynal. Palfrey (John Gorham). Discourse at BarnDissertations on government, the bank, and stable, Sept. 3, 1839, at the second centennial paper money. Miscellanies, in prose and verse. anniversary of the settlement of Cape Cod. v. 2. Prospects on the Rubicon. 50 pp. 80. Boston, Ferdinand Ancldreus, 1840. Rights of man. Letter to the author of the Republican. Palladius (Rutilius Taurus Aemilianus). De Letter to the abb6 Sikyes. A ddress to the addressers. re rustica. Two letters to Lord Onslow. ith LIBRI de re rustica] Dissertation on first principles of government. [WitLina e ore molion]. Letter to DLundas. Pallas (Peter Simon). Lyst der plant-dieren, Decline andfall of the English system offinance. bevattende de algemeene schetzen der gesLetter to the people of Prance. Reasons for preserving the life of Louis'Capet. lachten en korte beschryvingen der bekende The age of reason. (wanting in this copy.) zoorten. Vertaald door P. Boddaert. 654 pp. - The American crisis, and a letter to Sir 14 pl. 80. Utrecht, A. van Paddenburg et J. G2uy Carleton on the murder of Capt. Hluddy. van Sceoonhover, 1768. s 1 p. 1. 293 pp. 8o. London, D. E. Eaton, - Miscellanea zoologica, quibus novee im[1796]. primlis atque obscurae animalium species dePainter, gilder, and varnisher's companion: scribuntur et observationibus iconibuslue containing rules and regulations in every- illustrantur. xii, 224 pp. 14 pI. 40. Hage thing relating to the arts of painting, gilding, Coneitmu, 1766. s. varnishing, and glass-staining. 10th ed. vi, - The same. Naturgeschichte merkwiir246 pp. 120. Philadelpl7za, II. C. Baird, 1867. diger thiere in welcher vornemlich neue und Pajeken (ClemensA.) Reise-erinnerungen und unbekannte thierarten durch kupferstiche, abenteuer aus der neuen welt, in ethnograph- beschreibungen und erlitirungen erlinutert ischen bildern, mit einem vorwort von Fried- werden. Aus dem Lateinischen von E. G. rich Ruperti. iv, 168 pp. 120. Breen, J. G. Baldinger. 10 parts ill 1 v, 4~. Berlin, Heyse, 1861. Reinmcr, 1769-78. s. PALLAS. PANCIROLLI. Pallas (Peter Simon). Novae species qvadrv- don.] vii, 220 pp. 1 pl. 16~. London, pedvm e glirivm ordine. viii, 388 pp. 27 pl. W. C. Wr'ight, [1834]? 40. Erlangae, W. Walther, 1778. s. Raphael's'witch; or, the oracle of the Reise durch verschiedene provinzen des future. By the author of the prophetic mesrussischen reichs, in einem ausfiihrlichen aus- senger. r[anon]. 5th ed. 210 pp. 2pl. 16~. zuge. 2 v. 4 p. 1. 384 pp. 15 pl; 3 p. 1. 464 London, W. C. WFright, 1856. pp. 2 pl. 80. Frankfurt, J. G. Fleischer, Palmer (John Williamson, editor). Folk 1776-77. s. songs. Selected. Illustrated from original The same. Voyages en diff6rentes pro- designs. New ed. xl, 596 pp. 18 fac-sim. vinces de l'empire de Russie, et dans l'Asie sm. 4~. _Newi York, C. Scribner & Co. 1867. septentrionale. Traduits de lAllemand, par The poetry of compliment and courtGauthier de La Peyronie. 5 v. texte. 4~. ship: selected and arranged by J. WV. Palmer. 1 v. planches. fol.. Paris, Lagrange, 1789-93. xx, 219 pp. 16~. Ticknor & Fields, 1868. [The plates are wanting]. S. Palmer (Peter Sailly). History of Lake Chanl- The same. Voyages dans plusieurs prov- plain, from its first exploration by the French inces de Russie et dans l'Asie septentrionale. in 1609, to the close of 1814. 276 pp. 80~. Nouv. 6d. revue par Lamarck et Langlhs. Albany, J. Munsell, 1866. 8 v. 80. Paris, Miaradan, 1794. s. Palmer (Ray, D.D.) Hymns of my holy hours, ~ Zoographia russo-asiatica, sistens omni- and other pieces. 103 pp, 120. New York, um animaliuml in extenso imperio russico, et A. D. F. Randolph, 1867. adjacentibus maribus observatarum recen- Palmer (Samuel, pnter). A general history sionem, etc. 3 v. 40~ Petr opoi, Caes acad. of printing, etc. xii, 400 pp. 4~. London, scientiarnmn, 1831. s. 1A. Bettesworth, C. Hitch & C. Davis, 1733. CONTENTS. Palmer (Samuel, bookseller). A catalogue of v. 1. Lactantia. Aves. xxii, 568 pp. 16 col. pl. books for 1860, in all languages. 188 pp. v. 2. Avs. vii, 374 pp. 16 col.l. p. 8. London, S. Palmer, [1860]. s. V. 3. Monocardia. vii, 428, cxxv l p. 6 col. pZ. v. 3. Mooara vii, 428, xx pp. 6 cl. Palmer (Mrs. Sarah A.) The story of aunt See, also, Histoire des ddcouvertes, etc. Becky's army-life. xix, 215 pp. 9 pl. 120~ dans la Russe, etc. iNewv York, J. F. Trow, 1867. Pallastrelli (B.) La citt'a d'Umbria nell' Ap- Palmerini (Niccolo). Opere d'intaglio del cav. pennino piacentino: relazione. 75 pp. 9 p1. Raffaello Morgllen, raccolte ed illustrate. 3n 40. Piacenza, A. del Majno, 1864. s. ed. 2 p. 158 pp. 4 pl. 80. Firenze, N. Pagni, Pall Mall (The) gazette. An evening news- 1824. s. paper and review, July 1866, to Dec. 1867. Palmieri (Giuseppe). Riflessioni sulla publica v. 4-6. sin. fol. London, [J. K. Sharpe,] felicita relativamente al regno di Napoli; v. 37. 1866-67. Osservazioni sulle tariffe; Della ricchezza naPalma (Ricardo). Lira americana: coleccion zionale; v. 38. de poesias de los mejores poetas del Peru, [SCRITToRI class. Ital. di econ. pol. v.F37-38]. Chile, y Bolivia. 4 p. 1. 656 pp. 80. Paris, Palou (Francisco). Noticias de la NuevaCaliRosa y Bouret, 1865. fornia. s. Palmarius (Julius). Do morbis contagiosis. [With ICAZBALZETA. Documentos para hist. de lMexico. 4a serie. v. 6-7]. See Le Paulmier de Grentemesnil (J.) --- Relacion historica de la vida y aposPalmer (Herbert). Memorials of godliness tolicas tareas del Junipero Serra, y de las and christianity. 3 pts. 8th ed. ii, 36, ii, misiones quoe fund6 en la California septen28, ii, 18 pp. 210. Boston, Timnothy Green, trional. 14 p. 1. 344 pp. 1 map. 1 pl. sm. 40~ 1713. Mexico, Felipe de Zusiga y Ontiveros, 1787. Palmer (H. R.) The song queen; a collection Panage, (psezcdon.) See Toussaint (F. V.) of music for singing classes, choirs, etc. Also, Panam (Pauline Adelaide Alexandre). Mea cantata of the months and seasons, by A. C. moirs of a young Greek lady. xv, 305 pp. Gutterson. 96 pp. obl. 160. Chicago, H.. 1 pl. 120. London, Sherwood, Jones & Co. Palmer, 1867. 1823. Palmer (J.) Manual of astrology; or, the book Pancirolli ( Guido). Rerum memorabilium of the stars. By Raphael. [pseudon.] 256 sive deperditarum partes duo. Ex Italico pp. 3 pl. 80. London, C. S. Arnold, 1828. latine reddita ab IHenrico Salmuth. 2 parts Raphaecl's sanctuary of the astral art; in 1 v. G p. 1. 349 pp. 10 l; 4 p. 1. 313 pp. or, elysiumn of astrology. By Raphael. [pseu- 8 1. 4~. IFrancoforti, cTanpach, 1631. 39 PANDER. PARKER. Pander ( Christian Heinrich). Monographie Papworth (John WV.), and WV. Museums, der fossilen fische des silurischen systems der libraries, and picture galleries, public and prirussisch-baltischen gouverniements. x, 91 pp. vate, with illustrations. 8~. London, Chapman 9 pi. 40. St. Petersburg, k. atcad. der wissen- Hall, 1853. s. schaften, 1856. s. Paracelsus or Hoehenheim (Philipp AureoUber die saurodipterinen, dendrodonten, lus Theophrastus Bombast von). Of the glyptolepiden und cheirolepiden des devon- chymical transmutation, genealogy, and genischen systems. ix, 90 pp. 40. Atlas, 17 pl. eration of metals and minerals. Translated fol. St. Petersburg, Bechdruc7cerei der k. ca,/ad. by R. Turner. 78 pp. 160. London, R. Moon, der wissenschceften, 1860. s. 1657. Panizza (Bartolomeo). Osservazioni antropo- I Three books of philosophy written to the zootomico-fisiologiche. 110 pp. 10 pl. fol. Athenians. Done into English by a young Pavia, Bizzoni, 1830. s. seeker of truth and holiness [H. Pinnell]. Panzer ( Georg Wolfgang). Annales typo- 70 pp. 160. London, L. Lloyd, 1657. graphici ab artis inventae origine ad an- [With PARACELSUS. Of chymical transmutation, num 1536, post Maittairii, Denisii, aliorumlque auras, [etc.] 1t v. 40 Niorinberge, J.. E. Paradis (Venture de). See Venture de Zeh, 1793-1803. Paradis (Jean Michel). Panzer (Georg Wolfgang Franz). Index en- Paradis de Moncrif (Franaois Augustin). Les chats. [anon.] viii, 204 pp. 6 1. 10 pl. 120~. in G. W. F. Panzeri favna insectorvm ger- Rotterdamn, J. D. Beman, 1728. manica de~scriptas atque delineatas. Pars i. Paraldus or Peraldus or de Petralta, or PevEleutherata. viii, 216 pp. 120. Norimbergce, rault, or Perrault. See Perrault (Guillaume). lFelssecker, 1813. s. s. - Kritische revision der insetenfaun Parburt (George R.) Anselmo; a poem. 148 Deutschlands. 2 v. xii, 144 pp; 6 1. 271p. p p. 120. San Fcrancisco, H. H. Bancroft & 2 col. pl. 12~. XN.iirnberg, Felssecker, 1805-6. Co. 1805. Paoletti (Ferdinando). Estratto de' pensieri Paredes (Ignacio de). Promptuario manual sopra l'agricoltura; I vneri mezzi cdi render mexicano, platicas y sermones. 614 pp. 1 pl. oplici le societ Id. felici le societa'. sm. 4~. Mexico, 1749. [ScRITTORI class. Ital. di econ. pol. v. 20]. Paris (Al]exisPaulin). Le romancero fran9ois. Paoli (Paolo Antonio). Pmsti, quod Posidoniam Histoire de quelques anciens trouvSres, et etiam dixere rvdera. Dissertationes. [Ital. choix de leurs chansons. x, 203 pp. 120. and Latin texts.] 170 pp. 44 pl. fol. Romce, Paris, Techener, 1833. Pagliarini, 1784. Paris (Franvois Edmond), and Bonnefoux (le Paolo fiorentino. Breuiarium super totum baron de). Dictionnaire de marine't voiles corpusiuriscanonici. 4p. 1. cxxixl. fol. MIe- et i vapeur-Marine it vapeur. [TYith Engmingen, A. Kilne de Duderstat, 1499. lish and French vocabulary.] 2e c d. x, 740, Papers concerning the attack on Hatfield and 16 pp. 18 pl. 8~. Paris, Bertrand, [1859]. Deerfield by a party of Indians from Canada, Paris guide. Par les principaux 6crivains et September 19th, 1677. 82 pp. 1 map. 80. artistes de la France. 2e 6d. 2 v. xliv, 2162 New York, Bradford club, 1859. pp. 8 maps. 129 pl. 120. Paris, Lacroix et [Bradford club series, No. 1]. Co. 1867. Papers for the schoolmaster. New series. v. 2. Parker (Henry, of Lincoln's inn). A discourse iv, 318 pp. 8~. London, Simphkin, lkMars7hall concerning puritans. A vindication of those &c Co. 1866. who unjustly suffer by the mistake, abuse, and Papers presented to the committee appointed misapplication of that name. 3 p. 1. 63 pp. to inquire into the state and condition of the sin. 40~. London, Robert Bostock, 1641. countries adjoining to Hudson's bay, and of Parker (Rev. John). The upward path; or, the trade carried onthere. 79 pp. fol. Lon- brief thoughts on christian salvation, [etc.] don, 1749. 123 pp. 160. Rochester, E. Darrow & b0o. Papers and despatches relating to the Arctic 1857. s. searching expeditions of 1850-51. With a few Parker (John Henry). Glossary of terms brief remarks as to the probable course pur- used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic sued by Sir John Franklin. [anon.] 49 pp. architecture, 2d ed. viii, 144 pp. 66 pl. 8~. I col. map. 8~. London, F. 4 J. Rivington, London, Charles Tilt, 1838. s. 1851. PARKER. PARSONS. Parker (N. Howe). Iowa as it is in 1855; a Parlor tableaux and amateur theatricals. gazetteer for citizens, and a hand-book for [anon.] 352 pp. 120. Boston, J. E. Tilton immigrants. 264 pp. 1 map. 120. Chicago, cC Co. 1867. Keean & Lee, (printed Phila. Smith & Peters,) Parnell (Edward Andrew). A practical treatise 1855. on dyeinug and calico printing. By an exParker (Richard Green). Exercises in rhet- perienced dyer, assisted by several scientific orical reading. 430 pp. 12~0. ANew York, gentlemen. [anon.] xxi, 704 pp. 10 pl. 8~. A. S. Barnes 4 Co. 1849. s. NYewu York, Harpers, 1816..and Watson (J. Madison). The national Parnell (Thomas). Poetical works. 80. Edinfifth reader; containing a treatise on elocu- burgch, 1794. tion. 600 pp. 120. Newz York, -A. S. Barnes [Anderson's British poets. v. 7]. & Co. 1858. s. Parny (i variste Ddsir6 Des Forges vicolnte de). Parker (1IMrs. Rosa Abbott). Alexis the run- CEuvres. 5 v. 18~. Paris, Didot, 1808. away; or, afloat in the world. 216 pp. 4 pl. Parry (C. C.) Geology and botany. 160. Boston, Lee 4" Shgepcard, 1868. [Writh ExIORY (W. H.) Report on the U. S. and pMexican boundary survey. 1857-59]. - Jac of all trades. 229 pp. 4 pl. 160 - Systematic catalogue of plants of WisBoston, Lee I & Shepar d, 1837. consin, Iowa, and Minnesota. Parker (Samuel, bishop of Oxford). A free [With OWEN (D. D.) Report of a geological survey and impartial censure of the Platonick philos- of Wisconsin, etc. 1852]. phie; with an account of the Origenian hy- Parry (Rev. Edward). Memoirs of rear-adpothesis, concerning the preexistence of souls. miral Sir W. Edward Parry. xi, 403 pp. 2d ed. 6 p. 1. 242 pp. 120. Oxford, H 1Hall map.. pl. 80 London, Longman, 1857. 1667. Parry (Sir William Edward). Journal of a third Religion and loyalty. 8 p. 1. 608 pp. voyage for the discovery of a northwest pas120. London, Johsn Ba7>ker, 1684. sage in 1824-25, with appendix. 232 pp. 83. Parker, (W. B.) Notes taklen during the Philadelphia, H. C. Carey c& I. Le, 1826. expedition [of] Capt. R. B. Marcy through Parsons (lizct. George SamuelP...) Nellunlexplored Texas iln 1854. 242 pp. 12~. sonian reminiscences. 251 pp. 12~. Boston, Philadelphia, Hayes & Zell, 1856. Little & Brown, 1843. Parkes (Joseph). Memoirs.- of Sir Philip Parsons (John A.) A lecture on the human Francis, with correspondence and journals. body. 51 p. 8~. lezu York, C. Shepard Completed and edited by Herman Merivale. 4 Co. 1854. s. 2 v. xxxiii, 458 pp; viii, 566 pp. 2 portraits. ParSonS (Ier. Jonathan). The doctrile of 7 fac sim. 80. London, Longymans, 1867. justification by faith asserted and explained. Parkes (Samuel). Chemical catechism. xvii, 1 p. i. pp. 1-S. 180. Boston, Joseph Bay-t, 597 pp. 1 pl. 80. New York, Collins and 1748. Co. 1818. [Imperfect: title-page and pp. 1-4 wanting; also pp. 83 and following]. Parkinson (Sydney). Journal of a voyage to uneral se on the th of ev. the South Seas, in his majesty's ship, the 120. Londof,, George Whitefield. 35 pp. 12~. Lorcdo?7, Endeavour, [1768-71. Edited by Stanfield Janees Buckcla end, 1771. Parkinson]. xxiii, 212, 22 pp. 1 map. Parsons or Persons (Robert). The jesuit's 29 pl. 40 London, Richardson & Urqahart, memorial, for the intended reformation of 1773. Parkinson: (-Rev. Willia A 1773.jbilee sermon England, under their first popish prince. tParkinson (Bea. Whilliantr ). A juilee sermon, With an introduction, by Edward Gee. 2 p. 1. containing a history of the first baptist church lvipp. 81. 262pp. 12~. London,. Chisel, in the city of New York. 106 pp. 12c. Newt 690. York, J. Gray, 1846. NOTE.-The author's title simply " Memorial for Parkman (Francis). The jesuits in North the reformation of England. America in the seventeenth century. [Or,] Parsons (Sandford E.) The sawyer's comFrance and England in North America. Part panion; or, instructions for using and choosing 2. lxxxix, 463 pp. 1 map. 80. Boston, both long and circular saws. 46 pp. 120. Little, Brown &: Co. 1867. TIilkesbarre, (Va.) author, 1857. s. Parliamentary (The) guide. (For 1837). xvi, Parsons (Theophilus). Deus homo: God368 pp. 18~. London, A. I1. Baily 4" Co. man. viii, 455 pp. 8~. Chicago, E. B. Mlyers 1837. s. 4 Chandler, 1867. 308 PARSONS. PATRIOT. Parsons (Usher, M. D.) Boylston prize dis- Passerini (Carlo). Memoria sopra due specie sertations on: i. inflammation of the perios- d'insetti, nocivi uno alla vite (Procris asmpelteum; 2. eneuresis irritata; 3. cutaneous dis- opliaga), el altro alcavolo arboro. [lixus octolieases; 4. cancer of the breast; also, remarks neatus. Extract]. 15 pp. 1 pl. 80. [Firenze, on animal and vegetable decomposition. 248 1829.] s. pp. 8~. Boston, C. C. Little and J. Brown, Notizie sulla moltiplicazione in Firenze 1839. s. negli anni 1837-39, dell' uccello americano Partington (Charles Frederick, editor). The paroaria mccullata. 8 pp. 1 col. pl. fol. FiBritish cyclopaedia of natural history; corn-?renze, Pezzati, 1841. s. prising a scientific classification of animals, Osservaziomi sul baco danneggiatore plants and minerals. 3 v. 8~. London, Orr delle ulive, e sulla mosca in cui si transfornmsa. & Smith, 1835-37. s. [Extract]. 9 pp. 1 pl. 8o. Fircnze, Giorn. --- Printers' complete guide: [with a] sketch agnr. toscan. 1829. s. of the history and progress of printing. 96 Passetems (Le) agr6able; ou, nouveau choix pp. 2 plates. 80. London, Sherwood, Gil- de bon mots, avec des r6flections. Par M. J. bert, and Piper, 1825. D. R[ochefort? 3e 6d.] 2 v. in 1. 5 p.1. Parton (James). Famous Americans of recent 320 pp; 340 pp. 161. 2 pl. 180. Rottcrdanm, times. 473 pp. portrait. 8. Boston, Ticknor J. Hofhout, 1724. 4, Fields, 1867. Pastor (Tony, psezdon?). 201 Bowery songCONTENTS. ster. 72,pp. 240. New York, Dick & Fitzgerald, Astor; Beecher, and his church; Bennett, and the [1867]. New York herald; Theodosia Burr; Calhoun; Pastor's (The) wife; or, memoirs of [Mrs.] Clay; Stephen Girard, and his college; Charles Goodyear; John Randolph; commodore Vander- E[liza M. S[aunders. anon.] 198 pp. portrait. bilt; DanielWebster. t180. NAew York, Little, Rennie 5' Co. 1867. How New York city is governed. 48 Pater (Erra, pseudon.) See Prognostication pp. 160. Boston, Ticknor & Fields, 1866. (A) forever. Life and timesof Aaron Burr. Enlarged Paterculus (Caius Velleius). Quae supersunt ed. 2 v. xxii, 443 pp; xii, 431 pp. 2 pl. ex historiae romannae voluminibus duobus. 12~. NTew York, Mason bros. 1864. Ex recensione D. Rvhnkenii. Edidit C. H. Paruta (Filippo), and Agostini (Leonardo). Frotscher. clxxxiv, 290 pp. 8~. Lipsiae, Sicilia nvmismatica, additis Hvberti Goltzii C. H. F. Hartmann, 1830. s. aliorumque Sicilice descriptione, una cum in Paterno (Filippo de Jorio da). See Torio da nvmismata singula explicationibus; edita Paterno. studio Sigeberti Havercampi. AcceduIlt in- Paterson (Daniel). New and accurate detegrse Georgii Gvaltheri Sicilime, adjacentiumn scription of direct and principal cross-roads insvlarvm, atque Brvttiorvm tabvlee antiqvme, of Scotland. 6th ed. ii, 31 pp. 12~. London, una cum G. Gvaltberi animadversionibus. E. Power & Co. 1791. Ed. nova. 3 v. fol. Lvgdvni Batavorvm,, P. [Vith his New and accurate description of crossroads in England and Wales]. van der -Aa, 1723. New and accurate description of direct [NOTE.-This work forms v. 6-8 of Grnavius's The- and principal cross-roads in Ennland and saurus antiq. ct hist. Sicili' ]. Wales. 9theed. xxxvi,386 pp. 12~. Londoln, Paseo pintoresco por la isla de Cuba. [anon.]. 9th ed. xxxvi, 386 pp. 12. Londonan, 1792. 2 v. in 1. 290 pp; 47, 10 pp. 18 pl. obl. 24. T. Longan, 1792. aa S- Travelling dictionary; or, alphabetical.fabana, Soler y Ca. 1541-42.. table of distances of cities and towns in Great Pasqual (Giambatista). Dell' arte di vedere Britain from each other. 6th ed. 2p. 1. 216 nelle belle arti del disegno, secondo i principii pp. 12. London, T. Long 2an, 1792. di Sulzer e di Mengs. 167 )pp. 120. Venezia, i Sulzer di Mngs. 17 12. eneza, [With his New and accurate description of crossG. Pasquali, 1781. s. roads in England and Wales]. Pasquier (:tienne). Les recherches de la Paterson (Lieut. William). A narrative of four France. Augmentees en ceste dernieire 6di- journeys into the country of the Hottentots tion de trois liures entiers: Pour parler du and Caffraria, 1777-79. xii, 170 pp. 1 map. prince; Pour parler de la loy; Pour parler 17 pl. 4~0. London, J. Johnson, 1780. d'Alexandre. 12 p. 1. 1017 pp. 38 1. 1 pl. Patriot (The) preachers of the American revofol. Paris, L. Sonnius, 1621. lution, with biographical sketches. [Ed. by Pasquin (Anthony, pseuzdon.) See Williams Frank Moore.] 1766-1783. 368 pp. 120~. (John). [New York], 1860. 309 PATRIOTISM. PEABODY. Patriotism at home; or, the young invincibles. anhang itber die anwendung der neueren geBy the author of "Fred. Freeland." [anon.] ometrie auf optik, [etc.] xii, 364 pp. 80~. 320 pp. 180. Boston, TV. V. Spencer, 1866. Stuttgart, W. Paulus, 1853. s. Patten (George W. U. S. A.) Voices of the [Wanting atlas, 10 pl. 40.] border. 361 pp. 120. NAew York, Hurd & Paulus diaconus, or Paul Warnefrid, of Aqui7Hougltozn, 1867. leia. Historia de gestis Longobardorum. 40~. Patterson (Robert, of Belfast). Introduction Augustce Vindelicorunm, 1615. s. to zoology. With illustrations. 2 pts. in 1 v. [ ith JORNANDES. De rebus Gothorum. 1615]. viii, 476 pp. 120. London, Simms & I'Intyre, Paulus (Heinrich Eberhard Gottlob). Col1849. lectanea de vita B. de Spinoza. [With SPINOZA (B. de). Opera omnia, 1802-03. v. 2. Patterson (Robert, reporter). The reporter's pp. 591-680.] assistant; an exposition of the reporting style Paulus, silentiarius. Beschreibung der heiligen of phonography. 52 pp. 180. Philadel~phia, Sophia, etc. E. TFebster, 1849. S. I With SALZENBERG (IW.) Altchristliche baudenkPattilo (Henry). Sermons, etc. 296pp. 180. male, etc. 1854]. WTilminton, J. Adams, 1788. Pauquet frlres (-). Modes et costumes Pattison (William). Poetical works. 8~. Ed- historiques. 2 p. 1. 4 pp. 96 pl. col. 40 inburgh, 1794. Paris, Pauquetfrs&res, [1864]. [Anderson's Brit. poets, v. S]. Pausanias. An extract out of Pausanias, of [Andlerson's Brit. poets, v. t]. Paul Venner; or, the forge and the pulpit. the statues, pictures, and temples in Greece. [anon.] 371 pp. 16~. New York, Am. trct. 251pp. 8. London, W. Shropshire B. Dod, soc. 1867. 1758. Paulding (James Kirke). The Bulls and the Pause. See Plantavit de la Pause (Jean). Jonathans; comprising John Bull and brother Pauw (Corneille de). (Euvres philosophiques. Jonathan, and John Bull in America. Edited 7 v. 8~. Paris, Bastien, 1795. by W. I. Paulding. 378 pp. 120. New York, CONTENTS. C. Scribner & Co. 1867. v. 1-3. Recherches philosophiques sur les Am6ricains. v. 4-5. Sur les VIgyptiens et les Chinois. The old continental; or, the price of lib- v. 6-7. Recherches philosophiques sur les Grecs. erty. [anon.] 2d ed. 2 v. in 1. 191 pp; 192 Pavie (Theodore), and Bertrand (Franvois pp. 120. New York, Cady 4- Burgess, 1851. Marie). Chrestomathie hindoustani. (Urdi Tales of the good woman. By a doubt- et dakhui). 2 p. 1. 108 pp. 64 1. 80. Paris, ful gentleman. Edited by W. I. Paulding. 402 Dondey-Dupr, 1847. s. pp. 12~. zesw York, C. Scribner & Co. 1867. Paykull (Gustaf von). Fauna suecica. Insecta. Paulding (William Irving). Literary life of [Coleoptera]. 3 v. in 1. 80. Upsaliae, EdJames K. Paulding. 397 pp. 120. New York, man, [1798]-1800. s. C. Scribner & Co. 1867. Payne (C. Manuel). M6xico y sus cuestiones Paulian ( Aim6 Henri). La physique'i la financieras con la Inglaterra, la Espanfa y la portde de tout le monde. 2 v. 416 pp; 415 Francia. vi, 346, 151 pp. 8~. Meiico, I. pp. 1 pl. 80. Nismes, J. Gande & Co. 1790-91. Cumplido, 1862. s. Paulin (chev. G.) Theorie sur l'extinction des Payne (William, teacher). Introduction to the incendies; on, nouveau manuel du sapeur- game of draughts. 4 p. 1. 67 pp. 80. London, pompier, etc. Pr6c6d6 de l'historique du corps T. Payne, 1756. des sapeurs-pompiers de Paris. xiv, 350 pp. Payne and Foss. A catalogue of books in I table. 180. Paris, Bachelier, 1837. s. various languages, on sale. 328 pp. 80. LonPaulmy (Marc Antoine Ren6 de Voyer d'Ar- don, 1848. s. genson, marquis de). Choix de petits romans Payva (Jacob). De societatis Jesv origine de diffirens genres. [anon.] 2 v. 2 p.1. 299 libellvs. 40 1. 180. Lovanii, Rutgerus Velpp; 256 pp. 240. Paris, Gattey, 1789. pinus, 1566. CONTTEN-TS. [ With RUTILIUS (J.) Epistoloe indict. Lovanii, 1566]. v. 1. Histoire admirable du Juif errant, ou le roman Peabody (Rev. Andrew P.) Christian conde l'histoire universelle moderne; Histoire solations. Sermons designed to furnish coll'Odin. v. 2. Les amours d'Aspasie de Milet; Les exil6s de fort and strength to the afflicted. 5th ed. viii, la cour d'Auguste. 438 pp. 120. Boston, Am,. unit. assoc. 1867. Paulus (Christoph). Grundlinien der neuern - ~ Conversation; its faults and its graces. ebenen geometrie, mit einer sarmnlung von New ed. 152 pp. 12~. Boston, TV. H. Dennet mehr als 1,000 erlauterten aufgaben, einem 1867. 310 PEABODY. PEIRCE. Peabody (Rev. Andrew P.) Lectures on pp. pl. 21-39. 8~ Bruxelies, socite' typochristian doctrine. New ed. 263 pp. 120. graphique beige, 1838. s. Boston, Munroe ~4 Co. 1857. The same. 4e 6d. revue et augmentde. Peabody (Ephraim, D. D.) An address, de- 2 v. textc. vii, 719 pp; 688 pp. Atlas, 49 pl. livered at the centennial celebration in Wilton, obl. 80. Paris, L. Hachette 4' Cie. 1847. N. H. Sept. 25, 1839, with an appendix. 103 s. pp. 80. Bostonz, B. H. Greene, 1839. Pedroni fils (prof. de chimie). L'art du soufPeacock (Lucy). Visit for a week; or, hints fleur ia la lampe et an chalumeau. 294 pp. on the improvement of time. [anon.] 2 p.. 3 pl. 180. Paris, Ioret, 1849. s. 275 pp. 1 pI. 160. Philadelphia, Ormrod Peet (Harvey P.) Address delivered in com& Conr adl, 1796. mons hall at Raleigh on the occasion of layPeard (W. -i. D.) A year of liberty; or, ing the corner stone of the North Carolina salmon angling in Irelanld, firom February 1 institution for the instruction of the deaf and to November 1. xii, 300 pp. 120. London, dumb. 47 pp. 80. New York, institution, H. Cox, 1867. 1848. s. Pearsall (Rev. Richard). Contemplations on Pegolotti or Balducci-Pegolotti (Franthe ocean, harvest, sickness, and the last judg- cesco). Notices of the land route to Cathay, ment. iv, 211 pp. 1 pI. 160. London, J. Os- and of Asiatic trade in the first half of the vald, 1753. 14th century. 28 pp. Pearson (MIrs. Emily C.) Prince Paul: thle [ WithYULE (Henry). Cathay, etc. v. 2. pp. 279-308]. fieedman soldier. 359 pp. 2 pl. 160. Boston, Pegorier(C6sar). Th6ologie chr6tienne, qu'on Mass. S. S. soc. [1867]. explique en forme dentretiens, pour la rendre Pearson (John, D. D. bishop of Chester). An- plus claire et plus sensible. 2e 6d. 2 p. 1. 572 nales paulini. 22 pp. 8~. Oxford, 1825. pp. 40 Amsterdam, L'Honore 4 Chatelaiz, 1726. [With RANDOLPH (John, bishop of London). Enchiridion theologicum. v. 1]. Peignot (]tienne Gabriel). Abr6g6 de l'hisPearson (John, F. R. S.) Life of William toire de France, etc. 2 v. lxiv, 432; xxx, 120 Hey, F. R. S. New ed. 2 v. xciv, 200 pp; pp. 80~. Paris, A. -A. Renouard, etc. 1819. viii, 296 pp. 1 pl. 120. London, Seeley & -- Les bourguignons salds: diverses conBurnside, 1827. jectures des savans sur l'origine de cc dicton Peck (Rev. Francis). A complete catalogue of populaire, avec des notes. 43 pp. 80. Dijon, all the discourses written, both for and against V. Lagier, 1835. popery, in the time of king James ii. 3 p. 1. Choix de testamens anciens et modernes, 61 pp. 4~. London, A. Dodd, 1835. remarquables par leur importance, leur singuPeck (John M.) A new guide to the west: larit6, ou leur bizarrerie; avec des d6tails hiscontaining sketches of Ohio, Michigan, Indi- toriques et des notes. 2 v. in 1. xxiv, 431; ana, Illinois, Missouri, Arlkansas, Wisconsin 496 pp. 80. Paris, Benonard, 1829. and Iowa. 351 pp. 18~. Ciincinnati, D. Essai analytique sur l'origine de la Anderson, 1848. langue frangaise, et sur un recueil de monuPeck (William Henry). The M'Donalds; or, mens authentiques de cette langue, class6s the ashes of southern homes: a tale of Sher- chronologiquement depuis le 9e sieclejusqu' man's march. 192 pp. 120. Nlew York, au 17e, avec des notes historiques, [etc]. 8~. MIetropolitanl record office, 1867. Dijon, etc. V. Lagier, 1835. Peckston (Thomas S.) Theory and practice - Essai historique sur la libert6 d'6crire of gas lighting. 2d ed. xii, 444 pp. 8~. chez les anciens et au moyen i1ge, sur la London, T. & G. Un17derwood, 1823. libert6 de la presse depuisle 15e sidcle, et sur Peclet (Jean Claude Eugene). Traitd de la les moyens de repression Clout ces libertgs ont chaleur conside6r6e dans ses applications. 2e 6t6 lfobjet dans tons les temps; et une chro6d. texte. 2 v. 80. ii, 456pp; 483pp. Atlas, nologie des lois sur la presse de 1789 a 1831. 122 pl. 40. Paris, L. Hachette, 1843. s. xiii, 218 pp. 80. Paris, Crapelet, 1832. s. Nouveaux documents relatifs au chauf- -- Ml1anges littdraires, philologiques ct fagoe et it la ventilation des 6tablissements bibliographiques, etc. xvi, 167 pp. 1 pl. 8~. publics. 2 p. 1. 175 pp. 40~. Pais, L. Hach- Paris, A. A. Benozcarsd, 1818. s. ette & Cie. 1853. s. Peirce (Benjamin). An elementary treatise Traite 616mentaire de physique. 4 6ed. on plane and solid geometry. xix, 150 pp. entirement refondu. 2 v. 4'24 pp. 20 pl; 404 6 pl. 12~. Boston, WV. H. Dennet, 1867. .311 PEIRCE. PENN. Peirce (Benjamin). Tables of the moon. 356 elusion of prophecy. 8 p. 1. 144 pp. 240. pp. 40~. Cambridge, (Mass.) Metcalf & Co. Alexandria, (D. C.) J. A. Stewart, 1814. 1853. s. Penn (Williaml). A collection of [his] works. Peirce (William Leigh). The year: a poem. [With] a journal of his life. 2 v. 4 p. 1. 911 191, 75 pp. 180. New York, D. Longworth, pp; 2 p. 1. 916 pp. fol. London, assigns of 1813. J. Sowle, 1726. Peirce. See, also, Pierce. CONTENTS. Pell (Ferris). A review of the administration v. 1. Life. With tryal, travails into Holland and Gerand civil police of the state of New York. many, letters, petitions and speeches. Truth exalted. 1668. 1807-19. 184 pp. 80. New York, E. Conrad, The sandy foundation sh. 16681668. 1819. Innocency with her open face. 1668. No cross, no crown. 1668. Pelletan (Pierre). Dictionnaire de chimie Letter of love to the young convinced. 1669. g6e~rale et mdicale. 2 av. xvi, 464 pp; 684 Liberty of conscience debated and defended. 1670. Seasonable caveat against popery. 1670. pp. 2 pl. 80. Paris, Bachelier, 1822-24. Truth rescued from imposture. 1670. Christian quaker and his divine testimony. 1673. Pellico (Silvio). My prisons: memoirs of Discourse of the general rule of faith and pracSilvio Pellico. [With a preface by Epes Sar- tice. 1673. Letter to the council and senate of Embdlen. 1674. gent]. xxv, 307 pp. 110. Boston, Roberts Treatise of oaths. 1675. bros. 1868. England's present interest considered. 1675. Saul smitten to the ground. 1675. Pelloutier (Simon). Histoire des Celtes, et Address to protestants of all perswasions. 1679. Some fruits of solitude. 1693. particulihrement des Glaulois et des Germains, Account of the rise and progress of the quakers. depuis les tems fabuleux, jusqu'ai la prise de 1694. Advice to his children. 1699. Rome par les Gaulois. 2 v. 22 p.l. 574 pp; v. 2. Controversial: Guide mistaken, and temporizing G p. l. 418 pp. 16~. Lcaaye, J. Beauregard, rebuked. 1668. Serious apology for the principles and practices 1750. of the quakers. 1671. Spirit of truth vindicated. 1672. Pe lmberton (Rev. Ebenezer). Thedivine ori- New witnesses prov'd old hereticks. 1672. ginal and dignity of government asserted. Plain dealing with a traducing anabaptist. 1672. The proposed comprehension. 1672. [Election] sermon, May 31, 1710. 106 pp. The spirit of Alexander the coppersmith justly 180. Boston, B. Green, 1710. rebuked. 1673. Judas and the Jews combin'd against Christ and Pemberton (Henry). Observations on poetry, his followers. 1673. o Quakerism a new nickname for old christianity. especially the epic; occasioned by the ]ate 1673. poem [of R. Clover] upon Leonias. xii, Invalidity of J. Faldo's vindication of his book call'd Quakerism no christianity. 1673. 167 pp. 160. London, H. TWoodfall, 1738. Wisdom justified of her children. 1673. Pemberton (Robert). The natural method Reason against railing, and truth against fiction. 1673. of teaching the elements of grammar. viii, Counterfeit christian detected and the real quaker justified. 1674. 120 pp. 160. London, B. Pemberton, 1851. Just rebuke to one and twenty divines. 1674. s. Urim and Thumnlim. 1674. IfNakecl truth needs no shift. 1674. The natural method of teaching the tecsh- A return to J. Faldo's reply. 1674. nical language of anatomy, [etc.] xi, 163 pp. Skirmisher defeated and truth defendedl. 1676. Brief answer to a libel, call'd The quaker's opin160. London, author, 1852. s. ions. 1678. Pemberton (Thomas). n historical jouBrief examination, and state of liberty spiritual. 1678. of the American war. [anon.] 206 pp. 80. Defence of the duke of Buckingham's book of Bolston, Joselh Belknap, 1795. religion and worship. 1684. Animadversions on the apology of the clamorous [Mass. hist. society collections, v. 2]. squile. 1684. The new Athenians, no noble Bereans. 1692. Peilalver (Juan). Panlexico, v. 1; diccionario Reply to W. Penn's key. 1695. Defence of a paper, entitled Gospel truths. 1698. universal de la lengua castellana. 802, 42 Doctrinal: Just measures. 1692. pp. fol. Mfacdr id, J. Boix4, 1842..A key, how to distinguish the religion professed by the quakers from the perversions of their Pencil (Mark). [pseudon.] See White Sul- adversaries. 1692. Visitation to the Jews. 1695. phur papers. Primitive christianity reviv'd. 1695. Penington (Mary). Brief accounts of my ex- Testimony to the truth of God. 1698. Political: England's great interest in tise choice ercises from my childhood; left with my dear of a new parliament. 1.679. daughter, Gulielina Maria Penn. 39 pp. 80. One project for the good of England, that is, our civil union is our civil safety. 1679. Philadelphia, 1848. A perswasive to moderation to church-dissenters, enn (G vill). A hristia's srvey of all in prudence and good conscience. 1686. Pelnnl (Glranville). A christian's survey of all Good advice to the church of England; etc. their the primary events and periods of the world, duty, principle, and interest to abolish the penal laws and tests. 1687. firom the commencement of history to the con- General description of Pennsylvania. 1683. PENN. PENNSYLVANIA. Penn (William). An account of' [his] travels Pennant (Thomas).'~. British zoology. 4 v. in Holland and Germany, in 1677, for the 80. London, B. White, 1776-77. service of the gospel of Christ. 3d ed. 5 p. 1. 240 pp. 16~. London, J. SSowle, 1714. CONTENTS. v. 1. Quadrupeds, Birds. xxxii; 418 pp. 59 pl. A brief account of the rise and progress v. 2. Water-fowl. pp. 419-786. pl. 60, 103, 9. of the people called quakers. 3 p. 1. 88 pp. V. 3. Reptiles, Fish. 425 pp. 73 pi. v. 3. Crustacea, Mollusca, testacea. 154 pp. 93 pl. 120. Wilmington, (Del.) James Adams, 1783. [Note.-With generaltitle-page: Three treatises, etc. ~ Genera of birds. 3 p. 1. xxv, 70 pp. 16 the first by WV. Penn]. A brief answer to a false and foolish Pennsylvania. Annual report of tlle adjutant libel called The quakers' opinions. By W. P. general for 1866. 8~. Hac'?isburff, } 1 87. Canon.] 26 pp. sin. 4~. [i. p.] 1678. 0. n p sn nBrief view of the accounts of the treasury of Pennsylvania, from the commencement of with honour to the prince and safety to the the revolution to the 1st October the revolution to the lst October, 1781. 237 people. 2p.1. 62pp. sm. 40. London, 1675. 80. Philadel. ______ p.8 Ppp lC.delp7?/za, Ec611 & Sellersp 178.. A further account of the province of PP a t provJournal of the house of representatives, Pennsylvania and its improvemellts. 20 pp. 1867. 8. risbur, igel Mes, sm. 40. [n. p. 1685? ] 1867. 8~. Harrisburg, Singerly & Myers, sm. 40. n. p. 1685?] [Imperfect; title page wanting; p. 20 imp.] 1867. A key, opening the way to every ca- u Journal of thle senate, 1867. 3. fclrrispacity: how to distinguish the religion pro- 1867. fessed by the people called quakers, from the Miscellaneous documents, 1867. 2 v. 80 Harrisburg, Singerly 4 Myers 1867. perversions and misrepresentations of theirers, 186 adversaries. 15th ed. 6 p. 1. 48 pp. 160. Minutes of the convention of the conLondon, T. S. alton L. Hnde 1748. onwealth of Pennsylvania, which comLondon, T. S. _Rcylton c L. I~inde, 1748. Plain-dealin with a traducing *anap- menced 24th Nov. 1789, for the purpose Plain-dealing with a traducing anabap0 1..,. of' reviewing, altering, and amiending the tist; or, three letters writ upon occasion of' of' reviewing, altering and amending the constitution of this state. 222 pp. fol. Philsome slanderous reflections, given and promoted against VWilliam Penn by one John acelphia, Zechariah Poulson, jr. 1789. gn- W eThe same. Minutes of the grand comMolrse. ByW. P. [Canon.] 19 pp. sln. 4~. Morse. By W. P. [ano.] 19 pp. sin. 40 mittee of the convention, 24th Nov. 1789. 101 [n.p.] 1672. Proposals for a second settlement in the pp. fol. Ph7iladelphia, Z. Poulson, jr. 1789. province of Pennsylvania. 1 l. broadside. i Revised report made to the legislature, *40 TLomsdon, Andresn s owla, 1690. relative to the soldiers' national cemetery at 40. London Adrew owle 16. Gettysbur, embracing an account of the A serious apology for the principles, etc. r ea,.of the quakers. See Whitehead (George) origin of the uncdertaking; address of hon. ao thde quakers. See Whitehead George), E. Everett, -with the dedicatory speech of and Penn.._______.~~ pres. Lincoln, and maj. gen. O. O. Howard, --- The spirit of truth vindicated against n thapt of error and envy, in a lated aliious delivered July 4, 1866, upon the dedication that of error and envy, in a late malicious 2 m libel, intituled, The spirit of the quakers tryed,. etc. By W. P. [anonl.] 138 pp. sl. 4 HaTrisburg, Singerly and Myers, 1867. [nc. py. 167.2. 1 sReports of the heads of departments Pennant (Thomas). Arctic zoology. o v4. [executive documents] for 1866. 2 v. 8~. Londonz H. Hughs, 1784-85. s. arrisbgl, ingerly f yer, 1867. Lo n - HReports of the several railroad and canal CONTENTS. companies for 1866. 8~. Harrisburg, Singerly v. 1. Quadrupeds. 5 p. 1. cc pp. 3 1. 185 pp. 9 pl. & Myers, 1867. v. 2. Birds. pp. 185-586. 7 l. p1. 9-23. Reports of the superintendent of common - The same. Thiergeschichte der nord- schools for 1855-59, 1862, 1865-67. 9 v. 80. lichen polarlander. Aus dem Englischen, mit Harrisburg, 1856-68. anmerkungen und zusittzen durch E. A. W. Pennsylvania free society of traders. The von Zimmermann. 2 v. 40. Leipzig, S. L. articles, settlement, and offices of the free Crusius, 1787. S. society of traders in Pennsilvania. 8 1. unp. CONTENTS. fol. London, Benjamin Clark, 1682. v. 1. Einleitung und die naturgeschichte der vierflis- Pennsylvania hlospital. Catalogue of' the sig~en thiere. 7 p. 1. 2t5b, 180 pp. 9pl. medical library. [ByW. G. Malin.] xvi, 324 v. 2. Naturgeschichte der vSogel. pp. 181-568. p1. 9-23. pp. 80. Philadelphlia, T. A. Conracl, 1829. s. 313 PENNSYLVANIA. PERIERS. Pennsylvania hospital. Catalogue raisonn6 map. 80. XNew Haven, Osborn 4' Baldwin, of the medical library. By Emil Fischer. 1842. s. xxvii, 750 pp. 80. Philadelphia, T. K.. & Additions to System of universal geograP. G. Collins, 1857. s. phy. See MIalte-Brun (M. C.) Universal Continuation of account from the 1st of geography. Boston, 1834. May, 1754, to 5th of May, 1761. pp. 41 to Percy (Henry Algernon, 5th earl of _Northum77. 4~. Philadelphia, B.'Firanklin & D. HUall, berland). The regulations and establishment 1761. of the household [at Weasill and Lekinfleld, Reports of the Pennsylvania hospital. begun 1512. Edited by Thomas Percy. 2d ed. ] v. I. 420 pp. 3 pl. 80. Philadelphia, Lindsay xxvi, x, 464 pp. 21. 8~. London, Pickering, 4 Blakiston, [1868]. 1827. Pennsylvania railroad guide. 40 pp. 1 map. Percy (Thomas, bishop of Dromore). Folio 8~. Philadelphia, T. & P. Collins, 1855. s. manuscript [of the Reliques of ancient EngPennsylvania state library. Catalogue. xii, lish poetry]. Ballads and romances. Edited 168 pp. 8~. Har.risblrg, E. Guyer, 1839. s. by J. W. Hales and F. J. Furnivall. v. 1 and - The same. Catalogue of miscellaneous v. 2, part 1. viii, 519 pp; xxxi, 264 pp. 8~. books. xvi, 124 pp. 18~. fHarrisburg, lRoyal London, Triibner, 1867. & Schroyer, 1853. s. - The same. Loose and humorous songs. Pennsylvania, University of. Catalogue of Edited by J. W. Hales and F. J. Furnivall. books belonging to the library of the upni- viii, 120 pp. 80. London, Triibne;r 1867. versity of Pennsylvania. 83. Philadelphia, - A key to the New Testament, giving an 1829. account of the several books, their contents, Penrose (Mrs. Elizabeth Cartwright). History authors, and times, places, and occasions on of France, to the reign of Louis Philippe. By which they were written. 148 pp. 160. BcalMrs. Markham. [psendon. ] Ed. by J. Abbott. timore, E. J. Coale & Co. 1822. 629 pp. 1 pl. 1 map. 120. Nrew York, Harpers, Miscellaneous pieces relating to the Chi1848. a. nese. [anon.] 2 v. 10 p. 1. 232 pp; 248 pp. Penrose (Thomas). Poems. viii, 120 pp. 160. 180. London, B. & J. Dodsley, 1762. Duablin, TV. & H.. hitestone, etc. 1782. Perefxle (Hardouin de Beaumont de, abp. of Pepe (Guglielmo). M6moires, sur les princi- Parls). The history of Henry iv; surnamed paux 6vhnements politiques et nmilitaires de the great, king of France and Navarre. Made l'Italie moderne. 3 v. 80. Paris, D'zAmyot, English by J. D. 8 p. 1. 400 pp. 16~. Lon1847. don,, J. Cottrel, 1663. Pepper (John Henry). Playbook of metals. Pereira (Gomez). Antoniana margarita; opvs viii, 504 pp. 1 p. 1 pl20. 12~. London,, Routledge, nempe physicis, medicis ac theologis non 1861. s. minvs vtile qvam necessarivm. 161. 40. MeScientific amusemeints for young people. thymnce Campi, G. de Millis, 1554. 149 pp. 120. Philadelphia, 1863. ~ Obiectiones Michahlis a Palacios aduerssus n'nulla ex multiplicibus paradoxis Anto[With PETERSON (R. E.) Familiar science. 2 sus a ex mtipicibs paradoxis Ato1863]. nianTe margaritme, et apologia eorundem. 181. Pepys (lady Charlotte Maria). A journey on a 40. M ethyiance Campi, G. de Millis, 1555. plank from Kiev to Eaux-Bonnes, 1859. 2 v. [ Writh the preceding]. x, 299 pp; v, 271 pp. 2 pl. 120. London, Perez de Ribas (Andres). Historia de los Hffurst +4 Blackett, 1860. trivmphos de nvestra santa fee entre gentes Pe'rault (Guillaurme). See Perra-llt. las mas barbaras y fieras del nuevo orbe: conPerce (Elbert). The battle roll: an encyclo- sequidos por los soldados de-la milicia de la pedia containing descriptions of the most fa- compahia de Jesvs en las missiones de la mous and memorable land battles and sieges prouincia de Nueua-Espaila. 20 p.1. 763 pp. in all ages. 752 pp. 24 pl. 8~. NXewv Yorlk, fol. Madrid, ZAlso de Paredes, 1645. Mason bros. 1858. Perfect ( WilliamL, M.D. ) Poetic effusions; Percheronl (Achille Remni), and Gue'rin- pastoral, moral, amatory, and descriptive. 2 Mbeneville (F. E.) Genera des insectes. p. 1. 160 pp. 160. London, A. Milne, [ With LTFEBVRE (C. T.) Voyage en Abyssinie, 1796. v. 6J. Perier (Fran9ois). See Perrier. Percival (James Gates). Report on the ge- Periers (Bonaventure des). See Desperiers ology of the state of Connecticut. 495 pp. 1 (Bonaventure). 40 314 PERITSOL. PERSEPOLIS. Peritsol, Parisol, or Farissol (Abraham). Itin- Rendered into English, by J. Ozell. 2 v. era mundi, sic dicta, nempe cosmographia. 14 p.. 221 pp. 12~0. London, B. Lintott, Latina versione donavit et notas passim ad- 1704-5. jecit Thomas Hyde. 8 p. 1. 196pp. sin. 40. Perrault (Guillaume). Summe, sen tractatus Oxonii, H. Bonwick, 1691. de viciis. 40. [Basileae, 1475?] Perkins (Charles Callahan). Tuscan sculptors: Perrey (Alexis). Bibliographie s6ismique. Catheir lives, works, and times. With illustra- talogue de livres, m6moires et notes sur les tions. 2 v. lvi, 267 pp. 39 pl; vii, 267 pp. 6 pl. tremblements de terre et les phdnomenes vol4~. London, Lon^gmans, 1864. caniques. 183, 161, 70 pp. 80. Dijon, naPerkins (C. II.), and Stowe (J. G.) A new bzuttt, 1855-65. guide to the sheet iron and boiler plate roller: i Note sur les tremblements de terre en a series of tables showing the weight of slabs 1858, [et] eon 1863-[64]; avec supplments and piles to produce boiler plates, sheet iron, pour les ann6es ant6rieures, 1843-63. [Exetc. 2, 27l. obl. 240. Philadelphia, H. C. tracts.] 3 v. 80. Bruxelles, Acad. royale de Baird, 1867. Belgique, 1861-66. S. Perkins (Frederic B.) The picture and the Perrier or Perier (Francois). Icones et segmen; being biographical sketches of president menta nobilium signorum et statuarum quae Lincoln and his cabinet; with account of the Romae extant, delineata atque in aere incisa, artist, F. B. Carpenter, author of the paint- anno 1638-53. 2 p. 1. 100 pl. fol. [Romce, n. d. ing, The first reading of the emancipation about 1653]. proclamation; with a key to the picture. 190 [Imperfect; title page wanting]. pp. 160. New York, A. J. Johnson, 1867. Perrin (James). An English-Kafir dictionary Perkins (George R.) Elements of geometry, of theZulu-Iafir language. 225 pp. 240. with practical applications. iv, 308 pp. 120. Pietermnaritzburg, Church of E ngland missions, Utica, H. H. Hacwley & Co. 1847. s. 1855. s. Perkins (James Handasyd). Annals of the Perrot (Antoine Marie.) Manuel du graveur; west; account of the principal events from the ou, traite complet de l'art de la gravure en tons discovery of the Mississippi to 1845. xx, 591 genres. 255 pp. 1 tab. 4 pl. 180. Paris, Boret, pp. 8~. Cincinnati, James R. 1Albach, 1846. 1830. s. Perkins (Rev. William). Workes. Newly cor- - N_ ouveau manuel complet du graveur. rected. v. 1. vi, 779 pp. fol. London, Iohn Le- Nouv. 6d. augment6e par F. Malepeyre. x, gatt, 1612. 289pp. 1 tab. 4 pl. 16~. Paris, Roet, 1844. s. Pernety (Antoine Joseph). Histoire d'un voyPerrot (Claudius). Der priesteramts-kandiage aux isles Malouines, fait en 1763 et 1764; dt. Yertrauliche.ittheilungen an die - avec des observations sur le d6troit de Magel-. enan riker des weltpriester und ordenstanles. 415 Ian, et sur les Patagons. Nouv. 6d. 2 v. 8S. pp. 1 pl. 12~. Einsieleln P Nrewu York, BenParis, Saillant & ATyon, 1770. The same. The history of a voyage to er ros. 1867. Perry (Capt. David, of Chelsea, Vt.) lecolthe Malouine [or, Falkland] islands, made iections of an old soldier. 55 pp. 16~. Windin 1763-4, under M. de Bougainville, to form a settlement there; and of two voyages to the sor9, (Vt.) 1822. streights of Magellan. Translated from the Perry (George). Conchology; or, the natural F d p. 1..xvii,294pp.maps. history of shells. 4 pp. 62 1. 61 col. pl. fol. ]rench. 2ded. 2p. 1. xvii, 294 pp. 5maps. London W. ller 1811.. 11 p1. 4~. London, iV. Goldsmith, 1773. 11 p(co).. LondCorn ucopia: sie omm177 n- Perry (John). The new London gleaner. 2 v...Perotti (Niccolo'). Cor.ucopia: sive commen 456 pp; 443 pp. 14 pl. 80. London, J. Cundee, tarii [super Martialis epigrammata, et super] 1809 linguam latinam. 48 p. 1. 634 pp. 1 1. fol. 1l~cliolccni, Nico@aus 7ol~o~z~oln, *r _T - 7 < The newv magazine of choice pieces: or, Mediolani, Nicolaus Gorgonzola, 1507. 2v. 448 pp 438 pp. p. Perrault (Charles). Les hommes illustres qui literary museumo.n v. 448 pp; 438 pp. 16 pl. ont paru enFrance pendant ce si6cle; avecleurs., J. Cundee, [1810]. portraits au naturel. 2 v. in 1. 5 p. 1. 102 [Imperfect: 2 pl. wanting]. pp. 53 pl; 102 pp. 51 pi. fol. Pae'is, A. Dezal- Persepolis illustrata: or, the ancient and royal allies, 1696-1700. s. palace destroyed by Alexander the great, The same. Characters, historical and illustrated and described, in 21 copper-plates. panegyrical, of the greatest men that have 1 p. 1. 8 pp. 19 pl. fol. London, S. Harding, appeared in France during the last century. 1739. 315 PERSHING. PETERSON. Pershing (D. R.) A digest of the laws and Peters (Absalom, D. D.) Life and time; a decisions of the grand lodge of Indiana I. 0. birth-day memorial of seventy years. [A of G. T. Also decisions of the R. AV. G. L. poem, with personal reminiscences]. 80 pp. with funeral ceremonies, [etc.] 55 pp. 24~. sq. 16~0. New York, Sheldon & Co. 1866. Philadelphia, " Good temsplar" oqice, 1867. Peters (Christian August Friedrich). Uber Persius (Friedrich Ludwig). Architektonische die einige bewegung des Sirius. 31 pp. 40~. entwtirfe fiir den unterbau vorhandener ge- KUnigsberg, E. J. Dalkowski, 1851. s. b/ude. 8 pp. 24 pl. fol. Potsdams, F. Riegel, Peters (Rev. Hugh). Tales and jests. [W5Tith] 1849. a. a short account of his life. 51 pp. 1 pl. 80~. Persius Flaccus (Aulus). Satirae. See Juvena- London, J. Caculfield, 1807. lis (Decimus Junius), and Persius Flaccus. Peters (John C. Ml. D.) Notes on the origin, Persoz (Jean Frannois). Introduction a l'6tude nature, prevention, and treatment of Asiatic de la chimie moleculaire. 894 pp. 7 tab. 8~. cholera. 2d ed. 200 pp. 120. _New v ork, Paris, J. B. Bailii&re, 1839. s. D. Van sTostrand, 1867. Peschel(Carl Friedrich). Die kriegsbaukunst Peters (John R. jr.) Miscellaneous remarks im felde. 2e aufl. Von Otto Andr6e. xxxvi, upon the governments, history, religions, lit795 pp. 12 pl. 80. Leipzig, XArnold, 1855. s. erature, arts, etc. of the Chinese, as suggested Pesson-Maisonneuve (.) Nouveau man- by an examination of the articles comprising uel complet du pecheur franuais. Nouv. 6d. the Chinese museum in the Marlboro' chapel, Par [l'abb6 R.]Moriceau. xvii, 354 pp. 32 pl. Boston. 8, 182 pp. 8~. Boston?, Eastbern, 180. Paris, Rolret, [1847]. s. 1845. s. Petau (Denis). De doctrina temporum. Ac- Peters (Richard). Agricultural enquiries on cesserunt notr et emendationes quamplurimMe, plaister of Paris. 109 pp. 80. Philadelphia, quas codici propria mann auctor adscripsit, C. Cist 4j J.'Markland, 1797. et J. Harduini proefatio ac dissertatio de lxx The same. [With a fac simile of Washhebdomadibus. 3 v. fol. Ve*netiis, B. Baron- ington's handwriting and a sketch of his chelli, 1757. s. character. 2d ed.] xvi, 129, ix pp. 8~. Petavius (Dionysius). See Petau (Denis). Philadelphia, Jane Aitken, 1810. Peter (Joseph). Flammen der liebe: ein [Witih PHILAD)ELrIIA society for promoting agriculture. Mlemoirs. v.r ]. katholisches gebetbuch zur verebrung des gottlichen herzens Jesu beim besuchle des - A statistical account of the Schuylkill heiligsten altarssakramentes. 349 pp. 480. permanent bridge, communicated to the PhilNew YPor}k, CB. c&. NV. Beneig6erJ 18G6. adelphia society of agriculture, 1806. [anonz.] Peter (Robert). Chemical analysis, etc. 84 pp. 1 pl. 8p. Philcaelphic, J. Aitken, [With OWEN (D. D.) Second report on the geology of 1807. S. Arkansas]. [With SAIEATON (J.) Experimental enquiry, ete]. - Chemical reports. Peters (1lev. Samuel,or Samuel Andrew, LL.D.) L With OWEN (D. D.) Reports of the geological survey of Kentucky. V. 1, 2,:3, 4]. History of Rev. Hugh Peters. vi, 155 pp. Peterborough (Benedict, abbot of). Gesta 120. NYew Y ork-, 1807. regis Henrici secundi. The chronicle of the Peters (Wilhelm C. H.) Uber die stiugethierreigns of Henry ii, and Richard i. A. D. 1169- gattung Solenodon. (Extract). 22 pp. 3pl. 40~. 1192. Edited from the Cotton Mss. by W. Berlis, -Akal. der wissenschaften, 1863. s. Stubbs. 2 v. lxvii, 361 pp; clxiv, 386 pp. Petersburg, (Va.) Catalogue of the library of 80. London, Longnzans, 1867. Petersburg. 82 pp. 80. Atewu York7, iApple[Chronicles of Great Britain in the middle ages]. tons, 1854. s. Petermann (Augustus). Historical summary Peterson (Robert E.) Faymiliar science; or of the search for Sir John Franklin. 30 pp. the scientific explanation of common things. 8~0. London, [J. E. Taylor, 1853?] 558 pp. 160. Philadelphia, B.. Peterson, The search for Franklin, a suggestion 1851. to the Britislh public. 24 pp. 11 map. 8~_. The same. Revised ed. [With] scientific Lonzdon, Losgsnzan 4. Co. 1852. amusements for young people by J. H. PepThe salmle. per. 591 pp. 120. Philadelphia, Sozoer, [With his Historical summary, etc.] Barnes 4 Potts, [1863]. Petermanin (Julius Heinrich). -Reisen isam ____ The same. Common school ed. 146th orient. 2 v. viii, 409 pp. 1 pl; xiv, 471 pp. thousand. 305 pp. 18~. Philadelqphia Sower, 1 map. 80. Leipzig, Veit ~4 Co. 1860-61. s. [v. 2 wanting]. Barnes &- Potts, [1866]. D16 PETIS. PEUTINGER. Petis (Fran9ois). The history of Genghizcan. sexiana. Descriptive catalogue, accompanied [basedon Mirkhond, etc.] Translated [fron by historical and biographical notices of the the French] into English. ix, 448 pp. 1 map. manuscripts and printed books in the library 8~. London, J. Darby, 1722. of the duke of Sussex. 2 v. in 3 pts. ccxciv, Petitpierre (Ferdinand Olivier, or Fred6ric 11 p. 1. 516 pp; liii, 579 pp. 41. 1 pl. 40. LonLouis). Thoughts on the divine goodness, don, Longmarn - Co. 1827-39. displayed in future rewards and punishments. - Memoirs of the life of vice-admiral lord Translated from the French. xxii, 294 pp. viscount Nelson. 2 v. xxxiv, 501 pp; 668 8~. Bath, S. Hazard, 1788. pp. 5 pl. 80. London, T. & IP. Boone, 1849. Peto (Sir Samuel Morton ). Resources and Petty (Sir William). An essay concerning prospects of America, ascertained during a the multiplication of mankind; with another visit to the States in 1865. xv, 428 pp. 2 pl. essay in political arithmetic, concerning the 8~. London, A. Strahan, 1866. growth of the city of London. 2d ed. 50 The same. xii, 404 pp. 160. Ncrw York, pp. 160. London, M. Patrdoe, 1686. A. Strahan, & Co. [printed in London], 1866. [With GRAUNT (John). Observations upon the bills of mortality. London, 1676J. --- Taxation: its levy and expenditures. Taxation: its levy and expenditures, Five essays in political arithmetic. past and future; being an incquiry into our past and fure; being an inquiry into our [French and English]. 3 p. 1. 51, 51 pp. 160. financial policy. vii, 255 pp. 80. New York, London,. otlo 1687 D. -Appleton +P Co. 1866. [ With GRAUINT (John). Observations upon the bills Pet6fi (Alexander). See Petrovich (S,4ndor). of mortality. London, 1676]. Petot (, engineer.) Recherches sur la --- Further observations upon the Dublin chaufournerie, faites au port de Brest. [Ex- bills; or, accompts of the houses, hearths, tract.] iv, 176 pp. 4 pl. 80. Paris, Annales baptisms, and burials in that city. 2d ed. gnCarit. et coloniales, 1833. S. 6, 8 pp. 5 1. 160. London, M. Pardoe, Petra, or Petri, or Peeters (Hermann de). 1686. Compendiosa sermonll quiniquaginta sup. dii- [ [Wit/h GRAUNT (John). Observatlons upon the bills *cam orne r compilatio. 12`3 1. unp. 40 of mortality. London, 1676]. a - 1.Observations upon the cities of London goucnzi, J. de VWestfcaia, 1484., and Rome. 4 pp. 16~. London, H. Arortlock, Petrarca ( Francesco). Trivmphi, [col com- 1687. mento di Glicino (o, Ilicino, ossia da Mon- [With GRAUNT (John). Observations upon the bills talcino, o piutosto Bernardo Lapino,) e di of mortality. London, 1676]. F. Filelfo]. 1281. unp. 3 pl. fol. [MJilano, -- Two essays in political arithmetic conA. Zaroto larnmense, 1484]. cerning London and Parlis. 2 p.. 21 pp. 16~. Sonetti e canzonil, [col commento di Gli- London, J. Lloyd, 1687. cineo edi F. Filelfo]. cii 1. fol. ilano, A. [With GRAUnT (John). Observations upon the bills of mortality. LonEdon, 1676]. Zaroto Parsnense, 1484. Petzholdt (Alexander). Lectures to farmers [Imperfect; wanting 1. lxviii-lxix]. on agricultural chemistry. 107 pp. 8~0. Netz [With PETRARCA (Francesco). Trivmphli. miilanzo, 1484]. Yor7c, Greeley & XcElrath, 1846. s. Petri (Friedrich Erdmann). Gedritngtes hand- [Farmers' library, v. 1.] buch der fremdwbrter in deutscher schrift- Petzholdt (Julius). Adressbuch deutscher und umgangsprache. 8e ausg. 2 v. 544 pp; bibliotheken. 3e ausg. vi, 179 pp. 160. Dres546pp. 120. Dresden, Arnold, 1838. s. den, Adler & Dietze, 1848. s. Petri (erma —n de). The same. Nachtrlige zur zwveiten Petri (Hermann ce). See Petra (Hermann de). auflage. iv, 96 pp. 16G. Dresden, Adler & Petrovich (Sdndor), or Pet6fi (Alexander). Dietze, 1848. s. Translations from Alexander Pet6fi, the Mag- [Wit his Adressbech. EF. 1848]... - EBibliotheca bibliographica. Kritisches yar poet. By Sir John Bowring. viii, 239 verzeichniss der das gesammtgebiet der biblipp. 16~. London,, Tri~bner & Co. 1866. s. pp. 160. Londo T e Co. 1866.. ographie betreffenden litteratur des in-und Petrus Blesensis. See Pierre de Blois. auslandes in systematisches ordnung bearPettibone (Daniel). Economy of fuel f or, debeitet. xii, 939 pp 80. Leipzig, W. E#zaelscription of his improvements of the rarefying e xii, 186 air-stoves, for warming and ventilating, with Peztinger (Conrad). De miandis Germa1iae or without the application of steam. 2d ed. antiqvitatibvs, sermones conuiuales. 18 1. 62 pp. 8~. Philadelphica aethor; 1812. s. unp. s. 0 Agetoti, C.nohs, Pettigrew ((Thomas Joseph). Bibliotheca sus- 1530. 317 PEVERELLY. PHILIPPART. Peverelly (Charles A.) Book of American Phelps (E. W.) Bee-keeper's chart; treatise pastimes, containing a history of the principal on the instinct, habits, and management of the base-ball etc. clubs of the United States. 556 honey-bec. vii, 96 pp. 12~. New Yorkc, C. pp. 4 pl. 120..New York, the author, 1866. f. Saxton, 1854. Peyrere (Isaac de La). See La Peyrere. Philadelphia (Apprentices' library company). Peyton (John Lewis). The American crisis; A catalogue of books belonging to the boys' or, pages from the note-book of a state agent department. 176 pp. 80. Pliladelp2iia during the civil war. 2 v. xii, 340 pp. 1 pl; 1854. s. vi, 329 pp. 120. London, Saunders, Otley 4' A catalogue of books belonging to the Co. 1867. girls' department. [etc.] 74 pp. 180. PhilPfeiffer (Louis). Monographia heliceorum adelphia, 1853. s. viventium. 3 v. 8~. Lipsiae, F. A. Brock- [Writh the preceding.] haus, 1848-53. S. Catalogue of the books belonging to -Monographia pneumonopomorum viven- the library of the four monthly meetings of tium, accedente fossilium enumeratione. xviii, Friends of Philadelphia. 350 pp. 120. Philce439 pp. 80. Cassellis, T. Fischer, 185. S. s. delphia, Kite & Walton, 1853. s. Pfinzing (Melchior). Die geuerlicheiten vnd Desilver's directory and stranger's guide, eins teils der geschichten des o1blich6 streit- for 1835-36. 80. Philadelphia, 1835. baren vnd hochbertimbten helds vnd ritters Gopsill's city and business directory for Tewrdanncks. [2e ausg.] 289 1. unp. fol. 1867-8. Compiled by J. Costa. 1,690 pp. 1 Augspurg, Schonsperger, 1519. s. map. 80. Philadelphia, J. Gopsill, 1867. Pifor- (Rodolphe). Architecture, d6coration, McElroy's city directory for 1837, 1848, ameublement; 6poqtue Louis xvi. Avec un 1850, 1851, 1852, 1856, 1858, 1860, 1862, and texte descriptif. 32 pp. 50 pl. fol. Paris, A. 1867. 10 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1837-67. Morel 4' Cie. 1865. Library company of Philadelphia. A Monographie du chateau de Heidelberg. catalogue of books; [with] a short account Accompagn6e d'un texte historique et descrip- of the institution. xl, 406 pp. 80. Philatif. Par Daniel Ramde. 2 pts. in 1 v. 19 pp. delphia, Z. Poulson, 1789. 24 pl. fol. Paris, A. Morel & Cie. 1859. -- The same. With the charter, laws, and Monographie dupalais de Fontainebleau. regulations. xl, 616 pp. 8~. Ph/iladellhiat, Accompagn6e d'un texte historique et descrip- Bartram 4f Rceynolds, 1807. tif, par Champollion-Figeac. 2 v. 23, 15 pp. Philadelphia (The) botanic sentinel and Thom150 pl. fol. Paris, A. Mlorel & Cie. 1863. sonian medical revolutionist. M. Mattson, ediPhedrus. Fables. Traductionl nouvelle. Par tor. Aug. 1837, to Aug. 1838. v. 3. viii, 408 Ernest Panckoulke. 384 pp. 80. Paris, C. L. pp. sm. fol. Philadelphia, J. Coates, 1838. F. Panckouke, 1839. S. Philadelphia society for promoting agriculture. Phantom flowers; a treatise on the art of pro- Memoirs. v. 1-2. 80. Philadelephia, Jane ducing skeleton leaves. [anon.] 96 pp. 6 pl. Aitken, 1808-11. 120. Boston, Tilt:n & Co. 1866. Philatelist (The) an illustrated magazine for Pharmacopoea norvegica. Regia auctoritate stamp collectors. Dec. 1866, to Dec. 1867. v. 1., edita. xxiii, 202 pp. 80. Ch]ristianice, Broigger 83. London, E. Marlborough & Co. 1867. & Christie, 1854. s. Philelphus (F.) See Filelfo (Francesco). Phelan (Michael). Game of billiards. 8th ed. Philidor (Franvois Antoine Danigan, called). 255 pp. 4 1. 28 diagrams. 1 portrait. 120. Chess rendered familiar by tabular demonNew York, Dick 4' Flitzgcrald, 1867. strations, as described by Philidor. With Phelan (William, D. D.) Remains; with a other critical situations and modes, and a conmemoir, by John [Jebb], bishop of Limerick. cise introduction, by J. G. Pohlman. 3 p. 1. 2 v. xxvi, 320 pp; 364 pp. 80. London, 449 pp. 1 pl. 8~0. London, Baldwin, Cradock, J. Duncan, 1832. 4. Joy, 1819. CONTENTS. Philip (Maxwell). Emn-manuel Appadocca; or, Y. 1. nemei lectVures, 1 9. l blighted life. 2 v. vi, 250 pp; 248 pp. 80~. Discourses. London, C. J. Skeet, 1854. V. 2. History of the policy of the church of Rome in. J Ireland to the great rebellion. Philippart (John). Memoirs and campaigns Phelps (Austin, D. D.) The new birth; or, the of-Charles John [Bernadotte], prince royal of work ofthe holy spirit. 253 pp. 160. Bos- Sweden. xv, 390 pp. 1 pl. 8~. Baltimore, ton, Gould 4 Lincolrn, 1867. NTeal, Wills & Cole, etc. 1815. 318 PHILIPS. PHOCYLIDES. Philips (Ambrose). Poetical works. 80. Edin- pp. 1 col. map. 14 pl. 40. London, J.:urrcay, burgh, 1794. 1835. s. ] Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 9.1 Memvlloirs of William Smith, LL. D. anPhilips (Erasmus). Miscellaneous works, con- thor of the "Map of the strata of England sisting of essays, political and moral. 4 p. 1. and Wales." viii, 150 pp. 1 pl. 80. London, 508 pp. 8~. London, nFaller, 1751. J. Murray, 1844. s. CONT~ENTS. Phillips (John Arthur). The mining and metalCountry gentleman. March 11 to Dec. 26, 1726. lurgy of gold and silver. xix, 532 pp. 1 map. Letter respecting the situation of affairs, 1749. 8 p1. 8~. London, C.,. Spon, 1867. Political reflexions, 1722. State of the nation, 1725. Report on the property of the California The state of the nation, in respect to her borax company. [With] reviewbythe colncommerce, debts, and money. 8 p. l. 152 pp. pany. 12, 14 pp. 8~. Sun F'rancisco, Towncs 12~. London, TYoodnman & Lyon, 1725. & Bacon,, 1866. s. Philips (John). Cyder: a poem. r[anon.] 2 PPhillips (Philip, editoir). Singing pilgrim. p. 1. 88 pp. 1 pl. 120. Lonrdon, J. Taomso, [Hymns set to music]. With notes by J. W. 1708. Wiley. 80. New York, 1866. Poetical works. 80. Edlinburgh, 1793. Phillips (Rez. Samuel). A word in season; [Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 6.] or, the duty of the people to talke and keep Philips (Miles). Voyages and adventures. 183. the oath of allegiance to God. viii, 213 pp. London, 1824. 240. Boston, Kneeland &'Green, 1727. [Imperfect.] Phillips (Teresa Constantia). An apology for Philipson (Rudolph George). Academisch. the conduct of Mrs. Teresia Constantia Philproefschrift over den volkenregtelijken regel: lips. 3 v. Portrait. 120. London, author, "Schip is territoir." xii, 302 pp. 8%. Zwolle, 1748-49. Eirven J. J. Tijl, 1864. 5- s. Phillips (WilliamBarnet). The diamond cross; Phillippe (A.) Geschichte der apotheler bei a tale of American society. 353 pp. 123. NVew den wichtigsten v61kern der erde seit den iil- Yorkl, Hilton, ~ Co. 1866. testen zeiten. Aus den franz6sischen tibersetzt, Philostratus. Philostratorvm quae svpersvnt und mit einer zusammen-stellung der fOrderer omnia. [Gr. et Lat.] Accessere Apolonii der pharmacie vermelhrt von Hermann Lud- tyanansis epistolao, Evsebii liber adversvsr wig. viii, 1,122 pp. 80. Jena, F.'rauke, Ilieroclem, Callistrati descriptio statvarvm. 1854-55. s. Rec. G. Olcarivs. 4 p. 1. 43, 987 pp. fol. Phillips (Charles). Speecles at the bar, and on Lipsice, I: ritsch, 1709. various public occasions. 4th Amer. ed. xvi, Philp (Robert Kemp). The history of progress 176 pp. 80. Alexancdria, (D. C.) Iawtve & in Great Britain. First and second series. Thomson,, 1820. 3d ed. xii, 386 pp; vi, 384 pp. 3 maps. 20 pl. Phillips (Edward). The mysteries of love and 80. London, BHoulstoln & Wright, 1866. eloquence; or, the arts of wooing and compli- Philpot (Rev. John). Examinations and menting, etc. [anon.] 3d ed. 11 p. 1. 318, 70 writings [with biography]. xxxi, 446 pp. 8~. pp. 6 1. 1 pI. 1 1. London, T. Rawlins, Cacbridge, Univ. press, 1842. 1685. [Parker society publications]. The new world of words; or, universal Phin (John). Open air grape culture: [with] English dictionary. 6th ed. [by John Kersey]. the manufacture of domestic wine. 375 pp. 347 1. 1 pl. fol. London, J. Phillips, etc. 120. NYew York, Sheldon & Co. 1867. 1706. Phipps (C onstantine John, 2d baron Mulgrave). The same. 7th ed. By John Kersey. Voyage au pole bor6al, fait en 1773. Traduit 360 1. fol. London, J. Philips, 1720. s. de l'Anglois [par Jean Nicolas Demeunier]. [Imperfect: leaves -wanting at the end]. xii, 259 pp. 2 1. 12 pl. 40. Paris, Saillant & Phillips (E.) Report. 80. Washington, 1814. Nyon, 1775. s. [ With OWEN (D. D.) Report of a geological explora- Phipps (Joseph). Dissertations on the nature tionof Iowa, Wisconsin, and Illinois. 1844. p. 159]. Phillips (John, prof. of geology). Figures and and effect of clristian baptism. 160. Philadescriptions of the palceozoic fossils of Corn- delphiu, 1811. wall, Devon and W7est Somerset. xii, 231 pp. [With WELL (Willianm, and others). Doctrines of lwall, Devonl anld W~est Somerset. x:ii, 231 pp. baptism, etc. pp. 43-71. 16g. 1)811]. 60 pl. 80. London, Longmans, 1841. s. Phocylides. PoOma admonitoritum. Grmce et _ - Illustrations of the geology of Yorkshire. latine.. s. Part i. The Yorkshire coast. 2d ed. sii, 184 [ Wit7h ]EANDER (Michael). Opus aureum, etc.] 319 PHOEBIJS. PICTURE. Phoebus (Philipp). Deutschlands kryptoga- Pickering (Octavius). The life of Timothy misclhe giftgewwichse. xii, 113 pp. 9 col. pl. Pickering. v. 1. xix, 549 pp. 1 pl. 8~. 40. Berlin, A. Hirschwctald, 1838. s. Boston, Little, Browon 4 Co. 1867. Ueber den leichenbefund bei der orien- Pickering (Timothy, jr.) An easy plan of talischen cholera. viii, 340 pp. 80. Berlin, A. discipline for a militia. 28, 169, 2 pp. 14 pl. Hirschwalcl, 1833. s. 80. Salen, S. & E. Hall, 1775. Der typische frithsommer.katarrh; oder, Pickett (Albert J.) Eight days in New Orleans das sogenannte heu-fieber, hen-asthma. xvi, in February, 1847. 40 pp. 80. Montgomery, 284 pp. 1 tab. 80. Giesscn, J. Ricker, 1862. (Ala.) author, 1847. s. Pickett (James Chamberlain). Poems on Piazzi (Giuseppe). Lezione elenmentari di various subjects. 106 pp. 80. Washingtoon, astronomia. 2 v. xix, 240 pp. 5 pl; viii, 446 author, 1867. 5 pl. 8~. Palernmo, stamlerit reale, 1817. s. Pictet (Bcn6dict). La theologie chretienne, Lehrbuch der astronomie. Aus dem et la science du salut; on, 1' exposition des Italienischen fib. von Johann Heinrich West- v6ritez r6v616s dans la St Iecriture. Avec la phal, mit einer vorrede des Gauss. 2 v. vi, refutation des erreurs contraires, l'histoire de 258 pp. 2 p1; 356 pp. 2 pI. 83. Berlin, G. ces erreurs et les sentimens des anciens peres. Reimer, 1822. s. 2 v. in 1. 3 p. 1. 516 pp; 4 p. 1. 456 pp. 40. Pibrac (Guy du Faur, or Fevre, de La Boderie, Amsterdamn, G. Gallet, 1702. seigqneur de). Tetrastika, or the quadrains of Pictet or Pictet-Barabon (Fran~.ois Jules). Pibrac. Translated by Joshua Silvester. Histoire naturelle g6dnrale et particuliere des sm. 40. London,, H:. Lozwnes, 1605. insectes n6vroptbres. Famille des 6ph6m6[With Du BARTAS. [Poetical works]. pp. 669-715. rines. x, 300, 19 pp. 48 col. pl. 80. GenLondon, 1605]. Ire, J. Hessmann, 1843. s. Picard (H.) A new pocket dictionary of the J Thesame. Fmille des perlides. xiii English and Dutch languages. i. English- 423, 23pp. 8d. Genxre,J. HessDutch. ii. Nederduitsch-englisch. 3d ed. by H. J. Vogin. 2 pts. in 1 v. 2 p. 1. ix, 584 - Notices sur qelques anomalies d* l'orpp. sq. 18. Goudca, G. B. Vans Goor,1862. Sganisation. (Extract). 22 pp. 4 pl. 40. Pichon (Thomas). Lettres et nmi6moires pour Genve, T. G. Fick, 1855. s. servir, l'histoire naturelle, civile, et politique Recherches pour servir G Phistoire et a du Cap Breton, depuis son 6tablissoment ~- Recherebes pour servir 6tahistoire et' du Cap Bretoln, depuis s1on Stablisse~llment l'anatomie des phryganides. iii, 235 pp. 2 1. jusql' i 1758. xvi, 327 pp. 160. La aye, 20 col. pe, A 70 col. pl. 40. Gendve, Abrahamt Cherbuliez, Pierre Gosse, 1760. 1834. s. Pickard (AMrs. Kate E. R.) The kidnapped Trait6 de pal6ontologie; on, histoire natand the ransomed; being the personal recol- urelle des animaux fossiles consid6r6s dans lections of Peter Still and his wife "Vina," leurs rapports zoologiques et gdologiques. after forty years of slavery. With an intro- 2 v. i-iii. 8 duction by S. J. May, and an appendix by Paris, J. B. Baillikre, 1853-55. s. W. H. Furness. 409 pp. 2. 12 pl. Syra- [Wanting, v. 4; pl. 85-110]. czse, IF. T. Hamilton, 1856. s. and Hagen (Hermann). Die im bernPickeen (Andrew). The Canadas, as they at stein befindlichen neuropteren der vorwelt. present comnend themselves to thle enter- [Wiith BERENDT (G. C.) Die im bernstein, etc. v. 2. prize of emigrants, colonists, and capitalists. 1856]. Compiled from documents furnished by John Pictet (Marc Auguste). An essay on fire. Galt. vii, 349, lxxxvii pp. 1 map. 160. Translated from the French by W. B. M. D. London, E. Wilson, 1832. xi, 304 pp. 180. London, E. Jeffery, 1791. The deer-stalkers of Glenskiach. 54 pp. Pictorial (The) hand-book of London. Illus80. London, 1840. trated by Branston, Jewitt, and others. 910 pp. [IHAZLITT'S romancist and novelists' lib. v. 1]. 1 map. 120. London, H. G. Bohn, 1854. s. Eisenbach; or, the adventures pf a Picture (The) of New York; or, the traveller's stranger. 30 pp. 80. London, 1840. guide. [anon.] viii, 223pp. 1map. 18%. New [HAZLITT'S romancist and novelists' lib. v. 4]. York, J. Riley & Co. 1807. The three Kearneys. 11 pp. 80. Lon- The same, and stranger's guide. [anon.] don, 1841. v, 492 pp. 8 pl. 160. evew York, A. T. Good[HAZIITT'S romlaucist and novelists' lib. v. 4]. rich, [about 1828]. 320 PICTURE. PILES, Picture (A) of New York in 1846, with a short romans nouveaux, des me6moires, [etc.] des account of places in its vicinity. [anon.] iv, livres au rabais, qui se trouvent dans mon 172 pp. 21. lmap. 180. Newv York, onlans magazin. Appendice au 20e supplement A &, Ellis, 1846. la bibliographie romanci6re. 16 pp. 80. Picturesque pocliet companion and visitors' Pa'is, Pigoree, 1830. s. guide through Mount Auburn. [anon. With [ With his Petite bibliographie, etc. Snpp. 1-20]. miscellanies. ] Illustrated. 252 pp. 18~. Bos- i Catalogue des romans nouveaux, [etc.] ton, Otis, Broaders cf Co. 1839. qui se trouvent chez Pigoreau, [etc.] 36 pp. Pidansat de Mairobert (Mathieu Francois). 80. Paris, 1831. Anecdotes sur Me la conmtesse du Barri. Nouv. [ With his Petite bibliographie. Supp. lr-'20e.] 6d. revue et corrig6e. 2 p. 1. 346 pp. 160. - Petite bibliographie biographico-romanLondres, J. Adamsohn, 1776. cilre; on, dictionnaire des romanciers. 1r-20e Pieces du proces instruit contradictoirement au suppl6ment, 20 pts. in 1 v. 8~. Paris, P'igconseil sup6rieur de la Martinique, entre le oreaz, 1821-30. s. procui'eur g6n6ral, et la soci6t6 des j6suites. Pigott (Charles). Political dictionary, explain[anon. ] 191 pp. 120. [n. p. about 1763]. ing the true meaning of words, exemplified in Pierce (Rev. Bradford K.) Trials of an in- the lives, morals, etc. of [many] illustrious ventor: life and discoveries of Charles Good- persons. 198 pp. 180. INew York, Thomnas year. 221 pp. 160. 1 portrait. _New York, Greenleaf, 1796. Carlton & Porter, 1866. Pike (James Shepherd). The financial crisis: Pierce (Josiah). Address, May 26, 1836, the its evils and their remedy. 38 pp. 8~. Newv centennial anniversary of Gorham. 36 pp. S8. York, author, 1867. Portland, Charles Day & Co. 1836. Pike (Joseph). An epistle to the national Pierce. See, also, Peirce. meeting of friends, in Dublin, concerning Pierpont (John). Introduction to the national good order and discipline. 24 pp. 120. Wilreader, [etc.] 168pp. 120. Boston, Rhiclsard- mington, (Del.) James Adams, 1783. son & Lordcl 1828. S [ith PENN (William). Account of the rise and progress of the people called quakers. 120. WilPierre Ccour, suivi de Georges et Louis; ou, miLngton, 1783]. l'orgueil vaincu par la g6nerosit6. [anon.] Pike (Rev. Samuel), and Hayvard (Rev. 4e 6d. 139 pp. 18~. Tours, Manme et Cie. Samuel). Religious cases of conscience ans1847. wxered in an evangelical manner. New ed. Pierre de Blois. Opera omn'ia Petri Blesensis. with introd. by H. A. Boardman. xxviii, 432 Edidit J. A. Giles. 4 v. 80. Oxornii, J. H. pp. 12~. Philadelphia, Smith, English.' Co. Parker, 1847. [1859]. s. CONTTENTS. Pike (Zebulon Montgomery). Exploratory v. 1-2. Epistolw. travels through the western territories of v. 3. Opuscula. v. 4. Sermones, etc. North America, comprising a voyage from Continuatio ad historiam Ingulpli. fol. St. Louis, on the Mississippi, to the source Oxonia,, 1684. of that river, and a journey through Louis[GALE (Thomas), and FELL (John). Rerum anglica- iana and the northeastern provinces of New rum scriptoresveteres. Oxoniz, 1684-91. v. 1]. Spain, 1805 to 1807. xx, 436 pp. 1 map. 40~. Pierre (J. Isidore). Recherches sur la dilata- London, Longman, etc. 1811. tion des liquides, etc. 6 v. in 1. 8". Paris, Pikkert (H.) Le nouveau secrdtaire de li Bachelier, etc. 1845-51. s. cour; contenant une instruction pour se former Recherches sur la thermom6trie. (Ex- dans le style 6pistolaire, etc. [anon. ] Nouv. 6d. tract). 43 pp. 80. Caen, Acad. des sciences, etc. viii, 590 pp. 16~. Lyon, Bernuset, 1780. s. 1851. s. Piles (Roger de). The principles of painting, [ Wit the e preceding]. A[withl] the balance of painters. [Translated Piers (Sir Henry). A chorographical descrip- frolm the French]. xii, 300 pp. 41. 2 p]. 8~. tion of the county of West Meath. Written London, J. Osborn, 1743. London, J. Osborrp, 1aD743. 1682. 126 pp. lmap. 80. Dublin, T. Ewing, - The same. The art of painting, with the 1774. lives and characters of above 300 of the most [VALLANCEY (C.) Collectanea ide rebus hibernicis, v. 1, No. 1]. eminent painters. [With] an essay towards Piers Plowman, (pseudon). See Langland an English school of painters, [by B. Bucke(William). ridge]. 3d ed. viii, 439 pp. 8~. London, Pigoreau (Alexandre Nicolas). Catalogue des T. Payne, [1754]. 321 PILLET. PITT. Pillet (Ren6-Martin). Views of England, du- 104 pp. 120. Cin:innati, Sargent, ITilson & ring a residence of ten years-six of them as Hinikle, 1867. a prisoner of war. Translated from the Pinzon (VicenteYallez). Navigatio. See Novus French. 296 pp. 160. Boston, Parementer & orbis. Roterodami, 1616. VNorton, 1818. Piola (Gabrio). Sull' applicazione de' prinPin (Bedford CappertonTrevylian). Thlenegro cipj della mecanica analitica del Lagrange ai and Jamaica. Read before the anthropological principali problemi. xxvii, 252 pp. 40. Misociety of London, Feb. 1, 1866. vii, 72 pp. lano, I. r. istituto di scienze, 1825. s. 80. London, Triibner & Co. 1866. Elogio di Bonaventura Cavalieri. Con Pim (Jonathan). Condition and prospects of note, postille matematiche, etc. xxxi, 154 pp. Ireland, and the evils arising from the present 11. 40. Milano, G. Bernardoni di Giovanni, distribution of landed property. xxiii, 346 1844. s. pp. 80. Dublin, Hodges &c Smith, 1848. s.' Piomingo [pseudon.] See Savage (The). By Pimentel (Francisco). Cuadro descriptivo y Piomingo. Philadelphia, 1810. comparativo de las lenguas indligenas de Pirate (The) doctor; or, the extraordinary caMe6xico. 2 v. 80. Mjxico, Ancdrade y Esca- reer of a New York physician. By a naval lante, 1865. officer. [anon.] 126pp. 8~. NTewo Yorlk, GarLa economia politica aplicada a la pro- rett 4 Co, [about 1850]. piedad territorial en M6xico. 267 pp. 80. Piroli (Tommaso). Les monumens antiques du Miexico, J. Cuamplido, 1866. a. mus6e Napol6on, dessin6s et grav6s; avec une Memoria sobre las causas que han origi- explication par J. G. Schweighaeuser. Pubnado la situacion actual de la raza indligena lids par F. et P. Piranesi. 4 v. 8~. Paris, de Mexico, y medios de remediarlo. 244 pp..: & P. Piranesi, 1804-06. s. 8~. Mexico, Andrade y Escalante, 1864. Pisis (Raynerius de). See Ranieri dae Pisa. Pinaud (Auguste). Programme d'un cours Pisko (Franz Joseph). Lelrbuch der techld6mentaire de physique. 5e 6d. viii, 463 nischen physik. See Hessler (J. F.) pp. 8 pl. 80. Toulouse, Bon 4-' Privat, 1848. Piso or Le Pois? (Willem). De a6ribus, aquis s. et locis in Brasilia. See Baerle (Caspar). Pinchion or Pynclion (WVilliam). The Jewes Rervm per octennivm in Brasilia gestarum synagogue; or, a treatise concerning the historia. Clivis, 1660. ancient orders and manner of worship used - and Marcgraf de Liebstad (Georg). by the Jews in their synagogue assemblies. Historia natvralis Brasilise. 2 v. in 1. fol. 4 p. 1. 90 pp. sm. 4~. London,,Jolhn Bellea- Lqrdvni Batarora, F. iEHack, 1648. s. mie, 1652. Pindar (Christopher Laomedon, pseadon.) See CONTENTS. Melpomene divina; or, poems on christian v. 1. Gullieni Pisonis de medicina brasiliensi libri ~~~~~~~~~~~themes. ~iv. 6 p. 1. 122 pp. 1 1. v. 2. Georgii M3arecraf de Liebstad historite rervm Pinelli (Maffeo). Bibliotheca Pinelliana. A natvrali-vn Brasilin libri viii. 4 p. 1. 293 pp. 3 1. catalogue of [his] magnificent and celebrated library, of the Greek, Roman, and Italian au- Pitcairn (Archibald, and others). Selecta pothors, [by Giacomo Morelli], to be sold by emata. xii, 145 rP. 4 1. 16~. Edinburgi, auction, March, 1789, in London. xxviii, 538 1727. pp. 80. London, 1789. Pitman (John). A discourse delivered at ProPinkerton (James N. 1. D.) Sleep and its vidence, August 5, 1836, in commemoration phenomena; an essay. 3 p. 1. 141 pp. 160. of the first settlement of Rhode Island and London, E. Fry -' so?,, 1839. Providence plantations, being the second cenPinkerton (John). Modern geography. With tennial anniversary of the settlement of Provian astronomical introduction by S. Vince. 2 v. dence. 72 pp. 80. Providennce, B. Crasnston clxv, 520 pp; 698 pp. 8~. Philadelphia, John & Co. 1836. Conrad & Co. 1804. Pitocco (Limerno, pseudon.) See Folengo. Pinneo ( T. S. ) Analytical grammar of the Pitscottie (Robert Lindsay, of). See LindEnglish language. 120. Cincinnati, IF. B. say (Robert). Smith - Co. 1850. s. Pitt (Christopher). Poetical works. 8~. EdinExercises in false syntax: for the cor- burgh, 1794. rection of errors ill grammatical construction. [Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 8]. 41 322 PITTILLOCH. PLAYFAIR. Pittilloch (Robert). Tracts, legal and his- Platea (Francesco de). Opvs restitvtionvm torical. i. The hammer of iniquity. ii. The vsvrarvm et excomvnicationvm. 172 1. 4. settling of the Scottish judicatories. iii. Op- Pcadve, 1473. s. pression under colour of law. [From the edi- Platform (A) of church discipline: gathered tions of] 1659-89. iv, 14 pp; 10 pp; iv, 32 out of the word of God, and agreed upon by pp. 40. Edinburgh, 1827. the elders and messengers of the churches Pittman (capt. Philip). The present state of assembled at Cambridge, in New England. tlhe European settlements on the Mississippi; [anon.] 70 pp. 160. Boston, Belcher. Arimwith a geographical description of that river. strong, 1808. viii, 96 pp. 4 maps. 3 pl. 40. London, J. Platina, or Piadena (Bartolommeo de' Sacchi N2ourse, 1770. called). Liber de vita Christi ac pontificorvm Pittsburgh directory for 1815. 156 pp. 160. omnivm. fol. [Tar'visii], 1485. s. Pittsburgh, J. M. R.iddle, 1815. Platner (Ernst Zacharias), Bunsen (Christian - and Allegheny business directory. By Carl Josias), Gerhard (Eduard), and others. Isaac Harris. 105 pp. 25.1. 160. Pittsburgh, Beschreibung der stadt Rom. Mit beitrdigen A4. A. 4Anderson, 1844. von B. G. Niebuhr, etc. 3 v. in 6. 80. StMttPius iv, pope. Societatis Iesv defensio ad- gart, Cotta, 1830-42. s. versus obtrectatores, ex testimonio et literis. Plato. Opera, [latine], a Marsilio Ficino tra15, 9 1. 185. Lovanii, Butgeruts Velpsius, ducta. 4 p. 1. 444 1. fol. Venetiis, B. de 1566. Choris et S. de Luero, 1491. s. Place (Conyers). Reason an inefficientguide Plaedon. Explanatvs et emendatvs to conduct mankind in religion. 204 pp. 120. prolegomenis et annotatione Danielis WyttenLondon, J. Roberts, 1735. bachii. lxii, 366 pp. 8~. Lvgdvni Batavorvn, Plagemann (Johann Otto). Kleines handbuch Haac & Honikoop, 1810. s. der mecklenburgischen. gescliichte. xxxii, The republic, translated into English, 428 pp. 120. Rostock, Adler, 1809. s. with an analysis, and notes, by D.J.Vaughan, Plancy (J. A. S. Collin de). See Collin de and J. Llewelyn Davies. 3d ed. xxxii, Plancy. 370pp. 18~. London, Macmillan, 1866. Plantamour (rl~douard). Rdsumd mdtdorolo- Platt (J. C.) History of the British corn-laws. gique des dernieres annees, pour GCendve et le 120. Tewv York, 1845. Grand Saint Bernard, et tableaux des obser- [Iu HUNT (Freeman). Libraryof commerce. v. 1. pp. 121-231]. vations medtorologiques et magn6tiques faites Plautus (Marcus Accius). Seven comedies A Geneve et au Saint Bernard. 1846. [Ex- Aulularia, Epidicus, Meneecbmi, Mercator, tracts]. 135 pp. 19 1. 8. [Geneve]3, Archir. Pseudolus, Trinummus, and Rudens. [Transse. 2iphy~siqzues et'l nat. [n. d.] S.' lated] by Rev. George Sackville Cotter. xi, ------ Resum6 medtorologique de l'anndes 273 pp. 80. Londo, J. P. Dove, 1827. 1848 [-57], pour Genbeve et le Grand Saint Plaw (John). Ferme orn6e; or, rural imBernardi. 190 v5. [in2.] 8~. Gene, F. Rat- provements. New ed. 2 p. 1. 14 pp. 38 pl. boz & Cie. 1849-58. l Londo J ifl. Londonb J. Taylor; 1823. [With the preceding.] _ aend H~iresch (A.) idterminatio n (616- Play (The) ground; or, out-door games for ancd Hirsch (A.) Didtermminaton t61boys. [Canon.] Illustrated. 120pp. 16~. 7Vew graphique de la diffdrence de longitude entre Yorky Dick & Fitzgerald, 1866. les observatoires de G-eneve et de Neuchatel. York, Dick ( itzerld, 1866. [Extract]. 148 pp. 4 pl. 40 Genlre, H. Playfair (Williamlll). Britishl family antiquity; [Geoxtract 1864. pp. 4 spl. 40. Gen~ H. illustrative of the origin and progress of the rankl honours, and personal merit, of the Plantation vork the work of this generation. Written in true love to all such as are inclined nobility of the United Kingdom. 9 v. 40 atlas. fol. Lonzcl~. T. ReyrtolJs & W;. Playto transplant themselves and families to the atlas. fol. ondon English plantations inAmerica. [anon.] 1p.l. fair, 1807-11. 18 pp. sm. 40. London, Benjactnin Clark, 1682. CONTENTS. Plantavit de la Pause (Jean). Florilegium v. 1-2. Peerage of England. xv, (680 pp. 24 col. pl; rabbinlicunm; complectelns plrcecipuas ueterum vii, 640, xxxvi pp. rabbinicu; copletens prcipuas ueterum v, 3. Peerage of Scotland. lxxiv, 811 pp. rabbinoruml sententias, versione latina et v. 4-5. Peerage of Ireland. xxxii, 523, clii pp; 4 1. 420, cli. lxxxviii pp. scoliis, illustratas. Cui accesserunt sexcenta v. 6-7. Baronetage of England. xxvii, 831, cxcvi pp. Graecorum et Latinoruml apofthegmata heb- 24 col. pl. 844 pp. v. 8. Baronetage of Scotland. xl, 444, cccli, 36 pp. raice reddita. fol. Lodosce, 1645. s. v. 9. Baronetage of Ireland. lx, 437, ccx.iii, xlvii pp. 323 PLAYFAIR. PLYMOUTH. Playfair (William). The history of jacobinism.'introduction by J. L. Lincoln. Illustrated With an appendix by Peter Porcupine [W. ed. 81 pp. 4 pl. 40. Boston, Gould &' Cobbett], containing a history of the American Lincoln, 1867. jacobins, commonly denominated democrats. Pluche (Noel Antoine). The history of the 2 v. in 1. 385 pp; 301, xlviii pp. 80. heavens, considered according to the notions Philadelphia, TWilliam Cobbett, 1796. of the poets and philosophers, compared with Plea (A) for Urania; being a popular sketch the doctrines of Moses: an inquiry into the of celestial philosophy. [acnon.] xxxii, 387 origine of idolatry. Translated from the pp. 12~. London, Piper, Stephenson, & Spence, French by J. B. De Fr6val. 2d ed. 2 v. 1854. 4, 278 pp; xiii, 251 pp. 25 pl. 160. London. Pleasant hlours in foreign lands. A series of J. Osborn, 1743. short romances. [anon.] 249 pp. 160. Lon- Plumnbe (John, jr.) Sketches of Iowa and don, E. Lunmley, about [1850]. Wisconsin, taken during a residence of three Pleasures (The) of human life: in a dozen years in those territories. 101 pp. 120. St. dissertations on male, female, and neuter Louis, Chambers, Harris & Knapp, 1839. pleasures; with anecdotes. By Hilaris Bene- Plumer (Williamn S. D. D.) The rock of our volus & Co. [pseudon. for John Britton.] salvation: a treatise respecting the natures, xvi, 2.23 pp. 6 pl. 16G. London, Longymans, person, [etc.] of Jesus Christ. 519 pp. 12~. 1807. YNew York, Amn. tract soc. [1867]. Pldiade (La). Ballades, fabliaux, nouvelies -- Studies of the book of psalms: a comet I6gendes. Homere, ~eda-Vyasa, Marie de imnetary, with doctrinal and practical remarks France, Burger, Hoffmann, Ludwig Tieg- on the entire psalter. 1211 pp. 8~. Phiila[Tieck], Dickens, Gavarni. 332 pp. 12~. delphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1867. Paris, L. Cunrzer, 1842. V iital godliness: a treatise on experimenPlettner (Dr. F.) Die braunkohle in der tal and practical piety. 610 pp. 12~. 1New Mark Brandenburg. 240 pp. 5 pl. 8~. Ber- York-, Am. tract soc. [1867]. lin, W. Kertz, 1852. s. Plumtre (Rev. James). Collection of songs, Plinius Secundaus (Caius). Naturalis histo- moral, sentimental, instructive and amusing. rie libri xxxvii. 322 1. fol. Venetiis, Nicolas 3 v. 12~. Londonz, F. C. & J. Iivirington, 1824. Jenson, 1472. Plutarchus. Lives, from the original Greek, [Imperfect: 331. wanting in the body of the worlk]. witll notes and a new life of Plutarch. By.~': The same. 2 v. 48 p. 1. 314 pp; 303 pp. J. and W. Lang'horne. 6 v. 8~. London, 160. Venetiis,.Aldus, 1535-36. s. E. & C. Dilly, 1770. - The historie of the world; commonly - The sane. Lives of celebrated Romans, called, the natvrall historie. Translated by condensed, [with an historical introdclltion by Philemon Holland. 2 v. in 1. 28 p. 1. 614 pp. A.J.H.] 176 pp. 16~. London,, E. Luzmley, 21 1; 6 1. 632 pp. 421. fol. London, A. Islip, [1845]. 1634.. --- On the delay of tile deity in punishing Plinius Caecilius Secundus (Caius). Epis- the wicked. [Gr.] Revised ed. with notes tolarvm libri decem, et panegyricvs. Ex re- by H. B. Hackett and W. S. Tyler. 171 pp. censione etc. Io. Matthiae Gesneri, qvibus Io. 120. New Yorke, Appleton, 1867. Michaelis Hevsingeri, Io. Christ. Theoph. - De musica. Edidit RicardusVolkmnnn. Ernestii, suasque notas addidit Godofr, Henr. xxiv, 171 pp. 80. Lipsiae, B. G. Tenbner, Schaefer. xc, 794 pp. 8~. Lipsice, C. Fritsch, 1856. s. 1805. s. Fiori de gli apoftemmi di Plutarco. The samle. The epistles of Pliny the [MANAsssl, (N.) Oracoli politici. 160. Venetia, 1590]. younger. Translated firom the original Latin, Pluvinel (Anlthoine de). L' instruction dv roy with notes. 2 v. vii, 300 pp; 268 pp. 160. en l'exercice de monter t cheval. [Avec une Ecdinburgh, A. Donaldson, 1767. traduction allemande]. 3 p. 1. 253 pp. 50 pl. Panegyricvs liber Trajano dictvs cvm fll. Paris, ilM. Rette, 1629. s. annotationibus D. Bavdii [et variorum]. 20 Plynmouth (i fass.) A declaration of the warp. 1. 427 pp. 21 1. 80. LrgdrniBatacorvom, | rantable grounds and proceedings of the first ex ojficina Hackiana, 1675. associates of the government of New PlyPloennies (Luise von). Princess Ilse; a mouth, [with] the general fundamentals of story of the Harz mountain. From thle 24th thleir laws. 24 pp. 12~. Boston, Gsreenleaf German ed. by an American lady. With an 1773. 324 PLYMOUTH. POLLARD. Plymouth (Mass.) First Plymouth patent: Legnajuolo (G.) Pulci (L.) granted Char ~ ~ ~ ~hs rMachiavelli (N.) Salvucci (S.) granted June 1, 1621. Edited by Charl'es Magalotti (L.) Deane. 16 pp. 40~. Cambrcidge, privately See also, Novelle di autori senesi. printecl, 1854. Pohlman (J. G.) Chess, as described by Plymouth (M H.) congregational church. Philidor. See Philidor. Historical sketch, articles of faith and cove- Poinsett (Joel Roberts). Esposicion de la connant, principles and rules, and catalogue of ducta politica de los Estados-Unidos, para con members, past and present. 44 pp. 120. las nuevas republicas (le America. 16 pp. 8~. Boston, J. E. Farwell &8 Co. 1867. M61dico, M. Ximeno, 1827. s. Pock (Edmund). Historisch-chronologisch- Pokorny (Alois). Osterreichs holzpfianzen. geographische tabellen, von anfang der welt Eine auf genaue boriicksichtigung der merkbis auf [1734]. 4 p. 1. xii, 360 pp. 14 1. fol. nlale der laubblitter gegriandete floristische Atgsplorg, M. Wolff, 1736. s. bearbeitung aller im 6sterreichischen kaiserPoems. Bya collegian. [anon,.] 95pp. 120. staate bitume, stritucher, und halbstraiucher. Charlottesville, (Va.) C. P. M'Kennie, 1833. xxviii, 524 pp. 80 pl. 40.,Wienj, k. hof- und Poems on slavery, by Longfellow, Whittier, staatsdruckerei, 1864. s. Southey, etc. iv, 232 pp. 160. London, Physiotypia plantarum austriacarum. Clarke, Beeton 4' Co. 1853. See Ettingshausen (C.) and Pokorny. Poems and reflections by a young lady. [anon. ] Polari (Constant). Herinenerigen eener reize lxiii, 143 pp. 16~. London, J. Booth, 1815. naarNieuw York, 1831-2. 220pp. 80. Leiden, Wl;Yith TAYLOR (George). M3ental claims of the C. C. Van der Hoekc, 1833. s. se~xes, London, 1S21J. -Polehampton (Rev. Arthur). Kangaroo land. Poesche (Theodore), and Go-pp (Charles). xii, 269 pp.1 pl. 120. London, RI. Bentley,1862. AThe new Rome; or the United States of the Polesi (Giacomo). Dictionnaire des idiotismes world. 181 pp. 2 maps. 120. NA/ew York, italiens-franais et frantCis-italiens. 2 v. G. P. Putnawb & Co. 1853. in 1. 5 p. 1. 235 pp; 300 pp. 120. Paris, Poetas castellanos anteriores al siglo xv. Col- Bandry, 1829. s. eccion hecha por T. A. Sanchez, continuada Polignac (Camille Armand Jules Marie de). por P. J. Pidal y F. Janer. xlviii, 600 pp. L'union am6ricaine apres la guerre. iv, 48 pp. 80. Madrid, M. Rivadeneyra, 1864. 8~. Paris, Dentu, 186G. [Biblioteca de autores espaiioles. v. 57]. Political disquisitions proper for public conPoetical (A) epistle to his excellency, George, sideration in the present state of affairs, in a W~ashington, from an inhabitant of the state letterto nobe e. non pp. n, letter to a noble duke. [lahon.] G6 pp. 8o. of Maryland, [with] a short sketch of Washington's life and character. [anocn.] 24 pp p. nd. Political (A) and historical account of Lower 1 pl. 8~. London, C. Dilly 1780. 1Pot ( ) LofAndn, CDill, 10. Canada; with remarks on the present situaPoetry (The) of Anna Matilda. [anon^.] 4 p. 1. tion of the people, as regards manners, cllhar — 95 pp. 18~. Zondon, J. Belly 1788. acter, and religion. By a Canadian. [anon.] Poetry of the anti-jacobin. [By Gifford, Can- act, a relgo. By a Canad, an. [anA.] xvi, 275 pp. 8~. Londonz,. Miarsh 4 A.. ning, Frere, and Ellis.] 4th ed. 3 p. 1. 256 pp. 40. London, J. tWiight, 1801... Poey (Felipe). Geografia fisica y politica de la P6litz (Carl Heinrich Ludwig). Die europlisisla de Cuba. Ed 17a. 44 pp. 8~. H Uabcana, chen verfassungen seit dem jabre 1789 his auf Barcina, 1857. die neueste zeit. 2e auflage. 3 v. in 4. 80.. Leizig,. EA. Brockhaus, 1832-33. s. - Memorias sobre la historia natural de la Lepzig, F. A. B-aockhans, 1832-33. S. isladoCuba. 2v. 463 442 3 Pollard (Edward A.) Lee, and his lieutenants; isll de Cuba. 12. 463 pp; 442 pp. 53 pl.. 8~. Cabacna, Barcina, 1851-58. s. comprising the early life, services, and cam80. *~aban, *a, 1 - T s.. paigns of Gen. R. E. Lee, and his conapanPoggendorff (Johann Christian). Lebenslinien paigs of Gen.. E. Lee, and his cmpnzur geschichte der exacten wissenschaften seit ions in arms, and heroic deeds. 851 pp. 7 pl. 8~. 2'rew wiederherstellung derselben. 20 pp. 3 pl. 40 and heroic deeds. 851 pp. 7 80 Berlin, 1853. S. York, E. B. Treat 4y Co. 1867. Poggiali (Gaetano Domenico). Novelle di The lost cause: a new southern history alcuni autori fiorentini. [Ed. 20.] xxiii, 448 of the var. Wit portraits. 752 pp. 24 p1. 80..New York, E. B. Treat & Co. 1867. pp. I pI. 18~. Milano, G. Silvestri, 1815. pp.1p.8 lan,.lvesti, 11. Observations in the north; eight months CONTENTS. Alamauni (L.) Doni (A. F.) in prison and on I parole. 142 pp. 8~. IichBottari (G.) Firenzuola (A.) mond, E. W. Ayres, 1865. POLLI. PORNY. Polli (Giovanni). Degli effetti della sottrazione di Pomponius Mela. See Mela (Pomponius). sangue nell umano organismo. (Extract.) 200 Ponce (Nicolas), and Godefroy (M.) Recueil pp. 80. Milano, Ann. univ. di medl. 1847. s. d'estampes reprdsentant les diffdrents 6vane[ With his Ricerche... sul sangue umnano]. mens de la guerre qui a procur6 lqind6penDello stato della fibrina del sangue nelle dance aux Ietats Unis de l'Amdrique. 2. maps. infiammazione. (Extract.). 50 pp. 8~. Milano, 14 pl. 40. Paris, NY. Ponce et A1. Godefroy, Ann. univ. di med. 1845. s. [1784? ] [With his Ricerche... sul sangue umano]. Ponsin (J. N.) Nouvelle magie blanche d6--- Di un nuovo metodo di analisi del sangue. voil6e, physiqle occulte et cours complet de (Extract). 32 pp. 80. M, ilano, Ann. univ di voilde, physique occulte et cours coniplet de (Extract). 32 pp. 8~. Mitano,B Anx. u liv. di prestidigitation. 2 v. 312 pp; 314 pp. 8~. inmecd. 1845. 1- J elons, A. Huet, 1853-54. [ With his Ricerche... sul sangue umano]. o, Ricerche ed esperimenti initorno a-lla Poole (Joshua). The English Parnassus; or, a leldp to English poesie. 15 p. l. 639 pp. 1 formazione della cotenna nel sangue ed al suo elp to Englis poesie. 1 p.. 639 pp. valore sintomatico nelle malattie. (Extract). pl. 160. ondon, H. Bronze, 1677. Poole (William Frederick). An alphabetical 167 pp. 8~. M, ilano, Ann. univ. di reed. i med. idex to subjects treated in the reviews and 1843. s. other periodicals, etc. [1st ed.] 155 pp. 80. Sulla quistione di esistenza della sifilide New York G. P. Putnan 1818. a. ereditarka. (Extract). 70 pp. s~. Milan ereditaria.. (Extract). 70 pp. 8. Milano, Poor (A) fellow. By the author of "Which: Ann. utniv. cdi gnedicina, 1847. S. the right, or the left?" [anon.] 480 pp. 12~. Cura delle sifilitiche; appendice. 120. N York Dek & litz"eral" o 1858 s.brew York, Dick & Fitzgerald,~ 1858. a. Milano, 1846. See Dzondi (C. H.) Poor Sarah. [In Cherokee]. UyoiyudvhnaPollich (Johann Adam). Historia plantarum degi seliulenitonvkalnoshes-gi. [anon.] 18 pp. in palatinatu electorali sponte nascentium in- 240. Awn niyvsdigi.celosudlcasen- ts.Zeyvtanvhi, cepta, secundum systema sexuale digesta. 3 v. 1843. 8~. Mazn7eimii, C. F. chwvan, 1776-77. s. 8. anleiii, C. Scan, 1776-77. Pope (Alexander). Essay on man. 49 pp. Pollini (Ciro). Catechismo agrario. 2" ed. 160 London, 1772. 488pp. 80. Verona, Soc. tipografica, 1821. s.. EPng, Poetical works. 8~. BE'inbeergl,, 1794. Polo (Marco). De regionibus orientalibus libri [Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 8]. iii. Accedit Haithoni Armneni historia oriens, et de Tartais inscribitur itemqe Pope (William). The triumphal chariot of tarlis, qtua-,et de Tartaris inscribitur; itei.ue friction; or, a familiar elucidation of the Andreae Mulleri de Chataja disquisitio, inque origin of magnetic attraction, etc. vii, 108 pp. ipsun Marcurn Paulur prlfatio et indices. 4 p. 1. 25 pp, 81. 167 pp. 251. sm. 40. Co- 12 pl. 40. Loszdoz, aztlo, 1829. s. loni Brandenbergie, G. S 1671. Pophanm (The) colony. A discussion of its!onict Br'acrlenburyqicce, G. Schulz~ 1671. Polybiu. Historiar ibriq Nico- historical claims, with a bibliography of the Polybius. Historiarum libri quinque. Nico- Z v laus Perottus e Grzeco traduxit. 74 i. fol. subject. [By W. F. Poole, and others]..enetiis, Bernardinus, 1498. 72 pp. 8~. Bostonz J. K. Wiggiin 4 Luznt. [With ANNIUS. COmentaria. fol. 1498]. 1866. The same. The general history, tirans- Popular pastimes for field ancd fireside; or, lated fronm the Greek by JamesHampton. ix, mnusements for young and old. By "Aunt 11, 464 pp. 80. London, J. Davis, 1811. Carrie." [anon.] 248pp. 120. Springfield, The same. I-Iistoire nouvellement tra- (IM ass.) ML. Bradley & Co. 1867. duite du Grec, par Vincent Thuillier. Avec un Population en France et la question hydrocommentaire, ou un corps de science mili- logique. [anon.] 68 pp. 80. Paris, 1858. s. taire, etc. par M. de Folard. 6 v. 4~. Paris, Porcacchi (Tomaso). Isole piv famose del P. Gandozein, etc. 1727-30. s. mondo. 12 p. 1. 201 pp. fol. Venetia, S. Pomeroy (Rev. Benjamin). Shocks from the Galigaczni c G. Porro, 1576. battery; or, sermons and sayings. With an [The colophon is dated 1575]. introduction by J. T. Peck. 300 pp. 1 pl. 120. Porcher (Francis Peyre, l. D.) The medical, Albany, S. R. Gray, 1867. poisonous, and dietetic properties of the crypPorefret (John). Poetical works. 80. Edin- togamic plants of the U. S. (Extract). 126 burgh, 1793. pp. 80. New Fork, Am. medical association, [Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 6]. 1854. S. Pomp6e (Pierre Philibert). I1tudes sur l'6du- Porny (Marc Antoine). Syllabaire fran9ois; cation professionelle en France. xx, 412 pp. or, a French spelling book. 151 pp. 16~. 16~. P aris, Pagnerre, 1863..New York, 1D. Longworth, 1815. PORSON. POSTEL. Porson (Richard). Adversaria. Notae et of men, women, and babies. Laws of God emendationes in poetas graecos. Ed. J. H. applied to obtaining, rearing, etc. the natural, Monk [et] C. J. Blomfield. xvii, 334 pp. healthful, and beautiful in humanity. viii, 189 80. Cantabrigiae, J. Smith, 1812. pp. 8~. Newiu York, Dewitt 5' Davenport, Porta (Giovanni Battista). La physionomie 1855. s. humaine. Porteus (Beilby, bisihop of London). Death: [ With v. 3. of ROBERT (L. J. A.) NouvTel essai sur a poetical essay. 4th ed. 20 pp. 160. Philala rn6galantropogE6nsie. Paris, 1803]. lelphic, B. Bell, 1773. Porta (Luigi). Delle malattie e delle opera- t Tracts on various subjects. 6th ed. 528 zioni della ghiandola tiroidea. 3 p. 1. 164 pp. pp. 80. London, T. Cadell, 1836. 4 pl. 40. Milano, G. Bernecardoni, 1849. s. Portlalld (Me.) Directory for 1866-67. v. 8. Portal (Placido). Intorno un ascesso al fegato By S. B. Beckett. 349 pp. 80. [Portlnd] guarito colla incisione. 32 pp. 80. Napoli, B. Thsurston & Co. 1866. Piliatre-sebezio, 1840. s. Portland (The) sketch book, edited by Mrs. Memoriemedico-chirurgiche. v. ii. [Su Ann S. Stephens. 289 pp. 120. Portland, gl'inconvenienti della cannula di Dupuytren Colman & Chisholnm, 1836. per la cura della fistola lagrimale]. viii, 89 Portlock (Joseph Ellison). Report on the pp. 1 pl. 80. 2~rapoli, preso l'osserv. med. geology of the county of Londonderry, and 1836. S. of parts of Tyrone and Fermanagh. xxxi, [v. 1. wantingl. 784 pp. 54 pI. 80. Dublin, Stationery oq ce, Storia di due casi d'allacciatura d'arterie, 1843. S. una alla femorale, Plaltra all'iliaca esterna. ieA rudimL ntary treatise on geology. vi, 31 pp. 1 pl. 80. XNapoli, Ficiatre-sebezio, 182pp. 1 pl. 120. London, J. Weale, 1848. s. 1839. Portraits of United States senators, with a With his Mlemerie medico-chirurigiche. v. 2].. biographical sketch of each. [anon.] 119 pp. 57 pl. 16~. Claremont, (-N. H.) Tracey, Sull' ernie osservazioni. 128 pp. 8. ey Co. 1 12Kenney & Co. 1856. _Napoli, Filiatre-sebezio 1842. Portsmouth (N. H.) atheneum. Catalogue [RWith his Memnorie medico-chirurgiche. r. 21. of books, [with] by-laws, and list of proprieTrattato di clinica chirurgica. 326 pp. tors. 252 pp. 80~. Portsmoueth, (N. H1.) 8~. Trapani, P. Colajanni, 1836. s. C. W. Brewster & son, 1862. 8. [Wanting v. 2, etc.] P6ssnecker (W.) Die einheitliche ursache Porter (George Richardson). Geograplly of aller krtifte-erscheinungen im universum. vii, Great Britain. 80. London; 1850. See Long 88 pp. 80. hiinchen, E. H. Gummi, 1863. S. (George), and Porter. Postage stamp album, for the stamps of all Porter (Jacobl). Topographical descliption nations. 210 pp. 40~. Boston, W7e. H. Hill, and historical sketch of Plainfield, Mass. 44 jr. & Co. 1865. pp. 80. Greenfield, Prince & Rogers, 1834. Postans (Mis. Marianne). Cutch; or, random Porter (Jane). The Scottish chiefs, a romance. sketches of western India. xix, 283 pp. 1 2 v. 408 pp; 410 pp. 16~. New YoXrk, D. map. 15 pl. 83. Lotdon, Smnitlh, Elder & Co. Lonylworth7, 1810. 1839. s. [Imperfect; pp. 409-10 of v. 1 cvantilngl. Postans (Thonlas). Personal observations on Remarks on Sidney's aphlorisms.,ee S1iudh; the manners and customs of its inhahiSidney (Si~r Phililp). taents, andt its productive capabilities. xv, Porter (J. G. V.) State of Ireland in 1866: 402 pp. 1 map. 1 pl. 80. London, Lolgyits chief evils, and their best possible remedies. eann, Bir & Co. 1843. 2d ed. 35 pp. 80. Dsbli-n, J. Cham~zbers & Post-boy (The) robb'd of his mail: or, letters son0, 1866. of love, and miscellaneous subjects. [anon.] Porter (Rev. John Leech). The giant cities 2d ed. 2 v. in 1. xxii, 487 pp. 8~. Lo~ndon, of Bashan; and Syria's holy places. 377 pp. f. S1p5int, 1706. 4 pl. 120. -New York, XNelson +4 sons, 1866. Postel (Guillaume). Los tres-mlerveileuses Porter (William T. editor). Hunting and shoot- victoires des femmes du nouveau monde. ing of North America, etc. Avec la doctrine dlu sihcle dor6, ou de l'dvan[With HAWKERX (P.) Instructions to young sports- gelike rbgne de Jdsus. Sur l'imprimd't nmen. P'hitla. 1846]. Paris, Jehan Ruelle, 1553. xxss, 9, 27 pp. Porter (-, M~. D. of New osrk city). Book 160. [n. p. cbosut 1670]. 327 POSTHUMOUS. POZZO. Posthumous parodies and other pieces, com- Pouillet (Claude Servais Mathias). ElTmens posed by several of our most celebrated poets, dephysique expdrimentale et de m6tdorologie. but not published in any former edition of 2e 6d. 2 v. in 4. xi, 431 pp. 11 pl; 346 pp. their works. [anon. By E. Dubois?] xi, 103 6 pl. 869 pp. 16 pl. 80. Parcis, Be&het jesune, pp. 80. London, J. Jliller, 1814. 1832. s. Postlethwayt (Malachy). Great Britain's The same. 6e 6d. vi, 836 pp; 852 pp. true system, to support the public credit. Atlas. 49 pl. 83. Par is, L. Hachette & Cie. 4 p. 1. cl, 363 pp. 8~. London, A. Millar, 1757. 1853. s. Postsciipt (A) to John Bull, containing the i Lehrbuch der physik und meteorologie, history of the Crown-Inn, with the death of ftir deutsche verhliltnisse frei bearbeitet, von the widow. [anon.] 2d ed. 4 pts. in I v. Job. Mfiller. 2e aufl. 2 v. x, 623 pp. 2 col. p1; 17, 19, 19 pp. 123. London, J. Moor, [about 664 pp. 80. Braunschwei., Fievweg, 1847. s. 1750]. ~ The same. 4e aufl. 2 v. viii, 644 pp. [Imperfect: 3d pt. wanting]. 1tab. 6 col. pl; 777 pp. 1 col. pl. 80. Braun Pot (Le) au noir, et le pot au blanc, ou la scweiq, Viewey, 1852. s. verit6 ddvoil6e, la fourhberie demasqude et la Poullain de St. Foix (Germain FranCois). rdligion papiste renversee. [cnon.] 206 pp. Essais historiques sur Paris. 5e 6d. 7 v. 16~. 120. Romne, 1787. Paris, Duchesne, 1776-77. Pott (Johann Heinlrich). Lithogognoosie; ou, Pousse (Fran9ois). Examen des principes des examen chymique des pierres, et des terms aichymistes sur]apierre philosophale. [anon.] en gen6ral, et du talc, de la topaze, et de la 10 p. 1. 254 pp. 11. 160. Paris, Jollet, 1711. steatite en particulier, avec une dissertation Poussin (Guillaume Tell). De la puissance sur le feu, et sur la lunmibre. Ouvrages tin- amdricaine: origine, institutions, esprit politiduits de 1'Allemand. viii, 431 P? 1 pl. 160. que, resources militaires, agricoles, commnercParjtis, J. T. leHiss7ant, 17533.,. ciales et industrielles des Vtats-Unis. 3e 6d. The same. v. 2. Continuation de la lith- 448 pp. 8 ogdognosie pyrotechnique; on, l'on traite plus cv Cie. 1848. s. particuli'rement de la connoissance des terres Powell (Thomas, D. D.) Human industry; et des pierres, et cle la mlaniere d'eu faire t des perres, t d a ani dn faire or, a history of most manual arts. [anon.] l'examen. [With appendix]. Table des effets Viii, 188 pp. 160. London, Herrinysnan, des m6langes diffreonts des terres. 72, ciii pp. 1661. 160. PaJris, J.'r. HeorissacLnt, 1753.,.?Power (Tyrone). The gipsy of the Abruzzo. 16 Potter (John). Archeologia greca; or, anti- p 8. Ton 1841].,. pp. S o. [London, 1841]. quities of Greece. New ecl. 2 v. 3 p. 1. 464 [HAZLITT'S romancist and novelist's library. v. 1]. pp. 4 1; 5 p. 1. 420 pp. 17 I. 83. London, Powers (The) of the air; or spiritualism: what G. G. G. J. Robinson, 1795. S. it is, and what it is not. [anon.] 376 pp. 160. Potter (Richard). An elementary treatise on Dayton, (O.) United brethren1pub. house, 1867. mechanics. 4th ed. viii, 162 pp. 8~. London, Pownall (Thomas). An account of the shipWalton & Maberly, 1859. s. temple near Dundalk, in Ireland. 10 pp. 1 -- Physical optics; or, tihe nature and pro- pl. 8~. perties of light. viii, 119 pp. 8~. London, [VALLANCEY (C.) Collectanea de rebus hibernicis., Walton & Macberly, 1856. s. 3. No. 101. Pouchet (F6lix Archimbde). H6t6rogdnie; --- The administration of the British coloou, traite de la g6neration spontan6e, bas6 sur nies; wherein their constitutional rights and de nouvelles experiences. xxxii, 672 pp. 3 pl. establishments are discussed and stated. 6th 80. Paris, J. B. Baillibre, 1859. s. ed. 2 v. xv, 288 pp; xi, 308 pp. 80. London, Histoire des sciences naturelles aun loyen J. W-alter, 1777. age; on, Albert le grand et son epoque. v, 265 Poyen de St. Sauveur (Charles). Report on pp. 8~. Paris, J. B. Baillibre, 1853. s. magnetical experiments, etc. See Eusson Pouchot (M. -) Memoir upon the late (H. M.) war in North America, between the French Poylder (John). Human sacrifices in India. and English, 1755-60. Translated and edited vii, 261 pp. 80. London, Hatchard, cl son, by F. B. Hough. With notes and illustrations. 1827. 2 v. iv, 268 pp. 2 pl. 7 maps; 283 pp. 5 pl. Pozzo (Andrea). Perspective pictorum atque 7 maps. 8~. Roxbery, (Mass.) W. E. Wood- architectorum i-ii pars. 2 v. 222 pp. fol. wcrcd, 1866. Asgustee Vizdelicoreem, J. Wol;f' 1719. 328 PRADT. PRESSLER. Pradt (Dominique Dufour de). M6moires his- dica milanese. xvi, 693 pp. 80. Milano, M. toriques sur la revolution d'Espagne. xxiv, Carrara, 1857. 406 pp. 8~. Paris, Rosa 4' Perronneau, Premunire: a ballad, relating the doughty 1816. deeds of the knight Decanus, or dean; his Pretorius or Schultheiss? (Johann Angus- horse Capitulum, or chapter: and his squire, tin). Diascepsis juridica de philallilia con- Canonicus. By D. Bird, esq. [anon.] 12 1. nubiali. Von ehelicher gegen-liebe. 94 pp. 9 pl. fol. London, T. McLean, 1848. sin. 4~. Jence, Cassiter Miller, 1579. Prenties (S. W.) Narrative of a shipwreck Prato (Catharina). Die siiddeutsche kiiche on the island of Cape Breton, in a voyage autf ihrem gegenw-irtigen standpuncte, mit from Quebec, 1780.. iv, 115 pp. 18~. Lonberitcksichtigung des thee's fiir anfihngerin- don, 1782. nin sowie fir practische kSchinnen zusam- Presbyterian church of the U. S. Constitumengestellt. 2e aus,,. 80. Gratz, 1861. a. tion, adopted May 16, 1788; containing the The same. 4e ausg. 4 p. 1. 664 pp. 80. confession of faith, the catechisms, the govGratz, A. Zimunzerznann, 1864. s. ernment and discipline, and the directory for Pratt (Rev. Josiah, and Rev. John Henry). worship. 4 p. 1.. 215 pp. 16~. Philadelphia, Memoir of Rev. Josiah Pratt. xv, 501 pp. 1 T. Bradford, 1789. pi. 80. London, Seeleys, 1849. The same. 4 p. 1. 215 pp. 160. PhlilcPratt (Parley P.) A voice of warning; or, in- delphia, Y. Bradford, 1792. troduction to the faith and doctrine of the I Larger catechism; as received by the latter-day saints. 3d ed. 180 pp. 18~. New associate reformed church in North America. Yorkl:, J. Wf. Harrison, 1842. 105 pp. 180. Salem, Dodd & BRuzsey, Pratt (Samuel Jackson). Harvest-home: con- 1812. sisting of supplementary'gleanings, original Present (The) state of the British court; or, dramas and poems, contributions of literary an account of the civil and military establishfriends, etc. 3 v. I pl. 8~. London, R. Phil- ment of England. To be published annually. lips, 1805. [anon.] 4 p. 1. 200 pp. 11'. Londoz, A. Pratt (Zadock). Biography of Z. Pratt, of Bell, 1720. Prattsville, N. Y. [with] a portion of his Present (The) state of the British empire in addresses, letters, congressional reports, and Europe, America, Africa, and Asia. [anon.] speeches. xx, 506, xi pp. 80. [n. p. about 3 p.1. 486 pp. 5 maps. 1 pl. 80. London, 1853]. WH. Griffin, 1768. Pratten (Henry). Systematic catalogue of Present (The) state of the controversy between birds of Wisconsin and Minnesota. the states of New York and New Hampshire [With OWEN (D. D.) Report of a geological survey I on the one part, and the state of Vermont on of WAlisconsin, etc. 18521. the other. [anon.] 16 pp. 160. Hartford, Prayer (A) book in the language of the six (Ct.) Hutdson 4 Goodwin, 1782. nations of Indians, containing the boolk of Present (The) state of the parties in Great common-prayer of the protestant episcopal Britain; particularly an inquiry into the state church; with forms of family and private de- of the dissenters in England and the presbyvotion. By the Rev. Solomon Davis. 168 terians in Scotland. [anon.] 4p. 1l. 352pp. pp. 12o. N.Nerew Fork, Svords Stanford &C 120. London, J. Baker, 1712. Co. 1837. Present (The) state of the protestants in Prayers and hymns for the church and the France. [acnon.] 3p. 1. 31 pp. sm. 40. Lonhome, with selections of psalms. 122, 600 pp. don, John Holford, 1681. 16~. Boston, N. E. univ. putb. house, 1865. Present (The) state of the republick of letters. Prechtl (Johann Joseph). Praktische dioptrik [EditedbyAndrew Reid]. 1728-1736. 18 v. als vollstfindige und gemeinfassliche anleitung 12~. London, 7V. Innys, 1728-36. zur verfertigung achromatischer fernrhlbre. Pressence6 (Edmond de). The Redeemer: a xii, 296 pp. 4 pl. 8~. Wien, J. G. Heubmer, sketch of the history of redemption. Trans1828. s. lated from the 2d ed. by Rev. J. H. Myers, Preoieuses (Les) qualitds et propriatds de la D. D. 412 pp. 12~. Boston, Aimerican tract petite poule noire, pour la decouverte des soc. [1867]. tresors cachds. [anon.] 108 pp. 1 pl. 18~. Pressler (Max Robert). Der messknecht und Paris, 1843. sein praktikum. 3e aufl. xiv, 459 pp. 1 tab. Predari(Francesco). Bibliografia enciclope- 12~. Braunschweig, Vieweg, 1862. s. PRESTEL. PRIMAUDAYE. Prestel (M. A. F.) Das astronomische dia- et recentiorum. [Ed. Franciscus J. Noel]. 6 gramm; ein instrument mittelst dessen der p. 1. vi, 188 pp. 16~. Lutetice Parisiourn, C. stand und gang einer uhr, das azimuth ter- F. Patris, 1798. restrischer gegenstbinde, die mittagslinie, die Price (Edmund E.) The science of self-defence. abweichung der magnetnadel, der auf und A treatise on sparring and wrestling, [etc.] untergang der gestirne bestimmt, und andere 130 pp. 160. New York, Dick & Fitzgerald, aufgaben der astronomischen geographie und [1867]. nautiscllhen astronomie, ohue rechnung gelost Price (Capt. Joseph). [Tracts on Indiapolitics, vwerden k6nnen. xxi, 404 pp. 8~. Braunsch- chiefly in connection with Warren Hastings' veig, Vieweg, 1859. s. government.] v. 1-3. 80. London, 1783. Die periodischen und nicht periodischen Price (Owen). England displayed. fol. Lonverlinderungen des barometerstandes, so wie don, 1769. See Russell (P.), and Price. die stitrme und das wetter iiber der hanno- Price (Richard, D. D.) Observations on the verschen nordseekiiste, als grundlage der nature of civil liberty, the principles of govsturm und wetter-prognose. 3 p. 1. 150 pp. ernment, and the justice and policy of the 2 pl. 40..Emden, Veifasser, 1866. s. war with America; [with] State of the naPreston (Margaret J. ) Beechenbrook; a tional debt. 5th ed. 4 p. 1. 104 pp. 160~. rhyme of the war. 5th thousand. 106 pp. Charlestowun, (S. C.) D. Bruce, 1776. 12~. Baltizmore, Kelly & Piet, 1867. - The same. Anmerkungen fiber die natur Preston (Rev. Thomas S.) The purgatorian der biirgerlichen freyheit, fiber die grundstitze manual; or, selection of prayers and devo- regierung, und fiber die rechtmdiszigkeit und tions, with appropriate reflections, for the use politik des krieges mit Amerika. 108 pp. 80~. of the members of the Purg'atorian society in Brazncschwveig, F. TVaisenhcaus, 1777. the diocese of New York. viii, 453 pp. 1 pl. [r itht RENIrnI (Julius August). Amnerikanisches ar180. ~New York, P.. Shea, 1866. chiv. v. 1.] Prichard (James Cowles). Researches into the physical history of mankind. 3d ed. 5 v. 8~. de la jeunesse dclu comte de Letaneuf. Par Mr. Londo Sherwood Gilbert&Piper 183647. s. D. de Vaubreton. [pseudon.] 5 p. 1. 263 pp. 240. La lHaye, au dlpens de la coipcegnie, CONTENTS. v. 1. Introduction. 1740. v. 2. African races. Prevention (The) of panics; or, suggestions v. 3. Europe. v. 4. Asiatic nations. for an economical systeml of national finance v. 5. Oceanic and American races. in connection with the construction of public Prideaux (Humphrey). The old and new tesworks, without subscriptions, loans, etc. By tanment connected, in the history of the Jews a civil engineer. [anon.] 3d ed. revised. 58 and neighboring nations, from the declension pp. 80. London, A. H. Baily & Co. 1866. of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah to the Prevost (Florcunt). Mammiferes. time of Christ. 2 parts in 1 v. xvi, 259 pp. [ With LErEBVRsE (C. T.) Voyage en Abyssinie, v. 6]. 61; xii, 288 pp. 20 1. fol. Dubline, A. Rhames, and Lenlaire (C. L.) Histoire naturelle 1719. des oiseaux exotiques. Avec 80 planches rep- Prideaux (Matthias). An easy and compenrisentant 200 sujets peintes d'apres nature dious introdvetion for reading all sorts of hispar Paquet. [Avec appendice: de la chasse et tories. 2d ed. 4 p. 1. 351 pp. 19 1. sinm. 4~. de la pr6paration des oiseaux.] 156 pp. 80 Oxford, L. Licl/field, 1650. col. pl. xii pp. 2 pl. 8~. Paris, F. Savy, - The same. 3d ed. with synopsis of coun[1864]. s. cels, by J. Prideaux. 40~. Oford, 1655. s. Prevost d'Exiles (Antoine Franuois). The life. Priest's (The) turf-cutting day. A historical and entertaining adventures of Mr. Cleveland, romance. By T. C. M. [anon.] 82 pp. 120. natural son of OliverCromwell. [anon.] 2d New Yo'rk, author, 1841. s. ed. 3 v. 16~. London, T. Astley, 1741. Priestley (Joseph, LL. D.) Discourses on ~ —-- Manon Lescaut. [English translation.] various subjects. 385 pp. 80. Northumber83. Boston, 1845. land, (Pa.) John Binns, 1805. Preyer (William), and Zirkel (Ferdinand). ~ Experiments and observations on diffeReise nlach Island im sommer 1860. Mit wis- rent kinds of air, and other branches of natusenschaftlichen a nhitngen. viii, 499 pp. I pl. ral philosophy connected with the subject. 1 map. 8~. Leipzig, FR. A. Brockhaus, 1862. s. 3 v. 8. 8 BirningThanm, T. Pea~rson, 1i790. s. Priapeia. Erotopegnion, sive priapeia veterum Primaudaye. See La Prinlaudaye. 42 330 PRIME. PROEVE. Prime (Temple). Monograph of American Prior (Matthew). Miscellaneous works; poems corbiculadae. (Recentand fossil.) xi, 80 pp. on several occasions; [with verses sent to 8~. TFashington, Sm. inst. 1865. Mr. Prior]. Copied for the press by Adrian [Smithsonian miscel. coll. v. 71. Drift. 2d ed. x, 380, xcv pp. 1. 12~. Prince (L. Bradford). Articles of confederation London, A. Drift, 1740. vs. the constitution. The progress of nation- Priscianlus grammnaticus. Libri omnes, etc. ality among the people and in the government. Rufini item de metris ionicis, et oratoriis nu125 pp. 120. New York, G. P. Putnam? 4 son, meris, etc. 14 p. 1. 231 1. 80. Venitiis, Alcdus, 1867. 1527. s. Prince (Rev. Thomas). A chronological his- Pritchard (Andrew). Natural history of anitory of New England in the form of annals. malcules. 196 pp. 7 pl. 8~0. London, Whittaker 1602-1730. v. 1. and v. 2, no. 1-2 in 1 v. 5 p. ]. & Co. 1834. s. xi, 20, 104, 254 pp; 64 pp. 1 1. i6~. Boston, Pritzel (Georg August). Iconuml botanicorum S. Gerrish 4 S. Kneeland, 1736-[55]. index locupletissimus. An alphabetical regis[Imperfect; No. 3 of v. 2, and 9 pp. of table of sub- ter of upwards of 86,000 representations of scribers want ing]. scs~~ribers w~~ant~iIg phanerogamic plants and ferns, etc. xxxi, Some account of those English ministers, n 1183 pp. 8~. Bein, Fr. Z i~colai, 1855. s. who have presided over the work of gospel- 1183 pp. 80. Berlin, F. olai, 1855. S...i the Indians. on Mar.tha's. Vineyard andPrivate letters from an American in England izing the Indians on Martha's Vineyard and tohisfriens in America. nn. 163pp. the adjacent islands. [anon.] 34 pp. 8~. 18o. London, J. Amon, 1769. London, Sasasuel Gersish, 1727. Privileges (The) and practice of parliaments [ With MAYHEW (Rev. Experience). Indian converts. London, 1727]. in England. [anon.] 2 p. 1. 44 pp. 1 pl. sm. Prince (Thomas, jr. editor). See Christian 40. London, Robert Harford, 1680. (The) history. Boston, 1744. Probus gr~ammaticzus. De octo orationis memPrince Edward island. The parliamentary bris ars minor. reporter; or, debates and proceedings of the [Tith EICHENFELD (J. von). Analecta grammatica. q n 1 n l pp. 40 8". Desdenetc. Eeditio, etc. Beladori.] 227pp. 8. Pcaris, 1845. pp. 4~. 8~. Dresden, etc. Ex.pedition, etc. W [ TWith GITLDEIEISTER (Johalnn). Scriptornmn Arabam, 1850. 8. etc.] [IDie v6llstand!igstcn naturgeschichte der vigel. 2er I Reinhardt (Carl Wilhelm Theodor). Sarcoptis band. I scabiei brevis historia. 25 pp. tl. Halgis, Reichhardt (Paul Gottfried). Die druckorteis histol. 2 pp des xv. jahlrhulderts; nebst angabe der c Itetor, 1856. s. zeug e est-jhrgen pogphi Reinick (Rob ert). Lieder eines mlalers; mit erzeugnisse ihfrer erst-jhbhrigeii typographlisellen wirksamkeit. Mit einem anlhange* randzeichlluilgel seller freunde. 2p. 1. iv, 64 pp. 40. Dilsseldolf~ J. B3uddaeus 1838. s. veizeichniss der je ersten typograhelln, etc. f B neus, 1838. Reinwald (C.) Catalogue annuel de la libraix, 37 pp. 40. Aivf/isb-,r(, F. Bttsch, 1.853. s. rie faiinaaise, 1866. 80. Paenis, R1einacld. Reid (Jamies Seatoln, D. D.) History of the 1 8 1867. presbyteilian church in relandc. 2 -. xv, 456 lpp. xiv, 52.0 pp. 80..Edin. 1' tuji2 Loadu: ~ Reisseisen (Fi-.) Ut eer die structur, die vel 1834-37. v richtung und den ge-brauch der lungen. s. Reid (May.le) 13-ul;teg-nI [VWith SIMBIERRGIo (S. T. von), end REISSISlEN. ~Reida (M3,V-e). B ruin; the glrand b )e4w lhulnt. tfiber die strectur, etc. pp. 1-56/. 342 RELACAM.'RMUSAT. Relavgam verdadeira dos trabalhos, etc. Vir- of the thirteen United States of North Ameriginia richly valued, by the description of the ca." By a citizen of Philadelphia. With some maine land of Florida, her next neighbour: out observations, Whether all the western lands of the foure yeeres continuall trauell and dis- not purchased or conquered by the crown of couerie for aboue one thousand miles east a-nd Great Britain, antecedent to the late cession, west, of Don Fernando de Soto, and sixe ought not to be considered as ceded to the hundred able men in his companie. Written thirteen states jointly. By a Connecticut by a Portugall gentleman of Eluas, and trans- farmer. [anon.] 43 pp. 160. [?. p.] 1784. lated by Richard Haklivyt. [anon,.] 4 p. 1. Remarks on the proposed plan of a federal 180 pp. sim. 40. Londo,,, MacltttAew Lownes, government, addressed to the citizens of the 1609. United States of America, and particularly to Relatio:n de co qui s'est passd de plvs remarqv- the people of Maryla.nd. By Aristides. [pseuiable avx missions des phres de la compagnie don. ] 42 pp. 12~. Anlna(polis, Frederick Greln, de J6svs, en la Novvelle France, 1676-77. [aboult 1788]. [anon.] 165 pp. 120. [Newl YoFrk, plrivately iRemarks on the resolutions passed at a meet1printed by James Lenox, 1855]. ing of the noblemen, gentlemen, and clergy wIVtY LE 3MiERCIER (F.) Copie de clevx letttes. of the county of 5Warwick [to remonstrate 16561. R i against the proposed repeal of the corporation Relation des aftfaires du Cannada, en 1696. Avec d and test acts]; in three letters to the earl of des lettres des pores de la compagnie de J6sus 1 depuis 1696 jusquen 1702. [anon. ] 73 pp 80 Aylesfo. r ao.] 4pp. 8. B ya, N2ovelle.Xrk, JS. i. S;ea, 1865. J. Thompson, 1790.. o T. M. 8 1865.i Remer (Julius ALLgust, ecdito,). Amlerikanisch es Relation des missions et des voyages des ar*chiv. 3 r. o, B7V79raulnschwlae igJ. F Traisene-aesques vicaires apostoliques [d'icholiopolis, le Beritlie, et doe Metellopolis], et de leuis ec- 7-7 ciesiastiques, [aux royaumles de Siam, de la CONTriCNT. Cochinchilie, ct ld Tonquin], es aniemes I-. 1. rPci: (Rtilhard). Anlnerlkigen fiber die natur 6- [o 8. p P dler biirgerliehen freyheit, fiber die grundsitzo 1672-7;5. [swao. ] 8 p. 1. 389 pp. 120. Paris, regierung, und iiber die rechtma.szigkleit und politik des kriegs Init Amerika. URIEL (Ednmund). Ilede womit er seinen -orRelation (A) of Maryl'and; together,l schlag eiCer aushoniung mit den colonien empfielet, 22 Mirz 1775. of te countrey, the conditions of plantation LEE (Charles),and BURGaoYE (John). Briefe bey is majesties charter to te lord baltno gelegenheit der ankruinft des letztern in Boston. his imaijesties charter to the lord Baltimore, I., ANAI."oG zU Doctor Price's schrift, von der natur translated into Englisll. t[a;on.] I p. 1. 56 der birgerlicllen freyheit. -~pp 1 map. ~ T 4u. London., 7 P, 7. 2,. JOHNSON (Samuel). Schatzuug keine tiranney. inpp., ~. Io1, lo,, Loatlon IT.', P P0eas.le!, I TUCKE R (Josiah). Ein demiithige vorstellungan 1 635,,:. j diejenigen verehrungswiirdigen personen in -. —.?I Groszbrittanien und Irrland, welche geschickReliigious mystery conlsidered. L[iol. ] vii: 52 testen sind zu urtheilen, und die ttichtigsten zu 16~pp. 11.~" Londolz, J1 C'As~lbp-Sz L85Q0 entscheiden, ob est fiir das beste der nation, mit pp. — Loo - Chapnan, den amerikanischen colonien vereinight zu,Religious pieces in prose and verse. Edited bleiben, oder sich von ihnen zu trennenu. R Thornton's is. (cir. 1440), by G -- Berufang auf die gerechtigkeit und den fi-no R., Thornton's mm. (eil. 1440), by G. G. vortheil der groszbrittanischen nation in den Perry. xii, 106 pp. 8~. London,, 5,A' Tr;ilb- gegennwartigen streitigkeiten mit Amerika. ---- Zweyte berufung auf die gerechtigkleit Cter A' Co. 1867. und den vortheil des volks, in absicht der maasz[Early English text society publications., r reeln egen Nmerio.a.'v. 3. LIND (Jofln). Anmerkungen fiber die vornehnmsten acten des dreyzehnten parlement von C JN T E NN T S. C;* I r f, s z aGrcszbritannien. Dan Jon Gaytringe's sermon; Thle mirror of St. Ednnnd; The abbey of the holy ghost; Poeml of Rmo11nld des Cours(Nicolas). Histoired'Eloise W5illiam Nassyngton on the trinity and unity of God, etc; Hymns to Jesus Christ and the virgin; et d'Ab61ard. Avec la lettre passionn6e qu'elle of Sayne John the euaungelist; Hymns. Of Sayne John the enaungelist; Hymns. lui 6crivit. Traduite du Latin et accompagn6o Remarkable convictions. By a writer to the de leux autres avantures galantes fort sinsignet. [anon.] ix, 260 pp. 120. Edinburgyh, gulidres; [le maquis de Basin, et le chevalier Win'rl. P. YiTb1no, 18605. dle La Tour Landry]. 2 p. 1. 140 pp. 240. La, Remarks on the early corruptions of chrisHaye, L. 4' H. Van Dole, 1693. tia.lity chliefly, so far as regards the trinity; [WVith COTOLENDI (C.) Arlequiniana. Ptaris, 1694]. and on prayer. By J. WT. [an~on.] 147 pp. Re1musat (Claire Elisabeth Jeanne Gravier de 120. lPhiladelp2hica. J. Camtipbnll, 1867. Vergennes, cowtesse de). Essai sur l'ducation Remarks on a pamphlet entituledl "A disser- des femmes. Nout.d. 2 46pp. 160. Pac.ris, lation on the political union and constitution Ctarpelntier 1842.~ ;343 REMY. REPUBLICAN. Remy (Jules). Voyage au pays des Mormons. Manuce et de leurs editions. 2 v. xxviii, 250 Relation, g6ographie, histoire naturelle, his- pp. 20 1. 44 pp; ix, 149 pp. 3 1. 8~. Paris, toire, th6ologie, moeurs et coutumes. 2 v. austeur, 1803. lxxxviii, 432 pp. 5 pl. 1 map; vii, 544 pp. - Annales de l'imprimerie des Estienne; 5 pl. 8~. Paris, E. Dentu, 1860. ou, histoire de la famille des Estienne et de ses Renaldini (Carlo). De resolutione, et compo- editions. 2e 6d. xix, 584 pp. 8~. Paris, Ressitione mathematica, libri dvo. 4 p. 1. 535 pp. ouard, 1843. s. 15 1. fol. Patarii, hIeredes P. nraenbotti, Renshawe. A novel. By the author of 1668. "Mary Brandegee." Edited by Cuyler Pine. Geometra promnotvs. 88pp. fol. Patarcii, [anon.] 384 pp. 120. 1 e~ w Yeork, G. IlY P. l11. Fracnbotti, 1670. Carleton & Co. 1867. [With the preceding]. Renwick (James). Treatise on the steam Renan (Joseplh Ernest). Les aptres. lxiv, 388 engine. 328 pp. 9 pl. 8~. New Y-ork, Carvil7 pp. 80. Paris, L&vyfrees, 1866. 1830. The same. The apostles. Translated Renzi (Angelo Maria). La confession souterfrom the French. 353 pp. 120. New Yorak raine de la basilique de Saint Marc de Rome. G. IW. Carleton & Co. 1866. (Extract). 7 pp. 80. Paris, Ivnst. lsistoriquze, --.Discours sur l'6tast des beaux-arts au 1845. s. [xive] sidcle. 40. Paris, 1863. [With his M6moire sur les Incas, etcl. [In Histoire litteraire de la France. v. 24. pp. 603757. 40. Paris, 1863]. Le guerre de Spartacus, en trois camLa po6sie des races celtiques. 82 pp. 8~. pagnes. 135 pp. 1 pl. 1 map. 80. Paris, Paris, Levy, 1860. l'auteur, etc. 1832.,. [ I, RENAN. Essais de morale et de critique, 1860]. HItistoire des Basques. (Extract). 12 pp. Renaudot (Th6ophraste). See Mercure fran- 80. Paris, Inst. historiqute, 1850. as. qois. [ TVith his M6moire sur les Incas, etc. Rendu (Ambroise Marie Modeste). Code uni- M6moire sur les Incas et surles langues versitaire; ou, lois, statuts et rbglemens de Ayrmara-Quichua. (Extract). 19 pp. 8c. l'universit6 royale de France. 2c 6d. xvi, 924 Paris, lest. historique, 1844.. pp. 80. Pcsaris, Hclacrette, 1835. S. -~ Notice surla grotte ce Collepardo (Italie). De l'instruction secondaire, et spiciale- (Extract). 4 pp. 80. Pari'is, In2st. historiqae., ment des tcoles secondaires eccl6siastiques. 1840. 2e partie. pp. 193-512. 80. Tours, MaIne, I TWith his ilmoire fiur les Incas, etl;e]. 1842.. Ouolofs; introduction it la gramlmaire de [L2e wanuting.] Lambert. (Extract). 27 pp. 80. Psaris I Ie parti wanting.,nst. historique, 184'2. s. Rendu (Victor). Manuel d'agriculture. vi, 215 inst. listoriqae, 1842. 8. pp. 120. Paris, L. llachette, 1838. s. I With, his MlImoire sur les Incas, ete]. Rennell (James). Memoir on the ruins of ----— Des pe'uples et des arts primitifs de Babylon. l'Italie. (Extract). 8 pp. 80. Parqis: list. [ Wit7 RICH (C. 3.) Narrative. etc. pp. 107-134. 80. historique, 1842. s. 1:ondon, 1839]. Leaden, 16391. r With his M6mnoire sur lee Incas, eta]. Rennie (James). Alphabet of angling, for the [Revut e des] mnmoir es de la soeiatte use of beginners. 136 pp. 160. London, H. G. des antiqaires de l'Amnrique du nord. Partie Bo Jnn 1849. linguistique. (Extract). 15 pp. 80. Paris, Rennie (John). Report and estimate of the Izst. iistoriqne, 1842. grand southern canal, proposed to be made [ With his M6moire sur les lncas, etc.] between Tunbridge and Portsmouth. 10 pl. Reply (A) tofare thee well!!! Lines addressed 1 map. 4~. London, E. Blackader, 1810. s. to lord Byron. [anon.] 12 pp. 80. London, Renou (Jean Baptiste). Nouvelle m6thode. S. Kirby, 1816. pour apprendre les langues h6braique et chal- I Miscellaneous pamphlets. v. 56]. daique. Avec le dictionnaire des racines Reply (A) to the Rev. Dr. George Junlkin's hdbraiques et chaldaiques, et de leurs d6riv6s. treatise, entitled "Sabbatismos."' By Justin [anon.] Publi6e par Jacques Le Long.'Martyr. [pseudon.] 143 pp. 12.0 Philadel7 p. 1. 386 pp. 12~. Pacris, Jacques Collombat, phia, T. E. Zell, 1867. -1708. Republican (The) from Aug. 27, 1819, to Dec. Renouard (Antoine Auguste). Annales de 29, 1826. 14 v. 80. London, B. Carliile, 1'imprimerie des Alde; ou, histoire des trois 1819-26. 344 RESHItD-ED-DINI. REVIEW. Reshid-ed-din Fadhlallah, k)-rownt as Er-i sanctami absolvtas comuplectentes. 72 1. fol. Reshidi. Histoire des Mongols de la Perse. Basiliae, H. Petr-.s, 1554. s. Publi6e, traduite en frangais, accompagnee de [ With his Exegesis, etc.] notes et d'un mnomoire sur 1a vie et les ouvrages Reuleaux (prof. F.) Die festigkeit der Imate(dI lauteur par E. M. Quatremtere v. L I rialien. See Moll (C. L.) aczd lReuleaux. clxxv, 450 pp. fol. Paris collection orientale, Reume (Augnste de). Vari6t6s bibliographiiiip. royale, 1836. 8 ques et litt6raires. 204 pp. - pl. 80~. BriTx[No more published elles, Dewvasme 1848. Cathay under the Mongols. 20 pp. 8 R. Y Reumnont (Alfred von). La jeunesse de Cathe[With YULE (Henry). Cathay, etc. -... Lodo eu (Alfred on). L jeee 1866]. rine dle M6dicis. xvii, 388 pp. 1 pl. 12~. Residence (A) on the shores of the Baltic. I Paris, Plon, 1866. Described in a seiries of letters. [anon.] 2 v. Reuss (Jeremias David). Alphabetical register viii,293pp; vi, 286pp. 1]g. Londol,,J.TL- Mar-' of all the authors actually living in Great ray, 1841. Britain, Ireland, and in the united provinces Thestif de La Bretonne (N. E.) See Retif de of North America, with a catalogue of their La Bretonne. publications, 1770-1790. xiv, xi, 459 pp. 8~. Retif de La Bretonne (Nicolas Edide). Berlin & Stettin, -IF. NXicolai, 1791. L'andrographe, ou iddes d'un honnette-lhome, Reveille-Parise (Joseph Henri). ltudes (le sur un projet de reglement, por op6rer une l'hommne dans l'6tat de sant6 et dans I'dtat de r6forme g6n6rale des moeurs. Avec notes. maltdie. 2 v. iv, 512 pp; 512 pp. 80. Paris, 2 v. 475 pp. 8~. Lat Haie, (Gosse.~ Pinet, I Dentu, 1845. 1782. ~ Physiologie et hygiene des honmmnes livr6s La mimographe, ou idles d'nne honnete a ux travaux de l'esprit. 4e wd. 2 v. 424 pp; femme pour la reformation du theitre nation- 483 pp. 80. Paris, Dentu, 1843. ale. [anon.] 466 pp. 80. letmstei da m, C/han —-- Trait6 de la vieillesse, hygidnique, mddiguion, 1770. cal et philosophique. viii, 488 pp. 8~. Paris,.-.-.- Le paysan perverti, ou les; danigers de i Bailli're, 1853. la ville. 4 v. in 2.. 16~0. La Ha11(e, et se tro re a Revere (John, M1. D.) A summary of physiParis, chez Dzucesne, 1776. ology. 430 pp. 80. Baltimzore, Edwarud J. Retslag palindroze for Galstcrt ((Carl). Po- I Coale ct Co. 1822. litical sketches; twelve chapters of the strug- Review of the "Biographical sketch''" of Jolhn gles of the age. iv, 154 pp. 120. Loncon, R. Vanderlyn, published by Wim. Dunlap, in his'Theobald, 1854. "H Iistory of the arts of design;" with some Retz, or Retzins (Anders Johan). Falun ie additional notices respecting Mr. Vanderlyn suecicae a Carolo a Linu6; inchoaltae paurs as anartist. By a friend of the artist. Janorn1.] prima, sistens marnllalita, aves, amphibia et 65 pp. 80.,/evc York:, 1838. piscesSueciae. x, 362 pp pl. 8~. Lipsiae, Review (A) of Capt. Basil Hall's travels in S. L. Crtsius, 1800. s. North America, in 1827-28. By an Aneri[No mnore published]. can. [atnon.] 149pp. 8~. Londonb, It. J. Retza or Rota (Franlz von). Coliestoritrni Kennett, 1830. s, Vicioruml. 286 1. fol. lrefmberle, [,J. See- {Review (A) of the letter addressed by W. A. senisckrmid & BH. Kefer.,] 1470. Duer to C. D. Colden, in answer to strictures Retzsch (Friedrich AugustMoritz).'antasien. - contained in his "Life of Robert Fulton." Fancies; a series of subjects in outline. With With appen With appendix. [anoi. ] 07 pp. 8~. -Nrew,, prefatory remarks and descriptions, by Mrs.. ork, 1818 Jameson. xiii pp. 12 1. 6 pl. London, etc. Review of the life and character of Lord Byron. Sa~unders & Otley, etc. 1834~. "~ From the British critic, April 1831. [aCon.] -- Gallery to Shakespeare's dramatic Tolks iii, 95 pworks. 18~. London, izintons 1833. in outlines. 16 pts, with explanations. obl. [Miscellaneous pamphlets, v. 56]. 40, _eiw Yor k. G. &B. B, esterimann bros. 1849. i Review (A) of the proceedings of the Arctic [Imperfect: pts 5-16 wanting; pl. 1 of the Macbeth series, and all -of text but pp. 1-161. searching expeditions, under command of' Reuchlin (Johann). Exegesis dictionvm in I Captain H-. T. Austin, and WT. Peiny. [Naupsalmos sex. 56pp. fol. Basiliae, H. Petrus| tical magazine, 1851-2. Arctic papers]. 30, 1554. s i 23, 22, pp. 1 map. 80. London, Jo.. Potter, Tabvlae viginti, institvtiones'in lingvam i 1851. 345 REVIEWS. RICH. Reviews of a part of Prescott's history of Fer- eries, and manufactures of the state. Predinand and Isabella, [drawing a parallel be- pared by E. M. Snow. cxi, 111 pp. 80~. tween Elizabeth, queen of England, and Isa- Providence, Press co. 1867. bella], and of Campbell's lectures on poetry, - Thirteenth report upon the registration [relating to Homer's Odyssey anon.] 199 of births, marriages, and deaths for the year pp. 120. Boston, J. H. Fcrancis, 1841. 1865. Prepared by E. M. Snow. vii, 87 pp. Revue des deux mondes. 36e et 370 annres. 80. Providence, Press co. 1867. 2ep6riode. Nov. 1866 to Dec. 1867. v. 66-72. Rhode Island (The) repository, a monthly 8~. Paris, [J. Claye], 1866-67. magazine. [From April, 1814, to April, 1815.] Reybaud (Marie Roch Louis). L'industrie en v. 1. 672 pp. 3 portraits. 8~. Providence, Europe. 296 pp. 120. Paris, M. Le vy, 1856. (R. I.) Robinson 4 Howland, 1815. - Jromle Paturot a la recherche cdune Rhode (Johan). Introductio ad medicinlam position sociale. Nouv. 6d. ix, 426 pp. 16~. paulo accuratiorem, et bibliotheca medica. Paris, Levy, 1867. iWith CONRING (H.) Introductio in universam artem Reyes or Los Reyes (Jose Maria de). Diario medieam. Ed. 1726].. Rhodes or R8ueda (Alexandre de). Voyages de la expedicion de 1822. Buenos-Aires, 1836. See Garcia (Pedro Andres), and Los Reyes et missions en la Cbine et autres royaumes de (Jose ML~aria do). l'Orient. Nouv. 6d. ix, 448 pp. 8~. Paris, Reynold-Chauvancy (Charles de). Code Rey- Julien, Lanier & Cie. 1854. s. -nold. Tlgraphie: autique polyglotte Rhodes (James A.) Adventures by sea and noid. Tdlegraphie nautiqule polyglotte A nold. T616graphie, autique -olyglo.t. h land; a cruise in a whale boat, during a year lPusage des armies navales et de la marine du laud; a cruise i a whale boat, during a year in the Pacific ocean and the interior of South commerce. 4 p. 1. lxxxii, 229 pp. 64 1. 11 Aerica. 107 pp. 0 ew York, 1848. America. 107pp. 8~. NeSe York 1848. pl. 8~. Paris, V. Danmont, 1855.'Rhodes ( WVillianr Barnes ). Epigrams. In Reynolds (Edward, D. D. bp. of NRorwich). A two books. 84 pp. 160. London, Wt5n. Miltreatise of the passions and faculties of the o books. 84 pp. 16 soul of man. 9 p. 1. 553 pp. 1 pl. smin. 40 1 1803. London,. Bostock 1656. Ricci (Lodovico). Riforma degl' instituti pii London, R. Bostock, 1656. Reynolds (George W. M.) The soldier's wife. della citt di Modena. 202 pp. 80. Vew York, 1. Long & brote; [Sr, ccITTRI class. Ital. di econ. po1. v. 41]. 1853. Riccoboni (Marie Jeanne Laboiras de M6Reynolds (John, of Exeter, EBag.) The tri- zihres). Letters from Elizabeth Sophia de umphs of God's revenge against the crying Valiere to her friend, Louisa Hortensia de and execrable sinne of murther. In thirty Canteleu. Translated from the French by severall tragical histories. 4th ed. fol. Lon- Mr. Maceuen. 2 v. 252 pp; 242 pp. 16~. dosn, 1663. London, T. Becket, 1772. Reynolds (John, of Vermont). Recollections Rice (Rev.David). Epistles to the citizens of of Windsor [Vt.] prison; containing sketches Kentucky; especially presbyterians. Also, of its history and discipline. 252 pp. 1 pl. Slavery inconsistent with justice and good 12~. Boston, A. iFright, 1834. policy, first printed in 1792. pp. 321-418. Reynolds (John, governor of Illinois, and M. [ With BIsHOP (Robert HI.) History of the church in C.) My own times, embracing also the history Kentucky. Le.ington, 1824]. of my life. 600, xxiii pp. 1 pl. 16~. Belle- Rice (Rev. Nathan L.) An account of the lawville, (Ill.) 1855. suit instituted against [him] for a pretended Rhind (William). Spasmodic cholera. libel on the character of Rev. David Duparque, [With MURRAY (Hugh). Account of British India. a Roman priest. WVith some remarks on celiv. 3. pp. 273-278. New York, 1833-36]. bacy and nunneries. 192 pp. 160. Louisville, Rhode Island. [Proceedings of the general (Ky.) D. Holcomb 4 Co. 1837. assembly holden at Providence, Jan. 2, 1776. Rich (Claudius James). Narrative of a journey pp. 202 to 265.] 8~0. Providence, J. Carter, to the site of Babylon in 1811; memoir on 1776. the ruins; remarks on the topography of --- Report upon public schools and educa- ancient Babylon, by Major Rennell, in refertion, October, 1854. By E. R. Potter. 247 ence to the memoir; with narrative of a jourpp. 80. Providence, State, 1855. s. ney to Persepolis. Edited by his widow. Report upon the census, 1865; with xlvii, 324 pp. 26 pl. 80. London, Duncan & statistics of the population, agriculture, fish- Malcolm, 1.839. 44 346 RICH. RICHMOND. Rich (Jeremiah). Pen's dexterity compleated. Persian, Arabic, and English; abridged from [With] the terms of the law compleat. By the quarto edition of Richardson's dictionary, Samuel Botley. 30 pl. 160. London, E. as edited by Charles Wilkins. By David Parker, [1669]. Hopkins. viii, 643 pp. 80. London, F. & C. Rich (Obadiah). Supplement to the Bibliotheca Rivington, 1810. s. Americana nova. Part i. Additions and cor- Richardson (Sir John). Fishes. [Extract.] rections, 1701 to 1800. 8~. London, 1841. 74 pp. 17 col. p1. 8~. London, Museum of Richard (Achille)..1lmens d'histoire natu- nat. hist. [about 1860]. s. relle m6dicale. 3 v. 8~. Paris, B'echet, Ichthyology. [Extract.] 128 pp. 40~. 1831-35. s. London, Encyclopcedia britannica, [1856]. s. - Tentamen floe Abyssinicze, etc. See Richardson (Rev. J. LL. B.) Recollections, Lefebvre (C. T.) Voyage en Abyssinie, political, literary, dramatic, and miscellaneous, v. 4-5. of the last half century. 2 v. in 1. xi, 304 - Iconographie v6gdtale. Texte. See Tur- pp; viii, 303 pp. 8~. London, C. Mitchell, pin (P. J. F.) 1856. Richards ( George, of Portsmouth, N. 1. ) Richardson (Nathaniel K.) One hundred Washington; an historical discourse. 80 pp. choice selections in poetry and prose. 180 pp. 4~. Portsmouth, (N. H.) C. Peirce, 1800. 120. Philadelphia, P. Garrett & Co. 1866. [Imperfect]. Richardson (Samuel). A tour through Great Richards (T. Addison). Miller's guide to Sara- Britain. See Defoe (Daniel), Richardson toga springs and vicinity. Illustrated. 91 pp. (S.) and others. 8pl. 180. LNewu York, J. Miller, 1867. Richardson (T. G. M.D.) Elements of human Tallulah and Jocassee; or, romances of anatomy: general, descriptive, and practical. southern landscape, and other tales. 255 2d ed. 671 pp. 8~. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippp. 120. Charleston, TWalker, Richards & Co. pincott 4 Co. 1867. 1852. Richardson (Williaml professor at Glasgow). Richardson (Albert D.) Our new states and The Indians; a tragedy. [anon.] iv, 81 pp. territories; being notes of a recent tour of ob- 12~0. London, C. Dilly, 1790. servation through [the far west]. 80 pp. 8~. Riche de Prony. See Prony. New York-, Beadle & Co. 1866. Richelet (Pierre). Dictionnaire portatif de la Beyond the Mississippi. Life and ad- langue francoise, extrait du grand dictionventure on the prairies, mountains, and Pacific naire de Pierre Richelet. [Par l'abb6 C. P. coast. 1857-1867. [Illustrated.] 572 pp. 16 Gouget]. Nouv. ed. 2 p.. 676 pp. 120. pi. 1 map. 80. Hartford? (Conn.) American Lyon, Benoist Duplain, 1770. pub. Co. 1867. Richer (Jean). See Mercure franqois. Richardson (Benjamin Ward, M.D.) For and 1Richmlond (Va.) library. Catalogue of books. against tobacco; or, tobacco in its relation to 107 pp. 8~. Richmond, Mac.farlane &.Ferthe health of individuals and communities. 75 gusson, 1855. s. pp. 8~. London, -J. Churchill & sons, 1865. Richmond during the war; four years' of perRichardson (Charles James). Popular treatise sonal observation. By a Richmond lady. on the warming and ventilation of buildings: [anon.] 389 pp. 120. New vYork, Carleton & showing the advantage of the improved system Co. 1867. of heated water circulation. 3d ed. viii, 115 Richmond (Rev. James Cook). The Rhode pp. 17 pl. 80. London, J. Weale, 1856. s. Island cottage; or, a gift for the children of Studies of ornamental design. 4 p. 1. 11 sorrow: a narrative of facts [in the life of pl. fol. London, J. Weale, 1848. Cynthia Taggart]. Ist English from 2d Am. Richardson (John, B. D. of Emanuel coll. ed. 160 pp. 240. Newport, (Isle of Wight), Ca-mb.) The canon of the new testament vindi- R. J. Denyer, 1849. cated; in answer to the objections of J. Richmond (Rev. Legh). The dairyman's T[oland] inhis Amyntor. 2d ed. xii, 131pp. daughter. [In Cherokee]. Unvdi ganodisgi 120. London, B. Sare, 1701. uwetsi ulenitolvi kanohesgi. 56 pp. 240~. Richardson (John, quaker). An account of Park Hill, Mission press, 1847. [his] life. vi, 236 pp. 8C. Philadelphia, J. A statement of facts, relative to the supCrukshank, 1783. posed abstinence of Ann Moore. 56, lxxvi pp. Richardson (John, F. S. A.) A vocabulary, 8~. Burton-orn-Tr-ent, J. Croft, 1813. 347 RICHTER. RIETZ. Richter (Ernst Friedrich). Manual of harmo- 40 pp. 14 pl. 40~. Philcadelphia, H. Challen, ny: a practical guide to its study. Trans- 1867. lated from the German by J. P. Morgan. 219 Riddle (Edward). Treatise on navigation and pp. 8~. New York, G. Schirmer, [1867]. nautical astronomy. vi, 299, 251 pp. 80. Richter (Eugen). Co-operative stores, their London, Bacldwin, Cradock 4' Joy, 1824. history, organization, andmanagement. Based Riddle (Rev. Joseph Esmond). Household on the German work of E. Richter, with an- prayers for four weeks; with additional praynotations and amendments, rendering the work ers for special occasions, [etc.] 179 pp. 120. specially adapted for use in the United States. 2Nrew Yor/k, J. Pott, 1866. s. 131 pp. 12~. New York, Leypoldt & Holt, 1867. Ridley (James). The schemer; or, universal Richter (Otto Friedrich von). Wallfahrten satirist. By that great philosopher, Helter im i Morgenlande. Aus seinem tagebfichern Van Scelter. [pseczdon. ] 278 pp. 31. 160~. und briefen dargestellt von J. P. G. Ewers. London, J. Wilkie, 1763. xviii, 715pp. portrait. 8~. Berlin, Reismer, Ridley (Nicholas, D.D. bisiop of London). 1822. s. Prmefatio et protestatio habita Aprilis 20, in Rickard (F. Ignacio). A miningjourney across scholis publicis Oxonii, anno 1555; treatise the great Andes. xvi, 314 pp. 2 maps. 12~. against the error of transubstantiation. 59 pp. London, Smith, Elder & Co. 1863. 8~0. Oxford, 1825. Rickey, Mallory and company. Catalogue [With RANDoOLPI (John) bishop of London. Eunchirraisonn6, [etc.] of the most important worli dion theologicum. v. 1]. [etc.] published in the United States and Eng- Ridner (John P.) The artist's chromatic handland, [etc.] 239 pp. 80. Cincinn~ati, 1860. s. book. Being a practical treatise on pigments, Rickman (Thomas). An attempt to discrimi- [etc.] 144 pp. 12~. New York, G. P. Putnam, nate the styles of architecture, in England, 1850. s. from the conquest to the reformation, [etc.] Riedesel (Friederike Charlotte Luise von). 3d ed. vii, 414 pp. 1 1. 14 pl. 8~. London, Die berufs-reise nach Amerika. Briefe der Longmans, [1825]. s. generalin von Riedesel auf dieser -reise, und The same. [With appendix on Saxon wiahrend ihres sechsjihrigen aufenthalts in architecture, etc.] 5th ed. lvi, 238 pp. 1 1. America, zur zeit des dortigen krieges in den ixii pp. 6 1. 8~. London, J. H. Parker, jalren 1776 bis 1783. x, 352 pp. 8~. Berlin, 1848. s. Haude & S2pener, 1800. Ricord (F. WV.) Series of Roman history. The I The same. Letters and journals relating kings of Rome. 304 pp. 7 pl. 167 pl. i6~. Ne to the American revolution, and the capture Yorlk, A. S. Batrnes & Co. 1856. s. of the German troops at Saratoga. From the The same. The republic of Rome. 308 German, by W. L. Stone. 235 pp. 3 pl. pp. 5 pl. 16~. Nz'Vew York, A.. S. Barnes C 80. Albany, J. Mz'unsell, 1867. Co. 1856.. s. Riehl (W. H.) Launudleute. [Die naturgeRicord (Philippe). Additions, etc. See Hunter schichte des volkes, als grundlage einer deuts(John). Treatise on the venereal disease. chen social-politik. v. 1.] 5e aufi. xvi, 365 pp. Ricraft (Josiah). A survey of England's chain- 8~. Stuttgart, J. G. Cotta, 1861. s. pions, and truth's faithfull patriots. [With Riera (Joaquin Valentin). La mujer. Breves alnother title-page: Civil warres of England r asgos descriptivos de su naturaleza, fisica y briefly related, 1641-48. Collected by J. Ley- moral con relacion 6 la sociedad. 150 pp. 12~. cester]. 5 p. 1. 174 pp. 22 pl. 8~. London, J. iNew York, Famniltor, 1856. s. Hancock, 1649. Riess (Peter Theophilus). Die lehre von der Riddell (John). Architectural designs for reibungs elektricitat. 2 v. viii, 516 pp. 7 p]; model country residences. 14 1. 40 pl. obl. viii, 592 pp. 5 pl. 80. Berlin, A. Hirschlwald, fol. Philadelphia, T. B. Peterson 4' bros. 1853. s. [1867]. lietstap (J. B.) Armorial g6n6ral, contenant Riddell (i,s. J. H.) George Geith of Fencourt. la description des armoiries des familles nobles A novel. By F. G. Trafford. [pseudon.] x, et patriciennes de l'Europe; pr6c6d6 d'un 555 pp. 120. Boston, T. O. H. P. Buernlham, dictionnaire des termes du blason. vi, 1171 1865. pp. 5 pl. 80. Gouda, G. B. van Goor, 1861. Riddell (Robert). The modern carpenter and Rietz (Johan Ernst). Skanska skolvidsendets builder..New and original methods for every historia. 8 p. 1. 655 pp. 8~. Lund, Berling, cut in carpentry, joinery, and hand-railing. 1848. s. 348 RIGAUD. RITSON Rigaud (Stephen Peter, editor). Correspond- be put. 107 pp. 14 pl. 120. ANeu York, ence of scientific men of the 17th century, in- Dick & TFitzgerald, 1867. cluding letters of Barrow, Flamsteed, Wallis, Riley (H. H.) Puddleford papers; or, humors and Newton; from the collection of the earl of the west. 359 pp. 120. New York, Relfield, of Macclesfield. 2 v. xv, 375 pp; 610 pp. 1857. 8~. Oxford, Universitypress, 1841. s. Riley (James). An authentic narrative of the Rigby (Edward, M.D.) An essay on the uterine loss of the American brig Commerce, wrecked hbemorrhage which precedes the delivery of on the western coast of Africa, in 1815, with the full-grown foetus. With a memoir of his the sufferings of her surviving officers and life, by John Cross. 6th ed. lxi, 267 pp. 8o. crew, enslaved by the Arabs. xiv, 554, xxi Norwich, Hunter, 1822. pp. 1 map, 9 pl. 8~. New York, T. & IV. Right (The) of a state to grant exclusive pri- Mercein, 1817. vileges in roads, bridges, navigable waters, Rimestad (C. WT.) Zwei weltbegebenheiten. etc. vindicated by examination of the grant [China; die eroberung Pelkings. Nordamerfrom the state of New York to Robert Living- ika; der zerfall der union ]. Deutsch von H. ston and Robert Fulton for exclusive naviga- Helms. 280 pp. 160. Leipzig, L. Wiedetion of vessels by steam or fire, on the waters mann, [1862]. of said state. [anon.] 44 pp. 80. New York, Ringland (John), and Gelston (John). ReE. Conrad, 1811. port of a deputation from the national assoRight (The) of tithes re-asserted. [anon.] 24 ciation for the education of the deaf and dumb p.. 486 pp. 16~. London, E.. Bronie & 1R. poor of Ireland, who visited several instituClavel, 1680. tions for the deaf and dumb in Great Britain. Right (The) way. LA weekly political news- 80 pp. 1 tab. 16. Dublin, association, 1856. paper]. Nos. 1-62. Dec. 18, 1865, to March s. 2, 1867. 2 v. in 1. fol. Boston, Impartial Rio (C. Andres del). Elementos de orictognosuffrage league, 1865-67. sia, 6 del conocimiento de los fosiles, segun el [No more published]. sistema de Bercelio, y segun los principios de Rights and wrongs of the north and the south: A. G. Werner. 2n ed. vii, 680 pp. 8e. IFilaoil on the waters. [anon.] 436 pp. 120. delfia, J. F. Hurtel, 1832. s. Boston, J. E. Tilton 4' Co. 1867. Rios (Jos6 Amador de los). See Los Rios. Rigoley de Juvigny (Jean Antoine). De la Ripa (Cesare). Iconologia, overo descrittione d6cadence des lettres et des mceurs, depuis d'imagini delle virtv', vitij, affetti, passioni les Grecs et les Romains jusqu'da nos jours. humane, corpi celesti, mondo e sue parti. 16 2e 6d. vii, 552 pp. 160. Paris, Merigot, 1787. p. 1. 552 pp. 40. Padoua, P. P. Tozzi, Rig-Veda-Sanhita: the sacred hymns of the 1611. Brahmans, together with the commentary of ~ The same. Iconologie. Tir6e des reSayanacharya. [Sanskrit text]. Edited by cherches et des figures moralis6es, par J. Max Mtuller. v. 1-4. 40. London, WT. H. Bavdoin. 2 pts. in 1 v. 12 pl. 204 pp; 196.Allen & Co. 1849-62. S. pp. fol. Paris, i1. Gvillemot, 1644. The same. A collection of ancie'nt Hindu Risso (G. Antonio). Ilistoire naturelle des prinhymns, constituting the third and fourth Ash- cipales productions de l'Europe m6ridionale, takas, or books of the Rig-Veda. Translated et particulibrement de celles des environs de from the Sanskrit. By H. H. Wilson. [v. 3.] Nice et desAlpesmaritimes. 4v. 80. Paris, xxiii, 524 pp. 8~. London, W7. H. Allen 4. F. G. Levrault, 18'26. s. Co. 1857. s. Ritchie (Anna Cora Mowatt). The clergy-.. The same. The Aitareya Brahmianam man's wife, and other sketches. A collection of the Rigveda, containing the earliest spec- of pen portraits and paintings. 384 pp. 120. ulations of the Brahmans on the meaning of New York, G. WV. Carleton 4' Co. 1867. the sacrificial prayers, and on the origin, per- Ritchie (J. Ewing). Here and there in Lonformance, and sense of the rites of the Vedic don. 228 pp. 160. London, IV. Twieedie, religion. Edited by Martin Hang. With 1859. Sanscrit text. 2 v. ix, 89, 216, vi pp; vii, Ritson (Joseph). Ancient songs, from the time 535 pp. 12~. Bombay, gov. central book depdt, of Henry the third, to the revolution. [With 1863. s. a preliminary dissertation. anon.] 1 p. 1. Riley(Harvey). The mule. Atreatise onthe lxxx, 332 pp. 120. Londcon, J. Jolnson, breeding, training, and uses, to which he may 1790. 349 RITSON. ROBINS. Ritson (Joseph). Robin Hood: a collection of compos6s par des fellmes. 6 v. 8~. Pcris, all the ancient poems, songs, and ballads rela- lcauteur, ct La Grange, 1786-89. tive to that outlaw; with anecdotes of his life. Robert (Nicolas). Histoire particulibre des xii, xxiv, 240 pp. 160. London, Longrnans, oiseaux de la menagerie du roi peints d'apres etc. 1820. nature, etc. S. Ritter (Abraham). Philadelphia and her mer- [With JONSTON (J.) Histoire naturelle des oiseaux. v. 1. 1773-74]. chants, as constituted fifty and seventy years Robert (T.) Life of Rev. George Whitefield. ago. 223pp. 20pl. 80. Pliladelphia,author, 259 pp. 160. Londone, [n. d.] 1860. Robert-Dumesnil (Alexandre Pierre Franqois). Ritter (Carl ). Comnlparative geography of Le peintre-graveur frangais; on, catalogue Palestine and the Sinaitic peninsula. Trans- raisonn6 des estampes de l'ecole franiaise, lated and adapted to the use of biblical stu- [etc.] ouvrage faisant suite au Peintre-graveur dents by W. L. Gage. 4 v. 8~. Newu York, d M. Bartsch. 7 v. 8. Pcris, G. l~aree, Aipletons, [printed at Edinburgh], 1866. etc. 1835-44. s. G6ographie g6n6rale comparee; ouI Roberts (David). Historical discourse on the 6tude de la terre dans ses rapports avec la na- life, deeds, and character of Mathew Cradock. ture et avec l'histoire de l'homme. [Afrique]. 16pp. 80. Salem, W. Ives, 1856. Tr. de l'Allemand par E. Buret et ]Vdouard Roberts (Emma). Descriptions. See Views Desor. 3 v. 80. Paris, Paulin, 1836. S. in India, China, etc. London, 1835. [No more published]. Die Stupa's (Topes); odr, ie ahitec- Roberts (Lewis). The merchants'.mappe of Die Stupa's (Topes); oder, die architeccommerce: wherein the vniversall manner tonischen denkmale an der indo-baktrischen and matter of trade is compendiously handled. k6nigstrasse, und die colosse von Bamiyan. viii, 272 pp. atlas. 1 map. 8 pl. 80. 1Berl3in5 pp. 10 1. 2L62 192 pp. 5 maps. fol. London, R. Mabb, 1638. Rivarol, (Antoine, ctd).Esrid.iva Robertson (Rev. Abram). Elements of plane Rivarol (Antoine, conmte de). Esprit de Rivarol. and spherical trigonometry. s. rol. [Pr6c6d6 d'une notice par F. J. M. p ar With EUCLID. Elements, etc. by RPobert Simson. Fayolle.] xli, 258 pp. 16. Paris, Per London, 1834]. neau, 1808. Robertson (T. pseudon.) Whole French lanRiver (The) Plate as a field for emigration: guage. See Lafforgue (P. C. T.) its geography, agricultural capabilities, etc. Robertson (William). An historical disquisi[anon.] 35 pp. 80. London, Bates, Hfendy & tion concerning the knowledge which the anCo. 1866. cients had of India; and the progress of trade Riverside (The) magazine for yonng people. Twith that country prior to the discovery of An illustrated monthly. Jan. to Dec. 1867. the cape of Good Hope, with appendix. 4tl v. 1. iv, 576 pp. 80. Nlew York, 7CHurdt & - ed. viii, 369 pp. 180. London, T. Cadelljr. Houghton, 1867. 1802. Robbins (Thomas, D.D.) An historical view _ The history of America; [with] the hisof the first planters of New England. x, 300 tory of Virginia to 1688; and of New Engpp. 160. Hartford, Peter S. Gleason, land to 1652. 2d ed. 2 v. 306 pp; 293 pp. 1815. 80. Philadelphia, S.'Probasco, 1821. A series of sermons on the divinity of Robin (Charles Philippe). Des v6g6taux qui Christ. 172 pp. 18~. Hartford, Sils n- croissent sur'homme et sur les animaux drus, 1820. vivants. viii, 120 pp. 3 pl. 80. Paris, J. B. Robert (A. C. M.) Fables inddits. See La Baillire, 1847. s. Fontaine (Jean). Robin ( - ). New travels through North Robert (Louis Joseph Marie). Nouvel essai America, exhibiting the history of the camsur la m6galantropog6n6sie, ou l'art do faire paign of the allied armies under general des enfans d'esprit, qui deviennent des grands Washington and the count de Rochambeau, hommes; suivi des traits physiognomiques in 1781. 95 pp. 120. Boston, R. Battle, propres A les faire reconnoitre, ddcrits par 1784. Aristote, Porta, et Lavater, avec notes. 2e 6d. Robins (Benjamin). Mathematical tracts. Pub2 v. xxxvi, 47, 395 pp; 463 pp. 80. Paris, lished by James Wilson. 2 v. xlvi, 341 pp. Le Normant, 1803. 2 pl; 380 pp. 1 pl. 80. London, J. Nourse, Robert (Louise F6licitd Guinement de K6ralio). 1761. Collection des meilleurs ouvrages franmois, [Tracts on ordnnance, gunnery; ammunition, etc.] ROBINSON. ROGER. Robinson (Edward, D.D.) Biblical researches Robyn (Henry). Thorough description of the in Palestine, Mount Sinai, and Arabia Petroea. Braille system for the reading and writing of 3 v. 80. Boston, Crocker ~4 Brewster, 1841. music; also, all characters of the English, Robinson (Fayette). California and its gold French, and German language, cyphering, regions, with a geographical and topographi- and algebra. 48, 8 pp. 8 pl. 12~. St. Louis, cal view of the country, its mineral and agri- iA. Wiebusch & son, 1867. cultural resources. 137 pp. 1 map. 80. Rocha(PioBustamente). Compendioelemental New York, Stringer & Townsend, 1849. dezoologia. 248pp. 131. 13pl. 160. Mexico, Robinson (Horatio N.) Elements of geometry, Manguia, 1854. s. plane and spherical trigonometry, and conic Roche (Jean Antoine, called Antonin), and sections. 270, 65 pp. 12~. Cincinnati, J. Chasles (Philarete). Histoire de France, Eranst, 1850. s. depuis les temps les plus reculds. 2 v. vii, - Elements of natural philosophy. 287 604 pp; 447 pp. 8~. Paris, Didot, 1847. pp. 12~. Cincinnati, J. Ernst, 1848. s. Roche Plavin(BernarddeLa). See LaRoch-l Elements of plane and spherical trigo- Flavin. nometry, with problems [and tables of loga- Rochefort (C6sar de). Histoire naturelle et rithms]. pp. 243-383; 70 pp. _Nrew York, morale des iles Antilles de l'Amerique. Avec Ivison & Co. [1867]. vn vocabulaire caraibe. 8 p. 1. 527 pp. 6 1. The progressive primary arithmetic. 80 1 pl. 40. Rotterdam, Arnozld Leers, 1658. pp. 160. Boston, Sanborn & Carter, 1858. s. [NOTE.-This work, though commonly attributed to A treatise on astronomy, descriptive, Rochefort, or to L. de Poincy, was probably written by neither]. physical, and practical. ix, 302, 53 pp. 8~. PicaIl, a.nd practica. ix,302,53 pp.8. Rochester (earl of). See Wilmot (John). Cincinnati, J. Ernst, etc. 1849. Rs. A new treatise on the elements of differ- Rochet, knozn as Rochet d'H6ricourt, (Charles Xavier). Second voyage sur les deux rives de ential and integral calculus. Edited by J. F. $o. la Mer Rouge, dans le pays des Adels, et le Quimby. 472 pp. 8~. I-Aew York, ILisov, royaume de Choa. xlviii, 406 pp. 12 pl. 80. ~~~~Co. 1868. Pcaris A. Bertrandt 1846. s. Robinson (J. H.) The Boston conspiracy; or, the royal police. A tale of 1773-75. 110 Rockwell (Bev. Charles). The Catskill moilnpp. 120. Boston, Dow & Jac7lson, and Glea- tains and the region around. Their scenery, son, 1847. legends, and history: with sketches by Cooper Robinson (Mrs. Sara T. L.) Kansas; its in- and others. xii,351pp. 6 pl. 12. wl TYork, terior and exterior life. ix, 366 pp. 2 p. Taintor, bros. & Co. 1867. 120. Bosto~n, crosby, Nichols & Co. 1-P56. Rodd (Thomas). Catalogue of books of voyages Robinson (Solon). Facts for farmers, also for and travels in various parts of the world, inthe family circle, about domestic animals and cluding an extensive series relating to Amerdomestic economy, farm buildings, orchards, ica. 95 pp. 8~. London, Conrpton 4- iitcie, 1843. and vineyards, etc. 2 v. in 1. 1050 pp. 22 pl. 80. YNew York, A. J. Johnson, 1867. Rodwell (James). The rat: its history and The same. Thatsachen fdr landwirtlle destructive character; [with hints on the sowie fdilr den familienkreis. Deutsch bear- management of poultry]. New ed. xii, 299 beitet von H. Grube. 2 v. in 1. 996 pp. 22 pl. pp. 16~. London, Boutledge 4- Co. 1858. 80. New York, A. J. Johnson, 1868. Roe (Rev. A. D. and MZrs. Marion H.) The Robinson (Rev. Stuart). Discourses of redemp- months and seasons: a cantata, in four parts. tion; a popular method of exhibiting the [With PALMER (H. R.) The song queen. pp. 71-96]. "divers" revelations through patriarchs, Roemer. See Romer. prophets, Jesus, and his apostles. 488 pp. 80. Roeper. See Roper. lrew York, D. Appleton & Co. 1866. Rogeard (A.) Pauvre France! [poele, avec Robison (John). Anleitung zur verfertigung une pr6face]. xxvii, 104 pp. 16~. Bruxelles, achromatischer fernrahre: aus dem Englis- J. H. Briard, 1865. chen von Dr. Friedrich Korner. viii, 221pp. Roger de Hoveden. Annales. In Savile (Sir 5 pl. 120. Jena, A. Schmid, 1828. Henry). Rervm anglicarvm scriptores, etc. Roby (John). Seven weeks in Belgium, Swit- 1601. zerland, Lombardy, Piedmont and Savoy. Roger (Charles, of Quebec). The rise of Canada 2 v. xi, 420 pp; viii, 424 pp. 120. London, from barbarism to wealth and civilization. v. 1. Longman, Orme $& Co. 1838. viii, 412 pp. 8~. Quebec, P. Sinclair, 1856. 351 ROGERS. ROLL OF HONOR. Rogers (Rev. Ammi). Memoirs. By himself. 3d a complete code of signals. Translated from ed. 268 pp. 160. Middlebu)ry, [Vt.] J. W. the Danish by H. B. Dahlerup. 2d ed. Copeland, 1830. xxviii, 174 pp. 8~. London, A. W. Webster, Rogers (George). Explanation of the painting 1835. s. by James Burns, of Washington crowned by Rohrer (Louis). Definitions and explanations three angels, emblematic of equality, fratern- of the science of book keeping; with commerity, and liberty, etc. 16 pp. 80. ewiv York, cial correspondence. Counting-house ed. 324 author, 1850. s. pp 80. Philadelphia, J. B. B. Lippincott & Co. Rogers (Henry Darwin). First annual report 1867. of the state geologist [of Pennsylvania]. 32 Roijaards. See Royaards (Herman Jan). pp. 80. Harrisburg, E. Guyer, 1836. s. Rolevinck de Laer (Werner). Fasciculus Second annual report of the geological temporum omnes antiquorum cronicas corn exploration of the state. 92 pp. 1 map. 8~. plectens. [anon.] 9 p. 1. 64 1. 40~. Spirae, P. Harrisburg, Packer, Barrett &c Parker, 1838. Drach, 1477. s. [WTith the preceding]. 9 Rolfe (William J.) and Gillet (Joseph A.) The Cambridge course of elementary physics. s yThird annual report o. n th. e geologicagl Part 1. Cohesion, adhesion, chemical affinity, survey of the state. 118 pp. 80. Harrisburg, 120. Boston, ~Boas & Coplan, 1839. sand electricity. viii, 324 pp. 12~. Boston, Crosby & Ainsworth, 1868. [ With the preceding]. Roll of honor. Names of soldiers who died in Fourth annual report on the geological defence of the American union, interred in survey of the state. 215 pp. 8~. Harrisburg, New Hampshire, Massachnsetts, Connecticut, L]W. D. Boas, 1840. S New Jersey, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, Ore[ With the preceding]. Fifth annual report on the geological gon, Maryland, South Carolina, Florida, --- Fifth annual report on the geological Li survey of the commonwealth. 156 pp. 1 pl. i Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, Missouri, the 80. Harcbrisburg7, Ellottt& Mc urcdyy 1841. s. military division of the Mississippi, and the [With the preceding],Elliott&M,"Ctir d 4. s. territory ofDakota. 244pp. 8~0. Washington, t egovt. printing ofce, 1866. Rogers (Samuel). Jacqueline: a tale. [anon.] 95, 128 pp. 18 London, J a 1814. The same. Names of soldiers, victims otf [With B2YRON. hera. Ed. 1814]. the rebellion, buried in national cemeteries in ERogers (William B.) Report of thle geological Maine, Minnesota, Maryland, Pennsylvania, reconnoissance of the state of Virginia, made Rhode Island, Arkansas, Mississippi, Florida, under the appointment of the board of public Louisiana and Colorado. 138 pp. 80. Washworks. 52 pp. 1 pl. 40.- [Richmnond,public zngton, got. printing oice, 1866. printei, 1836]. s. - The same. Names of soldiers who died Report of the progress of the geological in defence of the American union, interred in survey of Virginia for the years 1839-[40]. 2 Arkansas, California, Indiana, Michigan, Minv. in 1. 161 pp. 1 pl; 132 pp. 8~. Richmond, nesota, and Nevada, and the territories of S. Shepherd, 1840-41. s. Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, and Rogers (WV. R. 1M. D.) An examination of the Mexico, 126 pp. 8~. Washinglton, govt. printevidence relative to cow-pox, with letter from ing oqfee, 1866. John Birch. pp. 105-133. The same. Interred in Wisconsin, New [With BIRCI (John). Vaccination. Cow-pox tracts. York, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Maryland, Misv.3.1 Roggeween (Jakob). Dagverllhaal der ontdek- souri, North Carolina, Arkansas, Kansas and kings-reis met de schepen den Arend, Thien- Dakota territory. 212 pp. 8~. Wcshington, hoven, en de afriliansche galei, 1721-22. 205, govt. printing ofice, 1866. 23 pp. 1 map. 2 pl. 8~. Middelburg, Abra- - The same. Interred at Fortress Monroe hams, 1838. and Hampton, Va. 56 pp. 8~. Washington, Rohde (Levin-Joergen). Systeine complet de govt. printing office, 1866. signaux de jour et de nuit, A l'usage des nayv- The same. Interredin eastern district of igateurs de toutes les nations. Traduction Texas; central district of Texas; Rio Grande frangaise de MM. C. VilsoSt et Meldola. district, department of Texas; camp Ford, xxviii, 245 pp. 8~. Paris, Eberhart, 1835. s. Tyler, Texas;/and Corpus Christi, Texas. 35 The same. The universal sea language: pp. 8~. cWashington, govt. printing office,'1866. 352 ROLL OF HONOR. ROSE. Roll of honor. Nlames of soldiers who died oolithen-gebirges. 218 pp. 16 p1. 40. Hanin defence of the American union. (No. xi). nover, Hahn, 1835-36. s. Interred in the national cemeteries at Chatta- Ronaldson (James). Specimen of printing nooga, Stone river, and Knoxville, Tenn. type. 54 1. 8~. Philadelphia, 1822. 442 pp. 80. Washington, govt. printing ofice, The same. 561. 80. Philadelphia, 1822. 1866. [ With BRUCE (D. & G.) Specimen of printing types. 1820]. The same. (No. xiii). Interred in New 1820]. Ronge (Johannes). Reformation of the 19th cenYork, Illinois, Virginia, West Virginia, Mistury. Part i. HIistorical development, 1844-52. souri, and the territories of Colorado and Utah, 18 x, 93 pp. 16~. London, Deutsch 4~ Co. 1852. 135 pp. 8~. Washington, govt. printing office, 186n~~~~~7. ~ The same. Part ii. Religion of humani1867. 1JRolle (Richaird, of Hanpole). English prose *ty: principles. vii, 93 pp. 160. Manchester, PRolle (Richard, of Hametpole). English prose Cocs 1852 [religious] treatises. Edited from Robert Oswnld 4' Covacs, 1852. Thornton's ms. (Cir. 1440 A. D.) by George Rznne (Ledwig von). Das unterrichts-wesen G. Perry. xxxiii, 49 pp. 80. London, des preussischen staates, etc. 2 v. xxviii, 967 pp; xx, 663 pp. 8~. Berlin, Veit & Co. T:iibner' & Co. 1866. [Early English text society publications, No. 201. Rollin (Charles). The ancient history of the [Die Verfassung und verwaltung des preussischen staates. 8er theil. 2e band.] Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babyl- CONTENTS. onians, Medes, and Persians, Grecians and v. 1. Allgemeiner theil. Privat-untcrricht-volksschulMacedonians. [With] life of the author by wesen. Macedonians. [With] life of the aulthor by rv. 2. Hohere schulen, universithten, sonstige kulturRev. R. Lynam. Translated from the French. anstalten. 8 v. 160. Hartford, "Andrus & Judd, 1833. Ronzelen (J. J. van). Beschreibung des baues Rolt (Richard). Memoirs of the life of John des Bremer leuchtthurmes an der stelle der Lindesay, earl of Crauford. [anon.] 336 Bremerbaake in der Wesermiindung. 52 pp. pp. 160. London, T. Beckcet & Co. 1769. 2 pl. 1 map. 40. Bremerhaven, L. r. FangeRoman des sept sages de Rome. Paris, 1838. r'ow, 1857. [See LOISELEUIR DEsLoNGCIJAMPS (A. L. A.) Essal Roorbach (Orville A.) Supplement to the sur les fables, etc.] Bibliotheca americana: a list of books pubRomani (Giovanni). Dizionario generale de' lished in 1849. vii, 124 pp. 80. Nrew York, sinonimi italiani. 3 v. 8~. Milano, G. Sil- G. P. Putnam, 1850. s. vestri, 1825-26. s. Root (Harmon Knox). The lover's marriage Romans (Capt. Bernard). Annals of the light-house: a series of sensible and scientific troubles in the Netherlands, from the acces- essays on marriage and free divorce, etc. 511 sion of Charles V, emperor of Germany. pp. 8~. New York, author, 1858. s. 2 v. in 1. 3 p. 1. cxx, 160; 243 pp. 120. Roper (Johannes August Christian). EnuH artford, Watson 4- Goodwin, 1778-82. r meratio euphorbiarum quee in Germania et A concise natural history of east and Pannonia gignuntur. viii, 68 pp. 3 pl. 40. west Florida. vol. i. viii, 342, lxxxix pp. G'ttingce, C. E. Rosenbusch, 1824. 221. 1 map. 7 pl. 160. XNew York, 1775. Zur flora Mecklenburgs. 2 v. 160 pp; No more published]. 296 pp. 8~. Rostock, Adler's erben, 1843-44. Rimer (Ferdinand). Die kreidebildungen Von Roscher (Albrecht). Ptolemmus und die hanTexas und ihre organischen einschliisse. Mit delsstrassen in Central-Afrika. viii, 114 pp. einem die beschriebung von versteinerungen 2 maps. 80. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1857. s. aus paliozoischen und tertidren schichten en- Roscommon (earl of). See Dillon (Wentthaltenden anhange. viii, 100 pp. 11 pl. worth). 40. Bonn, A. Marcus, 1852. s. Rose (Gustav). Elemente der krystallograTexas. Mit besonderer riicksicht auf phie, nebst einer tabellarischen uebersicht der deutsche auswanderung und die physischen mineralien nach den krystallformen. vi, 173 verhialtnisse deslandes nach eigener beobacht- pp. 10 pl. 80. Berlin, E. S. Mittler, 1833. s. ung geschildert. 80. Bonn, A. Marcus, 1849. Rose (Heinrich). Ausftihrliches handbuch der Romer (Friedrich Adolph). Synopsis der analytischen chemie. 2 v. xiv, 968 pp; vi, mineralogie und geognosie. xiv, 464 pp. 1,070 pp. 80. Braunschweig,'Vieweg, 1851. s. 4 pl. 8~. Hannover, Hahn, 1853. s. CONTENTS. [With LEUNIS (J.) Synopsis derodrei naturreiche. v. 1. Qualitativen chemisch-analytischen untersuch3e theil]. ungen. Die versteinerunge des nord deutschen v. 2. Quantitativen chemisch-.ananlytischen untersnchungen. 353 ROSE. ROSSMASSLER. Rose (Heinrich). Ausfiihrliches handbuch der search of a northwest passage. iv, 26 pp. 8~. analytischen chemie. Traitd pratique d'analyse London, 1849. chimique, suivi de tables, servant, clans les [ ith his Observations on a work entitled "Voyages analyses, A calculer la quantit6 d'une sub- of discovery, etc.' London, 1846]. stance d'apres celle qui a 6Bt trouv6e d'une I Letter to John Barrow, on the late exautre substance. Traduit de l'Allemand, sur traordinary and unexpected hyperborean disla 4e 6d. par A. J. L. Jourdan, accompagid6 coveries. [anon.] 46 pp. 80. London, W. de notes et additions, par E. P6]igot. 2 v. Pople, 1826. viii, 664 pp; 792 pp. 8~. Paris, J. B. Bail- [With his Observations on a work, entitled "Voyage tIeea, 1843. S. ~dof discovery within the Arctic regions." London, The same. A practical] treatise of chemi- - Observations on a work, entitled "Voycal analysis, including tables for calculations a Oes o a nd research in the Arctic h analysis. Trasato from the Fr h a ages of discovery and research in the Arctic in analysis. Translated fromthe French and b regions," by Sir John Barrow. 62pp. 8~. from the 4th German ed. with notes [etc.], by London, Blackwood, 1846. A. Normandy. 2 v. xvi, 746 pp; xxiv, 587 pp. Norm Lndoy.. xviTe & Co. 18489. s. - A short treatise on the deviation of the mariner's compass. 39 pp. 1 pl. 8~. Londos, Nachtrag zu chemie. See Weber (R.) Richardson, 1849. See, also, Normandy (A.) Practical [ With his Observations on a work, entitled " Voyages introduction, etc. of discovery within the Arctic regions." London, Rose (Philip), and Evans (John). Printer's 1846]. job price book. iv, 65 pp. obl. sm. 40. Bris- Ross (M.) Collieries in Northumberland, etc. tol, Philip Rose, 1814. See Hair (T. H.) and Ross. Rosecrans (Sylvester H. D. D.) The divinity Rossel (llisabeth Paul eIdouard de). Trait6 of Christ; together with thoughts on the des calculs de l'astronomie nautique. passion of Jesus Christ. xx, 142 pp. 180. [ With BIOT (J. B.) Trait6 616mentaire d'astronomie, 1810-111. Cincinnati, J. P. Walsh, 1866. iossetti (William Michael). Swinburne's Rosell (Manuel). Apologia en defensa de laballads; acriticism. aparicion de San Isidro en la batalla de las Lonesnd J. C. Hotten, 1866. London, J. C. Hotten, 1866. Navas, [etc.] 123pp. 12~. MZadricl, Imprentae eNavas, [etc.] 123 pp. 120. Madr'id, Inprenta Rossi (Guglielmo, prof. at Milan). Prolusione seal, 1791. S. ad un corso libero di letture, di scienza finanRoselli (Antonio). Tractatus de ieiulijs. 61. zizaria' etc. 61 pp. 4~. Milano, autore, sm. 4~. Rome, Steffcanus Piannck, 1486. 1861. s. Rosen (Georg.) Elementa persica: narrationlles.*.s Rossi (Pellegrino Luigi Odoardo). Cours persicae. xix, 199 pp. 120. Berolini, Veit, conoie poitique. 2 v. de6conomie politique. 2e ed. 2 v. ii, 464 pp; 1843.. S. 14 448 pp. 80. Paris, Thorel, etc. 1843. s. Rosenmiiller (Johann Georg). Scholia in no- Manuel el cultivo del Rossignon (Julio). Manuel del cultiro del vum testamentum. [Ed. 6" cura E. F. C. cura E. F. C. anil y del nopal; 6 sea extraccion del indigo, Rosenmiilleri]. 5 v. 80. _rorimbergae, Fel~oseckeonmtilr 1815. Sv. s80. Norisergae Eel- educacion y cosecha de la coclinilla. 309 pp. 180~. Paris, Rosa c' Bouret, 1859. Ross (Rev. Arthur A.) Discourse embracing [Encl. Hisp. Amer.] the civil and religious history of Rhode Is- Manuel del cultivo de la caila de azicar land, delivered at Newport April 4, 1838, at del laboreo del azcar. 304 pp. 180. Paris, the close of the second century from the first Rosa 4. Bouret, 1857. settlement of the island. 161 pp. 12~. Prov- (Encl. Hisp. Amer.) idence, H. I. Brown, 1838. Rossmnissler (Emlil Adolf). Der naturgeRoss (D. Barton). The rhetorical manual, or schichtliche unterricht. Gedanken und vorSouthern fifth reader. 549 pp. 120. NVew schltige zu einer umgestaltung desselben. vi, Orleans, (La.) J. B. Steel, 1853. - s. 138pp. 12~. Leipzig,F. Brandsteller,1860. s. Ross or Rouse (John, of Warwqick). Historia Populare vorlesungen aus dem gebiete regum Anglice. Descripsit, notisque et indice der natur. Mikroskopische blicke in den adornavit Tho. Hearnius. xxxvi, 236 pp. innern bau und das leben der gewaichse. v. 1. 2 pl. 8~0. Oxonii, J. Fletcher & J. Pote, ix, 100 pp. 15 col.l.. 120. Leipzig, H. Cos1745. tenoble, 1852. s. Ross (Sir John). Explanation and answer to Stirje letni casi. Predelal Ivan Tusek. Mr. John Braithwaite's supplement to Captain vii, 255 pp. 8~. Ljubljani, Matica slovenska, Sir J. Ross's narrative of a second voyage in 1867. s. 45 354 ROSSMXSSLEJR. ROYAARDS. Rossmaissler (Emil Adolf). Der wald. Den histoire naturelle, morale, civile, et politique freunden und pflegern des walces geschildert. de PAsie, l'Afrique, l'Am6rique, et des terres xiv, 628 pp. 2 maps. 17 pl. 80. Leipzig, etc. polaires. [anon.] v. 1-2. 12~. Paris, Durand, C. F. Winter, [1861]-63. s. 1763. s. Roth von Schreckenstein (Carl Heinrich). Herr [Wanting v. 3-101. Walther von Geroldseck, bischof von Strass- Roussillon (F. P. Vigo). See Vigo-Rousburg, (1261-1263). 76 pp. 8~. Tiibingen, sillon. H. Lapp, 1857. S Roussin ( Albin Rene, baron ). Memoir on Rothe (A). Handbuch ffir angehenden landothe (). I uch fr angehenden lad- the navigation of the western coast of Africa wirthb. 2e auf. xiv, 340 pp. 80. Leipzig, from Cape Bojador to mount Souzos. [1817Veit 4 Co. 1861. s. 18]. Translated by James Badgley. 68 pp. Rother (Stanislaus, M. D.) Ueber echinococcen 40. London, llydrograplhic oice, 1827. s. der leber. 32 pp. 80. Berlin, G. Lane, 187. Roux (Joseph). Recueil des principaux plans S. des ports et rades de la mer Mediterran6e. Rotteck (Carl Wenzel von), and Welcker 121 maps. obl. 180. GWnes, Gravier, 1779. (Carl Theodor). Das staats-lexikon. Ency- Rover (A. pseulon.) See Croquet; its princloptdie der sammtlichen staatswissensclaften ciples and rules. ciplesn anf 8 rules. fiir alle stride, [etc.] Neue auflage. 12 v. Rovings in the Pacific, from 1837 to1849; with 80. Altona, J. Hannmmerich, 1845-48. a glance at California. By a merchant long Rouby (Jules). Bibliotllhque de l'mligrant. residentat Tahiti. [anon.] 2v.xi, 371 pp; Guide americain. 248 pp. 160. Paris, xii351pp. 4pl. 120. LondonLongnan Blot, 1859. Bro Bow Co. 1851. Rough sketch of modern Paris; or, letters on Rowe (rs. Elizabeth). Devout exercises of,Rowe (Mrs. Elizabeth). Devout exercises of society, manners, public curiosities and amuse- the heart. 4th ed. xvi, 48 pp. 180. Boston, ments, in that capital, written 1801-2. [anon.] Rogers and Fowle, 1742. 8 p.1. 319 pp. 8~. London, J. Johnson, 1803. [Imperfect]. Roulet (Jean Antoine). Recueil des memoires Rowe (Nicholas). Poetical works. 80. Edinsur la culture de la vigne. 188 pp. 80. Neu- burgh, 1793. chatel, Fauche-Borel, 1808. S. [Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 7]. Roullier (Auguste). Essai sur la philosophie ERowel (M.) Lettors from hell. 2 v. vii, 336 medicale. xxii, 294 pp. 80. Paris, Croul- pp; 328 pp. 12~0. London, Bentley, 1866. lebois, 1815.. Rowlett (John). Tables of discount, or inRound (The) table. July 28, 1866 to Dec. terest. 2d ed. 208 pp. 40~. Phziladelphia, 1867. v. 4-6. sin. fol. New York, J. A. J. Rowlett, 1826. Gray & Green, 1866-67. Rowley (Hon. Hughl, pseudon?) Puniana; Rouse (Sir Charles William Broughton). Dis- or, thoughts wise and other-wise. A new sertation concerning the landed property of collection of the best riddles, conundrmns, Bengal. 322 pp. 80. London, J. Stockdale, jokes, etc. Illustrated. xii, 258 pp. Sin. 40~. 1791. London, J. C. lottcn, 1867. Rouse (John). See Ross (John, of Warwick). Roxburghe (John Ker, 3d duke of). A cataRouse (William). The doctrine of chances; or, logueno of the library of the late duke, arranged the theory of gaming, made easy to every by G. and W. Nicol, [etc.] which will be sold person. 350 pp. 8~. London, Lackington, 1814. by auction, May, 1812, by R. H. Evans. Rousseau (baron A.) Parnasse oriental; oun, 284 pp. 80. London, TV. Bulmer & Co. 1812. dictionnaire historique et critique des meil- s. leurs pontes, anciens et modernes, de l'Orient, A supplement to the catalogue, [etc.] etc. viii, 207 pp. 80. Alger, Brachet'~ BFas- iv. 21 pp. 8~. London, W. Bulamere & Co. tide, 1841. s. 1812. s. Rousseau (Jean Jacques.) Contrat social. L With the preceding]. [Appended to TOROMBETr (C.L. H.) Principes, etc.] The prices of the Roxburghe library. Rousseau (Louis), and Ceranl-Lemolnnier 73 pp. 8~. London, W. Buzlmer & Co. [1812.] ( —). Promenades au jardin des plantes. [Withs the precedilngl. S. xxxi, 519 pp. 180. _Paris, J. B. Bailliire, Royaards (He,:man Jan). Hedendaagsch ker1837. kregt bij de hervormdlen in Nederland. 2 v. Rousselot de Surgyv (JacquesPhilibert). Me- xii, 261 pp; xii, 448 pp. 80. Utrecht, J. langes intbressans et curieux; ou, abreg6 d' Althcer, 1834. 355 ROYAL. RULES. Royal (The) family of the Stuarts vindicated mata Scotire. [With] notes. New ed. 6 pl. from the false imputation of illegitimacy. 232 pp. 180. Edinburgh, P. Anderson, 1782. [anon.] 44 pp. 120. Rudge (E. J.) A short account of the history [ With ORLdEANS (P. J. d'). History of revolutions in and antiquities of Evesham. vi, 145 pp. 5 pl. England, 1603-90. 120. London, 17111. Royal geographical society. Journal. 1866. 8v. 36. 8~.London, J. l [1867]. Rudolph (Ludwig). Die pflanzeldecke der -vP.'On ee i. 80. s, eondo si T. [1867]. verde. viii, 416 pp. 8~. Berlin, Nicolai, --— Proceedings. Sessions 1865-67. v. 10-11. 183.. 8~. Londorn IV. Clowes & sons, 1866-67. 80. London, W. Clowes & sons, 1866-67. Rudolphi (Carl Asmund). Entozoorum, sive Royal institution of Great Britain. Catalogue sto vermium intestinalium historia naturalis. 2 v. of library, including a list of the Greek in 3. 80. Amstelcedain Taberce librarice et writers, by Charles Burney, with an index of authors by W. Harris. 80. London, 1821. s. artm S. Royal medical and chirurgical society, (Lon- Entozoorum synopsis, cui accedunt mantissa duplex et indices locupletissimi. x, 811 cdon). Additions to the library during tle years 1856-57-66. 9 v. 80. Lontdon, soiet pp. 3 pl. 8~. Berolini,. iicer, 1819. s. 1856-66. S. Rue (De La). See La Rue...RuXff(.) History of Cheltenhan. See DibRoyal (The) military chronicle; or, British Ruff (H.) History of Chelteha. See Dibofficers' monthly register and mirror. [SUpplements to v. 2, 3, 5, and 6, v., ew series, Rufinianus (Julius). De figuris sententiarum. See Rutilius Lupus (P.) May to Nov. 1814]. 3v. 5 pl. 8~. London, See Rtilius Lupus (P. yJ. DtavNis, 1811-14. 3v.5 p1. 8'London, Rufinus antiochenus. De metris comicis, et oraJ. Davis, 1811-14.: toriis numeris. CONTENTS. [ With PRISCIANUS. Libri omnes. Ed. 1527]. ANTHING (Friedrich). History of the campaigns of Suworow Rymnikski. v. 2. Rufus (Sextus). See Sextus Rufus. Campaign of Moreau, in Germany, 1796. v. 1. Riihl (Carl) Clifornin: ueber dessen beDEFOE (Daniel). Memoirs of Capt. Geo. Carleton. v. 1. EUGE:IaE (of Savoy, prince). Life of. v. 1. volkerung und gesellschaftliche zustinde, GIRIAUD (P. F. F. J.) Campaigns in France, 1813-14. politisohe, religidse, und sch.l-verh.ltnisse, v. 3. poltsche reise d schu-erhttnsse VERTOT D'AUBEUF (R. A. de). History of the revolu- handel, industrie, minen, ackerbau, u. s.w. tion in Portugal. v. 1. VOLTAIRE (F. M. A. de). Life of Charles xii. v. 2. Mit berticksichtigung der minen-regionen der Life of Peter the great. v. 2. benachbarten staaten, etc. Mit einer karte Royer (Charles:ldouard). Notes 6conomiques von Californien, Nevada, etc. viii, 283 pp. sur l'administration des richesses, et la statis- 2 col. maps. 80. Ntew York, E. Steiger, tique agricole de la France. xviii, 471 pp. 1867. s. 8~0. Paris, Pillet aine, 1843. Ruiz de Leon (Francisco). La Hernandia; Royle (John Forbes, lM. D.) Materia medica triumphos de la f6, y gloria de las armas and therapeutics. Edited by Joseph Carson. espalfolas: conquista de Mexico, etc. Poema 689 pp. 80. Philadelphia, Lea & Blanchard, i heroyco. 10 p. 1. 383 pp. sm. 40~. Madrid, 1847., s. Viuda de Manuel Fernandez, 1755. R1oys (Auren, pseudon?) Brief history of the Ruiz de Mon toya (Antoniio). La arte, votown of Norfolk, [Conn.] from 1738 to 1844. cabulario, catecismo, y tesoro de la lengua 89 pp. 8~. Nlew York, Henry Ludwig, 1847. Guarani. Segunda parte: [vocabulario]. 4 Rozy (H.) ]ltude sur les societes cooperatives p. 1. 407 1. sm. 40. Madrid, Juan Sanchez, et leur constitution legale; pr6c6d6e d'un coup 1639. d'ceil sur les soci6tes taisibles au moyen ige, [Imperfect; p. 1. wanting, title-page in ms.] et suivie d'une r6ponse h l'ouvrage de M. Cer- Rules and regulations for the government of nuschi: illusions des soci6t6s cooperatives. racing, trotting, and betting, as adopted by 212 pp. 8~. Paris, Guillaumin, 1866. the principal turf associations tlroughout the Rubek (Sennoia, pseudon.) See Burke (John). United States and Canada. Compiled at the Ruby (The): a token of friendship for 1849. office of "Wilkes' spirit of the thnes." 254 [Tales and poetry]. 304 pp. 11 pl. 8~. Phil- pp. 160. New York, M. B. Brown & Co. adelphia, Carey &c Hart, 1849. s. [1866]. Ruddiman (Thomas). Grammatiem latinue Rules and regulations for the management of institutiones, ad puerorum captum perscriptce. the Philadelphia, Wilmington, anld Baltimore, 101 ed. 2 parts in 1 v. 128, 180 pp. 160. and the New Castle and Frenchtown railEdinburgi, Dickso1n & Elliot, 1778. roads. 45 pp. 80. Philadelphia, J. H. Bry - Introduction to James Anderson's diplo- sen, 1854. 356 RUMOHR. RUSSELL. Rumlohr (Carl Dietrich Ludwig Felix, bcaron furt asm Maitn, Senkenbergische naturforschende von). Drey reisen nach Italien. viii, 327 pp. gesellschaft, 1826-31. s. 160. Leipzig~, F... Brockhaus, 1832.. CONTENTS. Italienisehe forschungen. [Zlur theorie CRETZSCHTMAI (Philipp J.) Shugethiere. 3 p. 1. vii, und geschichte neuerer kunstbestrebungen]. 78 pp. 30 col. pl. 1826. VYgel, 1826. 3 v. 8. Berli~nund Stettin, Nicoiai, 1827-31. HEYDEn- (Carl Heinrich Georg von). Reptilien, 1827. 3 v. 8~..Berlin qXecd Stettin, Nicolais, 1827-31. 0 pp. 36 col. pl. LEUCKART (Friedrich Sigismund), and RIPPEL,r, (aV. P. E. Neue wirbellose thiere des Rothen Rumnph or Rumpf (Georg Eberhard). The- Meers. 1828. saurus imaginum piscilm testaceorum; quales ~ Neue wirbelthiere zu der fauna von Abyssunt cancri, echini, echinometra; stellie ma- sinien gehdrig, entdeckt und beschrieben. 4 rinee, etc. ut et coclblearum; quibus acce- v. in 2. 4 p. 1. 40 pp. 14 col pl; 116 pp. 42 dunt conchylia, ut nautilus, cornu Ammonis, col. pl. fol. Fracnkfuret an, Main, S. Schmneretc. conchre univalvim et bivalvice; denique ber, 1835-40. s. mineralia. 2 p. 1. 14 pp. 2, 60 pl. fol. Lug- CONTENTS. duni Batavorumr, P. Van der Aa, 1739. v. 1. Sdugethiere. Rumsey (James). A plan wherein the power 2. Vg'el. v. 3. Amphibien. of steam is fully shown, by a new constructed v. 4. Fische des Rothen Meeres. machine for propelling boats or vessels against Rural visiter; a literary and miscellaneous gathe most rapid streams or rivers. 20 pp. 8. zette. v. 1. 40. Burlington, (N. J.) 1811. [Philadelphia, 1788]. Ruscelli (Girolamo). Expositioni et introdvtlWith FITCH (John). Original steamboat supported. tioni vniversali sopr tutta la geografia di Tolonmeo. 27 1. sm. 4~. Venetia, V. Valgrisi, A short treatise on the application of 1561. steam, [showing] that steam may be applied [With PTOLEIr US (C.) Geografia. Vezetia, 1561]. to propel boats or vessels against rapid cur- ~ The same. sm. 40~. Venetia, G. Zilletti rents with great velocity. 26 pp. 80. Phila. 1573. delphia, J. James, 1788. [ With PTOLEII US (C.) Geografta, Venetia, 1574]. [Imperfect: pp. 17 —24 Twanting]. Rusden (Moses). A further discovery of bees. Rulde (Christian Ludlwig ). Kurzgefasste 12 p. 1. 143 pp. 4 pl. 160~. London, author, oldenburgische chronik, bis zum tode des 1679. herzogs Peter Friedrich Ludwig fortgesetzt. Rush (Eenjamin AL D.) Considerations upon 2e ausg.- xvii, 236 pp. I tab. I portrait. 80. the present test-law of Pennsylvania. 23 pp. Oldenburg, Schulze, 1831. s. 16~. Philadelphic, 17851 Rundle (Thomas, bishos of Derry). Letters to [Title wanting.] Mrs. Barbara Sandys; with memoirs by Janles Ruskin (John). Modern painters. By a gradDallaway. 2 v. in 1. clxxiv; 255 pp. 12~. uateofOxford. [anon.] 1stAmelicanfrom Glocester, T. Cadell, 1789. the 3d London ed. Pts. 1-3 in 2 v. lxvii, Rupertus, abbas tuicensis (of Deutz or Duytz). 422 pp; 222 pp. 120. NTew Yorkc, Wiley & De diuinis officiis. 6 p. 1. 187 pp. fol. Coloniae, Putnam, 1847-48. s. F. Bircksszan, 1526. The stones of Venice. [v. 1.] The Rupp (I. Daniel). History of Dauphin, Cum- foundations. xvi, 435 pp. 21 pl. 80. New berland, Franklin, Bedford, Adams, and York, J. Wiley, 1851. s. Perry counties, Pa. 606 pp. 4 pl. 8~. Lan- Russel (George). Works. 2 v. xxx, 405 pp; caster, Gilbert Hills, 1846. 401 pp. 12~. Cork, W. Flyn, 1769. -- q- The same. [With Somerset, Cambria, Russell (Francis). A short history of the and Indiana counties]. 660 pp. 10 pl. 8~. East India company; exhibiting their affairs, Lancaster, Gilbert Hills, 1846. abroad and at home, political and commercial... History of the counties of Berks and [By] F. R. [anon.] 2d ed. 4 p. 1. 95 pp. Lebanon, Pa. 512 pp. 2 pl. 8~. Lancaster, 40. London, J. Sewell, 1793. Gilbert Hills, 1844. Russell (John). History of Greece and Rome, ----- History of Northumberland, Huntingdon, including Judea, Egypt, and Carthage. New Mifflin, Centre, Union, Columbia, Juniata, and ed. 266 pp. 2 pl. 120. Philadelphia, LindClinton counties, Pa. 568 pp. 3pl. 80. Lan- say c4 Blakiston, 1854. s. caster, Gilbert Hills, 1847. Russell (J. Rutherfurd, 11. D.) Contribution Riippell (Wilhelm Peter Eduard). Atlas zu der to medical literature. viii, 653 pp. 80. Loa,reise im nordlichen Afrila. 5 v. fol. Frank- don, Leath d Ross, 1859. 357 RUSSELL. SABBATHIER. Russell (John Scott). Modern system of naval Julii Rufiniani de eodem argumento libri. architecture. v. 1. [Text]. xxxvii, 686pp. c, 276pp. 81. 80. LugduniBatavorum, Lucht2pl; v. 2-3. 165 pl. 3v. fol. London,,Day mans, 1768. & son, 1865. Rtitimeyer (Ludwig). Versuch einer nattirRussell (P.) and Price (Owen). England lichen geschichte des rides, in sein bedisplayed: being a new, complete, and accu- ziehungen Zn den wiederkauern im allgerate description of the kingdom of England, meinen. Eine anatomiscll-palsontologische and the principality of Wales. 2 v. viii, 392 monographie von Linn6's genus bos. [Expp; 314 pp. 51 maps. 79 pl. fol. London, tract.] 175 pp. 6 pl. 40. Ziirich, SchweizAdlardcl c Browne, 1769. gesellschaft fir gesammt. naturw. 1867. s. [Imperfect, wvanting map 1]. Riixner (Georg). Thurnier buch. Von anfang, Russell(Rchar, wanin a D),andSpeed,(J. vrsach en, vrspriing, vnd herkommnlen der thurRussell (Richard, M.D.), ad Speed, (J. nier im hevligen romishebn reich teutscher M1. D.) A dissertation on the use of sea- reich tetscher nation,[etc.] 6p. 1. 2431. 31. fol. i'ranckwater in the diseases of the glands. [With] tio etc.] 6p.l. 2431. 31. fol. furt am rMayn, 1566. s. a commentary on sea-water. From the urt am M an, 1566. s Latin, by an eminent physician. 3d ed. Rydcjvist (Johan Erik). Svensl.a sprclects xii,248pp. 2pl. 16 Wlagar. Kritislkafhandling. v.i. 2p.l. xlv, 1755. 304 pp. 80. Stockholm, S. Magnus, 1850. s. Ryland (John). The character of the Rev. Rutssell (William Howe ard). The British expe- James Hervey, with sixty-five of his original dition to thle Crimea. Revised ed. vii, 629 letters to the author. xv, xiv, 311, 99 pp. pp. 4 maps. 10 pl. 80. London, etc. G. Rout- 1 pl. 8~. London, Robarts, 1791. ledge c& Co. 1858. S. Ryssen (Leonhart van). Justa detestatio sceleRussell (William S.) Pilgrim memorials, and ratissimi libri Adriani Beverlandi De peccato guide to Plymouth. 3d ed. 229 pp. 1 map, originali. Accedit descriptio podtica creationis 8 pl. 120. Boston, Crosby, Nichols, Lee, et lapsus, versibus ex plerisque poetis concinCo. 1860. nata. 2 p.1. 56 pp. 2 1. 13pp. 160. GoRussia. Atlas 6conomique et statistique de la rinchemi, C. Lever, 1680. Russie d'Europe, publi6 par le ministere des Saadi. See Sadi. domaines de l'etat, le ddpartement de d'dcon- Saalfeld (Jakob Christoph Friedrich). Gesomie nurale. 3e ed. i p. 1. 10 col. maps. fol. chichte des hollandischen klolonial-wesens in Texte explicatif, viii, 164 pp. 8~. St. Piters- Ostindien. 2 v. xxiv, 352 pp; xvi, 264 pp. bourtg, Imprimerie de l'acadeinie imp. des sci- 3 tab. 120. Giittingen, H. Dieterich, 1812-13. ences, 1857. s. s. Ruthe (Johann Friedrich). See Wiegmann Saavedra Faxardo (Diego de). The royal (Arend Friedrich August), anld others. politician, represented in one hundred eulRutherforth or Rutherford (Thomas, D.D.) blems. Done into English by Sir J. Astry. System of natural philosophy. 2 v. xi p. 1. 2 v. 10 p. 1. 376 pp; 2 p. 1. 384 pp. 2 pl. 120. 1105 pp. 31 pl. 4~. Cambridge, J. Bentiham, London, M. Gyllifower, 1700. 1748. Sabatier de Castres (Antoine, l'abbe). ApolRuthven (A. S.) Proceedings of the grand ogie de Spinosa et du spinosisme contre les lodge of Texas from its organization, A. D. ath6es, etc. 122 pp. 8~. Altona, 1805. 1837, to 1857. With an history of the origin, Sabau y Larroya (Pedro). Ilustracion de la rise, and progress of the masonic order in ley fundamental de Espaana, que establece la Texas. 2 v. 640 pp; 308, 352 pp. 8~. Gal- forma de suceder en la corona. 80. Madrid, veston, Richardson & Co. 1857. 1833. Rutiliusor Roedelstein (Johann). Epistolme Sabbath (The) at home. An illustrated reliindice. De stvpendis et prmclaris rebvs, gious magazine for the family. Jan. to Dec. quas diuina bonitas, in India et variis insulis 1867. v. 1. vi, 764 pp. 80. Boston, Am. per societats nominis Iesv operari dignata tract soc. [1867]. est, in tam copiosa gentium ad fidenm conuer- Sabbathier (Franois). Dictionnaire pour sione. 12pl. 496 pp. 180. Lovanii, Rutgerus l'intelligence des auteurs classiques, grecs et Velpius, 1566. latins, tants sacrds que profanes, contenant Rutilius Lupus (P?) De figuris sententiarum la g6ographie, l'histoire, la fable, et les antiet elocutionis libri duo. Recensuit David quit6s. 37 v. 80. Paris, 1760-1815. s. Ruhnkenius. Accedunt Aquilme Romani et [v. 36-37 wanting]. 358 SABIN. SAINT ANT'HONY. Sabin (Joseph, editor). Bibliotheca americana. original Mss. by E. B. Eastwick. 13, 127, 231 A dictionary of books relating to America, pp. 80. Hertford, Stephen, lAustin, 1850. from its discovery to the present time. Part Selections from the Bosthn of Sadi. i-v. A. to Barringer. 480 pp. 80. lTewqu York, (Persian). By Forbes Falconer. iii, 107 pp. J. Sabin, 1867-68. pp. 240. London, L. Schb'nber~g, 1838. s. Sabine (Lorenzo). Biographical sketches of Sadler (Percy). Cours gradu6 de langue anloyalists of the American revolution, with an glaise, (2e partie.); on, petit cours de versions, historical essay. 2d ed. 2 v. xii, 608 pp; 600 contenant un recneil d'anecdotes; et suivi pp. 8~. Boston, Little, Browun ~ Co. 1864. d'un dictionnaire des mots. 12c ed. 288 pp. Sabunde, Sebon, or Sebeide (Ramon). 18~. Paris, J. -. Truchy, 1858. [Theologia naturalis, sinue liber creaturarum]. Saez (Liciniano). Demostracion hist6rica del 162 1. 40. Arygetorati,.Martin Fclach, 1501. verdadero valor de todas las monedas que [Title and 1. 7 wanting]. corrian en Castilla durante el reynado del The same. Le creature; ampio libro sefior Enrique iv, y de su correspondencia dell' uomo. Rifusa ed accomodata agli studj con las del seilor Carlos iv, [etc.] xx, 582 della gioventhi del secolo xix, da un sacerdote pp. 40. Madr~id, Real accademia de ia historia, della compagnia di Gesfl. 3 v. in 1. 120. 1805. s. RBeggio, G. Dacvolio efigio, 1818. s. 8Safarika (Pawl Josef). See Schafarik. CONTENTS. Safford (James M.) Geological reconnoissance v. 1. Delle creature e del creatore. 273 pp. of the state of Tennessee; first biennial report. v. 2. Del mondo morale. 204 pp. 164 pp. 1 m 8. shville, G. C. orbett v. 3. Dell' intrinseca struttura del christianesimo. 164 1 map. 83. Nashville, G. C. ~lbrbett 187 pp. & Co. 1856. S. Sacc (Dr. F.) Precis 616mentaire de chimie Sagard-The'odat (Gabriel). Histoire du Canagricole. 5 p. 1. 420 pp. 120. Paris, librairie ada, et voyages que les frdres mineurs recolagricole, 1848. s. lects y ont faicts pour la conversion des Sacerdos (Marcus Claudius). Artium gram- infidclles, depuis ]'an 1615 jusqu'en 1629. maticarum libri duo. Nouv. ed. 4 v. 120. Paris, Tross, 1865-66. [Wih EICHIENFELD (J. von). Analecta grammatica. Le grand voyage dclu pays des Hurons in~dobolnae, 18371. situe en l'Ambrique vers la Mer Douce, es Sachtleben (Johann Heinrich). L'art d'dcon- derniers con dite lderndiers confins de la Nouvelle-France dite omiser le bois; on, dix procedds d fenu dcon- Canada. 2p.. xxv, 268 pp. 120. Paris, omiques. Tr. de l'Allemand par J. Goy. Tr 1865 152 pp. 14 pl. 80. Pais, alade, 1792. s. ossicionnire d la langv hronne. Nonv. Dictionnaire de la langve huronne. Nouv. Sackville (Charles, earl of Dorset). Poetical d. 12 pp. 651. 12 wolrks. 8~. B~dzvinc~bnrgh8, 1793. [Wit l SAGARD-TiitODnAT (Gabriel). His oire du [Anderson's Brit. poets. v. 6]. Canada, etc. v. 4. 12~. Paris, 1865]. Sad tale of the courtship of the chevalier Henry I The same. Sly-fox Wilkof. [A series of plates, without [ TVith SAGARAD-THuiODAT (Gabriel). Le grand voyage title]. 48 pp. obl. 160. [New York, about du pays des Hurons. ]20. Paris, 1885]. 1855]. - Sagean (Mathieu). Extrait de la relation des Saddharma pundarika. Le lotus de la bonne avantures et voyage de Mathieu Sagean. 32 loi, traduit dclu Sanscrit, accompagne d'un com- pp. 120. Nouvelle York, J. M. Shea, 1863. s. mentaire et de vingt et un mdmoires relatifs Sagen (Lyder Christian), and Foss (H.) au buddbisme, par M. E. Burnouf. 897 pp. Bergens beskrivelse. xxiii, 786 pp. 1 map. 40. Paris, Immpriterie nationale, 1852. 120. Bergen, C. Dahl, 1824. s. Sadeler or Sattler (Jan and Raphael). Tro- Sailor's (The) companion; or, book of devophmvm vitce solitarim. [25plates.] obl.fol. tion for seamen in public and private. [anon. ] Ven6etss, J. & B. Sadeles, 1598. s. 2153 pp. 120. Philadelphiac, Presbyterian board [ With GALLE (Philippe). Acta apostolorum, etc.l of pu7lication, 1858. s. Oracvlvm anachoreticvm. [25 plates]. Saints (The) apologie; or, a vindication of obl. fol. Venetijs, J. 4 B. Sadeler, 1600. s. the churches which endeavour after a pure [ With GALLE (Philippe). Acta apostolorum, etc.] communion, from the odious names of Brown Sadeur (Jacques, pseudon.) See Foigny ists, and Separatists. [aCnon.] 2 p. 1. 15 pp. ( (Gabriel). sin. 40~. London, 1644. Sadi or Moslih-ed-din Sadi Ben Abdallah. Saint Anthony (Minnesota). Merwin's diGulistan. [Original text, with Persian-Eng- rectory, 1867. 264 pp. 1.2~. Minneapolis lish vocabulary]. Nev ed. collated with H. M1erwi, 1867. 359 SAINT AUGUSTIN. SAINTE PALAYE. Saint Augustin (Marie Tranchepain de). See 44 pp. 1 map. 240. St. Louis, Clayton & Tranchepain de St. Augustin. Babington, 1867. Saint Croix and lake Superior railroad co. Saint Marc (Girardin.) See Girardin (Saint Acts of the legislature of Wisconsin, and of Marc.) the congress of the United States, relative to St. Mark's library (Venice). Latina et italica the St. Croix and lake Superior railroad co. D. Marci bibliotheca codicvm manvscriptowith the statement of the president and direc- rvm per titulos digesta. 2 p. 1. 268 pp. 4 pl. tors, and of the chief engineer of said conn- fol. [ Venetiis]. 1741. s. pany. 157 pp. 1 map. 80. New York, J. r- Graeca D. Marci bibliotheca codicvm W. Amernman, 1866. manvscriptorvm [etc.] xx, 323 pp. 2 pl. fol. Saint Fargeau. See Le Pelletier de Saint [CVenetiis], S. Occ7ii, 1740. s. Fargeau. [ With the precedingl. Saint'oix (Germain Fran9ois Poullain). See Saint Paul (Minnesota). McClung's St. Paul Poullain de St. Foix. directory, and statistical record for 1866. Saint-Ge'nois (Jules, baron de). Inventaire 7 p. 1. 284 pp. 80. St. Paul, J. W. McClung, analytique des chartes des comtes de Flandre 1866. [etc.] deposdes au chateau de Rupelmonde, Directory, for 1867. v. 3. 287 pp. 8~. et conservdes alujourd'hui aux archives de la St. Paul, Bailey c4 47olfe, 1867. Flandre-orientale, [etc.]; et suivi d'un glos- St. Petersbourg. Catalogue des manuscrits et saire, des notes, [etc.] x, xliv, 579 pp. 3pl. typographes orientaux de la bibliothlque im80. Gand, Vanryckeger s Hovaere, 1843-46. s. p6riale publique de St. P6tersbourg. xliv, 719 Saint Germain (Claude Louis, comnte de). pp. 8~. St. Pitersbourg, imprisnerie de l'acad. Mdmoires [militaires. Rediges par l'abb6 imp. des sciences, 1852. s. La Montagne et publi6s par l'abb6 Dubois]. I Jardin botanique imperial de St. P6tersxii, 320 pp. 16~. Amsterdcan, M. M. Bey, bourg. fol. St. Petersbourg, Fisch7er, 1846-52. 1779.. CONTErNTS. Saint -ilaire (I~mile Mrarco de) or Hilsaire Notice sur la construction d'une nouvelle serre de (Marc). Histoite des conspirations et des palniers. (Par G. Tolstoy). 2 1. 1 pl. Notice sur ia serre des palmiers. (Par baron C. dle exdcutions politiques en France, en Angle- Kuster). 2 1. 5 pl. terre, eln Russie et en Espagne depuis les Sertulm petropolitanum, seu icones et descriptiones plantarumn qu.e in horta botanico floruerunt. 22 1. temps les plus recul6s jusqu'i nos jours. 20 pl. 4 v. 80. Paris, G. Havard, 1849. Saint Pierre (Jacques Henri Bernardin de). M — moires et r6vdlations d'un page de Paul and Virginia. Illustrations by A. Hopla cour imp6riale, de 1802 a 1815. [anon.] pin. xxv, 149 pp. 6 pl. 160. Nevw York, 2 v. 4, 380 pp; 375 pp. 8~. Paris, C. Hzard & Housghton, 1857. Malot, 1830. Saint Priest (Alexis Guignard, conte de). Saint Hilaire (Geoffroy). See Geoffroy ]itudes diplomatiques et littdraires. 2 v. 402 Saint Hilaire. pp; 416 pp. 80. Paris, Aslyot, [1850]. Saint John (Henry, lord Bolingbroke). Let- Saint:Real (C6sar Vichard de). The history ters on the study and use of history. Newv ed. of the conspiracy of the Spaniards against iv, 413 pp. 8~. Paris, Theophsileus Barrois, the republic of Venice, 1618. 135 pp. 240o. jr. 1808. Glasgow, B. & A. Foulis, 1752. Saint John (James Augustus). Egypt and Saint Victor (Jacques Maximilien Beinjamin Nubia, their scenery and their people. viii, Bins de). Briefe uiber die Vereinigten Staaten 472 pp. 80. London, Chapman & BHall, von Nord Amerika. Geschrieben in 1832-33. [1845]. Aus dem Franz6sischen des hern von J. M. B. Saint John (John R.) A true description of de x" s' *. [anon.] viii p. 1. 293 pp; xii p. 1. the lake Superior country, with an account 372 pp. 2 v. 80. Berlin, F. Diimmler, 1835. of the copper mines. 118 pp. 2 maps. 16~. Sainte-Beuve (CharlesAugustin). Nouveaux New York, Willianm H. Graha%, 1846. lundis. 2e 6d. v. 1-8. 16~. Parcis Levy, Saint Jure (Jean Baptiste de). L'homme 1864-67. religievx. Livre i. Des rhgles et des voevx - Volupt6. 3e 6d. [anon.] 422 pp. 160. de la religion. 4 p. 1. 571 pp. 32 1. 40~. Paris, Paris, Chcarpentier, 1845. -D. Bechet, 1657. Sainte Palaye (Jean Baptiste de La Curne de). Saint Louis. Guide book and pocket map; Les amours du bon vieux tems. [acnon.] 76 giving the early history, etc. By J. H. Cook. pp. 16~. Tauclutse et Pavis, Duclesne, 1760. 360 SAINTES. SALZENBERG. Saintes (Amand). L'homme, sa haute anti- Sallustius (Caius Crispus). De bello jugurquit6, son origine, et le problme de l'unite thino liber. Grammatisch, kritisch, und hisde sa race. 114 pp. 80. Paris, Dentu, 1867. torisch erklitrt von Christian G. Herzog. xx, Saintine (Joseph Zavier Boniface, dit.) Picci- 497 pp. 8~. Leipzig, K. F. K'hlcr, 1840. s. ola. [Translated]. Salmasius ( Claudius). See Saumaise [Masterpieces of foreign literature. pp. 281-339. (Claude de). London, 1866]. Sala (Georgo Augustus). Looling at life; or, Salmon (Thomas). A geographical and histhoughts anc things. vi, 473 pp. 12~. Lon- torical grammar, showing the present state of don, Boutleadge, iagsrze v outledge, 1860. the kingdoms of the world. 6th ed. 640 pp. Salem Athenaeum. Catalogue of the library, 8 1. 23 maps. 80. London,, W. Johnston, 1758. with the by-laws aind regulations. xvi, 171 [Imperfect; maps iv to xv, xvii- to xx, and xxiii with the by-laws and regulations. xvi, 171 wanting]. pp. 80. Salen, Gazette office, 1842. s. -_ The same. 7th ed. 640 pp. 8 1. 23 maps. The same. 80. Boston, 1858. s. 80. London, W. Johnston and others, 1760. Salerne (Framnois). See Ray (John). L'his- [Imperfect; map ii wanting, map xviii imperfect]. toire naturelle, etc. ~ The same. 9th ed. 605 pp. 91. 23 maps. Salford borough royal museum and library. 8~. London, W. Johnston and others, 1764. Catalogue of the library: with rules, etc. xi, mperfect; map iii wanting]. 238 pp. 80. Malchester, G. Falkner, 1851. s. First-fourth report of the executive A short view of the families of the present --- First —fourth report of the executive committee, 1850-52. [With other documents.] Irish nobility. 2 p. 1. 272 pp. 31. 160. Lon80. Manchester, (Eng.) 1850-52. s. don, William Owen, 1759. Proceedings of the council, 1858, 1859, Salt Lake city directory; including business 1860. ~Witlh ab~stracts of the treasurer's ac- directory of towns in Utah territory. Compiled counts. 6 v. in'3. 80. Salfocrd, [cor2pora- by G. Owens. 135 pp. 80. [New York], 1867. tion, ] 1858-60. s. Salter (Rev. Henry George). Book of illustraSalih Gelil or5 Sel0ah-ed-din-Kalil? Anales tions; or, scripture truths exhibited by the de Egipto, eln qve se trata de las cosas mas aid of similes. xxxii, 53 pp. 8~. London, principales que han sucedido dcsde el prin- icatchard & son, 1840. cipio del mulndo hasta de cien alos a esta Salter (John William). Monographof British parte. [Con sentencias filosoficas por Seaid.] trilobites. Parts1-3. 40. LondonPalceonTraducidos de lengua turca en Castellana por tographical society, 1864-66. doil Vicento Bratuti. 8 p. 1. 358 pp. 2 1. ~ and Blanford (H. F.) Palmeontology sm. 40. Madridid, M. Alvacrez, 16783. of Niti in the northern Himalaya. 111 pp. Salio (Pietro). Opuscula medica, continentia 23 p1. 8~. Calcutta, O. T. Gutter, 1865. s. tractatum de febre pestilenti, curationes quo- Saltmarsh (Rev. John). Sparlles of glory; rundam particularium llorborumn, etc: nec or, some beams of the morning star. [new ed.] non annotationes in artem medicare, etc. a 3p. 1. xx, 212 pp. 240. London, W. Pickering, Donato Antonio ab Altomari conditam. Ed. 1847. nova. 4 p. 1. 523 pp. 14 1. 16~. Amnsteloldanzi Salverte (Anne Joseph Eusbbe). Romances Boone, 1681. s. et poesies 6rotiques. viii, 104 pp. 16~. Paris, Salisbury, Eng. Proceedings at the inaugu- H:nnert, 1798. s. ration of Blackmore museum, 4th and 5th Salvin (Osbert). Exotic ornithology. See Septenmber, 1867. 71 pp. 160. Sclisbry, Sclater (Philip S.), ancl alvin. [Enzg.] Wiltshire co. irrolr, [1867]. s. Salvini (Salvino), and Casaregi (Giovanni Salisbury (Richard Anthony). The genera of Bartolommeo). Componimenti poetici toscani. plants. A fragment containing part of Lirio- [Pubb. per le cure di A. F. Gori.] xix, 56, gamse. vi, 143 pp. 80. London, J. Van 223 pp. 8~. Firenze, G. Albizzini, 1750. Voorst, 1866.. s..alzenberg (W.) Alt-christliche baudenkSalius. See Salio. male von Constantinopel vom v. bis xii jahrSallengre (Albert Henri). I]loge de l'ivresse. hundert. Im anhange des Silentarius Paulus Nouv. 6d. augment6e [par P. A. M. Miger]. beschreibung. der heiligen Sophia und des 250 pp. 1 pl. 160. Paris, Michel, 1798. Anmbon. Metrisch iibersetzt und mit anmerSalles (Eusbbe Franvois de). Histoire g6nerale kungen versehen von Dr. C. W. Kortiim. des races humaines; ou, philosophic ethno- 2 p. 1. 40 pp. 1 1. xiv pp. 1, 40 pl. fol. graphique. viii, 385 pp. 12~0. Paris, B. Du- Berlin, k. ainisteriuz fiir ha:ndel, gewerbe, praCt, 1849. s. Cnd lffentliche arbeziten, 1854. s. SAMSON. SAN JOSEPH. Samson (George WV. D. 1D.) Elements of art Sandi fort (Gerhard). Catalogus librorum criticism, with a historic survey of the methods cum medicorum, et chemiae, tum historiae of art execution. 840 pp. 8~. Philadelphia, natural. geogr. itin, litteraturae, historiae, J. B. Ltilpincott 4, Co. 1867. item efijgierum, nec non praeparatorum ad Sanmuels (Edward A.) Ornithology and ool- anatomem, etc. Quorum publica fiet auctio, ogy of New England: full descriptions of the [etc.] 326 pp. 80. Lugcdni Batavorum, uE. J. birds of N. E. and adjoining states and prov- Brill, 1849. s. inces, with a complete history of their habits, Sands (Robert C.) Yamoyden. See Eastburn [etc.]' vii,583pp.27p1. 8~. Boston, _Aichols (Rev. James Wallis) cand Sands. 4. Noyes, 1867. Sandys (Sir Edwin). Europae speculum; or, Sanchez (Pedro Antonio). Discurso sobre la a view of the state of religion in the western eloquencia sagrada en Espafia. 3 p. 1. 214 pp. parts of the vorld. 276 pp. 180. London, 160. Madrcid, Blas Romasn, 1778. s. Bassett, 1687. Sand (George, pseuedon.) See Dudevant (A. Sandys (Edwin William). The subaltern offiL. A. Dupin). cer and his duties; a practical guide to the Sandberg (J. G.), and Grafstr6ll (A.) Ett junior officers of the army. viii, 105 pp. 160~. ar i sverge. Taflor af svenska almogens London, TV. Mitchell, 1863. kldidedr/igt, lefniadsshitt och hemseder, saint Sandys (George). Travailes: containing a hisde for landclets historia milrkvtirdigaste orter; tory of the original and present state of the utgifne af C. Forssell. 2 p. l. 139 pp. 48 pl. Turkish empire; a description of Constanti40. Stockholm, J. Hbrberg, 1827. s. nople, of Greece, of Egypt, of the holy land; Sandeau (Ldonard Sylvain Jules). Le docteur lastly, Italy described, and the islands adjoynHerbeau. -2 v. in 1. 223 pp; 219 pp. 240. ing. 6th ed. 2 p. 1. 240 pp. 1 map. 5 pl. sin. Paris, Paulin, 1846. fol. Londoz, J. Swieeting, 1658. Madeleine. 288 pp. 160. Paris, Char- NoTE..-[Engr. title pages of London ed. 1652, anti Am)e"ntzier 1856. sterldam ed. 1665 prefixed; 4 pl. and several illustraisentier,~ 1856. tions inserted from ed. of 1665, with pl. No. 241 from - Marianna. 5e dd. 392 pp. 160. Paris, ROmBERTS (David). Sketches in the holy land, Charcpenetier, 1855. Egypt, etc. * Nouvelles. 421 pp. 160. Paris, Ldy, San Francisco. Assaying and refining works. 1851. Tables of the value of gold and silver per Valcreuse. 3e 6d. 383 pp. 160. Paris, ounce troy, at different degrees of fineness; Char? pentier, 1853. also, tables showing the net returns from gold Sandemana (Patrick). Monthly tables of daily and silver of different fineness, [etc.] 28 1. means of meteorological elements, deduced 40~. San Fra.ncisco, Tozune & Bacon, 1867. from observations taken at the observatory, Directory for 1867[-68]. 9th year. ComGeorgetowln, Demerara, 1846-56. 275 pp. piled by H. G. Langley. xcvi, 698, 87 pp. 1 40. Greenok, Gov. Biti. Gict~ana, 1857. s. map. 80. Sun Francisco, -I. G. Langley, Sandeman (Robert). Letters on Theron and 1867. Aspasio. Addressed to the author of that Mercantile library. Catalogue of the wtorlk. [Rev. J. Hervey]. 4th ed. 2 v. xxviii library, with the constitution and list of mem400 pp; iv, 448 pp. 16 1. 80. London, J. bersa. 197, 46 pp. 80. an rancisco, daily Charter, 1768. evenzing neus office, 1854. s. Sander (Anton). Bibliotheca belgica manyv- Muicipal reports for the fiscal years scripta, [etc. v. i]. 6 p. 1. 368 pp. 40 1865-66. Published by order of the board of tisvlis, T. LeClercq, 1641. s. supervisors. 80. San'rcancisco, 1866. [Wanting', v. 2.] San.fuentes (Salvador). Ricardo i Lucia, o la Sander (Constantin). Geschichte des vier- destruccion de la imperial. v. 1. 344 pp. 80. jithrigen biirgerkrieges in den Vereinigten Santiago, _Ferrocarril, 1857. s. Staaten von America. xv, 587 pp. 3 maps. Sangermano ( —-—, barnabitefather). Descrip8~. Fr anlkfueet am M..... DSauerlinder,; 185. tion of the Burmese empire [from native Sandford (Daniel). Remains; including ex- authorities.] Translated from his ms. by W. tracts from his diary and correspondence, and Tandy. viii, 224 pp. 40. Rome, 1833. a selection from his unpublished sermons. [Oriental translation fund publications]. [Edited] with a memoir, by J. Sandford. 2 v. San Joseph (Francisco). Arte y reglas de la 4 p. 1. 384 pp; 2 p. 1. 339 pp. 8~. Glasgow, lengvatagala. 8p.1. 311pp. 41. 40. Partido WTaeugh' InnTes, 1830. de Bataacn, T. P. Tacgcalo, 1610. s. 4fG SANKEY. SARMIENTO. Sankey (Francis F. M. D.) Malta, considered of Henry Clay. 120 pp. I pl. 80. New York, with reference to its eligibility as a place of Go'eeley & McElrath, 1848. residence for invalids. 36 pp. 8~. Malta, Izzo (editor). The emerald. A collection of & Co. 1843. s. tales, poems, and essays, gleaned chiefly from Sannazaro (Jacopo). Arcadia. Di nvovo ris- fugitive literature of the 19th century. vi, tampata, con le annotationi di Thomaso Por- 316 pp. 12~. Boston, J. L. Shorey, 1866. caccli, et ripurgata per Borgarutio Borga- The sapphire. A collection of rucci. Con la vita dell' avttore, descritta dal tales, poems, and essays, gleaned from fugitive medesimo [T. Porcacchi]. 287 pp. 24~. Vene- literature of the 19th centulry.. 319 pp. 120. tia, Pietr'o Marinelli, 1589. Boston, J. L. Shorey, 1867. Rime. Di nvovo ristampate per Borga- Sargent (F. W.) On bandaging, and other rutio Borgarucci. 96 pp. 240. Venetia, Pietro operations of surgery. 379 pp. 12~. Phila-.Marinelli, 1589. delphia, Lea 4' Blanchard, 1848. s. [With SANNAZARO (J.) Arcadia. Venetia, 1589].,Sargent(John). The mine: a dramatic poem. San Severino (Giulio Roberto). Les vies des [With] two historic odes. 3d ed. xxvii, 122 hormmes et des femmes illustres d'Italie, depuis pp. 5 pl. 18~. Londonr, T. Cadell, 1796. le r6tablissement des sciences et des beaux Sargent (col. Winthrop, governor of ll'iss. terarts. [Trad. de l'Italien par d'Aqarq]. 2 v. r.itory). Diary of Col. Winthrop Sargent, xi, 429 pp; 430 pp. 160. Paris, Vincent, acljt. gen. U. S. A. during the campaign of 1767. MD.CC.XCI, [under major general St. Clair, Sanson (Nicolas). L'Amdriqve en plvsievrs against the western Indians]. 58 pp. 3 pl. cartes, et en divers traitt6s de g6ographie et 40. Wornsloe, (-N. C.) oprivately printed, d'histoire. 42 l1. 15 pl. 4~. Pa7ris, l'avthevr, 1851. 1657. A journal of the general meeting of tle [Collection of maps of the world]. I11 Cinci61 nnati, i 1784. Eited by Willtrop maps. fol. Pcaris, 1652-70. s. Sargent. 59 pp. 8~. Philadelphica, 1859. -- Geographia sacra, ex veteri et nova testamento desvpt et in tabuas trs Sargent (Winthrop). See Loyalist poetry tamoneto desvmpta, et in tabulas tres concin1of the revolution. nata. 38 pp. 16 1. fol. Lutetice Parisi ou, of the reolton. Ps. lc priette, 1665. s Sarles(Rev. John W.) Memorial of Mary E. Smalley, late the wife of John W. Sarles. vii, i 217 pp. 1 p. 120. Niew York, author, Santa Cruz de dMarzenado (Alvaro de Navia 1897. Osorio, marquis de). Reflections, military and Sarmiento (Domingo F.) Arjiropolis, o la political. Translated into English by Capt. capital de los estados confederados del Rio de James Ogilvie. v. 1. 16 p. 1. 510 pp. 8o. la Plata. 161 pp. 80. Sanztiago, J. Belin i Ca. London, G. Strahan and others, 1737. 1850. [v. 2 wantingi. I Campalia en ejercito grande aliado de Santos (Domingo de los). See Los Santos Sud America. ira entrega. 14, 254 pp. 8~. (Domingo de). Rio Janeiro, J. Villeneuve y C. 1852. s. Sanuto (Marino). Itinerario perlaterraferml-a - Comentarios do la constitucion de la veneziano, 1483. 157, 64 pp. 40. Padova, Confederacion Arjentina, con numerosos Tipogcrafia del seminario, 1847. s. docmentos illustrativos del texto. xxii, Sappho. Odes, fragments, and epigrams. See 236 pp. 80. Santiago de Chile, J. Belin i Ca. Anacreon. Works. London, 1735. 1853. s. The same. Translated [by F. Fawkes]. Educacion comun. Memoria presentada 8~. Edinburgeh, [1792]. al consejo universitario de Chile, sobre estas [ANDERsoN's British poets. v. 51. cuestiones: "1. Influencia de la instruccion Works. See Anacreon, Sappho, and primaria en las costumbres," [etc]; "2. Orothers. Lond. 1768. ganizacion que convenga darla, atendidas las See, also, Anacreon and Sappho, circunstancias del pais;" "3. Sistema que Oeuvres. Paris, 1692. convenga adoptar para procurarla rentas con Saratoga. A story of 1787. [anon. by Daniel quecostealla." 156 pp. 80. Buenos Aires, Shepherd?] 400 pp. 12c. Nsew York, PFetridge iasprenta del Naciocal, 1855. s. & Co. 1856. De la educacion popular. 542 pp. 80. Sargent (Epes). The life and public services Santiago, J.:Belin, 1849. 363 SARMIENTO. SAVARY. Sariniento (Domingo F.) Emigracion alemana travels and sufferings on the coast of Arabia. alRio de laPlata; memnoriaescritaenAlemania 104, 21 pp. 24~. Leominster, [Mass.] Robert por D. F. Sarmiento, i enriquecida con notas B. Thlomas, 1797. sobre el Chaco, etc. por el Dr. [J. E. ]Vappaiis, Saunders (Simon M.) Domestic poultry; with traducido por G. Hilliger. viii, 176 pp. 8~. instructions for breeding, etc. Illustrated. 104 Santiago, J. Belin, 1851. pp. 1 pl. 160. Nltew York, 0. Judd, 1865. Plan combinado de educacion comun, Sausseret ( ). See ie'rnoire historique silvicultura, e industria pastoril, aplicable al sur 1'hospice de la maternite. Paris, 1808. estado de Buenos Aires. 96 pp. 120. Santi- Saussure (Henri F. de). Hymenoptera, 1867. ago, J. Belin y Ca. 1855. s. See Wiillerstorf-Urbair (B. von). Reise der --- Recuerdos de provincia. viii, 211 pp. Novara. 1 tab. 8~. Santiago, J. Beliny Ca. 1850. s. - M6moires pour servir A l'histoire natu-- Viages en Europa, Africa i America. relle du Mexique, des Antilles, et des lntats1n —2a entrega. 2 v. xii, 486 pp; 486 pp. 80. Unis. 2 v. 40. Genieve, J. G. Fick, etc. Sanittiago, J. Belin i Ca. 1849-51. 1858-64. s. Sars (Michael). Oml de i Norge forekommende CONTENTS. fossile dryelevnilnger fra quartzerperioden. fo.sile. dryolev.iger fin qartrper n v.. 1. M6moire sur divers crustae6s nouveaux de Mlexviii, 134 pp. 4 pl. 4~. CiAristiania, Brogger ique et des Antilles. 80 pp. 6i pl. + Christie, 1865. v. 2. Essai d'une faunne des myriapodes du Mexique, etc. 135 pp. 7 pl. Oversigt af Norges echinodermer. [Ex- v. 3-4 in 1. Orthopteres dce'Amnrique moyenne. tract.] vi, 160 pp. 16 pl. 8o. Christiania, Blattides. 279 pp. col. pi. 1864-5. Videnskabs-selskabet, 1861. s. and Sichel (Jules, M. D.) Catalogus Sartain (John). The American gallery of art, specierum generis scolia (sensu latiori), confrom the works of the best artists, with poet- tinens specierum diagnoses, descriptiones, ical and prose illustrations by distinguished synonymiamque. Catalogue des especes de American authors. 111 pp. 10 pl. 40~. Phil- l'ancien genre scolia, contenant les diagnoses, adelphia, 1848. les descriptions et la synonymlie des especes, Sartorius (C.) Mexiko. Landschaftsbilder [etc.] 2 p. 1. 352 pp. 2 col. pl. 8~. Geneve, und skizzen aus dem volksleben. viii, 364 H. Georg, 1864. s. pp. 25 pl. 80. Darmstadt, etc. G. G. Laznge, Saussure (Horace B6nedict de). Voyages dans etc. 1855. s. les Alpes; pr6c6d6s d'un essai sur l'histoire Saturday (The) review of politics, iiterature, natmuelle ces environs de Gentve. 4 v. 8~. science, and art. July, 1866 to Dec. 1867. NeUtchatel, S. Fauche, 1779-96. s. v. 22-24. fol. London, [D. Jones], 1866-67. Sauval (Henri). Amours des rois de France. Saubert (Johann). De sacrificiis vetervm. [W ith VANEL. Galanteries, etc. Paris, 1738. v. 2]. 20 p. 1. 721 pp. 6 1. 180. Jence, M. Birck- Savage (M. W.) Reuben Medlicott; or, the neri, 1659. coming man. vii, 400 pp. 160. London, ChapSaug.nier (- ), cnd Brisson (Pierre Ray- man cf Hall, [1864]. mond de). Voyages to the coast of Africa, Savage (Richard). Poetical works0. 8~. Edintheir shipwreck on different vessels, and burgh, 1794. slavery at Senegal and Galame. Translated [Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 8]. from the French. viii, 500 pp. 1 map. 8o. Savage (The). By Piomingo, a headman and London, G. G. J. and J. Robinson, 1792. warrior of theMuscogulgee nation. [pseudon.] Saunlaise (Claude de). Defensio regia pro 2 p. 1. 311 pp. 120. Philadelphia, Thomas Carolo i. 444 pp. 240. [n. p.] 1649. S. Manning, 1810. ~Saumxery ( — de). L'heureux imposteur; ESavart (Nicolas Pierre Antoine). Cours 616ou, avantures du baron de Janzac. Par M. mentaire de fortification, etc. i v. in 2. xvi, de Mirone. [pseuclons.] x,. 276 pp. 180. 564 pp; atlas, 21 pl. 40~. Paris, Magimnel, Utrecht, E. Neaulme, 1740. Anselin' Pochard, 1812. s. Saunders (Ann). Narrative of the shipwreck [Atlas wanting]. and sufferings of Miss Ann Saunders, a pas- Savary (Claude). Letters on Greece. Transsenger on board ship Frances Mary, which lated from the French. 407 pp. 4 1 I1 map. foundered at sea on 5th Feb. 1826. 38 pp. 80~. London, G. & J. Robinson, 1787. 160. Providence, (R. I.) 1827. The same. viii, 442 pp. 1 map. 8~. Saunders (Daniel, jr.) A journal of [Ihis] London, Elliot' cKaly, 1788. 364 SAVI]RIEN. SCHACHT. Saverien (Alexandre). Histoire des plhiloso- Say (Jean Baptiste). Cours complet d'econophes modernes. 7 v. 160. Paris, Brunet, mie politique pratique. 2 edd. 2 v. vii, 676 1761-69. s. pp; 628 pp. 80. Paris, Guillancmin, 1840. CONTENTS. The same. 6c 6d. vii, 640 pp. 8~. Paris, v. 1. MTtaphysiciens. zuiZllawnnin, 1841. v. 2. Moralistes et 16gislateurs. Trait d'conomie politique. 4e 6d. 2v. v. 3-4. Restaurateurs des sciences. v. 5. Math6maticiens. lxxxvi, 477 pp; 509 pp. 80. Paris, DEterv. 6. PhySiciens. v. 7. Chimistes et cosmologistes. ville, 1819. Say (Thomas). American conchology; or, deSavrignsy (Msuarie Juules Cxsavr Lelortgie de). scription of the shells of North America. 1251. Mdmoires sur les animaux sans vertblres. 60 pl. 8. New armony (d.) 183032. 2 v. in l. v, 117 pp. 8 pl; vi, 239 pp. 24 p]. 8~. Paris, G. DSfour, Ddterville, 1816. s. Part 7 wantingJ. ____ American entomology; or, descriptions CO NTENTS. of the insects of North America. 3 v. 60 1; v. 1. Fasc. 1-2. La bouche des crustac6s et des in- 72 1; 68 1. 54 p1. 8~. Philadelphia, S. A. sectes. v. 2. Faso. L-3. Ascidies. MIitchell, 1824-28. s. The complete writings of Thomas Say Savile (Rev. Bourchier Wrey). Lyra sacra; a ontheconchology oftheUnited States. Edited collection of hymns, ancient and modern~, n y odles,etc. Withipreface. [isted.] xvi,276 by W. G. Binney. vi, 252 pp. 75 col. pl. 80. pp. 18~. London, Longmoan, Green &e Co.. Baillire, 1858. 1861. Glossary to Say's conchology. 25 pp. Savile (George, 1st marqnis of ralifax). A 8 New Harmony, (Ild.) B. Beck, 1832. character of king Charles ii, and miscellaneous [ With his American concholog'y. 80. 1830-32]. thoughts and reflections. 4 p. 1. 183 pp. 12~. I Conchyliologie amdricaine; on, descripLondon, J. & R. Tonson, 1750. tions et figures des coquilles du nord de -Miscellanies. 370pp. 160. London, 1700. l'Am'rique. Trad. de l'Anglais par J. C. Savonarola (Raffaello). Universus terrarum Chenu. [Extract.] 64 pp. 17 pl. 80. Paris, orbis scriptorum calamo dcelineatus, quovis Bibliothlquee cosschyliologique, 1845. S. tempore et qualibet lingua auctores scripse- Sayer (Abram). Report on the zoology of runt, cvm anno, loco, et forma editionis. Michigan. Studio et labore Alphonsi Lasor a Varea. [With HOUGHTON (Douglass). Reports, etc. Dec. [anagram]. 2 v. 5 p. 1. 68, 536 pp. 2 pl; 687 No. 1]. pp. 48 pl. fol. Patavii, J. B. Gonzatti, 1713. Scanlan (Michael). Love and land: poems. Sa-waszkiewicz (L. L.) Le genie de l'Orient, 282 pp. 160 Chiccgo, Testern news co. comment6 par ses monuments mon6taires, 1866. [etc.] 2p.1. 220pp. 11pl. 120. BBruxelles, Scarburgh (Edmond). Document enclosing A. Van Dale, 1846., col. Edmondl Scarburgh's account of proceedSBawin (Thomas E.) Sawin; summary notes ings in an expedition from Virginia to Annaconcerning John Sawnin and his posterity. messecis and Manokin, in 1663. 16 pp. 80. 48 pp. 8~. Athol depot, (Mass.) RBefus Put- ntnapolis, J. Hzghes, 1833. nam, 1866. Scaruffi (Gasparo). Discorso sopra le monete. Saxby (Henry). The British customs; con- [SCRIurTORI class. ital. di econ. pol. v. 43]. taining an historical and practical account of Scenes at Washington; a story of the last geneach branch of that revenue. xviii, 654 pp. eration. By a citizen of Baltimore. [anon.] 8~. London, J. Nourse, 1757. 197 pp. 120. New York, Harpers, 1848. Saxe or Sachsen (Hermann Moritz von, cosnte Schacht (Dr. Hermann). Die pflanzenzelle, de). The art of war. Translated from the der innere ban und das leben der gewtichse. French. iv, 96 pp. 5 pl. 80. London, J. Nach microscopisch-chemischen untersuchunDavis, 1811. gen. xvi, 472 pp. 20 pl. 8~0. Berlin, G. W. P Saxe or Saxius (Christoph). Onomasticon Miuller, 1852. s. literarivm, sive nomenclator historico-criticvs / Das mikroskop und seine anwendung omnis aetatis scriptorvm. Item monvmento- insbesondere ffir pilanzen-anatomie und physrvm maxime illvstrivm. Ed. altera. 8v. 8~. iologie. Mit sechslithographirten tafeln. xv, Traiecti ad Rhenvnz, Paddenburg, 1775-1803. 198 pp. 6 pl. 80. Berln, G. W.'. Mii-ller, s. 1851. s. 365 SCHAFARIK. SCHELLER. Schafarik (Paul Josef; editor'). Wybor z lit- 20 pl. 299 1. 1 1. fol. zNuremberge, Koberger, eratury ceske dil prwni od nejstarsich, casfiw 1493. az pocitku xv stoleti. xvi, 1295 pp. 80. Scheerer (Theodor). Lehrbuch der metallurPraze, Kronrbergra i Riwndce, 1845. s. gie, mit besonderer hinsicht auf chemische ancl Palacky (Frantisek). Die idltesten und physikalische principien. 2 v. 80. denlkmaler der bohmischen sprache. [Ex- Bcranuschweig, Vieweg, [1846-53]. s. tract]. 233 pp. 6 1. 40~. Prag, K. bihm. gesell- [v. 2 wanting]. schaft d. wiss. 1840. s. Lothrohrbuch. Eine anleitung zum Schaff (Philip, D.D.) History of the christian gebrauch des 16throhrs, nebst beschreibung church. v. 2-3. From Constantine the great der vorztiglichsten l6throhrgeblise. ix, 113 to Gregory the great. A. D. 311-600. 2 v. pp. 160. Breaunschweig, F. Fieweg & sohn, xiv, 538 pp; viii, pp. 539-1037. 80. New 1851. s. York, C. Scribner 4- Co. 1867. - Der paramorphismus und seine bedeuSchSiffer (Jakob Christian). Elementa orni- tung in der chemie, mineralogie und geologie. thologica, iconibvs vivis coloribvs expressis xv, 128 pp. 80. Braunschweig, Viewueg, 1854. illvstrata. 44 1. 70 col. pl. 4~. Ratisbonce, S. typis Weissianis, 1774. s. Uber den norit, und die auf der insel ----- Mvsevm ornithologicvm, exhibens enu- Hitter6e in dieser gebirgsart vorkommenden merationem et descriptionem avivm quas nova mineralienreichen granitgange, 1844. prorsvs ratione sibi paratas, in mvseo svo as- [ With KEILHAU (B. M.) Gaea norvegica. v. ii]. servat. 2 p.1. 75 pp. 2 col. pl. 4~0. Ratis- Schefer (Gottlieb Leopold Immanuel). The boncr, 1789. s. layman's breviary; or, meditations for every [ With the preceding]. day in the year. From the German, by C. T. Schaffiautl ( Carl ). Geognostische unter- Brooks. iv, 452 pp. 1 portrait. 12~. Boston2, suchungen des stidbayerischen Alpengebirges. Roberts Bros. 1867. xxxii, 212 pp. 8 tab. 44 pl. 8~. Miicnehen, Scheffer (Frederick, pseudon.) See IKing Lit. artistische anstalt, 1850. (William, LL.D.) Schalch (Edward Vernon). Arabic selections, Sicheffer (Johalnn). Lappland, das ist: neue with a vocabulary. 2 p. 1. 43, 46 pp. 40~. und wahrhafftige beschreibung von Lappland [ haileybury], East India college, 1830. s. und dessen einwohnern, [etc.] 7 p. 1. 424 pp. Schanz (Martin). Beitrdige zur vorsokratischen I map. 40. Franckcfert an Miyb, und Leipziy, philosophie aus Plato. heft i: "Die sophis- M. Ilcdlerwuarden, 1675. ten." vii, 160 pp. 8~. G'ttingen, A. Rente, ------- Svecia literata. See M oller (Johann). 1867. s. Bibliotheca septentrionis. Scharff(Benjamin). Juniperi descriptio curi- S chele de Vere (Maximilian). Studies in osa, variis medicamentis ac observationibus English; or, glimpses of the inner life of our referta. 380, 12 pp. 5 pl. 160. 7racwncofurti, language. vi, 365 pp. 1.2~. New York, [printed C. Wollff, 1679. s. at Cambridclge] C. Scribner & Co. 1867. Schauer (L.) Encore le droit de visite. Revue - Grammar of the French language. 2 v. administrative de la marine frangaise. 2 in 1. 273 pp; 256 pp. 120. Nezu York, Richp. 1. 120 pp. 8~. Paris, 1842. s. ardson & Co. 1867. Schaufuss (L. W.) Monographie der scyd- Scheler(JeanAugusteNotalric). Commentaire maeniden Central und Siidamerika's. (Ex- sur l'(Edipe roi de Sophocle. xxxii, 246 pp. tract.) 103 pp. 4 pl. 40. Dresden, K. leopold. 12~. Bruxelles, C. Maqucardt, 1843. s. carol. akCad. der snat. 1866. Schellen (Dr. H.) Der elektromagnetische Schayes (Antoine Guillaume Bernard). His- telegraph. xii, 368 pp. 80. Brcaunsch/weig, toire de l architecture en Belgique. 2e ed. 2 v. Vieweg, 1850. s. 1.2~. Bruxelles, 1853. The same. Nebst einer lkurzen einleitSchede or Schedius (Elias). De diis ger- ung fiber die optische und akustische telemanis, sive veteri Germanorvm, Gallorvmn, graphie, etc. 2e ausg. xii, 259 pp. 80. Britannorvm, Vandalorvin religione. Notis Braeunscl/hweig, Vieweg, 1854: s. illvstravit J. Jarkivs. Accedit J. G. Keysleri Scheller (Carl FriedrichA.) Bitcherkunde der dissertatio de cvlto solis, Freji et Othini. 771 sassisch-niederdeutschen sprache, haupts tchpp. 16~. Ealae, 1728. lich nach den schriftdenklmilern der herzogl. Schedei (Hartmann). [Liber] cronicarum ca bibliothek zu Wolfenbiittel entworfen. xvi, figuris et ymagibus ab inicio m1ldi. [anon.?.] 528pp. 8~. BreCtsCt/ueiwegH.. Vogler,1 826. s. SCHELLING. SCHLEGEL. Fichte (T. G.) and Schelling (Friedrich Wil- 11 pl. 180. New York, A. D. F. Randolph, helm Joseph von). Philosophischer brief- 1863. s. wechsel. iv, 131 pp. 8~. Stuttgart, T. G. Schiffner (Albert). Obersachsen und die LausCotta, 1856. s. itz in physikalisch-geographischer beziehung. Schembri (Antonio). Quadro geografico- [With GEINITZ (H. B.) GSa von Sachsen]. ornitologico, ossia quadro comparativo. Le Schiller (Johann Christoph Friedrich von). ornitologie di Malta, Sicilia, Roma, Toscana, The Piccolomini, andWallenstein. Translated Liguria, Nizza, e la provincia di Gard. 2 p. 1. by. T. Coleridge. 80. london, 1866. 66 pp. 4~. Malta, 1843. S. [ With MIASTERPIECES of foreign literature]. Schenck (Rev. W. E.) Nearing home. Com- Schimmelpenninck (Mary Anne). Tour to forts and counsels for the aged. Compiled Alet and La Grande Chartreuse, by Claude [by W. E. S.1 464 pp. 12~. Philadelphia, Lancelot; with some account of the monasPresbyt. board of pub. [1867]. tery, and abbot reformer of La Trappe; also, Schenkel (Daniel). Character of Jesus por- biographical sketches, etc; and a brief view trayed; a biblical essay, with an appendix. of Port Royal. 2d ed. 2 v. xxxii, 254 pp; Translated from the 3d German edition, with viii, 338 pp. 80. London, J. 4 A. Arch, 1816. introduction and notes, by W. H. Furness. Schinz (C.) Die wirme-messkunst, und deren 2 v. xxvii, 279 pp; iv, 359 pp. 12~. Boston, anwendung zur construction von apparaten Little, B1rown 4 Co. 1866. ftir die industrie und fiir hbiusliche bediirfScherb (- ). See Paic and Scherb. nisse. 80. atlas. fol. Stuttgart, Miicken, C8rnagora, 1851. 1858. s. Scherer (Friedrich). Die zukunft der blinden. Schinz (Heinrich Rudolph). Europiiische 2e aufl. 2 p. 1. 239 pp. 80. Gotha, Stollberg, fauna; oder, verzeichniss der wirbelthiere 1858. s. Europa's. 2v. xxiv, 448 pp; viii, 535 pp. 80~. Scherzer (Carl von). Reise der oesterreich- Stuttgart, E. Schwzeizerba't, 1840. s. ischen fregatte Novara mn die erde, unter den Schirinbeck (Adam). Messis paraqvariensis befeblen des commodore B.- von WTillerstorf- a patribus societatis Jesv per sexennivm in Urbair. 1857-59. Beschreibender theil. See Paraqvaria collecta, 1638-43. 5 p. 1. 366 pp. ~Wiiller.torf-Urbair. 11, 240. Monachii, Joannes Wacgner, 1649. Scheuchzer (Johann Jakob). Herbarium Schlabrendorf (Gustav von). Bonaparte and diluvianum collectum. Ed. novissima. 3 p. 1. the French people under his consulate. Trans119 pp. 15 pl. fol. Lugduni Batavorvm, P. lated from the German. 3 p. 1. 379 pp. 80. FC6an der ea. 1723. s. London, Tdipper 4' Richards, 1804. Der natur-histori des Schweitzerlands. Schlaepfer (Johann Georg). Dissertatio in3 v. 40~. Zuirich, Bodcter, 1716-18. s. auguralis medico-chirurgica, sistens experiCONTENTS. menta de effectu liquidorum quorundam medicamentosorum ad vias aeriferas applicatorum v. 1. Helvetife stoicheiographia, orographia, et oreographia. Olel beschreibung der elementen, in corpus animale. 60 pp. 8~. Tubingae, grenzen und bergen des Schweitzerlands. 3 p. 1. ator, 1816. 5. 268, 2 1. 6 pl. auctor, 1816 v. 2. Hydrographia; helvetica. Beschreibung der Schlagintweit (Adolph and Hermann von). seen, fiissen, briinnen, warmen und kalten dbderen, und anderen mineral-wasseren des Schweit- Neue untersuchungen iber die physicalhsche zerlands. 8 p. l. 480 pp. 41. 12 p]. geographie und die geologie der Alpen. xvi, v. 3. 2Meteorologia et oryctographia helvetica. Odrer A beschreibung der lufft-beschichten steinen, metal- 630 pp. 1 tab. 80. Leipzig, T. 0. O. eiel, len, und anderen mineralien des Schweitzerlands, 1854 S [etc]. 8 p. 1. 336 pp. 18 pl. [Wanting; atlas, 22 pl. fol.] Schiebe (August). Auswahl deutscher han- Schlechtendal (Diedrich Friedrich Ludwig delsbriefe fir handlungslehrlinge, mit einer von). De asero6s genere dissertatio. 12 pp. franz6sischen und englischen uebersetzung. 1 col. pl. 40. Hcalae Saxonum, Geba;er, 1847. Herausgegeben von Dr. Carl Gustav Oder- s. mann. 4e anul. vi, 159 pp. 8~. Leipzig, ~ Flora berolinensis. 2 v. lxxii, 535 pp; J. M. Gebhardt, 1866. s. xiv, 284 pp. 160. Berolini, F. Diimmler, ______ Die lehre von der buchhaltung. 6e ausg. 1823-24. s. von Carl Gustav Odermann. xiv, 511 pp. Schlegel (Carl Wilhelm Friedrich von). Lec80. Griszuna, J. ff. Gebha'rdt, 1861. s. tures on the history of literature, ancient and Schieffelin (Samuel B.) The foundations of modern. xii, 420 pp. 120. London, Bell' history; a series of first things. xi, 264 pp. Daldy, 1865. 367 SCHLEGEL. SCHNAASE. Schliegel (Hermann). Abhandlungen aus dem Schmarda (Ludwig Carl). Die geographische gebiete der zoologie und vergleichenden anat- verbreitung der thiere. 3 v. in 1. viii, 755 pp. omrie. 3 v. in 1. 15 pl. 40~. Leiden, Arnz & i col. map. 8~. TWien, Gerold, 1853. s. Co. 1841-51. a. N- eue wirbellose thiere beobachtet und CONTENTS. gesammelt auf etier reise um die erde, 1853v. 1. Beitrage zur charakteristik der cetaceen. 2 p. 1. 57. v. i. Neue turbellarien, rotatorien, und 44 pp. v. 2. WVeitere beitrage zur naturgeschichte der ceta- anneliden beobaehte, [etc.] I v. in 2. xviii, ceen. 12 pp. v. 3. Beschreibung einiger neuen grossen edelfalken, 66 pp. 15 col. pl; 3 p. l. 164 pp. 22 col. pl. etc. 20 pp. (16-37). Leipzig, W. Engelnann, 1859-61. -.- Die europiischen tag-raubvSgel. Mit 44 tafeln von J. C. undE. E. Susemihl. [Ex- Sclimid (Dr. L.) Geschichte der pfalzorafen tract.] Text, 100 pp; atlas, 44 col. pl. 8~. vonTiibingen. xxxii, 606,293pp. 8%. TilinDaerinstadt, C. Susenemihl sos, [ 1847-52 1] s. gem, L. F. Fues, 1853. Handleiding tot de beoefeuiug der dier- Schmidt (Andreas Gottfried). Gallerie deutsklnnde. v. 1. 6 p. 1. lii, 532 pp. t~. Bredee, cher pseudonymer schriftsteller vorziglich 7k. Akad. veoor de zee en lamdragt, 1857. 8. des letzen jahrzehents. viii, 253 pp. sq. 16~. [Wanting v. 2 and atlas, 34 pl. fol.] Grimcna, Verlcgs-cotoir, 1840. s. I Loxiens. See Bonaparte (C. L.) and hLoxiens. See Bon-pare (C. L.) amd Schmidt (Carl, M. D.) Das alphabeth der ~chlegel. hierog]yphen entritthselt. 3er theil des werkes Schleicher (August). Compendium der ver- der zitterstof. xcii, gleichenden grammatik der indogermanis- Veresser 1805 s chen sprachen. 2 v. viii, 764 pp. 8~. Weimnar, a Der zitterstoff (elect'ogen) und seine -_. Bdhlcat 1861-62. s. II. Biilclcsu, 1861-62. a. wirkungen in der natur. xii, vi, xix, 229 CONXTENTS. pp. 8~. Breslaz, Verfasser, 1803. s. v. 1. Kurzer abriss einer lautlehre der indogerman-, ischen ursprache, des altindischen (sanskrit), Sch5miidt (Dr. Carl). Zur vergleichenden alteranischen (altbaktrischen), altgriechischen, physiologie der virbellosen tlere. Eine altitalischen (lateinischen, umbrischen, osck- s ischen), altkeltischen (altirischen), altslawis- physiologisch-chemische untersuchung. 79 chen (altbulgarischen), litauischen uned altdeutschen (gotischen). pp. 1-283. pp. 8. B sc e, v. 2. Kurzer abriss einer formelehre [derselben]. pp. P Sclnidt (C. F.) Die gestttte des kinigs Wil285 —,764. helh yon Wttrttemb erg. See ~-uigel (J. Von), Schleielnmacher (Friedrich Ernst Daniel). Gelengentliche gedanken ilber universitliten imc deutschen silne. Nebst einem anhangae Schmidt (Emil). Schilderungen aus der iiber eie leu zu errichtetnde. viii, 176 pp.. Schweiz. vi, 234 pp. 120~. Leipzig, L. Ver160. Berlin, lBectlsclictlbuchlanadlzg, 1808. s. mC'Ue 1853. Schlemmn (Friedrich). Operations-uebungen Schnidt (Friecldrich). La Suee sous Cllarles am cadaver. See Ravoth (F.) Grundriss xiv Jean. 1e dd. viii, 392 pp. 80. Paris, der alk-iunrgie. lRoret, 1843. s. ZD* Sohmidt (W. Adolph). Gea'-clichte der denkSchlereth (Franz Anton von). Dispensatorium fuldense tripartitum, tam patrim usibus und glanhons-freit im ersten jahchundcrt quam scaculi moderni geenio accommodatum. der kaiserherrschaft und des christenthums. xvi, 327 pp. I pl. 80. Pl~ccicd, aathor, 1787. s. viii, 456 pp. 80. Berlinz, Veit & Co. 1847. s. Sch l3milcp (OskIar). Compendium der h1ohe- S.Schmieder (Benjamin Friedrich). Commentren analysis. xvi, 549 pp. 8o. Braeun- arivs in M. Accii Plavti qvae svpersvnt comsceaeig, Fieoegi, 1853. p. oedias. 452 pp. 80. Gottingae, H. Dietcerich, Schlossberger (Julius Eugen). Erster ver- 1804. s. such einer allgemeinen und vergleichenden Schnaase (Carl). Geschichte der bildenden thier-clhecuie, v. 1. Die chemie der gewerbe kiinste. v. 1-2. Geschichte der bildenden des gesanmmten thierreichs. x, 344, 364 pp. liinstebei alten. 2. xx,457 pp;x, 8~. Lei2zig, etc. C. F. Winter, 1854-56 a. s. 534 pp. 8~. Dsseldorf, J. Buddetus, 1843. s. [No more published]. CONTEINTS. Schlosser (Friedriich Christoph). Geschichte v. i. Die volker des Orients. des achtzehlnten jahrhunderts, und des nneu- 2. Griechen und NRmer. zehnten bis zum sturz des franz6sischen kai- The same. v. 3. Geschichte der bildenden serreichs. v. 1-3 in 4 v. 8~. Heidelberg, J. kiinste im mittelalter. v. 1. Altchristlicheund C. B. Mohs, 1836-43. S. muhamedanische kunst. xi, 555 pp. 80. Dils[v. 4 —7 wranting]. selcorf, J. B'tedde:s, 1844.. SCHNEIDER. SCHOMBURGK. Schneider (Johann Gottlob). Allgemeine nat- [etc.] Also, 1000 useful recipes, embracing urgeschichte der schildkrdten. xlviii, 364 pp. every department of domestic economy, [etc.] 2 pl. 80. Leipzig, J. G. fiiller, 1783. s. 408 pp. 160. Kenosha, (Wis.) Schoff' &' Disputatio de veterum scriptorum hippo- Winegar, 1867. potamo. 40. s. Scholar's companion: parts 1 and 2, contain[With ARTEDI (Peter). Svnonyinia piscium, etc. 4. iing exercises in the orthography, derivation, Lipsise, 1789. pp. 247-270]. and classification of English words. Revised Schn1eider (Leonhard). Unsterblichkeitslehre ed. with introduction by R. W. Bailey. 159 des Aristoteles. x, 141 pp. 8~. Passau, Elsa- pp. 120. Phziladelphic, E. H. Butler 4' Co. esser et Waldbauer, 1867. s. 1867. Schneider (Wilhelm Gottlieb). Monographia Scholfeld (Nathan). Higher geometry and generis rildhapicae Linnaei. 2 p. 1. 96 pp. 7 trigonometry. 232 pp. 8~. New York, col. pl. 40~. Vratislaviae, Grassii, Barthii et Collins, 1845. s. soc. 1843. S' Higher geometry and mensuration. 250, - Symbolae ad monographiam generis 10 pp. 80. New York, Collins, 1845. s. clhrysopae Leach. 178 pp. 60 col. pl. 80. [ With the preceding]. Fractislaviae, F. iHirt, 1851. s. Scholz (Benjamin). Anfangsgrtinde der Schneller (Joseph). Arzneimittellehre in ihrer physik, als vorbereitung zum studiumn der anwendung auf die kranikheitendeskindlichen chemie. 5e aufl. von Anton Schrdtter. xvi, alters. vii, 176 pp. 80. Wien, Salilmeyegr - 776 pp. 5 pl. 80. Wien, J. G. Heezbner, 1837. Co. 1867. s. s. Schnitzler (Johann Heinrich). De la cr6ation Schomberg (Isaac). Naval chronology, from de la richesse; ou, des intdrets mat6riels en the time of the Romans, to the treaty of peace, France. 2 v. xx, 394 pp; 459 pp. 80. Paris, 1802, with an appendix. 5 v. 80. London, H. Leblrun, 1842. s. T. _Eyerton, [andc others], 1802. Les institutions de la Russie depuis les Schonlburg (Carl). Briefwvechsel und nachrdformes de l'empereur Alexandre ii. 2 v. lass: mit biographischen andeutungen, herxiii, 495 pp; 524 pp. 8~. Paris, Berger Lev- ausgegeben von Dr. Karl Bernhardi. viii, r'ault, 1866. 471 pp. 1 pl. 80. Krassel, J. J. Bohne, Schnlitgen (Emil). Die visio beatifica, ihr 1845. s. wesen und ihre theologisch-philosophische Schornburgk (Richard, editor). Reiseu in berechtigung. Speliulativer theil. viii, 160 BritischGuiana, etc. v. 3. [orpp. 533-1260]. pp. 80. Wiirzlrrg, F. F. Thteiz, 1867. s. Versuch einer fauna und flora von Britisch-,Scihober (Hugo Emil). Ezncyclopddie der Guiana. Nach vorlagen von Johannes Mttlla-ndwirthschaftswTisselnschaft. Nebst einer ler, Elhrenberg, Erichson, Klotzsch, Troschel, uebersicht iber dieneuere deutschelandwirth- Cabanis,u ndern. 728 pp. 80. Lzig, schaftliche literatur. x, 171 pp. 160. Dres- J. We. ber, 1848. s. den, Schb7zfcld 1856. s. CONTENTS. Schoefert (J. G.) Der preussisclhe beamte; Die milkroskopischen leben. Von Ehrenberg. oder, die kenntniss der gesetze und verord- Mollusca. Von F. H. Troschel. Insecten. Von W~. F. Erichson. nungen tiber die befthiglung der h6hern und F'ische. Von J. Miiller und F. H. Troschel. niedern verwaltungs-, justiz-, bau-, und eisel- Anphibien. Von F. H. Troschel. Voegel. Von J. Cabanis. bahn-beamten, etc. viii, 296 pp. 80. Glogau, Saeugethiere. Von J. Cabanis. C. Flemmning, 1852. Plora. Schoelcher (Victor). Dangers to England of Schomburgk (Sir Robert Hermann). Reisen the alliance with tlle men of the coup d'dtat. in Britisch-Guiana in den jahren, 1840-44. iv, 194 pp. 160. London, TSiibner, 1854. Im auftrag des kdnigs von Preussen ausgeSchoen. See Schbn. ftihrt. See Schomnburgk (Richard, editor ). Schoenhals. See Sch zhals.. Twelve views in tlhe interior of Guiana: Schoenlherr. See SchSnherr. from drawings executed by Mr. Charles Schoepfiin. See Schoflilin. Bentley, after sketches taken during the exSchoff (S. S.) and Cas.well (B. S.) People's pedition carried on in the years 1835-39. own book of recipes: and information for the With descriptive letter press. 4 p. 1. 38 pp. 1 raillion. Containing directions for the pres- map, 12 col. pl. fol. LodZon,.Ackernmann 4' ervation of the health, treatment of the sick, Co. 1841. s. SCHON. SCHOUTEN. Schbn (Friedrich Gotthold). De personarum See Smids (Lodewick). Pictura loquens. in Euripidis Bacchlabus habitu scenico com- Amstelaedcami, 1695. mentatio. 166 pp. 8~. Lipsiae, A. Lehlhold, Schooten(Henry,pseudon.) The hairy giants; 18:31.. s. or, a description of two islands in the South Schan (Julius). Rifled infantry arms. A brief sea, called Benganga and Coma. Englished description of the modern system of small [from the Dutch] by P. M. 3 p. 1. 16 pp. 2 1. arms, as adopted in the various European 1 map. sin. 4~. London, John Watson, 1671. armies. 2d ed. Dresden, 1855, tr. from the Schopenhauer (Arthur). Die beiden grundGerman by J. Gorgas. 4~. Washinegton, 1860. probleme der ethik in zweiakade emiscllhei [With MoRDECAI (A.) Report, etc. 1860]. preisschriften. 2e aufl. xliv, 276 pp. 83. Schdnberg (Anders). Historiska bref om det Leipzig, Brockhaus, 1860. svenska regeringssdtttet, i ttldre och nyare I Parerga und paralipomena: kleine philotider. Utgifnla f Adolf Iwar Arwidsson. 3 v. sophische schriften. 2e aufl. Herausgegeben 80. Stockholml, P. A. NTorstedt & sdner, 1849- von J. Frauensticdt. 2 v. xii, 530 pp; iv, 698 51. S. pp. 8c. Berlin, A. W. Hlahn, 18S2. Schoner (Johaln). Orbis typvs. 65 1. sin. 40.' Ueber die vierfache wurzel des satzes Noribergce, Joannes Stuchss, 1515. voin zureichenden g unde. Herausgegelen NOTE. —" This title is one of the forms under wshich von J. Frauenstitdt. 3e anfl. xvi, 160 PP. 1 pl. -Schoner's'Luculentissima quaedd terrae totius deseriptio' is sometimesfound. H-uARRssE. 80. Lepzig, F A. Brockhaus, 1864. Schlbnhals (Carl von). Erinneruingen eines 6s- Die welt cals wille und vorstellung. 3e terreichisehen veteranen aus dean italienischen nul. 2v. xxxi,634pp; vi, 740 pp. 8~. kriege, 1848-49. [canon.] 4 aufl. 2 v. viii, Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1859. 236 pp; 314 pp. 80. Stuttgart, J. G. Cotta, Schibpflin (Johann Daniel). Vindici, typo1852. s. graphicre. [With appendix: Documenta typoSch6nherr( Christoph Joseph ). Curculionidum. graphicarum originum ex argentinensibus tabdispositio methodica, ctrn generum character- ulariis et bibliothecis nune primum edita]. 3 ibus, descriptionibus atque observationibus p.. 120 pp. 42 pp. 5 1. 7 pl. 40. Argenvariis, sen procldromus ad synonymiae insect- torati, J. G. Base, 1760. orum partem iv. xi, 338 pp. 8s. Lpsiec, Schoppe or Scioppius (Caspar conde de uF. Fpleiscler, 1826. si Clara Valle). Arcana societatis Iesv publico FlSynonymia insectorum, oder versuch bono vulgata, cum appendicibus utilissimis. einer synonymie aller bisher bekannten in- 341pp. 51. 160. [n. 1635. [ nWith CONTZEN (Adam). Disoeptatio de secretis, etc.] sekten; nach Fabricii systema eleutherattorum Schott (Arthur). Geology and botany. etc. georduet, [etc.] 3 v. 8~. Stockholmn, lord1stroem, etc. 806-17. With EIroutY (W. H.) Report on the U. S. and 3Mexstroesn, etc. 1806-1. ican boundary survey]. [Imperfect: v. 3 and title-page of v. 2 wanting]. Schott (Wilhelm, prof. at Berlin). VocabulaSch6n-Swaartz (Van, pseudon.) See Beau- riumn sinicum. iv, 88 pp. 40. Berolini, oFnoir. cina acadeumicc, 1844. s. Schoolcraft (Henry Rowe). A bibliographical Sch6ttgen (Christian). Historie derer buchcatalogue of books, translations of the scrip- hdlndler,.wie solche in alten und mittern zeiten tures, and other publications in the Indian gewesen, [etc. ] 2e afl. 20 pp. 4 portraits. sin. tongues of the United States, with critical 40. Niirnberg, et,. J.D. Tauber's erben, 1722. s. notices. [anon.] 28 pp. 8~0. Washington, Schouten (Willem Cornelisz). Diarivm vel C. Alexander, 1849. descriptio laboriosissimli et molestissimi itineNotes on the Iroquois; or, contributions ris, facti annis 1615-17, cum a parte,australi to American history, antiquities, ald general freti magellanici novum ductum aut fretum in ethnology. xv, 498 pp. 2 col. portraits. 8~. magnum mare australe detexit, totumq. orbem Albany, E. IH. Pease & Co. 1847. s. terrarumcircumnavigavit. 4p.1. 83pp. 3maps. ~ —--- Red race of Amelrica. 416 pp. 2 pl. 80. 3 pl. srin. 40. Amstercldanz, Petrus Kcerius, 1619. Nrew Yosrk, Wnm. H. Grahcao, 1847. The same. Jovrnal ov relation exacte Schoolcraft (Mrs. Mary Howard). The black dv voyage dans les Indes: par vn nouueau gauntlet: a tale of plantation life in South destroit, et par les grandes mers australes qu'il Carolina. 569 pp. 160. Philadelphia, J. B. t descouuert, vers le pole antartique. [Redig'6 Lippincott A4 Co. 1860. par Aris Classenl]. 7 p. 1. 232 pp. 4 maps. Schoonebeeck (Adriaanl). Heroicae tabullae. 4 pl. 16~. Pcaris, Gobert, 1619. 47 SCHOUWV. SCHUMANN. Schouw (Joakim Frederik). Dissertatio de Schrbter (Johann Samuel). Versuch einer sedibus plantarum originariis. 80 pp. 16G. systematischen abhandlung tiber die crdlkonHcavnice, [acuctor], 1816. S. chylien, [etc.] 240 pp. 16~. Berlin, Bosse, Schouwalof. See Schuwalof. 1771. s. Schreber (Johann Christian Daniel von). Die - Vollstiindige einleitung in die lenntniss situgthiere in abbildungen nach der natutr, mit und geschichte der steine und versteinerunbescllbreibungen. Fortgesetzt von Johann An- gen. 4 v. 40. Altenburg,Richter, 1774-84. s. dreasWagner. 5 v. with atlas. 51 col. pl. 4~. Schryver (Cornelius). See Goees (Damido Erlangen und Leipzig, Voss, etc. 1840-55 s. de). Legatio magni Indorvm imperatoris. [Atlas wanting, pl. 1-211. Anvers, 1532. Schubarth (F.) Repertoriumn der technischen CONTEN~TS. literatur, 1823-53. xvi, 1049 pp. 80~. Berlin, v. 1. Die affen und fledlerthiere. xiv, vi, 551 pp. Decker'sche uznd geheime ober-h7ofbulcchdrumecv. 2. Die raubthiere. viii, 558 pp. v. 3. Die beutelthiere und nager (1). xiv, 614 pp. erei, 1856. s. v. 4. Die nager (1), zahnliicl;er, einhufer dickhiiuter, SchUbett (Friedric h Theodor). Populiire asund wiederkiuaer. xii,,523 pp. v. 5. Die affen, zahnlicker, beutelthiere, hufthiere, tronomie. Neue ausg. 3 v. 8~. HZaonbzrg, insectenfresser, und handfliigler. Ein zusam- Pet7es & Besser, 1834. s. menstellung der neuesten entdeckungen auf.dem gebiete der sungthierkunde. xxvi, 810 pp. CONTENTS. v. 1. CG eschichte der astronomic und sphtirische astroSchreckenstein (C. H. Rothl von). See Roth nomie. xvi, 337 pp. 4 p1. v. 2. Theoretische astronoinie. xiv, 388 pp. 5 pl. von Schreckenstein. v. 3. Physische astronomie. xi, 391 pp. 5 pl. Schreger (Christian Heinrich Theodor). Kurze Schubert (Friedrich Wilhelm). Handbuchl der beschreibung der chemishen geriithschaften allgemeinen staatskunde von Europa. 6 v. 8~. filterer und neuerer zeit. Nebst einer vorrede Kdnigsberg, Borntriiger, 1835-46. s. des Friedrich Hildebrand. 3 v. 12~. Fibith, CONTENTS. 1802. S. v. 1. Die allgemeine einleitung, und dcls russische reich. Schreiber (Aloys Wilhelhn), and othesrs. Tra- v. 2. Prankreich und das britischo reich. ditions populaires du Rhin, de la Foret Noire, v. 3. Spaiel unod Porltgal. v. 4. Die italienischen staaten. de la vallde du N'cre, de la Moselle, et du v. 5. Oesterreich. Taunus. 102 pp. 13 pl. 160. Heidelberg, J. v. 6. Der prcussische staat. Schultze (Maximilian Johams Sigismund). Engfelicnann [1827]. Beitrioge zur naturgeschichte der turbellarien. Schreiber(Heinrich). Die ilteste verfassungs- t b te abth. vi, 79 pp. 7 col. pl. 4~. G'eifsvalcd, urkunde der stadt Freiburg im Breisgau, zum C. A. Koch 1851. s. erstenmal in ihrer atchten gestalt herausgege- Sohulze (Friedrich Gottlob). Nationaldioben. 46 pp. 40. Freiburg im Breisgau, Albert i nomie; oder, volkswirthschaftslehlre, vornehmLudlwig's universitit, 1833. s. Mattus Hummel im Bach, bevollmdch lich fiir land, forst, und staatswirthe. 2 v. in 1. Mattlhaeus EHummel im Bach, bevollmtichxxx, 952 pp. 2 tabl. 8~. Leipzig, G.W iTgacd, tigter zur stiftung der universitat und erster 952 pp. 2 tab. 80. Leipzig,. Vigd 1856. S. rector derselben. 41 pp. 4~. Freibuvrgf #ecrctor derselben 41 pp 40hulze (Gottlob Leberecht). Neue astronobriideq, Groos, 1833. s. mische versinnlichungswerkzeuge und deren Schrenk (Leopold von). Ideen zu ciner hydro- vielseitiger gebraucll. viii, 70 pp. 2 pl. 80~. graphie der landseen, mit besonderer rticksicht Leipzit, F. Fleischer, 1823. s. auf die seen ler Alpen. 59 pp. 8~. Dorpat, Schulze (Johannes Ludwig), Knapp (Georg H. Loahmaen, 1852. s. Ludwig), eand Niemeyer (August Hermann). Schreuder (Hans Paludan Smith). Gramma- Beschreibung des hallischen waisenllhauses nd tik for Zulu-sproget. Med fortale og anmserk- der iibrigen dansit verbundlenen frankischen ninger af C. A. Holmboe. viii, 88 pp. 80. stiftungen, nebst die geschichte ibres ersten Christiaia, W. C. IC.Fibritius, 1850. s. jabhrhunderts. xvi, 214 pp. 2 pl. 80. Halle, Schrevel or Schrevelius (Cornelius). Lexi- }Waisenhans, 1779. s. con manuale grmeco-latinum et latino-grecumn; Schumanin (G. D.) Chemische laboratorium studio atque opera J. Hill, J. Entick, nec non fir realschulen und zur selbstbelehrung. Mit G. Bowyer. Ecl. 180 emedatior. 365 1. 80. einem vorworte von Fr. J. P. von Riecke. Edinbusergi, C. Stewcart, 1805. 2e aufi. xii, 355 pp. 4pl. 80. Esslingen, C. Schroter (Johann Samuel). Einleitung in die Weychardt, 1857. s. conchylien-lkenlltniiss, nach Linnd. 3 v. 8~. Schluann(L.) Sachregisterzum kayser'schen Halle, J. J. Gebazeer, 1783-86. s. biicherlexicon. See Kayser (C. G.) 371 SCHURZ. SCLATER. Schurz (Carl). Speeches. x, 392 pp. 120~. Nebst einem anhange iiber den an seinemn Phtiladellphica, J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1865. grabe gestifteten verein zur ausfiihrting eines Schiitz (Ferdinand). Propagation des sciences Leibnitzischen missionsplanes. 95 pp. 120~. europdennes dans l'extrmne orient. Nouveau Halle, E. Anton, 1830. s. syllabaire et alphabet chinois phondtique. Einleitung in die mythologie auf dem [Extract.] 60, 25 pp. 80. Nancy, acad. de standpunkte der naturwissenschaft. ix, 381 Stanislas, 1856-57. s. pp. 2 pl. 80. Halle, E. Anton, 1836. s. Simplification de l'6tude des langues par U IJber die dilteste physik und den ursla philosophie du langage et des signes prung des heidenthums aus einer missvergraphiques de la pensde. Introduction. [Ex- standenen naturweisheit. [Extract]. viii, tract.] 124 pp. 8~. Nancy, acad. de Stanislas, 120 pp. 120. Niitn.beg, Jah'ibuchderc chemie, 1855. -. etc. 1823. s. Schuwalof (Andrej, de). The antidote; or, U - eber stichiometrische reihen im sinne an enquiry into the merits of a book enti- Richter's. xxvi, 69 pp, 80. Halle, SchrUtled "a journey into Siberia," made in 1761, del & Simzon, 1853. s. by the abb6 Chappe D'Auteroche. By a lover Schweinhart (William). The young crook's of truth. [anon.] Translated into English by guide; or self-varying system for cutting a lady. iv, 202 pp. 80. London, S. Leacroft, garments. 7 pp. 4 pl. 8~. Gettysburg, [Pa.] 1772. autheor, 1851. s. Schuyler (George L.) Correspondence and Schwenlck (Conrad). WVrterbuch der dentremarks upon Bancroft's history of the north- schen sprache in beziehung auf abstammung ern campaign of 1777, and the character of und begriffsbildung. 2e ausg. iv, 750 pp. 8. major gen. Philip Schuyler. 47 pp. 8~. New Fr'ankfurt act Main, J. D. Sazueerlinder, 1836. York, D. G. Francis, 1867. 8. Schwab (Gustav), and Kliipfel (Carl). Schwerd(Prof. Fr. M.) Die beugungserscheiWegweiser durch die literatur der Deutschen. nungen aus den fundimentalgesetzen der unEmin handbuch fir laien. 356 pp. 8~. Leipzig, dulationstheorie analytisch entwickelt. xii, G. Mayer, 1846. s. 143 pp. 5 1. 18 pl. 40. Mannheim, Schwaan, The same. 3e aufl. vi, 196 pp. 8~. Leip- 1835. s. zig, G. Mayer, 1861. Schwindel (Georg Jakob). Theophili Sinceri --- Literarischer wegweiser f~r gebildete neue sammlung von lauter, alten und raren laien. Nachtriige 1-7 zu dem Schwab u. bfichern. [pseudon.] 6 pts in I v. 4 p. 1. Kliipfel'schen wegweiser. 1847-1867. 7 v. 544 pp. 81. 1 pl. 8~. Fr~anckfurt sund Leip80. Leipzig, G. Mayer, 1853-67, zig, J. Stein, 1733. s. Schwarz (Christian Gottlieb). Panegyricvs Scientific American (The). v. 7-14, Sept. divo Carolo vi, imperatori, [with appendix]. 1852-June, 1859. New series, v. 1-13. July, Odae ii divi Caroli vi. in gloriosisimam 1859-Dee. 1865. 21 v. in 14 fol. New York, obitvm, etc. 60 pp. 41. fol. Norizbergae, F. Munn & Co. 1852-65. Koengott, 1741. s. Scientific (The) art of lettering taught in one [ With WILLEBRANDT (J. P.) Hainsische chroniclk, etc. lesson; for the use of painters, gilders, [etc.] 1748]. Also a collection of receipts for gilding, [etc.] --- Oratio panegyrica de Pomeranorvm et 40 pp. 24 p1. obl. 240. St.Lonis, J.. Rvgianorvm pristinis cvm Holsatia, belli B4gley & Co. 1866. Bagcley & Co. 1866. pacisqve commerciis [etc.] 26 pp. fol. Scilla (Agostino). De corporibus marinis Grphiswazldiae, J. & J. Struck, 1743. s. Grypisadiae J. J. Strck, 1743.. lapidescentibus quae defossa reperiuntur. [With WILLEBRANDT (J. P.) Hansische chronick, etc. 17481. Addita dissertatione Fabii Columni de glossSchwarz (Joseph). A descriptive geography opetris. 3 p. 1. 78 pp. 3 1. 28 pi. 4~. Romae, and brief historical sketch of Palestine. A. de Rubeis, 1747. s. Translated by Isaac Leeser. 519 pp. 2 maps, Scioppius (Caspar). See Schoppe. 13 pl. 8~. Philadelphia, A. Hart, 1850. s. Sckell (F. L. von). Beiritige zur bildenden Schwarzwiller (Udo). Der praktische bren- gartenkiinst ftir angellende gartenkiitnstler nerei-verwalter. vii, 152 pp. 120. Leipzig, und gartenliebhaber. 2 atiufl. xxviii, 280 pp. Reicheabaclh, 1861. 8. 6 pl. 8~. MiHiiwhlcn, C. T1 1. Scauer, 1825. s. Schweigger (Johann Salomo Christoph). Sclater (Philip Lutley), and Salvin (Osbert). Bruclhstticke aus demleben des als opfcr seiner Exotic ornithology. Part-1-2. 40. London, wvissenschaft gefalienen, A. F. Schweigger. B. Quaritch, 1866-7. 372 SCLAVERE.I. SCOUTETTEN. Sclaveriei (Ueber), sclaven-emancipation, und Scott (Joseph). A geographical description die einwandlerung freier neger nach den colo- of the states of Maryland and Delaware. 191 nieen. [anon.] 27 pp. 120. Bremen, J. G. pp. 18~. Philadelphia, Kiimbcr, Conrad 4, Co. Heyse, 1861. 1807. Scopoli (Giovanni Antonio). Bemerkungen Scott (Rev. Orange). Life: compiled from his aus der naturgeschichte. Erstesjahr, welches personal narrative, correspondence, [etc.] By die v6gcel, etc. beschreibet. Aus dem lateinis- L. C. Matlack. 307 pp. portrait. 12~. New chen, von Friedrich Christian Giinther. xxvii, York7, C. Prindle & L. C. lMaltlack, 1847. s. 211 pp. 12o. Leipzig, C. G. Lilscher, 1770. s. Scott (Mrs. Sarah). The life of Thbodore Scoresby (William, D. D.) The Franklin Agrippa d'Aubign6, containing an account of expedition; or, measures for the discovery the civil wars of France, in the reigns of and relief of our absent adventurers il the Charles ix, Henry iii, Henry iv, and Lewis arctic regions. 99 pp. 2 maps. 8~0. London, xii. 123pp. [canon.] 8~. Philadellphia, J. M. Longmcan, Brown 4' Co. 1850. Camrpbell & Co. 1843. [Imperfect; maps wanting]. - See, also, Raymond (H. A.) On the Greenland or polar ice. 78 pp. Scott (Mrs. Sarah E.) Every-day cookery for 80. [?. p. 1815 1] every family, containing nearly 1,000 receipts. Scot (A. samember of the univsersity of Paris). 288 pp. 160. Philadelphia, H. C. Davis & Rudiments and practical exercises for learn- Co. 1866. ing the French language. 7, 162 pp. 8~. Scott (Thomas, B. D.) Sir Walters Rawleighl's London, Longmanc, Cadell, 1781. ghost; or, England's forewarner. [anon.] Scot (Sir John). The staggering state of the 2 p. 1. 41 pp.. 1 pl. 40~. Utricht, J. Schellen., Scots statesmen, from 1550 to 1650. xxxiv, 1626. 190 pp. 16~. Edindbucrgh, W. Rddiman, jr. & Scott (Sir Walter). The field of Waterloo. 48 Co. 1754. pp. 240. Philadelphia, M. Thomas, 1815. Scot (Rev. William, of Cupcar). An apologetical - The lay of the last minstrel. 203 pp. 180~. narration of the state and government of the NTew Yorec, Elliot eand Crissy, 1811. kirk of Scotland since the reformation. [With ] - EIalidon hill; a dramatic sketch. 108 pp. certaine records touching the estate of the kirk 160. Philadelphia, Carey tf Lea, 1822. in im.D.CV and M.D.CVI, by John Forbes.,Scott (Rev. William). Epigrams of Martial, etc. FEdited by J. Anderson and D. Laing.] with mottos fiom Horace, etc. translated, imilxxxviii, 578 pp. 80. Ecdinbsghh, W-odrowv tated, adapted, with notes. xxiv, 262 pp. 16~. society, 1846. Londo*n, J. BWilkie, 1773. Scot (Sir William, of Thisrlestane). Poemata. Scott (Winfield). Memoirs of lieut. general [WVith PITCAIeN (Archibald, and others). Selecta Scott, LL. D. Written by himself. 2 v. xxii, poeenmata, 1727]. 653 pp. 2 portraits. 120. Newzu Yorc, Sheldon Scotland ( Church of). The confession of faith, V Co. 1864. the larger and shorter catechisms, covenants, See Taylor and his generals. [etc.] of public authority in the church of Scott (Rer. Dr. ). A sure guide to happiScotland, with the acts of assembly and par- ness and social love. See Weems (M. L.) lianment relative to anld approbative of the Immortal mentor. pp. 133-321. 160. Phila. same. 546 pp. 11 1. 120. [Edinburgh? 1796. 1768. Scott. See, also, Scot. cott(John, D. D. can2on of Wndsor). A se1mon Scotto (Andrea). Itinerario, overo nova desbefore the een, 2d of Mav, 192, on occasion crittione de viaggi principali d'Italia. 3 pts. of the late victory by the fleet over the French. in 1. 5 p. 1. 20 pp. 1531; 1121; 72 1. 1 map. 18 35 pp. sin. 4~. London, Walter Kettilby, 1692. pl. 160. Padona, Es-ancesco Bolzetta, 1628-29. Scott (John, major C. S. A. so-called). Letters Scottolli (Giovanni). Dissertazione sopra il to an officer in the army, proposing constitu- quesito: se in uno stato ci terreno fertile, fationall reform il the confederate government vorir debbasi maggiormente l'estrazione delle.after the close of thle preselnt war; a supple- nmaterie prime, ovvero quella delle manifatture. ment to the "Lost principle." 82 pp. 80. [SCRITTORI class. ital. di econ. pol. v. 31]. Rlichmnond, A. MJvorris, 1864. Scoutetten (Henri). L'ozone; ou, rehercherhes Partisan life with col. John S. Mosby. chimiques, meteorologiques, physiologiques, 492 pp. 3 pl. 1 map. 80. Newzu Yor/c, cHarpers, et mdlicales sur l'oxygn'ie 1ectris6. 273 pp. 1867. 6 tab. 1 pl. 120. Pamris, V. Masceson, 1856. s. 373 SCOVILLE. SCUDDER. Scoville (Joseph A.) The old merchants of felicita umana ragionamento; calcolo sopra il valore delle opinioni, e sopra i piaceri e i dolori della New Yorkl city. By Walter Barrett, clerk. vita umana; lettere: v. 24 andi 49. Errori popo[pseuclon.] 4th series. 255 pp. 120. ATtiez lari intorno all' economia nazionale considerati sulle presenti controversie tra i laici e i chierici in York, Carleton, 1866. ordine al possedimnento de' beai; Lettere sulla reScribner (TheocloreT.) Indiana's roll of honor. ligione e ii governo de' popoli: v. 25-26. Dei fideconimmessi in proposito dei termine di mani-morte: v. 2. 652 pp. 10 pl. 80. Indianapolis, (Ind.) v. 27. PAGNIN-I (Gio. Francesco). Saggio sopra ii giusto A. D. Streight, 1866. pregio dclelle cose; dellamoneta e sopra ii conmmercio Scribonius (Cornelius). See Schryver. dei Romnani. v. 2. PALMIIIERI (Giuseppe). Riflessioni sulla pubblica feScriptores rerum prussicarum. Die gesc hichts- liit' relativainente al regno di Napoli: v. 37. quellen der preussischen vorzeit his zu1m Osservazioni sulle tariffe; Della ricchezza nazionale: v. 38. Osservazioni sullusso: v. 49. untergange der ordensherrsclhaft. Herausge- PAOLETTI (Ferdinando). Estratto de' pensieri sopra l'agricoltura; I veri mezzi di render felici le sogeben von Theodor Hirsch, Max Ttppen, und ciet i: dell' annona. v. 20. Ernst Strehllike. 2 v. xiv, 818 pp; 866 pp. 80. Rlici (Lodovieo). Riforma degv' istituti ph della cittia di Modena. v. 41. Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 1861-63. s. ScAnurFF (Gasparo). Discorso sopra le mnonete, e Scrittori classici italiani di economica politica. clelle vera proporzione tra l'oro e l'argento. v. 43. SCOTTONrI (Giovanni). Dissertazione sopra ii quesito: [Collezione publicata per cura di Pietro Cus- se in uLno stato di terreno fertile favorir debbasi maggiormente l'estrazione delle materie prime, todi]. Parte moderna, v. 1-41. Parte an- ovvero quella delle manifattnre. v. 31. tica, v. 42-49. Indici, v. 50. 50 v. 8~. Mi- SCOROFANI (Saverio). Memoria sulla liberta delcommercio dei grani della Sicilia; IRiflessioni sopra le laeno, 1805-17. sussistenze. v. 40. CONTENTS. SERlA (Antonio). Cause che possono far abbondare li regni d'oro e d'argento dove non sono miniere. ALGAROTTI (Francesco). Saggio sopra ii comercio. v. 42. v. 1. SOLE RA (Maurizio). Essai sur les valeurs. v. 39. ARco (Giambattista GCherardo, conte d'). Dell' ar- TurmBOLO (Gian. Donato). Discorsi sulle monete del monia politico-economica tra la cittai e il sue terri- regno di Napoli. v. 42. torio: 1. Sulla populazione. 2. Dell' annona. v. 30. VAsco (Giambattista). Della moneta saggio politico; Dell' influenza del comercio sopra i talenti e Delle universiti clelle arti e mestieri dissertazione; i costumi; risposta al quesito: se in uno state di M6moire sur les causes de la meudicit6 et sur les terreno fertile favorir debbasi maggiormente l'es- moyens de Ia supprimer: v. 33. La felicita pubtrazione delle materie prime, ovvero quella delle blica considerata nei coltivatori di terre proprie; snanifatture; del diritto ai transiti. v. 31. L'usura libera: v. 34. Dell' indigenza cagionata BANDINI (Salustio Antonio). Discorso economico; da scarsezza di seta; Annunzj ed estratti sopra dicon elogio, scritto da G. Gorani. v. 1. versi oggetti di economia politica: v. 35. BEccCARIA (Cesare). Elementi di economia ptbblica, VERRI (Pietro). Meditazioni sulla economiapolitica, 2 v; della riduzione delle misure cli In-aghezza all' con annotazioni di G. R. Carli, v. 15; 1. Sulle leggi uniformita per lo state di Milano. v. 11-12. vincolanti principalmente nel commnercio de' grani; BELLONI (Girolamo). Dissertazione sopra il comer- 2. Dialogo sul disordine delle monete nello stato di cio. v. 2. MIilano nel 1762; 3. Estratto del progetto di una BIeGANTI (PFilippo). Esamne econoinico del sistema tariffa, v. 16; 1. Memorie storiche sulla econolnia civile. v, 28-29. pubblica dello state di Milano; 2. Osservazioni BROGGIA (Carlo Antonio). Trattato de' tributi. Trat- sulla tortura; 3. Varj opuscoli di economia pubtate delle monete. v. 45-46. blica, v. 17. CANTALUPO (Gennaro di Domenico). Annona ossia ZANON (Antonio). Lettre scelte stll' agricoltura, sul piano economico di pubblica sussistenza. v. 40. conlmercio e sulle arti, v. 18; 1. Apologia della CAeRACCIoLI (Domenico, marachese di Villamaina). mercatnra; 2. Estratto del trattato dell' utilitc delle Riflessioni sull' economlia e l'estrazione de' fiuinenti academie di agricoltura, arti, e conmercio, v. 19. della Sicilia fatte in occasione della carestia dell' indizione iii, 1784 e 1785. v. 40. Scrofani (Saverio), Memoria sulla libert, del CARLI (Gian. Rinaldo). Della moneta; relazione del commercio dei grani della Sicilia. censimento dello state di Milano; breve ragionamento sopra i bilanci econonlici delle nazioni; del [SCRITTORI class. ital. di econ. pol. v. 40]. libero nommercio de' grani. v. 13-14. 11bero com mercio de' gra-ni. v. 13-14. Riflessioni sopra le sussistenze desunte CORNIANI (Giambattista). Riflessioni sulle monete; della legislazione relativamente all' agricoltura. da' fatti osservati in Toscana. v. 39. DAVANZATI (Bernardo). Lezione delle monete, con [ith the preceding.] la notizia de' cambj. v. 43. Scudder (John, D. D. of the Madras mnission). DILFICO (Melchiorre). Memoria sulla libertdi del comnmercio. v. 39. A voice from the east to the young, il a series FILANGIERe (Gaetano). Delle leggi politi-che ed econ- of letters to the children of the reformed promiche. v. 32. GALIANI (Ferdinando). Della moneta; dialogues sur testant Dutch church of North America. 322 le commerce de bl6s; estrato del discorso sulla per- pp. 1 pl. 160.'ew Yesk, BoaCd of publication fetta conservazione del grano. v. 3-6. GCENOVESI (Antonio). Lezioni di economia civile; of the ref. prot. Dutch chi-c7h, 1856. s. opuscoli di economia politica. v. 7-10. MENCOTTI (Francesco). TIel commercio de' Romani Scudder (John M. 21. D.) TFamiliar trentise on dalla prima guerra panica a Costantino; il colbert- medicine. 4th ed. 2 v. iln. 594; 242 pp. 80. ismo, ossia, della liberta di commercio de' prodotti della terra. v. 36. Cincinnati, Moore, Wilstach & Baldivin, 1866. MONTANARII (Geminiiano). Della moneta. v. 44. On the use of medicated inhalations in NERI (Pompeo). Osservazioni sopra il prezzo legale delle monete, con documenti. Sopra la materia the treatment of diseases of the respiratory frnmentaria: dliscorso. v. 47-49. OIreas (Giasnen es).l Drella v eonomia 4a7ios9le. organ.. With an introcluction by IW. Abbotts v. 21-23 and 49. Riflessioni sulla popolazioee delle Smith. 94 pp. 120. Cincilsnnati, Mfoore,;`ilnazioni per rapporto all' econolnia nazionale; delle scienze utili e delle dilettevoli per rapporto alla stctch & Bealdwin, 1866. 374 SCUDI:RY. SEDLACZEK. Scudery (Georges de). Curia politi'e: or, the num 1546, latine versi exhibentur. 21 p. 1. 319, apologies of several princes; justifying to the 219 pp; 4 p. 1. 700 pp. 72 1. 2 pl. fol. world their most eminent actions. Faithfully Francofarti & Lipsice, J. F. Gleditsch, 1692. render'd into English. 8 p. 1. 190 pp. 11 pl. Secker (Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury). fol. London, R. Boulter, 1673. Works; [with] a review of his life and charScude'ry (Madeleine de). Clelia, an excellent acter, by B. Porteus. New ed. 6 v. 80~. new romance. Written in French by Mon- London, F. C., J. Rivington, 1811. sieur de Scudclry. [pseudon. Translated by An answer to Dr. Mayhew's observations J. Davies]. 4 p. 1. 736 pp. 1 pl. fol. London, on the charter and conduct of the society for H. Herringman, 1678. the propagation of the gospel in foreign parts. Scully (William). Brazil; its provinces and [anon.] 59 pp. 80. Boston, B. 4' S. Draper, chief cities; agricultural, commercial, and etc. 1764. other statistics. xv, 398 pp. 1 map. 160. ~ The same. Boston, 1764. London, Murray & Co. 1866. [With MAYHEW (Jonathan, D. D.) Observations on Sealsfield (Carl). Les 6imigr's franeais dans the charter of the sec. for the prop. of the gospel in la Louisiane, 1800-1804. 194 pp. 16~. Paris,, Hachette & Cie. 1853. Secret (The) history of the calves-head club, Hachett &Cie.1853complt.; or, the republican unnmiaskl. JCanon. Seaman (Ezra C.) Essays on the progress of By Samuel Bo tler ] 5th e d. [7 pp. nations; [with statistics, etc.] viii, 455 pp. 8~. Detroit, M. Geiger & Co. 1846. s. 12. London, 1705. 7 D t 18.' Secretan (optician). Catalogue et prix des Search (John, psecudon.) Considerations on helarc (ohb, peu ing to Csideations on.instruments d'optique, de physique, de chimie, the law of libel, relating to publications on s.ject ofrlg i. de mathbmatiques, d'astronomie et de marine, the sublject of religion. [With appendix]. etc. Chimie, galvanoplastie, mineralogie. 88 pp. 80. London, 1833. 60pp. 80. Pris,1862.. Searle (E.) Agatha, and other poemns. 152 pp. a [With LEREBOURS and Secretan. Catalogue, etc160. Morrison, (11I.) 1867. 1853]. Sears (Rev. Edmund Hamilton). Athanasia; Secretaria di Apollo; or, letters from Apollo, or, foregleams of immortality. 8th ed. xii, historical and political. By Trajano Boccalini. 340 pp. 160. Boston, Am. unit. assoc. 1867. From the Italian. 2 v. 8 p. 1. 304 pp; 4 p. 1. Regeneration. 7th ed. 248 pp. 12~. 280 pp. 1 pl. 120. London, R. Smith, 1704. Boston, Am. unit. assoc. 1866. [Note.-Mazzlchellt decides that this composition is Sea-side pleasures. [anon.] 85 pp. 8 pl. 16~. not Boccalini's]. Lonsdon, Soc. promot. christ. knowledge, 1853. Secrets merveilleux de la magie naturelle et Seasonable reflections oni a late pamphlet, [by cabalistique du petit Albert. Traduits sur Abraham or Abednego Seller], entituled a l'original Latin, intitule Alberti Parvi Lucii history of passive obedience since the refor- libellus. [anon.] 240 pp. 3 p1. 180. Lyon, mation. [anon.] 67 pp. 40~. London, B. Cla- Hlritiers de Beringzos fratres, 1776. veil, 1689. Seddon (Thomas). Memoir and letters. [BeSeat (Rev. WV. H.) The confederate states of ing mainly reminiscences of eastern travel]. America in prophecy. 144 pp. 16~. Nash- By his brother. viii, 208 pp. portrait. 160~. uille, (Tenn.) 1861. London, J. Nisbet & Co. 1858. Seaton (Walter). A man in search of a wife. Sedgwick (Rev. Adam). A synopsis of the 100 pp. 8~. Nl~ew York, De Witt & Davenport. classification of the British palheozoic rocks. 1853. With a detailed systematic description of the Secession; or, prose in rhyme; and East British palmeozoic fossils in the geological muTennessee, a poem. By an East Tennessean. seum of the university of Cambridge. By [anon.] 64 pp. 160. Philadelphia, the author, Frederick McCoy. 40. Cambridge, 18521864. 55. 8. Secchi (Angelo). Osservazioni e ricerclse as- Sedgwick (Catharine Maria). Redwood; a tronomniche sulla grande cometa del Giugno, tale. [anon.] 2v. 275pp; 290pp. 120. New 1861. [Extract]. 66 pp. 80. Rowna, tipograf' a York-, Bliss &c White, 1824. delle belle arti, 1861. s. Sedlaczek (Ernest). Anleitung zum geSeckendorf (VTeit Lutdewig von). Comrmen- brauche einiger logarithmisch getheilter retarius historicus et apologeticus de lutheran- chcnschieber, (sliding-rule, re'gle-'L-callctl,) ismo, in qcuo ex Ludovici Mainiburgii historia etc. 2e aufi. xv, 124 pp.. WSO iez, W. Braulutheranismi libri tree, ab anno 1517 ad an- eiiller, 1856. s. 375 SEDLACZEK. SELECTION. Sedlaczek (Ernest). Kompendium der ebenen libri ante annum 1500 impressi circiter mille und sffirischen trigonometrie. xviii, 124 pp. et quadringenti. 4 v. in 1. 40. Ingolstadii, 80. tien, V. Braumiiller, 1856. s. J. WI. Kriill, 1787. Sedulius (Coelius). Poemata sacra. Denuo Segnitz (Edmund). Dreissig biicher von der recognita, collata et brevibus notis illustrata. landwirthschaft; ein encyclopiidisches handNec non prior ejusdem epistolaadMacedoniumr buch. 3 v. 80. Dresden, Arnold, 1847-50. s. presbyterum. xvi,109pp. 21. 160. -Edin- Segoing or Segoin (Charles). Armorial vnibum'i, A. Anderson, 1701. versal, contenant les armes des principales See (Henricus vom, pseudon.) Gedichte. xii, maisons, estatz, et dignitez, [etc.] de l'Europe, 237 pp. 12~. Millwaukee, (WVis.) J. B. Hoeger [etc.] 9p. l. 1c3pl. 4~. Paris, N. Berey, &: sohn, 1866. 1654. s. Seebach (Carlvon). Der hannoversche Jura. Segur (Philippe Paul, conzte de). }Iistoire de 2 p. 1. 160 pp. 1 map. 10pl. 40. Berlin, W. Napoldon et de la grande arm6e pendant Hertz, 1864. s. l'annee 1812. 10e 6d. 2 v. 308 pp; 332 pp. Seebohml (Benjamin). Memoirs of William 1 map. 7 pl. 80. Brurxelles, Lacrosse, 1835. Forster. 2 v. viii, 394 pp; v, 400 pp. 80. - Thesame. 40 Md. 410pp. lmap. 16~. London, A. W. Bennett, 1865. Paris, C. Gosselin, 1841. s. Seelen (Johann Heinrich von). De Iano Seiler (Emma). The voice in singing. From magistratvs imagine cogitata, [etc.] 2 1. fol. the German, by a member of the American Lvbecce? J. N. Green, 1742. philosophical society. 178 pp. 120. Pltila[ With WILLEBRANDT (J. P.) Hansiche chronick]. delphia, J. B. Lip.pincott y Co. 1868. - De losepho Arimathmeosenatore adMarc. SIeingalt (Jacques Casanova de). See Casaxv, 43; Lvc. xxiii, 50. 21. fol. Lvbecce, J. N. nova de Seingalt (Jacques). Green, 1739. s. Selden (D. J. J. D.) The American horse [With the precedingl. doctor. 128 pp. 160. Cleveland, lfairbanks - De magistratibus e,-rovpPyotSg 0EOv, min- & Co. 1866. istris Dei, Rlom. xiii, 6, emphatiee appellatis Selden (John). Titles of honor. 3d ed. with ecloga, [etc.] 21. fol. Lvbecce, J. N. Green, additions. 17 p. 1. 756 pp. 1 pl. sn. fol. 1735. Londons, T. Dring, 1672. [ With the preceding]. [Portrait vaiting. De prm'ceipvis nominibvs magistratvi hons c. Select (A) collection of modern poems from the honoris cavsa impostis philologema, [etc.] 1. ol. Lbe oop 1728 best authors. 160. Edinburght, A. Donalcdson, 2 1. fol. Lubecec, Koop, 1728. s. 1758. [ With the preceding]. De probandis et improbandis in Platonis CONTENTS. doctrina de republica disserit, [etc.] 2 1. fol. Hammond. Love-elegies. Lvbecce, J. vN. G~r~een, 1738. S. Gray. Elegy in a country church-yard. ecce, J. Geen, 1738. s. Hervey, lord John. Epistles in the manner of Ovid. [ With the preceding]. Akenside. Pleasures of imagination. Odes.' Armstrong. Art of preserving health. --- Paradoxon dilppedianvm de magistratv in regno Christi nonl necessario falsitatis et Select essays fiom the batchelor; or, speculainiqvitatis convictvm, [etc.] 21. fol. Lvbecce, tions of Jeoffry Wagstaffe, esq. [pseudon. J. N. Green, 1743. s. Written by Jephson, Courtenay, Borroughs, [WVith the preceding]. etc.] 2 v. 7 p. 1. 359, 60 pp. 16~. Dublin, Pietatis vetervni christianorvm erga J. Hoey, 1772. magistratvm civilem encomium, etc. 2 1. fol. Select letters taklen from Fog's weekly journal. Lvbecce, J. N. Green, 1732. S. [acnon.] 2 v. xii, 266 pp. 41; 290 pp. 41. 2 pl. [Withl the preceding]. 120. London, 1732. Seeley (John Robert). Student's guide to the Select views in Sicily; accompanied by an university of Cambridge. viii, 338 pp. 120. historical and descriptive account. Translated Camnbridge, (England,) Deighton, Bell & Co. from the original [of Achille ]Etienne Gigault 1863. s. de La Salle,] published at Paris, hby J. F. Seelye (Edward E. D.D.) Bible emblems. d'Ostervald. 29 1. 22col. pl. 40. London, 222 pp. 120. NeTev York, Amer. tract soc. J. Weale, 1825. 1866. Selection (A) of hymns for the use of social Seenmiller (Sebastian). Bibliothece academicse religiousmeetings. [anon.] 4thed. 180. Bal ingolstadiensis incunabula typographica; seu tinore~, Armstrong 4 Plesleitt, 1824. 37C SELECTIONS. SERVILLE. Selections from the masquerade; a collection Gruteri. Acced. nova versio gr ca Scaligelri. of enigmas, logogriphs, charades, rebuses, 12p. i. 569pp. i pl. 8~. Lugduni-Batavorum?, queries, and transpositions. [anon.] 2 p. 1. H. Teering, 1727. s. 215 pp. 160. London, Bakcer & Fletcher, 1826. Senft(Ferdinand). Classification und beschreiSelmi (Frarncesco). Nouveau manuel complet bung der felsarten. xxxii, 442 pp. 12 tab. 80. de dorure et d'argenture. Trad. de l'Italien Breslau, TV. G. Korn, 1857. s. par E. de Valicourt. xii, 173 pp. 180. Paris, Senoner (Adolph). Die sammiungen der k.-k. Beret, 1845. S. geologischen reichs-anstalt in Wien. 44 pp. 1 Selys-Longchamps(Michel Edlmond de), and 1862. pl. 160. WVien, C. Gerold's sohn, 1862. s. -ageen (Hermann Aug ust). Monlogllrphie des Hagen (He.rnnn. August). Mon ographe des Sentenze e detti memorabili d'antichi, e di calopt6rygines. xi, 291 pp. 80. Braxelles, C. ~qxardt~ 1854. ~S~. ~moderniatitori. 299 pp. 12~. Bologna, Mobili C. 2nqauacrdt, 1854. s. Monographie des gomphines. viii, 460 pp. 23 p1. 80. Brixelles, C. Aulqnardt, 1858. Senter (Isaac). The journal of Isaac Senter on, a secret expedition against Quebec, under the Semlblane as doe los lrepresentalntes que comll- command of col. Benedict Arnold, in Septempusieron el congreso constituyente de 1836. ber, 1775. 40 pp. 80. Plilcacelphia, Historical [anon.] 45 pp. 180. xico, ll. B. Gcbllo, society of Pennsylvania, 1846. 1837. Serenius or S6ren (Jacolb). An English and Selnrmmedo or? Sermedo (Alvaro). The historv Swedislh dictionary. 2d ed. [of the au:lthor's of that great and renowned monarchy of Chilna. Dictionarium anglo-svetlico-latilLum]. 4p.. Now put into English [folm his " Imperio de 16 pp. 313 1. 40. Harg and Stenbro, P. la China y cultura evangelica en el, por los Momnma, 1757. s. religiosos de la compaiia de Jesus "], by a Serious (A) address to such of the quakers on person of quality. 4 p. 1. 248 pp. map. fl. the continent of North America as profess London, Jo7hn Crook, 1655. scruples relative to the present governlllment. Semple (Robert). Observations on a journey By a native of Pennsylvania. 2d ed. [anon.] through Spain and Italy to Naples, and thence 48 pp. 80. Philadelphia, Styner 4 Cist, to Smyrna and Constantinople, [witll] the 1778. Spanish post guide. 2d ed. 2 v. lxiv, 208 Sermini (Gentile). Novelle. pp; 254 pp. 1 map. 120. London, C. & B.. [In NOVELLE di autori senesi, v. 1. 180. Milano, Baldwin, 1808. Seldel (Nathanael). Historia svccinorvm cor- Sermons delivered during the second plenary pora aliena involventivm et natvrae opere council of Baltimore, October, 1866, and paspictorvm et caelatorvm, ex regiis Avgvstorvm tonal letter; with the Papal rescript and letters cimeliis Dresdae conditis aeri inscvlptorvm of convocation. liv, 244 pp. 36 p]. 12-. Balconscripta. viii, 328 pp. 13 pl. fol. Lipsiae, tnore, Kelly & Piet, 1866. J. Pv. Gleclitsc~h, 1742. Sermons by eminent living divines of the Sendtner (Otto). Die vegetations-verhtiltnisse church of England. xxxiv, 326 pp. 160. Sui'dbayerns, nach den grundsiitzen der pflan- Glasgou, Griffin 5 Co. 1856. zengeographie und mit bezugnalhe auf landcl- Sermons preached at the church of St. Paul escultur. xii, 910 pp. 9 pl. 1 map. 80. the apostle, New York, during the years 1865 Miinchen, Literarisch-artistische anstalt, 1854. and 1866. 440 pp. 120. New York, L. Kehoe, 1867. s qerra (Antonio). Breve trattato delle cause Senebier (Jean). Catalogue raisonn6 des manuscrits conserves dans la bibliothequo do che possono far abbondare li regni d'oro e la ville et rdpublique de Genbve. iv, 478 dargento dove non sono miniere. pp. 8~. Gerneve, B. 7Chirol, 1779. [ScRITTonI class. ital. di econ. pol. v. 42]. Seneca (Lucius Annrus). Epistles,- with an- Serres (1]tienne Renaud Angustin). Anatomie notations by Thomas Morell. 2 v. xix, 308 compar6e du cerveau, dalns les quatres classes pp; 368 pp. 4~. London, W. Woodfall, 1786. des animaux vert6bres. 2 v. cxii, 576 pp; Proverbia: de moribus. vii, 795 pp. 80. Paris, Gabon et Cie. 1827. [ With ISOCRATES (Parmnesis). Ed. 1699]. S. and Syrus (Publius). Singulares sen- [Atlas of 18 p1. 40. wanting]. tentiae, centum aliquot versibus ex codd. Pall. Serville (Audinet). See Audinet Serville et Frising. auctse et correctm studio Jani (Jean Guillaullle). 377 SESTIER. SHAKESPEARE. Sestier (Felix). De la foudre, de ses formes, Sextus Rufus, or Rufus Festus. De historia et de ses effets sur l'homme, les animaux, les romana epitome. v6gdtaux et les corps bruts, des moyens de I With FLORUS (L. A.) De gestis Romanorum, etc. s'en preserver et des paratonnerres. Rddige 1532]. par C. Mdhu. 2 v. xxxii, 480 pp; 632 pp. Seymour (C. A. E.) General English and Ger80. Saint Germacin, Baillirte, 1866. man glossary; or, collection of words, phrases, Set (A) of plans and forts in America, reduced names, customs, proverbs, etc. in English and from actual surveys, 1763. [Engraved by P. Scotch poets, from the time of Chaucer. ReAndrews. anon.] 29 pl. obl. 80. n.p. 1763? vised by Dr. J. G. Flagel. x, 206 pp. $8. Sevenl days' battles in front of Richmond. Leipzic, E. Fleischer, 1835. Copied from the detailed accounts of the news- Seymour (Silas). Incidents of a trip through paper press. [anon.] 45 pp. 80. Richmzond, the great Platte valley, to the RoclTy mnounWest 4c Johnston, 1862. tains and Laramie plains, in the fall of 1866; Severus (Sulpicius). Opera; ad mss. codices and an account of the Union Pacific railroad emendata, notisque, observationibus et disser- excursion. 129 pp. 120. New Yo'rk, D. Fan tationibus illustrata studio et labore Hieronymi NTostrand, 1867. de Prato, veronensis. 2 v. 11 p. 1. lxxxiii, 413 ShafTler (Taliaferro P.) The telegrapl manpp. 1 pl; li, 543 pp. 4~0 ernone, tYPis ual]: a complete history and description of the senminarii, 1741-54. s. semaphoric, electric, and maagnetic telegraphs Sewall (Jonathan Mitchell). Miscellaneous of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, ancient poems, with several specimens from the and modern. 850 pp. 10 portraits. 80. New author's manuscript version of the poems of York, etc. Pudrney 8& Russell, 1859. Ossian. 304 pp. 18~. Portsmouth, (N. H.) Ossia. 304 pp. Portsmouth, (N.) Shafto (Piers, pseud.on?) Vagaries in quest Treadwell & Co. 1801. of the wild and the whimsical. 3d ed. vi, 256 Sewall (Rev. Joseph). Desires that Joshua's 6. resolution may be revived, with other ser- pp. 6 pl. 160. London, G. Cowie, 1833. mons. xii, 116 pp. 180. Boston, B. Green, 1715. Shakespear (John). A dictionary of HinSeward (Miss Anna). Monody on major ddstani and English, etc. 3d ed. viii, 2212 pp. SevEward (M7diss Anna). Monodwy on major 40. Londons Parbury Allen ~' Co. 1834. s. AndrS, [with] letters addressed to her by, arbury, Allen & Co. 1834. s. Andr6 in 1769. 2d ed. vi, 47 pp. 40~. Liclfield, Shakespeare (William). Comedies. histories, J. Jackson, 1781. and tragedies. Published according to the Seward (Edward S.) Poems. 42pp. 480. true originall copies. A reproduction in exact Baltimore, Jamees Lucas, 1847. fac-simile of the famous first folio, London, Seward (Theodore F. joint author). See Tern- I. laggard and E. Blount, 1623, by photople choir. lithography. Under the superintendence ot Sewel or Sewell (Willianm). Die geschicllte H. Staunton. 9 p. 1. 896 pp. fol. London, von deln ursprung, zunehmen, und fortgang Day 4( son, 1866. des christlichen volcks, so quticker genennet The same. Shaklespeare as put forth in werden. Aus dem Englischen ins Hoch- 1623. A reprint. 11 p. 1. 399 pp. sin. 40. deutsche iibersetzt. 5 p. 1. 647 pp.'91. fol. London, L. Booth, 1864. [Jena, Fsromnnann], 1742. The same. Plays, from the text of Reed. Sewell (Elizabeth Missing). Ivors; or, the two 6 v. 240. Boston, C. Willicns, 1813. cousins. [anon.] New ed. 489 pp. 12~0. Lon- Thesame. Dramatic works. Withthe dosn, Loangm -an, Brtown c Co. 1858. corrections and illustrations of Johnson, SteeUrsupla; a tale of country life. [anon.] vens, and others, revised by I. Reed. 10 v. 544 pp. 120. Londoa, Longrman, Greta &, Co. 120. Nvew York, Collins & Hannay, 1821. 186`2. [First American stereotype ed.] Sexltus Eemi~'icuse. Les hipotiposes; ou, SextusEapilricus. Les hipotiposesd;u o, _ A supplement to the plays; comprising institutions pirroniennes. Traduites du Grec, the seen dramas which have been ascried avec des notes. [Par Huart?] 16 p. 1. 434 pp. to his pen, but which are not included with to his pen, but which are not included with - Tradution d.une parti d listerdamv]e v. his writings in modern editions. Edited by Traduction d'une partie du livre vii. contre les mathematiciens et contre les logi- W. G. Simms. 178 pp. 2 pl. 80. New Yor, ciens [par G.. M. M. Salvimeni di Castiglione]. Coolide, 1848. s. [With CICERO. Livres academiques, par Castillon. Poetical works. 0. Ecinbusgh, 1793. v. 1]. [Anderson's British poets, v. 2]. 48 378 SHAKESPEARE. SHARP. Shakespeare (William). Poetical works. 68 pp. 8~. 8Springfield, (Ill.) Johnzson 4c BradWith illustrative remarks, [and] a sketch of ford, 1865. the author's life [by W. C. Oulton]. 2 v. xlvi, Sharland (Joseph B.) The grammar school 183 pp; 247 pp. 5pl. 180. London, C. Chap- chorus. See Hullah (John), and Sharlanld ple, 1804. (J. B.) Oeuvres completes. Franiois Victor Slarp (Granville). An account of the ancient Hugootradlucteur. 18 v. 8~. Periqs, Pcagnerre, division of the English nation into hundreds 1859-66. and tithings. 370 pp. 80. London, Galabin CONTENTS. & Baker, 1784. vH tes. The case of Saul, showing that his disv. 1. Les deux Hamlet; [essai]. Le premier Hamlet. order was a real spiritual possession. [With] Lje second Hamlet. a short tract wherein the influence of demons v. 2. Les feeries; [essail]. Le songe d'une nuit d'6te. [is] illustrated by remarks on 1 Timothy iv, La tempete. 1-3. [2d ed.] iv, 187, xv pp. 160. London, v. 3. Les tyrans; [essai]. iMacbeth. Vernor & Hood, and others, [1807]. Le roi Jean. Richard iii. _ A declaration of the people's natural right T. 4. Cres jaloux; [essai]. to a share in the legislature. 2d ed. xl, 279 Troylus et Cressida. Beaucoup de brnit pour rien. pp. 120. London, B. White, 1775. Le conte d'hiver.. Dissertation on the supreme divine digv. 5. Lesjaloux; [essai]. Cymbeline. nity of the Messiah. 64 pp. 160. London, R. Othello. v. 6. Les com6dies de l'amour; [essail. Edwacls, 1807. La sauvage apprivois6e. [With SHARP (G.) The case of Saul. 18071. Tout est biean qul finit bien. Inquiry, whether the destruction of BabyPeines d'amour perdules. v. 7. Les amrants tragiques; [essai]. lon, in the 18th chapter of Revelations, agrees Antoine et CJuliepatre. perfectly with Rome as a city. With appendix Homho at Juliatte. v. 8. Les amis; [essai. of notes. xxxiii, 69, 114; xxv pp. 160. LonLes deux gentilshommes de Verone. Le marchand de Venise. don, W. Calvert, 1805. Comme il vouns plaira. [ With his RrEMARKS on the uses of the definitive artiv. 9. La famille; [essaiJ. cle. 3d edl. Lonldon, 1803]. Coriolan. Le roi Lear. - Remarks on the opinions of some of the v. 10. La societ6; [essail. most celebrated writers on crown law [on] Mlesure pour mesure. Timon d'Athones. the distinction between manslaughter and Jules Cesar. murder. xviii, 76 pp. 120. London, B. White v. ii. La patrie; [essail. Richard ii. f R. Horsfield, 1773. Henry iv, (le partie). Remarks on several very important Henry iv, (2e partie). v. 12. La patrie; [essai]. prophecies. In five parts. 2d ed. 271 pp. Henry v. Henry vi, (le partie). 120. London, B. White, 1775. v. 13. La patrie; fessai]. Remarks on the uses of the definitive Henry vi, (2e partie). Henry vi, (3e partie). article in the Greek text of the new testament; Henra y viii. containing many new proofs of the divinity v. 14. Les farces; [essai]. Les joyeuses spouses de Windsor. of Christ. 3d ed. xxxviii, 148 pp. 160. LonLa com6die des erreurs. Le soir des rois; oun, cc que vous voudrez. don, Vernor & Hood, etc. 1803. v. 15. Pr6face de la nouvelle traduction, (par Victor The same. 1st Am. from 3d London ed. Hugo). Sonnets; poemes; testament. v. 16. Les apocryphes; [essai]. Xxxvi, 150 pp. 120. Philadelphia, E. B. HiopTitus Andronicus. kins & Co. 1807. Une trag6die dans l'Yorkshire. Les deux nobles parents. Remarks on the two last petitions in the v. 17. Les apcryphes; [assail. Lord's prayer. 25 pp. 160. London, Richard ~ldouard iii. Edwards, 1807. Arden de Feversham. v. 15. LArden de Feaaerssalm. With SHARP (G.) The case of Saul. London, 1807]. v. 18. Les apocryphes; [essa]]. La trag6die de Locrine. --- Serious reflections on the slave trade and La vie et la mort de Thomas Lord Cromwell. slavery. 46 pp. 160. London, W. Calvert, Le prodigue de Londres. La puritaine; ou, la veauve de Watling Street. 1805. [ With SHARP (G.) The case of Saul. 1807]. Sham (The) patriot unmasked. [anon.] 143 - System of colonial law compared with pp. 240. qHudson, Sampsonr, Chittenlden 4 Cros- the eternal laws of God, and with the princiwell, 1802. ples of the English constitution. 20 pp. 160. Sharland (George). Knapsack notes of Sher- London, Bichard. Eclwards, 1807. man's campaign through the state of Georgia. [ With SIthARP (G;.) The case of Salul. 1807]. SHARP. SHEPARD. Sharp (Granville). Three tracts on the syntax or, the eagle of the Mohawks. 2 v. 234 pp; and pronunciation of the Hebrew tongue; with 284 pp. 18~. NeCw York, B. Price, 1841. an appendix. 106, 32, 146, 36 pp. 160. Lon- Shedd (William Greenough Thayer, D. D.) don, W Ccalvert, for Vernor & Hood, etc. 1804. Homiletics and pastoral theology. vi, 429 pp. ~- - Tract on duelling. 2d ed. xix, 75 pp. 80. New York, C. Scribner & Co. 1867. 160. London, B. Wfhite & son & C. Dilly, Sheffield (John, duke of Buckinghamshire). 1790. Poetical works. 80. Edinburgh, 1793. [ W0i'th SHARP (G.) The case of Saul. London, 1807]. [Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 7]. ---- A tract on the law of nature and princi- Sheldon (Miss Ann). Memoirs. See Archer ples of action in man. 2d ed. 467 pp. 120. ( rls. Ann). London, W. Calvert, 1809. Sheldon (Henry Olcott). The Sheldon magaTracts concerning the ancient and only zine; or, a genealogical list of the Sheldons true legal means of national defence by a free in America, etc. 4 nos. in 1 v. 11 pp. 113 1. militia. 3d ed. 141 pp. 120. London, Dilly, 80. Londonville, (Ohio), 1855-57. s. ancl others, 1782. Shelley (Mary Wollstonecraft). The last man. Sharpe (Daniel). Description of the fossil [anon.] 2d ed. 3 v. 120. London, H. Colremains of mollusca found in the chalk of burn, 1826. England. Pts. 1-3. [Cephalopoda]. 2p. 1. 68 Shelley (Percy Bysshe). Alastor; or, the pp. 27 1. 27 pl. 40. London, Palcontograph- spirit of solitude; and other poems. 160. iccl society, 1853-56. s. London, Baldvin, 1816. [No more published]. -____- The Cenci, a tragedy. xiv, 104 pp. 80~. Sharswood (George). Essay on professional Italy, for C. & J. Ollier, London. ethics. 2d ed. liv, 158 pp. 120. Philadelphia, [ With his Rosalind and Helen. 1819 ed.] T. & J. WT. Johnson & Co. 1860. ___ Prometheus unbound, a lyrical drama; Shattuck (Lemuel). Blank book forms for with other poems. 222 pp. 80. London, C. family registers, [etc.] 12pp. 28 1. 40. Bos- & J. Ollier 1820. ton, author, 1846. s. to, or, 1846. he revolt of Islam: a poem, in 12 Shaw (Elijah). A short sketch of his life by cantos. xxxii, 271 pp. 80. London, C, & himself. 87 pp. 160. Bochester, Strong J. Oilier, 1818. Dawvson, 1843. - Rosalind and Helen, a modern eclogue; Shaw (James). Plans, elevations, and sections, withotherpoems. vii,9 pp. 80. London, with observations and explanations, of forcing- C. & J Olier, 1819 houses in gardening. 151. 11 pl. fol. Whitby, Shelly (A. Fishe, pseudon.) See Gerhard T. Webster, 1794. (J. W.) Shaw (John, lecturer on anatomy in London). Shenstone (William). Works, in verse and A manual for the student of anatomy; ele- prose. With decorations. 3v. 120. London, mentary views of anatomy, and their appli- J Dodsley, 1777. cation to pathology and surgery. Revised, with notes by William Anderson, M. D. 1st CONTENTS.. from last London ed. 355 pp. p. v. 1. Poetical works. Verses to Mr. Shenstone. Am. from last London ed. 355 pp. 2 pl. 12g. V. 2. Description of the Leasowes. Essays on men Troy, J. Disturnell, 1825. S. and manners. Shaw (John Robert). A narrative of his life v. 3. Letters. 1. 8Poetical works. 8~. Edinburgh, 1794. and travels, by himself. 180 pp. 5 pl. 8Brit. poets, v. 9 [Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 9]. Lexington, [Ky.] Daniel Brsadforad, 1807. Shepard (Rev. Thomas, of Cambridgce, Mass.) Shaw (Thomas B.) Complete manual of Eng- Autobiography, with notices of his life and lish literature. Ed. with notes, by W. Smith, character, by N. Adams. 129 pp. 180. Boston, LL. D. With a sketch of American litera- Pierce 4 Parker, 1832. ture, by Ho T. Tuckerman. 540pp. 12~. ture, by H. T. Tuckerman. 540 pp. 120. -- Certain select cases resolved, specially Azew York, Sheldon & Co. 1867. N eie York, Sheldon & Co. 1867..tending to the right ordering of the heart. Shea (John Gilmary). Relations diverses sur London, John el, 1655. 3.2 p. 16~. Lovsdon, John Rothwel, 1655. la bataille du Malangueule, gagn6 le 9 j uillet, [WithL SHEPARD (Rev. Thomas). Theses sabbatiae. par les Franlois sur les Anglois [sous le comn- London, 1655]. mandement du col. Braddock]. Recueillies The cleare sun-shine ofthe gospell, breakpar J. M. Shea. 51 pp. 8~. Noavelle York, ing forth upon the Indians in New-England. Cr~aioisy press, 1860. s. 3 p.1. 38 pp. sin. 40. [Londonr 1648?] Shecut (J. L. E. W.) Ish-noo-ju-lut-sche; [Imperfect; title page wanting]. 380 SHEPARD. SHERWOOD. Shepard (Rev. Thomas, (of Camenbricdge, Mcass.) 1 portrait. 8~0. Washin, ton, t7e author, The first principles of the oracles of God. [printed in NT. Y.] 1825. 17 pp. 160. London, John Rothwel, 1655. Sherer (major Moyle). Notes and reflections [Vith SHEtIPARD, (Rev. Thomas). Theses sabbaticae. during a ramble in Germany. [anon.] iv, Londoln, 1655]. 400 pp. 80. London, Longsman & Co. 1826. The parable of the ten virgins. Opened j Sketches of India. [anon.] 4th ed. iv, and applied: being the substance of divers 297 pp. 80. London, Lonncman & Co. 1826. sermons. [2 pts. in 1 v.] 3 p. 1. 232, 190 - Recollections of the Peninsula. [anon.] pp. 3 1. fol. Reprinted, Londondo, 1695. 4th ed. 358 pp. 8~. London. Longman & Co. Select cases resolved; first principles of 1825. the oracles of God; and a private diary. With Sheridan (Richard Brinsley). The duenna: some account of the author. 176 pp. 18I. a comic opera. New ed. [anon.] ii, 43 pp. Boston, Rogers & Fowle, 1747. 120. London, E. Johnson, 1776. Theses sabbatical, or the doctrine of the Sheridan (Thomas, D. D. father). Essay upon sabbath. xiv, 320 pp. 160. London, J. the immortality of the soul. xxxix pp. Rothwcel, 1655. [. fWith DAVIS (Sir John). Poem, etc. Dublin, 1733]. Shephard (Charles). Historical account of Sheridan (Thomas, A. Z. son). A complete the- island of Saint Vincent. 8~. London, dictionary of the English language, to which is 1831. prefixed a prosodial grammar. 4th ed. 2 v. Shepherd (Rev. Edward John). The history 12p.1. cviiipp. 231 1; 3021. 80. London, of the church of Rome to the end of the C. Dilly, 1797. episcopate of Damascus, A. D. 384. xi, Sheriff (D.) Cultivation of flax as a national 541 pp. 80. London, Longsman, Browzn c Co. advantage. 16 pp. 160. Shefield, (England), 1851. Social science association, 1865. Shepherd(ladyMary). Essayontheperception Sherlock (Thomas, D. D. bishop of London). of an external universe, and other subjects Arguments against a repeal of the corporation connected with the doctrine of causation. and test acts. iv, 73 pp. 8~. London, G. G. J. xvi, 416 pp. 120. London, Hatchard & son, JT. Robinson, 1787. 1827. Sherman (John). A description of Trenton Sheppard (Mrs. Edwin). "Judge not"; or, Falls, Oneida county, N.Y. 23 pp. 180. New Hester Powers' girlhood. 224 pp. 120. Bos- York, W. HE. Colyer, 1847. ton, Loring, 1868. Sherwin (W. T.) Sherwin's political regisSheppard (Furman). The constitutional text- ter, April 5th, 1817, to May 1, 1819. 4 v. 8~. book: a practical and familiar exposition of London, WT. T. Sherswin, 1819. the constitution of the United States, and of Sherwood (Adiel). A gazetteer of the state portions of the public and administrative of Georgia, [with appendix of biographical law of the federal government. 324 pp. sketches, etc.] 2d ed. 300 pp. map. 240~. 120. Philadelphia, Sower, Barnes &1 Potts, Philadelphia, J. W. Martin, 1829. [1855]. Sherwood (Henry Hall, M. D.) Manual for The first book of the constitution: a fa- magnetizing, with the vibrating magnetic mamiliar exposition of the constitution of the chine, and for the magnetic or duodynamic United States. Revised ed. 210 pp. 120~. treatment of diseases. 14th ed. 375 pp. 240~. Philadelphia, Sower, Barnes & Potts, 1866. New York, Fowler & Wells, 1850. s. Sheppard (W.) Notes on some of the plants Sherwood (Mrs. Mary Martha Butt). The life of lower Canada. of Mrs. Sherwood, abridged for the Presbyte[ With7 QUEBEC. Lit. and hist. soc. transactions, v. 2. rian board of publication. 152 pp. 1 portrait. pp. 39-64. 120. Philadelphia, Presbytesrian board of pubSherburne (Andrew). Memoirs of A. S. a lication, 1857. s. pensioner of the navy of the revolution. 262 Sherwood (William,,. D. ) General papp. 160. Utica, TV. Williass, 1828.. thology. Sherburl- e ( Henry ). The orienltal philan[Sherbrne (Henry). The oriental philan- With JONES (J. G.) American eclectic practice of thropist, or true republican. 215 pp. 160. medicine, v. 1, 1857]. Portsmouthl, (N. H.) Villianm Treadclwell, Sherwood (William, teachesr of elocution). Self1800. culture in reading, speaking, and conversaSherburne (John Henry). Life and character tion. 383 pp. 120. NYew York, A.S. Barncs of the chevalier John Paul Jones. 364 pp.' Co. 1856. s. 381 SHEVILLE. SIBLEY. Sheville (John), and Gould (James L. ) Mr. de Lans6gie. viii, 478 pp. 8~. London, Guide to the royal arch chapter: a complete Logographic press. 1791. monitor for royal arch masonry; [also] moni- [Imperfect: all after 478th page wanting]. torial instructions in the order of high priest- Short (A) description of the Tennasee governhood. 272 pp. 1 pl. 120. New York, Hla- ment, or the territory of the United States sonic pub. co. 1867. south of the river Ohio, to accompany and Shlew (Joel, MiD.) The cholera; its causes, explain a map of that country. [anon.] 20 prevention, and cure, showing the inefficacy pp. 8. Philadephia, Ml. Carey, 1793. [Imperfect; map wanting]. of drug-treatment, and the superiority of the [Imp erfect; map wanting]. Shrimnpton (Charles, A..D.) Cholera; its water-cure. 98 pp. 16~. New York, F1owlers w r -ellsu.18498 pp. 160. Nese York, Fowlers seat, nature, and treatment. viii, 109 pp. *&~ We~lls, 1848. 1 p1. 80. London, Churchill & sons, 1866.;Shijieall (Rev. RicharclCunningham). Christ's Shrimpton (Charles). The black phantom; second coming: is it pre-millenial or post- or, woman's endurance; a narrative [of] the millenial 1 With a reply to prof. Sheddon early history of Canada and the American "eschatology." 320, 153 pp. 8~. New York, revolution. 358 pp. 12~. New York, Crowen J. F. Trow, 1865. & Co. 1867. Shipley (Conway). Sketches in the Pacific. Shriver (James). An account of the surveys The South Sea islands. 181. 26 pl. fol. Lon- and examinations, with remarks and docudon, McLean, 1851. ments relative to the projected Chesapeake Shipmaster's (The) medical directory. By an and Ohio, and Ohio and lake Erie canals. experienced physician. [anon.] xiv, 77 pp. 116 pp. 80. Baltimore, F. Lucas, jr. 1824. s. 16~. Boston, J. G. Nichols, 1854. s. Shrubs (The) of Parnassus. Poetical essays, Shippey (Josiah). Specimens; or, leisure moral and comic. ByJ. Copywell. [pseudon.] hours poetically employed on various subjects. 21, 154 pp. 180. London, J. Newbery, 1770. With notes. 238 pp. 160. New York, J. B. Shuck (J. Lewis, editor). Portfolio chinenisis; Allee, 1841. or, a collection of authentic Chinese state Shipping and commercial list [and New York papers illustrative of the history of the presprice current]. v. 50-52. 1864-66. 3 v. fol. ent position of affairs in China. With a transNew Yo~rk, Aetens & Bourne, 1864-66. lation, notes, and introduction, [Chinese and Shirley (pseudon.) See Nugae criticae. English]. xvi, 194 pp. 8. Maccao, F. F. Shively (J. M.) Route and distances to Oregon De Cruz, 1840. s. Shuckard (William E.) British hees. 120. and California, with a description of watering uckad (illiamE.) Britis bees. places, crossings, dangerous Indians, etc. 15 Londo 1866. pp. 8~. Was7hington, ~W. QGreerr, 1846. $Shumard (Benjamin Franklin). A catalogue of the paleeozoic fossils of North America. Shoberl (Frederick). Narrative of the most. Echinodermata. Extract.] 75pp. 8. St. remarkable events which occurred in and Louis, Acad. of sciences, 1865. s. near Leipzig, before, during, and subsequent Local details of geological sections on to the engagement between the allied armies d the F renge 14t h to 19th Oct. 1813.a the St. Peter's, Mississippi, Wisconsin, Barraboo, Snake, and Kettle rivers. s. ed. xvi, 104 pp. 2 maps. 80. Londondo,. r With OWEN (D. D.) Report of a geological survey Ackermann, 1814. of Wisconsin, etc. 1852]. Shores of Vespucci; or, romance without fic- Geology of Kentucky. See Yandell tion. [anon.] 244 pp. 16~. Lexington, (Mass.) (Lunsford P.) and Shumard. M. Tufts, 1833. Shute (Samuel M.) A manual of Anglo-Saxon Short catechism for the use of the Catholic for beginners; comprising agrammar, reader, church in the U. S. of America. 64 pp. 32~. and glossary, with notes. xxi, 195 pp. 120. Baltimlore, TF. Lucas, [1836] Nrew York, Leypoldt & Holt, 1867. Short (A) collection of the most remarkable Siber (Thaddeus). Grundlinien den experipassages from the originall to the dissolution mental physik. x, 226 pp. 11 p1. o. lIiinof the Virginia company. 20 pp. sinm. 40. chen, G. Frianz, 1837. s. -Londosn, Edwcard Husbandc, 1651. Sibley (John Langdon). A history of the [With SoM.nsmR islands company. Copy of a petition. town of Union, Lincoln co. Maine; with a Loedon, 1651]. family register of the settlers before the year Short (A) compendium of ancient and modern 1800, and of their descendants. ix, 540 pp. geography, translated fronl the French by 1 pl. 120. Boston, B. B. Mussey (a Co. 1851. 382 SICHEL. - SILVER. Sichel (Jules). Catalogus specierum generis general court of proprietors, 1794. 175 pp. 1 scolie, etc. 1864. See Saussure (H. F. de), map. 12~0. London, J. Phillips, 1794. s. and Sichel. Signorelli. See Napoli-Signorelli. Hymenoptera. 1867. See Wiillerstorf- Sigonio (Carlo). I-istoriarvm de occidentali Urbair (B. von). Reise der Novara. imperio libri xx. [A. D. 284-565]. 358 pp. -----— Nouveau recueil de pierres sigillaires 9 1. fol. Francofvrti, Haeredes A. Wecheli, d'oculistes romains, pour la plupart in6dites. 1593. s. (Extrait des Annales c'oculistiqe). 119 pp. Sikes (George). The life and death of Sir 8~. Paris, Victor Masson et fils, 1866. s. Henry Vane. [anon.] 162 pp. 1 1. sm. 40~. Siddons (Sarah Kemble). Siege of Mansoul, [London], 1662. a drama. vi, 82 pp. 8~. Bristol, W. Bul- Silbernagl (Isidor). Albrecht iv, der weise, gins, 1801. herzog von Bayern, und seine regierung. 109 ----- Story of our first parents. See Milton pp. 8~. 1Miinchen, J. Deschler, 1857. s. (John). Silius Italicus (Caius). Punicorum libri sepSidney, or Sydney (Algernon). Discourses temdecim, [cum notis variorum]. Fr. Modii, concerning govermnent, [with] the paper Casp. Barthii, [Dan. etNic. Heinsii],curante deliver'd to the sheriffs immediately before A. Drakenborch. 16 p. 1. 880 pp. 131. 8 his death. 2d ed. 4 p. 1. 424 pp. 24 1. 1 pl. pl. 40. TrajectiadRhenum, G. Van de Water, fol. London, T. Atkinson, 1705. 1717. - Essence of Algernon Sydney's work on Sill (Edward Rowland). The hermitage, and government, [with] his essay on love. By a other poems. 152 pp. 160. New York, Leypoldt student of the inner temple. xxii, 287 pp. 4 olt, 1868. 8~. London, J. Johnson, 1795. Silliman (Benjamin). A journal of travels in Sidney (Rev. Edwin). The life and ministry England, Holland, and Scotland, and of two of Rev. Samuel Walker. 2d ed. xx, 564 passages over the Atlantic, in the years pp. 80. London, R. B. Seeley & W. Burn- 1805-6. 2 v. 347 pp; 372 pp. 80. New side, 1838. York, Ezra Sargeant, 1810. s. Sidney (Sir Philip). Aphorisms, with remarks - Outline of the course of geological lecby Miss [Jane] Porter. 2 v. xv, vi, 222 tures given at Yale college. 128 pp. 80. N Tew pp; vi, 225 pp. 2 pl. 180. London, Long- Haven, H. Howe, 1829. s. mans, 1807. L With BAKEWELL (R.) An introduction to geology. Siebold (Carl Theodor Ernst von). Die suiss- 1829]. wasserfische voa Mitteleuropa. viii, 431 Silliman (Benjamin, jr.) First principles of pp. 2 col. pl. 8~. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, chemistry. 492 pp. 12~. Philadelphia, Loomnis 1863. S. & Peck, 1847. s. On tape and cystic worms, with an in- [Silliman's] American journal of science and troduction on the origin of intestinal worms. arts. Conducted by B. Silliman, J. D. Dana, Translated by T. H. Huxley. 88 pp. 8~. [and others]. Jan. to Nov. 1867. 2d series. London, Sydenham society, 1857. v. 43-44. [Complete series, v. 93-94.] 8~. Xew [ Vith KjCHENMEISTER (F.) Animal and vegetable Haven, editors, 1867. parasites. v. 21. -andl Staannius (Friedrich Hermaun). Silva; or, the triumph of virtue. By the author PNouveau mllanhel d'anatomie compar6e. Trad. of "Lorenzo." [anon.] Translated by a sister de lAllemandparA. Spring etTh. Lacordaire. of charity. 212 pp. 1 pl. 160. Baltimore,J. 2 v. in 3. 18~. Paris, Roret, 1850. s. Murphy & Co. 1858. s. [Wanting v. 1, part 2]. Silva (Innocencio Francisco da). Diceionario Siemnssen (Adolph Christian). Handbuch zur bibliographico portuguez. Estudos applicasystematischen kenntniss der imeklenburgis- veis a Portugal e ao Brasil. 7 v. 80. Lisboa, chen land und wasservogel. viii, 272 pp. Imprensa nacional, 1858-62. 160. Rostok, etc. C. C. Stiller, 1794. s. Silver (J. M. W.) Sketches of Japanese manDie fische Meklenburgs. Zum behuf ners and customs. Illustrated by native drawvaterldindisch-akademischer vorlesungen sys- ings, reproduced in fac-simile. 4 p. 1. 51 pp. tematisch verzeichnet. 112 pp. 160. Rostok, 28 pl. 4~. London, Day & son, 1867. etc. C. C. Stiller, 1794. s* Silver (Joseph S.) Philosophy of evil, show[With his Handbuch, etc. 1794]. ing its uses and its unavoidable necessity. Sfiierra Leone company. Substance of the re- [Canon.] 183 pp.. 160. 6.Philadelvphia, G. port delivered by the court of directors to the B. Zieber & Co. 1845. 383 SILVER. SINCERUS. Silver (The) cup. [A story for children. [anon.] 2 v. 276 pp; 244 pp. 120. New anon.] 316 pp. 4 pl. 160. Philadelphice, An. Yorl Harpers, 1835. S. S. union, [1865]. Simon (John). A physiological essay on the Silver (The) wreath; a choice collection of se- thymus gland. xvi, 100 pp. 40. London, lected songs, ballads, etc. arranged with an H. Renshaw, 1845. s. accompaniment for the piano-forte. 216 pp. On the comparative anatomy of the thy40. Philadelphia, Lee c& Walker, 1866. roid gland. [Extract.] 11 pp. 4~. London, Silvermere annals. By C. E. B. [anon.] 109 Royal soc. 1844. s. pp. 180. London, John -Moryan, [about 1850]. [With his Physiological essay, etc. 1845]. Silvestre de Sacy (Antoine Isaac, baron). Simon (Jules Franlois Simon Suisse, dit). Anthologie grammaticale arabe; oun, mor- Le travail. 420 pp. 80. Paris,Lacroix, Verceaux choisis de divers grammairiens et scho- boeckhoven &, Cie. 1866. liastes arabes, avec une traduction frangaise Simon (Richard). Critical inquiries into the et des notes; pouvant faire suite a la chres- various editions of the Bible, with animadvertomathie arabe. x, 521, 186 pp. 8~. Pacris, SionS upon a small treatise of Dr. Isaac VosImprimerie royale, 1829. sivs, concerning the oracles of the sibylls. CONTENTS. Translated into English [from the Latin], by B6idhawi; Hariri; Ebn-H6scham; Abou'l Fath Na- N. S. 8p. i. 207 pp. 40. London, Tho. Bradsir Motarr6zi; Zamakhschari; Ebn-Malec; Siba- dyll, 1684. waih; EIbn-Khalldoun. --;.Catalogu dou sn] hihliothbque Simnond (Louis). Journal of a tour and resi---- i[Catalogue de sa] bibliotheque. v. 1. Imprim )s philosophie, th.oogie, sci s dence in Great Britain, 1810-11. [anon. ] 2 v. Imprimes: philosophie, th6ologie, sciences xiii, 382 pl; 360p. p.21 p]. 8~. Edcinbuq'h, naturelles. v. 3. Manuscrits. tables g6n6rales. 3 p 3. Ramsay & Co. 1815. [Redig6 par R. Merlin. Avec une notice.. edig par. Merlin. Avec ne notice Simonds (William). Whistler; or, the manly historique sur la vie et les ouvrages de Silz.boy. By Walter Aimwell. [pseudon.] 308 vestre de Sacy par M. Daunou.].2 v. in 1. 12, liv, 436 pp; 4 p. 1. 63 pp. 80. Pais, 1- pp. 16. Bosto, Goul con 186. s. prinerie rogale, 1842. S Simpson (Sir George). An overland journey rimereie royale, 1842. s. round the world, during the years 1841 and Chrestomathie arabe; ou, extraits de, 2 e years 1841 and divers 6crivains arabes, tant en prose qu'en 1842. 2 v. in 1. 273 pp acdelphica Lea c 13ancharcl 1847. vers, avec une traduction frangaise et des adeh Blanchard 187. notes. 2e 6d. corrigae. 3 v. 8~. Simpson (Henry J.) Three weeks in the gold, mines, or adventures with the gold diggers ot Imprgmerie royale, 1826-27. California, in August, 1848. 30 pp. 1 map. CONTENTS. 80. New York, Joyce 4- Co. 1848. v. 1. Makrizi; Ebn-Khaldoun; Abd-Alkader. v. 2. Khalil Dhahri; Makrizi; Livres des Druzes; Simpson (Rev. John, of Baldock, Eng.) InterEbn-Khaldoun; Schanfara; Nab6ga Dhoby- nal and presumptive evidence of christianity, ani; Ascha; Tantarani. v. 3. Mothnabbi; Abou'lala; Ebn-Paredh; Hariri; considered separately, and as uniting to form HIamadani; Lettres et pieces diplomatiques; one argument. xii, v, 635 pp. 80. Bath, Kazwini. Simes (Thomas). New military, historical, and R. Cruttwell, 1801. explanatory dictionary. 148 1. 120. Phila- Simpson (Joseph Cairn). Horse portraiture; delphia, Huumlhreys, Bell & Aitken, 1776. embracing breeding, rearing, [etc.] With Simms (William Gilmore). Donna Florida. an appendix containing the performances of Ametricaltale. [anon.] 97 pp. 180. Charles- Dexter. 458 pp. 1 pl. 120. New York, ton, Bvurges & James, 1843. W. A. Townsend 4- Adams, 1868. -- Guy Rivers, the outlaw. 213 pp. 80. Simpson (Stephen, M. D.) Practical view of London, 1841. homceopathy. xvii, 352 pp. 8. London, J. [Hazlitt's romnancist and novelist's lib. v. 2]. B. Bailli&re, 1836. s. The kinsmen; or, the black riders of Simpson (Stephen), and Wise (Edward). Congaree: a tale. [anon.] 2 v. 241 pp; 275 The readiest reckoner ever invented for findpp. 120. Philadelphia, Lea e& Blanchard, ing the amount, at any given price, of any 1841. number from one to ten thousand. 18~. Lon- The life of Francis Marion. 8th ed. 347 don, Sharpe and Hailes, 1811. pp. 120. New York, G. F. Cooledge, 1846. Sinmson(Robert). SeeEluclides, Lond. ed. 1834. Lyrical and other poems. 198 pp. 3 1. Simson. See Symson. 16~. Charleston, Ellis 4- Neufville, 1827. Sincerus (Theophilus, pseudon.) See SchwinThe partisan: a tale of the revolution. del (G. J.) 384 SINCLAIR. SKETCHES. Sinclair (Catherine). Thelives of the Cmsars; Sismonda (Eugenio). EJlementi di storia naor, the juvenile Plutarch. Translated into turale generale. v. 1. Regno inorganico. Gujarfiti. 301 pp. 1 pl. 12~. Bomcbay, Tract viii, 247 pp. 16~. Torino, Stamperia reale, and book society, 1852. s. 1853. s. Shetland and the Shetlanders; or, the Sismondi (Jean Charles Ldonard Simonde northern circuit. 2d ed. iv, 423 pp. 1 map. de). Histoire des r6publiques italiennes, du 120. Edinburgfh, W. Whyte c4 Co. 1840. moyen age. 4e 6d. 12 v. 8~. Bruxelles, A. Sir Edward Graham; or, railway spec- Wahlen, 1826. s. ulations. 208 pp. 8~. N. York, Harpers, 1850. - Julia S6v6ra; oun, l'an quatre cent quatreSinger (George John). Elemente der electri- vingt-douze. 3 v. 18~. Paris, Treuttel et citat und elektrochemie. Aus dem Englischen Wiirtz, 1822. iib ersetztmit anmnerkungen von C. H. Miuller. Sivers (Jeg6r von). Ueber Madeira und die xxx, 502 pp. 4 pl. 80. Breslau, W. A. Antillen nach Mittellamerika. ReisedenkwitrHoldufer, 1819. s. digkeiten und forschungen. xii, 388 pp. 8~. Singer (SamuelWeller). Some account of the Leipzig, C. F. Fleischer, 1861. s. book printed at Oxford in 1468, under the Cuba, die perle der Antillen. iv, 364 pp. title of Exposicio Sancti Jeronimi in simbolo 80~. Leipzig, C. E. Fleischer, 1861. s. apostolorum. ii, 44 pp. 80. London, Ballin- Six hundred dollars a year; a wife's effort at tyne & Byworth, 1812. low living, under high prices. [anon?.] vii, Single (A) gentleman. Designs by the author. 183 pp. 18~. Boston, Ticknor & Fields, By Timothy Thistle. [pseudon.] Illustra- 1867. tions by J. Hyde. 182 pp. 7 pl. 160. Bos- Skene (William F. editor). Chronicles of the ton, 0. Ellsworth, 1867. Picts, chronicles of the Scots, and other early Singleton (John). A general description of memorials of Scottish history. cxcv, 499 pp. the XWest Indian islands, as far as relates to 2 pl. 8~. Edinburgh, H. M. general register to the British, Dutch and Danish governments house, 1867. s. from Barbados to Saint Croix, in blank verse. Sketch of a descriptive journey through Switz159 pp. 40. Barbados, Esmand & Walker, erland. [anoln.] iv, 78 pp. 1 pl. 80. Berne, 1767. J. J. Bzurgdorfer, 1816. Sinnett (Mrs. Percy). Herdsmen and tillers of Sketch (A) of the life and public services of the ground; or, illustrations of early civiliza- Winm. H. Harrison. [anon.] 36pp. 80~. Philtion. x, 150 pp. 4 pl. 160. London, Chap- adelphia, 1836. sman & Hall, 1847. Sketch (A) of' the politics, relations, and staHunters and fishers; or, sketches of tistics of the western world, and of those charprimitive races in the lands beyond the sea. acteristics of European policy which most imx, 146 pp. 4 col. pl. 160. London, Chapmnan mediately affect its interests. [anonz.] 200pp. & Hall, 1846. 80. Philadelphia, B. H. Small, 1827. Siret (Adolphe). Dictionnaire historique des Sketch (A) of the reign of George the third, peintres de toutes les 6coles, depuis l'origine from 1780 to 1790. [anon. ] 6th ed. 206 pp. de la peinture jusqu'a' nos jours. 2e 6d. 1155 8~0. London, J. Debrett, 1791. pp. 8~. Bruxelles, Lacroix, Fer7boeckhoven et [ With HENDERSON (John). Letters and poems. LonaCie. 1866. don, 17861. Sirtemna de Grovestins (C. F. baqron). Histoire Sketch of the Seminole war, and sketches durdes luttes et rivalit6s politiques entre les puis- ing a campaign. By a lieutenant of the left sances maritimes et la France durant la se- wing. [anon.] ix, 311 pp. 120. Charleston, conde moiti6 du xvii' sihcle. 8 v. 8~. Paeris, (S. C.) D. J. Dowling, 1836. Amyot, 1851-54. Sketches and recollections of Lynchburg, Sirven (Alfred). Journaux et journalistes. [Va.] By the oldest inhabitant. [anon.] 363 La gazette de France. 4 p. 1. 337 pp. 1 pl. pp. 12~. Richmond, C. H.. ynne, 1858. 160. Paris, Cous'nol, 1866. Sketches for the fireside; or, anecdotes for Le journal des d6bats. 2 p. 1. the family, selected from history and biogra354 pp. 2 pl. 160. Paris, Cou7rnol, 1866. phy. By a clergyman. [anon..] Illustrated. La presse. La libertr. 2 p. 1. 448 pp. 1 pl. 8~. Hartford, Brainard & 5, 370 pp. 1 pl. 160. Paris, Cournol, 1866. Samnpson, 1867. Le sibcle. 2 p. 1. 396 pp. 2 pl. Sketches from Cambridge. By a don. [anon.] 16~. Par'is, CozU'nol, 1866. 144 pp. 12~. London, Macmillan & Co. 1865. 385 SKETCHES. SMETHIURST. Sketches in Greece and Turkey: with the sons. xxiii, 441 pp. 80~. London, Longpresent condition and future prospects of the man, etc. 1836. Turkish empire. [anon.] vii, 266 pp. 80. Sloan (Samuel). Homestead architecture; deLondon, J. Ridgway, 1833. signs for-villas, cottages, and farm houses; Sketches of the city of Detroit. [aznon.] 63 with essays on landscape gardening, furniture, pp. 80. Detroit, R. F. Johnstone & Co. 1855. etc. 2d ed. 355 pp. 53 pl. 8~. Philadelphia, Sketches of the higher classes of colored socie- J. B. Liippincott &. Co. 1867. ty in Philadelphia. By a southerner. [anon.] Slobod (Daniel). Rostlinnictvi, cili ndvod k 116 pp. 160. Philadelphic,.Merrihew & snadn6mu urceni a pojmenovAnf rostlin v Thompson, 1841. Cechlch, Morave a Jinych zemich rakousk6ho Sketches of the war between the United States mocndrstvi domicich. xlviii, 733 pp. 12~. andt the British isles, from 1812 to 1815. Praze, F. livndce, 1852. s. [anon.] 2 v. in 1. iv, 496 pp. 80. -Rutland, [Mali encyclopedie nlauk, v. 8]. (Vt.) Pay & Davison, 1815. Sluyter (Peter). Journal of a voyage to New Sketches of the West; or, the home of the York, etc. in 1679-80. See Dankers (J.) badgers: an early history of Wisconsin. and Sluyter (P.) [anon.] 48pp. 1map. 8~. Mitvaukie, J. A. Smart (Benjamin Humphrey.) Beginnings of HUopkins, 1847. a new school of metaphysics. 2 p. 1. 518 pp. Sketches of Yale college, with numerous anec- 80. London, J. Richardson, 1839. dotes. [anon.] 192 pp. 3 pl. 160. XVew York, Sineaton (John). Experimental enquiry conSaxton & Miles, 1843. cerning the natural powers of wind and water Skinner (Andrew). Maps of the roads of Ire- to turn mills and other machines depending land. See Taylor (G.), and Skinner (A.) on a circular motion, etc. iv, 110 pp. 5 pl. Skinner(John). Amusements ofleisure hours; 80. London, I. & J. Taylor, 1794. s. or, poetical pieces, chiefly in the Scottish dia- I The same. lect. 144 pp. 160. dclinblrgh, S. Cheyne, [With TREDGOLV (T.) Tracts on hydraulics]. 1809. Smredley (Rev. Edward). Poems; with a Skinner (J. E. Hilary). After the storm; or, selection from his correspondence, and memoir Jonathan and his neighbours in 1865-6. 2 v. of his life. xx, 457 pp. 1 pl. 80. London, xv, 312 pp; v, 369 pp. 120. London, B. Baldwirn & Cradock, 1837. Bentley, 1866. Smedley (John). Practical hydropathy. InSkinner (John S.) Introductory remarks on cluding plans of baths, and remarks on diet, the cow and the dairy. s. clothing, and habits of life. 7th ed. 444 pp. [ With GudNONN (F.) Treatise on milch cows]. 120. London, J. Caudwclell, 1864. Supplement to Mason and Hind's popu- Smedley (Miss M. B.) Lays and ballads firom lar system offarriery. 101 pp. 120. Phila- English history, etc. By S. M. [anon.] New delphia, Grigg, Elliot & Co. 1848. s. ed. 178 pp. 160. London, E. Lumley, [1845]. [ With BELL (J). Farriery, 1848]. Samee (Alfred). Elements of electro-biology, Slaughter (Philip). A history of Bristol parish, or the voltaic mechanism of man; of electro[Petersburg, Va.] 51 pp. 1 pl. 8~. I-ichnmond, pathology, especially of the nervous system; B. B. Minor, 1846. and of electro-therapeutics. xii, 264 pp. 2 tab. Slave songs of the United States. [Compiled 80. London, Longman, etc. 1849. s. by W. F. Allen, C. P. Ware, and Lucy McK. Elements of electro-metallurgy. 2d ed. Garrison]. xliv, 115 pp. 80. Newv York, A. xxx, 338 pp. 8~. London, E. Palmer, 1843. Sim2pson & Co. 1867. s. Sleeper (Jacob S.) Mark Rowland; a tale of The sources of physical'science. An the sea. By Hawser Martingale. [pseisdon.] introduction to the study of physiology 206 pp. 160. Boston, Loring, 1867. through physics. xx, 296 pp. S0. London, Tales of the ocean, and essays for the H. Rsenshaw, 1843. s. forecastle. By Hawser Martingale. Lpseu- Smneth urst (Gamaliel). A narrative of an don.] 130 pp. 80. New York, ScLmuel French, escape out of the hands of the Indians, in the [about 1840]. gulph of St. Lawrence; also, a providential Slingsby (SirHenry). Diary, [1638-48]; trial; escape after a shipwreck in said g ilph. Likehis rare tract "A father's legacy," and extracts wvise, a plan for reconciling the differences from family correspondence, with notices and between Great Britain and her colonies. 48 a genealogical memoir by Rev. Danliel Par- pp. 4~. London, J. Bew, 1774. 49( 386 SMIDS. SMITH. Smids or Smidt (Ludolf, or Lodewick). Smith (Rev. Elias, of Portsmouth, N. H.) Life, Pictura loquens; sive heroicarum tabularum etc. 406 pp. 160. Portsmouth, (N. H.) Hadriani Schoonebeeck enarratio et expli- 1816. catio, e poetis latinis. 7 p. 1. 240 pp. 81. 61 pl. [Imperfect; title-page and 12 leaves wanting]. 180. Amnsteludacni, H. Schoonebeeck, 1695. Smith (Elisha). Cure of deism; or, the meSmidth (Jens Hansen). Arboretum scandin- diatorial scheme by Jesus Christ the only true avicum, fasc. i. 160 pp. 12~. [Kjibenhavn, religion, in answer to [Tindal, Shaftesbury, Schuzbothe, 1831.] s. and Morgan. anon.] 2d ed. 2 v. 8p. 1. xxxii, [Title wanting: no more published]. 431 pp; 5 p. 1. 352, 84 pp. 141. 120. London, Smiles (Samuel). The huguenots: their set- Innys & Maanby, 1737. tlements, churches, and industries in England Smith (Rev. Ethan). View of the Hebrews; and Ireland. With appendix relating to the or, the tribes of Israel in America. [In fahuguenots in America. 448 pp. 120. -New vour of the natives of America being the York, Harpers, 1868. descendants of Israel;] 2d ed. 285 pp. 120. Smiley, (Thomas T.) The new federal calcu- Poultney, (Vt.) Smith 4- Shute, 1825. lator; or, scholarjs assistant, [etc]. 180 pp. lator; or, scholars assistant, [etc]. 180 Smith (Francis H.) My experience; or, foot160. Philadelphia, Lippincott, Grambo & Co. prints of a presbyterian to spiritualism. 232 1851. s. pp. 12~. Baltimore [aCutlor], 1860. Smith (Adam). Inquiry into the nature and. Baltimore, [author], 1860. causes of the wealth of nations. 7th ed. 3 v. Smith (George, upholsterer). Collection of dex, 499 pp; vi, 521 pp; v, 465 pp. 251. 8. signs for household furniture and interior Lo~ndon, A. Strahan and T. Cadell, 1793. decoration. xiv, 33 pp. 158 pl. 40. London, J. Taylor, 1808. Smith (Albert). Wild oats and dead leaves. Smith (Rev. George Charles). Bob, the sailor 2ded. vi, 359pp. 120. London, Chapman r all 1860. boy. [In Cherokee.] Lawinv nugvwiyusa-'a, 1860 * * * deginotsiyuganitohi. pp. 5767. 240. Smith (Asa). An abridgment of Smith's illus- n trated astronomy, [etc.] 5th ed. 72 pp. 11 pI. [With RIcmlomN) (Legh). Dairyman's daughter. In Cherokee]. 12~. N2ew York, Ccdy' Burgess, 1850. s. 120. New York, Cady - Burgess, 1850. Smith (George Henry). Outlines of political Smith (Buckingham). Documents in the Span- London, Longmans, economy. v, 70 pp. 8~. Zor0donLorcjmansj ish and two of the early tongues of Florida, 1866. (Apalachian and Timmquan). 10 1. fol. Washi. adgton, 1860. Smith (Goldwin). Three English statesmen An inquiry into the authenticity of docu- [Pym, Cromwell, and Pitt]: a course of lecments concerning a discovery in North Ameri- tures on the political history of England. ca claimed to have been made by Verazzano. 112 pp. 8~. Manchester, Macmillan & Co. 31 pp. 1 map. 8C. Tew York, J. F. Trow, 1867. 1864. -' The same. 298 pp. 12~. Nlew York, The same. 40. Harpers, 1867. Smith (Col. Charles Hamilton). The natural Smith or Schmidt (H. I. iprof. in Penn. coll.) historyof the human species. 464 pp. 35 pl. Education. Part i. History. Part ii. Plan of 120. Edineburgh, W. H. Lizars, 1848. s. culture based on christian principles. 340 pp. Smith (David S. C. H.) Reptilia of Massa- 180. New York, Haripers, 1845. chusetts. s. [Harpers' family library, v. 158 ]. [With IITCHCOCK (E.) Catalogue of animals, etc. of Smith (Col. James). Narrative of the most Massachusetts]. remarkable occurrences during his captivity Smith (Denis E. H. D.) Leaves from a py- among the Indians, 1755-59. sician's journal. 336 pp. 120. New zYork, W[ith METCALF (Samuel S.) Collection, etc. 1821. 1V. Y. publishing co. 1867. pp. 163-2571. Smith (Edmund). Poetical works. 80. Edin- Smith (Sir James Edward). Sketch of a tour bus-gh, 1793. on the continent. 2d ed. 3 v. xxxi, 372 pp; iv, 445 pp; iv, 376 pp. 80. London, Long[Anderson's British poets, v. 6]. 1 mans, 1807. Smith (Edward, X. D.) Account of a journey Smith (Jerome Van Crowninshield). Fishes through northeastern Texas, in 1849, for the of Massachusetts. s. purposes of emigration. 188 pp. 2 maps. 120. [ Wit HITCICOCK (E.) Cataloge of animals, etc. London, Hamilton, Adcems &' Co. 1849. of Massaehuset]. 387' SMITH. SMITH. Smith (Capt. John). The generall historie of of adventures and sufferings in the Miranda Virginia, New England, and the Summer expedition, etc. 1806-1811. 124 pp. 160~. isles; with the names of the adventurers, Brooklyn, Thomas Kirk, 1812. planters, and governours from their first be- The same. 146 pp. 3 1. 16~. Albany, ginning, 1584, tothis present, 1624. Engraved Packard & Van Benthuysen, 1814. title. 6p. 1. 248 pp. 4 maps. fol. London, Smith (Nathan Ryno, M. D.) Treatment of Michael Sparkes, 1624. fractures of the lower extremity by the use of True travels, adventvres, and observa- the anterior suspensory apparatus. 70 pp. 80. tions in Europe, Asia, Affrica, and America, Baltimore, Kelly & Piet, 1867. 1593 —1629. Together with a continuation of Smith (Noah). A speech delivered at Benningof his generall history of Virginia, etc. since 1624, to 1629. 6 p.. 60 pp. fol. London, 1777 8 pp 12. tford (Ct.) tso 1777. 8 pp. 12o. Hartford, (Ct.) Watson Thomas Slater, 1630. & Goodwin, 1779. A true relation of Virginia. With anl introduction and notes by Charles Deane. [pr. 5-6 imperfect]. [Reprint of London ed. 1608.] xlvii, v, 88 Smith (Oliver, A. M.) Outlines of nature. 198 pp. sm. 40. Boston, Wiggin c4- Lunt, 1866. pp. 12~. New York, [author], 1847. a. [Virginia series, No. 1]. Smith (Richard, esq. P. B. S. L.) Notes made Smith (John, M. D.) The portrait of old age. during a tour in Denmark, Prussia, Poland, A paraphrase upon the 12th chapter of Eccle- [GLermany], and France. ii, 504, xxiv pp. siastes. 3d ed. 4 p. l. 237 pp. 31. 160. 8~. London, C. 1 J. Rivington, 1827. London, E. Withers, 1752. Smith (Robert). Universal directory for taking Smith (John Gordon, M1. D.) Analysis of med- alive and destroying rats, and all other kinds ical evidence, and an appendix of professional of four-footed and winged vermin, in a method testimony. xix, 386 pp. 8~. London, T. & hitherto unattempted. vii, 218 pp. 160. LonG. Underwood. 1825. don, R. Smith, 1768. Smith (John Jay, editor). Letters of Dr. Smith (Roswell C.) New arithmetic. ArithmeRichard Hill and his children; or, the history tic on the productive system, [etc.] 312 pp. of a family, as told by themselves. xlv, 466 120. New York, Cady & Burgess, 1850. s. pp. 9 pl. 80. Philadelphia, privately printed English grammar, on the productive for the descendants, 1854. s. system. 150th ed. 192 pp. 16~. Philadelphia, Smith (J. Lawrence). Minerals [of Chile]. Marshall & Co. 1840. [ With GILLISS (J. M.) U. S. astronomical exped. v. 2]. - The same. Stereotype ed. 160. Hartford, Smith (John Russell). Bibliographical cata- J. Paine, 1842. logue of books on angling. The same. New stereotype ed. 160~. [with BLAKEY (Robert). Historical sketches of the Philadelphia, Butler & Williams, 1845. angling literature of all nations. pp. 293-335. Quarto, or second book of geography. A concise and practical system of geography. Smith (John Y.) History of Madison, Wis- 84 pp. including 32 maps. 4~. New Yor7l D. consin. See Madison (Wis.) City directory Burgess & Co. 1855. for 1866, pp. 9-78. Smith (Jonathan S.) The siege of Algiers; or, Smith (Rev. Samuel Abbot). Christian lessons the downfal of Hadgi-Ali-Bashaw: a tragic and a christian life: sermons. With a memoir comedy. 140 pp. 12~0. Philadelphia, J. Max- by E. J. Young. lxi, 289 pp. 1 pl. 160~. teell, 1823. Boston, Nichols & Noyes, 1866. Smith (Joshua Hett). An authentic narrative Smith (Samuel Harrison). History of the last of the causes which led to the death of major session of Congress, [commencing] Dec. 7, Andr6. 106 pp. 240. New York, Evert 1801. 195 pp. 8~. Washington, Samuel H. Duyckinck, 1809. Smith, 1802. Smith (Josiah W.) The divine law; or, the - Memoir of the life, character, and writscriptural duty and happiness of man. xi, ings of Thomas Jefferson; delivered before 256 pp. 18~. London, Rivingtons, 1866. the Columbian institute, 6th Jan. 1827. 38 pp. Smith (Rev. Matthew Hale). Universalism 80. Washington, S. A. Elliot, 1827. examined, renounced, exposed. 12th ed. 396 Smith (lif s. Spencer). First lessons in English pp. 160. Boston, Tappan & Dennet, 1844. composition. 131 pp. 120. Boston, Hlickling, Smith (Mfoses, of Huntington, L. I.) History Swan & Co. 1856.. 388 SMITH. SMOLLETT. Smith (Rev. Thomas, of Fclmouth, Me.) Ex- Smithsonian institution (W ashington, D. C.) tract from [his] journals'kept from 1720 to Annual reports of the board of regents, 18531788, with an appendix. 164 pp. 2 1. 154 pp. 67. 15 v. 8. $% Washington, 1854-67. 1 1. 120. Portland, Thomas Todd 5c5 Co. 4. A. Catalogue of publications of societies, Shirley, 1821. and of periodical works belonging to the and Deane (Samuel, D. D.) Journals, Smithsonian institution, Jan. 1, 1866. Dewith notes and biographical notices; and a posited in the library of congress. iv, 591 pp. summary history of Portland, by William 80. ~Washington, SmithsonianCinst. 1866. s. Willis. 483 pp. I map. 3 pl. 80. Portland, c Smithsonlian contributions to knowledge. Joseph S. Bailey, 1849. v. 14. 40. TWashingfton, Siithsonian inst. 1865. Smith (Thomas). Every man his own house CONTENTS. painter and paper banger. [anon.] 80 pp. BACHIE (A. D.) Discussion of the magnetic and mepainter teorological observations made at Girard college 1 pl. 120. St. Louis, J. J.. aly, 1866. in 1840-45. 3d sect. pts. vii-ix. Vertical force. (No. 175). Smith (Truman, senator of the U. S.) Inquiry -- Same. 4tl sect. pts. x, xii. Dip and total force. (No. 186). into the origin of modern anaesthesia. 165 pp. D{A1Er (iH.) On the construction of a silvered glass 1 pl. 80. lcartford, Browun & Gross, 1867. telescope, 51 in. aperture, and its use in celestial photography. (No. 180). Smith (T. Marshall). Legends of the war of LEIDY (J.) Cretaceous reptiles of the United States. [No. 192). independence and of the earlier settlements in MEE K (F. B.) anzd HAYDEN (F. V.) Palaeontology of the west. 397 pp. 80. Louisaville, (Ky.) J. i. the upper Missouri. Invertebrates. Part 1. (No. Brennan, 1855. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections. Smith (William, chief jutstice of the province of v. 6. 80. Washington, Sn. inst. 1867. Niew York). The history of the province of CONTENTS. New York, from the first discovery to the Art. 1-2. Monograph of the diptera of North America, by H. Low. Parts 1-2, edited, with additions, year 1732. 2d ed. 276 pp. 8~. Philadelphia, by R. Osten-Sacken. llfcathew Carey, 1792. 3. List of the coleoptera of North America. Part 1, March, 1863-April, 1866, by John L. Leconte. The same. From its discovery to the 4. New species of North American coleoptera, by appointment of gov. Colden in 1762. 2 v. John L. Leconte, March 1863-April 1866. 9pp 0 New York,- The same. v. 7. 80. WashinCton, Sn. xvi, 390 pp; 4 pl. 390pp. 8~. iVew 1Yo8k, Historical society, 1830.. st. 1867. Smith (William, LL. D. of the Lonbdon unliver- CONTENTS. sity). Dictionary of the Bible. American Art. 1. Monograph of the bats of North America, by H. Allen, June, 1864. edition; revised and edited by prof. H. B. 2. Land and fresh water shells of North America. Part ii. Pulmonata limnophila and thalassoHackett, D. D. [and] Ezra Abbot. Parts i- phila, by V. G. Binney. vii. A-Euphrates. vi, 784 pp. 8. XTew York, 3. The same. Part iii. Ampullaridm, valvatida, viviparidme, fresh-water rissoida, cyclopho_ffu'd & ozyughto%, 1867. ridr, truncatellidle, fresh-water neritidn, Slith (-Rev. William, F. L. S.) A synopsis of helicinidw, by WV. G. Binney. *Smith (Rev. William, 2v. L.S.) A synopsis of4. Researches upon the hydrobiinae and allied the British diatomaceae; with remalks on forms, [etc.] by Wim. Stimpson. 5. Monograph of American corbiculada (recent their structure, functions, and distribution. and fossil), by Temple Prime. 6. Check list of the invertebrate fossils of North ~Theplates byTuffen West. v. xxxivpp America, eocene and oligocene, by T. A. 31 pl; xxx, 107 pp. 36 pl. 80. London, Conrad. 7. The same. Miocene, by F. B. Meek. -Smnith 4 Beck, 1853-56. s. 8. The same. Cretaceous and jurassic, by F. B. Smith (William W.) A complete etymology Meek. 9. Catalogue ofminerals, with their formulas, etc. of the English language; containing theAnglo- by T. Egleston. Saxon, French (ee.) roots, and the English 10. A dictionary of the Chinook jargon, or trade Saxon, 7French, (etc.) roots, and the English,language of Oregon, by George Gibbs. words derived ttlerefrom, accurately spelled, 11. Instructions for research relative to the ethaccented, and defined. 323 pp. 8~. NTew York, nology and philology of North America, by A. S. Bcarnes r& Co. 1867. 12. List of works published by the Smithsonian institution. -----— The juvenile speller; or, speller's new ~manual. 168 pp. 120. I YorkA.. Smollett (Tobias George). The history of mBannes &c Co. 1858. N England, from the revolution to the death of Smith. See, also, Smyth. George ii. Designed as a continuation'of Smithers (Henry). Observations made during Hume. [Withlife, byR.Anderson]. 5v. 80. a residence in Brussels, and several tours Edinburgh, Hill and Doig, 1810. ______ The same. through the Netherlancds. 3d ed. 282 pp. The same. [ Vit7h HpU8IE (D). The history of England. ed. 18832. g pl. 8~. lBjru ssels, ] Autho9 [1 819. ] pp. 821-1354]. 389 SMUTS. SOCIAL. Slnuts (Jan). Dissertatio zoologica enumera- objects" and its " Hartwell continuation," on tionem mammalium capensimn continens. vi, the colors of multiple stars. 96 pp. 80. Lon108 pp. 3 col. pl. 40. Lcidae, J. C. Cyfveer, don, author, 1864. s. 1832. s. Smyth (William M.) Poems on several occaSmyth (Mrs. A. Gillespie). The romance of sions, written in Pennsylvania. [anon.] 141 diplomacy: historical memoir of queen Car- pp. ipl. 160. Philadelphia, Enoch Story, 1786. olina Matilda of Denmark. With memoir Smythe(CharlesW.) Ourownprimarygramand a selection from the correspondence of mar for the use of beginners. 3d ed. 72 pp. Sir Robert Murray Keith. 2 v. xvii, 493 pp; 160. Raleigh, Sterling, Camnpbell, & Albrigjht, ix, 484 pp. 4 pl. 80. London, Hoygo & sons, 1863. 1861. Snfelgrave (Captain William). A new account Snmyth (David WVilliam). A short topograph- of Guinea and the slave trade. 12 p. 1. 288 ical description of Upper Canada, [with] a pp. 1 map. 8~. London, J. Wren, 1754. provincial gazetteer. 2d ed. 123 pp. 8~. Snellaert (FerdinandAugustijn). Vlaemsche London, W. Faden, 1813. bibliographie, of lyst der nederduitsche boe[ With GRAY (H.) Letters from Canada, 1809]. ken van 1830 tot 1855 in Belgie uitgegeven. Sllmyth (Thomas, D. D.) Calvin and his ene- [Nieuw uitg.] xiv, 230 pp. 160. Gent, E. mies. A memoir of the life, character, and Vanderhaeghen, 1857. principles of Calvin. New ed. 180 pp. 160. [Uritgaven van hbet Willems'-fonds. Nr. 26]. P-hiladcelphia, Presbyterian board of publica- Snow (Edwin M. M.D.) A report upon suntion, 1856. s. dry documents relating to Asiatic cholera. - (- Obedience the life of missions. 170 pp. 13 pp. 8~. Providence (R. I.) City, 1865. s. 180. Philadelphia, Presbyterian board of pub- Snow (The) angel; a tale of life-land and lication, 1858. s. dream-land, by mistress [Frigida] Knutt. Smyth (Warington W.) Treatise on coal and [pseudon.] 261 pp. 5 pl. 16~. NTew York-, coal-mining. vi, 253 pp. 12~. London, Virtue J. Miller, 1867. bros. 4- Co. 1867. Snowden (Richard). The American revoluSmyth (William, prof. in Bowudoin college). tion; written in the style of ancient history. Elementary algebra, etc.] 236 pp. 120. Port- [anon.] 2 v. xii, 226 pp; 216 pp. 160. Philland, [MAiaine], Sasnborn 4. Carter, 1851. s. adelphia, Jones, Hoff & Derrick, etc. 1793-94. The same. New elemenltary algebra. [Imperfect: v. 2 wanting table of contents]. 312 pp. 120. Portland, Bailey & Noyes, 1866. - The same; written in scriptural or anSythla (William, prof. of qmoldern history, Cam- cient historical style. 6 p. 1. 360 pp. 160. bridgce, -Eng.) Lectures on modern history, Baltinzore,. Pechti, [about 1800]. * * * — Colmnbiad; or, a poem on the American from the irruption of the northern nations to the close of the American revolution. 2 v. xx ar. 44 pp. 160. Baltimore, W. Pechin, tabout 1800]. 433 pp; 494 pp. 8~. London, Pic~kering, W[ith SNOWDEN (Richard). American revolution. 1840. Baltimore. Ed. abosut 1800]. - Lectures on history. Second series, on Snowe (Joseph). The Rhine, legends, tradithe French revolution. 3 v. 374 pp; 448 pp; tions, history, from Cologne to Mainz. 2 v. 431 pp. 80~. London, Pickering, 1840. xii, 511 pp; viii, 468 pp. 22 pl. 8~. London, Smyth (William Henry, adlziralc, R. N.),Edes P. C. Westley, 1839. hartwelliance; or, notices of the manor and Sobieski (Jan, king of Poland). Lettres du mansion of Hartwell: [its apartments, paint- roi de Pologne A la reine Marie Casimire, ings, library, museum, numismata, and Egyp- pendant la campagne de Vienne. Traduites tian antiquities]. vii, 414 pp. 13 pl. 40. Lon- par M. le comte Plater, et publi6es par N. A. don, printed for private cilculation, by J. B. de Salvandy. xxvii, 224 pp. 1 pl. 80. Paris, Nichols &' son, 1851. s. Michaud, 1826. Nautical observations on the port and Socher (Georg). Grundriss der geschichte der maritime vicinity of Cardifif, with strictures phlilosophischen systeme von den Griechen on the 9th report of the Taff Vale railway bis auf Kant. 5 p. 1. 339 pp. 80. Miichn, directors, and some remarks on the commerce J. Lentner, 1802. s. of Glamorganshire. viii, 100, 12 pp. 8~. Social science: selections from John Cassell's Cardiff; ( PWales,) TI. Bird, 1840. s. prize essays, by working IlYell and women. Sidereal chromatics: a reprint, with ad- xix, 360 pp. 120. London, Cassell, Petter & clitions, from the "Bedfolrd cycle of celestial Galpin, 1861. 390 SOCIAL. SOMMERRING. Social (The) and political dependence of wo- pp. 80. Cambridge, (Eng.) J. & J. J. Deighmen. [anon.] 2ld ed. vii, 92 pp. 8~. London, ton, 1839. Longmans, 1867. Some observations on the charge by hon. Society (The) of arts, and of the institutions James De Lancey, chief justice of the province in union. Journal, Nov. 1865 to Nov. 1867. of New York, to the grand jury, January 15th, v. 14-15. 80. London, Bell & Dcaldy, 1866-67. 1733. [anon.] 18 pp. fol. New York, J. Peter Socinus or Sozzini (Fausto). Epistolme ad Zenger, 1733. amicos, in quibus variae de rebus divinis Some reasons that influenced the governor to queestiones expediuntur. 695 pp. 3 1. 180. take, and the councillors to administer, the Bacovice, Sebastian Sternac, 1618. oath required by the act of parliament, comEpistolae ad Andream Dudithium, ex monly called the stamp act. [anon.] 14 pp. Italico in Latinum converswe a M. R. H. 82 8~. Hartford, Thomas Green, [about 1766]. pp. 18~. Racovice, S. Sternac, 1635. Some remarks on a pamphlet [by John [ With the preceding]. Fletcher] entitled, A third check to antinoSocrates Scholasticus. Historia ecclesiastica. mianism. [anon.] 16 pp. 80. London, Edward [ With HISTOrIAE eccl. scriptores graeci. J. Christophorsono interprete, 1581 ed.] & Charles Dilly, 1772. The same. Versa ab Epiphanio. [With HILL (Sir Richard). Apology for brotherly [ With AUCTORES hist. eccl. fol. Basileae, 1523]. love. Lndon, 1798]. The same. Ecclesiastical history, trans- Some transactions between the Indians and lated and abridged by [Samuel] Parker. Friends in Pennsylvania, in 1791-92. [ anon. ] [With ECCLESIASTICAL histories, etc. 3d ed. 4~. 14 pp. 12~. London, Janmes Phillips, 1792. London, 1729]. Somerset (Edward, earl of Glamorgan, and 2d Soden (Theodore). Elemenzets of the German'mnamarquis of Worcester). A century of the names language' a manual of reading, speaking, and laguage: a manual of reading, speaking and and scantlings of such inventions as I can call composing. 319 pp. 1 pl. 120. Cincinnati, to mind to have tried and perfected. xxvii, Applegate.' Co. 1856. s. 76 pp. 240~. Glasgow, R. A.:Fotlis, 1767. Soemmering. See Sommerring. s. Sohm (Rudolph). Die lehre vom subpignus. Somerville (MZrs. Mary). On the connexion of v, 152 pp. 80. Bostock, H. Schmidt, 1864. s. the physical sciences. 2d ed. xvi, 493 pp. Sohncke (L. A.) Bibliotheca mathematica.. 5 pl. 12~. London, J. MuvrrayJ, 1835. s. Verzeichniss der biicher fiber die gesammten The same. 9th ed. xvi, 523 pp. 1pl. zweige der mathematik, welche in Deutsch- 120. London, J. Murray 1858. s. lancd und dem auslande, vom jahre 1830 bis BSomerville (Thomas). The history of political mitte des jahres 1854 erschienen sind. Mit itte des jahres 1854 erschienen s. Mit transactions, and of parties, from the restoraeinem vollstandigen materien register. xviii. einem volstdigen aterien register. xviii, tion of king Charles ii. to the death of king 388 pp. 80. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1854. William. xxviii,55 pp. 8~. Dublin, P. Soldier's (The) daughter. [anon.] 296pp. 160~. Byrne & others 1793. Boston, B. A. Ballou, 1866. Byrne & others, 1793. Boston, B. A. Ballon, 1866. Somerville (William). Poetical works. 80~. [Prize series]. En, 1793. Solera (Maurizio). Essai sur les valeurs. [SCRITTORI class. ital. di econ. pol. v. 39]. [Anderson's British poets, v. 8]. Solignac (Pierre Joseph de la Pimpie, chevalier The chase. A poem. [ With Blane de). Les amours d'Horace. [anon.] 180. (William). Cynegetica. London, 1781]. Cologne, Marteau, 1728. Smmerring (Samuel Thomas von). AbbildSolinus (Caius Julius). De memoralibvs ungen des menschlichen auges. x, 110 pp. 16 mvndi. 46 1. 40. Venetiis, 1493. s. pl. fol. Flrankfurt am Main, Varrentrapp + The same. Liber de memorabilibus mfldi Werner, 1801. s. diligenter annotatus et indicio alphabetico -Abhandlung fiber die schnell und langprenotatus. 4, 44 1. 4~. Spire, C[onra]d, sam t6dtlichen krankheiten der harnblase 1512. s. und harnr6hre bey mitnnern im hohen alter. Solis y Ribadeneyra (Antonio de). Historia xiv, 146 pp. 40. _Fran7kfurt am Main, Varrende la conquista de Mexico, poblacion, y pro- trapp & Werner, 1809. s. gressos de la America Septentrional, conocida U hJber das organ der seele. viii, 86 pp. 11. por el nombre de Nueva Espafia. 10 p. 1. 2 pl. 4~. K6nigsberg, NAicolovius, 1796. s. 1511. 1 map. 12 pl. fol. Brsusselas, Francisco t Uber die wirkungen der scllnirbriiste. l'o1,pp"es, 1704. Neue autfl. 844pp. l pl. 80. Ber li, Foss, Solly (Thomas). A syllabus of logic. x, 164 1793. s. 391 SOMMERRIING. SOULE. S6mmerring (Samuel Thomas von, and Reis- 168 pp. 19 1. 240. Viennxc, J. Van Ghelen, seisen (Fr.) Uber die structur, die verrich- [1680]. s. tung, und den gebrauch der lungen. Zwei Sorel (Charles, sieur de Souvigny). De la conpreisschriften. iv, 126 pp. 80. Berlin, Voss, noissance des bons livres; ou, examen de 1808. s. plusieurs autheurs. [anon.] 5 p. 1. 429 pp. Sommaers or Summers islands company. 18~. Paris, Andre Pralard, 1671. s. Orders and constitvtions; ordained by the I L'histoire comique de- Francion. [anon.] gouvernour and company of the city of Lon- Nouv. 6d. 3 v. 240. Maestricht, J. Delessart, don, for the plantation of the Svmmer islands; 1714. for the better gouerning of the actions and NOTE.-Other editions of this popular book bear the name, of Nicolas de Moulinet (sieur du Pare). The affaires of the said company and plantation, 6 work was never acknowledged by Sorel. Febr. 1621. 83 pp. sm. 40. London, Felix Sosare Itomeio (pseudon.) See Imperiali JKyngston, 1622. (Francesco). Somnier (William). The antiquities of Canter- Soter (Joannes). Epigrammata grmeca vetervm bvry; or, a svrvey of that ancient citie, with elegantissima, eademque latina ab utriusque the svbvrbs and cathedrall. [1st ed.] 7 p. 1. lingua uiris doctissimis uersa. 366 pp. 160. 516 pp. 7 1. 1 pl. sm. 40. London, B. Thrale, ]Pribvrgi Brisgoioe, S. M. Grauius, 1544. 1640. Sotheby (Samuel Leigh). Specimen-notice for Songs of the free, and hymns of christian free- the disposal of Principia typographica, on the dom. 227 pp. 160. Boston, I. Knapp, 1836. block-books issued in Holland, Flanders, and Sonnenkalb (Hugo). Anilin und anilinfarben Germany during the 15th century. xvi, 12 1. in toxikologischer und medicinalpolizeilicher 8 pl. 40. [London, 1845]. beziehung. v, 61 pp. 8~. Leipzig, O. Wigand, The typography of the fifteenth century: 1864. s. being specimens of the productions of the early.- Der strassenstaub in Leipzig. 31 pp. 8~. continental printers; fac-similes from one hunLeipzig, A. _brstner, 1861. s. dred works. 63 pp. 40. London, T. Rodd, Statistische tabelle der in der stadt Leip- 1845. zig vom anno 1595 angetrauten, getauften - Unpublished documents, marginal notes, und gestorbenen, sowie der einwohner. sheet and memoranda in the autograph of Philip folded in 8~. Leipzig, L. Rocca, 1864. s. Melancthon and of Martin Luther. With nuSonnini de Manoncour (Charles Nicolas Sigis- merous fac-similes. 34 1. 35 pl. fol. London, bert). Travels in upper and lower Egypt. for the author, 1840. Undertaken by order of the old government Soto (Hernando de). Letter to the magistrates of France. Translated from the French by H. in Santiago de Cuba, July 9, 1539. Translated Hunter. 3 v. 8~. London, J. Stockdale, 1799. s. from the Spanish by Buckingham Smith. 10 and Latreille (Pierre Andrd). Histoire pp. 40. W7ashinton, privately printed for G. naturelle des reptiles, etc. 4 v. 180. Paris, TV. Riggs, jr. 1854. De'terville, 1799. s. Soubeiran (Eugbne). Pr6cis 616mentaire de Sophocles. Tragedies; literally translated into physique. 2e 6d. 2 p. 1. 420 pp. 13 pl. 80. English prose. 2d ed. 2 v. in 1. 278 pp; 187 Paris, Fortin, Masson & Cie. 1844. s. pp. 80. Oxford, D. A. Talboys, 1828. Souder (Mrs. Edmund A.) Leaves from the The same. A new literal translation battle-field of Gettysburg; a series of letters with copious notes. 315 pp. 120. Ccmnbridge, from a field hospital; and national poems. (Eng.) J. HCall, 1844. 144 pp. 1 pl. 120. Philadelphia, C. Sherman, Sophocles (Evangelinns Apostolides). A son 4 Co. 1864. Romaic grammar, accompanied by a clresto- Soulavie (Jean Louis Giraud). Historical memmathy, with a vocabulary. x, 264 pp. 120. oirs and anecdotes of the court of France, Hartford, H. Huntington, jr. 1842. s. during the favor of madame de Pompadour; Sopwith (Thomas). Description of a series of from original papers preserved in the portgeological models, illustrating the nature of folio of madame la marbchale D"':*'. 2d ed. stratification, valleys of denudation, succession vii, 415, iv pp. 80. London, W. Lindsell, 1811. of coal fields in the Newcastle coal field, the Soule (Richard, jr.) Memorial of the Sprague effects produced by faults, [etc.] 84 pp. 12 family; a poem, with the family genealogy pl. 160. Necveastle-on-Tyne, author, 1841. s. and biographical sketches in notes. xii, 191 Sorbait (Paul). Consilium medicum, seu pp. 1 pl. 120. Boston, Jaimes Munroe & Co. dialogus loimnicus de peste viennensi. 3 p. 1. 1847. 392 SOULIGNI3. SPAFFORD. Souligne (N. de). Old Rome and London of Spanish and Portugueze poetry. xx, 551 compared. By a person of quality. [ano~n.] pp. 80. Bristol, J. Cottle, [and others,] 1797. 2d ed. 2 p. 1. 158 pp. 160. London, J. Hard- Madoc. 2 v. 258 pp; 320 pp. 80. ing,- 1710. Boston, lMunroe and Francis, 1806. Sousa Farinha (Bento Jos6 de). Summario da Southworth (Mrs. Emma D. E. Nevitte). The bibliothecaluzitana. [anon.] 3v. 180. Lisboa, bride of Llewellyn. 550 pp. 120. PhilaA. Gomez, 1786. s. delphice, T. B. Peterson & bros. 1866. Bibliotheca luzitana escolhida. [v. 4 of -- Retribution; or, the vale of shadows. preceding]. 180. Lisboa, A. Gooez, 1786. s. 108 pp. 80. Newu York, Harpers, 1849. South Carolina. The debates which arose in Souvenirs historiques. i. Correspondance sethe house of representatives of South Carolina crdte de Marie Antoinette avant et aprds le on the constitution framed for the United voyage de Varennes. Documens adminisStates by a convention of delegates assembled tratifs relatifs a l'adoption de la guillotine. at Philadelphia. 95 pp. 80. Charleston, A. E. Me1lalges. 116 pp. 80. Leipzig, T. Zirges,'Liller, 1831. 1835. S. The report of the committee of both Souvestre (lemile). Causeries historiques et houses of assembly, appointed to inquire into litteraires. 3 v. 16~. Paris, Leoy, 1861. the causes of the disappointment of success in See Bretagne pittoresque. the late expedition against St. Augustine, Sowerby (George Brettingham, jr.) Conchounder General Oglethorpe. 112 pp. 120. logical illustrations. 200 pl. 80. London, London, J. Roberts, 1743. Sowerby, 1841. s. South Carolina jockey club. [Racing memoranda from 1734 to 1857. Compiled by officers cONTENTs. Amphidesma. 2 pp. p1. 17-19. of the club-E. P. Milliken, J. C. Cochran, Bulinus. 4 pp. p. 21-23, 26-'7, 30-31, 34-35, 137-146, Ilenry C. King]. 211 pp. 8~. Charleston,.85-186. Cancellaria. 8 pp. pl. 9-13. (S. C.) Russell 4c Jones, 1857. Cardium. 8 pp. pl. 46-51, 149-150, 177-184. South Carolina legislative times; being the Chilina. 2 pp. pl. 135-136. Chiton and ) 10 pp. }l. 38-45, 159-176. debates and proceedings in the legislature, at Chitonelus8, 10 pp p 38-45, 159-176. tCing November, 1855. 40 Conus. 4 pp. pl. 24-25, 28-29, 32-33, 36-37, 54-57, the session commencing lNovember, 1855. 40. 147-148, 151-158. Columbiat, (S. C.) 1856. Cyprnaade. 20 pp. pl. 1-8, 101-131. Eburna. 2 pp. p1. 20. South (The) Sea islander; containing interest- Erato. See Cypraadae. ing facts relative to the state of society in Euiurla. 2 pp. pl. 52-53. Fissurella. 10 pp. p1. 68-78, 80. Otaheite. [anon.] 175 pp. 160. New York, W. Margarita. 2 pp. pl. 132-134. Monoceros. 2 pp. pl. 79, 81-83. B. Gilley, 1820. Murex. 12 pp. pl. 58-67, 187-199. Southard (Lucian H.) Lyra Catholica. See Nuculeritia. 6 pp. pl86-89, 90-, 914-16. -100. nucula. 4 pp. pa 14-16. Wilcox (J. H.) and Southard (L. H.) Ovnlum. See Cypreadae. Southard (Samuel L. LL.D.) An address Ranella. 2 pp. pi. 84-85, 88-89, 92-93. Typhis. 2pp. pl. 2G0. before the societies of the College of New Jersey, 1837. 50 pp. 8~. Princeton, R..E. Sozomenus (Hermias). I-istoria ecclesi.stica. Jrs-nor, 1837. 50 pp. 80. Princeton, B. E. [HISTORIAE eccl. scriptores graeci. J. ChristophorHornor, 1837. sono interprete, 1581 ed.] Southern (The) botanic journal, devoted to The same. Versa ab Epiphanio. the Thomsonian system of medical practice. [AUCTORES hist. eccl. fol. Basileae, 1523]. Edited by D. F. Nardin and J. L. Wood. The same. Ecclesiastical history, tranlsv. 1 and 2. sm. fol. Chasleston, (S. C.) 1838. lated and abridged by [Samuel] Parker. Southernl (The) cultivator. A practical and [Wit7h ECCLESIASTICAL histories, etc. 3d ed. 4~. scientific newspaper, for the'plantation, the London, 17291. circle. Designed to Sozzini (Alessandro). Novelle. garden, and the famrlily circle. Designed to gadnn h a [il With NOVELLE di autoi senesi. v. 2. 18~. Milano, improve the soil and the mind. D. Redmond, 1815]. W. N. White, and J. Camak, editors. Jan. Sozzini (Fausto). See Socinus. to Dec. 1867. v. 25. 8~. Atheins, (Ga.) Spafford (Horatio Gates, LL.D.) A gazetteer W. N_. White, 1867. of the state of New York. 334 pp. 1 map. Southey (Robert). The early naval history 8~0. Albany, L. C. Southwuick, 1813. of England. 306 pp. 16~. Philadeilpia, - A pocket guide for the tourist and travCarey, Lea, & Blanc/hard, 1835. eller, along the line of the canals, and the _ _ —-- Letters written during a short residence interior commerce of New York. iv,'72 pp. in Spain and Portugal. WTith some accounlt 24~. Newv York., F. & J. Szordcls, 18:4. 393 SPAIN. SPENCER. Spain. Estado militar de Espafia 6 Indias. Juillet, 1865, Sept. 1867. 3e s6rie. v. 1-9. Afiode1852. 247pp. 16~. Madrid, Imprenta 8~. Paris, [E. Martinet], 1865-67. nacional, [1852]. s. Speculunm regale. Konungs-Skuggsjt. KonWith MADRID. Guia de forasteros, 18521. ge-speilet; et philosophisk-didaktisk skrift, Indice de manuscritos de la biblioteca forfattet i Norge mod slutningen af det 12te nacional. 90 1. aarhundrede. xxii, 204 pp. 2 col. pl. 8~. [Appendix to v. 2 of Gallardo (B. J.) Ensayo de una Christiania, C. C. Werner & Co. 1848. s. biblioteca espanola. Madrid, 1866]. Speed (John l. D.) Commentary on sea ------ See Great Britain. Convention with water. See Russell (Richard), and Speed. Spain at the Prado, 1739. Speed (John). The history of Great Britaine Spalding (Martin J. D. D.) Miscellanea; corn- under the conquests of ye Romans, Saxons, prising reviews, etc. on historical, theological, Danes, and Normans. From Ivlivs Cmesar and miscellaneous subjects. 4th ed. 2 v. v. 1. to king Iames. 3d ed. revised. 6 p. 1. 155lxi, 807 pp. 8~0. Baltimore, J. Murphy & Co. 921 pp. 25 1. fol. London, G. Humvble, 1650. 1866. A prospect of the most famovs parts of Spanheim (Ezechiel). Epistolm tres. See the world. 1 p. 1. 48 pp. 22 maps. fol. Liebe (Christian Sigismund). Gotha nvma- London, G. Humble, 1631. ria. Amsteledagmi, 1730. [With SrPEED (John). Theatre of Great Britain, 1627]. Spaniards' (The) cruelty and treachery to the The same. New ed. With description English in time of peace and war discovered; of his majesty's [ American ] dominions being the council of a person of honour to abroad. 1 p. 1. 56 pp. 30 maps. fol. king James, then upon treaty of peace with London, T. Basset, 1676. them, for to insist upon a free trade in the [With SPEED (John). Theatre of Gt. Brit. 1676. ImWest Indies. With expedients for the sub- perfect 1 map wantingl. W- The theatre of the empire of Gt. Britaine. jecting of the Spaniard in America to the obe7 p. 1. 146 pp. 67 maps. fol. London, G. dience of England. [anon.] 2. p. 1l. 56 pp. sm. 4~. London, L. Lloyd, 1656. d, L, The same. New ed. 7 p. 1. 154 pp. Sparrow (Anthony, D. D. bishop of Exeter, and Sparrow (Anthony, D. D. 6ishop ofExeter and 6 1. 67 maps. fol. London, T. Basset, 1676. Norwich). Collections of articles, injunctions Spelman (Sir Henry) T.Archoogsin mod 1 Spelman (Sir Henry). Archxeologvs in modvm canons, orders, ordinances and constitutions posteriorem conglossarii ad rein antiquallm posteriorem: conecclesiastical of the church of England. 3d tinentis, latino-barbara, peregrina, obsoleta, et ed. 7 p. 1. 406 pp. sm. 4~. London, Robert novatie significationis vocabvla, etc. [pars Pawlet, 1675. prima, A-L.] 3 p. l. 452 pp. fol. Londini, Spayth (Rev. Henry G.) History of the church] 3 p. 1. 452 pp. fol. Londini.J. Beale, 16~6. of the united brethren in Christ. 1st ed united brethSpence (William). Introduction to entomol344 pp. 1 pl. 120. Circleville, (0.) conference ogy. See Kirby (W.) and Spence office un. brethren, 1851. Spencer (Albert J. editor). Book of comic Spear (Mrs. C. H.) Brief essay on the position speeches and humorous recitations. 192 pp. of woman. 37 pp. 18~. London, Triibner, 1866. 160. New York, Dick 4 Fitzgerald, [1867]. Specimens of the British poets who flourished Spencer (Cornelia Phillips). Last ninety [from] Henry viii [to] George iii. 2 v. xiv, days of the war in North Carolina. 2d ed. 287 456 pp; vi, 460 pp. 24~. London, W. Suttaby, pp. 160. New York, Watchman pub. Co. 1866. 1809. Spencer (Rev. George, called father Ignatius, Speck-Sterlnburg (Maximilian von). Lands- of St. Paul). Life of father Ignatius, of St. wirthschaftliche beschreibung des ritter- Paul, passionist. Compiled chiefly from his guts Litzschena bei Leipzig, mit seinen ge- autobiography, journal, and letters. By the werbszweigen. vii1,232pp. 4pl. 80. Leipzig, Rev. Father Pius. xxx, 525 pp. portrait. K. Tauchnitz, 1842. S. 120. Dublin, J. Duffy, 1866. - Zweites verzeichniss der gemiilde samm- Spencer (George). Latin lessons, with exerlung, sowie der vorziiglichsten handzeichen, cises in parsing. 2d ed. 196 pp. 120. New kupferstiche, kupferstichwerke, und plasti- York, Pratt, Woodforl c Co. 1845. s. chen gegensthnde. Herausgegeben [etc.] vom Spencer (Herbert). Principles of biology. v. 2. besitzer. 3 p. 1. 186 pp. 20 pl. 4~. Leipzig, 120. NTew York, Appleton, 1867. K. Tauchnitz, 1837. s. ~ Education: intellectual, moral, and physSpectateur (Le) militaire. Recueil de science, ical. 283 pp. 12f. New York, Appleton, d'art, et d'histoire militaires. 40e-49e annie. 1861. s. 50 394 SPENCER. SPOTSWOOD. Spencer (Rev. JesseAmes). The east: sketches ire et 2e s6rie. 2 v. viii, 436 pp; ccviii, 354 of travel in Egypt and the holy land. xvi, 503 pp. 16~. Paris, Charpentier, 1842-43. pp. 9pl. 80. New York, G. P. Putnam, 1850. CONTENTS. S. v. 1. Introduction. Spencer (Oliph Leigh). Life of Henry Chi- vie do Spinoza, (par Jean Coler). chel6, archbishop of Canterbury. xi, 232 Th6ologie de Spinoza. 80.LononJ altr,78. V. 2. tthique. pp. 8~. London, J. Walter, 1783. -Iforme de l'entendement. Spencer (Rev. O. M.) Indian captivity: a Correspondance. true narrative. Written by himself. 160 pp. Spirit (The) of the martyrs revived. [anon..] 160. New York, Lane & Tippett, 1846. 4 p. 1. 648 pp. 80. London, J. Sowle, 1719. Spencer (William Robert). Poems. viii, 240 Spirit (The) of Partridge; or, the astrologer's pp. 1 pl. 80. London, T. Cadell & W. Davies, pocket companion and general magazine. 1811. [Aug. 5, 1824-Jan. 15, 1825. Nos. 1-xvii.] Spenser (Edmund). Poetical works. 80. Ed- iii, 356 pp. 120. London, Astrological soinbulrgh, 1792. eiety, 1825. [ Anderson's British poets, v. 2]. Spiritualist (The): being a short exposition Sperry (J. Austin). Fothergill; or, the man of psychology based upon material truths, of enterprise. 118 pp. 80. Cincinnati, " The and of the faith to which it leads. By D. F. great west" office, 1849. G. [anon.] xvi, 1ll pp. sq. 16~. London, Spilbergen or Spielberg (Georg von). L. Booth, 1857. Specvlvm orientalis occidentalisqve Indim Spirk (Anlton). Geschichte und beschreibung navigationvm; quarum una Georgii a Spil- der k. k. universitdits-bibliothek zu Prag. bergen, altera Jacobi Le Maire auspiciis im- [Extract.] 109 pp. 1 pl. 80. Wien, Ost. perioque directa [est], annis 1614-18. 175 bdlitter fiir lit. und kunst, 1844. s. pp. 25 pl. obl. 40. Lugduni Batauorum, N. Spix (Johann Baptist von), and Martius a Geelkercken, 1619. (Carl Friedrich Philipp von). Reise in BraSpiller (Philipp). Handbuch der physik. 2 v. silien, 1817 —1820. 3 v. 40. Miinchen, VYe568 pp; 560 pp. 80. Berlin, L. Oehmigke, fasser, 1823-31. s. 1865-66. S. [Wanting 3 atlases]. jSpindler (Carl). Lenzblthen. Erzaihlungen Spofford (Mrs. Harriet Elizabeth Prescott). und novellen. 2 v. 390 pp; 368 pp. 180. The amber gods and other stories. 432 pp. Stuttgart, Hallberger, 1834. 160. Boston, Tinor 4' Yiels, 1863. __- The jesuit: a picture of manners and _ Azarian: anepisode. 251pp. 16~. Boscharacter from the first quarter of the 18th ton, TAicaanor & Fields, 1864. century. Translated from the German. 2 v. SpoTord (Jeremiah, M.D.) A family record 292 pp; 261 pp. 12~. Lorndon, E. Bull, of the descendants of John Spofford, and 1839. Elizabeth his wife, who came from England - Stchildereien. 2 v. in1 1. 166 pp; 167 pp. to America, and settled at Rowley, in 1638. 180. Stuttgart, lalllberger, 1855. s. 64 pp. 8~. Haverhill, (Mass.) B. G. FrothSpinola (Massimiliano, marchese). Insectorum inyha6, 1851. Liguriae species novie aut rariores. 2 v. A gazetteer of Massachusetts. 348 pp. in 1. xvii, 159 pp. 2 pl; ii, 262, v pp. 5 pl. 1 map. 160. Newbuoryport, C. Whple, 1828. 40. Genue, Gauctolr, 1806-08. a. Spon(Jacob). Tractatvs novide potv caph6; Spinoza (Baruch or Benedictus de). Opera de Chinensivm th6; et de chocolata. 3 p. l. qvse svpersvnt omnia. Itervm edenda cvravit, 202 pp. 2 1. 2 pl. 180. Parisiis, P. Muguet, preefationes, vitam avetoris, qvee ad historiam 1685. scriptorvm pertinent addidit Henr. E. G. Pav- Spooner (Lucius H.) Suggestions on town lvs. 2 v. xxiv, 724 pp; xl, 680 pp. 80. sewerage and its application to land by graviJence, in bibliopolio academico, 1802-03. tation. 30 pp. 8~. London, R. Hardwicke, CONTENTS. 1865. v. 1. Principia philosophiae cartesianse. Tractatus theologico-politicus. Spotswood or Spottswoode (John, abp. of Epistola. of St. Andrews). The history of the church of v. 2. Ethice. Tractatus politicus. Scotland, beginning the year 203, and conDe intellectus emelldationg. tinued to the end of the reign of king James Compendium grammatices linguEe HebraeIe. De vita Spinozse. vi. 11 p. 1. 546 pp. 6 1. fol. London, R. ----— CEuvres, traduites par lmile Saisset. Royston, 1655. 395 SPOTTISWOODE. STACIONS. Spottiswoode society publications, viz: 27 col. maps. obl. fol. Gothae, J. Perthes, 1. KEITH (rt. rev. Robert). History of the affairs of 1855. S. church and state in Scotland, from [1527] to - Historisch-geographischer hand-atlas 1568. With biographical sketch, [etc.] 3 v. 80. Edinburgh, 1844-50. zur geschichte der staaten Europa's vom 2. SAGE (rt. rev. John). Works; with memoir and anfang des mittelalters. 2e aufi. 73 col. maps. notes. 3 v. 8~0. Edinburgh, 1844-46. 3. Spottiswoode miscellany: a collection of original obl. fol. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1854. s. papers and tracts, chiefly illustrative of the civil and ecclesiastical history of Scotland. 2 v. 80. - The same. Erlauterlde vorbemerkunEdinburgh, 1844. gen. [2e aufl. ] 58 pp. 40. [ Gotha, J. Perthes, Sprague (Homer B.) History of the 13th in- 1854]. s. fantry regiment of Connecticut volunteers, [Text of, and bound with the precedingl. during the great rebellion. 353 pp. 120. -- Historisch-geographischer schul-atlas. Hartford, Case, Lockwood & Co. 1867. 5 p. 1. 22 maps. 40. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1856. G. Sprat ( Thomas, D. D. bishop of Rochester). 1856. Poetical works. 80. Edinburgh, 1793. Spurgeon (Rev. Charles Haddon). "The nerlosrits p, modern Whitfield." Sermons. With an in. [Anderson's British poets, v. 6]. troduction and sketch of his llfe, by E. L. -Sermons on several occasions. 440 pp. Magoon. xxxvi, 320 pp. 1 pl. 120. New 80. London, 1722. York, Sheldon, Blakeman & Co. 1856. [Title wanting]. n 7 Spurzheim (Johann Gaspar). Examination A true account and declaration of the of the objections made in Britain against the horrid conspiracy against the late king, his doctrines of Gall and Sp 99 pp 120 doctrines of Gall and Spurzheim. 99 pp. 12~. present majesty, and the government. [The Bostorn, M1arsh, Caloen & Lyon, 1833. rye-house plot. anon.] 2 p. 1. 167 pp. fol. Squibb (Robert). Gardener's calendar for the London, T. Newcomb, 1685. states of North Carolina, South Carolina, and —:The same. 2d ed. 2p. 1. 167 pp. fol. Georgia. With appendix. 4p. 1. 176 pp. 120. LIondon, T. Newcomnb, 1685. Charleston, (S. C.) P. Hqffol, 1827. - The same. 3d ed. 4 p. 1. 221 pp. 16. Squier (Ephraim George). Monograp of iquier (Ephraim George). Monograph of London, T. Newcomb, 1686. London, T. Newcosmb" 1686. authors who have written on the languages Sprelngel (Curt). Geschichte der botanik. 2 v. of Central America, or composed worlks in 4 p. 1. 424 pp; 8 p. 1. 396pp. 8~. Altenburg the native dialects of that country. 90 pp. Lepzicj _F. A. Brockhans, 1817-18. s. pzig, A. Brockha, 181718.40. New York, C. B. Richardson, 1861. s. Versuch einer pragmatischen ges- The states of Central America, [etc]; chichte der arzneikunde. 2e aufi. 5 v. 8. Hitalle, J. S. Geba der nuer, 1800-03,. v.. and the Honduras inter-oceanic railway. 782 Frier, ic h.. BeschreibunS pp. 5 maps, 8 pl. 80. New York, Harer Sprengel (Joachim Friedrich). Beschreibung Spege- Joci brothers, 1858. s. der harzischen bergwerke nach ihrem ganzen Squisr (Miles P. D. D.) Reason and the umfange. 32 1. 110 pp. 160. Berlin, BuchBible; or, the truth of religion. 340 pp. 120. handlu~,g der r ealschule, 1753. s. handus dr r e New York, C. Scribner, 1860. Sprenger (Aloys, MZ. D.) A catalogue of the s. D.) A ceSquire (Rev. Francis). An answer to some Arabic, Persian and Hindfistiny manuscripts of the libraries of the king of Oudl.. 1. late papers, entitled, The independent whig, of the libraries of the king of Oudh. v. 1. so far as they relate to the church of England. Persian and Hindistdny poetry. viii, 648 xvi, 188 pp. 12. Londo,. J. s, 80. Calcutta, Govt. of India, 1854. s. 1723 1723. Spring (Gardiner, D. D.) First things; lectures Stabbert (Carl Ludvig Franz). De echinoon the great facts and moral lessons first re- cocco. 32 pp. 8~. Berolini, G. Lange, 1867. s. vealed to mankind. 2d ed. 2 v. 395 pp; 296 Stabile (Giuseppe). Mollusques terrestres vipp. 120. New York, 1. W. Dodd, 1851. vants du Pi6mont. 141 pp. 2 pl. 80. Milan, Memoirs of Rev. Samuel J. Mills. 247 Bernardoni, 1864. s. pp. 80. New York, Evangelical miss. soc. 1820. Stacions of Rome, (in verse from MS. ab. 1370 - A tribute to New England; sermon A. D. and in prose from Ms. ab. 1460-70 A. D.) preached before the New England society of and the Pilgrims sea-voyage; with Clene New York, Dec'r 22, 1820. 44 pp. 80. New maydenhod (from Ms. ab. 1370). A suppleYork, L. - E'. Lockwood, 1821. ment to "Political, religious, andlove poems," Sproat (P. W.) The savage beauty; a satiri- andl "Hali meienhad." Edited by F. J. cal and allegorical novel. 120. Philadelphia, Furnivall. vi,40 8 pp. 8~. Loulorn, N. S. Roberts, 1822. Triibl ee & Co. 18i7. Spruner (Carl von). Atlas alltiquus. Ed. 2a. [Early Ellglish text society plublications, No. 25]. STACKE. STARKEY. Stacke (Henry). The story of the American don.] 320 pp. 120. New York, Hafnpers, war, 1861-65. viii, 264 pp. 1 map. 18~. 1850. s. London, Warne & Co. 1866. Stanhope (Philip Dormer, 4th earl of ChesterStackhouse (Rev. Thomas). A new history field). The elements of polite education; seof the holy Bible, from the beginning of the lected from the letters of the late earl of Chesworld, to the establishment of christianity. terfield, by G. Gregory, D.D. 6 p. 1. 456 pp. 2d ed. 2 v. ]xviii, 1650 pp. 25 1. 5 maps. 16~. London, B. Phillips, [1800?] 31 pl. fol. London, S. Austen, 1742. Stanhope (Philip Henry, 5th earl Stanhope, Stadnitski (Pieter). Voorafgaand bericht we- formerly lord Mahon). History of England, gens eene negotiatie op landen in America. from the peace of Utrecht to the peace of Ver37 pp. 120. Amsterdam, 1792. sailles, 1713 —1783. 3d ed. 7 v. 16~. Boston, Staelin. See Stiilin. Little, Brown & Co. 1853-54. Stagg (John). Miscellaneous poems. vii, Stanley (Henry). Rouman anthology; or,'256 pp. 16~. Wigton, B. Hetherton, 1808. selections of Rouman poetry, ancient and EStihlberg (Georg). An history of the late modern, in the original; with translation of revolution in Sweden, [of] the 19th Aug. some of the poems. xx, 226 pp. 80. HBert1772. By a gentleman who was a Swede. ford, S. Alustin, 1866. [anon.] xv, 370 pp. 80. Edinburgh, 1776. Stannius (Friedrich Hermann). Animaux Stahr (Adolf Wilhelhn Theodor). Life and vertbbr6s. works of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. From [SIEBOLD (C. T. E. von), and STANNIUS. Nouveau manuel d'anatomie comparge, v. 2]. the German, by E. P. Evans. 2 v. 12~0. Bos- mauel D anatomie compare, v. 2e. ton, Tiknr4~ 8 —— 6 Das peripherische nervensystem der ton~ Tickrnor Fields, 1866..'tonTicnor (B Fandieds, ba 1866 ber b.i-. fische, anatomisch und physiologisch unterSt aiger (B.) Landwirthschaft7lcher katechis- sucht. iv, 156 pp. 5 pl. 40. Rostock, Stiller, mus. 2e aufln. vi, 172 pp. 11 pl. 12~. Augs- 1849. burg, Verfasser, 1861. s. bg, Verfasser, 61..Stanton (Robert Livingston, D.D). The Stainton (Henry Tibbats andcl others). Nat- tahistor Ti, and ot ). N- church and the rebellion: a consideration of ural history of the tineina. vol. 9. 8~. Lonthe rebellion; and the agency of the church, don, J. Van Voorst, 1865. north and south, in relation thereto. xiv, 562 Stalin (Christoph Friedrich). Zur geschichte und beschreibung alter und neuer buicher- pp. 12. New York, Derby & Miller, 1864. besribn. a.ern nur bher- Staples (William R.) The documentary hissammlungen im konigreich Wiirtemberg, Com[etc.] 96 pp. 160. Stuttgart, Cotta, 1838. S. toryofthedestructionoftheGaspee. ComEStallard (J. H.) The female casual and her piled for the Providence journal. 56 pp. 8~. Providence, Knowles, Vose &.Anthony, 1845. lodging; with a scheme for the regulation of workhouse infirmaries. iv, 143 pp. 120 Starck (Johann Friedrich Christian Ekhardt). worlhouse infirmaries. iv, 143 pp. 12~. London, SndfersOtey. &Co. 1866pp. 120 De hydrocephali paracentesi. 290, vii pp. 3 London, Saunders, Otley & Co. 1866. tab. 120. Postochiiz uctor 1841. s. Stalsberg (F.) Udsigt over de vmesentligste Staring (W. C. H.) D van Nederland. Staring (W. C. E.) De bodem van Nederland. forbedringer ved ierntilvirkningen i de seneste De zamenstelling en het ontstaan der gronden decennier. xx, 213 pp. 8~. Christiania, J. Dahl, 1866. i. n Nederland. v. 1. xii, 441 pp. 1 map. 7 pl. 8~. Haarlem, A. C. Kruseman, 1856. s. Stamler (Johann). Dyalogvs de diversarvm me n D log o dives Stark (Augustin). Beschreibung der meteorgencivm sectis et mvndi religionibvs. 3 p. 1. ologischen instrumente, nebst einer einleitung xxxi i. 2 1. folio. Aulgzuste, E. Ogln $V 2er, 1508. folio. AugesteE.Oglin szum gebrauche desselben bey den beobachtungen. 4 p. 1. 79 pp. 5pl. 40. Augsburg, Stammer (Carl). Lehrbuch der physik. 2v. Vefasser 1815. in 1. xi, 279 pp; vi, 194 pp. 8~. Lahr, M. iSchauenburg9pp; vi, 194pp. 8~. Lr, Stark (John, F. B. S. E.) Elements of natural Schaenburg ~ Co. 1858-59. s. history. 2 v. vi, 527 pp. 4pl; 515 pp. 4 pl. Starbury (George). Practical guide to litho- 8h. Ed vnburgh, W.Blackloodp 1828. s. graphy, and the various uses of the materials supplied by him. 8~. Lonon, oulston, v. 1. VerCONTENTS. 1851. S. v. 2. Invertobrata. 1S51. S. v. R. Invertebrata. Standish (Frank Hall). The shores of the Starke (Mariana). Letters from Italy, 1792Mediterranean. xii, 339 pp. 8~. London, 1798. 2 v. in 1. xv, 383 pp; x, 409 pp. 80. C. Roworth 4 sons, 1837. London, R. Phillips, 1800. Standish, the puritan. A tale of the American Starkey (Benjamin). Memoirs of his life. 14 revolution. By Eldred Grayson, esq. [pseu- pp. 1 pl. S~. Newcastle, W. Ball, 1818. 397 STARS. STEED. Stars (The) and the earth; or, thoughts upon Part 2. Locality, relation, superficies, and population of each county, section, district, and colony, space, time, and eternity. [anon.] From the births and deaths, and the resources and condi3d English ed. [With preface by Thomas tion of each, 1790-1831; with a like display for Europe, the United States, and China. Hill]. 88 pp. 160. Boston, Crosby & Nichols, Part 3. Finances, navigation, and commerce, 16931849. 1831. The same. 7th ed. 98 pp. 18~. London, Statius (Publius Papinius). [Opera omnia], ZH. Baillitre, 1861. denuo ac serio emendata. 356 pp. 32~. AmStartling facts for native Americans called sterodacmi, Joannes Jansonius, 1630. "know-nothings;" or, a vivid presentation of --- The Thebaid. Translated into English the dangers to American liberty to be appre- verse, with notes and observations, by Wm. hended from foreigninfluence. [anon.] 112 L. Lewis. 8~. Edinburgh, [1792]. pp. 8~. New York[, 1855. rAnderson's Brit. poets, v. 1]. State tracts: being a collection of several Staunton (Howard). Memorials of Shakestreatises relating to the government. [1671- peare; comprising the poet's will, the inden81]. Privately printed in tile reign of king tures of conveyance and mortgage of [his Charles ii. ii, 468 pp. fol. London, 1689. house in Blackfriars, and photographs of the -- The same. Being a farther collection, Droeshout and Chandos portraits, with anno1660-1689. [v. ~2]. 4 p. 1. 499 pp. fol.' tations. 11pp. 2 pl. 5 facs. fol. London, London, B. Baldwin, 1692. Day, [1854]. [With the preceding]. Staunton (Rev. William). The book of comState (The) triumvirate: a political tale; and mon praise: a collection of music adapted to the epistles of brevet major Pindar Puff. the book of common prayer, according to the [pseudon. With separate title-page: Dr. use of the protestant episcopal church in the Busby's edition of the Bucktail bards. In U. S. 336 pp. oblong 8~. New York, F. J. part by Gulian C. Verplanck 1] 215 pp. 18~0. iHuntington & Co. 1866. New York, J. Seymour, 1819. Stearns (Charles). The national armories. A States (The) and union [Washington daily]. review of the systems of superintendence, Jan. 2, 1860, to Apr. 20, 1861. v. 1, no. 45- civil and military, particularly with reference v. 2, no. 94. in 3 v. fol. Washington, J. P. to economy and general management at the Heiss & J. S. Holland, 1860-61. Springfield armory. [anon.] 3d ed. 82 pp. Statesman's (The) year-book for 1867-68. A 1 pl. 8~. Springfield, author, 1853. s. statistical, genealogical, and historical account Stebbins (J. E.) Our departed friends; or, of the states and sovereigns of the civilized glory of the immortal life. Illustrated. 559 world. By Frederick Martin. 2 v. 12~. pp. 80. Htartford, L. Stebbins, 1867. London, Macmillan, 1867-68. Steczkowski (Jan Kant). Astronomija sposoStatistical (A) account of the Schuylkill per- hem dla ka'zdego dostepnym wylo'zona. xv, manent bridge. [anon.] 84 pp. 1 pl. 8~. 608 pp. 1pl. 80. Krakdw, D. E. Friedleina, Philadelphia, Jane Aitken, 1807. 1861. s. I With PHILADELPHIA society for promoting agriculture. Maemoirs. v. 1. 1so1. ~- Elementarny wyklad matematyki. 5 v. Statistical illustrations of the territorial extent 80. w Krakowie, w drukorni c. k. uniwersytetu, and population, commerce, taxation, consump- 1851-59. 5. tion, insolvency, pauperism, and crime of the CONTENTS. British empire. xx, 88, xi pp. 8~. London, Czese 1. Arytmetyka. xvi, 321 pp. 1851. J. _Miller, 1825. Czesc 2. Algebra. 4 p. 1. 327 pp. 1 pl. 1852. Czesc 3. Geomnetryja. Statistical society of London. - Journal. v. 29- (v. 1). Planimetryi z stereometryja. 5 p. 1. 398 30. For the years 1866-67. 80. London, (.2.pp. 11 pl. 1858. (v. 2). Trigonometryja prostokreslna i sferyE. Stanford, 186647. czna. 4 p. 1. 231 pp. 2 pl. 1858. (v. 3). Geometryjaanalityczna wraz z linijami Statistical summary of the progress of the i powierzchniamikrzywemi drugiego colony of Victoria to the year 1865. [anon.] rzedu. 4 p. 1. 484 pp. 10 pl. 1859. 24 pp. 8~. Mielbourne, J. Ferres, 1865. s. Stedman (C.) The history of the origin, proStatistics of the British empire. [anon.] 3 gress, and termination of the American war. pts. in 1 v. 415 pp. 40. [London, BR. Wilkes, 2v. xi, 446lpp; xvii, 502pp. 131. 8~. Dublin, 1832?] P. Wogan, etc. 1794. CONTENTS. Steed (J. M.) Grammatical stenography; or,'Part 1. Account of the population in 6,000 towns and short-hand. 16 pp. 180. Washington_, F. S. parishes, with the annual value of real property, Mer 188. 1801-31.yer, 1828. 398 STEEL. STEUART. Steel (David). The shipmaster's assistant, and handskrifterna, uti koiigl. bibliotheket i Stockowners manual. 10th ed. xvi, 450 pp. 8~. holm. xii, 204 pp. 8~. Stockholm, P. A. London, P. Steel, 1803. Norstedt, 1847. s. -. Tables of the British custom and excise — The old northern runic monuments of duties. 3d ed. 128, 40 pp. 80. London, P. Scandinavia and England. Part 1. 362 pp. Steel, 1803. fol. London, J. R. Smith, 1866. S. [With STEEL (D.) Shipmaster's assistant. 18031. Stephens (Henry.) The book of the farm. Steele (J. Dorman). A fourteen weeks' course [with] notes by John S. Skinner. 2 v. in chemistry. 264 pp. 16~. New York, A. S. 569 pp. 4 pl; xvii, 462 pp. 17 pl. 80. New Barnes c' Co. 1867. York, Greeley & McElrath, 1847. s. Steendam (Jacob). The praise of New Neth- [Farmers' library, v. 2-3]. erland. ith MURPHY (Henry C.) Jacob, etc Stephens (James). James Stephens, chief or 1861]. ganizer of the Irish republic; embracing an Steenstrup (Johan Japetus Smith). Hecto- account of the Fenian brotherhood; being a cotyldannelsen has octopodsloegterne argo- semi-biographical sketch. [anon.] 117 pp. nauta og tremoctopus. [Extract]. 32 pp. 1 pl. 1LO. New York, Carleton, 1866. 2 pl. 40. iKjbenhavn, k. danske vid. selskabs, Stephens (John Langdon). Incidents of travel 1856. s. in Egypt, Arabia Petrvea and the Holy Land. Steetz (William). Instruction nautique sur les 3d ed. 2 v. 240; 286pp. 1 map. 16pl. 120. passages l'file de Cuba et au golfe du Mexi- New York, Harpers, 1838. que, par le canal de la Providence et le grand The same. 1Oth ed. With additions. banc de Bahama. 64pp. 2maps. 8~0. Paris, [anon.] 2 v.240, 286pp. 1 map. 120. New Bechet, 1825. s. York, Haipers, 1848. Steiger (Ernest). Volks-kalender fur 1868. 1Stephens (William, esq.) Journal of the pro1t20 pp. 16~. 1New York, E. Steiger, 1867, ceedings in Georgia, beginning October 20, Stein (Friedrich). Der organismus der infu- 1737. To which is added, a state of that provsionsthiere nach eigenen forschungen in syste- ince, as attested upon oath in the court of matischer reihenfolge bearbeitet. 1. Allgemei- Savannah, November 10, 1740. 2 v. 480 pp. ner theil, und naturgeschichte der hypotrichen 8 1; 508, 32 pp. 7 1. 80. London, W. Meadinfusionsthiere. xii, 206 pp. 14 pl. 4~. Lei2p- ws, 1742. zig, tW. Engelmann, 1859. s9 a. The same. Journal [in Georgia], reSteinbuch (Johann Georg). De taenia hyda- ceived by the trustees for establishing the tigena anomala, adnexis cogitatis quibusdam colony. Sept. 22 to Oct. 28, 1741. 22 1. 12~. de vermium visceralium physiologia. 4 p. 1. London, W. Meadows, 1742. x, 132 pp. 1 pl. 8~. Erlangae, Hilpert, 1801. Stephens. See Stevens. s. Stephenson. See Stevenson. Steller (Georg Wilhelm). Reise von Kamt- Stepney (George). Poetical works. 80. schatka nach Amerika mit dem commandeur- Edinburgh, 1793. capitin Bering. 133 pp. 8~. St. Petersburg, [Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 6]. J. Z. Logan, 1793. s. Sterling (Richard). Southern orator; containStellwag von Carion (Carl). Treatise on the ing lectures for declamation and recitation. diseases of the eye, including the anatomy of 544 pp. 120. New York, Owens,4 Agar, the organ. Translated from the German and 1867. edited, by C. E. Hackley and D. B. St. John Sternburg (Max von Speck). See SpeckRoosa. With an appendix. xiv, 774 pp. 3 pl. Sternburg. 80. New York, Wood & Co. 1868. Stetson (Isaac). Stenography, reduced to Stendhal (- de, pseudon.) See Beyle (H.) certain and fixed principles. 8 pp. 160. PhilaStephanus. See Estienne. delphia, Matthews 4' Bell, 1834. Stephens (Mrs. Ann S.) Myra: the child of —---- The universal writer; or, short-hand adoption. A romance of real life. 120 pp. Ipl. shortened. 2d ed. 49 pp. 18~. New York, 18~. New York, Beadle, 1860. Dood & Manter, 1824. --- See Portland sketch book. 12~. Port- Steuart (Sir James). Works; political, metaland, 1836. physical, and chronological. Collected by Stephens (prof. George, F. S. A.) Forteckning his son. [With] anecdotes of the author. 6 v. Ofver de f6rntmnsta brittiska och fi'ansyska 8~. London, Cadell & Davies, 1805. 399 STEUART. STILLFRIED. Steuart (Sir James). Works; political, meta- local distribution. v. 1. lxxii, 445 pp. 3 pl. physical, and chronological. —Continued. 8~. London, J. Van Voorst, 1866. CONTENTS. Stevenson (Rev. John). Christ on the cross; an exposition of the twenty-second Psalm. v. 1-4. Political economy. v. 5. Principles of money, applied to the state of 2d Am. from 10th Lound. ed. 345 pp. 12~. Bengaland German coin. _Newt York, Robert Carter, 1846. Considerations on the interest of Lanark. Plan for uniformity of weights and measures. Stevenson (Thomas). Lighthouse illuminav. 6. Observations on Dr. Beattie's essay on truth. tion: a description of tie holophotal system, Remarks on a book entitled System of nature by M. de Mirabaud, [baron d'Holbach]. and of azimuthal-condensing, and apparent Motive of obedience to the laws of God. Apologie du sentiment de Newton sur l'an- lights, etc. viii, 122 pp. 4 pl. 80. London, cienne chronologie des Grecs. J. Weale 1859. Answer to Des Vignolles upon Newton's chronology. Stewart (Balfour). Elementary treatise on Anecdotes of [hisj life. heat. xx, 392 pp. 160. Oxford, Clarendon Stevens (Abel). Centenary of American meth- press, 1866. s. odism; a sketch of its history, theology, Stewart (Dugald). Elements of the philosopractical system, and success. With a state- phy of the human mind. Abridged, with ment of the plan of the centenary celebration notes by F. Bowen. New ed. xi, 490 pp. 120. of 1866, by John M'Clintock. 287 pp. 12C. Boston, T. HZ. Dennet, 1864. New York, Carlton 4 Porter, 1866. Stewart (James). Steam engineering on sugar History of the methodist episcopal plantations, steamships, and locomotive enchurch in the United States. v. 3-4. 12~. gines. 138 pp. 160. -New York, Russell, New York, Carlton & Porter, 1867. 1867. Stevens (Henry). An account of the proceed- Stewart (Kensey Johns). The freemason's ings at the dinner given by Mr. George Pea- manual; a companion for the initiated through body, to the Americans connected with the all the degrees of freemasonry, [etc.] 316 pp. great exhibition, at the London coffee house, 13 pl. 12~. Philadelphia, E. H. Butler & Co. Ludgate Hill, 27th October, 1851. 114 pp. 1851. s. 80. London, William Pickering, 1351. Stewart (Robert, M. D.) The American farCatalogue of my English library. xi, mer's horse-book; embracing a full descrip107 pp. 16~. London, C. Whittingham, 1853. tion of the diseases peculiar to the American Stevens (Capt. John). Anewcollectionofvoy- horse, [etc.] Also, a treatise on stock raising, ages and travels: with historical accounts of [etc.] 600 pp. 1 pl. 8~0. Cincinnati, C. F. discoveries and conquests in all parts of the Vent & Co. 1867. world, translated [1st ed.] 5 nos. in 1 vol. Stewart. See, also, Stuart. 4 maps. 1 pl. sin. 40. Losdon, J. Knapton, Stielei (Adolf). Atlante scholastico per la 1708-9. geografia politica efisica. 1 p. 1. 44 maps. 4~. [Imperfect]. Gothas, Justus Persthes, 1855. CONTENTS. Stieren (Eduard). Chemische fabrik; ein ARGENSOLA (Bartolom6 Leonardo de). Discovery and practisches handbuch zur fabrikmiissigen conquest of the Molucco and Philippine Islands. CIEZA DE LEON (Pedro de). Seventeen years' travels darstellung chemischer prdiparate. Mit einer through Peru, Cartagena, and Popayan. vorrece von G. C. Wittstein. vi 621pp 80 LAWSON (John). New voyage to Carolina. MouETTE (Germain). Travels in the kingdoms of Miinchen, J. Grubert, 1865. Fez and Morocco. Stierlin (Dr. G.) Revision der europdiischen The royal treasury of England: or, an otiorhynchus arten. 344 pp. 80. Berlin, Nihistorical account of all taxes, from the con colai, 1861. s. quest to the present year. [anon. 1st ed.] Stille (Alfred, M11. D.) Elements of general xxxi, 372 pp. 8~. London, T. Jebb, 1725. pathology. 483 pp. 80. Philadelphia, LindStevens (John Austin, jr. ) Colonial Newv say & Blakiston, 1848. York. Sketches, biographical and historical, Epidemic meningitis; or, cerebro-spinal 1768-1784. 172 pp. 4 pl. 80. New York, meningitis. 178 pp. 8'. Philadelphia, LindJ. 1. Trow 4' Co. 1867. say & Blakiston, 1867. [ With NEW YORK (City of). Chathber of commerce. Stillfried-Rattonitz (Rudolph Maria Bernhard Colonial records, 18671. von, conde de Alcantara). Alterthiimer und Stevens. See, also, Stephens. liunst Mari a Bernhard denkmale des erlauchStevenson (Henry). The birds of Norfolk; ten hauses Hohenzollern. Neue folge. v. 1. with remarks on their habits, migration, and fol. Ber lin,, Ernest & Worn, 1859. s. 400 STILLFRIED. STONE. Stillfried-Rattonitz. (RudolphMariavonBern- [Hymns and tunes]. 165 pp. 8~. New York, hard, von conde de Alcantara), and Marcker Taintor bros. 4 Co. 1868. (Traugott). Monumenta zollerana. Urkun- Stockell (Capt. William). Eventful narrative denbuch zur geschichte des hauses Hohen- of his travels and engagements in land and zollern. v. 1-6. 40. Berlin, Ef rnst & KHorn, naval service of England and United States, 1852-60. s. and in the whale fishery. Revised by Edwin CONTENTS. A. Atlee, M. D. 326 pp. 80. Cincinnati, v. 1. Urkunden der schwvabischen linie. A. D. 1095- 1840. 1418. viii, 558 pp. v. 6. Urkunden der frankischen linie. A.D. 1235-1411. Stockfieth (Nils Joachim Christian Vibe). Stillingfleet (Edward, bishop of Worcester). Norsk-lappisk ordbog. iv, 892 pp. 80. ChrisThe doctrine of the trinity and transubstanti- tiania, J. W. Cappeleus, 1852. ation compared, as to scripture and reason, in Stockhardt (Julius Adolph). Die schule der a dialogue between a protestant and papist. chemie; oder, erster unterricht in der chemie, 40 pp. 8~. Oxford, 1825. versinnlicht durch einfache experimente. 8~ [In RANDOLPH (John, bishop of London). Enchir- aun. xiv 706 idian theologicum, v. 1).. xiv, 706 pp. 120. Braunschweig, Vieidion theologicum, v. 1). Irenicum; or, the divine right of church weg, 1855. s. government. 16 p. 1. 557 pp. 120 London, Stockholder (The). Monitor of finance and HTenry hMortlock, 1681. industry. [A weekly journal]. Nov. 1862 The mysteries of the christian faith as- to Nov. 1867. v. 1-5. fol. New York, 1863-67. serted and vindicated. 25 pp. 8~. Oxford, Stoddard (Mrs. Elizabeth). Temple house. 1825. - A novel. 347 pp. 120. New York, G. W. [Ina RANDOLPH (John, bishop of Lolndon). Enchir- Carleton & Co. [1867]. idion theologicum. v. 1.) Stoddard (John F.) The practical arithStillman (Samuel D.D.) Four sermons on metic. 2 p. 1. 292 pp. 12~. New York, important subjects. 87 pp. 16~. Boston, E. Cornish, Lamsport & Co. 1852. s. Russell, 1769. __ and Henkle (W. D.) An algebra. 440 Stimpson (William). Researches upon the pp. 120. New York, Sheldon, Blakeman & Co. hydrobiinae, and allied forms; chiefly made 1857. upon materials in the museum of the Smith- Stoddard (Richard Henry). The king's bell. sonian institution. iv, 59 pp. 8~0. Washington, [A poem.] With illustrations by Alfred Smithsonian inst. 1865. Fredericks. 60 pp. 8 pl. 8~0. New York, [Smithsonian miscel. coll. v. 71. Bunce & Huntington, 1866. Stirry (Thomas). A rot among the bishops; or, - -, The late English poets. [Selected a terrible tempest in the sea of Canterbury. poems.] xii, 539 pp. 160. New Yo poems.] xii 539 pp. 16~. _~ew York Bunce 14 pp. 4 pl. 180. London, 1641. [Reprint, 4- Huntington, 1865. London, 1838]. Stisser (Christian Friedrich). Friderich der Stoeckel. See St6ckel. Stoeckhardt. See Stockhardt. grbste [etc]; in einer rede, welche wegen des Stokes (Wili Lecturesonphysic. 9. Stokes (William, M. D.) Lectures on physic. [etc.] geschlossenen hdchstglorwtirdigen frie- See Bell (John, M. D.) and Stokes. dens, in dem grossern horsaal des k. akad. gynasii zu Stettin, den 20 Jul. 1742, [etc]3 Stoltz (J. L.) Manuel e61mentaire du cultivabewundert. 24 pp. fol. Stettin, J. F. Sie- turalsacien. eentar- duchdeselssge, 1742.. ischen ackerbauers. [Fr. and Ger. texts]..3eln, 1742. s. [ With WILLEBRANDT (J. P.) Hansische chronick]. ii, 479 pp. 3 pl. 12~. Strasbourg, F. C. Heitz, Stisted (Mrs. Henry). Letters from the bye- 1842. s. ways of Italy, iwith illustrations, by Col. Stolze (Franz). Gabelsberger oder Stolze Stisted. xviii, 496 pp. 16 pl 80. ~. Lodon, Eine beleuchtung der streitschriften des geJ. Murray, 1845. - s. heimen regierungsraths Hipe in Dresden: Stjerngranat (G. G. H.) Militir-statistik. die " stenographie als unterrichtsgegenstand," Preussen. 1ta afdelningen. 5 p. 1. 274 pp. 8~. und des senators Dr. Eggers aus Rostock: Stockholm, P. A. Nolrstedt & soner, 1840. s. "die stenographie in den schulen." ix, 187 Stock (John Edmonds). Memoirs of the life pp. 13 pl. 80. Berlin, Mittler & sohn, 1864. of Thomas Beddoes, M. D. with an analytical s. account of his writings. v, 413, lxxi pp. I pl. Stone (Rev. Edwin Martin). Biography of 40. London, J. Murray, 1811. Rev. Elhanan Winchester. 250 pp. 1 1. 120~. Stockel (Dr. Gustave J.) Sacred music. Boston, H. B. Brewster, 1836. 401 STONE. STOW. Stone (Rev. Edward Martin). Invasion of tische abhandlung Vron kinder-kranckheiten. Canada in 1775; including the journal of 2 v. in 1. viii, 436 pp. 61. 4 pl; viii, 439 pp. 41. Capt. Simeon Draper, describing the perils 120. Eisenach, M. G. Greissbaclh, 1750. s. and sufferings of the army under Col. Ben- Storer (James). History and antiquities of the edict Arnold, in its march to Quebec. With cathedral churches of Great Britain. Illusnotes and appendix. xxiv, 104 pp. 51. 2 pl. trated ith engravings. 4v. 80. London, 1 map. 80. Providence, Knowles, Anthony d& Rivingtons, etc. 1814-19. Co. 1867. Co. 1867. Stories and sketches by our best authors. Stone (John Seeley, D. D.) Christian sacra[anon.] 307 pp. 12~. Boston, Lee & Shepments; or, scriptural views of baptism and the a d 1867 Lord's supper. 631 pp. 80. New Yor7k, A. D. P. Randolph, 1866. Storm (Theodor). Immen-see. From the Ger- The divine rest; or, scriptural views of man, by H. Clark. 77 pp. 16~. Philadelphia, the Sabbath. 304 pp. 120. New York, A. D. F Leypoldt, 1863. F. Randolph, 1867. Story of a Chinese boy. [anon.] 343 pp. 5 pl. Stone (Rev. Nathaniel). Rulers are a terror, 160. Philadelphia, Am. S. S. union, [1867]. not to good, but evil-workers. [Election] ser- Story (The) of a penitent: Lola Montez. mon, 1720. 22 pp. 11. 12~. Boston, B. G1reen, [anon.] 46 pp. 18~. New York, Prot. e2isco2al 1720. soc. prom. evang. knowl. 1867. [ With WALLEY, (Rev. Thomas). Balm in Gilead. Story (The) of a stomach: an egotism. By a reformed dyspeptic. [1. D. anon.] 60 pp. Stone (Nicholas). Enchiridion of fortification; reformed dyspeptic. [R. D. Welos, 1867. 16~. New Yorkc, _Fowler 5 Wells, 1867. or, a handful of knowledge in martiall affaires. [anon. 2d ed.] 4 p. 1. 70 pp. 81. 20 pl. 16~. Story (Joseph, LL. D.) The power of solitude London, for the author, 1669. and other poems. New ed. 260 pp. 1pl. 16~. Stone (Rev. Samuel). A congregational church Salem, B. B. Macnulty, 1804. is a catholike visible church; or, an examina- Stosch (Philipp von). Pierres antiques gravess, tion of M. Hudson, his vindication, etc. 4 p. 1. sur lesquelles les graveurs out mis leurs noms. 43 pp. sm. 40. London, Peter Cole, 1652. [Also, Latin title: Gemmte antiques caelatse]. Stone (William Leet). The life and times of sir Dessin6es et grav6es par Bernard Picart. TraWilliam Johnson, bart. 2 v. xv, 555 pp. 1 duites en Franvois par M. de Limiers. [Lat. pl; xv, 544 pp. 8. AlbaCny, J. Munsell, et fr.] 3 p. 1. xxi, 97 pp. 70 pl. fol. Am1865. sterdarn, B. Picart, 1723. Stonehenge (pseudon.) See Walsh (J. H.) Stoughton (Rev. William, lieut. gov. of Mass.) Stoppani (Antonio). Les ptrifications d'qsino; NewEngland's true interest not to lie. A ou, description des fossiles appartenant au sermon preached in Boston, April 19th, 1668, d6p6ttriassique sup6rieur des environs d'sino being the day of election. 40 pp. sinm. 40~. en Lombardie, comprenant les gast6ropodes, Cambridge, S. Green & Ml. Johnson, 1670. les ac6phales, les brachiopodes, les c6phalo- [Title-page wanting]. podes, les crinoides, les zoophytes, et les Stout (Capt. Benjamin). Narrative of the loss amorphozoaires. xi, 152 pp. 1 map. 31 pl. of the ship He cules on the coast of Caffraria; 40. Milan, J. Bernardoni, 1858-60. s. also, account of his travels through southern Stoppelaar (Jan Herman de). De zelandica Africa to the Cape of Good Hope. With ingente de Huybert, ejusque meritis de re cum troductory address to John Adams, president publica tum litteraria, et de partibus quas in of the continental congress of America. liii, publicis Belgii foederati rebus curandis- egit 113 pp. 16~. New York, J. Chevalier, Petrus de Huybert. 4 p. 1. 171, xxviii pp. [1797]. 1 tab. 80. Luzgduni-Batavoruenr, J. Hazen- Stow (John). Annales; or, a generall chroniberg, 1852. s. cle of England. Begun by John Stow; conStorch (Heinrich Friedrich von), and Ade- tinued unto 1631, by Edmund Howes. 10 p. 1. lung (Friedrich von). Systematische ueber- 1087 pp. 14 1. fol. Londini, Richard Mceighen, sicht dler literatur in Russland, wihrend des 5 1632. jahr. zeitraums von 1801 bis 1805. v. 1. The survey of London. Enlarged and Russische literatur. 12~. St. Petersburg und finished by A[nthony] M[unday], H[enry] Leipzig, 1Hartknoch, 1811. s. D[yson], and others. 7 p. 1. 939 pp. 141. fol. Storch (Johann). Theoretische und prac- London, E. Pvrslovv, 1633. 51 402U STOWE. STRICKLAND. Stowe (Calvin Ellis, D. D.) Origin and his- with a polyglot table of dialects of 32 Tartory of the books of the Bible, both the ca- tarian nations. Translated into English. 8 nonical and the apocryphal, [showing] what p. 1. 463 pp. 1 map. 4 pl. 40~. London, Innys the Bible is not, what it is, and how to use it. & Manby, 1738. The New Testament, illustrated. 8~0. Hart- Strain (Isaac G.) A paper on the history and ford, Publlishing co. 1867. prospects of interoceanic communication by The right interpretation of the sacred the American isthmus. 27 pp. 80. New York, scriptures; an inaugural discourse delivered Vinten, 1856. at Andover, Sept. 1, 1852. 31pp. 8~. Ando- Strang (John). Germany in 1831. 2 v. xxiv, ver, [Mass.] TV. F. Draper, 1853. 360 pp. 1 pl; xii, 456 pp. I pl. 8~. London, Stowe (Harriet Esther Beecher). Queer little J. Macrone, 1836. s. people. Illustrated. 185 pp. sin. 40~. Boston, Strange (Sir Robert). An inquiry into the rise Ticknor 4 Fields, 1867. and establishment of the royal academy of Religious poems. With illustrations. iv, arts. vi, 141 pp. 16~. London, E. & C. Dilly, 107 pp. 160. Boston, Ticknor' Fields, 1867. 1775. Stowe (J. G.) A new guide to the sheet iron Stranger's (The) guide to Baltimore. By a and boilerplate roller. See Perkins (C. H.) Baltimorean. [anon.] 80 pp. 1 map. 11 pl. and Stowe (J. G.) 240. Baltimore, MurTphy & Co. 1852. s. Stower (Charles). The printer's price-book; Straparola (Giovanni Francesco da Caravagcontaining the master printer's charges to the gia). Les fac6tieuses nuits de Straparole. trade for printing works of various descrip- Traduites [de l'Italien] par Jean Louveau et tions, sizes, types, and pages. With specimen Pierre de Larivey. [pseudon. ] 2 v. lxiii, 384 pages. iv pp. 11. 446 pp. 8~. London, C. pp; 408 pp. 16~. Paris, P. Jannet, 1857. Cradock & W. Joy, 1814. Stratman (Francis Henry). A dictionary of Strabo. Geographia. De situ orbis libri xvii, the English language, of the xiii, xiv, and xv a Guarino VeroIlensi et a Gregorio Thiphernio centuries. Parts i-vi. 576 pp. 8~. Krefeld, translati. 217 l. fol. [ Venetiis, per Vinde- Kramer & Bauon, 1864-67. linum spirensem], 1472. Stratton (R. B.) Captivity of the Oatman Note.-[The colophon ends thes; girls: an interesting narrative of life among [Strabonis] libellos Nunc antenorei uident penates: the Apache and Mohave Indians. 231 pp. Impressos digitis uidelianis. 1 map. 1 pl. 160. San Francisco, L. D. Strackerjan (Christian Friedrich). Beitr/ge Oatman, 1857. zur geschichte der stadt Jever, [etc: 192 pp. Stratton (Thomas). Aureae sententiae: se80. Bremen, W. Kaiser, 1836. S. lect sentences from eminent divines and other Beitrdge zur geschichte des grossherzog- writers. [anon.] vii, 221 pp. 18~. London, thums Oldenburg. v. 1. 512 pp. 8~. Bremen, 1768. W. Kaiser, 1837. S. [o. Kaiser, 1837. p ].Strecker (Adolph). Kurzes lehrbuch der [No more published]. Geschichte der buchdruckerei im her- organischen chemie. xix, 417 pp. 12~. zogthum Oldenburg und der herrschaft Jever, Braunschweiy, Vieweg, 1853. s. [etc.] Ein festgabe, [etc.] 48 pp. 1 pl. 80. [REGNAULT (H. V.) Kurzes lehrbhuch. v. 2]. Oldenburg, Schulze, 1840. s. Street (Alfred B.) Poems. 2 v. v, 302 pp; Oldenburg's fest-und jubelbuch. Aus- v, 338 pp. 160. New York, Hurd & Houghfiihrliche beschreibung aller feierlichkeiten ton, 1867. am 27 Novbr. und 24 Decbr. 1838, als den Strength in weakness. A sernmon preached at jubelfesten, [etc.] des selbstandigkeit des the funeral of Mrs. Matilda Brooks, by J. C. herzogthums Oldenburg und der neu organi- [anon.] 2 p. I. 39 pp. sm. 40~. London, John sirten landesbewaffnung, [etc.] stattgefund- Hancock, 1676. en, [etc.] 166 pp. 1 pl. 8~0. Oldenburg, Schulze, Stretch (Richard H.) Annual report of the 1839. s. state mineralogist of' the state of Nevada, for Strafford (H.) Herd book. See Coates 1866. 151 pp. 8~. Carson city, J. 1E. -Eck(George). ley, 1867. s. Strahlenberg (Philipp Johann Tobbert von). Strickland (Agnes). Lives of the queens Historico-geographical description of the north of England, from the Norman conquest. and eastern parts of Europe and Asia, par- Abridged by the author. Revised and edited ticularly of Russia, Siberia, and Great Tar- by Caroline G. Parker. 675 pp. 1 pl. 12~. tary, both in their ancient and modern state, New York, Harper 4 bros. 1867. 403U STRICKLAND. STURM. Strickland (Hugh Edwin). Ornithological Stuart. See, also, Stewart. synonyms. Edited by Mrs. H. E. Strickland Stubbe (Henry). A justification of the present and Sir W. Jardine. v. 1. Accipitres. xlvi, war against the United Netherlands. By an 222pp. 8~. -London, J. Van Voorst, 1855. s. English man. [anon.] 4 p. 1. 80pp. 5 pl. [No more published]. sm. 40. London, E. Hills, 1672. Stringfellow (Rev. T.) Two letters on cases - A further justification of the war against of cure at Fauquier white sulphur springs, the United Netherlands. 12 p. 1. 136 pp. 6 pl. [and] mineral waters in general. 16 pp. 8~. sm. 40. London, -I. Hills, 1673. Washington, Union office, 1851. [ With the preceding]. Strom (Hans). Physisk og oeconomisk besl- Humble Stucley or Stukeley (Sir Lewis). Humble rivelse over fogderiet sondmor, beliggende i riese oge s, b petition and information touching his owne ZBergens stilft i Norge. 2 pts. in 2 v. 9 p. 1. 572 pp. 4 pl. 1 map; 12 p. 1. 509 pp. 4 behaviour in the bringing up [to London] of Soroe,. Rothe, 1 map76;122-66. p. 1.509 Sir Walter Raleigh. 17 pp. sm. 40. London, Sorb'e, Rothe, 1762-66. Bonham Xorton and John Bill, 1618. Strombeck (Friedrich Carl von). Souvenirs d'un voyage en Sudde en 1839. [Trad. de Student (The) and schoolmate. An illustrated l'Allemand]. 266 pp. 8~. Strasbourg, G. Silber- monthly for all our boys and girls. Jan. 1866 rmanna, 1840. to Dec. 1867. v. 17-20. 4 v. in 2. 80. Boston, Strong (George A.) The song of Milgenwater, J. H. Allen, 1866-67. translated from the original Feejee, by Marc Studer (Bernhard). BeytrAge zu einer monoAntony Henderson. [pseuedon.] 96 pp. 160. graphie dermolasse, oder geognostische.unterCincinnati, 1856. suchungen tiber die steinarten und petrefakten, Strong (Henry K. chairman). Report to the die zwischen den Alpen und dem Jura legislature of Pennsylvania, containing a de- gefunden werden. xxxviii, 27 pp. 2pl. 8. scription of the Swatara mining district. 61 Bern, C. A. Jernni, 1825. s. pp. 8 pl. 8~. Harrisbur'g, Boas f Coplan, Stiilpnagel (Fr. von), and Bar (J. C.) Karte 1839. s. von Europa in vier bliittern entworfen und Strong (James, S. T. D.) Cyclopredia, etc. See gezeichnet. 3e aufil. verbessert durch A. PeterMcClintock (John, D. D.) and Strong. mann. 1 fol. in 40. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1855. s. Strong (Rev. William). A treatise shewing the Stumpf(Johann). KeyserHeinrychs desvierdsubordination of the will of man unto the will ten hertzogen historia. 10 p. 1. cxxxvii 1. of God. 7 p. 1. 335 pp. 6 1. 160. London, fol. Ziirych, C. Froschouer, 1556. Francis Tyton, 1657. Sturgeon (William). Scientific researches, Strong (W. C.) Culture of the grape. xvi, 355 experimental and theoretical, in electricity, pp. 12~. Boston, Tilton & Co. 1866. magnetism, galvanism,electro-magnetism, and Strozzi (Carlo). Flore fossile italienne. See electro-chemistry. viii, 566 pp. 18 pl. 40. Gaudin (C. T.) and Strozzi. London, Longmans, 1852. s. Strutt (Elizabeth). Domestic residence in Sturges (John, LL. D.) Discourses, chiefly Switzerland. 2 v. 282 pp; 288 pp. 2 pl. 8~. on the evidences of natural and revealed reliLondon, T. C. Newby, 1842. gion. xii, 454 pp. 8~. London, T. Cadell, Struve (Burkhard Gotthilf.) Corpvs historire 1792. germanicre a prima gentis origine ad annvm Sturm (Jacob). Abbildungen zu Karl I11730. Prmemittitur C. G. Bvderi bibliotheca liger's iibersetzung von Olivier's entomologie, scriptorvm rervmgermanicarvm. 2v. 80. 974 oder naturgeschichte der insecten; mit ihren pp; 622 pp. 8 pl. Jence, J. F. Bielckii, 1730. gattungs und artmerkmalen, ihren beschreiStrype (John). Life and acts of Matthew Par- bung und synonymie. Kafer. 2 v. iv, 136pp; ker, first archbishop of Canterbury. xxvi, 132 pp. 96 col. pl. 40. Niirmberg, Herausgeber, 544, 208 pp. 1 pl. fol. London, J. Wyat, 1711. 1802. s. Stuart (Bernard). How to become a successful Catalog der kaefer-sammlung. xii, 386 engineer. 2d ed. 127 pp. 160. Edinburgh, pp. 6 pl. 80. Niirmberg, Verfasser, 1843. W. P. Nimmo, 1866. s. Stuart (Charles). A memoir of Granville Sharp. I Deutschlands fauna in abbildungen nach 156 pp. 120. New York, William S. Dorr, 1836. der natur, mit beschreibungen. 5e abtheilung. Stuart (John). Memoir of Indian wars, and Insekten. v. 1-4. civ pl. 180. Ariirmberg, other occurrences. 1805. s. [VIRGINTA historical soc. collections. vol. il. [Abth. ii, iii, v, & vi, vols. 5-7, wanting]. 404 STURTEVANT. SULLIVANT. Sturtevant (S. T. D. D.) The preacher's de l'empire. 294 pp. 18~. Bruxelles, Mieline, manual: lectures on preaching; furnishing 1840. rules and examples for every kind of preach- L'hotel Lambert: histoire contempoing. 4th ed. With an introductory essay on raine. 2 v. in 1. 285 pp; 271 pp. 180. Bruxpreaching, by Rev. A. M. Henderson. xl, elles, Meline, 1842. 609 pp. 8~. London, Reeves 5' Turner, 1866. Latrdaullont. 2 v. 326pp; 377 pp. 18~. Stiive (C. G. A.) Wesen und verfassung der Bruxelles, Meline, 1838. landgemeinden und des landlichen grund- Mathilde: mdmoires d'une jeunefemme. besitzes in Niedersachsen und Westphalen. 5v. 180. Buxelles, Meline,1843. Geschichtliche und statistische untersuchun- Plik et Plok. [E1 gitano. Kernok Ie gen mit nnmittelbarer beziehbung auf das pirate]. 266 pp. 160. Paris, Paulin, 1845. k6nigreich Hannover. xviii, 321 pp. 80. Jena, La Salamandre. 2 v. in 1. 224 pp; 208 F. Frommann, 1851. S. pp. 240~. Paris, Paulin, 1845. Suarez or Soarez (Jos6). Libertas evangelium - es secrets de loreille. 6 v. 180. Christi annunciandi et propagandi in imperio Naumbourg, L. Garcke, 1858. Sinarum, declarata 1692, et pro Europoeorum - Th6rese Dunoyer. 2 v. 249 pp; 360 notitia descripta. 175 pp. 180. Ultrcajecti, pp. 16. Bruxelles, lauman et Cie.1842. If. Broedeletth, 1699. Mysteries of the people; or, the story of [ With LEIBNITZ (G. NT.) Novissima sinica. Ultra- a plebeian family for 2000 years. Translated jeeti; 1699]. by Mary L. Booth. [lst series. The draSuasso Diaz; de Fonseca (Antonio Lopez, goon's helmet, The golden sickle, The brass baron). The theory of the infantry move- bell, and The iron collar]. 177 pp. 80. New ments. New ed. 2 v. lxvi, 371 pp; viii, 392 York, C. M. Clark, 1867. pp. 80. London, Clowes, 1846. S. The negro's revenge; or, Brulart, the Subligny (-). La fausse Cldlie, histoire black pirate. iv, 49 pp. 80. London, [1841?] fran9oise, galante et comique. [anon.] Ed. [HAZLITT'S romancist and novelist's library. v. 5]. nouv. 3 p. 1. 322pp. 3l. l pl. 24~. Amlnster- Sugenheim (Samuel). Geschichte der entdam, J. Wagucenar, 1672. stehung und ausbildung des kirchen-staates. Succinct (A) view of the origin of our colonies, Gekronte preisschrift. viii, 439 pp. 8~. Leipwith their civil state, whereby the nature of zig, Brockhaus, 1854. s. the empire established in America, and the Suite de la vie du Pierre Joseph Marie Chauerrors of various hypotheses formed thereupon monot, par un pere de la compagnie [de may be clearly understood. [anon.] 46 pp. J3sus], avec la maniere d'oraison du v6n6r12~. London, 1766. able pbre, ecriteparlui meme. [anon.] 66 pp. Suchet (Louis Gabriel, mnarechal, duc d'Albu- sinm. 40. Nouvelle York, J. M. Shea, 1858. s. fera). Memoires sur ses campagnes en Es- Sullivan (John L.) The answer of Mr. Sullipagne. 1808-14. 2v. li, 376 pp; ix, 572 pp. van to the letter and mis-statements of Cad1 pl. 80. Paris, Didot, 1828. wallader D. Colden, in his "brief exposition" ------ The same. 2 v. xlix, 366 pp; ix, 570 of himself as the advocate of steamboat pp. 1 pl. 8~. Paris et Londres, Colburn & monopoly. 40 pp. 80. Troy, W. S. Parker, 1823. Bossange, 1828-29. [Letter to Israel Cael on steamboat Suckling (Sir John). Poetical worlks. Edin- monopoly]. 20 pp. 8~. Albany, 1817. burgh, 1793. [Imperfect: wanting title-page]. [Anderson's Brit. poets, v. 3]. Sullivan (William, LL.D.) History of the Sudendorf(H.) Urkundenbuch zur geschichte United States of America, for the use of der herzSge von Braunschweig und Lineburg, schools and families. [anon.] Stereotype ed. und ihrer lande, gesammelt und herausgege- 276 pp. 160. Keene, (N. H.) Joh7n Prentiss, ben. v. 1-4. 40. Hiannover, C. Riihnpler, 1822. 1859-64. s. Moral class book, or the law of morals. CONTENTS. x, 282 pp. 120. Boston, Richardson, Lord, v. 1. Bis zum jahre 1341. lxxxviii, 358 pp. 1 tab. and Holbrook, 1831. v. 2. Vom jahre 1343-1356. c, 315 pp. v. 3. Vom jahre 1357-1369. clx, 299 pp. Sullivant (William S.) Mosses and liverworts. v. 4. Vome jahre 1370-1373. clx, 270 pp. [ WTith GRAY (Asa). Manual of botany, etc.] Sue (Marie Joseph, dit Eugene). L'art de I Musci alleghanienses, sive enumeratio plaire. [Nouvelle]. 292 pp. 18~. Bruxelles, muscorum atque hepaticarum. 86 pp. 80. Meline, 1840. Columbus (0.) oprinte at Cambridge, (Mass.) Le colonel de Surville; histoire du temps author, 1846. 405u SULPICIA. SUTHERLAND. Sulpicia. Poetical works. Translated by J. picinarum. xiv, 116 pp. 8~. Stockholmiae, Grainger. 8~. Edinburgh, 1792. Samson & Wallin, 1866. s. [ANDERSON'S British poets. v. 5]. Sure guide to hell, by Beelzebub. [anon.] 62 Sulzer (Johann Georg). Allgemeine theorie pp? 12~. London, 1750. der schdnen kfinste in einzeln, nach alphabet- [Imperfect; title-page, and leaves at the end wanting]. ischer ordnung der kfinst-wSrter. v. 1-4, Surgy (Rousselot de). See Rousselot de und register. 5 v. 8~. Leipzig, Wiedmann, Surgy (Jacques Philibert). 1799. s. Surinaamsche koloniale bibliothek. CataDiscours sur l'all6gorie. alogus. vii, 59 pp. 2 1. 8~. Gravenhage, [With WINCKELMANN (J. J. and others). De l'al- 1859. gorie. v. 2.] Illustrations of the theory and princi- The same. 1862. viii, 56 pp. 8~. Graples of taste, the fine arts, and literary corm- enhage, A. Nij7ioff, 1862. s. position. Translated from the German by Suringar (W. F. R.) De sarcina (sarccina venE. A. de Brusasque. xxiii, 417 pp. 160~. triculi Goodsir) onderzoek naar de plantaarLondon, J. ~liaccuwmacn, 1806. dige natuur, den ligchaamsbouw en de ont[v. 1. No more published]. wikkelingswelten van dit organisme. 4 p. 1. Summary (A) historical, geographical, and 129 pp. 3 pl. 40~. Leeuwarden, G. T. N. statistical view of the city of New York, with Suringar, 1865. s. notices of Brooklyn, Williamsburgh, etc. Surius (Lorenz). Commentarivs brevis rervm [anon.] 46 pp. 18g. 1 New York, J. H. in orbe gestarvm, 1500-1574. Nunc ad anColton, 1836. num 1586 opera et studio Michaelis ab Isselt Summer (A) month; or, recollections of a visit perductus. 48 p. 1. 1199 pp. 16~. Coloniae, to the falls of Niagara, and the lakes. [anon.] G. Calenius et Quentelius, 1586. 248 pp. 120. Philadelphia, H. C. Carey 4- Surprising (The) life and death of Dr. John 1. Lea, 1823. Faustus, D. D. [with] The necromancer, or Summer islands company. See Sommer harlequin doctor Faustus, as performed at the islands company. theatres. [anon.] 144 pp. 180. Worcester, Sumner (Charles). Speech on the cession of 1795. Russian America to the United States. 48 pp. Surville (Joseph Vltienne, nmarquis de). Po6sies 1 map. 8~. Washington,Cong. globe qoice, 1867. de Marguerite ]16onore Clotilde de Vallon Sumner (John Bird, D. D. archbishop of Can- Chalys, depuis madame de Surville; poete terbury). The evidence of christianity, de- franqais du 15e siecle. [ pseudon.] Publides rived from its nature and reception. xiii, 429 par Ch. Vanderbourg. ci, 257 pp. 13 pl. pp. 80. London, J. HUatchard & son, 1824. 12~0. Paris, Didot, 1804. Treatise on the records of the creation Sfirya-Siddhanta. Translation of the Suryaand on the moral attributes of the creator; Siddhanta, a text-book of Hindu astronomy; with particular reference to the Jewish his- with notes and an appendix. By Ebenezer tory, and to the consistency of the principle Burgess. (Extract.) iv, 354 pp. 80. Arew of population with the wisdom and goodness Haven, nAm. oriental soc. 1860. s. of the deity. 4th ed. 2 v. xxviii, 390 pp; Suspiria vinctorum. Some account of the conxi, 444 pp. 80. London, J. Hatchard & son, dition to which the protestant interest in this 1825. world is at this day reduced; and the duty to Sumner (William Hyslop). Memoir of Increase which all that would prove themselves true Sumner, governor of Massachusetts, with a christians must count themselves obliged. genealogy of the Sumner family. 70 pp. 1 pl. [anon.] 22 pp. 18~. Boston, T. Fleet, 1726. 8~. Boston, S. G. Drake, 1854. Sutherland (Capt. David). A tour up the Sunday (The) school teacher. [A monthly straits, from Gibraltar to Constantinople; magazine], devoted to the interests of Sunday with leading events in the present war beschools. Jan. 1866, to Dec. 1867. v. 1-2. 80. tween the Austrians, Russians, and Turks, to Chicago, Adams, Blackmner & Lyon, 1867. 1789. xlvii, 372 pp. 8~. London, J. Johnson, Sunderland (La Roy). Pathetism, with prac- 1790. tical instructions, illustrating those laws which Sutherland (James). Biographical sketches induce somnambulism, second-sight, sleep, of the members of the forty-first general dreaming, trance, and clairvoyance. xvi, 247 assembly of Indiana, with that of the state pp. 160. New York, P. P. Good, 1843. officers and judiciary. 210 pp. 80. IndianSundevall (Carl Johanr). Conspectus avium apolis, 1861. 406 SUTHERLAND. SYDNEY. Sutherland (J. W.) The science of horse- the intercourse between the soul and body. manship: a new method of training horses. Translated from the Latin, [by Thomas Hart[With] a treatise on lady equestrianship, and ley]. 3d ed. 160. London, B. Hindmarsh, upon shoeing, [etc.] 119 pp. 160. Harvard, 1788. (III.) H. V. Reed & Co. 1867. See White (William). Sutton (Thomas). Dictionary of photography. Sweetser (William, M.D.) Human life; convii, 423 pp. 12~. London, S. Low, 1858. s. sidered in its present condition and future deSutton (W. L. M.D.) History of the disease velopments, especially with reference to its usually called typhoid fever, as it has ap- duration. xvi, 322 pp. 12~. New York, G. peared in Georgetown and its vicinity, etc. iv, P. Putnam, 1867. 127 pp. 8~. Louisville, Maxwell & Co. 1850. s. I Mental hygiene; or, an examination of Swallow (George C.) Geological report of the intellect and passions. 2d ed. 370 pp. the country along the line of the southwestern 12~. New York, G. P. Putnam, 1850. s. branch of the Pacific railroad, Missouri. xvii, Swett (John). Common school readings; con93 pp. 1 map. 2 pl. 8~. St. Louis, Knapp & taining new selections for declamation, [etc.] Co. 1859. s. 230 pp. 12~. San Francisco, H. H. Bancroft, - and Hawn (F.) Report of the geolo- & Co. 1867. gical survey of Miami county, Kansas. 24 Swieten (Gerhard, baron van). The diseases pp. 8o. Kansas city, (Mo.) 1865. s. incident to armies. With the method of cure. Swallows on the wing o'er garden springs of From the Latin. 44 pp. 80. Boston, M'Dougall, delight; a medley of prose and verse. By 1777. Will de Grasse. [pseudon.] 81 pp. 12~. New Swift (Rev. Elisha P.) A memoir of the Rev. York, M. Doolady, 1866. Joseph W. Barr, late missionary under the Swan (William D.) The American compre- direction of the western foreign missionary hensive reader. 312 pp. 120. Boston, Hick- society, [etc.] 291 pp. 18~. Pittsburgh, R. ling, Swan & Brown, 1855. s. Patterson, 1833. s. Swartz (Olaf). Nova genera et species plan- Swift (Jonathan). An argument to prove that tarum; seu, prodromus descriptionum vege- the abolishing of christianity in England, tabilium maximam partem incognitorum quve may, as things now stand, be attended with sub itinere in Indiam Occidentalem annis some inconveniences. [anon.] 38 pp. 16~. 1783-87 digessit. x, 152 pp. 8~. Holmice, London, T. Atkins, 1717. M.. Sweder, 1788. __s. _ Gulliver's travels into several remote Synopsis filicum, earum genera et species regionsoftheworld. Newed. Withnotes systematice complectens. Adjectis lycopodi- and life of the author byJohn Francis Waller. neis, etc. xviii, 445 pp. 5 pl. 80 Kihice, Illustrated by T. Morten. xliv, 352 pp. 1 pl. Imp?. bibliop. novi acad. 1806. S. 40. London, Cassell, Petter ~ Galpin, [1865]. [With SWARTZ. Nova genera, etc. 1788]. Sweden. Recueil des expos6s de l'adminis- - A modest inquiry into the reasons of the tration du royaume de Suede pr6sent6s aux joy expressed by a certain sett of people, 6tats g6n6raux, depuis 1809 jusqu'at 1840; upon the report of her majesty's [Queen traduit par J. F. de Lundblad. xxiii, 366 pp. Anne] death. [anon.] 24pp. 160. London, 8~0. Paris, Parent-Des Barres, 1840. s. J. Morphew, 1714. Swedenborg (Emanuel). Dictionary of cor- [Imperfect, pp. 23-24 wanting.] respondences, representatives, and significa- -. Poetical worlks. 8~. Edinburgh, 1794. tives, derived from the word of the Lord. [Anderson's British poets. v. 9]. Extracted from the writings of Swedenborg. Swinburne (Algernon Charles). Chastelard; [Abridged from G. Nicholson, by C. Bolles]. a tragedy. 178 pp. 16~. New York, Huard & 3d ed. 453 pp. 120. Boston, O. Clapp, 1860. Boughton, 1866. Heaven and its wonders, and hell. 453...Notes on poems and reviews. 23 pp. 8~. pp. 80. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co. London, J. C. Hotten, 1866. 1867. A song of Italy. 47 pp. 180. Boston, ------ The New Jerusalem, and its heavenly Ticknor and Fields, 1867. doctrine; with something concerning the new Swinton (William). The twelve decisive batheaven and the new earth. A new transla- tles of the war; a history of the eastern and tion, by T. B. Hayward. 104 pp. 18~. Bos- western campaigns; 520 pp. 7 portraits. 7 ton, T. H. Carter & son, 1867. maps. 8~. New York, Dick & Fitzgerald, 1867. -- A treatise on the nature of influx, or of Sydney. See Sidney. 407 SYLVIUS. TAITBOUT. Sylvius (Jacobus). See Dubois (Jacques). Tache (J. C.) Canada at the universal exSymmes (Thomas). Lovewell lamented; or, hibition of 1855. 463 pp. 1 map. 1 pl. 8~. a sermon occasioned by the battle of Pigg- Toronto, J. Lovell, 1856. s. wacket, [with an historical preface]. xii, 32 CONTENTS. pp. 180. Boston, S. Gerrish, 1725. Sketch of Canada, its industrial condition and resources, pp. 67-144. 1 map. The same. Historical memoirs of the Descriptive catalogue of the productions of Canada late fight at Piggwacket, with a sermon [on exhibited, etc. pp. 147-203. 8. Paris, 1855. Observations on the exhibition. pp. 206-409. 1 pl. the death] of capt. John Lovewell. Pro- Sketch of the geology of Canada, etc. By W. E. nounced at Bradford, May 16, 1725. 2d ed. Logan and T. Sterry Hunt. pp. 413-454. 80. Paris, nounced at Brdford My 16, 125. 2 ed. 1855. corrected. Tacitus (Caius Cornelius). Opera quye extant. [With KIDDER (Frederic). Expeditions of Capt. 686 pp. 24~. Parisiis, Broca, 1736. s. John Lovewell. 40~. pp. 25-73. Boston, 1865]. Cn. Julii Agricole vita. 36 pp. fol. Symons (Jelinger Cookson). Tactics for the Parisiis, C. L. E. Panckoucke, 1827. s. times; as regards the condition and treatment -- Oeuvres, traduits par C. L. F. Pancof the dangerous classes. viii, 245 pp. 8~. koucke. (Lat. et fr.) 7 v. 8~. Paris, C. L. London, J. Ollivier, 1849. F. Panckoucke, 1843. s. Sympathies (Les); ou, lart de juger, par les Taddei (Gioacchino). Saggio di ematallotraits du visage. Par Mme. de G. [anon.] scopia; o, ricerche chimiche e comparative sul 79 pp. 32 pl. 240~. Paris, Saintin, 1813. sangue degli animali vertebrati. 134 pp. 2 1. Symson (Patrick). The historie of the church 8~. Pirenze, Piatti, 1844. since the days of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, Tah9in-uddin. Les aventures de Kamrup. vntill this present age. [1Ist ed.] 8 p. 1. 790 pp. Publiees en Hindoustani, par Garcin de sinm. 40. London, J. Bellanmie, 1624. Tassy. 100 pp. 80. Paris, Imprimerie royale, Syracuse (N. Y.) Boyd's daily journal Syra- 1835. cuse directory, and Onondaga co. business - The loves of Camnaripa and Cmalata, directory, 1867-68. 295 pp. 80. Syracuse, an ancient Indian tale. Translated from the Andrew Boyd, 1867. Persian by William Francklin. [anon.] viii, [Imperfect: wanting pp. 235-32]. 1284 pp. 12~. London, T. Cadell, 1793. Syrus (Publius). Singulares sententiae. See Taillandier (Ren6 Gaspard Ernest, dit St. Seneca and Syrus. Rend). Maurice de Saxe: dtude historique System (A) of exercise and instruction of field d'aprds les documents des archives de Dresde. artillery, including manceuvres for light or vii, 430 pp. 80. Paris, Levy, 1865. horse-artillery. [By a board of oificers, U. S. Tailor's (The) manual; or twenty years a New A. ] 78 pp. lvi pl. 160. Boston, Billiard, England tailor. [A system of accounts.] By Gr&j & Co. 1833. one of the craft. [anon]. 39 pp. 80. WorSzeredy (J.) Asiatic chiefs. [A historical, ro- cester, [Mass.] author, 1856. mantic tableau of the Hungarian Magyar na- Taile (Hippolyte Adolphe). Essai sur Tite tion]. 2 v. vii, 527, viii pp; 464pp. 120. Live. viii pp; 348 pp. 162~. Paris, L. achette London, Longrnans, 1856. et Cie. 1856. Szerlecki (Ladislaus A.) Dizionario di ter- - - Le positivisme anglais: dtude sur Stuart apeutica. Versione italiana per cura del Mill. viii, 157 pp. 16~. Paris, G. Baillire, Luigi Marieni, con tavole di ragguaglio de' 1864. principal pesi medici dell'Europa. xxiv, 651 - Voyage en Italie. 2 v. 4 p. 1. 528 pp; pp. 80. Milano, Perelli e Mariani, 1844.. 2 p. 1. 562 pp. 80. pPapis,;achette et Cie. Tabella cibaria. The bill of fare: a Latin 1866. poem, translated and explained in copious ~ Voyage aux Pyrdndes. 3e 6d. illustrde notes. [anon.] viii, 104 pp. 40~. London, par Gustave Dor. vi, 554 pp. 8~. Paris, Sherwood. Co. 1820. L. Hachette & Cie. 1860. Taber (Joseph, and others). Address to the Taitbout de Marigny (E.) Plans de golfes, people called quakers, concerning the manner baies, ports et rades de la mer Noire et de la in which they treated Timothy Davis, for mr d'Azov. 2 p. 1. 35 maps. obl. 40 writing and publishing a piece on taxation. Odessa, A. Braun, 1830. 67 pp. 120. Boston, T. & J. Fleet, 1784. Portulan de la mer Noire et de ]a mer Tablet (The), or picture of real life; in a select d'Azov, ou description des cBtes de ces deux set of essays. [anon.] xx, 371 pp. 80~. mrs i l'uege des navigatours. vii, 170 pp. London, Longmsan, 1762. 16~. Odessa, Ismprimerie de la ville, 1830. s. 408 TALBOT. TAUNTON. Talbot((Mr. — ). History of North America; Tasistro (Louis Fitzgerald). Etiquette of comprising a geographical and statistical view Washington. 30 pp. 180. Washington, W. of the United States, and of the British Cana- H. 4- 0. ). Morrison, 1866. dian possessions. With plates and maps. Tasso (Torquato). La Gervsalemme liberata. [anon.] 2 v. iv, 498 pp. 3 pl. 1 map; 458 pp. Con le annotationi di Scipion Gentili, e di 8~. Leeds, (Eng.) Davies 4 Co. 1820. Givlio Guastauini, et li argomenti di Oratio Talbott (John L.) New arithmetic: scholar's Ariosti. Figurata da Bernardo Castelli. [Ed. guide to the science of numbers. 212 pp. 120~. 4.] 8 p. 1. 255, 71, 40 pp. 22 pl. sin. fol. Cincinnati, J. A. c U. P. James, 1848. s. Genova, Givseppe Pauoni, 1617. Tales from "Bentley." 6 v. 160. London, ~ The same. Con le figure di Bernardo R. Bentley, 1865. Castelli, e le annotationi di Scipio Gentili e di Tallack (WVilliam). Malta, under the Pheni- Givlio Guastivini. Aggiuntovi la vita dell' cians, Knights, and English. vi, 322 pp. 1 pl. autore scritta da Gio. Battista Manso. [Pub12~. London, A. W. Bennett, 1861. blicata da N. F. Haym]. 2 v. 12 p. 1. 331 pp; Talleyrand-Perigord (Charles Maurice de). 375, 122 pp. 31. 20 pl. 40~. Loncdra, G. Tonson Rapport sur l'instruction publique fait au nom 4 G. Watts, 1724. du comit6 de constitution a l'assemblde nation- Tastu (Sabine Casimire Armable Voiart, maale, 1791. 216 pp. 8 tab. 40~. Paris, As- dame). Chroniques de France. 3e 6d. 315 semble'e nationale, 1791. S. pp. ipl. 18~. Paris, Didier, 1839. s. [Written by Guilhe, Desrenaudes, etc.] Tate (George). The ancient British sculptured Tamayo de Vargas (Tomas). Restavracion rocks of Northumberland and the eastern borde la civdad del Salvador, ibaia de Todos- ders, etc. 46 pp. 12pl. 40. Alnwick, author, Sanctos, en la provincia del Brasil. Por las 1865. s. armas de Philippe iv. 7 p. 1. 178, 41. sin. 40~. The history of the borough, castle, and Madrid, Alonso Martin, 1628. barony of Alnwick, with notices of the antiTannenberg (Constant Wurzbach von). See quities, geology, botany, and zoology of the Wurzbach von Tannenberg. district. v. 1. vi, 484, iv pp. 9 pl. 80. AlnTanner (Henry S.) Memoir on the recent sur- wick, H. H. Blair, 1866. s. veys, observations, andinternal improvements Tate (Nahum). Version of the Psalms. See in the U. S. To accompany his new map of Brady (Nicholas), and Tate. the U. S. 108 pp. 160. Philadelphia, H. S. Tate (Thomas). Notes on a voyage to the Tanzner, 1829. Arctic seas in 1863. 50 pp. 160. Ailnwicke, Tansillo (Luigi). The nurse, a poem. Trans- [Eng.] H. If. Blair, 1864. s. lated from the Italian by W. Roscoe. 3d ed. Tatem (John H.) The monitor of the eastern 31, 89; 34 pp. 180. Live'rpool, Cadell & star; containing the ritual of adoptive maDavies, 1800. sonry, embraced in the eastern star degree, Tappan (David, D. D.) Two friendly letters with forms, and rules of lodges. 88 pp. 1pl. from Toletus to Philalethes, [the Rev. Samuel 240. Adrian, (Mich.) Holmes, Cookc & BonSpring, D. D.] containing remarks on his ner, [1867]. dialogue on the nature of duty. 136 pp. 120~. Tatham (William). Communications concernNewburyport, John Mycall, 1785. ing the agriculture and commerce of America, Tarbox (Rev. Increase Niles). Missionary pa- with observations on the commerce of Spain triots. Memoirs of James H. Schneider and with her American colonies in time of war. Edward M. Schneider. 357 pp. 2 pl. 160. viii, 120 pp. 80. London, J. Ridgway, Boston, Mass. S. S. soc. 1867. 1800. Targioni-Tozzetti (Giovanni). Notizie sulla Tatnall (Edward). Catalogue of the phanlostoria della scienze fisiche in Toscana, cavate gamous and filicoid plants of Newcastle counda un manoscritto inedito. xxvii, 335 pp. 40~. ty, Delaware. 112 pp. 8. Wilmington inFirenze, Im. biblioteca palatina, 1852. s. stitute, [Philadelphica, Collins,] 1860. s. Tarleton (Lt. col. Banastre). A history of the Tauler or Thauler (Johann). De vita et pascampaigns of 1780 and 1781, in the southern sione salvatoris nostri Jesu Christi piisima provinces of North America. vii, 533 pp. 8~. exercitia. Juxta primam versionem latinam Dublin, Colles and others, 1787. denuo impressa. 461 pp. 240~. Colonice, J. Taschereau (Jules Antoine). Histoire de la M. Heberle, 1857. vie et des ouvrages de Moliere. vi, 448 pp. Taunton (Mass.) directory, 1859. 234, 28 pp. 1 portrait. 8~. Paris, Ponthies, 1825. 180. Taunton, (-Mass.) S. O. Dunbar, 1859. 409 TAVERNER. TC4liIHATCHEFFo Taverner (Richard). The garden of wysdome, Taylor (Jeremy, bishop of Down and Connor). conteynynge pleasaunt floures; that is to say, Discourse concerning prayer ex tempore; or, propre and quycke sayinges of princes, phi- by pretence of the spirit. [anon.] 30 pp. sm. losophers, [etc.] Draw5 forth of good auc- 40~. London, B. Royston, 1647. thours as well Grekes as Latyns. Newly [WithTAYLOR(J.) SermonpreachedinSaintMarie's church. Oxford, 1638]. recognised and augmented. 180. London, im- Of the sacred order and offices of epiprinted by Wyllyan Xyddylton [1590]. prisnted by (Jyllya.) ayddylton, [1590]. copacy, by divine institution, apostolicall traTawaststjerna (J. J.) and Stahl (Lorentz). a dition, and catholike practice. 8 p. ]. 386 pp. Firelitsningar uti permanenta fortification, 1 pl. sm. 40. Oxford, L. Lichfield, 1642. vid kongl. artilleri-li[roverket pa Marieberg. rWith his sermon in Saint Marie's church. Oxford, xxxi, 376 pp. 80. Stockholm, C. Deleen, 1826. 16381. s. ~ Rules and advices to the clergy of [his] Tayler (Rev. John James). A retrospect of the diocese. 20 pp. 80. Oxford, 1825. religious life of England; or, the church, puri-[ With RANDOLPH (John, bishop of London). Enchiridion theologicum, v. 1]. tanism, and free enquiry, xii, 563 pp. 80. ----- Sermon preached in Saint Marie's church London, J. Chapmc~, 1845. in Oxford, vpon the anniversary of the gunTaylor (Alfred Swaine). Medical jurispru- powder treason. 5 p. 1. 64 pp. sm. 40. Oxdence. 3d Am. from 4th London ed. Edited, ford, L. Lichfield, 1638. with additions, by Edward Hartshorne. 6'21 Theologia eklektike: a discourse of the pp. 80. Philadelphia, Blanchard & Lea, 1853. liberty ofprophesying. 48, 267pp. sm. 40. s London, R. Royston, 1647. Taylor (Bayard, or James Bayard). Colorado: [With [ With TAYLOR (J.) Sermon preached in Saint Marie's asummertrip. 3p.l. 185pp. 120. New York, church. Oxford, 1638]. G. P. Putnam, 4 son, 1867. Taylor (John). Pocket lacon; comprising Taylor (Benjamin C.) Annals of the classis nearly one thousand extracts from the best of Bergen, of the reformed Dutch church, authors. 2 v. ii, 264; 252 pp. 180. Philaand of the churches under its care; including delphia, Lea 4 Blanchard, 1839. the civil history of Bergen, N. J. 3d ed. 479 Taylor (John Edward). Michael Angelo, conpp. 21 pl. 120. New York, board of publ. sidered as a philosophic poet. With translaref. Dutch ch. [1857.] tions. iv, 139 pp. 16~. London, Saunders Taylor (Charles Fayette). Infantile paralysis, 4 Otley, 1840. and its attendant deformities. 119 pp. 12~. Taylor (Philip Meadows). Sketches of the Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1867. Deccan. Drawn on stone by Weld Taylor, E. Taylor (George, of the bank of England). The Morton, and G. Childs. 20 pl. fol. London, mental claims of the sexes relatively consid- Charles Tilt, 1837. ered, with other poems. xi, 164 pp. 160. Taylor (Richard Cowling). Two reports on the London, Adlard, 1821. coal lands, mines, and improvements of the Taylor (George), and Skinner (Andrew). Dauphin and Susquehanna coal company, Maps of the roads of Ireland, surveyed in and of the geological examinations of the 1777, and corrected down to 1783. 2d ed. Stony creek coal estate, etc. iii, 74 pp. 5 maps. 289 pp. of maps. 5 1. 2 maps. London, T. 8~. Philadelphia, E. G. Dorsey, 1840. s. Longman, 1783. Taylor (William Cooke). Pictorial history of Taylor (Isidore Justin S6verin, baron). Les France and Normandy, to the present time. Pyr6nees. iv, 618 pp. 80. Paris, C. Gide, 512 pp. 8~. Philadelphia, Thomas, Cowper1843. s. thwait 4 Co. 1848. Taylor (Rev. James B.) Virginia baptist min- Taylor and his generals; a biography of majoristers. 2 v. 516 pp; 514 pp. 120. New York, general Zachary Taylor, and sketches of the Sheldon & Co. 1860. lives of generals Worth, Wool, Twiggs, and Taylor (Mrs. Jane). Wouldst know thyself! Scott. [anon.] 318pp. 16~. Philadelphia,E. or, the outlines of human physiology. 65 pp. H. Butler & Co. 1847. 120. New York, G. P. Cooledge, 1858. s. Tchihatcheff, or Tschihatscheff (Pierre de). Taylor (M}'s. Janet). Lunar tables; by which Coup d'oeil sur la constitution g6ologique des the true distance is obtained from the appa- provinces m6ridionales du royaume de Naples. rent altitudes, [etc.] Likewise, a short trea- Suivi de quelques notions sur Nice et ses entise on the chronometer, [etc.] 3d ed. 20, virons. 284pp. 2maps. 8. Berlin,S. Schropp 124 pp. 8~. London, G. Taylor, [1836]. s. & Co. 1842. s. 52 410 TECHENER. TENRVl. Techener (Jacques Joseph, editor). See Bul- 1. 5 p. 1. 520 pp; 360 pp. 120. London, letin du bibliophile, etc. J. Tonson, 1700. Tegg(Thomas). Chronology, orthehistorian's Temple (The) choir: a collection of sacred companion; being an authentic register of and secular music. By Theodore F. Seward, events, from the earliest period to the present assisted by Dr. Lowell Mason and Win. B. time, with a list of eminent men. 7th ed. Bradbury. 384 pp. obl. 16~. New York, Mason xxiv, 324 pp. 1 pl. 1 16~. London, T. Tegy, bros. [1867]. 1831. Templeman (Thomas). A new survey of the Teichmeyer (Hermauln Friedrich). Elementa globe; or, an accurate mensuration of all anthropologiae; sive, theoria corporis hvmani. the empires, kingdoms, countries, etc. in the Ed. alt. 8p. 1. 286 pp. 91. 1 pl. 40. Ienae, world. 2 p. 1. x pp. 35 tab. obl. 4~. London, J. F. Bielck, 1739. S. T. Cole, [1776]? s. ------ Elementa philosophiee natvralis experiElementa philosophi natvralis experi- Tennent (Rev. Gilbert). The espousals; or, a mentalis. 4 p. 1. 259 pp. 12 1. 5 pl. 4~. Ienae, passionate perswasive to a marriage with the J. ~F. Bielcd, 1733. s. lamb of God. 51 pp. 12~0. Boston, Thomas.....__ Institvtiones materiae medicae, sive in- Fleet 1741. troitvs apertvs ad materiam medicam et [With WALLEY (Rev. Thomas). Balm in Gilead. methodvm medendi. 4p. l. 234 pp. 7 ]. 4~. Cambridge, 1670]. Ienae, J. A. 7Melchior, 1737. s. -_ - The necessity of holding fast the truth [ With the preceding]. represented in three sermons on Rev. iii: 3. - Institvtiones medicinae legalis vel forenTo which are added, a sermon on the priestly sis. Ed. 3a. 4 p. 1. 256 pp. 121. 4~. Ienae, sps. Fd. 3. 4p. 1.s.6pp office of Christ, and another on the virtue of J. F. Bielck, 1740. s.. charity. vi, 110 pp. 160. Boston, S. Kneeland Teissier (Antoine). Catalogus avctorvm qui T. Green 174. librorvm catalogos, indices, bibliothecas, viro- Sermons on important subjects, lately Sermons on important subjects, lately rum litteratorum elogia, vitas, aut orationes preached i Philadelphia. xxxvii, 429 pp. preached in Philadelphia. xxxvii, 429 pp. funebres, scriptis consignarunt. Cvm Philippi 16 James hatt 160. 2hiladelphia, James Chattin, 1758. Labbrei bibliotheca nummaria, [etc.] 2 v. in 1. 4 p. 1. 559pp; 3 p. 1. 368, 30 pp. 4~. Genevae, Tennessee. Housejournal. [lst] and2d extra S. de TIovrnes, 1686-1705.. sessions of the 33d general assembly. 8~0. Telegraph secrets. [Nine tales.] By a station- Nashville, 1861. master. [anon.] 122 pp. 160. London, C. H. [With SENATE journal]. Clarke, [1866]. - The same. Appendix to House journal, Temminck (Conrad Jacob). Observations 1865-66. 80. Nashville, 1865-66. sur la classification m6thodique des oiseaux, ~ The same. [lst] and 2d adjourned seset remarques sur l'Analyse d'une nouvelle sion of the 34th general assembly, 1865-67. ornithologie 616mentaire par L. P. Vieillot. 2 v. 80. Nashville, S. C. Mercer, 1867. 60 pp. 8~. Amsterdam, G. Dufour, 1817. s. -- Senate journal. [lst] and 2d extra ses____ ciansd Mejiffren-:Laugier, baron de Chart- sions of the 33d general assembly. 2 v. 8~. rouse. Nouveau recueil de planches colori6es Nashville, J. O. Gsiffith & Co. 1861. d'oiseaux, pour servir de suite et de compl6- - The same. [Ist] and 2d adjourned sesment aux planches enlumin6es de Buffon, sion of the [34th] general assembly, 1865d'aprbs les dessins de Huet et Pretre. 5 v. 40~. [67]. 2 v. 8~. Nashville, S. C. Mercer Paris, etc. F. G. Levrault, etc. [1820-38]. s. 1867. CONTFuNTS. - Report of the comptroller of the treasury v. 1. Rapaces. to the 35th general assembly, Oct. 1867. 83 v2. R. apaces, (continued); omnivores; insectivora. pp. 80. Nashville, S. C. Mercer, 1867. v. 3. Insectivorae, (continued); granivoroe; zygodactylke. Tenore (Michele). Essai sur la g6ographie v. 4. Zygodactyloe, (continued); anisodactylne; alcy- physique et hotanique du royanme do Naples. ones; chelidones; colunbaples. v. 5. Galline; alectorides; cursores; grallatores; 3 p. 1. 130 pp. 2 maps. 8~. YNaples, Im2ripinnatipedes; palmipedes; inertes. merie franaise, merlefranfcaise, 1897. S. Temple (SirWilliam, and others). Letters, con- Tenre (L.) Les 6tats am6ricains, leurs protaining an account of the most important duits, leur commerce, en vue de l'exposition transactions that pass'd in christendom, 1665- universelle de Paris. viii, 328 pp. 8o. Paris, 1672. Published by Jonathan Swift. 2 v. in Plon, 1867. 411 TENTZEL. TEYLER. Tentzel (Wilhelm Ernst). Saxonia nvmismat- Tessin (Carl Gustav, count). Museum tessiniica, oder medaillen-cabinet von beddchtniss- anum. Naturalie-sanmling. 4 p. 1. 132 pp. 12 miintzen und schau-pfennigen, [etc.] sive pl. fol. Holmice, [auctor,] 1753. s. nvmmophylacivm nvmismatvm mnemonico- Test (The). [A political newspaper, published rvm et iconicorvm a serenissimis electoribvs weekly]. No. 1-35. Nov. 6, 1756 to July 9, dvcibvsqve Saxonise linee albertinse collec- 1757. 204 pp. sm. fol. London, S. H~ooper, tvm, [etc.] 8 v. in 4. 40~. Dressden, J. Rieldel, 1756-57. 1705-12. s. [Note. No more published]. Teretnltius Afer (Publius). (Comoediae, ex Testaments (The) of the twelve patriarches, recensione Danielis Heinsii, cum italica ver- the sonnes of Jacob, translated out of Greek sione. Recensuit, notasque antiquam artem into Latine by Robert ead, now comicam, et nonnulla antiquitatum romana- lished by A[rthur] G[olding]. 83 1. 180. rum monumenta illustrantes addidit Carolus London, Company of te stationers 1806. London, Compoany of the stationers, 1806. Cocquelines. 2 v. 4 p. 1. xxxxii, 254 pp; [Imperfect: wanting all after leaf 83J. 252 pp. fol. Ronlce, N. Roisech, 1767. -Fabvlae, anglicae factae operaR[ichardi] Tetot (Archiviste). R6pertoire des trait6s de B[ernardi. Latin and English]. Ed. 2a. 4 paix, de commerce, d'alliance, etc. conventions p. 1. 455 pp. 8~. Cantabrigiae, J. Legeat, 1607. et autres actes conclus entre toutes les puis[Imperfect: wanting parts of pp. 33-34, and pp. 449- sances du globe, principalement depuis la paix 50]. de Westphalie jusqu'~ nosjours. Table g6n6Terhune (MaryVirginia Hawes). Sunnybank. rale des recueils de Dumont, Wenck, Martens, [A novel]. By Marion Harland. [pseudon.] ee eronologique, 1493-1866. Samwer, etc. Partie chronologique, 1493-1866. 120. New York, Sheldon Co. 1866. 2 p. 1. viii, 463 pp. 8~. Paris, Amyot, 1866. Terme (Jean Fran9ois). Des eaux potables A distribuer pour l'usage des particuliers et le ufel (Albert). Life, adventures, and confessions of Albert Teufel, convicted of the service public; rapport pr6sent6 au conseilmunicipal de Lyon. 259 pp. 8~. Paris, 1844. s. murder of James Wiley, with his trial, etc. Ternaux-Comlpans (]Henri). Archives des by Arrelsee [R. L. C.] 72, 32 pp. 80. Doylesvoyages; ou, collection d'anciennes relations town, (Pa.).. H. Davis, 1867. in6dites ou tres-rares, de lettres, m6moires, Tewrdannkhs or Theuerdannckhs. See itin6raires et autres documents relatifs A la Pfinzing (Melchior). Diegeierlicheiten, etc. g6ographie et aux voyages. 2 v. 477, iii pp; Texas. Journal of the house of representatives. 474, vi pp. 8~. Paris, A. Bertrand, [1840-41]. lth legislature. 938, xliii pp. 80. Austin, Territorial company. Plan of association of 1866. the territorial company, established April, --- Journal of the senate. 11th legislature. 1795. 21 pp. 80, Philadelphia, B. Aitken 657, xxix pp. 80. Austin, 1866. & son, 1795. Report of joint select committee [on] the Terry (Rev. Edward). Voyage to East India, burning of Brenham. 54 pp. 8~. Austin, within the empire of the great Mogul. Re- 1866. printed from the ed. of 1655. xix, 511 pp. [With TEXAS. Journal of the house of representatives. 80. London, J. Wilkie, 1777. 11th legislature. 8~. iAustin, 1866]. Terver (-). Catalogue des mollusques ---- Report [on] state lunatic asylum, 1866. terrestres et fluviatiles observes dans les pos- 76 pp. 80. Austin, 1866. sessions frangaises au nord de l'Afrique. 39 wit7h TEXAS. Journal house of representatives. 11th pp. 3 pl. 8~. Paris, etc. J. B. Baillizre, etc. legislature. 8~. Austin, 1866]. 1839. s. Texas, an English question. [anon.] 40 pp. Tesauro (Emanuele). Arte de cartas missivas; 8~0. London, E. Wilson, 1837. o, methodo general para redvoir al papel Textor (Cajetan). Grundziige zur lehre der quantas materias pide el politico comercio, chirurgischeni operationen, welche mit bewaff[etc]. Tradvee en Espaniol M. Migliavaca. neter hand unternommen werden. xix, 447 8 p. 1. 243 pp. 80. Valencia, J. de Baeza, pp. 80. Wiirzburg, Stahel, 1834-35. s. 1696. s. Textor (Carl, M. D.) Versuch fiber das vor----- Philosophia moral, derivada de la alta kommen der harnsteine in Ostfranken. viii, fvente del grande Aristoteles stagarita. Es- 88 pp. 40. Wiirzburlg, P. E. Thein, 1843. s. cribidla en Toscano. Traducela en espafiol Teyler van der Hulst (Pieter). Mus6e Teyler doll Golmez de 1a Rocha y Figveroa. 11 p. 1. Ia Harlem. Catalogue de la bibliothbque. vi, 455 pp. 8~. Barcelona, J. Llopis, 1694. s. 228 pp. 8~. Hacrlen, Loosjes, 1865. sa 412 THAARUP. THIERRY. Thaarup (Frederik). Faedrenclandsk nekro- Theophrastus. De historia plantarum libri log, eller efterretninger om de ved stilling og decem greeci et latinS. Latinam Gazae vervirksomhed udmeerkede og ellers bekjendte sionem nova interpretatione, notis, item rarioafdode, 1821-26. x, 520 pp. 80. Kjbbenhann, rum plantarum iconibus illustravit J. Bodaeus Forfatter, 1835-44. s. A Stapel. Accesserunt Julii Coesaris Scaligeri Thackeray (William Makepeace). Early and animadversiones, et Roberti Constantini anlate papers, hitherto uncollected. vi, 407 pp. notationes. 10 p. 1. 1187 pp. 44 1. fol. 1 pl. 16~. Boston, Ticlcnor f Fields, 1867. Amastelodami, H. Laurentius, 1644. s. Thaer (Albrecht). The principles of agricul- - The same. Emendavit, cum adnotatione ture. Translated by William Shaw and W. critica edidit Fridericus Wimmer. xlviii, Johnson. 552 pp. 8~. New Yorkc, Greeley & 348 pp. 8~. Vratislavice, FZ. Hirt, 1842. S. MicEflrath, 1841.. 8' Thery (Augustin Frangois). Histoire de l'6dclu[Farmer's library, v. 1. cation en France depuis le cinquilme sicle Thalatta! or, the great commoner. A political q ors. 2e d. 2 v. 4pp 528 romance. [anon.] vii, 371 pp. 160. London,. Parker, son, &- Boturn, 186'2. pp. 160. Paris, Dezotry, Magdeleine et Cie. 1861. Thalen (Robert). Spectralanalys, expos6 och historik. [Extract.] 3 p. 1. 68, 54 pp. 1 tab. Thevenot (Melchisedech). The art of swim80. Upsaln, Universitet, 1866. s. ming. With advice for bathing. Done out Thaxter (Thomas, M. D.) A narrative of the of French. 3c ed. 11 p. I. 50 pp. 40 pl. 180 proceedings in the north parish of Hingham, London, J. Lever, 1789. from the time of Rev. Dr. Ware's leaving it, Thevet (Andr6). Les singvlaritez de la France to the ordination of Rev. Joseph Richardson antarctiqve, avtrement nomm6e Am6rique; et over the first church, and Mr. Henry Colman de plusieurs terres et isles decouertes de nostre over the third church. [anon.] 84, 52 pp. temps. 8p. 1. 166 pp. 2 1. sm. 40~. Paris, les 8~. Salem, Joshua Cushing, 1807. h'ritiers de Maurice de La Porte, 1557. Thayer (Capt. Simeon). Journal describing Thi6bault (Dieudonn6). Original anecdotes of the perils and sufferings of the army under Frederick the Great, king of Prussia, and of col. Benedict Arnold, in its march to Quebec. his family, his court, his ministers, his acad[With STONE (Edwin M.) Invasion of Canada in emies, and his literary friends. From the 1775. PP. 1-45. Providence, 1867]. 1775. pp.1-45. Provid~ence, 1867). French. 2 v. x, 433 pp; iv, 438 pp. 8% Thayer (William M.) Youth's history of the French. 2 v. x, 433 pp; iv, 438 pp. 8~. Philadelphia, for Bobert Gray, Alexandria, rebellion, [v. 1.] Sumter to Roanoke. 5th 1806. ed. xiii, 347 pp. 4 pl. 160. Boston, Walker, ~FF~se &~ Co 1864. Thiebault (Paul Charles Frangois Adrien Theocritus. Theocriti aliorvmqve poetarvm Henri Dieudonn6, baron de). Manuel g6n6ral idyllia. Eilusdem epigrammata. Omnia cum du service des 6tats-majors g6n6raux et divisinterpretatione latina. In virgilianas et nas- ionnaires dans les armees. xvi, 592 pp [onianas] imitatiSes Theocriti obseruationes 1 tab, 80. Paris, Magisnel, 1813. s. H. Stephani. 654 pp. 24~. [n.p.] H. Ste- Thiebaut de Berneaud (Arsdne). Voyage k Thanusa 1579. 64p.4.n ].te Ermenonville, contenant des anecdotes in6dites phanus, 1579. y ----— The same. Works. Translated by F. surJ. J. Rousseau. vii, 300 pp. lpl. 160 Fawkes. 8~. Edinburgh, 1792. Paris, P. F. Dupont, 1819. [ANDERSON'S British poets. v. 51. Thieme (Friedrich Wilhelm). Anfangsgrtinde Theoctistus. Sententise, etc. der theoretischen und praktischen chemie. [WithIsocRATES. Parmenesis. Ed. 1699Jo viii, 232 pp. 5 pl. 12~. Leipzig, G. Wigand, Theodoretus. Historia ecclesiastica. 1839. s. [ With HISTORIAE eccl. scriptores graeci J. Christo- Thierry (AmBdee Simon Dominique). Histoire phorsono interprete, 1581 ed.} The same. Versa ab Epiphanio. d'Attila et de ses successeurs jusqun l'6tab[With AUCTORES hist. eccl. fol. Basilcee, 1523.1 lissement des Hongrois en Europe. Suivie The same. Ecclesiastical history, trans- des 16gendes et traditions. 2 v. xv, 455 pp; lated and abridged by Mr. [Samuel] Parker. 2 p. 1. 463 pp. 80. Paris, Didier & Cie. With ECCIuESIASTICAL histories, etc. 3d ed. 40. Lon- 1856. don, 17291]... Histoire des Gaulois, depuis les temps Theognis. Gnomologici libri duo. [Greece et les plus recules jusqula l'entire soumission de ~Latinel~. In.~ GCI P aule d in domination romaine. 3C'd. 3 v. [ With NEANDER (Michael). Opus aureum, etc. Lip- 8 a sine, 1777]. 8~. Paris, J. Labitte, 1845. s. 413 THIERRY. THOMI. Thierry (Jacques Nicolas Augustin). R6cits [with] life of Corinna [by herself]. xi, lxxx, des temps m6rovingiens; pr6c6d6s de con- 287 pp. 80. London, 1731. sid6rations sur l'histoire de France. 2e 6d. [Imperfect: wanting 1 p1.] 2 v. 463 pp; 448 pp. 8~. Paris, J. Tessier, Thomas (Frederick William). An autobiogra1842. s. phy of William Russell. [anon.] 119 pp. 8~. - Histoire de la conquete de l'Angleterre, Baltimore, Gobright, Thorne - Co. 1852. par les Normands, de ses causes et de ses -— Eoward Pinckney. 159 pp. 8~. Lonsuites jusqu' nos jours. 6e 6d. 4 v. 8~. don, 1841. Atlas, 1 p. 1. 32 pp. 14 pl. obl. 40. Paris, J. [Hazlitt's romancist and novelist's lib. v. 2]. lTessier, 1843. s. Sketches of character, and tales founded Thierry (Jean, of Langres). Homiliarius doc- on fact. 117 pp. 120. Louisville, 1849. Thomas (John J.) American iiruit culturist. torum, qui omeliarius dici solet: in euangelia Thomas (John J.) American fruit culturist. sacratissima dierurn dominicalium ac seriato- Illustrated. 511 pp. 1 rum: qui pone pilares militantis ecclesie HieA Farm implements, and the principles of ronymum: Augustinum: Ambrosium: Gregotheir construction and use, etc. 267 pp. 120. rium: Origenem: Io. Chrysostomum: BeNeu York, Harpers, 1854. s. dam: et complures permagne litterature doc-arpers, 1854. additis sanc- Thomas (Louis, of Leipzig). Das buch der tores affabre obseruabatur. Curm additis sanctorum sermonibus. 143, 63 1. fol. Lugduni, pz. Smer Io. Clein, 1516. CONTENTS. Thiers (Louis Adolphe). Histoire de la r6vo- v. 1. Wanderungen durch die ruinen der vergangenF'ix Wouters. heit und die riesenwerke der gegenwart. Von lution frangaise, annot6e par Fix Wouters. Louis Thomas. viii, 192 pp. 5 pi. 10 v. 8~. Bruzxelles, Wouters fr&es, 1845-49. v. 2, Abtheil. 1. Wanderungen nach nord und sid, ost und west, etc. Die alte welt, Fon Friedrich - The same. The history of the French zKbrner. 2 p. L. 190 pp. 2 pl. revolution. Translated, with notes and illus- v. 2, Abtheil. 2. The same. Gesittetes und wildes lebcn in der neuen welt, von Julius Moritz. vi, 182 trations, by Frederick Shoberl. 3d Am. ed. pp. 1 pl. 4 v. in 2. 8~. Philadelphia, Carey & Hart, Thomas (R. A. M.) An authentic account of 1844. the most remarkable events: containing the.H -istoire du consulat et de l'empire, an- lives of the most noted pirates, and piracies. not6e par F6lix Wouters. v. 1-11. 80. Brux- Also, the most remarkable shipwrecks and elles, Ve Wouters, 1846-51. disasters on the sea. 298, 360 pp. 25 pl. 16~. [Imperfect; v. 10 wanting]..Neoe York, Ezra Strong, 1837. Thiersch (Bernhardt). Ueber das zeitalter Thomas (Robert, M. D.) The modern practice und vaterland des Homer. 2e aufi. nebst der of physic, exhibiting the characters, causes, quaestio de diversa Iliadis et Odysseve aetate. etc. and method of treating the diseases of all viii, 328 pp. 8~. Halberstadt, F. A. Helm, climates. Abridged by W. Currie and D. F. 1832. s. Condie. vi, 515 pp. 8~. Philadelphia, Dobson Thiersch (Friedrich Wilhelm). Ueber gelehrte f son, 1817. schulen, mit besonderer rilcksicht auf Bayern. Thomas (William). The historie of Italie, in2 v. 80. Stuttgart, J. G. Cotta, 1826-27. s. treating of the astate of many and divers com[V. ii, pt. i, and v. iii wanting]. mon weales. 7 p. 1. 216 1. sm. 40. London, Thilenius (Moriz Gerhard). Medicinische und Thomas Berthelet, 1549. chirurgische bemerkungen. 2 v. lxii, 334 pp. Thomassy (Marie Joseph Raymond). Jean 1 tab. 1 pl; xxxii, 534 pp. 8~. Frankfurt am Gerson et le grand schisme d'Occident. 2e 6d. Main, H. L. Brdnner, 1809-14. s. lxii, 375 pp. 16~. Paris, Perisse, 1852. s. Thilo (G.) Die preussische disziplinargesetz- Les papes g6ographes, et la cartographie gebung fiir die unmittelbaren und mittelbaren du Vatican. 140 pp. 80. Palris, A. Bertrand, staatsbeamten. viii, 187 pp. 80. Berlin, J. 1852. Guttentag, 1864. Thomassy (R.) G6ologie pratique de la LouThomas Aquinas. See Aquino (Tommaso d') isiane. lxviii, 264 pp. 6 maps. 40. NouvelleThomas (Rlev. Abel C.) Autobiography. 408 Orleans, (printed at Par is), auteur, 1860. s. pp. 1 pl. 120. Boston, J. M. Usher, 1852. Thome de Gamond. See Gamond. Thomas (Elizabeth). Pylades and Corinna; ThomedeJ6sus, bornAndrade (Thom6). Les or, memoirs of the lives, amlours, and writings souffrances de notre-seigneur J6sus Christ. of Richard Gwinnett and Mrs. Elizabeth En Frangais par le P. Alleaume. Nouv. 6d. Tholmas; letters and miscellaneots pieces; 3 v. 16~. Lyon, J. B. Kindleme, 1820. 414 THOMES. THORPE. Thomes (William H.) The bushrangers; a female monarchy, being an enquiry into the Yankee's adventures during his second visit nature, order, and government of bees. xliii, to Australia. 480 pp. 120. Boston, Lee & 206 pp. 5 pl. 80. London, J. Thorley, Shepaerd, 1866. 1744. Thompson (Daniel Pierce). May Martin; or, Thorn (, gov. of theprovince of Luxemboury). the money diggers. 48 pp. 80. London, 1841. Expos6 de la situation administrative de la [ HAZLITT'S romancist and novelist's lib. v. 1]. province de Luxembourg, adress6 A la ninThompson (Rev. Edward). Popular lectures istere de l'int6rieur. 131, viii pp. 31 tab. 80. upon the differences between the church of Arlon, 1834. England and the church of Rome. xx, 417 Thornthwaite (W. H.) A guide to photopp. 80. London, Hatchard & son, 1845. graphy, containing simple and concise direcThonlpsoin (Pishey). Collections for a topo- tions for obtaining views, portraits, etc. and graphical and historical account of Boston, the method of taking stereoscopic pictures, and the hundred of Skirbeck, in the county etc. 15th ed. 2 p. 1. 120 pp. 120. London, of Lincoln. iv, 382, 84 pp. 5 pl. 1 tab. 8. 8. bpkhin, Marshall & Co. 1858. s. London, Longmcan, 1820. s. Thornton (John Wingate). The first records Thompson (General Waddy). Recollections of of Anglo-American colonization. 12 pp. 80. Mexico. x, 304 pp. 80. New York, etc. Wiley Boston, Gould & Lincoln, 1859. & Putnam, 1846. s. - A genealogical memoir of the Gilbert Thompson (Elder Wilson). Autobiography. family, in both old and New England. 23 pp. With a history of the old order of regular 1 pl. 80. [Boston, author,] 1850. baptist churches. 497 pp. 1 pl. 120. Cincin- Thornton (Robert John). The British flora; nati, Moore, Wilstach 4c Baldwin, 1867. or, genera and species of British plants: arThompson (Zadock). A gazetteer of the state ranged after the reformed sexual system, ofVermont. 310 pp. 21. 1map. 3pl. 160. [etc.] 5 v. in 1. 80. London, author, 1812. s. Montpelier, E. P. Walton, 1824. [Wanting plates]. The Green Mountain repository for the Thornton (William, M.D.) Cadmus; or, a year 1832. v. 1. 284 pp. 120. Burlington, treatise on the elements of written language. (Vt.) Edward Smith, 1832. With an essay on teaching the deal and dumb History of the state of Vermont to 1832. to speak. 110 pp. i tab. 80. Philadelphia, 252 pp. 160. Burlington, ( Vt.) Edward Smith, R. Aitken, 1793. 1833. - The same. 80. Philadelphia, 1793. s. History of Vermont, natural, civil, and Outlines of a constitution for United statistical, in three parts. iv, 224, 224, 204 North and South Columbia. 14 pp. 80. pp. 8~. Burlington, author, 1842. s. Washington, 1815. s. Thomson (C. G.) Skandinaviens coleoptera [With THORNTON (W.) Cadmus.] synoptiskt bearbetade. 8 v. 8~. Lund, Fdr-' Political economy; founded in justice fattare, 1860-66. s. and humanity. By W. T. [anon.] 24 pp. 80. [v. 1 wanting]. Washington, S. H. Smith, 1804. s. Thomson (James). Poetical works. 80. Edin- [With THORNTON (W.) Cadmus.] burgh, 1794. Thorowgood (Rev. Thomas). Iewes in AIneri[Anderson's British poets, v. 9]. ca; or, probabilities that the Americans are Thomson (Mrs. Katherine Byerley). Memoirs of that race. 20 p.l. 136 pp. 3 1. sinm. 40. of the life of Sir Walter Raleigh. 287 pp. 120. London, Tho. Slater, 1650. Philadelphia, Gihon & Smith, 1846. - Jews in America; or, probabilities that Thomson (William). Military memoirs, re- those Indians are Judaical made more probalating to campaigns, battles, and stratagems ble by some additionals to the former conjecof war, antient and modern. xxiv, 588 pp. tures. [With a] discourse of John Elliot 80. London, J. Johnson, 1804. touching their origination, and the vindicaThorburn (Grant). Forty years' residence in tion of the planters. 5 p. 1. 33 pp. 4 1. 28, America, written by himself. 264 pp. 120. 67 pp. sin. 4". London, Henry Brome, 1660. Boston, Russell, Odiorne 4. Metcalf, 1834. Thorpe (Benjamin). Analecta anglo-saxonica. Men and manners in Britain, being notes A selection, in prose and verse, from Anglofrom a Journalin 1833-4. 187 pp. 120. New Saxon authors of various ages; with a glosYolrk, Wiley 4 Long, 1834. sary. xii, 268 pp. 8~; London, J. 4' A. Arch, Thorley (Rev. John). Melisselogia; or the 1834. s. 415T THORVALDSEN. TICKNOR. Thorvaldsen (Bertel ). Den danske billed- gentlemen's seats in England. From original hugger Bertel Thorvaldsen og hans vcerker, drawings. 82 pl. obl. 40. London, Edcwards, ved J. M. Thiele. 2 v. xxiv, 174 pp; 196 [about 1795]. pp. atlas, 2 v. 81 pl; 78 pl. 40. Kjdbenhavn, Thucydides. [De bello peloponnesiaco lit,ri Thiele, 1831-32. s. viii]. Cvm commentariis antiqvis et valde The same. Thorvaldsen oghans veerker. vtilibvs. [Groece; edente Ant. Francino]. Texten forkortet efter Thiele, ved F. C. Hil- 6 p. 1. 159 pp. 11. fol. ITlorentice, Berncardus lerup. 2 v. I p. 1. 44 pp. 2 tab. 79 pl; 1 p. 1. Junta, 1526. 58 pp. 79pl. [80-158.] 40. Kj6benhavn, C. The same. The history of the PeloponA. Reitzel, 1842-43. s. nesian war. Translated from the Greek, Thou (Jacques Auguste de). The history.of [with] preliminary discourses, by William the bloody massacres of the protestants in Smith. New ed. 2 v. xxiv, lxxi, 427 pp; 2 1572, written in Latin, and translated into p. 1. 398 pp. I map. 1 pl. 80. London, J. English. [By Edward Stephens]. 3 p. 1. Walker & others, 1812. 66 pp. sm. 40~. London, John Leigh, 1674. ~ The same. Histoire grecque; traduite A true narration of that horrible con- en Franqais, par J. B. Gail. 3 v. in 2. 8~. spiracy against king James and the whole Paris, Ineprimerie royale, 1829. s. parliament of England, commonly called the Thuet (Melchior Jacob). Disquisitiones anagun-powder treason, translated from Latin tomicme psittacorum. 36 pp. 2 pl. 40. TuintoEnglish. [ByEdward Stephens]. 24 pp. rici, Orelli, Fuesslini et soc. 1838. s. sm. 4~. London. John Leigh, 1674. Thun (Johann Paul). Verzeichniss neuerbaicher [With THOU (J. A. de). History of the bloody mas- mit einschluss der landkarten und sonstiger snores. Leondoen, 6741. im buchhandel vorkommender artikel zu Thoughts on the Canada bill now depending finden bei Julius Klinkhardt. 4el 7er jahrin parliament. [anon.] 50 pp. 80. London, gang. 16 v. in 4. 12~0. Leipzig, Klinkhardt, J. Debrett, 1791. 1846-49. s. Thouvenel (Pierre). M6langes d'histoire na- Thunberg (Carl Peter). Reise durch einen turelle, de physique, et de chimie. M6moires theil von Europa, Afrika, und Asien, hauptsur l'aerologieet 1'6lectrologie. [anon.] 3 v. sachlich in Japan, 1770-79. Aus dem Schwe8~. Paris, Valade, 1806. s. dischen frei iibersetzt von Chr. H. Groskurd. Three ballads concerning the times: consisting 2 v. 10 p. 1. 266 pp. 5 pl; 6 p. 1. xvi, 264 of; i. The royal embassy. ii. A humoursom pp. 8~. Berlin, HFaude f Spener, 1792-94. ditty to Dr. Sacheverell's back friends. iii. A Thurn (Wilhelm Friedrich). Beitrage zur gescure for religious disputes. [anon.] 8 pp. chichte und kritik des verfahrens bei freihan160. London, [about 1710]. diger ausziehung des kindes. iv, 195 pp. 80. Three (The) holy kings. [anon.] 3p. i. 31 pp. Friedberg, Bindernagel, 1860. s. 6 photog. pl. 80. New York, Hurd & Hough- Thurston (Elizabeth A.) The little wrinkled ton, 1868. old man: a christmas extravaganza; and Three letters to lord Brougham on the execu- other trifles. 124 pp. 160. Boston, W. V. tion in Upper Canada of the traitors Lount Spencer, 1866. and Matthews. By a British subject. [From Thurston (J.) Illustrations of Lord Byron's the London Times. anon.] 18 pp. 80. Lon- poem, The corsair. 2 p. 1. 7 pl. 80. London, don, John Murray, [18381] T. Tegg, 1814. Three (The) rivals; or Theodora, the Spanish [Miscellaneous pamphlets, v. 56]. widow. Translated from the French. [anon.] Tibullus (Albius). Elegies. Translated from 26 pp. 80. London, [1841 ] the Latin by James Grainger. 80. Edinburgh, [Hazlitt's romancist and novelist's library, v. 5J. [179'2]. [Anderson's British poets, v. 5]. Three years among the working classes of the Tickell (Thomas). Poetical works. 8~. EdinUnited States. By the author of "Auto- burgh, 1794. biography of a beggar boy. [anon.] 12~0. [Anderson's British poets, v. 8]. London, 1865. Ticknor (Almon). A key to Ticknor's menstlThree years in field hospitals of the army of the ration, [etc.] 132 pp. 120. Pottsville, (Pa.) Potomac. By Mrs. H. [anon.] 131 pp. 12~. B. Bannan, 1850. s. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1867. ~ The youth's columbian calculator: being Throsby (John). New copper-plate magazine, an introductory course on arithmetic. 96 pp. containing select views of noblemen's and 12~. Pottsville, Pa. B. Bannan, 1848. s. TICOZZI. - TOBOLD. Ticozzi (Stefano). Dizionario dei pittori dal [for 1866 and 1867]. 2 v. 160. London, rinnovamento delle belle arti fino al 1800. 2 Lockwood Co. 1866-67. v. xv, 328 pp; 363 pp. 80. Mlilano, V. Fer- Times (The). [London daily]. Oct. 1866 to ratio, 1818. Dec. 1867. 5 v. fol. London, 1866-67. Tieck (Christian Friedrich). Verzeichniss von " Times" (The London) on the American war; werken der Della Robbia, majolica. glasma- a historical study. By L. S. [anon.] 107 pp. lereien, u. s. w. welche in den neben-salen 80~. London, W. Ridgway, 1865. der sculpturen-gallerie des kinigl. museums Timkovski, (Georj). Reise nach China durch zu Berlin aufgestellt sind. vi, 139 pp. 80. die Mongoley in der jahren, 1820 und 1821. Berlin, Druckerei der k. akacd. der wissenschaf- Aus dem Russischen iibersetzt von J. A. E. ten, 1835. S. Schmidt. 3 v. in 1. 8~. Wien, Kaulfss & Tieck (Johann Ludwig). La reconciliation: legende, traduction de i. de La B6dollierre. 20 pp. 12~. Paris, 1842. Timmins (Samuel). The resources, products, [Included in PLaIADE, (La)]. and industrial history of Birmingham, and the Tiedemann (Friedrich). Icones cerebri simi- midlandhardware district. xiii, 721pp. 80. arum et quorundam mammalium rariorum. London, B. Hardwicke, 1866. 55 pp. 10 pl. fol. Heidelbergae, Miohr & Tingry (P. F.) Painter and varnisher's guide. Winter, 1821. s. xlii, 540 pp. 5 pl. 80. London, G. Kearsley, -. Anatomy of the foetal brain; with a com- 1804. parative account of its structure in animals. Tiraboschi (Girolamo). Storia della letteraTranslated by William Bennett. xviii, 324 tura italiana. 2n ed. modenese [con notizie pp. 14 pl. 12~. Edinburgh, Carfrae, 1826. s. della vita di Tiraboschi dall' ab. C. Ciocchi]. Tiffany (Joel). A treatise on government and 9 v. in 10. 40. Modena, Societa tilpografica, constitutional law, being an inquiry into the 1787-94. s. source and limitation of governmental author- Tischendorff (Lobgott Friedrich Constantin). ity, according to the American theory. 398, Prolegomena. Commentarius. Tabulae. See 179 pp. 80. Albany, W. C. Little, 1867. Bible (Greek). Bibliorumn codex sinaiticus, Tilke (Samuel Westcott). An autobiographical 1862. memoir, and a full description of his mode of TitanAgonistes; the story of an outcast. [anon.3 treating diseases. xl, 399 pp. 1 pl. 80. Lon- 544 pp. 12~. New York, G. W. Carleton & Co. don, S. W. Tilke, 1840. 1867. Tillard (John). Future rewards and punish- Tite (William, architect). A descriptive cataments believed by the ancients; particularly logue of the antiquities found in the excavathe philosophers. [With] an address to free- tions at the new royal exchange, preserved in thinkers. [anon.] ix, 230 pp. 8~. London, the museum of the corporation of London, etc. AM. Steen, 1740. With some particulars and suggestions relatTillet (Matthieu). Histoire d'un insecte qui ing to Roman London. xlv, 96 pp. 1 1. 1 pl. devore les grains de L'Angoumois). See 8~. London, Corporation, 1848. s. Duhamel du Monceau, and Tillet. Titus (Col. Silas). Killing no murder; briefly Tillier (Rodolphe). Translation of a memorial discoursed in three questions. [3d ed.] 2 p. l. of Rodolphe Tillier's justification of the ad- 27 pp. sinm. 40. London, 1689. ministration of Castorland, N. Y. 16 pp. 80. Tixier de Ravisi (Jean). Epitheta. Praepositi Rome, (N. Y.) Thos. Walker, 1800. fuerunt de prosodia lib. iv. cum perpulchris Tilton (Theodore). The sexton's tale, and G. Sabini preeceptis de carminibus. 134 pp. other poems. 173pp. 160. New York, Sheldon 501 1. 160. Tolosce, Vidua J. Coloemeri, 1606. & Co. 1867. Theatrvm poeticvm atqve historicvm; Timberlake (Lieiut. Henry). Memoirs of siue officina, post Conr. Lycosthenis vigilias travels to and from the Cherokee nation, with redacta: cumr cornvcopice libello. 16 p. 1. 942 a description of the country, government, pp. 351. 160. Basileae, C. Waldkirch, 1610. genius, and customs of that nation. viii, 160 Tobold (Adelbert). Chronic diseases of the pp. 1 map. 80. London, J. Ridley, 1765. larynx, with special reference to laryngoscoTimbs (John). English eccentrics and eccen- pic and local therapeutics. Translated from tricities. 2 v. viii, 319 pp; vii, 320 pp. 120. the German, and edited by G. M. Beard. With London, R. Bentley, 1866. an introduction. xvii, 279 pp. 8~. New York, - Year-book of facts in science and art Wood & Co. 1868. 417 TOCQUEVILLE. TOPFFER. Tocqueville (Charles Alexis Henri TMaurice Longinurn gustus. 4 p. 1. 36 pp. 240. LEugduni Clerel de). Oeuvres completes. 9 v. 8~. Batav. Daniel ac Gaesbeeck, 1677. Paris, L6vy, 1864-66. [ With CICERO (M. T.) Oratio pro A. Licinio Archia. 24~. Lqegdun. Batav. 1677]. CONTENTS. Tolomneo. See PtolemaLus (C.) v. 1-3. De la d6mocratie en Am6rique. Tolstoy (G). Notice sur la nouvelle serre de v. 4. L'ancien r6gime et la r6volution. palmiers. v. 5-7. Correspondance et oeuvres posthumnes. v. 8. M6langes: fragments historiques, et notes sur [In SAINT PfTERSBOURG. Jardin botanique imp,6rial l'ancien r6gime, la r6volution, et l'empire. (le]. Notes de voyages. v. 9. lEtudes 6conomiques, politiques et litt6raircs. Tollles (Robert, M1. D.) Battles of America, by mocratie en Amrique. 2. sea and land. 3 v. 40. New York, Virtue 4' Ddmocratie en Amdrique. 2 v. xxviii, 413 pp; 509 pp. 18~. Bruxelles, Icaumncan et Co. 1861. S. Cie. 1835. The Cllampagne country. xv, 231 pp. - The same. [7e d.?] v. 3-4 ill 1. 8. 16 York, Hird 4oughton, 1867. Paris, C. Gosselin, 1840. The wYar with the South. A history of Partis C. Gosselin, 1840. the late rebellion: with biographical sketches. Tod (Col. James). Travels in western India; tile late rebellion, with biographical sketches. embracing a visit to the sacred mounts of the Continued to te end of the *Jam, and the most celebrated shrines of Smith. 3 v. 70 pl. 11 maps. 40.:Nezw York, Jainsl and the most celebrated shrines of Hindu faith, between Rajpootana and the Vue & Yorston, [1867]. I -1, - The same. Krieg mit dem So deln, umfasIndus. lx, 518 pp. 9 pl. 40. London, Allen & Co. 1839. I sende schilderung des ursprungs und verlaufs der rebellion. Nach dem Englischen, fortgeTodd (Henry John). Illustrations of the lives er rebellion. Nach hen, fortgefithrt vom. anfang des jahres 1864 bis zum and writings of Gower and Chaucer. xlvii, n,o~~~~ sel~chsllss des krieges von B. G. Smith. 2 v. 4~. 394 pp. 2 pl. 80. London, Rivinyton, 1810. o B N 2 ew York, Virtue & Yorston, 1863-66. ale of archbishop Cranmer. 92 v. xxiv 7 Lifeo oa bspTomlicek (Josef Slavomir). Lehrbuch der b6h394 pp; xi, 541 pp. 2pl. 8~. London, Ce. e P.1imnegton, 1831.'. lmischen sprache ftir Deutsche. 4 p. 1. 299 pp. R. Rlivington, 1831. 8~. | P~'ag. J. G, Cal~ve, 1851. s. Todd (John, D. D.) Hints and thoughts for. Pray. J.. Calve, 1851. S. Christians. 260 pp. 120. New York Am? Torlin (John). Tales of the Caddo. 110 pp. Christians. 260 pp. 12~. iVEu borX, tm. *tract society, 1867., 3 Cincinnati, Stratton 4 Barnard, 1849. tract sociezty 1867. Tomlinsole (Charles). Rudimentary treatise on Todd (S. Edwards). The young farmer's mana;,o o a fm pay nivino warlling and ventilation. 2 p. 1. 260 pp. 120. ual; or, how to nmake farming pay, giving Lo?>vd~on, J. WYecle, 1850. s. details of farm manageementt; with a chapter T lmpSoon (Martin K.) Telegraph cipher for on soils, [etc.] v. 2. v, 418 pp. 1 portrait. 120. Newi York, UG. 1'1, TWoodwvarc, 1867. 7 transmitting telegrams in a condensed forlm.:~ ~ ~rew 7oI]t5 G. t'I;. stloodwarc[: 1867. Todhunter (Isaac). History of the mathemat- 72 pp. 30 [New York], 1867. ical theory of probability, from the time of Tong (William). An account or the life and Pascal to that of Laplace. xvi, 624 pp. So death of Matthew Henry. 283 pp. 180. LendonM,. LaCwreawe 1716. Catmbricge, Macmillan and C!o. 1855. Tooelken.i See %Tlkeln. Tonti (le cheevalier). Dernieres dlcouvertes dans l'Amdrique Septentrionale de M. de La Sale. Toeppen. See Toppeln. Toause2 p. 1. 333 pp. 101. 16. Paris, Jean GcityTolhauseii (Dr. —, and 1F'.) and DesnosInarccd, 1687. Gardissal (C.) Technological dictionary i a In e English, FTooke (Andrew). The pantheon; representing the English, FrencIb and Germani languages, the fabulous histories of the heathen gods, and comprising- thle technical terms of arts and iman-ufactures. 3 v. mo120. Panes H u omost illustrious heroes. 29th ed. 2 p. 1. 359 mantlfacttlres. 3 T. "1~. Pais, Heennlu/er~ 1854-5. e, pp. 161. 26 pp. 16~. Dtublin, P. Wogan, 1792. CONTENTS. Tooke (John Horne). Epea pteroenta; or, the C'0NT'E~TS. t i. sn allm diversions of Purley. Ist Aim. ed. 2 v. 5 p. 1. ii. English, French and German. ix, 475 pp. 432 pp; 5 p. 1. 463 pp. 14 1. 83. Philade6lbhi7 a iii. Deutsch-englisch-franzdsisch. xv, 658 pp. We. Duane 1806-7. Tolken (Ernst Heinrich). Erkliirendes ver- Tooke (Thomas). An inquiry into the cu~rzeichniss der antiken geschnittenen steine der rency principle. 2d ed. viii, 165 pp. 80. k6niglich preussischen gemmensalmmlung. London, Longmnan, 1844. lxviii, 462 pp. 8~. Berlin, Druckerei der k. T6pffer (Rodolphe). Nouvelles gonevoises. akad. der wissenschaften, 1835. s. Illustrees d'aprhsl les dessins de l'auteur. 4e Toll (Jacob). Animadversionum criticarum ad 6d. 372 pp. 37 pl. 16~. Paris, Garnier, 1855. 53 418 TOPLADY. TORREY. Toplady (Rev. Augustus Montague). The doc- pl. 8~. London, Saunders, Otley & Co. trine of absolute predestination stated and 1862. asserted: with a preliminary discourse on the Torrens (Col. Robert). Colonization of South divine attributes, translated in great measure Australia. xv, 303, xxii pp. 1 map. 8~. from the Latin of Jerom Zanchius. 148 pp. London, Lonymaens, 1835. 12~. Wilmington, (Del.) Adams, 1793. - Letter to lord John Russell, on the minTbppen (Maximilian). Historisch-comparative isterial measure for establishing poor laws in geographie von Preussen. xiv, 398 pp. 80. Ireland. viii, 149 pp. 80. London, LongGotha, J. Perthes, 1858. s. man, etc. 1837. [Wanting atlas, 5 maps. fol.] Torrey (Rev. Charles Turner). Memoir of WilTorbuck (J.) A collection of Welsh travels, liam Randall Saxton, of Lebanon, Conn. with and meimoirs of WVales. [anon.] viii, 111 pp. the funeral sermon. 130 pp. 18~. Salem, W. 16~. London, J. Torbuck, [1749]. & S. B. Ives, 1838. Torfesen or Torfeus (Thormodur). Gron- Torrey (Jesse, jr.) The intellectual flambeau, landia antiqva4, seu veteris Gronlandie de- demonstrating that national happiness, virtue, scriptio. 64, 269 pp. 10 1. 5 maps. 16g. and temperance, exist, in a collateral ratio, iv7nicc, ex twpograheo regice snaest. 1706. witl the dissemination of philosophy, science, [ With his Historia Vinlandise antiqvae. 1705]. and intelligence; with appendix and postHistoria Vinl andite antiqve, sen partis script. 143, 35 pp. 240. Washington, Daniel Americme Septentrionalis. 26 p. 1. 83 pp. 8 1. 160. Havnice, ex typographeo regiace majest. Torrey (John, M. D.) Botany [of the Mexican boundary survey]. Historia Hrolfi Krakii inter potentissi- bWith Eirony (W. H.) Report on the U. S. and mos in ethnicismo Danice reges celeberrimi. Mexican boundary survey. v. 2, pt. 1]. 24 p. 1. 179 pp. 7 1. 160. Havnice, ex typo- ~ Botany. grapheo regice inajest. 1705. [With EMIORY (WV. H.) Notes of a military reconnoissance, etc. Appendix 2 and appendix 6]. L With his I-Iistoria Vinlandiae antiquec. 1705]. Tornberg (Carl Johan). Numi cufici regii Catalogue of North American genera of plants. See Lindley (John). Introduction, numophylacii holmiensis, quos omnes in terra(John). Intro etc. Sueciae repertos digessit et interpretatus est. - ataogue of plants, etc. 3 p. 1. xxxviii, 316 pp. 14 p1. 4~. Upsalice, [ With NICOLLET (J. N.) Report, etc. Washingtonz, Le~fler & Sebell, 1848. s. 1843]. Tornel (Jose Maria). Tejas y los Estados- Descriptions of some new genera and Unidos de Am6rica, en sus relaciones con la species of plants. repdblica mexicana. 98 pp. 80. Mexico, J. [ Vith FRhAiONT (J. C.) Report of the exploring expedition to Rocky mountains in 1842. Washington, Cumnplido, 1837. 1845]. Tornos (Alberto de). Combined Spanish R Ieports on the botany of New York. method, a new system of learning the Castil- [With NEW YORK (State of). Geol. survey. v. 1 and 3]. ian language, with vocabulary. xxiv, 470 pp. 3. yxxiv, 470 p Torrey (John W.) Interest tables, showing, 12~0. New York, 4ppletons, 1867. 0Torobert (Chaorles Louis Hono86)7. Prin- at sight or by one addition, the interest on Torrombert (Charles Louis Honor6). Prin- a any number of clollals fiom $ 1 to $10,000; cipes du droit politique mis en opposition d from from 1 day to 136 days; and from 1 month avec le Contrat social de J. J. Rousseau. Avec la refutation du [8e] chapitre, intitul6, de la to 12 months. 78 pp. 80. Philadelhia, J. religion civile, par Lanjuinais; suivis du texte Torrey (Rev. Samuel, of Weymouth, Mass.) entier du Contrat social. 382, cxxxvi pp. 8. e Paris, Rey Graier, 1825. The exhortation unto reformation. A sermon Paris, Rey & Gravier, 1825. Toroznto (University- of ). Anlnual examina- preached May 27, 1674, being the day of election. 4 p. 1. 44 pp. sm. 40. Cambridge, tions, 1855. 139 1. fol. [Toronto, University, to. 4p1.4 p sin.4 1855 ]. s. (Mass.) Massntadulke Johnson, 1674. Torquemaa (Juan de). Expositio brevis et A plea for the life of dying religion, from Torquemada (Juan de). Expositio brevis et utilis super toto psalterio. 2041. fol. Rome, the word of the Lord. A sermon, May16, per ~TdCalricusn Galluma de Bienna, 1476. S. 1683, the day of election. 4 p. 1. 46 pp. sm. uangelia de tempore. Boston, Scsamuel Sewall, 1683. Questiones super euangelia de tempore. [PP 45-6mperfect]. 2861. fol. Aruriberge, F. Creussner, 1478. s. [.Thesame. 4p.1.46pp. s6. 4 BosTorrens (Henry D.) Travels in Laddk, Tar- ton, Samuel Sewoat, 1683. tary, and Kashmir. iv, 367 pp. 1 map, 12 [Title-page wanting]. 419 TORRICELLI. TOWNSEND. Torricelli (Evangelista). Opera geometrica. in algebra. 7th ed. 208 pp. 120. XNew York, 2 v. in 1. 253; 151 pp. 8~. I'lorentice, A. Cady &S Burgess, 1850. s. Masse & L. de Landis, 1644. s. Towgood (Rev. Micaiah). The dissenting genTorsellini (Orazio). Epitome historiarvm tleman's answer to the Rev. Mr. White's three libri x. 12p. 1. 640pp. 341. 24~. Lvgdvni, letters. [anon.] 2d ed. 40pp. 8~. London, J. Cardon 4' P. Cavellat, 1620. s. R. Hett, 1746. The same. Ristretto dell'istorie del - Dissenting gentleman's second letter to mondo. Col supplimento del sig. Lod. Aurelii, Rev.Mr. White, in answer to his three letters. traduttore dell' opera. Accresciuto in questa [anon.] 90 pp. 80. London, R. Hett, 1747. editione della seconda parte dal sig. Bernarco Wit the preceding]. Oldoini fino all' anno 1650. 2 pts. 11 p. 1. - Dissenting gentleman's third and last 557 pp; 258 pp. 3 1. 1 pl. 180. Venetia, letter to Rev. Mr. White, in answer to his two Prancesco Baba, 1653. defences of his three letters. [anon.] 94 pp. Tosh (Edmund G.) On the hbenmatite pig irons 2d ed. corrected. 8~. London, J. Nroon S- A. of West Cumberland. 38 pp. 8~. Goettin- Tozer, 1749. gen, E. A. Heth, 1866. s. [With the preceding]. gen, E. -A. Kun 1866.. S. - The dissenting gentleman's answer to the Toswill (Edward B.) The American cambist; Rev. Mr. WVhite's three letters. 5thl ed. 1.21 or, principles and practice of foreign ex- Mr. White's three letters. 5t ed. 121 changes; [with] tables of European arbitra- pp. 160. Boston, ogers & owle, 1748. tions. 21 1. 40 New York, E. B. Clayton's The same. Dissent from the church of tions. 211. 4~. New Yorkc E. B. Claytoz's sons 1867. England fully justified. Dissenting gentlesman's three letters and postcript in answer to Totten (Maj. Gen. Joseph Gilbert). Report on ~the subjetofls18 p8 Mr. John White. [With] a letter to the the subject of national defences. 108pp. 8~.. bishop. 4th ed. xi, 322 pp. 16~. Boston, 1768. Washingtorn U. S. govt. 1851. [Title page imperfect]. Totze (Eobald). See Toze (Eobald). Towler (John, M. D.) American photographic Tourist (The); or, pocket manual for travel- almanac for 18 the wester, and almanac for 1867. Being an annual appendix lers on the Hudson river, the western and to Humphrey's journlofpotograph. northern canals and railroads. [anon. ] 6th New York, J. H. Ladd, 1867. ed. 108 pp. 1 map. 18~. Yewv York, capred. 1838pp. 1 enp. 180. Nec York, Har- ____ The negative and the print; or, photogpeqTournachon (elix). M oires du G'ant rapher's guide in the gallery and field. 150 pp. 120. New York, J. H. Ladd, 1866. [ballon]; *, terre et en 1'air. Par Nadar. [ballon]; terre et en air Par adar. Town (Ithiel). School-house architecture. xii, [pseudon.] Avec introduction par M. Babinet. 48pp. 80. Hartford, Case, Tfifany 4- Burn2e 6d. 452 pp. 12~. Paris, Dentu, 1865. ham 1842 Tournefort (Joseph Pitton de). lnmens de [ (With CONNECTICUT. Reports of the commissioners of bdtanique; ou, methode pour connoitre les the school fund, 1818-19. 40 pp. 8S. 1839]. plantes. 2 v. 10 p. 1. 562 pp. 10 1; 235 pl. 80. Town (Salem). Analysis of derivative words Paris, Inmprinerie royale, 1694. s. in the English language. 118 pp. 160. AuToussaint (Franois Vincent). Les mceurs. burn, H; Iverson & Co. 1835. Par Panage. [pseudon.] Nouv. 6d. xl, 391 Town (Thomas). The complete military tutor; pp. 180. Amsterdam, 1749. a system of modern tactics, applicable to inaThe same. Manners. Translated from fantry. 377 pp. 16 pl. 80~. Philadellphia, T. the French. [anon.] 3d ed. 9p. 1. vi, 251 pp. Town, 1809.. 160. London, WP. Owen, 1752. Townley (James, D.D.) Illustrations of bibThe same. [With] a preliminary dis- lical literature. 2 v. 602 pp; 604 pp. 2 pl. 8~. course on virtue. By Panages. [pseudon. ] New York, Lane, Sandford & Tioppett, 1842-47. 5th ed. xx, 275 pp. 160. Glasgow, R. Urie, i An introduction to the literary history of 1770. the Bible. 2d Amer. ed. 160. New York, James Toussenel (Alphonse). Le monde des oiseaux; Arthur, 1833. ornithologie passionnelle. 2 v. [in 1]. 3 p. ]. Townsend (Rev. George, of Trinity college, iii, 486 pp; viii, 413 pp. 80. Paris, Libr. pha- Cambridge). Poems. xxv, 448 pp. 8~. Lonlansterienne, 1853. s. don, Deighton, [and others]. 1810. Tower (David B.) Gradual lessons in gram- Townsend (George Alfred). The real life of mar. 288 pp. 12~. INew York, Cady C' Bur- Abraham Lincoln. A talk with Mr. Herndon, gess, 1850. s. his late lawpartner. 15 pp. 1 portrait. 8~. - --- Intellectual algebra; or, oral exercises New York, Publication ofice, bible house, 1867. 420 TOWNSEND. TREATISE. Townsend (Howard). Glycogenic function of Tranaltos (F. de). Histoire de la guerre civile the liver. (Extract). 10 pp. 8~0. Albany, am6ricaine. See Cortambert (L.) and TraN. Y. state meed. soc. 1864. s. naltos. Townsend (John Kirk). Sporting excursions Tranchepain de St. Augustin (Marie). Relation in the Rocky mountains, including a journey du voyage des premibres Ursulines t la Nouvto the Columbia river, and a visit to the Sand- velle Orl6ans, et de leur 6tablissement en cette wich Islands, Chili, etc. 2 v. xii, 310; xi, 312 ville. 62 pp. 16~. Nouvelle York, J. G. Shea, pp. 2 pl. 8~. London, Henry Colburn, 1840. 1859. Townsend (Rev. Joseph). A journey through Transactions of the Loggerville literary socieSpain in 1786-87, with remarks in passing t. non.] 168. odon J.. St ty. [ano~. ] 168 pp. 8~. London, J. B. Smnith, through a part of France. 3 v. 80. London, 1867. C. Dilly, 1791. Trask (John B.) Report on the geology of the Townsendf (M1rs. Mary E.) Readingo at home se s. M E d o Sierra Nevada, or California range. 30 pp. for the holidays of the church. viii, 175 pp. state rinter, 1853 8~. [Sacr amento. state printer, 1853-. s. 16~ Dresden E. Blochmann & son 1867. 160, Dresden, BR Blochmann & 8on, 1867. Report on the geology of the Coast Townsend (Virginia F.) iDarryll Gap; or, mountains, and part of the Sierra Nevada; whether it paid. 456 pp. 120. Boston, W. V. embracing their industrial resources in agriSpencer, 1866.. ncr 186culture and mining. 95 pp. 8~0. [Sacramento, Janet Strong. [A novel.] 314 pp. 12854.. zn. California state printer, 1854]. s. Philadelphia J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1865. J. L T C., Trauschenfel ls (Eugenvon, editor ). Deutsche Townson (Robert). Travels in Hungary, with fuidgruben zur geschichte Siebenbiirgens. a short account ofVienna, 1793. xviii, 506 pp. g e (Neue folge). 3 p. 1. 415 pp. 83. Kronstadt, 1 map. 16 pl. 4~ London, G. & J. Robinson, 18 ~~~~~~~~1797. ~J. Gstt, 1860. Toze (Eobald). Present state ofEurope; [with] Travels in North America. [anon..] 184 pp. a discourse on the principles of polity and 240. Doblin, C. BenthnBwm, 1822. government. Translated from the G erman, by Travels of Hildelral Bowman, esq. into Thomas Nugent. 3 v. 80. London, J. Nourse, Carnovirria, Taupiniera, Olfactaria, and Aud1770. itante in New Zealand; in the island of BonTraeger(Albrecht). Deutsche liedler in volkes hommica, and in the powerful kingdom of herz und mund. xx, 233 pp. 8o. Leipzig, C. Luxo-volupto, on the great Southern contiF. Amnelang, 1864. nent. Written by himself. [pseudon.] xv, Trafford (F. G. pseudon.) See Riddell (MAirs. 400 pp. 80~. London, Strahanr & Cadell, J. H.) 1778. Traherne (Thomas). Roman forgeries; dis- Travels through Sicily and the Lipari islands, covering the impostures and counterfeit an- in Dec. 1824. By a naval officer. [anon.] tiquities of the church of Rome. [anon.] 17 Illustrated by L. Haghe. xvi, 36:7 pp. 13 pl. p. 1. 316 pp. 160. London, J. Edwin, 1673. 80. Lonzdoln, T. _Flint, 1827. Traill (Mi s. Catharine Parr). The backwoods Treadwell (Francis C.) Secession an absurdof Canada: being letters from the wife of an ity, [with] treason defined, declaration of inemigrant officer. [anon.] 3d ed. viii, 351 pp. dependence, and constitution of the United 16~. London, C. _Knight, 1838. States. 16, 32 pp. 320. Nezo York, Torry Train (George Francis). Spread-eagleism. 177 bros. 1861. pp. 120. New York, Derby & Jackson, 1859. Treat (Samuel). Oration illustrative of the Train (Joseph). Historical and statistical ac- revolutionary warfare in western Neiw York, count of the Isle of Man, from the earliest delivered before the people of the Genesee times to the present date. 2 v. in 1. 400 pp. valley, August 20th, 1841. 121 pp. 18~. 2 pl. 1 map; 388 pp. 2 pl. 1 map 8~0. Douglas, Rochester, W. Alling, 1842. Isle of Man, 3r. A. Quiygin, 1845. S. [With NOTICES of Sullivan's campaigon, Rochestsr, Traite sur les eaux minerales du duch6 de 1842]. Nassau. Prec'dd d'une esquisse et d'une carte Treatise (A) on marriage. [anon. In Chergeologique du Taunus. Par une rdunion de okee]. Ditsvsdi gesvi kanohesgi. 20 pp. 240~. m6decins de ces eaux. De l'Allemand, par II. [WitL Poon Sarah. 24~. 1843]. Kaula. Avec une introduction du Dr. Arons- Treatise on tennis. By a member of the tensohn. [anon.] xii, 281 pp. 1 map. 80~ Wies- nis club. [anon.] viii, 120 pp. 80. London, bgde, C. G. Ereidel, 1853. s. Roduwell c& Martin, 1822. 421 TREDGOLD. TROSCHEL. Tredgold (Thomas, editor). Tracts on hy- deml contra Christi fidem persecvtione exorta, draulics. 2d ed. ix, 219 pp. 7 pl. 8~. Lon- anno M.D.CXII vsq. ad annvm M.D.CXX libri don, M. Taylor, 1836. s. qvinq. 8 p. 1. 518 pp. sinm. 40. Monachii, 1623. CONTEN'TS. Trigueros (Candido Maria de). LaRiada. DeL. SMAEATON (John). Experimental inquiry concern- scribese la terrible inundacion que molests a ing the natural powers of water and wind to turn mills, etc. Experimental examination of the Sevilla, 1783-84. xxvi, 115 pp. 8~. Sevilla, quantity and proportion of mechanical power Vazqcez y conp. 1784. S. necessary to be employed in giving different degrees of velocity to heavy bodies from a state of Trimnmer (Mrs. Sarah Kirby). An essay on rest; fundamental experiments upon the collision christian education. 4 p. 1. 339 pp. 80. Lonof bodies. 2. VENTURI (Giovanni Battista). Experimental in- don, F. i4 J. Rivington, 1812. quiries on the motion of fluids. 3. EYTELWEIN (Johann Albert). Summary ofhydrau- TIip (A) fiom Boston to Littleton, through the lies; abridged by Thomas Young. notch of the White Mountains. By B. K. Z. Treitschke (Johann Friedrich). Fortsetzung [aon.] 30 pp. 8~. Washington, J. Gideon, jr. des ochsenheimer'schen Schmetterlinge von 1836. Europa. Tristan l'Hermite (Fran;o is). See L'HerLOCIISENHEIIERn (F.) Schmetterlinge, etc. v. 5-10]. mite (Franeois). Treitzsaurwein yvon Erntreitz (Marcus). Der Trithemius or Trittenheim (Johann). Liber wveiss kunig. Eine erzehlung von den thatec weis nigLie elu on deh t lgubris de statu et ruina monastici ordinis. kaiser Maximilian des ersten. 8 p. 1. 310 30 1. sm. 4~. [ Mogmntice, Petrus ledber#, pp. 237 pl. fol. Wien, J. Kurzbckens, 1493]. 1f 7755. a. Triumphanrt deaths of pious children. In the qCrenmbley (Abraham). Mdmoires pour servir Choctaw language. By missionaries of the,i l'histoire d'un genre de polypes d'eau douce.; 351 pp. 10 pAm. board of foreign missions. [anon.] 54 2 v. xix, 310 pp. 10 pl; 351 pp. 10 pl. 12~. }Pars, Durarnd, 1744. pp. 18~. Boston, Am. boardl for. miss. 1835. Pacris, D trand, 1744..S. Troianski (J. K.) Ausfiihrliches polnischTrench (Richard Chenevix). Select glossary deutsches handworterbuch zum gebrnche of English words used formerly in sislses fdr Deutsche und Polen. Neu ausgearbeitet different from their present. xi, 218 pp. 12g. 2 v. 1148 pp. 8~. Posen, E. S. Mlittler, N'ew York, Blakesmaccn MaTason, 1859. S. Trenlchard (John), annd Gordon (Thomas). )Trollope (Anthony). The last chronicle of Cato's letters, [upon various publick and Barset. 2 v. 2 p. 1. 384 pp; 2 p. 1. 384 pp. 32 important subjects. ano???.] 4 v. 16~. London, 7X };F.ktns 173-2 pl. 18~. London, Smith, Elder & Co. 1867. W.t~ W~rilkcins, 1723-24. North America. vii, 623 pp. 120. NAem Trenton (N. J.) city directory, 1857. Compiled York, Hacrpers, 1862. s. byWilliam H. Boyd. vi, 221 pp. 1 pl. 12. The. pp. Trenton, C. Scott & Co. 1857. Dgck & Fitzeralcl, 1862. Tressanz (Louis Elizabeth de La Vergne, comte D de). store (Louise Roliaberth d e La Vergne, cote The West Indies and the Spanish main. xide). Histe d R obert, surnomm, le brave. 385 pp. 120. NVew York, Hadrers, 1860. s. Coxii59 pp. pl. 8. Londres A. Da4 Trollope (Thomas Adolphus). Gemnma. A Coeviranus'0 Gottfried. 1800. Die er- novel. 443 pp. 120. Philadelphia, PeterTreviranus (Gottfried Reinhold). Die er- somb 1868. scheinungen und gesetze des organischen Trdltsch (Anton von). Die krankheiten des lebens. Neu dargestellt. 3 v. in 2. viii, 456 ohres. 2e ufl. x, 262 pp 80. iizbzmr pp; 234, 196 pp. 8~. Breonen, J. G. Heyse, Stahel, 1862. s 1831-33. s. Troost (Gerard). Third [to eigllth] geological (and Ludolf Christian). Verimischte (c Lnolf Chistian). Vermisbte reports to the 21st, [22d, 23d, 24th, 25th, and schriften anatomischen und physiologischen. 26th] general assembly of the state of Teninhalts. 4 v. in 3. 4~. Gottinlen, J. F. Rnmer~ nessee. 8 v. in 1. 80. Nrashville, State printers, J. G. Heyse, 1816-21. s. Tribune (The) almanac and political register [NOTE. —The first and second reports were never for 1864-68. 5 v. 120. Newqv York, Tribune published]. association, 1864-68. Troschel (Franz Hermann). Das gebiss der Tridace-N'af6-TheobromedeKaout'tChouk. schnecken, zur begruindung einer nattirlichen (pseudon.) See Delmotte (H. F.) classification untersucht. v. 1-2. viii, 252 pp. Trigault (Nicolas). De christianis apvd 20 1. 20 pl; 96 pp. 8 pl. 8 1. 40~. Berlin, G. Japonios trivmphis; sive cde gravissima ibi- Parthey, 1856-68. s. 422 TROSCHEL. TUCKER. Troschel (Franz Hermann). System der of the M. E. church. 3d ed. 136 pp. 160. asteriden. See Miiller (Johannes), and New Yorkl, Foster & Palmer, jr. 1867. Troschel. Trumbull (Benjamlli, D. D. ) A century sermon; Trotti (Alberto). Tractatus ieiunii. 22 1. 40. or, slketches of the history of the eighteenth Norimbergce, P. Creiissner, 1477. century. 36 pp. 8~. Newhaven, Read cl Morse, Trow (John F.) Specimens of type in [his] 1801. printing and stereotyping establishment. 80. Trumbull (John). M'Fingal: a modern epic NYew York, J. P. Troz, 1851. s. poeim. 2d ed. vii, 136 pp. 9 pl. 80. New Troward (Richard). A collection of the sta- Yor7, E. Lozu, 1810. tutes in force relative to elections down to the The same. With explanatory notes. present time. 2d ed. 11 p. 1. 357, c pp. 251. 184 pp. 180. Boston, John G. Scobie, 1826. 80. London, J. Butterworth, 1796. Trussell (John). Continuation of the collecThe same. Continuation to the present tion of the history of England. 4 p. 1. 263 time. 61 pp. 80. London, J. Butteriworth, pp. sm. fol. London, D. Pakeman, 1641. 1802. 1 With DANIEL (Samuel). The collection of the his[With the preceding]. tory of England. 1650 ed.] Trowbridge (J. T.) The ferry-boy and the The same. [Richard II to Richard III. financier. [anon.] 332 pp. 4 pl. 160. Boston, inclusive]. 4 p. 1. 260 pp. sm. fol. London, WTalker, Wise & Co. 1864. E. Dawson, 1636]. Neighbors' wives. 318 pp. 120. Bos- r With DANIEL (S.) Collection of the hist. of England. 1634]. ton, Lee 4 Shepearcl 1867. Truth's advocate and monthly anti-Jackson Troy, (. Y.) Directory for 1867; including Truth' adocte and ly ti-J Tr y, (N. Y.) Directory for 1867; including r expositor. [Jan-O ct. 1828.] 2 p.1. 400 pp. West Troy, Cohoes, Lansingburgh, and 8~. Cinciznati, Loclfe, L'Hommedieuc, and Green Island. Sampson, Davenport & Co. compilers. v. 39. 332 pp. 8~. Troy, T.. Hammond, 1828. Young, [1867]. Trtuxtun (Thomas). Remarlks, instructions, Youn., [1867].a Troy young men's association. Catalogue of and examples relating to the latitude and lonthe library. iv, 230 pp. 8~. Troy, N. Y. gitude; [with] chart of the globe, and short associbration iv, 1859 230 pp *. * o N.Y account of winds, calms, and currents met in association 1859. s. -The same. [W~ith appendix.] Supple- voyages, and appendix [relating] to the genThe same. [With appendix.] Supple- i eral duties of officers on ships of war. 3 p. 1. mentary catalogue of books in the library. 105, xxvi pp. 1 map. 1 pl. sin. fol. Philia2 v. in 1. iv, 230 pp; 2 p. 1. 111 pp. 8o. Troy, 1 lel2htic, T. Dobso% 1794. n. Y. association, etc. 1859-66. hs. Tschihatscheff. See Tchilhacheff. Troyoni (Fr6d6ric). Habitations lacustres des Tschitschagoff(WassiljiJakowlewitsch, ustemps anciens et modernes. xii, 495 pp. 17 pl. sian admiral) Reise nach dem eismeer. 80 80. Lausanne, G. Bridel, 1860. s.ersburg, Logan, 1793. Triibner (Nicolas). Bibliographical guide to Tschudi (Friedrich von). Das thierleen der Tsclhucli (Friedrich von). Das thierleben der American literature; being a classified list of A Alpenwelt. Naturansiclhten und tlhierzeichbooks, (etc.) published in the United States nunogen aus dem schweizerischen gebirge. during the last forty years. With an introxvi, 560 pp. 8~. Leipzig, 6eber, 1853. s. duction (etc.) and an index. xxxii, 108 pp. Leipzig, ebe, 18 _120. Lno, ine o.1Tschudi (Johann Jakob von). Die Kechua12. London, Triibner & Co. 1855. s. T.iber'r0. American.nd *. orientalliterary. re sprache. 2 v. in 1. iv, 268 pp; vi, 110 pp. 80. Triibner's American and oriental literary rec- Wienk.-k.f-undstaatsdrukerei1853. s. ord. A monthly register of the most import- Reisen h drch Stadamerika. 3. ant works published, etc. March 1865 to Feb. ~~'1868. 3 v. 50 LnoTLeeipzig, 1. 1. Brockhaus, 1866-67. s. 1868. 3 v. 83I. Londo, Tr~lbner 4 Co. 1865-67. - Untersuchungen ihber die fauna peruana. xxx, 316, 80, 35 pp. 54 pl. fol. St. Gallen, True (A) and impartial narrative of arbitrary Scheitlin & Zollikofer, 1844-46. s. proceedings, by certain justices of the peace, Tucker (Benjamin). Sacred and profane hisand others, against innocent non-conformists — in and near Bedford. With an account ofthetory epitomized; with a continuation of modin and near Bedforcd. With an account of the ern history to the presenlt time. 338 pp. 16~. sudden death of the grand informer against Phailaellphai J. Johnson, 1806. these poor people. [a nonz.] 15 pp. sin. 4~. these poor people. [anon.] 15. s. 40Tucker (Rev. H. H.) Happiness to be found [~L. 2i.3 1670. only in the discharge of duty, a sermon. True method of promoting perfect love. I'rom [dTithe WAIE Forrest college. Commencement exr debates in the New York preachers' meeting crcises, 1854]. 423 TUCKER. TURNER. Tucker (Henry St. George). A few lectures an appendix, containing an accounlt of notable on natural law. 224 pp. 12~. Charlottesville, pictures and private collections. xi, 639 pp. (Va.) J. Alexander, 1844. s. 1 portrait. 80. NVew York, G. P. Putnacu & Tucker (James, M. D.) Essay on the nature son, 1867. and treatment of cholera and feyer, with re- Maga papers about Paris. 16~. New marks on the cattle plague. 40 pp. 80. Dub- York, G. P. Putnam & son, 1867. lin, Jo/hn Flalconer, 1865. The sad bird of the Adriatic. 10 pp. 8~. Tucker (Josiah, D. D.) Berufinug auf die London, 1841. gerechtigkeit und den vortheil der groszbrit- [lazlitt's romancist and novelist's library. v. 21. tanischen nation in den gegenwiirtigen strei- Tudor (William). Letters on the eastern states. tigkeiten mit Amerika. 68 pp. 80. Braun- [anon.] 356 pp. 80. _'ei Y7ork, Kirki Merschweig, F. cWaisenhacus, 1777. cei?, 1820. [With REIER (J. A.) Americanisches archlli. v. 2]. Tuel (John E.) St. Clair; or, the proteg6; a — Zweyte berufuing auf d e gerechtigkeit tale of the federal city. viii, 142pp. 8o. und den vortheil des volks, in ablsicht der Washington, W. Q. Force, 1846. maaszregeln geogen Amerika. 86 pp. S~. Tukic (Francis). Zemljopis i poviestnica Br aunschwzeig, F. Waisenhazus, 1777. Bosne. Od Slavoljuba Bosnjaka. [1pseudon.] [ With REnIER (J. A.) Americanisches archiv. v. 2] 10 pp. 1 1. 164 pp. 80. Zlcerebu, L. Gcaja, Ein clemttthige vorstellung an diejenigen 1851. verehrungswiirdigen personen in Groszbrit- Tulasne (Louis Ren6 and Charles). Fungi tanien und Ireland, welche geschicktesten hypog'mi. Histoire et nmonographie des chanmsind zu urtheilen, und die ttichtigsten zu ent- pignons hypogdes. xix, 222 pp. 21 pi. 40. scheiden, ob est ffir das beste der nation rmit Parisiis, E. Klincksieck, 1851. s. den amerikanischen colonien vereinight zu Tully (William, M. D.) Materia medica; or, bleiben oder sich von ihneu zu trennen. 82 pharmacology and therapeutics. v. i. (in 2 pp. 80. Braunsc7hwoei, F7aisenhaus, 1777. parts). xi, 1534, viii pp. 8~. Springfield, [ With RanErE (J. A.) Amerikanisches archiv. v. 2]. (Mlss.) J Chuerch, 1857-58. s. Tucker (Mary E.) Poems. x, 216 pp. 2 por- No more published]. traits. 160. Newv York, MZ. Dooelady, 1867. TTupper (Martin Farquhar). A hymn for all Tucker (N. Beverly, prof. Willianm and Mary nations, 1851. Translated into thirty lancoll. Va.) George Balcombe. A novel. [aanon.] guages. 2d ed. 72 pp. 8~. London, T. Bret2 v. 282 pp; 319 pp. 120. N2ew York, Has- tell, 1851. pers, 1836. Turba philosophorum. See Morgenstern Tucker (Pomeroy). Origin, rise, and progress (Philipp, editor). of mormonism. Biography of its founders, Turbolo (Giovanni Donato). Discorsi sulle and history of its church. Personal remem- monete del regno di Napoli. brances and historical collections hitherto un- [ScnITTonI class. ital. di econ. pol. v. 421]. written. 302 pp. 4 p1. 120. NTw Yorlk, A2pe- Turgenieff (Ivan Sergheievitch). Father and tons, 18i67. sons; a novel. Translated by Eugene Schuyler. Tuckerman (Edward). An enumeration of viii, pp., North American lichens, with a preliminary 1867. view of the structure and general history of Turnbull (John). A voyage round the world these plants, and of the Friesian system. To in the yeas 1800to1804. st Amer. ed. 34 which is prefixed, an essay on the natural pp. 120. Philadelpia, B. 4' T. ite, 1810. systems of Oken, Fries, and Endlicher. vi, Turnbull (Robert J.) Visit to the Philadelphia 59 pp. 80. Cambriclde, (Mac/ss.) J. Osleen, prison. With observations on the impolicy of 184t5. s s. capital punishment. 93 pp. 8S. London, Janzes - A synopsis of the lichens of New Eng Phillips & son, 1797. land, the other northern states, and British Turnbull (William, U. S. A.) Drawings accomAmerica. v, 93 pp. 80. Camblridge, (Mass.) panying a report on the survey and construcG. Nichols, 1848. s. tion of the Alexandria aqueduct. [35 pl. etc.] Tuckerman (Henry Theodore). Book of the obl.fol. [Wcshington,]Govt.printer,1838. s. artists. American artist life; comprising Turner (Daniel). A short history of the Westbiographical and critical sketches of American minster forum. [anon.] 2 v. in 1. 14 p.. 422 artists; preceded by an historical account of pp; 2 p. 1. 223 pp. 8. London, T. Cadcell, the rise and progress of art in America. With etc. 1781. 424 TURNER. TYNDALL. Turner (Jacob). Genealogy of the descendants Twining (Elizabeth). Short lectures on plants, of Humphrey Turner; with family records. fbr schools and adult classes. xi, 369 pp. Intwoparts. 63 pp. 80. Boston,David Turner, 160. London, D. XNztt, 1858. s. 1852. Twiss (Travers). Epitome of Niebuhr's history Turner (William). Journal of a tour in the of Rome. See Niebuhr (B. G.) Levant. [Illustrated.] 3 v. 2 maps. 80. Twisse (William, D. D.) A treatise of Mr. London, J. Murray, 1820. [John] Cottonms, clearing certaine doubts conTurpin (Pierre Jean Fran9ois). Iconographlie cerning predestination, with an examination vdg6tale; oun, organisation des vdg6taux illus- thereof. [Also, a ms. sermon in stenograph tr6e au moyen de figures analytiques. Avec by Benj. Wooclbridge, dated 1656.] 4 p. 1. un texte explicatif et une notice biographique 288 pp. 8 1. am. 4~. London, A. Crook, 1646. sur M. Turpin, par A. Richard. xii, 144 pp. Tyas (Robert). Flowers and heraldry. xiv, 61 pl. 8~. Paris, Panckoucke, 1841. s. 238 pp. 24 pl. 180. London, Hozulston,' StoneTurrecremata (J. de). See Torquemada. man, 1851. Turrell (Rev. Ebenezer). The life and charac- --- Flowers froml foreign lands: their hister of Rev. Benjamin Colman. 9 p. 1. 238 pp. tory and botany. With groups of flowers, SO. Boston, Rogers &:Fozwle, etc. 1749. coloured by J. Andrews. ix, 198 pp. 12 pl. Tursellinus. See Torsellini. 16~. London, Houlston & Stonenman, 1853. Turton (Thomas, D. D. bishop of Ely). A Tyers (Thomas ). Dramatic conversations. vindication of the literary character of the [anon.] iv, 96 pp. 30. London, J. NVichols, late professor [Richard] Porson, from the 178.2. animadversions of Thomas Burgess, in various r iVith his Political conferences, etc. London, 1781]. publications on 1 John, v. 7. By Crito Can- ~ An historical essay on MIr. Addison. tabrigiensis. [pseudon.] viii, 404 pp. 8. I [anon.] viii, 92 pp. 8~. London, 1783. Cambridge, J. & J. Deighton, 1827. W Tith his Political confcrences, etc. Londoln, 1781j. Turton (William). Conchylia [dithyra] insu- A — n historical rhapsody on Mr. Pope. larum britannicarum. The [bivalve] shells 2d ed. xi, 143 pp. 8. 8 Lodon, T. Caccdell, of the British islands. xlvii, 279 pp. 20 pl. 1782. 40. London, 1. A. Nacttali, 1822. s. F With his Political conferences, etc. Londoln, 178 l]. Manual of the land and fresh-water shells Political conferences between several of the British islands. viii, 150 pp. 10 pl. great men in the last and present century. 2d 120. London, Lonygnans, 1831. s. ed. 9 p. 1. 192 pp. 0~. London,'. Cadell, The same. New ed. Enlarged by John 1781. Edward Gray. ix, 324 pp. 12 pl. 8~. Losn- Tyler (Bennet, D. D.) Memoir of the life and don, Lonigmans, 1840. s. character of Rev. Asahel Nettleton, D. D. 2d Tustin (Rev. Josiah Phillip). A discourse de- od. 367 pp. 1 p. 120. Hcatford, Robins livered at the dedication of the new church & Smittl, 1845. edifice of the baptist church and society in Tyler (Edward Royall). The congregational Warren, (R. I.) May 8, 1845. 193 pp. 18s. catechism. A survey of the government and Providesnce, H. H. Brsowns, 1845. discipline of christian churches. 137 pp. 18~. Twain (MIarl, pseud.) See Clemens (Sawmuel). Neo Haven, A. H. Maltby, 1844. Treddell (John). Remainls, being a selection Tyler (William Seymour). The theology of the of his correspondence, a republication of his Greek poets. 365pp. 123 Boston, )rapes Prolusiones juveniles, an appendix, etc. pre- ct Halicay, 1867. ceded by a mnemoir by Rev. R. Tweddell. Tyndale (William). Doctrinal treatises and [With] a vindication of the editor against the introductions to different portions of the holy earl of Elgin and others. 2d ed. viii, 575, scriptures. Edited by Rev. H. Walter. lxxvi, 179 pp. 12 pl. 40. Londozs, J. 7Mawmnan, 1816. 532 pp. 80~. Cambridge, Univ. press, 1848. Twenty essays on literary and philosophical [Parker societ' publications]. subjects. [anon.] 306 pp. 160. Dublin, R. CONTENTS. Whlite, 1791. Bio-raphical notice; Pathway into the holy scripture; Parable of wicked mamnmon; Obedience Twice lost. A novel. By the author of Queen of a christian man; Of the sacraments; Prologues Isabel. ranon.] 323 pp. 12~. London, Fir- to various books of tle 0. and N.'. tue bros. & Co. 1863. Tyndall (John). The glaciers of the Alps. Twiggs (Gen. David Emanuel). See Taylor xx, 446 pp. 1 pl. 120. Boston, Ticknor. and his generals. Fields, 1861. s. 425 TYNG. UNITED STATES. Tyng (Rev. Stephen Higginson,jr.) Address at Under the ban (Le maudit): a tale of the ninethe installation of officers of the Prince of teenth century. Translated from the French Orange lodge, No. 16, New York city, Dec. of M. l'abb6''*. [anon.] 247 pp. 8~. New 29, 1866. 22 pp. 40. New York, Baldwin & York, Hiarpers, 1864. Jones, 1867. Under two flags. A novel. By Ouida. [pseuTyrrell (Sir James). Bibliotheca politica; or, don.] 652 pp. 12~. Philadelphia, Lippincott, an inquiry into the ancient constitution of the 1867. English government, in respect to regal power Underhill (Edward Bean). Letter addressed and the rights and liberties of the subject. In to hon. E. Cardwell, with illustrative docthirteen dialogues. [anon.] 6 p. 1. 968 pp. uments on the condition of Jamaica. 3d [ed.] 16 I. sin. 4~. London, B. Baldwin, 1694. 92 pp. 80. London, A. AMiall, [1866]. Tyson (Job R.) Discourse on the first anni- Unger (Franz, M. D.) Ideal views of the versary of the Girard college for orphans. 42 primitive world. 2 p. 1. 8 pp. 14 1. 14 phot. pp. 8~. Philadelphia, Crissy & Markley, 1849. pl. 40~. London, S. Hlighley, [1855]. s. Discourse on history, as a branch of the.. Genera et species plantarum fossilium. national literature. 53 pp. 80. Philadelphia, xl, 627 pp. 8~. Vindobonae, Acad. caes. scient. T. K. & P. G. Collins, 1849. 1850. s. Tyson (Philip T.) Information in relation to - Synopsis plantarum fossilium. xviii, 330 the geology and topography of California. pp. 12~. LipsiccL. Foss, 1845. s. 127, 37 pp. 6 maps. 8~. [ Washington, public Union theological seminary, (Prince Edward,. printer, 1850]. s. Va.) Catalogue of the library. 107 pp. 8~. Second report of the state agricultural Richmond, J. Macfarlan, 1833. s. chemist to the house of delegates of Maryland, United service magazine. See Colburn's 1862. 92 pp. 8~. Annapolis, T. J. Wilson, united service magazine. 1862. s. United States of America. Tzetzes (Joannes). Historiarum variarum Colonial and revolutionary period. chiliades, graece. Textumn ad fidem duorum Proceedings of the congress at New codicum monacensium recognovit, brevi ad- York, 1765. 28 pp. fol. An7na raolis, Jonas notatione et vindicibus instruxit Theophilus Green, 1766. Kiesslingius. xxiv, 568 pp. 8~0. Lipsice, F. --- rticles of confederation and perpetual C. W. Voyel, 1826. s. union between the states of New Hampshire, Udine (Leonardo da). Sermones aurei de Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Providence sanctis. 359 1. unp. fol. Colonie, J. Kolhof, Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New 1473. Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, The same. 313 1. unp. 40. Venetijs, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Franciscus de Hailbrun et Nicolaus de Frdck- Georgia. 16 pp. fol. Boston, John Gill, fordia, 1473. s. 1777. Ukert(Friedrich August). Beitraige zur altern --- The same. [Authorized copy, certified litteratur, [etc.] SeeJacobs(C.F. W.)and bypresident Laurens]. 26 pp. fol. LancasUkert. ter, (Pa.) Francis Bailey, 1777. Ule (Otto). Die neuesten entdeckungen in --— Addresses and recommendations to the Afrika, Australien, und der arktischen polar- states by the United States in congress assemwelt, mit besonderer riicksicht auf die natur- bled, [upon revenue matters]. 91 pp. 8~. und kulturverhiiltnisse der entdeckten lander. London, J. Stockdale, 1783. viii, 394 pp. 4 maps. 2 pl. 80. Halle, G.. Journals of congress from Sept. 5, 1774, Schtwetschke, 1861. s. to Dec. 31, 1776. 2 v. 310 pp. 6 1; 513 pp. 11 Ulloa (Antonio de). Voyage historique de i. 8~. Philadelphia, B. Aitken, 1777. l'Am6rique M6ridionale, 1752. See Juan y Observations on the American revolution. Santacilia (Jorge) and Ulloa (Antonio de). Published according to a resolution of ConUmbreit (August Ernst). Die erfindung der gress, by their committee. 1 p. 1. 122 pp. 80. buchdruckerkunst, [etc.] xxxiv, 244 pp. 8~. Philadelphia, Stynetr s Cist, 1779. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1843. -— Recueil des loix constitutives des coloUnamlie (Hipolito). Observaciones sobre el nies angloises, colnfddr6es sous la denominaclima de Lima, y sus influencias en los seres tion d'itats Unis de l'Amrique Septentrionale. organizados, en especial el hombre. 2' ed. Traduit de l'Anglois. 6 p. 1. 370 pp. 160. xxvi, 315 pp.. 8 Madcrid, De Sancha, 1815. Paris, Cellot 4 Jombert, 1778. 54 426 UNITED STATES. UNITED STATES. United States of America-Continued. Navy department. Statement of all sums of money bor- i Regulations for the government of the rowed from the treasury of the United States naval academy at Annapolis, Md. Prepared by individual states, or advanced to them by a board of navy officers. 26 pp. 8~0. Washduring the late war. Transmitted to congress ington, C. Alexander, 1851. in letter dated 26 Sept. 1786, from the board Regulations for the uniform and of the treasury. With mss. notes by J. dress of the navy. 14 pp. 1 chart. 12O. Nourse. 82 pp. fol. [New York, 1786]? [ Washington], J. & G. S. Gideon, 1841..- Statement of taxes required by congress; Sailing directions and nautical and of payments made by the several states, remarks: by officers of the U. S. naval expeon account of their respective quotas on the dition to Japan, under the command of Com. requisitions for paper money; with the bal- M. C. Perry. 21 pp. 1 map. 4~. Wc4ashington, ances due thereon, 1785. 14 pp. fol. [New A. O. P. Nicholson, 1857. YorE, 1785P]?i XTreasury department. Report of the special commissioner of [ With NORTH Carolina. Journal of the house ofeport of the special commissioner ofmmons. 52 pp. fol. 1785]. the revenue, 1866. 233 pp. 8~0. Washington, Constitutions, etc. Govt. printing office, 1867. The constitution, as reported by the con- [Title page wanting]. vention of delegates begun at Philadelphia on The same: with form of a bill the first Monday of May, 1787, and continued establishing rates of duty oil goods, wares, to the 17th day of September following. 16 pp. and merchandise, imported into the United 120. Boston, Thomas & John Fleet, [about States, prepared by the special commissioner 1787]. of the revenue. 233, 57 pp. 8~. Washington, [Imperfect: wanting parts of pp. 7-10]. Govt. printing office, 1867. The same. [Another ed.] 16 pp. 120. [Title page wanting]. Boston, Thomas & John Fleet, [about 1787]. Reports of a commission apThe same. 16 pp. 12~. Portsmouth, (N. pointed for a revision of the revenue system H.) 1787. of the United States. D. A. Wells, S. Col-.- The same. Together with the articles of well, S. S. Hayes, commissioners. 483 pp. amendment, adopted by the congress of said 8~. Washington, Govt. printing ofice, 1866. states, 1789. 23 pp. sin. 40~. Windsor, (Vt.) Tariff; or rates of duty payable, Alden Spooner, 1790. according to the existing laws and treasury A collection of the constitutions of the decisions, July 1, 1828. 33, 111 pp. 40. thirteen United States of North America. 257 Washington, De Krcgft, 1828. pp. 12~. Glasgows, John Bryce, 1783. Was department. The same. The constitutions of the Army. Abstract of infantry tactics; for United States, [with] the declaration of inde- the use of the militia. 138 pp. 30 pl. 16. pendence, the federal constitution, and the Boston, Hilliacrd, Grsve, & Co. 1830. bill of rights of the state of Virginia. 334 pp. Cavalry tactics. 2 v. vii, 198 pp; 80. Winchester, (Va.) J. Foster, 1811. x, 293 pp. 100 p1. 24~. Philadelphia, Lip1oineott, 1862. Agricultural deartment pnott, 1862. Instruction for field artillery, - Monthly report of the department of horse and foot. Compiled by a board of artilagriculture. Jan. 1866 to Dec. 1867. J. R. lery oflicers. 166 pp. 69 pl. 120. Baltimore, Dodge, editor. 2 v. 8~. Washington, Govt. J. Robinson, 1845. jps-inting off. 1866-67. ______-____- General regulations for the army. Narvy dep~ar-tment. xxxix, 236 pp. 120. Washington, P1. P. Astronomical observations made at the Blais, 1834. United States naval observatory during Meteorological register, 1826-30, 1851-52. xxvii, 652 pp. 40. Washington, from observations made at the military posts Govt. printing office, 1867. of theUnited States. Prepared under the direcThe same. 1861 and 1864. 2 v. tion of T. Lawson, surgeon, U. S. A. [With] 40. Washington, Govt. printing qfice, 1862-66. meteorological register, 1822-25. 161 pp. 1 Register of the officers of the navy, in- map. 80. Philadelphia, Haswell, Bas-rington &t eluding the marine corps, etc. 1815, 1817-18, Haswell, 1840. 1820-67. 59 v. 8~0. 120. and 160. Washing- The same. 1831-42 inclusive. ton, 1815-67. 324 pp. 8~ Washington, C. Alexender, 1851. 427 UNITED STATES. UNITED STATES. United States of America-Continued. persons within the U. S. 1790-1820. 361 War department. pp. fol. Washington, D. Green, 1832. Official register of the army for 1867. ~ Congressional directory for the second 178 pp. 2 tab. 120. Washington, Govt. print. session of the 40th Congress; compiled by Qoffce, 1867. B. P. Poore. 2d ed. 106 pp. 1 pl. 8~. WashReport of experiments on gun- ington, Govt. print. office, 1868. powder, made at Washington arsenal, in 1843 Fac-simile of the original treaty and 1844. By Capt. A. Mordecai. viii, 328 pp. with Japan, with the English version. 14, 6 pl. 80. Washington, J. & G. Gideon, 1845. 2 pp. 4. Reorts of experiments with small [ With UNITED STATES: sailing directions by officers of the Japan expedition]. arms for the military service, by officers of the Message of the president communicating ordnance department, U. S. army. 117, 35 pp. information in relation to the heating and 4 pl. 8~. Washington, public printer, 1836. ventilation of the capitol extension, post office - Army medical museum. Cata- department, etc. 254 pp. 8~. TWashington, logue of the surgical [and other] section[s] of Senate, 1860. S. the museum. 961 pp. 6 pl. 4~. Washington, Statement on the part of the U. S. of the Govt. printing office, 1866. case, [relative to the northeastern boundary, ] The same. Catalogue of the med- referred, in pursuance of the convention of ical section of the museum. 136 pp. 5 pl. 4~. 29th Sept. 1827, between the said states and Washington, Govt. printing qocc, 1867. Great Britain, to his majesty, the king of the [With " catalogue of the surgical section"). Netherlands. 734 pp. fol. Washington, oqf. The same. Catalogue of the mi- U. S. Telegraph, 1829. croscopical section of the museum. 16lpp. 1 _ Virginia revolutionary claims: bounty pl. 40. Washington, Govt. printing office, 1867. land and commutation pay. Report, no. 436, [ ith " catalogue of the surgical section"). house of representatives, 26th congress, 1st -- The same. Surgeon general's office, session. [With] views of the minority of 1867. Circular no. 5. Report on epidemic said committee. 135 pp. 8~. Washington, cholera in the army of the United States Congress, [1840]. during the year 1866. [By J. J. Woodward, United States agricultural society. Journal. asst. surg. general U. S. A.] xviii, 65 pp. 4~. 1853-59. 7 v. 20 pl. 8~. Boston & Washington,.VWashington, Govt. printing office, 1867. Society, 1854-59. The same. Circular no. 6. Re[Imperfect. Nos. 1-2, 1853; nos 1-4, 1855, and nos. port showing the material available in the 2, 3, 4. 1859, wantingl. surgeon general's office for the publication of United States (The) army and navy journal the medical and surgical history of the war. andgazette of the regular and volunteer forces. 4 W. Fashington, Govt. printing office, 1866. Aug. 1866, to Aug. 1867. v. 4. sm. fol. 4New -- -- The same. Circular no. 7. A York, [ W. C. 4 F. P. Church, 1867]. report on amputations at the hip-joint, in United States consular regulations. A-pracmilitary surgery. 87 pp. 9 col. pl. 4~. tical guide for consular officers, merchants, WTashington, Govt. printing qoice, 1867. ship owners, and masters of American vessels The same. Statistical report on in all their consular transactions. 3d ed. 683 the sickness and mortality in the army of the pp. 8~. Washington, French & Richardson, United States, compiled from the records of 1868. the surgeon general's office, 1839-1855. Pre- United States hotel guidb and railway compared by R. H. Coolidge. 703 pp. 1 map. 4~. panionfor1867. [anon.] lsted. 165pp. 16~. Washington, A. O. P. Nicholson, 1856. Jas. Miller, 1867. Bureacu of sefugees, freedmen and United States (The) insurance almanac for abandoned lands. Fourth semi-annual report the year 1858. v. 3. Edited by G. E. Currie. on schools for freedmen, July, 1867. By J.W. iv, 156 pp. 4 pl. 8~. New York, G. E. Currie, Alvord, generalsupt. 96 pp. 120. Washington, 1858. s. Govt. printing office, 1867. United States (The) literary gazette. v. i, Miscellaneous documents. April, 1824, to April, 1825. 380 pp. 4o. BosCensus of the United States. [Third.] ton, Cucmmings, Hilliard & Co. 1825. 1810. 90 1. obl. fol. [ Washington, 1812?] ~ The same. Apr. 1, 1825. to Oct. 1, 1826. The same. Fifth census. 1830. v. 2-4. 0~. Boston, Cummings, Hilliard & Co. [With] a scheclule of the whole number of [etc.] 1825-26 428 UNITED STATES. V2ENIUS United States (The) review and literary ga- pl. 18~. New York, D. Appleton & Co. zette, October 1, 1826, to September, 1827. 1867. v. 1-2. 3, 480 pp; 480 pp. 80.' Boston, Bowles Urcullu (Jos6 de). Grammiltica inglesa rednl4 Dearborn, 1827. cida E veinte y dos lecciones. Ed. 1ra amner. [Title page of v. 2 wanting]. aumentada, por Fayette Robinson. 262 pp. United States sanitary commission. Bulletin, 120. Filadelja, Thomas, Cowoperthlwaite S' [1863-1865]. 3 v. in 1: v. 1, Nos. 1 to 12, Co. 1848. s. pp. xvi, 384; v. 2, Nos. 13 to 24, pp. xvi, 385 Ure (Andrew). Dictionary of arts, manufacto 768; v. 3, Nos. 25 to 40, pp. xviii, 769 to tures, and mines, containing a clear exposition 1280. 1 map. 8~. New York, 1866. of their principles and practice. Edited by R. ~ —- 1Documents. 2 v. v. 1, Nos. I to 60; Hunt. 6th ed. 3 v. 8~. London, Longmcansj v. 2, Nos. 61 to 95. 8C. New York, 1866. 1867. Univerccelum (The) and spiritual philoso- Urlsperger (Samuel). Ausftihrliche nachricht pher. Edited by S. B. Brittan. v. 1. 8c. New von den saltzburgischen emigranten, die sich York, by a acssociation, 1848. in America niedergelassen haben. 3 v. 2 maps, [Imperfect; Nos. 6, 12-15, 17-22, 24-26 wanting]. 2 pl. sm. 40. lHalle, Wiiysenhaus, 1735-52. Universal (The) letter-writer; or, whole art Urquhart (Davic). Progress of Russia in the of polite correspondence. [anon.] New ed. west, north, and south, by opening the sources 124 pp. 1 pl. 160. Phila~delphia, 21. Carey, of opinion and appropriating the channels of 1810. wealth and power. 3d ed. lxx, 438 pp. 1 map. 16~. Londor, ruIgbbne' 1853. [Imperfect; pp. 9-10 wanting]. map. 160. London, Triibner, 1853. - - Recent events in the east. viii, 311 pp. Universal suffrage. Female suffrage. By a 16~. Londclon, Trilbne 4. Co. 1854. republican, (not a "radical"). 116 pp. 12~. Urrutia (Carlos de), andc Fonseca (Fabian Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1867. de). Historia general de real hacienda [en Up the Elbe, and on to Norway. By Mr. Nihil. Nueva Espana]. 6 v. 80~ Mexico, V. G [pseudon.] 178 pp. 12~0. London, Cassell, Tores, 1845-53 Petter & Galpin, [r867]. Ursini or Orsini (Fulvio). De Romanorum Up and down the Rhine for ~5! How to do gentihus scriptores. See Agustin (Antonio), it. By B. A. [anon.] 32 lpp 18~. London, nd Orsini. J. W. Last, 1866. Urstis, or Wurstis (Christian). See WurUpdike (Wilkins). History of the episcopal steisen. church in Narragansett, Rhode Island; with Use and abuse; a tale. By the author of wayan appendix, entitled " America dissected,"1 faring sketches among the Greeks and Turks. by Rev. J. Macsparran, D. D. vii, xvi, 9-533 [anon.] viii, 445 pp. 8~. London,. & J. pp. 2 portraits. 8~'. New York, H. M. Onder- Rivington, 1849. donk, 1847. Ussher, oir Usher (James, archbishop of Upham(AlbertGallatin, M.D.) Family history. Armagh). Of the original and first institution Notices of the life of John Upham, the first of corbes, erenacls, and termon lands. Writinhabitant of New EngIand who bore that ten 1609. 29 pp. 8~. Dublin, T. Ewing, name. xi, 92 pp. I6~. Concord, (N. I.) 1774. A. Milc~e~arbland, 1845. [VALLANCEY (C.) Collectanea de rebus hibernicis. Upham (Charles Wentworth). Life, explora- v. 1, no. 2]. tions, and public services of John C. Fremont. Utino (Leonardus de). See Udine (L. da). 30th thousand. 365 pp. 13 pl. 120. Boston, Vaca (Alvar Nufiez, surnamed Cabega de). See Ticknor 4.Fields, 1856. Nufiez (Alvar). ----- Salem witchcraft; with an account of Vacher (L. M.D.) ]&tude m6dicale et statisSalem village, and a history of opinions on tique sur la mortalit6 A Paris, A Londres, A witchcraft and kindred subjects. 2 v. xl, 469 Vienne, et'A New York en 1865. 180 pp. 1 pp. 1 map. 1 pl; 553 pp. 3pl. 12c. Boston, pi. 80. Paris, F. Savy, 1866. Wiggin & Lunt, 1867. Vacquerie (Auguste). Les miettes de l'hisUphamn (Thomas Cogswell, D. D.) American toire. 4e ed. 495 pp. 80. Paris, Pagnerre, [poetical] sketches. vii, 120 pp. 180. New 1863. York, David Longworth, 1819. Vadianus. See Watt (Joachim de). Upton (Emory). A new system of infantry Vaenius (Otho). See Veen (Octavius von tactics, double and single rank. 392 pp. 109 der). 429 VAILLANT. VALLANCEY. Vaillant (Auguste Nicolas). Voyage autour Valerius Maximus. Dictorvm et factorvm du monde pendant 1836-37, sur la corvette memorabilivm libri ix. 1181. fol. [Venetiis], La Bonite. Physique par B. Darondeau et Vindelinus, 1471. E. Chevalier. 4 v. 80. Paris, A. Bertrand, Valette (J. B. Philippe), and Benat Saint 1840-46. s. Marsy (Gustave). Trait6 de la confection des CONTENTS. lois; ou, examen raisonn6 des rbglements Observations magntiques. 2 v. 386 pp. 11. 4 pl; suivis par les assembl6es l6gislatives fran307 pp. Observations m6t6orologiques. 2 v, 2 p. 1. 1, 336 pp; 9aises, compares aux formes palementaires 2 p. 1. 310 pp. 1 pl. de l'Angleterre, des IVtats-Unis, de la BelVaillant (Jean Foy). Nummi antiqui famili- giue, etc. 2 tirage. 400 pp. 180. Paris, gique, etc. 2" tirage. 400 pp. 18~. Peeris, arum romanarum perpetuis interpretationi- Joubert, 1839. S. bus illustrati. 2 v. 10 p. 1. 536 pp; 576 pp. Valicourt (E. de). Nouveau manuel complet 24 1. 152 pl. fol. Amstelcedami, G. Gallet, de photographie sur m.tal, sur papier et sur 1703. verre. Nouv. 6d. xvi, 368pp. pl. 240. Vaillant (S6bastien). Botanicon parisiense; Paris, Boret, 1851. s. ou, denombrement par ordre alphab6tique des allacey (harles, L D.) ollectan plantes, qui se trouvent aux environs de Paris. r.. rebus hibernicis. v. 1-5. 8~. DUblmb 1774-90. 25 p. 1. 205 pp. 241. 1 map. 34 pl. fol. Leide, J. 4 H. Verbeek, 1727. CONTENTS. Vald6s or Valdesius (Diego). De dignitate v. 1, No. 1. Piers: description of the county of WestMeath, 126 pp. regvm regnorumque Hispaniae. 5, 197, 5 1. No. 2. Davis: letterto the earl of Salisbury, 44 pp. Usher: original and first institution of corfol. Granatcu,:F. Diacz a' Montoya, 1602. s. bes, erenachs, and termon lands, 29 pp. Valdes (Jos6 Francisco). Vida de la glorio- Account of two ancient instruments lately discovered, 5 pp. I pl. sisima madre de la madre de Dios, y abuela No. 3-4. Vallancey: on the ancient Irish laws called de Jesuchristo seniora Santa Ana. 6 p. 1. gavel-kind and thanistry, 414 pp. No. 2. Part of the ancient Brehon laws of Ireland, 208pp. 1 1. 1 pl. 80. Mexico, herederos de F. 24 pp. v. 2, No. 5. Vallancey: literature of the Irish in heathde Zuint~~ga y Ontiveros, 1794. enish times, 5 pp; translation of fragValenciennes (Achille). Poissons. See Cu- ment of Brehon laws, 21 pp; gavel law of the ancient Irish explained, 9 pp; vier (G. L. C. F. D.) R8gne animal. literature of the Irish after the establishValentia (Pedro de). Les a-cad6miques; on, ment of christianity, 16 pp; enquiry into the first inhabitants of Ireland, 16 pp. des moyens de juger du vrai. S. No. 6. Ledwich: on the study of Irish antiqui[With CICERO. Livres acad6miques, trad. par Cas- ties, 32 pp; on the round towers in Iretillon, v. ]. land, 23 pp; memoirs of Dunamase anud Shean castle, 12 pp. Valentin (Gabriel Gustav ). Grundriss der No. 7. Beauford: druidism revived, characters physiologie des menschen. 4e auf. viii, 890 and modes of writingof the ancient Irish, 56 pp; origin and language of the Irish, pp. 7 pl. 80. Braunschtweig, Vieweg, 1855. s. and the learning of the druids, 30 pp. Lehrbuch der physiologie des menschen. No. 8. Vallancey: on the antiquity of the Irish language, 2d ed. 123 pp. 2e aufl. 2 v. in 4. 8~. Braunschweig, Vieweg, No. 9. Ledwich: history andantiquities of Irishtown and Kilkenny, 212 pp. 1849-50.. v. 3, No. 10. Vallancey: continuation of the Brehon Nachtrtige zur zweiten auflage vom lehr- laws, 126 pp-[imperfect: pp. 119-22 wanting]; Chinese and Japonese lanbuche der physiologie des mensehen. 101 pp. guages collated with the Irish, 62 pp; 80. Braunsc weig, Vieweg, 1851. s. on the round towers of Ireland, 4 pp. Pownall: account of the ship temple near [ With his Lehrbuch der physiologie. v. 1]. Dundalk, 10 pp. 1 pl. Valentine (David T.) See New York city. O'Conor: history of Ireland during the times of heathenism, 22 pp. Manual of corporation. Letter from Curio, with further explanaValentyn (Franvois). Oud en nieuw Oost- tion of the silver instrument described Indien. 5 v. in 9. fol. Dordrecht, J. Van No. 11. Beatuford: ancient topography of Ireland, 173 pp. Braam, 1724-26. S. Ledwich: on the ship temple near DunCONTENTS. dalk, 12 pp. No. 12. Vallancey: ancient history of Ireland v. 1. Nederlands mogentheid. vindicated, 173 pp; of all hallow eve, 2. Moluccos; Molukse zaaken. [and] of the gule or Laminasday of 3. Amboina; Ambonsche zaaken. August, 68 pp; description of the ban4. Ambonsche zaaken, etc. cont'd. Boomen, planten, queting hall of Tara, 31 pp. 1 pl; of etc. van Amboina. the kiss of salutation, 10 pp; of a colony 5. Banda, Macassaarsche zaaken, Borneo, Tonkin, from Scythopolis, in Palestine, 3 pp; of Cambodia, Siam, Bull. the Phoenician and Thebaian dialects 6. Java, Bantam, Batavia. of the Irish, 74 pp; antient Etruscan 7. Godsdienst op het eyland Java; levens der groote collated with the Irish, 20 pp. Mogols; Tsjina; Tayouan of Formosa. O'Conor: on the heathen state and ancient 8. Choromandel, Pegu, Arrakan, Bengal, Mocha, topography of Ireland, 28 pp. Persien, Malakka, Sumatra, Ceylon. v. 4, No. 13. O'Conor: third letter on the same, 27 pp. 9. Malabar, Japan, Kaap der Goede Hoope, Manri- Vallancey: on the ancient implements, tius. etc. of the Irish, 106 pp. 14 pl. 430 VALLANCEY. VANDERMAELEN. Vallancey (Charles, LL. D.) Collectanea de duitsche boeken, welke sedert het jaar 1600 rebus hibernicis.-Continuecl. tot het jar 1761 zyn uitgekomen; nu overNo. 14. Vallancey: vindication of the ancient his- zien, verbeterd en tot bet jaar 1787 vermeertory of Ireland; containing the descent derd door Reinier Arrenberg. 2c druk. 2 v. of its old inhabitants from the PhoenoScythians; early skill of the Phoeno- 6 p. 1. 598 pp. sm. 40. Rotterdamr, G. A. Scythians in navigation, arts, and letters; [and] several accounts of the an- Al-Ienbe'g, 1788. cient Irish bards, 551 pp. 11 pl.-[im- - The same. Alphabetiscle llaamlijstvan perfect: pp. 1-16, 465-480, wanting]. v. 5. Vallancey: TUraikeft, or, book of Oghams, boeken, welke 1790 —1832, in NoorclNederland translated and explained, 105 pp; on the zij iteomen; strekende ten vervolge op origin of alphabetic writing, 96 pp. 12omen; stre pl; terms of the Brehon-Amhan laws het Naamregister van R. Arrenberg. [Door explained, 82 pp; origin of the feudal system of government, 64 pp. J. de Jong. ] viii, 755, 159 pp. si. 4~. GraWalker: anecdotes of chess in Ireland, venhage, gebroeclers van Cleef, 1835. 4 pp. The same. Alphabetische naamlijst van Vallandigham (Clement L.) Record of hon. boeken, plaat- en 1aartwerken, wie 1833-49, in C. L. Vallandigham on abolition, the union, lNederland uitgegeven of herdrukt zijn; strekand the civil war. 248 pp. 1 pl. 80. Cin- kende ten vervolge op de alphabetische naamcinnati, J. Walter & Co. 1863. ]ijst, 1790-1832, bewerkt door J. de Jong. Vallardi (Giuseppe). Manuale calcografico Uitgegeven bij [C. L. Brinkman]. 3 p. 1. 792 per l'artista, il mercante, e l'amatore. Mani- pp. sm. 40. Asaste'sdacn, C. L. Brinkiman, festo. xvi pp. 8~. Milano, P. e G. Vallardi, 1858. 1832. (Van Cleef (Pieter). Alphabetische naamlijst [:rith~ CICOGNARA (L. conte). Memoria della calco- van fondsartilelen, voorlomende in het nnanngrafia, 1831]. van fondsartikelen, voorkomende in het naamValle (Rev. Enrico). A family of martyrs. register van nederlandsche boeken, alsmnele A drama. Translated from the Italian, by in de alphatetische naamlijst van boeken, Rev. F. P. Garesclhe. vii, 76 pp. 160. Cn- achtervolgens uitgegeven bij R. Arrenberg en cinnati, J. P. tWalse,, 1864. de gebroeders Van Cleef. xii, 122 pp. sin. Valle (Guglielmo della). Stampe del duomo 40 Graovenlage, gebroede's Van Cleef, 1838. di Orvieto. 2 p. 1. 38 pl. Bo'nR a, 1791. Van den Bosch (Jan). Heemel geschiedenis [Text wanting]. S. naer de denkbeelden der podten, der philosoVallerange (Prosper). Le panlatinisme, con- fen, en van Mozes. 2 v. 540 pp. 61; 25p. 1. f6d6ration gallo-latine et celto-gauloise. Alli- 549 pp. 17 1. 24 pl. 180. Amsterdlam, H. ance fed6rative de la France, la Belgique, Bousssiere, 1743. l'Angleterre, l'Espagne, le Portugal, l'Italie, Van den Broecke (J. C.) and De Man (J. la Grdce, etc. Nouv. 6d. (etc.) xxviii, 236 C.) De cholera asiatica in Zeeland, haar pp. 1 pl. 8~. Paris, Passard, [1862]. s. oorsprong en hare verspreiding gedurende Vallet de Viriville (Auguste). Histoire de de jaren 1832-1833, en 1848-1849. viii, 223 l'instruction publique en Europe et principale- pp. 8~. Middleburg, lAbraha'ms, 1850. s. ment en France, depuis le christianisme Van den Corput (, M.D.) De l'orjusqu'i nos jours. 2 p. 1. 400 pp. 14 pl. 40~. ganisation des 6coles pratiques professionelles Paris, Adsministration du moyen age, ete. 1849. en Allemagne, en Suede, et en Russie; et en Valliere (Jean Florent, marquis de). The art particulier des ecoles des arts et m6tiers de of war. [Manceuvres of armies]. 4 p. 1. Vienne et de Saint P6tersbourg. Extrait des pp. 145-264. 120. Philadelp2hia, B. Bell, 1776. annales du g6nie civil, Mars 1866. 19 pp. 80. [Imperfect; pp. 259 —62 wanting]. S. Paris, Lacroix, 1866. Valliere (Louise Franqoise de La Baume Le Van der Aa (A. J.) Nieuw biografiesch, anBlanc, ducchesse de La). See La Valliere. thologiesch, en kritiesch woordenboek van Valori (Niccolo). La vie de Laurent de M6di- nederlandsche dichters. 3 v. 8~..A'?stercis, traduite du Latin, [par Claude Pierre da'n, C. L. Van Langen7zeyseyn, 1864. Gouge]. xxiv, 346 pp. 160. Paris, ijon, 1761. Van der H-elle ( ). Catalogue de [sa] Vainlbery (Arminius). Travels in Central bibliotheque. La vente 10 f6vrier, 1868. 253 Asia; an account of a journey from Teheran pp. 80. Par'is, Bachelin-De/loresne, 1868. to Khiva, Bokhara, and Samarcand, in the Vandermaelen (Philippe Marie Guillaume). year 1863. 493 pp. 12 pl. 1 ap. 80. N. Aew Dictionnaire des hommes de lettres, des saYork, Ha'cspers, 1865. vans, et des artistes de la Belgique. [anon.] Va- Ablkoude (Johannes). NaaLmregister van iv, 264 pp. 8~. Bruaxelles,'tabliwAsse'e-et gcde bekendste en ineest in gebrnik zyndle neler- ogrcaphique, 1837. 431 VAN DER PUTTEN. VARGAS. Van der Putten ( Hendrik ). Epistolarum Van Oosterzee (J. J. D. D.) The epistle genatticarum promulsis, in centvrias tres distri- eral of James. [A commentary]. See Bible, bvta. 16~. Colonice, 1616. (English). Commentary, etc. by J. P. Lange, Valle (Sir Henry). A healing question pro- and others. pounded and resolved upon occasion of the Van Rees (O.) Geschiedenis der Nederlandlate publique and seasonable call to humilia- sche volkplantingen in Noord Amerika, bestion, in order to love and union amongst the chouwd uit het oogpunt der koloniale politiek. honest party. 24 pp. 2 1. sm. 40. London, 162 pp. 8~. Tiel, H. Camopagne, 1855. s. T. Brewster, 1656. Vansleben. See Wansleben. Vane-Stewart (Charles William, 3d marquess Vanuxem (Lardner). Reports on geology. of Lononderry). Story of the Peninsular [NEw YORn (State of). Geological survey, annual war. New ed. ix, 396 pp. 1 map. 6 pl. 12~. reports.. 2-5] Vanvitelli (Luigi). Dichiarazione dei disegni London, Willis ~ Sothera~n, 1856. del reale palazzo di Caserta. 3 p. 1. xix pp. Vanel or VTannel ( —). Galanteries cdes rots 14 pl. fol. Napoli, nella regice stamperiacc, 1756. de France, depuis le commencement de la. Van Zandt (Nicholas Biddle). Full descripmonarchie. Nouv. Ed. augmentde des Amours tion of the soil, water, timber and prairies of des rois de Fralce, par Henri Sauval. 2 v. des rois de France, par Henri Sava. 2. each lot or quarter section of the militarylands 443 pp. 3 pl; 285 pp. 3 1. I pl. 16~. Suivant 443. 3; 285 pp. 3 1. 1. 1. Suint between the Mississippi and Illinois rivers, ia copie impnizmee d Paris, C. Moette 1738. copie irie Paris, C. oette, 1738. and of Illinois and Missouri territories. iv, [n. 9-7. or d. ] 127 pp. 80. -Washington, P. _Forlce, 1818. s.'Van Evrie (John H. 1M. D.) White supremacy - Tabular statistical views of the United and negro subordination; or, negroes a sub- States. See Watterston (George) and Van ordinate race, and (so-called) slavery its nor- Zandt. mal condition. With an appendix, showing Va ea Los Gustave). Dtonare u Vapereau (Louis Gustave). Dictionnaire unithe past and present condition of the countries versel decontempornins. 3e d. 2p.1. x, south of us. 339, 60 pp. 6 col. pl. 120. Neew. 1862 pp. 8o. Paris, Hachette et Cie. 1865.?orle, Iran ~Evvie, Horton & Co. 1868. York, Vann ekrie, Hoyerton& Coa. 1868. Varchi (Benedetto). L'ercolano; dialogo delle oVan He oennekeler (Gysbert). Veran hangdelng, lingue, ed in particolare della toscana e della over de primitieve wortels van aile getallen, lfiorentina. Co]la correzione ad esso fatta da en hun-ne toepassing op de decinmale breukeen. Lodovico Castelvetro, e colla varchina di Gixvii, 210 pp. 80. Leyden, E. J. Brill, 1855. s. rolamo Muzio. 2 v. in 1. xii, 370 pp; 169 pp. Vanini (Giulio Cesare). (Euvres philosophi- 120. Padova, G. Cmino, 1744. ques. Traduites pour la premiere fois; par - Le terze rime. 1542. X. Rousselot. xvi, 321 pp. 160. Paris, C. [ With BERNI (F.) Tutte le opere, etc.] Gosselin, 1842. Varea (Lasor a, anagram). See Savonarola CONTENTS. (Rafaello). [L'amphith6atre de l'6ternelle providence. Dialogues Varen or Varenius (Bernhard). Geographin sur la nature]. generalis. 20p. 1. 784 pp. 240. Amstelodami, Vanlllmeter (Rev. Isaac N.) Pocket hymns, Ezevri 1671 original and selected, for the use of the regular,. Gae - The same. Compleat system of geogbaptist church. iv, 314, 10 pp. 24o. Gales-. baptist church. iv, 314, 10 pp. 240. Gales- raphy. Translated into English, by Mr. Dugburg, (Ill.) Register printing house, 1867. Van Nest (A. R. D. D.) Memoir of rev. Geo. dale: revised and corrected by Peter Shaw, W. Bethune, D. D. vi, 446pp. 4pl. 120. M.D. 2d ed. 2 v. xxiv, 528pp; xvi, 529New York, Sheldon & Co. 1867. pp 7. pl. Lonn, SthenAusten, Vannier (Hippolyte). French pronunciation 1734. VTarennes de Mondasse (- de). Lettres de and spelling. 181 pp. 160. New York, Lock- M Ii son ami. [anon.] 212pp. 160 wvood, 1853. 8. ~ood~, 1853. ~S ~. S ~Amsterdanz. 1750. Van Oelen (Abraham). Kort verhaal van het avontuurlik wedervaren gesied in jaar Varet (Alexandre Louis). The christian educavont r in die belwende oogee hatervdioed. En tion of children. Translated [from the French ] 1682, in die bekende hooge watervloed. En into English. [anon.] lip.I. 4l2pp. 160. hoe hij in het selve jaar op een wonderlijke n.. London, E. Brome, 1678. en nooijt gehoorde wijs by St. Anna Land een, e, Vargas (Juan de, pseudon.) Aventures. raconwalvis gevangen heest. 51 pp. 6 pl. sm. 4~. tees par lui-meme. Traduites de l'Espagnol [n. p.] 1683. sur le manuscrit in6dcit, par C. Navarin. 184 [TWithI LA PEYRaRE (I. de). Nauvkeurige beschrijvingh vana Groenland. sm. 4~. 1678]. pp. 16~. Pcsis, P. Jeannet, 1853. 43" VARILLAS. VAUGHAN. Varillas (Antoine). History of William de Vattel (Emeric de). The law of nations; or, Croy, [seigneur de Chievres], governor to principles of the law of nature applied to the the emperor Charles V; being a pattern for conduct of nations and sovereigns. From the the education of princes. Now made English. French. New ed. corrected. xvi, 444 pp. 20 p. 1. 629 pp. 120. London, G. Welles, 1687. 8~. London, G. G. J. c J. Robinson, etc. 1793. Varlo (C.) The floating ideas of nature, suited Vattier (G.) Galerie des academiciens, porto the philosopher, farmer, and mechanic. 2v. traits litt6raires et artistiques. 3 v. 18~. 318 pp. 11; 299 pp. 16~. London, 1796. Paris, Amyot, 1866. Varnhagen (F. A. de).:Examen de quelques CONTrENTS. points de l'histoire glographique du Br6sil, v. 1. Sainte Beuve. Beul6. comprenant des 6claircissements sur le sec- MhrimBe. Cousin. Ponsard. Dumont. ond voyage de Vespuce. 70 pp. map. 8~. Saint-Marc Girardin. v. 3. De Sacy. Michelet. De Montalembert. Paris, L. fMarctinet, 1858. Ingres. Sandeau. Vespuce et son premiere voyage; ou v. 2. A. de Vigny. Viennet. Legouv6. Renan. notice d'une d6couverte et exploration primi- Octave Feuillet. tive du golfe du Mexique et des cotes des Vauban (S6bastien LeprStre, rnarechal de)..tats-Unis en 1497 et 1498, avec le texte de M6moire pour servir d'instruction dans la trois notes importantes de la main de Colomb. conduite des si6ges et dans la defense des 31 pp. 8~. Paris, L. Martinet, 1858. places. 4 p. 1. 204 pp. 29 pl. 40~. Leide, J.' Varrerius (Caspar). See Barreiros or Barros -. JFerbeek, 1740. s. (Caspar). - First system of fortification; consisting Varro (Marcus Terentius). De re rustica. of six drawings, with instructions giving the [ With LIBRI de re rustical. dimensions of every line and angle; preceded Vasari (Giorgio). Opere. 6 v. in 12. 180. by a life of Vauban, etc. By Thomas Kimber. Pirenze, S. Audin e Co. 1822-23. s. 3d ed. 56 pp. 6 col. pl. 80. London, LongCONTENTS. man, etc. 1861. S v. 1. Dell'architettura, della scultura, della pittura, - The new method of fortification, with an vite degli artefici, pittori, et scultori. v. 2-10. Vite. explication of all terms appertaining to that v. 11. Ragionamenti. art. Translated into English by Abel Swall. v. 12. Lettere. 8 p. 1. 104 pp. 27 pl. 16i. London, A. Swvall, Vasco (Giambattista). Della moneta saggio 1693 politico; Delle university delle arti e mestieri Vaucher (Jean Pierre tie) istoire des dissertazione; M6moire sur les causes de la conferves d'eau douce, etc. xv, 285 pp. 17 mendicite et sur les mtoyens de la supprimer,, pl. 40. Gen}ve, J. J. Paschoudcl, 1803. s. v. 33; La felicita pubblica considerata nei. v.3;L ficitr pubblica considrat nber Vaughan (Daniel). A new system of vegetable coltivatori di terre proprie; L'usura libera, physiology. 23 pp. 80. Cincinnati, cauthor; v. 34; Dell'indigenza cagionata da scarsezza 1848. S. di seta; Annunzj ed estratti sopra diversi. — Popular physical astronomy; or, anL exoggetti di economia politica, v. 35. ottc dan pol v. 335. position of remarkable celestial phenomena. [ScRITTORI class. ital. di econ. pol. v. 33-35]. Vasquez or Vazquez (Gabriel). De cvltv 144 pp. ti n adorationis libri tres. Accesserunt disputationes dume contra errores Foelicis et Elipandi, Vegetation traced to natura causes. 16 de adoptione et seruitute Christi, in concilio pp. 8~. [about 1850]. s. francofordiensi damnatos eod autore. 8 p. 1Vaughan (Rice). A discourse of coin and francofordiensi damnatos, eode autore. 8 p. l. coinage: the first invention, use, etc. ancient 2711. 351. 8l. Conipluti, ex oicina J. Grati- 2ani 1. 3594. 80. Comp8uti, ex offici J. - and modern; with the advantages and disadVansuez Gastelu (Antonio). Arte do lanoa. vantages of the rise or fall thereof. Edited Vasqulez Gastelu (Antonio). Arte de lengua mexicana. 2p.. 50. s. 4 Peb i by H. Vaughan. 6 p. 1. 248 pp. 2 1. 18~. mexicana. 2 p. 1. 50 1. sin. 40. Puebla, Diego e London, T. Basset, 1675. Fe'enarldez de Leon, 1693. Vaughan (Sir William). The golden fleece; [Imperfect; wanting 1. 23, 48, 49, (supplied in Mss.) and part of 1. 50]. transported from Cambrioll Colchos, out of the Vater (Johann Severin). Litteratur der gram- southermost part of the iland commonly called matiken, lexika, und wbrter-sammlungen the Newfoundland, by Orpheus iunior, for the aller sprachen der erde. 2e ausgabe, von B. generall and perpetuall good of Great Britaine. Jitlg. xii, 592 pp, 2 1. 8~. Berlin, Nicolai, In three parts. 14 p.. 149, 105, 96 pp. sinm. 1847. 4~. London, P. Williams, 1626. 433 VAUGHAN. VERBIEST. Vaughan (William, Esq.) The narrative of elements of operative surgery. Translated by David Woodard and four seamen [among] the P. S. Townsend. With notes and observations Malays, in the island of Celebes. xl, 252 pp. by Valentine Mott. 3 v. 8~. atlas, 4~. New 1 pl. 80. London, J. Johnson, 1804. York, S. S. & W. Wood, 1847. s. The same. 2d ed. xxxii, 236 pp. 8~0. --- Surgical clinic of La Charit6. Lessons London, J. Johnson, 1805. upon the diagnosis and treatment of surgical Vauhello. See Le Saulnier de Vauhello. diseases. Collected and edited by A. Regnard. Vazquez (Gabriel). See Vasquez.' Translated by W. C. B. Fifield, M. D. 103 pp. Veen (Otto van). Theatro moral de la vida 16~. Boston, J. Camlpbell, 1866. humana en cien emblemas [de Horacio, con Venezia (Sigismondo da, conventual name). los discursos de Gomberville]; con el enchi- Bibliografia universale sacra e profana. 998 ridion de Epicteto, y la tabla de Cebes, philo- pp. 80. Venezia, G. B. Merlo, 1842. sofo platonico. 10 p. 1. 207, 27, 50 pp. 1 pl. h, Veun (Rev. Henry). The life, and a selection fol. Amberes, I. y C. Verdzussen, 1701. efoler (mbees, H C.T navigatiousse n 1701. from the letters of H. Venn. The life by H. Veer (Gerard de). Tre navigationi, fatte Venn. Ed. by Rev. Henry Venn B.. 6th Venn. Ed. by Rev. Henry Venn, B. P. 6th dagli Olandesi, e Zelandesi, al settentrione ed. xvi, 556 pp. 1 pl. 160. London, Hatchnella Norvegia, Moscovia, e Tartaria, verso il ard 4 son, 1839. Catai, e regno de'Sini, doue scopersero il mare Venn (John). The logic of chance; an essay on di Veygatz, la Nvova Zembla, et vn paese the foundations and provinces of the theory nell'ottantes-imo grado creduto la Groenlandia. of probability, with especial reference to moral Descritte in Latino, et nuouamente da Giouan and social science. xxvii, 370 pp. 160. LonGivnio Parisio tradotte nella lingua italiana. don, Macmillan, 1866. 4 p. h.791. sm. 4~. TVenetia, Ieronimo Porro r4 p. 1. 79 1. si. 40 Venetia, Jeronimo Porro Ventum (Mrs. Harriet). Tales for domestic in[or Ciotti,l] Co. 1599. struction. 131 pp. 1 pl. 180. London, J. Vega (Georg von). Logarithmisch-trigonomet- Harris, 1806. risches handbuch. Vierzigste auflage. Bear- Paradis (Jean Michel). Grammaire Venture de Paradis (Jean Michel). GrammaLire beitet von Dr. C. Bremiker. xxxii, 575 pp. t dictionnaire abreg6s de la langue berbre. 8~. Ber ln, Weidmamx, 1856. s. 80. Berlin,'Weidmcnn, 1856. S. iRevus par P. Am6d6e Jaubert. xxiii, 236 pp. - Sammlung mathematischer tafeln. Als Sammung mathematiser tafeln. Als 40. Paris, Soc. de geographie, 1844. s. neue vdllig umg~earbeitete anflage. Grsseren Venturi (Giovanni Batista). Experimental logarithmisch-trigonometrischen tafeln heinquiries on the motion of fluids. rausgegeben von Dr. J. A. Htiilsse. xxiii, 840 pp. 8~. Leipzig, Weidmann, 1849. s. Wt TREO (T.) Tracts on hydralics]. Veitia Linage (Jos6 de). The rule established Venturoli (Giuseppe). Elementi dimeccanica et d'idraulica. 3a ed. 2 v, 6 p. 1. 416 pp. 7 pl; in Spain for the trade in the West Indies, et didraulica d. 2 v. 6 p. being a proper scheme for directing the trade 4 p. 1. 397 pp. 7 pl. 80. Milano, P. E. Gizsti, to the South sea. Translated from the Spanish 1817-18. s. by Capt. John Stevens. 12 p. 1. 368 pp. 4 1. Verany (Jean Baptiste). Mollusques m6diter120. ~~Lo~ndo~n, S. Cro~uchi, c[aboat 1715]. an6ens; observ6s, decrits, figures et chromoVelasquez de La Cadena (Mariano). Elemen- lithogrphis d'aprs le vivant. ir partie. tos de la lengua inglesa. 432 pp. 8~. Nueva- Cephalopodes. xvi, 132 pp. 41 pl. 40. Gines, York, B. M'Dermut, 1810. s. Imp. des So'ards-snuets, 1851. s. -- Elementos de la lengua castellana. 3a ed. I Contains suppressed editions of pl. 38 —39]. 112 pp. 1 1. 160. Nhueva-York, E. Grattan, Verardi (Carlo), and Colonlbo (Cristoforo). 1827. s. In laudem serenissimi Ferdinandi Hispf niaVelloso (Jos6 Marianno da Conceigao). Florae rumn regis, Bethicae et regni Granatte obsidio, flunminensis icones nunec primo editae. Edidit victoria et tridphus. Et de insulis in mari Antonius daArrabida, episcopus de Anemuria, indico nuper inuentis epistola Christoferi [etc.] 11 v. fol. 1,676 pl. Text; 1 p. 1. index Colom quam Aliander de Cosco ab hispano methodicus, 21 pp; index alphabeticus, 14 pp. ideomate in latinuin conuertit. 36 1. sinm. 40~. fol. Parisiis, officina lith. Senefelder, curante [Basilece, Bergmann de Olpej] 1494. E. Knecht, 1827. s. Verbiest (Ferdinand). Voyages de l'empereur [v. 3,4, 7,8, 9, wanting: NOTE.-ByPretzel, this work de la Chine [Khang-Hi] dans la Tartarie; is attributed to Joaquim Vellozo de Miranda, but the authority of the work itself, and of Silva's ausquels on a joint une nouvelle d6couverte Dice. bibl. Portuguez is preferred. au Mexique. [anon.] 4 p. 1. 110 pp. 240. Velpeau (Alfred Armand Louis Marie). New Paris, E. Michallet, 1685. 55 434 VERBOQUET. VERNON. Verboquet (-, pseudon.) Les d6lices, ou general assembly, containing rules, constitudiscovrs ioyevx et r6cr6atifs. Par Verboqvet tions, manual of parliamentary practice, and le g6n6reux. Dernilre 6d. 258 pp. 31. table. statistical information. 202 pp. 1 map. 2 18~. Paris, lean Martin, 1630. diagrams. 16~. Montpelier, Walton, 1867.. Les subtiles et fac6cievses rencontres de ( The constitution of Vermont as estabI. B. disciple du g6n6reux Verboquet. lished by the convention held at Windsor, [pseudon. ] 71 pp. 18~. Paris, I. Martin, 1630. July 2d, 1777. 24 pp. 12~. Hartford, (Ct.) [ With the preceding]. Watson & Goodwin, [1777?] Verdadas (Las) mas importantes al hombre, The constitution, as adopted by [etc.] por un hombre pio. [anon.] iv, 172 the convention holden at Windsor, July 4th, pp. 120. Barcelona, J. Verdaguer, 1847. s. 1793. 29 pp. 12~. Windsor, (Vt.) Alden Verdier (Fran9ois, painter). La vie de Sam- Spooner, 1793. son: Simpsonischer lebens-laiiff. 39 pl. in 20 1. A copy of a remonstrance of the council fol. Augusta Vindelicorum, J. U. Krause, of the state of Vermont against the resolutions [about 1700]. s. of congress on the 5th of December last, Verelst (Harry). A view of the rise, progress, which interfere with their internal police. and present state of the English government 20 pp. 12~. Hartford, Hudson & Goodwin, in Bengal. 6 p. 1. 148, 253 pp. 40~. London, 1783. J. Nourse, 1772. - First, second, seventh and eighth regisVerhaal hoe de wal-vissen in Greenland gevan- tration reports, of births, deaths, and margen werden. pp. 24-51. [anon.] riages, for 1857, 1858, 1863, and 1864. 4 v. 8~. [With LA PEYRtRE (I. de). Nauwkeurige besch- Middlebury and Montpelier, State, 1859-66. rijvingh van Groenland. Een rijm. 8~. 16781. n a -- Journal of the senate and house of repreVeritable (The) history of Mr. Bachelor But-2 v. 80 sentatives, annual session, 1866. 2 v. 8~. terfly. [anon.] 65 pl. obl. 24~. London,,M7ontpeler, State, 1867. D). Bogue, 1845. I. Bogue, 1845. Legislative documents and official reVeritable (La) magie noire, ou le secret des I orts, annual session, 1866. 8~. ontpelier, secrets. Traduit de l'HeIbreu, du mage Iro- State, 1866 State, 1866. Grego. [anon.] 142 pp. 1 pl. 180. Rome, --- Report of the adjutant and inspector Garcia, 1750. Garcia, 1750. general, from Oct. 1, 1865, to Oct. 1, 1866. 80~. Ve'ritables (Les) clavicules de Salomon, tr6sor Mont des sciences occultes. [anon.] 111 pp. 11 pl. V elier, State, 1866. Vermont, University of. Catalogue of the 180. Memphis, [Paris?] Alibeck, 1827. books belonging to the library. 94 pp. 8~. Verite' (La) d6fendue Lenla cause des j6suites,] books belonging to the library. 94 pp. 8 et prouv6e par les faits, contre les calomnies ncennes et nouvlles. anon. Par Jean The same. Supplement. 25 pp. 80. [Buranciennes et nouvelles. [anon. Par Jean lingtoni, 1842. s. Louis de Leissegues de Rozaven. ] 2e 6d. 344 With the preceding [ With the preceding]. pp. 12~. Avignon, L. Alubanel, 1825. s. pp. 120. Avignon, L. Aubanel, 1825. --- The same. Alphabetical and analytical Verity (Robert, pseudon?) Homoeopathy exVerity (Robert, pseudon) Homoopathy x catalogue of the library. iv, 164 pp. 80. Buramined; or, homoeopathy in theory, allopathy lington, Free press offce, 1854. S. in practice. 24 pp. 80. Paris, Galignani, 1836. - S Vermont (Mlarquis de), and Darnley (Sir 1836. s. Charles: pseudonyns.) London alld Paris; Vermigli (Pietro Martire). In librvm Ivdior, comparative sketches. xvi, 293 pp. 8~. cvm [etc.] commentarij doctissimi, etc. ed. 3 or, comparative sketches. xvi, 293 pp. 8 London, Longfmans, 1823. 15 p. 1. 195 pp. fol. Tigri, C. Froschovervs,ans, 1823. ~1571 p. 1. 195 pp. ol. igi, C..oscovervs, Verne (Jules). Voyages et aventures du capitaine Hatteras. Les Anglais au pole nord-le The common places. Translated by An The, common places. Translated by d6sert de glace. 150 vignettes par Riou. 467 Anthonie Marten. 4 parts in 3 v. fol. [Lonpp. lpl. sm. fol. Paris, Hetzel, 1867. don ] 1574. - Adon. ther co? lect] 1574. certeine ciiu Vernois (A. G. Maxime). Trait6 pratique d'hyAnother collection of certeine diuine gibne industrielle et administrative; comprematters and doctrines, [with] the author's nanit 1'6tude des Btablissements insalubres, life, [by J. Simler]. Translated by Anlife, [b Jarte. Simle1.Translated b; A- dangereux et incommodes. 2 v. xcii, 668 pp; thonie Marten. 2 p. 1. 101-252 pp; 165 pp. 8 pp. 8. Pars J. B. Baillre 1860. 680 pp. 8~. Paris, J. B. Baillitre, 1860. 40 l. fol. [London.] 1583. Vernon (John). The compleat compting[ With7 his Common places. v. 3. Part 4. (London?) Verno ( John ). The compleat compting-) 1574]. house. 6 p. 1. 146 pp. 180~. Dublinm, G. GrierVermont. Annual directory for the use of the son, 1719. 435 VERNON. VICTOR. Vernon (Prof. N.) Essay on the origin and ontweldight is geworden. Twee deelen. structure of language. With a concise sys- [anon.] 4p. 1. 45, 72, 38 pp. 7pl. sm. 4~. temrn of English grammar. 122 pp. 16~. Fred- Amsterdamn, Jan Claesz ten Hoorn, 1675. erick city, ( Md.) D. Schley & T. Haller, [With LA PEYRIRE (I. de). Nauwkeerige besch1847. S. rijvingh van Groenland. 1678]. Vesling (Johann). Parveneses ad rem herbaVeron (John). A frvteful treatise of redes- riam; opobalsami veteribus cogniti vindicise. tination, and of the deuyvne prouidence of God, 4o~ Lugdani Bataevrum 40. Lugduni Batacovrucm. as far forth as the holy scriptures and word O[ With ALPLNO (P.) Historiae Aegypti naturalis, of God shall lead vs. 123 1. 240. London, 1735(. J. Tisdale, [1551]. Vespucci (Amerigo). De ora antarctica per Verreaux (Jules). Histoire nat. des oiseaux. regem Portugallie pridem inventa [perAlberiSee Chenu (J. C.) Des Murs (P. 0.) and cum Vesputium]. 6 1. sm. 4~. Argentine, Verreaux. lMathias Hupfuff, 1505. Verri (Alessandro). Opere scelte. 2 v. lx, 276 ------- Navigatio. See Novus orbis. Roteropp; 386 pp. Ipl. 8~. Milano, [Soc. tipo. de dami, 1616. classici italiani], 1822. --- avigationes. See Montalboddo. CONTENTS. Quatvor navigationes. See Cosmograv. 1. Le avventure di Saffo. phiae introdvctio. [Deodatea]. 1507. La vita di Erostrato. Vestiges of the natural history of creation. Vita di A. Verri da Giovanni A. Maggi. v. 2. Le notti rornane. [anon.] lOth ed. xii, 325, xvii pp. 8~. LonVerri (Pietro). Meditazioni sulla economia don, J. Churchill, 1853. s. politica, con annotazioni di G. R. Carli, v. 15; The same. Naturliche geschichte der 1. Sulle leggi vincolanti principalmente nel schopfung des weltalls, der erde, utnd der auf commercio de'grani; 2. Dialogo sul disordine ihr befindlichen organismen. Nach der sechdelle monete nello stato Milano nel 1762; sten auflage, von Carl Vogt. vi, 322 pp. 80. 3. Estratto del progetto di una tariffa, v. 16; Braunschweiq, Vieweg, 1851. s. 1. Memorie storiche sulla economia pubblica Vetromile (Rev. Eugene). The Abnakis and dello stato di Milano; 2. Osservazioni sulla their history; or, historical notices on the tortura; 3. Varj opuscoli di economia pub- aborigines of Acadia. 171 pp. 160. New York, blica, v. 17. J. B. Kirker, 1866. [SCRITTORI class. ital. di pol. econ. v. 15-17]. Vetvsta monvmenta: qvae ad rervm britanVerrier or Le Verrier (Jean). Histoire des nicarvm memoriam conservandam societas Canaries. Paris, 1630. See Bethencourt antiqvariorum Londini svmpto svo edenda (Jean de). cvravit. v. 1-4. fol. London, 1747-1815. Vertot d'Aubeuf (Rene Aubert de). History CONTENTS. of the revolutions that happened in the govern- V. 1. 4 PP. 70 pi. 7 PP. v. 2. 89 pp. 55 pI. ment of the Roman republic. Translated by v. 3. 167 pp. 44 pl. [John] Ozell. 6th ed. 2 v. 8 p. 1. xxii, 425 v 4. 28 pp. 52 p. [NOTE. —v. 3 contains an index to v. 1-3]. pp; 404 pp. 8~. London, C. Bathurst and rv. 5-6 wanting]. others, 1770. Vibe (Andreas). HI6henmessengen in NorHistory of the revolutions in Sweden. wegen, 1844-50. s. Done into English by J. Mitchel. 6th ed. [With KILUAU (B. M.) Gaea Norvegica, v. 2]. 12 p. 1. 312 pp. 16~. London, J. & J. Knap- Vicat (Louis Joseph). Resumd des connaist ion, 1729. sances positives actuelles sur les qualitds, le ~. — History of the revolution in Portugal. choix, et la convenance r6ciproque des mat6[in 1640]. xxiv, 53 pp. 8~. London, J. Davis, riaux propres a la fabrication des mortiers et 1813. cements calcaires. xii, 149 pp. 16 tab. 4 pl. [Royal military chronicle, v. 1]. 4~. Paris, F. Didot, 1828. s. Vertue (George). Catalogue of engravers. Victor (Mrs. Metta Victoria Fuller). The See Walpole (Horace). dead letter; an American romance. By SeeVerwaerloosde Formosa, of waerachtig ver- ley Register. [pseudon.] 120 pp. 80. New hael, hoedanigh door verwaerloosinge der York, Beadle 4 Co. 1866. Nederlanders in Oost Indien, het eylant For- The same. 308 pp. 120. New York, mosa, van den Chinesen mandorijn, ende zee- Beadle and Co. 1867. roover Coxinja, [Tching-Tching-Koung, or - Who was he? A story of two lives. 83 Xoninga], overrompelt, vermeestert, ende pp. 1 pl. 80. New York, Beadle 8S Co. [1866.] 436 VICTORIA. VILA Y CAMPS. Victoria. Census of Victoria, 1861. Popula- 372pp; 510 pp. 8~. Valparaiso, Imprenta, tion tables. 8 v. in 2. fol. Melbourne, J. del Mercurio, 1863. s. lFerres, 1861-64. s. -- Historia de los diez ailos de la adminisCONTENTS. cion de Don Manuel Montt. 5 v. 8~. SanPart 1. Inhabitants and houses, showing the numbers tiago, Imprenta chilena, 1862-63. S. and distribution of the people. xxxvi, 140 pp. El ostracismo del general ID. Bernardo 2. Occupations of the people. xvii, 370 pp. 3. Birthplaces of the people. vii, 119 pp. O'Higgins. 576 pp. 6 pl. 8%. Valparaiso, " 4. Religions of the people. xi, 211 pp. Imprenta del Mercuro, 1866. s. 5. Ages of the people. ix, 81 pp. 6. Conjugal condition of the peopte. ix, 57 pp. El ostracismo de los Carreras. Episodio 7. Education of the people. viii, 71 pp. de la independencia de Sud-Am6rica. 353 pp. 8. Health of the people. vii, 7 pp. 11 pl. 8~. Santiago, Ferrocarril, 1857. s. Reports of the mining surveyors and - PSjinas de mi diario durante tres afros registrars-quarter[s] ending 31st March, 1864; 30t Juner 1864; 30thSepteding bMar 1864; de viajes, 1853-55. California, Mejico, Esta1864; 30th June; 1864; 30th September, 1864; and30th Jnne, 1865. 4 v. fol. Melbourne7 dos Unidos, Canada, Islas Britanicas, Franand 30th June 1865. 4 v. fol. Melbourne, J. Ferirer, 1864-65]. cia, Italia, Alemnania, Paises-Bajos, Costas del Votes an. d. proceedings6of4the6legislat Brasil, Provincias del Plata. 3 p. 1. 454 pp. - Votes and proceedings of the legislative assembly, session 1851 [to 1866]. With co- 1 map. 4. Scnticcgo, Ferrocarril, 1856. 5. Vida(Marco Girolamo). Art ofpoetry. Transpies of the various documents ordered by the assembly to be printed. 28 v. fol. Melbourne, [With PITT (C.) Poems. Anderson's British poets, J. Ferres, 1852-66. v. 8]. _____- The same. Papers presented to both Vidocq (EugEne Frangois). Les vrais myshouses of parliament by command of his ex- tdres de Paris. 9 v. 240. Bruxelles, A. Lecellency the governor. Session 1856-7 [to bUgue et Sacr6fils, 1844. 1866.] Legislative assembly.. 14 v. fol. [NOT.-Ascribed by Qudrard to Alfred Lucas.l 7Melboeerne, J. Ferres, 1857-66. Vieillard ( —), and Deplanche (E.) Essais sur la NouveIle Caledonie. Extrait de la CONTENTS OF "VOTES" AND " PAPERS." Revue maritime et coloniale. 152 pp. 8~. Sess. 1851-2. Votes. I v. Paris, Challacnel ain 1863. s. " 1852-3. " 2 v. i 1853-4. " 3 v. Vienna. K. k. hof- und staats druckerei in it 1854-5. " t 3 v. 1855-6. 2v. Wienm Album. 4 v. fol. Wien. K. k. hof1855-7. 2 v. " 1856- " v. 1-3. Papers, v. 4. nd staats druckerei, 1851. s. " 185 7-8. " v1. " V. 2. " 1858-9 v 1 v. 2. ". Vieusseux (Andr6). Italy and the Italians 850. " v 1-2 " v 34. in the nineteenth century: with a treatise on 1860-1. v. 1-2. v. 3. " 1861-2. " 1 v. 3. modern Italian literature. 2 v. xvi, 308 pp;' 1862-3.''. 1-2. " v. 3-4. " 186. 1 v. -3. 1 viii, 352 pp. 120. London, C. Knigcht, 1824.;' 1864-5. " v 1 2. v. 3-4. Views in India, China, and on the shores of e, 1866 (Ist sess.) v. 1. ". (2d sess.) " v. 1 v. 2. the Red sea; drawn by Prout, etc. from original sketches by R. Elliott. With descripVictoria (Queen of Great Britain and Ireland). tions by Emma Roberts. 2 v. 68 pp; 64 pp. The early years of his royal highness the 63 pl. 40. London, H. & B. Fisher & P. prince consort. Compiled under the direc- Jackson, [1835]. tion of her majesty the queen,. by Hon. C. Vigne (Godfrey T.) Six months in America. Grey. 3d ed. xxxi, 469 pp. 2pl. p 0. Lon- 209 pp. 18~. Philadelhia, T. T. Ash 1833 don Smith Elder & Co. 1867833. don, Smithlder o 1867 Vigo (Giovanni da).. The whole worke: newly The same. 371pp. f2pl. 120. New Yoik, corrected. [Translated by Bartholeme TraHarqpers, 1867.. heron]. 10 p. 1. 455 1. 12~. London, Thomas Leaves from the journal of our life in East, 1586. the highlands, from 1848 to 1861. Edited by [Imperfect:. wanting 1. 441-443.] Arthur Helps. 287 pp. 2 pl. 120. New York, Vigo-Roussillon (F. P.) Puissance militaire Harpers, 1868. des ~tats Unis d'Am6rique d'aprds la guerre Victory. [anon.] 304 pp. 160. Boston, R. de la s6cession, 1861-65. 7 p. 1. 468pp. 1 pl. A. Ballou, 1866. 3 maps. 8~. Paris, Dumaine, 1866. [The prize series]. Vila-y Camps (Antonio). El vasallo instruido Vicuila Mackenna (Benjamin). Introduc- en las principales obligaciones que debe d seu cion A la historia de los diez alios de la ad- legitimno monarca, Cetc.] 8 p. 1. 215 pp. 80~ ninistracionMonnt. Don Diego Portales. 2 v. Madrid, M. Gonzalez, 17929 a 437 VILAR. VINTON. Vilar. See Villar. und praxis. 2e aufl. xiv, 228 pp. 12 pl. 80. Villagra (Gaspar de). Historia de la Nveva Berlin, VFet & Co. 1858. S. Mexico. 24 p. 1. 287 1. 1 pl. 160. Alcala, Vincent (Rev. Marvin R.) Amusement a force Luys Martinez Grande, 1610. in clhristian training. Four discourses. 140 Villani (Gio. Pietro Giacomo. pseudon.) See pp. 12~. Troy, (N. Y.) Wm. H. Young, 1867. Aprosio (Angelico). Vincent (Thomas). An explicatory catechism; Villanova or Villanuova (Arnaldo di). See or, an explanation of the assemblies' shorter Regimen sanitatis salernitanil, etc. catechism. xii, 324 pp. 18~. Glasgow, Villar (Juan Gonzalez). Tratado de la sagrada Bryce 8& Paterson, 1752. luminaria en forma de disertacion, en el que Vinci (Lionardo da). Trattato della pittura, se demuestra la antiguedad, y piedad de las colla vita dell'istesso autore, scritta da Rafavelas y lamparas encedidas a honra de Dios, ello [Trichet]DuFresne. fol. Napoli,Ricciy en obsequio de las santas imagenes y reli- ardo, 1733. s. quias. xxvii, 331 pp. 80. Madrid, Sancha, (Imperfect]. 1798. s. Vincke ( — fr3eiherr von). See Kiepert Villars (Louis Hector, duc de). M6moires. (C.J. editor). Memoir iber die karte von Kleinasien. [Depuis 1670 jusqu' en 1734; r6dig6s par Kleinasien. rabb6 de Margon]. Nouv. 6d. 3 v. 16~. Lon- Vindicatio o of the divine authority of rvling dres, [La a aye], Jean 2Nouvrse 1739. 1 elders in the churches of Christ. Asserted by Villavicencio (Lorenzo de). De formandis the ministers and elders, met together in a Villavicencio (Lorenzo de). De formandis p a provincial assembly, November 2d, 1649. sacris concionibvs, seu de interpretatione.[anon.] 15pp. 12~..Boston. T. Elleet, 1734. scripturarum populari, libri iii. 3 p. 1. 236 pp. [Wta W1aamps (Rev. John). Redeemed captive. r With WILLIAMS (Rev. John). Redeemed captive. 16~. Antverpiw, Birckmanbn 1565. S. Boston, 1734]. De recte formando theologiae studio, libri Vindication (A) of the bishop of Landaffs quatuor. 7 p. 1. 576 pp. 16~. Antverpice, J. sermon from the gross misrepresentations Stelsius, 1565. s. contained in William Livingston's letter to his [ With the preceding]. lordship. [anon. ] viii, 82 pp. 120. New York, Villedieu (Marie Catharine Hortense Desjar- J. Holt, 1768. dins, Mad. de). The secret history of the court Vindication (A) of the royal martyr, king of Augustus Coesar. [anon.] I p. 1. 235 pp. Charles I, wherein are laid open the republi12~. London, 1729. can mysteries of rebellion. Written by Samuel [Imperfect: pt. iv wanting]. Butler, [?] 3 p. 1. 64 pp. 120. London, 1705. Villiers (George, 5th duke of Buckingham). [With SEcnRT history of the Calves-head club, LonPoems on several occasions. pp. 203-233 1 pl. don, 1705]. 120. [London], 1714. Vinet (Alexandre Rodolphe). Discours sur VTincendonl-Dumoulin (Clement Adrien). quelques sujets religieux. 5e 6d. xiv, 479 pp. Portulan g6n6ral, contenantles plans des ports, 80. Paris, Ch. Meyrueiset Cie. 1853. rades, baies, etc. du globe. Ocean atlantique. L'6ducation, la famille et la societ6. vi, 2p. l. 24 pl. 4~0 Paris, DYet de la rnarine, 552 pp. 80. Paris, Ch. Meyrueis et Cie. 1855. 1852. s Vingut (Francisco Javier). See Delmar (E.) The same. Oc6an atlantique. C6tes d'Af- Guia en Espanol, etc. rique. 83 pl. 40. Pcaris, Depot de la marine, Vinnassa (Eduard, M. D.) Dissertatio inaug1852. 8 uralis, sistens observationes quasdam de arteVincent, of Beauvais, or, Vincentius bel- riarum eucephali in diversis mammalibus decursu. 20 pp. 4~. Tubingas, auctor~. F. lovacensis. Speculum doctrinale. 10 p. 1. 2561. cursu 20 pp 40 n auctor L. fol. Uenetiis, H. Liechtenstein, coloniensis, Fues, 1821. Vinton (John Adams). The Giles memorial. Genealogical memoirs of the families bearing Speculummorale. 2661. iol. Uenetiis the names of Giles, Gould, Holmes, Jennison, H. Liechtenstein, coloniensis, 1493. s. YT~its SeEl19]Leonard, Lindall, etc. With a history of -- The same. v. 1. 2621. fol. 1[gentorati, Pemaquid, ancient and modern. viii, 600 pp. J. Alientelin, 1473]. s. 2 pl. 8~. Boston, author, 1864. [v. 2Twaentingl.13 Thomas Gyles and his neighbors, 1669--— Speculum naturale. v. 1. 3181. fol. 89: or the settlement of the lower Kennebec. Ar gelntorati, J. Meitzen~telin, 1473]. s. First printed in the N. E. hist. and geneal. [v. 2 wanting] register. 13 pp. 8~. Boston, D. C(lapp & son, Vincent (L.) Der wviesenbau, dessen theorie 1867. 438 VINTON. VIRGILIUS. Vinton (John Adams). The Vinton memorial, Virgilius Maro (Publius). Opera, cum integris comprising a genealogy of the descendants of commentariis Servii, Philargyrii, Pierii. Ad John Vinton of Lynn, 1648: also, genealogical cod. ms. regium parisiensem recensuit Pancrasketches of several allied families. With an tius Masvicius [Van Maaswick]. 2 v. 123 appendix. xv, 534, 4 pp. 6 pl. 80. Boston, p. 1. 717 pp; 720 to 1308 pp. 96 1. 1 map. S. K. Whipple & Co. 1858. 4~. Leovacrdiae, F. Halma, 1717. Vio (Tommaso da, cardinale Gaetano). Jenta- - The same. Bucolica, Georgica, et AEneis, cula NouiTestamenti. Preclarissima sexagin- ab Antonio Ambrogi italico versu reddita; adtaquatuor notabilium sententiarum Noui Tes- notationibus, et antiquissimi cod. vaticani tamenti liberalis expositio. 94 1. 180. [Lug- picturis mere incisis, etc. illustrata. 3 v. fol. duni, Joannes Crespin, 1529]. Romee, exc. J. Zembel, Venantii JMonaldini ----- Summula caietana. Perquam docta re- sumtibus, 1763-65. soluta ac compendiosa de peccatis summula. The same. Opera. CuraJoannis Hunter. 2241. 180. Lugduni, Joannes Crespin, 1529. 2 v. 233 pp; xii, 252 pp. 16~. Andreapoli, J. [With the preceding]. Morison, 1799. Violet (Thomas). Proposals for the calling to The same. Opera, in tironum gratiam a true and just accompt all persons that have perpetua annotatione illustrata a Ch. Gottl. been entrusted with the publick revenue; with Heyne; edidit E. C. F. Wunderlich. 2 v. reasons for the doing thereof; also, for the lxxviii, 546 pp; 493 pp. 8. Lipsite, Hahn, regulating of the manufacture of gold and 1822. s. ~ The same. Opera, cum notis gallicis. silver thread and wyer; and for passing an The same. Opera, cum notis gallicis. act against trailsporting gold and silver; and vi, iii, 333 pp. 240. Parisiis, A. Delalain, likewise a narrative of the proceedings against 1832. the silver ships. 27 p.1. 79, 112pp. 1 pl. The same. Opera; with notes, by Rev. fol. London, 1656. J. G. Cooper. 5th ed. xvi, 615 pp. 80. New Violette (J. Henri M.) andcl Archambault Yok, N. and J. White, 1835. (P. J.) Dictionnaire des analyses chimiques. - The same. The whole genuine works, 2 v. vii, 528 pp; 446 pp. 8~. Paris, J. B. translated from the Latin, [into English verse, Bailliere, 1851. s. by John Dryden], with notes, memoirs of the Viollet-le-duc (Eughene Emmanuel). Diction- life of Virgil, and dissertations on epic, heroic, naire raisonn6 de l'architecture frangaise cu didactic, and pastoral poetry. Revised by xie au xvie sihcle. v. 7-8. 8~. Paris, A. William Henry Melmoth. iv, 407 pp. 31 pl. lkoroel, 1864-66. 40. London, A. Hogg, [about 1800]. Virchow (Rudolph). Die cellularpathologie in Tpp. 295 —6 wantingo. ihrer hbegridung aufphysiologi n - The same. Works. Translated into Engihrer begrundung auf physiologische und lish verse by John Dryden. 2 v. 270 pp; 290 pathologische gewebelehre. Vorlesungen. xvi, y 440 pp. 8~. Berlin, 2A. Mirschwva7ld, 1858. s. pp. I pl. 240. Baltimore, Lucas & Maxwell, - Handbuch der speciellen pathologie und 1 The sanle. A translation of the works therapie, bearbeitet von Prof. Bamberger, Dr. Falck, Prof. N. Friedreich, Prof. Griesinger, of Virgil; partly original and partly altered from Dryden and Pitt. By John Ring. 2 v. Prof. Hasse, Prof. Hebra, Prof. Lebert, Prof. from Dryen and Pitt. By John Ring. 2 v. Pitha, Dr. Simon, Dr. Spielmann, Dr. Stiebel, v, 355 pp; 635 pp. 8. Londo, Lng Prof Veit, Prof. R. Virchow, Prof. J. Vogel, etc. Prof. Wintrich. 6 v. in 10. 8~. Erlangen,. Euvres, trauites enranais, f. Enke, 1854-65. 6. v. n 1. Elanen, le texte vis-a-vis la traduction, par l'abbe Des F 5ontaines. Nouv. 6d. avec les remarques de [Wanting v. 2, abth. 1; v. 3, lief 1, 2; v. 4, abth. 2; v. 5, abth. 1, lief 5]. M. de Martignac. 2 v. 36, 415 pp; 483 pp. Untersuchungen fiber die entwicklung 120. Amsterdam, Compagnie des libraires, des schadelgrundes im gesunden und krank- [about 1770]. s. haften zustande, und fiber den einfluss dersel- - Spisy bAsnick6. Z latiny prelozil Karol ben auf schatdelform, gesichtsbildung und Vinaricky. iv, 144 pp. 80. Praze, Rivnidce, gehirnbau. 128 pp. 6 col. pl. 40. Berlin, G. 1851. s. Reimer, 1857. s. The Eclogues and Georgics. [Lat. ] With Virey (Julien Joseph). De la femme, sous ses notes and a metrical index. By Charles Anrapports physiologique, moral et litteraire. thon. l, 452 pp. l12. New York, Harpers, 2e dd. viii, 424 pp. 80. Paris, Crocharcl, 1825. 1846. s. 439 VIRGILIUS. VITRUVIUS. Virgilius Maro (Publius). The first book of to the general assembly of the state of Virthe 2Eeneis: translated by George Sandys. ginia, 1785, in consequence of a bill brought [With OVIDIUS Naso (Publius). Metamorphosis [in] for the establishment of religion by law. Englished. By G. S[andys]. fol. 1640].... 1[anon. ] 1 l pp. 18~. Worcester, Isaiah The Eneis, books i and ii, rendered Thomas 1786. into English blank iambic, with new inter-.. into English blank iambic, with new inter- Virginia historical and philosophical society. pretations and illustrations, by James Henry. Collections. v. 1. [With] an address, Feb. vi, 126 pp. 80. London, Taylor f Walton, 4th, 1833, by Jonathan P. Cushing. 87 1845. s. The first six books of the Aeneid, to- pp. 8~. Richmond, 1833. Virginia; or, the fatal patent. [anon.] 68 pp. gether with the first, second, and fourth ec120. Washington, Davis ~ _Florce, 1825. logues. [Lat.] With notes, by R. W. McFar., land.p. 120. Ctncinnatb E. D. Virginia richly valued, by the description of land. viii, 231 pp. 12. Cincinnati,. D. the maine land of Florida. By a Portugall Tr heEneid:translatedintan, 18o4h9. gentleman of Eluas. See Rela9am verdaThe Eneid: translated into English octosyllzabic] verse by John Conington. xxiv, deira, etc. [octosyllabic] verse bY J. WConinton. xxi Viriville (Auguste Vallet de). See Vallet de 482 pp. 120. New York, W. J. Widdleton, 1867. iriville. - Georgicorum libri quattuor. The georGeorgicorm quattuor. The geor- Virulus or Monneken (Carl or Karel). Episgicks; with an English [prose] translation perutiles formule. 6 p. 1. lxxxii 1 tolarum perutiles formule. 6 p. 1. lxxxii 1. and notes by John Martyn. 4th ed. xv, 421. about 1488]. pp. 131. 1 map. 10 pl. 8~. Oxford, W. The same. lxix 1. 5 1. sm. 4~. Daetrie, Jacobus de Breda, 1496. Georgica hexaglotta; Georgica in quin- Visconti (Ennio Quirino). Osservazioni sopra que linguas conversa, hispanicam a J. de un antico cammeo rappresentante Giove Guzman; germanicam aJ. H. Voss; anglicam Egioco. 52pp. 1pl. 40. Padova,Stamperia a G. Sotheby; italicam a F. Soave; gallicam del seminario, 1793. P. a J. Delille. 3 p. i. 563 pp. fol. Londini, Gul. d__ andl VTiso nti (Giambattista). II museo Nicol, 1827. pio clementino illustrato e descritto. [Opere. Virginia. Catalogue of the library of the state, Classe prima. r v. 8. eritore 18[ 8Classe prima.] 7 v. 80. Milano, editore, 1818[with] rules and regulations. 77 pp. 80. 22.. Richmondc, S. Shepher, 1835. ___ See Worsley (Sir Richard). - - The same. 8. Richmonl, Colin, Bcptist Visconti (Filippo Aurelio), and Guattani & Nowlan, 1849. s. (Giuseppe Antonio). II museo Chiaramonti - oThe sarme. 370 pp. 8~. Richmoond,- J. descritto e illustrato. xvi, 356 pp. 48 pl. 8~. Vowla~n, 1856. -5s. Milano, editori, 1820. s. Communications from several states Vishnu Purdna (The): a system of Hindu on the resolutions of the legislature of Vir- mythology and tradition. Translated from ginia respecting the alien and sedition laws; the original Sanskrit, and illustrated by notes also, instructions from the general assembly chiefly from other Purdnas, by H. H.Wilson. of Virginia to their senators in Congress, and Edited by Fitz Edward Hall. v. 1-3. 80. the report of the committee to whom was London, Triibner, 1864-66. committed the proceedings of sundry of the [WILSON (Horace Hayman). Works. v. 6-8]. other states, in answer to the resolutions of the Visit to Belgrade. Translated by James Whitgeneral assembly, 21st Dec. 1798. 194 pp. tie. [anon.] 105 pp. 16~. London, Chapman 160. Richmond, Meriwether Jones, [1800?] - HBall, 1854. Debates in the house of delegates of Vir- Vitet ( Louis or Ludovic). Monographie de ginia upon the acts of Congress passed at l'6glise Notre-Dame de Noyon. Plans, [etc.] their last session, commonly called the alien par D. Ram6e. 40~. Atlas, fol. Paris, Imand sedition laws. 189 pp. 80. Rlichmond, primerie royale, 1845. s. T. Nicolson, 1798. Vitruvius Pollio (Marcus). Di architettura, Journal [and documents] of the house dal vero esemplare latino nella volgar lingua of delegates, session of 1866-67. 80. Rich- tradotto [da F. L. Durantino]. 12 p. 1. cx 1. mond, Enquirer oqice, 1866. fol. Vinegia,. Zoppino, 1535. Journal [and documents] of the senate, - The same. I dieci libri delF architet[session of 1866-67]. 8o. Richmond, J. E. tvra. Tradotti i commentati da Daniel BarGoode, 1866. baro. 4 p. 1. 506 pp. smin. fol, Venetia, A. M- emorial and remonstrance presented de' Vecchi, 1629. 440 VITRUVIUS. VOLTOIRE. Vitruvius Pollio (Marcus)-Continued. The 300 pp; xxiii, 287 pp. 1 pl. 160. London, architecture *of Vitruvius, in ten books. A. Bettesworth, etc. 1736. Translated from the Latin by Joseph Gwilt. CONTENTS. New ed. xxxv, 316 pp. 23 pl. 16~. London, v. 1. Letters. v. 2. Poems; letters; metamorphoses; Alcidalis and J. Weale, 1860. Zelida, a romance. Vivenot (Rudolph von). Beitriige zur kennt- Voix (La) du proscrit, organe de la r6publique niss der klimatischen evaporationskraft und universelle. Oct. 27, 1850 to Sept. 1, 1851. deren beziehung zu temperatur, feuchtigkeit, 372, 282, 16 pp. sm. fol. Saint-Amand, C. luftstromungen und niederschligen. vii, 103 Chotteau, 1850-51. pp. I pl. 8~. Erlangen, F. Enke, 1866. s. Volcanoes, or burning mountains; containing Vivie or Du Vivie (Johannes). Beschryving a description of Mt. Vesuvius, the opinions of van de beroemde, en van ouds vermaarde eminent philosophers on the causes of volvrye keiserlyke ryks-en krooning-stad Aken, canoes, etc. [anon.] 24 pp. 1 pl. 80. Philamitsgaders van alle desselfs fonteinen, en delphia, J. Coats, Jr. 1833. minerale wateren en baden, [etc.] 12 p. 1. Volger (G. H. Otto). Untersuchungen iiber 232 pp. 18 pl. sm. 40~. Leiden, J. du Vivie, das phainomen der erdbeben in der Schweiz, 1727. s. und seine bedeutung fur die physiologie des Vivien (Alexandre Fran9ois Auguste). etudes erdorganismus. 3 v. in 1. 80. Gotha. J. Perthes, administratives. 3e d. 2 v. 354 pp; 426 pp. 1857-58. s. 160. Paris, Guillacumin, 1859. CONTENTS. Vocabolario degli accademici della Crvsca. v. 1. Chronik der erdbeben in der Schweiz. 367 pp. Con tre indici delle voci, locvzioni, etc. 11 p. 1. v. 2. Die geologie von Wallis. 283 pp. 1 pl. v. 3. Die erdbeben in Wallis. 4 p. 1. 524 pp, I map. 1024, 118 pp. fol. Venetia, 1697. Volney (Constantin Fran9ois Chasseboeuf, Vocabulary (A) of the English, Bugis, and conte de). The law of nature, or principles Malay languages. [anon.] vi, 66pp. 20. of morality, deduced from the physical conSingapore, Missionpress, 1833. s. stitution of mankind and the universe. viii, Vocabulary of the language of the Society 161pp. 320. Philadelphia, T Stephens, 1796. Islands. [anon.] ~Islands. [a~non~~.] The ruins; or, a survey of the revolu[With COOK (James). Voyage towards the South tionsempires. Translatedfyothe relch. Pole, etc. 1772-75. v. 2. pp. 317-363. 40. Loadon, tions of empires. Translated from the French 1784]. 12th ed. 248 pp. 2 1. 2 maps. 160. Glasgow, Vogdes (William). An elementary treatise on W. Lang, 1804. mensuration and practical geometry. 299 [Imperfect; pp. 13-24 wanting]. pp. 120. Philadelphia, E. C. & J. Biddle, Volpato(Giovanni), and Morghen (Raffaele). 1846. s. Principes du dessein tires d'apres les, antiques Vogel (Ernst Gustav). Literatur friuiherer und statues. 2 p. 1. v pp. 36 pl. fol. Ronoe, noch bestehender europaischer 6ffentlichel Pagliarini, 1786. S. und corporations-bibliotheken, zusammenge- Voltaire, (Franvois Marie Aroueet de). The stelt. xvi,548 pp. 8~. Lepzig, T..O eige, history of Charles xii. king of Sweden. 1840. s. Translated from the last Paris edition. 275 pp. Vogt (Car.l). LehbruchL der geologie ~und pe- 160~. Otsego, (N. Y.) H. & E. Phinney, 1811. trefactenkuude. 2C aufl. 2 v. xxxi, 672 pp. The same. [anon.] 142pp. 80. London, 2 pl; xxix, 641 pp. 16 pl. 80. Braunschweig, J. Davis, 1812. Viewveg, 1854. S. I Royal military chronicle. v. 2]. -. Life of Peter the great, emperor of RusVogt (Niklas). Rheinische geschichten und Life of Peter the great, emperor of Russagen. 2 v. xvi, 453 pp; iv, 409 pp. ~8~ sia, including the history of Russia during anfrtvamMin, ller n, 1 p.. his reign. Translated from the French. 1[anon.] 167 pp. 8~. London, J. Davis, 1812. Voigt (Friedrich Siegmond). Die farben der [anon.] 17 pp.. ondon, J. Davis, 1812. [Royal military chronicle. v. 2]. organiscllen korper, wissenschaftlch bear- The same. 348 pp. 16~. Flrederickbeitet. xvi, 228 pp. 180~. Jena, Cr6'ker, town, (ed.) J.. Thopson, 1813. 1816. s, Zadig; or, the book of fate. Translated 0 LehrS uch dertzoologie. 6v. 1 03 atlas, from the French. 32 pp. 8~. London, 1841. 40. Stuttgart, E. Schweizerbart, 1835-40. s. [HAZLITT'S romancist and novelist's library. v. 4]. [Naturgeschichte, v. 7-13]. Voltoire (- ). Anciens proverbes basques et Voiture (Vincent). Works, translated by gascons. Remisaujour par[P.]G. B[runet]. Dryden [and others]. 3d ed. 2 v. xxiv, 14 pp. 80~. Paris, 2'echener, 1845. 441 VOPISCUS. WAGNER. Vopiscus (Flavius). [Vitke imperatorum R(o- Berlin, Druckerei der k. akcademie der wissensmanorum, viz:] Divvs Avrelianvs, Tacitvs, chaften, 1841. s. Florianvs, Probvs, Firmvs, Satvrninvs, Procu- - The same. Kinigliche museen, verzeichlus et Bonosus, Carvs, Nvmerianvs, Carinvs. niss der gemhlder-sammlung. ll1eaufi. xxxii, [r With Varii hist. Rom. scriptores, v. iii.] 451 pp. 16~. Berlin, W. Moeser & Kiihn, Voragine or Varaggio (Jacopo da). Legenda 1851. s. sanctorum. lp. 1. ccccxx 1. fol. [Argentorati, Waan, or Wann (Paul). Sermones de temabout 1476]. pore. 2661. fol. Hagenaw, H. Gran, 1499. Vormeng (Carl). Die bandwiirmer des men- Wace (Robert or Mathieu). Illustrations of schen, nach den neuesten forschungen. 32 pp. master Wace his chronicle of the Norman con80. Berlin, G. Lange, 1867. ^ s. quest, from the Roman de Rou. Translated Vortisch (Louis Christian Heinrich). Die by Edgar Taylor. 1 p. 1. 50 col. pl. 8o. Lonjiingste katastrophe des erdballs, ein geologis- don, W. Pickering, 1837. s. cher versuch. xiii, 172 pp. 8~. Braun- Wachenhusen (Hans). Skizzenbuch aus schweig, Vieweg, 1852. s. Neuenburg und der Schweiz. 288 pp. 12~. Vose (George L.) Orographic geology; or, the Berlin, 0. Janke, 1857. origin and structure of mountains. 134 pp. Wackerbarth (Athanasius Frans Didrik). 8~. Boston, Lee 4~ Shepard, 1866. s. Om planeten Neptunus. [Extract.] 2 p.1. Voyage (A) to the South seas, 1740-41, by his 125 pp. 8~. Upsala, universitets, 1865. s. majesty's ship Wager. [anon. By John Bulk- Waddle (J. C.) and Smith (J. B.) Capon ley]. ii, 194 pp. 16~. London, J. Twig, 1743. springs, Hampshire co. Va. 8 pp. 8~. Balti[ With OLD England forever. London, 1740]. more, Hanzsche & Co. 1859. Voyages and travels of the renowned captain Wade (Henry). Halcyon: or, rod fishing with Sir Francis Drake into the West Indies, and fly, minnow, and worm. [With] a short round the world. [anon.] 24 pp. 160. Cov- method of dressing flies. xvi, 212 pp. 12 pl. entry, (Eng.) J. Turner, [about 1815]. 120. London, Bell & Daldy, 1861. Voyages de d6couverte au Canada, 1534 et Wagener (W. L.) See Kruger (Dr. F.) First 1542, par Jacques Quartier, le sieur de Rober- discovery of America. val, Jean Alphonse de Xanctoigne, etc. iv, Wagler (Johann Georg). Monographia psitta130 pp. 2 pl. 8~. Qu6bec, W. Cowan et ils, corum. [Extract.] 288 pp. 6 40 1843. [Miinchen, Bayr. akad. der wissenschaften, Voyageur (Le) en Hollande, ou manuel pour 1832]. s. ceux qui veulent visiter ce pays. [anon.] 60 Natiirliches system der amphibien, mit pp. 160. Amsterdamn,. A. C. Hesse, 1804. vorangehender classification der satugethiere Vrolik (Gerardus). Catalogue de la biblio- und vogel. vi, 354 pp. 8~. driinchen utnd thbque d'histoire naturelle, de m6decine, et Stuttgart, Cotta, 1830. s. d'autres sciences de feu G. Vrolik, dont la [Wanting, 2 pl.] vente se fera 3 Decembre, 1860 [etc.] par Wagner (Johann Andreas). Geschichte der Frederik Miller. [Avec]notice biographique urwelt, mit besonderer berficksichtigung der de G. Vrolik. viii, xvi, 154 pp. 80. Amster- menschenrassen und des mosiischen schopdam, F. Miiller, 1860. s. fungsberichts. 2e anufl. 2 v. xvi, 550 pp; vi, Vrolik (Willem, M. D.) Tabulae ad illustran- 528 pp. 80. Leipzig, L. Voss, 1857-58. s. dam embryogenesin hominis et mammalium, tam naturalem quam abnormem. [Dutch and CONTENTS. Latinln. 7, 21e81. 100qpl. 4~. [nDusteldc aind v. 1. Die erdveste nach ihrem felsbaue und ilrer Latin]. 7, 218 1. 100 pl. 40% Amstelodami, sch6pfungsgeschichte. G. M. Londonck, 1849. s. v 2. Das menschengeschlecht und das thier- und pflanzenreich der urwelt. Catalogue de la collection d'anatomie. See Dusseau (J. L.) Die saugthiere in abbildungen nach der Vulpius (Christian August). Rinaldo Rinal- natur, mit beschreibungen. Mit atlas. 5 v. 4. dini, captain of banditti. A tale of the last 1846-55. s. century. Translated from the German. 4th [See SCHREBER (J. C. D. von). Die siLugthiere, etc.] ed. 136 pp. 80. London, 1841. Wagner (Rudolph, editor). Handw6rterbuch [HAZLITT'S romancist and novelist'slibrary, v. 1]. der physiologie, mit riicksicht auf physioloWaagen (Gustav Friedrich). Verzeichniss gische pathologie. In verbindung mit mehren der gelnitlde-sammlung des koniglichen mu- gelehrtenherausgegeben. 4 v. in 5. 80. Braunseums zu Berlin. xvi, 394 pp. 1 pl. 16~. schweig, Vieweg, 1842-53. s. 56 WAGNER. WALKER. Wagner (Rudolph, editor). Neurologische un- min, who was baptised by the name of George tersuchungen. xvi, 244 pp. 2 pl. 80. Gittin- James. 316pp. 160. London, M. Cooper, 1748. gen, G. H. Wigand, 1854. s. Waldie (Miss E. A.) Sketches descriptive of Wahl (Samuel Friedrich Gtinther). Allgemeine Italyin1816-17. [anon.] 4 v. 16~. London, geschichte der morgenlandischen sprachen J. Murray, 1820. und literatur, etc. Nebst einem anhang zur Waldo (Loren P.) Early history of Tolland; morgenliindischen schriftgeschichte. viii, 648 an address at Tolland, Conn. Aug. 22, and pp. 6 1. 11 pl. 80. Leipzig, J. G. I. Breit_ Sept. 27, 1861. 148 pp. 8~0. Hartford, Case, kopf, 1784. s. Lockwood & Co. 1861. Wailes (B. L. C.) Addresses delivered in the Waldo (Samuel, of Boston). A defence of the college chapel before the agricultural, horti- title of the late John Leverett, to a tract of land cultural, and botanical society of Jefferson in Massachusetts bay, commonly called Muscollege, Washington, Miss. 24 April, 1841, congus lands. 41 pp. fol. [Boston], 1736. and 29 April, 1842. 29, 20 pp. 8~0. Natchez, Waldseemiiller (Martin). See Cosmo1842. s. graphiae introdvetio. [Deodate], 1507. [With JEFFERSON college, etc. charter, 1840]. Walford (Edward). The handybook of the Wailly (JosephNo6l, dit Natalis de). ]l6ments civil service. xiii, 207 pp. 160. London, de pal6ographie. 2 v. xii, 716 pp; 2 p. 1. iv, Longman, 1860. 452 pp. 37 pl. fol. Paris, Imprimerie royale, -. Men of the time: a dictionary of con1838. s. temporaries. Edited by G. H. Townsend. 7th Waistell (Charles). Designs for agricultural ed. vii, 859 pp. 12~. London, Routledge, 1868. buildings, including labourers' cottages, farm Wali or Mohammed Wali Ullab. Les oeuvres. houses and out-offices. xi, 115 pp. 12 pl. [Avec]une traduction et notes, par Garcin 40. London, Longman, 1827. de Tassy. 2 v. in 1. xx, 144 pp. 1 pl; 68 pp. Wake Forrest college, (North Carolina). Com- 40~. Paris, Imprimerie royale, 1834-36. s. mencement exercises, 1854. 103 pp. 8~0. Phil- CONTENTS. adelphia, C. Sherman, 1854. s. v. 1. Texte hindoustani. v. 2. Traduction et notes. CONTENTS. Waker (A.) A complete system of steograThe true man. Oration by Rev. Tiberius Gracchus Jones. pp. 3 —37. phy. 8 pp. 16~. Philadelphia, 1821. Plea for colleges. Address by Rev. Basil Manly, jr. Walker (Adam, of London). Ideas suggested pp. 39 —69. nted Happiness to be found only in the discharge of duty. on the spot in a late excursion through FlanSermon by Rev. H. H. Tucker. pp. 71 —103. Wake (Isaac). Rev.H.x platonicus: sive d. p3 ders, Germany, France, and Italy. 2 p. 1. 442 Wake (Isaac). Rex platonicus~ sire de potentissimi principis Jacobi [i.] Britanniarum pp. 80. London, J. Robson, 1790. Walker (Adam, of N. H.) A journal of two regis, ad illustrissimam academiam oxoniencampaigns of the 4th regiment of U. S. infantry sem adventu, Aug. 27, 1605, narratio. Ed 6". 4p. 1. 239pp. 24Ag. 2O6oni0,. Westd 1663. in Michigan and Indiana territories, under Col. 4. Core, s ne, w. Boyd and Col. Miller, 1811-12. 143 pp. 120. Wakefield (Gilbert). Correspondence with eene (..) 1816. Charles James Fox, 1796-1801, chiefly on ('Walker (Sir Noveniden). A journal; or, full subjects of classical literature. vi, 232 pp. 8~0. Lon, C l account of the late expedition to Canada. London, Cadell ~ Davies, 1813. 304 pp. 8~. London, D. Brown, 1720. Wakefield (S.) Deutsches choralbuch; eine 304 pp. 8. London,. Brown 1720. I With JOUTEL. Journal of voyage to Mexico. xxix, sammlung von deutschen und englischen kir- 205 pp. 12~. London, 1719]. chenmelodien. 127 pp. obl. 180. Cincinnati, Walker (Rev. James Barr). God revealed in L. Swormnstedt und A. Poe, 1852. s. the process of creation, and by the manifestaWakeley (Andrew). The mariner's compass tion of Jesus Christ. 273 pp. 1 pl. 12~. rectified. With the description and use of in Boston, Gould & Lincoln, 1855. struments in use in navigation. Enlarged by Walker (Johnb, philologist). Critical proJ. Atkinson. Revised by W. Mountaine. 272 nouncing dictionary and expositor of the pp. 16~. London, Mount & Page, 1766. English language. 4th Phil. ed. 960 pp. Walckenaer (Charles Athanase, baron). Vies 8~. Philadelphia, Johnson & Warner, aand de plusieurs personnages c61ebres des temps others, 1815. anciens et modernes. 2 v. 12, 376 pp; 442pp. The same, [with] key to the pronun8~. Laon, Melleville, 1830. s. ciation of Greek, Latin, and scripture proper Walcott(James). Thenew pilgrlim'sprogress; names. 609, 103 pp. 80. ew Yorlc, Collins or, the pious Indian convert, Hattain Gelash- and Hannay, 1819. 443 WALKER. WALPOLE. Walker (Joseph Cooper). Anecdotes of chess Waller (Sir William). Recollections of his in Ireland. times. [VALLANCEY (C.) Collectanea de rebus hibernicis. [With POETRY of Anna Matilda. Hannah Cowley. v. 5]. pp. 97 —139. ] 788]. An historical and critical essay on the Walley (Rev. Thomas). Balm in Gilead to revival of the drama in Italy. xvi 272, 38 heal all Zion's wounds: a sermon reache pp. 80. Edinburgh, Mundell + son., 1805. before the general court of the colony of New Plimoutb~ June 1, 1669, being the day of Walker (Timothy, LL. D.) Elements ofgeom- Plimouth, June 1, 1669, being the dayof etry. With elementary treatise on descriptive election there. 3 p.. p. sn. 4~. Cangeometry, by E. Otis Kendall. 159 pp. 18pl. brge S. [reen 40. J[ohnson], 1669. 120. Philadelphia, E. H. Butler, 1843. s. Joseson 1670 Walker (WV. engineer). Useful hints on ven- & (. J ohnson 1670. tilation. 131 pp. 1 pl. 120. Manchester,ca. o. Oon J. T. Parkes, 1850.. S. [GALE (Thomas), and FELL (John). Rerum anglicaWalker (William, B. A.) The royal grammar, rum scriptores veteres. OxoniT, 1684-91. v. 3]. commonly called Lilie's grammar, explained. Walpers (Gerard Wilhelm). Annales botanices 3d ed. 6 p. 1. 504 pp. 180. London, E. systematicae, [for 1846-50]. 3 v. 80. Lipsicee, Pawlet, 1695. F. Hofmeister, A. Abel, 1848-53. s. Walker (William, R. N.) The magnetism of - - Repertorium botanices systematicae. 6 ships, and the mariner's compass. xx, 207 v. 80. Lipsiae, F. Hofmeister, 1842-47. s. pp. 1 pl. 160. London, Piper bros. & Co. 1853. Walpole (Horace, 4th earl of Orford). Works. Walkington (Rev. Thomas). The optick [Illustrated. Edited by Robert Berry]. 5 v. glasse of humors, [etc.] or the philosopher's 40. London, Robinson, 1798. stone to make a golden temper, [etc.] By CONTENTS. T. W. [anon.] 12 p. 1. 168 pp. 2 pi. 160.. 1. Fugitive pieces. Catalogue of the royal and noble authors of London, I. D. 1639. England. v. 2. The castle of Otranto. Wallace (Horace Binney). Art, scenery, and An account of the giants lately discovered. philosophy in Europe. xxxvi, 346 pp. 12~. Historic doubts on the life and reign of Richard iii. with supplement, observations, etc. Philadelphia, H. Hooker, 1855.. Edes walpolianme. Wallace (J. H.) American stud-book, being Sermon on painting. Nature will prevail: a moral entertainment. a compilation of the pedigrees of American Thoughts on tragedy. and imported blood horses, with an appendix Thoughts on comedy. and imported blood horses, with aln appendix DDetection of a late forgery, called Testament and supplement. v. i. 1017 pp. 17 pl. 8~. politique du chevalier Robert Walpoole. Life of Rev. Thomas Baker. SNTew York, W. A. Townsend 5l Adams, 1867. Account of my conduct relative to the places I Wallace (John M.) & Co. Telegraphic cy- hold under government. Letters to and from ministers. pher, compiled for the exclusive use of their Description of Strawberry Hill. correspondents and themselves. 60 pp. 16. On modern gardening. correspondents and themselves. 60 pp. 16~. On the late dismission of a general officer. _~Tewr York, Donogh 4 Black, 1867. v. 3. Anecdotes of painting [and the other fine artsl. v. 4. Catalogue of engravers, from the mss. of G. Wallace (John William). An address at the Vertue. celebration by the N. Y. historical society, Life of G. Vertue, with list of works. Appendix to anecdotes of painting. May 20th, 1863, of the two-hundredth birth Chatterton papers. Narrative of the quarrel of Mr. David Hume day of Mer. William Bradford. 114 pp. 3 p1. and J. J. Rousseau, as far as Mr. Horace Wal80. Albany, J. Munsell, 1863. pole was concerned in it. Letters between D. Hume and H. Walpole, Wallace (William). Hindoo astronomy and relative to Rousseau. mathematics, with an account of col. Lamb- Reminiscences, written in 1788. Hieroglyphic tales. ton's trigonometrical surveys in India. Parody on Chesterfield's letters. Criticism on Dr. Johnson's writings. [W}ith MURRAY (Hugh). Account of British India. Criticism on Dr. Johnson's writings. Strange occurrences: a continuation of Baker's v. 3. pp 279 —325. New ork, 1833-36]. chronicle. Wallace (William A.) The Great Eastern's Detached thoughts. Miscellaneous verses. log. Her first transatlantic voyage, and par- Prologues and epilogues. ticulars of her American visit. By W. A. W Epigrams. Index to catalogue of engravers. [anon.] 91 pp. 160. London, Brad bury 4 v. 5. Letters. Evans, 1860. A catalogue of engravers who have been Walleinberg (Carl Friedrich Theodor Gideon born or resided in England, from the imss. of von). De molluscis Lapponiae lulensis. Dis- George Vertue; [with] an account of the sertatio inauguralis. 48 pp. 1 pl. 80. Bero- life and works of the latter. 230 pp. 17 pl. lini, auctor, [1858]. s. 12~, London, J. Caulfield [etc.], 1794. s. 444 WALPOOLE. WARD. Walpoole (George Augustus, editor). The gestions. By the delegates of Georgia. 14 pp. new British traveller; or, a complete modern 40. Privately printed, Worsmsloe (N. C.) G. universal display of Great Britain and Ireland. Wymberley Jones, 1847. With upwards of 150 views. 520 pp. 110 Walton (G. A.) Metric system of weights and pl. fol. London, A. Hogg, [1784]. s. measures. 24 pp. 160. Boston, Brewer 4 Walsh (Francis). The antediluvian world; Tileston, 1867. or, a new theory of the earth. 9 p. 1. 308pp. Walton (Izaac). The complete angler; or, 30 1. 120. Dublin, S. Powell, 1743, contemplative man's recreation. In two parts: Walsh (J. H.) The shot-gun and sporting the second by C. Cotton. With lives of the rifle; and the dogs, ponies, ferrets, etc. used authors, and notes, by Sir John Hawkins and with them in the various kinds of shooting the present editor, [Henry Ellis. Designs and trapping. By Stonehenge. Lpseudonr. by Wale, ete: engraved by Audinet]. 514 pp. 2d ed. xvi, 496 pp. 20 pl. 8~. London, Rout- x 1. 12 pl. 8~. London, S. Bagster, 1815. ledge, Warne f Routledge, 1862. s. Walton (W. land-surveyor). An essay prov(and others). Athletic sports and manly ing iron far superior to stone for breaking and exercises. By "Stonehenge,'" J. G. Wood, grinding of corn, grain, and pulse; also, provetc. 477 pp. 24~. London, Routledge, Warne ing an hand engine upon an entire new con& Routledge, 1864. struction. [With] appendix. 35 pp. 16~. Walsh (Michael McN.) The lawyer in the Lynn, (Eng.) R. Marshall, 1788. school-room; comprising the laws of all the Walworth (Rev, Clarence). The gentle skepstates on important educational subjects. 161 tic; or, essays and conversations of a country pp. 12~. New York, J. W. Schermerhorn 5 Co, justice on the authenticity and truthfulness of 1867. the Old Testament records. 366 pp. 12~. Walsh (William). Poetical works. 80.- Edin- New York, D. Appleton & Co. 1863. burgh, 1793. Walworth (Reuben Hyde, LL.D. ) Hyde [Anderson's British poets, v. 6]. genealogy; or, the descendants from William Walter of.Exeter. The siege of Carlaverock Hyde, of Norwich. I v, in 2. viii, 1446 pp. in the xxviii. Edward i. A. D. mccc; with 23 pl. 80. Albany, J. Munsell, 1864. the arms of earls, barons, and knights who Wanderings (The) and adventures of Reuben were present on the occasion. [anon.] With Delano; a narrative of twelve years' life in a translation, a history of the castle, and me- a whale ship. 100 pp. 8~. [New York], moirs of the personages commemorated by Greenfield, H. Long & brother, 1846. the poet, by Sir Harris Nicolas. xxxii, 330 Wann (Paul). See Waan (Paul). pp. 1 pl. 4~. London, Nichols & son, 1828. Wansleben (Johann Michael). Relazione Walter (Emile). What is -free trade? An dello stato presente dell'Egitto, [etc.] 16 p. 1. adaptation of F. Bastiat's "Sophismes 6cono- 285 pp. 240. Parigi, A. Cramoisy, 1671. s. miques." 158 pp. 120. New York, G. P. Wappaius (J. E.) Deutsche auswanderung Putnam 8& son, 1867. und colonization. vi, 152 pp. 8~. Leipzig, J. Walter (Rev. Richard). A voyage round the C, Hinricih, 1846. world, in the years 1740-44, by George, lord War life; illustrated by stories of the camp and Anson. 5th ed. 10 p. 1. 417 pp. 1 1. 4 maps. field. Compiled by Tim. Tramp. [pseu'don.] 39 pl. 4~. London, J. P. Knacpton, 1749. 144 pp. 120. New York, Calender, Perce & NoTE. —Said to have been written by Benjamin Welling, 1862. Robinsl. Warburton (Eliot). The conquest of Canada. Walther (Ph. A. F.) Systematisches reperto- 2 v. xxiii, 351 pp; 366 pp. 8~. New York, rium iuber die schriften shimmtlicher his- Harpers, 1850. torischer gesellschaften Deutschlands. xxx, Ward (Edward). Writings. 2d ed. 2 v. ii, 649 pp. 120. Darmstadt, Historische verein 439 pp; iii, 401 pp. 120. London, J. How, fuar Hessen, 1845. 5, 1704. Waltl (Joseph). Reise durch Tyrol, Ober- CONTENTS. Italien und Piemont nach dem sfidlichen v. 1. The London spy, compleat. Spanien. 2e ausg. 3p. 1. 247 pp. 16~. Pas- v. 2. Poems and miscellanies. sau, Pustet, 1839. s. Ward (George A.) Description of New Brigh[ArppENDED.-lUeber die thiere Andalusiens. 120 pp.] ton, on Staten island, opposite the city of New Walton (George, and others). Observations York. 8pp. 1 map. I pl. 192. [New Yo-k, upon the effects of certain late political sug- 1836]. 445 WARD. WARREN. Ward (Henry A.) Catalogue of casts of fossils, Waring (George E. jr.) Draining for profit, from the principal museums of Europe and and draining for health. Illustrated. 244 pp. America, etc. viii, 228 pp. 4 pl. 80. Roches- 120. New York, O. Judd & Co. [1867]. ter, Author, 1866. s. Warmholtz (Carl Gustaf). Bibliotheca hisNotice of the Ward cabinets of mineralogy torica sueo-gothica; eller, f6rteckning uppA and geology lately presented to the university sa viil trykte som handskrifne bocker, tractaof Rochester. 44 pp. I pl. 8~. Rochester, ter och skrifter, hvilka handla om svenska (N. Y.) University, 1863. s. historien, eller diirutinnan kunna gifva ljus, Ward (Nathaniel). The simple cobler of Ag- [etc. ] 15 v. in 6. 8~. Stockholz, etc. A. J. gawam, in America, willing to help mend his Nordstrim, etc. 1782-1817. s. native country, lamentably tattered, both in Warner (Susan). Queechy. By Elizabeth the upper leather and sole, with all the honest Wetherell. [pseudon.] 410 pp; 396 pp. 12~. stitches he can take. By Theodore de La New York, Putncnm, 1852. Guard. [pseudon.] 5th ed. 2p. 1. 100pp. The word. The house of Israel. [anon.] 24~. Boston, Daniel Henchman, 1713. v, 504 pp. 160. New York, R. Carter & b~ros. The same. vi, 96 pp. 12~. Boston, James 1867. Munroe & Co. 1843. Warnstedt (Dr. A. von). Die oldenburger Ward (Thomas). England's reformation. A und brandenburger erbanspriiche auf die poem, in four cantos. 2 v. in 1. vii, 279 pp; herzogthfimer Schleswig-Holstein. ccccxli, 238 pp. 16~. Dublin, B. Coyne, 1814. 252 pp. 2 1. 1 pl. 8~. Halinnover, Schmorl c Errata of the protestant Bible. [ With] Von Seefeld, 1865. s. the preface of Lingard, in answer to Ryan's Warr (G. Finden). Dynamics, construction " Analysis," and a vindication by Milner, in of machinery, equilibrium of structures, and answer to Ryan's "Reply." 2 p. 1. 24,118 pp. the strength of materials. viii, 296 pp. 8~. sm. fol. New York, D. & J. Sadlier, 1844. London, B. Baldwin, 1851. s. Ward (William, D. D.) A view of the his- Warren (Charles). The Missouri harmony; tory, literature, and religion of the Hindoos; or, a collection of psalm and hymn tunes, and abridged. xi, 453pp. 9pl. 120. Hartford, anthems. 20, 268 pp. i 1. obl. 18~. CGinH. Huntington, 1824. cinnati, 1850. t S. Wardell (James). Municipal history of the Warren (Emory F.) Sketches of the history borough of Leeds, to 1836. With appendix. of Chautauque county (N. Y). 159 pp. 18~. vii, 96, ccxix pp. 6 pl. 8~. London, Longmans, Jamestown, (N. Y.) J. W. Fletcher, 1846. 1846. Warren (George). An impartial description Warder (John A. M. D.) American pomology. of Surinam. 28 pp. sm. 40~. London, NaApples. 744 pp. 120. NewYork, 0. Judd thaniel Brooke, 1667. e Co. 1867. Warren (Rev. Israel Perkins). The wicked Wardlaw (Ralph, D. D.) Discourses on the not annihilated: refutation of modern sadduprincipal points of the socinian controversy. ceeism. Revised ed. 76 pp. 180. Boston, Asm. xii, 431 pp. 8~. Andover, M. Neiwman, 1815. tract society, 1867. ------ Lectures on female prostitution; its na- Warren (John, and others). Constitutions of ture, extent, effects, guilt, causes, and remedy. the fraternity of free and accepted masons; xi, 163 pp. 120. Glasgow, J. Maclehose, with history of masonry in Massachusetts. 1842, With songs, etc. 288 pp. 40. Worcester, Ware (Henry, jr, D. D.) The formation of Isaiah Thomas, 1792. the christian character, addressed to those Warren (John Collins, M. D.) Remarks on seeking to lead a religious life; and Progress some fossil impressions in the sandstone rocks of the christian life; a sequel. 2d ed. viii, 176, of Connecticut river. 54 pp. 1 phot. pl. 8o. 93 pp. 180. Boston, American uqnit. asso- Boston, Ticknor & Fields, 1854. s. ciation, 1867. Warren (Jonathan Mason, OM. D.) Surgical Two discourses containing the history observations, with cases and operations. xv, of the Old North and New Brick churches, 631 pp. 6 pl. 8~. Boston, Ticknor & Fields, united as the Second church in Boston. 60 pp. 1867. 80. Boston, J. W. Burditt, 1821. Warren (Nathan B.) Christmas in the olden Ware (Airs. Mary G. Chandler). Death and time; its carols and customs: with the boar's life. 174 pp. 160. Boston, TB. Carter & head song. 58 pp. 1 pl. 80. Troy, (N. Y.) bro. 1864. A. W. Scribner, 1866. 446 WARREN. 4WATSON. Warren (S. Edward). General problems of the funeral honors paid to his memory, with a shades and shadows; together with the theory list of tracts and volumes printed upon the of shading. 140 pp. 15 pl. 80. New York, occasion, and a catalogue of medals commemJ. Wiley & son, 1867. orating the event. By Franklin B. Hough. A manual of elementary geometrical 2 v. 272 pp. 1 map. 1 portrait; 304 pp. 1 pordrawing, involving three dimensions. 3d ed. trait. 40. Roxbury, W. E. Woodward, [printix, 121 pp. 17 pl. 120. New York, Wiley & ed in Albany by J. MIunsell,] 1865. son, 1867. Washington's birth day: an historical poem. Plane problems in elementary geome- By a Washingtonian. [anon.] 64 pp. 1 pl. try; the point, straight line, and circle. 162 sm. 40. Albany, E. 4. E. Hosford, 1812. pp. 1 pl. 12~. New York, J. Wiley & son, Washington (D. C.) The Washingtondirec1867. tory. 22, 107 pp. 160. Washington, S. A. Warville ( Catherine A. ) The romance of Elliot 1830 Beauseincourt. An episode extracted from..- 1 Boyd's directory of Washington and the retrospect of Miriam Monfort. By the author of "The household of Bouverie" Georgetown: with a business directory of author of "The household of Bouverie." [anon.] 456pp. 12. New ork, G. W. Alexandria, Va. Compiled by W. H. Boyd, Carleton. & Co. 1857. 1867. 669 pp. 1 map. 80. Washington, Carletonr & Co. 1857. Washington (Bailey, 1M. D. ) Observations Boyd's directory co. [1867]. on yellow fever. 36 pp. 8~0. Washington, Washington library. A catalogue of author, about 1824].'S. books. 75 pp. 160. Washington, Gales & Washington (E. K.) Echoes of Europe; or, Seaton, 1835. word pictures of travel. 697 pp. 80. Phila- Washington metropolitan mechanics' indelphia, J. Challen & son, 1860. stitute. Record of the second and third exhiWashington ( George). Epistles: domestic, bition, 1855, 1857. 2 v. in 1. 160 pp; vii, 152 confidential, and official. xiv, 303 pp. 1 pl. pp. 8~. Washington, H. Polkinhorn, 185580. Anew York, G. Robinson & J. Bull, 1796. 57. s. The same. xvi, 303 pp. 80. London, Watelet (Claude Henri). Essai sur les jarF. & C. Rivington, 1796. dins. 160 pp. 8~. Paris, Prault, 1764. _____ Letters to the marquis de Chastellux. Waterhouse (Edward). A declaration of the 35 pp. 8~. Charleston, (S. C.) C. C. Sebring, state of the colony and affaires in Virginia. 1825. With a relation of the massacre by the native ----- Monuments of patriotism; a collection infidels vpon the English, the 22d of March of documents connected with [his] military last, etc. and a treatise by Henry Briggs, of command and civil administration. 338 pp. the northwest passage by fretum Hudson. 2 pl. 8~. Philadelphia, J. Ormrod, 1800. 3 p. 1. 54 pp. sm. 4~. London, Robert MylPolitical legacies; [with] an appendix bourne, 1622. containing an account of his illness, death, Waterland (Daniel, D. D.) A vindication of and the national tributes of respect paid to Christ's divinity: being a defense of some his memory, with an outline of his life and queries relating to Dr. Clarke's scheme of the character. 208, 14 pp. 8~0. Boston, John Trinity. In answer to [John Jackson]. 13 Russell & John West, 1800. p. 1. 494 pp. 120. Cambridge, (Eng.) C. Washingtoniana (The): containing a bio- Crownfield, 1719. graphical sketch of George Washington, with Waterman (Rev. Elijah). A century sermon various outlines of his character. viii, 298 preached before the first church in Windham, pp. 3 1. lpl. 160. Baltimore, Samuel Sower, [Ct.] December 10, 1800, containing facts 1800. relative to its settlement and progress. 42 pp. ----- The same. Containing a sketch of the 8~. Windham, (Ct.) John Byrne, 1801. life and death of the late George Washington: Waterston. See Watterston. with a collection of elegant eulogies, orations, Watson (Egbert P.) The modern practice of poems, etc. sacred to his memory. Also, an American machinists and engineers, including appendix comprising all his most valuable the construction, application, and use of drills, public papers, [etc.] 411pp. 1 portrait. 80. lathe tools, cutters for boring, etc. With Lancaster, (Pa.) WE. Hamilton, 1802. s. workshop management, the steam-engine, The same; or, memorials of the death etc. 276 pp. 12~0. Philcadelhia, H. C. Baird, of George Washington; giving an account of 1867. 447 WATSON. WEALE. Watson (Henry C.) Lives of the presidents Watts (Isaac, D. D.) Hymns and spiritual of the United States, to which is prefixed an songs. 24th ed. xxiv, 304 pp. 180. Edinintroductory history of the United States, burgh, J. Gray, 1772. [etc]. 640 pp. 24 pl. 80. Boston, Kelley - Poetical works. 8~. Edinburgh, 1794. brother, 1853. s. [Anderson's British poets, v. 9]. Watson (J. Madison). National fifth reader. 1 Psalms, carefully suited to the Christian See Parker (R. G.) and Watson. worship in the United States of America, being Watson (Richard, D. D. bishop of Llandaff). an imitation of the Psalms of David, as An apology for the Bible, in a series of letters, improved by Mr. Barlow. 287 pp. 10 1. 240~. addressed to Thomas Paine. 178 pp. 160. Wilmington, Peter Brynberg, 1797. Vew York, T. and J. Swords, 1796. Watts (William). The seats of the nobility and The same. 3d Phila. ed. 80 pp. 80. gentry in England and Scotland; a collection Philadelphia,. J. Carey, 1797. of views, engraved by W. Watts. With de[With PAINE, (Thomas). Works. v. 2. 1797 ed.] scriptions. [anon.] 851. 84 pl. 40~. London, William Lewis, 1830. Watson (Winslow C.) Pioneer listory of the illiam Lewis, 1830. Champlain valley; being an account of the Wauters (Pierre Engelbert.) Dispensatorium settlement of Willsborough by William Gil- pharmaceuticum Belgii pauperibus congruum liland, with his journal and other papers, and atque dicatum. 108 pp. 8~. Gandavi, Vana memoir and notes, by W. C. Watson. viii, ryckeyem-llovaere, 1831. s. 231 pp. 80. d Albany, J. nsell, 1863. Waverley abbey. Annales waverlienses, [nmlxvi-n-ccxci. anon.] fol. Oxonice, 1687. Watt, or Vadianus, (Joachim de). Scolia., [ With Mela (Pomponius). Libri de situ [GAL, (Thomas) and FELL (John). Rernin anglicarum scriptores veteres. Oxonint, 1684-91. v. 2]. orbis. 1518]. Waverley (The) dramas, from the novels of Watterston (George). Gallery of American SirW.Scott. [anon.] 523 pp. 8pl. 160. portraits. 123 pp. 16~. Zas7hington, P. Thomp- London, G. Routledge, 1845. son, 1830. The same. 3d ed. 157 pp. 160. Wash- CONTENTS. ington, F. Taylor, 1836. Guy Mannering. Antiquary. The L family in ashington; Rob Roy. Fortunes of Nigel..... The L.... family in Washington; Heart of Mid Lothian. Peveril of the Peak. or, a winter in the metropolis. [anon.] 159 Kenilworth. Ivanhoe. pp. 12~. Washington, Davis & Foorce, 1822. Wayland (Francis, jr. and H. L.) A memoir Letters from Washington on the consti- of the life and labors of Francis Wayland, tution and laws; with sketches of prominent D. D. LL.D. including selections from his public characters. By a foreigner. [anon.] personal reminiscences and correspondence. 139 pp. 120. ~Washington, J. Gideon, jr. By his sons. 2 v. 429 pp. 1 portrait; 379 1818. pp. 1 portrait. 120. New York, Sheldon 4' - A picture of Washington. 131 pp. 2 pl. Co. 1867. 240. Washington, W. M. Morrison, 1841. Waylen (Edward). A history of Prince The wanderer in Washington. [anon.] George's parish, Montgomery co. with a 226 pp. 120. Washington, J. Elliot & P. glance at the rise and establishment of the Thompson, 1827. episcopal church in Maryland. 26 pp. 18o. and Van Zandt (Nicholas Biddle). Rockville, J. W. S2ates, 1845. Tabular statistical views of the population, Wayne (Henry C.) Exercise for the broadcommerce, navigation, public lands, etc. of the sword, sabre, cut and thrust, and stick. 43 United States. 132 pp. obl. 40. Fashington, pp. 12 pl. 1 12~0. Washington, Gideon & Co. J. Elliot, 1828. 1849. The same. Continuation for 1833. 210 [ Vith his Sword exercise]. pp. 80. Washington, Way 4 Gideosn, 1833. The sword exercise, arranged for miliWatts (Elizabeth). Fish, and how to cook it. tary instruction. 62 pp. 11 pl. 120. Wash140 pp. 160~. London, F. Wlarne $& Co. ington, Gideon & Co. 1850. 1866. Weale (John). Divers works of early masters Watts (Bev. George). A sermon before the in christian decoration; with the biography trustees for establishing the colony of Georgia, of Alberft Durer, and a succinct account of in America, 1735. 27 pp. 40. London, M. painted and stained glass. 2 v. 52 pp. 66 Downing, 1736. col. pl. fol. London, John Weale, 1846. 448 WEBB. WEDEL. Webb (A. C.) Historical companion, with Webster ( Daniel). A discourse at Plymouth. geographical and historical notes: chronol- Dec. 22,1820. 104 pp. 80. Boston, Wells & ogy, wars, etc. of the United States. Part 1. Lilly, 1821. 4th ed. 104 pp. 120. Philadelphia, E. C. & Webster (Noah). An American dictionary of J. Biddle, 1858. s. the English language, etc. Stereotype ed. Webb (C. H.) Liffith Lank; or, lunacy. Illus- xxiv, 1011 pp. 80. New York, White & trations by Sol. Eytinge, jr. Quotations by Shefield, 1839. s. various authors. 48 pp. sq. 180. New York, The same. Abridged from the American Carleton, 1866. dictionary, for the use of primary schools and St. Twel'mo; or, the cuneiform cyclo- the counting house. 19th ed. 536 pp. sq. 160. pedist of Chattanooga. Illustrations by Sol. New York, F. J. Huntington & Co. 1840. s. Eytinge, jr. 60 pp. sq. 160. New York, C. H. The same. Thoroughly revised, enWebb, 1867. larged, and improved by C. A. Goodrich and Webb (Francis). Panharmonicon: the prin- Noah Porter. 40'. Springfield, (Mass.) G. & C. ciples of harmony in the human frame, etc. 45 Merriam, 1867. pp. 3 pl. 40. [London, 1815]. - The same. A dictionary of the English Webb (JamesWatson). Altowan; or, incidents language, with appendix. Mainly abridged of life and adventure in the Rocky Mountains. from the quarto dictionary as revised by C. A. 2 v. 120. New York, cHarpers, 1846. S. Goodrich and N. Porter. By W. A. Wheeler. Webb (Rev. John). Some plain and necessary Illustrated. xl, 1000 pp. 8~. Springfield, directions to obtain eternal salvation, in six (Mass.) G. c C. Merriamn, 1868. sermons. iv, 170 pp. 160. [n.p. about 1729]. - A high school pronouncing dictionary [Title-page wanting]. of the English language, abridged from the Webber (Samuel). Introduction to English American dictionary, etc. by William G. Webgrammar. viii, 116 pp. 120. Cambridge, ster. 360 pp. 120. New York, Huntington (Mass.) Hilliard & Brown, 1832. s. 4 Savage, 1849. s. Weber (Albrecht). Verzeichniss der sanskrit -- An American selection of lessons in readhandschriften im k6nigliche bibliothek zu ing and speaking, being the third part of a Berlin. See Berlin. grammatical institute of the English language. Weber (Dr. C.) Der sonderbund und seine 12th ed. 240 pp. 120. Boston, Isaiah Thomas aufl6sung von dem standpunkte einer nation- 4 E. T. Andlrews, 1800. alen politik. iv, 108pp. 8~. St. Gallen, Scheitlin - A grammatical institute of the English 4- Zollikofer, 1848. language. Part second. Containing a plain Weber (E.) Gewdebse Esth-Liv-und Curland. and comprehensive grammar. 3d Connecticut See Wiedemann (F. J.) and Weber. ed. 131 pp. 160. Hartford, Eudson & GoodWeber (Friedrich Benedict). Handbibliothek win, 1792. der deutschen forstwirthschaftlichen literatur. Webster (Pelatiah). Essay on money as a 116 pp. 8~. Berlin, Hf. Frolich, 1803. S. medium of commerce. By a citizen of the [WEBER'S handbuch der 5konomischen literatur, United States. [anon.] 2 pl. 60 pp. 240. their. i, band 2]. Philadelphia, Young, Stewart 4 McCulloch, Weber (Rudolph). Atomgewichts-tabellen zur 1786. berechnung der bei analytisch-chemischen un- Webster (William). An essay on book-keeptersuchungen erhaltenenresultate. (Nachtrag ing by double entry. 3 p. 1. 36, 15 pp. 180. zu dem handbuche der analytischen chemie Dublin, J. Grierson, 1719. von H. Rose). 4 p. 1. 125 pp. 1 tab. 80. [With VERNON (John). Complete compting house. Braunschweig, Vieweg, 1852. s. 18~. Dublin, 1719]. Webster (William C.) The dulcedo: a choice Weber (Veit). Woman's revenge; or, the tribunal of blood. 42 pp. 8r. London, 1841. collection of music, arranged to be sung by tribunal of blood. 42 pp. 8~..London, 1841. [HAZLITT'S romancist and novelist's library. v. 3]. two, three, and four voices. ob. 18 Weber (Wilhelm). See Gauss (C. F.) and Buffalo, O. G. Steele & Co. 1853. s. Weber. Resultate aus den beobachtungen Wedel (Georg Wolfgang). Amoenitates maWeber. Resultate aus den beobachtungen des magnetischen vereins. terise medicre. 7 p. 1. 512 pp. 71. 40. Jence, Webster (Daniel). The constitutional text J. Bielek, 1704. s...... - De medicamentorvm facultatibvs cogbook: containing selections from his writings, noscendis et applicandis, libri duo. Ed. 2a. the declaration of independence, etc. With 10 p. 1. 238 pp. 7 1. 40, Jence, J. Bielek 10 p. 1. 238 pp. 7 1. 4~. Jence, J. (ieck, indexes. 504pp. 120. Boston, C. S.Fran- 1696. cis & Co. 1854. [ With the precedingJ. 449 WEDEL. WELDE, Wedel (Georg Wolfgang). Syllabus materim Weinnmann (J. A.) Enumeratio stirpium in medicee selectioris. 40 pp. 40~. Jence, J. Bielck, agro petropolitano sponte crescentium, secun1701. s. dum systema sexuale linneanum composita. [ With the preceding]. iv, 320 pp. 8~. Petropoli, 1837. s. Weekly (The) inspector, from Nov. 8, 1806, Weisbach (Julius). Anleitung zum axonoto Aug. 22, 1807. [Edited by Thomas Green metrischen zeichnen. vi, 128 pp. 2 pl. 12~. Fessenden.] v. 1-2. 312 pp; 416 pp. 8~. Freiburg, J. G. BEngelharcdt, 1857. s. New York, Hopkins & Seymour, 1807. Lehrbuch der ingenieur- und maschinenWeeks (Helen C.) Grandpa's house. 239 pp. mechanik. Mit den nothigen hiilfslehren 6 pl. 16~. New York, Hurd &f Houghton, aus der analysis fiir den unterricht an tech1868. nischen lehranstalten sowie zum gebrauche Weeks (Robert K.) Poems. 142 pp. 160. fdir techniker. 2e aufl. le-3c theile. 4 v. 8~. New York, Leypoldt & Molt, 1866. Brcaunschwieig, Vieweg, 1851-59. s. Weems (Rev. Mason L. editor). The immor- CONTENTS. tal mentor; or, man's unerring guide to a v. 1. Theoretische mechanik. xiv, 697 pp. v. 2. Statik der bauwerke und mechanik der umtriebshealthy, wealthy, and happy life. In 3 pts. maschinen. viii, 712 pp. By Lewis Cornaro, Dr. Franklin, and Dr. v. 3-4. 3e theil. Die mechanik der zwischen- und arbeitsmaschinen. 1 v. in 2. xv, 1362 pp. S. Scott. iv, 321 pp. 16~. Philadelphia,. - Thesame. lr thiel: Lehrbuch der theL. tWeems, 1796. oretischen mechanik. 4e aufl. xxxi, 1066 - The life of Benjamin Franklin, with pp. 80. Braunschweig, Viceeg, 1862-63. s. many of his choice anecdotes and admirable Weiser (Rev. R.) Luther, by a Lutheran; or, sayings. 239 pp. 1 pl. 160. Philadlelphia, a full-length portrait of the great reformer. Uriah Hunt, 1829. Ur~iah Hu~nt, 1829. 6th ed. ccccxliii pp. 120. Baltimore, T. N. The life of William Penn. 208 pp. 1 pI. Kurtz, 1853. 120. Philadelphia, Uriah Hunnt, 1829. Weishampel (J. F. jr.) The stranger in The life of George 2 Washington; with Baltimore; a new hand-book, containing curious anecdotes. 228 pp. 16~. Philadel- sketches of the early history and present phia, Joseph Allen, 1838. condition of Baltimore. 182 pp. 240. Bal-- and Horry (brig. gen. P.) The life of timore, J. F WeishampelJr. [1866] gen. Francis Marion. 2d ed. 270 pp. 16~. Weiss (Dr. J. Joseph). Handbuch der wasBaltimore, W. D. Bell 4f J. F. Cook-, 1814. serheilkunde. 2e aufi. iv, 508 pp. 12~. Leip-- The same. 252 pp. 1 p]. 160. Phil- zig, F. Brandstetter, 1847. s. adelphia, J. Allen, 1828. Weiss (Philipp Friedrich). Ueber den starrWeerth (Ernst aus'm, pseudon.) Kunstdenk- kramp. viii, 92pp. 120. Stzttgart, 1824. s. mialer des christlichen mittelalters in das Weitenweber (Wilhelm Rudolph). Der Rheinlanden. 1 abth: Bildnerei. 2 v. in 1. vi, arabische kaffee, in naturgeschichtlicher, xxii, 45 pp; 145 pp. 40. atlas, 20 p. 1. 19 pl. chemischer, diitetischer und arztlicher beziefol. Leipzig, S. O. Weigel, 1857-60. s. hung. 2e ausg. 130 pp. 1 pI. 12~. Prag, Weigand (Friedrich Ludwig Carl). Deutsches Leitmeritz u. Teplitz, 1837. s. worterbuch. See Grimm (Jacob L. K.) Welch (A. S.) Analysis of the English senWeigel (Johannes August Gottlieb). Appa- tence. 264pp. 120. New York, A. S. Barnes ratvs literarivs, sive index librorvm lectissi- + Co. 1855. s. morvm qvos svo sibi acere coemtos emtvrien- Welcker (Hermann). Ueber irradiation und tibvs offert. Cvmn indice. 496 columns on 248 einige andere erscheinungen des sehens. x, pp. 641. 66pp. 40. Lipsiae, Weigel, 1821. S. 198 pp. 8 pl. 8~. Giessen, J. Ricker, 1852. s. Weigel (Rudolph). Kunstcatalog. le-14e ab- Weld (Allen H.) English grammar. 234 pp. theilung, nebst register. 2 v. 80. Leipzig, 120. Portland, (Me.) Sanborn &Carter, 1849. R. Weigel, 1838-43. S. Suppl6ments au Peintre-graveur de A. Weld (Charles Richard). Arctic expeditions; Bartsch. See Bartsch (Adam von). a lecture at the London institution, 1850. 48 Weinland (Christoph David Friedrich). Hu- pp. 1 map. 80. London, J. Murray, 1850. man cestoides. An essay on the tapeworms Welde (Thomas). A short story of the rise, of man, [with] an appendix, containing a reign, and ruin of the antinomians, familists, catalogue of all species of helminthes hitherto and libertines, that infected the churches of found in man. x, 93 pp. 80. Cambridge, New England. 9p 1. 66 pp. sm. 40. London, (Mass.) Metcalf 8j Co. 1858. s. Ralph Smith, 1644. 57 450 WELL. WERZ. Well(Johann Jakob von). Methodische einthei- Wells (S. M.) The electropathic guide, prelung mineralischer k6rper. 375 pp. 4 pl. 8~. pared [for] home practice: containing hints Vien, R. Grda'er, 1786. s. on the care of the sick, the treatment of disWellcome (J. C.) and Goud (Clarkson). ease, and the use of electricity, with full Christian baptism; its duty and object con- directions for treating over 100 cases. 90 pp. sidered and enforced. With extracts from 16~. Chicago, Horton & Leonard, 1867. histories on immersion, etc. 81 pp. 12~. Welwood (James, M. D.) Memoirs of the Yarmvouth, (Me.) author, 1867. most material transactions in England, for the [ With his "Plan of redemption,"' etc.] last hundred years preceding the revolution The plan of redemption by our Lord in 1688. 11 p. 1. 405 pp. 120. London, T. Jesus Christ; examined and argued. 328 pp. Goodwin, 1700. 120. Yarmouth, (Me.) authors, 1867. The same. New ed. 288 pp. 6 1. 16~. Weller (Emil). Die falschen und fingirten Glasgow, Urie 4 Co. 1744. druckorte. Repertorium der seit erfindung Wenig (Christian). Gedringtes handworterder buchdruckerkunst unter falscher firma buch der deutschen sprache. ix, 830 pp. 8~. erschienenen deutschen, lateinischen, und Erfurt, Keyser, 1821. s. franz6sischen schriften. 2e aufil. 2 v. viii, 333 Weninger (Rev. Francis Xavier, S. J.) Sacred pp; v, 309 pp. 8~. Leipzig, W. Engelmaan, heart mission book: a guide to christian per1864. fection. 584 pp. 1 pl. 180. Cincinnati, J. P. CONTENTBS. PWalsh, 1864. v. 1. Enthaltend die deutschen und lateinischen schriften. Wentworth (May,pseudon?) Poetry of the v. 2. Enthaltend die franzbsichen schriften. Diction- Pacific. Selections and original poems from naire des ouvrages frangais portant de fausses indications des lieux d'impression et des im- the poets of the Pacific states. 415 pp. 12~. primeurs. Depuis le 16e siecle jusqu' aux San Francisco, Pacific pub. Co. 1867. temps modernes. Index pseudonymorum. W6rterbuch Wentz (Sarah A.) Amy Denbrook. A life der pseudonymen; oder, verzeichniss aller drama. [anon.] 482 pp. 120. New York, autoren, die sich falscher namen bedienten. J. O'Kane, [1867]. 2e ausg. x, 391 pp. 80. Leipzig, G. Oehme, Werlauff (Erik Christian). Historiske efter1862. retninger om det store kongelige bibliothek i [v. 1 of Weller's " Die maskirte literatur der ilteren Kiobenhavn. 2en udgave. x, 432 pp. 2 pl. und neueren sprachen "I. 80..Kiiobenhavn, Sasafundet til dene danske Wellesley (Arthur, duke of Wellington). Gen- literaturs frerbme, 1844. s. eral orders in Portugal, Spain, and France, Werne (Ferdinand). Feldzug von Sennaar 1809-14, and the Low Countries and France, nach Taka, Basa, und Beni-Amer, mit he1815. Compiled by lieutenant colonel Gur- sonderem hinblick auf die volker von Belladwood. xxx, 460 pp. 8~. London, W. Clowes, Sudan. 3 p. 1. 272 pp. 3pl. 1 map. 8~. 1832. Stuttgart, Hof buchdruckerei zu Guttenberg, Wellesley (Henry, D. D.) Anthologia poly- 1851. s. glotta: a selection of versions in various lan- Werth (John J.) A dissertation on the resources guages, chiefly from the Greek anthology and policy of California. 87 pp. 120. Benicia, vii, 485 pp. 4~. London, J. Murray, 1849. (Cal.) St. Clair & Pink/ham, 1851. Wellesley (Richard Colley, marquess Welles- Wertheim (Gtnillaume). M6moires de physique ley). Despatches, minutes, and correspond- m6canique. [Extract.] 6 v. in 1. 80. Paris, ence, during his administration in India. [Annales de chimie, etc.] 1842-1848. s. Edited by Montgomery Martin. 5v. 3 pl. 2 maps. 8~. London, W. H. Allen & Co. CONTENTS. 1836-7. Recherches sur'61lasticite. 114 pp. 1 pl. 1842. M6moire sur les sons produits par le courant electri- Despatches and correspondence, during que. 26 pp. 1848. his mission to Spain in 1809. Ed. by Mont- Note sur l'61asticit6 de verre; par E. Chevandier et G. Wertheim. 45 pp. 1845. gomery Martin. lxix, 197 pp. 8~. London, Mhmoire sur la vitesse du son dans les liquides. 43 ~~~~~John Murray, 1838~. pp. 1 P1. John MIlurray, 1838. M6moire snr les propri6t~s macaniques du bois; par Wellington (Arthur Wellesley, duke of). See 13E. Chlevandier et G. Wertheim. 135 pp. 2 p. 1. 1848. Wellesley (Arthur). Memoire sur l'6lasticit6 et la cohision des principaux Wells (Oliver), & Co. A specimen of printing tissus du corps humain. 30 pp. 1846. types and ornaments, etc. 80. Cincinnati, O. Werz (H.) Der kleine rechner. 171 pp. 120~. Wells & Co. 1829. s. St. Louis, (Mo.) H. Wcrz, etc. 1858. s. 451 WERZDORF. WHEAT. Werzdorf (J. F. L. Th.) -Geschichte der ation of the Illinois monthly magazine. Confreimaurerlogen im herzogthume Oldenburg. ducted by James Hall. v. 1-3. 80. Cincin3 p. 1. 154 pp. 8~. Oldenburg, B. Berndt, nati, Corey p Fairbank, 1833-36. 1852. s. Western (The) review and miscellaneous Wesley (Rev. Charles). Charles Wesley seen magazine. v. 1-4. Sept. 1819 to June, 1821. in his finer and less familiar poems. [Ed. by 4 v. 8~. Lexington, (Ky.) W. G. Hunt, 1820. F. M. Bird]. xvi, 398 pp. 16~. New York, Westminster (The) review. Jan. 1866, to CHurd & Houghton, 1867. Oct. 1867. New series. v. 29-32. [Complete Wesley (Rev. John). A collection of hymns series, v. 85-88.] 8~. London, Triibner & Co. for the use of the people called methodists. 1866-67. 1st. Amer. from 18th London ed. iv, 152 Weston (Edward Payson). Bowdoin poets. pp. 4 1. 24~. Baltimore, B. W. Pomreroy, 2d ed. 180 pp. 1 pl. 120. Brunswick, (Me.) 1814. J. Grifin, 1849. The same. New ed. 552 pp. 240. Weston (William). The complete merchant's Derby, (Eng.) H. Mozley, 1820. clerk. 4 p. 1. 284 pp. 8~. London, C. RivingAn extract of [his] journal, from his ton, 1754. embarking for Georgia, [Oct. 14, 1735,] to West Point. Register of the officers and [Oct. 24, 1790]. 21 nos. in 5 v. 12~. Lon- graduates of the U. S. military academy, from don, 1777-97. March 16, 1802, to January 1, 1850. Com-Sermon on the death of Rev. George piled by George W. Cullum. 302 pp. 12~. Whitefield. 32 pp. 12~. London, J. and New York, J. F. Trow, 1850. s. -W. Oliver, 1770. Westwood (John Obadiah). Arcana entoWest (Gilbert). A defence of the christian mologica; or, illustrations of new, rare, and revelation; as contained in observations on interesting insects. 2 v. iv, 192 pp. 48 col. the history and evidences of the resurrection pl; 2 p. 1. 192 pp. 49-95 col. pl. 8~. London, of Jesus Christ. iv, 196 pp. 8~. London, Win. Smith, 1845. s. printed by subscription, 1748. Palkeographia sacra pictoria; being a Poetical works. 8~. Edinburgh, 1794. series of illustrations of the ancient versions [Anderso~n's Brit. poets, v. 91. - of the Bible, copied from illuminated manuWest (Hans). Bidrag til beskrivelse over Ste. scripts, executed between the 4th and 16th Croix, med en kort udsigt over St. Thomas, centuries. xvii pp. 88 ]1. 50 col. pl. 40~. St. Jean, Tortola, Spanishtown og Crabenei- London, W. Smith, 1843-45. land. 3 p. 1. 363 pp. 120. Kuiibenhavn, F. Wetenhall (Edward, bishop of Cork and Ross). W. T~hiele, 1793. A short introduction to grammar, for the use West (Nathaniel, D. D.) Complete analysis of the college and academy in Philadelphia; of the holy bible. See Bible (English). being a new edition of Whittenhall's Latin West (Thomas). A guide to the lakes, in grammar. 3d ed. v, 145 pp. 18W. PhiladetCumberland, Westmoreland, and Lancashire. phia, J. Crukshank, 1779. [anon.] 6th ed. xii, 313 pp. 1 map. 2 pl. Wetherell (Elizabeth, pseudon.) See War8~. London, W. Richardson, 1796. ner (Susan). Westcott (James D.) Masonic address at Wetmore (Rev. James). Quakerism, a juthe funeral of col. Abraham Bellamy. 29 ppi dicial infatuation. vii, 69 pp. 180. New York, 80. Tallahassee, S. S. Sibley, 1839. J. Peter Zenger, (17307) Western (The) academician and journal of Wharton (Rev. Francis). The silence of scripeducation and science. Edited by J. W. ture. xii, 122 pp. 160. Boston, E. P. Dutton Picket. v. 1. iv, 704 pp. 8~. Cincinnati, J. R. 4 Co. 1867. Allbach, 1837-38. Whately (Richard, abp. of Dublin). Easy Western (The) agriculturist, and practical lessons on money matters for young people. farmer's guide. By the Hamilton co. (O.) [anon.] 86 pp. 240. London, J. W. Parker, agricultural society. xii, 367 pp. 4 pl. 160. 1833. Cincinnati, Robinson 4 Pairbank, 1830. [Society for promoting christian knowledgeJ. Western literary institute and college of pro- Wheat (M. T.) Progress and intelligence of fessional teachers. Transactions. Fourth to Americans; collateral proof of slavery from tenth annual meeting. 1834-1840. 6 v. 8~. Genesis; progress of slavery, through the acCincinnati, 1835-41. quisition of territory; advantages explained. Western (The) monthly magazine, a continu- 2d ed, 595, xxpp. 8~. Louisville,(Jy.) 1862. 452 WHEATLEY. WHITE. Wheatley (Phillis). Poems on various sub- "old bushman." [anon.] viii, 407 pp. 12~. jects, religious and moral. 3 p. 1. 124 pp. London, Groombridge, 1864. 1 pl. 160. London, A. Bell, 1773. Wheler (Sir George). A journey into Greece. Wheaton (Henry). Address at the opening 7 p. 1. 483 pp. 1 map. 4 pl. fol. London, of the New York Athenseum, 1824: [a retro- W. Cademan, 1682. spect of what the American mind has accom- Where shall he find her? [cnon.] Translated plished and may achieve]. 2d ed. 62 pp. 80. from the French, by J. D. A. 160. New York, New York, J. W. Palmer - Co. 1825. 1867. Wheeler ( David Hilton). Brigandage in [Library of light literature, no. 11. South Italy. By David Hilton. [pseudon.] Whewell (William). History of scientific 2 v. xv, 328 pp; viii, 195 pp. 12~. London, ideas. 3d ed. 2 v. xvi, 386pp; xv, 324pp. Sampson Low & Co. 1864. 120. London, J. W. Parker, 1858. s. Wheeler (Gervase, architect). Homes for the --- Indications of the creation. 86 pp. 120. people, in suburb and country; the villa, Philadelp7ia, Carey & Eiart 1845. s. mansion, and cottage. With examples show- - The mechanical Euclid; containing the ing how to alter and remodel old buildings. elements of mechanics and hydrostatics, deIllustrated. 6th thousand. Revised ed. x, monstrated after the manner of the elements 441 pp. 11 pl. 120. New York, G. E. Wood- of geometry. viii, 182 pp. 120 Cambridge, ward, 1868. (Eng.) J. W. Parker, 1837. s. Rural homes; or, sketches of houses --- Report on the recent progress and presuited to American country life, with original sent state of mineralogy. 43 pp. 80. British plans, designs, etc. Rev. ed. 298 ppo 8 pl. assoc. advance. science, 1832. 120. New York, G. E. Woodward, 1868. [Wth NAUMANN (C. F.) Table, etc. 18331 Wheeler (James). Manchester, [England]: Whisperer (The, a political weekly). 100 its political, social, and commercial history, nos. Feb. 17, 1770-Jan. 11, 1772. [With a ancient and modern. xi, 538 pp. 12~. Lon- manuscript index, and several numbers of the don, Whittake-r & Co. 1836. s. North Briton, etc.] 634 pp. 4 1. ms. lpl. Wheeler ( Capt. Thomas ). Narrative of an fol. London, W. Moore, 1770-72. expedition to the Nipmuck country, and to Whitaker (Mrs. Mary Scrimzeour). Poems. QuLaboag, now Broolkfield, M~ass. 300 pp. 12~. Charleston, J. B. Nixon, [With FOOT (J. I.) Hist. address at West Brookfield, 1850. pp. 31-47. 18431. Whitaker (William, D.D.) Disputation on Wheeler (William Adolphus). Appendix to holy scripture, against the papists, especially Webster's dictionary; containing a glossary Bellarmine and Stapleton. Translated and of Scottish words and phrases; a vocabulary edited by Rev. W. Fitzgerald. xi, 718pp. of perfect and allowable rhymes; an account of 8~. Cambridge, (Eng.) Univ. press, 1849 the deities, etc. of Greek and Roman mytholo- [Parker society publications]. gy, [etc. With] pictorial illustrations of terms defined in the dictionary. 8~. Springield,NTS. 11 U ss.f G4 -Ff C. M1er2-famf, 1868. Number of the canonical books of Kcripture. (Mass.) G. i C. Merriam, 1868. Authentic editions and versions of the scriptures. [ With WEBSTER (Noah). Dictionary of the English Authority, perspicuity, interpretation and perfection language. 8~. ed. 1868. pp. 837-10001. of scripture against unwritten tradition. Wheeler. See, also, Wheler. Whitbourne (Capt. Richard). A discourse and Wheeling, (West Va.) Directory for 1867-'8. discovery of Nevv-fovnd-land. 8 p. 1. 69, iv [Also], a U. S. post office directory. Wil- pp. sin. 40. London, W. Barrer, 1622. liams & Co. compilers. 3d issue. 248, 109 pp. The same. With invitation and certaine 80. Wheeling, J. C. Orr &S Co. 1867. letters. 8 p 1. 107, v pp. sm. 40~. London, --- Directory and advertiser. By J. B. William Barrer, 1622. Bowen. 18p. 1. 90 pp. 18Q. Wheeling, J. M. [Imperfect. Title page in ms.) McCreary, 1839. Whitcher (Mrs. Frances M.) Widow SprigWheelwright (H.W.) Bush wanderings of gins, Mary Elmer, and other sketches. Ed. a naturalist; or, notes on the field sports and with memoir, by Mrs. M. L. Ward Whitcher. fauna of Australia Felix. By an old bushman. With comic illustrations, 378 pp. 6pl. 12~% [anon.] xv, 272 pp. 160. London, Routledge, New Yorkc, G. W. Carleton & Co. 1867, 1861. White (Adam). A popular history of mamima-- Spring and summer in Lapland, with lia. viii, 362 pp. 16 pl. sq. 16~. London, notes on the fauna of Lulek Lapmark. By an Reeve, Be7hana, & Reeve, 1850. s. 453 WHITE. WHITE. White (Charles, Col. British army). Three the danger of Arminian principles; the deyears in Constantinople; or, domestic manners dining state of our church order, government, of the Turks in 1844. 3 v. 8o. London, H. and discipline. 42 pp. 16~. Boston, T. Fleet, Colburn, 1845. 1734. White (Charles Abiatbar), and St. Johnl, [With WILLIAMS (Rev. John). Redeemed captive. (Orestes Henry). State geological survey of Boston, 1734]. Preliminary notice of new geera and White (Rev. John, of Philadelphia). Art of Iowa. Preliminary notice of new genera and measuring. 66 pp. 12~. Philadelphia, Anspecies of fossils. 3 pp. 8~. [Iowa city, State], derson nd llieean 1818 derson and Mee]an, 1818. 1867 8.s [1Vith his Practical system of mental arithmetic. White (Rev. Charles I. D. D.) Life of Mrs. Philadelphia, 1818]. Eliza A. Seton, foundress and first superior of - Key to appendix in White's mental ariththe sisters or daughters of charity in the U. S. metic, with key to White's self-instructor. 2d ed. 462 pp. 1 portrait. 12~0. Baltimore, J. 109 pp. 80. Philadelphia, D. Heartt, 1818. MXsurphy 4 Co. 1856. S. [ With his Practical system of arithmetic. 1818 ed.] White (Christopher, B. D.) Of oathes, their Practical system of mental arithmetic. object, forme, and bond: the punishment of 118 pp. 80. Philadelphia, D. Heartt, 1818. perivrie, and the impietie of papal dispensa- ~ Self-instructor, or a system of practical tions. Three sermons. 2p. 1. 55 pp. sm. 4~. arithmetic. 71 pp. 80. Philadelphia, D. London, Ralph Mab, 1627. Heartt, 1818. White (Daniel Appleton). New England con- [WVith his Practical system of mental arithmetic..hite(dephia, 1818]. gregationalism in its origin and purity; illus- White (John J.) Peace, and other poems. trated by the foundation and early records of 126 pp. 120. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1867. the First church in Salem. 3 p.. 319 pp. 8~. White (Jos6 Maria Blanco). Law of antiSalemn, 1861. religious libel reconsidered, in a letter to the White (Elijah). A concise view of Oregon editor of the Christian examiner, in answer to territory, its colonial and Indian relations, to- an article of that periodical against Search's gether with the organic laws of the colony. considerations, etc. 106 pp. 80~. Dublin, 72 pp. 8~. Washington, T. Barnarcl, 1846. B. JMilliken & Co. 1834. White (George, of Georgia). An accurate [Vith SEARCH (John). Considerations, etc]. account of the Yazoo fraud. 61 pp. 8. --- Observations on heresy and orthodoxy. Marietta, (Ga.) advocate office, 1852. xvi, 120 pp. 8~. London, J. Mardon, 1835. White (Rev. Gilbert). A naturalist's calendar, [With SEARcH (John). Considerations, etc.] with observations in various branches of nat- - Practical and internal evidence against ural history. 175 pp. 1 col. pl. 8~. London, catholicism. 1st Am. ed. 315 pp. 120. GeorgeB. 4 J. White, 1795. s. towrn, (D. C.) James C. Dunn, 1826. White (Henry, Ph. D.) A guide to the civil White (Richard Grant). The adventures of service; with directions for candidates, ex- Sir Lyon Bouse in America during the civil amination papers, standards of qualification, war. [anon.] 64 pp. 120. New Yolk, Amn. amount of salaries, etc. 8th ed. revised by news co. 1867. A. C. Ewald. vi, 148 pp. 160. London, - The new gospel of peace according to Wacrne & Co. 1867. St. Benjamin. [anon.] xxvi, 343 pp. 120~. White (Rev. John, of Dorchester, Eng.) The New York, Am. news co. 1866. planter's plea; or the grovnds of plantations White (Robert-In continuation). Appendix examined, and vsuall objections answered. to ephemeris for 1836-37. [Edited by O. [anon.] 85 pp. sm. 40. London, W. Jones,. 1630.[ With WAKELEY (A.) Mariner's compass rectified. ~~~~~~~~~~~1630. ~1766]. White (John, lawyer, of London). The first White (Seneca). Ki noh shuh, nr wen ne uh, centvry of scandalous, malignant priests ad- na da wi sem nyo gur. L[Hymn book in the mitted to benefices by the prelates. A narra- Seneca(?) language]. 45 pp. 320. [n. p.] 1832. tion of the causes for which parliament hath White (Walter). Eastern England, from the ordered the sequestration of [their] benefices. Thames to the Humber. 2 v. 6 p. 1. 304 pp; 3 p. 1. 51 pp. sm. 40~. London, George Mil- 6 p. 1. 315 pp. 120. London, Chapman & ler, 1643. Hall, 1865. White (Rev. John, of Gloucester, Mass.) New A July holiday in Saxony, Bohemia, England's lamentations, under these three and Silesia. xiv, 305 pp. 120. London, Chapoheads, the decay of the power of godliness; man & Hall, 1857. 454 WHITE. WHITELOCKE. White (Walter). Papers on railway and of the steps to convert the Georgia orphanelectric communications, arctic and antarctic house into a college, with plans. 30 pp. 8~. explorations, and the sanitary movement. London, J. Millan, 1768. (Extracts.) 120. Edinburgh, [Chambers,] The nature and necessity of our new 1850-51. s. birth in Christ Jesus, in order to salvation. A White (William, of Belfast, Mde.) A history sermon. viii, 28 pp. 12~0. London, C. Rivof Belfast, (Maine,) with remarks on Acadia. ington, 1737. 119 pp. 160. Belfast, E. E. Fellowes, 1827. The nature and necessity of society in White (William, of London). Emanuel Swe- general, and of religious society in particular. denborg: his life and writings. 2 v. xxiv, A sermon. 3d ed. viii, 30 pp. 12~. London, 604 pp; xix, 694 pp. 4 pl. 80. London, We. Bowyer, 1738. Simpkin, M1farsheall Co. 1867. ~ Observations on some fatal mistakes in White (William Hale). Argument for an ex- a book, intitled, The doctrine of grace, by tension of the franchise. 19 pp. 8~. London, B'p Warburton. 24 pp. 160. Boston, 1. and F. Farrah, 1866. S. Draper, 1764. White (William Henry). General regulations The putting on the new man a certain for the government of the order of royal arch mark of the real christian. A sermon. iv, 30 masons of England, established by the grand pp. 80. London, J. Towers, [1771]? chapter. [anon.] 31 pp. 14 pl. 80. London, A sermon, being his last farewell to his TV. H. White, 1852. friends, before his departure for Georgia. iv, White (William S.) Sketches of the life of 32 pp. 120. London, S. Bladon, 1769. Capt. Hugh A. White, of the Stonewall brig- Several discourses upon practical subage. By his father. 124 pp. 8~0. Columnbia, jects. 2 p. 1. 186 pp. 80. London, J. Hodges, (S.C.) South Carolinian steam? press, 1864. 1738. White, Hagar, & Co. Specimens of modern I A short account of God's dealings with and light face printing types and ornaments. Rev. Geo. Whitefield, written by himself. 76 1601. 8~0. New York, [ White, Hagar, & Co.] pp. 16~. London, W. Strahan, 1740. 1833. Thankfulness for mercies received a neWhite. See, also, Whyte. cessary duty. A sermon. 19 pp. 16~. LonWhite acre vs. black acre. A case at law, re- don, James Hutton, 1738. portedbyJ. G. Esq. [anon.] 160. Bichnmond, The two first parts of his life, with jour(Va.) J. It. Randolph, 1856. nals. 3 p. 1. 446 pp. 18~. London, W. White Sulphur papers; or, life at the springs Strahan, 1756. of western Virginia. By Mark Pencil. [pseu- Whitefield. See, also, Whitfield. don.] 166 pp. 120. New York, Samuel Col- Whitehead (George), and Penn (William). man, 1839. A serious apology for the principles and pracWhitefield (George). An expostulatory letter tices of the people called Quakers. 4 p. 1. addressed to Nicholas Lewis, count Zinzen- pp. 77-207. sin. 40. [n. p.] 1671. dorff. 3d ed. 15 pp. 120. Philadelphia, WThitelaw (Alexander, editor). The casquet William Bradford, 1753. of literary gems. [Illustrated]. 4 v. 120. Indwelling of the spirit, the common Glasgow, Blackie & son, 1836-39. privilege of all believers. Sermon. 22 pp. Whitelocke (Sir Bulstrode). The history of 120. London, W. Strahan, 1739. England; or, memorials of the English affairs, Journal: (bound together.) from the suppos'd expedition of Brute to the Voyage from London to Savannah. 5th ed. 55 pp. 120. end of the reign of James i. Publish'l by W. London, James iutton, 1739. - Continuation, from arrival at Savannah to re- Penn. [With] the author's life by J. Welturn to London. 2d ed. 38 pp. 120. London, W. wood. ['2d ed.] 8 p. 1. vii, 310 pp. 16 1. porStrahan, 1739. -- Thesame. (Stay in England. Title-page want- trait. fol. London, E. Cusrll 1713. ing). iv, 115 pp. 12~. (London, W. Strahan, 1739)? The same, during the time he was detained in Memorials of the English affairs; or, an England by the embargo. 3d ed. iv, 40 pp. 12. historical account of what passed from the London, TV. Strahan, 1739. - The same, from embarking after embargo to beginning of the reign of Charles i. to Charles Strahan, at n. 88 pp. 120. Leaden, ii. his happy restauration. [Ist ed. anon.] The same, from arrival at Georgia to second re- 4 p. 1. 704 pp. 8 1. fol. London, N. Ponder, turn thither from Philadelphia. 58 pp. 120. London, W. Strahan, 1741. 1689. The same, from return to Georgia to arrival at [NOTE.-" Published by Arthur Annesley, earl ot Falmouth. 86 pp. 12~. London, }tV. Strahan, 1741. Anglesey, who took considerable liberties with the Letter to Gov. Wright, giving an account ms." Lowndes.3 455 WHITELOCKE. WHO. Whitelocke (Sir Bulstrode). Notes uppon the 8~. Quincy, (Mass.) S. B. Manning, [about king's writt for choosing members of parle- 1827]. ment, xiii. Car. ii. being disquisitions on the Whitney (James Dwight). Report of a geogovernment of England. Published by Charles logical survey of the Upper Mississippi lead Morton, M. D. 2 v. xlv, 518 pp; 2 p. 1. 452 region. vi, pp. 75-455. 7 maps. 2 pl. 8~. pp. 6 1. 40~. Londonr, A. Millar, 1766. Albany, 1862. s. Whitfield (Thomas). The doctrines of the Ar- See, also, California. Geological survey. minians and Pelagians stated and answered. Whitney (J. H. E.) The Hawkins zouaves. 99 pp. smn. 40. LonsLdon, John Bellanmie, [Ninth N. Y. V.] Their battles and marches. 1652. 216 pp. 120. New York, author, 1866. Whitfield (Rev. Henry). The light appear- Whitney (William Dwight). Language, and ing more and more towards the perfect day; the study of language. Twelve lectures on or, a farther discovery of the present state of the principles of linguistic science. xi, 489 pp. 120. New York, C. Scribner & Co. 1867. the Indians in New England, concerning the,.Whiton (John Milton, D. D. ) Sketches of the progresse of the gospel amongst them. Manifested by letters from such as preacht to them history of New Hampshire, from its settlement there. onoo in 1623 to 1833. 222 pp. 12~. Concord, (N.H) there. 4 p. 1. 46pp. sm. 4~. London, John B~a~~rtlett, 1651. lMarsh, Capen ~ Lyon, 1834. Bartlett, 1651. Strength ot of weaknss; or, a orious Whittenhall (Edward). See Wetenhall (E.) -. — Strength out of weakness; or, a glorious n, WhittLer (John Greenleaf). Poetical works, manifestation of the further progresse of the complete. [Diamond edition]. xi, 410 pp. gospel amongst the Indians in New England. sq. 18c. Boston, Ticor & Felds, 1867. sq. 180. Boston, Ticknor & Fields, 1867. 1652 p. 1. 40 pp. sin. 4. Ldon, John Blaue, Maud Muller. With illustrations by W. J. Hennessy. v, 12 1. sin. 4~. Boston, Ticknor Whitfield. See, also, Whitefield. & Fiels, 1867. Whiting (William). The war powers of the Snow-bound; a winter idyl. Illustrated. president, and the legislative powers of con- 65 pp. 8~. Boston, Ticknor & Fields, 1868. gress, in relation to rebellion, treason, and ~ The tent on the beach, and other poems. slavery. 7th ed. vi, 151 pp. 8~. Boston, 160. Boston, Ticknor - Fields, 1867. J. L. Shorey, 1863. s. Whittington (Rev. G. D.) An historical surWhitlock (George Clinton). Elements of vey of the ecclesiastical antiquities of France; geometry, theoretical and practical, etc. 324 with a view to illustrate the rise and progress pp. 80. xNew York, Pratt, Woodford & Co. of gothic architecture in Europe. xv, 188 pp. 1848. s. 1 pl. 40. London, J. Taylor, 1809. Whitlocke ( Sir Bulstrode ). See White- [ ith DDRUMMIONDn (Sir WV.) and WALPOLE (Rev. R.) Herculanensia. London, 18101. hitmarsh(Misslocke. ColineS. Pr y- Whittlesey (Col. Charles). Early history of.piler). Pray- Cleveland, Ohio, and the adjacent country; ers ofthe ages. xvii, 335 pp. 19~. Boston, ers of the ages. xvii, 335 pp. 120. Boston, with biographical notices of the pioneers and Ticknor & Fields, 1868. surveyors. 487 pp. 6 pl. 8~. Cleveland, and Guild (A. E.) Hymns for mothers v * C _Fairbanksc Benedict & Co. 1867. and children. [anon.] Second series. xi, 347 ic.. n Geographical report of that part of Wispp. sq. 120. Boston, Walker, Fuller & Co. consin, south of Lake Superior, etc. s. 1866. [ With OWEN (D. D.) Report of a geological survey Whitmore (William Henry). Memoranda of of Wisconsin, etc. 1852]. the Lane, Reyner, and Whipple families, Whitty (Edward M.) The governing classes Yorkshire and Massachusetts. 24 pp. 8~. of Great Britain. Political portraits. 2 p.1. Boston, Henry W. Dutton, 1857. 218 pp. 160. London, Triibner, 1854. Register of families settled at the town Whitworth (Charles, lord). Account of Rusof Medford, Mass. 96 pp. 11pl. 8~. Boston, sia as it was in the year 1710. [Edited by J. Wilson & son, 1855. Horace Walpole]. xxiv, 159 pp. 12~. StrawWhitney (Elisha). Address at a meeting of berry Hill, [Twickenham, Eng.] 1758. the Whittlesey family, which convened at Who is the legitimate king of Portugal? A Saybrook, Connecticut, September 20, 1855. Portuguese question submitted to impartial 22 pp. 80. Washington, 1855. men. By a Portuguese residing in London. Whitney (George). Some account of the early [anon.] Translated from the Portuguese. 96 history and present state of Quincy. 64 pp. pp. 80. London, 1828. 456 WHYTE. WILD. Whyte (Samuel, teacher, in Dublin). The sham- 6fverblick vid akademiska f6relisningar. 3 rock; or, Hibernian cresses. A collection of v. 80. Lund, C. W. K. Gleerup, 1833. s. poems, songs, etc. Latin as well as English, CONTENTS. the production of Ireland. xviii, 515 pp. 40. v. 1. Kyrkans sklona litteratur. xxxii, 479 pp. Dublin, B. 7Miarchbank, 1772. v. 2-3. Statens skina litteratur. x, 541 pp; x, 531 pp. and (Edward A.) A miscellany, con- Wietersheim (Eduard von). Geschichte der taining remarks on Boswell's Johnson; a vilkerwanderung. 4 v. 8~. Leipzig, T. D. critique on Biirger's Leonora, and an essay Weigel, 1859-64. on the art of reading and speaking in public. Wigand (J. W. Albert). Der baum: betrachtviii, 188 pp. 12~. Dublin, E. A. Whyte, ungen fiber gestalt und lebensgeschichte der 1799. holzegewdchse. xiv, 254 pp. 2 pl. 80. BraeunWicar (Jean Baptiste Joseph). Tableaux, schwveig, Vieweg, 1854. s. statues, bas-reliefs et cam6es, de la galerie de - Botanische untersuchungen. vi, 168 Florence, et du palais Pitti. Dessin6s par M. pp. 6 pl. 80. Braunschweig, Vieweg, 1854. s. Wicar, peintre, et grav6s sous la direction de --- Intercellular substanz und cuticula. Eine M. Lacombe, peintre; avec les explications, untersuchung fiber das wachsthum der vegpar M. Mongez l'ain6. [v. 1.] 50 pl. fol. etabilien. vi, 130pp. 2 col. pl. 80. ~ BraunParis, 1789. - S. schweig, Vieweg, 1850. s. Wickenden (Joseph Frederic). Seven days in Wiggers (Julius). Kirchengeschichte MeckAttica, in 1852. New ed. xi, 35 pp. 24 maps lenburgs. xvi pp. 2 1. 248 pp. 8~. Parchim, and pl. 80. London, Harrison, 1857. etc. Hintorff, 1840. s. Widdup (John). An essay on the physical Wigglesworth (Edward, D. D.) The blessedconstitution of the celestial bodies, and the ness of the dead who die in the Lord: a serextraordinary coincidence of scripture with mon preached upon the news of the death the most recent discoveries in science. viii, of Thomas Hollis. iv, 23 pp. 8~. Boston, S. 146pp. 1 pl. 8~. London, Saunders & Otley, Gerrish, 1731. 1858. s. Wigglesworth (Rev. Michael). The day of Wideburg (Friedrich). Friderico regi Po- doom; or, a poetical description of the great russiae [etc.] magno, felici, invicto, hostibvs and last judgment. With other poems. From pvlsis, provinciis pace firmatis, die 24 Ian. the 6th ed. 1715. 120 pp. 12~. Nbew York, 1746, publice gratvlata est [etc.] academia Am. news Co. 1867. fridericiana, interprete F. Widebvrgio, acad- Wightman (Joseph M.) A catalogue of philosemiae oratore. xxx pp. fol. Halae Magde- ophical, astronomical, chemical, and electrical bvrgicae, J. F. Grunert, [1746]. s. apparatus. 48, 36 pp. 120. Boston, S. N. [with WILLEBRANDT (J. P.) Hansische chronick, Dickerson 5& Co. 1846. s. etc.] Wikes (Thomas). See Wycke (Thomas). Widow (The) of the wood: an authentic Wikoff (Henry). Napoleon Louis Bonaparte, narrative of a late remarkable transaction in first president of France. Biographical and Staffordshire. [anon.] 98 pp. 160. Dublin, personal sketches, [etc.] xii, 155 pp. 1 porS. Powell, 1755. trait. 12~. New York, G. P. Putnam, 1849. s. [Imperfect]. Wikstrbm (Johan Emanuel). Stockholms Wiedemann (F. J.) and Weber (E.) Be- flora, eller korrt beskrifning af de vid Stockschreibung der phanerogamischen gewiichse helm i vildt tillstand fdrekommande vaxter, Esth,-Liv,-und Curlands. cxxvi, 664 pp. 4 mred en ofversight af Stockholms-tractens napl. 80. Reval, F. Kluge, 1852. s. tur-beskaffenhet. F6rra delen. vi, 185, 423, Wied-Neuwied (Maximilian, prinz von). See 27 pp. 1 map. 80. Stockholm, Norstect, 1840. Maximilian (Alexander Philipp). [No more published]. S. Wiegmann (Arend Friedrich August), and Wilbur (Mrs. Jennie Aurelia). Songs of the Ruthe (Johann Friedrich). Handbuch der West. 300 pp. 12~. Chicago, [ C. E. Ponzeroy,] zoologie. 3e aufl. von Dr. F. H. Troschel und 1866. J. F. Ruthe. iv, 651 pp. 8~. Berlin, C. G. Wild (Charles). Select examples of architecLiideritz, 1848. s. tural grandeur in Belgium, Germany, and Wieland (Christoph Martin). Geschichte der France: a series of 24 sketches. Etched Abderiten. Neue ausg. 2 v. 336 pp; 279 pp. under his direction, by J. Le Keux and other 16o. Frankfurt, 1782. s. artists. 2 series in 1 v. each having 2 p. I. Wieselgren (P.) Sveriges sk6na litteratur, en 8 pp. 12 pl. fol. London, H. G. Bohn, 1837. 457 WILD. WILLARD. Wild (Dr. H.) Die selbstregistrirenden mete- state of man, with regard to religion and orologischen instrumente der sternwarte in morals, from the beginning of the world to Bern. Aus dem ii. bande von Carl's reperto- the reformation. xxii, 376 pp. 8~. London, rium. 41 pp. 9 pl. 8~0. Miinchen, R. Olden- T. Gardner, 1746. boury, 1866. s. Wilkins (Alvan). United States directory for Wilde (William R.) Narrative of a voyage to bankers and underwriters, for 1856-1857. Madeira, Teneriffe, and along the shores of 334 pp. 80. New York, A. Wilkins, 1856. s. the Mediterranean. 2 v. xiv, 464 pp; viii, Wilkins (Henry). Suite de vues pittoresques 495 pp. 2 pl. 8~. Dublin, Curry & Co. 1840. des ruines de Pompdii, et un pr6cis historique Wilder (Samson V. Stoddard). Records from de la ville. 5 p. 1. 23 pp. 31 pl. obl. fol. [his] life. 404 pp. portrait. 12~. New York, Bome, 1819. s. Am. tract. society, [1867]. VWilkins (John, bishop of Chesteir). MathematiWiley & Putnam. Catalogue of English, cal and philosophical works. With the auFrench, and American books, in four divis- thor's life, etc. 2 v. xv, 261 pp; vi, 260 pp. ions. 3 pts in 1 v. 80. New York, [about 8~. London, Vernor & Hood, 1802. 1851]. s. CONTENTS. rMWants part 3: Theological literature]. v. 1. That the moon may be a world; That the earth Wilford (John). Memorials and characters, may be a planet. with the lives of divers eminent and worthy v. 2. Mercury, or the secret and swift messenger; showing how a man may communicate with speed persons, from 1600 to the present time, and his thoughts to a friend at any distance; Msathappendix of monumental inscriptiolls in Latin ematicalmagic, or mechanical geometry; Essay appendix of monumenta inlscription~sin Latin toward a real character, and a philosophical and English. 8 p. 1. 788, 42 pp. fol. London, language. J. Wilford, 1741. - Mathematical] magick; or, the wonders Wilhelm (Gottlieb Tobias). Unterhaltungen that may be performed by mechanicall geomaus der naturgeschichte. Die amphibien. etry. 7 p. 1. 294 pp. 18~. London, S. Gelli8 p. 1. 328 pp. 40 pl. 120. Wien, 1818. s. brand, 1648. Wilisch (Christian Gotthold). Arcana bibli- Mercury; or, the secret and swift mesothecae annaebergensis, in partes iii. divisa; senger. Shewing how a man may with privepistolas lxxii. summorum quorundam princi- acy and speed communicate his thoughts to a pum clarissimorumque saeculi xvi. et xvii. friend at any distance. 2d ed. 7 p. 1. 172 pp. virorum nondum editas, nec non annalium portrait. 16~. Lonclon, R. Baldwin, 1694. typograph. vsque ad MD specimen complexa. Wilkinson (David), and McAlpine (W. J.) 2 p. 1. 332pp. 16~. Lipsiae, sumtu heredtun, Description of the hydraulic power at the Lanckischianorum, 1730. s. outlet of lake George, owned by Edward Wilkes (Charles). United States exploring Ellice. 12 pp. 16~. [n. p. 1839]. expedition, during the years 1838-42. v. 9. Wilkinson (Robert, D. D.) The stripping of The races of man; and their geographical Joseph; or, the crueltie of brethren to a distribution. By Charles Pickering. 447 pp. brother: a sermon. With a consolatorie epistle 1 map. 12 col. pl. 40~. Boston, Little & Brown, to the English East India company for their 1848. wrongs sustayned in Amboyna by the Dutch The same. v. 11. Meteorology. By there. 2 p. 1. 50 pp. 160. London, HI. HolCharles Wilkes. lviii, 1 col. map. 24 pl. 40~. land and G. Gibbs, 1625. Philadelphia, C. Sherman, 1851. s. Will (Heinrich). Outlines of chemical analysis. Voyage round the world, embracing the Translated from the 3d German ed. by Daniel principal events of the narrative of the United Breed and L. H. Steiner. xxxv, 297 pp. 8~. States exploring expedition. xx, 668 pp. 80. Boston, J. Munroe & Co. 1855. s. Philadelphia, G. TV. Gorton, 1849. s. Willard (David). History of Greenfield, [MassWilkes (John, and others). The North Briton. achusetts]. 180 pp. 18~. Greenfield, Knee[anon.] 2 v. in 1. 1 p. 1. 269 pp. 2 1. 160. land and Eastrman, 1838. London, 1766. Willard (Ars. Elizabeth Osgood Goodrich). The same, with tracts and papers relat- Sexology as the philosophy of life; implying ing to the North Briton, the proceedings social organization and government. 483 pp. against Mr. Wilkes, essay on women, election 8~0. Chicago, J.. Walsh, 1867. for Middlesex, etc. 4 v. 4 pl. 18~. London, Willard (Mrs. Emma Hart). Astronography; 1772. or, astronomical geography. 298 pp. 1 pl. 120. Wilkes (Rev. Wetenhall). Short history of the Troy, Merriam, Moore & Co. 1854. s. 58 458 WILLARD. WILLIAMS. Willard (MArs. Emma Hart). Morals for the Williams (Mrs. CatharineR.) Fall River; an young. 217 pp. I pl. 120. New York, A. S. authentic narrative [of Sarah Maria Cornell]. Barnes & Co. 1857. 198 pp. 18~. Providence, Marshall Brown & Willard (Joseph). An address to the members Co. 1834. of the bar of Worcester county, Massachu- The neutral French; or, the exiles of setts, October 2,1829. 144 pp. 80. Lancaster, Nova Scotia. 2d ed. 2 v. in 1. 238, 109 pp. (Mass.) Carter, Andrews & Co. 1830. 120. Providence, B. Cranston & Co. [1841]. Willard (Samuel, D.D.) [Covenant keeping Williams (Charles). Old world scenes. xiii, theway to blessedness. In several sermons. 272 pp. 160. Pittsburgh, Wf. S. Haven, 1867. With] the necessity of sincerity, in renewing Williams (Sir Charles Hanbury). Odes. the covenant. 3 p. 1. 150 pp. 240. Boston, S. [Edited by Joseph Ritson]. 2 p. 1. 133 pp. Sewall, 1682. 18~. London, S. Vandenburgh, 1775. [Imperfect; title and 4 p. 1. wanting I. [Imperfect; pp. 73-80 wanting]. The fountain opened; or, blessings dis- Williams (Mrs. Charlotte). Letters between pensed at the national conversion of the Jews. an English lady and her friend at Paris; in 2d ed. 40 pp. 180. Boston, B. Green, 1722. which are contained the memoirs of Mrs.WilWillard (Solomon, architect). Plans and sec- liams. New ed. 2 v. vi, 241 pp; 287 pp. tions of the obelisk on Bunker's Hill. With 18~. London, T. Becket 4 P. A. deHondt, 1771. details of experiments made in quarrying the Williams (C. Greville). A hand-book of chemgranite. 31 pp. 14 pl. fol. Boston, 1843. ical manipulation. xv, 580 pp. 120. London, Willcox (John H.) and Southard (L. H.) J. Van Voorst, 1857. s. Lyra catholica: a collection of masses, hymns, Williams (Rev. David). Lectures on political Fetc.] 272 pp. obl. 8~. Boston, O. Ditson 5 principles: the subjects of eighteen books in Co. [1866]. Montesquieuns Spirit of laws. 4 p. 1. 176 pp. Willcox (Orlando B.) Shoepac recollections: 80. Merthyr Tydfl, [ Wales], W. Williams, a way-side glimpse of American life. By Wal- 1817. ter March. [pseudon.] 360 pp. 120. New ~ Letters on political liberty. [anon.] 2 York, Bunce & bro. 1856. s. p. 1. 86 pp. 8~. London, T. Evans, 1782. Willebrandt (Johann Peter). Hansische Williams (Edwin). The statesman's manual. chronick aus beglaubten nachrichten zusam- The addresses and messages of the presidents men getragen. 3 v. in 1. fol. Liibeck, autor, of the United States, from 1789 to 1849, with 1748. s. a memoir of each, a history of their admin-'Willem. See William ii, (king of the Romans). istrations, and a selection of important docuWillement (Emily Elizabeth). A catechism ments, [etc.] Reference ed. 3 v. 80. New of familiar things; their history, [etc. ] With York, E. Walker, 1849. s. explanation of natural phenomena. 206 pp. CONTENTS. 160. Philadelphia, Lindsay & Blakiston, 1852. v. 1. Washington to Adams. v. 2. Jackson to Van Buren. Willems (Jean Fran9ois). Oude vlaemsche v. 3. Tyler to Taylor. liederen ten deele met de melodidn. 548, lx pp. Williams (Folkestone, or Robert Folkestone). 80. Gent, F. & E. Gyselynck, 1848. s. Mephistophiles in England; or, the confesWillett (William M.) Herod Antipas; sequel sions of a prime minister. [anon.] 3 v. 120. to Herod the Great, with passages from the London, Longman, 1835. life of Jesus of Nazareth. 345 pp. 120. New Williams (Griffith, bishop of Ossory). The true York, [author], 1866. church: showed to all men that desire to be William ii, (earl of Holland, king of the Ro- members of the same. 6 p. 1. 933 pp. 12 1. mans). Agalma religiosorum, sive medita- fol. London, N. Butter, 1629. tiones circa mysteria passionis dominicme. Williams (John, of London). An authentic Vitam exposuit F. G. Otto. 127 pp. 240. history of the professors of painting, sculpColonia, H. Lempertz, 1849. ture, and architecture in Ireland, [with] William, of Malmesbury. See Malmesbury memoirs of the royal academicians. By An(William of). thony Pasquin. [pseudon.] 64, 148 pp. 1 pl. Williams (Aaron, D.D.) The harmony so- 8~. London, H. D. Symonds, 1794. ciety, at Economy, Penn'a, founded by George I A critical guide to the exhibition at the Rapp in 1805. With an appendix [of mys- royal academy, 1796-1797. 32 pp; 24 pp. tical literature]. 182 pp. 80. Pittstburgh, 8~. London, HD.D. Symonls, 1796-97. W. S. H.aven, 1866. [ Wvith his Authentic history of the professors of painting, etc. London, 1794]. 459 WILLIAMS. WILLSON. Williams (John). The life of Alexander membership] lately printed, examined and Hamilton. By Anthony Pasquin. [pseudon.] answered. [Edited by R. A. Guild]. 84 pp. (Boston, 1804). Reprint. 60 pp. 80. New 4~. Providence, (1. I.) 1866. York, Hamilton club, 1865. [Narragansett club publications, v. 1. pp. 313-396]. (Hamilton club series, No. 1). ~ Queries of the highest consideration, proWilliams (Rev. John, of Deerfield, Mass.) The posed to Mr. Tho. Goodwin [and others], and redeemed captive returning to Zion. A faith- to the commissions from the generall assembly ful history of remarkable occurrences in [his] (so called) of the church of Scotland. Edited captivity and deliverance. [With] a sermon by R. E. Guild. 36 pp. 40. Providence, (R. I.) preached by him, upon his return, in Boston, 1867. December 5, 1706. With an appendix, con- [Narragansett club publications, v. 2. pp. 241-276]. taining an account of those taken captive at Williams (Stephen West, M. D.) A biographDeerfield, Feb. 29, 1703-4. 5th ed. 70 pp. ical memoir of the Rev. John Williams, first 120. Boston, John Boyle, 1774. minister of Deerfield, Mass. With a slight The same. [With] a biographical me- sketch of ancient Deerfield, and an account of moir of the author, [etc.] by Stephen W. the Indian wars in that place. With the jourWVilliams. 192 pp. 1 pl. 12~. Northapzton, nal of Stephen Williams during his capHopbkins, Bridclgman 8 Co. 1853. s. tivity. 127 pp. 16~. Greenfieldl, (Mass.) C. J. Williams (Sir John Bickerton). Memoirs of J. Ingersoll, 1837. the life and character of Mrs. Sarah Savage, The same. daughter of Rev. Philip Henry. Ist Am. ed. [with WILLIAMS (Rev. John). The redeemed captive, etc. Northampton, 1853]. 240pp. 18~. Boston, S. T. Armstrong, 1821.,Wil s.. Williams (W.) The traveller's and tourist's Williams (brig. gen. Jonathan). Thermometrical navigation through the gulph stream. guide through the United States of America, Canada, etc. 216pp. 1map. 18~. Phil7adelExtracted from the American philosophical pliai, Lilgpincott, Go ambo & Co. 1851. s. transactions, v. 2 and 3, with additions and Wiiams (W. Mattien). Through Norway imprvemets.'ii,98 p. 2,_ map 0 Williams (W. Mattieu). Through Norway improvementsh. Axiit98 pp. 21. map. 80. with a knapsack. 3d ed. xii, 340 pp. 6 pl. TPhiladelphia B. a iten, 179 9.I map. 12~. London, Smith, Elder' & Co. - The same. s. [With SMEATON (J.) Experimental enquiry, etc.] Williams (J. J.) El istmo de Tehuantepec. Williams. See,also, Willyams. Resultado del reconocimiento que para ]a con- Williamson (Hugh, M.D.) Observations on struction de un ferro-carril de comunicacion the climate in different parts of America; to entre los oceanos Atlantico y Pacifico ejecut6 which are added remarks on the different la comision cientifica, bajo la direccion del complexions of the human race; with some sr. J. G. Barnard, [etc.] Ilustrado con varios account of the aborigines of America. viii, grabados y mapas, [etc.] por J. J. Williams. 199 pp. 2 p. 80. New York, T. & J. Swords, Trad. al Castellano, por Francisco de Arran- 1811. s. goiz. 327 pp. 8~. Mejico, V. G. Torres, 1852. Willis (John R.) Carleton; or, duty and pas. triotism. 188 pp. 8~. London, 1841. Williams (L. S.) Family education and gov- [HAZLITT'S romancist and novelist's library. v. 4.] ernment; a discourse in the Choctaw language. Willis (Nathaniel Parker). Life, here and 48 pp. 160. Boston, Am. board for. miss. 1835. there; or, sketches of society and adventure, Williams (Monier). A dictionary, English and [etc.] vii, 377 pp. 120. New Yor, C. Sanscrit. xii, 859pp. 40 London, W. JH. Scrbner, 1853. Allen & Co. 1851. Willis (Robert, lprof. nat. phil. Camb. Eng). Williams (Roger). The blovdy tenent of per- Remarks on the architecture of the middle secution, for cause of conscience, discussed in ages, especially of Italy. ix, 200 pp. 15 p1. 80 a conference between trvth and peace. 1644. Cambridge, (Eng.) J. & J. J. Deighton, 1835. [Reprint. Edited by Samuel L. Caldwell]. Willkomm (Moritz). Die halbinsel der Pyrexiv, 425 pp. 40. Providence, (B. I) 1867. nmen; eine geographisch-statistische mono[Narragansett club publications, v. 3]. graphie, [etc. ] xiii, 594 pp. 2 tab. 80. Leip- Key into the language of America. Edited zig, G. Mayer, 1855. s. by J. H. Trumbull. 222 pp. 40~. Providence, Willsford. See Wilsford. (R. I.) 1866. Willson (Forceythe). The old sergeant, and [Narragansett club publications, v. 1, pp. 61-28-]. other poems. 115 pp. 16~. Boston, TicksosMr. [John] Cotton's letter [on church- & Fields, 1867. 460 WILLSON. WILY. Willson (Marcius). Juvenile American his- extracts from the writings of the most eminent tory. 160 pp. 160. New York, M. H. New- biblical' critics and commentators. x, 614 pp. man & Co. 1847. s. 80. Boston, Munroe & Co. 1845. Willyanis (Rev, Cooper). A selection of views - The same. Unitarian principles conin Egypt, Palestine, Italy, etc. with descrip- firmed by trinitarians. 5th ed. xv, 504 pp. tions in English and French. 16 1. 30 pl. fol. 120. Boston, Am. unit. assoc. 1867. London, J. Hearne, 1822. Wilson (Joseph). A history of mountains, Wilmington (N. C.) Proceedings of the geographical and mineralogical. To accomsafety committee for the town of Wilmington, pany a picturesque view by R. A. Riddell. N. C. in 1774, 1775, and 1776. Ed. by Thomas 3 v. 40. London, _Nicol, 1807-10. Loring. 76 pp. 80. Raleigh, 1844. Wilson (Oliver M.) Digest of parliamentary Wilmot (John, earl of Rochester). Poetical law; including the constitution of the United works. 80. Edinburgh, 1793. States and of Indiana. 132pp. 80. IndianrAnderson's British poets, v. 6]. apolis, Douglass & Conner, 1867. Wilsford (Thomas). The art of building. Wilsonl (Samuel). An account of the province 33 pp. 160~. London, N. Brook, 1659. of Carolina,inAmerica. 27pp. 1 map. sm. [Wdith his Scals of commerce and trade. 160. Lon- 40 London, irncer, 1682. done1660]. 40.,Londo1, FIrancis Smith, 1682. The debitor and creditor; or, a perfect Wilson (Rev. Thomas, of St. George's, Canmethod of keeping merchant's accounts. 160. terburly). A Christian dictionary, opening the London, N. Brook, 1659. signification of the chief words of scripture. [With his Scales of commerce and trade. pp. 201- 5th ed. 256 1. fol. London, If. Hope, 1648. 254. 160. London, 16601. NWilson (Thomas, bishop of Sodor and Man). Scales of commerce and trade. 13 p. 1. Scales of commerce ad trade. 13 p 1. Works, with life, compiled by C. Cruttwell. 254 pp. 1 pl. 160. London, N. Brook, 1660. 3d ed. 4 v. 80. Bath, B. bruttwell, 1782. Wilson (Alexander, ornithologist), and Bonaparte (Charles Lucien). American ornith- CONTENTS. v. 1. Life. ology; or, the natural history of the birds of History of the Isle of Man. the United States. Edited by Robert Jame- v. 2. Instructions for better understanding the Lord's supper. son. [With a memoir of A. Wilson, by W. Sacra privata: private meditations and devotions. M. Hetherington]. 4 v. 16~. Edinburgh, v. 3. Knowledge and practice of christianity made Constable & Co. 1831.. easy. Observations for reading the historical books of Wilson (James, E. R. S. E.) Awn introduction the Old Testament. to the natural history of fishes; being the Private and family prayers, etc. to the naturahistryoffishe;beitForm for consecrating churches, etc. article "Ichthyology," from the seventh edi- v. 4. Parochialia; or, instructions for the clergy. Maxims of piety. tion of the Encyclopaedia britannica. ix, 90 Forms of prayer for the herring fishery. pp. 11 pl. 40. Edinbzurgh, A. 4 C. Black, Instructions for youth. Catechism. 1838. s. - The knowledge and practice of chris- Zoology of India. tianity made easy; or, an essay towards an [With MURRAY (Hugh). Account of British India. instruction for the Indians. 5th ed. 18~. v 3. pp. 11-116. New York, 1833-361. London, J. Osborne, 1743. Wilson (James Grant). Love in letters; illus- --- The same. 9th ed. 328 pp. 18~. Lontrated in the correspondence of eminent per- don, B. Dod, 1759. sons; with biographical sketches of the wri- --- The same. 12th ed. 3 p. 1. xxiv, 280 ters. By Allan Grant. [pseudon.] 336 pp. pp. 180. London, J. Rivington, 1776. 12~. New York, Carleton, 1867. - The same. 15th ed. 4 p. 1. xxiv, 280 Mr. secretary Pepys; with extracts pp. 18~. London, F. & C. Rivington, 1782. from his diary. By Allan Grant. [pseudon]. ---- Sermons. 4th ed. 8~. Bath, Re. Crutt264 pp. I pl. 160. New York, J. Porteus, well, 1785. 1867. Wilson (Rev. Thomas, of Clitheroe). ArchWilson (John, of Lincoln's Inn). A discourse aeological dictionary; or, classical antiquities of monarchy, more particularly of the crowns of the Jews, Greeks, and Romans. 2d ed. of England, Scotland, and Ireland, with a 6 p. 1. 480 pp. 8~. London, D. Ogilvy, etc. close from the whole as it relates to the suc- 1793. cession of James, duke of York. 8 p. 1. 272 pp. Wily ( Thomas ). Narrative of the military 16~. London, Joseph lHindmaarsh, 1684. excursion of the Montreal volunteer militia Wilson (John, printesr, of Boston). The con- rifles to Portland, Aug. 1858. 80. Montreal, cessions of trinitarians. Being a selection of 1858. s 461 WIMMER. WINTERBOTTOM. Winmer (Friedrich). Salices europaea. xcii, qua per novam concinnioremq. methodum, hi 286 pp. 8~. Vratislavice, F. Hirt, 1866. s. quinq. tractatus traduntur: i, logistica astroWinchell (Alexander, prof. in university of nomica, etc. ii, trigonometria. iii, doctrina Michigan.) Geology [of Michigan]. See sphserica. iv, theoria planetarum. v, tabulse Michigan. Geological survey. novoe astronomicre. 9 p. 1. 244, 369 pp. fol. Report on the geological and industrial Londini, G. Sawbridge, 1669. s. resources of the counties of Antrim, Grand Wingfield (Edward Maria). A discourse of Traverse, Benzie, and Leelanaw, Michigan. Virginia. Edited, with notes and an introduc97 pp. 1 map. 8~. Ann Arbor, (Mlich.) Chase, tion, by Charles Deane. 45 pp. 40. Boston, 1866. s. John Wilson & son, 1860. Winchell (N. H.) Botany [of Michigan]. See [From the American antiquarian society's transacMichigan. Geological survey. tions, v. 4. Winchester (Elhanan). The divinity of Christ Winkelblech (Carl). Elemente der analytiproved from the scriptures of the Old and New schen chemie. viii, 464pp. lpl. 80. Marburg, Testament. 39pp. 80. Philadelphia, [1784?] N. G. Elwert, 1840. s. [Title-page imperfect]. Winsem (Peter van). Historiarvm ab excessv Winchester (George W.) Winchester's book- Caroli v. C-saris; sive rerum sub Philippo ii. keeping; or, the teacher's guide. Containing per Frisiam gestarum libri vii. 2 v. 8 p. 1. the principles of double entry, [etc.] 92 pp. 342 pp. 1 1; 8 p. 1. 415 pp. 4~. Leovardice 4~. Hartford, J. H. Mather & Co. 1848. s. et FrCanekerc Fontanus et Balck 1629-33. s. Winckelmann (Johannes Joachim). Werke. Winslow (Charles Frederick, Ml. D.) CosEinzig rechtmiissige original ausg. 2 v. 1. mography; or, philosophical views of the 586 pp. 1 portrait; viii, 676 pp. 24 pl. 80. universe. iv pp. 2 p. 1. 174 pp. 16~. Boston, Dresden, Walther-, 1839. s. Crosby, Nichols & Co. 1853. s. L- ettres familibres [traduites de l'AIle- With his Preparation of the earth, etc. Boston, 1854]. mand par H. Jansen]. 2 v. xxxiv, 292 pp. - The preparation of the earth for the in1 pl; 292 pp. 80. Anmsterdam, Couturierfils, tellectual races. 59 pp. 16~. Boston, Crosby, 1781. Nichols & Co. 1854. s. Recueil de lettres sur les d6couvertes Winslow(E. S.) Comprehensive mathematics; faites a Herculanum, A Pompeii, A Stabia, h being an extensive cabinet of numerical, arithCaserte, et a Rome. Traduit de l'Allemand metical, and mathematical facts, tables, [etc. ] [par H. Jansen]. 330 pp. 80. Paris, Bar- 6th ed. 52, 374 pp. 16~. Boston, author, rois, 1784. 1867. Recueil de diff6rentes pibces sur les arts. Winter (Christopher T.) Six months in British Traduit de l'Allemand [par H. Jansen]. vi, Burmah; or, India beyond the Ganges in 1857. 295 pp. 8~. Paris, Barrois, 1786. xii, 288 pp. 4 pl. 120. London, R. Bentley, CON TENTS. 1858 RWflexions sur l'imitation des artistes grecs dans la Winter (William H.) Route across the Rocky peinture et la sculpture; Sur le sentiment du beau. Mountains. 8~. Lafayette, 1846. See Johnson __ Remarques sur l'architecture des anciens. (Overton), and Winter. Traduites de l'Allemand [par Jansen]. xvi, Winter (A) at Woodlawn; or, the armor of 140 pp. 80. Pasris, Barrois, 1783. light illustrated. By the author of " Four days (and others.) De l'allgorie; on, traites in July." [anon.] 278 pp. 16~. New York, sur cette matibre [traduits par H. Jansen]. Carlton & Porter, 1857. s. 2 v. vii, 429 pp; 475 pp. 80. Paris, H. J. Winterbotham (William). An historical, Jansen, 1799. geographical, and philosophical view of the Windischmann (Friedrich). Mithra. Ein Chinese empire; [with] account of Lord beitrag zur mythengeschichte des Orients. Macartney's embassy. 2 v. 2 p. l. 303 pp; 1 iv, 90 pp. 8~. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, p. 1. 322 pp. 2 1. 80. Philadelphia, R. Lee, 1857. s. 1796. Windt (John). The honest man's book of Winterbottom (Thomas Masterman, M. D.) finance and politics, showing the cause and An account of the native Africans in the neighcure of artificial poverty, dearth of employ- borhood of Sierra Leone; [with] an account of ment, and dullness of trade. [anon.] 287 pp. the present state of medicine among them. 2 v. 18e. New York, S. Tousey, 1862. xi, 362 pp. 11 1; 2 p. 1. 283 pp. 6 l. 2 maps. Wing (Vincent). Astronomia britannica: in 6pl. 8~. London, J. Hatchard, 1803. 462 WINTHROP. WITHINGTON. Winthrop (James, LL. D. judge, of Mass.) An the condition and improvement of the comattempt to translate the prophetic part of the mon schools and educational interests for apocalypse of Saint John into familiar lan- 1858-59. By Lyman C. Draper. 2 v. 397 guage. 79 pp. 80. Boston, Belknacp ~4 Hall, pp. 1 pl; 205 pp. 8~. Madison, Atwood 5 1794. Rublee, 1858. s. - A systematic arrangement of several Wise (Henry Augustus). Los gringos; or, all scripture prophecies relating to antichrist; inside view of Mexico and California, with with their application to the course of history. wanderings in Peru, Chili, and Polynesia. 35 pp. 8~. Boston, Thoma3s Hacll, 1795. xvi, 453 pp. 120. New York, Baker & Scrib[ With the preceding].ner 1849 Winthrop (Robert Charles). Addresses and speeches,1852-1867. xiii,725pp. 80. Boston2, Wise (Isaac M. Rabbi). Divine service of sittle, Br2own & Co. 1867. - American Israelites for the day of atonement. Life and letters of John Winthrop, gov- [In Hebrew, German, and English]. 307, ernor of the Massachusetts Bay company at 55 pp. 160. Cincinnati, Block & Co. 1866. Divine service of American Israeites their emigration to New England. [v. 1 to] Divine service of American Israelites 1630. [v. 2], from 1630 to his death in 1649. forthenew year. [InHebrew, German, and 2 v. xiii, 452 pp. 3 fac-sim; xv, 483 pp. English]. 212 pp. 16. Cincinnat, Block 1 pl. 1 fac-sim. 80. Boston, Ticknor & _Fields. 4 Co. 1866. 1864-67. Wise (Thomas). A confutation of the reason _ Oration on the occasion of laying the and philosophy of atheism. An abridgement corner-stone of the national monument to the of Cudworth's Intellectual system of the unimemory of Washington. With an introduc- verse. 2 v. xlviii, 143; 811 pp. 1 pl. sm. 40. tion and appendix. 67 pp. 40. TWashington, London, A. & J. Churchill, 1706. Nat. monument assoc. 1848. Wislizenus (A. Ml. D.) Memoir of a tour to Winwood (Sir Ralph). Memorials of affairs northern Mexico, connected with col. Doniof state in the reigns of queen Elizabeth and phan's expedition, in 1846-7. With a botanking James i. Collected from the original ical appendix, by George Engelmann, M. D. papers, by E. Sawyer. 2d ed. 3 v. fol. Lon- 141 pp. 3 maps. 8~. Washington, Tippin H& don, T. Osborne, 1727. Streeper, 1848. Wirt (E. W.) Flora's dictionary. 132,96 pp. With (lEmile). Railroad accidents: their 7 pl. 4~. Baltimore, Lucas bros. [1855]. causes and the means of preventing them. Wirt (William). The letters of the British With an introduction by Aug. Perdonnet. spy. [anon.] 3d ed. 128 pp. 18~. Rich- From the French by C. F. Barstow. xi, 152 sond, S. Pleasants, 1805. pp. 120. Boston, Little, Browtn 4 Co. 1856. The life of Patrick Henry. 4th ed. 443, Wither (George). Britain's remembrancer; 19 pp. 1 pl. 80. New York, M'BElrath & containing a narration of the plagve lately Bangs, 1831. past; a declaration of the mischiefs present; The oldbachelor. [anon.] 3d ed. 2 v. 263 and a prediction of ivdgments to come. [ist pp; 240 pp. 240. Baltimore, -F. Lucas, 1818. ed.] 289 1. 1 pl. 240. London, J. Grismond, Wisconsin. Annual report of the adjutant 1628. general, with reports from the quartermaster [Frontispiece wanting]. general and surgeon general, for 1865. [With Withers (J. R.) Poems upon various subjects. appendix]. 1 v. in 2. 1168 pp. 80. Madison, viii, 183, viii pp. 160. Cambridge, (Eng.) W. J. Park & Co. 1866. C. W. Naylor,, 1854. Annual report of the state superintend- Witherspoon (John, D. D.) Miscellaneous ent of public instruction for 1856. [By A. works. 368 pp. 8~. Philadelphia, William Constantine Barry]. 208 pp. 8~. Madison, W. Woodward, 1803. Calkins & Proudfit, 1857. s. ~ A serious inquiry into the nature and Governor's message and accompanying effects of the stage. 154 pp. 160. New York, documents, 1855-58, 1860-65. 12 v. 8~ and Whiting & Watson, 1812. 120. Madison, state printer, 1855-65. Withington (Rev. Leonard). The puritan; Journals of the senate and assembly, a series of essays, critical, moral, and miscel1855-56, 1858, 1860-65. 22 v. 80 and 120. laneous. By John Oldbug, esq. [pseudon.] Madison, state printer, 1855-65. 2 v. 248 pp; 268 pp. 160. Boston, Perkins -- Tenth and eleventh annual reports on &? Marvin, 1836. 463 WITHINGTON. WOLLASTON. Withington (William). Christian radicalism. Wodenote (Theophilus). Hermes theologus; 152 pp. 18~. Boston, Perkins & Macrvin, 1836. or, a divine mercurie dispatcht with a grave Witsen Geysbeek (P. G.) See Geysbeek message of new descants upon old records. (P. G. Witsen). I pl. 155 pp. 18~. London, R. Royston, 1649. Wittenberg university. Bibliothecoa acad- WShler (Friedrich). Grundriss der chemie. emiae wittebergensis publicae librorum [etc.] Unorganische chemie. 5e aufil. x, 190 pp. extantiores classiciqve fer6, [etc.] Editore A. 8~. Berlin, Duncker & HiBsmblot, 1838. s. Sennerto. 1 p. 1. 54 pp. 40~. Wittebergae, I Hand-book of inorganic analysis. Edited impensis editoris, 1678. s. by A. W. Hoffman. viii, 249 pp. 12~. London, [With SCHSTTGEN (C.) Historie, etc.] Walton & Maberly, 1854. Witter (Conrad). Improved interest tables, Wolf (Christian von). The real happiness of from 1 cent to 1000 dollars, at 6 and at 10 per a people under a philosophical king. [Transcent. from 1 day to 6 years. 241. 80. St. lated from the German]. vii, 96 pp. 12~. Louis, C. Witter, 1858. s. London, M. Cooper, 1750. - Ready calculator in dollars and cents; Wolf (Johann Christian). Monumenta typowith tables for selling and purchasing; [also] grafica, qvae artis hujus praestantissimme origan appendix containing the calculation of inem, laudem, et abusum posteris produnt. wages, [etc.] 168 pp. 320. St. Louis, (Mo.) 2 v. 8p. 1. 1104 pp; 1232 pp. 46 1. 16~. C. Witter, 1867. Haamburgi, C. Herold, 1740. s. Witting (Victor). Andelaga sanger f6r b6ne- Wolf (Johann Christoph). Historia lexicorvm klass- och f6rlhingda moten. Ofwersatta, ur- hebraicorvm quae tam a judaeis quam a chriswalda och originella. Andra samlingen. 128 tianis edita sunt. 240 pp. 7 1. 160. Vitempp. 32~. Chicago, Poe & Hitchcock, 1867. bergce, C. T. Lvdovick, 1705. Wittman (Joseph, 11. D.) Chronik der nied- [With DANZ (J. A.) Interpres ebraeo-chaldaevs. Ed. rigsten wasserstiinde des Rheins, 70-1858, 3a. 1715]. und nacriten ber die im jahre 1857-58, Wolf (Johann Wilhelm). Niederlaindische saund nachrichten uiber die im jahre 1857-58, im Rheinbette von der Schweiz bis nach HIol- gen. xxxviii,708pp. 1pl. 8~. Leipzig, F. land zu tage gekommenen alterthiimer und A. Brockhaus 1843.. ltWolf (Peter Philip). Allgemeine geschichte merkwiirdigkeiten, [etc.] 142 pp. 8~. Mainz, ~Seifert, 1859. ~s. der jesuiten, von dem ursprunge ihres ordens Seifert, 1859. s. Wittman (William, M.D.) Travels in Tur- his auf gegenwirtige zeiten. 4 v. 160. LissaWittman (William, ll.D. ) Travels in Turkey, Asia Minor, Syria, and across the desert bon, Pombal i E Wolfe (James, major general). Instructions to into Egypt; also through Germany, Ho]land, etc. 1799-1801, [with] observations on the Robert Bell, 1778. plague, and on the diseases prevalent in Tur- (Thomas). New military dictionary. [With Snims (Thomas). New military dictionary. key. xvi, 595 pp. 1 map. 22 pl. 40. London, Philadelphia, 17761. R. Phillips, 1803. Wolfe (Samuel M.) Helper's impending crisis — The same. 426 pp. 80. Philadelphia, dissected. 2 p. 1. 223 pp. 120. Philadelphia, J. Humphreys, 1804. s. J. T. Lloyd, 1860. Wittstein (G. C.) Vollstiatdiges etymolo- Wolff (Emil Th.) Quellen-literatur der theogisch-chemisches handw6rterbuch, mit be- retisch-organischen chemie. [1775-1844]. riicksichtigung der chemie. 2 v. vi, 926 pp; vii, 404 pp. 8~. Halle, E. Anton, 1845. s. 992 pp. 8~0. Miinchen, J. Palm, 1847. s. Wollaston (George). The life and history of The same. Drittes ergainzungsheft. 359 a pilgrim. By G. W. [anon.] v, 540 pp. 120. pp. 8~. Miinchen, J. Palm, 1858. s. Dublin, O. Nelson, 1753. [Wanting; erg. 1-2]. Wollaston (Thomas Vernon). Insecta madeWitzleben (Ferdinand August von). Arthur, rensia: account of the [coleopterous] insects herzog von Wellington, und seine zeit. 2e of the islands of the Madeiran group. xliii, ausgabe. 8~. Leipzig, 1853. s. 634 pp. 13 col. pl. 4~. London, J. Van Wocel (Jan Erazmi). Grundziige der bhmi- Voorst, 1854. s. schen alterthumskunde. xv, 238 pp. 8 pl. 80~. Wollaston (William). The religion of nature Prag, Kronberger 4 Rziwnatz, 1845. s. delineated. [anon.] 219pp. 51. 40~. London, Wodarch (Charles). Introduction to the study Samuel Palmer, 1726. of conchology, describing the orders, genera, - The same. lebauche de la religion natuand species of shells. 2d ed. By J. Mawe. xv, relle; traduite de l'Anglais, Lpar Garrigue] 152 pp. 8 col. pl. 12~. London, Lonman, avec un suppl6ment, etc. xx, 442 pp. 3 1. 1822. s. 4~. La Haye, J. Snart, 1726. 464 WOLOWSKI. WOODWARD. Wolowski (Louis Franvois Michel Raymond). siderations on our money and bullion. xiv, La banque d'Angleterre et les banques d'IPcos- 373 pp. 12~. London, John Wcalthoe, 1722. se. xi, 560 pp. 8~. Paris, Guillausmin, 1867. Wood (William, F.R.S.) Index testaceologiEnquete sur les principes et les faits cus; or, a catalogue of shells, British and g6n6rLaux qui rdgissent la circulation mone- foreign, arranged according to the Linnean taire et fiduciaire. [L'Institut de France:] system. xxxii, 190 pp. 38 col. pl. 8~. Lons6ances des 21, 28, et 30 Nov. 1865. iv, 292 don, W. Wood, 1825. s. pp. fol. Paris, lmpriimerie ime4riale, 1866. Supplement. Index, etc. iv, 59 pp. 8 pl. La question des banques. 2 p. 1. 592 8 col. pl. 8~. London, 1W. Wood, 1828. s. pp. 8~. Paris, Guillaumin 4' Cie. 1864. s. Wood (William). Manual of physical exerWolseley (Sir Charles). The unreasonable- cises; comprising gymnastics, rowing, [etc.] nesse of atheism made manifest. [anon. 1st With rules for training, [etc.] Illustrated. ed.] 197 pp. 16~. London, N. Ponder, 1669. 316 pp. 1 pl. 12~. New York, Harpers, 1867. Women as they are. By one of them. By the Woodard. See Woodward. author of "Margaret." [anon.] 2 v. iv, 334 Woodbury (Augustus). Major general Ampp; 296 pp. 16~. London, R. Bentley, 1854. brose E. Burnside and the ninth army corps: Wood (Anthony). Historia et antiquitates uni- a narrative of campaigns in N. Carolina, etc. versitatis oxoniensis. [Latinitate donata R. viii, 554 pp. 1 pI. 7 portraits. 8 maps. 80. Peers, et R. Reeve]. 2 v. in 1. 4 p. 1. 414 pp. Providence, S. S. Rider'4 bro. 1867. 1 pl; 447 pp. 3 1. 1 pl. fol. Oxonii, e theatro Woodford (O. P.) Domestic and social harp: sheldolniano, 1674. a collection of tunes and hymns. vi p. 1. 166 Wood (Edward J.) Curiosities of clocks and pp. 11. obl. 180. Hartford, D. B. Woodford watches. x, 443 pp. 1 pl. 120. London, Bent- & Co. 1848. s. ley, 1866. Woodhouse (Robert). The principles of anaWood (Ephraim). Quakerism unveiled: truth lytical calculation. 4 p. 1. xxxiv, 219 pp. 40. prevalent. 379 pp. 8~. Liverpool, H. Fore- Cambridge, (Eng.) University press, 1803. shaaw, 1815. Woodman (David, jr.) Guide to Texas emiWood (George B. M. D.) A treatise on thera- grants. 192 pp. 1 map. 12. Boston, l. peutics and pharmacology, or inateria medica. Hawes, 1835. 3d ed. 2 v. xx, 838 pp; 990 pp. 80. Phila- Woodruff (William T.) New York iasonic delphia, J. B. Lippincott 4- Co. 1868. code; containing the old charges, compiled in Wood (Rev. John George). The common 1720; constitutions, decisions, etc. 126 pp. objects of the country. New ed. iv, 132 pp. 18~. New York, Masonic pub. and mcanuf. co. 11 pl. 16~. London, Routledge, 1858. s. 1866. _ Illustrated natural history. 3 v. 8~. Woods (John). The history of London: illusLondon, Routledge, [1860]-63. S trated by views in London and Westminster, engraved by J. W. Edited by W. G. Fearnv. 1 Mima 8CONTENTS,0 pp. I side and T. Harral. iv, 203 pp. 30 pl. 80. v. 1. Mammalia. vii, 800 pp. 1 pl. v. 2. Birds. 786 pp. 1 pl. London, Orr & Co. 1838. s. v. 3. Reptiles, fishes, molluscs, etc. 810 pp. 1 pl. Woodward (Augustus B.) The presidency ---- Our garden friends and foes. viii, 438 of the United States. 2d ed. 88 pp. 80. pp. 8 pl. 12~. London, Routledge, 1864. s. FPredericktown, (Md.) T. Taylor, 1826. s. Wood (Searles Valentine). A monograph of Woodward (Capt. David). Narrative. 80. the crag mollusca; or, descriptions of'hells London, 1805. See Vaughan (William). from the middle and upper tertiaries of the Woodward ( George E. ) Architecture and east of England. 2 v. 40~. London, Palceonto- rural art. Nos. 1-2, 1867-68. 2 v. 132 pp; graphical society, 1848-50. s. 132 pp. 120. New York, G. Ey. Woodward, CONTENTS. 1868. v. 1. Univalves. xii, 208 pp. 21 1. 21 pl. Record of horticulture for 1866. Edited v. 2. Bivalves. 342, 2 pp. 31 1. 31 pl. by Andrew S. Fuller. 125 pp. 120. New A monograph of the eocene mollusca; or, York, Geo. -E. 4 F. W. Woodwardl, 1867. descriptions of shells from the older tertiaries Woodward (Joseph Janvier). Report on of England. Parts i, ii. 4~. London, Palceon- epidemic cholera in the army of the U. S. tographical society, 1861-64. during 1866. See United States. War DeWood (William, secretary to the commissioners partment. Surgeon general's Offce, Circul'ar of customs). A survey of trade, with con- No. 5. 465 WOODWARD. WORTH. Woodward (Samuel). An outline of the ge- v. 2. Poems of the fancy; of the imagination; Peter Bell; miscellaneous sonnets. ology of Norfolk. 2 p. 1. 60 pp. 2 maps. 6 pi. v. 3. Tour in Scotland, 1803; tour in Scotland, 1814; 80. Norwich, J. Stacy, 1833. s. poems dedicated to national independence and liberty; tour in Italy, 1837; river Duddon; sonWoodward ( Samuel P. ) A manual of the nets; white doe of Rylstone. mollusca; or, rudimentary treatise of recent v. 4. Ecclesiastical sonnets; Yarrow revisited, and other poems; evening voluntaries; tour of 1833; and fossil shells. xvi, 486 pp. 1 map. 25 pl. poems of sentiment and reflection; sonnets dedicated to liberty and order; sonnets upon the pun12~. London, J. Weakle, 1851-56. s. ishment of death; miscellaneous poems. The same. 2d ed. xiv, 518 pp. 24 pl. v. 5. Inscriptions; selections from Chaucer modernised; poems of old age; epitaphs and elegiac 120. London, Virtue, 1866. pieces; the prelude, or growth of a poet's mind. VWoodward (W. Elliot). Records of Salem v. 6. The excursion; prefaces, notes, etc. witchcraft, copied from the original docu- World (The). By AdamFitz Adam. [pseudon. ments. 2 v. 279 pp; 287 pp. sm. 4. 4 Rox- By Edward Moore, R. O. Cambridge, Horace bury, (Mass.) W. Elliot Woodwas-d, [J. Mun- Walpole, lord Chesterfield, etc.] 6 v. 160. sell, Albany, print.] 1864. London, R. & J. Dodsley, 1755-57. Woodworth (Samuel). Poems, odes, songs, World (The). [New York daily]. July 1866 and other metrical effusions. 288 pp. 1 pl. to Dec. 1867. 3 v. fol. New York, 1866-67. 12~. xVew York, A. Asten & War. Lopez, 1818. 120. ew York, A. Asten. Lopez, 1818. World (The) almanac, 1868. 108 pp. 16~. The war. A faithful record of the transactions of the war between the United States New York, [World oice], 1868. of America, and the united kingdom of Great World's (The) mistake in O liver Cromwell; Britain. anreadd 8.'or, a short political discourse, shewing that Britain and Ireland, declared 18th June, 1812. Brita[June red27, 1812-Feb. 1817]. v, 1-3 8in1. Cromwell's mal-administration layed the foun2 p. 1. 214 pp; 206 pp8 71 pp7. 40. New v. dation of our present condition, in the decay York, S. 2;Woodworth & Co. 181p02-17. N of trade. [anon. Supposed to have been written by Sir Slingsby Betlhel]. 21 pp. sm. 4~. Wool (Gen. John E.) See Taylor and his 1668. London, 1668. generals. Worlidge (John). Apiarivm: or, a discourse W.. oolman (John). The works of J. Woolof the government and ordering of bees. man. 2 parts in 1 v. xiv, 436 pp. 8~. Phil- [anon.] 2ded.4p.1. 42pp. 160. London, adelphia, J. Crukshank, 1774. E Dring 1678. Worcester (Edward Somerset, 2d marquess [ with his Vinetum britannicum, 1678]. of Worcester). See Somerset (Edward). Worcester (Joseph Emerson). A compre — Vinetum britannicum; or, a treatise of hensive pronouncing and explanatory diction- cider, and other wines and drinks from fruits ary of the English language. 491 pp. 12~. growing in this kingdom. 2d ed. 11 p. 1. Boston, Jenks, Palmer & Co. 1848. s. 240 pp. 6 1. 2 pl. 160. London, T. Dring, A geographical dictionary, or universal 1678. gazetteer. 2d ed. 2 v. v, 972 pp; 960 pp. Worlidge (Thomas). A select collection of 8~. Boston, Cummings 4 Hilliard, 1823. drawings from curious antique gems, [etc.] Worcester (Samuel Melanchthon, D. D.) A etched after the manner of Rembrandt. 6 p. 1. memorial of the old and new tabernacle, 48 pp. 1 portrait. 180pl. 40~. London, -M. Salem, Mass. 1854-55. 84 pp. 120. Boston, Worlidge, 1768. s. Crocker & Brewster, 1855. s. Worm (Olaus, M1. D.) Museum wormianum; Worcester, (Mass.) Directory for 1868. By seu, historia rerum rariorum, tam naturalium, H. J. Howland. 248, 59 pp. 9 1. 1 map. 80. quam artificialium, tam domesticarum, quam Worcester, H. J. Howland, 1868. exoticarum, in aedibus authoris. [Curante Worcester county, (Mass.) Directory for Wilhelmo Wormio]. 6 p. 1. 392 pp. fol. 1866-67. 204, 104 pp. 8~. Boston, Briggs Lugduni-Batavorunm, Elsevir, 1655. s. & Co. 1866. Worsaae (Jens Jacob Asmussen). Zur alterWord (A) without-doors concerning the bill thumskunde des nordens. 1 p. 1. ii, 130 pp. for succession [to the crown of England]. By 20 pl. 40~. Leipzig, L. Voss, 1847. s. J.D. [anon.] 12pp. sm.40. [n.p. 1675?] Worsley (Sir Richard). Museo worslejano Wordsworth (William). Poetical works. descritto e illustrate [da E. Q. Visconti]. New ed. 6 v. 16~. London, Moxon, 1864. xxxix, 192 pp. 78 pl. 8~. Milano, SocietA CONTENTS. tipogr. de' classici italiani, 1834. s. Worth (Gen. William J.) See Taylor and his v. 1. Poems written in youth; poems of childhood; of the affections; poems on the naming of places. generals. 59 466 WRANGELL. WUTTKE. Wrangell (Ferdinand Petrovich von). Narra- Wright (William). Grotesque architecture; tive of an expedition to the polar sea in the or, rural amusement. Consisting of plans, eleyears 1820-1823. Ed. by E. Sabine. cxxxvii, vations, and sections for huts, retreats, hermi413 pp. I map. 80. London, J. Madden d tages, [etc.] 14 pp. 29 pl. 8~. London, H. Co. 1840. s. Webley, 1867. Wraxall (Frederick Charles Lascelles). The Wright (William C.) The piano-forte manual. fife and drum; or, would be a soldier. xvi, 84 pp. 120. New York, Mason 4 bros. 1854. 277 pp. 8~. London, S. O. Beeton, 1863. s. Wraxall (Sir Nathaniel William). A tour Wiillerstorf-Urbair (Bernhard von). Reise round the Baltic, thro' the northern countries der osterreichischen fregatte Novara um die of Europe. 4th ed. 452 pp. 80. London, erde in den jahren 1857-59. s. Cadell 4 Davies, 1807. Wright (John, M. D.) Report on the botany CONTENTS. of Michigan. MULLER (Dr. Friedrich). Linguistischer theil. vii, 358 pp. 4o. Wien, k-kc. hof- und staatsdruck7erei, [With HOUGHTON (Douglass). Reports, etc. Doe. 1867. No. 2]. SAUSSURE (Henri de). Hymenoptera. Nebst einem FWright (ohn 1.) Sketches of tlhe life and ~supplement von Dr. J. Sichel. 156 pp. 4 1. 4 col. Wright (John.) Sketches of the life and 1867. labors of James Quinn, [etc.] 324 pp. 1 pl. SCHEIZER (Carl von). Beschreibender theil. 3 v. 8~. Wien, Hof- ZZd staatsdruckerei, 1861-62. 120. Cincinnati, Methodist book concern, 1851. Wen, s. Wulffen (Carl von). Entwurf einer methodik Wright (N. Hill). Monody on the death of zur berechnung der feldsysteme. [Extract.] brigadier general Zebulon Montgomery Pike, x, 188pp. 8~. Berlin, Veit & Co. 1847. s. and other poems. 79 pp. 80..Middlebury, [From the Annalen des landes-oecon. coll.] (Vt.) Slade & Ferguson, 1814. Wurffbain (Johann Paul). Salamandrologia: Wright (Robert). Memoir of general James i. e. descriptio historico-philologico-philosoOglethorpe. xvi, 414 pp. 1 map. 80. London, phico-medica salamandrae qute vulgo in igne Chapma~n 4 Hallt, 1867. vivere creditur. 3 p. 1. 133 pp. 71. 5pl. 40~. Wright (Robert W.) Vision of judgment; Norinmbergae, G. Scheurer, 1683. s. or, the South church. Ecclesiastical councils Wursteisen (Christian). Germanice historiviewed from celestial and satanic stand-points. corvm illustrium ab Henrico iv. ad annum By Quevedo Redivivus, jr. [pseudon.] 176 1400tomus i-ii. [Ed. 2a]. 2. in 1. 6 p. 1. pp. 120. New York, Van Evrie, Horton & Co. 626 pp. 101; 182 pp. 5 1. fol..iPrancofvrti 1867. ad Moenvmn, J. G. Seyler, 1670. Wright (Thomas, F. S. A; acntiquary). The Wurzbachvon Tannenberg(Constant). Biblihistory of the county of Lincoln. Illustrated. ographisch-statistische ibersicht der litratur [anon.] 2 v. 5 p. 1. 360 pp. 15 pl. 2 maps; des 6streichischenkaiserstaates, 1854. Zweiter 360 pp. 51. 25 pl. 40~. London & Lincoln, J. bericht. xxii, 686 pp. 80. Wien, [Pfatsch Saunders, jr. 1833-34. u. Foss], 1856. Wright (Thomas, M. D; F. R. S.) Monograph ~ Das Schiller-buch. Festgabe zur ersten on the British fossil echinodermata from the s&icular-feier von Schiller's geburt. xxiv, 324 cretaceous formations. v. 1. part 1. 2 p.1. pp. 40pl. 40. Wien, Gerol, 1859. pp. 1-64. 111. pl. 1-11. 4~. London, 1864. Wuttke (Heinrich). twickelug derfWuttke (Heinrich). Die entwiclkelung der 6f[Palneontographical society, 1864]. A monograph on the British fossil echin- fentlichen verhiltnisse Schlesiens, vorniimlich - & A monograph on the British fossil echinoder a of t. vunter den Habsburgern. 2 v. in 1. xii, 370 odermata of the oolitic formations. v. 1. x, pp; viii, 452 pp. 8~. Leipzig, W. Engelaan, 468 pp. 431. 43 pl. v. 2. 2 p. 1. pp. 1-154, iii, 45 pp. 8. e Enelmnn, 1842-43. s. pl. 1-18. 4~. London, 1855-62. [Palweontographical society]. tp1.118 ogra Lsondon, 1855-62. _____ The same. Abfertigung des Dr. Karl Gustav Kries's recension fiber Wuttke's Wright (Rev. William). Slavery at the Cape GSlesitav ries's recensiop iiber nuttgels of Good Hope. vi, 107 pp. 8~. London, Long- Schlesie. 40pp. 8. en n, mans, Bees 4 Co. 1831. 1843. [ With POY~DER (J.) Human sacrifices in India]. [ With the preceding]. Wright (Williamn, accountant). Nationalsystem ----- Die schlesischen stiinde; ihr wesen, ihr of book-keeping; double entry. 166 pp. obl. werken, und ihr werth in alter und neuer 8~. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co. zeiten. 247 pp. 80. Leipzig, J. F. _Hartknoch, 1866. 1847. (. 467 WYCKE. YATE. Wycke or Wickes (Thomas). Chronicon salis- Xenophon. Memorabilia Socratis. Edidit G. buriensis monasterii, ab adventu conquestoris II. Schaefer. xvi, 176 pp. 18~. Lipsicr, C. ad annum M.CCC.IIII. fol. Oxonice, 1687. Tauchnitz, 1811. s. [GALE (Thomas), and FELL (John). Rerum angli- Ximeno (Vicente). Escritores del reyno de carum scriptores veteres. Oxonie, 1684-91. V. 2]. Valencia, desde el afio 1238 hasta el de 1747. Wyman (Jeffries, M. D.) Fossil mammals 2 v. 15 p. 1. x, 368 pp. 4 1; 11 p. 1. 385 pp. [of Chile]. 26 1. fol. Valencia, J. E. Dolz, 1747-49. [ With GILLISS (J. Ml.) U. S. astronom. exped. v. 2]. Yago (Pedro Manuel). En el fondo. Aforis-'Wyman (Seth). Life and adventures. Written mos caseros sobre varias cosas, fragmentos, by himself. 310 pp. 120. Manchester, (N L.) articulos, etc. 211 pp. 180. Valencia, J. J. H. Cate, 1843. Rtis, 1863. Wynkoop (J. M.) Anecdotes and incidents, Yajurveda (The white). Edited by Albrecht comprising daring exploits of the army, and Weber. 3 v. 40. Berlin, F. Dimmler, thrilling incidents of the Mexican war. 132 1849-59. pp. 8~. Pittsburg, 1848. CONTENTS. ~CrWynl n (Sir John). The history of the G~w~ydir v. 1. The Vajasaneyi-sanhita in the Madhyandina, and faimily, [with] memoirs of distinguished co- the Ktnvapdkha, with the commentary of Madidtemporar~y Welhme. 11.3.hara. xcv, 989 pp. temporary Welshmen. 121 pp. 3 pl~.40 v. 2. The Catapatha-Brthmana in the MIdhyandinaButhin, R. Jones, 1827. Cakha with extracts made from the commentaries of Sdyano, Hlarisv&min, and Dvivedaganga. xiii, Wyth or With (John). Portraits to the life, 1194 pp. and manners of the inhabitants of that prov- v. 3. The Crautasfitra of KatyAyana with extracts from the commentaries of Karka and Yajnikadeva. ince in America called Virginia. 39 1. 24 pl. xvi, 1114 pp. 3 1. 80. New York, J. & H. G. Langley, 1841. See, also, Rig-veda. the costum part ie of the aborigines, etches, ilstrating Yalden (Thomas). Poetical works. 8~. EdinWythes (Joseph H. M. D.) The microscopist; burgh, 1794. or, a complete manual on the use of the micro- [A'DEnSON'S British poets. v. 7]. scope, [etc.] 191 pp. 1 pl. 120. Plhiladel- Yale College. Catalogue of the library of the phia, Lindsay & Blakiston, 1851. s. society of brothers in unity. 294 pp. 1 pl. 8~. Wythes (William W.) A description of the New Haven, T J. Staffol, 1851. cyclo-ellipto-pantograph. 4 pp. 6 pl. 80. - Catalogus senatus academici, [etc.] in Philadeipliac, H. B. Alshqneeald, 1858. s. collegio yalensi, [1862]. 170 pp. 80. Novi Xenophon. Anabasis. De Cyri expeditione Portus, E. Hayes, 1862. libri septem. Ex recensione, et cum notis -The same. 178 pp. 80. Novi Portus, Thomae Hutchinson. xx, 362, 34 pp. 8~. E. Hayes, 1865. Glasguce, A. 4' J. Duncan, 1817. s. Obituary record of graduates [for] the ----- The sanme. Expedition of Cyrus, with year ending July, 1866. (No. 7, printed series, English notes, etc. by Charles Dexter Cleve- and No. 25, of the whole record). pp. 189 to land. xv, 320 pp. 120. Boston, Hilliard, 222. 8~. [New Haven, 1866]. etc. 1830. s. Yandell (Lunsford P.) ancl Shumard (Ben- - The same. Expedition of Cyrus ilnto jamin F.) Contributions to the geology of Persia; and the retreat of the ten thousand Kentucky. 36pp. 1pl. 80. Louisville, PrenGreeks. Translated from the Greek by Ed- tice & Weissinger, 1847. ward Spelman. vii, 143 pp. 1 map. 80. Lon- Yankee doodle. 2 v. [Illustrated.] iv, 284 don, J. Davis, 1812. pp; iv, 256 pp. sm. fol. New York, W. H. [ Vith SAXE (M. comte de). Art of war. 8~. Lon- Graham, 1846-47. dlont, 1811]. Yankee (The) slave driver; or, the black and Cyropaedia. The institvtion and life of white rivals. With illustrations. [By WilCyrvs. Translated by Philemon Holland. liam White Smith?] 365 pp. 120. New 9 p. 1. 213 pp. fol. London, Robert Allot, 1632. York-, H. Dayton, 1860. The same. The first four books [trans- Yate (Walter Honywood). Political and hislated] by F. Digby, the four last by John torical arguments, proving the necessity of a Norris. 8 p. 1. 214, 190 pp. 160. London, parliamentary reform, and pointing out the M. Gilliftower & J. 5Norris, 1685. means of effecting that important measure. - The same. From the Greek by Maurice 2 v. xxxiv, 312 pp; xiv, 340 pp. 80. London, Ashley [Cooper]. 367 pp. 151. 8~. Philadel- [printed at Edinburgh, W. Balfour, ] 1812. 2phiac, HEopkins 4 Co. 1810. [NOTE.-Written by Capt. Thomas Ashel. 468 YATES. -YOUNG. Yates (Edmund). Black sheep. A novel. 3 v. by Edith L. Chase. 1st Am. ed. viii, 252 pp. 120. London, Tinsley bros. 1867. 120. Leypoldt & HIolt, 1867. The forlorn hope. A novel. New ed. ------ The young stepmother; or, a chronicle 3p. 1. 426 pp. 120. London, Tinsley, 1867. of mistakes. [anon.] 482 pp. 160. London, Yates (Robert). Secret proceedings and de- Parker, son 4 Bourn, 1861. bates of the convention for forming the con- Yorick turned trimmer; or, the gentleman's stitution of the United States; with other jester: and newest collection of songs. [anon.] documents. 308 pp. 8~. Washington, (D. C.) 72 pp. 3 pl. 160. London, W. Nicoll, 1789. G. Templeman, 1836. Yorke (James, bishop of St. David's). A serYatman (John V.) Sterling exchange tables, mon before the society for the propagation of showing the equivalent rates for currency as the gospel in foreign parts, at their annivercompared with gold. [anon.] 191 pp. 24~. sary, 1779; with abstract of the proceedings New York, E. B. Clayton's sons, 1864. of the society, 1778-9. 90 pp. sm. 40~. LonYeaman (George H.) Allegiance and citizen- don, T. Harrison, 1779. ship. An inquiry into the claim of European Yorke (Philip, 1st earl of Hardwicke). Speech governments to exact military service of natu- March 19th, 1746, upon giving judgment ralized citizens of the United States. 50 pp. against Simon, lord Lovat, on the impeach8~. Copenhagen, F. Moller, 1867. ment of high treason. 8 pp. fol. London, S. Year (The) book and almanac for British North Billingsley, 1747. America, for 1867; political and trade statis- Yorke (Philip, of Erthig ). Royal tribes of tics, etc. 161 pp. 80. Montrealc, Ml. Long- Wales. viii, 195 pp. 12 pl. 40. WVrexham, moore 4 Co. 1866. J. Painter, [1799]. --- The same. The year book and almanac Youatt ( William). The dog. Edited, with of Canada for 1868; being an annual statistical additions, by E. J. Lewis. 403 pp. 23pl. 80~ abstract for the dominion, and a record of Philadelphia, Lea 4. Blanchard, 1847. s. legislation and of public men in British North i - and Martin (W. C. L.) Cattle: being America. 169 pp. i map. 120. Montreal, a treatise on their breeds, management, and Print. and pub. co. [1867 ]. diseases. Edited by A. Stevens. 469 pp. 4 pl. Yelverton (Hon. Theresa). Martyrs to cir- 120. Netw York, C. M. Saxton, 1851. s. cumstance. 7thed. 377 pp. 160. London, B. Youmans (Edward L. M.D.) Correlation Bentley, 1861. and conservation of forces; a series of expoYemeniz (N.) Catalogue de [sa] bibliothbque, sitions by Profs. Grove, Helmholtz, Liebig, prec6d6 d'une notice parM. Le Roux de Lincy. and Drs. Mayer, Faraday and Carpenter. lxiv, 780 pp. 8~. Paris, Bachelin-De/lorenne, With an introduction and brief biographical 1867. s. notices of the chief promoters of the new Yendys (Sydney, pseudon.) See Dobell (Syd- views. xlii, 438 pp. 120. New York, A7ney). pletons, 1865. Yonge (Charlotte Mary). The daisy chain; The culture demanded by modern life: or, aspirations. A family chronicle. [anon.] a series of addresses and arguments on the 9th ed. vi, 667 pp. 1'2~. London, Mfacmil- claims of scientific education. By Profs. Tynlan, 1867. dal], Henfrey, Huxley, etc. With an introThe Danvers papers: an invention. duction on mental discipline in education by [anon.] 147 pp. 160. London, Macmillan, E. L. Youmans. xii, 473 pp. 12~0. New York, 1867. D. Appleton 4- Co. 1867. iDynevor terrace; or, the clue of life. i Elementos de quimica, para uso de los [anon.] 2 v. -367 pp; 375 pp. 160. London, colegios y escuelas. Traducido de la ult. ed. Parker & son, 1857. ingl. por Marco A. Rojas, D. M. 500 pp. 12~. The heir of Redelyffe. [anon.] 16th ed. Nueva York, D. Appleton 4. Co. 1867. 524 pp. 120. London, Macmillan, 1866. Young (Augustus). Unity of purpose; or, -- Landmarks of history. Ancient history, rational analysis: a treatise designed to disfrom the earliest times to the Mahometan con- close physical truths, and to detect and exquest. Revised by Edith L. Chase. 3d Am. pose popular errors. 292 pp. 80~. Boston, ed. 240 pp. 12~. XNew York, Leypoldt &Holt, author, 1846. s. 1867. Young (David). Wonderful history of the The same. Middle ages; from the reign Morristown ghost. v, 76 pp. 24~. VNewark, of Charlemagne to that of Charles v. Revised B. Olds, 1826. 469 YOUNG. ZENO. Young (Edward, LL. D. rector of Wellwyn). Zambelli (Andrea). Delle differenze politiche The last day; a poem. 124 pp. 16~. Eliza- tra i popoli antichi ed i moderni. Parte prima: bethtown, S. Kollockc, 1797. La guerra. Libri tre. 2 v. 253 pp; 319 pp. Night thoughts on life, death, and im- 8~. Milano, Santo Bravetta, 1839. s. mortality. 227 pp. 32~. Baltimore, Neal and Zanon (Antonio). Lettre scelte sull' agricoltura, Wills, 1812. sul commercio, e sulle arti, v. 18. Apologia Young (James Reynolds). Elementary treatise della mercatura; Estratto del trattato dell' on algebra, theoretical and practical. xvi, 211 utilita delle accademie di agricoltura, arti, e pp. 80. London, J. Souter, 1827. commercio, v. 19. Elements of geometry, with notes. x, 208 [SCRITTORI class. ital. di econ. pol. v. 18-19]. pp. 80. London, J. Souter, 1833. s. Zantedeschi (Francesco). Trattato del mag- The elements of analytical geometry. xxi, netismo e della elettricitl. 2 v. 4 p. 1. 389 312 pp. 12~. London, J. Souter, 1833. s. pp. 21; 3 p.1. 546 pp. 31. 4 pl. 8~. Venezia, --- Elements of plane and spherical trigo- Tipografia armena di S. Lazzaro, 1844-45. s. nometry, with its applications to the princi- Zanth(Carl Ludwig). Architecture delaSicile. ples of navigation and nautical astronomy. See Hittorf (J. I.), and Zanth. xii, 208 pp. 12~. London, J. Souter, 1836. s. Zarate (Agustin de). Historia del descvbriYoung (John, of Nova Scotia). The letters of miento y conqvista de las provincias del Agricola on the principles of vegetation and Peru. 4 p. 1. 117 1. 3 1. fol. Sevilla, Alonso tillage. Written for Nova Scotia. 462 pp. 51. Escriuano, 1577. 80. Halifax, (N. S.) Holland & Co. 1822. The same. Historie dello scoprimento Young (Thomas, F. R. S.) A course of lectures et conqvista del Perv. Nvovamente tradotte on natural philosophy and the mechanical dal S. Alfonso Vlloa. viii, 294 pp. 80. Finarts. [With a catalogue of works relating to egia, G. Giolito de' Ferrari, 1563. natural philosophy and the mechanical arts]. Zauschner (Johann Baptist Joseph). Disser2 v. xxiv, 796 pp. 43 pl; xii, 738 pp. 15 pl. tatio de sale a mineralogis haud descripto, 4~. London, J. Johnson, 1807. acidularum coronariarum nomine insignito. 8 Young (The) lady of pleasure. [Being letters p.1. 184 pp. 12". Pragce, J. J. Clauser, 1768. s. on the formation of character. anon.] 316 pp. Zavala y AuIion (Miguel de). Representacion 120. Neew York, Am. tract soc. 1865. al rey Phelipe v. dirigida al mas seguro auYule (Henry). Cathay, and the way thither; mento del real erario, y conseguir la felicidad, being a collection of medieval notices of China. mayor alivio, riqueza, y abundancia de su Translated and edited, with a preliminary monarquia. 2 p. 1. 180 pp. sm. fol. [Madrid? essay on the intercourse between China and J. O. de Zavala], 1732. the western nations previous to the discovery Zeballos, or Cevallos, (Pedro Ordofiez de). of the Cape route. 2 v. ccliii, 250 pp; 596, See Ordoiez de Zeballos. xcviii pp. 2 maps. 8~. London, 1866. Zeiller(Martin). Collectanea; oder,nachdenck[HAKLUYT society publications, v. 36-37]. liche reden verwunderlich vnd seltzame gesCONTENTS. chichten vnd andere sonderbare sachen. 2 v. 1. Travels of friar Odoric; Letters and reports of parts in 1 v. 18 p. 1. 411 pp; 182 pp. 18~. missionary friars. v. 2. Cathay under the Mongols, extracted from Rash- Ulm, G. Wildeisen, 1658. id-uddin; Pegolotti's notices of the land route Zendavesta. Commentaire sur le yaina, l'un to Cathay; Marignolli's eastern travel; Ibn Batuta's travels in Bengal and China; Journal des livres religieux des Parses; [attribu6 A of Benedict Goes from Agra to Cathay. Zoroastre]; ouvrage contenant le texte zend Zabarella (Francesco, cardinal). Lectura sup. explique pour la premilre fois et la version clemetinis. 338 1. [with 1. iMS. index]. fol. sanscrite in6dite de Neriosengh. Par Eugene Bomce, Georifi Laur. de Heoripoli, 1477. Burnouf. v. 1 in 2 v. cx, cvi, 592 pp. 40~. Zachariai (Justus Friedrich Wilhelm). Les Paris, Imprimerie royale, 1833. quatre parties du jour, poeme traduit de Zeno (Caterino). Dei commentarii del viaggio l'Allemand [en prose, par Muller]. xx, 163 in Persia di Caterino Zeno, e delle guerre fatte pp. 18~. Amsterdam, D. J. Ccanguion, 1769. nell' imperio persiano dal tempo di VssuncasZaddach (Gustav). Untersuchungen tiber die sano in qua libri dye; et dello scoprimento entwickelung und den ban der gliederthiere. dell' isole Frislanda, Eslanda, Engrouelanda i. Die entwickelung des phrbyganiden-eies. (etc.) fatto sotto il polo artico, da due fratelli 2 p. 1. 138 pp. 5 pl. 40 Berlin, G. Reimer, Zeni, Nicolo e Antonio, libro uno. 6 p. 1. 53 1854. s. pp. 180. Venetia, Francesco larcolini, 1558. [No more published]. [Map wanting]..~~~~~~~~~~~~~[a w n ig. ~470 ZENTNER. ZURLA Zentner (L.) Une collection choisie de pay- Zinckgreff or Zincgrefe (Julius Wilhelm). sages; ou, un 6chantillon de chaqu'un des Emblematum ethico-politicorum centuria. meilleurs anciens maitres. A select collection Editio ultima. 8 p. 1. c pp. 3 1. sm. 40~. of landscapes from the best old masters, one Heidelbergce, C. Ammonius, 1666. of each, [with] portraits of the artists, and Zirkel (Ferdinand). Reise nach Island, 1860. biographical accounts of each. [Fr. and Engl.] See Preyer (W.) and Zirkel. 55 pl. obl. 8~. London, J. Thane, 1791. Zoller (Edmund). Die bibliothekwissenschaft Zernikow (Dr. — ). Die theorie der dampf- im umrisse. vi, 72 pp. 1 pl. 160. Stuttgart, maschinen. xii, 233 pp. 80. lBraunschweig, J. Weise, 1846. s. Fieweg, 1857. s. Zollickoffer (William, M. D.) A materia meZestermann (A. Charles Adolphe). De basil- dica of the United States, systematically aricis libri iii. 179 pp. 7 pl. 40. Bruxellis, M. ranged. 2d ed. 245 pp. 80. Baltimore, J. Hayez, 1847. s. Lovegrove, 1827. s. Zetterstedt (Johan Wilhelm). Diptera Scan- Zornlin (R. M.) Physical geography, for famidinavire disposita et descripta. 12 v. 80. lies and schools. Revised by W. L. Gage. xvi, Lundce, Officina lundbergiana, 1842-55. s. 159 pp. 16~. Boston, 2Alunroe & Co. 1855. s. Zetzsche (CarlEduard). Die copirtelegraphen, Zschokke (Johann Heinrich Daniel). Des die typendrucktelegraphen, und die doppel- Schweizerlands geschichte ftir das Schweizertelegraphie. vi, 198 pp. 80. Leipzig, B. G. volk. 2e antuflage. 260 pp. 8~. Aarau, H. R. Teubner, 1865. s. Scuerldinder, 1824. s. Ziegler (J. M.) Sammlung absoluterhibhen der I The history of the invasion of SwitzerSchweiz und der angrenzenden gegenden der land by the French, and the destruction of the nachbarlinder, als ergdinzung der karte in democratical republics Schwitz, Uri, and Unreduction von 1: 380,000. (German and terwalden. Translated from the French. vii, French). xiv, 398 pp. 1 map. 80~. Ziirich, 365 pp. 1 map. 8~0. London, J. Taylor, 1803. Ziircher & _Furre;r 1853. s. ~ Stray leaves from the German; or, select Ziemann(Julius Eduard). Comparatio colum- essays from Zschokke. By W. B. Flower. naevertebralis hominis cum eadem parte sceleti 29, 168 pp. 80~. London, Simpkin, Marshall mammalium et terrestrium et maritimorum. & Co. 1845. 30 pp. 1pl. 8~. Halis, Heynemanzn, 1848. s. Zschokke (Th.) Die wassermangel in einem Zimmermann (Eberhard August Wilhelm theile der Schweiz, besonders im kanton Aarvon). Specimen zoologiae geographicae,quad- gau im winter 1864-65. iv, 91 pp. 80. Aarau, rupedum domicilia et migrationes sistens. Aargauische naturf. gesellschaft, 1866. a. xxiv, 685 pp. 1 map. 40~. Lugduni Batccvo- Zuchold (Ernst Amandus). Bibliotheca cheM~um, 1777. s. mica. Verzeichnissoder auf dem gebiete der Zimmermann(JohannGeorg von). Aphorisms reinen, pharmaceutischen, physiologischen, and reflections on men, morals, and things. und technischen chemie, 1840-58, in DeutschTranslated from ns. with notes. 2 p. 1. 356 pp. land und im auslande erschienenen schriften. portrait. 16~. London, Vernor & Hood, 1800. vii, 342 pp. 8~. Gdttingen, Vandenhoeck & Zimmermann (R.) Abregd de l'histoire de la Reprecht, 1859. s. Suisse. Traduit par Ch. Richon. 2e 6d. 434 Bibliothecatheologica. Verzeichniss der pp. 8~. Lauesanne, Pache-Simnrnen, 1850. auf dem gebiete der evangelischen theologie, Zimmerlmaan (W. F. A.) Die wunder der wthrend der jahre 1830-62, in Deutschland welt; eine populare darstellung der geschichte erschienenen schriften. 1 v. in 2. vi, 1560 pp. der sch6pfung und des urzustandes unseres 8 Gdttingen, Vandeahoeck RBprecht, 1864. weltkoirpers sowie der verschiedenen entwick- Zundel (John). The choral friend; a collece rpersioden der obersflchien, et aufl. tion of new church music. 96 pp. 8o. New elungsperioden seiner oberfibchen, etc. 8e aufi. viii, 512pp. 1 col. pl. 8~. Berlin, G. Hemipel, York, A. S. Barnes & Co. 1852. s. 1855. s. Ziirich. Catalog der bibliothek der cantonal lehr[Der ERDBALL und seine naturwunder. v. 3. Abtheil 1]. anstalten. Bearbeitetvon O.F. Fritzsche. viii, Les ph6nomenes de la nature, leurs lois 932 pp. 8C. Ziirich, F. Walder c sohn, 1859. s. et leurs applications aux arts et A l'industrie. Zurla (Placido). Di Marco Polo e degli altri 2 v. 515 pp; 1 col. p]. 3 maps. 584 pp. 1 col. viaggiatori veneziani piu illustri dissertazioni; pI. 80. Bruxelles, C. Mulquardt, 1858. S. con appendice sopra le antiche mappe lavorate CONTENTS. in Venezia, e con quattro carte geografiche. v. 1. Electricit6, magn6tismC, galvanisme. 2 v. viii, 391 pp; 408 pp. 4 maps. 40. Venev. M. 6canique, acoustique, optique, calorique. zia, Giacomo Fiuchs, 1818. LAW BOOKS. ABBOT (George, archbishop of Canterbury). Thompson, at Kingston upon Thames, Aug. Memorials touching the nullity between [Rob- 1729. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. ert Devereux], earl of Essex, and his lady, r[I-ARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 9]. [Frances Howard], pronounced Sept. 1613, ADAIR (John). The law of costs, especially at Lambeth. fol. London, T. Wright, 1779. as administered in courts of equity. lii, 322 [IlARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 10]. pp. 8~. Dublin, Ponsonby, 1865. ABBOTT (Benjamin V. and Austin). A ALABAMA (State of). Laws, 1866. 8~. digest of the reports of the United States Montgomery, 1867. courts, and of the acts of congress, from the - Alabama reports. v. 37-38. By John W. organization of the government to the year Shepherd. 80. Montgomery, ]Barrett & Brown, 1867, comprising the reports of the United 1866-67. States supreme court, those of the circuit and ALLEN (Charles). Reports of cases in the district courts, and of the various territorial supreme judicial court of Massachusetts. v. and local courts established by the United 10-12. 8~. Boston, Houghton & Co. 1867. States; together with the leading provisions (2 copies.) of the statutes at large, and important auxilia- AMERICAN law register. v. 14. 80. Philary information upon the national jurispru- deiphia, Canfeld & Co. 1866. dence. v. 1-2. A-I. 80. Newu York, Dioss'y AMERICAN law review, 1866-67. v. 1. 764 4 Cockcroft, 1867, [21 copies of v. 1; 20 pp. 8~. Boston, Little, Brown & Co. 1867. copies of v. 2.) (2 copies.) Digest of' New York statutes and reports, AMES (Samuel). Law of private corporafrom July, 1863, to January, 1867, [v. 7.] 8O. tions. See ANGELL (Joseph K.) and eqew York, Baker, Voorhis & Co. 1867. (2 AMES. copies.) ANDERSON (Lionel), and others. Tryals — Reports of practice cases in the state of and condemnation for high treason as Romish New York. New series. v. 1 —2. 80~- Arew priests, Old-Baily, Jan. 1679. 1 p. 1. 53 pp. York, Diossy & Cockcroft, 1866-67. (2 copies.) fol. London, T. Collins, 1680. ABINGTON (Edward), and others. Trial, at [TRIALs for treason, v. 3]. Westminster, for high treason, Sept. 1586. _ The same. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 2]. [HARGRcAv's state trials, v. 1]. ANDERTON (William). Trial at the OldABRIDGIM!ENT (An) of the laws in force fol. and use in her majesty's plantations; (viz.) Lonlon, T. Wr1693, 1778. of Virginia, Jamaica, Barbadoes, Maryland, [ HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 8]. New England, New York, Carolina, etc. ANDRLEWE (Eusebius). Proceedings, exam[anon.] 2 p. 1. 475 pp. 80. London, J. Nich- ination, and trial, before the high court of olson, 1704. justice, Aug. 1650, for high treason. fol. ACCOLTI (Francesco). C5mentaria super London, T. Wright, 1778. titulo de verbo. obliga. et de duobus reis. [HARGRAvE'S state trials, -. 7]. 156 1. unp. fol. Piscie, imrpensis Sebastiani et ANGELL (Joseph K.) and AMES (Samuel). Raphaelis firat. et fil. Ser Jacobi Gerardi de Treatise on the law of private corporations Orlddis, 1486. aggregate. 8th ed. Revised, corrected, and ACTON (William). Trial of, for themurder of. enlarged, by John Lathrop. lviii, 843 pp. T. Bliss, J. Bromfield, R. Newton, and J. 8~. Boston, Little, Browrn & Co. 1866. 472 LAW BOOKS. ANGLESEY (Richard Annesley, 6th earl of). outlawry for high treason, etc. As also an See ANNESLEY. account of what passed at his execution, the ANNESLEY (James). Trial in ejectment. See 20th June, 1684. 8 pp. fol. London, Havne ANNESLEY (Richard). & Co. 1684. ~and READING (Joseph). Trial for the [ With BRADDON (Lawrence), and SPEI;KE (Hugh). murder of T. Egglestone, Old-Bailey, July, The same. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. 1742. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. [HARIGRAv's state trials, v. 3]. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 9]. ARNOLD (Edward). Trial for felony, (in ANNESLEY (Richard, 6th earl of Anglesey). maliciously shooting at and wounding the lord Thetrial in ejectmentbetweenCampbellCriaig, Onslow), Kingston-upon- Thames, March, lessee of James Annesley, and others, plain- 1724. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. tiff; and Richard [Annesley], earl of Angle- [HAnGRAVE'S state trials. v. 8J. sey, defendant; court of exchequer in Ire- ARUNDEL (Philip Howard, earl of). See land. Nov. 1743. 2p. 1. 259 pp. fol. London, HOWARD. J.,f P. Knapton, 1744. ASHBY (Mathew). Proceedings in the case ---- The same. fol. London, T. Wright, 1779. of Ashby and White. See WtITE (Wil[HAnGRAVE'S state trials, v. 9]. liam, mayor of Aylesbury, Eng.) and others. Trial, for an assault onHon. ASHTON (John). Trial for treason. See James Annesley, [and others], Athy, Aug. GRAHAM (Richard, viscount Preston), and 1744. fol. London, T. Wright, 1744, ASHTO;N. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 9]. i- True copy of part of that paper left in,'XNTIGUA. The lawvs of the island of Anltia friend's hands; [with] a letter in which he gua; consisting of the laws of the Leeward sent it enclosed. fol. London, IT. Wright, 1778. islands, commencing 8th November 1690, end- [HARGRAVE'S state trials. v. 8]. ing 21st April, 1798; and acts of Antigua, ASPD1EN (Matthias). Supreme court of the commencing 10th April 1668, ending 7th May U.S. [Dec. term, 1851.] John A. Brown, 1804. 2 v. lxvii, 584; xx, 636 pp. 40~. adm'r of John Aspden, of London; Samuel London, S. Bagster, 1805. Jackson, adm'r d. b. n. t. a. of John Aspden, ARCHBOLD (John Frederick). The practice of Lancashire; James McMurtrie and Reof the new county courts, with forms, and becca, his wife, et al. appellants, vs. Matthias the statutes and rules. 2d ed. xv, 278 pp. Aspden's adm'r d. b. n. c. t. a. et al. On apI map. 12~. London, Shaw & sons, 1847. peal from the circuit court for the eastern The joint stock companies acts, 19 and district of Penn'a. vii, 1209 pp. 80. [ Tash20 Vict. cap. 47, and the amendment act, 20 ington], J. Gideon, [1852]. and 21 Vict. cap. 14. xviii, 68 pp. 80. London, ATKINS ( Sir Robert). A defence of the Shaw & sons, 1857. late lord Russell's innocency. By way of anARGYLL (Archibald Campbell, marquess, and swer of an Antidote against poison. [By Sir 8th earl of). See CAMPBELL (Archibald). B. Shower. With] two letters upon the subARGYLL (Archibald Campbell, 9th earl of). ject of his lordship's trial. fol. London, T. See CAMPBELL (Archibald). Wright, 1776. ARIZONA (Territory of). Laws. 1865 and I HARnOAVE'S state trials, v. 3]. 1866. 2 v. 8~. Prescott, 1866-67. - The same. 26 pp. fol. London, T. GoodARKANSAS (State of). Acts of Congress win, 1689. and of the state of Arkansas, on the subject [cWith RUSSELL (William, Lord, etc.) History of the of swamp and overflowed lands, from 1850 whiggishplot]. to 1857. The lord Russell's innocency further de to 1857. 84 pp. 8~. Little Rock, Johnsorb & Yerkes, 1857. fended; in answer to the Magistracy and govLawkes,12,(cois;, 11829,51831, ernment of England further vindicated. [By 1833 1837-38, -43,24, 1844-45, 18254-55, Sir B. Shower.] fol. London, T. W71~right, 1833, 1837-38, 1842-43, 1844-45, 1854-55, 1860-61, 1862, (2 copies of each); and 1866- ARGRA state trials, v. 3]. [HARG6RAVE'S state trials, v. 3]. 67, (4 copies). 26 v. 8~. Little Rock, 1824-67. ATKINS (Samuel). Account of his examinaARKANSAS (State of). Arkansas reports. tion before the committee of lords appointed v. 24. By L. E. Barber. 8~. Little Rock, to examine after the murder of Sir EdmundWoodruff & Blocker, 1867. (2 copies). bury Godfrey. fol. London, T. Wright, ARMSTRONG (Sir Thomas). Proceedings 1778. against [him] in the king's bench, upon an [HAnonAvE's state trials v. 8]. LAW BOOKS. 473 ATKINS(Samuel). Trial for being accessary Traduit de l'Italien d'apres Ia derniare 6d. to the murder of Sir Edmundbury Godfrey, 4 v. 80. Paris, H. Casterman, 1857. king's bench, Feb. 1679. fol. London, T. BABINGTON (Anthony), and others. ProWright, 1776. ceedings against [them] at Westminster for [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 2]. high treason, Sept. 1586. fol. London, T. ATKINS (William). Trial at Stafford for Wright, 1776. high treason, being a Romish priest, Aug. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 1]. 1679. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. BACON (A. O.) Digest of the decisions of the [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 2]. supreme court of Georgia, from vols. 21 to 30, rH hnesave'. SB M (Aa inclusive. xii, 663 pp. 8;. Miacon, Burke & ------ The same. See BROMMICH (A.) and Co. 1867 ATKINS (W.) BAC:ON (Francis, baron Ve'rulam, viscounzt St. ATTERBURY (Francis, bishop of Rochester, BACON (Francis, baron erla viscount St..Albanns, lord charncellor of _Enyland). Proand others). Proceedings in parliament against ceedings in parliament against [him], upon [them], upon bills of pains and penalties for an impeachment for bribery and corruption a treasonable colnspiracy, May, 1723. fol. in the execution of his office, March, 1620. London, T. Wright, 1777. fol. London, T. Wriht 1776. [HARenAVE's state trials, v. 6]. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 1]. AUBRY (Charles Marie Barbe Antoine), and BACON (John). Liber regis, vel thesaurus RAU (Carl Heinrich). Cours de droit frangais rerum ecclesiasticarum. xvii, 1391 pp. 40~. d'aprbs l'ouvrage allemand de Carl Salomon London, J. NTichols, 1786. Zacharize von Lingenthal. 3e 6d. entirement BACON (Matthew). Comnpleat arbitrator; or, refondue et compl6tae. 6 v. 8~. Paris, Coste, the law of awards. 3d ed. xii, 310 pp. 211. 18556-58. 80. London, J. Worrall, 1770. AUDISIO (Guglielmo). Droitpublic de l'6glise _ _ New abridgment of the law. To which et des nations chr6tiennes. Traduit de l'Italien are added notes and references to American avec approbation de l'auteur, par M. le chan- law and decisions, by John Bouvier. 10 v. 80. oine Labis. 3 v. 8~. Louvain, C. Peeters, Philadelphia, 1856. 1864-65. BADELEY (Edward). The privilege of reliIdee historique et rationelle de la diplo- gious confessions in English courts of justice matie eccl6siastique. Traduite de l'Italien, avec considered, in letter to a friend. 79pp. 85. approbation de l'auteur, par M. le chanoine Lon, Buttetwortos, 1865. Labis. 520 pp. 8~. Louvain, C. Peeters, BADEN. (Gustav Ludvig). Forsog til et 1865. dansk-norsk juridisk ord- og sag-leksikon. AUDLEY (Mervin Touchet, earl of Castle- iv, 348 pp. 160~. Odense, S. iesempel, 1814. haven, bardon). See TOUCIHET. BAGLEY (William). The new practice of the AURELIUS (J. R.) See ROBERT (Jean). courts of law at Westminster. xliv, 704 pp. AUSTIN (John). Lectures on jurisprudence; 8~. London, A. faxwell, 1840. being the sequel to "the province of juris BAHAM (Alfred, John, and Marvin). Parprudence determined." To which are added ticulars of the murder of Nathan Adler, on the notes and fragments. v. 2 and 3. 80. London, night of November 6th, 1842, in Venice, New John lMurray, 1863. York, including the whole testimony taken by The province of jurisprudence deter- the coroner and the inquisition, and arrest of mined. 2d ed. [v. 1.] 80. London, John the three Bahams. 69 pp. 8o. Albany, Finln 3zIsrx acy, 1861.. l4& Rockwell, 1850. AUSTIN (L. S.) v. Sande] (Mary). Argu- BAILLIE (David). Proceedings before the ment in the supreme court of Louisiana upon lords of the council in Scotland against [him], the liability of debtors to pay the unpaid price Feb. 1704, for defaming [James Douglas], of slaves. By J. H. Muse. 22 pp. 80. [n.p. duke of Queensbury, and [William John1867]. stone], marquis of Anandale. fol. London, AYCKBOURN (Hubert). The practice of T. Wright, -1778. the high court of chancery, as altered by recent [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 8]. statutes. 8th ed. By J. Napier Higgins. xlviii, BAILLIE (Robert). Trial in Scotland for 710 pp. 120. London, Wildy & sons, 1866. high treason, Dec. 1684. fol. London, 2'. AZEGLIO (Luigi Taparelli d'). Essai the- Wright, 1776. orique de droit naturel basd sur les faites. [HARGRAVE's state trials, v. 3]. (60 474 LAW BOOKS. BAKER (Thomas). The laws relating to BARINETTE (Pietro). Diritto romano; salmon fisheries in Great Britain, including parte generale. 1. Idee fondamentali intorno the Scotch bye-laws. vi, 206 pp. 12~. Lon- a] diritto ed alle leggi. 2. Delle persone. don, Horace Cox, 1866. 3. Delle cose. 4. Delle azioni. 6 p. 1. 288 pp. BALBO (J. P.) Constitutions r6publicaines 8~. Milano, Vallardi, 1864. du globe. France, iItats-Unis (amend6e), BARNARD (William). Trial, Old-Bailey, Delaware (6tat), Saint-Domingue (revis6e), May, 1758, on the black act, for sending a letItalie, Venise, G6ues, St. Marin, Allemagne, ter in a fictitious name to Charles [Churchill], (conf.) Bavidre (6tat), Suisse, (conf6d.) Vaud duke of Marlborough, demanding a genteel (canton). Texte officiel. 259 pp. 120. Paris, support for life. fol. London, T. ~Wright, 1799. Benard et Cie. 1848. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 10]. BALMERINOCiH (Sir James Elphinstone, BARNARDISTOlN (Sir Samuel). Trial, at 1st lord). See ELPHEI:NSTONE. the Guild-iall of London, for a misdemeanor, BALIMERINOCH (Sir John Elphinstone, 2d Feb. 1683. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. lord). See ELPHINSTOQNE. [HARGnAVE'S state trials, v. 3]. BALTIMOREE (Frederick Calvert, 7th baron). - Proceedings in the court of king's See CALVE1RT. bench, 1674. Parliamentary election case. BAMBRIDGtE (Thomas), Several proceed- See Soame (Sir William). ings relative to the bailing of Mr. Bambridge, BARRY (William Whittaker). A treatise on both at the king's-bench and the Old-Bailey, the law and practice of benefit building socie1729, previous to his trial for felony. fol. ties; withrules and forms. xx, 189 pp. 12~. London, T. Wright, 1778. London, Horace Cox, 1866. [HAnGRAvE's state trials, v. 91]. BARTHOLUS. See BARTOLO, da Sasso Trial for felony, Old-Bailey, Dec. 1729. Perrato. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. BARTOLO, da Sasso-ferrato. In dvodecim [HARnRAvE's state trials, v. 9]. libros codicis commentaria. Studio et opera Trial for the murder of Robert Castell, Iac. Concenatii, [etc.] 28 p. 1. 969 pp. fol. Old-Bailey, May, 1729. fol. London, T. Basilece, Froben, 1562. s. Wright, 1778. In institutiones et authenticas comnmen[HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 9]. taria. Eivsdem tractatvs xxxix. Stvdio et -- and COl RBETT (Richard). Trial, at opera Iac. Concenatii, [etc.] 22 p. 1. 758 pp. Guildhall, London, on an appeal, for the mur- fol. Basilece, Pfroben, 1562. s. der of Robert Castell, Jan. 1730. fol. London, - In ivs vniversvm civile commentarlia. e. mrioget, 1778. Stvdio et opera lac. Concenatii [etc.] 3 v. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 9]. fol. Basilece, Froben, 1562. s. BANBURY (Charles Knollys, claiming to be BAST (Louis Am6dee de). Les galeries du earl of). ~See NOLLYS. palais de justice de Paris; miceurs, usages, BARBADOES. Acts of assembly from 1648 coutumes, et traditions judiciaires, 1280-1780. to 1732. [With] an abridgment. 484 pp. fol. 4 v. 8~. Paris, Le'vyfrses, 1831-54. Londclon, J. Baskett, 1732. BASTWICK (John, ll. D.) acd others. ProBA:IRBOSA (SManluel). IRemissiones doctorum ceedings in the star-chamber against [them], de officiis pvblicis, jvrisdictione, et ordine for several libels, June, 1639. Wrote by thei jvdiciario. Accessere castigationes et aditi- friends. fol. London, T. Wight, 1776. [HAncRGRAVE'S state trials, v. 1j. menta ad remissiones libri quarti, et quinti BATEMAN (Charles, surgeon). Trial, at the ordin. reg. Rev. per Avgvstinvim Barbosa. Old-Bailey, for high treason, Dec. 1685. fol. l p. 1. 480 pp. 361. 56 pp. 61. 40. Vlyssipone, London T. Wright, 1777. Gr acesbeect 162I0~. [HARGRAvE's state trials, v. 4]. BARBOT (John). Trial for tile murder of BATES (John). The case of impositions, on Mathew Mills, at Basseterre, Island of St. an information in the exchequer against Christopher, Jan. 1753. fol. London, T. [him], 1604. fol. London, T. Wright, 1781. Wright, 1779. [HARGRAVE's state trials, v. 11]. [HAnnGAvE's state trials, v. 101. BATHURST (Charles). Proceedings in the BARBOUR (Oliver L.) Reports of cases in house of peers and house of commons on [his] law and equity in the supreme court of the case, in Jan. 1703. fol. London, T. Wright, state of New York. v. 45-48. 8~0. Albany, 1778. W. C. Little, 1866-68. (2 copies.) [FiARGAva's state trials, v. s8]. LAW BOOKS. 475 BATTEN (Edmond Chisholm ), and LUD- test against the proposed repeal of the neuLOW (Henry). A treatise on the jurisdic- trality laws, and a plea for their improvement tion, pleadings, and practice of the county and consolidation. vii, 212 pp. 8~. Boston, courts, in equity. xlix, 524 pp. 8~. Lon- Little, Brown & Co. 1866. don, WTillicam Ame', 1866. Hasty recognition of rebel belligerency, BATTRAGH (William). Trial for treason. and our right to complain of it. ix, 57 pp. 8~. See CIHADWICK (Thomas), and BAT- Boston, Williams 4 Co. [1865]. TRAGH. BENNETT (G. C.) See STRONG (D.) BAXTER (Rev. Richard). Proceedings against BENTINCK (William, 1st earl of Portland), [him], for a seditious libel, intituled, A para- andothers. Proceedings in parliament against phrase on the testament, Guildhall, May, 1685. [them] upon an impeachment for high crimes fol. London, T. Wright, 1779. and misdemeanors, 1701. fol. London,, T. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 10]. W'sight, 1777. BAYARD (Col. Nicholas). Trial, in the pro [HARGRAVE'S state trials. v. 5J. vince of New York, for high treason, Feb. BERAULT (Josias). La covstvme reform6e 1702. fol. London, T. Wright, 1777. dv pays et dvch6 de Normandie, anciens res[HARGRAVE'S state trials, V. 51. sorts et enclaus d'iceluy. Avec les commentBAYNTON (Sarah), and others. Trials for aires, annotations, et arrests donnez sur l'inforceably taking away Mrs. Pleasant Rawlins, terpretation d'icelle. 2e Ed. 8 p. 1. 1064, 6 pp. and procuring her to be married to Haagen 18 1. 40. Roven, D. dv Petit Val, 1614. Swendsen. Queen's bench, Nov. 1702. fol. BERNARDI (John), and others. The case, London, T. Wrigjht, 1777. with the proceedings against [them] on ac[HARGRAVE'S state trials. v. 5]. count of the assassination plot, 1695. Wrote BEAUFORT (F. L.) Digest of the criminal by J. Bernardi, after he had been thirty-three law of the presidency of Fort William, and years a prisoner. fol. London, T. Wright, guide to all criminal authorities therein. lxiii, 1799. 1000 pp. 40~. Calcutta, R. C. Lepage, 1850. [HAeGRAVE'S state trials. v. 10]. BEDDINGFIELD (Margery), and RINGE BERWICK (John). Trial for high treason; (Richard). Genuine trial, at the assizes Southwark, July, 1746. fol. London, T. held at Bury St. Edmund's, 21st March, 1763, riviht, 1778. for petty treason and murder. 44 pp. 80. [HAtARGRAVE's state trials. v. 9]. London, Davis & Rymers, 1763. BEST (William Mawdesley) and SMITH BEDFORD (Francis Russell, 4th earl of). See (George James Philip). Report of cases in RUSSELL. the court of queen's bench, and the court, of BEDLOW or BEDLOE ( Capt. William ). exchequer chamber, on appeal from the court Examination relating to the popish plot, taken of queen's bench. v. 6. 80. London, -L. Sweet, in his last sickness by Sir F. North. [With] 1867. the narrative of Sir F. North at the council BETHEL (Slingsby). Trial for an assault and board, [etc.] 16 pp. fol. London, assigns battery on Robert Mason, Southwark, Oct. of J. Bill, 1680. 1681. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. [Trials for treason, v. 31. [HARGRAVE'S state trials. v. 3]. - The same. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. BINGHAM (Anson). A treatise on the law [HARGRAvE's state trials, v. 8J. of real property. xvi, 698 pp. 8~0. Albany, BELL (John). A copious and practical treatise Author, 1868. on the game laws, including all the statutes BIOCHE (Charles Jules Armand). Trait6 des connected therewith; and the law and prac- actions possessoires contenant l'expos6 coatice of appeals against charges by surveyors plet de la jurisprudence, l'opinion des auteurs, of taxes; with a chapter on the property in suivi de formules. xxiv, 452 pp. 80. Paris, animals ferm nature, and on forest lands. A. Durand, 1865. xxiii, 443 pp. 12~. London, W. Crofts, 1839. BLACKSTONE (Sir William). CommenBELL (William H.) Trial. See HALL (Lu- taries abridged. See CURRY (William). ciLan, and others). Trial. BLAGUE or BLAGG (William). Trial at iBESLLO (Andres). Principios de derecho inter- the Old Bailey for high treason, July, 1683. nacional. 2a ed. Aumentada y corregida por el fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. autor. iv, 302 pp. 80. Paris, Garnier, 1864. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 3]. BEMIS (George). American neutrality: its The same. See WALCOT (Thomas) honorale past, its expedient future. A pro- and others. Trial, etc. 476 LAW BOOKS. BLANDY(Mary). Trialforthemurder ofher of Thomas Thynn, Feb. 1681. fol. London, father, Francis Blandy, Oxford, Feb. 1752. T. Wriyht, 1776. fol. London, T. Wr'ight, 1779. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 3]. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 10]. BOSTON (City of). A digest of decisions of BLATCHFORD (Samuel). Reports of cases municipal interest, of the supreme judicial in prize, in the circuit and district courts of court of Massachusetts, 1804-65. Published the United States, for the southern district of by order of the city council of Boston. [By New York, 1861-65. viii, 729 pp. 8~. New James C. Davis]. viii, 157 pp. 8~. Boston, York, Baker, Voorhis j Co. 1866. Farwell &, Co. 1866. BLOODGOOD (F.) See VAN RENSSEL- BOTHWELL (James Hepburn, 4th ear~l of). AER (S.) See HEPBURN. BLUNT (Sir Christopher), and others. Trial BOUCHER (James). Proceedings against for high treason; March, 1600. fol. London, [him], at the queen's bench, for high treaT. Wright, 1776. son, Feb. 1704. fol. London, T. Wright, 1777. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 11. rHARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 5J. BLUNTSCHLI (Johann Caspar). Das mod- i Proceedings in the house of commons erne kriegsrecht der civilisirten staaten als and house of lords, relative to [him]. fol. rechtsbuch dargestellt. iv, 69 pp. 80. N2rd- London, T. Wright, 1778. lingen, Beck, 1866. [HAIGRAVE'S state trials, v. 5]. BOEHMER (Justus Henning). Jus ecclesias- BOUVIER (John). Law dictionary, adapted ticum, usum modernum juris canonici juxta to the constitution and laws of the United seriem decretalium ostendens. 3a ed. 5 v. 40~. States of America, and the several States of Halce, Orphanotrophei, 1730-36. the Union. 11th ed. revised, improved and BOHUN (Edmund). Defence of Sir Robert greatly enlarged. 2 v. xi, 692 pp; 827 pp. Filmer against the mistakes and misrepresen- 80. Philadelphia, G. W. Childs, 1866. tations of Algernon Sidney; in a paper de- The same. 12th ed. Revised and greatly livered by him to the sheriffs upon the scaffold enlarged. 2 v. viii, 780 pp; 782 pp. 8~. on Tower Hill. December 17th, 1863, before Philadelphia, G. W. Childs, 1868. his execution there. 16 pp. fol. London, W. BOYD (William, 4th earl of Kilmarnock) and Kettilby, i684. others. The whole proceedings in the house [ Wth SIDNEY (Algernon). Arraignment, trial, etc. of peers, upon the indictments against [them] 1684]. 16E4N (Anne,]ueen of England), BO-. for high treason, Aug. 1746. fol. London, T. BOLEYN (Anne, queen of England), BO- Wright, 1778.. LEYINC (George), viscount Rochford, and [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 91. others. Trials for high treason, May, 1536. BRADDON (Laurence). The earl of Essex's fol. London, T. Wright, 1781. [R. Devereux] innocency and honour vindi[IHARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 11J. cated. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. BO0NNEiA~T (Stede), and others, TriaIs at BONNET (tede), and others Trials at [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 3]. Charles-town, in South Carolina, for piracy; Oct. 1718. fol. London, T. Wright, 1777. and Speke (Hugh). Tryal upon an [HXAnGRAvE's state trials, v. 6]. information of high misdemeanour, subornaBOOTH (Henry, 2d baron Delamere, 1st earl tion and spreading false reports. Thereby to of Warrington). The late lord Russel's case, raise a belief that the late earl of Essex did with observations upon it. 1 p. 1. 15 pp. fol. not murther himself in the tower. 2 p. 1. 78 London, A. Churchill, 1689. pp. fol. London, B. Tooke, 1684. [Trials for treason, v. 5]. The same. 1684. Tryalfor high treason,WestminsterHall, [Trials for treason, v. 4). Jan. 1685, [1686]. 2 p. 1. 87 pp. fol. London, - The same. fol. London, 1T Wright, 1776. D. Newman, 1686. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 3]. [Trials for treason, v. 4]. BRADSHAW (James). Trial at Southwark, _-___- The same. Oct. 1746, for high treason. fol. London, T. [Trials for treason, v. 6]. Wright, 1778. The same. fol. London, T. Wright, 1777. [HARGlRAVES state trials, v. 9]. L[HAnGRAVE'S state trials, v. 41. BRAZIL. Constituiqao politica do imperio do BO3RATZI. See BOROSKY. Brasil, seguida da lei das reformas consstituBOtROSKY or BORATZI (Carol Jerzy) and cionaes.. 35 pp. 120.. Sio Paulo, Garraux ot7hers. Trial at the OldBailey, for the murder 4o Ca. [1834]. LAW BOOKS. 477 BRETT ( -, of Drogheda). The case of cases. xxviii, 1012 pp. 8~. London, W. Maxmixed money in Ireland, 1605. [Gilbert vs. well, 1866. Brett]. fol. London, T. Wright, 1781. --- Selection of legal maxims, classified and [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 11]. illustrated. 5th Am. from the 3d London ed. BREULIER (Adolphe), and DESNOS- with references to American cases. 8b. PhilaGARDISSAL (Charles). Du regime de delphia, 1864. l'invention. Examen des am61iorations pro- BROWN (William). Formulae bene placitandi. pos6es i la legislation relative aux inventions, A book of entries, containing variety of choice A propos du nouveau projet de loi sur les br- precedents. In two parts. 2d ed. 1 p. I. 375 vets. 160 pp. 80. Paris, A. Durand, 1862. pp. 10 1; 2 p. 1. 295 pp. 6 1. fol. London, BREWSTER (Thomas), and others. Trial for Place, Basset & Place, 1675. misdemeanors, Old Bailey, Feb. 1664. fol. BROWNE (G. Latham). A treatise on the London, T. Wright, 1776. companies act, 1862, with special reference [HAtGRAvE'S state trials, v. 2]. to winding up, for the purposes of reconstrucBRIG~HTLY (Frederick C.) Analytical digest tion or amalgamation, with forms and preceof the laws of the United States, 1857-65. v. 2. dents. xl 460 pp. 8~. London, Stevens 4 80. Philadelphia, Kay & bro. 1865. (2 copies). laynes, 1867. Annual digest of the laws of Pennsylva- BRUCE (Alexander). Principiajuris feudalis, nia, 1862-67. 80. Philadelphia, Hay & bro. institutionurm imperialium methodo, (quantum 1867. materiae feudalis ratio patitur,) disposita. xxiv, BRITTON (John). [Ancient pleas of the 352 pp. 120. Edinburgi, R. Freebairn, 1713. crown]. The French text carefully revised, BRUCE (Michael). Trial of, 1816. See with an English translation, introduction, and WILSON (Sir R. T. etc.) notes, by Francis Morgan Nichols. 2 v. lxv, BRUNNEMANN (Johann). Commentarivs 419 pp; 399 pp. 80. London, AMacamillan 4 Co. in dvodecim libros codicis jvstineanei. Ed. no1865. vissima. 8 p. 1. 684 pp. 43 1. fol. Lugduzi, BROADFOOT (Alexander). The case of Buguetan et Barbier, 1669. pressing mariners, for his majesty's service, BUCKINGRAM (Edward de Stafford, 3d argued on [his] trial for murder, Bristol, duke of). See STAPPORD (Edward). Aug. 1743. fol. London, T. Wright, 1781. BUDB orBUDE (Guillaume). Annota[HARGRAvE'S State trials, V. 11]. tiones in quatuor et viginti pandectarum B:RODWAY (Giles). Trial fbr rape and BRODWAY (Giles). Trial for rapeL.) and libros, et annotationes reliquee. 2 p. 1. 381 3BR.OD WAY. pp. 9 1; 143 pp. 3 1. fol. Paris, B. Stefanus, 1535. BROMMf.ICHE (Andrew). Trial at Stafford 1535. o r high treason, being a Romish* priest* Aug. BULLETIN des arrets de la cour de cassation.for hih treason, being a Romish priest, Aug. rendus en matiere civile. v. 67. Ann6e 1865. 1679. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. 8~. Paris, Imprimerie imlapriale, 1866. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 2]. r and ATKYNe S (William). The tryal BULLETIN des arrets de la cour de cassation rendus en mati~re criminelle. v. 70. Ann~e and condemnation of two popish priests, A. 1865. 8~. Paris,!Imprimerie imoriale, Brommich and W. Atkyns, for high treason,s, imriale, Stafford, Aug. 1679. With an account of the 1866. equivocation of some witnesses there pro- BULLINGBROOKE (Edward, LL. D.) The duced. [anon.] 8 pp. fol. London, J. Amery, duty and authority of justices of the peace and 1679. parish officers for Ireland, revised by James [Trials for treason, v. 1]. Goddard Butler. xix, 911 pp. 10 I. 40. The same. [With] the tryal of Charles Dublin, George Grierson, 1788. Kern, Hereford, 1679. 20pp. fol. London, BJNYAN (Charles John). The law of fire B. Pawlett, 1679. insurance. xii, 291 pp. 80. London, Charles [Trials for treason, v. 2]. & Edwin Layton, 1867. BROOKE (Richard). A treatise on the office BURKE (Thomas). Trial of. See FRASER and practice of a notary of England, with a and VANDERPOOL. full collection of precedents. 3d ed. Edited by BURNET (Gilbert, bishop of Salisbury). Leone Levi. xvi, 473 pp. 8~. London, Stevens Speech in the house of lords on the first article & sons, 1867. of impeachment of Dr. Henry Sacheverell. BROOM (Herbert). Constitutional law viewed 6pp. fol. London, J. Mlorphew, 1710. in relation to common law, and exemplified by r With SACHEVERELL (Henry). Tryal, 1710]. 47 8 LAW BOOKS. BURTON ( Henry, B. D. ) Proceedings CALVIN (Robert). The case ot the postnati, against, in the star-chamber, for libel, June or of the union of the realm of Scotland with 1639. See BASTWICK (John) cand others. England, 1607. fol. London, T. Wfright, BUSBY (George). Tryal and condemnation 1781. for high treason, as a Romish priest and [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 11]. jesuite, Derby, July, 1681. 1 p. 1. 38 pp. CAMBRIDGE (University of). Proceedings fol. London, B. Taylor, 1681. in the case of Alban Francis, 1687. See [Trials for treason, v. 3]. PEACHELL (John, vice-chancellor), and The same. fol. London, T. Wr ight, 1776. CAMBRIDGE (University of). [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 3]. CAMERON (Archibald, M1. D.) Proceedings BUTLER, alias STRICKLAND (Mary). against, king's bench, May, 1753, on the bill Trial at the Old Bailey, for forging a bond of of attainder, for being in the rebellion, 1745. 40,0001. in the name of R. Clayton, Oct. 1699. fol. London, T. Wright, 1779. fol. London, T. Wright, 1777. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 10]. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 5]. CAMPBELL (Archibald, marqTeess and 8th BYLES (Sir John Barnard). A treatise on earl of Argyll). Proceedings in Scotland the law of bills of exchange, promissory against [him], 1661, for high treason. fol. notes, bank notes, and checks. 5th Am. from London, T. Wright, 1776. the 9th Lond. ed. by George Sharswood. lxii, [HARGnAAvE's state trials, v. 2]. 760 pp. 8~. Philadelphia, T. 4 J. W. Johnson r The same. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. 4' Co. 1867. [HARGRAVE's state trials, v. 7]. BI:YNG (admiral John). Trial at a court-mar- CAMPBtELL (Archibald, 9th7 earl of Argyll). tial on board the St. George, in Portsmouth Trial, in Scotland, for treason, Nov. 1681. fol. harbour, Dec. 1756, for an inquiry into his London, T. Wright, 1776. conduct while he commanded in the Mediter- [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 3]. ranean, [with] his defence; likewise an ap- CAMUS (Armand Gaston). Profession d'avopendix. Taken in short-hand, by T. Cook. cat. Bibliotheque choisie des livres de droit v, 595 pp. 8~. London, J. Lacy, 1757. qu'il estla plus utile d'acqu6rir et de connaitre. BYRON (William, 5th baron Byron). Trial in 5e 6d. revue et augment6e. Par M. Dupin the house of peers, for the murder of William ain6. 2 v. xx, 740 pp; xvi, 879 pp. 80. Chaworth, April, 1765. fol. London, T. Paris, A. Gobelet, 1832. Wright, 1779. CANADA. Statutes of the province of Canada, [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 10]. 1866. 80. Ottawva, 1866. CABRYE (E. D.) Du droit de r6tention. CANADA, West. Reports of cases in the court (Droit romain. Ancien droit frangais. Droit of queen's bench, by C. Robinson. v. 25. 80. actuel). 216 pp. 8~. Paris, A. Durand, 1860. Toronto, H. Rowsell, 1867. CALAS (Jean). Trial. $ee VOLTAIRE. CANNING (Elizabeth). Trial for wilful and CALIFORNIA reports, v. 28-31. By C. corrupt perjury, Old Bailey, May, 1754. fol. A. Tuttle. 8~. Sacramento, S. Wh7itney, etc. London, T. Wright, 1779. 1866-67. (3 copies of v. 29-30). [HAGIRAVE'S state trials, v. 10]. CALLAN (John F.) Laws of the United See VOLTAIRE (F. M. Arouet de). States relating to the navy and marine corps, CANOVAS DEL CASTILLO (Emilio). from the formation of the government to the Diccionario de derecho espaniol. See COSend of the 38th congress, 1864-65. 464, 190 GAYON (Fernando). pp. 80. Baltimore, Muphy & Co. 1866. CANTERBURY (George Abbot, archbishop CALTHROP or CALTHORP (Sir Henry). of). See ABBOT. Reports of speciall cases touching severall CANTERBURY (William Laud, archbishop customs and liberties of the city of London. of). See LAUD. 3 p. 1. 177 pp. 120. London, A. Roper, 1655. CANTERBURY (William Sancroft, archCALVERT (Frederick, 7th baron Baltimore). bishop of). See SANCROFT. The trial of... for a rape on the body of Sarah CANTERBURY (Thomas Tenison, archWoodcock; and of Eliz. Griffinburg, and Ann bishop of). See TENISON. Harvey, otherwiseDarby, as accessaries before CANTERBURY (William Wake, archbishop the fact. Before the hon. sir Sydney Stafford of). See WAKE. Smythe, 26th March, 1768. 167 pp. 80. CAPETOWN (William Long, bishop of). See Edinburgh, John, Balfour, [ 1768]. LONG. LAW BOOKS. 479 CAPMANIyMONTPALAU (Antonio de). select council, for contempt in refusing to Practica y estilo de celebrar cortes, en el reino answer fully before the privy council, 1614. de Aragon, principado de Catalufia y reino de fol. London, T. Wright, 1781. Valencia, y una noticia de las de Castilla y [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 11]. Navarra. [Con reglamento de los comunes CAVENDISH (William, 1st duke and 4th earl para discutir y votar]. 8~..Madrid, Jose del of Devonshire). [His] case, on an informaCollado, 1821. tion in the king's bench, in 1687, for assaultCARETTE (Antoine Auguste). Recueil des ing Col. Culpepper in the king's palace. fol. lois et des arrets. See DEVILLENEUVE. London, T. TrFight, 1781. CARNEGIE (James). Trial, at Edinburgh, [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 11]. July, 1728, for the murder of Charles [Lyon], CELLIER (Elizabeth). Malice defeated; or a earl of Strathmore. fol. London, T. Wright, brief relation of [her] accusation and deliv1778. eranrce. With an abstract of her arraignment [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 9]. and trial. 1 p. 1. 48 pp. fol. London,, E. CARR (Frances, born Howard, countess of Sorm- Cellier, 1 e80. erset). See H-OWARD (Frances). for treason, ] - Tryal and sentence, for writing, printCARR (Henry). Trial, at the Guild-Hall of Tral and sentence, for writing, printing, and publishing a scandalous libel, call'd London, for a libel, July, 1680. fol. London, i ~Wrigh ~t, 1776.~ ~Malice defeated, etc. Old-Bailey, Sept. 1680. T.AR WRigES hta1 trials v. 339 pp. fol. London, T. Collins, 1680. [HARG:RAVE'S state trials, v. 3]. [TRIALS for treason, v. 3J. CARR (Robert, viscount Rochester, earl of — _ The same. fol. London T. Wright, 1776. Somerset). Trial for the murder of Sir IHARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 3]. Thomas Overbury, May, 1616. fol. London, -~ Trial, at the king's bench, for high treaT. Wright, 1776. son, June 1680. fol. London, T. Wriyht, [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 1J. 1776. CARRINGTON (Nathan), and others. The [HARuGRAvr'S state trials, v. 3]. case of seizure of papers, being an action of CHADWICK (Thomas), and BATTRAGH trespass by John Entick against N. Carring- (William). Trials for high treason, Southton and three others, messengers in ordinary wark, July, 1746. fol. London, T. Wright, to the king, in the court of common pleas, 1778. 1765. fol. London, T. Wricght, 1781. [iIARsRAVE's state trials, v. 9]. [HARGleAvE'S state trials, v. CH J. @BZCPAMBE~RS (Richard). Proceedings against CASE (The) of the [London] bankers in the [him], in the star chamber, for seditious court of exchequer, and afterwards in the speeches before the privy council, 1629. fol. exchequer chamber and parliament, 1690-99. London, T. Wright, 1781. - [1ARGRAVE'S state trials, v. Il]. b, fol. London, T. Tlright, 1781. CHARLES I (king of England). Trial before LHARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 11]. [AS EnAVEs tMerialsu, v. ].erl the high court of justice for high treason, Jan. 1648. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. of). See TOUCHET. [HARG1AVE'S state trials, v. 1]. CASTLEMqAIN:E (Roger Palmer, elar~l of ). -- Journal of the high court of justice for See PALMER. [his] trial, as it was read in the house of CAUSE res et intrsstes, vec les commons, and attested under the hand of jugemens qui lee ont d6cid6es. R~dig6es de Phelps, clerk to that court; with additions nouveau par M. [Franvois] Richer. 22 v. lby J. Nalson. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. 12~. Amsterdamn M1. Rhey, 1772-88. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 1]. CAUSG ES c6lebres, curieuses et int6ressantes, CHARNOCK (Robert), and others. Trials at de toutes les cours souveraines du royaume, the Old Bailey, for high treason, March, 1695. avec les jugemens qui les ont ddcidsdes. [Par fol. London, T. Wright, 1777. Frai9gois Richer]. 180 v. in 61 v. 120. Paris, [HnRGRAVE'S state trials, v. 4]. P. G. Simon, 1773-89. CHAUVEAU (Adolphe), and HELLIE (FausCAVENAGHI (Maurice), and others. Trial, tin). Theorie du code p6nal. 2e 6d. 6 v. 80. in Ireland, for felony, March, 1689. fol. Lon- Paris, E. Legrand, 1843. s. don, T. WJright, 1777. CHETWYND (William). Trial for the mur[HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 4]. der of Thomas Ricketts, Old Bailey, Oct. 1743. CAVENDISHE (Mary, countess of Shrews- fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. bury). Proceedings against [her], before a [HARGRAYE'S state trials, v. 9]. 480 LAW BOOKS. CHITTY (Joseph,jr.) Precedents in pleading; COBHAM (Sir John Oldcastle, baron). See with copious notes on pleading, practice, and OLDCASTLE. evidence. 3d ed. By Thomas Chitty, and by COHEN (Jacob I.) and LEE (James Fenner). Leofric Temple and R. G. Williams. Part i. Digest of the Maryland reports, from the ninth cii, 527 pp. 80. London, Butterworths, 1867. to the twentieth volume, inclusive. xl, 529 pp. CHRISTIAN (Edward). Charges delivered 8~. Baltimore, Cushings & Bailey, 1866. (2 to grand juries in the Isle of Ely, upon libels, copies). vagrants, criminal law, religion, rebellious COKE (Arundel). Trial for felony. See assemblies, etc. 2d ed. with large additions. WOODBURNE (John) and COKE. v, 408 pp. 80. London, Clarke 4- sons, COLDWE:LL (Thomas H.) Reports of cases 1819. in the supreme court of Tennessee, 1860-61, A dissertation, showing that the house and 1865-66. 2 v. 80. Nashville, S. C. Mercer, of lords, in cases of judicature, are bound by 1867. (2 copies). the same rules of evidence that are observed COLE (Henry Warwick). Our commons and by all other courts. 2d ed. With observations open spaces. 34 pp. 80. London, Longnmans, upon the subjects of law which have arisen Green & Co. 1866. in the bill of pains and penalties at present COLE (John). Trial at the Old Bailey, for the pending against the queen of England. 136 murder of Andrew Clenche, Sept. 1692. fol. pp. 8~. London, Clarke & sons, 1820. London, T. Wright, 1776. [ With the preceding]. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 4]. Notes to Blackstone's commentaries, COLiEM/AN (Edward). Tryal for conspiring [etc.] 4 v. in 1. 160. Boston, J. Thomas & the death of the king, and the subversion ofthe E. T. Andrews, et al. 1801. s. government of England, and the protestant re A vindication of the right of the univer- ligion, king's bench, Westminster, Nov. 1678. sities of Great Britain to a copy of every new 1 p. 1. 104 pp. fol. London, R. Pawlet, publication. 2d ed. 159 pp. 80. London, 1678. Clarke & sons, 1814. [TRIALS for treason, v. 1]. [ With his Charges to grand juries, 1819]. The same. CHRISTIAlNSEN (Dr. J.) Institutionen des [TRIALS for treason, v. 2]. r6mischen rechts; oder, erste einleitung in I The same. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. das studium des rdmischen privatrechts. xviii, [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 2]. 788 pp. 80. Altona, J. F. HBanmerich, 1843. - The true manner of execution, behaviour CHUDLEIGH (Elizabeth, duchless dowager of and last words of E. Coleman at Tyburn, Dec. Kingston-upon-Hull). Trial for bigamy, in 3d, 1678. [anon.] 7 pp. sm. 40. London, Westminster Hall, April, 1776. fol. London, R. G. 1678. T. Wright, 1781. [TRIALS for treason, v. 1]. [HARCRAVE's state trials, v. 11]. ( COLLEDGE (Stephen). Trial at Oxford, for CLARElNDON (Edward Hyde, 1st earl of). high treason, August, 1681. fol. London, T. See HYDE. Wright, 1776. CLARK (Francis William). A treatise on the [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 3]. law of partnership and joint-stock companies, COLLIER (Rev. Jeremy), and others. Proaccording to the law of Scotland. 1 v. in 2. ceedings against [them] for publickly absolvixviii, 1202 pp. 80. Edinburgh, T. 4 T. ing Sir W. Perkins and Sir J. Friend, at TyClark, 1866. burn, 1696. fol. London, T. Wright 1779. CLERK'S instructor in the ecclesiastical [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 10]. courts: consisting of a variety of the best COLOlMiBA (Defendente). Delle lettere di precedents in English, now made use of in cambio e dei biglietti all' ordine. 118 pp. 80. the practice of the civil law. [anon.] 548 Torino, G. Favale e conp. 1863. pp. 80. London, Nutt &e Gosling, 1740. COMPLEAT collection of remarkable tryals CLI:FFIORD (Henry). Argument in the court of the most notorious malefactors at the Oldof king's bench on a motion for an habeas Bailey. v. 4. 120. London, 1721. corpus [in the case of B. Flower], and re- COMPTON (Henry, bishop of London). Promarks on the judgment of that court. 80 ceedings against [him], at Whitehall, for not pp. 80. London, 1800. suspending John Sharp, rector of St. Giles's, LWith FLOWER (Benj.) Proceedings in the house of Aug. 1686. fol. London, T. Wright, 1777. lords for libel, 18001. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 4]. LAW BOOKS. 48 1 CONFEDERATE States of America, (so CONNECTICUT (Colony of). Public and called). Acts and resolutions of the first private acts of the state of Connecticut, May session of the provisional congress of the session, 1866. 8~0. ew Haven, 1866. confederate states, 1861. 8~. Montgomery, -- Laws, May session, 1867. 8~0. Hartford, (Ala.) Barrett, WVimbish d Co. 1861. 1867. (2 copies.) - The same. The fourth session, 1861-62. Connecticut reports. v. 32-33. By John 80. Richmond, Tyler, Wise, etc. 1862. Hooker. 8~0. Hartford, Case, Lockwood & Public laws of the confederate states of Co. 1866-67. (2 copies of v. 32.) America, from the first session of the first con- CONSIDERATIONS on criminal law. gress, 1862,to the first session of the second con- [anon.] xxxii, 434 pp. 8~. London, T. Cagress, 1864. Edited by James M. Matthews. dell, 1772. 2 v. 8~. Richmond, B. M. Smith, 1862-64. COOK (Peter). Trial at the Old Bailey, for [2 copies. 1 copy bound with the preceding vol.l high treason, May, 1696. fol. London, T. Statutes at large of the provisional gov- Wright, 1777. ernment of the confederate states of America, [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 4]. from February 8, 1861, to February 18, 1862. COOLEY (Thomas M.) A digest of the reTogether with the constitution of thle proviported cases contained in the Michigan reports. sional government, and the permanent con- stitution of the confederate states, and the [anon.] xxviii, 73 pp. Ann Arbor, compiler, 1866. [2 copies]. treaties concluded by the confederate states compiler, 1866. [2 copies]. COOPER (Anthony Ashley, 1st earl of Shafteswith Indian tribes. Edited by James M. bury). Proceedings in [his] case, at the king's Matthews. 8~. Richmond, R. SM. Stith, Matthews1864. 80. ichmond, R..Smith, bench, June, 1677. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. CONJUGIUM languens: or, the natural, [HARGnAvE'f tatetrials, v. 2]. civil, and religious mischiefs arising from conjugal infidelity and impunity. By Casta- Proceedings in the Old Baly, 24th Nov. 1681, upon the bill of indictment for high treamore. son. I p.l. 48pp. fol. London, S. lecarne, [In select and curious cases of polygamy, etc. pp. 213-240. 120. London, 1736]. 1681. CONNECTICUT (Colony of). Acts and laws [TRIALS for treason, v. 4]. [to 1728. With] the charter of Charles ii to The same. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. the colony. i p. 1. 6 pp. 11. vii, 356 pp. fol. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 3]. XNew T London, mT. GrTeen, 1715-28. COOPER (C. D.) Trial. See VAN RENSThe same. [To 1730]. 1 p. 1. 6 SELAER (S.) pp. 71. 376 pp. fol. New London, T. Green, CORBETT (Richard). Trial for murder. 1715-30. See BAMBRIDGE (Thomas), and CORThe same. [To 1732]. 1 p. 1. 392 pp. BETT. fol. New London, T. Green, 1715-32. CORNISH (Henry). Tryal for conspiring [Imperfect: table of contents, pp. 379-80, and leaves the death of the king, and raising a rebellion; at the end, wanting]. -id E. t, The same. [To 1750]. 2 p. i. 6pp. and [of] J. Fernley, W. Ring, andE. Gaunt, 11. 258 pp. fol. New London, T. Green, 1750. for harbouring and maintaining rebels: Old ~- The same. Baily, Oct. 1685. 1 p. 1. 42 pp. fol. London, [ NOTE.-Imperfect: wants title-pages and pp. 5-6 of G. Croom, 1685. charter. The table of contents differs from that in the preceding vol. In all other respects the copies [TRIALS for treason, v. 5]. are similar]. - The same. The same. [To 1786]. 4 p.. [TRIALs for treason, v. 6]. [368] pp. fol. Hartford, E. Babcock, 1786. CORNWALLIS (Charles, 3d baron CornActs and laws of his majesty's English wallis). Trial at Westminster, for the murder colony of Connecticut, in New England, in of Robert Clerk, 1678. fol. London, T. Wright, America [digested]. 8, 10,406 pp. fol. New 1776. London, T. Green, 1769. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 2]. (State of). Public acts, May session, 1861; CORPUS juris civilis. See JUSTINIANUS. public and private acts, October session, 1861, CORSINI (Brigadier D. Luis). Las leyes de and May session, 1862; and public and private la guerra, segun las tradicionex ylos adelantos acts, May session, 1866. 3 v. 8~. Hartford de la civilizacion. viii, 264 pp. 12~0. Madrid, and New Haven, 1861-66. M. Rivadeneyra, 1857. 61 482 LAW BOOKS. CORYTON (John). A treatise on the law of CRONE(Mathew). Proceedings against [him] letters-patent, for the sole use of inventions in for high treason [London], May, 1690. fol. the united kingdom of Great Britain and Ire- London, T. Wright, 1779. land; with a summary of the patent laws in [iARGRnAVE'S state trials, v. 10]. force in the principal foreign states. xxvii CROOK (John), and others. Trial, [being] 563 pp. 8. Loncdon, H. Sweet, 1855. quakers, at the Old-Baily, for refusing to take COS-GAYON (Fernando), acnd CANVASA the oaths of allegiance and supremacy, June, Del Castillo (Emelio). Diccionario manual 1662. Related by J. Crook. fol. London T. 1662. Related by J. Crook. fol. London, T. de derecho administrative espaiol, para uso Vright, 1776. de los funcionarios dependientes de los minis[HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 2]. terios de gobernacion y fomento, y las alcaldes.CROSBY (Brass, lord mayor of London). y ayuntamientos. viii, 992 pp. 80. Madrid, [7His] case, on a commitment by the house of UHerederos de Vallejo, 1860. COWPER (Spencer), and others. Trial at commons. Court of common-pleas, 1771. fol. Hertford, for the murder of Mrs. Sarah Stout, July, 1699. fol. London, T. Wright, 1777. [HARGRhVE'S state trials, v. 11]. [HARGRAvE'S state trials, v. 5]. CROSBY alias PHILLIPS (-). Case. [Their] case. Published by them. [Trial for treason. 1695?] fol. London, T. [With] the Hertford letter. A reply to the Wright, 1779. Hertford letter, [and] some observations on [HARGRAvs'S state trials, v. 10]. the trial. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. CUDDON (James). A succinct treatise on [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 8]. the copyhold acts, the practical working and COX (Edward). Forms of practical proceed- effect thereof, and the mode of procedure unings in the chambers of the master of the rolls der the same, for effecting enfranchisement. and the vice-chancellors. 3d ed. Revised viii, 291 pp. 80. London, Stevens cf sons, and considerably enlarged. By John Biddle. 1865. xx, 687, 53 pp. 8~. London, E. Cox, 1863. CURL or CURLL (Edmund). [His] case. COX (Edward William). Reports of all the 1727. That an obscene book is punishable as cases decided by the superior courts of law a libel. fol. London, T. Wright, 1779. and equity, relating to the law of joint-stock [HARnRAVE'S state trials, v. 10]. companies; commencing Hilary term, 1864. CURRY (William). The commentaries of v. i. xxxi, 704 pp. 80. London, Horace Sir William Blackstone on the laws and conCox, 1867. stitution of England; carefully abridged, in a CRAIG (Richard Davis). Legal and equitable new manner, and continued down to the prerights and liabilities as to trees and woods. sent time. 2d ed. xvi, 704 pp. 80. Lonxiii, 194 pp. 80. London, William Maxwell, don, Clarke 4 sons, 1809. 1866. CR1ABURNE (Charles). Trial, for high- CURTIS (George Ticknor). A treatise on the raN n ChA fo - law of patents for useful inventions, as enacted treason, king's bench, April, 1696. fol. Lontdreaon, T75 gs. Wr eight, 1777. 1696. fol. L and administered in the United States of [HARGSdon, sT.te Wright, 1777. America. 3d ed. Revised and enlarged. [HAnRGRAVE'S state trials, v. 4]. CREIGHTON (Robert, lord Sanquhar). See xxxviii, 631 pp. 8~. Boston, Little, Brown & C: RICe:HTO ~ N. Co. 1867. (4 copies). CRICHTON (Robert, lord SanqUhar). Ar-CURTIS (Jane). Trial, at Guildhall, for pubraigunment ~and confession, at the king's- lishing a libel, entitled, An appeal from the bench, June, 1612, for procuring the murder country to the city, etc. 1679. fol. Loon, of John Turner. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. T. Wright, 1776. [HARGRAvE's state trials, v. 7]. [HARGRAvE's state trials, v. 2]. CRISENOY (J. de). Les ordonnances de DACRE (William, 3d baron Dacre of GillesColbert, et l'inscription maritime. 24 pp. 8~. land, of the NYorth). Trial for high treason, Paris, Guilla'umin et Cie. 1862. July, 1535. fol. Lonondon, T. Wr'ight, 1781. CROCKER (Uriel H.) Notes on common [HAItGRAVE' state trials, v. 11]. forms: a book of Massachusetts law. xvi, 235 DALY (Charles P.) Reports of cases in the pp. 80. Boston, Little, Brown 4 Co. 1867. court of common pleas for the city and county CROMARTIE (George Mac Kenzie, 3d earl of New York. v. 1. xii, 633 pp. 8~. New of). See MAC KENZIE. York, Baker, Voorhis & Co. 1866. (2 copies.) LAW BOOKS. 483 DAMMAREE (Daniel), and others. Trials With additions, by Charles Ellis. xix, 543 pp. for high treason, in levying war in the king- 8~0. London, C. Hunter, 1820. dom, against the queen, under pretence of DEINSE (A. J. van). De algemeene beginsepulling down meeting houses; Old Bailey, len van strafregt, ontwilkkeld en in verband 1710. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. beschouwd, met de algemeene bepalingen der [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 8]. nederlandsche strafwetgeving. xxviii, 466 pp. DANA (Richard Henry, jr.) See LAW- 8~. JM~iddleburg, J. C. & W. Altorfer, 1852. s. RENCE (William Beach). DELAMERE (Henry Booth, 2d baron). See DANBY (Thomas Osborne, 1st earl of). See BOOTHI. OSBORNE. DE LANCEY (James, chief justice, N. Y.) DANGERFIELD (Thomas). Information Charge to the grand jury for the city and [relative to the popish plot] delivered at the county of New York, Tuesday, January 15th, bar of the house of commons, 26th Oct. 1680. 1733. 6 pp. fol. New York, Willic sn BBrad15 pp. fol. London, assigns of J. Bill, 1680. ford, 1733. [Trials for treason, v. 3]. DELAWARE (State of). Laws of Delaware, DANIELL (Edmund Robert). Forms and 1845to1865. [v. 10-12]. 8~. Dover, 1845-65. precedents of pleadings and proceeding in the The same, 1865 and 1866. 80. Dover, high court of chancery, with practical notes 1865-66. and observations, and references to the fourth [2 copies]. ed. of Daniell's chancery practice; and also R- evised statutes of the state of Delaincorporating the forms in Braithwaite's re- ware, 1852. xliii, 574 pp. 80. Dover, S. cord and writpractice. By Leonard Field and Kimmey, 1852. Edward Clennell Dunn, and John Biddle. DEMOLOMBE (Jean Charles Florent). Part I. xii, 1068 pp. 80. London, Stevens & Cours de code Napoleon. v. 22-23. 80. sons, 1867. Paris, A. Durand, 1865-66. DARESTE de LA CHAVANNE (Rodolphe DENEW (Nathaniel), and others. Trial, at Madeleine Cleophas). Code des pensions the queen's bench, for an assault and conspiciviles, contenant la loi de 9 juin, 1855, le racy, with an intent to wound and beat, etc. d6cret du novembre suivant, et tous les rdgle- William Colepepper, Feb. 1704. fol. London, ments ant6rieurs, avec commentaires. 4e 6d. T. Wright, 1778. 247, vi pp. 120. Paris, Paul Dupont et Cie. [HARGAvE'S state trials, v. 8]. 1862. DERWENTWATER (James Radcliffe, 3d DARNEL (Sir Thomas), and others. Proceed- earl of). See RADCLIFFE. ings on the habeas corpus, brought by [them ], DESNOS-GARDISSAL (Charles). R6gime Nov. 1627, at the king's bench. [The case of del' invention. See BREULIER (Adolphe). forced loans]. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. DEVEREUX (Robert, 2d earl of Essex), and [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 7]. WRIOTHESLEY (Henry, 3dearl of SouthDAVIS (Edwin A.) Collection of the laws of anmpton). Trial, at Westminster, for high treaIndiana, for the use of merchants, manufac- son, Feb. 1600. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. turers, bankers, and all business men, as well [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 1]. as for members of the legal profession. 44 ppDEVEREUX (Robert, 3d earl of Essex). Pro8~. Indiarnapolis, Dovn7ey 4 Br-ozse, 1867. ceedings between the lady Frances Howard, (2 copies). countess of Essex, and Robert, earl of Essex, DAVISON (William). Arraignmentt in the her husband, in a cause of divorce, 1613. fol. star chamber, March, 1587, for misprision and Lonon, T. Wright, 1613. contempt. foL London, T. Wright, 1778.,fHARGRnAvE state trials, v. 1],; [HAnRGRAVEs state trials, v. 7]. DEVILLENEUVE (Jean EspritMarie Pierre DAWSON (Joseph), and others. Trial at the Lemoine3, and CARETTE (Antoine AuOld Bailey for felony and piracy, Oct. 1696. guste). Reueil g6n6ral des lois et des arfol. London, T. Wright, 1777. rets. Fonde par J. B. Sirey. 2e s6rie. Ans [HARGRAVE'S.State trials, v. 5]. 1864-66. 3 V. 40. Paris, 1864-66. DEACON (Thomas Theodorus). Trial for DEVONSHIIRE (William Cavendish, 1st ducke high treason, Southwark, July, 1746. fol. and 4th earl of). See CAVENDISH. London, T. Wriy7ht, 1778. DISNEY (William). Trial, at Southwark, [1IIAIGRAVE'S state trials, v. 9]. June 1685, for high treason. fol. London 7' DEGGE (Sir Simon). The parson's counsellor; Wright, 1778. with the law of tithes or tithing. 7th ed. fHARGRAvElS state trials, v. 7]. 484 LAW BOOKS. DIXON (Joseph). A treatise on the law of judges et sages del ley, en le several reignes partnership. xviii, 563 pp. 8~. London, But- de les roys Hen. 8, et Edw. 6, et les reignes terworths, 1866. Mar. et Eliz. [6e 6d. par Georges Treby, DONNALL (Robert Sawle). The trial of, for 6cuyer]. 7 p. 1. 378 pp. 27 1. fol. London, the wiltul murder, by poison, of Mrs. Eliza- S. Keble, 1688. beth Downing, at the assize of Launceston, DYING speeches and behaviour of the several March 31, 1817. By Alexander Frazer. xv, state prisoners that have been executed the 179 pp. 80~. Falmouth, J. Lake, 1817. last 300 years. With their several characters DONOSO (Justo). Instituciones de derecho froml the best historians, as Cambden, Spotscan6nico americano. 2 v. 80c. Valparaiso, wood, Clarendon, Sprat, Burnet, etc. [anon.] 1848-49. 9 p. 1. 495 pp. 85. London, Brotherton & DORR (Thomas Wilson). Report of his trial Meadows, 1720. for treason against the state of Rhode Island, EARES (Teodoslo). Lecciones de derecho containing the arguments of counsel and the administrativo. 80. Mexico, 1852. charge of chief justice Durfee. By Joseph EAST INDIA Co. Case ofmonopolies, 1683. S. Pitman. 132 pp. 8~. Boston, Tappan & See SANDYS (Thomas). Dennet, 1844. EGAN (Charles). A handy book on the law DREWRY (Charles Stewart), and SMALE relative to the sale and purchase of horses. (J. Jackson). Reports of cases in the high xii, 60 pp. London, Thomas Day, 1862. court of chancery, 1862-65. v. 2. 80. London, ELIOT (Sir John), and others. Proceedings Stevens & sons, 1867. against [them], for seditious speeches in parDUCROCQ (Theophile). Cours de droit ad- liament, in bane. reg. 1629. fol. London, ministratif, contenant l'expos6 des principes, T. Wright, 1778. le resum6 de la l6gislation administrative [HARGRAvE's state trials, v. 71. dans son dernier &tat, l'analyse ou la repro- tELIOT (Thomas Dawes) and STETSON (T. duction des principaux textes dans un ordre M.) Circuit court of the U. S.; Mass. dist. m6thodique. 2e Ed. xii, 624 pp. 8~. Paris, Hetty H. Robinson, in equity, vs. Thomas A. Durand, 1863. Mandell et al. Arguments for respondents. Trait6s des 6difices publics, d'apras la Reported by J. M. W. Yerrinton. 216 pp. 80. d1gislation civile, administrative, et criminelle; Boston, A. 3Miudge & son, 1867. des ventes domaniales avant et depuis la loiELLES or Ellis (Richard). The king against du ler juin, 1864; des partages de Ihiens com- [him], upon an information, in the nature of munaux et sectionnaires. xxv, 126, 194, 118 a quo warranto, to show by what authority he pp. 80. Paris, Cotillony, 1865. claims to be mayor of the town and port of DUDLEY (Edmund).. Trial for treason. See New Romney, at Maidstone, Aug. 1734. fol. EMPSON (Sir Richard), and DUDLEY. London, T. Wright 1779. DUDLEY (John, duke of Northumberland) HAGRAVE state trials, v. 10. and others. Trial for high. treason, Westrainster, Aug. 1553. fol. London, T. Wright, ELLIS (Thomas Flower, and Francis). Re1781. ports of cases in the court of king's bench, EHAcRGEAvE'~s~ state trials. B. 11). and the court of exchequer chamber, on error DUMOLLAND (Martin). A full account of from the court of queen's bench, 1860 and his trial and conviction. 32 pp. 8~. New 1861. v. 3. 8~. London, H. Sweet, 1867. York, "National Police Gazette" office, 1862. LELOY (Henry). De Ia codification des lois DUPIN (Andr6 Marie Jean Jacques). Bibli- criminelles concernant Ies matinres non r6,otheque choisie des livres de droit. See l6es par le code p6nal, et d'un projet de code CAMUS (A. G.) des p6nalit6s. xii, 158 pp. 80. Paris, A. DUTCHER (Andrew). Reports ofcases-in the Durand, 1865. supreme court of New Jersey. v. 5. 80. Tren- De la responsibilit6 des notaires, d'apurs ton, Phillips & Boswell, 1863. les lois, la doctrine, la jurisprudence, et les DUVALL (Alvin). Reports of cases in the eirculaires minist6rielles. 2 v. xvi, 510 pp; court of appeals of Kentucky. v. 1-2. 80. 539 pp. 8~. Paris, A. Durand, 1863. ro'ankfort, Kentucky Yeoman oqice, 1865-67. ELPHINSTONE (Arthur, 6th lord BalmerDYER (Sir James). Les reports des divers inoch). Trial for treason, 1646. See BOYDI select matters et resolutions dles reverend (William, 4th earl of Kilmarnock). LAW BOOKS. 485 ELPHINSTONE (Sir James, 1st lord Balme- FAGG (Sir John). Proceedings in the house rinoch). Trial, at St. Andrews, March, 1609, of commons, on an appeal being brought in for high treason. fol. London, T. Wright, the house of lords, by Thomas Shirley, against 1778. Sir John Fagg and others, their members, [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 7]. May, 1675. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. ELPHINSTONE (Sir John, 2d lord Balmeri- [HAIGRAVE'S state trials, v.-7]. noch). Trial, in Scotland, for a libel, Dec. FANSHAWE (Sir Thomas). The practice 1634. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. of the exchequer court, with its severall offices [HAnGRAVE'S state trials, v. 1]. end officers. [anon.] By S. T. F. 1 p. 1. 160 ELWES or EtLVIS (Sir Jervis). Trial, at pp. 4 1. 12~. London, Twyford & Place, the Guild Hall of London, for the murder of 1698. Sir Thomas Overbury, Nov. 1615. fol. Lon- FARREN ( George ). Common forms and don, T. Wright, 1776. rules for drawing and answering an original [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 1]. bill in chancery, as directed and suggested by ElMPSON (Sir Richard), and DUDLEY the new orders of court, and reported cases; (Edmund). Trial for high treason, Guild with notes and references to American and Hall, 1509. fol. London, T. Wright, 1781. other authorities, by Richard Stone; also, [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 1l]. rules of practice for the courts of equity of the ENGLAND. Statutes of the realm. Printed United States, etc. by John J. McKinnon. by command of his majesty king George the 247 pp. 8~. Chicago, Myers & Chandler, third. In pursuance of an address of the house 1866. of commons of Great Britain. From original FAULCONER or FALCONER (Richard). records and authentic manuscripts. [From Trial, at the king's bench, 1652, for perjury. magna charta to the end of the reign of Q. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. Anne.] 9 v. fol. London, 1810-24. [HARGRAvE'S state trials, v. 7]. The same. The alphabetical index to the FAWKES (Guy). Trial for treason. See statutes of the realm. fol. London, 1824. WINTER (Robert), and others. The same. The chronological index to FELICI (Ettore). Tractatus de communione, the statutes of the realm. fol. London, seun societate. x, 504 pp. 34 1. 40. Firanco1833. furti, W. Richter, 1608. -- Statutes of the United kingdom of Great FENWICK (Sir John). The proceedings Britain and Ireland. By George Kettilby against [him], upon a bill of attainder for Rickards. 1865 and 1866. v. 27. 40. Lon- high treason. 348pp. 51. 120. [n.p.] 1698. don, 1866. -- The same. fol. London, T. Wright, 1777. Statutes of. See, also, LAW RE- [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 5]. PORTS. FERGUSON (Grace R.) v. FERGUSON ENTICK (John). The case of seizure of pa- (James). Geatdivorce case. Mostremarkpers. See CARRINGTON (Nathan), and able trial on record. Suit for divorce, on the others. otherSs. (Robert Devereu earl of See ground of adultery. NewYork superior court. ESSEX (Robert Devereux, earl of). See 100pp. 120. [New York, 1851]. DEVEREUX. X Francs Howarcounte'sof). FERNLEY (John), and others. Tryals for See harbouring rebels. fol. London, 1685. HOWARD (Frances, countess of Somerset). l With CORNISH (Henry). Tryal, 1685, for treason, v. 5. EVERARD (Edmund). Depositions and ex- __ The same. fol. London, T. Wright, 1777. aminations concerning the horrid popish plot. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 4]. 2 p. 1. 16 pp. fol. London, D. Newman, FERRERS (Laurence Shirley, 4th earl). See 1679. SHIRLEY. [Trials for treason, v. 1]. FERRO'(Marco). Dizionario del diritto comEVERY MAN his own lawyer; or, a sum- mune e veneto. 2a ed. 2 v. xxiii, 783 pp; 855 mary of the laws of England in a new and pp. 8~. Venezia, A. Santini e figlio, 1845-47. instructive method. [anon.] 8th ed. vi, 538 FIELDING (Robert). Trial at the Old Bailey pp. 8~. London, Strahan, Rivinyton & sons, for bigamy, in marrying the duchess of Cleve1779. land [Barbara Villiers], his former wife being FABRIGAS (Anthony). Proceedings in an then living, Dec. 1706. fol. London, T. Wright, action for false imprisonment, etc. See MOS- 1777. TYN (Lieut. gen. John). [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 5]. 486 LAW BOOKS. FIENNES (Col. Nathanael). Trial, Dec. 1643, for a rape and sodomy, June, 1631. fol before a council of war at St. Alban's, for London, T. Wright, 1776. cowardly surrendering the city and castle of [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 1]. Bristol, 24 July 1643. Out of the account FLETCHER (George). Trial for high treason, given by Prynn and Walker. fol. London, Sothwark, July, 1746. fol. Lodon, T. 7'. Wright, 1776. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 1]. FINCH (Sir John, baron Finch of Fordwich). Proceedings in parliament against [him], for FLINTOFF (Owen). The rise and progress high treason, 1640. fol. London, T. Wright, of the laws of England and Wales; with an 1778. account of the origin, history, and customs[HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 7]. warlike, domestic, and legal-of the several FISHER (John, bishop of Rochester). Trial,. nations, Britons, Saxons, Danes, and Norfor high treason, at Westminster, 1535. fol. mans, who now compose the British nation. London, T. Wright, 1781. 238 pp. 8~. London, Richards & Co. 1840. [HARGRAvE'S state trials, v. 11]. FLORIDA reports, v. 7, no. 1; v. 8-11, 1857FISHER (R. A.) A digest of all the reported 67. 8~0. Tallahassee, 1857-67. decisions in the house of lords, privy council, I Index to the decisions of the supreme common law, equity, divorce, probate,. admi- court of Florida, reported in Florida reports, ralty, bankruptcy, and ecclesiast;...l courts. from v. 1, to 1st number of v. 11 inclusive. By 1866-67. 80~. London, H. Sweet, 1867. John B. Galbraith. xxiv, 252 pp. 8~. TallaFITZ-HARRIS (Edward). All answer to hassee, Dyke & Sparhawk, 1866. the protestation of the nineteen lords against FLOWER (Benjamin). The proceedings of the rejecting the impeachment of [E.] Fitz- the house of lords in [his] case, for a supposed Harris. [anon.] 7 pp. fol. London, C. Pul- libel on the bishop of Llandaff [R. Watson]; leyn, 1681. with animadversions on the writings of the [TRIALs for treason, v. 4]. bishop, Rev. R. Ramsden, and Rev. Robert Arraignment [for high treason], and Hall. [Also], the argument in the court of plea, king's bench, 1681. 2 p. 1. 66 pp. fol. king's bench on a motion for habeas corpus. London, F. Tyton, 1681. 213 pp. 80. Cambridge, B. Flower, 1800. sTTiALs for treason, v. 3. 2 copies]. FORD (T.) An account of the behaviour of The sate. William [Boyd], late earl of Kilmarnock, and [TRIALS for treason, v. 4]. The same. fol. ALondon,. Wright, Arthur [Elphinstone], late lord Balmerinock, 1776. from the time of their being delivered into [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 3]. the custody of the sheriffs, to the time of Confession, July 1st, 1681, [with] his their execution [1746]. fol. London, T. last speech. 7 pp. fol. London, S. Carr, Wright, 1779. 1681. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 10]. [TRIALS for treason, v. 4]. FOR:SYTH (William). A treatise on the law Examination relating to the popish plot, relating to composition and arrangements 10th of March, 1681. 18 pp. fol. London, T. with creditors. 3d ed. xxiv, 310 pp. 8~. Fox, 1681. o[TRIALS for treason, v. 3. Lonrdon, Benning cf Co. 1854. ~ fORTESCUE (Sir John). The case between Proceedings in parliament against [him] FORTESCUE (Sir John). The case between Zpo anm nt aor *igh treason, / tr Sir Francis Goodwin and Sir John Fortescue, upon an impeachment for high treason, March, 1604, as it stands upon the journals of the 1681. fol. London, T. Wrought, 1776. 1604, as it stands upon the journals of the [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 3]. house of commons. [Parliamentary election Trial at the king's-bench, for high case]. fol. London, ~. right, 1778. treason, June, 1681. fol. London, T. Wright, [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 7]. 1776. FORTI (Francesco). Libri due delle istituzioni [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 3]. di diritto civile accommodate all' uso del foro. FITZ-HERBERT(Anthony). The newNatura v. 1-2. xxxii, 611pp; 616 pp. 8~. Firenze, brevium; corrected and revised. By William E. e F. Cammneli, 1863. Rastall. 35 p.1. 668 pp. 12~. London, Streater ------ Raccolta di conclusioni criminali. Or& Co. 1666. dinati e annotate dall avvocato Baldassare FITZ-PATRICK (Lawrence), and BROD- Paoli. v. 5. 345 pp. 80. Firenze, E. e F. WAY (Giles). Trial at the king's bench Cammeli, 1864. LAW BOOKS. 487 FORTI (Francesco). Scritti varii. v. 4. xxxi, tarif et tableaux concernant les patentes an764 pp. 80. Firenze, E. e F. Cammeli, 1865. nex6es aux lois des 25 avril, 1844, et 19 mal, Trattati inediti di giurisprudenza. v. 3. 1850, le rapport de la commission, la discusxxvi, 894 pp. 80. Firenze, E. e F. Casmneli, sion au corps 16gislatif, les amendemens pro1864. pos6es, le texte le la loi du 4 juin, 1858. 343 POSTER (James). An account of the be- pp. 80. Paris, Paul Dupont, 1858. haviour of [William Boyd] earl of Kilmar- FRANCES or FRANCIS (Robert). Trial nock, after his sentence, and on the day of for the murder of Thomas Dangerfield, at the his execution, Aug. 1746. fol. London, T. Old Bailey, July, 1685. fol. London, T. Wright, 1779. Wrqight, 1779. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 10]. [HARGRAvE's state trials, v. 10]. POSTER (T. Campbell), ancd FINLASON FRANCIA (Francis). Trial at the Old Bailey, (W. 1'.) Reports of cases at nisi prius and at for high treason, Jan. 1716. fol. London, T. the crown side of circuit; with select decisions Wright, 1777. at chambers, 1863-67. v. 4. 80. London, [HAGAVE'S state trials, v. 6]. Stevens c sons, 1867. FRANCIS (Philip). The law of charities; FOU~ QUI[ER (Armand). Causes celbres do comprising the charitable trusts act, 1853, tons les peuples. (rad. illustr6e. v. 6-7. 40 with explanatory notes. xii, xxxvi, 268 pp. Paris, Lebrun et Cie. 1864-67. 12~. Lonlon John Crockford, 1854. POWLIS (Sir David), and other's. Proceed- FRANCKLIN (Richard). Trial, for printing ings in the star chamber against [them] on a and publishing a letter from the Hague, in charge of opposing the king's service, and the Country journal, or Craftsman, of the 2d traducing his officers of state, 1633. fol. Lon- of Jan. 1730, at the king's bench, Dec 1731. don, T. Wright, 1781. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 11]. [HARGRAvE'S state trials, v. 9]. PRANCE. Bulletin des lois de'epire fran- FRANKLIN (James). Trial, at the king's FRANCE Bulbench, for the murder of Sir Thomas Overbury, Cais, janvier 1, 1865, jusqu' au 31 ddcembre, A, for the urder of ir Thomas O verbury, Nov. 1615. fol. LowVon% T. Wright, 1776. 1866. 8 v. 80. Paris, 1865-67. 1 [HAnRGAVE'S state trials, v. I]. Les cinq codes, Napoldon, de procedure PIRANQUET y BERTRAN (Cirilo). Encivile, de commerce, d'instruction criminelle, sayo sobre el origen espiritu y progressos de et penal. ed. soign6e parT. D. 2 p. 1. 645 pp. la legislacion de los aguas, seguido do los 80. Paris, Janet, etc. 1811. s. elementos de hidronomia pfiblica, del proyecto Code formulaire du possesseur de chiens de ley general presentado al senado, de la et d'animaux~ domestiques nuisibles on incom- legislacion general y foral, y de la jurisprudenmodes. 61pp. 80. Grenoble, Prudhonlne, 1855. cia civil y administrativa. 2 v. 495 pp; 848 Code formulaire de la taxe sur les chiens, pp. 80. Mcdric, Jose A Ducazeal, 1864. contenant la loi et le d6cret relatifs A cette FRASER (Ishmael), and VANDERPOOL taxe. 6e dd. 33 pp. 80. Grenoble, Prud- (George). The confessions of.... under senhosnme, 1857. tence of death, for arson; with some account Collection complbte des lois, d6crets, or- of Thomas Burge, for the murder of his wife, donnauces, rbglem ents et avis du conseil d'tat. sentenced to be executed on Friday, 19th Jan. Ann6es 1865-66. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1865-66. 1816. 16 pp. 8~. New York, 1816. Corps legislatif. Constitutions de lemn- FRASER (Patrick). A treatise on the law of pire. Lois et decrets. 452 pp. 120. Paris, Scotland relative to parent and child, and Pougcpart, Dadvyl et Cie. 1865. guardian and ward. 2d ed. by Hugh Cowan. Ldgislation dela propritd minibre. Er- xxxvi, 683 pp. 8~. Edinburgh, T. & T. reurs g6n6rales d'un demi-sibcle, impossibilitd Clark, 1866. actuelle d'exdcuter la loi du 24 avril, 1810, FASER(Simon, 13th f Lovat).,FRASER(Simon, 13th baron Fraserof Lovat). sur les mines, et n6cesssite d'une r6vision de The whole proceedings upon his impeaclcette loi. 40 pp. 80. Paris, E. Lacl-oix, 1865. ment for high-treason, Westminster-Iall urLoi relative bl'etahlxssement d'un impdt March 1746-7. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. sur les voitures et les chevaux. Extrait de la [HARRAE' state trials, v. 9]. [HARGRAvw's state trials, v. 9]. loi de finances du 2 juillet, 1862. 28 pp. 80. _- Several proceedings relating to [him]; Paris, [1862]. with an account of his behaviour in the Nouveau code des patentes, contenantle Tower. fol. London, T. Wright, 1779. projet de loi, les modifications h apporter aux [HARGnAVE'S state trials, v. 10]. 488 LAW BOOKS. FREIND (Sir John). Trial, at the Old-Baily, and acquittal, Feb. 1680. 2 p. 1. 12 pp. fol. for high treason, March, 1695. fol. London, [London], C. R. 1680. T. Wright, 1777. [TRIALS for treason, v. 4]. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 4]. Trial at the king's bench for high treason, FRESNEAU (Armand). De la constitution Feb. 1679. fol. London, T. mright, 1776. politique des 6tats de l'eglise. 232 pp. 8~. [HAORGCAVE'S state trials, v. 3J. Paris, A. Vaton, 1860. GATTESCHI (Domenico). Manuale di diritto FRY (Danby P.) The lodging-houses acts; pubblico e privato ottomano, contenente le and the labouring classes dwelling acts; with principali capitolazioni e trattati di commernotes. 3d ed. 132 pp. 160. London, KEnight cio della porta colle potenze cristiane e rela& Co. 1866. tivi regolamenti; un estratto de diritto civile FULLER (William). Trial, at the Guild-hall musulmano, disposto secondo lordine del coof London, for a cheat and imposter, May, dice napoleone, con i luoghi paralleli della 1702. fol. Lonlon, T. Wright, 1777. legge romane; la legislazione commerciale [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 5]. ottonmana, e varie leggi ed ordinanze. Seguito'-'USTEL de Coulanges, ( ). La c0 dei trattati ed atti diplomatici risguardenti l'Egitto e dei regolamenti in esso vigenti. antique; 6tude sur le culte, le droit, les insti- E tUtOS de la Grece et de Rome. 2 ed. 323 Edito per cura dei sigg. Castelnuovo e Leontutions de la Grace et de Rome. 2e 6d. 3'23 pp. 8. Pars, l. achette et Ce. 18cavallo. Ixxxii, 570 pp. 4~. Alessandria di pp. 80. Paris, L. Hachette et Cie. 1866. GAIL or GAILL (Andreas). Practicarvm Egitto, V. inasi e C. 1865. GAUTI:EZ (Franmois). Trial. SeeHEAMAN observationvm libri ii. De pace publica et proscriptis sive bannitis imperii libri ii. De GECORGIA (State of). Session laws, 1820 to pignorationibus liber singularis. De manuum GEORGIA (State of). Session laws, 1820 to 1825. 2 v. 8~. Milledgrville, 1821-26. iniectionibus, sive arrestis imperii tractatus. Ed. postrema. 55 p. 1. 623, 280 pp. 4 1. 4~. GERARD or GERHARD (John). A true Colonice Agrippince, A. Hieratus, 1634. and impartial relation of' [his] death [and GA ER(Caying speech], July 10, 1654. fol. London, GAMPBIlEqR(CaptainJames). Trial of captain rgt 1778. G, for crim. con. with Ad-i K[nowle]s's., lady; which was tried in the court of king'sAV'S state trials,. 8]. bench, at Guildhall, by a special jury, on and others. Trial before the high court Saturday, the 11th of June, 1757. 5th ed. 52 of justice for high treason, in conspiring to pp. 80. London, HT. Owen, 1759. murder the lord protector, June, 1654. fol. GARCIA. See GARSIAS. London, T. Wright, 1776. GARNET (Henry, superior of the jesuits). [HARGRAvE's state trials, v. 2]. Trial at the Guild-hall, of London, for high GERMAINE (John). The trial between treason, being a conspirator in the gunpowder Henry [Howard], duke of Norfolk, plaintiff; plot, 1606. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. and John Germaine, defendant, in an action [HARGRAvE's state trials, v. 1]. of trespass on the case, at the court of king'sGARREL (A.) Manuel des pensions de l' bench, Nov. 1692. fol. London, T. Wright, arm6e de terre; ou, collection g6ndrale des 1778. lois, r8glements, moddles, formules, etc. xi, [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 8]. 484 pp. 12~0. Paris, J. Dumaine, 1858. GE:RRALD (Joseph). Defence on a charge GARSIAS or GARZIA (Gallecus), and of sedition, before the high court of justiciary, GARSIAS de Saavedra (Juan). Tractatvs at Edinburgh. 296 pp. 80. London, J. Robde expesis et meliorationibus, [etc.] Accese- ertson, 1794. runt tractatus alij de donatione remvneratoria, GESSNER (Ludwig). Le droit des neutres de tacito fidei commisso, de hypotheca post sur mer. xiv, 438 pp. 80. Berlin, Stilke 4 contractvm, de conivgali acqvaestv, [etc.] 23 Van Muyden, 1865. p. 1. 278 1. 58,8 1. fol. Pintice, Martinuss d GHOLSON (WilliamY.) and OKEY (J. W.) Cordova, 1592. s. Digest of the Ohio reports; embracing the GARZIA. See GARSIAS. twenty volumes of Ohio reports, and fifteen GASCOIGNE (Sir Thomas). An abstract of volumes of the Ohio state reports. xx, 677, the accusation of R. Bolron and L. Maybury 181 pp. 8~. Cincinnati, R. Clarke & Co. 1867, against [him] for high treason, with his tryal (3 copies.) LAW BOOKS 489 GIBBON (John). The king against J. Gib- mission, Sept. 1693. fol. London, T. Wright, bon. Upon an information, in the nature of 1778. a quo warranto, to show by what authority [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 8]. he claims to be a freeman of the town and GOMEZ DE LA SERNA (Pedro). Proleport of New Romney. Maidstone, Aug. 1734. gomenos del derecho. 4a ed. corregida y fol. London, T. Wright, 1779. aumentada. 191 pp. 8~. Madrid, Sanchez, [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 101. 1863. GIBBONS (Henry Frederick), and HAR- GOODERE (Samuel), and others. Trials, for VEY (William Charles ). Equity of the the murder of Sir John D. Goodere, at Briscounty court; being a treatise of the equitable tol, March, 1740-41. fol. London, T. Wright, jurisdiction conferred upon the county courts 1777. by stat. 28 and 29 Vict. cap. 99. xxii, 315 pp. [HAnRGRnAE'S state trials, v. 6]. 12~. London, Horace Cox, 1866. GOODWIN ( Sir Francis). Parliamentary GIBBONS (John). Trial, before the high election case, 1604. See FORTESCUE court of justice, for high treason, July, 1651. (Sir John). fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. GORDON (William, 6th viscount Kenmure). [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 2]. Trial for treason. See RAD CLIFE (James, GIBELIN (E.) ]tudes sur le droit civil des 3d earl of Derwentwater), and others. Hindous; recherches de l6gislation comparde ~ True copy of a letter written to a certain sur les lois de l'Inde, les lois d'Athenes et de nobleman the day before his execution, 1715. Rome, et les coutumes des Germains. 2. fol. London, T. Wright, 1779. cxx, 336 pp; xcvi, 376 pp. 8~. Pondiche'ry, IHARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 10]. A. Toutin, 1846-47. GOTHOFREDUS (Jacobus), or GODEGIBSON (William Sidney). A letter on the FROY (Jacques). Manuale juris; ubi quareform of the bankruptcy law of England, tuor sequentia continentur: i. Juris romani addressed to the right hon. the lord chancel- historia ii. Biblioteca; iii. Florilegium senlor. 34 pp. 12~. London, Butterworths, 1866. tentiarum ex corpore justinianeo desumptaGIFF~OR1D (John). English lawyer; or, every rum; iv. Series librorum et titulorum in inman his own lawyer; containing a summary stitutionibus digestis, et in codice. x, 25 pp. of the constitution of England; its laws and 12~. Geneve, S. de Tournes, 1695. statutes. Also, a supplement containing the GOURNOT (Achille). Du priucipe des droits insurance laws. 11th ed. iv, 688, 148 pp. d'auteuretde la perpetuit6. 48pp. 80. Paris, 80. London, A. Wheeler, 1825. E. Dentu, 1862. GILBERT(, of London). Case of mixed GOWRIE (John Ruthven, 3d earl of). See money in Ireland. See BRETT (-, of RUT HVEN. Drogheda). GRADY (Standish Grove). The law of fixGILBERT (Jeffery, lord chief baron of the extures, with reference to real property and chequer, Ireland), and others. Proceedings of chattels of a personal nature. [With] the the house of lords in Ireland against [them], law of dilapidations, ecclesiastical and lay. for issuing process in the cause of Annesley xxi, 418 pp. 160. London, 0. ichards, 1845. and Sherlock, in opposition to an order of __ The same. 2ded. xxvii, 511 pp. 12. that house, July, 1719. fol. London, T. WFright, London, Wildy Sp sons, 1866. 1777. GRAGAS or GRAAGAAS. Codex juris [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 6]. GILES (John). Tryal in the Old Bayly, July, Islandorum antiqvissimus qvi nominatur gr, g s. Praemissa commentatione historica et 1680, for a barbarous attempt to assassinate andmnArnold. 58 pp. fol. Lon- critica, ab J. F. G. Schlegel conscripta. 2 v. and murther John Arnold. 58 pp. fol. Lonadon,. Taylor, 1681. clxix, 505 pp. 1 col. pl; 410, 133 pp. 2 tab. don, R. Taylor, 1681. [TRIALS for treason, v. 3J. 4. Harnic, sumptibus legatiArncei Magnceani, The same. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. 182930. S. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 3]. GRAHAM (Sir Richard, 1st viscount Preston), GODEFROY (Jacques). See GOTHO- and ASHTON (John). Trials at the Old FREDUS. Bailey, for high treason, Jan. 1690. fol. LonGOLDING (John), and others. Proceedings don, T. Wright, 1777. before the lords of the council, and the ad- [HAnGRAVE's state trials. v. 4]. miralty, in relation to [their] trials as pirates, GRANEY (Leonard Grey, viscount). See though acting under king James II's cornm- GREY. 62 490 LAW - BOOKS, GRATIANUS or GRAZIANO. Decretumn commons to consider the petition of Richard aureum. 45 p. 1. ccccccxci pp. 11. 40~. Lutecie, Thompson, and to examine complaints against vidua Thielmanni Kernelr, 1542. him; and the resolution of the commons upon GRATTAN (Peachy R.) Reports of cases in this report, for his impeachment of high crimes the supreme court of appeals of Virginia. v. and misdemeanors, Dec. 1680. fol. London, 15-16. 8~. Richmond, 1860-67. (2 copies of T. Wright, 1778. v. 15. 3 copies of v. 16). [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 7]. GRAY (John). The country solicitor's prac- I Report of the capital punishment comtice in the high court of chancery. 4th ed. xx, mission, together with the minutes of evidence. 431 pp. 12~. London, Edmund Lumley, Presented to both houses of parliament by 1845. command of her majesty. liv, 672 pp. 8~. GRAYDON (William). An abridgement of London, Eyre 4 Spottiswoode, 1866. the laws of the United States; or, a digest of ( Resolutions of the house of lords on all such acts of congress as concern the U. S. several books, 1701-02. fol. London, T. at large. [With] an appendix. liii, 476, 163 Wright, 1778. pp. 81. 80. Hacrrisburgh, J. Wyeth7 1803. (2 [HARGRaAv's state trials, v. 8]. copies). GREEN (Charles Ewing). Reports of cases GREAT BRITAIN. An act for preventing in the high court of chancery, the prerogative frauds and regulating abuses in the plantation court, and, on appeal, in the court of errors trade, 1695. 8 pp. fol. Boston, B. Green & and appeals of the state of New Jersey, 1862J. Allen, 1696. 64. 599 pp. 80. Trenton, Hough & Gillespy, [ With MASSACHUSETTS. Acts and laws, 1693-1700]. 1867. ______ informations and examinations, taken GREEN (Rev. John C.) v. PIERCE (John). upon oath before a committee of the house Trial of, together with the speech of James of lords appointed to inspect who were M. Smith, jr. and a synopsis of John Grahlam's the advisers and prosecutors of the murders speech, reported by Cyril V. Gray. 87 pp. 8~. of [William], lord Russell, [Algernon] Sid- New York, 1850. ney, Sir T. Armstrong, and others, Dec. 1689. GREEN (Robert), and others. Tryals for the fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. murder of Sir Edlmond-bury Godfrey, king's [HARGRAvE'S state trials, v. 8]. bench, Westminster, Feb. 1679. 2 p. 1. 92 ---- Method of proceedings upon the trial pp. fol. London, B. Pawlet, 1679. of a peer. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. [TRIALS for treason, v. 1]. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 8]. The same. Minutes of the proceedings of the comn- [TRIALs for treason, v. 21. mittee appointed to inquire into the state of the I The same. gaols, touching a charge against Sir R. Eyre, [TRIALS for treason, v. 3]. chief justice of the common pleas, for person- The same. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. ally visiting T. Bambridge, whilst a prisoner [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 2]. in Newgate, under a commitment of the house GREEN (Capt. Thomas), and others. Trial, at of commons, 1729. fol. London, T. Wright, Edinburgh, for piracy, March, 1705. fol. 1778. London, T. Wright, 1777. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 9]. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 5]. Proceedings of the committee appointed GREENLEAF (Simon). Treatise on the law by the house of commons to enquire into the of evidence. 12th ed. carefully revised, with state of the gaols of this kingdom, as far as large additions, by Isaac F. Redfield. 3 v. relates to J. Huggins and J. Bambridge, war- 8~. Boston, Little, Brown & Co. 1866-67. (3 dens of the fleet, and of R. Corbet and W. copies). Acton, 1729. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. GREGG (William). Proceedings against [him] [HARIGRAVE'S state trials, v. 9]. at the Old-Bailey, Jan. 1708, for high treason. The report of the committee of the house fol. London, T. Wright, 1779. of commons appointed to examine the pro- [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 10]. ceedings of the judges [in the case of William GREGORIAN code. See THEODOSIUS Howard, viscount Stafford], made Dec. 1680. II, (emperor). fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. GREGORY (A. F. L.) Specimen juris civilis [HARGRAvE'S state trials. v. 31. de ratihabitione. xiv, 291 pp. 8~. Hcagce The report from the committee of the Comitis, M. Nijhoff, 1864. LAW BOOKS. 49 t GREY (Ford, 3d baron Grey, of merke, earl money on false tokens, and for forging], 1729. of Tankerville), and others. Trial at the king's fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. bench for a misdemeanor, in debauching the IHARGnRVE'S state trials, v. 9]. laSdy; Henrietta Berkeley, Nov. 1682. fol. Trial, for forging a promissory note in London, T. Wright, 1776. the name of T. Gibson, at the Old-Bailey, [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 31. Dec. 1728. fol. London, T. Wright, 1779. [HARGRAVE's state trials, v. 101. GREY (Leonard, viscount Trial at [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 10]. GREY (Leonard, viscount Graney). Trial at acclnd KINNERSLEY (Thomas). TriWestminster for high treason, June, 1540. als for forging promissory notes, 1729. fol. fol. London, T. W-igght, 1781. London, T. Wright, 1778. tHARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 113. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 9]. GREY (Richard). A systemn of English eccle- HALL (John E.) American law journal and siastical law. Extracted from the Codex juris miscellaneous repertory. v. 1-3. 80. Philaecclesiastici anglicani of [Edmund Gibson], depshia, 1808-10. the bishop of London. xiv, 448 pp. 38 1. 80. HALL (Lucian), and others. Minute and corLondon, Nutt 4 Gosling, 1730. rect account of the trial of Lucian Hall, GRIFFINBURG (Elizabeth). See CALI- Bethuel Roberts, and William H. Bell, for VERT (Frederick). Trial of. murder, at the Middlesex superior court, GRIFFITH (Wim. Downes), and HOLMES Connecticut, February term, 1844. 40 pp. $o. Middletowzn, C. H. Pelton, 1844. (Charles Arbuthnot). The law and practice 8 Middletow, C. f. Peton, 1844. of bankruptcy; with an appendix of statutes, HAMBDEN (Johl). Tryal for conspiring orders, and forms, partly founded on the 11th the death of the king, and raising a rebellion in this kingdom, Old-Bayly, Dec. 1685. 1 p. 1. ed. of Mr. Archbold's treatise. 1 v. in 2. lxxii, in tis kingdom, Old-Bayl, Dec. 1685.. 1559 pp. 80. London, H. Szueet, 1867. 4pp. fol. Lonon,E. Mclet, 1685. [TRIALS for treason, v. 6]. GRIMK:E (John F.) South Carolina justice The same. fol. London, T. WrSight, 1777. of the peace; to which is added a great va- [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 4]. riety of warrants, indictments, and other pre-. Tryal and conviction upon an indictment cedents. 3d ed. [anon,.] vii, 504 pp. 8~. of high misdemeanour, for contriving to diszVeu York, F. jF J. Swords, 1810. turb the peace of the king, [etc.] 1 p. 1. 56 GUERRAND (J.) Recueil de jurisprudence pp. fol. London,, B. Tooke, 1684. comilerciale et maritime du Havre. v. 10-12. ITRIALS for treason, v. 6]. Arnnees 1864-66. 80. Havre, Cazavan et Cie. -- The same. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. 1864-66. [HARGRAVE's state trials, v. 3]. HAMILTON (James, 1st duke and 3d marGUILFORD (Francis North, baron). See guess of Hamilton). Trial, before the high BNORTH. court of justice, for high treason, Feb. 1648. GUIPUZCOA. Nveva recopilacion de los fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. fvers, priuilegios, buenos vsos, y costumbres, [HARGRAVE's state trials, v. 2]. leyes, y ordens, de la muy N.e y muy L. HAMPDEN (John, M. P.) Proceedings in prouincia de Guipuzcoa. 22 p. 1. 361 pp. 501. the case of ship-money, between the king and fol. Tolosa, Bernardo de Vgarte, 1696. John Hampden, in the exchequer, 1637. fol. HAAS (C. P. Marie). Administration de la London, T. Wright, 1776. France, histoire et m6canisme des grands [HARGRAVE's state trials, v. 1]. HAMPDEN. See, also, IAMBDEN. pouvoirs de l'dtat, fonctions publiques, con- HARE (J. I. Clark)H and WALLACE ditions d'admission et d avancement dans (Horace Binney.) American leading cases. toutes ies carrires, privileges et immunit6s. 4th ed. enlarged and improved. With addi2e Ed. 4 v. 8~. Paris, Cosse et Marchal,. tional notes and references to American decisions. 2 v. xii, 778 pp; xxxi, 829 pp. 80.:HALES (Sir Edward). Trial, for neglecting Philadelphia, T. 4 J. Johnson & Co. 1857. to take the oaths of supremacy and allegiance, HARGRAVE (Francis). A complete collecwith his plea thereto, upon the king's distion of state trials, and proceedings for high pensing with the statute, and the opinion of treason, and other crimes and misdemeanours; the judges thereupon, 1686. fol. London, T.. -f t:-rghe, judges thereupon commencing with the year [1388], and ending with the year [ 1777. With two alphabetical [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 7]. tables to the whole. 4th ed. 11 v. in 5. folHALES (William). Trial, for [obtaining London, T. Wright, 1776-81. 492 LAW BOOKS. HARGRAVE (Francis). A complete collec- Crosby, alias Phillips, v. 10. Curl, Edmund, v. 10. tion of state trials, and proceedings for high Curtis, Jane, v. 2. treason, etc.-Continued. Dacre, William, 3d baron Dacre, v. 11. Dammaree, Daniel, and others, v. 8. CONTENTS. Darnel, Sir Thomas, and others, v. 7. Davison, William, v. 7. Abington, Edward, and others, v. 1. Dawson, Joseph, and others, v. 5. Acton, William, v. 9. Deacon, Thomas T. v. 9. Anderton, William, v. 8. Denew, Nathaniel, and others, v. 8. Andrewe, Eusebius, v. 7. Devereux, Robert, 2d earl of Essex, and Wriothesley, Armstrong, Sir Thomas, v. 3. Henry, 3d earl of Southampton, v. 1. Arnold, Edward, v. 8. Devereux, Robert, 3d earl of Essex, v. 1. Atkins, Samuel, v. 2, v. 8. Disney, William, v. 7. Atkins, William, v. 2. Dudley, Edmund, v. 11. Atterbury, Francis, bishop of Rochester, v. 6. Dudley, John, duke of Northumberland, and others, Babington, Anthony, and others, v. 1. v. 11. Bacon, Francis, lord chancellor, v. 1. Eliot, Sir John, and others, v. 7. Baillie, David, v. 8. Elles, Richard, v. 10. Baillie, Robert, v. 3. Elphintone, Arthur, 6th lord Balminnoch, v. 9. Bambridge, Thomas, v. 9. Elphinstone, Sir James, 1st lord Balmerinoe h, v. 1. -- and Corbett, Richard, v. 9. Elphinstone, John, 2d lord Balmerinoch, v, 1. Barbot, John, v. 10. Elwes Sir Jervis, v. 1. Barnard, William, v. 10. Empson, Sir Richard, and Dudley, Edmund, v. 11. Barnardiston, Sir Samuel, v. 3. Fagg, Sir John, v. 7. Bastwick, John, and others, v. 1. Faulconer, Richard, v. 7. Bateman, Charles. v. 4. Fenwick, Sir John, v. 5. Bates, John, v. 11. Fernley, John, and others, v. 4. Bathurst, Charles, v. 8. Fielding, Robert, v. 5. Baxter, Rev. Richard, v. 10.. Fiennes, Nathaniel, v. 1. Bayard, Col. Nicholas, v. 5. Finch, Sir John, baron Finch, v. 7. Baynton, Sarah, and others, v. 5. Fisher, John, bishop of Rochester, v. 11. Bentinck, William, 1st earl of Portland, and others, v. 5. Fitz-Harris, Edward, v. 3. Bernardi, John, and others, v. 10. Fitz-Patrick, Lawrence, and Brodway, Giles, v. I, Berwick, John, v. 9. Fletcher, George, v. 9. Bethel, Slingsby, v. 3. Fortescue, Sir John, v. 7. Blague, William, v. 3. Fowlis, Sir David, and others, v. 11. Blandy, Mary, v. 10. Frances, Robert, v. 10. Blunt, Sir Christopher, and others, v. 1. Francia, Francis, v. 6. Boleyn, Anna, and others, v. 11. Francklin, Richard, v. 9. Bonnet, Stede, and others, v. 6. Franklin, James, v. 1. Booth, Henry, baron Delamere, v. 4. Fraser, Simon, baron Fraser of Lovat, v. 9, v. 10. Borosky, Charles George, and others, v. 3. Freind, Sir John, v. 4. Boyd, William, 4th earl of Kilmarnock, and others, Fuller, William, v. 5. v. 9. Garnet, Henry, v. 1. Braddon, L. and Speke, H. v. 3. Gascoigne, Sir Thomas, v. 3. Bradshaw, James, v. 9. G-erhard, John, and others, v. 2. Brett vs. Gilbert, v. 11. Germaine, John, v. 8. Brewster, Thomas, and others, v. 2. Gibbon, John, v. 10. Broadfoot, Alexander, v. 2. Gibbons, John, v. 2. Brommich, Andrew, v. 2. Gilbert, Jeffery, and others, v. 6. Busby, George, v. 3. Giles, John, v. 3. Butler, alias Strickland, Mary, v. 3. Golding, John, and others, v. 8. Byron, William, 5th baron Byron, v. 10. Goodere, Samuel, and others, v. 6. Calvin, Robert, v. 11. Goodwin, Sir Francis, v. 7. Cameron, Archibald, v. 10. Graham, Sir Richard, viscount Preston, and Ashton, Campbell, Archibald, marquess, and 8th earl ofArgyll, John, v. 4. v. 2, v. 7. Green, Robert, and others, v. 2. Campbell, Archibald, 9th earl of Argyll, v. 3. Green, Thomas, and others, v. 5. Canning, Elizabeth, v. 10. Gregg, William, v. 10. Carnegie, James, v. 9. Grey, Ford, 3d baron Grey of Werke, v. 3. Carrn', Henry, v. 3. Grey, Leonard, viscount Graney, v. 11. Carr, Robert, earl of Somerset, v. 1. Hales, Sir Edward, v. 7. Cayrington, Nathan, and others, v. 1L Hales, William, v. 9, v. 10, Case ofthe [Londonl bankers, v. 11. - and Kinnersley, Thomas, v. 9. Cavenagh, Maurice, and others, v. 4. Hambden, John, v. 3, v. 4. Cavendish, Mary, countess of Shrewsbury, v. 11. Hamilton, James, 1st duke of Hamilton, v. a Cavendish, William, duke of Devonshire, v. 11. Hampden, John, v. 1. Cellier, Elizabeth, v. 3. Harley, Robert, 1st earl of Oxford, v. 6. Chadwick, Thomas, and Battyagh, William, v. 9. Harris, Benjamin, v. 2. Chambers, Richard, v. 11. Harrison, Henry, v. 4. Charles i, king of England, v. 1. Harrison, Thomas, v. 1. Charnock, Robert, and others, v. 4. Hastings, county of Sussex, England, v. 10. Chetwynd, William, v. 9. Hathaway, Richard, v. 5. Chudleigh, Elizabeth, duchess dowager of Kingston, Hawkins, Rev. Robert, v. 2. v. 11. Hayes, Joseph, v. 3. Cole, John, v. 4. Heath, Mary, v. 9. Coleman, Edward, v. 2. Hendley, Rev. William, and others, v. 10. Colledge, Stephen, v. 3. Hepburn, James, 4th earI of Bothwell, v. 1. Collier, Jeremy, and others, v. 10. Herbert, Philip, 7th earl of Pembroke, 4th earl of MontCompton, Henry, bishop of London, v. 4. gomery, v. 2. Cook, Peter, v. 4. Hewet, John, v. 2. Cooper, Anthony Ashley, earl of Shaftesbury, v. 2, s. 3. Hickford, Robert, v. 1. Cornwallis, Charles, baron, v. 2. IoIlis, Sir John, and others, v. 1. Cowper, Spencer, and others, v. 8. Holloway, James, v. 3. Cranburne, Charles, v. 4. Hone, William, v. 3. Crichton, Robert, lord Sanquhar, v. 7. Howard, Frances, countess of Essex, afterwards countCrone, Mathew, v. 10. ess of Somerset, v. 1. Crook, John, and others, v. 2. Howard, Henry, earl of Surrey, v. 11. Crosby, Brass, lord mayor of London, v. 11. Howard, Philip, earl of Arundel, v. 1, v. 11l LAW BOOKS 493 HARGRAVE (Francis). A complete collec- Pemberton, Sir Francis, and Jones, Sir Thomas, v. 8. Penn, William, and Mead, William, v. 2. tion of state trials, and proceedings for high Penruddock, Col. John, v. 2. treason, etc. -Continued. Perrot, Sir John, v. 1. Pilkington, Thomas, and others, v. 3. Howard, Thomas, 3d duke of Norfolk, v. 11. Plunket, Oliver, D. D. v. 3. Howard, Thomas, 4th duke of Norfolk, v. 1. Plunkett, John, and others, v. 6. Howard, William, viscount Stafford, v. 3. Pordage, Rev. John, v. 2. Huggins, John, v. 9. Porteous, Capt. John, v. 6. Hurly, Patrick, v. 5. Powrie, William, and others, v. 8. Hyde, Edward, I st earl of Clarendon, v. 2, v. 8. Price, John, and others, v. 4. Ireland, William, and others, v. 2. Priest, William, v. 11. Ivy, Theodosia, v. 7. Prynne, William, v. 1, v. 8. Jackson, William, and others, v. 9. Purchase, George, v. 8. James, John, v. 2. Quelch, John, and others, v. 8. Jenkes, Francis, v. 7. Radcliffe, Charles, assumed earl of Derwentwater, v. 9. Johnson, Samuel, v. 7. Radcliffe, James, 3d earl of Derwentwater, and others, Keach, Benjamin, v. 2. v. 6. Kendall, Thomas, and Roe, Richard, v. 4. Raleigh, Sir Walter, v. 1, v. 8. Kern, Charles, v. 2. Ramsey, David, v. 11. Kidd, Capt. William, and others v. 5. Reading, Nathaniel, v. 2. Kinlock, Alexander and James, v. 9. Reason, Hugh, and Tranter, Robert, v. 6. Kirkby, Richard, and others, v. 5. Regicides, v. 2. Knevet, Sir Edmund, v. 11. Rich, Edward, 6th earl of Warwick, 3d earl of HolKnightley, Alexander, v. 4. land, v. 5. Knightly, Sir Richard, and others, v. 7. Rookwood, Ambrose, v. 4. Knollys, or Knowles, Charles, claiming to be earl of Rosewell, Thomas, v. 3. Banbury, v. 8. Rouse, John, v. 3. Knox, Thomas, and Lane, John, v. 2. Russell, Francis, 4th earl of Bedford, v. 11. Lalor, Robert, v. 11. Russell, William, lord Russell, v. 3. Langhorn, Richard, v. 2. Ruthven, John, 4th earl of Gowrie, v. 7. Laud, William, archbishop of Canterbury, v. 1. Sacheverell, Henry, D. D. v. 5, v. 8. Layer, Christopher, v. 6. Sacheverell, William, and others, v. 3. Lee, Capt. Thomas, v. 7. St. John, Oliver, v. 11. Leech, Benjamin, v. 10. Sancroft, William, archbishop of Canterbury, and Leighton, Alexander, v. 11. others, v. 4. Lewis, David, v. 2. Sandys, Thomas, v. 7. Lilburne, Col. John, v. 2, v. 7. Scroggs, Sir William, and others, v. 7. - and Wharton, John, v. 7. Seton, George, 5th earl of Wintoun, v. 6. Lindsay, David, v. 5. Seymour, Edward, 1st duke of Somerset, v. 7. Lisle, Alice, v. 4. Seymour, Sir Thomas, baron Seymn-our of Sudley, v. 7. Lloyd, William, bishop of Worcester, and Lloyd, -, Sherfield, Henry, v. 1. his son, v. 8. Shirley, Laurence, 4th earl Ferrers, v. 10. Logan, Robert, v. 7. Sidney, Algernon, v. 3. London, city of, v. 3. Sindercome, alias Fish, Miles, v. 7. Love, Christopher, v. 2. Slingsby, Sir Henry, v. 2. Lowvick, Robert, v. 4. Smith, Francis, v. 2. Macdonald, AEneas, alias Angus, v. 9. Soame, Sir William, v. 7. Mac Growther, Alexander, v. 9. Sommersett, James, v. 11. Mac Kenzie, George, 3d earlof Cromartie, v. 9, v. 10. Spotiswood, Sir Robert, v. 1. Magdalen college, Oxford, v. 4. Sprat, Thomas, bishop of Rochester, v. 8. Maguire, Connor, baron Maguire, v. 1. Sprot, George, v. 1. Maitland, Charles, v. 8. Stafford, Edward de, 3d duke of Buckinghamn, v. 11. Markham, Sir Griffin, and others, v. 7. Standsfield, Philip, v. 4. Mary, queen of Scots, v. 1. Stanley, Sir William, v. 11. Matthews, John, v. 9. Stapleton, Sir Miles, v. 3. Messenger, Peter, and others, v. 2. Stayley, William, v. 2. Mitchel, James, v. 2. Stevenson, John, v. 10. Moders, alias Stedman, Mary, v. 2. Stewart, Archibald, v. 9. Mohun, Charles, 5th baron Mohun, v. 4, v. 5. Stewart, James, of Appin, v. 10. Money, John, and others, v. 11. Stewart, Sir James, lord Ochiltrie, v. 7. Monson, Sir Thomas, v. 1. Stirling, James, and others, v. 5. Mordaunt, John, viscount Mordaunt, v. 2. Streater, John, v. 2. Mordaunt, Mary, duchess of Norfolk, v. 8, v. 5. Stroud, William, and others, v. 7. More, Sir Thomas, v. 1. Suwan, John, and Jefferys, Elizabeth, v. 10. Morgan, David, v. 9. Swendsen, Haagen, v. 5. Morris, Col. John, v. 7. Talbot, William, v. 11. Morris, alias Poyntz, John, and others, v. 7. Tasborough, John, and, Price, Ann, v. 2. Mostyn, lieut. gen. John, v. 11. Thompson, Nathaniel, and others, v. 3. Murphy. Timothy, v. 10. Thorpe, William, v. 1. Nairn, Katharine, and Ogilvie, Patrick, v. 10. Throckmorton, Sir Nicholas, v. 1. Nayler, James, v. 2. Thwing, Thomas, and Pressicks, Mary, v. 3. Nevill, Alexander, archbishop of York, and others, v. 1. Tonge, Thomas, and others, v. 2. Noble, Richard, and others, v. 9. Tooke, John Home, v. 11. Norkott, Arthur, and others, v. 10. Touchet, Mervin, baron Audley, earl of Castlehaven, Oates, Titus, v. 3, v. 4. v. 1. Ogilvie, John, v. 7. Townley, Francis, v. 9. O'Key, John, and others, v. 8. Turner, Anne, v. 1. Oldcastle, Sir John, baron Cobham, v. 1. Turner, James, and others, v. 2. Oneby, John, v. 9. Tutchin, John, v.. 5. Osborne, Thomas, 1st earl of Danby, v. 2. Twyn, John, v. 2. Owen, William, v. 10. Udall, Rev. John, v. 1. Palmer, Roger, earl of Castlemaine, v. 3, v. 4. Vane, Sir Henry, v. 2. Papillon, Thomas, v. 3. Vaughan, Thomas, v. 5. Parker, Thomas, 1st earl of Macclesfield, v. 6. Wakeman, Sir George, and ofthers, v. 2. Parker, Thomas, 6th baron Morley, v. 7. Walcott, Thomas, and others, v. 3. Parkyns, Sir William, v. 4. Walters, Rowland, and others, v. 7. Parry, William, v. 1. Ward, Sir Patience, v. 3. Peachell, John, vice chancellor, and the university of Wedderburn, Sir John, v. 9. Cambridge, v. 4. Wentworth, Sir Thomas, 1st earl of Stratford, v. 1. 494 LAW BOOKS. HARGRAVE (Francis). A complete collec- HATHAWAY (Richard). Trial, at Strry tion of state trials, and proceedings for high assizes, for a cheat and impostor, March 1702. treason, etc.-Continued. fol. London, T. Wright, 1777. W~eston, Richard, v. 1. WA5~eston, Richard, v. 1. ~[HARGRAvE's state trials, v. 5]. White, alias Whitebread, Thomas; and others, v. 2. White, William, mayor of Aylesbury, England, v. 8. and others. Trial, at Surrey assizes, WThitelock, James, v. 11. Wiat, or Wyatt, Sir Thomas, v. 8. March 1702, for a riot and assault. fol. LonWillis, Francis, v. 8. don, T. Wright, 1777. Winter, Robert, and others, v. 1. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 5]. Woodburne, John, and Coke, Arundel, v. 6. WTraynham, —, v. 7. HAUREAU (Jean Barth6lemy). Catalogue Zenger, John Peter, v. 9. chronologique des oeuvres imprim6es et manHIARLEY (Robert, Ist earl of Oxford). ProHA'EY ( 1st imeaorlo Ofor. Po-s of uscrites de J. B. Gerbier, que posshde la bibliceedings against [him], before the house of otheque des avocats A la cour implriale de lords, upon an impeachment for high treason,. ur Paris. 92 pp. 8~. Paris, Durancl, 1863. etc. June, 1717. fol. London, T. Wright, 1777. HAWAIIAN or SANDWIC is lands Ke HAWAIIAN, or SANDWICH islands. Ke LHARGRAvE'S state trials, v. 6]. [HARAv's state trials, v. 6]. Kumu kanawai, a me na kanawai o ko HaHARMON (Henry C.) Manual of the pen- e a sion laws of the United States of America, wail pae aina. [Constitution and laws of, Hawaii]. iv, 156 pp. 16~. Honolulu, Oahu, embracing all the laws under which pensions, 1841. 1841. bounties, and bounty lands are now granted, with1 fo, e. x 39 7 pH7 AWKINS (Francis, D. D.) A narrative of with forms, etc. x, 397 pp. 8~. Washifngton. W. RH.m O 0et. Mo3rrison, 1867. what discourse passed between [himself] and H R (B enja-.Min. An sr E. Fitz-Harys, late prisoner in the tower; -A:RRIS (Belnjamin). A short but just acwith the manner of taking his confession. count of [his] tryal, for printing and vending I p. 1. 10 pp. fol. Lono S. Ccar, 1681. a late seditious book called An appeal from the country to the city, [etc.] 8 pp. fol. for treason, v. 3]. London, 1679. The same. [TRIAtLS for treason, v. 2]. [TRIALS for treason, v. 4]. - TThe same. fol. London, T. Wt'ight, 1776. HAWKINS (Rev. Robert). Trial, at Ailes[HARGRAvE'S state trials, v. 2]. bury, for felony, March 1668. Wrote by himHARRIS (George). Principia puima legum; self. fol. London, T. TrVight, 1776. or, an enunciation and analysis of the ele- [HIAIoRAvE'S state trials, v. 2]. mentary principles of law, in its several dey(B BHAWLES (John). Remarks upon the tryals partments. Part i. xxxv, 235 pp. 8~. Lonof E. Fitzharris, S. Colledge, count Coningsdon, Stevens & sons, 1866. HARRISON ( Henry). Trial, at the Old- mark, lord Russell, collonel [Algernon] SidHARRISON ( Henry). Trial, at the Oldmurder of Andrew Clenche, ney, H. Cornish, and C. Bateman. As also on Bailey, for the murder of Andrew Clenche v BApile, for2. the. LnnTWrt,77 the earl of Shaftsbury's grand jury, Wilmore's April, 1692. fol. London, T. Wright, 1777.. a state trs honmine replegiando, and the award of esecu[HAcRGRAVE'S state trials, v. 4]. HARRISON (Thomas). Trial, at the king's tion against Sir Thomas Armstrong. 104 pp. HaRRSN Tfol. TiLondon, J Tonsone 1689i bench, for a misdemeanour, in speaking re- fo... fleeting words of judge Hutton, 1638. fol. The same. London, T. Wright, 1776. L[TIALS for treason, v. 5]. [HARGRAvE'S state trials, v. 1]. - The same. fol. London, T. WTright, 1777. HARVEY (Ann). See CALVERT (Fred- [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 4]. erick). Trial of. HAYES (Joseph). Trial, at the king's bench, HARWOOD (A. A.) The law and practice for high treason in corresponding with Sir of United States naval courts-martial. 325 pp. T. Armstrong, an outlaw for high treason, 8~. New York, D. Van Nostrand, 1867. Nov. 1684. fol. London, T. W~right, 1776. HASTINGS, (county of Sussex, England). [HARGRavE's state trials, v. 3]. Henry Moore, plaintiff, against the mayor, HEAD (John W.) Reports of cases in the jurats, and commonalty of the town and port supreme court of Tennessee. v. 3. 8~. Nashof Hastings, defendants. Tried, July, 1736, ville, S. C. Mercer, 1866. (2 copies). at the King's-bench, on a mandamus admit- HEAMAN (Peter), and GAUTIEZ (Franting the plaintiff to be a freeman of Hastings, 9ois). Trial of.... before the high court of in pursuance of a custom there. fol. London, admiralty, at Edinburgh, 26th November, T. Wright, 1779. 1821, for piracy and murder. 72 pp. 12~. [HARGRAvE' s state trials, v. 10]. Leithl, W. Reed, 1821. LAW BOOKS. 495 i HEATH (Mrs. Mary). Trial, for perjury (in HEWET (John, D. D.) Trial before the high the cause of Annesley vs. Anuesley), at the court of justice for high treason, June, 1658. king's bench in Ireland, Feb. 1744. fol. Lon- fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. don, T. Wrtight, 1778. [HARGnAvE'S state trials, v. 2]. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 91. HEYL (Lewis). Digest of the statutes of the HELIE (Faustin). Th6orie du code p6nal, 1843. SHELIE (AUstin). Th(Aorie du codepnal, 1843. United States, prescribing the rates of duties See CHAUVEAU (A.)Willia and oHtELIE. Trial on imports in force October 1, 1866. 53 pp. HENDLIEY (Rev. William), andothers. Trial 8. [Washington, 1867]. for preaching a charity sermon at Chislehurst, HICKERINGILL (Rev. Edmund). The test in Kent, for the charity children of St. Ann's, or tryal of the goodness and value of spiritual or tryal of the goodness and value of spiritual London, and for collecting money for the same;' courts. 2 p. 1. 22, 18 pp. fol. London, assigns at Rochester, July, 1719. fol. London, T. of the author, 1683. TV2 ght, 177l9. [TRIALS for treason, v. 5]. [HAnGRAvE's state trials, v. 101. [-IARGRAYE'S state triWales,. 10J. HICKES (George, D. D. ) Ravillac redivivus: HENIN (William Wailer). The new Vr- being a narrative of the late tryal of Jamnes ginia justice, comprising the office and au- Mitchel, a conveticle preacher, who was exthority of a justice of the peace in Virginia. ecuted Jan. 18, 1677, for an attempt on the With a variety of useful precedents, [and] an sacred person of [Jnmes Sharp], the archappendix. 6 p. 1. 539 pp. 8~. Richqmond, bishop of St. Andrews. [With] the tryal A. Davis, 1799. of ThomasWeir. [anon.] 2d edl. 2 p. 1. 54 HENNEN (William D.) Digest of the reported pp. fol. London, W. iettilby, 1682. decisions of the supreme court of the late HICKFORD (Robert). Trial for high treason, territory of Orleans; the late court of errors queen's bench, Feb. 1571. fol. London, T. and appeals; and the supreme court of the Tright, 1776. state of Louisiana; contained in the sixty-five [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 1]. volumes of reports, friom first Martin to fif- HIGGINS (G.) Trial for high treason. See teenth Louisiana annual. 2 v. 963 pp; 1,946 SMITH (John), and HIGGINS. pp. 80. Boston, H. O. Houghton, 1861. (2 HIGHMORE (Anthony). Treatise on the law copies). of idiocy and lunacy. 1st Amer. ed. with seHEPBURN (James, 4th earsl of Bothwell). lection of American cases. 80. Exeter, (T. Trial for the murder of Henry [Stewart], B.) 1822. lord Darnley, Edinburgh, April, 1567. fol. IEILDENBRAND (Carl). De bona fide rei London, T. Wright, 1776. proprife debitori ad temporis praescriptionem [HARGRAYE'S state trials, v. 1]. haud necessaria. 58 pp. 8~. AMonachii, HEPP (Edgar). De la correspondence priv6e Literarisch art. anstalt, 1843. s. postale ou t616graphique, dans ses rapports HILL (John W.) A manual of the law of fixavec le droit civil, le droit commercial, le tures. 64pp. 8~. New York, Baker, Voorhis droit administratif, et le droit penal. viii, 143 &c Co. 1867. pp. 8~. Paris, A. Duran-td, 1864. HILL (Lawrence). An account of the writing, HERBERT (Philip, 7th earl of Pemrbroke, 4th [together] with the writing itself, that was earl of ontgomnes'y). Tryal [for the murder found in the pocket of L. Hill, at the time he of N. Cony], Westminster hall, April, 1678. and [Robert] Green were executed. 3 pp. fol. 1 p. 1. 28 pp. fol. [London], 1679. London, R. Paswlet, 1679. [TRuIALS for treason, V.T 1], [Trials for treason, v. 1]. The same. fol. London, T. Wright, The same. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778.,1776. [HAnlGAvE's state trials, v. 8]. [HAIIAGIAVE'S state trials, v. 2]. See GREEN (Robert). HERMOGENTIAN code. See THEODO- HILLIAR'D (Francis). The law of torts; or, SIUS II (emnpe rorx). private wrongs. xlvii, 595 pp. 80. Boston, HEROLD (Ferdinand). Sur la perp6tuit6 de Little, Brown & Co. 1867. la propri6t6 litt6raire. 45 pp.. 8~. Paris, A. HOFFMAN (David). Circular address to HMar escq, 1862. - students of law in the United States. 15 pp. HERTY (Thomas). A digest of the laws of 8~. Baltimore, J. D. Toy, 1824. s. the United States of Ameerica, (alphabetically -- A lecture introductory to a course of lecar rantged ). From th e commenl ecement of the tures now delivering in the university of Maryfederal government, to March, 1799. 562 pp. land. 77 pp. 80. Baltimore, J. D. Toy, 1823. s. 50. Baltimore, editor, 1800. [ With his Circular address, etc.] 496 LAW BOOKS. HOFFMAN (David). A lecture, being the the superior court, and the court of errors and second [and third] of a series of lectures in- appeals of the state of Delaware. v. 1. vi, 660 troductory to a course of lectures now deliver- pp. 8~. Philadelphia, Johnsons, 1866. (2 ing in the university of Maryland. 50 pp; copies). 62 pp. 80. Baltimore, J. D. Toy, 1825-26. s. HOWARD (Frances, countess of Essex, after[With his Circular, etc.] wards countess of Somerset). Proceedings, in a Syllabus of a course of lectures on law; cause of divorce. See DEVEREUX (Robert, proposed to be delivered in the university of 3d earl of Essex). Maryland, [etc.] xii, 92 pp. 80. Baltimore, - Trial for the murder of Sir Thomas OverE. J. Coale, 1821. s. bury, May, 1616. fol. London, 1. Wright, [ With his Circular, etc.] 1776. HOLLAND (Edward Rich, 3d earl of). See [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 1]. RICH (Edward). HOWARD (Henry, earl of Surrey). Trial HOLLIS (Sir John), and others. Proceedings for high treason, at the Guildhall, London, against [them] in the star chamber, for tra- Dec. 1546. With the proceedings against his ducingpublic justice, Nov. 1615. fol. London, father, Thomas [Howard, 3d] duke of NorT. Wright, 1776. folk, for the same crime. fol. London, T. [HARGRAVE'S. state trials, v. 1]. Wright, 1781. HOLLOWAY (James). Free and voluntary [FAngtAvE's state trials, v. 11]. confession and narrative [concerning the whig ]0 HOWARD (Henry, 7th duke of Norfolk). conspiracy]; also, the proceedings against in divorce, 1700. See MORhim in the king's bench. [With] a disDAUNT (lady Mary). course at his execution. 16 pp. fol. London, B.R~~ Hgorne 1684.- - Trial in an action of trespass on the case. B. Horn, 1684. [Trials for treason, v. 4]. See GERMAINE (John). The same. HOWARD (Nathan, jr.) Practice reports in [Trials for treason, v. 5]. the supreme court, and court of appeals of the Proceedings against [him] in the king's state of New York. v. 31-33. 8~. Albany, W. bench, on an outlawry for high treason, April, Gould 4 son, 1866-67. (2 copies of v. 32-33). 1684. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. HOWARD (Philip, earl of Alrundel). Trial, [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 3]. before the lords, for high treason, April, 1589. HONE (William, laborer). Trial at the Old fol. London, T. BWright, 1776. Bailey, for high treason, July, 1683. fol. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 1]. London, 1. W'ight, 1776. -- The same. fol. London, T. Wright, [HARGRAVE'S state trials. v. 3]. 1781. The same. See WALCOT (Thomas). [HAnGRAVE'S state trials, v. 11]. HONE (William, bookseller). The third trial HOWARD (Thomas, 3d duke of Norfolk). of William Hone, on an ex-officio information, Proceedings against him for treason. See for publishing a parody on the Athanasian HOWARD (Henry, earl of Surrey). creed, entitled " The sinecurist's creed." 4th HOWARD (Thomas, 4th duke of Norfolk). ed. 2 p. 1. iv, 34 pp. 80. London, TW. Hone, Tryal of Thomas, duke of Norfolk, by his 1818. s. peers, for high treason against the queen, on HORNE (Andrew). The mirrour of justices; the 16th day of January, 1571; for attempting [with] the diversity of courts and their juris- to marry Mary, queen of Scots, without the diction. Translated from old French into consent and approbation of the said queen English by William Hughes. New ed. 299 Elizabeth. 11 p. 1. 150 pp. 8~. London, J. pp. 21. 1 pl. 240. Manchester, (Eng.) Fil- Morphew, 1709. liam Willis, 1840. The same. fol. London, T. Wricght, 1776. HORNE (John). See TOOKE (John Horne). [HARGRAVE'S state tlials, v. 1]. HOUCK (Louis). A treatise on the mechanics' [ [His] indictment for high treason, 1571. lien law in the United States. xxix, 256 pp. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. 80. Chicago, Callajghan & Cutler, 1867. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 8]. HOUSTON (John). A treatise on the law of HOWARD (William, viscount Stafford). stoppage in transitu, and incidentally of re- Speech on the scaffold, before his execution, tention and delivery. xvi, 253 pp. 80. Lon- Dec. 29,1680. 1 p. 1. 6 pp. fol. London, don, W. Maxwell, 1866. W. Bailey, 1680. HOUSTON (John W.) Reports of cases in [TRIALs for treason, v. 5]. LAW BOOKS. 497 HOWARD (William, viscount Stafford). ILLINOIS (State of). Reports. v. 33-38. By Tryal for high treason, Westminster hall, N. L. Freeman. 8~. Chicago, Myers 58 ChandNov. 30th-Dec. 7th, 1680. 1 p. 1. 218 pp. ler, 1866-67. (2 copies). fol. London, assigns of J. Bills, 1681. IMPARTIAL (The) lawyer; containing va[TRIALS for treason, v. 4]. riety of matter. [anon.] 4 p. 1. 255 pp. 120~. The same. ~~~~The ~same. -London, J. Walthoe, 1709. [TRIALS for treason, V. 5]. W The same. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. INDERWICK (F. A.) The law of wills, as [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 3J. administered in the court of probate in EngHOWISON (Robert R.) Reports of criminal land. xvi, 187 pp. 8~. London, W. Maxtrials in the circuit, state, and United States well, 1866. courts, held in Richmond, Virginia. 120 pp. INDIANA (State of). Laws, at the called 8~. Richmond, West & brother, 1851. session, 1858, (2 copies;) 1861, (2 copies;) HUGGINS (John). Trial for the murder of 1863, (3 copies;) 1865, (3 copies;) called sesEdward Arne, at the Old Bailey, May, 1729. sion, 1865, (3 copies;) 1867, (3 copies.) 16 v. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. 8~. Indianapolis, J. J. Bingham, etc. 1858-67. [HAGRAE's state trials, v. 91. --— Indiana reports. v. 23 and 25. By B. HUGHES (Dr. John W.) Trial of... for the Iarrison. 80. Indianaols, Douglass & Conmurder of Miss Tamzen Parsons; with a sketch er, 1865-66. (2 copies of v. 25.) of his life, as related by himself. A record of IOWA (eState of). Reports. v. 18-20. By T. love, bigamy, and murder, unparalleled in the F. Withrow. 8~. Des Moines, by the reporter annals of crime. 58 pp. 8~. Cleveland, Stel- 1866. (3copies.) ler and Co. 1866. IRELAND (William), and GROVE (J.) HUGHE~S (William). The practice ofconvey- The confessions and execution of the two ancing. 2 v. vi, 482 pp; xii, pp. 483-1066. jesuits, drawn, hang'd, and quartered at 12~. London, John Croclcford, 1856-57. Tyburn, Jan. 24th. 1679, viz. W. Ireland and The practice of sales of real property, J. Grove. 1 p. 1. 6 pp. sinm. 4~. London, R. G. with precedents of forms. 2d ed. enlarged. 1679. 2 v. xv, 564 pp; xx, 360, cclvi pp. 120. and others. Tryals for conspiring to London, John Crockford, 1849-50. murder the king [Charles ii]; Old Baily, HUNT (Arthur Joseph). The law of bounda- Dec. 1678. 2 p. 1. 84 pp. fol. London, B. ries and fences. xiv, 266 pp. 80. London, Pawlet, 1678. Buctterworths, 1866. vButterworths, 1866. [TRIALS for treason, v. 1]. HUNTER (Robert, M. D.) v. PALL MALL The same gazette. See PALL MALL gazette. HUNTINGTON (Samuel H.) Reports U. S. [TRALS for treason, v. 2]. court of claims. See NOTT (Charles C.) and - The same. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. HUNTINGTON. [HARGRAvEaS state trials, v. 2]. HURLY (Patrick). Trial, at the king's-bench IRISH chancery reports. v. 12, and 14-17. in Ireland, for perjury, and [also] for con- 8~. Dublin, Hodges, Smith & Co. 1862-67. spiring with D. Hicky, etc. to cheat the IRISH common law reports. v. 12, and14-17. popish inhabitants of the county of Clare, etc. 8~. Dublin, Hodges, Smith & Co. 1862-67. May, 1701. fol. London, T. Wright, 1777. IVY (lady Theodosia Bryan). Trial of the [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 5]. lady Ivy's claim to great part of Shadwell, HUSSON (Jean Christophe Armand). Trait6 in the county of Middlesex, June, 1684. Elam de la legislation des travaux publics et de la Mossam, plaintiff; vs. Theodosia Ivy, defendvoirie en France. 2 v. xvi, 447 pp; viii, 549 ant. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. pp. 80. Paris, L. Hachette, 1841. [HARGBAVE'S state trials, v. 7]. HYDE (Edward, 1st earl of Clarendon). Pro- JACKSON (William), and others. Trials, at ceedings in parliament against [him], for high Cbiclester Jan. 1749, for the murder of Wiltreason, etc. July, 1663. fol. London, T. am Gally, and Daniel Chater. fol. London, liam Gally, and Daniel Chater. fol. London, Wright, 1776. ~~~~Wright, 1776. ~T. Wright, 1778. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 2]. Vindication of himself against the arti- [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 9]. cles of treason exhibited against him in par- JAMES II (king of Gt. Britain). Writ of inliament[1663]. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. quiry of damages between James, duke of [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 8]. York, and Titus Otes. See OATES (T.) 63 498 LAW BOOKS. JAMES(Edwin). Bankrupt law ofthe United ment; June 21, 1686. fol. London, T. States, 1867. With notes, and a collection of Wright, 1778. American and English decisions upon the [HARGRAVE's state trials, v. 7]. principles and practice of the law of bank- JONES (Hamilton C.) Reports of cases in law ruptcy. v, 325 pp. 8o. New Yolk, arper in the supreme -court of North Carolina. ci b~ros. 1867. v. 7-8. 8~. Salisbury, J. J. Bruner, 1860-62. JAMES (John). Trial, at the king's-bench, JONES (Sir Thomas). Defence of judgment for high-treason, Nov. 1662. Wrote by his given [in the case of Jay vs. Topham]. See friends. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. PEMBERTON (Sir Francis), andJONE S. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 2]. JOURNAL du palais, 1865 and 1866. v. 76-77. JAMES (Thomas Henry). A handy book of 8~. Paris, Bureaux de l'administration, the law of merchant shipping. Abridgedfrom 1865-66. the large treatise by Maude and Pollock. xii, JURIST (The). V. 12. Parts i and ii. 2 v. 142 pp. 120. London, Henry Sweet, 1866. 8~. London, H. Sweet, 1867. JARVIS (Mrs. Sarah M.) v. JARVIS (Rev. JUSTICE (Alexander). A general treatise of Samuel Farmar). Report of the proceedings the dominion and laws of the sea. [With] on the petition of Mrs. Sarah M. Jarvis, for a discourses about the jurisdiction and manner divorce from -her husband, Rev. Samuel F. of proceeding in the admiralty of England, Jarvis, before a committee of the legislature both in criminal and civil matters, and adof Connecticut. 2d ed. 116 pp. 80. Hart- judg'd cases concerning trade and navigation. ford, Review press, 1839. 6 p. 1. vi, 660, 40 pp. 41. 2 pl. sinm. 4~. LonJEANNE d'Arc. See JOAN of Arc. don, S. & J. Sprint, 1705. JEFFERYS (Elizabeth). Case for murder. JUSTINIANUS I. (Flavius Anicius, Roman See SWAN (J.) and JEFFERYS. emperor). Corpus juris civilis academicum parJENKES (Francis). Proceedings against isiense, in quo Justiniani institutiones, digesta [him], for a speech made by him on the sive pandecta, codex, authenticae seu novelloe hustings, at Guildhall, on midsummer-day, constitutiones, et edicta comprehenduntur, etc. 1676. [Published by his friends]. fol. Lon- Opera et cura C. M. Gallisset. 7a ed. 1268 pp. don, T. Wright, 1778. 40. Paris, A. Cotelle, 1862. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 7]. Codex de tortis. 318 1. fol. Uenetijs, JENKINS (Elisha), v. VAN RENSSE- Baptista de tortis, [. d.] s. LAER (Solomon). -Report of the trials of [Imperfect. Wanting l. 318]. Digestum uetus de tortis. 355 ]. fol. the causes of Elisha Jenkins v,. Solomon Vane. Uenetijs, Baptista de tortis, 1498. s. Rensselaer, v. John Tayler; the same, v. Charles D. Cooper, and the same, v. Francis Infortiatum de tortis. 270. fol. Uenetijs, Bloodgood. Before arbitrators, at Albany, Baptista de tortis, 1497. s. August16-18, 1808. 80 pp. 1 pl. 80. Albany, aptistadetortis,1498. s. Baptista de tortis, 1498. s. Croswell &c PrarFey, 1808. [Imperfect: wanting 1. 1]. JERVIS (Sir John). On the office and duties The same. Institutiones imperiales. 8p. i. of coroners; with forms and precedents. By 1391. sm. 40. Par.isiis, Tnielmanieriver, 1511. W. N. Welsby. 3d ed. By C. W. Lovesy. xx, - Novellarvm constitvtionvm, [etc. ] qvae 456 pp. 120 London, I-. Sweet, etc. 1866. extant, et ut exstant volumen. Appositi sunt JEVERLAND,( Oldenburg). Verzeichnissund item canones sanctori apostolorf per Clesummarischer inhalt der in den jeverschen mentem in uni congesti, [Gr. Lat.] Gregorio wochenblattern von 1791-1813 bekannt get Haloandro interprete. 12 p. 1. 224, 266 pp. machten landesherrlichen verordnungen und fol. Norerbergce, lo. Petreius, 1531. s. obrigkeitlichen verfiigungen, [etc.] 144 pp. Y Volvmen legvm parvvm qvod vocant, in 8~. Jever, C. L. Mettcker, 1836. s. qvo haec insvnt, tres posteriores lib. cod. [etc. ] JOAN of ARC, or JEANNE DARC. Proc~s grrecee leges, [etc.] authentical seu novellre de condamnation et de r6habilitation de constitutiones eiusdem principis, [etc.] Omnia Jeanne d'Arc. Par Jules Quicherat. 5 v. 80~. commentariis [Contii] illustrata. 1 p. 1. 162, Paris, J. Renouard, et Cie. 1841-49. 144 1. fol. Lvgdvni, 1584. s. JOHNSON (Rev. Samuel). The proceedings The institutes of Justinian, with English against [him], at the king's-bench, for high introduction, translation, and notes. By misdemeanours, [for] writing and publishing Thomas Collett Sandars. 3d ed. vi, 606 pp. two scandalous libels against the govern- 0~. London, Longmans, Green & Co. 1865. LAW BOOKS. 499 KEtACH (Benjamin). Trial at Ailsbury for a natical protestants; or, the last speeches of libel, Oct. 1664. fol. London, T. Wright, Mr. John Kid and Mr. John King, two 1776. presbyterian ministers. who were executed [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 2]. for high treason and rebellion, at Edinburgh, KEELE (William Conway). Provincial jus- August 14th, 1679. 5 p. 1. 73 pp. 3 1. fol. tice; or, magistrate's manual: being a con- London, W. Kittleby, 1680. plete digest of the criminal law of Canada, and KIDD (Capt. William), and others. Trial at a compendious and general view of the pro- the Old-Bailey for murder and piracy upon vincial law of Upper Canada. 2d ed. x, 652 the high seas, May, 1701. fol. London, T. pp. 80. Toronto, H. & W. Rowsell, 1843. Wright, 1777. KENDALL (Thomas), and ROE (Richard). [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 5]. Proceedings between the king and T. Kendall and R. Roe, in the king's bench, on an habeas of). See BOYD. corpus upon a commitment for high treason, KING (John). Last speech. See KID (John), Oct. 1695. fol. London, T. Wfright, 1777. and KING. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 4J. KINGSTON - UPON - HULL (Elizabeth KENMURKIJ:l (William Gordon, 6th viscoucnt). KENMURE (William Gordon, 6th viscount). Chudleigh, duchess dowager of). See CHUDSee GORDON.LEG KENT (James). Commentaries on American EIGH. KINLOCH (Alexander), acid KINLOCH law. 11th ed. Edited by George F. Com- (James). Proceedings, at Southwark 1746 stock. 4 v. 8~. Boston, Little, Browne & Co. (James). Proceedings, at Southwalk, 1746, 18stock. 4 v. 8 Boston, Little, Brown Co. relating to their plea of being born in Scotland, and [that they] ought to be tried ac---- On international law, revised, with notes On iner a l, cording to the laws of that lkingdornm, etc. fol. and cases, brought down to the present time. Edited by J. T. Abdy. xxi, 484 pp. 80. London, T. Wright, 1778. Cambridge, Deighton, Bell & Co. 1866. (2 [HARGRAvE'S state trials, v. 91. copies). KINNE: (Asa). Questions and answers on KENTrUCRKY (State of). Code of pr~actice law. 2d ed. 616 pp. 80. Newt York, Collins, in civil and criminal cases for the state of Jeese & Co. 1840. s. Kentucky. Prepared by M. C. Johnson, KINNERSLEY(Thomas). TrialforforgJames Harlan, and J. W. Stevenson, com- ery. See HALES (William), and KINmissioners, with all amendments made prior NERSLEY. KIRKBY (Col. Richard), and others. Trials, to Jan. 1, 1867. Edited by Harvey Myers. xii, 809 pp. 8~. Cincinnati, B. Clarke +. at a court-martial in Jamaica, for offences Co. 1867. (2 copies). against the articles of war, Oct. 1702. fol. - A digest of the general law of Kentucky, London, T. Wright, 1777. Dec. 4, 1859, to 4th June, 1865, and session [HARGRAVE's state trials, v. 5]. of 1865-66; with notes of the decisions of the KNEVET (Sir Edmund). Trial, at Greencourt of appeals. By Harvey Myers. xvi, 796 wich, for striking a person within the king's pp. 8~. Cincinnati, B. Clarke & Co. 1866. palace there, June, 1541. fol. London, T. KERN (Charles). Tryal for being a Romish Wright, 1781. priest. fol. London, 1679. [HARGRAvE's state trials, v. 11;. { With BROMmICH (A.), and ArTKNs (W.) Tryal. KNIGHTLEY (Alexander). Trial, at the pp. 13-20. Zondaz, 16791. pp. 13-20. Lonz, 16791. Lo0king's-bench, for high treason, May, 1696. The same. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. fol. London, T. Wright, 1777, [HARGRAVE's state trials, v. 2]. KERR (Col. Lewis). Trial. See WORK- [HARGRAvE'S state trials, v. 4]. MAN (James), and KERR. KNIGHTLY (Sir Richard), and others. ArKERR (R. Malcolm). A digest of the law: how raignment, in the star-chamber, for maintainattainable. 31 pp. 80. London, Butterworths, ing seditious persons, books, and libels, Feb. 1866. 1588. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. KERR (WVilliam Williamson). A treatise on IHARGRAvE'S state trials, v. 7]. the law and practice of injunctions in equity. KNOLLYS or KNOWLES (Charles, claimlvi, 710 pp. 80. London, Maxwell & son, ing to be earl of Banbury). Proceedings 1867. against [him] for the murder of Philip LawKID (John), and KING (John). Spirit of son, 1693. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. popery, speaking out of the mouths of pha- [HARGRVAE'S state trials, v. 8]. 500 LAW BOOKS. KNOX (Thomas), and LANE (John). Tryal LAW journal; comprising reports of cases in and conviction, for a conspiracy, to defame the courts of chancery, king's bench, common and scandalize Dr. Oates and Mr. Bedloe; pleas, exchequer of pleas, and exchequer thereby to discredit their evidence about the chamber, and cases connected with the duties horrid popish plot: king's-bench, Nov. 1679. and office of magistrates, 1823-30. 9 v. 40~. 1 p. 1. 68 pp. fol. London, R. Pawlett, 1680. London, J. W. Paget and others, 1823-31. [TRIALS for treason, v. 31. LAW journal reports. New series: comprisThe same. ing reports of cases in the house of lords, and [TRIALS for treason, v. 4]. T- Ahe same. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. in the courts of chancery and appeal in bank[HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 2]. ruptcy, probate, divorce and matrimonial LABATT (Henry J.) and WALKER (A.) causes, admiralty, queen's bench and the bail Bankrupt law. See UNITED STATES. court, common pleas, exchequer, exchequer LALOR (Robert, priest). The case of pre- chamber, and crown cases reserved. Edited munire in Ireland, or [his] conviction and by Montague Chambers, Francis Towers attainder, being indicted on the statute of the Streeten, Freeman Oliver Haynes, and others. 16 R. ii. 1607. fol. London, T. Wright, 1781. 35 v. in 92. 4~. London, E. B. Ince and [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 11). others, 1832-66. LAME-FLEURY (Ernest Jules F.) De la - The same. An analytical digest of the legislation min6rale sous l'ancienne mon- cases published in the new series of the Law archie; OUf recueil m6thodique et chronolo- journal reports and other reports in the courts gique des lettres patentes, 6dits, ordonnances, of common law and equity, and appeal in dlclarations, arrets du conseil d'6tat du roi, bankruptcy, in the house of lords, the privy du parlement, et de la cour des monnaies de council, in the court of probate, the court for Paris, etc. xvi, 224pp. 80. Paris, A. Du- divorce and matrimonial causes, and in the rand, 1857. high court of admiralty. By F. T. Streeten LANE (John). Tryal for conspiracy. See and others. 8 v. 40. London, J. W. Paget and KNOX (T.) and LANE (J.) others, 1831-63. LANGHORN (Richard). Tryal for conspir- LAW list for 1867, by W. W. Dalbiac. 120. ing the death of the king, subversion of the London, Stevens & sons, 1867. government and protestant religion, Old Bay- LAW magazine, August, 1866, to August, ley, June, 1679. 68 pp. 11. fol. London, IH. 1867. v. 22-23. 80. London, Butterworths, Hills, 1679. 1867. [TRIALS for treason, v. 21. The same. fol. London, iT.1'ight, 1776. LAW reports. Chancery appeal cases, in[HARGRAVE's state trials, v. 21. eluding bankruptcy and lunacy cases, before IHASSIME (-). Trait de la contvrainte the lord chancellor and the court of appeal in par corps. 352 pp. 80. Paris, A. Dugand, 1863. chancery, 1865-67. Edited by G. W. HemLASTARRIA (J. V.) Elementos de derecho ming. v. 1-2. 80. Londonfor the council of publico constitucional teorico, positivo i po- law reporting, 1866-67 (2 copies). litico. 3a ed. xvii, 510 pp. 12~. Gante, ~ Court of common pleas, 1865-67. ReE. Vanderhaeghen, 1865. ported by John Scott and Henry Bompas. LATHAM (Francis Law). A treatise on the Edited by James Redfoord Bulwer. v. 1-2, law of window lights. xvii, 254 pp. 120. 8~. London, 1866-67. (2 copies). London, Butterworths, 1867. - Court of exchequer, 1865-67. Reported LAUD (William, archbishop of Canterbury). by James Anstie and Arthur Charles. Edited Trial, for high treason, 1643. Wrote by him- by James Redfoord Bulwer. v. 1-2. 80~ self. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. London, 1866-67. (2 copies). [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 1]. ~ Court of queen's bench, 1865-67. ReLAURENT (F.) Histoire du droit des gens ported by William Mills and Henry Holroyd, et des relations internationales. 2-e Ed. cor- and in the bail court by E. A. C. Schalch. rig6e. 12 v. 80. Bruxelles, A. Lacroix, Ver- Edited by James Redfoord Bulwer. v. 1-2, boeckhoven et Cie. 1863-66. (2 copies of v. 8~. London, 1866-67. (2 copies). 4-12). English and Irish appeal cases and LAW (The) relating to India and the East claims of peerage before the house of lords, India company; with notes. 2d ed. viii, 758 1866-67. Reported by Charles Clark. v. 1-2. pp. 40. London, W. H..Allen & Co. 1841. 80. London, 1866-67. (2 copies). LAW BOOKS. 501 LAW reports. Equity cases before the master LEACH (Dryden). Proceedings in an action of the rolls and the vice-chancellors, 1865-67. of false imprisonment, 1765. See MONEY Edited by G. W. Hemming. v. 1-4. 8~. (John), and others. London, 1866-67. (2 copies). LEAKE (Stephen Martin). The elements of - High court of admiralty and ecclesias- the law of contracts. lvi, 697 pp. 8~. London, tical courts, 1865-67. Reported by Ernst Stevens 8, sons, 1867. Browning. Edited by James Redfoord Bul- LE CARON (P. L.) Code des BmigrDs, ou wer. v. 1. 80. London, 1867. (2 copies). recueil des dispositions legislatives, concern-...- Privy council appeals. Cases heard and ant les impositions, le s6questre, la confiscadetermined in the judicial committee and the tion, la r6gle et la vente des biens des anciens lords of her majesty's most honourable privy propri6taires appel6s a recueillir l'indemnit6, council, 1865-67. Reported by Edmund F. de 1789 A 1825. 1 p. 1. 438 pp. 8~. Paris, Moore. v. 1. 8~. London, 1867. (2 copies). Bossange, 1825. Public general statutes, with a list of the LECERF (Pierre Louis). Tableau gen6ral et local and private acts, 1866-67. v. 1-2. 8~. raisonn6 de la legislation fran~aise, [etc.] London, 1866-67. (f2 copies). pour servir de pr6paration,k l'6tude du drolt, LAW times and journal of property, from [etc.] 4 p. 1. viii, 476 pp. 80. Paris, G. April, 1843, to March, 1851. 16 v. fol. Lon- Thorel, 1841. s. don, Law times ofice, 1843-51. don, Law times office, 1843-51. LEE (Capt. Thomas). Arraignment and judgThe same. The journal and record of the ment, at [London], Feb. 1600, for high law and the lawyers, from April, 1851, to treason. fol London T November, 1866. v. 18-41. fol. London, W 1851-64. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 7]. [v. 17 wanting]. LEECH (Benjamin). Proceedings against [him] at the Old-Bailey, Oct. 1682, for a LAW times reports, containing all the cases [him] at the Old-Bailey, Oct. 1682, for a argued and determied in the house of lords, contempt, in offering a frivolous plea to the argued and determined in the house of lords, court. fol. London, T. right 177)9. the privy council, the court of appeals in chancery, the rolls court, v. c. Kindersley's [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 10]. court, v. c. Stuart's court, v. c. Wood's court, LE G'ENTIL (Charles). Origines du droit. the court of queen's bench, the court of com- Essai historique sur les preuves, sous les 16mon bench, the court of exchequer, the bail gislations juive, 6gyptienne, indienne, greccourt, the exchequer chamber, the court of que et romaine, avec quelques notes touchant criminal appeal, the probate court, the court les lois barbares et le vieux droit franyais. xv, for divorce and matrimonial causes, the ad- 420 pp. 40- Paris, A. Durand, 1863. miralty court, the bankruptcy courts, at nisi LEGISLACION de la propiedad literaria. prius, maritime law cases. Together with a [anon.] 270 pp. 8~. Madrid, Moya y Plaza, selection of cases of universal application, 1863. decided in the superior courts in Ireland and LEICESTER (Eng.) county of. Rules and in Scotland. New series. March, 1860, to orders of the court of general quarter sessions March, 1866. v. 2-13. 80. London, 1860-66. of the peace for the county of Leicester. vii. LAW (Stephen D.) Copyright and patent 80 pp. 8~. Leicester, J. Brown, 1808. laws of the United States, 1790 to 1868, with LEIGHTON (Alexander, D. D.) Proceedings notes of judicial decisions thereunder. 2d ed. in the star chamber against [him] for a libel, 264 pp. 120. New York, Baker, VToorhis d June, 1630. fol. London, T. Wright, 1781. Co. 1867. [HARGRAVE'S state trials. v. 11]. LAWRENCE (William Beach), v. DANA (Richard H. jr.) Circuit court of the United LEVEQUE (B. A.) V6rification des 6critures. (Richard H. jr.) Circuit court of the United 136 pp. 8~. 4gen, P. Noubel 1840. States, district of Massachusetts, ss. Bill in 136 pp. 80. Agen, P. Noubel, 1840. equity. Complainant's affidavits. B. R. Curtis LEWIS (David). Trial at Monmouth, for high and J. J. Storrow for complainant. 98, 6 pp. treason, March, 1679. Wrote by himself. fol. 8~0. Boston, Mudge c son, 1866. (2 copies). London,. Wright, 1776. LAYER (Christopher). Trial at the king's (HARGRAvE'S state trials, v. 2]. bench for high treason, Nov. 1722. fol. Lon- LEWIS (Hubert). Principles of equity draftdon, T. WrYight, 1777. ing; with an appendix of forms. xi, 378 pp. [HARGRAYvE'S state trials, v. 6]. 12~. London, Butterworths, 1865. 502 LAW BOOKS LEX ROM.&NA Visigothorum. Ad lxxvi LISLE (lady Alice). Trial, at Winton, for high libroruim manu scriptorum fidem recognovit, treason, Aug. 1685. fol. London, T. Wriqht, septem eius antiquis epitomis, qume prieter 1777. duas adhuc ineditae sunt, titulorum explana- [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 4]. tione auxit, annotatione, appendicibus, prole- LITHUANIA. Zbior praw litewskich, 1389gomenis instruxit Gustavus Haenel. cx, 468 1529. Tudziez' rozprawy sejmowe o tychze pp. 2 pl. 4~. Lpsitce, B. G. Teubner, 1848. prawach, 1544-1563. 2 p. 1. iv, 542 pp. 12 LEY (The) hipotecaria of Spain; or, law on pl 40 Poznan, Garbarach, 1841. s. the inscription of titles to immovable property, LIVES, behaviour, and dying words of the deeds and preventive annotations affecting the most remarkable criminals who have been same; decrees respecting legal incapacity; executed for the highway, street-robberies, absent parties, etc. and also provisions for piracy, rapes, murder, etc. [anon.] v. 2. 120. giving effect in Spain to deeds executed in London, J. Osborn, 1740. foreign countries, and to the judgments of LLANDAPP (Richard Watson, bishop of). foreign courts; with a glossary of Spanish See WATSON. terms therein used. Translated and edited by LLOYD (William, bishop of Worcester), and William Grain. ix, 150pp. 8~. London,. LLOYD ( - is son). The evidence Sweet, 1867. given at the bar of the house of commons, LIBER placitandi. A book of special pleading; upon the complaint of Sir John Pakington containing precedents. Ip. 1. 460 pp. 141. fol. against [them. With] the proceedings of the house thereupon, 1702. fol. London, T. London, Place &W Basset, 1674.a [NOTE. Sometimes cited as Thompson's entries]. Wright, 1778. LILBURNE (Col. John). Trial at the Guild- [HAnRnAvoe's state trials, v. 8]. LOGAN (Robert). Process and trial, for high hall of London, for high treason, Oct. 1649. n. p n [With] the examination of [his] jury, 1653. treason, consprg with ohn [Ruthven], fol. London, exami. Wright, 1776. [his]jury, earl of Gowrie, to murder king James i, June, [fLonvon, sTat. triat, v]. 1609. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 2]. 7 Trial in the Old Bailey, July, 1653, for [HAaeaAvn's state trials, v. 7]. Trial in te Old Bailey, July, 1653, fLOIR (J. N.) De l'6tat civil des nouveauxreturning into England, being banished by act nds, au point de vue de lFhistoire, de l'hyof parliament. [Written (the chief part) by Pr6sentation de'enfant himself ]. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. sans d6placement. xv, 462 pp. 1 pl. 8~. [HI-IARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 7]. -- and W-HARTON (John). Trial for Paris, A. Duranc, 1865..LONDONq. The laws and customs, rights, printing and publishing seditious books. In LONDON. The laws and customs, rights, the star chamber, Feb. 1637. fol. London, liberties, and privileges of the city of London. IT. Wright, 1778. xix, xii, 315 pp. 8~0. London, B. Witby, 1765. [HARGREVE'S state trials, v. 7]. ----- Proceedings between the king and the LINCOLN (William Wake, bishop of). See city of London, on an information in nature WAKE. of a quo warranto, in the king's bench, 1683. LINDSAY (David). Trial at the Old Bailey, fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. for high treason, April, 1704. fol. London, [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 31. T. Wright, 1777. LONDON (Henry Compton, bishop of). See [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 5]. COMPTON. LIPENIUS or LIPEN (Martin). Bibliotheca LONG (Rev. William), v. GRAY, (Rt. Rev. realis ivridica post Friderici Gottlieb Strvvii Robet, bishop of Capetown). The case of, et Gottlob Avgvsti Jenichenii cvras emendata, embracing the opinions of the judges of the mvltis accessionibvs avcta et locvpletata. 2 v. colonial court, hitherto unpublished, together in 1. x, 860 pp; 476, 351 pp. fol. Lipsis, with the decision of the privy council, and J. Wendlervs, 1757. preliminary observations by the editor. 166 The same. Svpplementa ac emendationes. pp. 8'. London, Butterworths, 1866. CollegitetdigessitAvgvstvsFridericvsSchott. LOUIS XVI. Proceedings of the French na[v. 1.] fol. Lipsic, 1775. tional convention on the trial of Louis xvi, -- The same. Svpplementorvm ac emenda- king of France and Navarre; to which are tionvm [libri]. Collegit et digessit Renatvs added several interesting occurrences and Carolus de Senkenberg. v. 2. fol. Lipsice, 1789. particulars attending the treatment, sentence, - The same. Auctore Lvd. God. Madihn. and execution of the ill-fated monarch. By v. 3. fol. Vratislavie, 1816. Joseph Trapp. xii, 214 pp. 8~. London, [Incomplete; v. 4 wanting]. Muirray 4 Co. 1793. LAW BOOKS. 503 LOUISIANA (State of). Laws, 1864 to 1867. McDANIEL (Stephen), and others. Trial, at 4 v. 80. New Orleans, 1865-67. the Old Bailey, for being accessaries before a Louisiana annual reports, 1860. v. 15. felony committed by P. Kelly and J. Ellis, in By A. N. Ogden. 8~. New Orleans, Office of the county of Kent. fol. London, T. Wright, the Price Current, 1861. (2 copies). 1779. The same. v. 17-18, (1865-1866.) By [HARlGRAVE'S state trials, v. 10]. S. F. Glenn. 8~. New Orleans, Bloomfield MACDONALD (Aneas alias Angus). Prod& Steel, 1866-67. (2 copies of v. 18.) ceedings against [him], at Southwark, Dec. LOVAT (Simon Fraser, 13th baron Fraser of). 1747, [for treason], and at the king's bench ~~See FRAS;~ER. ~[Lfor treason]. fol. London, T. Wr'ight, 1778. LOVE (Christopher). Trial, before the high [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 9]. court of justice, for high treason, June, 1651. fol. Lodon, T. Wight, 1776. MAC GROW ER (Alexander) Trial, at [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 2]. [Southwark], July, 1746, for high treason. LOWEILL, (Mass.) Charter and ordinances, fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. etc. iv, 141 pp. 80. Lowell, J. Taylor, 1846. [HARGRAVE's state trials, v. 91]. LOWICEK (Robert). Trial, for high treason, MACGUIR:E. See MAGUIRE. April, 1696. fol. London, T. Wright, 1777. MACKAY (Si r Donald, 1st baron Reay). Pro[HARGRAvE's state trials, v. 41. ceedings on an appeal of high treason, 1631. LOWNDES (Richard). The admiralty law See RAMSlEY (David). of collisions at sea. xx, 234 pp. 80. London, MACKENZIE (George, 3dearlofCromartie). Stevens & sons, 1867. (3 copies). [His] case, as printed in 1746. fol. London, LUDLOW (Henry). See BATTEN (E. C.) T. Wright, 1779. LUDWELL (Wilhelm). Synopsis juris feud- [HAnenAvE's state trials, v. 10]. alis. Ed. 3a. xiv, 423 pp. 19 1. 120. Alt- Indictmentforhightreason. SeeBOYD dorfi Noricorum, H. Meyer, 1696. dorfI Noricorun, IT. Meyer, 1696. (William, 4th earl of Kilmarnock), and others. LUSHINGTON (Godfrey). A manual ofERON (William). Procedu naval prize law. xviii, 130 pp. 80. London, the civil courts of the East India company in tgutterworths, 1866. (4 copies). the presidency of Fort William, in regular MACAREL (Louis Antoine). Cours de droitp. suits. 523, lvii pp. 8~. Calcutta, Lepage & Co. administratif profess6 a la facult6 de droit de 1850. Paris, (1842-43). 3 v. 80. Paris, G. Thorel, 1844-46., ACRORY (Edmund). Reports of cases re-Wanting v. 46. lating to letters patent for inventions; decided CONTENTS. in the courts of law and equity, and before v. 1, 2. Organisation et attributions des autorites ad- the judicial committee of the privy council; ministrativeB. vii, 679 pp; 956 pp. with notes of application for amendments, v. 3. Principes g6n6raux des mati6res administratives. vii, 488 pp. leave to enter disclaimers, etc. 1852-54. Parts iel6mens de jurisprudence administra- 1 and 2. ii, 256 pp. 2 pl. 80. London, Bentive; extraits des d6cisions rendues, par le ning and Co. 1855. conseil d'6tat, en matiere contentieuse. 1Edition MADRE (Madame de -). Formulaire pour augment6e de la legislation belge. xi, 347 pp. contrats de mariage. 4e 6d. revue et aug80. Bruxelles, A. Wahlen et Cie. 1837. s. mentoe. xxiv, 112 pp. 40. Paris, Cosse et L6gislation et jurisprudence des ateliers Marchal, 1867. dangereux, insalubres et incommodes. lxviii, i Formulaire pour inventaires. 20 6d. viii, 306 pp. 180. Par-is, Roret, 1828. S. 96 pp. 40. Paris, Cosse et Marchal, 1861. Des tribunaux administratifs, ou intro- MAFF'A (Sebastiano). Commentaria in 1. Si duction a l'1Vtude de la jurisprudence admin- is qvi pro emptore; De vsvcapionibvs. Vna istrative, [etc.] xii, 581 pp. 8~. Paris, J. P. cvm paradoxis et argumentis doctissimi uiri D. Ro-et, 1828. s. Thomae Simeontii. 201. 1911. 18~. Venetiis, McCARTER (Thomas N.) Reports of cases li3aracs -Aradorus, 1572. in the court of chancery, the prerogative court, MAGDALEN college (Oxford). Proceedings and the court of errors and appeals of New against St. Mary Magdalen college in Oxon. Jersey. v. 2. 80. Trenton, Hough & Gillespy, for not electing Anthony Farmer president of 1867. (2 copies). the said college, June, 1687. fol. London, T. MACCLESFIELD (Thomas Palrker, 1st earl Wright, 1777. of). See PARKER. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 41]. 504 LAW BOOKS. MAGER von SCHOENBERG (Martin). les observations de ses adversaires. 17 pp. De advocatia armata, siue clientelari patro- 80. Caen, B. de Laporte, 1847. s. norvm jvre et potestate, clientvmqve officio. [ With the preceding]. 21 p. 1. 826 pp. 561. fol. Francofvrti, E. Em- Soeur sainte Marie, ben6dictine. R6cits, telius, 1626. par elle-meme, [etc.] 426 pp. 8~. Caen, B. de MAGUIRE (Connor, baron Magutire). Trial Lcaporte, 1846. s. [ With the preceding]. at the king's bench for high treason, in being MARIE-ANTOINETTE. Proc~s de Marieconcerned in the Irish massacre, Feb. 1644. Antoinette ci-devant reine des Franqais; on, fol. London, T. WVright, 1776. recueil exact de tons ses interrogatoires, r6[HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 1]. ponses, depositions des t6moins. 136 pp. 120. MAI (Angelo, cardinal). Vaticana juris ro- Paris, Alcan-Levy, 1865. mani fragmenta, Romse nuper detecta et edita. MARKHAM (Sir Griffin, or Griffith), and xiv, 92 pp. 8~. Paris, Fanjat, 1823. others. Trial for high treason, at Winchester, MAILLART (Adrien). Coutumes g6n6rales Nov. 1603. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. d'Artois, avec des notes. 8 p. 1. 1016 pp. 40~. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 7]. Paris, N. Gosselin, 1704. MARRIOTT (W. T.) Clerical disabilities: a MAINE (State of ). Laws, 1866, 1867. 2 v. short account of the law upon the subject, and 8. Augusta, 1866-67.,some remarks thereon. 31 pp. 80. London, 8~. Aucguzsta, 1866-67. Longrmans, 1865. Maine reports. v. 52-53. By W. Wirt MARSHALL (Samuel). A treatise on the Virgin. 8~. Hallowoell, Masters, Smith & Co.. 7. 8. iliaoes,, Slaw of insurance. 2d ed. 2 v. xxviii, 484 pp; 912 pp. 80. London, J. Butterworth, 1808. MAISONNEUVE (T. Richard). -Expos6 de MARTIN (Franuois Xavier). A collection of droit p6nal et d'instruction criminelle. 2e 6d. the private acts of the general assembly of xi, 330 pp. 80. Paris, A. Durand, 1865. North Carolina. 3 p. 1. 249 pp. 2 1. 40~. MAITLAND (Charles). The proceedings be- Newlbern, F. X. Martin, 1794. fore the lords of the articles, etc. against [him] - A collection of the statutes of the parliafor perjury, in having given a false testimony ment of England, in force in North Carolina. at the trial of James Mitchel, [Edinburgh, xxvi, 426 pp. 40~. Newbern, editor, 1792. 1681]. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. MARY (queen of Scots). Proceedings against [HARGRAVE's state trials, v. 8]. [her], at Fotheringay-castle, Oct. 1586, for MALLEIN (Jules). Considerations sur l'en- being concerned in a conspiracy against queen seignement du droit administratif. xi, 417 pp. Elizabeth. fol. London, T. Flight, 1776. 80. Paris, H.r Plon, 1857. [HAnRGAVE'S state trials, v. 1]. MARYLAND (Province of). Laws, 1727 to Faut-il codifier les lois administratives 1731. 1 p. 1. 176 pp. fol. Annap Examen de cette question. 54 pp. 8~. Gren- 1727-31. oble, Maisonville etfils, et Jourdan, 1860. [Imperfect]. MALLET (Sir John). Concerning penal laws; (State of). Laws, 1777-79. 4v. il 1. fol. a discourse, or charge at sessions in Bridge- Annapolis, F. Green, [1777-79]. water, July, 1680. 20 pp. fol. London, T. [With MARYLAND. Votes and proceedings of the Cockeril, 1680. senate, 17771. [TIL fThe same. 1785-89. [With Ms. index [TRIALS for treason, v. Qa5]3.t in two of the laws from 1785-96]. 5 v. in 1. 51 pp. MALLORY (John). Quare impedit; in two Ms. fol. Annapolis, F. Green, [1786-90]. parts. Part 1, containing an abridgement of Laws, 1867. 8~. A4nnaTolis, 1867. (2 the law concerning the patronages of the copies.) churches, etc. Part 2, containing precedents Digest of the decisions construing the of pleadings. ix, 253 pp. 191. 150 pp. 81. statutes of Maryland, of which the code of fol. London, Nutt 4 Gosling, 1737. public general laws is composed, with speci-. MARIE (sistel Ben~edictine n~un~). Note pour fication of the acts of assembly. By Lewis la soeur Marie, remise a M. le procureur du Mayer. vii, 728 pp. 8~. Baltimore, M urp7hy roi et au tribunal [etc.] t la suite d'une com- 4 Co. 1866. munication officieuse d'nne consultation en Supplement to the Maryland code, confaveur de ses adversaires, [etc.] 8 pp. 8~. taining the acts of 1864 and 1865. v. 2-3. By Bayeux, Duarant, 1847. s. Lewis Mayer. 80. Baltimore, Mu:phy & Co. Observations pour la soeur Marie sur 1865. LAW BOOKS. 505 MARYLAND reports. v. 21. By Nicholas 1796-1800. 5 v. in 1. fol. Boston, Young 4 Brewer. 8~. Annapolis, 1866-67. (2 copies). Minns, 1796-1800. MASSACHUSETTS (Colony of). [The [Imperfect: all after p. 68 in Resolves of 1800 generall laws of the colony. With] supple- wanting]. mental laws, 1672, 1674, and 1675. 170 pp. The same. 1810-12. 409 pp. 2 1. 80. 141. 40 pp. fol. [Cambridge, S. Green, 1672]. Boston, Adams, Rhoades & Co. 1P10-12. [Imperfect; wants title-page, and pp. 1-4. -- The same. Resolves respecting the sale The same. Acts and laws, [1692-1700. of eastern lands, with the reports of the comWith] the charter granted by William [iii]. mittees appointed to sell said lands, 17812 v. in 1. lp. 1. 15 pp. 11; 192 pp. 21. fol. 1803. 287 pp. 8~. Boston, Young 4 Minns, Boston, B. Green 4 J. Allen, 1699-1700. 1803. The same. [1692-1705]. 15 pp. 1 1. 289 MATA (Pedro). Tratado de medicina y cirurpp. 2 1. fol. Boston, B. Green & J. Atllen, gia legal, teorica y practica, seguido de un 1699-1705. compendio de toxicologin. 4a ed. 3 v. 80. [Imperfect; wants title-page, and pp. 1-5 of charter]. Madrid, Carlos Bailly-Baillire, 1866-67. The same. [1692-1719]. 3 p. 1. 326 MATTHEWS (John). Trial, for high treapp. fol. [Boston,B. Green, 1714-19]. son, for printing a libel, entitled Ex ore tuo [Imperfect. title-page, and pp. 1-4, 17-20 wanting; te judico; Vox populi vox Dei; at the Oldpp. 240-1, 325-6 imperfect]. Bailey, Oct. 1719. fol. London, T. Wright, The same. [1692-May, 1735. With] 1778. charter of William iii and George i. 1 pl. 14, [HAunRAVE's state trials, v. 9]. 17 pp. 1 1. 549 pp. fol. Boston, B. Greeln & MAUGER (N. J. B.) L'officier de l'6tat civil; J. Draper, 1726-35. ouvrage contenant un trait6 complet des actes The same. [1692-March, 1736. With de l'6tat civil. 234 pp. 8~. Saintes, FonMs. notes of law cases]. 1 p. 1. 14, 16 pp. tanier, 1865. 1 1. 560 pp. 39 pp. Ms. fol. Boston, B. Green MAYER (Lewis ). Maryland digest. See 4. J. Draper, 1726-36. MARYLAND. [Imperfect. p. 17 of table wanting; pp. 359-60 im- MEAD (William). Trial, for a turultuous perfect]. aD (William), and The same. [1692-1738]. 1 p. 1. 14, 17 assemblage. See PENS (William), and pp. 1 1. 684 pp. fol. Boston, B. Green & MEAD. J. Drapcer, 1726-39. MEIER (Moritz Hermann Eduard), and The same. [1692-1747. With] the SCHOMANN (Georg Friedrich). Der atcharter. 14, 28 pp; 1 1. 380 pp. fol. Boston, tische process; vier bitcher. xxii, 794 pp. S. Kneeland & T. Green, 1742-47. 80. Halle, Gebauer, 1825. s. [Wants title-page of charter]. MELLISH ( Mary), v. RANKIN (Eliza). The same. Temporary acts and laws, The whole proceedings on the trial of an [1736-50]. 1 p. 1. 3, 315 pp. fol. Boston, S. ejectment, between John Doe on the several ZKneelandl & T. Greern, 1742-50. demises of Mary Mellish and others, against The same. 1692-March, 1761. With Eliza Rankin, in the court of common pleas, the charter. I p. 1. 14, 24 pp. 1 1. 403 pp. 10th and 11th May, 1786. By Joseph Gurfol. Boston, S. Kneeland, 1759-61. ney. 259 pp. 8~0. London, J. Debrett, 1786. The same. [1692-May, 1761]. 1 p. 1. MESSENGER (Peter), and others. Trials, 14, 24 pp. 1 1. 409 pp. fol. Boston, S. Knee- at the Old-Bailey, for high treason, in tumulland, 1759-61. tuously assembling themselves in Moorfields The same. [1692-1765]. 1 p. 1. 14, 24 and other places, under color of pulling down pp. 1 1. 497 pp. fol. Boston, S. Kneeland and bawdy-houses, April, 1668. fol. London, T. R. & S. Draper, 1759-65. Wright, 1776. [Imperfect: pp. 427-32, 459-62 wanting; pp. 1-2 of [HARAE' state trials, v. 2]. charter, and title-page, and pp. 1-2, 123-4, 351-2, MICHAEL (W. H.) The sanitary acts, com359-60, 397-8, 411-12, 415-16, 419-20, 433-8, 4412, 445-6, 451-2, 457-8, 463-4, 480-1, 491-2, imper- prising the sewage utilization act, 1865, and feet]. I the sanitary act, 1866, and various sections -- The same. Temporary acts and laws. 1 of other acts incorporated therewith. xii, p. 1. x, viii, 190 pp. fol. Boston, Green & 132 pp. 120. London, Bi. Sweet, 1867. Russell, 1763. MICHAUD (J.) Le droit d'asile en Europe (State of). Resolves of the general et en Angleterre. 48 pp. 80. Paris, Amyot, court. [With] the governor's messages. 1858. 64 506 LAW BOOKS. MICHAUX (Alexandre). Trait6 pratique attempting the murder of James Sharp, archdes testaments notari6s, olographes, mystiques bishop of St. Andrews, and wounding the et autres, et des actes qui en sont la cons6- bishop of Orkney [Murdoch Mackenzie], Jan. quence. vi, 558 pp. 8~. Paris, Cosse, Mar- 1678. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. chal et Cie. 1865. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 2]. MICHELET (Jules). Proces des templiers. MODERS alias STEDMAN (Mary). Trial, 2 v. viii, 681 pp; viii, 540 pp. 40. Paris, at the Old Baily, for bigamy, June, 1663. _nprim~rnerie roysale, 1841. fol. London, T. 4Wight, 1776. [DOCUMENTS in6dits sur l'histoire de France]. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 2]. MICHIGAN (State of). Laws, 1867. 80. MOHUN (Charles, 5th baron Mohun). Trial, Lansing, 1867. (2 copies.) at Westminster, for the murder of William Michigan reports. v. 14. By W. Jenni- Mountford, Jan. 1692. fol. London, T. Wriht, son. 80. Detroit, Throop Co. 1867. (2state trial [HAnoRxAv's state trials, v. 4]. copies). Trial, before the house of lords, for the MILAN. Atti del municipio di Milano, 1859- murder of Richard Coote, March, 1699. fol. 1865. 7 v. 80. Milano, L. de Giacomo Pi- London, T. Wright, 1777. rola, 1859-65. S. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 5]. MILLIGAN (Lambdin P. ex parte). Decision MOLITOR (J. B.) Les obligations en droit of the U. S. supreme court on military coin- romain, avec l'indication des rapports entire la missions, delivered at December term, 1866. l6gislation romaine et le droit fransais. 2c 6d. 23 pp. 8". Washington, 1867. revue et corrig6e. 2 v. viii, 730 pp; 696 pp. MINGHETTI ( —). De l'organisation ad- 8. Paris, A Durand 1866-67. ministrative du royaume d'Italie. Traduction. Trial of, and of Ver et pr6face cl'Alexandre Mickiewicz. Avec MOLLOY (Neale). Trial of, and of Vere introduction d'AlrmxandLvy M 212 Molloy, his wife, at a commission of oyer and introduction d'Armand Levy. xxJ 212 pP. 8~.tParisu. Dentu, 1862. xx, 212 PP. terminer, for the city of Dublin, 10th Decem80. Paris, E. Dentu, 1862. ber, 1762. 59 pp. 8~. Dublin, B. Grierson, MINNESOTA (State of). Reports. v. 10.pp. 80. B. G By W. A. Spencer. 80. Chicago, Myers 1763. C MONEY (John), and others. Proceedings on Chandler, 1866. error in an action of false imprisonment by MISSISSTPPI (State of ). Laws, called sesDryden Leach, against John Money, [and sion, 1867. 166,(2 copies). January,1867 Jack- others], kings messengers, [at the] king's Mississippi reports. vies). 39. By James belich, 1765. fol. London, T. Wl'ight, 1781. Mississippi reports. v. 39. By James Z. George. 80. Philadelphia, Johnson,4 Co. [HA A statetrials, v. 11A. 1867. (2 copies). MONSON (Sir Thomas). Arraignment at the -__ The same. v. 40. By R. O. Reynolds. Guildhall, London, for the murder of Sir 80. kNew Yorck, 1867. Thomas Overbury, Dec. 1615. fol. London, MISESOURI (State of). Laws, 1860-61,. W ight, 1776. 1862-63, 1863-64, 1864-65, 1865-66, and [HARGIRAVE'S state trials, v. 1]. 1867. 6 v. 80. Jefferson City, 1861-67. (2 MOORE (Edmund F.) Cases in the privy copies). council on appeal from the East Indies, 1863General statutes of the state of Missouri; 66. v. 10. 80. London, Stevens & sons, revised by a committee appointed by the 23d 1867. general assembly, under a joint resolution of I Reports of cases in the judicial committee February 20, 1865, amended by the legisla- and the lords of the privy council. New series. ture, and passed March 20, 1866. A. P. v. 3. 80. London, Stevens & sons, 1867. Denny, commissioner appointed by the gov- MOORE (Henry). Case on a mandamus adernor. xvi, 1012 pp. 80. City of Jefferson, mitting the plaintiff to be a freeman of the 1866. (2 copies). town of Hastings. See HASTINGS (county Missouri reports. 1860-62. v. 31. 80. of Sussex, England). St. Louis, 1862. MORDAUNT (John, 1st viscount Morldaunt --- The same, 1862 to 1866. v. 32-39. By of Avalon). Trial before the high court of C. C. Whittelsey. 80. St. Louis, Knapp & iustice for high treason, June, 1658. fol. Co. 1863-66. (2 copies.) London, T. Wright, 1776. MITCHE:L (James). Trial. in Scotland, for [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 2]. LAW BOOKS. 507 MORDAUNT (Mary Howard, duchess of MUIR (Thomas). Account of the trial of T. Norfolk, called lady). Proceedings before Muir, the younger, of Hunter's Hill, before the the house of lords, 1691, between [Henry high court ofjusticiary, at Edinburgh, 30-31 Howard the 7th] duke and the duchess of August; 1793, for sedition. Robertson's ed. Norfolk, upon the duke's bill, intituled an act 160 pp. 80. Edinburgh, J. Robertson, [1793]. to dissolve the marriage, etc. fol. London, MUNKS (James). The confession of J. M. T. Wright, 1778. who was executed at Bellefonte, Pennsylvatf ARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 8]. nia, January 23, 1819, for the murder of Reu- The proceedings in parliament upon the ben Guild. 8 pp. 80. New York, 1819. bill of divorce between [Henry Howard, 7th] MURELL or MURRELL (John A.) History duke of Norfolk, and the lady Mary Mordant, of the detection and trial of John A. Murel, Feb. and March, 1699. fol. London, T. the great western land pirate; together with WFright, 1777. a biographical sketch of Mr.Virgil A. Stewart. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 5]. 80. [n. p. 1834]. MORE (Sir Thomas, lord chancellor of Eng- MURPHY (Timothy). Trial for felony and land). Trial for high treason, in denying the forgery, Old Bailey, Jan. 1753. fol. London, king's supremacy, May, 1535. fol. London, T. Wright, 1779. T. Wright, 1776. [HAnGRAVE'S state trials, v. 10]. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 1]. MUYART DE VOUGLANS (Pierre FranMORGAN (David). Trial for high treason, 9ois). Institutes au droit criminel; ou, prinSouthwark, July, 1746. fol. London, 3T. cipes g6n6raux sur ces matieres, suivant le WJ'right, 1778. droit civil, canonique, et la jurisprudence du [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 9]. royaume; avec un trait6 particulier des MORILLOT (L6on). De la condition des en- crimes. xx, 728 pp. 4~. Paris, L. Cellot, fants n6s hors mariage en Europe et speciale- 1757. ment en France, dans l'antiquite, du moyen MYERS (Harvey). Kentucky digest. See ige, et de nos jours. 491 pp. 8~. Paris, A. KENTUCKY. Du traend, 1865. 4MYERS (W. R. ) Authenticated report of MORLEY (Thomas Parker, 6th baron). See the trial of Myers and others, for the murder PARKErR. of Dudley Marvin Hoyt. Drawn up by the MORRIS (Col. John). Trial, at York, Aug. editor of the Richmond southern standard. 1649, for high treason. fol. London, T. Wright, 80. New York, 1846. 1778. NAIRN (Katharine), and OGILVIE (Pat[HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 7]. rick). Trial, for the crimes of incest and MI[ORR:EtIS acias POYNTZ; (John), and others. Emurder, before the high court of justiciary in Two judgments of the lords assembled in Scotland, Aug. 1765. fol. London, T. Wright, parliament, in 1647, against [them], for forg- 1779. framingand publishing a copy of a pre- [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 10]. g, framing, and publishing a copy of a pre-NALSON (John). A true copy of the journal tended act of parliament. fol. Locdon, T. teuded actrof parliament. fol. London18T. of the high court of justice for the tryal of WrightRAv' state trials, v. 7]. k. Charles i. 4 p. 1. lxx, 128 pp. 3 1. 3 pl. fHARGRAYE'S state trials, v. 7]. MOSSAM (Elam). Trial of lady Ivy's claim. London,. Deingn 1684. to great part of Shadwell parish. See IVY NAVARRE. Fueros del reyno Navarra, desde (lady Theodosia). su creacion, hasta su feliz union con el de:[MOSTYN ( Lient. Gen. John )... Proceedings Castilla. 24 pp; 299 pp. I pi. fol. Pamnplona, in an action by Anthony Fabrigas, against P. Longas, 1815. lieut. gen. Mostyn, governor of Minorca, for The same. Diccionario para facilitar la false imprisonment and banishment; in the intelligencia de estos fueros, dispuesto por common pleas and king's bench, 1773-74. Felipe Baraiban deHaro. 39pp. foL Pamfol. Londomn, T. Wright, 1781. plona, P. Longas, 1815. W ~Vith the preceding]. [IHARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 11]. [H-Inu~vi's state trials, V. 1] Qvaderno de las leyes, ordenanzas, pro-.MOZZONI (A. Maria). La donna, e i suoi visiones, y agravios reparados, a svplicacion rapporti sociali in occasione della revisione de los tres estados deste reyno de Navarra, del codice civile italiano. xxvi, 244 pp. 80. en las cortes de los afios 1652, 1653, y 1654. Mililano, (propriet& dell' autrice,) 1864. 126 pp. 71. fol. Pamplona, Labayen y Zaula, MUELEN. See VANDERMUELEN. 1654. 508 LAW BOOKS. NAYLER (James). Proceedings in the house old modes of proceeding compared; showing of commons against [him] for blasphemy, etc. the necessity of restoring the forms of actions Dec. 1656. fol. London, T. Tright, 1776. and pleadings in cases at common law. 100 pp. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 2]. 80. Buffalo, Matthews & Warren, 1867. N:ELSON (William). Lex maneriorum; or, N SN (William). ex maeriorum; or, -- Laws of the state of New York, revised the laws and customs of England, relating to the laws and customs of England, relating to and passed at the 36th session of the legislamanors and lords of manors, their stewards, ture. With marginal notes and references, deputies, tenants, and others. 2d ed. xiv by W. P. Van Ness and John Woodworth. by W. P. Van Ness and John Woodworth. 280pp; 176 pp. 8~. London, Nutt, Gosling, 2 v. vii, 592 pp; 570 1. 50 pp. 8. Albany, Southwick & Co. 1813; NEOSTADIUS or NEUSTADT (Cornelis Southwisk & Co. 1813. van). Utriusque Hollandie, Zelandiae, Frisi- Laws, [session] 1812, 1814, 1823, 1862, teque curike decisiones. Item tractatus de feudi 1865, and 1867. 7v. 8. Albany, 1812-67. hollandici, frisicique occidentalis origine et (2copies of 1867). successione. Accedunt observationes rerum Privatelaw. 1810. 80. A bany,1810. judicatarum de pactis antenuptialibus. 3 v. - New York reports. v. 34-36. By Joel 4 p. 1. 311 pp. 281; 4 p. 1. 170 pp. 14 1; 72 pp. Tifany. [v. 7-9 of Tiffany's reports]. 80 121. 40. ilagce-Comitis, Steeuckerii, 1667. s. Albany, W. C. Little, 186748. (2 copies). [NOTE.-The "tractatus" and "observationes" have - Opinions of the judges [Yates, Thompindependent title-pagesl. son, Kent], of the supreme court, in the cause NEUFBOURG (J. F. Philippe de). De la loi of R. R. Livingston and R. Fulton, vs. Van naturelle. 3e Ed. corrig6e et augmentre. 398 Ingenandtwentyothers. 47pp. 8~. Albany, pp. 8~. Paris, A. Durand, 1862. S. Southwick 1812. NEVADA (Territory of). Laws, 1861. 8~., aNEW YORK (City of). Ordinances of the San Francisco, 1862. mayor, aldermen, and commonalty of the city ------ (State of). Laws, special session, 1867, of New York. Revised A. D. 1859, by D. T. and 1867. 2 v. 8~. Carson City, 1867. (2 and o 1867. 2 v. 8. Carson City, 1867. (2 Valentine. xvi, 617 pp. 8~. New York, C. W. copies of 1867). Baer, 1859. Nevada reports. v. 2. By Alfred Helm. 80. San Francisco, 1867. (2 copies). NOBLE (Richard), and others. Trial for the NEVILL or NEVILLE (Alexander, arch- murder of John Sayer, at Kingston-uponbishop of York), and others. Proceedings in Thames, March, 1713. fol. London, 1'. parliament against [them] for high treason, Wright, 1778. Feb. 1388. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 91. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 11. NORFOLK (Howard, dukes of). See HOWNEW HAMPSHIRE (Colony of). Acts and ARD. laws. With sundry acts of parliament. 331, NORFOLE (Mary Mordaunt, duchess of). See xiipp. fol. Portsnzouth, D. 4R. IFowle, 1771. ORIDAUNT. [NOTE. Title page in ms. Wants pp. 1-2 of commis- NORKOTT (Arthur), and others. Trial for sions of Curtiss and Wentworthll The same. vi, 186 pp. fol. Exeter, 1780. the murder of Mary Norkott, 1628. From (State of). New Hampshire reports. the papers of Sir John Maynard. fol. London, v. 46. By Amos Hadley. 8~. Concord, G. P. T. Wright, 1779. Lyon, 1867. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 101. NEW JERSEY (State of ). Laws, 1864-67. NORTH (Francis, baron Guilford). Narrative 4 v. 8~. Newark 4 Paterson, 1864-67. (2 at the council board; and letter to secretary copies of 1864-66). Jenkins, relating to [Bedlow's] examination. NEW PLYMOUTH. See PLYMOUTH. fol. London, 1680. NEW YORK (Colony of). Laws from 1691 [ With BEDLOW (Capt. W.) Examination relating to to 1751. Collected by W. Livingston and the popish plot. pp. 8-16. 1680. TRIALS for treaW. Smith. 6p. 1. 488 pp. fol. New York, J. son, v. 31 Parker, 1752. The same. fol. London, T. Wright, - ---- (State of). The code of procedure of 1778. the state of New York, as amended to 1867. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 81]. With the rules of the courts. Edited by John NORTH CAROLINA (State of). Laws, Townshend. 9th ed. 292 pp. 120. New York, 1866-67. 8~. Raleigh, 1867. Baker, Voorhis 4 Co. 1867. NORTIHUMBERLAND (Johln Dudley, duke - The code of procedure; or, the new and of). See DUDLEY. LAW BOOKS. 509 NORTHWEST territory. Laws passed at the and Thomas Parker. xv, 188, x, 4 pp. 80. first session of the general assembly, Cincin- Charleston, James B. Schenck, 1822. nati, Sept. 16th, 1799; also certain laws en- OGILVIE (John). Proceedings against [him], acted by the governor and judges, from the for high treason, Feb. 1615, at Glasgow. fol. commencement of the government to Dec. London, T. Wright, 1778. 1792; with an appendix. v. 1. 248 pp. 8~. [HARGRAvE's state trials, v. 7]. Cincinnati, Carpenter & Findlay, 1800. OGILVIE (Patrick). Trial for incest and [NOTE.-pp. 227-248 imperfect, also all after p. 248 murder. See NAIRN (Katharine), and wanting]. OGILVIE. NORWICH(CharlesTrimnell, bishop of). See OHIO (State of). Laws, 1867. 80. Columbus, TRIMN]ELL. 1868. NOTARIES' and commissioners' hand-book, See NORTHWEST territory. containing all the necessary forms, fees OHIO reports. New series, v. 16, by L. J. allowed, etc. 31 pp. 80. New York, Baker, Critchfield. 80. Columbus, Nevins & lyers, Voorhis & Co. 1867. 1867. (2 copies). NOTT (Charles C.) and HUNTINGTON OKEY (Charles Henry). A concise digest of (Samuel H.) Cases decided in the court of the law, usage, and custom, affecting the comclaims of the United States, at the terms for mercial intercourse of the subjects of Great 1863-1866, with the rules of practice and the Britain and France. 6th ed. xviii, 338 pp. acts of congress relating to the court. v. 1-2. 80. Paris, Galignani & Co. 1842. xxxix, 427 pp; xi, 646pp. 80. Washington, OKEY (John), and others. Trials, [as regiW. H. 4 O. H. Morrison, and Gov. printing cides,] behaviour, and dying speeches, April, office, 1867-68. (2 copies). 1662. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. NOVA SCOTIA. Statutes of Nova Scotia, [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 8]. 1866. 80. Halifax, 1866. OLD BAILEY experience. Criminal jurisOATES (Titus, D. D.) The account of the prudence, and the actual working of our penal manner of executing a writ of inquiry of code of laws. Also, an essay of prison discipdamages, between James, duke of York, and line; to which is added, a history of the crimes Titus Otes, king's bench, June, 1684. 1 p. 1. committed by offenders in the present day. 31 pp. fol. London, B. Tooke, 1684. xi, 447 pp. I pl. 80. London, J. Fraser, [TRIALS for treason, v. 4]. [1832?] - The same. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. OLDCASTLE (Sir John, baron Cobham). [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 3]. Trial and examination, for heresy, before the Tryals, convictions, and sentence, upon archbishop of Canterbury, Sept. 1413. Coltwo indictments for perjury, king's bench, lected by J. Bale. fol. London, T. Wright, May, 1685. 2 p. 1. 94, 60 pp. fol. London, 1776. [HARGnAVE's state trials, v. 1]. [TR. S for treason, v. 6]. ONEBY (John). Trial, at the Old Bailey, [TRIALS for treason, v. 61.March, 1726, for the murder of William The same. fol. London, T. Wright, 1777. Gower. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. [HARGRAvr,',s state trials, v. 4]. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 9]. OCHILTRIE (Sir James Stewart, lord). See OREGON (State of). Laws, 1866. 80. Salem, STEWART. (Oregon), 1866. (4 copies). OCHINO (Bernardino). Dialogues of polyga- O'REILLY (Antonio Bernal). Practica conmy, and on divorce. See SELECT and curi- sular de Espafia. Formulario de cancillerias ous cases of polygamy, etc. London, 1736. consulares y coleccion de decretos, reales orO'COIGLY or QUIGLEY (James), and denes y documentos diversos. 3 p. 1. 292 pp. others. Trial for high treason, at Maidstone, 3 pl. 40. Hacve, Alfonso Lemale, 1864. in Kent, May, 1798. Taken in short-hand by ORLANDO (Diego). Un codice di leggi e J. Gurney. 539, iv pp. 80. London, l. diplomi siciliani del medio evo. 211 pp. 80. Gurney, 1798. Palermo, Fratelli Redone Lauriei, 1857. OFFICIAL (An) report of the trials of sundry OSBORNE (Thomas, Ist earl of Danby, 1st negroes, charged with an attempt to raise an duke of Leeds). An account of [his] argument insurrection in the state of South Carolina; at the king's bench upon his motion for bail, and a report of the trials of four white persons, May, 1682. 2d ed. 1 p. l. 28 pp. fol. London on indictments for attempting to excite the C. M earye, 1682. slaves to insurrection. By Lionel H. Kennedy [TRIALS for treason, v. 5]. 510 LAW BOOKS. OSBORNE (Thomas, 1st earl of Danby, 1st against [him] for high treason, in going amduke of Leeds). Memoirs relating to his im- bassador to Rome, Oct. 1689. fol. London, peachment, in the year 1678. iv, 234, 110 pp. T. Wright, 1777. 80. London, John Morphew, 1710. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 4]. Proceedings in parliament against[him], PALMER (William). Illustrated and unaupon an impeachment of high treason, etc. bridged edition of the Times' report of the Dec. 1678. fol. London, T. Wright 1776. Dec. 8 f. Ld, v. W, 1. trial of W. P. for poisoning John Parsons [HhrtGRAVE'S state trials, v. 2]. [O EN slat Trialsr,. 2a. Cook, at Rugeley. 184 pp. numerous pl. 8~0 OWEN (William). Trial, for printing and London Ward & Lock 1850. publishing a libel, intitled, " The case of Alex-tos del PANDO (Jos6 Maria de). Elementos del ander Murray," at Guildhall, London, July, derecho internacionl. ed. xvi,700 pp. 1752. fol. London, T. Wright, 1779. derecho internacional. 2a ed. xvi, 700 pp. 1752.RfoE. Londo trials, T. Wrigt 80. Madrid, J. Maitin Alegria, 1852. [HARGI~A3E'S state trials, v. 10]. OXFRD (Robert Harley, st ear of). See PAPILLON (Thomas). The trial between OXFORDHAR (oberLEY. Harley, 1st earlo).See Sir William Pritchard, plaintiff, and Thomas OXFORD (Robert de Vere, duke of Ireland, 9th Papillon, defendant, at the Guildhall of London, in an action upon the case for false ea*ORlo Seellia TERbo, bsoarrest, Nov. 1684. fol. London, T. Wright, OXPFORD (William Talbot, bishop of). See 1776. 1776. TL-IARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 3]. PAINE (Thomas). Trial of, for a libel con- HARORAYES state trials, v. 3]. tained in the second part of Rights of man, at PARDIESSUS (Jeand Marie)0.Cours de droit Guildhall, London, Dec. 18, 1792, before commercial d v Pars, N lord Kenyon and a special jury; together 1841-42.. lord Kenyon and... special jury; togeter Trait6 des servitudes, ou services foncier. with the speeches at large of the attorney Trait des servtudes, ou services fncier. general and Mr. Erskine, and authentic 8e dition, corrig6e et consid6rablement augcopies of Mr. Paine's letters to the attorney ment6e en ce qui concerne principalement les general and others, on the suject of the actions possessoires, les chemins, les cours d' prosecution. 2d ed. corrected. Taken in eaux, les usages, le voisinage et la competence short-hand, by E. Hodgson. 143 pp. 80. des jges de paix, cl'apris la loi du 25 mai London, J. S. Jordaz, 1793. 2 v. 8 Pars, ve, 1838. 2. Pis. PAKINGTON osr PACKINGTON (Sir FPARIS. Bibliotheque des avocats. Catalogue John). Evidence at the bar of the house of des livres imprim6s de la bibliotheque des commons, upon his complaint against William avocats a la cour imp6riale de Paris. v. 1. 520 [Lloyd], bishop of Worcester. SeeLLOD pp. 8~0. Paris,. Durand, 1866. (William). PARKER (Thomas, 6th baron Morley). Trial PALAA (G.) Dictionnaire legislatif et r6gle- for murder, April, 1666, before the house of mentaire des chemins de fer. xvi, 736 pp. lords. fol. London,. Wright, 1778. 8~0 Paris, Cosse et Marchal, 1864. PARKER (Thomas, 1st earl of Macclesfield, The same. Suppl6ment pour 1865 et lord high chancellor of Great Britain). Trial 1866. 1 p.1. 244 pp. 80. Pcaris, Cosse, Marchal before the house of lords, for high crimes and et Cie. 1867. misdemeanours in the execution of his office, PALL MALL gazette. Hunter (Robert, M. D.) May, 1725. fol. London, T. Wright, 1777. v. Pall Mall gazette. Being a verbatim report [HARGRAYE'S state trials, v. 6]. of the medical evidence given by Dr. Wil- PARKER (Thomas, barrister ). The laws of liams, Dr. R. Bennett, Dr. O. Markham, Dr. shipping and insurance, with a digest of adG. Johnson, Dr. Cotton, Dr. R. Quain, and judged cases; containing the acts of parliaDr. Odling: showing their opinions on the ment relative to shipping, insurance, and navinature, causes, and cure of consumption, with gation; together with the laws for the govexplanatory remarks by Dr. Hunter. 404 ernment of the navy, and an account of the pp. 80. London, C. Mitchell & Co. 1867. jurisdiction of the admiralty courts. xxv, PALMER (Roger, earl of Castlemain). Trial 584 pp. 40. London, Strahan & Woodfall. at the king's bench for high treason, [meal-tub 1775. plot] June, 1680. fol. London, T. Wright, PARKYNS (Sir William). Trial, at the Old 1776. Baily, for high treason, March, 1695. fol. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 3]. London, T. W'7ight, 1777. --- Proceedings in the house of commons HARGRAVE'S state trials v. 4]. LAW BOOKS. 51 1 PARRY (William). Trial, for high treason, 3 1. ms. 352 pp. 1 1. fo]. Philadelphia, A. Westminster, Feb. 1584. fol. London, T. Bradford, 1728. Wright, 1776. - (State of). Laws, 1867. Harrisburg, [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 1]. 1867. PARSONS (Theophilus). Law of contracts. Pennsylvania state reports. v. 51-52. 5th ed. 2 v. 80. Boston, Little, Brown 8t Co. By P. Frazer Smith. 8~. Philadelphia, Kay 1866. (4 copies). & bro. 1867. (2 copies). Treatise on maritime law; including the PENRUDDOCK (Col. John). Trial, at Exon law of shipping, the law of marine insurance, [Exeter], for high treason, April, 1655. Wrote and the law and practice of admiralty. 2 v. by himself. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. xlv, 780 pp; xlviii, 871 pp. 80. Boston, Lit- [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 2]. tle, Brown H Co. 1859. (4 copies). o. 1859. (4 copies). PERROT (Sir John, lord deputy of Ireland). Treatise oln the law of partnershirp. liv, Trial, at Westminster, for high treason, April, 654 pp. 80. Boston, Little, Brown & Co. 1592. fol. London, T. right, 1776. 1867. (3 copies). [HAIGRAVE'S state trials, v. l]. PASCHAIL (George W.) Texas digest. See TEXAS1. PERU. 6digoma penal del Peria. Ed. oficLal. PASCHALIS or PASQUALE (Filippo). 18Ipp. 8~. Lmcs,Imprentacae Te La Bifa, Tiactatvs de viribvs patrime potestatis. 21 1863. p. 1. lvi, 439pp. 24 1. fol. [ Venetiis, 1658?] PWETERS (Richard). Copyright case. See PATERSON (J.) MACNAMARA (H.) WEATON (Henry). Panzc MARSNALL (W.) The new prac- PHILLIPS (Samuel March), and ARNOLD aticeof the ALcommonlaw. 1Wv. ine2. lxxxvi, (Thomas James). A treatise on the law of tice of the common law. 1 v. in 2. lxxxvi, 1424 pp. 12. london John rofo evidence. 10th Eng. ed. 5th Am. ed. with 1857.' Cowen and Hill's notes, and with additional PATON (Thomas S.) Treatise on the law of notes and references to the English and American cases, to the present time, by Isaac Edstoppage in transitu. With appendix, containing English judgments, etc. xv, 257 pp. wards. 3 v. 80. New York, Banks & brothers, 8~. E-dinburgh, Bell & Bradfute, 1859. 1868. (2 copies). PEAC-HELL (John, D. D. vice chancellor), PHILLIPS (Willard). A treatise on tle law and the university of Cambridge. Proceedings of insurance. 5th ed. 2 v. xcii, 708 pp; vii, against [them], for not admitting Alban 744 pp. 80. New York, Hurd ~ Houghton Francis, a benedictine monk, to the degree of 1867. (2 copies). master of arts, April and May, 1687. fol. PIERCE (John). See GREEN (Rev. John). London, T. Wright, 1777. PILKINGTON (Thomas), and others. Tryal [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 4J. for the riot at Guildhall, midsommer-day, PEMBERTOAN (Sir Francis), and JONE;S 1682, being the day for election of sheriffs. ( Sir Thomas). Proceedings in parliament 2 p. 1. 58 pp. fol. London, D. Dring, 1683. upon the case of Jay and Topham; and the [TRIALS for treason, v. 6]. defence made by Sir F. Pemberton and Sir - The same. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. T. Jones for their judgment given therein, [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 3]. 1689. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. PIPON (Col. J. K.) and COLLIER (J. F.) [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 8]. Manual of military law for all ranks of the PEMVBERTON (Loftus Leigh). The practice army, militia, and volunteer services; comin equity by way of revivor and supplement. prising an account of the constitution, compoviii, 201 pp. 8~. London, Stevens & icfynes, sition, and procedure of courts-martial. 3d ed, 1867. revised. xvi, 473 pp. 120. London, 7V. H. PEMBROKE (Philip Herbert, 4th earl of Allen & Co. 1863. hMontgomnery, 7th earl of). See HERBERT PISO (Taddeo). Variarvm resolvtionvm libri (Philip). sex; in qvibvs vltimarvmn volvntatvm et prmsPENN (William ), and MEAD (William). ertim de testamentis, institvtione hered. codiTrial, at the Old Baily, for a tumnultuous as- cillis, donat. cavsa mortis, bonorvm possessembly, Sept. 1670. Wrote by themselves. sionis svitate, transmissione ivre accrescendi fol. London, T. ~Wright, 1776. qvestiones in jvre dvbise, oppido et practica[HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 2]. biles resoluuntur, ac dilucide explicantur. PE:NNSYLVANIA (Pr~ovice of ). Laws, 279pp. 161. fol. Hnovi, Wechel, [n. d.] now in force, collected into one volun. 3 p. 1. [ With ROBnERT (Jean). Sententiarum jwris, libri iv.] 512 LAW BOOKS. PLUNKET (Oliver, D. D. titularprimate of PRICE (Ann). Tryal for subornation of perIreland). Trial at the king's bench for high jury. See TASBOROUGH (John), and treason, June, 1681. fol. London, T. Wright, PRICE. 1776. PRICE (John), and other's. Proceedings against [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 3]. them at Wicklow, in Ireland, for high treaPLUNK:ETT (John), and others. Proceedings son against king James, March, 1689. fol. in parliament against [them] upon bills of London, T. Wright, 1777. pains and penalties for a treasonable conspi- [HARnGRAVE'S state trials, v. 4]. racy, May, 1723. fol. London, T. Wright, PRIEST (William). The case of duels; or, 1777. proceedings in the star chamber against him [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 6]. for writing and sending a challenge, and PLYMOUTH (N. E.) The book of the general [against] Richard Wright for carrying it, laws of the inhabitants of the jurisdiction of Jan. 1615. fol. London, T. Wright, 1781. New Plymouth, collected out of the records of [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 11]. the general court, and lately revised. [With PRITCHARD (Sir William). Trial between several laws of Mass. enacted 1686, in ms. ] Sir W. Pritchard and T. Papillon for false 3 p. 1. 75 pp. 5 1. 7 mins. 1. sm. fol. Boston, arrest. See PAPILLON (Thomas). S. Green, 1685. PRITCHARD (W. T.) Analytical digest of POL DE GUY ( —). Le droit pour tous; all the reported cases determined by the high ou, explication des lois civiles et commer- court of admiralty of England. With notes. ciales; renfermant le code napoldon, le code 80. Philadelphia, 1854. (2 copies). de commerce, le code p6nal, le code rural, le PROCEEDINGS (The) at the sessions for tarif gen6ral, des frais due aux notaires, huis- London and Middlesex, holden at the Old siers, greffiers, etc. 1 p.1. 451pp. 120. Paris, Bailey, July 16th, 1679. 4 pp. fol. London, E. Rome, 1866. 1679. PONiT (Paul). Explication thdorique et pra- [TPROLs for treason, v. 1]. tique u code napolon. Commetaire-trait PROCEEDINGS against various persons in des petits coentrats, et de la ontrainte par the reign of Henry viii. for treason, in denying des petits contrats, et de la contrainte par corps. v. 2. 8~. Paris, 1863-1867. the king's supremacy, and other capital crimes, PORDAGE (Rev. John). The proceedings of principally relating to religion. fol. London, PORDAGI:I (Rev. John). The proceedings of the commissioners of Berks for ejecting scan-. Wright, 1781. [HARORAvE'S state trials, v. 111. dalous and insufficient ministers, against PROCEEDINGS on the case concerning the him, Sept. 1654. W —Trote by himself. fol. him, Sept. 1654. Wote by himself. fol. king's prerogative in respect to the education London, E. WPright, 1776. and marriage of the royal family, 1717. fol. [HARGRnAE'S state trials, v. 2]. London,. Wright, 1781. PORTEOUS (Capt. John). Proceedings in [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 11]. his trial for murder, [Edinburgh, 1736]. PRUGNAUD (Eugenle). L6gislation et adPublished by order of the house of lords. fol. ministration de la marine; ou, resolution des London, T. Wright, 1777. questions pr6sentdes, sous le titre iv. du pro[HARGRAvE'S state trials, v. 6]. gramme d'examen, en date du 15 mai, 1853, PORTLAND (William Bentinck, Ist earl of). PORTLASee BENTINCK.D(William Bentink,1stea pour l'admission du grade d'aide-commissaire de la marine. 30e d. avec un supplement. 3 v. POSTNATI (The case of the). See CALVIN 8. ochefot, A. ecie 1858. 80. Rochefort, A. Mercier, 1858. (Robert). PRYNNE (William). Argument in the case POWRIE (William), and others. Examina- of Connr Magwire [lord Maguie], against tions and depositions, concerning the murder whom he was assigned counsel by parliament. of the king [Henry Stewart, lord Darnley], fol. London T. Wright, 1778. queen Mary's husband; with their trial and [HARGRAVE's state trials, v. 8]. sentence, 1567. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. Proceedings against [him] for several [HARGRAVE's state trials, v. 8]. libels. See BASTWICK (John, Ml. D.) PRECERUTTI (Enrico). Elementi di diritto and others. civile patrio. 2a ed. 2 v. 400 pp; 460 pp. ~ and others. Proceedings against them; 8~. Torino, G. Speirani efigli, 1861. in the star-chamber, for writing, publishing, PRESSICKS (Mary). Trial for treason. See printing, and licensing, a book intituled, THWING (Thomas), and PRESSICKS. "Histrio-mastix; or, a scourge for stage playPRESTON (Sir Richard Graham, 1st viscount). ers." fol. London, T. Wrlight, 1776. See GRAHAM. [HARGRaVE'S state trials, v. 1J. LAW BOOKS. 513 PUCCIONI (Giuseppe). Saggio di diritto READING (Nathaniel). Tryal for attemptpenale teorico-pratico. 1 p. 1. 612 pp. 80. ing to stifle the king's evidence as to the hor_Firenze, Lsuigi Niccolai, 1858. rid [popish] plot; king's bench, Westminster, PURCHASE (George). Trial, for high trea- April, 1679. 2 p. 1. 71 pp. fl. London, B. son, in levying war against her majesty, under Pawlet, 1679. pretence of pulling down meeting-houses, 1710. [TRIALS for treason, v. 1]. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. - The same. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 8]. PUTERBAUGH (Sabin D.) Illinois plead- for treason,. 2]. ing and practice. A practical treatise on the The same. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. forms of common law actions, pleading, and [HARGnAVE'S state trials, v. 2]. practice, now in use in the state of Illinois. REASOr N (Hugh), and TRANTER (Rob2d ed. revised and enlarged. 899 pp. 80. ert). Trialattheking'sbench,forthemurChiccago, Callaghar cW Cutlter, 1867. - der of Edward Lutterell, Feb. 1721. fol. QUELCH (John), and others. Trial and con- London, T. Wright, 1777. demnation, for sundry piracies, robberies, and tate trial, v. 6. murders, committed upon the subjects of the REAY (Sir Donald Mackay, 1st baron). See king of Portugal, at the court-house in Boston, MACKAY. [New England], June, 1704. fol. London, REDDING. See READING. T. Wright, 1778. REDFIELD (Isaac Fletcher). The law of [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 8]. railways. 3d ed. greatly enlarged. 2 v. lxxx, QUICHERAT (Jules etienne Joseph). Aper- 664 pp; lxxvi, 853 pp. 80. Boston, Little, tus nouveaux sur l'histoire de Jeanne d'Arc. Brown 4P Co. 1867. (2 copies). ii, 168 pp. 8~. Paris, J. Renouard et Cie. REGICIDES. Thetrial of twenty-nine regi1850. cides, at the Old Baily, for high treason, QUIGLEY (James). See O'COIGLY. which began 9th of Oct. 1660. fol. London, RADCLIFFE (Charles, assumed earl of Der- T. Wright, 1776. wentwater). Proceedings, at Westminster, [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 21. Nov. 1746, against him, on a conviction and REID (James W. ) Index to the amended attainder of high-treason, in May, 1716. fol. laws of Michigan. 122 pp. 80. Lansing, London, T. Wright, 1778. Kerr 4 Co. 1867. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 9]. REIFFENBERG (Freddric Guillaume imeRADCLIFFE (James, 3d earl of Derwent- rio Cuno Marsiius,ron de). Administrawater), and others. Proceedings in parliament ion militaire. Etude sur les services gen6against them, upon an impeachment for high raux de la guerre. 160 pp. 80. Paris, C. treason, Feb. 1715. fol. London, T. WTright, Tanera, 1865. 1777. REMARKS on the trial of John Peter Zenger, [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 6]. RALEIG~H (Sir Walter). Trial, at Winton, printer of the New York weekly journal, who for hiGh treason, Nov. 1603. Tfol. Lonon, T. was lately tried and acquitted, for printing for high treason, Nov. 1603. fol. Lonedon, T. Wright, 1776. and publishing two libels against the govern[HARGRAvE'S state trials, v. 1]. ment of that province. By Anglo-Americanus The same. The bringing of Sir W. and Indus Britannicus. [pseudon.] fol. LonRaleigh to execution, after his sentence had don, T. Wright, 1778. lain dormant so many years considered. fol. [HARGRAVE's state trials, v. 9]. London, T. Wright, 1778. REPORTS of cases in the English courts of [HARGRAvE' s state trials, v. 8]. common law. v. 114-115. James Parsons, RAMSEY (David). Proceedings in the court editor. 80~. Philadelphia, T. - J. W. Johnof chivalry, on an appeal of high treason, by son & Co. 1866-68. Donald [Mackay], lord Rea, against David REVUE critique de legislation et de jurispru. Ramsey, 1631. fol. London, T. Wright, 1781. dence. v. 26-29. 8~. Paris, Cotillon, 1865-66. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 11J. RICE (Clinton). Manual of the U. S. bankRANKIN (Eliza). Trial. See MELLISH ruptcy act, 1867, with the rules, orders, and (Mary). forms of proceedings thereunder, conveniently RATCLIFFE. See RADCLIFFE. annotated, classified, and arranged. 442 pp. READING (Joseph). Trial for murder. See 40. Washington, (D. C.) Philp 4, Solomons, ANNESLEY (James), and READIiNTG. 1867. 65 514 LAW BOOKS. RICH (Edward, 6th earl of Warwick, 3d earl R(EDER (Ole Munch). Jury institutionen i of Holland ). Trial, before the house of lords, Starbritanien, Canada og de forenede stater af for the murder ot Richard Coote, March, 1699. Armerika. 3 v. 8~. Christiania, Forfatter, fol. London, T. Wright, 1777. 1850-52. s. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 5]. ROESSLER. See ROSSLER. RICHELMANN (Heinrich). Der einfluss ROGUET ( ). Legislation de l'6tranger des irrthums auf vertrage. Ein civilistischer aux DEtats Unis. 92 pp. 8~. Paris, M8aresq versuch. vi, 162 pp. 8~. Hannover, Helwing, et Dujardin, 1857. 1837. s. ROLLIT (A. K.) A course of reading for the final examination of the incorporated law RINGE (Richard). Genuine trial for treason, society. A lecture delivered before the Hull n1761. See BEDDINGE'IELD (Margery), law student's society. 32 pp. 80. London, and RINGE. Horace Cox, 1866. RITTIEZ (F.) Histoire du palais de justice ROMO (Judas Jos6). Discurso can6nico de Paris, et du parlement, 860-1789. Mceurs,. acerca de la congrua del clero y de las fabricoutumes, institutions judiciaires, proces di- cas. 277 pp. 8~. Madrid, E. Aguado, 1846. vers, progrbs legal. iv, 392 pp. 80. Parits,. Schlesinger frres, 1863. ROOKWOOD (Ambrose). Trial for high L'Hotel de ville et la bourgeoisie de treason, April, 1696, at the king's bench. fol. Paris; origines, moeurs, coutumes, institutions London, T. Wright, 1777. municipales, depuis les temps les plus recul6s [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 4]. jusqu'i 1789. iv,408 pp. 8~. Paris, Schles- ROSCOE (Henry). Digest of the law of eviinger fr~res, 1863. dence in criminal cases. By David Power. 6th Science des droits; oun, idaologie poli- Am. from the 6th Lond. ed. with notes and tique. xl, 356 pp. 80. Paris, Pagnerre, 1844. references to American cases, by George ROAD [Hill] murder [by Constance Kent]; Sharswood. xl, 947 pp. 8~. Philadelphia. being a complete report and analysis of the T. and J. TV. Johnson & Co. 1866. various examinations and opinions of the ROSE (U. M.) Digest of the Arkansas reports. press on this mysterious tragedy. By a lvi, 972 pp. 80. Little Bock, John E. Reardon, barrister-at-law. 63 pp. 8~. London, [1860]. 1867. ROBBERY of the bank of Pennsylvania, in ROSEWELL (Thomas). Trial, at the king's 1798. The trial, in the supreme court, [etc.] bench, for high treason, Nov. 1684. fol. LonReported from notes by T. Lloyd. Upon don, T. Wright, 1776. [HAnonAvE's state trials. v. 3J. which the president, [etc.] were sentenced to pay Patrick Lyon 12,000 dollars damages, ROSS (George). Leading cases in the compay Patrick Lyon 12,000 dollars damages, mercial law of England and Scotland. v. 3. [etc.] 2 p. 1. 184 pp. 8~. Philadelphia, pub- in ~lit~shers, 1808. ~982 pp. 80. Edinburgh, Constable p Co. 1857. lishers, 1808. ROSSLER (Emil Franz). Deutsche rechtsROBERT (Jean). Sententiarum juris libri iv. denkmaler aus Bohmen und Mihren, [etc.] 300 pp. fol. Parisiis, Vascosan, 1557. v. 1. Das altprager stadtrecht aus dem ROBERTS (Bethuel). Trial. See HALL xiv. jahrhunderte, [etc.] Mit einer vorrede (Lucia)l), andc others. von Jacob Grimm. ciiv, xl, 210 pp. 80. Prag, ROBERTSON (Anthony L.) Reports of cases J. G. Calve, 1845. s. in the superior court of the city of New York. [v. 2, 1852, wanting]. v. 1-2. 80. Albany, W. C. Little, 1867. (2 ROUSE or ROUS (John). Rouse, his case, copies). ~written with his own hand in Newgate, two days before his execution. [With] a letter to RofC). See ATTERBU(FRancisY. Atterbuyhis wife. 1 p. 1. 16 pp. fol. London, J. Grantof). See ATTERBURY. ROCHESTER (Robert Carr, viscount). See ham, 1683. ~~~~~~~~~~CARR.~~I TRIALs for treason, v. 4]. The same. ROCHESTER (John Fisher, bishop of). See [TRIALS for treason, v. 5]. FISHER. Trial at the Old Baily, for high treason, ROCHESTER (Thomas Sprat, bishop of).. July, 1662. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. See SPRAT. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 3]. ROCHFORD (George Boleyn, viscount). See The same. See WALCOT (Thomas), BOLEYN. and others. LAW BOOKS. 515 RUMSEY (Almarie). A chart of family in- SAINT ALBANS (Francis Bacon, viscount). heritance, according to orthodox Moohummu- See BACON (Francis). dan law, with an explanatory treatise. vii, SAINT-JOHN (Oliver). His case, on an 37 pp. 80. London, William Amer, 1866. information ore tenus, in the star-chamber, RUSSELL (Francis, 4th earlof Bedford), and April, 1615, for writing and publishing a others. Proceedings against [them] in the paper against a benevolence, collected under star chamber, May, 1630, for publishing a se- letters of the privy council. fol. London, T. ditious and scandalous writing. fol. London, Wright, 1781. T. Wright, 1781. THxRGRAvE' S state trials, v. 11]. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 11HARGRAE state trials]. RUSSELL (William, lord Russell). Tryal for SAINT-JOSEPH (Antoine de). Concordance high treason. fol. London, 1683. entre les codes de commerce 6trangers, et le [ With VWALCOT (Thomas) and others. Trials, 1682]. code de commerce franeais. [Avec] Codes The same. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. de commerce 6trangers et lois commerciales [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 3]. 6trangbres non compris dans la concordance. The case of William [Russell], lord Rus- xlvii, 425 pp. 40. Paris, Videcoq, 1844. s. sell. [Criticism of arguments at the trial]. SALA (Juan). Ilustracion del derecho real de fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. Espafia. 2a ed. 2 v. in 1. xiv, 404 pp; 348 [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 3]. pp. sm. 40. Madrid, Jose del Collado, and others. History of the whiggish plot; 1820. or, a brief historical account of the charge and Sala adicionado, o ilustracion del deredefence of William, lord Russel, capt. Theo. cho espafiol, aftadidas todas las novedades Walcot, John Rouse, William Hone, cap- que se han introducido hasta el dia en la tain Blague, Algernon Sidney, sir Samuel legislacion espafiola, con appndices de las de Barnardiston, etc. 1 p. 1. 71 pp. fol. London, Chile, Mejico, y Venezuela, por dos jurisconR. Taylor, 1684. sultos espafioles. 2 v. 444 pp; 608 pp. 120. RUTGERS (Elizabeth), v. WADDING- Pais, Garnier heranos, 1867. TON (Joshua). Case of, determined in the SALEM (Mass.) The charter and ordinances mayor's court, in the city of New York, Aug- of the city of Salem, together with the acts of ust 7, 1786; with an historical introduction, thelegislature relating to the city; collated by Henry B. Dawson. xlvi, 47 pp. 8~. Mor- and revised, [etc.] by J. B. F. Osgood. xi, risania (N. Y.) Bradfstreet press, 1866. 320 pp. 80. Salem, Ives & Pease, 1853. s. RUTHVEN (John, 3d earl of Gowrie), and SALISBURY (Gilbert Burnet, bishop of). others. Proceedings in parliament against See BURNET. them for high treason, Nov. 1600, at Edin- SANCROFT (William, archbishop of Canterburgh. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. bury), and others. Proceedings and tryal, [HARGRAVE's state trials, v. 71. king's bench, June, 1688. 3 p. 1. 140 pp. fol. SAAVEDRA. See GA.RSIAS de Saa- London, T Basset, 1689. vedra. [TRIALS for treason, v. 5J. SACHEVERELL (Henry, D. D.) An account of what passed most remarkable in the sessions The same. fol. London, T. Wright, 1777. of parliament, 1709, in the house of commons, [HARGRAvE'S state trials, v. 4]. relating to his case. fol. London, T. Wright, SANDYS (Thomas). The great case of mo1778. nopolies, between the East India company, [HARGRAvE'S state trials, v. 8]. plaintiff, and Thomas Sandys, defendant: The same. 16 pp. 1 portrait. fol. Lon- Whether their patent for trading to the East don, J. Towson, 1710. Indies, exclusive of all others, is good? 1683. [With his tryal before the peers, et.J fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. --- The same. fol. London, T. W right, 1777. The same. fol. London, T. Wright, 1777. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 7]. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 5. Tryal before the house of peers, for high SANQUHAR (Robert Crichton, lord). See crimes and misdemeanors, Feb.-March. 1710. CRICHTON. 327 pp. fol. London, J. Tonson, 1710. SARDINIA. Code civil pour les 6tats [etc.] SACIHEVERELL (William), and others. Trial augment6 des ]ettres-patentes en date [etc. at the king's bench, for a riot committed at 1837-38]; de 1'6dit royal [etc.] et du mani-:Nottingham, May 1684. fol. London, T. Wright, feste de la chambre [etc.] 1838. 2 p. 1. 420 1776. pp. 120. Turin, heritiers Bianco 4' Cie.. 1838. [HIARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 3]. S 516 LAW BOOKS. SAVIGNY (Friedrich Carl vol). Trait6 de of his life and writings. lviii, 240 pp. 12~. la possession en droit romain. 7" 6d. pub- London, O. Payne, 1736. ]ide d'apres les notes laissdes par l'auteur, et CONTENTS. augment6e d'unoe appendice sur l'6tat actuel OCHINO (Bernardino). Dialogue: 21, on polygamy; 22, on divorce. Translated by F. Ozborn, with de la doctrine, par A. F. Rudorff. Traduit memorials and testimonies of Ochino. lviii, 106 pp. del'Allema~nd par -Henri Staedtler. xxxi, 783 WOLSELEY (Sir Charles). The case of divorce, and remarriage thereupon, discussed. pp. 107-126. pp. 80. Paris, A. Durand, 1866. TREATISE concerning adultery and divorce. pp. 127211. SCHULL.ER (Christian Ludwig). Dissertatio CONJUGIUMs LANGUENS; or, the natural, civil, and uridioinauurai de neceitudine, cum religious mischiefs arising from conjugal infidelity juridico-inalugura]ls de necessitudine, cum and impunity. By Castamore. pp. 213-2~40. morali tum civili, inter patronum et libertum. SELECT and impartial account of the lives, 5 p. 1. 128 pp. 80. Trajecti ad Rhenem, L. behaviour, and dying words of the most reE. Bosc7h, 1838. ~s markable convicts, from the year 1700 down SCOTLAND. The acts of the parliaments of to the present time. [anon.] v. 1. vi, 31. 336 Scotland, 1124 to 1707. 11 v. fol. Edinburgh, pp. 120. London, J. Hodges, 1740. 1814-24. SERRIGNY (Denis). Droit public et ad[NOTE.-The first vol. published in 1844, was edited ministratif romain; ou, institutions politiques, by Thomas'Thoinson and Cosnmo Innes]. administratives, 6conomiques, et sociales de ----- Laws and acts of parliament made by 1'empire romain du ive au vie sibcle (de Conking James the first, second, third, fourth, stantin. Justinien). 2 v. 464 pp; 540 pp. 8~. fifth, queen Mary, king James the sixth, Paris, A. Durand, 1862. Charles the first, Charles the second, kings [v. 1 imperfect]. and queen of Scotland. Collected and ex- SESSION cases. Cases in the court of sestracted from the public records of the said sions, teind court, etc. and house of lords, kingdom by Sir Thomas Murray. 2 v. 5 p. l. July, 1865, to July, 1866. 3d series. v. 4. 8~. 521, 198 pp; 2 1. 11, 45 pp. 221. 8 pl. fol. Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark, 1866. Edinburgh, D. Lindsay, 1681. SETON (George, 5th earl of Wintoun). Trial before the house of lords upon an impeachSC:RIBNtER (Charles H.) A treatise on the law of dower. v. 2. xl, 806 pp. Phila ment for high treason, March, 1715. fol. law of dower. v. 2. xl, 806 pp. 8~. Phla& Co. 1867 London, T. Wright, 1777. deip7hia, T. SZ - J. W Johnson le6 Co. 1861. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 6]. SCROGGS (Sir William, lord chief justice of SEYMOUR (Edward, 1st duke of Somerset, the king's bench). Articles of high misdemea- lord protector). Proceedings against him nours, humbly offered to the consideration of in parliament, for misdemeanours and high his majesty, against him; exhibited by treason, Feb. 1549, and Jan. 1550. fol. Lon[Titus] Oates, and [William] Bedlow, 1679. don, T. Wright, 1778. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 7J. [HARCGRAvE' state trials, v. 7]. Proceedings against [him], for high treason and felony, Dec. 1551, at WestminSpeech, the first day of Michaelmas-term, ster. fol. London, T Wright, 1778. 1679, occasioned by many libellous pamphlets [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 7]. which are published against law, to the scan- SEYMOUR (Sir Thomas, baron Seymour, of dal of the government, and publick justice. Sudley). Proceedings in parliament against fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. him for high treason, Feb. 1549. fol. Lon[HARGRAvE'S state trials, v. 81. don, T. Wright, 1778. [HARGRAvE'S state trials, v. 7]. ----- aand others. Proceedings against them, SEYS (Rev. John). Extraordinary trial of, in parliament, 1680. fol. London, T. Wright, for an alleged assault and battery on Mrs. 1778. Elizabeth Cram. 3d ed. 15 pp. 8~. New [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 7]. York, Camp 5 Wilkes, 1847. SELECT and curious cases of polygamy, con- SHAFTESBURY (Anthony Ashley Cooper, cubinage, adultery, divorce, etc. seriously and 1st earl of). See COOPER. learnedly discussed: being a complete collec- SHEPPARD (William). Of corporations, tion of all the remarkable tryals and tracts fraternities, and guilds, with forms and prewhich have been written on those important cedents of charters of corporation. 2 p. 1. 187 subjects, particularly the famous Bernardino pp. 120. London, Twiford, Dring 4 Place, Ochino. With some memoirs and testimonies. 1659. LAW BOOKS. 517 SHERFIELD (Henry, recorder of Sacrum). SINDERCOME alias FISH (Miles). Trial, Proceedings in the star-chamber against him, Westminster, Feb. 1656, for high treason. fol. for breaking [altering] a paintedglass window London, T. Wright, 1778. in the church of St. Edmonds, [Salisbury], [HARGRAtrE'S state trials, v. 7]. Feb. 1632. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. SKEINE (SirJohn). Regiammaiestatem Sco[HARGRAYE'S state trials, v. 1]. SHERWOOD -(Grace). Record of Grace time, veteres leges et constitvtiones, ex archivis Sherwood's trial for witchcraft, in 1705, in pvblicis, et antiqvis libris mss. collectmr, reSherwood's trial for witchcraft., i n 1705, in ~~~~Princess Anne co. Va. cognita, et notis, jvris ciuilis, canonici, nortPrincess Anne co. Va.' [VIRGINIA h]ist. and philos. soc. collections, v. 11. mannici auctoritate confirmatis, illustratre, SHERWOOD (Scott R.) Manual of legal opera et studio Joannis Skenaei. 10 p. 1. 172, study. For the use of students. 28 pp. 8~. 123 pp. fol. London, J.-Bill, 1613. New York, Baker, Voorhis S& Co. 1867. SLADIEN (Henry Mainwaring). The county SHIRLEY (Laurence, 4th earl Ferrers). His courts' equitable jurisdiction act, 28 and 29 case, April, 1760, with an account of his be- Vict. cap. 99, with the orders, rules, and forms. haviour, as published by authority of the xvi, 132 pp. 12o. London, Wildy & sons, sheriffs. fol. London, T. Wright, 1779. 1865. [HARGRAYE'S state trials, v. 10]. SLINGSBY (Sir Henry). Trial, before the Trial for the murder of John Johnson, Trial for the murder of Joh Jo high court of justice, for high treason, May, before the house of peers, April, 1760. fol. 1658. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. London, T. Wright, 1779. [HARGR;AVE'S state trials, v. 2]. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 10]. state trials, SHIRLEY (Dr. Thomas). Proceedings in the SMITH (Francis). Trial, at the Guild-Hall house of commons, on an appeal being brought of London, for publishing a libel, Feb. 1699. in the house of lords, against Sir J. Fagg and fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. others, their members. See FAGG (Sir [HARGRAvE'S state trials, v. 2]. John). SMITH (George James Philip). Reports of SHOWER (Sir Bartholomew). An antidote cases in the court of queen's bench. See against poison; composed of some remarks BEST (W. M.) upon the paper printed by the direction of the lady Russell, and mentioned to have been of the senate [of New York] in the matter of delivered by the lord Russell to the sheriffs at the place of his execution. 7 pp. fol. London George W. Smith, judge of Oneda county, in e relation to charges submitted to the senate by C. Jlfearne, 1683. [HARGRAYEh state trials,. 81. the governor. 580 pp. 80. Albany, Van Ben[HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 8]. 1 The same. [anon.] fol. London, T. thuysen, 1866. Wright, 1778. SMITH (John, of Walworth, England). No [ With the preceding]. faith or credit to be given to papists. With The magistracy and government of Eng- reflections on the perjury of Will. [Howard], land vindicated. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. viscount Stafford, in relation to S. Dugdale [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 3]. and W. Turbervill. 2 p. 1. 32 pp. fol. LonSHREWSBURY (Mary Cavendish, countess don, T. Cockerill, 1681. of). See CAVENDISH. [TRALS for treason, v. 4]. SIDNEY ( Algernon ). Arraignment, tryal, SIDNEY (Algernon). Arraignment, tryal, SMITH (John, of London, bookseller). Trial and condemnation of, for high treason, for and condemnation of, for high treason, for of, before lord Kenyon, in the court of king's conspiring the death of the king, and intend- bench, before lord Kenyon, in the c ourt of king ing to raise a rebellion in this kingdom. At ench, December 6, 1796, for selling a work entitled, "A summary of the duties of citizenthe court of king's bench, 7th-27th November, ship." viii, 35pp. London, Mrs. Smith 1683. 67 pp. fol. London, B. Tooke, 1684. The same. 67 pp. fol. [London, 1684]. [Title-page wanting. TRIALS for treason, v. 31. -- and Higgins (George). Assassination The same. fol. London, T.Wzright, 1776. of the king; the conspirators exposed; or, lHARcRAvE's state trials, v. 31. an account of the apprehension, treatment in SIMONS (Henry). Case of Ashley and Si- prison, and repeated examinations before the mons the Jew, 1751. fol. London, T. Wright, p'iVy council, of John Smith and George Higgins, on a charge of high treason. 82 pp. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 10.. 10]. 8. London, J. Smith, 1795. 518 LAW BOOKS. SMITH (John William). Selection of leading p. 1. 1051 pp. fol. Cantabrigiew, R. Chiswuel, cases, on various branches of the law. 6th 1685. Am. ed. from the last Eng. ed. by Willes, [Imperfect: pp. 1039-1042 are in us.] Keating, Maud, and Chilly. With additional SPOTISWIOOD (Sir Robert). Trial, for high notes, and references to American decisions, treason, in the parliament held at St. Anby J. I. Clark Hare and J. W. Wallace. 2 v.. drews, Nov. Dec. and Jan. 1645. fol. Lonin 3. 80. Philadelphia, T. & J. W. Johnson don, T. Wright, 1776. &! Co. 1866. (4 copies). [HARGnAVE'S state trials, v. L]. SOACIU~S. See PI~SO (Taddeo).. SPRAT (Thomas, bishop of Rochester). ProSOAME (Sir William). The proceedings in ceedings against him, before the privy counthe court of king's bench, exchequer, and cil, 1692, in relation to a plot to restore king house of peers, in the case of Sir Samuel Bar- James ii. Writtenbyhimself fol. London, nardiston, against Sir William Soame, sheriff T. Wright, 1778. of Suffolk, concerning the election of members [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 8]. SPROT (George). Trial, for high treason, in toparliament, 1674. fol. London, T. W~'ight., 1778to parliament, 1674. fol. London, T.Wri conspiring with John [Rutlhven], earl of 1778. [IA7nnAv's state trials, v. 71. Gowrie, to murder king James i. Aug. 1608. SOME observations upon the late trials of Sir fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. George Wakeman, Corker, and Marshal, [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 1. STAFFORD (Edward de 3d duke of BtuckBenedictine monks, 1679. [By Tom Tickle- STAFFORD (Edward de, 3d duke of late clerk to justice Clodpate ingham). Trial, for high treason, in the court foot, the taborer, late clerk to justice Clodpate. pseudono,.] fol. Lonr on T. Wright, 1778. of the lord high steward of England, May, pseudor.] fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. fHARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 83 1522. fol. London, T. Wright, 1781. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. ll]. SOMERSET (Robert Carr, earl of). See STALEY (Willia). See STALEY STALEY (William). See STAYLEY. CARR. STANDSFIELD (Philip). Tryal for the murSOMERSET (Frances Howard, countess of). ther of his father, and other crimes, [EdinSee HOWARD. burgh], Feb. 1688. 2 p. 1. 36 pp. fol, EdinSOMERSET (Edward Seymour, 1st duke of). burgh, heir of A. Anderson, 1688. See SEYMOUR. [TRIALS for treason, v. 5]. SOMMERSETT (James). The case of James - The same. fol. London, T. Wright, 1777. Sommersett, a negro, on a habeas corpus, [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 4]. king's bench, 1771-72. fol. London, I. Wright, STANLEY (SirWilliam). Trial, for high trea1781. son, 1494-5. fol. London, T. Wright, 1781. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 11]. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 11J. SOUTHAMPTON (Henry Wriothesley, 3d STAPLETON (Sir Miles). Trial, at York, for earl of). See WRIOTHESLEY. high treason, June, 1681. fol. London, T. SOUTH CAROLINA (State of). Laws and Wright, 1776. regulations for the militia of the state of South [HARGRAVE's state trials, v. 3J. Carolina. 188 pp. 21. 8pl. 80. Charleston, STATEMENT (A) of the penal laws, which Timothy 4 Mason, 1794. aggrieve the catholics of Ireland; with comPublic laws, fifom its first establishment mentaries. [anon.] Part 1. xvi, 370 pp. 80. as a British province to 1790. By J. F. Dublin, H. Fitz.patrick, 1812. s. Grimke. lxxvii, 504, 43 pp. 27 1. 40. Phila- [Part ii wanting]. delphia, Aitken & son, 1790. STAYLEY or STALEY (William). An SPAIN. Coleccion legislativa de Espaia. "account of the digging up of the quarters of S[Reales ordenes]. Ed. oficial, 1864-1866. W. Stayley, lately executed for high treason. v. 91-96. sm. 40. Mad-rid, Imprenta del minis- Broadside. fol. London, R. Pawlet, 1678. [TRIALS for treason, v. 1]. terio de gracia yjusticia, 1864-66. [TRIAL for treason, v. 1]. ------ Sentencias del consejo de estado, 1864- The same. 1866. 3 v. 80. Madrid, 1864-66. [Inperfect. TRIALS for treason, v. 2]. 1866. 3 delv. 8 tr~b. uaacl 1864-66. s- - The same. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. _ Sentencias del tribunal supremo de jus- [HARGRAVE' state trials, v. 8]. ticia, 1864 y 1865. 4 v. 80.' Madrid, 1865-66. Trial for speaking treasonable words SPEKE (Hugh). Tryal. See BRADDON against his majesty, [Charles ii.]; king's (L.) and SPEKE (H.) bench, Nov. 1678. 10, 12 pp. fol. London, SPENCER (John). De legibus Hebraeorum R. Pawlet, 1678. ritualibus et earurn rationibus, libri tres. 6 [TRnALS for treason, v. 11. LAW BOOKS. 519 STAYLEY or STALEY (William). Trial Inverary, Sept. 1752. fol. London, T. Wright, for speaking treasonable words against his 1779. majesty, [Charles ii.]; king's bench, Nov. [HARGRAVE's state trials, v. 10J. 1678. 10, 12 pp. fol. London,. Powlet, 1678. STIRLING (James), nd others. Trials for [TRIALS for treason, V. 2]. high treason, [Edinburglh], Nov. 1708. fol. The same. London, T. Wright, 1777. [TRIALS for treason, v. 5]. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 5]. The same. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. STORY (Joseph). Commentaries on the con[HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 2]. flict of laws. 6th ed. carefully revised and STEPHEN (Henry John). Treatise on the considerably enlarged. xxxvi, 868 pp. 80. principles of pleading in civil actions: cor- Boston, Little, Brown & Co. 1865. (3 copies). prising a summary view of the whole pro- - Commentaries on the constitution of the ceedings in a suit at law. 9th Am. ed. with United States. 3d ed. 2 v. 8~. Boston, Little, notes; and additions from the London edi- Bown S Co. 1858. (6 copies). tions. By Frarnklin Fiske Heard. xxvii, 457, Commentaries on equity pleadings, and clxxvi pp. 80. Philadelphia, Kay and brother, the incidents thereto. 6th ed. carefully re1867. vised, with large additions, by Isaac F. RedSTEPHEN (James Fitzjames). The definition field, xxxiii, 802 pp. 80. Boston, Little, Brown of murder considered in relation to the report 4 Co. 1865. (2 copies). Of the capital punishment commissioners. 57 Commentaries on equity jurisprudence, pp. 80. London, Longmnans, 1866. as administered in England and America. 9th STEPHENSEN (Magnus). Commentatio de ed. carefully revised, with extensive addilegibus, qvee jus islandicum hodiernum effi- tions, by Isaac F. Redfield. 2 v. 1xxxiv, 767 ciant, deqve emendationibus nonnullis, qvas pp; 853 pp. 8~. Boston, Little, Brown 4 hbe leges desiderare videantur. 1 p. 1. viii, Commentaries on the law of agency, as 189 pp. 160. Haynice, P:. D. Kiepping, 1819., a branch of commercial and maritime jurisS. N (T. M.) Arguments for respond- prudence, with occasional illustrations from ents, Robinson vs. Mandell et al. See ELIOT the civil and foreign law. 6th ed. revised, (T. D.) and STETSON. corrected, and enlarged, by Edmund H. BenSTEVENSON (John). Trial, at Chester, nett. xxxv, 658 pp. 8o. Boston, Little, Brown April 1759, for the murder of Francis Elcock. fol. London, T. WTright, 1779. Commentaries on the law of bailments. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 10]. 7th ed. revised and enlarged, by Edmund STEWART (Archibald, lord provost of Edin- H. Bennett. xlviii, 623 pp. 80. Boston, Little, burgh). Trial, before the high court of justi- Brown & Co. 1863. (2 copies). ci ry in Scotland, June, 1747, for neglect of Commentaries on the law of bills of exduty and misbehaviour in office, before and change, foreign and inland, as administered at the time the rebels got possession of that in England and America. 4th ed. revised, city, in Sept. 1745. fol. London, T. Wright, corrected, and enlarged. xxx, 642 pp. 80. 1778. Boston, Little, Brown & Co. 1860. (2 copies). [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 91. Commentaries on the law of partnerSTEWART (Mrs. Emilie J.) v. STEWART ship. 5th ed. xxix, 754 pp. 80. Boston, (Rev. Hart L.) The Stewartdivorce case, tried Little, Brown & Co. 1859. (2 copies). at the supreme court of Chicago, January term, I Commentaries on the law of promissory 1867. Fullreport of the trial. vii, 130 pp. 8~. notes. 5th ed. xxxvi, 703 pp. 80~. Boston, Chicago, P. L. Hanscomn, 1867. Little, Brown 4. Co. 1859. (2 copies). STEWART (Sir James, lord Ochiltrie). Trial STORY (William W.) Treatise on the law for calumnies and slanderous speeches against of contracts. 4th ed. revised and greatly enJames [Hamilton, 3d] marquis of Hamilton, larged. 2 v. cxi, 782 pp; viii, 820 pp. 80. [and others], tending to the sowing of sedition Boston, Little, Brown 4. Co. 1856. between his majesty and the said noblemen, at STRAFFORD (Sir Thomas Wentworth, Ist Edinburgh, Nov. 1631. fol. London, T. Wright, earl of). See WENTWORTH. 1778. STRANG (Jesse). Trial of, for the murder [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 7]. of John Whipple, at a special court of oyer STEWART (James, of Appin). Trial for and terminer, holden in Albany, in July, 1827. the murder of Colin Campbell, of Glenure, 35 pp. A D. bany, D.M'Glshan, 1827 520 LAW BOOKS. STREATER (John). [His] case, on an ha- TALBOT (William). [His] case, on all inbeas corpus, Westminster hall, Nov. 1653. formation ore tenus, in the star chamber, for fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. maintaining a power in the pope to depose [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 2J. and kill kings. fol. London, T. Wright, STRICKLAND (Mary). See BUTLER alias 1781. STRICKLAND (Mary). [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 11]. STRONG (Demas) v. BENNETT (G. C.) TANKERVILLE (Ford Grey, 3d baron Grey The Strong-Bennett libel suit. Senator Demas of Werke, earl of). See GREY. Strong v. G. C. Bennett, proprietor Brooklyn daily times. Supreme court, King's county, ng c ty, Tryal and conviction for subornation of per June term, 1866. Before Hon. J. F. Barnard. jury, in endeavoring to perswade S. Dugdale 151 pp. 80. Brooklyn, 1866. to retract his evidence about the horrid popish plot, king's bench, Feb. 1680. 1 p. 1. 59 pp. against [them] on an habeas corpus, in bancofol. London, R. Pawlett, 1680. regis, 1629. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 7.. SUGDEN (Edward Burtenshaw, baron St. The same. fol. London, T.Wright, 1776. Leonards). A series of letters, to a mall of [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 21. property, on the sale, purchase, lease, settle- TAYLER (John). Trial. See JENKINS ment, and devise of estates. viii, 127 pp. 8~. (Elisha) v. VAN RENSSELAER. Philadelphia, Tarrand & Nicholas, 1811. s. TAYLER (Thomas). A law glossary of the SUGDEN (Henry). An essay on the law of Latin, Greek, Norman, French, and other lanwills, as altered by the i. Victoria, c. 26. xix, guages, interspersed in the Commentaries by 252 pp. 8~. London, S. Sweet, 1837. Sir W. Blackstone, and various law treatises SULIVAN (Richard Joseph). Thoughts upon each branch of the profession: transon martial law, with a mode for conducting lated into English. iv, 220 pp. 80. London, the proceedings of general courts martial. Clarke f sons, 1819. 2d ed. viii, 104 pp. 12~. London, T. Becket, The same. 7th ed. revised and en1784. larged. 580 pp. 80. New York, J. S. Voor[With ADYE (S. P.) Treatise on courts martial. 1797]. hies, 1865. (2 copies). SURREY (Henry Howard, earl of). See TAYLOR (George). The law of appealsto HOWARD. the superior courts of law by appeal case: SWAN (John), and JEFFERYS (Eliza- including appeals from justices, appeals from beth). Case, forthemurder of Joseph Jefferys. county courts, appeals from revising barrisChelmsford, March, 1752. fol. London, T. ters, and similar appeals. xxviii, 270 pp. Wright, 1779. 12~. London, Horace Cox, 1865. [HARGRAvE's state trials, v. 10]. TENISON (Thomas, archbishop of CanterSWENDSEN (Haagen). Trial, at the queen's bury), azd others. Address to queen Anne, bench, for forceably taking away and marry- respecting the expulsion of William Whiston ing Mrs. Pleasant Rawlins, Nov. 1702. fol. from the university of Cambridge, for heresy, London, T. Wright, 1777. April, 1711. With the opinion of the judges [HARGRAVE's state trials, v. 5]. thereon. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. SWINBURNE (Henry). A treatise of spous- [HARGRAvE'S state trials, v. 8]. als, or matrimonial contracts; wherein all the TENNESSEE (State of). Laws, 1865-66 questions relating to that subject are resolved. and 1866-67. 2 v. 80. Nashville, 1866-67. 8 p. 1. 240 pp. 40. London, R. Clavell, 1686. (3 copies of 1866-67). SYDNEY (Algernon). See SIDNEY. SYNOPSIS of contemporary reports in equity ~- Tennessee reports. See CALDWELL and at common law. [4] pp. 8~. [London, (Thomas H). 1867]. TERRANOVA (Francis). Account of the TALBOT (William, bishop of Oxford). Speech trial and execution of F. Terranova, an Ameriin the house of lords on the first article of im- can seaman, belonging to the ship Emily, peachment of Dr. Henry Sacheverell. 7-11 inhumanly strangled upon a cross by the Chipp. fol. London, J. Morphew, 1710. nese people, at Canton, Sunday, October 27th, [With SACHEVERELL (Henry). Tryal, 1710]. 1821. 8 pp. 8o. [n. p. 1822]. LAW BOOKS. 521 TEXAS (State of).'The constitution as amend- THORPE (William). Trial and examination ed, and ordinances of the convention of 1866, for heresye, before Thomas Arundel, archtogether with the proclamation of the governor bishop of Canterbury, July, 1407. Written declaring the ratification of the amendments by himself. fol. London, T. -Wright, 1776. to the constitution, and the general laws of [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 1]. the regular session of the eleventh legislature THROCKMORTON (Sir Nicholas). Trial of the state of Texas, [1866]. 8~, Austin, in the Guildhall of London, for high treason, 1866. April, 1554. With the proceedings against Digest of the laws of Texas; containing his jury. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 13. laws in force, and the repealed laws on which THWING (Thomas), and PRES1ICKS rights rest. Carefullyanotated, by GNeorge (Mary). Trial at York for high treason, July, W. Paschal. lxxiv, 1080 pp. 8~. New York 1680. fol. London, iyht, 76. 1680. fol. London, T. Wsright, 1776. Banks & bros. 1866. (2 copies).' [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 3]. General laws of the 8Sth legislature, 1859- TILLARD (L6on). Des actes dissolutifs de 60, and extra session, 1861; general laws of communaut6, ou des actes de partage et de the 19th legislature, 1861-62, and extra session, licitation, et de leurs vari6t6s. 240 pp. 8~. 1863; general laws -of the 10th legislature, Paris, Durand, 1851. s. 1863-64, and called session, with the provi- TONGE (Thomas), and others. Trial at the sional and permanent constitution of the con- Old Baily for high treason, Dec. 1662. fol. federate states, and of Texas, 1864; second London, T. Wright, 1776. extra session, 1864. 80. Austin, 1860-65. [HARGRAVYE'S state trials, v. 2]. TEXAS reports. v. 26 and 27. By C. L. TOOKE (John Horne). Proceedings against Robards and A. M. Jacksoln. 8~. Au~stin, J. him on an information in the king's bench Walker, 1867. (2 copies). for a libel, Nov. 1777, fol. London, T. fright, THEODOSIUS II. (emnperor). Codices gre- 1781. gorianus, hermogenianus, theodosianus; et HARGRAVE'SState trials, v. 11]. u. EditusTrial, for high treason, Old Bailey, Nov. supplementun. Edidit Gustavus Haenel. 2 v. 17; x, 480, 28 pp. 4~. Bonn, A 1794. Taken in short-hand by J. Gurney. x, 1716; xxxviii, 480, 28 pp. 40. Bonnce, A. 2v. 464pp;437 pp. 61. 8~. London, I. Marcus, 1842-44. Gurney, 1795. THIMUS (F. G. J.) Trait6 de droit public; TOUCrnET (Mervin, b1a7on d.ley, earl of on, exposition d Bthodique des principes du3Castlehaven). Trial, for a rape and sodomy, April, 1651. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. Liege, H. Dessain, 1844-48. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 1]. THOMPSON (Isaac Grant). The law and TOWNLEY (Francis). Trial, for high treapractice of provisional remedies, with forms. son, Southwark, July, 1746. fol.'London, T. viii, 712 pp. 8~. Albany, Little, Gould son, WS'ight, 1778. 1867. [HARGRAvE's state trials, v. 9]. THOMPSON (Nathaniel), and others. Trial TRANTER (Robert). Trial for murder. See at the Guildhall of London, for writing, print- REASOlN (Hugh), and TRANTER. ing, and publishing letters importing that Sir TREATISE (A) concerning adultery and Edmundbury Godfrey murdered himselfJune, divorce. [In SELECT and curious cases of polygamy, etc. pp. 1682. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. 177-211. 12~0. London, 1736]. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 3]. TREBUTIEN (E.) Cours 616mentaire de droit THOMPSON'S entries. See LIBER pla- criminel, comprenant l'expos6 et le commentcitandi. aire des deux premiers livres du code p6nal, THOMSON (Henry Byerley). Institutes of du code d'instruction criminelle en entier, et the laws of Ceylon. 2 v. xxi, 647 pp; xx. des lois et d6crets qui sont venus modifier ces 713, 71 pp. 8~. London, Triibner & Co. 1866. codes, jusques et y compris ]es lois qui vienTHORIN (Ernest). R6pertoire bibliographique nent d'etre adopt6s par le corps 16gislatif dans des ouvrages de 16gislation, de droit, et de ju- la session de 1853, notamment les lois de 4 risprudence en matibre civile, administrative, juin, 1853, sur la composition du juri, du 9 commerciale et criminelle, publi6s sp6ciale- juin sur la majorit6 exig6e pour la declarament en France depuis 1789, jusqul' la fin de tion du juri, du 10 juin, sur les pourvois en novembre, 1865. Nouv. 6d. corrig6e et con- matibre criminelle, du 10 juin, sur les attensid6rablement augment6e. 2 p.1. 324 pp. 8~. tats contre la famille imp6riale. 2 v. vi, 472 Paris, Durand, 1866. pp; 704 pp. 8~. Paris, A. Dubrand, 1854. 66 522 LAW BOOKS. TRIAL by jury, the birthright of the people of 21 pp. 80. Rochester, (Nl. Y.) Benton & dAnEngland. [anon.] 80. London, R. Hard- drews, 1867. wicke, 1865. ------- The United States bankrupt law, entitled, TRIMNELL (Charles, bishop of Norwich). "An act to establish a uniform system of Speech in the house of lords, at the opening bankruptcy throughout the United States," of the second article of the impeachment passed at the 2d session of the 39th congress, against Dr. Sacheverell. pp. 10-12. fol. Lon- March, 1867. With the household and homedon, J. Morlphew, 1710. stead exemption laws of the several states. f With SACHEVERELL (Henry). Tryal, 1710]. By Clinton Rice. 40 pp. 8~. New York, TROUBAT (F. J. and HALEY (W. W.) Russell, 1867. (2 copies). Practice in civil actions, and proceedings in The same. The bankrupt law, being the supreme court of Pennsylvania, in the "An act to establish a uniform system of district court, and court of common pleas for bankruptcy throughout the United States," the city and county of Philadelphia, and in passed March 4, 1867. By Henry J. Labatt the courts of the United States. 4th ed. en- and Alex. Walker. 54 pp. 8~. New Orleans, larged and rewritten, by A. J. Fish. v. 1, L. Graham, 1867. parts i and ii. cx, 1238 pp. 80. Philadel- Laws. 1st to 30th congress, March 4, phia, Kay and brother, 1867. 1789, to March 3, 1849. 29 v. 8~. PhilaTROWER (Charles Francis). The law of the delphia and Washington, 1849. building of churches, parsonages, and schools; I Laws and regulations for the governand of the divisions of parishes and places. ment of the post office department. viii, 114, xvi, 231 pp. 12~. London, Butterworths, 93, 28 pp. 80. Washington, C. Alexander, 1867. 1852. TURNER (Anne). Trial, at the king's bench, --- Laws relating to the direct and excise for the murder of Sir Thomas Overbury, Nov. taxes, passed during the 1st and 2d sessions 1615. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. of the 37th congress. 115 pp. 80. Washing[HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 1]. ton, Government printing office, 1862. TURNER (James), and others. Trial, at the --- Laws, treaties, and other documents, Old Bailey, for felony and burglary, Jan. having operation and respect to the public 1663. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. lands. xxvii, 356 pp. 8~. Washington, R. C. [HARGRAYE'S state trials, v. 2]. Weightman, 1811. -- Speech and deportment at his execution, [Imperfect: pp. 25-28, 31-42, 55-60, and pp. 5-87 of Sappendix wanting. pp. 131-34, 241-2 imperfect]. Jan. 1662. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. The same. xxvii, 455 pp. 80. Washing[HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 8]. ton, J. Gales, [1811]. TUTCHIN (John). Trial at the Guildhall of [Imperfect title-page]. of London, for a libel, entitled, "The obser- The same. 439 pp. vator," Nov. 1704. fol. London, T. Wright, [Imperfect: pp. i-xxvii; 5-28 wanting. pp. 241-2 imperfect]. 1-77 sUnited States digest. v. 17. Annual [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 5]. digest for 1863. By H. Farnham Smith. 8~. TWYN (John). Trial, for high treason, Old digest for 1863. By. Farnham Smith. 8. Boston, Little, Brown & Co. 1867. (3 copies). Bailey, Feb. 1664. fol. London, T. Wright, VANDERMU3ELEN (Willem). Costumen, 1776. usantien, policien ende styl van procederen [A statev. trials, v. 2]ia. Cder stadt, jurisdicte ende vryheid van Utrecht. UDALL (Rev. John). Trial, at Croydon, for 6 p. 1. 456pp. 31. 2 pl. fol., trecht, W. felony, July, 1590. [Wrote by himself]. fol. Broedelet, 1709. London, E. Wright, 1776.- VANDERPOOL (George). Trial. See PRA[HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 1]. SER and VANDERPOOL. UNDERDOWN (E. M.) The law of art copy- VANE (Sir Henry). The tryal of Sir Henry right. The engraving, sculpture, and designs Vane at the king's bench, Westminster, June acts, the international copyright act, and the the 2d and 6th, 1662. 134 pp. 1 1. sm. 40. art copyright act, 1862. With an introduction and notes. 211 pp. 120. London, John Crock- [Imperfect: p. 1. 3-4 wanting]. ford, 1863. __ The same. Trial, at the king's bench, for UNITED ESTATES of America. The bank- high treason, June, 1662. Wrote by himself. rupt law of the United States, 1841. With fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. English and American decisions and notes [HARGRAvE's state trials, v. 2]. LAW BOOKS. 523 VAN PATTON (John F.) The trial and life VOYSIN DE GARTEMPE (A.) Tables and confessions of, who was tried and con- chronologique et alphab6tique des lois et orvicted of the murder of Mrs. Maria Scher- donnances d'un int6ret public et g6ndral. merhorn, and sentenced to be executed on Depuis 1789 jusqu'en 1860. 3e 6d. 248 pp. the 25th February, 1825. 16 pp. 8~. New 12~. Gu&ret, Dugenest, 1860. York, 1825. VROOM (Peter D.) Reports of cases in the VAN RENSSELEAR (Solomon) v. JEN- supreme court, and the court of errors and KINS and v. COOPER. See JENKINS appeals of the state of New Jersey. v. 1-2. (Elisha). 608 pp. 80. Trenton, Hough & Yard, and VAUGHAN (Thomas). Trial, at the Old Hough 4 Gillespy, 1866-67. (2 copies of v. 1.) Baily, for high treason on the high seas, Nov. WADDINGTON (J.) See RUTGERS. 1696. fol. London, T. Wright, 1777. WAIT (William). The law and practice in I HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 5J. civil actions and proceedings in justices' courts VERE (Robert de, duke of Ireland, 9th earl of and of appeals to the county courts in the Oxford). Trial for treason, 1388. See NE- state of New York. 2d ed. 2 v. lxxix, 1186 VILL (Alexander, archbishop of York), and pp; xliii, 1253 pp. 8~. Albany, Weed, Parothers. sons & Co. 1867. VERMONT (State of). Laws, 1866. 8o. WAKE (William, archbishop of Canterbury). Montpelier, 1866. Speech in the house of lords, at the opening Vermont reports. v. 38-39. By W. G. of the second article of the impeachment Veazey. 8~. Rutland, Tuttle & Co. 1867. (2 against Dr. Sacheverell. 9pp. fol. London, copies). J. Morphew, 1710. VEBSEY (Denmark). Trial. See OFFICIAL [With SACHEVERE LL (Henry). Tryal, 1710J. (An) report, etc. WAKEMAN (Sir George, M. D.) and others. VICTORIA, (Australia.) Acts of parliament Tryals for high treason, for conspiring the of Victoria. 22-25 Victoria, 1859-61. 2 v. in 1. death of the king, subversion of the govern7 p. 1. 251 pp; 128 pp. fol. Melbourne, Govt. ment, and protestant religion, Old Baily, July, printer, 1860-61. 1679. 1 p.1. 84 pp. fol..London, H. Hills, VIRGINIA (Colony of). Acts of assembly, 1679. 1662 [to 1715]. xxiv, 391 pp. fol. London, [TRIALS for treason, v. 1]. J. Baskett, 1728. - The same. Abridgment of the public laws of Vir- [TRIALS for treason, v. 2]. ginia, in force and use, June 10, 1720. By _ _ The same. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. William Beverly. 2d ed. [anon.] 12~. Lon- [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 2]. don, J. Clarke, 1728. WALCOT (Thomas), and others. Tryals of (State of). Code of Virginia. 2d ed. Thomas Walcot, William Hone, William lord including legislation to the year 1860. 8~. Russell, John Rous, and William Blagg, for Richmond, Ritchie, Dunnavant & Co. 1860. high treason; at the Old Baily, July 12-14, --- Laws of the state of Virginia, 1865-66, 1683. 81, 14 pp. fol. London, R. Royston and 1866-67. 2 v. 8~. Richmond, 1866-67. & Co. 1683. VITRIARIUS (Philipp Reinhard). Vitria —-- The same. Tryals for high treason, for rius illustratus, seu institutiones juris publici conspiring the death of the king, and raising romano-germanici. Revisze et auctme a J. a rebellion, Old Baily, July, 1683. 1 p. l F. Pfeffingero. Ed. 3a. 4 v. 4~. Gothe, 81 pp. fol. London, R. Royston, 1683. 1774. [TRIALS for treason, v. 6]. VOIGT (Moritz). Die lex maenia de dote Thesanre. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. vom jahre dlxviii der stadt. 2 p. 1. 84 pp. 40~. [HARGRAvE's state trials, v. 3]. Weimar, Landes industrie-comptoir, 1866. S. WALLACE (John William). Cases argued VOLTAIRE (Franqois Marie Arou4st de). and adjudged in the supreme court of the Histoire d'Elizabeth Canning, et de Jean United States, December term, 1863-65. v. Calas. M6moire de Donat Calas pour son 1-3. 80. Washington, W. H. & 0. H. Morpdre, sa mbre, et son frdre. Declaration rison, 1866-68. de Pierre Calas. Avec les pidces originales, The same. December term, 1865 and concernant la mort des Srs. Calas, et le juge- 1866. v. 3, 4, and 5. 80. Washington, (D.C.) ment rendu A Toulouse. 59 pp. 8~. Londres, W. H. 4 0. H. Morrison, 1866-67. (22 copies J. Nourse, 1762. of v. 4; 20 copies of v. 5). 524 LAW BOOKS. WALTERS (Rowland), and others. Trial, Strafford). Trial, for high treason, March, [for murdering Sir Charles Pymm], at the 1640. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. Old Bailey, June 1, 1688. fol. London, T. [HAlRGRAVE'S state trials, v. 13. Wi-ight, 1778. WESTON (Richard). Trial, at the Guild [IARnGRVE'S state trials, v. 73]. Hall of London, for the murder of Sir Thomas WARD (Sir Patience). Trial, at the king's Overbury, Oct. 1615. fol. London, T. Wright, bench, for perjury, May, 1683. fol. London, 1776. T. Wright, 1776. [HnARGRAVE's state trials, v. II. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. ]..WEST VIRGINIA (State of). Ordinances WARREN (Samuel). The moral, social, and and acts of the restored government of Virprofessional duties of attorneys and solicitors. ginia, prior to the formation of the state of xii, 448 pp. 12~. London, Black wood & sons, West Virginia; with the constitution and 1848. laws of the state of West Virginia, to March W'ARWICK (Edward Rich, 3d earl of Hol- 2d. 1866. 8~'. Wheeling, J. Frew, 1866. (3 land, 6th earl of). See RICH. copies). WASHEIBURlN (Emory). A treatise on the - Laws, 1867. 8~. Wheeling, 1867. American law of easements and servitudes. [West Virginia reports]. Reports of 2d ed. xxxv, 744 pp. 80. Boston, Little, cases in the supreme court of appeals of West Brown & Co. 1867. Virginia. To which is prefixed, a brief sketch WASHBURN (Peter T.) Laws of the United of the erection and formation of the state of States, now in force, relating to copy-rights, West Virginia from the territory of Virginia. with notes, etc. 40. Claremont, (N. H.)[n. d.] By John Marshall Hagans. From August, [Vith BLAKE (Alex. V.) American bookseller's 1863, to January, 1866. v. 1. 80..Morgantrade list, etc. pp. 227-2321. town, Morgan d& Hoffman, 1866. (2 copies). WATSON (Richard, bishop of Llandaff), WHARTON (John). Trial for printing sediProceedings of the house of lords in the case of tious books. See LILBURN (John), and B. Flower for libel. See FLOWER (Benj.) WHARTON. WATTIEVILLE de Grabe (Adolphe, baron WHEATON (Henry). Elements of internade). L6gislation charitable; ou, recueil des tional law. 8th ed. Edited, with notes, by lois, arret6s, d6crets, ordonnances royales, Richard Henry Dana, jr. 80. Boston, Little, avis du conseil d'6tat, [etc.] qui r6gissent les Brown & Co. 1866. (3 copies). 6tablissements de bienfaisance, mise en ordre - Report of the coyyright case of Wheaton et annot6e, avec une pr6face. xv, 711 pp. 8~. v. Peters. Decided in the supreme court of Paris, A. Heois, 1843. S. the United States. 176 pp. 8. New York, WEDDERBURN (Sir John). Trial, at J. Van Norden, 1834. Southwark, Nov. 1746, for high treason. fol. WHITE alias WHITEBREAD (Thomas), London, T. W'right, 1778. and others. The speeches of the five jesuits [HAEGRnAVE'S state trials, v. 93. executed at Tyburn, June 20th, 1679. 4 pp. WEDGWOOD (William B.) and HO- fol. [London, 1679]. MANS (J. Smith). A manual for notaries [Title-page wanting. TRIALS for treason, v. 11. public and bankers, including a summary ofl. The same. [With observations]. 8 pp. the law and principles of commercial paper. fol. [London, 1679]. viii, 779 pp. 80. New York, Ban7cers' maga- fTitle-page wanting. TRIALS for treason, v. 11. zine office, 1867. --- The same. With animadversions thereWEIR ( Major Thomas). Trial of. See upon. [By D. Clarkson]. 1 p. 1. 8, 24 pp. MITCHEL (James). fol. London, H. _Hfills, 1679. WELLS (John C.) Every man his own law- [TRIALS for treason, v. 11. ver and business form book. A complete --- The same. guide in all matters of law and business regu- [TRIALs for treason, v. 31. lations, for every state in the Union. 650 pp. - Tryals and condemnation, for high trea80. New Yor-k, B. W. Hitchcock, 1867. son, in conspiring the death of the king, the ----— The same. Jedermanu sein eigener subversion of the government, and the proanwalt und formularbuch. 449 pp. 80. New testant religion, Old Bailey, June, 1679. 1 Yorck, B. W. Hitchcock, 1867. p. 1. 95 pp. fol. London, L. Htills, 1679. WEVq NTWORTH (Sis Thomas, 1st ecarl of [TRIALS for treason, v. 11. LAW BOOKS 525 WHITE alias WHITEBREAD (Thomas), ences by James T. Mitchell. xxiv, 469 pp. and others. The same. Tryals and condem- 80. Philadelphia, T. and J. W. Johnson 4. Co. nation, etc. 1866. [TRIALS for treason, v. 2]. WILLIAMS (Thomas Walter). A compendThe same. ious and comprehensive law dictionary; elu[TRIALS for treason, v. 3]. cidating the terms and general principles of The same. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. law and equity. 4981. 80. London, Gale and [HARGRAvE'S state trials, v. 2]. Tenner, 1816. WHITE (William, mcayor of Aylesbury, Eng- VPWILLIS (Francis). Trial, for high treason, land). Proceedings in the house of commons, in levying open war against her majesty, un- - house of peers, and the king's bench, in the der pretence of pulling down meeting-houses, case of Ashby and White, 1703-04. Whether 1710. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. an action lies at common law for an elector, [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 8J. who is denied his vote for members of parliaWILLS (William). An essay on the princimont? fol. Londoni, v. Wright, 1778. ples of circumstantial evidence. Illustrated by [HAnnRGRAvE'S state trials, v. 8]. WIIT;ELOC!KE] (Sir Bulstrode). Speech ill numerous cases. 4th ed. Edited by his son. xv, 324 pp. 8~. London, Butterworths, 1862. the house of commons upon the question, v, 324 pp. 80. London, Butterworths, 1862. whether James Naylor should be punishedwith WILSON (Sir Robert Thomas), HUTCHINdeath? 1656. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776 SON (Capt. John Hely) and BRUC: (Mi[HARGRAtv1E's state trials, vT. 21 right6.. chael). Trial of, before the court of assizes, at WHITELOCKE (James ). Proceedings Paris. 112 pp. 80. Paris, Mouzou, 1816. against him, in the star-chamber, June, 1613, WINTER (Robert), and others. Trials at for a contempt of the king's prerogative. fol. Westminster for high treason, being conpiraLondon, T. Wright, 1781. tors in the gunpowder-plot, Jan. 1605. fol. [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 11]. London, T. Wright, 1776. WHITING (William). War powers under [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 1]. the constitution of the United States. 10th ed. WINTOUN (George Seton, 5th earl of). See xvii, 342 pp. 8~. Boston, Little, Brown & Co. SETON. 1864. WISCONSIN reports. v. 18-20. By O. M. WHITTAKER (Henry). Analysis of recent Conover. 8~. Madison, 1866. (2 copies of v. decisions on practice and pleading, 1863-67; 19 and 20.) supplementary to Whittaker's practice, 3d ed. WODON (L6on). Trait6 th6orique et pratique and to the annotated codes. 80. New York, de la possession et des actions possessoires. Diosey and Cockcsroft, 1867. 2 v, 432 pp; 439 pp. 80. Bruxelles, Bruylant, WIAT. See WYATT. Christophe et Cie. 1866. WILKES (John). His case, on an habeas WOLSELEY (Sir Charles). The case of dicorpus, court of common pleas, 1763. fol. vorce, and re-marriage thereupon, discussed. London, T. Wright, 1781. Occasioned by the late act of parliament for [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 11]. the divorce of the lord Roos. Proceedings in his case, on two infor- [In SELECT and curious cases of polygamy, etc. pp. mations for libels, king's bench, 1764-1770. 107-176. 120. London, 1736]. fol. London, T. TWright, 1781. WOODBURNB (John), and COKE (Arun[HARGRAvE'S state trials, v. 11]. del). Trial at Suffolk, for felony, in wilfully WILLIAMS (Sir Edward Vaughan). A trea- slitting the nose of Edward Crispe, March, tise on the law of executors and administra- 1721. fol. London, T. Wright, 1777. tors. 6th ed. 2 v. cxxiii, 853 pp; 855 pp. 80. [HARGRAvE'S state trials, v. 6]. London, Stevens & sons, 1867. WOODFALL (William). Law of landlord WILLIAMS (Joshua). Principles of the law and tenant; with a full collection of precedents of personal property. American editors, Ben- and forms of procedure. 9th ed. By W. R. jamin Gerhard and Samuel Wetherill. 3d Am. Cole. lxviii, 1148 pp. 8~. London, Henry from the 5th Lond. ed. With notes and refer- Sweet, 1867. ences by Samuel Wetherill. ciii, 570 pp. 80. WOOLRYCH (Humphry W.) Remarks on Philadelphia, T. and J. T. Johnson 4, Co. 1866. the rank of queen's sergeant. 16 pp. 120....- Principles of the law of real property. London, Stevens & sons, 1866. 3d Am. from the 7th Eng. ed. by William WORCESTER (William Lloyd, bishop of). Henry Rawle, and additional notes and refer- See LLOYD. 526 LAW BOOKS, WORKMAN (James), and KERR (Lewis). by Alfred J. Harwood. v. 1-3. 80. London, The trials of, before the United States court Longrmans, 1863-66. for the Orleans district on a charge of high YORK (Alexander Nevill, archbishop of). See misdemeanor, in planning and setting on foot NEVILL. within the United States an expedition for the YORK (Frederick, duke of). A circumstantial conquest and emancipation of Mexico. 180 pp. report of the evidence and proceedings upon 80. New Orleans, Bradford & Anderson, 1807. the charges preferred against the duke of WRAYNHAM (-). Proceedings against York, in the capacity of commander-in-chief, him in the star chamber for slandering the in February, 1809. By G. L. Wardle. 700 pp. lord chancellor [Francis] Bacon, of injustice, 80~. London, Albion press, 1809. 1618. fol. London, T. Wright, 1776. YORK (Alexander Nevill, archbishop of). See [HARGRAvE'S state trials, v. 71. NEtVILL. WRIGHT (Richard). Trial for carrying a YOUNG lawyer's recreation; being a choice challenge. SeePRIEST (William). The case collection of several pleasant cases, passages, of duels. and customs in the law. [anon.] 7 p. 1. 206 pp. WRIOTHESLEY (Henry, 3d earl of South- 120. London, S. Briscoe, 1694. ampton). Trial for treason. See DEVER- ZACHARIAE von LINGENTHAL (Carl EUX (Robert, 2dearl of Essex). Salomon). Cours de droit frangais. See AUWYATT or WIAT (Sir Thomas). Arraigne- BRY (C. M. B. A.) and RAU (C. H.) ment [for high treason], Westminster, March, ZENGER (John Peter). Trial for printing and 1554. fol. London, T. Wright, 1778. publishing a libel against the government, at [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 81. NewYork, Aug. 1735. fol. London, T. Wright, YEAR books of the reign of king Edward the 1778. first; years xx-xxxiii. Edited and translated [HARGRAVE'S state trials, v. 9].