^05!)'- T P* 0~***,f.' IL iTW YCATALOGUE K I i 1'. j t LIBR-AKY I, 11 I S. MILITARY A(AD ) E Y,; i I!;NY $11 1 $ JOI W. ET ST POINT, TE.Y. ANIN I EXHIBI(TING ITS CONDI>TIIO:N 1'AT'lE CLOSr E OlF THE YEAR 18s. 1 ~^)lN EW -Y VX1 in jii jw-~]: \\\^l^ M.DCCC.LTJI. ~^^7'//[. OF THE LIBRARY OF THE U, S, MILITARY ACADEMY WEST POINT, N. Y. EXHIBITIITING ITS CONDITION AT THE CLOSE OF TtHE YEAR 1852. NEW-YORK: JOHN F. TROW, PRINTER, 49 ANN-STREET. M.DCOO.LIII. REMARKS. THE increase of the Library of the United States Military Academy renders it necessary that a new catalogue should be published, as an index to its shelves. There have been two printed catalogues before this: one in August, 1822-22 pp. octavo-the second in May, 1830132 pp. 8vo.-neither of which is of any value in the present increased condition of the Library, and the latter of which has no alphabetical index of all the books, by which a work can be found at once. The present catalogue, prepared with unremitting care by the Assistant Librarian, Andre Freis, it is believed will supply the deficiency in every respect. In an attempt to make a critical and minute division of classes, some works may have crept from their own into an analogous classification, but it is hoped that few errors even of this kind will be discovered. A few statistics of the Library are added, as of general interest. There are in the Library 10 volumes of Manuscripts. 300 Maps and Charts. 70 volumes of Engravings. 10 sheets of loose Engravings. 6 volumes of Music. 3 Medals. 4 Busts, and temporarily, 10 Paintings (portaits), belonging to the Military iv REMARKS. Academy. Exclusive of the above works, there are 15,500 volumes in the various classes. The following have been the additions to the Library since 1838: In 1838, 250 volumes. In 1846, 25 volumes. 1839, 602 " 1847, 50 1840, 159 " 1848, 80 1841, 377 " 1849, 256 1842, 108 " 1850, 700 1843, 171 " 1851, 446 1844, 50 " 1852, 577 " 1845, 130 There is no permanent fund for the increase of the Library. There has usually been an appropriation made by Congress of $1,000 annually for the Library, but for the years 1846, 1847, and 1848 no such appropriation was made. The sum of $1,500, however, was appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1849; and the usual appropriation has been made by Congress for 1850, 1851, and 1852 of $1,000 annually. The Library occupies the east wing of a granite building of the Elizabethan style of Gothic architecture, erected in 1840-41. The remaining portion of the building contains four public offices and rooms for philosophical apparatus; in the east tower is a Transit instrument, in the middle one an Equatorial telescope, and in the west one a mural circle. The cost of the entire building was $50,216 86. The Library room is 46 feet square, with a gallery and two tiers of cases. Height of room, 31 feet. The books are arranged upon the shelves alphabetically according to subjects. The Library is open daily, Sundays excepted, between 8 and 12, A. M., and between 1, P. M., and sunset. Only the professors, instructors, cadets, and officers residing at the post are entitled to the use of the books. Cadets may draw books on Saturday, to be returned on the ensuing Monday, and they are also allowed to take such books during the week as are calculated to assist them in their class studies, REMARKS. V i. e. one volume of text, with accompanying plates (if any) at a time, and to be retained for ten days only; for a longer period of time they must obtain the special permission of the Superintendent in writing. Officers may draw four volumes, and professors eight volumes at a time, to be retained for a period not exceeding two months. The annual number drawn is, on an average, 12,000 volumes. The officers of the Library are a Librarian, who is also a member of the Academic Staff; and an Assistant Librarian, who is a private soldier. HENRY COPPEE, 1st Lieut. & Bt. Capt. 1st Art., Librarian. WEST POINT, N. Y., January 10, 1863. CLASSIFIED TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page 1. Military Engineering, Fortifications, Attack, Defence, and Mines.. 1 2. Artillery and Pyrotechny..... 13 3. Strategy, Grand Tactics, and Military Miscellanies.... 27 4. Cavalry Tactics... 5 5. Infantry and Infantry Tactics.. 37 6. Fencing and the use of the Sword... 40 7. Equitation and Veterinary Art, &c.... 41 8. Military Administration and Organization... 43 9. Military Laws, Regulations, and Orders.... 46 10. General Military and Naval History.... 50 11. Battles, Sieges, and Campaigns.... 59 12. Military Biography and Memoirs... 68 13. Military Antiquities........ 73 14. Military and Naval Periodicals.... 75 15. Military and Naval Dictionaries...... 76 16. Army and Navy Registers.... 77 17. Civil and Naval Architecture and Landscape Gardening.. 78 18. Machinery, Instruments, Applied Mechanics and Carpentry.. 87 19. Hydraulic Constructions, Canals, Bridges, &c..... 95 20. Civil Engineering...... 102 21. Works on Materials........ 109 22. Works on Warming and Ventilating..... 112 33. Law of Nature and Nations, Treaties, &c..... 113 24. Government and Politics... 115 25. Political Economy, Metrology, Finance, Commerce, &c... 120 26. Laws, Law Treatises, Commentaries, and Reports... 123 27. Mathematics in general...... 127 28. Arithmetic... 133 29. Algebra...... 135 30. Geometry...... 138 31. Perspective and Descriptive Geometry..... 142 32. Trigonometry.... 144 33. Analytical Geometry...... 147 34. Method of Fluxions, Differential and Integral Calculus.. 149 35. Mensuration, Surveying, and Practical Geometry... 153 vini CLASSIFIED TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page 36. Logarithms and Mathematical Tables....157 37. Mechanics, including Statics, Dynamics, Hydrostatic and Hydrodynamics. 159 38. Natural and Experimental Philosophy in General... 163 39. Optics....... 169 40. Navigation....... 171 41. Astronomy......... 173 42. Astronomical Observations..... 181 43. Astronomical Tables. 183 44. General Works on Arts and Sciences.... 185 45. Chemistry....... 191 46. Electricity, Magnetism, Galvanism, and Meteorology -. 198 47. Natural History....... 201 48. Botany and Agriculture....... 205 49. Mineralogy........208 50. Geology........ 211 51. Medical and Surgical Works...... 215 52. Geography, Topography, and Statistics..... 220 53. Geography-Loose sheets of Maps....229 54. Voyages and Travels....... 234 55. Universal History and Chronology...... 243 56. Ancient Iistory, Antiquities, and Mythology.... 246 57. Modern History of Continental Europe.. -. 252 58. English, Scotch, and Irish Iistory... 256 58. French History and Civil Memoirs...... 260 60, Asiatic and African History..... 271 61. American History........ 273 62. Biographical, H-istorical, and Classical Dictionaries. 280 63. Biography and Personal Memoirs... 282 64. Literary History........ 291 65. Metaphysical Philosophy....... 293 66. Logic and Intellectual Philosophy... 295 67. Moral Philosophy......297 68. Poetry and Fictions....... 301 69. Grammar and Philology....... 311 70. Rhetoric and Criticism....... 313 71. Addresses........315 72. Journals and Treatises upon Education.... 317 73. Works on Painting, Sculpture, Music, and Illustrated Works of Engravings 319 74. Gymnastics and Swimming..... 323 75. Literary and Political Periodicals, Reports, and Registers... 324 76. Bibliography....... 326 77. Dictionaries and Encyclopedias..,... 327 78. Theology and Ecclesiastical History... 331 79. Miscellanies..... 346 CATALOGUE. MILITARY ENGINEERING. FORTIFICATION, ATTACK, DEFENCE, AND MINES. 1 Allent (A.). Histoire du Corps Imperial du Genie. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1805. 2 Arago (M.). Fortification de Paris. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1841. 3 Aster (F. L.). Unterricht in der Festungsbaukunst. 1 vol. 4to. Dresden, 1787. 4 Augoyat. See Vauban, Attaque des Places. 5 Barre Du Parcq (Ed. De La). De la Fortification a l'Usage des Gens du Monde. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1844. 6 Belair (Julienne). Elemens de Fortification. (2d Edition.) 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1793.. 7 Belidor (M.). CEuvres diverses concernant l'Artillerie et le Genie. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Amsterdam, 1764-. 8 Belidor. La Science des Ingenieurs. Nouvelle Edition, avec des Notes, parM. Navier. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1830'. 9 Belidor. The same. 1 vol. 4to. (2 copies.) Paris, 1813. 10 Belmas (J.). Journaux des Sieges faits on soutenus par les Francais, dansa la Peninsule de 1807 a 1814; rediges, d'apres les ordres du Gouvernement.. 4 vols. 8vo & fol. Atlas. Paris, 1836.. 11 Birago (Karl Ritter von). Untersuchungen iiber die europaischen Militarbriickentrains, und Versuch der Militarbrickeneinrichtung. I vol. 8vo. Wien, 1839% 12 Birago (le Chevalier de). Recherches sur les Equipages de Ponts Militaires, et Essai sur tout ce qui a rapport a l'Amelioration de ce Service. Traduit, de l'Allemand, par T. J. Tiby. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1845.. 13 Blois (E. de). Traite des Bombardements. See Blois, No. 1016. 14 Bousmard (M. de). Essai general de Fortification, et d'Attaque et Defense des Places. (4 vols. in 2), 8vo. & Atlas 4to. (3 copies.) Paris, 1814.. 15 Bousmard (M. de). The same. 3 4to. & Atlas fol. Berlin, 1 797. 16 Cambray (Chev. de). Maniere de fortifier. See No. 59. 1 2 MILITARY ENGINEERING. 17 Camp (W. F.). Memoire suin la Fortification, contenant 1'Indication et le -De veloppement de moyens efficaces de Defense avec Planches. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1840. 18 Carnot (M.). De la Defense de Places Fortes. 3"m edition. 1 vol. 4to. (2 copies.) Paris, 1812. 19 Carnot (M.). Memoire sur la Fortification Primitive. 1 4to. pamphlet. Paris, 1823. 20 Cavallero (Don Manuel). Defense de Saragosse, ou Relation des deux Sieges soutenus par cette Ville en 1808 et 1809. Traduit par M. L. V. Angliviel de la Beaumelle. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1815. 21 Chasseloup. Fortifications. See Chasseloup, No. 266. 22 Chevalier (Michel). Les Fortifications de Paris. 2Me Edition. I 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1852. 23 Choumara (Th.). Lettres au Ministre de la Guerre, sur les Fortifications de Paris. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1840. 24 Choumara (Th.). Memoire sur les Fortifications de Paris, avec Plans. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1833. 25 Choumara (Th.). Memoires sur la Fortification, ou Examen raisonne, &c. 1 vol. Svo, & Atlas 4to. Paris, 1827. 26 Choumara (P. M. Th.). Memoires sur la Fortification, ou Examen raisonne des Proprietes et des Defauts des Fortifications existantes, indiquant de nouveaux moyens tres simple pour amfeliorer a peu de frais, les Places actuelles, et augmenter considerablement la duree des sieges. 2me Ed. revue avec soin et considerablement augmentee. I vol. 8vo. & Atlas fol. Paris, 1847. 27 Choumara (Th.). Collection de ses Memoires. Considerations sur les Effets de l'Artillerie dans la Defense des Places. Lettres au Ministre de la Guerre, sur les Fourneaux des Casernes, la Fortification et les Mines. Le Comite du Genie et les Fortifications de Vincennes. Premier Memoire contre le Marechal Soult, Examen Critique de l'Attaque et de la Defense de la Citadelle D'Anvers, en 1832. Examen Critique du Siege de Turin en 1706. Memoires sur les Fortifications de Paris. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1826-33. 28 Clairac (Chev.). L'ingenieur de Campagne ou Traite de la Fortification passagere. 2me edition. 1 vol. 4to. (2 copies.) Paris, 1757. 29 Coehorn (Baron de). Nouvelle Fortification tant pour un terrein bas et humide que sec et eleve, &c. &c. 1 vol. 8vo. La Haye, 1741. 30 Cormontaingne. Mnemorial pour la Fortification l'Attaque et la Defense des Places. 3 vols. 8vo. ( 4 copies.) Paris, 1809. 31 Correard (J.). Receuil sur les Reconnaisances Militaires d'apres les Auteurs les plus estimes, formant un Traite complet sur la Matiere. I vol. 8vo. & Atlas. Paris, 1845. 32 CourS sur le trace et la construction des batteries. See No. 284. 33 D'Ar(on (Michaud). Considerations Militaires et Politiques sur les Fortifications. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1795. 34 D^'Arion. Conseil de Guerre prive sur l'evenement de Gibraltar en 1782 contenant l'extrait d'une information generale sur toutes les circonstances de cette entreprise; les commentaires, les Memoires, les resultats des experiences, &c. &e. &c., pour servir d'exercice sur l'Art des Sieges. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) 1785'35'DArronu (Le Col.).. Reponse aux Memoires de Montalembert. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1790. MILITARY ENGINEERING. 36 D'Artois (P. H.). Relation de la Defense de Dantzig en 1813. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1820. 37 Delagardette (C. M.). Nouvelles Regles pour la pratique du dessin et du Lavis de l'Architecture Civil et Militaire. See No. 1348. 38 Delprat (J. P.). Theorie de la poussee des terres contre les murs de revetement, suivi d'applications nuneriques des principales formules au calcul des dimensions de ces Murs; Traduit du Hollandais. 1 8vo. pamphlet. 1846. 39 Devis instructif des Travaux de construction du Genie. 1 vol 4to. Paris, 798. 40 D'Illens & Funck. Plans et Journaux des Sieges de la dernie're Guerre de Flandres. 1 vol. 4to. Strasbourg, 1750. 41 Douglas (Howard). Essay on the Principles and Construction of Military Bridges and the passage of Rivers. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1816. 42 Douglas (Howard). Essai sur les principes et la construction des Ponts Militaires, et sur les passages des Rivieres en Campagne. Traduit de l'Anglais, par J. P. Vaillant. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1824. 43 Douglas (Howard). Observations of Camrot's Principles of Defence; showing the defects of his new System of Fortification, 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1819, 44 Dufour (G. H.). Memorial pour les Travaux de Guerre. 2 vol. 8vo. Geneve, 1820. 45 Dufour (G. H1.). De la Fortification Permanente. I vol. 4to. & Atlas. (6 copies.) Geneve, 1822. 46 Dufour (G. H.). Instruction sur ]e dessin des reconnaissances Militaires. 1 4to pamphlet. Geneve, 1828. 47 Ecole Royale de l'Artillerie et dn Genie, cours d'Attaque et de Defense de Place (Lithographic). I vol. fol. No date. 48 Ecole Royale de l'Artillerie et du Genie (Lith.). 1 vol. fol. No date. 49 Eggers. Journal du Siege de Bergopzoom en 1747, avec les Plans de la Ville et des Forts. 1 vol. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1750. 50 Emy (A. R.). Cours ile6mentaire de Fortification fait a l'ecole speciale Militaire, le, 2e, & 3e partes. 1 vol. 8vo & Atlas 4to. Paris, 1843-45. )51 El pures Relatives a la Fortification. 1 vol. fol. obl. (2 copies.) No date. 52 Ernest (Le Prince). L'Art de la Fortification applique a la Defense des Places de Guerre d'un diametre de six cents Toises et au-dessus. I vol. 4to. Vienne, 1824. 53 Errard (J. de Bar-e-I)uc). La Fortification demonstree et reduite en Art. 1 vol. fol. Paris, 1620..54 Essai sur la Fortification, ou examen des causes de la grande superiorite de l'Attaque sur la Defense; des moyens de determiner la disposition et la construction des ouvrages par les operations de l'Attaque; des changemens que cette operation produirait dans la methode de fortifier; des avantages qui en resulteraient pour la Defense. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) La Haye, 1755. 55 Essai sur la Defense des Etats par les Fortifications. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1826. 56 Exercice complet sur le trace, le relief, la construction, l'Attaque et la Defense des Fortifications. 1 vol. 8vo & Atlas. (3 copies.) Paris, 1830. 57 Fallois (Joseph de). L'Ecole de la Fortification ou les Elemens de la Fortification permanente, reguliere et irrefguliere. 1 vol. 4to. Dresde, 1768. 4 MILITARY ENGINEERING. 58 Fave. Nouveau Systeme de Defense de Places Fortes. 1 vol. 8vo. & Atlas. Paris, 1841. 59 Fay (Abbe du) & (Chev. de) Cambray. Maniere de fortifier selon la methode de Vauban, avec un trait6 preliminaire des principes des Geometrie. Nouvelle edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1771. 60 Ferrand [J. H. Be3cays). Precis de la Defense de Valenciennes, assiegfe, en 1793. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1805. 61 Fischmeister (J.). Traite de Fortification passagere, d'Attaque et de defense des Postes et Retranchernents. Suivi d'un Appendice sommaire sur les Ponts Militaires; Traduit de l'Allemand par Rieffel. 1 vol. 8vo. & Atlas. Paris, 1845. 62 Flavigny. Principes fondamentaux de la construction des Places, avec des reflexions propres a demonstrer les perfections et les imperfections de celles qui sont construites. 1 vol. 8vo. Londres, 1775. 63 Foissac (F. P.). Traite theorie-pratique et elementaire de la Guerre des retranchements. 2 vols. 8vo. Strasbourg, 1789. 64 Foissac (F. P.). Vauban's (Euvres Militaires. See No. 220. 65 Fortifications de Paris. [See also Nos. 2, 22, 24, 133, 155, 172, 178, 191, 210, 223.] 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1840. 66 Fortifications de Paris. Considerations sur la Defense Nationale. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1833. 67 Fortification, Cours de Fortification permanent (manuscript). 1 fol. pamphlet. No date. 68 Fortifications. Cahier classique sur le cours des Fortifications passageres (manuscript). 1 vol. fol. No date. 69 Fortification. The Elements of Fortification. Translated from the French. 2d edition. I vol. 8vo. 1801. 70 Fosse. Idees d'un Militaire sur lAttaque et la Defense des petits Postes. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1783. 71 Frangais (de M.). Fortification Passagere. See No. 531. 72 Funck. Journaux des Sieges. See No. 40. 73 Gay de Vernon. Traite 16ementaire d'art Militaire et de Fortification. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1805. 74 Gay de Vernon. The same. 2 vols. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1832. 75 Gay de Vernon. The same. Translated by Capt. J. M. O'Connor, for the use of the U. S. Military Academy. See O'Connor, No. 169. 76 Geuss (J. M.). Theorie de l'Art du Mineur; traduite de l'Allemand par A. L. Smeets. 1 vol. 8vo. Maestricht, 1778. 77 Gillot (C. L.). Traite de Fortification souterraine, ou des Mines offensives et defensives. 1 vol. 4to. (4 copies.) Paris, 1805. 78 Glenie (James). A few concise Observations on Military Construction, with some Rules for it, which are not to be found in any of the works of those who have written on the subject. I vol. 8vo. London, 1807. T,9h Goulon. Memoires pour l'Attaque et la Defense d'une Place; nouvelle edition, corrigee et augmentee. I vol. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1764..80 Goulon. The same. I vol. 8vo. La Haye, 1730..81 Grivet. Aide-Memoire de l'ingenieur Militaire. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1834. 82 Gumpertz (H.) & Lebrun. Traite pratique et Theorique des Mines. 1 vol. 4to. (2 copies.) Paris, 1805. MILITARY ENGINEERING. 5 83 Haillot (C. A.). Essai d'une instruction sur le passage des Rivieres, et la construction des Ponts Militaires a l'usage des Troupes de toutes Armes. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1835. 84 Haillot (C. A.). Nouvel Equipages de Ponts Militaires de l'Autriche. 1 vol. 8vo. & Atlas 4to. Paris, 1846. 85 Halleck (H. Wager). Elements of Military Art and Science; Strategy, Fortifications, Tactics of Battles, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) New-York, 1846. 86 Hayne (J. E. G.). Elemens de Topographie Militaire ou instruction detaillee sur la maniere de lever a vue et de dessiner avec promptitude les Cartes Militaires; traduits de l'Allemand, revues et augmentes de notes et figures additionnelles par un officier du Genie. 1 vol. 8vo. (4 copies.) Paris, 1806. 87 Henin (F.). Journal Historique des Operations Militairlcs du Siege de Peschiera. I vol. 8vo. Turin, 1800. 88 Herrera Garcia (Don Jose). Theorie Analytique de la Fortification permanente; traduit d'Espagnol par Ed. de Labarre Duparcq. 1 vol. 8vo. & Atlas. Paris, 1847. 89 Humfrey (J. H.). An Essay on the Modern System of Fortification, and a Memoir on the Fortress of Coblenz; with Plans. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1838. 90 Instruction sur le service et les manceuvres de l'Equipage de Pont d'avantGarde et de divisions, a l'usage de l'Artillerie. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1841. 91 Instruction sur le service de Genie en Campagne. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1825. 92 Instruction sur la repartition et l'execution des travaux platiques pendant l'annee 1844 (Lithog.). 1 fol. pamphlet. - 1844. 93 Irving (C.). Elements of Permanent and Field Fortification. 1 4to. pamphlet. London, 1828. 94 Jebb (J.). Practical Treatise on the Attack and Defense of Military Posts, and Outposts, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Chatham, 1837. 95 Joly de MlVaizeroi. Traite sur l'Art des Sieges et les Machines des Anciens. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1778. 96 Jones (John T.). Journals of Sieges carried on by the Army under the Duke of Wellington, in Spain, between the years 1811 and 1814; with notes. 2d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1827. 97 Knowlton (Miner). Sketch of British Provinces in 1840. (Manuscript.) 1 vol. 4to. W7est Point, 1840. 98 Laisne (J.). Aide-Memoire portatif a l'usage des officiers du Genie. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1837. 99 Lamare (le Colonel). Relation des Sieges et defense d'Olivenca, de Badajoz, et de Campo-mayor en 1811 et 1812 par les troupes franqaises de l'armee du midi en Espagne. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 100 Lamare (le Colonel). Relation de la 2"m defense de la Place de Badajoz, par les francais en 1812. 1 vol. 4to. No date. 101 Lamy (J. N.). Traite theorique et pratique des Batteries. See Lamy, No. 367. 102 Landmann (J.). Treatise on Mines. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) London, 1815. 103 JLandmann (J.). Field Engineer's Vade-Mecum. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) London, 1802. {6 ~iMILITARY ENGINEERING. 104 Lan.dsbergen. Les Fortifications de tout le Monde, c'est a dire, les methodes des principaux Auteurs; traduit de l'Allemand. 1 vol. 4to. Dresde, 1737. 105 Le Blanc d'Eguilly. Plan Militaire concernant les Attaques Nocturnes, avec sept Planches en taille-douce. 1 vol. 8vo. 1809. 106 Lebrun. Traite des Mines. See No. 82. 107 Lecointe. La Science des Postes Militaires. I vol. 12mo. Paris, 1759. 108 Legons sur l'Ecole de Sapes (Lithog.). 1 vol. 4to. Metz, 1841. 109 Legris. La nouvelle Mecanique Militaire, on l'Art de faire la Guerre avec peu de Troupes. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 110 Le Louterel (Gen.). Manuel des Reconnaissances Militaires en ce qui concerne les officiers et sous-officiers d'Infanterie et de Cavalerie. 4e ed. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 18500 111 Lesage (E.). Cours introductif sur la Fortification permanente (Lithog.) I vol. fol. Metz-no date. 112 Lespinasse (L. N.). Traite du Lavis des Plans, applique principalement aux reconnaissances Militaires, enrichi de 9 Planches gravees en tailledouce. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1801. 113 Lespinasse (L. N.). The same. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1801, 114 Macaulay (J. S.). Treatise on Field Fortifications, and other subjects. 1 vol. 12mo & Atlas. London, 1834. 115 Mladelaine (Joachim). Fortification permanente, Defauts des fronts Bastionls en usage, modifications necessaires; bases d'un nouveau systemeo Ier Memoire. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1844. 116 i[adelaine (Joac!lim). Supplement au precedent Memoire (bound with the preceding volume). I 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1845. 117 IEadelaine (Joachim). Fortifications de Coblentz; Observations sur cette place importante; Examen de l'essai sur le systeme moderne de fortification adopte pour la defense de la frontiere Rhe'nanes presente dans un Melmoire etendu sur la forteresse de Coblentz prise comme exemple, par le Lieut. Col. Humfrey; Traduit de l'Anglais, par Napoleon F — 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1846. 118 Mlahan (D. H.). Treatise on Field Fortification, containing instructions on the methods of Laying out, Constructing, Defending, and Attacking Intrenchments, with the-general outlines also of the Arrangement, the Attack and Defence of permanent Fortifications. vol. 18nmo. (2 copies.) New-York, 1846. 119 Mahan (D. H.). Notes Supplementary to the Course of Pnrmanent Fortification; Notes on the Attack and Defence of Permanent Works; Notes on Mines; Composition of Armies. See No. 408. 120 l[atigret. Traite de la surete des Etats par le moyen des Forteresses. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1779. 121 Mbaizeroi. See Joly de Maizeroi, No. 95. 122 Malorti de Martemont (C.). The Theory of Field Fortification. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1810. 123 Mlalorti de M]artemont (C.). Practical -Field Fortification; a Supplement to the Theory of Field Fortification. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1813. 124 l alorti de 1Eartemont (C.). Treatise on the General Principles of Permanent Fortification. 1 vol. 8vo & Atlas. London, 1820. MILITARY ENGINEERING. 7 125 Malorti de Martemont (C.). The Theory of Field Fortification. 3d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1834. 126 Mandar (C. F.). De l'Architecture des forteresses ou de l'art de fortifier les Places, et de disposer les Etablissemens de tout genre qui ont rapport a la Guerre. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1801. 127 3sangin (A.) Memoire sur la Fortification Polygonale, construite en Allemagne depuis 1815. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1851. 128 Manuscripts Militaires. Presented by Gen. Bernard to Maj. Poussin, by him to Capt. A. J. Swift, and by him to the Academy Library; containing some original manuscripts, and numerous drawings. 2 vols. 4to. No date. 129 Marchi (Francesco de). Architectura Militare Illustrata. 1 vol. fol. Brescia, 1599. 130 SMares. Quelques idees sur l'art et les devoirs de l'ingenieur. I vol. 8vo. Cologne, 1797. 131 Marion (le General). De l'Armement des places de guerre. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1845. 132 Martemont. See Malorti de Martemont, No. 122, 123, 124, 125. 133 Mlartin (N.). Memoire concernant la canalisation des fosses des Fortifications de Paris. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1840. 134 Maurice (Baron P. E. de Sellon). Memoire sur les Angles Morts des retranchements de Campagne et sur quelques autres points. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1848. 135 IMaurice (Baron P. E. de Sellon). Recherches historique sur la Fortification passagere depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'h nos jours, suivies d'un apercu sur 1l'tat actuel de cette science et sur le r6le qu'elle est appelee a jouer dans les guerres Modernes. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1848. 136 Maurice (le B~o. P. Emile). Essai sur la Fortification Moderne, ou analyse comparee des Systemes modernes Francais et Allemands. 1 vol. 8vo. & Atlas 4to. Paris, 1845. 137 Mayniel. Traite experimental, Analytique et pratique de la pouss6e des terres et des Murs de revetement. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1808. 138 Memoir on the Reconnaissance of Rivers; for the use of l'Ecole d'Application du corps royal d'Etat-Major. Second edition. Paris, 1837. Translated from the French by Lieut. W. R. Palmer. I 8vo. pamphlet. Philadelphia, 1843. 139 eV6moires sur la Fortification perpendiculaire par plusieurs officiers du corps royale du Genie. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1786. 140,.Meimoire sur la Defense et l'Armement des Cotes avec Plans et instructions approuves par Napoleon, concernant les Batteries de C6tes; et suivi d'une notice sur les tours Maximiliennes, accompagnee des dessins. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1837. 141 Memorial de l'officier du Genie, ou recueil de Memoires, experiences, observations et procedes gne6raux, propres a perfectionner la fortification et les constructions Militaires; redige par les soins du comite de fortifications. 13 vols. 8vo. Paris 1821-40. 142 M3erkes (J. G. W.). Projet d'une nouvelle Fortification, ou tentatives d'ameliorations dans le Systeme bastion6, destine pour les seuls fronts d'attaque d'une Place, tant pour un terrain bas et humide que sec et eleve, &c. &c. 1 plan in folio. Paris, 1843o 8 MILITARY ENGINEERING. 143 VElerkes (J. G. W.). Examen raisonne des progres et de l'etat actuel de la Fortification permanente; traduit du Hollandais. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1846. 144 Merkes (J. G. W.). Resume generale concernant les diff6rentes formes et les diverses applications des redoutes Casematees des petits forts, des tours defensives; traduit du Hollandais par R — 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1843. 145 Mlerkes (J. G. W.). Projot d'un modele de Magazin a Poudre a l'abri de la bombe, avec tous ses details et accessoires. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1843. 146 Merkes (J. G. W.). Essai sur les differentes m6thodes, tant anciennes que nouvelles, de construire les Murs de revetement, particulielrement ceux avec Arceaux ou Voutes en decharche, et les Casemates defensives a l'Epreuve de la Bombe. Traduit du Hollandais et annote par H. C. Gaubert. 1 vol. 8vo. & Atlas fol. Paris, 1841. 147 Micaloz. Expose succinct de nouvelles idees sur l'Art defensive, contenant l'apercu d'une nouvelle theorie sur cet Art, et de quelques dispositions propres a confirmer l'efficacite de cette meme theorie suivi d'un appendice. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1838. 148 lVichel. Programmes pour l'Enseignement de la Fortification Permanente, de l'Attaque et de la Defense des Places (Lithog.). 1 vol. 4to. Metz, 1841. 149 Miohon. Instruction sur la Stabilite des Voutes et des Murs de Revetement. See Michon, No. 1828. 150 Military Bridges. 15 Plates. 151 Montalembert (Marc-Rene). L'Art Defensif, suplrieur a l'offensif, par une nouvelle maniere d'employer l'Artillerie, et par la suppression totale des bastions, comme etant le principale cause du pen de resistance des Places de guerre; ou la fortification perpendiculaire (vols. 1st, 2d, and 3d wanting). 10 vols. 4to. Paris, 1793. 152 Mlorin (P. E.). Memoire sur les moyens de calculer les terrasses beaucoup plus promptement que par la methode ordinaire sans en diminuer ]'exactitude. 1 8vo. pamphlet. No date. 153 l:orlet (Hippolyte). Reflexions critiques sur l'art moderne de fortifier. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1804. 154 lMortier (Pierre). Forces de l'Europe ou descriptions des principales villes avec leurs fortifications, designees par les meilleurs ingenieurs, particulierement celles qui sont sous la domination de la France, dont les Plans ont ete leves par Vauban (14 vols. in one.) 1 vol. fol. obl. Amsterdam-No date. 155 MEounier (Le Baron). Rapport sur le projet du loi relatif aux fortifications de Paris. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1841. 156 Mouze. Traite de fortification souterraine, suivi de quatre Memoires sur les Mines. I vol. 4to. (4 copies.) Paris, 1804. 157 lMuller (John). Field Engineer of le Chevalier de Clairac; translated from the French, with observations and remarks on each chapter. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1760. 158 Muller (John). Treatise of Fortification, in Four Parts. I. The Theory of Walls, Arches, and Timbers, with several Tables of their dimensions. II. The knowledge of the materials, their properties, qualities, and the manner of using them. MILITARY ENGINEERING. 9 III. The manner of tracing a fortress on the ground, the making an estimate, and executing the works. IV. The method of building aquatics, as stone bridges, harbors, quays wharfs, sluices, and aqueducts. Illustrated with 28 copperplates. 3d edition. I vol. 8vo. London, 1774. 159 Muller (John). Attack and Defense of Fortified Places, in three Parts. I. The operations of an Attack, from the beginning to the end. II. The Defence of every part of a Fortification. III. A Treatise on Mines., 4th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1791. 160 Muller (John). Treatise containing the Elementary Part of Fortification, regular and irregular, with remarks on the constructions of the most celebrated authors, particularly of Marshal de Vauban and Baron Coehorn, in which the perfection and imperfection of their several works are considered. 6th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1807. 161 Mluller (Ludwig). Versuch iber die Verschanzungskunst auf Winterpostirungen; mit 15 Kupfertafeln. 1 vol. 8vo. Potsdam, 1782. 162 Musset-Pathay. Relations des principaux Sieges faits ou soutenus en Europe par les armees Francaises, depuis 1792. 1 vol. 4to. (2 copies.) Paris, 1806. 163 Noizet. Resumes des Lecons de la premiere Partie du Cours de Fortification Permanente (Lithog.). 1 vol. 4to. - 1842. 164 Noizet. Resumes des Lecons de la troisieme partie du Cours de Fortification Permanente (Lithog.). 1 vol. 4to. 1842. (The above two works are bound in one volume.) 165 Noizet. Cours de Fortification Permanente (Lithog.). 1 vol. fol. 166 Noizet-Saint-Paul (Gaspard). Traite complet de fortification, ouvrage utile aux jeunes Militaires, et mis a la portee de tout le monde. 2mc edition, revue et corrigee par l'auteur. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1800. 167 Noizet-Saint-Paul (Gaspard). The same. 3me edition. 2 vols. 8vo. (3 copies.) Paris, 1818. 168 Observations sur un ouvrage attribude a fen M. de Valiere. See No. 410. 169 O'Connor (John Michael). A Treatise on the Science of War and Fortification; composed for the use of the Imperial Polytechnic School, and Military Schools; and translated for the War Department, for the use of the Military Academy of the United States; to which is added a summary of the Principles and Maxims of grand Tactics and Operations. 2 vols. 8vo. & Atlas 4to. (657 copies.) New-York, 1817. 170 Ozanam. La fortification reguliere et irreguliere, qui comprend la construction, l'Attaque et la Defense de toutes sortes de Places, selon les plus celebres Auteurs; avec le calcul des Lignes et des angles de chacune de ces Methodes. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1720. 171 Pagan. Les fortifications du Comte de Pagan. 1 vol. fol. Paris, 1645. 172 Paixhans (HI. J.). Fortification de Paris. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1834. 173 Paixhans (II. J.). Force et faiblesse Militaires de la France. See Paixhans, No. 592. 174 Pasley (C. W.). Course of Instruction, for the use of the Royal Engineer Department. Vol. I. containing Practical Geometry, and the Principles of Plan Drawing. Vols. II. and III., Elementary Fortification. 3 vols. 8vo. (2 copies.) London, 1813-17. 175 Pasley (C. W.). A Course of Elementary Fortification, including rules, deduced from experiment, for determining the strength of revetements: treated on a principle of peculiar perspicuity. 2d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1822. 10 MILITARY ENGINEERING. 176 Pasley (C. W.). Rules, chiefly deduced from experiment, for Conducting the Practical Operations of a Siege. Part I. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1841. 177 Pasley (C. W.). Standing Orders; Royal Engineer Department. See Pasley, No. 835. 178 Pelet (Le General). Sur la Fortification de Paris. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1841. 179 Pelet (Le General). Avis sur les fortifications de Paris, lu par eI general Pelet, le 18 Juillet, 1820; a la commission de Defense instituee par le Marechal St. Cyr. Extrait du Spectateur Militaire, Octobre, 1840. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1840. 180 Persy (N.). Cours de Stabilite des constructions a l'usage des Eleves de l'Ecole royal de l'Artillerie et du Genie. 2me edition (Lithog.). 1 vol. fol. Metz, 1827. 181 Pertusieur (Charles). La Fortification ordonnee d'apres les principes de la Strategie et de la balistique modernes. 1 8vo. & Atlas fol. Paris, 1820. 182 Pleydell (J. C.). An Essay on Field Fortification, intended principally for Officers of Infantry; with a great number of copperplates. Translated from the original manuscript of an officer of experience in the Prussian service; with additional notes. A new edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1794. 183 Pontonniers, Projet de reglement sur les manceuvres et les constructions concernant le service special des Pontonniers. (1 vol. of Text, and one with Plates.) 2 vols. 8vo. Strasbourg, 1824. 184 Potevin (P. L.). Fortifications; Notions sur le defilement. I vol. fol. Paris, 1844. 185 Programmes Extraits du Travail de la commission mixte d'officiers d'Artillerie et du Genie. 1 vol. 4to. (3 copies.) Metz, 1807. 186 Prudhomme. Nouveau traite des Mines et des contremines. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1770. 187 Pyrophores, ou moyen de Defense generale, applicable en vingt-quatre heures, par un garde National. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris-No date. 188 Relation du Siege de Grave, en 1674 et de celui de Mayence en 1689 avec le Plan de ces Villes. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1783. 189 lRemond (Le General). De la Defense de Paris, tant sous les rapports de la Fortification que sous ceux de la Strategie, de la tactique et de la politique. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1840. 190 Rieffel. Description et usage du Tle6goniometre, instrument propose pour la mesure des angles et des distances Ia lguerre. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1838. 191 Rocquancourt. Considerations sur la Defense de Paris. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1840. 192 Roguet (le chef de bataillon). Des lignes de circonvallation et de contrevallation. Extrait des Nos. 74, 75 et 76, du Journal des Sciences Militaires. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1832. 193 Rotberg (Le Baron de). L'ingenieur Moderne, ou Essai de fortification, qui enseigne la methode de construire et de fortifier des Places capables de resister aux Vigoureuses Attaques de notre tenms et de remedier aux dcfauts des Places baties suivant d'autres Maximes. Nouvelle edition. 1 vol. 8vo. La Haye, 1756. 194 Rozard (Lieut. Col.). Nouvelle Fortification Francaise ou il est traite de la construction des Places, ensemble l'explication de trois systemes de Vauban, la maniere d'Attaquer et de se Defendre dans les Forteresses, &c. 1 vol. 4to. Nuremburg, 1731. MILITARY ENGINEERING. 11 195 Ryckmans. Memoires au president du conseil sur un projet de Casemate Mobile. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1832. 196 Saint-Julien (Le Chev. de). Architecture Militaire, ou 1'art de fortifier les villes, de quelle assiette ou figure qu'elles soient; avec les noms, les maximes et les instructions n6cessaires a ce sujet, les sentimens des auteurs anciens et modernes, leur idee, leurs principes et leurs constructions, &c. &c. 1 vol. 8vo. La Haye, 1705. 197 Saint-Omer. Relation des exercices d'Attaque et de Defense de Places execut6s en 1826, par les Troupes du Camp de Saint Omer. 1 vo l. 4to. Paris, 1827 198 Saint-Paul. See Noizet-de-Saint-Paul, Nos. 166, 167. 199 Saint-Suzanne (Lieut. Gen6ral). Projet de changemens L op6rer dans le Systeme des Places fortes, pour les rendre v6ritablement utiles a la defense de la France. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1819. 200 Sanz (Don Raymundo). Principios Militares en que se Explican des Operaciones de la Guerra subterranea, o el modo de dirigir, fabricar, y usar las Minas y Contra-Minas en el ataque y defensa de las Plazas. I vol. 8vo. Barcelona, 1776. 201 Savart. Cours ]lelmentaire de Fortification. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1812. 202 Savart. Cours Elemnentaire de Fortification. 2me edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 203 Schienert. An Essay on Military Drawing, from the German. I vol. 8vo. London, 1812. 204 Schwinck (G.). Les Elemens de l'art de Fortifier; Guide pour les lecons des Ecoles Militaires et pour l'instruire soi-meme; traduit de l'Allemand par Theodore Parmentier (premiere et deuxieme parties). 1 vol. 8vo. & Atlas 4to. Paris, 1846-47. 205 Sea. Memoire sur la fortification permanente pour servir a la construction d'un front de fortification sur le terrain. 1 vol. 4to. (2 cop.) St. Petersb. 1811. 206 Sieges de Grave et de Mayence. See No. 188. 207 Smyth (Col. Carmichael.) Plans of the Attacks upon Antwerp, Bergenop-Zoom, Cambray, Peronne, Mauberge, Landrecy, Marienbourg, Philippenville, and Rocroy, by the British and Prussian Armies, in the Campaigns of 1814 and of 1815; with explanatory remarks. 1 vol. fol. (2 copies.) Cambray, 1817. 208 Straith (Hector). A Treatise on Fortification, with a Memoir on Artillery. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. & Atlas fol. London, 1836. 209 Ternay (Col. Marquis de). De la defense des Etats par les positions fortifiees., 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1836. 210 Thiers (A.). Rapport sur le projet de la loi relatif aux fortifications de Paris. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1841. 211 Thiers. Nouvel assaut a l'enceinte projetee de Paris. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1841. 212 Tiellke (J. G.). The Field Engineer; or instructions upon every branch of Field Fortification; demonstrated by examples which occurred in the Seven Years' War between the Prussians, the Austrians, and the Russians; with Plans and Explanatory Notes. Translated from the Fourth German edition by Edwin Hewgill. 2 vols. 8vo. (3 copies.) London, 1789. 213 Totten (Jos. G.). Plans, Sections, Elevations, and details of Furnaces for Heating Shot. 3 sheets. (3 copies.) No date. 214 Totten (General J. G.). Report of, on the subject of National Defences. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Washington, 1851. 12 MILITARY ENGINEERING. 215 Touzac (de). Traite de la Defense interieure et exterieure des redouts, avec la methode de les construire, tant en plaine, qu'au sommet et au pied des Montagnes; enfin entre le sommet et le pied des Montagnes et dans les Vallons. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1785. 216 Traite de la Defense de Places par les contre-mines, avec des reflexions sur les principes de l'Artillerie. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1768. 217 Traite des reconnaisances Militaires ou reconnaissance et description du terrain au point de vue de la tactique; traduit de 1'Allemand par L. A. Unger. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1846. 218 Trincano. Elemens de fortification de l'Attaque et de la Defense des Places. 2 vols. 8vo. Toul, 1786. 219 Valaze (General Baron de). Vauban, Defense des Places. See No. 222. 220 Vauban (Marechal). Ses CEuvres Militaires, contenant l'Attaque, la d6fense des Places, et le traite des mines. Edition revue, corrigee et augmenteee d developpemens, &c., par F. P. Foissac. 3 vols. 8vo. (3 copies.) Paris, 1829. 221 Vauban (Marechal). Les Oisivetes et Memoires inedits. 3 vols. 8vo., bound in two. 1 vol. contenant le tome IV. augmente de memoires in6dits tires du tome (deuxieme). Paris, 1842. 1 vol. contenant les tomes I., II., III. Paris, 1843. 1 vol. contenant la fin des tomes II. et III. Paris, 1845. 222 Vauban (Marebhal). Traite de l'Attaque des Places. Edition publ. par M. Augoyat. 1829, in 8vo. Traite de la Defense des Places. Edition augmentee des agenda du marehal, &c., publ. par le Baron de Valaze, 1829, in 8vo., avec un atlas de 48 pl., in 4to. 2 vols. 8vo. & Atlas 4to. (3 copies.) Paris, 1829. 223 Vauban. Explique en ce qui concerne les moyens de defense de Paris. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1841. 224 Vauban. Forces de'Europe. See Mortier, No. 154. 225 Vauvilliers (L. H. C.). Recherches historiques sur le role et l'influence de la Fortification. I vol. 8vo, Paris, 1845. 226 Villeneuve (Bardet de). Traite de ]'Attaque et la defense des Places. 1 vol. 8vo. La Haaye, 1742. 227 Villeneuve (Capt. du genie). Manuel pratique du Mineur, a l'usage des troupes du genie. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1826. 228 Villeneuve (Capt. du genie). Manuel pratique du Sapeur, pour les travaux de Siege, a l'usage des troupes du genie. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1828 229 Virgin (Jean Bernard). La Defense des Places, mise en Equilibre avec les Attaques savantes et furieuses d'aujourd'hui. I vol. 4to. Stockholm, 1781. 230 Wittich (C. A.). De la Fortification et de la defense des grandes Places; traduit de 1'Allemand par Ed. de la Barre Duparcq. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1847. 231 Yule (Lieut. Henry). Fortification; for Officers of the Army, and Students of Military History; with illustrations and notes. 1 vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1851. 232 Zastrow (A. de). Historique de la Fortification permanente ou Manuel des meilleurs systemes et manieres de Fortification; traduit de l'Allemand par E. de la Barre Dupareq. 2me ed. 2 vols. 8vo. & Atlas 4to. Paris, 1849. ARTILLERY AND PYROTECHNY. 13 ARTILLERY AND PYROTECHNY. 233 Adye (Ralph Willett). The Bombardier, and Pocket Gunner. First American, from the second London edition. I vol. 18mo. (4 copies.) Boston, 1804. 234 Adye (Ralph Willett). The Bombardier, and Pocket Gunner. Eighth edition, revised and corrected, according to the present system, by William Granville Eliot. I vol. 18mo. (3 copies.) London, 1827. 235 Aide-Menmoire a l'usage des officiers d'Artillerie de France, attaches au service de terre. 4me edition, revue et augmentee, par Gassendi. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1809. 236 Aide-Maemoire. The same. 5me edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1819. 237 Aide-lemoire a l'usage des Officiers d'Artillerie. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1836. 238 Aide-Memoire a l'usage des Officiers d'Artillerie. 2d edition. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1844. 239 Aide-Memoire to the Military Sciences. Framed from contributions of officers of the different services, and Edited by a Committee of the Corps of Royal Engineers; with numerous plates and wood-cuts. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1845. 240 Allix (J. A. F.). Systeme d'Artillerie de Campagne, compare avec les systemes du comite d'Artillerie de France, de Gribeauval, et de l'an XI. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1827. 241 Antoni (Le Chev. d'). Du service de l'Artillerie a la guerre; traduit de l'italien, avec des additions et des notes par M. de Mont-Rozard. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1780. 242 Arcy (Le Chev. d'). See D'Arcy, Nos. 293, 294, 295. 243 Artillerie (de 1') au 16me Siecle. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1829. 244 Artillerie a cheval (I') dans le combats de Cavalerie. Opinion d'un Officier de l'Artillerie Prussienne; traduit de l'Allemand par le general baron Ravichio de Peretsdorf. I 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1840. 245 Artillerie nouvelle, ou examen des changemens faits dans l'Artillerie francaise depuis 1765; par M*** ci-devant lieutenant au corps royal d'Artillerie. I vol. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1772. 246 Artillerie dul ComitS, 1830, collection de dessins representant les princi-.paux affuts de l'Artillerie de terre avec leurs traces, leurs objets de details et les c6tes de leurs dimensions et leurs poids, &c. (Lithog.). 1 smali fol. obl. No date. 247 Artillerie de Campagne. 9 Lithographic Plates, on Roller. No date. 248 Artillery. A System of Exercise and Instruction of Field-Artillery, including manceuvres for Light or Horse-Artillery. Prepared by a Board of Army Officers, and published by the War Department. 1 vol. 12mo. Boston, 1829. 14 ARTILLERY AND PYROTECHNY. 249 Artillery. The same. 1 vol. 12mo. Boston, 1833. 250 Aubert (Col.). Note sur l'inflammation spontanee des charbons pulverises. See Vol. III. No. 388. 251:Bailey (J. W.). Chemical Notes, on Gunpowder and its Materials. See No. 408. 252 Belidor. Le bombardier francais, ou nouvelle methode de jeter les bombes avec precision. 1 vol. 4to. Amsterdam, 1734. 253 Bellencontre. Note sur une construction graphique des tables de Lombard. See Vol. III. No. 388. 254 Bergery (C. L.). Theorie des affits. See No. 393. 255 Bigot. Traite d'Artifice de guerre tant pour l'Attaque et la defense des places que pour le service de campagne. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1809. 256 Bigot de Morogues. Essai de l'Application des forces centrales aux effets de la poudre a canon, d'ou l'on d6duira une th6orie propre a perfectionner les diff6rentes bouches a feu. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1837. 257 Borda (Le Chevalier de). Memoire sur la Courbe d6crite par les boulets et les bombes en ayant 6gard a la resistance de l'air. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1846. 258 Bormann (Charles). Considerations et exp6riences sur le tire des obus a balles. vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1836. 259 Bormann (Lieut. Col.). Experiences sur les Shrapnels, nouveaux developpemens sur les resultats obtenus en Belgique. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1848. 260 1Born. Comparison des avant-trains d'affits de Campagne Anglais et Anglais modifie, consideres principalement sous le rapport des Attelages. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1834. 261 Bottee et Riffault. Traite de l'art de fabriquer la poudre a canon; preede cl'un expose historique sur 1'Etablissement du service des poudres et salpetres en France. 1 vol. 4to. & Atlas obl. (2 copies.) Paris, 1811. 262 Breithaupt (Lieut. Colonel). Lecons sur la theorie de l'Artillerie destinees aux officiers de toutes armes; traduit de l'Allemand par le general Baron Ravichio de Peretsdorf. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1842. 263 Burg. Traite du dessin et du leve du Materiel d'Artillerie ou application de la science du dessin geometrique anu figure des bouches'a feu, affits, caissons, voitures, machines, &c., de l'Artillerie; traduit de l'Allemand par Rieffel. 2' ed. 1 vol. 8vo. & Atlas. Paris, 1848. 264 Cavalli (Jean). Memoire sur les canons se chargeant par la Culasse sur les canons Rayes et sur leur application a la defense des Places et des cotes. 1 vol. 8vo. & Atlas fol. Paris, 1849. 265 Charpentier (A. F. E.). Douglas, Artillerie Navale. See No. 308. 266 Chasseloup (Le general Comte). Essais sur quelques parties de l'Artillerie et des Fortifications. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1811. 267 Chasseloup (Le general Comte). Extraits de Me'moires sur quelques parties de l'Artillerie et de Fortifications, publies par M. T'*e. 1 vol. 8vo. Milan, 1805. 268 Chesney (Colonel). Observations on the Past and Present State of FireArms, and on the probable effects in War of the New Musket. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1852. 269 Ohoumara (Theodore). Considerations sur les Effets de l'Artillelie dans la Defense des Places. See Choumara, No. 27. ARTILLERY AND PYROTECHNY. 15 270 Collection des Lois, arretes et reglemens, actuellement en vigeur, sur les differens services de l'Artillerie. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1808. 271 Collection de Plans Generaux d'ensemble et de detail representant les Batiments, Machines, Appareils et outils actuellement employes dans les fonderies de la Marine royale de Ruelle et St. Gervais. 1 vol. fol. Paris, 1842. 272 Congreve (William). Elementary Treatise on the Mounting of Naval Ordnance; demonstrated by a variety of diagrams and copper plates. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1811. 273 Congreve (William). A Treatise on the General Principles, Powers, and Facility of Application of the Congreve Rocket System, as compared with Artillery; showing the various applications of this weapon, both for sea and land service, and its different uses in the field and in sieges. Illustrated by plates of the principal exercises, and cases of actual service, with a demonstration of the comparative economy of the system. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1827. 274 Coquilhat (Capt.). De la quantite de travail absorbee par les frottements clans le forage des bouches a feu a la fonderie royale de Canons de Liege. 1 8vo. pamphlet. 1847. 275 Coquilhat (Capt.). Exp6riences sur la resistance produite dans le forage des bouches a feu faites a la fonderie de canons, Liege en 1840 et 1841. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Liege, 1843. 276 Corda (le Baron). Memoires sur le service de l'Artillerie specialment sur le meilleur mode de chargement des bouches a feu. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1845. 277 Correard (J.). Histoire des fussees de guerre, ou receuil de tout ce qui a ete publi6 ou 6crit sur ce projectile, suivi de la description et de l'emploi des obus a mitraille, dits shrapnells, et des balles incendiaires. I vol. 8vo. & Atlas. Paris, 1841. 278 Correard (J.). Receuil de documents sur l'Expedition et la prise de Constantine. See No. 1040. 279 Cossigny (J. F. Charpentier). Recherches physiques et chimiques sur la fabrication de la poudre a canon, contenant des observations et des experiences nouvelles. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1807. 280 Coste (L. M. Prosper). Recherches balistiques sur les vitesses initiales, le recul, et la resistance de lair. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1823. 281 Coste (L. M. Prosper). Des derivations ou de la probabilite du tire des projectiles. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1825. 282 Cotty (H.). Dictionnaire d'Artillerie. 2- edition. Paris, 1822 in-4. Supplement, 1832, in-4. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1822-32. 283 Cotty (-I.). Memoire sur la fabrication des armes portatives de guerre. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1806. 284 Cours sur le trace et la construction des Batteries de tout espece. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1833. 285 Cours sur le trace et la construction des Batteries de toute espece, extrait de l'ouvrage publie par le Comite d'Artillerie. 2-e edition. 1 vol. 12mo. Metz, 1837. 286 Cours sur le service des officiers d'Artillerie dans les Fonderies. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1840. 287 Cours sur le service des officiers d'Artillerie dans les Fonderies. 1 vol. 8vo. & Atlas. Paris, 1841. 16 ARTILLERY AND PYROTECHNY. 288 COr-s Abr6ge d'Artifices contenant la confection, la r6ception, la conservation et la demolition des munitions et Artifices de guerre; suivi de notions sur les artifices de joie. 1 vol. 8vo. & Atlas. Strasbourg, 1850. 289 Cours, sur le service des officiers d'Artillerie dans les forges. Deuxieme edition, revue et consid6rablement augmentee. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1846. 290 Crepy (L. de). Cours d'instruction speciale a l'usage des sous-officiers des regiments d'Artillerie. 1 vol. 12mo. (5 copies.) Metz, 1837. 291 Dahlgren (Lieut. J. A.). System of Boat Armament in the United States Navy. I vol. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1852. 292 D'Antoni. See Antoni, No. 241. 293 D'Arcy (Le Chev.). Observations et experiences sur I'Artillerie, aux quelles on a joint les reponses qu'a faites M. de Saint-Auban. I vol. 8vo. Alethopolis, 1752. 294 D'Arcy (Le Chev.). Essai d'une th6orie d'Artillerie. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1760. 295 D'Arcy (Le Chev.). Memoire sur la theorie de l'Artillerie ou sur les effets de la poudre et sur les consequences qui en resultent par rapport aux armes a feu. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1846. 296 Dartein (Charles M. S.). Traite E16mentaire sur les proc6des en usage dans les fonderies pour la fabrication des bouches a feu d'Artillerie et description des divers mecanismes qui y sent etablis. 1 vol. 4to. Strasbourg, 1810. 297 Decker (E.). Traite E1lmentaire d'Artillerie a l'usage des Militaires de toutes les Armes; traduit de l'Allemand, avec des notes et des additions relatives a l'Artillerie francaise par Ravichio de Peretsdorf et par Nancy. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1825. 298 Decker (E.). Traite de Pyrotechnie Militaire et des artifices de guerre. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1824. 299 Decker (E.). Instruction pratique sur l'emploi des diffSrents projectiles tant dans la guerre de campagne que dans celle de Place; traduit de l'Allemand par Ravichio de Peretsdorf. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1837. 300 Decker (C. D.). Batailles et principaux combats de la guerre de sept ans consideres principalement sous le rapport de l'emploi de l'Artillerie avec les autres armes; traduit de l'Allemand par Ravichio de Peretsdorf, et Simonin, revue, corrige, augmente, &c., par J. H. Lebourg. 1 vol. 8vo. & Atlas. Paris, 1839-40. 301 Decker. Experiences sur les Shrapnels, faites chez la plupart des puissances de l'Europe accompagnees d'observations sur l'emploi de ce projectile; traduit de l'Allemand et notablement augmente par Terquem et Fave. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1847. 302 Didion. Exercices sur la justesse comparee du tire des balles spheriques. Plates et Longues. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1839. 303 Didion (Is.) Memoire sur la Balistique. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1848. 304:D'Obenheim (A. M.). Balistique indication de quelques experiences propres a completer la theorie du mouvement des projectiles de l'Artillerie precedee de l'analyse necessaire. 1 vol. 8vo. Strasbourg, 1814. 305 IYObenlheim (A. M.). Notice sur ses ouvrages, concernant la balistique. See Vol. III. No. 388. 306 Documents relatifs au coton detonnant. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1847. 307 Douglas (Howard). A Treatise on Naval Gunnery. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1820. ARTILLERY AND PYROTECHNY. 17 308 Douglas (Howard). Traite d'Artillerie Navale; traduit de l'Anglais, avec des notes par A. F. E. Charpentier. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1826. 309 Douglas (Howard). A Treatise on Naval Gunnery. 3d edition, revised and enlarged. vol. 8vo. London, 1851. 310 DuIchemin (Col.) Memoire sur la vitesse initiale des projectiles. Experiences sur le tir en breche et sur divers effets relatifs a ce tir. Extrait des deux premiers rapports de la commission formee k Metz, pour l'etablissement des principes du tir. Memoire sur l'influence de l'emplacement de la lumiere des bouches i feu et des armes a feu portatives. See Vol. IV. No. 388. 311 Dulacq. Theorie nouvelle sur le mecanisme de l'Artillerie, dedie au roi de Sardaigne. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1741. 312 Dupuget. Essai sur u'sage de I'Artillerie dans la guerre de Campagne et dans celle de Sieges. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Amsterdam, 1771. 313 Dupuget. De la Construction des Batteries dans la pratique de la guerre, avec une notice de M. Fave. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1846. 314 Durand (Mesnil). Observations sur le Canon, par rapport h l'infanterie en. general, et a la colonne en particulier; suivies de quelques extraits deo 1'essai sur l'usage de l'Artillerie avec les reponses. I vol. 4to. Amsterdam, 1772l. 315 Durtubie (Theodore). Manuel de 1'Artillerie, contenant tons les objets dont la connaissance est necessaire aux officiers et sous-officiers de l'Ar.tilerie suivant l'approbation de Gribeauval. 5me edition. I vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris, TI795.. 316 Effets de Harnachement. Traite de la Reception des Effets de Harnachement pour les corps d'Artillerie. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1850o. 317 Emy (C. J.). Cours de Sciences Physiques et Chimiques appliqules aux. Arts Militaires; description Abregee de la fabrication des bouches a feu. I vol. 8vo. Metz, 1851. 318 Experiences sur diff6rentes especes de projectiles creux faites dans les ports en 1829, 1831 et 1833. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1837,. 319 Experiences du nouveau systeme de forces Navales (par M. Paixhans), suivies des experiences comparatives des canons de 80 avec ceux de 36 et 24. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1837.. 320 Experiences comparatives faites i Gavres en 1836, entre des bouches a feu en fonte de fer d'origines Francaise, Anglaise et Suedoise, avec tableaux et dessins. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1837. 321 Experiences (suite des) d'Artillerie ex6cutees a Gavre par ordre du Minis — tre de la Marine. Recherches Experimentales sur les deviations des projectiles. (Ce rapport est suivi d'un Memoire sur le deviations moyennes des projectiles.) I vol. 4to. Paris, 1844. 322 Experiences auxquelles ont ete soumis, en 1835 a bord de la Frefgate la Dryade divers objets relatifs a l'Artillerie. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1837.. 323 Experiences sur les poudres de guerre faites a Esquerdes, dans les annees. 1832, 1833, 1834 et 1835, suivies de notices sur les pendules-balistiques. et les pendules-canons. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1837. 324 Experiences faites a Esquerdes en 1834 et 1835, entre les poudres fabriquees par les meules et les poudres fabriquees par les Pilons. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1839. 325 Experiences d'Artillerie executees a Lorient a l'aide des pendules Balistiques. 1 vol.. 4to. Paris, 1847. 2 18 ARTILLERY AND PYROTECHNY. 326 Experiences faites a Metz en 1834 pour servir a determiner les vrais principes du tir des bouches a feu et sur les batteries de breches, et la penetration des projectiles. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1836. 327 Experiences d'Artillerie. See Hutton, No. 345. 328 Experiments on Gunpowder. See Mordecai, Nos. 396, 397. 329 Flavigny (Le vicomte de). Examen de la poudre; traduit de l'italien. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1773. 330 Frezier. Traite des feux d'Artifice pour le spectacle. Nouvelle edition, toute changee, et consid6rablerent augmentee. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1747. 331 Gassendi. Aide-Memoire. See No. 235. 332 Gazan. De la resistance que les canons de fusil offrent a l'explosion de la poudre. See Vol. IV. No. 388. 333 Gravnitz (Henning Frederic de). Memoire sur la Trajectoire des projectiles de l'Artillerie suivi de tables et de regles pratiques pour' la determination des portees; traduit de l'Allemand par Rieffel. I vol. 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1845. 334 Greener (William). The Science of Gunnery, as applied to the Use and Construction of Fire-arms. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1841. 335 Grewenitz (de). Traite de l'organization et de la tactique de l'Artillerie et histoire de cette Arme, depuis les temps les plus recules du moyen age jusqu'a nos jours; traduit de l'Allemand, avec des notes par Ravichio de Peretsdorf. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1831. 336 Griffiths (F. A.). The Artillerist's Manual and British Soldier's Compendium, of Infantry Exercise, Sword Exercise, Artillery Exercise, Equipment, &c.; Fireworks, Fortification, Mathematics, Gunnery, &c. &3. &c.; with the requisite plates and tables. 2d edition. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1840. 337 Grobert (Le Colonel). Machine pour mesurer la vitesse initiale des mobiles de differens calibres, projettes sous tous les angles, depuis zero jusqu'a la huitieme partie du cercle; et Memoire sur le Moyen de Trainer en Bataille, les pieces de gros calibre. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1804. 338 Hastings (Frank Abney). Memoir on the Use of Shells, Hot Shot, and Carcass Shells from Ship Artillery. 1 8vo. pamphlet. London, 1828. 339 Heavy Artillery, Instruction for, prepared by a Board of Officers, for the use of the Army of the United States. 1 vol. 12mo. Washington, 1851. 340 Holliday (Rev. F.). An Easy Introduction to Fortification and Practical Gunnery. 2d edition, corrected and very much enlarged. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1774. 341 Homilius (Le Colonel). Cours sur la construction et la fabrication des Arnes a feu; traduit de l'Allemand par Lenglier. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1848. 342 Huguenin (Le general). Description de la fabrication des bouches a feu en fonte de fer et des projectiles a la fonderie de Liege; traduit du Hollandais par le Capitaine Neuens. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1839. 343 Huguenin (Le gen6ral). Memoire sur le tir a ricochet. 1 8vo. pamphlet. No date. 344 Hulot. Instruction sur le service de l'Artillerie; revue et augmentee, par Bigot. 3"e edition. 1 vol. 12mo. (3 copies.) Paris, 1813. 345 Hutton (Charles). Nouvelles experiences d'Artillerie, ou l'on determine la force de la poudre, la vitesse initiale des boulets de canon, &c.; traduit de'Anglais par P. L. Villantroys et O. Terquem. Paris, an X. (1802) et 1826, 2 part. in-4. 2 vols. 4to. (2 copies.) Paris, 1802 & 1826. ARTILLERY AND PYROTECHNY. 19 346 Hutton (Charles). On the Force of Gunpowder. See Hutton, No. 2218. 347 Inman (James). An Introduction to Naval Gunnery. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Portsea, 1828. 348 Instruction sur la balistique a l'usage des eleves du corps royal d'Etatmajor. I 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1824. 349 Instruction provisoire sur le service des bouches a feu. 1 vol. 32mo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1838. 350 Instruction provisoire sur le service des bouches a feu, deuxieme partie, bouches a feu de Siege et de place et cbte. I vol. 32mo. (3 copies.) Paris, 1832. 351 Instructions and Regulations for Field Battery Exercise and Movements, for the Royal Regiment of Artillery. 1 vol. 12mo. Woolwich, 1831. 352 Instructions and Regulations for the Exercise and Movements of the Royal Horse Artillery. 2d edition. I vol. 12mo. Woolwich, 1835. 353 Instructions and Regulations for the Service and Management of Heavy Ordnance for the Royal Regiment of Artillery. 1 vol. 12mo. Woolwich, 1835. 354 Instruction provisoire sur le tir a l'usage des bataillons de chasseurs a pied, publiee par ordre du Ministre de la Guerre, 28 Novembre, 1847. 1 vol. 18mo. Paris, 1848. 355 Instruction provisoire sur le tir, avec le Titre II., approuve le 4 Novembre, 1849. 1 vol. 32mo. Paris, 1850. 356 Jacobi (G. A.) Etat actuel de l'Artillerie de Campagne en Europe. Artillerie anglaise. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1838.....~- francaise. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1844. ~- bavaroise (2 liv.). I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1844-45. -- neerlandaise. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1845. ---- ~ wurtembergeoise. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1845. ------ suedoise. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1849. 357 Journal des operations de l'Artillerie pendant l'expedition de Constantine, Octobre, 1837, avec un Plan et une vue (extrait du Spectateur Militaire.) 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1838. 358 Kingsbury (C. P.). Elementary Treatise on Artillery and Infantry, adapted to the service of the United States. Designed for the use of Cadets of the U. S. Military Academy. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1849. 359 Kinsley. Military Pyrotechny. See No. 408. 360 Knowlton (Lt. Miner). Notes on Gunpowder, Percussion, Powder, Cannon, and Projectiles. See No. 408. 361 Kosciusko (General.) Manceuvres of Horse Artillery; translated, with notes, and descriptive plates, by Jonathan Williams. 1 vol. 8vo. (18 copies.) New-York, 1808. 362 Lalanne (Ludovic). Sur l'introduction de la poudre a canon en Europe. See Lalanne, No. 1240. 363 Lallemand (H.). A Treatise on Artillery; to which is added a summary of Military Reconnoitring, of Fortification, of the Attack and Defence of places, and of Castrametation. Translated from the manuscript of the author by James Renwick. 2 vols. 8vo. (5 copies.) New-York, 1820. 364 Lamartilliere (Le Comte). Recherches sur les meilleurs effets a obtenir dans 1'Artillerie. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1811. 365 Lamartilliere. Reflexions sur la fabrication en general des bouches a feu. 2"e edition, augmentee de quelques notes. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1796. 20 ARTILLERY AND PYROTECIHNY. 366 Lambert. Memoire sur la resistance des Fluides avec la solution du problenme balistique (M6moires de l'Academie de Berlin pour annee 1765). 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1846. 367 Laimy (J. N.). Traite theorique et pratique des Batteries. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1827. 368 Le -Blond. L'Artillerie raisonnee contenant la description et l'usage des differentes bouches a feu, avec les principaux moyens qu'on a enployes pour les perfectionner, ]a theorie et ia pratique des mines, et du jet des bombes, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1761. 369 Le Bourg (J. H.). Essai sur l'organisatiqn de l'Artillerie et son emploi cans la guerre de Campagne. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1836. 370 Lefebvre. Note sur les engrbnages. See Vol. II. No. 388. 371 Lespinasse (Le general). Essai sur l'organisation de l'Arme de l'Artillerie. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1800. 372 Lettre d'un officier du corps royal du regiment de **, a un officier du meme corps du regiment de **. 1 vol. 8vo. - 1771. 373 Lettre en r6ponse aux observations sur un ouvrage attribue6 t feu M. de Valiere, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1772. 374 Lettres d'un officier du corps royal de l'Artillerie, au Lieutenant-Colonel du r6giment d**** sur les changemens introduits cans l'Artillerie fiancaise, depuis, 1765, jusqu'en 1770; et sur les derniers arrangemens pris par le Ministere, r6lativement a ce service. 1 vol. 8vo. 1774. 375 Lombard (Jean Louis). Traite du mouvement des projectiles, applique au tir des bouches a feu. 1 vol. 8vo. (3copies.) Dijon, 1797. 376 Lombard. Theorie du tir a ricochet. Supplement au traite du mouvement des projectiles de Lombard; contenant les formules de cet auteur relatives aux tir de but en blanc, et tons les documens necessaires aux applications (Lith.). 1 vol. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1841. 377 Lolmbard. Tables du tir des canons et des obusiers, avec une instruction sur la maniere de s'en servir a l'usage de M. M. les officiers du corps royal de l'Artillerie. 1 vol. 8vo. (4 copies.) Auxonne, 1787. 378 Lombard. Instruction sur la manceuvre et le tir du canon de bataille. 1 vol. 8vo. Auxonne, 1792. 379 Lyautey. Mernoire sur le tir a ricochet.-Memoire sur les boutes a balles et leur tir. See Vols. I. & II. No. 388. 380 lMacdonald (John). A circumstantial and explanatory account of Experiments, lately made at the Royal Artillery Dep6t at Woolwich, before a select committee; with a view of ascertaining the comparative accuracy of the relative times of burning of fuses driven by a machine, opposed to those of the common description, with a correspondence carried on in the years 1817 and 181.8, on this and other important branches of the science of Artillery. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1819. 381 Ianlceuvres of Artillery. Chapters 1st and 2d, School of the Cannonier, and Service of Field Artillery. Chapter 3d, Service of Siege Garrison, and Sea Coast Artillery. Chapter 5th, Manoeuvres of Field Batteries. (Chapter 4th wanting.) 3 vols. 12mo. Metz, 1828. 382 MSareschal. Memoire sur un nouveau mode de Magazin a Poudre. 1 vol. 8vo. Pa1is, 1849. 383 M]aurice (Baron P. E. de Sellon). Examen du Memoire sur les Canons se chargeant par le culasse sur les canons Rayes et sur leur application a la defense des Places et des cotes, par Jean Cavalli. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1850. ARTILLERY AND PYROTECHNY. 21 384 BMaze (Commandant d'Artillerie). Artillerie de Campagne en France, description de l'organisation et du materiel de cette arme en 1845, conforme aux documents les plus recents et precedee d'observations. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1845. 385 lMe6moire sur les nouveauxsystemes d'Artillerie. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1 775. 386 MeBmoire sur les nouveaux systemes d'Artillerie, et discussion sur les effets des pieces de canon de diff6rentes longueurs. 1 vol. 8vo. No date. 387 Memoire sur le jet des Bombes, ou en general sur la projection des corps. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1846. 388 MeImorial de l'Artillerie, ou receuil de Memoires, experiences, observations et procedes relatifs au service de l'Artillerie, redige par les soins du Comnite. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1826-45. 389 Meyer (Moritz). Manuel historique de la Technologie des Armes a feu; traduit de l'Allemand par M. Rieffel, avec des annotations et des additions du Traducteur, depuis l'invention des Armes a feu jusqu'a nos jours. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1837. 390 Meyer (Moritz). Pyrotechnie raisonnee, ou application de la chimie aux Artifices de guerre; traduit de l'Allemand par Hippert. 1 vol. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1836. 391 Meyer (Moritz). Experiences sur la fabrication et duree des bouches a feu en fer et en bronze; traduit de ]'Allemand et augmente d'un grand nombre de notes relatives a cet art en general, et termine par un resume des experiences de 1785 a 1813, par Ravichio de Peretsdorf. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1834. 392 icaloz. Expose succinct de nouvelle idees sur l'Art defensif. See Micaloz, No. 147. 393 Migout (J. C.) & Bergery (C. L.). Theorie des affuts et des voitures d'Artillerie. 2"e edition, revue et corrigee. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1840. 394 Mbonge (Gaspard). Description de l'art de fabriquer les canons, faite en execution de l'arrete du comite de salut public, du 18 pluviose de l'an 2 de la Republique francaise, une et indivisible. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1794. 395 Monhaupt (Le general). Tactique de l'Artillerie a cheval, dans ses rapports avec les grandes masses de Cavalerie; traduit de l'Allemand par Baron Ravichio de Peretsdorf. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1840. 396 Mordecai (Alfred). Report of Experiments on Gunpowder, made at Washington Arsenal, in 1843 and 1844. 1 vol. 8vo. (104 copies.) Washington, 1845. 397 I:ordecai (Alfred). Second Report of Experiments on Gunpowder, made at Washington Arsenal in 1845,'47 and'48. 1 vol. 8vo. (65 copies.) Washington, 1849. 398 Mordecai (Alfred). Artillery for the United States Land Service, as devised and arranged by the Ordnance Board. 1 vol. 8vo. & Atlas fol. (2 copies.) Washington, 1849. 399 Morel (A. M. Th.). Traite pratique des feux d'Artifice, pour le spectacle et pour la guerre, avec les petits feux de table, et l'Artifice a l'usage des Theatres. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1800. 400 Moorin. Sur l'emploi des moteurs dans les usines de l'Artillerie.-Compte rendu d'une mission dans les fonderies de l'Artillerie. See Vols. II. and III. No. 388. 401 /oritz-Meyer. See Meyer, No. 389, 390, 391. 22 ARTILLERY AND PYROTECHNY. 402 Mountain Artillery, Instruction for, prepared by a Board of Army Officers. 12mo. pamphlet. (12 copies.) Washington, 1851. 403 Muller (John). Treatise of Artillery; containing-I. General Constructions of Brass and Iron Guns used by Sea and Land, and of their Carriages. II. General Constructions of Mortars and Howitzers, their Beds and Carriages. III. The Dimensions of all other kinds of Carriages used in the Artillery. IV. The Exercise of the Regiment at home, and its service abroad in a Siege or a Battle. V. Its March and Encampment; Ammunition, Stores, and Horses. VI. Lastly, the necessary Laboratory Work, to which is prefixed a Theory of Powder applied to Fire-Arms. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1757. 404 Mluller (John). Appendix, or Supplement to the Treatise of Artillery. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1768. 405 Nancy (A. P. F.). Traite des Batteries. See No. 441. 406 Navarro Sangran (general). Systeme de pointage gen6ralement applicable a toutes les Bouches a feu de l'artillerie; traduit de l'Espagnol. I 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1838. 407 Note sur quelques modifications a faire aux bats de l'Artillerie de Montagne. (Extrait du numero de Mars, 1837, du journal des Sciences Militaires.) I 8vo. pamphlet. - 1837. 408 Notes on Engineering, &c. (Lithog.). I vol. 4to. (2 copies.) West Point, 1840-41: 409 Obenheim (d'). See D'Obenheim, Nos. 304, 305. 410 Observations sur un ouvrage attribue a feu M. de Valiere. I vol. 12mo. La Haye, 1770. 411 Observations on the Mode of Attack, and Employment of the Heavy Artillery at Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz, in 1812, and St. Sebastian, in 1813; with a discussion on the superior advantages derived from the use of iron instead of brass ordnance in such operations. By an Officer of Artillery. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1819. 412 Ordnance Manual, for the use of the Officers of the United States Army. I vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Washington, 1841. 413 Ordnance Manual, for the use of the Officers of the United States Army. 2d ed. 1 vol. 8vo. (3 copies.) Washington, 1850. 414 Ordnance Drawings, and Tables of Dimensions of the Ordnance for Land Service of the United States. 1 vol. fol. obl. Washington, 1841. 415 Ordonnance du Roi sur l'instruction et le service des troupes du corps royal de l'Artillerie dans les Ecoles. 1 vol. fol. Paris, 1826. 416 Otto (J. C. F.). Tables balistiques generales pour le tir eleve; traduit de l'Allemand par Rieffel. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1845. 417 Otto (J. C. F.). Theorie Mathematique du tir a ricochet suivie de tables pour les applications de ce tir; traduit de l'Allemand par Rieffel. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1845. 418 Paixhans (H. J.). Nouvelle force Maritime, et application de cette force a quelques parties du service de l'armee de terre. 1 vol. 4to. (3 copies.) Paris, 1822. 419 Paixhans (H. J.). Experiences faites par la marine francaise, sur une arme nouvelle. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 420 Paixhans. Experiences du nouveau Systeme de forces Navales. See No. 319. ARTILLERY AND PYROTECHNY. 23 421 Parrizot. Description d'une machine pour decouper les Cuirasses. See Vol. II. No. 388. 422 Peretsdorf. See Ravichio de Peretscorf, Nos. 440, 441, 442. 423 Persy (N.). Notions Elementaires sur les formes des bouches a feu et sur les Systemes d'Artillerie a l'usage des Eleves de l'Ecole royale de l'Artillerie et du Genie (Lithog.). I vol. fol. Metz-no date. 424 Persy (N.). Cours de balistique, a l'usage des Eleves de l'Ecole royale de l'Artillerie et du Genie. 2M edition (Lithog.). 1 vol. fol. Metz, 1827. 425 Persy (N.). Cours de balistique (Lithog.) 1 vol. fol. Metz-no date. 426 Peyre. Le mouvement igne considere principalement dans la charge d'une piece d'Artillerie precede des reflexions phisiques sur les calculs de Mr. Robins, concernant le fluide elastique de la poudre. 1 vol. 8vo. Toulon, 1809. 427 Piobert (G.). Traite d'Artillerie theorique et pratique. 2 vols. 8vo. Metz et Paris, 1836-47. 428 Piobert (G.). Cours d'Artillerie, theorie et applications. Redige d'apres les Cahiers et les Lecons du Professeur en 1835. Par MM. Didion et de Lauley. 2'n edition (Lithog.). 1 vol. 4to. 1846. 429 Piobert. Memoire sur les effets des poudres des differentes procedes de fabrication.-Memoire sur la resistance des corps solides ou mous a la penetration des projectiles. See Vol. IV. No. 388. 430 Poisson (S. D.). Formules relatives aux effets du tir sur les diff6rentes parties de l'affut. 2'M edition. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1838. 431 Poisson. Memoire sur la probabilite du tir a la cible. See Vol. IV. No. 388. 432 Poumet. Essai sur l'art de pointer toute espece d'arme a feu, et particulierement les pieces de campagne. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1816. 433 Poumet. Analyse et dissertation relatives a la nouvelle Artillerie. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1827, 434 Poumet. Instruction sur les effets des bouches a feu et sur les motifs d'apres lesquels on a affecte a l'Artillerie de campagne les pieces qui font partie de son organisation actuel. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1828. 435 Poumet. Instruction sur l'Artillerie de Campagne. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1824. 436 Preaux (Lieut. Col.). Manuel des Artificiers. 1 vol. 8vo. Rochefort, 1837. 437 Preaux (Lieut. Col.). Instruction sur le Cannonage a bord, a l'usage des maitres et second maitres Cannoniers des Ecoles d'Artillerie Navale. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1837. 438 Programmes Extraits du travail de la commission mixte d'officiers d'Artillerie et du Genie. See No. 185. 439 Programme du Cours de Sciences Naturelles appliquees aux Arts Militaires (Lithog.). I 8vo. pamphlet. - 1843. 440 Ravichio de Peretsdorf (J.). Traite de P'yrotechnie Militaire, comprenant tous les artifices de guerre en usage en Autriche; traduit de l'Alle mand sur un manuscrit inedit avec des notes sur quelques dosages Fran_ cais, Anglais, Russes, Prussiens, &c. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1824. 441 Rlavichio de Peretsdorf (J.) et Nancy (A. P. F.). Traite theorique et pratique de la construction des Batteries. 1 8vo. & Atlas obl. Paris, 1826. 24 ARTILLERY AND PYROTECHNY. 442 Ravichio de Peretsdorf (J.). See Nos. 297, 299, 300, 335, 391. 443 Reglement provisoire sur l'instruction at pied et a cheval dans les Regiments d'Artillerie. 2 vols. 18mo. & Planches. (2 copies.) Metz, 1836. 444 Reglement provisoire sur les Manoeuvres de I'Artillerie approuve par le Ministre de la guerre le 27 Octobre, 1847. 2 vols. 32mo. Paris, 1849. 445 Reglement sur les Manceuvres et les evolutions des batteries attelees, approuve par le Roi le 12 Mars, 1836. 1 vol. 24mo. & Planches. (2 copies.) Metz, 1836. 446 Reglement sur les Manceuvres et les evolutions des batteries attelees, approuve par le Roi le 12 Mars, 1836. Titre 1". Manoeuvres d'une batterie attelee. Titre II. Evolutions de batteries. I vol. 32mo. & Planches. Paris, 1837. 447 Rleglement sur le service des Arsenaux de Construction. I vol. fol. Paris, 1826. 448 Reglemnent sur le service et l'instruction du corps royal de l'Artillerie dans les Ecoles. 1 vol. fol. Paris, 1826. 449 Renaud (L.). Instruction sur la fabrication de la poudre. I vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1811. 450 Ressons (de). Methode pour tirer les Bombes avec succes. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1846. 451 Ricci (de). Essai sur l'instruction dans les Ecoles d'Artillerie et sur l'organisation de ces Etablissemens. 1 4to. pamphlet. Paris, 1823. 452:Richardot (Capt.) Les Batteries a pied Montees mises en mresure de rivalizer avantageusement avec les Batteries a cheval. 1 8vo. pamphlet. 1846. 453 Rieffel. Meyer's Technologie des Armes a feu. See No. 389. 454 Riffault. Fabrication de la Poudre. See No. 261. 455 Robins (Benjamin). Nouveaux principes d'Artillerie, commentes par Euler, traduits de l'Allemand avec des notes par Lombard. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Dijon, 1783. 456 Robins (Benjamin). New Principles of Gunnery; containing the determination of the force of Gunpowder, &c.; corrected, and enlarged with the addition of several notes by Hutton. A new edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1805. 457 Roguet (Lieut. Col.). Experiences sur le Petard, faites a Metz. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1838. 458 Ruggieri (Claude Fne.). Pyrotechnie Militaire, ou traite complet des feux de guerre et des bouches a feu. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1812. 459 Ruggieri (Claude Fne.). Elemens de Pyrotechnie divises en cinq parties; la premiere, contenant le traite des matieres; la 2", les feux de terre, d'air et d'eau; la 3,l les feux d',Erostation; la 45, les feux de theatre; et la 55, les feux de guerre. 3"m edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1821. 460 Saint-Auban. Memoire sur les nouveaux systemes d'Artillerie. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1775. 461 Saint-Remy (Surirey de). Memoires d'Artillerie. 3m0 edition, beaucoup plus ample et plus complete que le seconde. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1745. 462 Scharnhorst (G. de). Sur les parties pratiquees de lart Militaire. See Vol. I. No. 388. 463 Scharnhorst (Le general). Traite sur l'Artillerie; traduit de l'Allemand par NM. A. Fourcy; revue, accompagne d'observations et d'une notice historique sur l'auteur, par Maze. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1840-43. ARTILLERY AND PYROTECHNY. 25 464 Scheel (de). Memoires d'Artillerie, contenant l'Artillerie nouvelle ou les changemens faits dans l'Artillerie francaise en 1765, avec l'expose et l'analyse des objections qui ont ete faites contre ces changemens. 2"' edition. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1795. 465 Scheel (de). A Treatise of Artillery; containing a new system, or the alterations made in the French Artillery since 1765. Translated fiom the French. 1 vol. 8vo. & Atlas obl. (26 copies.) Philadelphia, 1800. 466 Sesseler (J. W.). Manuel pour la confection des Artifices de guerre; traduit du Hollandais par C. Timmerhans. 1 vol. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1833. 467 Small Arms and Field Artillery. See No. 620. 468 Splingard (Capt.) Notice sur une fusee de Shrapnel. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1848. 469 Tables de Construction des Bouches a feu et des projectiles (Lithog.). 1 fol. pamphlet. No date. 470 Texier de Norbec. Recherches sur l'Artillerie en general et particulierement sur celle de la Marine. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1792. 471 Thiery (A.). Applications du fer aux constructions de l'Artillerie, contenant la description des affuts de campagne, de place et c6te et des bouches a feu en fer de differens systemes, executes dans les usines de Fourchambault. 2 vols 4to. & Atlas. Paris, 1834-40. 472 Thiery (A.). Description des divers Systemes a percussion et des etoupilles a friction adoptes jusqu'a ce jour en france et a l'etranger. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1839. 473 Thiroux. Instruction theorique et pratique d'Artillerie'a lusage des eleves de l'Ecole Militaire de Saint Cyr. I vol. 8vo. (3 copies.) Paris, 1837. 474 Thiroux. Instruction theorique et pratique d'Artillerie. 3"e edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1849. 475 Thiroux. Observations et vues nouvelles sur les Fusees de guerre. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1849. 476 Timmerhans (C.). Description des divers procedes de fabrication de la poudre a canon, de ses effets dans les bouches a feu et des divers moyens d'epreuve (Tome le). 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1838. 477 Timmerhans (C.). Essai d'un traite d'Artillerie principes de construction des bouches a feu (tome 2me). 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1841. 478 Timmerhans (C.). Essai d'un Traite d'Artillerie. Nouvelle Artillerie de Place (tome 3le). 1 vol. 8vo. Liege, 1846. 479 Tortel (Lieut. Col.). Memoires divers sur les obus a balles ou shrapnels traduits des Archives pour les officiers des corps royaux Prussiens de l'Artillerie et du Genie et accompagn6s d'observations. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1839. 480 Tousard (Louis de). American Artillerist's Companion, treating of all kinds of Fire-Arms in detail, and of the formation, object, and service of the Flying, or Horse Artillery. 2 vols. 8vo. & Plates. (75 copies.) Philadelphia, 1809. 481 Transformation des armes a feu a Silex en armes a percussion. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1840. 482 Vanden Broeck (Victor). Des dangers qui penvent resulter de l'emploi des Armes a percussion dans les reglements d'infanterie de ligne. I 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1844. 483 Vandermonde. Procedes de la fabrication des armes blanches; publies par l'ordre du comite de Salut Public. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1793. 26 ARTILLERY AND PYROTECHNY. 484 Vergnaud (A. D.). Manuel de l'Artificier, ou l'art de faire toutes sortes de feux d'Artifice a peu de frais, et d'apres les meilleurs procedes. 2m edition. 1 vol. 24mo. Paris, 1828. 485 Vergnaud (A. D.). Nouveau Manuel de l'Artificier, du poudrier et du Saltpetrier. Nouvelle edition.' 1 vol. 24mo. Paris, 1838. 486 Villeneuve (Bardet de). Traite de 1'Artillerie qui enseigne tout ce qui concerne les poudres, les canons, mortiers et pierriers, &c. &c. I vol. 8vo. La Haye, 1741. 487 Wilkinson (Henry). Engines of War, on ancient and modern Warlike Machines, and implements including the Manufacture of Guns, Gunpowder, and Swords, with remarks on Bronze, Iron, Steel, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1841. 488 Williams (Jonathan). Kosciusko's Manceuvres of Horse Artillery. See Kosciusko, No. 361. 489 Xylander (Le chevalier J.). Etude des Armes, augmentee par Klemens Schedel, ouvrage traduit de l'Allemand par P. D. Herbelot, revue, complete, considerablement augmentee et suivi d'un vocabulaire des Armes par le traducteur, &c. 3me edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1847. STRATEGY, GRAND TACTICS, AND MILITARY MISCELLANIES. 27 STRATEGY, GRAND TACTICS, AND MILITARY MISCELLANIES. 490 Armstrong (William). Practical Observations on the Errors Committed by Generals and Field Officers commanding Armies and Detachments; and to which are added a New System of Fortifications,.and Suggestions for the Improvement of Military Evolutions; also a Plan for Establishing a Military Annuity Society. I vol. 8vo. London, 1808. 491 Beaujour (Le Baron Felix de). Voyage Militaire dans l'Empire Ottoman. See Beaujour, No. 3846. 492 Bessel (Fried. Wilhelm von). Entwurf eines Militar feld Reglements. With Plates. 1 vol. 8vo. Hanover, 1778. 493 Blondel (A. L.). Coup d'(Eil sur les devoirs et l'Esprit Militaire. See Blondel, No. 758. 494 Breze (Marquis de). Reflexions sur les Prejuges Militaires. 1 vol. 8vo. Turin, 1779. 495 Bugeaud (Le Marechal). Apercus sur quelques details de la Guerre avec des Planches explicatives. 3me edition. I vol. 24mo. Paris, 1846. 496 Bulletin des Sciences Militaires. See Bulletin, No. 3234. 497 Bulow. Esprit du Systeme de Guerre Moderne, destine aux jeunes Militaires avec 58 figures; traduit de l'Allemand par le Cit. Tranchant-Laverne. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1801. 498 Cannon (Richard). Historical Records of the British Army; comprising the History of every Regiment in Her Majesty's Service. 34 vols. 8vo. London, 1837. 499 Carrion-Nisas (Le Col.). Essai sur l'Histoire gen6rale de l'Art Militaire, de son origine, de ses progres et de ses Revolutions, depuis la premiere Formation des Societes Europeennes jusqu'a nos jours, orne de 14 Planches. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824. 500 Cessac (de). Guide de l'Officier particulier en Campagne ou connaisances Militaires n6cessaires pendant la Guerre aux officiers particuliers. 3me edition. 2 vols. 8vo. (2 copies.). Paris, 1816. 501 Chambray (de). Philosophie de la Guerre. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1827. 502 Charles (Le Prince). Principes de la Strategie d6velopp6s par la relation de la Campagne de 1796, en Allemangne avec Cartes et Plans; traduit de l'Allemand. 3 vols. 8vo. & Atlas 4to. Paris, 1818. 503 Charles (Le Prince). Grundsatze der Strategie erlautert durch die darstellung des feldzugs von 1796 in Deutschland, mit Karten und Planen. 3 vols. 8vo. & Atlas fol. Wien, 1814. 504 Collection d'Uniformes. 1 vol. royal 8vo. No date. 28 STRATEGY, GRAND TACGICS, AND MILITARY MISCELLANIES. 505 Correspondence de deux Generaux sur divers sujets. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1801. 506 Cos;tume of the British Empire, according to the last Regulations in 1814. 1 vol. fol. London, 1815. 507 Crisse. See Turpin de Crisse, Nos. 626, 627, 628. 508 Cugnot. Elemens de l'Art Militaire, ancien et moderne. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1766. 509 Cuningihame (James). The Tactics of the British Army reduced to detail, with Reflections on the Science and Principles of War; uniting in one view the Evolutions of the Battalion, Brigade, and Line, &c. Illustrated with 59 Copper Plates. I vol. 4to. London, 1802. 510 Davidoff (Le Gfen. Dennis). Essai sur la guerre de Partisans; traduit du russe par le Cornte Heraclius de Polignac, revue et precede d'une notice Biographique par le general de Brack. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1841. 511 Decker (C.). De la Tactique des trois Armes, Infanterie, Cavalerie, Artillerie; traduit de l'Allemand et augmnente des notes critiques par F. de Brack. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1836-37. 512 Decker (C.). La Petite guerre ou Traite des operations secondaires de la guerre; traduit de l'Allemand avec des notes par Ravichio de Peretsdorf. (Vols. I. and III. are wanting.) 2d vol. 32mo. Paris, 1827. 513 Decker (Ch. de). De la Petite guerre selon ]'esprit de la Strategie moderne; traduit de l'Allemand par L. A. Unger. I vol. 12mo. Paris, 1845. 514 Decker. Supplement a la troisieme edition de la petite guerre; traduit de l'Allemand par le General Baron Ravichio de Peretsdorf. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1840. 515 Delvigne (Gustave). De l'emploi de la force Armee. See Delvigne, No. 763. 516 D'Hericourt. Elemens de l'Art Militaire. (2 vols in one.) 1 vol. 24mo. La Haye, 1748. 517 Duane (William). The American Military Library, or Compendium of the Modern Tactics, embracing the Discipline, Manceuvres, and Duties of every species of Troops. A Treatise on Defensive Works in the Field, the Exercise in Sea-coast Batteries, and Regular Fortifications. 2 vols. 8vo. Pbiladelphia, 1819. 518 Duchateau (L. C.). Considerations sur ]es mouvemens Strategiques des Armees francaises dans quelques-unes des Campagnes de Napoleon Bonaparte et particulierement dans ses quatre dernieres; suivies d'un Memoire ou l'on discute les avantages plus ou moins assures que l'on trouverait a dcfendre la France contre unes invasion, plut6t par des forces actives que par ]'extension des Places fortes; avec 3 cartes. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1822. 519 Dufour (G. IT.). Cours de Tactique. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1840. 520 Duhesme (Le Comte). Essai sur l'infanterie Legere, ou Traite des petites operations de la guerre, a l'usage des jeunes officiers, avec Cartes et Plans. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1814. 521 Ehwald (Col. Von). A Treatise upon the Duties of Light Troops; translated from the German. I vol. 8vo. London, 1803. 522 Eloquence Militaire. ou l'art d'emouvoir le Soldat, d'apres les plus illustres exemples tires des Armees des diffirens peuples; par une Soci6te de Militaires et d'Hommes de Lettres. 2 vols. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1818. STRATEGY, GRAND TACTICS, AND MILITARY MISCELLANIES. 29 523 Esprit 1 ilitaire, ou 1'Art de rendre les guerres moins funestes. (2 vols. in one.) 1 vol. 8vo. Liege, 1774. 524 Essai General de Tactique precede d'un discours sur l'tat actuel de la politique et de la Science Militaire en Europe avec le Plan d'un ouvrage intitule la France Politique et Militaire. (2 vols. in one.) 1 vol. 4to. Londres, 1.772. 525 Faesch. Instruction Militaire du Roi de Prusse pour ses Generlaux; traduit de l'Allemand avec 13 Planches. 1 vol. 12mo. Frankfort t Leips, 1761. 526 Fallot (Maj. du Genie L.). Cours d'Art Militaire, ou Lecons sur l'art Militaire et les Fortifications. 2T" edition, revue et augmentee par E. Lagrange (5 palts in 4 vols.). 4 vols. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1839-50. 527 Familiar Lectures (six), for the use of young Military officers. B; a Field Officer. I vol. 12rno. London, 1851. 528 Fave (Ild.). Histoire et Tactique des trois Armes, et plus particltlierement de l'Artillerie de Campagne. I vol. 8vo. & Atlas. Paris, 1845. 529 Forrestier (Ale. de). Traite sur ]e service de l'infanterie LegSre en Campagne; traduit de l'Allemand; augments des notes, et suivi d'un Essai de nouvelle manceuvres, a l'usage d'une Compagnie de Voltigeurs isolee ou couvrant les mouvemens d'un Bataillon dont elle fait partie. I vol. 12mo. Paris, 1824. 530 Foster. Military Instruction, fiom the late King of Prussia to his Generals, illustrated with Plates, to which is added, by the same author, particular instruction to the Officers of the Army, and especially those of the Cavairy. Translated fiom the French. 2d edition. I vol. 8vo. Sherborne, 1797. 531 Frangais (de M.). Precis du Cours d'Art Militaire et de Fortification Passagere, nouvelle edition (Lithog.). vol. 4to. 1844. 532 Frederic II., Roi de Prusse. Instruction Militaire pour ses Generaux. See Faesch, 525. Foster, 530. Instruction, 540. 533 Fulton (Rob.). Hints Relating to Torpedo Warfare. See Machiavel, No. 567. 534 Galerie des Enfans de Mars. 1 vol. 4to. No date. 535 Grimaret (de). Fonctions des generaux, ou l'art du Conduire une Arnme, contenant la pratique des mnarches, Campements et Evolutions des Ariees. &c., avec une Architecture Militaire ou l'art de Fortifier les Villes de quelque assiete ou figure qu'elles saient et les noms, les maximes, et les instructions necessaires a ce sujet, contenant un abrege de Geornetrie par le chev. de Saint Julien. I vol. 8vo. La Iaye, 1710. 536 Guibert. OEuvres Militaires de, publiees par sa veuve sur les Manuscrits et d'apres les corrections de l'auteur. romIes I" et 2"e, Essai e6nlSral de Tactique. 3" et 4m, Defense du Systeme du guerre. 5"', (Euvres diverses. 5 vols. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1803. 537 Hericourt (d'). See D'Hericourt, No. 516. 538 Holtzendorff (Le Baron de). ]Elmens de Tactique demontrls Geometriquement; ouvrage Allemand, traduit en francais. (2 vols in one.) 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1777. ~39 Hoste (P. Paul). A Treatise on Naval Tactics; translated by Capt. J. D. Boswall, with 52 plates, and additional notes and illustrations. 1 vul. 4to. Edinburgh, 1834. 540 Instruction Militaire du Roi. de Prusse, pour ses Generaux; traduit de'Allemand, suivie de 13 Planches. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1804. 30 STRATEGY, GRAND TACTICS, AND MILITARY MISCELLANIES. 541 Jacquinot de Presle (C.). Cours d'Art et d'Histoire Militaire a l'usage de MM. les officiers de l'Ecole royale de Cavalerie. I vol. 8vo. Saumur, 1829. 542 Jarry (General). Treatise on the Marches and Movements of Armies. Translated from the original manuscript, by Richard Rochfort. I vol. 8vo. London, 1807. 543 Joly de YMaizeroi. Traite des Armes defensives. I vol. 8vo. Nancy, 1767. 544 Joly de Mlaizeroi. Memoire sur les opinions qui partagent les Militaires suivi du Traite des armes defensives, corrige et augmente. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1773. 545 Joly de l2:aizeroi. Cours de Tactique, theorique, pratique et historique. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1766. 546 Joly de Maizeroi. Traite de Tactique pour servir de Supplement au Cours de Tactique, theorique, pratique et Historique. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1767. 547 Joly de Maizeroi. La tactique discut6e et reduite a ses veritables loix, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1773. 548 Jomini (Le General Baron de). Traite des grandes operations Militaires, contenant l'histoire critique des campagnes de Frederic II., comparees a celles de l'Empereur Napoleon, avec un recueil des principes generaux de l'art de ]a guerre. 2me edition, accompagnee d'un Atlas Militaire, augmente de Cartes et Plans de Batailles. 8 vols. 8vo. & Atlas fol. Paris, 1811. 549 Jomini (Le General Baron de). The same work. (4 vols. 4to. in 2.) 2 vols. 4to. & Atlas fol. Paris, 1811. 550 Jomini (Baron de). Tableau analytique des principales combinaisons de la guerre, et de leurs rapports avec la politique des etats pour servir d'introduction au Traite des grandes operations Militaires. 3" edition, augmentee de plusieurs articles importans. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1830. 551 Jomini (Baron de). Precis de l'art de la guerre, ou nouveau tableau analytique des principales combinaisons de la Strategie de la grande tactique et de la Politique Militaire derniere. Edition considerablement augmente. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1838. 552 Jomini (Baron de). Appendice au pr6cis de 1'Art de la Guerre. (1 8vo. pamphlet.) I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1849. 553 Lallemand (A.). Traite theorique et pratique des operations secondaires de la guerre accompagne d'un Atlas in-4to. 2 vols. 8vo. & Atlas 4to. Paris, 1825. 554 La Roche (Aymon Cte. de). See Roche Aymon, Nos. 603, 604. 555 Latrille (G.). Considerations sur la guerre et particulierement sur la derniere guerre. I vol. 8vo. Paris-no date. 556 Laurillard Fallot. Cours d'Art Militaire. See No. 526. 557 Leach (Lieut.-Colonel). Recollections and Reflections relative to the duties of Troops composing the advanced corps of an Army. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1835. 558 Le Blond. Essai sur la Castrametation, ou sur la mesure et le trace des Camps; contenant les premiers principes pour l'arrangement des Troupes; la Formation de l'ordre de bataille et la distribution ou construction du Camp; avec un precis des differentes Gardes qui en font surete. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1748. STRATEGY, GRAND TACTICS, AND MILITARY MISCELLANIES. 31 559 Le Mietre de Corvey. Des Partisans et des corps irreguliers ou maniere d'employer avec avantage les Troupes-Legeres, &e. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1823. 560 Leslie (Lieut.-Col. Chas.). Treatise on the Employment of Light Troops on Actual Service; containing general principles, compiled from eminent practical authors, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1843. 561 Ligne (Prince de). Pr6juges et fantaisies Militaires par un Officier Autrichien. (2 vols. in one.) 1 vol. 12mo. Kralovelhota, 1783. 562 Lindenau (C. F. de). Traite de la grande Tactique Prussienne ses defauts et son insuffisance et proposition d'une methode meilleur et plus sure; traduit de l'Allemand et orne de 32 Planches. 2T edition. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1808. 563 Lloyd (General). Memoires Militaires et Politiques servant d'introduction a l'histoire de la guerre en Allemagne en 1756, entre le Roi de Prusse et l'Imperatrice Reine avec ses Allies; traduits et augmentes de notes et d'un precis sur la vie et le caractere de ce general, par un officier Francais. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1801. 564 Lloyd (General). Political and Military Rhapsody, on the Invasion and Defence of Great Britain and Ireland. Illustrated with three engraved charts; to which is added a Supplement, by the Editor; and in this edition the Sketch of an original Plan for the Fortification and Defence of London. 6th edition, with improvements and corrections. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1803. 565 Lloyd (General). Introduction of the late War in Germany. See Lloyd, No. 942. 566 Lo-Looz. Les Militaires au-dela du Gange. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1821. 567 Miachiavel (Nicholas). The Art of War; in seven books, to which is added, Hints Relative to Warfare, by a Gentleman (Robt. Fulton). 1 vol. 8vo. Albany, 1815. 568 Machiavel (Nicholas). L'Art de la guerre, traduction nouvelle. 1 vol. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1693. 569 Magrath (Richard N.) An Historical Sketch of the Progress of the Art of War. 1 vol. 8vo. Dublin, 1838. 570 Maizeroi. See Joly de Maizeroi. 571 Mlalorti de lMartemont (C.). The Spirit of the Modern System of War. By a Prussian General Officer, with a commentary. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1806. 572 Manual and Platoon Exercises for Percussion Carbines. See No. 660. 573 Manuel Militaire ou cayers detaches sur toutes les diff6rentes parties de l'Art de la Guerre. 1 vol. 8vo. Copenhague, 1761. 574 Marion (Le General). De la Force des Garnisons. (1 8vo. pamphlet.) 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1841. 575 Marmont (Le Marechal). De l'Esprit des Institutions Militaires. 2me edition, revue et augmentee par l'auteur. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1846. 576 M1enil-Durand. Projet d'un ordre francais en tactique, on la phalange coupee et doublee soutenue par le melange des armes, proposee comme Systeme gen6ral. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1755. 577 Menil-Durand. Fragments de Tactique; ou six Memoires. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1774. 578 Meunier (Le Baron). Evolutions par brigades, ou instruction servant de developpement aux manceuvres de ligne indiquees dans les Reglemens. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1814. 32 STRATEGY, GRAND TACTICS, AND MILITARY MISCELLANIES. 579 Military Mi entor, being a series of Letters recently written by a general officer to his son on entering the Army; comprising a course of elegant instruction. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1809. 580 Miller (Von). Lecons sur la Tactique des trois Armes, traduction de l'Allemand par Lt. Col. Huybrecht. Nouvelle edition. 1 vol. 8vo. & Atlas fol. Bruxelles, 1846. 581 Mirabeau (Le Comte de). Systeme Militaire de Prusse, et principes de la tactique actuelle des troupes les plus perfectionnees. 1 vol. 4to. Londres, 1788. 582 Mitchell (J.) Thoughts on Tactics and Military Organization, together with an inquiry into the power and position of Russia. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1838. 583 Moontecuouli. Memoires des Troupes de l'Empereur, divises en trois Livres; er, de l'art Militaire en general; 20, de la guerre contre le TurC; 3", Relation de la Campagne de 1664, avec des figures. I vol. 12mo. Paris, 1760. 584 Montecuculi. The same. 1 vol. 12mo. Strasbourg, 1735. 585 Mlontecuculi. Generalissime. See No. 628. 586 Mueller (William). The Elements of the Science of War; containing the modern, established, and approved principles of the Theory and Practice of the Military Sciences, illustrated by seventy-five plates. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1811. 587 Napoleon. Military Maxims, translated from the French by Colonel D'Aguilar. 1 vol. 24mo. Dublin, 1831. 588 Naval Tactics, System of. See System, No. 622. 589 Officer's Manual in the Field; or a series of Military Plans, representing the principal operations of a Campaign. Translated from the German. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1800. 590 Okouneff (N.) Considerations sur les grandes operations, les batailles et les Combats de la Campagne de 1812 en Russie. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1829. 591 Ordre Profond et l'Ordre Mince consideres par rapport aux effets de FArtillerie. I vol. 8vo. Metz, 1776. 592 Paixhans (H. J.). Force et Faiblesse Militaires de la France; Essai sur la question general de la defense des etats et sur la guerre defensive. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1830. 593;Pasley (C. W.). Essay on the Military Policy and Institutions of the British Empire. 2d edition. I vol. 8vo. London, 1811. 594 Perau (l'Abbe). Saxe's Reveries. See No. 614. 595 Preval (Le Vicolnte de). Du service des Armees en Campagne. 1 vol. 8vo. Blois, 1827. 596 Puysegur (Le Mar6chal de). Art de la guerre, par principes et par Regles. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1749. 597 Ray de Saint Genies. L'Art de la guerre pratique. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1754. 598 Remarques sur quelques articles de l'Essai general de Tactique. 1 vol. 8vo. Turin, 1773. 599 Remond (Le General). Principes de Strategie 6lementaires et de pregres. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1846. 600 Reponse aux Notes critiques de Napoleon, sur l'ouvrage intitule considerations sur l'art de la guerre. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1823. STRATEGY, GRAND TACTICS, AND MILITARY MISCELLANIES. 33 601 RePveroni. Essai sur le Mecanisme de la guerre, ou application des premiers principes de Mecanique au mouvement et a l'action des corps d'Armee. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1808. 602 Revreroni Saint Cyr. Statique de la guerre, ou principes de Strategie et de Tactique demontres par la Statique; ou nouvelle edition du Mecanisme de la guerre, considerablement augmentS. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1826. 603 Roche Aymon (Le Comte de la). Introduction a ]'etude de l'art de la guerre. 4 vols. 8vo. & Atlas fol. Weimar, 1803. 604 Roche Aymnon (Le Comte de la). Des Troupes legeres, ou reflexions sur l'organization, l'instruction et la tactique de l'lnfanterie et de la Cavalerie Le6gres. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1817. 605 Rlocquancourt (J.). Cours Elementaire d'Art et d'Histoire Militaires, a l'usage des Eleves de l'Ecole royale speciale Militaire. 1"', 2me et 3"e Cahiers. 3 Nos. 8vo. Paris, 1826-28. 606 Rocquancourt (J.). Cours Elementaire d'Art et d'Histoire Militaires, a l'usage des Eleves de l'Ecole royale speciale Militaire. 2me edition, revue et considerablement augmentee. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1831. 607 Rocquancourt (J.). Cours complet d'Art et d'Histoire Militaires. Nouvelle edition.. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1837-41. 608 Rogniat (Le Baron). Considerations sur 1'Art de la Guerre. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1816. 609 Ross (John). Essay towards a System of the Naval Tactics peculiar to Steam Navigation. See Ross, No. 1592. 610 Russell (John). A Series of Military Experiments of Attack and Defence, made in Hyde Park, in 1802, with Infantry, Cavalry, and Artillery; and in the Island of Jersey, in 1805. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1806. 611 Saint Germain. Commentaires des Memoires des Monsieur le Comte de Saint Germain. 1 vol. 8vo. Londres, 1780. 612 Saint Julien (Le Chev.) Architecture Militaire. See No. 535. 613 Santa Cruz (Le Marquis de). Reflexions Militaires et Politiques; traduits de l'Espagnol par M. de Vergy. 11 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1738. 614 Saxe (Maurice Comte de). Mes Reveries, ouvrage posthume de Maurice Comte de Saxe, augmente d'une Histoire abregee de la vie, et de differentes pieces qui y out rapport, par M. l'Abb Perau. 2 vols. 4to. Amsterdam, 1757. 615 Saxe (Maurice Comte de). Les Reveries, ou Memoires sur l'Art de la guerre, par M. de Bonneville. 1 vol. fol. La Haye, 1756. 616 Saxe (Maurice Comte de). Reveries, or Memoirs upon the Art of War. Illustrated with copperplates, to which are added some original Letters upon Military Subjects, to the late King of Poland, and M. de Folard, together with his Reflections upon the Propagation of the Human Species. Translated from the French. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1757. 617 Saxe (Maurice Comte de). Esprit des Loix de la Tactique et de diff6rentes institutions Militaires, contenant plusieurs nouveaux Systemes sur l'art de la guerre. Commentees par M. de Bonneville. 2 vols. 4to. La Haye, 1762. 618 Silva (Le Marquis de). Pensees sur la tactique, et la Strategique; ou, vrais principes de la Science Militaire. 1 vol. 4to. Turin, 1778. 619 Simes (Thomas). A Treatise on the Military Science, which comprehends the grand operations of War, and general rules for conducting an Army into the Field, to which is added the Manner of Attacking and Defendiug of Military Posts, Villages, Church-yards, Mills, Houses, &c. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1780. 3 34 STRATEGY, GRAND TACTICS, AND MILITARY MISCELLANIES. 620 Small-Arms and Field Artillery, Exercises in, arranged for the Naval Service, under an order of the Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography of the Navy Department. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1852. 621 Smith (C. H.). Secret Strategical Instructions of Frederic the Second, for his Inspectors-General. Translated from the German. 1 vol. 4to. Coventry, 1811. 622 System of Naval Tactics, combining the established theory with general practice, and particularly with the present practice of the British Navy. Illustrated by colored figures. I vol. 8vo. London, 1797. 623 Thiebault (Paul). Manuel general du service des Etats Major g6neraux et divisionnaires dans les Armees. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1813. 624 Tielke (J. G.). Beytrtage zur Kriegs-Kunst, und geschichte des krieges von 1756 bis 1763; mit Planen und Charten. 6 vols. 4to. Freyberg, 1775-86. 625 Torpedo Warfare. See Fulton, No. 533. 626 Turpin de Crisse (Le Comte). Essai sur l'art de la guerre. 2 vols. 4to. (3 copies.) Paris, 1754. 627 Turpin de Crisse (Le Comte). Commentaires sur les Institutions Militaires de Vegece. 2.. edition, revue, corrig6e et augmentee. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1783. 628 Turpin de Crisse (Le Comte). Commentaires sur les Memoires de Montecuculi, generalissime des Armees, et grand Maitre de l'Artillerie de l'Empereur. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1769. 629 Uniform (of different Corps). 23 sheets fol. No date. 630 Uniform and Dress of the Army of the United States. 1 vol. 4to. Philadelphia, 1851. 631 Valentini (Baron Von). Military Reflections on Turkey, with a Map and Plan. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1828. 632 Ward (Robert). Animadversions of War, or a Military Magazine of the truest rules and ablest instructions, for the Managing of War. I vol. 4to. London, 1639. 633 Warnery (de). Melange de remarques sur-tout sur Cesar et autres Auteurs Militaires anciens et modernes. 1 vol. 12mo. Varsovie, 1782. 634 Warnery (de). Remarques sur le Militaire des Turcs et des Russes sur la facon la plus convenable de combattre. I vol. 12mo. Preslau, 1771. 635 Whitmore (J. I.). A General System of British Tactics and Military Arrangement, according to the present practice of the British Army; with observations on the Practice of Light Infantry, Field Fortification, and the petit guerre. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1809, 636 Wimpifen (Francois). Le Militaire exp6rimente, on Instruction dui general de division a ses fils, &c. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1799. 637 Wimpifen (Gen. Francis). The Experienced Officer, or Instructions to his Sons, &c. I vol. 8vo. London, 1804. 638 Wroniecki (Antoine). Mecanisme des Manoeuvres de guerre del'infanterie Polonaise. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1832. 639 Zurlauben. Bibliotheque Militaire, Historique et Politique. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1760. CAVALRY TACTICS. 35 CAVALRY TACTICS. 640 Ainslie (C. P.). The Cavalry Manual, designed for the use of the Noncommissioned Officers, and Private Soldiers of the British Cavalry. 1 vol. 18mo. Dublin, 1836. 641 Bamnford (John). Illustrations of the Field Movements of Cavalry; with an introductory chapter, illustrated by engravings upon wood. 1 vol. fo]. London, 1824. 642 Bismark (Cte. de). Tactique de la Cavalerie, suivie d'Elemens de manceuvres pour un Regiment de Cavalerie; traduit de l'Allemand, sur la 2me edition, revue et corrigee par Max. J. de Schauenburg. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1821. 643 Boisdeffre (J. B.). Principes d'Equitation et de Cavalerie. 1 vol. 18mo. Paris, 1803. 644 Breze (Le Comte de). Observations historique et critiques sur les commentaires de Folard et sur la Cavalerie. 2 vols. 8vo. Turin, 1772. 645 Cavalry. A System of Tactics, or Rules for the Exercises and Manoeuvres of the Cavalry and Light Infantry and Riflemen of the United States., I vol. 8vo. Washington, 1834. 646 Cavalry. Tactics. 3 vols. 12mo. (2 copies.) Washington, 1841. 647 Cavalry. An Elucidation of several parts of His Majesty's Regulations for the Formations and Movements of Cavalry. 4th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1808. 648 Cavalry. Sword Exercise. I 8vo. pamphlet. London, 1842. 649 Cavalry. System of Cavalry Manoeuvres in Line. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1815 650 Cavalry. Regulations. See Nos. 839, 842, 843, 844, 846. 651 Chatelain (Le Chev.). Le Guide des Officiers de Cavalerie, divise en cinq parties, qui sent, l'Administration et la comptabilite, l'Habillement, l'Equippement, l'Armement et le Hlarnachement; l'Hippiatrique regi — mentaire, l'Equitation, l'Escrime a pied et a cheval. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1817. 652 Chollet (Le Vicomte de). Du Cavalier et de son cheval, avec des conseils a un jeune officier de Cavalerie. 1 vol. 18mo. Paris, 1824. 653 Davie (Will. R.). Instructions to be Observed for the Formations and. Movemehts of the Cavalry. 1 vol. 8vo. Halifax, 1799. 654 Drouville (J. B.). Proposals for the Formation of a Corps of Lancers; with 6 engravings. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1811. 655 Hackett (William). Explanation of the Review Manceuvres of a Regiment of Cavalry. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1811. 656 Instructions and Regulations for the Formations and Movements of the Cavalry. 7th edition. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1813. 36 CAVALRY TACTICS. 657 Kearny (Stephen W.). Carbine Manual, or Rules for the Exercise and Manceuvres for the United States Dragoons. 1 18mo. pamphlet. Washington, 1837. 658 Light-Horse Drill, describing the several evolutions in a progressive series, from the first rudiments to the manoeuvres of the squadron and regiment; by a Private of the London and Westminster Light-Horse Volunteers. 3d edition. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1803. 659 Livret, de Commandemens, dedi6 a tons les officiers et instructeurs de Cavalerie, renfermant tons les mouvemens expliques ou indiques dans l'ordonnance du 6 Decembre, 1829. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1830. 660 SManual and Platoon Exercises, for Percussion Carbines. I 12mo. pamphlet. London, 1840. 661 MIanuel du Dragon, par un officier de Dragons. Nouvelle edition. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1781. 662 Melfort (Le Comte Drummond de). Traite sur la Cavalerie. 1 fol. & Atlas fol. Paris, 1776. 663 Mottin de la Balme. Elemens de Tactique pour la Cavalerie. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1776. 664 Ordonnance Provisoire sur l'Exercice et les Manceuvres de la Cavalerie, redigee par ordre du Ministre de la guerre. Nouvelle edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1820. 665 Ordonnance sur l'Exercice et des Evolutions de la Cavalerie du 6 Decembre, 1829. 3 vols. 18mo. Paris, 1832. 666 Progression et notes a l'usage des instructeurs des troupes a cheval. 1 vol. 12mo. (2 copies.) Saumur, 1836. 667 Regulations for the Instruction, Formations, and Movements of the Cavalry. vol. 8vo. London, 1833. 668 lRoche-Aymon (Comte de la). De la Cavalerie, ou des changements necessaires dans la composition, l'organisation et l'instruction des troupes a cheval. 1er partie. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1828. 669 Rules and Regulations for the Sword Exercise of the Cavalry. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1814. 670 Warnery (de). Remarks on Cavalry; translated from the German. I vol. 4to. London, 1798. 671 Whittingham (Samford). System of Cavalry Manceuvres in Line. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1815. INFANTRY AND INFANTRY TACTICS. 3 7 INFANTRY AND INFANTRY TACTICS. 672 Albstract of Infantry Tactics, including Exercises and Manoeuvres of Light Infantry and Riflemen, for the use of the Militia of the United States. I vol. 8vo. Boston, 1836. 673 Aide-es6moire de l'officier superieur d'Infanterie, ou Memorial de service Militaire. 1 vol. 32mo. Paris, 1836. 674 Baker (Ezekiel). Thirty-three Years' Practice and Observations with Rifle Guns. 4th edition. I vol. 8vo. London, 1813. 675 Beauval (Le Chev. de). Service des tirailleurs; Transmission-de signaux, ou, moyen de suppleer a l'insuffisance des commandemens au milieu des combats. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1829. 676 Bessel (Guill. Fred. Baron de). Observations sur la Tactique concernant l'Exercice, les Evolutions de Marche et quelques Manoeuvres de l'Infanterie. 1 vol. 8vo. La Haye, 1781. 677 Campbell (Neil). Instructions for Light Infantry and Riflemen. 1 vol. 12mo. (4 copies.) London, 1813. 678 Chambrun (Le Baron de). Manceuvres des Tirailleurs, accompagnees de 19 grandes Planches. 1 vol. 18rno. Paris, 1829. 679 Cooper (T. II.). A Practical Guide for the Light Infantry Officer, comprising valuable extracts from all the most popular works on the subject, with further original information, and illustrated by a set of Plates, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1806. 680 Duane (William). A Handbook for Infantry, containing the first principles of Military Discipline, founded on rational method, intended to explain in a familiar and practical manner, for the use of the Military Force of the United States, &c. 4th edition. I vol. 8vo. (16 copies.) Philadelphia, 1813. 681 Duane (William). A Handbook for Riflemen, containing the first principles of Military Discipline, founded on rational method; intended to explain, in a familiar and practical manner, the discipline and duties of Rifle Corps; conformable to the system established for the United States Military Force, and the latest improvements in the modern art of War. 3d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. (8 copies.) Philadelphia, 1813. 682 Duteil (Le Chev.). Manoeuvres dinfanterie pour resister a la Cavalerie, et l'attaquer avec succes. 1 vol. 8vo. Metz, 1782. 683 Duteil (The Chev.). The Formations and Malneuvres of Infantry, calculated for the effectual resistance of Cavalry, and for attacking thern successfully on new principles of Tactics, with a Preface by the translator, containing some account of the rise and progress of Modern Tactics, &c., &c.; by John Macdonald. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1810. 684 Field Exercise and Evolutions of the Army, as revised by Major-General Sir Henry Torrens. 1 vol. 8vo. (4 copies.) London, 1824. 38 INFANTRY AND INFANTRY TACTICS. 685 Field Exercise and Evolutions of the Army, as revised in 1833. I vol. 8vo. London, 1833. 686:isher (Daniel). A System of Military Tactics, containing the principles of discipline and movements chiefly applied to Infantry, with the rules and regulations designed for the forces of the United States. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1805. 687 Formy de la Blanchetee. Essai sur une Ecole de Tirailleurs. I vol. 12mo. Metz, 1821. 688 Gardner (C. K.). Compend of the United States System of Infantry Exercise and Manceuvres; also the best System extant for Light Infantry and Riflemen. 1 vol. 12nmo. New-York, 1819. 689 Guthbertson's System for the complete Interior Management and Economy of a Battalion of Infantry. A new edition, with corrections. I vol. 8vo. Bristol, 1776. 690 Guyard (Colonel). Instruction pour le service et les Manceuvres de lFinfanterie L6gere en Campagne. I vol. 12mo. Paris, 1804. 691 Infanterie. De l'Infanterie, par l'auteur de l'histoire de 1'expedition de Russie. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1824. 692 Infantry. Regulations. See Nos. 840, 841, 847. 693 Instruction concernant les manoeuvres de l'infanterie. Nouvelle edition. 1 vol. 12mo. Strasbourg, 1817. 694 Instruction pour le service et les Manceuvres de l'infanterie Legele en Campagne. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1813. 695 Jarry (General). Instruction concerning the Duties of Light Infantry in the Field. 2d edition. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1803. 696 Kingsbury (C. P.). Elementary Treatise on Infantry. See Kingsbury, No. 358. 697 Lelouterel (F. P.). Manuel des sous-officiers et caporaux d'infanterie. 3me edition. I vol. 12mo. Paris, 1824. 698 Macdonald (John). Instructions for the Conduct of Infantry on Actual Service, being a minute methodical detail of all the duties of general officers, officers, non-commissioned officers, and soldiers in every situation incident to War; with an Appendix, containing a System of Regulations for the interior economy, discipline and police of infantry, &c.; translated from the French, with explanatory Notes, &c. &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1807. 699 lfanual and Platoon Exercises for Percussion Firelocks. 1 12mo. pamphlet. London, 1843. 700 MaEanuel d'infanterie ou resume de tous les r6glemens, decrets, usages et enseignemens propres aux sous-officiers de cette arme. I vol. 12mo. Paris, 1813. 701 Memorial de l'officier d'infanterie. See No. 828. 702 Palmer (James). Detail of the Line Movements prescribed in Part the Fourth of His Majesty's Regulations for the British Army, exemplified in 85 Manoeuvres, with diagrams. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1812. 703 Reglement concernant l'exercice et les Manceuvres de l'infanterie. (2 vols. with plates.) 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1810. 704 lRoguet (Le Marechal de Camp). L'officier d'infanterie en campagne, ou application de la fortification a la petite guerre. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. INFANTRY AND INFANTRY TACTICS. 39 705 Rules and Regulations for the Field Exercise and Manoeuvres of the French Infantry; translated from the French, with explanatory Notes, and illustrative references to the British and Prussian Systems of Tactics, &c., &c.; by John Macdonald. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1803. 706 Rules and Regulations for the Field Exercises and Manceuvres of Infantry, compiled and adapted to the organization of the Army of the United States. 1 vol. 8vo. (6 copies.) New-York, 1815. 707 Rules and Regulations for the Formations, Field Exercise, and Movements of His Majesty's Forces. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1813. 708 Russell (John). Movements and Changes of Position of a Battalion of Infantry; with 30 copper plates. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1802. 709 Russell (John). Instructions for the Drill, and the method of performing the eighteen manoeuvres. 3d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1803..710 Russell (John). Instructions for the Drill, and the method of performing the eighteen manceuvres. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1799. 711 Scott (Major-General). Infantry Tactics; new edition. 3 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1846-47. 712 Smirke (Robert). Review of a Battalion of Infantry, including the eighteen manceuvres, illustrated by a series of engraved diagrams, &c., &c. First American from the fourth London edition, to which is added an Appendix, containing three new modes of passing the front of a column to the rear, on a march. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1810. 713 Suasso (Antonio. The Theory of the Infantry Movements. 3 vols. 8vo. & Plates. London, 1827. 714 Torrens (Henry). Field Exercise and Evolutions. See No. 684. 40 FENCING AND THE USE OF THE SWORD. FENCING AND THE USE OF THE SWORD. 715 Angelo (Henry). Instructions for the Sword Exercise; selected from His Majesty's Rules and Regulations, and approved of by Authority, for the yeomanry cavalry. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1836. 716 Bauge (F. G.). Small Sword Exercise. 1 12mo. pamphlet. 1840. 717 Chatelain (Le Chev.). Traite d'escrime a pied et a cheval, contenant la demonstration des Positions, Bottes, Parades, Feintes, Rules, &c. 2me edition, revue, corrigee et augmentee. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1818. 718 Greenwood (Geo.). A Cavalry Sword Exercise. I vol. 12mo. London, 1840. 719 Instructions for the Infantry Sword Exercise. I vol. 8vo. London, 1819. 720 Laboessiere. Traite de 1'art des Armes. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1818. 721 iMcArthur (J.). A New and Complete Tireatise on the Theory and Practice of Fencing'; illustrated by mathematical figures, &c. I vol. 4to. London, 1784. 722 McClellan (George B.). Manual of Bayonet Exercise; prepared for the use of the Army of the United States. Translated chiefly fiom the French of M. Gomard, by George B. McClellan. 1 vol. 12mo. (6 copies.) Philadelphia, 1852. 723 Montmorency's Proposed Rules and Regulations for the Exercise and Manceuvres of the Lance. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1820. 724 Mluller (Alex.). Theorie sur l'escrime a cheval, pour se defendre avec avantage contre toute espece d'Armes blanches, ornee de 51 Planches en taille douce. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1816. 725 Sluller (Alex.) Memoire sur les Armes de la Cavalerie. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1817. 726 Porter (R. K.). The Art of Defence on Foot, with the Broadsword and Sabre; adapted also for the spadroon, or cut and thrust swordl; improved and augmented, with the ten lessons of Mr. John Taylor. Illustrated with Plates. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) London, 1804. 727 Rules and Regulations for the Sword Exercise of the Cavalry. See No. 669. 728 Schmidt. Instruction pour Cavaleriesur le maniement le plus avantageux du Sabre, accompagnee de Planches; traduit de l'Allemand, par un officier general. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1828. 729 Stephens (Thomas). A New System of Broad and Small sword Exercise, comprising the broadsword exercise for cavalry, and the small sword cut and thrust practice for infantry, to which are added instructions in horsemanship, illustrated by forty-five handsome and effective engravings. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1843. 730 Taylor (John). Art of Defence on Foot. See Porter, No. 726. 731 Wayne (Brevet Maj. Henry C.). The Sword Exercise. Exercise for the Broadsword, Sabre, Cut and Thrust, and Stick. 1 vol. 8vo. (104 copies.) Washington, 1849-50. EQUITATION AND VETERINARY ART, ETC. 41 EQUITATION AND VETERINARY ART, &c. 732 Abrege du Cours d'Equitation Militaire a l'usage de l'Ecole royale de Cavalerie. (2"m partie.) 1 vol. 18mo. Saumur, 1831. 733 Abrege d'hippiatrique, extrait des meilleur auteurs. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambrai, 1823. 734 Aubry (Charles). Histoire pittoresque de l'iEquitation ancienne et moderne. I vol. fol. Paris-no date. 735 Aure (Le Vicomte d'). Traite d'Equitation, ouvrage orne de 27 Planches et vignettes dessinees par M. Ledieu, Eleve d'Horace Vernet. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1834. 736 Balassa (Constantin). Traite de la Ferrure sans contrainte; traduit par un officier Francais. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1828. 737 Baucher (F.). Dictionnaire raisonne d'Equitation. 1 vol. 8vo. Rouen, 1833. 738 Chatelain (Le Chev.). Traite d'lEquitation, contenant l'art de l'ecuyer, les exercices a cheval, ancien et modernes, la connaissance necessaire pour emboucher les chevaux, la maniere de les soigner et le vocabulaire de l'Eperonnier. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1817. 739 Cordier. Traite raisonne d'Equitation en harmonie avec l'ordonnance de Cavalerie d'apres les principes mis en pratique a l'Ecole royal d'application de Cavalerie. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris 1824. 740 Cours d']Equitation Militaire a l'usage des Corps de troupes a cheval. 2 vols. 8vo. Saumur, 1830. 741 Eiselnberg (Le Baron d'). L'art de monter a cheval ou description du manege moderne dans sa perfection, explique par des lecons necessaires, et represente par des figures exactes, &c., grave par B. Picart. I vol. fol. obl. La Haye, 1733. 742 Equitation. The Book of Aids, or Catechism in the System of Equitation. I 8vo. pamphlet. London, 1834. 743 Garsault (Fr. A. de). Le nouveau parfait Marechal, ou la connaissance generale et universelle du cheval, divise en sept trait6s, avec un Dictionnaire des termes de Cavalerie; le tout enrichi de 50 figures en taille douce. 61" edition. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1805. 744 Hershberger (H. R.). The Horseman; a work on horsemanship, containing plain practical rules for riding, and hints to the reader on the selection of horses; to which is annexed a Sabre Exercise for Mounted and Dismounted Service. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1844. 745 Horse (The). With a Treatise on Draught, and a copious index. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1840. 746 Houdaille (A.). Traite sur la connaissance et la conservation du cheval, ou cours d'Hippiatrique. 1 vol. 8vo. Metz, 1836. 42 EQUITATION AND VETERINARY ART, ETC. 747 Jacquemin (Max.). Cours d'Hippiatrique a l'usage des officiers et sousofficiers de Cavalerie. 1 vol. 32mo. Paris, 1828. 748 Montfaucon de Rogles (de). Traite d'Equitation. Nouvelle edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1810. 749 Picart (B.). Eisenberg's l'art de Monter a cheval. See No. 741. 750 Roy (Le Citoyen). Elemens d'Equitation Militaire, ouvrage utile aux jeunes gens qui veulent cultiver cet art, et particulierement a ceux qui se destinent a remplir les fonctions d'instructeurs. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1800. 751 Skeene (Robert). Progressive Military Instructions for Forming Men and Horses in the rudiments of Cavalry Service. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1807. 752 Stewart (John). Stable Economy; a Treatise on the management of horses in relation to stabling, grooming, feeding, watering, and working. From the third English edition, with notes and additions, adapting it to American food and climate, by A. B. Allen. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1845. 753 Tyndale (W.). A Treatise on Military Equitation. I vol. 8vo. London, 1797. 754 Vogely (Felix). Cours theorique et pratique d'hippiatrique a l'usage de MM. les officiers des corps de troupes a cheval. 3 vols. 32mo. Paris, 1834. 755 Youatt (William). On the Horse. A new edition, with numerous illustrations, together with a general history of the Horse, &c., and Essay on the Ass and the Mule, by J. S. Skinner. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1844. MILITARY ADMINISTRATION AND ORGANIZATION. 43 MILITARY ADMINISTRATION AND ORGANIZATION. 756 Arrete des consuls de la Republique, contenant r6glement sur l'Administration et la compatibilite des corps du 8 floreal an VIII. Nouvelle edition, augmentee des Notes. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1815. 757 Audouin (Xavier). Histoire de l'Administration de la guerre. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1811. 758 Blondel (A. L.). Coup d'CEil sur les devoirs et l'esprit Militaires. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1836. 759 Bundschuh (Carl Edlem von). Handbuch aller zeit dem Militarjahre 1767, als dem anfange des in der K. K. Osterreichischen armee jetzt bestehenden Militar Oekonomie Systems bis zum schlusse des birgerlichen Jahres 1821 erflossenen, und noch als gesetz bestehenden Normal-Vorschriften, und Supplement. (3 vols. 4to. and 2 vols. of Supplement.) 5 vols. 4to. Praag, 1822-26. 760 Campbell (James). A British Army, as it was, is, and ought to be. Illustrated by examples during the Peninsular War; with observations upon India, the United States of America, Canada, the Boundary Line, the Navy, Steam Warfare, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1840. 761 Chennevieres (de). Details Militaires dont la connaissance est necessaire a tons les officiers, et principalement aux commissaires des guerres. 6 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1750. 762 Decret contenant reglement sur les revues, la solde et les masses du 25 Germinal an 13. Nouvelle edition, augmentee de notes. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1814. 763 Delvigne (Gustave). De la creation et de l'emploi de la force armee. 1 vol. 18mo. Paris, 1848. 764 Dupin (Charles). View of the History and actual State of the Military Force of Great Britain. Translated, with notes by an officer. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1822. 765 Duppre d'Aulnay. Traite general des subsistances Militaires, qui comprend la fourniture du pain, de munition, des fourages et de la viande aux armees et aux troupes de garrisons; ensemble celle des h6pitaux et des equipages des vivres et de l'Artillerie par marche, ou resultat du conseil a forfait, ou par regie. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1744. 766 Ecole d'Application du corps royal d'Etat-Major, rapport de l'inspecteur general. 1 8vo. pamphlet. No date. 767 Goupil (Le). Manuel de l'Administration et de ]a verification des masses d'habillement et de harnachement et ferrage. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1812. 44 MILITARY ADMINISTRATION AND ORGANIZATION. 768 Grimoard (General). Traite sur le service de I'Etat-Major general des Armees, contenant son objet, son organisation et ses Fonctions, sous les rapports administratifs et militaires. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1809. 769 Haillot (C. A.). Statistique Militaire et recherches sur l'organisation et les institutions Militaires des Armees Etrangeres. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1846-51. 770 Husson (Le General de). Manuel de I'Administration et de comptabilite Militaires, a l'usage des sous-officiers d'infanterie. 1 vol. 32mo. Paris, 1845. 771 Institution Militaires de France, pendant la Revolution; ou leurs principes, leurs esprit, leur influence et leurs resultats. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1821. 772 Instruction sur la tenue et les arr6tes de la comptabilite des corps. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1813. 773 Instruction sur le Campemens, a l'usage de'IEcole d'Etat-Major. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1824. 774 Jackson (Robert). A Systematic View of the Formation, Discipline and Economy of Armies. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1804. 775 James (Charles). The Regimental Companion. See James, No. 820. 776 Labaume (Eugene). Manuel de l'officier d'Etat-Major. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1827. 777 Lamarque (Max.). De l'esprit militaire en France, des causes qui contribuent a l'eteindre, de la necessite et des moyens de le ranimer. 21n edition, revue et augmentee. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1826. 778 Leclerc (Le Capitaine). Guide pour le service de l'Habillement du grand Equippement dans les corps d'infanterie. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1847. 779 Le Goupil. See Goupil, No. 767. 780 Mlaingarnaud (V. R.). Projet de constitution militaire, ou nouvelle organisation de l'armee cans l'interet general. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1822. 781 Manuel d'Administration a lusage des campagnees, ou extrait de l'ordonnance du 19 Mars, 1823, portant reglement sur les traitemens et les revues de l'Armee, et sur l'Administration interieure des Regimens. 1 vol. 18mo. Paris, 1824. 782 Marbot Marcellin (Colonel). De la necessite d'augmenter les forces militaires de la France; moyen de le faire au meilleur marche possible. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 783 Marmont (Le Marechal). De l'esprit des Institutions Militaires. See Marmont, No. 575. 784 Mesurier (Havilland le). The British Commissary, in two parts. Part 1. A System for the British Commissariat on Foreign Service. Part II. An Essay towards ascertaining the use and duties of a Commissariat Staff in England. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1801. 785 Military Finance. A Treatise on Military Finance, containing the Pay and Allowances in Camp, Garrison, and Quarters, of the British Army. 10th edition. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1809. 786 Morin (C. M.). Th6orie de lAdministration Militaire, ou des principes de l'Administration Militaire en temps de paix et en temps de guerre. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1799. 787 Odier (P. A.). Cours d'Etudes sur l'Administration Militaire. 7 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824. MILITARY ADMINISTRATION AND ORGANIZATION. 45 788 Quillet (P. N.). La legislation sur l'Administration. See Quillet, No. 837. 789 Reglamentos para la organizacion, Rejimen, disciplina y conservacion del Ejercito del Estado de Nicaragua. 1 vol. 8vo. Leon, 1850. 790 Reglement, sur l'uniforme de l'Armee francaise. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1803. 791 Reports (Eight) of the Commissioners of Military Inquiry. 2 vols. fol. London, 1806-9. 792 Robinson (Fayette). An Account of the Organization of the Army of the United States; with biographies of distinguished officers of all grades. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1848. 793 Rumigny (Comte de). Projet de Reglement sur la table des officiers de l'arm6e francaise. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1846. 794 Saint-Germain (Ministre de la guerre). Memoires de, relatifs a l'administration, aux conseils de guerre, a la solde et a la composition des troupes, aux diverses fournitures aux exercices, &c. &c. I vol. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1779. 795 Sterling (Edward). Views of Military Reform. 2d edition, corrected and enlarged. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1811. 796 Vauchelle. Cours Elementaire d'Administration Militaire. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1829. 797 Vaudoncourt (Le General Guillaume de). Essai sur l'Organisation defensive Militaire de la France, telle que la reclament l'economie, l'esprit des institutions politiques et la situation de 1'Europe. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1835. 46 MILITARY LAWS, REGULATIONS AND ORDERS. MILITARY LAWS, REGULATIONS AND ORDERS. 798 Adye (S. Payne). A Treatise on Courts Martial; also an Essay on Military Punishments and Rewards. 8th edition. I vol. 12mo. (2 copies.) London, 1810. 799 Army Regulations. See Nos. 811, 812, 813. 800 Berriat (H.). Legislation Militaire, ou recueil methodique et raisonne des Lois, decrets, arretes, reglemens et instruction actuellement en vigueur sur toutes les branches de l'Etat Militaire. 4 vols. 8vo. Alexandrie, 1812. 801 Briquet (de). Code Militaire, ou compilation des ordonnances des rois de France, concernant les gens de guerre. 8 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1761. 802 Collection of Orders, Regulations and Instructions for the Army, on matters of Finance and points of Discipline, immediately connected therewith. (1st vol. wanting.) Vol. 2d, 8vo. London, 1815. 803 Collection des Lois, sur les diff6rens services de l'Artillerie. See No. 270. 804 Cross (Trueman). Military Laws of the United States; to which is prefixed the Constitution of the United States. 1 vol. 8vo. Washington, 1825. 805 Cross (Trueman). Military Laws of the United States; including those relating to the Army, Marine Corps, Volunteers, Militia, and to Bounty Lands and Pensions; to which is prefixed the Rules and Articles of War, and the Constitution of the United States. Third edition. The first and second editions were compiled by Col. Trueman Cross, U. S. Army; this third edition brings the Military Laws through the first session of the twenty-ninth Congress, or to the 10th August, 1846, under the supervision of Capt. A. R. Hetzel, U. S. Army. Published by George Templeman. 3d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Washington, 1846. 806 De Hart (William C.). Observations on Military Law, and the constitution and practice of Courts Martial, with a summary of the Law of Evidence, as applicable to military trials; adapted to the laws, regulations and customs, of the Army and Navy of the United States. 1 vol. 8vo. (3 copies.) New-York, 1846. 807 Delafons (John). A Treatise on Naval Courts Martial. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1805. 808 Durat-Lasalle (Louis). Le Code de l'officier, contenant les Lois et ordonnances constitutives des Armees de terre et de mer et de la Legion d'honneur, les divers tarifs de solde actuellement en vigueur, le reglemens instructions ministerielles et les modeles des divers actes adoptes par l'administration, suivis du commentaire et du complement de ces Lois. 2m" edition. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1839. 809 Examen de la legislation sur le service en campagne et dans les places assiegees. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1816. MILITARY LAWS, REGULATIONS AND ORDERS. 47 810 Extrait du reglement provisoire pour le service des troupes en campagne. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1813. 811 General Regulations for the Army of the United States, 1841. 1 vol. 8vo. Washington, 1841. 812 General Regulations and orders for the British Army. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1811. 813 General Regulations; the King's Regulations and Orders for the Army. Addenda. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1837. 814 General Orders, from 1792 to 1797 (in Manuscripts). 8 vols. 8vo. 815 Gurwood (Lt. Col.). Wellington's Dispatches. See Wellington, No. 861. 816 Hough (W.). The Practice of Courts Martial; also the legal exposition and military explanation of the Mutiny Act, and Articles of War, &c. 2d edition. vol. 8vo. London, 1825. 817 Hough (W.). Military Law Authorities, chronological exposition of the opinions of the several writers on Military Law precedents, alphabetically arranged; Charges, for crimes military and non-military, witnesses' evidences alphabetically arranged; Formula of Trials by regimental, district, appeal and general courts martial, alphabetically arranged. I vol. 8vo. London, 1839. 818 Hughes (Capt. R. M.). Duties of Judge Advocates; compiled from Military Regulations, and from the works of various writers on Military Law. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1845. 819 Hull (Brig. General W.). The Charges and Defence of; with an address to the citizens of the United States, written by himself. 1 vol. 12mo. Boston, 1814. 820 James (Charles). The Regimental Companion; containing the pay, allowances, and relative duties of every officer in the British service. 7th edition. 4 vols. 18mo. (2 copies.) London, 1811-13. 821 Kennedy. Practical Remarks on the Proceedings of General Courts Martial. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1825. 822 Laws of the Navy and Marine Corps. See No. 1289. 823 Lelouterel (F. P.). Manuel Encyclopedique et alphab6tique de l'officier d'infanterie, contenant generalement toutes les dispositions en vigueur sur le service, la police, la discipline, la legislation et l'administration de l'aime d'infanterie. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 824 Lois et r6glemens concernant le logement le casernement des troupes et le service des lits Militaires. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1808. 825 Mlacomb (Alexander). A Treatise on Martial Law, and Courts Martial, as practised in the United States of America. 1 vol. 8vo. Charleston, 1809. 826 Mlacomb (Alexander). The Practice of Courts Martial. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1840. 827 MlcArthur (John). Principles and Practice of Naval and Military Courts Martial, with an Appendix illustrative of the subject. 4th edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1813. 828 MI memorial de l'officier d'infanterie, presentant la collection methodique de tout ce que les reglemens aujourd'hui en vigueur, et les Lois, non abrogees, contienneni de particulier a cette arme. 2... edition.'2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1813. 829 Mordecai (Alfred). A Digest of the Laws relating to the Military Establishment of the United States. 1 vol. 8vo. Washington, 1833. 48 MILITARY LAWS, REGULATIONS AND ORDERS. 830 O'Brien (Lt. John). A Treatise on American Military Laws, and the Practice of Courts Martial. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1846. 831 Observations on the Practice and the Forms of District, Regimental, and Detachment Courts Martial, with reference to the Mutiny Act of 1839, and existing regulations; also remarks on the composition and practice of Courts of Enquiry, &c. &c. 3d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Dublin, 1839. 832 Ordonnance pour regler le service dans les places et dans les quartiers du Ir Mars, 1768. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1814. 833 Ordonnance du Roi sur linstruction et le service des troupes. See No. 415. 834 Ordonnance sur la Cavalerie. See Nos. 664, 665. 835 Pasley (C. W.). Standing Orders of an establishment for instructing the junior officers, and the non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the Royal Engineer Department, in their duties in the Field. 1 vol. 8vo. Chatham, 1818. 836 Perrier (J. B.). Le guide des juges militaires, ou recueil des Lois, actes du gouvernement, et avis du conseil d'etat, sur la legislation criminelle-militaire et maritime. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1813. 837 Quillet (P. N.). Etat actuel de la l6gislation sur l'Administration des troupes. 5me edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1811. 838 Reeforme. De la r6forme dans la Legislation Militaire. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1818. 839:Reglement provisoire sur le service des troupes a cheval en Campagne du 12 Aout, 1788. 1 vol. 12mno. Paris, 1814. 840 Reiglement concernant leservice interieur, la police et la discipline de l'infanterie du 24 Juin, 1792. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1813. 841 ER6glement provisoire sur le service interieur de l'infanterie. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1816. 842 Re{glement concernant le service int6rieur la police et la discipline des troupes a cheval du 24 Juin, 1792. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1816. 843 Reiglement provisoire sur le service interieur des troupes a cheval. 2"e edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1816. 844 Regulations for the Prussian Cavalry. Translated from the German original. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1757. 845 Regulations for the Dress of general Staff and Regimental Officers. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1822. 846 Regulations and Orders observed in His Majesty's 12th, or Prince of Wales's Regiment of Light Dragoons. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1813. 847 Regulations for the Exercise of Riflemen and Light Infantry, and instructions for their conduct in the Field. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1803. 848 Regulations for the Interior Police and Discipline of the United States Military Academy. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Newburgh, 1829. 849 Regulations of the United States Military Academy at West Point. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1832. 850 Regulations. The same. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1839. 851 Samuel (E.). An Historical Account of the British Army, and of the Law Military, as declared by the ancient and modern Statutes, and Articles of War, for its government, with a free commentary on the Mutiny Act, &c. &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1816. 852 Samuel (E.). The same. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1820. MILIITARY LAWS, REGULATIONS AND ORDERS. 4) 853 Scott (Major General). General Regulations for the Army, or Military Institutes. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Philadelphia, 1821. 854 Soott (Major General). The same. I vol. 8vo. Washington, 1825. 855 Sinolaire (Le Baron de). Reglement pour la Cavalerie Prussienne; traduit de 1'Allemand. 1 vol. 12mo. Francfort, 1762. 856 Statutes for the First Department of the Royal Military College. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1802. 857 Tempi.eman (G.). Cross's Military Laws. See Cross, No. 805. 858 Ty'ler (Alex. Fraser). An Essay on Military Law, and the Practice of Courts Martial. 3d edition, rendered conformable in its references to the last Mutiny Act, and containing such additional matter as may serve to point out the present practice at the lorse Guards; by Charles James. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1814. 859 Washingtonl (General). Revolutionary Orders of, issued during the years 1778,'80,'81 and'82, selected from the MSS. of John Whiting, and edited by his son, Henry Whiting. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1844. 860 Wellington (The Duke of). General Orders in Portugal, Spain, and France; from 1809 to 1814, and the Low Countries and France, 1815. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1832. 861 Wellington. The Dispatches of Field Marshal, the Duke of Wellington, during his various campaigns in India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, the Low Countries, and France, from 1799 to 1818; compiled from official and authentic documents, by Lieut. Colonel Gurvwood, with one volume of Index. 13 vols. Svo. London, 1834-39. 862'Wellington. The Principles of War, exhibited in the practice of the Camp, and as developed in a series of General Orders of Field Marshal, the Duke of Wellington, &c., &c., &c., in the late campaigns on the Peninsula, with Parallel Orders of George the Second, the Duke of Cumberland, the Duke of Marlborough, Earl of Albemarle, Lord Stair, General Wolfe, &c., &c., &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1815. 863 Whiting. Washington's Revolutionary Orders. See No. 859. 50 GENERAL MILITARY AND NAVAL HISTORY. GENERAL MILITARY AND NAVAL HISTORY. 864 Allen (Joseph). Battles of the British Navy, from A. D. 1000 to 1840. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1842. 865 Ambert (Joachim). Esquisses historiques des differents corps qui composent l'Armee Francaise, dessine par Charles Aubry. 1 vol. fol. Saumur, 1835. 866 Armstrong (John). Notices of the War of 1812. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1840. 867 Backenberg (F. H.). Geschichte der feldzuge der Oesterreichischen und Preussischen armeen, in den jahren 1756 bis 1762, mit hinsicht auf die Militarische situationskarte von einem theile Sachsens, der Lausitz und Schlesien, auf welche mehrere Stellungen, Affairen, und Schlachten dieser feldzuge verzeichnet sind. 1 vol. 8vo. Leipzig, 1805. 868 Barbarities of the Enemy, exposed in a Report of the Committee of the House of Representatives of the United States, appointed to inquire into the spirit and manner in which the War has been waged by the enemy, and the Documents accompanying said Report. 1 vol. 12mo. Troy, 1813. 869 Beatson (Robert). Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Britain, from 1727 to 1783. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1804. 870 Beaurain (Le Chev. de). Histoire Militaire de Flandre, depuis 1690 jusqu'en 1694 inclusivement. (1 copy in 3 vols.) 2 vols. fol. (3 copies.) Paris, 1755. 871 Beaurain (Le Chev. de). Carte Militaire de Flandre. 1 vol. fol. Paris, 1755. 872 Botta (Charles). History of the War of the Independence of the United States of America. Translated from the Italian by George Alex. Otis. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1820. 873 Botta (Charles). History of the War of the Independence of the United States of America. Translated from the Italian by George Alex. Otis. 2d edition, revised anld corrected. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1826. 874 Botta (Charles). Histoire de la guerre de l'independance des Etats-Unis d'Amerique; traduit de l'italien et precedee d'une introduction, par M. L. de Sevelignes; ouvrage orne de Plans et Cartes g6ographiques. 4 vols. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1812. 875 Bourcet (de). Memoires historiques sur la guerre que les Francais.ont soutenue en Allemagne, depuis 1757 jusqu'en 1762; auxquelles on a joint divers Supplemens, et notamment, une relation impartiale des Campagnes de M. le Marechal de Broglie. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1792. 876 Bourniseaux (P. V. J. de). Histoire des guerres de la Vend6e et des Chouans, depuis l'annee 1792 jusqu'en 1815, avec une Carte du Theatre de ces guerres. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1819. GENERAL MILITARY AND NAVAL HISTORY. 51 877 Bouvet de Cresse (A. J. B.). Histoire de la Marine de tous les peuples, depuis la plus haute antiquite jusqu'' nos jours. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824. 878 Brackenridge (H. M.). History of the Late War between the United States and Great Britain; comprising a minute account of the various Military and Naval operations. 1 vol. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1839. 879 Brannan (John). Official Letters of the Military and Naval Officers of the United States during the War with Great Britain in the years 1812,'13,'14, and'15, with some additional letters and documents elucidating the history of that period. 1 vol. 8vo. Washington, 1823. 880 Brenton (Edward Pelham). The Naval History of Great Britain, from the year 1783 to 1836. New edition, with Portraits, Plans, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1837. 881 Broglie (Le Marechal de). Campagnes. See No. 875. 882 Bulletins Officiels (Recueil des). Precis historique et Militaire des operations de la grande-armee et de l'armie d'Italie contre la 3e Coalition, suivi du traite de paix conclu entre la France et l'Autriche, et signe' a Presbourg, le 26 Decembre, 1805 (5 nivose an 14). 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1806. 883 Bulletins Officiels (Recueil des). Sur les operations de la grande-armee contre la quatrieme Coalition. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1806. 884 Buonaparte (General). Pieces diverses relatives aux operations Militaires et Politiques. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1800. 885 Campbell (Dr. John). The Naval History of Great Britain, commencing with the earliest period of history, and continued to the expedition against Algiers, under the command of Lord Exmouth, in 1816; including the History and Lives of the British Admirals; also Biographical Sketches of the Admirals, and other Naval Officers who have distinguished themselves since the time of that Author; with Portraits, Maps, Plans, &c. 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1818. 886 Cannon (Richard). Historical Records of the British Army; comprising the History of every Regiment in Her Majesty's Service. See Cannon, No. 498. 887 Canuel (S.). M6moires sur la guerre de la Vendee en 1815, accompagnes de la Carte du Th'eatre de cette guerre, et du portrait du Marquis de la Rochejacquelin. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1817. 888 Carel (Auguste). Precis historique de la guerre d'Espagne et du Portugal de 1808 & 1814; contenant la refutation des ouvrages de MM. Sarrazin et Alphonse de Beauchamps, avec des details sur la bataille de Toulouse. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1815. 889 Carrion-Nisas (Col.). Essai sur l'Histoire generale de l'art Miiitaire. See Carrion-Nisas, No. 499. 890 Chamier (Captain). James's Naval History. See No. 926. 891 Charnock (John). Biographia Navalis. See Charnock, No. 1152. 892 Clark (Thomas). Naval History of the United States, from the commencement of the Revolutionary War to the present time. 2d edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1814. 893 Cooper (J. Fenimore). The History of the Navy of the United States of America. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1839. 894 Crossard (Le Baron de). Memoires Militaires et historiques pour servir h l'histoire de la guerre, cepuis 1792 jusqu'en 1815 inclusivement. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1829. 032 GENERAL MILITARY AND NAVAL HISTORY. 895 Daniel (P. G.). Histoire de la Milice Francaise. See Daniel, No. 1232. 896 Davis (Paris M.). An Authentic History of the Late War between the United States and Great Britain; with a full account of every Battle. 1 vol. 12mo. Ithaca, 1829. 897 Devault (Lt. General). Memoires Militaires relatifs a la succession d'Espagne sous Louis XIV.; extraits de la correspondance de la cour et de generaux; revus, publies et precedes d'une introduction par le Lt. General Pelet. 5 vols. 4to. & 2 fol. Atlas. Paris, 1835. 89s Dictionnaire (Nouveau). Historique des Sieges ct Batailles Memorables et des Combats Maritimes. See No. 1045. 899 Dumont (Baron). Iistoire Militaire du Prince Eugene de Savoye, du Prince et Duc de Marlborough et du Prince de Nassau-Frise, avec le Supplement de Rousset. 3 vols. fol. La IHaye, 1729-47. 900 Ecoles Historique et Morale du Soldat et de l'officier, h ]'usage des troupes de France et des Ecoles Militaires. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1788. 901 Ekins (Charles). The Naval Battles of Great Britain, from the accession of the illustrious House of I-anover to the throne, to the Battle of Navarin. I vol. 4to. London, 1828. 902 Fain (Le Baron). Manuscrit de l'an trois (1794-95), contenant les premieres transactions des puissances de l'Europe, avec la Republique francaise, et le tableau des derniers evenemens du regime conventionnel, pour servir a l'histoire du Cabinet de cette Epoque. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1828. 903 Fain (Le Baron). Manuscrit de mil huit cent douze, contenant le precis des evenemens de cette annee, pour servir a l'histoire de'Emnpereur Napoleon. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1827. 904 Pain (Le Baron). Manuscrit de 1813. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 905 Fain (Le Baron). Manuscrit de 1814, trouve dans les voitures imperiales, prises a Waterloo, contenant l'histoire de six derniers mois du regne de Napoleon. 1 vol. Svo. Paris, 1825. 906 Fay (H. A.). Official Accounts of all the Battles fought by Sea and Land. See Fay, No. 1055. 907 Field of Mars, being an alphabetical digestion of the principal Naval and Military engagements in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, particularly of Great Britain and her allies, fiom the 9th century to the Peace of 1801. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1801. 908 Folard. Abr6ge de ses commentaires sur 1'histoire de Polybe. 3 vols. 4to. Parisi 1754. 909 Foy (Le General). Histoire de la guerre de la Peninsule sous Napoleon, pricede d'un tableau politique et militaire des puissances belligerantes. Publies par Mme. la Comtesse Foy. (Atlas wanting.) 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1827 910 Prost (John). The Book of the Army; comprising a general Military History of the United States. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1846. 911 Prost (John). Book of the Navy; comprising a general IHistory of the Americai Marine, and particular accounts of all the most celebrated Naval Battles. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1845. 912 Galli (Florent). Metloires sur la derniere guerre de Catalogne. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1828. 913 Garden (Alexander). Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War in America; with Sketches of Character of Persons the most distinguished, in the Southern States, for Civil and Military Service. 1 vol. 8vo. Charleston, 1822. GENERAL MILITARY AND NAVAL HISTORY. 53 914 Gilleland (J. C.). History of the Late War between the United States and Great Britain; containing an accurate account of the most important engagements by sea and land. 1 vol. 12m0o. Baltimore, 1817. 915 Gouvion-Saint-yr. See Saint-Cyr, No. 961. 916 Grimoard et Servan. Tableau historique de la guerre de la revolution de France, depuis son commencement en 1792 jusqu'h la fin de 1794; precced d'une introduction general contenant l'expose des moyens defensifs et offensifs sur les pontieres du royaume en 1792, et des recherches sur la force de l'armee francaise, depuis Henri IV. jusqu'a la fin de 1806; accompagne d'un Atlas Militaire ou Recueil de Cartes et Plans pour servir a l'intelligence des operations des armees, avec une table chronologique des principaux ve6nemens de la guerre pendant les Campagnes de 1792, 1793, et 1794. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1808. 917 Grimoard (Le Comte de). Histoire des conquetes de Gustave-Adolfe, roi de Suede, en allemagne; ou campagnes de ce monarque en 1630, 1631, 1632, peced6ees d'une introduction contenant l'origine et le commencement de la guerre de trente ans, avec les Plans de principales batailles. 3 vols. 8vo. Neufchatel, 1789. 918 Guerres des Vendeens et des Chouans contre la republique fiancaise, ou annales des d6partemens de l'Ouest pendant ces guerres. (Vols. III. and IV. wanting). 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824. 919 Guichardin (Francois). Histoiro du guerre d'Italie de 1490 a 1508; traduit de l'italien. 3 vols. 4to. Londres, 1738. 920 Gustave (Adolfe). Conquetes de. See No. 917. 921 Histioire resumee de la guerre d'Alger d'apres plusieurs temoins oculaires, suivie d'une notice sur le Dey, d'une biographie des principaux officiers de l'expedition, et autant que possible de tous les officiers, sous-officiers et soldats qui se sont le plus particulierement distingu6s, avec un Portrait du Dey. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1830. 922 SHistoire de l'Ex-Garde, depuis sa Formation jusqu'a son Licenciement, compreinant les faits Gernraux des Campagnes de 1805'a 1815. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1821. 923 Histoire de la derniere guerre entre la Grande Bretagne et les Etats-Unis de l'Ainerique, la France, 1'Espagne et la liollalnde, depuis son commencement en 1775 jusqu'a sa fin en 1783, ornee de Cartes geographiques et marines. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1787. 924 Hordynski (Joseph). History of the Late Polish Revolution, and the events of the Campaign. I vol. 8vo. Boston, 1832. 925 Ingersoll (Charles J.). Historical Sketch of the Second War between the United States of America and Great Britain. (Vols I. and II. embracing the events of 1812-14). 1st and 2d vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1845-49. 926 James (William). The Naval History of Great Britain, from the Declaration of War by France, 1793, to the accession of George 1V. A. new edition, with additions and notes. and an account of the Burmese War, and the Battle of Navarino, by Captain Chamier. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1837. 927 James (William). A Full and Correct Account of the chief Naval Occurrences of the Late War between Great Britain and the United States of America; preceded by a cursory examination of the American accounts of their Naval actions fought previous to that period; to which is added an Appendix, with Plates. I vol. 8vo. London, 1817. 54 GENERAL MILITARY AND NAVAL HISTORY. 928 James (William). A Full and Correct Account of the Military Occurrences of the Late War between Great Britain and the United States of America; with an Appendix, and Plates. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1818. 929 Jomnini (Le Lt. General). Histoire critique et militaire des guerres de la revolution, precedee d'une introduction presentant le tableau succinct des inouvemens de la politique Europeenne, depuis Louis XIV. jusqu'a la revolution, et celui des principales causes et principaux evenemens de cette revolution. 15 vols. 8vo. & fol. Atlas. Paris, 1820-24. 930 Jones (John T.). Account of the War in Spain, Portugal, and the South of France, from 1808 to 1814 inclusive. 2d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1821. 931 Jourdain. Memoires historiques et Militaires sur les Evenemens de la Grece, depuis 1822 jusqu'au Combat de Navarin. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1828. 932 Jube (A.) et Servan (J.). Histoire des guerres des gaulois et des fran9ais en Italie, avec le tableau des Evenemens civils et inilitaires qui les accompagnerent, et leur influence sur la civilisation et les progres de l'esprit humain; depuis Bellovese jusqu'a la mort de Louis XII., par Auguste Jube; depuis Louis XII. jusqu'au traite d'Amiens, par Joseph Servan. 5 vols. 8vo. & fol. Atlas. Paris, 1805. 933 Kendall (Geo. Wilkins). War between the United States and Mexico Illustrated, embracing pictorial drawings of all the principal conflicts, by Carl Nebel; with a Description of each Battle, by Kendall. I vol. fol. New-York, 1851. 934 Keralio. Histoire de la guerre entre la Russie et la Turquie, et particulierement de la Campagne de 1769, avec 9 Cartes. 1 vol. 4to. Petersbourg, 1773. 935 Laborde (Comte Alex. de). Precis historique de la guerre entre la France et l'Autriche en 1809, avec un Atlas de Plans, Cartes et gravures. I vol. 8vo. & fol. Atlas. Paris, 1825. 936 Latour (Maj. A. Lacarriere). Historical Memoir of the War in West Florida and Louisiana, in 1814-15, with an Atlas. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1816. 937 Lediard (Thomas). Histoire Navale d'Angleterre, depuis la Conqukte des Normands en 1066 jusqu'a la fin de l'annee 1734, tiree des historiens les plus approuves, des manuscrits originaux, des actes publics, des traites et des journaux, avec un grand nombre de faits et d'observations qui n'avaient point ete publies; traduit de l'anglais. 3 vols. 4to. Lyon, 1751. 938 Lee (Henry). Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department of the United States. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1812. 939 Lee (Henry). Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department of the United States. New edition, with corrections left by the Author, and with notes and additions by H. Lee, the Author of the Campaign of 1781. 1 vol. 8vo. Washington, 1827. 940 Lenoble. Memoires sur les operations Militaires des Franrais en Galice, en Portugal, et dans la vallee du Tage en 1809, sous le commandement du Marechal Soult, Duc de Dalmatie, avec un Atlas Militaire. 1 vol. 8vo. & fol. Atlas. Paris, 1821. 941 Livermore (Abiel Abbot). The War with Mexico Reviewed. 1 vol. 12mo. Boston, 1850. GENERAL MILITARY AND NAVAL HISTORY. 55 942 Lloyd (Maj. Gen.). The History of the Late War in Germany, between the King of Prussia and the Empress of Germany and her Allies; containing, 1st, Reflections on the General Principles of War, and on the Composition and Characters of the, different Armies in Europe; 2d, An Explanation of the Causes of the War; 3d, A Military Description of the Seat of War, wherein all the important fortresses, positions, camps, rivers, roads, defiles, &c., are indicated; 4th, The Operations of the Campaigns of 1756 and 1757, with reflections on the most considerable transactions, with a map of the Seat of War, and Plans of the Battles of Lowositz, Prague, Chotzemitz, or Kollin, Rosbach, Breslaw, Lissa, and Gross Jagersdorff. 1st vol. 4to. London, 1766. Part II. 1st, Analysis of the Grecian, Roman, and Modern Military Institutions, together with a New System, &c.; 2d, Of the Rise and Progress of the Passions, and their application relative to the conduct of an Army, &c.; the Philosophy of War; 3d, Of the Analogy between Military Operations and the different species of Government; the Policy of War; 4th, The Principles of War Demonstrated; 5th, The Application of those Principles to the Military Constitution of the different Powers of Europe; with Maps, &c. 3d vol. 4to. London, 1781. Vol. 2d, Containing the Campaigns of 1758 and 1759; with a correct Military Map of the Seat of War, and Plans of the Siege of Olmutz, and of the Battles of Zornsdorff, Hochkirchen, Paltzig, Cunnersdorf or Frankfurt, and Maxen. 2d vol. 4to. Lnondon, 179. 943 Lloyd (General). Histoire de la guerre d'Allemagne pendant les annees 1756 et suivantes, entre le roi de Prusse et l'imp6ratrice d'Allemagne et ses allies; traduit en partie de ]'Anglais de Lloyd et en partie redigee sur la correspondance originale de plusieurs officiers franqais, et principalement sur celle de M. de Montaz et Lt. General envoye par la Cour de France dans les armees de l'impe6atrice, par le C. Roux Fazillac. (3 vols. in one.) 1 vol. Svo. Paris, 1803. 944 Lloyd & Tempelhoff. The History of the Seven Years' War in Germany, by Generals Lloyd and Tempelhoff, with Observations and Maxims, extracted from the Treatise of Great Military Operations of General Jomini; illustrated with Maps and Plans. Translated from the German and French, by Captain Charles Hamilton Smith. (2d vol. wanting.) 1st vol. 4to. London-no date. 945 Lloyd & Tempelhoff. Geschichte des siebenjahrigen krieges in Deutschland, zwischen dem K6nige von Preussen und der Kaiserin Konigin mit ihren alliirten, vom Gen. Lloyd. Aus dem Englischen aufs neue uibersetzt, mit verbesserten Planen und anmerkungen, von G. F. V. Tempelhoff. (4 vols. in two.) 2 vols. 4to. & fol. Atlas. Berlin, 1794. 946 Mahon (Lord). History of the War of the Succession in Spain. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1837. 947 1Mansfield (Edward D.). The Mexican War: a History of its Origin, and a detailed account of the victories which terminated in the surrender of the Capital; with the official dispatches of the Generals, to which is added the Treaty of Peace. 10th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1850. 948 Mante (Thomas). The History of the Late War in North America, and the Islands of the West Indies, including the Campaigns of 1763 and 1764, against His Majesty's Indian enemies. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1772. 56 GENERAL MILITARY AND NAVAL HISTORY. 949 larcillac (Louis de). IIistoire de ]a guerre entre la France et l'Espagnee pendant les annees de la revolution fiancaise, 1793, 1794 et partie 1795. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1808. 950 Sion iuce et Vieilleville. Commentaires du Mardlchal Blaise de Montluc. Mlemoires du Marechal de Vieilleville, par Vincent Carloix, son Secretaire, avec Notices Biographiques par J. A. C. Buchon. (Collection chronique.) 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1836. 951 Slortonval. Histoire de la guerre de Russie en 1812, orn6e de Portraits, Plans et Cartes. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1829. 952 Napier (W. F. P.). History of the War in the Peninsula, and in the South of France, from the year 1807 to the year 1814. 3d edition. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1835-40. 953 NTapier (W. F. P.). Ilistoire de la guerre dans la peninsula et dans le midi de la France, depuis l'annee 1807 jusqu'a l'annee 1814. Traduction revue, corrigee, et enrichie de Notes, par le Lt. General Mathieu Dumas. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1828. 954 Nebel & Lendall. War between the United States and Mexico Illustrated. See Kendall, No. 933. 955 1 anckoucle (C. L. F.). Portraits des genera.ux Francais. See No. 993. 956 Pelei (Le General). Memnoires sur la guerre de 1809, en Allemagne, avec les operations particulieres des corps d'Italie, de Pologne, de Saxe, de Naples et de Walcheren. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824-26. 957 Pe le (Le General). Devault's MeImoires Militaires. See No. 897. 958 Quincy (Le Marquis de). Histoire Militaire du Regne de Louis le grand, Roi de France, ou l'on trouve un detail de toutes les batailles, Sieges, Coinbats, particuliers et ge'neralement, de toutes les actions de guerre qui se sont passees pendant le cours de son regne, tant sur terre que sur mer; enrichie des Plans necessaires on y a joint un traite particulier de pratiques et de maxiless deo l'art Militaire, dedi6e du Roi. 7 vols. 4to. Paris, 1726. 959 oRetzowt (de). Nouveaux Meimoires historiques sur la guerre de sept ans; traduits de'All.emand. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1803. 960 7Rocoa (de). Mdmoires sur la guerre des Francais en Espagne. 2Me edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1814. 961 S a.ntl-Cyr-G-lcvxi (Le Barechal). Memoires pour servir ia l'Histoirc Militaire sous le I)irectoilre, Consulat et l'Einpire. (Vol. 1 incomplete.) 4 vols. 8vo. & Atlas. Paris, 1831. 062 cSa..n'ktn (X. B.). Hlistoire des guerres d'Italie, orne de Portraits, Plans et Carte. 2 vols. Sino. Paris, 1826-28. 963 S amnue (E.). An Historical Account of the British Army. See Samuel, Nos. 851, 82. 964 Sarraszin (Jean). H-istoire de la guerre de la restauration, depuis le passage (de la Bidcassoa par les Allies, 7 Octobre, 1813, jusqu'" la Loi d'Amnnistie cu 12 Ja'nvier, 1.8i6, ornee dui Portrait de l'Auteur et d'une Carte du Theatre de?a guerre. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1816. 965 SarraziZx (Jean). Histoire de Ia guerre de Russie et d'Allemagne, depuis le passage du Niemen, Juin, 1812, julsqu'au passage dur hllin, Novembre. 1813, ornee d'une Carte, &c. 1 vol. Svo. Paris, 1815. 966 Sarra. ig (Jean). Histoire de la guerre d'Espagne et de Portugal de 1807 3J 1814, ornze de la Carte d'Espagne et de Portugal. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1814. 967 Sch ller (F.). Histoire des Revolutions des pays-bas; traduit de l'Allemand par M. A. )... y. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1833. GENERAL MILITARY AND NAVAL HISTORY. 57 968 Schiller (F.). Histoire de la guerre de trente ans; tradlit de l'Allemand par M. Ch.... (2 vols. in one.) 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1803. 969 SchiUer (F.). The History of the Thirty Years' War in Germany. Translated from the German by Captain Blaquiere. 2 vols. Svo. Dublin, 1800. 970 Scott (Sir.Walter). Lettre de, et reponse du General Gourgaud, avec notes et pieces justificatives. I vol. Svo. Paris, 1827. 971 Servan (Joseph). See Grimoard, 916. Jube, 932. 972' Siborne (Capt. W.). History of the War in France and Belgium in 1815. First American from the second London edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1845. 973 Sicard (F.). Iistoire des institutions Militaires des Franqais, suivie d'une aperqu sur la Marine Militaire, avec un Atlas de 200 Planches, representant les uniformes anciens et modernes les Armures, les Machines de Guerre, &c., &c. 3 vols. 8vo., with Plates. Paris, 1831. 974 Snodgrass (Major). Narrative of the Burmese War, detailing the operations of Major General Sir Archibald Campbell's Army, from its landing at Rangoon, in May, 1824, to the conclusion of a'treaty of peace at Yandaboo in February, 1826. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1827. 975 Southey (Robert). History of the Peninsular War. (Vol. 3d wanting.) 2 vols. 4to. London, 1823. 976 Southey (Robert). View of the Naval History of England. See Southey, No. 1219. 977 Stephens (Alex.). The History of the Wars which arose out of the French Revolution; to which is prefixed a review of the causes of that event. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1804. 978 $trangford (Percy, Viscount). Observations on some Passages in Lt. Col. Napier's History of the Peninsular War. 2d edition. 1 8vo. pamphlet. London, 182:8.'979 Tableau des guerres de la revolution, de 1792 a 1815, par P. G., ancien: eleve de l'Ecole polytechnique; ouvrage accompagn6 de vingt cartes g6ographiques dressees pour l'intelligence du r6cit, et orne d& trente portraits des generaux qui ont commande en chef les armees frangaises. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1838. 980 Tempelhoff (G. F. V.). Seven Years' War in Germany. See Nos. 944, 945. 981 Thacher (James). Military Journal during the American Revolutionary War, from 1775 to 1783, describing interesting events and transactions of this period, with numerous historical facts and anecdotes, from the original manuscript; to which is added an Appendix, containing Biographical Sketches of several Officers. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1823. 982 Thorn (Maj. Will.). Memoir of the War in India, conducted by General. Lord Lake, Commander-in-Chief, and Major-General Sir Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, from its commencement in 1803, to its termination, in 1806, on the banks of the Hyphasis; with pictorial sketches, topographical descriptions, and statistical observations; illustrated by maps and plans. of operations. I vol. 4to. London, 1818.. 983 Tielke (J. G.). An Account of some of the most remarkable Events of the. War between the Prussians, Austrians, and Russians, from 1756 to 1763; and a Treatise on several Branches of the Military Art; with Plans and Maps. Translated from the 2d edition of the German by C. & R. Craufurd. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1787.. 58 GENERAL MILITARY AND NAVAL HISTORY. 984 Valentini (Baron de). Traite sur la guerre contre les Turcs; traduit de l'Allemand par L. Blesson. 1 vol. 8vo. Berlin, 1830. 985 Vane (Charles William, Marquess of Londonderry). Narrative of the War in Germany and France, in 1813 and 1814. 1 vol. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1831. 986 Vane (Marquess of Londonderry). Story of the Peninsular War. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1848. 987 Vaudoncourt (F. Guillaume de). Relation impartiale du passage de la Berezina par l'armee francaise en 1812. 2me edition, revue et corrigee, avec une Carte. I 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1815. 988 Vaudoncourt (F. Guillaume de). Memoire pour servir a l'histoire de la guerre entre la France et la Russie en 1812, avec un Atlas Militaire. (Atlas is wanting.) 1st vol. 4to. Londres, 1815. 989 Vaudoncourt (Le General Guillaume de). Histoire dela guerre soutenue par les Franqais en Allemagne en 1813, avec un Atlas Militaire. (2 vols. in one.) 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1819. 990 Victoires, Conquetes, revers et guerres civiles des Francais, depuis les Gaulois jusqu'en 1792, par une Societ6 de l ilitaires et de gens de Lettres. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1821-23. 991 Victoires, Conquetes, desastres, revers et guerres civiles des franqais de 1792 a 1815; tome 28, guerre d'Espagne de 1823, par une Societe de Militaires et de gens de Lettres. 28 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1818-25. 992 Victoires, Monumens des Victoires et Conquetes des francais de 1792 a 1815. 1 vol. fol. obl. No date. 993 Victoires et Conquetes des frangais de 1792 a 1815. Portraits des generaux franqais, par C. L. F. Panckoucke. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1818. 994 Victoires et Conquetes des francais, Carte Generale des, de 1792 a 1815. 1 sheet. Paris, 1815-21. 995 Viennet (J. P. G.). Histoire des guerres de la Revolution, Campagnes du Nord, depuis 1792 jusqu'en 1796, ornee de Portrait, Plans et Cartes. (1st vol. in 8vo., 2d vol. in 18mo.) 2 vols. Paris, 1827-28. 996 Voutier (Colonel du). Memoires sur la guerre actuelle des Grecs. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1823. BATTLES, SIEGES, AND CAMPAIGNS. 59 BATTLES, SIEGES, AND CAMPAIGNS 997 Ader. Histoire de l'expedition d'Egypte et de Syrie, revue pour les details Strategiques, par M. le General Beauvais, les Campagnes des fra.nais, ornee de Portraits, Plans et Cartes. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1826. 998 Anderson (zEneas). A Journal of the Forces which sailed from the Downs in April, 1800, on a Secret Expedition, under the command of Lt. General Pigot, till their arrival in Minorca; and continued through all the subsequent transactions of the Army, under the command of the Right Hon. General Sir Ralph Abercromby, K. B., in the Mediterranean and Egypt, and the latter operations under the command of Lt. General Lord Hutchinson, K. B., to the surrender of Alexandria; with a particular account o' Malta during the time it was subject to the British Government; with engravings. I vol. 4to. London, 1802. 999 Anthing (Frederic). Eistory of the Campaigns of Prince Alexander Suworow Rymnikski, with a preliminary Sketch of his Private Life and Character. Translated from the German, to which is added a concise and comprehensive history of his Italian Campaign. (1st vol. only.) Vol. 1st 8vo. New-York, 1800. 1000 Augereau (General). Campagne sur le Mein et la Rednitz de l'armee Gallo-Batave aux ordres de ce general, frimaire, nivose et pluviose an 9 (1800 et 1801), avec une Carte des op6rations, comprenant depuis Coblentz jusqu'a Egra, et depuis la Ligne de neutralite jusqu'au Danube. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1812. 1001 Baden (du Prince Louis de). Memoires sur les Campagnes, contre les Turcs, et les Francais en Hongrie, et sur le Rhin. (2 vols in one.) 1 vol. 12mo. Bruxelles, 1787. 1002 Bataille de preussisch-Eylau, gagnee par la grande-armee commanede en personne par Napoleon, avec trois Plans et deux Cartes. 1 vol. fol. Paris, 1807. 1003 Battles of Mexico; Survey of the Line of Operations of the United States Army, under the command of Major-General Winfield Scott, on the 19th and 20th of August, and on the 8th, 12th and 13th of September, 1847. 1 sheet. (3 copies.) - 1847. 1004 Batty (Captain). Campaign of the Left Wing of the Allied Army in the Western Pyrenees and the South of France, in the years 1813-14, under Field Marshal the Marquess of Wellington; illustrated by a detailed Plan of Operations, and numerous Plates, &c. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1823. 1005 Bawr (F. W. de). Atlas des Campagnes du Prince Ferdinand de Brunswick. 1 vol. fol. La Haye,:765. 1006 Beauchamp (Alphonse de). Histoire des Campagnes de 1814 et de 1815, comprenant l'histoire politique et militaire des deux invasions de la France, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1816. 60 BATTLES, SIEGES, AND CAMPAIGNS. 1007 Beaurain (Le Chev. de). Histoire des quatre derniers Camnpagnes du Marechal de Turenne, en 1672, 1673, 1674 et 1675, enrichie de Cartes et de Plans Topographiques. 1 vol. fol. & fol. Atlas. Paris, 1782. 1008 Beaurain (Le Chev. de). Histoire de la Campagne de M. le Prince de Conde en Flandre en 1674, precedee d'un tableau listorique de la guerre de Hollande jusqu'a cette epoque, ouvrage enrichi de Plans et Cartes. 1 vol. fol. Paris, 1774. 1009 Bellaire (J. P.). Precis des operations gen6rales de la division francaise du Levant, chargee, pendant les annees V., VI. et VII., de la d6fense des iles et possession ex-v6eitiennes de la mer lonienne, formant aujourd'hui la republique des sept-iles; cet ouvrage contient des observations politiques, topographiques et mnilitaires sur les les Ioniennes, sur All, pacha de Jannina, et sur la basse-Albanie; il est orne d'une Carte geographique de l'ile de Corfou et du territoire de Butrinto. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1805. 1010 B3elmas (J.). Journaux des Sieges, faits ou soutelns par les Francais dans la Peninsule de 1807 a 1814. 4 vols. 8vo. & fol. Atlas. Paris, 1836-37. 1011 Berthier (Le General Alex.). Relation de la bataille de Marengo gagnee le 25 prairial, an 8, par Napoleon Bonaparte, premier consul commandant en personne, l'armee Frangais de reserve, sur les Autrichiens aux ordres du Lt. General Melas, et accompagnee de Plans indicatifs des diff6rens mnouvemens des troupes, leves geomr triquement par les ingenieurs geographes du dep6t g6neral de la guerre, sous la direction du general de brigade Sanson, Inspecteurs du genie. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1806. 1012 Berthier (Le General de division). Relation des Campagnes du g6nieral Bonaparte en Egypte et en Syrie. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1800. 1013 Berthier et Reynier. nemoires du Marechal Berthier, Campagne d'Egypte. "er partie. Memoires du Comte Reynier, Campagne d'Egypte; 2m partie. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1827. 1014 Berton (Le Marechal de Camp). Precis historique, Militaire et critique des batailles de Fleurus et de Waterloo, dans la campagne de Flandres, en Juin, 1815, avec une Carte. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1818. 1015 Blan.card (P.) et Dauzats (A.). San Juan de Ulua, ou relation de 1'Exposition Francaise au Mexique, sous les ordres de i'amiral Baudin, suivi de notes et documents, et d.un apergu general sur l]'tat actuel du Texas, par M. E. Maissin. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1839. 1016 Blois (E. de). Trait6 des Bombardements. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1848. 1017,Both (de). Relation de la bataille de Pultusk, le 26 Decembre, 1806, avec un Plan. 1 vol. 4to. Berlin —no date. 1018 Bourcet (de). Campagnes de M. le Marechal de Broglie. See Bourcet, No. 875. 1019 outourlin (Le Colonel). Histoire Militaire de la Campagne de Russie en 1812. 2 vols. Svo. & fol. Atlas. Paris, 1824. 1020 3pulow (de). Histoire de ia Campagne de 1800 en Allemagne et en Italie, sulivie.du prcis de la mmne Campagne dans la Souabe, la Baviere et tl'Aulriche, r6digee sur les lieux par un officier de 1'Etat-Maljor de l'armee Imperiale; traduite de 1'Allemand et precede d'une Introduction critique par Ch. L. Sevelignes. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1801. 10213 Buonaparte (General). Sa Campagne en Italie pendant les annees 4 et 5 de la Republique Francaise, par un officier gen6ral. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1797. BATTLES, SIEGES, AND CAM[PAIGNS. (1 1022 Buonaparte. Relation circonstanci6e de la dermnie re eampagnne de Buonaparte, terminee par la bataille de Mont-Saint-Jean, dite Waterloo ou de la belle Alliance. 4"M edition. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1816. 1023 Bulrgoyne (Lt. General). A State of the Expedition from Canada, as laid before the House of Commons, and verified by evidence with authentic documents. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1780. 1.024 Butiurlin (de). Tableau de la Campagne d'autornne de 1813 en Allemagne, depuis la rupture de l'armistice jusqu'au passage du Rhin par Farmee Franuaise; avec une Carte topographique des environs de Leipzig. 2me edition, revue. 1 vol. Svo. Paris, 1818. 1025 Butturlin (Col.). Campagne de Russie. See Boutourlin, No. 1019. 1026 Campagne de l'armee Franqaise en Portugal dans les aini6es 1810 et 1811, avec un precis de celles qui lont precedee, par A. D. L. ('. 1 vol. 8 vo. Paris, 1815. 1027 Campagnes de 1756 a 1763 en Allemagne; des relations et Plans des batailles, et combats de la guerre de 1756 a 1763 en Allemagne, premier partie qui contient toutes les actions arrivees pendant les deux Campagnes, 1756 et 1757. (2d Part is wanting.) I vol. 4to. & fol. Atlas. I)resde, 1778. 1028 Campagnes de Messieurs les Marechaux (savoir) de Maillebois, Broglie et Belle-Isle. 10 vols. 12mo, Amsterdam, 1772-73. 1029 Campaigns of the Armies of France, in Prussia, Saxony, and Poland, under the command of Ilis Majesty the Emperor and King, in 1806-7; with biographical notices upon those who fell during that memorable Campaign; also with historical and military details of the sieges and battles which have signalized the different countries through which the French have just marched their armies. (4 vols. in 2.) 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1808. 1030 Carleton (James Henry). The Battle of Buena Vista, with the Operations of the Army of Occupation for one month. 1 vol. 2. 12o. ew-York, 1848. 1031 Cartes des Pays bas et des fiontie'res de France, avec un recueil des Plans des villes, sieges et batailles donnees entre les hauts Allies et la France. 2 vols. fol. Bruxelles, 1712-18. 1032 Cavallero (Don Manuel). Defense de Saragosse, ou relation des deux Sieges soutenus par cette ville en 1808 et 1809; traduit par Angliviel de la Beaumelle. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1815 1033 Chambray (Le Marq. de). Iistoire de l'Expedition de Russie, avec un Atlas, un Plan de la bataille de la Moslwa. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1823. 1034 Chambray (Le Marq. de). Histoire de 1'Expedition de Russie, avec un Atlas et trois vignettes. 2e edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 1035 Charles (Le Prince). Campagne de 1799 en Allemagne et en. Suisse, avec Cartes et Plans; traduit de l'Allemand par un officier Autrichien. 2 vols. 8vo. & fol. Atlas. Vienne, 1820. 1036 Choumara (T.). Considerations Militaires sur laBataille de Toulouse. See Choumara, No. 1155. 1037 Coigny (Marechal Due de). Le Campagne en Allemagne l'an 1743, contenant les Lettres, &c. &c. 8 vols. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1761. 1038 Conde (Le Prince). Campagne. See No. 1008. 1039 Constantine. Sur 1'Expedition et le Siege de Constantine en 1837, marches, travaux, detail de l'Assaut, avec deux Plans et une vue. 1 vol. 8vo. -Paris, 1838. 62 BATTLES, SIEGES, AND CAMPAIGNS. 1040 Correard (J.). Receuil de documents sur 1'exp6dition et la prise de Constantine, par les Frangais en 1837, pour servir a l'histoire de cette camnpagne. 1 vol. 8vo. & Atlas. Paris, 1838. 1041 Dauzats (A.). San Juan de Ulua. See No. 1015. 1042 Dedon (I'aine). Relation detaillee du passage de la Limat effectue le 3 vendemiaire, an 8, suivie de celle du passage du Rhin du 11 floreal suivant; et de quelques autres passages de Fleuve, avec deux Cartes. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1801. 1043 Dedon (l'ain). Precis historique des Campagnes de ]'armee de Rhin et Moselle pendant l'an IV. et'an V., contenant le r6cit de toutes les operations de cette armee, commandee par le General Moreau, &c., avec une Carte. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris-no date. 1044 Desjardin (C. L. G.). Campagnes des Francais en Italic, ou Histoire Militaire, politique et philosophique de la Revolution. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1799. 1045 Dictionnaire (Nouveau). Historique des Sieges et batailles memorables et des Combats Maritimes les plus fameux de tous les peuples du Monde, anciens et modernes, jusqu'a nos jours, par F. M. M...... 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1808. 1046 D'Illens & Funk. Plans et Journaux des sieges de la derniere guerre de Flandres. 1 vol. 4to. Strasbourg, 1750. 1047 Deviz6. Histoire du Siege de Toulon, avec un Plan qui n'a point encore 6te vu; divisee en deux parties. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1707. 1048 Dode de la Bruneria. Precis des operations Militaires, design6es contre Cadiz en 1823, avec Planches. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1824. 1049 D'Odeleben (Le Baron). Relation circonstanciee de la Campagne de 1813 en Saxe; traduit de l'Allemand sur la seconde edition, par Aubert de Vitry. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1817. 1050 fDrinkwater (John). A History of the Late Siege of Gibraltar, with a description and account of the garrison from the earliest periods. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1785. 1051 Dumas (Le ComteMathieu). Precis des EvenemensMilitaires, ou Essais historiques sur les campagnes de 1799 a 1801, avec Cartes et Plans. 19 vols. 8vo. & Atlases. (3 copies.) Paris, 1817-26. 1052 Eggers. Journal du Siege de Bergopzoom en 1747. I vol. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1750. 1053 Eliot (William Granville). A Treatise on the Defence of Portugal, with a Military Map of the Country; to which is added a Sketch of the Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants, and principal events of the Campaigns under Lord Wellington. 3d edition, with additions. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1811. 1054 Eugene de Savoye (Le Prince). Campagnes. See Dumont, No. 899. 1055 Fay (H. A.). Collection of the Official Accounts in detail, of all the Battles fought by Sea and Land between the Navy and Army of the United States and the Navy and Army of Great Britain, during the years 1812,'13,'14 and'15. 1 vol. 8vo. (16 copies.) New-York, 1817. 1056 Pezensac (de). Journal de la Campagne de Russie en 1812. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1850. 1057 Frothingham (Richard). History of the Siege of Boston, and of the Battles of Lexington, Concord, and Bunker Hill; also an account of the Bunker Hill Monument. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1849. BATTLES, SIEGES, AND CAMPAIGNS. 63 1058 Funk. Journaux des Sieges. See No. 1046. 1059 Gerard (Le General). Derniere observations sur les operations de l'aile droite de l'armee Frangaise a la bataille de Waterloo, en reponse a M. le Marquis Grouchy. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1830. 1060 Gourgaud (Le General). Napoleon et la grande-armee en Russie, ou examen critique de l'ouvrage de M. le Comte Ph. de Segur. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 1061 Gourgaud (Le General). The same. 4me edition. 2 vols. 18mo. Paris, 1827. 1062 Gouvion-Saint-Cyr. See Saint-Cyr, Nos. 1107, 1108. 1063 Grawert (J. A. R. von). Ausfihrliche beschreibung der Schlacht bei Pirmasenz den 14 September, 1793, in drei abschnitten, nebst einem bataillenPlan, und dazu gehorigen general-Charte. 1 vol. 4to. Potsdam, 1796. 1064 Guerre de ]'an 1809, entre l'Autriche et la France, par un officier Autrichien, avec Cartes et Plans. 1 vol. 8vo. & 4to. Atlas. Vienne, 1811. 1065 Guillaume de Vaudoncourt. See Vaudoncourt, Nos. 1127, 1128. 1066 Hamilton (Capt. B. A.). Annals of the Peninsular Campaigns, from 1808 to 1814, with Plates. (Vol. 1st wanting.) 3 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1831. 1067 Henry (John Joseph). An Accurate and Interesting Account of the Hardships and Sufferings of that Band of Heroes who traversed the wilderness in the Campaign against Quebec in 1775. I vol. 12mo. Lancaster, 1812. 1068 Henry (Capt. W. S.). Campaign Sketches of the War with Mexico. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1848. 1069 Hunter (W. P.). Narrative of the late Expedition to Syria, under the command of Admiral the Hon. Sir Robert Stopford, comprising an account of the Capture of Gebail, Triboli, and Tyre, Storming of Sidon, Battle of Calat-Meidan, Bombardment and Capture of St. Jean d'Acre, &c., &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1842. 1070 Ingraham (Edward D.). A Sketch of the Events which preceded the Capture of Washington by the British on the 24th of August, 1814. 1 vol. 8vo. (5 copies.) Philadelphia, 1849. 1071 Jormini (Le G6neral). Precis Politique et Militaire de la Campagne de 1815, pour servir de supplement et de rectification a la vie Politique et Militaire de Napoleon. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1839. 1072 Jones (John T.). Journal of Sieges carried on by the Army under the Duke of Wellington in Spain, between the years 1811 and 1814, with notes. 2d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1827. 1073 Jourdan (General). Memoires pour servir a l'histoire de la Campagne de 1796, contenant les operations de l'armee de Sambre et Meuse, sous les ordres du general-en-chef Jourdan. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1818. 1074 Journal de l'expedition et de la retraite de Constantine en 1836, par un officier de l'armee d'Afrique. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1837. 1075 Kausler (Fr. de). Atlas des plus memorable batailles, combats et sieges des temps anciens, du moyen age et de l'age moderne, en 200 feuilles. 1 vol. 4to. & fol. Atlas. Carlsruhe, 1831. 1076 Koch (F., Chef de bataillon d'Etat-Major). Memoires pour servir a l'histoire de la Campagne de 1814, accompagnes de Plans d'ordres de bataille et de situations. 2 vols. 8vo. & fol. Atlas. Paris, 1819. 64 BATTLES, SIEGES, AND CAMPAIGNS. 1077 Labaume (Eugene). Relation circonstanciee de la Campagne de Russie en 1812, orn6e des Plans. 4m edition. 1 vol. Svo. Paris, 1815. 1078 Labaume (Eugene). Relation complete de la Campagne de Russie en 1812, ornee des Plans. 5me edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1816. 1079 Lamare (Le Colonel). Relation des Sieges et defense d'Olivenca, de Badajoz, et de Camnpo-Mayor en 1811 et 1812, par les troupes Frangaises de l'armee du midi, en Espagne. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 1080 Lamare (Le Colonel). Relation de la 2m" defense de la Place de Badajoz par les Francais, en 1812. 1 vol. 4to. No date. 1081 Letters from Portugal, Spain, and France during the memorable Campaigns of 1811,'12 and'13, and from Belgium and France in the year 1815, by a British Officer. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1819. 1082 Louis Prince de Baden. See Baden, No. 1001. 1083 Maillebois (Marechal de). Campagnes. See No. 1099. 1084 Maissin (E.). Sur l'etat actuel du Texas. See No. 1015. 1085 l:arsin (Le Marechal). Ses Campagnes en Allemagne l'an 1704, contenant les lettres de ce marechal et celles de plusieurs autres officiers-generaux, an Roi et a M. de Chamillart, Ministre au departement de la guerre, avec les reponses du Roi et de ce Ministre, &c. 3 vols. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1762. 1086 Martin (P.). Histoire de l'expedition Frangaise en Egypte. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1815. 1087 M1ayne (William). A Narrative of the Campaigns of the loyal Lusitanian Legion, under Brigadier General Sir Robert Wilson; with some account of the Military Operations in Spain and Portugal during the years 1809,'10 and'11. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1812. 1088 Memoir annexed to an Atlas containing Plans of the Battles, Sieges, and Affairs, in which the British Troops were engaged during the War in the Spanish Peninsula and the South of France, from 1808 to 1814. 1 vol. 4to. & fol. Atlas. London, 1841. 1089 Miot (J.). Memoires pour servir a l'histoire des Exp6ditions en Egypte et en Syrie. 2me edition, revue, corrigee et augmentee. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1814. 1090 Montluc (Le Marechal de). Commentaires, ou sont d6crits tons les combats, rencontres, escarmouches, batailles, prises et surprises de villes, &c. Nouvelle edition, augment6e d'une Table des Matieres, &c. 4 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1760. 1091 M1oore (James). A Narrative of the Campaign of the British Army in Spain, commanded by His Excellency Lt. General Sir John Moore. Authenticated by official papers and original Letters. 4th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1809. 1092 Mortonval. HIistoire des Campagnes d'Allemagne, depuis 1807 jusqu'en 1809, revue pour les details Strategiques, ornee de Portraits, Plans et Cartes. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1827. 1093 Mortonval. Campagnes de France 1814 et 1815, revues pour les details Strategiques, par M. le General Beauvais, ornees de Portraits, Plans et Cartes. 1 vol. 18mo. Paris, 1826. BATTLES, SIEGES, AND CAMPAIGNS. 65 1094 Mudford (William). An Historical Account of the Campaign in the Netherlands in 1815, under His Grace the Duke of Wellington and Marshal Prince Blucher, comprising the Battles of Ligny, Quatre Bras, and Waterloo; with a detailed narrative of the political events connected with those memorable conflicts, down to the surrender of Paris, and the departure of Bonaparte for St. Helena. Embellished with a series of plates, descriptive of the country between Brussels and Charleroi, by James Rouse. Also a Plan of the Battles, &c. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1817. 1095 1uffing (C. de). History of the Campaign of the British, Dutch, Hanoverian and Brunswick Armies, under the command of the Duke of Wellington, and of the Prussians under that of Prince Blucher of Wahlstadt, in the year 1815; with a Plan of the Battle of Waterloo; or la belle Alliance. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) London, 1816. 1096 Mlusset-Pathay. Relations des principaux sieges, faits ou soutenus en Europe, par les Armees Francaises, depuis 1792, par les officiers du genie. I vol. 4to. (2 copies.) Paris, 1806. 1097 Noailles (Le Mar6ecal Duc de). Ses Campagnes en Allemagne l'an 1743, contenant les Lettres, &c., &c. 2 vols. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1760. 1098 Odeleben (Le Baron d'). See D'Odeleben, No. 1049. 1099 Pezay (Le Marquis de). Histoire des Campagnes de M. le M'. de Maillebois en Italie, pendant les annees 1745 et 1746, dediee du Roi. 3 vols. 4to. & fol. Atlas. Paris, 1775. 1100 Pichegru (General). A History of his Campaigns, containing the operations of the Armies of the North, and of the Sambre and the Meuse, fiom March, 1794, to March, 1795; with anecdotes of the Campaign, and memoir of Generals Pichegru, Jourdan, Moreau, Macdonald, Souham, Valetau, Devinther, Daendals, Salm, Bonneau, Jardon, Reunier, and Duverger, by Citizen David. Translated from the French. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1796. 1101 Relation du Siege de Grave, en 1674, et de celui de Mayence en 1689 avec le Plan de ces deux villes. I vol. 12mo. Paris, 1783. 1102 Reynier. Campagne d'Egypte. See No. 1013. 1103 Richardot (Lieut. Col.). Nouveau Memoires sur l'armee Frangaise en Egypte et en Syrie, ou la verite mise au jour. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1848. 1104 Roesoh (J. F.). Collection de 42 Plans de batailles, sieges et affaires les plus rmemorables de la guerre de sept ars. 1 vol. fol. Frankfurt, 1790. 1105 Rousset. Histoire Militaire. See No. 899. 1106 Saint Clair (Maj. General). A Narrative of the Manner in which the Campaign against the Indians in the year 1791 was conducted, under the command of Major-General St. Clair: together with his observations on the statements of the Secretary of War, and the Quartermaster-General, relative thereto; and the reports of the committees appointed to inquire into the cause of the failure thereof; taken from the files of the House of Representatives in Congress. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1812. l107 Saint-Cyr-Gouvion (Le Marechal). Journal des operations de l'armee de Catalogne, en 1808 et 1809, sous le commandement du Gaelral Gouvion Saint-Cyr, ou materiaux pour servir a l'Histoire de la guerre d'Espagne. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1821. 1108 Saint-Cyr-Gouvion (Le Marechal). Memoires sur les Campagnes des armees du Rhin et de Rhin-et-Moselle, de 1792 jusqu'a la paix de CampoForinio. 4 vols. 8vo. & Atlas. Paris, 1829 5 66 BATTLES, SIEGES, AND CAMPAIGNS. 1109 Saint-lMaurice. Histoire des Campagnes d'Allemagne et ce Prusse, depuis 1802 jusqu'en 1807, revue pour les details Strategiques, par M. le General Beauvais; ornee de Portraits, Plans et Cartes. I vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1827. 1110 Schlachten bei Leipzig, Culm, Denewitz, Bautzen, Gross Goerschen, Paris, Hanau, an der Katzbach, Gross Beeren, von Brienne und la Rothiere. I vol. 4to. No date. 1111 Schmettau (F. G. C. Comte de). Memoires raisonnes sur la Campagne de 1778 en Bohierne, par l'Armee Prussienne aux ordres de S. M. le Roi, et sur plusieurs objets concernant l'art pratique de la guerre. 1 vol. 4to. Berlin, 1789. 1112 Segur (Le General Comte de). Histoire de Napoleon et de la grande-armee pendant l'annee 1812. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 1113 Segur (Le G6-n6ral Corte de). Napoleon et la grande-aimee. See Nos. 1060, 1061. 1114 Siege of Vera Cruz, by the United States Troops, in March, 1847. I sheet. 1115 Stutterheim (Le Gen6ral). La bataille d'Ansterlitz. 3"n edition, avee des notes par uu officier frangais. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1806. 1116 Suchet (Marechal). Campagnes en Espagne, depuis 1808 jusqu'en 1814. See Suchet, No. 1221. 1117 Swett (S.). Bunker Hill Battle. See Putnam, No. 1212. 1118 Tarleton (Lt. Col.). A History of the Campaigns of 1780 and 1781, in the Southern Provinces of North America. I vol. 4to. London, 1787. 1119 Thiebault, Paul (General). Journal des operations militaires du siege et du blocus de Genes, precede d'un coup-d'ceil sur la situation de l'armee d'Italie, depuis le moment ou le General Massena en prit le commandement jusqu'au bloeus. 2T' edition, considlrablement augment6e. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1801. 1120 Thiebault (Lieut.-Gen. Baron). Journal des operations militaires et administratives des siege et blocus de G6nes. Nouvelle edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1847. 1121 Thi&bault, Pau;';4 -eral). Journal of the Military Operations during the Blockade and SKi,1 of Genoa; preceded by a summary view of the situation of the Army of Italv, from the moment when General Massena took the command of it unt'lhe Blockade. Translated fiom the French by John Maunde. I vol 8vo. London, 1809. 1122 Thiebault (Le Baron). Relation de l'.d-oedltion du Portugal, faite en 1807 et 1808, par le "er corps d'observatic.'e la Gironde, devenu armee de Portugal. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1817. 1123 Thorpe (T. B.). Our Army on the Rio Granc, being a short account of the important events, &c., &c., with descriptih.. of.the Battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, the Bombardment of Fort Brown, &c. 1 vol. 12mo. PI'-delphia, 1846., 1124 Turenne (Marechal de). Campagnes. See No. 1007. 1125 Vacani (Camillo). Storia delle Campagne e degli assedi degi' Italiani in Ispagna dal 1808 al 1813, corredata di piani e carte Topografiche dedicata sua Altezza imperiale e reale 1'Arciduca giovanni d'Austria. 3 vols.' ol. & Atlas. Milano, 1823. BATTLES, SIEGES, AND CAMPAIGNS. 6T 1126 Valori (Le Comte de). Journal Militaire de Henri IV., depuis son depart de la Navarre; redige et collationne sur les manuscrits originaux, precede d'un discours sur l'art Militaire du temps, avec dessins et fac-simile. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1821. 1127 Vaudoncourt (Guillaume de). Histoire des Campagnes de 1814 et 1815 en France, avec 4 plans. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1826. 1128 Vaudoncourt (Guillaume de). Campagnes d'Annibal en Italie. See Vaudoncourt, No. 1253. 1129 Vieilleville (Marechal de). Memroires du. See No. 950. 1130 Viennet (J. P. G.). Eistoire des guerres de la Revolution, Campagnes du Nord, 1792-1796, ornee de Portraits, Plans et Cartes. (1st vol. in 8vo., 2d vol. in 18mo.) 2 vols. Paris, 1827-28. 1131 Vigier (le Chev.). Precis historique de la Campagne faite en 1807, dans la Pomeranie Suedoise, par le Corps d'observation de la grande-armee commande par le Marechal Brune, suivi d'une notice sur ce Marechal. I vol. 8vo. Limoges, 1825. 1132 Vignolle (Le General). Precis historique des operations militaires de l'Armee d'Italie en 1813 et 1814. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1817. 1133 Villars (Le Marechal de). Sa Campagne en Allemagne l'an 1703, contenant les lettres de ce Marechal et celles de plusieurs autres officiers generaux au Roi, et a M. de Chamillart, Ministre au departement de la guerre, avec les reponses du Roi et de ce Ministre, &c. 2 vols. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1762. 1134 Weinhold (Carl August). Dresden und seine schicksale im jahr 1813, ein uberblick der hauptmomente der geschichte des Tages, vom Mai bis November desselben jahres. I vol. 8vo. Dresden, 1814. 68 MILITARY BIOGRAPHY AND MEMOIRS. MILITARY BIOGRAPHY AND MEMOIRS. 1135 Alexander (Sir James Edw.). Life of the Duke of Wellington. See Wellington, No. 1227. 1136 Alison (Archibald). Military Life of John, Duke of Marlborough. See Marlborough, No. 1186. 1137 Anitommarchi (Docteur F.). Mdenoires clu, ou les derniers Momens de Napoleon. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 1138 Arnault (A. V.). Vie de Napoleon. See Napoleon, No. 1191. 1139 Babie (F.) et Beaumont (L.). Galerie Militaire, ou notices historiques sur les generaux en chef, generaux de division, &c., vice-Amiraux, contre-Amiraux, &c., qui ont commande les armees Francaises depuis le commencement de la Revolution jusquna I'an 13. Ouvrage orne de Portraits. 7 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1805. 1140 Barriere. Vie et Memoires du General Dumouriez. See Dumouriez,No. 1159. 1141 3Barrow (John). Life of Peter the Great. See Peter the Great, No. 1209. 1142 Beaumont (L.). Galerie Militaire. See No. 1139. 1143 Berville. Vie et Memoires du General Dumouriez. See Dumouriez, No. 1159. 1144 Berwick (Marechal de). Meoires du, ecrits par lui-meme, avec une suite abregee, depuis 1716 jusqu'a sa mort en 1734; precedes de son Portrait, par Milord Bolingbroke, et d'une 6bauche d'eloge historique, par le President de Montesquieu; termines par des notes et des lettres servant de pieces justificatives pour la campagne de 1708. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1778. 1145 Bourdeille (Pierre de). See Brantome, Nos. 1147, 1148. 1146 Bourrienne. Life of Napoleon. See Napoleon, No. 1192. 1147 Brantome. Vies des Homnes illustres et grands Capitaines Frangais et Etrangers du seizieme siecle. - 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1810. 1148 Brantome. CEuvres completes de Pierre de Bourdeille, abbe seculier de Brantome et d'Andre, Vicomte de Bourdeille. Edition revue et augmentee d'apres les manuscrits de la bibliotheque royale, avec notices litteraires par J. A. C. Buchon. (Pantheon litteraire.) 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris; 1838. 1149 Calendar. The Royal Military Calendar, containing the service of every general officer, lt. general, and major general in the British Army, from the date of their first commission, and the services of colonels and It. colonels; with Appendices, containing accounts of the operations of the Army under Lt. General Sir John Murray on the eastern coast of Spain, in 1812-13. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1815. 1150 Calohar (F.). La Tour-d'Auvergne-Corret. See No. 1180. MILITARY BIOGRAPHY AND MEMOIRS. 69 1151 Carnot. Memoires historiques et militaires sur Carnot, rediges d'apres ses manuscrits, sa correspondance inedite et ses ecrits, precedes d'une notice par P.-F. Tissot. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1824. 1152 Charnock (John). Biographia Navalis; or Impartial Memoirs of the Lives and Characters of Officers of the Navy of Great Britain, from the year 1660 to the present time, with portraits and other engravings by Bartolozzi; in 4 vols., and 2 vols. in continuation. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1794-98. 1153 Chateauneuf (A.-H.) Histoire des grands Capitaines de la France, pendant la guerre de la liberte (de 1792 a 1802); nouvelle edition. 2 vols. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1820. 1154 Chennechot. Vie de Napoleon. See Napoleon, No. 1194. 1155 Choumara (T.). Considerations Militaires sur les Memoires du Marechal Suchet, suivies de la correspondance entre les Marechaux Soult et Suchet presentant l'HIistorique des Plans d'Operations proposes par chacun d'eux, depuis la bataille de Vittoria jusqu'a la cessation des hostilites apres la decheame de l'Empereur Napoleon; et considerations militaires sur la bataille de Toulouse. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1838. 1156 Conde (Louis, Prince of). Life of, by Lord Mahon. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1845. 1157 Coxe (William). Memoirs of John, Duke of Marlborough. See Marlborough, No. 1185. 1158 Doppet. Menmoires Politiques et Militaires du General Doppet, avec de. notes et des eclaircissemens historiques. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1824. 1159 Dumouriez. La Vie et les Memoires du General Dumouriez, avec des notes et des eclaircissemens historiques, par MM. Berville et Barriere. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1822-23. 1160 Eugene of Savoy (Prince). Memoirs of, written by himself. Translated from the French by William Mudford. 1 vol. 12mo. (7 copies.) New-York, 181]. 1161 Eugene Napoleon. Histoire Politique et Militaire du Prince Eugene Napoleon, Vice-Roi d'Italie, par le General de Vaudoncourt. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1828. 1162 Gallois (Leonard). Histoire de Murat. See Murat, No. 1189. 1163 Gleig (Rev. G. RI.). Lives of the most eminent British Military Commanders. (Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia.) 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1831-32. 1164 Greene (Nathaniel), Major General of the Armies of the United States in the War of the Revolution. Sketches of the Life and Correspondence of by William Johnson. 2 vols. 4to. Charleston, 1822. 1165 Guay-Trouin (Lt. G(C!niral). iMemoires du. 1 vol. 4to. - 1740. 1166 Gustave-AdoI e. Lettres et Memoires de Gustave-Adolf, de ses ministres et de ses generaux, sur les guerres des Suedois en Pologne et en Allemagne, depuis 1625 jusqu'en 1632; avec un appendice relatif aux campagnes de 1633 et de 1634. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1790. 1167 Hazlitt (William). Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. See Napoleon, No. 1196. 1168 Headley (J. T.). Napoleon and his Marshals. 18th edition. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1848. 11.69 Headley (J. T.). Washington and his Generals. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1849. 1170 Heath (Major-General). Memoirs of, containing anecdotes, details of skirmishes, battles, and other military events, during the American war. Written by himself. I vol. 8vo. Boston, 1798. 70 MILITARY BIOGRAPHY AND MEMOIRS. 1171 Hull (General William). Revolutionary Services and Civil Life of, prepared from his manuscripts, by his daughter; together with the History of the Campaign of 1812, and surrender of the post of Detroit, by his grandson, ~ j James Freeman Clarke. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1848. 1172 Hull (General W.). The Charges and Defence of. See Hull, No. 819. 1173 Humphreys (Col. David). Life of Putnam. See Putnam, No. 1212. 1174 Johnson (William). Life of Greene. See Greene, No. 1164. 1175 Jomini. Vie de Napoleon. See Napoleon. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1827. 1176 Jomini (Le General). Atlas Portatif pour lintelligence des Relations des dernieres Guerres, publiees sans Plans; notamment pour la Vie de Napoleon, I vol. in-folio, contenant les Legendes, avec I vol. in-folio oblong, compose de 36 Cartes ou Plans. 2 vols. fol. Paris. No date. 1177 Jomini (Le General). Precis Politique et Militaire de la Campagne de 1815, pour servir de supplement et de rectification a la Vie Politique et Militaire de Napoleon. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1839. 1178 Lannes (Jean). Marechal de l'Empire, Duc de Montebello, &c., Vie Militaire de, par Rene Perin. Seconde edition revue et corrigee. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris. No date. 1179 Las Cases (Le Comte de). Memorial de Saint-Helene, ou Journal ou se trouve consigne, jour par jour, ce qu'a dit et fait Napoleon durant dix-huit mois. 8 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1823. 1180 La Tour-d'Auvergne Corret (premier Grenadier de France). Notice Historique sur, par F. Calohar. 2- edition. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1841. 1181 Lockhart (J. G.). History of Napoleon. See Napoleon, No. 1198. 1182 Mahon (Lord). Life of Louis, Prince of Conde. See Conde, No. 1156. 1183 Mlansfield (Edward D.). Life of General Winfield Scott. See Scott, No. 1216. 1184 lMarlborough (Jean Churchill, Due de). Histoire de. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1806. 1185 Mlarlborough (John, Duke of). Memoirs of, with his original Correspondence, collected from the family records at Blenheim and other authentic sources; illustrated with Portraits, Maps, and Military Plans. By William Coxe. 2d edition. 6 vols. 8vo. and Atlas. London, 1820. 1186 Marlborough (John, Duke of). Military Life of, by Archibald Alison. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1848. 1187 IVaxwell (W. H.). Life of the Duke of Wellington. See Wellington, No. 1226. 1188 Mazas (Alexandre). Vies des grands Capitaines Fran9ais du moyen age, pour servir de complement a l'histoire generale de la France au 12", 130, 14e, et 15e siecles. 7 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1828-29. 1189 Murat (Joachim). Histoire de, par M. Leonard Gallois. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1828. 1190 Napier (Gen. Charles J.). Lights and Shades of Military Life. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1851. 1191 Napoleon. Vie Politique et Militaire de Napoleon, par A. V. Arnault. 2 vols. fol. Paris, 1822-26. 1192'Napoleeon Bonaparte. The Life of, by M. de Bourrienne. I vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1832. I'.Napoleon devant ses Contemporains. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1826. MILITARY BIOGRAPHY AND MEMOIRS. 71 1194 Napoleon. Histoire de la Vie Politique, Militaire et Privee de Napoleon Bonaparte, par Chennechot, suivie de son Testament. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 1195 Napoleon. Correspondance inedite officielle et confidentielle de Napoleon Bonaparte avec les cours etrangeres, les princes, les ministres et les generaux Frangais et etrangers en Italie, en Allemagne et en Egypte. 7 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1809-20. 1196 0Napoleon Buonaparte. The Life of, by William Hazlitt. 3 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1848. 11197 NTapoleon. Vie Politique et Militaire de Napoleon racontee par lui-meme, au Tribunal de Cesar, d'Alexandre et de Frederic. Par Jomini. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1827. 1198 Napoleon. The History of Napoleon Bonaparte, by J. G. Lockhart; with copperplate engravings. 2 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1836. 1199 Naapoleon in Exile, or a Voice from St. Helena: the Opinions and Reflections of Napoleon on the most important events of his life and government, in his own words. By Barry E. O'Meara, his late surgeon. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1822. 1200 Napoleon. The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the French, with a Preliminary View of the French Revolution. By the author of Waverley (Sir Walter Scott). 2d edition. (Vol. II. wanting.) 9 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1827. 1201 Napoleon. The Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperor of the French, with a Preliminary View. of the French Revolution. By the author of Waverley (Sir Walter Scott). (Vol. I. wanting.) 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1827. 1202 Napoleon. Histoire generale de Napoleon Bonaparte, de sa Vie privee et publique, de sa Carriere Politique et Militaire, de son administration et de son Gouvernement. Par le Comte Thibaudeau. 2 vols. guerre d'Italie et 2 vols. guerre d'Egypte. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1827-28. 1203 Napoleon. Precis de l'Histoire de Napoleon, du Consulat et de l'Empire; avec les reflexions de Napoleon lui-meme sur les principaux evenemens et les personnages les plus importans de son 6poque. Par MM. G. TouchardLafosse, et J. S. Saint-Amant. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 1204 Napoleon. Memoires de. See Liskenne, No. 4366. 1205 Norvins (M. de). Histoire de Napoleon, ornee de Portraits, Vignettes, Cartes et Plans. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1827-28. 1206 O'Meara (B. E.). Napoleon in Exile. See Napoleon, No. 1199. 1207 Partouneaux (Comnte). Explications du chapitre 7 du 10~ livre de l'Histoire de Napoleon et de la grande-Armee, par le General Comte de Segur, et sur la refutation du General Gourgaud. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1826. 1208 Pern (Rene). Vie de Lannes. See Lannes, No. 1178. 1209 Peter the Great. Memoir of the Life of, by John Barrow. I vol. 18mo. New-York, 1838. 1210 Pierre III. (Empereur de Russie). Histoire de, imprimee sur un manuscrit trouv6 dans les papiers de Montmorin, ancien ministre des affaires etrangeres, et compose par un agent secret de Louis XV., a la cour de Petersbourg; avec des eclaircissemens et des additions importantes; suivie de lhistoire secrete des Amours et des principaux Amans de Catherine II., par l'auteur de la Vie de Frederic II., Roi de Prusse, avec figures. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1799. 72 MILITARY BIOGRAPHY AND MEMOIRS. 1211 Pinard. Chronologie Historique Militaire, contenant l'histoire de la creatiorn de toutes les charges, dignites et grades militaires superieurs, de toutes les personnes qui les ont possed6s depuis leur creation jusqu'a present, &c., tiree sur les originaux; avec des notes critiques des auteurs qui ont travaille a l'histoire de France et militaires. 7 vols. 4to. Paris, 1760-64. 1212 Putnam. An Essay on the Life of the Honourable Maj. Gen. Israel Putnam, addressed to the State Society of the Cineinnati in Connecticut, and first published by their order. By Col. David Humphreys. With notes and additions; with an appendix, containing a historical and topographical Sketch of Bunker Hill Battle. By S. Swett. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1818. 1213 Rapp (General). Memoires du, ecrits par lui-nmine. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1823. 1214 Robinson (Fayette). Biographies of Distinguished Officers of all Grades. See Robinson, No. 792. 1215 Saxe. Histoire de Maurice Comte de Saxe, Due de Courlande et de Semigalle, Marlehal Genelral des Camps et Armees de sa Majeste tres-chretienne. Par M. le Baron d'Espagnac. 2 vols. 4to. (2 copies.) Paris, 1775. 1216 Scott (General Winfield). Life of, embracing his Campaign in Mexico. By Edward D. Mansfield. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1848. 1217 Scott (Walter). Life of Napoleon. See Napoleon, Nos. 1200, 1201. 1218 Seruzier. Memoires Militaires du Baron Seruzier, Colonel d'Artillerie Legere, mis en ordre et rediges par son ami MI. Le Miere de Corvey. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1823. 1219 Southey (Robert). Lives of the British Admirals, with an Introductory View of the Naval History of England. (Larduer's Cabinet Cyclopaedia.) 5 vols. 12mo. London, 1833-40. 1220 Souveniers d'un Militaire des Armees Francaises, dites de Portugal; par l'auteur de l'essai sur l'etat militaire, en 1825. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1827. 1221 Suchet. Memoires du Marechal Suchet, Duc d'Albufera, sur ses Campagnes en Espagne depuis 1808 jusqu'en 1814; ecrits par lui-meme. 2me edition. 2 vols. 8vo. and fol. Atlas. Paris, 1834. 1222 Thibaudeau (Le Comte). Histoire general de Napoleon. See Napoleon, No. 1202. 1223 Touchard-Lafosse. Histoire de Napoleon. See Napoleon, No. 1203. 1224 Turenne. The History of Henri de la Tour-d'Auvergne, Viscount de Turenne, Marechal de France. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1735. 1225 Vaudoncourt (Le General de). Histoire du Prince Eugene Napoleon. See Eugeine Napoleon, No. 1161. 1226 Wellington. Life of Field-Marshal His Grace the Duke of, by W. H. Maxwell. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1839-41. 1227 Wellington. Life of Field-Marshal His Grace the Duke of, edited by Sir James Edw. Alexander. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1840. 1228 Wellington. Dispatches, from 1799 to 1818. See Wellington, No. 861. MILITARY ANTIQUITIES. 7i MILITARY ANTIQUITIES. 1229 MEllian. The Tactics of JElian, comprising the Military System of the Grecians; illustrated with Notes, Explanatory Plates, &c., &., &c., With a preliminary discourse, by Henry Augustus Viscount Dillon. I vol. 4to. London, 1814. 1230 Annibal. Campagnes. See Vaudoncourt, No. 1253. 1231 Bibliotheque Militaire. See Liskenne, No..4366. 1232 Daniel (P. G.). Histoire de la Milice Francaise et des changemens qui s'y sont faits, depuis l'Etablissement de la Monarchie Franpaise dans les Gaules, jusqu'a la fin du regne de Louis le grand, avec Planches. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1721. 1233 Frontin. Stratagesmes. See No. 1247. 1234 Guischardt (Charles). Memoires Militaires sur les Grecs et les Romains, avec une dissertation sur l'Attaque et la Defense des Places des anciens, la traduction d'onosandre et de la Tactique d'Arrien, et l'analyse de la Campagne de Jules Cesar en Afrique. 2 vols. 8vo. Lyon, 1760. 1235 Guischardt (Charles). Memoires critiques et historiques sur plusieurs points d'antiquites Militaires, contenant l'histoire des Legions de Cesar, &c., enrichis de beaucoup de figures. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1774. 1236 Hannibal. See Annibal, No. 1230. 1237 Joly de Maizeroy. Tableau general de la Cavalerie Grecque. vol. 4to. Paris, 1780. 1238 Joly d.e lMaizeroy. Institutions Militaires de 1'Empereur Leon Ic Philosophe; traduites en Franqais, avec des-notes et des observations, suivies d'une dissertation sur le feu Gregeois. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1778. 1239 Jubinal (Achille). Notice sur les Armes defensives et specialement sur celles qui ont ete usitees en Espagne, depuis 1'Antiquite jusqu'au XVI~ siecle inclusivement. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1840. 1240 Lalanne (Ludovic). Recherches sur le feu Gregeois, et sur l'introduction de la poudre a canon en Europe. 2'e edition. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1845. 1241 Lipsi (Justi). De Militia Romana libri quinque commentarius ad Polybium. Editio nova, aucta varie et castigata. 1 vol. 4to. Antverpiw, 1598, 1242 Liskenne et Sauvan. Bibliotheique historique et militaire, contenant Thucydide, Xenophon, Arrien, &c. See No. 4366. 1243 Lo-Looz. Recherches d'antiquites Militaires, avec la defense du Chevalier Follard, contre les allegations inserees dans les Memloires Militaires sur les Grecs et sur les Romains, avec figures. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1770, 1244 Maizeroy. See Joly de Maizeroy, Nos. 1237, 1238. 74 MILITARY ANTIQUITIES. 1245 Meyrick (Samuel Rush). A Critical Inquiry into Ancient Armour, as it existed in Europe, but particularly in England, from the Norman Conquest to the Reign of King Charles II., with a glossary of Military terms of the Middle Ages. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1824. 1246 ]Meyrick (Samuel Rush). Engraved Illustrations of Ancient Arms and Armour, &c., of Meyrick, by Joseph Skelton. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1830. 1247 Polyen et Frontin. Les Ruses de guerre de Polyen, avec les Stratagesmes de Frontin; traduites du Grec. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1739. 1248 lRohan (Le Duc de). Le parfait Capitaine, autrement l'abrege des guerres de Gaule des commentaires de Cesar, avec quelques remarques, &c. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1643. 1249 Rohan (Le Due de). Le parfait Capitaine, ou Abrege des guerres des commentaires de Cesar. 1 vol. 18mo. 1744. 1250 Sauvan. Bibliotheque Militaire. See No. 1242. 1251 Sicard (F.). Institutions Militaires des Francais. See Sicard, No. 973. 1252 Skelton (Joseph). Engraved Illustrations of Ancient Arms and Armour of Meyrick. See No. 1246. 1253 Vaudoncourt (Guillaume de). Histoire des Campagnes d'Annibal en Italie, pendant la deuxieme guerre punique, suivie d'un Abrege de la Tactique des Grecs et de Romains. 3 vols. 4to. & fol. Atlas. Milan, 1812. MILITARY AND NAVAL PERIODICALS. 75 MILITARY AND NAVAL PERIODICALS. 1254 Colburn's United Service Journal. See No. 1266. 1255 Journal Militaire, contenant tout ce qui est relatifa l'organisation et a l'Administration de la force Publique; redige par B. C. Gournay. 2M edition. 57 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1790-1814. 1256 Journal des Sciences Militaires des Armees de Terre etde Mer, par J. Correard. 29 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1825-32. 1257 Journal. The same. Deuxieme serie. 28 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1833-39. 1258 Journal. The same. Troisieme serie. 25 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1840-46. 1259 Journal des Armes Speciales, avec Cartes, Planches, dessins, &c., par J. Correard. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1834-39. 1260 Journal des Armes Sp6ciales, publi6 sur les documents fournis par les officiers des Armees Franqaises et Etrangeres. Deuxieme serie. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1844-45, 1261 Journal des Armes Speciales et de l'Etat-Major, publie sur les documents fournis par les officiers des Armees Francaises et Etrangeres. Troisieme serie. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1847-49. 1262 Naval Chronicle, containing a General and Biographical History of the Royal Navy of the United Kingdom; with a variety of original papers on Nautical subjects, with numerous engravings. 40 vols. 8vo. London, 1799-1818. 1263 Naval and Military Magazine. 2d edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1827-28. 1264 Spectateur Militaire, recueil de science, d'art et d'histoire Militaire. XXVIIe volume, quatorzieme annee. (Attaque et Prise de St. Jean d'Ulua. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1839. 1265 Spectateur Militaire, recueil de science, d'art et d'histoire Militaires. 18 vols. Svo. Paris, 1826-34. 1266 United Service Journal, and Naval and Military Magazine. - vols. 8vo. London, 1829, &c. 1267 United States Military Magazine, and Record of all the Volunteers, together with the Army and Navy. 3 vols. 4to. Philadelphia, 1839-42. 76 MILITARY AND NAVAL DICTIONARIES. MILITARY AND NAVAL DICTIONARIES. 1268 sBurn (Captain). Naval and Military Technical Dictionary of the French Language; with explanations of the various terms in English. 1 vol. 12mo. Woolwich, 1842. 1269 Campbell (E. S. N.). A Dictionary of the Military Science, containing an explanation of the principal terms used in Mathematics, Artillery, and Fortification, and comprising the substance of the latest Regulations on Courts Martial, Pay, Pensions, Allowances, &c., &c. I vol. 8vo. London, 1830. t270 Cotty (1.). Dictionnaire d'Artillerie. 2mO edition, Paris, 1822, in-4. Supplement, 1832, in-4. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1822-32. 1271 Duane's Military Dictionary. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Philadelphia, 1810. 1272 Duckett (Capt. Geo. F.). Technological Military Dictionary, GermanEnglish-French. German Part. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1848. 1273 Dupain de Montesson. Vocabulaire de Guerre, ou recunil des principaux termes de Guerre, de Marine, d'Artillerie, de Fortification, d'Attaque et de Defense des Places et de Gographie. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1783. 1274 Falconer (William). New Universal Dictionary of the Marine; being a copious explanation of the technical terms and phrases usually employed in the Construction, Equipment, Machinery, Movements, and Military as well as Naval operations of Ships. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1815. 1275 James (Charles). An Universal Military Dictionary, in English and French, in which are explained the terms of the principal Sciences that are necessary -for the information of an officer. 4th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1816. 1276 L'Admiral. Petit Dictionnaire du terns pour l'intelligence des nouvelles de la guerre. Nouvelle edition, revue et augmentee. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1757. 1277 Le COoturEier (G-Bn6ral). Dictionnaire portatif et raisonn6 des connaissances Militaires, ou premieres notions sur l'organisation, l'administration, la discipline, &c., &c. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 1278 Lescallier. Vocabulaire des termes de Marine, Anglais et Frangais. Nouvelle edition. I vol. 8vo. Londres, 1783. 1279 MIarion (Le General). Vocabulaire Hollandais-Francais, des principaux termes d'Artillerie. 1 vol. 18mo. Paris, 1839. 1280 Marion (Le General). Vocabulaire Allemand-Frangais, des principaux termes d'Artillerie. 1 vol. 18mo. Paris, 1840. 1281 Parmentier (Theodore). Vocabulaire Allemand-Franqais des Termes de Fortification, renfermant en outre les termes les plus usuels d'art Militaire, d'Artillerie, de Construction de Mathematiques, de Mecanique, &c., et la reduction en mesures metriques de toutes les mesures usitees dans les differents Etats de l'Allemagne, la Hollande, la Suisse, la Suede, le Danemark, la Pologne et la Russie. 1 vol. 18mo. Paris, 1849. ARMY AND NAVY REGISTERS. 77 ARMY AND NAVY REGISTERS. 1282 Annuaire de l']tat Militaire de France pour l'annDe 1831. 1 vol. 12no. Paris, 1831. 1283 Army Register of the United States. 1 vol. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1813. 1284 Army Register for 1847. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Washington, 1847, 1285 Biennial Register of all Officers and Agents in the Service of the United States; with the Names, Forces, and Condition of all Ships and Vessels belonging to the United States. 1 vol. 8vo. Washington, 1838. 1286 Blue Book for 1851. Register of all Officers and Agents, Civil, Military, and Naval, in the Service of the United States, on the 30th of September, 1851; with the Names, Force, and Condition of all Ships and Vessels belonging to the United States, and when and where built; together with the names and compensation of all Printers in any way employed by Congress, or any department or officer of the Government. 1 vol. 12mo. Washington, 1851. 1287 British Army List of the Officers of the Army and Royal Marines, on Full, Retired, and Half-Pay; with an Index, for 1828,'29,'30 and'31. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1828-31. 1288 British Army List of the General and Staff Officers, and of the Officers in the several Regiments serving in North America, under the command of His Excellency General Sir William Howe, with the dates of their commissions, as they rank in each Corps and in the Army. I vol. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1778. 1289 Navy. A General Register of the Navy and Marine Corps of the United States, to which is appended the Constitution of the United States, and a revised edition of all the Laws in relation to the Navy and Marine Corps. 1 vol. 8vo. Washington, 1848. 1290 Navy Registers of the United States for tile years 1848,'50,'51 and'52. 4 vols. 12mo. Washington, 1848-52. 1291 Register of the Officers and Graduates of the United States Military Academy at West Point, from March 16, 1802, to January 1, 1850. Compiled by Captain George W. Cullum, from the Official Records of the War Department, and other reliable sources. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1850. 78 CIVIL AND NAVAL ARCHITECTURE, ETC. CIVIL AND NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPE GARDENING. 1292 Account of the Hindoo Temple of Vissvisshoor, or Bissinaut, at Benares. 1 4to. pamphlet. London. No date. 1293 Aiken (Edmund). An Essay on the Doric order of Architecture, containing a historical view of its rise and progress among the ancients, with a critical investigation of its principles of composition and adaptation to modern use. Illustrated by figures, &c. 1 vol. fol. London, 1810. 1294 Alberti (L.). Architettura. 1 vol. fol. Frenze, 1550. 1295 Aldrich (Henry). The Elements of Civil Architecture according to Vitruvius and other Ancients, and the most approved Practice of Modern Authors. Translated by the Rev. Philip Smyth. 3d edition. I vol. 8vo. Oxford, 1824. 1296 Allen (C. Bruce). Rudimentary Treatise. Cottage Building: or, Hints for improving the Dwellings of the Laboring Classes. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1849-50. 1297 Ancient and Modern Architecture; consisting of views, plans, elevations, sections, and details of the most remarkable edifices in the world. Edited by Jules Gailhabaud. Series the first. I vol. 4to. London, 1844. 1298 Ancient and Modern Architecture. The same. Second Series. I vol. 4to. London, 1846. 1299 Architect and Building Gazette: in co-operation with the Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal. See No. 1774. 1300 Architectural, Engineering and Mechanical Drawing Book; a series of instructive Examples, illustrated by thirty large folio Engravings, for the use of students in the several colleges and the various scientific schools now being established. With descriptive Letterpress in duodecimo. 1 vol. 12mo. Text, and 1 vol. fol. of Plates. London, 1842. 1301 Architecture. Charpente, Machines, A. (lithographic). 1 vol. fol. No date. 1302 Atkinson (Thos. and Chas.). Gothic Ornaments, selected from the different Cathedrals and Churches in England. (Incomplete.) 5 nos. fol. London. No date. 1303 Attica. The unedited Antiquities of Attica, comprising the Architectural Remains of Eleusis, Rhamnus, Sunium and Thoricus. By the Society of Dilettanti. I vol. fol. London, 1827. 1304 Aviler. See D'Aviler, No. 1347. 1305 Barry (Charles). Studies and Examples of the Modern School of English Architecture. The Travellers' Club House, illustrated by drawings made by Mr. Hewitt, and engraved by Mr. J. H. Le Keux. Accompanied by an essay on the present state of Architectural Study and the revival of the Italian Style, by W. H. Leeds. I vol. fol. London, 1839o CIVIL AND NAVAL ARCHITECTURE, ETC. 79 1306 Bartholomew (Alfred). Specifications for Practical Architecture, preceded by an essay on the decline of excellence in the structure and in the science of modern English buildings, with the proposal of remedies for those defects. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1841. 1307 3Bellery. Memoires sur le Jaugeage des Navires. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1788. 1308 Bellicard. Antiquities of Herculaneum. See No. 1338. 1309 Bellori. Sepolcrodi Nasoni. vol. fol. No date. 1310 Benjamin & Raynerd. American Builder's Companion, or a new System of Architecture, particularly adapted to the present style of building in the United States of America; containing forty-four engravings. I vol. 4to. Boston, 1806. 1311 Benjamin (Asher). The American Builder's Companion, or a System of Architecture, particularly adapted to the present style of building; illustrated with fifty-nine copperplate engravings. 3d edition. I vol. 4to. Boston, 1816. 1312 Bentham (Rev. J.). Gothic Architecture. See No. 1361. 1313 Bianchini (Francesco). Del Palazzo de cesari opera Postuma di Monsignor. 1 vol. fol. Verona, 1738. 1314 Bielefeld (Charles F.). On the use of the improved Papier Mache in Furniture in the interior decoration of Buildings, and in works of Art. I vol. fol. London, 1840. 1315 Biet. Choix d'Edifices. See No. 1370. 1316 Blondel (J. B.). Architecture, nouveau Marche St. Germain a Paris. 2 vols. fol. Paris, 1820-25. 1317 Borgnis (J. A.). Trait6 El6mentaire de construction appliquee a l'Architecture Civile. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1823. 1318 Bouguer. Traite du Navire de sa Construction et de ses Mouvemens. 1 vol 4to. Paris, 1746. 1319 Brandon (Raphael & J. Arthur). The Open Timber Roofs of the Middle Ages, illustrated by perspective and working Drawings of some of the best varieties of Church Roofs. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1849. 1320 Bridgens (Richard). Antiquities of Sefton Church. 1 vol.fol. London, 1835. 1321 Briseux (C. E.). L'Art de batir des Maisons de Campagne, ou l'on traite de leur distribution, de leur construction et de leur decoration. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1743. 1322 British Architects. Transactions of the Royal Institute of British Architects of London. 2d edition, with corrections and additions. (In 3 parts. 2 first and 1 second.) Vol. I. 4to. London, 1837-42. 1323 Britton (J.) & Pugin (A.). Illustrations of the Public Buildings of London; with historical and descriptive accounts of each edifice. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1825-28. 1324 Britton (John). Chronological History and Graphic Illustrations of Christian Architecture in England; embracing a critical inquiry into the rise, progress, and perfection of this species of architecture, &c. I vol. 4to. London, 1835. 1325 Britton (John). Carter's Ancient Architecture of England. See No. 1332. 1326 Brown (Richard). Domestic Architecture; containing a history of the science, and the principles of designing public edifices, private dwellinghouses, country mansions, &c. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1842. 80 CIVIL AND NAVAL ARCHITECTURE, ETC. 1327 Builder's Dictionary: or, Gentleman and Architect's Companion; explaining not only the Terms of Art in all the several parts of Architecture, but also containing the Theory and Practice of the various branches thereof, requisite to be known by masons, carpenters, joiners, bricklayers, &c. &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1734. 1328 Bury's Architecture. See No. 1395. 1329 Campbell (Colen). Vitruvius Britannicus; containing Plans, Elevations, &c. of public and private buildings in Great Britain. 3 vols. fol. London, 1717. 1330 Campbell (Colen). Continuation of, by Woolfe & Gandon. See No. 1469. 1331 Carpentier. See Le Carpentier, No. 1393. 1332 Carter (John). Ancient Architecture of England; including the orders during the British-Roman, Saxon, and Norman eras, and under the reigns of Henry III. and Edward III.; with 109 engravings. A new and improved edition, with notes and copious indexes, by John Britton. 1 vol. fol. London, 1837. 1333 Catman (John Sell). Architectural Antiquities of Normandy, accompanied by historical and descriptive notices by Dawson Turner. 2 vols. fol. London, 1822. 1334 Chambers (Sir William). Treatise on the Decorative Part of Civil Architecture. 4th edition. To which are added copious Notes, and an essay on the principles of Design in Architecture, by John B. Papworth. I vol. fol. (3 copies.) London, 1826. 1335 Charnock (John). A History of Marine Architecture. 3 vols. 4to. with Plates. London, 1801-2. 1336 Clarke (T. H.). The Domestic Architecture of the Reigns of Queen Elizabeth and James the First, illustrated by a series of Views of English Mansions. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1833. 1337 Clerc. See Le Clerc, No. 1394. 1338 Cochin & Bellicard. Observations upon the Antiquities of the Town of Herculaneum, discovered at the foot of Mount Vesuvius. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1756. 1339 Cochin. Paintures et Sculptures de l'Eglise. See No. 1371. 1340 Cottingham (L. N.). Plans, Elevations, Sections, Details, and Views of the magnificent Chapel of King Henry the Seventh at Westminster Abbey Church, with the history of its foundation, &c. 1 vol. fol. London, 1822. 1341 Cottingham (L. N.). Working Drawings for Gothic Ornaments, selected and composed from the best examples; consisting of capitals, bases, cornices, &c., &c. 1 vol. fol. No date. 1342 Cottingham (L. N.). Architectural Ornaments and Decorations. 1 vol. fol. No date. 1343 Coussin (J. A.). Du Genie de l'Architecture et de la Philosophic de cet art. 1 vol. 4to. Paris. No date. 1344 Cow (John). Remarks on the Manner of fitting Boats for Ships of War and Transports. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1841. 1345 Creuze (Augustin F. B.). Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Naval Architecture; with Plates. 1 vol. 4to. Edinburgh, 1840. 1346 Dallaway (Rev. James). Observations on English Architecture, royal. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1806. 'IVIL AND NAVAL ARCHITECTURE, ETC. 81 1347 DVAviler (Augustin-Charles). Dictionnaire d'Architecture Civil et Hydraulique et des arts qui en dependent: comme la Maeonnerie, la Charpenterie, la Menuiserie, la Serrurerie, &c. Nouvelle edition. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1755. 1348 De Lagardette (C.-M.). Nouvelles Regles pour la pratique du dessin et du Lavis de l'Architecture Civil et Militaire. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1803. 1349 De Lagardette (C.-M.). Regles des cinq ordres d'architec-j ture de Vignole. Nouvelle edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1835. Bound in 1350 De Lagardette (C.-M.). Lecons elementaires des ombres one vol. dans l'architecture, faisant suite aux Regles des cinq ordres de J Vignole. Nouvelle edition. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1851.) 1351 De Launay (J.-B.-R.). L'Alphabet du Trait applique a la Menuiserie. I vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1851. 1352 Description general de l'H6tel Royal des Invalides, etabli par Louis le grand, avec les plans, profils et elevations de ses faces, coupes et appartemens. 1 vol. fol. Paris, 1683 1353 Downing (A. J.). Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, adapted to North America, with a view to the improvement of country residences; with remarks on Rural Architecture. Illustrated by engravings. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1841. 1354 Downing's Wightwick's Hints to Young Architects. See No. 1464. 1355 Downing (A. J.). Architecture of Country Houses, including Designs for Cottages, Farm-Houses, and Villas. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1851. 1356 Duhamel du Monceau. Elemens de lFArchitecture Navale; ou Traite pratique de la construction des Vaisseaux. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1758. 1357 Durand (J. N. L.). Precis des lecons d'Architecture donnees'a'Ecole Polvtechnique. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1809. 1358 Durand (J. N. L.). Partie graphique des cours d'Architecture faits a l'fcole royale Polytechnique. I vol. 4to. (2 copies.) Paris, 1821. 1359 Durand (J. N. L.). Recueil et parallele des edifices de tout genre, anciens et modernes, remarquables par leur beaute, par leur grandeur ou par leur singularite, et dessines sur une meme echelle. 1 vol. fol. Paris, 1801. 1360 Elmes (James). Lectures on Architecture, comprising the history of the art from the earliest times to the present day. 2d edition. I vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) London, 1823. 1361 Essays on Gothic Architecture, by the Rev. T. Warton, Rev. J. Bentham, Captain Grose, and Rev. J. Milner. 3d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1808. 1362 Euler (L.). Scientia Navalis, seu tractatus de construendis de dirigendis navibus. 2 vols. 4to. Petropoli, 1749. 1363 Falti (Joh. Baptista). Romanorum Fontinalia. 1 vol. fol. Norimbergoe, 1685. 1364 Felibien. Des principes de l'Architecture, de Ta Sculpture, de la Peinture et des autres Arts qui en dependent, avec un Dictionnaire des termes propres a chacun de ces Arts. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1676. 1365 Gandon. Vitruvius Britannicus. See No. 1469. 1366 Garbett (Edward Lacy). Rudimentary Treatise on the Principles of Design in Architecture, as deducible from Nature and exemplified in the works of the Greek and Gothic Architects. Parts 1st and 2d. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1850. 1367 Garland (R.). Illustrations of Cathedrals. See Nos. 1466, 1467. 6 82 CIVIL AND NAVAL ARCHITECTURE, ETC. 1368 Glossary of Terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture. The fifth edition, enlarged. (2 Vols. in 3 Parts.) 3 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1850. 1369 Glossary of Terms. A Companion of the third edition of a Glossary of Terms used in Gothic Architecture, containing 400 additional Examples. I vol. 8vo. Oxford, 1841. 1370 Gourlier, &c. Choix d'edifices publics construits ou projet6s en France, extrait des archives du conseil des batimens civils, publie par MM. Gourlier, Biet, Grillon, et Tardieu, et grave sous la direction de M. Clemence (Livraisons 1,re 2", 8e, 9e, 1e", 29e, 30e, 31', 32e & 33 only; the remainder is wanting). Fol. Paris, 1826-35. 1371 Granet (Jean-Joseph). Histoire de l'Htel Royal des Invalides, avec les excellentes Peintures et Sculptures de l'Eglise, dessinees et grav6es par le Sieur Cochin. I vol. fol. Paris, 1736. 1372 Grantham (John C. E.). Iron as a Material for Ship-building; being a communication to the Polytechnic Society of Liverpool. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1842. 1373 Grillon. Choix d'edifices. See No. 1370. 1374 Grose (Capt.). Gothic Architecture. See No. 1361. 1375 Gwilt (Joseph). Sciography, or Examples of Shadows and Rules for their Projection: intended for the use of Architectural Draughtsmen and other Artists. With Plates. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1822. 1376 Gwilt (Joseph). The same. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1824. 1377 Gwilt (Joseph). Rudiments of Architecture, practical and theoretical. 2d edition. Illustrated with seventeen Plates. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1839. 1378 Gwilt (Joseph). Elements of Architectural Criticism, for the use of Students, Amateurs, and Reviewers. With an Appendix. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1837. 1379 Hatfield (R. G.). Architecture. See Hatfield, No. 1540. 1380 Hindoo Temple. Account of the. See No. 1292. 1381 Hope (Thomas). An Historical Essay on Architecture, illustrated from drawings made by him in Italy and Germany. 3d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1840. 1382 Hosking (William). Treatises on Architecture, Building, Masonry, Joinery, and Carpentry, from the Encyclopaedia Britannica. 7th edition, with Plates, Masonry, and Joinery by Thomas Tredgold, and Carpentry by Thomas Young. I vol. 4to. Edinburgh, 1839. 1383 Hotel Royal des Invalides. See No. 1352. 1384 Ingram (James). Memorials of Oxford, the engravings by John Le Keux, from drawings by F. Mackenzie. 3 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1837. 1385 Jones (Inigo). Designs, published by J. Ware. 1 vol. 8vo. 1743. 1386 Jones (Inigo) & Kent (Wm.). Designs, published by John Wardy. I vol. fol. - 1744. 1:387 Jones (Inigo). Designs, consisting of Plans and Elevations for Publick and Private Buildings; published by Wm. Kent. (2 vols. in one.) I vol. fol. 1727. 1388 Ionia. Antiquities of, published by the Society of Dilettanti. 2 vols. fol. London, 1769-97. 1389 Kent (Wm.). Designs. See Nos. 1386, 1387. CIVIL AND NAVAL ARCHITECTURE, ETC. 83 1390 Krafft (J. Ch.). Plans, Coupes et Elevations de diverses productions de Part de la Charpente executees tant en France que dans les Pays etrangers. 1 vol. fol. Paris, 1805. 1391 Krafft (J. Ch.). Recueil des plus jolies Maisons de Paris et de ses Environs, ce recueil comprend les elevations interieures et exterieures de chaque maison, &c. 1 vol. fol. 2e partie. Paris, 1809. 1392 Laborde (Le Comte Alex. de). Les Monumens de la France classes chronologiquement et consideres sous le rapport des faits historiques et de l'etude des arts. 1 vol. fol. Paris, 1816. 1393 Le Carpentier (Matthieu). Recueil des Plans, Coupes et Elevations du nouvel Hotel de Ville de Rouen. I vol. fol. Paris,,1758. 1394 Le Clero (Seb.). Traite d'Architecture avec des remarques et des observations tres-utiles pour les jeunes gens. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1714. 1395 Leeds & Bury. Rudimentary Architecture, Part 1st-The Orders. By W. H. Leeds. Part 2d-Styles of Various Countries. By T. Bury. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1848. 1396 Leeds (W. H.).'Architectural Study. See No. 1305. 1397 Legrand (J. G.). Essai sur l'Histoire general de l'Architecture. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1809. 1398 Le Keux. Architectural Antiquities. See No. 1424. 1399 L'Eveille (C. Stanislas). Considerations sur les Frontons, avec une methode general. 1 4to pamphlet. Paris, 1814. 1400 L'Orme (Philibert de). Nouvelles Inventions pour bien batir. 1 vol. fol. Paris, 1561. 1401 Loudon (J. C.). Encyclopaedia of Cottage, Farm, and Villa Architecture and Furniture; containing numerous designs. New edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1846. 1402 Mahan (D. H.). Notes on Architecture. See No. 408. 1403 Major (Thomas). The Ruins of Pestum, otherwise Posidonia, in Magna Grsecia. 1 vol. fol. London, 1768. 1404 Maliphant (Geo.). Designs for Sepulchral Monuments, Mural Tablets, &c. Published by J. Taylor. 1 vol. 4to. London. No date. 1405 MV[iche (Alexandre). Nouvelle Architecture pratique, ou Bullet rectifie et entierement refondu. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1818. 1406 IMilner (Rev. J.). On Gothic Architecture. See No. 1361. 1407 Moller (Dr. Geo.). Memorials of German-Gothic Architecture; with additional notes and illustrations from Stieglitz, &c., by W. H. Leeds. 1 vol. 8vo. & fol. Atlas. London, 1836. 1408 Nicholson (Peter). Architectural Dictionary, containing a correct Nomenclature and derivation of the Terms, &c. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1819. 1409 Nicholson (Peter). Principles of Architecture, containing the fundamental rules of the art, &c. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1809. 1410 Nicholson (Peter). The Student's Instructor in drawing and working the five Orders of Architecture. 4th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1815. 1411 Over (Charles). Ornamental Architecture in the Gothic, Chinese, and Modern Taste; being above fifty entire new designs of plans, sections, elevations, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1758. 1412 Owen (Robert Dale). Hints on Public Architecture, together with an Appendix relative to Building Materials. 1 vol. fol. New-York, 1849. 84 CIVIL AND NAVAL ARCHITECTURE, ETC, 1413 Pain (William). Practical House-Carpenter, containing a great variety of useful designs in Carpently and Architecture. I vol. 4to. London, 1'799. 1414 Paine (James). Plans, Elevations, and Sections of Noblemen and Gentlemen's Houses, and also of Stabling, Bridges, Temples, &c. &c., executed in Derby, Durham, Middlesex, Northumberland, Nottingham, and York. With Plates. I vol. fol. London, 1767; 1415 Palladio (Andrea). Four Books of Architecture, by Isaac Ware. 1 vol fol. London. No date.1416 Palladio (Andre). Ses (Euvres completes, nouvelle edition, contenant le&s quatre livres publiees par Chapuy et Amedee Beugnot. 26 livraisons. Paris, 1825'. 1417 Papworth (John B.). Principles of Design in Architecture. See No. 133'4. 1418 Patte. Monumens 6riges en France a la glorie de Louis XV. 1 vol. fol. Paris, 1765. 1419 Peake (James). Rudiments of Naval Architecture. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 18491420 Plates of Architectural Designs and Details. 1 vol. 8vo. No date. 1421 Pocock (W. F.). Modern Finishing for Rooms; a series of designs for vestibules, halls, staircases, dressing-rooms, boudoirs, libraries, and drawingrooms: with their doors, &c., &c. I vol. 4to. London, 1823. 1422 Pocock (W. F.). Designs for Churches and Chapels, of various dimensions and styles; consisting of Plans, Elevations, and Sections, with eumates; also some designs for Altars, Pulpits, and Steeples. 1 vol. 4to. London. No date, 1423 Pugin (A.). Specimens of Gothic Architecture, selected from various ancient edifices in England, consisting of Plans, Elevations, Sections, and parts at large; calculated to exemplify the various styles and the practical construction of this admired class of architecture; accompanied by historical and descriptive accounts. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1825-26. 1424 Pugin & Le Keux. Specimens of the Architectural Antiquities of Normandy; edited by John Britton. 1 vol. 4to. London,. 1828. 1425 Pugin (A.). Public Buildings of London. See No. 1323. 1426 Quatremrre de Quincy. Dictionnaire historique d'Architecture. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1832. 1427 Ranlett (William H.). The Architect, a series of original Designs for domestic and ornamental Cottages and Villas, connected with Landscape Gardening, adapted to the United States: illustrated by drawings of ground-plots, plans, perspective views, elevations, sections, and details. 2 vols. 4to. New-York, 1847-49, 1428 Raynerd. American Builder's Companion. See No. 1310. 1429 Report (Second) from the Select Committee on Windsor Castle and Buckingham Palace, with the Minutes of Evidence and Appendix. 1 vol. fol. - 1831. 1430 Repton (H.). Observations on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, including some remarks on Grecian and Gothic Architecture. 1 vol. roy. 4to. London, 1803. 1431 Repton (H. & J. Adey). Fragments on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, including some remarks on Grecian and Gothic Architecture. 1 vol. roy. 4to. London, 1816. 1432 Repton (H.). Designs for the Pavilion at Brighton. Humbly inscribed to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. 1 vol. fol. London, 1806. CIVIL AND NAVAL ARCHITECTURE, ETC. 85 1433 Rlichardson (George). Treatise on the Five Orders of Architecture, in which the principles of that art are illustrated, &c. 1 vol. fol. London, 1787. 1434 Richardson (Charles James). Studies of Ornamental Design. 1 vol. fol. London, 1851.L 1435 Roland le Virloys (C. F.). Dictionnaire d'Architecture Civil, Militaire et Navale, antique, ancienne et moderne, et de tons les arts et metiers qui en dependent: dont tons les termes sont exprimes, en Francais, Latin, Espagnol, Anglais et Allemand. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1770. 1436 Rubeis (J.-J. de). Insignium Romae templorum prospectus exteriores interioresque, a celebrioribus Architectis inventi nunc Tandem suis cum plantis ac mensuris. 1 vol. fol. Romae, 1684.. 1437 Ruskin (John). Seven Lamps of Architecture, with Illustrations, drawn and etched by the Author. I vol. roy. 8vo. London, 1849. 1438 Scamozzi (Vicenzo). L'Idea della Architettura universale. I vol. fol. Venetia, 1615. 1439 Serlio (Seb.). Tutte lopere d'architettura di Serlio, con un indice copiosissimo, racolto da Gio.-Dom. Scamozzi. I vol. 4to. Venetia, 1584. 1440 Shaw (Henry). Details of Elizabethan Architecture. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1839. 1441 Shaw (Henry). Specimens of the Magnificent and Elaborate Ornaments and Interior Decorations of the age of Louis XIV. 2 vols. 4to. pamph. No date. 1442 Shaw (Henry). The Encyclopaedia of Ornament. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1842. 1443 Shaw (Edward). Civil Architecture: or, a complete theoretical and practical System of Building. (Part 1st only; the remainder is wanting.) 1 4to. pamphlet. Boston, 1830. 1444 Smeaton (John). Lighthouses, Eddystone and Spurn Point. See Smeaton, No. 1864. 1445 Soane (John). Plans, Elevations, and Sections of Buildings. I vol. fol. London, 1788. 1446 Soane (John). Designs for Public and Private Buildings. I vol. fol. London, 1828. 1447 Specimens of Gothic Ornaments selected fiom the Parish Church of Lavenham in Suffolk. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1796.. 1448 Stuart (Robert). Dictionary of Architecture; historical, descriptive, topographical, decorative, theoretical, and mechanical, alphabetically arranged. 3 vols. 8vo. London, -- 1449 Tardieu. Choix dXEdifices. See No. 1370. 1450 Tatham (Charles Heathcote). Etchings, representing the best examples of Grecian and Roman Architectural Ornament. 1 vol. fol. London, 1.826.. 1451 Toussaint (C. J.). Traite de Geometrie et d'Architecture, theorique et pratiqu, siplie, s, 1 partie contenant les. cinq ordres d'Architecture, d'apres les principes de Vitruve, de Vignole et de Palladio. * 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1811. 1452 Turner (Dawson). Catman's Architectural Antiquities. See No. 1333. 1453 Tuthill (Mrs. L. C.). History of Architecture from the earliest times; its present condition in Europe and the United States:; with a Biography of Eminent Architects, and a Glossary of Architectural Terms. I vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1848. 1454 Vi;truve (Les dix livres d'Architecture de), corriges et traduits, avec des notes et des figures par Perrault. 2d edition, revue, corrigbe, et augmentee. 1 vol. foL Paris, 1684. 86 CIVIL AND NAVAL ARCHITECTURE, ETC. 1455 Vitruvius. The Architecture of, in ten Books. Translated from the Latin by Joseph Gwilt. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1826. 1456 Vitruvius. Civil Architecture of Vitruvius. 1 vol. fol. No date.. 1457 Vitruvii. De Architectura. 1 vol. 12mo. - 1523. 1458 Warton (Rev. T.). On Gothic Architecture. See No. 1361. 1459 Weale (John). Quarterly Papers on Architecture. 4 vols. 4to. London, 1844-45. 1460 Weale (John). Rudimentary Dictionary of Terms used in Civil and Naval Architecture, Building, Ecclesiastical and Early Art, Civil and Mechanical; Engineering, Fine Art, Mining, and Surveying. (4 Parts in one volume.) I vol. 18mo. London, 1849-50. 1461 Whittington (Rev. G. D.). An Historical Survey of the Ecclesiastical Antiquities of France; with a view to illustrate the rise and progress of Gothic Architecture in Europe. 2d edition. I vol. 8vo. London, 1811. 1462 Wiebeking (Le Chev. C. F. de). Architecture civile, theorique et pratique, enrichie de l'histoire descriptive des edifices anciens et modernes les plus remarquables et de leurs dessins exacts. 7 vols. 4to. & fol. Atlas. Munich, 1827-31. 1463 Wightwick (George). The Palace of Architecture: a Romance of Art and History. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. London, 1840. 1464 Wightwick (George). Hints to Young Architects, calculated to facilitate their practical operations. With additional Notes, and Hints to Persons about building in the Country, byA. J. Downing. First American edition. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1847 1465 Wilkens (William). Antiquities of Magna Graecia. 1 vol. fol. Cambridge, 1807. 1466 Winkles (B.). Architectural and Picturesque Illustrations of the Cathedral Churches of England and Wales; the drawings made from sketches taker expressly for this work by Robert Garland: with an historical and descriptive account. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. London, 1836-38. 1467 Winkles (B.). French Cathedrals, from drawings taken on the spot by R. Garland: with an historical and descriptive account. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1837. 1468 Woods (Joseph). Letters of an Architect, from France, Italy, and Greece. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1828. 1469 Woolfe & Gandon. Vitruvius Britannicus, containing plans, elevations, &c. of public and private buildings in Great Britain. 2 vols. fol. London, 1767-71. 1470 Wrighte (William). Grotesque Architecture, or Rural Amusement; consisting of plans, elevations, and sections for huts, retreats, summer and winter hermitages, terminaries, Chinese, Gothic, &c. &c. I vol. 8vo. London, 1767. MACHINERY, INSTRUMENTS, APPLIED MECHANICS, ETC. 8 7 MACHINERY, INSTRUMENTS, APPLIED MECHANICS AND CARPENTRY. 1471 Accum (Frederick). Coal Gas Work. See Accum, No. 3329. 1472 Adams (George). Mathematical Instruments. See Adams, No. 2355. 1473 Appleton's Dictionary of Machines, Mechanics, Engine-Work, and Engineering. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1851. 1474 Appleton's Mechanics' Magazine and Engineers' Journal. Edited by Julius W. Adams. 8vo. New-York, 1851. 1475 Armstrong (R.). An Essay on the Boilers of Steam-Engines: their calculation, construction, and management, with a view to the saving of fuel. I vol. 8vo. London, 1839. 1476 Armstrong (R.). Rudimentary-Treatise on Steam-Boilers: their construction and practical management. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1850. 1477 Artizan Club. Treatise on the Steam-Engine in its application to Mines, Mills, Steam Navigation, and Railways. Edited by John Bourne. 3d edition. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1849. 1478 Banks (John). A Treatise on Mills, in four Parts: 1st, on circular motion; 2d, on the maximum of moving bodies, machines, engines, &c.; 3d, on the velocity of effluent water; 4th, experiments on circular motion, waterwheels, &c. I vol. 8vo. London, 1795. 1479 Banks (John). The same. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1815. 1480 Bertelli (P.). Novo teatro di machine et edificii. 1 vol. fol. 1607. 1481 Betancourt. Construction of Machines. See Nos. 1546, 1547. 1482 Biston (Valentin). Manuel du Charpentier. See No. 1538. 1483 Blunt (Charles). An Essay on Mechanical Drawing, comprising an elementary course of practice in the perspective delineation of machinery. I vol. 4to. London, 1811. 1484 Boileau. Instruction sur le Projet d'am6lioration d'Usine. (Lithog.). 1 vol. 4to. 1843. 1485 Booth (Henry). Liverpool and Manchester Railway. See No. 1614. 1486 Borda (Le Chevalier de). Description et usage du cercle de reflexion. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1787. 1487 Borgnis (J. A.). Traite complet de Mecanique appliqu6e aux Arts, composition des machines. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1818. 1488 Borgnis (J. A.). Traite complet de Mecanique appliquee aux Arts, Mouvemens des Fardeaux. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1818. 1489 Borgnis (J. A.). Traite complet de Mecanique applique aux Arts, des Machines employees dans les constructions diverses. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1818. 88 MACHINERY, INSTRUMENTS, APPLIED MECHANICS, ETC, 1490 Borgnis (J. A.). Traite complet de Mecanique appliquee aux Arts, des Machines Hydrauliques. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1819. 1491 Borgnis (J. A.). Traite complet de Mecanique appliquee aux Arts, des Machines d'Agriculture. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1819. 1492 Borgnis (J. A.). Traite complet de Mecanique appliquee aux Arts des Machines employees dans diverses fabrications. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1819. 1493 Borgnis (J. A.). Traite complet de Mecanique appliquee aux Arts, des Machines imitatives et des Machines theatrales. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1820. 1494 Borgnis (J. A.). Traite complet de Mecanique appliquee aux Arts des Machines qui servent a confectionner les etoffes. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1820. 1495 Borgnis (J. A.). Theorie de la Mecanique usuelle, ou Introduction a l'etude de la Mecanique appliqu6e aux Arts. I vol. 4to. (2 coies.) Paris, 1821. 1496 Bourne (John). A Catechism of the Steam-Engine. A new edition. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1850. 1497 Brunton (Robert). Compendium of Mechanics; or, Text-Book for Engineers, Millwrights, Machine-makers, Founders, Smiths, &c.: containing practical Rules and Tables connected with the steam-engine, water-wheel, pump, and mechanics in general, &c. 4th edition. 1 vol. 12mo. Glasgow, 1828. 1498 Bruntmon (Robert). The same. First American from the fourth London edition. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1830. 1499 Buchanan (Robertson). Practical Essays on Millwork and other Machinery; Essay II., on the Shafts of Mills. I vol. 8vo. London, 1814. 1500 Buchanan (Robertson). Practical Essays on Millwork and other Machinery, containing Essays III., IV., V., VI., VII., with plates. 1 vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1814. 1501 Buchanan (Robertson). Practical Essays on Millwork and other Machinery. 2d edition. Corrected, with notes and additional articles, by Thomas Tredgold. With plates. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1823. 1502 Buchanan (Robertson). Practical Essays on Millwork and other Machinery, with examples of modern Tools, &c. First published by R. Buchanan; afterwards improved and edited by Thomas Tredgold; and now re-edited, with the improvements of the present age, by George Rennie. Part I. 30 plates and text. (The remainder is wanting.) I vol. 8vo. London, 1841. 1503 Buchanan (Robertson). A Practical Treatise on propelling Vessels by Steam, &c. I vol. 8vo. Glasgow, 1816. 1504 Byrne (Alexander S.). Observations on the best means of propelling Ships. 2d edition. 1 8vo. pamphlet. New-York, 1841. 1505 Carnot. Euvres Mathematiques, essai sur les Machines en general. 1 vol. 8vo. Basle, 1797. 1506 Carpentry: being a comprehensive Guide-Book for Carpentry and Joinery; with elementary rules for the drawing of Architecture in Perspective and by Geometrical Rule; &c. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1848-50. 1507 Cazalat (Galy). Memoire theorique et pratique sur les Bateaux a Vapeur. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1837. 1508 Charpente du hangar de Marac, et du Manege de la cazerne de Liborne. 7 sheets. 1509 Chaulnes (Le Due de). Nouvelle Methode pour diviser les Instruments de Mathematique et d'Astronomie. I vol. fol. 1768. MACHINERY, INSTRUMENTS, APPLIED MECHANICS, ETC. 89 1510 Christian (Gerard-Joseph). Traite de Mecanique industrielle, ou expose de la science de la Mecanique deduite de l'experience et de l'observation; principalement a l'usage des Manufacturiers et des Artistes. 4 vols. 4to. with plates. Paris, 1822-25. 1511 Chronometer. A brief account of the Chionometer; with remarks on those furnished by Parkinson and Frodsham to the expeditions of Captains Ross, Parry, Sabine, King, Lyon, Foster, and other distinguished navigators, with the rate of others tried at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, in the years 1828-29-30 and 31. 1 vol. 8vo. London. No date. 1512 Clegg (Samuel). Architecture of Machinery: an essay on Propriety of Form and Proportion, with a view to assist and improve design. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1842. 1513 Coriolis. Du Calcul de l'Effet des Machines, ou considerations sur l'emploi des moteurs et sur leur evaluation, pour servir d'introduction a l'etude speciale des machines. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1829. 1514 D'Aubuisson de Voisins. Traite au mouvement de l'eau dans les Tuyaux de conduite. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1827. 1515 Dempsey (G. D.). Machinery of the Nineteenth Century; illustrated from original drawings, and including the best examples shown at the Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations. Parts 1, 2, 3. London. 1516 Dodds (I.). Mechanics for Practical Men. See No. 1537. 1517 Douliot (J. P.). Seconde partie. Charpente en bois. See Douliot, No. 2197. 1518 Dupuit (J.). Essai et experiences sur le Tirage des Voitures, et sur le frottement de second espece, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1837. 1519 Emy (A. R.). Traite de l'Art de la Charpenterie. Tom. 1st. 4to. & fol. Atlas. Paris, 1837. 1520 Epures de Charpente. See No. 2455. 1521 Evans (Oliver). Manuel de l'ingenieur Mecanicien. Constructeur' de machines a vapeur traduit de l'Anglais par I. Doolittle, precede d'une notice historique sur l'auteur, et suivi de notes par le traducteur. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1821. 1522 Evans (Oliver). The Young Millwright and Miller's Guide: with additions and corrections, and a description of an improved Merchant Flour-mill; with engravings. By C. & O. Evans. 5th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1826. 1523 Ewbank (Thomas). A descriptive and historical account of Hydraulic and other Machines for raising Water, ancient and modern, with observations on various subjects connected with the Mechanic Arts: including the progressive development of the Steam-Engine. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1842. 1524 Fabre. Essai sur le maniere la plus avantageuse de construire les Machines Hydrauliques, et en particulier les Moulins a Bled. 1 vol. 4to. (2 copies.) Paris, 1783. 1525 Farey (John). Treatise on the Steam-Engine, historical, practical, and descriptive. I vol. 4to. London, 1827. 1526 Flachat (Stephane). Traite 6lementaire de Mecanique industrielle resume des traites de Christian, Poncelet, D'Aubuisson, Coriolis, Hachette, &c. &c. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1835. 1527 Geizler (J. G.). Beschreibung und geschichte der neusten und vorzuglichsten Instrumente und Kunstwerke. (9 vols. in 3.) 3 vols. 8vo. Zittau & Leibzig, 1798. 90 MACHINERY, INSTRUMENTS, APPLIED MECHANICS, ETC. 1528 Gerstner (Franz Joseph Ritter von). Handbuch der Mechanik, aufgesetzt, mit beitragen von neuern englischen Konstrukzionem vermehrt und herausgegeben, von Franz Anton Ritter von Gerstner. 3 vols. 4to. & Atlas. Prag, 1832-34. 1529 Girard (P. S.). Resistence des Solides. See Girard, No. 1906. 1530 Glynn (Joseph). Rudimentary Treatise on the Construction of Cranes and Machinery. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1849. 1531 Gordon (W.). The Economy of the Marine Steam-Engine; with suggestions for its improvement, and notes upon various subjects connected with steam. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1845. 1532 Gray (Andrew). Experienced Millwright; or a treatise on the construction of some of the most useful Machines with the latest improvements. To which is prefixed a short account of the general principles of mechanics and of the mechanical powers. 2d edition. 1 vol. roy.4to. Edinburgh, 1806. 1533 Guenyveau (A.). Essai sur la Science des Machines. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1810. 1534 Gunter (Edmund). Works, containing the description and use of the Instruments, with Trigonometrical Tables; to which is added the description and use of another Sector and Quadrant invented by Samuel Foster. I small vol. 4to. London, 1653. 1535 Hachette. Trait ele6mentaire des Machines. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1808. 1536 Hachette. Correspondance sur l'Ecole Imperiale Polytechnique a l'usage des Eleves de cette ecole. 2d edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1813-16. 1537 Hann (J.) & Dodds (I.). Mechanics for Practical Men, containing explanations of the principles of Mechanics: the Steam-Engine. 1 vol. 8vo. Newcastle, 1833. 1538 Hanus (P. A.) et Biston (Valentin). Manuel du Charpentier, ou traite complet et simplifie de cet Art. 2d edition, revue, corrigee et augmentee. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1829. 1539 Hassenfratz (J. H.). Traite de l'Art du Charpentier, approve et adopte par l'Institut National, pour faire suite aux Arts et Metiers; publie par l'Academie des Sciences. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1804. 1540 Hatfield (R. G.). American House-Carpenter: a Treatise upon Architecture, cornices and mouldings, framing, doors, windows, and stairs; together with the most important principles of Practical Geometry. 4th edition, with additions. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1850. 1541 Heather (J. F.). Treatise on Mathematical Instruments, in which their construction, and the methods of testing, adjusting, and using them are concisely explained. 2d edition. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1851. 1542 Jecker. Rapport de l'Institut sur les Instrumens d'Astronomie, de Geodesie et d'Optique. 1 2mo pamphlet. Paris, 1812. 1543 Krafft (J. Ch.). L'Art de la Charpente. See Krafft, No. 1390. 1544 Krafft (J. Ch.). Treatise on the Art of Carpentry, with the Theory and Practice, in English, French, and German. 3 vols. fol. Paris, 1819-22. 1545 Lalande (De). Description d'une Machine. See No. 1587. 1546 Lanz et Betancourt. Essai sur la Composition des Machines. 2d edition, revue, corrigee et augmentee. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1819. 1547 Lanz & Betancourt. Analytical Essay on the Construction of Machines. Translated from the French. 2d edition. 1 vol. 4to. London. No date. MACHINERY, INSTRUMENTS, APPLIED MECHANICS, ETC. 91 1548 Lardner (Rev. Dionysius). Popular Lectures on the Steam-Engine, in which its construction and operation are familiarly explained, with an historical Sketch of its Invention and progressive Improvement. With additions, by James Renwick. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1828. 1549 Lardner (Rev. Dionysius). The Steam-Engine familiarly explained and illustrated; with an historical Sketch of its Invention and progressive Improvement; its applications to Navigation and Railways; with plain Maxims for Railway Speculators. With additions and notes, by James Renwick. Second American, from the fifth London edition. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1836. 1550 Lardner (Dr.). Rudimentary Treatise on the Steam-Engine. I vol. 8vo. London, 1848. 1551 Le Blanc. Choix de modeles appliques a l'enseignement du dessin des machines, avec un texte descriptif. Nouvelle edition. I vol. 4to. & fol. Atlas. Paris, 1838. 1552 Lepage. L'Art du Charpentier, precede de notions sur la coupe, le Dessechement et la Resistance des bois, et termine par un Vocabulaire Raisonne de tous les Termes employes dans la Charpenterie. I vol. 12mo. Paris, 1827. 1553 Locke (J.). On Locomotive and Fixed Engines. See No. 1614. 1554 Macdonald (John). A Treatise on Telegraphic Communication, Naval, Military, and Political: illustrated by Linear Plates connected with the detail of the new Telegraphic System, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1808. 1555 Machines. Description des Machines et procedes specifi6s dans les brevets d'invention, dont la duree est expiree; publiee par les ordres des Ministres de l'Interieur et du Commerce. (Vol. XX. is wanting.) 26 vols. 4to. Paris, 1811-35. 1556 Machines a Vapeur, containing numerous detailed representations of Machines of every class. 3 vols. obl. fol. No date. 1557 Machines B. (Lithographic.) 1 vol. fol. No date. 1558 Magellan (J. H. de). Description des octants ) et sextants Anglois, ou quarts de cercle 2 vols. Paris, 1775. reflection. in to. 1559 Magellan (J. H. de). Description et usages in 1, Londres, 1779. des Instrumens d'Astronomie de Physique. J ( 1560 Maissiat. Memoire sur la Boussole et le Grammometre. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1818. 1561 Marestier. Memoire sur les Bateaux a Vapeur des EItats-Unis d'Amerique, avec un appendice sur diverses machines relatives a la Marine. (Texte incomplete.) I vol. 4to. & fol. Atlas. Paris, 1824. 1562 Mecanique. Cours de Mecanique appliquee aux Machines. (Lithographic.) 3 vols. fol. No date. 1563 Mechanical Drawing-Book. See No. 1300. 1564 Mechanical Engineering. Outline of Mechanical Engineering, with drawings of finished machines, tools, and apparatus, of every description, which are used in the different branches of industry, of the newest and most approved construction; &c. &c. Collected, elaborated, and published by an American Engineering Society, under the direction of Frederick Mone. Part I. fol. &c. New-York, 1851. 1565 Morin (Arthur). Nouvelles experiences sur le Frottement, faites a Metz en 1831. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1832. 92 MACHINERY, INSTRUMENTS, APPLIED MECHANICS, ETC. 1566 0lorin (Arthur). Suite des nouvelles experiences sur le Frottement, faites a Metz en 1832. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1834. 1'567 Borin (Arthur). Suite des nouvelles experiences sur le Frottement, faites a Metz en 1833. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1835. 1568 Morin (Arthur). Experiences sur les Roues Hydrauliques a aubes Planes et sur les Roues Hydrauliques a augets. 1 vol. 4to. Metz et Paris, 1836. 1569 Morin (Arthur). Notice sur divers appareils dynamom6triques. 2d edition, revue, corrig6e et augmentee. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1841. 1570 Moseley (Rev. H.). Treatise on Mechanics applied to the Arts, including Statics and Hydrostatics. 3d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1847. 1571 Navier. Resume des lemons donnees a l'6cole des Pontset Chaussees, sur l'Application de la Mecanique a l'etablissement des constructions et des Machines. 2d edition, corrig6e et augmentee. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1833-38. 1572 Nicholson (John). The Operative Mechanic and British Machinist; being a practical display of the Manufactories and Mechanical Arts of the United Kingdom. First American, from the second London edition, with additions. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1826. 1573 Nicholson (Peter). Carpenter's new Guide: being a complete Book of Lines for Carpentry and Joinery. Treating fully on Practical Geometry. 8th edition. 1 vol. 4to. Philadelphia, 1818. 1574 Pain (W.). Practical House-Carpenter. See Pain, No. 1414. 1575 Pambour (Chev. F. M. G. de). A practical Treatise on Locomotive Engines upon Railways; with practical Tables, giving at once the results of the formulae; founded upon a great many new experiments: to which is added an Appendix. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1836. 1576 Pambour (Comte F. M. G. de). A practical Treatise on Locomotive Engines, founded on a great many new experiments; to which is added an Appendix. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1840. 1577 Pambour (Chev. G. de). A new Theory of the Steam-Engine, and the mode of calculation, by means of it, of the effective power, &c. of every kind of Steam-Engine, stationary or locomotive. 1 8vo. pamphlet. London, 1838. 1578 Pambour (Comte de). The Theory of the Steam-Engine, showing the inaccuracy of the methods in use for calculating the effects or the proportion of Steam-Engines, and supplying a series of practical formulae, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1839. 1579 Partington (Charles F.). An historical and descriptive Account of the Steam-Engine, with an Appendix. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1822. 1580 Partington (Charles F.). Worcester's Century of Inventions. See No. 1617. 1581 Poncelet. Memoire sur les Roues Hydrauliques & aubes courbes, mues par-dessous, suivi d'experiences sur les effets Mecaniques de ces Roues, nouvelle edition, revue, corrigee et augmentee d'un second memoir sur des experiences en grand relatives a la nouvelle Roue, contenant une instruction pratique sur la maniere de proceder a son etablissement. 1 vol. 4to. (2 copies.) Metz, 1827. 1582 Poncelet. Mecanique industrielle. See Poncelet, Nos. 2799, 2800. 1583 Poncelet. Cours de Mecanique appliquee au Machines. (Lithog.) 1 vol. fol. No date. MACHINERY, INSTRUMENTS, APPLIED MECHANICS, ETC. 9 1584 Poncelet. Lemons preparatoires au lever d'Usines. (Lithog.) 1 vol. 4to. - 1844, 1585 Practical Mechanic and Engineer's Magazine. 4 vols. 4to. Glasgow, 1842-45. 1586 Practical, &c. The same. Second series. 2 vols. 4to. Glasgow, 1846-47 1587 Ramsden. Description d'une Machine pour diviser les Instruments de Mathematiques, traduite de l'Anglais, augmentee de la description d'une Machine a diviser les Lignes droites, &c., par M. de Lalande. (Bound with Major-General William Roy's work, No. 2690.) 4to. Paris, 1790, 1588 Rennie (Georg). Buchanan's Essays on Millworks, &c. See No. 1502. 1589 Renwick (James). Treatise on the Steam-Engine. 2d edition, revised and enlarged. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1839. 1590 Renwick (James). Applications of the Science of Mechanics to Practical Purposes. I vol. 12mo. New-York, 1840. 1591 Reports to the English Parliament, from Select Committee on Artizans and Machinery. 1 vol. fol. 1831. 1592 Ross (John). A Treatise on Navigation by Steam; comprising a history of the Steam-Engine, and an essay towards a system of the Naval Tactics peculiar to Steam Navigation, as applicable both to commerce and maritime warfare. Illustrated with plates. 2d edition. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1837. 1593 Russell (John Scott). A Treatise on the Steam-Engine: from the seventh edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. 1 vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1841. 194 Schenk. Theatrum Machinarum. See No. 1612. 1595 Scott (David). The Engineer and Machinist's Assistant: being a series of plans, sections, and elevations of steam-engines, spinning-machines, mills for grinding, tools, &c. Taken from machines of approved construction at present in operation, with descriptions, and instructions for drawing machinery, &c. 2 vols. fol. London, 1847. 1596 Simms (Frederick W.). A Treatise on the principal Mathematical Instruments employed in Surveying, Levelling, and Astronomy; explaining their construction, adjustments, and use: with an Appendix and Tables. 3d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1837. 1597 Smeaton (John). Experimental Enquiry concerning the natural powers of Wind and Water to turn Mills and other Machines, &c. &c.: also, new fundamental Experiments upon the Collision of Bodies. With five plates of machines. 3d edition. I vol. 8vo. London, 1813. 1598 Stephenson (R.). On Locomotive and Fixed Engines. See No. 1614. 1599 Student's Descriptive History of the Steam-Engine. A new edition, with a Supplement, continuing the subject to the year 1829. I vol. 8vo. London, 1829. 1600 Stuart's Guide to the Locomotive Engine: being a description of the different modes of constructing Locomotives, details of their component parts, and the nature of their employment. With Observations on the Management of Locomotives. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1849. 1601 Taffe (A.). Application de la Mecanique aux Machines le plus en usage, mues par l'eau, la vapeur, le vent et les animaux, et a diverses constructions. 2"m edition, revue, corrigee et augmentee. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1839. 1602 Tate (Thomas). Elements of Mechanism: containing a familiar explanation of the construction of various kinds of Machinery, &c. 2d edition. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1851. 94 MACHINERY, INSTRUMENTS, APPLIED MECHANICS, ETC. 1603 Tredgold. The Principles and Practice and Explanation of the Machinery of Locomotive Engines. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1850. 1604 Tredgold (Thomas). The Steam-Engine: comprising an account of its invention and progressive improvement, with an investigation of its principles, and the proportions of its parts for efficiency and strength: detailing also its application to Navigation, Mining, impelling Machines, &c. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1827. 1605 Tredgold (Thomas). The Steam-Engine: its invention, and an investigation of its principles, for Navigation, Manufactures and Railways. Enlarged and edited by W. S. B. Woolhouse. Parts I. and II. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1838. 1606 Tredgold (Thomas). Appendix (A.) and (B.) to Tredgold's new edition of the work on the Steam-Engine and on Steam Navigation. (Text 4to. plates fol.) I vol. 4to. & Atlas. London, 1840-41. 1607 Tredgold (Thomas). Appendix (C.) to Tredgold's new edition of the work on the Steam-Engine and on Steam Navigation. (Text 4to. plates fol.) 1 vol. 4to. & Atlas. London, 1842. 1608 Tredgold (Thomas). Appendix (E.) and (F.) to the new edition of Tredgold on the Steam-Engine and on Steam Navigation. (Text 4to. plates fol.) 1 vol. 4to. & Atlas. London, 1842. 1609 Tredgold (Thomas). Tracts on Hydraulics; with Notes by the Editor. Illustrated by seven plates. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1826. 1610 Tredgold (Thomas). Elementary Principles of Carpentry: a treatise on the pressure and equilibrium of beams and timber frames; the resistance of timber; and the construction of floors, roofs, centres, bridges, &c. I vol. 4to. London, 1820. 1611 Tredgold (Thomas). Elementary Principles of Carpentry. Appendix to the second edition. With interesting additions by Sydney Smirke, John Shard, Jos. Glynn, &c. I vol. 4to. London, 1840. 1612 Vander Horst & Schenk. Theatrum Machinarum Universale of grote Waterwerken, &c. 1 vol. fol. Amsterdam, 1734. 1613 Venturoli (Giuseppe). Practical Mechanics. See Veturoli, No. 2811. 1614 Walker (James). Report to the Directors of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway on the comparative merits of Locomotive and Fixed Engines as a moving power. Observations on the comparative merits of Locomotive and Fixed Engines as applied to Railways, by R. Stephenson and J. Locke. An Account of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, by H. Booth. I vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1831. 1615 Warr (G. Finden). Dynamics, Construction of Machinery, Equilibrium of Structures, and Strength of Materials. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1851. 1616 Weisbach (Julius). Principles of Machinery. See Weisbach, No. 2815. 1617 Woolhouse (W. S. B.). Tredgold on the Steam-Engine. See No. 1605. 1618 Worcester. The Century of Inventions of the Marquis of Worcester, from the original MS.; with historical and explanatory Notes and a Biographical Memoir, by Charles F. Partington. I vol. 12mo. London, 1825. 1619 Young (Thomas). Carpentry. See No. 1382. HYDRAULIC CONSTRUCTIONS, CANALS, BRIDGES, ETC. 95 HYDRAULIC CONSTRUCTIONS, CANALS, BRIDGES, &c. 1620 Andreossy (Fs.). Histoire du Canal du Midi. With plates. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1800. 1621 Andreossy (Le General). Histoire du Canal du Midi ou Canal de Languedoc. Nouvelle edition. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1804. 1622 Annales des Ponts et Chausees. See No. 1751. 1623 Barlow (W. H.). Description to Iiagrams for facilitating the construction of Oblique Bridges. I 4to. pamphlet. No date. 1624 Barres du Molard (Le Vte de). Nouveau Systeme de Ponts a grandes portees, ou moyen economique de construire des Arches de toutes grandeurs. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1827. 1625 Beardmore (Nathaniel). Hydraulic Tables, to aid the calculation of water and mill power, water supply, and drainage of towns, and improvement of navigable rivers; &c. &c. I vol. 8vo. London, 1852. 1626 Beaudemoulin (L. A.). Recherches theoriques et pratiques sur la Fondation par immersion des ouvrages Hydrauliques et particulierement des ecluses. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1829. 1627 Belanger (J.-B.). Essai sur la solution numerique de quelques problemes relatifs au mouvement permanent des eaux courantes. 1 4to. pamphlet. Paris, 1828. 1628 Belidor. Architecture Hydraulique, ou l'art de conduire, d'elever, et de menager les eaux pour les differens besoins de la vie. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1737-50. 1629 Belidor. Architecture Hydraulique, &c. &c. 4 vols. 4to. & Atlas. Paris, 1782-90. 1630 Belidor. Architecture Hydraulique, &c. &c. Nouvelle edition, avec notes et additions par Navier 1er. 4to. Paris, 1819. 1631 Bernard. Nouveaux Principes d'lydraulique appliqu6s a tous les objets d'utilite et particulierement aux Rivieres. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1787. 1632 Boistard (Louis-Charles). Experiences sur la main d'oeuvre de diff6rens travaux dependans du service des ingenieurs des Ponts et Chaussees. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1804. 1633 Bossut et Viallet. Recherches sur la construction la plus avantageuse des Digues. (Bound with Maj. Gen. William Roy's work, No. 2690.) 4to. Paris, 1764. 1634 Bremontier (N. Th.). Recherches sur le mouvement des ondes. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1809. 1635 Bridges of different Countries. 12 plates. In fol. No date. 96 HYDRAULIC CONSTRUCTIONS, CANALS, BRIDGES, ETC. 1636 Brisson (B.). Essai sur le systerne general de Navigation interieure de la France, suivi d'un essai sur l'art de projeter les Canaux a point de partage, par MM. Dupuis de Torcy et B. Brisson. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1829. 1637 Brooks (W. Alex.). Treatise on the Improvement of the Navigation of Rivers; with a new theory on the cause of the existence of Bars. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1841. 1638 Cachin (J.-M.-F.). Memoire sur la Digue de Cherbourg, comparee au Breakwater ou jettee de Plymouth. 1 vol. 4to. (2 copies.) Paris, 1820. 1639 Caledonian Canal. 2 vols. fol. No date. 1640 Canal Imperial d'Arragon. er 4to. - 1796. 1641 Canal Maritime de Paris a Rouen, publie par la Compagnie soumissionaire, et redig'par Stephane Flachat, directeur des 8tudes. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1829, 1642 Canaux. Cartes des Canaux d'Orleans, de Briare et de Loing. 1 vol. fol. No date. 1643 Carte du Canal royal de la Province Languedoc. 1 vol. fol. Paris, 1774, 1644 Cary (John). Inland Navigations; or, select Plans of the several navigable Canals throughout Great Britain. 1 vol. 4to. (2 copies.) London, 1795. 1645 Colden (C. D.). Erie Canal Celebration. See Colden, No. 5744. 1646 Cordier (J.). Histoire de la Navigation interieure, et particulierement de celle d'Angleterre, jusqu'en 1803, et de celle des Etats-Unis de l'Amerique; traduit de l'ouvrage de Phillips et de celui de M. Gallatin, par M. J. Cordier. 2 vols. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1819-20. 1647 Cordier (J.). Essai sur la construction des Routes, des Ponts Suspendus, des Barrages, des Canaux, et la Legislation des Travaux Publics. 2 vols. 8vo. Lille & Paris, 1823-28. 1648 Cresy (Fdward). Practical Treatise on Bridge-Building and on the Equilibrium of Vaults and Arches; with the professional Life and selections from the Works of Rennie. 1 vol. fol. London, 1839. 1649 De Cessart (Louis Alex.). Description des travaux Hydrauliques. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1806-8. 1650 Delaistre (J. R.). La Science de l'Ingenieur, divis6e en trois parties; ou l'on traite des Chemins, des Ponts, des Canaux, et des Aqueducs. 3 vols. 4to. with Plates. Lyon, 1825. 1651 Delaistre (J. R.). Encyclopedie de l'Ingenieur, ou Dictionnaire des Ponts et Chaussees. 4 vols. 8vo. with Plates. (2 copies; no plates to one.) Paris, 1812. 1652 Dempsey (G. Drysdale). Rudimentary Treatise. Tubular and other Iron Girder Bridges, particularly describing the Britannia and Conway Tubular Bridges; with a sketch of Iron Bridges. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1850. 1653 Dessechements et Travaux Maritimes, A (Lithog.). 1 vol. fol. No date, 1654 Dobson (E.). Rudimentary Treatise on Foundations and Concrete Works; containing a synopsis of the principal cases of Foundation Works, with the usual modes of treatment, &c. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1850, 1655 Douglas (Howard). On Military Bridges. See Douglas, No. 41. 1656 Douglas (Howard). Ponts Militaires. See Douglas, No. 42. 1657 Duggan (George). Specimens of the Stone, Iron, and Wood Bridges, Viaducts, Tunnels, Culverts, &c. of the United States Railroads; illustrated by a series of drawings fiom actual measurement of the works, &c. In Nos. fol. New-York, 1850. 1658 Dupin (Charles). Memoires sur la Marine et les Pontes et Chaussees de France et d'Angleterre. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1818. HYDRAULIC CONSTRUCTIONS, CANALS, BRIDGES, ETC. 97 1659 Dupin (Baron). Commercial Power of Great Britain; exhibiting a complete view of the Public Works of this country, under the several heads of Streets, Roads, Canals, Aqueducts, Bridges, Coasts, and Maritime Ports. Translated from the French. 2 vols. 8vo. & Atlas 4to. London, 1825. 1660 Dupuis de Torcy. Navigation de la France. See No. 1636. 1661 Dutens (J.). Memoires sur les Travaux Publics de l'Angleterre. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1819. 1662 Dwyer (John). Principles and Practice of Hydraulic Engineering, applied to the conveyance of water, thorough-drainage, and mill power: also, Tables of Earthwork. 1 vol. 8vo. Dublin, 1847. 1663 Emy (A. R.). Du mouvement des ondes et des Travaux Hydrauliques Maritimes. 1 vol. 4to. (3 copies.) Paris, 1831. 1664 Exchaquet (H.). Dictionnaire des Ponts et Chaussees. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Lausanne, 1789. 1665 Fabre (Le Citoyen). Essai sur la Theorie des Torrens et des Rivieres. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1797. 1666 Fairbairn (William). An Account of the Construction of the Britannia and Conway Tubular Bridges, with a complete history of their progress. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1849. 166:Per de la Nouerre (N. de). De la Possibilite de faciliter l'etablissement general de la Navigation int6rieure du Royaume, de supprimer les Correes, et l'introduire dans les Travaux Publics l'economie que l'on desire. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1785. 1668 Flachat (Stephane). Histoire des Travaux et de l'Am6nagement des eaux du Canal Caledonien. 1 vol. 4to. & Atlas obl. Paris, 1828. 1669 Frisi (Paul). A Treatise on Rivers and Torrents, with the method of regulating their course and channels; to which is added an Essay on Navigable Canals, by the same. Translated by John Garstin. 1 vol. 4to. (2 copies.) London, 1818. 1670 Fulton (R.). A Treatise on the Improvement of Canal Navigation; exhibiting the numerous advantages to be derived from small Canals, and Boats of two to five feet wide, containing from two to five tons' burthen, &c. &c. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1796. 1671 Gallatin. Navigation interieure. See No. 1646. 1672 Gauthey (E. M.). Projet de derivation jusqu't Paris, des Rivieres d'Ourcq, Therouenne et Beuvronne d'une part, et des Rivieres d'Essone, Juine, Orge, Trette et Bievre de l'autre. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1803. 1673 Gauthey. Traite de la construction des Ponts, tome troisieme. Memoires sur les Canaux de Navigation, publi6s par M. Navier. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1809-16. 1674 Genieys. Essai sur les moyens de conduire, d'elever et de distribuer les eaux. I vol. 4to. & Atlas 4to. Paris, 1829. 1675 Girard (P. S.). Essai sur les mouvement des eaux courantes, et la figure qu'il convient de donner aux canaux qui les contiennent. 1 vol. 4to.. Paris, 1804. 1676 Girard (P. S.). Description generale des diff6rens ouvrages a executer pour la distribution des eaux du Canal de l'Ourcq dans 1' interieur de Paris, et devis detaille de ces ouvrages. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1812. 1677 Girard (P. S.). Devis general du Canal de l'Ourcq, depuis la premiere prise d'eau a Mareuil, jusqu'a la barriere de Pantin. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1806. 7 98 HYDRAILIC CONSTRUCTIONS, CANALS, BRIDGES, ETC. 1678 Girard (P. S.). Devis general du Canal Saint-Martin. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1820. 1679 Girault (J. P.). Memoire sur un nouveau moyen d'emplir et de vider les Ecluses, suivi de notes sur l'ecoulement de fluides. Considerations sur le developpement et la largeur a donner aux courbes des Canaux. 1 vol. 4to. (2 copies.) Paris, 1825. 1680 Hageau (A.). Description du Canal de jonction de la Meuse au Rhin. 1 vol. 4to. & Atlas. (2 copies.) Paris, 1819. 1681 Haillot (C. A.). Sur le passage des Rivieres et la construction des Ponts Militaires. See Haillot, No. 83. 1682 Haines. Public Documents relating to the New-York Canals which are to connect the Western and Northern Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean; with an Introduction. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1821. 1683 Hann (J.). & Hosking (W.). The Theory, Practice, and Architecture of Bridges. (Parts 8, 9, 10, 1, and 12 are wanting to complete the 2d vol.) 1st 8vo. & Plates. London, 1839, &c 1684 Haupt (Hermann). General Theory of Bridge Construction; containing demonstrations of the principles of the art, and their application to practice. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1851. 1685 Hogrewe (J. L.). Beschreibung der in England seit 1759 angelegten, und jetzt grostentheils vollendeten Kanale, zur innern gemeinschaft der vornehmsten handels stadte, nebst einem versuch einer geschichte der inlandischen Schiffahrt. 1 vol. 4to. Hanover, 1780. 1686 Hosking (William). Architecture of Bridges. See No. 1683. 1687 Huerne de Pommeuse. Des Canaux navigables consid6res d'une maniire generale, avec des recherches comparatives sur la navigation int6rieure de la France et celle de l'Angleterre. 1 vol. 4to. & Atlas 4to. Paris, 1822. 1688 Hutton (Charles). Theory of Bridges. See Hutton, No. 2218. 1689 Lalande. Des Canaux de Navigation, et specialeinent du Canal de Languedoc. 1 vol. fol. Paris, 1778. 1690 Lecreulx (Le Citoyen). Memoire sur les avantages de la Navigation des Canaux et Rivieres qui traversent les Departemens de la Meurthe, des Vosges, de la Meuse, et de la Moselle. 1 vol. 4to. Nancy, 1795. 1691 Le-Mloyne (N.-R.-D.). Moyens faciles de parvenir a fixer les conditions de 1'etablissement des Ponts Suspendus, avec un Planche gravee. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1825. 1692 Le Sage (P. C.). Recueil de divers Memoires extraits de la Bibliotheque imperiale des Ponts et Chaussees. 2me edition, augmentee de cinq nouveaux memoires inedits, et de neuf Planches. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1810. 1693 ]Xinard (Ch. Jos.). Notice sur 1'etanchement des filtrations du Canal du Centre. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, no date. 1694 Minard (M.). Cours de construction des ouvrages Hydrauliques des Ports de mer professe a l'ecole des Ponts et Chaussees. 1 vol. 4to. & Atlas. Paris, 1846. 1695 Mlolard. See Barres du Molard, No. 1624. 1696 Navigation. A. & B. (Lithographic.) 2 vols. fol. No date. 169-7 Navier (M.). Rapport a M. Becquey, et memoire sur les Ponts Suspendus. 1 vol. 4to. & fol. Atlas. Paris, 1823. 1698 Navier. Memoires sur les Canaux. See No. 1673. HYDRAULIC CONSTRUCTIONS, CANALS, BRIDGES, ETC. 99 1699 Perronet. (Euvres de. Description des projets et de la construction des Ponts de Neuilli, de Mantes, d'Orleans, de Louis XVI., &c., on y a ajout6 le projet du Canal de Bourgogne, pour la communication des deux mers par Dijon; &c., &c. Nouvelle edition. I vol. 4to. & fol. Atlas. Paris, 1788. 1700 Perronet. Supplement a ses oeuvres. I vol. fol. Paris, 1789. 1701 Perronet. Memoire sur le cintrement et le decintrement des Ponts, et sur les differens mouvemens que prennent les voftes pendant leur construction. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1773. 1702 Phillips (J.). A General History of Inland Navigation, foreign and domestic; containing a complete account of the Canals already executed in England, with considerations on those projected: to which are added, practical observations. A new edition, corrected, with two addenda, which complete the history to 1795. I vol. 4to. (2 copies.) London, 1795. 1703 Phillips (J.). A Treatise on Inland Navigation; illustrated with a wholesheet Plan, delineating the course of an intended Navigable Canal fiom London to Norwich and Lynn, &c. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1785. 1704 Phillips (J.). Navigation interieure. See No. 1646. 1705 Pillet-Will (Le Comte). De la depense et du produit des Canaux et des chemins de fer. 1 vol. 4to. & Atlas 4to. Paris, 1837. 1706 Pitrou. Recueil de differents projets d'Architecture, de Charpente et autres concernant la construction des Ponts. 1 vol. fol. Paris, 1756. 1707 Pont en pierre a construire sur la Seine, a Rouen. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1815. 1708 Pont. Description du Pont en fer coule, construit a Paris, sur la Seine, en face du Jardin du Roi. I vol. 4to. Paris, no date. 1709 Pont de l'Ecole Militaire, construit sur la Seine, a Paris, en face du Champde-Mars, d'apres les projets et sous la direction de M. Lamande. 1 vol. 4to. Rouen, 1814. 1710 Ponts en Fer et Ponts Mobiles, A. (Lithographic.) 1 vol. fol. No date. 1711 Ponts Mobile et Ponts Levis, B. (Lithographic.) 1 vol. fol. No date. 1712 Poussin (Gme Tell). Travaux d'Ameliorations interieures, projetes ou execut6s par le Gouvernement general des Etats-Unis d'Amerique, de 1824 a 1831. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1834. 1713 Prony (M. de). Nouvelle Architecture Hydraulique. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1790-96. 1714 Prony (M. de). Description lEydrographique et Iistorique des Marais Pontins. 1 vol. 4to. & fol. Atlas. Paris, 1822. 1715 Prony (R.). Memoire sur le jaugeage des Eaux Courantes. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1802. 1716 Prony (R.). Recherches Physico-Mathematiques sur la Th6orie des Eaux Courantes. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1804. 1717 Public Works in the United States of America. Reports, Specifications, and Estimates of, explanatory of the Atlas folio of detailed Engravings. 1 vol. 8vo. & Atlas fol. London, 1841. 1718 Recueil de 484 dessins ou feuilles de Textes relatifs a l'art de l'ingenieur Extraits de la premiere et de la seconde Collection, terminee en 1820 et 1825. Contenant I. Routes et Ponts. 2 vols. fol. 1820-25. II. Navigation. 2 vols. fol. 1820-25. III. Travaux Maritimes. 2 vols. fol. 1820-25. IV. Machines. 2 vols. fol. 1820-25. 100 HYDRAULIC CONSTRUCTIONS, CAWALS, BRIDGES, ETC, 1719 Rennie (John). Report and Estimate of the Grand Southern Canal proposed to be made between Tunbridge and Portsmouth; by means of which and the River Medway, an Inland Navigation will be opened between the River Thames and Portsmouth. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1810, 1720 Report from the Committee on the State of London Bridge. I vol. fol. London, 1821. 1721 Report fiom the Committee appointed to inquire into the best mode of providing sufficient accommodation for the increased trade and shipping of the port of London, &c. With Plates. 2 vols. fol. London, 1796. 1722 Report. Second Report from the Select Committee upon the Improvement of the Port of London. With Plates. 2 vols. fol. London, 1799. 1723 Report from the Committee appointed to examine into Mr. Telford's Report and Survey relative to the communication between England and Ireland: by the north-west of Scotland. With Plates. 2 vols. fol. - 1809, 1724 Report of the Commissioners of the State of Massachusetts on the Routes of Canals from Boston Harbour to Connecticut and Hudson Rivers. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1826.. 1725 Report (1st Annual) of the Society for the Promotion of Internal Improvement in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. I 8vo. pamphlet. Philadelphia, 1826. 1726 Report (7th General) of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company. 1 8vo. pamphlet. - 1826. 1727 Reports (o1th, 11th, 12th Annual) of the Board of Public Works of Virginia. 3 vols. 8vo. Richmond, 1826-28. 1728 Riedl (Adren de). Atlas des Fleures et Rivieres de la Baviere; le Danube, l'Inn, l'ser, le Lech, le Loisach, 1'Ammer, accompagne d'une Carte Hydrographique en 4 feuilles avec les profils. 1 vol. 4to. & fol. Atlas. Munic, 1806. 1729 Ryde (Edward). Hydraulic Tables, giving at sight the discharge and velocity of water and sewerage flowing through pipes. 1 vol. Svo. London, 1851, 1730 Seaward (John). Observations on the Rebuilding of London Bridge. I vol 8vo. London, 1824, 1731 Semple (George). Treatise on building in Water: in two Parts. 2d edition. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1780. 1732 Stevenson (David). Remarks on the Improvement of Tidal Rivers; illustrated by reference to works executed on the Tay, Ribble, Forth, Lune, and other rivers. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1849. 1733 Sutcliffe (John). A Treatise on Canals and Reservoirs, and the best mode of designing and executing them; with Observations on the Rochdale, Leeds and Liverpool, and Huddersfield Canals, &c. &c. 1 vol. 8vo. Rochdale, 1816. 1734 Switzer (Stephen). An Universal System of Water and Waterworkss philosophical and practical. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1734. 1735 Tardif. Nouvelle methode d'encaissement pour fonder dans les rivieres, dans les marais, dans la mer, &c. 1 vol. fol. Paris, 1757. 1736 Tatham (W.). Political Economy of Inland Navigation, Irrigation, and Drainage; with Thoughts on the Multiplication of Commercial Resources. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1799. 1737 Telford (Thomas). Life of, written by himself; containing a descriptive narrative of his professional labors: edited by John Rickman. I vol. 4to. & fol. Atlas. London, 1838, HYDRAULIC CONSTRUCTIONS, CANALS, BRIDGES, ETC. 101 1738 Town (Ithiel). Improvement of Bridges for Roads, Railroads, and Aqueducts. 1 4to pamphlet. New-York, 1839. 1739 Traite sur les inondations, les ensablemens, et autres desastres par les eaux courantes. 1 vol. Svo. Paris, 1825. 1740 Travaux: Maritimes du Departement de la Seine inf6rieure. 1 vol. fol. obl. No date. 1741 Travaux des Ports Maritimes et Architecture, B. (Lithographic.) 1 vol. fol. No date. 1742 Turnbull (William). Potomac Aqueduct. Hydrographic Survey of the Potomac River near Georgetown; showing the position of the Aqueduct, its connections with the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal on the north bank with the Alexandria Canal on the south bank of the river. 27 sheets. -- 1832. 1743 United States. A Connected View of the whole Internal Navigation of the United States, natural and artificial, present and prospective. With Maps. I vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1826. 1744 United States. A Connected View of the whole Internal Navigation of the United States, natural and artificial, present and prospective: corrected and improved from the edition of 1826, and much enlarged from authentic materials, down to the present time. With a sheet Map, &c. By a citizen of the United States. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1830. 1745 Viallet. Construction des Digues. See No. 1633. 1746 Ware (Samuel). Tracts on Vaults and Bridges; containing observations on the various forms of Vaults; on the taking down and rebuilding of London Bridge; and on the principles of Arches: illustrated by extensive Tables of Bridges. Also containing the principles of Pendent Bridges, with reference to the properties of the Catenary, applied to the Menai Bridge, and a theoretical investigation of the Catenary. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1822. 1747 Watson (El.). Erie Canal, N. Y. See Watson, No. 2093. 1748 Wiebeking (Ch. F.). Memoires concernant les ameliorations des ports de Venise, la conservation des Isles, nommees Lidi, l'amelioration du cours de la Brenta, du Bacchiglione et des Canaux de dessechement et de Navigation entre Venise, Padoue, V6rone et l'Adrige, &c. &c. I vol. 4to. Munic, 1810. 1749 Wiebeking (Ch. F.). Traite dlune partie de la science de construire les Ponts. 4 vols. 4to. & fol. Atlas. Munic, 1810. 17 50 Wiebeking (Ch. F.). Theoretisch praktisch wasserbaukunst. 4 vols. 4to. & fol. Atlas. Munic, 1811-17. 102 CIVIL ENGINEERING. CIVIL ENGINEERING. 1751 Annales des Ponts et Chaussees. M6moires et Documens relatifs a Fart des constructions et au service de l'ingenieur; Lois, Ordonnances et autres Actes. 20 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1831-40. 1752 Annales des Ponts et Chaussees. Second series. 17 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1841-49. 1753 Annuaire du corps royal des Ponts et Chaussees et du corps royal des Mines, pour l'an 1827. 1 vol. 12mo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1827. 1754 Anselin (N. J. B.). Experiences sur la main d'oeuvre de diff6rens travaux dependans du service des Ing6nieurs des Ponts et Chaussees et des Ingenieurs des batimens civils. 1 vol. 4to. Boulogne, 1810. 1755 Appleton's Mechanics' Magazine and Engineers' Journal. See Appleton's, No. 1474. 1756 Atwood (G.). A Dissertation on the Construction and Properties of Arches. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1801. 1757 Aubry. Memoires sur diff6rentes questions de la science des Constructions Publiques et Economiques qui out successivement remporte les prix des Academies, &c. 1 vol. 4to. Lyon, 1790. 1758 Baker (T.). Rudimentary Treatise on Land and Engineering Surveying, with all the Modern Improvements. (Double part.) 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1850. 1759 Berard (J. B.). - Statique des Voites. See Berard, No. 2741. 1760 Boistard (L. C.). Recueil d'experiences et d'observations faites sur diff6rens travaux executes pour la construction du pont de Nemours, pour celle de l'arsenal et du port militaire d'Anvers, et pour la reconstruction du port de Flessingue. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1822. 1761 Borden (Simeon). A System of useful Formulae, adapted to the practical operations of locating and constructing Railroads. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1851. 1762 Brees (S. C.). Railway Practice: a collection of Working Plans and Practical Details of Construction in the public works of the most celebrated engineers. 2d edition. 2 vols. 4to with plates. London, 1828. 1763 Brees (S. C.). Railway Practice: a collection of Working Plans and Practical Details of Construction in the public works of the most celebrated engineers. Second Series. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1840. 1764 Brees (S. C.). A Glossary of Civil Engineering, comprising its Theory and Modern Practice. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1841. 1765 Bruff (Peter). A Treatise on Engineering Field-work; containing practical land-surveying for railways, &c., with the theory, principles, and practice of levelling, and their application to the purposes of civil engineering, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1838. CIVIL ENGINEERING. 1 (8 1766 Bruff (Peter). A Treatise on Engineering Field-work; comprising the practice of surveying, levelling, laying out works, and the other field operations connected with Engineering. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1840. 1767 Bruyere (L.). Etudes relatives a l'art des constructions. Ces etudes forment douze recueils qui traitent chacun de constructions diff6rentes. 2 vols. fol. Paris, 1823-28. 1768 Buck (G. W.). A Practical and Theoretical Essay on Oblique Bridges. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1839. 1769 Burgoyne (Maj.-Gen. Sir John). Rudimentary Treatise on the Blasting and Quarrying of Stone. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1849 1770 Chemin de fer. Memoire sur le Chemin de Fer de St. Etienne, a Lyon, par Saint-Chamond, Rive-de-gier et Givors. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1826. 1771 Civil Engineers. Transactions of the Institution of Civil Engineers. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1836-41. 1772 Civil Engineers. Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers; containing abstracts of papers and conversations for the session of 1837. 1 8vo. pamphlet. London, 1837. 1773 Civil Engineers. Institution of Civil Engineers. Minutes of Proceedings, Session 1838. I 8vo. pamphlet. London, 1838. 1774 Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal. See No. 1815. 1775 Coste (L.). et Perdonnet (A.). Memoire sur les Chemins a ornieres. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1830. 1776 Cresy (Edward). Encyclopedia of Civil Engineering, historical, theoretical, and practical. I vol. roy. 8vo. London, 1847. 1777 Daru (Le Comte). Rapport fait a la commission sur le trace du Chemin de Fer de Paris a Chalons-sur-Saone. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1843. 1778 Davy (Christopher). The Architect, Engineer, and Operative Builder's Constructive Manual; or, a practical and scientific Treatise on the Construction of Artificial Foundations for Buildings, Railways, &c. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1839. 1779 Day (Jas.). Practical Treatise on the Construction and Formation of Railways, showing the practical application and expense of excavating, haulage, embanking, and permanent waylaying, &c. &c. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1849. 1780 Defontaine. Memoire sur le projet d'un Chemin de Fer de Paris a Orleans. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1837. 1781 Defontaine. Memoire sur le projet d'un Chemin de Fer de Paris a Rouen, au Havre et a Dieppe. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1837. 1782 Dempsey (G. Drysdale). Practical Railway Engineer. Examples of the mechanical and engineering operations and structures combined in the making of a railway. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1847. 1783 Dempsey (G. D.). Rudimentary Treatise on the Drainage and Sewerage of Towns and Buildings. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1849. 1784 Dempsey (G. D.). Rudimentary Treatise on the Drainage of Districts and Lands. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1849. 1785 Denuelle (Alex.). Traite particulier de maconnerie sur les evaluations des legers ouvrages. 2'" edition. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1823. 1786 Dobson (Edward). Rudimentary Treatise on Masonry and Stonecutting. 1 vol. 18mo. (Atlas wanting.) London, 1849. 1787 Dobson (Edward). Rudimentary Treatise on Foundations and Concrete Works. See No. 1654. 104 CIVIL ENGINEERING. 1788 Dobson (Edward). Rudiments of the Art of Building. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1849. 1789 Douliot (J. P.). Traite special de Coupe des Pierres. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1825. 1790 Dupin (Charles). Ponts et Chaussees. See Dupin, No. 2453. 1791 Edgeworth (R. L.). An Essay on the Construction of Roads and Carriages. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1817. 1792 Engineer's and Contractor's Pocket-Book, for the years 1852 and 1853. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1852. 1793 Engineering and Mechanical Drawing-Book. See No. 1300. 1794 Epures de Coupe des Pierres. See No. 2455. 1795 Essai sur les Chemins de Fer consideres comme lignes d'operations militaires, suivi d'un projet de systeme militaire de Chemins de Fer pour 1'Allemagne. Traduit de l'Allemand par L.-A. Anger. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1844. 1796 Fleuret. L'art de composer des pierres fractices aussi dures que le caillou, et recherches sur la maniere de batir des anciens. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1807. 1797 Frezier. Theorie et la pratique de la coupe des Pierres et des Bois, pour la construction des Voutes et autres parties des Batimens civils et militaires. 3 vols. 4to. Strasbourg, 1737-39. 1798 Gautier (H.). Traite de la construction des Chemins. Nouvelle edition. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1821. 1799 Geenieys (R.). Recueil de Tables a ]'usages des Ingenieurs. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1835. 1800 Gerstner (M. F. de). Memoire sur les grandes Routes, les Chemins de Fer et des Canaux de Navigation; traduit de l'Allemand et precede d'une introduction, par M. P. S. Girard. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1827. 1801 Gillespie (W. M.). A Manual of the Principles and Practice of RoadMaking; comprising the Location, Construction, and Improvement of Roads,. and Railroads. 3d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1849. 1802 Girard (M. P. S.). Gerstner's Memoire sur les grandes Routes. See No. 1800. 1803 Gordon (Alex.). Treatise upon Elemental Locomotion and Interior Communication, wherein are explained and illustrated the History, Practice, and Prospects of Steam Carriages, &c., &c. 3d edition, containing a Supplement. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1836. 1804 Gray. Observations on a General Iron Railway. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1825. 1805 Gregory (John). Complete Course of Civil Engineering, comprising Plane Trigonometry, Surveying, and Levelling; with their application to the Construction of Common Roads, Railways, Canals, &c., &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, -. 1806 Gwilt (Joseph). Treatise on the Equilibrium of Arches, in which the theory is demonstrated upon familiar mathematical principles, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1811. 1807 Hart (John). A Practical Treatise on the Construction of Oblique Arches. 1 8vo. pamphlet. London, 1836. 1808 Haskoll (W. Davis). Assistant Engineer's Railway Guide. 1st and 2d parts. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1846-48. 1809 Herron (James). A Practical Description of Herron's Patent Trellis Railway Structure, embracing the most approved modifications, &c. 1 vol. 4to. Philadelphia, 1841. CIVIL ENGINEERING. 105 1810 Hosking (W.). Building. See Hosking, No. 1382. 1811 Hughes (Thomas). The Practice of Making and Repairing Roads, of Constructing Footpaths, Fences, and Drains, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1838. 1812 Instruction sur les Routes, sur les Chemins en fer, sur les Canaux et les Rivieres; suivie de notes sur les Transports, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1827. 1813 Jones (William). Popular Sketch of the various proposed Sysems of Atmospheric Railway. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1845. 1814 Journal du Genie Civil des Sciences et des Arts. 10 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1828-30. 1815 Journal. The Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal. 15 vols. 4to. London, 1837, &c. 1816 Journal. American Railroad Journal. I vol. 4to. New-York, 1831, 1817 Kermaingant (F.). Memoire sur le projet d'un Chemin de fer de Lyon a Marseille. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1837. 1818 Lardner (D.). Railway Economy. See Lardner, No. 2071. 1819 La Rue (J. B. de). Traite de Coupe des Pierres. 1 vol. fol. Paris, 1764. 1820 Law (Henry). Rudiments of Civil Engineering. 2d edition. (Double Part.) 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1850-51. 1821 Law (Henry). Rudiments of the Art of Constructing and Repairing Common Roads, to which is prefixed a general survey of the principal Metropolitan Roads, by S. Hughes. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1850. 1822 Le Bealle (A.). Cours Theorique et pratique de dessin Lineaire, Lavis et ornement. 3"m edition, revue et augmentee. Cours elementaire en quatre parties. Cours superieure en quatre parties. 1 vol. 4to. Paris,. 1823 Le Count (Peter). Practical Treatise on Railways, explaining their construction and management, with numerous woodcuts, and ten Plates. 1 vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1839. 1824 Lenoir (B. A.). Calculs faits a l'usage des Industriels en general, et specialement des Mecaniciens, Charpentiers, Pompiers, Serruriers, Chaudronniers, Toiseurs, &c., &c. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1828. 1825 WMahan (D. H.). An Elementary Course of Civil Engineering, for the use of Cadets of the United States Military Academy. New edition, almost entirely rewritten, with numerous additional Plates. 1 vol. 8vo. (4 copies.) New-York, 1846. 1826 Martin (Thomas). The Circle of the Mechanical Arts, containing practical treatises on the various Manual Arts, Trades, Manufactures. Illustrated by numerous engravings. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1813. 1827 Mayniel. Traite experimental, analytique et pratique de la poussde des terres et des Murs de revetement. See Mayniel, No. 137. 1828 M]ichon. Instruction sur la Stabilite des Voutes et des Murs de Revetement (Lithog.). I vol. 4to. -- 1843. 1829 Millington (John). Elements of Civil Engineering; for the use of students. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1839. 1830 Morin (P. E.). Sur l'ouverture et l'entretien des Routes du royaume de France. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1828. 1831 Morin (P. E.), Memoire sur les Moyens de calculer les Terrasses. See Morin, No. 152. 1832 Morisot (J. M. R.). Tableaux detailles des prix de tous les ouvrages de batiment, suivant leurs genres diff6rens et chacune de leurs especes. 7 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1804-14. 106 CILIL ENGINEERING. 1833 Iorisot (J. M. R.). Tableau d6tailles des prix de tous les ouvrages de batiment, divises, suivant les diff6rentes especes des Travaux; et suivis d'un traite particulier pour chaque espece, sur la maniere de toiser ou mesurer les ouvrages. 2" edition, revue, corrigee et augmentee. 7 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1820-24. 1834 Miller (John). On Walls and Constructions. See Muller, No. 158. 1835 Navier (M.) On the Means of Comparing the Respective Advantages of Different Lines of Railway, and on the Use of Locomotive Engines. Translated from the French, by John Macneill. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1836. 1836 Nicholson (Peter). Mechanical Exercises, or the Elements and Practice of Carpentry, Joinery, Bricklaying, Masonry, Slating, Plastering, Painting, Smithing and Turning; containing a full description of the Tools, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1812. 1837 Nicholson (Peter). A Popular and Practical Treatise on Masonry and Stonecutting. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1828. 1838 Parker (Thomas N.). An Essay on the Construction, Hanging and Fastening of Gates; exemplified in six quarto plates. 2d edition, improved and enlarged. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1804. 1839 Pelouze. Art du Briquetier, Chaufournier et Charbonnier. See Pelouze, No. 1920. 1840 Perdonnet (A.). Memoire sur les Chemins. See No. 1775. 1841 Practical Engineering. Papers on Practical Engineering, prepared by Officers of the United States Corps of Engineers. Vol. 1st. Washington, 1841, &c. 1842 Practical Mechanic and Engineer's Magazine. See Nos. 1585, 1586. 1843 Programmes des Cours professes en 1848 et 1849, a l'Ecole des Ponts et Chaussees (Lithog.). 1 vol. 4to. - 1849. 1844 Prony (R.). Instruction-pratique sur une m6thode pour d6terminer les dimensions des Murs de revetement, en se servant de la formule graphique. 1 4to. pamphlet. Paris, 1802. 1845 Prony (R.). Recherches sur la poussee des Terres et sur la forme et les dimensions des Murs de revetement. 1 4to. pamphlet. No date. 1846 Reports (3d, 4th, 5th and 6th) on Roads, from London to Holyhead, &c. 4 fol. Nos. London, 1822. 1847 Reports (2d and 3d) of the Commissioners on Roads and Bridges in Ireland. 2 fol. Nos. London, 1827-28 1848 Report from the Select Committee on the Milford Haven Communication. 1 fol. No. London, 1827. 1849 Reports. Highland Roads and Bridges, 1803-21; including Scottish Harbors, 1806-21; Memoir of Map of Scotland, 1807; Report of Glasgow and Carlisle Road, 1815; and Annual Reports on the Repair of Highland Roads, commencing March, 1815. 2 vols. fol. London, ~. 1850 Reports of the Engineers of the Western Railroad Corporation, made to the Directors in 1836-37. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Springfield, 1838. 1851 Reports of the Engineers of the Albany and West Stockbridge Railroad Company, made to the Directors in 1840-41. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Albany, 1842. 1852 Report of the Commissioners Appointed to Inquire into the Application of Iron to Railway Structures. (1 vol., and 1 vol. of Plans.) 2 vols. fol. London, 1849. 1853 Rondelet (J.). Traite th6orique et pratique de l'Art de batir. 5 vols. 4to. Paris, 1812-14. CIVIL ENGINEERING. 107 1854 Routes et Ponts. A. & B. (Lithog.) 2 vols. fol. No date. 1855 Royal Engineers. Papers on Subjects connected with the Duties of the Corps of Royal Engineers. 10 vols. 4to. London, 1837-49. 1856 Ruskin (John). The Stones of Venice. With Illustrations drawn by the Author. 1st vol. 8vo. London, 1851. 1857 Sganzin (M. J.). Programmes ou resumes des Legons du Cours de Construction. 2' edition. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1809. 1858 Sganzin (M. J.). An Elementary Course of Civil Engineering. Translated from the third French edition, with notes and applications adapted to the United States. 1 vol. 8vo. (3 copies.) Boston, 1827. 1859 Sganzin (M. J.). Programme ou resume des Lemons d'un Cours de Constructions, avec des applications tirees specialement de'art de l'ingenieur des ponts et chaussees, ouvrage de feu Sganzin. 4"m edition, entierement refondu et augmentee, avec les notes et papiers de l'auteur, ceux de M. Lamblardie et divers autres documens par A. Reibell. 3 vols. 4to. & Atlas. Paris, 1839-41. 1860 Simms (F. W.). Public Works of Great Britain, consisting of Railways, Rails, Chairs, Blocks, Cutting Embankments, Tunnels, Oblique Arches, Viaducts, Bridges, and other Engineering. 1 vol. fol. London, 1838. 1861 Simms (F. W.). Practical Tunnelling; explaining in detail the Setting Out of the Works; Shaft Sinking, and Heading Driving; Ranging the Lines, and Levelling under Ground; Sub-Excavating, Timbering, and the Construction of the Brickwork of Tunnels, &c., &c. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1844. 1862 Simms (F. W.). Treatise on the Principles and Practice of Levelling, showing its application to purposes of Railway Engineering, and the Construction of Roads, &c., &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1846. 1863 Simonin. Traite elementaire de la coupe des Pierres ou art du Trait. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1792. 1864 Smeaton (John). Narrative of the Building, and a description of the Construction of the Eddystone Lighthouse with Stone; to which is subjoined an Appendix, giving some account of the Lighthouse on the Spurn Point, built upon a Sand. 2d edition. 1 vol. fol. London, 1813. 1865 Smeaton (John). Reports, made on various occasions in the course of his employment of an Engineer. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1797-1812 1866 Smeaton (John). The Miscellaneous Papers, comprising his Communications to the Royal Society; forming a fourth volume to his Reports. I vol. 4to. London, 1814. 1867 Stephenson (R. M.). Railways; an Introductory Sketch, with Suggestions, in reference to their extension to British Colonies. Part I. I vol. 18mo. London, 1850. 1868 Stevenson (Allan). Account of the Skerryvore Lighthouse, with Notes on the Illumination of Lighthouses. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1848. 1869 Stevenson (Allan). Rudimentary Treatise on the History, Construction, and Illumination of Lighthouses. (Treble Part.) 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1850. 1870 Stevenson (David). Sketch of the Civil Engineering of North America; comprising Remarks on the Harbors, River and Lake Navigation, Lighthouses, Steam-Navigation, Water-Works, Canals, Roads, Railways, Bridges, and other works in that country. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1838. 1871 Strickland (William). Reports on Canals, Railways, Roads, &c., &c., made to the Pennsylvania Society for the Promotion of Internal Improvement. 1 vol. fol. obl. (3 copies.) Philadelphia, 1826. 108 CIVIL ENGINEERING. 1872 Stuart (Charles B.). The Naval Dry Docks of the United States. Illustrated with 24 fine Engravings on Steel. 1 vol. 4to. New-York, 1852. 1873 Tanner (H. S.). A Description of the Canals and Railroads of the United States, comprehending notices of all the works of internal improvement throughout the several States. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1840. 1874 Taylor (J.). General Rules for Repairing Roads. 1 8vo. pamphlet. London, 1827. 1875 Telford. Reports on the Holyhead Road. 2 fol. Nos. London, 1820-21. 1876 Toussaint (C. J.). Memento des Architectes et Ingenieurs, des Entrepreneurs, Toiseurs, Verificateurs et des Personnes qui font batir. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824-33. 1877 Toussaint. Manuel d'Architecture ou trait6 de l'art de batir. Seconde edition, revue, corrigee et augmentee. 2 vols. 18mo. Paris, 1832. 1878 Tredgold (Thomas). Masonry and Joinery. See No. 1382. 1879 Valle (L. L.). Traite de la Coupe des Pierres. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1828. 1880 Vallee (L. L.). Expose g6neral des etudes faites pour le trace des chemins de fer de Paris, en Belgique et en Angleterre et d'Angleterre en Belgique. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1837. 1881 Vene (A.). Memoire sur la Loi quo suivent les pressions, et sur l'application de cette Loi a la pratique des constructions. 1 4to. pamphlet. Paris, 1836. 1882 Weale (John). Quarterly Papers on Engineering. 6 vols. 4to. London, 1844-49. 1833 Weisbach (Julius). Principles of Engineering. SeeWeisbach, No. 2815. 1884 Whishaw (Francis). Railways of Great Britain and Ireland, practically described and illustrated. 2d edition. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1842. 1885 Wood (Nicholas). A Practical Treatise on Railroads, and Interior Communication in General; with original experiments and Tables of the Comparative Value of Canals and Railroads. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1825. 1886 W5ood (Nicholas). A Practical Treatise on Railroads, and Interior Communication in General; containing an account of the performances of the different Locomotive Engines at and subsequent to the Liverpool contest, upwards of two hundred and sixty Experiments, &c. First American from the second English edition. I vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1832. 1887 Wood (Nicholas). A Practical Treatise on Railroads, and Interior Communication in General; containing numerous Experiments on the Powers of the Improved Locomotive Engines, &c., &c. 3d edition, with additions. I vol. 8vo. London, 1838. WORKS ON MATERIALS. 109 WORKS ON MATERIALS. 1888 Bablot. Calcul fait des pieds de fer suivant leur epaisseur et largeur reduits au poids. 4me edition. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 183'7 1889 Barlow (Peter). Essay on the Strength and Stress of Timber, and of Iron and other Materials. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1824, 1890 Biston (Valentin). Manuel theorique et pratique du chaufournier, contenant l'art de Calciner la pierre a chaux et a Platre, &c., &c. 1 vol. 18mo. Paris, 1828. 1891 Bonnot. Detail general des fers, fonte, Serrurerie, ferrure et clouterie, a l'usage des batimens. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1782 1892 Bull (Marcus). Experiments to Determine the Comparative Value of the Principal Varieties of Fuel, and on the ordinary Apparatus used for their Combustion. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1827, 1893 Burnell (George R.). Rudimentary Treatise on Limes, Cements, Mortars, Concretes, Mastics, Plastering, &c. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1850, 1894 Chapman (William). Treatise Containing the Results of Numerous Experiments on the Preservation of Timber from Premature Decay, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1817, 1895 Coudray (du). Nouvelles experiences et observations sur le fer. I vol. 8vo. Upsal, 1775. 1896 Courtois. On Mortars. See No. 1929. 1897 Culmann (Lieut. Col.). Cours sur les Chaux, Mortiers et Mastics (Lithog.). 1 vol. 4to. -, 1843. 1898 Description detaill6e et methodique des six Planches qui accompagnent l'art du Maitre des Forges. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1828. 1899 Dobson (E.). Rudimentary Treatise on the Manufacture of Bricks and Tiles. (Double Part.) 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1850. 1900 Du Coudray. See Coudray, No. 1895. 1901 Duhamel du Monceau. Du Transport de la Conservation et de la force des Bois. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1767. 1902 Duhamel du Monceau. Cartier, Cirier et Chandelier. See No, 1916. 1903 Duleau (A.). Essai th6orique et experimental sur la resistance du fer forge. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1820. 1904 Faraday (Prof.). On the Practical Prevention of Dry Rot in Timber; with Observations, &c. I 8vo. pamphlet. London, 1836. 1905 Fougeroux de Bondaroy. Art de tlavailler les Cuirs dor6s ou Argentes. See No. 1916. 110 WORKS ON MATERIALS. 1906 Girard (P. S.). Traite analytique de la resistance des Solides, et des Solides d'egale resistance auquel on a joint de nouvelles Experiences sur la force des Bois et de Chene et de Sapin. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1798. 1907 Glu Marine. Notice sur la Glu Marine brevetee. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1844. 1908 Grantham (John C. E.). Iron for Shipbuilding. See Grantham, No. 1372. 1909 Gratien Le Pere. Deuxieme recueil de divers Memoires sur les Pouzzolanes naturelles et artificielles. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1807. 1910 Hassenfratz (J. H.). Traite theorique et pratique de l'art de Calciner la Pierre Calcaire et de fabriquer toutes sortes de Mortiers, Cimens Betons, &c. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1825. 1911 Herbin de Halle (P. E.). Des bois propres an Service des Arsenaux de la Marine et de la Guerre. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1813. 1912 Higgins (Bry.). Experiments and Observations, made with the view of Improving the Art of Composing and Applying Calcareous Cements, and of Preparing Quick-Lime. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1780. 1913 Hodgkinson (Eaton). Experimental Researches on the Strength and other Properties of Cast Iron, with the development of new principles, &c., &c.; forming a Second Part to the fourth edition of Tredgold's Practical Essay on the Strength of Cast Iron and other Metals. I vol. 8vo. London, 1846 1914 La Faye (de). Recherches sur la preparation que les Romains donnoient a la Chaux dont ils se servoient pour leurs constructions, et sur la composition et l'emploi de leurs Mortiers. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1777. 1915 La Faye (de). Memoire pour servir de suite aux recherches sur la preparation que les Romains donnaient a la chaux, &c. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1778. 1916 Lalande (M. de). Art de faire le Parchemin.-Art de faire le Papier.Art du Cartonnier.-Art du Chamoiseur.-Art du Cartier, par Duhamel du Monceau.-Art de travailler les Cuirs dor6s ou Argentes, par Fougeroux de Bondaroy.-Art du Cirier, par Duhainel du Monceau.-Art du Chandelier, par Duhamel du Monceau. 1 vol. fol. No date. 1917 Le Camus de lMezieres. Traite de la force des Bois. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1782. 1918 Mushet (David). Papers on Iron and Steel, Practical and Experimental; with copious illustrative Notes. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1840. 1919 Pelouze. L'Art du maitre de Forges, ou Traite theorique et pratique de l'exploitation du fer et de ses applications aux diff6rents agents de la mecanique et des Arts. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1827. 1920 Pelouze. Art du Briquetier, Chaufournier et Charbonnier, comprenant la fabrication du vinaigre de Bois. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1828. 1921 Petot. On Mortars. See No. 1929. 1922 Piron. Notice sur la dessiccation du bois par le moven de la vapeur d'eau. See Vol. IV. No. 388. 1923 Raucourt de Charleville. Traite sur l'art de faire de bons Mortiers et d'en bien diriger l'emploi, ou methode generale pratique pour fabriquer en tous Pavs la Chaux, les Cimens et les Mortiers, les meilleurs et les plus economiques. 2"M edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1828. 1924 Smith (Capt. J. T.). Vicat on Cements; with Notes. See No. 1933. WORKS ON MATERIALS. 11I 1925 Tate (Thomas). On the Strength of Materials; containing various original and useful Formule, specially applied to Tubular Bridges, Wrought Iron and Cast Iron Beams, &c. I vol. 8vo. London, 1850. 1926 Totten (J. G.). On Mortars. See No. 1929. 1927 Tredgold (Thomas). Practical Essay on the Strength of Cast Iron, and other Metals. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1824. 1928 Tredgold. HIodgidnson on the Strength of Cast Iron; forming a Second Part. See No. 1913. 1929 Treussart, Petot & Courtois. Essays on Hydraulic and Common Mortars, and on Lime-Burning. Translated from the French, with brief observations on Common Mortars, Hydraulic Mortars, and Concretes, by J. G. Totten. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1842. 1930 Treussart (Gen6ral). Memoire sur les Mortiers Hydrauliques et sur les Mortiers ordinaires. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1829. 1931 Turnbull (William). Practical Treatise on the Strength and Stiffness of Timber. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1835. 1932 Turnbull (William). Treatise on the Strength, Flexure, and Stiffness of Cast Iron Beams and Columns. I vol. 8vo. London, 1832. 1933 Vicat (L. J.). A Practical and Scientific Treatise on Calcareous Mortars and Cements, artificial and natural. Translated fiom the French by Capt. J. T. Smith. I vol. 8vo. London, 1837. 1934 Vicat (L. J.). Recherches experimentales sur les Chaux de Construction les Betons et les Mortiers ordinaires. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1818. 1935 Vicat (L. J.). ReIsume des connaissances positives actuelles, sur les qualites, le choix et la convenance reciproque des materiaux propres a la fabrication des Mortiers et Ciments Calcaires. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1828. 1936 Vicat (L. J.). Recherches sur les proprietes diverses que peuvent acquerir les Pierres a Ciments et a Chaux Hydrauliques, par l'effet d'une incomplete cuisson. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1840. 1937 Wright (Lieut. William H.). A Brief Practical Treatise on Mortars. I vol. 12mo. Boston, 1845. 112 WORKS ON WARMING AND VENTILATING, WORKS ON WARMING AND VENTILATING. 1938 Bernan (Walter). On the History and Art of Warming and Ventilating Rooms and Buildings; with notices of the progress of personal and fireside comfort, and of the management of fuel. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1845. 1939 Hood (Charles). A Practical Treatise on Warming Buildings by Hot Water, and an Inquiry into the Laws of Radiant and Conducted Heat; to which are added, Remarks on Ventilation. 1 vol. 8vo. London,i1837 1940 Inman (W. S.). Report of the Committee of the House of Commons on Ventilation, Warming, and Transmission of Sound. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1836. 1941 Richardson (Charles J.). A Popular Treatise on the Warming and Ventilation of Buildings; showing the advantages of the improved system of Heated Water Circulation, &c., &c., &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1837. 1942 Sylvester (Charles). The Philosophy of Domestic Economy, as Exemplified in the Mode of Warming, Ventilating, Washing, Drying, and Cooking, and in various arrangements contributing to the comfort and convenience of Domestic Life. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1819. 1943 Tomlinson (Charles). Rudimentary Treatise on Warming and Ventilation; being a concise exposition of the General Principles of the Art of Warming and Ventilating Domestic and Public Buildings, Mines, Lighthouses, Ships, &c. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1850. 1944 Tredgold (Thomas). Principles of Warming and Ventilating Public Buildings; with Remarks on the Nature of Heat and Light, &c. 2d edition. I vol. 8vo. London, 1824. 1945 Tredgold (Thomas). The Principles of Warming and Ventilating Public Buildings; with Remarks on the Nature of Heat and Light, &c., &c., &c. 3d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1836. LAW OF NATURE ANI) NATIONS, THEATIES, E1C. 1l, LAW OF NATURE AND NATIONS, TREATIES, &c. 1946 Actes et Memoires des Negociations de la Paix de Nimegue. 2".. editiol, revue, corrigee et augmentee. 4 vols. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1680. 1947 Armed Neutrality. A Collection of Public Acts and Papers, relating to the Principles of Armed Neutrality brought forward in the years 1780 and 1781. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1801. 1948 Burlamaqui (J. J.). The Principles of Natural and Politic Law. Translated into English by Mr. Nugent. 5th edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1807. 1949 Bynkershoek (Cornelius). Treatise on the Law of War; being the first Book of his Questiones Juris Publici. Translated from the Latin, with Notes, by P. S. Du Ponceau. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1810. 1950 Chalmers (George). Collection of Treaties between Great Britain and other Powers. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1790. 1951 Chateaubriand (De). Congres de Vtrone, Guerre d'Espagne, Negociations; Colonies Espagnoles. 2"e edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1838. 1952 Chitty (Joseph). Practical Treatise on the Law of Nations relative to the legal efflct of war on the Commerce of Belligerents and Neutrals; and on Orders in Council and Licenses. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1812. 1953 Du Ponceau (P. S.). Bynkershoek's Law of War, with Notes. See No. 1949. 1954 Grotius (Hugo). The Rights of War and Peace; wherein are explained the Law of Nature and Nations. Translated from the Latin, with Notes by J. Barbeyrac. 1 vol. fol. London, 1738. 1955 Grotius (Hugo). De Jure Belli ac Pacis; Libri tres. 1 vol. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1670. 1956 Hertslet (Lewis). Complete Collection of the Treaties and Conventions at present subsisting between Great Britain and Foreign Powers, and of the Laws, Decrees and Orders in Council concerning the same, so far as they relate to Commerce and Navigation. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1827-35. 1957 Jenkinson (Charles). Collection of all the Treaties of Peace, Alliance, and Commerce, between Great Britain and other Powers, from the Treaty signed at Munster in 1648, to the Treaties signed at Paris in 1783: to which is prefixed a Discourse on the conduct of the Government of Great Britain in respect to Neutral Nations. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1785. 1958 Pradt (De). Du Systeme Permanent de l'Europe a l'egard de la Russie et des affaires de l'Orient. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1828. 1959 Puffendorf (Samuel). The Whole Duty of Man according to the Law of Nature. 4th edition, with Notes of Barbeyrac, and many other additions, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1716. 8 114: - LAW OF NATURE AND NATIONS, TREATIES, ETC.o 1 960 Ruthelrforth (T.). Institutes of Natural Law; being the substance of a course of lectures on Grotius De Jure Belli et Pacis. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1754-56,, 961 Rutherforth (T.). Institutes of Natural Law; being the substance of a course of lectures on Grotius De Jure Belli et Pacis. Second American edition. I vol. 8vo. Baltimore, 1832, 1962 Vattel (De). The Law of Nations; or, 1Principles of the Law of Nature. I vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1817. 1963 Vattel (De). The Law of Nations; or, Principles of the Law of Nature..Fourth American edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 183.5. 11964 Ward (Robert). An Enquiry into the Foundation and History of the Law of Nations in Europe, from the time of the Greeks and Romans to the age of Grotius..2 vols. 8vo. London, 1795. 1 965 Warden (D. B.). On the Origin, Nature, Progress, and Influence of Consular Establishments. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1813. 1 966 Wheaton (Henry). Elements of International Law; with a Sketch of the History of the Science. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1836. 1096 Wheaton (Henry). History of the Law of Nations in Europe and America, from the earliest times to the Treaty of Washington, 1842. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1845. 1968 W'icquefort (De). The Rights, Privileges, and Office of Embassadoir and Public Ministers; and general views of the most celebrated Treaties: to which is added a discourse concerning the Succession in the German Empire; &c 1I vol fol. London, 1740. GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS. l11 GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS. 1969 Adams (John). Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America. 3d edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1797. 1970 Adams (John). Works of; with a Life of the Author, Notes, and Illustrations, by his grandson Charles Francis Adams. (Vol. I. is wanting.) 6 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1850-51. 1971 Adams (John Quincy). Jubilee of the Constitution. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1839. 1972 American Archives. See No. 2042. 1973 American State Papers. See Nos. 2040, 2041. 1974 America; or, general Survey of the Political Situation of the several Powers of the Western Contitlent, with conjecture on their future prospects. By a Citizen of the Unit d States. I vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1827. 1975 Annals of the Congress of the United States, comprising the period from March 3, 1789, to March 3, 1803, inclulsive. 8 vols. 8vo. (2 copies.) Washington, 1834-51. 1976 Beaumont (Gustave de). Marie; ou L'Esclavage aux Etats-Unis. 3m' edition, revue et corrigee. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1836, 1977 Beaumont (Gustave de) et Tocqueville (Alexis de). Systeme Penitentiaire aux Etats-Unis, et de son application en France, suivi d'un appendice sur les Colonies Penales. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1836. 1978 Blunt (Joseph). A Historical Sketch of the Formation of the Confederacy, particularly with reference to the provincial limits and the jurisdiction of the General Government over Indian tribes and the public territory. 1 vol. 8vo. New-Yorl, 1825. 1979 Carey (M.). The Olive-Branch; or, Faults on Both Sides, Federal and Democratic: a serious appeal on the necessity of mutual Forgiveness and Harmony. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1818. 1980 Carey (M.). The New Olive-Branch; or, an attempt to establish an identity of interest between Agriculture, Manufactures, and Commerce. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1820, 1981 Clarke (L. I-.). Report of the Debates and Proceedings of the Convention of the State of New-York. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1821, 1982 De Lolme. See Lolme, No. 1997. 1983 Derniers Sentiments des plus illustres personnages condamnes a mort, ou recueil des Lettres qu'ils ont ecrites dans les prisons, des discours qu'ils ont prononces sur l'Echafaud, avec un precis historique de leur vie, &c. &c. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1775, 1984 Dwight (Theodore). History of the Hartford Convention; with a review of the policy of the United States Government which led to the War of 1812. 1 vol. 8vo, New-York, 1833, 1 ( GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS. 1985 Evans (Lacy). On the Designs of Russia. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1828. 1986 Everett (Alex.). Europe; or, a general Survey of the present Situation of the principal Powers, with Conjectures on their future Prospects. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1822. 1987 Federalist on the New Constitution, written in the year 1788, by Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Madison, and Mr. Jay: with an Appendix, containing the Letters of Pacificus and Helvidius on the Proclamation of Neutrality of 1793, &c. A new edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Washington, 1818. 188 Gallatin (Albert). The Right of the United States of America to the North-eastern Boundary claimed by them; with an Appendix and eight Maps. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1840. 1989 Godwin (William). Of Population. An Inquiry concerning the Power of Increase in the Numbers of Mankind. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1820. 1990 Gregoire (H.). An Inquiry concerning the Intellectual and Moral Faculties and Literature of Negroes; followed with an account of the Life and Works of fifteen Negroes and Mulattoes distinguished in science, literature, and the arts. Translated by D. B. Warden. 1 vol. 8vo. Brooklyn, 1810. 1991 Hamilton (Alex.). The Works of, comprising his most important Official Reports, an improved edition of the Federalist on the New Constitution, written in 1788, and Pacificus on the Proclamation of Neutrality, written in 1793. 3 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1810. 1992 Hamilton. Federalist. See No. 1987. 1993 Institution of the Society of the Cincinnati, formed by the Officers of the American Army of the Revolution, for the laudable purposes therein mentioned, at the cantonment on the banks of the Iudson River, May, 1783; together with some of the Proceedings, &c., &c. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1851. 1994 Iturbide (de Don Augustin, Ex-Empereur du Mexique). MAmoires autographes, contenant le detail des principaux evenemens publiques, avec une preface et des pieces justificatives; traduits de 1'Anglais de NI. J. Quin, par J. T. Parisot. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1824. 1995 Jay. Federalist. See No. 1987. 1996 Junius, including letters by the same writer under other signatures (now first collected); to which are added, his confidential correspondence with Wilkes and his private letters addressed to H. S. Woodfall, with a preliminary essay, notes, fac-similes, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1836. 1997 Lolme (J. L. de). The Constitution of England, or, an Account of the English Government: in which it is complared both with the republican form of government, and the other monarchies in Europe. I vol. 8vo. Dublin, 1793. 1998 Lyman (Tneodore). The Diplomacy of the United States: being an account of the Foreign Relations of the country, fiom the first Treaty with France, in 1778, to the Treaty of (Chlent, in 1814, with Great Britain. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1826. 1999 ltadison (James). The Papers of, and his Reports of Debates in the Federal Convention. 3 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1841. 2000 Mladison. Federalist. See No. 1987. 2001 Malthus (T. R.). An Essay on the Principles of Population; or, a view of its past and present effects on -Iuman Happiness. 1st American, from the 3d London edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1809. GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS. 117`002 New-York. Documents of the Senate of the State of New-York, 73d and 74ih sessions, 1850 and'51. 6 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1850-51. 2003 New-York. Journal of the Senate of the State of New-York at their 7 3, and 74th sessions, 1850 and'51. 2 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1850-51. 2004 New-York. Documents of the Assembly of the State of New-York, 73d and 74th sessions, 1850 and'51. 15 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1850-51. 2005 New-York. Journal of the Assembly of the State of New-York at their 73d and 74th sessions, 1850 and'51. 3 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1850-51. 2006 New-York State Society of the Cincinnati. See No. 1993. 2007 Ouseley (William G.). Remarks on the Statistics and Political Institutions of the United States, with some observations on the Ecclesiastical System of America, her sources of Revenue, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1832. 2008 Pennsylvania. Historical Review of the Constitution and Government of Pennsylvania. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1759. 2009 Political Tracts, 1761-66. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1761-66. 2010 Pradt (M. de). L'Europe apres le Congres d'Aix-la-Clapelle, faisant suite an Congres de Vienne. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1819. 2011 Pradt (M. de). L'Europe et l'Amerique depuis le Congres d'Aix-la-Chapelle. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1821. 2012 Pradt (M. de). L'Europe et l'Amerique en 1821. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1822. 2013 Pradt (M. de). L'Europe et l'Amerique en 1822 et 1823. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824. 2014 Pradt (M. de). Preliminaire de la session de 1817. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1817. 2015 Pradt (M. de). Petit Catechisme a l'usage des Franqais sur les affaires de leur Pays. 2m edcition, revue et corrigee. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1820. 2016 Pradt (M. de). Les six derniers Mois de l'Ame&ique et du Bresil. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1818. 2017 Pradt (M. de). Pieces relatives a Saint-Dominique et a l'Am6rique. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1818. 2018 Pradt (M. de). Des trois derniers Mois de l'Amerique Meridionale et du Br6sil. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1817. 2019 Pradt (M. de). De la Grece dans ses rapports avec l'Europe. 2m' edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1822. 2020 Pradt (M. de). Congres de Carlsbad, 1'er et 2(e parties. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1819-20. 2021 Pradt (M. de). Lettre a un Electeur de Paris. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1817. 2022 Pradt (M. de). Des Progres du Gouvernement representatif en France, session de 1817. article premier. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1817. 2023 Pradt (M. de). Antidote au Congres de Rastadt, 1798, suivi de la Prusse et sa neutralite 1799. Nouvelle edition. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1817. 2024 Pradt (M. de). L'Europe par rapport a la Grece et a la reformation de la Turquie. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1826. 2025 Pradt (M. de). Examen clu Plan presente aux Cortes pour la reconnaissance de l'independance de l'Am6rique Espagnole. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1822. 2026 Pradt (M. de). De la Belgique depuis 1789 jusqu'en 1794. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1820. 2027 Pradt (M. de). Vrai Systeme de l'Europe relativement a l'Amerique et la Grece. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 118 GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS. 2028 Pradt (M. de). De l'intervention armee pour la pacification de la Grece, 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1828. 2029 Pradt (M. de). Proces complet de M. de Pradt. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1820. 2030 Pradt (M. de). De l'affaire de la Loi des Elections. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1820. 2031 Pradt (M. de). Garanties a demander a Espagne. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1827. 2032 Russian (A.). A Sketch of the Internal Condition of the United States of America, and of their Political Relations with Europe. Translated fiom the French by an American, with Notes. 1 vol. 8vo. Baltimore, 1826, 2033 Secret Journals of the American Federal Congress. See No. 2145. 2034 Sewall (Jonathan). Novanglus and Massachusettensis; or, Political Essays, published in the years 1774 and 1775, the former by John Adams. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1819. 2035 Sparks (Jared). The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution. 12 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1829-30. 2036 Tamerlan. See Timour, No. 2037. 2037 Timour. Instituts Politiques et Militaire de Tamerlan, proprement appelle Timour, ecrits par lui meme en Mogol, et traduits en Franqais par L. Langles. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1787. 2038 Tocqueville (Alexis de). Du Systeme Penitentiaire. See No. 1997. 2039 Traite complet de Diplomatie, ou theorie gnelrale des relations exterieures des Puissances de 1'Europe d'apres les plus celebres autorites, par un ancien Ministre. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1833. 2040 United States. State Papers and Public Documents of the, including Confidential Documents. 2d edition. 12 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1817-19. 2041 United States. American State Papers. Documents, Legislative and Executive, of the Congress of the, commencing 1789. 1st. Finance (commencing 1789 and ending 1822). 2 vols. fol. (2 copies.) Washington, 1832-34. 2d. Claims (commencing 1789 and ending 1823). 1 vol. fol. (2 copies.) Washington,- 1834. 3d. Naval Affairs (commencing 1789 and ending 1825). 1 vol. fol. (2 copies.) Washington, 183'4 4th. Military Affairs (commencing 1789 and ending 1825), 2 vols. fol. (2 copies.) Washington, 1834. 5th. Miscellaneous (commencing 1789 and'ending 1823). 2 vols. fol. (2 copies.) Washington, 1834. 6th. Foreign Relations (commencing 1789 and ending 1822). 4 vols. fol. (2 copies.) Washington, 1834. 7th. Indian Affairs (commencing 1789 and ending 1827). 2 vols. fol. Washington, 1834. 8th. Public Lands (commencing 1789 and ending 1824). 3 vols. fol. (2 copies.) Washington, 1834. 9th. Commerce and Navigation (commencing 1789 and ending 1823). 2 vols. fol. (2 copies.) Washington, 1834. 10th. Post-Office Department (commencing 1789 and ending 1833). 1 vol. fol. (2 copies.) Washington, 1834. 2042 United States. American Archives: fourth series, containing a Documentary History of the English Colonies in North America, fiom the King's Message to Parliament of March 7th, 1774, to the Declaration of Independence by the. 6 vols. fol, Washington, 1837-46. GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS. 1 lt' 2043 United States. Journal of the House of Representatives of the, being the first session of the first Congress, March 4th, 1789, to the first session of the 13th Congress, May 24th, 1813. 9 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1826. 2044 United States. Reports of Committees of the House of Representatives of the, 21st Congress, 1st session, in 1829-30. 3 vols. 8voo Washington, 1830. 2045 United States. Executive Documents of the House of Representatives of the, 21st Congress, 1st session, in 1829-30. 4 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1830. 2046 United States. Journal of the House of Representatives of the, 1st session of the 21st Congress, in 1829-30. 1 vol. 8vo. Washington, 2047 United States. Public Documents of the Senate of the, 1st session, 21st Congress, in 1829-30. 2 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1830. 2048 United States. Journal of the Senate of the, 1st session of the 21st Congress, in 1829-30. 1 vol. Svo. Washington, 18292049 United States. Reports of Committees of the House of Representatives. of the, 2d session, 21st Congress, in 1830-31. 1 vol. 8vo. Washington, 1831. 2050 United States. Executive Documents of the House of Representatives of the, 2d session, 21st Congress, in 1830-31. 4 vols. Svo. Washington. 1831. 2051 United States. Journal of the House of Representatives of the, 2d session of the 21st Congress, in 1830-31. 1 vol. 8vo. Washington, 1830. 2052 United States. Public Documents of the Senate of the, 2d session of the 21st Congress, in 1830-31. 2 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1831. 2053 United States. Journal of the Senate of the, 2d session of the 21st Congress, in 1830-31. 1 vol. 8vo. Washington, 1830. 2054 Virginia. Debates and other Proceedings of the Convention of Virginia: to which is prefixed the Federal Constitution. (3 vols. in one.) I vol. 8vo. Petersburg, 1788. 2055 Walsh (Robert). An Appeal from the Judgments of Great Britain respecting the United States of America. Part first, containing an historical outline of their merits and wrongs as colonies, and strictures upon the calumnies of the British writers. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1819. 2056 Webster (Daniel). Works of. 6 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1851. 2057 Woodfall (William). An Impartial Report of the Debates that occur il the two Houses of Parliament. With some account of the respective Speakers, and Notes and Illustrations. Including copies of all State Papers, Treaties, Conventions, &c. (For the years 1810 and 1811, wanting.) 83 vols. 8vo. London, 1794-1813. 120 POLITICAL ECONOMY, METROLOGY, FINANCE, COMMERCE, ETC. POLITICAL ECONOMY, METROLOGY, FINANCE, COMMERCE, &co 2058 Adams (John Quincy). Report upon Weights and Measures. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1821. 2059 Alexander (J. H.). Universal Dictionary of Weights and Measures, Ancient and Modern, reduced to the Standards of the United States of America. 1 vol. 8vo. Baltimore, 1850. 2060 Anderson (James). Observations on the Means of Exciting a Spirit of National Industry; chiefly intended to Promote the Agriculture, Commerce, Manufactures, and Fisheries of Scotland. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1779. 2061 Coxe (Tench). Statement of the Arts and Manufactures of the United States of America for the Year 1810. 1 vol. 4to. Philadelphia, 1814. 2062 Dupin (Charles). Discours et Lemons sur l'industrie, le Commerce, la Marine, et sur ]es sciences appliquees aux Arts. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 2063 Dupin (Charles). Systeme de 1'Administration Britannique en 1822, consider6 sous les rapports des Finances, de 11Industrie, du Commerce et de la Navigation. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1823. 2064 Dupin (Charles). Forces productives et commerciales de la France. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1827. 2065 Dupin (Baron). Commercial Power of Great Britain; exhibiting a Complete View of the Public Works of this Country. See No. 1659. 2066 Esposizione. Copiosissima, sicura di tutte le Misure, e pesi comuni in Europa, in Africa, in Asia e in America. (2 vols. in one.) i vol. 8vo. Pisal, 1766. 2067 Fairbairn (Henry). Treatise on the Political Economy of Railroads. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1836. 2068 Gallatin (Albert). Considerations on the Currency and Banking System of the United States. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Philadelphia, 1831. 2069 Ganilh (Charles). Inquiry into the Various Systems of Political Economy, their advantages and disadvantages; and the theory most favorable to the increase of National Wealth. Translated from the French by D. Boileau. I vol. 8vo. London, 1812. 2070 Haddon (James). Rudimentary Bookkeeping and Commercial Phraseology. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1851. 2071 Lardner (Dionysius). Railway Economy; a Treatise on the New Art of Transport, its Management, Prospects, and Relations, Commercial, Financial and Social, &c. vol. 12mo. New-York, 1850. POLITICAL ECONOMY, METROLOGY, FINANCE, COMMERCE, ETC. 121 2072 Lauderdale (The Earl of). An Inquiry into the Nature and Origin of Public Wealth, and into the Means and Causes of its Increase. 2d edition, greatly enlarged. 1 vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1819. 2073 Law (J.). CEuvres de, controleur-general des Finances de France, sous le regent; contenant les principes sur le Numeraire, le commerce, le credit et les Banques, avec des Notes. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1790. 2074 Le [Blanc. Traite historique des Monnaies de France. 1 vol. 4to. Amsterdam, 1692. 2075 Mlalthus (T. R.). Definitions in Political Economy, with Remarks on the Deviation from these Rules in their writings. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1827. 2076 McCulloch (J. R.). Dictionary-Practical, Theoretical, and Historical-of Commerce and Commercial Navigation. Illustrated with Maps and Plans. A new edition, corrected, enlarged, and improved, with a Supplement. I vol. 8vo. London, 1850. 2077 MCCulloch (J. R.). Smith's Wealth of Nations, with a Life of the Author, &c. See No. 209. 2078 Mill (James). Elements of Political Economy. 3d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1826. 2079 McVickar (John). Outlines of Political Economy; together with Notes Explanatory and Critical, and a Summary of the Science. I vol. 8vo. (3 copies.) New-York, 1825. 2080 Morgan (William). Price's Observations on Annuities. See No. 2084. 2081 Paucton (Alexis J. P.). Metrologie, ou traite des Mesures, Poids et Monnaies des anciens Peuples et des modernes. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1780. 2082 Pitken (Timothy). Statistical View of the Commerce of the United States of America; its Connection with Agriculture and Manufactures; and an Account of the Public Debt, Revenues, and Expenditures of the United States. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1817. 2083 Potter (A.). Political Economy: its Objects, Uses, and Principles. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, -- 2084 Price (Richard). Observations on Reversionary Payments, on Schemes for Providing Annuities for Widows, and for Persons in Old Age, &c., &c. 4th edition. (2d vol. wanting.) Vol. 1st 8vo. London, 1783. 2085 Price (Richard). The same. The whole new arranged and enlarged, by William Morgan. 7th edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1812. 2086 Raymond (Daniel). Thoughts on Political Economy. I vol. 8vo. Baltimore, 1820. 2087 Report of the Managers of the Franklin Institute, on Weights and Measures. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1834. 2088 Report of the Auditor of the Canal Department, of the Tolls, Trade and Tonnage of the Canals. 1 vol. 8vo. Albany, 1852. 2089 Say (Jean-Baptiste). Treatise on Political Economy; or the Production, Distribution, and Consumption of Wealth. Translated from the fourth edition of the French, by C. R. Prinsep, with Notes; to which is added a translation of the Introduction, and additional Notes, by Clement C. Biddle. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1821. 2090 Say (Jean-Baptiste). Cours complet d'Economie Politique pratique. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1828-29. 2091 Smith (Adam). An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations; with a Life of the Author, an Introductory Discourse, Notes, and Supplemental Dissertations, by J. R. McCulloch. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1828. 122 POLITICAL ECONOMY, METROLOGY, FINANCE, COMMERCE, ETC. 2092 Tracy (Le Comte Destutt). A Treatise on Political Economy; to which is. prefixed a Supplement to a preceding work on the Understanding, or Elements of Ideology, with an Analytical Table, and an Introduction on the Faculty of the Will. Translated from the unpublished French original. 1 vol. 8vo. Georgetown, 1 817 2093 Watson (Elkanah). History of the Rise, Progress, and Existing Conditioi of the Western Canals in the State of New-York, from September, 1788, to the Completion of the Middle Section of the grand Canal in 1819; together with. the Rise, Progress, and Existing State of Modern Agricultural Societies, from 1807, to the Establishment of the Board of Agriculture in the State of New-York, January 10th, 1820. I vol. 8vo. Albany, 1820. 2094 Waayland (Francis). The Elements of Political Economy. 2d edition. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1838. LAWS, LAW TREATISES, COMMENTARIES AND REPORTS. 12. LAWS, LAW TREATISES, COMMENTARIES AND REPORTS. 2095 American's Guide; comprising the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitutions of the several States composing the Union. 1 vol. 12mo. Philadelphia, 2096 Azini (D. A.). Maritime Law of Europe. Translated fiom the French. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1806. 2097 Bayard (James). Brief Exposition of the Constitution of the United States; with an Appendix, containing the Declaration ol Independence, and the Articles of Confederation, &c. 1 vol. l6mo. Philadelphia, 1850. 2098 Beccaria (Marquis). Essay on Crimes and Punishments; with a Commentary, by Voltaire. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1793. 2099 Blackstone (William). Law Tracts. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1762. 2100 Blackstone (William). Commentaries on the Laws of England; with Notes and additions, by Edward Christian. 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1825. 2101'Blackstone (William). Commentaries on the Laws of England; with Practical Notes, by Joseph Chitty. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1826. 2102 Chitty (Joseph). Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws. See No. 2101. 2103 Christian (Edward). Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws. See No. 2100. 2104 Code Napoleon. Nouvelle edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1807. 2105 Code de procedure Civile, Ster6otype d'Herhan. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1810. 2106 Code d'instruction criminelle, procelde d'Herhan. 1 vol. 18mo. Paris, 1810. 2107 Code Penal, le procede d'Herhan. 1 vol. 18mo. Paris, 1810. 2108 Code de Commerce, procede d'Herhan. 1 vol. 18mo. Paris, 1807. 2109 Coke's Law Institutes. See No. 2154. 2110 Constitution. See Nos. 2095, 2097, 2121, 2129, 2143, 2151. 2111 Crabb (George). History of English Law; or an attempt to trace the rise, progress, and successive changes of Common Law, from the earliest period to the present time. First American edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Burlington, 1831. 2112 Cranch (William). Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States. 9 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1812-30. 2113 Dallas (A. J.). Reports of Cases Ruled and Adjudged in several Courts of the United States and of Pennsylvania, held at the Seat of the Federal Government. (Vol. 1st wanting.) 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1798. 124- LAWS, LAW TREATISES, COMMENTARIES AND REPORTS. 2114 Dane (Nathan). General Abridgment and Digest of American Law, with occasional notes and comments. 9 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1823-29. 2115 Duer (William Alex.). Letter addressed to Cadwallader 1). Colden; with an Appendix, containing the several Laws concerning Steamboats, the Petitions presented for their Modification, and the Reports of Select Committees thereupon, &c., &c., &c. I vol. 8vo. Albany, 1817. 2116 Duer (William Alex.). A Course of Lectures on the Constitutional Jurisprudence of the United States. I vol, 18mo. New-York, ~ 2117 Federal Constitution. See No. 2129. 2118 Gibbons (David). The Law of Contracts for Works and Services. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1849-50. 2119 Gordon (Thomas F.). Digest of the Law of the United States, including an Abstract of the Judicial Decisions relating to the Constitutional and Statutory Law; with Notes Explanatory and Historical. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1827. 2120 Granger (Thomas Colpitts). Tomlins' Law Dictionary. No. 2155. 2121 Hickey (W.). Constitution of the United States of America; with an Alphabetical Analysis, the Declaration of Independence, the -Articles of Confederation, the Prominent Political Acts of George Washington, Electoral Votes for all the Presidents and Vice-Presidents, &c., &c. 3d edition. 1 vol. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1848. 2122 Hoffman (David). Course of Legal Study. 2d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Baltimore, 1836. 2123 Hoffman (David). Legal Outlines. (In 3 vols. 2d and 3d wanting.) Vol. 1st, 8vo. Baltimore, 1829. 2124 Ingersoll (Edward). Abridgment of the Acts of Congress now in Force, excepting those of private and local application; with Notes of Decisions. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1825. 2125 Kent (James). Commentaries on American Law. (1st and 3d vols. only.) Vols. 1st and 3d, 8vo. New-York, 1826-28. 2126 Kent (James). Commentaries on American Law. 2d edition. (1stvol. only.) 1st vol. 8vo. New-York, 1832. 2127 Kinne (Asa). The Most Important Parts of Kent's Commentaries, reduced to Questions and Answers. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1840. 2128 Law Library. The New Library of Law and Equity. Edited by Francis J. Troubat, Ellis Lewis, and Wilson M'Candless. Vols. 14 and 15, Wharton's Law Lexicon. See No. 2161. 2129 Marshall (John). Writings of, upon the Federal Constitution. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1839. 2130 Mlontesquieu. Spirit of Laws. Translated from the French. 2 vols. Svo. Worcester, 1802. 2131 Montesquieu. Esprit dc Lois. See (Euvres de Montesquieu. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1816. 2132 New-York. The Revised Statutes of the State of New-York. 3 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1829. 2133 New-York. The same. 2d edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1836. 2134 New-York. Laws of the State of New-York in relation to the Erie and Champlain Canals; together with the Annual Reports of the Canal Commissioners, and other Documents requisite for a complete official History of those Works, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1825. LAWS, LAW TREATISES, COMMENTARIES AND REPORTS. 125 2135 New-York. Laws of the State of New-York, passed at the Seventy-third alnd Seventy-fourth Sessions of the Legislature, 1850-51. 2 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1850-51. 2136 Peters (Richard). Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Supreme Coulrt of the United States. (Vol. 1st wanting.) 15 vols. 8vo. Phil;delphia, 1829-41. 2137 Peters (Richard). Condensed Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of the United States. (Vols. 2d and 3d wanting.) 6 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1830-34. 2138 Peters (Richard). Full and Arranged Digest of Cases, Decided in the Sul're,111. Circuit, and District Courts,:,f the United States. 3 vols..8vo. Philadelphia, 1838-39. 2139 Pothier. (Euvres de, les diffdrents ouvrages de Pothier existent en 23 vols. il 12rno, Savoir. Traite des Obligations, 2 vols., 1777. Traite du contrat (le vente (3 vols. in two), 1772. Traite du contrat de constitution de 1:Relte et de Change (3 vols, in one), 1774. Traite du contrat de Louage, avec le Supplement, 2 vols., 1771. Traite du contrats de bienfaisance, 2 vols., 1775. Traite du contrat de Mariage, 2 vols., 1772. Traite de la (Coin0 munaute, 2 vols., 1770;-du Douaire, 1 vol., 1770;-du droit d'Hab:itation, 1 vol., 1775;-du droit de domaine de propriete, 1 vol., 1772;de la possession et de la prescription, 1 vol., 1772; traite fiefs, 2 vols., 1776; —traite de la garde noble et bourgeoise, 1 vol., 1776;-traite de la procedure civile, 2 vols., 1787;-traite des contrats a leatoires, 1 vol., 1775. 23 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1770-87. 2140 Pradt (M. de). Les quatre concordats suivis de considerations sur le Gouvernlelnent de i'Eglise en general, et sur l'Eglise de France en particulier, depis 1515. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1818. 2141 Pradt (M. de). Suite des quatre concordats. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1820. 2142 Pradt (M. de). Concordat de l'Amerique, avec Rome. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1827. 2143 Rawle (Villiam). A View of the Constitution of the United States. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1825. 2144 Revised Statutes of New-York. See Nos. 2132, 2133. 2145 Secret Journals of the Acts and Proceedings of Congress, from the First Meetino' thereof, to the Dissolution of the Confederation, by the adoption of tile Constitution of the United States. 5 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1820. 2146 Sergeant (Thomas). Constitutional Law; being a collection of points arising upon the Constitution and Jurisprudence of the United States, which have been settled by Judicial decision and practice. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1822. 2147 Starkie (Thomas). l'ractical Treatise on the Law of Evidence, and Digest of Proots in Civil and Criminal Proceedings. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1837. 2148 Stephen (James). Slavery of the British West India Colonies, delineated as it exists both in Law and Practice. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1824. 2149 Story (Joseph). Commentaries on Equity Jurisprudence, as administered in Enoland and America. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1836. 2150 Story (Joseph). Commentaries on the Conflict of Laws. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1834. 2151 Story (Joseph). Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States; with a preliminary Review of the Constitutional History of the Colonies and States before the adoption of the Constitution. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1833. 126 LAWS, LAW TREATISES, COMMENTARIES, AND REPORTS. 2152 Story (Joseph). Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States; with a preliminary Review of the Constitutional History of the Colonies and States before the adoption of the Constitution (Abridgment). 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1833. 2153 Synoptical Index to the Laws and Treaties of the United States of America, from March 4, 1789, to March 3, 1851. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1852. 2154 Thomas (J. H.). Systematic Arrangements of Lord Coke's First Institutes of the Laws of England. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1836. 2155 Tomlins (T. E.). Law Dictionary, explaining the Rise, Progress, and Present State of British Law; defining and interpreting the terms or Works of Art, and comprising also copious information on the subjects of Trade and Government. With extensive additions, embodying the whole of the recent alterations in the Law, by Thomas Colpitts Granger. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1836. 21:56 United States of America, Public Statutes at Large of the, fiom the Organization of the Government in 1789, to March 3, 1851, arranged in chronological order, with references to the matter of each Act, and to the subsequent Acts on the same subject, and copious Notes of the Decisions of the Courts of the United States construing those Acts, and upon the subjects of the Laws, &c. Edited by Richard Peters. (Continued annually.) 9 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1845-51. 2157 United States of America, Laws of the, from the 4th of March, 1827, to the 3d of March, 1833, including all the European, Barbary, and Indian Treaties, negotiated and ratified within that period, &c. (Vol. 8th only, remainder wanting.) Vol. 8th, 8vo. Washington, 1835. 2158 United States, Acts and Resolutions of the Congress of the, from 1828 to 1847. (Vol. for 1833 wanting.) 20 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1828-47. 2159 Voltaire. Beccaria's Crimes and Punishments, with a Commentary. See No. 2098. 2160 Warren (Samuel). A Popular and Practical Introduction of Law Studies, and to every department of the legal profession, Civil, Criminal, and Ecclesiastical; with an account of the state of the Law in Ireland and Scotland; with an American Introduction and Appendix, by Thomas W. Clerke. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. New-York, 1846. 2161 Wharton (J. J. S.). Law Lexicon, or Dictionary of Jurisprudence; explaining all the Technical Words and Phrases, Legal Terms, and Latin Maxims, &c., &c., vols. 1st and 2d. Law Library, vols. 14 and 15. 2 vols. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1848. M.MTHEMATICS IN GENERAL, 127 MAEMAHEMATICS IN GENERAL. 2162 Adrain k(R.). Mathematical Diary; containing new researches and improvements in the Mathematics; with collections of questions. 1st No. 12mo, New-York, 1825.'2163 Analyse,de Montree; ou la methode de resoudre les Problemes des Mathematiques, d'apprendre facilement ces sciences. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1708. ~2164 Annales de Mathematiques pures et appliquees, recueil periodique, redige par J. D. Gergonne, &c. (Vol. 20th, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are wanting. Vol. 22, all the Nos. after No. 2 are wanting.) 22 vols. 4to. Nismes, 1810-31. 2165 ApolloniiL Pergaei locorum planorum Libri 11. restituti a Rob. Simson. I vol. 4to. Glasguae Foulis, 1749.:2166 ApolloniL. De tactionibus quae:supersunt ac maxime lemmata Pappi in hos libros, graece nunuc primum -edita e codicibus mscptis, cum vietae librorum Apollonii restitutione, adjeotis observationibus, computationibus ac problematis Apolloniani historia, a J. G. Camerer. 1 vol. 8vo. Gothae, 1795.:2167 Apollonil. Pergaei -conicorum Libri IV. cum commentariis R. P. Claudii Richardi. I vol. fol. Antverpiae, 1655.'2168 Apollonii. Pergaei conicorum Lib. V., VI., VII., & Archimedis assumptorum Liber. 1 vol. fol. Florentiae, 1661.:2169 Archimi dae. CEuvres d'Archimede, traduites Litteralement, avec Un Commentaire, par F. Peyrard. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1807.:2170 Azemar (L. P. V. M.). Trisection de l'Angle, suivie de recherches Analytiques sur le meme sujet, par J. G. Gamier. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1809. 2171 Azemar (L. P. V. M.). The same. See No. 2413.:2172 Barlow (Peter). Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, with Historical Sketches of the rise, progress, and present state of the several departments of these Sciences, 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1814. 2173 Barrow (Isaac). Mathematical Lectures. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1734. 2174 Bernoulli.(Jacobi). Ars conjectandi, opus posthumum accedit tractatus de seriebus infinitis. I vol. 4to. Basileae, 1713. -215 Bernoulli (JacqueS). L'Art de coijecturer.; traduit du Latin, par L. G. KF Vastel, avec des observations eclaircissemens et additions. Part 1st, 4to. eCaen, 1601.:2176 Bernoulli (James). Doctrine of Permutations and Combinations, and some other useful Mathematical Tracts. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1795.:21e7 Bernoulli (Jacobi). Opera. 2 vols. 4to, Genevae, 1744. 2178 Bernoulli (Johannis.) Opera omnia. 4 vols. 4to. Lausanne, 1742o 128 MATHEMATICS IN GENERAL, 2179 Bezout. Cours de Mathematiques a l'usage de la Marine et de l'Artilleric, &c.' Edition revue et augmentee, par A. A... Reynaud. 6 vols. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1813, 2180 Bossut (Charles). Cours de Mathematiques. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1808. 2181 Bossut (John). A General History of Mathematics, from the earliest times, to the middle of the eighteenth century. Translated from the French. I vol. 8vo. London, 1803. 2182 Burja (Abel). Der selbstlernende Algebrist, oder deutliche anweisung zur ganzen Rechenkunst. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1786.. 2183 Busch (J. G.). Versuch einer Mathematik zum nuzzen und vergnugen des burgerlichen Lebens, welcher das nutzbarste aus der abstrackten mathematik, und eine pracktische mechanick enthalt. I vol. 8vo. Hamburg, 1790, 2184 Cardani (Hieronymi). Opus novum de proportionibus numeerorum. I vol. fol. Basilea, 15'70. 2185 Cauchy (A. Lo). Exercices de Mathematiques. 4 vols. 4to. (3 copies.) Paris, 1826-20, 2186 Cauchy (A. L.). Nouveaux exercices de Mathematiques. I vol. 4to. (3 copies.) Prague, 1835. 2187 Commercium Epistolicum de varia Re Mathenatica. I vol. 8vo. Londini, 1725.. 2188 Condorcet. Moyens d'apprendre a compter surement et avec facilite, 2m edition. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1800. 2189 Cours de Mathematiques, a l'usage des Ecoles imperiales militaires. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1813. 2190 Course of Mathematics. See No. 2200. 2191 Dacunha (Joseph-Anastase). Principes Mathematiques, traduits Litt6ralement du Portugais, par J. M. D'Abreu. 1 vol. 8vo. Bordeaux, 1811. 2192 Davidson (John). A System of Practical Mathematics. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Edinburlri, 1824, 2193 Davies (Charles). Logic and Utility of Mathemiatics, with the best mlethlods of instruction explained and illustrated. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1850. 2194 Delambre. Rapport historique sur les progres des sciences Mathlematiiques, depuis 1789 et sur leur Etat actuel. 1 -vol. 8vo. Paris, 1810. 2195 De Morgan (Prof.). Study and Difficulties of Mathematics, &c. See No. 2236. 2196 Dodson (James). Mathematical Repository. Vol. 1st, Analytical Solutions of Five Hundred Questions. 2d, Algebraical Solutions of Problems in the several branches of the Mathematics. 3d, Analytical Solutions of Problemns relating to Annuities, &c. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1755. 2197 Douliot (J. P.). Cours Elmentaire th6orique et pratique de Construction. Premiere partie, Mathematiques. Seconde partie, Charpente en bois. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1826-28. 2198 Dowling (Daniel). Key to Hutton's Course of Mathematics; with an Appendix. 2d edition. I vol. 8vo. London, 1824. 2199 Dupin (Baron Charles). M mahematics Practically Applied to the Useful and Fine Arts. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) London, 1827. 2200 Elementary Course of Mathematics; prepared for the use of the Royal Military Academy. By order of the Master-General and Board of Ordnance. Vol. 1st 8vo. London, 1850. MATHEMATICS IN GENERAL. 129 2201 Emerson (William). Cyclomathesis; or an Easy Introduction to the several branches of the Mathematics. I vol. 8vo. London, 1763. 2202 Fournie (V.). Programme detaille de toutes les parties des Mathematiques. 2me edition. 1 vol. 18mo. Paris, 1835. 2203 Francoeur (L. B.). Cours Complet de Mathematiques pures. 4me edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1837. 2204 Francoeur (L. B.). A Complete Course of Pure-Mathematics. Translated fiom the French by R. Blakelock. 2 vols. 8vo. (3 copies.) Cambridge, 1829-30. 2205 Garnier (J. G.). Trisection de l'angle. See No. 2170. 2206 Genty (L'Abbe). L'influence de Fermat sur son siecle relativement aux Progres des Mathematiques. 1 vol. 8vo. Orleans, 1784. 2207 Gergonne (J. D.). Annales de Mathematiques. See No. 2164. 2208 Gregory (Olinthus). Mathematics for Practical Men; being a commonplace book of Pure and Mixed Mathematics. Third edition, revised and enlarged, by Henry Law. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1848. 2209 Guyot. Nouvelles Recreations Physiques et Mathe'matiques. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1799. 2210 Herschel (J. F. W.). Spence's Mathematical Essays, with a Memoir of the Author. See No. 2257. 2211 Herttenstein. Cahiers de Mathematique a l'usage de Messieurs les officiers de l'Ecole royale d'Artillerie de Strasbourg. 1 vol. 4to. Strasbourg, 1737. 2212 Horreboowii (Petri). Opera Mathematico Physica. (3 vols. in one;) 1 vol. 4to. Haunise, 1740. 2213 Horsley (Samuel). Elementary Treatises on the Fundamental Principles of Mathematics. I vol. 8vo. Oxford, 1801. 2214 Huttonl (Charles). Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary; containing an explanation of the terms, and an account of the several subjects, comprised under the heads, Mathematics, Astronomy, and Philosophy, both Natural and Experimental; with an historical account of the rise, progress, and present state of these Sciences. Also Memoirs of the Lives and Writings of the most Eminent Authors, &c.; with many cuts and copperplates. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1795-96. 2215 Hutton (Charles). Course of Mathematics. 9th edition, with many corrections and improvements by Olinthus Gregory. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1827. 2216 Hutton (Charles). Course of Mathematics. 3 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1818. 2217 Hutton (Charles). Recreations in Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, first composed by M. Ozanam, lately recomposed and greatly enlarged by M. Montucla, and now translated into English, and improved with many additions and observations, by Charles Hutton. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1814. 2218 EHutton (Charles). Tracts on Mathematical and Philosophical Subjects; comprising the Theory of Bridges, also the results of numerous experiments on the force of Gunpowder, with applications to the modern practice of Artillery. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1812. 2219 Hutton (Charles). The Diarian Miscellany: consisting of all the useful and entertaining parts, both Mathematical and Poetical, extracted from the Ladies' Diary, from the beginning of that work in the year 1704, down to the end of the year 1773; with many additional solutions and improvenents. 5 vols. 12mo. London, 1775. 9 130 MATHEMATICS IN GENERAL. 2220 Hutton (Charles). Miscellanea Mathematica; consisting of a large collection of curious Mathematical Problems, and their Solutions, &c. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1775. 2221 Hutton (Charles). Dowling's Key to Hutton's Mathematics. See No. 2198. 2222 Jones (W.). Synopsis Palmariorum Matheseos; or a new introduction to the Mathematics. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1706. 2223 Karsten (Wencesl. Job. Gustav). Lehrbegriff der gesamten Mathematik. Vols. 1st and 2d, die Rechenkunst und Geometrie. 3d and 4th, die Statisclien Wissenschaften und Mechanick. 5th and 6th, die Hydraulik und die Pneumatik. 7th and 8th, die Optik, Perspectiv, und die Photometrie. 8 vols. 12mo. Greifswald, 1769-86. 2224 Lacaille. Cours Elementaire et complet de Mathematiques pures. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1795. 2225 Lacroix (S. F.). Essais sur l'enseignement en general, et sur celui des Mathematiques en particulier. 2me edition, revue et corrigee. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1816. 2226 La i-re (de). Memoires de Mathematique et de Physique. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1694. 2227 Landen (John). Mathematical Lucubrations; containing new improvements in various branches of the Mathematics. I vol. 4to. London, 1755. 2228 Laplace (Le Comte). Theorie analytique des Probabilites. 2- edition, revue et augmentee, par l'Auteur. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1814. 2229 Laplace (Le Comte). Essai Philosophique sur les Probabilites. 3me edition, revue et augmentee, par l'Auteur. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1816. 2230 ZLeblond. L'Arithmetique et la Geom6trie de l'officier, contenant la Theorie et la pratique de ces deux sciences. (Vol. 2d wanting.) Vol. 1st 8vo. Paris, 1767. 2231 Library of Useful Knowledge. See Nos. 2236, 2576. 2232 Ludlam (W.) The Rudiments of Mathematics; designed for the use of Students at the Universities. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1809. 2233 MSansfield (J.). Essays, Mathematical and Physical; containing new theories and illustrations of some very important and difficult subjects of the Sciences. 1 vol. 8vo. (3 copies) New Haven-no date. 2234 Martin (Benjamin). New and Comprehensive System of Mathematical Institutions, viz.: Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, and Fluxions. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1759. 2235 Mathematical Miscellany, Nos. 7 and 8, for Vol. 2d. 2 8vo. pamphlets. New-York, 1839. 2236 Mathematics. (Library of Useful Knowledge.) Vol. 1st, containing, Study and Difficulties of Mathematics, by Prof. De Morgan. Arithmetic and Algebra, by Mr. Parker. Examples of the Processes, by Prof. De Morgan. Algebraical Expressions, by G. Drinkwater Bethune. Theory of Algebraical Equations, by Rev. Robt. Murphy. Vol. 2d, Geometry, Plane, Solid, and Spherical, by Pierce Morton. Elements of Trigonometry, by W. Hopkins. Spherical Trigonometry, by Prof. De Morgan. Algebraical Geometry, by Rev. S. W. Waud. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1847. 2237 Mlontucla (J. F.). Histoire des Mathematiques. Nouvelle edition, achevee par J. D. Lalande. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1799-1802. 2238 Montucla's Recreations. See No. 2217. MATHEMATICS IN GENERAL. 181 2239 Muller (John). Elements of Mathematics. 3d edition, improved with an addition of a new treatise on Perspective. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) London, 1765. 2240 ISEydorgii (C.). Prodromi catoptricorum et dioptricorum sive conicorun), Libri IV. priores. I vol. fol. Paris, 1641. 2241 Newiton (Isaac). Two Tr'eatises of the Quadrature of Curves and Analysis by Equations of an infinite number of Terms explained; containing the treatises themselves, translated into English, with a large Commentary by John Stuart. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1745. 2242 Nicollet (J. N.). Cours de Mathematiques a 1'usage de la Marine. (Tome seconde only.) 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1830. 2243 Ozanam. Cours de Mathematique qui comprend toutes les parties les plus utiles et les plus necessaires' un homme de Guerre, et a tons ceux qui se veulent perfectionner dans cette science. Nouvelle edition, revue et corrigee. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1697. 2244 Ozanam's Recreations. See No. 2217. 2245 Pappi (Alexandrini). Mathematice Collectiones a Frederico Commandino Commentaires illustratae. 1 vol. fol. Bonnolniae, 1660. 2246 Peyrard (F.). CEuvres d'Archimaede, avec un Commentaire. See No. 2169. 2247 Pfaff (Johann Friedrich). Versuch einer neuen Suimnations-methode nebst andern damit zusammenhangenden analytisclen Bemerkungen. I vol. 8vo. Berlin, 1788. 2248 Prestet (Jean). Nouveaux Elemens des Mathematiques ou principes generaux de toutes les sciences. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1689-1700~ 2249 Rapport fait a la classe des sciences Mathelmatiques et Physiques de l'lnstitut National. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1803. 2250 Robins (Benjamin). Mathematical Tracts, published by James Wilson. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1761. 2251 Rossi (Gaetanus.) Soluzione esatta e regolare del difficilissiro Problelma della quadratura del Circolo. I vol. 8vo. London, 1804. 2252 Sauri (L'Abbe). Cours complet de Mathematiques. 5 fols. 8vo. Paris, 1774. 2253 Sauri (L'Abbe). Institutions Mathematiquies, servant d'introduction t unl Cours de Philosophie a l'usage des universit6s de France. 6"' edition, revue et corrigee. 1 vol. Svo. Paris, 1835. 2254 Simpson (Thomas). Miscellaneous Tracts on some curious and very interesting subjects in Mechanics, Physical-Astronomy, and Speculative Mathematics. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1757. 2255 Simpson (Thomas). Essays on several Curious and Useful Subjects in Speculative and Mixed Mathematics. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1740. 2256 Simpson (Thomas). Mathematical Dissertations on a variety of Physical and Analytical Subjects. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1743. 2257 Spence (William). Mathematical Essays. Edited, and with a brief Memoir of the Author, by John F. W. Herschel. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1820. 2258 Stevin (Simon). Ses ceuvres Matliematiques, revues, corrigees et augmentees, par Albert Girard. 1 vol. fol. Leyde, 1634. 2259 Stewart (John). Newton's Quadrature of Curves. See No. 2241. 2260 Sturmius. Mathesis Enucleata; or the Elements of the Mathematics. 1 vol. 8vo. No Title-page. 132 MATHEMATICS IN GENERAL. 2261 Tillet (Francis). New Key to the Exact Sciences. I vol. 8vo. (5 copies.) Winchester, 1824. 2262 Vastel (L. G. F.). Bernouilli's l'art de conjecturer. See No. 2175. 2263 Vaux (George). Mathesis Juvenilis or a Course of Mathematics for Young Students. (Vols. 2d and 3d wanting.) 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1709. 2264 Veterum. Mathematicorum Opera, Graece et Latine. I vol. Ui. Parisiis, 1693. 2265 Vietae. Opera Matheratica. 1 vol. fol. Lugduni Batavorum, 1646. 2266 Viviani (Vincentio). De Maximis et Minimis Geometrica divinatio in quintum conicorum.Apollonii pergtei nunc desideratum. I vol. fol. Florentiae, 1659. 2267 Wallis (Johannis). Opera Mathematica. 3 vols. fol. Oxoniae, 1693-99. 2268 Wallis (Johannis). The same. (3d vol. only.) I vol. fol. Oxoniae, 1699. 2269 Ward (John). The Young Mathematician's Guide; being a plain and easy introduction to the Mathematics. 7th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1740. 2270 Waring (Edvardo). Miscellanea analytica de Equationibus Algebraicis, et curvarum Proprietatibus. 1 vol. 4to. Cantabrigiae, 1762. 2271 West (Wm.). Mathematics. 2d edition, with additions. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1763. 2272 Wolf (Christian). Der anfangsgriinde aller Mathematischen Wissenschaften. (5 vols. in 4.) 4 vols. 8vo. Wien, 1763. 2273 Wronski (Hoene de). Introduction a la Philosophie des Mathematiques, et Technie de l'Algorithmie. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1811. ARITHMETIC. 133 ARITHMETIC. 2274 Bessiere (J. F.). L'Arithmetique Elementaire. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1833. 2275 Bourdon. le6mens d'Arithmetique. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1821. 2276 Clark (Thomas). A New System of Arithmetic; including specimens of a method by which most Arithmetical operations may be performed without a knowledge of the Rules of Three, &c. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1815. 2277 Davies (Charles). University Arithmetic; embracing the science of numbers, and their numerous applications. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1846. 2278 D'Emile. See E]mile, No. 2281. 2279 Develey (Em.). Emile's Arithmetioue. See No. 2281. 2280 Diophanti (Alexandrini). Arithmeticorum Libri VI. et de numeris, mul tangulis liber unus. Graece et Latine. I vol. fol. Tolosae, 1670. 2281 Emile (d'). Arithm6tique, corrig6e et augmentee par Em. Develey. 3".e edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Lausanne, 1823. 2282 Gauss (Ch. Fr.). Recherches Arithm6tiques; traduits par A. C. M. Poullet Delisle. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1807. 2283 Grunld (Francis J.). Hirsch's Arithmetical and Algebraic Problems. See No. 2285. 2284 Haddon (James). Rudimentary Arithmetic. New and corrected edition. I vol. 18mo. London, 1851. 2285 Hirsch (Meier). A Collection of Arithmetical and Algebraic Problems and Formula. Translated from the German, and adapted to the use of the American Student, by Francis J. Grund. 1 vol. 8vo. (3 copies.) Boston, 1831. 2286 Lacroix (S. F.). Traite Elementaire d'Arithm6tique a l'usage de l'Ecole Centrale des Quatre-Nations. 13'le edition, revue et corrigee. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1813. 2287 Le Gendre (F.). L'Arithmetique en sa perfection, mise en pratique, selon l'usage des Financiers, Banquiers et Marchands. 1 2me edition. I vol. 12mo. Lyon, 1707. 2288 Leslie (John). The Philosophy of Arithmetic; exhibiting a progressive view of the Theory and Practice of Calculation, with Tables for the multiplication of numbers as far as One Thousand. 2d edition, improved and enlarged. 1 vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1820. 2289 Mlalcolm (Alexander). A New System of Arithmetic, Theoretical and Practical; wherein the science of numbers is demonstrated. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1730, 2290 Newton (Isaac). Universal Arithmetick. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1769. 13 4 ARITHMETIC. 2291 Parker's Arithmetic and Algebra. See No. 2236. 2292 Reynaud (A. A. L.). Traite d'Arithmetique l'usage des Tng6nieurs du Cadastre, et des Eleves qui se destinent a l'Ecole Polytechnique, a la Marine, a l'Artillerie et du Commerce. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1804. 2293 Scott (William). Elements of Arithmetic and Algebra. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1850. 2294 Sympson (S.). A New Book of Cyphers, more compleat and regular than any ever published; wherein is the whole Alphabet twice over, consisting of 600 cyphers, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London-no date. 2295 Taylor (Thomns). Theoretic Arithmetic, containing the substance of all that has been written on this subject by Theo of Smyrna, Nicomachus, &c., &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1816. ALGEBRA. 135 ALGEB RA. 2296 Adrain (Robert). Ryan's Elementary Treatise on Algebra. See No. 2345. 2297 SBezout. Theorie generale des Equations Algebriques. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1779. 2298 Bland (Miles). Algebraical Problems, producing Simple and Quadratic Equations with their solutions; designed as an introduction to the higher branches of Analytics. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1816. 2299 Bland (Miles). The same. 4th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1824. 2300 Boisbertrand (E. D.). Cours d'Algebre. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1810-11. 2301 Bonnycastle (John). A Treatise on Algebra, in Practice and Theory; with Notes and Illustrations. 2d edition, revised and greatly improved. (Vol. II. wanting.) 1st vol. 8vo. London, 1820. 2302 Bourdon. Elemnens d'Aloebre. 3"n edition. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1823. 2303. Bourdon. Elements of Algebra. Translated from the French, by Lt. Edward C. Ross. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1831. 2304 Bourdon. Elements of Algebra. Translated from the French, by Charles Davies. Revised edition. 1 vol. 8vo. (4 copies.) Philadelphia, 1839. 2305 Bourdon. Elements of Algebra: including Sturm's Theorem. Translated from the French, by Charles Davies. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1844. 2306 Bourdon. Elements of Algebra. Translated from the French. (Vol. I. wanting.) 2d vol. 8vo. New-York, 1831. 2307 Bridge (B.). A Compendious Treatise on the Theory and Solution of Cubic and Biquadratic Equations, and of Equations of the higher orders. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1821. 2308 Choquet. Traite d'Algebre. See No. 2337. 2309 Clairaut. Elemens d'Algebre. 6"' e'dition, avec des notes par Garnier; precedes d'un traite d'Arithmetique par Theveneau, avec une instruction sur les nouveaux poids et mesures. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1801. 2310 Clarke (H.). Lorgna's Dissertation on the Summation. See No. 2334. 2311 Day (Jeremiah). An Introduction to Algebra. 1 vol. 8vo. New Haven, 1814. 2312 Drinkwater Bethune (J.). Algebraic Expressions. See No. 2336. 2313 Emerson (Wiliiam). Treatise of Algebra: in two Books. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1780. 2314 Emerson (William). Treatise of Algebra: in two Books. A new edition, carefully revised and corrected. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1808. 2315 Emerson (W.). The Doctrine of Combinations. See Emerson, No. 2656. 2316 Euler (L6onard). El1mens d'Algebre; traduits de l'Allemand. Nouvelle edition, revue et augmentee des notes par J. G. Garnier. 2 vols. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1807. 16) ALGEBRA. 2317 Euler (Leonard). Elements of Algebra. Translated from the French, with the notes of M. Bernouilli, &c., and the additions of M. de la Grange. 3d edition, carefully revised and corrected by the Rev. John Iewlett. To which is prefixed a Memoir of the Life and Character of Euler, by the late Francis Horner. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1822. 2318 Fenn (Joseph). A new and complete System of Algebra; or, Specious Arithmetic, comprehending all the fundamental rules and operations of that science, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. Dublin, No date. 2319 Frend (William). The Principles of Algebra. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1796. 2320 Garnier (J. G.). E16mens d'Algebre. 3m edition. 1 v4. 8vo. Paris, 1811. 2321 Hackley (Charles W.). Treatise on Algebra; containing the latest improvements. 3d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1849. 2322 Haddon (James). Elements of Algebra. (Double Part.) 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1850. 2323 Hammond (Nathaniel). The Elements of Algebra, in a new and easy method, with their use and application, &c. 3d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1764. 2324 Hirsch (Meier). Algebraic Problems and Formulae. See Hirsch, No. 2285. 2325 Lacroix (S. F.). Elemens d'Algebre a l'usage de l'Ecole Centrale des Quatre Nations. II"" edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1815. 2326 Lacroix (S. F.). Complement des Elemens d'Alg6bre a Pusage de l'lEole Centrale des Quatre Nations. 4me edition. I vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1817. 2327 Lacroix (S. F.). El1mens d'Algebre a l'usage l'Ecole Centrtle des Quatre Nations. 13"' edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1820. 2328 Lagrange (J. L.). Traite de la Resolution des Equations Numrliques de tous les deg'rs, avec des Notes sur plusieurs points de la theolie des Equations Algebriques. Nouvelle 6dition, revue et augmentbe par l'Auteur. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1808. 2329 Landen (John). The Residual Analysis, a new branch of the Algebraic art. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1764. 2330 Lea (W.). Treatise on the Resolution of the Higher Equations in Algebra. I vol. 4to. London, 1811. 2331 Legendre (A. M.). Essai sur la Theorie des Nombres. 2T" edition. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1808. 2332 L'Huilier (Simon). E16mens Raisonnes d'Algebre, publi6s a l'usage des Etudiens en Philosophie. 2 vols. 8vo. Genieve, 1804. 2333 Lockhart (James). A Method of approximating towards the Roots of Cubic Equations belonging to the Irreducible Case. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1813. 2334 Lorgna (M. A.). A Dissertation on the Summation of Infinite Converging Series; with Algebraic Divisors. Translated from the Latin by H. Clarke. With iilustrative notes and observations, and an appendix. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1779 2335 3 aclaurin (Colin). Treatise of Algebra, in three Parts: to which is added an Appendix concerning the general properties of Geometrical Lines. 4th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1779. 2336 Maseres (Francis). A Dissertation on the Use of the Negative Sign in Algebra; containing a demonstration of the rules usually given concerning it, and showing how Quadratic and Cubic Equations may be explained without the consideration of Negative Roots: to which is added, as an appendix, Mr. Machin's Quadrature of the Circle. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1758. ALGEBRA. 137 2337 1MVayer et Choquet. Traite Elementaire d'Alg6bre. 2me edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1836. 2338 Mole (John). Elements of Algebra: to which is prefixed a choice collection of Arithmetical Questions with their Solutions, including some new improvemenlts worthy the attention of mathematicians. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1788. 2339 Murphy (Rev. Robert). Theory of Algebraical Equations. See No. 2336. 2340 Peiree.(Benjamin). An Elementary Treatise on Algebra: to which are added Exponential Equations and Logarithms. I vol. 8vo. Boston, 1843. 2341 Perkins (George R.). Treatise on Algebra; containing, moreover, the new method of Cubic and Higher Equations, as well as the development and a)pplication of the more recently discovered Theorem of Sturm. I vol. 8vo. Utica, 1842. 2342 Reyinaud (A. A. L.). Traite d'Application de l'Algebre a la Geometrie et de Trigonometrie. 1 vol. 8vo. (6 copies.) Paris, 1819. 2343 Reynaud (A. A. L.). Traite d'Algebre. 5me edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1821. 2344 Ronayne (Philip). Treatise of Algebra, in two Books; the first treating of the Arithmetical, and the second of the Geometrical part. 2d edition, with additions. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1727. 2345 Ryan (James). Elementary Treatise on Algebra, theoretical and practical to which is added an Appendix, containing an Algebraic method of demonstrating the propositions in the fifth Book of Euclid's Elements, according to the text and arrangement in Simson's edition, by Robert Adrain. 2d edition, revised and corrected. 1 vol. 12mo. (2 copies.) New-York, 1826. 2346 Saunderson (Nicholas). Elements of Algebra, in ten Books: to which are prefixed the Life and Character of the Author, and his Palpable Arithmetic deciphered. 2 vols. 4to. Cambridge, 1740. 2347 Saunderson. Elements of Algebra. 4th edition, revised and corrected. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1776. 2348 Scott (William). Elements of Algebra. See Scott, No. 2293. 2349 Smith (Francis H.). Elementary Treatise on Algebra. 1 vol. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1850. 2350 Theveneau. Traite d'Arithmetique, &c. See No. 2309. 2351 Trail. Elements of Algebra: to which is added an Appendix. 1 vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1789. 2352 Wallis (John). Treatise of Algebra, both historical and practical; showing the original, progress, and advancement thereof, from time to time; and by what steps it hath atta:-ined to the height at which now it is. With some additional treatises. 1 vol. fol. London, 1685. 2353 Waring (Edwards). Meditationes Algebraicae. 1 vol. fol. Cantabrigiae, 1770. 2354 Wolfius (Christian). Treatise of Algebra; with the application of it to a variety of problems in Arithmetic, to Geometry, Trigonometry, and Conic Sections; with the several methods of solving and constructing Equations of the higher kind: to which is prefixed what he refers to in his three preliminary treatises. Translated from the Latin. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) London, 1739. 138 GEOMETRY. GEOMETRY. 2355 Adams (George). Geometrical and Graphical Essays; containing a general description of the Mathematical Instruments used in Geometry, Civil and Military Surveying, Levelling, and Perspective; with many new Practical Problems. 3d edition, corrected and enlarged, by William Jones. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) London, 1803, 2356 Apollonii. Pergaei conicorum, &c. See Appollonii, Nos. 2167, 2168. 2357 Barrow (Isaac). Geometrical Lectures; explaining the Generation, Nature, and Properties of Curve Lines. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1735. 2358 Bonnycastle (John). Elements of Geometry; containing the principal propositions in the first Six, and the Eleventh and Twelfth Books of Euclid; with Critical Notes, and an Appendix. 6th ed. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1818. 2359 Bourgogne (Le Due de). Elemens de Geometrie. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1705. 2360 Braikenridge (Gulielmo). Exercitatio Geometrica de descriptione Linea]rum Curvarum. 1 vol. 4to. Londini, 1733. 2361 Brianchon (C. J.). Theorie des Transversales. See No. 2413. 2362 Bridge (Rev. B.). Conic Sections. See Bridge, No. 2477. 2363 Burrow (Reuben). Restitution of the Geometrical Treatise of Apollonius Pelgaeus on Inclinations. Also the Theory of Gunnery. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1779. 2364 Camus. Cours de Mathematique (seconde partie). Elemens de Geometrie, theorique et pratique. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris 1750. 2365 Cotesii (Rog.). Harmonia Mensurarum. 1 vol. 4to. Cantabrigiae, 1722. 2366 Cresswell (D.). Elementary Treatise on the Geometrical and Algebraical investigation of Maxima and Minima; to which is added a Selection of Propositions deducible from Euclid's Elements. 2d edition. 1 -ol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1817. 2367 Cresswell (D.). Treatise on Spherics; comprising the Elements of Spherical Geometry, and of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1816. 2368 Cresswell (D.). Euclid's Elements. See No. 2373. 2369 Davies (Charles). Legendre's Geometry and Trigonometry. See Nos. 2407, 2408. 2370 Douglas (George). Euclid's Elements. See No. 2374. 2371 Emerson (William). Elements of Geometry; in which the principal Propositions of Euclid, Archimedes, and others, are demonstrated after the most easy manner; to which is added a collection of useful Geometrical Problems; also theDoctrine of Proportion, &c. 1 vol.8vo. London, 1794. 2372 Emerson (W.). The Arithmetic of Infinites, and the Differential Method, illustrated by examples. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1767. tEOMETRY. 139 237:3 Euclid. Treatise of Geometry; containing the first Six Books of Euclid's Elements, methodically arranged and concisely demonstrated; together with the Elements of Solid Geometry, by D. Cresswell. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1819. 2374 Euclid. Elements, in which the Propositions are demonstiated, in a new and shorter manner than in former translations, and the arrangement of many of them altered; to which are annexed Plain and Spherical Trigonometry, Tables of Logarithms, from 1 to 10,000, and Tables of Sines, Tangents, and Secants, both Natural and Artificial, by George Douglas. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1780. 2375 Euclid. Elements, viz., the first Six Books, together with the Eleventh and Twelfth, by Robert Simson. 1 vol. 4to. Glasgow, 1756. 2376 Euclid. Elements, viz., the first Six Books, together with the Eleventh and Twelfth. Also the Book of Euclid's Data. To this edition are also annexed, Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. 1 vol. 8vo. (10 copies.) Philadelphia, 1810. 2377 Euclide. Ses ceuvres, en Grec, en Latin et en Frangais, d'apres un manuscrit tres-ancien qui etait rest6 inconnu jusqu'a nos jours, par F. Peyrard, ouvrage approuve par l'institut de France, d6diee au Roi. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1814-18. 2378 Euclid. Elements of Geometry; the first Six, the Eleventh and Twelfth Books. Translated into English fiom Dr. Gregory's edition, with notes and additions, by E. Stone. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1763. 2379 Euclid. Elements of Plane Geometry, with copious notes, explanatory, corrective, and supplementary, to which is subjoined a brief Introduction to Plane Trigonometry, with a Trigonometrical Table, by John Walker. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1827. 2380 Euclid. Elements; the whole Fifteen Books, compendiously demonstrated; with Archimedes's Theorems of the Sphere and Cylinder, investigated by the method of Indivisibles. Also Euclid's Data, and a brief Treatise of regular Solids, by Isaac Barrow. The whole carefully corrected, &c.; to which is now added an Appendix. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1751. 2381 Euclidis. Quae supersunt omnia ex recensione I)av. Gregorii, Graece et Latine. 1 vol. fol. Oxoniae, 1703. 2382 Euclidis. Datorum Liber cum additamento nec non tractatus alii ad Geometriam pertinentes. 1 vol. 8vo. Oxonii, 1803. 2383 Euclidis. Elementorum Libri priores XII. ex Commandini et Gregorii vei'sionibus Latinis. 1 vol. 8vo. Oxonii, 1802. 2384 Floy. Young's Geometry. See No. 2435. 2385 Gregorii (P.). Opus Geometricum Quadraturae circuli. 1 vol. fol. Antverpiae, 1647. 2386 Gregorii (R. P.). Opus Geometricum posthumum ad mesolabium. 1 vol. fol. Gantavi, 1668. 2387 Grund (Francis J.). First Lessons in Plane Geometry, together with an application of them to the Solution of Problems. 1 vol. 12mo. Boston, 1830. 2388 Hackley (Charles W.). Elementary Course of Geometry. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1847. 2389 Hamilton (Hugh). Geometrical Treatise of Conic Sections; in which the properties of the sections are derived from the nature of the Cone, in an easy manner, and by a new method. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1773. 2390 Hayward (James). Elements of Geometry, upon the Inductive Method; to which is added an Introduction to Descriptive Geometry. 1 vol. 12mo. Cambridge, 1829, 140 GEOMETRY, 2391 Jack (Richard). Elements of Conic Sections, in three Books, in which are' demonstrated the principal properties of the Parabola, Ellipse and Hyperbola. 1 vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1742. 2392 Jones (William). Adams's Geometrical and Graphical Essays. See No. 2355, 2393s 2Kastner (Abraham Polthelf). Geometrische abhandlungen, anwendungel der Geometrie und Trigonometrie. 2 vols. 12mo. Gottingen, 1790-91. 2394 Keith (Thomas). Elements of Plane Geometry, containing the first Six Books of Euclid, from the Text of Dr. Simson, with notes critical and explanatory; to which are added Book VII., including several important Propositions which are not in Euclid; together with the Quadrature of the Circle, &c., &c. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) London, 1820, 2395 Lachapelle. Traite des Sections Coniques, et autres courbes anciennes,. &c. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1750. 2396 Lacroix (S. F.). Elemens de Geometrie, a l'usage de l'Ecole centrale des quatre Nations. 2"n edition, revue et corrigee. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1814. 2397 Lacroix (S. F.). Essais de Geometrie, sur les Plans et les surfaces courbes. 4"" edition, revue et corrige.. vol. 8vo. Paris, 1812. 2398 Lacroix (S. F.). Elmens de. Geometrie, a l'usage de l'Ecole centrale des quatre Nations. 11i" edition, revue et corrigee. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1819, 2399 Lacroix (S. F.). Elemens de Geometrie, a l'usage de l'Ecole centrale des quatre Nations. 12'M edition, revue et corrigee. 1 vol. 8vo. (8 copies.) Paris, 1822, 2400 Lacroix (S. F.). Elemens de Geometrie, a l'usage de l'Ecole centrale des quatre Nations. 13"n edition, revue et corrigee. I vol. 8vo. (10 copies.) Paris, 1825. 2401 Lansbergi (Philippi). Triangulorum Geometrie. 1 vol. 4to. Luduni Batavorum, 1591. 2402 Larkin (N. J.). An Introduction to Solid Geometry, and to the Study of Chrystallography; containing an investigation of some of the properties belonging to the Platonic Bodies, independent of the Sphere. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1820, 2403 Le Blond. Abrege de l'Arithmetique et de ]a Geometrie de l'officier. I vol. 12mo. Paris, 1767. 2404 Legendre (A. M.). Elemens de Geometrie, avec des Notes. 2"' e'dition. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1813. 2405 Legendre (A. M.). Elements of Geometry. Translated fromn the French, by John Farrar. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Cambridge, 1825. 2406 Legendre (A. M.). Elements of Geometry and Trigonometry, with Notes, Translated from the French by David Brewster. I vol. 8vG. (2 copies.) New-York, 1828. 2407 Legendre (A. M.). Elements of Geometry and Trigonometry. Translated from the French by David Brewster; revised and adapted to the course of Mathematical Instruction in the United States, by Charles Davies. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) ~, 1839, 2408 Legendre (A. M.). Elements of Geometry and Trigonometry, revised and adapted to the course of Mathematical Instruction in the United States. 1 vol. 8vo. (3 copies.) New-York, 1851. 2409 Leslie (John). Elements of Geometry, Geometrical Analysis, and Plane Trigonometry; with an Appendix. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1811. 2410 Leslie (John). Elements of Geometry and Plane Trigonometry; with an Appendix. 4th edition. I vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1820. GEOMETRY. 141 2411 Loomis (Elias). Elements of Geometry and Conic Sections. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1843. 2412 Mac Laurin (Colin). Geometria Organica: sive descriptio linearum Curvarum Universalis. 1 vol. 4to. Londini,; 1720. 2413 Meelanges de Geometrie; a work of four authors, bound in one volume, viz.: Trait6 de Geometrie descriptive, par M. Potier, Paris, 1817; Solutions peu connues de diffreens Problemes de G6ometrie-pratique, par F. J. Servois, Metz, 1804; Trisection de l'Angle, par L. P. V. M. Azemar, Paris, 1809; Application de la theorie des transversales, par C. J. Brian~chon, Paris, 1818. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1817-18. 2414 SEoentucla. Histoire des Recherches sur la Quadrature du Cercle, avec un addition, &c. Nouvelle edition, revue et corrigee. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1831. 2415 Narrien (John). Elements of Geometry; consisting of the four first, and the sixth Books of Euclid, chiefly fiomn the text of Dr. Robert Simson. 2d elition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1849. 2416 Peirce (Benjamin). Elementary Treatise on Plane and Solid Geometry. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1841. 2417 Peyrard (F.). (Euvres d'Euclide. See No. 2377. 2418 Peirce (Morton). Geometry, Plane, Solid and Spherical. See No. 2236. 2419 Proclus. Commentaries. See Proclus, No. 5194. 2420 Servois (F. J.). Geometrie pratique. See No. 2413. 2421 Simpson (Thomas). Elements of Geometry; with their application to the Mensuration of Superficies and Solids, to the Determination of the Maxima and Minima of Geometrical Quantities, and to the construction of a great variety of Geometrical Problems. A new edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1821. 2422 Simson (Dr. Robert). Elements of the Conic Sections. 1 vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1775. 2423 Simson (Dr. Robert). The same. 2d edition. I vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1792 2424 Simson (Dr. Robert). Elements of the Conic Sections, carefully revised, corrected and enlarged. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1809. 2425 Simson (Robert). Euclid's Elements. See No. 2375. 2426 Stone (E.). Euclid's Elements. See No. 2378. 2427 Veley (Emmanuel de). Elemens de Geometrie. 3"m edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Geneve, 1830. 2428 Vince (Rev. S.). Elements of Conic Sections, as Preparatory to the reading of Sir I. Newton's Principia. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1781. 2429 Vincent (A. J. H.). Cours de Geometrie Elementaire. 1 vol. 8vo. Reims et Paris, 1826. 2430 Viviani (Vincentio). De logis solidis secunda divinatio Geometrica in quinque libros Aristaei. 1 vol. fol. Florentiai, 1673. 2431 Walker (T.). Elements of Geometry, with practical applications. 2d edition improved. 1 vol. 12mo. Boston, 1829. 2432 Walker (John). Euclid's Elements. See No. 2379. 2433 Waud (Rev. S. W.). Algebraical Geometry. See No. 2236. 2434 West (John). Elements of Conic Sections; revised and improved. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1820. 24:35 Young (J. R.). Elements of Geometry,. with Notes. Revised and corrected, with additions by M. Floy. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1833. 142 PERSPECTIVE AND DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. PERSPECTIVE AND DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 2436 Adhemar (J.). Geom6trie descriptive. 1 vol. 8vo. & fol. Atlas. Paris, 1832. 2437 Adhezmar (J.). Traite de Perspective a l'usage des Artistes. 1 vol. 8vo. & fol. Atlas. Paris, 1836. 2438 Blunt (Charles). Perspective Delineation of Machinery. See No. 1483. 2439 Bradley (Thomas). Practical Geometry, Linear Perspective, and Projection; including Isometrical Perspective, Projections of the Sphere, and the Projection of Shadows; with descriptions of the principal instruments used in Geometrical Drawing, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London-no date. 2440 Brook Taylor. See Taylor, No. 2469. 2441 Brown (Richard). The Principles of Practical Perspective, or Scenographic Projection; with Instructions for Shading and Coloring. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1815. 2442 Burg (M.). Traite du dessin Geometrique ou exposition complete de lPart du dessin lineaire. 1 vol. 4to. & Atlas 4to. Paris, 1847. 2443 Cloquet (J. B.). Nouveau Traite Elementaire de Perspective'a l'usage des Artistes et des Personnes qui s'occupent du dessin. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1823. 2444 Cresswell (D.). Elements of Linear Perspective. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1811. 2445 Davies (Charles). Elements of Descriptive Geometry, with their application to Spherical Trigonometry, Spherical Projections, and Warped Surfaces. 1 vol. 8vo. (6 copies.) Philadelphia, 1826. 2446 Davies (Charles). The same. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840. 2447 Davies (Charles). Treatise on Shades and Shadows, and Linear Perspective. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. (3 copies.) New-York, 1839. 2448 Dewitt (Simeon). Elements of Perspective. 1 vol. 8vo. Albany, 1813. 2449 Douglass (George). The Art of Drawing in Perspective, on Mathematical Principles. 1 vol. 8vo. & Atlas. Edinburgh, 1805. 2450 Duchesne (E.). Elemens de Geometrie descriptive. I vol. 12mo. Paris, 1828. 2451 Dufour (G. H.). Geometrie Perspective, avec ses alpplications a la recherche des ombres. 1 vol. 8vo. (8 copies.) Geneve et Paris, 1827. 2452 Dupin (Charles). Developpements de Geometrie, avec des applications a la Stabilite des Vaisseaux, &c., pour faire suite a la Geometrie descriptive de Monge. 1 vol. 4to. (2 copies.) Paris, 1813. 2453 Dupin (Charles). Applications de Geometrie et de Mechanique, a la Marine, aux Ponts et Chaussees, &c., pour faire suite aux Developpements de Geometrie, 1 vol. 4to. (2 copies.) Paris, 18'22. PERSPECTIVE AND DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 143 2454 Edwards (Edward). Practical Treatise of Perspective, on the Principles of Dr. Brook Taylor. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1803. 2455 Epures de Geometrie descriptive, de Coupe des Pierres, et de Charpente. 1 vol. fol. (2 copies.) No date. 2456 Francoeur (L. B.). L'Enseignement du dessin Lineaire. 2n ecdition. 1 vol. 8vo. & Atlas. Paris, 1827. 2457 Gwilt (Joseph). Sciography, or Examples of Shadows. See Gwilt, Nos. 1375, 1376. 2458 Hachette. Seconde Supplement de la Geom6trie descriptive, suivi de l'analyse Geometrique de John Leslie. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1818. 2459 Hayward (James). Descriptive Geometry. See Hayward, No. 2390. 2460 Lavit (J. B. 0.). Traite de Perspective (Texte et Atlas). 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1804. 2461 Le Roy (C. F. A.). Traite de Geometrie descriptive, avec une Collection d'Epures, composee de 60 Planches (Texte et Atlas). 2 vols. 4to. (2 copies.) Paris, 1834. 2462 pgonge (G.). Geometrie descriptive. 4- edition, augmentee d'une theorie des ombres et de la Perspective, extraite des papiers de l'auteur, par M. Brisson. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1820. 2463 Monge (G.). The same. 5m edition. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1827. 2464 Narrien (John). Descriptive Geometry. See Narrien, No. 2453. 246.5 Nicholson (Peter). The Rudiments of Practical Perspective, in which the representation of objects is described by two easy methods; one depending on the Plan of the object, the other on its Dimensions and Position. I vol. 8vo. London; 1822. 2466 Poncelet (J. V.). Traite des Proprite6s projectives des Figures. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1822. 2467 Potier. Geometrie descriptive. See No. 2413. 2468 Pyne (George). Rudimentary and Practical Treatise on Perspective, for Beginners. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1851. 2469 Taylor Brook. New Principles of Linear Perspective; or the art of designing on a Plane, the representations of all sorts of objects, in a more general and simple method than has been hitherto done. Illustrated by 13 Plates. 4th edition, revised. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1811. 2470 Thenot (J. P.). Essai de Perspective pratique pour rectifier ses compositions et dessiner d'apres nature. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1826. 2471 Thibault (J. T.). Application de la Perspective Lineaire aux Arts du dessin. 1 vol. fol. Paris, 1827. 2472 Tresca (.I). Traite Elementaire de Geometrie descriptive, d'apres les ouvrages et les Leqons de Th. Olivier. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1852. 2473 Vallee (L. L.). Traite de la Geomnetrie descriptive. 1 vol. 4to. (2 copies.) Paris, 1819. 2474 Vallee (L. L.). Traite de la Science du Dessin; pour faire suite a la Geomelrie descriptive. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1821. 2475 Vignola. Due Regole della Prospettiva Pratica. 1 vol. fol. Rome, 1611. 1441 TRIGONOMETRY. TRIGONOMETRY. 2476 Bonnycastle (John). Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, with their most useful practical applications. 3d edition, corrected and improved. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1818, 2477 Bridge (Rev. B.). A Treatise on the Construction of the three Conic Sections. 2d edition. London, 1817.-A compendious Treatise on the Elements of Plane Trigonometry. 2d edition. London, 1818. (Bound in one volume.) 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1817-18. 2478 Briggii et Gellibrand. Trigonometrica. See No. 2702. 2479 Cagnoli (Antoine). Trigonometrie Rectiligne et Spherique; traduite de'Italien par N. M. Chompre. 2me edition, consid6rablement augmentee. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1808. 2480 Chauvenet (William). Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1850. 2481 Cresswell (D). Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. See Cresswell, No. 2367. 2482 Cummings and Hilliard. Elementary Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, and on the application of Geometry to Trigonometry. Translated fiom the French of Lacroix and B6zout. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1820. 2483 Cummings and Hilliard. The same. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1826. 2484 Day (Jeremiah). Treatise of Plane Trigonometry; to which is prefixed a summary view of the nature and use of Logarithms. 1 vol. 8vo. New Haven, 1815. 2485 De Morgan (Prof.). Spherical Trigonometry. See No. 2236. 2486 Farrar (John). Elementary Treatise on the Application of Trigonometry; together with Logarithmic and other Tables. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1822. 2487 Gellibrand. Trigonometrica. See No. 2478. 2488 Hackley (Rev. C. W.). Elements of Trigonometry, Plane and Spherical; to which is added their application to the principles of Navigation and Nautical Astronomy, with Logarithmic, Trigonometrical, and Nautical Tables. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1838. 2489 Hackley (Rev. C. W.). A Treatise on Trigonometry, Plane and Spherical, with its application to Navigation and Surveying, Nautical and Practical Astronomy and Geodesy; with Logarithmic, Trigonometrical, and Nautical Tables. A new edition.' I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1851. 2490 Hann (James). Elements of Spherical Trigonometry. I vol. 18mo. London, 1849. 2491 Hann (James). Elements of Plane Trigonometry. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1849. TRIGONOMETRY. 145 2492 Hassler (F. R.). Elements of Analytic Trigonometry, Plane and Spherical. 1 vol. 8vo. (8 copies.) New-York, 1826. 2493 Hobert (J. Ph.) & Ideler (L.). Neue Trigonometrische Taflen fur die decimaleintheilung des Quadranten. 1 vol. 8vo. Berlin, 1779. 2494 Hopkins (W.). Elements of Trigonometry. See No. 2236. 2495 Ideler. Trigonometrische Taflen. See No. 2493. 2496 Kastner (A. G.). Trigonometrie. See KIstner, No. 2393. 2497 Keil (John). Elements of Plain and Spherical Trigonometry; also a short treatise of the Nature and Arithmetic of Logarithms. 1 vol. 121no. Dublin, 1790. 2498 Keith (Thomas). Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, &c. 3d edition, corrected and improved. I vol. 8vo. London, 1816. 2499 Keith (Thomas). The same. 4th edition, corrected and improved. I vol. 8vo. London, 1820. 2500 Kelly (P.). Practical Introduction to Spherics and Nautical Astronomy, &c. 5th edition. I vol. 8vo. London, 1822. 2501 EKlugel (G-eorg Simon). Analytische Trigonometrie. 1 vol. 12mo. Braunschweig, 1770. 2502 Lacroix (S. F.). Traite El6mentaire de Trigonometrie Rectiligne et Spherique, et d'application de l'Algebre a la Geometrie. 6"M edition, revue et corrigee. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1813. 2503 Lacroix (S. F.). The same. 7me edition, revue, corrig6e et augmentee. I vol. 8vo. (17 copies.) Paris, 1822. 2504 Lardner (Dionysius). Analytical Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, and the Analysis of Angular Sections. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1826. 2505 Lefevre (A.). Manuel du Trigonometrie, servant de Guide aux jeunes Ingenieurs qui se destinent aux operations Geod6siques. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1819. 2506 Legendre (A. M.). Trigonometry. See Legendre, Nos. 2406-7-8. 2507 Lesiie (J.). Plane Trigonometry. See Leslie, Nos. 2409-10. 2508 vlartin (Benjamin). The Young Trigonometer's complete Guide; being the mystery and rationale of Plane Trigonometry made clear and easy. 2 vols. 8vo. (2 copies.) London, 1736. 2509 lVaseres (Francis). Elements of Plane Trigonometry; in which is introduced a dissertation on the nature and use of Logarithms. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1760. 2510 Peirce (Benjamin). First Part of an Elementary Treatise on Spherical Trigonometry. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1836. 2511 Peirce (Benjamin). Elementary Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, with their applications to Navigation, Surveying, Heights and Distances, and Spherical Astronomy. 1 vol. Svo. Boston, 1840. 2512 Scott (William). Plane Trigonometry and Mensuration. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1845. 2513 Simpson (Thomas). Trigonometry, Plane and Spherical; with the construction and application of Logarithms. 5th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1792. 2514 Trembley (Jean). Essai de Trigonometrie Spherique, contenant diverses applications de cette science a l'Astronomie. 1 vol. 8vo. Neuchatel, 1783. 10 146 TRIGONOMETRY. 2515 Vince (Rev. S.). Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry; with an Introduction, explaining the nature and use of Logarithms. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1821. 2516 Woodhouse (Robert). Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. 2d edition, corrected, altered, and enlarged. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1813. 2517 Young (J. R.). Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, with its application to the principles of Navigation and Nautical Astronomy; with the Logarithmic and Trigonometrical Tables. I vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1833. ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY. 147 ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY. 2518 Agnesi (Donna Maria Gaetana). Analytical Institutions, in four Books: translated from the Italian, by the Rev. John Colson. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1801. 2519 Bicquilley (C. F. de). Die Rechnung des Wahrscheinlichen, aus dem Franzosischen ibersetzt, und mit Anmerkungen versehen von M. Christ. Friedr. Rudiger. 1 vol. 8vo. Leipzig, 1788. 2520 Biot (J. B.). Essai de Geometrie Analytique, appliquee aux courbes et aux surfaces du second ordre. I7m edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1826. 2521 Biot (J. B.). Elementary Treatise on Analytical Geometry; translated from the French by Francis H. Smith. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 4840. 2522 Boisayme. De la Courbe que decrit un chien en courant apres son maitre. 1 4to. pamphlet. No date. 2523 Boucharlat (J. L.) Theorie des Courbes et des Surfaces du second ordre. 2me edition. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1810. 2524 Burja (Abel). Erleichterter unterricht in der h6heren Messkunst oder deutliche Anweisung zur Geometrie der krummen Linien. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1788. 2525 Carnot (L. N. M.). Geometrie de Position. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1803. 2526 Carnot (L. N. M.). De la Correlation des Figures de Geometrie. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1801. 2527 Carnot (L. N. M.). Memoire sur la relation qui existe entre les distances respectives de cinq points quelconques pris dans l'espace, suivi d'un Essai sur la theorie des Transversales. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1806. 2528 Cartes (Renate des). See Des Cartes, No. 2533. 2529 Church (Albert E.). Elements of Analytical Geometry. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1851. 2530 Coffin (James H.). Elements of Conic Sections and Analytical Geometry. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1849. 2531 Davies (Charles). Elements of Analytical Geometry, embracing the Equations of the point, the straight line, the conic sections, and surfaces of the first and second order. 2d edition. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1839. 2532 Davies (Charles). The same. 2d edit. I vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1841. 2533 Des Cartes (Renate). Geometria, cum notis Florimondi de Beaune et Comm. Fr. a Schooten. A small vol. 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1649. 2534 Des Cartes (R.). Traite de la Lumiere et la Geometrie. See Des Cartes, No. 5253. 2535 De Stainville. See Stainville, No. 2558. 2536 Garnier (J. G.). Geometrie Analytique, ou application de l'Algebre a la Geometrie. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1813. 148 ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY. 2537 Gaarnier (J. G.). Analyse Algebrique, faisant suite a la premiere section de l'Algebre. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1814. 2538 Gaudin (A. P.). Developpement d'une pensee de d'Alembert, ou introduction l'application de l'Algebre a la Geometrie. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1825. 2539 Goure (E.). Theories generales de Geometrie Analytique. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1842. 2540 Hachette. Elements de Geometrie a trois dimensions. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1817. 2541 Hachette. L'Analyse Geometrique. See Hachette, No. 2458. 2542 Hamilton (H. P.). Principles of Analytical Geometry. I vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1826. 2543 HIann (James). Rudimentary Treatise on Analytical Geometry and Conic Sections. I vol. 18mo. London, 1850. 2544 Kastner (A. G.). Anfangsgruinde der analysis endlicher Grossen. 1 vol. 12mo. G5ttingen, 1794. 2545 Lardner (Rev. Dionysius). A System of Algebraic Geometry. (Vol. II. wanting.) 1st vol. 8vo. London, 1823. 2546 Lefebure de Fourcy. Legons de Geometrie Analytique. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1834. 2547 Lefrancois (F. L.). Essais sur la Ligne Droite et les Courbes du second deger. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1801. 2548 Leroy (M. F.). Analyse appliquee a la Geometrie des trois dimensions, comprenant les surfaces du second ordre, avec la theorie generale des surfaces, courbes et des lignes a double courbure. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1829. 2549 Leslie (John). Geometrical Analysis, and Geometry of Curve Lines. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Edinburgh, 1821. 2550 L'Hospital (Le Marquis de). Traite Analytique des Sections Coniques et de leur usage pour la resolution des Equations dans les Problemes tant d6termine qu'inddtermine. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1720. 2551 L'Hospital (Le Marquis de). An Analytic Treatise of Conic Sections, and their uses for resolving of Equations in Determinate and Indeterminate Problems. Made English by E. Stone. I vol. 4to. London, 1723. 2552 longe. Application de l'Analyse a la Geomeftrie. 4e e dition. I vol. 4to, (2 copies.) Paris, 1809. 2553 Narrien (John). Analytical Geometry; with the properties of Conic Sections, and an Appendix, constituting a tract on Descriptive Geometry. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1846. 2554 Prony (De). Exposition d'une Methode pour construire les Equations Indetermines qui se rapportent aux Sections Coniques. 1 4to. pamphlet. Paris, 1791. 2555 Puissant (Louis). Recueil de diverses propositions de Geometrie, resolues ou demontrees par l'analyse Algebrique, suivant les principes de Monge et de Lacroix. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1801. 2556 Puissant (L.). The same. 2"' edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1809. 2557 Schonberg (Curt Friedrich von). Abhandlung von den Tangenten, Quadraturen und Rectificationen der Kegelschnitte. 1 vol. 8vo. Leipzig, 1773. 2558 Stainville (J. de). Melanges d'Analyse Algebrique et de Geometrie. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1815. 2559 Young (J. R.). Elements of Analytical Geometry; comprehending the doctrine of the Conic Sections, and the general theory of Curves and Surfaces of the second order. I vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1833. METHOD OF FLUXIONS, ETC. 149 METHOD OF FLUXIONS, DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 2560 Boucharlat (J. L.) Elemens de Calcul diff6rentiel et de Calcul int6gral. 2m 6dition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1820. 2561 Boucharlat (J. L.). The same. 3-M edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1826. 2562 Boucharlat (J. L.). The same. 4me edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1830. 2563 Cambridge Problems: being a collection of the printed questions proposed to the candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arts, at the General Examinations, from 1801 to 1820 inclusive. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1821. 2564 Carnot. Reflexions sur la Metaphysique du Calcul infinitesimal. 2e 6edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1813. 2565 Cauchy. Cours d'Analyse et Mecanique de l'Ecole Polytechnique de France (in manuscript). 1 vol. fol. Paris, 1827. 2566 Church (Albert E.). Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus. 1 vol. 8vo. (3 copies.) New-York, 1842. 2567 Church (Albert E.). Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus. Improved edition. 1 vol. 8vo. (3 copies.) New-York, 1851. 2568 Colson (John). Newton's Method of Fluxions. See No. 2611. 2569 Condorcet (Le Marquis de). Essais d'Analyse. (2 vols. in one.) 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1768. 2570 Cousin (J. A. J.). Traite de Calcul diff6rentiel et de Calcul int6gral. (1st and 2d part, in 1 vol.) 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1796. 2571 Cousinery (B. E.). G6ometrie Elementaire du Compas. 1 vol. 18mo. Paris, 1851. 2572 Davies (Charles). Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1836. 2573 Davies (Charles). The same. 2d edition, revised and corrected. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1838. 2574 Davis (William). Rowe's Doctrine of Fluxions. See No. 2615. 2575 Dealtry (William). Principles of Fluxions. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1816. 2576 De Morgan (Augustus). The Differential and Integral Calculus; with elementary illustrations of the Differential and Integral Calculus (Library of Useful Knowledge). 1 vol. 8vo. London-no date. 2577 Ditton (Humphrey). Institution of Fluxions; containing the first principles, the operations, with some of the uses and applications of that admirable method. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1726. .150 METHOD OF FLUXIONS, ETC. 2578 Emerson. Doctrine of Fluxions; not only explaining the elements thereof, but also its application and use in the several parts of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1743. 2579 Emerson (W.). Arithmetic of Infinites, and the Differential Method. See Emerson, No. 2372. 2580 Euler (Leonhard). Institutiones Calculi integralis. 3 vols. 4to. Petropoli, 1768. 2581 Euler (Leonhard). Vollstandige anleitung zur differenzial Rechnung; aus dem Lateinischen uibesetzt, und mit Anmerkungen und Zusatzen begleitet von Johann A. Ch. Michelsen. 3 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1790-93. 2582 Euler (Leonhard). Einleitung in die Analysis des Unendlichen. Aus dem Lateinischen ubersetzt, und mit Anmerkungen und Zuzatsen begleitet von J. A. Ch. Michelsen. 3 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1788-91. 2583 Euler (Leonhard). Introduction'a'Analyse Infinitesimale; traduite du Latin en Frangais, avec des Notes et des Eclaircissements, par J. B. Labey. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1796-97. 2584 Euler (Leonhard). Methodus inveniendi Lineas Curvas Maximi Minimive proprietate gaudentes. 1 vol. 4to. Lausanne, 1744. 2585 Finck (P. J. E.). Traite Elementaire d'Analyse Infinitesimale. Premiere partie, comprenant le Calcul diff6rentiel et ses principales applications Geom6triques. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1834. 2586 Garaier (J. G.). Legons de Calcul integral. 3-M edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1812. 2587 Garnier (J. G.). Legons de Calcul diff6rentiel. 3me edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1811. 2588 EHann (James). Examples on the Integral Calculus. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1850. 2589 Herschel (J. F. W.). A Collection of Examples of the Applications of the Calculus of Finite Differences. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1820. 2590 Jellett (John Hewitt). An Elementary Treatise on the Calculus of Variations. 1 vol. 8vo. Dublin, 1850. 2591 Jephson (Thomas). The Fluxional Calculus; an Elementary Treatise. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1826. 2592 Kartscher (Maurice). Lubbe's Traite de Calcul. See No. 2604. 2593 Kastner (A. G.). Anfangsgriinde der Analysis des Unendlichen. I vol. 12mo. Gottingen, 1770. 2594 Labey (J. B.). Euler's Analyse Infinitesimale. See No. 2583. 2595 Lacroix (S. F.). Traite du Calcul differentiel et du Calcul integral. 2'M edition. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1810-14. 2596 Lacroix (S. F.). Traite El6mentaire de Calcul differentiel et de Calcul integral. 3m edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1820. 2597 Lacroix (S. F.). The same. 4`m edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1828. 2598 Lacroix (S. F.). An Elementary Treatise on the Differential and Integral Calculus. Translated from the French, with an Appendix and Notes. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Cambridge, 1816. 2599 Lagrange (J. L.). Theorie des fonctions Analytiques, contenant les principes du Calcul differentiel degages de toute consideration d'infiniment petits, &c., &o. Nouvelle edition. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1813. 2600 Lardner (Rev. Dionysius). An Elementary Treatise on the Differential and Integral Calculus. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1825. METHOD OF FLUXIONS, ETC. 151 2601 Legendre (A. M.). Exercices de Calcul integral sur divers ordres de Transcendantes et sur les Quadratures. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1811. 2602 Legendre (A. M.). Exercices de Calcul integral sur divers ordres de Transcendantes et sur les Quadratures. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1811-17. 2603 L'Hospital (Le Marquis de). Analyse des infiniment petits, pour l'intelligence des Lignes Courbes. Nouvelle edition, revue et augmentee par M. Le Fevre. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1781. 2604 Lubbe (S. F.). Traite de Calcul diff6rentiel et de Calcul integral; traduit de l'Allemand et augmentee. de plusieurs notes et solutions, par Maurice Kartscher. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1832. 2605 Mlaclaurin (Colin). Treatise of Fluxions, in two Books. 2 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1742. 2606 Maclaurin (Colin). Traite de Fluxions; traduit de l'Anglais par R. P. Pezenas. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1749. 2607 BMichelsen (J. A. Ch.). Euler's differenzial Rechnung. See No. 2581. 2608 MLoigno (M. L'Abbe). Lemons de Calcul diff6rentiel et de Calcul integral. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1840-44. 2609 Mloivre (Abrah. de). Miscellanea Analytica de Seriebus et Quadraturis. 1 vol. 4to. Londini, 1730. 2610 Morgan (Augustus de). See De Morgan, No. 2576. 2611 Newton (Isaac). Method of Fluxions and Infinite Series; with its Application to the Geometry of Curve Lines. Translated from original Latin by John Colson, and to which is subjoined a perpetual comment upon the whole work. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1736. 2612 Nicholson (Peter). An Introduction to the Method of Increments, expressed by a new form of notation, showing more intimately its relation to the Fluxional Analysis. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1817. 2613 Peacock (George). A Collection of Examples of the Applications of the Differential and Integral Calculus. 1 vol. 8vo. (3 copies.) Cambridge, 1820. 2614 Peirce (Benjamin). An Elementary Treatise on Curves, Functions, and Forces; containing Analytic Geometry, and the Differential Calculus. (Vol. 1st only.) Ist vol. 8vo. Boston, 1841. 2615 Rowe (John). An Introduction to the Doctrine of Fluxions. 4th edition, with additions and alterations; to which is added an Essay on Theory, by William Davis. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) London, 1809. 2616 Rlyan (James). The Differential and Integral Calculus. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) New-York, 1828. 2617 Saunderson (Nicholas). Method of Fluxions, applied to a select number of useful Problems; together with the demonstration of Mr. Cotes's forms of Fluents, in the second part of his Logometria; the Analysis of the Problems in his Scholium generale, and an explanation of the principal Propositions of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1756. 2618 Servois. Essai sur un nouveau mode d'exposition des principes du Calcul diff6rentiel. i 4to. pamphlet. Nismes, 1814. 2619 Simpson (Thomas). The Doctrine and Application of Fluxions; containing, besides what is common on the subject, a number of new improvements in the Theory, &c. New edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1823. 2620 Simpson (Thomas). A New Treatise of Fluxions; wherein the Direct and Inverse Method are demonstrated after a new, clear, and concise manner, with their application to Physics and Astronomy, &c. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1737. 152 METHOD OF FLUXIONS, ETC. 2621 Stirling (Jacobo). Methodus differentialis sive tractatus de summatione et interpolatione serierum Infinitarum. 1 vol. 4to. Londini, 1753. 2622 Stone (E.). Method of Fluxions, both Direct and Inverse. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1730. 2623 Tempelhoff (G. F.). Anfangsgriinde der Analysis des Unendlichen; erster Theil, welcher die differenzial Rechnung enthalt. 1 vol. 8vo. Berlin, 1770. 2624 Vince (Rev. S.). Principles of Fluxions; designed for the use of Students in the University. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1812. 2625 Woodhouse (Robert). Principles of Analytical Calculation. 1 vol. 4to. Cambridge, 1803. 2626 Woodhouse (Robert). Treatise on Isoperimetrical Problems, and the Calculus of Variations. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1810. 2627 Wronski (Hoene). Refutation de la Theorie des Fonctions Analytiques de Lagrange., 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1812. 2628 Young (J. R.). Elements of the Differential Calculus; comprehending the General Theory of Curve Surfaces, and of Curves of Double Curvature. I vol. 12mo. London, 1831. 2629 Young (J. R.). Elements of the Integral Calculus; with its applications to Geometry, and to the Summation of Infinite Series. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1831. MIENSURATION, SURVEYING, AND PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 153 MENSURATION, SURVEYING, AND PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 2630 Arago. Observations Geodesiques. See No. 2638. 2631 Baker (T.). Rudimentary Treatise on Mensuration, comprehending the Elements of Modern Engineering. I vol. 18mo. London, 1850. 2632 Baker (T.). Land and Engineering Surveying. See Baker, No. 1758. 2633 Beautemps-Beaupre (C. F.). Methodes pour la levee et la construction des Cartes et Plans Hydrographiques. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1811. 2634 Beckett (Joseph). Elements and Practice of Mensuration and Land Surveying. I vol. 8vo. London, 1822. 2635 Begat (P.). Expose des Operations Geodesiques. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1844. 2636 Benoit (P. M. N.). Cours complet de Topographie et de Geodesie. (1re et 2 parties.) 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1822-25. 2637 Bergery (C. L.). Geometrie appliquee a l'industrie a l'usage des Artistes et des (Euvres. 1 vol. 8vo. Metz, 1825. 2638 Biot et Arago. Recueil d'observations Geodesiques, Astronomiques et Physiques. 1 vol. 4to. (2 copies.) Paris, 1821, 2639 Blackett (T. Oswald). An Essay on the Use of the Spirit Level, as applied to Engineering and other Purposes. 1 vol. 8vo. Newcastle, 1838. 2640 Bradley (Thomas). Practical Geometry, &c., &c. See Bradley, No. 2439. 2641 Busson-Descars (P.). Traite du Nivellement. 1 vol. 4to. Parme, 1813. 2642 Cassini de Thury. Description Geometrique de la France. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1783. 2643 Cassini, Mechain et Legendre. Expose des Operations. See No. 3008. 2644 Clere (A.). Cours des levers Topographiques (Lithog.). 1 vol. fol. No date. 2645 Colby (T.). Trigonometrical Survey. See No. 2679. 2646 Dalby (Isaac). Trigonometrical Survey. See No. 2679.'2647 Davies (Charles). Elements of Surveying, with the necessary Tables. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1830, 2648 Davies (Charles). Elements of Surveying, with a description of the Instruments, and the necessary Tables, including a Table of Natural Sines. 4th edition. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1839. 2649 Davies (Charles). Elements of Surveying and Navigation; with a description of the Instruments, and the necessary Tables. 5th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1841. 2650 Davies (Charles). Elements of Surveying and Navigation. Revised edition. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1851. 154 MENSURATION, SURVEYING, AND PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 2651 Davis (William). A Complete Treatise on Land Surveying, by the Chain, Cross, and Offset Staffs only, in Three Parts. 4th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1805. 2652 Delambre et Legendre. Methodes Analytiques pour la determination d'un arc du Meridien. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1799. 2653 Delambre et lechain. Base du Systeme Metrique decimal. See No. 3297. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1806-10. 2654 Dupin (Le Baron Charles). Geometrie et Mechanique des Arts et Metiers et des beaux-Arts. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1825-26. 2655 Dupin (Charles). Applications de Geometrie, &c. See Dupin, No. 2453. 2656 Emerson (William). The Doctrine of Combinations, Permutations, and Compositions of Quantities, clearly and succinctly demonstrated; Surveying; Chronology, or the Art of Reckoning Time, &c. I vol. 8vo. London, 1770. 2657 Fabre. Traite complet sur la th6orie et la pratique du Nivellement. 1 vol. 4to. Draguignan, 1812. 2658 Fenwick (Thomas). A Theoretical and Practical Treatise on Subterraneous Surveying, and the Magnetic Variation of the Needle. 1 vol. 8vo. Newcastle, 1804. 2659 Frome (Lieut.). Outline of the Method of Conducting a Trigonometrical Survey, for the Formation of Topographical Plans; and Instructions for filling-in the interior detail, both by Measurement and Sketching; Militarv Reconnaissance, Levelling, &c., &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1840. 2660 Geodesiques. Instruction sur la disposition et la tenue des Registres de Calculs Geodesiques. 1 vol. fol. No date. 2661 Gibson (Robert). Treatise of Practical Surveying; which is demonstrated from'its first principles, wherein is every thing that is useful and curious in that Art, &c. 9th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1808. 2662 Gregory (Dr. David). Treatise of Practical Geometry, in Three Parts. Translated from the Latin, with additions. 7th edition. I vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1769. 2663 Gummere (John). Treatise on Surveying, containing the Theory and Practice: to which is prefixed a perspicuous System of Plane Trigonometry. 8th edition, improved. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1833. 2664 Ingram (Alexander). Concise System of Mensuration; containing Algebra, with Fluxions, Practical Geometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration of Superficies and Solids, Land-Surveying, Gauging, &c., together with a large Appendix. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1822. 2665 Jackson (Major Basil). A Course of Military Surveying; including Instructions for Sketching in the Field, Plan Drawing, Levelling, Military Reconnaissance, &c.; also a particular description of the Surveying Instruments, with Plates and Diagrams. I vol. 8vo. London, 1838. 2666 Jackson (Major Basil). Elementary Surveying; comprising a Course of Land Surveying with Gunter's Chain, and the Practice of Surveying with the Theodolite, Pocket-Sextant, and Prismatic Compass; together with a Section on Levelling. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1842. 2667 Lacondamine (Char. Mar. de). Journal du Voyage a 1' 1quateur, servant d'introduction a la Mesures des trois premiers degr6s du Meridien. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1751. 2668 iLacroix (S. F.) Introduction a la Geographie.Mathematique et Critique, et a la Geographie Physique. Nouvelle 6dition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1811. MENSURATION, SURVEYING, AND PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 155 2669 Landmann (I.). Practical Geometry; for the use of the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1805. 2670 Lee (Capt. T. J.). Collection of Tables and Formula useful in Geodesy and Practical Astronomy. 1 vol. 8vo. Washington, 1849. 2671 Lef6vre (A.). Nouveau Traite de l'Arpentage. 3m edition, considerablement augmentee. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1811. 2672 Legendre. Determination d'un Arc du Meridien. See No. 2652. 2673 Livet. Cours de Geodesie et Gnomonique (Lithog.). I vol. 4to. ~, 1842 & 1845. 2674 Mackay (Andrew). Description and Use of the Sliding Rule, in Arithmetic, and in the Mensuration of Surfaces and Solids; also the description of the Ship Carpenter's Sliding Rule, &c., &c. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1811. 2675 Maackay (Andrew). Description and Use of the Sliding Gunter in Navigation. 2d edition, improved and enlarged. I vol. 8vo. Leith, 1812. 2676 Mascheroni (L.). Problemes pour les Arpenteurs, avec differentes solutions. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1803. 2677 Mechain. Base du Systeme Metrique decimal. See No. 2653. 2678 Mitchell (Major T. L.). Outlines of a System of Surveying, for Geographical and Military purposes; comprising the principles on which the surface of the earth may be represented on Plans. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1827. 2679 Mudge, &c. An Account of the Operations carried on for accomplishing a Trigonometrical Survey of England and Wales, by William Mudge, Isaac Dalby, and Thomas Colby. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1799-1811. 2680 Narrien (John). Practical Geodesy. See No. 3102. 2681 Nesbit (A.). Complete Treatise on Practical Land-Surveying, in Seven Parts. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. York, 1820. 2682 Pasley (C. W.). Complete Course of Practical Geometry, including Conic Sections and Plan Drawing, treated on a principle of peculiar perspicuity. 2d edition, much enlarged. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1822. 2683 Pommies. Manuel de l'ingenieur du Cadastre, precede d'un traite de Trigonometrie, par A. A. L. Reynaud. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1808. 2684 Practical Surveying. A Treatise on Practical Surveying and Topographical Plan-Drawing, with Plates. I vol. 8vo. London, 1829. 2685 Prony. Roy's Description des Moyens employes. See No. 2690. 2686 Puissant (L.). Traite de Geodesie, ou exposition des Methodes Astronoiniques et Trigonometriques, appliquees soit a la mesure de la Terre, soit a la confection du Canevas des Cartes et des Plans. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1805. 2687 Puissant (L.). Supplement au Traite de Geodesie. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1827. 2688 Puissant (L.). Traite de Topographie d'Arpentage et de Nivellement. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1807. 2689 Reynaud (A. A. L.). Manuel de l'ingenieur du Cadastre. See No. 2683. 2690 Rloy (Maj. Gen. William). Description des Moyens employes pour mesurer la base de Hounslow Heath dans la province de Middlesex; traduite de l'Anglais, par M. Prony, et considerablement augmentee. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1787. 2691 Scott (William). Mensuration. See Scott, No. 2512. 2692 Siborn (William). Practical Treatise on Topographical Surveying and Drawing. I vol. 8vo. London, 1827.. 156 MENSURATION, SURVEYING, AND PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 2693 Siborn (William). Instructions for Civil and Military Surveyors in Topographical Plan-Drawing; forming a guide to the just conception and accurate representation of the surface of the earth, in Maps and Plans. 1 vol. 4to. ob]. London, 1822. 2694 Sleeman (Thomas). Practical Treatise on the Use of Portable Mathematical Instruments, in various parts of the Mathematics; to which is added a Complete System of Land Surveying. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1805. 2695 Stephenson (William). A System of Land Surveying. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1810. 2696 Svanberg (Jons.). Exposition des Operations faites en Lipponie pour la determination d'un Arc du Meridien en 1801, 1802 et 1803. 1 vol. 8vo. Stockholm, 1805. 2697 Van Swinden (J. H.) Precis des Operations qui ont servi a determiner les bases du nouveau Systeme Metrique. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1798. 2698 Verkaven (J. J.). L'Art de lever les Plans, applique a tout ce qui a rapport a la guerre, a la Navigation et a 1'Architecture, civile et rurale. 2"e edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1811. LOGARITHMS AND MATHEMATICAL TABLES. 157 LOGARITHMS AND MATHEMATICAL TABLES. 2699 [Babbage (Charles). Table of Logarithms of Natural Numbers, from 1 to 108,000. 1 vol. 8vo. (3 copies.) London, 1827. 2700 Barlow (Peter). New Mathematical Tables, containing the Factors, Squares, Cubes, Square Roots, Cube Roots, Reciprocals, and Hyperbolic Logarithms of all numbers, from 1 to 10,000; Tables of Powers, and Prime Numbers, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1814. 2701 Briggii (Henricus). Arithmetica Logarithmica. 1 vol. fol. London, 1624. 2702 Briggii et Gellibrand. Trigonometrica Britannica sive de doctrina triangulorum, Libri II. 1 vol. fol. Goudae, 1633. 2703 Brown (J.). Mathematical Tables. 1 vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1826. 2704 Burckhardt (J. Ch.). Table des diviseurs pour tons les nombres du deuxieme et du troisieme Million. 1 vol. fol. Paris, 1814. 2705 Callet (Frangois). Tables de Logarithmes. Edition Stereotype. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1795 tirage 1821. 2706 Callet (Francois). The same. I vol. 8vo. (5 copies.) Paris, 1795 tirage 1825. 2707 Callet (Francois). The same. I vol. 8vo. (5 copies.) Paris, 1795 tirage 1827. 2708 Callet (Franqois). The same. 1 vol. 8vo. (5 copies.) Paris, 1795 tirage 1829.'2709 Delambre (J. B. J.). Tables Trigonom6triques decimales, ou tables des Logarithmes, des sinus, &c.; Calculees par Ch. Borda et publiees par Delambre. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1801. 2710 Ferroni (P.). Magnitudinum Exponentialium Logarithmorum et Trigonometriae sublimis, Theoria, novo methodo pertractata. I vol. 4to. Florence, 1782.. 2711 Galbraith (William). Mathematical and Astronomical Tables. 1 vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1827. 2712 Gellibrand. Trigonometrica Britannica. See No. 2702. 2713 Hassler (F. R.). Logarithmic and Trigonometric Tables, to seven places of decimals. A new edition. 1 vol. 12mo. (6 copies.) New-York, 1844. 2714 Hutton (Charles). Tables of the Products and Powers of Numbers. I vol. fol. London, 17812715 Hutton (Charles). Mathematical Tables; containing the Common Hyper bolic and Logistic Logarithms; also Sines, Tangents, Secants, and Versed Sines, both Natural and Logarithmic, &c.; to which is prefixed a large and original History of the discoveries and writings relating to those subjects. 4th edition. I vol. 8vo. London, 1804. 2716 Hutton (Charles). The same. 5th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1811 158 LOGARITHMS AND MATHEMATICAL TABLES. 2717 Kepleri (Joannis). Chilias Logarithmorum. 1 vol. 4to. Marpurgi, 1624. 2718 Law (Henry). Mathematical Tables. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1851. 2719 Law (Henry). Rudimentary Treatise on Logarithms, and Mathematical Tables. (Double Part.) 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1851. 2720 MVackay (Andrew). A Collection of Mathematical Tables. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1804. 2721 Maissiat. Tables portatives de projections et de verticales. 1 vol. 12mo. Aix-la-Chapelle, 1808. 2722 Martin (Benjamin). Logarithmologia; or the Whole Doctrine of Logarithms, Common and Logistical, in theory and practice. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1740. 2723 Maseres (Francis). Scriptores Logarithmici; or a collection of several curious tracts on the Nature and Construction of Logarithms, mentioned in Dr. Hutton's Historical Introduction to his new edition of Sherwin's Mathematical Tables; together with some tracts on the binomial theorem, and other subjects connected with the Doctrine of Logarithms. 6 vols. 4to. London, 1791-1807. 2724 Napier (John). Arithmetica Logarithmica. I vol. fol. London, 1624. 2725 Oyon. Tables de Multiplication. 3"M edition. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1824. 2726 Plauzoles (Ch.). Tables de Logarithmes des nombres, depuis I jusqu'a 21,750, des Sinus, Cosinus, Tangentes et Cotangentes pour chaque minute du quart de Cercle. Edition Stereotype. 1 vol. 12mo. (29 copies.) Paris, 1814. 2727 Prus (C.). Tables relatives au trace des Courbes de Raccordement. 1 vol. 8vo. Angers, 1846. 2728 Reynaud (A. A. L.). Trigonometrie Analytique, precede de la theorie des Logarithmes. 1 vol. 18mo. Paris, 1805. 2729 Rhetici (G. J.). Opus Palatinum de Triangulis. 1 vol. fol. Pragae, 1596. 2730 Schulz (J. C.). Logarithmischer, Trigonometrischer Tafeln. (Vol. 1st only.) 1st vol. 8vo. Berlin, 1778. 2731 Tables de Multiplication, a l'usage de MM. les Geometres, de MM. les Ingenieurs-verificateurs du Cadastre pour le Calcul de la surface des Plans, &c. 2"m edition. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1812. 2732 Taylor (Michael). Tables of Logarithms of all Numbers, from 1 to 101,000; and of the Sines and Tangents to every second of the Quadrant; with a preface, and precepts for the explanation and use of the same, by Nevil Maskelyne. 1 vol. fol. London, 1792. 2733 Taylor (Michael). Sexagesimal Table, exhibiting at sight the result of any proportion, &c., &c. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1780. 2734 Ulacci (Adr.). Trigonometria Artificialis. 1 vol. fol. Goudae, 1633. MECHANICS, INCLUDING STATICS, DYNAMICS, ETC. 159 MECHANICS, INCLUDING STATICS, DYNAMICS, HYDROSTATICS, AND HYDRODYNAMICS. 2735 Alexander (P. Dom Jacob). Ausfuhrliche Abhandlung von den Uhren, aus dem Franzosischen ibersetzt von Ch. Phil. Berger. 1 vol. 8vo. Lemot, 1738. 2736 Antoni (d'). Institutions Physico-Mechaniques. Traduites de F'Italien, par M * * * Chevalier de St. Louis. 2 vols. 8vo. Strasbourg, 1777. 2737 Atwood (G.). Treatise on the Rectilinear Motion and Rotation of Bodies; with a description of original Experiments relative to the subject. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1784. 2738 Bartlett (W. H. C.). Elements of Natural Philosophy. Section I. Mechanics. See No. 2829. 2739 Beaufoy (Col. Mark). Nautical and Hydraulic Experiments, with numerous Scientific Miscellanies. (Vol. I. only.) 1st vol. 4to. London, 1834. 2740 Belanger (J. B.). Mouvement permanent des Eaux Courantes. See Belanger, No. 1627. 2741 Berard (J. B.). Statique des Vouftes, contenant l'essai d'une nouvelle theorie de la pouss6e et un appendice sur les anses de Panier. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1810. 2742 Berger (Christian Philipp). Abhandlung der Uhren. See No. 2735. 2743 Berthoud (F.). L'Art de conduire et de r6gler les Pendules et les Montres, a l'usage de ceux qui n'ont aucune connaissance d'Horlogerie; suivie d'une indication de regles, observations et calculs, pour l'usage des Montres astronomiques, &c. 4me edition. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1811. 2744 Borelli (Joh. Alphonsi). De Motu Animalium. 1 vol. 4to. Hagae Comitum, 1743. 2745 Borgnis (J. A.). Theorie de la Mecanique usuelle. See Borgnis, Nos. 1487 to 1495. 2746 Bossut (Charles). Traite thBorique et experimental d'Hydrodynamique. Nouvelle edition, corrigee et augmentee. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1796. 2747 Boucharlat (J. L.). Elemens de Mecanique. 2me edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1827. 2748 Boucharlat (J. L.). An Elementary Treatise on Mechanics. Translated from the French, with additions and emendations, by Edward H. Courtenay. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1836. 2749 Bremontier. Mouvement des Ondes.:See.Bremontier, No. 1634. 2750 Bridge (Rev. B.). Treatise on Mechanics, intended as an introduction to the study of Natural Philosophy. I vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) London, 1814. 160 MECHANICS, INCLUDING STATICS, DYNAMICS, ETC. 2751 Burja (Abel). Grundlehren der Dynamick und desjenigen Theiles der Mechanik, welcher von den festen Korpern im Zustande der Bewegung handelt. 1 vol. 8vo. Berlin, 1791. 2752 Busch. Versuch einer Mathematick, zweiter Theil, welcher die Hydrostatik, Aerometrie und Hydraulik enthalt. I vol. 12mo. Hamburg, 1791. 2753 Carnot (L. N. M.). Principes fondamentaux de l'Equilibre et du Mouvement. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1803. 2754 Christian G. J.). Traite de Mecanique industrielle. See Christian, No. 1510. 2755 Cotes (Roger). Hydrostatical and Pneumatical Lectures; published from the Author's original manuscript, with Notes by Robert Smith. 3d edition, carefully revised and corrected. 1 vol. Svo. London, 1775. 2756 Cotes (Rogero). De descensu gravium, de motu pendulorum in cycloide et de motu projectilium. 1 vol. 4to. Cantabrigiae, 1770. 2757 Cotte (L.). Dictionnaire portatif des M6caniques. 2`m edition. 1 vol 18mo. Paris, 1807. 2758 Coulomb. Theorie des Machines Simples. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1809. 2759 Cumming (Alexander). Elements of Clock and Watch-Work, adapted to Practice: in two Essays. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1766. 2760 BD'Alembert. Traite de Dynamique. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1743. 2761 D'Alembert. Traite d'Equilibre et du Mouvement des Fluides, pour servir de suite au Traite de Dynamique. 1 vol. 4to. (2 copies.) Paris, 1744. 2762 D'Antoni. See Antoni, No. 2736. 2763 D'Aubuisson de Voisins. Mouvememt de lEau. See No. 1514. 2764 Delaunay (M. Ch.). Cours elementaire de Mecanique theorique et appliqcuee. 1e & 2e parties. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1851. 2765 Denison (Edmund Beckett). Rudimentary Treatise on Clock and Watchmaking; with a chapter on Church Clocks. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1850. 2766 Dubuat. Principes d'Hydraulique et de Pyrodynamique. Nouvelle edition, revue et augmentee. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1816. 2767 Dupuy. Fragment d'un ouvrage d'Anthemius sur les Paradoxes de Mecanique, Grec et Franqais. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1777. 2768 Emerson (W.). Principles of Mechanics, explaining and demonstrating the general laws of motion. 6th edition. 1 vol. 4to. (2 copies.) London, 1811. 2769 FPontana (Greg.). Dissertazione idrodinamica soprail quesito. I vol. fol. Mantova, 1775. 2770 Francais (J. F.). Memoire sur le mouvement de rotation d'un corps solide libre, autour de son centre de masse. 1 4to. pamphlet. Paris, 1813. 2771 Francoeur (L. B.). Traite elementaire de Mecanique adopte dans'instruction publique. 4m" edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1807. 2772 Frisii (Pauli). De Gravitate universari corporum, Libri III. 1 vol. 4to. Mediolani, 1768. 2773 Gregory (Olinthus). Treatise of Mechanics, theoretical, practical, and descriptive. 3d edition, corrected and improved. 3 vols. 8vo. with Plates. (2 copies.) London, 1815. 2774 Hugenii (Christiani). Opera Varia. 2 vols. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1724. 2775 Hugenii (Christiani). Opera Reliqua. 2 vols. 4to. Amst. 1728. 2776 Karsten (W. J. G.). Statischen, Wissenschaften und Mechanick. See Karsten, No. 2223. MECHANICS, INCLUDING STATICS, DYNAMICS, ETC. 161 2777 Kastner (Abra. Gotthelf). Anfangsgriinde de Hydrodynamick welche von der Bewegung des Wassers, besonders die praktischen Lehren enthalten. 1 vol. 12mo. Gittingen, 1769. 2778 Kastner (Abra. Gotthelf). Anfangsgriinde der Mathematik, enthalt mechanische und optische wissenschaften. 1 vol. 12mo. Gottingen, 1792. 2779 Kastner (Abra. Gotthelf). Anfangsgriinde der h6hern Mechanick welche von der Bewegung fester Korper besonders die praktischen Lehren enthalten. 1 vol. 12mo. Gottingen, 1793. 2780 Lacaille (L'Abbe de). Lecons elementaires de Mecanique, ou traite abrege du Mouvement et de 1'Equilibre. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1765. 2781 Lagrange (J. L.). Mecanique analytique. Nouvelle 6dition, revue et augmentee par l'Auteur. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1811-15. 2782 Laplace (P. S.). A Treatise upon Analytical Mechanics, being the first Book of the Mecanique Celeste. Translated and elucidated with explanatory notes by the Rev. John Toplis. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1814. 2783 Lardner (Rev. Dionysius). Elements of the Theory of Central Forces. 1 vol. 8vo. Dublin, 1820. 2784 Lecreulx. Examen critique de lrouvrage de M. Dubuat sur les principes de l'Hydraulique et observations sur les hypotheses dont il a fait usage et les exp6riences qu'il a fait executer. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1809. 2785 Leslie (John). Elements of Natural Philosophy, including Mechanics and Hydrostatics. 1st vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1823. 2786 Mariotto. Traite du Mouvement des Eaux et des autres Corps fluides; divise en cinq parties. Nouvelle edition, corrig6e. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1700. 2787 Mechanical Problems, adapted to the course of reading pursued in the University of Cambridge: collected and arranged for the use of Students. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1828. 2788 Miller (W. H.). The Elements of Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics. 2d edition, enlarged. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1835. 2789 Monge (Gaspard). Traite elementaire de Statique. 5"m edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1810. 2790 MIorin (Arthur). Aide-Memoire de Mecanique pratique. 2M e6dition. 1 vol. 8vo. Metz, 1838.. 2791 Morin (Arthur). Description des appareils chronom6triques a style, et des. appareils dynamometriques. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Metz, 1838S 2792 Moseley (Henry). Treatise on Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1830o. 2793 Moseley (Rev. H.). Illustrations of Mechanics. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1839. 2794 Moseley (Rev. H.). Mechanics, applied to the Arts; including Statics and. Hydrostatics. See Moseley, No. 1570. 2795 Parkinson (Rev. T.). A System of Mechanics and Hydrostatics. 1 vol. 4to. (2 copies.) Cambridge, 1789.. 2796 Poinsot (L). E]lemens de Statique, suivis de deux m6moires sur la theorie des momens et des aires, et sur l'application de cette theorie au systeme du monde. 5me edition, revue et augmentee. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris. 18.30. 2797 Poisson (S. D.). Traite de Mecanique. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1811. 2798 Poisson (S. D.). Traite de Mecanique. 2m edition. 2 vols. 8vo. (5 copies.) Paris, 18-33. 2799 Poncelet (J. V.). Introduction a la Mecanique industrielle, physique ou experimentale. 2TM edition. 1 vol. 8vo.. Metz, 1839. 11 162 MECHANICS, INCLUDING STATICS, DYNAMICS, ETC. 2800 Poncelet. Cours de Mecanique industrielle, professe de 1828 a 1829. (2me partie.) 1 vol. fol. Metz, 1.829. 2801 Pontecoulant (G. de). Theorie Analytique du Systeme du Monde. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1829-34. 2802 Pratt (John Henry). Mathematical Principles of Mechanical Philosophy, and their application to Elementary Mechanics and Architecture, but chiefly to the Theory of Universal Gravitation. 2d edition, revised and improved. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1842. 2803 Prony (R.). Mecanique Philosophique, ou analyse raisonnee des diverses parties de la science de l'equilibre et du mouvement. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1800. 2804 Ramond (L.). Memoires sur la formule Barometrique de la Mecanique Celeste, et les dispositions de l'atmosphere qui en modifient les propriet6s. I vol. 4to. Clermont Ferr. 1811. 2805 Reech (F.). Cours de Mecanique d'apres la nature generalement flexible elastique des Corps. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1852. 2806 Renwick (James). The Elements of Mechanics. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1832. 2807 Robison (John). System of Mechanical Philosophy: with Notes by David Brewster. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1822. 2808 Serviere (Grollier de). Recueil d'ouvrages curieux de mathematique et de mecanique. 1 vol. 4to. Lyon, 1719. 2809 Smith (Robert). Cotes's Hydrostatical and Pneumatical Lectures. See No. 2755. 2810 Tomlinson (Charles). Rudimentary Mechanics; being a concise exposition of the general principles of mechanical science, and their applications. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1851. 2811 Venturoli (Giuseppe). Elements of Practical Mechanics: to which is added a treatise upon the principle of Virtual Velocities and its uses in mechanics. Translated from the Italian by Daniel Cresswell. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1823. 2812 Viollet (J.-B.). Notice sur l'exactitude et l'usage du frein dynamometrique pour la mesure de la puissance des usines. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1839. 2813 Warr (G. Finden). Dynamics. See No. 1615. 2814 Watts (Thomas). Treatise of Mechanics. I vol. 8vo. London, 1716. 2815 Weisbach (Julius). Principles of the Mechanics of Machinery and Engineering. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849. 2816 Whewell (William). An Elementary Treatise on Mechanics, containing Statics and part of Dynamics. (Vol. I. only.) 1st vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Cambridge, 1819. 2817 Whewell (William). Treatise on Dynamics, containing a considerable collection of Mechanical Problems. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1823. 2818 Whewell (William). Analytical Statics: a supplement to the fourth edition of an Elementary Treatise on Mechanics. I vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1833. 2819 Whewell (William). Mechanical Euclid; containing the Elements of Mechanics and Hydrostatics, demonstrated after the manner of the Elements of Geometry, &c., &c. 3d edition, corrected. I vol. 12mo. Cambridge, 1838. 2820 Willis (Robert). Principles of Mechanism; designed for the use of Students in the Universities, and for Engineering Students generally. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1841. 2821 Wood (James). The Principles of Mechanics. 7th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1824. NATURAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY IN GENERAL. 163 NATURAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY IN GENERAL. 2822 Adams (George). Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy, considered in its present state of improvement; describing, in a familiar and easy manner, the principal phenomena of Nature; and showing that they all co-operate in displaying the goodness, wisdom, and power of God. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1794. 2823 Adams (George). The same. American edition, printed from the last London edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1806. 2824 Airy (George Biddell). Mathematical Tracts on Physical Astronomy, the Figure of the Earth, Precession and Nutation, and the Calculus of Variations. I vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1826. 2825 Airy (George Biddell). Mathematical Tracts on the Lunar and Planetary Theories, the Figure of the Earth, Precession and Nutation, the Calculus of Variations, and the Undulatory Theory of Optics. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1831. 2826 Ampere (Andre-Marie). Essai sur la Philosophie des Sciences; ou, exposition analytique d'une classification naturelle de toutes les connaissances humaines. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1834. 2827 Arnott (Neil). Elements of Physics; or, Natural Philosophy, general and medical, explained independently of technical mathematics, and containing new disquisitions and practical suggestions. 4th edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1829. 2828 Atwood (George). Analysis of a Course of Lectures on the Principles of Natural Philosophy. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1784. 2829 Bartlett (W. H. C.). Elements of Natural Philosophy. Section I. Mechanics. II. Acoustics. III. Optics. 2 vols. 8vo. (3 copies.) New-York, 1850-52. 2830 Bernoulli (Joh.). Commercium Philosophicum et Mathematicum. See No. 2883. 2831 Bertrand (Alex.). Lettres sur la Physique. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824-25. 2832 Beudant (F. S.). Traite elementaire de Physique. 5"m edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1823. 2833 Biot (J. B.). Traite de Physique experimentale et mathematique. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1816. 2834 Biot (J. B.). Precis elementaire de Physique experimentale. 2me edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1821. 2835 Biot (J. B.). Traite elementaire d'Astronomie physique; premier et second livres. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1805. 164 NATURAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY IN GENERAL. 2836 Bowditch (Nathaniel). Laplace's Mecanique Celeste. See No. 2880. 2837 Boyle (Robert). Opera Varia. 1 vol. 4to. Genevae, 1680. 2838 Brewster (David). Ferguson's Lectures. See Nos. 2861, 2864. 2839 Bridge (Rev. B.). An Introduction to the Study of the Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1813. 2840 Bryan (Margaret). Lectures on Natural Philosophy, the result of many years' practical experience of the facts elucidated; with an Appendix, containing a great number and variety of Astronomical and Geographical Problems: also some useful Tables, and a comprehensive Vocabulary. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1806. 2841 Cartes (Ren. des). See Des Cartes, Nos. 2849, 2850. 2842 Cheppe et Powell. La Physique des gens du Monde enseignee, en vingt lemons. 2Tm edition. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1827. 2843 Chladni (E.F. F.). Trait6 d'Acoustique. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1808. 2844 Clairaut. Th6orie de la Figure de la Terre. 2-m edition. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1809. 2845 Comte (Auguste). Cours de Philosophie positive, contenant les preliminaires generaux et la Philosophie Mathematique, Philosophie Astronomique et la Philosophie de la Physique. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1830-35. 2846 Davis (William). Newton's Natural Philosophy. See No. 2894. 2847 Deluc (J. A.). Modification de l'Atmosphere. See Deluc, No. 3459. 2848 Desagulier (J. T.). Lectures of Experimental Philosophy. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1719. 2849 Des Cartes (Ren.). Principia Philosophiae. 1 vol. 12mo. Londini, 1664. 2850 Des Cartes (Ren.). Principia Philosophiae. 1 vol. 4to. Amstelodami, 1672. 2851 Despretz (C.). Traiteelementaire de Physique. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 2852 Domckio (G. P.). Philosophiae Mathematicae Newtonianae illustrae. (2 vols. in one.) 1 vol. 8vo. Londini, 1730. 2853 Emerson (W.). Mathematical Principles of Geography. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1770. 2854 Enfield (William). Institutes of Natural Philosophy, theoretical and practical, with some corrections, change in the order of the branches, and the addition of an Appendix to the astronomical part. Selected from Mr. Ewing's Practical Astronomy by Samuel Webber. 2d American edition. 1 vol. 4to. Boston, 1811. 2855 Euler (L.). Lettres a une Princesse d'Allemagne sur divers sujets de Physique et de Philosophie. Nouvelle edition, revue et augmentee de diverses notes par J. B. Labey. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1812. 2856 Euler (L.). Letters of Euler on different subjects in Natural Philosophy, addressed to a German Princess; with Notes and Life of Euler by David Brewster, and additional Notes by John Griscom. 2 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1835. 2857 Farrar (John). An Elementary Treatise, 1st vol. on Mechanics, 2d vol. on Electricity, &c., 3d vol. on Optics, 4th vol. on Astronomy. 4 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1825-27. 2858 Ferguson (James). Tables and Tracts relative to several Arts and Sciences. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1767. 2859 Ferguson (James). Lectures on Select Subjects in Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, and Optics, with the Use of the Globes, the Art of Dialing, &c., &c. A new edition. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1773. NATURAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY IN GENERAL. 165 2860 Ferguson (James). Lectures on Select Subjects in Mechanics, Hydrostatics,. Hydraulics, Pneumatics, and Optics, with the Use of Globes, the Art of Dialing, &c. 5th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1776. 2861 Ferguson (James). Lectures on Select Subjects; with Notes and an Appendix by David Brewster. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1805. 2862 Ferguson (James). The same. This American edition, revised and corrected by Robert Patterson. 2 vols. 8vo. & Plates. Philadelphia, 1806. 2863 Ferguson (James). The same. Second American edition. 3 vols. 8vo. with Plates. Philadelphia, 1814. 2864 Ferguson (James). Lectures on Select Subjects in Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Optics, Geography, Astronomy, and Dialing. With Notes, and an additional volume containing the most recent discoveries in the arts and sciences, by David Brewster. 3d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1833. 2865 Good (J. M.). The Book of Nature. See Good, No. 5186. 2866 Gravesande (G. J.). Physices elementa Mathematica Experimentis confirmata; sive, introductio ad Philosophiam Newtonianam. 2 vols. 4to. Leide, 1784. 2867 Gravesande (William-James). Mathematical Elements of Natural Philosophy confirmed by Experiments; or, an Introduction to Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy. 2d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1791. 2868 Gregory (G.). Economy of Nature explained and illustrated on the Principles of Modern Philosophy. 3d edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1804. 2869 Guericke (Otto de). Experimenta nova Magdeburgica de Vacuo Spatio. 1 vol. fol. Amst. 1672. 2870 Hauy (M. R. G.). An Elementary Treatise on Natural Philosophy. Translated from the French, and with Notes, by Olinthus Gregory. 2 vols. 8vo. (3 copies.) London, 1807. 2871 Hauy (L'Abb6). Traite elementaire de Physique. 2m edition, revue et considerablement augment6e. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1806. 2872 Helsham (Richard). A Course of Lectures in Natural Philosophy. 5th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1777. 2873 Herapath (John). Mathematical Physics; or, the Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy: with a development of the causes of Heat, Gaseous Elasticity, Gravitation, and other great Phenomena of Nature. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1847. 2874 Herschel (John Frederick William). Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy. New edition. 1 vol. 12mo. London, no date. 2875 Hooper (W.). Rational Recreations; in which the Principles of Numbers and Natural Philosophy are clearly and copiously elucidated, by a series of easy, entertaining, interesting experiments, among which are all those commonly performed with the cards. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1783. 2876 Keill (John). An Introduction to Natural Philosophy; or, Philosophical Lectures. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1726. 2877 Keill (John). The same. 4th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1745. 2878 Lame (G.). Cours de Physique de l'Ecole Polytechnique. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1836-37. 2879 Laplace (P. S.). Traite de Mecanique Celeste. 5 vols. 4to. Paris, 1799-1823. 2880 Laplace (P. S.). Mecanique Celeste. Translated, with a Commentary, by Nathaniel Bowditch. 4 vols. 4to. Boston, 1829-39. 166 NATURAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY IN GENERAL. 2881 Laplace (P. S.). Exposition du Systeme du Monde. 4me edition, revue et augmentee par'Auteur. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1813. 2882 Laplace (P. S.). The System of the World. Translated from the French by J. Pond. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1809. 2883 Leibnitii et Bernoullii (Joh.). Commercium Philosophicum et Mathematicum. 2 vols. fol. Lausannae, 1745. 2884 Libes (A.). Histoire Philosophique des Progres de la Physique. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1810-13. 2885 Libes (Antoine). Traite complete et elementaire de Physique. 2-e edition, revue, corrig6e et augmentee par i'Auteur. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1813. 2886 Maclaurin (Colin). An account of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophical Discoveries: in four Books. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1750. 2887 lTartin (B.). Philosophia Britannica; or, a new and comprehensive System of the Newtonian Philosophy, Astronomy, and Geography, in a course of twelve Lectures, with Notes. 3d edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1771. 2888 Martin (Benj.). Philosophical Grammar; being a View of the present State of Experimented Physiology or Natural Philosophy: in four Parts. 6th edition. I vol. 8vo. London, 1762. 2889 laupertuis (De). Figure of the Earth determined from Observations made by Order of the French King at the Polar Circle. I vol. 8vo. London, 1738. 2890 Millington (John). An Epitome of the Elementary Principles of Natural and Experimental Philosophy. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1823. 2891 lMuller (J.). Principles of Physics and Meteorology. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1847. 2892 Musschenbroek (Peter Van). The Elements of Natural Philosophy. Translated from the Latin by John Colson. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1744. 2893 Newton (Isaac). Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1729. 2894 Newton (Isaac). Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy. A new edition, with the Life of the Author, and a Iortrait, taken from the Bust in the Royal Observatory at Greenwich. Carefully revised and corrected by William Davis. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1819. 2895 Newton (Isaac). Opera quae exstant omnia, cura Horsley. 5 vols. 4to. London, 1779-85. 2896 Newton (Isaac). Philosophia Naturalis principia Mathematica perpetuis commentariis, illustrata communi studio P. P. Thom. Le Seur et Franc. Jacquier. 4 vols. 8vo. Glasguae, 1822. 2897 Newton. Principia. See No. 2920. 2898 Newton (Isaac). Geographia generalis. See Newton, No. 3951. 2899 Nicholson (William). An Introduction to Natural Philosophy. 5th edition, with improvements. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1805. 2900 Otto. See Guericke Otto, No. 2869. 2901 Partington (Charles F.). A-Manual of Natural and Experimental Philosophy, being the substance of a series of Lectures delivered in the London, Russell, Surrey, and Metropolitan Institutions. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1828. 2902 Peclet (E.). Traite 6lementaire de Physique. 2Me edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1832. NATURAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY IN GENERAL. 167 2903 Pemberton (Henry). View of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1728. 2904 Playfair (John). The Works of, with a Memoir of the Author. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1822. 2905 Poisson. Formules de Probabilites. See Vol. III., No. 388. 2906 Pouillet. Elements de Physique experimentale et de Meteorologie. 3`m edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1838. 2907 Powell (Baden). History of Natural Philosophy, from the earliest periods to the present time. I vol. 8vo. London, 1842. 2908 Powell. Physique. See No. 2842. 2909 Rapport fait a la classe des Sciences Mathematiques et Physiques de l'Institut National. See No. 2249. 2910 Renwick (James). Outlines of Natural Philosophy. (2 vols. in one.) 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1822-23. 2911 Rowning (J.). A Compendious System of Natural Philosophy; with Notes containing the Mathematical Demonstrations, and some occasional Remarks. In four Parts. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1744. 2912 Rowning (J.). The same. 7th edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1772. 2913 Rutherforth (T.). A System of Natural Philosophy, being a course of Lectures in Mechanics, Optics, Hydrostatics, and Astronomy. 2 vols. 4to. Cambridge, 1748. 2914 Saint Pierre (James Henry Bernardin de). Studies of Nature. Translated by Henry Hunter; with additions of numerous original Notes and Illustrations by Benjamin Smith Barton. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1808. 2915 Sigaud de la Fond. Description et Usage d'un Cabinet de Physique experimentale. 3"m edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Tours, 1796. 2916 Simpson (Thomas). Mechanics, Physical Astronomy. See Simpson, No. 2254. 2917 Smith (Robert). Harmonics, or Philosophy of Musical Sounds. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1749. 2918 Somerville (Mary). On the Connection of the Physical Sciences. From the seventh London edition. I vol. 12mo. New-York, no date. 2919 Tralles (J. G). Physikalisches Taschenbuch fur Freunde der Naturlehre und Kinstler. 1 vol. 18mo. Gottingen, 1786. 2920 Whewell (William). Newton's Principia: Book I., Sections. I., II., III. in the original Latin. With explanatory notes and references. I vol. 8vo. London, 1846. 2921 Whewell (Rev. William). Astronomy and General Physics considered with reference to Natural Theology. (Bridgewater Treatises.) 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1839. 2922 Whiston (William). Sir Isaac Newton's Mathematical Philosophy more easily demonstrated: with Dr. Halley's account of Comets, illustrated. The whole is corrected and improved by the Author. I vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) London, 1716. 2923 Winkler (John Henry). Elements of Natural Philosophy delineated. Translated from the second edition of the German, as improved and enlarged by the Author. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1757. 2924 Young (Matthew). An Analysis of the Principles of Natural Philosophy. 1 vol. 8vo. Dublin, 1800. 168 NATURAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY IN' GENERAL. 2925 Young (Matthew). The same. I vol. 8vo. London, 1803. 2926 Young (Matthew). The same. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1811. 2927 Young (Robert). An Essay on the Powers and Mechanism of Nature; intended, by a deeper Analysis of Physical Principles, to extend, improve, and more firmly establish the grand superstructure of the Newtonian System. I vol. 8vo. London, 1788. 2928 Young (Thomas). A Course of Lectures on Natural Philosophy and the Mechanical Arts. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1807. OPTICS. 169 OPTICS. 2929 Adams (George). Essays on the Microscope; containing a practical description of the most improved Microscopes; a general history of Insects. 2d edition. 1 vol. 4to. & Atlas. London, 1798. 2930 Airy (George Biddell). Undulatory Theory of Optics. See Airy, No. 2825. 2931 Alhazeni. Opticae Thesaurus et item vitellonis, Libri X., illustrati a Fred. Risnero. I vol. fol. Basilea, 1572. 2932 Analyse de la Lumiere d6duite des Lois de la Mecanique. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1826. 2933 Bache (A. D.). Brewster's Treatise on Optics. See No. 2937. 2934 Bartlett (Wm. H. C.). An Elementary Treatise on Optics; designed for the use of the Cadets of the United States Military Academy. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1839. 2935 Biot. Recherches experimentales et Mathematiques sur les mouvemens des Molecules de la Lumiere autour de leur centre de Gravite. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1814. 2936 Biot. Memoire sur une nouvelle application de la theorie des oscillations de la Lumiere. 1 4to. pamphlet. Paris, 1813. 2937 Brewster (David). Treatise on Optics. A new edition, with an Appendix, containing an elementary view of the application of Analysis to Reflexion and Refraction, by A. D. Bache. 1 vol. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1835. 2938 Brewster (David). Treatise on Optics. (Lardner's Cyclopaedia.) I vol. 12mo. London, 1831. 2939 Brewster (David). Treatise on New Philosophical Instruments for various purposes in the Arts and Sciences, with experiments on Light and Colors. 1 vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1813. 2940 Brewster (David). A Treatise on the Microscope; forming the article under that head in the seventh edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. 1 vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1837. 2941 Cauchy (A. L.). Memoire sur la dispersion de la Lumiere. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1830. 2942 Coddington (Henry). Elementary Treatise on Optics. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1825. 2943 Coddington (Henry). A Treatise on the Reflexion and Refraction of Light. 1st and 2d parts of a System of Optics. I vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1829-30. 2944 Emerson (W.). Elements of Optics, in four Books. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1768. 170 OPTICS. 2945 Herschel (J. F. W.). Traite de la Lumiere; traduit de l'Anglais, avec notes par P. F. Verhulst et A. Quetelet. (Vol. 1st only.) 1st vol. 8vo. Paris, 1829. 2946 Hugenii (Christiani). Opuscula posthuma, qui continet Dioptricam, commentarios de vitris figurandis. 1 vol. 4to. Amst., 1728. 2947 Instruction sur les instrumens a Reflexion. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1825. 2948 Instruction sur les Cadrans solaires. 1 8vo. pamphlet. No date. 2949 Karsten (W. J. G.). Optik, Perspectiv und die Photometrie. See Karsten, No. 2223. 2950 Lacaille. Traite d'Optique. 2me edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1808. 2951 Lambert (J. H.). Photometria; sive, de mensura et gradibus luminis Colorum et Umbrae. 1 vol. 8vo. Aug. Vindel, 1760. 2952 Lloyd (Humphrey). Treatise on Light and Vision. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1831. 2953 Lloyd (Rev. H.). Lectures on the Wave-Theory of Light. 1 vol. 8vo. Dublin, 1841. 2954 M1alus (E. L.). Theorie de la double refraction de la Lumiere dans les substances cristallisees. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1810. 2955 Martin (B.). New Elements of Optics. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1759. 2956 Newton. Construction d'un Telescope. 1 vol. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1741. 2957 Newton (Isaac). Optice; sive, de reflexionibus, refractionibus, inflexionibus et Coloribus Lucis, Libri III. 1 vol. 4to. Londini, 1706. 2958 Powell (Baden). A General and Elementary View of the Undulatory Theory, as applied to the Dispersion of Light, and some other subjects. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1841. 2959 Pritchard (Andrew). The Microscopic Cabinet of Select Animated Objects; with a description of the Jewel and Doublet Microscope, Test Objects, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1832. 2960 Smith (Robert). A Complete System of Optics. 2 vols. 4to. Cambridge, 1738. 2961 Smith (Robert). Cours Complet d'Optique; traduit de l'Anglais. 2 vols. 4to. Avignon, 1767. 2962 Whiston (William). A Course of Mechanical, Magnetical, Optical, Hydrostatical, and Pneumatical Experiments. 1 vol. 4to. No date. 2963 Wood (James). The Elements of Optics. 4th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1818. NAVIGATION. 171 NAVIGATION. 2964 Atkinson (James). Epitome of the whole Art of Navigation. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) London, 1790. 2965 Clarke's Seaman's Desiderata; or, concise practical rules for computing the apparent time at Sea. 1 vol. 4to. New Brunswick, 1801. 2966 Day (Jeremiah). Mathematical Principles of Navigation and Surveying; with the mensuration of heights and distances. I vol. 8vo. New Haven, 1817. 2967 Emerson (W.). Navigation. 2d edition. I vol. 12mo. London, 1764. 2968 Garnett (John). Tables Requisite to be Used with the Nautical Ephemeris, for finding the Latitude and Longitude at Sea. 1 vol. 8vo. (20 copies.) New Brunswick, 1806. 2969 Hauxley (Edward). Navigation Unveiled; containing Arithmetic, Geometry, Trigonometry, Geography and Astronomy. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1743. 2970 Lemare. Nouvelle Methode pour reduire les Routes de Navigation. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1716. 2971 Leveque. Le Guide du Navigateur. I vol. 8vo. Nantes, 1779. 2972 Maury (Lieut. M. F.). Abstract Log, for the use of American Navigators. 1 4to. pamphlet, and 6 charts. Washington, 1848. 2973 Norie (J. W.). A Complete Epitome of Practical Navigation. I vol. 8vo. London, 1825. 2974 Norie (J. W.). A Complete Set of Nautical Tables, containing all that are requisite. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1826. 2975 Patoun (Archibald). A Complete Treatise of Practical Navigation, demonstrated from the first principles; with all the necessary Tables. 7th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1765. 2976 Riddle (Edward). Treatise on Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. 3d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1836. 2977 Rios (Joseph de Mendoza). A Complete Collection of Tables for Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. 2d edition, improved. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1809. 2978 Robertson (J.). The Elements of Navigation; containing the Theory and Practice, with the necessary Tables and Compendiums for finding the Latitude and Longitude at Sea; to which is added a Treatise of Marine Forttfication. 5th edition, with additions. (2d vol. wanting.) 1st vol. 8vo. London, 1786. 172 NAVIGATION. 2979 Robertson (J.). The same. 7th edition. (2 vols. in one.) I vol. 8vo. London, 1805. 2980 Seller (John). Practical Navigation; or, an introduction to the whole Art. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1714. 2981 Thermometrical Navigation. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1799. 2982 Ward (John). Posthumous Works, in Two Parts; containing his new method of Navigation by Parallel Parts, by which all questions in sailing may be answered with great expedition and truth, &c., &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1730. ASTRONOMY. 173 ASTRONOMY. 2983 Adams (George). Astronomical and Geographical Essays of the General Principles of Astronomy, &c. 4th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Whitehall, 1800. 2984 Adams (George). The same. 6th edition, corrected and enlarged, by William Jones. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1812. 2985 Adams (George). A Treatise, describing the Construction, and explaining the Use of New Celestial and Terrestrial Globes. 30th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1810. 2986 Airy (G. B.). Gravitation; an elementary explanation of the principal perturbations in the Solar System. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1834. 2987 Allix (J. A. F.). Theorie de l'univers; o, de la cause primitive du mouvement, et de ses principaux effets. 2"M edition. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1818. 2988 Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes, pour 1815-1825, 1826-1829 et 1830. 5 vols. 24mo. Paris, 1814-29. 2989 Astronomical Society of London, Memoirs of the, for 1821 to 1848 inclusive. 17 vols. 4to. London, 1822-49. 2990 Bailly. Histoire de l'Astronomie Moderne, depuis la fondation de l'Fcole d'Alexandrie, jusqu'a l'epoque de 1782. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1779-82. 2991 Bailly. ilistoire de l'Astronomie ancienne, depuis son origine jusqu'a l'etablissement de l'Ecole d'Alexandrie. 2me edition. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1781. 2992 Bailly. Traite de l'Astronomie, Indienne et Orientale. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1787. 2993 Bartlett. The Description and Use of Bartlett's Celestial Planisphere. I 8vo. pamphlet. Utica, 1825. 2994 Bernoulli (Jean). Recueil pour les Astronomes. 3 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1771-76. 2995 Bessel (F. W.). Fundamenta Astronomiae pro anno 1755. 1 vol. fol. Regiomonti, 1818. 2996 Bessel (F. W.). Untersuchung der grose und des einflusses des vorrickens der Nachtgleichen. 1 4to. pamphlet. Berlin, 1815. 2997 Biot (J. B.). Recherches sur plusieurs points de l'Astronomie Egyptienne. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1823. 2998 Biot (J. B.). Trait6 Elementaire d'Astronomie physique, avec des additions relatives a I'Astlonomie Nautique, par M. de Rossel. 2m edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1810-11. 2999 Biot (J. B.). Traite Elementaire d'Astronomie Physique. 3m" edition, corrigee et augmentee. (Vol. 1st only.) 1st vol. 8vo. Paris, 1841. 3000 Bird (John). The Method of Dividing Astronomical Instruments, 1 4to. pamphlet. London, 1767. 174 ASTRONOMY. a 001 Bonnycastle (John). An Introduction to Astronomy, in a series of Letters from a Preceptor to his Pupil. 8th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1822. 3002 Brahe (Tychonis). Astronomiae instauratae progymnasmata. 2 vols. 4to. Francofurt, 1610. 3003 Brent (Charles). Astronomer; containing new and correct Tables for computing, in a concise manner, the places of the Luminaries; digested fiom numbers founded on the latest observations. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1741. 3004 Brewster (David). Ferguson's Astronomy. See Nos. 3034, 3035. 3005 Brinkley (John). Elements of Astronomy. 3d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Dublin, 1819. 3.006 Bryan (Margaret). A Compendious System of Astronomy. 3d edition. I vol. 8vo. London, 1805. 3007 Bullialdi (Ismaelis). Astronomia Philolaica. 1 vol. fol. Paris, 1645. 3008 Cassini. Mechain et Legendre; Expose des operations faites en France en 1787 pour la jonction des observatoires de Paris et de Greenwich. 1 vol. 4to. Paris-no date. 3009 Clairaut. Theorie de la Lune; d6duite de seul principe de'attraction. 2m edition. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1765. 3010 Copernici (Nicolai). De Revolutionibus orbium Celestium, Lib. IV. 1 vol. fol. Norimbergoe, 1543. 3011 Copernicus (Nicholas). Astronomia instaurata, notis illustrata opera et studio. Nicolai Mulerii. 1 vol. 4to. Amstelrodami, 1617. 3012 Cousin. Introduction a l'etu de dl'Astronomie Physique. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1787. 3013 D'Alembert. Recherches sur diff6rens points importans du Systeme du Monde. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1754-56. 3014 D'Alembert. Recherches sur la precession des Equinoxes et sur la nutation de l'axe de la Terre dans le Systeme Newtonien. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1749. 3015 Darquier. Briefe iiber die practische Astronomic; aus dem Franzssischen iibersetzt, mit einigen Anmerkungen von Johann Ephraim Scheibel. 1 vol. 8vo. Breslau, 1791. 3016 Delambre. Abr6ge d'Astronomie, ou Lemons 6lementaires d'Astronomie theorique et pratique. 1 vol. 8vo. (3 copies.) Paris, 1813. 3017 Delambre. Astronomie theorique et pratique. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1814. 3018 Delambre. Histoire de l'Astronomie ancienne. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1817. 3019 Delambre. Iistoire de l'Astronomie du Moyen age. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1819. 3020 Delambre. Histoire de l'Astronomie moderne. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1821. 3021 Delambre. iHistoire de l'Astronomie au dix-huitieme siecle. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1827. 3022 Dezach (Baron). See Zach, Nos. 3141, 3142. 3023 Dick (Thomas). Celestial Scenery; or the Wonders of the Planetary System Displayed. I vol. 18mo. New-York, 1838. 3024 Dick (Thomas). The Sidereal Heavens, and other subjects connected with Astronomy. I vol. 18mo. New-York, 1840. 3025 Dionis du Sejour. Essai sur les Cometes en general. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1775. ASTRONOMY. 175 3026 Dionis du Sejour.'Essai sur les Phenomenes relatifs aux disparitions periodiques de l'Anneau de Saturne. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1776. 3027 Dionis du Sejour. Traite Analytique des Mouvemens apparens des corps Celestes. 2 vols. 4to. (2 copies.) Paris, 1786-89. 3028 Dionysius du Sejour. Analytische Abhandlung von den sonnenfinsternissen, aus dessen Recherches sur la Gnomonique, &c. iibersetzt, mit Anmerkungen und Anwendung auf die grosze sonnenfinsternisz, 1793, den 5 September, durchgehends erlautert von Johann Ephraim Scheibel. 1 vol. 8vo. Breslau, 1793. 3029 Du Sejour, Dionis. See Dionis du Sejour, Nos. 3025 to 3028. 3030 Englefield (Henry). On the Determination of the Orbits of Comets, according to the methods of Father Boscovick and de La Place; with new and complete Ta.bles. I vol. 4to. London, 1793. 3031 Euler (Leonh.). Theorie der Planeten und Cometen. 1 vol. 4to. Wien, 1781. 3032 Euler (Joan. Alb.). Theoria Motuum Lunae, nova methodo pertractata una cum tabulis Astronomicis opus dirigente Leon. Eulero. 1 vol. 4to. Petropoli, 1772. 3033 Ewing (Alexander). Practical Astronomy; containing a description of the Solar System, the doctrine of the Sphere, the principal Problems in Astronomy, illustrated with many examples; together with Astronomical Tables of the Sun, Moon, and primary Planets. I vol. 8vo. Burlington, 1812. 3034 Ferguson (James). Astronomy Explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's Principles; with Notes and Supplementary Chapters, by David Brewster. 2 vols. 8vo. & I 4to. of plates. Philadelphia, 1817. 3035 Ferguson (James). The same. 2d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1821. 3036 Ferguson (James). Astronomy Explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's Principles, and made easy to those who have not studied Mathematics. 10th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1799 3037 Flamsteed. Atlas Celeste. 2me edition. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1776. 3038 Franceour (L. B.). Uranographie; ou, Traite El6mentaire d'Astronomie a l'usage des personnes peu versees dans les Mathematiques. 3me edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1821. 3039 Galilei (Galileo). Opere di. 3 vols. 4to. Firenze, 1718. 3040 Gassendi (Petri). Institutio Astronomica, juxta Hypotheses tam veterum quam Recentiorum. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1653. 3041 Gauss (C. F.). Theoria Motus Corporum Ccelestium. 1 vol. 4to. Hamburgi, 1809. 3042 Gould (Benjamin Apthorp). Report on the History of the Discovery of Neptune. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Washington, 1850. 3043 Gregorii (Davidis). Astronomiae Physicae Geometricae Elementa. 2 vols. 4to. Genevae, 1729. 3044 Gregory (David). Elements of Astronomy, Physical and Geometrical; to which is annexed Dr. Halley's Synopsis of the Astronomy of Comets. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1715. 3045 Gregory (Olinthus). Treatise on Astronomy, in which the elements of the Science are deduced in a natural order from the appearances of the Heavens to an observer on the Earth; demonstrated on Mathematical principles, and explained by an application to the various phenomena. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1803. 176 ASTRONOMY. 3046 Gummere (John). An Elementary Treatise on Astronomy; in Two Parts, the first containing a clear and compendious view of Theory, the second a number of practical Problems, to which are added, Solar, Lunar, and some other Astronomical Tables. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1822. 3047 Gummere (John). The same. 2d edition, enlarged and improved. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1837. 3048 Gummere (John). The same. 3d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1842. 3049 Halley (Dr.). Synopsis of the Astronomy of Comets. See No. 3044. 3050 Hassler (F. R.). Plates and Tables to the Popular Exposition of the System of the Universe. 1 vol. 4to. New-York, 1828. 3051 Heath (Robert). Astronomia Accurata, or the Royal Astronomer and Navigator; containing new improvements in Astronomy, Chronology, and Navigation, &c., &c..1 vol. 4to. London, 1760. 3052 Herschel (John F. W.). A Treatise on Astronomy. A new edition, with a Preface, and a Series of Questions for the Examination of Students, by S. C. Walker. 1 vol. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1838. 3053 Hevelii (Johannis). Prodromus Commeticus; sive, historia Cometae anno 1664 exorti. I vol. fol. Gedani, 1665. 3054 Hevelii (Johannis). Selenographia; sive, Lunae descriptio. 1 vol. fol. Gedani, 1674. 3055 Horrebowii (Petri). Opera Mathematico Physica. See Ilorrebowii, No. 2212. 3056 Horroccii (Jeremiae). Opuscula Astronomica. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1673. 3057 Jamieson (Alexander). A Celestial Atlas, comprising a systematic display of the Heavens in a series of Thirty Maps, illustrated by scientific descriptions of their contents, and accompanied by Catalogues of the Stars, and Astronomical Exercises. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1822. 3058 Kastner (A. G.). Astronomische abhandlungen zu weiterer ausfuhrung der Astronomischen anfangsgriinde. 2 vols. 12mo. Gottingen, 1772-74. 3059 Kastner (A. G.). Anfangsgriinde der angewandten Mathematick, enthalt Astronomie, Geographie, Chronologie und Gnomonik. 1 vol. 12mo. Gottingen, 1792. 3060 Keill (Joanne). Introductio ad veram Astronomiam; seu, Lectiones Astronoinica. 1 vol. 8vo. Oxoniae, 1718. 3061 Keill (John). An Introduction to the True Astronomy; or, Astronomical Lectures. 2d edition. I vol. 8vo. London, 1730. 3062 Keill (John). The same. 4th edition, corrected. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1748. 3063 Keill (John). The same. 6th edition. I vol. 8vo. London, 1769. 3064 Keill (John). The same. 6th edition. I vol. 8vo. London, 1778. 3065 Kepleri (Joanne). Astronomia nova; seu, Physica ccelestis. Tradita commentariis de Motibus stellae Martis, et observationibus Tychonis Brahe. I vol. fol. Pragae, 1609. 3066 Kepleri (Joanne). Epitome Astronomiae Copernicanae. 1 vol. 12mo. Francforti, 1635. 3067 Kepleri (Joannis). De stella nova in pede serpentarii, et qui sub ejus exortum de nova iniit. 1 vol. 4to. Pragae, 1606. 3068 Lacaille (de). The Elements of Astronomy, deduced from observations, and demonstrated upon the Mathematical Principles of the Newtonian Philosophy, &c.; translated from the French, by John Robertson. 1 vol. 8vo. (4 copies.) London, 1750. ASTRONOMY. 177 3069 Lacaille (L'Abbe de). Lemons ilementaires d'Astronomie Geometrique et Physique. 4'M edition, augmentie de plusieurs notes par M. de Lalande. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1780. 3070 Lacaille (Nic. Lud. de). Astronomiae fundamenta novissimis solis et stellarum observationibus stabilita. 1 vol. 4to. Parisiis, 1757. 3071 Lalande (De). RRefexions sur les Cometes. 1 l2mo. pamphlet. Paris, 1773. 3072 Lalande (Jerome de). Astronomie. 3m0 edition, revue et augmentee. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1792. j3073 Lalande (JPerme de). Bibliographie Astronomique, avec 1'Histoire de l'Astronomie, depuis 1781 jusqu'a 1802. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1803. 3074 Lambert (J. II.). Insigniores orbitae Conetarum proprietates. 1 vol. 8vo. Aug. Vindel, 1761. 3075 Lambert. D6scription d'une Table Ecliptique nouvelle et universelle. Traduit de l'Allemand. I vol. 12mo. Berlin, 1765. S3076 Lansbergi (Jacob). Apologia pro commentationibus Phil. Lansbergii in motum terrae diurnum et annuum. 1 vol. 4to. Middelb., 1633. 3077 Lansbergi (Philip). Uranometriae. 2 vol. 4to. Middelb., 1631. 3078 Laplace (P. S.). The System of the World. See Laplace, Nos. 2881, 2882. 3079 Leadbetter (Charles). Uranoscopia; or, the Contemplation of the Heavens, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1735. 3080 Leadbetter (Charles). Astronomy of the Satellites of the Earth, Jupiter and Saturn; grounded upon Sir Isaac Newton's Theory of the Earth's Satellite. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1729. 3081 Leadbetter (Charles). A Complete System of Astronomy. 2d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1742. 3082 Lee (Capt. T. J.). Collection of Tables and Formule useful in Practical Astronomy. See No. 2670. 3083 Legendre (A. M.). Nouvelles mnthodes pour la determination des orbites des Cometes, avec un Supplement. 1 vol, 4to. (2 copies.) Paris, 1806. 3084 Legendre (A. M.). Expose des Operations. See No. 3008. 3085 Lemonrier. Histoire Celeste; ou, recueil de toutes les observations Astronomiques. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1741. 3086 Lemonnier. Institutions Astronomiques; ou, Leqons Elementaires d'Astronomie. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1746. 3087 Lemonnier. Description et usage des principaux instruments d'Astronomie. 1 vol. foL Paris, 1774. 3088 London Astronomical Society. See No. 2989. 3089 Long (Roger). Astronomy, in five Books. 2 vols. 4to. Cambridge, 1742-64. 3090 Longomontani (Christiani). Astronomia Danica. I vol. 4to. Amsterdami, 1622. 3091 Loomis (Elias). The Recent Progress of Astronomy, especially in the United States. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1851, 3092 Mackay (Andrew). The Theory and Practice of Finding the Longitude at Sea or Land; to which are added various methods of determining the Latitude of a place and variation of the Compass, with new Tables. 2d edition, improved and enlarged. 2 vols. 8vo. Aberdeen, 1801. 3093 Mackay (Andrew). The same. 3d edition. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1810. 12 178 ASTRONOMY. 3094 3Icaddy (W.). The Elements of the Theory of Plane Astronomy. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 182'6. 3095 Magdeleine (D. P. S. M.). Traite d'Horlogiographie, contenant plusieurs manieres de construire sur toutes surfaces toutes sortes de lignes horaires; et autres cercles de la Sphere, &c. I vol. 12mo. Paris, 1641. 3096 Magdeleine (Dom. Pierre de Sainte Marie). The same. 3m" edition, corrigee et augmentee. I vol. 12mo. Paris, 1665. 3097 Mayeri (Tob.). Opera inedita, edidit et observationurm appendicema adjecit G. Crist. Lichtenberg. 1 vol. 4to. Gottingae, 1775. 3098 Mechain. Expose des Operations. See No. 3008. 3099 Memoirs of the London Astronomical Society. See No. 2989. 3100 1Mentelle (Edme). Cosmographie Elementaire, divisee en parties Astronomique et Geographique. 3m esdition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1799. 3101 Miilne (David). Essay on Comets; which gained the first of Dr. Fellows?s Prizes, proposed to those who had attended the University of Edinburgh within the last twelve years. 1 vol. 4to. Edinburgh, 1828o 3102 Narrien (John). Practical Astronomy and Geodesy; including the Projections of the Sphere and Spherical Trigonometry. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1845. 3103 Nichol (J. P.). Planetary System: its Order, and Physical Structure. I vol. 12mo. London, 1851. 3104 Pearson (Rev. W.). An Introduction to Practical Astronomy. 2 vols. 4to. & Plates. London, 1824-29. 3105 Petavii (Dionysii). Uranologion; sive, Systema variorum authorum qui de sphaera, ac sideribus, Graece commentati sunt, Gemini, Achillis Tatii, Hipparchi, &c., Graece et Latine. 1 vol. fol. Lut. Parisiorum, 1630. 3106 Pingre. ComStographie; ou, Traite des Cometes. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1784. 3107 Prior (W. H.). Lectures on Astronomy; illustrated by the Astronomiconu or a series of moveable diagrams; with an Appendix. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1826. 3108 Prony (de). Memoire sur le Calcul des Longitudes et des Latitudes. I 4to. pamphlet. Paris, 1806. 3109 Ptolemaeus (Claudii Ptolemaei). Almagestumn; seu, Magnae Constructionis Opus. 1 vol. fol. Venetiis, 1528. 3110 Ptolemaeus (Claudii Ptolemaei). Magnae Constructionis, Lib. XIII. Theoris Alexandr. in eosdem Commentar. Lib. XI. Graece. 1 vol. fol. Basileae, 1538. 3111 Ptolemaeus (Claudius). Beobachtung und beschreibung der Gestirne und der bewegung der Himmlischen Sphare; mit erlauterungen, vergleichungen der neuern beobachtungen, &c., von J. E. Bode. 1 vol. 8vo. Berlin & Stettin, 1795. 3112 Puissant (L.). Methode generale pour obtenir le resultat moyen d'une s6rie d'observations Astronomiques. 4to. pamphlet. Paris, 1823. 3113 Regiomonti (Johannis de). Astronomicon Epitoma. 1 vol. fol. Venetiis, 1496. 3114 Riccioli (Jo. Bapt.). Almagestum novum, Astronomiam veterem novamque complectens. 2 vols. fol. Bononiae, 1651. 3115 Rivard. Traite de la Sphere et du Calendrier. 7me edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1816. 3116 Rocha (J. Monteiro da). Medmoires sur l'Astronomie Pratique. Traduit da Portugais. 1 vol, 4to. Paris,, 1808. ASTRONOMY. 179 3117 Scheibel (Johann Ephraim). Darquier's Briefe. See No. 3015. Dionysius' Sonnenfinsternissen. See No. 3028. 3118 Sbchener (Christophoro). Rosa ursina; sive, sol ex admirando facularum et macularum suarum phoenomeno varius. I vol. fol. Bracciani, 1626 seu 1630. 3119 Schubert (Friedrich Theodor). Theoretische Astronomie. 3 vols. 4to. Petersburg, 1798. 3120 Schumacher (H. C.) Astronomische Nachrichten. 22 vols. 4to. Altona, 1823-45. 3121 Small (Robert). An Account of the Astronomical Discoveries of Kepler; including an Historical Review of the Systems which had successively prevailed before his time. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1804. 3122 Smyth (Capt. William Henry). A Cycle of Celestial Objects; for the use of Naval, Military, and Private Astronomers. Observed, Reduced and Discussed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1844. 3123 Stewart (Matthew). Tracts, Physical and Mathematical; containing an explication of several important points in Physical Astronomy, and New Method for Ascertaining the Sun's Distance from the Earth, by the Theory of Gravity. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Edinburgh, 1761. 3124 Stewart (Matthew). The Distance of the Sun from the Earth, determined by the Theory of Gravity. 1 vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1763. 3125 Streete (Thomas). Astronomia, Carolina. A New Theory of the Celestial Motions. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1661. 3126 Tychonis-Brahe. See Brahe, No. 3002. 3127 Usages de la Sph6re, des Globes, C6leste et Terrestre. 1 vol. 8vo. No date. 3128 Vince (Rev. S.). A Treatise on Practical Astronomy. I vol. 4to. Cambridge, 1790. 3129 Vince (Rev. S.). The Elements of Astronomy. The first American edition, corrected and enlarged. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Philadelphia, 1811. 3130 Vince (Rev. S.). The Elements of Astronomy. 4th edition. I vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1816. 3131 Vince (Rev. S.). A Complete System of Astronomy. 2d edition, with additions and corrections. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1823. 3132 Voiron. Histoire de l'Astronomie, depuis 1781 jusqu'a 1811, pour servir de suite a l'Histoire de l'Astronomie de Bailly. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1810. 3133 Wallace (J.). New Treatise on the Use of the Globes, and Practical Astronomy, or a Comprehensive View of the System of the World, in Four Parts. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1812. 3134 Wallot. Observations Gnomoniques. 1 4to. pamphlet. Manheim, 1743. 3135 Weidleri (J. Frid.). Historia Astronomiae. 1 vol. 4to. Vitembergae, 1741. 3136 Whiston (William). Astronomical Lectures, Read in the Public Schools at Cambridge, with a collection of Astronomical Tables. I vol. 8vo. London, 1715. 3137 Whiston (William). The same. 2d edition. I vol. 8vo. London, 1728. 3138 Whiting's Comprehensive System of Astronomy. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1814. 3139 Wollaston (Francis). Fasciculus Astronomicus; containing observations of the Northern Circumpolar Region, together with some account of the Instrument with which they were made, &c., &c. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1800. 180 ASTRONOMY. 3140 Woodhouse (Robert). An Elementary Treatise on Astronomy. 2 vols. 8vo. (3 copies.) Cambridge, 1812-18. 3141 Zach (Baron de). Correspondance Astronomique, Geographique, Hydrographique et Statistique. 2m edition. 14 vols. 8vo. Genes, 1819-26. 3142 Zach (Baron de). L'Attraction des Montagnes, et ses effets sur les fils a Plomb ou sur les niveaux des instrumens d'Astronomie constantes et de termin6s par des observations Astronomiques et Geodesiques faites, en 1810 sur le Mont de Mimet et au fanal de File de Planier pres de Marseille. 2 vols. 8vo. Avignon, 1814. ASTRONOM[ICAL OBSERVATIONS. 181 ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS. 3143 Airy (G. B.) & Challis (J.). Astronomical Observations made at the Observatory of Cambridge for the years 1828 to 1837 inclusive. 10 vols. 4to. Cambridge, 1829-39. 3144 American Academy, Memoirs of the. The Latitude of the Cambridge Observatory, in Massachusetts, determined from Transits of Stars over the Prime Vertical, observed during the months of December, 1844, and January, 1845, by W. C. Bond, J. D. Graham, G. P. Bond and Peirce. I 4to. pamphlet. -, 1845. 3145 AstronomiIcal Observations, made under the direction of M. F. Maury, Lieut. U. S. Navy, during the year 1845, at the U. S. Naval Observatory, Washington. 1st & 2d vols. 4to. Washington, 1846-51. 3146 Bar2lett's Report on the Observatories, &c., of Europe. 1 vol. 4to. West Point, 1840. 3147 Bessel. Beobachteten Sterne. See No. 3175. 3148 Biot et Arago. Recueil d'observations G6odesiques, &c. See No. 2638. 3149 Blanchino (Francisco). Hesperi et phosphori nova phaenomena; sive, observationes circa planetam Veneris. 1 vol. fol. Rome, 1728. 3150 3Bradley (Rev. James). Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich from the year 1750 to the year 1762. 2 vols. fol. Oxford, 1798-1805. 3151 Bradley. Beobachteten Sterne. See To. 3175. 3152 Eugge (Thomas). Observationes Astronomicae, annis 1781, 1782 et 1783. 1 vol. 4to. Hauniae, 1784. 3153 Cadenberg (Josepho Slop de). Novi Planetae, observationes et Theoria. 1 vol. 4to. Pisis, 1782. 3154 Cassini. Observations Astronomiques faites en divers endroits du Royaume pendant l'annee 1672. 1 vol. fol. No date. 3155 Cassinl do T hury. La Meridienne de l'observatoire royal de Paris. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1744. 3156 Challis (James). Astronomical Observations. See No. 3143. 3157 Connaissancc des Temps de l'ann6e V. (1797). 1 vol. 8vo. No date. 3158 Connaissance des Temps ou des mouvemens Celestes,'a u'sage des Astronomes et des Navigateurs, for 1802, 1806, 1807, 1808, 1809, 1810, 1814, 1816, 1817, 1818, 1819, 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823, 1824, 1825, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835, 1836, 1837, 1838, 1841, 1842, and 1843. 33 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1799-1840. 3159 Edinburgh Astronomical Observations. See No. 3165. 182 ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS. 3160 Ellicot's Astronomical and Thermometrical Observations, made at the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers, from December, 1796, to April, 1800. I vol. 4to. No date. 3161 Flamsteed (Joan). Historiae Ccelestis Britannica, complectens Stellarum fixarum nec non planetarum omnium observationes, &c. 3 vols. fol. Londini, 1725. 3162 Flamsteed (Johanne). Historiae Ccelestis. 1 vol. fol. Londini, 1712. 3163 Gillis (Lieut. J. M.). Astronomical Observations made at the Naval Observatory, Washington, under orders of the Secretary of the Navy. 1 vol. 8vo. Washington, 1846. 3164 Groombridge (Stephen). Observations on Atmospherical Refraction, as it affects Astronomical Observations. I 4to. pamphlet. London, 1810. 3165 Henderson (Thomas). Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh, for the years, 1840,'42,'43,'44,'45,'46, and'47. Vols. 6, 8, 9, 10, 4to. London, 1847-52. 3166 Herschel (John F. W.). Results of Astronomical Observations made during the years 1834,'35,'36,'37, and'38, at the Cape of Good Hope. I vol. 4to. London, 1847. 3167 Lalande (Jerome de). Histoire Celeste Franqaise, contenant les observations faites par plusieurs Astronomes Franraises. 1st vol. 4to. (2 copies.) Paris, 1801. 3168 Lalande. Beobachteten Sterne. See No. 3175. 3169 Ludlam. Astronomical Observations made in St. John's College, Cambridge, in the years 1767 and 1768; with an account of several Astronomical Instruments. I vol. 4to. Cambridge, 1769. 3170 Mlaskelyne (Nevil). Astronomical Observations made at Greenwich, from the year 1765 to the year 1810. 4 vols. fol. London, 1776-1811. 3171 Observations Astronomiques faites a l'observatoire royal de Paris, en l'an 1810 jusqu'au 31 Decembre, 1819. 1st vol. fol. Paris, 1825. 3172 Piazzi. Beobachteten Sterne. See No. 3175. 3173 Pond (John). Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, in the year 1811 to 1835, 13 vols. fol.; and for the years 1836 and 1837, with two Appendixes, under the direction of G. B. Airy, 4 vols. 4to., with the two Appendixes. 17 vols. fol. & 4to. London, 1812-38. 3174 Struve (F. G. W.). Observationes Astronomicas institutas in specula universitatis Caesareae Dorpatensis, for 1818 to 1830 inclusive. 6 vols. 4to. Dorpati, 1820-38. 3175 Verzeichnisz der von Bradley, Piazzi, Lalande, und Bessel Beobachteten Sterne. 16 Nos. fol., with Plates. Berlin, 1830, &c. 3176 Wales (William). Astronomical Observations made in the voyages which were undertaken by order of His present Majesty for making discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere, and successively performed by Commodore Byron, Captains Wallis, Carteret, and Cook. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1788. 3177 Washington. Astronomical Observations. See Nos. 3145, 3163. ASTRONOMICAL TABLES, 183 ASTRONOMICAL TABLES, 3178 Almanac. See Nautical Almanac, No. 3203. 3179 Astronomy. Explanation and Use of the Solar and Lunar Tables. 1 vol. 4to. No date, 3180 Bagay (V.). Nouvelles Tables Astronomiques et Hydrographiques. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1829o 3181 Bailey (Francis). New Tables for facilitating the Computation of Precession, Aberration, and Nutation of 2881 Principal Fixed Stars; together with a Catalogue of the same reduced to January 1, 1830. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1827. 3182 Bailey (Francis). Stratford's Index to the Catalogue. See No. 3208. 3183 Bailey (Francis). Astronomical Tables. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 182'7 3184 Bode (J. E.). Astronomische Jahrbiicher fur die Jahre 1814, 1815 & 1816. 3 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1811-13. 3185 Bode (J. E.). Erlauterungen uiber die Einrichtung und den Gebrauch seiner Astronomischen Jahrbucher. 1 vol. 8vo. Berlin, 1811. 3186 Burckhardt. Tables Astronomiques publiees par le Bureau des Longitudes de France. Tables de la Lune. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1812. 3187 Buerg. Tables Astronomiques. See No. 3192. 3188 Cagnoli (Antoine). Catalogue de 501 Etoiles, suivi des Tables relatives d'Aberration et de Nutation. 1 vol. 8vo. Modene, 1807. 3189 Damoiseau (Le Baron de). Tables de la Lune, formees par la seule Theorie de FAttraction et suivant la division de la circonfdrence en 360 degres. I vol. fol Paris, 1828& 3190 Delambre. Tables Astronomiques publiees par le Bureau des Longitudes de France. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1808. 3191 Delambre. Tables generales d'Aberration et de Nutation. 1 vol. 4to. No date. 3192 Delambre et Buerg. Tables Astronomiques publiees par le Bureau des Longitudes de France. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1806. 3193 Dezach. See Zach, Nos. 3211 to 3215. 3194 Falck (N. D.). The Ready Observator; or, an Infallible Method for determining the Latitude at Sea, by Altitudes of the Sun, at any Time of the Day. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1771. 3195 Groombridge (Stephen). A Catalogue of Circumpolar Stars. Edited by George Biddell Airy. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1838. 3196 Halley (Edmund). Astronomical Tables, with Precepts, both in English and Latin, for computing the Places of the Sun, Moon, Planets, and Comets. I vol. 4to. (2 copies.) London, 1752. 184 ASTR._NOMiCAIL TABLETo 3197 Kelly (P.). Astronomical Computations, comprising new Tables. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1812 3198 sKepler (Joanne). Urania Propitia; sive, Tabulae Astronomicae mire faciles, I vol. fol. Bicini, 1650. 3199 Keplerus (Joannes). Tabulae rudolphinae quibus Astronomnicae scientiae restauratio continetur; ex editione Jonae Saurii. I vol. fol. Ulmae, 1627. 3200 Koch (J. A.). Astronomische Tafeln zur bestimmung der Zeit. I vol. 8vo. Berlin 1797o. 3201 Mayer (Tobias). Tabulae motuum Solis et Lunae novae et, correctae quibus accedit methodus longitudinem promota: editae jussu Praefectornm rei Longitudinariae, 1 vol. 4to, London, 1770. 3202 Mayer. Lunar Tables, improved by Mr. Charles Mason. (Bound with the work above.) London, 1787. 3203 Nautical Almanac for 1771, 1772, 1778, 1775, 17'7, 1778, 1780, 1785, 1787, 1788, 1789, 1790, 1791, 1792, 1793, 1794, 1795, 1796, 1797, 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, 1804, 1805, 1806, 1807, 1809, 1810, 1811, 1812, 1814, 1815, 1816, 1817 1818, 1819, 1829 1831, 1832, 1835, 1836, 1737, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, &c. 8vo. vols. London. 3204 Norie (J. W.). A Set of Linear Tables for correcting the Apparent Distance of the Moon from the Sun, or a Fixed Star for the effect of Refraction. 4th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1827. 3205 Reboul. Tables nouvelles de Venus, d'apres la Theorie de Laplace et d'apres les Elemens de Lindenau. I 4to. pamphlet. Marseille, 1811L 3206 Sammlung Astronomischer Tafeln. 3 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1776. 3207 Shepherd (A.). Tables for correcting the Apparent Distance of the Moon and a Star from the effects of Refraction and Parallax. I vol. 4to. Cambridge, 1772, 3208 Stratford (Lt. W. S.). Index to the Stars in the Catalogue of the Astronomical Society. In a Letter to Francis Baily, the Vice-President of the Society. I 4to. pamphlet. - 1831. 3209 Table to find the Nonagesimal Degree of the Ecliptic with its Altitude for the Latitude of Lancaster. 1 vol. 4to, No date 3210 Waser (J.). Historisch diplomatisches Jahrzeitbuch. 1 vol. fol. Zurich, 1779. 3211 Zach (Francisco de). Tabulae Motuum Solis. I vol. 4to. Gothae, 1792e 3212 Zach (Baron de). Tables abr6gees et portatives du Soleil, calculees pour le meridien de Paris. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Florence, 1809. 3213 Zach (Baron de). Tables abregees et portatives de la Lune, calculees pour le meridien de Paris. 1 vol. 8vo. Florence, 1809, 3214 Zaoh (Baron de). Nouvelles Tables d'Aberration et de Nutation pour quatorze cent quatre Etoiles, avec une Table generale d'Aberration pour les Planetes et les Cometes. I vol. 8vo. (2 copies.)- Marseille, 1812. 3215 Zach (Baron de). Supplement aux nouvelles Tables d'Aberration et de Nutation, pour quatorze cent quatre eItoiles publiees, en 1812 B Marseille. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1813. GENERAL WORKS ON- ARTS AND SCIENCESo 185 GENERAL WORKS ON ARTS AND SCIENCES, 8216 Academie des Sciences, Comtes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de l'Academie des Sciences. 23 vols. 4to. Paris, 1835-46, 3217 Academie des Sciences. See No. 3298. 3218 Ameican Philosophical Society. See Nos. 3305, 3323, 3324. 3219 American Journal of Science. See No. 3274. 3220 Annual of Scientific Discovery; or, Year-Book of Facts in Science and Art. Edited by David A. Wells and George Bliss. For 1850-51 and 52. 3 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1850-52, 3221 Archives des Decouvertes et des Inventions nouvelles, faites dans les Sciences, les Arts et les Manufactures, tant en France que dans les pays 6trangers, annees 1808 a 1830. 23 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1809-31. 3222 ArtiSt's Manual. See No. 3243. 3223 Asiatic Researches; or, Transactions of the Society, instituted in Bengal, for inquiring into the history and antiquities, the arts, sciences, and literature of Asia. (Vol. VIII. in 8vo.) 8 vols. 4to. London, 1799-1803, 3224 Association. British. See No. 3310. 3225 Beckmann (John). History of Inventions and Discoveries. Translated from the German by William Johnston. 3d edition. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1817. 3226 Bononiensi (De). Scientiarum et Artium instituto atque Academia comr mentarii. 4 vols. 4to. bound in 6. Bononiae, 1748-57. 3227 Boston Journal. See No. 3277. 3228 Boyle (Robert). Philosophical Works; of Physics, Statics, Pneumatics, Natural History, Chymistry, and Medicine. The whole illustrated with Notes, containing the improvements made in the several parts of Natural and Experimental Knowledge since his time, by Peter Shaw. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1725. 3229 B3oyle (Robert). The same. 2d edition, corrected.. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1738. 3230 Brande (W. T.). Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art. I vol. roy. 8vo. New-York, 1848. 3231 Brewster (D.). Edinburgh Journal of Science. See Nos. 3266, 3267. 3232 British Association. See No. 3310. 3233 Buchanan (W. M.). Technological Dictionary; explaining the terms of the arts, sciences, literature, professions, and trades. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1846, 186 GENERAL WORKS ON ARTS AND SCIENCES, 3234 Bulletin universel des Sciences et de l'Industrie: Des Sciences Mathematiques, Astronomiques, Phisiques et Chemiques lre Section. 16 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824-31. Des Sciences Naturelles et de Geologie. 2me Section. (Vol. XXV. wanting.) 27 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824-31. Des Sciences Medicales, 3me Section. 27 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824-31. Des Sciences Agricoles et Economiques. 4me Section. 19 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824-31, Des Sciences Technologiques. 5"m Sec. 19 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824-31, Des Sciences Geographiques, &c., Economie Publique, Voyages. 6me. Sec. (Vols. XIV. & XVI. wanting.) 28 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824-31, Des Sciences historiques; Antiquites, Philologie. 7me Section. 19 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824-31, Des Sciences Militaires. 8me Section. 11. vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824-31. 3235 Bulletin general et universel des annonces et des nouvelles scientifiques, dedie aux Savans de tous les Pays et a la Librarie Nationale et Etrangeret 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1823. 3236 Cambridge Philosophical Society. See No. 3320. 3237 Carpentier (M.). Dictionnaire des Origines. See No. 3300. 3238 Chambers. Information for the People: a popular Encyclopaedia. Fifth American edition. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1850. 3239 Commentarii Societatis regiae scientiarum Gottingensis. (Vol. VII. wanting.) 8 vols. 4to. Gottingae, 1771-78, 3240 Cooper (Thomas). Emporium. See No. 3252. 3241 Coxe (John Redman). Emporium. See No. 3251. 3242 Crabb (George). LUniversal Technological Dictionary; or, Familiar Explanation of the Terms used in all Arts and Sciences, and illustrated by Plates, Diagrams, Cuts, &c. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1823. 3243 Cutbush (James). The American Artist's Manual; or, Dictionary of Practical Knowledge in the application of Philosophy to the Arts and Manufactures. Selected fiom the most complete European systems, with original improvements and appropriate engravings. Adapted to the use of the Manufacturers of the United States. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1814, 3244 Dictionnaire chronologique et raisonne des decouvertes, inventions, innovations perfectionnemens, observations nouvelles et importations en France, dans les sciences, la litterature, les arts, l'agriculture, le commerce et l'industrie, de 1789 a la fin de 1820 et Tables, par une Socibte des gens de lettres. 17 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1822-24. 3245 Dictionnaire de Pindustrie; ou, collection raisonne des proced6s utiles dans les sciences et dans les arts. 3m e'dition. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1801. 3246 Dictionnaire raisonnee universel des arts et metiers; contenant l'histoire, la description, la police des fabriques et manufactures de France et des pays etrangers. Nouvelle 6dition, revue et mise en ordre par M. l'Abbe Jaubert. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1773. 3247 Dictionnaire Technologique; ou, nouveau dictionnaire universel des arts et metiers et de l'economie industrielle et commerciale; par une societe de savans et d'artistes. 22 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1822-35. 3248 3Duhamel (Joanne-Baptista). Regiae scientiarum Academiae Historia. 2d edition. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1746. GENERAL WORKS ON ARTS AND SCIENCES. 18 3249 Ecole centrale des Arts et Manufactures, destinee a former des ingenieurs. civils, des directeurs d'usines, des chefs de manufactures, &c., fondee avec l'autorisation de M. de Vatismenil, ministre de l'instruction publique, par MM. Lavallee, Benoit, Dumas, Olivier et Peclet, professeurs. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1829. 3250 Edinburgh Journal of Science. See Nos. 3266-7-8. 3251 Emporium of Arts and Sciences. Conducted by John Redman Coxe. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1812. 3252 Emporium of Arts and Sciences. New Series. Conducted by Thomas Cooper. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1813. 3253 Francis (G.). Dictionary of the Arts, Sciences, and Manufactures: illustrated with eleven hundred Engravings. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1849. 3254 Francoeur (L. B.). Elemens de Technologie; ou, description des procedes des arts et de l'economie domestique. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1833. 3255 Franklin Institute. See Nos. 3272, 3273. 3256 Gill (Thomas). The Technical Repository; containing practical information on subjects connected with discoveries and improvements in the useful arts. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1822-23. 3257 Goguet (Antoine-Ives). De l'origine des lois, des arts et des sciences, et de leurs progres chez les anciens peuples. 6' 6edition, revue et corrigee avec soin. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1820. 3258 Heck (J. G.). Iconographic Encyclopaedia. See No. 3262. 3259 Herschel (John F. W.). A Manual of Scientific Inquiry; prepared for the use of officers in Her Majesty's Navy, and travellers in general. 2d edition. I vol. 12mo. London, 1851. 3260 Humboldt (Alexander von). Cosmos: a Sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe. Translated from the German, by E. C. Otte and B. H. Paul. 4 vols. 12mo. London, 1849-52. 3261 Hunt (Robert). Poetry of Science, or Studies of the Physical Phenomena of Nature. First American, from the second London edition. 1 vol. 12mo. Boston, 1850. 3262 Iconographic Encyclopaedia of Science, Literature, and Art, systematically arranged, by J. G. Heck. Translated from the German, with additions, and edited by Spencer F. Baird. 4 vols. 8vo. & 2 vols. 4to. of Plates. New-York, 1851. 3263 Irish Academy. Transactions of the. See No. 3321. 3264 Jameson (Robert). Edinburgh Philosophical Journal. See Nos. 3266-8. 3265 Jamieson (Alexander). Dictionary of Mechanical Science, Arts, Manufactures, and Miscellaneous Knowledge: illustrated with many hundred Engravings. I vol. 4to. London, 1827. 3266 Journal. Edinburgh Philosophical Journal. Conducted by Dr. Brewster and Prof. Jameson. 13 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1819-25. 3267 Journal. Edinburgh Journal of Science. Conducted by David Brewster. 9 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1824-28, 3268 Journal. Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, exhibiting a view of the progressive improvements and discoveries in the sciences and the arts. Conducted by Robert Jameson. 11 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1826-31. 3269 Journal of Science and the Arts. Edited at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. 29 vols. 8vo. London, 1817-30. 188 GENERAL WORKS ON ARTS AND SCIENCES, 3270 Journal. The London Journal of Arts and Sciences. 14vols. 8vo. London, 1821-28. 3271 Journal. The same, second series. 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1828-30. 3272 Journal of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania and Mechanics' Register; devoted to mechanical and physical science, civil engineering, the arts and manufactures, and the recording of American and other patented inventions. Edited by Thomas P. Jones. 26 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1826-40. 3273 JournalS The same, third series. 8vo. vols. Philadelphia, 1841, &c, 3274 Journal American Journal of Science, more especially of Mineralogy, Geology, and the other branches of Natural History; including also Agriculture, and the Ornamental as well as Useful Arts. Conducted by Benjamin Silliman, 49 vols. 8vo. New-York & New Haven, 1818-45. 3275 Journal American Journal of Science and Arts. General Index to fortynine volumes. 1 vol. 8vo. New Haven,. 3276 Journal. The same, second series. 8vo. vols. New Haven, 1846, &c, 3277 Journal of Philosophy and the Arts. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1824-26. 3278 Journal de l'Ecole Polytechnique, 28 cahiers. 17 vols. 4to. Paris, 1796-1841. 3279 Journal des Savans, Janvier 1818 a Octobre 1823. 6 vols. 4to. Paris, 1818-23o 3280 Journal des Connaissances usuelles et pratiques. (Vol. X. wanting.) 20 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1825-34, 3281 Lardner (Dionysius). Popular Lectures on Science and Art; delivered in the principal Cities and Towns of the United States. 2 vols. roy. 8vo, NeweYork, 1849. 3282 London Journal of Arts and Sciences. See Nos. 3270, 3271. 3283 SLondon, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science: a continuation of the Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. Vol. I., &c. 8vo. London, 1851, &c. 3284:ondonr Philosophical Transactions. See Nos. 3318, 3319. 3285 1ffagasin Encyclopedique; ou, Journal des Sciences, des Lettres et des Arts; redig6 par Millin Noel et Warens. 122 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1795-1816. 3286 Magasin Encyclopedique, Table generale des Matieres, par ordre Alphabetique des 122 volumes qui composent la collection complete du Magasin Encyclopedique; redigee par J. B. Sajou. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1819. 3287 I agazine of Science and School of Arts. 11 vols, 8vo. London, 1843-49. 3288 Magazine. Philosophical. See Nos. 3301, 3302. 3289 Wiariotte. Ses (Euvres. (2 vols. in one.) 1 vol. 4to. Leide, 1717. 3290 Maunder (Samuel). The Scientific and Literary Treasury: a New and Popular Encyclopedia of the Belles-Lettres. 5th edition. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1848. 3291 IV~echanoics Magazine; containing useful original matter, on subjects connected with manufactures, the arts and sciences. 1st & 2d vols. 8vo. New-York, 1825. 3292 MIechanics' Magazine and Register of Inventions and Improvements. (Vols. 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 are incomplete.) 9 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1833-37. 3293 Memoirs of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vol. I. Part I. 8vo. (2 copies.) New Haven, 1810. GENERAL WORKS ON ARTS AND SCIENCES. 189 3294 Memoires de l'Institut national des Sciences et Arts, Sciences Mathematiques et Physiques (jusqu'en 1815). 14 vols. 4to. Paris, 1798-1818. 3295 i6moires de l'Institut.-Savans etrangers, sciences mathematiques et physiques. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1805-11. 3296 Msmnoires de l'Institut.-Savans Strangers, sciences mathematiques et.physiques. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1827-30. 3297 Mei oires de l'Institut.-Base du Systeme Metrique d6cimal, ou mesure de l'arc du meridien, par MM. Mechain et Delambre. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1806-10. 3298 Memoires de l'Acad6mie royale des sciences de l'Institut de France, annees 1816 et suiv. 10 vols. 4to. Paris, 1818-31. 3299 Miscellanea Philosophico-Mathematica Societatis Privatae taurinensis. 5 vols. 4to. Augustae Taurinorum, 1759. 3300 Noel (F.) et Carpentier (M.). Nouveau Dictionnaire des origines, inventions et decouvertes dans les arts, les sciences, la g6ographie, le commerce, l'agriculture, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, i827. 3301 Philosophical Magazine; or, Annals of Chemistry, Mathematics, Astronomy, Natural History, and General Science. Conducted by Richard Taylor and Richard Phillips. 11 vols. 8vo. London, 1827-32. 3302 Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin, New, and United series of the Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. 37 vols. 8vo. London, 1832-50. 3303 Philosophical Magazine. See No. 3281. 3304 Philosophical Transactions. See Nos. 3317 to 3324. 3305 Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. (Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15 & 16 wanting.) Philadelphia, 3306 Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. 6 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849-52. 3307 Repertory of Arts and Manufactures. (Vol. 4th wanting.) 16 vols. 8vo. London, 1794-1802. 3308 Repertory. The same, second series. (Vols. 3, 5, 14, 22, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39 are wanting.) 42 vols. 8vo. London, 1802-22. 3309 Repertory of Patent Inventions. (Vol. 2d wanting, and vols. 5 and 6 are incomplete.) 12 vols. 8vo. London, 1825-31. 3310 Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. 2d edition. From 1831 to 1850. 19 vols. 8vo. London, 1835-51. 3311 Scientific Memoirs. See No. 3316. 3312 Shaw (Peter). Boyle's Philosophical Works. See Nos. 3228, 3229. 3313 Silliman (Benjamin). American Journal of Science. See Nos. 3274-5-6. 3314 Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4. 4to. Washington, 1848-52. 3315 Souciet (P. E.). Observations Mathematiques, Astronomiques, Geographiques, Chronologiques et Physiques, tirees des anciens livres chinois ou faits aux Indes et a la Chine par les Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1729-32o 3316 Taylor (Richard). Scientific Memoirs, selected from the Transactions of foreign Academies of Science and learned Societies and from foreign Journals. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1837-49. 3317 Timbs (John). Year-Book of Facts in Science and Art. I vol. 18mo, London, 1851, 190 GENERAL WORKS ON ARTS AND SCIENCES. 3318 Transactions. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, from 1665 to 1852. 67 vols. 4to. London, 1809-49. 3319 Transactions of the Society instituted at London for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. 39 vols. 8vo. London, 1789-1821. 3320 Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 2 vols. 4to. Cambridge, 1827. 3321 Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy. (Vols. 16, 1 7, and 18.) 3 vols. 4to. Dublin, 1830-39. 3322 Transactions of the American Ethnological Society. See No. 4305. 3323 Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia, for promoting Useful Knowledge. 6 vols. 4to. Philadelphia, 1)789-1804. 3324 Transactions. The same; second series. 4to. volumes. Philadelphia, 1818, &c. 3325 Whewell (Rev. William). History of the Inductive Sciences, from the earliest to the present times. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1837. 3326 Whewell (William). Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences, founded upon their History. New edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1847. 3327 Year-Book of Facts in Science and Art. See Nos. 3220, 3317. CHEMISTRY. 191 CHEMISTRY. 3328 Accum (Frederick). A System of Theoretical and Practical Chemistry; with an Appendix, containing a view of the late doctrines and discoveries in Chemistry, by Thomas Cooper. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1814. 3329 Accum (Frederick). Description of the Process of Manufacturing Coal Gas, for the Lighting of Streets, Houses, and Public Buildings; with Elevations, Sections, and Plans of the most improved sorts of apparatus now employed at the Gas Works in London. 2d edition, with 7 Plates. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1820. 3330 Accum (Frederick). A Practical Treatise on the Use and Application of Chemical Tests; with concise directions for Analyzing Metallic Ores, Earths, Metals, Soils, Manures, and Waters. Illustrated by Experiments. 3d edition. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1820. 3331 Aikin (A. & C. R.). Dictionary of Chemistry and Mineralogy; with an account of the processes employed in many of the most important Chemical Manufactures. To which are added a Description of Chemical Apparatus, &c., &c. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1807. 3332 Annales de Chimie. (96 vols. in 48, and 3 of Tables.) 99 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1789-18160 3333 Annales de Chimie et de Physique. Nouvelle serie. 75 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1816-40. 3334 Annales de Chimie et de Physique. 3' serie. 36 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1841-52. 3335 Ashmole (E.). Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1652. 3336 Bache (Franklin). A System of Chemistry, for the use of Students of Medicine. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1819. 3337 Bancroft (Edward). Experimental Researches concerning the Philosophy of Permanent Colors, and the best means of producing them by Dyeing, Calico Printing, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1814. 3338 Beck (Lewis C.). Manual of Chemistry. 1 vol. 12mo. Albany, 1831. 3339 Bergman (Torbern). An Essay on the Usefulness of Chemistry, and its Application to the various occasions of Life. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1784. 3340 Bergman (Torbern). Physical and Chemical Essays. Translated from the Latin, by Edmund Cullen; to which are added Notes and Illustrations by the Translator. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1788-91. 3341 Berthier (P.). Traite des Essais par la voie seche; on, des proprietes de la composition et de l'Essai des Substances Metalliques et des Combustibles. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1834. 3342 Berthollet (C. L.). Essai de Statique Chimique. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1803. 192 CHEMISTRY. 3343 Berthollet (C. L.). Researches into the Laws of Chemical Affinity. Translated from the French by M. Farrell. 1 vol. 8vo. Baltimore, 1809. 3344 3Berthollet (C. L. & A. B.). Elements of the Art of Dyeing'; with a description of the Art of Bleaching by Oxymuriatic Acid. Translated from the French, with Notes and Engravings illustrative and supplementary, by Andrew Ure. 2d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1824. 3345 Berzelius. De l'emploi du chalumeau dans les analyses chimiques et les determinations Min6ralogiques. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1821. 3346 Berzelius. Annuaire des Sciences Chimiques. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1834. 3347 Berzellius. Annuaire des Sciences Chimiques. 1 vol. 24mo. Paris, 1839. 3348 Berzelius (J. J.). Traite de chimie. 8 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1829-33. 3349 Berzelius (J. J.). The Analysis of Inorganic Bodies. Translated from the French edition by G. O. Rees. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1833. 3350 Black (Joseph). Lectures on the Elements of Chemistry. 2 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1803. 3351 Boerhaave (Hermannus). Elementa Chemiae. 2 vols. 4to. Parisiis, 1753. 3352 Booth (James C.). Encyclopaedia of Chemistry, Practical and Theoretical; embracing its application to the Arts. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1850. 3353 Brande (William Thomas). Manual of Chemistry. 2d edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1821. 3354 Brianchon (C. J.). Essai chimique sur les reactions Foudroyantes. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1825. 3355 Byrne (Oliver). The Practical Metal-Worker's Assistant; with the application of the Art of Electro-Metallurgy to Manufacturing Processes; collected from original sources, and from the works of Holtzapffel, Bergeron, &c., &c. With numerous engravings on wood, to suit the American MetalWorker. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1851. 3356 Chaptal (J. A.). Chimie appliquee aux Arts. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1807. 3357 Chaptal (J. A.). Chemistry Applied to Arts and Manufactures. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1807. 3358 Cheuvreusse. Cours de chimie applique aux Arts Militaires. 1 vol. 8vo. Metz, 1823. 3359 Cheuvreusse. Cours de chimie Technologie, a l'usage des Eleves de El'cole royale de l'Artillerie et du Genie (Lithographic). 1 vol. fol. Metz, 1826. 3360 Children (J. G.). Thenard's Essay on Chemical Analysis. See No. 3433. 3361 Clarke (Edward Daniel). Gas Blow-Pipe; or, Art of Fusion by Burning the Gaseous Constituents of Water; giving the History of the Philosophical Apparatus, &c., &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1819. 3362 Clegg (Samuel). A Practical Treatise on the Manufacture and Distribution of Coal-Gas. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1841. 3363 Cooper (Thomas). Some Information concerning Gas-Lights. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1816. 3364 Cooper (Thomas). Accum's System of Chemistry. See No. 3328. 3365 Cullen (Edmund). Bergman's Physical and Chemical Essays. See No. 3340. 3366 Dana (James Freeman). An Epitome of Chemical Philosophy. I vol. 8vo. Concord, 1825. CHEMISTRY. 193 3367 Daubeny (Charles). An Introduction to the Atomic Theory; comprising a sketch of the opinions entertained by the most distinguished ancient and modern philosophers with respect to the Constitution of Matter. 1 vol. 8vo. Oxford, 1831. 3368 Davy (Humphrey). Elements of Chemical Philosophy. 1st vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1812. 3369 Davy (Humphrey). Elements of Agricultural Chemistry; in a course of Lectures for the Board of Agriculture. 3d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1821. 3370 Demachy. L'Art du distillateur liquoriste, contenant le Bruleur d'eaux de vie, le Fabriquant de Liqueurs, le d6bitant, ou le Cafetier-Limonnadier. 1 vol. fol. Paris, 1775. 3371 Dictionary of the Apparatus and Instruments employed in the various operations of Philosophical and Experimental Chemistry, by a Practical Chemist. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) London, 1824. 3372 Dictionnaire Portatifde Chimie, de Mineralogie et de Geologie. Compose par une Societe de Chimistes. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1824. 3373 Donovan (Michael). Treatise on Chemistry (Lardner's Cyclopoedia). 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1832. 3374 Dumas. Traite de Chimie appliquee aux Arts. 8 vols. 8vo. & Plates. Paris, 1828-46. 3375 Faraday (Michael). Chemical Manipulation; being Instructions to Students in Chemistry. I vol. 8vo. London, 1827. 3376 Faraday (Michael). Chemical Manipulation; being Instructions to Students in Chemistry. First American, from the last London edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1831. 3377 Fourcroy (A. F.). Systeme des Connaissances Chimiques et de leurs applications aux Ph6nomenes de la Nature et de lA'rt. 10 vols. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1801. 3378 Fourcroy. Elementary Lectures on Chemistry and Natural History; containing a methodical abridgment of all the chemical knowledge acquired to the present time, &c. Translated from the French by Thomas Elliot, with additions. Vol. 2d. Svo. Edinburgh, 1785. 3379 Fownes (Geo.). Rudimentary Chemistry: to which is added an Essay on the Application of Chemistry to Agriculture. i vol. 18mo. London, 1849. 3380 Francis (G.). Chemical Experiments; illustrating the Theory, Practice, and Application of the Science of Chemistry. New and improved edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1850. 3381 Fyfe (Andrew). Elements of Chemistry. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1827. 3382 Gay-Lussac et Thenard. Recherches Physico-Chimiques. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1811. 3383 Graham (Thomas). Elements of Chemistry, including the Applications of the Science in the Arts. 2d edition. In 8vo. London, -. 3384 Gray (Samuel Frederick). The Operative Chemist; being a practical display of the Arts and Manufactures which depend upon Chemical Principles. I vol. 8vo. London, 1828. 3385 Gren (Frederick Charles). Principles of Modern Chemistry Systematically Arranged. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1800. 3386 Griffin (John Joseph). Chemical Recreations; a Compendium of Experimental Chemistry. I vol. 8vo. Glasgow, 1838. 18 194 CHEMISTRY. 3387 Hare (Robert). A Compendium of the Course of Chemical Instruction in the Medical )epartment of the University of Pennsylvania. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1828. 3388 Hare (Robert). The same. 3d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1838. 3389 Henry (William). The Elements of Experimental Chemistry. The first American from the eighth London edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1819. 3390 Henry (William). The same. 2d edition. 2 vols. 8vo..Philadelphia, 1822. 3391 Henry (William). The Elements of Experimental Chemistry. 10th edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1826. 3392 Klaproth et Wolff. Dictionnaire de Chimie. Traduit de l'Allemand, avee des notes, par Bouillon-Lagrange et Vogel. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1810-11. 3393 Klaproth (Martin Henry). Analytical Essays towards Promoting the Chemical Knowledge of Mineral Substances. Translated from the German. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1801-04. 3394 Knapp (Dr. F.). Chemical Technology; or, Chemistry Applied to the Arts and to Manufactures. Edited, with numerous notes and additions, by Dr. Edmund Ronalds and Dr. Thomas Richardson. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1848-51. 3395 Kopp (H.). Progress of Chemistry. See No. 3401. 3396 Lamarck (J. B.). Recherches sur les causes des principaux faits Physiques. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1793. 3397 Lardner (Rev. Dionysius). Cabinet Cyclopaedia. A Treatise on the Origin, Progressive Improvement, and Present State of the Manufacture of Porcelain and Glass. 1 vol. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1832. 3398 Lavoisier. Essays, Physical and Chemical. Translated from the French, with Notes, and an Appendix, by Thomas Henry. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1776. 3399 Lavoisier. Traite6 Elementaire de Chimie..3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1789. 3400 Lewis (W.). Philosophical Commerce of Arts; designed as an attempt to improve Arts, Trades, and Manufactures. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1763. 3401 Liebig (J.) & Kopp (H.). Annual Report of the Progress of Chemistry, and the Allied Sciences, Physics, Mineralogy, and Geology, &c. Edited by A. W. Hofman and W. de la Rue. Vols. 1st and.2d. 8vo. London, 1849. 3402 Liebig (Justus). Chemistry in its Application to Agriculture and Physiology.-Animal Chemistry, or Organic Chemistry, in its Applications to Physiology and Pathology. 2 vols. in one, 8vo. Philadelphia, 1847. 3403 Liebig (Justus). Familiar Letters on Chemistry. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1843. 3404 Memoires de Physique et de Chimie de la Societe d'Arcueil. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1807-09. 3405 lorfit (Campbell). Chemical and Pharnaceutic Manipulations: a Manual of the Mechanical and Chemico-Mechanical Operations of the Laboratory, &C.,.&c. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849. CHEMISTRY. 195 3406 Murray (J.). Elements of Chemical Science, as applied to the Arts and Manufactures, and Natural Phenomena. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1818. 3407 Murray (John). A System of Chemistry. 4th edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1819. 3408 Nicholson (William). First Principles of Chemistry. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1790. 3409 Normandy (A.). The Commercial Handbook of Chemical Analysis. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1850. 3410 Normandy (A.). Rose's Practical Treatise of Chemical Analysis. See Rose, No. 3424. 3411 Parkes (Samuel). Chemical Essays, principally relating to the Arts and Manufactures of the British Dominions. 2d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1823. 3412 Parkes (Samuel). The Chemical Catechism. 13th edition. I vol. 8vo. London, 1834. 3413 Payen. La chimie enseign6e en vingt-six Lemons. 3me edition, revue et corrig6e avec soin. I vol. 12mo. Paris, 1826. 3414 Peckston (Thomas S.). A Practical Treatise on Gas-Lighting; in which the Gas-apparatus generally in use is explained, and illustrated by twenty-two appropriate Plates. 3d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1841. 3415 Porter (L.). The Chemistry of the Arts; being a practical display of the Arts and Manufactures which depend on Chemical Principles; with numerous engravings, on the basis of Gray's Operative Chemist, adapted to the United States, with Treatise on Calico Printing, Bleaching, and other large additions. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1830. 3416 Priestley (Joseph). Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of Air, and other branches of Natural Philosophy connected with the subject. 3 vols. 8vo. Birmingham, 1790o. 3417 Programme du Cours de Sciences Naturelles appliquees aux Arts Militaires.. See No. 439. 3418 Prout (William). Chemistry, Meteorology, and the Function of Digestion,. considered with reference to Natural Theology. (Bridgewater Treatise.); 3d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1845o. 3419 Raspail (F. V.). Nouveau Systeme de Chimie organique, fonde Sur des nouvelles methodes d'observation. 2m edition. 3 vols. 8vo. & Atlas. (2 copies.) Paris, 18388. 3420 Reid (David Boswell). Elements of Practical Chemistry; comprising a systematic series of experiments, arranged so as to form an introduction to the practice of Chemistry. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1831.. 3421 Repertoire de Chimie de Physique et d'applications aux arts. Redig6 par M. Ch. Martin, sous la direction de M. Gaultier de Claubry. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1836-38;. -422 Repertoire de Chimie scientifique et industrielle. 2" s6rie. (2 Nos. for Jan. and Feb., 1839.) 2 8vo. pamphlets. Paris,. 1839. 3423 Rose (Henry). A Manual of Analytical Chemistry. Translated from the German by John Griffin. 1 vol. 8vo. London. 1831-. 196 CHEMISTRY. 3424 Rose (H.). Practical Treatise of Chemical Analysis, including Tables for Calculations in Analysis. Translated from the French, and from the fourth German edition, with notes and additions by A. Normandy. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1849. 3425 Rumford (Benjamin, Count of). Essays, Political, Economical, and Philosophical. First American from the third London edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1796-1804. 3426 Saggi. Di Naturali Experienze fatte nell'Academia del cimento. 1 vol. fol. Napoli, 1714. 3427 Saunders (William). A Treatise on the Chemical History and Medical Powers of some of the most celebrated Mineral Waters; with practical remarks on the aqueous regimen, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1800. 3428 Scheele (Charles William). The Chemical Essays. Translated from the Transactions of the Academy of Sciences at Stockholm, with additions. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1786. 3429 Shaw (Peter). Philosophical Principles of Universal Chemistry, &c., &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1730. 3430 Silliman (Benjamin). Elements of Chemistry, in the order of the Lectures given in Yale College. 2 vols. 8vo. New Haven, 1830-31. 3431 Thenard (L. J.). Traite de Chimie Ele6mentaire, th6orique et pratique. (Vol. 3d wanting.) 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1813-16. 3432 Thenard (L. J.). The same. 4me edition, revue, corrig6e et augmentee. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824. 3433 Thenard (L. J.). An Essay on Chemical Analysis, chiefly translated from the fourth volume of the last edition of the Traite de Chimie E16mentaire, with additions, by John George Children. I vol. 8vo. London, 1819. 3434 Thenard. Recherches Physico-Chimiques. See No. 3382. 3435 Thillaye (L. S.). Manuel du fabricant de produits chimiques. Ouvrage orne de Planches. 2 vols. 18mo. Paris, 1829. 3436 Thomson (Thomas). A System of Chemistry. 6th edition. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1820. 3437 Thomson (Thomas). System of Chemistry of Inorganic Bodies. 7th edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1831. 3438 Thomson (Thomas). An Attempt to Establish the First Principles of Chemistry by Experiment. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1825. 3439 Thomson (Thomas). Chemistry of Organic Bodies.-Vegetables. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1838. 3440 Tomlinson (Charles). Pneumatics. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1848. 3441 Turner (Edward). Elements of Chemistry; including the recent discoveries and doctrines of the science. 1 vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1827. 3442 Turner (Edward). The same. Fourth American from the third London edition, with notes and emendations, by Franklin Bache. 1 vol. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1832. 3443 Turner (Edward). The same. Sixth American from the sixth London edition, with Notes, &c., by F. Bache. Part I. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 183*8. 3444 Ure (Andrew). Dictionary of Chemistry, on the basis of Mr. Nicholson's. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1821. 3445 Ure (Andrew). Berthollet's Art of Dyeing. See No. 3344. CHEMISTRY. 197 3446 Vergnaud (A. D.). Nouveau Manuel complet de Chimie inorganique eC organique. Nouvelle edition. I vol. 24mo. Paris, 1838. 3447 Watson (R.). Chemical Essays. 6th edition. 5 vols. 18mo. London, 1793-96. 3448 Webster (John W.). Manual of Chemistry; compiled from the works of Brande, Henry, Berzelius, Thomson, and others. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Boston, 1826. 3449 Webster (John W.). Manual of Chemistry; containing the principal facts of the science in the order in which they are discussed and illustrated in the Lectures at Harvard University, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1839. 3450 Wolff. Dictionnaire de Chimie. See No. 3392. 198 ELECTRICITY, MAGNETISM, GALVANISM, AND METEOROLOGY. ELECTRICITY, MAGNETISM, GALVANISM, AND METEOROLOGY. 3451 Barlow (Peter). An Essay on Magnetic Attractions, and on the Laws of Terrestrial and Electro-Magnetism. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1823. 3452 Becquerel. Traite Experimental de l'Electricite et du Magnetisme, et de leurs rapports, avec les Phenomenes Naturels. (2d Part of Vol. 6 wanting.) 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1834-40. 3453 Bergmann (Torbern). A Dissertation on Elective Attractions. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1785. 3454 Biot (J. B.). Relation d'un voyage faite dans le Departement de l'Orne, pour constater la realite d'un meteore observ6 a l'aigle le 26 floreal an 11. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1803. 3455 Certines (Quinet de). Theorie de L'Aimant, appliquee aux d6clinaisons et inclinaisons de l'Aiguille de Boussole, et demontree par la Trigonometrie Spherique. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1809. 3456 Cumming (James). Demonferrand's Electro-Dynamics. See No. 3461. 3457 Daniell (J. Frederic). Meteorological Essays and Observations. 2d edition, enlarged and revised. I vol. 8vo. London, 1827. 3458 Davis's Manual of Magnetism; including also Electro-Magnetism, MagnetoElectricity, and Thermo-Electricity. I vol. 12mo. (2 copies.) Boston, 1842. 3459 Deluc (J. A.). Recherches sur les Modifications de l'atmosphere. 2 vols. 4to. Geneve, 1772. 3460 Demonferrand (J. F.). Manuel de l'Electricite Dynamique. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1823. 3461 Demonferrand (J. F.). Manual of Electro-Dynamics. Translated from the French, with notes and additions comprehending the latest discoveries and improvements, by James Cumming. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1827. 3462 Description of Osler's Registering Anemometer, as made by John Newman. 1 8vo. pamphlet. London, 1840. 3463 Electricity. On Electricity. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) No date. 3464 Forster (Thomas). Researches about Atmospheric Phaenomena. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1815. 3465 Fourier. Theorie analytique de la Chaleur. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1822. 3466 Franklin (Benjamin). Experiences et Observations sur l'Electricite faites a Philadelphia en Amerique. 1 vol. 18mo. Paris, 1752. ELECTRICITY, MAGNETISM, GALVANISM, AND METEOROLOGY. 199 3467 Harris (Sir W. Snow). Rudimentary Magnetism; being a concise exposisition of the General Principles of Magnetical Science, and the purposes to which it has been applied. (Parts 1st and 2d.) 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1850. 3468 Hervieu (l'Abb6). Essai sur l'Vlectricit6 atmosph6rique, et son influence dans les phenomenes met6orologiques. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1835. 3469 Horrebow (Petro). Tractatus historico-Meteorologicus. 1 vol. 4to. Hauniae, 1780. 3470 Kelland (Philip). Theory of Heat. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1837. 3471 Lardner (Rev. Dionysius). Treatise on Heat. (Lardner's Cyclopaedia.) 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1833. 3472 Lardner & Walker. Manual of Electricity, Magnetism, and Meteorology. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1844. 3473 Luz (Johann Friederich). Unterricht vom Blitz und den Blitz-oder Wetter Ableitern. 1 vol. 8vo. Frankf. & Leip., 1784. 3474 Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at St. Helena, under the superintendence of Lieut. Col. Edward Sabine. Vol. I., 1840, 1841, 1842, and 1843, with abstracts of the observations from 1840 to 1845 inclusive. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1847. 3475 Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at Toronto, in Canada,.under the superintendence of Lieut. Col. Edward Sabine. Vol. I., 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, and 1844. 1 vol. in 2, 4to. London, 1845-51. 8476 Magnetical and Meteorological Observations, made at the Cape of Good Hope. Vol. 1st, Magnetical Observations, 1841 to 1846. 1st vol. 4to. London, 1852. 3477 Magnetical and Meteorological Observations, made at Hobarton, in Van Diemen Island. Vol. 2d, commencing with 1843, with abstracts of the observations from 1843 to 1850 inclusive. 2d vol. 4to. London, 1852. 3478 Martine (George). Essays and Observations on the Construction and Graduation of Thermometers, and on the Heating and Cooling of Bodies. 3d edition. 1 vol. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1780. 3479 Mayer (Johann Tobias). Uber die gesetze und modificationen des Warmestoffs. 1 vol. 12mo. Erlangen, 1791. 3480 Memoirs of the American Academy. An account of the Magnetic Observations made at the Observatory of Harvard University, Cambridge. 1 vol. 4to. No date. 3481 Meteorological Register for the years 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, and 1830, from, observations made by the Surgeons of the Army, and others at the Military Posts of the United States. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840. 3482 Meteorological Register for Twelve Years, from 1831 to 1842 inclusive. Compiled from observations made by the officers of the Medical Department of the Army at the Military Posts of the United States. 1 vol. 8vo. Washington, 1851. 3483 MVorin (P. E.). Memoires composes au sujet d'une correspondance met6orologique. e et 3" Memoires. 2 8vo. pamphlets. Paris, 1827-28. 3484 Muller (J.). Principles of Meteorology. See No. 2891. 3485 Murphy (Rev. R.). Elementary Principles of the Theories of Electricity, Heat, and Molecular Actions. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1833. 3486 Nicollet (J. N.). Essay on Meteorological Observations. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Washington, 1839. 200 ELECTRICITY, MAGNETISM, GALVANISM, AND METEOROLOGY. 3487 Observations on Days of Unusual Magnetic Disturbance, made at the British Colonial Magnetic Observatories under the Departments of the Ordnance and the Admiralty, under the superintendence of Lieut. Col. Edward Sabine. Part I., 1840, 1841. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1843. 3488 Peclet (E.). Traite de la Chaleur, consideree dans ses applications. 3"m edition, revue et corrigee. I vol. 8vo. & Atlas obl. Liege, 1845. 3489 Peltier (Ath.). Meteorologie; Observations et recherches experimentales sur les causes qui concourent a la formation des Trombes. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1840. 3490 Priestley (Joseph). Histoire de l'Electricite. Traduite de l'Anglais, avec des notes critiques. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1771. 3491 Proceedings connected with the Magnetical and Meteorological Conference, held at Cambridge in June, 1845. I 8vo. pamphlet. London, 1845. 3492 Redfield (W. C.). Whirlwind Storms; with Replies to the Objections and Strictures of Dr. Hare. 1 8vo. pamphlet. New-York, 1842. 3493 Reid (Lt. Col. W.). An Attempt to Develop the Law of Storms by means of Facts, arranged according to place and time, and hence to point out a cause for the Variable Winds, with the view to practical use in Navigation. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1838. 3494 Report of the Committee of Physics and Meteorology of the Royal Society, relative to the observations to be made in the Antarctic Expedition, and in the Magnetic Observatories. I vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) London, 1840. 3495 Riddell (Lt. C. J. B.). Magnetical Instructions for the Use of Portable Instruments adapted for Magnetical Surveys and Portable Observatories, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1844. 3496 Riddell (C. J. B.). Supplement to the Magnetical Instructions. 1 8vo. pamphlet. London, 1846. 3497 Roget (P. M.). Electricity, Magnetism, Galvanism, and Electro-Magnetism. I vol. 8vo. London, 1831. 3498 Romme (Ch.). Tableaux des Vents, des Marees et des Courans qui ont ete observes sur toutes les mers du Globe, avec des reflexions sur ces Phenomenes. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1806. 3499 Sabine (Major Edward). Report on the Magnetic Isoclinical and Isodynamic Lines in the British Islands. I vol. 8vo. London, 1839. 3500 Sabine (Lt. Col. Edward). Contributions to Terrestrial Magnetism. Nos. VII. and VIII. from the Philosophical Transactions. Part. III. for 18,6. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1846. 3501 Smee (Alfred). Elements of Electro-Metallurgy. First American from the Third London edition. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1852. 3502 Walker (Ch. V.). Manual of Electricity, &c. See No. 3472. NATURAL HISTORY. 201 NATURAL HISTORY. 3503 Academy of Natural Sciences. See No. 3531. 3504 Agassiz (Louis). Recherches sur les Poissons fossiles, comprenant une introduction a ]'etude de ces animaux; l'anatomie comparee des systemes organiques qui peuvent contribuer a faciliter la determination des especes fossiles, &c., &c. (Vol. I. from page 40 to 65 is wanting; and the beginning of Vol. V. to page 17 is wanting.) 5 vols. 4to. & plates. Neuchatel, 1833-39. 3505 Agassiz (Louis) and Gould (Aug.). Principles of Zoology: touching the structure, development, distribution, and natural arrangement of the Races of Animals, living and extinct; with numerous Illustrations. 1 vol. 12mo. Boston, 1848. 3506 Annals of Natural History; conducted by W. Jardine, P. S. Selby, Dr. Johnston, W. J. Hooker, and Richard Taylor. 8vo. vols. London, 1838, &c. 3507 Ansted (D. T.). The Ancient World; or, Picturesque Sketches of Creation. 1 vol. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1847. 3508 Barr. Buffon's Natural History. See No. 3513. 3509 Bingley (Rev. William). Useful Knowledge; or, a Familiar and Explanatory Account of the various Productions of Nature, Mineral and Animal, for the use of Man. 3 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1818. 3510 Birds. Natural History of Birds. Their Architecture, Habits, and Faculties; with Engiavings. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1840. 3511 Brown (Capt. Thomas). Conchologist's Text-Book; embracing the arrangement of Larnarck and Linnaeus, with a Glossary of Technical Terms. 4th edition. 1 vol. 12mo. Glasgow, 1837. 3512 Buffon (Leclerc de). Histoire Naturelle, generale et particuliere. Nouvelle edition, accompagnee de notes, &c. Ouvrage formant un cours complet d'histoire naturelle. Redige par Sonnini. Cette grande collection est divisee de la maniere suivant. Ouvrages de Buffon: Theorie de la Terre, 3 vols.-Epoques de la Nature, I vol.-Mineraux, 12 vols. —Histoire des Animaux, 2 vols. —Histoire de l'Homme, 3 vols.-Quadrupedes, 13 vols.-Singes, 2 vols.-Oiseaux, 28 vols.-Poissons, 13 vols.-Cetacees, 1 vol. par C. S. Sonnini.-Reptiles, par Daudin, 8 vols.-Mollusques, 6 vols. par Denys-Montfort.-Crustaces et Insectes, par Latreille, 14 vols.-Plantes, par Brisseau Mirbel, 18 vols.-Tables, 3 vols. 127 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1800-1808. 3513 Buffon. Natural History; containing a theory of the earth, a general history of man, of the brute creation, and of vegetables, minerals, &c., &c. (Vol. II. is wanting.) 14 vols. 12mo. London, 1797-98. 202 NATURAL HISTORY. 3514 Cabinet of Natural History and American Rural Sports; with Illustrations. (Vol. I. Nos. 4 & 5, and of Vol. lI. No. 8, are wanting.) 2 vols. 4to. Philadelphia, 1830-33. 3515 Carpenter (William B.). Animal Physiology. See Carpenter, No. 3779. 3516 Cuvier (Baron). The Animal Kingdom arranged in Conformity with its Organization. 4 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1831. 3517 De Kay (James E.). Zoology of New-York. See No. 3543. 3518 Delametherie (J. Cl.). Analyse des travaux sur les sciences naturelles pendant les annee 1795-96 & 97. i vol. 4to. Paris, 1798. 3519 Dictionnaire d'Historie Naturelle, appliquee aux Arts. 36 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1816-19. 3520 Dictionnaire Pittoresque d'Histoire Naturelle et des Ph6nomenes de la Nature. Redige par une Soci6te de Naturalistes, sous la direction de M. F.-E. Guerin. 9 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1833-39. 3521 Fleming (John). Philosophy of Zoology; or, a General View of the Structure, Function, and Classification of Animals. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1822. 3522 Gibbes (Robert W.). Description of the Teeth of a new Fossil Animal found in the Green Sand of South Carolina. (1 8vo. pamphlet.) 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1845. 3523 Gibbes (Robert W.). Monograph of the Fossil Squalidae of the United States. (1 4to. pamphlet.) 1 vol. 4to. Philadelphia, 1848. 3524 Godman (John D.). American Natural History. To which is added his last work, the Rambles of a Naturalist. 3d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1836. 3525 Goldsmith (Oliver). History of the Earth and Animated Nature. Illustrated with Copper Plates. With corrections and additions by W. Turton. A new edition. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1816. 3526 Gould (Augustus A.). Report on the Invertebrata of Massachusetts; comprising the Mollusca, Crustacea, Annelida, and Radiata. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1841. 3527 Gould (Augustus). Principles of Zoology. See No. 3505. 3528 Harris (Thaddeus William). Report on the Insects of Massachusetts injurious to Vegetation. I vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1841. 3529 Insects. Natural History of Insects. Illustrated with Engravings. First series. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1833-38. 3530 Jones (Thomas Rymer). See Rymer Jones, No. 3550. 3531 Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1817-24. 3532 Kirby (Rev. William). History, Habits, and Instincts of Animals. (Bridgewater Treatises.) 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1835. 3533 Kirby and Spence. An Introduction to Entomology; or, Elements of the Natural History of Insects. With Plates. 4th edition. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1822-26. 3534 Latham (Robert Gordon). The Natural History of the Varieties of Man. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1850. 3535 Maunder (Samuel). The Treasury of Natural History; or, a Popular Dictionary of Animated Nature: and a Glossarial Appendix. Embellished with nine hundred Woodcuts, expressly engraved for this work. 2d edition. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1849. NATURAL HISTORY. 203 3536 Morton (Samuel George). Synopsis of the Organic Remains of the Cretaceous Group of the United States. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1834. 3537 Morton (Samuel George). Crania Americana; or, Comparative View of thei Skulls of various Aboriginal Races of North and South America; to which is prefixed an Essay on the Varieties of the Human Species. With 78 Plates and colored Map. 1 vol. fol. Philadelphia, 1839. 3538 Morton (S. G.). Crania Aegyptica; or, Observations on Egyptian Ethnography. 1 vol. 4to. Philadelphia, 1844. 3539 Morton (S. G.). An Inquiry into the Distinctive Characteristics of the Aboriginal Race of America. (I 8vo. pamphlet.) 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1844. 3540 Morton (Samuel George). On a supposed New Species of Hippopotamus. (1 8vo. pamphlet.) 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1844. 3541 Morton (S. G.). Additional Observations on a New Living Species of Hippopotamus of Western Africa. (1 4to. pamphlet.) I vol. 4to. Philadelphia, 1849. 3542 Mudie (Robert). A Popular Guide to the Observation of Nature; or, Hints of Inducement to the Study of Natural Productions and Appearances in their Connexions and Relations. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1836. 3543 Natural History of New-York. 15 vols. 4to. Albany, 1842-48. Zoology, by James E. De Kay. 5 vols. Botany, by John Torrey. 2 vols. Mineralogy, by Lewis C. Beck. 1 vol. Geology, by Mather, Vanuxem, Emmons, and Hall. 4 vols. Palaeontology, by James Hall. 1 vol. Agriculture, by Ebenezer Emmons. 2 vols. 3544 Natural History. Third, Fourth, and Fifth Annual Reports of the Regents of the University on the condition of the State Cabinet of Natural History and the Historical and Antiquarian Collection annexed thereto. 3 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1850-52. 3545 New-York State Cabinet of Natural History. See No. 3544. 3546 Paley. Natural Theology. With Illustrative Notes, &c., by Henry, Lord Brougham and Sir Charles Bell: with numerous Woodcuts. To which are added Preliminary Observations and Notes by A. Potter. 2 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1839-40. 3547 Prichard (James Cowles). Researches into the Physical History of Mankind. 4th edition. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1851. 3548 Quadrupeds. Natural History of Quadrupeds: illustrated with Engravings. I vol. 18mo. New-York, 1840. 3549 Ramon de la Sagra. See Sagra, No. 3551. 3550 Rymer Jones (Thomas). A General Outline of the Animal Kingdom, and Manual of Comparative Anatomy. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1841. 3551 Sagra (Ramon de la). Histoire Physique, Politique et Naturelle de'ile de Cuba. Paris, -. 3552 Shaw (George). Zoological Lectures, delivered at the Royal Institution. Engraved principally by Mrs. Griffith. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1809. 3553 Smellie (William). Philosophyof Natural History. 1 vol. 8vo. Dover, 1808. 3554 Smith (Lieut. Col. Chas. Hamilton). Natural History of the Human Species: its typical forms, primeval distribution, filiations, and migrations. Illustrated by numerous Engravings. With a preliminary abstract of the views of Blumenbach, Prichard, &c., &c., by S. Kneeland. 1 vol. 12mo. Boston, 1851. 204 NATURAL HISTORY. 3555 Spallanzani (Abbe). Tracts on the Natural History of Animals and Vegetables. Translated from the Latin, with Physiological Illustrations, by John Graham Dalyell. 2d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1803. 3556 Spallanzani (l'Abbe). Opuscules de Physique Animale et Vegetale. Traduits de l'Italien. 2 vols. 8vo. Geneve, 1777. 3557 Spence (William). Introduction to Entomology. See No. 3533. 3558 Stimpson (William). Shells of New England. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1851. 3559 Tralles (Johann George). Beystrage fur allgemeine Naturlehre und Geologie. I vol. 8vo. Bern, 1790. 3560 Turton (W.). Goldsmith's History of the Earth. See No. 3525. 3561 Valmont-Bomare. Dictionnaire raisonne universel d'Histoire Naturelle. 2 vols. 8vo. Lyon, 1791. 3562 Wilson (Alexander). American Ornithology; or, the Natural History of the Birds of the United States. Illustrated with Plates engraved and colored from original drawings taken fiom nature. 9 vols. 4to. Philadelphia, 1808-14. 3563 Wodarch (Charles). An Introduction to the Study of Conchology, describing the orders, genera, and species of Shells; with observations on the nature and properties of the animals. I vol. 12mo. London, 1820. 3564 Wood (W.). A Catalogue of Shells, British and Foreign, arranged according to the Linnean System; with the Latin and English names, references to authors, and places where found. Illustrated with 2300 figures. 2d edition. I vol. 8vo. London, 1828. 3565 Wood (W.). Supplement to the Catalogue of Shells, British and Foreign. Illustrated with 480 figures. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1828. BOTANY AND AGRICULTURE. 205 BOTANY AND AGRICULTURE. 3566 Abstract from the Returns of the Agricultural Societies in Massachusetts for the year 1845; with Selections from Addresses at Cattle Shows and Fairs. By John G. Palfrey, Secretary of the Commonwealth. I vol. 8vo. Boston, 1846. 3567 Abstract. The same, for the year 1846. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1847. 3568 Account of the Origin of the Board of Agriculture. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1796. 3569 Agricultural Society. See Nos. 3566, 3567, 3593, 3614. 3570 American Farmer; containing original essays and selections on rural economy and internal improvements, with illustrative engravings, and the prices current of country produce. (Vols. 12, 13, 14, and 15 are incomplete.) 15 vols. 4to. Baltimore, 1821-34. 3571 American Institute. Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Annual Reports of the American Institute, of the City of New-York. 3 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1848-50. 3572 Board of Agriculture. See Nos. 3568, 3599. 3573 Bory de St.-Vincent. Botanique. See No. 3586. 3574 Boussingault (J. B.). Rural Economy in its Relations with Chemistry, Physics, and Meteorology; or, Chemistry applied to Agriculture. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1845. 3575 Brongniart (Adolphe). Prodrome d'une Histoire des Vegetaux Fossiles. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1828. 3576 Brongniart (A.). Botanique. See No. 3586. 3577 Browne (D. J.). The Sylva Americana; or, a Description of the Forest Trees indigenous to the United States, practically and botanically considered. Illustrated by more than one hundred engravings. I vol. 8vo. Boston, 1832. 3578 Carpenter (William B.). A Popular Treatise on Vegetable Physiology. 1 vol. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1842. 3579 Cooper (Miss). Rural Hours. 3d edition. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1851. 3580 Coxe (William). A View of the Cultivation of Fruit Trees, and the Management of Orchards and Cider. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1817. 3581 Dana (Samuel L.). A Muck Manual for Farmers. I vol. 8vo. Lowell, 1842. 3582 Decandolle and Sprengel. Elements of the Philosophy of Plants; containing the Principles of Scientific Botany, &c., &c. Translated from the German. 1 vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1821. 206 BOTANY AND AGRICULTURE. 3583 Donovan (Michael). Domestic Economy. (Lardner's Cyclopaedia.) 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1830-37. 3584 D'Orbigny (Charles). Tableau synoptique du regne vegetal, d'apres la methode de M. A. L. de Tussieu. Modifiee par M. A. Richard. 2me 6dition. 1 fl. Paris, 1835. 3585 Duhamel du Monceau. La Phisique des Arbres. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1758. 3586 D'Urville, Bory de St-Vincent, et Brongniart. Botanique. See No. 4178. 3587 Elliott (Stephen). A Sketch of the Botany of South Carolina and Georgia. (Of vol. 2d, 1st and 2d nos.; the remainder is wanting.) 2 vols. 8vo. Charleston, 1821. 3588 Emerson (Geo. B.). Report on the Trees and Shrubs growing naturally in the Forest of Massachusetts. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1846. 3589 Emmons (Ebenezer). Agriculture of New-York. See No. 3543. 3590 Evelyn (John). Silva; or, a Discourse of Forest Trees. With Notes by A. Hunter. 5th edition. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1825. 3591 Gray (Asa). The Genera of the Plants of the United States. Illustrated by figures and analyses from nature. By Isaac Sprague. Vols. 1st & 2d. 8vo. New-York, 1849. 3592 Hayward (Joseph). The Science of Horticulture; comprising a practical system of the management and training of fruit-trees. 2d edition. I vol. 8vo. London, 1824. 3593 Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. Vol. 4th. 8vo. London, 1843. 3594 Lindley (John). An Introduction to the Natural System of Botany; or a systematic view of the organization, natural affinities, and geographica distribution of the whole vegetable kingdom. First American edition with an Appendix, by John Torrey. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1831 3595 Lindley (John). An Introduction to Botany. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1835. 3596 Lindley (John). A Natural System of Botany; or, a systematic view of the organization, natural affinities, and geographical distribution of the whole vegetable kingdom. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1836. 3597 Loudon (J. C.). An Encyclopaedia of Plants; comprising the description, specific character, culture, history, application in the arts, and every other desirable particular respecting all the Plants indigenous, cultivated in, Or introduced to Britain: combining all the advantages of a Linnean and Jussieuan species plantarum, an historia plantarum, a grammar of botany, and a dictionary of botany and vegetable culture.... with figures of nearly ten thousand species, exemplifying several individuals belonging to every genus included in the work; edited by J. C. London; the specific characters by an eminent botanist; the drawings by J. D. C. Sowerby; and the engravings by R. Branston. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1836. 3598 Mackenzie. Five Thousand Receipts in all the Useful and Domestic Arts. A new American, from the latest London edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1829. 3599 Memoirs of the Board of Agriculture of the State of New-York. 2 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1821-23. 3600 Meyen (F. J. F.). Report on the Progress of Vegetable Physiology during the year 1837. Translated from the German by William Francis. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1839, BOTANY AND AGRICULTURE. 207 3601 Michaux (F. Andrew). The North American Sylva; or, a Description of the Forest Trees of the United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia. Illustrated by 150 colored engravings. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1817-19. 3602 MVulenburgh. Synopsis of the Genera of American Plants. 1 vol. 18mo. Georgetown, 1814. 3603 New-York Farmer and Horticultural Repository. (Vols. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 are incomplete.) 10 vols. 4to. New-York, 1828-37. 3604 Philibert (J. C.). Dictionnaire universel de Botanique. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1804. 3605 Popular Treatise on Vegetable Physiology. See No. 3578. 3606 Pursh (Frederick). Flora Americae Septentrionalis; or, a Systematic Arrangement and Description of the Plants of North America. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1814. 3607 Smith (James Edward). Introduction to Physiological and Systematical Botany. 4th edition. I vol. 8vo. London, 1819. 3608 Sprague (Isaac). Gray's Genera of the Plants. See No. 3591. 3609 Sprengel (K.). Philosophy of Plants. See No. 3582. 3610 Steuart (Henry). The Planter's Guide; or, a Practical Essay on the best method of giving immediate effect to Wood. 2d edition. I vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1828. 3611 Tables completant la Tableau Synoptique du regne v6g6tal. 1 fl. Paris, no date. 3612 Thomson (Anthony Todd). Lectures on the Elements of Botany. 1st vol. 8vo. London, 1822. 3613 Torrey (John). Botany of New-York. See No. 3543. 3614 Transactions of the New-York State Agricultural Society. Vols. 7, 8, and 9. Albany, 1848-50. 3615 Transactions of the American Institute. See No. 3571. 3616 Willich (A. F. M.). The Domestic Encyclopedia; or, a Dictionary of Facts and Useful Knowledge, chiefly applicable to rural and domestic economy. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1821. 208 MINERALOGY MINERALOGY. 3617 Accum (Frederick). A Manual of Analytical Mineralogy; intended to facilitate the practical analysis of Minerals. 2d edition. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1808. 3618 Accum (Frederick). Elements of Crystallography. I vol. 8vo. London, 1813. 3619 Aikin (Arthur). A Manual of Mineralogy. First American edition. 1 vol. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1815. 3620 Allan (Thomas). Mineralogical Nomenclature; alphabetically arranged, with Synoptic Tables of the Chemical Analyses of Minerals. 1 vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1814. 3621 Allan (Robert). A Manual of Mineralogy; comprehending the more recent discoveries in the Mineral Kingdom. 1 vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1834. 3622 Annales des Mines. See No. 3655. 3623 Bakewell (Robert). An Introduction to Mineralogy; comprising the natural history and characters of Minerals, and a description of Rocks; to which is prefixed a series of conversations explaining the principles of the Science, and the Elements of Crystallography. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1819. 3624 Beaumont (Elie de). Metallurgique. See No. 3662. 3625 Beck (Lewis C.). Mineralogy of New-York. See No. 3543. 3626 Born (De). Methode d'extraire les metaux parfaits des minerais et autres substances Metalliques par le Mercure. I vol. 4to. Vienne, 1788. 3627 Bournon (Comte de). Traite complet de la chaux carbonatee et de l'arragonite; auquel on a joint une introduction a ]a mineralogie en general, une theorie de la cristallisation, et son application. 3 vols. 4to. Londres, 1808. 3628 Brard (C. P.). Mineralogie appliquee aux Arts. 3 vols. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1821. 3629 Brard (C. P.). Nouveaux e16mens de Mineralogie; ou, Manuel du Mineralogiste Voyageur. 3"e edition. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1838. 3630 3risson (M.). Pesanteur specifique des corps regne Mineral. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1787. 3631 Brongniart (Alexandre). Tableau theorique de la succession et de la disposition la plus generale en Europe, des Terrains et Roches qui composent l'Ecorce de la Terre. 1 fol. Paris, 1829. 3632 Brooke (Henry James). A Familiar Introduction to Crystallography; including an explanation of the Principle and Use of the Goniometer; with an Appendix. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) London, 1823. 3633 Browne (Peter A.). An Essay on Solid Meteors, and Aerolites, or Meteoric Stones. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Philadelphia, 1844. MINERALOGY. 209 3634 Buckland (Rev. WVilliam). Mineralogy. See Buckland, No. 3684. 3635 Cleaveland (Parker). An Elementary Treatise on Mineralogy and Geology, in the United States of America. 2d edition. (Vol. 2d wanting.) 1st vol. 8vo. Boston, 1822. 3636 Dana (James Dwight). A System of Mineralogy; including an extended Treatise on Crystallography; with an Appendix, containing the Application of Mathematics to Crystallographic Investigation, and a Mineralogical Bibliography. 1 vol. 8vo. New Haven, 1837. 3637 Dana (James D.). A System of Mineralogy; comprising most recent discoveries. Third edition, rewritten, rearranged, and enlarged. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1850. 3638 Delametherie (J. C.). Lecons de Mineralogie donnees au college de France. 1st vol. 8vo. Paris, 1811. 3639 Dewitt (Benjamin). A Catalogue of Minerals. I vol. Svo. Albany, 1820. 3640 Dufrenoy. Metallurgique. See No. 3662. 3641 Fournel (Henri). Etude des gites houillers et metallif6res du Bocage Vendeen, faite en 1834 et 1835. 1 vol. 4to. & fol. Atlas. Paris, 1836. 3642 Gesner (A.). Mineralogy. See No. 3707. 3643 Haidinger (William). Mobs' Treatise on Mineralogy. See No. 3663. 3644 Hassenfratz (J. H.). La Siderotechnie; ou,'art de traiter les minerais de fer pour en obtenir de la fonte, du fer, ou de la l'acier. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1812. 3645 Hauy (Le Cen.). Traite de Mineralogie. 5 vols. 4to. Paris, 1801. 3646 Hauy (L'Abbe). Traite de Mineralogie. 2me edition. 4 vols. 8vo. & Atlas 4to. Paris, 1822. 3647 Hauy (L'Abb6). Trait6 des caracteres Physiques des pierres precieuses pour servir a leur determination lorsqu'elles ont 6te taillees. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1817. 3648 Henckel (J. F.). Pyritologia; or, a History of the Pyrites. Translated from the German. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1757. 3649 Hericart de Thury (Le Vte.). Notice sur les Mines d'Asphalte, bitume et Lignites de Lobsann. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1838. 3650 Humboldt (Alexandre de). A Geognostical Essay on the Superposition of Rocks. Translated from the French. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1823. 3651 Jameson (Robert). System of Mineralogy. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1804-05. 3652 Jameson (Robert). A Treatise on the External, Chemical, and Physical Characters of Minerals. 2d edition. I vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1816. 2653 Jameson (Robert). A System of Mineralogy; in which Minerals are arranged according to the Natural History Method. 3d edition, enlarged and improved. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1820. 3654 Jameson (Robert). Mineralogy, according to the Natural History System; forming the article under that head in the seventh edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. I vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1837. 3655 Journal des Mines. Paris, 1796-1815, 38 vols. in-8, et 2 vol. de Table, 1813-21. (2d vol. of Table wanting). Recueil de Memoires relatifs a l'art des Mines (formant l'annee 1816). Annales des Mines. ler serie, 13 vols. in-8. Paris, 1817-26. Deuxieme s6rie, 8 vols. in-8, et Table des 1ir et 20 s6ries. Paris, 1827-30. Troisieme serie, 20 vols. in-8.. Paris, 1832-41. QuatriSme serie, 9 vols. in-8. Paris, 1842-46. 88 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1796-18I6014 210 MINERALOGY. 3656 Kidd (J.). Outlines of Mineralogy. 2 vols8o. 8. Oxford, 1809 3657 Kirwan (Richard). Elements of Mineralogy. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1810a 3658 Larkin (N. J.). Chrystallography. See Larlin, No. 2402. 3659 Slanes. Memoires Geologiques et Metallurgiques sur 1'Allemagne (en deux parties.) I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1828, 3660 l'fawe (John). Familiar Lessons on Mineralogy and Geology, with colored Plates. 4th edition, 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1822. 3661 Mawe (John). New Descriptive Catalogue of Minerals; with diagrams of their simple forms. I vol. 12mo. London, 1823. 3662 Me1tallurgique. Voyage Metallurgique en Angleterre; ou, recueil de Memoires sur le gisement, l'exploitation et le traitement des Minerais de fer, etain, plomb, cuivre et zinc, dans la Grande-Bretagne; par MM. Dufrenoy, Elie de Beaumont, Coste et Perdonnet. 2' edition, corrigee et augmentee. 2 vols. 8vo. & Atlas 4to. Paris, 1837-39, 3663 MBohs (Frederick). Treatise on Mineralogy; or, the Natural History of the Mineral Kingdom. Translated from the German, with considerable additions, by William Haidinger. 3 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1825, 3664 Necker (L. A.). Le Regne Mineral, ramene aux methodes de l'histoire naturelle. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1835, 3665 Overman (Frederick). A Treatise on Metallurgy; comprising Mining, and General and Particular Metallurgical Operations, &c., &c. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1852, 3666 Phillips (William). An Elementary Introduction to the Knowledge of Mineralogy. 3d edition, enlarged. 1 vol. 8vo, (2 copies.) London, 1823. 3667 Pinkerton (J.). Petralogy. A Treatise on Rocks. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1811, 3668 Robinson (Samuel). A Catalogue of American Minerals, with their Localities; including all which are known to exist in the United States and in British Provinces. I vol. 8vo. Boston, 1825. 3669 Schooleraft (Henry R.). A View of the Lead Mines of Missouri; including some Observations on the Mineralogy, Geology, Geography, Antiquities, Soil, Climate, Population, and Productions of Missouri and Arkansaw, &c. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1819, 3670 Taylor (Richard Cowling). Statistics of Coal; the Geographical and Geological Distribution of Mineral Combustibles, or Fossil Fuel; including also Notices and Localities of the various Mineral Bituminous Substances employed in Arts and Manufactures, illustrated by Maps and Diagrams; embracing from official reports of the great coal-producing countries the respective amounts of their Production, Consumption, and Commercial Distribution, in all parts of the World; together with their Prices, Tariffs, Duties, and International Regulations, &c. 1 vol. 8vo, Philadelphia, 1848. 367'1 Thomson (Thomas). Outline of Mineralogy, Geology, and Mineral Analysis. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1836, 3672 Trimmer (Joshua). Mineralogy. See Trimmer, No. 3749. 3673 Varley (D.). Rudimentary Treatise on Mineralogy; for the use of Beginners. Parts 1st and 2d together, complete. I vol. 18mo. London, 1849..3674 Wild (Francois Sam.). Essai sur la Montagne Salifere du Gouvernement d'Aigle, situe dans le Canton de Berne. I vol. 8vo, Geneve, 1788. GEOhLOGY. 211 GEOLOGY. 31775 Agassiz (L.). Systeme Glaciaire 1oua, Recherches sur les glaciers, leur mecanisme, leur ancienle extensions et le r6le qqu'ils ont joue dans l'histoire de la terre. Premiere partie. Nouvelles Etudes et Experiences sur les glaciers actuels, leur structure, leur progression et leur action sur le sol; (avec un Atlasde 3 Cartes et 9 Planches.) I vol. 8vo. & Atlas fol. Paris, 1847. 3676 Agassizz (L.). Etudes sur les Glaciers; (avec un Atlas de 32 Planches.) I vol. 8vo. & Atlas fol. Neuchatel, 1840 3677 Akerly (Samuel). An Essay on the Geology of the Hudson River, and the Adjacent Regions' illustrated by a Geological section of the Country. I vol. 12mo. New-York, 1820. 3678 Ansted (David Thomas), Geology, Introductory, Descriptive, and Practical. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1:8444 3679 Bakew'ell (Robert), An Introduction to Geology; containing the Elke ments of Science in its present advanced state, and all the recent discoor - ies; with an outline of the Geology of England and Wales, First A erican from the:3d London edition. I vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) New Haven, Fl29.;3680 Bakewell (Robert). The same. Third American from the fifth LoIndon edition I. vol. 8vo. New Have,- 1839. 3681 Beaumont (Elie de). Carte Geologique. See No. 3697, 3682 Brande (William Thomas). Outlines of Geology. I vol. 8vo. Lon.on, 91817, ~3683 Brongniart (Adolphe). Histoire des Vegetaux Fossiles. See Brongniart, No~ 35 75. 3684 Buckland (Rev. William). Geology and Mineralogy,'co:sidered with reference to Natural Theology. (Bridgewater Treatise.):2 vols. 8vo, Philadelphia, 1837 3685 Oomstock (J. L.). Outlines of Geology. 3d edition, I vol 1l2mo, New-York, 1838. 3686 Conrad (T. A.). Fossils of the Tertiary Formations of the United States. 2 8vo. pamphlets. Philadelphia, 1838. 3687 Conybeare & Phillips. Outlines of the Geology of England and Wales, with an Introductory Compendium of the General Principles of that Science, &c. I vol. 8vo. London, 1822. 3688 Culmann (Lt. Col.). Cours de Geologie. (Lithog.). 1 vol. 4to. No date. 3689 Cuvier. Essay on the Theory of the Earth, with Mineralogical Notes, and an account of Cuvierbs Geological Discoveries; to which are now added Observations on the Geology of North America, by Samuel L. Mitchill. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1818. 212, GEOLOGY. 8690 Darwin (Charles). Journal of Researches into the Geology and BNatural History of the various Countries visited by H. M. S. Beagle. I vol. 8vo. London, 1840. 3691 Daubeny (Charles). A Description of Active and Extinct Volcanos. I vol. 8vo. London, 1826. 3692 De La Beche (Henry T.), The Geological Observer. I vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1851L 3693 D'Omalius d'Halloy (J. J.). See Omalius d'Halloy, Nos. 3735, 3736. 3694 D'Orbigny (Alcide). Foraminifires fossiles du bassin tertiaire de Vienne (Autriche), decouverts par son Excellence le Chevalier Joseph de Hauer. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1846. 3695 D'Orbigny (C.) et Gente (A.), Geologie appliquee aux arts et a l'Agriculture. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1851, 3696 D'Orbigny (Alcide). Cours Elementaire de Paleontologie et Geologie Stratigraphiques (avec Tableaux in-4to.). 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1850-52. 3697 Dufrenoy et Elie de Beaumont. Explication de la Carte Geologique de la France, redigee sous la direction de Brochant de Villiers. 2 vols. 4to. & Carte en 6 fl. Paris, 1841-48. 3698 Eaton (Amos). An Index to the Geology of the Northern States; with transverse sections, extending from Susquehanna River to the Atlantic, crossing the Catskill Mountains, to which is prefixed a Geological Grammar, 2d edition. 1 vol. 12mo. Troy, N. Y., 1820. 3699 Emmons (Ebenezer). Geology of New-York. See No. 3543. 3700 Featherstonhaugh (G. W.). Geological Report of an Examination made in 1834, of the Elevated Country between the Missouri and Red Rivers. 1 vol. 8vo. Washington, 1835. 3701 Geological Nomenclature for North America; founded upon Geological Survey. 1 vol. 8vo. Albany, 1828. 3702 Geological and Agricultural Survey of the District adjoining the Erie Canal, in the State of New-York. 1 vol. 8vo. Albany, 1824. 3703 Geological Survey of the State of New-York, for 1838, 1839, 1840 and 1841. 4 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1838-41. 3704 Geological Map of the State of New-York. On Roller. New-York, 1842J 3705 Geological Survey of the State of Ohio; Second Annual Report. 1 vol. 8vo. Columbus, 1838, 3706 Geological Society. See Nos. 3731, 3747, 3748. 3707 Gesner (Abraham). On the Geology and Mineralogy of Nova Scotia: with an Introduction to the study of those Sciences. 1 vol. 8ve. London, 1837. 3708 Greenough (G. B.). A Critical Examination of the First Principles of Geology. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1819. 3709 Hall (James). Geology and Palaeontology of New-York. See No. 3543. 3710 Hitchcock (Edward). Elementary Geology. 1 vol. 8vo. Amherst, 1840. 3711 Hitchcock (Edward). Elementary Geology. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1841. 3712 Hitchcock (Edward). Elementary Geology. 3d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1842. 3871 Hitchcock (Edward). Final Report on the Geology of Massachusetts. 2 vols. 4to. (2 copies.) Northampton, 1841. GEOLOGY. 213 3714 Knight (William). Facts and Observations towards Forming a New Theory of the Earth. 1 vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1818. 3715 Lea (Isaac). Contributions to Geology. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1833. 3716 Lee (Charles A.). Elements of Geology, for Popular Use. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1839. 3717 Lyell (Charles). Principles of Geology. 5th edition. 4 vols. 12mo.. London, 1837. 3718 Lyell (Charles). Elements of Geology. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1838. 3719 Lyell (Charles). Elements of Geology. First -American from the first London edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1839. 3720 Lyell (Charles). Elements of Geology. Reprinted from the second Fnglish edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1841. 3721 Lyell (Charles). A Manual of Elementary Geology; or, the Ancient Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants, as Illustrated by Geological Monuments. Thild and entirely revised edition, illustrated with more than five hundred wood-cuts. I vol. 8vo. London, 1851. 3722 Macculloch (John). Geological Classification of Rocks; with Descriptive Synopsis of the Species and Varieties comprising the Elements of Practical Geology. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1821.:723 Maclure (William). Observations on the Geology of the United States of America; with some remarks on the effect produced on the Nature and Fertility of Soils. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1817. 3724 Manes. Me6moires Geologiques. See Manes, No. 3659. 3725 Mantell (Gideon). Fossils of the South Downs; or Illustrations of the Geology of Sussex. I vol. 4to. London, 1822. 3726 MXantell (Gideon). Geology of the South-east of England. I vol. 8vo. London, 1833. 3727 Mantell (Gideon). Wonders of Geology. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1838. 3728 Matiher (W.). Elements of Geology. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1838. 3729 Mlather (Wm. W.). Geology of New-York. See No. 3543. 3730 Mawe (John). Geology. See Mawe, No. 3660. 731 Mlemoires de la Societ6 G6ologique de France. 4 vols. 4to. & 1st part of vol. 5. Paris, 1833-42. 3732 ltiller (Hugh). The Foot-Prints of the Creator; or, the Asterolepis of Stromness. From the third London edition, with a Sketch of the Author's Life, and an Estimate of his Writings. By Sir David Brewster. I vol. 12mo. Cincinnati, 1851. 3733 MVitchell (S. L.). Cuvier's Theory of the Earth. See No. 3689. 3734 Mlurchison (Roderick Impey). Silurian System; founded on Geological Researches in the Counties of Salop, Hereford, Radnor, Montgomery, Caermarthen, &c., &c. I vol. 4to. London, 1839, 3735 Omalius dc'Halloy (J. J. d'). Introduction a la Geologie; ou, premiere partie des Elements d'Histoire Naturelle Inorganique. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1833. 3736 Omalius d'Halloy (J. J. d'). Elements de Geologie; ou, second partie des Elements d'Histoire Naturelle Inorganique. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1835. 737a Palsaontographical Society, Instituted 1847. 6 vols, 4to. London, 1848,-51. 214 GEOLOGYo 3738 Parkinson (James). Organic Remains of a Former WVorld; an Examination of the Mineralized Remains of the Vegetables and Animals of the Antediluvian World; generally termed Extraneous Fossils. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1820. 3739 Parkinson (James). An Introduction to the Study of Fossil Organic Remains, especially of those found in the British Strata; intended to aid the Student in his enquiries respecting the nature of Fossils, and their connection with the formation of the Earth. I vol. 8vo. London, 1822. 3740 Penn (Granville). Comparative Estimate of the Mineral and Mosaical Geologies. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1822. 3741 Phillips. Outlines of Geology. See No. 3687. 3742 Pritchard (Andrew). History of Infusoria, Living and Fossil. I vol. 8vo. London, 1841. 3743 Raulin (Vor.). Carte Geognostique du Platean tertiaire Parisien. I fl. Paris, 1843. 3744 Silliman's Outline of the Course of Geological Lectures given in Yale College. 1 vol. 8vo. New-Haven, 1829. 3745 Taylor (Richard C.). Two Reports; On the Coal Lands, Mines, and Improvements of the Dauphin and Susquehanna Coal Company, and of the Geological Examinations, &c. I vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840. 3746 Thomson (Thomas). Geology. See Thomson, No. 3671. 3747 Transactions of the Geological Society. 5 vols. 4to. London, 1811-21. 3748 Transactions, &c. The same. Second series. (Part 1st of Vol. 1st wanting.) 5 vols. 4to. London, 1824-40. 3749 Trimmer (Joshua). Practical Geology and Mineralogy; with Instructions for the Qualitative Analysis of Minerals. I vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1842. 3750 Ure (Andrew). New System of Geology; in which the great revolutions of the earth and animated nature are discussed. I vol. 8vo. London, 1829. 3751 Vanuxeml (Lardner). Geology of New-York. See No. 3543. 3752 Witham (Henry). Observations on Fossil Vegetables. I vol. 4to. London, 1831a MEDICAL AND SURGICAL WORKS. 215 MEDICAL AND SURGICAL WORKS. 3753 Allison (Joseph J.). Observations relative to Lymphatic Hearts. I 8vo. pamphlet. Philadelphia, 1838. 3754 Amierican Medical and Philosophical Register. Conducted by David Hosack and John W. Francis. 2d edition. 4 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1814. 3755 American Journal of the Medical Sciences. Edited by Isaac Hays. New series. In 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849, &c. 3756 Ballingall (George). Outlines of Military Surgery. 2d edition. I vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1838. 3757 Barton (William P. C.). A Treatise containing a plan for the internal organization and government of Marine Hospitals in the United States; together with a scheme for amending and systematizing the medical department of the Navy. I vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Philadelphia, 1814. 3758 Bel (Charles). Anatomy of the Brain, explained in a Series of Engravings. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1802. 3759 Bell (Charles). System of Dissections, explaining the Anatomy of the Human Body, with the manner of displaying the Parts. 3d edition. A1\~~'-~~~2 vols. 24mo. London, 1809. 3760 Bell (Charles). A Series of Engravings, explaining the Course of the Nerves. With an Address to Young Physicians on the Study of the Nerves. 2d edition. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1816. 3761 Bell (Charles). An Essay on the Forces which circulate the Blood. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1819. 3762 Bell (Charles). Illustrations of the great Operations of Surgery, Trepan, Heernia, Amputation, Aneurism, and Lithotomy. 1 vol. fol. obi. London, 1821 3763 Bell (Charles). Treatise on the Diseases of the Urethra, Vesica Urinaria, Prostate, and Rectum. 3d edition. With Notes by John Shaw. I vol. 8vo. London, 1822, 3764 Bell (Charles). Engravings of the Arteries, illustrating the second volume of the Anatomy of the Human Body, and serving as an introduction to the surgery of the arteries. 4th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1824. 3765 Bell (Charles). The Nervous System of the Human Body: with an Appendix of Cases and Consultations on Nervous Diseases. 3d edition, I vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1836. 3766 Bell (Charles). Institutes of Surgery: arranged in the order of the Lectures delivered in the University of Edinburgh. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1838. 3767 Bell (Charles). The Hand: its Mechanism and Vital Endowments as evincing Design. (Bridgewater Treatises.) I voL 8vo. London, 1837. 216 MEDICAL AND SURGICAL WORKS. 3768 Bell (Charles). Dissertation on Gun-shot Wounds. I vol. 8vo. London, 1841. 3769 Bell (John). Principles of Surgery, as they relate to wounds, ulcers, fistulae, aneurisms, wounded arteries, fractures of the limbs, tumors, the operations of trepan and lithotomy. Also, of the duties of the Military and Hospital Surgeon. New edition. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1826. 3770 Bell (John). Treatise on Baths; including cold, sea, warm, hot, vapor, gas, and mud baths: also on the Watery Regimen, Hydropathy, and Pulmomonary Inhalation, &c., &c. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1850. 3771 Bell (John and Charles). Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Body. 7th edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1829. 3772 Bouillon-Lagrange (E. J. B.). Cours d'Etude Pharmaceutique. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1793. 3773 Bourgery (Le Dr.). Traite complet de l'Anatomie de 1'Homme, comprenant la medicine opdratoire; avec planches lithographiees d'apres nature, par N. II. Jacob. 34 Nos. fol. Paris, 1837, &c. 3774 Bourgery (Le Dr.). The whole Anatomy of the Human Body, with its various Practical Applications, including a System of Operative Surgery; illustrated by lithographic plates drawn from nature by N. I. Jacob. Translated fiom the original French by R. Willis. 20 Nos. fol. Paris, 1833, &c. 3'75 Boutron-Charlard. Moyens de reconnaitre les Falsifications. See No. 3777. 3776 British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review; or, Quarterly Journal of Practical Medicine and Surgery. (For 1849, &c.) In 8vo. London, 1849, &c. 3777 Bussy et Boutron-Oharlard. Traite des Moyens de reconnaitre les Falsifications des Drogues simples et composees. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1829. 3778 Carpenter (Geo. W.). Essays on some of the most important articles of the Materia Medica: to which is added a Catalogue of Medicines, Surgical Instruments, &c., &c. 1 vol. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1831. 3779 Carpenter (William B.). Animal Physiology. A new edition, carefully revised. I vol. 8vo. London, 1848. 3780 Carpenter (William B.). Principles of Physiology, general and comparative. 3d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1851. 3781 Christison (Robert). Treatise on Poisons, in relation to Medical Jurisprudence, Physiology, and the Practice of Physic. 3d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1836. 3782 Combe (Andrew). The Principles of Physiology applied to the Preservation of Health, and to the Improvement of Physical and Mental Education. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1838. 3783 Cooper (Astley). The Anatomy and Surgical Treatment of Abdominal Hernia. 2d edition, by C. Aston Key. 1 vol. fol. London, 1827. 3784 Cooper (Astley). Principles and Practice of Surgery. With Plates. Edited by Alexander Lee. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1837. 3785 Copland (James). Dictionary of Practical Medicine: comprising general pathology, the nature and treatment of diseases, morbid structures, &c., &c. Edited, with additions, by Charles A. Lee. 1 & 2 vols. roy. 8vo. New-York, 1846. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL WORKS. 217 3786 Darwin (Erasmus). Zoonomia, or the Laws of Organic Life. In three'Parts. Fourth American edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1818. 3787 Dick (Robert). Derangements, primary and reflex, of the Organs of Digestion. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1842. 3788 Earle (Henry). Practical Observations in Surgery. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1823. 3789 Flaxman (John). Anatomical Studies of the Bones and Muscles, for the Use of Artists. Engraved by Henry Landseer. With two additional Plates, and explanatory Notes by William Robertson. 1 vol. fol. London, 1833. 3790 Francis (John W.). American Medical Register. See No. 3754. 3791 Gibson (William). The Institutes and Practice of Surgery; being the Outlines of a Course of Lectures. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1824-25. 3792 Griscom (John H.). Animal Mechanism and Physiology; being a plain and familiar exposition of the structure and functions of the Human System. I vol. 18mo. New-York, 1840. 3793 Hall (Marshall). Commentaries, principally on the Diseases of Females which are constitutional. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1830. 3794 Hall (Marshall). A Critical and Experimental Essay on the Circulation of the Blood. I vol. 8vo. London, 1831. 3795 Hall (Marshall). Observations on Blood-letting, founded upon researches on the morbid and curative effects of loss of blood. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1836. 3796 Hall (Marshall). Lectures on the Nervous System and its Diseases. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1836. 3797 Hall (Marshall). Principles of the Theory and Practice of Medicine; including a third edition of the Author's work upon Diagnosis. I vol. 8vo. London, 1837. 3798 Hall (Marshall). Memoirs on the Nervous System. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1837. 3799 Hennen (John). Principles of Military Surgery, comprising observations on the arrangement, police, and practice of Hospitals, and on the history, treatment, and anomalies of Variola and Syphilis. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1829. 3800 Hosack (David). System of Practical Nosology: to which is prefixed a synopsis of the systems of Sauvages, Linnaeus, Vogel, &c., &c., with references to the best authors on each disease. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1821. 3801 Hosack (David). Essays on various Subjects of Medical Science. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1824. 3802 Hosack (David). An Inaugural Discourse, delivered at the opening of Rutgers Medical College, in the City of New-York. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1826. 3803 Hosack (David). Observations on the Laws governing the Communication of Contagious Diseases, and the means of arresting their Progress. I vol. 4to. New-York, 1815. 3804 Hosack (David). American Medical Register. See No. 3754. 3805 Hunter (John). Treatise on the Blood. Inflammation, and Gun-shot Wounds. A new edition. I vol. 8vo. London, 1826. 218 MEDICAL AND SURGICAL WORKS. 3806 Johnson (James). Influence of Civic Life, Sedentary Habits, and Intellectual Refinement, on Human Health and Human Happiness, &c.,'&c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1820. 3807 Johnson (James). Economy of Health; or, the Stream of Human Life from the Cradle to the Grave. With Reflections. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1843. 3808 Johnson (James). Change of Air, or the Philosophy of Travelling; being autumnal excursions through France, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, and Belgium. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1831. 3809 Kidd (John). On the Adaptation of External Nature to the Physical Condition of Man. (Bridgewater Treatises.) I vol. 8vo. London, 1837. 3810 Lancet (The). A Journal of British and Foreign Medical and Chemical Science, Criticism, Literature, and News. New series (for 1849, &c.) In roy. 8vo. London, 1849, &c. 3811 Larry (D. J.). Memoires de Chirurgie Militaire, et Campagnes. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1812. 3812 London Medical Gazette, or Journal of Practical Medicine. New series (for 1849, &c.) In 8vo. London, 1849, &c. 3813 ]MYann (James). Medical Sketches of the Campaigns of 1812-13-14; to which are added Surgical Cases; observations on Military Hospitals, and Flying Hospitals attached to a moving army: also an Appendix, comprising a dissertation on Dysentery. I vol. 8vo. Dedham, 1816. 3814 Matteucci (Carlo). Lectures on the Physical Phenomena of Living Beings. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1848. 3815 MEorton (S. G.). An Illustrated System of Human Anatomy, special, general, and microscopic. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849. 3816 Orfila. Traite des Poisons tires des regnes mineral, vegetal et animal; ou, Toxicologie g6n6rale. 3m" edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1826. 3817 Paine (Martyn). Medical and Physiological Commentaries. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. New-York, 1840-44. 3818 Paine (Martyn). A Discourse on the Soul and Instinct, physiologically distinguished from Materialism. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1849. 3819 Paris (John Ayrton). Elements of Medical Chemistry. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1825. 3820 Parr (Bartholomew). London Medical Dictionary; including under distinct heads every branch of Medicine, viz., Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology, the Practice of Physic and Surgery, &c., &c. 2 vols. 4to. Philadelphia, 1820. 3821 Roget (P. M.). Animal and Vegetable Physiology considered with reference to Natural Theology. (Bridgewater Treatises.) 3d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1840. 3822 Rush (Benjamin). Sixteen Introductory Lectures to Courses of Lectures upon the Institutes and Practice of Medicine. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1811. 3823 Scoresby (Rev. W.). Zoistic Magnetism. I vol. 8vo. London, 1849. 3824 Somerville (Robert). Memoir on the Medical Arrangements necessary to be observed in Camps. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) London, 1796. 3825 Thacher (James). American Medical Biography; or, Memoirs of Eminent Physicians who have flourished in America. To which is prefixed a succinct History of Medical Science in the United States, from the first settlement of the country. (2 vols. in one.) 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1828. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL WORKS. 219 3826 Ticknor (Caleb). The Philosophy of Living; or, the Way to enjoy Life and its Comforts. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1836. 3827 Wood (Geo. B.) and Bache (Franklin). The Dispensatory of the United States of America. 9th edition, carefully revised. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1851. 3828 Wyman (Jeffries). Twelve Lectures on Comparative Physiology, delivered before the Lowell Institute, in Boston, January and February, 1849. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1849. 220 GEOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, AND STATISTICS. GEOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, AND STATISTICS. 3829 Alcedo (Col. Don Antonio de). Geographical and Historical Dictionary of America and the West Indies. 5 vols. 4to. London, 1812-15. 3830 Allemagne. Carte topographique et militaire de l'Allemnagne, en 204 feuilles, publiee par l'Institut g8ographique. 1 vol. fol. Weimar, 1807-13. 3831 Amman et Bohnenberger. Carte topographique de Souabe. 1 vol. fol. Tubingen, no date. 3832 Antillon (Don Isidore). Geographie physique et politique de l'Espagne et du Portugal; suivie d'un itineraire detaille de ces deux Royaumes. Traduite de l'Espagnol sur la dernier edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1823. 3833 Anville (d'). Antiquite geographique de 1'Inde, et de plusieurs autres contrees de la haute Asie. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1775. 3834 Anville (d'). Compendium of Ancient Geography. Translated from the French. Illustrated with Maps, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1810. 3835 Anville (d'). Geographic ancienne abregee. Avec 10 Cartes. I vol. fol. Paris, 1769. 3836 Anville (d'). Orbis veteribus Notus. 1 vol. fol. Paris, 1763. 3837 Anville (d'). Considerations ge6nrales sur 1'etude et les connaissances qui demande la composition des ouvrages de Geographie. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1777. 3838 Arrowsmith (A.). A New General Atlas. 1 vol. 4to. Edinburgh, 1817. 3839 Arrowsmith (A.). Orbis Terrarum veteribus Noti descriptio. A comparative atlas of ancient and modern geography for the use of Eton School. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1828. 3840 Aupick (J.). Atlas du Royaumne de France. See No. 3955. 3841 Backenberg (I.). et Petri. Carte de Saxe et de Lusace, 10 feuilles. Petri. Carte des environs de Dresde, 15 feuilles. 1 vol. fol. No date. 3842 Bacler D'Albe. Carte generale du Theatre de la Guerre en Italie et dans les Alpes, depuis le passage du Var le 29 Septembre, 1792, jusqu'h l'entree des Francais a Rome, le 10 Fevrier, 1798; la second en 24 feuilles, renferme la carte des Royaumes de Naples, Cicilie et Sardaigne, et celles des Isles de Malte, &c. 1 vol. fol. obl. No date. 3843 Balbi (Adrien). Abrege de Geographie, redige sur un noveau Plan, d'apres les derniers Traites de Paix et les decouvertes les plus recentes, second Tirage. 1 vol. 8vo. (6 copies.) Paris, 1834. 3844 Balbi (Adrian). An Abridgment of Universal Geography, Modern and Ancient, chiefly compiled from the Abrege de Geographie of Adrian Balbi. By T. G. Bradford. Accompanied by an Atlas, and illustrated by engravings. 1 vol. 8vo. & Atlas. Boston, 1835. GEOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, AND STATISTICS. 221 8845 Barrington (D.). The Possibility of approaching the North Pole; with an Appendix by Col. Beaufoy. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1818. 3846 Beaujour (Le Baron de). Voyage Militaire dans l'Empire Othoman; ou, description de ses frontieres et ses principales defenses soit naturelles, soit artificielles; avec cinq cartes geographiques. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1829. 8847 Beck (Lewis C.). A Gazetteer of the States of Illinois and Missouri; with a Map, and other engravings. I vol. 8vo. Albany, 1823. 3848 Bellin (S.). Le petit Atlas Maritime, recueil de Cartes et Plans des quatre parties du monde. 5 vols. 4to. Paris, 1764. 3849 Bibliomappe, ou Livre-Cartes: Legons Methodiques de Chronologie et de Geographie, redigees d'apres les Plans de M. B. (J.-Ch.) par une societe d'Ilommes de Lettres et de Savans Ge6graphes. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1824-27. 3850 Black. General Atlas; comprehending sixty-one Maps, from the latest and most authentic sources. Engraved on steel, in the first style of the art, by Sidney Hall, Hughes, &c. With Geographical Descriptions, and an Index of 58,381 Names. 1 vol. fol. Edinburgh, 1851. 3851 Bohnenberger. Carte Topographique. See No. 3831. 3852 Bory de St.-Vincent, Notice sur la nouvelle Carte d'Espagne. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1824. 3853 Bradford (T. G.). Balbi's Geography. See No. 3844. 3854 Brookes (R.). The General Gazetteer; or, Compendious Geographical Dictionary. With Maps. 12th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1802. 3855 Brown (Samuel R.). The Western Gazetteer; or, Emigrant's Directory: containing a geographical description of the Western States and Territories, viz., the States of Kentucky, Indiana, Louisiana, Ohio, Tennessee, and Mississippi; and the Territories of Illinois, Missouri, Alabama, Michigan, and North-Western, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. Auburn, N. Y., 1817. 3856 Brue (A.). Atlas universel de Geographie ancienne et moderne. I vol. fol. Paris, 1835. 3857 Bulletin de la Societe de Geographie. (Vols. 2d & 10th are wanting.) 12 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1822-29. 3858 Burr (David I.). An Atlas of the State of New-York; with the Physical Geography of the State and of the several Counties, and Statistical Tables of the same. 1 vol. fol. New-York, 1829. 3859 Butler (Samuel). A Sketch of Modern and Ancient Geography. A new edition. 1 vol. 8vo. & Atlas. London, no date. 3860 Butler (Samuel).. The same. 15th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1838. 3861 Carte du Duche de Salzburg et de la Basse Autriche, 45 fl. 1 vol. fol. Wien, 1810. 3862 Carte Topographique de la Republique Francaise. (130 sheets & texte.) I vol. 4to. & Atlas fol. Paris, 1833-48. 3863 Catalogue of Maps and Surveys in the offices of the Secretary of State, of the State Engineer and Surveyor, and in the New-York State Library. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Albany, N. Y., 1851. 3864 Census (Fifth Census) or Enumeration of the Inhabitants of the United States, 1830; to which is prefixed a Schedule of the whole number of persons within the several districts of the United States, taken according to the Acts of 1790, 1800, 1810, 1820. 1 vol. fol. Washington, 1832. 222 GEOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, AND STATISTICS. 3865 Census. Compendium of the Enumeration of the Inhabitants and Statistics of the United States, as obtained at the Department of State, from the returns of the Sixth Census, by counties and principal towns, exhibiting the population, wealth, and resources of the country, &c. 1 vol. fol. Washington, 1841, 3866 Census (Sixth Census) or Enumeration of the Inhabitants of the United States, as corrected at the Department of State, in 1840. 1 vol. fol. Washington, 1841, 3867 Census of Pensioners for Revolutionary or Military Services, with their Names, Ages, and Places of Residence, as returned by the marshals of the several judicial districts, under the Act for taking the Sixth Census. 1 vol. 4to. Washington, 1841, 3868 Census of the State of New-York for the Year 1825. 1 small vol. fol. Albany, 1826, 3869 Chanlaire (P. G.). Atlas. See No. 3936. 3870 Clero (A.). Cours des Leves topographiques. See Clerc, No. 2644. 3871 Correard (J.). Geographie militaire de l'Italie, d'apres le Colonel Rudtoffer et L. A. Unger; avec une Carte. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1848. 3872 Correard (J.). Recueil sur les Reconnaissances militaires. See Correard, No. 31. 3873 Cortambert (E.). Geographie universelle; ou, Description gen6rale de la Terre. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1826. 3874 Cortambert (E.). Tableau de la Geographie universelle; ou, Description generale de la Terre. 2me edition 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1832. 3875 Coulier (Ph. J.). Tables des principales Positions geonomiques du Globe. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1828. 3876 D'Anville. See Anville, Nos. 3833 to 3837. 3877 Decker (C.). The Art of Penwork, to lay down the Ground on Military Plans. Elucidated by 16 Copper-Plates. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1816, 3878 Denaix (Mme Ate.). Atlas physique, politique et historique de l'Europe, forme de 30 Cartes composant les 3e 4", 5e, 6e et 7e Livraisons des Essais de Geographique m6thodique et comparative. (Text wanting.) I vol. fol. Paris, 1829. 3879 Dictionnaire universel, geographique, statistique, historique et politique, de la France. 5 vols. 4to. Paris, 1804-5. 3880 Dictionnaire Geographique universel, par une Societe des Geographes. 10 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1823. 3881 Dictionnaire historique, topographique et militaire de tous les Environs de Paris. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1816. 3882 Dower (John). A School Atlas of Modern Geography. 1 vol. 8vo. London, no date, 3883 Dufour (G. H.). Instruction sur le Dessin des Reconnaissances militaire. See Dufour, No. 46. 3884 Eastman (S.). Treatise on Topographical Drawing. 1 vol. 8vo, New-York, 1837, 3885 Eliot (W. G.). Defence of Portugal; with a Military Map of the Country. See Eliot, No. 1053. 3886 Epures de Topographie a Lumiere directe et a Lumiere oblique. 1 vol. fol. obl. No date. GEOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, AND STATISTICS. 223 3887 Farmer (John) and Moore (Jacob B.). A Gazetteer of the State of New Hampshire. 1 vol. 12mo. Concord, 1823. 3888 Ferraris (Comte de). Carte des Pays-Bas Autrichien. I vol. foI., 1777. 3889 Finley (A.). Atlas Classica; or, Select Maps of Ancient Geography, both Sacred and Profane. 1 vol. fol. (2 copies.) Philadelphia, 1827. 3890 Flint (Timothy). A condensed Geography and History of the Western States, or the Mississippi Valley. 2 vols. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1828. 3891 Flint (Timothy). The History and Geography of the Mississippi Valley. To which is appended a condensed Physical Geography of the Atlantic United States, and the whole American Continent. 2d edition. (2 vols. in one.) I vol. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1832. 3892 Francais (J. F.). Precis des leqons du cours de Topographie Militaire a l'usage des Eleves de l'Ecole royale de l'Artillerie et du Genie. Lithographic. 1 vol. fol. Metz, 1824. 3893 France. Carte Topographique de la. See No. 3862. 3894 Furlong (Lawrence). American Coast Pilot: containing the courses and distances between the principal Harbors, &c., &c. 5th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Newburyport, 1806. 3895 Gazetteer. The Edinburgh Gazetteer, or Geographical Dictionary: containing a description of the various countries, kingdoms, states, cities, towns, mountains, &c. of the world; an account of the government, customs, and religion of the inhabitants; the boundaries and natural productions of each country, &c., &c. 6 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1822. 3896 Gordon (Thomas F.). A Gazetteer of the State of New Jersey. See Gordon, No. 4809. 3897 Gossellin (P. F. J.). Recherches sur la Geographie Systematique et Positive des Anciens, &c. (5 vols. in 3.) 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1813. 3898 Guthrie (William). A New System of Modern Geography; or, a Geographical, Historical, and Commercial Grammar, and Present State of the several Nations of the World. 1st American edition. 2 vols. 4to. Philadelphia, 1794-95. 3899 Guthrie (William). A New Geographical, Historical, and Commercial Grammar; and Present State of the several Kingdoms of the World. With Maps 19th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. & fol. Atlas. London, 1801. 3900 Guthrie. Atlas of Modern Geography, with a complete Index. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1835. 3901 Guyot (Arnold). The Earth and Man: Lectures on Comparative Physical Geography, in its relation to the History of Mankind. Translated from the French, by C. C. Felton. 3d edition, revised. 1 vol. 12mo. Boston, 1851. 3902 Haas (H.). Carte de la Hesse. 1 -ol. fol. Darmstadt, 1808. 3903 HaskeH (Daniel) and Smith (J. Calvin). A complete Descriptive and Statistical Gazetteer of the United States of America, with Census and Statistics for 1840. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1843. 3904 Hayne (J. E. G.). Elemens de Topographie Militaire. See Hayne, No. 86. 3905 Henry. Memoire sur la Projection des Cartes Geographiques. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1810. 3906 Herbin (P. E.). Statistique. See No. 3983. 224 GEOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, AND STATISTICS. 3907 Homanni (Johannis Baptistae). Atlas Novus Terrarum orbis; Imperia, Regna et Status exactis, Tabulis Geographice demonstrans. 1 vol. fol. Noribergae, 1729-49. 3908 Humboldt (Alex. de). Essai Politique sur le Royaume de la NouvelleEspagne. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1811. 3909 Humboldt (Alex. de). Atlas G6ographie et Physique du Royaume de la Nouvelle-Espagne. (In sheets.) 1 vol. fol. Paris, 1812. 3910 Humboldt (Alex. von). Aspects of Nature, in different Lands and different Climates; with scientific elucidations. Translated by Mrs. Sabine. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1850. 3911 Instruction sur la Geographie Physique. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1825. 3912 Isthmus of Tehuantepec: being the results of a Survey for a Railroad to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, made by the Scientific Commission under the direction of Major J. G. Barnard; with a resume of the Geology, Climate, Local Geography, &c., &c., Arranged and prepared for the Tehuantepec Railroad Company of New Orleans, by J. J. Williams. 1 vol. 8vo. & Maps. New-York, 1852. 3913 Jamieson (Alexander). A Treatise on the Construction of Maps; in which the principles of the projections of the sphere are demonstrated, and their various practical relations to Mathematical Geography. I vol. 8vo. London, 1814. 3914 Jefferys (Tho.). A Description of the Maritime Ports of France, containing a particular account of all fortified towns, forts, harbors, bays, and rivers, &c.; with charts of the sea-coast, and plans of all the fortified places on it. 1 vol. fol. obl. & Atlas. London, 1761. 3915 Johnston (Alexandd' Keith). The Physical Atlas: a series of Maps and Notes illustrating the Geographical Distribution of Natural Phenomena. 1 vol. fol. Edinburgh, 1848, 3916 Lacroix (S. F.). Introduction a la Geographie. See Lacroix, No. 2668. 3917 Lands belonging to the United States at West Point. (Lithographic.) 1 4to. pamphlet. West Point, N. Y., 1839. 3918 Lapie. Atlas complet du Precis de la Geographie universelle de M. MalteBrun; dresse conformdment au Texte de cet ouvrage et sous les yeux de l'Auteur. 1 vol. fol. Paris, 1812. 3919 Lavall~e (Theophile). Atlas de Geographie Militaire, accompagne de Tableaux de Statistique Militaire. 1 vol. fol. Paris, 1852. 3920 Lavoisne. Genealogical, Historical, Chronological, and Geographical Atlas. 1 vol. fol. Philadelphia, 1820. 3921 Le Coq (General Major von). Topographische Karte in 22 Blaettern den gr6sten theil von Westphalen enthaltend so wie auch das Herzogthum Westphalen und einen theil der Hann6vrischen Braunsweigischen und Hessischen Lander. 1 vol. fol. Berlin, 1805. 3922 Le Louterel. Reconnaissances Militaires. See Le Louterel, No. 110. 3923 Lespinasse (L.N.). Traite duLavis desPlans. SeeLespinasse,Nos. 112,113. 3924 Livet. Cours de Topographie. (Lithog.) 1 vol. 8vo. 1841 & 45. 3925 Livet. Extrait du Cours de Topographie. (Lithog.) 1 vol. 8vo. - 1841. 3926 Malortie (C. S. de). A Treatise on Topography, for Civil and Military Purposes. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1815. 3927 Malte-Brun. Universal Geography; or, a Description of all the Parts of the World, according to the Great Natural Divisions of the Globe, &c. 6 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1824-28. GEOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, AND STATISTICS. 225 3928 &alte-a3run. Abreg6 cde Geographie Physique, Historique, Politique, ancienne et moderne, contenant un extrait Methodique du Precis de la G-ographie universelle. 2"' edition. I vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1838. 3929:alte-Brun. Atlas Complet. See No. 3918. 3930 Maps. A Series of Maps, Modern and Ancient, under the Superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. 2 vols. fol. London, ~. 3931:cCullochl (J. R.). A Dictionary, Geographical, Statistical, and Historical, of the various Countries, Places, and Principal Natural Objects in the World. With Maps. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1841-42. 3932.Eelish (John). Military and Topographical Atlas of the United States; includirng the British Possessions and Florida. I vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1815. 3933 R.Iemomria Topographique et Militaire, rediog au DIepot general de la guerre. 6 vols. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1803. 3934 BLeniorial u d Dep6t general de la gnuerre, imprime pal ordre du Ministre. (Tom. Ist, 2d, 4th, 5th, 6th, and Tom. 8th Topographique Militaire, Tom. 3d and 7th are wanting.) Containing numerous papers on Geodesy, Topography, Military Reconnaissances, Military History, Campaigns, &c., &c. 6 vols. 4to. Paris, 1829-32. 3935 ]?~e.ntel I (Edme). Cours complet de Cosmographie, de Geographie, de ClOhonologie, et d'Histoire ancienne et moderne. 2"e edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1804. 3936 (Len elle (E.). et Chanrlaire (P. G.). Atlas Elementaire portatif, pour servir h l'etude de la Geographie ancienne et moderne, et a celle de lPHistoire. 1 vol. fol. Paris, 1807. 393'7 enitelle (Edme). Cosmographie Elementaire, divisee en parties Astronomlique et Geographique. 3fl edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1799. 3938 If:eyeir (Thomas). A New and Comprehensive System of Modern Geography, Mathematical, Physical, Political, and Commercial, &c. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1822. 3939 vitcllel(l (S. Augustus). Key for Exercise on Mitchell's Series of Outline Maps. 1 vol. 18mo. & Atlas. Hartford, 1842. 3940:itciheil (S. Augustus). Universal Atlas; containing Maps of the various Empires, Kingdoms, States, and Republics of the World, with a Special Map of each of the United States, Plans of Cities, &c. 1 vol. fol. Philadelphia, 1848. 3941 M oite (Alexandre). Cours complet de Topographie. I vol. 4to. obl. Paris, 1806. 3942 ZLfoore (Jacob B.). Gazetteer of New-Hampshire. See No. 3887. 3943 Xorse (Jedidiah). American Gazetteer, exhibiting a full account of the Civil Divisions, Rivers, Harbors, Indian Tribes, &c., of the American Continent; also of West India and other appendant Islands, with a particular description of Louisiana. 2d edition. I vol. 8vo. Charlestown, 1804. 3944 orsoe (Jedidiah). A New Gazetteer of the Eastern and Western Continents; or, a Geographical Dictionary. 2d & 3d editions. 2 vols. 8vo. (4 copies.) Boston, 1808-10. 3945 Meorse (Jedidiah). The American Universal Geography; or, a View of the Present State of all the Kingdoms, States, and Colonies in the known world. 6th edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1812. 15 226 GEOGRAPhY, TOPOGRAPRY, AND STATISTICSo 3946 Morse (Jedidiah).' Geography made easy; beirg an Abridgement of the' American Universal Geography..16th edition, and 4th of the new ~ Abridgement.. I vol. 12mo. Boston, 1813. 3947 Xorse (Sidney E.). A System of Geography, for the Use of -Schools. Illustrated' with'Cerographic Maps and Woodcuts. 1 vol. 4to. New-York, 1844. 3948 Mudge. Topographical Maps of England. 1 vol. foL London, no date, 3949 lMlurray (Hugh). The Encyclopaedia of Geography; comprising a comnplete' Description of the Earth, Physical, Statistical, Civil, and PoliticaLIllustrated by 82 Maps, and about 1100 other Engravings on wood. Revised by Thomas G. Bradford. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1838: 3950 Neele (Samuel & George). General Atlas. vol. fol. London, 1814, 3951 Newton (Isaac). Geographia Generalis; in qua affectiones generalis Telluris explicanti, &c. 1 vol. 12mo. Cantabrigiae, 16V72 3952 New-York. Catalogue of Maps and Surveys. See No. 3863. 3953 Oudiette (Charles). Dictionnaire Geographique et Topographique des Treize Departemens qui composaient les Pays-Bas Autrichiens, Pays de' Liege et de Stavelo; les Electorats de Treves, Mayence et Cologne, et lesDuches de Juliers, Gueldre, Cleves, &c. r6unis a la France. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1804. 3954 Palfrey (John G.). Tables of Bearings, Distances, Latitudes, Longitudes, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 18460. 3955 Perrot (A. M.) et Aupick (J.). Nouvel Atlas du Boyaume de France; ou, Cartes detailles des Gaules, de la France a l'6poque de 1789, desquatre-vingt-six Departements et des Colonies Francaises; suivies d'unetres belle Carte Physique et Politique de la France act-elle, divisee en d6partements et gouvernements militaires. Chaque carte est accompagnSee d'un Statistique et Historique. 1 vol. foL Paris, 1827.e 3956 Petri. Carte des environs de Dresde. See No. 3841. 3957 Pologne. Paitage de la Pologne, Polen Litauen und Kurland. 8 sheets. I vol. fol., - 3958 Ptolemaei (C. L.). Geographiae. 1 vol. fol. Rome; 1508. 3959 Public Lands at West Point. See No. 3917. 3960 Ravinet (Theodore). Dictionnaire Hydrographique de la France, suivi de la collection complete des Tarifs des droits de Navigation. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824o 3961 Raymond (J. B.). Carte Physique et Mineralogique du Mont-Blanc, et plusieurs autres cartes, &c. 1 vol. fol. Paris. 3962 Reconnaissances in New Mexico and Texas, &c. I vol. 8vo. Washington, 1850. 3963 Report upon the Militaryand Hydrographical Chart of the extremity of Cape Cod, including the townships of Provincetown and Truro, with their sea-coasts and ship-harbor: projected from surveys executed during portions of the years 1833,'34, and'35, under the direction of James D. Graham. 1 vol. fol. & a Map of 4 sheets. Washington, 1838. 3964 Reports of the Commissioners, and of Lt. Col. Graham, U. S. Engineers, in relation to the Intersection of the Boundary Lines'of the States of Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Delaware (Mason & Dixon's Line). 1 vol. 8vo. Washington, 1850. 3965 Ricciolio (Jo. Baptist). Geographiae et Hydrographiae reformatae. Libri XII. 1 vol. fol. Venetiis, 1672. GEOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, AND STATISTICS. 227 3966 Ritter (Karl). Geographie ge6nrale comparee; ou, etude de la terre dans ses rapports avec la Nature et avec l'Histoire de l'Honmme pour servir de base a l'6tude et a l'enseignement des sciences physiques et historiques. Traduit de l'Allemand par E. Buret et Edouard Desor. Vols. 1st, 2d, and 3d. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1836. 3967 Rizzi-Za noni. See Zannoni, No. 4007. 3968 Rudtorffer (Colonel de). Geographie Militaire de l'Europe. Traduit de l'Allemand par L.-A. Unger. "er & 2me parties. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1847. 3969 Rudtorffer (Colonel de). See Correard. Geographie Militaire de l'Italie, No. 3871. 3970 Schienert. On Military Drawing. See Schienert, No. 203. 3971 Sohmettau (Comte de). Cartes de Boheme. 1 vol. fol. 3972 Schml ettau (Comte de). Carte du Duche de Mecklenbourg-Strelitz. 1 vol. fol. 1780-88. 3973 Sohroetter (von). Karte von Ost-Preussen nebst Preussisch Lithauen und West-Preussen nebst dem Netz district. 25 feuilles. Berlin, 1796-1802.Textor (v.) Topographisch Militairische Karte vom vornaligen Neu Ostpreussen oder dem jetzigen Nordlichen Theil des Herzogthums Warschau, nebst dem Russischen district. 15 feuilles. Berlin, 1807. I vol.fol. Berlin, 1796-1807. 3974 Scott (Joseph). The New and Universal Gazetteer; or, Modern Geographical Dictionary. With Maps, an Armillary Sphere, &c. 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1799-1800. 3975 Scot; (Joseph). A Geographical Dictionary of the United States of North America. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1805. 3976 Seybert (Adams). Statistical Annals of the United States of America, founded on Official Documents; commencing 4th March, 1789, and ending 20th April, 1818. 1 vol. 4to. Philadelphia, 1818. 3977 Smith (J. Calvin). Gazetteer of the United States. See No. 3903. 3978 Sooiete de Geographie, assemblee generale annuelle tenue dans l'une de Salles de l'Hotel-de-Ville le 15 Decembre, 1827. I 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1828. 3979 Somerville (Mary). Physical Geography. 2d American edition. I vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1850. 3980 Spafford (Horatio Gates). A Gazetteer of the State of New-York; embracing an ample Survey and Description of its Counties, Towns, Cities, Villages, Canals, Mountains, &c., &c. I vol. 8vo. Albany, 1824. 3981 Statistics of the Condition and Products of certain Branches of Industry in Massachusetts, for the year ending April 1st, 1845. Prepared from the returns of the Assessors, by John G. Palfrey, Secretary of the Commonwealth. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1846. 3982 Statistics of the United States of America, as collected and returned by the marshals of the several judicial districts under the thirteenth section of the Act for taking the Sixth Census. 1 vol. fol. Washington, 1841. 3983 Statistique generale et particuliere de la France et de sos Colonies, par une Societe de Gens de Lettres et des Savans, et publi6 par P. E. Herbin. 7 vols. 8vo. & Atlas. Paris, 1803-7. 3984 Statistiques. Resume des travaux Statistiques de l'Administration des Mines pendant l'annees 1834, 1835, 1836 (1837 situation des Travaux), 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844 (1845 situation des Travaux). 12 vols. 4to. toParis, 1835-45. 228 GEOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, AND STATISTICS. 3985 Strabon. Geographie de, traduite du Grec en Franaais. 5 vols. 4to. Paris, 1805-19. 3986 Streit (F. W.). Topographisch Militairische Charte von Preussen, Warschau, Galizien, Ungarn, Croatien, Slavonien und Siebenburgen, in 217 Blaettern. 1 vol. fol. Weimar, 1811. 3987 Streit (F. W.). Supplement oder erweiterung nach Westender Topographisch-Militairischen Charte von Deutschland, in 204 Sectionen. I vol. fol. Weimar, 1814. 3988 Stuart (C.). The Emigrant's Guide to Upper Canada; or, Sketches of the Present State of that Province, collected from a residence therein during the years 1817, 1818, 1819. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1820. 3989 Tanner (H-. S.). A New American Atlas, containing Maps of the several States of the North American Union. 1 vol. fol. Philadelphia, 1823. 3990 Tanner (H. S.). Memoir on the Recent Surveys, Observations, and Internal Improvements, in the United States; intended to accompany his new Map of the United States. 1 vol. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1829. 3991 Tanner (II. S.). A New Universal Atlas, with an Accompaniment. 1 vol. fol. Philadelphia, 1843. 3992 Tex tor. Topographische Karte. See No. 3973. 3993 Thompson (G. A.). The Geographical and Historical Dictionary of America and the West Indies, &c., &c. 5 vols. 4to. London, 1812-15. 3994 Umfieville (Edward). The Present State of Hudson's Bay; containing a full description of that settlement, and the adjacent country, and likewise of the Fur Trade, &c., &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1790. 3995 Vanzandt. Statistics of the United States. See No. 4000. 3996 Vincent. An Atlas of Ancient Geography. 1 vol. 4to. Oxford, 1828. 3997 Volney (C. F.). View of the Soil and Climate of the United States of America. Translated, with occasional remarks, by C. B. Brown. With Maps and Plates. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1804. 3998 Vosgien. Dictionnaire Geographique; ou, Description des quatre Parties du Monde. 2"f edition, augmentee par Giraud. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1811. 3999 Walker (John). Elements of Geography, and of Natural and Civil History. 3d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1800. 4000 Watterstons and Vanzandt. Tabular Statistical Views of the United States. I vol. 4to. Washington, 1829. 4001 Weis (J. H.). Carte de Suisse, 16 feuilles. 1 vol. fol. -, 1786-1802. 4002 Willetts (Jacob). New and Improved School Geography; with Atlas, &c. 5th edition. 1 vol. 12mo. (2 copies.) Poughkeepsie, 1842. 4003 Worcester (J. E.). Geographical Dictionary; or, Universal Gazetteer, Ancient and Modern. 2 vols. 8vo. Andover, 1817. 4004 Worcester (J. E.). The same. 2d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1823. 4005 Worcester (J. E.). An Historical Atlas. I vol. fol. Boston, 1826. 4006 Worcester (J. E.). Elements of Geography, Ancient and Modern. With an Atlas. A new edition. 1 vol. 12mo. Boston, 1839. 4007 Zannoni (G. A. Rizzi). Atlante Geografico del Regno di Napoli. 31 fl. 1 vol. fol. Napoli, 1808, GEOGRAPHY —LOOSE SHEETS OF MAPS. 229 GEOGRAPHY-LOOSE SHEETS OF MAPS. 4008 Afghaurnistana. Map of Afghaunistan, Caubul, the Punjab, Rajpootana, and the River Indus. By James Wyld. On roller. No date. 4009 Africa. Map of, by A. Arrowsmith. Improved and published by H. S. Tanner. On roller. London, 1824. 4010 Africa. The Continent and Islands of Africa. By John Purdy. On roller. London, 1809. 4011 Algerie (L'). Carte generale de i'Algerie dressee au Depot general de la Guerre. 1 sheet. Paris, 1844. 4012 Algerie (L'). Carte de FAlgerie dressee au Depot general de la Guerre. I sheet. Paris, 1846. 4013 Alpes. Carte generale de la chaine des Alpes, contenant la haute Italie, la Suisse et l'Allemagne meridionale, dressee pour 1'intelligence de l'Histoire des Guerres de la Revolution par le General Jornini. 4 sheets. (2 copies.) No date. 4014 Alpes. The same. On roller. (2 copies.) No date. 4015 Allahabad. Map of. See No. 4026. 4016 America. Map of North America, exhibiting the recent discoveries, and describing the boundary line between the territories of Great Britain, Spain, and the United States. Published by W. Faden. In case. London, 1823. 4017 America. The Continent and Islands of America, with all the Discoveries to the Present Time. On roller. London, 1809. 4018 Armerica. South America, with Improvements to 1821. By H. S. Tanner. On roller. 1821. 4019 America. Map of South America. By Anthony Finley. On roller. Philadelphia, 1830. 4020 Annapolis. The Harbor of. (Coast Survey.) 1 sheet. New-York, 1846. 4021 Arkansaw. Map of. See No. 4071. 4022 Asia. The Continent and Islands of Asia. On roller. London, 1809. 4023 Asia. Map of. By A. Finley. On roller. Philadelphia, 1828. 4024 Bahar. Map of. See No. 4026. 4025 Bayern. Hauptcreyecknetz zum Topographischen Atlas des Konigreichs Bayern. 50 sheets. Munchen, 1831. 4026 Bengal. Map of Bengal, Bahar, Oude, and Allahabad, with Part of Agra and Delhi; exhibiting the Course of the Ganges from Hurdwar to the Sea. By James Rennell. In case. London, 1786. 4027 Berlin. Topographischer Plan der Gegend umn Berlin. On roller. No date. 230 GEOGRAPHY-LOOSE SHEETS OF MAPS. 4028 Blaotk Rock and Bridgeport. Harbors of. (Coast Survey.) I sheet. -, 1848. 4029 Cabotia. Map of Cabotia; comprehending the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, with Breton Island, Newfoundland, &c.; and including also the adjacent parts of the United States. By John Purdy. In case. London, 1828. 4030 Canada. Map of Upper Canada. By D. W. Smyth. On roller. New-York, 1813. 4031 Canada. Map of the Province of Lower Canada, showing its division into Districts, Counties, Seigniories, and Townships. 6 sheets. London, 1815. 4032 Canada. Map of Upper Canada. 6 sheets. London, 1815. 4033 Captain's Island, East and West. Harbors of. (Coast Survey.) I sheet. -, 1849. 4034 Carte du The6tre de la Guerre, en Allemagne, en Autriche et en Italie, en 1805. On roller. Paris, 1805. 4035 Cat and Ship Islands. (Coast Survey.) 1 sheet. -, 1850. 4036 Caubul. Map of. See No. 4008. 4037 Cawkin's Island. Harbor of. See No. 4114. 4038 China. Map of. By James Weld. On roller. London, 1841 4039 Constantine. Carte de le Province de Constantine, dress6e au D ep6p general de la Guerre, sous la direction de M. le Lieut. General Pelet. 1- sheets. Paris, 1834. 4040 Corse (L'Ile de). Carte Topographique l'Ile de Corse, dress6e par ordre du Roi, d'apres les operations geodesiques et les leves du cadastre executes 1770 a 1791, et diriges par feu MM. Testevuide et Bedigis. 8 sheets. Paris, 1824. 4041 Delaware. Map of. See No. 4127. 4042 Deutschland. General Charte von Deutschland. Von Friederich Wilhelm Streit. On roller. Weimar, 1810. 4043 Deutschland. Und der gr6ste theil der umliegenden Staaten, oder Mittel Europa. Von H. H. Gotthold. On roller. -, 1816, 4044 Edgartowni Harbor. (Coast Survey.) 1 sheet., 1848. 4045 Espanay Portugal. Mapa Civil y Militar de Espanay Portugal. Por Don Alejo Donnet. On roller. -—, 1823. 4046 Europe. Map of. By A. Finley. On roller. Philadelphia, 1828. 4047 Florida. Map of the Territory of Florida, from its Northern Boundary to Lat. 27~ 30/ N., connected with the Delta of the Mississippi. 3 sheets. -, 1829. 4048 Florida. Map of the Territory of. On roller. -, 1829. 4049 Florida. Map of the Seat of War in Florida. Under the direction of Col. J. J. Abert, by Wash. Wood. 1 sheet, Washington, 1838. 4050 France. Carte de la France Septentrionale. (Only 2" fl.) 1 sheet. No date. 4051 Guastalla. Carta di. See No. 4100. 4052 Hollande. Carte g6nerale de la Hollande, avec les Routes des Postes. On roller. —, 1810. 4053 Hollande. Carte particuliere d'une partie de la Hollande. Par Covens et Mortier. On roller. Amsterdam, no date, 4054 Hollande. Carte Chorographique des Departemens de la Hollande. On roller. No date. GEOGRAPHY-LOOSE SHEETS.OF MAPS. 231 ~4055 1Holmes' Hole and Tarpaulin. The Harbors of. (Coast Survey.) 1 sheet. -,1847. 4056 HunLington Bay. (Coast Survey.) I sheet —, 1849. 4057 Hyannis Harboro. (Coast Survey.) 1 sheet.,1850. 4058 Illinois. Map of. See No. 4071. 4059 Italia. Carte Amministrativa del Regno:d'Italia co suoi Stabiliamenti Politici, Militari, e Religiosi, &c. On roller.. --, 1813. 4060 Little Egg Harbor. Founded upon a Trigonometrical Survey under the direction of F. R. Hassler. I sheet. New-York, 1846, 4061 Louisiana. Map of. See No. 4067. 4062 Maehren. Und. oesterreichisch Schlesien. On roller. Wien, 1810. 4063 Marengo. Carte g6n6rale des Marches, Positions, Combats et Batailles de l'Armee de Reserveo On roller. Turin, 1800. 4064 Maryland. Map of. See No. 4127. 4065 MIassachusetts. Topographical Map of Massachusetts, compiled from Astronomical, Trigonometrical, and various. Local Surveys. Made by order of the Legislature. On roller. Boston, 1844. 4066 Mecklenburg. Karte des Herzog-thums Mecklenburg, mit seinen vershiedenen Provinzen, &c. On roller. Berlin, 1 794.. -4067 IMexico. Map of Mexico, Louisiana, and the Missouri Territory, &c. By John H. Robinson.' On roller. Philadelphia, 1819. 4068 lexico. Map of the Valley of Mexico, with a Plan of the Defences of the Capital, and the Line of Operations of the United States' Army under Major General Scott, in August and September, 1847. I sheet. (2 copies.) -,1847. 4069 Mexico, New. See New Mexico, No. 4084. 4070 Michigan. Map of the Surveyed Part of the Territory of Michigan. By O. Risdon. On roller. -, 1825. -4071 Missouri. Maps of the States of Missouri and Illinois,.and Territory of Arkansaw. By E. Browne and E. Barcroft. On roller. No date. 4072 Mlissonri. Map of. See No. 4067. 4073 ]Mouth of Chester River. (Coast Survey.) I sheet. —,1849. 4074 Nantucket Harbor. (Coast Survey,) I sheet. -,1848. 4075 SNederlanden. Algemeene Kaart van hot Koningryk der Nederlanden, door Casp. Muller On roller. -, 1816. 4076 Neuchatel. Carte de la Prineipaut' de Neuchatel. Par J. F. D'Ostervald. On roller., 1801-6. 4077 Neumark. Special Karte von der Neumark. Von D. F. Sotzmann..On roller. Be'in, 1807; 4078 New Bedford. The Harbor of. (Coast Survey.) I sheet. New-York, 1846. 4079 New England. A Map of the New England States-Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, &c. On roller. Boston, 1826. 4080 N'ew Hampshire. Map of. By Philip Carrigain. On roller. ~, 1816.. 4081 New' Haven. Harbor founded upon a Trigonometrical Survey under the direction of F. R. Hassler. I sheet. New-York, 1846. 4.082 New London and Windham. Map of New London and Windham Counties, in Connecticut. By William Lester, Jr, On roller. -, 1833. 232 GEOGRAPHlY-LOOSE SHEETS OF MAPS' 4083 New London. The Harbor of. (Coast Survey.) I sheet., I848. 4084 Nlew Mexico. Map of the Territory of New Mexico, made by order of Brig. Gen. S. W. Kearney, under instructions from Lieut. W. H. Emory. By Lieuts. J. W. Abert and W. G. Peck —1846-47. I sheet. Washington, 1847. 4085 New-York. Map of the Western Part of the State of New-York. By D. IH. Vance. On roller. -, 1823. 4086 0New-York. Map of the Western Part of the State of New-York —18232 By ). H. Vance. Improved and enlarged, &c. by J. Ogden Dey. On roller., 1824. 4087 New-York. Map of New-York Bay and Harbor and the Environs. Founded upon a Trigonometrical Survey under the direction of F. R_ Hassler. 6 sheets. New-York, 1844-460. 4088 North America. See America, Nos, 4016, 4017. 4089 Oran (d'). Carte do la Province d'Oran, dresse au DBpot general de 1a Guerre. 2 sheets. Paris, 1844, 4090 Oran (d'). Carte de la Province d'Oran, dressee au Depot general de la Guerre, sous la direction de M. le Lieut. General Pelet. 2-1 sheets, Paris, 1846. 4091 Orange and Rockland. Map of the Counties of Orange and RBockland. By: David H. Burr, &c. On roller, Ithaca, N. Y., 1839. 4092 Ost See Kustenlander. On roller. No date. 4093 Ouide. Map of. See No. 4026. 4094 Oyster or Syosset Bay. Harbor of. (Coast Survey.) I sheet. -, 1847 4095 Paris. Ses Fauxbourgs et ses Environs. Par S'. Roussel. On roller. Paris, 17095. 4096 Paris. Carte de Paris et ses Environs. On roller. No date. 4097 Paris. Plan Routier de la Ville de Paris, divise en 12 Arrondissements ou Mairies et en 48 Quartiers. Par Chle". Picquet. In case. Paris, 1812, 4098 Paris. Carte des Fortifications de Paris. In case. Paris, 1832. 4099 Paxis. Nouveau Plan complet et Historique de Paris avec ses Fortifications. I sheet. Paris, 1845. 4100 Parma. Carta Topografica dei ducati di Parma, Piacenza e GuastallT levata dietro misure Trigonometriche neglianni 1821-22, sotto il Governo, di suan Maest l'Arciduchessa Maria Luigiao 9 sheets..-, 1828. 4101 Pasquoiankl River. (Coast Survey.) I sheet. -, 1850 4102 Pennsylvania..Map of. By John Melish. On roller, No date. 4103 Piacenza. Carta di. See No, 4100. 4104 Portugal. Mapa de. See No. 4045. 4105 Potsdarn. Plan von der Gegendum Potsdarm. On roller. -, 1810-1. 4106 Punjab. Map of. See No. 4008. 4107 Rajpootana. Map of. See No. 4008. 4108 Rockland County. Map of. See No. 4091. 4109 Russie. Carte de la Russie Europeenne, traduite et grav6e par ordre daGouvernement, au Depot gen6ral de la Guerre en 1812,'13 et'14 d'aprsa la Carte Russe en 104 feuilles. 77 sheets. Paris, 1814. 4110 Sachsen. Charte vom gantzen Churfurstenthumn Sachsen. On roller. 176IL. GEOGRAPHY-LOOSE SHEETS OF MAPS, 233 4111 Sachsen. Situations Charte von einem Theile des Churfiirstenthums Sachsen, der Ober, Nieder Lausitz und Schlesiens. On roller. No date. 4112 Schlesien. Militaerische Uebersichts Karte von dem Herzogthum Schlesien. On roller. Wien, 1816. 4113 Scotland. Map of Scotland, drawn chiefly from the Topographical Surveys of Mr. John Ainslie and fiom those of the late General Roy, &c., &c. By William Faden. In case. London, 1827. 4114 Sheffield and Cawkins Islands. Harbors of. (Coast Survey.) I sheet. —, 1848. 4115 Ship sland. See No. 4035. 4116 Soua8 be. Croquies de Carte Militaire de la Souabe. On roller. —, 1811. 4117 South America. See America, Nos. 4018, 4019. 4118 Suisse. Carte de la Suisse Romande, le Pays de Vaud, et le Gouvernement d'Aigle, &, &c. Par S. 1-. Mallet. On roller. Geneve, 1781. 4119 Syrie. Carte Physique et Politique de la Syrie pour servir a l'histoire des conquetes du General Bonaparte en Orient. Par Charles Paultre. On roller. Kaire, 1800. 4120 Tarpaulin Harbor. See No. 405.5. 4121 Talrqule. Carte generale de la Turquie d'Europe. Par le Chev. Lapie. 15 sheets. Paris, 1822. 4122 Turqruie. Carte Physique et Politique et Comparee de la Turquie d'Europe. Presentee A. S. A. R. Mgr. le Dauphin, par P. J. Lameau. 4 sheets. Paris, 1827. 4123 Turkey. Theatre of War in Turkey; or, Military Sketch of the Country between the Danube and Constantinople. Compiled by the King of Prussia's general Staff-1829. Published by James Wyld. In case. London, 1829. 4124 Tyrol. Carte du Tyrol. On roller. Paris, 1808. 4125 Unsited State. A New and Correct Map of the United States of North America. By Samuel Lewis. On roller. Philadelphia, 1815. 4126 U'nited Stataes. Map of the United States, with the contiguous British and Spanish Possessions. By John Melish. On roller. Philadelphia, 1820. 4127 Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware. By H. S. Tanner. 1 sheet. Philadelphia, 1820. 4128 Virginia. A Map of the State of. By Heriman Biye. On roller. No date. 4129 Virginia. A Map of the State of. By Herman B3ye. On roller. No date, 4130 Warschau. Karte vome Herzogthum Warschau. Von F. B. Engelhardt. On roller. Berlin, 1812. 4131 Weimar. Charte von dem Furstenthume Weimar. Von F. L. Gussefeld. On roller. No date. 4132 Windham County. Map of. See No. 4082. 4133 World. A Chart of the World. By John Purdy. On roller. London, 1815. 4134 World. AMap of the World. By D. H. Vance. On roller. —, 1828. 234 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 4135 Addison (Joseph). Remarks on several Parts of Italy, &c., in the years 1701-2 & 3. 1 vol. 12mo. —, 1769. 4136 Adventure and Beagle. Narrative of the Surveying Voyages of His Majesty's Ships Adventure and Beagle, between the years 1826 and 1836, describing their examination of the southern shores of South America, and the Beagle's circumnavigation of the Globe. (3d vol. wanting, unless the Appendix be one.) 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1839. 4137 Africa. Narrative of Discovery and Adventure in Africa, from the earliest ages to the present time; with illustrations of the Geology, Mineralogy, and Zoology. By Prof. Jameson, J. Wilson and H. Murray. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1836. 4138 Ali Bey. Voyages d'Ali Bey el Abassi en Afrique et en Asie pendant les annees 1803 et 1807. 3 vols. 8vo. & Atlas 4to. obl. Paris, 1814. 4139 Andrews (John). Letters to a Young Gentleman, on his setting out for France: containing a survey of Paris, and a review of French literature, and rules and directions for travellers. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1784. 4140 Barrow (Sir John). Voyages of Discovery and Research within the Arctic Regions, from the year 1818 to the present time. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1846. 4141 Barthelemi (Abbe). Travels of Anacharsis the Younger in Greece. Translated from the French. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1796. 4142 Barthelemy (Abbe). Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grece. I vol. roy. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1836. 4143 Bartlett (W. H.). The Nile-Boat; or, Glimpses of the Land of Egypt. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. New-York, 1851. 4144 Bayard Taylor (J.). Views a-foot; or, Europe seen with Knapsack and Staff. With a Preface by N. P. Willis. 9th edition. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1850. 4145 Birkbeck (Morris). Notes on a Journey in America, from the Coast of Virginia to the Territory of Illinois. 2d edition. 1 vol. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1819. 4146 Borrow (George). The Bible in Spain and the Gypsies of Spain. 2 vols. in one, 8vo. New-York, 1848. 4147 Bossu. Travels through that Part of North America formerly called Louisiana. Translated from the French by J. R. Forster. Illustrated with Notes, relative chiefly to Natural Histosy. To which is added by the Translator, a Systematic Catalogue of all the Known Plants of English North America; or, a Flora Americae Septentrionalis. Together with an Abstract of the most useful and necessary Articles contained in Peter' Loefling's Travels through Spain and Cumana in South America. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1771. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 235 4148 Bourgoanne (Chev.). Travels in Spain. To which are added, copious extracts from the Essays on Spain of M. Peyron. Translated from the French. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1780. 4149 Brackenridge (H. M.). Voyage to South America, performed by order of the American Government, in the years 1817 and 1818, in the Frigate Congress. 2 vols. 8vo. Baltimore, 1819. 4150 SBremner (Robert). Excursions in the Interior of Russia; including Sketches of the Character and Policy of the Emperor Nicholas, &c., &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1839. 4151 Bryant (Edwin). What I saw in California; being the Jou-nal of a Tour in the years 1846-47. 5th edition. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1849. 4152 Campbell (Rev. John). Voyages to and from the Cape of Good Hope; with an account of a Journey into the Interior of South Africa. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1840. 4153 Carpenter (William W.). Travels and Adventures in Mexico. I vol. 12mo. New-York, 1851. 4154 Carter (N. II.). Letters from Europe; comprising the Journal of a Tour through Ireland, England, Scotland, France, Italy, and Switzerland, in the years 1825,'26, and'27. (Vol. 1st wanting.) 2d vol. 8vo. New-York, 1827. 4155 Castres (Comte de). Relation d'un Voyage sur le Bord Septentrional de la Mer d'Azof et en Crimee. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1826. 4156 Cavendish (Thomas). Life and Voyage. See No. 4176. 4157 Chastellux (Marquis de). Travels in North America, in the years 1780, 81, 82. W-ith a Biographical Sketch of the Author; Letters from Gen. Washington to the Marquis de Chastellux; and Notes, &c. by the American Editor. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1827. 4158 Chateaubriand (Viscount de). Travels to Jerusalem and the Holy Land through Egypt. Translated from the French by Frederic Shoberl. 3d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1835. 4159 Chevalier (Michel). Lettres sur l'Amerique du Nord. 3-m edition, revue, corrigee, augmentee. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1838. 4160 Circumnavigation of the Globe. An Historical Account of the, and the Progress of Discovery in the Pacific Ocean, from the voyage of Magellan to the death of Cook. With Engravings. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1837. 4161 Clapperton. Journal of a Second Expedition into the Interior of Africa. I vol. 4to. London, 1829. 4162 Clapperton (Hugh). Narrative of Travels. See Nos. 4174, 4175. 4163 Clarke (E. D.). Travels in various Countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa. 4th edition. 11 vols. 8vo. London, 1816-24. 4164 Clark (Capt.). History of the Expedition. See No. 4213. 4165 Colton (Walter). Sea and the Sailor, Notes on France and Italy, and other Literary Remains; with a Memoir by Henry T. Cheever. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1851. 4166 Coxe (William). Account of the Russian Discoveries between Asia and America: to which are added the Conquest of Siberia, and the History of the Transactions and Commerce between Russia and China. 3d edition, revised and corrected. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1787. 4167 Coxe (William). Travels in Switzerland and in the Country of the Grisons: in a Series of Letters to William Melmoth. With an Historical Sketch, and Notes on the late Revolution. 4th edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1801. 236 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 4168 Curnming (R. G.). Five Years of a Hunter's Life in the far Interior of South Africa: with Notices of the Native Tribes, &c. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1850. 4169 Dampier (Guillaume). Nouveau Voyage Autour du Monde, enrichi de Cartes et de Figures. 2-M edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1701. 4170 Dampier (William). Life and Voyage. See No. 4176. 4171 Dana (Ri. H.). Two years before the Mast: a Personal Narrative of Life at Sea. I vol. 18mo. New-York, 1840. 4172 D'Antermony (Jean Bell). Voyage depuis St. Petersbourg en Russie dans diverses contrees de l'Asie; a lPekin, &c. Traduite de l'Anglais par M*it-*. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1766. 4173 Deoastres. See Castres, No. 4155. 4174 Denham (Dixon) and Clapperton (Hugh). Narrative of Travels and Discoveries in Northern and Central Africa, in the years 1822, 1823, and 1824: with an Appendix. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1826. 4175 Denham and Clapperton. Narrative of Travels and Discoveries in Northern and Central Africa, in 1822,'23, and'24. I vol. 4to. London, 1826. 4176 Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier. Lives and Voyages of, including an Introductory View of the Earlier Discoveries in the South Sea, and the History of the Buccaniers: with Portraits on steel. I vol. 18mo. New-York, 1832. 4177 Duane (Col. William). A Visit to Colombia, in the years 1822 and 1823. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1826. 4178 Duper.rey (L. J.). Voyage autour du Monde, ex6cute sur la corvette, la Coquill, pendant les annees 1822, 1823, 1824 et 1825. Cet ouvrage est divise en quatre sections1I Zoologie. 2" Botanique, par D'Urrville, Bory de St.-Vincent, et Brongniart (the only part in the Library). 1 vol. 4to. & Atlas fol. Paris, 1828. 3" H-istoire du Voyage. 4" Hydrographie et Physique. 4179 DuSpi (Charles). Voyages dans la Grande-Bretagne, entrepris relativement aux services publics de la Guerre, de la Marine, et des Ponts et Chaussees, dans les annees 1816 a 1824; ouvrage divise de la maniere suivante: 1r part. Force MAilitaire. —2 part. Force Navale. —3 part. Force Commerciale. (Part 1st of the Atlas is wanting.) 6 vols 4to. & Atlas. Paris, 1820-24. 4180 Dwight (Timothy). Travels in New England and New-York. 4 vols. 8vo. New Haven, 1821-22. 4181 Dwight (Henry E.). Travels in the North of Germany, in the years 1825 and 26. 1 vol. Svo. New-York, 1829. 4182 ElliLot (Andrew), Commissioner of the United States. His Journal for determining the Boundaries of the United States and the Possessions of His Catholic Majesty in America; containing remarks on the soil, situation, rivers, natural productions, and diseases of the different countries on the Ohio, Missssisppi, and Gulf of Mexico: with six Maps. 1 vol. 4to. Philadelphia, 1803. 4183 Eothen; or, Traces of Travel brought home from the East. New edition. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1849. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 237 4184 Elrsial (Adolph).'Travels in Siberia; including Excursions northwards, down to the Obi, to the Polar Circle, and, southwards, to the Chinese Frontier. Translated from the German, by W. D. Cooley. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphiia, 1850.. 4185 Pane (Henry Edward). Five Years in India; comprising a Narrative of Travels in various Countries of, and an Account of an Overland Journey to England. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1842. 4186 Pleurien (C. P. Claret). Introduction Historique. See No, 4221. 4187 Forster (J. R.). Bossu's Travels. See No. 4147. 4188 Franklin (John). Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in the years 1819, 20, 21, and 22. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1823. 4189 Pranklin (John). Narrative of a Second Expedition to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in the years 1825, 1826, and 1827. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1828. 4190 Hall (Capt. Basil). Travels in North America, in the years 1827 and 1828. 3 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, 1829. 4191 Hall (Capt. Basil). Fragments of Voyages and Travels, including Anecdotes of a Naval Life: chiefly for the use of Young Persons. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1831. 4192 Heath. Travelling Sketches. See No. 5697. 4193 llennepin (L.). A New Discovery of a vast Country in America, extending above Four Thousand Miles, between New France and New Mexico. With a Description of the Great Lakes, Cataracts, Rivers, Plants, and Animals; also the Manners, &c., &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1698. 4194 Hlobhouse (J. C.). A Journey through Albania, and other Provinces of Turkey in Europe and Asia, to Constantinople, in 1809-1810. 2d edition. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1813. 4195 lue (M.). Recollections of a Journey through Tartary, Thibet, and China, during the years 1844, 1845, and 1846. 2 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1852. 4196 SrlumboldL (Alexandre de). Voyage aux Reegions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent, fait en 1799, 1800, 1, 2, 3 et 4; avec Atlas Geographique et Physique. (Vols. 3, 4, and Atlas wanting.) 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1816-20. 4197 Humboldt (Alexander von). The Travels and Researches of. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1835. 4198 Inglis (Henry D.). Spain in 1830. 2 vols. 8yo. London, 1831. 4199 Irving (Washington). Astoria; or, Anecdotes of an Enterprise beyond the Rocky Mountains 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1849. 4200 Irving (Washington). The Alhambra. Revised edition. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1851. 4201 Irving (Washington). Crayon Miscellany. A Tour on the Prairies. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1849. 4202 Irving (Washington). The Adventures of Bonneville, U. S. A., in the Rocky Mountains and the Far West. 1 vol. 12m1o. New-York, 1850. 4203 Jackson (James Grey). An Account of the Emlpire of Morocco and the District of Suse; to which is added an Account of Timbuctoo. 1 vol. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1810. 4204 Journal of a Young Man of Massachusetts, late a Surgeon on board an American Privateer, who was captured at sea by the British, in May, 1813, and was confined, first, at Melville Island, Halifax, then at Chatham in England, and last, at Dartmoor Prison: interspersed with Observations, Anecdotes, &c., &c. 1 vol. 12mo. Boston, 1816. 238 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 4205 Ke:.dall (Geo. Wilkins). Narrative of the Texan Santa Fe Expedition; comprising a Description of a Tour through Texas, and across the great South-western Prairies, &c., &c. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1844-47. 4206 Cip (Rev. William Ingraham). The Christmas Holydays in Rome. 1 vol. 12nmo. New-York, 1846. 4207 Lafayette en Amerique en 1824 et 1825; ou, Journal d'un Voyage aux Etats-Unis. Par A. Levasseur, secretaire du General Lafayette. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1831. 4208 Lahontan (Baron). New Voyages to North America, giving a full Account, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1703, 4209 Lander (Richard and John). Journal of an Expedition to explore the Course and Termination of the Niger; with a Narrative of a Voyage down that River to its Termination. 2 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1836. 4210 Lantier (E. F. de). Voyages d'Antenor-Voyage en Espagne, &c. See Lantier, No. 5430. 4211 Layard (Austen Henry). Nineveh and its Remains: with an Account of a Visit to the Chaldean Christians of Kurdistan, &c., &c. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1848. 4212 Le Gentil (de la Barbinais). Nouveau Voyage autour du Monde, avec une description de l'Empire de la Chine, &c. 3 vols. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1728. 4213 Lewis and Clark (Captains). History of the Expedition of, to the Sources of the Missouri and to the Pacific Ocean: performed during the years 1804, 5, 6. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1814. 4214 Long (Major Stephen I.). Account of the Expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains, performed in the years 1819 and 1820. Compiled by Edwin James, botanist and geologist for the expedition. With Atlas. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1823. 4215 Long (Major Stephen). Narrative of an Expedition to the Source of St. Peter's River, Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods, &c., &c., performed in the year 1823. Compiled by William H. Keating. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1824. 4216 Longfellow (Henry Wadsworth). Outre-Mer: a Pilgrimage beyond the Sea. 3d edition. 1 vol. 12mo. Boston, 1848. 4217 Lowrie (Rev. John C.). Travels in North India. See Lowrie, No. 6011. 4218 Lynch (W. F.). Narrative of the United States' Expedition to the River Jordan and the Dead Sea; with Maps and numerous illustrations. 7th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1850. 4219. Mackenzie (Alexander). Voyages from Montreal, on the River St. Lawrence, through the Continent of North America, to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans: in the years 1789 and 1793. With a preliminary account of the rise, progress, and present state of the Fur Trade. 1st American edition. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1802. 4220 Mackenzie (Alexander S.). A Year in Spain. By a young American. 2d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1830. 4221 Marohand (Etienne). Voyage autour du Monde, pendant les annees 1790, 1791 et 1792; precede d'une introduction historique, &o., par C. P. Claret Fleurieu. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1798-1800. 4222 Sawe (John). Travels in the Interior of Brazil, particularly in the Gold and Diamond Districts of that Country; including a Voyage to the Rio de la Plata, and an Historical Sketch of the Revolution of Buenos Ayres. I vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1816. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 239 4223 ielville (Herman). White-Jacket: or, the World in a Man-of-war. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1850. 4224 Melville (Herman). Redburn~ his First Voyage. I vol. 12mo. New-York, 1850d 4225 Melville (Herman). Mardi, and a Voyage thither. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1849, 4226 Melville (Herman). Typee: a Peep at Polynesian Life, during Four Months' Residence in a Valley of the Marquesas. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1849. 4227 MLichau (F. A.). Travels to the Westward of the Allegany Mountains, in the States of Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee, and return to Charlestown, through the Upper Carolinas, &c., in 1802. Translated from the French by B. Lambert. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1805a 4228 jiers (John). Travels in Chili and La Plata; illustrated by Maps, Views, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 18260 4229 Murray (Hugh). Travels of Marco Polo. See No. 4246. 4230 iutiny of the Bounty. See No. 4245. 4231 Neale (F. A.). Eight Years in Syria, Palestine, and. Asia Minor, from 1842 to 1850. 2d edition. 2 vols. 12lmo London, 1852. 4232 Nile Notes of a Howaclji 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1851. 4233 Olivier (G. A.). Travels in the Ottoman Empire, Egypt, and Persia, undertaken by order of the Government of France, during the first six years of the Republic. With Engravings. 2d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. & Atlas. London, 1801. 4234 Owen (Capt. W. F. W.). Narrative of Voyages to explore the Shores of Africa, Arabia, and Madagascar. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1833. 4235 Park (Mungo). ~ The Life and Travels of. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1840, 4236 Parry (William Edward). Journal of a Voyage for the Discovery of a North-west Passage fiom the Atlantic to the Pacific; performed in the years 1819-20. 2d edition. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1821. 4237 Parry (William Edward). Journal of a Second Voyage for the Discovery of a North-west Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific; performed in the years 1821-22-23. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1824. 4238 Parry (William Edward). Journal of a Third Voyage for the Discovery of a North-west Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific; performed in the years 1824-25. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1826. 4239 Parry (William Edward). Narrative of an Attempt to reach the North Pole, &c. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1828. 4240 Parry (William Edward). Journal of a Voyage for the Discovery of a North-west Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, performed in the years 1819-20: to which is added, the North Georgia Gazette and Winter Chronicle. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1821. 4241 Parry (William Edward). Journal of a Third Voyage for the Discovery of a North-west Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, performed in the years 1824-25. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1826. 4242 Parry (W. E.). Three Voyages for the Discovery of a North-west Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific; and Narrative of an Attempt to reach the North Pole. 2 vols, 18mo. New-York, 1840. 240 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 4243 Pike (Major Z. M.). An Account of Expeditions to the Sources of the Mississippi, and through the Western Parts of Louisiana, to the Sources of the Arkansaw, Kans, La Platte, and Pierre Jaun Rivers, performed in the years 1805, 1806, and 1807; and a Tour through the Interior Parts of New Spain. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1810. 4244 Pinkerton (John). A General Collection of the Best and most Interesting Voyages and Travels in all Parts of the World. 17 vols. 4to. London, 1808-14. 4245 Pitcairls Island. A Description of Pitcairn's Island, and its Inhabitants; with an authentic account' of the Mutiny of the Ship Bounty, and of the subsequent fortunes of the Mutineers. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1838. 4246 Polo (Marco), Travels of, with copious Notes, &c., by Hugh Murray. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1845. 4247 Porter (Capt. David). Journal of a Cruise made to the Pacific Ocean, by Capt. David Porter, in the U. S. Frigate Essex, in the years 1812, 1813, and 1814. (2d edition.) To which is now added the Transactions at Valparaiso, from the Period of the Author's Arrival until the Capture of the Essex; the Fate of the Party left at Madison's Island, under Lieut. (now Major) Gamble; with an Examination of a Review of the first edition of this work in the Quarterly Review. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1822. 4248 uckler Iluskau (Prince). Tour in England, Ireland and France, in the years 1828 and 1829. In a series of Letters, by a German Prince. I vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1833. 4249 Reve re (Joseph Warren). A Tour of Duty in California; including a Description of the Gold Region, and an Account of the Voyage around Cape Horn; with Notices of Lower California, &c., &c. Edited by Jos. N. Balesteer. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1849. 4250 Richardson (Sir John). Arctic Searching Expedition: A Journal of a Boat-Voyage through Rupert's Land and the Arctic Sea, in Search of the D)iscovery Ships under command of Sir John Franklin. With an Appendix on the Physical Geography of North America. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1851. 4251 SRochefoeuoauld-LiJanco urt (De la). Voyage dans les Etats-Unis d'Amerique fait en 1795, 1796 et 1797. 8 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1'799. 4252 Rozet. Voyage dans la lRegence d'Alger; ou, Description du Pays occupe par l'Armee Franqais en Afrique. 3 vols. 8vo. & Atlas. Paris, 1833. 4253 Rux;to (George F.). Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Mountains. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1848. 4254 Ruxton (George F.). Life in the Far West. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1849. 4255 S. John (James Augustus). The Lives of Celebrated Travellers. 3 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1832-37. 4256 Schooloraft (Henry R.). Narrative Journal of Travels from Detroit,. North-West, through the Great Chain of American Lakes to the Sources of the Mississippi River, in the year 1820. 1 vol. 8vo. Albany, 1821. 4257 Scoresby (W.). An Account of the Arctic Regions; with a History and Description of the Northern Whale-Fishery. With engravings. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1820. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 241 4258 Sermmres (Lieut. Raphael). Service Afloat and Ashore during the Mexican War. I vol. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1851. 4259 Simond (Louis). Journal of a Tour and Residence in Great Britain during the years 1810 and 1811. 2d edition, corrected and enlarged; to which is added an Appendix on France, written in December, 1815, and October, 1816. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1817. 4260 Simpson (James H.). Journal of a Military Reconnaissance from Santa Fe, New Mexico, to the Navajo Country. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1852. 4261 Sonnini (C. S.). Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt. Illustrated with engravings. Translated from the French by Henry Hunter. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1799o 4262 Sonnini (C. S.). Travels in Greece and Turkey, undertaken by order of Louis XVI. Illustrated by engravings. Translated from the French. 2 vols. 8vo. & Atlas. London, 1801. 4263 Spencer (Rev. J. A.). The East: Sketches of Travel in Egypt and the Holy Land. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1850. 4264 Stansbury (Howard). Exploration and Survey of the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah. (1 vol. & Maps.) 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Philadelphia, 1852. 4265 StauntonS (George). An Authentic Account of an Embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China; with an Account of Travels in that Empire, &c., &c., and Notices of the Islands of Madeira, Tenerifle, and St. Jago; the Port of Rio de Janeiro, in South America; the Islands of St. Helena, Tristan d'Acunha, and Amsterdam; the Coasts of Java and Sumatra; the Nanka Isles, Pulo-Condore, and Cochin-China. 2d edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1798. 4266 Stephens (John L.). Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan. With engiavings. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York. 1841. 4267 Stephens (John L.). Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. Illustrated by 120 engravings. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1843. 4268 Subaltern's Log-Book; including Anecdotes of well-known Military Characters. (1st vol. only.) 1st vol. 8vo. London, 1828. 4269 Tachard (Guy). Voyage de Siam des peres jesuites, envoyes aux Indes et a la Chine. 1 vol. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1687. 4270 Tachard (P.). Second Voyage du Pere Tachard et des jesuites, au Royaurme de Siam. 1 vol. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1689. 4271 Tappan (Henry P.). A Step from the New World to the Old, and Back Again; with Thoughts on the Good and Evil in Both. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1852. 4272 Tavernier. Les six Voyages de J. B. Tavernier, en Turquie, en Perse, et aux Indes. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1679. 4273 Tavernier (J. B.). Receuil de plusieurs Relations et Traites singuliers et curieux. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1679. 4274 Thornton (J. Quinn). Oregon and California in 1848; with an Appendix on the Gold Mines of California. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1849. 4275 Warburton (Eliot). Crescent and the Cross; or Romance and Realities of Eastern Travel. New edition, complete in one volume. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1849. 16 242 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 4276 Weld (Isaac). Travels through the States of North America, and the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, during the years 1795, 1796, and 1797. With Plates. 3d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1800. 4277 Wortley (Lady Emmeline Stuart). Travels in the United States, &c., during 1849 and 1850. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1851. 4278 Wrangell (Ferdinand von). Narrative of an Expedition to the Polar Sea, in the years 1820, 1821, 1822, and 1823. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1840. UNIVERSAL HISTORY AND CHRONOLOGY. 243 UNIVERSAL HISTORY AND CHRONOLOGY. 4279 Anquetil. A Summary of Universal History, from the Creation to the Present Time. Translated from the French. 9 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1805-9. 4280 Arnold (Thomas). Introductory Lectures on Modern 1-listory; with the Inaugural Lecture. Edited from the second London edition, with a Preface and Notes by Henry Reed. I vol. 12mo. New-York, 1845. 4281 Bayle (Peter). Dictionary, Historical and Critical; to which is prefixed the Life of the Author. Revised, corrected and enlarged, by Mr. Des Maizeaux. 2d edition. 5 vols. fol. London, 1738. 4282 Bigland (John) A Geographical and Historical View of the World: exhibiting a complete delineation of the Natural and Artificial Features of each Country, and a Narrative of the Origin of the different Nations, their Political Revolutions, and Progress in Arts, Science, Literature, Commerce, &c.; with Notes on America, by Jedidiah Morse. 2d American edition. 5 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1812. 4283 Bolingbroke (Viscount). Letters on the Study and Use of History. A new edition. I vol. Svo. Paris, 1808. 4284 Bossuet. Discours sur l'Histoire Universelle, depuis le commencement du Monde jusqu'a l'Empire de Charlemagne. Edition stereotype. 2 vols. 24mo. Paris, 1817. 4285 Boulland (J. F. A. Auguste). Essai d'Histoire Universelle; ou, Expose Comparatif des Traditions de tous les Peuples, depuis les temps primitifs jusqu'a nos jours. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1836. 4286 Buchez. Introduction'a la Science de l'Histoire; ou, Science du developpement de l'Humanite. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1833. 4287 Dictionnaire Universel, Historique, Critique, et Bibliographique, &c., par une Societe de Savans Francais et Etrangers. 9e edition. 20 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1810-12. 4288 Ethnological Society. See No. 4305. 4289 Gillies (John). The History of the World, from the Reign of Alexander to that of Augustus; comprehending the Latter Ages of European Greece, and the History of the Greek Kingdoms in Asia and Africa, from their Foundation to their Destruction; with a Preliminary Survey of Alexander's Conquests, and an Estimate of his Plans for their Consolidation and Improvement. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1809. 4290 Hale (Horatio). Ethnography. See Hale, No. 5563. 4291 Jones (Frederick). Rotteck's History of the World. See No. 4298. 244 UNIVERSAL HISTORY AND CHRONOLOGY. 4292 Launder (Samuel). Treasury of History; consisting of a series of separate Histories of the Principal States and Kingdoms in the World; preceded by an Introductory outline sketch of Universal History, from the earliest ages to the present time. New edition. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1850. 4293 lavor (William). Universal History, Ancient and Modern, from the earliest Records of Time to the General Peace of 1801. 25 vols. 12mo. (3 copies.) New-York, 1803-5. 4294 XSiller (George). Lectures on the Philosophy of Modern History, delivered in the University of Dublin. 6 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1816-24. 4295 Nares (E.). Tytler's General History. See Nos. 4307, 4309. 4296 Priestley (Joseph). Lectures on History and General Policy; to which is prefixed an Essay on a Course of Liberal Education for Civil and Active Life; and an additional Lecture on the Constitution of the United States; with Charts of History and Biography. 1st American edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1803. 4297 Ramsay (David). Universal History; or, an Historical View of the World, from the earliest Records to the year 1808; with a Particular Reference to the State of Society, Literature, Religion, and Form of Government, in the United States of America. To which is annexed a Supplement, containing a Brief View of History, from the year 1808 to the Battle of Waterloo. 9 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1819. 4298 Rotteck (Charles von). General History of the World, from the Earliest Times until the year 1831. Translated from the German, and continued to 1840, by Frederick Jones. 1st American edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840. 4299 Saint-John (Henry, Lord Viscount Bolingbroke). See Bolingbroke, No. 4283. 4300 Schlosser (F. C.). History of the Eighteenth Century, and of the Nineteenth, till the Overthrow of the French Empire; with particular reference to Mental Cultivation and Progress. Translated, with a Preface and Notes, by D. Davison.. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1843-45. 4301 Smyth (William). Lectures on Modern History, from the Irruption of the Northern Nations to the Close of the American Revolution. 3d American edition, revised and corrected, with additions by Jared Sparks. I vol. roy. 8vo. Boston, 1849. 4302 Taylor (W. C.). A Manual of Ancient History; containing the Political History, Geographical Position, and Social State of the Principal Nations of Antiquity. Revised by C. S. Henry. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1845. 4303 Taylor (W. C.). A Manual of Modern History; containing the Rise and Progress of the Principal European Nations, their Political History, and the Changes in their Social Condition; with a History of the Colonies founded by Europeans. Revised, with a chapter on the History of the United States, by C. S. Henry. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1845. 4304 Thierry, (Augustin). Historical Essays, published under the title of dix ans d'Etudes Historiques, and Narratives of the Merovingian Era; or, Scenes of the Sixth Century. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1845. 4305 Transactions of the American Ethnological Society. 1st & 2d vols. 8vo. New-York, 1845-48. 4306 Tytler (Alex. Fraser). Elements of General History, Ancient and Modern. To which are added a Table of Chronology, &c., &c., with Maps. 2d American edition, from the fifth British, 1812. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Philadelphia, 1813. UNIVERSAL HISTORY AND CHRONOLOGY. 245 4307 Tytler (Alex. Fraser). Elements of General History, Ancient and Modern. To which are added a Table of Chronology, and a Comparative View of Ancient and Modern Geography; with Maps. 9th edition, corrected, with considerable additions, by Edward Nares. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1825, 4308 Tytler (Alex. Fraser, Lord Woodhouselee). Universal History, from the Creation of the World to the Beginning of the 18th Century. 3d edition. 6 vols. 18mo. London, 1839. 4309 Tytler (Alex. Fraser) &'Nares (Rev. Edward). Universal History, from the Creation of the World to the Decease of George III., 1820. Edited by an American. 6 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1840. 4310 Universal History, from the Earliest Account to the Present Time; compiled from original Authors. Illustrated with Charts, Maps, Notes, &c., and a General Index to the whole. Part on Ancient History, in 18 vols, Part on Modern History, in 42 vols. 60 vols. 8vo. London, 1776-84. 4311 Woodhouselee (Lord). See Tytler, No. 4308. 4312 Worcester (J. E.). Elements of History, Ancient and Modern; with Historical Charts. 2d edition, l vol. 12mo. Boston, 1826. 246 ANCIENT HISTORY, ANTIQUITIES, AND MYTHOLOGY. ANCIENT HISTORY, ANTIQUITIES, AND MYTHOLOGY. 4313 Adall (Alexander). Roman Antiquities; or, an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Romans, &c. 1st American from the 5th London edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1807. 4314 Appiani (Alex.). Romanarum Eistoriarum quae supersunt Graece et Latine cum indicibus (Pantheon Litteraire). 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Parisiis, 1840. 4315 Arnold (Thomas). The History of Rome. (3 vols in two.) 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1846. 4316 Ar.nold (Thomas). History of the Later Roman Commonwealth, from the End of the Second Punic War to the Death of Julius Cmesar; and of the Reign of Augustus, with a Life of Trojan. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1846. 4317 Arrian'l History of Alexander's Expedition. Translated from the Greek, with Notes Historical, Geographical and Critical, by Mr. Rooke; to which is prefixed Mr. Le Clerc's Criticism upon Quintus Curtius, &c. A new edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1814. 4318 Arrien (Flave). Histoire des Expeditions d'Alexandre; redig6e sur les Memoires de Ptolemee et d'Aristobule ses Lieutenans. Traduction nouvelle par P. Chaussard. 3 vols. 8vo.'& Atlas 4to. Paris, 1802. 4319 Arrien. Expeditions d'Alexandre. See No. 4357. 4320 Art (L') de v6rifier les dates des faits Historique, des Chartes, des Chroniques et autres Anciens Monumens depuis la Naissance de Notre-Seigneur par le Moyen d'une Table Chronologique. Nouvelle edition, par un religieux de la congregation de St.-Maur. 1 vol. fol. Paris, 1770. 4321 Beloe (William). Herodotus. See Nos. 4355, 4356. 4322 Bibliotheque Militaire. See No. 4366. 4323 Bos (Lambert). Antiquities of Greece; with the Notes of Frederick Leisner. Translated from the original Latin, by Percival Stockdale. I vol. Svo. London, 1772. 4324 Botidoux (Le Deist de). Abrege de la vie de Cesar. See No. 4330. 4325 Bryant (Jacob). A New System; or, an Analysis of Ancient Mythology; wherein an attempt is made to divest Tradition of Fable, and to reduce Truth to its original Purity. 3d edition, with Plates. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1807. 4326 Bucke (Charles). Ruins of Ancient Cities; with general and particular Accounts of their Rise, Fall, and Present Condition. 2 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1841. ANCIENT HISTORY, ANTIQUITIES, AND MYTHOLOGY. 247 4327 COesar (Julius), The Commentaries of. Translated into English, to which is prefixed a Discourse concerning the Roman Art of War. By William Duncan. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1806, 4328 Cassar (Julius). Commentaries on the War in Gaul, the Civil War, and the Alexandrian, Afiican, and Spanish Wars. Translated by William Duncan. 2 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1837. 4329 Caesar (Julius). Ses Commentaires, avec des Notes Historiques, Critiques, et Militaire, par M. Le Comte Turpin de Crisse. 2 vols. 4to. Monta-rgis, 1785. 4330 CaGsar (Julius). Commentaires de Cesar; Traduction nouvelle, pr6cldee d'un Coup-d'ceil sur 1Iistoire, l'Etat Politique, Religieux, &c., des Gaulois; et d'un aperlu des Institutions Militaires des Ronmains. On y a joint l'Abrege de la vie de Cesar, &c., par M. le Deist de Botidoux. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1809. 4331 Caesar (Julius). CEuvres complete. See No. 4401. 4332 Condillao. CEuvres completes de, voyez Tomes 12 a 19, Histoire Ancienne; Tomes 20 a 28, Histoire Moderne; Tome 29, Etude de l'Histoire. 18 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1803. 4333 Corneliius Nepos, Quinte-Curce, Justin, Valere Maxime, Julius Obsequelns; CEuvres completes, avec la traduction en Franqais Publiees sous la direction de M. Nisard (Pantheon Litt6raire). 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1841. 4334 Crevier. The History of the Roman Emperors, from Augustus to Constantine. Translated from the French, with a Plan of Ancient Rome, &c. 10 vols. 8vo. London, 1761. 4335 Ctesias. Histoire de Perse; Histoire de l'Inde. See Nos. 4354, 4357. 4336 Diodori Sieuli, Bibliothecae Historicae quae supersunt, ex nova recensione Ludovici Dindorfii Graece et Latine. 1st vol. roy. 8vo. Parisiis, 1842. 4337 Eliot (Samuel). The Liberty: A History. With an Historical Account of the Liberty of Ancient Nations. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1849. 4338 Examen des Historiens d'Alexandre. See No. 4398. 4339 Ferguson (Adam). The History of the Progress and Termination of the Roman Republic. 1st American edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1805. 4340 Ferguson (Adam). The History of the Progress and Termination of the Roman Republic. With Maps. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1783. 4341 Florus (A.). CEuvres. See No. 4401. 4342:Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum (Pantheon Litteraire). 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Parisiis, 1841. 4343 Gibbon (Edward). The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 8 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1805. 4344 Gibbon (Edouard). Histoire de la Decadence et de la Chute de ]'Empire Romain, avec une notice sur l'Auteur par J. A. C. Buchon (Pantheon Litteraire.) 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1835-36. 4345 Gillies (John). The History of Ancient Greece, its Colonies, and Conquests, from the Earliest Accounts till the Division of the Macedonian Empire in the East; including the History of Literature, Philosophy, and the Fine Arts. 1st American from the last London edition. 4 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1814. 4346 Gliddon (George R.). Ancient Egypt. A series of Chapters on Early Egyptian History, Archeology, and other subjects connected with Hieroglyphical Literature. 1 No. Baltimore, 1845. 248 ANCIENT HISTORY, ANTIQUITIES, AND MYTHOLOGY. 4347 Godwyn (Thomas). Moses and Aaron. Civil and Ecclesiastical Rites used by the Ancient Hebrews. Herein likewise is showed what Customs the Hebrews borrowed of Heathen people, &c. 7th edition. 1 vol 8vo. London, 1655. 4348 Goldsmith's Roman History. Abridged by himself, fof the use of Schools. 1st edition, divided into sections for a class-book. 1 vol. 12mo. Ithaca, N. Y., 1841, 4349 Goldsmith (Dr.). The Grecian History, from the Earliest State to the Death of Alexander the Great. To which is added a summary account of the Affairs of Greece, from that Period, to the Sacking of Constantinop]e by the Othomans. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1813. 4350 Grote (George). History of Greece. 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1849-50. 4351 Heeren (A. H. L.). History of the States of Antiquity. Translated from the German by George Bancroft. 1 vol. 8vo. Northampton, 1828. 4352 Herodien. (Euvrages historiques. See No. 4384. 4353 Herodote. Htistoire; vie d'Homere. See No. 4357. 4354 Herodoti. Historiarum Libri IX. Ctesiae Cnidii et Chronographorum, Castoris, Eratosthenis, &c., Graece et Latine cum indicibus. 1 vol, roy. 8vo. Paris, 1844. 4355 Herodotus. Translated from the Greek, with Notes, by the Rev. William Beloe. 1st American fiom the last London edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1814. 4356 Herodotus. Translated by the Rev. William Beloe. 3 vols. 18mo. New-York, 183 6 4357 Historiens Grecs, Choix des Historiens Grecs, avec Notices Biographiques par J. A. C. Buchon. Herodote: —Histoire; Vie d'Homere. Ctesias:Histoire de Perse; Histoire de l'Inde. Arrien:-Expeditions d'Alexandre. Suivis de l'Essai sur la Chronologie d'Herodote et Canon Chronologique de Larcher, avec une Carte des Expeditions d'Alexander (Pantheon Litteraire). 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1837. 4358 Hooke (N.). The Roman History, from the Building of Rome to the Ruin of the Commonwealth. Illustrated with Maps. A new edition. II vols. 8vo. London, 1818. 4359 Hoyt (E.). Antiquarian Researches; comprising a History of the Indian Wars in the country bordering Connecticut River and parts adjacent, and other interesting events, from the first Landing of the Pilgrims, to the Conquest of Canada by the English in 1760, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. Greenfield, 1824. 4360 Jennings (Rev. David)O Jewish Antiquities; or, a Course of Lectures on the three first Books of Godwin's Moses and Aaron; to which is annexed a Dissertation on the Hebrew Language. 2 vols. 8vo. (2 copies.) London, 1808. 4361 Joseph (Flavius). (Euvres Completes de, avec Notice Biographique par J. A. C. Buchon (Pantheon Litteraire). 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1836. 4362 Josephi (Flavii). Opera, Graece et Latine. 1st vol. roy. 8vo. Parisiis, 1845. 4363 Josephus (Flavius). The Genuine Works of. Translated from the original Greek, according to Havercamp's accurate edition, with copious notes, a.nd proper observations. Translated by William Whiston. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1809. 4364 Julius (Obsequens). See Obsequens, No. 4378. ANCIENT HISTORY, ANTIQUITIES, AND MYTHOLOGY. 249 4365 JuStin. CEuvres. See No. 4333. 4366 Liskenne et Sauvan. Bibliotheque Historique et Militaire; contenant Thucydide, Xenophon, Arrien, Cesar, Vegece, Onosander, L'Empereur Leon, Frontin, Polyen, Polybe, &c., &c., et Memoires de Napoleon. (Vol. 2d is incomplete, and Vols. 4 and 5 are wanting.) 6 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1835-42. 4367 Livy. History of Rome. Translated by George Baker. 5 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1836. 4368 Mlalkin. History of Greece, fiom the Earliest Times to its final Subjection to Rome. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1829. 4369 Mayers (M.). The History of the Jews, from their Origin to their Ultimate Dispersion. With many Explanatory Notes. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1824. 4370 Michelet (J.). History of the Roman Republic. Translated by William Hazlitt. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1847. 4371 Milman (Rev. H. H.). The History of the Jews, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. With Maps and Engravings. 3 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1836. 4372 Mitford (William). The History of Greece. With a Memoir of the Author, by his Brother, Lord Redesdale. 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1829. 4373 Muller (C. O.). Ancient Art and its Remains; or, a Manual of the Archeology of Art. New edition, with numerous additions by F. G. Welcker. Translated from the German by John Leitch. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1850. 4374 Murphy (Arthur). Works of Corn. Tacitus. See Tacitus, No. 44^.7. 4375 NSepos (Cornelius). See Cornelius, No. 4333. 4376 Niebuhr (B. G.). Histoire Romaine de. Traduit de l'Allemand sur la troisieme edition par M. P. A. de Gobbery. 7 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1830-40. 4377 Niebuhr (B. G.).' The History of Rome..Translated by Julius Charles Hare and Connop Thirlwall. From the 3d London edition, revised. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1844,. 4378 Obsequens (Julius). CEuvres. See No. 4333. 4379 Paterculus (C. Velleius). (Euvres. See No. 4401. 4380 Pausaniae, Veteris Graeciae Descriptio. Romulus Amasaeus Vertit. 1 vol. fol. Florentiae, 1551,. 4381 IPauw (de). Philosophical Dissertations on the Greeks. Translated from the French. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1793, 4382 Playfair (James). A System of Chronology. 1 vol. fol. Edinburgh, 1784. 4383 Polybe. Son Histoire; nouvellement traduit du Grec par Vincent Thiullier, avec un Commentaire, par M. de Folard. (2 copies, vols. 5 & 6 are wanting to one copy.) 6 vols. 4to. Paris, 1727-30, 4384 Polybe, Herodien et Zozime, ouvrages Historiques de, avec Notices Biographiques (Pantheon Litteraire). 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1836. 4385 Polybii. Historiarum Reliquae, Graece et Latine cum indicibus (Pantheon, Litteraire). (2 vols. in one.) 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 18390. 4386 Polybius. The General History of Polybius. Translated from the Greek. by Mr. Hampton. 5th edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1823. 4387 Poole (Reginald Stuart). Horae Aegypticae; or, the Chronology of Ancient Egypt. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1851o. 250 ANCIENT HISTORY, ANTIQUITIES, AND MIYTHOLOGY. 4388 Potter (John). Archaeologia Graeca; or, the Antiquities of Greece; 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1804, 4389 Quinte-Curce. (Euvres. See No. 4333. 4390 Robertson (William). An Historical Disquisition concerning the Knowledge which the Ancients had of India, and the Progress of Trade with that Country prior to the Discovery of the Passage to it by the Cape of Good Hope. With an Appendix, containing Observations on the Civil Policy, Laws, Judicial Proceedings, &c. 1 vol. 12mo. Utrecht & Rotterdam, 1792. 4391 Robertson (William). The same. 1st American from the 5th London edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1812, 4392 Robinson (John). Archaeologia Graeca; or, the Antiquities of Greece. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1827. 4393 Rollin. History of the Arts and Sciences of the Antients, under the following Heads: Vol. 1st, Agriculture, Commerce, Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, Music, the Art Military. Vol. 2d, Art Military, Grammar, Philology, Rhetoric, Poetry. Vol. 3-d, Poetry, History, Eloquence, Philosophy, Civil Law, Metaphysics and Physics, Physic, Botany, Chymistry, Anatomy, Mathematics, Geometry, Astronomy, Arithmetic, Geography, and Navigation. Translated from the French. 2d edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1768. 4394 Rollin. The Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians; Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Macedonians and Grecians. Translated fiom the French. 12th edition. (Vol. 1st is wanting.) 8 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1807-11. 4395 Rollin. The same. 14th edition. 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1821. 4396 Rollin. CEuvres Completes de, avec Notes et Eclaircissements sur les Sciences, les Arts, l'Industrie et le Commerce des Anciens, par Emile Beres, Histoire Ancienne. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. & Atlas. Paris, 1836. 4397 Russell (William). The History of Ancient Eulope. With a view of theRevolutions in Asia and Africa. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1801. 4398 Sailte-Croix (G.). Examen Critique des Anciens Historiens d'Alexandrele-Grand. 2- edition, considerablement augmentee. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1804, 4399 Sallustii (C. Crispi). Opera Omnia, quae extant interpretatione et notis, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1804. 4400 Sallust. History of the Juglurthine War, and of the Conspiracy of Catiline. Translated by William Rose, with improvements, and Notes. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1837. 4401 Salluste, Jules Cesar, C. Ve]leius, Peterculus et A. Florus; (Euvres Completes, avec la traduction en Francais, publiees sous la direction, de M. Nisard. (Collection des Auteurs Latins.) 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1837. 4402 Sauvan. Bibliotheque Militaire. See No. 4366. 4403 Schmitz (Dr. Leonhard). History of Greece, mainly based upon that'of Connop Thirlwall. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1851. 4404 Schmitz (Dr. Leonhard). A History of Rome, from the Earliest Times to the Death of Commodus. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1847. 4405 Smith (Joshua Toulmin). Comparative View of Ancient History; with Observations on Chronological Elas, &c., &c. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1839. 4406 Tacite. (Euvres Completes de Tacite, avec la Traduction en Frangais. Publiees sous la direction de M. Nisard (Pantheon Litteraire). 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1840. ANCIENT HISTORY, ANTIQUITIES, AND MYTHOLOGY. 251 4407 Tacitus. The Works of Cornelius Tacitus; by Arthur Murphy: with an Essay on the Life and Genius of Tacitus, Notes, Supplements, and Maps. 4 vols. 4to. London, 1793. 4408 Thirlwall (Rev. Connop). A History of Greece. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1845. 4409 Thacydides. Atheniensis Historici graecissimi de Bello Peloponesii Atheniensium que Libri octo Laurentio Vallen interprete accuratissimo. Unacum vita authoris totius que tabella post opus apponenda. 1 vol. 4to. —, 1513. 4410 Th-u. yddles. Historia belli Peloponnesiaci, cum nova translatione Latina; F. Haasii accedunt Marcellini Vita, Sholia Graeca emendatius expressa. (Collection des Auteurs Grecs.) 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1840. 4411 Thucydides. I-listory of the Peloponnesian War. Translated from the Greek, by William Smith. New edition. 2 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1836. 4412 Thucydides et Xenophon, (Euvres Completes de, avec Notices Biographiques, par J. A. C. Buchon (Pantheon Litteraire.) I vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1836. 4413 Tl te-Live. (Euvres de Tite-Live (Histoire Romaine), avec la Traduction en FranGais, Publi6es sous la direction de M. Nisard (Pantheon Litt6raire). 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1838-39. 4414 Valere (Maxime). (Euvres. See No. 4333. 4415 Volney (C. F. de). Recherches Nouvelles sur l'Histoire Ancienne. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1814, 4416 Wheaton (Henry). I-History of the Northmen, or Danes and Normans, from the Earliest-Times to the Conquest of England by William of Normandy. I 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1831. 4417 Wilkinsso (J. G.). Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, including their Private Life, Government, Laws, Arts, Manufactures, Religion, and Early IHistory. Illustrated by Drawings. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1837. 4418 Wilkinson (J. G.). A Second Series of the Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, &c., &c. 3 vols. 8vo. with Plates. London, 1841. 4419 Xeiophontis. Scripta quae supersunt, Graece et Latine (Pantheon Litteraire). 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Parisiis, 1838. 4420 Xesnophon. The Anabasis. Translated by Edward Spelman. The Cyropedia. Translated by the Hon. Maurice Ashley Cooper. 2 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1836. 4421 Xenophon. L'Expdcition de Cyrus; ou, la Retraite des Dix-Mille, ouvrage traduit du Grec par M. le Comte de la Luzerne. 3e edition, revue, corrigee et augmentee. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1786. 4422 Xenophon. (Euvres. See No. 4412. 4423 Zozii.e. Ouvrages Historiques. See No. 4384. 252 MODERN HISTORY OF CONTINENTAL EUIROP MODEBN HISTORY OF CONTINENTAL EURTOPEP 4424 Adams (Rev. John). The History of Spain, from the Establishiment of the Colony of Gades by the Pheenicians, to the Death of Ferdinand, surnamed the Sage. 2 vols. Svo. Dublin, 17933' 4425 Alison (Archibald). History of Europe, fiom the Commencement of the French Revolution, in 1789, to the Restoration of the Bourbons in 1815. 10 vols. 8vo. Paris, i841-42o 4426 Alison. Atlas to Alison's History of Europe. Constructed and Arranged under the direction of Mr. Alison, by Alex. Keith Johnston. I vol. obl. 4to, London, 1850. 4427 Bigland (John). Histoire dEspagne, depuis la plus ancienne Epoque jusqu'h la fin de l'annee 1809. Traduit de l'Anglais, et continuee jusqu'a l'Epoque de la Restauration de 1814. Ouvrage revue et corrigee par le Comte Mathieu Dumas. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1823. 4428 Botta (Charles). Histoire d:Italie de 1789 a 1814. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824, 4429 Card (Henry). The History of the Revolutions of Russia, to the Accession of Catharine the Fiirt; including a concise Review of the Manners and Customs of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. 2d edition. I vol. 8vo. London, 1804. 4430 Conde6 (de M. Joseph). Histoire de la Domination des Arabes et des Maures en Espagne et en Portugal, depuis l'invasion de ces Peuples jusqu'a leur expulsion definitive; r6digee sur 1'Histoire traduite de 1'Arabe en Espagnol de M. Joseph Conde, par M. de Marles. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 4431 Criciton (A.) & Wheaton (H.). Scandinavia, Ancient and Modern; being a History of Denmark, Sweden and Norway. 2 vols. 18mo, New-York, 1850. 4432 Daru (P.). Histoire de la Republique de Venise. 2" edition, revue et corrigee. 8 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1821. 4433 Dumas (Comte Mathieu). Bigland's Histoire d'Espagne. See No. 4427. 4434 Dunham. History of Spain and Portugal. 5 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1844. 4435 Filon. Histoire Comparee de France et d'Angleterre. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1832, 4436 Fletcher (James). The History of Poland, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. With a Narrative of the Recent Events. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1836. 4437 Florian (M.). History of the Moors of Spain. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, ~ MODERN HISTORY OF CONTINENTAL EUROPE. 253 4438 rroissart (Sir John). Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the Adjoining Countries, from the Latter Part of the Reign of Edward II., to the Coronation of Henry IV. Translated from the French edition, &c., by Thomas Johnes. 2d edition. To which is prefixed a Life of the Author,.an Essay on his Works, a Criticism on his History, and a Dissertation on his Poetry. (Vol. 1st wanting.) 12 vols. Svo. & Plates. London, 1805-6. 4439 Froissart (Sire Jean). Les Chroniques de, France, Angleterre, Breltaigne, Bourgogne, Escosse, Espaigne, Portingal et es autres Parties, nouvellement Revues et augmentees d'apres les Manuserits, avec Notes, Eclaircissemens, Tables et Glossaire, par J. A. C. Buchon (Pantheon Litteraire). 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1835. 4440 Gusicciardini (Francesco). Histoire d'Italie de Fanune 1492 a 1annee 1532, avec Notice Biographique par J. A. C. Buchon (Pantheon Litteraire). 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1836. 4441 Guizot. General History of Civilization in Europe, from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution. With notes by C. S. Henry. 3d American from the 2d English edition. 4 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1846. 4442 Hallam (Henry). View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages. 4th edition, revised and corrected. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1826. -4443 Heeren (A. H. L.). History of the Political System of Europe, and its Colonies, from the Discovery of America to the Independence of the American Continent. From the German. 2 vois. 8vo. (2 copies.) Northampton, 1829. 4444 History of Switzerland, from B. C. 110 to A. D. 1830. 1 vol. 1Smo. New-York, 1844. 4445 Irving (Washington). Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1851. -446 James (G. P. B.). The History:of Chivalry and the Crusades. I vol. 18mo. New-York, 1838. 4447 Jones (Stephen). The History of Poland, from its Origin as a Nation, to the Commencement of the year 1795. To which is prefixed an accurate Account of the Geegraphy acnd Government of that Country, and the Customs and Manners of its Inhabitants. 1 vol. 8vo. Dublin, 1795. 4448 Kohlrausch (Frederick). History of Germany, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Translated from the last German edition, by James D. Haas, with a complete Index. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. New-York, 1847. 4449 Laborde (Alexandrle de). Itineraire Descriptif de FEspagne, et Tableau Elementaire des diff6rentes branches de PAdministration et de'industrie do ce Royaume. 2e edition. 5 vols. 8vo. & Atlas. Paris, 1809. 4450 Lacteped (Comte de). Histoire Generale, Physique et Civile de l'Europe, depuis les dernieres annees du.cinqnuieme siecle jusque vers le Milieu du dix-huitieme. 18 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1826. 4451 Landmann (George). Historical, Military, and Picturesque Observations on Portugal; with 75 Colored Plates. 2 vols. fol. (2 copies.) London, 1818. 4452 BEareles (de). CondS's Dominations des Arabes. See No. 4430. 4453 Mgills (Charles). History of the Crusades, for the Recovery and Possession of the Holy Land. 1st American from the 3d London edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1826, -4454 Naylor (Francis Hare). The Civil and Military History of Germany, fiom the Landing of Gustavus to the Conclusion of the Treaty of Westphalia. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1816. 2054 MODERN HISTORY OF CO/NTINEiVTAL EUROPE. 4455 Nellerto. Miemoires pour servir a Il'istoire de la Revolution d'Espagnc,, avec des Pieces justificatives. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1814-15: 4456 Oginski (Michel). Memoires sur la Pologne et les Polonais, depuis 1788 jusqu'' a fin de 1815. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1826-27> 4457 Oginski (Michel). Observations sur la Pologne et les Polonais, pour servir d'introduction aux Memoires de Michel Og'iski. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1827. 4458 Perceval (George). The History of Italy, from the Fall of the Western Empire, to the Commencement of the Wars of the French Revolution. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1825. 4459 Perrard (J. Ferreol). Precis de liHistoire du Moyen Age et de l'Histoire Moderne. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1833. 4460 Pradt (M.'de). Memoires Historiques sur la Revolution dc'Espagne. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1816. 4461 Pradt (M. de). De la Revolution actuelle de 1'Espagne, et de ses suites. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1820. 4462 Prescott (William H.). History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella. the Catholic. 3d edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1838. 4463 Ranke (Leopold). Memoirs of the House of Brandenburg, and History of Prussia. Translated from the German by Sir Alexander and Lady Duff Gordon. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1849. 4464 Robertson (William). The History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V. 1st American from the 10th London edition. 3 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1804. 4465 Robertson. Extraits de lIntroduction a l'Histoire de Charles-Quint, et Precis des troubles Civils de Castille. Traduits par MM. Dufau et Gr let, Publies et pr6cedees d'une Preface par M. de Pradt. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1823. 4466 Robereson (W.). CEuvres Completes de, precedees d'une notice par J. A. C. Buchon. Tome 1er, Iistoire de l'Empereur Charles-Quint; Recherches Historiques sur l'Inde Ancienne. Tome 2, Histoire d'Ecosse; Histoire d'Amerique (Pantheon Litteraire). 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1836. 4467 Roux-Perraand (H.) Histoire des Progres de ]a Civilization en Europe. depuis l'ere Chretienne jusqu'au XIX. siecle. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1833-41. 4468 Russell (William). The History of Modern Europe. With an Account of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, and a View of the Progress of Society, from the Rise of the Modern Kingdoms to the Peace of Paris' 1763. A new edition. 5 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1800-1. 4469 Sforzosi. A Compendious History of Italy. Translated from the original Italian by Nathaniel Greene. 1 vol. I8mo. New-Yorki, 1'36' 4470 Sismondi (J. C, L. Simonde). Histoire des Republiques Italiennes du. Moyen Age. 16 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1809-18.. 4471 Sismondi (J. C. L. LSimond de). History of the Crusades against the Albigenses in the 13th century. Translated from the French. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1826... 4472 Spalding (Win.). Italy and the Italian Islands. 3 vols. 18mo. New-Yor, 4473 Stael I-olstein (Baroness). Germany. Translated from thle French, A new edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1814. 4474 Svwitzrlandc History of, from B. C 110 to A. D. 1830. I vol. 18mo. Noew-York, 1844; MIODERN HISTORY OF CONTINENTAL EUROPEo 255 4475 Thomson (William). Reign of Philip III. See No. 4480. 4476 Toolre (Le Reverend). Histoire de l'Empire de Russie, sous le Regne de Catherine II., et a la fin d ix-huitieme siecle. Traduite de l'Anglais, sur la deuxieme edition par M. S....., &c. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1801. 4477 Venetian History. Sketches fron Venetian History. 2 vols. 18mo.. New-York, 1834. 4478 Vertot (l'Abbe de). Histoire des Chevaliers Hospitaliers de St. Jean de Jerusalem, appelles depuis Chevaliers de Rhodes, et aujourd'hui Chevaliers de Malth, (Vols, Ist, 6th, and 7th are wanting.) 4 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1761. 4479 Watson (Robert). The History of the Reign of Philip the Second, King of Spain. 5th edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1794. 4480 Watson (R.) & Thomson (W.). The History of the Roign of Philip the Third, King of Spain. The first four Books by Watson, the last two by Thomson. 3d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1793. 4481 Wraxall (N. William). Memoirs of the Courts of Berlin, Dresden, Warsaw, and Vienna, in the years 1777, 1778, and 1779. 3d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1806. 256 ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND IRISH HISTORY, ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND IRISH HISTORY. 4482 Aiken (Lucy). Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth. 6th edition, revised and corrected. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1826, 4483 Berkley (Sir John). Memoires. See No. 4502. 4484 Bisset (Robert). History of the Reign of George III. to the termination of the late war. To which is prefixed a View of the Progressive Improvement of England in Prosperity and Strength, to the Accession of His Majesty. New edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Baltimore, 1810-11. 4485 Bisset (Robert). History of the Reign of George III. To which is prefixed a View of the Progressive Improvement of England in Prosperity and Strength, to the Accession of His Majesty. 2d edition. 6 vols. 8vo. (2 copies.) London, 1820. 4486 Brodie (George). A History of the British Empire, from the Accession of Charles I. to the Restoration; with an Introduction, tracing the Progress of Society, and the Constitution, from the Feudal Times to the Opening of the History, &c. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1822. 4481 Buckingham (Due de). Memoires. See No. 4502. 4488 Burnet (Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury). History of his own Time; with the Suppressed Passage of the first Volume, and Notes by the Earls of Dartmouth and Hardwicke, and Speaker Onslow, hitherto unpublished. To which are added the Cursory Remarks of Swift, and other Observations. 6 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1823. 4489 Burnet (Eveque de Salisbury). Memoires. See No. 4502. 4490 Charles Ier. Memoires. See No. 4502. 4491 Charles STme. Memoires, See No. 4502. 4492 Chronicles of London Bridge. By an Antiquary. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1827. 4493 Clarendon (Lord). Memoires. See No. 4502. 4494 Clarendon (Lord Henry, fils du Comte). Memoires. See No. 4502. 4495 Craik (G. L.) and iacfarlane (Chas.). Pictorial History of England: being a History of the People, as well as a History of the Kingdom. Illustrated with several hundred Woodcuts. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. New-York, 1846-48. 4496 Ducarel (Andrew Coltee). Antiquites Anglo-Normandes. Traduites de l'Anglais par A. L. Lechaude D'Anisy. Avec Planches. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Caen, 1823. 4497 Fairfax. Memoires. See No. 4502. 4498 Godwin (William). History of the Commonwealth of England, from its Commencement to the Restoration of Charles the Second. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1824-28. ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND IRISH HISTORY. 257 4499 Goldsmith (Dr.). The History of England, from the Earliest Times to the Death of George II. A Continuation, from the Commencement of the Reign of George III. to the Peace of Amiens in 1802, by the Rev. Manley Wood. 1st American, from the 9th London edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1814-15. 4500 Gordon (Rev. James). A History of Ireland, from the Earliest Account to the Accomplishment of the Union with Great Britain in 1801. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1806. 4501 Guizot. Histoire de la Revolution d'Angleterre, depuis l'avenement de Charles I" jusqu'a la Restauration de Charles II. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1826-27. 4502 Guizot. Collection des Memoires relatifs a la Revolution d'Angleterre. 1.e Proces de Charles Ier; Eikon Basilike; Memoires de Charles II. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1823. 2". Memoires de Lord Clarendon, sous le Regne de Charles II. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1823-24 3. Journal de Lord Henry Clarendon, fils du Comte de Clarendon,sur les annees 1687, 88, 89, 90. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1824. 4e. Histoire de mon Temps, par Burnet. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824. 5. Memoires de Jacques II. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824-25. 6". Mmnoires de Mistress Hutchinson. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1823.?7. Memoires de Ludlow. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1823. 8". Memoires de Sir Thomas Herbert, et de Sir John Berkley. i vol. 8vo. Paris, 1823. 9". Histoire du Long-Parlement convoque par Charles I" en 1640; par Thomas May. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1823. 10~. Memoires de Hollis, de Huntington et de Fairfax. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1823. I1e. Melmoires de Sir John Reresby, et Memoires du Due de Buckingham. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1824. 12e. Memoires de Sir Philip WXarwick sur le Redgne de Charles I", et ce qui s'est passe depuis la mort de Charles I"r jusqu'a la Restauration des Stuart. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1823. 4503 Hallam (Henry). The Constitutional History of England, from the Accession of Henry VII. to the Death of George II. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1827. 4504 Haugssez (Le Baron d'). La Grande-Bretagne en 1833. 2m edcition, revue, corrigee et augmentee. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1834. 4505 Henry (Robert). The History of Great Britain, from the first Invasion of it by the Romans under Julius Caesar. 6th edition. 12 vols. 8vo. London, 1824. 4506 Herbert (Sir Thomas). Memoires. See No. 4502. 4507 Hollis. Me'moires. See No. 4502. 4508 Huglhes (Rev. T. S.). History of England, fiom the Accession of George 1II., 1760, to the Accession of Queen Victoria, in 1837. 3d edition. 7 vols. 8vo. London, 1846. 4509 Hume (David). The History of England, from the Invasion of Julius Caesar, to the Revolution in 1688. A new edition, with the Author's last corrections and improvements, &c. 8 vols. 8vo. (2 copies.) London, 1823. 4510 Hume (D.) and Smollett (T.). The History of England. Vols. 1st and 2d wanting.) 12 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1796-97. 17 258 ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND IRISH HISTORY. 4511 Huntington. Memoires. See No. 4502. 4512 Hutchinson (Mistress). Memoires. See No. 4502. 4513 Jacques II. Memoires. See No. 4502. 4514 Keightley (Thomas). The History of England, from the Earliest Period to 1839. From the second London edition, with Notes, &c. by the American Editor. 5 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1840-41. 4515 Lingard (John). A History of England from the first Invasion by the Romans. (Vols. 13 & 14 are wanting.) 3d ed. 12 vols. 8vo. London, 1825-29. 4516 0Ludlow. Memoires. See No. 4502. 4517 Ilacaulay (Thomas Babington). History of England from the Accession of James II. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1849. 4518 Mlacfarlane (Charles). Pictorial History of England. See No. 4495. 4519 Mackintosh (Rt. Hon. Sir James). The History of England. (Lardner's Cyclopaedia.) 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1830-31. 4520 MIahon (Lord). History of England, from the Peace of Utrecht to the Peace of Paris. Edited by Henry Reed. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1849. 4521 Mlay. Memoires. See No. 4502. 4522 Miege (Guy). The New State of England, under their Majesties King William and Queen Mary. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1691. 4523 Palgrave (Francis). The Rise and Progress of the English Commonwealth. Anglo-Saxon Period. Containing the Anglo-Saxon Policy, and the Institutions arising out of the Laws and Usages which prevailed before the Conquest. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1832. 4524 Pictorial History of England. See No. 4495. 4525 Reresby (Sir John). Memoires. See No. 4502. 4526 Robertson (William). The History of Scotland during the Reigns of Queen Mary and King James VI. till his Accession to the Crown of England: with a Review of the Scottish History previous to that Period; and an Appendix containing Original Papers. 5th edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1766. 4527 Robertson (William). The History of Scotland during the Reigns of Queen Mary and King James VI. till his Accession to the Crown of England: with a Review of the Scottish History previous to that Period; and an Appendix containing Original Papers. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1819. 4528 Scott (Sir Walter). The History of Scotland. (Lardner's Cyclopaedia.) 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1830. 4529 Smollett (T.). The H-istory of England, from the Revolution to the Death of George the Second. Designed as a Continuation of Mr. Hume's History. A new edition, with the Author's last Corrections and Improvements. 5 vols. 8vo. (2 copies.) London, 1823. 4530 Smollett (T.). History of England. See No. 4510. 4531 Taylor (W. C.). History of Ireland, from the Anglo-Norman Invasion till the Union of the Country with Great Britain: with Additions by William Sampson. 2 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1833-36. 4532 Thierry (Augustin). Histoire de la Conquete de l'Angleterre par les Normands, de ces causes, et de ces suites jusqu'a nos jours, en Angleterre, en Ecosse, en Irelande et sur le Continent. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 4533 Turner (Sharon). The History of the Anglo-Saxons, from the Earliest Period to the Norman Conquest. 5th edit. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1828. ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND IRISH HISTORY. 259 4534 Turner (Sharon). The History of England during the Middle Ages. Vol. 1st comprising the reigns from the Norman Conquest to the accession of Edward I. Vol. 2d, from the accession of Edward I. to the first part of the reign of Henry VI. Vol. 3d, from the first part of the reign of Henry VI. to part of the reign of Richard III. Vol. 4th, latter part of the reign of Richard III., the reign of Henry VII., and the literary history of England. Vol. 5th, the history of Religion,-the progress to its Reformation, -the history of the English Poetry, Language, &c., &c. 2d edition. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1825. 4535 Turner (Sharon). The History of the Reign of Henry the Eighth: comprising the Political History of the Commencement of the English Reformation. 2d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1827. 4536 Turner (Sharon). The History of the Reigns of Edward the Sixth, Mary, and Elizabeth. 2d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1829. 4537 Warwick (Sir Philippe). Memoires. See No. 4502. 4538 Whitelock. Memorials of the English Affairs; or, an Historical Account of what passed from the Beginning of the Reign of King Charles the First, to King Charles the Second his happy Restoration. Containing the Public Transactions, Civil and Military; together with the Private Consultations and Secrets of the Cabinet. A new edition. 1 vol. fol. London, 1732. 4539 Wood (Rev. Manley). Goldsmith's History of England. See No. 4499. 260 FRENCH HISTORY AND CIVIL MEMOIRS. FRENCH HISTORY AND CIVIL MEMOIRS, 4540 Abbon. Memoires. See No. 4640. 454i Abrantes (M-e la Duchesse d'). Memoires de; ou, Souvenirs Historiques sur Napoleon, la Revolution, le Directoire, &c. 18 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1831-35. 4542 Abrantes (Duchess d'). Memoirs of the. (Complete in one volume.) I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1832. 4543 Adolphus (John). Biographical Memoirs of the French Revolution. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1799. 4544 Alberic ou Albert D'Aix. Memoires. See No. 4640. 4545 Albert ou Alberic. See No. 4544. 4546 Angoulesme (Due d'). Memoires du. See No. 4588. 4547 Anonyme de St. Gall (L'). Memoires. See No. 4640. 4548 Anquetil. Histoire de France, avec une Notice par Leonard Gallois. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1837. 4549 Anquetil. Histoire de France. Depuis les Gaulois jusqu'a la mlort de Louis XVI. 2"M edition. 14 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1813. 4550 Argenson (Marquis d'). Memoires du, avec une notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de l'Auteur, par Rene d'Argenson. (Collection des Memoires.) I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 4551 Astronome (L'). Memoires. See No. 4640. 4552 Aubigne Theodore Agrippa d'). Memoires. See No. 4593. 4553 Bailly. Memoires de, avec une Notice sur sa Vie, des Notes et des Eclaircissemens historiques, par MM. Berville et Barriere. (Relatifs a la R6volution Francaise.) 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1821-22. 4554 Barbaroux (Charles). Memoires de, avec une Notice sur sa Vie, par M. Oge Barbaroux, son fils, et des Eclaircissemens historiques par MM. Berville et Barriere. (Relatifs a la Revolution Fran9aise.) 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1822. 4555 Bausset (L.-F.J. de). Memoires anecdotiques sur l'Interieur du Palais et sur quelques evenemens de l'Empire depuis 1805 jusqu'au 1er Mai, 1814, pour servir a l'histoire de Napoleon, avec deux portraits et cent vingt fac-simile. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1827-29. 4556. [Bayart (Le Chev.). Histoire. See No. 4642. 4557 Bellay (Messire Martin du). Memoires de. See No. 4642. 4558 Bernard le Tresorier. Memoires. See No. 4640. 4559 Besenval (Baron de). Memoires du, avec une Notice sur sa Vie, des Notes et des Eclaircissemens historiques, par MM. Berville et Barriere. (Relatifs a la Revolution Francaise.) 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1821. FRENCH HISTORY AND CIVIL MEMOIRS, 261 4560 Bignon. SHistoire de France sous Napoleon, depus le 18 Brumaire jusqu'en 1812. 10 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1829-38. 4561 Bodin (Felix). Histoire de la Revolution. See No. 4727. 4562 Bonaparte. See Napoleon, No. 4686. 4563 Bonchamps (Mm la Marquise de). Memoires de, rediges par Mhe la Comtesse de Genlis; suivis des piSces justificatives. (Relatifs a la Revolution Francaise.) I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1823. 4564 Bouchard. Memoires. See No. 4640. 4565 Bouchet (J.). Chronique. See No. 4594. 4566 Bouille (Marquis de). M6moires du, avec une Notice sur sa Vie, des Notes et des Eclaircissemens historiques, par MM. Berville et Barriere. 22" edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1822 4567 Bouille (Marquis de). Memoire sur l'affaire de Varennes, comprenant le memoir inedit de Bouille. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1823. 4568 Bouillon (Due de). Memoires du. See No. 4712. 4569 Bourrienne. Memoires de, sur Napoleon, le Directoire, le Consulat, l'Empire et la Restauration. 10 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1829. 4570 Buchez (B.-J.-B.) et Roux (P.-C.). Histoire Parlementaire de la Revolution Francaise; ou, Journal des Assemblees Nationales, depuis 1789 jusqu'en 1815. 40 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1834. 4571 Buchon (J. A. C.). Chroniques Etrangeres relatives aux Expeditions Franraises, pendant le XIIP SiScle. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1841. 7572 Buchon (J. A. C.). Recherches et materiaux pour servir a une Histoire de la Domination Francaise aux XIIIe, XIVe et XVe Siecles dans les Provinces demembrees de l'Empire Grec a la suite de la quatrieme Croisade. (2 vols. in 1.) 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1840. 4573 Buonaparte (Jacques). Sac de Rome en 1527. See No. 4642. 4574 Camille Desmoulins. See Desmoulins, No. 4602. 4575 Campan (Mme.). Memoires sur la vie priv6e de Marie Antoinette, Reine de France et de Navarre; suivis de souvenirs et anecdotes Historiques sur les Regnes de Louis XIV., de Louis XV. et de Louis XVI. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1822. 4576 Carlyle (Thomas). The French Revolution: a History. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1848. 4577 Carne (Louis de). Vues sur l'istoire Contemporaine. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1833. 4578 Castelnau (Michel de). Memoires de. See No. 4712. 4579 Cayet (P. Victor Palma). Chronologie Novenaire et Septenaire. See No. 4588. 4580 Chastelain (Sire George). CEuvres IHistoriques in6dites de, (Pantheon Litteraire Collection Chronique). I vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1837. 4581 Chastelain (George). Chronique. See No. 4594. 4582 Chastre (De la). See Lachastre, No. 4646. 4583 Cheverny (Phil. Hurault Comte de). Memoires. See No. 4664. 4584 Choiseul (Due de). Histoire et proces des Naufrages de Calais. Extraits de ses Memoires. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1824. 4585 Choiseul (Duc de). Relation du depart de Louis XVI. (Bound with Barbaroux work. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1822. 4586 Choisnin (J.). Memoires de. See No. 4712. 4587 Christine (de Pisan). Chronique. See No. 4605. 262 FRENCH HISTORY AND CIVIL MEMOIRS. 4588 Chronologie Novenaire.-Chronologie Septenaire, par Victor Palma Cayet. —Memoire de Michel de Marillac.-Memoires d'Estat de Villeroy.Memoires du Due d'Angoulesme (Pantheon Litteraire). 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1836. 4589 Cimber (L.) et Danjou (F.). Archives curieuses de l'Histoire de France, depuis Louis XI. jusqu'a Louis XVIII.; ou, Collection de pieces rares et inter6ssantes, telles que Chroniques, Memoires, Pamphlets, Lettres, Vies, Proces, Testamens, Executions, Sieges, Batailles, Massacres, Entrevues, Fetes, Ceremonies Funebres, &c., &c., &c., Publiees d'apres les Textes conserves a la Bibliotheque Royale, et accompagn6es de Notices et d'Eclaircissemens, Ce recueil est divise en trois s6ries; la Ire, de Louis XI. a Louis XIII., la 2e serie de Louis XIII. jusqu'h la mort de Louis XIV., la 3e serie, Louis XV. a Louis XVIII. 1 e serie, 15 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1834-37. 2 s6rie, 12 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1837-40. (Of the 2d series, Vol. 7 is missing.).3e serie wanting. 4690 Clery (P. L. Hanet). Memoires de, Ancien Valet de Chambre de Madamne Royale, aujourd'hui Dauphine, et Frere de Clery, dernier Valet de Chambre de Louis XVI., avec les Portraits des deux Freres. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 4591 Clery. Journal de, suivi des dernieres heures de Louis Seize, par M. Edgeworth de Firmont du recit des evenemens arrives au Temple, par Madame Royale, Fille du Roi. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 4592 Colligny (G. de). Siege de St. Quentin. See No. 4712. 4593 Commentaires des l'Estat de la Religion et Republique sous les Rois Henry et Franqois Seconds et Charles IX., par Pierre de la Place.-Hisi toire de l'Estat de France, tant de la Republique que la R6ligion, sous le Regne de Franqois II.-Le Livre de Marchands, par Louis Regnier de la Planche.-Me6moires de Theodore Agrippa d'Aubigne.-Commentaires des dernieres guerres en la Gaule Belgique entre Henry II., Charles V., et Philippe son Fils, par Francois de Rabutin (Pantheon Litteraire Collection Chronique). I vol. roy 8vo. Paris, 1836. 4594 Cornmines (Philippe de). Memoires sur les Regnes de Louis XI. et Charles VIII., Guillaume de Villeneuve.-Memoires sur l'Expedition de Naples, Olivier de La Marche.-M6moire sur ]a Maison de Bourgogne, George Chastelain.-Chronique de J. de La Lain, J. Bouchet.-Chronique de la Tremouille (Pantheon Litteraire Collection Chronique). 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1836. 4595 Condorcet. M6moires de, sur la Revolution Frangaise, extraits de sa Correspondance et de celles de ses Amis. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824. 4596 Coussy (Mathieu de). Chronique de 1444 a 1461.-Jean de Troves, Chronique de Louis XI., de 1461 a 1483.-Guillaume Gruel, Chronique du Comte de Richemont; Chronique anonyme de la Pucelle; Interrogatoires de la Pucelle; divers Documens de la Pucelle; Pierre de Fenin.Me6moires de 1407 a 1427; Journal d'un Bourgeois de Paris 1409 a 1449; Poeme Anglais sur la bataille d'Agincourt (Pantheon Litteraire Collection Chronique). 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 18,8. 4597 Crowe (Eyre Evans). The History of France (Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopedia). 3 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1831-32. 4598 D'Abrantes. See Abrantes, Nos. 4541,4542. 4599 Danjou (F.). Histoire de France. See No. 4589, 4600 D'Argenson, See Argenson, No. 4550. FRENCH HISTORY AND CIVIL MEMOIRS. 263 4601 De Leuze (Uranelt). Refutation de l'Histoire de France de l'Abbe de Montgaillard. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1828, 4602 Desmoulins (Camille). Memoires, contenant le vieux Cordelier.-Vilate causes s6cretes de la joulrne du 9 au 10 Thermidor an II.-Meda (C, A.), Precis Historiques inedit des evenemens de la soir6e du 9 Thermidor an II. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 4603 BD'Orleans. See Orleans, No. 4690. 4604 Ducleroq (Jacques). Memoires de 1448 a 1467; Pieces relatives a la prise de Constantinople en 1453.-Jean Lefevre, de Saint-Remy.-Memoires, de 1407 a 1435.-Me6moires sur Jacques Cceur, et actes de son proces (Pantheon Litteraire)O I vol. roy, 8vo. Paris, 1833. 4605 Du Guesclin. Chronique de Sire Bertrand du Guesclin. —Histoire de la vie de Louis, Due troisieme de Bourbon, par Jean Cabaret, d'Orrenville.-Vie de Charles V., par Christine de Pisan.-Histoire de Charles VI., Roi de France, par Jean Juvenal des Ursins. Chroniques des Comtes de Foix en Langue Be6arnaise, par Miguel del Verms (Pantheon Litt6raire Collection Chronique). 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1838. 4606 fDulaure (J. A.). Histoire Civile, Physique et Morale de Paris. 3" edition. 10 vols. l2mo. & Atlas, Paris, 1825-26. 4607 Du lMesnil (Marie). Memoires sur le Prince Le Brun, Due de Plaisance, et sur les Evenemens auxquels il prit part sous les Parlemens, la Revolution, le Consulat et l'Empire. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1828. 4608 Dupin (Charles). Essai Historique sur les services et les travaux scientifiques de Gaspard Monge. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1819. 4609 Durand de Maillane, Histoire de la Convention Nationale; suivi d'un Frangment Iistorique sur le 31 Mai, par le Comte Lanjuinais. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 4610 Dusaulx (de). Memoires, sur le 14 Juillet. See No. 4659. 4611 Eginhard, ou Eginard. Memoires. See No. 4640. 4612 Fantin-Desodoards (Antoine). Histoire Philosophique de la Revolution de France, depuis la premiere assemblee des Notables jusqu'a la Paix d'Amiens. 5e edition, revue et corrig6e par l'Auteur. 10 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1806. 4613 Fenin (Pierre de). Memoires. See No. 4596. 4614 Ferrieres (Marquis de). Memoires du, avec une notice sur sa vie, des Notes et des Eelaircissemens Historiques, par Berville et Barriere. 2" edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1822. 4615 Flleury de Chaboulon (Le Baron). Les cent Jours. Memoires pour servir a l'Histoire de la vie priv6e, du retour, et du Regne de Napoleon, en 1815. 2 vols. 8vo. Londres, 1820, 4616 Plodoard, ou Frodoard. Memoires. See No. 4640. 4617 Fouche (Joseph). Memoires de Joseph Fouche, Due d'Otrante, Ministre de la Police generale. 2 vols. 8vo, Paris, 1824, 4618 Foulcher, ou Foucher de Chartres. Mdmoires. See No. 4640. 4619 Freron (Le Citoyen). Memoire Historique sur la Reaction Royale, et sur les Massacres du Midi. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1824, 4620 Frodoard, on Flodoard. See No. 4616. 4621 Gamon (A.). Memoires. See No. 4712. 4622 Gaudin (Martin Michel Charles). Due de Gaete, Memoirs, Souvenirs, Opinions et Ecrits. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1826. 264: FRENCH HISTORY AND CIVIL MEMOIRS. 4623 Genlis (Madame la Comtesse de). Memoires inedits de, sur le dix-huitiemo si'cle et la Revolution Frangaise, depuis 1756 jusqu'a nos jours. 10 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1825, 4624 Goguelat (Le Baron de).,Memoire de, sur les evenemens relatifs an Voyage de Louis XVI. a Varennes, suivi d'un precis des Tentatives qui out 6te faites pour arracher la Reine a la Captivite du Temple. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1823, 4625 Gohier (Louis Jedrome). Memoires des Contemporains, pour servir a l'Histoire de France, et principalement a celle de la Republique et de l'Empire. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824. 4626 Gourgaud et Montholon. MeTmoires pour servir a 1'Histoire de France, sous Napoleon, ecrits a Saint-Helene, par les gene6raux qui out partage sa Captivite, et publies sur les Manuscrits entierement corriges de la Main de Napoleon. 2 vols., by Gourgaud. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1823, 4627 Gourgaud et Montholon. The same. 6 vols., by Montholon. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1823-25. 4628 GourgaSud et Montholon. Memoirs of the History of France, during the Reign of Napoleon, dictated by the Emperor at St. Helena to the Generals who shared his Captivity; and published fiom the original manuscripts, corrected by himself. 2d edition. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1823-24. 4629 Gourgaud et Ioaontholeon The same. 2d edition Historical Miscellanies. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1823. 4630 Gregoire de Tours. Memoires. See No. 4640. 4631 Gruel (Guillaume). Chronique. See No. 4596. 4632 Guesclin. See Du Guesclin, No. 4605. 4633 Guibert de Nogent. Memoirs. See No. 4640. 4634 Guillaumee le Breton. Mmoires. See No. 4640. 4635 Guillaume de Jumiere. Memoires. See No. 4640. 4636 Guillaume de Nangis. Memoires. See No. 4640. 4637 Guillaume de Saint-Thierri, &c. Memoires. See No. 4640. 4638 Guillaume de Tyr. Meinoires. See No. 4640. 4639 Guillon de Monontlon (l'Abbe Aime). Memoires pour servir'a 1'Iistoire de la Ville de Lyon pendant la Revolution. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824. 4640 Guizot. Collection des Memoires relatifs a l'Histoire de France, depuis la Fondation de la Monarchie Franlaise jusqu'a 13" siecle; avec une introduction, des Supplemens, des Notices et des Notes. 1. Histoire de la guerre de Albigeois, par Pierre de Vaulx-Cernay. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1824. 2. Histoire de la guerre des Albigeois.-Chronique de Guillaume de PuyLaurens.-Des Gestes illustres des Frangais de l'an 1202 & l'annee 1311. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1824. 3. Abbon. Siege de Paris.-Chronique de Frodoard.-Chronique de Raoul Glaber.-Vie du Roi Robert, par Helgaud.-Poeme D'Adalberon sur le Regne de Robert. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1824. 4. Vie de Bouchard, Comte de Melun.-Fragmens de l'Histoire des Franqais.-Chronique de Hugues de Fleury.-Proces Verbal du sacre de Philippe er".HHistoire du Monast6re de Vezelai, par Hugues de Poitiers. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825, tRENCHE HISTORY AND CIVIL MEMOIRS. 2'5 ~. iistoire des Croisades, par Albert d'Aix. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824.c ~8. Iistoire des Croisades, par Guillaume de Tyr. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824.:. Histoire des Croisades, par Guibert de Nogent.-Vie de Guibert de Nogent, par Lui-meme. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1824, 8. Continuation de l'Histoire des Croisades de Guillaume de Tyr, par Bernard le Tr6sorier. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825,'9. Histoire des'Croisades, par Fonulcher de Cha'tres.-Iistoire de la Croisade de Louis VII., par Odon de Deuil. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 10. Histoire des Croisades, par Jacques de Vitry. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825> I1. Chronique de Guillaume de angis. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 12. Memoires de Goegoire de Tours.. 2 vols. 8vo. P 8ris, 1823.. 13. Annales,d'Eginhardl. —Vie de Charlemagne, par Egoinhald. —Des faits et Gestes de Charlemagne par un Moine de Saint-Gall..-Vie de Louis-leDebonnaire, par Thegan.-Vie de Louis-le-Debonnaire, par 1'Astronome.-Iistoire des dissensions des fils de Louis-le-Debonnaire, par Nitlard. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1824. 14. Histoire de lEglise de Rheims, p.ar Frodoald. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1824.?5. Suite de la Vie de Guibert de Nogent, par lui-mneme.-Vie de SaintBernard, par Guillaume de Saint-Thierri, &c. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 16. Histoire des Dues de Normandie, par Guillaume de Jumieage. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 17. Vie de Louis-le-Gros, par Suger.-Vie de Suger, par Guillaume. —Vie de Louis-le-Jeune.-Vie de Charles-le-Bon, par Galbert. 1 vol 8vo. Paris, 1825. 18. La Philippide, Poeme, par Guillaume le Breton. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 19. Faits et Gestes de Louis-le-Pieux, Poeme, par Ermold le Noir.-Annales de Saint-Bertin et de Metz. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825.. 20. Rigord; Vie de Philippe-Auguste.- Guillaume le Breton; Vie de Philippe-Auguste. —Vie de Louis VIII.; Nicolas de Bray; Faits et Gestes de Louis VIII. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825.:21. Histoire de Tancrede, par Raoul de Caen.-Histoire de la premiere Croisade, par Robert le Moine. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 22. Histoire de Norm-andie, par Orderic Vital. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 4'641 H.ausset (Madame du). Memoires de, Femme de Chambre de Madame de Pompadour, avec des Notes et des Eclaircissemens Historiques. (Relatifs a la R6volution Francaise.) 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1824. 4642 t1istoire la tres joyeuse, et tr6s plaisante. Composse par le Loyal Serviteur des faits, gestes, triomphes et prouesses du bon chevalier sans paour et sans reprouche le gentil seigneur de Bayart, dont humaines louenges sont espandues par toute la chrestiente aussi de plusieurs autres bons, Vaillans et Vertueux Capitaines qui ont este de son temps ensemble les guerres, batailles et assaulx qui de son vivant, sont survenus tant en France, Espagne que Italie.-Vie du Connetable Charles de Bourbon de 1490 a 1521, par Guillaume de Marillac, son secr6taire.-Sac de Rome au temps du Pape Clement VII. de Medicis, en 1527, par Jacques Buonaparte.-Histoires des choses Memorables advenues du Reigne de Louis XII. et Frangois 1, en France, Italie, Allemagne et es Pays-Bas, depuis l'an 1500 jusques en l'an 1521, par R. de la Mark, Sgr. de Fleurang, &c. —Memoires de Messire Martin du Bellay (Pantheon Litteraire). 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1836. 266 PREGEH HISTORY ANB CIVIL MEMOIRS' 4643 Hugues de Fleury. Memoires. See No. 4640. 4644 Jacques de Vitry. Memoires. See No. 4640. 4645 Jeannin. Negociations du President Jeannin; avec Notices Litterairesi par J. A. C, Buchon (Pantheon Litteraire). I vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1838o 4646 Lachastre (de). Memoire. See No. 4712. 4647 Lacretelle (Charles). Iistoire de France, pendant le d-ix-hitiemne siecle. 3" edition, revue et corrigee. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1812, 4648 Lacretelle (Charles). Histoire de Franee, depuis la Restauration. 4 vols. 8vo, Paris, 1829-35. 4649 La Marche (Oliver de). Memoire, See No. 4594. 4650 Lamartine (A, de). Histoire des Girondiis. 8 vols. 8v. Paris, 1847 4651 Lamartine (A. de). History of the Restoration of Monarchy in France. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1851-52. 4652 Lameth (Alex.). Histoire de l'assemblee constituante. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1828-29o 4653 Lanoue (F. de). Memoires du. See No. 4712, 4654 La Place (Pierre de). Commentaires de l'Estat de la Religion et Republique. See No. 4593. 4655 Lascases (Le Comte de). Refutation de la Relation du Capitaine Maitland, Commandant le Bellerophon, touchant 1'embatquement de Napoleon, a son Bord; r6digee par M. Barthe. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1827 4656 Lavallette (Comte). Memnoires et Souvenirs du, publies par sa Famille et sur ses Manuscrits. 2e edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1831. 4657 Lefevre (J. Seigneur de Saint-Remy). Memoires. See No. 4604. 4658 Leuze, Uranelt de. See De Leuze, No. 4601. 4659 Linguet et Dusaulx. Memoires des, sur le 14 Juillet, avec des Notices, &c., par MM. Berville et Barriere. 2e edition. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1822, 4660 Louis Blanc. History of the Ten Years, 1830-40. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1844-45, 4661 Louis Blanc. History of the French Revolution of 1789. 1st vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1848, 4662 Louvet de Couvray. Me6moires de, avec une Notice, sur sa vie, des Notes et des Eclaircissemens HIistoriques~ (Relatifs' la lRevolution Frangaise.) 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 182o 4663 Loyal Serviteur (le). fistoire de Bayard. See No. 4642. 4664 MEacquereau (Robert). Chronique de la Maison de Bourgoigne, de 1500 a 1527.-Me'moires de Philippe Hurault, Comnte de Cheverny, de 1528 a 1599.-Memoires de Philippe Hurault, Abbe de Pontlevoy, Evesque de Chartres, fils du Gomte de Cheverny, de 1599 a 1601.-Mermoires de Jacques Pape seigneur de Saint-Auban.-Satyre Menippee (Pantheon Litteraire). I vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1838, 4665 Maillane (Durand de). See Durand de Maillane, No. 4609. 4666 Many (A. Jarry de). Tableau Iistorique de l'Ecole Polytechnique, depuis sa fondation jusqu'& nos jours 1794-1829. 3e edition. I fl.- Paris, 1829. 4667 Marillac (Michel de). Memoire de. See No. 4588. 4668 IMeda (C. A.). Precis Historique inedit des evenemens de la soiree du 9 Thermidor an II. See No. 4602. 4669 Bleillan. Memoires de, avec des Notes et des Eclaircissemens Historiques. (Relatifs a la Revolution Francaise.) 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1823. FRENCH HISTORY AND CIVIL MEMOIRS. 267 4i'70 MSemoires tires des papiers d'un Homme d'etat, sur les causes secretes qui ont d6termine la politique des Cabinets dans la guerre de la Revolution, depuis 1792 jusqu'en 1815. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1828-31. 4671 Menimoires sur les journ6es de Septembre, 1792, suivis des deliberations prises par la commune de Paris, et de proces-verbaux de la Mairie de Versailles. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1823. 4672 Menmoires sur les Prisons. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1823. 4673 tSemeoires sur la Vendee, comprenant les Memoires inedits d'un ancien administradeur Militaire des Armees Republicaines, et ceux de Madame de Sapinaud. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1823. 4674 Mercier. New Picture of Paris. Translated from the French. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1800. 4675 Mergey (J. de). Memoires. See No. 4712. 4676 Meesnil (du). See Du Mesnil, No. 4607. 4677 Mgichelet (J.). History of the French Revolution. Translated by C. Cocks. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1847. 4678 ilignet (A. F.). History of the French Revolution, from 1789 to 1814. Revised and corrected, from the London edition. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1827. 4679 M1illot (L'Abbe). Elemens de l'Histoire de France, depuis Clovis jusqu'a Louis XV. 4" edition. 3 vols. 12mo. Neuchatel, 1779. 4680 llirabeau. Memoires sur Mirabeau, et son epoque, sa vie Litteraire et privee, sa conduite politique a l'Assemlblee Nationale, &c. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824. 4681 Mlonstrelet (Enguerrand de). Les Chroniques, avec Notices Biographiques, par J. A. C. Buchon (Pantheon Litteraire). 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1836. 4682 iMonteil (Amans-Alexis). Histoire des Francais des divers etats aux cinq derniers siecles. (The vols. for the 17th and 18th centuries are wanting.) 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1828. 4683 Montgaillard (L'Abbe de). Histoire de France, depuis la fin du Regne de Louis XVI. jusqu'a l'annee 1825. 4e edition. 9 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1828. 4684 Mlontholon (G6neral). Memoires de Napoleon. See Nos. 4626 to 4629. 4685 Montpensier (Duc de). See Orleans, No. 4690. 4686 Napoleon. Court and Camp of Bonaparte; comprising Memoirs of the Bonaparte Family, of Napoleon's Brother's, Sisters, Ministers, Generals, &c. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1836. 4687 Norvins (de). Portefeuille de mil huit cent treize; ou, tableau politique et militaire, renfermant avec le recit des evenemens de cette epoque. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 4688 Odon de Deuil. Memoires. See No. 4640. 4689 Orderic Vital. Memoires. See No. 4640. 4690 Orleans. Memoires de S. A. S. Louis-Antoine-Philippe D'Orleans, Due de Montpensier, Prince du Sang. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1824.. 4691 Paganel (P.). Essai Historique et Critique sur la Revolution Frangaise; ses causes, ses resultats, avec les Portraits des Hommes les plus celebres.. 3e edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1815-16.. 4692 Pardoe (Miss). Louis the Fourteenth and the Court of France in the Seventeenth Century. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1848. 268 FRENCH HISTORY AND CIVIL MEMOIRS. 4693 Philippi (J.). Memoires. See No. 4712. 4694 Pigault-Lebrun. Histoire de France, abr6ges, critique et philosophique, (Tome 1st is wanting to one copy.) 8 vols. 8vo. (2 copies.) Paris, 1823-28. 4695 Pisan (Christine de). See Christine, No. 4587. 4696 Plutarch the Revolutionary, exhibiting the most Distinguished Characters, Literary, Military, and Political, in the recent Annals of the French Republic, the greater part from the original information of a gentleman resident at Paris. 5th edition. (Vol. 2d wanting.) 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1806. 4697 Pradt (M, de). Recit Historique sur la Restauration de la Royaute en France le 31 Mars, 1814, 2e edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1822. 4698 Rabaut (J. P.). The History of the Revolution in France. Translated from the French by James White. 2d edition. I vol. 8vo. London, 1793. 4699 Rabutin (Francois de). Commentaires des dernieres Guerres en la Gaule Belgique. See No. 4593. 4700 Raoul de Caen. Memoires. See No. 4640~ 4701 Regnier de la Planche (L.). Histoire de l'Estat de France.-Livre des Marchands. See No. 4593. 4702 Richelieu (Marechal Duc de). Memoires du. 9 vols. 8vo, Paris, 1790-93. 4703 Rigord. Memoires. See No. 4640. 4704 Rivarol. Memoires de, avec des Notes et des Eclaircissemens Historiques, par M. Berville. (Relatifs a la Revolution Franraise.) I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1834. 4705 IRochejaquelein (Mm". la Marquise de la). Memoires de, ecrits par ellememe et redigee par M. de Barante. (Bound with Bonchamp's work.) I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1823. 4706 Roland (J. M. Ph.). (Euvres de. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1800. 4707 Roland (Madame). Memoires de, avec une notice sur sa vie, &c. 2' edition. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1821. 4708 Roux (P. C.). Histoire de la Revolution. See No. 4570. 4709 Rovigo (Due de). Memoires du, pour servir a l'Hlistoire de l'Empereur Napoleon. 8 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1828. 4710 Saint-Aulaire (Le Comte de). Histoire de la Fronde. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1827. 4711 Saint-Simon (Louis de). CEuvres completes de, pour servir a l'HIistoire des cours de Louis XIV., de la Regence et de Louis XV., avec des Notes, &c. 13 vols. 8vo. Strasbourg, 1791. 4712 Salignac (B. de). Le Siege de Metz, par lFEmpereur Charles V. en l'an 1552, par B. de Salignac.-Discours sur le Siege de St.-Quentin, par G. de Colligny.-Memoire du Voyage de M. le Due de Guyse en Italie, son retour, la prise de Callais et de Thionville, en 1557 et 1758, par M. de La Chastre.-Memoires de Michel de Castelnau.-Memoires du Sieur Jean de Mergey.-Memoires de Sieur Francois de la Noue.-Memoires d'Achille Gamon.-Memoires de Jean Philippi.-Memoires du Duc de Bouillon.Memoires des choses advenues en France es guerres civiles, depuis l'an 1660 jusques en'an 1596, par Messire Guillaume de Saulx.-Memoires de Marguerite de Valois.-Memoires de Jacques-Auguste de Thou, depuis 1553 jusqu'en 1601.-Memoires de Jean Choisnin (Pantheon Litteraire). I vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1836. FRENCH HISTORY AND CIVIL MEMOIRS. 269 4713 Sarrans Jeune (B.). Lafayette et la Revolution de 1830, Histoire des choses et des Heommes de Juillet. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1832. 4714 Satyre Menippee. See No. 4664. 4715 Saulx et Villars. Melmoires de Gaspard de Saulx, Seigneur de Tavannes. —M6moires de Boyvin du Villars (Pantheon Litteraire). 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1836. 4716 Saulx (Guillaume de). Memoires. See No. 4712. 4717 Savary (Due de Rovigo). See Rovigo, No. 4709. 4718 Segur (Le Comte de). Memoires; ou, Souvenirs et Anecdotes. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824-26. 4719 Sismondi (J. C. L. Sismonde de). Histoire des Franqais. 31 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1821-44. 4720 Somerville (Wm. C.). Letters from Paris on the Causes and Consequences of the French Revolution. I vol. 8vo. Baltimore, 1822. 4721 Soulavie (Jean-Louis). Memoires Iistoriques du Regne de Louis XVI., depuis son Mariage jusqu'a sa Mort. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1801. 4722 Siger. Memoires. See No. 4640. 4723 Sully (Maximilian de Bethune, Duke of). Memoirs of, newly translated from the French edition of N. de L'Ecluse. To which is annexed the Trial of Francis Ravaillac for the Murder of Henry the Great. 5 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1805. 4724 Thegan. Memoires. See No. 4640. 4725 Thibaudeau (A. C.). Memoires sur la Convention et le Directoire. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824. 4726 Thibaudeau (A. C.). Memoires sur le Consulat, 1799 a 1804. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1827. 4727 Thiers (A.) et Bodin (Felix). Histoire de la Revolution Franqaise, accompagnee d'une Histoire de la Revolution de 1355, ou des etats-generaux sous le Roi Jean. 10 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1823-27. 4728 Thiers (A.). History of the French Revolution. Translated, with Notes and Illustrations, by Frederick Shoberl. 3d American edition. 4 vols. in 2, 8vo. Philadelphia, 1847. 4729 Thiers (A.). History of the Consulate and the Empire of France under Napoleon. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1847-49. 4730 Thou (J. A. de). Memoires de. See No. 4712. 4731 Troyes (Jean de). Chronique. See No. 4596. 4732 Turreau (Le General). Memoires pour servir a l'Histoire de la guerre de la Vendee. (Bound with Goguelat's work.) 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1824. 4733 Valois (Marguerite de). Memoires de. See No. 4712. 4734 Vaulz-Cernay. Memoires. See No. 4640. 4735 Vilate. Causes secretes de la journee du 9 au 10 Thermidor, an II. See No. 4602. 4736 Villars (Boyvin du). Memoires de. See No. 4715. 4737 Villeneuve (Guillaume de). Expedition de Naples. See No. 4594. 4738 Villeroy. Memoires d'Estat de. See No. 4588. 4739 Vital. Orderic. See Orderic, No. 4689. 4740 Vitry. Jacques de. See Jacques, No. 4644. 270 FRENCH HISTORY AND CIVIL MEMOIRS. 4741 Weber. Memoires de, concernant Marie-Antoinette, Archiduchesse d'Autriche et Reine de France et de Navarre, avec des Notes et des ]Eclaircissemens Historiques, par MM. Berville et Barriere. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1822. 4742 Wraxall (Sir N. William). The History of France, from the Accession of Henry the Third, in 1574, to the Death of Henry the Fourth, in 1610; preceded by a View of the Civil, Military, and Political State of Europe, between the middle and the close of the sixteenth century; and followed by a View of the State of Europe at the Accession of Louis the Thirteenth, 2d edition. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1814. ASIATIC AND AFRICAN HISTORY. 271 ASIATIC AND AFRICAN HISTORY. 4743 Abd-Allatif. Relation de PlEgypte, suivi de divers extraits d'Ecrivains Orientaux, et d'un Etat des Provinces et des Villages de l'Egypte dans le XIVe siecle; le tout traduit et enrichi de notes historiques et critiques, par M. Silvestre de Sacy. I vol. 4to. Paris, 1810. 4744 British India. Historical and Descriptive Account of British India, by Hugh Murray, James Wilson, R. K. Greville, Professor Jameson, Whitelaw Ainslie, William Rhind, Professor Wallace, and Captain Clarence Dalrymple. With a Map and Engravings. 3 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1838. 4745 Crawfurd (John). History of the Indian Archipelago; containing an account of the Manners, Arts, Languages, Religions, Institutions, &c. With Maps and Engravings. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1820. 4746 Crichton (Andrew). History of Arabia, Ancient and Modern; containing a Description of the Country, an Account of its Inhabitants, Antiquities, Political Condition, and Early Commerce, the Life and Religion of Mohammed, the Conquests, Arts, and Literature of the Saracens, &c. 2 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1834. 4747 Davis (John Francis). The Chinese: a General Description of the Empire of China and its Inhabitants. Illustrated with wood-cuts. 2 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1838. 4748 Description de l'Egypte; ou, recueil des Observations et des Recherches qui ont ete faites en Egypte pendant 1'Expedition de 1'Armee Franqaise. Publie par les Ordres de sa Majeste 1'Empereur Napoleon le Grand. Anfiquites Descriptions, 2 vols. Antiquites Memoires, 2 vols. Etat Moderne, 2 vols. Histoire Naturelle, 2 vols. 8 vols. foL & Atlases. Paris, 1809-13. 474-9 D'Herbelot. Bibliotheque Orientale; on, Dictionnaire Universel, contenant generalement tout ce qui regarde la Connaissance des Peuples de de I'Orient. 1 vol. fol. Maestricht, 1776. 4750 Fraser (James B.). Historical and Descriptive Account of Persia, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time; with a detailed view of its Resources, Government, Population, Natural History, and the Character of its Inhabitants, particularly of the wandering Tribes:; including a Description of Afghanistan and Belooehistan. I vol. 18mo. New-York, 1836. 4751 Herbelot See D'Herbelot, No. 4749. 4752 Japan. Manners and Customs of the Japanese, in the Ninetewnth Century; from the accounts of recent Dutch residents in Japan, and from the German work of Dr. Ph. F.. on Siebold. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1841. 4753 ilailla (Le P. J. Jos.-Ann.-Mar. de Moyriac de). tHistoire generale de la Chine; ou, Annales de cet Empire; traduits du Tong-kien-kangmou. Publies par M. I'Abbd G rosier. 12 vols. 4to. Paris, 1777-83. 272 ASIATIC AND AFRICAN HISTORY. 4754 M1alcolm (Sir John). The Political History of India, from 1784 to I823 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1826. 4755 Malcolm (Sir,ohn). The History of Persia, from the most Early Period to the Present Time; containing an account of the Religion, Government, Usages, and Character of the Inhabitants of that Kingdom. A new edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1829'. 4756 iMarles (de). Histoire de i'nde, Ancienne et Moderne, depuis lan 2000, avant J. C. j:usqu'a nos jours; prec6de d'une Notice GQographique et de Traites speciaux sur la Chronologie, la Religion, &c., avec une Carte de. 1Finde Ancienne et Aoderne. 6vols. &vo. Paris, 1828. 4757:Murray (I.). British India. See No. 4744. 4758 R.aynal (Guillaume-Thomas). Histoire Philosophique et Politique des Etablissemens et du Commerce des Etropeens dans les deux Indes. 5 vols. 4to. Geneve, 1780. 4759 Russell (Rev. Michael). History and Present Condition of the Barbary States. With Engravings. I vol. 18mo. New-York, 1835. 4760 Russell (Rev. M3ichael). Nubia and Abyssinia; comprehending their Civil History, Antiquities, Arts, Religion, Literature, and Natural History. Illustrated by a Map and Engravings. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1833. 4761 Sacy (Silvestre de). Abd-Allatif's Relation de l'Egypte. See No. 4743. 4762 Shaler (William). Sketches of Algiers, Political, Historical, and Civil;: containing an Account of the Geography, Population, Government, Revenues, Commerce, Agriculture, Arts, Civil Institutions, Tribes, Manners' Languages, and Recent Political History of that Country. vol. 8vo. Boston, 1826. 4763 Silvestre de Sacy. See Sacy, No. 4761. 4764 Tableau de la Situation des Etablissement Frangais dans 1'Algerie en 1839' a 1845. 6 volso fol. Paris, 1840-46. 4765 Thornton (Thomas). The Present State of Turkey; or a Description of the Political, Civil, and Religious Constitution, Government, and Laws, of the Ottoman Empire, &c., &c.; together with the Geographical, Political. and Civil State of the Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1807o. 4766 Tott (Baron de). Memoires sur les Turcs et les Tartares. (3 vols. in one.) I vol. 12.xmo. Amsterdanm, 18578, AMERICAN HISTORY. 273 AMERICAN HISTORY. 4767 Adair (James). History of the American Indians; containing an account of their origin, language, manners, religious and civil customs, laws, form. of government, punishments, conduct in war and domestic life, &c., &c. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1775. 4768 Archaeologia Americana. Transactions and Collections of the American Antiquarian Society. Vol. 1st. 8vo. Worcester, 1820. 4769 Bancroft (George). History of the United States, from the Discovery of the American Continent. 3d edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1838-52. 4770 Barber (John Warner). Connecticut Historical Collections; containing a general Collection of interesting Facts, Traditions, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, &c., relating to the History and Antiquities of every Town in Connecticut, with Geographical Descriptions. With Engravings. I vol. 8vo. New Haven, 1836. 4771 Barber (John Warner). Historical Collections; being a general Collection of interesting Facts, Traditions, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, &c., relating to the History and Antiquities of every Town in Massachusetts, with Geographical Descriptions. Illustrated by 200 Engravings. 1 vol. 8vo. Worcester, 1841. 4772 Barber (J. W.) and Howe (Henry). Historical Collections of the State of New-York; containing a general Collection of the most interesting Facts, &c., &c. With Engravings. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1841. 4773 Baylies (Francis). An Historical Memoir of the Colony of New Plymouth, 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1830: 4774 Belknap (Jeremy). The History of New Hampshire; comprehending the Events of one complete Century from the Discovery of the River Pascataqua. 3 vols. 8vo. Dover, 1812. 4775 B3entalou (Paul). A Reply to Judge Johnson's Remarks on an Article in the North American Review relating to Count Pulaski. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Baltimore, 1826. 4776 Bonnycastle (R. H.). Spanish America; or, a Descriptive, Historical, and Geographical Account of the Dominions of Spain in the Western Hemisphere, continental and insular. With a Map. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1818. 4777 Botta (Charles). History of the War of the Independence of the United. States of America. See Nos. 872-3-4. 4778 Bouchette (Joseph). A Topographical Description of the Province of Lower Canada, with Remarks upon Upper Canada, and on the relative Connexion of both Provinces with the United States of America. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1815 18 274 AMERICAN HISTORY. 4779 Boyer-Peyreleau (Le Colonel). Les Antilles Francaises, particulierement Guadeloupe, depuis leur d6couverte jusqu'au 1er Janvier, 1823. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1823. 4780 Bozman (John Leeds). History of Maryland, from its first Settlement, in 1633, to the Restoration, in 1660; with a copious Introduction. 2 vols. 8vo. Baltimore, 1837. 4781 Brackenridge (H. M.). Views of Louisiana; containing Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Notices of that vast and important portion of America. 1 vol. 12mo. (2 copies.) Baltimore, 1817. 4782 Bradford (Alden). History of Massachusetts, from 1764 to July, 1775. I vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Boston, 1822. 4783 Bradford (Alden). History of Massachusetts, from July, 1775, to the year 1789 (inclusive). 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1825. 4784 Chalmers (George). Political Annals of the present United Colonies, from their Settlement to the Peace of 1763. Compiled chiefly from records, and authorized often by the insertion of state-papers. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1780. 4785 Chalmers (George). An Introduction to the History of the Revolt of the American Colonies; derived from the state-papers contained in public offices of Great Britain. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1845. 4786 Clap (Thomas). The Annals or History of Yale College, in New Haven in the Colony of Connecticut, from the first founding thereof, in the year 1700, to the year 1766: with an Appendix containing the present state, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. New Haven, 1776. 4787 Clarke (L. H.). Convention of the State of New-York. See Clarke, No. 1981. 4788 Clavigero (Abbe D. Francesco Saverio). The History of Mexico; collected from Spanish and Mexican historians, from manuscripts, and ancient paintings of the Indians. Illustrated by Charts and other Copperplates. To which are added, critical dissertations on the land, the animals, and inhabitants of Mexico. Translated from the original Italian by Charles Cullen. 2d edition. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1807. 4789 Colden (Cadwallader). History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada, &c., &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1747. 4790 Collections of the New Hampshire Historical Society, for the year 1824. (Vol. 1st.) 1 vol. 8vo. Concord, 1824. 4791 Collections, Historical and Miscellaneous, and Monthly Literary Journal. Edited by J. Farmer and J. B. Moore. (Vol. 2d.) 2d vol. 8vo. Concord, 1823. 4792 Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society. 10 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1806-9. 4793 Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society. 2d series. 10 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1814-23. 4794 Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society. 3d series. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1825-30. 4795 Collections of the New-York Historical Society. 2d series. 1st. vol. 8vo. New-York, 1841. 4796 Darby (William). The Emigrant's Guide to the Western and Southwestern States and Territories. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1818. AMERICAN HISTORY. 270 4797 Davis (A.). Lecture on the Discovery of America by the Northmen, five hundred years before Columbus; delivered in New-York, New Haven, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, &c. 5th edition. 1 8vo. pamphlet. New-York, 1840. 4798 Davis (John). Morton's New England's Memorial. See No. 4845. 4799 De Solis. See Solis, No. 4871. 4800 De Tocqueville. See Tocqueville, No. 4875. 4801 Dobbs (Arthur). An Account of the Countries adjoining to Hudson's Bay in the Northwest part of America: containing a description of their lakes and rivers, the nature of the soil and climates, and their methods of commerce, &c. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1744. 4802 Documentary History of the State of New-York. Arranged under the direction of the Hon. Christopher Morgan, by E. B. O'Callaghan. Vols. 1st & 2d 4to., & vols. 2, 3, & 4th Svo. Albany, 1849-50. 4803 Douglass (William). A Summary, Historical and Political, of the First Planting, Progressive Improvements, and Prjesent State of the British Settlements in North America. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1755. 4804 Dau Barry. Poussin's United States; its Power and Progress. See Poussin, No. 4853. 4805 Dunlap (William). History of the New Netherlands, Province of New-York, and State of New-York, to the adoption of the Federal Constitution. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1839-40. 4806 Dunn (Henry). Guatimala, or the United Provinces of Central America, in 1827-28; being sketches and memorandums made during a twelvemonths' residence in that republic. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1828. 4807 Du Pratz (Lepage). See Lepage, No. 4831. 4808 Dwight (Theodore). The History of Connecticut, from the first settlement to the present time. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1-841. 4809 Gordon (Thomas F.). The History and Gazetteer of New Jersey, from its discovery by Europeans, to the adoption of the Federal Constitution. (2 vols. in one.) 1 vol. 8vo. Trenton, 1834. 4810 Gordon (William). The History of the Rise, Progress, and Establishment of the Independence of the United States of America; including an Account of the Late War, and of the Thirteen Colonies. 3d American edition. 3 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1801. 4811 Gourlay (Robert). Statistical Account of Upper Canada, compiled with a view to a grand System of Emigration; with a general Introduction, &c. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1822. 4812 Grahame (James). The History of the Rise and Progress of the United States of North America till the British Revolution in 1688. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1827. 4813 Gray (Hugh). Letters from Canada, written during a Residence there in the years 1806, 1807, and 1808; showing the present state of Canada, its productions, trade, commercial importance, and political relations, &c.; exhibiting, also, the commercial importance of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Cape Breton, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1809. 4814 Greenland. History of. See No. 4828. 4815 Hale (Salma). History of the United States, from their first settlement as colonies to the close of the administration of Mr. Madison, in 1817. 4816 Haliburton (Thomas C.). An Historical and Statistical Account of Nova Scotia. With a Map and Engravings. 2 vols. 8vo. Halifax, 1829. 276 AMERICAN HISTORY. 4817 Hall (Colonel Francis). Colombia in its Present State, in respect of climate, soil, productions, population, government, commerce, revenue, manufactures, arts, literature, manners, education, &c. 1 vol. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1825. 4818 Henderson (James). A History of the Brazil; comprising its Geography7 Colonization, Aboriginal Inhabitants, &c., &c., &c. With Maps and Engravings. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1821, 4819 Heriot (George). The History of Canada, from its First Discovery, comprehending an Account of the Original Establishment of Louisiana. 1st vol. 8vo. London, 1804, 4820 Hildreth (Richard). History of the United States of America, from the Discovery of the Continent to the End of the 16th Congress. (First series in 3 vols. and second series in 3 vols.) 6 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1849-52, 4821 Hinton (John). The History and Topography of the United States. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1830-32, 4822 Historical and Statistical Information respecting the History, Condition, and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States: collected and prepared by Henry K. Schoolcraft. Illustrated by S. Eastman, Capt. U. S. Army. (Parts 1st, 2d, & 3d.) 3 vols. 4to. Philadelphia, 1851-52. 4823 Holmes (Abiel). The Annals of America, fiom the Discovery by Columbus, in the year 1492, to the year 1826. 2d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1829, 4824 Howe (Henry). History of New-York. See No. 4772. 4825 Hoyt (E.). History of the Indian Wars. See Hoyt, No. 4359. 4826 Humboldt (Alex. de). Vues des Cordilleres et Monumens des Petples indigenes de l'Amirique; avec 19 Planches. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1816. 4827 Hunter (John D.). Manners and Customs of several Indian Tribes located West of the Mississippi, including some account of the Soil, Climate, and Vegetable Productions, and the Indian Materia Medica: to which is prefixed the History of the Author's Life during a residence of several years among them. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1823. 4828 Iceland, Greenland, &c. An Historical and Descriptive Account of Iceland, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1841. 4829 Irving (Theodore). Conquest of Florida by Hernando de Soto. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1851. 4830 Jefferson (Thomas). Notes on the State of Virginia: with an Appendix relative to the Murder of Logan's Family. 1 vol. 12mo. Trenton, 1803. 4831 Lepage du Pratz. The History of Louisiana, or of the Western Parts of Virginia and Carolina; containing a Description of the Countries that lye on both sides of the River Mississippi, &c. Translated from the French. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1763. 4832 Lossing (Benson J.). Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. New-York, 1851-52. 4833 LTyon (Capt. G. F.). Journal of a Residence and Tour in the Republic of Mexico in the year 1826, with some account of the Mines of that country. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1828. 4834 lVacauley (James). The Natural, Statistical, and Civil History of the State of New-York. 3 vols. 8vo. New-York & Albany, 1829. 4835 Mactaggart (John). Three Years in Canada: an Account of the actual State of the Country in 1826, 1827-28, comprehending its Resources, Productions, Improvements, &c. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1829. AMERICAN HISTORY. 277 -4836 Marbois (Barbe). The History of Louisiana, particularly of the Cession of that Colony to the United States of America; with an Introductory Essay on the Constitution and Government of the United States. Translated from the French by an American Citizen. 1 vol. 8vo..Philadelphia, 1830. 4837 Marshall (John)." A History of the Colonies planted by the English on the Continent of North America, from their Settlement to the Commencement of the War which terminated in their Independence. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1824. 4838 M:arshall (H.). The History of Kentucky. 2 vols. 8vo. Frankfort, 1824. 4839 Martin (Francois-Xavier). The History of Louisiana, from the Earliest Period. 2 vols. 8vo. New-Orleans, 1827-29. 4840 Martin (Francois-Xavier). The History of North Carolina from the Earliest Period. (2 vols. in one.) 1 vol. 8vo. New Orleans, 1829. 4841:MVcCulloh (J. H.). Researches, Philosophical and Antiquarian, concerning the Aboriginal History of America. 1 vol. Svo. Baltimore, 1829. 4842 JVinot (George Richard). Continuation of the History of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, from -the year 1748 to 1765; with an Introductory Sketch of Events from its original Settlement. (Vol. 2d only.) 2d vol. 8vo. New Haven, 1822. 4843 Molina (Abbe Don J. Ignatius). The Geographical, Natural, and Civil History of Chili: with Notes from the Spanish and French Versions, and an Appendix containing copious extracts from the Araucana of Don Alonzo de Ercilla. Translated from the original Italian, by an American Gentleman. 2 vols. 8vo. Middletown, 1808. 4844 Miorse (Rev. Jedidiah). Report to the Secretary of War of the United States, on Indian Affairs; comprising a Narrative of a Tour. 1 vol. 8vo. New Haven, 1822. 4845 MIorton (Nathaniel). New England's Memorial. 5th edition. Containing, besides the original work, and the Supplement annexed to the second edition, large additions in Marginal Notes, and an Appendix with a lithographic copy of an ancient Map by John Davis. I vol. 8vo. Boston, 1826. 4846 Moulton (Joseph W.). History of New-York. See No. 4888. 4847 Murray (Hugh). An Historical and Descriptive Account of British America; comprehending Canada, Upper and Lower, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Prince Edward's Island, the Bermudas, and the Fur Countries. 2 vols. 18no. New-York, 1840. 4848 Niles (H.). Principles and Acts of the Revolution in America. I vol. 8vo. Baltimore, 1822. 4849 O'Callaghan (E. B.). History of New Netherlands; or, New-York under the Dutch. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1848. 4850 Parkman (Francis). History of the Conspiracy of Pontiac, and the War of the North American Tribes against the English Colonies after the Conquest of Canada. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1851. 4851 Pickett (Albert James). History of Alabama, and incidentally of Georgia and Mississippi, fiom the earliest period. 2d edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Charleston, 1851. 4852 Pitkin (Timothy). A Political and Civil History of the United States of America, fiom the year 1763 to the close of the administration of President Washington, in March, 1797: including a summary view of the Political and Civil State of the North American Colonies prior to that period. 2 vols. 8vo. New Haven, 1828o 278 AMERICAN HISTORY. 4853 Poussin (Guillaume Tell). The United States: its Power and Progress. First American, from the third Paris edition. Translated from the French by Edmund L. Du Barry, M.D., Surgeon U. S. Navy. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1851o 4854 Pradt (M. de). Des Colonies, et de Ia Revolution actuelle de l'Amerique. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1817. 4855 Prescott (William H.). History of the Conquest of Mexico; with a Preliminary View of the Ancient Mexican Civilization, and the Life of the Conqueror, Hernando Cortez. 8th edition. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. New-York, 1850. 4856 Prescott (William H.). History of the Conquest of Peru, with a Preliminary View of the Civilization of the Incas. i2 vols. roy. 8vo. New-York, 1850. 4857 Proud (Robert). The History of Pennsylvania in North America, fiom the original institution and settlement of that Province under the Proprietor and Governor, William Penn, in 1681, till after the year 1742 with an Introduction respecting the Life of William Penn, &c., &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1797-98. 4858 Ramsay (David). History of the United States, ifrom their first settlement as English colonies, in 1607, to the year 1808. Continued to the Treaty of Ghent, by S. S. Smith and other Literary Gentlemen. 2d edition. 3 vols. 8vo. (2 copies.) Philadelphia, 1818. 4859 Ramsay (David). The History of the American Revolution. (2 vols. in one.) 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1789. 4860 Ramsay (David). The History of South Carolina, from its first settlement, in 1670. to the year 1808. 2 vols. 8vo. Charleston, 1809. 4861 Robertson (J. P. and W. P.). Letters on Paraguay: and Francia's Reign of Terror. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1839. 4862 Robertson (William). The History of America. New edition. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1798. 4863 Robinson (William Davis). Memoirs of the Mexican Revolution: including a Narrative of the Expedition of General Xavier Mina, with some observations on the practicability of opening a communication between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, &c. I vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1820. 4864 Sagra (Ramon de la). Histoire physique, politique et naturelle de l'ile de Cuba. See No. 3551. 4865 Schooleraft (Henry R.). History of Indian Tribes. See No. 4822. 4866 Selriirk. Statement respecting the Earl of Selkirk's Settlement upon the Eed River, in North America; its Destruction in 1815 and 1816, and the Massacre of Governor Semple and his Party: with Observations upon a recent Publication. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1817. 4867 Silliman (Augustus E.). Gallop among American Scenery; or, Sketches of American Scenes and Military Adventure. I vol. 12mo. New-York, 1843. 4868 Smith (William). The History of the Province of New-York, from the first Discovery to the year 1732. 2d edition. I vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1792. 4869 Smith (S. S.). Ramsay's IIistory of the United States. See No. 4858. 4870 Snow (Caleb H.). A History of Boston, the Metropolis of Massachusetts, from its Origin to the Present Period, with some Account of the Environs. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1825. 4871 Solis (Antonio de). The History of the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. Translated from the Spanish by Thomas Townsend. The whole translation revised and corrected by Nathanael Hooke. 2 vols. 8vo. (2 copies.) London, 1738l AMERICAN HISTORY. 279 4872 Southey (Robert). History of Brazil. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1810-19. 4873 Stoddard (Major Amos). Sketches, Historical and Descriptive, of Louisiana. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1812. 4874 Thompson (Benjamin F.). History of Long Island; containing an Account of the Discovery and Settlement; with other important and interesting matters to the present time. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1839. 4875 Tocqueville (Alexis de). Democracy in America. Translated by Henry Reeve, with an original Preface and Notes. 2d American edition. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1838. 4876 Transactions of the American Ethnological Society. See No. 4305. 4877 Trumbull (Benjamin). A General History of the United States of America, fiom the Discovery, in 1492, to 1792, &c. (Vols. 2d and 3d are wanting.) 1st vol. 8vo. New-York, 1810. 4878 Trumbull (Benjamin). A Complete History of Connecticut, Civil and Ecclesiastical, from the Emigration of its first Planters from England, in the year 1630, to the year 1764, and to the close of the Indian Wars. 2 vols. 8vo. New Haven, 1818. 4879 Tytler (Patrick Fraser). Historical View of the Progress of Discovery on the more Northern Coasts of America, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time: with Descriptive Sketches of the Natural History of the North American Regions, by James Wilson. To which is added an Appendix, containing Remarks on a late Memoir of Sebastian Cabot, with a Vindication of Richard Hakluyt. Illustrated by a Map and nine Engravings. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1836. 4880 Vignoles (Charles). Observations upon the Floridas. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1823. 4881 Wheeler (John II.). Historical Sketches of North Carolina, from 1584 to 1851, compiled from original records, official documents, and traditional statements. With Biographical Sketches of her distinguished Statesmen, Jurists, Lawyers, Soldiers, Divines, &c. (2 vols. in one.) 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1851. 4882 Wilkinson (Gen. James). Memoirs of my own Times. 3 vols. 8vo. & Atlas 4to. Philadelphia, 1816. 4883 Williams (Samuel). The Natural and Civil History of Vermont. 2d edition, corrected and much enlarged. 2 vols. 8vo. Burlington, 1809. 4884 Williams (John Lee). The Territory of Florida; or, Sketches of the Topography, Civil and Natural History of the Country, the Climate, and the Indian Tribes, from the first Discovery to the Present Time. With a Map, Views, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1837. 4885 Williamson (Hugh). The History of North Carolina. 2 vols. 8vo. (2 copies.) Philadelphia, 1812. 4886 Williamson (William D.). The History of the State of Maine, from the first Discovery, A.D. 1602, to the Separation, A.D. 1820, inclusive. 2 vols. 8vo. Hallowell, 1832. 4887 Yale College. History of. See No. 4786. 4888 Yates (John V. N.) and MLoulton (Joseph W.). IHistory of the State of New-York, including its Aboriginal and Colonial Annals. (1 vol. in 2 Parts.) 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1824-26. 280 BIOGRAPHICAL, HISTORICAL, AND CLASSICAL DICTIONARIES. BIOGRAPHICAL, HISTORICAL, AND CLASSICAL DICTIONARIES. 4889 Allen (William). An American Geographical and Historical Dictionary. 2d edition. I vol. 8vo. Boston, 1832 4890-Alnthon (Charles). Classical Dictionary: containing an Account of the principal Proper Names mentioned in Ancient Authors of the Greeks and Romans. Together with an Account of Coins, Weights, and Measures, with Tabular Values of the same. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. New-York, 1841. 4891 Arnault (A. V.) et d'autres. Biographie Nouvelle des Contemporains; ou Dictionnaire Historique et Raisonne de tons les HIommes qui, depuis la Revolution Franqaise, ont acquis de la celebrite. Par MM. A.V. Arnault, A. Jay, E. Jouy, J. Norvins, et autres hommes de Lettres. Ornee de 300 Portraits. 20 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1821-25. 4892:Bayle (Peter). Dictionary, Historical and Critical: to which is prefixed the Life of the Author. Revised, corrected, and enlarged by Mr. Des Maizeau. 2d edition. 5 vols. fol. London, 1738. 4893 Beauvais (Le General). Biographie Universelle Classique; ou, Dictionnaire Historique Portatif. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1829. 4894 Biographie Moderne; ou Dictionnaire Biographique de tous les Hommes morts et vivans. 3"e edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1807. 4895 Chalmers (Alexander). The General Biographical Dictionary; containing an Historical and Critical Account of the Lives and Writings of the most Eminent Persons in every Nation, particularly the British and Irish; from the Earliest Accounts to the Present Time. New edition. (32 vols. in 16.) 16 vols. 8vo. London, 1812-17, 4896 Dictionary of Dates. See Nos. 4902, 4903. 4897 Dictionnaire Universel, Historique, Critique et Bibliographique. Par une societe de savans Franqais et Etrangers. 9M e6dition. 20 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1810-12. 4898 Dictionnaire Biographique Universel et Pittoresque, contenant 3000 articles environ de plus que la plus complete des Biographies publiees jusqu'a ce jour; ornee de cent vingt Portraits. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1834. 4899 Lempriere (J.). Universal Biography; containing a Copious Account, Critical and Historical, of the Life and Character, Labors and Actions of Eminent Persons, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. (2 copies.) New-York, 1810. 4900 Lempriere (J.). Classical Dictionary: containing a Copious Account of all the Proper Names mentioned in Ancient Authors, with the Value of Coins, Weights, and Measures used among the Greeks and Romans, and a Chronological Table. First American, from the sixth London edition. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) New-York, 1809. BIOGRAPHIICAL, HISTORICAL, AND CLASSICAL DICTIONARIES. 281 4901 Maunder (Samuel). Biographical Treasury; consisting of Notices of the Lives of Eminent Persons of all Ages and Nations, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. 7th edition. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1851. 4902 Putnam (G. P.). The World's Progress: a Dictionary of Dates. With Tabular Views of General History, and a Historical Chart. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1851. 4903 Putnam (G. P.). Supplement to the World's Progress. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1852. 4904 World': Progress, See Putnam, Nos, 4902, 4908. 282 BIOGRAPHY AND PERSONAL MEMOIRS. BIOGRAPHY AND PERSONAL MEMOIRS. 4905 Abbott (Jacob). Histories; comprising Josephine, Madame Roland, Xerxes the Great, Cyrus the Great, Darius the Great, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Alfred the Great, William the Conqueror, Queen Elizabeth, Mary, Queen of Scots, Charles the First, Charles the Second, Maria Antoinette, Cleopatra Queen of Egypt, Hannibal the Carthaginian. 16 vols. 16mo. New-York, -. 4906 Adams (John), Life of. See No. 1670. 4907 Adams (John Quincy). The Lives of James Madison and James Monroe. I vol. 12mo. Buffalo, 1851. 4908 Alexander the Great. The Life and Actions of, by the Rev. J. Williams. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1836. 4909 American Nepos. A Collection of the Lives of the most Remarkable and the most Eminent Men, who have contributed to the Discovery, the Settlement, and the Independence of America. 2d edition. 1 vol. 12mo. Baltimore, 1811. 4910 American National Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Americans, conducted by James Herring and James L. Longacre. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. New-York, 1834-39. 4911 Andre (Major). Narrative of the Death of, by Smith. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1808. 4912 Anson (George, Lord). The Life of, by Sir John Barrow. ~t ~ ~I vol. 8vo. London, 1839. 4913 Apollonius of Tyana. The Life of. Translated from the Greek of Philostratus, with Notes and Illustrations by the Rev. Edward Berwick. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1809. 4914 Arago (M.). Historical Eloge of James Watt. Translated from the French, with Notes and an Appendix by James Patrick Muirhead. I vol. 8vo. London, 1839. 4915 Arnold (Thomas). The Life and Correspondence of, by Arthur P. Stanley. 2d American edition. 1 vol. 8vo..New-York, 1846. 4916 Austin (James T.). The Life of Gerry. See Gerry, No. 4985. 4917 Baldwin (Oliver P.). Eulogy upon the Life and Character of General Zachary Taylor. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Richmond, 1850. 4918 Barrow (Sir John). The Life of Anson. See Anson, No. 4912. 4919 Barrow (Sir John). The Life of Howe. See Howe, No. 5002. 4920 Baxter (Rev. Richard), The Life of. See Baxter, No. 5856. 4921 Bayard (Chevalier), The Life of the. By W. Gilmore Simms. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1847. BIOGRAPHY AND PERSONAL MEMOIRS. 283 4922 Bell (Henry Glassford). Life of Mary, Queen of Scots. See Mary, No. 5042. 4923 Bisset (Robert). The Life of Burke. See Burke, No. 4938. 4924 Blackader (Lieut. Col.), Life of. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1840. 4925 Blumenthal (Madame de). The Life of Zieten. See Zieten, No. 5136. 4926 Boaden (James). Memoirs of Siddons. See Siddons, No. 5095. 4927 Bonaparte (Lucien, Prince of Canino,) Memoirs of, written by himself. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1838. 4928 Boswell (James). The Life of Johnson. See Johnson, No. 5018. 4929 Bowditch (Nathaniel), Eulogy on. See Pickering, No. 5066. 4930 3Brahe (Tycho), Life of. See No. 5041. 4931 Brant-Thayendanegea (Joseph), Life of, including the Border Wars of the American Revolution. By Wm. L. Stone. 2 vols. 8vo. Buffalo, 1851. 4932 Brenton (E. P.). Life of St. Vincent. See St. Vincent, No. 5090. 4933 Brewster (Sir David). Martyrs of Science. See No. 5041. 4934 British National Portrait Gallery of Illustrious and Eminent Personages of the Nineteenth Century; with Memoirs, by W. Jerdan. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. London, 1830-33. 4935 Brougham (I-enry, Lord). Lives of Men of Letters and Science, who flourished in the time of George III. First and second series. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1845-46. 4936 Bruce (The African Traveller). The Life and Adventures of, by Major Sir Francis B. Head. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1840. 4937 Buonarroti (Michel Angelo), Life of; with his Poetry and Letters, by R. Duppa. 2d edition. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1807. 4938 Burke (Edmund), The Life of, comprehending an impartial account of his Literary and Political Efforts, &c., by Robert Bisset. 2d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1800. 4939 Burke (John). A General and Heraldric Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1828. 4940 Burn (Maj. Gen. Andrew), The Life of. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1840. 4941 Bush (Rev. George). Life of Mohammed. See Mahomet, No. 5037. 4942 Butler (Charles). The Life of Grotius. See Grotius, No. 4989. 4943 Byron (Lord), Letters and Journals of, with Notices of his Life, by Thomas Moore. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1830. 4944 Byron (Lord), and some of his Contemporaries; with Recollections of the Author's Life, and of his Visit to Italy, by Leigh Hunt. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1828. 4945 Byron (Lord), The Life of, by John Galt. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1835. 4946 Campbell (John, Lord). The Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of England, from the Earliest Times till the Reign of King George IV. Second American from the third London edition. 7 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1851. 4947 Carlyle (Thomas). Life of Frederick Schiller. See Schiller, No. 5093. 4948 Catharine SZ. (Empress of all the Russias), The Life of, with an elegant Portrait. (Vol. 1st wanting.) 2d vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1802, 4949 Cavendish (George). The Life of Wolsey. See Wolsey, No. 5132. 4950 Channing (William Ellery), Memoirs of, with Extracts from his Correspondence and Manuscripts. 2d edition. 3 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1848. 284 BIOGRAPHY AND PERSONAL MEMOIRS. 4951 Charlemagne, The History of, by G. P. R. James. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1837. 4952 Cicero (Marcus Tullius), Life of, by Conyers Midcleton. From the London edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1818. 4953 Clement (J.). Noble Deeds of American Women; with Biographical Sketches of some of the more prominent. With an Introduction by Mrs. L. H. Sigourney. New edition, revised. I vol. 8vo. Buffalo, 1852. 4954 Clinton (De Witt), Memoir of, with an Appendix, containing numerous documents illustrative of the principal events of his Life, by David Hosack. 1 vol. 4to. New-York, 1829. 4955 Clinton (De Witt), Life of, by James Renwick. l I vol. 18mo. New-York, 1840. 4956 Colden (Cadwallader D.). The Life of Fulton. See Fulton, No. 4977. 4957 Coleridge (Samuel Taylor). Biographia Literaria; or, Biographical Sketches of my Literary Life and Opinions. New edition. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1848. 4958 Columbus (Christopher), History of the Life and Voyages of, by Washington Irving. 3 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1828. 4959 Coxe (William). Memoirs of Walpole. See Walpole, No. 5118. 4960 Croly (Rev. George). Life and Times of George the Fourth. See George, No. 4984. 4961 Cromwell (Oliver), Life of, by the Rev. M. Russell. 2 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1838. 4962 Cromwell (Oliver), Life of, by Robert Southey. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1851. 4963 Cromwell (Oliver), The Life of, by J. T. Headley. I vol. 12mo. New-York, 1848. 4964 Cunningham (Allan). Life of Wilkie. See Wilkie, No. 5127. 4965 Delaplaine's Repository of the Lives and Portraits of Distinguished Americans. (Vol. 1st and first part of Vol. 2d.) 4to. Philadelphia, 1817. 4966 Distinguished Men of Modern Times. 2 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1841. 4967 Dover (Lord). The Life of Frederic the Second. See Frederic, No. 4975. 4968 Dwight (S. E.). Life of President Edwards. See Edwards, No. 4969. 4969 Edwards (President), Life of, by S. E. Dwight. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1830. 4970 Elmes (James). Memoirs of the Life and Works of Wren. See Wren, No. 5135. 4971 Euler (Leonhard). Lobrede. See Fuss, No. 4978. 4972 Female Sovereigns. Memoirs of Celebrated Female Sovereigns, by Mrs. Jameson. 2 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1832. 4973 Franklin (Benjamin), Memoirs of, written by himself; with his most interesting Essays, Letters, Miscellaneous Writings, &c., &c. 2 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1840. 4974 Frederic I., Roi de Prusse, Vie de. 7 vols. 8vo. Strasbourg, 1788-89. 4975 Frederic I., King of Prussia, The Life of, by Lord Dover. 2 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1835. 4976 Frederick H., King of Prussia, The Life of. 2d vol. only. 2d vol. 8vo. London, -- 4977 Fulton (Robert), The Life of, by his friend Cadwallader D. Colden; with an Appendix. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York. 1817. BIOGRAPHY AND PERSONAL MEMOIRS. 2 5 4978 FusS (Nicolaus). Lobrede auf Herrn Leonard Euler. 1 vol. 8vo. Basel, 1786, 4979 Galileo, Life of. See No. 5041. 4980 Gallery of Distinguished Persons, See Nos. 4910, 4934. 4981 Galt (John). Life of Byron. See Byron, No. 4945. 4982 Galt (John). Life of West. See West, No. 5124, 4983 Garland (Hugh A.). The Life of John Randolph of Roanoke. See Randolph, No. 5079. 4984 George IV. Life and Times of George the Fourth; with Anecdotes of Distinguished Persons of the last Fifty Years, by Rev. George Croly, New edition. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1837. 4985 Gerry (Elbridge), The Life of, with contemporary letters, to the close of the American Revolution, ByJas. T. Austin. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1828-29. 4986 Goethe's Autobiography. See No. 5379. 4987 Goldsmith (Oliver), The Life of, with Selections from his Writings, by Washington Irving. 2 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1840, 4988 Goldsmith (Oliver). A Biography. By Washington Irving. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1851. 4989 Grotius (Hugo), The Life of, with Brief Minutes of the Civil, Ecclesiastical, and Literary History of the Netherlands, by Charles Butler. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1826, 4990 Guizot (M.). Washington. Fondation de la Republique des Etats-Unis d'Amerique, Vie de Washington, &c. Traduite de 1'Anglais, de M, Jared Sparks. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1851. 4991 Hamilton (Alexander), The Life of, by his Son, John C. Hamilton. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1840. 4992 Hamilton (Alexander), Life of. See No. 5014. 4993 Head (Sir Francis B.). The Life of Bruce. See Bruce, No. 4936. 4994 Headley (J. T.). Life of Oliver Cromwell. See Cromwell, No. 4963. 4995 Heber (Reginald, Lord Bishop of Calcutta), The Life of, by his Widow; with Selections fiom his Correspondence, Unpublished Poems, and Private Papers; together with a Journal of his Tour in Norway, Sweden, Russia, Hungary, and Germany, and a History of the Cossacks. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1830. 4996 Henry (The'Fourth), The Life of, King of France and Navarre. By G. P. R. James. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1850. 4997 Henry (Rev. Philip), The Life of, by his Son. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1840. 4998 Henry (Patrick), Sketches of the Life and Cliaracter of, by William Wirt. 3d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1818. 4999 Herring (James). American National Portrait Gallery. See No. 4910. 5000 Hervey (Rev. James) & Toplady (Rev. Aug.), Lives of. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1841. 5001 Hosack (David). Memoir of De Witt Clinton. See Clinton, No. 4954. 5002 Howe (Richard, Earl), The Life of, by Sir John Barrow. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1838. 5003 Hunt (Leigh). Lord Byron and some of his Contemporaries, &c. See Byron, No. 4944. 286 BIOGRAPHY AND PERSONAL ME-MOIRS, 5004 Hunt (Leigh). Autobiography. See Hunt, No. 5412. 5005 Irving (Washington). History of the Life of Columbus. See Columbus, No. 4958. 5006 Irving (Washington). Mahomet and his Successors. See Mahomet, No. 5039. 5007 Irving (Washington). Oliver Goldsmith. See Goldsmith, No. 4988. 5008 Irving (Washington). The Life of Goldsmith. See Goldsmith, No. 4987. 5009 James (G. P. R.). The History of Charlemagne. See Charlemagne, No. 4951. 5010 James (G. P. R.). The Life of Henry the Fourth. See Henry, No. 4996. 5011 Jameson (Mrs.). Memoirs of Celebrated Female Sovereigns. See No. 4972. 5012 Janeway (Rev. John), The Life of. See No. 5060. 5013 Jay (John), The Life of, with Selections from his Correspondence and Miscel cellaneous Papers, by his Son, William Jay. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1833. 5014 Jay & Hamilton. Lives of John Jay and Alexander Hamilton. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1841. 5015 Jefferson (Thomas), The Life of, with parts of his Correspondence never before published, and Notices of his Opinions on Questions of Civil Government, National Policy, and Constitutional Law. By George Tucker. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1837. 5016 Jenkins (John S.). Lives of the Governors of the State of New-York. I vol. 8vo. Auburn, 1851. 5017 Jerdan (W.). British National Portrait Gallery. See No. 4934. 5018 Johnson (Samuel), The Life of, by James Boswell. 10 vols. 12mo. London, 1835. 5019 Johnson (Samuel), The Life and Writings of, selected and arranged by Rev. William P. Page. 2 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1841. 5020 Jones (John Paul, Capt. U. S. N.), Life and Character of, by John Henry Sherburne. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1851. 5021 Josephine (The Empress), Memoirs of, by John S. Memes. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1837. 5022 Kennedy (J. P.). Memoirs of the Life of William Wirt. See Wirt, No. 5131. 5023 Kepler (John), Life of. See No. 5041. 5024 Keppel (Augustus, Viscount), The Life of, by the Hon. and Rev. Thomas Keppel. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1842. 5025 Knox (John), Life of. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1839. 5026 Lafayette (Gilbert Motier de), The Life of, by Ebenezer Mack. 1 vol. 8vo. Ithaca, N. Y., 1841. 5027 Langhorne. Plutarch's Lives. See No. 5071. 5028 Ledyard (John, the American Traveller), The Life of, comprising selections from his Journals and Correspondence, by Jared Sparks. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1828. 5029 Lee (Richard Henry), Memoir of the Life of, and his Correspondence with the most Distinguished Men in America and Europe, illustrative of their Characters, and of the Events of the American Revolution, by his Grandson, Richard H. Lee. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1825. BIOGRAPHY AND PERSONAL MEMOIRS. 2S7 5030 Lee (Arthur), Life of, with his Political and Literary Correspondence, and his Papers on Diplomatic and Political Subjects, &c., by Richard Henry Lee. 2 vols. Svo. Boston, 1829. 5031 Leo the Tenth. The Life and Pontificate of, by William Roscoe. 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1805-6. 5032 Le Tourneur. La Vie de Frederic, Baron de Trenck. See Trenck, No. 5111. 5033 Longacre (James L.). American National Portrait Gallery. See No. 4910. 5034 Mack (Eben.). The Life of Lafayette. See Lafayette, No. 5026. 5035.Mackenzie (Alex. Slidell). The Life of Perry. See Perry, No. 5063. 5036 Madison (James), Life of. See No. 4907. 5037 Mahomet, The Life of, by the Rev. George Bush. I vol. 18mo. New-York, 1837. 5038 Mahomet, Life of. See Prideaux, No. 5075. 5039 MIahomet and his Successors. By Washington Irving. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1850-51. 5040 Marshall (John). The Life of Washington. See Washington, Nos. 5119, 5120. 5041 M;artyrs of Science; or, the Lives of Galileo, Tycho Brahe, and Kepler, by Sir David Brewster. I vol. 18mo. New-York, 1841. 5042 Mary, Queen of Scots, Life of. By Henry Glassford Bell. 2 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1836. 5043 Mary, Queen of Scots, History of. By F. Mignet. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1851. 5044 Medici (Lorenzo de), The Life of. By William Roscoe. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1803. 5045 Melancthon (Philip, the German Reformer), Life of. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1841. 5046 Melville (Andrew, the Scottish Reformer), The Life of. 1 vol. 18mio. Philadelphia, 1840. 5047 Memes (John S.). Memoirs of Josephine. See Josephine, No. 5021. 5048 Michel Angelo. See Buonarroti, No. 4937. 5049 Middleton (Conyers). Life of Cicero. See Cicero, No. 4952. 5050 Mignet (F. A.). History of Mary, Queen of Scots. See Mary, No. 5043. 5051 Miller (Samuel). Memoir of the Rev. John Rodgers. See Rodgers, No. 6080. 5052 Monroe (James), Life of. See No. 4907. 5053 Moore (Thomas). Life of Byron. See Byron, No. 4943. 5054 Morris (Gouverneur), The Life of, with Selections from his Correspondence and Miscellaneous Papers. ByJared Sparks. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1832. 5055 National Portrait Gallery. See Nos. 4910, 4934. 5056 Nelson, The Life of. By Robert Southey. I vol. 18mo. New-York, 1835. 5057 Niles (John M.). Life of Oliver Hazard Perry. See Perry, No. 5064. 5058 (Ecolampadius (John), Life of. See Zuinglius, No. 5138. 5059 Otis (James), The Life of. By William Tudor. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Boston, 1823. 288 BIOGRAPHY AND PERSONAL MEMOIRS. 5060 Owen (Rev. John) & Janeway (Rev. John), Lives of. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1840, 5061 Page (Rev. William P.). The Life and Writings of Johnson. See Johnson, No. 5019. 5062 Paulding (James K.). Life of Washington. See Washington, No. 5122. 5063 Perry (Commodore Oliver Hazard), The Life of. By Alex. Slidell Mackenzie. 2 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1841. 5064 Perry (Corn.. H.), Life of, by John M. Niles. 2d edition. I vol. 12mo. Hartford, 1821. 5065 Philostratus. The Life of Apollonius. See Apollonius, No. 4913. 6066 Pickering (John), Eulogy on Nathaniel Bowditch, President of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; including an Analysis of his Scientific Publications. I 8vo. pamphlet. Boston, 1838. 5067 Picton (Lieut. General Sir Thomas), Memoirs of, including his Correspondence. By H. B. Robinson. 2d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1836. 5068 Pinkney (William), Some Account of the Life, Writings, and Speeches of. By Henry Wheaton. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1826. 5069 Pitt (Right Hon. William). Anecdotes of the Life of, and of the Principal Events of his Time; with his Speeches in Parliament, from 1736 to 1778. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1792. 5070 Pitt (Right HIon. William), Memoirs of the Life of. By George Tomline. 4th edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1822. 5071 Plutarch's Lives. Translated from the original Greek, with Notes Critical and Historical, and a Life of Plutarch. By John and William Langhorne. New edition, with corrections and additions, by Rev. Francis Wrangham. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1809. 5072 Plutarch's Lives. The same. 8 vols. 12mo. (2 copies.) Philadelphia, 1811. 5073 Plutarque. Les Vies des IHommes Illustres. Traduites en Franqais par Ricard. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1836. 5074 Powell (Mary), The Maiden and Married Life of, afterwards Mistress Milton. 1 vol. 16mo. New-York, 1852. 5075 Prideaux (Humphrey). The True Nature of Imposture, Fully Displayed in the Life of Mahomet. 3d edition. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1698. 5076 Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties; its Pleasures and Rewards. Illustrated by Memoirs of Eminent Men. 2 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1840. 5077 Queens of Einglanld: a series of Portraits of Distinguished Female Sovereigns, drawn aid engraved by eminent artists; with Biographical and Historical Sketches, from Agnes Strickland. New edition. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. New-York, 1852. 5078 Quincy (Josiah), Memoir of the Life of, by his Son, Josiah Quincy. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1825. 5079 Randolph (John), The Life of. By Hugh A. Garland. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1851. 5080 Red Jacket. See No. 5089. 5081 Renwick (James). Life of Clinton. See Clinton, No. 4955. 5082 SRenwick (James). Life of Alexander Hamilton. See No. 5014. 5083 Robinson (H. B.). Memoirs of Picton. See Picton, No. 5067. 5084 Roscoe (William). The Life of Leo the Tenth. See Leo, No. 5031. BIOGRAPHY AND PERSONAL IMEMOIRS. 289 5085 ROscoe (William). The Life of Lorenzo de Medici. See Medici, No. 5044. 5086 Ross (Sir John). Memoirs of Saumarez. See Saumarez, No. 5092. 5087 [Russell (William, Lord), The Life of, with some Account of the Times in which he lived. By Lord John Russell. 3d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1820. 5088 Russell (Rev. M.). Life of Oliver Cromwell. See Cromwell, No. 4961. 5089 Sa-go-ye-wat-ha; or, Red Jacket, The Life and Times of. By William L. Stone. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1841. 5090 St. Vincent (John, Earl of), Life and Correspondence of. By Edward Pelham Brenton. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1838. 5091 Sanderson (John). Biography of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. 9 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1820. 5092 Saumarez (Admiral Lord de), Memoirs and Correspondence of, from Original Papers in Possession of the Family. By Sir John Ross. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1838. 5093 Schiller (Friederich), The Life of, comprehending an Examrination of his Works. By Thomas Carlyle. From the second London edition. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1846. 5094 Sherburne (J. H.). Life and Character of John Paul Jones. See Jones, No. 5020. 5095 Siddons (Mrs.), Memoirs of, interspersed with Anecdotes of Authors and Actors. By James Boaden. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1827. 5096 Simms (W. Gilmore). The Life of the Chevalier Bayard. See Bayard, No. 4921. 5097 Smith's Narrative of Major Andre. See Andre, No. 4911. 5098 Southey (Robert). The Life of Nelson. See Nelson, No. 5056. 5099 Southey (Robert). Life of Oliver Cromwell. See Cromwell, No. 4962. 5100 Sparks (Jared). The Library of American Biography. 25 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1834-48. 5101 Sparks (Jared). The Life of Ledyard. See Ledyard, No. 5028. 5102 Sparks (Jared). The Life of Morris. See Morris, No. 5054. 5103 Sparks (Jared). The Life of Washington. See Washington, No. 5121. 5104 Stone (William L.). Life of Joseph Brant. See Brant, No. 4931. 5105 Stone (William L.). Life of Red Jacket. See Red Jacket, No. 5080. 5106 Taylor (Gen. Zachary), Eulogy on. See No. 4917. 5107 Telford (Thomas), Life of. See Telford, No. 1737. 5108 Thatcher (B. B.). Indian Biography; or, an Historical Account of those Individuals who have been distinguished among the North American Natives, as Orators, Warriors, Statesmen, and other remarkable Characters. 2 vols. 18no. New-York, 1836. 5109 Tomline (George). Life of Pitt. See Pitt, No. 5070. 5110 Toplady (Rev. Augustus), Life of. See No. 5000. 5111 Trenck (Frederic Baron de), La Vie de. Traduite de l'Allemand par:M. Le Tourneur. (5 vols. in 2.) 2 vols. 12mo. Berlin, 1788. 5112 Trosse (Rev. George), Life of. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1840. 5113 Trumbull (John). Autobiography, Reminiscences, and Letters of John Trumbull, from 1756 to 1841. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1841. 511 1 Tucker (George). The Life of Jefferson. See Jefferson, No. 5015. 19 290 BIOGRAPHY AND PERSONAL MEMOIRS, 5115 Tuckerman (Henry T.). Artist-Life; or, Sketches of American Painters. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1847. 5116 Tudor (William). The Life of Otis. See Otis, No. 5059. 5117 Waldegrave (James, Earl). Memoirs from 1754 to 1758. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1821. 5118 Walpole (Horatio, Lord), Memoirs of, Selected from his Correspondence and Papers, and Connected with the History of the Times, from 1678 to 1757. By William Coxe. 3d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1820. 5119 Washington (George), The Life of. By John Marshall. 5 vols. 8vo. & Atlas. Philadelphia, 1805-7. 5120 Washington (George). The same. 2d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. & Atlas. Philadelphia, 1832. 5121 Washington (George), The Life of. By Jared Sparks. I vol. roy. 8vo. Boston, 1839. 5122 Washington, A Life of. By James K. Paulding. 2 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1835. 5123 Watt (James), Historical Eloge of. See No. 4914. 5124 West (Benjamin), The Life and Studies of. By John Galt. I vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1816. 5125 Wheaton (Henry). Life, Writings, and Speeches of Pinkuey. See Pinkney, No. 5068. 5126 Wheeler (Henry G.). History of Congress, Biographical and Political; comprising Memoirs of Members of the Congress of the United States. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1848. 5127 Wilkie (Sir David), Life of, with his Journals, Tours, and Critical Remarks on Works of Art, and a Selection from his Correspondence. By Allan Cunningham. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1843. 5128 Williams (Rev. J.). The Life of Alexander the Great. See Alexander, No. 4908. 5129 Wilson (Capt. James), Life of. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1840. 5130 Wirt (William). Life of Patrick Henry. See Henry, No. 4998. 5131 Wirt (William), Memoirs of the Life of. By John Kennedy. A new and revised edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1850. 5132 Wolsey (Cardinal), The Life of. By George Cavendish; with Notes, and other Illustrations, by S. W. Singer. 2 vols. 8vo. Chiswick, 1825. 5133 Wordsworth (William), Memoirs of. See No. 5544. 5134 Wraxall (Sir N. W.). Posthumous Memoirs of his own Time. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1836. 5135 Wren (Sir Christopher), Memoirs of the Life and Works of, with a Brief View of the Progress of Architecture in England, &c. By James Elmes. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1823. 5136 Zieten (General de), The Life of. By Madame de Blumenthal. Translated from the German by the Rev. B. Beresford. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1803. 5137 Zschokke (Heinrich), Autobiography of. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1845. 5138 Zuinglius (Ulricus), Life of, with a Biographical Sketch of John CEcolampadius. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1841. -ITE.RARY HISTORY. 291 LITERARY HISTORY. i139 Ampere (J. J.)o Litterature et Voyages, Allemagne et Scandinavie. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1833. 5140 Auger (L. S.). Laharpe's Cours de Litterature, See No. 5157..5141 Berington (Rev, Joseph). Literary History of the Middle Ages; comprehending an Account of the State of Learning from the Close of the Reign of Augustus, to its Revival in the Fifteenth Century, 1 vol. 4to. London, 1814. 5142 Chalmers (Alex.). History of the Colleges, Halls, and Public Buildings attached to the University of Oxford, including the Lives of the Founders. Illustrated by a series of Engravings. 2 vols. 8vo, Oxford, 1810. 5143 Chambers (Robert). Cyclopaedia of English Literature. 2 vols, roy. 8vo. Boston, 1849-50. 5144 Chase's Raymond de Vericour's Modern French Literature. See No. 5160. 5145 Cleveland (Charles D.). English Literature of the Nineteenth Century. 1 vol. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1851, 5146 D'Israeli. See Israeli, Nos. 5154, 5155. 5147 Dunlap (William). History of the American Theatre. 1 voL 8vo. New-York, 1832. 5148 Dunlop (John). History of Roman Literature, fiom its Earliest Period to the Augustan Age. 2d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1824. 5149 Eschenburg (J. J.). Manual of Classical Literature. Translated from the German, with additions, by N. W. Fiske. 3d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1839. 5150 Genlis (Madame de). L'Influence des Femmes sur la Litterature Frangaise. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1811. 5151 Hallam (Henry). Introduction to the Literature of Europe in the Fifteenth, Sixteenth, and Seventeenth Centuries. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1839. 5152 Hazlitt (William). Lectures on the English Comic Writers. Delivered at the Surry Institution. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1819. 5153 Howitt (William & Mary). Literature and Romance of Northern Europe. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1852. 5154 Israeli (I. d'). Curiosities of Literature. (2d series.) 2 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1834. 5155 Israeli (I. d'). Curiosities of Literature. 2d edition. 3 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1834. 5156 Knapp (Samuel L.). Lectures on American Literature; with Remarks on some Passages of American History. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1829. 292 LITERARY HISTORY. 5157 Laharpe (J. F.). Lycee; ou, Cours de Litterature, Ancienne et MlodermeT: Nouvelle edition, revue, corrigee, renfermee dans la partie Litteraire, et precedee dc la Vie de l'Auteur par L. S. Auger. 8 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1813'. 5158 MIenzel (WolGigng). German Literature. Translated from the German by C. C. Felton 3 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1840O. 5159 Miller (Samuel). Brief Retrospect of the Eighteenth Century: containing a Sketch of the Revolutions, and Improvements in Science, Arts, anc Literature during that period. 2 vols. 8vo, New-York, 1803. 5160 kaymond de Vericour (L.). Moder French Literature. Revised, with Notes, by William Staughton Chase, A. M. 1 voL Boston, 1848. 5161 Schlegel (Frederick). Lectures on the History of Literature, Ancient and Modern. From the German, 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 18198 5162 Shaw (Thomas B.). Outlines of English Literature. I vol. 12mo., Philadelphia, 1849, 5163 Sismondi (J. C. L. Simonde de). De la Litterature du Midi de l'Europe. 2" edition, revue et corrigee. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1819'. 5164 Sismondi (J. C. L. Simonde de). Historical View of the Literature of the' South of Europe. Translated from the originaT, with Notes, by Thomas' Roscoe. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1823. 5165 Stael-Holstein (Baroness de). A Treatise on Ancient and Modern Literature. Illustrated by striking references to the principal events and characters that have distinguished the French Revolution. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1803, 5166 Ticknor (George). History of Spanish Literature. 3 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1849, 5167 Urquhart (Rev. D. H.). Commentaries on Classical Learning. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1803. 5168 Vericour (Raymond de). See Raymond de Vericour, No. 5160. 5169 Warton (Joseph). Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope. 5th edition, corrected. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1806. 5170 Warton (Thomas). History of English Poetry, from the close of the Eleventh Century, to the commencement of the Eighteenth Century. To which are prefixed three Dissertations. A new edition, carefully revised. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1824, METAPHYSICAL PHILOSOPJHY.:5171 Bacon (Francis, Baron of Verulam, &co), The Works of. 10 vols. 8vo. London, 1803.:5172 Bacon (Francis, Baron de Verulan, &c.), CEuvres Philosophiques, Morales et Politiques de, avec Notice Biographique par J. A. C. Buchon (Pantheon Litteraire). 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1836. ^'173 Bailey (G.). Essays on the Pursuit of Truth, -c. See Bailey, No. 5238..5174 Belsham (W.). Essays, Philosophical and Moral, Historical and Literary, 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1799..5175 Brovwn (Thomas). Inquiry into the Relation of Cause and Effect. 1 vol. 8vo. Andover, 1822. 5176 Brucker. Historia, Critica, Philosophic. See No. 5180..5177 Cousin (Victor). Introduction to the History of Philosophy. Translated from the French by Henning Goteried Linberg. vol. 8vo. Boston, 1832. 5178 De Gerando. See Gerando, No. 5185..5179 Descartes. CEuvres Philosophiques de, Publiees d'apres les textes originaux par L. Aime-Martin. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1838..5180 Enfield (William). History of Philosophy, from the earliest times to the beginning of the present century; drawn up from Brucker's Historica, Critica, Philosophiae. 2 vols. 8vo. London; 1819. -181 Ferguson (Adam). History of Civil Society. See Ferguson, Nos. 5260, 5261..5182 Fichte (de). Destination de l'Hommeo Traduit de l'Allemandpar Barchou de Penhoen. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1832..5183 Gale (Theophilus). The Court of the Gentiles; or, a Discourse touching the Original of Human Literature, both Philologic and Philosophic, from the Scriptures and Jewish Church. (In 4 parts.) 2 vols. 4to. Oxon. & London, 1672-77. 5184 Gassendi (P.). Epieuri Pliilosophiae. (2 vols. in one.) 1 vol. fol. Lug.duni, 1675..5185 Gerando (Le Baron Joseph-Mar. de). Histoire compar.ee des Systbmes de Philosophic, consideres r.lativement aux principes des Connaissances Humaines. 23 edition, revue, corrigee et augmentee. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1822-23. 51.86 Good (John Mason). The Book of Nature. 3d edition, corrected. 3 vols, 12mo. London, 1834. 294 METAPHYSICAL PHILOSOPHYo 5187 Kames (Henry Home of). Sketches of the History of Man; considerably enlarged by the last additions and corrections of the Author. A new edition, with a General Index. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1807. 5188 Lasalle (Albert-Frangois de). Conjectures Philosophiques, Religieuses et Politiques. I vol. 8vo. Metz, 1833, 5189 Lerminier (E.). De l'Influence de la Philosophie du XIII Siecle, sur la L6gislation et la Sociabilite du XIXe. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1833. 5190 Mlackintosh (James). Progress of Ethical Philosophy. See Mackintosh, No. 5276. 5191 Malebranche (N.). Search after Truth. See Malebranehe, No. 5219. 5192 Morell (Thomas). Elements of the History of Philosophy and Science, from the earliest authentic Records to the commencement of the Eighteentl Century. I vol. Svo. London, 1827 5193 MBeorell (J. D.). Historical and Critical View of the Speculative Philosophy of Europe in the Nineteenth Century. (Complete in one volume.) I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1849.. 5194 Proclus. The Philosophical and Mathematical Commentaries of Proclus, the First Book of Euclid's Elements. To which are added a History of the Restoration of Platonic Theology, by the latter Platonists, and a Translation from the Greek of Proclus's Theological Elements. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1792. 5195 Ritter (Le Dr. Henri). Histoire de la Philosophie. Traduite de'Allemand par C. J. Tissot. Premier partie Histoire de la Philosophie Ancienne. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1835-36. 5196 Shepherd (Lady Mary). Essays on the Perception of an External Universe, and other subjects connected with the Doctrine of Causation. I vol. 8vo. London, 1827. 5197 Stewart (Dugald). General View of the Progress of Metaphysical, Ethical, and Political Philosophy, since the Revival of Letters; in two Dissertations. (2 parts in one.) 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1822. 5198 Tucker (Abraham). Light of Nature Pursued. 2d edition, revised and corrected, together with some Account of the Life of the Author, by Sir H. P. St.-John Mildmay. 7 vols. 8vo. London, 1805. 5199 Turner (Sharon). The Sacred History of the World, as Displayed in the Creation, and Subsequent Events, to the Deluge; attempted to be philosophically considered, in a series of Letters to a Son. 3 vols. 8vo. New York, 1836. 5200 Weiss (Colonel de). Principes Philosophiques, Politiques et Moraux. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1828. LOGIC AND INTELLECTUAL PHILOSOPHY. 295 LOGIC AND INTELLECTUAL PHILOSOPHY. 5201 Abercrombie (John). Inquiries concerning the Intellectual Powers, and the Investigation of Truth. 2d Edinburgh edition. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1836. 5202 Aldrich. The Rudiments of the Art of Logic. Literally translated from the Text of Aldrich, with Explanatory Notes. 4th edition. I vol. 12mo. Oxford, 1832. 5203 Bailey (Samuel). The Theory of Reasoning. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1852. 5204 Bailey (G.). Formation and Publication of Opinions. See Bailey, No. 5237. 5205 Beattie (James). Essays on Poetry and Music, as they affect the Mind; on Laughter, and Ludicrous Composition; on the Usefulness of Classical Learning. 3d edition, corrected. I vol. 8vo. London, 1779. 5206 Brown (Thomas). Lectures on the Philosophy of the Human Mind. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1820. 5207 Cicero (Tusculan). Disputations of Cicero. A new edition, revised and corrected by W. H. Main. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1824. 5208 Cogan (T.). Philosophical Treatise on the Passions. From. the last London edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1821. 5209 Condillac. Logique. See Vol. 30, No. 6164. 5210 Crousaz (J. P. de). La Logique; ou, Systeme de Reflexions, qui peuvent cortribuire a la nettete et a l'etendue de nos connaissances. 4 vols. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1725. 5211 Dick (Thomas). On the Improvement of Society by the Diffusion of Knowledge. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1835. 5212 Fauvel-Gouraud (Francis). Phreno-Mnenlotechny; or, the Art of Memory: the series of Lectures, Explanatory of the Principles of the System, delivered in New-York and Philadelphia in the beginning of 1844. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1845. 5213 Gouraud Fauvel. See Fauvel-Gouraud, No. 5212. 5214 Hedge (Levi). Elements of Logick; or, a Summary of the General Principles and Different Modes of Reasoning. Stereotype edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1840. 5215 Hodge (Levi). The same. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1842. 5216 Hunt (Robert). Panthea, the Spirit of Nature. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1849. 2517 Locke (John). An Essay concerning Human Understanding. 2d American edition. 3 vols. 12mo. Brattleboro, 1806. 5218 Locke (John). The same. (A new edition, 2 vols. in one.) I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1824. 296 LOGIC AND INTELLECTUAL PHILOSOPHY. 5219 Mlalebranche (Nicholas). Treatise concerning the Search after Truth; The whole work compleat. To which is added the Author's Treatise of Nature and Grace, being a Consequence of the Principles contained in the Search: together with his Answer to the Animadversions, &c., &c. All translated by T. Taylor. 1 vol. fol. Oxford, 1694. 5220 lEill (John Stuart). A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive; being a connected View of the Principles of Evidence, and the Methods of Scientific Investigation. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1843. 5221 Reid (Thomas). An Inquiry into the Human Mind, on the Principles of Common Sense. 5th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1801. 5222 Reid (Thomas). The Works of. With an Account of his Life and Writings, by Dugald Stewart. 3 vols. Svo. New-York, 1822. 5223 Stewart (Dugald). Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1793..224 Stewart (Dugald). Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind. 6th edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1818. 5225 Stewart (Dugald). Elements of the Philosophy of the Humnan Mind. (2 vols. in one.) 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1821. 5226 Stewart (Dugald). Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind. (Vol. 3d only.) 3d vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1827. 5227 Stewart (Dugald). Philosophical Essays. 3d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 cojpies.) Edinburgh, 1818. 5228 Tucker (A.). Light of Nature pursued. See Tucker, No. 5198. 5229 UlpharL (Thomas C.). Outlines of Imperfect and Disordered Mental Action. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1840. 5230 Watts (Isaac). Logic; or, the Right Use of Reason in the Inquiry after Truth. With a Variety of Rules to guard against Error in the Affairs of Religion and Human Life, as well as in the Sciences. A new edition. 1 vol. 12mo. Berwick, 1793, 5231 Whately (Richard). Elements of Logic; comprising the Substance of the Article in the Encyclopaedia Metropolitana. With Additions, &c. Stereotype edition. vol. 12mo. (2 copies.) Boston, 1848. MORAL PHILOSOPHY. 29 MORAL PHILOSOPHY. 5232 Abercrombie (John). The Philosophy of the Moral Feelings. From the 2d Edinburgh edition. With Questions for the Examination of Students. I vol. 18mo. New-York, 1836. 5233 Adams (Jasper). Elements of Moral Philosophy.. I vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1837. 5234 Adams (Jasper). Elements of Moral Philosophy. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 183'7. 5235 Amory (Thomas). Grove's Moral Philosophy. See No. 5267. 5236 Aristotle. Ethics and Politics; comprising his Practical Philosophy. Translated from the Greek. Illustrated by Introductions and Notes, the Critical History of his Life, and a new Analysis of his Speculative Works. By John Gillies. 3d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1813. 5237 Bailey (George). Essays on the Formation and Publication of Opinions, and on other Subjects. From the last London edition. 1 vol. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1831. 5238 Bailey (George). Essays on the Pursuit of Truth, on the Progress of Knowledge, and the Fundamental Principle of all Evidence and Expectation. I vol. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1831. 5239 Beattie (James). Dissertations, Moral and Critical. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1783. 5240 Beattie (James). Elements of Moral Science. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1790-93. 5241 Bentham (Jeremy). An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation. A new edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1823. 5242 Blakey (Robert). History of Moral Science. 2d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1836. 5243 Boyd (Rev. J. R.). Eclectic Moral Philosophy. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1849. 5244 Bruyere (La). See Labruyere, Nos. 5272, 5273. 5245 Bush (Rev. George). Dymond's Principles of Morality. See No. 5257. 5246 Chalmers (Rev. Thomas). On the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God as manifested in the Adaptation of External Nature to the Moral and Intellectual Constitution of Man. (Bridgewater Treatises.) 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1839. 5247 Cicero. Five Books de Finibus; or, concerning the Last Object of Desire and Aversion. By S. Pariker. New edition. I vol. 8vo. Oxford, 1812. 5248 Cicero de Officiis; or, his Treatise concerning the Moral Duties of Mankind. To which are subjoined, his Moral Paradoxes; the Vision of Scipio concerning a Future State; and his Letter on the Duties of a Magistrate. With Notes, Historical and Explanatory. Translated by William Guthrie. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1820. 298 MORAL PHILOSOPHY. 5249 Cogan (T.). Ethical Questions; or, Speculations on the principal Subjects of Controversy in Moral Philosophy. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1817. 5250 Coleridge (Samuel Taylor). Aids to Reflection. 6th edition. I vol. 12mo. New-York, 1847. 5251 Combe (George). Lectures on Moral Philosophy, delivered before the Philosophical Association, at Edinburgh, in the winter session of 1835 and 1836. 1 vol. 12mo. Boston, 1840. 5252 Desbordeliers. (A.). Morale Militaire. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1844. 5253 Des Cartes (Rene). Les Passions de l'Ame. Le Monde; ou, Traite de la Lumiere et la Geometrie. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1726. 5254 Dewar (Daniel). Elements of Moral Philosophy and of Christian Ethics. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1826. 5255 Dewette. Human Life; or, Practical Ethics. Translated fiom the German by Samuel Osgood. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1842. 5256 Dodsley (R.). Economy of Human Life. In two Parts. I vol. 8vo. Kelso, 1802. 5257 Dymond (Jonathan). Essays on the Principles of Morality, and on the Private and Political Rights and Obligations of Mankind. With a Preface by the Rev. George Bush. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1836. 5258 England (George). An Inquiry into the Morals of the Ancients. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1735. 5259 Epictetus. All the Works of, which are now extant; consisting of his Discourses preserved by Arrian, in four Books, the Enchiridion, and Frangments. Translated fiom the Greek by Eliz. Carter; with Notes. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1758. 5260 Ferguson (Adam). An Essay on the History of Civil Society. 5th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1782. 5261 Ferguson (Adam). An Essay on the History of Civil Society. I vol. 4to. Edinburgh, 1767. 5262 Ferguson (Adam). Principles of Moral and Political Science; being chiefly a Retrospect of Lectures delivered in the College of Edinburgh. (Vol. 1st wanting.) 2d vol. 4to. Edinburgh, 1792. 5263 Foster (John). Essays; in a Series of Letters to a Friend. (2 vols. in one.) 1 vol. 12mo. Boston, 1811. 5264 Gisborne (Thomas). The Principles of Moral Philosophy investigated, and briefly applied to the Constitution of Civil Society: together with Remarks, &c. I vol. 8vo. London, 1789. 5265 Gisborne (Thomas). An Inquiry into the Duties of Men in the Higher and Middle Classes of Society in Great Britain, resulting from their respective Stations, Professions, and Employments. 2d edition. 2 vols.. 8vo. London, 1795. 5266 Gros (Johan. Daniel). Natural Principles of Rectitude, for the Conduct of Man in all States and Situations of Life; demonstrated and explained in a systematic Treatise on Moral Philosophy. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1795. 5267 Grove (Henry). A System of Moral Philosophy. Published from the Author's Manuscript, with his latest Improvements and Corrections; by Thomas Amory. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1749. 5268 Hale (Matthew). Primitive Origination of Mankind, considered and examined according to the Light of Nature. I vol. fol. London, 1677. MORAL PHILOSOPHY. 299 5269 Hutcheson (Francis). A short Introduction to Moral Philosophy. In three Books. Containing the Elements of Ethics and the Law of Nature. Translated from the Latin. 2d edition. 1 vol. 12mo. Glasgow, 1753. 5270 Hutcheson (Francis). A System of Moral Philosophy. In three Books. (2 vols. in one.) 1 vol. 4to. London, 1755. 5271 Jouffroy. Introduction to Ethics; including a Critical Survey of Moral Systems. Translated from the French by William H. Channing. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1840. 5272 Labruyere (de). Les Caracteres de Theophraste avec les Caracteres, ou, les Mceurs de ce Siecle. Nouvelle edition, augmentee de quelques notes sur ces deux ouvrages, et de la defense de Labruyere et de ses Caracteres. Par Coste. 2 vols. 12mo. Dublin, 1778. 5273 Labruyere (Jean de). Les Caracteres; ou, les Mceurs de ce Siecle. See No. 5278. 5274 La Rochefoucauld. See Rochefoucauld, No. 5290. 5275 Lieber (Francis). Manual of Political Ethics; designed chiefly for the Use of Colleges and Students at Law. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1838. 5276 M'ackintosh (James). A General View of the Progress of Ethical Philosophy, chiefly during the 17th and 18th Centuries. 2d edition. I vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1834. 5277 Mlandeville. Fable of the Bees. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1728. 5278 IMoralistes (Franpais). De la Sagesse, par Pierre Charron.-Pensees de Blaise Pascal.-Reflexions, ou Sentences et Maximes Morales, du Duc de la Rochefoucauld.-Les Caracteres, ou les Meurs de ce Siecle, par Jean de Labruyere. CEuvres de Vauvenargues avec Notices Biographiques par J. A. C. Buchon. (Pantheon Litteraire.) I vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1836o 5279 Nettleton (William). A Treatise on Virtue and Happiness. 7th edition. I vol. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1774. 5280 Paley (William). The Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy. 8th American edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1815. 5281 Paley (William). The Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy. I vol. 18mo. Bridgeport, 1827. 5282 Paley (William). The Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy. With Additions and Improvements. (2 vols. in one.) 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1835. 5283 Payne (George). Elements of Mental and Moral Science. 2d edition, enlarged. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1842. 5284 Pictet (B.). La Morale Chr6tienne; ou, l'art de bien vivre. Nouvelle edition, corrigee et augmentee. 8 vols. 18mo. Geneve, 1709. 5285 Plato. Divine Dialogues; together with the Apology of Socrates. Translated fiom the original Greek, with Introductory Dissertations and Notes fiom M. Dacier and others. 3d edition, carefully revised and corrected after Sydenham and Taylor. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1841. 5286 Plutarch. Morals, by way of Abstract. Done from the Greek. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1707. 5287 Plutarch. Morals: translated from the Greek by several IHands. 5th edition, revised and corrected from the many Errors of the former Editions. 5 vols. 18mo. London, 1718. 5288 Plutarchi. Chaeronensis scripta Moralia. Graece et Latine. (Pantheon Litteraire.) 1st vol. roy. 8vo. Parisiis, 1839.. 300 MORAL PHILOSOPHY. 5289 Prudence, iHumaine; ou, inoyens par lequels on peut avencer sa Fortune, &c. I vol. 12mo. Berne, 1742..5290 Rochefoucauld (Due de la). Reflexions; ou, Sentences et Maximes morales. See No. 5278. 5291 Seneca. Morals, by way of Abstract. To which is added a Discourse, under the Title of an After-Thought, by Sir Roger L'Estrange. 9th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1705..5292 Senecae (L. A.). Philosophi Opera Omnia accessit a viris doctis ad Senecam annotatorum delectus. 2 vols. 12mo. Lipsiae, 1841. 5293 S6neque. Euvres completes de Seneque le Philosophe, avec la traduction en Frangais. Publiees sous la direction de M. Nisard. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1838. 5294 Shaftesbury (Anthony, Earl of). Characteristics of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times; with a Collection of Letters. 3 vols. 12mo. ~, 1758. 5295 Smith (Adam). The Theory of the Moral Sentiments; or, an Essay towards an Analysis of the Principles, &c.: to which is added a Dissertation on the Origin of Languages. From the last English edition. (2 vols. in one.) I vol. 8vo. Boston, 1817. 5296 Smith (Rev. Samuel Stanhope). Letures, corrected and improved, which have been delivered for a series of years in the College of New Jersey, on the subjects of Moral and Political Philosophy. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1812. 5297 Stael-Holstein (Mad. la Baronne de). L'Influence des Passions sur le bonheur des individus et des nations. 1 vol. 8vo. Lausanne, 1796. 5298 Stewart (Dugald). Outlines of Moral Philosophy. 3d edition, corrected. I vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1808. 5299 Stewart (Dugald). The same. 4th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1818. 5300 Taylor (Isaac). Natural History of Enthusiasm. 1 vol. 12mo. Boston, 1830. 5301 Taylor (Isaac). Natural History of Enthusiasm. From the 9th London edition. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1850. 5302 Theophrasti. Characteres, Marci Antonini Commentarii. Graece et Latine. (Pantheon Litteraire.) 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1840. 5303 Tucker (A.). Light of Nature pursued. See Tucker, No. 5198. 5304 Turnbull. Principles of Moral Philosophy. 1 vol. 8vo. No title-page. 5305 Vauvenargues. (Euvres. See No. 5278. 5306 Verplanck (Gulian C.). An Essay on the Doctrine of Contracts; being an Inquiry how Contracts are affected in Law and Morals by Concealment, Error, or Inadequate Price. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1825. 5307 Verplanek (Gulian C.). Right Moral Influence and Use of Liberal Studies. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1833. 5308 Wainewright (Rev. Latham). A Vindication of Dr. Paley's Theory of Morals from the principal Objections of Mr. Dugald Stewart, Mr. Gisborne, Dr. Pearson, and Dr. Thomas Brown.. With an Appendix. 1 vol. Svo. London, 1830. 5309 Wayland. Elements of Moral Science. I vol. 8vo. Boston, 1838. 5310 Whewell (William). Elements of Morality, including Polity. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1845. 5311 Wit~herspoon (Rev. John). Lectures on Moral Philosophy. Carefully revised, and freed from the Errors of former Editions. To which is added, by the same Author, an Address to the Students of the Senior Class, and Letters on Education and Marriage. 1 vol 12mno. Philadelphia, 1822. POETRY AND FICTIONSf 303 POETRY AND FICTIONS. 5312 Aeschyli et Sophoclis. Tragaediae et Fragmenta. (Graece et Latine.) 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Parisiis, 1842. 5313 Aeschylus. The Tragedies of, translated by Rev. R. Potter. To which is prefixed an Essay on the Grecian Drama, &c. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1836. 5214 Aesop. The Fables of, with a Life of the Author, and embellished with one hundred and twelve Plates. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. London, 1793. 5315 Aikin (Dr.). British Poets. See No. 5336. 5316 Akenside (Mark). The Poetical Works of. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1845o 5317 Alcee. Poemes. See No. 5470. 5318 Alemane. Ponmes. See No. 5470. 5319 Amelia. Poems. Tenth edition, enlarged. I vol. 12mo. New-York, 1851. 5320 Anacreon. Poemes. See Nos. 5467, 5470. 5321 Anthon. Virgil. See No. 5528. 5322 Apollonius. Poemes. See Nos. 5395, 5470. 5323 Arabian Nights' Entertainments. The Thousand and One Nights. A new translation, from the Arabic, with copious Notes, by Edward William Lane. Illustrated. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. London, 1841. 5324 Aristophanis. Comoediae et pertitarum Fragmenta, ex nova recensione Gulielmi Dindorf. Gr. et Lat. (Pantheon Litteraire.) 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Parisiis, 1838. 5325 Bacchylide. Poemes. See No. 5470. 5326 Bailey (Philip James). Festus: a Poem. 9th American edition. 1 vol. 12mo. Boston, 1850. 5327 Bailey (Philip James). The Angel World, and other Poems. I vol. 12mo. Boston, 1850, 5328 Ben Jonson, Works of. See Johnson, No. 5419. 5329 Bernardin H. de Saint Pierre (J.). Paul and Virginia. Translated from the French by Helen Maria Williams. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1852, 5330 Bethune (Geo. W.). The British Female Poets. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, -. 5331 Bion. Poemes. See No. 5470. 5332 Boileau (Despreaux). CEuvres completes de, contenant ses Poesies, ses Ecrits en Prose, sa Traduction de Longin, ses Lettres a Racine, a Brossette et a diverses autres personnes; avec les Variantes les Textes d'Horace, de Juvenal, &c., &c. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1810. 5333 Boileau (Despreaux). (Euvres completes de, precedees des ceuvres de Malherbe, suivies des oeuvres poetiques de J. B. Rousseau. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1837, 302 POETRY AND FICTIONS, 5334 British Ballads. The Book of. First and second series. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1847, 5335 British Poets. Selections from the British Poets. By Fitz-Greene Halleck. 2 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1840. 5336 British Poets. Select Works of. By Dr. Aikin. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1848. 5337 Bryant (William Cullen). Poems. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849. 5338 Bunyan (John). Pilgrim's Progress; with a Life of John Bunyan by Robert Southey. Illustrated with 50 Cuts by Adams. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1847. 5339 Burns (Robert). Complete Works of; containing his Poems, Songs, and Correspondence. Illustrated by W. H. Bartlett, T. Allom, and other Artists. With a new Life of the Poet, and Notices, Critical and Biographical, by Allan Cunningham. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. London, 5340 Butler (Samuel). Hudibras. See Hudibras, No. 5410. 5341 Byron (Lord). Complete Works of. From the last London edition. Now first collected and illustrated, with all the Notes by Sir Walter Scott, Francis Jeffrey, Professor Wilson, &c., &c. To which is prefixed the Life of tlle Author, by John Gait. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1837. 5342 Callimaque. Poemes. See No. 5470. 5343 Campbell. Poetical Works. See No. 5486. 5344 Carey (Alice). Lyra and other Poems. I vol. 12mo. Redfield, 1852. 5345 Cary's Dante. Vision. See No. 5364. 5346 Catulle. CEuvres. See No. 5407. 5347 Cervantes (Miguel de). Don Quixotte de la Mancha. I vol. 8vo. London, 1847. 5348 Chasles (Philarete). Etudes sur W. Shakspeare Marie Stuart et l'Aretin le Drame, les Moeurs et la Religion au XVIe Siecle. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1851. 5349 Chateaubriand (Vicomte de). Les Martyrs; on, le Triomphe de la Religion Chretienne. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1830~ 5350 Chaucer (Geoffrey). Poetical Works; with an Essay on his Language and Versification, and an Introductory Discourse: together with Notes and a Glossary, by Thomas Tyrwhitt. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1851. 5351 Christmas with the Poets: a Collection of Songs, Carols, and Descriptive Verses relating to the Festival of Christmas, from the Anglo-Norman Period to the Present Time. Embellished with fifty Tinted Illustrations by Birket Foster, and with Initial Letters and other ornaments. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. London, 1851. 5352 Clarke (Mary Cowden). The Girlhood of Shakspeare's Heroines: in a series of Tales. First and second series. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1852. 5353 Claudien. CEuvres. See No. 5439. 5354 Coleridge (Henry Nelson). Introduction to the Study of the Greek Classic Poets. Part I. 1 vol. 12mo. Boston, 1842. 5355 Coleridge (Samuel Taylor). Poems, with an Introductory Essay on his Life and Writings. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1848. 5356 Coluthus. Poemes. See Nos. 5395, 5470. 5357 Cooper (J. Fenimore). Novels. 32 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1852. 5358 Corneille (P. et Th.). (Euvres completes de P. Corneille suivies des ceuvres choisies de Th. Corneille, avec les notes de tons les commentateurs. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1834. POETRY AND FICTIONS. 303 5359 Cornwall (Barry). English Songs, and other small Poems. A new and enlarged edition. 1 vol. 12mo. Boston, 1851. 5360 Cottin (Madame). Elizabeth; or, the Exiles of Siberia. I vol. 32mo. New-York, 1851. 5361 Cowper (William). Complete Poetical Works. (2 vols. in one.) 1 vol. 121no. New-York, 1850. 5362 Crabbe, Heber, and Pollok. Poetical Works of. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849. 5363 Dana (Richard Henry). Poems and Prose Writings. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1850. 5364 Dante (Alighieri). Vision; or, Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise. Translated by the Rev. Henry Francis Cary. 3d edition. With the Life of Dante, Notes, and an Index. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1831. 5365 Destouches (N.). CEuvres. See Regnard, No. 5484. 5366 Dickens (Charles). Works:-Barnaby Rudge. —Christmas Stories, and Italy.-Curiosity Shop.-David Copperfield.-Dombey and Son.-Martin Chuzzlewit.-Nicholas Nickleby. -Oliver Twist.-Pickwick Papers.Sketches. 10 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1850-51. 5367 Don Quixotte. See No. 5347. 5368 Drake (Joseph Rodman). Culprit Fay, and other Poems. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1847. 5369 Drummond (Mrs.). The Wilmot Family; or, They that Deal Truly are His Delight. 1 vol. 18mo. Edinburgh, no date. 5370 Edith May. Poems. Elegantly illustrated by Cheney, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1852. 5371 Elizabeth; or, the Exiles of Siberia. See No. 5360. 5372 Euripides. The Tragedies of, translated by Rev. R. Potter. 3 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1834-35. 5373 Fairfield (Sumner L.). Abaddon, the Spirit of Destruction, and other Poems. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1830. 5374 Pay (T. S.). Ulric; or, the Voices. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1851. 5375 Fontaine (de La). See Lafontaine, No. 5426. 5376 Gallus. (Euvres. See No. 5407. 5377 Gil Bias. Histoire de. See No. 5431. 5378 Godwin's Goethe. Truth and Poetry, &c. See No. 5379. 5379 Goethe. Truth and Poetry; fiom my own Life: or, the Autobiography of Goethe. Edited By Parke Godwin. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1850, 5380 Goethe. Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship and Travels. New edition. revised. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1851. 5381 Goethe. Iphigenia in Tauris: a Drama, in five Acts. Translated from the German by G. J. Adler. I vol. 12mo. New-York, 1850. 5382 Goldsmith (Oliver). Vicar of Wakefield: a Tale. With an Account of the Author's Life and Writings, by J. Aikin. I vol. 12mo. New-York, 1850. 5383 Griswold (Rufus W.). Poets and Poetry of England in the 19th Century. 3d edition. I vol. roy. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1846. 5384 Griswold (Rufus W.). Poets and Poetry of America. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Philadelphia,.1850. 5385 Halleck (Fitz-Greene). Poetical Works of. 3d edition. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1850. 804 POETRY AND FICTIONS. 5386 Halleck (Fitz-Greene). British Poets. See No. 5335. 5387 Hawthorne (Nathaniel). Twice-Told Tales. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1842. 5388 Hawthorne (Nathaniel). Mosses from an Old Manse. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1846. 5389 Hawthorne (Nathaniel). The Scarlet Letter: a Romance. 1 vol. 12mo. Boston, 1850. 5390 Hawthorne (Nathaniel). The House of the Seven Gables: a Romance. 1 vol. 12mo. Boston, 1851. 5391 Head (Sir Francis). A Faggot of French Sticks; or, Paris in 1851. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1852. 5392 Heber. Poetical Works. See No. 5362. 5393 Hemans (Mrs.). Complete Works of. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1849. 5394 Hesiode. Poemes. See No. 5470. 5395 Hesiodi. Carmina et Fragmenta. Apollonii rhodii argonautica. Musaei. de Herone et Leandro. Coluthi raptus ielenae Quinti posthomerica. Tryphiodori Ilii excidium. Joannis Tzetzae antehomerica, homerica, posthomerica. (Pantheon Litteraire.) 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Parisiis, 1840. 5396 Holmes (Oliver Wendeil). Poems. New edition. I vol. 12mo. Boston, 1850. 5397 Home is Home: a Domestic Tale. I vol. 12mo. New-York, 1851. 5398 Home and its Influence: a Story for the Family Circle. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1852. 5399 Homer. The Iliad of, translated by Alexander Pope. 5 vols. 12mo. London, 1771. 5400 Homer. The Iliad and the Odyssey of, translated by Alexander Pope. 3 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1836. 5401 Homere. Poemes. See No. 5470. 5402 Homeri. Carmina et Cycli Epici reliquiae. Iliadis et Odysseae. (Gr. et Lat.) (Pantheon Litteraire.) 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Parisiis, 1837. 5403 Hood (Thomas). Prose and Verse. New edition. I vol. 12mo. New-York, 1846. 5404 Hood (Thomas). Poems. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1849. 5405 Hood (Thomas). Up the Rhine. With Comic Illustrations. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1852. 5406 Horace and Phaedrus. The Odes, Satires, and Epistles of. Translated by Philip Francis. With Versions of various Odes by Milton, Dryden, Pope, Addison, Byron, and others. To which are appended the Fables of Phaedrus, with the Appendix of Gudius. Translated by Christopher Smart. 2 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1835. 5407 Horace, Juvenal, Perse, Sulpicia, Turnus, Catulle, Properce, Gallus et Maximien, Tibulle, Phedre, Syrus, CEuvres completes.. Avec la traduction en Frangais. Publiees sous la directions de M. Nisard. (Pantheon Litteraire.) 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1839. 5408 Howitt (Mary). The Heir of Wast-Wayland: a Tale. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1851. 5409 Howitt, lMilman, and Keats. Poetical Works. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1846. 5410 Hudibras. By Samuel Butler. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1847. 5411 Hunt (Leigh). Men, Women, and Books: a Selection of Sketches, Essays, and Critical Memoirs, from his Uncollected Prose Writings. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York; 1847. POETRY AND FICTIONS. 305 5412 Hunt (Leigh). Autobiography, with Reminiscences of Friends and Contemporaries. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1850. 5413 Ibyous. Poemes. See No. 5470. 5414 Irving (Washington). History of New-York. By Diedrich Knickerbocker. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1850. 5415 Irving (Washington). Bracebridge Hall. By Geoffrey Crayon. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1850. 5416 Irving (Washington). Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1849. 5417 Irving (Washington). Tales of a Traveller. By Geoffrey Crayon. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1849. 5418 Jerrold (Douglas). A Man Made of Money. Third edition. Illustrated. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1852. 5419 Johnson, or Jonson (Ben, or Benjamin). Works of. With Notes, Critical and Explanatory, and a Biographical Memoir, by W. Gifford. 9 vols. 8vo. London, 1816. 5420 Jonson (Ben). See Johnson (Ben), No. 5419. 5421 Juvenal and Persius. The Satires of, translated by Clharles Badham, With an Appendix, containing Imitations of the third and tenth Satires, by Dr. Samuel Johnson. To which are added the Satires of Persius. translated by the Rt. Hon. Sir W. Drummond. I vol. 18mo. New-York, 1837. 5422 Juvenal. CEuvres. See No. 5407. 5423 Juvenalis (Decimus Junius). The Satires of. Translated into English verse by William Gifford. With Notes and Illustrations. I vol. 4to. London, 1802. 5424 Keats. Poetical Works. See No. 5409. 5425 Kirke White. Poetical Works. See No. 5486. 5426 Lafontaine (Jean de). (Euvres completes de, avec des notes et une nouvelle notice sur sa vie, par M. C. A. Walckenaer. I vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1836.. 5427 Lamb (Charles). Specimens of English Dramatic Poets. New edition. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1850.. 5428 Lamb. Poetical Works of. See No. 5486. 5429 La 1Viotte Fouque (Friederich, Baron de). Undine; and Sintram and: his Companions. Translated from the German by Rev. Thomas Tracy. I vol. 12mo. New-York, 1850.. 5430 Lantier (E. F. de). Euavres completes de. Nouvelle edition, augmentee de pieces inldites, revue et collationnee sur les notes et manuscrits originaux laisses par l'auteur, par P. J. Charrin. Pr6ced6e d'une notice biographique et litteraire, par M. Gaston de Flotte. I vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1836. 5431 Le Sage. Histoire de Gil Bias de Santillane. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1836. 5432 Le Sage. CEuvres choisies de Le Sage. (Vols. 4th, 7th, 10th, 12th, and 14th only.) 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1810. 5433 Loclkhart (J. G.). Ancient Spanish Ballads, Historical and R]omantic. Translated, with Notes. A new edition, revised. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1842. 5434 Longfellow (Henry Wadsworth). Poems. A new edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1850 20 306 POETRY AND FICTIONS. 5435 Longfellow (Henry Wadsworth). Poets and Poetry of Europe. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1847. 5436 Longfellow (Henry Wadsworth). Hyperion: a Romance. 7th edition. 1 vol. 12mo. Boston, 1850. 5437 Longfellow (Henry Wadsworth). Kavanagh: a Tale. 1 vol. 12mo. Boston, 1849. 5438 Lowell (James Russell). Poems. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1849. 5439 Lucain, Silius Italicus, Claudien. CEuvres completes. Avec la traduction en francais publiees sous la direction de M. Nisard. (Pantheon Litteraire.) I vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1837. 5440 SMalherbe. CEuvres. See No. 5333. 5441 Marvel (Ik.). Dream Life: a Fable of the Seasons. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1852. 5442 Marvel (Ik.). Reveries of a Bachelor; or, a Book of the Heart. 13th edition. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1852. 5443 Marvel (Ik.). Fresh Gleanings; or, a New Sheaf from the Old Fields of Continental Europe. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1851. 5444 Marvel (lk.). The Lorgnette; or, Studies of the Town. 7th edition. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1852. 5445 Maximien. CEuvres. See No. 5407. 5446 Michel (Francisque). Charlemagne: an Anglo-Norman Poem of the 12th Century. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1836. 5447 Michelet (M.). The People. Translated by G. H. Smith. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1846. 5448 MJille et une Nuits. Contes Arabes, traduites en francais par Galland. Nouvelle edition, augmentee de plusieurs contes, et accompagnee de notes et d'une essai historique sur les Mille et une Nuits, par A. Loiseleur Deslongchamps. (Pantheon Litteraire.) 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1838. 5449 Mille en un Jours. Contes Persans, traduits en frangais par Petis de Lacroix; suivis de plusieurs autres recueils de contes, traduits des langues orientales. Nouvelle 6dition, accompagnee de notes et de notices historiques par A. Loiseleur Deslongchamps. (Pantheon Litteraire.) 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1840. 5450 MLilman. Poetical Works. See No. 5409. 5451 Milton (John). Poetical Works of; with Notes, and a Life of the Author. A new edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1838. 5452 Moliere. (Euvres de, avec des remarques grammaticales, des avertissemens, et des observations sur chaque piece par M. Bret. 8 vols. 18mo. Londres, 1809. 5453 Moliere. (Euvres de, avec des notes de divers commentateurs. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1835. 5454 Montgomery (J.). Poetical Works. See No. 5486. 5455 Moore (Thomas). Poetical Works. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. New-York, 1848. 5456 Moschus. Poemes. See No. 5470. 5457 Mumford (T. S.). Cordora: a Poetical Romance. I vol. 12mo. St. Louis, 1849. 5458 Musaei. Carmen de Herone et Leandro. See No. 5395. 5459 Musee. Poemes. See No. 5470. 5460 Oppien. Poemes. See No. 5470. POETRY AND FICTIONS. 307 5461 Orphee. Poemes. See No. 5470. 5462 Ovid. The Metamorphoses and Epistles of, translated by Dryden, Pope, Congreve, Addison, and others. 2 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1836. 5463 Ovide. CEuvres completes, avec la traduction en francais, publiees sous la direction de M. Nisard. (Pantheon Litteraire.) 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1838. 5464 Percy (Thomas). Reliques of Ancient English Poetry; consisting of old Heroic BEallads, Songs, and other Pieces, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1847. 0465 Persius. Works. See Nos. 5407, 5421., 5466 Phaedrus. The Odes, Satires, and Epistles. See No. 5406. 5467 Pindar and Anacreon. The Odes of, translated by the Rev. C. A. Wheelwright. To which are added the Odes of Anacreon, translated by Thomas Bourne. I vol. 18mo. New-York, 1837. 5468 Pindanre. Po6mes. See No. 5470. 5469 Poe (Edgar Allan). The Works of the late Poe; with Notices of his Life and Genius by Willis, Lowell, and Griswold. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1850. 5470 Pomemes Grecs. Par Orphee.-Homere. Hesiode.-Pindare. —Ana creon.-Sappho.-Tyrtee Stesichore.-Solon. —Alcee.-Ibycus.-Alcmane.-Bacchylide.-Theocrite.-Bioln.-Moschus.-Callimaque. —Coluthus. -Musee.- Tryphiodore. -Apollonius. - Oppien. - Synesius. Traduits Aluth. —Bignan.-Belin de Ballu, &c., &c. (Pantheon Litteraire.) 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1839. 5471 Poetes Francais. See No. 5474. 5472 Poets iand Poetry of Greece and Rome. By various Translators. Edited by William Peter. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1847. 5473 Poets, British. See Nos. 5335, 5336. 5474 Poitevin (Prosper). Petits Poetes frangais depuis Malherbes jusqu'a nos jours, avec des Notices Biographiques et Litteraires. (Pantheon Litteraire.) 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1838-39. 5475 Pollok. Poetical Works. See No. 5362. 5476 Pope (Alexander). Poetical Works of. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York,. 5477 Porter (Miss Jane). Sir Edward Seaward's Narrative of his Shipwreck. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 5478 Properce. (Euvres. See No. 5407. 5479 Quinti. Posthomerica. See No. 5395. 5480 Rabelais (F.). CEuvres de. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1835. 5481 Racine (Jean). CEuvres de). 5 vols. 18mo. Paris, 1803. 5482 Racine (Jean). (Euvres de, pr6cedees des Memoires sur sa Vie. Par Louis Racine. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1835. 5483 Regnard. (Euvres de. (2d vol. wanting.) 4 vols. 18mo. Paris, 1805. 5484 Regnard (J. F.) et Destouches (N.). (Euvres des. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1836. 5485 Robinson Crusoe. The Life and Adventures of, by Daniel Defoe: with a Memoir of the Author, and an Essay on his Writings. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. New-York, 1852. 5486 Rogers, Campbell, J. Montgomery, Lamb, and Kirke White. Poetical Works of. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849. 5487 Rose Douglas; or, the Autobiography of a Minister's Daughter. By S. R. W. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1851. 308 POETIR AND FICTION'. 5488 Rousseau (J. B.). (Euvres. See No. 5333. 5489 Saintine (X. B.). Picciola: the Prisoner of Fenestrella. New edition. I vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849'. 5490 Sands (Robert C.). Writings of, in Prose and Verse: with a Memoir of the Author. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1834. 5491 Sappho. Poemes. See No. 5470. 5492 Schiller. Poems and Ballads. Translated by Edward Bulwer Lytton. Withl a brief Sketch of the Author's Life. I vol. 1 mo. New-York, 1844. 5493 Scholia. Graeca in Aristophanem cum prolegomenis grammaticorum. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Parisiis, 1842' 5494 Scott (Sir Walter). Waverley Novels, Tales and Romances.. 27 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1850, 5495 Scott (Sir Walter). The Poetical Works of, complete. 6 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1849'. 5496 Seaward. Shipwreck. See No. 5477. 2497 Shakspeare. The Pictorial Edition of the Works of. Edited by Charles Knight. 8 vols. roy. 8vo. London, 1839-42. 5498 Shakspeare. The Works of. 12 vols. 18mo, London, 1851, 5499 Silius Italicus. CEuvres. See No. 5439. 5500 Smith (Horace and James). Rejected Addresses; or, the New Theatrum Poetarum. From the twenty-second London edition. I vol. 12mo. Boston, 1851. 5501 Solon. Poemes. See No. 5470. 5502 Sophocles. The Tragedies of. Translated by Thomas Franklin. 5503 Sophoclis. Tragediae et Fragmenta. See No. 5312. 5504 Spenser (Edmund). Works. With Selection of Notes from various Comn-, mentators, and a Glossarial Index: to which is prefixed, some Account of the Life of Spenser, by the Rev. I-Ienry John Todd. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1850. 5505 Spindler (C.). The Invalide; or, Pictures of the French Revolution: a Romance. Translated from the German, by G. C. Hebbe and James Mackay. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1851. 5506 Stesichore. Pooemes. See No. 5470. 5507 Sulpicia. (Euvres. See No. 5407. 5508 Synesius. Poemes. See No. 5470. 5509 Syrus. (Euvres. See No. 5407. 5510 Tasso. Godfrey of Bnlloigne; or, the Recovery of Jerusalem. Done into English by Edward Fairfax. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1848. 5511 Telemachus, the Son of Ulysses. The Adventures of. By the Archbishop Cambray. In French and English. 2 vols. 12mo. (7 colies.) Boston, 1797. 5512 Temperance Tales. 5 vols. 24mo. Boston, 1838-39. 5513 Tennyson (Alfred). Poems. A new edition, enlarged. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1849. 5514 Tennyson (Alfred). In Memoriam. 1 vol. 12mo. Boston, 1850. jo615 Theocrite. Poemes. See No. 5470. 5516 Thorpe (Benjamin). Analecta Anglo-Saxonica: a Selection in Prose and Verse from Anglo-Saxon Authors of various Ages; with a Glossary. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1846, POETRY AND FICTIONS. 309 5511 Tibulle. (Euvres. See No. 5407. 5518 Tryphiodore. Poemes. See Nos. 5395, 5470. 5519 Tupper (Mattin F.). The Crock of Gold, The Twins, and Hleart. 5520 Tupper (Martin F.). An Authos's Mind, Es- Complete Works. 3 vols. says, Probabilities. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1851. 5521 Tupper (Martin F.). Ballads for the Times, and other Poems. j 5522 Tupper (Martin F.). Proverbial Philosophy; and Poems. 1 vol. 121mo. Buffalo, 1849. 5523 Turnus. (Euvres. See No. 5407..5524 Tyrtee. Poemes. See No. 5470. 5525 Tzetzae. Antehomerica. See No. 5395. 5526 Up-Country Letters. Edited by Prof. B, National Observatory. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1852..5527 Vieux Conteurs FranLais, revues et.corrig6s sur les edition originales, accompagnes de notes et precedes des notices historiques, critiques et bibliographiques. Par Paul L. Jaco. 1 vol roy. 8vo. Paris, 1841. 5528 Virgil. The Aeneid of; with English Notes, Critical and Explanatory, a Metrical Clavis, and an Iistorical, Geographical, and Mythological Index. By Charles Anthon. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1852..5529 Virgil. The Eclogues, translated by Wrangham; the Georgics, by Sotheby; and the Aeneid, by Dryden. 2 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1834. 5530 Ware (Rev. William). Zenobia; or, the Fall of Palmyra. 7th edition. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1848. 5531 Ware (Rev. William). Julian; or, Scenes in Judea. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1841. 5532 Ware (Rev. William). Aurelian; or, Rome in the Third Century. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1849. 5533 Warren (John Esaias). Vagamundo; or, the Attache in Spain, &c. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1851. 5534 Wetherell (Elizabeth). The Wide, Wide World. 13th edition. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1852 5535 Wetherell (Elizabeth). Queechy. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1852. 5536 White (Kirke). See Kirke, No. 5425. 5537 Whittier (John G.). Poems; illustrated by H. Billings. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1850. 5538 Willis (Nathaniel Parker). Poems. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1850. 5539 Wilson (John). Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life. I vol. 12mo. New-York, 1850. 5540 Wilson (John). The Trials of Margaret Lyndsay. 1 vol. 12mo. Boston, 1845. 5541 Wilson. The Noetes Ambrosianae of Blackwood. 4 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1843. 5542 Wordsworth (William). Poems: with an Introductory Essay on his Life and Writings. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1849. 5543 Wordsworth (William). The Prelude; or, Growth of a Poet's Mind. An Autobiographical Poem. I vol. 12mo. New-York, 1850. 310 POETRY AND FICTIONS, 5544 Wordsworth (William). Memoirs of. Edited by Henry Reed. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1851. 5545 Zschokke (J. Heinrich D.). Incidents of Social Life amid the European Alps. Translated from the German by Lewis Strack. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1844. 5546 Zschokke (J. Heinrich D.). Tales. Translated from the German by Parke Godwin. Parts 1st and 2cA 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1848. GRAMMAR AND PHILOLOGY. 311 GRAMMAR AND PHILOLOGY. 5547 Berard (Claudius). Grammar of the French Language: compiled from the best and latest French Grammars. 1 vol. 8vo. (7 copies.) New-York, 1826. 5548 Bescherelle aine. Plus de Grammaires; ou, simples Regles d'Orthographe, de Grainmaire, de Syntax et de Pronononciation. 2n' edition. I vol. 12mo. Paris, 1851. 5549 Bescherelle freres. Le veritable Manuel des Conjugaisons; on, Dictionnaire des 8,000 Verbes. 3m8 edition. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1852. 5550 Bescherelle jeune. Cours complet de Langue Franqaise. 6 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1850. 5551 Bullions (Rev. Peter). The Principles of English Grammar. A new edition. I vol. 12mo. New-York, 1843. 5552 Carpentier (D. P.). Alphabetum Tyronianum; seu, notas tironis explicandi meLhodus. 1 vol. fol. Paris, 1747. 5553 Crabb (George). English Synonymes explained in Alphabetical Order; with copious Illustrations and Examples drawn from the best writers. 1st American, from the 2d London edition, greatly enlarged and corrected. I vol. roy. 8vo. Boston, 1819. 5554 Crabb (George). English Synonymes, with copious Illustrations and Explanations, drawn from the best Writers. A new edition, enlarged. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1826. 5555 Crombie (Rev. Alex.). Etymology and Syntax of the English Language explained and illustrated. 5th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1843. 5556 Dufief (N. G.). Nature Displayed. See No. 5578. 5557 Duponceau (M. P.-t.). Memoire sur le Systeme Grammatical des langues de quelques nations Indiennes de l'Am6rique du Nord. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1838. 5558 Girard (L'Abbe). Synonymes Francais; leur diff6rentes significations, et le choix qu'il en faut faire pour parler avec justesse. Nouvelle edition, considerablement augment6e, &c. 2 vols. 12mo. Liege, 1775, 5559 Girault-Duvivier (Ch. P.). Grammaire des Grammaires; ou, Analyse raisonnee des meilleurs traites sur la Langue Frangaise. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1812. 5560 Gould (M. 1. C.). Analytic Guide, and Authentic Key to the Art of Shorthand Writing. 2d edition. 1 vol. 24mo. Albany, 1823;. 5561 Grammaire Nationale, cent mille Examples, le Code de la Langue Franr caise; ouvrage eminemment classique. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1834,. 5562 Grammar of the French Tongue; originally compiled for the Use of the American Military Academy, by a French Gentleman. 1 vol. 12mo. (12 copies.) New-York, 1.804.. 312 GRAMMAR AND PHILOLOGY. 5563 Hale (Horatio). Ethnography and Philology. (United States Exploring Expedition.) 1 vol. roy. 4to. Philadelphia, 1846. 5564 Hermann (D. F.). Franz6sische Sprachlehre fur deutsche mit einen cursus deutscher aufgaben zur ausabung der Regeln. 1 vol. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1802. 5565 Japhet. Remains of; being Historical Inquiries into the Affinities and Origin of the European Languages. By James Parsons. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1 767. 5566 Johnson (Alex. B.). Philosophy of Human Knowledge; or, a Treatise on Language: a Course of Lectures delivered at the Utica Lyceum. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1828. 5567 Kirkham (Samuel). English Grammar, in familiar Lectures, &c., &c. 54th edition. 1 vol. 12no. (2 copies.) Rochester, 1842. 5568 Le Brethon (J.J. P.). Guide to the French Language; especially devised for Persons who wish to study the Elements of that Language. 2d American, from the 7th London edition; corrected, enlarged, and improved, by P. Bekeart. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1846. 5569 Le Brethon (J. J. P.). The same. 5th American, from the 7th London edition. I vol. 12mo. New-York, 1847. 5570 Legonidee (J. F. M. M. A.). Grammaire Celto-Bretonne. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1807. 5571 Lennie (William). Principles of English Grammar; comprising the Substance of all the most approved English Grammars extant, briefly defined, and neatly arranged, &c. 30th edition. 1 vol. 18mo. Edinburgh, 1850. 5572 Levizao. Theoretical and Practical Grammar of the French Tongue. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1824. 5573 Lewis (John). Analytical Outlines of the English Language. I vol. 8vo. Richmond, 1825. 5574 Loth (John). An Elementary Speaking French Grammar without Rules, exemplified. I vol. 12mo. London, 1851. 5575 Martel. Elements. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1796. 5576 Murray (Alex.). History of the European Languages; with a Life of the Author.'1 vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1823. 5577 Murray (Lindley). An English Grammar; comprehending the Principles and Rules of the Language, illustrated by appropriate Exercises, and a Key to the Exercises. The fourth American, fiom the last English edition, and much enlarged. (2 vols. in one.) 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1819. 5578 Nature Displayed in her Mode of teaching Language to Man. 3d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1810. 5579 Perrin (John). Entertaining and instructive Exercises with the Rules of the French Syntax. 9th edition. 1 vol. 12mo. (5 copies.) New-York, 1802. 5580 Pickering (John). Vocabulary, or Collection of Words and Phrases which have been supposed to be peculiar to the United States of America: to which is prefixed an Essay on the Present State of the English Language in the United States. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1816. 5581 Sobrino (Francois). Grammaire Espagnole et Francaise. 1 vol. 8vo. Avignon, 1808. 5582 Tooke (John Horne). Diversions of Purley. The first American, from the second London edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1806-7. RHETORIC AND CRITICISM. 3 3 RHETORIC AND CRITICISM. 5583 Adams (John Quincy). Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1810. 5584 Alison (Archibald). Essays on the Nature and Principles of Taste. 2d American edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Hartford, 1821. 5585 Aristotle. Dissertation upon Rhetoric. 1 vol. 8vo. No title-page. 5586 Barron (William). Lectures on Belles Lettres and Logic. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1806. 5587 [Blair (Hugh). Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres: to which are added copious Questions, and an Analysis of each Lecture, by Abraham Mills. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1830. 5588 Boyd (Rev. James Robert). Elements of Rhetoric and Literary Criticism; with copious Practical Exercises and Examples. 7th edition. I vol. 18mo. New-York, 1851. 5589 Campbell (George). Philosophy of Rhetoric. A new edition, with the Author's last Additions and Corrections. I vol. 8vo. Baltimore, no date. 5590 Campbell (George). The same. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1841. 5591 Cicero (M. T.). De Oratore; or, his three Dialogues upon the Character and Qualifications of an Orator. Translated into English, with Notes, Historical and Explanatory, and an Introductory Preface. By William Guthrie. 1st American edition. 1 vol. 12mo. Boston, 1822. 55P2 Comstock (Andrew). System of Elocution, with special reference to Gesture, to the treatment of Stammering, and Defective Articulation; comprising numerous diagrams and engraved figures illustrative of the subject. I vol. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1841. 5593 Critical Essays. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1770. 5494 Everett (Alexander H.). Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. First and second series. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1845-46. 5595 Gerard (Alex.). Essay on Taste: with three Dissertations on the same subject, by Voltaire, D'Alembert, and Montesquieu. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1759. 5596 Hazlitt (William). English Comic Writers. See Hazlitt, No. 5152. 5597 Kames (Henry Home of). Elements of Criticism. 4th American, from the 8th London edition. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1823. 5598 KCames (Henry Home of). Elements of Criticism. 8th edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1807. 5599 Laharpe (J. F.). Cours de Litt6rature ancienne et moderne. See Laharpe, No. 5157. 5600 lMaury (S. Em. Mgr. Le Card.). Essai sur l'eloquence de la chaire; panegyriques, eloges et discours. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1810. 314 RHETORIC AND CRITICISM. 5601 Montgomery (James). Lectures on General Literature, Poetry, &c. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1833. 5602 Newman (Samuel P.). Practical System of Rhetoric; or, the Principles and Rules of Style, inferred from Examples of Writing: to which is added a Historical Dissertation on English Style. 10th edition. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1842. 5603 Pline le Jeune. CEuvres completes. See No. 5605. 5604 Quintilian. Institutes of the Orator; in twelve Books. Translated from the original Latin, according to the Paris edition of Professor Rollin, and illustrated with Critical and Explanatory Notes, by J. Patsall. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1774. 5605 Quintilien et Pline le Jeune. (Euvres completes, avec la traduction en Franqais, publiees sous la direction de M. Nisard. I vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1842. 5606 Rapin. The whole Critical Work of Monsieur Rapin, newly translated into English, by Basil Kennet. 2d edition. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1716. 5607 Walker (John). Rhetorical Grammar; in which the common improprieties in reading and speaking are detected, and the true sources of elegant pro - nunciation are pointed out, &c., &c. I vol. 8vo. Boston, 1822. 5608 Whately (Richard). Elements of Rhetoric; comprising the Substance of the Article in the Encyclopaedia Metropolitana, with Additions, &c. I vol. 8vo. Oxford, 1828. ADDRESSES 31.5 ADDRESSES. 5609 Adams (Rev. J.) An Oration, delivered 1st November, 1834, in the Chapel, before the Society of the Graduates of the College of Charleston. I 8vo. Pamphlet. Charleston, 1834. 5610 Alvord (Lieut. Benj.). Address before the Dialectic Society of the Corps of Cadets, in Commemoration of the Gallant Conduct of the nine Graduates of the Military Academy, and other Officers of the United States Army, who fell in the Battles which took place in Florida. I 8vo. pamphlet. New-York, 1839. 0611 Brougham (Henry, Lord). Speeches of, upon the Questions relating to Public Rights, Duties, and Interests; with Historical Introductions, and a Critical Dissertation upon the Eloquence of the Ancients. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1838. 5612 Burke (E.). Speeches of the Right Honorable Edmund Burke, in the House of Commons and in Westminster Hall. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1816. 5613 Butler (Benjamin F.). The Military Profession in the United States, and the Means of promoting its Usefulness and Honor: an Address delivered before the Dialectic Society of the Corps of Cadets of the Military Academy, West Point, at the close of the Annual Examination, June 19th, 1839. I 8vo. pamphlet. New-York, 1839o 5614 Channing (William (E.). An Address on Temperance. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1837. 5615 Choules (Rev. J. 0.). Address, delivered at the Opening of the Twenty-first Annual Fair of the American Institute. I 8vo. pamphlet. New-York, 1848. 5616 Cicero. The Orations, translated by Duncan; the Offices, by Cockman; and the Cato and Laelius, by Melmoth. 3 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1833-37. 5611 Clay (Hon. Henry). Obituary Addressess on the occasion of the Death of the, delivered in the Senate and in the House of Representatives of the United States, June 30, 1852; and the Funeral Sermon of the Rev. C. M.l Butler, preached in the Senate, July 1,1852. 2 vols. Svo. Washington, 1852. 5618 Cromwell (Oliver). Speeches. See No. 6166. 5619 Demosthenes. The Orations of, pronounced to excite the Athenians against Philip, King of Macedon. Translated by Thomas Leland. A new edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1806O 5620 Demost1henes. The Orations of. Translated by Thomas Leland. 2 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1838. 5621 Dunglison (Robley). A Public Discourse in Commemoration of Peter S. Du Ponceau, late President of the. American Philosophical Society; delivered before the Society pursuant to appointment, on the 25th of October, 1844. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Philadelphia, 1844. 5622 Eloquence of the United States. See No. 5636. 316 ADDRESSES. 5623 Eulogies pronounced in the several States, in Ionor of those illustrious Patriots and Statesmen, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. 1 vol. 8vo. Hartford, 1826, 5624 Everett (Edward). Orations and Speeches on various Occasions. 2d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1850. 5625 Fordyce (James). Address to Young Men. 2 vols. 18mo. London, 1777. 5626 Fox (Ch. J.). Speeches of the Right Honorable Charles James Fox in the House of Commons. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1815. 5627 Grattan (H.). Speeches of the Right Honorable Henry Grattan in the Irish and in the Imperial Parliament. Edited by his Son. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1822. 5628 N1ott (Eliphalet). Counsels to Young Men on the Formation of Character, and the Principles which lead to Success and Happiness in Life; being Addresses. 1 vol. ISmo. New-York, 1842. 5629 Parker (S. P.). Address delivered before the Common-School Society of Stockbridge, March 23,1840. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Lenox, Mass., 1840..5630 Parliamentary Debates, &c. See No. 2057. 5631 Pitt (W.). Speeches of the Right Honorable William Pitt in the House of Commons. 3d edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1817. 5632 Poinsett (Joel R.). Discourse on the Objects and Importance of the National Institution for the Promotion of Science, established at Washington, 1840. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Washington, 1841. 5633 Tallmadge (Gen.James). Address delivered at the Close of the Twenty-first Annual Fair of the American Institute. I 8vo. pamphlet. New-York, 1848. 5634 Tallmadge (Gen. James). Address at the Twenty-third Annual Fair. I 8vo. pamphlet. New-York, 1850. 5635 Webster (Daniel). Speeches and Forensic Arguments. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1835-38. 5636 Williston (E. B.). Eloquence of the United States. (Vols. 1st and 2d are wanting.) 5 vols. 8vo. Middletown, 1827, JOURN.ALS AND TREATISES UPON EDUCATION. 316 JOURNALS AND TREATISES UPON EDUCATION. 5637 American Journal of Education, for the years 1826 to 1230. 5 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1826-30, 5638 American Annals of Education and Instruction: a Continuation of the American Journal of Education. (Several Nos. missing.) 9 vols. 8vo, Boston, 18B1-39. 5639 Annuaire de l'Ecole Royale Polytechnique pour l'ans 1833 a 1837, et pour 1843 a 1846. 6 vols. 24mo. Paris, 1832-46, 5640 Barnard (Hlenry). Report and Documents relating to the Public Schools of Rhode Island, for 1848. 1 vol. 8vo. Providence, 1849. 5641 Board of Education. Third Annual Report of the. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Boston, 1840. 5642 County Naval Free Schools, to be built on Waste Lands, giving such effectual Instruction to Poor Boys, as may nurse them for the Sea Service; teaching them also to cultivate the earth, to spin, knit, weave, make shoes, &c. 1 vol. fol. No date. 5643 Dodsley (R.). Preceptor; containing a General Course of Education, wherein the First Principles of Polite Learning are laid down in a way most suitable for trying the genius and advancing the instruction of youth. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1783. 5644 Ecoles Normales. Seances des. 10 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1800-1. 5645 Ecole Polytechnique. See Nos. 3278, 5639, 5652. 5646 Edgeworth (Maria and R. L.). Practical Education. 2d American edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1815. 5647 Hamilton (Elizabeth). Letters on Education. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1801. 5648 Jardine (George). Outlines of Philosophical Education. 2d edition, enlarged. 1 vol. 8vo. Glasgow, 1825. 5649 Johnston (David). General View of the Present System of Public Education in France, and of the Laws, Regulations, and Courses of Study in the different Faculties, Colleges, and Inferior Schools which now compose the Royal University of that Kingdom: preceded by a short History of the University of Paris before the Revolution. 1 vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1827. 5650 Kelsall (Charles). Remarks on Scholastic and Academic Education; with an Architectural Detail, illustrated by Engravings of the Italo-Grecian, Saxon, and Norman Elevations of Universities; together with various Statues and Maps. 1 vol. fol. London, 1821. 5651 New-York Institution for the Blind. Ninth and Tenth Reports, for 1845-46. 2 8vo. pamphlets. New-York, 1845-46. 5652 Programmes pour l'Admission et pour l'Enseignement a l'Ecole Polytechnique. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1850. 318 JOURNALS AND TREATISES UPON EDUCATION. 5653 Public Education. Plans for the Government and liberal Instruction of Boys in large Numbers. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1827. 5654 Pycroft (Rev. James). Course of English Reading. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1845. 5655 Report First. Minutes of Evidence taken before the Select Committee on the Education of the Lower Orders of the Metropolis. 1 vol. fol. —, 1816. 5656 Rhode Island. School-Laws of, with Remarks and Forms. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Providence, 1847. 5657 Whewell (Rev. William). On the Principles of English University Education. 2d edition. I vol. 8vo. London, 1838. 5658 Wines (E. C.). Hints on a System of Popular Education. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1838. WORKS ON PAINTING, SCULPTURE, ETC. 319 WORKS ON PAINTING, SCULPTURE, MUSIC, AND ILLUSTRATED WORKS OF ENGRAVINGS. 5659 American Art-Union Transactions. See Nos. 5666, 5720. 5660 Art-Union Monthly Journal. 7 vols. 4to. London, 1847-52. 5661 A Sibyl. 1 sheet. New-York, 1847. 5662 Audran (Gerard). Les Proportions du Corps Humain. Nouvelle edition.' vol. fol. Paris, 1801. 5663 Blanc (M. Charles). Histoire des Peintres FranSais aux XIXe siecle. 1st vol. 8vo. Paris, 1845. 5664 Blore (Edward). Monumental Remains of Noble and Eminent Persons; comprising the Sepulchral Antiquities of Great Britain, engraved from Drawings by Blore, with Historical and Biographical Illustrations. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. London, 1826. 5665 Brockedon (William). Illustrations of the Passes of the Alps by which Italy communicates with France, Switzerland, and Germany. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1829. 5666 Bulletin of the American Art-Union. No. 1st, &c. New-York, 1849, &c. 5667 Calcografia di belle Statue Antiche. 2 vols. 8vo. Roma, 1779. 5668 Carpenter (William Hookham). Pictorial Notices of Van Dyck. See Van Dyck, No. 5721. 5669 Catlin (George). Views of Niagara. 1 4to. pamphlet. New-York, 1831. 5670 Ceffalonie (Comte M. Carburi de). Monument eleve6 la agloire de Pierrele-Grand. 1 vol. fol. Paris, 1777. 5671 Claude. Liber Veritatis; or, Collection of Prints after the Original Designs of Claude le Lorraine; in the collection of his grace the Duke of Devonshire. Executed by Richard Earlom. 3 vols. fol. London, no date. 5672 Cunningham (Allan). The Lives of the most eminent British Painters and Sculptors. 5 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1833-34. 5673 Barley (Felix 0. C.). Illustrations of Rip Van Winkle. I vol. 4to. obl. -, 1849. 5674 Darley (Felix 0. C.). Illustrations of the Legend of Sleepy Hollow, designed and etched by. 1 vol. 4to. obl. -, 1849. 5675 Dunlap (William). History of the Rise and Progress of the Arts of Design in the United States. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1834. 5676 Ecole de dessin, journal des jeunes Artistes et des Amateurs, donnant tons les mois des Modeles elementaires et nouveaux pour tous les genres de dessin, figure, paysage, fleurs et fruits, &c., &c. - 4to. Paris,. 5677 Ehninger. Hood's Bridge of Sighs. See No. 5699. 320 WORKS ON PAINTING, SCULPTURE, ETC. 5678 Elliot (Capt. Robert). Views in the East; comprising India, Canton, and the Shores of the Red Sea: with Historical and Descriptive Illustrations. (2 vols. in one.) 1 vol. 4to.. London, 1833. 5679 Eximeno (D. Antonio). Delle origine e delle regole alla Musica. 1 vol. 4to. Roma, 1774 5680 Field (George). Rudiments of the Painter's Art; or, a Grammar of Coloring, &c. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1850. 5681 Finden (Will. and Edw.). Landscape Illustrations of the Waverley Novels. Engraved by William and Edward Finden. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1830-31. 5682 Finden. Landscape and Portrait Illustrations of the Life and Works of Lord Byron; with Original and Selected Information on the subjects of the Engravings, by W. Brockedon. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1833-34. 5683 Flaxman (John). The Iliad and Odyssey of Homer, engraved from the Compositions of John Flaxman. 2 vols. fol. obl. London, 1805. 5684 Flaxman (John). Compositions from the Tragedies of Aeschylus. Designed by John Flaxman; engraved by Thomas Piroli and Frank Howard. 1 vol. fol. obl. London, 1831. 5685 Flaxman (John). The Theogony, Works and Days, and the Days of Hesiod. Engraved from the Compositions of John Flaxman, engraved by William Blake. 1 vol. fol. ob]. London, 1817. 5686 Flaxman (John). Compositions of the Acts of Mercy. Engraved by F. C. Lewis. 1 vol. fol. obl. London, 1831. 5687 Flaxman (John). Lectures on Sculpture, as delivered before the President and Members of the Royal Academy, &c., &c. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1838. 5688 Galilei (Vine.). Dialogo della Musica antica et della moderna. I vol. fol. Fior. Mar., 1581. 5689 Gallery Pictorial. See No. 5707. 5690 Gallery of American Art. No. I. fol. New-York, 1850. 5691 Gessert (Dr. M. A.). Rudimentary Treatise on the Art of Painting on Glass, or Glass-staiinig: to which is added an Appendix on the Art of Enamelling, &c. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1851. 5692 Gozzini. Monumenti Sepulchrali della Toscana, disegnati da Vine. Gozzini e incisi da Giovan Paolo Lasinio Sotto la direzione dei Signori Cav. P. Benvenuti, El. de Cambray Digny, con Illustrazioni. 1 vol. fol. Firenze, 1819. 5693 Hall (Capt. Basil). Forty Etchings, from Sketches made with the Camera Lucida, in North America, in 1827 and 1828. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1829. 5694 Harding. Port Folio. 1 vol. fol. London, 1837. 5695 Hay (D. R.). Laws of Harmonious Coloring, adapted to Interior Decorations, &c.: to which is now added, an Attempt to define Aesthetical Taste. 5th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1844. 5696 Head (Sir Edmund). A Hand-Book of the History of the Spanish aud French Schools of Painting. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1848. 5697 Heath. Picturesque Annual, or Travelling Sketches, for 1832 and 33. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1832-33. 5698 Hogarth (William). Works of; containing one hundred and fifty-eight Engravings, by Cooke and Davenport, with Descriptions, in which are pointed out many beauties that have hitherto escaped notice: with a comment on their moral tendency. A new edition, revised and corrected. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1824. WO7RKS ON PAINTING, SCULPTURE, ETC. 321 5699 Hood's Bridge of Sighs. A Series of Etchings suggested by. Designed and engraved by J. W. Ehninger. I voL fol. obl. New-York, no date..5700 Jolly Flat-Boat Men, I large sheet. New-York, 1847. 5701 Lessing (G. E.). Laocoon; or, the Limits of Poetry and Painting. Translated from the German by William Ross. I vol. 8vo. London, 1836. 5702 Levesque. Dictionnaire des Arts de Peinture. See No. 5728. 5703 Lewis (J. O.). Aboriginal Port-Folio. I vol. fol. Philadelphia, 1835. <5704 Lossing (Benson J.). Outline History of the Fine Arts; embracing a View of the Rise, Progress, and Influence of the Arts among different Nations, Ancient and Modern; with Notices of the Charactor and Works of many celebrated Artists. In five Parts. I. Architecture.-II. Sculpture.-III. Painting.-IV. Engraving.-V. Miscellany. I vol. 18mo. New-York, 1840. 5705 Lucas. Progressive Drawing-Book, in three Parts: —The Principles of Drawing in Pencil; Coloring and Shading in India Ink; a Treatise on Perspective, consisting chiefly of Original Views of American Scenery. 1 vol. 4to. obl. Baltimore, no date. 5706 lgodern Painters. By a Graduate of Oxford. 4th editiono 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1848o 5707 Pictorial Gallery of Arts. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1847. 5708 Pilkington (Matthew). A General Dictionary of Painters; containing Memoirs of the Lives and Works of the most eminent Professors of the Art of Painting, from its Revival by Cimabue, in the year 1250, to the Present Time, A new edition. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1829. 5709 Pronlt (Samuel). Hints on Light and Shadow, Composition, &c., as applicable to Landscape Painting. 1 vol. fol. London, 1838. 5710 Quatremere de Quincy (M.). An Essay on the Nature, the End, and the Means of Imitation in the Fine Arts. Translated fiom the French by J. C. Kent. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1837. 5711 Raleigh (Sir Walter). Parting with his Wife. 1 large sheet. New-York, 1846. 5712 Romagnesi (L A.). Recueil des Dessins representant les Sculptures qui se trouvent dans l'etablissement de. 1 4to. fl. Paris, no dateo 5713 Ruskin (John). Stones of Venice. See Ruskin, No, 1856. 5714 Ruskin (John). Seven Lamps of Architecture. See Ruskin, No. 1437. 5715 Ruskin (John). Modern Painters. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1848. 5716 Ruskin (John). Pre-Raphaelitism. I vol. 12mo. New-York, 1851. 5717 Signing of the Death-Warrant of Lady Jane Grey. 1 large sheet. New-York, 1848. 5718 Spencer (Charles Child). Rudimentary and Practical Treatise on Music. (Two volumes in one.) 1 vol. 18mo. London, 18500 5719 Tingry (P. F.). The Painter and Varnisher's Guide; or, a Treatise, both in Theory and Practice, &c., &c. 2d edition, corrected and improved by a practical Chemist. I vol. 8vo. London, 1816, 5720 Transactions of the American Art-Union, for the Promotion of the Fine Arts in the United States, for the years 1844-45-46-47-48, &c. 8vo. pamphlets. New-York, 1844-47, &tc 5721 Van Dyck (Sir Anthony). Pictorial Notices: consisting of a Memoir of, with a Descriptive Catalogue of the Etchings executed by him; and a Variety of interesting Particulars, &c. By William Hookham Carpenter. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1744. 21 322 WORKS ON PAINTING, SCULPTURE, ETC. 5722 Views of English Scenery. 1 vol. folo London, no date, 5723 Views, &c., taken from Plates. (7 Plates.) Fol. size., 5724 Views. 1 4to. pamphlet. (2 copies.) No date. 5725 Voyage of Life-Youth. Engraved by James Smellie. I sheet. 5726 Wall. Hudson River Port-Folio; or, Views on the Hudson. I fol. obl. New-York, no date. 5727 Walpole (Horace). Anecdotes of Painting in England, with some Account of the Principal Artists; and Incidental Notes on other Arts, collected by George Vertue; digested and published from his original MSS. by Horace Walpole; with considerable additions by Rev. James Dallaway. 5 vols. roy. 8vo. London, 1828. 5728 Watelet et Levesque. Dictionnaire des Arts de Peinture, Sculpture et Gravure. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1792. 5729 Winkelmann (J.). Iistoire de l'Art chez les Anciens. Traduite de I'Allemand, avec des Notes Historiques et Critiques de differens Auteurs. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1794-1803. 5730 Wiinkelmann. (John). History of Ancient Art. Translated from the German by G. Henry Lodge. 2d vol. 8vo. Boston, 18490 5731 Wornum (Ralph N.). The Epochs of Painting Characterized a Sketch of the History of Painting, Ancient and Modern. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1847. YMNIASTICS AND SWIM MING-. 323 GYMNASTICS AND SWIMMING..5732 Amoros (Le Colonel). Manuels-Roret. Nouveau Manuel d'Ecducation Physique, Gymnastic et Morale. 2 vols. 12mo & Atlas. Paris, 1838..533 COlia (Capt. P. I1.). Elementary Course of Gymnastic Exercises, intended to develope and improve the Physical Powers of Man; with the Report made to the Medical Faculty of Paris on the subject; and a new and complete Treatise on the Art of Swimming, with 71 Engravings. 4th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1825. 5734 Frost (J.). Scientific Swimming; being a Series of Practical Instructions, on an original and progressive plan, by which the Art of Swimming may be readily attained, with every advantage of power in the water. With 12 Plates. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1816. 5735 Frost (J.). The same. To which is added Dr. Franklin's Treatise on the Art of Swimming. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1816. 5736 GOymnastics. Instructions in all Kinds of Gymnastic Exercises, as taught and practised in the Gymastic Institutions of Germany. With 11 Plates. By a Military Officer. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1823. 5737 Jahn (Fo L.). Treatise on Gymnastics. 1 vol. 8vo. Northampton, 1828. 324 LITERARY AND POLITICAL PERIODICALS, ETC. LITERARY AND POLITICAL PERIODICALS, REPORTS, AND REGISTERS. 5738 American Annual Register, for the years 1825 to 1833. 8 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1827-35. 5739 Analyse et Table du Moniteur, de 1787 jusqu'a 1799. 6 vols. 4to. Paris, 1801. 5740 Annual Report. Fourth Annual Report to the Legislature, Relating to the Registry and Returns of Births, Marriages, and Deaths in Massachusetts, for 1845. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1845. 5741 Annual Report. Fifth Annual Report, on the same subjects, for 1846. I vol. 8vo. Boston, 1846. 5742 Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. From 1849, &c. 5743 Classical Journal. (Vol. 27 is wanting.) 38 vols. 8vo. London, 1810-28o 5744 Colden (Cadwallader D.). Memoir Prepared at the Request of a Committee of the Common Council of the City of New-York. I vol. 4to. New-York, 1825. 5745 Edinburgh Annual Register, for the years 1808 to 1815. 8 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1810-17. 5746 Harper's New Nonthly Magazine. Vol. 1st 8vo. &c. New-York, 1850. 5747 Hunt's Merchants' Magazine and Commercial Review. Conducted by Freeman Hunt. From 1849, &c. New-York, 1849, &c. 5748 Illustration (1'), Journal Universel. fol. Paris, —5749 Interna'tional Monthly Magazine of Literature, Science, and Art. 5 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1850-52. 5750 International Exchanges. See Nos. 5768, 5781. 5751 Knickerbocker; or, New-York Monthly Magazine. From 1849, &c. New-York, 1849, &c. 5752 La Xinerve. See Minerve, No. 5758. 5753 Le Constitutionnel, Journal Politique et Litteraire, &c., de 1815 jusqu'a 1829 inclusive. 25 vols. fol. Paris, 1815-29. 5754 Littell's Living Age. Conducted by E. Littell. Vol. 1st, &c. Boston, 1844, &c. 5755 Magazine. The Literary Magazine and American Register, from 1803 to 1808. 8 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1803-8. 5756 Mlagazine. The Monthly Magazine and British Register, from 1796 to 1824. 57 vols. 8vo. London, 1796-1824o 5757 Mercure (La), du dix-Neuvieme siecle, redige par une Societe de Gens de Lettres. 31 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1823-30. LITERARY AND POLITICAL PERIODICALS, ETC. 325 6758 Minerve (La), Francaise. 9 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1818-20. 5759 Moniteur. See No. 5739. 5760 M euseum of Foreign Literature and Science. Conducted by Robert Walsh. (Vol. 7 is wanting). 16 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1822-30. 5761 NewT-York Magazine; or, Literary Repository. (Several Nos. missing.) 8 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1790-97. 5762 lNew-Y' ork. Sixty-fifth Annual Report of the Regents of the University of the State of New-York. 1 vol. 8vo. Albany, 1852. 5763 N'iles (H.). Weekly Register. 25 in 4to. 75 vols. 25 in to. Baltimore, 1812-49. 5764 Old Countryman. 4to. New-York, 1847, &c. 5765 Phare de New-York, Journal Franqais hebdomadaire echo des idees et interets des deux Mondes. 4to. New-York, -- 5766 Port Polio, by Oliver Oldschool, Esq. 5 vols. fol. Philadelphia, 1801-5. 5767 Port Polio. The same, new series. 41 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1806-26. 5768 Report and Resolves of the Legislature of the State of Maine, respecting International Literary Exchanges; together with Documents relating thereto. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Augusta, 1847. 5769 Reports, &c., of the Smithsonian Institution; exhibiting its Plans, Operations, and Financial Conditions, up to January 1st, 1849. I 8vo. pamphlet. Washington, 1849. 5770 Review. The North American Review and Miscellaneous Journal. (Several Nos. missing.) 8vo. Boston, 1815, &c. 5771 Review. The American Quarterly Review. 22 vols. 8vo. Phila, 1827-37 5772 Review. Retrospective Review. 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1820-23. 5773 Review. The Quarterly Review, from Vol. 34 to 37. 4 vls. 8vo. London, 1826. 5774 Review. The Foreign Review and Continental Miscellany. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1828-30. 5775 Review. Edinburgh Review, or Critical. 1st vol. 8vo. &c. Edinburgh, 1804. &e, 5776 Review. Westminster Review. 19 vols. 8vo. London, 1824-33, and from 1849, &c. 5777 Review. London Quarterly Review. From 1849, &c. 5778 Review. North British Review. From 1849, &c. 5779 Revue Encyclopedique; ou, Analyse Raisonnee des Productions les plus remarquables dans la Litterature, les Sciences et les Arts, par une reunion de Membres de l'Institut et d'autres Hommes de Lettres. 2C edition.. (Part 1st of Vol. 57 is wanting.) 60 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1820-33. 5780 Royal Kalendar, and Court and City Register, for England, Scotland, Ireland, and America, for the year 1818. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1818, 5781 Saint Hilaire (Isidore Geoffroy). Movement of the International Literary Exchanges, between France and North America, from January, 1845, to May, 1846, with Instructions for Collecting, Preparing, and Forwarding Objects of Natural History. 1 8vo. pamphlet. (2 copies.) Paris, 1846, Appendix to Mr. Alexandre Vattemare's Report, Paris, November 16, 1851, (Pamphlet.) 1 8vo. Paris, 1851. 326 XBIBLIOG-RAPHY. BIBLIOGRAPHY>,5782 American Philosophical Society, Catalogue of the Library of the, 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1824, 5783 Brown University, Catalogue of the Library of. 1 vol. 8vo. Providence, 1843.,5784 Brunet (Jacq.-Ch.). Manuel du Libraire et de l'Amateur de Livres. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1814. 5785 Brunet (Jacq.-Ch.). The same. (2d part of Vol. 4 is wanting.) 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1842-44o 5786 Catalogae of the Books belonging to the Library Company of Philadelphia. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1835. 5787 Catalogue of Books on the Fine Arts, arranged in Twelve Classes. I vol. 12mo. Bloomsburg, 1825. 5788 Do.isy. Essai de Bibliologie Militaire. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1824. 5789 Harvard University, Catalogue of the Library of. 3 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1830. 5790 Hector Bossange Catalogue. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1845. 5791 eHorne (Thomas Hartwell). Introduction to the Study of Bibliography. To which is prefixed a Memoir on the Public Libraries of the Ancients. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1814o 5792 Journal General de la Litterature de France; ou, Repertoire Methodique. 27 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1798-1824o 5793 Journal General de la Litterature Etrangere. 24 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1800-24..5794 Libraries. See Public Libraries, No. 5799, 5795 Londcon Catalogue of Books, with their Sizes, Prices, and Publishers; containing the Books Published in London, 1800, to October, 1822. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1822. 5796 loss (Joseph William). A Manual of Classical Bibliography; comprising a copious detail of the various Editions, Commentaries, and Works, Critical and Illustrative, and Translations into the English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, &c., &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1825. 5797 New-Yoer Society Library, Catalogue of the. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1838. 5798 Newi-York State Library, Catalogue of the. 1 vol. 8vo. Albany, 1850, 5799 Public Libraries in the United States of America, Notices of. 1 vol. 8vo. Washington, 1851. 5800 Taylor (Oliver A.). Catalogue of the Library of the Theological Seminary in Andover, Mass. 1 vol. 8vo. Andover, 1838. 5801 Watt (Robert). Bibliotheca Britannica; or, a General Index to British and Foreign Literature. 4 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1824. OICTIONARIES AND ENCYCLOPEDIAS. 327 DICTIONAiRIES AND ENCYCLOPiEDIAS. 5802 Academie Francaise. Dictionnaire de 1I, revue, corrigee et augmentee. 5~ edition. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1814. 5803 Acad6.d io Frangaise. Supplement au Dictionnaire de l'Academie Fracaise. 6 e6dition, Publiee en 1835. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1836. ~5804- A.insworth Latin Dictionary, improved and enlarged, by Thomas Morell. A new edition, carefully revised, and enriched with many new explanations of words and phrases, and many additional authorities from the Classic Authors, by John Carey. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1816. 5805 Americana Encyclopedia. See Encyclopaedia, No. 5815. 5806 Baretti (Joseph), Italian and English Dictionary. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1839. 5807 Bescherelle ain6. Dictionnaire National; ou, Dictionnaire Universel de la Langue Francaise. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1846-47. -5808 Boiste (Pierre-Claude-Victoire). Dictionnaire Universel de la Langue Francaise, avec le Latin et les Etymologies, Extrait Comparatif, Concordance, Critique et Supplement de tons ses Dictionnaires; Manuel Encyclop6dique, et de Gi'ammaire, d'Orthographe, de Vieux Langage, de Neologie. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1829. 5809 Boyer (A.). Dictionnaire Royal Frangais-Anglais et Anglais-Frangais. Nouvelle edition. (2 vols. in one,) 1 vol. 4to. Londres, 1796. 5810 Boyers Royal Dictionary Abridged, in Two Parts. French and English, English and French. I vol. 8vo. London, 1814. 5811 Chame bers (E.). Cyclopmedia; or, an Universal Dictionary of the Arts and Sciences. With the Supplement. 4 vols. fol. London, 1751-53. 5812 Courtini. Encyclop6die Moderne; ou, Dictionnaire abrege des Sciences, des Lettres, et des Arts. (Tome 24 is incomplete.) 24 vols. Svo. & Plates. Paris, 1823-32. 5813 Donnegan (James). A New Greek and English Lexicon. First American from the second London edition. I vol. roy. 8vo. Boston, 1839. 5814 Edinburgh Encyclopaedia, conducted by David Brewster, with the assistance of Gentlemen eminent in Science and Literature. 1st American edition, corrected and improved. 18 vols. 4to. Philadelphia, 1832. -5815 Enoyclopedia Americana. A Popular Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature, History, Politics, and Biography, brought down to the Present Time; including a copious collection of Original Articles in American Biography. Edited by Francis Lieber, assisted by E. Wigglesworth, and To G. Bradford, with a Supplementary Volume, by H. Vethake. 14 vols. 8vo, Philadelphia, 1829-52. 328 DICTIONARIES AND ENCYCLOPADIA,. 5816 Encyclopsedia Britannica; or, a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Miscellaneous Literature, &c., &c. 18 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1797,. 5817 Encyclopsdia Britannica, Supplement. 5 vols. 4to. No date. 5818 Encyclopsedia Metropolitana; or, the Universal Dictionary of Knowledge, on an original Plan. (28vols., with Plates.) 2&vols. 4to, London, 1829-49. 5819 SEnyclopedie Methodique; ou, par ordre de Matieres, par une Societe de Gens de Lettres, &c. 176 vols. 4to. Paris, 1782-92. Agriculture. 7 Tom. Amusements des Sciences. 1 vl. (Plates wantitg.) Antiquites et MIythologie. 5 Tom. et 2 vois. de PI. Arbres et Arbustes. (1 vol. wanting.) Architecture. 3 vols. Art Aratoire et du Jardinage. 1 volo et Planches, Art Militaire. 4 Tom, (Plates wanting.) Artillerie, 1 vol. Arts et Metiers. 8 Tom. et 8 Tom, des Planchese Assemblee Nationale. Tom. 2' et unique. Beaux-Arts. 2 Tom. et Planches. Botanique, avec Supplement, 13 Tom. et 3 Tom. des Planches. Chasse et Peches. 1 vol. et Planches. Chimie et Metallurgie. 5 Tom. et Planches, Chirurgie. 2 Tom. et Planches, Commerce. 3 Tom. Economie et Politique. 4 Tom, nEncyclopediana. 1 vol. Equitation, Escrime, &c. 1 vol. Finances. 3 Tom. Forets et Bois. Tom, 1r" en 2 parLt Geographie Ancienne. 3 Tom. Geographie Moderne. 3 Tom. Atlas Ancienne et Moderne. 2 vols. 140 Cartes, Geographie Physique. 4 Tom. et 2e partie du Tom. 5, 48 PL, (1W pavr of Tom. 5 is wanting). Grammaire et Litterature. 3 Tom. Histoire. 6 Tom. (Plates wanting.). Histoire Naturelle Ornithologie. 3 Tom. et 240 P1I -...- Poisson. Tom. 3". Quadrupedes, Oiseaux. 2 Tom, -----— Vers, 3 Tom. d —--- des Zoophytes; on, Animaux Rayonnes, Tomi. 2 -.... Insectes. Tom. 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9 et 10. Mammalogie. I vol. -- Ichthyologie. I vol. et PI, ------ Vers, Coquilles, Mollusques et Polypiers, P1. 3 Tomi - Quadrupedes et Cetages. PI. 1 vol. Erpetologie, Ophiologie, P1. I vol. - Entomologique Pl. (PI. l't, 2, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 6 0, 0 71 72. 73, and 129 are wanting.) Jeux Mathematiques. I vol. Jurisprudence. 10 Tom, Logique. 4 Tom. Manufactures et Arts. 4 Tom. (P1. wanting.) Marine. 3 Tom. (P1. wanting.) Mathematiques. 3 Tom. (P1. wanting.) DICTIONARIES AND ENCYCLOPEDIAS. 329 Medecine. 13 Tom. Musique. 2 Tom. Peches. See Chasse. Philosophie. 2 Tomo Physique. 1e" et 2" Tom., 2e part of Tom. 3, 1st part of Tom. 4, & 1st part of Plates. (1st part of Tom. 3, 2d part of Tom. 4, and 2d part of Plates wanting.) Systeme Anatomique. 4 Tom., 2d part of Tom. 1st only. (1st Part of Tom. 1st is wanting.) Theologie. 3 Tom. 5820 Fleming & Tibbins. Dictionary, English and French, and French and English. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1845-46. 5821 Flugel (Dr. J. G.). A Complete Dictionary of the English and German, and German and English Languages. 3d and only warranted edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipsic, 1848. 5822 Henschel. Dictionnaire des Langues Franeaise et Allemande. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1838. 5823 Johnson (Samuel). Dictionary of the English Language. 1st American from the 11th London edition; to which are added, Walker's Principles of English Pronunciation. 2 vols. 4to. Philadelphia, 1819. 5824 Landais (Napoleon). Dictionnaire General et Grammatical des Dictionnaires Francais, extrait et complement de tons les Dictionnaires les plus celebres. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1834. 5825 Maunder (Samuel). Treasury of Knowledge and Library of Reference. 18th edition. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1848. 5826 Neuman & Baretti's Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages. Thoroughly revised, greatly improved, enlarged by the addition of many thousand words, and the two parts most carefully collated, by M. Seoane, M. D. 9th edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London-no date. 5827 Ticholson (William). British Encyclopedia; or, Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. Illustrated with upwards of 150 elegant engravings, by Lowry & Scott. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1809. 5828 Ogilvie (John). The Imperial Dictionary, English, Technological, and Scientific; adapted to the present state of Literature, Science, and Art; on the basis of Webster's English Dictionary. 2 imp. 8vo. London, 1851. 5829 Raymond (F.). Dictionnaire des Termes appropries aux Arts et aux Sciences, pouvant servir de Supplement au Dictionnaire de l'Academie. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1824. 5830 Raymond (F.). Dictionnaire General de la Langue Fran~aise et Vocabulaire Universel des Sciences, des Arts, et des Metiers. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1832. 5831 Rees (Abraham). Cyclopaedia; or, Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Literature. 1st American edition, with plates. 47 vols. 4to. Philadelphia-no date. 5832 Richardson (Charles). A New Dictionary of the English Language. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1839o 5833 Seoane's. Neulan & Baretti's Dictionary. See No. 5826. 5834 Spiers (A.). General English and French, and French and English Dictionary; newly composed from the English Dictionaries of Johnson, Webster, Richardson, &c. From the French Dictionaries of the French Acadmy, Laveaux, Boiste, Bescherelle, &c. 2d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1850. 380 DICTIONARIES AND ENCYCLOPbEDIAS. 5835 Thesaurus. Graecae Linguae. (No. 3 of Vol. 3 is wanting.) (Vol. 5, No. 3 last number.) (Vol. 6, No. 2 last number.) 6 vols. fol. Paris, 1831, &co 5836 Tibbons' Dictionary. See No. 5820. 5837 Webster (Noah). American Dictionary of the English Language; to which are prefixed an Introductory Dissertation on the Origin, History, and Connection of the Languages of Western Asia and of Europe, and a concise Grammar of the English Language. 2 vols. 4to. New-York, 1828. 5838 Webster (Noah). American Dictionary of the English Language. 1 vol. 4to. Springfield, Mass., 1852. THEOLOGY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 831 THlEOLOGY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 5839 Adam (Rev. Thomas). Private Thoughts on Religion, &c. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1843. 5840 Acdams (Rev. J.). A Sermon, preached in St. Michael's Church, Charleston, before the Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church. 2d edition. 1 8vo. pamphlet, Charleston, 1838, 5841 Adams (Rev. J.), Sermon Preached in St. Paul's Church, on the Morning of Advent Sunday, 30th November, 1834. I 8vo. pamphlet. Charleston, 1835. 5842 Alexander (Archibald). A Brief Outline of the Evidences of the Christian Religion. 2d edition. 1 vol. Svo. Princeton, 1825. 5843 Alexander (Rev. Archibald). Thoughts on Religious Experience. I vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1841. 5844 Alley (Rev. Jerome). Vindiciae Christianae: a Comparative Estimate of the Genius and Temper of the Greek, the Roman, the Hindu, the Mahometan, and the Christian Religions. 1 vol. Svo. London, 1826. 5845 Allix (Peter). Reflections upon the Books of the Holy Scripture, to Establish the Truth of the Christian Religion. To which is prefixed a Life of the Author. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1809, 5846 Arnold (Thomas). Sermons Preached in the Chapel of Rugby School, with an Address before Confirmation. 1st American edition. I vol. 12mo. New-York, 1846, 5847 Augustin (St.). The Confessions of. See No. 6008. 5848 Bale (John). The Image of Both Churches. See No. 5874. 5849 Balnaaves (Henry). The Confession of Faith. See No. 5874. 5850 Barber (M. A. S.). Missionary Tales for Little Listeners. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1842. 5851 3arnes (Dr. Robert). A Treatise on Justification. See No. 5874. 5852 Barr (Rev. John). Plain Catechetical Instructions for Young Communicants; designed to assist them in forming Scriptural views of the Lordis Supper. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1842. 5853 Barrow (Isaac), The Theological Works of, Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5-Sermons. 6 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1818. 5854 Baxter (Richard). A Call to the Unconverted. 1 vol. 12mo. Portsmouth, N. H., 1805. 5855 Baxter (Rev. Richard). The Duties and Responsibilities of the Pastoral Office. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1839. 5856 Baxter (Rev. Richard), The Life of. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1840. 332 THEOLOGY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 5857 Baxter's. An Abridgment of Mr. Baxter's History of his Life and Times. 2d edition, by Edmund Calamy. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1713. 5858 Becon (Rev. Thomas), Writings of. See No. 5874. 5859 Benson (C.). Twenty Discourses Preached before the University of Cam~ bridge, in the year 1820, at the Lecture founded by the Rev. John Hulse. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1824. 5860 [Benson (C.). Twenty Discourses Preached before the University of Cambridge, in the year 1822, at the Lecture founded by the Rev. John Hulse. I vol. 8vo. London, 1825. 5861 Bergier (L'Abbe). Dictionnaire de Theologie. Edition enrichi de notes extraites des plus clelbres Apologistes de la Religion, par Mgr Gousset, augmentee d'Articles Nouveaux par Mgr. Doney, et precedee du Plan de Theologie, manuscrit autographe de Bergier. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1852. 5862 Bergier (L'Abb6). Sermons inedits de Bergier. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1852. 5863 Berkeley (G., Bishop of Cloyne). Works, including his Letters to Thomas Prior, Dean Gervais, Pope, &c., &c.; to which is prefixed an Account of his Life. In this edition the Latin Essays are rendered into English, and the Introduction to Human Knowledge annotated, by the Rev. G. N. Wright. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1843. 5864 Bickersteth (Rev. Edward). A Scripture Help, designed to assist in reading the Bible. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1843. 5865 Bilney (Thomas), A Brief Account of. See No. 5874. 5866 Boardman (H. A.). A Treatise on the Scripture Doctrine of Original Sin. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1839. 5867 [Bonnet. Interesting Views of Christianity; being a Translation of a part of the work of. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1787. 5868 Bossuet. (Euvres Completes de. 12 vols. roy. 8vo. Besangon, 1836. 5869 Boston (Rev. Thomas). Human Nature in its Fourfold State: of Primitive Integrity, Entire Depravity, Begun Recovery, and Consummate Happiness or Misery, &c. vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1841. 5870 Bourdaloue. CEuvres de. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1834. 5871 Bradbury (Rev. Thomas). The Mystery of Godliness, wherein the Deity of Christ is Proved, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840. 5872 Bradford (Rev. John), Writings of. See No. 5874. 5873 Bridgewater Treatises. On the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God as Manifested in the Creation. I. Chalmers, on the Moral and Intellectual Constitution of Man. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1839. IIo Kidd's Physical Condition of Man. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1837. III. Whewell's Astronomy and General Physics. I vol. 8vo. London, 1839. IV. Bell. The Hand, its Mechanism, and Vital Endowments. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1837. V. Rogets Animal and Vegetable Philosophy. 2 Vols. 8vo. London, 1840.. VI. Buckland's Geology andMineralogy. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1837. VII. Kirby's History, Habits, and Instincts of Animals. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1835. VIII. Grout's Chemistry, Meteorology, and the Function of Digestion. I vol. 8vo. London, 1845. THEOLOGY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 333 5874 British Reformers. Short Account of the Lives and Writings of the. Vol. 1. Wicliffe, Brute, Thorpe, Cobham, Hilton, Pecock, Bilney, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 18420 Vol. 2. Tindal, Frith, Barnes. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1842. Vol. 3. Edward VI., Parr, Balnaves, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1842. Vol. 4. Latimer. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1842. Vol. 5. Hooper. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1842. Vol. 6. Bradford. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1842. Vol. 7. Ridley, Philpot. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1842. Vol. 8. Cranmer, Rogers, Careless, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1842. Vol. 9. Knox. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1842. Vol. 10. Becon. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1842. Vol. 11. Jewell. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1842. Vol. 12. Fox, Bale, and Coverdale. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1842. 5875 Brooks (Rev. Thomas). The Christian under the Smarting Rod. I vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1839. 5876 Broughton (Thomas). An Historical Dictionary of all Religions, from the Creation of the World to this Present Time. (2 vols. in one.) I vol. fol. London, 1742. 5877 Brown (Rev. Wm.). A Selection of Passages of Scripture for Young Persons to Commit to Memory. I vol. 32mo. Philadelphia, 1842. 5878 Brown (William Laurence). A Comparative View of Christianity, and of the other Forms of Religion which have existed, and still exist, in the World. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1826. 5879 Brute, Writings and Examinations of. See No. 5874. 5880 Burder (Rev. Samuel). Oriental Customs; or, an Illustration of the Sacred Scriptures, by an explanatory application of the Customs and Manners of the Eastern Nations, &c. A new edition. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1827. 5881 Burder (Henry Forster). The Pleasures of Religion. I vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1839. 5882 Burnet (Gilbert). A Defence of Natural and Revealed Religion; being an Abridgment of the Sermons Preached at the Lecture founded by the Hon. Robert Boyle, &c., &c. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1737. 5883 Burnet (Gilbert). History of the Reformation of the Church of England. A new edition. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1820. 5884'Butler (Joseph). The Analogy of Religion, Natural and Revealed, to the Constitution and Course of Nature. To which are added two brief Dissertations: 1. On Personal Identity; 2. On the Nature of Virtue; together with a Charge to the Clergy of Durham; a Life of the Author, by Dr. Kippis; and a Preface by Samuel Halifax. 2d American edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1809. 5885 Butler (Joseph). Sermons, and a Charge to the Clergy of Durham. 1 vol. 12mo. Cambridge, 1827. 5886 Cahen (S.). La Bible, Traduction Nouvelle, avec L'Hebreu en Regard, accompagne des Points-Voyelles et des accents Toniques (n'33:), avec des Notes Philologiques, Geographiques, et Litteraires, et les Principales Variantes de la Version des Septante et du Texte Samaritain. 12 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1831-43. 384 THEOLOGY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 5887 Calvin (John). Institutes of the Christian Religion. Translated from the original Latin, and collated with the Author's last edition in French, by John Allen. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1843. 5888 Calvin (John). Memoirs of the Life and Writings of. Compiled from the Narrative of Theodore Beza, and other authentic Documents; accompanied with Biographical Sketches of the Reformation, by John Mackenzie. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1809. 5889 Careless (John), Examination and Letters of. See No. 5784. 5890 Cecil (Rev. Richard). A Friendly Visit to the House of Mourning. I vol. 32mo. Philadelphia, 1840. 5891 Chalmers (Thomas), The Works of. 3 vols. 8vo. Bridgeport, 1829.'5892 Cha irnock (Stephen). Discourses upon the Existence and Attributes of God. 1st American edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840. 5893 C-harnoc (Rev. Stephen). The Doctrine of Regeneration, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840. 5894 Charnacl (Rev. Stephen). Discourses on Christ Crucified. I vol. 18Imo. Philadelphia, 1841. 5895 Chateaubriand (Frangois-Auguste). Genie du Christianisme; ou, Beautes de la Religion Chr6tienne. Edition abreg'e. 2 vols. 18mo. Paris, 1809. 5896 Choih9 de Monumens Primitifs de l'Eglise Chretienne, avec notices Litteraires par J. A. C Buchon.-Correspondance entre Pline et Trajan au sujet des Chr6etiens.-Tertullien.-Ving-trois Traites.-Minucius FSlix-Octavius.St. Cyprien.-Douze Traites.-Lactance.-Mort des Persecuteurs.-Institutions Divines.-Colere de Dieu. — Euvre de Dieu, J. F. Maternus.-Erreurs des Religions Profanes. (Pantheon Litteraire.) I vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1837. 5897 Choix de Monumens, &c. The same. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1840. 5898 Chrysostom (St. John), The Homilies of. See No. 6008. 5899 Churton (Edward). The Early English Church. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1842. 5900 Clarke (Samuel). A Letter to Mr. Dodwell (on the Immortality of the Soul). 5th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1718. 5901 Cobbin (Ingram). The Book of Popery: a Manual for Protestants, descriptive of the Origin, Progress, Doctrines, Rites, and Ceremonies of the Papal Church. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1842. 5902 Cobham, Writings and Examinations of. See No. 5874. 5903 Collyer (William Bengo). Lectures on Scripture Prophecy. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1809. 5904 Collyer (William Bengo). Lectures on Scripture Miracles. I vol. 8vo. London, 1812. 5905 Collyer (William Bengo). Lectures on Scripture Doctrines. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1818. 5906 Collyer (William Bengo). Lectures on Scripture Duties. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1819. 5907 Collyer (William Bengo). Lectures on Scripture Comparison. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1823. 5908 Collyer (W. B.). Lectures on the Evidences of Divine Revelation. (1st vol. only.) 1st vol. 8vo. London, 1823. THEOLOGY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 335 5909 Comber (Thomas). The Heathen Rejection of Christianity in the First Ages Considered. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1747. 5910 Constant (Benjamin). De la Religion, consideree dans sa Source, ses Formes et ses Developpements. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1830-31. 5911 Corbet (Rev. John). Self-Employment in Secret: an Inquiry into the State of the Soul. Thoughts upon Painful Afflictions, &c. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1839. 5912 Coverdale, The Writings of. See No. 5874. 5913 Cranmer (Rev. Dr. Thomas), Writings of. See No. 5874. 5914 Crawford (Rev. William). Dying Thoughts; or, Meditations on Death and Heaven. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1842. 5915 Critical Inquiry into the Opinions and Practice of the Ancient Philosophers concerning the Nature of the Soul, and a Future State, &c. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1748. 5916 Cudworth (Ralph). The True Intellectual System of the Universe; wherein all the Reason and Philosophy of Atheism is Confuted, &c.; with a Discourse concerning the True Notion of the Lord's Supper. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1820. 5917 Oun.nghame (William). The Church of Rome the Apostasy, and the Pope the Man of Sin and Son of Perdition; with an Appendix. To which is added, Antichrist: a Sermon by Rev. Hugh McNeile. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1841. 5918 Cyprian (St. Cecilius), The Treatise of. See No. 6008. 5919 Cyril (St.), The Catechetical Lectures of. See No. 6008. 5920 Daille (John). A Treatise on the Right Use of the Fathers in the Decision of Controversies existing at this day in Religion. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1842, 5921 Dalhoe (Frederick). An Historical Account of the Protestant Episcopal Church in South Carolina, from the first Settlement of the Province to the War of the Revolution; with Notices of the Present State of the Church in each Parish, and some account of the early Civil History of Carolina, Laws relating to Religious Worship, &c. I vol. 8vo. Charleston, 1820. 5922 D'Aubign6e (J. H. Merle). History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century. Translated by H. White, 4 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1848. 5923 Davies (Rev. J.). An Estimate of the Human Mind; being a Philosophical Inquiry into the Legitimate Application and Extent of its Leading Faculties, as connected with the Principles and Obligations of the Christian Religion. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1828. 5924 Derham (W.). Physico-Theology; or, a Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God, from his Works of Creation. (16 Sermons at Boyle's Lectures.) 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1723. 5925 Dewey (Orville). Discourses on Human Nature. Human Life, and the Nature of Religion. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1847. 5926 Dewey (Orville). Discourses on the Nature of Religion, and on Commerce and Business; with some occasional Discourses. I vol. 12mo. New-York, 1847. 5927 Diok (Thomas). The Christian Philosopher; or, the Connection of Science and Philosophy with Religion. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1831. 336.THEOLOGY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 5928 Dick (Thomas). The Philosophy of a Future State. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1831. 5929 Dick (Thomas). The Philosophy of Religion; or, an Illustration of the Moral Laws of the Universe. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1832. 5930 Dick (Thomas), Works of. 7 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1840. Vol. 1. Philosophy of a Future State. " 2. Christian Philosopher. " 3. Philosophy of Religion. 4. Improvement of Society. 5. Moral Improvement. " 6. Essay on Covetousness. 7". Celestial Scenery. 5931 Dickinson (Jonathan). Familiar Letters to a Gentleman on the Subjects of Religion. I vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1841. 5932 Dickinson (Jonathan). The True Scripture Doctrine concerning some Important Points of Christian Faith. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1841. 5933 Doddridge (Rev. Philip.) A Course of Lectures on the Principal Subjects in Pneumatology, Ethics, and Divinity. 4th edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1799. 5934 Dwvight (Timothy). Theology, Explained and Defended in a series of Sermons. With a Memoir of the Life of the Author. 5 vols. 8vo. Middletown, 1818-19. 5935 Dying Hours; or, Narratives Illustrative of the Grace of God to Dying Sinners. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1843. 5936 Dymond (Jonathan). An Inquiry into the Accordancy of War with the Principles of Christianity, &c. 4th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1835. 5937 Edwvards (Rev. Jona., President), The Works of, with a Memoir of his Life. 10 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1829. 5938 Edwards (Peter). Candid Reasons for Renouncing the Principles of AntiP]edobaptism; also a Short Method with the Baptists. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1841. 5939 Edward VI., Writings of. See No. 5874. 5940 Emerson (R. W.). Essays. First and second series. New edition. 1 vol. 12mo. Boston, 1847. 5941 Engles (William M.). Records of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1841. 5942 Erskine (Thomas). Remarks on the Internal Evidence for the Truth of Revealed Religion. 2d American from the 5th Edinburgh edition. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1823. 5943 Essays on the Universal Analogy between the Natural and the Spiritual Worlds. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1826. 5944 Essays on Romanism. By the Author of Essays of the Church. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1841. 5945 Eusebius (Pamphilus). Thesaurus temporum: Eusebii Pamphili chronicorum canonum omnimodae historiae libri duo, interprete Hieronymo; item Auctores omnes derelicta ab Eusebio et Hieronymo continuantes; ejusdem Eusebii utriusque partis Chronic. Canon. reliquiae Graecae, qui Colligi potuerunt. Opera et Studio Jos. Scaligeri. I vol. fol, Amstelodami, 1658. THEOLOGY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 337 5946 Faber (George Stanley). A Dissertation on the Mysteries of the Cabiri; or, the Great Gods of Phenicia, Samothrace, Egypt, Troas, Greece, Italy, and Crete; being an attempt to deduce the several Orgies of Isis, Ceres, Mithras, Bacchus, Rhea, Adonis, and Hecate, from an Union of the Rites Commemorative of the Deluges with the Adoration of the Host of Heaven. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1803. 5947 Faber (George Stanley). A General and Connected View of the Prophecies, relative to the Conversion, Restoration, Union, and Future Glory of the House of Judah and Israel, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1809. 5948 Faber (George Stanley). A Dissertation on the Prophecies. 2d American from the 2d London edition. (2 vols. in one.)' - - 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1811. 5949 Felice (G. de). History of the Protestants of France, from the Commencement of the Reformation to the Present Time. Translated, with an Introduction, by Henry Lobdell. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1851. 5950 Fenelon (Fr. de Salignac de la Mothe), CEuvres Completes de. 10 vols. 8vo. Paris, 18i0. 5951 Flavel (Rev. John). Divine Conduct; or, the Mystery of'Providence. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1840. 5952 Flavel (Rev. John). A Blow at the Root of Antinomianism. 1 vol. 32mo. Philadelphia, 1840. 5953 Fleming (Robert). The Fulfilling of the Scriptures, for Confirming Believers, &c. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1840. 5954 Fleury (L'Abb6), CEuvres de, contenant Traite du Choix et de la Methode des Etudes, Mceurs des Israelites et des Chretiens, Discours sur l'Histoire Ecclesiastique, grand Cat6chisme Historique, Histoire du Droit Franqais, &c., pour faire suite aux ceuvres de Fenelon, precedees d'un Essai sur la Vie et les ouvrages de L'Abbe Fleurypar M. Aime-Martin (Pantheon Litteraire). 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1837. 5955 Foster (James). Discourses on all the Principal Branches of Natural Religion and Social Virtue. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1749. 5956 Foster (John). An Essay on the Importance of Considering the Subject of Religion. I vol. 8vo. Boston, 1827. 5957 Foster (John). Lectures Delivered at Broadmead Chapel, Bristol. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1844. 5958 Fox (John). The English Martyrology. Abridged from Fox, by Charlotte Elizabeth. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1843. 5959 Fox (John), The Writings of. See No. 5874. 5960 Frangois de Sales (St.). See Sales, No. 6085. 5961 Frith (John), Writings of. See No. 5874. 5962 Gisborne (Thomas). A Familiar Survey of the Christian Religion, and of History, as Connected with the Introduction of Christianity, &c. 3d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1801, 5963 Gisborne (Thomas). Sermons Principally Designed to Illustrate and to Enforce Christian Morality. 3d edition. I vol. 8vo. London, 1813. 5964 Gleig (Rev. G. R.). History of the Bible. 2 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1836. 5965 Goodwin (Thomas). The Return of Prayers. 1 vol. 32mo. Philadelphia, 1840. 5966 Grant (Rev. Duncan). The Duty of Children to Love and Seek Christ. 1st American from the 6th Edinburgh edition. I vol. 32mo. Philadelphia, 1840. 22 338 THEOLOGY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 5967 Gray (Robert). The Connection between the Sacred Writings and the Literature of Jewish and Heathen Authors, particularly that of the Classical Ages, Illustrated, &c. 2d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1819. 5968 Greene (Ashbel). Lectures on the Shorter Catechism of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1841. 5969 Grinfield (Edward William). The Connection of Natural and Revealed Theology. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1818. 5970 Grotius (Hugo). The Truth of the Christian Religion; in Six Books. Corrected and Illustrated, with Notes, by Mr. Le Clerc. To which is added a Seventh Book, containing the Question, What Christian Church we ought to join ourselves to? by the said Mr. Le Clerc. Translated into English by John Clarke. 13th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1809. 5971 Guthrie (Rev. William). The Christian's Great Interest; with an Introductory Essay, by Rev. Thomas Chalmers. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1840. 5972 Hall (John). The Chief End of Man: an Exposition of the First Answer of the Shorter Catechism. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1841. 5973 Hall (Rev. Robert). The Works of, with a brief Memoir, and a Sketch of his Literary Character, as a Theologian and a Preacher. By J. Mackintosh, John Foster. 3 vols. Svo. New-York, 1832-33. 5974 Halyburton (Rev. Thomas). Natural Religion Insufficient, and Revealed Necessary to Man's Happiness in his Present State. I vol. Svo. Albany, 1812. 5975 Halyburton (Rev. Thomas). The Great Concern of Salvation. I vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1839. 5976 Harris (John). The Pre-Adamite Earth: Contributions to Theological Science. Third Thousand, revised and enlarged. I vol. 12mo. Boston, 1850. 5977 Henry (T. Carlton). Letters to an Anxious. Inquirer. 3d edition. 1 vol. 18 no. Philadelphia, 1840. 5978 Henry (Rev. Matthew). The Communicant's Companion; or, Instructions for the Right Receiving of the Lord's Supper. With an Introductory Essay by the Rev. John Brown. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1843. 5979 Herschell (Ridley H.). A Brief Sketch of the Present State and Future Expectations of the Jews. 1 vol. 32mo. Philadelphia, 1842. 5980 Hilton, Writings and Examination of. See No. 5874. 5981 Hodge (Charles). The Constitutional History of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1839-40. 5982 Hooker (Richard), The Works of, with a General Index. Also Isaac Walton's Life of the Author. Edited by the Rev. W. S. Dobson. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1825. 5983 Hooper (Dr. John), Writings of. See No. 5874. 5984 Horme (Thomas Martwell). An Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1825. 5985 Horsley (Samuel). Nine Sermons, on the Nature of the Evidence by which the Fact of our Lord's Resurrection is Established, and on various other subjects. To which is prefixed a Dissertation on the Prophecies of the Messiah Dispersed among the Heathen. 2d ed. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1817. 5986 Howe (Rev. John), The Whole Works of. 7 vols. 8vo. London, 1810-16. 5987 Hurd (Richard), The Works of. 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1811. THEOLOGY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 339 5988 Hutchinson (John), An Abstract from the Works of, being a Summary of his Discoveries in Philosophy and Divinity. I vol. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1753. 5989 Jager (J. N.). Vetus Testamentum Graecum Juxta Septuaginta Interpretes, ex Auctoritate Sixti Quinti Pontificis Maximi Editum Juxta Exemplar Originale Vaticanun. Cum Latina Translatione, &c. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Parisiis, 1839 5990 Jamieson (John). The Use of Sacred History; especially as Illustrating and Confirming the Great Doctrine of Revelation. To which are prefixed two Dissertations. (2 vols. in one.) I vol. 8vo. Hartford, 1810. 5991 Jamieson (Rev. Robert). Eastern Manners; Illustrative of the Old Testament History. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1841. 5992 Jaireway (J. J.). An Exposition of a Portion of the Epistle to the Romans. 2 vols. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1842. 5993 Janeway (J. J.). An Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1842, 5994 Janeway (Rev. James). The Saint's Encouragement to Diligence in Christ's Service. I vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1840. 5995 Jewell (John). Writings of. See No. 5874. 5996 Journals of the Conventions of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of New-York, 1785-1819. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1844. 5997 Junrin (D. X.). The Oath, a Divine Ordinance, and an Element of the Social Constitution. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1845. 5998 Knox (Hugh). The Moral and Religious Miscellany; or, Essays on some of the most Important Christian Doctrines and Virtues. 2 vols. 12mo. Harrisburgh, 1808. 5999 Knox (Rev. John). A Sermon on the occasion of the Death of Lt. Col. Alexander Ramsay Thompson, of the U. S. A. 1- 8vo. pamphlet. New-York, 1838. 6000 Knox (Rev. John), Writings of. See No. 5874. 6001 Latimer (Dr. Hugh), Select Sermons and Letters of. See No. 5875. 6002 Le Bas (Charles Webb). Sermons, on various occasions. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1834. 6003 Lecctures on the Points in Controversy between Romanists and Protestants. By the Hon. and Rev. B. W. Noel, Rev. Hugh M'Neile, Rev. R. W. Sibthorp, &c., &c. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840. 6004 Leland (John). The Divine Authority of the Old and New Testaments Asserted; with a particular Vindication of the Characters of Moses, and the Prophets, our Saviour Jesus Christ, and his Apostles, against the Unjust Aspersions and False Reasonings of a Book, entitled the Moral Philosopher. 1 vol. 8vo.a London, 1739. 6005 Leland (John). A View of the Principal Deistical Writers that have appeared in England in the last, present Century, &c. To which is added an Appendix, containing a View of the Present Times with regard to Religion and Morals, and other important subjects, by W. L. Brown. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1798. 6006 Leland (John). The Advantage and Necessity of the Christian Revelation, shown from the State of Religion in the Ancient Heathen World. To which is prefixed a Preliminary Discourse on Natural and Revealed Religion. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1818. 340 THEOLOGY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, 6007 Lettres ]difiantes et Curieuses concernant'Asie, l'Afrique et l'Amerinclue avec quelques relations nouvelles des Missions et des Notes Geographiques. et Historiques. Publiees sous la Direction de M. L. Aim6-Martin (Panth6on Litteraire). 1st vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1838. 6008 Library of the Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church, anterior to the Division of the East and West, Translated by Members of the English Church. 1. The Confessions of St. Augustine. I vol. 8vo. Oxford, 1840. 2. The Catechetical Lectures of St. Cyril, Archbishop of Jerusalem. 1 vol. 8vo. Oxford, 1839. 3. The Treatise of St. Caecilius Cyprian. I vol. 8vo. Oxford, 1839, 4. The Homilies of St. John Chrysostom. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1839a 6009 Literae Sacrae; or, the Doctrines of Moral Philosophy and Scriptural Christianity compared. In a Series of Letters. I vol. 8vo. London, 1825. 6010 Lorimer (Rev. John G.). An Historical Sketch of the Protestant Church of France, from its Origin to the Present Times. With Parallel Notices of the Church of Scotland during the same Period. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1842. 6011 Lowrie (Rev. John C.). Travels in North India; including a Sketch of Missionary undertaking. I vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1842. 6012 Luther. Essay on Reformation. See No. 6114. 6013 Magee (William). Discourses and Dissertations on the Scriptural Doctrines of Atonement and Sacrifice, &e.; with an Appendix containing some Strictures on Mr. Belsham's Account of the Unitarian Scheme. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1813. 6014 Mannering (Rev. E.). Christian Consistency; or, the Connection between Experimental and Practical Religion. I vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1839~ 6015 Marsh (Mrs.). History of the Protestant Reformation in France. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1851. 6016 Mason (Rev. John M.). Essays on the Church of God; in which the Doctrines of Church Membership and Infant Baptism are fully discussed. I vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1843 6017 Mlassillon (Eveque de Clermont). (Euvres de. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1835. 6018 Matthews (Rev. John). The Divine Purpose: displayed in the Works of Providence and Grace. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1843, 6019 o o Crie (Thomas). History of the Progress and Suppression of the Reformation in Spain in the Sixteenth Century. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1842. 6020 McCrie (Thomas). History of the Progress and Suppression of the Reformation in Italy in the Sixteenth Century. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1842. 6021 Mcllvaine (Charles P.). The Evidences of Christianity; in their External Division, exhibited in a Course of Lectures. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1832. 6022 Mlead (Rev. Matthew). The Almost Christian Discovered; or, the False Professor Tried and Cast. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1843. 6023 Michaelis (Sir John David). Commentaries on the Laws of Moses. Translated from the German, by Alexander Smith. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1814. 6024 Millar (Robert). The History of the Propagation of Christianity, and Overthrow of Paganism. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1723. 6025 Miller (Samuel). Presbyterianism the truly Primitive and Apostolical Constitution of the Church of Christ. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840. THEOLOGY AND ECCL ESIASTICAL HISTORY. 341 6026 Miller (Samuel). The Primitive aLd Apostolical Order of the Church of Christ Vindicated. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840. 6027 Miller (Samuel). An Essay on the Warrant, Nature, and Duties of the Office of the Ruling Elder in the Presbyterian Church. 3d edition. I vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1840. 6028 Miller (Rev. Samuel). The Christian Education of the Children and Youth in the Presbyterian Church. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1840. 6029 ifller (Samuel). The Utility and Importance of Creeds and Confessions. I vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1841. 6030 ilman (Rev. H. H.). The History of Christianity, from the Birth of Christ to the Abolition of Paganism in the Roman Empire. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1840. ~6031 Iilner (Rev. Joseph). The History of the Church of Christ. 1st American edition. 5 vols. 8vo, Boston, 1809-11. 6032 nilner (Rev. Joseph). The History of the Church of Christ. With Additions and Corrections, by the Rev. Isaac Milner, Dean of Carlisle, and President of Queen's College, Cambridge. A new edition. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1824. 6033 0Miosheii (John Lawrence). An Ecclesiastical History, Ancient and Modern, fiom the Birth of Christ to the Beginning of the 18th Century. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1806. 6034 ]Neal (Daniel). The History of the Puritans, or Protestant Non-conformists, from the Reformation in 1517, to the Revolution in 1688. With a Life of the Author, &c. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 18370 ~6035 Neclker. Of the Importance of Religious Opinions. Translated from the French. 1 vol. 12mo. Dublin, 1789. 6036 Newtona (Thomas). Dissertations on the Prophecies. 3 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1813. 6037 Owen (Rev. John). A Discourse concerning the Holy Spirit. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1841. 6038 Owen (John). The Doctrine of Justification by Faith, through the Imputation of the Righteousness of Christ. 1st American edition. I vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1841. 6039 Owen.(Rev. John). The Nature, Power, Deceit, and Prevalency of Indwelling Sin in Believers. I vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1842. 6040 Paley (William). Natural Theology. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1802. 6041 Paley. Natural Theology. See Paley, No. 3546. 6042 Paley (William). A View of the Evidences of Christianity. 11th edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1805. 68043 Paley (William). Horae Paulinae; or, the Truth of the Scripture History of St. Paul. 5th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1807. 6044 Paley (William). Sermons on various Subjects. (Called Vol. VI., being intended for an addition to his Works in 5 vols.) 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1827. 8045 Palmer (Rev. William). A Treatise on the Church of Christ. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1838. 6046 Parr (Queen Catherine). Writings of. See No..5784. 6047 Pascal (Blaise). Tome er. Les Provinciales; ou Lettres de Louis de Montalte-Tome 2%. Pensees. 2 vols. 18mo. Paris, 1803. 6048 Pascal (Blaise). Pensees. See No. 5278. $049 Patriarchs, The, 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1840. 342 THEOLOGY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 6050 Pauthier (G.). Les Livres Sacrls de l'Orient, comprenant le Chou-King, ou le Livre par excellence; Les Sse-Chou, ou les quatre Livres Moraux de Confucius et du ses Disciples; les Lois de Manou, premier Legislateur de 1'Inde; le Koran de Mahomet. I vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1841. 6051 Paxton (James). Illustrations of Paley's Natural Theology: with descriptive Letter-press. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1827. 6052 Pecock. Writings and Examination of. See No. 5874. 6053 Penn (William). No Cross, No Crown. A Discourse showing the Nature and Discipline' of the Holy Cross of Christ, &c. 10th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1762. 6054 Philpot (Rev. John). Examinations and Letters of. See No. 5874. 6055 Plumer (William S.). The Offices of Christ. Abridged from the original work of the Rev. George Stevenson'. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1840. 6056 Poole (Matthew). Dialogue between a Popish Priest and an English Protestant. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1843. 6057 Presbyterian Board. A. History of the Westminster Assembly of Divines, &c. 1 vol. Svo. Philadelphia, 18410 6058 Presbyterian Board. History of the Covenanters in Scotland. 2 vols. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1841. 6059 Presbyterian Board. The Council of Trent; comprising an Account of the Proceedings of that Assembly. 1 vol. 18mio. Philadelphia, 1841o 6060 Presbyterian Board. The Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, and its Consequences to the Protestant Churches of France and: Italy; containing Memoirs of some of the Sufferers in the Persecution attending that Event. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1839. 6061 Presbyterian Board.. Missionary Records. (Northern Countries.) 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1841. 63062 Presbyterian Board. The Way of Salvation Familiarly Explained, in a Conversation between a Father and his Children. 1 vol. 32mo. Philadelphia, 1842. 6063 Presbyterian Board. Laborers in the East; or, Memoirs of Eminent Men who were devoted to the Service of Christ in India.. Containing abridged Biographies of the Rev. Dr. Buchaanan Rev. Henr Martyn, and Rev. David Brown. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1840. 6064 Presbyterian Board. The Prophetic Blessings of Jacob and Moses, &c. I vol. 32mo. Philadelphia, 1840. S065 Presbyterian Board. The Novelty of Popery, and the Antiquity of the RIeligion of Protestants, proved by Scripture and I-istorv. I vol. 8vo. Pihiladelphia, 1840, 6066 Presbyterian Board. The Missionary in the Wilderness; or, Grace Displayed among the Heathen. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1843. 6067 Presbyterian Board. Narratives of Revivals of Religion in Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1842. 6068 Presbyterian Board. Scripture Emblems. 1 vol. 32mo. Philadelphia, 1840. 6069 Presbyterian Board. The Destruction of Jerusalem an Irresistible Pproof of the Divine Origin of Christianity. 1 vol. 181mo. Philadelphia, 1840. 6070 Presbyterian Board. Scripture Portions of the Afflicted, especially the Sick, &C. I vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1840. THEOLOGY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 343 6071 Presbyterian Board. A Threefold Cord; or, a Precept, Promise, and Prayer, from the Holy Scriptures, for every Day in the Year. 1 vol. 32mo. Philadelphia, 1842. 6072 Presbyterian Board. The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America; containing the Confession of Faith, the Catechisms, and the Directory for the Worship of God; together with the Plan of Government and Discipline, &c. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1842. 6073 Presbyterian Board. The Form of Government, the Discipline, and the Directory for Worship, of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1841. 6074 Presbyterian Tracts. See No. 6111. 6075 Price (Richard). Sermons on the Christian Doctrine as received by the different Denominations of Christians, &c.; with an Appendix occasioned by Dr. Priestley's Letters to the Author. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1787. 6076 Prideaux (Humphrey). The True Nature of Imposture Fully Display'd in the Life of Mahomet. With a Discourse annexed, for the Vindicating of Christianity from this Charge; offered to the Consideration of the Deists of the present Age. 3d edition. I vol. 12mo. London, 1698. 6077 Proclus. Theology. See Proclus, No. 5194. 6078 Ranke (Leopold). The Ecclesiastical and Political History of the Popes of Rome during the 16th and 17th Centuries. Translated from the German by Sarah Austin. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1841. 6079 Ridley (Dr. Nicholas). Treatise and Letters of. See No. 5874. 6080 Rodgers (Rev. John). Memoir of, by Samuel Miller. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1840. -6081 Rodgers (John). The Life, Admonition, &c., of. See No. 5874. 6082 Ryan (Edward). The History of the Effects of Religion on Mankind, &c. 3d edition. I vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1806. 6083 Saint-Augustine. See Augustine, No. 5847. 6084 Saint-ierre (James-H-enry-Bernardin de). Studies of Nature. See SaintPierre, No. 2914. 6085 Sales (St. Frangois de). (Euvres completes de, ornees de son Portrait et d'un Fac simile de son Ecriture, tire cl'un Frangment in6dit. Nouvelle edition, collationnee et augmentee. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1836. 6086 Sanderson (Robert). De Obligatione Conscientiae. Praelectiones Decein. 1 vol. 12mo. Londini, 1710. 6087 Scholar Armed, The, against the Errors of the Time; or, a Collection of Tracts on the Principles and Evidences of Christianity, the Constitution of the Church, and the Authority of Civil Government. 2d edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1800. 6088 Scott (Thomas). Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, with Original Notes and Practical Observations. 6 vols. 8vo. (2 copies.) Boston, 1817-18. 6089 Scott (Rev. Thomas). The Articles of the Synod of Dort. Translated fiom the Latin, with Notes. To which is added an Introductory Essay, by the Rev. Samuel Miller. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1841. 6090 Scott (Rev. Thomas). The Force of Truth: an Authentic Narrative. With a Recommendatory Letter, by Rev. Samuel Miller. To which are added, eight Letters addressed to Dr. Scott, by Rev. John Newton. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1841. 344 THEOLOGY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 6091 Sermons. Twenty-six Sermons, preached at the Lime-Street Lecture, by several Eminent Ministers. I vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840. 6092 Sermons. A Course of Lectures on the Jews: by Ministers of the Established Church in Glasgow. I vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840. 6093 Sermons. Spruce-Street Lectures: by several Clergymen. Delivered during the years 1831-32. To which is added a Sermon on the Atonement, by John De Witt. I vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840. 6094 Sewell (Rev. William). Christian Politics. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1844. 6095 Shaw (Rev. Samuel). Immanuel; or, True Religion a Living Principle in the Minds of Men. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1841. 6096 Shepherd (William). Memoir of the Last Illness and Death of William Thorp Buchanan. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1840. 6097 Sherlock (Thomas). The Trial of the Witnesses of the Resurrection of Jesus: with the Sequel of the Trial. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1843. 6098 Sherman (Rev. James). A Guide to Acquaintance with God. 1 vol. 32mo. Philadelphia, 1843. 6099 Sibbes (Rev. Richard). The Soul's Conflict and Victory over Itself by Faith. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1842. 6100 Sibbes (R.). The Christian's'Portion. 1 vol. 32mo. Philadelphia, 1842. 6101 Sime (William). History of the Inquisition, from its Establishment to the Present Time. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1840. 6102 Simpson (Rev. Robert). Traditions of the Covenanters; or, Gleaning among the Mountains. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1841. 6103 Siodgrass (W. D.). The Scripture Doctrine of Sanctification Stated, and Defended against the Error of Perfectionism. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1841. 6104 Stevenson (Rev. George). The Offices of Christ. See No. 6055. 6105 Stillingfleet (Edward). Origines Sacra; or, a Rational Account of the Grounds of Natural and Revealed Religion. A new edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1797. 6106 Stone (John S.). Annual Sermon before the Board of Missions, 1839. 1 8vo. pamphlet. New-York, 1839. 6107 Taylor (Isaac). Physical Theory of Another Life. 1 vol. 16mo. London, 1847. 6108 Thornton (John). The Fruits of the Spirit; being a comprehensive View of the Principal Graces which adorn the Christian Character. I vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1841. 6109 Thorpe. Writings and Examinations of. See No. 5874. 6110 Tindal. Writings of. See No. 5874. 6111 Tracts. A Series of, on the Doctrines, Order, and Polity of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1842. 6112 Trail (Rev. Win.). A guide to Christian Communicants in the Exercise of Self-Examination. 1 vol. 32mo. Philadelphia, 1841. 6113 Travis (George). Letters to Edward Gibbon, Esq. 3d edition, corrected and enlarged. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1794. 6114 Villers (C.). An Essay on the Spirit and Influence of the Reformation by Luther. Translated from the French by B. Lambert. I vol. 8vo. London, 1805. 6115 Vincent (Rev. Nathaniel). The Spirit of Prayer. I vol. 32mo. Philadelphia, 1842. THEOLOGY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 345 6116 Vincent (Thomas). On Love to Christ. 1 vol. 32mo. Philadelphia, 1842. 6117 Waterland (Daniel). A Vindication of Christ's Divinity; being a Defence of some Queries relating to Dr. Clarke's Scheme of the Holy Trinity, in Answer to a Clergyman in the Country. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1719. 6118 Watson. Two Apologies; one for Christianity, in a Series of Letters addressed to Edward Gibbon. The other for the Bible, in Answer to Thomas Paine. To which are added, two Sermons, and a Charge, in Defence of Revealed Religion. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1806. 6119 Weed (Henry R.). Questions on the Confession of Faith and Form of Government of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, &c. I vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1842. 6120 West (Robert A.). Records of the Proceedings and Debates at the Sixtyfirst Annual Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of New-York. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1845. 6121 Westminster Assembly. The Larger Catechism of the Westminster Assembly. With Proofs fiom the Scriptures. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1841. 6122 Wharey (Rev. James). Sketches of Church History; comprising a regular Series of the most important and interesting Events in the History of the Church, from the Birth of Christ to the Nineteenth Century. 1 vol. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1840. 6123 Wickliff (Rev. John). Writings of. See No. 5784. 6124 Wilberforce (William). A Practical View of the prevailing Religious System of Professed Christians, in the Higher and Middle Classes in this Country, contrasted with Real Christianity. 4th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1797. 6125 Wilks (Rev. Samuel Charles). Christian Essays:-True and False Repose in Death; Full Assurance of Understanding; Full Assurance of Faith; Full Assurance of Hope; Christian Obedience; the Form and the Power of Religion; Sources of Error in Opinion; False Modesty in Religion; Affection between Ministers and their Flock; Natural and Revealed Religion. 2d edition. I vol. 8vo. London, 1828. 6126 Willison (Rev. John). The Christian's Scripture Directory. With Resolutions by the Rev. Jonathan Edwards. 1 vol. 32mo. Philadelphia, 1841. 6127 Winder (Henry). A Critical and Chronological History of the Rise, Progress, Declension, and Revival of Knowledge, chiefly Religious. In two Periods. I. The Period of Tradition, from Adam to Moses. IT. The Period of Letters, from Moses to Christ. With Memoirs of Dr. Winder's Life, by George Benson. 2d edition. (2 vols. in one.) 1 vol. 4to. London, 1756. 6128 Wiseman (Nicholas). Twelve Lectures on the Connection between Science and Revealed Religion. Delivered in Rome. 3d edition. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1849. 346 MISCELLANIES. MISCELLANIES. 6129 Adams (John). Works of; with a Life of the Author. See No. 1970. 6130 Adams (John Quincy). Letters on the Masonic Institution. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, 1847. 6131 Adams (Mrs.). Letters of; with and Introductory Memoir by her Grandson, Charles Francis Adams. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1840. 6132 Addison (Joseph). Miscellaneous Works. 4 vols. 18mo. Oxford, 1833. 6133 Addison (Joseph). Spectator. See No. 6145. 6134 Addison (Joseph), Guardian. See No. 6145. 6135 Alison (Archibald). Miscellaneous Essays. See No. 6216. 6136 American Almanac and Repository of Useful Knowledge for the years 1851 and 1852. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1851-52. 6137 Arnold (Thomas). Miscellaneous Works. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. New-York, 1845. 6138 As a Eedicine. Founded on Fact. Third thousand. 1 vol. 24mo. Boston, 1839. 6139 Beatt;ie (William). Life and Letters of Thomas Campbell. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1850. 6140 Beaumarchais. (Euvres completes de, precedes d'une Notice sur sa Vie et ses Ouvrages par Saint-Marc Girardin. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1837. 6141 Berard (C.). Lecons Franqaises a l'usage des commengans. I vol. 12mo. (2 copies.) Philadelphia, 1822. 6142 Berkeley (G., Bishop of Cloyne). Works. See Berkeley, No. 5863. 6143 Boileau (Despreaux). (uvres completes. See Boileau, No. 5332, 5333. 6144 Bonaparte (Louis Napoleon). The Political and Historical Works of; with an original Memoir of his Life, brought down to the Promulgation of the Constitution of 1852..2 vols. 8vo. London, 1852. 6145 British Essayists; with Prefaces, Historical and Biographical, and a General Index by Alexander Chalmers. (Vols. 2, 9, 19, 35, 36, and 37 are wanting.) 45 vols. 18mo. London, 1802-3. 1. Containing the Tatler, by Steele. 5 vols. 18mo. London, 1803. 2. Spectator, by Addison and Steele. 9 vols. 18mo. London, 1802. 3. Guardian, by Steele and Addison. 4 vols. 18mo. London, 1802. 4. Rambler, by Johnson. 4 vols. 18mo. London, 1802. 5. Adventurer, by Hawkesworth. 3 vols. 18mo. London, 1802. 6. World, by Moore. 4 vols. 18mo.: London, 1802. 7. Connoisseur, by Colman and Thorn. 3 vols. 18mo. London, 1802. 8. Idler, by Johnson. 2 vols. 18mo. London, 1802. 9. Mirror (wanting.) 10. Lounger,by the Authors of the Mirror. 3 vols. 18mo. London, 1802. 11. Observer, by Richard Cumberland. 4 vols. 18mo. London, 1802. MISCELLANIES. 347 6146 British Essayists, Modern. See No. 6216. 6147 Burke (Edmund). Works. First American, from the last London edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1806-7. 6148 Butler (Charles). Reminiscences. I vol. 12mo. No title-page. 6149 Butler (Charles). Reminiscences. (2d vol. only,) 2d vol. 8vo. London, 1827. 6150 Campbell (Thomas). Life and Letters of. See No. 6139. 6151 Carlyle (Thomas). Essays. See No. 6216. 6152 Carlyle (Thomas). Past and Present; Chartism; and Sartor Resartus. New edition, complete in one volume. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1850. 6153 Carlyle (Thomas). Latter-Day Pamphlets. 1 vol. 12mo. Boston, 1850. 6154 Castilhon (M. L.). Considerations sur les causes physiques et morales de la diversite du genie, des mceurs et du gouvernement des nations. 2~ 6dition. 3 vols. 18mo. Bouillon, 1770. 6155 Chalmers (Alexander). British Essayists. See No. 6145. 6156 Chambers's Miscellany of Useful and Entertaining Knowledge. Edited by Robert Chambers. 10 vols. 121mo. Boston, no date. 6157 Channing (William E.). The Works of. 8th complete edition, with an Introduction. 6 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1848. 6158 Chateaubriand (Vicomte de). Memoires d'Outre-Tombe. 12 vols. Paris, 1849-50. 6159 Christopher North. See No. 6257. 6160 CicSron. CEuvres completes de, avec la traduction en Frangais. Publiees sous la direction de M. Nisard. (Pantheon Litt6raire.) 5 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1840-41. 6161 Ciceronis (M. Tullius). Opera omnia ex recensione novissima J. Augusti Ernesti. Editio prima Americana. (Vols. 8 and 19 are wanting.) 20 vols. 8vo. Bostoniae, 1815-16, 6162 Colman & Thorn. Connoisseur. See No. 6145. 6163 Companions of my Solitude. 1 vol. 18mo. Boston, 1852. 6164 Condillac. (Euvres completes de, revues, corrigees par l'Auteur. (Vols. 1st and 2d are wanting.) 31 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1803. 6165 Courier (Paul-Louis). (Euvres completes de. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1829-30. 6166 Cromwell (Oliver). Letters and Speeches; with Elucidations. By Thomas Carlyle. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1848. 6167 Cumberland (Richard). Observer. See No. 6145. 6168 De Quincey (Thomas). Writings. Confessions of an English OpiumEater; and Suspiria de Profundis. 1 vol. 16mo. Boston, 1851. 6169 De Quincey (Thomas). Writings. Miscellaneous Essays. 1 vol. 16no. Boston, 1851. 6170 De Quincey (Thomas). Writings. Biographical Essays. I vol. 16mo. Boston, 1850. 6171 De Quincey (Thomas). Writings. The Caesars. I vol. 16mo. Boston, 1851. 6172 De Quincey (Thomas). Writings. Life and Manners. I vol. 16mo. Boston, 1851. 6173 De Quincey (Thomas). Writings, Literary Reminiscences., 2 vols. 16mo. Boston, 1851. 6174 Elegant Extracts in Prose. 2. vols. 8vo. London, 1801. 348 MISCELLANIES. 6175 Essayists, British. See British Essayists, Nos. 6145, 6146. 6176 Everett (Alexander H.). Miscellaneous Essays. See No. 5594. 6177 Franklin (Benjamin). Works of. 6 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1809. 6178 Frede'ric II., Roi de Prusse. (Euvres posthumes de. Second edition originale. 15 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1788. 6179 Frederic S., Roi de Prusse. Supplement aux (Euvres Posthumes de. (1st vol. only.) 1st vol. 8vo. Berlin, 1789. 6180 Frederic II., Roi de Prusse. CEuvres de. Publiees du vivant de l'Auteur. 4 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1789. 6181 Frederic II., King of Prussia. Posthumous Works of. Translated from the French by Thomas Holeroft. 13 vols. 8vo. London, 1789. 6182 Friends in Council: a Series of Readings, and I)iscourse thereon. 1 vol. 16mo. Boston, 1849. 6183 Frisbie (Prof.). Collection of the Miscellaneous Writings of Professor Frisbie; with some Notices of his Life and Character, by Andrews Norton. I vol. 8vo. Boston, 1823. 6184 Fuller Ossoli (Margaret). Memoirs of. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1852. 6185 Goldsmith (Oliver). Miscellaneous Works of, including a Variety of Pieces now first collected. By James Prior. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1837. 6186 Harris (James). Works of; with an Account of his Life and Character, by his Son, the Earl of Malmesbury. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1801. 6187 H-awkesworth (John). Adventurer. See No. 6145. 6188 Hazlitt (William). The Miscellaneous Works of. 5 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1848. 6189 Hedge (Frederic I.). Prose Writers of Germany. 2d edition. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849. 6190 Holland (Henry Richard, Lord). Foreign Reminiscences. Edited by his Son, Henry Edward, Lord Holland. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1851. 6191 Holmes (Mrs. Marcus H.). Scenes in our Parish. See No. 6234. 6192 Humphreys (David). Miscellaneous Works of. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1804. 6193 Inchiquin. The Jesuit's Letters during a late Residence in the United States of America, by some unknown Foreigner. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1810. 6194 Izard (Ralph). Correspondence of, from the year 1774 to 1804; with a short Memoir. (1st vol. only.) 1st vol. 8vo. New-York, 1844. 6195 Jackson (Major W.). Monuments of Washington's Patriotism; containing a Fac-simile of his Public Accounts kept during the Revolutionary War, and some of the most interesting Documents connected with his Military Command and Civil Administration, &c. I vol. 4to. Washington, 1838. 6196 Jefferson (Thomas). Memoir, Correspondence, and Miscellanies, from his Papers. Edited by Thom. Jefferson Randolph. 4 vols. 8vo. Charlotteville, 1829. 6197 Jeffrey (Francis). Contributions to the Edinburgh Review. See No. 6216. 6198 Jerome (M.). Le Manuscrit de, contenant son ceuvre inedite, une notice biographique sur sa personne, un fac simile de son 6criture et le portrait de cet illustre contemporain. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 6199 Johnson (Samuel). Works of. A new edition, with an Essay on his Life and Genius, by Arthur Murphy. 6 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1825. 6200 Johnson (Samuel). Rambler. See No. 6145. MISCELLANIESo 349 6201 Johnson (Samuel). Idler. See No. 6145. 6202 Jones (Sir William). Works of; with the Life of the Author, by Lord Teignmouth. 13 vols. 8vo. London, 1807. 6203 Lamb (Charles). Essays of Elia. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, 1850. 6204 Leibnitii (Gothofredi Guillilmi). Opera omnia nunc primum collecta, in classes distributa, praefationibus et indinibus exornata, Studis Ludivici Dutens. 6 vols. 4to. Coloniae Allobr., 1789, 6205 Letters on Freemasonry. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Boston, 1849< 6206 Ligne. (Euvres choisies du Marechal Prince de Ligne. Publiees par M. de Propiac, faisant suite aux Lettres et Pensees du meme Auteur, publiees par Madame la Baronne de Stail-Holstein. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1809. 6207 Ligne (Prince de). Memoires et Melanges Historiques et Litteraires. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1827-28o 6208 Louis XIV. (Euvres de. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1806a 6209 Luciani. Somosatensis opera ex recensione Guilielmi Dindorfii. Gr. et Lat. (Pantheon Litteraire.) 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Parisiis, 1840. 6210 M1acaulay (Thomas Babington). Critical and Historical Essays, contributed to the Edinburgh Review. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1843. 6211 Machiavelli (N.). (Euvres completes de, avec une Notice Biographique par J. C. Buchon. (Pantheon Litteraire.) 2 vols, roy. 8vo. Paris, 1837. 6212 Mlachiavel. (Euvres de. Traduction nouvelle, par Tt. Guiraudet. 2e edition. (Vols. 1st and 2d are wanting.) 9 volso 8vo. Paris, 1803. 6213 Mackenzie (Henry). Miscellaneous Works of. 3d edition. I vol. 12mo. New-York, 1847. 6214 Mlackintosh (James). Miscellaneous Works. See No. 6216. 6215 Miller (Hugh). Scenes and Legends in the North of Scotland. From the second London edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1851. 6216:Modern British Essayists. Vol. 2d to vol. 8th, inclusive. Miscellaneous Essays. By Archibald Alison. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849. Works of the Rev. Sydney Smith. I vol. roy. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1848. Wilson's Essays; or, Christopher North. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. By Thomas Carlyle. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1850. Contributions to the Edinburgh Review. By Francis Jeffrey. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849o Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. By Talfourd and Stephen. 2 vols. in 1, roy. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1848. Miscellaneous Works of Sir James Mackintosh. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1848. 6217 Montaigne (Michael de). The Essays of Michael Seigneur de Montaigne. Translated into English. The 8th edition, with very considerable Amendments and Improvements, from the most accurate and elegant French edition of Peter Coste. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1776. 6218 SMontaigne (Michel de). Essais de Michel de Montaigne, avec des Notes de tons les Commentateurs. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1834. 6219 Montesquieu. (Euvres completes de, precedes de la Vie de cet Auteur. 6 vols. 8vo, Paris, 1816. 350 MISCELLANIES. 6220 Montesquieu. (Euvres completes de, avec des Notes de Dupin, Crevier, Voltaire, Mably, Servan, La Harpe, &c., &c. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1835. 6221 Montesquieu. Persian Letters. Translated from the French, with several New Letters and Notes. 6th edition. (Vol. 1st only.) 1st vol. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1773. 6222 Moore (Edw.). World. See No. 6145. 6223 Murray (Lindley). Introduction au Lecteur Franqais; ou recueil de pieces choisies, avec l'explication des idiotismes, &c. 1 vol. 12mo. (2 copies.) New-York, 1807. 6224 Oxienstirn. Pensees de Monsieur le Comte d'Oxienstirn sur divers sujets, avec les Reflexions Morale du meme Auteur. Nouvelle edition, revue et corrig6e. 2 vols. 18mo. Paris, 1756. 6225 Paine (Robert Troup). Memoir of. By his Parents. 1 vol. 4to. New-York, 1852. 6226 Penn (William). A Collection of the Works of. To which is prefixed a Journal of his Life. With many original Letters and Papers not before published. 2 vols. fol. London, 1726. 6227 Fline. Le Philosophe Payen, ou Pensees de Pline; avec un Commentaire Litteraire et Morale par' Mr. Formey. 3 vols. 12mo. Leide, 1759. 6228 Plutarque. OEuvres de. Traduite du Grec par Amyot, avec des Notes et des Observations par MM. Brotier et Vauvilliers. Nouvelle edition, revue, corrigee et augmentee par E. Clavier. 25 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1801-5. 6229 Prescott (William I.). Biographical and Critical Miscellanies. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. New-York, 1845. 6230 Rapin (P.). CEuvres diverses du. 3 vols. 18mo. Amsterdam, 1709. 6231 Rousseau (J. J.). C(uvres completes de. Nouvelle edition, class6e par ordre de matieres, et ornee de quatre-vingt dix gravures. 40 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1788-1803. 6232:Rousseau (J. J.). (Euvres completes de, avec des Notes Historiques. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1835-36. 6233 Rush (Richard). Memoranda of a Residence at the Court of London; comprising Incidents Official and Personal, fiom 1819 to 1825. Including Negotiations on the Oregon Question, and other unsettled Questions between the United States and Great Britian. 1 vol, 8vo. Philadelphia, 1845. 6234 Scenes in our Parish. By a Country Parson's Daughter. To which is prefixed a Memoir of the Author, by her Sister. I vol. 12mo. New-York, 1852. 6235 Schiller. Sammntiche Werke. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1835-36. 6236 Scott (Sir Walter). Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft. Addressed to J. G. Loclhart. 1 vol. 18mo. New-York, 1836. 6237 Sexvigne (Madame de). Lettres de Madame de Sevigne a sa Fille et a ses Amis. Nouvelle edition, par Ph. A. Grouvelle. 8 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1806. 6238 Sparks (Jared). Reply to the Strictures of Lord Mahon and others, on the Mode of Editing the Writings of Washington. I vol. 8vo, Cambridge, 1852. 6239 Spence. Essay on Pope's Odyssey. In five Dialogues. 2d edition. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1737e 6240 Steele (Rich.). Tatler. See No. 6145. 6241 Steele (Rich.). Spectator. See No. 6145. a242 Steele (Rich.). Guardian. See No. 6145. MISCELLANIES. 351 6243 Stephen (James). Miscellaneous Essays. See No. 6216. 6244 Sterne (Laurence). The Works of. 1 vol. Svo. London, 1851. 6245 Swift (Jonathan). Works of; containing additional Letters, Tracts, and Poems, not hitherto published: with Notes and a Life of the Author, by Sir Walter Scott. 2d edition. 19 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1824o 6246 Sydney Smith (Rev.). Works. See No. 6216. 6247 Talfourd (T. Noon). Miscellaneous Writings. See No. 6216. 6248 Temperance. Documents of the American Temperance Society. (1st vol. only.) 1st vol. 8vo. Boston, 1835D 6249 Temple (Sir William). Works of, in four volumes; to which is prefixed the Life and Character of the Author. New edition. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1814. 6250 Volney. (Euvres completes de, preced6es d'une Notice sur la Vie et les Ecrits de l'Auteur. 1 vol. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1837. 6251 Voltaire. (Euvres completes de. 72 vols. 8vo. Kehl, 1784-1801. 6252 Voltaire. CEuvres completes de, avec des Notes et une Notice Historique sur la Vie de Voltaire. 13 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1835-38. 6253 Washington (George). Writings of; being his Correspondence, Addresses, Messages, and other Papers, Official and Private, selected and published fiom the Original Manuscripts; with a Life of the Author, Notes, and Illustrations. By Jared Sparks. 12 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1837. 6254 Washington (G.). Official Letters to the Honorable American Congress, written during the War between the United Colonies and Great Britain. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1795. 6255 Whipple (Edwin P.). Essays and Reviews. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1848-49. 6256 Wilkes (John). Works; formerly published under the Title of the North Briton. 3 vols. 24mo. London, 1762. 6257 Wilson (John). Essays; or, Christopher North. See No. 6216. ALEHABETICAL INDEX..bbon. M6moires, 4540. Ader. Iistoire de l'Exp6dition d'Agypte et de BSyrie.Abbot (Jacob). Histoires, 4905. 997. Abd-Allatif. R6lation de l'Pgypte, 4743. Adh6mar. G6om6trie D6scriptive, 2436..Abercrombie (John). Inquiries Concerning the Intel- -- Traite de Perspective, 2437. lectual Powers, &c., 5201. Adolphus (John). Biographical Memoirs, 4543. Abercrombie. Moral Feelings, 5232. Adrain (R.). Mathematical Diary, 2162. Abrantes (Duchesse d'). Memoires, 4541. - Ryan's Treatise on Algebra, 2296. -- Memoirs, 4542. Adventure and Beagle. Surveying Voyages of the, Abr6g6 d lquitation Militaire, 732. 4136. Abr6g6 d'Hippiatrique, 733. Adye (R. W.). The Bombardier and Pocket Gunner, Abstract of Agricultural Societies, 3566, 3567. 233, 234. Abstract of Infantry Tactics, 672. Adye (S. P.). On Courts Martial, 798. Acad6mie des Sciences, Comptes rendus, &c., 3216. Aelian, The Tactics of, 1229. Acad6mie des Sciences, 3217. Aeschyli et Sophoclis. Tragediae et Fragmenta, 5812. Academie Frangaise, Dictionnaire de 1', 5802. Aeschylus, The Tragedies of, 5313. Acad6mie Frangaise. Supplement au Dictionnaire de l', Aesops Fables, 5314. 5803. Afghaunistan, Canbul, Punjab, &c., 4008. Academy of Natural Sciences, 3503. Africa, Map of, by A. Arrowsmith, 4009. Account of the Board of Agriculture, 3568. Africa, Continent and Islands of, by J. Purdy, 4010. Account of the Hindoo Temple, 1292. Africa, Discovery in, by Wilson and Murray, 4137. Accum (Frederic). System of Chemistry, 3328, Agassiz (Louis). Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles, - On Coal Gas, 3329. 3504. -- On Chemical Tests, 3330. -- tudes sur les Glaciers, 3676. -- Analytical Mineralogy, 3617. - Systeme Glaciaire, 3675. — Crystallography, 3618. Agassiz & Gould. Principles of Zoology, 3505. Actes et Memoires des Negotiations, 1946. Agnesi (D. M. G.). Analytical Institutions, 2518. Adair (James). American Indians, 4767. Agricultural Society, 3569. Adam (Alexander). Roman Antiquities, 4313. Aide-Memoire a l'usage des Officiers d'Artillerie, 285Adam (Thomas). Thoughts on Religion, 5839. 238. Adams (George). Astronomical and Geographical Es- Aide-Memoire to the Military Sciences, 239. says, 2983, 2984. Aide-Memoire de l'officier sup6rieur d'Infanterie, 678. -- Treatise on the Globes, 2985. Aiken (Edmund). Doric Orders of Architecture, -- Natural and Experimental Philosophy, 2822, 2823. 1293. — Essays on the Microscope, 2929. Aikin (A. & C. R.). Dictionary of Chemistry, 3331. -- Geometrical and Graphical Essays, 2355. Aikin (Arthur). Manual of Mineralogy, 3619. -- Mathematical Instruments, 1472. Aikin (Dr.). British Poets, 5315. Adams (Jasper). Moral Philosophy, 5233, 5234. Aikin (Lucy). Queen Elizabeth, 4482. Adams (John). Defence of the Constitution, 1669. Ainslie (C. P.). Cavalry Manual, 640. -- Life and Works of, 1670. Ainsworth's Latin Dictionary, 5804. Adams (Rev. John). History of Spain, 4424. Airy (G. B.). Mathematical Tracts on Physical As-- Sermons, 5840, 5841. tronomy, &c,, 2824. -- An Oration, 5609. -- Mathematical Tracts on Lunar and Planetary TheAdams (John Quincy). Weights and Measures, 2058. ories, 2825. -- Jubilee of the Constitution, 1971. - Optics, 2930. - Masonic Institution, 6130. - -- On Gravitation, 2986. -- Lectures on Rhetoric, &c., 5583. Airy & Challis. Astronomical Observations, 3143. - Lives of James Madison and James Monroe, 4907. Akenside (M.). Poetical Works, 5316. Adams (Mrs.). Letters, 6131. Akerly (Samuel). Geology of the Hudson River, 8677. Addison (Joseph). Works, 6132. Alberic; on, Albert D'Aix. Memoires, 4544. Spectator, 6133. - Albert; ou, Alberic, 4545. Guardian, 6134. Alberti (L.). Architettura, 1294. - Remarks on Italy, 4135. Alcee. Poemes, 5317. 23 354 ALPHABETICAL, INDEX. Alcedo (Don A. de). GeogTaphical and Historical Dic- Americana Encyclopaedia, 5805. tionary, 8829. Amman & Bohnenberger. Carte Topographlquel Alemane. Poemes, 5318. 3831. Aldrich (Henry), Civil Architecture, 1295. Amoros (Col.). Manuel de Gynmnastique, 5732. Aldrich. Logic, 5202. Amory (Thomas). Grove's Moral Philosophy, 5235. Alexander (Archibald). Evidences of Christian Be- Ampere (Andr6-Marie), Philosophie des Sciences, ligion, 5842. 2826. - Religious Experience, 5843. Ampere (J. J.). Litt6rature et Yoyages, 5139. Alexander (J. H.). Dictionary of Weights and Mea- Anacreon Poemes, 5320. sures, 2059. Analyse et Table du Moniteur, 5739. Alexander (J. E.). Life of the Duke of Wellington, Analyse des Mathlmatiques, 2163. 1135. Analyse de la Lumiere, 2932. Alexander (P. Dom J.). Abhandlung der Uhren, 2735. Ancient ald Modern Architecture, 1297, 1298. Alexander the Great. History of, 4905. Anderson (Aeneas). Journal of the Secret Expedition, Alexander the Great. Life of, 4908. 998. Alfred the Great. History of, 4905. Anderson (James). National Industry, 2060. Algerie, Carte de 1', 4011, 4012. Andr6 (Major). Narrative of the Death of, 4911. Alhazeni. Opticae, 2931. Andreossy (Fs.). Histoire du Canal du Midi, 1620. Ali Bey. Voyages, 4188. Andreossy (Ge6nral). Histoire du' Canal de Langueo Alison (Archibald). History of Europe, 4425, 4426. doc, 1621. - Miscellaneous Essays, 6135. Andrews (John). Letters, 4139. - Essays on Taste, 5584. Angelo (H.). Instructions for the Sword Exercise, 715., - Military Life of John, Duke of Marlborough, 1136. Angonlesme (Due d'). Memoires, 4546. Allahabad. Map of, 4015, Annales des Ponts et Chauss6es, 1751, 1752. Allan (Robert). Mineralogy, 3621, Annales de Math6matiques, 2164. Allan (Thomas). Mineralogical Nomenclature, 3620. Annales de Chinmie, 3332. Allemagne. Carte Topographique et Militaire, 3830. Annales de Chimie et de Physique, 3333, 88334. Allen (C. B.). Cottage Building, 1296. Annales des Mines, 3622. Allen (Joseph). Battles of the British Navy, 864. Annals of Natural History, 8506. Allen (William). Biographical Dictionary, 4889. Annals of the Congress of the United States, 1975; Allent (A.). Histoire du Corps du G6nie, 1. Annapolis. Iarbor of, 4020. Alley (Jerome). Christianae, 5844. Annibal's Campagnes, 1230. Allison (Joseph). Lymphatic Hearts, 3753. Annuaire du Corps Royal des Ponts et Chauss6es, &c., Allix (J. A. F.). Syst6me d'Artillcrie de Campagne, 240. 1753. Th6orie de l'Univers, 2987. Annuaire de l'ttat Militaire de France, 1282. Allix (Peter). Reflections, &c., of the Christian Reli- Annuaire des Longitudes, 2988. gion, 4845. Annuaire des V'lcole Polytechnique, 5639. Almanac. See Nautical Almanac, 3203. Annual Report, Fourth, 5710. Alpes. Carte de la Chaine des, 4013, 4014. Annual Report, Fifth, 5741. Alvord (Lieut.). Address, 5610. Annual of Scientific Discovery, 3220. Ambert (Joachim). Esquisses Historiques de lArm6e Anonyme de St. Gall (l'). Memoires, 4547. Francaise, 865. Anquetil. Universal History, 4219. Amelia. Poems, 5319. Anquetil. Histoire de France, 4548, 4549. America. Map of North, by William Faden, 4016. Anselin (N. J. B.). Exp6riences sur la Main d'CEavre, America. Continent and Islands of, 4017. 1754. America. Map of South, by H. S. Tanner, 4018. Anson (G., Lord). Life of, 4912. America. Map of South, by A. Finley, 4019. Ansted (David Thomas). Geology, 3678. America. Political Situation of, 1974. - Ancient World, 3507. American Constitutions, 2095. Anthing (F.). History of the Campaigns of Prince A. American Journal of the Medical Sciences, 3755. Suwarrow Rymniskski, 999. American Medical and Philosophical Register, 375-1. Anthon (Charles). Classical Dictionary, 4890. American Nepos. Collections of Lives, 4909. Antlhon's Virgil, 5321. American National Portrait Gallery, 4910. Antillon (Don Isidore). G6ographie, 3832. American Farmer. On Rural Economy, 3570. Antommarchi (Docteur F.). Derniers Momens de NaAmerican Journal of Education, 5G37. poleon, 1137. Anmerican Annals of Education, 5638. i Antoni (Le Chev. di). Du Service de l'Artillerie i la American Art-Union Transactions, 5659. Guerre, 241. American Annual Register, 5738. Antoni (d'). Physico-MN6chaniques, 2736. American Philosophical Society, Catalogue, 5782. Anville (d'). Antiquite G6ographique de 1'Inde, 3838. American Archives, 1972. Ancient Geography, 3834. American State Papers, 1973. -- G6ographie Ancienne, 3835. American Academy. Memoirs of the, 3144, — Orbis Veteribus Notus, 3836, American Philosophical Society, 3218.' - ttude de G6ographie, 3837. American Journal of Science, 8219. Apollonii. Pergaei Locorum, 2165. American Institute. Annual Reports of the, 3571, -- De Tactionibus, 2166. American Almanacq 6136. i - Pergaei Conicorum, 2167, 2168. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 385 Apollonii. Poemes, 5322. Astronome (l'). M6moires, 4551. Apollonius of Tyana. Life of, 4913. Astronomical Society of London. Memoirs of the, 2989. Appiani (Alex.). Romanarum Historiarum, 4314. Astronomical Observations at Washington. 3145. Appleton's Dictionary of Machines, Mechanics, &c., Astronomy Tables, 3179: 1473. Atkinson (James). Navigation, 2964. Appleton's Mechanics' Magazine and Engineers' Jour- Atkinson (Thomas & Charles). Gothic Ornaments, nal, 1474. 1302. Arabian Nights' Entertainments, 5323.. Attica. Antiquities of, 1303. Arago (M.). Fortification de Paris, 2. Atwood (George). Construction and Properties of Eloge of James Watt, 4914. Arches, 1756. - Observations G6odesiques, 2630. -- Natural Philosophy, 2828. Archimede. iEuvres, 2169. -- Rectilinear Motion and Rotation of Bodies, 2737. Architect and Building Gazette; in co-operation with Aubert. Sur l'Inflammation Spontanee des Charbons the Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal, 1299. Pulveris6s, 250. Architectural, Engineering and Mechanical Drawing- Aubign6 (The.). M6moires, 4552. Book, 1300. Aubry. Constructions Publiques. 1757. Architecture, Charpente, Machines, 1301. Aubry (Charles). Histoire Pittoresque de I'1quitationm Archives des Decouvertes et'des Inventions, 3221. 734. Archacologia Americana, 4768. Audouin (X.). Histoire de l'Administration de la Arcy (Chev. d'). See D'Arcy. Guerre, 757. Argenson (Marquis d'). Memoires, 4550. Audran (G6rard). Les Proportions du Corps Humain, Arkansas. Map of, 4021. 5662. Aristophanis. Comoediae, &c., 5324. Auger (L. S.). Laharpe's Cours de Litt6rature, 5140. Aristotle, Ethics and Politics, 5236. Augereau (G6n6ral). Campagne sur le Mein et la Red -- Dissertation upon Rhetoric, 5585. nitz, 1000. Armed Neutrality. Public Acts and Papers of, 1947. Augoyat. Vauban. Attaque des Places, 4. Armstrong (John). War of 1812, 866. -- Memoires du Marechal de Vauban sur Landau, Armstrong (R.). Boilers of Steam Engines, 1475, 1476. Luxembourg, &c., 221. Armstrong (W.). Practical Observations on the Errors, Augustin (St.). Confessions, 5847. 490. Aupick (J.). Atlas de France, 3840. Army Register of the United States, 1283, 1284. Aure (Le Vicomte d'). Traite d'Rquitation, 735. Army Regulations, 799. Austin (James T.). Life of Gerry, 4916. Arnault (A. V.). Biographie des Contemporains, 4891. Aviler. See D'Aviler, 1347. -- Vie de Napoleon, 1138. Azemar (L. P. V. M.). Trisection del'Angle, 2170, 2171. Arnold (Thomas). Works, 6137. Azuni (D. A.). Maritime Law of Europe, 2096. -- Sermons, 4846. HEistory of Rome, 4315. Babbage (Ch.). Table of Logarithms, 2699. R- oman Commonwealth, 4316. Babi6 et Beaumont. Gal6rie Militaire, 1139. -- Lectures on Modern History, 4280. Bablot. Calcul des pieds de fer, 1888. Arnold (Thomas). Life and Correspondence of, 4915. Bacchylide. Poemes, 5325. Arnott (Neil). Physics, 2827. Bache (A. D.). Brewster's Treatise on Optics, 2933. Arr6et des Consuls de la R6publique, 756. Bache (F.). System of Chemistry, 3336. Arrian's Alexander's Expedition, 4317. Backenberg et Petri. Carte de Saxe et de Iusace, &c.,. Arrien (Flave). Expd6itions d'Alexandre, 4318. 3841. - Expeditions d'Alexandre, 4319. Backenberg (F. tI.). Geschichte der Feldziige von Arrowsmith (A.). General Atlas, 3838. 1756 bis 1762, 867. - Atlas of Ancient and Modern Geography, 3839. Bacler D'Albe. Carte de la Guerre en Italie, 3842. Art (1'). Historiques, 4320. Bacon (F.). Works. 5171. Artillerie (de 1'), aun 161e siecle, 243. -- CEvres Philosophiques, 5172. Artillerie s cheval (1') dans le Combats de Cavalerie, 244. Baden (Prince Louis de). Memoires sur les CaimArtillerie; Examen des Changements, 245. pagnes, 1001. Artillerie du Comit6 1830, 246. Bagay (V.). Tables Astronomiques, &c., 3180. Artillerie de Campagne, 247. Bahar. Map of, 4024. Artillery Exgrcise, and Instruction of Field Artillery, Bailey (F.). Tables of Fixed Stars, 3181. 248, 249. -- Stratford's Index to the Stars, 3182. Artist's Manual, 3222. — Astronomical Tables, 3183. Artisan Club. Steam Engine, 1477. Bailey (G.). Formation and Publication of Opinions, Art-Union Journal, 5660. 5237. As a Medicine, 6138. -- n the Pursuit of Truth, 5238. Ashmole (E.). Chemicum, 3335. Bailey (J. W.). Chemical Notes on Gunpowder, 251. Asia. Continent and Islands of, 4022. Bailey (Ph. J.). Festus. A Poem, 5326. Asia. Map of, 4023. - Angel World, and other Poems, 5327. Asiatic Researches, 3223. Bailey (S.). Theory of Reasoning, 5203. A Sibyl, 5661. Bailly. Histoire de l'Astronomie Ancienne, 2991. Association British, 3224. - Histoire de I'Astronomie Moderne, 299h. Aster (F. L.). Festungsbaukunst, 3. - Trait6 del'Astronomie Indienne et Orientale, 229%. 356 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Bailly. Memoires, 4553. Batty (Capt.). Campaign, 1004. Baker (E.). Thirty-three Years' Practice, 674. Baucher (F.). Dictionnaire d'lquitation, 73T. Baker (T.). Treatise on Mensuration, 2631. Baug, (F. G.). Sword Exercise, 716. -- Land and Engineering Surveying, 1758. Bausset (L. F. J. de). Memoires, 4555. Bakewell (R.). Introduction to Mineralogy, 8623. Bawr. Atlas des Campagnes du Prince Ferdinand, Introduction to Geology, 8679, 3680. 1006. Balassa, Traite de la Ferrure, 736. Baxter (R.) Call to the Unconverted, 5854. Balbi (A.). Abr6ge de Geographie, 8843. - Duties of the Pastoral Office, 5855. -- Abridgment of Geography, 3844. - Life of, 5856. Baldwin (0. P.). Eulogy on General Zachary Taylor, -- History of his Life and Times, 5857. 4917. Bayard (J.). Constitution of the United States, 2091. Bale (J.). Image of both Churches, 5848. Bayard Taylor (J.). Views a-Foot, 4144. Ballingall (G.). Military Surgery, 3756. Bayard (Chevalier). Life of, 4921. Balnaves (H.). Confession of Faith, 5849. Bayart (Chev.). Ilistoire, 4556. Barford (J.). Field Movements of Cavalry, 641. Bayern Topographischen Atlas, 4025. Bancroft (E.). Philosophy of Colors, 3337. Bayle (P.). Dictionary Historical and Critical, 4281, Bancroft (George). History of the United States, 4769. 4892. Banks (J.). Treatise on Mills, 1478, 1479. Baylies (F.). Historical Memoir of New Plymouth, Barbarities of the Enemy, 868. 4773. Barbaroux (Ch.). MIemoires, 4554. Beardmore (N.). Iydraulic Tables, 1625. Barber (J. W.). Connecticut Historical Collections, Beatson (R.). Naval and Military Memoirs, 869. 4770. Beattie (J.). Elements of Moral Science, 5240. - Historical Collection of Massachusetts, 4771. -- Dissertations, iloral and Critical, 5239. - Historical Collection of New-York, 4772. -- On Poetry and Music, 5205. Barber (M. A. S.). Missionary Tales, 5850. Beattie (W.). Life and Letters of Thomas Campbell, Baretti (Joseph). Italian and English Dictionary, 5806. 6139. Barlow (P.). On the Strength of Timber and of Iron, Beau champ (A.). Ilistoire des Campagnes, 1006.. 1889. Beaudemoulin (L. A.). Fondation par Immersion, - Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, 2172. 1626. - Mathematical Tables, 2700. Beaufoy (Col. M.). Nautical Experiments, 2739. -- Essay on Magnetism, 3451. Beaujour (Baron F. de). Voyage Militaire, 3846. Barlow (W. H.). Oblique Bridges, 1623. Beaumarchais. (Euvres Completes, 6140. Barnard (1-I.). On Public Schools of Rhode Island, Beaumont (flie de). Mettallurgique, 8624. 1640. -- G6ologie de la France, 3681. Barnes (Dr. 1E.). Treatise on Justification, 5851. Beaumont (G. de). Marie; on, l'Esclavage, 1916. Barr. Buffon's Natural History, 3508. Beaumont et Tocqueville. Du Systeme Penitentiaire, Barr (J.). Plain Catechetical Instructions, 5852. 1977. Barre Du Parcq (Ed.). De la Fortification, 5. Beaumont (L.). Galerie Militaire, 1142. Barres du Molard. Systeme de Ponts, 1624. Beaurain (Clev. de). Histoire Militaire de Flandre., Barriere. Vie et M6heoires du Gbneral Dumouriez, 870. 1140. - Carte Militaire de Flandre, 871. Barrington (D.). Possibility of Approaching the North c -- Iistoire des Campagnes de Turenne, 1007. Pole, 3345. - - Histoire de la Campagne de Condo, 1008. Barron (W.). On Belles Lettres and Logic, 5586. Beautenps-Beaupr6 (C. F.). Levee des Cartes, 2633,'Barrow (I.). Mathematical Lectures, 2173. Beauvais (G6n(eral). Biographie Universelle, 4893. — Geometrical Lectures, 2357. Beauval (Chev. de). Service des Tirailleurs, 675. Theological Works, 5853. Beccaria (M.). On Crimes and Punishments, 2098. Barrow (J.). Life of Anson, 4918. Beck (Lewis C.). Manual of Chemistry, 3338. - Life of Howe, 4919. -- Mineralogy of New-York, 3625. -- Life of Peter the Great, 1141. — Gazetteer of Illinois and Missouri, 3847. Barrow (Sir John). Voyages in the Arctic Regions, Beckett (J.). Mensuration and Land Surveying, 2634. 4140. Beckmlann (J.). History of Inventions, 3225. Barry (Charles). English Architecture, 1305. Becon (Th.). Writings, 5b58. Barthelemi (Abb6). Travels of Anacharsis, 4141. Becquerel. Trait6 d'tlectricit6, 3452. - Voyage d'Anacharsis, 4142. Begat (P.). Op6rations Geodesiques, 2635. Bartholomew. Practical Architecture, 1306. Belair (J.). Ol1mens de Fortification, 6. Bartlett (W. II. C.). Elements of Natural Philosophy, Belanger (J. B.). Mouvement permanent des eaux 2829. Courantes, 1627. -- Treatise on Optics, 2934. Belidor. CEuvres Diverses, 7. -- Celestial Planisphere, 2993. - La Science des Ingenieurs, 8, 9. - Report on the Observatories of Europe, 3146. -- Bombardier, 252. Bartlett (W. -I.). Nile Boat, 4143. - Architecture Iydraulique, 1628 to 1630. Barton (W. P. C.). On Marine Hospitals, 3757. Belknap (J.). History of New-Hampshire, 4774. Bataille de Preussisch-Eylau, 1002. Bell (Charles). Anatomy of the Brain, 3758..Battles of Mexico. Survey of the Line of Operations, -- Anatomy of the Human Body, 3759. 1003. - Engravings of the Nerves, 3760. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 357 Bell (Charles). On the Forces of the Blood, 3761. Berthier (P.). Essais par la Voie Sche, 3341. Illustrations of Surgery, 3762. Berthollet (C. L.). Essai de Statique Chimique, 3342. -_ Diseases of the Urethra, 3763. -- Researches into the Laws of Chemical Affinity, Engravings of the Arteries, 3764. 3 4. -- Nervous System of the Hunman Body, 3765. Berthollet (C. L. & A. B.). Art of Dyeing, 3344. Institutes of Surgery, 3766. Berthoud (F.). Art de Conduire les Pendules et les -- The Hand; its Mechanism, and Vital Endow- Montres, 2743. ments. 3767. Berton. Batailles de Fleurus et de Waterloo, 1014. -__ On Gun-Shot Wounds, 3768. Bertrand (A.). Lettres sur la Physique, 2831. Bell (II. G.). Life of Mary, Queen of Scots, 4922. Berville. Vie et Memoires de Genral Dumouriez, Bell (John). Principles of Surgery, 3769. 1143. -- Treatise on Baths, 3770. Berwick (Marechal de). Memoires du, 1144. Bell (John & Charles). Anatomy and Physiology, 3771. Berzelius (J. J.). De l'empl:i du Chalumean, 3345. Bellaire (J. P.). Pr6cis des Op6rations G6enrales, 1009. — Annuaire des Sciences Chimiques, 3346-3347. Bellay (Martin du). Me6oires, 4557. -- Traite de Chirnie, 3348. Bellencontre. Construction Graphique des Tables, 253. -- Analysis of Inorganic Bodies, 3349. Bellery. Memoires sur le Jaugeage des Navires, 1307. Bescherelle ain6. Dictionnaire de la Langue FranBellicard. Antiquities of Herculaneum, 1308. aise, 5807. Bellin (S.). Atlas Maritime, 3848. Bescherelle ain6. Plus de Grammaires, 5548. Bellori. Sepolcrodi Nasoni, 1309. Bescherelle Fr6res. Manuel des Conjugaisons, 5549. Belmas (J.). Journaux des Si6ges, 10, 1010. Bescherelle jenne. Cours Complet de Langue FranBeloe (W.). I-Herodotus, 4321. aise, 5550. Belsham (W.). Essays Philosophical and Moral, 5174. Besenval (Baron dce). Mmoires, 4559. Bengal. Map of, 4026. Bessel (F. W.). Militair Feld-Reglements, 492. - Benjamin (A.). American Builder's Companion, 1311. - Observations sur la Tactique, 676. Benjamin & Raynerd. American Builder's Compan- - Fundamenta Astronomiae, 2995. ion, 1310. - JUntersuchung cder Nachtgleichen, 2996. Ben Jonson. Works, 5328. - Beobachteten Sterne, 3147. Benoit. Cours de Topographie et de G6odesie, 2636. Bessiere (J. F.). Arithm6tique 6lementaire, 2274. Benson (C.). Twenty Discourses Preached, 5859, 5860. Betancourt. Construction of Machines, 1481. Bentalou (P.). Reply to Johnson's Remarks, 4775. Bethune (Geo. W.). British Female Poets, 5330. Bentham (J.). Gothic Architecture, 1312. Beudant. Traite lenmentaire de Physique, 2832. -- On Morals and Legislation, 5241. Bezout. Cours (le Math6matiques, 2179. Berard (C.). Legons Frangaises, 6141. --- lquations Algebriques, 2297. - Grammar of the French Language, 5547. Blanchini (F.). Del Palozzo de Cesari, Opera Postuma. Berard (J. B.). Statique des VoCites, 2741. 1313. Berger (Ch. P.). Abhandlung der Uhrcn, 2742. Bibliomappe; on, Livre-Cartes, 3849. Bergery (C. L.). Geomntrie appliquee, 2737. Bibliotheque Militaire, 1231. - Thdorie des AffAts, 254. Bickersteth (Rev. E.). Scripture Ielp, 5864. Bergier. Dictionnaire de Theologie, 5861. Bicquilley. Rechnung des Walrscheinlichen, 2519. -- Sermons, 5862. Bielefeld (Ch. F.). Papier MIach, 1314. Bergman (T.). Essay on Chemistry, 88339. Biennial Register of all Officers and Agents of the Uni-- Physical and Chemical Essays, 3340. ted States, 1285. -- Elective Attractions, 3453. Biet. Choix d'tdifices, 1315. Berington (J.). Literary History, 5141. Bigland (J.). Geographical and Historical View of the Berkeley (G.). Works, 5863. World, 4282. Berlley (J.). M6moires, 4483. Itistoire d'Espagne, 4427. Berlin. Topographlischer Plan der Gegend ur, 4027. Bignon. IIistoire de France, 4560. Bernan (W.). Warming and Ventilating, 1938. Bigot. Traite d'Artifice, 255. Bernard. Principes d'Hydraulique, 1631. Bigot de Morognes. Essai de l'Application, 256. Bernard le Tresorier. M6moiros, 4558. Bilney (Thomas). Account of, 5865. Bernardin de Saint Pierre. Paul and Virginia, 5329. Bingley (W.). Useful Knowledge, 3509. Bernoullii (J.). Ars conjectandi, opus postllmum, Biographie Moderne; on, Dictionnaire Biographique,, 2174. 4894. --- L'Art de Conjecturer, 2175. Bion. Poemes, 5331. -- Doctrine of Permutations and Combinations, 2176. Biot (J. B.). G6ometrie Analytique, 2520. -- Opera, 2177. - Analytical Geometry, 2521. -- Opera Omnia, 2178. -- Traite de Physique, 2833. Philosophicum et Mathematicum, 2830. -- Precis lementaire de Physique, 2834. Recueil pour les Astronomes, 2994. -- Trait6e 1lmentaire d'Astronomie Physique, 285. Berriat (H.). Legislation Militaire, 800. -- Recherches Exp6rimentales, 2935. Bertelli (P.). Nova Teatro di Machine et Edificii, 1480. - Memoire de la Lumire, 2936. Berthier (Le G6neral Alex.). Bataille de Marengo, - Recherches sur l'Astronomie ] gyptienne, 2997, 1011. Trait8e lementaire d'Astronomie, 2998, 2999. - Campagnes en tgypte et en Syrie, 1012. -- Eelation d'un Voyage, 3454. Berthier et Reynier. Campagne d'tgypte, 1013. Blot et Arago. Observations Geodesiques, 2638. 358 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Birago. Untersuchungen iiber die Militarbruickentrains, Bonnycastle (J.). Treatise on Algebra, 2301. 11. -- Elements of Geometry, 2358. -- Recherches sur les iquipages de Pouts Militaires, Plain and Spherical Trigonometry, 2476. 12. -- Introduction to Astronomy, 3001. Bird. (J.). Method of Dividing Astronomical Instru- Bonnycastle (R. H.). Spanish America, 4776. ments, 3000. Bononiensi (de). Scientiarum et Artium, 3226. Birds. Natural History of, 3510. Booth (I-.). Liverpool and Manchester Railway, 1485. Birkbeck (M.). Journey in America, 4145. Booth (J.). Encyclopsdia of Chemistry, 3352. Bismark. Tactique de la Cavalrie, 642. Borda (Chev. de). Memoire sur la Courbe d']icrite par Bisset (R.). History of the Reign of George III., 44S4, les Boulets et les Bombes, 257. 4485. D — Du Cercle de Reflexion, 1486. Life of Burke, 4923. I Borden (S.). Formulae for Constructing Railroads, Biston (V.). Manuel du Chaufournier, 1890. 1761. -- Manuel du Charpentier, 1482. Borelli (J. A.). De Motu Animallum, 2744. Black (J.). Lectures on Chemistry, 3350. Borgnis (J. A.). Trait6 de Construction appliqule ai Black's General Atlas of the World, 3850. l'Architecture Civil, 1317. Blackader (Lt. Col.). Life of, 4924. — Trait6 Complet de MIcanique, 1487 to 1495. Blackett (T. O.). On the Spirit Level, 2639. Borman (Ch.). Considerations et Exp6riences sur le Black Rock and Bridgeport. I-arbors of, 4028. tir des Obus a Balles, 258. Blackstone (W.). Law Tracts, 2099. Borman (Lieut. Col.). Exp6riences sur les Shrapnels, -- Commentaries on the Laws, 2100, 2101. 259. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 5742. Born. Comparison des Avant-Trains d'afffits de CamBlair (H.). On Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, 5587. pagne, 260. Blakey (R.). History of Moral Science, 5242. - Mfthode d'Extraire les Metaux, 3626. Blanc (M. Ch.). Histoire des Peintres Franeaise, 5663. Borrow (G.). Bible in Spain, land Gipsies of Spain. Blanchard et Dauzats. San Juan de Ulfia, 1015. 4146. Blanchino (F.). Hesperi et Phosphori, 3,49. Bory de St.-Vincent. Botanique, 3573. Bland (M.). Algebraical Problems, 2298, 2299. -- Carte d'Espagne, 3852. Blois (E. de). Traite des Bornbardlements, 1016. Bos (L.). Antiquities of Greece, 4323. Blondel (A. L.). Esprit Militaires, 748. Bossu. Travels through North America, 4147. Blondel (J. B.). Architecture, 1316. Bossuet. Discours sur i'Histoire Universelle, 4281. Blore (E.). Monumental Remains, 5664. ---- CEuvres Completes, 5868. Blue Book, 1286. Bossut et Viallet. Construction des Digues, 1633. Blumn-thal (de). Life of Zieten, 4925. Bossut (Ch.). Cours de Mathomatiques, 2180. Blunt (Charles). On Mechanical Drawing, 1488. --- Iydrodynamique, 2746. — Perspective Delineation of Machinery, 2438. Bossut (J.). Iistory of Mathematics, 2181. Blunt (J.). Formation of the Confederacy, 1978. Boston Journal, 3227. Boaden (J.). Memoirs of Siddons, 4926. Boston (Rev. Th.). Human Nature in its Fourfold Board of Agriculture, 3572. State, 5869. Board of Education. Third Annual Report of the, Boswell (J.). Life of Johlson, 4928. 5641. Both (de). Bataille de Pultusk, 1017. Boardman (II. A.). On the Scripture Doctrine of Origi- Botidoux. Abr6g6e de la Vie de C6sar, 4324. nal Sin, 5866. Botta (Ch.). History of the War of the United States, Bode (J. E.). Astronomische Jahrbichler, 3184, 3185. 872, 873. Bodin (F.). Histoire de la Revolution. 4561. ~ — Histoire de la Guerre des ttats-Unis, 874. Boerhaave (H.). Elementa Chemiae, 3351. 1 Histoire d'Italie, 4428. Bohnenberger. Carte Topographique, 3851. Bott6e et Riffault. Fabrication de la Poudre, 261. Boileau (D.). (Euvres Completes, 5332, 5333. Bouchard. M6emoires, 4564. Boileau. Projet d'Anmelioration d'Usine. 1484. Boucharlat (J. L.). Theorie des Courbes, 2523. Boisaym6. De la Courbe, 2522. — Calcul Diffrrential et Integral. 2560, 2561, 2562. Boisbertrand (E. D.). Cours d'Algebre, 2300. - l6emens de Mecanique, 2747. Boisdeffre (J. B.). Principes d'tquitation et de Cav- -- Elementary Treatise on Mechanics, 2748. alerie, 643. Bouchet (J.). Chronique, 4565. Boistard (L. Ch.). Exp6riences sur la Main d'CEuvre, Bouchette (J.). Topographical Description of Canada, 1632. 4778. - Construction du Pont Nenours, &c., Bouguer. Trait6 du Navire, de sa Construction, 1318. 1760. Bouill6 (Marquis de). Miemoires, 4566. Boiste (P. C. V.). Dictionnaire de la Langue Fran- -- Memoires sur l'Affaire de Varennes, 4567. gaise, 5808. Bouillon (Duc de). Momoires, 4568. Bolingbroke. Letters on the Study of History, 4283. Bouillon-Lagrange (E. J. B.). 1tude Pharmaceutique, Bonaparte. See Buonaparte and Napol6on. 3772. Bonaparte (Lucien). Memoirs of, 4927. Boulland. Essai d'Histoire Universelle, 4285. Bonaparte (Louis Napoleon). Life and Works, 6144. Bourcet (de). MIemoires Historiques sur la Guerre, Bonchamps (Marquis de). Memoires, 4563. 875. Bonnet. Views of Christianity, 5867. -- Campagnes du Marechal de Broglie, 1018. Bonnot. Detail des fers, 1891. Bourdalouse. (uvres, 5870. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 359 Bourdeille (Pierre de). See Brantome. Brewster (David). Edinburgh Journal, 3231. Bourdon. e16mens d'Arithmetique, 2275. Ferguson's Lectures, 2838. --- llmens d'Algebre, 2302. -- Ferguson's Astronomy, 3004. -- Elements of Algebra, 2303 to 2306. -- Treatise on Philosophical Instruments, 2939. Bourgery (Dr.). Traite Complet d'Anatomie, 3773. -- Treatise on the Microscope, 2940. -- The Whole Anatomy, 3774. -- Treatise on Optics, 2937, 2938. Bourgoanne (Chev.). Travels in Spain, 4148. Brez6 (M. de). Reflexions sur les Pr6juges Militaires, Bourgogne (Dnu de). ie16mens de Gd-om6trie, 2359. 494. Boarne (J.). Catechism of the Steam Engine, 1496. Breze (Comte de). Observations Historique et CriBourniseaux. Iistoire des Guerres de la Vendee, 876. tiques, 644. Bolurnon (Comte de). Traite Complet de la Chaux Brianchon (C. J.). Essai Chinique, 3354. Carbonatee, &e., 3627. - Theorie des Transversales, 2361. Bourrienne. M6moires, 4569. Bridge (Rev. B.). Algebra and Equations, 2307. - Life of Napoleon, 1146. -- Conic Sections, 2362. Bousmard (M. de). Essai de Fortification, 14, 15. -- Elements of Plane Trigonometry, 2477. Boussingault (J. B.). Iural Economy, 3574. --- Treatise on Mechanics, 2750. Boutourlin (Col.). - Camrpagne de Russie, 1019. — Natural Philosophy, 2839. Boutron-Chiarlard. XMoyens de Reconnaitre les PFalsifi- Bridgens (R.). Antiquities of Sefton Church, 1320. cations, 3775. Bridges of Different Countries, 1635. Bouvet de Cress. IIistoire de la Marine, 877. Bridgewater Treatises, 5373. Bowditch (N.). Laplace's Mdcanique Celeste, 2836. Briggii (I.). Arithmetica Logarithmica, 2701. -- Eulogy on, 4929. Briggii et Gallibrand. Trigonometrica, 2702. lBoyd (Rev. J. 1.). Eclectic Moral Philosophy, 5243. Brinkley (J.). Elements of Astronomy, 3005. Elements of lRhetoric, 5588. Briquet (de). Code Militaire, 801. Boyer (A.). Dictionnaire Frangais-Anglais, 5809. Briseux (C. E.). L'Art de Batir des Maisons, 1321. --- Dictionary, French and Englisl, 5810. Brisson (B.). Navigation de la France, 1636. Boyer-Peyreleau. Antilles Franfaises, 4779, Brisson (M.). Regne Minerale, 3630. Boyle (1.). Opera Varia, 2837. British Army List, 1287, 1288. Philosophical Works, 3223, 3229. British Architects. Transactions of,.the, 1322. Bozman (J. L.). History of Maryland, 4780. British Association, 3232. Brackenridge (H. M.). History of the Late War, 878. British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review, 3776. -- Vidws of Louisiana, 4781. British India. Historical Account of, 4744. --- Voyage to South America, 4149. British Ballads, 5334. Bradbury (Th.). Mystery of Godliness, 5871. British Poets, 5335, 5336. Bradford (Alden). Iistory of Massachusetts, 4782, 4783. British National Portrait Gallery, 4934. Bradford (J.). Writings, 5S72. British Essayists, 6145. iBradford (T. G.). Balbi's Geography, 38583 British Essayists, Modern, 6146. Bradley (J.). Astronomical Observations, 3150. British Reformers. Lives and Writings of the, 5874. Beobachteten Sterne, 3151. Britton (J.). Illustrations of Christian Architecture in Bradley (Th.). Geometry, 2439. England, 1324. Brahe (T.). Astronomiae, 3002. Britton. Carter's Ancient Architecture of England,. —- Life of, 4930. 1325. Braikenridge (G.). Exercitatis Geometrica, 2360. Britton & Pugin. Public Buildings of London, 1323. Brande (W. T.). Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Brockedon (W.). Illustrations of the Passes of the Arts, 3230. Alps, 5665. -- Manual of Chemistry, 3853. Brodie (G.). I-istory of the British Empire, 4486. — Outlines of Geology, 3682. Broglie. Campagnes, 881. Brandon (R. &'J. A.). Open Timber Roofs of the Mid- Brongniard (Adolphe). Histoire des V6getaux Fosdie Ages, 1319. siles, 3575. Brannan (J.). Official Letters of the Military and Na- -- BotaR ique, 3576. val Officers, 879. Brongniart (Alex.). Tableau des Terrains, 3631. Brant (Joseph). Life of, 4931. Brook Taylor. See Taylor, 2469. Brantome. Vie des Hommes Illustres et Grands Cap- Brooke (H. J.). Introduction to Crystallography, 3632. itaines, 1147. Brookes (R.). General Gazetteer, 3854. -- (Euvres Completes, 1148. Brooks (Rev. Th.). Christian under the Smarting Rod. Brard (C. P.). Minlralogie appliquee, 3628. 5875. 16mens de Min6ralogie, 3629. Brooks (W. Alex.). Navigation of Rivers, 1637. Brees (S. C.). Railway Practice. 1762, 1763. Brougham (H., Lord). Lives of Men of Letters and -- Glossary of Civil Engineering, 1764. Science, 4935. Breithaupt (Lieut. Col.). Theorie de'Artillerie, 262. -- Speeches, 5611. Bremner (R.). Excursions in Russia, 4150. Broughton (Th.). Iistorical Dictionary of all ReliBremontier (N. Th.). Mouvement des Ondes, 1634. gions, 5876. Brent (Ch.). Astronomer, 3003. Brown (J.). Mathematical Tables, 2703. Brenton. Life of St. Vincent, 4932. Brown (R.). Domestic Architecture, 1326. Brenton (E. P.). Naval History, 880. -- Practical Perspective, 2441. Brewster (David). Martyrs of Science, 4933. Brown (S. P.). Western Gazetteer, 3855. 360 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Brown (Capt. Th.). Conchologist's Text-Book, 8511. Bury (M.). Trait6 du Dessin G6om6trique, 2442. Brown (Th.). Inquiry of Cause and Effect, 5175. Burig. Tables Astronomiques, 3187. - Philosophy of the Human Mind, 5206. Burgoyne (Gen.). Expedition from Canada, 1023. Brown (Rev. W.). Selection of Passages of Scripture, Burgoyne. On Blasting and Quarrying of Stone, 1769.. 5877. Burja (Abel). Algebrist, 2182. Brown (W. L.). View of Christianity, 5878. Anweisung zur Geometrie, 2524. Brown University. Catalogue of the Library of, 5783. - Dynamick, 2751. Browne (D. J.). Sylva Americana, 3577. Burke (E.). Life of, 4938. Browne (P. A.). Essay on Solid Meteors, &c., 3633. - Works, 6147. Bruce. Life and Adventures of, 4936. — Speeches, 5612. Brucker. Historia, &O., 5176. Burke (J.). General and Heraldic Dictionary, 4939, Bru6 (A.). Atlas Universel, 3856. Burlamaqui (J. J.). Natural and Politic Law, 1948. Bruff (P.). On Engineering Field-Work, 1765, 1766. Burn (A.). Life of, 4940. Brunet (J. Ch.). Manuel du Libraire, 5784, 5785. Burn (Capt.). Naval and Military Technical DictionBrunton (R.). Compendium of Mechanics, 1497, 1498. ary, 1268. Brute. Writings, 5879. Burnell (G. R.). On Limes, Cements, Mortars, &c, Bruyere (L.). Art des Constructions, 1767. 1893. Bruyere, La. See La Bruyere, 5272, 5273. Burnet (G.). History of his Own Time, 4488. Bryan (M.). Lectures on Natural Philosophy, 2840. - Memoires, 4489..- System of Astronomy, 3006. - History of the Reformation, 5883. Bryant (E.). What I saw in California, 4151. - Defence of Natural and Revealed Religion, 5882. Bryant (J.). System or Analysis of Ancient Mythol- Burns (I.). Complete Works, 5339. ogy, 4325., Burr (D. EI.). Atlas of New-York, 3858. Bryant (W. C.). Poems, 5337. Burrow (R.). Geometrical Treatise of Apollonius PerBuchanan (R.). Essays on Millwork, 1499 to 1502. gaeus, 2363. Treatise on Propelling Vessels by Steam, 1503. Bury. Architecture, 1328. Buchanan (W. M.). Technoiogical Dictionary,-3233. Buisch (J. G.). Versuch einer Mathematik, 2183. Buchez et Roux. Histoire de la Revolution, 4570. - Hydrostatik Aerometrie & Hydraulik, 2752. Buchez. Introduction a la Science de I'Histoire, 4286. Bush (Rev. G.). Life of Mohammed, 4941. Buchon (J. A. C.). Chroniques Etrangeres, 4571. - Dymond's Principles of Morality, 5245. R- echerches et Mat6riaux, 4572. Busson-Descars (P.). Nivellement, 2641. Buck (G. W.) On Oblique Bridges. 1768. Bussy et Boutron-Charland. Moyens de reconnaitre Bucke (Charles). Ruins of Ancient Cities, 4326. les Falsifications, 3777. Buckingham. Ml6moires, 4482. Butler (Ch.). Life of Grotius, 4942. Buckland (Rev. W.). Geology and Mineralogy, 3684. -- eminiscences, 6148, 6149. Buffon (Leclerc de). HIistoire Naturelle, 3512. Butler (J.). Analogy of Religion, 5884. Natural History, 3513. Sermons, 5885. Bugeand. Apercus de la Guerre, 495. Butler (S.). Sketch of Geography, 3859, 3860. Bugge (Th.). Observationes Astronomicae, 3152. IHudibras, 5340. Builder's Dictionary; or, Gentleman and Architect's Butler (B. F.). Address on the Military Profession, Companion, 1327. 5613. Bull (M.). Experiments of the principal Varieties of Butterlin. Campagne de 1813, 1024. Fuel, 1892. Campagne de Russie, 1025. Bulletin des Sciences Militaires, 496. Bynlkershoek. Law of War, 1949. Bulletin Universel des Sciences, 3234. Byrne (Alex. S.). On Propelling Ships, 1504. Bulletin Scientifiques, 3235. Byrne (Oliv.). Practical Metal-Worker's Assistant, Bulletin de la Societe de Geographie, 3857, 3355. Bulletin of the American Art-Union, 5666. Byron (Lord). Letters and Journals, 4943. Bulletins oficiels de la grande-Arm6e, 882, 883. and his Contemporaries, 4944. Bullialdi (I.). Astronomia Philolaica, 3007. | Life of, 4945. Bullions (Rev. P.). English Grammar, 5551. - Complete Works, 5341, Bulow. Esprit du Systeme de Guerre. 497. Histoire de la Campagne de 1800, 1020. Cabinet of Natural History, 3514. Bundschuch (C. E.). -Tandbuch von 1767 bis 1821, 759. Cabotia. Map of, 4029. Bunyan (John). Pilgrim's Progress, 5338. Cachin (J. M F.). La Digue de Cherbourg, 163S8 Buonaparte. Campagne en Italie, 1021. Cadenberg. Novi Planetae, 3153. - Op6rations Militaires et Politiques, 884. Caesar (J.). Commentaries, 4327. - Relation de la derniere Camnpagne, 1022. - Commentaries on the Wars, 4328. Buonaparte (Jacques). Sac de Rome, 4573. - See Commentaires, 4329. Buonarroti Michel Angelo. Life of, 4937. - Commentaires de C6sar, 4330. Burckhardt (J. Ch.). Table des Diviseurs, 2704. - (Euvres completes, 4331. Tables Astronomiques, 3186. - History of, 4905. Burder (I. F.). Pleasures of Religion, 5881. Cagnoli (A.). Trigonometrie, 2479. Burder (Rev. S.). Oriental Customs, 5880. - Catalogue de 501 Etoiles, 3188. Burg (M.). Dessin et du Lev6 du Materiel d'Artille- Calhen (S.). La Bible. 5886. rie, 263. Calcografia di belle Statue Antiche, 5667. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 361 Caledonian Canal, 1689. Carpenter (G. W.). On the Materia Medica, 37T8. Calendar. Ioyale Military, 1149. Carpenter (W. B.). Treatise on Vegetable Physiology, Callet (F.). Tables de Logarithmes, 2705 to 2708. 3518. Callimaque. Poemes, 5342. - Animal Physiology, 3779. Calohar (F.). Latour-d'Auvergne-Corret, 1150. - Principles of Physiology, 8780. Calvin (J.). Christian Religion, 5887. Carpenter (W. 1-.). Pictorial Notices of Van Dyck, Memoirs of the Life and Writings, 5888. 5668. Cambray (Chev. de). Maniere de fortifier, 16. Carpenter (W. W.). Travels and Adventures in MexCambridge Problems, 2563. ice, 4153. Cambridge Philosophical Society, 8236. Carpentier (D. P.). Alphabetnm, 5552. Camille Desmoulins, 4574. Carpentier, Le. See Le Carpentier, 1393. Camp. Memoire sur la fortification, 17. Carpentier (M.). Dictionnaire des Origines, 3237. Campagne l'arm6e Frangaise en Portugal, 1026. Carpentry Gnide-Book, 1506. Campagnes de 1756 a 1763 en Allemagne, 1027. Carrion-Nisas. Histoire de l'Art Militaire, 499. Campagnes de Maillebois, Broglie, &c., 1028. Carte du Duch6 de Salzburg, &c., 3861. Campaigns of the Armies of France, 1029. Carte Topographique de la Republique Frangaise, 3862. Campan (Nl.me.). Memoires, 4575. Carte du Thletre de la Guerre 1805, 4034. Campbell (Colen). Vitruvius Britannicus, 1329. Carte du Canal de Languedoc, 1643. Continuation, by Woolfe and Gandon, 1330. Carter (J.) Ancient Architecture of England, 1882. Campbell (E. S. N.). Dictionary of the Military Sci- Carter (N. 1-.). Letters from Europe, 4154. ence, 1269. Cartes des Pays bas et des Frontiers de France, 1031. Campbell (G.). Philosophy of Rhetoric, 5589, 5590. Cartes, Des. See Des Cartes. Campbell (J.). British Army, 1760. Cary (HI. F.). Dante's Vision, 5345. Campbell (Dr. J.). Naval History of Great Britain, Cary (J.). Inland Navigations, 1644. 885. Cassini de Thury. Description Geometrique, 2642. Campbell (Rev. J.). Voyages to and from the Cape of - La Meridienne, 3155. Good Hope, 4151. Cassini, Mechain et Legendre. Expose des Operations, Campbell (John, Lord). Lives of the Lord Chancellors. 3008. 4946. Cassini. Observations Astronomiques, 3154. Campbell (Neil). Instructions for Infantry and Rifle- Castelnan (Michel de). Memoires, 4578. men, 677. Castilhon (M. L.). Consid6rations, 6154. Campbell (Th.). Poetical Works, 5343. Castres (Comte de). Relation d'un Voyage, 4155. - Life and Letters, 6150. Cat and Ship Islands, 4085. Camus. Cours de Math6matique-G6om6trie, 2364. Catalogue of Maps and Surveys, 3863. Canada. Map of Upper, 4030, 4032. Catalogue of the Library Company of Philadelphia, Canada. Map of Lower, 4031. 5786. Canal Imperial d'Arragon, 1640. Catalogue of Books, 5887. Canal Maritime de Paris a Rouen, 1641. Catharine II., Empress. Life of, 4948. Canaux. Cartes des, 1642. Catlin (G.). Views of Niagara, 5669. Cannon (R.). Historical Records of the Brttish Army, Catman (J. S.). Architectural Antiquities of Norman498. dy, 1333. Canuel (S.). Memoires sur la guerre de la Vendee, 887. Catulle. (Euvres, 5346. Captain's Island, East and West. Iarbors of, 4038. Caubul. Map of, 4036. Card (H.). History of the Revolutions of Russia, 4429. Cauchy (A. L.). Exercises Math6matiques, 2185, 2186. Cardani (IT.). Opus Novum, 2184. - Cours d'Analyse et Mecanique, 2565. Carel (A.). Precis de la guerre d'Espagne, 888. - Memoire sur la Dispersion de la Lunmiere, 2941. Careless (J-). Examination and Letters, 5889. Cavallero (Don Manuel). Defense de Saragosse, 20, Carey (Alice). Lyra and other Poems, 5344. 1032. Carey (M.). The Olive-Branch, 1979, 1980. Cavalli (J.). Memoire sur les Canons chargeant par l a Carleton (J. II.). Battle of Buenavista, 1030. Culasse, 264. Carlyle (Th.). French Revolution, 4576. Cavalry. System of Tactics, 645. Life of Schiller, 4947. Cavalry Tactics, 646. - Essays, 6151. Cavalry Formations and Movements, 647. - Past and Present, Chartism, &c., 6152. Cavalry Sword Exercise, 648. - Latter-Day Pamphlets, 6153. Cavalry Manoeuvres in Line, 649. Carn6 (Louis de). Vues sur l'Histoire Contemporaine, Cavalry Regulations, 650. 4577. Cavendish (G.). Life of Wolsey, 4949. Carnot (Le General). Defense des Places, 18. Cavendish (Th.). Life and Voyage of, 4156. - M6moire sur la Fortification, 19. Cawkin's Island. Harbor of, 4037. - M6moires HIistorique et Militaire, 1151. Cayet (P. Victor Palma). Chronologie, 4579. Essai sur les Machines, 1505. Cazalat (G.). Memoire sur les Bateaux a Vapeur, 1507 Geometrie de Position, 2525. Cecil (Rev. R.). Friendly Visit, 5980. -- De la Correlation des Figures de G6ometrie, 2526. Ceffalonie. Monument, 5670. - Memoir sur la Relation de cinq Points, 2527. Census of the United States, 3864-5-6. Metaphysique du Calcul Infinitesimal, 2564. Census of Pensioners, 3867. Principes d'Equilibre, 2753. Census of the State of New-York, 3868~ 3r2 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Certines (Q. de). Th6orie de l'Ainant, 3455. Chatelain (Chev.). Guide'des Officiers de Cavalerie, 651. Cervantes (M. de)..Don Quixote, 5347. - Traite d'Escrime, 717. C6sar. See Caesar. - Trait6 d'Equitation, 738. Cessac (de). Guide de l'Officier, 500. Chaucer (G.). Poetical Works, 5350. Challis (J.). Astronomical Observations, 3156. Chaulnes. Methode pour diviser les Instruments, 1509. Chalmers (Alex.). Biographical Dictionary, 4895. Chauvenet (W.). Treatise on Trigonometry,2480. - History of the University at Oxford, 5142. Chemin de Fer, 1770. - British Essayists, 6155. Chennechot. Vie de Napol6on, 1154. Chalmers (G.). Collection of Treaties, 1950. ChenneviSres (de). D6tails Militaires, 761. - Political Annals, 4784. Cheppe et Powell). Physique, 2842. --- History of the Revolt of the American Colonies, Chesney. Observations on Fire-Arms, 268. 4875. Cheuvrensse. Chimie appliqu6e aux Arts Militaires, Chalmers (Robert). Cyclopaedia of English Litera- 3358. ture, 5143. Cours de Chimie Technologie, 3359. Chalmers (Th.). Moral and Intellectual Constitution Chevalier (M.). Fortifications de Paris, 22. of Man, 5246. - Lettres sur l'Am6rique, 4159. Works, 5891. Cheverny (Comte de). Memoires, 4583. Chambers. Information for the People, 3238. Children (J. G.). Thenard's Chemical Analysis, 3360. Chambers. Miscellany of Useful Knowledge, 6156. China. Map of, 4038. Chambers (E.). Cyclopaedia, 5811. Chitty (J.). Law of Nations, 1952. Chambers (W.). On the Decorative Part of Civil Ar- - Blackstone's Commentaries, 2102. chitecture, 1334. Chladni (E.-F.-F.). Trait6 d'Acoustique, 2848. Chambray (de). Exp6dition de Russie, 1033, 1034 Choiseul (Duc de). Histoire des Naufrages de Calais, - Philosophic de la Guerre, 501. 4584. Chambrun. Manceuvres des Tirailleurs, 678. - elation du Depart de Louis XVI., 45S5. Chamier. James's Naval History, 890. Choisnin (J.). MSmoires, 4586. Chanlaire (P. G.). Atlas, 3869. Choix de Monumens primitifs de o'Eglise Chretienne, Channing (W. E.). Works, 6167. 5896-97. - Memoir of, 4950. Chollet (de). Du Cavalier et de son Cheval, 652. - Address on Temperance, 5614. Choquet. Traite d'Algebre, 2308. Chapman (W.). On the Preservation of Timber, 1984. Choules (Rev. J. O.). Address, 5615. Chaptal (J. A.). Chimie appliquee aux Arts, 3356. Choumara (P.-M. Th6odore). Lettres sur les Fortifiea- Chemistry applied to the Arts, 3357. tions de Paris, 23. Charlemagne. History of, 4951. - Memoire sur les Fortifications de Paris, 24. Charles I. M6moires, 4490. - M6moires sur la Fortification, 25, 26. Charles, King, the First. History of, 4905. - Collections des ses M6moires, 27. Charles II. Memoires, 4491. Considerations sur les Effets de l'Artillerie, 269. Charles, King, the Second. History of, 4905. -- Consid6rations Militaires, 1155. Charles (Prince). Campagne de 1799, 1035. Christian (G. J.). Mecanique Indnstrielle, 1510. - Principes de Strategie, 502. Christian. Blackstone's Commentaries, 2193. - Grundsitze der Strategie, 503. Christine (de Pisan). Chronique, 4587. Charnock (J.). Biographia Navalis, 1152. Christison (R.). Treatise on Poisons, 3781. - History of Marine Architecture, 1335. Christmas with the Poets, 5351. Charnock (Stephen). Discourses upon the Existence Christopher North, 6159. of God, 5892. Chronicles of London Bridge, 4492. - Doctrine of Regeneration, 5893. Chronologie Novenaire —Chronologie Septenaire, 4588. - Discourses on Christ Crucified, 5894. Chronometer. Account of the, 1511. Charpente du Hangar et du Manage, 1508. Church (A. E.). Analytical Geometry, 2529. Charpentier (A. F. E.). Douglas. Artillerie Navale, 265. - Differential and Integral Calculus, 2566, 2567. Chase. Raymond de Vericour's. Modern French Lit- Churton (E.). Early English Church, 5899. erature, 5144. Chrysostom (St. John). Homilies, 5898. Chasles (P.). etudes sur W. Shakspeare, Marie Stuart, Cicero (M. T.). Life of, 4958. et L'ArStin, 5348. - Disputations, 5207. Chasseloup. Essai surl'Artillerie et de Fortification, 266 - Five Books de Finibus, 5247. - Extraits des Memoires, 267. - De Officiis, 5284, Chastelain (G.). (Euvres Iistoriques, 4580. - De Oratore, 5591. - Chronique, 4581. - The Orations, 5616. Chastellux. Travels in North America, 4157. CEuvres, 6160. Chastre (de la). See Lachastro, 4646. -- Opera Omnia, 6161. Chateaubriand. Congr6s de Verone, 1951. Cimber et Danjou. Archives de France, 4589. - Travels to Jerusalem and the Holy Land, 4158. Circumnavigation of the Globe, 4160. - G6nie du Christianlisme, 5895. Civil Engineers. Transactions of, 1771. Les Martyrs, 5349. Civil Engineers. Proceedings of, 1772. - Memoires d'Outre Tombe, 6158. Civil Engineors. Institution of, 1773. Chateauneuf (A. H.). Histoire de grands Capitaines, Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal, 1774. 1153. Clairac (Chev.). L'IngSnier de Campagne, 28. ALPHABETICAL INDEX, 363 Clairaut. llemens d'Alglbre, 2309. Colburn. United Service Journal, 1254. -- Theorie de la Lune, 3009. Colby (Tli.). Trigonometrical Survey, 2645. -- Figure de la Terre, 2844. Colden (C. D.). Erie Canal Celebration, 1645. Clap (Th.). History of Yale College, 4786. -- Life of Fulton, 4956. Clapperton (Capt. II.). Journal of a Second Expedi- --- istory of the Five Indian Nations, 4789. tion, 4161. -- Memoir, 5744. -- Narrative of Travels, 4162, Coleridge (H-. N.). Greek Classic Poets, 5354. Clarendon (Loru). Mo[moires, 4493. Coleridge (S. T.). Biographia Literaria, 4957. Clarendon (Lord Henry, fils du Comte). Memoires - Aids to Reflection, 5250. 4494. -- Poems, 4855. Clark (Capt.). Iistory of the Expedition,.4164. Collection de Plans G6n6raux, 271. Clark (Th.). Naval History of the United States, 892. Collection des Lois, 270. System of Arithmetic, 2276. Collection d'Uniformes, 504. Clarke (E. D.). Gas Blow-Pipe, 3361. Collection of Orders, 802. -- Travels in Various Countries, 4183. Collections of the New-Hampshire Historical Society, Clarke (11.). Lorgna's Dissertation on the Summation, 4790. 2310. Collections, Historical and Miscellaneous, 4791. Clarke (L. II.). Report of the Convention, 1981. Collections of the Massachusetts Iistorical Society, -- Convention of the State of New-York, 4787. 4792-3-4. Clarke. Seaman's Desiderata, 2965. Collections of the New-York Historical Society, 4795. Clarke (Mary C.). Girlhood of Shakspeare's Heroines, Colligny (G. de). Siege de St. Quentin, 4592. 5352. Collyer (W. B.). On Scripture Prophecy, 5903. Olarke (S.). Letter on the Immortality of the Soul, - Oin Scripture Miracles, 5904. 5900. -- On Scripture Doctrines, 5905. Clarke (T. II.). Domestic Architecture, 1836. -- On Scripture Duties, 5906. Classical Journal, 5743. - On Scripture Comparison, 5907. Claude. Liber Veritatis, 5671. Evidences of Divine Revelation, 5908. Claudien. (Euvres, 5353. Colman and Thorn. Connoisseur, 6162. Clavigero. Ilstory of Mexico, 4788. Colson. Newton's Method of Fluxions, 2568. Clay (Hon. II.). Addresses on the Occasion of the Colton (Walter). Sea and the Sailor, 4165. Death of the, 5617. Columbus (Christopher). Life and Voyages, 4958. Cleveland (Charles D.). English Literature of the 19th Coluthus. Polmes, 5356. Century, 5145. Combe (A.). Principles of Physiology, 3872. Cleaveland (P.). Treatise on Mineralogy and Geology, Combe (G.). Lectures on Moral Philosophy, 5251. 3635. Comber (Th.). Heathen Rejection of Christianity, 5909. Clegg (S.). Architecture of Machinery, 1512. Commentarii Societatis regiae scientiarum GottingenManufacture of Coal-Gas, 3362. sis, 3239. Clement (J.). Noble Deeds of American Women, 4953. Commentaires de l'Estat de la Religion, &c., 4593. Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt. History of, 4905. Commercium Epistolicum de Varia Remathematica. Clerc (P. A.). Conrs des Levers Topographiques, 2644. 2187. Clerc (Le). See Le Clerc, 1394. Cormmines (Phil. de). Mmnoires, 4594. Clry. Memoires, 4590. Companions of my Solitude, 6163. --- Journal de la Captivit6 do Louis XVI., 4591. Comstock (A.). System of Elocution, 5592. Clias (Capt. P. H.). Course of Gymnastics, 5733. Comstock (J. L.). Outlines of Geology, 3685. Clinton (Dewitt). Memoir of, 4954. Comte (Aug.). Cours de Philosophie, 2845. - Life of, 4955. Condo (J.). Domlination des Arabes, 4430. Cloquet (J. B.). Traite de Perspective, 2443. Conde (Le Prince). Campagne, 1038. Cobbin (I.). Book of Popery, 5901. Conde (Louis, Prince of). Life of, 1156. Cobham. Writings and Examinations, 503. Condillac. (Euvres completes, 4332, 6164. Cochin and Bellicard. Antiquities of Herculaneum, -- Logique, 5209. 1338. Condorcet. Moyens d'apprendre a compter sarement, Cochin. Peintures et Sculptures de l'Eglise, 1339. 2188. Coddington (H.). Treatise on Optics, 2942. -- Essais d'Analyse, 2569. -- Reflection and Refraction of Light, 2943. --- Menoires. 4595. Code Napoleon, 2104. Congreve (W.). On the Mounting of Naval Ordnance, Code de Procidure Civile, 2105. 272. Code d'lnstruction Criminelle, 2106. -- Treatise on the Rocket System, 273. Code Penal, 2107. Connaissance des Temps, 3157, 3158. Code de Commerce, 2108. Conrad (T. A.). Fossils of the Tertiary Formations, 3686. Coehorn (Baron de). Nouvelle Fortification, 29. Constant (Benj.). De la Religion, 5910. Coffin (J. I-.). Conic Sections and Analytical Geome- Constantine. Expedition et le Si6ge de, 1039. try, 2530. Constantine. Carte de, 4039. Cogan (T.). Treatise on the Passions, 5208. Constitution, 2110. -- Ethical Questions, 5249. Conybeare and Phillips. Outlines of Geology, 3687. Coigny. Campagne en Allemagne, 1037. Cooper (A,). Anatomy and Surgical Treatment, 2983. Coke. Law Institutes, 2109. - Principles and Practice of Surgery, 3784. 364 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Cooper (J. F.). History of the Navy of the United Cours de Mathemiatiques, 2189. States, 893. Course of Mathematics, 2190. - Novels, 5357. Courtin. Encyclop6die Moderne, 5812. Cooper (Miss). lRural Hours, 3579. Courtois. On Mortars, 1896. Cooper (T. H.). Practical Guide for Infantry Officer, 679. Cousin. lttude d'Astronomie Physique, 3012. Cooper (Th.). Emporium, 3240. Cousin (J. A J.). Traite de Calcul, 2570. - On the Gas-Lights, 3363. Cousin (V.). History of Philosophy, 5177. -- Accum's System of Chemistry, 8364. Cousinery (B.-E.). Geometrie 61ementaire du Compas, Copernici (N.). Revolutionibus orbum Coelestium, 2571. 3010. Coussin (J. A.). G6nie de l'Architecture, 1343. Copernicus (N.). Astronomia instaurata, 3011. Coussy (Mathieu de). Chronique, 4596. Copland (James). Medical Dictionary, 3785. Coverdale. Writings, 5912. Coquilhat. De Ia Quantite d( Travail, 274. Cow (J.). Manner of fitting Boats, 1344. Experiences sur la Resistance, 275. Cowper (W.). Poetical Works, 5361. Corbet (Rev. J.). Self-Employment in Secret, 5911. Coxe (J. R.). Emporium, 8241. Corda (Baron). M6moires sur le Service de l'Artillerie, Coxe (T.). Statement of the Arts and Manufactures, 276. 2061. Cordier (J.). Histoire de la Navigation, 1646. Coxe (W.). Memoirs of John, Duke of Marlborough. -- Construction, et la Legislation des Travaux Pub- 1157. lies, 1647. -- Cultivation of Fruit-Trees, 3580. Cordier M.). Trait6 d'Equitation, 739. - Memoirs of Walpole, 4959. Coriolis. Du Calcul de lEffet des Machines, 1513. --- Account of the Russian Discoveries, 4166. Cormontaigne. Memorial pour la Fortification, 30. -- Travels in Switzeriand, 4167. Corneille (P. & Th.). OEuvres completes, 5358. Crabb (G.). History of English Law, 2111. Cornelius (Nepos). (Euvres completes, 4333. -- Technological Dictionary, 3242. Cornwall (Barry). English Songs, 5359. — English Synonymes, 5553, 5554. Corr6ard (J.). Recueil sur les Reconnaissances Mili- Crabbe, Heber, and Pollok. Poetical Works, 5362. taires, 31. Craik and Macfarlane. Pictorial History of England, -- -istoire des Fuss6es de Guerre, 277. 4495. -- Exp6dition et la Prise de Constantine, 1040. Cranch (W.). Peports of Cases argued and adjudged, -- Journal des Armes Speciales, 1259, 1260, 1261. 2112. -- G6oraphie Militaire de l'Italie, 3871. Cra.nmer. Writings, 5918. Correspondance de deux G6n6raux sur divers sujets, 505, Crawford (W.). Dying Thoughts, 5914. Corse (I'lle de). Carte Topographique, 4040. Crawford (J.). History of the Indian Archipelago, 4745 Cortambert (E.). G6ographie Universelle, 8378. Crepy (L. de). Cours d'Instruction Sp6ciale, 290. -- Tableau de la Geographie, 3874. Cresy (E.). Bridge-Building and Equilibrium of Vaults Cossigny. Fabrication de la Poudre, 279. and Arches, 1648. Coste (L. M. P.). Recherches Balistiques, 280. - Encyclopaedia of Civil Engineering. 1776. -- Des Deviations, 281. Cresswell (D.). Geometrical and Algebraical InvestiCoste et Perdonnet. MImoire sur les Chemins, 1775. gation of Maxima and Minima, 2366. Costume of the British Empire, 506. -- Geometry and Trigonometry, 2367. Cotes (R.). Hydrostatical and Pneumatical Lectures, -- Euclid's Elements, 236S. 2755. - Elements of Linear Perspective, 2444. -- De descensu gravium dle Motu, &c., 2756. Creuze (A. F. B.). Naval Architecture, 1345. Cortesii (R). Harmonia Mensurarun, 2365. Crevier. History of the Roman Emperors, 4334. Cotte (L.). Dictionnaire des Mecaniques, 2757. Crichton (A.). History of Arabia, 4746. Cottin (Madame). Elizabeth; or, the Exiles of Siberia, Crichton and Wheaton. Scandinavia, 4431. 5360. Criss6. See Tnrpin de Crisse. Cottinglam (L. N.). Plans, Elevations, Sections, &c., Critical Essay, 5593. 1840. Critical Inquiry into the Opinions of Ancient Philoso- Gothic Ornaments, 1341. phers, 5915. -- Architectural Ornaments, 1842. Croly (Rev. G.). Life of George the Fourth, 4960. Cotty (H.). Dictionnaire d'Artillerie, 282, 1270. Crombie (Rev. Alex ). Etymology and Syntax, 5555. - emoire sur la Fabrication des Armes, 288. Cromwell (Oliver). Life of, 4961, 4962, 4963. Coudray. Du Experiences sur le Fer, 1895. - Letters and Speeches, 6166. Coulier (Ph. J.). Tables G6nomiques du Globe, 3875. Cross (T.). Military Laws, 804, 805. Coulomb. Th6orie des Machines, 2758. Crossard (Baron de). Memoires Militaires de la Guerre, County Naval Free Schools, 5642. 894. Courier (Paul-Louis). (Euvres, 6165. Crousaz (J. P. de). Logique, 5210. Cours sur le trace des Batteries, 284, 285. Crowe. History of France, 4597. Cours sur le Service des Officiers d'Artillerie dans les Ctesias. Histoire de Perse et d l'Inde, 4335. Fonderies, 286, 287. Cudworth (R.). Intellectual System, 5916. Cours sur le Service des Officiers d'Artillerie dans ]es Cugnot. S16mens de l'Art Militaire, 508. Forges, 289. Cullen (E.). Bergman's Chemical Essays, 3365. Cours abr6ge d'Artifices, 288. Cullum (Capt. G. W.). Begister of the U. S. Military Cours d'Equitation Militaire, 740. Academy, 1291. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 365 Culmann. Cours de Geologie, 3688. Darley (F. O. C.). Illustrations of Rip Van Winkle -- Cours sur les Chaux, Mortiers et Mastics, 1897. 5673. Cumberland (R.). Observer, 616T. -- Illustrations of the Legend of Sleepy Hollow, 5674. Cumming (A.). Elements of Clock and Watch-Work, Darquier. Practische Astronomic, 8015. 2759. Dartein (Ch. M. S.). Fonderies des bouches a feu, 296, Cumming (J.). Demonferrand's Electro-Dynamics, D'Artois (P. H1.). Defence de Danzig, 36. 8456. Daru (Comte). Trace du Chemin de Fer de Paris a Cumming (R. G.). Five Years in the Far Interior of Chalons-sur-Saone, 1777. South Africa, 416S. Daru (P.). Histoire de Venice, 4432. Cummings and IIilliard. Treatise on Trigonometry, Darwin (Ch.). Journal of Geology and Natural Histo24S23, 2483. ry, 3690. Cuninghame (J.). Tactic of the British Army, 509. Darwin (E.). Zoonomia, 3786. Cuninghame (W.). Church of Rome, 5917. Daubeny (Ch.). Description of Volcanoes, 3691. Cunningham (A.). Life of Wilkie, 4964. -- Introduction to the Atomic Theory, 3367. -- Lives of Painters and Sculptors, 5672. D'Aubign6 (J. II. M.). History of the Reformation, Cutbush (J.). Artist's Manual, 3243. 5922. Cuvier (Baron). Animal Kingdom, 3516. D'Aubuisson de Voisins. Traite du Mouvement de -- Theory of the Earth, 3689. l'Eau, 1514. Cyprian (St. Csecilius). Treatise of Cyprian, 5918. Dauzats (A.). San Juan de Ulua, 1041. Cyril (St.). Catechetical Lectures, 5919. Davidoff (Le G6neral). Guerre de Partisans, 510. Cyrus the Great. History of, 4905. Davidson (J.). System of Practical Mathematics, 2192. Davie (W. R.). Formations and Movements of the D'Abrant6s. See Abrantes, 4541, 4542. Cavalry, 653. Dacunha (J. A.). Principes Math6matiques, 2191.. Davies (Charles). Logic of Mathematics, 2193. Dahlgren (Lieut. J. A.). Boat Armament, 291. -- University Arithmetic, 2277. Dailel (J.). Treatise on the Right Use of the Fathers, -- Legendre's Geometry and Trigonometry, 2369. 5920. — Descriptive Geometry, 2445, 2446. Dalby (I.). Trigonometrical Survey, 2646. — Shades and Shadows, 2447. Dalcho (F.). Account of the Protestant Episcopal -- Anailytical Geometry, 2531, 2532. Church, 5921. -- Elements of Surveying, 2647 to 2650. D'Alembert. Traite de Dynamique, 2760. -- Differential and Integral Calculus, 2572, 2573. -- Traite de l'Equilibre, 2761. Davies (Rev. J.). Estimate of the Human Mind, 5923. -- Systdme du Monde, 3013. - D'Aviler (A. Ch.). Dictionnaire d'Architerture, 1347. - La Precession des Equinoxes, 3014. Davis (A.). Lecture on the Discovery of America, Dallas (A. J.). Reports of Cases ruled and adjudged, 4797. 2113. Davis (D.). Manual of Magnetism, 3458. Dallaway (R. J.). English Architecture, 1346. Davis (J.). Morton's New-England's Memorial, 4798. Damoiseau (Le Baron de). Tables de la Lune, 3189. Davis (J. F.). Chinese, 4747. Dampier (W.). Voyage autour du Monde, 4169. Davis (P. M.). History of the War between the Uni-- Life and Voyage, 4170. ted States and Great Britain, 896. Dana (J. D.). System of Mineralogy, 3636, 3637. Davis (W.). Rlowe's Doctrine of Fluxions, 2574. Dana (J. F.). Epitome of Chemical Philosophy, 3366. - Treatise on Land Surveying, 2651. Dana (R. H. Jr.). Two Years before the Mast, 4171. -- Newton's Natural Philosophy, 2846. Dana (R.. H.). Poems and Prose Writings, 5363. Davy (Ch.). Architect, Engineer, &c, Builder's ManDana (S. L.). Manual for Farmers, 3581. nal, 1778. Dane (N.). Abridgment and Digest of American Law, Davy (II.). Chemical Philosophy, 3368. 2114. -- Agricultural Chemistry, 3369. Daniel (P. G.). Histoire de la Milice Frangaise, Day (J.). Construction and Formation of lailways, 1232. 1779. Daniell (F.). Meteorological Essays, 3457. - Introduction to Algebra, 2311. Danjou (F.). Histoire de France, 2599. -- Treatise of Plane Trigonometry, 2484. Dante (A.). Vision, 5364. -- Principles of Navigation and Surveying, 2966. D'Antermony (J. B.). Voyage, 4172. Dealtry (W.). Principles of Fluxions, 2575. D'Antoni. See Antoni, 241, 2736. Decafndolle & Sprengel. Philosophy of Plants, 3582. D'Anville. See Anville. Decastres. See Castres, 4155. Darby (W.). Emigrant's Guide, 4T96. Decessart (L. Alex.). Description des Travaux HyD'Arcon (M.). Considerations sur les Fortifications, 33. drauliques, 1649. -- Conseil de Guerre prive sur l'venement de Gi- Decker (C.). Tactique des Trois Armes, 511. braltar, 34. -- La Petite Guerre, 512, 513. --- eponse aux M6moire de Montalembert, 35. - Suppl6ment de la Petite Guerre, 514. D'Arcy (Ch.). Observations et Experiences sur l'Ar- - Art of Penwork, 3877. tillerie, 293. Decker (C. D.). Batailles de la Guerre de Sept ans, 300. -- Th6erie d'Artillerie, 294. Decker. Exp6riences sur les Shrapnels, 301. -- Memoire sur la Th6orie de l'Artillerie, 295. Decker (E.). Trait6 d'Artillerie, 297. D'Argenson. See Argenson, 4550. -- Trait de Pyrotechnie, 298. Darius the Great. History of, 4905. i- Instruction sur les Projectiles, 299. 366 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Decret sur les Revnes la Solde, 762. Denison (E. B.). Treatise on Clock and Watch MlakDedon (l'ain6). Passage de la Limat, 1042. ing, 2165. -- Campagnes de l'an IV. et V., 1043. Denuelle (Alex.). Trait6 du Magonnerie, 1785. Defontaine. Projet d'un Chemin de fer de Paris a Or- De Quincey (Th.). Confessions of an English Opium 16ans, 1780. Eater, 6168. - Projet d'un Chemin de fer de Paris a Ronen, an — Miscellaneous Essays, 6169. Havre et a Dieppe, 1781. — Biographical Essays, 6170. De Gerando. See Gerando, 5185. — The Cesars, 6171. De Hart (W. C.). On Courts Martial, 806. L — ife and Manners, 6172. De Kay (J. E.). Zoology of New-York, 3517. -- Literary Reminiscences, 6173. De La Beche (11. T.). Geological Observer, 3692. Derlham (W.). Physico-Theology, 5924. Delafons (J.). On Naval Courts Martial, 807. Derniers Sentiments des plus Illustres Personnages, Delagardette (C. M.). Dessin et du Lavis de'Archi- 1983. tecture, 1348. Desagulier (J. T.). Lectures of Experimental PhilosEegles des Cinq Ordres d'Architecture, 1349. ophy, 2848. -— LeOons 6lementaires des Ombres dans l'Architec- Desbordeliers (A.). Morale Militaire, 5252. ture, 1350. Des Cartes. (Euvres Philosophiques, 5179. Delaistre (J. R.). La Science de l'Ing6nieur, 1650. Descartes (R.). Les Passions de 1Ame, 5253. Encyclop6die de l'Ingnieur, 1651. -- Geometria, 2533. Delambre. Rapport sur les Progrks des Sciences _ Traite de la Lumiere et la Geometrie, 2534. Mathematiques, 2194. -- Principia Philosophiae, 2849, 2850. Delambre et Mechain. Base du Systeme M6trique Description de l'Pgypte, 4748. Decimal, 2653. Description de l'liitel Royal des Invalides, 1352. Delambre et Legendre. Determination d'un Arc, 2652. Description detaillec et Methodique des Six Planches, Delambre (J. B. J.). Tables Trigonometriques Deci- 1898. males, 2709. Description of Osler's Anemometer, 3462. Delambre. Abr6g6 d'Astronomie, 3016. Desjardin (C. L. G.). Campagnes en Italic, 1044. -- Astronomi Te Theoriqe et Pratique, 3017. Desmoulins (Camille). Memoires, 4602. -- Histoire de l'Astronomie Ancienne, 3018. De Soils. See Solis, 4671. — IIistoire de l'Astronomie do Moyen Age. 3019. Despretz (C.). Trait6 de Physique, 2851. -- ITistoire de l'Astronomie Modelrne, 3020. DI)essechements et Travaux Maritimes. 1653. Histoire de l'Astronomie au 181ne siecle, 3021. D Stainville. See Stainville, 2558. -- Tables Astronomiqes, 3190. Destouches (N.). (Envres, 5365. -- Tables Generales, 8191. De Tocqueville. See Tocqueville. Delambre et Burg. Tables Astronomiques, 3192. Deutschland. Charte von, 4042. Delam6therie (J. Cl.). Sciences Naturelles, 3518. Deutschland und Umliegenden Staaten, 4043. ~ — Lefons doe Mlin6ralogie, 30638. Devault (G6n.). Memoires Militaires, 807. Delaplaine's Lives and Portraits of Distinguished Develey (ECm.). tmile's Arithietique, 2279. Americans, 4965. Devis. Instructif des Travaux du G6nie, 39. Delaunay (J. B. R.). L'Alphabet du Trait, 1351. DevizO. SiSge de Toulon, 1047. Delaunay (M. Ch.). Cours de M6canique, 2764. Dewar (D.). Moral Philosophy and Christian Ethics, Delaware. MNap of, 4041. 5254. Deleuze. Histoire de France, 4601. Dewette. Human Life, 5255. De Lolme. See Lolme, 1997. Dewey (Orv.). Discourses on Human Nature, &c., Delprat (J. P.). Th6orie de la Poussee des Teorres, 38 5925. Deluc (J. A.). Modification dce'Atmosphere,.3459. - Discourses on the Nature of Reilgion, &c., 5926. Delvigne (G.). Cr6ation et de l'Emploi de la Force Dewitt (B.). Catalogue of Minerals, 3639. Armee, 763. Dewitt (S.). Elements of Perspective, 2448. Demachy. L'Art du Distillateur Liquoriste, 3370. Dezach (Baron). See Zach. D'Amile. See umlile, Arithmet-ique, 2281. DIHerbelot, Bibliotlhque Orientale, 4949. Demonferrand (J. F.). Manuel 1d'.lectricitb Dynam- D'Hericourt. S1elmlens de lArt Militaire, 516. ique, 3460. Dick (Rob.). On the Organs of Digestion, 3787. - Manual of Electro-Dynamics, 341. Dick (Th.). Works, 5980. De Morgan (Prof.). Study and Difficulties of Mathe- Christian Philosopher, 5927. matics, 2195.._ Philosophy of a Future State, 5928. -- Spherical Trigonometry, 2485.. - Philosophy of Religion, 5929. - Differential and Integral Calculus, 2576. On the Improvement of Society, 5211. Demosthenes. Orations, 5619, 5620. -- Celestial Scenery, 3023. Dempsey (G. D.). Practical Railway Engineer, 1762. __ Sidereal Heavens, 3024. — Tubular Bridges, 16.52. Dickens (Charles). Works, 5366. -- Drainage and Sewerage, 1783, 1784. Dickenson (J.). Familiar Letters, 5931. - Machinery of the Nineteenth Century, 1515. ~ True Scripture Doctrine, 5932. Denaix (Mme. Ate.). Atlas Physique, Politique, et His- Dictionary of Dates, 4896. torique, 3878. Dictionary of the Apparatus and Instruments, 3371. Denham & Clapperton. Narrative of Travels, 4174, Dictionnaire Universel, Historique, Critique, et Biblio4175. graphique, 4287, 4897. ALPHABETICAL INDE X. 36 Dictionnaire Biographique Universel et Pittoresque, Douglas (H.). Observations of Carnot's Defence, 48. 4898. - Treatise on Naval Gunnery, 307, 309. Dictionnaire des D6couvertes, Inventions, &c., 324-1, -- Trait d'Artillelie Navale, 308. Dictionnaire de l'lndustrie, 3245. Douglas (W.). British Settlements in North Amnerica, Dictionnaire des Arts et Metiers, 3246. 4803. Dictionnaire des Arts et Metiers et de l'tconomie, &e., Douliot (J. P.). Cours de Construction, 2197. 3247. - Charpente en Bois, 1517. Dictionnaire de Chimie, Mineralogie, et de G6ologie, -- Trait6 de Coupe des Pierres, 1789. 3372. Dover (Lord). Life of Frederic the Second, 496G. Dictionnaire d'Histoire Naturelle, 3519. Dower (J.). School Atlas of Modern Geography, 3888. Dictionnaire Pittoresque d'Histoire Naturelle, 3520. Dowling (D.). Key to ltutton's Mathematics, 2198. Dictionnaire Universel, G6ographique, Statistique, IIis- Downing (A. J.). Treatise on Landscape Gardening, torique, &c, 3879. 1353. Dictionnaire Geographique Universel, 3880. -- Architecture of Country Houses, Cottages, &c.. Dictionnaire, Historique, Topographique, et Militaire, 1355. 3881. -- Wightwick's Hints to Young Architects, I Dictionnaire des Sieges et Batailles Memorables, 1045. 1354. Didion. Exercices sur le Tir, 302. Drake, Cavendish & Dampier. Lives and Voyages, Memoires sur la Balistique, 303. 4176. D'Illens et Funk. Journaux des Sieges, 40, 1046. Drake (J. R.). Culprit Fay and other Poems, 5868. Diodori Siculi. Bibliothecae Historicae, 4336. Drinkwater (J.). Siege of Gibraltar, 1050. Dionis du S6jour. Essai sur les Cometes, 3025. Drinkwater Bethune (J.). Algebraical Expressions, -- Essai sur l'anneau de Saturne, 3026. 2312. -- Mouvemens des Corps C6lestes, 3027. Drouville (J. B.). Proposals for the Formation of -- Abhandlung von den Sonnenfinsternissen, 3028. a Corps of Lancers, 654. Diophant (A.). Arithmeticorum, 2280. Drunlmond (Mrs.). The Wilmot Family, 5369. D'Israeli. See Israeli. Curiosities of Literature, 5154, Duane (W.). Military Library, 517. 5155. -- Hand-Book for Infantry, 680. Distinguished Men of Modern Times, 4966. - Hand-Book for RIiflemen, 681. Ditton (I.). Institution of Fluxions, 2577. - Military Dictionary, 1271. Dobbs (A.). Countries adjoining to Hudson's Bay, 4801. -Visit to Colombia, 4177. D'Obenheim (A. M.). Balistique, 304. Du Barry (E. L.). Poussin's United States, its Power, -- Notice sur la Balistiquc, 305. and Progress, 4804. Dobson (E.). Manufacture of Bricks and Tiles, 1399. Dubuat. Principes d'lydraulique, 2766. On Masonry and Stone-Cutting, 1786. Ducarel (A. C.). Antiquit6s Anglo-Normandes, 4496. - On Foundation and Concrete Works, 1654. Duchateau (L. C.). Des Mouvemens Strategiques, 518. Art of Building, 1788. Duchemin (Col.). Memoires, 310. Documentary History of New-York, 4802. Duchesne (E.). ie1mens de G6ometrie Descriptive, Documents relatifs an Cotton D6tonnant, 306. 2450. Doddridge (R. Ph.). Lectures in Pneumatology, Eth- Duckett (G. F.). Technological Military Dictionary, ics, and Divinity, 5933. 1272. Dodds (r.). Mechanics for Practical Men, 1516. Duclercq (J.). IMmoires, 4604. Dode de la Brunerie. Op6rations contre Cadix, 1.048. Ducoudray. See Coudray, 1895. D'Odeleben. Campagne en Saxe, 1049. Duer (W. A.). Letter to Cadwallader D. Colden, 2115, Dodsley ( ). Preceptor, 5648. I — Jurisprudence, 2116. Economy of Human Life, 5256. Dufief (N. G.). Nature Displayed, 5556. Dodson (J.). Mathematical Repository, 2196. Dufour (G. I.). Travaux de Guerre, 44. Doisy. Bibliologie'Militaire, 5788. -- Fortification Permanente, 45. D'Omalius d'Halloy. See Omalius d'Halloy. -- Instruction sur le Dessin, 46. Domckio (G. P.). Philosophia Mathemnaticae, 2852. -- Cours de Tactique, 519. Donnegan (J.). Greek and English Lexicon, 5813. --- Gdomltrie Perspective, 2451. Donovan (M.). Treatise on Chemistry, 3373. Dufrenoy. M6tallurgique, 3640. -- Domestic Economy, 3583. Dufrenoy et ]lie de Beaumont. G6ologie de Ia Frances Don Quixote, 5367. 3697. Doppet. Memoires Politiques et Militaires, 1158. Duggan (George). Specimens of Bridges, Viaducts, D'Orbigny (A.). ForaminifSres Fossiles, 3694. Tunnels, Culverts, &c., 1657. -- Cours Elementaire de Pal6ontologie, &c., 3696. DuI Guesclin. Chronique, 4605. D'Orbigny (Ch.). Tableau Synoptique du Eegne Ve6 Duhamel (J. B.). Regiae Scientiarum Academiae Hisgetal, 3584. toria, 3248. D'Orbigny et Gente. G6ologie appliquee aux Arts et Duhamel du Monceau. La Physique des Arbres, 3585. a lAgriculture, 3695. -- Slmens d'Architecture Navale, 1356. D'Orleans. See Orl6ans, 4690. -- Conservation et de la Force des Bois, 1901. Douglas (G.). Euclid's Elements, 2370. -- L'Art de Catier, Cirier et Chandelier, 1902. -- Art of Drawiug in Perspective, 2449. Duhesme sur I'lnfanterie Legere, 520. Douglas (H.). Essay on the Military Bridges, 41. Dulacq. Artillerie, 311. -- Essai aur les Ponts Militaires, 42. Dulaure (J. A.). Histoire de Paris, 4606. BBS 68 ALPHABETICAL INDEX, Duleau (A.). Seur la R6sistance du fer Forg6, 1903. Dwight (Timothy). Theology, 5934. Dumas. Trait6 de Chimie, 3374. Dwyer (J.). Hydraulic Engineering, 1662. Dumas (Le General Cornte Matthieu). Prbcis des ]ve- Dying Hours, 5935. nemens Militaires, 1051. Dymond (J.). Principles of Morality, 5257. -- Bigland's Histoire d'Espagne, 4433. -- Inquiry into the Accordancy of War, 5936. Du Mesnil (Marie). Memoires, 4607. Dumont (Baron). -I-istoire Militaire, 899. Earle (H.). Practical Observations in Surgery, 3788. Dumouriez. La Vie et les Memoires, 1159. Eastman (S.). Treatise on Topographical Drawing, Dunglison (E.). Public Discourse, 5621. 3884. Dunham. Iistory of Spain and Portugal, 4434. Eaton (Amos). Index to the Geology, 3698. Dunlap (W.). History of the New Netherlands, 4805. lcole Polytechnique, 5654. History of the Arts of Design, 5675. Acole Royale d'Artillerie et du GOnie, 47, 48. --- History of the American Theatre, 5147. tcole d'Application d'ttat-Major, 766. Dunlop (J.). History of Roman Literature, 4148. tcole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures, 3249. Dunn (H.). Guatemala, 4806. 1cole Normales, 5644. Dupain de Montesson. Vocabulaire de Guerre, 1273. tcole de Dessin, 5676. Duperry (L. J.). Voyage Autour du Monde, 4178. tcoles Historique et Morale du Soldat, 900. Dupin (Ch.). Mathematics, 2199. Edgartown Harbor, 4044 -- Dveloppements de G6ometrie, 2452. Edgeworth (M. & R. L.). Practical Education, 5646. -- Applications de G6ometrie, 2453. Edgeworth (R. L.). Construction of Roads and CarGeometrie et Meichnique 2654. riages, 1791. MeImoires sur la Marine et les Ponts et Chaussees Edinburgh Astronomical Observations, 3159. 1658. Edinburgh Journal of Science, 3250. -- Commercial Power of Great Britain, 1659. Edinburgh Annual Register, 5745. Ponts et Chauss6es, 1790. Edinburgh Encyclopaedia, 5814. -- Discours sur'Ilndustrie, 2062. Edinburgh Gazetteer, 3895. -- Syst6me de l'Administration Britannique, 2063. Edith May. Poems, 5370. — Forces de la France, 2064. Edwards (Edward). Treatise of Perspective, 2454. - Military Force of Great Britain, 764. Edwards (Peter). Anti-Psedobaptism, 5938. -- Voyages dans la Grande Bretagne, 4179. Edwards (President). Life of, 4969. -- Essai sur Monge, 4608. Works, 5937. Du Ponceau (P. S.). Bynkershoek's Law of War, Edward VI. Writings, 5939. 1953. Effets de IHarnachement pour l'Artillerie, 316. Duponceau (P.-:t.). Memoire sur les Langues de Eggers. Siege de Bergopzoom en 1741, 49, 1052. I'Amerique du Nord, 5557. Eginhard. Metnoires, 4611. Dupr6 d'Aulnay. Traita des Subsistances Militaires, Ehninger. I-Iood's Bridge of Sighs, 5677. 7'65. Ehwald (Col. von). Duties of Light Troops, 521. Du Pratz Lepage. See Lepage, 4831. Eisenberg (Baron d'). L'Art de Monter a Cheval, 741. Dupuget. Essai d'Artillerie, 312. Ekins (Ch.). Naval Battles, 901. - Construction des Batteries, 313. Electricity, 3163. Dupuis de Torcy. Navigation de la France, 1660. Elegant Extracts in Prose, 6174. Dupuit (J.). Essai sur le Tirage des Voitures, 1518. Elementary Course of Mathematics, 2200. Dupuy. Fragment d'un Ouvrage d'Anthemius, 2767. Eliot (S.). The Liberty, 4337. Durand (J N. L.). Lecons d'Architecture, 1357. Eliot (W. G.). On the Defence of Portugal, 1053.1 -- Graphique des Cours d'Architecture, 1358. Elizabeth (Queen). History of, 4482, 4905. - ecneil et Paralleles d'Edifices, 1359. Elizabeth; or, the Exiles of Siberia, 5371. Durand (Misnil). Observations sur le Canon, 314. Ellicott (A.). Boundaries of the United States, 4182. Durand de Maillane. Histoire de la Convention, 4609. Ellicot. Observations, 3160. Durat-Lasalle (Louis). Code de lOfficier, 808. Elliot (Capt. R.). Views in the East, 5678. Dlirtubie Th6odore). Manuel de l'Artillerie, 315. Elliot (Stephen). Botany, 3587. D'Urville-Bory de St. Vincent et Brongniart. Bo- Elmes (J.). Lectures on Architecture, 1360. tanique, 3586. -- Life and Works of Wren, 4970. Dusaulx (de). Memoires, 4610. 1eloquence Militaire, 522. Du Sejour Dionis. See Dionis du Sejour. Eloquence of the United States, 5622. Duteil (Le Chev.). Manoeuvres d'Infanterie, 682. Emerson (G. B.). On the Trees and Shrubs, 3588. - Formations and Manouvres of Infantry, 683. Emerson (R. W.). Essays, 5940. Dutens (J.). Menoires sur les Travaux Publics de Emerson (W). Cyclomathesis, 2201. l'Angleterre, 1661. — Treatise of Algebra, 2313, 2314. Dwight (H. E.). Travels in the North of Germany, -- Elements of Geometry, 2371. 4181. — Arithmetic of Infinites, 2372. Dwight (S. E.). Life of President Edwards, 4968. - Doctrine of Fluxions, 2578. Dwight (Theodore). History of the Hartford Conven- Doctrine of Combinations, 2656. tion, 1984. -- Principles of Mechanics, 2768. H- istory of Connecticut, 4808. -- Mathematical Principles of Geography, 2858, Dwight (Timothy). Travels in New-England and - Elements of Optics, 2944. New-York, 4180. -- Navigation, 2967. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 369 Emile. Arithm6tique, 2281. Euler (L.). Letters, 2856. Emmors (E.). Agriculture of New-York, 3589. — Theorie der Planeten und Cometen, 3081. -- Geology of New-York, 3699. -- Scientia Navalis, 1362. Emporium of Arts and Sciences, 3251, 3252. -- Lobrede auf, 4971. Emy (A. R.). Course elementaire de Fortification, 50. Eulogies on Adams and Jefferson, 5623. - Trait6 de l'Art de la Charpenterie, 1519. Eurripides. Tragedies, 5372. Du Mouvement des Ondes, 1663. Europe. Map of, 4046. Emy (C.-J.). Cours de Sciences Physiques et Chimiques Eusebius (Pamphilus). Thesaurus temporum, 5945. appliquees, 317. Evans (Lacy). On the Designs of Russia, 1985. Encyclopaedia Americana, 5815. Evans (Oliver). Manuel de l'Ing6nieur, 1521. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 5816, 5817.' — Millwright and Miller's Guide, 1522. Encyclopaedia Metropolitana, 5818. Evelyn (J.). Silva, 3590. Encyclop6die Methodique, 5819. Everett (Alex.). Europe, 1986. Enfield (W.). Natural Philosophy, 2854. Everett (A. H.). Essays, 5594. -- History of Philosophy, 518.). Everett (E.). Orations and Speeches, 5624. Engineer's and Contractor's Pocket-Book, 1792. Ewbank (Th.). Hydraulics and Mechanics, 1523. Engineering and Mechanical Drawing-Book, 1793. Ewing (Alex.). Practical Astronomy, 3033. England (G.). Inquiry into the Morals, 5258. Examen de la Legislation, 809. Englefield (HI). On Comets, 3083. Examen des Historiens d'Alexandre, 4338. Engles (W. M.). Records of the Presbyterian Church, Exchaquet (H.). Dictionnaire des Ponts et Chauss6es, 5941.. 1664. Eothen, 4183. Exercice sur le Trace des Fortifications, 56. Epictetus. Works, 5259. Eximeno (D. A.). Delle Origine, 5679. Epures relatives a la Fortification, 51. Experiences sur les Projectiles creux, 318. Epures de Clarpente, 1520. Exp6riences de Forces Navales, 319. Epures de Coupe des Pierres, 1794. Expdriences faites a Gavre, 320. Epures de Geornetrie descriptive, 2455. Experiences d'Artillerie executees A Gavre, 321. Epures de Topographie, 3886. Experiences relatives a l'Artillerie, 322. Equitation. The Book of Aids, 742. Experiences sur les Poudres de Guerre, 323. Erman (A.). Travels in Siberia, 4184. Experiences faites a Metz, 326. Ernest (Le Prince). L'Art de la Fortification, 52. Experiences faites A Esquerdes, 324. Errard (A.). Fortification, 53. Experiences d'Artillerie ex6cut6es a Lorient, 325. Erskine (Th.). Remarks of Revealed Religion, 5942. Experience d'Artillerie, 327. Eschenburg (J. J.). Manual of Classical Literature, 5149. Experiments on Gunpowder, 328. Espanay Portugal. Mapa Civily, Militar de, 4045. Extrait du Reglement, 810. Esposizione Copiossissima, 2066. Esprit Militaire, 523. Faber (G. S.). Mysteries of the Cabiri, 5946. Essai sur la Fortification, 54. - On the Prophecies, 5947, 5948. Essai sur la Defense, 55. Fabre. Machines Hydrauliques, 1524. Essai de Tactique, 524. - Theorie des Torrens, 1665. Essai sur les Chemins de Fer, 1795. - Traite complet du Nivellement, 2657. Essays on Gothic Architecture, 1361. Faesch. Instruction Militaire, 525. Essays on the Analogy, 6943. Fain (Le Baron). Manuscrit de 1794-95, 902. Essays on Romanism, 5944, - Manuscrit de1812, 903. Essayists, British, 6175, - Manuscrit de 1813, 904. Ethnological Society, 4288. -- Manuscrit de 1814, 905. Euclid. Treatise of Geometry, 2373. Fairbairn (H.). Political Economy of Rail-Roads, 2067. - Elements, 2374, 2375, 2376. Fairbairn (W.). Conway and Menai Tubular Bridges, - (Euvres, 2377. 1666. -- Elements of Geometry, 2378,2379. Fairfax. Memoires, 4497. -- Elements of the whole Fifteen Books, 2370. Fairfield (S. L.). Spirit of Destruction, and other Po- Quae supersunt omnia, 2381. ems, 5373. Datorum, 2382. Falck (N. D.). Ready Observator, 3194. - Elementorum, 2383. Falconer (W.). Dictionary of the Marine, 1274. EugBne de Savoie (Le Prince). Campagnes, 1054. Fallois (J. de). L'Ilcole de la Fortification, 57. - Memoirs of, 1160. Fallot. Cours d'Art Militaire, 526. Eungne Napoleon. Histoire Politique et Militaire, 1161. Falti (J. B.). Romanorum Fontinalia, 1863. Euler (J. A.). Theoria motuum Lunae, 3032. Familiar Lectures, Six, 527. Euler (L.). t16mens d'Algbre, 2316. Fane (H. E.). Five Years in India, 4185. - Elements of Algebra, 2317. Fantin-Desodoards. HiIstoire de la Revolution, 4612. - Institutiones Calculi Integralis, 2580. Faraday. Dry Rot in Timber, 1904. - Vollstandige differenzial Rechnung, 2531. Faraday (M.). Chemical Manipulation, 3375, 3376. - Einleitung in die Analysis des unendlichen, 2582. Farey (J.). Treatise on the Steam-Engine, 1525. - Introduction l'Analyse Infinitesimale, 2583. Farmer and Moore. Gazetteer of New Hampshire, - Methodus inveniendi Lineas Curvas, &c., 2584. 3887. - Lettres, 2855. Farrar (J.). Elementary Treatise of Trigonometry, 2486. 24 370 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Farrar (J.). Natural Philosophy, 2857. Fleuret. Composition des Pierres factices, 1796. Fauvel-Gouraud (F.). Phreno-Mnemotechny, 5212. Fleurieu. Introduction Historique, 4186. Fav6 (1.). D6fense des Places Fortes, 58. Fleury. (Euvres, 5954. - Iistoire et Tactique des trois Armes, 528. Fleury de Chaboulon. M6moires, 4615. Fay et Cambray. Maniere de Fortifier, 59. Flint (Tim.). Geography and History, 3890. Fay (H. A.). Official Accounts of the Battles, 1055. - History and Geography, 3891. Fay (T. S.). Ulric, 5374. Flodoard, ou Frodoard. M6moires, 4616. Featherstonhaugh (G. W.). Geological Report, $700. Florian. History of the Moors of Spain, 4437. Federal Constitution, 2117. Florida. Map of, 4047, 4048. Federalist, 1987. Florida. Map of the Seat of War in, 4049. Felibien. Des Principes de l'Architecture, &c., 1864. Florus (A.). (Euvres, 4341. Felice (G. de). History of the Protestants of France, Floy. Young's Geometry, 2384. 5949. Fligel (J. A.). Dictionary, English and German, Female Sovereigns, 4972. 5821. Fenelon (de la Mothe). (Euvres completes, 5950. Foissac (F. P.). Guerre des Retranchemens, 63. Fenin. Memoires, 4613. -- Vauban's GEuvres Militaires, 64. Fenn (J.). Complete System of Algebra, 2318. Folard. Histoire de Polybe, 908. Fenwick (Th.). Treatise on Subterraneous Surveying, Fontaine (de la). See Lafontaine, 5426. 2658. Fontana (G.). Dissertazione idrodinamica, 2769. Fer de la Nouerre. Navigation interieure, 1667. Fordyce (J.). Addresses, 5625. Ferguson (A.). History of the Roman Republic, 4339, Forestier. De l'Infanterie L6gere, 529. 4340. Formy de la Blanchetee. cole de Tirailleurs, 687. -- History of Civil Society, 5620, 5621. Forster (J. R.). Bossu's Travels, 4187. - Moral and Political Science, 5262. Fortifications de Paris, 65, 66. Ferguson (J.). Astronomy, 3034, 3035, 3036. Fortification permanente. Cours de, 67. - Tables and Tracts, 2858. Fortifications passagSres. Cours des, 68. - Lectures, 2159 to 2864. Fortification. Elements of, 69. Ferrand (J. 1-. B.). D6fense de Valenciennes, 60, Foss6. Id6es d'un Militaire, 70. Ferraris. Carte des Pays-Bas, 3888. Foster (J.). Essays, 5263. Ferrieres. Memoires, 4614. - Discourses on Natural Religion, 5955. Ferroni (P.). Logarithmorum, 2710. - Subject of Religion, 5956. Fezensac (de). Campagne de Russie on 1812, 1056. - Lectures, 5957. Fichte (de). Destination de l'Homme, 5182. Foster (T.). Military Instruction from the late King Field Exercise and Evolutions, 684, 685. of Prussia, 530. Field of Mars, 907. Foster (Th.). Atmospheric Phaenomena, 3464. Field (G.). Painter's Art, 5680.. Fouche (J.). Memoires, 4617. Filon. Histoire de France et d'Angleterre, 4435. Foucher ou Foulcher. Memoires, 4618. Finck (P. J. E.). D'Analyse Infinit6simale, 2585. Fourgeroux de Bondaroy. Travailler les Cuir dores, Finden. Illustrations of the Life and Works of Lord 1905. Byron, 5682. Foulcher ou Foucher de Chartres. Memoires, 4618. Finden (Wm. & Edw.). Landscape Illustrations of the Fourcroy (A. F.). Connaissances Chimiiques, 3377. Waverley Novels, 5681. - Elementary Lectures on Chemistry, 3378. Finley (A.). Atlas Classica, 3889. Fournel (H.). Gites houillers, 3641. Fischmeister (J.). Trait6 de Fortification passaglre, 61. Fourier. Th6orie de la Chaleur, 3465. Fisher (D.). System of Military Tactics, 686. Fournie. Programme des Math6matiques, 2202. Flachat. Mecanique industrielle, 1526. Fownes (G.). Rudimentary Chemistry, 3379. -- Du Canal Cal6donien, 166S. Fox (Ch. J.). Speeches, 5626. Flamsteed. Atlas Celeste, 3037. Fox (J.). English Martyrology, 5958. -- Historia Coelestis, 3161, 3162. - Writings, 5959. Flavel (Rev. J.). Divine Conduct, 5951. Foy (General). Guerre de la Peninsule, 909. -- Blow at Antinomianism, 5952. Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum, 4342. Flavigny. Construction des Places, 62. Franpais (de M.). Fortification passagere, 71. -- Examen de la Poudre, 329. - Cours d'Art Militaire, 531. Flaxman (J.). Anatomical Studies, 3789. Frangais (J. F.). Mouvement d'un Corps, 2770. - Compositions from Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, - Cours de Topographie Militaire, 3892. 5683. France. Carte Topographique de la, 5893. -- Compositions from the Tragedies of Aeschylus, France Septentrionale. Carte de la, 4050. 5684. Francis (G.). Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, 3253. - Compositions from Hesiod, 5685. - Chemical Experiments, 3380. -- Compositions of the Acts of Mercy, 5686. Francis (J. W.). American Medical Register, 3790. -- Lectures on Sculpture, 5687. Francceur (L. B.). Cours complet de Math6matiques, Fleming (J.). Philosophy of Zoology, 3521. 2203. Fleming (R.). Fulfilling of the Scripture, 5953. - Complete Course of Mathematics, 2204. Fleming and Tibbins. Dictionary, English and French, - Dessin Lineaire, 2546. 5820. - Trait 616ementaire de Mecanique, 2771. Fletcher (J.). History of Poland, 4436. - Uranographie, 3088. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 371 Francceur (L. B.). ]Slemens de Technologie, 8254. Garbett (E. L.). Principles of Design in Architecture Francois de Sales (St.)., 5960. 1366. Franklin (B.). ixperiences sur l'Electricite, 8466. Garden (A.). Revolutionary War in America, 913. -- Memoirs of, 4973. Gardner(C.K.). Infantry Exercise and Manceuvres, 688. - Works, 6177. Garland (H. A.). Life of John Randolph, 4983. Franklin Institute. Journal of the, 8255. Garland (R.). Illustrations of Cathedrals, 1867. Franklin (J.). Journey to the Polar Sea, 4188. Garnett (J.). Tables for finding the Latitude and Lon- Second Expedition to the Polar Sea, 4189. gitude, 2968. Fraser (J. B.). History of Persia, 4750. Garnier (J. G.). t16mens d'Algebre, 2820. Fr6dbric II., Roi de Prusse. Instruction a ses G6ne- - G6om6trie Analytique, 2536. raux, 532. Analyse Algebrique, 2537. Secret Strategical Instructions, 621. - Calcul Integral, 2586. -- Vie de, 4974. - Calcul Differentiel, 2587. -- Life of, 4975, 4976. - Trisection de l'Angle, 2205. — C- Euvres Posthumes, 6178, 6179. Garsault (Fr.-A. de). Parfait Mar6chal, 748. - Euvres, 6180. Gassendi. Aide-Memoire, 8831. -- Posthumous Works, 6181. Gassendi (P.). Institutio Astronomica, 3040. Frend (W.). Principles of Algebra, 2319. -- Epicuri Philosophiae, 5184. Fr6ron. Mdemoire Historique, 4619. Gaudin (A. P.). Pens6e de D'Alembert, 2538. Frezier. Traite des feux d'Artifice, 330. Gaudin (M. M. Ch.). M6moires, 4622. - Coupe des Pierres, 1797. Gauss (Ch. Fr.). Recherches Arithm6tiques, 2282. Friends in Council, 6182. - Theoria motus Corporum Coelestium, 3041. Frisbie. Miscellaneous, 6183. Gauthey (E. NI.). Projet de Derivation jusqu'a Paris, Frisi (P.). Treatise on Rivers and Torrents, 1669. 1672. Frisii (P.). De Gravitate, 2772. Gauthey (M.). Construction des Ponts, 1673. Frith (J.). Writings, 5961. - Canaux de Navigation, 1673. Frodoard, ou Flodoard. Memoires, 4620. Gautier (H.). Construction des Chemins, 1798. Froissart (J.). Chronicles, 4438. Gay de Vernon. Traite d'Art Militaire, 73, 74. -- Les Chroniques, 4439. Gay-Lussac et Thenard. Recherches Physico-ChimFrome. Trigonometrical Survey, 2659. iques, 3382. Frontin. Stratagesmes, 1233. Gazan. De la Pesistance, 332. Frost (J.) Book of the Army, 910. Gazetteer, The Edinburgh, 3895. - Book of the Navy, 911. Geiszler (J. G.). Instrumente und Kunstewerke, 1527. Scientific Swimming, 5734, 5735. Gillibrand. Trigonometrica Britannica, 2712. Frothingham (R.). Siege of Boston, 1057. General Regulations for the Army of the United States, Fuller Ossoli (Margaret). Memoirs of, 6184. 811. Fulton (R.). Torpedo Warfare, 533. General Regulations and Orders for the British Army, - On Canal Navigation, 1670. 812, 813. Life of, 4977. General Orders from 1792 to 1797, 814. Funck. Journaux des Sieges, 72. Genieys. L'Art de conduire les Eaux, 1674. Furlong (L.). American Coast Pilot, 3894. Genieys (R.). Tables des Ing6nieurs, 1799. Fuss (N.). Lobrede auf Euler, 4978. Genlis. Memoires, 4623. Fyfe (A.). Elements of Chemistry, 3381. Genlis (MItne de). L'Influence des Femmes, 5150. Genty. Progres des Math6matiques, 2206. Galbraith (W.), Tables, 2711. G6odesiques. Instruction sur la, 2660. Gale (Th.). Court of the Gentiles, 5183. Geological Nomenclature for North America, 3701. Galerie des enfans de Mars, 534. Geological and Agricultural Survey, 3702. Galilei (Galileo). Opere di, 3039. Geological Survey of New-York, 3703. - Life of, 4979. Geological Map of New-York, 3704. Galilei (V.). Dialogo della Musica, 5688. Geological Survey of Ohio, 3705. Gallatin (Albert). Navigation interieure, 671. Geological Society, 3706. -- Right of the United States to the North-Eastern George IV. Life and Times of, 4984. Boundary, 1988. Gerando (de). Histoire Comparbe de la Philosophic, -- Currency and Banking System of the United 6185. States, 2068. Gerard (A.). Essay on Taste, 5595. Gallery of American Art, 5690. Gerard (G6n6ral). Derniore Observations sur la BaGallery of Distinguished Persons, 4980. taille de Waterloo, 1059. Gallery, Pictorial, 5389. Gergonne (J. D.). Annales de Math6matiques, 2207. Galli (F.). Derniere Guerre de Catalogue, 912. Gerry (E.). Life of, 4985. Gallois (L.). Ilistoire de Murat, 1162. Gerstner (F. J.). Ilandbuch der Mechanik, 1528. Gallus. (Euvres, 5376. -- Memoire sur les grandes Routes, 1800. Galt (J.). Life of Byron, 4981. Gesner (A.). Geology and Mineralogy, 8707. -- Life of West, 4982. Gessert (Dr. M. A.). Art of Painting on Glass, 5691. Gamon (A.). M6moires, 4621. Geuss (J. M.). L'Art du Mineur, 76. Gandon. Vitruvius Britannicus, 1365. Gibbes (R. W.). Description of the Teeth, 8522. Ganilh (Ch.). Political Economy, 2069. - Fossil Squalidae of the United States, 3523. 372 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Gibbon (E.). History of the Roman Empire, 4843. Gossellin (P. F. J.). Recherches sur la G6ographie Histoire de l'Empire Romain, 4844. 3897. Gibbons (D.). Law of Contracts, 2118. Gould (A. A.). Invertebrata of Massachusetts, 3526. Gibson (R.). Practical Surveying, 2661. - Principles of Zoology, 3527. Gibson (W.). Institutes and Practice of Surgery, 3791. Gould (B. A.). History of the Discovery of Neptune, Gil Bias. Histoire de, 5877. 3042. Gill (Th.). Technical Repository, 8256. Gould (M. T. C.). Guide of Short-hand Writing, 5560. Gilleland (J. C.). History of the late War, 914. Goulon. L'Attaque et la Defense d'une Place, 79, 80. Gillespie (W. M.). Road-making and Rail-Roads, 1801. Goupil (Le). Manuel de'Administration, 767. Gillies (J.). History, of the World, 4289. Gouraud Fauvel. See Fauvel-Gouraud, 5215. - History of Ancient Greece, 4345. Gour6 (E.). G6ometrie Analytique, 2539. Gillis (J. M.). Astronomical Observations, 3163. Gourgaud (Le General). Napoleon et la grande Arm6e, Gillot (C. L.). Fortification souterraine, 77. 1060, 1061. Girard (P. S.). Resistence des Solides, 1906. Gourgaud et Montholon. Memoires de Napoleon, 4626, - Mouvement des Eaux, 1675. 4627. - Devis general du Canal de l'Ourcq, 1677. Gourgaud & Montholon. Memoirs of Napoleon, 4628, - Description du Canal de l'Ourcq, 1676. 4629. - Devis general du Canal Saint-Martin, 6178. Gourlay (R.). Account of Upper Canada. 4811. - Gerstner's Memoire sur les grandes Routes, 1802. Gourlier, Biet, Grillon et Tardieu. Choix d'ldifices, Girard (l'Abbe) Synonymes Frangais, 5558. 1370. Girault (J. P.). Memoire sur les Ecluses, 1679. Gouvion-Saint-Cyr. See Saint-Cyr. Girault-Duvivier. Grammaire des Grammaires, 5559. Gozzini. Monumenti Sepolcrali della Toscana, 5692. Gisborne (Th.). Moral Philosophy, 5264. Graevenitz (1-. F.). Trajectoire des Projectiles, 833. On the Duties of Men, 5265. Graham (Th.). Elements of Chemistry, 8383. - Familiar Survey of the Christian Religion, 5962. Graham (J.). History of the United States, 4812. -- Sermons, 5963. Grammaire Nationale, 4561. Gleig (Rev. G. R.). Lives of Military Commanders, Grammar of the French Tongue, 5562. 1163. Granet (J. J.). IHtel des Invalides, 1371. - History of the Bible, 5364. Granger (Th. C.). Tomlins' Law-Dictionary, 2120. Glenie (J.). Military Construction, 78. Grant (R. D.). Duty of Children, 6966. Gliddon (G. R.). Ancient Egypt, 4846. Grantham (J. C. E.). Iron for Ship-building, 1372. Glossary of Architecture, 1368. Gratien. Memoires sur les Pouzzolanes, 1909. Glossary of Terms used in Gothic Architecture, 1869. Grattan (H.). Speeches, 5627. Glu Marine. Notice sur la, 1907. Gravesande (G. J.). Physicis Mathematica, 2866. Glynn (J.). Construction of Cranes and Machinery, -- Natural Philosophy, 2867. 1530. Grawert. Schlacht bei Pirmasenz, 1063. Godman (J. D.). Natural History, 8524. Gray. Observations on an Iron Rail-Way, 1804. Godwin (P.). Goethe's Truth and Poetry, &c., 5378. Gray (A.). Experienced Mill-Wright, 1532. Godwin (W.). On Population, 1989. - Genera of the Plants of the United States, 8591. -- History of the Commonwealth of England, 4498. Gray (H.). Letters from Canada, 4813. Godwyn (Th.). Moses and Aaron Rites, 4347. Gray (R.). Connection between the Sacred Writings, Goethe. Truth and Poetry; or, Autobiography of, 5967. 5379. Gray (S. F.). Operative Chemist, 3384. - Wilhelm Meister, 5380. Greene (A.). Lectures on the Shorter Catechism, 5968. - Iphigenia in Tauris, 5381. Greene (N.). Life and Correspondence of, 1164. Goguelat. Memoire, 4624. Greener (W.). Science of Gunnery, 334. Goguet. De l'Origine des Lois, des Arts et des Sciences, Greenland. History of, 4814. 3257. Greenough (G. B.). Principles of Geology, 3708. Gohier (L. J.). Memoires, 4625. Greenwood (G.). Cavalry Sword Exercise, 718. Goldsmith (Oliver). History of the Earth, 8525. Gregoire (II.). Intellectual and Moral Faculties of Ne- Roman History, 4348. groes, 1990. - Grecian History, 4349. Gregoire de Tours. Memoires, 4630. - History of England, 4499. Gregory (D.). Practical Geometry, 2662. - Life of, 4987, 4988. - Astronomiae Physicae, Geometricae, 3043. -- Vicar of Wakefield, 5382. Astronomy, Physical and Geometrical, 3044. Miscellaneous Works, 6185. Gregory (G.). Economy of Nature, 2868. Gomard (M.). Manual of Bayonet Exercise, 722. Gregory (John). Complete Course of Civil EngineerGood (J. M.). Book of Nature, 5186. ing, 1805. Goodwin (Th.). Return of Prayers, 5965. Gregory (O.). Treatise of Mechanics, 2773. Gordon (A.). Elemental Locomotion, 1803. - Treatise on Astronomy, 3045. Gordon (Rev. J.). History of Ireland, 4500. - Mathematics, 2208. Gordon (Th. F.). Digest of the Law of the United Gregorii (P.). Geometricum quatraturae Circuli, 2385. States, 2119. Gregorii (R. P.). Opus Geometricum, 2386. i History and Gazetteer of New Jersey, 4809. Gren (F. Ch.). Principles of Chemistry, 3385. Gordon (W.). Marine and: Steam Engine, 1531. Grewenitz (de). Organisation de l'Artillerie, 335. -- imtory ef the United States, 4810.. Griffin (J. J.). Chemical Recreations, 8386. ~-i' ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 373 Griffiths (F. A.). Artillerist's Manual, 336. Guthbertson. Management of a Battalion of Infantry, Grillon. Choix d']difices, 133. 689. Grimaret (de). Fonctions des G6n6raux, 535. Guthrie (W.). System of Modern Geography, 8898. Grimoard (Le Comte de). Conqultes de Gustave - Geographical Grammar, 3899. Adolfe, 917. -- Atlas of Modern Geography, 3900. Grimoard (Le G6enral). Service de l'ttat-Major, 768. Guthrie (Rev. W.). Christian's Great Interest, 5791. Grimoard et Servan. Guerre de la Revolution, 916. Guyard. Instruction de l'nfanterie Legere, 690. Grinfield (E. W.). Natural and Revealed Theology, Guyot (A.). Earth and Man, 3901. 5969. Guyot (M.). R6creations Physiques et Mathematiquet, Griscom (J. H.). Animal Mechanism and Physiology, 2209. 3792. Gwilt (J.). Sciography; or, Examples of Shadows, Griswold (R. W.). Poets and Poetry of England, 5383. 1375, 1376. - Poets and Poetry of America, 5384. - Rudiments of Architecture, 1377. Grivet. Aide-M6moire de 1'Ing6nieur, 81. -- Elements of Architectural Criticism, 1378, Grobert (J. F. L.). Memoires d'Artillerie, 337. - Equilibrium of Arches, 1806. Groombridge (S.). Catalogue of Circumpolar Stars, Gymnastic Instructions, 5736. 3195. - Observations on Atmospherical Refraction, 4164. Haas (I.). Carte de la Hesse, 8902. Gros (J. D.). Principles of Rectitude, 5266. llachette. Traite elementaire des Machines, 1535. Grose. Gothic Architecture, 1374. - Correspondance sur l'tcole Polytechnique, 1586. Grote (G.). History of Greece, 4310. - Second Supplement de la G6ometrie descriptive, Grotius (Hugo). Rights of War and Peace, 1594. 2458. - De Jure Belli ac Pacis, 1955. -- lements de Geometrie, 2540. - Life of, 4989. - L'Analyse Geometrique, 2541. - Truth of the Christian Religion, 5970. Hackett (W.). Review Manceuvres of a Regiment of Grove (]T.). Moral Philosophy, 5267. Cavalry, 655. Gruel (G.). Chronique, 4631. Hackley (Ch. W.). Treatise on Algebra, 2321. Grund (F. J.). Iirsch's Arithmetical and Algebraic Elementary Course of Geometry, 2388. Problems, &c., 2288. -- Elements of Trigonometry, 2488. - Plane Geometry, 2387. - Treatise on Trigonometry, 2489. Guastalla. Carta di, 4051. Haddon (J.). Book-Keeping and Commercial PhraseGuay-Trouin (G6neral). Memoires, 1165. ology, 2070. Guenyveau (A.). Science des Machines, 1533. - Rudimentary Arithmetic, 2284. Guericke (O.). Experimenta de Yacuo Spatio, 2869. - Elements of Algebra, 2322. Guerre de'an 1809, 1064. Hageau (A.). Canal de la Meuse, 1680. Guerres des Vend6ens et des Chouans, 918. Haidinger (W.). Mobs' Mineralogy, 3643. Guesclin. See Du Guesclin, 4605. Haillot (C. A.). Passage des Rivieres, 83. Guibert. (Eavres Militaires, 536. - Equipages de Ponts Militaires, 84. Guibert de Nogent. Memoires, 4633. - Statistique Militaire et l'Organisation, &c., 769. Guicciardini (F.). Iistoire d'Italie, 4440. Haines. Public Documents relating to the New-York Guichardin (F.). Histoire des Guerres d'Italie, 919. Canals, 1682. Guillaume de Vaudoncourt. See Vaudoncourt. Hale (Horatio). Ethnography and Philology, 5563. Guillaume le Br6ton. Memoires, 4634. Hale (M.). Primitive Origination of Mankind, 5268. Guillaume de Jumiere. Memoires, 4635. Hale (S.). History of the United States, 4815. Guillaume de Nangis. Memoires, 4636. Haliburton (Th. C.). Nova-Scotia, 4816. Guillaume de Saint-Thierri. Memoires, 4637. Hall (Capt. Basil). Travels in North America, 4190. Guillaume de Tyr. Memoires, 4638. - Fragments of Voyages and Travels, 4191. Guillon de Montleon. Memoires, 4639. - Forty Etchings, 5693. Guischardt (Ch.). Memoires sur les Grecs et les Ro- Hall (Col. F.). Colombia, 4817. mains, 1234. Hall (James). Geology and Palaeontology of New- Memoires Militaires, 1235. York, 3709. Guizot. Revolution d'Angleterre, 4501. Hall (John). Chief End of Man, 5972. - Collection des MOmoires relatifs a la Revolution Hall (Marshall). Diseases of Females, 3793. d'Angleterre, 4502. - Essay on the Circulation of the Blood, 3794. - Collection des Memoires relatifs a I'Histoire de - On Blood-letting, 3795. France, 4640. - Lectures on the Nervous System, 8796. - History of Civilization, 4441. - Theory and Practice of Medicine, 3797. - Washington. Fondation de la Republique des - Memoirs on the Nervous System, 3798. ltats-Unis, 4990. Hall (Rev. R.). Works, 59T3. Gummere (J.). Treatise on Surveying, 2663. Hallam (H.). Middle Ages, 4442. - Treatise on Astronomy, 3046, 3047, 8048. - Constitutional History of England, 4503. Gumpertz et Lebrun. Traite des Mines, 82. - Literature of Europe, 5151. Gunter (E.). Works, 1534. Halleck (F. G.). British Poets, 5386. Gursood. Wellington's Dispatches, 815. - Poetical Works, 5385. Gustave (Adolfe). Conquetes de, 920. i Halleck (H. W.). Military Art and Science, 85. -- Lettres et M6moires, 1166. Halley (E.). Astronomical Tables, 3196. 874 ALPIABETICAL INDEX. Halley. Synopsis of the Astronomy of Comets, 3049. Hazlitt (W.). English Comic Writers, 5152. Halyburton (Rev. Th.). Natural Religion Insufficient, - Miscellaneous Works, 6188. 5974. Head (F. B.). Life of Bruce. 4993. - Great Concern of Salvation, 5975. Head (E.). Hand-Book of Painting, 5696. Hamilton (Alex.). Works, 1991. Head (Sir F.). Faggot of French Sticks, 5391. - Federalist, 1992. Headley (J. T.). Napoleon and his Marshals, 1168. - Life of, 4991, 4992. - Washington and his Generals, 1169. Hamilton (B. A.). Peninsular Campaigns, 1066. - Life of Cromwell, 4994. Hamilton (Eliz.). Letters on Education, 5647. Heath (Maj. Gen.). Memoirs of, 1170. Hamilton (.H). Geometrical Treatise of Conic Sections, Heath (R.). Astronomia accurata, 3051. 2389. Heath. Travelling Sketches, 4192. Hamilton (H. P.). Principles of Analytical Geometry, Picturesque Annuals, 5697. 2542. Heather (J. F.). Treatise on Mathematical InstruHammond (Nath.). Elements of Algebra, 2323. ments, 1541. Hann and Dodds. Mechanics for Practical Men, 1537. Heavy Artillery. Instruction for, 339. Hann and Hosking. Theory, Practice, and Architec- Heber (Bishop). Life of, 4995. ture of Bridges, 1683. Heber. Poetical Works, 5392. Hann (J.). Elements of Trigonometry, 2490, 2491. Heck (J. G.). Iconographic Encyclopaedia, 3258. - Treatise on Analytical Geometry, 2543. Hector Bossange. Catalogue, 5790. - Examples on the Integral Calculus, 2588. Hedge (F. H.). Prose Writers of Germany, 6189. Hannibal, 1236. Hedge (L.). Elements of Logic, 5214, 5215. Hannibal the Carthaginian. History of, 4905. Heeren (A. H. L.). History of Europe, 4443. Hanus et Biston. Manuel du Charpentier, 1538. - History of the States of Antiquity, 4351. Harding. Port-Folio, 5694. Helsham (R.). Lectures in Natural Philosophy, 2872. Hare (R.). Course of Chemical Instruction, 3387, 3388. Hemans (Mrs.). Complete Works, 5393. Harper's New Monthly Magazine, 5746. Henckel (J. F.). Pyritologia, 3648. Harris (James). Works, 6186. Henderson (J. ). History of the Brazil, 4818. Harris (John). The Pre-Adamite Earth, 5976. Henderson (Th.). Astronomical Observations, 3165. Harris (Thad. W.). On the Insects of Massachusetts, Henin (F.). Si6ge de Peschiera. 87. 3528. Hennen (J.). Military Surgery, 3799. Harris (W. S.). Magnetism, 3467. Hennepin (L.). Discovery of a Vast Country in AmeriHart (J.). On the Construction of Oblique Arches, 1807. ca, 4193. Harvard University. Catalogue of the Library of, 5789. Henry. Projection des Cartes Geograpliques, 3005. Haskell and Smith. Gazetteer of the United States, Henry (J. J.). Campaign against Quebec in 1775,1067. 3903. HIenry (Rev. Math.). Communicants' Companion, 5978. Haskoll (W. D.). Assistant Engineer's Railway Guide, Henry (Patrick). Life of, 4998. 1808. Henry the Fourth. Life of, 4996. Hassenfratz (J. H.). Trait6 de lArt du Charpentier, Henry (Rev. Philip), Life of, 4997. 1539. Henry (R.). History of Great Britain, 4505. - Art de Calciner la Pierre, 1910. Henry (T. C.). Letters to an anxious Inquirer, 5977. - La Siderotechnie, 3644. Henry (William). Experimental Chemistry, 3389. Hassler (F. 1.). Elements of Analytic Trigonometry, 3390, 3391. 2492. Henry (Capt. W. S.). Cnmpaign Sketches of the War - Logarithmic and Trigonometric Tables, 2713. with Mexico, 1068. - System of the Universe, 3050. Henschel. Dictionnaire des langues Frangaise et AlleHastings. Use of Shells, &c., 338. mande, 5822. Hatfield, G. R.). American House-Carpenter, 1540. Herapath (J.). Mathematical Physics, 2873. Haupt (H.). On Bridge Construction, 1684. Ierbelot. See D. Herhelot, 4749. Hausset (Madame du). M6moires, 4641. Herbert (Thomas). M&noires, 4506. Haussez (Le Baron d'). La Grande-Bretagne, 4504. Ierbin (P. E.). Statistique, 3906. Hauxley (E.). Navigation Unvailed, 2969..: Ierbin de Halle. Des Bois propres a la Marine, 1911. Hauy. Trait6 de Physique, 2781. Hericart de Thury. Mines d'Asphalte, Bitume et Lig- Treatise on Natural Philosophy, 2870. nites, 3649. - Traite de Min6ralogie, 3645, 3646. Hericourt, 537. - Traite des Pierres precieuses, 3647. Heriot (G.). History of Canada, 4819. Hawkesworth (J.). Adventurer, 6187. Hermann (D. F.). Franzosische Sprachlehre, 5564. Hawthorne (N.). Mosses from an Old Manse, 5388. Herodien. Ouvrages Historiques, 4352. - Twice-Told Tales, 5387. Herodote. Histoire: Vie d'Ilomere, 4353. - Scarlet Letter, 5389. Herodoti. Historiarum, 4354. - The House of the Seven Gables, 5390. Herodotus. Translated by Beloe, 4355, 4356. Hay (D. R.). Laws of Harmonious Coloring, 5695. Herrera Gracia (Don Jos6). Fortification permanente, Hayne (J. E. G.). Topographie Militaire, 86. 88. Hayward (J.). Science of Horticulture, 3592. Herring (J.). American National Portrait Gallery, - Elements of Geometry, 2390. 4999 - Descriptive Geometry, 2459. Herron (J.). Practical description of Herron's Patent Hazlitt (W.). Life of Napoleon, 1167. trellis Railway Structure, 1809. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 375 Herschel (J. F. W.). Examples of the applications of Homilius. Construction et la fabrication des Armes a the Calculus of finite differences, 2589. feu, 341. on the Study of Natural Philosophy, 2874. Hood (Ch.). On Warming Buildings by Hot Water, - TraitO de la Lumiere, 2945. 1939. -- Treatise on Astronomy, 3052. Hood (Th.). Prose and Verse, 5403. -- esults of Astronomical Observations, 3166. - Poems, 5404. Manual of Scientific Enquiry, 3259. Hood (Th.) Up the Rhine, 5405. -- Spence's Mathematical Essays, 2210. Hood's Bridge of Sighs. 5699. IIerschell (R. II.). Present state and future expecta- Hooke (N.). Roman History, 4358. tions of the Jews, 5979. Hooker (R.). Works, 5982. Hershberger (I-. R.). Horsemanship, 744. Hooper (Dr. J.). Writings, 5983. Hertslet (L.). Treaties and Conventions, 1956. Hooper (W.). Rational Recreations, 2875. Herttenstein. Caliers de Mathimatique, 2211. Hope (Th.). Historical Essay on Architecture, 1381. Hervey and Toplady. Lives of, 5000. Hopkins (W.). Elements of Trigonometry, 2494. Hervieu. Essai sur l'llectricit6 Atmospherique, 3464. Horace. Oeuvres Compl6tes, 5407. Hesiode. Poemes, 5394. Horace & Phaedrus. The Odes, Satires and Epistles, Hesiodi. Carmina et Fragmenta, 5395. 5406. HIevelii (J.). Prodromus Cometicus, 3053. IHordynski (J.). History of the late Polish Revolution, — Selenographia; sive, lhnae descriptio, 3054. 924. Hickey (W.). Constitution of thle United States, 2121. Horne (Th. H.). Study of Bibliography, 5791. Higgins (B.). Art of composing and applying Calcare- Horne (Th. M.). Introduction to the Critical Study of ous Cements, &c, 1912. the Holy Scriptures, 5984. Hildreth (R.). History of the United States, 4820. Horrebowii (P.). Opera Mathematico Physica, 2312. Iilton's. Writings, 5980. - Tractatus HIistorico-Meteorologicus, 3469. Iindoo Temple. Account of the, 1380. Horroccii (J.). Opuscula Astronomica, 3056. Hinton (J. H.). IIistory of the United States, 4821. Horse (The). Treatise on draught, 74-. Hirsch (M.). Arithmetical and Algebraic Problems, Horsley (Samuel). Elementary Treatises on Mathe2285. matics, 2213. Histoire de la Guerre entre la Grande Bretagne et les - Nine Sermons, 5985. 1tats-Unis de l'Amerique, &c., 923. Hosack (David). System of practical Nosology, 3800. Histoire de l'ex-garde, 922. - Subjects of Medical Science, 3801. Histoire de la Guerre d'Alger, 921. - Inaugural discourse, 3802. Histoire la tr6s joyeuse et tres plaisante, 4642. - On the Contagious Diseases, 3803. Historiens Grecs. Choix des, 4357. -- American Medical Register, 3804. History, Condition and Prospects of the Indian Tribes -- Memoir of Dewitt Clinton, 5001. of the United States, 4822. Hosking (W.). Treatises on Architecture, &c. 1382. History of Switzerland, 4444. - Architecture of Bridges, 1686. H-Iitchcock (E.). Elementary Geology, 3710, 3711, 3712 Hoste (P. P.). Treatise on Naval Tactics, 539. - On the Geology of Massachusetts, 4713. Hotel Royal des Invalides, 1383. Hobert & Ideler. Trigonometrische Tafeln, 2493. Houdaille (A.). Cours d'Hippiatrique, 746. Hobhouse (J. C.). Journey through Albania, 4194. Hough (R. M.). Duties of Judge Advocates, 818. Hodge (Ch.). Iistory of the Presbyterian Church, Hough (W.). Courts Martial, 816. 5931. - Military Law, 817. Hodgkinson (E.). On the strength and other properties Howe (H.). Iistory of New-York, 4824. of Cast Iron, 1913. Howe (Rev. J.). Works, 5986. Hoffman (D.). Course of Legal Study, 2122. Iowe (R.). Life of, 5002. -- Legal Outlines, 2133. Iowitt. Poetical Works, 5409. Hogarth (W.). Works, 5698. Howitt (Mary). Ieir of Wast-Wayland, 5408. IIogrewe (J. L.). Beschreibung der Kanaele, 1685. Howitt (Wm. & Mary). Literature and Romance of Holland (Lord). Foreign Reminiscences, 6190. Northern Europe, 5153. Hollande. Carte g6enrale de la, 4052. Hoyt (E.). Antiquarian Researches, 4357. Hollande. Carte particuliere de la, 4053. - History of the Indian Wars, 4825. Hollande. Carte Cihorographique de la, 4054. Hue (M.). Travels in Tartary, Thibet and China, Holliday (F.). Fortification and Gunnery, 340. 4195. Hollis. M6moires, 4507. Hudibras, 5410. Holmes (Abiel). Annals of America, 4S23. Huerne de Pommeuse. Des Canaux, 1687. Holmes (Mrs. M. H.). Scenes in our Parish. Hugenii (Christ.). Opera Varia, 2774. Holmes (0. W.). Poems, 5396. -- Opera Reliqua, 2775. Holmes' Hole and Tarpaulin. Harbors of, 4055. -- Opuscula Posthuma, 2946. Holtzendorff (de). lemens de Tactique, 538. Hughes (Thomas). Practice of making and repairing Homanni (J. B.). Atlas, 3907. Roads, 1811. Home and its Influence, 5398. Hughes (Rev. T. S.). History of England, 5408. Home is Home, 5397. Huguenin (le Ge6nral). Fabrication des Beaouches a feu, Homer. The Iliad and Odyssey, 5399, 4400. 342. - Poimes, 5401. - Memoire sur le tir a ricochet, 343. - Carmina et Cycli Epici Reliquiae, 5402. Hugues de Fleury. M6moires, 4643. 376 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Hull (General W.) Charges and Defence, 819. Ingersoll (Ed.). Abridgment of the Acts of Congress, - Revolutionary Services and Civil Life, 1171. 2124. Hulot. Instruction sur le service de l'Artillerie, 844. Inglis (H. D.). Spain in 1880, 4198. Humboldt-(A. de). Essai sur la nouvelle Espagne, Ingraham (Ed. D.). Capture of Washington, 1070. 8908. Ingram (Alex.). Concise System of Mensuration, 2664. - Atlas de la.nouvelle Espagne, 3909. Ingram (J.). Memorials of Oxford, 1384. - Aspects of Nature, 3910. Inman (J.). Introduction to Naval Gunnery, 347. - Voyage aux Regions Equinoxiales, 4196. Inman (W. S.). On Ventilation, Warming and trans- Travels and Researches, 4197. mission of sound, 1940. -- Vues des Cordilleres, 4826. Insects. Natural History of, 3529. -- Geognostical Essay, 3650. Institutions Militaires de France, 771. Humboldt (A. von). Cosmos, 3260. Institution of the Society of the Cincinnati, 1993. Hume (D.). History of England, 4509. Instruction sur le service du G6nie en Campagne, 91. Hume and Smollett. History of England, 4510. Instruction surles Manceuvres des Ponts, 90. Humfrey (I. H.). Modern System of Fortification, 89. Instruction sur la repartition et l'execution, 92. Humphreys (David). Life of Putnam, 1173. Instruction sur la Balistique, 348. - Miscellaneous Works, 6192. Instruction sur le service des Bouches a feu, 349, 350. Hunt (Leigh). Lord Byron and some of his contempo- Instruction provisoire sur le Tir, 354 355. raries, 5003. Instructions and Regulations for field Battery exercise, - Men, Women, and Books, 5411. and movements of Artillery, 351. — Autobiography of, 5412. Instructions and Regulations for the exercise and moveHunt (Robert). Poetry of Science, 3261. ments of Horse Artillery, 352. -- Panthea, 5216. Instructions and Regulations for the service and manHunt's Merchants' Magazine, 5747. agemeut of Heavy Ordinance, 853. Hunter (J.). Treatise on the Blood Inflammation and Instruction Militaire du Roi de Prusse pour ses G6neGun-Shot wounds, 8805. raux, 540. Hunter (J. D.). Manners and Customs of Indian Instructions and Regulations for the formations and Tribes, 4827. movements of the Cavalry, 656. Hunter (W. P.). Expedition to Syria, 1069. Instruction concernant les manceuvres de l'Infanterie, Huntington Bay, 4056. 693. Huntington. M6moires, 45L1. Instructions for the Infantry Sword Exercise, 719. Hurd (R.). Works, 5987. Instruction pour l'Infanterie Legere, 694. Husson (E.). Manuel d'Administration Militaires, 770. Instruction sur la tenue et les arretes de la ComptaHutcheson (F.). Introduction to Moral Philosophy, bilit6 des Corps, 772. 5269. Instruction sur le Campemens, 773. - System of Moral Philosophy, 5270. Instruction sur les Routes, sur les Chemins en fer, &c., Hutchinson (J.). Abstract from the works of, 5988. 1812. Hutchinson (Mistriss). M6moires, 4512. Instruction sur les instruments a reflexion, 2947. Hutton (Charles). Experiences d'Artillerie, 345. Instruction sur les Cadrans Solaires, 2948. - On the force of Gunpowder, 346. Instruction sur la G6ographie Physique, 3911. - Theory of Bridges, 1688. International Monthly Magazine, 5749. - Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, 3214. International Exchanges, 5750. - Course of Mathematics, 2215, 2216. Ionia. Antiquities of, 1888. -- Recreations, 2217. Irish Academy. Transactions of the, 8263. - Tracts, 2218. Irving (C.). Elements of Fortification, 93. - Diarian Miscellany, 2219. Irving (Theo.). Conquest of Florida, 5829. - Miscellanea Mathematica, 2220. Irving (Washington). Conquest of Granada, 4445. ~- Dowling's Key to Hutton's Mathematics, 2221. -- Life of Columbus, 5005. — Tables of Numbers, 2714. - Mahomet and his Successors, 5005. -- Mathematical Tables, 2715,2716. - Life of Oliver Goldsmith, 5007, 5008. Hyannis Harbor, 4057. - Astoria, 4199. -- The Alhambra, 4200. Ibycus. Poemes. 5413. - Crayon Miscellany, 4201. Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands. History of, - The Adventures of Bonneville, 4202. 4828. - Knickerbocker's New-York, 5414. Iconographic Encyclopaedia, 3262. - Bracebridge Hall, 5415. Ideler. Trigonometrische Tafeln, 2495. - Sketch Book, 5416. Ik. Marvel. See Marvel. - Tales of a Traveller, 5417. Illinois. Map of, 4058. Israeli (I. d'). Curiosities of Literature, 5154, 5155. Illustration (1'). 5748. Isthmus of Tehuantepec, 3912. Imperial Dictionary, 5828. Italia. Carta d', 4059. Inchiquin. The Jesuits' Letters, 6193. Iturbide. M6moires Autographes, 1994. Infanterie (1'), 691. Izard (Ralph). Correspondence, 6194. Infantry Regulations, 692. Ingersoll (Charles J.). History of the War of 1812-15, Jack (Rich.). Elements of Conic Sections, 2391. 925. Jackson (Maj. Basil). Military Surveying, 2665. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 377 Jackson (iMaj. Basil). Elementary Surveying, 2666. Jeffrey (F.). Contributions to the Edinburgh Review, Jackson (James G.). Empire of Morocco, 4203. 6197. Jackson (R.). Systematic view of the formation, disci- Jellett (J. H.). Calculus of Variations, 2590. pline, and economy of Armies, 774. Jenkins (J. S.). Lives of the Governors of New York, Jackson (Maj. W.). Monuments of Washington's Pa- 5016. triotism, 6159. Jenkinson (Charles). Collection of all the Treaties of Jacobi (G. A.). Artillerie Anglaise, 356. Peace, &c., 1957. -- Artillerie Frangaise, 356. Jennings (Rev. David). Jewish Antiquities, 4360. - Artillerie Bavaroise, 356. Jephson (Thomas). Fluxional Calculus, 2591. - Artillerie Neerlandaise, 356. Jerdan (W.). British National Portrait Gallery, 5017. Artillerie Wurtembergeoise, 356. J6rome (M.). Le Manuscrit de, 6198. -- Artillerie Su6doise, 356. Jerrold (D.). A Man made of Money, 5418. Jacquemin (Max.). Cours d'Hippiatrique, 747. Jewell (John). Writings, 5995. Jacques II. Mrnoires, 4513. Johnson (Alex. B.). Philosophy of Human KnowlJacques de Vitry. M6moires, 4644. edge, 5566. Jacquinot de Presle (C.). Cours d'Art et d'Histoire Johnson, or Jonson, Ben, or Benjamin. Works, 5419. Militaire, 541. Johnson (J.). Economy of Health, 8807. Jager (J. N.). Vestus Testamentum Graecum Justa - On change of Air, &c., 3808. Septuaginta Interpretes, 5989. - Influence of Civic Life, &c., on Human Health and Jahn (F. L.). Treatise on Gymnasticks, 5737. Happiness, 8806. James (Charles). Regimental Companion, 820. Johnson (Samuel). Life of, 5018. - Military Dictionary, 1275. Life and writings of, 5019. James (G. P. E.). History of Chivalry, 4446. - Works, 6199. -- History of Charlemagne, 5009, -- Rambler, 6200. - - Life of Henry the Fourth, 5010. -- Idler, 6201. James (W.). Naval History of Great Britain, 926. — Dictionary ofthe English Language, 5823. - Naval occurrences of the late war between Great Johnson (W.). Life of Greene, 1174. Britain and the United States, 927.. Johnston (Alex. K.). Physical Atlas, 3915. - Military occurrences of the late war between Great Johnston (D.). View of Public Education in France, Britain and the United States, 928. 5649, Jameson (Mrs.) Memoirs of Female Sovereigns, 5011. Jolly Flat-Boat Men, 5700. Jameson (Rob.). Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, Joly de Maizeroi. L'Art des Sieges et les Machines des 3264. Anciens, 95. - System of Mineralogy, 8651, 3653. -- Trait6 des Armes d6fensives, 543. - On Minerals, 3652. -- MOmoire sur les Opinions Militaires, 544. Mineralogy, 3654. — Cours de Tactique, 545. Jamieson (Alex.). Dictionary of Mechanical Science, - Trait6 de Tactique, 546. 3265. - La Tactique discutee et r6duite A ses v6ritables - Celestial Atlas, 3057. loix, 547. - On the Construction of Maps, 8918. -- Tableau g6enral de la Cavalerie Grecque, 1237. Jamieson (John). The use of Sacred History, 5990. - Institutions Militaires, 1238. Jamieson (Rev. Rob.). Eastern Manners Illustrative Jomini (le General). Guerres de la Revolution, 929. of the Old Testament History, 5994. - Grandes operations Militaires, 548, 549. Janeway (Rev. James). The Saint's Encouragement, -- Tableau analytique des principales combinaisons 5994. de la guerre, 550. Janeway (Rev. John). Life of, 5012. -- Prcis de'art de la guerre, 551. Janeway (J. J.). Exposition of a portion of the Epistle -- Appendice au precis de l'art de la guerre, 552. to the Romans, 5992. - Vie de Napol6on, 1175. - Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews, 5993. - Atlas Militaire, 1176. Japan. Manners and Customs of the Japanese, 4752. - Campagne de 1815, 1071, 1177. Japhet. Remains of, 5565. Jones (Fred.). Rotteck's History of the World, Jardine (George). Outlines of Philosophical Educa- - 4291. tion, 5648. Jones (I.). Designs, 1385, 1387. Jarry (General). Treatise on the Marches of Armies, 542. Jones and Kent. Designs, 1386. - Duties of Light Infantry in the Field, 695. Jones (J. T.). Sieges in Spain, 96, 1072. Jay (John). Federalist, 1995. -- War in Spain, Portugal and the South of France, Life of, 5013. 930. Jay and Hamilton. Lives of, 5014. Jones (Capt. J. P.). Life and Character of, 5020. Jeannin. Negociations, 4645. Jones (Stephen). History of Poland, 4447. Jebb (J.). Attack and Defence of Out Posts, &c., 94. Jones (Thomas Rymer). See Rymer Jones, 3550. Jecker. Rapport de l'Institute sur les Instrumens, 1542. Jones (William). Proposed Systems of Atmospheric Jefferson (Thomas). Notes on the State of Virginia 4830. Railway, 1813. - Life of, 5015.. Jones (W.). Introduction to the Mathematics, 2222. - Memoir, Correspondence, and Miscellanies, 6196. Jones (Wm.). Adams' Essays, 2392. Jefferys (Tho). Description of the Maritime Ports of Jones (Sir William). Works, 6202. France, 3914. Jonson (Ben). 5420. 378 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Joseph (Flavius). (Euvres Completes, 4361. Kearney (Stephen W.). Carbine Manual, 657. The Genuine Works, 4363. Keats. Poetical Works, 5424. -- Opera, 4362. Keightley (Thomas). History of England, 4514. Josephine (Empress). Memoirs of, 5021. Keill (John). Elements of Trigonometry, 2497. - istory of, 4905. — Natural Philosophy, 2875, 2877. Jouffroy. Introduction to Ethics, 5271. -- Introduction to the true Astronomy, 3061, 2-3-4. Jourdain. tv6nements de la Grece, 931. - Introductio ad veram Astronomiam, 3060. Jourdan (le G6n6ral). Campagne de 1796, 1073. Keith (Thomas). Elements of Plain Geometry, 2394. Journal des Operations de l'Artillerie pendant l'exp6di- Introduction to Trigonometry, 2498, 2499. tion de Constantine, 357. Kelland (Philip). Theory of Heat, 3470. Journal de l'expdition de Constantine en 1836, 1074. Kelly (P.). Introduction to Spherics and Nautical AsJournal Militaire, 1255. tronomy, 2500. Journal des sciences Militaires, 1256 to 1258. - Astronomical Tables, 3197. Journal des Armes Sp6ciales, 1259 to 1261. Kelsall (Chas.). Remarks on Education, 5650. Journal du Genie Civil des Sciences et des Arts, 1814. Kendall (Geo. W.). War between the United States Journal. The Civil Engineer and Architect's, 1815. and Mexico, 933. Journal. American Rail-Road, 1815. -- Santa Fe Expedition, 4205. Journal. Edilburgh Philosophical, 3266. Kennedy (J. P.). Memoirs of William Wirt, 5022. Journal. Edinburgh Journal of Science, 3267. Kennedy (Maj. Vans). On Courts Martial, 821. Journal. Edinburgh New Philosophical, 3268. Kent (James). Commentaries on American Law, Journal of Science and the Arts, 3269. 2125, 2126. Journal. London Journal of Arts and Sciences, 3270, Kent (Wm.). Designs, 1389. 3271. Kepler (John). Life of 5023. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 3272, 3273. -- Astronomia Nova, 3065. Journal. American Journal of Science, 8274-5-6. - Epitome Astronomire copernicanme, 3066. Journal of Philosophy and the Arts, 3277. -- Chilias Logarithmorum, 2717. Journal de l'lcole Polytechnique, 3278. -- De stella nova in pede serpentarii, 3067. Journal des Savans, 3279. - Urania Propitia sive Tabulme Astronomicce, 3198. Journal des connaissances usuelles, 3280. -- Tabule rudolphinae quibus Astronomicee, 3199. Journal of the Conventions of the Protestant Episco- Keppel (Augustus Viscount). Life of, 5024. pal Church, 5996. K6ralio. Guerre entre la Russie et la Turquie, 934. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila- Kermaingant (F.). Projet d'un chemin de fer de Lyon delphia, 3531. a Marseille, 1817. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, Kidd. (J.). Outlines of Mineralogy, 3656. 3593. - Physical condition of Man, 3809. Journal des Mines, 3655. Kingsbury (C. P.). Treatise on Artillery and Infantry, Journal of a Prisoner of War with the British, 4202. 358. Journal Gen6ral do la Litt6rature de France, 5792. Kinne (Asa). Kent's Commentaries, 2127. Journal General de la Litt6rature ttrangere, 5793. Kinsley's Military Pyrotcheny, 359. Jub6 et Servan. Guerres des Gaulois et des Frangais en Kip (Rev. W. J.). Christmas Holidays in Rome, 4206. Italie, 932. Kirby (Rev. Wm.). History, Habits, and Instincts of Jubinal (Achille). Armes Defensives, 1239. Animals, 3532. Julius. Obsequens, 4364. Kirby and Spence. Introduction to Entomology, 3533. Junins. Letters, 1996. Kirke White. Poetical Works, 5425. Junkin (D. X.). The Oath, a Divine Ordinance, 5997. Kirkham (Samuel). English Grammar, 5567. Justin. U(uvres, 4366. Kirwan (Rich'd). Elements of Mineralogy, 3657. Juv6nal. (Euvres, 5422. Klaproth et Wolff. Dictionnaire de Chimie, 3392. Juvenal and Persius. Satires, 5421. Llaproth (M. H.). Analytical Essays, 3393. Juvenalis (D. J.). Satires, 5423. Kliigel (G. S.). Analytische Trigonometrie, 2501. Knapp (Dr. F.). Chemical Technology, 3394. Kames (Henry II.). Iistory of Man, 5187. Knapp (Samuel). Lectures on American Literature, - Elements of Criticism, 5597, 5598. 5156. Karsten (W. J. G.). Lehrbegriffder Mathematik, 2223. Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine, 5751. -- Statischen wissenschaften und Mechanik, 2776. Knight (Wm.). Facts and Observations, 3714. — Optick, Perspectiv und die Photometrie, 2949. Knowlton (Lieut. Miner). Sketch of British ProvinKartscher, Lubbe's, Trait6 de Calcul, 2592. ces, 97. Kastner (A. G.). Geometrie & Trigonometrie, 2393. -- On Gunpowder, Percussion Powder, Cannon and - Analysis endlicher gr6ssen, 2544. Projectiles, 360. - Analysis des unendlichen, 2593. Knox (Hugh). Moral and Religious Miscellany, 5988. H- ydrodynamik, 2777. Knox (John). Life of, 5025. -- Mechanische und optische wissenschaften, 2778. Knox (Rev. John). Sermon, 5999. -- Mechanik, 2779. - Writings, 6000. -- Astronomische Abhandlungen, 3058. Koch (F.). Campagne de 1814, 1076. -Astronomie, Geographie, Chronologie & Gnom- Koch (J. A.). Astronomiche Tafeln, 3200. onik, 3059. Kohlrausch (Fred.). Iistory of Germany, 4448. Kausler (Fr. de). Atlas des Batailles, 1075. Kopp (-I.). Progress of Chemistry, 3395. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 37 9 Kosciusko (General). Manceuvres of Horse Artillery, Lamare. SiSges d'Olivenca, de Badajoz, &c., 99, 1079. 361. - Defense de la Place de Badajoz, 100, 1080. Krafft (J. Ch.). The Art of Carpentry, 1544. Lamarque. De l'esprit Militaire en France, 777. -- Plans, coupes de Charpente, 1390. Lamartilliere. Recherches sur l'Artillerie, 364. -- Maisons de Paris, 1391. -- Reflexions str les Bouches a feu, 365. Labaume (Eugene). Manuel de l'Officier d'etat Major, Lamartine (A. de). Histoire des Girondins, 4650. 776. -- Restoration of Monarchy in France, 4651. -- Campagne de Russie, 1077, 1078. Lamb (Charles). English Dramatic Poets, 5427. Labey (J. B.). Euler's, Analyse Infinit6simale, 2594. -- Poetical Works, 5428. Laboessiere. Trait6 de l'Art des Armes, 720. Essays of Elia, 6203. Laborde (Comte Alex. de). Pr6cis de la Guerre do Lambert. M6moire sur la r6sistence des fluides, 366. 1809, 935. Lambert (J. H.). Photometria, 2951. Les Mornumens de la France, 1392. -- Insigniores orbitm Cometarum, 3047. -- Itin6eaire d'Espagne, 4449. -- Description d'une Table Adcliptique, 3075. Labruydie (de). Les Caracteres de Theophraste, 5272, Lame (G.). Cours de Physique, 2878. 5273. Lameth (Alex.). Ilistoire de l'Assemlblee, 4652. Lacaille (l'Abb6 de). Mathematiques-Pures, 2124. La Minerve, 5752. - Le9ons de oM6chanique, 2780. La Motte Fouqud (F. Baron de). Undine and Sintram, -- Traite d'Optique, 2950. 5429. - Elements of Astronomy, 3068. Lamy (J. N.). Traite des Batteries, 367. -- Leons 61linentaires d'Astronomie, &c., 3069. Lancet. The, 3810. — Astronomise fundamenta, 3070. Lands belonging to the United States at West Point, Lacepede (Comte de). Histoire de l'Europe, 4450. 3917. Lachapelle. Traite des sections Coniques, 2395. Landais (Napoleon). Dictionnaire g6enral, 5824. Lachastre (de). Memoire, 4646. Landen (John). Mathematical Lucubrations, 2227. Lacondamine. Journal du voyage a 1'1quateur, 2667. - The Residual Analysis, 2329. Lacretelle (Charles). Ilistoire de France, 4647, 4648. Lander (Rich. & John). Journal of an Expedition Lacroix (S. F.). Traite e16mentairo d'Arithmetique,.4209. 2286. Landmann (George). Observations on Portugal, 4451. - 16mens d'Algebre, 2325, 2327. Landmann (I.). Treatise on Mines, 102. - Complement des 61emens d'Algebre, 2326. Field Engineer's Vade-Mecum, 103. -- limens de Gdeomtrie, 2396 to 2400. -- Practical Geometry, 2669. - Essais de G6om6trie, 2397. Landsbergen. Fortifications de tout le Monde, 104. -- Trait6 de Trigonometrie, 2502, 2503. Langhorne. Plutarch's Lives, 5027. -- Calcul diff6rentiel et Int6gral, 2595, 2596, 2597. Lannes (Marechal). Vie Militaire de, 1178. -- Differential and Integral Calculus, 2598. Lanoue (F. de). MBnoires, 4653. - Introduction a la G6ographie Math6matique, 2668. Lansbergi (Jacob). Apologia pro commentationibus, Essai sur l'enseignement, 2225. 3076. L'Admiral. Petit Dictionnaire du tems, 1276. Lansbergi (Phil.). Triangulorum Geometrie, 2401. La Faye (de). Pr6paration de la Chaux, 1914, 1915. -- Uranoinetris, 3077. Lafayette. En Am6rique en 1824 et 1825, 4207. Lantier (E. F. de). Voyages, 4210. - — Life of, 5026. - Euvres Completes, 5430. Lafontaine. (Envres Completes, 5426. Lalz & B6tancourt. Composition des Machines, 1546. Lagrange (J. L.). Resolution des equations, 2328. -- Construction of Machines, 1547. -- Theorie des fonctions analytiques, 2599. Lapie. Atlas Complet, 8918. - Mecanique analytique, 2781. Laplace (le Comte). Th6orie des Probabilites, 2228. Laharpe (J. F.). Cours de Litt6rature, 5157. Essai sur les Probabilites, 2229. La Hire. M6moires de Mathbmatique et de Physique, -- Analytical Mechanics, 2782. 2226. -- M6canique Celeste, 2879, 2880. Lahontan. Voyages to North America, 4208. -- Exposition du Systeme du Monde, 2881. Laisne (J.). Aide-M6moire des officiers du G6nie, 98. -- System of the World, 2882. Lalande. Des Canaux, 1689. Laplace (Pierre de). Commentaires, 4654. - Art de faire le parchermin, le papier, &c., 1916. Lardner (Rev. D.). On the Steam Engine, 1548, 1549 Reflexions sur les Cometes, 3071. 1550. Astronomie, 8072. -- ailway Economy, 2071. - Bibliographie Astronomique, 3073. -- Treatise on Trigonometry, 2504. Histoire Celeste, 3167. -- System of Algebraic Geometry, 2545. -- Description d'une Machine, 1545. -- Differential and Integral Calculus, 2600. - Beobachteten Sterne, 8168. Theory of Central Forces, 2783. Lalanne (Lud.). Sur la poudre a Canon, 362. -- Lectures on Science and Art, 3281. - Recherches sur le feu Gregeois, 1240. - On Porcelain and Glass, 3397. Lallemnand (A.). Operations secondaires de la Guerre, -- Treatise on HIeat, 3471. 553. Lardner & Walker. Manual of Electricity, Magnetism, Lallemand (I.). Treatise on Artillery, 363. &c., 3472. La Marche. Memoire, 4649. I Larkin (N. J.). Introduction to Solid Geometry, 2402. Lamarck. Recherches, 2396. -- Chrystallography, 3658. 3S0 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Laroche Aymon, See Roche Aymon. Lecrenlx. Examen critique de l'ouvrage, de Dubuat, La Rochefoucauld. See Rochefoucauld, 5290. 2784. Larry (D. J.). Menoires de Chirurgie Militaire, 3811. -- M6moire des Canaux, 1690. Larue (J. B. de). Trait6 de Coupe des Pierres, Lectures on the points in controversy between Roman1819. ists and Protestants, 6003. Lasalle (A. F. de). Conjectures Philosophiques, 5188. Lediard. Iistoire Navale d'Angleterre de 1066 jusqu'^ Lascases (le Comte de). Memorial de Saint-Helene, 1734, 987. 1179. Ledyard (John). Life of, 5028. -- Refutation, 4655. Lee (Arthur). Life of, 5030. Latham (R. G.). Varieties of Man. 3534. Lee (Charles A.). Elements of Geology, 3716. Latirner (Dr. TI.). Sermons and Letters, 6001. Lee (H.). Memoirs of the War of the United States, Latour (A. L.). War in West Florida and Louisiana, 988, 989. 986. Lee (R. H.). Life of, 5029. La Tour-d'Auvergne. Notice Historique sur, 1180. Lee (T. J.). Tables and formulae, 2670. Latrille (G.). Considerations sur la Guerre, 555. Leeds and Bury. Rudimentary Architecture, 1395. Lauderdale. Public Wealth, 2072. Leeds. Architectural Study, 1396. Laurillard Fallot. Cours d'Art Militaire, 556. Lefebure de Fourcy. Le9ons de G6ometrie analytique, Lavallee (Theophile). Atlas de G6ographie Militaire, 2546. 3919. Lefibvre. Note sur les Engrenages, 370. Lavallette (Comte). Memoires, 4656. Lefevre (A.). Manuel du Trigonom6trie, 2505. Lavit (J. B. 0.). Trait6 de Perspective, 2460. -- Traite de l'Arpentage, 2671. Lavoisier. Essays Physical and Chemical, 3398. Lefdvre (J.). Mdmoires, 4657. - Trait6 de Chimie, 3399. Lefianoois (F. L.). Essais sur la ligne, 2547. Lavoisne. Atlas, 3920. Legendre (A. M.). Th6orie des Nombres, 2331. Law (Henry). Civil Engineering, 1820. -- 6lments de Geometrie, 2404. -- Art of Constructing and Repairing Roads, 1821. - Elements of Geometry, 2405. -- Mathematical Tables, 2718. - Elements of Geometry and Trigonometry, 2406, -- Treatise on Logarithms, &c., 2719. 2407, 2408. Law (J.). (Euvres, 2073. - Exercices de Calcul Integral, 2601, 2602. Law Library, 2128. -- Dtermination des Orbites, 3083. Laws of the Navy and Marine Corps, 822. - Determination d'un Arc, 2672. Layard (A. H.). Nineveh and its Remains, 4211. - Expos6 des operations, 3084. Lea (I.) Contributions to Geology, 3715. Legendre (F.). L'Arithmdtique en sa perfection, 2287. Lea (W.). Resolution of the Equations in Algebra, Le Gentil. Voyage autour du Monde, 4212. 2330. Legonidec. Grammaire Celto-Bretonne, 5570. Leach (Lieut. Col.). Duties of Troops, 557. Le Goubil. See Goubil, 767. Leadbetter (Charles). Uranoscopia, 3079. Legrand. Essai sur i'Histoire de l'Architecture, 1397, Astronomy, 3080. Legris. Mecanique Militaire, 109. — Complete System of Astronomy, 3081. Leibnitii (G. G.). Opera omnia, 6204. Le Bas (Chas. W.). Sermons, 6002. Leibnitii & Bernoullii. Philosophicum et MathematiLe Bealle (A.). Cours de dessin Lineaire, 1822. cum, 2883. Le Blanc. Choix de Modeles des Machines, 1551. Lekeux. Architectural Antiquities, 1398. Le Blanc. Des Monnaies de France, 2074. Leland (J.). Divine authority, 6004. Le Blanc d't guilly. Plan sur les attaques nocturnes, Views of Deistical Writers, 6005. 105. -- Christian Revelation, 6006. Le Blon'l. L'Artillerie raisonnee, 368. Lelouterel (F. P.). Manuel des sous-officiers d'Infan- Essai sur la Castrametation, 558. terie, 679. -- L'Arithmdtique et la G6omdtrie, 2230. -- Manuel Encyclopedique des Officiers d'InfanAbr6eg de l'Arithmdtique et de la G6ometrie, terie, 823. 2403. Lelouterel (General). Manuel des Reconnaissances Le Bourg (J. H.), Essai sur l'Artillerie, 369. Militaires, 110. Le Brethon. Guide to the French Language, 5568, Lemare. Routes de Navigation, 2970. 5569. Le Miere de Corvey. Des Corps irr6guliers, 559. Le Brun. Trait6 des Mines, 106. Lemonnier. Histoire Cl6este, 3085. Le Camus de M6zieres. Force de Bois, 1917. - Institutions Astronomiques, 3086. Le Carpentier. Recueil des Plans du nouvelle Hotel de - Instruments d'Astronomie, 3087. la Ville de Rouen, 1393. Le-Moyne. Des Ponts Suspendus, 1691. Leclerc. Guide pour le service d'Habillement, 778. Lempriere (J.). Universal Biography, 4899. Le Clerc. Traite d'Architecture, 1394. -- Classical Dictionary, 4900. Lecointe. La science des Postes Militaires, 107. Lennie (Wm.). English Grammar, 5571. Lecons sur l'lcole de Sapes, 108. Lenoble. MOmoires sur les operations Militaires en Le Constitutionnel. Journal, 5753. 1809, 940. Lecoq. Topographische Karte, 3921. Lenoir (B. A.). Calculs faits, 1824. Lecount. Treatise on Railways, 1823. Leo X. Life of, 5031. Le Couturier. Dictionnaire des Connaissances Mili- Lepage. L'Art du Charpentier, 1552. taires, 1277. Lepage du Pratz. History of Louisiana, 4831. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 381 Lerminier (E.). Influence de la Philosophic, 5189. Livet. Extrait du Cours de Topographie, 3925. Leroy (C. F. A.). Traite de G6om6trie descriptive, 2461. - Cours de Geodesie et Gnomonique, 2673. Leroy (M. F.). Analyse appliquee, 2548. Livret De Commandemens de Cavalerie, 659. Lesage (A. R.). Gil Blas de Santillane, 5431. Livy. History of Rome, 4367. -- (Euvres, 5432. Lloyd (le G6neral). M6moires Militaires et Politiques, Lesage (E.). Fortification permanente, 111. 563. Lesage (P. C.). M6moires sur les Ponts et Chauss6es, -- Political and Military Rhapsody, 564. 1692. -- War in Germany, 942. Lescallier. Vocabulaire des termes de Marine, 1298. -- Guerre d;Allemagne, 943. Leslie (Cha's.). On the employment of light Troops, Lloyd and Tempelhoff. Seven years' War in Germany, 560. 944. Leslie (John). Philosophy of Arithmetic, 2288. -- Siebenjahrigen krieges in Deutschland, 945. -- Elements of Geometry and Trigonometry, 2409-10. Lloyd (H.). Treatise on Light, 2952. - Geometrical Analysis, 2549. -- On the Wave-Theory of Light, 2953. - Elements of Natural Philosophy, 2785. Locke (J.). On Locomotive and Fixed Engines, 1553. Lespinasse (le G6neral). Essai sur'Arme de l'Artille- Locke (John). Essay on the Understanding, 5217, rie, 371. 5218. Lespinasse (L. N.). Traite du lavis des Plans, 112,113. Lockhart (James). Cubic Equations, 2333. Lessing (G. E.). Laocoon, 5701. Lockhart (J. G.). History of Napoleon, 1181. Le Tourneur. Vie de Trenck, 5032. - Ancient Spanish Ballads, 5333. Letters during the Campaigns of 1811,-12-13 & 15,1081. Lois et Reglemens concernant le Logement, &c., 824. Letters on Freemasonry, 6205; Lolme (J. L. de). Constitution of England, 1997. Lettre d'un Officier, 272. Lo-Looz. Les Militaires, au-de la du Gange 566. Lettre en reponse sur un ouvrage attribue a feu,373. -- Recherches d'Antiquit6s Militaires, 1243. Lettres d'un officier de l'Artillerie, 374. Lombard (J. L.). Traite du mouvement des projecLettres 6difiantes et curieuses, 6007. tiles, 375. Leuze (de). See Deleuze, 4601. - Th6orie du tir ii Ricochet, 376. L'Eveille. Consid6rations sur les Frontons, 1399. - Tables du tir des Canons, 377. Leveque. Le Guide du Navigateur, 2971. -- Manceuvres et le tir du Canon de Bataille, 378. Levesque. Dictionnaire des Arts de Peinture, 5702. London Astronomical Society, 3088. Levizac's Grammar of the French Tongue, 5572. London Journal of Arts and Sciences, 3282. Lewis (John.). English Language, 5573. London, Edinburgh and Dublin, Philosophical MagaLewis (J. 0.). Aboriginal Port-Folio, 5703. zine, 3283. Lewis (W.). Philosophical Commerce of Arts, 3400. London Philosophical Transactions, 3284. Lewis and Clark. Expedition, 4213. London Medical Gazette, 3812. L'Hospital (le Marq. de). Sections Coniques, 2550. London Catalogue of Books, 5795. - Conic Sections, 2551. Londonderry (Marquess of). See Vane. - Analyse des infimnnt petits, 2603. Long (Roger). Astronomy, 3089. L'Huilier (S.). ile6mens raisonn6s d'Algebre, 2332. Long (St. H.). Expedition, 4214,4215. Libes (A.). Histoire de la Physique, 2884. Longacre (J. L.). American Portrait Gallery, 5033. - Trait6 de Physique, 2885. Longfellow (H. W.) Poems, 5434. Libraries. 5794. - Hyperion, 5436. Library of Useful Knowledge, 2231. - Poets and Poetry of Europe, 5435. Library of the Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church, - Kavanagh, 5437. 6008. - Outre Mer, 4216. Lieber (F.). Manual of Political Ethics, 5275. Longomontani. Astronomic danica, 8090. Liebig (Justus). Chemistry, 3402. Loomis (Elias). Elements of Geometry, 2411. - Familiar Letters on Chemistry, 3403. - Progress of Astronomy, 3091. Liebig and Kopp. Annual report of the progress of Lorgna. Summation of infinite converging series, Chemistry, 3401. 2334. Light Horse Drill, 658. Lorimer. Protestant Church of France, 6010. Ligne (le Prince de). (Euvres, 6206. L'Orme. Inventions pour bien batir, 1400. M6moires et Melanges, 6207. Lossing. History of the Fine Arts, 5704. -- Prejuges et fantaisies Militaires, 561. Lossing (B. J.). Pictorial Field-Book of the RevoluLindenau. Grande Tactique Prussienne, 562. tion, 4832. Lindley (John.), System of Botany, 3594, 3596. Loth (J.). French Grammar, 5574. -- Introduction to Botany, 3595. London (J. C.). Encyclopredia of Cottage, Farm and Lingard (J.). History of England, 4515. Villa Architecture, 1401. Linguet et Dusaulx. Memoires, 4659. - Encyclopsadia of Plants, 3597. Lipsi (J.). De Militia Romana, 1241. Louis XIV. Oeuvres, 6208. Liskenne et Sauvan. Bibliotheque Militaire, 4366. Louis (Prince de Baden). See Baden, 1001. Litera Sacree, 6009. Louis Blanc. History of the ten years 1S30-1840, Littell's Living Age, 5754. 4660. Little Egg Harbor, 4060. - History of the French Revolution, 4661. Livermore (A. A.). Review of the Mexican War, 941. Louisiana. Map of, Livet. Cours de Topographie, 3924. Loavet de Couvray. M6moires, 4662. 382 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Lowell (J. R.). Poems, 5488. Madelaine (J.). Supplement an precedent, 116. Lowrie (J. C.). Travels in North India, 6011. -- Fortifications de Coblentz, 117. Loyal serviteur (le). Iistoire de Bayard, 4663. Madison (James). The Papers of, 1999. Lubbe (S. F.). Calcul diffirentiel et Int6gral, 2604 -- Federalist, 2000. Lucain. Oeuvres Completes, 5439. - Life of, 3036. Luciani. Somosatensis Opera, 6209. Maehren und Oesterreichisch Schlesien, 4062. Lucas's, Drawing Book, 5705. Magasin Encyclopedique, 8285, 3286. Ludlam. Astronomical Observations, 8169. Magazine, Philosophical, 8288. Ludlam (W.). Eudiments of Mathematics, 2232. Magazine of Science, 3287. Ludlow. Memoires, 4516. Magazine, The Literary, 5755. Luther's, Essay on Reformation, 6012. Magazine, The Monthly, 5756. Luz (J. F.). Unterricht veom Blitz, 3473. Magdeleine (J.). TraitO d' Horlogiographie, 3095, 3096. Lyautey. Snr le tir A Riclochet-Sur les boites a balles Magee (W.). On the Atonement, 6013. et leur tir, 379. Magellan (J. H. de). Octants et sextants anglois, 1558. Lyell (Charles). Principles of Geology, 3717. - Instruments d'Astronomie, 1559. -- Elements of Geology, 3718, 3719, 3720. Magnetical and Meteorological observations, 3474 to -- Manual of Elementary Geology, 3721. 3477. Lyman. Diplomacy of the United States, 1998. Magrath (R. N.). History of the Art of War, 569. Lynch (W. F.). Expedition to the Dead Sea, 4218. Mahan (D. H.). Treatise on Field Fortification, 118. Lyon (G. F.). Republic of Mexico, 4880. -- Notes, 119. -- Civil Engineering, 1825. Macaulay (J. S.). Treatise on Field Fortification, 114. Mahomet, Life of, 5037, 5038. Macaulay (Th. B.). History of England, 4517. -- and his Successors, 5039. -- Essays, 6210. Mahon (Lord). War of the succession in Spain, 946. Macauley (James). Iistory of New York, 4834. -- Life of Louis, Prince of Cond6, 1182. Macchiavelli. Oeuvres Completes, 6211. -- History of England, 4520. Macculloch (J.). Geology of Rocks, 3722. Maigret. Silret6 des Atats, 120. Macdonald (John). Experiments, 380. Mailla. Histoire (le la Chine, 4753. - Instructions for Infantry, 698. Maillane (Durand de). See Durand de Maillane, 4609. - On Telegraphic Communication, 1554. Maillebois (Mar6chal de), Campagnes, 1083. Macfarlane (Chas.). Pictorial History of England, Maingarnaud (V. R.). Projet de Constitution Militaire 4518. 780. Machiavel (N.). Art of War, 567. Maissiat. Sur la Boussole, 1560. — L'Art de la Guerre, 568. -- Tables, 2721. -- Oeuvres, 6212. Maissin (E.). Sur l'etat actuel du Texas, 1084. Machines. Descriptions des, 1555. Maizeroi. See Joly de Maizeroi. Machines a Vapeur, 1556. Major (Th.). Ruins of Paestum, 1403. Machines, 1557. Malcolm (Alex.). System of Arithmetic, 2289. Mack (E.). Life of Lafayette, 5034. Malcolm (John). History of India, 4754. Mackay (Andrew). Description of the Sliding Rule, 2674. - Iistory of Persia, 4755. -- Description of the Sliding Gunter, 2675. Malebranche (N.). Search after Truth, 5219. Collection of Mathematical Tables, 2720. Malherbe. (Euvres, 5440. - Theory and practice of finding thie Longitude, Maliphant (Geo.). Designs for Sepulchral Monuments, 3092, 3093. 1404. Mackenzie's 5000 Receipts, 3598. Malkin. History of Greece, 4368. Mackenzie (Alex.). Voyages. Malorti de Martemont (C.). Field Fortification, 122, -- A year in Spain. 123, 125. Mackenzie (A. S.). Life of Perry. - Permanent Fortification, 121. Mackenzie (Henry). Miscellaneous Works, 6213. -- Spirit of the System of War, 571. Mackintosh (James). History of England, 4519. Malorti (C. S. de). On Topography, 3926. - Progress of Ethical Philosophy, 5276. Malte-Brun. Universal Geography, 3927. -- Miscellaneous Works, 6214. - Abreg6 de G6ographie, 3928. Maclaurin (Colin). Treatise of Algebra, 2335. - Atlas complet, 3929. - Geometria Organica, 2412. Malthus (T. R.). On Population, 2001. - Treatise of Fluxions, 2605. - Political Economy, 2075. -- Traite des Fluxions, 2606. Mains (E. L.) R6fraction de la Lumiere, 2954. - Account of Newton's Philosophical discoveries, Mandar (C. F.). Architecture des Forteresses, 126. 2866. Mandeville. Fable of the Bees, 5377. Maclure (W.). Geology of the United States, 3723. Man6s. Memoires Geologiques et Metallurgiques, Macomb (Alex.). On Martial Law, 825. 8659. -- On Courts Martial, 826. Mangin (A.). Fortification Polygonale, 127. Macquereau (R.). Chronique, 4664. Mann (J.). Medical Sketches, 3818. Mactaggart (J.). Three years in Canada, 4835. Mannering (E.). Christian Consistency, 6014. Maddy (W.). Astronomy, 3094. Manceuvres of Artillery, 381. Madelaine (J.). Fortification permanente d6fauts des Mansfield (Ed. D.). The Mexican War, 947. fronts bastionn6s, 115. - Life of General Winfield Scott, 1183.j ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 380 Mansfield (J.). Essays, Mathematical and Physical, Marvel (Ik.). Fresh Gleanings, 5443. 2233. -- The Lorgnette, 5444. Mante (Thomas). War in North America, 948. Mary Queen of Scots. Life of, 5042. Mantell (G.). Fossils, 3725. - History of, 4905, 5043. -- Geology, 3736. Maryland. Map of, 4064. - Wonders of Geology, 3727. Mascheroni (L.). Problemes pour les Arpenteurs, 2676. Manual and Platoon Exercises for Percussion Carbines, Maseres (F.). Algebra, 2336. 660. -- Trigonometry, 2509. Manual and Platoon Exercises for Percussion Firelocks, --- Collection of Tracts on Logarithms, 2723. 699. Maskelyne (N.). Astronomical Observations, 3170. Manuel Militaire, 573. Mason (J. M.). On the Church of God, 6016. Manuel du Dragon, 661. Massachusetts. Map of, 4065. Manuel dInfanterie, 700. Massillon. (Euvres, 617. Manuel d'Administration, 781. Mathematical Miscellany, 2235. Manuscrits Militaires, 128. Mathematics, 2236. Many. Histoire de l'Icole Polytechnique, 4666. Mather (W.). Elements of Geology, 8728. Maps. A Series of, 3930. -- Geology of New-York, 3729. Marbois (B.). History of Louisiana, 4836.. Matteucci (Carlo). Lectures on Living Beings, 3814. Marbot Marcellin. Sur les Forces Militaires, 782. Matthews (J.). Divine Purpose, 6018. Marchand (E.). Voyage autour du Monde, 4221. Maunder (S.). Scientific and Literary Treasury, 3290. Marchi (F. de). Architettura Militare, 129. -- Treasury of Natural History, 3535. Marcillac (Louis de). Guerre d'Espagne, 949. - Treasury of History, 4292. Marengo. Carte de, 4063. - Biographical Treasury, 4901. Mares. Quelques Idees sur lArt, 130. -- Treasury of Knowledge, 5825. Mareschal. Memoire sur un Magasin a Poudre, 382. Maupertuis (de). Figure of the Earth, 2889. Marestier. Bateaux a Vapeur, 1561. Maurice. Mimoire snr les Angles Morts, 134. Maria Antoinette. History of, 4905. -- echerches sur la Fortification passag6re, 135. Marillac. Mmnoire, 4667. - Essai sur la Fortification moderne, 136. Marion (Le General). De l'Armement des Places de Maurice de Sellon. Examen du Memoire sur les CaGuerre, 131. nons, &c., 883. Force des Garnisons, 574. Maury (Le Cardinal). eloquence de la Chaire, 5600. Vocabulaire Hollandais-Frangais, 1279. Maury (M. H.). Abstract Log, 2971. Vocabulaire Allemnand-Frangais, 1280. Mavor (W.). Universal History, 4293. Mariotte. Traite du Mouvement des Eaux, 2786. Mawe (J.). Mineralogy and Geology, 3660. - (Euvres, 3289. - Catalogue of Minerals, 3661. Marlborough (J. Duc de). Histoire de, 1184. — Travels in Brazil, 4222. - Memoirs of, 1185. Maximien. CEuvres, 5445. - Military Life of, 1186. Maxwell (W. H.). Life of the Duke of Wellington, 1187. Marles (de). Conde's, Dominations des Arabes, 4452. May. M6moires, 4521. -- Histoire de l'Inde, 4756. Mayer et Choquet. Trait6 d'Alg6bre, 2337. Marmont (Marechal). L'Esprit des Institutions Mili- Mayer (J. T.). Warmestoffs, 3479. taires, 575. Mayer (T.). Tabulae motuum Solis et Lunae, 3201. Marsh (Mrs.). History of the Protestant Reformation - Lunar Tables, 3202. in France, 6015. Mayeri (Tob.). Opera inedita, 3097. Marshall (H.). History of Kentucky, 4838. Mayers (M.). History of the Jews, 4369. Marshall (John). Life of Washington, 5040. Mayne (W.). Narrative of the Campaigns, 1087. - American Colonies, 4837. Mayniel. Traite de la Poussee des Terres, 137. - On the Federal Constitution, 2129. Mazas (Alex.). Vie des grands Capitaines, 1188. Marsin (Marechal). Campagnes, 1085. Maze. Artillerie de Campagne en France, 384. Martel. Elements, 5575. McArthur (J.). On Fencing, 721. Martemont. See Malorti de Martemont. -- Naval and Military Courts-Martial, 827. Martin (B.). System of Mathematical Institutions, 2234. McClellan (G. B.). Bayonet Exercise, 722. - Trigonometry, 2508. McCrie (Th.). On the Reformation in Spain, 6919. - Logarithms, 2722. -- On the Reformation in Italy, 6020. - Philosophia Britannica, 2887. McCulloch (J. R.). Geographical Dictionary, 3931. - Philosophical Grammar, 2888. - Commercial Dictionary, 2076. - Optics, 2955. - Smith's Wealth of Nations, with a Life of the Martin (F. X.). History of Louisiana, 4839. Author, 2077. - History of North Carolina, 4840. McCulloch (J. H.). Philosophical Researches, 4841. Martin (G.). Construction of Thermometers, 3478. McIlvaine. Evidences of Christianity, 6021. Martin (N.). Canalisation des Fosses de Paris, 133. McVickar (J.). Political Economy, 2079. Martin (P.). Expedition en Egypte, 1086. Mead (Math.). Almost Christian, 6022. Martin (Th.). Circle of the Mechanical Arts, 1826. Mecanique. Cours de, 1662. Martyrs of Science, 5041. Mechain. Base du Systeme M6trique decimal, 2677. Marvel (Ik.). Dream Life, 5441. - Expose des Operations, 3098. - Reveries of a Bachelor, 5442. Mechanical Drawing-Book, 1563. 884 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Mechanical Engineering. Outline of, 1564. Meteorological Register, 8481, 8482. Mechanical Problems, 2787. Meunier. ]volutions par Brigades, 578. Mechanics' Magazine, 3291. Mexico. Map of, 4067. Mechanics' Magazine and Register of Inventions, 3292. Mexico. Map of the Valley of, 4068. Mecklenburg. Carte von, 4066. Mexico, New. See New Mexico, 4084. Meda (C. A.). Precis Historique du IXme Thermidor, Meyen (F. J. F.). Vegetable Physiology, 3600. 4668. Meyer (Moritz). Technologie des Armes a feu, 389. Medici (Lorenzo de). Life of, 5044. - Pyrotechnie raisonnee, 390 Meillan. Memoires, 4669. - Experiences sur les-Bouches a feu, 391. Melancthon (Ph.). Life of, 5048. Meyers (Th.). Geography, 3938. Melanges de G6om6trie, 2413. Meyrick (S. R.). Antient Armour, 1245, 1246. Melfort. Trait6 sur la Cavalerie, 662. Micaloz. Id6es sur l'Art Defensive, 147. Melish (J.). Military and Topographical Atlas, 8932. Michaelis (J. D.). Commentaries on the Laws of MoMelville (Andrew). Life of, 5046. ses, 6023. Melville (H.). Mardi: and a Voyage thither, 4225. Michaux (F. A.). North American Sylva, 3601. - White-Jacket, 4228. - Travels in America, 4227. - Redburn, 4824. Mich6 (Alex.). Architecture pratique, 1405. - Typee; or, Four Months in the Marquesas, 4226. Michel Angelo. See Buonarroti, 4937. Memes (J. S.). Memoirs of Josephine, 5946. Michel. Fortification permanente, 148. Memoir on the Reconnaissance of Rivers, 138. Michel (Fr.). Charlemagne; an Anglo-Norman Poem, Memoir of the Atlas of Battles from 1808 to 1814. 1088. 5445. Memoires sur la Fortification perpendiculaire, 139. Michelet (J.). History of the Roman Republic, 4370. Memoire sur l'Armement des C6tes, 140. -- History of the French Revolution, 4677. Memoire sur les nouveaux Systemes d'Artillerie, 885, Michelet (M.). The People, 5447. 336. Michelson (J. A. Ch.). Euler's differenzial Rechnung, Memoire sur le Jet des Bombes, 887. 2607. Memoires de l'Institut National, 8294. Michigan. Map of, 4070. Memoires de l'Institut-Savans Strangers, 8295, 8296. Michon. Stabilito des Voftes et des Murs de Rev6teMemoires de l'Institut, 3297. ment, 1828. Memoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, 3298. Middleton. Life of Cicero, 5049. Memoires de Physique et de Chimie, 3404. Miege (G.). State of England, 4522. Memoires de la Soci6et G6ologique de France, 8731. Miers (J.). Travels in Chili, 4228. Memoires d'un Homme d'Atat, 4670. Mignet (A. F.). History of the French Revolution, Meloires sur les Journees de Septembre 1792, 4671. 4678. Memoires sur les Prisons, 4672. - History of Mary Queen of Scots, 5050. Memoires sur la Vendee, 4673. Migout et Bergery. Theorie des Affuts, 893. Memoirs of the Astronomical Society, 8099. Military Bridges, 150. Memoirs of the Connecticut Academy, 8293. Military Mentor, 579. Memoirs of the Magnetic Observations, 3480. Military Finance. Treatise on, 785. Memoirs of the Board of Agriculture of New-York, Mill (James). Political Economy, 2078. 8599. Mill (J. St.). System of Logic, 5220. Memorial de l'Officier du G6nie, 141. Millar (R.). History of Christianity, 6024. Memorial de l'Artillerie, 388. Mille (Les) et une Nuits, 5448. Minorial de l'Oficier d'Infanterie, 828. Mille (Les) et un Jours, 5449. Memorial Topographique et Militaire, 3933. Miller (G.). Philosophy of Modern History, 4294. Memorial du D6p6t g6neral de la Guerre, 3984. Miller (H.). Foot-Prints of the Creator, 3732. Menil-Durand. Projet d'un Ordre Frangais en Tac- - Scenes and Legends of Scotland, 6215. tique, 576. Miller (Samuel). Memoir of Rodgers, 5051. Fragments de Tactique, 577. -- Retrospect-Arts and Sciences, 5159. Mentelle (E.). Cosmographie el6mentaire, 3100, 3937. - Presbyterianism and Baptism, 6025. - Conrs de Cosmographie, 3935. - On the Christian Ministry, 6026. Mentelle & Chanlaire. Atlas, 8986. - On Ruling Elders, 6027. Menzel (W.). German Literature, 5158. - Christian Education, 6028. Mercier. Picture of Paris, 4674. - On Creeds and Confessions, 6029. Mercure (La). Du dix-neuvieme Siecle, 5757. Miller (Von). Legons sur la Tactique des trois Armes, Mergey (J. de). Memoires, 4676. 580. Merkes (J. G. W.). Projet d'une nouvelle Fortification, Miller (W. H.). Elements of Hydrostatics and Hydro142. dynamics, 2788. --- Examen Raisonne de la Fortification permanente, Millington (J.). Civil Engineering, 1829. 143. - Natural Philosophy, 2890. - Rsume sur les Redoutes Casemat6es, 144. Millot. Histoire de France, 4679. - Projet d'un Modele de Magasin a Poudre, 145. Mills (Ch.). History of the Crusades, 4453. - Essai sur les Murs de Revetement, 146. Milman (H. H.). History of the Jews, 4371. Mesnil (du). See Du Mesnil, 4607. - History of Christianity, 6080. Mesurier. The British Commissary, 784. - Poetical Works, 5450. Metallurgique. Voyage, 3662. Milne (D.). Essay on Comets, 3101. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 385 Milner (J.). Gothic Architecture, 1406. i Moore (J. B.). Gazetteer of New Hampshire, 3942. - History of the Church of Christ, 6031, 6032. 1 Moore (Thomas). Life of Byron, 5053. Milton (J.). Poetical Works, 5451. -- Poetical Works, 5455. Minard (Ch. J.). Canal du Centre, 1693. Moralistes Francais. 5278. Minard (M. Cours de Construction des Ouvrages Hy- Mordecai (Alfred). Experiments on Gunpowder, 396, drauliques, 1694. 397. Minerve (La). Franaaise, 5758. - Artillery, 398. Minot (G. R.). History of Massachusetts, 4842. - Digest of the Military Laws, 829. Miot (J.). Exp6ditions d'Egypte et de Syrie, 1089. Morel (A. M. T.). Trait6 des feux d'Artifice, 399. Mirabeau (Comte de). Systeme Militaire de Prusse, Morell (J. D.). History of Modern Philosophy, 5193. 581. Morell (Thomas). History of Philosophy, 5192. Mirabeau. Memoires sur, 46SO. Morfit (C.). Chemical and Pharmaceutic ManipulaMiscellanea Philosophico-Mathematica, 3299. tions, 3405. Missouri. Map of, 4071, 4072. Morgan (Augustus de). See De Morgan. Mitchell (J.). Thoughts on Tactics, 582. Morgan (W.). Price's Observations on Annuities, Mitchell (S. A.). Key to Outline Maps, 3939. 2080. -- Universal Atlas, 3940. Morin. Sur l'emploi des Moteurs, 400. Mitchell (S. L.). Cuvier's Theory of the Earth, 3733. - Compte rendu d'une mission dans les Fonderies Mitchell (T. L.). System of Surveying, 2678. de l'Artillerie, 400. Mitford (W.). History of Greece, 4372. Morin (Arthur). Exp6riences sur le Frottement, 1565, Modern Painters, 5706. 1566,1567. Modern British Essayists, 6216. - Experiences sur les Roues Hydrauliques, 1568. Mlohs (F.). Treatise on Mineralogy, 3663. - Appareils Dynamometriques, 1569. Moigno. Calcul Diff6rential et Integral, 2608. - Aide-Memoire de Mecanique, 2790. Moitte (Alex.). Cours de Topographie, 8941. - Appareils Chronometriques, &c., 2791. Moivre. Miscellanea Analytica, 2609. Morin (C. M.). Theorie de l'Administration, 786. Molard. See Barres du Molard, 1624. Morin (P. E.). Moyens de Calculer les Terrasses, 152. Mole (J.). Elements of Algebra, 2338. - Sur l'ouverture des Routes, 1830. Moliere. (Euvres, 5452, 5453. - Correspondance sur la Met6orologie, 3483. Molina. Iistory of Chili, 4843. Morisot (J. M. R.). Prix des ouvrages de Batiment, Moller. German Gothic Architecture, 1407. 1832, 1833. Monge (G.). Art de fabriquer les Canons, 394. Moritz-Meyer, 401. - Gdomntrie descriptive, 2462, 2463. Morlet (H.). L'Art de Fortifier, 153. - Application de l'Analyse, 2552. Morris (Gouverneur). Life of, 5054. - Traite de Statique, 2789. Morse (J.). American Gazetteer, 3943, 3944. Monhaupt. Tactique de I'Artillerie a Cheval, 395. - American Geography, 3945, 3946. Mvoniteur, 5759. -- Report on Indian Affairs, 4844. Monroe (James). Life of, 5052. Morse (S. E.). System of Geography, 3947. Monstrelet. Chronique, 4681. Mortier (P.). Forces de l'Europe, 154. Montaigne (Michael de). Essay, 6217. Morton (Nath.). New-England's Memorial, 4845. -- Essais, 6218. Morton (S. G.). Synopsis of the Organic Remains, Montalembert. Fortification perpendiculaire, 151. 3536. Montecuculi. Memoires des Troupes, 583, 584. - Crania Americana, 3537. -- Generalissime, 585. - Crania Aegyptiaca, 3538. MonteiL Histoire des Franaais, 4682. - Aboriginal Race of America, 3539. Montesquieu. Spirit of Laws, 2130. -- Species of Hippopotamus, 3540, 3541. - Esprit des Lois, 2131. -- Human Anatomy, 3815. (E- uvres completes, 6219, 6220. Mortonval. Guerre de Russie, 951. - Persian Letters, 6221. - Campagnes d'Allemagne de 1807 A 1809, 1092. Montfaucon de Bogles. Trait6 d'qquitation, 748. - Campagnes de France 1814 et 1815, 1093. Montgaillard. Histoire de France, 4683. Moshus. Poemes, 5456. Montgomery (J.). Poetical Works, 5454. Moseley (H.). Mechanics applied to the Arts, 1570. - Lectures on Literature, Poetry, &c. 5601. - On Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics, 2792. Montholon (Le General). Memoires de Napol6on, Illustrations of Mechanics, 2793. 4626, 4627. Mosheim (J. L.). Ecclesiastical History, 6033. - Memoirs of Napoleon, 4628, 4629. Moss (J. W.). Classical Bibliography, 5796. Montluc (Mardchal de). Commentaires, 1090. Mottin de la Balme. 1l6mens de Tactique, 663. Montluc et Vieilleville. Commentaires, 950. Moulton (J. W.). History of New-York, 4846. Montmorency. Exercise and Manceuvres of the Lance, Mounier. Fortification de Paris, 155. 723. Mountain Artillery. Instruction for, 402. Montpensier (Duc de). See Orl6ans, 4690. Mouth of Chester River, 4073. Montucla. Histoire des Mathematiques, 2237. Mouz6. Fortification Souterraine, 156. - Recreations, 2238. Mudford (W.). Campaign in the Netherlands in 1815, - Recherches sur la Quadrature du Cercle, 2414. 1094. Moore (Ed.). World, 6222. Mudge, Dalby & Colby. Trigonometrical Survey of Moore (James). Campaign in Spain, 1091. E ngland and Wales, 2679. 25 8.6 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Mudge. Topographical Maps of England, 3948. Nares. Tytler's General History, 4295. Mudie (R.). Guide to Nature, 3542. Narrien (John). Elements of Geometry, 2415. Muffing (C. de). Campaign of 1815, 1095. -- Descriptive Geometry, 2464. Mulenburgh. American Plants, 3602. - Analytical Geometry, 2553. Muller (Ales.). Thlorie sur l'escrime h Cheval, 724. Practical Astronomy and Geodesy, 3102. -- Msnmoire sur les Armes de la Cavalerie, 725. National Portrait Gallery, 5055. Muller (C. O.). Ancient Art and its Remains, 4373. Natural History of New-York, 3543. Muller (John). Field Engineer, 157. Natural History. Annual Reports of, 3544. -- Treatise of Fortification, 153. Nature Displayed, 5578. - Attack and Defence, 159. Nautical Almanac, 3203. - Elementary Treatise of Fortification, 160. Naval Chronicle, 1262. Treatise of Artillery, 403. Naval and Military Magazine, 1263. -- Supplement to the Treatise of Artillery, 404. Naval Tactics. System of, 588. On Walls and Constructions, 1834. Navarro Sangran. Systeme de Pointage, 406. Elements of Mathematics, 2239. Navier. Rapport sur les Ponts Suspendus, 1697. Muller (J.). Physics and Meteorology, 2891. - Rssum6 des legons de l'6cole des Ponts et ChausMuller (L.). Versuch ueber die Verschanzungskunst, sees, 1571. 161. - Memoires sur les Canaux, 1698. Miller (W.). Elements of the Science of War, 586. - On the lines of Railway, 1835. Mumford (P. S.) Cordora, 5457. Navigation, 1696. Murat. Histoire de, 1189. Navy Registers, 1289, 1290. Murchison (R. I.). Silurian System, 3734. Naylor (F. H.). History of Germany, 4454. Murphy (A.). Works of Tacitus, 4374. Neal (D.). History of the. Puritans, 6034. Murphy (R.). Algebraical Equations, 2339. Neale (F. A.) Syria, Palestine, and Asia Minor, 4231. — Theories ofElectricity, 3485. Nebel and Kendall. Mexican War, 954. Murray (A.). On European Languages, 5576. Necker. Importance of Religion, 6035. Murray (H.). Encyclopedia of Geography, 3949. Necker (L. A.). Le Regne Min6ral, 3664. -- British India, 4757. Nederlanden. Kaart Van, 4075. - British America, 4847. Neele (S. & G.). General Atlas, 3950. -- Travels of Marco-Polo, 4229. Nellerto. Revolution d'Espagne, 4455. Murray (J.). Elements of Chemical Science, 3406. Nelson. Life of, 5056. -- System of Chemistry, 3407. Nepos, Cornelius, 4375. Murray (L.). English Grammar, 5577. Nesbit (A.). On land Surveying, 2681. - Introduction an lecteur Franiais, 6223. Nettleton (W.). On Virtue and Happiness, 5279. Musaei. Carmen de Ierone et Leandro, 5458. Neuchatel. Carte de, 406. Mus6e. Poemes, 5459. Neuman & Baretti. Dictionary of the Spanish and Museum of Foreign Literature and Science, 5760. English Languages, 5826. Mushet (D.). On Iron and Steel, 1918. Neumark. Iarte Yon, 4077. Musschenbroek. Natural Philosophy, 2892. New Bedford. Harbor of, 4078. Musset-Pathay. Relations des Si6ges, 162, 1096. New England. Map of, 4079. Mutiny of the Bounty, 4230. New I-ampshire. Map of, 4080 Mydorgii. Prodromi Catoptricorum, 2240. New Haven. Harbor of, 4081. New London County. Map of, 4082. Nancy (A. P. F.) Traite des Batteries, 405. New London. Harbor of, 4083. Nantucket Hasbor, 4074. Newman (S. P.). Practical System of Rhetoric, 5602. Napier (General Ch. J.). Lights and Shades of Mili- New Mexico. Map of, 4084. tary Life, 1190. Newton (I.). Quadrature of Curves, &c., 2241. Napier (John). Arithmetica Logarithmica, 2724. -- Universal Arithmetic, 2290. Napier (W. F. P.). War in the Peninsula, 952. - Method of Fluxions and infinite Series, 2611. -- Guerre dans la Peninsula, 953. -- Natural Philosophy, 2893, 2894. Napoleon. Military Maxims, 587. -- Mathematical Philosophy, 2922. -- Vie politique et Militaire de, par Arnault, 1191. - Opera quse exstant omnia, 2895. -- Life of, by Bourrienne, 1192. - Philosophise Naturalis Principia Mathematics, - Devant ses Contemporains, 1193. 2896. - Vie politique, Militaire et priv6e de, par Chen- -- Principia, 2897. nechot, 1194. -- Construction d'un Telescope, 2956. -- Correspondance in6dite, 1195. - Optice sive de Reflexionibus, 2957. -- Life of, by Hazlitt, 1196. - Geographia generalis, 3951. -- Vie politique et Militairo de, par Jomini, 1197. Newton (Th.). Dissertations on the Prophecies, 6036. - History of Napoleon, by Lockhart, 1198. New-York. Documents of the Senate of, 2002. - In exile, by O'Meara, 1199. New-York. Journal of the Senate of, 2003. - Life of, by Sir Walter Scott, 1200, 1201. New-York. Documents of the Assembly of, 2004. - Histoire de, par Thibaudeau, 1202. New-York. Journal of the Assembly of, 2005. Histoire de, par Touchard-Lafosse, 1203. New-York State Society of the Cincinnati, 2006. - Mmoires de, 1204. New-York. Revised Statutes of, 2132, 2133. - Court and Camp of, 4686. New-York. Laws of the State of, 2134, 2135. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 387 New-York State Cabinet of Natural History, 8545. Odon de Deuil. M6moires, 4688. New-York. Sixty-fifth Annual Report of the State of, Oecolainpadius (J.). Life of, 5058. 5762. Officer's Manual in the Field, 589. New-York Farmer and Horticultural Repository, 8608. Ogilvie (J.). Imperial Dictionary, 5828. New-York Catalogue of Maps and Surveys, 3952. Oginski. M6moire sur la Pologne, 4456. New-York Magazine; or, Literary Repository, 5761. - Observations sur la Pologne, 4457. New-York. Map of, 4085, 4086, 4087. Okouneff (N.). Consid6rations sur la Campagne de New-York Institution for the Blind, 5651. 1812, 590. New-York Society Library. Catalogue of the, 5797. Old Countryman, 5764. New-York State Library. Catalogue of the, 5798. Olivier (G. A.). Travels in the Ottoman Empire, Nichol (J. P.). Planetary System, 3103. Egypt, and Persia, 4233. Nicholson (J.). Operative Mechanic and Machinist, Omalius d'Halloy. Introduction i ]a G6ologie, 3785. 1572. -- Elements de G6ologie, 3736. Nicholson (Peter). Architectural Dictionary, 1408. ~ O'Meara (B. E.). Napoleon in Exile, 1206. — Principles of Architecture, 1409. Oppien. Poemes, 5460. - Instructor in the five orders of Architecture, 1410. 1 Oran. Carte de la Province d', 4089, 4090. — Carpenter's New Guide, 1573. Orange County. Map of, 4(91. Mechanical Exercises, 1836. Orbigny (d'). See D'Orbigny. -- On Masonry and Stone-cutting, 1837. Orderi Vital. Memoires, 4689. Practical Perspective, 2465. Ordnance Manual, 412, 413. — Method of Increments, 2612. Ordnance Drawings and Tables, 414. Nicholson (W.). Natural Philosophy, 2899. Ordonnance du Roi. Sur l'instruction et le Service de -- Principles of Chemistry, 3408. lArtillerie, 415. --- British Encyclopedia, 5827. Ordonnance provisoire pour la Cavalerie, 664. Nicollet (J. N.). Cours de Mathematiques, 2242. Ordonnance sur les ~volutions de la Cavalerie, 665. - Essay on Meteorological Observations, 8486. Ordonnance pour le service des Places et des Quartiers, Niebuhr (B. G.). Histoire Romaine, 4876. 832. -- History of Rome, 4877. Ordre profond et l'ordre Mince, 591. Nile Notes of a Howadji, 4232. Orfila. Trait6 des Poisons, 3816. Niles (I-.). Principles and Acts of the Revolution, 4848. Orleans. Memoires, 4690. Niles (J. M.). Life of Oliver Hazard Perry, 5057. Orphee. Poemes, 5461. Niles' Weekly Register, 5763. Ostsee Kustenlander, 4092. Noailles. Campagne de 1743, 1097. Otis (J.). Life of, 5059. Noel et Carpentier. Dictionnaire des Origines, 83300. Otto (J. C, F.). Tables Balistiques, 416. Noizet. Resum6s des legons du Cours de Fortification - Th6orie du tir a ricochet, 417. permanente, 163, 1614. Otto. See Guericke Otto, 2869. - Cours de Fortification permanente, 165. Oude. Map of, 4093. Noizet de Saint-Paul. Trait6 de Fortification, 166,167. Oudiette (Ch.). Dictionnaire Geographique, 3958. Norie (J. W.). Practical Navigation, 2973. Ouseley (W. G.) Statistics of the United States, 2007. - Nautical Tables, 2974. Over (Ch.). Ornamental Architecture, 1411. - Linear Tables, 3204. Overman (F.). Treatise on Metallurgy, 3665. Normandy (A.). Commercial Hand-Book of Chemical Ovid. Metamorphoses and Epistles, 5462. Analysis, 3409. -- (Euvres Completes, 5463. - Rose's Chemical Analysis, 3410. Owen (J.). Life of, 5060. North America. Maps of, 4088. - On the Holy Spirit, 6037. Norvins. Histoire de Napoleon, 1205. - On Justification, 6038. Norvins (de). Portefeuille de 1813, 4687. - On Indwelling Sin, 6039. Note sur quelques Modifications, 407. Owen (R. D.). Hints on Public Architecture, 1412. Notes on Engineering, &c. 408. Owen (W. F. W.). Narrative of Voyages, 4234. Nott (E.). Addresses, 5628. Oxenstirn. Pens6es Morales, 6224. Oyon. Tables de Multiplication, 2725. Obenheim d'. See D'Obenheim, 304, 805. Oyster, or Syosset Bay. Harbor of, 4094. O'Brien (J.). Military Laws and Courts Martial, 880. Ozanam. Fortification, Reguliere et Irr6guliBre, 170. Obsequens (J.). (Euvres, 4378. - Cours de Mathematiques, 2243. Observations sur un ouvrage attribu6e a feu, 410. - Recreations, 2244. Observations on the employment of the heavy Artillery in the Peninsular War, 411. Pagan. Fortifications, 171. Observations on Courts Martial, 831. Paganel (P.). Revolution Frangaise, 4691. Observations Astronomiques, 3171. Page (W. P.). Life and Writings of Johnson, 5061. Observations during Magnetic disturbance, 1840-41, Pain (W.). Practical House Carpenter, 1413. 3487. Paine (J.). Plans, Elevations, and Sections of Houses,. O'Callaghan (E. B.). History of New Netherlands, 4849 1414. O'Connor (J. M.). Science of War and Fortification, 169. Paine (M.). Medical and Physiological Commentaries, Odeleben d'. See D'Odeleben, 1049. 3817. Odier (P. A.). Cours d'6tudes sur'Administration - On the Soul, Instinct, and Life, 8818. Militaire, 787. Paine (R. T.). Memoirof, 6225.. 38$S ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Painters, Modern, 5706. Partington (Ch. F.), Natural Philosophy, 2901. Paixhans (H. J.). Fortification de Paris, 172. Partouneaux. I-istoire de Napoleon, 1209. - Force et Faiblesse Militaire de la France, 592. Pascal (B.). Les Provinciales et Pens6es, 6047, 6048. Nouvelle force Maritime, 418. Pasley (C. W.). Military Instruction. 174. Experiences faites par la Marine, 419. - Elementary Fortification, 175. - Expsriences du nouveau Systeme de forces Na- - Rules, for Conducting the Practical Operations of vales, 420. a Siege, 176. Palaeontographical Society, 3737. - Standing Orders, 835. Paley (William). Moral and Political Philosophy, - Military Policy and Institutions, 593. 5280, 5281, 5282. - Practical Geometry, 2682. - Natural Theology, 8546, 6040. Pasquotank River, 4101. -- Evidences of Christianity, 6042. Paterculus (C. V.). (Euvres, 4379. -- Iorae Paulinae, 6043. Patoun (A.). Practical Navigation, 2975. - Sermons, 6044. Patriarchs, 6049. Palfrey (J. G.). Tables ofBearings, Distances, &c., 3954. Patte. Monumens eriges en France a la gloire de Palgrave (F.). English Commonwealth, 4523. Louis XV., 1418. Palladio (A.). Four Books of Architecture, 1415. Paucton (A. J. P.). M6trologie, 2081. -- Oeuvres Complbtes, 1416. Paulding (J. K.). Life of Washington, 5062. Palmer (J.). Detail of the line movements, 702. Pausanite. Veteris Grmecieo Descriptio, 4380. Palmer (W.). On the Church of Christ, 6045. Pauthier (G.). Livres Sacres de l'Orient, 6050. Pambour (F. M. G. de). On Locomotive Engines, Pauw (de) On the Greeks, 4381. 1575, 1576, Paxton (J.). Illustrations of Paley's Natural Theology, -- On the Steam Engine, 1577, 1578. 6051. Panckoucke (C. L. F.). Portraits des generaux Fran- Payen. Chimie en 26 Lemons, 3413. gais, 955. Payne (G.). Mental and Moral Science, 5283. Pappi (A.). Mathematicea Collectiones, 2245. Peacock (G.). Differential and Integral Calculus, 2613. Papworth (J. B.). Principles of Design in Architec- Peake (J.). Naval Architecture, 1419. ture, 1417. Pearson (W.). Practical Astronomy, 3104. Pardoe (Miss). Louis XIV. and the Court of France, Peckston (Th. S.). On Gas-Lighting, 3414. 4692. Peclet (E.). Traite de Physique, 2902. Paris (J. A.). Medical Chemistry,[3819. - Trait6 de la Chaleur, 3488. Paris. Ses Fauxbourgs, 4095. Pecock. Writings, 6052. Paris. Carte de, 4096. Peirce (B.). Treatise on Algebra, 2340. Paris. Plan Routier de, 4097. - Treatise on Geometry, 2416. Paris. Carte des Fortifications de, 4098. - Treatise on Trigonometry, 2510, 2511. Paris. Nouveau Plan des Fortifications de, 4099. - Treatise on Curves, Functions, & c., 2614. Park (Mungo). Life and Travels of, 4235. Pelet (le General). Sur la Fortification de Paris, 178. Parker. Arithmetic and Algebra, 2291. -- Avis sur les Fortifications de Paris, 179. Parker (S. P.). Address, 5629. - Memoires sur la Guerre de 1809, 956. Parker (Th. N.). Essay on the Construction, &c., of -- Devault's Memoires Militaires, 957. Gates, 1838. Pelouse. Art du Maitre de Forges, 1919. Parkes (S.). Chemical Essays, 3411. - Art du Briguetier, Chaufournier et Charbonnier, -- Chemical Catechism, 3412. 1920. Parkinson (J.). Organic Remains, 3788. Peltier (A.). Sur la Formation des Trombes, 3489. -- On Fossils, 8739. Pemberton (11.). View of Newton's Philosophy, 2908. Parkinson (T.). System of Mechanics, 2795. Penn (G.). Estimate of the Mineral and Mosaical Parkmnan (F.). History of the Conspiracy of Pontiac, Geologies, 3740. 4850. Penn (W.). Holy Cross of Christ, 6053. Parliamentary Debates, 5630. - Works, 6226. Parma. Carta di, 4100. Pennsylvania. Constitution and Government of, 2008" Parmentier (Th.). Vocabulaire Allemand-Franaais des Pennsylvania. Map of, 4102. Termes de Fortification, 1281. P6rau. Saxe's Reveries, 594. Parr (B.). Medical Dictionary, 3820. Perceval (G.). History of Italy, 4458. Parr (Q. C.). Writings, 6046. Percy (Th.). Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, 5464 Parrizot. Description d'une Machine pour d6couper Perdonnet (A.). Memoire sur les Chemins, 1840. les Cuirasses, 421. Peretsdorf Ravichio, 422. Parry (W. E.). Voyage for the [Discovery of a North- Perin (R.). Vie de Lannes, 1208. West Passage, 4236, 4240. Perkins (G. R.). Treatise on Algebra, 2341. - Second Voyage for the Discovery of a North- Perrard (J. F.). Histoire du moyen age et Moderne, 4459, West Passage, 4237. Perrier (J. B.). Le Guide desjuges Militaires, 836. - Third Voyage for the Discovery of a North-West Perrin (J.). Exercises, 5579. Passage, 4238, 4241. Perronet. (Euvres, description des Pouts de Neuilli, - Attempt to Reach the North Pole, 4239. &c., 1699. - Three Voyages, 4242. - Supplement i ses oeuvres, 1700. Partington (Ch. F.). On the Steam Engine, 1579. - Sur le cintrement et le decintrement des Pont, Worcester's Century of Inventions, 1580. 1701. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 389 Perrot et Aupick. Atlas de France, 3955. Pitkin (T.). Commerce of the United States, 2082. Perry (O. H.). Life of, 5063, 5064. -- History of the United States, 4852. Persius. Works, 5465. Pitrou. Architecture de Charpente des Ponts, 1796. Persy (N.). Siabilite des Constructions, 180. Pitt (W.). Life of, 5069, 5070. - Sur les formes des Bouches a feu, &c., 423. -- Speeches, 5631. - Cours de Balistique, 424, 425. Plates of Architectural Designs and Details, 1420. Pertusieur (Ch.). La Fortification, 181. Plato. Divine Dialogues, 5285. Petavii (D.). Uranologion, 3105. Plauzoles (Ch.). Tables de Logarithmes, 2726. Peter the Great. Life of, 1209. Playfair (J.). Works, 2904. Peter III. Emperor of Russia. See Pierre, 1210. -- System of Chronology, 4382. Peters (R.). Reports of Cases, 2136. Pleydell (J. C.). On Field Fortification, 182. - Condensed Reports of Cases, 2137. Pline. Pens6es de, 6227. -- Digest of Cases, 2138. Pline le Jenne. (Euvres Complites, 5603. Petot. On Mortars, 1921. Plumer (W. S.). Offices of Christ, 6055. Petri. Carte des environs de Dresde, 3956. Plutarch. The Revolutionary, 4696. Peyrard (F.). CEuvres d'Archimede, 2246. Plutarch. Lives, 5071, 5072. -- C(Evres d'Euclide, 2417. -- Ls Vies des IIonmmes Illustres, 5073. Peyre. Mouvement ign6, 426. -- Morals, 5286, 5287. Pezay. Campagnes de Maillebois, 1099. -- Ch.ronensis Scripta Moralia, 5288. Pfaff (J. F.). Summations Methode, 2247. -- Euvres, 6228. Phdedrus. The Odes, Satires, and Epistles, 5466. Pocock (W. F.). Modern Finishing for Rooms, 1421. Phare de New-York, 5765. -- Designs for Churches and Chapels, 1422. Philibert (J. C.). Dictionnaire de Botanique, 3604. Poe (E. A.). Works, 5469. Philippi (J.). Memoires, 4693. Poemes Grecs, 5470. Phillips (J.). On Inland Navigation, 1702, 1703. Poetes Francais, 5471. Navigation int6rieure, 1704. Poets and Poetry of Greece and Rome, 5472. Phillips (W.). Mineralogy, 3666. Poets British, 5473. - Outlines of Geology, 8741. Poinsett (J. R.). On National Institution, 5632. Philosophical Magazine, 8301, 3302, 3303. Poinsot (L.). 16mens de Statique, 2796. Philosophical Transactions, 3304. Poisson. Formules Relatives au Tir, 430. Philostratus. Life of Apollonius, 5065. - Sur la probabilit6 du tir a la Cible, 431. Philpot (J.). Examinations and Letters, 6054 -- Traite de Mecanique, 2997, 2798. Piacenza. Carta di, 4103. -- Formules de Probabilit6s, 2905. Piazzi. Beobachteten Sterne, 3172. Poitevin (P.). Petits Poetes Francais, 5474. Picart (B.). Eisenberg's Monter a cheval, 749. Political Tracts, 1761, 1766. Pichegru (General). History of his Campaigns, 1100. Pollok. Poetical Works, 5475. Pickering (J.). Eulogy on Bowditch, 5065. Polo (Marco). Travels, 4246. - Vocabulary, 5580. Pologne. Partage de ]a, 3957. Pickett (A. J.). History of Alabama, 4851. Polybe. Son Histoire, 4383. Pictet (B.). La Morale Chr6tienne, 5284. -- Ouvrages Historiques, 4384. Picton (Th.). Memoirs of. 5067. IHistoriaruum Reliquia, 4385. Pictorial History of England, 4524. - General History, 4386. Pictorial Gallery of Arts, 5707. Polyen et Frontin. Les Ruses de Guerre, 1247. Pierce Morton. Geometry, 2418. Pommi6s et Reynaud. Manuel de lIng6nieur, 3683. Pierre III. ELnpereur de Russie. HIistoire de, 1210. Poncelet. M6moire sur les Roues, 1581. Pierre le Grand. See Peter the Great, 1209. -- Cours de Mlcanique appliquce aux Machines, 1533. Pigault-Lebrun. IHistoire de France, 4694. -- Lemons preparatoires au Lever d'Usines, 158-1. Pike (Z. MI). Expeditions to the Sources of the Mis- -- Trait6 des Propri6tes Projectives, 2466 sissippi, 4243. - Introduction a la M6canique industrielle, 2799. Pilkington (M.). Dictionary of Painters, 5708. -- Cours de M6canique industrielle, 2800. Pillet-Will. D6pense et Produit des Canaux, 1705. Pond (J.). Astronomical Observations, 3173. Pinard. Chronologie IIistorique Militaire, 1211. Pont en Pierre a Rouen, 1707. Pindar and Anacreon. The Odes of, 5467. Pont en Fer Coulo. 1708. Pindare. Ponmes, 5468. Pont de l' cole Militaire, 1709. Pingr6. Trait6 des Com6tes, 3106. Ponts en Fer et Ponts Mobiles, 1710. Pinkerton (J.). Petralogy,8 367. Ponts Mobile et Ponts Levis, 1711. -- Collection of Voyages and Travels, 4244. Pontecoulant (G. de). Theorie du SystSme du Monde, Pinkney (W.). Life of, 5068. 2801. Piobert (G.) Trait6 d'Artillerie, 427. Pontonniers. Manoeuvres des, 183. --- Cours d'Artillerie, 428. Poole (M.). Popery and Protestantism, 6056. ---- Memoire surL les poudres, 429. Poole (R. S.). IIorae Aegyptiacae, 4387. Piobert, Morin et Didion. Sur la resistance des Corps Pope (A). Poetical Works, 5476. Solides, 429. Popular Treatise on Vegetable Physiology, 3605. Piron. Notice sur la dessiccation du Bois, 1922. Porter (L.). Chemistry of the Arts, 3415. Pisan (Christine de). See Christine, 4587. Porter (Miss Jane). Seaward's Shipwreck, 5477. Pitcairn's Island, 4245. Porter (D.). Journal of a Cruise, 4247. 3 -O0 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Porter (R. I.). Art of Defence on Foot, 726. Presbyterian Board. Missionary in the Wilderness Port-Folio, 5766, 5767. 6066. Portagal. Mapa de, 4104. Presbyterian Board. Revivals of Religion, 6067. Potevin (P. L.). Fortification, 184. Presbyterian Board. Scripture Emblems, 6068. Pothier. Oeuvres, 2189. Presbyterian Board. Destruction of Jerusalem, 6069. Potier. Geometrie descriptive, 2647. Presbyterian Board. Scripture Portions of the AfPotsdam. Plan von, 4105. ficted, 6070. Potter (A.). Political Economy, 2083. Presbyterian Board. Three-fold Cord, 6071. Potter (J.). Antiquities of Greece, 4388. Presbyterian Board. Constitution of the Presbyterian Pouillet. 16mmens de Physique, 2906. Church, 6072. Pounnet. Art de Pointer, 432. Presbyterian Board. Form of Government, 6079. -- Analyse sur l'Artillerie, 433. Presbyterian Tracts, 6074. — Snr les Effets des Bouches t fen, 434. Prescott (W. H.). History of Ferdinand and Isabella, Instruction sur l'Artillerie, 435. 4462. Poussin (G. T.). Travaux d'Ameliorations, 1712. - Conquest of Mexico, 4855. - The United States-its Power and Progress, 4853. - Conquest of Peru, 4856. Powell (B.). History of Natural Philosophy, 2907. -- Biographical and Critical Miscellanies, 6229. -- Physique, 2908. Prestet (J.). Nouveau ilOmens des Math6matiques, -- Undulatory Theory, 2958. 2248. Powell (Mary). The Maiden and Married Life of, 5074. Pr6val. Du Service des Armees en Campagne, 595. Practical Mechanic and Engineer's Magazine, 1585,1586. Price (R.). Observations on Annuities, 2084,-2085. Practical Engineering. Papers on, 1841. - Sermons on the Christian Doctrine, 6075. Practical Surveying. Treatise on, 2684. Prideaux (H.). Life of Mahomet, 5075. Pradt (de). Du Systeme permamente de'Europe, 1958. -- True Nature of Imposture, 6076. L'Europe apr6s le Congres d'Aix-la-Chapelle, 8110. Priestley (J.). On Air, 3416. -- L'Erope et L'Amerique, 2011 to 2013. - Histoire de l'llectricit6, 3490. Preliminaire de la Session de 1817, 2014. - Lectures on History, 4296. -- Petit Catechisme, 2015. Prior (W. H.). Lectures on Astronomy, 3107. De l'Amrique et du Brezil, 2016. Pritchard (A.). Microscopic Cabinet, 2959. Pieces relatives a St. Dominique et a'Am6rique, -- History of Infusoria, 3742. 2017. Prichard (J. C.). Researches into the Physical History - De l'Am6rique meridionale et du Brezil, 2018. of Mankind, 3547. - De la Grece dans ses Rapports avec l'Europe, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 2019. 3305, - Congr6s de Carlsbad, 2020. Proceedings of the American Association, 3306. - Lettre a un itlecteur de Paris, 2021. Proceedings of Magnetical and Meteorological Confer- Des Progr6s, 2022. ence, 3491. - Congres de Rastadt, 2023. Proclus. Commentaries, 2419. - L'Europe par Rapport a la GrBce, 2024. -- Philosophical and Mathematical Commentaries, - Examen du Plan pr6sento aux Cortes, 2025. 5194. - De la Belgique, 2026. -- Theology, 6077. - Vrai Systome de I'Europe, 2027. Programmes d'Artillerie et du G6nie, 185. -- De lIntervention Arm6e, 2028. Programmes du Cours de Sciences Naturelles, 439. - Proces Complet, 2029. Programmes pour l'Admission a l'tcole Polytechnique, De l'Affaire de la Loi des Elections, 2030. 5652. -- Garanties a demander 8 l'Espagne, 2031. Programme des Cours Profess6s en 1848 et 1849 a Les quatre Concordats, 2140, 2141 l'tcole des Ponts et Chaussees, 1843. - Concordat de l'Am6rique avec Rome, 2142. Progression et Notes pour les Troupes a Cheval, 666. - Revolution d'Espagne, 4460. Prony (R.). Nonvelle Architecture Hydraulique, 1713. Revolution actuelle de L'Espagne, 4461. -- Description des Marais Pontins, 1714. Restauration de la Royant6 en France, 4697. - Jaugeage des Eaux Courantes, 1715. Revolution de l'Amrique, 4854. — Theorie des Eaux Courantes, 1716. Pratt (J. H.). Mechanical Philosophy, 2802. I Les Dimensions des Mirs de Revetement, 1844. Pr6aux (Col.). Manuel des Artificiers, 436. -- Recherches sur les Poussee des Terres, 1845. Instruction sur le Canonage, 437. -- quations indeterminees qui se Rapport aux SecPresbyterian Board. Westminster Assembly of Di- tions Coniques, 2554. vines, 6057. -- Roy's Description des Moyens employ6s, 2685. Presbyterian Board. History of the Covenanters, 6058. -- Mcanique Philosophique, 2803. Presbyterian Board. Council of Trent, 6059. -- Sur le Calcul des Longitudes et des Latitudes, 3108. Presbyterian Board. Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, Properce. Oeuvres, 5478. 6060. Proud (R.). History of Pennsylvania, 4457. Presbyterian Board. Missionary Records, 6061. Prout (S.). Hints on Light and Shadow, Composition. Presbyterian Board. Way of Salvation, 6062. &c., 5709. Presbyterian Board. Laborers in the East, 6063. Prout (W.). Chemistry, Meteorology, &c., 8418. Presbyterian Board. Prophetic Blessings, 6064. Prudence Humaine, 5289. Presbyterian Board. Novelty of Popery, 6065. Prudhomme. Traite des Mines, 186. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 391 Prus (C.). Tables des Courbes de Raccordement, 2727. Rapin. Critical Works, 5606. Ptolemaeus(C.). Almagestum; seu, magnae Construe- Rapin (P.). (Euvres, 6230. tionis opus, 3109. Rapp (Ge6nral). Memoires, 1213. -- Magnae Constructionis, 3110. Rapport fait h la Classe des Sciences Mathematiques et -- Beobachtung und beschreibung der Gestirne, 3111. Physiques, 2249. -- Geographiae, 3958. Raspail (F. V.). Chimie Organique, 3419. Public Works in the United States of America, 1717. Raucourt de Charleville. TraitO sur les Mortiers, 1923. Public Lands at West Point, 3959. Raulin (V.). Carte G6ognostique, 3743. Public Education, 5653. Ravichio de Peretsdorf. Trait6 de Pyrotechnie, 440. Public Libraries in the United States, 5799. Ravichio de Peretsdorf et Nancy. Trait6 des Battories, Puckler Muskau (Prince). Tour in England, Ireland, 441. and France, 4248. Ravichio de Peretsdorf. See Decker, 297, 299, 300. Puffendorf (S.). Law of Nature, 1959. - See Grewenitz, 835. Pugin (A). Gothic Architecture, 1423. - See Meyer, 391. - Public Buildings of London, 1425. Ravinet (Th.). Dictionnaire I-ydrographique, 3690. Pugin and Le Keux. Architectural Antiquities, 1424. Rawle (W.). On the Constitution, 2143. Puissant (L.). Propositions de Geometrie, 2555, 2556. Ray de Saint-Genies. L'Art de la Guerre, 597. - Trait6 de Geodesie, 2686. Raymond (D.). Political Economy, 2086. - Supplement au Trait6 de G6odesie, 2687. Raymond (F.). Dictionnaire des Termes appropries - Traite de Topographie d'Arpentage et de Nivelle- aux Arts et aux Sciences, 5829. ment, 2688. - Dictionnaire de la Langue Frangaise, 5380. - Methode Generale, 3112. Raymond (J. B.). Carte Plysique et Min6ralogique, Punjab. Map of, 4106. 3961. Pursh (F.). Flora Americae Septentrionalis, 3606. Raymond de Vericour (L.). Modern French LiteraPursuit of Knowledge, 5076. ture, 5160. Putnam (G. P.). The World's Progress: Dictionary Raynal (G. Th.). Histoire Philosophique, 4758. of Dates, 4902, 4903. Raynerd. American Builder's Companion, 1428. Putnam (General I.). Life of, 1212. Reboul. Tables de Venus, 3205. Puys6gur (Mar6chal). Art de la Guerre, 596. Reconnaissances in New Mexico and Texas, 8962. Pycroft (J.). Course of Reading, 5654. Recneil de 484 Dessins relatifs a l'Art de l'Ingenieur Pyne (G.). Treatise on Perspective, 2468. 1718. Pyrophores, ou Moyen de D6fense, 187. Recueil de Documents sur l'Exp6dition et la Prise de Constantine, 1040. Quadrupeds. Natural History of, 3548. Redfield (W. C.). Whirlwind Storms, 3492. Quatrernmre de Quincy. Dictionnaire d'Architecture, Red Jacket. Life of, 5080. 1426. Reech (F.). Cours de M6canique, 2805. - On Imitation in the Fine Arts, 5710. Rees (A.). Cyclopaedia, 5831. Queens of England, 5077. R6forme dans la L6gislation Militaires, 838. Quillet (P. N.). Legislation des Troupes, 837. Regiomonti (J. de). Astronomicon Epitoma, 3113. Quincy (J.). Life of, 5078. Register of the United States Military Academy, 1291. Quincy (le Marquis de). listoire Militaire de Louis lo Reglamentos para la Organizacion Rejimen, &c., 789. Grand, 958. Reglement sur 1'Instruction a Pied et a Cheval, 443. Quinte-Curce. (Euvres, 4389. Riglement provisoire sur les Manceuvres de l'Artillerie. Quinti. Posthomerica, 5479. 444. Quintilian. Institutes of the Orator, 5604. Reglement sur les Manceuvres des Batteries Atteloes, Quintilien et Pline le Jeune. (Euvres completes, 5605. 445, 446. RBglement sur le Service des Arsenaux, 447. Rabaut (J. P.). French Revolution, 4698. Rlgiement sur le Service de l'Artillerie, 448. Rabelais (F.). (Euvres, 5840. Peglement concernant l'Exercice et les Mancouvres de Rabutin (F. de). Commentaires, 4699. l'Infanterie, 703. Racine (J). (Eavres, 5481, 5482. R eglement sur l'Uniforme de l'Arm6e Frangaise, 790. Rajpootana. Map of, 4107. Reglement sur le Service des Troupes i Cheval, -8'9 Raleigh (W.). Parting with his Wife, 5711. RBglement sur le Service de l'Infanterie, 840, 841. Ramon de la Sagra. See Sagra, 3551. RBglement concernant le Service des Troupes i CheRamond (L.). Mmnoire Baromrtrique, 2804. val, 842. Ramsay (D.). Universal Iistory, 4297. Reglemnent provisoire sur le Service des Troupes a Che- History of the United States, 4858. val, 843. - American Revolution, 4859. Regulations for the Instruction, &c., of the Cavalry, 667. - History of South Carolina, 4860. Regulations for the Prussian Cavalry, 844. Ramsden. Description d'une Machine, 1587. Regulations for the Dress of Officers, 845. Randolph (John). Life of, 5079. Regulations of the Prince of Wales's 12th Regiment, Ranke (L.). History of Prussia, 4463. 846. - History of the Popes, 6078. Regulations for the Exercise of Riflemen and Ligllt Ranlett (W. H.). The Architect; Cottages and Vil- Infantry, 847. las, 1427. Regulations of the United States Military Academy, Raoul de Caen. M6moires, 4700. 848 to 850. 392 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Regnard. (Euvres, 5483. Repton (H. & J. A.). Fragments on Landscape GarRegnard et Detouches. (Euvres, 5484. dening, 1431. Regnier de la Planche (L.). IIistoire de France, 4701. Repton (H.). Designs for the Pavilion at Brighton, Reid (D. B.). Practical Chemistry, 3420. 1432. Reid (Th.). On the Human Mind, 5221. Reresby (J.). Memoires, 4525. - Works, 5222. Resson (de). Methode pour tirer les Bombes, 450. Reid (Col. W.). Law of Storms, 3493. Retzow (de). Memoires sur la Guerre de Sept Ans, 959. Relation du Siege de Grave et de Mayence, 188, 1101. Revere (J. W.). Tour of Duty in California, 4249. Remarques sur l'Essai de Tactique, 598. Reveroni. Essai sur le M6canisme de la Guerre, 601. REmond (Le General). De la Defense de Paris, 189. R6veroni Saint-Cyr. Statique de la Guerre, 602. Principes de Strategie, 599. Review. North American, 5770. Renaud (L.). Fabrication de la Poudre, 449. Review. American Quarterly, 5771. Rennie (G.). Buchanan's Essays on Mill-Work, 1588. Review. Retrospective, 5772. Rennie (J.). On the Southern Canal, 1719. Review. Quarterly, 5773. Renwick (J.). On the Steam-Engine, 1589. Review. Foreign, 5774. - Practical Mechanics, 1590. Review. Edinburgh, 5775. - Elements of Mechanics, 2806. Review. Westminster, 5776. - Natural Philosophy, 2910. Review. London Quarterly, 5777. - Life of Clinton, 5081. Review. North British, 5778. - Life of Alexander Hamilton, 5082. Revised Statutes of New-York, 2144. R6pertoire de Chimie, de Physique, &c., 3421. Revue Encyclopedique, 5779. Repertoire de Chimie Scientifique et Industrielle, 3422. Reynaud (A. A. L). Trait6 d'Arithmftique, 2292. Repertory of Arts and Manufactures, 3307, 3308. - Trait6 d'Application de l'Algebre, 2342. Repertory of Patent Inventions, 3309. - TraitO d'Algebre, 2343. Reponse aux Notes Critiques de Napoleon, 600. - Manuel le d'Ing6nieur, 2689 Reports of the Commissioners of Military Inquiry, 791. -- Trigonom6trie Analytique, 2728. Report on Windsor Castle and Buckingham Palace, 1429. Reynier. Campagne d'^ gypte, 1102. Reports on Artisans and Maclinelry, 1591. Rhetici (G. J.). Opus Palatinum de Triangulis, 2729. Report on the State of London Bridge, 1720. Rhode Island. School Laws of, b656. Report upon the Increased Trade and Shipping of the Ricci (de). Essai sur lInstruction dans les I coles Port of London, 1721. d'Artillerie, 451. Report (Second) upon the Improvement of the Port of Riccioli (J. B.). Almagestune Novum Astronomiam, London, 1722. 3114. Report on the Communication between England and -- Geographie, 3965. Ireland, 1723. Richardot. Les Batteries i pied Montees, 452. Report on the Routes of Canals from Boston to Con- -- Memoires sur lArmde Frangaise en Egypte et en necticut and Hudson Rivers, 1724. Syrie, 1103. Report upon the Improvement in the Commonwealth Richardson (Ch.). Dictionary of the English Language, of Pennsylvania, 1725. 5832. Report (Seventh) of the Chesapeake and Delaware Ca- Richardson (Ch. J.). On Warming and Ventilation, nal Company, 1726. 1941. Reports of the Board of Public Works of Virginia, 1726. -- Studies of Ornamental Design, 1434. Reports on Roads from London to I-lolyhead, 1846. Richardson (G.). On the Five Orders of Architecture, Reports on Roads and Bridges in Ireland, 1847. 1433. Report on the Milford Haven Communication, 1848. Richardson (Sir John). Arctic Searching Expedition, Reports. Highland Roads and Bridges, &c., 1849. 4250. Reports on the Western Railroad Corporation, 1850. Richelieu (Due de). Memoilres, 4702. Reports of the Albany and West Stockbridge Rail- Riddell (C. J. B.). Magnetical Instructions. 3495. road Company, 1851. - Supplement to the Magnetical Instructions, 3496. Report on Iron adapted to Railway Structures, 1852. Riddle (E.). On Navigation and Nautical Astronomy, Report on Weights and Measures, 2087. 2976. Report of the Tolls, Trade, and Tonnage of the Canals. Ridley (N.). Treatise and Letters, 6079. 20S8. Riedl. Atlas de Fleuves et Rivi6res do la Baviere, 1728. Reports of the British Association, 3310. Rieffel. Description du T6e6goniometre, 190. Report on Magnetic Observations, 3494. -- Meyer's Technologie des Armes h feu, 453. Reports upon the Boundary Lines of Maryland, Penn- Riffault. Fabrication de la Poudre, 454. sylvania, and Delaware, 3964. Rigord. Memoires, 4703. Report upon the Military and HIydrographical Chart, Rios. Collection of Tables for Navigation, 2977. 3963. Ritter (H.). Histoire de la Philosophie Ancienne, 5195. Report on Education, 5655. Ritter (K.). G6ographie Compar6e, 3966. Report and Resolves of the Legislature of the State of Rivard. Trait6 de la Sphere, 3115. Maine, respecting International Literary Exchang- Rivarol. Momoires, 4704. es, 5768. Rizzi-Zannoni. See Zannoni, 4007. Reports of the Smithsonian Institution, 5769. Robertson (J.). Navigation, 2978, 2979. Repton (H.). Observations on Landscape Gardening, Robertson (J. P. & W. P.). Letters on Paraguay and 1480. Francia's Reign of Terror, 4861. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 393 Robertson (W.). Ancient India, 4390, 4391. Rousseau (J. J.). (Euvres completes, 6231, 6282. History of Charles V., 4464. Rousset. Histoire Militaire, 1105. -- Histoire de Charles-Quint, 4465. Routes et Ponts, 1854. - (Evres completes, 4466. Roux (P. C.). ITistoire de la R6volution, 4708. - History of Sotland, 4526, 4521. Roux-Ferrand (I.). Progres de la Civilisation, 4467. H- istory of America, 4862. Rovigo (Duc de). Momoires, 4709. Robins (B.). Nouveau Principes d'Artillerie, 455. Rowe (J.). Doctrine of Fluxions, 2615. -- New Principles of Gunnery, 456. Rowning (J.). Natural Philosophy, 2911, 2912. Mathematical Tracts, 2250. Roy. E16mens d'tquitations, 750. Bobinson Crusoe. Life and Adventures of, 5485. Roy (W.). Description des Moyens Employes, 2990. Robinson (F.). Organization of the Army of the United Royal Engineers. Professional Papers of the Corps of, States, 792. 1855. Biographies of Distinguished Officers, 1214. Royal Kalendar, 5780. Robinson (H. B.). Memoirs of Picton, 5083. Rozard (Col.). Nouvelle Fortification Frangaise, 194. Robinson (John). Mechanical Philosophy, 2807. Rozet. Voyage en Alger, 4252. - Antiquities of Greece, 4392. Rubeis (J. J. de). Insignium Romae Templorum, 1436. Robinson (S.). Catalogue of Minerals, 3668. Rudtorffer (Col. de). G6ographie Militaire de l'EuRobinson (W. D.). Mexican Revolution, 4863. rope, 3968. Rocca (de). Memoires sur la Guerre d'Espagne, 960. - Corr6ard. G6ographie Militaire, 3369. Rocha (J. Monteiro da). Astronomie, 3116. Ruggieri. Pyrotechnie Militaire, 458. Roche Aymon (Le Comte de la). ttude de l'Art de la - 1t6mens de Pyrotechnie, 459. Guerre, 603. Rules and Regulations for the Sword Exercise of the - Des Troupes L6egres, 604. Cavalry, 669. - De la Cavalerie, 668. Rules and Regulations for the Field Exercise and MaRochefoucauld (Due de la). Reflexions, 5290. ncouvres of Infantry, 105, 706. Rochefoucauld-Liancourt (de Ia). Voyage dans les Rules and Regulations for the Formations, Field Exerttats-Unis, 4251. cise and Movements, 707. Rochejaquelein (Marquise de la). Memoires, 4705. Rumford (Count). Essays, 3425. Rockland County. Map of, 4108. Rumigny. Sur la Table des Officiers de l'Armde FranRocquancourt. Str la Defense de Paris, 191. aise, 793. Cours d'Histoire Militaires, 605, 606, 607. Rush (B.). Introductory Lectures of Medicine, 3822. Rodgers (J.). Memoir of, 6080. Rush (R.). Residence at the Court of London, 6233. -— Life, Admonition, &c., of, 6081. Ruskin (J.). Seven Lamps of Architecture, 1437. Roesch (J. F.). 42 Plans de Batailles de la Guerre de Stones of Venice, 1856. Sept Ans, 1104. -- Modern Painters, 5715. Rogers. Poetical Works, 4486. _ Pre-Raphaelitism, 5316. Roget (P. M.). Electricity, Magnetism, &c., 3497. Russell (J.). Military Experiments, 610. - Animal and Vegetable Physiology, 3821. __ Movements and Changes of Position of a Battalion Rogniat. Consid6rations sur lArt de la Guerre, 608. of Infantry, 708. Roguet. Des Lignes de Circonvallation, 192. -- Instruction for the Drill, 709, 710. -- L'Officier d'Infanterie en Campagne, 704. Russell (J. S.). On the Steam-Engine, 1593. -- Expriences sur le Petard, 457. Russell (M.). History of the Barbary States, 4759. Rohan (Le Due de). Le parfait Capitaine, 1248, 1249. - Nubia and Abyssinia, 4760. Roland (Madame). (Euvres, 4706. -- Life of Oliver Cromwell, 5088. - Memoires, 4707. Russell (William). History of Ancient Europe, 4397. H- istory of, 4905. - Iistory of Modern Europe, 4468. Roland de Virloys. Dictionnaire d'Architecture, 1485. Russell (William, Lord). Life of, 5087. Rollin. Arts and Sciences of the Ancients, 4393. Russian (A.). Internal Condition of the United States, - Ancient History, 4394, 4395. 2032. -- (Euvres completes, 4396. Russie. Carte de Ia, 4109. Romagnesi (L. A.). Recueil des Dessins, 5712. Rutherforth (T.). Institutes of Natural Law, 1960, 1961. Romme (Ch.). Tableaux des Vents, 3498. -- Natural Philosophy, 2913. Ronayne (Ph.). Treatise of Algebra, 2344. Ruxton (G. F.). Mexico and the Rocky Moluntains, Rondelet (J.). Traite de'Art de Batir, 1853. 4253. Roscoe (W.). Life of Leo the Tenth, 5084. -- Life in the Far West, 4254. - Life of Lorenzo de Medici, 5085. Ryan (E.). Effects of Religion, 6082. Rose (H.). Analytical Chemistry, 3423. Ryan (J.). Treatise on Algebra, 2345. Chemical Analysis, 0424. --- Differential and Integral Calculus, 2616. Rose Douglas, 5487. Ryckmans. Projet de Casemate Mobile, 195. Ross (J.). On Naval Tactics, 609. Ryde (Edw.). Hydraulic Tables, 1729. On Steam Navigation, 1592. Rymer Jones (Th.). Animal Kingdom, 3550. -- Memors of Saumarez, 5086. Rossi. Solnzione della Quadratura del Circolo, 2251. Sabine (E.). Magnetic Survey of the British Islands, Rotberg (Baron d(e). L'Ingnieur Moderne, 193. 3499. Rotteck (Cli. von). History of the World, 4298. -- Contributions to Terrestrial Magnetism, 3500. Rousseau (J. B.). (Euvres, 5488. Sachsen. Charte von, 4110. 394 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Sachsen. Situationscharte von, 4111. Savart. Cours de Fortification, 201. 202. Sacy (Sylvestre de). Abd-Allatif's Relation, 4761. Savary (Due de Rovigo). See Rovigo, 4709. Saggi. Di Naturali Experienze, 3426. Saxe (Comte de). Mes Reveries, 614. Sa-go-ye-wat-ha, or Red-Jacket. Life and Times of, -- Les RBveries, 615. 5089. - Reveries, 616. Sagra (Ramon de la). Histoire Physique, Politique et Loi de la Tactique, 617. Naturelle de I'Ile de Cuba, 551. -- Histoire de, 1215. Saint-Auban. Systdmes d'Artillerie, 460. Say (J. B.). Political Economy, 2089. Saint-Augustine, 6083. - Economie Politique, 2090. Saint-Aulaire (Le Comte de). Histoire de la Fronde, Scamozzi (V.). Architettura, 4038. 4710. Scenes in our Parish, 6234. Saint-Clair (General). Indian Campaigns, 1106. Scharnhorst. L'Art Militaire, 462. Saint-Cyr-Gouvion (Le Mar6chal). Histoire Militaire, -- Traite sur l'Artillerie, 463. 961. Scheel (de). Memoires d'Artillerie, 464. Journal des Op6rations, 1107. -- Treatise of Artillery, 465. - Campagnes du Rhin, 1108. Scheele (Ch. W.). Chemical Essays, 3428. Saint-Germain. Commentaires des Memoires, 611. Scheibel (J. E.). Darquier's Briefe, 3117. -- Memoires de l'Administration, 794. -- Dionysius' Sonnenfinsternissen, 8117. Saint-Hiliaire (I. G.). On the International Literary Scheiner. Rosa ursina; sive, Solis Maculae, 3118. Exchanges, 5781. Schenk. Theatrum Machinarum, 1594. Saint-John, Henry, Lord Viscount Bolingbroke, 4299. Schienert. On Military Drawing, 203. Saint-John (J. A.). Lives of Celebrated Travellers, 4255. Schiller (F.). R6volutions des Pays-Bas, 967. Saint-Julien. L'Art de Fortifier, 196. Guerre de Trente Ans, 968. - Architecture Militaire, 612. -- Thirty Years' War, 969. Saint-Maurice. Campagnes d'Allemagne, 1109. _ Life. of 5093. Saint-Omer. Camp de, 197. -- Poems and Ballads, 5492. Saint-Paul. See Noizet de Saint Paul, 166,167. — Werke, 6235. Saint-Pierre (J. H1. B. de). Studies of Nature, 2914. Schlachten. (Plans of Battles), 1110. Saint-Remy (S. de). M6moires d'Artillerie, 461. Schlegel (F.). History of Literature, 5161. Saint-Simon (Louis de). Oeuvres Completes, 4711. Schlesien. Militarische Karte von, 4112. Saint-Vincent (Earl of). Life of, 5090. Schlosser (F. C.). History of the 1Sth Century, 4300. Sainte-Croix (G). Examen des Historiens d'Alexan- Schmettau (Comte de). Campagne de 1778 en Bodre, 4398. home, 1111. Sainte-Suzanne. Projet des Places Fortes, 199. — Cartes de Boheme, 3971. Saintine (X. B.). Guerres d'Italie, 962. -- Carte de Mecklenbourg-Strelitz, 3972. - Picciola, 5849. Schmidt. Instruction pour la Cavalerie, 728. Sales (St. F. de). Oeuvres Completes, 6085. Schmitz (L.). History of Greece, 4403, Salignac (B. de). Siege de Metz, 4712. -- History of Rome, 4404. Sallust. Oeuvres Completes, 4401. Scholar Armed against Errors; a Collection of Tracts, -- On the Jugurthine War, 4400. 6087. Sallustii (C. C.). Opera Omnia, 4399. Scholia Graeca in Aristophanem, &c., 5493. Sammlung Astronomischer Tafeln, 3206. Schlnberg (C. F.). Tangenten Quadraturen, 2557. Samuel (E.). On the Law Military, 851, 852. Schoolcraft (I. R.). On the Lead Mines, 3669. -- Historical Account of the British Army, 963. — Travels, 4256. Sanderson (J.). Biography of the Signers of Indepen- -- istory of Indian Tribes, 4865. dence, 5091. Schroetter (von). Karte von Ost-Preussen, &c., 3978. Sanderson (R.). De Obligatione conscientiae Praelec- Schubert (F. Th.). Theoretische Astronomie, 3119. tiones Decem, 6086. Schulz (J. C.). Logarithmischer, Trigonometrischer Sands (R. C.). Writings, 5490. Tafeln, 2730. Santacruz. Reflexions Militaires, 613. Schumacher (H. C.). Astronomische Nachrichten, 3120. Sanz. Principios Militares, 21'0. Schwinck (G.). L'Art de Fortifier, 204. Sappho. Poemes, 5491.. Scientific Memoirs, 3311. Sarrans jeune (B.). Lafayette et la R6volution, 4713, Scoresby (W.). Zoistic Magnetism, 3823. Sarrazin (J.). Guerre de la Restauration, 964. - Arctic Regions, 4257. - Guerre de Russie, 965. Scotland. Map of, 4113. Guerre d'Espagne, 966. Scott (David). Engineer and Machinist's Assistant, 1595. Satyre Menipp6e, 4714. Scott (J.). Universal Gazetteer, 3974. Saulx et Villars. AIemoires, 4715. -- Geographical Dictionary of the United States, Saulx (G. de). Memoires, 4715. 3975. Saunarez (Lord de). Memoirs of, 5092. Scott (Th.). Holy Bible, 6088. Saunders (W.). Chemical History, 3427. - Synod of Dort, 6089. Saunderson (N.). Elements of Algebra, 2346, 2347. - Force of Truth, 6090. -- Method of Fluxions, 2617. Scott (Sir Walter). Lettre, et Reponse du G6n6ral Sauri (L'Abbe). Cours de Mathematiques, 2252. Gourgaud, 970. - Institutions Math6matiques, 2253. - Life of Napoleon, 1217. Sauvan. Bibliotheque Militaire, 4402. - History of Scotland, 4528. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 3 5 Scott (Sir Walter). Waverley Novels, 5494. Sherlock (Th.). Trial of the Witnesses, 6097. -- Poetical Works, 5495. Sherman (J.). Guide to Acquaintance with God, 6098. On Demonology and Witchcraft, 6236. Ship Island, 4115. Scott (William). Arithmetic and Algebra, 2293. Sibbes or Sibbs (R.). Soul's Conflict, 6099. -Trigonometry and Mensuration, 2512. - Christian's Portion, 6100. Scott (General Winfield). Infantry Tactics, 711. Siborn (WA.). On Topographical Drawing, 2692. R- egulations for- the Army, 853, 854. - Instructions for Plan-Drawing, 2693. - Life of, 1216. Siborne (Capt. W.). Waterloo Campaigns, 972. Sea. Fortification permanente, 205. Sicard (F.). Institutions Militaires des FranSais, 978. Seaward (J.). On the Rebuilding of London Bridge, Siddons (Mrs.). Memoirs of, 5095. 1730. Si6ge de Grave et de Mayence, 206. Seaward's Shipwreck, 5496. Siege of Vera Cruz by the United States Troops, 1114. Secret Journal of the American Federal Congress, 2145. Sigaud de la Fond. Cabinet de Physique, 2915. Segur (Le Comte de). IIistoire de Napoleon de 1812, Signing of the Death-Warrant of Lady Jane Grey, 5717. 1112. Silius Italicus. Oeuvres, 5499. - Napoleon et la Grande-Armee, 1113. Silliman (A. E.). Gallop among American Scenery, -- Memoires, 4718. 4867. Selkirk (Earl of). Settlement upon the Red River, 4866. Silliman (B.). American Journal of Science, 8313. Seller (J.). Practical Navigation, 2980. - Elements of Chemistry, 3430. Semmes (R.). Service Afloat and Ashore, 4258. - Geological Lectures, 3744. Semple (G.). Treatise on Building in Water, 1731. Silva (de), Pensees sur la Tactique, 618. Seneca. Morals, 5291. Silvestre de Sacy. See Sacy, 4761. Senecae (L. A.). Philosophiae Opera Omnia, 5292. Sime (W.). History of the Inquisition, 6101. Sen6que. Oeuvres Completes, 5293. Simes (Th.). Military Science, 619. Seoane. Neuman & Baretti's Dictionary, 5833. Simms (F. W.). Mathematical Instruments, 1596. Sergeant (Th.). Constitutional Law, 2146. - Public Works of Great Britain, 1860. Serlio (S.). Architettura, 1439. - Practical Tunnelling, 1861. Sermons, Twenty-Six. Lime Street Lectures, 6091. - On Levelling, 1862. Sermons. Lectures on the Jews, 6092. Simms (W. G.). Life of the Chevalier Bayard, 5096. Sermons. Spruce Street Lectures, 6093. Simond (L.). Tour in England, 4259. Seruzier. M6moires Militaires, 1218. Simonin. Coupe des Pierres, 1863. Servan (Joseph). Guerre de la Revolution, 916. Simpson (J. II.). Santa Fe, New Mexico, and the Na— Guerres des Gaulois, 932. vajo Country, 4260. Serviere (G. de). Recueil de Mathematique et de Me- Simpson (R.). Traditions of the Covenanters, 6102. canique, 2808. Simpson (Th.). Miscellaneous Tracts, 2254. Servois (F. J.). Geometrie Pratique, 2420. - Essays on Mathematics, 2255. - Calcul Diff6rentiel, 2618. - Mathematical Dissertations, 2256. Sesseler (J. W.). Confection des Artifices, 466. - Elements of Geometry, 2421. Sevign6 (Madame de). Lettres, 6237. - Trigonometry, 2513. Sewall (J.). Novanglus and Massachusettensis, 2034. - Fluxions, 2619, 2620. Sewell (W.). Christian Politics, 6094. -- Mechanics, Physical Astronomy, 2916. Seybert (A.). Statistical Annals of the United States, Simpson (R.). Elements of the Conic Sections, 2422 3976. 2423, 2424. Sforzosi. History of Italy, 4469. -- Euclid's Elements, 2425. Sganzin (M.-J.). Cours de Constructions, 1857, 1859. Sinclaire (Baron de). Reglement pour la Cavalerie - Course of Civil Engineering, 1858. Prnssienne, 855. Shaftesbury (Earl of). Characteristics of Men, 5294. Sismondi (Simonde de). Republiques Italiennes, 4470. Shakspeare. Works, 5497, 5498. -- History of the Crusades, 4471. Shaler (W.). Algiers, 4762. HI-istoire des Franiais, 4719. Shaw (G.). Zoological Lectures, 3552. -- De la Litt6rature du Midi, 5163. Shaw (II.).'Elizabethan Architecture, 1440. -- Literature of the South of Europe, 5464. -- Ornaments, 1441. Skeene (R.). Military Instructions for Men and Horses, Encyclopaedia of Ornament, 1442. 751. — Civil Architecture, 1443. Skelton (J.). Engraved Illustration of Ancient Arms Shaw (P.). Boyle's Philosophical Works, 3312. and Armor, 1252. - Philosophical Principles of Chemistry, 3429. Skinner (J. S.). History of the Horse, &c., 755. Shaw (S.). Immanuel; or, True Religion, 6095. Sleeman (Th.). Treatise on Portable Mathematical InShaw (Th. B.). English Literature, 5162. struments, 2694. Sheffield Island. Harbor of, 4114. Small-Arms and Field Artillery, 620. Shepherd (A.). Tables for correcting the Apparent Small (R.). Account of Kepler's Astronomical DiscovDistance of the Moon and a Star, 3207. eries, 3121. Shepherd (Mary). Essays on the Perception of an Smeaton (J.). Experiments on Mills, 1597. External Universe, 5196. -- Description of Edystone Lighthouse, 1864. Shepherd (W.). Memoir of Buchanan, 6096. -- Reports, &c., in Civil Engineering, 1865. Sherburne (J. H.). Life and Character of John Paul - Miscellaneous Papers, 1866. Jones, 5094. Smee (A.). Elements of Electro-Metallurgy, 3501. 396 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Smellie (W.). Philosophy of Natural History, 3553. Sparks (Jared). Life of Morris, 5102. Smirke (R.). Review of a Battalion of Infantry, 712. - Life of Washington, 5103. Smith (Adam). Wealth of Nations, 1221. -- The Writings of Washington, 6238. -- Moral Sentiments, 5295. Specimens of Gothic Ornaments, 1447, Smith (Ch. H.). Natural Iistory of the Human Spe- Spectateur Militaire, 1264, 1265. cies, 3554. Spence. Essay on Pope's Odyssey, 6239. Smith (C. 11.). Secret Instructions of Frederic II., 621. Spence (W.). Mathematical Essays, 2257. Smith (F. H.). Treatise on Algebra, 2349. - Introduction to Entomology, 3557. Smith (II. & J.). Rejected Addresses, 5500. Spencer (Ch.). Treatise on Music, 5718. Smith (J. C.). Gazetteer of the United.States, 3977. Spencer (Rev. J. A.). The East, 4263. Smith (J. E.). Introduction to Botany, 3607. Spenser (E.). Works, 5504. Smith (J.T.). Vicat's on Cements; with Notes, 1924. Spiers (A.). English and French Dictionary, 5834. -- Comparative History and Chronological Eras, Spindler (C.). The Invalide, 5505. 4405. Splingart. Sur une Fusee de Shrapnel, 468. Smith (B.). Cotes's -Iydrostatical Lectures, 2809. Sprague (I.). Gray's Genera of the Plants, 3608. — IIarmonics, 2917. Sprengel (K.). Philosophy of Plants, 3609. -- Complete System of Optics, 2960. Sta1l Holstein (Baroness). Germany, 4473. -- Cours complet d'Optique, 2961. Treatise on Literature, 5165. Smith (S.). Lectures on Moral and Political Philoso -- L'Influence des Passions, 5297. phy, 5296. Stainville (J. de). Analyse Alg6brique et de G6om6Smith (S. S.). Ramsay's History of the United States, trique, 2558. 4869. Stansbury (H.). Expedition to the Great Salt Lake, Smith (W.). History of New-York, 4868. 4264. Smith's Major Andrd, 5097. Starkie (Th.). On Evidence, 2147. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, 3814. Statistics of Massachusetts, 3981. Smollett (T.). Iistory of England, 4529, 4530. Statistics of the United States, 3982. Smyth (Col. C.). Plans of the Attacks, 207. Statistique de la France, 3983. Smyth (W.). Lectures on Modern History, 2301. Statistiques de l'Administration des Mines, 3984. Smyth (W. H.). Cycle of Celestial Objects, 3122. Statutes at Large, 2156. Snodgrass. Burmese War, 974. Statutes for the Military College, 856. Snodgrass (W. D.). Scripture Sanctification, 6103. Staunton (G.). Embassy to China, 4265. Snow (C. H.). History of Boston, 4870. Steele (R.). Tatler, 6240. Soane (J.). Plans of Buildings, 1445. - Spectator, 6241. -- Designs for Buildings, 1446. - Guardian, 6242. Sobrino (F.). Grammaire Espagnole et Frangaise, 5581. Stephen (J.). Slavery of the British West Indies, 2148. Soci6et de Geographie, 3978. -- Miscellaneous Essays, 6243. Solis (A. de). Conquest of Mexico, 4871. Stephens (A.). Itistory of Wars, 977, Solon. Poemes, 5501. Stephens (J. L.). Incidents of Travel in Central AmerSomerville (Mary). Connection of the Physical Sci- ica, &-., 4266. ences, 2918. - Incidents of Travel in Yucatan, 4267. - Physical Geography, 3979. Stephens (Th.). Sword Exercise, 729. Somerville (R.). Medical Arrangements in Camps, 3824. Stephenson (B.). On Locomotive and Fixed Engines, Somerville (W. C.). On the French Revolution, 4720. 1598. Sonnini (C. S.). Travels in Egypt, 4261. Stephenson (R. MI.). Railways, 1867. -- Travels in Greece and Turkey, 4262. Stephenson (W.). System of Land-Surveying, 2695. Sophocles. Tragedies, 5502. Sterling (E.). Views of Military Reform, 795. Sophoclis. Tragediae et Fragmenta, 5503. Sterne (L.). Works, 6244. Souabe. Croquis de Carte Militaire de la, 4116. Stesichore. Poemes, 5506. Souciet (P. E.). Observations, 3315. Steuart (I.). Planter's Guide, 3610. Soulavie (J. L.), Rigne de Louis XVI., 4721. Stevenson (A.). Skerryvore Lighthouse, 1868. South America. Map of, 4117. -- On Lighthouses; 1869. Southey (R.). Peninsular War, 975. Stevenson (D.). On the Improvement of Tidal Rivers, -- View of the Naval History of England, 976. 1732. - Lives of the British Admirals, 1219. Civil Engineering of North America, 1870. -- History of Brazil, 4872. Stevenson (G.). Offices of Christ, 6104. -- Life of Nelson, 5098. Stevin (S.). Oeuvres Math6matiques, 2258. -- Life of Oliver Cromwell, 5099. Stewart (D.). Progress of Philosophy, 5197. Souveniers. D'un Militaire de Portugal, 1220. Philosophy of the Mind, 5223 to 5226. Spafford (I-. G.). Gazetteer of New-York, 39SO. Philosophical Essays, 5227. Spalding (Wn.). History of Italy, 4472. - Moral Philosophy, 5298, 5299. Spallanzani (Abb6). Tracts on the Natural History, Stewart (J.). Stable Economy, 752. 3555. - Newton's Quadrature of Curves, 2259. -- Opuscules de Physique, 3556. Stewart (M.). Tracts, Physical and Matllhematical, 3 L20. Sparks (Jared). Diplomatic Correspondence, 2035. - Distance of the Sun from the Earth. 3124. -- American Biography, 5100. Stillingfleet (E.). On Natural and Revealed Religion, -- Lie oi Ledyard, 5101. 6105. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 397 Stimpson (W.). Shells of New England, 8558. Tachard. Voyage de Siam, 4269. Stirling (J.). Metlodus Differentialis, 2621. - Second Voyage de Siam, 4270. Stoddard (A.). Sketches of Louisiana, 4873. Tacite. Oeuvres Completes, 4406. Stone (E.). Euclid's Elements, 2426. Tacitus. Works, 4407. -- Fluxions, 2622. Taffe (A.). Application de la Mecanique, 1601. Stone (J. S.). Annual Sermon, 6106. Talfourd (T. N.). Miscellaneous Writings, 6247. Stone (W. L.). Life of Brant, 5103. Tallmadge (J.). Address at the 21st Annual Fair, - Life of Red-Jacket, 5105. 5633. Story (J.). Commlentaries on Equity, 2149. - Address at the 23d Annual Fair, 5634. Commentaries on the Conflict of Laws, 2150. Tamerlan. See Timour, 2037. -- Commentaries on the Constitution, 2151, 2152. Tanner (II. S.). On Canals and Railroads of the United Strabon. G6ographie, 39S5. States, 1873. Straith (H.). Treatise on Fortification, 208. - Universal Atlas, 3989. Strangford. Observations on Napier's Peninsular War, - Memoir on the Recent Surveys, &c., 3990. 978. -- American Atlas, 3991. Stratford (W. S.). Index to the Stars, 3208. Tappan (II. P.). Step from the New World to the Old Streete (Th.). Astronomia, 3125. and back again, 4271. Streit (F. W.). Topographisch Militairische Charte Tardieu. Choix d'Pdifices, 1449. von Preussen, Warschau, &c., 3986. Tardif. Nouvelle Methode d'Encaissement, 1735. Supplement zu der Topographisch Militairischen Tarleton (Col.). Campaigns of 1780 and 1781, 1118. Charte, 3987. Tarpaulin Harbor, 4120. Strickland (W.). On Canals, Railways, Roads, &c., 1871. Tasso. Godfrey of Bulloigne, 5510. Struve (F. G. W.). Observationes Astronomicas, 3174. Tate (Th.). Elements of Mechanism, 1602. Stuart. On the Steam-Engine, 1599. - On the Strength of Materials, 1925. Stuart (C.). Emigrant's Guide to Upper Canada, 3988. Tatham (Ch. -II.). Grecian and Roman Architectfiral Stuart (Cl. B.). Naval Dry Docks of the United States, Ornament, 1450. 1872. Tatham (W.). On Inland Navigation, 1736. Stuart (Rob't). Dictionary of Architecture, 1448. Tavernier. Six Voyages, en Turquie, en Perse et aux Student's Guide to the Locomotive Engine, 1600. Indes, 4272. Sturmius. Elements of Mathematics, 2260. Tavernier (J. B.). Recueil de plusieurs Relations, 4273. Stutterheim (le Gdenral). La Bataille d'Austerlitz, 1115, Taylor (Brook). Principles of Linear Perspective, 2469. Suasso (A.). Infantry Movements, 2713. Taylor (I.). Natural History of Enthusiasm, 5300, 5801. Subaltern's Log-Book, 4263. -- Physical Theory of another Life, 6107. Suchet (le Marechal). Memoires sur ses Campagnes en Taylor (J.). Rules for Repairing Roads, 1874. Espagne, 1221. Taylor (John). Art of Defence on Foot, 730. Suger. Memoires, 4722. Taylor (M.). Tables of Logarithms, 2732. Suisse. Carte de la, 4118. -- Sexagesimal Table, 2733. Sully (Duke of). Memoirs, 4723. Taylor (Richard). Scientific Memoirs, 3316. Sulpicia. Oeuvres, 5507. Taylor (Richard C.). Statistics of Coal, 3670. Sutcliffe (J.). On Canals and Reservoirs, 1783. -- On the Coal Lands, Mines, &c., 3745. Svanberg (J.). D6termination d'un Arc du M6ridien, Taylor (O. A.). Catalogue, Theol. Sem. Library, An2696. dover, 5800. Swett (S.). Bunker-H-ill Battle, 1117. Taylor (Th.). Arithmetic, 2295. Swift (J.). Works, 6245. Taylor (W. C.). Manual of Ancient History, 4302. Switzer. Water-Works, 1734. -- Manual of Modern History, 439)3. Switzerland, History of, 4474. -- History of Ireland, 4531. Sydney Smith. Works, 6246. Taylor (General Z.). Eulogy on, 5106. Sylvester(Ch.). Philosophy of Domestic Economy, 1942. Telford (Th.). Life of, 1737. Sympson (S.). Book of Cyphers, 2194, -- Reports on the IHolyhead Road, 1875. Synesins. PoSmes, 5508. Telemachus. Adventures, 5511. Synoptical Index to the Laws of the United States Tempelhoff (G. F. V.). Seven Years' War in Germafrom 1789 to 1851, 2153. ny, 980. Syrie. Carte Physique et Politique de la, 4119. - Analysis des unendlichen, 2623. Syrus. Oeuvres, 5509. Temperance Tales, 5512. System of Naval Tactics, 622. Temperance. Documents of the American, 6248. Temple (Sir W.). Works, 6249. Tables de Construction des Bouches h fen, 469. Tempelnan (G.). Cross' Military Laws, 857. Tables de Multiplication, 2731. Tennyson (A.). Poems, 5513. Table to find the Nonagesimal Degree of the Ecliptic, -- In Memoriam, 5514. 3209. Ternay (Marquis de). De la Defense des ttats, 209. Tables Completant le Tableau Synoptique du Regne Texier de Norbec. Recherches sur l'Artillerie, 470. Vegetal, 3611. Textor. Topographisch Militarische Karte, 3992. Tableau des Guerres de la Revolution de 1792 a 1815, Thacher (J.). American Medical Biography, 3825. 979. Military Journal, 981. Tableau de la Situation des Atablissements Frangais Thatcher (B. B.). Indian Biography, 5108. dans l'AlgIrie, 4764. Thegan. Memoires, 4724. 398 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Thenard (L. J.). Trait6 de Chimie, 3431, 3342. Tielke (J. G.). Seven years' War in Germany, 983. -- Essay on Chemical Analysis, 3233. Tillet (F.). New Key to the Exact Sciences, 2261. -- Recherches Physico-Chemiques, 3434. Tinbs (J.). Year-Book of Facts, 3317. Th6not (J. P.). Essai de Perspective, 3470. Timmerhans (C.). Fabrication de la Poudre, 476. Th6ocrite. Poemes, 5515. -- Construction des bouches a feu, 477. Theophrasti. Characteres, &c., 5302. - Nouvelle Artillerie de Place, 478. Thermometrical Navigation, 2981. Timour. Institute Politiques et Militaires, 5037. Thesaurus Graecae Linguae, 5835. Tindal. Writings, 6110. Thevenau. Traite d'Arithmetique, 3250. Tingry (P. F.). Painter and Varnisher's Guide, 5719. Thibaudeau (A, C.). Memoires sur la Convention, 4725. Tite-Live. (Euvres, 4413. - Moemires sur le Consulat, 4726. Tocqueville (Alexis de). Du Systeme Penitentiaire, Thibaudeau (le Comte). Histoire de Napoleon, 1222. 2038. Thibault (J. T.). Application de la Perspective, 2471. -- Democracy in America, 4875. Thi6bault (P.). Manuel g6n6ral du Service des ltats- Tomline (G.). Life of Pitt, 5109. Major, 923. Tomlins (T. E.). Law Dictionary, 2155. -- Journal du Si6ge et du Blocus de Glnes, 1119. Tomlinson (Ch.). On Warming and Ventilation, 1943. - Journal des Siege et Blocus de Genes, 1120. -- Rudimentary Mechanics, 2810. Journal of the Blockade and Siege of Genoa, 1121. -- Pneumatics, 3440. -- Expedition de Portugal, 1122. Tooke. Histoire de l'Empire de Russie, 4476. Thiers (A.). Rapport relatif aux Fortifications de Paris. Tooke (J. II.). Diversions of Purley, 5582. 210. Toplady (A.) Life of, 5110. Nouvel Assaut a l'enceinte projet6e de Paris, 211. Torpedo Warfare, 625. - IIistoire de la Revolution Frangaise, 4727. Torrens (I.). Field Exercise and Evolutions, 714. - IHistory of the French Revolution, 4728. Torrey (J.). Botany of New-York, 3613. -- History of the Consulate and the Empire, 4729. Tortel. Memoire sur les obus, 479. Thi6ry (A.) Application du fer aux Constructions de Tott (Baron de). Memoires sur les Turcs et les Tarl'Artillerie, 471. tares, 4766. - Description des divers Syst6mes a percussion, &c., Totten (J. G.). Plans, Sections, Elevations and Details 472. of Furnaces for heoting Shot, 213. Thierry (A.). Historical Essay, 4304. -- On IHydraulic, and common Mortars, 1926. -- ConquSte d'Angleterre, 4532. -- On the subject of National Defences, 214. Thillaye (L. S.). Manuel de produits Chimiques, 3435. Touchard-Lafosse. Histoire de Napoleon, 1223. Thirlwall (C.). History of Greece, 4408. Tousard (Louis de). Artillerist's Companion, 480. Thiroux. Instruction d'Artillerie, 473, 474. Toussaint (C. J.). Memento des Architectes, 1876. - Observations sur les fus6es de guerre, 475. - Manuel d'Architecture, 1877. Thomas (J. I-.). Coke's Law Institutes, 2154. -- Trait6 de G6omnetrie et d'Architecture, 1451. Thompson (B. F.). History of Long Island, 4874. Touzac (de). Traite de la defense dessredoutes, 215. Thompson (G. A.). Geographical Dictionary, 3993. Town (1.). Improvement of Bridges, 1738. Thomson (A. T.). Lectures on Botany, 8612. Tracts. Presbyterian, 611. Thomson (Th.). System of Chemistry, 3436. Tracy (D.). On Political Economy, 2092. Chemistry of Inorganic Bodies, 3437. Trail. Elements of Algebra, 2351. First Principles of Chemistry, 3438. Trail (W.) Guide to Christian Communicants, 6112. -- Chemistry of Organic Bodies, 3439. Trait6 de la defense des Places, &c., 216. -- Mineralogy, Geology and Mineral Analysis, 3671. Trait6 des reconnaissances Militaires, 217. Thomson (W.). Reign of Philip III., 4475. Traite sur les Inondations, 1789. Thorn. Connoisseur, 6162. Trait6 complet de Diplomatie, 2039. Thorn ('V.). Memoir of the War in India, 1803, 982. Tralles (J. G.). Physikalisches Taschenbuch, 2919. Thornton (J.). Fruits of the Spirit, 6108. - Naturlehre und Geologic, 3559. Thornton (J. Q.). Oregon and California, 4274. Transactions. Philosophical, 3318. Thornton (Th.). Present state of Turkey, 4765. Transactions of the Society Instituted at London, 8319. Thorpe. Writings, 6109. Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, Thorpe (B.). Analecta Anglo-Saxonica, 5516. 3320. Thorpe (T. B.). Our Army on the Rio Grande, 1123. Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, 3321. Thou (J. A. de). Memoires, 4730. Transactions of the American Ethnological Society, Thousand and one Nights, 5325, 5448. 4305. Thucydides. Atheniensis Historici gravissioni de bello Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, Peloponesiaco, 4409. 8323, 3324. l — istoria belli Peloponnesiaci, 4410. Transactions of the New-York Agricultural Society, -- History of the Peloponnesian War, 4411. 3G14. Thucydide et Xlnophon. (Euvres completes, 4412. Transactions of the American Institute, 3615. Tibbons. Dictionary, 5336. Transactions of the Geological Society, 3747, 3748. Tibulle. (Euvres, 5517. Transactions of the American Art-Union, 5720. Ticknor (C.). Philosophy of Living, 3826. Transformation des Armes A feu a Silex en Armes A Ticknor (G.). History of Spanish Literature, 5166. Percussion, 481. Tielke (J. G.). Field Engineer, 212. Travaux Maritimes. 1740. -- Beytrige zur Kriegs-Kunst, 624. Travaux des Ports Maritimes et Architecture, 1741. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 399 Travis (G.). Letters, 6113. Tytler (P. F.)- Discoveries in America, 4879. Tredgold. On theLocomotiveEngine, 1608. Tzetzae. Antehomrerica, &c., 5525. Tredgold (Thomas). On the Steam Engine, 1604 to 1608. Ulacci (A.). Trigonometria Artificialis, 2784. - Tracts on Hydraulics, 1609. Umfreville (Ed.). Present state of Hudson's Bay, 3994. -- Elementary Principles of Carpentry, 1610, 1611. Uniform and Dress of the Army of the United States, - Masonry and Joinery, 1878. 630. -- On the Strength of Cast Iron, 1927,1928. Uniforms (of different Corps), 629. -- On Warming and Ventilating, 1944, 1945. United Service Journal and Naval and Military MagaTrembley (J.). Essai de Trigonometrie Spherique, 2514. zine, 1266. Trenck (F. Baron de). La Vie de, 5111. United States Military Magazine, 1267. Tresca (II.). G6om6trie Descriptive, 2472. United States. Internal Navigation of the, 1743-44. Treussart, Petot et Courtois. On Hydraulic and Com- United States. State Papers and Public Documents of mon Mortars, 1929. the, 2040. Treussart. Sur les Mortiers Hydraulic, 1930. United States. American State Papers, 2041. Trigonometrical Survey of England and Wales, 2679. United States. American Archives, 2042. Trimmer (J.) Geology and Mineralogy, 3749. United States. Journal of the House of RepresentaTrincano. Sl6emens de Fortification, 218. tives of the, 2043, 2046, 2051. Trosse(G.). Life of,5112. United States. Reports of Committees of the House Troyes (J. de). Chronique, 4731. of Representatives of the, 2044, 2049. Trumbull (B.). History of the United States, 4877. United States. Executive Documents of the House of - History of Connecticut, 4878. Representatives of the, 2045, 2050. Trumbull (J.). Autobiography, Reminiscences, &c., United States. Public Documents of the Senate of the, 5113. 2047, 2052. Tryphiodore. Poemnes, 5518,' United States. Journal of the Senate of the, 2048, 2053. Tucker (A.). Light of Nature pursued, 5198. United States of America. Public Statutes at Large of Tucker (G.). Life of Jefferson, 5114. the, 2156. Tuckerman (H. T.). Artist-Life, 5115. United States of America. Laws of the, 2157. Tudor (W.). Life of Otis, 5116. United States. Acts and Resolutions of the Congress Tupper(M. F.). The Crock of Gold, the Twins, and of the, 2158. Heart, 5519. United States. Map of the, 4125, 4126. - An Author's Mind, Essays, Probabilities, 5520. Universal History from the earliest account to the pres-- Ballads for the Times, and other Poems, 5521. ent time, 4310. Proverbial Philosophy; and Poems; 5522. Up-Country Letters, 5526. Turenne (Marechal de). Campagnes, 1124. Upham (Th. C.). On Mental Action, 5229. -- History of, 1224. Ure (A.). Dictionary of Chemistry, 8444. Turkey. Map of the War in, 4123. Berthollet's Art of Dyeing, 3445. Turkey. See Turquie, 4121, 4122. -- System of Geology, 3750. Turnbull. Principles of Moral Philosophy, 5304. Urquhart (D. IH.). Commentaries on Classical LearnTurnbull (William). Potomac Aqueduct, 17-12. ing, 5167. On the Strength of Timber, 1931. Usages de la sphere des Globes Celeste et Terrestre, -- On the Strength of Cast Iron, 1932. 3127. Turner (D.). Catman's Architectural Antiquities, 1452. Turner (Ed.). Elements of Chemistry, 3441-2-3. Vacani. Storia Militare degli Italiani in Ispagna, Turner (Sharon). Tistory of the Anglo-Saxons, 4533. 1125. -- History of England during the Middle Ages, 4534. Valaze Vauban. Defense des Places, 219. Reign of Henry VIII., 4535. Valentini (Baron Von). Military Reflections on TurR eigns of Edward VI., Mary and Elizabeth, 4536. key, 631. Sacred History of the World, 5199. - Guerre centre les Turcs, 984. Turnus. (Euvres, 5523. Valere Maxime. (Euvres, 4414. Turpin de Criss6. Essai sur l'Art de la Guerre, 626. Valiere. Attribu6 a feu, 373, 410. - Commentaires sur les Institutions Militaires, 627. ] Vallee (L. L.). Trait6 de la Coupe des Pierres, 1879. - Commentaires sur Montecuculi, 628. - Expose general pour le trace des Chemins de fer, Turquie. Carte de la, 4121, 4122. 1880. Turquie. See Turkey, 4123. - G6ometrie Descriptive, 2473. Turreau (le Ge6nral). Guerre de la Vendee, 4732. - Science du Dessin, 2474. Turton (W.). Goldsmith's History of the Earth, 3560. Valmont-Bomare. Dictionnaire de l'Histoire NatuTuthill (Mrs. L. C.). History of Architecture, 1453. relle, 3561. Tychonis-Brahe. See Brahe. Valois (Marguerite de). Memoires, 4733. Tyndale (W.). On Military Equitation, 753. Valori (le Comte de) Journal Militaire de Henri IV., Tyrol. Carte du, 4124. 1126. Tyrt6e. Pomnes, 5524. Vanden Broeck (V.). Des Dangers des Armes a PerTytler (A. F.). Essay on Military Law, 858. cussion, 482. - General History, 4306,4307. Vander Horst & Schenk. Theatrum Machinarum Uni- Universal History, 4308. versale, 1612. Tytler & Nares. Universal History, 4309. Vandermonde. Fabrication des Armes blanches, 483. 400 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Van Dyck (Sir A.). Pictorial Notices of, 5721. Vignolle (le General). Op6rations de l'arm6e d'Italie, Vane. Marquess of Londonderry. War in Germany 1132. and France, 985. Vilate. Causes SecrStes de la R6volution du 9 an 10 Story of the Peninsular War, 986. Thermidor, 4735. Van Swinden (J. H.). Sur la d6termination des bases Villars (le Marechal de) Sa Campagne en Allemagne d'un nouveau Systeine M6trique, 2697. 1703, 1133. Vanuxem (L.). Geology of New-York, 3751. Villars (Boyvin du). Memoires, 4736. Vanzandt. Statistics of the United States, 3995. Villeneuve (B. de). Trait6 de l'Attaque et la Defense, Varley (D.). Treatise on Mineralogy, 3673. 226. Vastel (L. G. F.). Bernoulli's l'art de Conjecture, -- Trait6 de l'Artillerie, 486. 2262. Villeneuve (Capt.). Manuel pratique du Mineur, 227. Vattel (de). Law of Nations, 1962, 1963. -- Manuel pratique du Sapeur, 228. Vauban (le Marechal de). Ses (Euvres Militaires, 220. Villeneuve (G. de). Expedition de Naples, 4737. Ses Oisivetes et Memoires inedits, 221. Villeroy. M6moires, 4738. Traite de l'Attaque et la D6fense, 223. Villers (C.). Essay on the Reformation of Luther, 6114. Moyens de D6fense de Paris, 223. Vince (S.). Elements of Conic Sections, 2428. Forces de l'Europe, 224. -- Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, 2515. Vauchelle. Couls d'Administration Militaire, 796. - Principles of Fluxions, 2624. Vaudoncourt (le General de). Essai sur l'organisation -- Treatise on Practical Astronomy, 3128. defensive Militaire, 797. -- Elements of Astronomy, 3129, 3130. - Relation du Passage de la Berezina en 1812, 987. -- System of Astronomy, 3131. - Memoire de la Guerre de Russie en 1812, 988. Vincent (A. J. H.). Cours de G6om6trie, 2429. - Iistoire de la Guerre d'Allemagne en 1813, 989. Vincent. Atlas of Ancient Geography, 3996. Cainpagnes de 1814 et 1815, 1127. Vincent (N.). Spirit of Prayer, 6115. -- Iistoire da Prince Eug6ne Napoleon, 1225. Vincent (Th.). Love to Christ, 6116. Ilistoire des Campagnes d'Annibal, 1253. Viollet (J. B.). Notice sur le frein Dynamom6trique Vaulx-Cernay. M6moires, 4734. 2812. Vauvenargues. (Euvres, 5305. Virgil. The Eclogues, the Georgics, and the.Eneid, Vauvilliers. Recherches Iistoriques sur le Role et 5529. l'influence de la Fortification, 225. E- Eneid of, 5528. Vaux (G.). Course of Mathematics, 2263. Virgin (J. B.). La d6fense des Places, 229. Veley (E. de). tl6ments de Geometrie, 2427. Virginia. Convention of, 2054. Vell6ius. See Paterculus, 4379. Virginia. Maps of, 4127, 4128, 4129. Vene (A.). Memoire sur la loi que suivent les pres- Vital. Orderic. See Orderic, 4689.! sions, 1881. Vitruve. Les dix livres d'Architecture, 1454. Venetian History, 4477. Vitruvius. Architecture in ten books, 1455. Venturoli (G.). Elements of Practical Mechanics, -- Civil Architecture, 1456. 2811. Vitruvii. De Architectura, 1457. Vergnaud (A. D.). Manuel de l'Artificier, 484. Vitry. Jacques de. See Jacques, 4644. - Nouveau Manuel de l'Artificier, 485. Viviani (V.). De Maximis et Minimis Geometrica, &c. - Manuel de Chinie, 3446. 2266. Vericour (Raymond de). See Raymond, 5160. -- De logis Solidis, &c., 2430. Verkaven (J. J.). Art de lever les Plans, 2693. Vogely (F.). Cours d'Hippiatrique, 754. Verplanck (G. C.). On Contracts, 5306. Voiron. HIistoire de l'Astronomie, 3132. -- Moral Influence, &c., 5307. Volney (C. F.). Soil and Climate of the United States, Vertot (l'Abb6 de). HIistoire de Malth, 4478. 3997, Verzeichnisz der beobachteten Sterne, 3175. -- Recherches nouvelles sur l'Histoire Ancienne, 4415. Veterum Maithematicorum Opera, 2264. - Euvres Completes, 6250. Viallet. Construction des Digues, 1745. Voltaire. (Euvres Completes, 6251, 6252. Vicat (L. J.). On Mortars and Cements, 1933. -- Beccaria's Crimes and Punishments, 2159. -- echerches sur les Chaux et les Mortiers, 1934. Vosgien. Dictionnaire G6ographique, 3998. - Resume des connaissances sur la fabrication des Voutier. M6moires sur la Guerre des Grecs, 996. Mortiers et Ciments Calcaires, 1935. Voyage of Life-Youth, 5725. -- Recherches sur les pierres a ciments et a chaux IIydrauliques, 1936. Wainewright (L.). Vindication of Dr. Paley's Theory Victoires et Conqultes des Frangais, 990 to 994. of Morals, 5308. Vieilleville (le Marechal de). Melmoires, 1129. Waldegrave (J. Earl). Memoirs from 1754-58, 5117. Viennet (J. P. G.). Guerres de la R6volution, Cam- Wales (W,). Astronomical Observations, 3176. pagnes du Nord, 1792-96, 995, 1130. Walker (Ch. V.). Manual of Electricity, &c., 3502. Vietae. Opera Mathematica, 2265. Walker (James). On Locomotive and fixed Engines: Vieux Conteurs Francais, 5527. account of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, Views of English Scenery, 5722. 1614. Views, 5723, 5724. Walker (John). Euclid's Elements, 2432. Vigier. Campagne de la Pomeranie Suedoise, 1131. - Elements of Geography, 3999. Vignola. Due regole della prospettiva pratica, 2475. - Rhetorical Grammar, 5607. Vignoles (Ch.). Observations upon the Floridas, 4880. Walker (T.) Elements of Geometry, 2431. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 401 Wall. Views on the Hudson, 5726. Weale (J.) Papers on Engineering, 1882. Wallace (J.) Treatise on the use of the Globes, &c., Weber. Memoires, 4741. 3133. Webster (D.). Speeches, 5635. Wallis (J.). Opera Mathematica, 2267, 2268. - Works, 2056. Treatise of Algebra, 2352. Webster (J. W.). Manual of Chemistry, 34-8, 3449. Wallot. Observations Gnomiques, 3134. Webster (N.). Dictionary of the English Language, Walpole (I. Lord). Memoirs of, 5118. 5837-8. -- Anecdotes of Painting in England, 5729: Weed (HI-. R.). On the Confession of Faith, 6119. Walsh (R.). Appeal from the Judgments of Great Bri- Weidleri (J. P.). Ilistoria Astronomir, 3135. tain, respecting the United States, 2055. Weimar. Charte von dem Ffirstenthume, 4131. Warburton (E.). Crescent and the Cross, 4275. Weinhold (C. A.). Dresden im Jahr 1813, 1134. Ward (John). Mathematics, 2269.. Weis (J. H.). Carte do Suisse, 4001. -- Posthumous Works, 2982. Weisbach (J,). Principles of the Mechanics of MachineWard (R.). Aninadversions of War, 632. ry and Engineering, 2815. - History of the Law of Nations in Europe, 1964. Weiss. Principes Philosophiques, &c., 5200. Warden (D. B.). On Consular Establishments, 1965. Weld (I.). Travels throungh North America, 4276. Ware (S.). Tracts on Vaults and Bridges, 1746. Wellington (The Duke of). General Orders, 860. Ware (W.). Zenobia, 5530. - Dispatches from 1799 to 1818, 861. - Julian, 5531. -- Principles of War, 862. - Aurelian, 5532. -- Life of, 1226, 1227. Waring (E.). Miscellanea Analytica de Aequationibus West (B.). Life of, 5124. Algebraicis, &c., 2270. West (J.). Elements of Conic Sections, 2434. -- Meditationes Algebraicre, 2353. West (R. A.). Proceedings of the sixty-first Diocese Warnery (de). Remarques sur C6sar, 633. Convention, N. Y., 6120. -- Remarques sur le Militaire des Turcs et des Russes, West (W.). Mathematics, 2271. 634. Westminster Assembly. The larger Catechism of the, -- emarks on Cavalry, 670. 6121. Warr (G. 1F.). Dynamics, Construction of Machinery, Wetherell (Elizabeth). Wide, Wide World, 5534. &c., 1615. -- Queechy, 5535. Warren (S.). Law Studies, 2160. Wharey (J.). Church History, 6122. Warren (J. E.). Vagamnndo, 5583. Wharton (J. J. S.). Law Lexicon, or Dictionary of JuWarschau. Karte vom Herzogthum, 4130. risprudence, 2161. Warton (J.). Essay on the Genius of Pope, 5169. Whately (B.). Elements of Logic, 5231. Warton (Rev. T.). On Gothic Architecture, 1458. i- leoents of 2hetoric, 5608. Warton (Thomas). History of English Poetry, 5170. Wheaton (H.). Elements of International Law, 1966. Warwick (Sir Philippe). Mi6moires, 4537.' History of the Law of Nations, 1967. Waser (J.). IHistorisch Diplomatisches Jahrzeitbuch, -- History of the Northmen, 4416. 3210. - Life of Pinkney, 5125. Washington (General G.). Revolutionary Orders, 859.'Wheeler (I. G.). Biographical and Political History - Life of, 5119, 5120, 5121, 5122. of Congress, 5126. -- Writings, 6253. Wheeler (J. IH.). History of North Carolina, 4881. Official Letters, 6254. Whewell (W.). Treatise on Mechanics, 2816. Washington Astronomical Observationss, 3177. -- Treatise on Dynamics, 2817. Watelet & Levesque. Dictionnairo des Arts de Pein- - Analytical Statics, 2818. ture, &c., 5728. -- Mechanical Euclid, 2819. Waterland (D).). Vindication of Christ's Divinity, 6117. -- Newton's Principia, 2920. Watson (E.). On the Western Canals in State of New- -- Astronomy andc G-eneral Physics, 2921. York, 2093. IIistory of the Inductive Sciences, 3325. Watson (E. L.). Erie C anal, 1747. -- Philosophy of tile Inductive Sciences, 3326. Watson (R.). Chemical Essays, 3347. - Elements of Morality, 5310. Watson (Richard). Two Apologies, wiitl two Sermons --- On the Principles of English Univelrsity Educaanld a Charge, 6118. tion, 5657. Watson (Rob.). Reign of Philip II., 4479. Whipple (E. P.). Essays and Reviews, 6255. Watson & Thomson, Reeign of Philip III., 4480. Whishaw (F.). Railways of Great Britain and Ireland, Watt (J.). Historical Eloge on, 5123. 188I. Watt (R.). Bibliotheca Brittannica, 5801. Whiston (W.). Newrton's iMatheimatical Philosophy, Watterston & Vanzanidt. Statistics of the United 2922. States, 4000. -- Course of Mechanical, [Magnotiei,, ExperiWatts (1.). Logic, 5230. rments, 2962. Watts (Th.). Treatise of MIechanics, 2814. ---- Astronomical Lectures, 186, 3137. Wand (S. W.). Algebraical Geometry, 2433. White, Kirko. See Kirke, 5425. Wayland. Elements of Moral Science, 5309. TWhitelock. Molemoris- of the English Affairs, 4538. Wayland (F.). Political Econolly, 2094. Whiting. Wiashingtoln's Revolutionary Orders, 6(8. Wayne (I[. C.). Sword Exercise, 731. Whi'ting. Colmprehensive Systeml of Astronomy, 3183. Weale (J.). Papers on Architecture, 1459. Whitmore (J. HI.). System of British Tactics,.635. -- Dictionary of Terms, 1460. Whittier (J. G.) Poems, 5537. 26 402 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Whittinghaln (S.). Cavalry Ma.naoe-res, 671. Wittich (C. A.). De la Fortification et de la D6fense Whittington (G. D.). Ecclesiastical Antiquities of des grandes Places, 230. France, 14-61 Wodarch (Ch.). Introduction to Conchology, 3563. Wickliff (J.). Writings, 6123.'Wolf (Ch.). Mathematischen Wissenschaften, 2272. Wicquefoilft (de). ) Ofice ofEmbassadors, 1968. Wolff. Dictionnaire de Chimie, 3450. Wiebekilg (Lo Clhev. C. F. de). Architecture Civile, Wolfius (Christian). Treatise of Algebra, 2354. 1462. Wollaston (F.). Fasciculus Astronomicus, 3139. -- Mismciror cocernaInt les n6a le iorations des Wolsey (Cardinal). Life of, 5132. ld Vonice, &c., 1748. Wood & Bache. United States Dispensatory, 3S27. — Tr-ait' d'unec partie de la science de construire les Wood (J.). Principles of MIechanics, 2S21. Ponts, 1749. — Elements of Optics, 2963. -- Wassclrbmu;knst, T150. Wood (M.). Goldsmith's History of England, 4539. Wiglhtwick (G.). The Palace of Architecture, 1463. Wood (N.). On Rail-Roads, 1885-6-7. Hints to Y oung Architects, 1464. Wood (W.). Catalogue of Shells, 3564. Wilberforco (,W.) View of the Religious Systems, -- Supplement to the Catalogue of Shells, 3565. 6124-. Woodfall (W.). Inpartial Report of the Debates that Wild (F. S.). LEssai sur la I2leontague Salifere, 3674. occur in the two Iouses of Parliament, 2057. Wilkens (W.). Antiquities of Magna Gr1tcia, 1465. Woodhouse (R.). Treatise on Trigonometry, 2516. Wilkes (J.). Yorlks, 6256. - Principles of Analytical Calculation, 2625. Wilkie (Sir Davit). Life of, 5127. -- Treatise on Isoperimetrical Problems, &c., 2626. Wilkinson (11). Engines of War, 487. -- Treatise on Astronomy, 3140. Wiilkinson (Jaimes). MeI oirs of my own Times, 4882. Woodhouselee (Lord). See Tytler, 4308..Wilkinson (J., G.). Manners and Customs of the An- Woods (J.). Letters of an Architect, 1468. cient Egyptians, 4417-18. Woolfe & Gandon. Vitruvius Britannicus, 1469. Wilks (S. Ch.). Christian Essays, 6125. Woolhouse (W. S. B.). Tredgold, on the Steam EnWilletts (J.). School Geography, 4002. gine, 1617. William tihe Conqueror. History of, 4905. Worcester (J. E.). Geographical Dictionary, 4003,4004. Williams (Jonathasn). Kosciusko's MIanceuvres of Horse Historical Atlas, 4005. Artillery, 88. --- Elements of Geography, 4006. Williams (Rev. J.). Life of Alexander the Great, 5128. - Elements of History, 4312. Williams (J. J.). The Isthmus of Telhantepec, 3912. 1Worcester (Marquis of). Century of Inventions, 1618. Williams (J. L.). Territory of Florida, 4884. Wordsworth (W.). Poems, 5542. Williams (S.). Ilistory of Vermont, 4383. - Prelude, 5543. Williamson (I.). History of Northi Carolina, 4885. -- Memoirs of, 5544. Williamson (W. D.). History of Maine, 4886. World. Chart of the, 41383. Willich (A. F. M. Domestic Encyclopedia, 8616. World. Map of the, 4134. Willis (N. P.). Poems, 5538.. World's Progress, 4904. Willis (.). Principles of Mechanism, 2820. Wornuin (R. N.). History of Painting, 5731. Willison (J.). Christian's Scripture Directory, 6126. Wortley (Lady). Travels in the United States, 4277. Williston (E. B.). Eloquence of the United States, Wrangell (F. Von). Expedition to the Polar Sea, 4278. 5636. Wraxall (Sir N. W.). Memoirs of the Courts of Berlin, Wilson (Alex.). American Ornithology, 3562. &c., 4481. Wilson (Capft. J.. Life o, 5129. i — istiory of France, 4742. Wilson (John). Ligshts and Shadows of Scottish Life, -- Posthunous Memoirs of his own time, 5134. 5539. Wren (Sir Clristopher). Memoirs of the Life of, 5135. -- Trials of sLagaret Lyndsay, 5540. Wright (W. H.), Treatise on Mortars, 1937. - EIssays, 6257. Wrighte (W.). Grotesque Architecture, 1470. Wilson. Noctes Ambrosiasne. 5541. Wroniecki (A.). Manceuvres de Guerre, 638. Wimpffen (F.). Le Militaire Experimente, 636. Wronski (HI. de). Introduction ft Ia Philosophie des --- The Experienced Officer, 637. Mathematiques, &c., 2273. Winder (IE.). History of Knowledge, 6127. -- Refttation de la Theorie des fonctions analytiques,'Windlliam County. Map of, 4132. 2627. Wines (E. C.). Hints on Popular Education, 5658. Wyman (J.) Lectures on Comparative Physiology, Winkelmnann (J.). Iistoire do lart chez les anciens, 3828. 5729. i-istory of Ancient Art, 5730. Xenophon. Ainabasis and Cyropaedia, 4420. Winkler (J. HI.). Elements of Natural Philosophy, 2923. -- Exledition de Cyrus, 4421. "Winkles (B.). Cathedral Chmlches of England & Wales, -- C(uvres, 4-422. 1466. Xenophontis. Scripta qolu, 4419 - French Cathedrals, 1467. Xerxes the Great. History of, 4905. Wirt (W.). Life of Patrick Henry, 5130. Xylander (le Chev. J.). ttude des Armes, 489. - Memoirs of the Life of, 5131. Wiseman (N.). Lectures on Science and Revealed Re- Yale College. History of, 4887. ligion, 6128. Yates & Moulton. History of New-York, 4888. Witham (H.). Observations on Fossil Vegetables, 8752. Year-Book of Facts in Science and Art, 8327. Witherspoon (J.). Lecttues on Moral Philosophy, 5311. Y ouatt (W.). On the Horse, 755. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 40.Yougc- (J. R.). Elements of Geometry, 2435. Zach (Baronde). Tabnlal Miotimin ISolis, 321.. Elements of Trigonometry, 2517. i - Tables du Soleil, 3212. — l ilements of Analytical Geometry, 2559. Tables d'Aberration, 3214. - 1 2lements of the Differential Calculus, 2628. -- Tables de la Lune, 3213. - Elements of the Integral Calculus, 2629. - Supplement aux Tables d'Aberration, 3215, Young (Mlatthlew). Analysis of Natural Philosophy. Zannoni (G. A. R.). Atlante Geografico, 4007. 29024-5-6. Zastrow (A. do). THistoire dle la Fortifcation periml — Toimg (R.). Po-ers and Mechlanism of Nature, I nente, 232. 29. I Zieten (General de). Life of; 5136. Yousns (Tl.) Carpentry, 1619. Zozime. Ouvrages Ilistoriques, 4423. -.Lectures on Natural Phlsosophy, 2928. Zsclokke (J. IH. 3).). Autobiography of, 5137. WYule (U1.). Fortification, 231. I — Incidents of Social Life, 5545. - - Tales, 5546. Zace (Baron de). Correspondance Astronomique, 3141. Zuinglius (U.). Life of, 5133. - -'Attraction des Montagnes, 8142. Zurlauben. Bibliothllque Militaire, 639.